1664068;1496277879;mod6;evenin' 1664069;1496277928;shinohai;Buenas tardes mod6 1664070;1496277958;mod6;o7 1664071;1496277964;shinohai;o7 1664072;1496278179;mod6;pretty terse SoBA this month... 1664073;1496278192;mod6;will have it out in just a moment. 1664074;1496278430;shinohai;For a less terse SoBA, participate and build your own. The voices in thy head will fill in the blanks 1664075;1496278441;shinohai;>.> 1664076;1496278508;mod6;heheh 1664077;1496278565;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in monkeystan, https://archive.is/moE9o >> 'The ruling found no legal grounds for reversing Ulbricht's conviction or 2015 sentence for founding and operating Silk Road' << BingoBoingo / qntra ? 1664078;1496278674;asciilifeform;^ check out the photo of judge ! 1664079;1496278983;mod6;Ladies and Gentlemen of the Republic: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-June/000265.html 1664080;1496279131;asciilifeform;neato mod6 1664081;1496284135;phf;“Wonder Woman’s lack of armpit hair sparks feminist debate (nytimes.com)” 1664082;1496284216;mod6;haha 1664083;1496284855;BingoBoingo;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/I4ya3/?raw=true 1664084;1496284891;deedbot;accepted: 1 1664085;1496284933;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/qntra-s-qntr-may-2017-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) May 2017 Report 1664086;1496285913;BingoBoingo;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3x8Or/?raw=true 1664087;1496285913;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1664088;1496286396;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1664089;1496286404;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2355.07, vol: 17403.88195784 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2266.53, vol: 5836.33493 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2239.8, vol: 19350.1679223 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2474.307864, vol: 20638.22870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2347.809, vol: 9361.47482754 | Volume-weighted last average: 2350.18836504 1664090;1496290363;mod6;wb 1664091;1496290457;mircea_popescu;ty 1664092;1496290468;mircea_popescu;i see they're sticking to the whole "silk road did something" lulz. 1664093;1496290484;asciilifeform;also the 'nsa not involved, shuddupterrorists' lulz. 1664094;1496290518;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo worx 1664095;1496290534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1664096;1496290586;BingoBoingo;In other news, appear to have successfully quit smoking. Last nicotine was Saturday at 1:15 PM. Turns out it works better if you wait until afterwards to announce to the world 1664097;1496290602;mircea_popescu;depends if you'd rather quit or just announce. 1664098;1496290707;BingoBoingo;Mostly just reallocate micromorts 1664099;1496291002;trinque;BingoBoingo: wd, did same a couple months ago. 1664100;1496292109;trinque;switched to a vape briefly, decided I didn't want a hot battery in my mouth. 1664101;1496292208;asciilifeform;trinque: they dun have a wall plug ?! 1664102;1496292374;BingoBoingo;Almost all vape setups use lithium ion firehazard 1664103;1496292526;*;BingoBoingo disqualified vape thing in planning latest run because still preserves active nicotine addiction 1664104;1496296039;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-469163.txt 1664105;1496326807;mod6;mornin' 1664106;1496327083;trinque;hey mod6; how goes it 1664107;1496327094;mod6;alright, how 'bout you? 1664108;1496327128;trinque;just fine, sqlating away. 1664109;1496327312;mod6;aha. 1664110;1496330778;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-30#1663325 << so I should *not* be seeing a reoccurance of 'ff fd' throughout my entropy output files right? 1664111;1496330778;a111;Logged on 2017-05-30 17:07 asciilifeform: the preponderance of 0xff 0xfd etc is screaming hint 1664112;1496330873;asciilifeform;mod6: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ihPkP/?raw=true 1664113;1496330889;asciilifeform;mod6: usage -- ./hist.py foo.bin 1664114;1496330910;asciilifeform;a 1G , say, sample, should have nearly flat histogram 1664115;1496330924;asciilifeform;and moreover, a quite different one each 1G 1664116;1496330931;asciilifeform;(numerically) 1664117;1496330974;asciilifeform;first test however is always 'ent', you can see in pete_dushenski's sample that ent immediately produces barf 1664118;1496331122;asciilifeform;( histograms, you will want when trying to learn what it was that you broke in your setup ) 1664119;1496331147;asciilifeform;will reveal, e.g., 'smart,helpful' unix that drops 'in-band control' octets. 1664120;1496331151;asciilifeform;or line endings, etc. 1664121;1496331322;asciilifeform;it is astonishingly tricky to get raw bytes UNMOLESTED into and out of a 'modern pc'. 1664122;1496331331;mod6;I'll run your py script here... 1664123;1496331342;mod6;but take a look at these results from FG#1 http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lGnuD/?raw=true 1664124;1496331343;asciilifeform;mod6: still dealing with the bsd thing ? 1664125;1496331398;asciilifeform; !~calc 1095455232 / 65536 1664126;1496331400;asciilifeform;!~calc 1095455232 / 65536 1664127;1496331401;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 1095455232 / 65536 = 16715.3203125 1664128;1496331410;mod6;i went back to my linux output entropy files to see about the 'ff fd' thing; I'm really jammed up on openbsd. and that's a different side-quest we can discuss later. but now i'm wondering about the flow-control/output from collections done on linux 1664129;1496331419;asciilifeform;!~calc 1372938752 / 65536 1664130;1496331420;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 1372938752 / 65536 = 20949.3828125 1664131;1496331430;asciilifeform;!~calc 1190905856 / 65536 1664132;1496331431;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 1190905856 / 65536 = 18171.78125 1664133;1496331450;asciilifeform;^ expected values for count of a bioctet, in your case 'ff fd' 1664134;1496331488;asciilifeform;nothing particularly interesting here. 1664135;1496331502;asciilifeform;( if there were, you would fail dieharder's 'birthdays' test at the very least. ) 1664136;1496331530;mod6;got it. 1664137;1496331548;asciilifeform;sorta the point of 'ent', 'dieharder', etc. is so as not to have to do these by hand. 1664138;1496331562;asciilifeform;but it helps to remember what the idea is. 1664139;1496331570;mod6;makes sense, i think it was worth covering this though -- wanted to be sure that I have one solid test-bed. 1664140;1496331626;asciilifeform;the perhaps worst 'test' ~of a working rng in particular~ is to look at the hex with naked eye 1664141;1496331631;asciilifeform;you will see 'dragons in the clouds'. 1664142;1496331643;mod6;so back to the bsd-side-quest.... i built `coreutils 8.21' on my openbsd box. now have `gdd` on there. which has a 'fullblock' iflag. 1664143;1496331655;asciilifeform;mod6: try plain old 'cat' 1664144;1496331664;asciilifeform;if your cat disconnects -- you have flowcontrol on. 1664145;1496331668;asciilifeform;and are getting liquishit. 1664146;1496331684;asciilifeform;if it happily hangs on for minutes, hours, days -- it probably works. 1664147;1496331710;asciilifeform;cat /dev/whatever > foo.bin & 1664148;1496331720;mod6;ok. am trying. will report. 1664149;1496331842;mod6;(running ./hist.py against my FG#1 output files...) 1664150;1496331859;asciilifeform;these from linux or bsd ? 1664151;1496331874;asciilifeform;plz to describe the entire setup 1664152;1496332425;mod6;im running the ./hist.py on a linux environment amd64 1664153;1496332436;asciilifeform;yes but where was the input collected 1664154;1496332437;asciilifeform;and how 1664155;1496332487;mod6;check my previous paste 1664156;1496332489;asciilifeform;( 'fg plugged into usb hub powered from wall 5v plug, amd crapteron 7.7ghz running shithead linux' etc 1664157;1496332491;asciilifeform;) 1664158;1496332493;asciilifeform;aite 1664159;1496332517;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664123 << this ? 1664160;1496332517;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 15:35 mod6: but take a look at these results from FG#1 http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/lGnuD/?raw=true 1664161;1496332519;mod6;root@trb-dev:/home/mod6/fg1# stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 raw -echo -echoe -echok 1664162;1496332523;mod6;root@trb-dev:/home/mod6/fg1# dd iflag=fullblock if=/dev/ttyUSB0 of=fg1.fg1.bin 1664163;1496332530;asciilifeform;yes, but this did not tell me ~on what~ 1664164;1496332538;mod6;yeah, they were collected on linux as such ^ 1664165;1496332541;asciilifeform;ok 1664166;1496332546;mod6;yup, np. 1664167;1496332560;mod6;running next hist.py.. one sec. 1664168;1496332584;*;asciilifeform does not recommend the histogram thing as a firstline test, it was written as diagnostic to ferret out broken os 1664169;1496332597;asciilifeform;y'know, the kind that drop specific octets. 1664170;1496332608;mod6;and yah, this setup is without usbhub. 1664171;1496332634;mod6;it's USB-TTL direct plugged into machine, wired with the 5v, out, & gnd 1664172;1496332667;asciilifeform;btw if mod6 wants a mega-useful sequel to his tests, he can buy a https://mobileimages.lowes.com/product/converted/008236/008236128024.jpg and try battery run 1664173;1496332680;asciilifeform;( 6v is entirely ok ) 1664174;1496332708;asciilifeform;( be sure to tie together the battery-minux and the ground on the usb dongle ) 1664175;1496332712;asciilifeform;*minus 1664176;1496332747;asciilifeform;fwiw i did a 1G of this on ~one~ particular unit and found no significant differences 1664177;1496332779;asciilifeform;but asciilifeform has somewhat unusually clean (double-converting sinusoid ups) power 1664178;1496332807;mod6;instead of the battery pack, can I just use my Dr. Meter DC PS? 1664179;1496332812;asciilifeform;nope 1664180;1496332828;asciilifeform;you want specifically guaranteed-nonrippling dc 1664181;1496332835;asciilifeform;which only comes out of battery. 1664182;1496332843;asciilifeform;(which has no physical means of rippling) 1664183;1496332879;mod6;isn't that what the Dr. Meter does? you set it to 5v and it's g2g. i've verified with multimeter (Fluke) that it does spit out what it says it spits out. 1664184;1496332890;asciilifeform;by same token your comp is also 'ideal dc' 1664185;1496332932;asciilifeform;the other factor, aside from ac mains ripple , is rf ( from the power path being of any appreciable length ) from environment 1664186;1496332932;mod6;but the battery cell is somehow better for this test? 1664187;1496332961;mod6;ah. hmm. ok 1664188;1496332966;asciilifeform;even supposing desk ps supplied ideal dc -- still yes : length of path. 1664189;1496332972;asciilifeform;aha. 1664190;1496332990;mod6;gotcha, i'll look at getting one of those. 1664191;1496333011;asciilifeform;it is likely that you have one somewhere in the house already 1664192;1496333028;mod6;here's the hist.py from FG1, run 2: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/04373/?raw=true 1664193;1496333054;asciilifeform;mod6: looks quite ordinary 1664194;1496333139;asciilifeform;now do it to what you got on the bsd box 1664195;1496333145;asciilifeform;(prepare barf bag) 1664196;1496333153;mod6;ah. haha, ok. 1664197;1496333163;mod6;cat is still running... 1664198;1496333178;asciilifeform;gotta compare samples of ~same size. 1664199;1496333180;asciilifeform;ideally. 1664200;1496333191;mod6;looks like it got 20561 bytes 1664201;1496333203;asciilifeform;yeah definitely b0rked 1664202;1496333215;mod6;shit, no python on here. 1664203;1496333231;asciilifeform;if box is misbauded, it will pick up a byte solely by accident, when it gets something that looks like it has the start and stop bits 1664204;1496333242;asciilifeform;every however many ppm 1664205;1496333254;asciilifeform;and it'll pick up something with most of the 1s stuck on. 1664206;1496333271;mod6;hm. ok 1664207;1496333316;mod6;here's the output from hist.py FG#1, run 3: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/DwunV/?raw=true (on linux box) 1664208;1496333358;asciilifeform;http://man.openbsd.org/ldattach.8 << try re flowcontrol on bsd 1664209;1496333382;asciilifeform;mod6: running these on items that already passed diehard is waste of time 1664210;1496333396;asciilifeform;it is specifically for diagnosing catastrophically broken setup 1664211;1496333422;mod6;yup, just was gonna do those three. wont litter the logs any more with those. 1664212;1496333442;mod6;will look at ldattach.8, thanks! 1664213;1496333446;asciilifeform;it's a 'wtf, ent thinks pi equals 2, wat gives' tool. 1664214;1496333528;mod6;i think from this little exercise that I can conclude that my tests, on linux, did exactly what they should have done. 1664215;1496333559;asciilifeform;incidentally it is imho maddening that pc never standardized a SYNCHRONOUS serial interface 1664216;1496333577;asciilifeform;( usb is not a 'serial interface' at all but a massive tub of liquishit, with bookcase-sized spec ) 1664217;1496333608;asciilifeform;'synchronous serial' is simply a thing like rs232 but with 2nd pin, for clock, and then machine knows when to read off the bits. 1664218;1496333677;asciilifeform;it is how , e.g., ps/2 kbd/mouse port worked. ( however it was never turned into a general-purpose item ) 1664219;1496333956;jurov;iirc rs232 does support optional clock signal? 1664220;1496333966;asciilifeform;handshake (flow control) 1664221;1496333967;asciilifeform;not same thing 1664222;1496333972;asciilifeform;it still 'cares' what the baud rate is 1664223;1496333979;asciilifeform;true synchronous bus -- does not. 1664224;1496334016;asciilifeform;( async-with-handshake simply does 'if i don't get handshake, i won't send' ) 1664225;1496334111;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/01/car-shopping-buy-used-or-lease-new/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Car shopping? Buy used or lease new?? 1664226;1496334165;asciilifeform;coming next: benjie-ignition-light-fireplace-or-light-cigar !1111 1664227;1496334223;asciilifeform;'The newest Lexusesiv in particular have the most (Hashem-) forsaken hvac/audio computer systems WITH A MOUSE.' << lol!!! 1664228;1496334227;asciilifeform;where does mouse pad go, pete_dushenski ? 1664229;1496334231;asciilifeform;on steering wheel ?? 1664230;1496334576;pete_dushenski;you joke but laptop-style 'mousepads' are the next 'big thing' in automotive interior design. they're generally placed aft of the gear shifter in the horizontal area of the centre console. 1664231;1496334587;pete_dushenski;and lmao benjie ignition indeed 1664232;1496334639;asciilifeform;does it also keyboard 1664233;1496334642;asciilifeform;so you can ctrl-alt-del 1664234;1496334646;jurov;butt joystick 1664235;1496334691;asciilifeform;^ these are commercial items! just ask bigphysics-pr-man hawking 1664236;1496334883;pete_dushenski;seats already have built-in massage (shiatsu!) so no reason not to used relaxed butt muscle for quantum thinking 1664237;1496335014;pete_dushenski;worx great because plebs don't use keyboards anyways. too ON THE GOGOGO. because mobility-oriented donchaknow. 1664238;1496335027;trinque;mouse pad holy shit. 1664239;1496335040;trinque;I will never buy a car that has enough computer in it to use such a thing. 1664240;1496335056;asciilifeform;trinque: that's what 1980s folx said re fuel injection 1664241;1496335076;pete_dushenski;this is actualy the legacy of the whole gay right movement innit : everyone and their dog is *-oriented. such human social progress this advent. 1664242;1496335077;asciilifeform;eventually you either buy it or learn to machine parts for your vintage auto. 1664243;1496335078;trinque;apparently I'm going to have to stockpile <=2010 tundras next to my g5 macs 1664244;1496335100;asciilifeform;i know a fella who owns hundreds of 1950s-70s autos 1664245;1496335108;asciilifeform;but nobody collects 2000s, afaik, pieces o'shit. 1664246;1496335125;asciilifeform;not maintainable. 1664247;1496335127;trinque;incorrect. 2000s toyota tundras are beastly, reliable machines 1664248;1496335140;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: au contraire http://www.contravex.com/2017/02/28/the-contemporary-classic-car-phenomenon-explained/ 1664249;1496335141;asciilifeform;( you will get new comp for them where ? new chemical sensors ? ) 1664250;1496335163;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: speaking here of street, rather than race, cars 1664251;1496335173;asciilifeform;the kind that get inspected & licensed 1664252;1496335182;pete_dushenski;these are!!1 1664253;1496335209;asciilifeform;trinque did mention toyota, not mclauren. 1664254;1496335256;trinque;these I don't know why anyone would buy, unless he has the money to buy the manufacturer when he wants something. 1664255;1496335262;pete_dushenski;anyways, parts are plentiful, just at a more macro level (ie whole gauge cluster) because microparts fizzle (like my gpu this week actually) 1664256;1496335307;asciilifeform;trinque: my thought was that if you want that toyota to run in 2040 you will probably have to buy the factory that made the, e.g., oxygen sensors, ignition comp, whatever digital crud (and its analogue tendrils) that the thing demands in order to run 1664257;1496335314;asciilifeform;unless you want to fit a 1980s motor in there. 1664258;1496335317;asciilifeform;(cuba-style) 1664259;1496335363;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: 'parts plentiful' while junkyard still has'em, and then suddenly goes to 0 1664260;1496335380;pete_dushenski;that's easily 3-4 decades though 1664261;1496335399;trinque;but it's a fair point; you'll otherwise have to buy the coke machine on wheels 1664262;1496335436;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: 3-4 decades of 'at any price' availability, likely. probably no more than 1-2 at economical-price. 1664263;1496335443;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: but you did shift the goalposts a fair but there : 'inspected & licensed' quickly became 'only toyota'. problem ? 1664264;1496335449;asciilifeform;( one that doesn't drive you to consider a new auto ) 1664265;1496335465;pete_dushenski;omg be less poor then 1664266;1496335481;pete_dushenski;IT SOLVES EVERYTHING 1664267;1496335483;trinque;look in 2040, if bitcoin doesn't sling enough dick that there are sane parts to be had, better seppuku 1664268;1496335486;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i can't comment on the autos of 'less poor' folx, never bought mclauren parts. 1664269;1496335495;trinque;sane whole machines even 1664270;1496335497;asciilifeform;but i have scrapped autos when parts replacement became -ev 1664271;1496335506;pete_dushenski;trinque: bingo. 1664272;1496335506;asciilifeform;ordinary, workaday plebe autos. 1664273;1496335544;asciilifeform;trinque: mechanical expiration date of bitcoin-as-we-have-it is well earlier. 1664274;1496335561;trinque;really meant $republic there. 1664275;1496335596;pete_dushenski;could be $ethereum! which has HALF the market cap of bitcoin donchaknow 1664276;1496335604;trinque;oh christ, no, I didn't mean that 1664277;1496335606;trinque;lol 1664278;1496335618;pete_dushenski;haha 1664279;1496335692;pete_dushenski;wtf kind a braindeads are pumping eth to these levels anyways. do govs really have that much fiat left to wash trade with ? 1664280;1496335792;trinque;fiat-demonimated "market cap" can be whatever fiat says, eh? 1664281;1496335795;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: it's called printolade for a reason... 1664282;1496335809;mod6;yah, usgprintolade => eth 1664283;1496335958;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: see paste in earlier thread, re your bsd box 1664284;1496335958;pete_dushenski;!~google printolade 1664285;1496335959;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: The bezzle-USD and the tide-USD on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; NEXT: 26-02-2016 - #bitcoin-assets log: ; Trilema - Pete Dushenski: 1664286;1496335998;*;pete_dushenski wonders what was etymology of 'printolade'. it's a great term!1 1664287;1496336029;asciilifeform;well, it's crapolade that comes out of a printer 1664288;1496336108;pete_dushenski;lol that then begs the questions where 'crapolade' came from 1664289;1496336115;pete_dushenski;all these from asciilifeform 's fertile mind ? 1664290;1496336157;asciilifeform;i won't take credit for crapolade ( picture marmalade from liquishit, say ) but have nfi where heard it. 1664291;1496336285;phf;naggum? 1664292;1496336304;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/search?q=crapolade&sort=of << not afaik 1664293;1496336353;asciilifeform;imho the correct implication, is excrement-packaged-for-human-consumption, rather than just any ol' pile-o'shit 1664294;1496336407;*;trinque figured it came straight from asciilifeform's nightmares 1664295;1496336445;asciilifeform;from daily life, unfortunately. 1664296;1496336508;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: this the paste you're refering to for bsd box ? http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664112 1664297;1496336508;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 15:27 asciilifeform: mod6: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ihPkP/?raw=true 1664298;1496336527;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: aha, see entire thread. 1664299;1496336544;pete_dushenski;just catching up on it 1664300;1496336908;pete_dushenski;bbl 1664301;1496337515;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, and continuing thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664215 -- it'd make print-rsakey-on-cardboard simpler, also, to read off 1664302;1496337515;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 16:12 asciilifeform: incidentally it is imho maddening that pc never standardized a SYNCHRONOUS serial interface 1664303;1496337538;asciilifeform;( put spiral down, with clock and data tracks, read with 2 photodiodes and spindle similar to record player ) 1664304;1496337573;asciilifeform;imho a means of reliably reading 16 or so kBytes from a business card, would be quite useful. 1664305;1496337588;asciilifeform;( and, importantly , optically, rather than promisetronically ) 1664306;1496337616;asciilifeform;it'd be even more jawdroppingly spiffy if i could get 16kB cut into a rubber stamp ! 1664307;1496337625;asciilifeform;( such that it'd be READABLE 100% of the time ) 1664308;1496337787;asciilifeform;ROMs readable (and if you ever must : WRITABLE) with unarmed eye, and bare hands, respectively, are a long-term must, imho. 1664309;1496337914;asciilifeform;will be quite handy for mass dissemination of 'illegal bits' when time comes. 1664310;1496338678;asciilifeform;http://blog.liw.fi/posts/qr-backup << state of the art unsatisfying, because no raptor code 1664311;1496338703;asciilifeform;( ideally you oughta be able to smudge most of the image and still recover payload ) 1664312;1496338855;asciilifeform;in other vintage lulz, https://pthree.org/2014/08/18/whats-the-matter-with-pgp 1664313;1496338879;asciilifeform;^ surprisingly nonidiotic response to a popular schneierism going around at the time 1664314;1496338972;Framedragger;https://blog.pinboard.in/2017/06/pinboard_acquires_delicious/ mr. maciej acquires delicious, i like dis. 1664315;1496338996;asciilifeform;lol, delicious?! the ancient bookmark-storage thing no one's used in ~decade ?! 1664316;1496339011;*;Framedragger has > 3k bookmarks on delicious 1664317;1496339019;Framedragger;yepyep. 1664318;1496339033;Framedragger;"As for the ultimate fate of the site, I'll have more to say about that soon. Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web." 1664319;1496339058;*;asciilifeform thought that it had long ago disappeared without a trace 1664320;1496339059;trinque;archiving it would've been cheaper. 1664321;1496339081;Framedragger;related (longer article) https://blog.pinboard.in/2011/03/anatomy_of_a_crushing/ 1664322;1496339102;asciilifeform;doesn't load 1664323;1496339107;Framedragger;i think he had some sentiments for delicious users, + perhaps expects some of them to migrate to his paid service. who knows 1664324;1496339119;asciilifeform;( which is extra lulzy for folx who want me to pay'em to store my bits !! ) 1664325;1496339165;Framedragger;loads fine here... root cert is "USERTrust RSA" CA, then gandi 1664326;1496339206;Framedragger;!$getarchive https://blog.pinboard.in/2011/03/anatomy_of_a_crushing/ 1664327;1496339206;scriba;Previously archived URL: http://archive.is/jpma (this was archived by scriba: yes) 1664328;1496339235;Framedragger;(hm, "archived by scriba" should say "no", will investigate) 1664329;1496339273;Framedragger;!$getarchive https://blog.pinboard.in/2017/06/pinboard_acquires_delicious/ 1664330;1496339274;scriba;Previously archived URL: http://archive.is/cRADs (this was archived by scriba: yes) 1664331;1496339317;Framedragger;asciilifeform: oh, or did you mean delicious.com? yeah seems offline 1664332;1496339665;Framedragger;not sure if delicious.com was acquired (maybe only del.icio.us). anyway, sorry for spam 1664333;1496339816;asciilifeform;i must admit that i dun see the appeal, Framedragger 1664334;1496340183;asciilifeform;continuing the optical code thing, i have a possible pill : 1664335;1496340212;asciilifeform;if you make a ~two~-diode reader, you can make it ignore 'unstraight' (from its pov) bars. and this opens you up to a method : 1664336;1496340256;asciilifeform;take payload, cut into J pieces, which turn into K, K > J raptorola packets ( each with simple checksum, so machine can ignore smudges ) ; 1664337;1496340276;asciilifeform;these are scattered randomly onto the page at random angles, can even overlap. 1664338;1496340298;asciilifeform;reading simply consists of waving the wand across the page, in various directions, for as many swipes as it takes. 1664339;1496340314;asciilifeform;!!up pauloio 1664340;1496340314;deedbot;pauloio voiced for 30 minutes. 1664341;1496340427;ben_vulpes;heftily neat idea asciilifeform 1664342;1496340437;jurov;http://ronja.twibright.com/optar/ might fit 16kB 1664343;1496340442;ben_vulpes;girthy, even 1664344;1496340462;jurov;but not using rubber stamp 1664345;1496340467;asciilifeform;useless 1664346;1496340476;asciilifeform;~0 redundancy, and insists on high res 1664347;1496340482;asciilifeform;EXACTLY opposite of what it want 1664348;1496340484;asciilifeform;any idiot can make this. 1664349;1496340488;asciilifeform;*i wanted 1664350;1496340503;asciilifeform;'hurr durr turn each bit into pixel' mno. 1664351;1496340590;asciilifeform;if you can't put it on rubber stamp -- it sux. if can't print on business card in b&w -- useless. if won't read after a week glued to a light pole -- useless. if won't read after bullet hole in it -- useless. etc 1664352;1496340882;asciilifeform;a business card printed on a very spartan (100 'dpi' ) press , gives what, 350 x 200 b&w pixels ; 1664353;1496340893;asciilifeform;!~calc 350*200 / 8 1664354;1496340895;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 350*200 / 8 = 8750 1664355;1496340902;asciilifeform;bytes 1664356;1496340904;asciilifeform;in theory 1664357;1496340914;asciilifeform;and it has 2 sides, so x2 1664358;1496340930;asciilifeform;after , say, 1/4 redundancy, 1664359;1496340945;asciilifeform;!~calc 8750*2 * 0.75 1664360;1496340946;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 8750*2 * 0.75 = 13125 1664361;1496340956;asciilifeform;kBytes ! of theoretical capacity 1664362;1496341007;ben_vulpes;notbad! 1664363;1496341015;asciilifeform;ikr? 1664364;1496341051;ben_vulpes;neat tradecraft device 1664365;1496341058;asciilifeform;plenty of room for a 8192bit rsa pubkey, say, and a little bit of signed material, and sig 1664366;1496341066;asciilifeform;say. 1664367;1496341091;asciilifeform;if storing less -- can put in correspondingly moar redundancy. 1664368;1496341142;asciilifeform;or can leave one side for human text. 1664369;1496341144;mod6;cool 1664370;1496341171;asciilifeform;pretty basic, mod6 1664371;1496341184;asciilifeform;and imho one ought to have graffitiable pubkeys. 1664372;1496341210;asciilifeform;( fuck 'fingerprints' with a running pole saw . ) 1664373;1496341221;mod6;haha 1664374;1496341406;ben_vulpes;and how 1664375;1496341424;shinohai;!!up pauloio 1664376;1496341424;deedbot;pauloio voiced for 30 minutes. 1664377;1496341736;asciilifeform;the mega-achievement would be not only to encode these, but to read WITHOUT a high end camera & special optics 1664378;1496341757;asciilifeform;but rather with 'ancestral' (photodiode or two) stick. 1664379;1496341768;asciilifeform;to move the complexity into proggy. 1664380;1496341797;*;shinohai has old cmos camera around here somewhere .... 1664381;1496341858;asciilifeform;shinohai: they're ~useless at the necessary distance, typically. 1664382;1496341913;shinohai;Bummer 1664383;1496342356;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664218 << ps/2 yeah. what dfo you mean not general purpose ? 1664384;1496342356;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 16:14 asciilifeform: it is how , e.g., ps/2 kbd/mouse port worked. ( however it was never turned into a general-purpose item ) 1664385;1496342393;asciilifeform;doesn't really work for non-keyboard, non-mouse 1664386;1496342402;asciilifeform;( there were attempts but pc arch made it very painful to do this ) 1664387;1496342418;asciilifeform;you will notice, there is no /dev/ps2 you could 'cat' from on linux box. 1664388;1496342441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664239 << think of it more like "getting a car attached" than "buying". 1664389;1496342441;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 16:37 trinque: I will never buy a car that has enough computer in it to use such a thing. 1664390;1496342469;asciilifeform;ealy macs, interestingly, actually had synchronous serial. 1664391;1496342471;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this never occured to me somehow 1664392;1496342475;asciilifeform;*early 1664393;1496342475;mircea_popescu;wtf happened to ps2 jesus 1664394;1496342492;asciilifeform;nothing happened.. i have ps/2 jacks on my systems 1664395;1496342505;*;mircea_popescu still buys ps2 kbd/mouse to this day, but they;ve apparently become rare 1664396;1496342534;asciilifeform;they're a sweet dream to interface to/from microcontroller, also 1664397;1496342536;asciilifeform;quite unlike usb. 1664398;1496342557;asciilifeform;kHz bauds; protocol that fits on a napkin. 1664399;1496342678;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664275 << and the fucktards actually say that with a straight5 face. 1664400;1496342678;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 16:46 pete_dushenski: could be $ethereum! which has HALF the market cap of bitcoin donchaknow 1664401;1496342744;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664279 << it's very easy to get a bunch of "consensus"-oriented, state-compliant dork with no money to agree to anything, no matter how nonsensical it is. it's not expensive, either, that's why said dorks are the wet dream of any socialism. 1664402;1496342744;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 16:48 pete_dushenski: wtf kind a braindeads are pumping eth to these levels anyways. do govs really have that much fiat left to wash trade with ? 1664403;1496342784;mircea_popescu;and that's why stabbing them in the neck "for no reason" and "that was totally uncalled for" while they're riding the state car is the ~best way to serve the republic. 1664404;1496342885;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22crapolade%22&page=3 << early usage, all alf. 1664405;1496343033;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664313 << that also went nowhere, heh. 1664406;1496343033;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 17:41 asciilifeform: ^ surprisingly nonidiotic response to a popular schneierism going around at the time 1664407;1496343258;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-01#1664318 << this naive belief that the detritus of human horde existence has specific value per quanta is how most old jews (ie, nonstupiud, nonpoor, alone republicans, see http://trilema.com/the-pawnbroker ) finally spend (ie, return to the socialist empire) their accumulated capital. 1664408;1496343258;a111;Logged on 2017-06-01 17:43 Framedragger: "As for the ultimate fate of the site, I'll have more to say about that soon. Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web." 1664409;1496343301;mircea_popescu;it is a false notion. there is no value in the herds other than of usage. unless you're using the sheep, the libertards, to spin some wheel, they are 0, not epsilon. 1664410;1496343394;Framedragger;i think there was an altruistic / sentimental component, so the case cannot be reduced the above, which (on its own) of course stands (i.e. agree fully) 1664411;1496343413;Framedragger;to the* 1664412;1496343515;mircea_popescu;sure. by the time republican's lived his lifetime in exile without the republic, what's he to do ? pile it up and burn it all ? 1664413;1496343519;mircea_popescu;i confess was my intent. 1664414;1496343569;mircea_popescu;"oh, can't take it with you" "wanna bet ? fucking imbecile lazy schoolboy, oh what's the teacher gonna do, flunk all of us. you'd better fucking believe it, what!" 1664415;1496343598;*;asciilifeform never graduated to having this problem, and so never wasted cycles considering it, just as he does not stop to think 'game plan!111' of 'what do do when on mars' 1664416;1496343606;asciilifeform;*to do 1664417;1496343618;mircea_popescu;there are many blessings! 1664418;1496343637;*;Framedragger agrees. solitary republicanism not viable 1664419;1496343666;Framedragger;solitary and/or solipsistic (where person assumes there is no republic) 1664420;1496343676;mircea_popescu;something like that 1664421;1496343681;asciilifeform;Framedragger: it is viable only in the very restricted sense of the jp legend of the d00d who swallowed a stone ahead of his beheading so as to chip the sword 1664422;1496343765;mircea_popescu;ha. what an idea. 1664423;1496343834;asciilifeform;i suppose europe's equiv to this was the old story that marie & louis supposedly didn't shit for a week prior to heads-off 1664424;1496343844;asciilifeform;so as to make massive heap on the guillotine 1664425;1496343856;mircea_popescu;i never heard this one. 1664426;1496343960;asciilifeform;i have nfi where i got it 1664427;1496343965;asciilifeform;folk tale, is all. 1664428;1496363140;mod6; evenin' 1664429;1496363429;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/01/the-ethereum-market-cap-fallacy/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The Ethereum market cap fallacy. 1664430;1496364433;phf;compiling cyrtex for plain tex, errors out. google gives 1664431;1496364447;phf;“e-TeX is assumed nowadays by everything other than 'pure' plain TeX. AS 1664432;1496364448;phf;such, the \numexpr primitive is used by some of the hyphenation patterns 1664433;1496364448;phf;built into the LaTeX format by babel. ” etc. 1664434;1496364674;mod6;"In his paper, Pearson gave several interesting examples of the previous misuse of statistics; and he also proved that certain runs at roulette (which he had experienced during two weeks at Monte Carlo in 1892) were so far from the expected frequencies that odds against the assumption of an honest wheel were some 10^29 to one!" 1664435;1496364777;mod6;-knuth, art of programming vol. 2. seminumerical algos 1664436;1496364993;asciilifeform;mod6: possibly earliest properly logical unmasking of sham rng 1664437;1496365010;asciilifeform;( though... b. pascal might contend for the title ) 1664438;1496365046;asciilifeform;phf: yes it's wormy 1664439;1496365058;asciilifeform;the maggots have been eating it for decades. 1664440;1496365071;asciilifeform;but you knew that. 1664441;1496365137;phf;right, i had reddit knowledge of it, but now i'm trying to get a nice hardcopy of a book that i only have in text, and i'm rapidly gaining tmsr knowledge of just how rotten it is 1664442;1496365374;mod6;http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg-test.html 1664443;1496365382;asciilifeform;oh hey. 1664444;1496365406;mod6;just throwing a matrix together of all the test data. 1664445;1496365520;asciilifeform;mod6: mind if i link to this from snsa? 1664446;1496365614;mod6;not at all. 1664447;1496365647;asciilifeform;ty for this work, mod6 1664448;1496365671;asciilifeform;now if other FG-enabled folx would do same ! 1664449;1496365711;shinohai; I am not exactly enabled yet but will be putting in the work asap 1664450;1496365854;mod6;asciilifeform: np! 1664451;1496366987;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/30B7ED34A5F05D6223C5646476959197E06A6892D7A6AC59450E8972AF85B4F8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1529...4057 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (li26-247.members.linode.com. US TX) 1664452;1496366988;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/30B7ED34A5F05D6223C5646476959197E06A6892D7A6AC59450E8972AF85B4F8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1353...2633 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (li26-247.members.linode.com. US TX) 1664453;1496367728;asciilifeform;http://nosuchlabs.com updated ! 1664454;1496368203;mod6;asciilifeform: cool! 1664455;1496368549;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BC35128DD59E77D75796B3858277D83916208756EC53DDE60FB6E0961AA03157 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1633...8187 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (10160.ovz-ssd2.hc.ru. RU) 1664456;1496368550;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BC35128DD59E77D75796B3858277D83916208756EC53DDE60FB6E0961AA03157 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1609...9637 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (10160.ovz-ssd2.hc.ru. RU) 1664457;1496368816;mircea_popescu;phf "nowadays" rapidly becoming ourdemocracy's chief dirty word. 1664458;1496369168;mircea_popescu;and speaking of the "новые высоты прогресса и цивилизации", it can't quite escape one's notice that EVERY SINGLE FEMALE of reproductive age without exception lives in this thing where the bed is always within physical reach. 1664459;1496369198;mircea_popescu;the fucking chickens of the fucking democracy coops. 1664460;1496370454;*;ben_vulpes on a particularly brutal gentoo quest 1664461;1496370490;ben_vulpes;buying a new video card just to slice a part of the possibility space off 1664462;1496370578;ben_vulpes;halfheartedly, entirely deflated dick in hand, bantuized the thing. worked, but...could not muster the spirit to continue with hardware so degraded 1664463;1496373315;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: plox to expand? 1664464;1496373662;asciilifeform;meanwhile!! http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/cagetest/1.jpg , http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/cagetest/2.jpg 1664465;1496374002;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: whatddayamean 'bed always within physical reach' 1664466;1496374051;asciilifeform;pr0n chix tend to photograph selves in... bed, newz at 11? 1664467;1496374154;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: latest sojurn hung at "Booting the kernel." 1664468;1496374166;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: describe on what 1664469;1496374185;asciilifeform;and which kernel 1664470;1496374358;ben_vulpes;intel i7, nvidia geforce 550 ti, and as for "which kernel" i do not properly know how to answer the question but built with CHOST="x86_64-gentoo-linux-gnu" 1664471;1496374406;asciilifeform;which bootloader? 1664472;1496374410;ben_vulpes;lilp 1664473;1496374412;ben_vulpes;lilo* 1664474;1496374445;ben_vulpes;VIDEO_CARDS="nvidia" at least had the system booting, ="nouveau" hung as described 1664475;1496374455;asciilifeform;noveau afaik never worked. 1664476;1496374467;ben_vulpes;oh cool 1664477;1496374470;asciilifeform;( at least on no iron asciilifeform ever tried ) 1664478;1496374491;asciilifeform;there is no opendrivered gpu worth half a shit 1664479;1496374501;asciilifeform;if you want a crypto-capable box, ditch the nvidia (and the intel) 1664480;1496374509;asciilifeform;otherwise swallow the liquishit from vendor. 1664481;1496374638;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664455 << lol : fireworks shop 1664482;1496374638;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 01:55 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BC35128DD59E77D75796B3858277D83916208756EC53DDE60FB6E0961AA03157 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1633...8187 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (10160.ovz-ssd2.hc.ru. RU) 1664483;1496374842;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: this is not strictly speaking a "hygenic" box 1664484;1496374851;ben_vulpes;but i have at least managed to rid myself of the apple dep 1664485;1496377375;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EEAF0C080A5248C89F5ABC79A7074B1223A1E0F6C65017CFEC04851F7D185119 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1419...0313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.wtcusa.net. US KS) 1664486;1496377375;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EEAF0C080A5248C89F5ABC79A7074B1223A1E0F6C65017CFEC04851F7D185119 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1532...1037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.wtcusa.net. US KS) 1664487;1496381934;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1664488;1496381945;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2435.53, vol: 16169.46593995 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2328.025, vol: 8680.62128 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2327.35006495, vol: 17231.92501498 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2557.530469, vol: 17308.49040000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2423.148, vol: 9548.44559952 | Volume-weighted last average: 2423.86832475 1664489;1496382094;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664465 << what the label says, within a coupla feet of the thing. no idea what your definition of "porn chicks" is, but the item here discussed is 15 to 30yo female, no further filters. 1664490;1496382094;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 03:26 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: whatddayamean 'bed always within physical reach' 1664491;1496383550;*;BingoBoingo imagines alf "porn chick" construction is a redundant labeling like "covetous Jew" 1664492;1496383568;mircea_popescu;well.,.. some jooz are rich... 1664493;1496383636;BingoBoingo;They still covet, It's in their nature 1664494;1496383932;mircea_popescu;btw, did you see the hebrew hammer ? 1664495;1496383996;BingoBoingo;Not that I remember, but I did see an awesome swarm of bees today. 1664496;1496384025;mircea_popescu;notbad comedy. somewhat in the vein of leslie nielsen's stuff. 1664497;1496384042;BingoBoingo;One very happy contractor is now a few hundred bees richer 1664498;1496384050;BingoBoingo;I may have to carve out the time to see it. 1664499;1496385687;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2017/05/gianforte-and-sanity-prevail-in-montana-referendum-on-self-defense/#comment-99280 << problem is... how do you report on something liek that. 1664500;1496385723;mircea_popescu;i suppose could keep calling the everyone in dnc to "comment on" the thing. sort-of like how fake news / new york times does it... 1664501;1496386106;jurov;radeon opensource driver works decently here. but kernel config alone is not enough, you have to feed it correct firmware as described in $manual, too 1664502;1496386117;BingoBoingo;Well maybe commenter ends up reporting on story in the comments? 1664503;1496386435;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/trump-deals-blow-to-international-pantsuit-party-with-withdrawal-from-paris-accord/ << Qntra - Trump Deals Blow To International Pantsuit Party With Withdrawal From Paris Accord 1664504;1496386686;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/qntra-sqntr-may-2017-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) May 2017 Statement 1664505;1496390495;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "the accord which being quit" ? 1664506;1496390509;mircea_popescu;whole piece needs a re-read, lotta e2l weird in there. 1664507;1496407295;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664501 << blobware != open 1664508;1496407295;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 06:48 jurov: radeon opensource driver works decently here. but kernel config alone is not enough, you have to feed it correct firmware as described in $manual, too 1664509;1496407323;asciilifeform;and it's shit blobware, too, vertical screens dun work with acceleration 1664510;1496407457;trinque;appeared to keep working over here 1664511;1496407469;trinque;when I randr'd 90 degrees 1664512;1496407479;trinque;but then there's "radeon" and "radeonsi" 1664513;1496407496;trinque;blobware yes, though. something like 16 fucking firmware files 1664514;1496407555;asciilifeform;it blows my mind that folx consider these somehow 'open'. 1664515;1496407567;asciilifeform;the blobuline nics ditto 1664516;1496407592;trinque;has some like, files to compile and they go zoom in the terminal 1664517;1496407594;trinque;totally hackery 1664518;1496407642;asciilifeform;'it sits on my front bus and can do whatever it wants and has 400 cores that run fuckknkwswhat, but at least the util for loading up (some) of the cores with liquishit, is open source!!' 1664519;1496407695;trinque;yeah exactly. it's a participatory democracy of a computer, gotta expect to share 1664520;1496408554;asciilifeform;trinque: which radeon did you have ? 1664521;1496408585;asciilifeform;every single one i ever tried, worked poorly or not at all with multiple-vertical-outs 1664522;1496408780;trinque;ah I'm not running multiple vertical screens. 1664523;1496408782;trinque;but rx480 1664524;1496408790;asciilifeform;aah 1664525;1496408812;asciilifeform;in other noose, obummer buys 8.1m $ mega-house. 1664526;1496413039;phf;you can buy a patek philippe caliber 89 from christie's for $11m. last time it went for $5m in 2009. at that inflation rate obummer bought a 2009 $4m house, which is a reasonable upper middle for potomac apparatchiks. 1664527;1496413071;mod6;mornin' 1664528;1496413289;phf;i've been to social events at these houses, and they are just glorified mcmansions. i was actually wondering about these mega-houses last time i recently took a trip to Fallingwater. who now among "the wealthy" is building these kaufmann residences that in 100 years time people will want to visit? 1664529;1496413779;phf;oh, i know this area, obama's neighborhood is 5 minutes walking from me, it's all old construction, so not so much a "mega-house" as a large&old dc property (apparently made from real stone!1) 1664530;1496413870;phf;those houses are nifty, because built by sane people until a contractor gets to "renovate" the interior 1664531;1496414496;asciilifeform;phf: i've been inside a bunch of these, but only on embassy expo day 1664532;1496414532;asciilifeform;they feel like houses on home planet ( proper height of ceiling, the correct 100+ y.o. 'old sofa' smell, steam heat, etc ) 1664533;1496415436;*;shinohai lives in 105 yr old house, but revels in the whole "no formaldehyde" smell. 1664534;1496416516;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664526 << gotta ask, why not -- by same logic -- derive inflation rate from usd-btc ? 1664535;1496416516;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 14:17 phf: you can buy a patek philippe caliber 89 from christie's for $11m. last time it went for $5m in 2009. at that inflation rate obummer bought a 2009 $4m house, which is a reasonable upper middle for potomac apparatchiks. 1664536;1496416790;asciilifeform;it is tempting to think of inflation as a scalar, but it isn't a scalar. 1664537;1496417374;asciilifeform;re 'patek' etc, see also http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-22#1248284 . 1664538;1496417374;a111;Logged on 2015-08-22 14:05 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-08-2015#1248273 << in my eyes, a ~skilled~ art forger is a hero second only to a hypothetical fella who puts an actual bullet through a bilderberger. why, exactly, should i have any sympathy for the folks hitching a ride in the only 100% effective inflation shelter known, at the expense of literally everybody else ? 1664539;1496417497;phf;inflation is a dynamic process, so it's neither a scalar nor not a scalar 1664540;1496417540;asciilifeform;paper-gold is mixed into the market valuation of all-gold, paper-bitcoin (though it only works on bottom half of bell curve...) into price of actual-bitcoin, but art forgers are hunted like terrorists, Because Reasons. 1664541;1496417576;asciilifeform;phf: tensor!111 1664542;1496417636;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664526 << i'm entirely shocked he didn't divorce. 1664543;1496417636;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 14:17 phf: you can buy a patek philippe caliber 89 from christie's for $11m. last time it went for $5m in 2009. at that inflation rate obummer bought a 2009 $4m house, which is a reasonable upper middle for potomac apparatchiks. 1664544;1496417664;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes because reasons. REASONS == independent, as always. 1664545;1496417685;mircea_popescu;wtf is "corruption" ? people-other-than-usg having control over property!!11 1664546;1496417698;mircea_popescu;wtf is you know, any OTHER crime ? there is no other crime. that's the crime. 1664547;1496417998;phf;maybe they are planning on going for michelle 2020 after all 1664548;1496418117;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how that worked, but it's pretty far out there. 1664549;1496418641;BingoBoingo; whole piece needs a re-read, lotta e2l weird in there. << re-read v1 1664550;1496418748;mircea_popescu;"Once again, while Trump the United States a smidge closer to The Great Again, but" 1664551;1496418792;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1664552;1496423850;mircea_popescu;in other lulz ~nobody cares about : ucr (universidad de costa rica) is this massively dominant player. apparently it has 3`623 non-tenured, 1`726 tenured faculty. the former are bitchin' that they want "the same salary conditions" as the latter, which is very much representative of latino mental simplicity. 1664553;1496423909;mircea_popescu;but the scandal exposed a coupla lulz, such as that the ucr spends 80% (!!!) of its income to pay salaries, and that income is ~500mn a year. 1664554;1496424512;asciilifeform;usd? 1664555;1496424577;mircea_popescu;ya 1664556;1496424622;asciilifeform;i had nfi there were 500mn usd in all of cr, not merely the obscure ( i had nfi it existed...) ucr 1664557;1496424644;asciilifeform;from where comes the dough ? usg parked a printing press down there ? 1664558;1496424678;mircea_popescu;costa rica is a rich country dood. above ohio below arizona or somesuch. 1664559;1496424698;mircea_popescu;you do realise that at least half the 50 us states are below average, in the sense most countries actually are doing better, yes ? 1664560;1496424726;asciilifeform;half of'em are nearly empty, but for corn field and rocket base 1664561;1496424732;asciilifeform;so not high bar. 1664562;1496424748;asciilifeform;( ever look at usa from airplane ..? ) 1664563;1496424829;mircea_popescu;so you know, made 50bn gdp, bout same as panama, 4x nicaragua. which is how come all the chicks in strip joints are nigaraguaneans. 1664564;1496424850;asciilifeform;incidentally -- what does cr export ? 1664565;1496424862;mircea_popescu;vacations 1664566;1496424879;asciilifeform;aaah so it's one of those 'rich because that's where money goes to sit on the beach' places. 1664567;1496424890;mircea_popescu;yup. pretty much entirely it. 1664568;1496424915;asciilifeform;still doesn't explain why university. who attends it ? anyone publishes in it ? how does the setup work. 1664569;1496424938;mircea_popescu;"highest level of foreign direct investment per capita of latin maerica", ie, a fine definition of whether you're poor or not is whether you have a gf here holding down a fort. 1664570;1496424960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure, they publish the usual crud. it's where you pick up the girlies, mostly. 1664571;1496424965;asciilifeform;sounds like 50s cuba 1664572;1496424977;asciilifeform;possibly even with the attendant boojum waiting in the wings. 1664573;1496424983;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-27#1648233 << that was on the grounds, ECONOMIX faculty. 1664574;1496424983;a111;Logged on 2017-04-27 02:15 mircea_popescu: his answer ? exito. (success). 1664575;1496425040;mircea_popescu;anyway, they export some ic / medical gear. but plenty of coffee banana etc. 1664576;1496425073;asciilifeform;lol united fruit 1664577;1496425086;mircea_popescu;hey, intel build a plant. 1664578;1496425135;asciilifeform;'The Intel® Teach Program helps teachers integrate technology into their classrooms to enhance student learning. In Costa Rica, the Intel Teach Program is coordinated in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Education, was implemented by the Omar Dengo Foundation, and now is executed by CECC-SICA.' 1664579;1496425153;asciilifeform;lulzy, 'hold the winblowz fort in the turd world' item 1664580;1496425164;asciilifeform;( for aficionados : whole thing, http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/corporate-responsibility/intel-in-costa-rica.html ) 1664581;1496425188;asciilifeform;'More than 60 percent of K-12 teachers in Costa Rica have participated in this program since the program started in 2000...' 1664582;1496425194;mircea_popescu;they really don't have much of a clue. happy go lucky sort of tree dwellers. 1664583;1496425234;asciilifeform;'See how the Intel® She Will Connect program is helping women change their lives.' << didjaknow!! 1664584;1496425258;shinohai; so lulzy 1664585;1496425276;asciilifeform;'On the heels of last year’s closure of chip manufacturer Intel‘s assembly plant in Costa Rica, the company announced Monday that it’s opening a new Client Computing Group (CCG) in Costa Rica. The new unit will be responsible mostly for developing tablets and PCs.' (2015) 1664586;1496425309;asciilifeform;looks like mircea_popescu's intel is a little out of date.. 1664587;1496425336;asciilifeform;plant moved to asia. what's left is jerbsprogram 1664588;1496425360;asciilifeform;( why it remains - i have nfi; perhaps intel exec gurlz to holdthefort etc ) 1664589;1496425388;mircea_popescu;prolly. 1664590;1496425511;mircea_popescu;lol elon musk quit "forum on job creation" because hey, paris accord was major "job creation" wtf. 1664591;1496425653;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to cr, it's kinda funny. i recall their currency being reasonably stable, but since i've been here it shed about 10% against the dollar. so the natl bank is all "wtf is wrong with you people", put 1bn of the reserve on the market, etc. 1664592;1496425664;mircea_popescu;this re whole "kinda clueless treefolk" 1664593;1496425706;asciilifeform;i'd suppose that mircea_popescu is there for the good weather, not for the company of tree-dwellers 1664594;1496425736;mircea_popescu;why not ? troglodyte female muchly preferable to ustarded female. 1664595;1496425769;mircea_popescu;young people are going to be stupid, this is a given. might as well deal with the naive than with the millitantly idiotic. 1664596;1496425840;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja ever determine why in cr 'naive', but in ar 'militant idiotic' ? is the idiocy-ray emitter in antarctica, or wat 1664597;1496425867;mircea_popescu;ah, peronismo. 1664598;1496425891;mircea_popescu;generally speaking, homebrew nationalism is ~worst thing that can happen to a country. way worse than foreign invasion. 1664599;1496425944;asciilifeform;lol, ukrs 1664600;1496425948;asciilifeform;aha 1664601;1496425958;mircea_popescu;it's what distinguishes say reddit and to some degree twitter from the average fucktard forum / website. dudes on reddit actually developed some sort of idiotarian self-identity on top of everything else. 1664602;1496426022;mircea_popescu;so they go around you know, "we did it argentina!! sun rise!!!" and inqualifiably dumb shit like that. 1664603;1496426068;asciilifeform;do perons appear in empty vacuum tho 1664604;1496426095;asciilifeform;picture if the ameritourism were to evaporate in cr. how long before it peronizes. 1664605;1496426113;mircea_popescu;dude's epitaph is this : he once claimed that when he took power there were all these sacks of gold and dollars and wealth, "hanging around, clearly being misused -- cuz not used to levantar el pueblo" etc. 1664606;1496426128;mircea_popescu;THAT is how they appear, when there's too much wealth and too little noose for the poor to go with it. 1664607;1496426164;mircea_popescu;exactly how it appeared in moscow, too. had the tzar fucking hung twenty million uppity bitches, starting with half of georgia, there'd have not been any problem. 1664608;1496426170;asciilifeform;ottomans also 1664609;1496426178;mircea_popescu;everyone. 1664610;1496426211;asciilifeform;one tricky bit, afaik, is that the proverbial sacks of gold do not 'levantar el pueblo' under any circumstances at all; instead they immediately grow legs and walk, walk away to a faraway place and never again seen 1664611;1496426233;mircea_popescu;and it's not like they're not asking for it and everything. 1664612;1496426243;mircea_popescu;recall that time when they stomped each other on some field ? 1664613;1496426256;asciilifeform;the ecuador war ? 1664614;1496426259;*;mircea_popescu would have ordered ALL the participants hung. what did czar do ? apologize ? 1664615;1496426269;mircea_popescu;you don't fucking apologize to the cow herd for IT having stampeded. 1664616;1496426279;mircea_popescu;next fucking time, stay home, or if you come FUCKING BEHAVE 1664617;1496426286;mircea_popescu;filthy bitchez... 1664618;1496426321;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the khodynka field poorfucktardfest. 1664619;1496426414;mircea_popescu;anyway, point being they're asking, and if you dun answer then dun be surprised. 1664620;1496426477;asciilifeform;when you have stampedes in the capital, you ( ruler/civ1player ) Have A Problem ; just as d00d with tumour that is large enough to be palpable, has problem 1664621;1496426498;mircea_popescu;unlike tumour, this problem is very approachable. 1664622;1496426519;mircea_popescu;sure, once you have 500`000 dead bodies in a pile it's time to build a new church and beg forgiveness for having let things get this far. 1664623;1496426531;mircea_popescu;but nicholas was just ascending, it wasn't his fucking fault alexander was a faggot. 1664624;1496426650;asciilifeform;unless yer rounding up ~defenseless gypos etc , 500kilocorpse is called 'civil war' and it doesn't come with a guarantee of win 1664625;1496426674;mircea_popescu;500k idiots who stampede themselves to death vs hussar regiments ? really ? 1664626;1496426681;mircea_popescu;i guess i'm beheading even more people. 1664627;1496426719;asciilifeform;i suppose mircea_popescu is posting from parallel universe where 1917 didn't happen 1664628;1496426739;mircea_popescu;this was 1896. the REASON 1917 happened was that nicholas was a fucktard in 1896. 1664629;1496426746;asciilifeform;i.e. followed the pitchforks-vs-landsknecht dynamic pictured above 1664630;1496426758;mircea_popescu;had he fired all available artillery into the crowd, there'd have been no fucking bs. 1664631;1496426779;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, exactly opposite. 1664632;1496426811;mircea_popescu;the populace had to have a clear statement of its fault, and punishment comensurate. this is what government is. 1664633;1496426838;mircea_popescu;what he did was, he failed to punish them for their misbehaviour, from which they concluded, quite in the infantile manner of subhumans, that tyhey had done nothing wrong 1664634;1496426846;asciilifeform;incidentally ivan iv did try this exact thing 1664635;1496426850;mircea_popescu;and that there's some room for them to "make judgements" and whatnot. 1664636;1496426856;asciilifeform;( spoiler : didn't work ) 1664637;1496426859;mircea_popescu;and i don't seem to recall his problems with the fucking reds. 1664638;1496426868;mircea_popescu;worked fine, what are you talking about. 1664639;1496427263;asciilifeform;from this pov.. worked. 1664640;1496427272;mircea_popescu;well that's the pov. 1664641;1496427407;asciilifeform;the larger point also good one -- any problem ( short of perhaps asteroid ) starts small and spends good chunk of its life cycle in curable phase 1664642;1496427434;mircea_popescu;and the need for the cure is constantly signalled, and the cure always is exactly that : round them all up and hang them. 1664643;1496427514;mircea_popescu;nor is this only the problem of governance. for years before sham ustardian marriage ends in divorce wife begs for some checks, which husband doesn't provide because idiot ; but then really has no one else to blame. 1664644;1496427532;mircea_popescu;before growing up to be stupid, kids spend their childhood begging for some guidance. and so following. 1664645;1496427605;mircea_popescu;fucking "demonstrations" and whatnot. what are they "demonstrating" ? that "oh look, you're not going to drive the tanks through us!11 like you fucking should!!111 awell, i guess you're not fit to rule then huh." 1664646;1496427606;mircea_popescu;doh. 1664647;1496427721;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-01-26#461120 << see also thread 1664648;1496427721;a111;Logged on 2014-01-26 19:37 asciilifeform: just as the chinese replied, in '89, to 'why tanks?', with 'we aren't the u.s., can't afford warehouses full of "humane" riot gear' 1664649;1496427743;mircea_popescu;fuck that retarded deflective shit. 1664650;1496427769;asciilifeform;they passed the exam tho. 1664651;1496427775;asciilifeform;su -- flunked 1664652;1496427776;mircea_popescu;sure. 1664653;1496427792;mircea_popescu;well, su really needed new government. the "socialist" bullshit only runs so far. 1664654;1496427801;mircea_popescu;unlike the eurotards, they got out relatively early, 1 century in. 1664655;1496427851;asciilifeform;not clear, at least to asciilifeform's naked eye, that they 'got out', or that the box even has an out-hole 1664656;1496427882;asciilifeform;( ru still has crown-as-principle-economic-agent megastate, for instance ) 1664657;1496427893;asciilifeform;*principal 1664658;1496427907;mircea_popescu;im really not that familiar 1664659;1496428180;mircea_popescu;but if i had to guess i'd say a larger % of all-wealth-controlled-by-russians belongs to "criminals" and "terrorists" than is the case of the us. 1664660;1496428200;mircea_popescu;which is the ~only criteria of respectability. 1664661;1496428221;asciilifeform;how 'respectable' when most of'em are still l1/l2 of su wot. 1664662;1496428234;mircea_popescu;this per se isn't a problem. 1664663;1496428270;asciilifeform;and it also isn't clear to me why -- even when the corpse really Musted Die -- maggots are somehow 'respectable' 1664664;1496428275;asciilifeform;they eat carrion, yes. 1664665;1496428347;mircea_popescu;but of course they'd be within su wot. that's how these light states work. 1664666;1496428909;ben_vulpes;john robb on an entirely new trip: http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2017/06/man-is-dead-and-we-have-killed-him-you-and-i.html 1664667;1496428961;mircea_popescu;lemme guess, nietzsche ? 1664668;1496429017;ben_vulpes;that's the quote, yes 1664669;1496429033;ben_vulpes;"perhaps outlawing masculinity is a bad idea?" 1664670;1496429059;mircea_popescu;o i know, let's plead like a little bitch, that'll do something. 1664671;1496429070;mircea_popescu;how about "man ain't interested in your dumb bitch hut, starve." 1664672;1496429122;mircea_popescu;"We are killing masculinity. Maleness in all its forms has been deprecated as an outdated bit of software. Something to be rewritten for the modern world." 1664673;1496429137;ben_vulpes;OCEANS OF BLOOOOOOOOOOD 1664674;1496429145;mircea_popescu;self important little cunts. what the everloving fuck, "look at me, i live without a roof, WE HAVE DEPRECATED ROOVES!!11" 1664675;1496429146;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1664676;1496429162;asciilifeform;for some reason atlases only ever shrug in bad megab00x by ru emigre chix, tho. and not in actual reality. 1664677;1496429176;mircea_popescu;maleness in its you know, male form is doing fucking fine, and doesn'tr care about the stupid tea party. 1664678;1496429236;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the tiresome faggots who keedp going "oh mom, i too could be an atlas couldn't i ? i'm tall enough ?" are no fucking object of this discussion. 1664679;1496430593;shinohai;http://archive.is/agUVE "Y U discriminate against me!!!!!" 1664680;1496430613;mod6;got this FG #2 hooked up to the scope 1664681;1496430687;asciilifeform;mod6: hm? 1664682;1496430716;asciilifeform;( you want logic analyzer, or at the very minumum : storage scope , for this , not much periodic wave to be had on FG ) 1664683;1496430719;mod6;got the probe setup on the out pin. been waiting to try this. just didn't incause I fuck it up. 1664684;1496430725;mod6;*in case 1664685;1496430748;asciilifeform;mod6: put the trigger on clock (CLK) pin 1664686;1496430767;asciilifeform;all signals on the board (other than the 2 coming from rngs ) are in that clock domain 1664687;1496430771;mod6;this scope has a usb port, so i dropped in the USB to see if I can get the output saved on there. gotta rtfm i think 1664688;1496430825;asciilifeform;what do you hope to see on the scope, mod6 ? thing puts out 115200,8,1,noparity 1664689;1496430853;asciilifeform;( not, as you can already guess, contiguously -- but when there's a byte ready ) 1664690;1496430873;mod6;im more... using it as a vehicle to learn how to scope. 1664691;1496430887;asciilifeform;aah 1664692;1496430889;mod6;aha, clock has basic predictible pattern. 1664693;1496430900;mod6;'out' is pretty chatty too though 1664694;1496430902;asciilifeform;try displaying clock and output in parallel 1664695;1496430914;mod6;i do have two probes... 1664696;1496430925;*;mod6 tries 1664697;1496430933;asciilifeform;( output has peridic component !! -- the start/stop bits ) 1664698;1496430953;asciilifeform;they're why a misbauded FG is nogood as an rng 1664699;1496431027;mircea_popescu;and in other artificial inteligence, https://archive.is/0IIyG 1664700;1496431031;mod6;oh huh! 1664701;1496431046;mod6;i gotta take a pic here i think, but yah, two distinct different wave patterns. 1664702;1496431052;mod6;@20 ns 1664703;1496431872;mod6;http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/20170602_142155.jpg http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/20170602_142450.jpg 1664704;1496431892;mod6;sorry for the yuuuge 1664705;1496432085;mircea_popescu;i dunno wtf this is. 1664706;1496432172;mod6;yellow (channel 1) is the clk output; blue (channel 2) is the 'out' output from the fg 1664707;1496432211;mod6;mircea_popescu: just kinda takin a look at things, nothing in particular. educational. 1664708;1496432413;mircea_popescu;so the clock transitions ~0.1ms ; but the output dun seem rightr 1664709;1496432423;mircea_popescu;wtf values are those. 1664710;1496432440;asciilifeform;mod6: your ground is loose 1664711;1496432442;mod6;haha, i dun think im doin it right. 1664712;1496432445;asciilifeform;you're seeing mains hum !! 1664713;1496432460;asciilifeform;( there are no sinusoids to be had on that board ) 1664714;1496432477;mod6;ah. 1664715;1496432481;asciilifeform;to what did you attach the black crocodile ? 1664716;1496432516;mod6;nada. wasn't sure on that. 1664717;1496432538;asciilifeform;this might be kindergarten item , but : 1664718;1496432551;asciilifeform;a voltage is a potential ~difference~ 1664719;1496432555;mod6;yah, im extreme n00b at this 1664720;1496432559;asciilifeform;it exists ~between~ two objects 1664721;1496433164;asciilifeform;mod6: you will notice that scope bnc connector has two conductors 1664722;1496433171;asciilifeform;center connects to tip of probe 1664723;1496433177;asciilifeform;shield - to the gnd clip 1664724;1496433321;asciilifeform;mod6: you wouln't leave 1 lead off voltmeter hanging in the air, wouldja? same idea. 1664725;1496433343;mod6;aha, ok 1664726;1496433636;jurov;S.QNTR distributed 1664727;1496434220;mod6;ok, well. huh. 1664728;1496434330;mod6;i've since, just wanna look at the clock, see if i've got it hooked up right. i've got probe on channel one connected to 'clk' pin. probe's crock is attached to a lead coming off 'gnd' pin. 1664729;1496434345;mod6;it's not a square wave tho. 1664730;1496434394;asciilifeform;mod6: post pic ? 1664731;1496434402;mod6;sure 1664732;1496434442;asciilifeform;( even a very clean clock, if frequency is >1MHz or so, will not look like 'ideal' square when viewed through clip probes on scope. you will see 'ringing' ) 1664733;1496434686;mod6;http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/20170602_150946.jpg 1664734;1496434710;asciilifeform;yeah, that'd be it 1664735;1496434718;mod6;ya?! 1664736;1496434792;mod6;decent! thanks, ima see if i can get the 'out' in there too 1664737;1496434798;asciilifeform;get rid of the massive cable / multiple clip-to-cable joints 1664738;1496434806;asciilifeform;if you want to see something closer to the actual signal 1664739;1496434851;asciilifeform;at 14.7456MHz , your cable is a substantial parasitic capacitor ( and inductor ) 1664740;1496434852;mod6;yeah, i rigged that up, but im having trouble with the space. i suppose i could elminate the USB-TTL for power and just use 5v from Dr. Meter tho right? 1664741;1496434867;asciilifeform;the effect in your picture is not the power supply's fault 1664742;1496434881;asciilifeform;but very much a physical limitation of your measurement setup. see above. 1664743;1496434889;mod6;gotcha 1664744;1496434954;asciilifeform;another tip : rng shield is an ok place for the gnd clip 1664745;1496434963;asciilifeform;( it is tied to the ground plane ) 1664746;1496434968;mod6;ooh 1664747;1496434971;mod6;ok 1664748;1496434990;asciilifeform;( you do NOT want a long wire between ground clip and the circuit ) 1664749;1496435011;asciilifeform;moar wisdom : the nose of the scope probe, comes off 1664750;1496435026;asciilifeform;you can then use it as a manual sharp-needle-poke 1664751;1496435760;mod6;ah, gotcha 1664752;1496436198;mod6;ok, here's one with both clk & out; http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/20170602_153853.jpg 1664753;1496436316;mod6;i used the sheilds for gnd this time, feel like im learning a bit, thanks for the help. 1664754;1496436320;asciilifeform;that looks atrocious 1664755;1496436332;asciilifeform;is the blue input ac-coupled by any chance ? 1664756;1496436363;mod6;i don't know 1664757;1496436420;mod6;does the clk still look ok? 1664758;1496436481;asciilifeform;it is still very loudly mutilated by your cabling but this is not avoidable (without specially made cable) 1664759;1496436499;asciilifeform;it's why you'll find coax jacks on high-end fpga boards 1664760;1496436520;mod6;these probes have this little switch on them. "1x -> 10x" 1664761;1496436539;mod6;they were set to 10x, gonna see if turning 'em down to 1 shows me anything different 1664762;1496436562;asciilifeform;if you set '10x' that turns on voltage divider 1664763;1496436584;mod6;ok makes sense to what im seeing on the screen 1664764;1496436594;asciilifeform;ftr mod6 has much spiffier scope than asciilifeform 1664765;1496436601;asciilifeform;( it's 1 or 2 models after ) 1664766;1496436627;mod6;lol, i simply have no clue what im doing :D 1664767;1496437136;asciilifeform;mod6: after you have the basics , everything else will make sense. 1664768;1496437985;mod6;so i did one more while I was at it: http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/20170602_155427.jpg 1664769;1496438018;mod6;clk looks better to me in that case, like I somehow have it dialed in more properly. 1664770;1496438027;mod6;not sure about the 'out' 1664771;1496438225;mod6;wb 1664772;1496438285;asciilifeform;that looks horrid, mod6 1664773;1496438291;asciilifeform;one or more of your grounds is loose. 1664774;1496438293;mod6;lol, ok 1664775;1496438295;mircea_popescu;looks like maybe it's summed up over a sampling interval or such ? 1664776;1496438302;mircea_popescu;do you have a function like that activated ? 1664777;1496438313;mod6;totally could be. 1664778;1496438324;mod6;im just uber n00b on this thing. gotta rtfm. 1664779;1496438359;asciilifeform;mod6: play with the test clip on the scope ( the thing immediately to the right of ch4 bnc jack ) first 1664780;1496438367;asciilifeform;see if you can get it to display the wave pictured in the manual. 1664781;1496438401;mod6;sure, ok. it does seem, that when i clip on to that with the crock, and the probe, it gets square just fine. i read that means that it's "compensated" correctly. 1664782;1496438415;asciilifeform;it's what, 1kHz tho. 1664783;1496438569;asciilifeform;mod6: another tip : when playing with fg & scope/logic analyzer, it is convenient to turn it upside-down and sink the 'teeth' into a breadboard 1664784;1496438577;asciilifeform;then put wires in the breadboard, attached to scope 1664785;1496438667;mod6;ah, ok. can do, i did get a breadboard. 1664786;1496443828;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/02/5770-flambe/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - 5770 flambé 1664787;1496443902;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/02/5770-flambe/#comment-57116 1664788;1496443921;asciilifeform;holy fuq pete_dushenski , i suppose you've never taken a heat sink off before ?! 1664789;1496443946;asciilifeform;scrape that shit off, put in 'arctic silver' or whatever yer favourite 'toothpaste' 1664790;1496443963;asciilifeform;then screw heat sink back on. 1664791;1496444235;BingoBoingo;Eh, it's pete_dushenski. Peter throw some moly grease on it! 1664792;1496444391;BingoBoingo;After degreasign sink and top of chip package 1664793;1496444636;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/us-branch-of-pantsuit-party-shunning-hillary-rodham-clinton-amid-blame-trading/ << Qntra - US Branch Of Pantsuit Party Shunning Hillary Rodham-Clinton Amid Blame Trading 1664794;1496447634;BingoBoingo;!!up erlehmann 1664795;1496447634;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes. 1664796;1496447813;erlehmann;dear diary, yesterday a person on IRC asked me if i am jealous after i referred to ethereum as a scam again. jealous, i asked. yes, she answered, jealous of people who invest in cryptocurrencies! 1664797;1496447999;erlehmann;phf i still use the neo2 keyboard layout. it has several advantages over qwert(y|z) for me: 1. less strain put on my hands 2. useless caps lock replaced with another mod key 3. built-in layers for useful unicode 4. compose in the base layout 1664798;1496448028;*;phf nods 1664799;1496448072;phf;i saw that was posted in 2014, and i was mostly curious if you stuck with it. i used arensito for almost 4 years, but once i started doing corporate work, particularly management work, it became somewhat impractical. 1664800;1496448108;erlehmann;why? 1664801;1496448168;erlehmann;two exes of mine learned neo2 immediately after i explained the concept. one of them was often frustrated because her work computer was running windows and apparently windows + keyboard layout = shitcock 1664802;1496448205;asciilifeform;even if you don't winblowz, remapping keyboards only works well in hardware imho 1664803;1496448210;erlehmann;same for OS X, apparently. my boss told me he tried to use it there and it was a pain due to something i cannot remember. 1664804;1496448222;erlehmann;asciilifeform due to mod keys or what? 1664805;1496448239;asciilifeform;( sooner or later you will boot into something -- hell, even if only bios setup or rescue disk -- or an ancient lappy on kvm, etc -- that doesn't know about your magic layout ) 1664806;1496448259;erlehmann;yeah, so? 1664807;1496448275;erlehmann;i can do qwertz still. on my work laptop i have not even changed the keycaps. 1664808;1496448277;asciilifeform;so then you don't have your layout. ~unless~ you did it in hardware. 1664809;1496448300;phf;well, that was a while ago (i switched back almost a decade ago), but even now more so now i spend a lot of time, working on other people's machines (i.e. developers that are stuck or need help or whatever) 1664810;1496448305;asciilifeform;having to ever go back and forth -- is what nukes the whole 'custom keyboard' thing for many folx (incl. asciilifeform) 1664811;1496448330;phf;yeah, likewise the whole back and forth killed it for me. 1664812;1496448351;erlehmann;asciilifeform i guess you cannot control your computing experience? the answer from the boss of my boss to “can i install linux on the macbook to get a sane keyboard layout” was “got it, you get a thinkpad” 1664813;1496448383;asciilifeform;erlehmann: funnily enough -- today -- i can 1664814;1496448393;asciilifeform;but no longer type enough to make keyboard fiddling worthwhile thing 1664815;1496448408;asciilifeform;most of my time is spent thinking, not pressing keys as-fast-as-possible 1664816;1496448411;erlehmann;well, in my experience it takes max. three weeks to learn a layout. 1664817;1496448447;erlehmann;chatting is something where i prefer to prevent my hands hurting 1664818;1496448474;erlehmann;i suspect the effect is not as notable for other people as for me, but qwertz hurts, neo2 does not. 1664819;1496448488;erlehmann;(after long chats) 1664820;1496448556;erlehmann;i think it is unlikely that a non-self-built keyboard can do most things relevant to daily usage in hardware. especially layers, mod keys and compose. 1664821;1496448715;phf;ascii's approach was to put custom firmware into an old keyboard, so that's half way there 1664822;1496448721;asciilifeform;mno 1664823;1496448729;asciilifeform;had to desolder internals and put in new controller 1664824;1496448749;asciilifeform;( open source, and author sells the pcb, so you don't have to necessarily make the pcb by hand ) 1664825;1496448753;erlehmann;asciilifeform what is your opinion of FPGAs in general? shit because complexity? nice because reprogrammable? 1664826;1496448777;asciilifeform;!#s fpga 1664827;1496448778;a111;791 results for "fpga", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fpga 1664828;1496448781;asciilifeform;!#s xilinx 1664829;1496448781;a111;131 results for "xilinx", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=xilinx 1664830;1496448824;erlehmann;“there exists an answer” mathematician-face.jpg 1664831;1496448840;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i manufacture and sell a product ( http://nosuchlabs.com/hardware.html ) with a xilinx cpld in it 1664832;1496448866;erlehmann;for some reason i thought of asciilifeform when i learned about the MNT VA2000 amiga graphics card 1664833;1496448884;asciilifeform;but on the other hand it is a very small cpld, and runs a pretty simple state machine, whose honest function is verifiable by the operator with reasonable effort 1664834;1496448906;asciilifeform;i'd still like to replace it with a civilized fpga for which you don't need a 20GB closed source shitware toolchain 1664835;1496448914;asciilifeform;problem is, THEY DON'T EXIST 1664836;1496448953;erlehmann;market reasons? 1664837;1496448961;asciilifeform;you really gotta read the logs, erlehmann 1664838;1496448963;erlehmann;shit toolchains are endemic in lots of fields it seems 1664839;1496448968;asciilifeform;we've had this particular thread at least 7 times 1664840;1496448977;erlehmann;asciilifeform acknowledged. sorry. 1664841;1496448977;asciilifeform;the history doesn't change. 1664842;1496449040;asciilifeform;erlehmann: start http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-17#1165927 , or http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-11#950467 , or http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551513 ... 1664843;1496449040;a111;Logged on 2015-06-17 13:17 asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric; 1664844;1496449040;a111;Logged on 2014-12-11 01:52 asciilifeform: decimation: notice that all known fpga manufacturers (xilinx, altera, lattice, a few others) have the same business model 1664845;1496449040;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 13:35 asciilifeform: mepian: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551507 << please read the xilinx threads . 1664846;1496449101;erlehmann;i once met rms at a conference and asked him about viability of free hardware. his answer was along the lines of 1. apparently non-free hardware has worked for decades 2. whoever makes your board can still subvert your trustworthy design, you can't check that 3. maybe if we have star-trek-style replicators one day, hahaha 1664847;1496449109;asciilifeform;latest twist was that some d00dz ~partially~ reversed lattice's toolchain. but their shit ~doesn't work, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-16#1604097 1664848;1496449109;a111;Logged on 2017-01-16 23:36 asciilifeform: leaving entirely aside the question of whether ice40 can in fact be made to do anything useful with the 'open' toolchain discussed earlier, or whether a toolchain that required clang, llvm, and ten other poetteringesque abortions is 'open' 1664849;1496449161;asciilifeform;erlehmann: didja ask him what specifically it would mean to 'subvert' an fpga ahead of time (i.e. when you have no idea what will be loaded into it, and into what cells in particular ) ? 1664850;1496449218;erlehmann;as far as i can remember, we did not talk about fpga. his example was some company creating your board and not you. 1664851;1496449238;erlehmann;thus the remark with the star trek replicators, which he likened to compilers. just do it yourself. 1664852;1496449301;erlehmann;one could probably extend david wheeler's diverse double compiling to any type of tool if sufficiently paranoid 1664853;1496449343;erlehmann;asciilifeform if you are interested, i suggest to email rms yourself. he answers. 1664854;1496449361;asciilifeform;not when i wrote ! 1664855;1496449378;erlehmann;last time i wrote him it was because of this https://stallman.org/netflix.html 1664856;1496449390;erlehmann;> A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using Netflix. I declined, saying that Netflix was such a threat to freedom that I felt uncomfortable with promoting its use in this way. 1664857;1496449454;asciilifeform;!!up erlehmann 1664858;1496449455;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes. 1664859;1496449479;erlehmann;and rms was like “no, it was not flirting, i am very sure” 1664860;1496449523;erlehmann;as a free-software enthusiast myself, i have managed to experience many invitations to “netflix and chill” entirely without netflix. freedoms preserved! 1664861;1496449571;erlehmann;asciilifeform i like your project names 1664862;1496449593;erlehmann;sufficiently off-putting for hipsters 1664863;1496449766;erlehmann;phf your patch visualizer linked here http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system is apparently gone 1664864;1496449781;erlehmann;phf link shows http://btcbase.org/patches/ which redirects to http://btcbase.org/patches/NIL 1664865;1496449813;erlehmann;phf does it still exist? if so, where? 1664866;1496449824;phf;http://btcbase.org/patches 1664867;1496449835;phf;(busy irl one sec) 1664868;1496449850;erlehmann;ah funny, it does not work with a slash at the end 1664869;1496449945;erlehmann;phf what does the arrow at the right mean? http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot&search=&action=update 1664870;1496449952;erlehmann;apparently it does not come from anywhere in this graphic 1664871;1496449965;shinohai;Perhaps /patches is static page ? 1664872;1496449968;phf;i actually patched it in the offline, but haven't had a chance to update the deployment 1664873;1496449994;erlehmann;also, makefiles. fail. 1664874;1496450025;phf;erlehmann: so the arrow from nowhere basically means that the patch is broken, because it requires an antecedent that's missing 1664875;1496450044;erlehmann;phf that makes … too much sense. thanks. 1664876;1496450053;phf;this one specifically http://btcbase.org/hash/95A0046C0AF25E21DBA310217A289D7649DD86CB89709A89931BFE318A41022FFD4BA9DC046E04DAC1B32BC5304239866BF5CA9AD59328B7DA79B1D06437E273 1664877;1496450112;erlehmann;asciilifeform do you have an opinion on DJB redo? or maybe even a simpler design? i would only trust my own implementation and MAYBE the one from jonathan de boyne pollard (although he requires a C++ compiler as a dependency, lol) 1664878;1496450142;phf;there's a handful of those, for example in the experimental there's three patches from polarbeard, a guy who joined as we were regriding a bunch of shit, so he had to update his patches a bunch of times and then gave up. nobody cared to reintegrate his patches properly yet 1664879;1496450190;phf;also my own phf-shiva-swank is broken somehow, probably because i was pressing with not "real" v tooling. actually i need to fix that.. 1664880;1496450199;erlehmann;unreal tooling? 1664881;1496450220;phf;imaginary tooling 1664882;1496450264;erlehmann;v looks like a nice approach as far as i can see (and is the reason i chose to join #trilema), but as i commented, i suspect there exist parser differentials 1664883;1496450338;erlehmann;if i ever get around to making my own v toolchain (probably in bourne shell, for portability and clarity), i'll address that of course. 1664884;1496450391;phf;for sure, btcbase is probably the most aggressive, because there's a very restricted state machine for parsing, but there's still some ambiguity in recognition that's an artifact of diff/patch being dodgy 1664885;1496450449;phf;(fwiw it has complete understanding of patch, so it can also do a press in memory, e.g. http://btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/tree/) 1664886;1496450451;erlehmann;well, vdiff would never be possible if diff and patch were definite about their inputs 1664887;1496450464;erlehmann;what does “in memory” mean? 1664888;1496450544;phf;it does an equivalent of patch, but without calling out to c programs and without the result (or intermediate steps) touching the file system at any point 1664889;1496450594;phf;so hitting http://btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/tree/bitcoin/src/init.h runs patch algorithm on a series of vdiffs 1664890;1496450650;phf;well that was a bad example because the file is all genesis 1664891;1496450666;phf;http://btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/tree/bitcoin/src/net.h 1664892;1496450724;erlehmann;that looks weird here 1664893;1496450745;phf;screenshot? 1664894;1496450800;erlehmann;phf http://i.imgur.com/UuhywZT.png 1664895;1496450852;erlehmann;tables are hard, let's go shopping? 1664896;1496450857;phf;hmm, k. i haven't paid much attention to that styling, because i don't think anyone's using it, including myself. the press part definitely needs more ux work 1664897;1496451009;erlehmann;phf the reasons seems to be that every single line on the right side is wrapped in
1664898;1496451083;phf;so the way it should really be solved is that i need to better understand colorizing code (which i lifted from elsewhere) so that i can wrap the whole thing in pre and just format it without tables by doing   
1664899;1496451119;phf;but that makes copy pasting harder (you can't just select a chunk, because it now includes line numbers and blame)
1664900;1496451121;erlehmann;phf fix is easy
1664902;1496451182;phf;(fwiw this table based approach also looks shitty in lynx)
1664903;1496451202;erlehmann;phf add following CSS to stylesheet: pre { margin-bottom: 0; }
1664904;1496451269;asciilifeform;!!up erlehmann
1664905;1496451269;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1664906;1496451345;erlehmann;phf i hope this change flies without a vpatch, should be evident it is not malicious
1664907;1496451360;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1664877 <<< >>> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663662
1664908;1496451360;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 00:35 erlehmann: asciilifeform do you have an opinion on DJB redo? or maybe even a simpler design? i would only trust my own implementation and MAYBE the one from jonathan de boyne pollard (although he requires a C++ compiler as a dependency, lol)
1664909;1496451360;a111;Logged on 2017-05-31 14:12 mircea_popescu: i suspect the idea is that systems which require something like make are broken anyway.
1664910;1496451433;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1664879 << v is -- properly considered -- an abstract concept, quite divorceable from the abominations of gnudiff/patch and gpg
1664911;1496451433;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 00:36 phf: also my own phf-shiva-swank is broken somehow, probably because i was pressing with not "real" v tooling. actually i need to fix that..
1664912;1496451467;erlehmann;asciilifeform so which build system(s) do you use? any at all?
1664913;1496451480;asciilifeform;traditional make
1664914;1496451486;asciilifeform;lately -- gprbuild
1664915;1496451497;phf;erlehmann: try it now
1664916;1496451513;asciilifeform;i gotta admit : i don't consider the problem to be a very interesting one
1664917;1496451517;erlehmann;phf looks better
1664918;1496451530;asciilifeform;and am quite happy to have entire build process repeat every single time the button is pushed
1664919;1496451539;asciilifeform;if it means simplicity+reliability
1664920;1496451558;asciilifeform;trick is : i don't believe in large programs.
1664921;1496451560;phf;also ascii grew up with 2 hour builds anyway..
1664922;1496451568;asciilifeform;if your program is large, and build time is a bottleneck : Your Program Is Wrong
1664923;1496451581;asciilifeform;the one possible exception might be ~massive~ fpga floor layouts
1664924;1496451586;asciilifeform;but i do not often deal in those.
1664925;1496451596;asciilifeform;and make systems do NOTHING to help there anyway
1664926;1496451602;asciilifeform;because the thing is monolithic
1664927;1496451616;erlehmann;i also consider building stuff not very interesting. but redo is so simple that it can be implemented in <250 lines of shell script.
1664928;1496451669;asciilifeform;i dun think i've ever written anything where the ~naked~ build -- no 'intelligence' -- would be >250 ln of bash
1664929;1496451674;erlehmann;not bash
1664930;1496451676;erlehmann;bourne shell
1664931;1496451682;erlehmann;i consider bash an abomination
1664933;1496451706;asciilifeform;i consider system lacking tab-completion to be unusable
1664934;1496451725;erlehmann;relevant how?
1664935;1496451732;asciilifeform;well, naked 'sh'
1664936;1496451738;erlehmann;rlwrap sh then
1664937;1496451757;asciilifeform;not same
1664938;1496451762;asciilifeform;wants explicit word lists etc
1664939;1496451762;erlehmann;whatever, i use rc shell for day to day work. but sh is portable and bash is not.
1664940;1496451776;erlehmann;rc shell grammar is listed on the man page. very small. nice. monkey like.
1664941;1496451790;asciilifeform;i'll use a tabcompleteless shell after i start shitting in holes in the ground.
1664942;1496451805;asciilifeform;and wearing bear skin.
1664943;1496451822;erlehmann;regarding redo: needing dependencies is not limited to compiling programs. datasets are also something. i build my website with redo. i have managed converted media files with redo. i would not want to wait hours for the re-encoding of each file every time i rebuild a web site.
1664944;1496451846;asciilifeform;sounds potentially handy.
1664945;1496451851;phf;when you have a hammer
1664946;1496451869;erlehmann;as the saying goes in german: wenn du einen hammer hast, kannst du die ganze welt nageln!
1664947;1496451925;erlehmann;i think the main reason for me implementing and using redo is that the scripts work fine without all the logic. it is just an optimization.
1664948;1496451971;phf;does djb have a working redo implementation or it's just a concept paper?
1664949;1496452036;erlehmann;i suspect he has at least a prototype, but he has never published it. reason: i found dofiles in some stuff about elliptic curves.
1664950;1496452045;erlehmann;i had two interactions with djb regarding that
1664951;1496452076;asciilifeform;speaking of which : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663689
1664952;1496452076;a111;Logged on 2017-05-31 14:17 asciilifeform: in recent sads, 'Our batch prime-generation algorithm suggests that, to help reduce energy consumption and protect the environment, all users of RSA—including users of traditional pre-quantum RSA—should delegate their key-generation computa- tions to NIST or another trusted third party. This speed improvement would also allow users to generate new RSA keys and erase old RSA keys more frequently, limiting the damage of key theft.'
1664953;1496452093;erlehmann;first: “where is your redo implementation?”, i believe his answer was like “has to be cleaned up before release” or something before i stupidly decided to come back later bcause he was answering crypto questions
1664954;1496452157;erlehmann;second: “i have written a redo implementation, does it work correctly?”, i again lost him. he suggested to meet at a place at a time during the conference and i thought i knew the place but apparently i erred because there was no place with the name i thought he had said.
1664955;1496452235;erlehmann;phf if you want to learn about redo, i suggest to: 1. read djb's notes. 2. read http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/redo-sh.html and my man page 3. avoid apenwarr's unmaintained implementation (it is the only one that got some popularity, but massively shitty)
1664956;1496452294;erlehmann;and by ”massively shitty” i mean apenwarr used sqlite because “filesystem is slow of course”. turns out 300 lines of shell script are faster than more than double that amount of python if you actually benchmark and not talk out of your own ass.
1664957;1496452344;erlehmann;in my opinion, having python and sqlites as dependencies is a massive no-go for a build system.
1664958;1496452356;erlehmann;maximum bloat
1664959;1496452462;erlehmann;phf i believe redo is an unpolished gem. sadly, many people implement it ALMOST correctly and then do something stupid
1664960;1496452489;erlehmann;asciilifeform for a website case, see some output of redo-dot(1) http://daten.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/pics/graphs/redo/bin-dependencies.png
1664961;1496452516;erlehmann;it is a rendering of dependencies behind http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/
1664962;1496452535;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i have nfi what to make of djb at this point. phuctor is the world's largest public showcase of his 'smooth parts of integers' algo, but he refused -- repeatedly -- to answer main re same. and now he's signed his name to a paper full of howlers, e.g. 'let usg nist generate your private key'
1664963;1496452550;asciilifeform;*answer mail re
1664964;1496452578;erlehmann;djb also never answered my mail regarding redo
1664965;1496452597;erlehmann;but he seems responsive in person
1664966;1496452620;erlehmann;i think it is like fefe said: a) tenure b) does not care
1664967;1496452642;erlehmann;i believed the suggestion to let NIST generate your private key was sarcasm
1664968;1496452665;asciilifeform;erlehmann: how about http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663987 ?
1664969;1496452665;a111;Logged on 2017-05-31 18:37 asciilifeform: 'Generating large amounts of truly random data is expensive. Fortunately, truly random data can be simulated by pseudorandom data produced by a stream cipher from a much smaller key. (Even better, slight deficiencies in the randomness of the cipher key do not compromise security.) The literature contains several scalable ciphers....' -- djb et al
1664970;1496452672;asciilifeform;also joke ?
1664971;1496452674;erlehmann;but then again i was sceptical of weev's aryan awakening at first as well
1664972;1496452677;asciilifeform;he wrote ~entire paper~ on subj
1664973;1496452685;asciilifeform;advocating the ~expanded~ use of prngs.
1664974;1496452716;asciilifeform;can you picture a renowned surgeon suddenly advocating bloodletting ?
1664975;1496452727;asciilifeform;the taking of antimony pill ?
1664976;1496452735;asciilifeform;extracting the Stone of Folly ?
1664977;1496452795;erlehmann;bloodletting, yes. there are rare diseases where it can work: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemochromatosis
1664978;1496452813;erlehmann;i have no interest in arguing about djb's merits tbh
1664979;1496452820;erlehmann;just redo
1664980;1496452850;erlehmann;i come from imageboard culture, where discussions only devolved into shitting on each other if a person was assuming a name
1664981;1496452967;asciilifeform;we don't do 'ideas have own merits'.
1664982;1496452983;asciilifeform;idea is not separable from the originator.
1664983;1496452999;asciilifeform;the notion that it is separable, is a historic mistake.
1664984;1496453063;erlehmann;often not, yes. to understand why URbit is designed in such an idiosyncratic way, i always suggest to read unqualified reservations first.
1664985;1496453111;phf;!!up erlehmann
1664986;1496453112;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1664987;1496453154;erlehmann;however, having a single command in a build script that says “rebuild the target, then rebuild the current target” seems trivial in comparison.
1664988;1496453217;erlehmann;also non-existence dependencies. yeah, i read it at djb's website, but if his implementation does not exist (not published = not existing in practical terms), i don't care about his opinions regarding that.
1664989;1496453283;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i followed the man's mathematical work ( and made extensive use of it ) which is why i found it disheartening to watch his intellectual honesty evaporate and the quality of said work, falling through the floor. but his solution to ~nonproblem does not pique my interest, i admit
1664990;1496453343;erlehmann;asciilifeform i have probably done more work on automatically capturing non-existence dependencies in real-world usecases (which seems also trivial, in retrospect) – so is it now my idea? why should i care what the guy says if he does not followup with code?
1664991;1496453473;erlehmann;btw, most problem's do not feel interesting to me and programming is not fun.
1664992;1496453496;erlehmann;programming (to me) is a blue collar job, like taking out the trash.
1664993;1496453527;erlehmann;wait, no, not taking out the trash. whatever it is called when they pick up trash cans.
1664994;1496453531;erlehmann;sorry, am sleepy
1664995;1496453571;erlehmann;it seems that it is not for other people.
1664996;1496453588;erlehmann;at least i am not aware of garbagemen having groupies
1664997;1496453683;erlehmann;asciilifeform i think one of the reasons why i thought it was satire was “Make RSA Great Again”
1664998;1496454198;asciilifeform;erlehmann: funny also that you mention urbit: see thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524741
1664999;1496454198;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 19:00 asciilifeform: 1 - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1352 << the sale
1665000;1496454226;erlehmann;i know that
1665001;1496454298;erlehmann;i agree with your assessment of urbit btw
1665002;1496454328;erlehmann;broken foundations
1665003;1496454332;asciilifeform;i bring it up because it was another d00d who advocated 1 set of principles : and implemented a very other in code
1665004;1496454450;asciilifeform;( mr. mold advocated for 'patchwork states', which were -- best as anyone could tell -- a miraculous resurrection of 16th c. italian provinces, somehow balanced in mutual non-nukeability . but in 'urbit' he implemented a reich, with central control and total dependence on the 'palace' )
1665005;1496454513;erlehmann;oh, that. well, i would argue the hints in hoon are enough to discount that stuff.
1665006;1496454536;erlehmann;or, for that matter, the silent bugfixing of nock 5k … without adjusting the temperature.
1665007;1496454601;phf;his concept of jets sort of reminds me of lisp VOPs, with similar failure modes. vops originally were supposed to abstract a lisp machine cpu on traditional hardware, so that, say, addition vop adds all the assembler overhead of typechecking etc. in reality it turned into an everything and kitchen sink way of adding arbitrary assembler to the system
1665008;1496454615;asciilifeform;it is more difficult to count the places where he did ~not~ commit an atrocity, than the atrocities.
1665009;1496454656;erlehmann;i am of the impression that any change to nock 5k should have become nock 4k, if goldbug were following his self-proclaimed principles, correct?
1665010;1496454660;phf;for some reason i always thought mr mold was a monarchist
1665011;1496454687;asciilifeform;he was a 'multi', if you will, monarchist
1665013;1496454708;asciilifeform;'let's have many small monarchies'
1665014;1496454746;erlehmann;funnily enough, my incomplete nock 5k implementation in sed(1) was a rough transliteration of the nock 5k spec
1665015;1496454772;erlehmann;just to illustrate you can get by with search-and-replace if your spec looks like that
1665016;1496454787;asciilifeform;erlehmann: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=103 << mine
1665017;1496454788;erlehmann;turns out changing the order of reduction rules is a problem in that case
1665018;1496454815;asciilifeform;it not only worked, but -- afaik -- remains the only 'optimizing' compiler of nock to x86
1665019;1496454820;asciilifeform;( free ride on top of sbcl ! )
1665020;1496454848;asciilifeform;of course 'nock' is merely s-k calculus with 'serial number sawed off'
1665022;1496454877;asciilifeform;gotta luvv how d00d took the credit for s-k calculus
1665023;1496454923;asciilifeform;!!up erlehmann
1665024;1496454923;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665025;1496455118;erlehmann;asciilifeform my implementation has the questionable benefit of seeing each step of the reduction rules being applied. screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/qh3zvSv.png
1665026;1496455192;phf;probably can be done with ascii's version by dropping a format somewhere inside mk-op
1665028;1496455213;erlehmann;but it comes naturally when you are working with sed(1)
1665029;1496455303;erlehmann;the beginning of nock.sed has a label “: reduce” and a single “p” command (“print the current pattern space”)
1665030;1496455322;erlehmann;as far as i can remember, i actually used it for debugging
1665031;1496455353;erlehmann;that being said, back to the topic at hand: intellectual dishonesty
1665032;1496455465;phf;(actually i'm not getting the same result from ascii's version as you do in your evaluator, but i don't want to devote any more time to it)
1665033;1496455466;erlehmann;asciilifeform how long did it take you to discover that urbit was built on sand? less than a year probably, going from the date on the blog post.
1665034;1496455551;asciilifeform;erlehmann: before release
1665035;1496455559;asciilifeform;( i found his repo prior to any public mention thereof )
1665036;1496455561;erlehmann;asciilifeform why then buy a dukedom?
1665037;1496455568;asciilifeform;i didn't !
1665038;1496455569;asciilifeform;he gave it to me
1665039;1496455573;erlehmann;ah, for decrement
1665042;1496455595;asciilifeform;it was why i wrote the nocktron
1665043;1496455599;erlehmann;i remember that blog post i think
1665044;1496455608;erlehmann;where he asked people to decrement with only addition
1665045;1496455641;erlehmann;a simple task, really. and one i have used to mock the workings of nock (heh)
1665046;1496455658;asciilifeform;was elementary once you realize it's a ripoff of s-k
1665047;1496455690;erlehmann;phf please do not devote time to debugging. but is the result of nock([57 [4 [0 1]]]) NOT 58?
1665048;1496455707;erlehmann;asciilifeform maybe that is it why it is nock 5K!
1665049;1496455720;erlehmann;“5K” looks like “SK”
1665051;1496455725;erlehmann;in 133t
1665053;1496455765;asciilifeform;pretty lulzy , erlehmann is not the first to assume that asciilifeform bought something from urbit
1665054;1496455775;asciilifeform;in actuality the 'dukedoms' were handed out like candy,
1665055;1496455780;phf;no idea, nock(..) doesn't work, so i did a substitution to *[57 [4 [0 1]]] and it gave me 1
1665056;1496455781;asciilifeform;iirc no fewer than 27, right off the bat
1665057;1496455794;asciilifeform;then a bunch more, for 'sponsors'
1665058;1496455797;asciilifeform;and 'investors' etc.
1665059;1496455828;erlehmann;asciilifeform my fault. i should have assumed differently.
1665060;1496455841;erlehmann;especially since i had followed the urbit story at that time
1665061;1496455848;erlehmann;and then lost interest quickly
1665062;1496455852;asciilifeform;iirc today he is selling 1/256th of'em
1665063;1496455862;asciilifeform;for 500usd ea.
1665064;1496455868;asciilifeform;but i have nfi who -- if anyone -- buys
1665065;1496455868;phf;it's a pretty standard marketing tactic: give out a bunch of stuff to high profile people, make the rest buy it on the assumption that "such and such bought"
1665066;1496455906;asciilifeform;phf: possibly this ; or possibly the cockroaches in his head decided , entirely arbitrarily, to do it, for no discernible logic at all
1665067;1496455915;phf;in a degenerate case this is also how scams work "everyone here already bought, what are you waiting for"
1665068;1496455949;asciilifeform;but it ended up as a fairly standard 'altcoin scam', yes
1665069;1496455953;erlehmann;on the other hand, i successfully used “see, this guy sold his dukedom in 2013” as argument to convince someone that urbit is of no use
1665070;1496455981;erlehmann;oh, but it has not ended yet! i am sure there can be at least one other unlaunch and relaunch
1665071;1496456024;erlehmann;i must admit moldbug is pretty good at creating memetic hazards
1665072;1496456058;asciilifeform;like many other american hucksters ( e.g. joseph smith ..) he is mainly good at scavenging & repackaging old crackpotteries
1665073;1496456064;asciilifeform;with 'new flavour'
1665074;1496456081;asciilifeform;old wine; new bottle.
1665075;1496456123;erlehmann;my worst urbit moment: after i read some hoon language code i started to understand it. immediately decided to no longer look at the stuff.
1665076;1496456155;erlehmann;like, not the code. but i started to understand hoon digraphs.
1665077;1496456156;asciilifeform;my least nonsensical hypothesis is that thiel funded urbit (yes) to make a half-hearted play at 'embrace&extinguish'ing bitcoin
1665078;1496456161;erlehmann;and what it should do.
1665079;1496456171;erlehmann;and where the impedance mismatches came from.
1665080;1496456197;erlehmann;reaction: when moldbuggery starts making sense, stop looking at it.
1665081;1496456243;erlehmann;asciilifeform how should urbit ever affect bitcoin?
1665082;1496456250;asciilifeform;idea was, by replacing
1665083;1496456259;asciilifeform;with a centrally-controlled pseudobitcoin
1665084;1496456265;asciilifeform;just like today's , e.g., 'ethereum' etc.
1665085;1496456270;erlehmann;i always thought it piggybacked on bitcoins marketing.
1665087;1496456298;asciilifeform;was from the (public) beginning 'we're like bitcoin, but with censorship, so When They Shoot The Bitcoinists, we'll live'
1665088;1496456304;erlehmann;ah yes
1665089;1496456321;erlehmann;“this is how bitcoin dies” and “we'll make our system so the state can censor everything with ease”
1665090;1496456350;erlehmann;“if the above makes sense to you, do not attempt revolution, sit in your chair and await certain death”
1665091;1496456359;erlehmann;classic moldbug
1665092;1496456382;asciilifeform;d00d consistently advocated 'sit in your chair, resistance is futile'
1665093;1496456397;asciilifeform;why he even bothered to write -- remained a mystery to me
1665094;1496456516;erlehmann;for some people it brings ease
1665095;1496456531;asciilifeform;that kind of 'ease' is why we have locking doors in shithouses
1665096;1496456536;asciilifeform;best done in private.
1665097;1496456556;asciilifeform;whereas shitting in public, is frowned upon by civilized folx.
1665098;1496456580;erlehmann;in the end he got paid for that
1665099;1496456597;asciilifeform;30 pieces of silver!111
1665100;1496456622;asciilifeform;esr , recall , also was 'well-paid' quisling,
1665101;1496456626;erlehmann;a guy i know told me he put 600€ in ETH and 400€ in BTC. without a concrete plan, of course.
1665102;1496456631;asciilifeform;!#s surprised by wealth
1665103;1496456632;a111;11 results for "surprised by wealth", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=surprised%20by%20wealth
1665104;1496456645;asciilifeform;today esr begs for spare change.
1665105;1496456664;erlehmann;i thought a bit and decided that person would probably eat shit if it promised riches.
1665106;1496456687;asciilifeform;in the end such folx invariably eatshit for free.
1665107;1496456703;asciilifeform;and enough of it -- to pop.
1665108;1496456733;asciilifeform;because a shit-eater -- rich, or poor -- is still a shit-eater.
1665109;1496456735;asciilifeform;!!up erlehmann
1665110;1496456736;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665111;1496456778;erlehmann;i knew about the patreon page and thought he was just unemployable maybe?
1665112;1496456788;asciilifeform;ever meet him in meatspace ?
1665113;1496456788;erlehmann;but apparently i do not know my history
1665114;1496456801;erlehmann;nope. should i?
1665115;1496456813;asciilifeform;i've seen him speak in public
1665116;1496456817;erlehmann;like, for the experience?
1665117;1496456839;asciilifeform;he prefaces always with 20+min of 'if you have a computer, you have relied on Things That I Wrote' etc various nonsense re own mega-significance
1665118;1496456856;erlehmann;rms is pretty charismatic btw. would meet again, even if i can guess i will not learn much.
1665119;1496456876;erlehmann;i sometimes tell that to hipsters.
1665120;1496456889;erlehmann;if you have GNOME 3, you have software on your computer that i wrote as a joke
1665121;1496456912;asciilifeform;wouldya believe i have 0 gnomes here.
1665122;1496456915;asciilifeform;of any ver.
1665123;1496456965;erlehmann;reason: i wrote a vintage filter for GNOME 3 when i discovered their screenshot app has a postprocessing step. i submitted patch and one person saw it as the garbage it was intended as, but then others were like WHAT A COOL EASTER EGG MERGE.
1665124;1496456997;erlehmann;if i was sufficiently bored, i would do the same to systemd
1665125;1496457089;asciilifeform;point re esr, is that he agreed to work as an ideological judas goat to counter rms
1665126;1496457090;erlehmann;asciilifeform i also have no gnomes.
1665127;1496457092;asciilifeform;and was handsomely paid
1665128;1496457102;asciilifeform;but somehow 100% of the money 'evaporated' in ~decade.
1665129;1496457103;erlehmann;judas goat, that is harsh. and to the point.
1665130;1496457128;erlehmann;open source : free software :: “new wave” : punk
1665132;1496457135;erlehmann;make the culture palatable to the businesspeople
1665133;1496457168;asciilifeform;the 'embrace & extinguish' thing. it worked.
1665134;1496457183;asciilifeform;you can only get ~actual~ linux today if you make it with own hands. and it takes about a month to go from 0 to a usable box.
1665135;1496457201;asciilifeform;( and if you haven't been doing it for ~decade+, you generally can't do it. at. all. )
1665136;1496457268;asciilifeform;aaaand even after you handcraft the gentoo, with bare hands and sewing needle, you still gotta 'police' the thing constantly, and keep out the poetteringisms that continuously want to build one another, and you have to swear off maybe half of all 'modern' proggies
1665137;1496457287;asciilifeform;e.g. graphical browsers ( 'chromium', say, insists on dbus )
1665138;1496457333;asciilifeform;and then you get a recent gcc and find that it 'optimizes' out safety checks so that exploits can work.
1665139;1496457348;asciilifeform;or that glibc imports drepper's 0days for you
1665140;1496457353;asciilifeform;( and prohibits static linking )
1665141;1496457424;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-28#1592090 << see also. and other threads.
1665142;1496457424;a111;Logged on 2016-12-28 19:23 mircea_popescu: which i suppose warrants a general warning : DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR GCC TO 5.0! SAVE YOUR COPIES OF 4.X AND PRIOR!
1665143;1496457465;asciilifeform;every time you sit down and fight a month-long rear guard battle just to keep your box ~usable -- thank esr & co.
1665144;1496457529;asciilifeform;!#s glibc
1665145;1496457530;a111;287 results for "glibc", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=glibc
1665146;1496457536;asciilifeform;^ yer in for a treat.
1665147;1496457539;asciilifeform;do read the logs.
1665148;1496457642;erlehmann;i don't get the hate against optimizing c compilers at all
1665149;1496457658;erlehmann;if you don't like undefined behaviour, don't write undefined behaviour
1665150;1496457680;asciilifeform;you can't actually write a nontrivial c proggy without undefined behaviour.
1665151;1496457687;asciilifeform;( e.g. integer overflow IS UNDEFINED in c )
1665152;1496457692;asciilifeform;and UNTRAPPABLE
1665153;1496457703;asciilifeform;on top of this, gcc5 happily removes , e.g., memset
1665154;1496457706;phf;kek "don't write undefined behavior"
1665155;1496457864;erlehmann;asciilifeform do you mean you need integer overflow or that it is difficult to check for it?
1665156;1496457885;asciilifeform;erlehmann: the fact that the result of overflow is literally undefined in c !
1665157;1496457899;asciilifeform;the thing is allowed, in theory, to catch fire, crash, substitute random number, whichever.
1665158;1496457901;asciilifeform;format the disk.
1665159;1496457903;asciilifeform;anything at all.
1665160;1496457905;erlehmann;i see it as a kind of type annotation
1665161;1496457916;erlehmann;allowing the compiler to infer that this does not happen, ever
1665162;1496457924;erlehmann;during normal operation
1665163;1496457925;asciilifeform;whereas ~100% of all nontrivial c proggies rely on modular arithmetic via overflow, somewhere.
1665164;1496457940;asciilifeform;and the compiler cannot possibly infer this.
1665165;1496457948;asciilifeform;( it is physically impossible )
1665166;1496457960;erlehmann;so i guess whoever hates on undefined behavior hates some kinds of typing
1665167;1496458008;asciilifeform;the basic idiocy of c world is that there is permitted to exist a gap between written standard and the actual implementation programs rely on
1665168;1496458023;asciilifeform;and malicious idiots can break a compiler, while still technically not violating the standard,
1665169;1496458036;asciilifeform;but at the same time subtly (or not subtly) breaking existing code,
1665170;1496458054;asciilifeform;in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
1665171;1496458064;asciilifeform;this is what the gcc5 folks spend their time doing.
1665172;1496458076;asciilifeform;and llvm team likewise
1665173;1496458082;asciilifeform;(tentacles of same octopus)
1665174;1496458109;asciilifeform;it is called 'embrace & extinguish' and was a method pioneered by microshit.
1665175;1496458116;asciilifeform;in 1990s.
1665176;1496458123;phf;c standard is written with an assumption of a "c machine", which in turn is entirely undefined
1665177;1496458129;asciilifeform;it works -- on the unprepared.
1665178;1496458155;*;asciilifeform bbl
1665179;1496458155;phf;so you bring all your assumptions of what c machine is with you, and then map a "standard" on top
1665180;1496458237;erlehmann;agree http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665167
1665181;1496458237;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:46 asciilifeform: the basic idiocy of c world is that there is permitted to exist a gap between written standard and the actual implementation programs rely on
1665182;1496458284;erlehmann;“avoid undefined behaviour” can mean “avoid C” http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665176
1665183;1496458284;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:48 phf: c standard is written with an assumption of a "c machine", which in turn is entirely undefined
1665184;1496458319;erlehmann;asciilifeform how far along are you in implementing sane foundations for sane personal computing?
1665185;1496458333;erlehmann;i assume FUCKGOATS does not help here?
1665186;1496458342;erlehmann;unless you consider it sane
1665187;1496458348;erlehmann;(and give me reason to)
1665188;1496458717;phf;!!up erlehmann
1665189;1496458717;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665190;1496459156;phf;i have nothing else to add to this conversation, i am though playing "have you heard this eurodance track" game with girl, where i play something that ~everyone~ danced to in the 90s, but didn't survive the test of time and see if she heard it
1665191;1496459248;phf;like masterboy or mr. president or snap!
1665192;1496459513;phf;!!up erlehmann
1665193;1496459513;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665195;1496459530;erlehmann;who is girl and what are the rules of the game?
1665196;1496459581;phf;there are no rules. she doesn't recognize most of the tracks and get indignant because "i love the 90s!1" but of course through the prism of whatever survived into the early 2000s
1665197;1496459608;phf;the result brings me great amusement
1665198;1496459655;erlehmann;i registered with deedbot. so what changes now?
1665199;1496459726;phf;!!rate erlehmann 1 new blood
1665200;1496459728;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/toyMw/?raw=true
1665201;1496459760;erlehmann;phf have you ever played “digital – a love story”? apparently christine love is too young, so she pieced together how 1989 looked through textfiles.com – http://scoutshonour.com/digital/
1665202;1496459790;phf;!!v 26D4E4DB84B37942E130111DD744601EE4E373EFB0AC035843397D2B715AE49A
1665203;1496459790;deedbot;phf rated erlehmann 1 << new blood
1665204;1496459855;phf;erlehmann: now you can /msg deedbot !!up and after decoding a challenge response send it back with /msg deedbot !!v  you'll be permanently upped while you're connected to services anyway
1665205;1496459867;phf;*connected to irc
1665207;1496459882;erlehmann;does it have other functions useful for me in my current state?
1665208;1496459935;erlehmann;in a channel i administered we had a ὀστρακισμός done by bot
1665209;1496459951;erlehmann;if you pissed of a minority of users, a ban happened
1665210;1496459979;erlehmann;worked until the person hosting the bot killed it
1665211;1496460010;erlehmann;and by “worked” i mean: no one complained that anyone should be kicked out
1665212;1496460015;erlehmann;because it was self-evident
1665213;1496460044;erlehmann;if you got at least 3 people representing at least 33% of voting populace, exile!
1665214;1496460116;erlehmann;> Ostracism was crucially different from Athenian law at the time; there was no charge, and no defence could be mounted by the person expelled. The two stages of the procedure ran in the reverse order from that used under almost any trial system — here it is as if a jury are first asked "Do you want to find someone guilty?", and subsequently asked "Whom do you wish to accuse?"
1665215;1496460353;phf;well, your current state is that you can talk at will
1665216;1496460482;phf;there's no "democracy", you're in deedbot's level 2 web of trust through my rating. there's a handful of useful people in l1 that can at some point decide that you shouldn't really speak anymore. that's about it. if you ever become useful, you can get into l1. thus the s/r is maintained
1665217;1496460493;phf;!!gettrust erlehmann
1665218;1496460493;deedbot;L1: 1, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
1665220;1496460548;erlehmann;wot connectivity i assume?
1665221;1496460551;phf;!!gettrust deedbot erlehmann
1665222;1496460552;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections.
1665223;1496460555;erlehmann;and L2 is amazon style recommendation?
1665225;1496460575;erlehmann;what is L1/L2?
1665226;1496460728;phf;distance, l1 is whatever's immediately rated, l2 is whatever's rated by your rates. an informal way to establish connectivity
1665228;1496460789;phf;there's a handy visualizer, but i've no idea what frequency it runs at
1665230;1496460870;erlehmann;!!rate deedbot 1 Most likely a bot.
1665231;1496460871;deedbot;You must be registered.
1665232;1496460891;phf;you gotta !!up yourself properly first
1665233;1496460894;phf;!!down erlehmann
1665234;1496460913;phf;actually i'm not sure why that should be the case..
1665235;1496461739;phf;!!up herbijudlestoids
1665236;1496461740;deedbot;herbijudlestoids voiced for 30 minutes.
1665237;1496461775;herbijudlestoids;whats crackin homeslices
1665238;1496461776;herbijudlestoids;thanks phf
1665240;1496461811;herbijudlestoids;thought I'd drop in and check on the crazies, I see things have changed dramatically
1665241;1496462294;BingoBoingo;herbijudlestoids: Have you found any new markets where I can take your money?
1665243;1496462344;herbijudlestoids;do you still suck at chess? :D
1665244;1496462361;BingoBoingo;No idea. Haven't played since I sobered up.
1665245;1496462374;herbijudlestoids;you sobered up?
1665246;1496462411;herbijudlestoids;I am trying to remember how we played last, it was some kind of texty thing, do you remember the interface for that?
1665247;1496462434;BingoBoingo;I don't remembe
1665248;1496462448;herbijudlestoids;what do you fuckin remember then :P
1665249;1496462507;BingoBoingo;Well a lot has happened since then... there's a nearly two and a half year old media empire, etc
1665250;1496462525;herbijudlestoids;yeah I went on trilema today and I was like wtf
1665251;1496462550;herbijudlestoids;BingoBoingo: is QNTRA thing your media empire?
1665252;1496462593;BingoBoingo;Well, not exclusively mine. For details see http://mpex.biz/?mpsic=S.QNTR
1665253;1496462639;herbijudlestoids;I saw something on trilema saying you can write articles for it and entitles you to shares in it?
1665255;1496462689;BingoBoingo;Anyways I'll let you get back to catching up
1665256;1496462711;herbijudlestoids;doesn't really seem like anyone is around except for you
1665257;1496462723;herbijudlestoids;nice to see things are still going on tho
1665259;1496462777;BingoBoingo;Well, there's quite a few people around but it's Friday night.
1665260;1496462785;BingoBoingo;Hence the sober one is around
1665261;1496462822;herbijudlestoids;for some reason I thought you were from .au but I must be mixing you up with someone else
1665262;1496462832;herbijudlestoids;(it's Sat here)
1665263;1496462849;phf;!!up erlehmann
1665264;1496462849;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665265;1496462855;erlehmann;BingoBoingo does there exist a gatekeeping mechanism so that qntra does not drown in horsecock as kuro5hin did?
1665266;1496462881;BingoBoingo;erlehmann: Yes, the gatekeeping mechanism is called editor
1665267;1496462890;BingoBoingo; for some reason I thought you were from .au but I must be mixing you up with someone else << That's cazalla
1665268;1496462905;erlehmann;BingoBoingo all articles on the front page are from you. editor, edit thyself?
1665269;1496462932;BingoBoingo;erlehmann: Well... write moar
1665270;1496462975;erlehmann;submission where?
1665271;1496463013;erlehmann;i think i can do one short hateful article about cryptoscamming before i sleep
1665272;1496463017;phf;in unrelated lulz erlehmann tried registering with deedbot with his key http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/vRSvx/?raw=true, every time he submits this url it returns the fingerprint 58FD21A3F5C47E7AB50496176468DB63F020E509, and he can do it multiple times. the result though is that the system appears it be in some weird partial state. i could rate him, as seen here, http://wot.deedbot.org/BDDE12104FE81BE7F83B698F5356DE4752432A9E.html but clicki
1665273;1496463017;phf;ng on his nick results in 404. likewise when he does !!up or !!rate deedbot claims that he's not registered. this doesn't look like an operator issue
1665274;1496463024;BingoBoingo;submission to editor, as encrypted and signed text http://trilema.com/2015/lacessiveram-editor/
1665275;1496463041;BingoBoingo; i think i can do one short hateful article about cryptoscamming before i sleep << Must be news.
1665276;1496463047;phf;trinque: ^
1665277;1496463056;erlehmann;BingoBoingo ok, it is already on reddit, so not news
1665278;1496463078;trinque;thanks phf; I'll look at it.
1665279;1496463086;BingoBoingo;Is it a specific thing or "cryptpscamming" in general
1665280;1496463102;erlehmann;BingoBoingo https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6ettq5/statement_on_quadrigacx_ether_contract_error/
1665281;1496463116;erlehmann;> The Web3 SHA3 implementation requires the Hex value to be prefixed with 0x - optional until Geth 1.5.6.
1665282;1496463126;erlehmann;> Our code didn't prefix the Hex string with 0x and when we upgraded Geth from 1.5.3 to 1.5.9 on the 24th of May, the SHA3 function call failed and our sweeper process then called the contract with an invalid data payload resulting in the ETH becoming trapped.
1665283;1496463141;erlehmann;result is >60k ETH in limbo
1665284;1496463156;erlehmann;translating to a lot of canadian dollares
1665285;1496463159;BingoBoingo;erlehmann: Go for it. I thought you meant some broad "pls to not be scammed" piece.
1665286;1496463188;erlehmann;BingoBoingo ok, where do i submit? or do i publish in my feed and it gets synced?
1665287;1496463211;phf;!!key erlehmann
1665290;1496463236;erlehmann;in b4 deedbot's weird
1665291;1496463262;BingoBoingo;You submit an ascii armoured block of encrypted and signed text. Most people use http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ and do a !~later tell url:///////
1665292;1496463277;trinque;s'ok we've got our best people on it
1665293;1496463279;trinque;hold my beer.
1665295;1496463324;erlehmann;trinque do you do full recognition before processing?
1665296;1496463331;erlehmann;BingoBoingo encrypted to whom?
1665297;1496463342;BingoBoingo;erlehmann: To my public key
1665298;1496463349;phf;!!key BingoBoingo
1665299;1496463349;erlehmann;!!key BingoBoingo
1665302;1496463362;erlehmann;classic 2 idiots 1 thought
1665303;1496463362;trinque;erlehmann: there are 4 key fingerprints in here; which did you want?
1665304;1496463369;phf;aight, that's my queue
1665305;1496463376;erlehmann;trinque i see, that was the error apparently!
1665306;1496463379;mircea_popescu;phf cue.
1665307;1496463400;trinque;erlehmann: known derp; should barf if it gets moar than one
1665308;1496463408;BingoBoingo;A queue of cues!
1665310;1496463420;*;trinque hasn't a clue
1665311;1496463424;erlehmann;trinque may i suggest http://langsec.org/
1665312;1496463509;trinque;thing broke when you used it incorrectly; what's the security problem
1665313;1496463512;trinque;what fp did you want
1665314;1496463539;erlehmann;“just don't hold it that way”
1665315;1496463543;erlehmann;but i disgress
1665316;1496463569;trinque;mk, I'm at some point going to go back to what I was doing.
1665317;1496463601;erlehmann;trinque so i just create an ascii armored pubkey export and try again?
1665318;1496463619;BingoBoingo; “just don't hold it that way” << Generally this is how tools work. Do not hold chainsaw by chain.
1665319;1496463630;erlehmann;chinsaw :>
1665320;1496463636;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664796 did you offer her to http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ?
1665321;1496463636;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 23:56 erlehmann: dear diary, yesterday a person on IRC asked me if i am jealous after i referred to ethereum as a scam again. jealous, i asked. yes, she answered, jealous of people who invest in cryptocurrencies!
1665322;1496463642;erlehmann;BingoBoingo sorry no article for you today. am sleepy enough.
1665323;1496463649;erlehmann;mircea_popescu indeed i did.
1665324;1496463662;mircea_popescu;!!up herbijudlestoids
1665325;1496463662;deedbot;herbijudlestoids voiced for 30 minutes.
1665326;1496463669;herbijudlestoids;hiya mircea_popescu :)
1665327;1496463669;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i even linked the sharpie in pooper incident to convince her of your generosity.
1665328;1496463675;mircea_popescu;what's new herbi
1665329;1496463696;mircea_popescu;erlehmann that dude... recently came up, iirc he got like 10 btc or some crazy old timer shit like that.
1665330;1496463714;herbijudlestoids;good question... been spending a lot of time recently studying SPARK/Ada
1665331;1496463718;herbijudlestoids;free time anyway
1665333;1496463757;herbijudlestoids;I was thinking of applications and had this idea of writing an implementation of bitcoind in SPARK
1665334;1496463762;mircea_popescu;it's becoming quite the thing in tmsr it seems.
1665336;1496463786;BingoBoingo;herbijudlestoids: That's another thing you missed
1665337;1496463790;mircea_popescu;yeah. teh most serene republic.
1665338;1496463792;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i think she thinks herself to be too modest. on the other hand, she has repeatedly told me she will not fuck me without me stating sexual interest, which in my experience people only do if they actually do think about fucking.
1665339;1496463808;mircea_popescu;erlehmann tits are only incidental to fucking anyway.
1665340;1496463820;erlehmann;i like exhibitionists
1665341;1496463827;mircea_popescu;herbijudlestoids i take it you missed alf's ada numeric lib too ?
1665342;1496463836;herbijudlestoids;I missed every fucking thing it seems
1665343;1496463839;herbijudlestoids;link me
1665344;1496463853;herbijudlestoids;so are others already discussing SPARK implementations of stuff here?
1665345;1496463880;herbijudlestoids;I also looked into this stuff https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/p-programming-language-asynchrony/
1665346;1496463885;herbijudlestoids;seems pretty fucking cool
1665347;1496463898;asciilifeform;lol did he also miss the block reader
1665348;1496463898;mircea_popescu;herbijudlestoids we pretty much settled on ada as the proper environment for critical code, more or less.
1665349;1496463905;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suppose he missed everything
1665350;1496463908;mircea_popescu;!!key herbijudlestoids
1665352;1496463915;mircea_popescu;!!rated herbijudlestoids
1665353;1496463915;deedbot;mircea_popescu has not rated herbijudlestoids.
1665354;1496463925;mircea_popescu;!!rate herbijudlestoids 1 missed on all the things.
1665355;1496463927;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/t8o7L/?raw=true
1665356;1496463927;herbijudlestoids;I got a sexysosexy rating from BingoBoingo
1665357;1496463937;mircea_popescu;herbijudlestoids so then you can self-voice.
1665358;1496463941;BingoBoingo;No rating flowed other way
1665360;1496463944;a111;Logged on 2014-02-14 00:43 BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: i tried to wipe out your bids with one limit order down to 111 satoshis and it skipped your bids and sold cheap
1665361;1496463945;trinque;erlehmann: I was asking you which fp you wanted to use, as several made it in here. I gather you registered more than one key?
1665362;1496463949;asciilifeform;herbijudlestoids: life is too short to read microshit's material
1665363;1496463954;erlehmann;trinque what is fp?
1665364;1496463958;asciilifeform;( for phree, at any rate )
1665365;1496463958;mircea_popescu;!!v A6A6C69E8F0E1285AE4F4FC53F593B07F6AEA2A73DCEE695CC25C022513FBB28
1665366;1496463958;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated herbijudlestoids 1 << missed on all the things.
1665367;1496463967;trinque;erlehmann: teh fingerprint of your key
1665368;1496463985;herbijudlestoids;asciilifeform: I didn't look too deeply, but take a look, it has TLA+ style formal verification properties
1665369;1496463993;erlehmann;trinque 0x6468DB63F020E509 i guess
1665370;1496464008;*;trinque will need another beer for this
1665371;1496464011;herbijudlestoids;I am kind of happy to hear that all this time I was gone, and thinking of this shit, you guys were also thinking of this shit
1665372;1496464047;asciilifeform;herbijudlestoids: i'm not particularly interested in aiding & abetting microshit's attempts to embrace&extinguish ada
1665373;1496464048;mircea_popescu;herbijudlestoids oh, do you at least know of v ?
1665374;1496464059;herbijudlestoids;v ?
1665375;1496464060;asciilifeform;( or in their take on haskellism )
1665376;1496464070;mircea_popescu;heh. so 100% missed out on everything
1665377;1496464094;phf;he probably also missed the RATO and the gp, and he wasn't here for the Larasian either
1665378;1496464105;BingoBoingo;Well, everything since valentine's day 2014 it seems
1665379;1496464106;mircea_popescu;now you're just being mean
1665380;1496464127;herbijudlestoids;seems I'm not even using the same fucking gpg key
1665381;1496464135;herbijudlestoids;will need to root through my backups
1665383;1496464141;herbijudlestoids;it's around somewhere
1665384;1496464199;herbijudlestoids;so is anyone going to link me this ada numeric lib by "alf" or not!
1665385;1496464222;mircea_popescu;yeah lessee
1665386;1496464251;herbijudlestoids;asciilifeform: fair enough I guess
1665387;1496464261;herbijudlestoids;so is the consensus on Ada or full SPARK mode
1665389;1496464307;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform where is the current version or wut ?
1665390;1496464447;herbijudlestoids;I had a lot of fun reading the log today of asciilifeform talking about NIC drivers
1665391;1496464456;erlehmann;trinque i do not understand
1665392;1496464472;erlehmann;trinque i tried again and used --export-options export-minimal
1665393;1496464475;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Bmfny is most recent one i posted iirc
1665394;1496464477;erlehmann;but it did not help?
1665395;1496464532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ^
1665396;1496464547;mircea_popescu;a ok.
1665397;1496464554;erlehmann;trinque consider the following http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/DUowJ/?raw=true
1665398;1496464560;*;herbijudlestoids looks
1665399;1496464612;asciilifeform;'Muen uses Intel’s hardware-assisted virtualization technology VT-x as core mechanism to separate components. The kernel executes in VMX root mode..' << lulzy liquishit
1665400;1496464620;BingoBoingo;More on the busted Preetling https://archive.is/C6akM
1665401;1496464633;erlehmann;asciilifeform source of liquishit?
1665402;1496464639;erlehmann;you seem to like this word
1665403;1496464642;erlehmann;at least use it often
1665404;1496464654;mircea_popescu;wintel is ~source of liquid shit
1665405;1496464661;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform source of liquishit? << usually clostridium and diary
1665406;1496464784;herbijudlestoids;asciilifeform: yeah I noticed it is managing this small codebase because it's relying on VT-x and other virt techs also
1665407;1496464844;asciilifeform;intel-proprietary crudware; faux process-separation ( quite impossible on x86 arch ); megatonne of crud; typical academitard snorefest
1665408;1496464896;asciilifeform;also 'small' does not mean what you think it means, herbijudlestoids
1665409;1496464915;herbijudlestoids;I just mean small like 8000 LOC or whatever they said, but obviously they are offloading stuff to VT-x
1665410;1496464915;asciilifeform;'small' is, say, 2000 ~short, portable~ lines.
1665411;1496464923;herbijudlestoids;right, fair definitions
1665412;1496464934;asciilifeform;i.e. 0 asm ( unless whole thing in asm )
1665413;1496464942;herbijudlestoids;so I guess then it's not just a question of Ada, but also you want a good arch
1665414;1496464947;herbijudlestoids;what is an asciilifeform acceptable arch?
1665417;1496464986;mircea_popescu;not yet designed.
1665418;1496464997;asciilifeform;there are ugly archs, and less-ugly, thread was about hard separation of processes, which can only happen on separated machines.
1665419;1496465030;herbijudlestoids;yeah, those kind of definitions are appreciated again
1665420;1496465069;herbijudlestoids;mircea_popescu: I believe something has been designed around this ...
1665421;1496465076;herbijudlestoids;CHERI processor, SAFE processor
1665423;1496465099;asciilifeform;re 'small', my ffa example ( linked earlier ) is illustrative. basic bignum arithm stack, works on any machine bitness or endianness
1665424;1496465105;mircea_popescu;maybe. doesn't seem terribly convincing.
1665426;1496465142;asciilifeform;herbijudlestoids: 'metadata rule engine' lol again academitardism
1665427;1496465161;phf;!#seenbefore herbijudlestoids
1665428;1496465161;a111;2015-12-07  hows life, assets!
1665429;1496465172;asciilifeform;a sane machine arch fits in a few pgs of, e.g., verilog. definitionally.
1665430;1496465175;phf;there you go
1665431;1496465210;mircea_popescu;it's probably the case a correct cpu is closer to how they make gpus -- paste a bunch of same cores all over the chip surface and that's that.
1665432;1496465214;asciilifeform;herbijudlestoids: and must be UTTERLY predictable in operation.
1665433;1496465226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: chuck moore's, say.
1665435;1496465292;mircea_popescu;certainly none of that bullshit multi-layered cache pipeline and "prediction" and "management engines" and etc. destructured rahter than multistructured.
1665436;1496465305;asciilifeform;anyway sane arch was developed in '80s and called... fpga
1665437;1496465315;asciilifeform;now if only someone made honest fpga.
1665438;1496465339;asciilifeform;doesn't get moar destructured than fpga...
1665439;1496465364;herbijudlestoids;asciilifeform: do you hate this one too https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/security/ctsrd/cheri/
1665440;1496465377;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform basuically this crash-safe thing looks like a mostly theoretical xilinx blob
1665441;1496465413;herbijudlestoids;it's academic so I am guessing yes
1665442;1496465426;herbijudlestoids;altho I gotta say I am a fan of capability style systems
1665443;1496465457;asciilifeform;it's the umpteenth 'let's bolt safety to c machine by compartmentalizing processes REALLY!!11 well with proprietary iron' attempt, mircea_popescu
1665444;1496465461;asciilifeform;total snore.
1665446;1496465479;asciilifeform;!!up erlehmann
1665447;1496465479;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665448;1496465536;erlehmann;asciilifeform why don't you make FPGAs? or processors for that matter? starting with home computers?
1665449;1496465553;asciilifeform;erlehmann: expensive
1665450;1496465601;asciilifeform;erlehmann: coupla $mil for 1980s-sized ic. try it some time, get quotes.
1665451;1496465619;asciilifeform;( and recall that it usually takes ~several~ shots.. )
1665452;1496465622;phf;capability systems demand capability ontology, which in practice is both expensive to develop and impractical to upkeep
1665453;1496465637;mircea_popescu;moreover, too soon.
1665454;1496465687;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1664976 << this, yes.
1665455;1496465687;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 01:18 asciilifeform: extracting the Stone of Folly ?
1665456;1496465706;asciilifeform;erlehmann: unless you're rockefeller, it is the kind of thing you do solely if you believe that you can sell'em and make profit.
1665457;1496465710;mircea_popescu;am personally acquainted with subjects who'd immensely benefit
1665459;1496465835;asciilifeform;( erlehmann : recently there are also chip fabs that charge 'only' six-figure usd: but they make pretenses to own your design! in the small print !! )
1665461;1496465962;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665007 << the concept of "jets" reminds me of the miserable sort of "vp of busines development" that's basically scarlet o'hara, and a good whipping'd have benefitted immensely.
1665462;1496465962;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 01:50 phf: his concept of jets sort of reminds me of lisp VOPs, with similar failure modes. vops originally were supposed to abstract a lisp machine cpu on traditional hardware, so that, say, addition vop adds all the assembler overhead of typechecking etc. in reality it turned into an everything and kitchen sink way of adding arbitrary assembler to the system
1665463;1496465968;mircea_popescu;usually known in bitcoin as "idea people"
1665464;1496465980;mircea_popescu;!!up herbijudlestoids
1665465;1496465980;deedbot;herbijudlestoids voiced for 30 minutes.
1665466;1496466032;erlehmann;in the beginning i thought jets would work like a recognizer + cache
1665467;1496466037;erlehmann;but alas, it was just hints
1665468;1496466057;erlehmann;so for example the markdown support? just joking, all of this is done by some C lib
1665470;1496466076;herbijudlestoids;in front of all tmsr I admit that I lost my old gpg keypair it seems, thought I had it in my backups but they all seem to have the current one I'm using
1665471;1496466079;mircea_popescu;i dunno what one'd have to have been eating in college to imagine jets as "a-wizard-did-it" handwave solution could possibly work in any practically useful sense.
1665472;1496466086;asciilifeform;erlehmann: in practice it's a nightmare of 'chinese scholarship' -- you're forced to stick to particular forms so as to goad the recognizer into maybe-working
1665473;1496466095;herbijudlestoids;how does a fool change their pubkey association, phf or anyone? or am I just stuck now
1665474;1496466110;mircea_popescu;herbijudlestoids make a new name ?
1665475;1496466130;herbijudlestoids;but I will lose my sexysosexy rating from BingoBoingo!
1665477;1496466143;erlehmann;asciilifeform but there is no recognizer. just a rune to tell the hoon interpreter to get fucked
1665478;1496466170;herbijudlestoids;fine, I guess I can abandon this old nick anyway
1665479;1496466175;asciilifeform;erlehmann: he promised recognizer!1111
1665480;1496466205;asciilifeform;'we tried for the best, but got like-always'
1665481;1496466209;mircea_popescu;sina try you know, your name, like adults / sane people.
1665482;1496466228;erlehmann;asciilifeform maybe moldbug imagined himself steve jobs, who also sometimes lied brazenly.
1665483;1496466231;phf;!#seenbefore sina
1665484;1496466231;a111;I haven't seen sina before
1665485;1496466234;mircea_popescu;!!up sina
1665486;1496466236;deedbot;sina voiced for 30 minutes.
1665487;1496466255;mircea_popescu;!#seenbefore sluts
1665488;1496466255;a111;I haven't seen sluts before
1665489;1496466324;erlehmann;oh i thought this might be a channel with sluts
1665490;1496466338;mircea_popescu;apparently not.
1665492;1496466346;asciilifeform;ada is slut enuff!11
1665493;1496466353;mircea_popescu;yeah i'm kinda also disappoint
1665494;1496466382;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i once was in a channel where the rule was that new members would only be full members if they are in the local hookup graph
1665495;1496466391;erlehmann;worked like a charm
1665496;1496466394;phf;a111 is a scribe, toils at keeping the logs, what do you expect
1665497;1496466431;mircea_popescu;erlehmann the problem with this approach is that females don't actually have much interesting to say as a general rule ; and the ones that do are too busy to be worth much on the hookup front.
1665498;1496466444;erlehmann;mircea_popescu sounds depressingly heterosexual
1665499;1496466477;mircea_popescu;~only way out is to keep slavegirls, but then a) you won't particularly want to share and b) it'll take a lot of actual work.
1665500;1496466493;mircea_popescu;!!key sina
1665502;1496466503;erlehmann;well, i know that approach works. slowly, but it works. after a while you have a knot of people who hook up with each other.
1665503;1496466506;mircea_popescu;sina you gonna actually take care of that one ?
1665504;1496466540;sina;mircea_popescu: yeah I use it and it has proper backups
1665505;1496466563;mircea_popescu;!!rate sina 1 missed on all the things!
1665506;1496466565;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kUwQx/?raw=true
1665507;1496466567;erlehmann;mircea_popescu also i prefer the ones that have interesting stuff to say.
1665508;1496466587;mircea_popescu;!!v 5381E06E7065BB3D549679641D24927613EC3AACF4AECE526CC0DC65AD71360A
1665509;1496466587;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated sina 1 << missed on all the things!
1665510;1496466591;mircea_popescu;erlehmann this does not happen naturally.
1665511;1496466600;erlehmann;the preference or the saying?
1665512;1496466652;erlehmann;since i learned that sex is cheap i try to only fug with ppl who i would spent a similar amount of time with even if sex was not in the picture. turns out this is a good heuristic to avoid assholes.
1665513;1496466669;erlehmann;cheap as in == easy to acquire
1665514;1496466687;mircea_popescu;the saying.
1665515;1496466747;erlehmann;problem is, i err too often for my taste
1665516;1496466800;erlehmann;e.g. had a 20 year old tell me recently that she would not meet me that often if she would expect that fucks would not be given
1665517;1496466807;erlehmann;thought a bit about it, have not met her since
1665518;1496466854;erlehmann;regarding urbit and hints: https://github.com/urbit/arvo/blob/master/sys/hoon.hoon#L25
1665519;1496466914;erlehmann;asciilifeform as i understand it, “~/ %add” says “use the C implementation here”. fun exercise: remove ~/ digraphs until implementation breaks.
1665520;1496466929;erlehmann;when it breaks, you have proof that hoon cannot compile itself
1665521;1496467500;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665069 << actually, the evaluation of the urbit thing that resulted in that decision happened mostly in this very log.
1665522;1496467500;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:12 erlehmann: on the other hand, i successfully used “see, this guy sold his dukedom in 2013” as argument to convince someone that urbit is of no use
1665523;1496467564;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665077 << in general, the funding of cocksuckers is not exactly a cogent consideration in this sense. more of a case of, "whatever, she can have $bits, see what comes of it"
1665524;1496467564;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:15 asciilifeform: my least nonsensical hypothesis is that thiel funded urbit (yes) to make a half-hearted play at 'embrace&extinguish'ing bitcoin
1665525;1496467608;sina;ok, I have clearly no fucking clue what is going on
1665526;1496467622;sina;gpg -K lists my secret key
1665527;1496467640;sina;when I run gpg --decrypt input from the OTP, it says gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available
1665528;1496467647;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665087 << which reminds me, genius boy hasn't found his ballsac to confront http://trilema.com/2013/stage-n-bitcoin-exists/ to this very day. i have nfi what they're thinking, either, what, someone walks up to you, pisses ion your drink, you'll go all buffett "we couldn't find anyone pissing in mr w's drinks" and that'll wash ?
1665529;1496467647;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:18 asciilifeform: was from the (public) beginning 'we're like bitcoin, but with censorship, so When They Shoot The Bitcoinists, we'll live'
1665530;1496467655;sina;I can export the key it is clearly there wtf is going on
1665531;1496467670;mircea_popescu;sina maybe you need to feed it a pw.
1665532;1496467682;sina;I do, but why isn't it asking me for a pw?
1665533;1496467769;sina;what the fucking fuck is going on
1665534;1496467921;sina;it asks for a pw if I run `gpg --sign`
1665535;1496468066;mircea_popescu;buncha cryptonoobs!
1665536;1496468069;mod6;!!up sina
1665537;1496468070;deedbot;sina voiced for 30 minutes.
1665538;1496468089;BingoBoingo; but I will lose my sexysosexy rating from BingoBoingo! << NO, you rated ME that
1665540;1496468207;sina;what the fuck have I done wrong here. "gpg --export --armor sina.sa@gmail.com" ==> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/STTlS/?raw=true ...registered with that. got an OTP URL from above. put it into a file called 'input', run 'gpg --decrypt input' get that error above
1665541;1496468239;sina;BingoBoingo: that rating from you was the literal core of my being and now it is crumbling away
1665542;1496468259;sina;I am a mote, floating in a sea of meaningless futility
1665543;1496468294;BingoBoingo;sina I did not rate you that. Read the direction on the rating page. You rated me!
1665544;1496468318;sina;but in my mind, all this time, as I navigated through my day to day life, I have been thinking that you rated me as sexy
1665545;1496468321;sina;so sexy
1665546;1496468325;sina;and now it turns out wrong
1665547;1496468331;sina;brb going to kill myself
1665548;1496468338;BingoBoingo;Note diagram
1665550;1496468418;BingoBoingo;Oh, fuck off. Now I'm starting to wonder who the drunk was in 2014
1665551;1496468452;sina;it was you asshole :D
1665552;1496468458;sina;I don't drink
1665553;1496468496;mircea_popescu;new south wales does not drink. TROLLING DETECTED
1665554;1496468500;sina;anyway I am also coming to terms with the apparent fact that I can't fucking GPG to save my life
1665555;1496468533;sina;how the fuck can I sign arbitrary files but not decrypt them
1665556;1496468554;mircea_popescu;probably by not signing with the pubkey you're supposed to decrypt with, but a different one.
1665557;1496468561;sina;I can even export the secret key with 'pg --export-secret-keys --armor 7A6DC051'
1665558;1496468579;mircea_popescu;!!key sina
1665562;1496468602;mircea_popescu;that part seems right yeah.
1665563;1496468620;mod6;what os / version of gpg?
1665564;1496468621;sina;and this is why I thought I didn't have the herbi key backed up because I was getting the same error
1665565;1496468634;sina;fedora 24 gpg 1.4.21
1665567;1496468683;sina;mod6: the key was generated on, I think ubuntu 12 or 14.04 with a version of gpg I can't remember
1665568;1496468694;sina;fuck is this some kind of gpg2 vs gpg1 shit
1665569;1496468704;mircea_popescu;not likely
1665570;1496468722;BingoBoingo;Admit you are powerless over GPG and that your life has become unmanageable
1665571;1496468767;sina;BingoBoingo: yeah I am 100% there
1665572;1496468810;BingoBoingo;2. Come to believe that a power GPG'er than yourself can restore you to sanity
1665573;1496468832;sina;I can run 'gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --sign input', it asks me for a password, I copy/paste the pw from my keepassx, it signs the fucking document
1665574;1496468835;BingoBoingo;3. Surrender your will and life to TMSR as you understand it
1665575;1496468854;mircea_popescu;sina have you verified the signature ?
1665576;1496468870;sina;I run 'gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --decrypt input' and I get error saying no secret key
1665577;1496469066;sina;mircea_popescu: I can do a detached signature and verify the sig, yes
1665578;1496469078;mircea_popescu;pretty weird.
1665579;1496469126;sina;mircea_popescu: I know I am pestering, sorry. any chance you can encrypt a doc against my key
1665580;1496469130;sina;and paste it somewhere for me to test
1665582;1496469177;phf;i think you generated a sign only key
1665583;1496469183;sina;BingoBoingo: "save for later" LOL
1665584;1496469209;sina;phf: I used to use this key to identify with assbot all the time :(
1665585;1496469223;phf;doing pgpdump on your pubkey says it's a "Pub alg - DSA Digital Signature Algorithm(pub 17)"
1665586;1496469230;sina;at least, I thought I did and now I think I'm just a piece of crazy shit
1665587;1496469245;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/CoDeR/?raw=true <<
1665588;1496469251;mircea_popescu;check out the totally lulzy string it spit out
1665589;1496469256;phf;where's it supposed to say something more like "Pub alg - RSA Encrypt or Sign(pub 1)"
1665591;1496469276;sina;I can decrypt that
1665592;1496469286;mircea_popescu;theeeen you shouldn't have a problem.
1665593;1496469288;sina;Hurr durr
1665594;1496469289;mircea_popescu;what's it say ?
1665596;1496469303;mircea_popescu;wtf is the issue then
1665597;1496469325;sina;ok, so facts are, my fucking backup system did in fact fucking work, and the herbi key was in my keyring uncorrupted this whole time
1665599;1496469364;sina;and I registered "sina" against the same key thinking it was a different key
1665600;1496469364;mircea_popescu;so they i don't get it, why cant' you !!v ?
1665601;1496469428;BingoBoingo;So, at 6.5 days since last nicotine, most profound side effect so far is having to learn to drive again because "WTF does left hand do nao?"
1665602;1496469451;sina;I dunno man, I also tried "curl http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kUwQx/?raw=true | gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --decrypt
1665603;1496469455;sina;gpg: decryption failed: secret key not available
1665604;1496469465;BingoBoingo;So far answer to that question is hand signals to other drivers
1665605;1496469474;sina;BingoBoingo: also nut scratching
1665606;1496469477;sina;congrats on 6.5d
1665607;1496469511;mod6;sina: well, if you're using this above command exactly, you may need to do: `curl -sL "http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/kUwQx/?raw=true" | gpg --local-user 7A6DC051 --decrypt" instead
1665608;1496469517;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665140 << or in other words, that you don't actually have linux.
1665609;1496469517;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:35 asciilifeform: ( and prohibits static linking )
1665610;1496469534;sina;mod6: same error
1665611;1496469567;mircea_popescu;!!up test_1
1665612;1496469567;deedbot;test_1 voiced for 30 minutes.
1665613;1496469569;sina;how the fuck is it possible mircea_popescu can encrypt a msg against that key and I can successfully Hurr durr, but the OTP won't?
1665614;1496469591;mircea_popescu;sina i have nfi, it's pretty wtf.
1665615;1496469594;sina;maybe phf is right and my key is fucked for real operations?
1665616;1496469607;phf;no i'm wrong
1665617;1496469610;mircea_popescu;i can't see how me encrypting something isn't real ops.
1665618;1496469639;mircea_popescu;trinque can you think of anything weird deedbot might be doing ? total impasse over here.
1665619;1496469656;sina;I am glad it isn't just me
1665620;1496469697;mircea_popescu;sina do the !!v thing in public so i can see wtf it's sending you ?
1665621;1496469730;sina;!!v 7BFEED118C1BD7FA160C7780CA8F764D7A6DC051
1665623;1496469743;mircea_popescu;no the other part. !!rate someone or whatrever so it makes you an otp
1665624;1496469752;sina;!!rate mircea_popescu gentleman and scholar
1665625;1496469768;mircea_popescu;needs a number after name
1665626;1496469770;sina;!!rate mircea_popescu 1 gentleman and scholar
1665627;1496469771;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/TKYJp/?raw=true
1665628;1496469802;sina;that worked!
1665629;1496469804;sina;!!v A219F31FDD833D1408844473A0436E8608707B6CC91445D2FF2B1A4FA1356753
1665630;1496469804;deedbot;sina rated mircea_popescu 1 << gentleman and scholar
1665631;1496469805;mircea_popescu;see, it's encrypted to 1c68710e
1665632;1496469810;mircea_popescu;a 3kb elg-e key.
1665633;1496469828;sina;2014 was a strange time, why did I make a 3072 bit DSA elg-e key?
1665634;1496469830;mircea_popescu;and also apparently works ? so wtf is the problem ?
1665635;1496469848;mircea_popescu;im not even sure why the fuck deedbot would accept such a thing.
1665636;1496469879;asciilifeform;doesn't it run on gpg..?
1665637;1496469903;asciilifeform;ergo eats what gpg eats.
1665638;1496469905;test_1;i tried an dsa/elgamal key, and it seems to be working no problem
1665641;1496469924;sina;it works now?
1665642;1496469929;sina;I could just up myself
1665643;1496469946;sina;brb going to kill myself
1665645;1496469966;phf;yall need jesus.
1665647;1496469983;sina;BingoBoingo: got anymore of those funnies
1665648;1496470013;BingoBoingo;sina: Sure, plenty once you catch up on these past 3 years of log
1665649;1496470118;BingoBoingo;Until you demonstrate mastery in content of missed logs, you are forbade from self killing
1665650;1496470122;sina;phf: yall write this deedbot in lisp?
1665651;1496470131;sina;BingoBoingo: noted
1665652;1496470144;phf;sina: that's trinque's, and yes
1665653;1496470146;mircea_popescu;there's a candy whore in lisp ; deedbot is iirc written in rdbms.
1665654;1496470150;sina;is clojure a dirty word to you?
1665655;1496470158;BingoBoingo;Big bonus of catching up on log is knowing who to blame for which bot
1665656;1496470171;sina;wait you crazy fuckers wrote a bot in sql stored procedures?
1665657;1496470174;sina;I like it
1665658;1496470197;mircea_popescu;it all makes sense once you implement macros.
1665659;1496470239;sina;mircea_popescu: do you knnow why I am here today? because earlier this week I was telling a friend about this time a crazy Romanian saved OpenBSD with a bitcoin donation
1665660;1496470251;sina;good times
1665661;1496470251;mircea_popescu;oh ? what'd they say ?
1665662;1496470275;sina;mircea_popescu: something dumb like "what's openbsd"
1665663;1496470275;BingoBoingo;!!up shinohai
1665664;1496470276;deedbot;shinohai voiced for 30 minutes.
1665667;1496470323;BingoBoingo;shinohai: The erlehmann and sina camhos may need coaching on how to submit to qntra
1665669;1496470340;BingoBoingo;!!up simonpenner
1665670;1496470341;deedbot;simonpenner voiced for 30 minutes.
1665671;1496470351;BingoBoingo;simonpenner: Long time no see.
1665672;1496470367;sina;BingoBoingo: how do you get ownership of shares if you don't have an MPex seat tho
1665673;1496470374;BingoBoingo;Not 3 years long, but still long in internet time
1665674;1496470396;mod6;<+phf> yall need jesus. << haha
1665675;1496470400;BingoBoingo;sina: Well there's brokerage or simple butt storage
1665676;1496470411;sina;I keep most things in my butt
1665677;1496470412;phf;!!seenbefore simonpenner
1665678;1496470417;phf;!#seenbefore simonpenner
1665679;1496470417;a111;2017-01-29  oic
1665680;1496470428;shinohai;Coaching requires something to make it worth my while
1665681;1496470430;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665154 << i have nothing to hide!!!
1665682;1496470430;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:41 phf: kek "don't write undefined behavior"
1665683;1496470452;shinohai;Like btc or epic lulz
1665684;1496470464;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Well, camhos. Propose consideration you would accept.
1665685;1496470502;BingoBoingo;Like pooper sharpeis
1665686;1496470510;sina;shinohai: propose transfer you my payment for first submission to qntra
1665687;1496470558;*;shinohai recalls the time (I think it was BingoBoingo and TradeFortress) made Candi's husband put sharpie in pooper ....
1665688;1496470612;shinohai;sina what exactly do you need assistance with ?
1665689;1496470638;sina;I dunno, lets say I wrote an article "#breaking, #headline, BingoBoingo sucks 200 dicks ..."
1665690;1496470641;sina;how I submit
1665691;1496470688;mircea_popescu;encrypt it to his key put it in wotpaste and link it to him
1665692;1496470694;sina;altho I feel like I remember BingoBoingo saying you just .asc that sucker and ! tell
1665694;1496470708;shinohai;You write said submission, `aspell -c submission`, then clearsign the result with your gpg key.
1665695;1496470714;BingoBoingo;Not as .asc, as paste
1665696;1496470732;shinohai;Then, encrypt to BingoBoingo 's public key
1665697;1496470737;shinohai;easy peasy
1665698;1496470790;BingoBoingo; You write said submission, `aspell -c submission`, then clearsign the result with your gpg key. << You forgot "Proofread for its vs. it's, because aspell doesn't know"
1665701;1496470877;shinohai;Spell check is actually kind of worthless as exists now if you speak more than a single language ....
1665702;1496470894;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665191 << cocojambo! pretty fun game, indicative of how we fuck girls that are really way too young.
1665703;1496470894;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 03:07 phf: like masterboy or mr. president or snap!
1665705;1496470967;sina;its sat afternoon here so I am gonna go do some weekend stuff
1665706;1496470973;sina;me love you long time
1665707;1496470984;sina;rly good to see your chars streaming across my term once again
1665708;1496471052;mircea_popescu;have fun
1665709;1496471052;BingoBoingo;Keep coming back. It works when you work it!
1665711;1496471104;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665245 << bwahaha
1665712;1496471104;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 03:59 herbijudlestoids: you sobered up?
1665713;1496471160;shinohai;Where did we get camhos from BingoBoingo .... I'm on mobile so missing the log
1665714;1496471187;*;shinohai always has eye for fresh talent.
1665715;1496471187;BingoBoingo;I'm just guessing they are camhos
1665716;1496471189;mircea_popescu;reddit/imaho ?
1665718;1496471898;mircea_popescu;in other wolisome, 6am log is like 1k lines god help us.
1665719;1496472128;BingoBoingo;Is this new testament god or still newer testament god?
1665721;1496472264;*;shinohai kicked girl out of house when she said "Why do you read that boring log every day, can't you just facebook like the rest of us"
1665722;1496472330;shinohai;Current companion is a bit more housebroken.
1665723;1496472357;BingoBoingo;Newspaper trained?
1665724;1496472415;shinohai;Yup. She can piss on the AJC on cue.
1665726;1496472684;mircea_popescu;atlanta jeorjia news ?
1665727;1496472711;shinohai;Yeah, not worth the paper printed on.
1665728;1496472869;mircea_popescu;amusingly, it occurs to me 0.02 btc actually comes to a whopping ~50 bucks again!
1665729;1496472895;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1665730;1496472903;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2477.43, vol: 12685.98640740 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2391.605, vol: 5057.38829 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2377.7, vol: 12804.97505964 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2542.046932, vol: 20766.02830000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2483.955, vol: 6675.9205161 | Volume-weighted last average: 2471.81366243
1665731;1496472927;BingoBoingo;Oh, lawdy the moar things change!
1665732;1496472933;mircea_popescu;you know ?
1665733;1496472936;shinohai;Must be why indiancandy texted me today and asked if I was a btcillionare yet.
1665734;1496472961;mircea_popescu;lel. should prolly do a new run of wherever whores cuntgregate.
1665735;1496473083;shinohai;I'm trying to come up with new ideas. twitter is simply full of fat chicks, etc that pay me to tweet their bullshit until they realize no one fucking cares anyway.
1665736;1496473258;shinohai;I forgot I did meet another semi-hot Colombian chick a fortnight ago that I wanted to !~tits
1665738;1496473634;shinohai;I may be wrong, but I think the future of this whole camho thing is making some sort of business model that is like, say Qntra, where the ladies get shares based on content.
1665739;1496473773;mircea_popescu;eh, there's ~no future to it. agricultural work.
1665740;1496474033;shinohai;Well I was inspired by http://trilema.com/2015/a-proper-social-site-for-the-bdsm-community/ .... but it seems minds have been poisoned by traditional "social media", etc to the point no one sees the value in this.
1665741;1496474100;mircea_popescu;i expect huh.
1665742;1496474263;mircea_popescu;basically the fundamental problem is that precious cuntlets want their precious cuntlet to be worth money through it not being used ; whereas the only way it could ever be worth anything would be through intensive usage.
1665743;1496474323;mircea_popescu;traditional porn / society beats this stupid out of whores physically, but there's no substitute for online.
1665745;1496474409;mircea_popescu;"you know that pamela andersen, that's been like on every single mag cover and took everyone up the ass ? well, i'm just like her, except i live in a closet and never did anything like that!" "yeah, i can totally see the resemblance".
1665746;1496474510;shinohai;Sounds like indiancandy. "I totally do cam work but GOD FORBID I stick ANYTHING in my vagina."
1665748;1496474954;jhvh1;shinohai: 469505
1665749;1496498765;mircea_popescu;!!up erlehmann
1665750;1496498765;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1665751;1496498795;mircea_popescu;why are you still messaging me.
1665752;1496498827;erlehmann;either extreme lag or me misunderstanding how deedbot works
1665753;1496498834;mircea_popescu;let's see ?
1665755;1496498841;deedbot;You may not $up yourself.
1665756;1496498849;erlehmann;that is correct behaviour, i presume?
1665757;1496498853;mircea_popescu;!!key erlehmann
1665759;1496498866;erlehmann;still 404
1665761;1496498878;mircea_popescu;!!gettrust deedbot erlehmann
1665762;1496498879;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
1665763;1496498880;erlehmann;that is incorrect behaviour, i presume?
1665764;1496498891;mircea_popescu;myeah. what exactly happened here ?
1665765;1496498925;erlehmann;i have no idea. before i went to sleep it was telling me i need to register, when i was doing !!up – even though i had already.
1665766;1496498987;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665316 << seems to be it.
1665767;1496498987;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 04:19 trinque: mk, I'm at some point going to go back to what I was doing.
1665768;1496499006;mircea_popescu;basically you registered multiple keys, confirmed none, timedout the dood trying to help you.
1665769;1496499011;mircea_popescu;what's with the add approach ?
1665770;1496499104;erlehmann;i thought this was an ok answer http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665369
1665771;1496499104;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 04:26 erlehmann: trinque 0x6468DB63F020E509 i guess
1665772;1496499126;erlehmann;seems i need to learn more about deedbot and then try again instead of wasting others time
1665773;1496499170;mircea_popescu;erlehmann do a final !!register  with the actual pubkey of the key you want to use, no backsies, in here so it gets recorded and hopefully gets done today.
1665775;1496499364;erlehmann;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/B6uhP/?raw=true
1665777;1496499385;erlehmann;that looks exactly like the fingerprint of the key i wish to use
1665779;1496499481;erlehmann;so was that all? if not, what could i do more? the instructions seem to end here http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-participate-in-the-affairs-of-the-most-serene-republic/#footnote_2_68942
1665780;1496499519;mircea_popescu;should be all.
1665781;1496499532;mircea_popescu;give the guy a chance to get around to it.
1665782;1496502812;BingoBoingo;From the cancerous faggot department: "Maher seemed encouraged by the answer and said that he should “get to Nebraska more.” Sasse then replied that the comedian was welcome to go: “We’d love to have you work in the fields with us.” Maher seemed surprised by Sasse’s invitation and then jokingly replied, “Work in the fields? Senator, I’m a house nigger.”"
1665784;1496502914;BingoBoingo;The cancerous faggot and the Senator both have some aggro incoming, but Senator is drawing the brunt of it for not "seeing something, saying something"
1665785;1496502935;mircea_popescu;what was he supposed to say, "dun lie to me bitch, i know a field nigger when i see one" ?
1665786;1496502994;BingoBoingo;Seriously "Your name is Toby, you will be whipped until you acknowledge your name is toby and you work the field"
1665787;1496503013;mircea_popescu;"your comedy has become unmanageable"
1665788;1496503055;mircea_popescu;i had nfi nebraska even had slavery.
1665789;1496503198;mircea_popescu;"The bill introduced in [Omaha City] Council, for the abolition of slavery in this Territory, was called up yesterday, and its further consideration postponed for two weeks. A strong effort will be made among the Republicans to secure its passage; we think, however, it will fail. The farce certainly cannot be enacted if the Democrats do their duty." << 1859.
1665790;1496503225;BingoBoingo;It was a short one. As much as Nebraska barely exists now, it's existence was more barely in the time leading up to Herr Lincoln's war of aggression
1665791;1496503390;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, https://www.reddit.com/r/girlsgonewild
1665792;1496503461;BingoBoingo;And notice what on the more "inclusive" https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewild/ with no gender specified
1665793;1496504024;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1665794;1496504030;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2542.74, vol: 10766.22137381 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2449.0, vol: 5149.89939 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2436.9, vol: 12141.9770871 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2580.742532, vol: 19784.16060000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2548.0, vol: 5382.42247766 | Volume-weighted last average: 2524.18284441
1665795;1496504038;BingoBoingo;So much crashing
1665796;1496505422;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in real leadership, http://i.imgur.com/ju1wwZm.gifv
1665797;1496505916;mircea_popescu;and in other unexpected developments : the eu reacted to trump backing out5 of paris accord by pretending the us is not run by washington, and will just work directly to "business leaders" and state governors instead.
1665798;1496505933;mircea_popescu;this is like, lizard internecine warfare.
1665799;1496507641;BingoBoingo;This is an actual violation of the Logan Act of 1799
1665801;1496507792;BingoBoingo;"Undermining US foreign policy"
1665802;1496507802;mircea_popescu;should be funny to see mayors carted off to jail
1665803;1496507811;mircea_popescu;they made some sort of joint declaration w/e
1665804;1496507828;mircea_popescu;yet somehow i suspect trump\s still not found his male pants.
1665805;1496507910;BingoBoingo;Well, this is why Gov shutdown was scheduled for this coming fall and not this past spring. Shitgnomes need time to crawl out of toilet and sign own indictments
1665806;1496507987;mircea_popescu;https://www.curbed.com/2017/6/1/15726376/paris-accord-climate-change-mayors-trump <<
1665807;1496508051;mircea_popescu;including bill peduto, lel.
1665809;1496508184;BingoBoingo;In other news, vegetarian hippies oppose beef ban in India because, "muh muslims!
1665811;1496508839;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665775 << you're registered. I deleted the other registrations. phf's rate seems to have been lost in the mess, so...
1665812;1496508839;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 14:16 erlehmann: !!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/B6uhP/?raw=true
1665813;1496508848;trinque;!!rate erlehmann 1 new blood
1665814;1496508850;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/1tmjn/?raw=true
1665815;1496508854;mircea_popescu;!!rate erlehmann 1 new blood
1665816;1496508856;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/zlbhy/?raw=true
1665817;1496508861;shinohai;http://archive.is/jhCRq   <<< This is hilarious. "I'm trying to arrange things where people don’t have to trust me."
1665818;1496508869;trinque;!!v 92F669C6BA2DBE01149020CED1E7E057E1E298E4C7357D036A291D426366D482
1665819;1496508869;deedbot;trinque rated erlehmann 1 << new blood
1665820;1496508879;mircea_popescu;!!v 99BCC6E96A78895E2C6CF7477852D9ADA708A3C370D39A2AF13D349DED846AC1
1665821;1496508879;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated erlehmann 1 << new blood
1665822;1496508883;trinque;!!gettrust deedbot erlehmann
1665823;1496508883;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections.
1665824;1496508892;trinque;welcome welcome
1665825;1496508910;mircea_popescu;shinohai one funny aspect is that apparently dorks imagine "i'm trying to" as some sort of blank card, dun need to make any sort of effort to explain meaningfully what you're doing. "i'm trying to", good enough.
1665826;1496508969;shinohai;Just like he "tried to" verify those signed messages from Hoaxtoshi?
1665827;1496508985;mircea_popescu;he tried and therefore nobody should piss in his drooly mouth.
1665828;1496509043;erlehmann;ok, this works
1665829;1496509068;erlehmann;thanks for helping
1665831;1496509151;erlehmann;> Users of the Random Sanity Project can take those random numbers – from 16 to 64 bytes – and input them into the service, which will return a 'true' if the bytes look random, or a 'false' if the numbers don't.
1665832;1496509157;erlehmann;that seems like the more hilarious part of it
1665833;1496509224;shinohai;erlehmann: See http://qntra.net/2017/05/usg-asset-gavin-andresen-pretends-to-meaningfully-inspect-your-random/
1665834;1496509338;erlehmann;the stupidity looks fractal to me
1665835;1496509365;erlehmann;> https://rest.randomsanity.org/v1/q/$BYTES
1665836;1496509434;erlehmann;1. put “rest” in URL. 2. ??? 3. RESTful service achieved
1665837;1496509541;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in quality gear, http://i.imgur.com/uVPhnCn.gifv
1665838;1496509550;erlehmann;; curl https://rest.randomsanity.org/v1/q/0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
1665840;1496509607;erlehmann;… and on the second invocation it returns false. seems like a classic GET with side effects.
1665841;1496509643;asciilifeform;erlehmann: there's 3 or 4 faux phuctors by now -- and that's just the ones i turned up
1665842;1496509657;asciilifeform;all of'em have a few things in common.
1665843;1496509690;asciilifeform;( e.g. not publicly displaying ANY useful result ! )
1665844;1496509695;erlehmann;ok, this is getting silly “curl https://rest.randomsanity.org/v1/q/12341234123412341234123412341234” returns true
1665845;1496509731;asciilifeform;erlehmann: iirc all that one did was to see if $value was submitted before
1665846;1496509964;erlehmann;asciilifeform i see the genius of the naming now, sane people can respond to such things with “i'd rather FUCKGOATS” and be right 100% of the time
1665847;1496509982;asciilifeform;erlehmann: ftr mircea_popescu named that one
1665848;1496512469;*;BingoBoingo thought FUCKGOATS was a natural path to other product names like PASHTUN and BLANKET and HAYBARN
1665849;1496512487;BingoBoingo;While not forgetting URMOM
1665850;1496512492;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/fake-news-media-celebrates-mayors-seditionist-collaboration-with-foreign-governments-undermining-us-foreign-policy/ << Qntra - Fake News Media Celebrates Mayors' Seditionist Collaboration With Foreign Governments Undermining US Foreign Policy
1665851;1496512515;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo many mayors
1665852;1496512531;BingoBoingo;ty fxd
1665853;1496512555;shinohai;LOL >>> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DBZVA8cXYAEwY_p.jpg
1665855;1496512596;mircea_popescu;check it out, anon horseface opines!
1665857;1496513511;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i did consider possible 'FUCKPIGS' for the bigger one..
1665858;1496513592;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: FUCKPIGS has different herding harness when clustered, APPALACIAN
1665860;1496513757;BingoBoingo;And the extreme environment hardened variant FUCKSHEEP is herded by SCOTSMAN
1665861;1496513783;asciilifeform;lol i have the 'extreme' one going as we speak,
1665862;1496513794;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-02#1664464 )
1665863;1496513794;a111;Logged on 2017-06-02 03:21 asciilifeform: meanwhile!! http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/cagetest/1.jpg , http://nosuchlabs.com/fg/cagetest/2.jpg
1665864;1496513995;asciilifeform;water (it floats...), dust-, and rf- proof..
1665865;1496513998;BingoBoingo;And it's a very nice one
1665867;1496514096;asciilifeform;surprisingly cheap, the box, also (10-20bux, from this vendor, depending on size; has conductive gasket, comes with bolts)
1665868;1496514100;BingoBoingo;Perfect for a TRUESCOTSMAN
1665870;1496514128;mircea_popescu;alf will not rest until fg goes up someone's butt
1665871;1496514151;asciilifeform;i actually considered a 'dildonic' silicone casting around it
1665872;1496514157;asciilifeform;shape is more or less accomodating
1665873;1496514161;BingoBoingo;Well the waterbag around butt attenuates rf signals coming through the air
1665874;1496514213;asciilifeform;('a phallic symbol's anything that's longer than it's wide!')
1665875;1496514282;BingoBoingo;Like a bench
1665876;1496516326;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/minigame-smg-may-2017-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), May 2017 Statement
1665877;1496517596;ben_vulpes;top logs this am gents
1665878;1496517791;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes is candi still around your castle ?
1665879;1496517838;ben_vulpes;ah, shame no
1665880;1496517847;ben_vulpes;let me go boot her back up
1665881;1496517856;mircea_popescu;yeah, great for noobs to play with her tits.
1665882;1496531476;asciilifeform;in other lulz, a parcel asciilifeform sent to the wrong continent -- came back!
1665883;1496531610;asciilifeform;months later.
1665886;1496538527;mod6;<+asciilifeform> lol i have the 'extreme' one going as we speak, << these are awesome!
1665887;1496541501;mod6;<+asciilifeform> in other lulz, a parcel asciilifeform sent to the wrong continent -- came back! << haha
1665888;1496548265;ben_vulpes;little known fact, mayer allan brenner still hosts (but does not link to!) his books at http://www.mayerbrenner.com/download/
1665889;1496548327;ben_vulpes;mayer allan brenner *
1665890;1496548331;ben_vulpes;mayer alan brenner *
1665891;1496548373;mod6;how goes ben_vulpes ?
1665892;1496560197;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1665893;1496560203;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2523.08, vol: 11187.71991472 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2458.005, vol: 5120.95816 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2443.7, vol: 12542.811038 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2596.303332, vol: 11385.36070000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2529.508, vol: 6111.40667579 | Volume-weighted last average: 2513.24281176
1665894;1496562351;mircea_popescu;whossat ?
1665895;1496588450;ben_vulpes;mod6: well enough, although http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665134 is haunting my every step
1665896;1496588450;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:33 asciilifeform: you can only get ~actual~ linux today if you make it with own hands. and it takes about a month to go from 0 to a usable box.
1665897;1496588579;ben_vulpes;most recent caltrop was that something in the xorg-drivers tower of chairs wants a 5-series gcc
1665898;1496588770;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: eighties/nineties pulp series; did a take on magic driven by a sugar->'power' conversion in the mitochondria; arc revolves around a few rebels who piece it together and tilt at toppling the gods; rereading to see if the genre spoof held up at all
1665899;1496589654;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> mod6: well enough, although http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665134 is haunting my every step << yeah.
1665900;1496589654;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:33 asciilifeform: you can only get ~actual~ linux today if you make it with own hands. and it takes about a month to go from 0 to a usable box.
1665901;1496589697;mod6;in fact, the gcc5 thing is driving me nuts too; i've got a new notebook to replace the one with the bad 'o' key (you might remember from c3) and getting everything setup is like hair-pulling.
1665902;1496589839;mod6;anyway, gl!  maybe i'll get mine to work too. :]
1665903;1496589994;asciilifeform;mod6: much easier to get new kbd for it
1665904;1496590121;mod6;this is true.  it works ~fine~ otherwise.  just getting a bit old.
1665906;1496590165;asciilifeform;what means 'getting old' in this context
1665907;1496590183;asciilifeform;kbd worn? replace. fan clogged with shit? clean it
1665908;1496590250;asciilifeform;the one maybe-tricky bit is lcd : my x60 lcd is showing spots of rot
1665909;1496590267;asciilifeform;may be time to get a new panel, while they're gettable.
1665910;1496590381;mod6;haha. yah, keyboard needs replacing, and, should replace the hdd at some point. other than that, works good.
1665911;1496590400;mod6;i typically try to just "get a new one" every five years or so, and retire the old one.
1665912;1496590402;asciilifeform;put TB ssd in
1665913;1496591328;*;jurov bought several 2/3TB hdds off ebay last year, all going fine
1665914;1496591333;BingoBoingo;Hit the heatsinks with carb cleaner, etc
1665915;1496591370;jurov;bought one new 256G SSD, it died after 40G LBAs_written
1665916;1496591383;jurov;(was replaced without prob)
1665917;1496591399;jurov;oops, 40T LBAs_written
1665918;1496592730;danielpbarron;ben_vulpes, i ran into some trouble with X and gcc and here are some portage use/mask files that i think got it working http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Ahc2R/?raw=true
1665919;1496593948;asciilifeform;jurov: who made the shit ssd ?
1665920;1496593959;asciilifeform;or was this same as in prev thread re subj
1665921;1496593983;jurov;yes that one, "patriot spark"
1665923;1496594010;asciilifeform;jurov: i've had pretty good results with samsung
1665924;1496594015;asciilifeform;( 0 duds )
1665925;1496594055;asciilifeform;a quality hdd is not a substitute for backups , however.
1665926;1496594074;asciilifeform;nor for raid5-with-hotspare
1665927;1496594160;asciilifeform;in other lulz : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhzWjx6OPjo
1665928;1496594190;asciilifeform;^ ww2-style dive bombing in philippine war
1665929;1496594199;asciilifeform;june 1
1665930;1496595459;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-04#1665928 << i find it somewhat amusing that just as soon as independent ruler sends da's to investigate usg corruption, isis discovers it really can't live w/o philippines
1665931;1496595459;a111;Logged on 2017-06-04 16:36 asciilifeform: ^ ww2-style dive bombing in philippine war
1665932;1496596652;mircea_popescu;goes with the sudden drop in "terrorist" attacks in france once macron was "elected".
1665933;1496597568;mircea_popescu;what will dem crazy terrorists think of next!
1665934;1496597677;asciilifeform;germany, iirc, next.
1665935;1496597702;mircea_popescu;afaik germany took no "fuck you, socialist international" referendum recently.
1665937;1496597716;asciilifeform;but for election.
1665938;1496597778;mircea_popescu;ah, you figure merkel loses ? seems unlikely, germans are dumb.
1665939;1496597802;asciilifeform;not loses, no.
1665940;1496597819;asciilifeform;but helped along with a few reminder-snackbars.
1665941;1496598012;mircea_popescu;such a ridiculous position of these muppets. so, on one hand, they;'re utterly dependent on bullshit parascientific nonsense to continue financing themselves -- "global warming", "latest socio-behavioural studies" bla bla nonsense. leaving aside just how untenable it is, they're stuck parasitizing "developed democracies", ie the poorest, most desperate shitholes ever. and THEN they're stuck fighting the culture war. somehow a
1665942;1496598013;mircea_popescu; bunch of old women are supposed to manage to misrepresent their trite idiocies as hip and "universal consensus", though the unlikely venue of marking reddit user groups as spam and deleting shit people said on twitter.
1665943;1496598040;mircea_popescu;and all this for the tenuous control of a sinking ship, not like there's going to be a "europe" by the time the chinese are done "developing its infrastructure"
1665944;1496598159;mircea_popescu;you couldn't make up a worse party if you deliberately tried, as a livresque exercise. i can scarcely imagine there's anyone anywhere idiotic enough to allign himself with this shit as some sort of will-to-power thing.
1665945;1496598193;asciilifeform;veeery short-term thinking, is what they run on, as i understand.
1665946;1496598216;mircea_popescu;i mean sure, it worked for obama. but all the white/jew boys of the curtis yarvin description, i dunno what school you gotta go to in order to come out quite that fucking cluleless. it's not even dumb, it's like anti-smart.
1665947;1496598234;asciilifeform;last night asciilifeform was wandering in washington, overhearing the usual 'my internship!' idiot chatter
1665948;1496598251;asciilifeform;swarms of 'pantsuit', and they want for nothing
1665949;1496598266;asciilifeform;the maggots will eat very, very well, until corpse runs out.
1665950;1496598321;mircea_popescu;"oh look at me mom, i picked the corsican tribe in un prophete! we'll so totally end up fucked in the ass!"
1665951;1496598339;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform o really ? what do they eat ? where do they sleep ?
1665952;1496598357;mircea_popescu;you keep making these utterly anti-reality pronouncements. did you follow them up to see, concretely, how "well" they eat at denny's ?
1665953;1496598367;asciilifeform;they eat 100 $ /plate, sleep in posh georgetown townhousen
1665954;1496598406;asciilifeform;some of the chix even dress to mircea_popescuine spec
1665955;1496598417;mircea_popescu;eh get out.
1665956;1496598429;mircea_popescu;obama's share of the loot was
1665957;1496598440;mircea_popescu;!~calc 8.5 * 10**6 / 2513.24281176
1665958;1496598441;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 8.5 * 10**6 / 2513.24281176 = 3382.084675713259
1665959;1496598447;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu wants photodocumentary, i could possibly even make one. though phf is better qualified, he goes deeper into subj iirc
1665960;1496598459;mircea_popescu;3k btc. and that's fucking obama, he went in in the 70s, when it was actually a good time to go into socialism.
1665961;1496598476;asciilifeform;what's the logic to conclude that the 8.5m house was 100% of his loot
1665962;1496598481;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform phf will not support your insanity. the last time any of those interns had a $100 plate, it was hash brownies.
1665963;1496598484;asciilifeform;for all i know -- it was 1%
1665964;1496598492;mircea_popescu;for all you know, it was 5000%.
1665965;1496598513;mircea_popescu;ie, he has a mortgage. just like the rich what's her name journa-ho that turned out to live in conditions you yourself would not consider.
1665966;1496598557;asciilifeform;which one was this
1665967;1496598587;mircea_popescu;eh, the one that "discovered" who "Satoashi really was" bla bla.
1665968;1496598627;mircea_popescu;got totally stomped. much to her disbelieving surprise, bitch thought there's a gamergate everywhere, and somehow items just like her isn't what pikes are decorated with.
1665969;1496598689;mircea_popescu;anyway. in the current winds, going pantsuit is a slightly worse career choice than starting a sideline in petty theft.
1665970;1496598701;mircea_popescu;maybe i should have shittington plastered in that huh.
1665971;1496598905;asciilifeform;speaking of, every other light pole now has propaganda re 'putler' etc
1665972;1496599167;mircea_popescu;i bet lel.
1665973;1496599411;mircea_popescu;remember http://trilema.com/2016/pisi-dot-ar-y-otras-temas/ ? endgame of the whole "raising awareness" bs.
1665974;1496600012;asciilifeform;^ over here you have to go as far from 'throne' as, e.g., uni. of md, to see these.
1665975;1496600214;mircea_popescu;reaslly ? now THAT i'd like to see photodocumented
1665976;1496600229;mircea_popescu;kinda curious re paper/paint variance among the socialistard tribes.
1665977;1496600254;asciilifeform;iirc i posted a bunch of these, in 2014ish
1665978;1496600263;mircea_popescu;did you ?
1665979;1496600265;asciilifeform;the 'occupy' people (~same) also
1665980;1496600268;asciilifeform;they were largely a snoar
1665981;1496600281;mircea_popescu;i recall the occupy thing, but very unimpressive paperworks.
1665982;1496600284;asciilifeform;i still have a few dozen GB of film lying around
1665983;1496600315;mircea_popescu;yeah film notrly teh best of mediums for these.
1665984;1496600438;mod6;i typically try to just "get a new one" every five years or so, and retire the old one.
1665985;1496600454;mircea_popescu;is this re girlfriends ?
1665986;1496601404;mod6;oh whoops. that was an error.
1665987;1496601419;mod6;somehow hit up and enter when I shouldn't have.  sorry.
1665988;1496601436;mod6;it was re: the laptop.  remember that one I had with the bad 'o' key?
1665989;1496601442;mod6;finally gonna retire it.
1665990;1496601758;mod6;<+asciilifeform> last night asciilifeform was wandering in washington, overhearing the usual 'my internship!' idiot chatter << do you ever troll 'em and ask where you can apply?
1665991;1496603520;mircea_popescu;generally you apply at their renfaire / demonstration things.
1665992;1496603672;asciilifeform;typically you gotta get recommended through komsomol or whatever they call theirs
1665993;1496603699;asciilifeform;i.e. 'university' cocksuck circuit.
1665994;1496603733;mircea_popescu;nah, that's the loser track.
1665995;1496603754;mircea_popescu;works if you're trying to be a party favour until you hit age 30 ; and pretty much female only anyway.
1665996;1496603839;mircea_popescu;(it's the method that produced eg http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-05#1007152
1665997;1496603839;a111;Logged on 2015-02-05 01:38 decimation: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/jill-kelley-e-mails-depict-a-striving-tampa-socialite-and-a-smitten-military-brass/2015/02/03/ef8cb06c-a800-11e4-a06b-9df2002b86a0_story.html?hpid=z2  << apparently being a bigshot usg general means you get to handpick 'honorary ambassadors' to serve you meals
1665998;1496604001;jurov;http://electronconf.com/ "We published a list of speakers that does not reflect the standards to which we hold ourselves. We will be postponing this event until we can deliver a more diverse slate of speakers."
1665999;1496604079;mircea_popescu;and, as a fine example of what being a dumbass cuckold actuaslly is like in practice, i bet you none of the people who were published as speakers will lifetime shitlist anyone who was involved in organising the shitshow.
1666000;1496604102;mircea_popescu;because somehow passive-aggressive bullshit like that is "socially acceptable" in cuck society.
1666001;1496605252;asciilifeform;sane folx wouldn't be caught dead signing up for that thing to begin with
1666002;1496605301;asciilifeform;you won't find asciilifeform on speaker list for 'shithub conf' etc
1666003;1496605951;trinque;https://www.buzzfeed.com/blakemontgomery/portland-protests?utm_term=.vmxmV5mdG#.gvkpO2pve << ey ben_vulpes, sounds like this amounts to the mega-christian bumpkin kids vs leftist whiners ?
1666004;1496605958;trinque;they should sell tickets to that fight
1666005;1496605994;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but their pretense is that they're ~somehow~ still people.
1666006;1496606063;*;mod6 remembers the picnic-ers of the first battle of manassas
1666007;1496606176;trinque;I don't think the antifa types can afford guns
1666008;1496606196;mircea_popescu;well for one thing you gotta be non-felon to get one neh ? whereas pot...
1666009;1496606299;trinque;aha, whereas these adventists and other christian fundamentalists, no record, many guns. also command structure.
1666010;1496606317;trinque;I always get too optimistic when these things happen.
1666011;1496606344;mod6;just sayin, if you're not in the fight, "get the fuck off the X"
1666012;1496606368;mircea_popescu;not even the command structure is the thing. an ideology which insistently points out to the rank and file that they ain't got no say. it's not up to them. they don't make decisions. are not in control. it's not up to them. etc.
1666013;1496606403;trinque;I did some work on a warehouse management program for a farm products distributor up there.
1666014;1496606419;trinque;guy who ran it had total authority over the folks who worked for him
1666015;1496606430;trinque;whole thing was run under this particular christian sect of his
1666016;1496606455;mircea_popescu;lol taylor-made for the purpose ?
1666017;1496606461;trinque;so, there are folks up there that have loyal foot soldiers, guns, etc. the guy even spoke candidly with me about post-collapse plans
1666018;1496606487;mircea_popescu;seems ~only workable approach.
1666019;1496606809;*;trinque bbl
1666020;1496610378;ben_vulpes;trinque: don't getcher hopes up
1666021;1496610428;ben_vulpes;there's a tiny slice of the left that has any stomach for violence in the first place.
1666022;1496610491;ben_vulpes;not that the vaste horde of shellshocked are interested in going anywhere near downtown portland, i don't think anyone is these days.
1666023;1496626880;BingoBoingo;Apparently Portland McStabby was a racis Bernie Bro
1666024;1496631320;BingoBoingo;Lo-l http://qntra.net/2017/05/fiat-wraps-up-miserable-may-as-malaise-reaches-new-lows/#comment-100543
1666025;1496631374;BingoBoingo;"I just wanted to"... "but you guys seem mean to me"
1666026;1496631440;mircea_popescu;lol redditards
1666027;1496634454;BingoBoingo;!~google competence porn
1666028;1496634455;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Are you hooked on competence porn ? - Telegraph - The Telegraph: ; competence porn - Wiktionary: ; The Martian, Sherlock Holmes, and why we love competence porn ...: (1 more message)
1666029;1496636358;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D51CE11AEBA34A453A079F1B846588882CC952F9C41ECA15812360F2C210888 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1374...8559 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FR 60 S)
1666030;1496636358;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D51CE11AEBA34A453A079F1B846588882CC952F9C41ECA15812360F2C210888 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1640...9107 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown FR 60 S)
1666031;1496638332;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1666032;1496638336;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2586.68, vol: 8549.92302101 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2531.9, vol: 5218.59957 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2526.9, vol: 10784.26082203 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2640.780796, vol: 12784.19920000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2585.277, vol: 5494.40443755 | Volume-weighted last average: 2580.92180934
1666033;1496642654;BingoBoingo;In other WaPo lulz: "Despite a recent uptick in the Russian birth rate, the country still has an old undereducated population plagued by chronic disease, and its economy isn’t exactly an innovative dynamo." << Forgetting that USia is a diabetic crisis full of hamplanets useful for little other than biodiesel
1666034;1496642802;mircea_popescu;innovative dynamo! tru because fake media says so!
1666035;1496669528;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/411613C287DB5AADF988E2AA6FE5A735E9C448C40E60DB7F2E677417874439C8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1562...0897 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown BG)
1666036;1496669528;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/411613C287DB5AADF988E2AA6FE5A735E9C448C40E60DB7F2E677417874439C8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1407...7877 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown BG)
1666037;1496671782;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2B59E9E00EEF865CB23F3ADB6B971F4FF32A99FF4CEB399921E063CEDB9C98DC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1750...4967 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 11)
1666038;1496671782;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2B59E9E00EEF865CB23F3ADB6B971F4FF32A99FF4CEB399921E063CEDB9C98DC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1643...4117 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 11)
1666040;1496672785;asciilifeform;heya mod6
1666041;1496672793;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/zxBmN << in today's lulz
1666042;1496672808;asciilifeform;'A group of fifteen consortium members from seven European countries has initiated this week a new project to curtail criminals and attackers from using blockchain technology to avoid law detection, while at the same time respecting the privacy rights of legitimate users.' << didjaknow !
1666043;1496672829;asciilifeform;and at the same time '...will respect individual privacy and other fundamental rights'
1666044;1496672864;asciilifeform;also 5mil euro dun seem like esp. much
1666045;1496672927;asciilifeform;( would buy... 6-7 gavins and a smallish server or two..? )
1666046;1496678602;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666042 << i don't think the bullshit is ever going to cease, for as long as there's a single socialist-criminal standing up somewhere they're go9ing to engage in criminal socialism.
1666047;1496678602;a111;Logged on 2017-06-05 14:26 asciilifeform: 'A group of fifteen consortium members from seven European countries has initiated this week a new project to curtail criminals and attackers from using blockchain technology to avoid law detection, while at the same time respecting the privacy rights of legitimate users.' << didjaknow !
1666048;1496679201;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666045 << the way the lizards expect the shit to work is exactly in the way mp -saves-openbsd worked : as seen moneyz. recall the story of the us embassy spending a whooping 50k to start an "empire" of fake news tv stations etc ?
1666049;1496679201;a111;Logged on 2017-06-05 14:28 asciilifeform: ( would buy... 6-7 gavins and a smallish server or two..? )
1666050;1496679270;asciilifeform;i.e. conductor's baton ?
1666051;1496679482;mircea_popescu;see, they're not really made to function in a reality of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-04#1665942 ; they arose in an agar of "stone soup", and are only really fit to function in that context.
1666052;1496679482;a111;Logged on 2017-06-04 17:40 mircea_popescu:  bunch of old women are supposed to manage to misrepresent their trite idiocies as hip and "universal consensus", though the unlikely venue of marking reddit user groups as spam and deleting shit people said on twitter.
1666053;1496679510;mircea_popescu;if a 50k expenditure isn't "polarizing" and doesn't result in EVERYONE beelining to give at the office, they really dunno what to do, have no plans, nothing.
1666054;1496679557;mircea_popescu;that's why it's so fucking important to http://trilema.com/2017/time-to-get-out-by-the-way/ ; and why it's so extremely effectual, also.
1666055;1496679828;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : ubisoft (famous as a place where great franchises go do tie) actually CHECKS YOUR PW FOR "BAD" WORDS.
1666057;1496679923;mircea_popescu;try it yourself lmao.
1666058;1496679934;mircea_popescu;(also, fuck is bad, idiots is not, whatever)
1666060;1496680007;asciilifeform;well! you wouldn't want nsa d00d hand-scraping the pw lists for addition to bruteforcetron collection, to be Offended!111 It Would Be Wrong
1666061;1496680023;mircea_popescu;what if he's an ethnic female in a wheelchair.
1666062;1496680028;asciilifeform;aha, especially
1666063;1496680044;asciilifeform;'hiv lesbian in wheelchair dancing macarena' (tm)(r)(uncle al)
1666064;1496682847;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6CD57C5E5238DBDB2FC4BCD0644BA3CFE77D21AE9B1195E66B504205F01CC128 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1578...4693 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown AR E)
1666065;1496682848;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6CD57C5E5238DBDB2FC4BCD0644BA3CFE77D21AE9B1195E66B504205F01CC128 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1729...4563 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown AR E)
1666066;1496682897;asciilifeform;Direccion General de Catastro y Cartografia. Gobierno de la Provincia de Corrientes ^^ lel
1666067;1496682942;asciilifeform;catastrocorrientes.gov.ar .
1666069;1496682993;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
1666070;1496682998;asciilifeform;Run Moar Debian..
1666071;1496683357;trinque;I read that first as "castrato"
1666072;1496683438;asciilifeform;me too lol
1666073;1496683465;mircea_popescu;torens title = "catastro" in spanish.
1666074;1496683542;asciilifeform;cadaster in engl
1666075;1496683740;shinohai;Well it is Argentina after all. *Everyone* is castrado there, no?
1666076;1496683768;mircea_popescu;cadastrado lol
1666077;1496683814;asciilifeform;ad astra per aspera (tm)(r)
1666078;1496683832;mircea_popescu;ad castera per amsterda!
1666079;1496683934;BingoBoingo;WAPO confuses soy and almond milks with Latex: https://archive.is/JsuvD << "In 1626, Francis Bacon observed that “there be plants, that have a Milk in them when they are Cut.”"
1666080;1496684421;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: iirc chocolate, then cheese, already lost this 'war' in usa -- why not nao milk.
1666081;1496684434;asciilifeform;'eat recycled food! it's good for the environment, and ok for you!'
1666082;1496684503;asciilifeform;soy even 'kills two birds with one stone' -- not only cheapolade, but feminizing
1666083;1496684527;asciilifeform;almost surprising that soy ain't mandatory yet.
1666084;1496684530;BingoBoingo;AHA, and WAPO fuckers suggest that as a virtue
1666085;1496685563;mircea_popescu;!!up pikachu
1666086;1496685563;deedbot;pikachu voiced for 30 minutes.
1666088;1496685586;pikachu;can i ask question about bitcoin?
1666090;1496685616;pikachu;what will happen with bitcoin in august? i cant sleep
1666092;1496685687;pikachu;anyone else not worried because of uasf?
1666093;1496685709;mircea_popescu;asking questions about yourself is best directed at someone who a) actually can distinguish you from adam and b) actually gives a shit about your issues.
1666094;1496685710;mircea_popescu;go sleep.
1666095;1496685770;mircea_popescu;in subsidiary, the united states air force isn't actually capable of hindering a herd of goats. totally need better stuff to lose sleep over.
1666096;1496685790;pikachu;i got my life savings on bitcoin
1666097;1496685830;mircea_popescu;why ?
1666098;1496685863;pikachu;i thought it was a good idea, now im worried
1666099;1496685888;mircea_popescu;well as long as you're entertained.
1666100;1496685980;pikachu;im trying to learn asking different people about the situation and i become more confused daily
1666101;1496686067;pikachu;uasf camp say, you must support uasf, or jihan wu fork will win
1666102;1496686088;pikachu;jihan wu camp say, you must support jihan wu camp, or they will ruin bitcoin
1666103;1496686187;trinque;the folly of sticking your "life savings" in something you don't understand, I suppose, eludes you
1666104;1496686216;pikachu;i understand the technology
1666105;1496686220;BingoBoingo;Neither of those camps matter. Go to sleep and wake up somewhere other than dashjr and wu's joint niggeropolis
1666106;1496686223;pikachu;not so much the outcome of the current situation
1666107;1496686261;pikachu;bingo boingo, you believe in middleground consensus can happen?
1666108;1496686305;mircea_popescu;no dude. there's no "believe" and none of the redditards you keep reading matter in any sense / to any degree.
1666109;1496686323;mircea_popescu;we see a set every 6 to 9 months, they say the same things, then disappear without a trace.
1666110;1496686356;mircea_popescu;random idiots with "their life savings" "invested" "because they understand the technology" (ie, you, ie, people with no life savings and no understanding) read their crap, get all excited, also disappear every 6 to 9 months.
1666111;1496686357;pikachu;yes i went throught xt, classic, bu, now this
1666112;1496686368;mircea_popescu;in the 7 years of bitcoin we've seen OVER A DOZEN generations of you flies.
1666113;1496686382;mircea_popescu;seriously, just go sleep. you're not part of bitcoin, nothing you do or thing makes any difference.
1666114;1496686383;BingoBoingo;i.e. The problem is not that http://trilema.com/2013/fried-chicken/ but that they imagine themselves to be a polis
1666115;1496686396;pikachu;no ive been since the begining
1666116;1496686403;mircea_popescu;!!key pikachu
1666117;1496686403;deedbot;Not registered.
1666118;1496686408;mircea_popescu;i don't think so.
1666119;1496686418;BingoBoingo;Well, you can get another 0.01 BTC to lose sleep over by sticking a sharpie in your pooper
1666120;1496686511;pikachu;i started in 2012
1666121;1496686533;mircea_popescu;and how can i verify this ?
1666122;1496686535;BingoBoingo;Well, so you know that sharpie in the pooper is an easy gamble to take
1666123;1496686538;pikachu;never been worried, until now
1666124;1496686552;pikachu;because jihan has checkmated pow in my opinion
1666125;1496686554;BingoBoingo;Has anything else about your health changed?
1666126;1496686555;*;trinque relieved that pikachu came to share her feelings with us
1666127;1496686568;pikachu;sorry im a guy no girls on the internet
1666128;1496686574;mircea_popescu;no, see, you keep doing this stupid thing where you imagine that if you say something, effects follow. this is how redditards work, not how reality works.
1666129;1496686590;BingoBoingo;Have you recently noticed changes in your appetite? Been losing weight recently? Anxiety up in other areas of life?
1666130;1496686606;pikachu;yes im developing an ulcer thanks to jihan/uasf
1666131;1496686616;BingoBoingo;Are you sure it's not a tumour?
1666132;1496686623;mircea_popescu;!!down pikachu
1666133;1496686645;mircea_popescu;other than the whole "nude statements from $nobody produce effects", there's also the "i'll just ignore anything that doesn't fit"
1666134;1496686650;mircea_popescu;pretty much complete redditard model.
1666135;1496687856;*;ben_vulpes frowns
1666136;1496687873;ben_vulpes;not much interesting in that thar log
1666137;1496687985;trinque;could rule earth, and how many generations of "my betters owe me that one secret they don't want you to know" to beat out
1666138;1496688058;mircea_popescu;the funny part being they actually believe their inane shit. "oh, if i type $string then it'll be parsed by all-comers as such! oh and i don't have to parse any strings myself!"
1666139;1496688088;mircea_popescu;how the fuck would someone actually believe this nonsense, self-contradictory on its face as it finds itself, is beyond the scope of comprehension.
1666140;1496688133;mircea_popescu;i suppose a lifetime of save scumming creates strange mental habits in the pikachus.
1666141;1496689291;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666124 << i've thoroughly lost track of these nonsenses by nao
1666142;1496689291;a111;Logged on 2017-06-05 18:15 pikachu: because jihan has checkmated pow in my opinion
1666143;1496689321;asciilifeform;... was this one of the 2MB, or 20MB, or 2TB blox d00dz..?
1666144;1496689362;mircea_popescu;$thing like $thing! pavin andresenash has ko'd burble protocol! borger ker has uplifted the tokemon foundation! ETCETERA!
1666145;1496689396;asciilifeform;they've become ~impossible to distinguish from one another, even in principle. like viagra spams.
1666146;1496689407;mircea_popescu;i wonder why that'd be.
1666147;1496689441;mircea_popescu;the coomin brothers discovered one hip secret squirrels don't want you to see!
1666148;1496689445;asciilifeform;the usual move from k to r strat
1666149;1496689455;mircea_popescu;BUT LIFE SAVINGS!!1
1666150;1496689511;mircea_popescu;the workings of spam being exactly this "there exist idiots / old people dumb enough to parse strings from $nobody"
1666151;1496689561;asciilifeform;not even needed
1666152;1496689586;asciilifeform;'hey , somebody must! be making money doing this. lemme try also'
1666153;1496689612;mircea_popescu;and this is how we ended up with wikipedia.
1666154;1496689618;asciilifeform;the 'old people' largely ran out in what, 1998
1666155;1496689629;mircea_popescu;you'd hope.
1666156;1496689644;asciilifeform;at any rate, was finite resource
1666157;1496689672;asciilifeform;( 'new old' not any smarter, but have ~nothing worth stealing )
1666158;1496689689;mircea_popescu;life savings!!1
1666160;1496689721;mircea_popescu;why wont you believe ;/
1666161;1496689797;asciilifeform;it is interesting how phrase 'life savings' already has an archaic 'patina coat' -- same flavour as 'workhouse', 'savings & loan', 'joint stock'
1666162;1496689853;asciilifeform;( and... сберкасса !! )
1666163;1496689905;asciilifeform;there oughta be a museum... of failed financial tech
1666164;1496690023;mircea_popescu;yeah. they got a dictionary of "+ev words", whereby if you say $word it creates +value in the mind of specific sort of imbecile.
1666165;1496690063;mircea_popescu;"oh look dad, he produced the string "responsibility". he can't be a useless pothead. o look, thgere goes, "the future"!!!1 let's give him more money".
1666166;1496690089;mircea_popescu;this is what they do, fill a coupla pages with "good words" at school / unemployment office / whatever.
1666167;1496690094;mircea_popescu;should work (tm)
1666168;1496690113;asciilifeform;see also vintage http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-22#429490 .
1666169;1496690113;a111;Logged on 2013-12-22 18:56 asciilifeform: 'If the victim, at the sight of the economic predator, goes into doggie submission, we must stop discussing the phenomenon in terms of conflict and consider whether what we are observing might be some strange instance of symbiosis.'
1666170;1496690144;mircea_popescu;heck, 99% oif what's left of us intelligence consists of trying to calculate word-value over the whole interwebs. that's it.
1666171;1496690182;mircea_popescu;can just forget about the rest, obviously if the spies aren't any better then neither are the diplomats, the government, and from there on down to corporations and "famblies", whatever else composes the socialist pyramid.
1666172;1496690212;mircea_popescu;"artificial intelligence", a sort of modern kaballism really, is ~nothing else.
1666173;1496690265;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-14#922030 ^ oblig re subj
1666174;1496690265;a111;Logged on 2014-11-14 21:02 asciilifeform: http://home.engineering.iastate.edu/~alexs/classes/2011_Spring_585X/readings/02_Principles/AI_Meets_Natural_Stupidity.pdf
1666175;1496690312;mircea_popescu;which also takes the problem home : bayesian faux intelligence is not, per se, a scam. the whole thing is simply the application of tractors to what the dorks already did anyway in their internal forum.
1666176;1496690350;mircea_popescu;you can't claim google-style "ai" is a scam when it simply does EXACTLY what average-voter does to decide who to vote for, average-idiot to pick his friends, average-office-drone to pick employees etc.
1666177;1496690395;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu had an article re this very thing
1666178;1496690423;mircea_popescu;or a few.
1666179;1496690461;mircea_popescu;but yes, this will be the enduring legacy of the ustardian "culture", such as it is : a really large attempt to calculate the sum-value of strings of words. because "the alternative is hard" and besides "this kinda works".
1666180;1496690504;mircea_popescu;of course, it only works in naive circumstances, as this shit always does. once mp/someome starts deliberately fucking with your words the whole shit goes nowhere. but obvioujsly "nobody could have predicted" etc.
1666181;1496690546;asciilifeform;'government of laws'
1666182;1496690572;mircea_popescu;right ? finally fair, just add up the wordvalues of the laws, see what comes out!
1666183;1496692033;erlehmann;what does “~” in front of a word mean? like here: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666145
1666184;1496692033;a111;Logged on 2017-06-05 19:03 asciilifeform: they've become ~impossible to distinguish from one another, even in principle. like viagra spams.
1666186;1496692053;erlehmann;i see.
1666188;1496692121;erlehmann;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-05#1666164 << this seems to be some kind of virtue signaling?
1666189;1496692121;a111;Logged on 2017-06-05 19:13 mircea_popescu: yeah. they got a dictionary of "+ev words", whereby if you say $word it creates +value in the mind of specific sort of imbecile.
1666190;1496692394;trinque;less complicated than that. know how cats don't meow to each other? this is the idiot's imitative noise he thinks he heard coming from the folks supposed to fill his food bowl.
1666191;1496692909;asciilifeform;trinque: iirc this was more of a neoteny / stuck-development thing
1666192;1496692937;asciilifeform;( e.g. the snow leopard in the central park zoo in nyc -- quite certainly meowed - it was surreal to watch )
1666193;1496693205;trinque;how sad. better to kill the poor thing.
1666194;1496693235;mircea_popescu;yet you'd never know to ask it.
1666195;1496693361;asciilifeform;trinque: if zoo animal could speak, he might say same thing re 'civilized' man.
1666196;1496693369;asciilifeform;'kill yerself first, idiot'
1666197;1496693384;asciilifeform;'you think ~you~ don't live in a zoo
1666199;1496693413;mircea_popescu;nah. more likely, something about how violence is not the answer and koombaya
1666200;1496693429;asciilifeform;lol nope , that's what the herbivores said
1666201;1496693437;asciilifeform;( different cage )
1666202;1496693493;trinque;aha. brings to mind http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-07#1579202
1666203;1496693493;a111;Logged on 2016-12-07 17:35 trinque knows a person who owns a weimaraner, thing paces in her back yard back and forth between back door and window so much there's no grass in the path, has various other compulsions
1666204;1496697124;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/bitcoin-network-difficulty-up-13-90-percent/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Difficulty Up ~13.90 Percent
1666205;1496698004;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/no-such-labs-snsa-may-2017-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), May 2017 Statement
1666206;1496699814;phf;https://mwi.usma.edu/effective-weapon-modern-battlefield-concrete/ on the role of concrete in the iraq war
1666207;1496699926;asciilifeform;the last reich luvvved concrete just as much.
1666208;1496700004;mircea_popescu;mostly a testament on how ~useless weaporny is.
1666209;1496700485;asciilifeform;road mine still worked great.
1666210;1496700497;phf;ied's vs concrete
1666211;1496700556;mircea_popescu;the pretense of calling the enemy manufacture chain "improvised" is particularly lulzy coming from some people whose entire industrial process consists of impovising mixes out of chinese inputs.
1666212;1496700593;mircea_popescu;ad-hoc littoral ship vs improvised explosive device ftw.
1666213;1496700596;mircea_popescu;!!up scriba
1666214;1496700596;deedbot;scriba voiced for 30 minutes.
1666215;1496700600;mircea_popescu;!!up scwid
1666216;1496700600;deedbot;scwid voiced for 30 minutes.
1666217;1496701352;mircea_popescu;!!up ave1
1666218;1496701352;deedbot;ave1 voiced for 30 minutes.
1666219;1496702539;BingoBoingo;Further Redditard String Production Sourcery: https://archive.is/Brm9v "Suzuki I am Fat"
1666220;1496702716;BingoBoingo;" Yes Suzuki, I am FAT! 315 pounds and my passenger is another 225, plus 50 pounds of our junk to carry for a total of 590 pounds on my 08 Burgman 400! My 400 is great on power, but supension is weak, even when set on 7 (the highest setting). We need a VERY HEAVY DUTY SUSPENSION FOR THE BURGMAN 400!" << "Get rid of the 400 ... Problem solved"
1666221;1496702723;BingoBoingo;Punchline: "I am staying with the lighter, nimbler, simpler B400. I love my 400. Thank You. "
1666222;1496702824;BingoBoingo;FUCK YOU, STOP WEIGHING A WHOLE 'NOTHER VEHICLE!!!
1666223;1496703203;BingoBoingo;Vehicle should ride hamplanet until human sized!
1666224;1496703235;mircea_popescu;for srs.
1666225;1496703527;BingoBoingo;Not knowing that fucking exhaust system means needing to fuck carb to match can be forgiven, that is much math. Not knowing why vehicle designed to carry passenger ~25-33% of it's own mass objects to passenger ~70-200% is unforgivable hamplanetry
1666226;1496703575;mircea_popescu;the fatsos are really offensive by now with their "oh, i have a right to exist" bullshit.
1666227;1496703606;BingoBoingo;And all this bullshit is polluting my searches for "Can [vehicle] suspension handle ramp jumping"
1666228;1496703643;mircea_popescu;need obesity euthanasia law.
1666229;1496703644;BingoBoingo;No instead as soon as you invoke "suspension" in a string google/Bing/CuckCuckGo all return fatso pandering
1666230;1496703685;BingoBoingo;Need ~25lb portable Lipodiesel refinery
1666231;1496703714;asciilifeform;this is a little bit like complaining re ants, when kitchen has not been cleaned since reagan
1666232;1496703739;asciilifeform;multiply buffett by 0 --> no obesity.
1666233;1496703776;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the piece of shit un is all going into overdrive with trying to get states to implement the usg-tronic "we'll just steal shit because it belongs to criminals hurr durr".
1666234;1496703797;mircea_popescu;fuyck that shit. there's no need for a "united nations office of organized crime".
1666235;1496703809;mircea_popescu;what's needed is an office for killing fat people.
1666236;1496703811;asciilifeform;what's even left for them to steal ?
1666237;1496703830;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the heuristic is, "hey, this shit not owned by aparatchik ? give it to aparatchik then!"
1666238;1496703875;mircea_popescu;"proceedings in rem" and all the rest of that scandalous bullshit.
1666239;1496705177;asciilifeform;incidentally BingoBoingo -- imho encouraging these folx to take up motorcycle is a wholesome thing
1666240;1496705191;asciilifeform;will cure -- one way or the other.
1666241;1496706014;BingoBoingo;Motorcycle is too safe to be cure for hamplanetry
1666242;1496706072;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the old, nearly forgotten usefulstuffonwww galaxy, http://www.rhunt.f9.co.uk/Glass_Blowing/Glass_Blowing_Menu.htm
1666243;1496708030;phf;i keep losing ascii's original gentoo recipe. anybody got a link handy?
1666244;1496708108;phf;of course as soon as i asked, i figured out the right keywords
1666245;1496708133;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-03#1421109 << ascii's original gentoo recipe
1666246;1496708133;a111;Logged on 2016-03-03 17:24 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt << preliminary crib sheet
1666247;1496709126;asciilifeform;lol 404
1666248;1496709347;asciilifeform;incidentally phf, i've been using the machine i built wih that recipe, ever since, and the list of proggies that - turns out - won't build ( because terminally infested ) is getting ever longer
1666249;1496709392;asciilifeform;'chromium', 'wine', 'gimp', 'wireshark', other commonplace items.
1666250;1496709413;asciilifeform;these will need specially made cures.
1666251;1496709422;asciilifeform;if you want to use'em.
1666252;1496709520;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: could one pull down an older portage archive and run from that forever? although forsaking updates?
1666253;1496709597;mircea_popescu;never seems to work out in practice.
1666254;1496709686;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: you've had this tried?
1666255;1496709694;ben_vulpes;would be neat to hear a field report
1666256;1496709721;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: afaik there has never existed a full portage archive. some crud or other is always 'elsewhere'.
1666257;1496709728;mircea_popescu;i thought this is what we're all trying. only to discover that whatever, xorg now no longer builds without gcc5 etc.
1666258;1496709740;ben_vulpes;oh christ xorg needs gcc5 now?
1666259;1496709752;mircea_popescu;whole fucking log is a slow, grindsing field report of "united nations has an office for combatting independence, not obesity".
1666260;1496709780;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: and likewise no one ( or at the very least, nkt asciilifeform ) knows of a moment in time when it was wholly healthy, with 0 wormy bits
1666262;1496709792;mircea_popescu;never was the case.
1666263;1496709858;asciilifeform;even original unixen were wormy. ( heterogeneous undesigned slimemold dogvomit )
1666264;1496709935;mircea_popescu;for historical accuracy : /me had bozo bit set on the above linked item when it couldn't emerge video.
1666265;1496709938;asciilifeform;( re gcc5 : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665170 )
1666266;1496709938;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
1666267;1496709948;mircea_popescu;after eating however many woman-weeks as the stupid shit is wont to do.
1666268;1496709971;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 3d gpu on linux is lost cause ages ago
1666269;1496709981;mircea_popescu;pretty much
1666270;1496709983;asciilifeform;blobulated to death
1666271;1496710014;asciilifeform;which is why asciilifeform's boxes run... 2d
1666272;1496710023;asciilifeform;as if year were 1997
1666273;1496710050;asciilifeform;0 'acceleration'
1666274;1496710120;asciilifeform;and noshit it won't 'emerge video', a stock gentoo won't suck in closed crapolade
1666275;1496710151;asciilifeform;( unlike 'africa' )
1666276;1496710158;mircea_popescu;pretty sure the bitching is in teh log at the time or something.
1666278;1496710368;asciilifeform;btw ben_vulpes et al : might be worthwhile to find the last uninfected ver. of xorg.
1666279;1496710387;asciilifeform;and preserve.
1666280;1496710403;trinque;this appears to lead to infinite regress
1666281;1496710414;asciilifeform;trinque: howsthat
1666282;1496710415;mircea_popescu;i briefly tried to do that on s.mg. it... didn't work out.
1666283;1496710426;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: say moar?
1666284;1496710430;trinque;asciilifeform: same reason you barfed writing a lisp for x86
1666285;1496710435;trinque;the thing's recursively hairy
1666286;1496710441;trinque;something else will pop out next
1666287;1496710465;mircea_popescu;what's to say. the volume of shit you gotta preserve rapidly expands > the gb. the work your techs are required to do in order to accomplish this scales ~liniarily with the shithub "work" of the maggots.
1666288;1496710475;asciilifeform;trinque: a finite # of these releases, existed... theoretically could try'em all
1666289;1496710477;mircea_popescu;not a sane use of our limited resources.
1666290;1496710529;asciilifeform;( gentoo per se automates a good chunk of the work. iterate over xorgs until one builds with gcc4... )
1666291;1496710558;mircea_popescu;in theory there's no difference between theory and practice.
1666292;1496710613;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666252 << as was mentioned in logs before, portage doesn't contain sources. it downloads sources from elsewhere
1666293;1496710613;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 00:38 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: could one pull down an older portage archive and run from that forever? although forsaking updates?
1666294;1496710639;asciilifeform;phf: i assumed he meant 'the mirrors'
1666295;1496710657;asciilifeform;and point out -- afaik there was never a 'whole world' mirror.
1666296;1496710708;asciilifeform;( one of the appeals of bsd is that something like it -- existed )
1666297;1496710787;phf;i don't think bsd mirrors it either, it's not mandatory by design anyway
1666298;1496710841;phf;afaiu the only distros that preserve the whole thing are debian and redhat
1666299;1496710867;asciilifeform;rathead preserved sources?!
1666300;1496711001;phf;yeah, i think they package them into srpms, but i'm not sure if they are mandatory step in the distribution process
1666301;1496711064;asciilifeform;i'ma hazard a guess, that you will barf long before ever succeeding in actually tracking down 100% of the src that adds up to a given rathead install.
1666302;1496711103;phf;yeah, cursory interneting reveals as much
1666303;1496711111;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel_p
1666304;1496711112;deedbot;gabriel_laddel_p voiced for 30 minutes.
1666305;1496711117;phf;e.g. https://lwn.net/Articles/603865/
1666306;1496711126;gabriel_laddel_p;I don't have the disk space to back these up myself, but someone can start with: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1552071
1666307;1496711126;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 21:36 gabriel_laddel: $$ later tell dina_corman gentoo distfile backups
1666308;1496711153;gabriel_laddel_p;If you google for "funtoo distfiles mirror" and review all google results, should provide a decent start.
1666309;1496711155;ben_vulpes;so xorg-drivers 1.18-r1 pulls in xorg-server-1.19.3, which pulls in xorg-drivers-1.19.3 which conflicts with the requested version
1666310;1496711155;mircea_popescu;as i was saying, been there, done that, got no tshirt.
1666311;1496711168;mircea_popescu;there's no problem with the provision of "decent starts".
1666312;1496711172;asciilifeform;'The use of Git and SSL/TLS sets a very high barrier for in-flight tampering. This is not the point of discussion.' lel
1666313;1496711179;mircea_popescu;that's what this whole tower of idiot boy excrement consists of.
1666314;1496711181;*;ben_vulpes rubs face
1666315;1496711183;mircea_popescu;the idea is to have acceptable ends.
1666316;1496711276;ben_vulpes;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Ahc2R/?raw=true << this still pulls gcc 5 in, yes?
1666317;1496711307;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it doesn't cure gcc5ism, no
1666318;1496711335;asciilifeform;now you might try same recipe, cum a gcc5 ban
1666319;1496711349;asciilifeform;see if it ends up pulling last-sane vers of various.
1666320;1496711384;asciilifeform;before you say 'nowai' -- i was equally surprised that the poettering ban worked as well as it did
1666321;1496711409;asciilifeform;(i.e. resulted in a very usable box, that i still use every day)
1666322;1496711441;asciilifeform;the important bit is that it has to be done on a ~virginal~ gentoo
1666323;1496711449;asciilifeform;that hasn't been shat in yet
1666325;1496711571;trinque;if you put chromium on it, you're done
1666326;1496711586;ben_vulpes;trinque: kinda what i'm looking at
1666327;1496711634;asciilifeform;btw there is a dbus-remover patch for chromium, somewhere
1666328;1496711639;asciilifeform;i have not tested it.
1666329;1496711663;trinque;then somebody will get in via your unicode parser
1666330;1496711677;trinque;or sound driver via malicious porn soundtrack
1666332;1496711711;trinque;point being how does one not say to himself, "if connected to net, what you've got there is an NSA terminal, and that's it"
1666333;1496711728;asciilifeform;trinque: in the multiGB tub of liquishit, there are million years' worth of 'surprise'
1666334;1496711732;asciilifeform;it must die.
1666335;1496711735;asciilifeform;all of it.
1666336;1496711740;trinque;obviously what I said.
1666337;1496711816;trinque;considering the million years worth of surprise, I'm inclined to believe that standardization on gentoo or whatever else is insane.
1666338;1496711833;trinque;attacker will know exactly what surprises to apply to all.
1666339;1496711872;asciilifeform;trinque: to the extent gentoo was interesting, it was because it enabled ~nonstandardization~.
1666340;1496711908;asciilifeform;i.e. ~0 required programs.
1666341;1496711922;asciilifeform;( one weak point -- it did demand python )
1666342;1496711933;trinque;could have, but nobody beat anyone when ebuilds decided to pull down deps out of band into /var/tmp or wherever
1666343;1496711993;asciilifeform;i speak of gentoo in past tense. but it remains that every box i will ever, likely, live to use , will still be made from bricks of the ruins of gentoo, and not from anything else.
1666345;1496712058;trinque;asciilifeform: no disagreement there either; here I sit on my own heirloom pistolchair
1666346;1496712063;asciilifeform;because there isn't actually an alternative.
1666347;1496712077;asciilifeform;not if you actually ~work~ with the comp.
1666348;1496712087;asciilifeform;( vs 'glorified ipad' )
1666349;1496712227;mircea_popescu;trinque kinda my thinking. gentoo === ubuntu, and for that matter === windows. not really better, just "different".
1666350;1496712233;trinque;I think phf is right in pointing to old debian cd sets as dep time capsules.
1666351;1496712262;mircea_popescu;i don't. there's nothing to capsule. have some lulz-debian with their epic rngs capsuled ? noty.
1666352;1496712272;trinque;true also.
1666353;1496712279;mod6;yah, that shit is br0k3d
1666354;1496712294;mircea_popescu;"oh, but we patch that". sure you do. and who's gonna feed the boy genius that manages all the patchcomplexity ?
1666355;1496712311;mircea_popescu;it's "decent starts" all the way down.
1666356;1496712426;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666349 << spoken like a true 'my comp is ipad with keyboard' fella.
1666357;1496712426;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 01:23 mircea_popescu: trinque kinda my thinking. gentoo === ubuntu, and for that matter === windows. not really better, just "different".
1666358;1496712429;mircea_popescu;dos is probably the last capsulable item. and it has no broadband.
1666359;1496712447;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform don't make me dig into what "work" is!11
1666360;1496712447;trinque;asciilifeform: in other threads you're the one making the same claim.
1666361;1496712462;trinque;"no different!!111!!!1!!!1" << moar recognizable?
1666363;1496712469;asciilifeform;trinque: link?
1666364;1496712490;trinque;you can't recall the "but intel nics" loop yourself?
1666365;1496712533;mircea_popescu;tis a bitter pill this, "computing never actually worked. ever. period."
1666366;1496712535;trinque;not as if I wouldn't like there to be recourse here.
1666367;1496712592;trinque;one advantage of being one of the least educated guys here. "my life is wasted" happened ~decade ago.
1666368;1496712659;asciilifeform;trinque: there was a thread, at one point, with philosophical puzzle -- if chained to wheelbarrow at butugychag, would you rather have one with spikes on handles, or not. or something to this effect.
1666369;1496712762;asciilifeform;trinque: what'd it even mean for life 'not wasted' ? i gotta ask
1666370;1496712952;trinque;to have one's life's work end up on the longest chain, and not discarded.
1666371;1496712997;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666358 << phunphakt: dos drivers (tsr!) exist for ~all recent nic chipsets. i don't even know why, but they do. they figure in my eternal 'reverse rtlink GB chip' thing.
1666372;1496712997;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 01:27 mircea_popescu: dos is probably the last capsulable item. and it has no broadband.
1666373;1496713015;asciilifeform;( reasonably compact )
1666374;1496713019;trinque;ada sits down happily on DOS eh?
1666375;1496713031;asciilifeform;trinque: on bare iron, too
1666376;1496713037;asciilifeform;dun really need an os
1666377;1496713046;asciilifeform;( has own scheduler, for instance )
1666378;1496713080;asciilifeform;dos per se is crippling in re sticking you into 16bit x86 idiot mode
1666379;1496713097;asciilifeform;( have fun with 640k and segments )
1666380;1496713216;asciilifeform;but for some purposes 640k is 10x moar than you would ever even need,
1666381;1496713232;asciilifeform;e.g. i fully intend a dos port of 'p'.
1666382;1496713263;asciilifeform;( would need a rs232 FUCKGOATS attached )
1666383;1496713543;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666370 << this is quite fundamentally unknowable. e.g., europe was so very certain that it lives on longest chain... and then poof!!!
1666384;1496713543;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 01:35 trinque: to have one's life's work end up on the longest chain, and not discarded.
1666387;1496713719;asciilifeform;one could ask for, i suppose, 'i dun want to consciously mine on orphan chain', but this is not up to you, and in the degenerate case it reduces to... asking to be stupider
1666388;1496713739;asciilifeform;'...dun want to consciously...'
1666389;1496713757;trinque;point being, someone will have to argue the merits of stacking blocks on linux, and all the other turds contained in the term.
1666390;1496713823;asciilifeform;trinque: as soon as credible alternative -- poof, linux is bad memory
1666391;1496713827;trinque;also, I said "no recourse" earlier and you balked
1666392;1496713831;trinque;now you claim "no recourse"
1666393;1496713832;trinque;so we agree.
1666394;1496713860;asciilifeform;trinque: can take wheelbarrow with spikes, and anal waltz with lube; or without. matter of taste.
1666395;1496713888;asciilifeform;fact: FG would not exist if i had to design and test it on a winblowz box.
1666396;1496713929;mircea_popescu;it's a fortunate thing, then, that nobody's making you do anything.
1666397;1496713990;asciilifeform;eh hey i got another room where i do things for pay, and there are all kinds of horrors there, even winblowz vm
1666398;1496714027;asciilifeform;even crapples
1666399;1496714045;asciilifeform;( i haven't a nintendo yet, at least!111 )
1666400;1496714046;mircea_popescu;in another castle, there's even an ipad!
1666401;1496714139;asciilifeform;but indeed there exists this marvelous world of items folx made 'because were made to', 'use what you gotta', 'deadline', 'pays the rent', etc. these items are called, generally : shitware.
1666402;1496714155;asciilifeform;it is how shitware reproduces.
1666403;1496714178;asciilifeform;the next fella gets your thing and is ordered to 'make X run..' etc
1666404;1496714208;asciilifeform;naggum described process 'perl accretion' but it applies in general case.
1666405;1496714224;trinque;thus there is no republican linux.
1666406;1496714303;asciilifeform;no republican comp, either
1666407;1496714315;asciilifeform;( the two, i maintain, are not unrelated )
1666408;1496714372;asciilifeform;it was tricky enough to make 'republican rng', an item closer in order of complexity, to a knife or a fork, than to a comp
1666409;1496714383;asciilifeform;but possibly asciilifeform is just thick
1666410;1496714476;trinque;no, only the latter item is not made by single monk toiling alone
1666411;1496714509;asciilifeform;we don't presently know of any other means of making worthwhile things, sadly.
1666412;1496714523;asciilifeform;mass market --> nintendo.
1666413;1496714558;asciilifeform;want good eats ? cook it. ( or someone close to you -- cooks )
1666414;1496714568;asciilifeform;speakingg of which, brb
1666415;1496714707;trinque;I've seen instances before where a guy made a tool, went around to a few folks showing them "the greatestest X" thinking "they're smart, will pick up my tool and use"
1666416;1496714710;trinque;obviously it's better.
1666417;1496714712;trinque;0 did.
1666418;1496714740;*;trinque has ever since made his money lifting makework out of incompetents with software, making tools for himself to do so.
1666419;1496714755;trinque;works better in this environment, and I understand why the notion is revolting.
1666420;1496714799;*;trinque brb
1666421;1496715004;trinque;*makework out of incompetents' hands
1666423;1496719716;trinque;!~ticker --market all
1666424;1496719722;jhvh1;trinque: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2845.0, vol: 15821.23990819 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2741.0, vol: 7239.95952 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2815.0, vol: 25039.17279227 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2921.842469, vol: 16119.45540000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2829.363, vol: 7553.33290141 | Volume-weighted last average: 2839.65561101
1666425;1496720008;mircea_popescu;o noes muh life infestments!
1666426;1496720174;BingoBoingo;Muh Insurance Savings!!!
1666427;1496720729;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency eur
1666428;1496720736;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 2499.176475, vol: 16140.30783270 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 2369.19308, vol: 151.44943 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 2572.821306, vol: 16587.67540000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 2471.759, vol: 14805.7297784 | Volume-weighted last average: 2515.86877243
1666429;1496720761;BingoBoingo;OMG It's Croissanting!
1666430;1496724122;trinque;http://archive.is/ol9m4 << "The dollar index touched a seven-month low ahead of testimony before Congress from former FBI director James Comey on Thursday."
1666431;1496724136;trinque;the free association is all through the beast.
1666432;1496724156;trinque;"oh X because unrelated Y because I'm god's child"
1666433;1496729100;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market QatarFriends
1666434;1496729101;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: This is not one of the supported markets. Please choose one of ['bcent', 'okc', 'btcn', 'coinbase', 'cbx', 'btce', 'bfx', 'btcavg', 'btcde', 'krk', 'bitmynt', 'btsp'] or 'all'
1666435;1496756877;asciilifeform;in other usg comedy, https://archive.is/HtCuo
1666436;1496756928;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-05-04#658443 , http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-09#1157994 , etc )
1666437;1496756928;a111;Logged on 2014-05-04 02:21 asciilifeform: kgb typewriter fingerprints, the famous yellow dots in colour laser printer, this crap - 'history does not repeat, but it rhymes.'
1666438;1496756928;a111;Logged on 2015-06-09 13:56 asciilifeform: http://seeingyellow.com
1666439;1496756929;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59186CCE1269482CF2753DC896896A35FD3E4C99860D4DEE33C620DE883A552F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1735...9559 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SE N)
1666440;1496756929;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59186CCE1269482CF2753DC896896A35FD3E4C99860D4DEE33C620DE883A552F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1435...8633 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown SE N)
1666442;1496759946;shinohai;o/ mod6
1666443;1496760002;mod6;How's it goin?
1666444;1496760174;shinohai;Not too bad. Another boring, rainy day here.
1666445;1496760403;mod6;Ah.  Been pretty warm and humid here.
1666446;1496760413;mod6;Here's where linen suits come in handy.
1666447;1496761867;mircea_popescu;awww, but i thought nobody ever tampers with usg elections and the proposition "was discredited" and etc!!1
1666448;1496761918;mircea_popescu;also, imbeciles, really, they published originals ? because why, nobody owns a single fucking secretary anymore they're so god damned rich ?
1666449;1496762133;trinque;> Reality Winner
1666450;1496762137;trinque;these are names now.
1666451;1496762252;mircea_popescu;kinda how fuckgoats even got started, their we-are-idiots naming conventions.
1666452;1496762533;trinque;"the intercept" is meanwhile very much not a propaganda outlet / honeypot.
1666453;1496762610;mircea_popescu;they pretend to be simply stupid.
1666454;1496762674;mircea_popescu;and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
1666455;1496762698;mircea_popescu;and besides, they've successfulyl thrown the curve, ALL $item are equally shitty so whatcha gonna pick and choose hm ?
1666456;1496762761;mircea_popescu;because why the fuck would inept contractor now in jail pick qntra ? NOBODY HEARD OF IT!!!1 and $assorted-excuses, all of which squarely come back to "hey, at least you wouldn't be in jail today".
1666457;1496762775;mircea_popescu;"oh no, but nobody could have predicted that" + "it's just a life, it's not MY life" + etc.
1666458;1496762890;trinque;!!up dm0n
1666459;1496762890;deedbot;dm0n voiced for 30 minutes.
1666460;1496762912;trinque;dm0n: hello, who goes there?
1666461;1496763288;trinque;!!down dm0n
1666462;1496764296;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666449 << linked more or less wholly for that detail. i gotta wonder, how many of these 'moon units' walking around nao
1666463;1496764296;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 15:15 trinque: > Reality Winner
1666464;1496765684;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666247 << fwiw, I have a saved copy; I will host/post later tonight for curious members of audience (unless someone beats me to it)
1666465;1496765684;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 00:32 asciilifeform: lol 404
1666466;1496765727;lobbes;In other not-news, 401ks are still scams. Accepted offer to convert from $conractor=> $employee at current job. Had to wade through many $pdfs to see fine print: "new employees are -automatically- enrolled at 1%!!1"
1666467;1496765804;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666464 << assbot did archival back then https://archive.is/http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt
1666468;1496765804;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:14 lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666247 << fwiw, I have a saved copy; I will host/post later tonight for curious members of audience (unless someone beats me to it)
1666469;1496765842;lobbes;Aha. Nifty
1666470;1496765883;mircea_popescu;lobbes what's thjat mean, they match up to 1% of your income ?
1666471;1496765945;lobbes;I think they do match what goes into void, but the 1% refers to amount taken out of paychex
1666472;1496765958;lobbes;Of course, wild goose chase to opt out
1666474;1496766533;danielpbarron;i have X working with this ^ in use
1666476;1496766790;danielpbarron;also works with gcc 5 ban > http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Ahc2R/?raw=true
1666477;1496767097;mod6;ok, that'll ensure that no gcc 5 is used then 'eh?
1666478;1496767116;danielpbarron;that's my understanding of how package mask works
1666479;1496767151;trinque;-icu -nls  << why not also
1666480;1496767152;danielpbarron;with that rule in place, my emerge grabbed gcc (Gentoo Hardened 4.9.4 p1.0, pie-0.6.4) 4.9.4
1666481;1496767173;mod6;cool. thanks for posting that.
1666482;1496767179;mod6;trinque: what do those flags do?
1666483;1496767221;lobbes;Oh nice. Ty danielpbarron
1666484;1496767231;mod6;oh unicode and native language support.
1666485;1496767233;mod6; got it.
1666486;1496767259;mircea_popescu;oh nice work danielpbarron
1666487;1496767259;trinque;mod6: nls is a string lookup thinger for translation; icu is yep, unicode thinger for iirc hieroglyph support
1666488;1496767334;trinque;ought to have also: -pulseaudio
1666489;1496767347;trinque;or somebody may pull that harry poetteringism in.
1666490;1496767360;trinque;alsa has dmix; there's no reason to use pulseaudio for mixing
1666491;1496767390;trinque;-accessibility   too why not.
1666492;1496767409;danielpbarron;where are you suggesting these use flags go? in make.conf?
1666493;1496767427;trinque;yes, globally
1666494;1496767500;trinque;also my recipe caps gnupg at a 1.x
1666496;1496767569;danielpbarron;that's in asciilifeform's /etc/portage/package.mask/crapolade
1666498;1496767622;trinque;no, that appears to ban greater than a particular 2.x
1666499;1496767648;danielpbarron;right, and next highest thing is gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.21
1666500;1496767704;trinque;better to say >app-crypt/gnupg-1.4.21 then
1666501;1496767720;trinque;or whichever you want to park it on.
1666502;1496769417;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666470 << traditionally there is a chumpatronic component, even in the immediate term : the thing has to 'vest' (if you don't work at $firm for X years, it matches 0 )
1666503;1496769417;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:18 mircea_popescu: lobbes what's thjat mean, they match up to 1% of your income ?
1666504;1496769481;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666476 << why >= 5.4.0 ? why not >= 5
1666505;1496769481;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:33 danielpbarron: also works with gcc 5 ban > http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Ahc2R/?raw=true
1666506;1496769518;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666480 << did anybody ever determine what the last 'clean' gcc were ?
1666507;1496769518;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:39 danielpbarron: with that rule in place, my emerge grabbed gcc (Gentoo Hardened 4.9.4 p1.0, pie-0.6.4) 4.9.4
1666508;1496769557;mircea_popescu;3 something prolly ;/
1666509;1496769573;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666488 << my original ban set immunizes against it -- it can't live without dbus
1666510;1496769573;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:42 trinque: ought to have also: -pulseaudio
1666511;1496769577;mircea_popescu;depends how strict you take the view that "optimizing out my checks === werner"
1666512;1496769593;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik 4.x never wernered
1666513;1496769619;asciilifeform;... but it isn't as if i ever audited 4.x. ...or 3.x, or 1.x..!
1666514;1496769627;asciilifeform;massive tub-o-liquishit
1666515;1496769710;asciilifeform;the cure, so far, that i've found, for 'it optimizes', is... gnat
1666516;1496769783;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666474 << the original recipe came from asciilifeform's x60 lappy : same one as featured in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-11#1601534 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-11#1601544 thread
1666517;1496769783;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:28 danielpbarron: i have X working with this ^ in use
1666518;1496769783;a111;Logged on 2017-01-11 18:45 asciilifeform: phf: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/4_1_15_stas.txt
1666519;1496769783;a111;Logged on 2017-01-11 18:50 asciilifeform: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/x60_diddled.bin
1666520;1496769803;asciilifeform;which box is still in service, and has not only working xorg, but suspend-to-ram !
1666521;1496769810;asciilifeform;and battery monitoring, etc
1666522;1496769824;asciilifeform;a real thing of beauty (other than for the miserable lcd)
1666523;1496769881;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666500 << i build 1.4.10 by hand, typically, it's a straight ./configure && make && make install
1666524;1496769881;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 16:48 trinque: better to say >app-crypt/gnupg-1.4.21 then
1666525;1496769895;trinque;doesn't mean something wont try to haul it in
1666526;1496769901;trinque;we're playing whackamole here aren't we
1666527;1496769912;asciilifeform;trinque: the way portage masks work,
1666528;1496769921;asciilifeform;is that when you build a thing that 'wants to haul it in' it barfs instead
1666529;1496769931;trinque;I'm aware of how they work.
1666530;1496769933;asciilifeform;and cries, 'hey won'tcha add the use flags back in pretty pleez'
1666532;1496769945;trinque;in that case mask whole package without a version
1666533;1496769970;asciilifeform;just don't enable 'autounmask'.
1666534;1496769981;asciilifeform;( this is the one mistake that'll get the crud flooding back in )
1666535;1496770008;trinque;sadly, the -a flag will also happily ask you if you want it to unmask, add use flags, etc
1666536;1496770018;trinque;gotta watch out for that also.
1666537;1496770039;trinque;-a apparently meaning --ask-to-fuck-in-ass
1666538;1496770097;asciilifeform;lol i never tried that one
1666539;1496770099;asciilifeform;but i believe.
1666540;1496770113;asciilifeform;'FORMAT HDD? Y/N'
1666541;1496770148;trinque;seems the cautious move, right? show me what you're going to do, shithead. but no, means HOLD MY BEER; I'M GOING TO CHANGE /etc/portage/*
1666542;1496770214;trinque;thing bowed to "do what I mean" right there.
1666543;1496770851;*;danielpbarron always reads the emerge --ask output before typing 'yes'
1666544;1496770912;danielpbarron;but i think even if you accidentally agree to use changes, it'll put them in a ._* hidden file that you still have to manually mv to the correct place
1666545;1496771513;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in usian komsomol comedy, https://archive.is/h3PHo
1666546;1496771529;asciilifeform;'At least 10 students who had been accepted as members of Harvard’s Class of 2021 have already learned an important lesson about real-life consequences for online behavior. They had their offers of admission rescinded after the college learned that they had been posting wildly inappropriate memes on a private Facebook group. Here, “wildly inappropriate” means any combination of racist, bigoted, sexually explicit, or violent.'
1666547;1496771563;asciilifeform;'A few examples of posts that the Harvard Crimson cites are posts referring to hanging a Mexican child as “piñata time,” and posts mocking sexual assault or the Holocaust. These are all things that are part of common discourse on some terrible parts of the internet. Yet they are not part of common discourse at Harvard, or the administration doesn’t want them to be.'
1666549;1496771907;mircea_popescu;lmao who the fuck in his right mind wants to go to harvard.
1666550;1496771952;asciilifeform;same folx as went to mgu in '80s?
1666551;1496771959;asciilifeform;'foyootoor leaderz'
1666552;1496772013;asciilifeform;~guaranteed employment in the apparatus
1666553;1496772021;asciilifeform;(while supplies last...)
1666555;1496772111;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: last i heard, ideological purity was the #1 thing there. and something like 10-20% of admissions were reserved for the Officially Sad, and similar number -- for heirs of previous generation of mandarins
1666556;1496772188;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/reality-winner-arrested-for-leaking-to-omidyar-and-greenwalds-fake-qntra/ << Qntra - "Reality Winner" Arrested For Leaking To Omidyar And Greenwald's Fake Qntra
1666557;1496772262;mircea_popescu;sure. i'm just shaking my head in disbelief at the notion someone they'd consider would actually consider going.
1666558;1496772291;mircea_popescu;"sexually explicit" ? bitch, empire at zenith starts providing commoner whores IN PAIRS and SINCE FUCKING HIGHSCOOL.
1666559;1496772322;mircea_popescu;what the fuck else is even the point. going to harvard like that is like going to the supermarket to pay to stock their shelves. ain't what a fucking supermarket is.
1666560;1496772369;asciilifeform;if you were born & raised in the supermarket, stocking the shelves is an honour. or somethinglikethat
1666562;1496772403;mircea_popescu;no, i understand how the in-story narrative goes. i'm talking about reality for a moment.
1666563;1496772517;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu knows very well that puritan reich does not 'supply whores in paris', or even in bmore. instead it sacks inconvenient presidents, generals, etc. under the guise of 'immoral conduct unbefitting officer' for simply having been seen to fuck something
1666564;1496772540;mircea_popescu;but why would you go lol.
1666565;1496772557;asciilifeform;why would you join kpss.
1666566;1496772564;mircea_popescu;"here's the stupid reich. it... does stupid shit, and it doesn't pay. wanna join ???" "um... "
1666567;1496772590;mircea_popescu;dude, joining the nazi purebloods did mean you gotta eat nothing but leeks for a whole saturday to hang out with the nuts at their all-mineral-water parties. ok.
1666568;1496772605;asciilifeform;aha, exactly same idea
1666569;1496772610;mircea_popescu;but it ALSO meant you injected strychnine into the unterwhores and whipped them till they stiffened, if you felt like it.
1666570;1496772643;asciilifeform;playing fast an' loose with chronology here
1666571;1496772646;mircea_popescu;see ? it's a quid pro quo like that, "yes $badthing, but then $goodthing". whereas here ... it's 100% "hey, want to cut your arm off so you could have an eye gouged out???" "no bitch."
1666572;1496772654;asciilifeform;the strychnine whippings didn't go on offer till later
1666573;1496772664;mircea_popescu;hence "Empire at zenith".
1666574;1496772669;asciilifeform;at first it was just mineralwater.
1666575;1496772683;mircea_popescu;there;s maybe 6 months differential between these.
1666576;1496772723;asciilifeform;ss founded in... '25
1666577;1496772737;mircea_popescu;yeah but the whole mystical hallucination didn't really start till the late 30s
1666578;1496772761;asciilifeform;~full swing in mid-30s
1666580;1496772787;asciilifeform;pretty lulzy history, also
1666581;1496772837;asciilifeform;i recommend heinz höhne's mega-backbreaker re subj
1666582;1496772842;asciilifeform;iirc there is an english version also
1666583;1496772847;asciilifeform;'order of death's head'
1666584;1496772875;asciilifeform;'der orden unter dem totenkopf'
1666586;1496772918;BingoBoingo;So the politics of "Reality Winner" is a bottomless lulz spiral.
1666587;1496772927;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: elaborate
1666588;1496772939;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Blonde girl in favor of white extinction
1666589;1496772949;BingoBoingo;Typical 20-something americunt stuff
1666592;1496773019;BingoBoingo;^ I rarely consult that source, but they do read social media
1666593;1496773048;trinque;of course they hired one of those.
1666594;1496773065;BingoBoingo;"There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!" << Pro-Iran and gets a seekoority clearance
1666595;1496773072;trinque;don't even have to have them in on the plan, just put a bunch of "super srs" looking docs in her hand.
1666596;1496773073;mircea_popescu;loller. is she looking for a black master to slavegirl @ etc ?
1666597;1496773083;BingoBoingo;"@kanyewest you should make a shirt that says, "being white is terrorism""
1666599;1496773150;BingoBoingo;Anyways it seems the leaked political attack was supposed to be released tomorrow, so Winrar committed crime of spoiling NSA director's testimony
1666600;1496773368;trinque;mmm, who can bring himself to believe that these people had some report of "omg russian hax" and it was a matter of normal procedure, and not disinfo, to hand them to Miss Reality.
1666601;1496773394;trinque;leaked means true these days.
1666603;1496773406;asciilifeform;'I can't imagine having kids, i worry enough about the impact of #climatechange on my cats' << loller
1666604;1496773453;mircea_popescu;what, metusalah cats she got this woman ?
1666605;1496773547;asciilifeform;apparently a tru winner : asciilifeform couldn't even make a methuselah bone marrow stem cell, had to leave the entire business !111
1666606;1496773622;BingoBoingo;Have you tried giving the bone marrow moar smokes?
1666607;1496773631;BingoBoingo;Perhaps some smoke detectors?
1666609;1496773820;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: as you can probably guess if you think about it for 5min -- this isn't the hard part
1666610;1496773843;BingoBoingo;In other lies and lying liars, Obamacare exchange hits designed End of Life in Ohio, WaPo blames Trumpreich https://archive.is/bb3WF
1666611;1496773875;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The hard part is patience and sorting?
1666612;1496773909;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hard part is 'divides infinitely'+'still useful, rather than tumorous liquishit with 500 chromosomes'
1666613;1496773961;asciilifeform;this, now that i think of it, is a universal annoyance, in other walks of life also
1666614;1496773983;BingoBoingo;What part of methuselah means useful? And what keeps tumorous liquishit from being useful? HeLa has to be cheap enough now to be used as ballast.
1666615;1496774081;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fashionable, in those days, idea, was to 'make unaging tissue' by reenabling telomerase (normally jumpered out, in most tissue). but -- somewhat unsurprisingly -- it turned out to be a 'glue the gas gauge needle to 'full'' sort of thing
1666616;1496774092;asciilifeform;i.e. the thing was jumpered out 'for a reason'
1666617;1496774190;BingoBoingo;Well, gas gauge is sup[erfluous thing like tachometer. Real motorist can tell with ear if machine needs fuel.
1666618;1496774271;asciilifeform;i suppose if your auto is a leaf blower
1666619;1496774433;BingoBoingo;Nah, it's a rather identifiable enging stopping sound
1666621;1496774726;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform afaik "activated teleomerase" === "more chromosomes than proteins" sorta deal.
1666622;1496774765;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: best analogy i can think of -- 'xerocopy of xerocopy...'
1666623;1496774770;asciilifeform;goes to shit
1666625;1496774947;mircea_popescu;anyway, the idea of "better cell" is inescapable for even cursory qualified microbiologist, chiefly because cell really is a pile of accidentally functioning complexity.
1666626;1496774961;mircea_popescu;the happenstance that improvements dun werk isn't of the nature of discouraging anyone.
1666627;1496774987;asciilifeform;the accidental-pile is the lure for improvement-hunters to begin with
1666629;1496774998;asciilifeform;i.e. the only kind of system that could even in principle contain room for massive-improvements
1666630;1496775008;asciilifeform;but -- not so easy.
1666631;1496775024;asciilifeform;( see the old dragonfly thread... )
1666632;1496775321;mircea_popescu;but yes, the other problem is that "better" in the sense of hardy isn't exactly better in the sense of useful. hence the hela example, beats ~any eukariotic cells out of the water, and so what of it.
1666633;1496775333;mircea_popescu;in the end it's just a very incompetent bacterium
1666635;1496776758;asciilifeform;but hey, winnerz are winnerz, neh?
1666636;1496776818;asciilifeform;( in continuation of the eternal http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-02#1635945 thread!111 )
1666637;1496776818;a111;Logged on 2017-04-02 15:46 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-02#1635918 << i suspect alf has a very strong bias pro algae and anti bacteria. i'm not altogether convinced the view has any merit.
1666638;1496776975;mircea_popescu;lol. cancer ftw!
1666639;1496777040;BingoBoingo;Conservative estimates suggest Henrietta Lacks's weight has moved beyond the 40,000 pound mark
1666640;1496777059;mircea_popescu;all her children!!1
1666641;1496777085;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: you have more in common with your stone age great^n-parent, than the current hela has with original
1666642;1496777102;asciilifeform;( is it even possible, at this point, to identify species of it !? )
1666643;1496777105;mircea_popescu;no apparently it's quite stable
1666644;1496777289;BingoBoingo;Eh, just need to start throwing HeLa at distant stars.
1666645;1496777510;BingoBoingo;Anyways, seeing what happens to Qatar as the weeks roll on should be lulzy
1666647;1496778038;asciilifeform;mod6, phf , et al : http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/ada/horsecocks.tar.gz << i dun recall posting this before, so here it will live, for nao : unofficial release of mmaptron
1666648;1496778052;asciilifeform;( comes with makefile & a little bit of commentary )
1666650;1496778097;asciilifeform;what you get, is ability to mmapize arbitrary data structure
1666651;1496778110;asciilifeform;~400 ln total.
1666652;1496778147;asciilifeform;comes with a small test routine, see horsecocks.adb.
1666653;1496778160;asciilifeform;( makes a 1G mmap, and twiddles a byte therein )
1666654;1496778389;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: embargo when
1666655;1496778440;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: More likely de-Obamatizing
1666656;1496778602;ben_vulpes;looks like an effective embargo already, since q lacks deepwater ports
1666657;1496778611;ben_vulpes;maersk can't get to 'em
1666658;1496778833;ben_vulpes;so exciting!
1666659;1496778972;asciilifeform;incidentally diana_coman et al might find the paste interesting -- it demonstrates, also, ada/c glue.
1666660;1496779074;diana_coman;asciilifeform, thanks for the ping! re ada/c - my small tests some while ago went surprisingly well actually, maybe the code was way too simple to get into trouble
1666661;1496779131;diana_coman;I mean: I could call from C code the methods provided in Ada code
1666662;1496779135;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, i thought qatar was a peninsula.
1666663;1496779149;asciilifeform;diana_coman: gluing in whichever direction, is pretty easy, when you have it all in 1 compiler
1666664;1496779179;asciilifeform;diana_coman: mmaps offer yet another method of glue -- theoretically 2+ processes can simply share it
1666666;1496779192;asciilifeform;( though it is not why i made an mmaptron )
1666667;1496779229;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: no deepwater ports make it difficult to deliver food directly, neighbors have said "no stopping at qatar after with us"
1666668;1496779255;diana_coman;sorry, I was deep into other stuff and got directly onto the ping, w.o. getting to catch up with the log
1666669;1496779265;ben_vulpes;suez exclusion whennnnn
1666670;1496779265;mircea_popescu;ya but...
1666671;1496779357;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu is suggesting this could be another 'mosul'?
1666672;1496779375;mircea_popescu;besides, iran as a russian proxy seems to be ready to ship
1666673;1496779398;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes not really ; usg hasn't yet won THAT one.
1666674;1496779479;mircea_popescu;anyway, lulz of all time "one of 3 sovereign pretenders in libya "cut ties" with qatar". hurr really ?
1666675;1496779497;mircea_popescu;apparently the perils of being allied with the usg is still not apparent. fucking served libya ah so well.
1666676;1496779550;mircea_popescu;"yemen's internationally recognized government" aka "usg imposed illegitimate criminal organisation based in yemen" idem "cuts ties". wtf ties.
1666677;1496779785;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 'mosul' in the sense of "we're totally about to win! it's going to happen! any day!"
1666678;1496779818;ben_vulpes;"omg supplies embargoed over ramadan! peninsulites ready to keel over any day!"
1666679;1496779828;diana_coman;hmmm; asciilifeform at a quick make (on a machine where I played with Ada successfully - if little - before) I get this: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/lMtJf/?raw=true
1666680;1496779856;mircea_popescu;i dunno. somewhat of a game of chicken, lots of "valuable" real estate piled up there. saudi arabia is particularly frail, if rockets start falling in capital the whole saudi nonsense will prolly end.
1666681;1496779896;mircea_popescu;it's ~equivalent of south korea, international criminal community "miracle" / extraterritorial depot.
1666682;1496781480;diana_coman;asciilifeform, furthermore: adding -gnat12 got rid of the default discriminant barfs (as promised by ada docs) but I still have the complaints on prefix of "image" attribute
1666683;1496781510;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the example was written on a box with adacore's gnat; the stock gnu one is stricter, doesn't permit Foo'Image -- instead you gotta FooTypeName'Image(Foo)
1666684;1496781560;asciilifeform;mod6 recently ran into exact same issue, but for some reason i can't turn it up in the log
1666685;1496781570;asciilifeform;( possibly it was in #trilema-mod6 )
1666686;1496781573;diana_coman;weren't we going for stricter?
1666687;1496781595;asciilifeform;diana_coman: in this particular example, can debate which is the useful-stricter
1666688;1496781601;asciilifeform;standard, iirc, permits the variant.
1666690;1496781649;asciilifeform;it won't actually matter in any of my properly (v-genesis) released material -- i have no plan to use gnat's standard io for anything
1666691;1496781658;asciilifeform;but it does appear in example snips.
1666692;1496781916;asciilifeform;( 'image' -- for the uninitiated -- is the operation sometimes called 'to-string' in other languages )
1666693;1496782094;diana_coman;I can confirm it eats that part fine once changed to QItem'Image(V) instead of V'Image
1666694;1496782108;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what barf remains ?
1666695;1496782142;diana_coman;asciilifeform, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/AoXKc/?raw=true
1666696;1496782195;asciilifeform;lemme guess,
1666697;1496782198;asciilifeform;you're on a 32bit box ??
1666698;1496782201;diana_coman;no, lolz
1666699;1496782206;diana_coman;it's 64bit
1666700;1496782216;asciilifeform;your gnat is a 64bit binary ? verify
1666701;1496782223;diana_coman;and yes, I just double checked arch
1666702;1496782306;asciilifeform;your gnat is certifiably broken, then
1666703;1496782313;asciilifeform;throw it out and get the proper one.
1666704;1496782322;asciilifeform;( 4.9 from adacore )
1666706;1496782366;asciilifeform;what can i say, the statement is 100% legal per the standard
1666707;1496782373;asciilifeform;if a compiler won't eat it -- it's retarded and must die.
1666708;1496782452;asciilifeform;try To_Address instead of System'To_Address
1666709;1496782483;asciilifeform;( they are, per standard, equivalent forms, but possibly stock gcc is broken in this particular spot )
1666710;1496782534;asciilifeform;i probably oughta explain why we even have this    MAP_FAILED : constant Address := System'To_Address(16#FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#);
1666711;1496782554;asciilifeform;mmap is a unixism and returns a null ptr on failure
1666712;1496782578;asciilifeform;( because unix was dropped as a child, it uses in-band idiocy and magic failure values that are not type-distinguishable from successes )
1666713;1496782598;diana_coman;neah, it says it can't even see it then; will try another time with the adacore 4.9
1666714;1496782613;asciilifeform;this on all known boxes equals buswidth(0)-1
1666715;1496782614;asciilifeform;aka -1
1666716;1496782664;asciilifeform;but it ain't a -1 to us, because we are using a sane language and it is treated ONLY as the addr of the beginning of the allocated mmap. but first gotta check for the failure. so this requires a comparison to FFFFF....[buswidthsize]
1666717;1496782720;asciilifeform;note, again, we cannot compare to -1, because we are using a sane language, where '-1' is not a valid address of anything, nor even a valid modular-type
1666718;1496782741;asciilifeform;so instead we have this explicit constant.
1666719;1496782786;asciilifeform;( now that i think about it, we could also obtain the eggog code by invoking a mmap that will be certain to fail, and recording the result. but ugghh... )
1666720;1496782797;mircea_popescu;might also change
1666721;1496782813;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if it ever were to change, ~100% of the contents of your box would barf
1666723;1496782818;asciilifeform;so quite unlikely.
1666724;1496782859;mircea_popescu;not during runtime. during lifetime of codebase.
1666725;1496782861;asciilifeform;but linus did love to brag, 'nobody promised you a stable abi', as if this were a point of pride.
1666726;1496782865;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yes.
1666727;1496782923;asciilifeform;https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gnat_rm/Address-Clauses.html << discussion of 'address'
1666728;1496783193;asciilifeform;sooo let's visit the posix folx, while we're at it,
1666729;1496783195;asciilifeform;and we find this gem :
1666730;1496783197;asciilifeform;'Existing implementations of mmap() return the value -1 when unsuccessful. Since the casting of this value to type void * cannot be guaranteed by the ISO C standard to be distinct from a successful value, this volume of POSIX.1-2008 defines the symbol MAP_FAILED, which a conforming implementation does not return as the result of a successful call.'
1666731;1496783204;asciilifeform;( http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/ )
1666734;1496783244;asciilifeform;( oblig : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665150 )
1666735;1496783244;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:41 asciilifeform: you can't actually write a nontrivial c proggy without undefined behaviour.
1666736;1496783811;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666711 << erratum -- it ain't (perhaps obviously) a null, it's a (void *)-1
1666737;1496783811;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 20:55 asciilifeform: mmap is a unixism and returns a null ptr on failure
1666738;1496784145;asciilifeform;oh, phun phakt, adacore distributes its own mmaptron -- but it is monstrous (easily 25x larger than mine) and largely on account of supporting winblowz
1666739;1496784180;asciilifeform;i won't even bother to link to it. who wants -- can find.
1666740;1496785692;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666594 << ~anyone, supposing he has a u.s. passport, and 0 official record of judgements against him, can get 'top secret clearance' with corporate sponsorship. the filtration (i.e. who is permitted into any interesting 'compartment') comes ~after~
1666741;1496785692;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 18:17 BingoBoingo: "There are many Americans protesting US govt aggression towards Iran. If our Tangerine in Chief declares war, we stand with you!" << Pro-Iran and gets a seekoority clearance
1666742;1496785770;asciilifeform;at one time ~million completed (yes) application forms for this, leaked, any enthusiastic entomologist can go, read.
1666743;1496785896;asciilifeform;the various hazing rituals, and onerous bureaucracy associated with said cult, are well-documented elsewhere, i will not bother to recount.
1666744;1496787201;mircea_popescu;corporate sponsorship to work for nsa ?
1666745;1496787223;mircea_popescu;sounds moar like pantsuit whore party sponsorship.
1666746;1496787295;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most 'intelligence komyooniti' folx slave for a nominally 'private' org, rather than for usg in the proper sense
1666747;1496787310;asciilifeform;this 'sponsor' is expected to cover cost of paperwork
1666748;1496787328;asciilifeform;( which costs, depending on whom one asks, 5-25k usd )
1666749;1496787362;mircea_popescu;sure. still, this looks like a home office clerk rather than an actual contractor. woman had all the intellectual power of a pet goat.
1666750;1496787398;asciilifeform;this'd be an accurate description of most of the folx in the business, yes
1666751;1496787500;asciilifeform;they hire on a very late-sovok 'too dim to know what to steal and where to take it' principle
1666752;1496787585;trinque;still missing the disinfo value of this "leak" imo.
1666754;1496787601;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 18:23 trinque: leaked means true these days.
1666755;1496787615;asciilifeform;trinque: looked like a generic 'ohnoez ru hackingz' item
1666757;1496787621;mircea_popescu;trinque i don't think anyone bothered to read the content of the crap.
1666758;1496787626;asciilifeform;i did..
1666759;1496787632;asciilifeform;it was a snoar
1666760;1496787637;trinque;now they can head into this comey guy's testimony with ample reference to the leaked doc
1666761;1496787653;mircea_popescu;i did not. also am not going to. for very precisely the trinque reason, i can't be arsed to read $nobody provenance items.
1666762;1496787653;trinque;it's a move against trump, transparently.
1666763;1496787668;asciilifeform;trinque: it was a convenient cheat around the 'they cited 0 actual intel' thing
1666765;1496787693;asciilifeform;now can unofficially-cite 'genuine1!!!1 nsaological find'
1666766;1496787715;trinque;exactly right, and "we'd show you the proof, but classified!"
1666767;1496787718;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you missed 0 useful
1666768;1496787853;mircea_popescu;im sure.
1666769;1496787911;asciilifeform;also i expect the criminal case against the chick, will somehow evaporate.
1666770;1496787931;mircea_popescu;depends how much "heroine of the ourdemocracy" mileage can be had from it.
1666771;1496787942;mircea_popescu;if nobody gives a shit, yes. if "social media storm", then not right off.
1666772;1496787962;asciilifeform;well yes, 'first you pillage, ~then~ you burn'
1666773;1496787974;mircea_popescu;maybe dumb cunt hangs self in prison, optimal outcome as far as the pantsuit are concerned.
1666774;1496787992;asciilifeform;saint factory, lel
1666775;1496788000;mircea_popescu;could be concern for her cats, what.
1666776;1496788067;asciilifeform;i'd expect those'd be sold for soap
1666777;1496793468;mod6;hey asciilifeform, never thought i'd say this but: thanks for the horsecocks!
1666778;1496793756;mod6;yeah, i get some strictness errors with gnatmake, probably can fix as discussed above.
1666779;1496793775;mod6;(without using adacore)
1666780;1496795986;asciilifeform;lol yw mod6
1666781;1496796496;mod6;!!key pete_dushenski
1666783;1496814076;mircea_popescu;lol @qatar dorks, "our commitment to the us is a solid commitment".
1666784;1496850050;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://hi-tech.mail.ru/news/elbruce-prices << supposedly, retail, ~2300 usd
1666785;1496850078;asciilifeform;still not found any sign of reseller who would actually take an order
1666786;1496850309;mircea_popescu;it helps confidence that it's misspelled.
1666787;1496850421;asciilifeform;top inglisch, yes
1666788;1496850571;asciilifeform;interestingly there's ~0 material in english on subj ( other than 3rd hand re-chewed crud ) -- period
1666789;1496850580;asciilifeform;thing is very much not oriented for foreign market.
1666790;1496850584;asciilifeform;( mega-unsurprise )
1666791;1496850607;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform got 0 replies to his inquiries from 'baikal' , incidentally. )
1666792;1496850679;mircea_popescu;remember when the icbc had no listing in reich paper mills, except for something tiny in the pink sheets ?
1666794;1496850717;mircea_popescu;apparently apple could buy russia ; but icbc, which not only "could" but ACRTUALLY BUYS america (not the fucking us shithole, THE WHOLE CONTINENT), that dun exist, never happened, etc.
1666795;1496850744;asciilifeform;farmer does not issue stock to sell to his cows, no.
1666796;1496850759;mircea_popescu;but cows ain't trying to buy it either!
1666797;1496850760;asciilifeform;what'd be the point.
1666798;1496850768;mircea_popescu;tgat;s the more shocking part.
1666799;1496850779;mircea_popescu;anyway, didn't you get some reply from ivan turbinka or somesuch ?
1666801;1496850793;asciilifeform;try it yourself, you'll get same.
1666803;1496850829;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1666804;1496850836;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2788.12, vol: 18815.04747206 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2700.0, vol: 7373.16894 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2744.5, vol: 22911.51749568 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2802.257942, vol: 14599.04950000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2780.019, vol: 9126.38685515 | Volume-weighted last average: 2767.29400839
1666805;1496852049;mircea_popescu;why so little!
1666806;1496853366;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/the-failure-mode-of-abundance/#comment-122188
1666807;1496853673;mircea_popescu;!!key ganabitcoins
1666809;1496853860;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-failure-mode-of-abundance/ << Trilema - The failure mode of abundance
1666810;1496853981;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://archive.is/pbE6V >> 'The user can choose a device number that corresponds to a terminal currently in use by another user.  This allows an attacker to run any command allowed by sudo with read and write access to an arbitrary terminal device. ... As before, the bug is specific to Linux systems that have SELinux enabled ...'
1666811;1496854061;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/4abCk << demo of subj
1666812;1496854108;mircea_popescu;o look, security enabled insecurity! how typical.
1666813;1496854211;asciilifeform;run moar nsaware.
1666814;1496854227;*;asciilifeform always wondered what somebody gotta have in his crankcase instead of brains, to run selinux
1666815;1496854504;mircea_popescu;dod mandated yo!
1666816;1496854527;asciilifeform;you'd be amazed at what gets mandated, aha
1666817;1496854535;asciilifeform;and where.
1666818;1496854668;asciilifeform;still a bit of a puzzler, who ~voluntarily~ uses the thing. 'why do you have an incense burner in your house?' 'they're required at church' 'yes but...'
1666819;1496855006;mircea_popescu;hey. if security were an objective state, trompi wouldn't have centered the software of females around it.
1666820;1496855071;asciilifeform;in other noose, asciilifeform learned that a very recent chinese fpga board : AX516 ( http://esys.ir/images/img_Item/1158/Files/AX516_usermanual.pdf ) includes RTL8211EG , GB nic !! and cheapo.
1666821;1496855121;mircea_popescu;was that blobless ?
1666822;1496855125;asciilifeform;this might sound like a snore, but isn't : thing is wires as 'port', rather than as bus
1666824;1496855144;mircea_popescu;so what, no dma ?
1666825;1496855145;asciilifeform;in this configuration it does not in fact matter what is inside the nic (if you think about it)
1666828;1496855161;asciilifeform;not unless author of fpga circuit chooses to arrange it pc-style (and why!)
1666829;1496855191;mircea_popescu;this is a major development.
1666830;1496855195;asciilifeform;they sell a 1GB and 2GB dram version
1666831;1496855201;mircea_popescu;see alf, I TOLD YOU teh chinese will break it. did i tell you ?
1666832;1496855211;asciilifeform;they didn't break anything, it's still a stock xilinx chip
1666833;1496855219;asciilifeform;but major step ahead in laziness, now i dun have to draw this board
1666834;1496855224;asciilifeform;to prototype xilinx+GB
1666835;1496855239;asciilifeform;( layout for high-speed fpga is a royal bitch )
1666836;1496855260;mircea_popescu;the whole dispute re theory of future of computing, years ago, was you making the (otherwise very solid) case for nsa/tivo-ization, and me saying "i betcher the chinese will break it, inadvertently".
1666837;1496855312;mircea_popescu;and you were "they're dumb as rocks". which is true, they are, there's no dumber beast than the asian. nevertheless -- to break it inadvertently they don't need deliberate, directed effort. they just need to be numerous and take themselves seriously. which they are.
1666838;1496855387;asciilifeform;dun get quite so hot an' bothered, it's still made of traditional xilinx (which needs the massive toolchain) and still contains sdram ( for which no controller other than xilinx's , works ) but this board is actually useful -- in comparison with my existing aging 'ml501' ( as pictured in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=702 , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=797 )
1666839;1496855416;mircea_popescu;no no the sky is falling!!1
1666840;1496855458;asciilifeform;summary of noose piece is 'xilinx+GBnic is nao cheap, who wants -- can get'
1666841;1496855492;asciilifeform;and handy demo of the principle 'sanely hooked up nic is harmless regardless of how boobytrapped, use port not bus'
1666842;1496855533;mircea_popescu;goes right back to the tmsr principle of security through modularization.
1666843;1496855614;asciilifeform;a board entirely like this, but minus all of the superfluous peripherals, and with sram in place of dram, would be quite spiffy ( i've a half-drawn one here, but it sits and waits for its hour )
1666844;1496855696;asciilifeform;( theoretically -- a comp needs only fpga, a few nics, some memory, and a means of hooking up hdd )
1666845;1496855707;asciilifeform;even the hdd is optional
1666846;1496855823;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform answer't.
1666848;1496860222;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/rwandan-bank-profits-up-as-us-retail-sinks/ << Qntra - Rwandan Bank Profits Up As US Retail Sinks
1666851;1496860846;BingoBoingo;and yet, we live in the future and it is awesome
1666853;1496861326;asciilifeform;heya mod6
1666854;1496861893;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2017/the-bitcoin-learning-tournament/ << there you go, a much more proper model of reality in terms of learning.
1666855;1496861916;asciilifeform;oh neato
1666856;1496861931;mircea_popescu;though something tells me you'll say exactly the same re this as re the other model : http://trilema.com/2017/the-failure-mode-of-abundance/#comment-122198 ie "there's no time to consider ACTUAL meaningful models, all we have time for is nonsense. where's that happy meal ?!?!"
1666857;1496861945;asciilifeform;lol notsofast.
1666858;1496861954;mircea_popescu;i am in my quick days!
1666859;1496862054;asciilifeform;sounds spiffy actually
1666860;1496862062;asciilifeform;kinda like ye olde corewars in 'king of the hill' mode
1666861;1496862092;mircea_popescu;i expect the indirection layer between "reality as is" and "reality as perceptible", rudimentary as it is, should be entirely suffcicient to go from hurr durr as displayed by academics to actual science.
1666862;1496862588;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the circus, http://archive.is/K1Ur0 >> 'I'm clear: if human rights laws get in the way of tackling extremism and terrorism, we will change those laws to keep British people safe.' ( Theresa May )
1666865;1496862959;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-bitcoin-learning-tournament/ << Trilema - The Bitcoin learning tournament.
1666866;1496862970;shinohai;http://archive.is/osrZ7   <<< "Alexa, send all my secrets to the feebs"
1666867;1496863161;asciilifeform;'your lizard majesty, we are low on moneys with which to pay for improved NN for wiretap-to-text coverters.' 'make the victims pay' 'how?' 'sell them 'convenient' voicecontrolled toys, they'll buy voluntarily'
1666868;1496863194;shinohai;"Perfect! I'll take 3!"
1666869;1496863251;asciilifeform;( enjoy while still optional! see also, e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-13#1642757 )
1666870;1496863251;a111;Logged on 2017-04-13 01:06 asciilifeform: the sheer idiocy of 'voice command' -- in particular, when device offers no other ui, there are cars now that can only be configured with voice ( are these only sold in anglotardistan? i can only with difficulty picture them elsewhere )
1666871;1496863740;asciilifeform;!!up mathgenius
1666872;1496863740;deedbot;mathgenius voiced for 30 minutes.
1666874;1496864399;shinohai;mathgenius != loquacious
1666875;1496865904;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666862 << and this is why you don't want females electable in any position of power.
1666876;1496865904;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 19:09 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the circus, http://archive.is/K1Ur0 >> 'I'm clear: if human rights laws get in the way of tackling extremism and terrorism, we will change those laws to keep British people safe.' ( Theresa May )
1666877;1496865947;mircea_popescu;it's an idea that sounds great in theory, and works ok while it's new, because only golda meirs and margaret thatchers make it in. but on the long term, the fundamental whorish substrate of the female, biologically conditioned to trade cocksucking for "safety", surfaces and fucks everything up.
1666878;1496866105;shinohai;Theresa May gonna cuck the entire continent.
1666879;1496866149;mircea_popescu;if she gets a chance to, totally going to "leadersheep"
1666880;1496866174;shinohai;Those poor British Sam's. Never will see it coming.
1666881;1496866192;mircea_popescu;cuz not looking, and deliberately.
1666883;1496866353;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 21:44 jhvh1: danielpbarron: [KJV] Isaiah 3:12 :: As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
1666884;1496866446;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554228 << it's this "are to be" which throws the whole thing off, rather than, "you are commanded to make them"
1666885;1496866446;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 21:45 danielpbarron: >> The Lord did not design men to have women rule over them. He designed men to rule over women. "The head of woman is man" (1 Corinthians 11:3), and "Adam was formed first, then Eve" (1 Timothy 2:13). This is why women are to be submissive (1 Corinthians 14:34). God has placed men as the authority (head) over women, and therefore they need to submit to this authority. Moreover, this authority was established from the very beginnin
1666886;1496866479;trinque;for all I know that happened in the translation to turdlang.
1666887;1496866493;mod6;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-6-7#621f4ef7-a82e-40c2-9563-52f4d5791f22 << neat!
1666888;1496866573;danielpbarron;"are to be" is the author of that article's words; not scripture.
1666889;1496866585;danielpbarron;!~bible 1 cor 14:34
1666890;1496866586;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] 1 Corinthians 14:34 :: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
1666891;1496866598;danielpbarron;there's your command, heh
1666893;1496866650;*;diana_coman too busy to speak; works
1666894;1496866651;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-14#1273331 << see here for the same passive aggressive thinking being thunked out of a slightly younger trinque
1666895;1496866651;a111;Logged on 2015-09-14 00:35 mircea_popescu: * trinque [...] a very angry man about why what I did was below what was expected of me << for the record, i don't think very much of this entire "expectations" verbiage/bs. if you think a little about it, so would you. a) what sort of fucking powerless vulnerable schmuck lets himself get into the position of DEPENDING on a kid ? that's what you're saying. don't say that, not only is it not true it's also very stupid.
1666896;1496866689;mircea_popescu;poor diana_coman
1666897;1496866721;mod6;trinque, danielpbarron, et al. thx. got X built, gcc 4.9.2, etc. on the new laptop.
1666898;1496866728;danielpbarron;it's only in church that women shouldn't speak, and I don't know of very many true churches
1666899;1496866730;diana_coman;I find funny all the talk of no-speak, what
1666900;1496866768;mircea_popescu;yeah, but it's only funny until someone loses an eye. to wit, suppose your job was to find some woman qualified to speak -- other than you. preferably, 21 something, pr pisi.
1666901;1496866771;mircea_popescu;ya know ?
1666902;1496866799;shinohai;Perhaps because diana_coman is equal to any 10 other women I know.
1666904;1496866827;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, not sure I'd have less trouble finding a man really; I get what you mean though
1666905;1496866850;mircea_popescu;hey, im not much in favour of putting "men" of the sort in positions of power either.
1666906;1496866948;diana_coman;shinohai, thanks!
1666907;1496866963;mircea_popescu;whole "position of power" bs is so much statal crap. but on the positive side, it's definitely wringing itself out of existence, as finely exemplified by teh "tangerine in chief" etc. what exact power is it ?
1666908;1496867009;mircea_popescu;i dunno why the pantsuits were so aggro re trump's twitter account. whole fucking JOB is little more than a pretext for putting "trump official" on your twitter.
1666909;1496867020;mircea_popescu;what else does it do ?
1666910;1496867040;diana_coman;attract fools? dunno
1666911;1496867048;mircea_popescu;his bitch yello.
1666912;1496867079;mircea_popescu;blows dat dick like statal "positions of power" meant something.
1666913;1496867092;trinque;my lady friend put it to me thus, that woman can behave like a man in certain realms, but often means cutting off a tit, like the (possibly apocryphal) amazon woman archer thing.
1666914;1496867108;diana_coman;tbh I am not sure I see much to really distinguish this sort of "it makes me happy" from the "mud makes me happy"
1666915;1496867114;trinque;generalizations that broad being easily falsified and so on
1666916;1496867157;mircea_popescu;wait which happy ?
1666917;1496867171;diana_coman;obama-happy, trump-happy
1666918;1496867202;mircea_popescu;obama i understand. basically, tiganu' satului elected mayor. he's gonna be fucking thrilled, look ma, i'm on top of the world.
1666919;1496867220;mircea_popescu;ro commies did exactly that sort of thing also, back in the early days.
1666920;1496867269;mircea_popescu;trinque i suppose the whole amazon loped tit thing was commentary re "stop being so damned nurturing" and the whole lacedemonian cultural shock.
1666921;1496867299;diana_coman;trinque, perhaps; I don't quite buy this cutting off a tit but I can't say I spent a lot of time on it as such
1666922;1496867321;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, mama lu' stefan cel mare? lmao
1666923;1496867336;trinque;diana_coman: girl's also part cherokee; apparently they'd solve the cognitive dissonance by saying "ah, her? she's got a man's spirit!" and leave it at that
1666924;1496867434;mircea_popescu;diana_coman yeah, and that whole "because fuck your race" thing.
1666925;1496867472;diana_coman;trinque, I saw that approach in practice, yes
1666926;1496867493;mircea_popescu;ie ttp://trilema.com/2016/a-complete-theory-of-politics/#selection-27.1-31.28
1666927;1496868020;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666897 << congrats mod6
1666928;1496868020;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 20:18 mod6: trinque, danielpbarron, et al. thx. got X built, gcc 4.9.2, etc. on the new laptop.
1666929;1496868028;asciilifeform;mod6: which machine, was it
1666930;1496868811;danielpbarron;i also got something to work that i had been stuck on for a while: lilo stalling on the bios data check. seems as though the solution is to use 'linear' rather than 'lba32' in etc/lilo.conf
1666931;1496868857;asciilifeform;newer biosen spew forth rubbish when asked for the classical sectors/cylinders/heads info
1666932;1496868944;danielpbarron;strange thing is i can take the drive (that is, that which shows up as /dev/sda) out and put it in an identical machine and it will boot with the lba32 thing
1666933;1496868971;asciilifeform;what means 'identical' here
1666934;1496868974;asciilifeform;didja diff the biosen ?
1666936;1496868989;danielpbarron;no, but they are the "same version" as reported by themselves
1666937;1496869052;danielpbarron;the one i got it working on reports a slightly newer version, but i suspect this fix would work on the other one with same version
1666938;1496869059;asciilifeform;ver num. is worth about as far as you can throw it.
1666939;1496869926;mod6;asciilifeform: new laptop i grabbed.  x86_64.
1666940;1496869963;mod6;only thing left i gotta fix is the wireless driver
1666941;1496870079;trinque;!!up juantelez
1666942;1496870079;deedbot;juantelez voiced for 30 minutes.
1666943;1496870086;trinque;who goes there?
1666944;1496870173;juantelez;Hi, trinque :)
1666945;1496870187;trinque;hello, who are you?
1666946;1496870199;juantelez;trinque: I'm Juan Pablo Telez.
1666947;1496870253;trinque;what brings you to the forum of the Republic?
1666948;1496870324;juantelez;trinque: I wanna know more about this place.
1666949;1496870332;mod6;see /topic
1666950;1496870364;juantelez;mod6: Thanks.
1666951;1496870374;mod6;no prob.
1666952;1496870688;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666939 << mega-informative, lol
1666953;1496870688;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 21:12 mod6: asciilifeform: new laptop i grabbed.  x86_64.
1666955;1496871085;jhvh1;stormy with a chance of packeting
1666956;1496871113;trinque;!!up whaack
1666957;1496871113;deedbot;whaack voiced for 30 minutes.
1666958;1496871123;trinque;whaack: hey, didn't you have a key and so on?
1666959;1496871225;shinohai;Too busy whaacking off?
1666960;1496871271;asciilifeform;twist : all of the zombie lurkers are long-dead
1666961;1496871280;asciilifeform;they configured a box some time back when alive, and now -- this.
1666962;1496873027;trinque;!!up whaack
1666963;1496873027;deedbot;whaack voiced for 30 minutes.
1666964;1496873046;whaack;<-- still alive and lurking
1666965;1496873071;*;whaack is working on his "ESL" problem
1666966;1496873365;trinque;curious what lang hotfix you chose.
1666967;1496873399;whaack;I'm leaving the US and going to Costa Rica in about a month. In the off chance anyone wants to make some btc by renting out a place there send a msg to my key. Any advice is appreciated as well
1666968;1496873521;danielpbarron;mod6, if you get wifi working can i get a recipe?
1666969;1496873545;trinque;gonna depend on chip quite a bit
1666970;1496873648;whaack;I've taken a few Spanish classes throughout school, I'm using duolingo, reading Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish http://b-ok.org/book/1160411/3c0465, moving to CR (went there for 10 days, loved it), reading a textbook (Nexos)
1666971;1496873670;trinque;whaack: as it happens mircea_popescu lives there now.
1666972;1496873925;shinohai;whaack: seeing as how there is little Qntra market these days I offer (wot based) Spanish tutoring as well.
1666973;1496874048;whaack;shinohai: I will take you up on that
1666974;1496874635;whaack;and mircea_popescu if you have any advice on colón/btc interfaces or renting it would be very much appreciated
1666975;1496875354;shinohai;!!key whaack
1666977;1496876477;shinohai;!!up juantelez
1666978;1496876477;deedbot;juantelez voiced for 30 minutes.
1666979;1496880757;ben_vulpes;> While America may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning Linux in all of its very ugly forms.
1666981;1496880780;mod6;<+danielpbarron> mod6, if you get wifi working can i get a recipe? << sure thing
1666982;1496880814;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666939 << mega-informative, lol << haha, it's a thinkpad E560
1666983;1496880814;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 21:12 mod6: asciilifeform: new laptop i grabbed.  x86_64.
1666984;1496883327;mod6;yay, works.
1666985;1496887564;mircea_popescu;speaking of old hardware, /me just bought a bmw 320i from 2005.
1666986;1496887573;mircea_popescu;whaack_ renting ? what do you mean ?
1666987;1496887707;mircea_popescu;ah i see.
1666988;1496887870;mod6;ah, werd.
1666989;1496887887;mod6;danielpbarron: p.bvulpes.com/pastes/FFWQL
1666990;1496889506;mod6;i should note, that if you end up setting a default run-level with wpa_supplicant to debug some stuff, ensure that you disable this.  you want to remove that with `rc-update delete wpa_supplicant`.  then add `rc-update add net.wlan0 default` in its place.  this, at least for me, fires up the adapter and negotiates with the AP at boot time.
1666991;1496889562;mod6;now if i can just get this touch-pad to work, i'll have "computrobox"
1666992;1496889585;mod6;opera works great.
1666993;1496889726;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu collects vintage autos nao ??
1666994;1496890843;mircea_popescu;hey, pre-electronics shitpocalypse.
1666995;1496891491;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: neato. manual ?
1666997;1496891506;mircea_popescu;some sort of weird nazi manual without a clutch pedal.
1666998;1496891523;pete_dushenski;aka 'semi-automated'
1666999;1496891544;pete_dushenski;still uses torque converter but allows for driver control of gear selection
1667000;1496891551;mircea_popescu;pretty much yeah
1667001;1496891557;asciilifeform;lol i have one quite like it in same vintage jp machine
1667002;1496891558;pete_dushenski;within limits, comps will still take over if you're driving too douchey
1667003;1496891606;mircea_popescu;it's not terrible, though i never owned one before.
1667004;1496891624;pete_dushenski;they're defo better around town.
1667005;1496891640;asciilifeform;where is there to drive in cr..
1667006;1496891643;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't want a purely automatic gearbox in this country mostly because of the grades they got.
1667007;1496891652;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to the volcano and to the beach.
1667008;1496891653;asciilifeform;i thouht the roads were donkey grade
1667009;1496891661;pete_dushenski;... than manual. and better than normal auto because, yes, as mp said, hills
1667010;1496891744;mircea_popescu;i don't think anyone even makes an automatic gearbox that handles 15-20% well. cuz why would it, sorta thing.
1667011;1496891756;mircea_popescu;maybe the new heavily electronic things. though... "your java applet has crashed"
1667012;1496891762;pete_dushenski;the subsequent generation of 'semi-automated' have paddles on steering wheel or column. 'like f1 car'(tm). gen1 just had clicker sub-gate on centre console shifter
1667013;1496891777;mircea_popescu;this one has the clicker im pretty sure.
1667014;1496891807;pete_dushenski;gen2 became more common around '08-10 so that'd make sense
1667015;1496891859;pete_dushenski;next gen of 'auto' is argually dual-clutch trans that pre-selects next gear and can swap cogs in blink of an eye (<200ms)
1667018;1496891884;pete_dushenski;nifty tech. mostly for performance cars though.
1667019;1496891959;*;pete_dushenski new car has dual-clutch. article on which is forthcoming :)
1667020;1496892107;pete_dushenski;in other shadowy existences, icbc lives! (it dominates us repo market) http://archive.is/KyKZ0
1667021;1496892119;pete_dushenski;!#s icbc pink sheets
1667022;1496892120;a111;6 results for "icbc pink sheets", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=icbc%20pink%20sheets
1667024;1496892162;pete_dushenski;!!up juantelez
1667025;1496892162;deedbot;juantelez voiced for 30 minutes.
1667026;1496892166;mircea_popescu;!!key juantelez
1667028;1496892189;mircea_popescu;!!rate juantelez 1 stahp join/parting omygerd.
1667029;1496892190;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/pnnqa/?raw=true
1667030;1496892215;mircea_popescu;!!v A2D77ACE62042FB47F889F293348E7F34D77C25A18026105319B5E005218EF44
1667031;1496892216;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated juantelez 1 << stahp join/parting omygerd.
1667032;1496892229;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: you're driving it yourself?!
1667033;1496892236;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes naah
1667035;1496892873;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666970 << entirely adequate ocr on this blob, ty whaack_
1667036;1496892873;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 22:14 whaack: I've taken a few Spanish classes throughout school, I'm using duolingo, reading Breaking Out of Beginner's Spanish http://b-ok.org/book/1160411/3c0465, moving to CR (went there for 10 days, loved it), reading a textbook (Nexos)
1667037;1496892988;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667012 << i beat the shit out of this girl's vw buttrocket when i discovered it had this, aeons ago
1667038;1496892988;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 03:16 pete_dushenski: the subsequent generation of 'semi-automated' have paddles on steering wheel or column. 'like f1 car'(tm). gen1 just had clicker sub-gate on centre console shifter
1667039;1496893016;ben_vulpes;learned in that day that an auto did not have to be an utter misery to drive
1667040;1496893106;ben_vulpes;lag sucked though, also had no notion of matching engine speed to the new gear for slick ride experience
1667041;1496893207;ben_vulpes;'tis one thing to press bae back in her seat with a downshift, another altogether to rattle the whole crew around as the vehicle rattles around its hysteresis envelope as the geartrain and suspension return to steady-state
1667042;1496893255;pete_dushenski;weirdly, dct can feel ~more~ raw and ~more~ mechanical than manual if properly engineered. low speed smoothness isn't usually part of that equation though, thus the still enormous market for slushboxen with evermore speeds. 8 ? why not 9 ? let's make it 10!
1667043;1496893300;ben_vulpes;feel, yes i'm sure.
1667044;1496893308;ben_vulpes;i'd love to whip one around, actually.
1667045;1496893319;pete_dushenski;come to canada!
1667046;1496893328;ben_vulpes;not this year, but thank you
1667047;1496893335;ben_vulpes;can also rent here lol
1667048;1496893335;pete_dushenski;door is open
1667049;1496893343;ben_vulpes;appreciate it, but sunny climes call
1667050;1496893344;pete_dushenski;border too. for now.
1667051;1496893376;ben_vulpes;heh, friends have been whining, "what if you can't come back!!!1" without ever once considering the corrolary "what if you can't get out?"
1667052;1496893380;*;pete_dushenski has sunburn from golf course today
1667053;1496893400;ben_vulpes;'tis june, mhm.
1667054;1496893428;ben_vulpes;upstack, while an interesting experience i do not think i will enjoy the experience of HAHA IN ANOTHER GEAR NOW
1667055;1496893437;ben_vulpes;derivatives are a thing, matching them a skill.
1667056;1496893527;pete_dushenski;lol neither did i. until i stopped playing classified carey and drove the bloody things like i stole 'em
1667057;1496893541;ben_vulpes;c-classified carey?
1667058;1496893570;pete_dushenski;guy who spends all spare time perusing classifieds - dreamer dan, if you will
1667060;1496893601;ben_vulpes;i suppose if you're only shifting when you're clear out of the power band it might not be so whiplash-inducing
1667061;1496893634;pete_dushenski;it's like 'i don't think she'd be a good fuck because too prudish'. well, go fuck and see if your armchair assessment is accurate ?
1667062;1496893635;ben_vulpes;i bleed ke off with the clutch, sue me
1667063;1496893678;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: i'd rather pull the guitar off the wall, ty
1667064;1496893701;ben_vulpes;currently divesting of piles of atoms, not looking for more or more reasons to have more
1667065;1496893719;ben_vulpes;not to mention gut distate for robots in my control loop
1667066;1496893735;ben_vulpes;it's not "too prudish" it's "dafuq are you doing with that fleshlight"
1667067;1496893735;pete_dushenski;then like looking at guitar in magazine and saying 'looks too twangy sounding for me personally'. anyways
1667068;1496893764;ben_vulpes;i burn petrol very intentionally, in a curated set of petrol-combusting platforms.
1667069;1496893768;pete_dushenski;fleshlight lol. isn't that guy's toy ?
1667070;1496893798;ben_vulpes;not interested in innovation and disruption in my ICE stack
1667071;1496893808;ben_vulpes;glad you are having fun though
1667072;1496893942;ben_vulpes;in entirely other socialismos, burritogate lynch mob turns out to have been incited by white operator of feminist coworking space or some such: http://www.wweek.com/restaurants/news-restaurants/2017/06/06/the-battle-over-kooks-burritos-led-to-death-threats-and-international-outrage-we-invited-portland-chefs-to-weigh-in/
1667073;1496893982;ben_vulpes;"resource center for the resistance"!
1667074;1496894112;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667051 << word. it's always the rats in shitholes that are really dedicated to this nonsense.
1667075;1496894112;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 03:42 ben_vulpes: heh, friends have been whining, "what if you can't come back!!!1" without ever once considering the corrolary "what if you can't get out?"
1667076;1496894123;mircea_popescu;what the hell happened to "dude, if i can't get back it just means IT FUCKING SUCKED!"
1667077;1496894167;ben_vulpes;lol very nearly precisely my words
1667078;1496894197;trinque;what kind of joyless cunts ban burritos I ask
1667079;1496894200;mircea_popescu;you know ? dumbass soviets were like this, and then once the 80s were over and shitholistan moved to arab world, they were like that in the 90s.
1667080;1496894205;ben_vulpes;"i wouldn't be a member of any club that wouldn't fall all over itself to have me in it" or how did it go
1667081;1496894216;mircea_popescu;"ya dude, you'll totally miss syria/libya/egypt/whateverthefuck"
1667082;1496894232;ben_vulpes;i think...i'll be fine?
1667083;1496894249;ben_vulpes;certainly better than eudalystan
1667084;1496894251;mircea_popescu;trinque that thought makes me want to go have some more smoked trout on homemade bread.
1667085;1496894289;trinque;sounds delicious
1667086;1496894308;trinque;my lady made this spicy cod thing with mangos and other whatnot the other day
1667087;1496894326;mircea_popescu;i distrust any non-cr mangoes.
1667088;1496894332;ben_vulpes;oh the acid reaction thing?
1667089;1496894339;mircea_popescu;ceviche ?
1667093;1496894362;trinque;nah wasn't ceviche, but honestly the whole concoction done that way would be even better.
1667094;1496894377;ben_vulpes;i'm going sour on applying heat to fish
1667095;1496894455;mod6;freshwater fish gotta be cooked tho.
1667096;1496894491;ben_vulpes;flyover state problems
1667097;1496894494;mircea_popescu;ok this is the lulz of all time. so /me checks out the bavarian motors local website. it's https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bavarian-Motors-Costa-Rica-BMW/249753901736814
1667098;1496894500;ben_vulpes;i kid mod6 i kid
1667099;1496894500;mircea_popescu;buncha angry people from years ago.
1667101;1496894516;mircea_popescu;this website-for-business craze is totally paying off.
1667102;1496894546;*;ben_vulpes has lamb chops to grill, bbl
1667103;1496894655;ben_vulpes;!!up punto
1667104;1496894656;deedbot;punto voiced for 30 minutes.
1667105;1496894986;trinque;whaack: you can self-up.
1667106;1496894991;trinque;!!gettrust deedbot whaack
1667107;1496894991;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections.
1667108;1496895395;trinque;!!up whaack
1667109;1496895396;deedbot;whaack voiced for 30 minutes.
1667110;1496895493;trinque;make sure ya snag your key then, before departing for good?
1667111;1496895642;whaack;of course :)
1667112;1496895725;mircea_popescu;btw @all, lemme know if you have complaints/comments re the whole b itcoin learning thing before it gets drywalled.
1667113;1496895751;mircea_popescu;esp if there's any glaring holes / errors that i dun wanna discover you know, once the submissions get processed.
1667114;1496896064;mircea_popescu;ooo and in other news, turkish parliament approves turkish army depoloyment in qatar.
1667115;1496896596;BingoBoingo; speaking of old hardware, /me just bought a bmw 320i from 2005. << Oh my, A German!
1667116;1496896663;ben_vulpes;i still gotta read through that, mircea_popescu
1667117;1496896680;*;ben_vulpes is woefully behind on homework
1667118;1496896683;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo actually i don't think i ever bought a non-german car.
1667119;1496896765;mircea_popescu;"Strict and firm action will be taken against anyone who shows sympathy or any form of bias towards Qatar, or against anyone who objects to the position of the United Arab Emirates, whether it be through the means of social media, or any type of written, visual or verbal form," Gulf News quoted UAE Attorney-General Hamad Saif al-Shamsi as saying. << bwahahaha check out the us lap dogs.
1667120;1496896775;mircea_popescu;aspiring to be england over there.
1667121;1496896833;BingoBoingo;Ah, I would have expected a Unimog given the terrain description
1667122;1496896945;BingoBoingo;And Unimog can carry more girlies
1667124;1496896981;BingoBoingo;And can be fitted with volvanic ash plow
1667125;1496897045;mircea_popescu;get it armored, should carry some pretty decent firepower
1667126;1496897083;BingoBoingo;Not really enough torque to wear armor or carry hamplanets
1667127;1496897092;mircea_popescu;o ya. it's a primo apc.
1667129;1496897144;mircea_popescu;fun fact : most unimogs have less hp than my bmw.
1667130;1496897211;BingoBoingo;Most unimogs have less hp than riding lawnmower
1667131;1496897220;mircea_popescu;50 or so iirc
1667132;1496897259;BingoBoingo;Ah, so 2 riding lawnmowers
1667133;1496897267;mircea_popescu;though im pretty sure they race. dakar and whatnot.
1667134;1496897375;BingoBoingo;Oh there seems to be class for everything at dakar. Unimogs, bikes, rail trains, deckless lawnmowers
1667135;1496897398;BingoBoingo;!!up juantelez
1667136;1496897399;deedbot;juantelez voiced for 30 minutes.
1667137;1496897409;BingoBoingo;juantelez: Who is your daddy and what does he do?
1667138;1496899662;pete_dushenski;speaking of dakar, the red bull team uses kamaz 4326 trucks! (with a mental 1000hp diesel engine). seen here in action : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FcEuuakWPg
1667139;1496899767;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu | ooo and in other news, turkish parliament approves turkish army depoloyment in qatar. << at least someone in fiat isn't afraid to get their hands dirty.
1667140;1496927301;BingoBoingo;!!up ModeratelyAttrac
1667141;1496927301;deedbot;ModeratelyAttrac voiced for 30 minutes.
1667142;1496927357;shinohai;Well if it isn't Shanti
1667144;1496927844;shinohai;!~later tell whaack I received tu grabacion and will send back suggestions later today.
1667145;1496927844;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1667146;1496928024;*;shinohai pops popcorn and prepares ice for drinks ahead of Comey hearing momentarily ....
1667147;1496929182;BingoBoingo;Meh, his written statement makes him sound like a nervous aspie a la Elliot
1667148;1496929224;BingoBoingo;And testimony so centered on internal monologue is worthless, because how the fuck is the other person supposd to know?
1667149;1496929353;shinohai;That's what I want to see, his bumbling over the whole thing and butthurt.
1667150;1496930019;shinohai;Imma have to do a shitcoin roundup this week it appears: http://archive.is/PajQy
1667151;1496930139;shinohai;(Cheers to the fellow that thought storing 3 BTC and 55 LTC on Conbase was great idea)
1667152;1496930485;BingoBoingo;Maybe? Prolly best to instead do a seperate headline for each story
1667153;1496930817;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1667154;1496930823;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2745.07, vol: 17597.98562296 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2647.933, vol: 6931.80305 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2717.9, vol: 27271.94278436 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2744.833984, vol: 17391.80060000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2753.02, vol: 6572.58222827 | Volume-weighted last average: 2727.03864171
1667156;1496932802;shinohai;heya mod6
1667157;1496932839;mod6;how goes the popcorn?
1667158;1496933092;shinohai;BingoBoingo was right, it's a snore. On to other things. >.>
1667159;1496933251;asciilifeform;in other noose, nobody on planet3 seems to know how to disable serialport flowcontrol on openbsd.
1667160;1496933257;asciilifeform;broken os, made by broken people.
1667161;1496933281;asciilifeform;seems to play same ecological role as winblowz -- to make linux look appealing in comparison.
1667162;1496933450;asciilifeform;astonishing, how the militantly retarded can make what seems like simple problem -- to get raw bytes in/out of a comp -- into a near-impossibility
1667163;1496933482;mod6;it is pretty depressing indeed
1667164;1496933893;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667051 << the historic record of such surprises is more or less 100% 'can't get out' vs ~0 'can't get in'
1667165;1496933893;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 03:42 ben_vulpes: heh, friends have been whining, "what if you can't come back!!!1" without ever once considering the corrolary "what if you can't get out?"
1667166;1496934081;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667079 << i'd like to visit the parallel universe this was posted from. in mine, the sov folx happily moved to 'civilized west', where to enjoy driving cabs ( rather than, say, the valhalla depicted in the bootleg vhs tapes )
1667167;1496934081;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 03:56 mircea_popescu: you know ? dumbass soviets were like this, and then once the 80s were over and shitholistan moved to arab world, they were like that in the 90s.
1667168;1496934099;phf;americans have been trained on the whole iron curtain vs the free world narrative. so now any place that's politically disagreeable is seen as potentially behind iron curtain
1667169;1496934182;asciilifeform;'bbbut i know a d00d who couldn't get out' 'did he go to north kr ?' 'yes...' 'was he a baptist missionary...' 'yes...' 'which is a jailable offense there..' 'DISGUSTING untermenschen!!!howdarethey'
1667170;1496934230;asciilifeform;^ which made me wonder, how come the missionaries never go to riyadh
1667171;1496934541;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667166 << #1 bullshit of 20something fuck-market-value females with a chance to get out was "wut if i never see $old-relative ever again!!1".
1667172;1496934541;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 15:01 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667079 << i'd like to visit the parallel universe this was posted from. in mine, the sov folx happily moved to 'civilized west', where to enjoy driving cabs ( rather than, say, the valhalla depicted in the bootleg vhs tapes )
1667173;1496934558;mircea_popescu;and i dunno re planets, but on mine ~everyone with any market value had >1 opportunities to gtfo.
1667174;1496934590;mircea_popescu;the fact that elites failed to defect is a very sad testament on the structurally broken in the head nature of postmodern elites. something we know as jwz-ism today, but has preexisted jwz.
1667175;1496934642;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't comment on ro emigres, but with su world there was a lulzy twist : 1st wave (1970s -- largely j000z!11) wrote home, 'i'ma full professor and it rocks, come on over', 2nd wave went, to discover that market -- glut, and hello cab
1667176;1496934654;phf;to be fair i heard that one as "i didn't get out, because knew for a fact that $old-relative will get in trouble"
1667177;1496934685;mircea_popescu;phf the specific phrasing of protective female bullshit (PFB) is studied in a different discipline, but sure.
1667178;1496934797;phf;in a sense that fuck relatives, or in a sense that arrest of the escapee relatives was not a thing?
1667179;1496934834;mircea_popescu;in a sense that "mutual responsibility" is never a genuine concern, but out and out fraternizing with the enemy.
1667180;1496934844;asciilifeform;nobody arrested relatives, post-stalin, but various folx were sacked from sugary professorships etc.
1667181;1496934910;mircea_popescu;not "fuck relatives", though that's what dumb female would pretend was said ; not "this doesn't happen", though that's what castrated "allies" might pretend was said. simply "the responsibility for living in jail attaches to each individual liver individually. old relative should have fucking known better than to be there, and shouldn't expect other-people to put out his clothes just because he likes sitting down on the going
1667182;1496934910;mircea_popescu; stove."
1667183;1496934958;mircea_popescu;the whole "expectation" thread linked recently is amusingly on point.
1667184;1496934971;asciilifeform;recall the treblinka thread ?
1667185;1496935000;asciilifeform;!#s treblinka
1667186;1496935001;a111;19 results for "treblinka", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=treblinka
1667187;1496935020;phf;asciilifeform: that's not true, re no arrests, and there's a lot of creative variations on "sacked from sugary professorships"
1667188;1496935062;asciilifeform;phf: who, and when, where, demonstrably arrested solely because relative went
1667189;1496935072;mircea_popescu;anyway, that's the canonical borderline sleeve transactional outpour, "i cant/couldnt" (age dependent) "study/work/move/whatever because son/husband/father/baby jesus on stick needed me not to".
1667190;1496935088;mircea_popescu;it's never genuine.
1667191;1496935127;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you two are perhaps confusing arrests "would you please come with us" -> dumbass questioning insistently repeated with jailings "you will sit in this room for 12 years".
1667192;1496935136;mircea_popescu;these are not the same.
1667194;1496935204;mircea_popescu;re later, nobody fucking bothered to pay room and board for some idle schmuck that was too dumb to leave himself in the first place. re former, of fucking course they kept pretending to importance for a day or two, it's what statal socialism is built out of : the organised pretense to importance.
1667195;1496935333;phf;asciilifeform: family conversations in the 90s, and this is the case of "elites" leaving. grandfather at some point was under investigation, because someone in his department defected, but immediate colleagues sacked, wife arrested and imprisoned. this is oboronka though
1667196;1496935422;asciilifeform;i'm yet to read a neutral (i.e. from original documents) account of such a thing -- in modern (1970s+) period
1667197;1496935434;asciilifeform;but plenty of friend-of-a-friend-says-that-his-great-uncle-... etc.
1667199;1496935539;mircea_popescu;now portion of this is also defensive, and should be separated. some dudes leaving left with actual goods. some might have and the soviet accountancy was slightly worse than us, they couldn't quite figure it exactly.
1667200;1496935542;asciilifeform;which puts it into ufology.
1667201;1496935573;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: per the su pov, the stuff inside the head of, e.g., serious physicist, is 'actual goods'
1667202;1496935582;mircea_popescu;whereas under discussion here wasn't "guy who worked for army/internal ministry/etc 30 years", but very specifically, young-female-whose-preponderence-of-value-comes-from-specific-fat-distribution-on-body.
1667203;1496935585;asciilifeform;i.e. was put there at great expense of orc exchequer
1667204;1496935589;asciilifeform;and it expected a return
1667205;1496935594;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not just su, fwis.
1667206;1496935604;phf;mircea_popescu: i thought "elites" were under the discussion, but yeah, we went in the direction of females
1667207;1496935610;mircea_popescu;he DID get free education yes ? usg still wants you to pay college debt even if you leave.
1667208;1496935656;mircea_popescu;phf the point you're not seeing because it's so unexpected and i didn't make it specifically was that the definition of elite scales with society. elite is "who has objective value". in late soviet, much like in late usg reich, the strippers were the elite
1667209;1496935662;phf;fwiw, the reason it's friend of a friend, is because su was good at compartmentalization. my grandparents didn't talk about ~anything~ at all at home (and still warned my mom to never talk about anything she hears at home) until after the collapse
1667210;1496935663;mircea_popescu;simply because NOBODY ELSE had any value.
1667211;1496935693;mircea_popescu;this is the sad result of following dumbass ideology (ie, socialism) past its halfway point -- you become -value, notwithstanding in saner context you'd have been +value and thereby some kind of elite.
1667212;1496935715;mircea_popescu;but usistani "best anthropologist of his generation" is no kind of elite. only elite there is kardashian, because ass.
1667213;1496935758;phf;well, but these people aren't escaping into tmsr/pashtun. are we judging elite from our perspective, or what their respective target countries considered elite?
1667214;1496935784;asciilifeform;if you produce 25mil of somebody per yr, that this is definitionally not any sort of elite. hence 0 attempt to seriously skin 'college grads' for their debt ( good fraction of which already condemned to life term of 'starbucks barista' )
1667215;1496935834;phf;people who ~escaped~ from oboronka, back when it still meant something in the early 80s, say, were granted a perceived elite status in u.s. i don't know anyone with that connection who's sweeping floors at mcgrooders, but plently of "NII engineers"
1667216;1496935854;mircea_popescu;phf we are judging elite on the strength of action rather than ideology. properly-fat-female is elite because can fuck. properly-soviet-bureaucrat is not elite because can not do jack shit.
1667217;1496935866;asciilifeform;the 'college' racket is no sort of 'investment in elite' , in usgdom, rather it is a mechanism for assigning ~everyone a debt of $maxint de jure so that their moneys can be harvested at will later, should they happen to come across any
1667218;1496935971;asciilifeform;phf: belenko, perhaps ultimate stereotypical escapee ( stole no less than a mig-25 ! ) iirc was last seen selling used cars.
1667219;1496935984;phf;i don't know any properly soviet bureaucrats who are not also licking ass the same way they were doing it in soviet union, for peanuts. people that i'm talking about escaped, or left in the early 90s, and didn't have any problems going from one closed research institute soviet side to an equivalent u.s. side.
1667220;1496935997;mircea_popescu;what target countries value ideologically is uninteresting. but what they value on the sane basis of valuation, can't be ignored. so if you mix "the french really liked ukr chicks" in there we'll have to distinguish what does "the french" mean, ie, what portion they like because them bitches can suck a golf ball through a garden hose and what portion because they read in paris match that they should.
1667221;1496935997;asciilifeform;gorby sells pizza.
1667222;1496936014;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so will obama.
1667223;1496936122;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the functioning of soviet economy was not in any sense different. they'd just steal inventions outright, w/e.
1667224;1496936138;asciilifeform;usg offered 'untermenschen' all kinds of lures, while they had (what was perceived as) secrets to trade -- honourary colonelships, professorships, etc.
1667225;1496936145;asciilifeform;when milked dry -- hello cab.
1667226;1496936164;mircea_popescu;it was ~same as short fat dude in 2nd hs year will pay strippers to come hang out with him in the cafeteria.
1667227;1496936188;mircea_popescu;twas supposed to impress the sheiks, 99% of all it was good for. as you can see the problem remains even today, in exactly same terms.
1667228;1496936334;phf;me and asciilifeform have respective selection biases. i don't know any russian professor cab drivers, but plenty of NIH department heads, doing their half science half politikin on the new territory. presumably there's also a world of russian escapees who are driving cabs, that i'm just not connected to
1667229;1496936361;asciilifeform;asciilifeform met both
1667230;1496936381;mircea_popescu;i also met both.
1667231;1496936391;asciilifeform;and considerably moar of 'formerly nii, physics, now cab' than of 'straight from dept chair to dept chair'
1667232;1496936417;mircea_popescu;this is an iffier point. i didn't meet that many altogether. moreover, i didn't discount the "friend of a friend" stories out of hand.
1667233;1496936483;asciilifeform;fact is, finite number of 'elite' slots for runaway orcs to fill
1667234;1496936491;mircea_popescu;this is never true.
1667235;1496936492;asciilifeform;local elite has things mostly divvied up, as anywhere.
1667236;1496936497;mircea_popescu;there's an infinite number of elite slots.
1667237;1496936514;mircea_popescu;what there isn't, are any slots for the aspie 14% to wannabe-elite on the basis of other people's processes, goods and etc.
1667238;1496936517;asciilifeform;for mongol horde - sure. for full professorships -- strictly finite.
1667239;1496936525;phf;i think that's kind of "fact" that all cab drivers like to talk about
1667240;1496936555;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's no elite that attaches to "the attaining of full professorship". this is the problem here, the statal parasitizing of the notion of elite.
1667241;1496936574;mircea_popescu;no one is elite because god/pope/king/whoever said so/put his hands on him/invested with phallus-staff and cunt-ring.
1667242;1496936578;asciilifeform;thread was largely about '70s-80s emigres, or so i thought
1667243;1496936582;mircea_popescu;it's a purely internal thing.
1667244;1496936592;asciilifeform;who were 'professorship' types rather than 'i'ma corner the dope market' variety
1667245;1496936601;mircea_popescu;there is no such "type".
1667246;1496936618;mircea_popescu;whole fucking 1990s fiction is ALL ABOUT this, "holy shit mom, i thought i was a type, turns out reality's untyped!"
1667247;1496936625;phf;obviously "i was a surgeon back in my country!1" doesn't ever translate, but ~surgeons~ will easily find their place amongst other countries surgeons
1667248;1496936635;mircea_popescu;quite so.
1667249;1496936645;asciilifeform;funnily enough, worst possible example
1667250;1496936656;asciilifeform;usa has world's most insular medical mafia
1667251;1496936662;mircea_popescu;and underutilized elite "i'm a nigger stomper, but '''we just don't do that in my country'''"will find their actual useful levbel.
1667252;1496936665;asciilifeform;medieval-style guild system, ~0 foreign diplomas count for shit
1667253;1496936665;phf;no it's not, it exactly demonstrates my point!
1667254;1496936713;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually us has the largest black medical services market of any place with pretense of civilisation i ever saw. and ALWAYUS DID
1667255;1496936716;asciilifeform;it is difficult to conceive of a dumber choice of place to move to, for orc surgeon, than usa
1667256;1496936729;mircea_popescu;if it's not abortions it's siliconoplasty, sex surgery, you name it.
1667257;1496936762;mircea_popescu;only place where someone will pay good money to you know, have somebody operate on him in the back of a truck.
1667258;1496936764;phf;well, that's true, but that goes for moving to u.s. in general :p
1667259;1496936800;mircea_popescu;phf depends though. reagan usa was very much unlike clinton+ usa.
1667260;1496936810;mircea_popescu;kinda the whole point of "maga".
1667261;1496936823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't obvious, at least to asciilifeform , that having worked as a legit surgeon for 30yrs, say, in orcland, is a serious advantage to starting illustrious butt-silicone-injections-in-back-of-truck career in oakland
1667262;1496936849;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure, it's not clear. being elite is the point. people generallty don't want to find out iuf they are or they aren't, and it slows down with age.
1667263;1496936862;asciilifeform;most folx ain't, and know they ain't
1667264;1496936883;mircea_popescu;well then, so they'll be sitting in whatever pen and fuck them, they get no name and no voice.
1667265;1496936889;mircea_popescu;life's too short to be talking to the rocks.
1667266;1496936897;asciilifeform;and when emigrating, follow same logic as ants when 'emigrating' to my kitchen : 'hey, PILES OF SUGAR!!!' rather than 'i'd like to be Tested!'
1667268;1496936922;asciilifeform;show me the 60y.o. who 'test me!1111'
1667269;1496936933;mircea_popescu;i've had the priviledge.
1667270;1496936949;mircea_popescu;it's an awesome thing to behold, i grant ye.
1667271;1496937147;asciilifeform;asciilifeform had the privilege of meeting various folx who moved in '70s-80s -- sounded as if entirely different planet
1667272;1496937179;mircea_popescu;i'd say that's fair, 70s us vs 2010s us might as well be different planets.
1667273;1496937193;asciilifeform;one obvious observation is that the caliber of the 1st wave folx was inevitably higher
1667275;1496937215;asciilifeform;( tended to be people with 'something to trade', contents of their heads )
1667276;1496937236;mircea_popescu;this is generally how parties work.
1667277;1496937265;mircea_popescu;first the chicks with great tits show up, and make a party out of a desert. then the chicks with ugly tits hear about the nice tit hangout and go there to try and sprinkle some nice on their sad bosoms.
1667278;1496937269;asciilifeform;and - as always - after these come the 'free market!111 i'm sure to find a place, and Profit!111'
1667279;1496937275;asciilifeform;followed by -- 'hey, SUGAR!!11'
1667280;1496937296;mircea_popescu;as that dude selling out in 1929 pointed out -- there are people you really do not wish to commune with. by the time shoeblacks are buying stocks, stocks are for shoeblacks.
1667281;1496937355;mircea_popescu;usg is a major selector for shit by now, btw. ~only female here who was keen on immigrating (got some "criminology" degree from, you guessed it, umd) was ~0 market value call-center-for-lyf operator.
1667282;1496937381;asciilifeform;#1 major at umd !11 ( i shit thee not )
1667283;1496937393;mircea_popescu;i believe it, if nothing else than because i saw this dorkette.
1667284;1496937396;asciilifeform;it absorbs 'i CANT DECIDE WAT DO!11' chix
1667285;1496937446;mircea_popescu;except it's not "i can't decide what to do", it's "i've decided that being a fluffer's handmaiden is below my level. i'm not willing to kill myself over this apparent failure of the world to contain anything fit for me, but i'll shamble about aimlessly for a while maybe something sticks"
1667286;1496937454;mircea_popescu;ie, bulk of female strat.
1667287;1496937462;asciilifeform;they then declare 'pre-law' or 'pre-med' (these are not majors, but specific 'flavour mixins' of courses that qualify them to attempt to get into med or law )
1667288;1496937486;asciilifeform;the typical outcome is a) marriage b) starbucks
1667289;1496937500;mircea_popescu;the incomprehensible part is where the parents don't chain them naked to posts and whip them until they escape or die.
1667290;1496937507;asciilifeform;( 'starbucks', for foreign n00bz, is a kind of mcdonalds that sells coffee and scones )
1667291;1496937521;mircea_popescu;nono, it WRITES YOUR NAME ON THE CUP
1667292;1496937536;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you'd be amazed at what gets written on the cup.
1667293;1496937547;asciilifeform;(kollege graduates!111)
1667294;1496937556;mircea_popescu;culture shock of all time, when mp ran into barrista, pointed out to her that he didn't give a shit about what her supposded name is either, when they started the whole nametag crap in the 70s.
1667295;1496937633;mircea_popescu;dork wasn't perceiving itself as part of a cheapo corporate culture ; on THE CONTRARY!!!11
1667296;1496937714;asciilifeform;serving coffee, in modern-day usa, is seen as 'rock bottom', possibly like picking cotton once was -- there is a seemingly infinite bureaucrat population, and drinks seemingly infinite litrage of coffee
1667298;1496937731;asciilifeform;( which tastes of kerosene )
1667299;1496937743;mircea_popescu;you should see the coffee here btw. it's fucking incredible.
1667300;1496937811;asciilifeform;compared to usa, coffee in ~german airport~ 'fucking incredible'
1667301;1496938466;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667112 << i'd like to be rid of the floating point
1667302;1496938466;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 04:22 mircea_popescu: btw @all, lemme know if you have complaints/comments re the whole b itcoin learning thing before it gets drywalled.
1667303;1496938471;asciilifeform;floatingpoint suxxxx
1667304;1496938516;asciilifeform;( esp. given as you then also xor it with uint8's etc -- the result is ill-defined )
1667305;1496938526;mircea_popescu;you never xor the reals.
1667306;1496938552;mircea_popescu;and i see no way out of having reals sadly, because gotta vary the function list somehow.
1667307;1496938564;asciilifeform;why not with integer arithmetic.
1667308;1496938570;mircea_popescu;but imo in this application, the problems of reals actually are used, for our purpose.
1667309;1496938576;mircea_popescu;"fuck you, reality sucks for machines", as it were.
1667310;1496938580;asciilifeform;nonreproducible arithmetic suxx.
1667311;1496938581;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not enough space in ints.
1667312;1496938593;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it does, EXCEPT when trying to model reality.
1667313;1496938608;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how many bits of space do you want ?
1667314;1496938615;mircea_popescu;whole fucking point here is the deux-pez is not a fully computable machine.
1667315;1496938626;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i want 7.999999997
1667316;1496938646;asciilifeform;ieee754 'double' is still 64b .
1667318;1496938735;asciilifeform;floats suck mightily, incidentally, especially for 'model reality' or whichever involving rng -- because your uniform rng now becomes a skewed shitsoup because the number line is now unevenly populated
1667319;1496938757;asciilifeform;( nobody in fact knows how to generate 'uniform float' from rng )
1667320;1496938785;mircea_popescu;it'd seem to me the model as described does in fact generate reals properly from rng.
1667321;1496938795;mircea_popescu;(the transition is via fractionals, as you can see)
1667322;1496938869;asciilifeform;this is not obvious from the recipe
1667323;1496938877;asciilifeform;plox to point?
1667324;1496938904;mircea_popescu;the state is kept as bytes, except for a and b parameters of linear functions, which are reals, and which change through division by ints.
1667325;1496939032;asciilifeform;'This ISR describes a total of 256 linear functions, indexed in a one-byte list. Each function is of the format ai X + bi, with i taking values from 0 to 255. For each byte in the ISR : the first bit will set ai to negative if 1, and to positive otherewise ; the second bit will set ai to either 1 or 2 ; the third bid will set bi to negative if 1 and to positive otherwise ; the remainder five bits will set the value of bi (from 1 to 3
1667326;1496939032;asciilifeform;2).' << sounds like the params are uint8's, from this description
1667327;1496939042;asciilifeform;well, ratherm int8s
1667329;1496939045;mircea_popescu;they start as ints.
1667330;1496939084;mircea_popescu;you end up with fn initialized as say -2 x + 14 and then on the first pas it becomes say -2 * 35 / 16 x + 14 * 35 / 16
1667331;1496939123;mircea_popescu;and it keeps going from there, next step eg (-2 * 35 * 7 x + 14 * 35 * 7)  / 16**2
1667332;1496939123;asciilifeform;http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/average.htm << oblig!1111
1667333;1496939301;asciilifeform;reading mircea_popescu's recipe, asciilifeform begins to suspect -- but cannot yet prove -- that no better-than-chance strategy exists for this game .
1667334;1496939311;mircea_popescu;that would be the point, exactly.
1667335;1496939320;mircea_popescu;"no better than chance strat exists and you can't prove this."
1667336;1496939326;asciilifeform;so why would anybody play, instead of vegas
1667337;1496939338;asciilifeform;( or shitoshidice or whatever the current vegas is )
1667338;1496939350;mircea_popescu;moreover i imagine ima actually work it like this : anyone can add as many agents as they wish for 1 bitcent per ; total pot minus what the simulation costs is divided to top scoring agents.
1667339;1496939371;mircea_popescu;basically a sort of "find out if you can or can't prove, FOR REALS."
1667340;1496939375;asciilifeform;sounds like... lottery
1667341;1496939380;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can you... prove this ?
1667343;1496939422;mircea_popescu;that's the fucking point. as bama well observed, "my old man used to gamble when he plantted his field and prtayed dfor rain. i figure if a man's gonna gamble, might as well do it without plowing."
1667344;1496939462;mircea_popescu;in any case -- it's not just that there's A LOT of leakage of actual information from universe to player. it's that irl there's provably less.
1667345;1496939478;mircea_popescu;so if anything, the model is biased re the theoretical possibility of learning, by overstating it.
1667346;1496939485;asciilifeform;this imho makes for a pretty good teaching tool re reality, but poor game
1667347;1496939493;mircea_popescu;it just fails to be biased in favbour of internet-shithead-generation nonsense, wikitardia et all.
1667348;1496939498;asciilifeform;( rather, poor gameplay )
1667349;1496939513;mircea_popescu;hey, i already made a game. this was the reality teaching tool.
1667350;1496939515;asciilifeform;sorta like, what was it, 'depression game' that some chick wrote
1667351;1496939519;asciilifeform;where you cry and then die
1667352;1496939525;asciilifeform;Very Realistic!1111
1667353;1496939547;mircea_popescu;whole thing started as a dispute re the practical meaning of learning.
1667354;1496939561;asciilifeform;if you can 'learn' from rng -- it's a poor rng
1667355;1496939571;mircea_popescu;this is not the case here.
1667356;1496939573;asciilifeform;( i was half-convinced that mircea_popescu did this exercise as a response to the dieharder thread )
1667357;1496939589;mircea_popescu;there's an ennumerable list of "get infos"
1667358;1496939603;mircea_popescu;you can, for instance, obtain the complete and correct list of the functions in the machine.
1667359;1496939612;mircea_popescu;this, irl, will NEVER happen, an we have proof.
1667360;1496939687;mircea_popescu;in fact, every single player that spends 256 rounds finding out the functions achieves the historical goal of all human science. in this alt universe, it's not "ars longa" etc, it's a specified, 256 step process.
1667361;1496939713;asciilifeform;seems like the 'UMM' turns the thing into an exercise in breaking 'MPHash'
1667362;1496939732;asciilifeform;because without it, the info you get re the 'functions of the machine' is ~0
1667363;1496939749;mircea_popescu;no, you get the info, you just don't directly get how it relates to you.
1667364;1496939760;mircea_popescu;but, you have 8 turns to make SOME sense of it.
1667365;1496939789;mircea_popescu;but the fact remains -- you have "The book" ie a complete description of the god machine. all that's left is to you know, apply them "just the facts" in context.
1667366;1496939815;mircea_popescu;ie, this model GIVES AWAY what the ourdemocracy retards imagine is the whole job, and leaves them to you know, apply "jus' the facts"
1667367;1496939823;asciilifeform;funnily enough, asciilifeform already plays a variant of this game regularly, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-23#1660316
1667368;1496939823;a111;Logged on 2017-05-23 03:18 asciilifeform: the 'formulate as predictor' came from asciilifeform's ongoing regular stabs at breaking shitoshi's rng.
1667369;1496939843;asciilifeform;i dare say the pot is a little bigger, in that casino
1667370;1496939864;mircea_popescu;not clear what relation exists between what you're talking about and what we were talking about.
1667371;1496939887;asciilifeform;both is exercise in breaking a gnarly and largely arbitrary prng.
1667372;1496939896;mircea_popescu;i don't see it.
1667373;1496939912;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's is actually the slightly more complicated one.
1667374;1496939932;mircea_popescu;especially the "arbitrary" epithet is meaningless -- anything seems arbitrary to the disinterested. and otherwise, everything's a prng etc.
1667375;1496939949;asciilifeform;i'll bite :
1667376;1496939952;asciilifeform;from whence the 16 ?
1667377;1496939963;mircea_popescu;so you have even odds at increasing or decreasing.
1667378;1496939976;mircea_popescu;* rnd(byte)/16 comes out even
1667380;1496940028;mircea_popescu;that';s what i mean, it's really very minimalistically built for the purpose of showing a set of idiots they;re idiots.
1667381;1496940105;asciilifeform;btw, lulzily, if mircea_popescu makes the prize ~11 btc, it will be moar than the eu thing
1667382;1496940124;asciilifeform;(at the most recent rate)
1667383;1496940127;mircea_popescu;either that or if mp waits till november...
1667385;1496940144;mircea_popescu;kinda why i gave it a time lol
1667386;1496940191;mircea_popescu;anyway, in a VERY fine manifestation of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667268 + "everyone in ourdemocracy is 75", i expect entirely no participation.
1667387;1496940191;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 15:48 asciilifeform: show me the 60y.o. who 'test me!1111'
1667388;1496940213;mircea_popescu;much like you know, all sorts of "rng experts" not merely do not wish, but specifically wish NOT TO examine FG. andf so on.
1667389;1496940218;asciilifeform;how many entries counts as 'quorum' ?
1667390;1496940229;mircea_popescu;0 useful work, +inf pointless blather.
1667391;1496940237;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform will have to have 4 for long enough, so it dun end too soon.
1667392;1496940280;asciilifeform;also somebody gotta come up with the tourney judge proggy itself, neh
1667393;1496940285;asciilifeform;( unless mircea_popescu already has )
1667394;1496940285;mircea_popescu;(that'ds how it works, once not 4 players at table one round, it ends.)
1667395;1496940306;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i intend to open that for implementation, let people (in wot only) bid, like candi_lustt worked oput.
1667396;1496940313;mircea_popescu;cost to be substracted from pool.
1667397;1496940343;asciilifeform;( and it wants 'mphash' also.. )
1667398;1496940354;mircea_popescu;afaik that had a bunch of implementations already.
1667399;1496940357;asciilifeform;did it ?
1667400;1496940364;asciilifeform;link to 1 other than mircea_popescu's php ?
1667401;1496940368;mircea_popescu;i published one, iirc ben_vulpes also did, etc
1667402;1496940372;mircea_popescu;i didn't keep so close track.
1667403;1496940373;asciilifeform;did he ??
1667404;1496940375;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes ?
1667405;1496940385;mircea_popescu;a page of code, in any case.
1667406;1496940388;asciilifeform;dun seem to be in the logs
1667407;1496940403;mircea_popescu;hm. i recall somethign with it
1667408;1496940608;asciilifeform;!#s MPFHF
1667409;1496940608;a111;4 results for "MPFHF", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=MPFHF
1667410;1496940613;asciilifeform;!#s MPHF
1667411;1496940613;a111;5 results for "MPHF", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=MPHF
1667412;1496940638;asciilifeform;^ lol, apparently was entirely other thing, long ago
1667414;1496941741;asciilifeform;incidentally, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667388 >> recall harrison, inventor of temperature-compensated chronometer, per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-10#1429335 ; in other contexts mircea_popescu does not even seem to find this kind of thing objectionable, e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-06#1044115
1667415;1496941741;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 16:43 mircea_popescu: much like you know, all sorts of "rng experts" not merely do not wish, but specifically wish NOT TO examine FG. andf so on.
1667416;1496941741;a111;Logged on 2016-03-10 21:32 asciilifeform: was rebuffed by royal society for ~decades~ because... not in wot.
1667417;1496941741;a111;Logged on 2015-03-06 03:29 mircea_popescu: if you are one of the people buying belgian rubber concessions on the stock exchanges, you make money. if you're in africa, you make quick with the hands and feet.
1667418;1496941994;ben_vulpes;i have an implementation
1667419;1496942028;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: post?
1667420;1496942048;ben_vulpes;i left off before posting for some reason that i cannot now recall
1667421;1496942062;ben_vulpes;i suspect that i hadn't yet verified output against the runs that mircea_popescu posted
1667422;1496942112;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't find it objectionable. it IS however disqualifying, for their claims as to the self. in other words, i don't respect them above chattels, and there's a fine reason why i'm right to not respect them above chattels : right here.
1667423;1496942125;asciilifeform;they happily return same favour.
1667425;1496942190;mircea_popescu;for as long as they can keep burning granpa's furniture to power the pretense machine, i suppose they can keep pretending like that matters.
1667426;1496942237;asciilifeform;he had a pretty tall pile of sofas.
1667427;1496942248;mircea_popescu;so he did.
1667428;1496942396;mircea_popescu;and as per theresa may, running out of them won't make them stop, either!
1667429;1496942399;mircea_popescu;dedicated maggots.
1667430;1496942674;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: while the individual operations work, it does not yield what mircea_popescu's implementation yields
1667431;1496942690;mircea_popescu;iirc the problem was that my implementation was of an earlier spec.
1667432;1496942705;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: post yours, then reconciliate?
1667433;1496942708;ben_vulpes;aye aye
1667434;1496944332;ben_vulpes;gods be damned footnote plugin
1667435;1496944730;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function << CH - An implementation of Mircea Popescu's Fabulous Hash Function
1667436;1496944795;asciilifeform;oh hey.
1667437;1496944856;*;ben_vulpes wiggles eyebrows
1667438;1496945256;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: bit-not is not destructive
1667440;1496945264;asciilifeform;this might not be the only mistake
1667441;1496945328;asciilifeform;(invert s)  wants a destructive op
1667442;1496945349;asciilifeform;but it ends up merely returning   (bit-not element)  which does nothing
1667443;1496945435;ben_vulpes;oh gracious
1667444;1496945461;asciilifeform;try it yourself,
1667445;1496945462;asciilifeform;(let ((foo #*11101010))
1667446;1496945462;asciilifeform;  (format t "~A~%" (bit-not foo))
1667447;1496945462;asciilifeform;  (format t "~A~%" foo))
1667448;1496945520;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3mo8X/?raw=true << spoiler
1667449;1496945602;asciilifeform;again i did not even go over whole thing, this was only the 1st bit to stick out to naked eye
1667451;1496945994;asciilifeform;oddly enough you knew this when writing the tests
1667452;1496945996;asciilifeform;or it'd appear
1667453;1496946036;asciilifeform;where you
1667454;1496946036;asciilifeform;(let* ((original #*01010101)
1667455;1496946037;asciilifeform;         (expected #*10101010)
1667456;1496946037;asciilifeform;         (actual (invert original)))
1667457;1496946038;asciilifeform;    (assert (equal expected actual))
1667458;1496946043;asciilifeform;... etc.
1667459;1496946089;ben_vulpes;tested one way, used another.
1667460;1496946096;ben_vulpes;"can show presence, never absence"
1667462;1496946110;ben_vulpes;ty asciilifeform plz to comment on www?
1667464;1496946161;ben_vulpes;ty muchly
1667465;1496946164;asciilifeform;(check your mod queue)
1667467;1496949674;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-08#1667282 << that somehow makes perfect sense on very many levels
1667468;1496949674;a111;Logged on 2017-06-08 15:56 asciilifeform: #1 major at umd !11 ( i shit thee not )
1667469;1496949700;mircea_popescu;idle bitchez wanna tell guys what to do.
1667470;1496953509;asciilifeform;in other noose, the (microscopic) ra-226 ( for MB/s 'gold standard' rng test ) came. asciilifeform was half-convinced that it'd get swallowed by the post
1667471;1496953566;asciilifeform;thing is regulation-sized , but theoretically such an item oughta have been sent by fedex. but, go figure.
1667472;1496953624;asciilifeform;the lead pig in which it is to spend the rest of its life, is - fortunately - also here.
1667473;1496965351;mircea_popescu;good for you then lel
1667474;1496965965;shinohai;!~ticker --market all
1667475;1496965976;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2814.25, vol: 13252.18759479 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2712.6, vol: 5143.30112 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2788.5, vol: 17014.05467836 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2845.819072, vol: 13276.98150000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2815.999, vol: 5301.32096462 | Volume-weighted last average: 2804.38640083
1667478;1496967023;mod6;just catchin' up on ze logz
1667479;1496967192;shinohai;http://archive.is/Zlp1i   <<< Work for Qntra instead, where sharing screenshots of pron around the office is encouraged.
1667480;1496968062;mod6;sweet!, got my touchpad working
1667482;1496968083;mod6;easy asf
1667483;1496968107;mod6;[this is my first gentoo desktop env.]
1667484;1496968120;mod6;went together pretty easily.
1667485;1496968149;shinohai;What Desktop did you use btw?
1667486;1496968158;mod6;xfce for now.
1667488;1496968175;mod6;probably will switch to fvwm when i get all the configs in place.
1667489;1496968213;mod6;my openbsd lappy is fvwm, i love it.
1667490;1496968247;mod6;i basically have no use for a "desktop environment" anyway.  does ~0 for me.
1667491;1496968247;shinohai;I'm still using fluxbox, use what you know I guess.
1667492;1496968265;mod6;ive never used this one before... seems to "work" ok i guess.
1667493;1496968332;shinohai;I had xfce on an Arch install I tried once ... was indeed ok. Much better than gnome/gdm from mah Debian days.
1667494;1496968834;mod6;shinohai: werd
1667495;1496970826;asciilifeform;mod6: ever tried 'ratpoison' ?
1667496;1496970853;asciilifeform;mod6: http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison
1667497;1496970880;asciilifeform;and holyshit, there's a new release?!!
1667498;1496971045;asciilifeform;http://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/ratpoison.git/log << some of the changes are at least somewhat wtf
1667499;1496971430;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/71121F878BF486D8975A77F388436048DEA2FFBB1DE225C7697F2F4E37575E2E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1152...9889 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1667500;1496971430;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8F949C482D230ADA81BFECE7760FD7F88B390232D14960D68D8D21112967151F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1152...9889 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1667501;1496971430;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E32A980A153D1BD323493B5F6A6EF42AD702773A85D9B1DDAA7F1F90C1FFEB25 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1152...9889 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1667502;1496971431;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/71121F878BF486D8975A77F388436048DEA2FFBB1DE225C7697F2F4E37575E2E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1124...9927 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1667503;1496973277;mod6;sweet, ok up and running with fvwm
1667504;1496973311;*;shinohai has determined he is too lazy for ratpoison, switches back
1667505;1496973377;mod6;lol, again, never thought i'd say this, but, ratpoison looks good
1667506;1496973546;shinohai;It is very nice looking and lightweight ( big plus) but gonna require a learning curve to be useful for me
1667507;1496973685;mod6;i used to use one called 'ion', which had some awesome keybindings.  this was suggested to me by a gentoo guy back in like 03.
1667508;1496973703;mod6;but, now, find that fvwm works fine for what i want
1667509;1496975928;asciilifeform;mod6: before ratpoison, i used 'flwm'
1667510;1496975944;asciilifeform;!~google flwm
1667511;1496975945;jhvh1;asciilifeform: flwm: ; FLWM - Wikipedia: ; Ubuntu Manpage: flwm - The Fast Light Window Manager: 
1667513;1496980685;trinque;heh, bringing up these old window managers reminds me of a more optimistic time in re: computing in my youth
1667514;1496980715;trinque;installing slackware and so on
1667515;1496980744;trinque;seemed like the open source thing might be going somewhere, back then.
1667517;1496981790;BingoBoingo;Open + Optimism == Naivety
1667518;1496982398;BingoBoingo;Or Orfice plunging
1667519;1496982413;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: updooted http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function
1667520;1496982911;trinque;BingoBoingo: open code's still the only way to do it, only those involved mustn't be so poor as to worry about giving away words
1667521;1496982991;mod6;ben_vulpes: cool!
1667522;1496983088;mircea_popescu;wotopen at any rate
1667523;1496983122;mircea_popescu;it's not altogether clear the faux "empowerment" open-allcomers generates in the allcomers is actually good for anyone.
1667524;1496983156;trinque;for that matter their literacy
1667525;1496983198;mircea_popescu;myeah. there's this very pernicious "i could read any book, therefore i'm just as good as one who actually did so read" nonsense that;s by now 100% of white culture by mass.
1667526;1496983216;ben_vulpes;trying to read open source is in no way a road to literacy either.
1667527;1496983265;mircea_popescu;there's also that. depends whose code though
1667528;1496983286;mircea_popescu;tmsr source is in fact notorious road to literacy. even for greybeards.
1667529;1496983367;ben_vulpes;"open source"
1667530;1496983386;BingoBoingo; wotopen at any rate << For most codechimps this is the most closed of all
1667531;1496983413;trinque;well, you have a wot and suddenly folks wet themselves when they get an !!up
1667532;1496983428;BingoBoingo;!!google "The Pisspots"
1667533;1496983443;BingoBoingo;!~google "The Pisspots"
1667534;1496983444;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: pisspot - Wiktionary: ; Urban Dictionary: pisspot: ; Jimmy Riddle & The Piss'pots 'Live in 1984' PT1 - YouTube: 
1667536;1496983518;trinque;"Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer..."
1667537;1496983520;trinque;says youtube
1667539;1496983532;mircea_popescu;be more usual!
1667540;1496983553;*;trinque clears throat
1667541;1496983557;trinque;me? oh I'm just a dude.
1667542;1496984454;mod6;"hello, this is dog."
1667543;1496985491;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0A6C4440C831BD7A4702CEF7A95C8CE1DB8D4FFE250C6CA982E6B8A7BB2E24FA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1587...3943 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (195-20-207-224.serverhotell.net. SE)
1667544;1496985491;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0A6C4440C831BD7A4702CEF7A95C8CE1DB8D4FFE250C6CA982E6B8A7BB2E24FA << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1633...8297 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (195-20-207-224.serverhotell.net. SE)
1667545;1496986610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D607EDA685C8B60D10782F076436B1F1E22F075AAF9227947C8639EBE4B732CC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1608...7099 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host231-27-static.243-194-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT)
1667546;1496986610;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D607EDA685C8B60D10782F076436B1F1E22F075AAF9227947C8639EBE4B732CC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1766...8627 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (host231-27-static.243-194-b.business.telecomitalia.it. IT)
1667547;1496990594;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: a casual manual inspection suggests my implementation is catastrophically broken, but i spent the evening twiddling bots, so haven't put the time into figuring out what might be wrong.
1667548;1496990665;ben_vulpes;and i turned logging off while flailing at linux so i have nfi why she went down right there
1667549;1496991040;mircea_popescu;for the c0k ? why else would she go down.\
1667551;1496991116;ben_vulpes;at least the low dough lolz emporium isn't out of stock entirely
1667552;1496993239;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt
1667553;1496993240;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1667554;1496993246;candi_lustt;deedbot: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/vl4ZL/?raw=true
1667555;1496993246;ben_vulpes;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 64)
1667556;1496993247;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
1667557;1496993260;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform, mircea_popescu: ^^ sad output
1667558;1496993690;mircea_popescu;that's kinda quick huh
1667559;1496993831;mircea_popescu; candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 32)
1667560;1496993834;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 32)
1667561;1496993834;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*01000010000100100011111111110001
1667562;1496993849;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 32)
1667563;1496993849;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00000000000000000000000000000000
1667564;1496993852;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 33)
1667565;1496993852;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*000000000000000000000000000000011
1667566;1496993855;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 31)
1667567;1496993855;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*1100000000000000000000000000000
1667568;1496993873;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111 32)
1667569;1496993873;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*11111111011101110111011101001000
1667570;1496993881;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111 32)
1667571;1496993881;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*11111111111111111111111111110110
1667572;1496993895;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 32)
1667573;1496993895;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00000000000000000000000000000011
1667574;1496993900;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101 32)
1667575;1496993900;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00000000000000000000000000001001
1667576;1496993911;mircea_popescu;this ain't right.
1667577;1496993938;ben_vulpes;yes i know.
1667579;1496997754;sina;asciilifeform: you about?
1667580;1496997982;sina;hi mircea_popescu
1667582;1496998003;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-07#1639932 << was just reading this
1667583;1496998003;a111;Logged on 2017-04-07 16:03 asciilifeform: does he IMMEDIATELY get a bookmarkable link based on the key's hash ? that he can come back to next hour, next day, next decade ? if so, how ??
1667584;1496998015;sina;do you know if the src for phuctor is avail?
1667585;1496998031;sina;I am curious to look and learn
1667587;1496998035;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 04:38 mircea_popescu: wotopen at any rate
1667588;1496998165;sina;mircea_popescu: let me rephrase then. was wondering if eventlet db_pool http://eventlet.net/doc/modules/db_pool.html had been considered
1667589;1496998171;sina;to speed up python
1667590;1496998199;mircea_popescu;ah, now that i dunno
1667591;1496998287;sina;you can use it to get good pretty good mileage out of single box python+dbms apps
1667592;1496998313;mircea_popescu;is it lenghty ?
1667593;1496998402;sina;its just a mechanism to offload a IO to an async model in C (epoll, kqueue and libevent supported)
1667594;1496998408;mircea_popescu;how many lines ?
1667595;1496998471;sina;how many lines is the whole library? or how many lines do you need to add to your app to use it?
1667596;1496998521;mircea_popescu;the library
1667597;1496998550;sina;db_pool is about 500 lines, and I guess there is some lower level stuff behind that
1667599;1496998562;mircea_popescu;dsoesn't sound too terrible.
1667600;1496998599;sina;you can also use eventlet wsgi on the frontend to offload the http side as well
1667601;1496998611;sina;(assuming the phuctor python app is written wsgi compatible)
1667602;1496998636;mircea_popescu;phuctor is vaguely slated for a 4th iirc rewrite to decouple the front end and other stuff. so i guess this goes in the literature review pile for when.
1667603;1496998657;sina;any chance I could be involved?
1667605;1496998823;sina;will it be ada this time?
1667606;1496998831;sina;it'd be a lot more than 600 lines of ada that's for sure :P
1667607;1496998838;mircea_popescu;i have nfi
1667608;1496998851;sina;I am a big fan of the 600 lines of python idea, using libraries to offload stuff to C where appropriate
1667609;1496998875;mircea_popescu;hopefully this "offload" doesn't turn into a turd
1667610;1496998896;sina;define turd?
1667612;1496998911;mircea_popescu;lengthy pile of accidentally working complexity. you know, just like irl.
1667613;1496998964;sina;it's got to be fast and correct to be able to do the concurrency, so that hopefully dampens that kind of thing
1667614;1496998972;sina;you can never rly get rid of it I guess
1667615;1496998999;sina;anyway, I guess I will come back later and ask asciilifeform and he'll laugh at me
1667616;1496999020;sina;mircea_popescu: I work on the biggest python turd of all, OpenStack :P
1667617;1496999021;mircea_popescu;but! if you're looking for something to sink teeth in right now, either a c or python mpfhf impl is prolly a ghood moive
1667619;1496999062;mircea_popescu;didja read today's log ?
1667620;1496999094;sina;will do so now, as you can see I was reading previous months logs :P
1667621;1496999109;mircea_popescu;hehe. yeah.
1667622;1496999128;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's this algorithmic (as opposed to algebraic) hash function. ben_vulpes released his lisp impl.
1667623;1496999145;mircea_popescu;and i suspect alf is either making a c one or trying to talk himself into it
1667624;1496999246;sina;interesting, reading your blog now
1667625;1496999329;ben_vulpes;"totally unnecessary and reprehensible dependency"
1667628;1496999349;mircea_popescu;nice coinage
1667629;1496999378;ben_vulpes;ty, ty
1667630;1496999426;sina;hi ben_vulpes
1667631;1496999450;sina;"Turns out, it doesn't work at all." ...so does the impl on the page work or not?
1667632;1496999473;mircea_popescu;it works in the sense of doing something ; but not in the sense of oding what it's supposed to.
1667634;1496999511;ben_vulpes;sina: i didn't figure that was ambiguous in any way
1667635;1496999558;sina;ben_vulpes: it's not, you're right :P
1667636;1496999595;mircea_popescu;on the positive side, candi_lustt is more than happy to let you try out your code on her teats.
1667637;1496999803;ben_vulpes;a million billion log lines later, i have found an implementation-killer
1667638;1496999851;ben_vulpes;turns out one can't `decf' a loop-macro established `place'
1667639;1496999865;ben_vulpes;from a function defined outside the loop macro
1667640;1496999886;mircea_popescu;as stated this is unsurprising
1667641;1496999990;ben_vulpes;perhaps mircea_popescu can enlighten me as to why exactly it works this way
1667642;1497000050;mircea_popescu;scoping, neh ? how'd you fuck up the data from outside ?
1667643;1497000056;ben_vulpes;it is currently filed under "dangerous fucking macro binding horseshit lispers are too goddamn liberal with"
1667644;1497000090;mircea_popescu;why ?
1667645;1497000110;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: naively, i passed a function called from within the scope a reference to the thing
1667646;1497000161;ben_vulpes;because i've yet to learn the dark arts of macro wizardry, and it's dangerous, and so it gets filed as dangerous stuff i don't understand yet.
1667647;1497000169;mircea_popescu;ah like that.
1667648;1497000205;ben_vulpes;now i shall have to spend some time getting intimate with places and macro capture rules
1667649;1497000597;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/after-snap-elections-britain-to-enter-brexit-negotiations-without-a-majority-party-in-parliament/ << Qntra - After Snap Elections, Britain To Enter Brexit Negotiations Without A Majority Party In Parliament
1667650;1497000815;ben_vulpes;oh snap
1667652;1497000889;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 06:51 ben_vulpes: at least the low dough lolz emporium isn't out of stock entirely
1667653;1497000915;BingoBoingo;Trying to ride that clickbait lightning https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6g7d4u/did_german_meddling_lead_to_british_parliament/ and https://voat.co/v/conspiracy/1921480
1667654;1497000932;mircea_popescu;oh you mean it wasn't russian hackers this time ?
1667655;1497001508;BingoBoingo;Well, outcome kinda sucks for Russia. Must be BND pantsuit Appelbottum hackerz!
1667656;1497002026;ben_vulpes;fuckin hash functions
1667657;1497002053;ben_vulpes;i'm going to see dragons in these numbers if i keep this up
1667658;1497002099;mircea_popescu;the dragons were there all along.
1667659;1497002313;BingoBoingo;brb, popcorn
1667660;1497002728;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt and now for something behaving completely differently
1667661;1497002728;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1667662;1497002733;ben_vulpes;(mpfhf:mpfhf #*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64)
1667663;1497002770;ben_vulpes;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64)
1667664;1497002772;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: 381 steps, 382 bits for the state machine. hash: #*1000000001000000001111011011111001010000111110100010100100100011
1667666;1497002800;ben_vulpes;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 64)
1667667;1497002800;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: 64 steps, 1 bits for the state machine. hash: #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
1667668;1497002898;ben_vulpes;i suspect something in the flip.
1667669;1497003421;ben_vulpes;nope, just dragons.
1667670;1497003426;ben_vulpes;!!down candi_lustt
1667671;1497009911;sina;hey ben_vulpes you still around?
1667672;1497010678;shinohai;Buenas dias all, hope everyone explores all those nooks and crannies this fine weekend: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB3UjUNVoAQsjJG.jpg
1667673;1497011004;sina;hi shinohai
1667674;1497011026;sina;shinohai: do you know anything about mpfhf?
1667675;1497011106;shinohai;Morning sina .... I likely cannot be of help in that regard yet. I'm still student of the logz there and mucking around with ben_vulpes lisp.
1667677;1497012653;sina;from my reading of http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/ it seems like the "screw" and "half screw" operations, "screwing S in R" means, R will be changed, and "screwing R in S" means S will be changed. the footnote (ii) examples support this interpretation. but in the prototype implementation http://trilema.com/mp_fabulous_hashonator.php ...it seems like the "step 1" half screw S in R
1667678;1497012659;sina;results in S being modified
1667679;1497012822;sina;!~tell mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667677
1667680;1497012822;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 12:50 sina: from my reading of http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/ it seems like the "screw" and "half screw" operations, "screwing S in R" means, R will be changed, and "screwing R in S" means S will be changed. the footnote (ii) examples support this interpretation. but in the prototype implementation http://trilema.com/mp_fabulous_hashonator.php ...it seems like the "step 1" half screw S in R
1667681;1497012822;jhvh1;sina: Error: I haven't seen mircea_popescu, I'll let you do the telling.
1667682;1497012831;sina;!~later mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667677
1667683;1497012831;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 12:50 sina: from my reading of http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/ it seems like the "screw" and "half screw" operations, "screwing S in R" means, R will be changed, and "screwing R in S" means S will be changed. the footnote (ii) examples support this interpretation. but in the prototype implementation http://trilema.com/mp_fabulous_hashonator.php ...it seems like the "step 1" half screw S in R
1667684;1497012831;jhvh1;sina: Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "mircea_popescu" in it.  Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin.
1667685;1497012844;sina;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667677
1667686;1497012844;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 12:50 sina: from my reading of http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/ it seems like the "screw" and "half screw" operations, "screwing S in R" means, R will be changed, and "screwing R in S" means S will be changed. the footnote (ii) examples support this interpretation. but in the prototype implementation http://trilema.com/mp_fabulous_hashonator.php ...it seems like the "step 1" half screw S in R
1667687;1497012844;jhvh1;sina: The operation succeeded.
1667688;1497018366;shinohai;http://archive.is/pRUJY "CoinDesk is a subsidiary of DCG, which has an ownership stake in Chainalysis, Coinbase and Elliptic."  ... /me did not know Shillbert supported "Blockchain Law Enforcement" so heavily.
1667690;1497019276;diana_coman;!!key zenchess
1667692;1497020491;asciilifeform;in other lullies, https://archive.is/OExoO >> nsaware using ~second~ intel fritz chip boobytrap, found
1667693;1497020501;asciilifeform;microshit fud machine in full swing
1667694;1497020567;asciilifeform;Run Moar Intel.
1667695;1497020805;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667588 << i have an ad-hoc version of something quite similar, in there already. it doesn't help much, because phuctor is actually THREE independent (communicating solely via the db) unix processes
1667696;1497020805;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 08:49 sina: mircea_popescu: let me rephrase then. was wondering if eventlet db_pool http://eventlet.net/doc/modules/db_pool.html had been considered
1667697;1497020821;asciilifeform;( the cruncher, the mass dump submitter, and the wwwtron )
1667698;1497021034;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667600 << i'ma depythonize and desqlize it, but currently lack the time
1667699;1497021034;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 08:56 sina: you can also use eventlet wsgi on the frontend to offload the http side as well
1667700;1497021053;asciilifeform;thing is due for major rewrite, literally not 1 existing line of code oughta survive.
1667701;1497021117;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667584 << it is not, and ain't going to be, i'm not especially interested in helping folx to 'embrace and extinguish' it. as far as i'm concerned, 100% of the output is verifiable with the bignum calculator of your choice (e.g. 'bc') and it is no concern of anybody's how it was obtained.
1667702;1497021117;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 08:46 sina: do you know if the src for phuctor is avail?
1667703;1497021152;asciilifeform;( pgpdump -i   gives you the modulus etc. from any pgp key; then multiply the factors : instant verification. )
1667704;1497021202;asciilifeform;every once in a while i also post, publicly, copy of the db: it's ~12G, gzipped, presently. this oughta be enough for anyone.
1667705;1497021257;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667603 << very peculiar question -- fella didn't say what, specifically, he proposes to do, in this involvement
1667706;1497021257;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 08:57 sina: any chance I could be involved?
1667707;1497021300;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667608 << ~100% of the cpu-bound operation is already offloaded to optimized multithreaded c.
1667708;1497021300;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 09:00 sina: I am a big fan of the 600 lines of python idea, using libraries to offload stuff to C where appropriate
1667709;1497021353;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667623 << believe or not -- i dun have one yet. at some point i'ma write an ada proggy
1667710;1497021353;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 09:05 mircea_popescu: and i suspect alf is either making a c one or trying to talk himself into it
1667711;1497021366;asciilifeform;( my interest in publishing anything else in c, ever again, is ~0 )
1667712;1497021408;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667638 << i contemplated whether to show ben_vulpes ~all~ of the mistakes in his proggy, or to let him find for himself, decided on the latter ( it's a healthy thing )
1667713;1497021408;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 09:17 ben_vulpes: turns out one can't `decf' a loop-macro established `place'
1667714;1497023747;ben_vulpes;figured as much, no complaints
1667715;1497023841;ben_vulpes;heh tangentially, i've forbidden anything even verging on "i told you sos" without the teller having told
1667716;1497023845;ben_vulpes;in my house
1667717;1497023997;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what's that mean
1667718;1497024353;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667688 >> gold, '...they often go through exchanges hosted outside the US... unlicensed, unregulated and unwilling to abide by basic anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations, rules that digital currency exchanges in the US and Western Europe must abide by... If Congress and regulators are serious about tackling the national security implications of digital currencies, taking on these
1667719;1497024353;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 14:26 shinohai: http://archive.is/pRUJY "CoinDesk is a subsidiary of DCG, which has an ownership stake in Chainalysis, Coinbase and Elliptic."  ... /me did not know Shillbert supported "Blockchain Law Enforcement" so heavily.
1667720;1497024353;asciilifeform; kinds of exchanges is a good place to start..' << lol!!
1667721;1497024373;asciilifeform;sovereignty? wassat!!
1667722;1497024489;ben_vulpes;!~later tell sina mircea_popescu wants mpfhf commentary on his blog
1667723;1497024489;jhvh1;ben_vulpes: The operation succeeded.
1667724;1497024501;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/i1Usl << from same fishwrap >> 'Two members of the US Army National Guard have been convicted of running a credit card fraud scheme involving bitcoin...  using bitcoins to purchase stolen credit and debit card numbers... using magnetic strip re-encoding tools to apply stolen numbers to dummy cards, after which they would buy merchandise from Army and Air Force Exchange Service stores at US military bases, as well a
1667725;1497024501;asciilifeform;s other locations in Maryland and elsewhere.'
1667726;1497024512;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: oh you know, someone "myeah, i had a feeling that wasn't going to work out" me: *explodes*
1667727;1497024603;ben_vulpes;heh, perfectly cranky republican gentleman's sport of code review: nobody will tell you what bugs they found, but they might give you a sha256 description of one
1667728;1497024661;ben_vulpes;ubermenschen like asciilifeform who Never Release Imperfect Code would obviously rule the leaderboards
1667729;1497024662;asciilifeform;( re noosepiece, see also http://btcbase.org/log/2013-04-04#-33357 thread. )
1667730;1497024662;a111;Logged on 2013-04-04 19:17 asciilifeform: consider a hardware widget that receives a single-use CC number (for $X) from a hypothetical BTC-enabled bank and writes it to a blank physical ATM card, when you send the bank $X equiv. of BTC.
1667731;1497024680;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: whtachatalkingabout, i posted reams of buggy codes
1667732;1497024694;shinohai;Yet another Obama programme overturned: http://archive.is/uvw7P
1667733;1497024801;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: well, a) being lighthearted but b) the ada stuff?
1667734;1497024825;ben_vulpes;my memory fails me on this count
1667735;1497024839;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: depending on what you consider 'bug'
1667736;1497024848;asciilifeform;(e.g. the put_line 'image thing, say )
1667737;1497025214;ben_vulpes;ah yeah
1667738;1497028638;mod6;speaking of ada stuff. i did get horsecocks to compile just fine with the changes that were discussed previously with diana_coman
1667739;1497028649;asciilifeform;neato mod6 , post the diff plox.
1667740;1497028661;mod6;sure. will do.
1667741;1497029118;asciilifeform;mod6: afaik only problem was with the i/o in the test proggy.
1667743;1497029646;asciilifeform;i see 2 lines of the needed 'image fix and a bunch of ???
1667745;1497029946;deedbot;Not registered.
1667746;1497029948;mircea_popescu;!!key zenchess
1667748;1497030048;mircea_popescu;!!later tell sina a) dun need to msg me the day's log, i always read it anyway and b) yeah, the prototype actually implements an older spec. trivial to revise if one cares to, was published.
1667749;1497030235;asciilifeform;!~later tell Framedragger do you perchance remember where in the logs i posted phuctor's key parser ?
1667750;1497030235;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1667751;1497030672;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667672 << is that the new shinohai apprentice ?
1667752;1497030672;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 12:17 shinohai: Buenas dias all, hope everyone explores all those nooks and crannies this fine weekend: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DB3UjUNVoAQsjJG.jpg
1667753;1497030739;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667688 << doh. it's ~the only reason he's even here, trying to eke out some relevancy for his dead empire in the new world.
1667754;1497030739;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 14:26 shinohai: http://archive.is/pRUJY "CoinDesk is a subsidiary of DCG, which has an ownership stake in Chainalysis, Coinbase and Elliptic."  ... /me did not know Shillbert supported "Blockchain Law Enforcement" so heavily.
1667755;1497030792;shinohai;Now it's like he isn't even trying to hide the fact he suck LE cock though.
1667756;1497030847;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667692 << this stupid bs being most of why the common wisdom is you want a router in the first place. of course, router also made by same idiots...
1667757;1497030847;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 15:01 asciilifeform: in other lullies, https://archive.is/OExoO >> nsaware using ~second~ intel fritz chip boobytrap, found
1667758;1497030925;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: router is porous even to quite elementary approach - e.g. stuffing 'optional' fields in outgoing packets full of exfiltrolade; or into timing gaps, etc
1667759;1497030938;mircea_popescu;doesn't have to be.
1667760;1497030950;mircea_popescu;(i don't mean, item you buy from cisco. i mean, computer.)
1667761;1497030981;asciilifeform;well, theoretically box consisting of two gurlz with telegraph keys, relaying packets by hand -- not porous. but this is not what folx typically buy as 'router'..
1667762;1497031044;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667718 << hurr durr. they've been going on this whole "We shall not name MPEx because it only exists if WE say the name" for 5 years + now.
1667763;1497031044;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 16:05 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667688 >> gold, '...they often go through exchanges hosted outside the US... unlicensed, unregulated and unwilling to abide by basic anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations, rules that digital currency exchanges in the US and Western Europe must abide by... If Congress and regulators are serious about tackling the national security implications of digital currencies, taking on these
1667764;1497031054;mircea_popescu;i guess while the sofa stack lasts, the sofa stack lasts huh.
1667766;1497031099;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667724 << see, typical imbecile imperial, going THE WROING FUCKING WAY.
1667767;1497031099;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 16:08 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/i1Usl << from same fishwrap >> 'Two members of the US Army National Guard have been convicted of running a credit card fraud scheme involving bitcoin...  using bitcoins to purchase stolen credit and debit card numbers... using magnetic strip re-encoding tools to apply stolen numbers to dummy cards, after which they would buy merchandise from Army and Air Force Exchange Service stores at US military bases, as well a
1667768;1497031120;mircea_popescu;"let's stash dubious chinese imports in the us as a wealth amassing scheme, wut could possibly go wrong!"
1667769;1497031187;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's an illustration of typical 'free agent' tho -- i.e. imbecile interested in 'free coke' rather than any coherent action with >1hr horizon. i.e. beast of the field.
1667770;1497031198;mircea_popescu;it is, yes.
1667771;1497031275;mircea_popescu;and ftr that is SPECIFICALLY the cow/herbivore strategy. "oh, there's some lovely grass down here. grass is good because +epsilon ev, will make me fat, ill have babies, moo"
1667773;1497031515;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667732 << loller at the butthurt. "sarah" saldana, who most likely is random illegal who went to maryland to study "crime fightin'", and in any case was a political appointee by the worlds shittiest set of politruks, complains that her minions inherited by trump are used... for a political goal. FUCKING pantsuits, it's only pissing if you do it, they don't do it, wut???.
1667774;1497031515;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 16:11 shinohai: Yet another Obama programme overturned: http://archive.is/uvw7P
1667775;1497031629;mircea_popescu;and THEN complains that the idle muppets hired "to hob knob with congressmen and clog up wash dc traffic while pretending to be you know, lobbysts lite on govt payroll" dun get to keep on pretending, gotta actually work the SAME DAMNED CALL CENTER they tried to escape from manning in panama.
1667776;1497031640;mircea_popescu;"this is BULLSHIT!!!1 how dare the sofa stack end!!!"
1667777;1497031645;mircea_popescu;well, apparently it ends for some people.
1667778;1497031683;mircea_popescu;"go out in the community" of imbecile politruks and aparatchicks that actually created the fucking problem in the first place. noty, stop stroking each other's imaginary importance.
1667779;1497032232;mod6;<+asciilifeform> i see 2 lines of the needed 'image fix and a bunch of ??? << so two other things. 1) 'M
1667780;1497032241;ben_vulpes;other loldanas: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/16/ice-director-gives-shocking-excuse-for-failure-to-detain-killer-illegal-alien-video/
1667781;1497032299;mircea_popescu;"it's racist to punish people for killing white people" ?
1667782;1497032315;ben_vulpes;texas a&i and southern methodist, apparently
1667783;1497032322;ben_vulpes;whatever those are
1667785;1497032342;mircea_popescu;fucktards, that';s another thing. everyone's got teh leadersheep hallucinations also.
1667786;1497032345;mircea_popescu;no fucking end to the cheekty
1667787;1497032353;mod6; ' was getting complaints, so tried your commented out line of: M : Maps.PMap(Length => 0, Offset => 1); instead.  2) gnatmake doesn't like that procedure horse_test is in a file called 'test.adb', wants it to be in 'horse_test.adb'
1667788;1497032364;mod6;tis all
1667790;1497033995;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1667791;1497034002;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2818.08, vol: 8743.65218639 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2738.5, vol: 4984.02217 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2813.1, vol: 9832.37485083 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2839.031471, vol: 8771.04730000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2819.644, vol: 4254.95534801 | Volume-weighted last average: 2811.10541256
1667792;1497034020;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency popcorn
1667793;1497034021;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: 'popcorn' is not a valid currency code.
1667794;1497034206;*;mircea_popescu saw bitstamp "volume" took it for price had to do a dbl take lel
1667797;1497040293;shinohai;http://boards.4chan.org/b/thread/735299977#p735299977   <<< top kek ETH
1667799;1497040331;mircea_popescu;the internet is so empowering for herbipeople!
1667800;1497040493;ben_vulpes;"hey what do you think about ethereum? a couple of guys i know bought some and made a ton of money?" "which ethereum?" "..."
1667801;1497040585;mircea_popescu;"the right one"
1667802;1497040611;mircea_popescu;"o btw, did they MAKE a ton of money, or did they just IMAGINE they MIGHT AS WELL HAD on the basis of stuff they read on a website ?"
1667803;1497040626;shinohai;Laughably ... ETC has a higher "market cap" than LTC right now.
1667804;1497040626;mircea_popescu;"there is no difference between these two" "i think you might've been raped"
1667805;1497040644;mircea_popescu;shinohai similarily to how farts have larger volume than turds do.
1667807;1497040679;shinohai;I always chose to see one as liquishit vs solid
1667808;1497040737;mircea_popescu;course which is which
1667809;1497040850;ben_vulpes;i very rarely bother to ask if people actually eg beat the market, convert back to btc, move that btc off the exchange...
1667810;1497040867;ben_vulpes;how many games of poker they win, how up they are on slots over their slot playing career...
1667811;1497040868;mircea_popescu;i can imagine why.
1667812;1497041372;pete_dushenski;in other instapwns, https://www.welivesecurity.com/2017/06/06/turlas-watering-hole-campaign-updated-firefox-extension-abusing-instagram/
1667813;1497041437;pete_dushenski;"The extension uses a bit.ly URL to reach its C&C, but the URL path is nowhere to be found in the extension code. In fact, it will obtain this path by using comments posted on a specific Instagram post. The one that was used in the analyzed sample was a comment about a photo posted to the Britney Spears official Instagram account."
1667814;1497041449;pete_dushenski;eg. https://www.welivesecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/britney_instagram_square.png
1667816;1497047619;sina;mircea_popescu: hey mate
1667817;1497047723;sina;can you confirm my intepretation of the spec for mpfhf is correct or not?
1667818;1497047735;mircea_popescu;i'd say tis correct.
1667819;1497047779;sina;kk, so how come in "step 1" of  the prototype, you're modifying S in the halfscrew, rather than R, because the spec says "if bit is 1, half screw S in R"?
1667820;1497047798;mircea_popescu;cuz the prototype is older tyhan the spec.
1667821;1497047825;sina;ah fux, so I can't rely on the steps displayed in the prototype to validate my work as I go?
1667822;1497047870;mircea_popescu;not really :)
1667823;1497047899;mircea_popescu;the prototype was originally more of a "omfg show me what the fuck do you mean with this spec ?!?!?!" sort of easement.
1667824;1497047915;mircea_popescu;"works in the sense that it does something, not in the sense it does what it should"
1667826;1497047931;sina;that's  the second time in 24h you've said that :P
1667827;1497047942;mircea_popescu;cuz it's necessary!
1667828;1497047962;sina;ok fair enough then, I'll try and adhere solely to the spec
1667829;1497047974;mircea_popescu;good plan,.
1667830;1497047975;sina;got most of a thing working
1667831;1497047986;mircea_popescu;what's it in ?
1667832;1497047987;sina;I miss writing code, most of my day-to-day is operations
1667833;1497047993;sina;python for a first pass
1667834;1497048015;mircea_popescu;cool. seeing how ben_vulpes ' lisp implementation ain't working yet, you have a shot at becoming the first cannonical mpfhf
1667835;1497048075;sina;mircea_popescu: can I ask you to verify behaviour of half screw when the length of S or R is not even?
1667836;1497048085;sina;i.e. round up or down
1667838;1497048123;sina;ah good, python by default adopts the C behaviour
1667840;1497050096;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/the-bitcoin-learning-tournament/#comment-122209 >> this ring any bells to anyone ?
1667841;1497050099;mircea_popescu;!!up HaveANiceDay
1667842;1497050100;deedbot;HaveANiceDay voiced for 30 minutes.
1667843;1497050154;sina;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 64)
1667844;1497050247;sina;did I call it wrong?
1667845;1497050252;mircea_popescu;it's not voiced
1667846;1497050263;sina;!!up candi_lustt
1667847;1497050264;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1667848;1497050267;sina;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 64)
1667849;1497050269;candi_lustt;sina: 290 steps, 249 bits for the state machine. hash: #*1000100011110010000101100110011011011001111000011110110011111001
1667850;1497050283;sina;lel ok that is not the output that I got :(
1667851;1497050292;mircea_popescu;nah it dun werk right.
1667852;1497050305;sina;how the fuck am I know my code works
1667853;1497050324;mircea_popescu;ha. that's a legitimate q huh!
1667854;1497050343;shinohai;Ask yourself ... does it blow shit up?
1667855;1497050346;sina;I mean, I am pretty sure
1667856;1497050372;mircea_popescu;sina can you make it print out some detailed workout like the original prototype did ?
1667857;1497050376;mircea_popescu;easiest to check that way
1667858;1497050389;sina;mircea_popescu: lollll I had it doing that but removed those lines
1667859;1497050396;sina;because I thought it makes my pretty code look ugly
1667861;1497050438;sina;43 lines, incl blanks, should be auditable
1667862;1497050476;ben_vulpes;sina, i have a patch sitting in my tree that will paste output as well
1667863;1497050497;sina;fuckers, ok I will add the debug back
1667864;1497050498;ben_vulpes;going to spend some people time, will let you know when it's live
1667865;1497050503;sina;so much less pretty tho
1667866;1497050508;ben_vulpes;aye, aye.
1667867;1497050525;mircea_popescu;im sure it does that, but, simplifies checking. do a few printouts of something shorter and saner, say 16 bit items.
1667868;1497050526;mircea_popescu;it can be pretty once it works.
1667870;1497050554;ben_vulpes;i did push some changes to it last night, but it still behaves entirely wackadoodle on arrays of all 0 or 1
1667871;1497050619;ben_vulpes;sina: yeah, see my comments in re dragons last night
1667872;1497052529;sina;mircea_popescu: can you point if I'm missing something obvious? From my understanding of the spec, the number of "steps" is = the length of M, but in your examples (understanding they're of a nonworking prototype) have a lot more steps than len(M)
1667873;1497052541;mircea_popescu;there's a rewind op
1667874;1497052546;sina;ah of course
1667875;1497052580;mircea_popescu;so there's ~1.25 * lenM ish steps
1667876;1497052776;sina;I seem to be generating junk hashes like "1001001110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" for "MP kicks ass!" :(
1667877;1497052799;mircea_popescu;what's "MP kicks ass!" in binary ?
1667879;1497052918;mircea_popescu;this is where a step by step printout would be useful.
1667880;1497052929;sina;I got em
1667881;1497052933;sina;would you be willing to look?
1667885;1497053131;sina;hmm, I don't think my rewind is working
1667887;1497053234;sina;gonna have to switch looping mechanism
1667888;1497053517;sina;lol now I am in infinite loop
1667889;1497053520;sina;at step 5/6
1667890;1497053920;sina;mircea_popescu: pls help me understand rewind? doesn't it guarantee loops if I end up in a step which has a rewind? because I will go back one and then rewind?
1667891;1497054227;mircea_popescu;nah, it'll rewind as part of a more complex op.
1667892;1497054246;mircea_popescu;!!up punto
1667893;1497054246;deedbot;punto voiced for 30 minutes.
1667894;1497054288;mircea_popescu;That bit in R is flipped and we rewind. << the definition of the op makes cycles impossibru as such
1667895;1497054294;mircea_popescu;so if you cyclke you fucked somethingh up
1667896;1497055116;sina;damn debug statements make it impossible to follow
1667897;1497055917;sina;mircea_popescu: per the spec, " During each step, the function considers whether the position-th bit in M is 0 or 1, and executes a defined set of operations in either case. Once the operations have been executed, the position is incremented by one."
1667899;1497055937;sina;so, do we rewind, and then still increment?
1667901;1497055948;sina;hmm ok
1667902;1497055962;mircea_popescu;it always adds 1. sometimes it also substracts 1. rthat is all.
1667903;1497056007;sina;lol, that changed it a little, now I loop at step 71 instead of 5 :P
1667904;1497056047;mircea_popescu;great success!
1667905;1497056063;sina;it seems to be flipping correctly :(
1667906;1497056205;mircea_popescu;paste your story. and plox use wotpaste i dun have that paste.ca thing in hosts
1667907;1497056319;ben_vulpes;hey sina mircea_popescu logs for comparison
1667908;1497056322;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt
1667909;1497056322;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1667910;1497056357;ben_vulpes;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 10)
1667911;1497056358;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*0010011100
1667912;1497056362;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ZRxCE/?raw=true
1667913;1497056389;ben_vulpes;logs are not exactly the same, bridging will be required until i match the hashonator's log format
1667914;1497056432;ben_vulpes;also output hashes larger than a certain size won't post because reasons i haven't run down yet
1667915;1497056445;ben_vulpes;magic numbers probably; max file size in nginx or something who knows
1667916;1497056693;*;mircea_popescu will now read this
1667917;1497056772;ben_vulpes;kinda thinking i should just maintain a "mpfhf currently backing candi" on that page
1667918;1497056798;mircea_popescu;screwed element is now #*0000000000 << this is not possible, you screwed nothing
1667919;1497056923;ben_vulpes;the pooch maybe
1667920;1497056926;mircea_popescu;screwing #*0000000000 at position 0 with count 0 << the problem. it is not possible for a bit count to be 0.
1667921;1497056954;mircea_popescu;R bitcount is 10 in this case ; S bitcount starts at 1.
1667922;1497057057;ben_vulpes;what is floor of half of zero?
1667923;1497057063;mircea_popescu;what is 0 ?
1667924;1497057075;ben_vulpes;one i mean
1667925;1497057084;ben_vulpes;but count from one, okay i see
1667926;1497057085;mircea_popescu;oh was it half screw ?
1667927;1497057088;mircea_popescu;no no
1667930;1497057100;mircea_popescu;half-screwing #*0 in #*0000000000 at position 0
1667931;1497057101;mircea_popescu;screwing #*0000000000 at position 0 with count 0
1667932;1497057105;mircea_popescu;is it doing both or just one ?
1667933;1497057126;ben_vulpes;unfortunate log line, both screw and half screw share implementation
1667934;1497057128;sina;mircea_popescu ben_vulpes http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/gyrhO/?raw=true assistance appreciated
1667935;1497057151;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ok, so was that a half-screwing of s in r and s was 1 bit long so it did nothing ?
1667937;1497057157;mircea_popescu;sina will read 1 sec.
1667938;1497057164;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ah ok, then that's not the problem.
1667939;1497057222;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: perhaps to start with simpler runs?
1667940;1497057231;mircea_popescu;element is now #*1010000000 << ok, seems to make sense up to there.
1667941;1497057277;mircea_popescu;screwed element is now #*1000101000 << also seems right
1667942;1497057335;mircea_popescu;element is now #*1010000010 << idem
1667943;1497057374;mircea_popescu;element is now #*1000000010 also
1667944;1497057413;mircea_popescu;screwed element is now #*1001001011 aha
1667945;1497057450;mircea_popescu;screwed element is now #*1010010000 tick
1667946;1497057516;mircea_popescu;skipping ahead, Our work has ended, in 141 steps and using 96 bits for the state machine. The message was #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 and the resulting hash is #*0010011100
1667947;1497057524;mircea_popescu;i don't readily see there's a problem with it.
1667948;1497057533;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt
1667949;1497057534;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1667950;1497057547;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111 8)
1667951;1497057547;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*11111111
1667952;1497057548;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/c9kYj/?raw=true
1667953;1497057554;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*0000 4)
1667954;1497057554;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0110
1667955;1497057555;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/egLq6/?raw=true
1667956;1497057558;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111 4)
1667957;1497057558;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*1111
1667958;1497057559;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bsZER/?raw=true
1667959;1497057585;ben_vulpes;like i said, wackadoodle on uniform inputs.
1667960;1497057756;mircea_popescu;looking into this
1667961;1497057765;mircea_popescu;might be my spec's broken dfor some reason
1667962;1497057857;ben_vulpes;say it ain't so, boss
1667963;1497057942;ben_vulpes;on uniform inputs and shorter desired output hashes it has trouble breaking out of certain patterns
1667964;1497057948;ben_vulpes;output hash lengths
1667965;1497058144;mircea_popescu;Our work has ended, in 4 steps and using 1 bits for the state machine. The message was #*1111 and the resulting hash is #*1111
1667966;1497058146;mircea_popescu;no fucking way
1667967;1497058194;mircea_popescu;you mean to tell me the idempotent value for mpfhf is actually ff ?
1667968;1497058238;mircea_popescu;fuck, there's a bug ion the spec.
1667969;1497058251;mircea_popescu;We screw S in R. >> shjoui;d be we screw r in s.
1667972;1497058330;ben_vulpes;which screw operation?
1667973;1497058331;mircea_popescu;it should actually be "expand and screw r in s":
1667974;1497058342;mircea_popescu;if 1, half-screw S in R. If the bit in R found at the position equal to the remainder of the division of our position in M by the size of R is equal to the bit in S found at the position equal to the remainder of the division of our position in M by the size of S
1667975;1497058342;mircea_popescu;We screw S in R. <<
1667976;1497058405;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes mind making the alterations and let's see ? ima edit the spec later too
1667977;1497058433;sina;-    * We screw S in R.
1667978;1497058433;sina;+    * We expand S and screw R in S.
1667981;1497058446;*;ben_vulpes in process
1667982;1497058483;mircea_popescu;(technically "expand" is always re s, as per definition, but sure.)
1667984;1497058554;sina;making that modification and my thing no longer loops
1667986;1497058569;sina;I get
1667988;1497058573;sina;for "MP kicks ass!"
1667989;1497058577;mircea_popescu;not bad
1667990;1497058591;mircea_popescu;you prolly still have a bug in there though, just no longer on this case.
1667992;1497058632;sina;mircea_popescu: seems you're correct, "MP kicks3453453453 ass!"  still loops
1667993;1497058681;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: live
1667994;1497058697;ben_vulpes;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111 4)
1667995;1497058698;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*0000
1667996;1497058698;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/1diie/?raw=true
1667997;1497058704;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111 4)
1667998;1497058704;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000
1667999;1497058704;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ADhW1/?raw=true
1668000;1497058706;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111 4)
1668001;1497058706;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000
1668002;1497058707;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/keZP5/?raw=true
1668004;1497058710;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*111111 4)
1668005;1497058710;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000
1668006;1497058711;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/iy12g/?raw=true
1668007;1497058713;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*111111 5)
1668008;1497058713;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00100
1668009;1497058714;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yiQsE/?raw=true
1668010;1497058740;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111 8)
1668011;1497058740;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00000000
1668012;1497058740;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/J0IT1/?raw=true
1668013;1497058742;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111 7)
1668014;1497058742;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*1110011
1668015;1497058743;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/VE2CC/?raw=true
1668016;1497058745;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111 9)
1668017;1497058745;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*011010110
1668018;1497058746;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/nMTx4/?raw=true
1668019;1497058750;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111111111111111111111111111 64)
1668020;1497058750;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1668021;1497058751;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/p63y3/?raw=true
1668023;1497058764;ben_vulpes;what's that
1668024;1497058776;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111111111111111111111111111 32)
1668025;1497058776;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00000000000000000000000000000000
1668026;1497058777;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/4miEv/?raw=true
1668027;1497058779;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111111111111111111111111111 16)
1668028;1497058779;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000000000000000
1668029;1497058780;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sBBqA/?raw=true
1668030;1497058785;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that is wtf.
1668031;1497058804;ben_vulpes;check it still implements the spec?
1668032;1497058815;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*111 4)
1668033;1497058815;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000
1668034;1497058816;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/W5wXH/?raw=true
1668035;1497058817;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111 4)
1668036;1497058817;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0000
1668037;1497058818;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Y1j9T/?raw=true
1668038;1497058832;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i shall now withdraw into my cellar with the instruments.
1668039;1497058840;*;ben_vulpes bows
1668040;1497058896;sina;ben_vulpes: any chance you'd be willing to take a peek at my code>?
1668041;1497058918;ben_vulpes;certainly, but on my own time.
1668042;1497058932;ben_vulpes;standby 2
1668043;1497058939;sina;oh, is it still workday where you are?
1668044;1497059002;ben_vulpes;sina: i work whenever i want
1668045;1497059111;ben_vulpes;"my own time" meaning when i feel like it
1668046;1497059128;sina;ah sure
1668047;1497059232;ben_vulpes;i do actually enjoy the humans i keep in my house, amazing though that may seem
1668048;1497059241;ben_vulpes;http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function and updooted again
1668049;1497059270;ben_vulpes;in the interim sina do feel free to read what i've written and generate data to compare yours against
1668050;1497059320;*;ben_vulpes off
1668051;1497059324;sina;thanks ben_vulpes
1668052;1497059358;sina;the log msgs make it much harder to follow the code unfortunately, my code has the same issue :(
1668053;1497059370;ben_vulpes;so copy it into your own buffer and rip 'em out, what
1668054;1497060025;sina;!!up candi_lustt
1668055;1497060025;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1668056;1497060059;sina;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 64)
1668057;1497060061;candi_lustt;sina: #*0000000101010011000110110101001101111011101001000100010101110001
1668058;1497060078;candi_lustt;sina: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/
1668059;1497060108;sina;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 32)
1668060;1497060108;candi_lustt;sina: #*00011000001001110000000101101011
1668061;1497060116;candi_lustt;sina: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/r8iDa/?raw=true
1668062;1497060185;sina;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 64)
1668063;1497060187;candi_lustt;sina: #*0000000101010011000110110101001101111011101001000100010101110001
1668064;1497060209;candi_lustt;sina: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/
1668065;1497060886;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/30A6A00FFF07958872B0B5FF1F0C07F432EC5FD77DF10EC06BD15C890381A185 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1744...4913 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (bb.22.564a.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com. US TX)
1668066;1497060886;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/30A6A00FFF07958872B0B5FF1F0C07F432EC5FD77DF10EC06BD15C890381A185 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1734...3837 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (bb.22.564a.ip4.static.sl-reverse.com. US TX)
1668067;1497061402;sina;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1001101101000010000011010111101001110001111010111110011100000110000111100111110011100001 32)
1668068;1497061402;candi_lustt;sina: #*00011000001001110000000101101011
1668069;1497061410;candi_lustt;sina: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/bzKnX/?raw=true
1668070;1497063754;sina;mircea_popescu: earlier you said half screw should round down. In that case, if len is 1 the halfscrew will be 0. so should no iterations be peformed on halfscrew where the len is 1?
1668071;1497064392;mircea_popescu;sina that is correct
1668072;1497064441;sina;mircea_popescu: ok thanks
1668073;1497064457;sina;I feel like my code is now correct, and it no longer loops. However I'm getting different results to ben_vulpes
1668075;1497064472;mircea_popescu;what's yours say re maxint ?
1668076;1497064476;sina;e.g I get 1000010000110110001010111111010000010110110100000010010100110110 for "MP kicks ass!" 64
1668077;1497064485;sina;sorry can you clarify "re maxint"?
1668078;1497064487;mircea_popescu;try  candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111111111111111111111111111 64)
1668081;1497064558;mircea_popescu;see, i suspect ben_vulpes 's thing has a subtle bug in it but i can't seem to find it ;/
1668082;1497064577;sina;that was 32 chars of 1s right?
1668084;1497064583;sina;cos I test with "M = [1] * 32"
1668085;1497064589;mircea_popescu;try with 64 1s r = 64 also
1668087;1497064607;mircea_popescu;and paste the debug pastes along with these
1668088;1497064616;mircea_popescu;yeah i suspect yours is actually correct.
1668089;1497064635;PeterL;I had an idea for another function to use in the fabulous hash: a conditional screw - where on step n, for i in length S, if S[i] then flip R[n*i mod len(R)]
1668090;1497064642;sina;I keep taking the debug lines out because it's fucking impossible to follow the logic of the code with them in
1668091;1497064649;sina;let me re-add
1668092;1497064658;mircea_popescu;PeterL the problem is that even as is the complexity is pretty hard to manage. making more complex primitives is not going to help this
1668093;1497064677;mircea_popescu;though in principle the mpfhf is a function fambly -- anyone can make any sort of thing he wants
1668094;1497064681;PeterL;just something to think of for future versions of the hash
1668095;1497065172;sina;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/kFx6V/?raw=true that is for 64 1s with 64 bit R_len
1668096;1497065270;sina;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/U5KgJ/?raw=true 32 1s with 64 bit R_len
1668098;1497065378;mircea_popescu;can you still make it cycle ?
1668099;1497065384;sina;mircea_popescu: nope
1668100;1497065402;mircea_popescu;i don't readily see a problem with the story as displayed.
1668101;1497065409;sina;mircea_popescu: there was a bug in my screw method which caused the cycle, once I identified it, it stopped cycling
1668102;1497065426;ben_vulpes;sina: are you pushed up?
1668103;1497065437;sina;ben_vulpes: http://github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-python
1668104;1497065458;ben_vulpes;yes i know, asking if that hasa your fixed screw method
1668107;1497065729;sina;mircea_popescu: can you confirm/clarify "his operation consists of taking the bit count of either S or R, iterating over that value, at each step multiplying the iterator with the current position in M" ...
1668108;1497065758;sina;it's the value of the iterator, not the value of the bit at the iterator position?
1668110;1497065778;sina;coo thx
1668111;1497065792;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes 's examples work fine wrt that part,
1668112;1497065794;sina;I had it originally set to the value of the bit, and that was the cause of my cycle
1668113;1497065810;sina;changing it to the value of the iterator per ben_vulpes cl code fixed it
1668114;1497065839;mircea_popescu;and are very explicit : screwing iteration 22 screwing product is 946 index of element to flip is 18 etc
1668116;1497065878;sina;currently trying 2048bit hash of GPLv2 out of curiosity, will lety ou know when it finally completes :P
1668117;1497065891;mircea_popescu;ha! cool deal. how far in is it ?
1668118;1497065905;sina;I dunno, I keep deleting the debug statements
1668119;1497065912;mircea_popescu;lol. k.
1668120;1497065994;sina;also testing with pypy
1668121;1497066110;ben_vulpes;sina: our screws disagree
1668123;1497066237;ben_vulpes;and http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/G39PI/?raw=true
1668124;1497066247;sina;ben_vulpes: in your halfscrew I notice   (underlying-screw b m-position (floor (/ (length a) 2)))
1668125;1497066251;sina;I have len(b)
1668126;1497066288;sina;wait, nevermind
1668127;1497066290;sina;wrong line
1668128;1497066411;sina;ben_vulpes: as you can see my implementation for screw is only 3 lines long, can you see any faults in it?
1668129;1497066451;sina;ben_vulpes: also per above my halfscrew won't take any action if the len(a) is 1, can you confirm cl behaviour?
1668130;1497066510;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: and i worked this example at one point, i'm pretty sure the expected value of 011 is correct
1668132;1497066541;ben_vulpes;but yes, i will go check
1668133;1497066561;ben_vulpes;the length of your implementation does not particularly bear
1668134;1497066591;sina;I only mean in the sense, glaring errors or differences that cause disagreement between implementations, should be obvious
1668135;1497066660;ben_vulpes;i work slowly, i'll let you know if i find anything
1668136;1497066711;ben_vulpes;one difference is that you loop from 0 up and i from 1
1668137;1497066758;ben_vulpes;i'm trying to remember why i indexed at 1 there
1668138;1497066760;sina;y u do dat
1668139;1497066828;ben_vulpes;naively, per http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/#footnote_1_70955
1668140;1497066917;sina;mircea_popescu: can you confirm/clarify same statement above, start at 0 or 1?
1668141;1497066941;ben_vulpes;0 seems a bit more likely...?
1668142;1497066962;sina;yes but your reading of the footnote does seem correct, it starts at 1
1668143;1497066967;BingoBoingo;Behodl https://i.imgur.com/51busb0.png and https://i.imgur.com/WytAtQr.png
1668144;1497066979;ben_vulpes;ah no wait because multiplying index by 1
1668145;1497067051;ben_vulpes;> make sure she doesn't understand
1668146;1497067064;ben_vulpes;writer, not a reader!
1668148;1497067144;mircea_popescu;ah the god damned zeroth bit nonsense.
1668149;1497067149;mircea_popescu;i say count from 1.
1668150;1497067179;ben_vulpes;screws will always have an initial element of zero otherwise
1668151;1497067206;mircea_popescu;yes. which is not useful.
1668153;1497067431;sina;ben_vulpes: if I
1668154;1497067432;sina;-        flip(b, ((i * M_pos) % len(b)))
1668155;1497067432;sina;+        flip(b, ((i+1 * M_pos) % len(b)))
1668156;1497067436;sina;then I get the same issue as you
1668158;1497067444;mircea_popescu;which is ?
1668159;1497067454;sina;64 1s and 32 1s result in hashes of all 0s
1668160;1497067458;mircea_popescu;holy shit what
1668161;1497067467;ben_vulpes;so let's see some hashes
1668162;1497067490;mircea_popescu;counterintuitively counting must be from 0 ?!
1668163;1497067491;ben_vulpes;it wasn't just 64s, there's another element to the pattern
1668164;1497067509;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes 32/32 64/64 even 4/4 displayed it
1668165;1497067513;mircea_popescu;not 32/31 or 33 though
1668166;1497067526;ben_vulpes;any equal length of message and hash?
1668167;1497067546;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt
1668168;1497067547;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111 5)
1668169;1497067547;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1668170;1497067547;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*00100
1668171;1497067547;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/sprPX/?raw=true
1668172;1497067557;mircea_popescu;nope. any 2**x equal
1668175;1497067588;mircea_popescu;i have nfi
1668176;1497067598;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: !
1668177;1497067620;ben_vulpes;well in the absence of ideas, shall we index from zero?
1668178;1497067628;mircea_popescu;i guerss we must, yes
1668179;1497067631;mircea_popescu;batshit insanew
1668180;1497067637;sina;I dunno if this makes any difference
1668181;1497067641;sina;but when you have a string of all 1s
1668182;1497067644;sina;there is no rewind, right?
1668183;1497067650;ben_vulpes;this is perfect example of "too complex for me to understand!" complaint of asciilifeform's re hash design
1668184;1497067653;ben_vulpes;sina: aha
1668185;1497067653;sina;so the step == M_pos
1668186;1497067662;mircea_popescu;sina yes
1668187;1497067696;sina;ok, so should I keep my screw implementation as is?
1668188;1497067698;sina;or is this a spec bug
1668190;1497067704;sina;or both :P
1668191;1497067792;ben_vulpes;my next q is does the iteration run [0, count] or [0, count)
1668192;1497067806;mircea_popescu;i'd expect the latter
1668193;1497067818;sina;sorry I don't grok that syntax diff
1668194;1497067826;sina;does it mean to the final of the array and n-1?
1668195;1497067827;mircea_popescu;<= vs <
1668197;1497067861;ben_vulpes;eg 0, 1, 2, 3
1668198;1497067949;sina;ben_vulpes: if you count from 0 do we get same hashy hash?
1668199;1497067998;ben_vulpes;gimme a second, i'm handling two implementations here
1668200;1497068002;ben_vulpes;and drinking tea
1668201;1497068073;sina;lol...the 2048 bit hash for GPLv2 was taking a really long time so I killed it to add some print statements. Checked "wc -c LICENSE", it reports ~18,000 chars. I re-ran mpfhf with 32 bits, thinking it'd finish at M_pos ~18,000
1668202;1497068081;sina;still going, currently at 20893
1668203;1497068085;sina;wonder what it's doing
1668204;1497068101;sina;oh right, its binary, stupid me
1668205;1497068103;mircea_popescu;20893 bits ?
1668206;1497068117;mircea_popescu;right. so about 1/7 done
1668207;1497068145;sina;this is definitely going to need a system language impl
1668208;1497068156;sina;assuming it's a correct implementation of the spec anyway
1668209;1497068173;mircea_popescu;that's what we're working on atm!
1668210;1497068187;mircea_popescu;so far, it seems good
1668211;1497068198;ben_vulpes;oh man how do i even pass your thing an array of zeros and ones
1668212;1497068210;mircea_popescu;python, it wants strings
1668213;1497068213;sina;ben_vulpes: M = [0] * 32
1668214;1497068337;ben_vulpes;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111 4)
1668215;1497068337;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*1010
1668216;1497068337;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/X1F4u/?raw=true
1668217;1497068351;ben_vulpes;sina: what do yer dice say
1668219;1497068364;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111111111111111111111111111 64)
1668220;1497068364;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0110100011001111010010001111100000000001110001111000001001000001
1668221;1497068366;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/46Zmr/?raw=true
1668222;1497068368;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 64)
1668223;1497068369;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*0010111010001000101011101000100000110011110111011111001001110010
1668224;1497068371;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/KIOvW/?raw=true
1668225;1497068372;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 128)
1668226;1497068372;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*01101000010111101000010110001100001011110000110000101110110101111010010101000000011011111010011011110001001100010111101010011100
1668227;1497068376;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/aodux/?raw=true
1668228;1497068378;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt: (mpfhf:mpfhf #*11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 256)
1668229;1497068379;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: #*1111111010101111011001101011011111101000101011111101011110010111010011100111000011000101000010111000111011110100100101010011011111010111001011011101010011011101011000100010001000111110000010010011001100011111100000100001010111101111010110000111010101011100
1668230;1497068385;mircea_popescu;dude it's blazing fast.
1668231;1497068386;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/
1668234;1497068420;ben_vulpes;or is it...auspicious
1668235;1497068433;sina;anyone tell you guys that' you're fucking crazy? :D
1668236;1497068439;ben_vulpes;sina: what's so crazy?
1668237;1497068449;sina;just, in general
1668238;1497068455;ben_vulpes;i mean yes, all the time. but what in particular today?
1668239;1497068456;mircea_popescu;lol i think he had fun
1668240;1497068505;sina;watching this slow ass shit in python is making me want to start rewriting in C right now even though I have done nothing for the last ~24 except write this code, eat pizza and 8h of sleep
1668241;1497068540;ben_vulpes;stats for the 256-bit hash http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EIXod/?raw=true
1668242;1497068544;mircea_popescu;think about it, candi does it over a lisp!
1668243;1497068561;ben_vulpes;that's on my local machine, not even particularly high powered
1668244;1497068569;mircea_popescu;59,893,200 bytes consed wowza
1668245;1497068571;sina;ben_vulpes: how fast can you run it against the GPL in my repo?
1668246;1497068597;ben_vulpes;sina: gosh i'd have to do real work, turn strings into binary
1668247;1497068623;sina;as if that isn't one line of lisp?
1668248;1497068630;*;ben_vulpes snorts
1668249;1497068641;ben_vulpes;you missed the strings thread, didntcha
1668250;1497068641;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how this works!!1
1668251;1497068684;sina;I missed all the tings
1668252;1497068725;ben_vulpes;sina: eeyyyyy that's the joke i'm making
1668253;1497068757;sina;ok fuck this GPL hashing shit, let's just say, it's slow
1668254;1497068766;mircea_popescu;lol let it go overnight what.
1668255;1497068774;sina;16mins to get through ~36000 bits
1668256;1497068787;mircea_popescu;that's the next step once we got a coupla canonical impls, is to burn it down.
1668257;1497068806;mircea_popescu;do 64k 64 bit items see how long, 32 birt see how long, 1024 bit see how long etc
1668258;1497068825;mircea_popescu;do 1 2 4 8 16 etc kb all the way to a mb or so,
1668259;1497068833;mircea_popescu;it's a decent blog post for someone.
1668260;1497068857;sina;let's validate the canonicality of the impls first? :P
1668262;1497068891;mircea_popescu;sina pick random strings, announce the results, then we do candi and se
1668264;1497068909;ben_vulpes;augh more strings
1668267;1497068997;sina;if I pick a string I'll include the bitfield for lazy ben_vulpes
1668268;1497069016;sina;or, you know, you could just copy the one line of python required to convert
1668270;1497069250;ben_vulpes;not lazy, busy
1668271;1497069255;ben_vulpes;i put a tool out there for you to use, use it
1668272;1497069278;ben_vulpes;or we could start with bitfields and you could reverse them?
1668273;1497069309;sina;sure, it's ~1 line of python :P
1668274;1497069314;ben_vulpes;I WANT TO DO THE GPL THING LEAVE ME LONE
1668275;1497069327;mod6;; heheh
1668276;1497069330;sina;soz mate, do it, I'm curious
1668277;1497069424;mircea_popescu;eh, fuck gpl, do some tmsr document.
1668278;1497069433;mircea_popescu;deedbot contains. or thebitcoin.foundation also.
1668279;1497069539;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9F30C1806257EBF02EF6C099DB0C5C115DA1DB6AF6BAEB379F492838947F0581 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1408...1173 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB WLS BGE)
1668280;1497069539;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9F30C1806257EBF02EF6C099DB0C5C115DA1DB6AF6BAEB379F492838947F0581 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1508...4783 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown GB WLS BGE)
1668281;1497070398;ben_vulpes;jeez, nov 8th 2014
1668282;1497070404;mircea_popescu;hm ?
1668283;1497070433;ben_vulpes;that's when you fired the declaration of sovereignty
1668284;1497070441;mircea_popescu;ah ah. soon 3yo huh
1668285;1497070458;mircea_popescu;nov is a muchly republican month.
1668286;1497070720;mod6;the tourny starts on the nov 2nd right?
1668289;1497070788;ben_vulpes;> heap exhausted
1668291;1497070793;mircea_popescu;how long ?
1668293;1497070797;ben_vulpes;oh not
1668295;1497070811;mircea_popescu;S = 1kb sorta thing ?
1668296;1497070812;ben_vulpes;probably including tea-sipping and not watching the debugger
1668297;1497070818;ben_vulpes;oh nonono
1668299;1497070875;ben_vulpes;doc is 5601 chars long
1668300;1497071006;ben_vulpes;consing like mad
1668301;1497071165;ben_vulpes;oh man i get to break out the profiler!
1668303;1497072780;ben_vulpes;myeah okay logging is expensive, good to know
1668304;1497073057;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: all those consed bytes came from logging
1668305;1497073067;mircea_popescu;ah i c
1668306;1497073490;mod6;io super exepensive / instrumentation is expensive
1668307;1497073504;mod6;good for debugging though
1668309;1497073907;ben_vulpes;some seven hundred odd seconds to hash the declaration
1668310;1497073922;mircea_popescu;13 page faults, rly ?
1668311;1497073935;ben_vulpes;ya, wut?
1668312;1497073946;mircea_popescu;is that normal ?
1668313;1497073990;ben_vulpes;i only saw it one other time to night (6 of 'em), and i don't remember before
1668314;1497073992;*;ben_vulpes off for a bit
1668315;1497076084;sina;mircea_popescu: still around?
1668317;1497076224;sina;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/B5Qxd/?raw=true
1668320;1497076382;mircea_popescu;so there's a python, a golang and a cl version nao ?
1668321;1497076398;mircea_popescu;do me a favour sina ; and ben_vulpes : post a copy of your code on the article. archival.
1668322;1497076417;sina;"on the article" ?
1668323;1497076430;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/ << comment
1668324;1497076438;sina;ah right yep
1668325;1497076440;sina;doing so now
1668326;1497076495;sina;mircea_popescu: is there any interest in a tmsr company offering stuff like git hosting etc?
1668327;1497076513;mircea_popescu;no, because tmsr uses V.
1668328;1497076515;mircea_popescu;you know about v ?
1668330;1497076590;mircea_popescu;ha. didja read the topic ?
1668331;1497076601;sina;mircea_popescu: I pasted the python impl and it mangled my tabbing...I guess I wouldn't care normally but it's going ot be annoying for people to paste that and re-indent, any feature about preserving tabbing in your comment section?
1668333;1497076621;sina;I'll repost with pre and you can delete the old one
1668335;1497076634;mircea_popescu;or code was it ?
1668337;1497076638;mircea_popescu;try both lol, ill keep one
1668338;1497076640;sina;still mangled
1668340;1497076665;sina;mircea_popescu: want me to link to github repos instead?
1668341;1497076692;mircea_popescu;lessee here
1668342;1497076715;sina;I tried to make a C one but then I remembered I haven't touched anything with pointers in about 15 years
1668343;1497076718;mircea_popescu;heh all equally mangled. tsk tsk.
1668344;1497076733;sina;golang is pretty fast these days
1668345;1497076738;sina;and I'm not even on the latest ver
1668346;1497076747;sina;so I settled for that
1668347;1497076757;mircea_popescu;yeah came out way ahead of python huh
1668348;1497076793;mircea_popescu;sina http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/#comment-122213
1668349;1497076795;sina;it's pretty much native, and depending on how you write the program it doesn't really need GC
1668350;1497076821;sina;fantastic, tell me how you did it and I'll do the golang one
. excewpt i think it strips them if you do it, asec
1668352;1497076846;ben_vulpes;updated againnnn: http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function
1668353;1497076854;ben_vulpes;sina: with repro cases this time :D
1668354;1497076906;*;ben_vulpes off again again
1668355;1497076934;sina;mircea_popescu: you can fix this one too http://trilema.com/2017/towards-a-better-hash-function/#comment-122214
1668356;1497076948;sina;yeah, I'm off too
1668357;1497076952;sina;this was fun
1668358;1497076962;sina;mircea_popescu: if you have more fun stuff to code pls let me know
1668359;1497076990;sina;I'm not cool like asciilifeform but I can bang some stuff out
1668360;1497077138;*;mircea_popescu is too lazy to add pre to user comments ; i'll jusrt fix by hand heh
1668361;1497077163;mircea_popescu;sina : make sure you look into V eh.
1668362;1497077538;mircea_popescu;!!rated sina
1668363;1497077538;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated sina 1 at 2017/06/03 05:09:48 << missed on all the things!
1668364;1497077554;mircea_popescu;!!rate sina 2 MPFHF canonical implementation.
1668365;1497077555;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/tRQbW/?raw=true
1668366;1497077636;mircea_popescu;!!v 98EEDC62094B6E4978458AFEF5836ADFE23C8D58302568110AF6CE2CA7873A9A
1668367;1497077636;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of sina from 1 to 2 << MPFHF canonical implementation.
1668368;1497096020;sina;fuckin lol http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-08#1399543
1668369;1497096020;a111;Logged on 2016-02-08 00:11 maqp: There is no way your system can defeat targeted SIGINT monitoring attack, where government drives within a few hundred meters and collects signals emitted by your keyboard cable.
1668370;1497098390;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668368 <<< what, some dood struggling for shared basis / an understanding of the world around him. most of the time it involves some flailing about.
1668371;1497098390;a111;Logged on 2017-06-10 12:00 sina: fuckin lol http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-08#1399543
1668372;1497099129;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668370 <<< mircea_popescu I couldn't help but laugh at someone who is saying everyone should fork ricochet.im and work on it instead, or use OTR or whatever then blurt out that some just-barely-specified software isn't resistant to SIGINT attacks on your keyboard
1668373;1497099129;a111;Logged on 2017-06-10 12:39 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668368 <<< what, some dood struggling for shared basis / an understanding of the world around him. most of the time it involves some flailing about.
1668375;1497099162;sina;pretty sure https://github.com/maqp/tfc/wiki/Security-design this uses a keyboard...
1668376;1497099283;mircea_popescu;use wireless keyboard, problem solved :D
1668377;1497099286;mircea_popescu;SSL EVERYWHERE!!!1
1668378;1497099316;sina;don't look at me man, I literally am using a 3072-bit DSA El-Gamal key for some reason
1668380;1497099352;mircea_popescu;at least you didn't lose it, which is 100% more than what cvan be said for eulora players.
1668381;1497099386;sina;thank the lord for gpg/rdiff/duplicity and cheap USB keys
1668382;1497099472;mircea_popescu;including http://logs.minigame.bz/2017-05-22.log.html#t23:16:39 (tl;dr : dood got asked to not come back a year ago over being overexcitable asshat ; came back year later begged for forgiveness which was granted -- only to discover he had lost his key)
1668383;1497099473;lobbesbot;Logged on 2017-05-22 23:16:39:  but i really think i should be allowed to come back
1668384;1497099522;sina;I just watched Dave Chappelle latest comedy thing, fucking hilarious
1668385;1497099548;mircea_popescu;o, he still working ?
1668386;1497099566;sina;first gig in 10y he makes jokes about it
1668387;1497099591;sina;"The Age of Spin" it was called.
1668389;1497099848;sina;how many active users does eulora have?
1668390;1497099865;mircea_popescu;depends on your definition of active.
1668391;1497099885;mircea_popescu;adds about 4-5k play hours per month
1668392;1497099921;sina;are most players drawn from the general vicinity of this and related chans? or internet randoms too?
1668393;1497099930;mircea_popescu;so so
1668394;1497099951;mircea_popescu;i mean obv being bitcoin pegged it attracts lots of bitcoin/altcoin folks
1668396;1497100040;sina;I also had some fun this evening reading teh logs
1668397;1497100052;mircea_popescu;there you mean ?
1668398;1497100070;sina;no here. gossipd, libsodium/nacl, trump...a few other things I searched
1668399;1497100075;mircea_popescu;a yea
1668400;1497100086;sina;hilarity all round
1668401;1497100100;mircea_popescu;there was a younger, more naive time when we seriously wanted someone to condense the logs
1668402;1497100103;mircea_popescu;it... died.
1668403;1497100111;sina;define condense?
1668404;1497100133;mircea_popescu;produce a summary of each day so that no lulz are missed
1668405;1497100238;sina;that sounds like a pretty difficult task
1668406;1497100257;sina;short of hiring a "reporter"
1668407;1497100261;mircea_popescu;its rather impossible.
1668408;1497100271;mircea_popescu;for one thing, diffrent lulz for different poeople
1668409;1497100424;sina;real news http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-06-10/hawaiian-pizza-investor-sam-panopoulos-dies/8607108
1668410;1497100463;sina;greek man who invented hawaiian pizza in canada, dead
1668411;1497100473;mircea_popescu;wasn't he very old ?
1668412;1497100486;sina;he was 83
1668413;1497100491;mircea_popescu;i recall them trotting him out periodically, "rich man! made by ourdemocracy! you could be next!!1" sorta bs.
1668414;1497100667;sina;oh yeah I saw this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667584
1668415;1497100667;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 08:46 sina: do you know if the src for phuctor is avail?
1668416;1497100687;sina;asciilifeform greatest pet hate: people embracing and extinguishing things
1668417;1497100711;sina;oops sorry this one http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667701
1668418;1497100711;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 15:11 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667584 << it is not, and ain't going to be, i'm not especially interested in helping folx to 'embrace and extinguish' it. as far as i'm concerned, 100% of the output is verifiable with the bignum calculator of your choice (e.g. 'bc') and it is no concern of anybody's how it was obtained.
1668419;1497100740;mircea_popescu;possibly one of ~.
1668420;1497100790;mircea_popescu;well, in the particular case of phuctor, he has a solid point.
1668421;1497100814;mircea_popescu;there's this cloud of "academia" retards who have been pointedly ignoring / not citing it while publishing useless crap on the general topic.
1668422;1497100823;mircea_popescu;the empire's desire to eat it up is palpable.
1668423;1497100894;mircea_popescu;starting with http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you
1668424;1497102209;sina;it's a very interesting topic
1668425;1497102229;sina;I just went down the rabbit hole of links from that one
1668426;1497102269;mircea_popescu;mirrors neatly how all sorts of dorks have been trying to create exactly the same, "just as good as bitcoin with just a bit of censorship" sort of bs.
1668427;1497102287;mircea_popescu;which, for the people who were here for the original pgp wars, sounds like the empire never goes to school.
1668428;1497102558;sina;something I have been looking into as well, kind of related in the testing-for-weakness-to-validate-sanity sense, is this program "cbmc"
1668429;1497102599;sina;its a bounded model checker for C, you can use it to verify the correctness of whole programs but since it is a bit slow/brute force approach, normally you only can use it to test critical functions
1668430;1497102653;mircea_popescu;afaik there';s a bunch of these
1668431;1497102720;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7E067D0421219659A91640D63AEA02CE62DBA55E41E751CD2DB2EDF941EDAFCC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1661...3409 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server01.platzer-werbung.de. DE)
1668432;1497102720;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7E067D0421219659A91640D63AEA02CE62DBA55E41E751CD2DB2EDF941EDAFCC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1450...0303 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (server01.platzer-werbung.de. DE)
1668433;1497102741;sina;yes I believe so. it'd be interesting to run them against, for example, important gpg functions or similar
1668434;1497102770;mircea_popescu;gpg is slated for a rewrite, actually, since it became obvious koch's a dedicated saboteur.
1668435;1497102821;*;sina notes to search the logs for koch tomorrow
1668436;1497102826;sina;for now, bedtime, getting late here
1668437;1497102828;sina;good evening
1668440;1497103032;BingoBoingo;England has no "Great Again"
1668441;1497103046;mircea_popescu;what'd it need it for.
1668442;1497103240;BingoBoingo;Making life better for Reverse-Indians
1668444;1497103264;BingoBoingo;Those Anglos living under Indian colonial domination
1668445;1497103294;mircea_popescu;fuck them.
1668446;1497103453;BingoBoingo;http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/yes-ashkenazi-jews-including-gal-gadot-are-people-of-color/ << No, you can not have your cake
1668448;1497103486;mircea_popescu;well yes, ashkenazi = us jews = nigger jews.
1668449;1497103493;mircea_popescu;the euro jews = proper jews = ded.
1668450;1497103774;BingoBoingo;But still the irony.
1668451;1497103818;mircea_popescu;what ? that they spent a few centuries passing for white while white ruled the world but now that white got some indescript malaise they'll pass for "something else" ie "of color" ?
1668452;1497103971;BingoBoingo;I don't think they'll pass. Not to Tyrone and Petrus/
1668454;1497103980;BingoBoingo;^ In other hates
1668455;1497104233;mircea_popescu;it's still not altogether clear tyrone & petrus actually matter in this complex social game.
1668456;1497104246;mircea_popescu;my money's on "notrly", but hey, mebbe im biased.
1668457;1497104367;BingoBoingo;Well, matter in the sense of being environmental hazards.
1668458;1497104383;mircea_popescu;on the level of mooks.
1668459;1497104736;BingoBoingo;ah, well the amount of danger a mook creates depends on what the locals trust em to do
1668460;1497105177;mircea_popescu;there ios that
1668461;1497105435;BingoBoingo;You put Jew that passed for white last year on PetrusofColor radar, and Petrus is going to remember because it's what Petrus does instead of being the dogman
1668462;1497105454;mircea_popescu;ya think ?
1668463;1497105787;BingoBoingo;tends to be a more targeted hazard than "mook was allowed to operate heavy machinery"
1668465;1497106763;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/opiate-overdoses-now-leading-cause-of-pre-geriatric-mortality-in-us/ << Qntra - Opiate Overdoses Now Leading Cause Of Pre-Geriatric Mortality In US
1668467;1497106810;mircea_popescu;a while back they started trying to prosecute all overdose deaths as manslaughter-by-dealer. getting desperate, obviously.
1668468;1497107077;BingoBoingo;Here in Illinois they inestigate to prosecute as murder by dealer, much progress
1668470;1497107406;BingoBoingo;likely within 5 years dope selling on street will be prosecuted as "attempted murder" with zero CIA traffickers hung
1668471;1497107435;mircea_popescu;and it still wont do anything
1668472;1497107452;mircea_popescu;fuck 'em, let the beautiful ratpeople choke in their own vomit, the sooner the empire ends the better.
1668473;1497108641;BingoBoingo;Still, I would like to see the ranking if "complications of being a fat fuck" were consolidated and entered on list. Overdose would likely still win under 25 list, but age where "fat fuck" begins to beat overdose inspires curiosity.
1668474;1497108680;BingoBoingo;Probably between 28 and 36
1668475;1497108706;mircea_popescu;interesting q indeed
1668476;1497108849;BingoBoingo;Investigation likely impossible because fat fuck doctors would lie "healthy 600 pound 23 year old" when heart attack, etc
1668478;1497109007;BingoBoingo;Kinda like how US jooz will become people of color when Petrus gets resentful and father's their daughter's children
1668479;1497109021;BingoBoingo;*too many apostrophe
1668481;1497113229;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-strange-case-of-the-red-stapler-and-other-related-stories/ << Trilema - The Strange Case of The Red Stapler and Other Related Stories
1668482;1497115046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/95AD068E858895A7C47AC724798C00D1F803610BB9D9D8F1E5E0335997752505 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1410...7279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (st0045.nas981.kobe.nttpc.ne.jp. JP 13)
1668483;1497115046;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/95AD068E858895A7C47AC724798C00D1F803610BB9D9D8F1E5E0335997752505 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1775...6453 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (st0045.nas981.kobe.nttpc.ne.jp. JP 13)
1668484;1497121328;ben_vulpes;!!up eplogos
1668485;1497121328;deedbot;eplogos voiced for 30 minutes.
1668486;1497121842;ben_vulpes;> Con una mentalidad Socialista en progreso << ahaha sina is this yours?
1668487;1497121896;ben_vulpes;ah, no, wrong sinner apparently
1668488;1497123060;*;asciilifeform picked cherries all day
1668489;1497123179;BingoBoingo;OMG elitist! What about all the not cherry fruits like nectarines and peaches!
1668490;1497123322;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: only other one we have is figs
1668491;1497123955;BingoBoingo;Oh, there are no figs here.
1668492;1497124155;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/58GKp/?raw=true
1668493;1497124155;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1668494;1497124208;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Are you sure this is new? Sounds familiar
1668495;1497124407;shinohai;Maybe so ... I am quite sure the EFF lawsuit mentioned within is recent. The date seems to agree.
1668496;1497124410;*;shinohai shrugs
1668497;1497124432;mod6;cherries sounds good.  is there an abundance of fruit yielding cherry trees near you?
1668498;1497124780;mircea_popescu;lol alf finallyt found alt-programmer non-office job
1668499;1497124788;mircea_popescu;temporary farm work!1
1668500;1497124800;asciilifeform;mod6: relatives'
1668501;1497124982;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not for market, for pie, lol
1668502;1497124997;BingoBoingo;Still woark
1668504;1497125022;mircea_popescu;in other ghettos, gang of porto ricans down the street is throwing a PARTAY!!!!
1668505;1497125046;mircea_popescu;you've not seen something like this, 100% 20something dudes in shorts and tshirts looking like bitches in heat won'\t fuck them.
1668506;1497125087;mircea_popescu;and portorican music is apparently made by an ashkenazi gang of elevator music composers gone rogue.
1668507;1497125213;BingoBoingo;Fucking ashkeNAZIS
1668508;1497125233;mircea_popescu;cuz they dominate muzak amirite ? lord's of tin alley ?
1668509;1497125915;ben_vulpes;crapp store lols: http://archive.is/pxrWl
1668510;1497129386;mircea_popescu;!!up alex__c
1668511;1497129386;deedbot;alex__c voiced for 30 minutes.
1668512;1497130158;mircea_popescu;!!up photoelectric
1668513;1497130158;deedbot;photoelectric voiced for 30 minutes.
1668514;1497132984;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/the-best-thing-you-can-do-for-your-career-is-to-take-a-stay-at-home-wife << CH - The best thing you can do for your career is to take a stay-at-home wife
1668516;1497136521;sina;that was a fun read this morning
1668517;1497136542;mircea_popescu;tl;dr ?
1668518;1497136610;sina;a ukranian lady and her husband are minor celebs for fighting against the russians in donetsk or wherever, Ukranian press loves em
1668519;1497136625;sina;Chechen assassin poses as Le Monde reporter to try and kill them
1668520;1497136648;mircea_popescu;and putin is related to this because russian hackers ?
1668521;1497136659;sina;the lady is a badass and has a gun/blod clotting agent, shoots the assassin 4 times after he shoots her husband
1668523;1497136715;sina;its NYT so Putin will be mentioned in everything, but Ukranian intel says they have no firm evidence it was the Ruskis (in the article)...of course it probably was but that's not the bit of the story that's interesting
1668524;1497136755;mircea_popescu;ya nb story.
1668525;1497136810;sina;this is my fav bit:
1668526;1497136811;sina;As they drove, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev asked the pair to stop the car for an interview and to sit in the back to receive the gift, which he carried in a festive red cardboard box.
1668527;1497136815;sina;As the couple sat in the back seat of the car, Mr. Denisultanov-Kurmakayev said, “‘Now, here is your gift,’” Ms. Okuyeva said. He opened the box, pulled out a gun and opened fire on Mr. Osmayev.
1668528;1497136836;sina;massive lul, hide the gun in a red box
1668529;1497136854;mircea_popescu;much tv.
1668530;1497136873;sina;mircea_popescu: do you ever sleep?
1668531;1497136884;mircea_popescu;depends what you mean by sleep.
1668532;1497136895;mircea_popescu;sometimes, i wait.
1668533;1497136916;sina;I just mean you're always online
1668534;1497136920;sina;or seem to be
1668535;1497136932;mircea_popescu;it's a joke!
1668536;1497136958;*;shinohai imagines mircea_popescu sleeps like parakeet, with one eye open ....
1668537;1497136966;mircea_popescu;i thought that's like a rabbit
1668538;1497136976;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, do you know why rabbits sleep with their eyes open ?
1668540;1497137027;shinohai;To keep eye on predators?
1668541;1497137030;mircea_popescu;only got so much skin. if they try to close their eyes their foreskin retracts.
1668545;1497137065;sina;I demand a reference
1668546;1497137085;mircea_popescu;i read it in the new york times.
1668547;1497137092;*;sina falls off chair
1668549;1497146804;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4176ED024FBF368E4C0C44AFD616CB2E7C5DD5A4762091F044381E1170551F40 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1669...1007 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (81-235-230-56-no78.tbcn.telia.com. SE O)
1668550;1497146804;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4176ED024FBF368E4C0C44AFD616CB2E7C5DD5A4762091F044381E1170551F40 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1658...3833 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (81-235-230-56-no78.tbcn.telia.com. SE O)
1668551;1497153477;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1668552;1497153486;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2870.97, vol: 9927.44067247 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2825.0, vol: 6003.22659 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2813.7, vol: 17696.59304434 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2993.643868, vol: 12572.11720000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2800.098, vol: 6575.92969603 | Volume-weighted last average: 2866.92963975
1668553;1497153590;trinque;aw shit, I just put all my life savings into ethereum.
1668554;1497153595;trinque;pls halp.
1668556;1497153874;sina;trinque: there is a DApp for that
1668557;1497154937;mircea_popescu;ethereum-crap or ethereum-shit ?
1668559;1497155020;BingoBoingo;shart.ethereum.wet introduces still moar complications
1668560;1497155052;trinque;being a cryptocoins expert, I chose crap. shit is against the community guidelines.
1668561;1497155143;mircea_popescu;ah i see
1668562;1497155153;mircea_popescu;well you're crap outta luck then. sorry for your flush.
1668564;1497155271;trinque;in other failed social theories, I bought that Britannica Great Books of the Western World
1668566;1497155345;trinque;pretty decent bundle of classics and so on, but the first volume in the thing presents, of course, a feverish pitch for "(presumably free) liberal education for all"
1668567;1497155520;trinque;couple of strikingly self aware lines in there, along the lines of "if it is impossible to educate every man with the great books of the west, aristotle was right and the mass of humanity are unfit for anything but slavery"
1668568;1497155587;trinque;and of course, it appears the thing was received as "omg what is this anthology of dead european men" and "this math is too hard! unfair!"
1668570;1497156700;mircea_popescu;in other such lulz, apparently egbert-shillbert-shitforbrains w/e his name is now enthusiastically supports something caled segweb 2.0 ?
1668571;1497156718;mircea_popescu;it'll never end, this constant stream of improved improvements, until they're literally fucking buried, the muppets, will it.
1668572;1497156810;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B6DC42B8DC3F0690251A7CEFBD5E1B1DB674A82C29EE43071298267D2CCA1B94 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1481...5963 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (kogpi.edu.te.ua. UA)
1668573;1497156810;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B6DC42B8DC3F0690251A7CEFBD5E1B1DB674A82C29EE43071298267D2CCA1B94 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1615...7043 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (kogpi.edu.te.ua. UA)
1668574;1497156816;trinque;lying shitbag hopes you'll unwind 'em one by one instead of cutting his knot
1668575;1497156846;mircea_popescu;meanwhile chasing manufactured nonsense such as "core devs" and "miner consensus conference" and etcetera.
1668576;1497156889;mircea_popescu;didn't work in 2012, back when the whole bitcoin market cap was < mp's net worth. it's going to work five years later, with 50 bn btc ? because why, everyone's kakobrekla and wealth makes them too stupid to survive ?
1668577;1497157006;BingoBoingo;Just remember, there's a spooky skeleton inside you
1668578;1497157066;mircea_popescu;and with enough radithor, you could see it when it's dark in your room!
1668579;1497157280;trinque;http://archive.is/DLQdg << make sure your bottle is certified
1668580;1497157716;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2017/05/still-no-consensus-supporting-bitcoin-hardfork-barry-silbert-pretends-otherwise-to-his-peril/ << Anyway Shillybum's websit 2.0 was already Qntricated
1668581;1497157749;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo aha.
1668582;1497159117;BingoBoingo;HOLYFUCKSTICKS http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/06/10/police-suspect-shoots-victim-using-shotgun-shell-rice-krispies/
1668583;1497160760;mircea_popescu;thius is good for krispiescoin
1668584;1497161024;BingoBoingo;for srs
1668585;1497187463;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5E102CACE1AAC63761285CC2BA5F8D29352B2160F37ABCCBD9FD7612192479CC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1221...4647 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1668586;1497187463;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5E102CACE1AAC63761285CC2BA5F8D29352B2160F37ABCCBD9FD7612192479CC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1057...5497 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1668587;1497187463;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A4138E3BD4EFECB12B67342E2EEA7E462FB04937FE52CB859AB95E24A0E2E419 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1057...5497 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1668588;1497187463;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/43360F99EBE054B997E3229DCAFB72C7EC8A8AA7B14A0BA8B8F45F51451C8569 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1057...5497 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1668589;1497187463;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A4138E3BD4EFECB12B67342E2EEA7E462FB04937FE52CB859AB95E24A0E2E419 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1237...4767 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1668590;1497187464;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/43360F99EBE054B997E3229DCAFB72C7EC8A8AA7B14A0BA8B8F45F51451C8569 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1237...4767 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1668591;1497187961;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59B14B5EC91F8CC356C728E87A72716CF2500AF2C700939C7B7703E8AA27B4F6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1508...2407 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.yarobltour.ru. RU YAR)
1668592;1497187961;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59B14B5EC91F8CC356C728E87A72716CF2500AF2C700939C7B7703E8AA27B4F6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1423...4273 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.yarobltour.ru. RU YAR)
1668593;1497196380;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency gbp
1668594;1497196387;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 2310.168394, vol: 8798.21904224 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 2247.4859154, vol: 7144.06502 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 2382.280672, vol: 12140.73220000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 2216.276, vol: 87.96329911 | Volume-weighted last average: 2325.05708707
1668595;1497196403;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency eur
1668596;1497196408;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 2629.634709, vol: 8791.18977682 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 2509.36708, vol: 137.92842 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 2712.4902, vol: 12140.19920000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 2580.0, vol: 13774.1766582 | Volume-weighted last average: 2638.40583255
1668597;1497196418;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1668598;1497196421;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2944.39, vol: 8790.39293561 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2864.599, vol: 7144.06502 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2949.7, vol: 22084.37849623 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 3036.5853, vol: 12140.45820000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2899.999, vol: 6035.27513696 | Volume-weighted last average: 2951.48351894
1668599;1497202271;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/11/out-with-saddam-in-with-usain-or-blackzilla-unchained-or-the-1000-car-project-ou-lobjet-epeurant-or-breadwinners-delight-or-possibly-some-other-title-but-mostly-pete-bought-yet-another-c/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Out with Saddam, in with Usain. Or Blackzilla unchained. Or the $1000* car project. Ou l’objet épeurant. Or breadwinner’s delight. Or possibly some other title but mostly “Pete bought
1668600;1497203560;*;BingoBoingo suggests honda goldwing 'valkyrie' for pete_dushenski's next mid life crisis
1668602;1497203655;mircea_popescu;wtf is with all the lawnmowers anyway. took bmw over to "european motors" shop, everything in the fucking yard was shitty azn makes.
1668603;1497203671;mircea_popescu;what, "european by alliance" cars nao ?
1668604;1497203692;BingoBoingo;Well, yeah.
1668606;1497203714;BingoBoingo;Everyone but japs forgot how to make car-baby
1668607;1497203722;BingoBoingo;While japs forgot how to make baby
1668608;1497203779;BingoBoingo;And japs now rent "how we make car-baby" process to brands clinging to other flags
1668609;1497203985;BingoBoingo;Anyways, Goldwing prolly has more comfy seat than Blackzilla
1668610;1497204417;BingoBoingo;But yes, lawnmowers are the future. Time for BMW to start offering 3 point hitches so can tow rough cut mower
1668612;1497206174;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The thing is you buy one car every 12 years for light volcano to beach transit. That doesn't make an industry, so to solve this retailer has to borrow from mass market lawnmowers to offer a carriage to mircea_popescu that might avoid smiting
1668613;1497206257;BingoBoingo;Retailer dressed as a "dealer" has either offer a carriage or a lawnmower convincingly dressed as a carriage.
1668614;1497206264;BingoBoingo;Latter's cheaper to do.
1668615;1497206960;mircea_popescu;ah, but i buy one car for each journeyman slavegirl./
1668616;1497206963;mircea_popescu;that makes for a lot of cars.
1668617;1497206970;BingoBoingo;Oh, ic
1668618;1497206998;BingoBoingo;Maybe you ought to produce a spec and assign a slavegirl to start a coachbuilding empire?
1668619;1497207008;mircea_popescu;sort of an baccaratlaureat if you will.
1668620;1497207020;mircea_popescu;yeah, eventually, but not quite there yet.
1668621;1497207261;BingoBoingo;Well eventually TMSR will get to stainless steel vehicle frames
1668622;1497208783;BingoBoingo;!~google fiat malaise
1668623;1497208784;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Fiat's Woes A Symptom Of Italy's Industrial Malaise : NPR: ; Fiat Currencies Appear To Enter Period Of Sustained Malaise | Qntra: ; Fiat's Woes A Symptom Of Italy's Industrial Malaise | WAMU: (1 more message)
1668624;1497208900;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/fiatbitcoin-interfaces-catch-up-to-dollars-fall-below-13000th-of-a-bitcoin/ << Qntra - fiat/Bitcoin Interfaces Catch Up To Dollar's Fall Below 1/3000th Of A Bitcoin
1668626;1497209867;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 2927.7, Best ask: 2928.2, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 2927.7, 24 hour volume: 21559.51514671, 24 hour low: 2711.1, 24 hour high: 3003.0, 24 hour vwap: None
1668627;1497229647;sina;good morning all
1668628;1497229652;sina;public holiday here in AU!
1668629;1497229686;sina;it's a beautiful day after raining all weekend, and from my education birds are having sex with bees
1668630;1497230615;mircea_popescu;sina anal day in upside down land ?
1668631;1497231195;sina;mircea_popescu: haha do I dare ask the meaning of "anal day"?
1668632;1497231207;mircea_popescu;didn;'t you say it was a holiday down under ?
1668633;1497231218;sina;I did
1668634;1497231223;mircea_popescu;down under...
1668635;1497231246;mircea_popescu;upside down...
1668636;1497231254;mircea_popescu;GET IT ?
1668637;1497231255;mircea_popescu;it's a poon!
1668638;1497231265;sina;haha yeah, here "down under" is literally burned into the subconcious to mean "Australia" so we don't grok the phrase the same way
1668639;1497231284;sina;it doesn't receive identicall connotations :P
1668640;1497231297;mircea_popescu;identicanal conturbations
1668641;1497231310;hanbot;lol gratuitous pooning
1668643;1497231351;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, isn't it a wonder latrina isn't a racial slur ?
1668644;1497231366;mircea_popescu;i mean, "i dunno what's with todd these days, he keeps fucking all these latrinas"...
1668645;1497231368;mircea_popescu;certainly works.
1668646;1497231443;sina;I dunno, I feel like it's a bit in the vein of "winblows"
1668647;1497231474;sina;Stallmanesque insults
1668649;1497231493;sina;mircea_popescu: are you secretly Richard Stallman?
1668650;1497231496;sina;that'd make so much sense!
1668651;1497231499;hanbot;sina yer just a downer under ;D
1668652;1497231503;mircea_popescu;no. for one thing my beard's way cooler.
1668653;1497231548;sina;I have a fierce craving for burger today
1668654;1497231633;mircea_popescu;that is good for burgercoin.
1668655;1497231638;sina;hey I was going to ask about WoT
1668656;1497231647;sina;so is deedbot the canonical WoT source?
1668657;1497231653;mircea_popescu;go on ?
1668659;1497231677;sina;and I noticed you can ask it for an S-expression of the entire WoT, that's cool
1668660;1497231681;sina;so you can run your own "slave"
1668662;1497231693;sina;but, deedbot doesn't slave to anything itself?
1668663;1497231770;sina;so (and maybe I am missing the point), you can't really "run your own node"
1668664;1497231783;mircea_popescu;how do you mean ?
1668665;1497231872;sina;um...as in, the logical topology of the WoT is a ...web... but to join the web you enter via a tree structure where the root is master, and all other nodes are slaves
1668666;1497231883;sina;(deedbot being the root)
1668667;1497231884;mircea_popescu;you're conflating things.
1668668;1497231899;mircea_popescu;to enter the web, you have to have a rating.
1668669;1497231927;sina;but one can only be rated via deedbot
1668670;1497231944;sina;not saying that is good or bad, just asking in the general capability of the system
1668671;1497231954;mircea_popescu;now, the formalism for recording that rating currently in overwhelming use is !!rate. there is no rule that thios must be so. it is currently so for convenience, and because deedbot is trustworthy. either of these can change, but this would affect little : the party who trusts you can enter that trust into the public record through whatever command
1668672;1497232084;sina;the reason I ask is because last night I was thinking of a more coin style WoT, where everyone runs a node, there is an immutable shared log of ratings
1668673;1497232093;mircea_popescu;why ?
1668674;1497232114;sina;because I sometimes think things? :P
1668675;1497232128;sina;it means you can rate from any node
1668676;1497232133;mircea_popescu;yes, but for the things in your head to be called thinking, they must proceed form a basis. what is here the basis ?
1668677;1497232265;sina;the basis I guess is, substituing the trustworthiness of a single bot with a cryptographic chain, being able to run your own "full node" of the WoT, which gives access to secondary/tertiary networks to participate via a gateway, etc
1668678;1497232304;sina;not arguing this should be done, only relating the source of my thoughts which lead to the questions
1668679;1497232312;sina;because I didn't know, maybe deedbot already does this kind of thing
1668680;1497232314;mircea_popescu;did you read an' understand the "what the wot is" article ?
1668681;1497232378;sina;is that the deedbot.org/help.html page?
1668684;1497232457;sina;reading now, so you think the idea contravenes those principles?
1668685;1497232472;mircea_popescu;i think the idea discusses an item not related to the actual item.
1668686;1497232500;mircea_popescu;much like "wouldn't it be cool to make cars out of cardboard, they'd be easier to paint that way" misses the whole car thing
1668687;1497232760;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the problem with cardboard is keeping it painted
1668688;1497233407;sina;mircea_popescu: can you walk me through the hypothetical example case where you have woken up one morning and decided for some valid reason (e.g. deedbot WoT contents no longer match your local copy) that deedbot is no longer trustworthy but urgently want to enter a rating for me of -10 into the public record?
1668689;1497233436;sina;do you just post a message here saying "deedbot sucks, I have rates sina -10 in my local copy, which should now be considered canonical via mpbot"?
1668690;1497233452;mircea_popescu;for instance.
1668691;1497233483;mircea_popescu;in practice it'd likely look a lot more like hey trinque wtf is this, followed by everyone perking up and an answer of some kind being produced and so on.
1668692;1497233524;sina;lets say trinque modified it himself because he got syphilis
1668693;1497233531;mircea_popescu;the fundamental flaw in your earlier mental process, which is periodically discussed in the logs, is that you try to take trust as an objective. trust isn't an objective, the reason i trust you is because I TRUST YOU, not because deedbot says i do. and the ONLY use of the knowledge that i trust you is that you can ask me about you. nothing else.
1668694;1497233570;mircea_popescu;exactly opposite of the imperial certificate bullshit, which is 100% george costanza going "it's true i did nothing all week, but bear in mind i am in the smaller office". ie, "can you doctor ?" "no, not rly... but i do have a doctoring CERTIFICATE"
1668696;1497233639;mircea_popescu;but anyway -- if he modified them himself he gets to either convincingly fix it or else be replaced. just like anything else.
1668697;1497233710;sina;I think I asked you this long ago, but you keep a local copy of the WoT and expect others to as well right?
1668698;1497233734;mircea_popescu;not really expect anything. people are supposed to do their own thinking for themselves. but i expect i'd notice if my ratings weren't right.
1668699;1497233770;mircea_popescu;then again, maybe i wouldn't.
1668700;1497233779;mircea_popescu;review the gossipd discussions, they're instructive on the topic.
1668701;1497233789;sina;yes I have been working my way through those
1668703;1497233802;sina;although there seems to be a huge amount of contention
1668704;1497233811;sina;between how you view those discussions and for example, asciilifeform
1668705;1497233826;mircea_popescu;in fairness it's a large ball of yarn and while it flows splendidly from itself, nevertheless it does flow exactlty opposite to ~everyone's acculturation in the soviet empire.
1668706;1497233876;sina;from my understanding of your view
1668707;1497233891;sina;it's something like UUCP + crypto authentication
1668708;1497233899;mircea_popescu;anyway, wasn't my impression there's substantial disagreement.
1668709;1497233907;mircea_popescu;what's uucp ?
1668712;1497233941;sina;an old protocol normally used for peering usenet
1668713;1497233988;sina;mircea_popescu: there is 159 comments on http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document
1668715;1497234001;sina;with a fair bit of disagreement
1668716;1497234027;mircea_popescu;there's a process to working out a mental image of a text. it involves inter alia building alternative models.
1668717;1497234040;mircea_popescu;this dun constitute disagreement.
1668718;1497234133;mircea_popescu;for perfect meta : re the matter of whether there is or there is not substantial disagreement, we aren't yet disagreeing. so far we're just trying to come to terms.
1668720;1497234196;mircea_popescu;thyis is a fractally repeating point : the reason "social learning" as modelled by redditards doesn't work irl is the indirection layer. the reason gossipd is undefeatable in practice is... the indirection layer.
1668721;1497234209;mircea_popescu;the reason textual methods do not work in practice is... the indirection layer. and so on.
1668722;1497234221;mircea_popescu;"oh but he said nigger 85 times!!" "yes but he just uses that to denote tomatoes."
1668723;1497234352;mircea_popescu;the expectation that if you listen in a conversation of people you don't know you'll nevertheless be able to discern what is being said is pretty much THE thing distinguishing the esl anglotard from actual thinking people with a functioning head and part of a culture etc.
1668724;1497234937;mircea_popescu;(and yes "multiculturalism" is the cheapo excuse of lazy stupid people to not have an actual culture ; much like "the convenience" of fast food is the excuse inept housewives use to not work the kitchen.)
1668725;1497235099;sina;that reminds me I need to eat food
1668727;1497235337;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668696 << while I maintain the thing with integrity, I enjoy the benefits of a world where it exists and functions properly.
1668728;1497235337;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 02:13 mircea_popescu: but anyway -- if he modified them himself he gets to either convincingly fix it or else be replaced. just like anything else.
1668729;1497235360;trinque;this, to someone with a brain, is ample incentive
1668730;1497235393;trinque;meanwhile sina, you get to discover whether there are such folks in the world as can maintain a db of numbers without diddling them... to think!
1668731;1497235610;sina;no offense meant trinque, just a hypothetical
1668732;1497235633;trinque;none taken
1668733;1497235636;mircea_popescu;it's really not so different from yest when you and ben_vulpes were working on the mpfhf.
1668734;1497235647;mircea_popescu;"Why dun it work ?" "Fix it!" etc.
1668735;1497235660;mircea_popescu;or when candi lust was made, or when absolutely anything else tmsr-happened.
1668736;1497235725;sina;trinque: you might not have the specific form of syphilis which induces number diddling, but can you protect against... COSMIC RAYS
1668737;1497235762;trinque;thing has daily backups and logs of all interactions
1668738;1497235764;trinque;so prolly
1668739;1497235767;mircea_popescu;unlike the github cathedral-of-garbage-built-by-anonyous-rats-randomly-ambling about, there's actual people in charge which means the buck always stops somewhere. so it's not exactly "bug reports", it's more in the vein of "and here's your summons to parliament"
1668740;1497235793;mircea_popescu;sina and if it becomes an issue, it can be logified. the logger was originally single item you know.
1668741;1497235816;sina;sorry, that was just me trying to troll you
1668742;1497235859;mircea_popescu;in fact, deedbot was intended to be federated from the get go... or in fact no. the item deedbot replaced because the operator got syphilis (ie, assbot) was created specifically because failure of previous item (operator travelled unexpectedly, thing went down -- tis all in the logs) and was intended to be federated from the get-go
1668744;1497235884;sina;see this was the original source of my questioning
1668745;1497235886;mircea_popescu;except nanotube never actually fixed gribble, for whatever reason (such as for instance - because it wasn't erroneously broken but deliberately broken)
1668746;1497235896;sina;"maybe deedbot does something similar to what I was thinking"
1668747;1497235913;mircea_popescu;it gets either fixed or replaced if not fixable.
1668748;1497235923;mircea_popescu;this is how engineering, and human industry, go.
1668749;1497235946;sina;so does it federate trinque?
1668750;1497235960;mircea_popescu;not currently.
1668751;1497236033;trinque;sina: it does in that nothing stops you from copying the wot sexp at an interval, doing whatever things your castle likes doing with the output
1668752;1497236075;mircea_popescu;trinque yes but it won't accept a "this is x's rating for y's, honest" from an altbot.
1668753;1497236096;trinque;certainly, and questionable whether it's a good idea
1668755;1497236119;mircea_popescu;certainly premature to inquire in the matter.
1668756;1497236352;ben_vulpes;in re candi_lustt, i'll point out that anyone in l2 could trivially reproduce her elsewhere, if phf's examples didn't drive the point home
1668757;1497236368;sina;yeah so what happened with #b-a?
1668758;1497236379;mircea_popescu;tis in teh logs!
1668759;1497236397;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yah but why make another slut, just reuse the extant one lel
1668760;1497236610;ben_vulpes;replace, reproduce...
1668762;1497236687;ben_vulpes;they're not errors in copying, they're built in tests of the copier!
1668763;1497237076;ben_vulpes;sina: how do i build this thing
1668764;1497237096;ben_vulpes;> ./mpfhf.go:52: syntax error: unexpected EOF, expecting expression
1668765;1497237220;ben_vulpes;oh hm repo has something entirely different from trilema
1668767;1497237408;sina;ben_vulpes: sorry I don't think it pasted right
1668769;1497237450;sina;last I looked it was missing a bunch of the code
1668770;1497237519;sina;ben_vulpes: if you have 0 experience building go binaries, prepare for increased blood pressure
1668771;1497237551;sina;you need to set a GOPATH variable, e.g export GOPATH=~/Development/go and then clone the repo to $GOPATH/src/github.com/sinner-/mpfhf-golang
1668772;1497237588;ben_vulpes;i can handle tooling, ty
1668773;1497237615;sina;I just find it really annoying the way they do it
1668774;1497237635;sina;that and dependency management are the two weakpoints of golang I feel
1668775;1497237638;sina;for what it is
1668776;1497237652;ben_vulpes;getting odd results when i do some baseline poking, a message of "a" prints a toBinArray value of [1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
1668778;1497237680;ben_vulpes;just running fmt.Print(M) downstream of the toBinArray call
1668779;1497237699;ben_vulpes;naively, i'd expect that to be [0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1]
1668781;1497237720;ben_vulpes;dropped a leading zero?
1668782;1497237790;ben_vulpes;wacky, fmt.Print(len(M)) -> 7
1668784;1497237854;sina;so when I was building it, I was trying to match the "MP kicks ass!" output, which starts with a 1 in the example (and IIRC when I did it in python)... the original string I had was printing a leading 0
1668785;1497237860;sina;so I tweaked it
1668786;1497237894;sina;The [M]essage chosen is MP kicks ass!, its bit-value is
1668789;1497237944;ben_vulpes;yes but why is the length of the array of bits seven and not eight
1668790;1497237964;ben_vulpes;i mean i don't really know what you're getting at, but why is the length of the bit array resulting from eating a single char 7 and not 8
1668791;1497238003;sina;because the format string used drops the leading 0
1668793;1497238010;ben_vulpes;no buddy
1668795;1497238015;ben_vulpes;is seven
1668797;1497238044;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 03:23 ben_vulpes: wacky, fmt.Print(len(M)) -> 7
1668798;1497238056;sina;ben_vulpes: can you change
1668799;1497238056;sina;-        binString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%b", binString, c)
1668800;1497238056;sina;+        binString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%.8b", binString, c)
1668801;1497238106;ben_vulpes;oh that's not a builtin aha
1668802;1497238132;ben_vulpes;much better
1668803;1497238155;sina;mircea_popescu: please confirm spec, are we dropping leading 0 (if exists) or not
1668804;1497238173;sina;if not, I need to update the python one too
1668805;1497238181;mircea_popescu;dropping what leading 0 ?
1668806;1497238196;*;ben_vulpes puzzled
1668807;1497238224;ben_vulpes;fwiw with that change it *now* matches the output of my implementation.
1668808;1497238238;ben_vulpes;at sixty four bits and hashing the character a.
1668809;1497238263;sina;mircea_popescu: if you look at the line above for "MP kicks ass!" from your PHP impl
1668810;1497238267;ben_vulpes;and several other values
1668811;1497238270;sina;it starts with a 1
1668812;1497238284;mircea_popescu;sina prolly because it's a piece of shit.
1668813;1497238287;ben_vulpes;again sina php implementation is of an earlier outdated spec
1668814;1497238295;sina;ok fair
1668815;1497238297;mircea_popescu;yes but what's he to go on.
1668816;1497238302;mircea_popescu;and besides, this sounds like php boog.
1668817;1497238310;ben_vulpes;i did it from the spec, not the php.
1668818;1497238344;ben_vulpes;did not even look at php because boogs!
1668819;1497238356;sina;its cool, I had it correct to begin with, but I modified it to match the thing I was seeing, my bad
1668820;1497238383;sina;ben_vulpes: have pushed updated ver to golang ver, let me figure out same for python
1668822;1497238430;ben_vulpes;now gotta wrestle with anaconda of "google stack for performance or pystack for not-being-google"
1668823;1497238436;ben_vulpes;pick one, you'll go nuts maintaining both
1668824;1497238517;ben_vulpes;aye, can confirm matching hashes on your default string
1668825;1497238542;sina;just because Rob Pike and co work at the goog doesn't mean golang is goog
1668826;1497238556;sina;they mostly write their junk in C++ and java from what I hear
1668827;1497238557;ben_vulpes;sure, and swift isn't apple lang lol
1668828;1497238558;trinque;google stack comes with built-in curl | bash !
1668829;1497238563;trinque;obviously best
1668830;1497238600;ben_vulpes;yeah that "go build" shit pulling in rando code from rando github accounts super great cool stuff
1668831;1497238610;sina;yeah :(
1668832;1497238619;ben_vulpes;very easy to get started with tho
1668833;1497238621;ben_vulpes;such developer adoption
1668834;1497238641;sina;that (and the dependency hell it introduces) is why I try and stick to their impressively comprehensive stdlib
1668835;1497238663;trinque;sounds like a guy who would end up appreciating common lisp.
1668836;1497238672;sina;probably you don't care but I have been working on this for funsies https://github.com/sinner-/blogir
1668837;1497238681;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo suggests honda goldwing 'valkyrie' for pete_dushenski's next mid life crisis << nah, too "soaking up the open road". goldwings are for retired vagabonds with a penchant for leather chaps and 60s rock. sort of a post-life-crisis-mobile really.
1668838;1497238692;ben_vulpes;sina: eh just use wordpress
1668839;1497238712;ben_vulpes;there's a fork of some fraction of what drives trilema floating around the wot
1668840;1497238747;ben_vulpes;what, you're going to spend your precious energy furthering the browser hegemony?
1668841;1497238789;trinque;googs on both ends
1668842;1497238797;sina;how does building a webapp to learn golang further the browser hegenomy?!
1668843;1497238879;ben_vulpes;oh i thought you were like a golang professional or some such
1668845;1497238895;ben_vulpes;trinque: boogs!
1668846;1497238915;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: what, "european by alliance" cars nao ? << well, ghosn stepped down as nissan ceo so whatever bridge there was is burnt. now it's turbomowereich because nothing cheats nazi emissions standards quite like 'em.
1668847;1497238976;ben_vulpes;sina: why, i must ask, "learn go"?
1668848;1497238985;sina;ben_vulpes: professionally I'm not even a developer. Companies hire me because I can stuff at scale. but still don't understand how it furthers any hegemony
1668849;1497239008;sina;because I think it's a pretty nice high level language
1668850;1497239010;*;trinque not trying to pile on, but "I can stuff at scale" is entertaining as shit
1668851;1497239020;ben_vulpes;solid sentence construction to boot
1668852;1497239022;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: But still greater potential power to thrust ratio!
1668853;1497239066;ben_vulpes;sina: it's a google product, you're "learning the lang" via writing a weblog that most likely generates html for...the browser. google lives by the browser.
1668854;1497239114;sina;that is some fancy mental gymnastics, but ok
1668855;1497239122;ben_vulpes;why not write numerical integrator? bignum stack?
1668856;1497239156;ben_vulpes;implement stephenson's orbital swarm trajectory planner?
1668857;1497239170;ben_vulpes;million billion toy projects that do not entail even touching webshit.
1668858;1497239176;BingoBoingo;sina: Consider the experiment where you learned trading by "seeding the orderbook" The "at scale" business is similar.
1668859;1497239178;sina;careful, browsers rely on numbers, don't want to further google hegemony
1668861;1497239193;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: mno. let's do the maff. valkyrie first :
1668862;1497239194;ben_vulpes;sina: math does not require xml, drop the sophistry.
1668863;1497239205;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Of course not stock
1668864;1497239223;BingoBoingo;But shirley you can aftermarket compression into it's flat siz
1668865;1497239225;pete_dushenski;!~calc 752/102
1668867;1497239226;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: 752/102 = 7.372549019607843
1668868;1497239236;pete_dushenski;vs. blackzilla
1668869;1497239251;pete_dushenski;!~calc 3800/625
1668870;1497239253;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: 3800/625 = 6.08
1668871;1497239256;sina;BingoBoingo: how is it remotely similar?
1668872;1497239314;BingoBoingo;And lets not forget bonus horsepower like feelings engendered by feeling the wind on one's testicles
1668873;1497239316;sina;ben_vulpes: I didn't claim it did, the point is, taking your logic to its conclusion one can't do anything because google uses computers to do stuff
1668874;1497239344;ben_vulpes;sina: lol not even wrong
1668875;1497239355;trinque;"not everything is political" and "I just want to"
1668876;1497239380;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: two wheeled endangerment does much for feelings engenderment, it's true, but not only way to skin testicles.
1668877;1497239442;sina;ben_vulpes: still not following, but that's ok, you explained your train of thought
1668878;1497239448;BingoBoingo;Anyways, what happened to your romantic feelings for flat six? Is flat six less sexy when it sends all of it's power to one wheel?
1668879;1497239462;trinque;correct number is 8
1668881;1497239523;ben_vulpes;sina: surely you see how universal reliance on the browser drives unthinking acceptance of the imperial key signing model, right?
1668882;1497239570;ben_vulpes;every time a child gets another hint that building things in html is a sensible way to spend a life, an angel of freedom loses her wings and plummets screaming towards the ground
1668883;1497239582;ben_vulpes;think of the angels
1668884;1497239585;ben_vulpes;think of the children
1668886;1497239588;ben_vulpes;just say no to html
1668887;1497239590;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: six is six, which isn't sex regardless of config. because not eight m8!
1668888;1497239612;sina;ben_vulpes: I'll listen to this drivel when you take down your blog
1668889;1497239620;trinque;and displacement matters; just ask her!
1668890;1497239641;sina;ben_vulpes: and wotpaste, etc
1668891;1497239653;ben_vulpes;army we have!
1668893;1497239669;trinque;aw crap
1668894;1497239670;ben_vulpes;sina: gotta talk to folks, gotta share text
1668895;1497239696;ben_vulpes;sina, why don't you ask what i do for a living?
1668897;1497239712;ben_vulpes;"intimacy breeds contempt"
1668899;1497239726;a111;Logged on 2017-04-28 21:28 asciilifeform: which means NO NEW NONFITTINGINHEAD items!!
1668900;1497239728;sina;that explains this braindead discussion
1668901;1497239742;ben_vulpes;sina: and before you start throwing around words like "drivel" and "braindead", i'm not the one who lost his keys.
1668902;1497239745;trinque;sina: dunno what you thought the forum was for, but this
1668903;1497239752;sina;ben_vulpes: I *didn't* lose them
1668904;1497239763;sina;I thought I had because I couldn't decrypt some OTP, if you recall
1668905;1497239765;ben_vulpes;oh right, something something knobs on gpg?
1668906;1497239781;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-02#1313929 << while we're on it
1668907;1497239781;a111;Logged on 2015-11-02 14:59 mircea_popescu: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2012/05/thank_god_the_heart_attack_gri.html << pretty great explanation on how psychological defenses work.
1668908;1497239794;trinque;the republic grinds 'em away, leaves a man, or nothing
1668909;1497239806;ben_vulpes;sina: keep coming back, it works if you work it
1668910;1497239869;sina;I follow everything you're saying, but it is plainly dumb to say writing a funsies webapp to learn a language has anything to do with anything
1668911;1497239901;ben_vulpes;the notion does depend on several years of shared context, yeah
1668912;1497239936;sina;I'm vaguely aware of the shared context, I get there is some stuff that is considered dumb around these neck of the woods, I just don't care
1668913;1497239939;ben_vulpes;i mean you're a smart guy, right? what's funsies about generating html trees?
1668914;1497239947;ben_vulpes;honest q
1668915;1497239966;ben_vulpes;surely this is something you can do on demand without thinking already
1668916;1497239989;sina;generating 24 lines of html template took about 3 seconds
1668917;1497240021;BingoBoingo; sina: keep coming back, it works if you work it << lol, this stuff is contagious
1668919;1497240031;jhvh1;12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
1668920;1497240044;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: pretty sure my sojurn through 12steplandia predates yours
1668921;1497240059;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: it may.
1668922;1497240071;sina;funsies was in figuring out how to make a request pipeline out of handlers, or goroutines, etc
1668923;1497240093;BingoBoingo;But TMSR is it's own program for awakening the spirit
1668924;1497240130;sina;funsies was being able to bang out a golang mpfhf because I had already kicked the tyres on the lang
1668925;1497240136;sina;(and it really was fun)
1668926;1497240173;ben_vulpes;ooh BingoBoingo the tomatoes have put forth flowers
1668927;1497240179;ben_vulpes;buds i mean
1668929;1497240187;ben_vulpes;these things are going to be monster bushes
1668930;1497240234;BingoBoingo;Vines, absolutely monster vines covering everything in a 10 foot radius prolly
1668931;1497240255;ben_vulpes;i may have to put stakes in the ground and hold the damn things up
1668932;1497240259;ben_vulpes;standby 3
1668933;1497240282;BingoBoingo;You prolly should start on that before the flowers turn to fruit and get heavy
1668934;1497240297;ben_vulpes;aye boss
1668935;1497240357;BingoBoingo;I mean nature has a way and all that, but... stakes make for cleaner fruit and a bett chance of you taking the first bit instead of vermin
1668936;1497240429;ben_vulpes;i don't plan to suboptimally anything these beasts
1668937;1497240516;*;BingoBoingo has one plot that stayed sunny and one that has been eclipsed by tree. Sunny plot doing great. One in tree eclipse is experiencing stunted vine size, but greater fruiting at present. 
1668938;1497240539;BingoBoingo;Hard to tell how the good lord Bingo's plots will turn out this experiment
1668940;1497240647;sina;python version updated too
1668941;1497240656;sina;mircea_popescu: you may want to update comments,
1668942;1497240715;sina;i enjoy growing tomatoes too, but these days cherry tomatos mostly. hardy, prolific
1668944;1497240739;sina;far fewer issues with insects
1668945;1497240743;sina;mircea_popescu: M = list(map(int, ''.join(map(lambda p: '{0:08b}'.format(p, 'b'), map(ord, message))))) << for python
1668946;1497240770;sina;and binString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%.8b", binString, c) << for golang
1668947;1497240784;sina;ben_vulpes: appreciate confirmation
1668948;1497240814;mircea_popescu;holy shit im not diffing tcoments by hand what is htis\
1668949;1497240885;sina;either that or I can re-comment, you can delete the old ones and then fix whatever 
 stuff you did last time
1668950;1497240920;*;sina goes back to reading http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-03-2016#1439691
1668951;1497240920;a111;Logged on 2016-03-23 23:35 mircea_popescu: 2 requires the man who just saw the product of his not-inconsequential efforts die over "not doing what mp says, with money" have to choose whether to do what mp says...  but with people, this time. we did in fact start this channel together, just like bitbet, and he did do a lot of infrastructure work here, just as there. so... what do ?
1668952;1497240950;sina;which somehow includes a religious discussion on the morality of returning mistakenly transferred bitcoins, including King Solomon bible ref
1668953;1497241089;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/blooming-beasts << CH - blooming beasts!
1668954;1497241112;ben_vulpes;sina: i hope you appreciate the bug-spottment as well lol
1668955;1497241152;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: see blorg
1668956;1497241157;sina;ben_vulpes: ah doo
1668957;1497241183;ben_vulpes;sina: sensible thing to do is make a genesis of your shit, stand up an mp-wp and post it on your blog
1668958;1497241194;ben_vulpes;or use your golang thing and migrate a few years later like i did
1668959;1497241287;sina;clarify "a genesis of your shit"
1668960;1497241314;ben_vulpes;have you caught up to "v"
1668963;1497241337;ben_vulpes;in other miserable urls
1668964;1497241349;ben_vulpes;"genesis" is argot for root of a patch tree
1668965;1497241383;ben_vulpes;per asciilifeform 's http://btcbase.org/patches/genesis
1668966;1497241693;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/64138473AEA635A2A46A4069689DB37D002E021C31FD1E2B209DAAC70483F2F3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1446...4159 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (46-181-251-180.goodline.info. RU KEM)
1668967;1497241693;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/64138473AEA635A2A46A4069689DB37D002E021C31FD1E2B209DAAC70483F2F3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1478...8163 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (46-181-251-180.goodline.info. RU KEM)
1668968;1497242094;*;mircea_popescu has been thinking... this whole code in comments thing dun werk wortha crap
1668969;1497242152;sina;mircea_popescu: correct
1668970;1497242160;mircea_popescu;myeah. what's one to do ;/
1668971;1497242201;sina;I'm fine with git. I have a cgit thing in my castle and also push to github for public use
1668972;1497242211;sina;I know y'all hate it
1668973;1497242227;mircea_popescu;your idea of fun turns out problematioc for the republic!
1668974;1497242264;sina;you could deed it
1668975;1497242264;mircea_popescu;i can see it though. heck, i actually indulge. whole candi thing was nothing else.
1668976;1497242337;mircea_popescu;the problem is management really. code keeps wanting to be edited, comments on blog are a different thing.
1668978;1497242343;mircea_popescu;deeds similarly -- these words for all time./
1668979;1497242367;sina;blog in general is not conducive to code, IMO anyway
1668981;1497242397;ben_vulpes;phf has hosted vpatches so far without much fuss
1668982;1497242405;mircea_popescu;CERTAINLY not conducive to the google notion of code.
1668983;1497242406;ben_vulpes;not to nominate someone else for work
1668984;1497242415;mircea_popescu;which may be the problem.
1668985;1497242421;mircea_popescu;which is also why i say your notion of fun is problematic.
1668986;1497242450;sina;mircea_popescu: feh. this is what you get http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function
1668987;1497242466;sina;instead of a nice chain of diffs
1668988;1497242469;mircea_popescu;but consider for a moment -- why should code be something else than "words for all time" ?
1668989;1497242477;ben_vulpes;sina: nonsense, this is what you get: http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot&search=
1668990;1497242482;mircea_popescu;silly argument being anything but "because it'll take forever mp!"
1668991;1497242519;sina;ben_vulpes: that's a bit nicer
1668992;1497242545;sina;ben_vulpes: what does the update button do?
1668993;1497242550;mircea_popescu;sina he does have a point -- this is a very fine op for you to learn v through practice. make a genesis for your thang.
1668994;1497242568;ben_vulpes;sina: dunno, try pushing it
1668995;1497242572;ben_vulpes;perhaps -- nothing!
1668996;1497242578;ben_vulpes;possibly, something!
1668997;1497242581;sina;I did
1668998;1497242622;ben_vulpes;doubtful anything github-like
1668999;1497242636;sina;mircea_popescu: I did look at V as you suggested, including reading through (I think it was) asciilifeform py impl
1669000;1497242636;ben_vulpes;if you put text in the box and press the button the url params change
1669001;1497242655;mircea_popescu;how'd it seem ?
1669002;1497242655;ben_vulpes;i'm going to stop pulling levers for you here soon sina
1669003;1497242684;sina;ben_vulpes: ??
1669004;1497242690;sina;the  text box is clearly for search
1669005;1497242723;sina;text in the box click update, not different from just clicking update with no text
1669006;1497242745;sina;mircea_popescu: it seemed interesting, the "thing to do" appeared to be write ones own impl, which could be funsies
1669007;1497242759;mircea_popescu;also yes.
1669008;1497242771;mircea_popescu;allows you a trb editing environment at any rate
1669010;1497242782;mircea_popescu;the real bitcoin
1669011;1497242793;sina;I feel like I can have some fun writing it in a language that might troll ben_vulpes
1669012;1497242802;sina;Visual Basic .NET or something
1669013;1497242804;mircea_popescu;lua ?
1669014;1497242808;sina;hah yeah
1669015;1497242817;ben_vulpes;"it's homoiconic! everything's a string!"
1669016;1497242832;mircea_popescu;homo-something, at any rate
1669017;1497242833;sina;maybe I will write it in XSLT
1669019;1497242853;ben_vulpes;sina: consider if you want anyone in the wot to /read/ your work
1669020;1497242862;sina;consider I kid
1669021;1497242901;mircea_popescu;consider there's girls watching teh dick clubbing
1669022;1497242960;ben_vulpes;am curious to see what he'll pick!
1669023;1497242977;sina;hey mircea_popescu in the long list of things I have been meaning to ask, wasn't MPex listed on MPex?
1669024;1497242983;sina;and now it seems not?
1669025;1497242992;trinque;also in logs.
1669026;1497242999;mircea_popescu;yah. there's a closing statement and evertything on trilema, also in lgos etc.
1669027;1497243024;ben_vulpes;did not take xslt seriously, f# woulda been an actually funny joke
1669028;1497243222;mircea_popescu;in other lulz,
1669029;1497243229;mircea_popescu;!~google lesser racket-tailed drongo
1669030;1497243230;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Lesser racket - tailed drongo - Wikipedia: ; Greater racket - tailed drongo - Wikipedia: ; Lesser Racquet - tailed Drongo (Dicrurus remifer) | HBW Alive: 
1669031;1497243291;mircea_popescu;is xslt the excel language ?
1669032;1497243320;sina;its an XML transformation language
1669033;1497243327;mircea_popescu;oh i see
1669035;1497244559;a111;Logged on 2016-03-23 22:19 nubbins`: mp is just a guy who plays MMORPGs and wanks on irc all day, to me
1669036;1497244568;sina;my suspicions have been confirmed!
1669037;1497244590;mircea_popescu;o noes!
1669038;1497244833;sina;lolll http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-03-2016#1439668
1669039;1497244833;a111;Logged on 2016-03-23 23:04 mrottenkolber: I know you are all gonna hate this, but for what its worth, I got some Git/V interop going: https://github.com/eugeneia/vgit
1669040;1497244867;mircea_popescu;i dun think we even hated it that much
1669042;1497245281;a111;Logged on 2016-03-24 11:57 nubbins`: just wanted to take this opportunity, while i can still self-voice, to let you all know that most of you are weeaboo basement-dwelling troglodytes and i respect very few of you
1669043;1497245333;mircea_popescu;it's like a whole other internet right there!
1669044;1497245341;sina;so fuckin good
1669045;1497245424;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2B756FFCD46984A2976CA04D0939CA6D4C65CF681F2210679F0456D7D62E021E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1551...3123 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (hordubal.apedia.com. CZ)
1669046;1497245424;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2B756FFCD46984A2976CA04D0939CA6D4C65CF681F2210679F0456D7D62E021E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1769...5863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (hordubal.apedia.com. CZ)
1669048;1497245503;a111;Logged on 2015-04-09 03:09 nubbins`: mircea_popescu for someone who has to cut off a finger to achieve it... it probably is
1669049;1497245515;trinque;fucking weird guy
1669050;1497245604;mircea_popescu;the what now ?
1669051;1497245616;trinque;didn't he saw off a finger or something?
1669052;1497245626;mircea_popescu;who did ?
1669053;1497245643;trinque;teh nubs
1669054;1497245670;mircea_popescu;really ? i guess i musta forgot
1669055;1497245717;mircea_popescu;amusingly, i suppose body unintegrity is solid defense against charge of weeaboism.
1669057;1497250469;a111;Logged on 2017-02-06 18:22 trinque: also there's a second space program that made contact with the grays, and the pedo democrats are part of a "breakaway society" that is going to neuter everyone of inferior class
1669059;1497251905;sina;(Checking that functions are constant time with Valgrind)
1669060;1497261144;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1669061;1497261151;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2940.11, vol: 8405.06242117 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2868.0, vol: 6703.4332 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2832.8, vol: 21889.16032757 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 3029.9493, vol: 10614.75230000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2899.998, vol: 5148.67505997 | Volume-weighted last average: 2900.58821671
1669062;1497262668;shinohai;!~later tell sina Personal curiosity .... do you still stand by this statement/? http://archive.is/ozilM
1669063;1497262669;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1669065;1497263088;sina;shinohai: thegrugq makes a joke, that infosec people have no good advice but just always say "use signal, use tor" for all problems
1669067;1497263347;sina;it's like, you say, someone hacked my box and stole my bitcoins and then my response is "use signal. use tor"
1669068;1497263361;*;shinohai likes sins already
1669070;1497263365;sina;and then you say "someone phished my brother" and your response is "use signal. use tor"
1669071;1497263384;sina;err s/your/my/
1669072;1497263393;sina;you get the idea
1669073;1497263402;sina;what are you stalkin me?
1669075;1497263435;shinohai;Was checking out your github and saw link to twitter. I got a kick out of that tweet is all.
1669076;1497263463;sina;it's probably my most popular tweet ever! :P
1669077;1497263571;shinohai;I've taken a twitter break. It's kind of an unfriendly environment for purveyors of posterior such as myself.
1669078;1497263592;sina;I don't really use it anymore
1669079;1497263607;sina;except occasionally I read thegrugq twitter feed for some lulz
1669080;1497263792;shinohai;Definitely a lulz farm, I have harvested many a Qntra from that pool.
1669081;1497263847;*;shinohai pours another espresso and continues reading the mega-log from past 24 hrs ....
1669082;1497266503;sina;TFW ur a neo-Nazi and then decide to convert to Islam http://www.democratizeus.com/2017/06/11/neo-nazi-explosives-released-bond-deemed-not-threat-judge/
1669083;1497277464;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669005 << just a poor interface to switch branches for people without javascript. (the drop down thingy switches on select, but if you don't have js enabled. i perhaps should add a button hider if you do..)
1669084;1497277464;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 04:45 sina: text in the box click update, not different from just clicking update with no text
1669085;1497277678;phf;the interface is not very thought through because there's not enough dog fooding happening. vpatches require higher overhead than git blobs by design following the principle of measure ten times, cut once. but that means that it takes longer to evolve a workflow around them since the trickle of new updates is much slower
1669086;1497277863;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669038 << i had some interop going between v and https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/MqExtension. apparently before cvs but after "copy entire folder to make a version" there were various approaches to maintaining patch sets, that can be applied to v's folder full of patches approach
1669087;1497277863;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 05:20 sina: lolll http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-03-2016#1439668
1669088;1497277882;phf;e.g. http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/quilt
1669089;1497278178;phf;highest overhead when working with v is making snapshotting cheaper (which also ties into keeping multiple incomplete work in progress vpatches in the same build, and being able to put the updates into respective vpatches). that's something that local versioning system might help with (though asciilifeform for example considers that sort of automation anathema)
1669090;1497278248;asciilifeform;phf: not necessarily -- http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-23#890173
1669091;1497278248;a111;Logged on 2014-10-23 04:48 asciilifeform: use git for private dildonic pleasure. or for playing with friends. i do.
1669092;1497278264;asciilifeform;strict cut between 'harem and forum' there.
1669093;1497278284;phf;oh word. i even remember that thread, but it didn't stick
1669094;1497278287;asciilifeform;i use git and similar extensively ~in house~
1669095;1497278292;asciilifeform;but no longer publish using them
1669096;1497278301;asciilifeform;while, notice, happy to publish using ephemeral pastes
1669097;1497278315;asciilifeform;because they carry the right idea along ('this is unauthenticated rubbish, use entirely at own risk')
1669099;1497278388;asciilifeform;heya mod6
1669100;1497278394;mod6;how goes?
1669101;1497278422;asciilifeform;phf: the thing i repeatedly caution folx against, is to do anything that might result in the existence of vpatches which require tools ~other than v~ to fit-in-head/operate on.
1669102;1497278427;asciilifeform;now this -- anathema.
1669103;1497278465;asciilifeform;that road goes straight to shithub.
1669104;1497278496;asciilifeform;mod6: just got home, no interesting noos
1669105;1497278514;*;phf also just came back from the woods
1669106;1497278525;mod6;asciilifeform: cool
1669107;1497278558;mod6;phf: cool
1669108;1497278606;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669058 >> this is a lulzgem, 'I also tested BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime from OpenSSL since that's a large function which calls functions from several other files. It turns out not to be constant time! There's a secret dependent memory access...'
1669109;1497278606;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 07:18 sina: https://www.imperialviolet.org/2010/04/01/ctgrind.html
1669110;1497278627;phf;tis the season of naked girls in the woods festivals, i must therefore oblige
1669111;1497278632;asciilifeform;'This variant of BN_mod_exp_mont() uses fixed windows and the special precomputation memory layout to limit data-dependency to a minimum to protect secret exponents'
1669112;1497278643;mod6;phf: haha. for sure.
1669113;1497278647;asciilifeform;'It only claims to "limit" the side-channel leaks. I don't know how serious this is...'
1669116;1497282505;shinohai;ffs juantelez fix thy connection
1669117;1497284115;asciilifeform;!~later tell phf l0gz feature request -- turn the href in links to *.bitcoin-assets.com into btcbase ( printed text of link can remain same, in principle )
1669118;1497284116;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1669119;1497284157;asciilifeform;!~later tell Framedragger l0gz feature request -- turn the href in links to *.bitcoin-assets.com into btcbase ( printed text of link can remain same, in principle )
1669120;1497284157;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1669121;1497284169;asciilifeform;!~later tell ben_vulpes  l0gz feature request -- turn the href in links to *.bitcoin-assets.com into btcbase ( printed text of link can remain same, in principle )
1669122;1497284169;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1669123;1497284176;asciilifeform;iirc that'd be all of'em..
1669124;1497284181;phf;asciilifeform: give me an example from log, because the way i understand that request, it should already be working
1669125;1497284194;asciilifeform;phf: e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-23#890622
1669126;1497284194;a111;Logged on 2014-10-23 06:07 assbot: 24 results for 'stalin from:asciilifeform' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=stalin+from%3Aasciilifeform
1669128;1497284202;asciilifeform;and http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-23#890626 etc.
1669129;1497284202;a111;Logged on 2014-10-23 06:08 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-06-2014#719963
1669130;1497284206;asciilifeform;million of these.
1669131;1497284278;phf;asciilifeform: so right now, if you click in the little up arrow, it'll take you to the location in btcbase. i think i might've disabled link substitution at some point on account of it being a subtle log manipulation
1669132;1497284327;asciilifeform;my thinking is -- at some point the old kakotronic logs will either go away or be subsumed by enemy for whatever purpose ( if only ip gluetrap ) -- and it is the Wrong Thing to countenance the use of'em.
1669133;1497285528;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2017/06/12/o-brave-new-code/ << Ossasepia - O Brave New Code
1669134;1497285789;phf;asciilifeform: added both, search and ref. let me know if you have other examples..
1669135;1497285818;phf;fwiw, i'm not parsing search, so it'll only map in the simplest cases (though your specific example works)
1669136;1497285833;asciilifeform;phf: neato, seems to work...
1669137;1497286140;asciilifeform;worx great , in fact, ty phf !!
1669138;1497286371;*;trinque sees that #b-a still discusses not much else than #t, closes
1669139;1497286415;asciilifeform;trinque: kako now runs a public pissoire , voice-for-all, complete with gimmebots, ethertards, etc., many joys
1669140;1497286451;trinque;retirement with dignity eh
1669141;1497286475;asciilifeform;trinque: assbot is not really used for anything, nobody's rated anyone in eons, logs will likely run until he trips over the cable. hence thread re links.
1669143;1497286663;mod6;Speaking of l0gz requests... i have a bot request...
1669144;1497286695;mod6;Let's setup a111 to also parse links from logs.bvulpes.com/.../ like links from btcbase.
1669145;1497286699;trinque;asciilifeform: he thought this was for one man's fapping in the mirror, and now, has it.
1669146;1497286753;mircea_popescu;mod6 why not scriba :D
1669147;1497286771;mircea_popescu;he can just make the logger speak like anyone else neh ?
1669148;1497286832;phf;scriba is not ben_vulpes's bot, so presumably the question is why don't ben_vulpes put up his own log speaker
1669149;1497286848;mod6;sure. i suppose so. i presently feel bad when pasting in links from logs.bv since it doesn't get auto-parsed.
1669150;1497286875;mod6;ah. ok.  well that could work too. anyways, was just a suggestion.
1669151;1497286930;phf;fwiw i need to add ben_vulpes's links to btcbase anyway, because it also breaks xref facility
1669152;1497286931;shinohai;Afternoon mod6, fellow Republicans!
1669153;1497286949;asciilifeform;bots attempting to process output from other bots makes for potentially hilarious (try GB log bloat...) bugs
1669154;1497286984;asciilifeform;so imho it's a thing to avoid on general principle. let each one speak for self.
1669155;1497286993;trinque;heh, wasn't there a time when deedbot chattered for pages all by itself? I vaguely recall
1669156;1497287004;phf;that's not how btcbase works.
1669157;1497287010;mircea_popescu;yes, the rule is that each logger reads his own.
1669158;1497287025;asciilifeform;trinque: that was assbot
1669159;1497287025;mircea_popescu;it's not ok for a111 to speak out unbidden, with the sole exception of its own log
1669160;1497287086;phf;a111 can easily speak on behalf of any of the logger, because i need to parse other loggers to keep the xref facility consistent. for political reasons, a111 only speaks for own logs, but it ~knows~ at the time of utterance where the link is supposed to go to
1669161;1497287097;mircea_popescu;pretty cool.
1669162;1497287115;*;mircea_popescu thinks this is exactly as it should be.
1669163;1497287348;mod6;diana_coman is a warrior; nice post
1669164;1497287359;mod6;hai shinohai
1669165;1497287541;shinohai;I invited her here to !~tits, so far no reply to my email >>> http://archive.is/ycQBG
1669166;1497287563;phf;“Beginning with version 6.0, IPython stopped supporting compatibility with Python versions lower than 3.3 including all versions of Python 2.7.”
1669168;1497287658;asciilifeform;gcc5ification marches on.
1669169;1497287681;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665170 etc )
1669170;1497287681;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
1669171;1497287687;mircea_popescu;ourdemocracy gotta get everyone wearing the new pantsuit!
1669172;1497287837;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668882 << don't ever go to the third world, btw. every girl aspires to learn "criminology" at umd and every boy http://trilema.com/2013/i-dont-no-biari-i-know-a-littel-java/
1669173;1497287837;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 03:52 ben_vulpes: every time a child gets another hint that building things in html is a sensible way to spend a life, an angel of freedom loses her wings and plummets screaming towards the ground
1669174;1497287911;phf;ben_vulpes: does your logger run on UTC?
1669175;1497288012;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668953 << dude's in fucking love, clearly. yo benjie : that's how plants look irl, not girl's fault you grew up in the boot of a 2 seater roadster!
1669176;1497288012;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 04:18 deedbot: http://cascadianhacker.com/blooming-beasts << CH - blooming beasts!
1669177;1497288037;mircea_popescu;also, scamtitle, i read "breasts".
1669179;1497288078;phf;op didn't deliver
1669180;1497288213;mircea_popescu;also kinda biased by living in jungle nao. yesterday scraped off some gregarious antsy-wasp nest off one window, within hours flies were sucking the life out of the larvae fallen on the window sill ; later that window found different sort of wasp nest hidden in between sliding doors, with hunting wolf spider treating the cells like so many cans of preserve. and it rained for a month and everything needs a machete.
1669181;1497288227;mircea_popescu;later that evening*
1669182;1497288236;*;shinohai curses juantelez
1669183;1497288243;mircea_popescu;ya enough of this bs huh.
1669184;1497288277;*;shinohai thanks mircea_popescu kindly, tips hat
1669185;1497288337;mircea_popescu;aww, just as i was sitting down to read the man's twitter, turns out it is "protected". scam!
1669186;1497288456;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669067 << which one is signal ? the current telegram being groomed for faux "record breaking acquisition" by winapplefacebook ?
1669187;1497288456;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 10:29 sina: it's like, you say, someone hacked my box and stole my bitcoins and then my response is "use signal. use tor"
1669188;1497288465;mircea_popescu;"how was that shit 20bn ?" "it was before they bought it hue"
1669189;1497288488;asciilifeform;!#s marlinspike
1669190;1497288488;a111;25 results for "marlinspike", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=marlinspike
1669191;1497288492;asciilifeform;^ perpetrator of subj
1669192;1497288508;asciilifeform;aka 'pgp is OBSOLETE!111 use keybase etc'
1669193;1497288519;asciilifeform;infamous 'seekoority guru' muppet
1669194;1497288551;asciilifeform;and peddler of multicoloured-phones.
1669195;1497288568;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669085 << yes and quite frankly this is becoming it's own sort of problem.
1669196;1497288568;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 14:27 phf: the interface is not very thought through because there's not enough dog fooding happening. vpatches require higher overhead than git blobs by design following the principle of measure ten times, cut once. but that means that it takes longer to evolve a workflow around them since the trickle of new updates is much slower
1669197;1497288606;mircea_popescu;it's one thing to piss on the remnants of the cathedralbazaar, but it's another thing to not have a good answer to teh network effects.
1669198;1497288644;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the naming convention (moldbug, marlinspike, etcetera) suggests someone in an office farm in maryland./
1669199;1497288678;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quasiliterate anglos tend to come up with very similar names, yes
1669200;1497288700;mircea_popescu;that whole x-of-the-y brainmold.
1669201;1497288734;mircea_popescu;no wonder pantsuit party has no substantial disagreement with china becoming dominating power. they watch that inept chinese writing method and get wet.
1669202;1497288761;asciilifeform;it is an almost 'african' pattern, 'at one time my grandfather walked on a bridge, i heard... i'ma call meself Bob Bridgebuilder' etc
1669203;1497288793;mircea_popescu;there's no such linguistic uniformity in africa.
1669204;1497288803;asciilifeform;not re the language, but re the thought pattern
1669205;1497288817;mircea_popescu;they're technologically uniform in their ineptitude, but linguistically there's plenty of sane exemplars in the ~1k or so live languages.
1669206;1497288824;mircea_popescu;ah, that's harder to capture
1669207;1497288825;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCISZYcWAAIicQ9.jpg "Ethereum blockchain under heavy pressure"
1669208;1497288833;*;shinohai digs deeper into these lulz
1669209;1497288837;mircea_popescu;they should just segweb it or w/e it's called.
1669210;1497288849;asciilifeform;TB eth blox when!
1669211;1497288856;asciilifeform;PB! why think small.
1669212;1497288868;asciilifeform;every bacterium Has The Right to Tx!11
1669214;1497288908;BingoBoingo; it is an almost 'african' pattern, 'at one time my grandfather walked on a bridge, i heard... i'ma call meself Bob Bridgebuilder' etc << AHA, marlinspike presented as "hippie recreational sailor"
1669215;1497288924;mircea_popescu;"nobody reads" trilema, such as eg "not smart enough to sling dope" article. but EVERYONE EXECUTES it.
1669216;1497288932;BingoBoingo;Moldbug presented as stale cubile rage vessel
1669217;1497288938;mircea_popescu;hurr durr an thanks for all teh fishes, you self-determined, independent minded schmucks you.
1669218;1497289054;mircea_popescu;what'd one have to be smoking to not realise ethereum's onl;y function is to siphon value from the web horde into the hands of bitcoin holders is anyone's guess.
1669219;1497289063;mircea_popescu;i suppose old taco bell wrappers rolled up.
1669220;1497289125;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669195 << plox to elaborate?
1669221;1497289125;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 17:29 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669085 << yes and quite frankly this is becoming it's own sort of problem.
1669222;1497289160;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly as phf describes, there's a certain drag/lift factor in work being done. have you noticed how effort allocation tends to follow "what's happening" more than "i've though about this" ?
1669223;1497289195;asciilifeform;dunno, everything on asciilifeform's plate has been there for literally years
1669224;1497289210;mircea_popescu;from a purely alien perspective, in a town with decaying infrastructure you'll still see a bunch of men gathered around the guy souping up his car, rather than gathered around the places which desperately need maintenance work.
1669225;1497289255;mircea_popescu;this base tendency is what the whole google/apple/etc (redhat, you name it, "open source") shitworlds try to cater to.
1669226;1497289270;mircea_popescu;it's ok to point out how stupid it is, sure. it's dubious to not have some kind of an answer. which dun seem like we have.
1669227;1497289291;*;mircea_popescu dislikes the notion of guilt tripping people as a resource allocation mechanism.
1669228;1497289291;asciilifeform;their attempts are a laugh, though -- their picture of 'sexy project' is about as appealing as syphilis
1669229;1497289300;mircea_popescu;sure. but what's this do.
1669230;1497289327;asciilifeform;it isn't clear to me that there is a problem described here, such that could admit an answer.
1669231;1497289341;mircea_popescu;to me either. but it's clear that there might be something.
1669232;1497289367;asciilifeform;ability to properly direct resources (of self , and sometimes others ) is afaik what even makes, meaningfully, 'lord'
1669233;1497289393;mircea_popescu;and ability to drive is what makes, properly, a driver. it STILL HELPS to tell people "objects in rearview mirror are closer than they appear".
1669235;1497289400;mircea_popescu;because it's not all that intuitive.
1669236;1497289501;asciilifeform;naggum had an interesting discussion re cl ( and iirc also mentioned ada, his other-language ) in re discouragement of 'easy to write small throwaway programs' as a factor in building durable infrastructure ( vs liquishit, which in his time consisted of microshit and of perlism )
1669237;1497289554;asciilifeform;so to a certain extent tools can shape habit. and the bridges are maintained, instead of folx clustering around the souped car.
1669238;1497289613;asciilifeform;but the responsibility to be a man rather than monkey -- cannot be delegated to tool.
1669239;1497289624;mircea_popescu;no argument with either of these.
1669240;1497289653;mircea_popescu;but presenting cogently and in a tight package the man-monkey difference can't possibly hurt the recent escapee off the "i can't believe it's not plato's" cave.
1669241;1497289694;asciilifeform;i've found that teaching ada to c programmer is almost a miniature course in subj
1669242;1497289702;mircea_popescu;moreover, replacing a coke habit with a workout habit is, in practice and experience, the cheapest, safest and surest way to rehab crackwhores.
1669243;1497289714;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah i saw trims of that in the logs lol.
1669244;1497289762;mod6;asciilifeform: heh, my bad.
1669245;1497289783;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668953 << /me didn't even get to do a garden this year :[
1669246;1497289783;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 04:18 deedbot: http://cascadianhacker.com/blooming-beasts << CH - blooming beasts!
1669247;1497289800;asciilifeform;mod6: i was actually thinking moar of own experience with it, than yours
1669248;1497289848;mod6;ah. yeah, well, eitherway - i appreciate the guidence.
1669249;1497289874;mircea_popescu;dude this diana_coman poem thing is pretty fucking epic.
1669250;1497289880;mircea_popescu;chick's got aptitude.
1669251;1497289903;mod6;for sure.
1669252;1497289970;mircea_popescu;and the fundamental point is quite solid : the monkey hates thought, because hey, why won't you just sit and groom with the rest of 'em! PSYCHOPATH!!1
1669254;1497290328;trinque;is this a matter of backing out of using a big open source item?
1669255;1497290336;trinque;I know that pain, difficult process
1669257;1497290511;mircea_popescu;basically ended up being rewriting everything.
1669258;1497290607;mircea_popescu;which, incidentally, looks like it'll take one mentally competent woman about one year. the "open source" crapolade was built OVER A DECADE. and it's ~useless, within three zeros.
1669259;1497290717;asciilifeform;an ada '3d engine' would be quite a thing, incidentally
1669260;1497290721;mircea_popescu;10x the time, easily 100x the "effort" (although it is no more meaningful to compare the work of republican with the braying of subhuman opensources than it is to compare cpus and breast implants) and so forth.
1669261;1497290735;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is server side.
1669263;1497290742;asciilifeform;even moar so, then
1669264;1497290778;asciilifeform;( the language-level support for sane concurrency it more or less perfect for subj )
1669265;1497290805;asciilifeform;it's what originally pulled me into looking at it.
1669266;1497290842;phf;presumably to make it sane will have to write own blitter to surface, etc.
1669267;1497290969;phf;concurrency will only get into picture once you have independent rendered, networking and game state logic all working
1669268;1497290990;asciilifeform;btw the graphics , as seen by asciilifeform's naked eye, suggest that a cpu-only renderer ( 0 magic iron ) could, in theory, run eulora
1669269;1497291008;asciilifeform;( msdos port!111 )
1669270;1497291059;mircea_popescu;absolutely never licensing any of this. people wish to contribute, they get to participate, not to "just like bitcoin with a little bit of censorship" bullshit.
1669271;1497291079;mircea_popescu;imagine, eulora played for paypal ? fuck that shit with a hot iron poker, there's NO WAY shitworld claws back to relevancy.
1669272;1497291113;phf;asciilifeform: sure, considering that graphics are intentionally seem to be kept might&magic like can easily render the whole thing in software
1669273;1497291151;asciilifeform;phf: i know very little re eulora design process, but did assume that mircea_popescu et al deliberately put in a polygon count limit, and that the logic was approx like this.
1669274;1497291171;asciilifeform;( to one day be rid of closed turd gpu )
1669275;1497291178;mircea_popescu;phf something like that.
1669276;1497291203;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's part of what the publisher will accept as art assets, see ?
1669278;1497291253;mircea_popescu;and no, never relinquishing political control, ever, no fucking way. colonial empire all the way, force the locals to either absorb themselves into whiteness or spawn chattel indefinitely.
1669279;1497291266;phf;i think crystal space already supports limited software rendering, but figuring out how to properly enable it seems to be not for the faint of heart
1669280;1497291279;mircea_popescu;0 tolerance for multiculti bs.
1669281;1497291317;mircea_popescu;phf the topic of making clients for teh eulora is very much open, my model is that there's a bunch of 3rd party clients, from text to whatever gpu-enabled thing.
1669282;1497291330;mircea_popescu;heck, danielpbarron is moving towards an actuall dvd distro of the whole thing.
1669283;1497291343;asciilifeform;phf: i'd doubt that the existing open sores turd would do the job ( esp how 'render without gpu' is a more or less entirely untested component, 'everyone has gpu!111' etc )
1669284;1497291361;mircea_popescu;but, which is how this spitoon unravelled, in order to properly expose this for people to work on gotta have sane protocol, for which you need sane data model or else do conversion, and well...
1669285;1497291384;phf;i kind of want to take a stab at doing a common lisp text only client, but i think i lost my password again, and i'm too embarrassed to ask for another recovery........
1669286;1497291395;mircea_popescu;why ?
1669287;1497291401;mircea_popescu;it dun cost me nuttin
1669288;1497291459;mircea_popescu;phf http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cnpEH/?raw=true
1669289;1497291468;mircea_popescu;just as long as you dun lose you know, your actual key.
1669290;1497291493;mircea_popescu;(believe it or not, ~95% of pw recovery attempts fail because the player lost his password in the sense of, ALL SOFTWARE ON THE MACHINE, data included.)
1669291;1497291599;phf;a fairly inexpensive way to learn some of the tmsr lessons
1669293;1497291614;mircea_popescu;of course, same 95% of players disappears back into the agar.
1669294;1497291626;mircea_popescu;ie, they hadn't learned the lessons before, either, and not by accident.
1669295;1497291655;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669175 << excuse you, it was a "suburban", aka "glorified and overpowered van filled with bench seats"
1669296;1497291655;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 17:20 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1668953 << dude's in fucking love, clearly. yo benjie : that's how plants look irl, not girl's fault you grew up in the boot of a 2 seater roadster!
1669297;1497291656;mircea_popescu;i imagine somewhere deep down they'll expect i'll come to believe this is my fault, or something. weirdo socialist shifthink.
1669298;1497291665;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i stand excused.
1669299;1497291689;ben_vulpes;my blog is story of ignorant american bumpkin discovering slowly painfully each and every lie he's been told by the imperial press corps
1669300;1497291716;ben_vulpes;"holy shit look at what happens to tomato plants when grown by humans" "yes, and?" "..."
1669301;1497291719;mircea_popescu;i have a lot of sympathy. because my fucking artichokes grew like 2.5 m tall.
1669302;1497291733;mircea_popescu;and it was traumatic.
1669303;1497291743;mircea_popescu;"bitch is taller than me nao what."
1669304;1497291817;mircea_popescu;then winter fucking came, and there they sat under the snow, green and preppy as everything. and i was googling for home version flamethrowers, for you know, insurance just in case like.
1669305;1497291837;phf;ben_vulpes: could you possibly add timestamp (hh:mm:ss, say) to your div.line's. maybe as data-ts="..." or perhaps as a div.nick title?
1669306;1497291839;mircea_popescu;"honey, if one night you see the artichoke bush sneaking into the bedroom, push this lever here and then hold the spigot that way and crank this."
1669307;1497291888;ben_vulpes;phf: pretty sure mimi's on utc
1669308;1497291911;ben_vulpes;phf: certainly, rush job?
1669309;1497291928;phf;no, whenever
1669310;1497291961;ben_vulpes;aye aye
1669311;1497291999;mircea_popescu;diana_coman s/oh-so-funny comments/ever sadder epitaphs/ ?
1669312;1497292034;phf;i think it would be handy if loggers supported web export in kako format over some alternative url. so you could for example say http://bvulpes/log?format=kako&date=2016-01-01 and that'll give you id;ts;nick;message plain text. think i'll write a proposal for it
1669313;1497292055;mircea_popescu;seems a perfectly sane format.
1669314;1497292064;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, that's actually very fitting indeed; will change, thank you!
1669315;1497292072;mircea_popescu;my pleasure!
1669316;1497292078;mircea_popescu;and i mean that, literally.
1669317;1497292087;ben_vulpes;mod6: i'll add a quotulator, it's been on my backburner for a while
1669318;1497292107;phf;right now i have a handful of hacky python scripts that simply proxy /mkj/yyyymmdd and /bvulpes/yyyymmdd. they return dates in kako format, but parse html using pyquery.
1669319;1497292108;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see ? usage breeds interest & improvement ?
1669320;1497292108;diana_coman; diana_coman is a warrior; nice post <- out of the saddest necessity really; thanks!
1669321;1497292916;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669131 << it's a thorny bush, but i'm with alf : as long as the TEXT reads historically accurate, where the text links can be up to your implementation. person doesn't like where you direct the links, the historicval original is one copy/paste op away.
1669322;1497292916;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 16:17 phf: asciilifeform: so right now, if you click in the little up arrow, it'll take you to the location in btcbase. i think i might've disabled link substitution at some point on account of it being a subtle log manipulation
1669323;1497292973;mircea_popescu;this wouldn't be the same redirecting links in a html, where _anchor_ used to go to url1 but now it'd (silently, unless you kept actual html copies) goes to url2. but in irc format there's no way to link other than by textually dumping a link, so...
1669324;1497293129;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/comey-sexually-intimidated-by-trump/ << Qntra - Comey Sexually Intimidated By Trump
1669325;1497293162;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669139 << i thought the prediction was to be for the exact opposite occuring.
1669326;1497293162;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 16:53 asciilifeform: trinque: kako now runs a public pissoire , voice-for-all, complete with gimmebots, ethertards, etc., many joys
1669327;1497293224;mircea_popescu;this is lulzily reminiscent of the weabo thing sina dug up yest. it's easy enough, from the tard perspective, to go "hey, i live in canada, mp lives in romania, basically the same thing yes ?" but then a few years go by, during which mp has lived in argentina and costa rica, and well... suddenly it's not nearly all that similar anymore.
1669328;1497293241;mircea_popescu;the curse of the 3yo brain, to be unable to distinguish between car and cardboard cutout depicting car.
1669329;1497293289;BingoBoingo;From Twodog land to NoDawg land
1669330;1497293356;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo considering the man is what, 777 yo, that title is particularly lulzy
1669331;1497293413;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: No seriously. NYT and LAT had girlie pantsuit columnist write that Comey is exactly what they imagine being sexually harassed by the boss is like
1669333;1497293438;mircea_popescu;why they spend so much time trying to imagine that on the company dime is nobody's line of inquiry, i expect.
1669334;1497293463;mircea_popescu;"fake news faux editorialists jailed today for sexual fetishism involving their bosses."
1669335;1497293489;BingoBoingo;You mean fetishually harassing their bosses
1669336;1497293510;mircea_popescu;somehow 50yo redneck taking girlie to his house in the woods and showing her a ropey good time for a coupla weeks is like a fucking emergency ; but 20something sexually useless wreck daydreaming about her boss doesn't even warrant a slap on the wrist ?
1669337;1497293522;mircea_popescu;send them to pick garbage on highway side for a coupla weeks for their impure thoughts, i say
1669338;1497293530;mircea_popescu;tis how the brits ran their empire, back when they had an empire to run.
1669339;1497293602;mircea_popescu;and no, the two aren't fucking coincidental.
1669340;1497293815;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> mod6: i'll add a quotulator, it's been on my backburner for a while << ok cool! no hurry
1669342;1497294436;mircea_popescu;the achievement of standing up
1669344;1497294478;mircea_popescu;absolutely depicting the obese as human, showing supposed "affection" etcetera should be a felony.
1669345;1497294505;mircea_popescu;the brits aim to send people to jail for watching "cartoon porn", yet nobody has yet figured out pretendin the overfat are human is an insult to suines everywhere.
1669346;1497294505;phf;ah, some retro BingoBoingo content
1669347;1497294944;mod6;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-6-12#2a454b3a-a8e2-4dd5-ac40-06d93d11c092 << haha
1669348;1497295134;mod6;"Fat is healthy." << gtfo
1669349;1497295154;mircea_popescu;no, they can stand see
1669350;1497295160;mircea_popescu;tjhat's th fucking criteria now
1669351;1497295172;mod6;lol.  it was one piggybacking on another!!1
1669353;1497295243;mod6;717 lbs. "I'm healthy, lemme eat 15" pizza to destroy the patriarchy!"
1669354;1497295267;mod6;Alas, our modern times.
1669355;1497295306;mod6;like wat da faq
1669357;1497295953;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/tjEvW/?raw=true
1669358;1497295953;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1669359;1497303258;mod6;i like how searching the logs for a word like 'stochastic' can lead me down 2012 memory lane
1669360;1497303333;mircea_popescu;i get lost in that pot with some regularity too
1669361;1497308843;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/AMUGo << in entirely unrelated, ultra-vintage lulz
1669362;1497309090;asciilifeform;'...Everything that concerned him was international community, which he thought was in his pocket. Now it was in his pocket in the sense that he was in their pocket.'
1669363;1497309389;asciilifeform;^ 'altalena affair' resulted in the switcheroo where the upstanding folx ( irgun et al, who held the position 'rm -rf britain' , were replaced by the internationalkomyooniti obedient muppet circus who ended up 'recognized' by said komyooniti as 'israel'
1669365;1497309654;BingoBoingo;tyvm shinohai
1669366;1497309706;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/ethereum-blocks-way-the-fuck-too-big-smart-contract-ddosing-own-initial-coin-offering-to-blame/ << Qntra - Ethereum Blocks Way The Fuck Too Big: "Smart" Contract DDoS'ing Own "Initial Coin Offering" To Blame
1669367;1497309712;BingoBoingo; ^ 'altalena affair' resulted in the switcheroo where the upstanding folx ( irgun et al, who held the position 'rm -rf britain' , were replaced by the internationalkomyooniti obedient muppet circus who ended up 'recognized' by said komyooniti as 'israel' << Aka. When da jooz jew'd the Jay-double-Oh-Oh-Zee
1669368;1497310170;shinohai;np BingoBoingo ... some things are just too lulzy to keep me in hiatus.
1669369;1497310248;ben_vulpes;shinohai: fuckin solid
1669370;1497310386;shinohai;ty ben_vulpes o7
1669371;1497310784;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1669372;1497310788;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2683.95, vol: 31370.11890057 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2643.0, vol: 13810.82291 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2599.0, vol: 47971.41729155 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2815.78353, vol: 22425.16260000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2640.986, vol: 10126.8639028 | Volume-weighted last average: 2667.08959118
1669373;1497311240;mircea_popescu;how well would all this price shitting would work if only silbert & friends had the capacity to print bitcoin.
1669374;1497311253;mircea_popescu;really now, lets give it to them, for the good OF THE COMMUNITY!!!
1669375;1497314297;shinohai;http://archive.is/bvxYe  COVFEFE!!!
1669376;1497315149;lobbes;"Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement." heh
1669377;1497315571;shinohai;Your tax dollars at work.
1669378;1497317373;mircea_popescu;pretty fucken sad
1669379;1497319313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'll note that the losers took the republican position, imaginary higher ground, bullshit like that
1669380;1497319323;mircea_popescu;in all such disputes, whoever fires most wins.
1669381;1497319387;asciilifeform;i still dun get m. begin's pov. ordered his men to surrender and join idf! and had the auctoritas that... they did
1669382;1497319401;mircea_popescu;because idiot.
1669383;1497319408;asciilifeform;and so the british pest was permitted to continue to live, and infest the continent
1669384;1497319414;asciilifeform;to this day.
1669385;1497319423;mircea_popescu;people who believe violence is not the answer don't belong alive.
1669386;1497319453;mircea_popescu;and it's a sickeningly common view among underground fighters because they makle the mistake to "salvage their sanity" by "pretending this is something that's not them"
1669387;1497319454;asciilifeform;and this was the d00d who ran irgun ! supposedly, tough motherfucker who killed brits with bare hands etc.
1669388;1497319459;mircea_popescu;EXACTLY like loser barrista.
1669389;1497319466;mircea_popescu;yes, but.
1669390;1497319506;mircea_popescu;fucking credo goes "this is my rifle" etc specifically BECAUSE loser = dude who thinks "whatcha hassling me for man, it's just a gig, it;'s not my life"
1669391;1497319520;mircea_popescu;it is your fucking life motherfucker. now shoot, and shoot fast and bust heads on every round.
1669392;1497319587;asciilifeform;there is a pov that irgun was british-infested even earlier, though, and 'lehi' was the tru-fork. but i do not have a deep enough picture of the period events to say if.
1669393;1497319625;mircea_popescu;in general british infestation worked like staph aureus. "it's everywhere and it only does anything if you're already aids"
1669394;1497319642;mircea_popescu;at least that's my picture of the 1900s
1669395;1497319678;asciilifeform;my current understanding is that this is only half-correct -- brits also helped folx pick up the aids.
1669396;1497319697;asciilifeform;( most famously -- opium in cn. but similar elsewhere. )
1669397;1497319702;mircea_popescu;meh. consider -- china, 100% infested pre mao. did nothing. russia, tsar time, during "the great race", idem. did nothing.
1669398;1497319709;mircea_popescu;did ~nothing to the boers, either.
1669399;1497319806;mircea_popescu;only places it did anything were like sudan, israel, niggerlands.
1669400;1497319827;mircea_popescu;the us.
1669401;1497319928;asciilifeform;this thread a little too thin for asciilifeform's naked eye.
1669402;1497319948;mircea_popescu;just mah impression.
1669403;1497320100;asciilifeform;'When a terrorist group such as the Irgun Zvai Leumi sees their key objective completed, what do they do? In the case of their use of terrorism, the Irgun came to an end not because the funds died out or support waned, but because the leadership recognized the need to move to a more democratic and non-violent strategy. In order to continue pushing for additional change, no longer would the Irgun act under overt auspices of violence.
1669404;1497320101;asciilifeform;Their primary purpose fulfilled, they had no agenda supportable with violence anymore due to the creation of the state of Israel’s presence. Instead of disbanding after their success, the Irgun continued to remain active, shifting into a productive political role. ' -- random usg derp
1669405;1497320114;asciilifeform;pretty typical 'parliamentarian' rot ^ example
1669406;1497320123;asciilifeform;'violence is hard, let's go shopping'
1669407;1497320158;asciilifeform;iirc the irish folx went into this same /dev/null of history, quite recently
1669408;1497320176;mircea_popescu;yeah, i dunno that i'd take the wailing and whining of ronin women discussing the men into account
1669409;1497320299;mircea_popescu;the whole gambit of the mother is, "don't cry baby, see, X is gone now"
1669410;1497320315;mircea_popescu;it dun matter whether x is gone or not. what matters is the saying. maybe the baby is dumb enough and falls in the words trap ?
1669411;1497320323;mircea_popescu;and if not... she'll say it again and again andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andagain andv.
1669412;1497320327;asciilifeform;it boggles my mind that none of these folx ( at least afaik ) ever grasped that 'nonviolence', 'rule of law', 'parliamentarianism' were tentacles of the enemy, rather than a victory
1669413;1497320333;mircea_popescu;kinda why mothering sucks in the first place.
1669414;1497320382;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect most of them really wanted to go shopping.
1669415;1497320408;mircea_popescu;it was utterly the case of eg ro revolution. none of the people there wanted "freedom". they were literally pissed off they can't drive over to austrian border and load up the car at the w/e discount shop.
1669416;1497320411;mircea_popescu;100% the problem.
1669417;1497320446;asciilifeform;the infamous 'sausage emigres' of su, ditto
1669419;1497320455;asciilifeform;( 'left motherland for 100 sorts of sausage' )
1669420;1497320467;mircea_popescu;so you know, they don't realise because they weren't there present in the first plac.e
1669421;1497320543;mircea_popescu;funny thing is, hruschev had the right idea with his "We'll sausage and oversausage!".
1669422;1497320556;asciilifeform;sorta why ben gurion had the boat shelled and the survivors - machine-gunned. had 0 to do with the cargo, but with the 900+ irgun recruits on board, who didn't yet 'want to go shopping'
1669423;1497320583;mircea_popescu;it's just kinda funny that a) the one eyed man in russian empire was deemed dumb by the blind ; and b) the unassuming and unexpected little chinese man ACTUALLY DID IT. never said it. did do it.
1669424;1497320593;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform likely, yes.
1669425;1497320623;mircea_popescu;which is how we know jews are congenitally stupid. if you can round up 1k of those people ande NOT ONE head lights up with the realisation that "either we walk out of here THROUGH the enemy or not at all", it's braindamage.
1669426;1497320630;mircea_popescu;same dead stock that populated the lime pits.
1669427;1497320673;asciilifeform;apparently not all were oven fodder
1669428;1497320683;mircea_popescu;but none had a working brain.
1669429;1497320684;asciilifeform;some -- formed irgun, lehi, etc
1669430;1497320693;asciilifeform;and went to multiply some brits by 0
1669431;1497320693;mircea_popescu;i would say the last jew with an actuallyt functioning noggin died pre 1900.
1669432;1497322275;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTF5gr_nOMc << not wholly unrelated.
1669433;1497322302;asciilifeform;( in re 'go shopping' )
1669434;1497322918;BingoBoingo;Questions http://qntra.net/2017/06/ethereum-blocks-way-the-fuck-too-big-smart-contract-ddosing-own-initial-coin-offering-to-blame/#comment-101819
1669435;1497323043;BingoBoingo; in general british infestation worked like staph aureus. "it's everywhere and it only does anything if you're already aids" << Who needs AIDS in USia or Britain where blood is sweeter than agar?
1669436;1497323081;mircea_popescu;|blood is thicker than water, because sweeter than honey"
1669437;1497323333;BingoBoingo;And sweeter than honey because insulin resistance
1669439;1497324216;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo remember that dude from fucking siberia begging in b-a years ago ?
1669440;1497325149;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Not off hand
1669441;1497325168;mircea_popescu;myeah. lots of these
1669442;1497325188;BingoBoingo;Many times there were beggars, many times I was drunk. It is a miracle I remember as much as I do.
1669444;1497327201;BingoBoingo;!!up Guest497
1669445;1497327202;deedbot;Guest497 voiced for 30 minutes.
1669446;1497330209;mircea_popescu;and speaking of html : im currently very impressed with http://dragoneternity.com
1669447;1497330218;mircea_popescu;buncha russians made a flawless browser game, it's something else.
1669448;1497333211;diana_coman;that dragoneternity game actually looks good
1669449;1497333239;mircea_popescu;considering the terror that working with browsers is in the first place, dudes are wizards.
1669450;1497333786;diana_coman;still: "latest Flash Player version is required for the client to function properly"
1669452;1497346567;shinohai;!~ticker --market all
1669453;1497346573;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2748.08, vol: 32981.09395675 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2690.001, vol: 14567.0408 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2666.6, vol: 48856.8198473 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2865.6474, vol: 25657.15940000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2743.689, vol: 10699.8473025 | Volume-weighted last average: 2734.08931823
1669455;1497347374;shinohai;Nah, funds are safe there. They store funds in a multi-signature cold storage with a bank level security grade!
1669456;1497347542;sina;bank level is the best security grade
1669457;1497347620;shinohai;This is obviously a step above - I'm willing to bet all passwords are secured with military grade encryption too, since they are so professional.
1669458;1497353247;mircea_popescu;shinohai mindboggling
1669459;1497353521;shinohai;ikr? I saw that item yesterday but didn't seem Qntrable to me as the "scam" appeared to be related to the Ethereum network self-DDoS.
1669460;1497353545;mircea_popescu;most wtf part is the notion those dorks actually had k's in btc
1669461;1497353569;*;mircea_popescu can't quite bring self to believe.
1669462;1497353617;shinohai;Well, if you don't have the private keys to an address to prove ownership, you really don't have anything at all, no matter how many imaginary numbers you are told you hold on a site.
1669463;1497353681;*;shinohai thinks the numbers are oft exaggerated on reddit to make the wheel squeakier .....
1669464;1497353840;mircea_popescu;must be
1669465;1497353887;mircea_popescu;typical half ounce a week "Drug dealer" gets robbed, thieves make away with 17k in cash and some cheap fake jewelry. "MULLIONS MISSING!!!"
1669466;1497353900;mircea_popescu;exactly how "drug busts" work, come to think of it.
1669467;1497353930;mircea_popescu;in case anyone still wanted indicia as to where the fish rotten from. it was the fucking "law enforcement".
1669468;1497354111;shinohai;Case in point: http://archive.is/fH2Hz - Where fentanyl you can buy all day in an DN market for $2-3 gram is suddenly worth $10k per
1669469;1497354121;shinohai;feeb maths
1669470;1497354159;mircea_popescu;a yeah, don't even remind me of the """major player""" silk road, that somehow was a big deal in spite of not being able to place one pound over xmas-new year's. TWO WEEKS!
1669471;1497354187;mircea_popescu;you can throw a rock in a la hotel and hit a waitress that's more of an "international drug market"
1669472;1497354320;mircea_popescu;if i were a judge i'd throw the book at this so-called "government" so help me. lie to me do one month in the can, no questions asked. so if it takes fifty da's it'll take fifty da's.
1669473;1497354414;mircea_popescu;given the current state of the rot i'd prolly convict 2/3 "law enforcement" 1/3 private citizens.
1669474;1497354517;shinohai;mircea_popescu will make America great again
1669475;1497354525;mircea_popescu;no he won't.
1669476;1497354537;mircea_popescu;i'd rather teach sheep torah.
1669478;1497354610;*;shinohai found the commenter's name, SAM, to be suspect: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669434
1669479;1497354610;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 03:01 BingoBoingo: Questions http://qntra.net/2017/06/ethereum-blocks-way-the-fuck-too-big-smart-contract-ddosing-own-initial-coin-offering-to-blame/#comment-101819
1669480;1497354623;mircea_popescu;ya think ?
1669483;1497362029;shinohai;Mornin mod6 ... anything cool brewing in your lab?
1669484;1497362053;mod6;Mornin' shinohai
1669485;1497362070;mod6;peted sent his getpeerinfo vpatch to the ML.  so that's out there.
1669486;1497362084;mircea_popescu;o hey.
1669487;1497362134;mod6;and I started working on ticket #36 for trb, possible move of the deps folder for trb
1669488;1497362158;mod6;i got it to work lastnight, but im not satisfied with it yet.
1669489;1497362185;shinohai;That reminds me ....
1669490;1497362225;shinohai;!~later tell pete_dushenski Tested your patch, built fine, running on the dev box as I write this.
1669491;1497362226;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1669492;1497362239;mod6;cool, thanks for the testing shinohai
1669493;1497362281;shinohai;np, glad to help and love to see trb progressing and more peeps contributing.
1669495;1497365831;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform very funny that jew thing you dug out. literally, the ENTIRE argument is "hey, let us scam you, because that's what goverments do, and if the goyim see us scamming you they'll believe w r government".
1669496;1497365860;mircea_popescu;how statists actually manage to live in their mental latrine is anyone's guess.
1669497;1497365879;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, is why i posted it
1669498;1497365900;mircea_popescu;entertainment value well worth teh read.
1669499;1497365949;asciilifeform;the altalena thing still , i'm told, smoulders, there are folx who have not forgotten the replacement of terrorist-republic-israel with usg-alt-israel
1669501;1497366150;asciilifeform;( hey adlai !! whaddayathink )
1669502;1497366169;mircea_popescu;da fuck is some shithead 20something going to think.
1669503;1497366204;asciilifeform;dunno, but he's marched under the colours, and asciilifeform has not, so automatically 'gotta ask'
1669505;1497366237;mircea_popescu;might as well ask the kfc colonel his professional opinion re fort sumter.
1669506;1497366796;shinohai;http://archive.is/cWlpR   <<< By Gavin logic, moar ETH nodes = good while less BTC nodes = A OK
1669507;1497366810;mircea_popescu;he's in feeder phase.
1669509;1497366871;mircea_popescu;the hanno boecks always work in the same cycle. feeder phase where they "seem reasonable" and chumpatron phase where they shed the half-hour-horizon idiots who bought it.
1669510;1497366930;mircea_popescu;the ur-model of this is "modern" ourdemocracy currency. while they can falsify it, YOU can't. this means they can prop its value up for as long as it takes for idiot-you to buy into the theory that "usd is actually valuable", after which they can turn on the printing.
1669511;1497366985;mircea_popescu;which is why "eth has market value". the entire market value of ethereum (all chains) is under a grand. but the lizards will keep buying it, for all the fiddy bux a week that costs, to prop up the pretense. if it catches, they got "millionz" and if not they're out five coffees for a dozen losers who were getting that coffee off social security anyway.
1669512;1497367068;mircea_popescu;and this model ENTIRELY explains all of the "luminaries". werner koch worked the feeder-chumper cycle. stallman worked the feeder-chumper cycle. curtis yarvin worked the etcetera.
1669513;1497367147;asciilifeform;where's the cut between 'worked cycle' and 'turned traitor' ?
1669514;1497367158;asciilifeform;'worked' seems to imply cynical fraud from t=0
1669515;1497367167;mircea_popescu;cycle, definitionally, is multiple iterations.
1669516;1497367182;mircea_popescu;gavin worked btc, got kicked out, is now working eth, etcetera.
1669518;1497367264;mircea_popescu;the fiat word is "serial entrepreneur" or whatever.
1669519;1497367281;asciilifeform;rms afaik is not a serial anything, had exactly 1 thing
1669520;1497367328;mircea_popescu;and that was emacs ?
1669522;1497367341;mircea_popescu;well ?
1669523;1497367343;mircea_popescu;2 things.
1669524;1497367344;asciilifeform;( emacs pre-dates rms )
1669526;1497367356;mircea_popescu;but he worked the cycle on emacs first.
1669527;1497367380;mircea_popescu;then he worked it on software, and THEN he worked it on hardware.
1669528;1497367391;*;mircea_popescu still can't forget the "i have a laptop that doesn't exist" bs.
1669529;1497367402;mircea_popescu;"so where is it" "they stole it"
1669530;1497367413;asciilifeform;not sure if that one can be pinned on rms per se -- he was already in his ambulatory mushroom phase at that point
1669531;1497367430;mircea_popescu;get some crayons and color me shades of impressed.
1669532;1497367521;shinohai;In other democracy news: http://archive.is/3wCQw
1669533;1497369371;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in other excavations, https://www.security.nl/posting/505769/Random+Bit+Generator+voor+zelfbouw >> 'Het ontwerp is volledig open source, het geleverde product is te verifiëren zodat je kunt zien dat er niets is toegevoegd of weggelaten, de randomization is wiskundig verifieerbaar. Er zijn drivers voor eigenlijk alle gangbare operating systems, zelfs voor OpenBSD, en dat voor een prijs van USD 40. Die onderbouwing zie ik n
1669534;1497369371;asciilifeform;iet bij nosuchlabs. En nee, er is totaal geen sprake van meer spreekwoordelijk alufolie, integendeel. Geen drivers, aansluiting via een niet meer aanwezig medium (seriele poort), beperkte hoeveelheid random data en ga zo maar door.'
1669535;1497369460;asciilifeform;^ d00d pushing 'onerng' over FUCKGOATS, with argument that the former 'is open source, mathematically verifiable, ...drivers for all current os, even openbsd...' while the latter 'no drivers, connection using obsolete medium - serial port, limited entropy'
1669537;1497369494;mircea_popescu;isn't "onerng" the thing captain bullshit was pushing in that dumb chan ?
1669538;1497369501;asciilifeform;one of'em yes
1669539;1497369526;mircea_popescu;how did that quote abnout a confederacy of dounces go
1669541;1497369800;asciilifeform;linked mainly for the 'drivers' lul
1669542;1497369845;mircea_popescu;"you can always recognize a fuckgoats by that sure sign, that all the dounces in the county are arrayed in a confederacy against it."
1669543;1497369852;asciilifeform;aah yes.
1669544;1497369936;mircea_popescu;and here i sat and thought naively that open source is all about "hey, i perceive the need for these so called drivers, item dun has them, I WILL MAKE MYSELF"
1669545;1497369941;asciilifeform;gotta luvvv all the nitwits who think that pc has any business being able to talk TO an rng box
1669546;1497369949;mircea_popescu;isn't THAT what the douche was supposed to publish on his stupid blog ?
1669547;1497369956;asciilifeform;( which is what connecting via non-unidirectional interface entails )
1669548;1497370027;mircea_popescu;but no, instead every two bit twentysomething shithead importantly sits on an imagined throne and JUDGES THE WORLD!!11
1669549;1497370042;mircea_popescu;rather than try and fix it, and in the process learn a thing or two about just how utterly fucktarded they are.
1669550;1497370051;mircea_popescu;go, write fg drivers. what
1669551;1497370056;mircea_popescu;thje everloving fuck will they do ?
1669552;1497370056;asciilifeform;better still, to read the docs and think for 30sec and realize that THING USES NO DRIVER
1669553;1497370085;mircea_popescu;no but all the peripheral boxes he ever saw had the bullet point there.
1669554;1497370109;mircea_popescu;anywya, maybe we can talk diana_coman into borrowing us a manager class.
1669555;1497370114;mircea_popescu;better than driver.
1669557;1497370139;mircea_popescu;which one
1669559;1497370148;mircea_popescu;i have no fucking idea.
1669560;1497370155;asciilifeform;aaah a burbulator
1669561;1497370167;mircea_popescu;but everything has a bunch of them so
1669562;1497370167;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-19#1485129 )
1669563;1497370167;a111;Logged on 2016-06-19 05:35 asciilifeform: the next morning, commander tours the base, says to sergeant: 'everything seems ok, but what is this nonsense, they showed me the scrapyard and your men threw out a perfectly fine burbulator!!!'
1669564;1497370308;BingoBoingo; might as well ask the kfc colonel his professional opinion re fort sumter. << "Lincoln was a war criminal" is the response I got
1669565;1497370310;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc we had a thread even here where somebody whined that FG doesn't work as a 'totem' where you 'plug in and forget and it just becomes your /dev/random' and that it has to be actively ~used~
1669566;1497370343;mircea_popescu;it's still not clear to me dumping it into the pool is a bad move.
1669567;1497370355;mircea_popescu;seeing how the alternative is koch-hashes.
1669568;1497370356;asciilifeform;it isn't that it is necessarily bad move
1669569;1497370375;mircea_popescu;i suppose "driver" in context might mean a kernel patch to feed /random from fg
1669570;1497370400;asciilifeform;but that the ~correct~ move is proggy that takes a /dev/foo1,/dev/foo2... as command line params and eats rng from ~there~
1669571;1497370423;mircea_popescu;yes but they already got their userland, and it's a) shit and b) unrecompilable.
1669572;1497370447;asciilifeform;'need to know principle', if you will -- kernel has no business having centralized 'and these here are rngs'
1669573;1497370470;asciilifeform;not to mention a proggy that eats rng oughta be periodically tested using ~known~ bits
1669574;1497370486;asciilifeform;to see if the expected output results
1669575;1497370492;asciilifeform;( known-and-previously-untried )
1669576;1497370493;mircea_popescu;yes. the idea being that your methiod while correct requires fixing all the shit programs. which ain't gonan happen. nor can it.
1669577;1497370507;mircea_popescu;whereas just feeding it into the kernel pool might help to some degree and is actually feasible.
1669578;1497370527;asciilifeform;cat /dev/yourfg > /dev/random &
1669579;1497370551;mircea_popescu;basically it's the eternal culture shock. "i protest that this tmsr item is ideologically incompatible with the shitempire i inhabit" "blow it out your ass" "TERRORISM!"
1669580;1497370734;asciilifeform;( incidentally astute students of FUCKGOATSology will notice that the principle is applied INSIDE the device as well - FG has nfi what is plugged into rng jacks, actual analogue rng boards or tester jig )
1669581;1497371314;asciilifeform;relatedly, at one point i considered a FG add-on that'd turn it into a ps/2 'keyboard' eternally pissing out, e.g., d0bc05f466024f14... which, e.g., xxd will happily eat & turn into binariola
1669582;1497371345;shinohai;Ledger branching out to pgptronics: https://github.com/LedgerHQ/blue-app-openpgp-card
1669583;1497371384;asciilifeform;keyboardization gives even greater 'nonspecificity of diddling', at the cost of 'can't have it plugged in 24/7, must use in bursts' ( as most os don't work with >1 kbd correctly )
1669584;1497371410;asciilifeform;shinohai: add to the loooong list of 'tardanos'
1669586;1497372830;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the koch episode was actually illustrative of the futility of 'just fix /dev/random'. it'd have done ~zero~ against the koch rng poisoning thing.
1669587;1497372849;asciilifeform;if you can't recompile ( or better still, use sane proggy ) you're fucked, there is no pill.
1669589;1497372966;mircea_popescu;there's a reason the "security.nl" maggots say what they say.
1669590;1497372984;mircea_popescu;"use these things thatr won't do anything"
1669592;1497377191;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ^ d00d pushing 'onerng' over FUCKGOATS, with argument that the former 'is open source, mathematically verifiable, ...drivers for all current os, even openbsd...' while the latter 'no drivers, connection using obsolete medium - serial port, limited entropy' << limited entropy?! herp.
1669593;1497377278;mod6;these cows just don't care they they have an NSA fist in their asses.  never did, never will.
1669594;1497377312;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7BD81DECC6EBEB3D6B64A8BB042AF3DEBE41F28F7BC5DD0CC2768C84A5297453 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1568...0739 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nagios2.telecablenet.com. BG 13)
1669595;1497377313;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7BD81DECC6EBEB3D6B64A8BB042AF3DEBE41F28F7BC5DD0CC2768C84A5297453 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1792...6587 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (nagios2.telecablenet.com. BG 13)
1669596;1497377353;mod6;"m00" "oh your butt hurts" "m00!" "maybe get that fist out of your ass..." "n000!"
1669597;1497377764;asciilifeform;mod6: elementarily, 'limited entropy', 'respectable mainstream' turd can put out whatever it wants, GB/s, of prng
1669599;1497377795;asciilifeform;( why to bother with hardware, if resorting to prng , remains a mystery )
1669601;1497377871;asciilifeform;whereas harvesting actual entropy is painful, esp. if you want an engineering margin ( e.g. 2x in FG )
1669602;1497377894;asciilifeform;2x temporal, that is. on top of 4x spatial.
1669603;1497377920;asciilifeform;( each analogue board has 2 independent subunits, see schematic )
1669604;1497378005;asciilifeform;mod6: you will notice that no fg hits >8kB/s at room temp, while the theoretical max is 14.4kB
1669606;1497378232;asciilifeform;there simply ain't moar to be had ( safely, that is -- you can use a faster-slewing op amp, in this collection scheme, but you will be harvesting power supply artifacts, 'voice of america', switching transients.. )
1669607;1497378262;asciilifeform;all 'electric' schemes for trng have the basic problem of 'breathing own fumes'.
1669608;1497378366;asciilifeform;von neumann's debias algo, and xor fold, are the two legit methods of dealing with this, but they have considerable cost ( each application of either , burns away 50% of incoming bits )
1669609;1497378386;mod6;then that's what it is.
1669610;1497378401;mod6;fuck 'em
1669611;1497378425;asciilifeform;( part of the appeal of 'atomic' trng is that the 'fumes' concern evaporates. )
1669613;1497378646;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.7p1 Debian-8ubuntu1
1669615;1497378687;mod6;one of these times you're gonna pop it
1669616;1497378693;asciilifeform;which it
1669617;1497378704;mod6;what does that ssh thing do?
1669618;1497378723;asciilifeform;mod6: spits out the banner that Framedragger forgot to put in the original conversions
1669621;1497382316;mircea_popescu;so how's tricks in mod6 castle
1669623;1497382528;mircea_popescu;glad to hear
1669624;1497382654;mod6;gathering some things up in eulora.
1669625;1497382662;mod6;having fun with that.
1669626;1497382785;mircea_popescu;ah i saw lel. how long has it been for you, 2 years now ?
1669627;1497383092;mod6;na, not quite that long.  it ~has~ been at least since xmas or so since I popped in last tho.
1669628;1497383114;mod6;this whole year has been nuts.  i feel like im constantly behind.  all that stuff with my mom just sucked up so much time.
1669630;1497383127;mircea_popescu;yeah can rtake it out of one
1669631;1497383575;mod6;ya for sure
1669632;1497389235;jurov;asciilifeform: sorry to be shitharbinger, just writing to /dev/random is not enough https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/141197/why-writing-to-dev-random-does-not-make-parallel-reading-from-dev-random-faste
1669633;1497389252;jurov;it needs "yes i am sure" ioctl
1669635;1497389280;mircea_popescu;ah that's right isn't it
1669636;1497389300;asciilifeform;motherfucking kochs.
1669638;1497390694;BingoBoingo;Best Korea get it's own huffing currency siphon http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/06/13/dennis-rodman-returns-north-korea/
1669639;1497390896;mircea_popescu;it's !??!?!?!
1669640;1497391720;BingoBoingo;FUCK, no way to fix in lawg
1669642;1497391743;mircea_popescu;you gotta sit and meditate, it's getting ridoinculous
1669643;1497391745;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1669644;1497391749;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2700.35, vol: 17108.73242076 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2663.11, vol: 6150.18051 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2694.2, vol: 24703.98366288 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2827.998971, vol: 10709.68020000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2704.2, vol: 7649.42853527 | Volume-weighted last average: 2715.66268137
1669645;1497393312;asciilifeform;in other 3-years-and-continuing lulz, https://archive.is/kGc6w >> '...I've been trying to build these style tools for around 10  years, on and off, and they have never built correctly for these targets and any attempt to put in a bug report about it is a waste of time as someone comes along states it works and closes it, even though it doesn't.'
1669646;1497393349;mircea_popescu;open sores.
1669647;1497393392;asciilifeform;it will have to be confiscated from the monkeys, like trb was.
1669648;1497393405;asciilifeform;asciilifeform has stabbed on and off at the problem, for a very long time.
1669649;1497393415;mircea_popescu;by now, pretty much foregone conclusion. if we need it, they can't have it.
1669650;1497393462;asciilifeform;end result is to be a vaguely msdos-like thing that understands how to configure x64 page table, put/get blocks of disk, and speak over rs232 port. and on top of this, a self-building gnat.
1669651;1497393471;asciilifeform;but this is yet far.
1669652;1497393494;mircea_popescu;in general, seems dos model is the winner. i dunno wtf unix is even supposed to be, honestly.
1669653;1497393502;asciilifeform;single-tasking, grim wartime thing.
1669654;1497393513;mircea_popescu;on preponderence of evidence seems rather 1950s equivalent of historical "craftsman secrets" bs.
1669655;1497393521;asciilifeform;nothing like what asciilifeform wanted, decade ago, to spend his life making.
1669656;1497393532;mircea_popescu;ie, low level labour strife, "how to make capitalist incapable of using his own capital goods without feeding us"
1669657;1497393535;asciilifeform;but it will have to be made.
1669658;1497393582;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how did yo9u want to spend life decade ago ?
1669660;1497393611;mircea_popescu;ah. yea.
1669661;1497393643;mircea_popescu;there's no absolute reason most of the dos thing can;t actually be lisp
1669662;1497393655;asciilifeform;inadequate iron.
1669663;1497393670;mircea_popescu;yes, but so far i am rather impressed with the demonstrated interop.
1669664;1497393692;asciilifeform;which interop
1669666;1497393711;mircea_popescu;say between whatever phf runs log on and the log itself ; or whatever ben_vulpes runs the bot on and so forth
1669667;1497393729;mircea_popescu;they didn't turn into very sad shriveled raisins of pain for trying.
1669668;1497393729;asciilifeform;problem is that a language with nonhardrealtime gc is unsuitable for cryptography.
1669669;1497393743;asciilifeform;0 way to guarantee constant-time-anything
1669670;1497393756;asciilifeform;or to police branch-on-secrets
1669671;1497393758;mircea_popescu;this is shapinbg up to be the achile's heel for lisp huh
1669672;1497393764;asciilifeform;on c-machine -- yes.
1669673;1497393775;asciilifeform;sorta why asciilifeform has written 0 lisp for 3+ yrs
1669674;1497393787;asciilifeform;well, ~0
1669675;1497393971;asciilifeform;at any rate at this point imho it is obvious that the confiscation of computing from the enemy cannot proceed on linux.
1669676;1497393988;mircea_popescu;i am persuaded.
1669677;1497394006;asciilifeform;or bsd.
1669680;1497394022;mircea_popescu;the reasons are plurious, there's not jhust this line
1669681;1497394041;mircea_popescu;there's also the "bunch of retards who think themselves competent and will wish to '''help'''" as per older threads re flies.
1669682;1497394042;mircea_popescu;and others.
1669683;1497394046;asciilifeform;the reasons, at this point, are not a mega-secret to anyone here.
1669684;1497394067;asciilifeform;for the 'helpers' -- the sharp end of a trench shovel.
1669685;1497394321;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> unixanything. << ditto
1669686;1497394328;asciilifeform;re os : i've observed before , that the only peripheral that unconditionally ~must~ work, is rs232 port.
1669687;1497394335;asciilifeform;everything else, even disk, is optional frill.
1669688;1497394342;mircea_popescu;the model is fundamentally broken. you do not actually want a multi-user machine, ever, period.
1669689;1497394354;mod6;yeah. back to dos-like sys
1669690;1497394356;asciilifeform;it is possible to accomplish useful work on a box where only cpu, memory, and serial ports, work.
1669691;1497394361;mircea_popescu;it's a stupid thing, like a multi-driver-wheel bus.
1669693;1497394387;mircea_popescu;"instead of making ten cars we made this bus with ten driver seats. talk it out among yourselves. there's bulletproof glass in some parts."
1669694;1497394409;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it'd even not be wholly ludicrous to have 1 doslike thing per cpu core, and a standardized means whereby master (of which there is to be ONE) can drive the slaves
1669695;1497394414;asciilifeform;but beyond this - nothing.
1669696;1497394438;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in an ideal world we just hijack intel management engine to do that job.
1669697;1497394473;asciilifeform;no need for any such thing, conventional pc arch is quite enough.
1669698;1497394485;mircea_popescu;no need maybe, but it's what you get lel
1669699;1497394486;asciilifeform;( to carry on N independent instruction streams )
1669700;1497394532;asciilifeform;the other bit, is that we are picturing a box without a nic. ( it may come equipped with one, but it dun get plugged in )
1669701;1497394544;mircea_popescu;no, no, nick over port!
1669702;1497394550;asciilifeform;strictly serial. if you want to speak via a nic, that goes on 2nd box
1669703;1497394565;mircea_popescu;the chineze had it.
1669704;1497394576;asciilifeform;the 'nic can dma, haha' thing evaporates.
1669705;1497394610;asciilifeform;nic sits on 2nd box, and if it gets 'magic packet', the most that enemy gains is the contents of the buffer kept there.
1669706;1497394621;asciilifeform;at any rate this is a pretty obvious scheme.
1669707;1497394654;asciilifeform;merely cumbersome. but if contemplating a return to 'msdos with bigger addr space', it is also fitting to discuss other cumbersomes.
1669708;1497394696;asciilifeform;( and any such return entails a 'from whence the drivers', for which the magic pill is... we haven't any. rs232, motherfuckers. )
1669709;1497394714;mircea_popescu;the experience with making / using the fg turns out most useful, really.
1669710;1497394733;mircea_popescu;both in terms of exposing the idiocy of the enemy in very specific terms, and in terms of providing solutions to teh problems.
1669711;1497394842;mircea_popescu;whaack stop fucking around join/parting and nicking already.
1669712;1497394859;asciilifeform;mauser first, questions later!111
1669713;1497394869;mircea_popescu;fucking lazy to op self.
1669715;1497395036;asciilifeform;incidentally, a dick^H^Hsk-less pc makes for another interesting feature, a known-starting-state.
1669716;1497395048;asciilifeform;( i had a pogo going like this for a while )
1669717;1497395078;asciilifeform;it asks 'gimme a running state plox' via the talking port on warmup. and then runs.
1669718;1497395173;asciilifeform;( i.e. disk can be a tele-operated item in exactly same way as nic. )
1669719;1497395615;asciilifeform;>> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/lBzDS/?raw=true << from the archives of asciilifeform : simple c example of The Only Driver
1669720;1497395632;asciilifeform;( worx on all known pc chipsets, incl. mircea_popescu's 286. )
1669721;1497395645;asciilifeform;tested on, e.g., 'pcengines apu1'
1669722;1497395660;asciilifeform;a number of other opterons also.
1669723;1497395667;asciilifeform;ancient intel boxes from scrapyard.
1669724;1497395686;asciilifeform;and many, many boat anchors.
1669725;1497395740;asciilifeform;^ n00bs : don't try to build an' run on a unix, it won't wurk.
1669726;1497396075;ben_vulpes;this promises to be fun
1669727;1497396128;ben_vulpes;but proposed is not to exhume dos but run an ada os thinger?
1669728;1497396176;mircea_popescu;historical dos is only a very general design model
1669729;1497396192;mircea_popescu;to illustrate teh point
1669730;1497396219;*;ben_vulpes nods
1669731;1497396219;*;mircea_popescu is not very keen for eg on "tsr" insta-kerne-patch-from-userland bs
1669732;1497396260;asciilifeform;rom kernel.
1669733;1497396278;asciilifeform;( nao if only one could actually execute anything at all from rom on modern x86 !! )
1669734;1497396286;asciilifeform;but can still write ~as if for~ rom.
1669735;1497398904;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/QCtCP/?raw=true
1669736;1497398904;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1669737;1497401275;mircea_popescu;!!up phillipsjk
1669738;1497401276;deedbot;phillipsjk voiced for 30 minutes.
1669739;1497401296;phillipsjk;changed channels, I see.
1669740;1497401325;mircea_popescu;!!key phillipsjk
1669742;1497401411;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk who might you be then ?
1669743;1497401539;phillipsjk;I am the one with the horrible resume.
1669744;1497401568;mircea_popescu;ahahaha o really ?
1669745;1497401600;phillipsjk;maybe I can find it in the logs...
1669746;1497401661;mircea_popescu;use the search!
1669747;1497401776;mircea_popescu;!#s phillipsjk
1669748;1497401776;a111;149 results for "phillipsjk", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=phillipsjk
1669750;1497401877;a111;Logged on 2015-02-06 00:00 mircea_popescu: "this is, without a doubt, the worst resume i have ever seen."
1669751;1497401936;mircea_popescu;lol. so did you fix it ?
1669752;1497401951;phillipsjk;Thought you might be interested to know that transaction fees are finally having an effect.
1669753;1497401958;phillipsjk;mircea_popescu, not yet.
1669754;1497401965;mircea_popescu;well there's time.
1669755;1497401977;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk oh they are ? thanks for letting me know!1
1669756;1497402050;mircea_popescu;at first, when i received your letter, i at once said : surely, transaction fees are having an effect.
1669757;1497402070;mircea_popescu;but then, like a doubt occured to me. what if transaction fees aren't having an effect after all ?
1669758;1497402072;phillipsjk;On june 8th, Kraken sent out an e-mail saying that Bitcoin withdrawal fees would rise to 0.0025 XBT
1669759;1497402086;mircea_popescu;but then at once i told myself -- no, transaction fees are definitely having an effect!
1669760;1497402140;phillipsjk;Then on june 10th, they sent a follow-up email, saying in part:
1669761;1497402222;phillipsjk;"Many clients have said they prefer a lower bitcoin withdrawal fee even if it  means slower transactions. Accordingly, we are now sending withdrawals together in batches to reduce cost. This allows us to reduce the bitcoin withdrawal fee to: 0.001 XBT"
1669762;1497402235;mircea_popescu;"the price of two strings tied to one can goes up to bla bla" ?
1669763;1497402237;mircea_popescu;ah i see.
1669764;1497402254;mircea_popescu;this makes exactly absolutely no sense whatsoever. fees are per byte.
1669765;1497402414;phillipsjk;Presumably transactions with many outputs are more efficient than dual input/output transactions. They may be able to eliminate an arbitrary number of round trips through their hot wallet as well.
1669766;1497402517;mircea_popescu;yeah, from 25 to 1, ie 95%
1669767;1497402572;mircea_popescu;i've been sitting here trying to recall which irrelevant scam "exchange" kraken is, can't really come up with much. was in the one the tradehills scammers made in their doomed but cheeky attempt to "come back" the usual coupla years later ? or was the one named after a pirate-era mpoe-pr post ?
1669768;1497402576;mircea_popescu;history will never know. but anyway.
1669769;1497402599;phillipsjk;I found the concept of V interesting. I worry it may have hidden fragility though. I may port it to BSD when I have time.
1669770;1497402630;phillipsjk;mircea_popescu, they bought up CAvirtex, that is why I am getting e-mail.
1669771;1497402645;mircea_popescu;well, just as soon as you can be specific re that fragility, i'm, all ears.
1669772;1497402704;phillipsjk;You model assumes that people are able to review the code. It may not scale to large code-bases.
1669773;1497402713;mircea_popescu;what large code bases ?
1669774;1497402742;phillipsjk;That may be an orthogonal problem though.
1669775;1497402783;phillipsjk;Your solution in the logs is to replace unix with DOS to avoid that problem.
1669776;1497402786;mircea_popescu;moreover, it'd seem on the first pass that the "possible hidden fragility" of disallowing "large codebases" aka piles of crap nobody's ever read is preferable to the VERY LOUDLY OBVIOUS vulnerability of running black boxes
1669777;1497402828;mircea_popescu;today's dos discussion is entirely unrelated to this.
1669778;1497402835;phillipsjk;I believe code should be proven correct, so that abstraction leakage does not bite you in the ass.
1669779;1497402856;mircea_popescu;o ? and how do you prove large code bases correct ?
1669780;1497402893;phillipsjk;You prove the interface matches the documentation. repeat all the way up the stack.
1669781;1497402905;mircea_popescu;please tell me this "proven correct" isn't just anotgher idle handwave, "let that wizard over there do it"
1669782;1497402937;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk do you have handy a graph depicting the relation between x and e^x ?
1669783;1497402979;mircea_popescu;if people can't review the code nobody's proving anything. ever.
1669784;1497403059;phillipsjk;That is why I said the concern may be orthogonal. Lost keys are a concern.
1669785;1497403080;asciilifeform;lost key ~= death
1669786;1497403084;mircea_popescu;what lost keys ?
1669787;1497403085;asciilifeform;and is as it should be.
1669788;1497403091;asciilifeform;!!up phillipsjk
1669789;1497403091;deedbot;phillipsjk voiced for 30 minutes.
1669790;1497403099;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aww i was gonna check this lost key thing
1669791;1497403107;mircea_popescu;!!gettrust deedbot phillipsjk
1669792;1497403107;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 2 connections.
1669793;1497403154;mircea_popescu;0 by 2 eh ?
1669794;1497403162;mircea_popescu;!#s "rate phillipsjk"
1669795;1497403162;a111;1 result for "\"rate phillipsjk\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22rate%20phillipsjk%22
1669797;1497403205;mircea_popescu;mmm am i doing this baxwards ?
1669798;1497403210;mircea_popescu;!!gettrust phillipsjk deedbot
1669799;1497403210;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections.
1669800;1497403222;phillipsjk;I think it would be useful to be be able to resign patches after running a computer-assisted proof checker )or just test cases) against them.
1669801;1497403227;mircea_popescu;trinque can you explain wtf this is ?
1669802;1497403230;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-05#1008139
1669803;1497403230;a111;Logged on 2015-02-05 07:37 danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.phillipsjk.-1:162b44943bc0180c83a6648fa5aaaa3cbbeb78a4506a70bcbddccf8766452878
1669804;1497403244;asciilifeform;what it is, is the bug where nonpublic ~rates are permitted.
1669805;1497403253;phillipsjk;However that may be out-of-scope for what V is supposed to do.
1669806;1497403263;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk oh, the "wizard does it" thing emerges yes ? tell you what, loading up a label maker you put a "computer" label on with "correctes check passed" labes does nothing useful for everyone.
1669807;1497403276;mircea_popescu;stop "thinking" like that, it's not thought and it's not socially acceptable in adult males, either.
1669808;1497403288;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it should still see mine.
1669809;1497403312;mircea_popescu;or wtf. /me goes to read.
1669810;1497403341;asciilifeform;http://wot.deedbot.org/EB149E5BF80C1F2D3EBE0A2FB3DE81FF7B9D5160.html << seems to work there
1669811;1497403362;mircea_popescu;oh oh oh i see, 1 from me -one from daniel ok, i got confused. sorry trinque nothing unusal here.
1669812;1497403390;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk what's keeping you from re-signing anyway ?
1669813;1497403412;phillipsjk;wizard as in wise person yes. Last estimate I saw said about 160 people are do the work world-wide (mainly for the US military). (they want to know war-only weapon modes will actually work as intended)
1669814;1497403434;mircea_popescu;no, "computer assisted proof checker" is jsut another way to say "i wave it before my cat and see if it mews".
1669815;1497403441;asciilifeform;phillipsjk: i was one of these people, for a spell, hi.
1669816;1497403441;phillipsjk;mircea_popescu, you have to re-review the code, do you not?
1669817;1497403443;trinque;!!reputation phillipsjk
1669819;1497403445;trinque;^ handy
1669820;1497403453;mircea_popescu;the "assisted" part simply signifies trhat the lazy operator intends to not do any work and still pretend like he has something to say.
1669821;1497403472;asciilifeform;phillipsjk: i hate to disappoint but : it's astrology.
1669822;1497403492;mircea_popescu;you have to READ the code. multiple times. multiple. many many times.
1669823;1497403495;mircea_popescu;HUNDREDS OF TIMES.
1669824;1497403511;asciilifeform;not to say that there isn't a handful of very narrowly useful 'proof' mechanisms -- some of them appear in, e.g., ada's Spark
1669825;1497403517;asciilifeform;but they are not a replacement for Fits In Head
1669826;1497403573;asciilifeform;and certainly not a mechanized path to 'spec guaranteed to fit the proggy'
1669827;1497403614;trinque;one sec. phillipsjk wasn't your resume about washing dishes and something volunteer pirate ?
1669828;1497403626;phillipsjk;pretty much.
1669830;1497403683;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk so how has teh interval treated you ?
1669831;1497403711;phillipsjk;well, I guess I am out for the night.
1669832;1497403727;shinohai;Those dishes won't wash themselves.
1669833;1497403730;asciilifeform;nooo, i wanna hear about how v is 'fragile'!!1
1669835;1497403737;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron do you recall why you negrated the dood ?
1669836;1497403751;phillipsjk;mircea_popescu, ran out of money for my Bitcoin node. doing back-taxes should help.
1669837;1497403756;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform give the man some toime, eh, he said might be, and so on.
1669839;1497403823;asciilifeform;twist : phillipsjk is the illustrious xiah lee
1669840;1497403838;asciilifeform;( d00d was last seen working as dish washer )
1669841;1497403852;mircea_popescu;on the internet no one knows you're a xiah lee!
1669842;1497403889;asciilifeform;err, xah lee
1669843;1497403900;mircea_popescu;phillipsjk i have nfi what that's supposed to mean, if you care. what back taxes and how does it help ?!
1669844;1497403952;phillipsjk;I make little enough money that the government tops me up a bit if I actually file.
1669846;1497403971;mircea_popescu;that... doesn't sound too happy.
1669847;1497403987;phillipsjk;even with Bitcoin appreciation
1669848;1497404014;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, bitcent > blowjob nao.
1669849;1497404868;asciilifeform;what's an ansi std. blowjob equal to ?
1669850;1497404876;asciilifeform;( iso ? )
1669851;1497406970;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform back alley girl squatting ?
1669852;1497407666;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu> danielpbarron do you recall why you negrated the dood ? << no i do not
1669853;1497407669;danielpbarron;!!v 1B5E2D36528BED0978D79E31C9C406CFC7677431A5B92E7BDD304915529A7907
1669854;1497407669;deedbot;danielpbarron unrated phillipsjk.
1669855;1497408386;mircea_popescu;meanwhile http://68.media.tumblr.com/15e339af5045b6bc9365f154377b454a/tumblr_onf1s41lRT1w30roao1_1280.jpg
1669856;1497409149;BingoBoingo; "the price of two strings tied to one can goes up to bla bla" ? << Nah, this is rising cost of tin solder driving higher price of toucans
1669857;1497409237;BingoBoingo; i've been sitting here trying to recall which irrelevant scam "exchange" kraken is, can't really come up with much. was in the one the tradehills scammers made in their doomed but cheeky attempt to "come back" the usual coupla years later ? or was the one named after a pirate-era mpoe-pr post ? << The USG created "Goxcatcher" created mostly to have a place to receive the legal effigy of MtGox
1669859;1497409274;BingoBoingo; I found the concept of V interesting. I worry it may have hidden fragility though. I may port it to BSD when I have time. << Already works on any OS with a runtime for a language V is implemented in. Can run on OS/2 Warp
1669860;1497409293;asciilifeform;speaking of, lulzy how they 'freed' karpeles so that he can help 'establish precedent' re 'we owed btc but will repay in usd per ancient exchange rate'
1669861;1497409326;mircea_popescu;hey, fatass did nothing wrong!
1669862;1497409339;asciilifeform;'only following orders'
1669863;1497409359;mircea_popescu;he can gang together with shrem and come with some "proposal"
1669864;1497409397;asciilifeform;already did, possibly. subj : https://archive.is/WnxWG
1669865;1497409410;mircea_popescu;i can't be bothered.
1669866;1497409438;mircea_popescu;whole menagerie of early losers isn't worth the kako it's printed on.
1669867;1497409467;asciilifeform;'...bitcoin claims are pegged at an exchange rate of one bitcoin to $485.50, the price the day before Gox declared bankruptcy, by order of a Japanese court. ' didjaknow.
1669868;1497409489;asciilifeform;'It’s a far cry from the man who controlled the center of the bitcoin economy just four years ago. “I’m working on quite a few projects,” he says. “But hey, got to make a living.”' didjaalsoknow.
1669869;1497409498;mircea_popescu;i had nfi japan abandoned they en
1669870;1497409502;mircea_popescu;the yen*
1669871;1497409517;mircea_popescu;controled my pubic hair jesus.
1669872;1497409532;asciilifeform;jp enmouthed the cock long, long ago
1669873;1497409554;asciilifeform;in '45.
1669874;1497409556;mircea_popescu;where i come from it's not even legal for a court to make orders re foreign currencies.
1669875;1497409671;mircea_popescu;but that technicality aside, you can fully expect a "court" of the fiat type to judge that "it's not fair" to have to repay THE THGING YOU STOLE. because "unjust enrichment" something something they're all stupid and ugly and their mothers should be ashamed of themselves.
1669876;1497409673;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai, punched it up a little for historicity's sake
1669877;1497409755;mircea_popescu;ahahaha coinbase srsly trying to pretend mp parity ? when did this happebn
1669878;1497409760;asciilifeform;eh if mr plebe gets caught stealing a doorknob from usg post office, he's in for 10k 'worth' of it plus prison
1669879;1497409799;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/coblee-and-coinbase-quit-each-other/ << Qntra - Coblee And Coinbase Quit Each Other
1669880;1497409846;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's only injust enrichment if individual gets what he was promised. when government outright steals that's just "legitimacy".
1669882;1497409870;asciilifeform;it's what 'rule of law' gargle is made of.
1669883;1497409888;BingoBoingo; phillipsjk i have nfi what that's supposed to mean, if you care. what back taxes and how does it help ?! << Generally a perk of dishwashing is that doing one's taxes means the government pays dishwasher. Very import subsidy supporting the ApplebeesMcHoulihams chemical industry.
1669884;1497409891;asciilifeform;'when WE steal, it's Legitimate, and stfu terrorist'
1669885;1497409928;BingoBoingo; hey, fatass did nothing wrong! << FAT IS WRONG!
1669886;1497409953;mircea_popescu;"rule of law" : if govt owes then http://trilema.com/2013/the-endless-story-of-korea/ ; if individual owes then he's a criminal for having had sometging in the first place!
1669887;1497409974;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo no he stood up. fathealthy.
1669888;1497410008;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaaha, if plebe has >subsistence, he must have withheld Legitimate spoils from spoils-collector. iron logic.
1669889;1497410016;asciilifeform;see also the rembrandt thread.
1669890;1497410035;BingoBoingo;I haven't seen a single Karpicturales de-karpicting from head all the way to foot on floor without scaffolding to support weight
1669891;1497410058;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform basically, there isn't at the present time one single stupidity of the soviet republic that's not implemented by the anglotard empire. not ONE thing.
1669892;1497410077;mircea_popescu;all the shit they were whining about and importantly burbling, human rights, property rights, a future, bla bla bla, ALL OF IT.
1669893;1497410121;asciilifeform;aaactually the seeds of all of this, were not merely planted but sprouted when lenin was not yet even born
1669894;1497410140;mircea_popescu;yes but as late as the 80s they were pretending they know better.
1669895;1497410168;mircea_popescu;the mothers of the current crop of useless cunts with delusions of journalism were just as their daughters, importantly neighing about "obviously" and "everyone knows" bullshit they couldn't spell.
1669896;1497410183;asciilifeform;tell the folx expropriated by usg-cum-'private'railroads ( live <10mile of new tracks ? lose land ) about 'property right' , etc
1669898;1497410202;asciilifeform;or hey why not also the plantators.
1669899;1497410203;mircea_popescu;afaik that was paid fer.
1669901;1497410218;*;mircea_popescu has nfi 
1669902;1497410238;asciilifeform;part of why usa has absolute shit rail today -- is the remembered hatred
1669903;1497410251;mircea_popescu;other than a vague awareness that it was pretty good business, buying land from usg at dollar an acre prices, then selling it back a month later to railway
1669904;1497410297;asciilifeform;'property right' was always a... flexible.. concept , in usa
1669905;1497410304;mircea_popescu;i dunno dood, the whole reason "Cowboy" was even possible at all was that chicago canneries (where all the cowboys were headed) got rail link to new york, where all the corned * got et.
1669906;1497410318;asciilifeform;well yes.
1669907;1497410328;mircea_popescu;but otherwise, hey, sons of indians.
1669908;1497410357;mircea_popescu;although contemporary notation (say, clemens) does support a very healthy, tmsr-esque understanding of property rights in eg mining booms.
1669909;1497410382;asciilifeform;usa had periodic localized bubbles of sanity
1669910;1497410394;mircea_popescu;then the preachers moved in and "cleaned" the town up.
1669911;1497410397;asciilifeform;sorta why we're sprechen englisch
1669912;1497410434;asciilifeform;preachers, 'abolitionists', various.
1669913;1497410435;mircea_popescu;remind me btw, if i ever end up ruling a new fledged us of a cca 1800, the law will be to shoot all preachers and to hang all menopausal women.
1669914;1497410450;mircea_popescu;"humanitarians" are getting the tepes treatment.
1669915;1497410540;asciilifeform;'humanitarians' may well resemble mircea_popescu's model of 'aids british'
1669916;1497410547;asciilifeform;i.e. appear where there is already a smell of gangrene
1669917;1497410556;mircea_popescu;"officious intermeddler" aka concern troll.
1669918;1497410598;mircea_popescu;by comparison to the schmuck telling a what to do for b's sake, the scammer is actually quite frequentable.
1669919;1497410642;asciilifeform;'intermeddler' is a variant of scammer neh
1669920;1497410646;mircea_popescu;hence why preachers (what to do for god's sake!) == abolitionists (what you should do for negro's sake!!) == etc.
1669921;1497410659;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the sense stupidity is a variant of laziness.
1669922;1497410667;mircea_popescu;sometimes it's just brain damage.
1669923;1497410730;mircea_popescu;amusingly, the fact that the great-grandfathers ofd today's "free" maryland blacks had it way the fuck better as slaves is somehow un-known to "scholarship".
1669924;1497410739;asciilifeform;incidentally it's not wholly , imho, nonsensical to consider a picture where 'intermeddler' is actually providing a useful service -- a sync signal, if you will.
1669925;1497410759;mircea_popescu;just like EVERY SINGLE OTHER FUCKING TIME. there is no case known to history where the officious intermeddler's schemes didn't blow up ; nor has this ever been fucking admitted to, ever.
1669926;1497410766;asciilifeform;the advocated idiocy may be just that -- but the need to cut a buncha throats, is not illusory
1669927;1497410768;asciilifeform;it is always there
1669928;1497410799;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the sense that woman has an inborn whiny tone through which it signals it's not been beaten in too long ?
1669930;1497410827;asciilifeform;it's loud, clear, you can almost tune it in with a crystal set when standing next to one!111
1669931;1497410882;asciilifeform;in asciilifeform's crackpot limonovesque hypothesis , ~societies~ also emit this squeal
1669932;1497410899;asciilifeform;'kill, pleeees kill us, by the railcar'
1669933;1497410929;asciilifeform;'we've gone too long between culls'
1669934;1497411089;asciilifeform;'we will carry on as obscenely obese, impudent swine who have never seen the knife!'
1669935;1497411170;asciilifeform;asciilifeform is not the first nor the last to observe that - e.g. su - croaked ~exactly when the last ww2 vets left public life there
1669936;1497411257;asciilifeform;and for all i know, usa began to sink when the last ww2-gen d00d checked into alzheimer home
1669937;1497411392;BingoBoingo; incidentally it's not wholly , imho, nonsensical to consider a picture where 'intermeddler' is actually providing a useful service -- a sync signal, if you will. << Downside o smoking cessation, loss of nicotine timing signal
1669938;1497412570;BingoBoingo;And it appears 21.co killed their node tracker
1669939;1497412618;mircea_popescu;was this the thing that kept pretending anyoen gives a shit abotu whatever bitcoin v 1650.2 ?
1669940;1497412679;BingoBoingo;It the "How many nodes run X software, that derp herp can our software find"
1669941;1497412851;BingoBoingo;!!up erlehmann
1669942;1497412852;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1669943;1497413095;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in spatial geometry, http://68.media.tumblr.com/6fb688cfd739d379bebd42697cc76871/tumblr_opboqorfJH1uwdmljo1_1280.jpg
1669944;1497413559;BingoBoingo;Oh my that must be some cold glass!
1669945;1497413672;BingoBoingo;Truefax https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/1930563
1669947;1497413897;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669938 >> 'Replace your public email with an inbox that pays you  Set up a 21 profile to receive paid messages from people outside your network. Keep the money, or donate it to charities like Black Girls Code. It's like LinkedIn InMail, except you get paid!'
1669948;1497413897;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 03:56 BingoBoingo: And it appears 21.co killed their node tracker
1669949;1497413902;asciilifeform;^ is what appears there nao
1669950;1497413957;BingoBoingo;Well it shouldn't have been so fat. Nao it's got butterbrain.
1669951;1497413968;asciilifeform;'oh noez, everyone on www can see that gavintron-of-the-day has ~0 nodes' 'must deleeeet!111 node viewrr'
1669952;1497414135;asciilifeform;lizard rep : 'why cantya just put in faeks'  21co gauleiter : 'oh but we always listed ip and port, folx can try and connect, so nao you gotta make at least aws sybils'  lizard : 'mno, won't do, just nuke it'
1669953;1497414224;mircea_popescu;black girls code ?!
1669954;1497414253;asciilifeform;for all asciilifeform knows, there is also 'giraffes code'
1669956;1497414279;mircea_popescu;i have never seen a african-american (which is very dubiously black, but anyway) female coding.
1669957;1497414323;asciilifeform;next : 'black code MATTERS' (tm)(r)
1669958;1497414612;erlehmann;mircea_popescu maybe that is exactly the point. making it happen, i mean.
1669959;1497414656;mircea_popescu;sorry, what's the context here ?
1669960;1497414663;mircea_popescu;!!up erlehmann
1669961;1497414663;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1669962;1497414775;erlehmann;1. person rarely sees black girls code 2. person decides this to be an injustice 3. person founds charity with intention to align world with personal sense of justice
1669963;1497414797;erlehmann;(well, that's *one* plausible story)
1669964;1497414812;asciilifeform;asciilifeform also has not seen them working arc welders. when charity for ~this~ ??
1669965;1497414820;asciilifeform;... and it pays better, typically, than programmer.
1669966;1497414824;asciilifeform;and unionized.
1669967;1497414835;asciilifeform;so when 'Black Gurlz Weld' ?
1669968;1497414841;asciilifeform;where do i send cheque ?
1669969;1497414875;erlehmann;i suspect welding might not have enough prestige to get that attention. but that's speculation.
1669970;1497414896;asciilifeform;who thinks that programmer has 'prestige' still, is smoking strong tobacco.
1669971;1497414900;mircea_popescu;erlehmann ah ah i see. well, why is person dedicated to seeing specific classes of people code ? i don't care.
1669972;1497414924;mircea_popescu;let them code if they want to, what.
1669973;1497414957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform srsly, arc welders. not to mention that unlike "coders", welding is actually skilled profession.
1669974;1497414962;erlehmann;originally i assumed that this kind of activism works like “i measured variable X, which is a proxy for injustice, let's just fix X by some means”
1669975;1497414966;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaha
1669976;1497414983;mircea_popescu;erlehmann ima make a charity for gluing all odometers to the same value, wtf.
1669977;1497415022;erlehmann;i once crowdfunded new underpants for a known troll who lost them during moving. people donated 300€.
1669979;1497415043;erlehmann;i did not donate. lesson: other people care about things i do not care about.
1669980;1497415067;mircea_popescu;either that or they're just stupid / inspired by satan.
1669981;1497415087;erlehmann;or greedy
1669982;1497415113;asciilifeform;printolade has this effect, where idiots are awash in >subsistence moneys. prick'em and they bleed it -- like ground once gushed with delicious petro without so much as proper drilling in 19th c
1669983;1497415138;mircea_popescu;after all they buy "music records" and whatnot.
1669985;1497415151;asciilifeform;and 'harry potters' etc
1669986;1497415195;mircea_popescu;erlehmann how's greedy go ? they don't get anything for the underpants subscription do they ?
1669987;1497415206;erlehmann;warm fuzzy feeling
1669988;1497415217;asciilifeform;the evaporation of the buying power of said printolade, also nuked the immune systems of the chumps,
1669989;1497415230;erlehmann;re activism, i suspected quotas work like “we found that women talk significantly less in our gatherings than men, even though they represent ⅔ of in-group. this is an injustice. let's make a rule that men can't talk more, that'll fix it”
1669990;1497415234;mircea_popescu;i suppose maybe it's a conversation piece, "pay 10 euro and get to avoid how obviously you lack anything to say for one evening"
1669991;1497415234;asciilifeform;e.g. 'this dollar here, i can buy literally NOTHING with, why not drop it on Shitstarter'
1669992;1497415258;mircea_popescu;erlehmann this sounds so fucking stupid it is probably swedish.
1669993;1497415259;asciilifeform;erlehmann: this literally happened at 'occupy wallstreet'
1669994;1497415263;asciilifeform;i watched with own eyes.
1669995;1497415263;erlehmann;my criticism regarding such stuff was that fixing the measured variable does not fix the injustice and might even create perverse incentives
1669996;1497415274;mircea_popescu;hence the odometer remark.
1669997;1497415287;asciilifeform;i mean literally. as in , as erlehmann described.
1669998;1497415300;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they really had absolutely nothing to say, did they.
1669999;1497415302;asciilifeform;i might even have it filmed, collecting dust.
1670000;1497415309;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: noshit.jpg
1670001;1497415314;mircea_popescu;just 100% "i'm here to take selfies of having been here for my fb page"
1670002;1497415316;erlehmann;asciilifeform i had such an experience in a group as well
1670003;1497415326;erlehmann;not at OWS, of course
1670004;1497415353;erlehmann;also i stopped attending the group soon after i learned about that
1670005;1497415367;mircea_popescu;erlehmann i still have nfi what can be just or injust about ELECTIVE FUCKING BEHAVIOUR.
1670006;1497415384;mircea_popescu;guess what, more black girls ride black cock than azns! THE INJUSTIwhat ?
1670007;1497415395;erlehmann;oh, people can be weird about stuff. peer pressure, etc. pp.
1670008;1497415422;erlehmann;at the conference i was at the weekend there was a workshop on anal exploration
1670009;1497415430;erlehmann;spoiler: i did not learn anything new
1670010;1497415458;erlehmann;intro was teaching people about asking potentially offensive consent questions.
1670011;1497415466;erlehmann;like, making them able to
1670012;1497415515;mircea_popescu;the what ?!
1670014;1497415534;erlehmann;i know i have no problems asking whatever, in most circumstances. EV of asking a person for sexual favors is positive in many situations.
1670015;1497415546;erlehmann;many people know this
1670016;1497415556;erlehmann;and still have problems asking (which is elective behaviour)
1670017;1497415566;erlehmann;or even saying no (which also is)
1670018;1497415567;mircea_popescu;if i were a woman, i'd be seriously put off by some dude who wanted to give me anal fissures and isntead of fucking asking me about it, recited some recipe he had found online / at some conference / whatever the fuck.
1670019;1497415602;mircea_popescu;"gee, you sound exactly like the other fifty schmucks. don't they have men where you're from ?"
1670020;1497415687;erlehmann;so for example a women came up to me and asked “can i smack your ass?”. i consented, she did just that. when i asked, if i can do the same to me, she declined. a weird moment occurred when she told me a few moments later that she only declined because she wanted to practice saying no.
1670021;1497415693;erlehmann;weirds me out
1670022;1497415699;erlehmann;apologizing for such stuff
1670023;1497415737;mircea_popescu;whole thing sounds like a retard reservation, really.
1670024;1497415739;erlehmann;it actually turns me off if people instead of saying “no” outright start to tell a story about their issues i might or might not want to hear (even if true)
1670025;1497415776;mircea_popescu;stuff should have been done in junior high, that's why it's even there.
1670026;1497415782;mircea_popescu;well, that and the multiplication table.
1670027;1497415857;erlehmann;regarding elective behaviour, peer pressure works
1670028;1497415912;erlehmann;regarding welding: https://www.arc-zone.com/blog/carmenelectrode/about/tips-for-women-in-the-welding-industry/
1670029;1497415929;erlehmann;note “It’s estimated that only 5% of welders in the U.S. are women.”
1670030;1497415936;erlehmann;implying injustice
1670031;1497415936;mircea_popescu;sounds about right
1670032;1497415961;erlehmann;but also: writer had no idea that welding was a good career option
1670033;1497415962;mircea_popescu;the % part, not the redditardesque interpretation thereof. there's nothing just or injust about % distributions of elective behaviours.
1670034;1497416001;mircea_popescu;it's actually twice as good as any collegiate bullshit of the "Criminology" ilk, in the sense that a welder can support a fucktoy, but two "college degreed" nobodies can barely afford a cat. if they scrounge.
1670035;1497416085;erlehmann;people often elect to do stupid shit because their peers do it. if a person during 1990ies looks like a member of the trenchcoat mafia on stock photos it is entirely possible that they came up with it independently. very unlikely, though.
1670036;1497416103;mircea_popescu;i do not credit this because one whit. what proof do you have to support the notion ?
1670037;1497416107;asciilifeform;plenty to go from , from welding also -- a crane operator can support 2-3 fucktoys
1670038;1497416129;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think i have a story about a plumber. supported a buncha them.
1670039;1497416134;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i have problems parsing “i do not credit this because one whit.”
1670040;1497416152;asciilifeform;aaha but i was speaking of the very threadbare usian world asciilifeform actually lives in, vs porn plumber planet
1670041;1497416156;erlehmann;why would one want to support other people if considering them fucktoys?
1670042;1497416163;mircea_popescu;erlehmann you said "people do because peers do". i do not see any grounds for the proposed causation.
1670043;1497416186;mircea_popescu;erlehmann for the fun of toying.
1670044;1497416196;erlehmann;mircea_popescu are you aware of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asch_conformity_experiments ?
1670045;1497416204;mircea_popescu;why would one support other people if they DIDNT consider them some kind of toys ?
1670046;1497416211;mircea_popescu;erlehmann i am aware, yes.
1670047;1497416225;erlehmann;i see stuff like that everywhere. might be confirmation bias, though.
1670048;1497416225;mircea_popescu;are you aware you could increase your lifespan by 5 years by becoming a woman ?
1670049;1497416236;mircea_popescu;it's not even confirmation bias. it's just inept bullshit.
1670050;1497416244;erlehmann;care to explain?
1670051;1497416253;asciilifeform;'get married, grow taller'
1670052;1497416255;mircea_popescu;yes. but first, you ever read for instance the story of the airplanes ?
1670053;1497416292;erlehmann;probably not. i have no idea what you are referring to right now.
1670054;1497416319;mircea_popescu;alright, here : http://trilema.com/2014/a-practical-exercise-for-people-who-cant-afford-airfare/
1670055;1497416345;mircea_popescu;say when you've read it and we continue the discussion of statistics, correlation, causation, proofs and so on. it's certainly a conversation worth having.
1670057;1497416844;mircea_popescu;!!up erlehmann
1670058;1497416844;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1670059;1497417120;mircea_popescu;!!gettrust deedbot erlehmann
1670060;1497417120;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections.
1670061;1497417132;mircea_popescu;erlehmann try voicing yourself, save us the hassle.
1670062;1497417469;mircea_popescu;erlehmann say !!up in pm to deedbot, then say !!v ah there you go.
1670063;1497417519;erlehmann;i just automated parts of it, that is why it took some time
1670065;1497417725;erlehmann;i read the airplane text. i like it, actually. tits-in-dirt accounting, breast-fixated fuckwits, slutty statistics – that text might fit into any queer zine for all the wrong reasons.
1670067;1497417737;mircea_popescu;ok, so now, let me ask you a question :
1670068;1497417749;erlehmann;also women of either gender!
1670069;1497417788;mircea_popescu;suppose i own a company, as i happen to. suppose this company employs one hundred widget lickers, as it doesn't. suppose one day one widget licker dies, and i advertise the open position. suppose one hundred candidates present themselves, and one is selected. suppose this happens a few times over a year, and over the years.
1670070;1497417817;mircea_popescu;would it be fair for me to go before the shareholders and say, "our company employs the top of the top in widget lickers, only the first percentile ever make it in" ?
1670072;1497417947;mircea_popescu;but you are right on the subsidiary point, trilema is essentially a queer zine for the 1%.
1670073;1497418013;erlehmann;i know this “we hire only the best” meme and would consider it dishonest, but maybe acceptable if used as idiot gauge.
1670074;1497418023;mircea_popescu;mno. specifically :
1670075;1497418044;erlehmann;failing to see the difference between “best who applied” and “best in industry” → back to logic school
1670076;1497418062;mircea_popescu;consider there are one hundred companies, just like mine. consider that whenever one of our widget licker leaves one company, another one hires him. consider that there's 99 idle fucktards who aren't qualified to drive, who also show up EVERY TIME, but are never selected.
1670077;1497418084;erlehmann;even more hilarious when companies narrow pool through “must live in SF”
1670078;1497418084;mircea_popescu;whenever you hire, you hire "one of the guys that could be hired", NOT "one of the guys that showed up under the apparent hallucinatory notion that they could be hired".
1670079;1497418105;erlehmann;i get it
1670080;1497418106;mircea_popescu;erlehmann exactly. so now, that's the source of the whole "get married - grow two inches" mockeries.
1670082;1497418179;mircea_popescu;it is also the fundament of stuff like http://trilema.com/2013/youre-the-guy-who-wasnt-good-enough-to-sling-dope/
1670083;1497418187;erlehmann;i read that already
1670084;1497418217;mircea_popescu;ie : just because lincoln destroyed the republic under the pretext of "destroying the ghetto" does not mean there's no more ghetto. slaves are slaves, men are men. the republic is in shambles, that's it.
1670085;1497418229;mircea_popescu;alright, i guess that brings us in sync then.
1670086;1497418238;mircea_popescu;now. did you want to ask something ?
1670087;1497418245;erlehmann;about the text?
1670088;1497418267;mircea_popescu;about something. originally this started by you making a comment and me asking to sync first.
1670089;1497418269;mircea_popescu;i thought.
1670090;1497418317;erlehmann;i guess were chatting about people conforming to their peers regarding elective behaviour. i think most do. if i understood you correctly, you do not share that opinion.
1670091;1497418326;mircea_popescu;i do not.
1670092;1497418362;mircea_popescu;do cells conform to their peers regarding genotype expression ?
1670093;1497418418;erlehmann;i do not feel confident enough in my knowledge about biology to be able to answer that one.
1670094;1497418443;erlehmann;mircea_popescu something like this, maybe? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28406206
1670095;1497418450;mircea_popescu;alright. if you observe a parking lot, and see there are a lot of similar tubs on wheels there, do you expect the cars conform to their neighbours ?
1670096;1497418461;erlehmann;money quote
1670097;1497418463;erlehmann;> We analysed time series of lizard scale colour dynamics over four years of their development and demonstrate that this pattern is produced by a cellular automaton (a grid of elements whose states are iterated according to a set of rules based on the states of neighbouring elements) that dynamically computes the colour states of individual mesoscopic skin scales to produce the corresponding macroscopic colour pattern.
1670098;1497418478;mircea_popescu;alright ?
1670099;1497418480;erlehmann;not sure if this can be called conforming
1670100;1497418523;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i get the car analogy. i would not ascribe agency to the car, therefore i might at best assume that car owners conform to their neighbours.
1670101;1497418536;mircea_popescu;and why would you ascribe agency to the average muppet ?
1670102;1497418549;mircea_popescu;what, if any, is the actual basis of this notion ?
1670103;1497418700;mircea_popescu;leaving the theory aside, from actual, observed practice -- the muppets don't conform to their neighbours, but are conformed to their neighbours. by the muppet owners, yes.
1670104;1497418711;erlehmann;i see where you are going with this
1670106;1497418777;mircea_popescu;and obviously this all ties directly into my blasting of the whole "Social learning" lulz on trilema and here recently, if you've been following that.
1670107;1497418895;erlehmann;well, that would be one critique for the quota/empowerment thingy (would you say “quotatron”?): a theater for persons with characteristics might end up with persons that exhibits the characteristics, without changing something about society.
1670108;1497418916;mircea_popescu;but the fundamental problem is that it, characteristically, pretends there's 0 indirection layers.
1670110;1497418944;mircea_popescu;much like google, pretending bayesian filtering over large bitfields is "artificial intelligence", much like inept dorks pretending raw notation of "observed phenomena" is science and so following.
1670111;1497418964;mircea_popescu;all the way down to the little guy, preteding raw reality vomit unfiltered and uncomprehended is "his life experience"
1670112;1497418987;mircea_popescu;and ostensibly "you couldn't understand because you haven't experienced" bla bla.
1670113;1497419002;erlehmann;regarding elective sexual behaviour, i observed people acting slutty if they know it is a) acceptable socially (i.e. their friends are doing it) b) they learn that it is possible (e.g. non-monogamy)
1670114;1497419015;mircea_popescu;and by people you mean women.
1670115;1497419021;erlehmann;so maybe there's no empowerment going on there, just a slut filter being installed
1670116;1497419043;mircea_popescu;i also observed that 9th graders all agreed sucking cock is very vulgar, only to agree four years later that only losers don't eat the penis.
1670117;1497419079;mircea_popescu;generation after generation, pattern repeats because contrary to what people thing, they don't really matter all that much.
1670118;1497419095;erlehmann;i observed differently, but my first girlfriend was probably some kind of underage succubus.
1670119;1497419100;erlehmann;i get the point
1670120;1497419126;mircea_popescu;so yeah, weak male expression will drive the females to overactive courtship.
1670121;1497419148;mircea_popescu;~the only thing "socially acceptable sluttines" signifies is small dicks.
1670122;1497419148;erlehmann;i was a wimp when i was 12.
1670123;1497419162;erlehmann;care to elaborate?
1670124;1497419167;mircea_popescu;i think everyone's a wimp when they're 12.
1670125;1497419214;erlehmann;metaphorical dicks?
1670126;1497419231;mircea_popescu;erlehmann why do you suppose afghani women don't go around topless ? is it because twitter hasn't perked up awareness enough yet ?
1670127;1497419281;erlehmann;loaded question. probably because of whoever is in power there to make the clothing rules.
1670128;1497419320;mircea_popescu;but maybe it's because http://trilema.com/2013/attention-cunt/#selection-29.0-26.2 only holds in the oregon woods, not in the afghani hillside ?
1670129;1497419355;mircea_popescu;i've yet to encounter someone who was in power in the sense of making clothing rules. consider augustus tried to get people to wear the toga.
1670130;1497419490;erlehmann;re agency: i had a talk with a syrian electrical engineer yesterday. he needed a ride and explained that mostly young people flee that conflict because every side sees them as potential fighters. that was the moment where i decided that the neo-nazi meme “they wan't our jobs and our women” ascribed way too much agency to immigrants.
1670131;1497419503;erlehmann;that conflict → syria
1670132;1497419518;mircea_popescu;well, the arab notion is that young males are ~offal.
1670133;1497419538;mircea_popescu;whereas the anglo reich notion is that young shemales are god's gift to creation.
1670134;1497419562;mircea_popescu;so there's a pretty thorny dilema, become a faggot or a fighter ? they'll despise you anwyay, and you'll lose parts you actually liked anyway, but hey.
1670135;1497419565;mircea_popescu;no country for young men.
1670136;1497419614;mircea_popescu;but no, ~nobody wants the fat ugly us/eu women.
1670137;1497419685;erlehmann;re fighter/faggot: when my grandfather was still alive, he showed me a photo from before the second world war. he was there as a young child with lots of other males.
1670138;1497419704;erlehmann;he then went on to “this one wanted to become a submariner, this one wanted to become a war hero” etc. pp.
1670139;1497419758;erlehmann;punchline: everyone else on the photo was a very dead fighter.
1670140;1497419776;erlehmann;grandfather was still alive, cowardly.
1670141;1497419787;erlehmann;i approve
1670142;1497419845;phf;asciilifeform: http://www.av8n.com/turbid/paper/turbid.htm
1670143;1497419864;erlehmann;mircea_popescu what do you consider thorny?
1670144;1497419883;phf;erlehmann: you have no honor, like a woman!
1670145;1497419901;erlehmann;phf deutsche haben sowieso keine ehre!
1670146;1497419958;phf;not an oglaf fan i see
1670147;1497419975;erlehmann;i am http://oglaf.com/honor/
1670148;1497420006;erlehmann;one of my favourites is the one with statues you can fuck
1670150;1497420171;erlehmann;worst thing on conference was drunk guy who wanted to have my contact details after i told him that his captive portal will be truly fucked soon-ish and every other stranger at the lunch table agreed.
1670151;1497420191;mircea_popescu;erlehmann what do you mean what do i consider thorny ? things that have to be approached indirectly, or else.
1670152;1497420214;erlehmann;>  so there's a pretty thorny dilema, become a faggot or a fighter ?
1670153;1497420223;erlehmann;i don't see the dilema, re syria
1670154;1497420232;mircea_popescu;why, just because you like going shopping ?
1670155;1497420235;erlehmann;either die for nothing or live in sweden
1670156;1497420247;mircea_popescu;where you die for nothing, except fat old and lonely.
1670157;1497420279;mircea_popescu;who the fuck are you to die for something, anyway.
1670158;1497420301;erlehmann;i should have been more precise, probably.
1670159;1497420344;erlehmann;i interpret choice fighter/faggot as a) fight in war, die soon b) go away, die probably much later
1670160;1497420351;mircea_popescu;you think adding the decimal points might save the credit card statement that was in the red a coupla grand by just adding the hundreds ?
1670161;1497420375;mircea_popescu;erlehmann yes, much like some priestly dude with aspirations to science interpreted "learning" to mean something nonsensical.
1670162;1497420377;erlehmann;though the syrian told me that refugees of both sexes he knows seem to have trouble finding partners in sweden
1670163;1497420385;mircea_popescu;i have no objection : when you beg the question, you get what you begged for.
1670164;1497420390;erlehmann;maybe because they are not bdsm bazillionaires (re: war)
1670165;1497420408;mircea_popescu;no, but because people tend to despise vermin.
1670166;1497420419;mircea_popescu;it's kind-of innate.
1670167;1497420439;erlehmann;surprisingly, he described sweden as very welcoming and not at all racist
1670168;1497420449;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/46E2BC3DFECF66D5EB114D753CC7C15EDCC1601F9583FFE3D74CB86158CA41A9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1108...6429 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US CT)
1670169;1497420449;mircea_popescu;right. i'm sure it is.
1670170;1497420449;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/46E2BC3DFECF66D5EB114D753CC7C15EDCC1601F9583FFE3D74CB86158CA41A9 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1324...4823 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US CT)
1670171;1497420462;mircea_popescu;i think you might've had the people/vermin division wrong.
1670172;1497420464;erlehmann;mircea_popescu not finding GF → evidence of racism!
1670173;1497420465;mircea_popescu;the swedes are the maggots.
1670174;1497420482;erlehmann;i understand completely
1670175;1497420489;mircea_popescu;they live in sweden, after all.
1670176;1497420504;erlehmann;country shaped like penis
1670177;1497420513;mircea_popescu;lol. is it ?
1670178;1497420524;erlehmann;on my keyboard, m and f are not right next to each other
1670179;1497420554;mircea_popescu;on mine neither.
1670180;1497420561;erlehmann;mircea_popescu http://i.imgur.com/hyLRDo1.jpg
1670181;1497420586;erlehmann;seems finland serves as sweden's balls
1670183;1497420613;mircea_popescu;ok, not bad. i guess i didn't spend enough time staring at that part of europe at the rightr age.
1670184;1497420815;erlehmann;i feel enlightened, but also sleepy. bye
1670187;1497420835;mircea_popescu;good night
1670188;1497420901;erlehmann;oh, i won't sleep, probably. but i have mindless work to do and i feel in the right state of mind for that.
1670189;1497420910;mircea_popescu;alright, so enjoy.
1670190;1497420956;erlehmann;my coworkers say similar things. i always answer that work does not feel enjoyable for me and programming is not fun.
1670191;1497420966;erlehmann;i am kinda glad about that
1670192;1497420968;mircea_popescu;fine, SO SUFFER
1670193;1497421016;diana_coman;erlehmann, getting a picture ready with "this one wanted to NOT HAVE FUN" ?
1670194;1497421052;diana_coman;fwiw I talked to former army pilots; they had lots of pictures of lots of males as you might imagine; the punchline was...WHAT FUN WE HAD
1670195;1497421059;diana_coman;and yes, some of them were dead
1670196;1497421062;erlehmann;i made a tripping haskell programmer smile when i was like ALGOL – NO FUN ALLOWED
1670197;1497421097;mircea_popescu;i don't think i ever met anyone i'd let into the house who was death-avoidance-oriented.
1670198;1497421101;erlehmann;diana_coman of course, the goal of war is not do die for your country, but to make the other basterd die for theirs
1670199;1497421118;erlehmann;> death-avoidance-oriented
1670205;1497421169;diana_coman;that's not even the point; one of them apparently kept being promoted/demoted in times of peace because he was a. an excellent pilot b. apparently unable to not have fun regardless of whether it's "permitted" or not
1670207;1497421204;erlehmann;i am thoroughly glad that i do not find work fun because it means i do not lose motivation when others do not have fun.
1670208;1497421214;mircea_popescu;there's a great film with cagney, about such a guy
1670209;1497421217;diana_coman;my take away from your picture story is that apparently each of those in the picture got pretty much what they wanted so...
1670210;1497421237;mircea_popescu;he's a dancer. but he also gets the visiting french president to do his bidding by showing him ww2 decorations etc
1670211;1497421244;erlehmann;diana_coman Инфа 100%
1670212;1497421248;mircea_popescu;thick 1950s us agitprop, but not bad
1670213;1497421301;erlehmann;ah, the train fills
1670214;1497421333;mircea_popescu;!~google the west point story
1670215;1497421334;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The West Point Story (1950) - IMDb: ; The West Point Story (film) - Wikipedia: ; The West Point Story (1950) - Overview - TCM.com: 
1670216;1497421344;erlehmann;mircea_popescu was the cell conforming thing ment as a metaphor only or do you have something to share on cellular automata?
1670217;1497421386;phf;it seems like a questionable move to speak for your friend's motivations like that. sort of a classic moralist move "oh these bikers who were fucking, taking drugs, and riding wild DIED YOUNG!!1"
1670218;1497421410;mircea_popescu;erlehmann there's absolutely no relation between the mathematical model of cellular automata and biological cells.
1670219;1497421599;erlehmann;have you read the paper i linked? » http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670094
1670220;1497421599;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 05:34 erlehmann: mircea_popescu something like this, maybe? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28406206
1670221;1497421617;mircea_popescu;i didn't read it no. i skimmed.
1670222;1497421703;mircea_popescu;but really, skin pigmentation in reptiles ? not really a good example. consider -- why are all liver cells liver cells
1670223;1497421711;erlehmann;what would be needed to convince you that the researchers found a correspondence between a cellular automaton on a hexagonal lattice and skin cells?
1670224;1497421726;mircea_popescu;nothing. i'm convinced of that.
1670225;1497421750;mircea_popescu;besides, one day i found a correspondence between the direction in which my dog barked and whether it was gonna rain that day.
1670227;1497421817;mircea_popescu;it's the oldest profession this, what! "bet you a dime the next person coming in the door will be female"
1670228;1497421831;mircea_popescu;it's not science, it's street urchinism.
1670229;1497421955;erlehmann;i can't follow. → sleepworking
1670230;1497443381;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670142 << this is pure gold, ty for posting, phf . it's rng-nonsense from back when folx were posting ~erudite~ nonsense, rather than the regular redditola snore
1670231;1497443381;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 05:57 phf: asciilifeform: http://www.av8n.com/turbid/paper/turbid.htm
1670232;1497443496;asciilifeform;phf: notice how the discussion of DAC artifacts omits... the clock
1670233;1497443562;asciilifeform;phf: ... or where the author elaborately justifies 'whitening'
1670234;1497443630;asciilifeform;at least in sect. 7 he admits that one oughta be able to switch it off prior to tests.
1670235;1497443648;asciilifeform;which puts him ahead of the entire 2005-present crop of derps
1670236;1497444006;asciilifeform;incidentally at one time quite a few folx, incl. some of the people here, used sound card rng
1670237;1497444036;asciilifeform;( there is an old thread where mircea_popescu mentions it; asciilifeform at one time also used )
1670238;1497444054;asciilifeform;a sound card rng is considerably better than... none at all. but this is all that can be said for it.
1670239;1497448155;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/9AZcm << meanwhile, the forkwarz folx. '...the Bitcoin industry came to an agreement in New York...' didjaknow!!
1670240;1497448287;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670140 << aaaaaand that is how we got merkel germany
1670241;1497448287;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 05:56 erlehmann: grandfather was still alive, cowardly.
1670242;1497448457;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670194 << i don't know of any su-world mil autobio that ~wasn't~ a 'what fun we had'
1670243;1497448457;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 06:17 diana_coman: fwiw I talked to former army pilots; they had lots of pictures of lots of males as you might imagine; the punchline was...WHAT FUN WE HAD
1670244;1497448467;*;asciilifeform aficionado of genre
1670245;1497448497;asciilifeform;whereas academics ( esp. -- unsuprisingly -- emigre academics ) invariably penned 'how much it sucked, how oppressed' etc
1670246;1497448572;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670195 << modern figure for su peacetime pilot attrition was, iirc, ~10%
1670247;1497448572;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 06:17 diana_coman: and yes, some of them were dead
1670248;1497448595;asciilifeform;as in, specifically splat -- not counting anybody who died of vodka, motorcycle, etc
1670249;1497448606;asciilifeform;which, i suspect, is as it should be
1670250;1497448640;asciilifeform;it was serious problem because the ~hardware~ was costly and ever in shortage -- rather than new d00dz
1670251;1497448691;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I kind of suspect the what fun vs how oppressed is a good way to tell what sort of person is talking basically
1670254;1497448739;asciilifeform;though with emigres it was somewhat complicated, some of them were (how does one even say this in english?) 'serving out their pay'
1670255;1497448813;diana_coman;I did notice some difference at old veterans of both wars - not really much talk of fun exactly but certainly not that impressed with death either
1670256;1497448845;diana_coman;and yeah, no idea re Americans exactly - my interactions were mainly with Europeans and I'd say biased towards Eastern Europe too
1670257;1497448870;*;asciilifeform also
1670258;1497448879;asciilifeform;by the time i got to usa, most of the people worth talking to, were dead.
1670259;1497448985;diana_coman;the only trouble with the emerging image of academia as "the land of how opressed" is the fact that...I knew some old real academics too; and they...had fun; also! lol
1670260;1497449089;diana_coman;so maybe more a sign of degradation rather than anything else (and yes, when I went into academia initially it was based on what I knew from those old people - the shock/unpleasant surprise was quite huge)
1670261;1497449133;diana_coman;by old people I mean born around 1920
1670262;1497451097;asciilifeform;aaaha, the ~last generation-of-people-worth-talking-to
1670263;1497451515;asciilifeform;the inescapable picture is that ww2 was the last time euro civilization's clock was wound.
1670264;1497451523;asciilifeform;and the spring's running down.
1670265;1497451897;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156 << 'die not the straw death !' (tm)(r)(odin)
1670266;1497451897;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 06:04 mircea_popescu: where you die for nothing, except fat old and lonely.
1670267;1497452085;asciilifeform;'The sluggard believes | he shall live forever, If the fight he faces not; But age shall not grant him | the gift of peace,  Though spears may spare his life.' ( havamal , bellows' translation )
1670268;1497452237;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670157 << see also >> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-19#1244654
1670269;1497452237;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 06:04 mircea_popescu: who the fuck are you to die for something, anyway.
1670270;1497452237;a111;Logged on 2015-08-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ?
1670271;1497452308;asciilifeform;!#s right to marry her dog
1670272;1497452309;a111;5 results for "right to marry her dog", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=right%20to%20marry%20her%20dog
1670273;1497452337;asciilifeform;^ winged phrase, this one, mircea_popescu
1670274;1497452431;asciilifeform;fwiw i can't picture serving in a nato army and NOT deserting and/or going to enemy at the first opportunity.
1670275;1497452457;asciilifeform;possibly is why asciilifeform is not in a nato army.
1670276;1497452482;asciilifeform;plug embrasure with yer arse, for clitler ? for soros ? srsly ?
1670277;1497452633;mircea_popescu;!!key Miezip
1670279;1497452934;shinohai;https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2017-the-ether-thief/   <<< It's a mystery! or, how to rewrite history in your favour ....
1670280;1497452950;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670238 << the history of computing is fulla this. not to mention the history of eastern europe.
1670281;1497452950;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 12:40 asciilifeform: a sound card rng is considerably better than... none at all. but this is all that can be said for it.
1670282;1497452968;mircea_popescu;shinohai good thing they figured out who satoshi was, at least.
1670283;1497453005;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670239 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-11#1668571
1670284;1497453005;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 13:49 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/9AZcm << meanwhile, the forkwarz folx. '...the Bitcoin industry came to an agreement in New York...' didjaknow!!
1670285;1497453005;a111;Logged on 2017-06-11 04:51 mircea_popescu: it'll never end, this constant stream of improved improvements, until they're literally fucking buried, the muppets, will it.
1670286;1497453016;asciilifeform;'Thousands of dreamers and schemers and developers who populate the cutting edge of computer science, most of them young, had invested in the DAO. This was real money, a quarter of a billion dollars, their money, meant to build a better version of the world, and every cent was at risk.' << gold
1670287;1497453020;mircea_popescu;maybe we should start doing this, "the united states came to an agreement" bla bla.
1670289;1497453317;mircea_popescu;"the united states has agreed during a conference in #trilema to cede florida back to spain"
1670290;1497453321;mircea_popescu;why the fuck not.
1670291;1497453329;mircea_popescu;historical justice etc.
1670292;1497453390;mircea_popescu;in fact the above agreement re the florida cession will actually do more than the even above-er "agreement" on talking-about-bitcoin-from-outside-bitcoin
1670293;1497453695;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670242 << it gets better. caragiale (possibly only romanian in the history of that political concoction to be suspectable of intelligence) praises greatly „Maior C Pruncu — Din campaniile mele (Crimeea, 1855, Algeria, 1856—57, Italia, Maroc, 1859). Tipărită la Bârlad în 1900, la tipografia George V Munteanu”
1670294;1497453695;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 13:54 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670194 << i don't know of any su-world mil autobio that ~wasn't~ a 'what fun we had'
1670295;1497453710;mircea_popescu;ie, a book from 1900 about a major's "what a great time we had" re 1850s wars.
1670296;1497453722;asciilifeform;lol why not also include anabasis.
1670297;1497453740;mircea_popescu;it was ~never different~. the male hut was this port in athens, where fun was had. the female hut was this literal hut, where they groomed and talked dumb shit.
1670298;1497453744;asciilifeform;( the mega-originator of genre!! )
1670299;1497453747;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i just did lol.
1670300;1497453765;mircea_popescu;i'm just saying -- this is universally and without exception true, in all cultures, times and places.
1670301;1497453951;mircea_popescu;anyway, the point being that "man's greatest possible as well as actual aspiration is to wait upon some dumb cunt and the miserable maggots that crawl out of her cunt with some regularity" was never in history socially acceptable or socially accepted. it became the norm post ww2 not for any reason than because it is a prerequisite (among many other) for stacking pseudo-people like sardines.
1670302;1497453969;mircea_popescu;the 1850s major and his ilk WOULDNT HAVE FIT in the baby boomer producing cheap housing.
1670303;1497453980;asciilifeform;hey even asciilifeform barely fits
1670305;1497454009;*;asciilifeform occupies entire 'standard american' house and has it at this point mostly packed like nazi sub
1670306;1497454067;mircea_popescu;and the whole story of "oh, 1800 style squalor and poverty and five points erradicated!!! great ourdemocracy progress!!!" is really just very caked on masking upon the base fact that "we redirected all resources away from fun, so that now there's nothing to do but wait to die a la http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156
1670307;1497454067;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 06:04 mircea_popescu: where you die for nothing, except fat old and lonely.
1670308;1497454071;asciilifeform;the 1850s d00d probably would barf before even entering sorry hovel : 'where is the pasture ? whaddayamean quarter acre of shitmud ? '
1670309;1497454156;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and the funhny thing is, baby boomer producing cheap housing is ~what obama gets today
1670310;1497454164;mircea_popescu;ie, GREAT GRAND LUXURY!
1670311;1497454179;asciilifeform;i thought he bought an 'old money' 19th c thing
1670312;1497454185;asciilifeform;but i did not go an' see, no
1670313;1497454187;mircea_popescu;"bitch, we've come so very far, your socialism and me, that now i gotta be president to get the house a returning midshipman'd have got"
1670314;1497454246;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-08#969958 see also.
1670315;1497454246;a111;Logged on 2015-01-08 14:06 cazalla: it all shrinks, i grew up visiting my opa's backyard on the weekends, spending week days in my own parent's smaller backyard, what do i have for my own son? next to fucking nothing, no-one has kids, no-one has familiies, no-one can afford shit, land of opportunity my fucking ass
1670316;1497454259;asciilifeform;see also also, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-07#1265005
1670317;1497454259;a111;Logged on 2015-09-07 04:00 mircea_popescu: in the 50s a bank CLERK lived in roughly what alf thinks palatial.
1670318;1497454295;mircea_popescu;it's an important exercise, for the "land of the free home of the brave" soviet union citizen 2.0, to review the 1950s movies, and implicitly what things looked like.
1670319;1497454308;asciilifeform;sorta why they quasi-banned them
1670320;1497454311;asciilifeform;the old films.
1670321;1497454313;mircea_popescu;which is i suppose why they don't./
1670322;1497454315;asciilifeform;esp. the pre-1940s ones
1670323;1497454370;mircea_popescu;what, like bette davis stuff ?
1670324;1497454385;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-08#969953 <<< bweahaha 2015
1670325;1497454385;a111;Logged on 2015-01-08 14:02 mike_c: there's another 14 btc for bitbet investors.  maybe this bet will spark a rally in the stock.
1670326;1497454394;asciilifeform;the ones where ~anyone worth the mention has 'hired help', etc
1670327;1497454423;mircea_popescu;mm ?
1670328;1497454475;asciilifeform;general idea : the 'packed sardine herders' want the old world -- forgotten. the one that built the flat asciilifeform grew up in -- built 1907, 4 metre ceilings
1670329;1497454494;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670249 << i tell you, if i was airforce command, i'd throw a hissy fit, and not rest, nor let anyone sleep, until it was less than 1%
1670330;1497454494;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 13:56 asciilifeform: which, i suspect, is as it should be
1670331;1497454495;asciilifeform;with frescoed chandelies.
1670333;1497454508;mircea_popescu;if you ever played heroes you know you CANT FUCKING LOSE TEN PERCENT OMFG YOU ARE ALL FIRED WITH STICKS
1670334;1497454508;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no can do with su iron
1670335;1497454517;mircea_popescu;will fucking do it.
1670336;1497454540;asciilifeform;part of what did it was the reluctance to catapult
1670337;1497454550;asciilifeform;tradition was that a man ought not unless so ordered.
1670338;1497454557;asciilifeform;often not ordered quite in time.
1670339;1497454561;asciilifeform;(because how)
1670340;1497454567;mircea_popescu;dude, i'm sleeping i nthe factory, it's not gonna be 10%
1670341;1497454678;asciilifeform;i suspect that you can choose b/w 'realistic training conditions' ( e.g. worst weather, iced runways, live fire, overrevving, overceilinging, spins ) and everybody-lives
1670343;1497454698;asciilifeform;prolly dun have to lose 10%, but with su iron -- is what they lost.
1670344;1497454726;mircea_popescu;not everybody though.
1670345;1497454750;mircea_popescu;just, if you're gonna get rid of them, shoot them while fucking cadets wtf.
1670346;1497454762;mircea_popescu;i'm not spending flight hours on horsemeat.
1670347;1497454766;asciilifeform;they very often sacked cadets.
1670348;1497454774;asciilifeform;something like 70-80%
1670350;1497454921;asciilifeform;http://militera.lib.ru/bio/reshetnikov_vv2/index.html << mega-b00k on subj.
1670351;1497454928;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670259 << famously, gah!
1670352;1497454928;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 14:03 diana_coman: the only trouble with the emerging image of academia as "the land of how opressed" is the fact that...I knew some old real academics too; and they...had fun; also! lol
1670353;1497454952;mircea_popescu;so i was gonna quote this story with my grandfather regretting the time of stalin, except apparently it;'s not in the log ? and there's even attempts to find the shit, like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-15#1433159
1670354;1497454952;a111;Logged on 2016-03-15 02:00 mircea_popescu: !s "we were younger then"
1670355;1497454977;mircea_popescu;but the idea being, dude went from romania to odessa and then to tatra mountains. and then came back and was uni professor.
1670356;1497454985;mircea_popescu;veterans can be academics too!
1670357;1497454993;mircea_popescu;in fact, anyone can. and horses, senators.
1670358;1497454994;asciilifeform;e.g. asciilifeform's grandfather
1670359;1497454999;asciilifeform;( not famous )
1670360;1497455000;mircea_popescu;there's no bar of entry to the derpy professions.
1670361;1497455013;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, pushing a point, famous because i recounted it
1670362;1497455210;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670273 why thankee.
1670363;1497455210;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 14:58 asciilifeform: ^ winged phrase, this one, mircea_popescu
1670364;1497455274;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670275 << possibly why the last time "nato army" even existed as such was mid-early 1990s. today it's entirely a parade & "technical support and training" affair.
1670365;1497455274;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 15:00 asciilifeform: possibly is why asciilifeform is not in a nato army.
1670366;1497455288;asciilifeform;oh hm earlier meant to link to https://profilib.com/chtenie/24163/valeriy-grigorev-obrecheny-na-podvig-kniga-pervaya.php -- b00k re ~peacetime~ aviators, with almost same title (though the other is more well known, this was specific to thread)
1670367;1497455324;mircea_popescu;also is why asciilifeform is not in nsa :D
1670368;1497455354;asciilifeform;lol, could have been , at one point was starving and volunteered
1670369;1497455371;asciilifeform;( see old thread )
1670371;1497455605;asciilifeform;asciilifeform, like ~all of the other boys he knew, wanted nothing more than to be in red army, ideally circa 1942 or so
1670372;1497455613;mircea_popescu;o, really ?
1670373;1497455615;mircea_popescu;i didn't.
1670375;1497455623;mircea_popescu;lol why ?
1670376;1497455641;asciilifeform;well mircea_popescu's 1942 was a little different neh
1670377;1497455649;mircea_popescu;later, as a young man i mean, they begged me to go, but i couldn't be arsed.
1670378;1497455658;mircea_popescu;different than what ?
1670379;1497455666;asciilifeform;than asciilifeform's
1670380;1497455674;mircea_popescu;i dunno. how was it different ?
1670381;1497455708;asciilifeform;in the sense where it was the beginning of 50 yrs of su yoke
1670382;1497455714;asciilifeform;for mircea_popesculandia
1670383;1497455743;mircea_popescu;eh, listen, the practice and the ideological theory dun work so well in practice. for one thing, dja know the caer rules were adjusted basically to accomodate...romania ?
1670384;1497455759;mircea_popescu;no fucking eu law was ever modified in the same manner.
1670385;1497455811;mircea_popescu;otherwise, militarily, ceausescu opposed the invasion of czechoslovakia, basescu opposed thje invasion of serbia, 0 diff.
1670386;1497455908;mircea_popescu;and otherwise, moscow got bombed, iassy got bombed, whatever, ww2 in europe.
1670388;1497455957;mircea_popescu;teh russkis stole all the u-rich quartz and the muricans stole all teh wood.
1670389;1497455964;mircea_popescu;really i dun see teh difference.
1670390;1497455994;mircea_popescu;at least the russians used it to make bombs. these fucktards grind perfectly fine pine down to mix it with glue and make their stupid paper wasp nests, it's gross on top of being stupid.
1670391;1497456893;trinque;http://archive.is/dLlaV << gunman shot up some soi disant republicans
1670392;1497456961;shinohai;!~ticker --market all
1670393;1497456968;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2545.18, vol: 20943.24354882 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2554.66, vol: 7050.59913 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2455.0, vol: 28753.44948263 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2752.64, vol: 11607.26100000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2561.0, vol: 9226.5424327 | Volume-weighted last average: 2545.53910647
1670394;1497456986;trinque;50 to 100 shots fired... "several" hit. lol? guy was a star wars fan or something?
1670395;1497457150;trinque;shinohai: pls halp. I maxed my cards out at 3k
1670396;1497457548;asciilifeform;from same rag, 'Uber Technologies Inc director David Bonderman said on Tuesday that he has resigned from the company's board following a remark he made during an Uber staff meeting that was widely seen as offensive to women.  "There's a lot of data that shows when there's one woman on the board, it's much more likely that there will be a second woman on the board," Huffington said. In response, Bonderman said: "Actually, what it show
1670397;1497457548;asciilifeform;s is that it's much more likely to be more talking." Bonderman, who is a founder of private equity firm TPG Capital, an Uber investor, shortly after wrote an email to Uber staff to apologize. In his resignation statement that followed on Tuesday evening, Bonderman reiterated his regret...'
1670398;1497457615;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/RFrcx )
1670399;1497457690;trinque;recalling the thread with diana_coman the other day, this'd be the difference between competent women finding places of authority and female culture saturating social arrangements.
1670400;1497457713;asciilifeform;the competent folx, you will generally never hear about, unless firsthand
1670401;1497457737;asciilifeform;the talkers -- will hear, see, read on front page of völkischer beobachter..
1670403;1497457924;mircea_popescu;trinque very aptly put
1670404;1497457943;asciilifeform;"several" hit << notice, 0 corpses. psyop.
1670405;1497457953;asciilifeform;well, 1 corpse, the trigger man
1670406;1497457959;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2017/fucking-goats/ << Daniel P. Barron - Fucking Goats
1670407;1497457974;asciilifeform;oh hey
1670408;1497457994;asciilifeform;neato danielpbarron !
1670409;1497458205;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: http://nosuchlabs.com updated with link to your piece.
1670411;1497458632;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: re /dev/random, see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669632
1670412;1497458632;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 21:27 jurov: asciilifeform: sorry to be shitharbinger, just writing to /dev/random is not enough https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/141197/why-writing-to-dev-random-does-not-make-parallel-reading-from-dev-random-faste
1670413;1497458673;asciilifeform;( linux malignantly does The Wrong Thing here )
1670414;1497458691;mircea_popescu;it is for to protect teh chitlins.
1670415;1497463487;BingoBoingo;OMG, WILL TRUMP OCCUPY BELLEVILLE?
1670416;1497463776;BingoBoingo; 50 to 100 shots fired... "several" hit. lol? guy was a star wars fan or something? << Terrorist from Belleville aka East-East St Louis. Write up incoming
1670417;1497463794;mircea_popescu;he had to destroy the village to save the village
1670418;1497463820;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670230 << it is the kind of nonsense either one of us could've written in younger years, so yeah, old school.
1670419;1497463820;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 12:29 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670142 << this is pure gold, ty for posting, phf . it's rng-nonsense from back when folx were posting ~erudite~ nonsense, rather than the regular redditola snore
1670420;1497463847;BingoBoingo; "several" hit << notice, 0 corpses. psyop. << Notorious local crank
1670421;1497463910;phf;including the intentionally omitting parts not from malice, but from not exploring it enough in hopes that it somehow holds true
1670422;1497464318;mircea_popescu;ah, youff.
1670423;1497464472;asciilifeform;phf: and by dac i meant of cource adc, lol
1670424;1497464494;asciilifeform;( think of adc sampling artifacts as similar to the pixel moire you see when old vhs camera filmed room with crt display.. )
1670425;1497464586;asciilifeform;phf: 'not exploring it enough in hopes that it somehow holds true' is in fact the essence of bad rngology
1670426;1497464593;asciilifeform;'whitening' and all the other sins, flow from it
1670427;1497464602;asciilifeform;of 'symmetric ciphers' also ('i cannot break, therefore strong!!')
1670428;1497464618;mircea_popescu;"i cannot bed, therefore whore"
1670429;1497464644;asciilifeform;'i dun seem to get off the ground by flapping arms, thereby flight is impossible for man'
1670430;1497464663;mircea_popescu;"i never had anything to say worth 4mb, therefore should be enough for all trilemas"
1670431;1497464764;asciilifeform;re whitening, it might be interesting to apply 'dragonfly fpga' to 'distinguish sha'd bitstream from nonsha'd'
1670432;1497464766;mircea_popescu;o wait, i got the best one
1670433;1497464788;mircea_popescu;"people are fundamentally good, and there's a spark of essential human-ness in everyone"
1670435;1497465440;asciilifeform;in other veryveryolds, https://archive.is/PQIyo << moar re the 'altalena affair' , for aficionados
1670436;1497465465;asciilifeform;'The elected Zionist leadership under David Ben-Gurion detested the two "dissident" groups. First, because they prevented it from conducting the policy it considered right. Every time a compromise with the British authorities was under discussion, they undertook some spectacular action against the British, such as the blowing up of the British headquarters in the King David hotel, the murder of Lord Moyne or the hanging of two Britis
1670437;1497465465;asciilifeform;h sergeants. Second, the dissidents threatened the leadership’s authority. Third, the leadership was leftist, while the Irgun was on the extreme right. (The ideology of the Sternists is harder to define.)'
1670438;1497465494;asciilifeform;'oh noez, accursed partizans, every time we sit down to vichyate, they piss on the parade!'
1670439;1497465522;mircea_popescu;basically, ~rhodesia, except colors switched
1670440;1497465533;mircea_popescu;the commies were in power and the actual humans trying to get them out
1670442;1497465627;mircea_popescu;should have hung gurion, actually.
1670443;1497465635;mircea_popescu;i have nfi why right wing is always so conflict-averse.
1670444;1497465645;asciilifeform;d00d was the authorized-muppet of internationalkomyoonity.
1670445;1497465649;mircea_popescu;so ?
1670446;1497465661;mircea_popescu;fucking hang him
1670447;1497465680;mircea_popescu;and generally, the "do the one thing which would make the the femwailers wail worst" is a fine heuristic
1670448;1497465691;asciilifeform;and would have hanged, but for the sorry bastard, m. begin, who shat his pants (or, alternate, turned coat)
1670449;1497465692;mircea_popescu;strictly better than anything a "trained strategist" might come up with
1670450;1497465708;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, there's just this dumbass "respectability" on the right.
1670451;1497465727;mircea_popescu;"it wouldn't do to hang some shithead as loved as ben gurion"
1670452;1497465739;mircea_popescu;dude... #1, that's primo reason to hang him, and #2, who the fuck loved him ?
1670453;1497465744;mircea_popescu;not your friends, was it.
1670454;1497465746;asciilifeform;the other quislings, who else.
1670456;1497465751;asciilifeform;who loves a quisling.
1670457;1497465756;mircea_popescu;"Gavin is so popular" bla bla.
1670458;1497465758;asciilifeform;author of the article, incidentally
1670460;1497465767;asciilifeform;'The elimination of our armed underground was possible only because the vast majority of the Israeli population understood that with the establishment of the state the national aim had been attained, and the actions of the armed groups could only endanger that achievement.' didjaknow.
1670461;1497465782;mircea_popescu;oh hey, how's the stealing the having stolen work ?
1670462;1497465793;asciilifeform;lenin's rm -rf of mahno comes to mind.
1670463;1497465817;mircea_popescu;this incidentally was purely byzantine invention
1670464;1497465830;asciilifeform;shooting ex-ally in the back ?
1670465;1497465840;asciilifeform;probably as old as opposable thumbs
1670466;1497465846;mircea_popescu;"there's this legion of angels, which are just you know, bestest better people (and without dicks) waiting rightr behind that hill behind me so you'd better not attack!"
1670467;1497465859;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, the faux consensus of astroturf
1670469;1497465892;mircea_popescu;"first, i created some imaginary friends because i was lonely, and then i started going around pretending ourdemocracy and elected official"
1670470;1497465996;asciilifeform;'Ben-Gurion publicly praised the "holy canon" that sank it.'
1670471;1497466023;mircea_popescu;well obviously. the lefty UNDERSTANDS the above point re outrage.
1670472;1497466495;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/leftist-terrorist-from-belleville-attacks-gop-baseball-team/ << Qntra - Leftist Terrorist From Belleville Attacks GOP Baseball Team
1670473;1497466541;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/2g1pJ << kook's (seemingly incomplete) letters to the editor https://archive.is/2g1pJ
1670474;1497466650;asciilifeform;betcha pantsuit-congress can't wait to put various things to vote, what with the +1 ( 2? 3? ) advantage.
1670475;1497466684;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well congress critter apparently is alive
1670476;1497466709;asciilifeform;for nao
1670477;1497466755;BingoBoingo;Shooter dead, legit appearing kook radicalized by fake nooze
1670478;1497466788;BingoBoingo;Really Trump needs to do a military response to the Belleville problem
1670479;1497466818;asciilifeform;'We need to bring our country out of today’s recession by raising the number of tax brackets from six to 20 or more and the top marginal rate of 35 percent on $380,000 to 60 percent on $20 million or more. In 1938 we had 33 brackets from 4 percent for most of the country to 79 percent for income over $79 million.' lullz
1670480;1497466868;asciilifeform;'I would wish all people under an annual income of $1 million to get behind the 99 percent, and back the push for tax reform. My motto is: “Tax em like 1938.”'
1670481;1497466940;BingoBoingo;Belleville's where all the white people from East StL did their flight to in the 1950's but now their children and grandchildren would rather be food in their growning Lafond-Land than flee and be racis again.
1670482;1497467069;asciilifeform;from same rag, https://archive.is/WAJ1b >> 'Reaction was fast and sometimes furious on James T. Hodgkinson’s Facebook page Wednesday morning before the page was removed by Facebook. The man may have had a second Facebook account, which was also missing by noon Wednesday.'
1670483;1497467090;asciilifeform;^ they zapped some ~other~ similar-named schmuck's acct for good measure
1670484;1497467096;asciilifeform;a la mircea_popescu-and-fetlife
1670485;1497467104;asciilifeform;pure gold.
1670486;1497467139;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/0Ln3X << from also same rag, '...was told to stop shooting in the woods near his home... In 2009 he was charged by Belleville with failing to obtain an electrical contractor license or electrical permit before performing work...'
1670487;1497467177;asciilifeform;^ ohnoez, TERRORIST, didn't respond CORRECTLY to being enpederasted -- instead of drinking to death, ohnoez, went to take a lizard or two with him to grave
1670488;1497467403;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform check it out, the empire of the poor! GETS BEHIND!
1670489;1497467446;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sounds rather joe stack-ish all this dunnit.
1670490;1497467453;asciilifeform;more or less.
1670491;1497467528;BingoBoingo;Mebbe he should have considered sucking less and not living in that shithole? Belleville is surrounded by numerous perfectly fine places that are better by virtue of not being Belleville
1670492;1497467550;mircea_popescu;weird old guys have this "my porch, bitch" attitude
1670493;1497467557;BingoBoingo;"OMG DOCTOR IT HURTZ" "STAHP DOIN THAT THEN!!!"
1670494;1497467559;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in usa, especially, where they 'own' houses
1670495;1497467581;asciilifeform;y'know, just like every serf who ever lived
1670496;1497467587;asciilifeform;'my land'
1670497;1497467599;mircea_popescu;nah, it's an ancient thing. roman army veteran, or genoese trader, would one day decide to hang up them caligulas, buy a plot of land, a girl or two, and settle down there.
1670498;1497467613;asciilifeform;sorta how biology of aging worx
1670499;1497467623;mircea_popescu;the locals trying to thieve as much as possible out of this bounty is then what created commedia delle arte and the ~entire euro tradsition.
1670500;1497467656;mircea_popescu;(NOT "christianity", as socialist fucktards trying to steal the having stolen always mendaciously pretend()
1670501;1497467685;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite.
1670502;1497467700;asciilifeform;the down side, as they'll find, to having stolen-the-havingbeenstolenfrom, is that the victim can suddenly take it back. pull it straight from the aether, from the arse.
1670503;1497467703;mircea_popescu;also sorta why any social organisation where young women aren't in sale and in bulk will fail.
1670504;1497467723;mircea_popescu;the deep reason arabs are threat to europe not other way around is to be found in that comment re girlies and shops in cairo i made years ago
1670505;1497467763;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no but they "raise awareness" other places to protect from this
1670506;1497467797;mircea_popescu;if white people discuss black chicks coding, they're not going to discuss http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669923
1670507;1497467797;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 03:25 mircea_popescu: amusingly, the fact that the great-grandfathers ofd today's "free" maryland blacks had it way the fuck better as slaves is somehow un-known to "scholarship".
1670508;1497467811;asciilifeform;sorta the entire scheme.
1670510;1497467833;asciilifeform;incidentally item : next to iraq (yes!) embassy in washington, there was an old church
1670511;1497467841;asciilifeform;burned in 1970s blackriots
1670512;1497467848;asciilifeform;it was glassed in and preserved as memorial
1670513;1497467859;asciilifeform;well, i walked not so long ago there, and noticed the wrecking crew,
1670514;1497467870;asciilifeform;it is to be replaced with glass brutalist monster thing, soon.
1670515;1497467871;mircea_popescu;"time immemorial" yes ? :D
1670517;1497467889;asciilifeform;'hey idea, we'll rm -rf / the tombs, folx will forget the murders'
1670518;1497467900;asciilifeform;filed with the statues of texas etc
1670519;1497467901;mircea_popescu;the new soviet architecture is HORRIBLE btw. wtf is all the shit they built.
1670520;1497467905;asciilifeform;all looks same.
1670521;1497467908;mircea_popescu;i recently saw ny pics girl took, OMFG
1670522;1497467914;mircea_popescu;that town turned into ulaan baator.
1670523;1497467934;mircea_popescu;1 police plaza, seriously ?!
1670524;1497467938;asciilifeform;hey, same people as built gigantic latrine pit thing instead of the skyscraper
1670527;1497467961;asciilifeform;it's a deliberate fuckyou to the sane.
1670528;1497467968;asciilifeform;~100% of what they build, consists of this
1670529;1497467978;asciilifeform;'fuckyou and guesswat you'll shuddup, terrorist, and eat it'
1670530;1497467987;mircea_popescu;it's too ugly to build.
1670531;1497468003;asciilifeform;it is 'built' like a pig 'builds' his shit
1670532;1497468017;mircea_popescu;on the basis of what usg builds, i would say one could definitively conclude no government should ever have any money.
1670533;1497468141;asciilifeform;the burned church was a very uncharacteristic monument for washington -- had little grove of bushes, trees, smelled great in the springtime, little 'celtic labyrinth' thing , sign, 'sit here and think..' etc
1670534;1497468162;asciilifeform;0 tourists, ~0 bomzhes, birds singing.
1670535;1497468181;asciilifeform;it gave impression of 'ice cube in the desert'
1670536;1497468190;asciilifeform;the only surprise is that it took so long as it did to melt away.
1670537;1497468207;mircea_popescu;i guesss so huh
1670538;1497468208;phf;the trick is to contrast the worst of black lives of the past with the best of the privileged lives of today. today everyone's equal by decree, so if you're not equal it's crime and travesty and someone ought to be punished
1670539;1497468242;asciilifeform;phf: aaaha, but also gotta punish white clerk, and for some reason never soros
1670540;1497468244;mircea_popescu;yet phf no black in the south had it as terribly as the black "free" workers in the north.
1670541;1497468256;mircea_popescu;seeing how you know, the former being chattels had a market value.
1670542;1497468351;mircea_popescu;but hey, whatever, clinton was gonna give them fifty acres and a mule
1670543;1497468366;shinohai;Domestic terrorism trifects in play >>> http://archive.is/PeVxZ
1670544;1497468369;asciilifeform;40 lol
1670545;1497468371;mircea_popescu;and i urge everyone without any acres or mules to get behind this plan
1670547;1497468386;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform inflation.
1670548;1497468387;asciilifeform;for piglet!!!
1670549;1497468417;asciilifeform;'The construction worker said he also saw people on the roof with their hands up, letting police know they were unarmed.'
1670551;1497468462;mircea_popescu;by now a fine way to get shot by "law enforcement" "responding" to "a situaiton" is to act like normal human being rather than the pond scum ustards are.
1670552;1497468503;asciilifeform;if yer white, they'll shoot, aha, and it will be printed in 0 newsrags and win 0 lawsuits
1670553;1497468513;asciilifeform;and 0 public whining countenanced.
1670554;1497468627;mircea_popescu;maybe black lives matter, cuz white lives sure don't.
1670555;1497468697;mircea_popescu;but anyway, "the suspect had his hands in his pockets and was whistling a tune, so of course the officer shot him. because that's what officers do, in this alt-nightmare we've built"
1670556;1497468715;asciilifeform;aha, could have a schmeisser in that ther pocket
1670557;1497468736;asciilifeform;and disobeyed orders to show ausweis
1670558;1497468746;asciilifeform;so naturally bandit, shot
1670559;1497468748;mircea_popescu;but in fairness, i still've not recovered from the whole kindergarten game ustards apparently play at airports, where the genossen lehrerin yells "freeze" and everyone does.
1670560;1497468761;mircea_popescu;totally such a land of opportunity, to get to play all the kindergarten games as adults.
1670561;1497468772;mircea_popescu;maybe practice saying no a little, interspersed, it's a wunderbar world.
1670562;1497468778;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine why anyoner'd ever want to fucking leave.
1670563;1497468783;asciilifeform;we already established that these folx never properly graduate from kindergarten.
1670565;1497468967;danielpbarron;i went to the NYC marthathon a few years ago and they had people lined up to get their bags checked on the way in -- i walked past all that right up to the guy with the magic wand, he waves it around me and lets me in. In my unsearched backpack was a half gallon stainless steel jug of water
1670566;1497468971;mircea_popescu;and re soros, gotta say i kinda like the man. if for naught else, the humiliating bank of england thing
1670567;1497468995;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: recall the story with mircea_popescu's '45
1670568;1497469002;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron yes, obviously. and in the nazi germany, gestapo had to stop taking calls from people because no clerks.
1670569;1497469035;mircea_popescu;whole thing is based on the ustards, not imposed upon them
1670570;1497469095;asciilifeform;there is ratio of who-based-on / on-whom-imposed
1670571;1497469196;mircea_popescu;how do you mean ?
1670572;1497469231;asciilifeform;solitary 'partizan' who rebels by 'not freeze' when asked by genossen lehrerin , or takes pot shot at the mayor, or goes to oregon and whatever it was, is not a counterweight to the pantsuits -- but rather the evening's entertainment
1670573;1497469263;asciilifeform;e.g. subj of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670391 .
1670574;1497469263;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 16:14 trinque: http://archive.is/dLlaV << gunman shot up some soi disant republicans
1670576;1497469340;mircea_popescu;certainly there is no way to inspire the pigs on a pig farm to rebel. you can hold whatever signs / do whatever dances
1670577;1497469344;mircea_popescu;they're where they belong.
1670578;1497470924;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: theoretically can get pigs to stampede, however.
1670579;1497470934;mircea_popescu;very theoretically
1670580;1497471074;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: the checkpoints people now have new ritual, which eats even moar time, slower queues, 'turn on the lappy'
1670581;1497471097;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: as if it were somehow impossible to replace every ~other~ cell in the battery with dynamite
1670582;1497471125;danielpbarron;just checking that it powers on, or what would they do if it booted something that wasn't windows?
1670583;1497471128;mircea_popescu;they wouldfn't think to do that
1670584;1497471131;mircea_popescu;therefore safe!\
1670585;1497471139;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: nobody cares , afaik, what it boots into
1670586;1497471148;asciilifeform;just that 'hey , powers on, so won't explode' ( somehow )
1670587;1497471159;asciilifeform;and woe be unto whoever has dead battery...
1670588;1497471270;asciilifeform;incidentally now this spectacle is seen not only in airport, but at sport matches, theatre, whatever large public event
1670589;1497471286;mircea_popescu;socialism never stays contained
1670590;1497471292;asciilifeform;why would it, lol
1670591;1497471304;asciilifeform;'big enough', said no tumour ever
1670592;1497472219;asciilifeform;in very other lulzies,  http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-07#1666814 >>>> https://github.com/c0d3z3r0/sudo-CVE-2017-1000367 ( https://archive.is/Peesh , https://archive.is/ObzrA )
1670593;1497472219;a111;Logged on 2017-06-07 16:50 asciilifeform always wondered what somebody gotta have in his crankcase instead of brains, to run selinux
1670594;1497480018;shinohai;https://twitter.com/WeRateBitcoiner   "We are the last bastion of centralized reputation." Why? Because we said so!
1670595;1497480233;*;asciilifeform recognized the mugs of gavin and karpeles, but who the fuck are the rest ?
1670596;1497480244;asciilifeform;szabo is in there. i had nfi he had a face
1670598;1497480413;shinohai;Dr. Craig Wright "An honest man. 11/10"
1670600;1497480427;shinohai;That's science right there.
1670601;1497480429;mircea_popescu;szabo ?!
1670602;1497480469;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, he can't be this fucking stupid
1670603;1497480499;asciilifeform;easily - http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-16#1657231
1670604;1497480499;a111;Logged on 2017-05-16 22:04 mircea_popescu: there is no difference in this sense between nubbins, an idle idiot, and nanotube, a respectable professor. scammers known like theymos and lukejr, supposedly honest idiots like szabo, agents known like gavin or unknown like whatever others have this much in commom -- the call was made, and they strayed.
1670607;1497480525;a111;Logged on 2016-01-08 12:00 asciilifeform: 'Is was Wednesday, March 26, 2014. It was a cold winter outside, but not inside an old building of the Princeton university campus. The room, full of people, was warm. I was standing in front of some of the brightest minds in Bitcoin: Andresen, Bonneau, Eyal, Maxwell, Miller, Gün Sirer, Szabo, Todd and Zooko, to name only a few. My talk was about “SPV Mining”...'
1670608;1497480600;shinohai;Heh I'm blocked on twitter from like 98% of the people on this list lol
1670610;1497480653;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and to think, none of those people were in bitcoin.
1670611;1497480675;mircea_popescu;this is like those old comintern photos.
1670612;1497480700;mircea_popescu;"pick the subdouble agent"
1670614;1497483361;shinohai;Will this be the "incident" that completes todays shooting trifecta? Stay tuned! http://archive.is/66Ghe
1670615;1497486733;asciilifeform;shinohai: false alarm, supposedly
1670617;1497487465;asciilifeform;in other, wholly unrelated martian wtf, http://marina.dreamwidth.org/1492934.html
1670618;1497488002;shinohai;http://archive.is/O7azT  How convenient!
1670619;1497488208;asciilifeform;shinohai: lol, somehow i thought this already existed
1670620;1497488286;shinohai;I was surprised it didn't myself, but guess they had to beat other "cloud storage" providers to punch.
1670622;1497489525;asciilifeform;moar martian material, https://archive.is/fE3tZ
1670623;1497490843;asciilifeform;but now for something compleeetli different!! >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sp6ePKe6iI >> greatest imho , i shit thee not, cinematic masterpiece of our time...
1670624;1497490849;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ might especially appreciate.
1670625;1497490950;asciilifeform;bonus : chick was fired from job ( as lowly food seller ! ) for thoughtcrime, for having been found to have authored $subj .
1670626;1497491337;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo et al : think we can get her here ?
1670627;1497491348;asciilifeform;.. does , apparently , have btc donation addr
1670628;1497491359;asciilifeform;so at least somehow aware of its existence.
1670629;1497491523;shinohai;Sent her msg on twitter: https://twitter.com/realemilyyoucis
1670630;1497491565;asciilifeform;oh hey.
1670631;1497491568;asciilifeform;neato shinohai .
1670632;1497491579;*;asciilifeform may be the last one alive to be entirely innocent of twatter
1670633;1497491595;asciilifeform;never banished there, never had acct, not 1ce.
1670634;1497491595;shinohai;I'm surprised I'm not banned yet.
1670635;1497493588;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can send a "message" via dorky webap
1670636;1497493590;mircea_popescu;might read it
1670637;1497494029;mircea_popescu;i can't recall if i got banned or bored of twitter.
1670638;1497494880;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You got both at different times
1670639;1497494891;mircea_popescu;ah ok then lol
1670640;1497499420;trinque;I've disappeared down a hole of "right wing" meme'd up twatter
1670641;1497499422;trinque;what is this
1670642;1497499755;trinque;this animator chick looks like skanks I used to drink with in portland
1670643;1497499769;trinque;I approve of this movement.
1670644;1497499782;mircea_popescu;so buy her a drink
1670645;1497499800;trinque;no skank is worth pennsylvania
1670646;1497499814;mircea_popescu;no skank is bolted down, either.
1670647;1497501348;BingoBoingo; no skank is bolted down, either. << of all things, this having not been done by mp irl surprises me. It's not like bolts are permanent. Not like welding them down
1670648;1497501414;*;asciilifeform wishes only to achieve even small piece of what $subj achieved before dead 
1670649;1497501451;mircea_popescu;meh, makes a mess
1670650;1497501529;BingoBoingo;It's not like you gotta bolt the meat. Cuff the meat, bolt the cuffs.
1670651;1497501550;mircea_popescu;well, that i've done plenty eh.
1670652;1497501564;mircea_popescu;definitionally what a dungeon is neh
1670653;1497501579;BingoBoingo;AHA, hence my surprise
1670654;1497520456;shinohai;http://archive.is/9LKrS   <<< Shinohai's shitty trading pair of the week (tm) (r)
1670655;1497527339;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/93833359D32C83AD04A84E858016B8D61BDA78B82A223E731C40C7F2C94A5627 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1465459459517330657028932233425 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Martin Weinelt ; Martin Weinelt ; Martin Weinelt ; Martin Weinelt (BP DART-Racing WS2010/11) ; '
1670657;1497530176;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 2314.3, Best ask: 2316.2, Bid-ask spread: 1.90000, Last trade: 2316.0, 24 hour volume: 53787.68533689, 24 hour low: 2103.1, 24 hour high: 2654.4, 24 hour vwap: None
1670658;1497530242;asciilifeform;in recent lulz, https://archive.is/yoT9a >> hilariously draconian 'money laundering' ban proposed in usg
1670659;1497530363;asciilifeform;aka, possibly, 'the cokemachine act'
1670660;1497536931;*;mircea_popescu just picked up a phone for the first time in what must be about five years.
1670661;1497536947;mircea_popescu;i tell you it's kinda weird, that moment when you don't know who the fuck is calling and what they want.
1670662;1497537498;BingoBoingo;Oh, who was their daddy and what do they do?
1670663;1497537520;mircea_popescu;random administrative thing. very happy/scared to hear me of all people
1670664;1497537536;BingoBoingo;Oh my!
1670665;1497537551;BingoBoingo;"I read the coal-burning article, and I am ashamed to tell you that Szabo, who was ultimately killed by his misinformed white guilt, is of Hungarian descent as far as his name goes" << From the comments on http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4963
1670666;1497537562;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know this weird lsd shit isn't actually bad, visually ? or aurally for that matter.
1670667;1497537577;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo what, "just liek soros" ?
1670668;1497537634;BingoBoingo;lol, aha. Apparently Szabo hitting people's bozo meter is beginning to be found in the wild
1670669;1497537646;mircea_popescu;wtf is this "white guilt" bs, also.
1670670;1497537686;mircea_popescu;it's like fat people coming up with "walk guilt" to explain why they ain't getting out of bed. notwithstanding "they're perfectly healthy, can even stand!!11"
1670671;1497537718;mircea_popescu;"o dude i just think of all the celenterates, oysters and snails and things and it's just too overwhelming. damned negros DON'T EVEN HAVE LEGS!"
1670672;1497537753;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on the boston thurf, an oyster was eating a woman right out of her plate.
1670673;1497537757;BingoBoingo;OH, apparently different szabo "Take the late Brian Szabo for example. Brian Szabo, originally from Ohio, and formerly residing in Richmond, Virginia, was an executive with SunTrust bank. Considering the subject of this article, you’ll find it ironic that his title with SunTrust was “Vice President for Corporate Operational Risk.”"
1670674;1497537793;BingoBoingo;From http://therightstuff.biz/2016/07/27/tales-of-the-coal-burning/
1670675;1497537844;BingoBoingo;"In addition, who invites a guy who had no job or family ties and whose only source of income was a mental disability stipend into your home? Nigel Walker, a gud boi who dindu nuffin, was essentially an adopted pet of the Szabo family and, in turn, he brutally stabbed the late Brian Szabo in the neck. Police found Szabo in a pool of his own blood in his posh West End neighborhood home. "
1670676;1497537875;mircea_popescu;dude what is with this djb-ing sexually ambiguous 20something street urchins
1670677;1497537891;mircea_popescu;are these people LOOKING for a way to fuck up ?
1670678;1497537964;mircea_popescu;this is what they do instead of coming here. fucktards.
1670679;1497537991;mircea_popescu;!!rate szabo -10 "you'll die as you lived, in a flash of the blade, a fucktard remembered by no-one..."
1670680;1497537991;deedbot;szabo is not registered in WoT.
1670682;1497538007;BingoBoingo;Well, wha can the daiper do in the trash can except complain the candy wrapper next to it is sticky
1670683;1497538243;mircea_popescu;"can't have slavegirls like proper white males, on their knees naked, that'd be too... you know, like right, and proper. no, no, must invite random twink to rule the posh bullshit etcetera"
1670684;1497538318;mircea_popescu;mp's questionnaire is growing. "are you living in a retired low level us-politruk / inteligentsia zone ?" "do you live with some punk pet you picked off the street ?"
1670685;1497538332;mircea_popescu;remarkably how well it covers the "republic's allies" that aren't either of the republic or its allies.
1670686;1497538378;mircea_popescu;it's almost as if all these idiots saw a clockwork orange, and decided "yes, that is what i wish to do with my life! i wanna be THAT loser!"
1670687;1497538497;trinque;bahaha, entirely the formula for the 4chan nazi thing. "this was the most transgressive thing I could find. no es un pais pobre!"
1670688;1497538565;mircea_popescu;hm ?
1670689;1497538603;trinque;that chick that made the psychedelic dog video claims to be a nazi.
1670690;1497538614;trinque;presumably of the 4chan.org/pol variety
1670692;1497538636;mircea_popescu;3rd wave nazis and 6th wave feminists duke it out in the dream machine!
1670693;1497538762;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670676 << marieantoinetting
1670694;1497538762;a111;Logged on 2017-06-15 14:44 mircea_popescu: dude what is with this djb-ing sexually ambiguous 20something street urchins
1670695;1497538799;mircea_popescu;i guess.
1670696;1497538820;asciilifeform;miniaturized version of, whoever, billgates's 'i'm not a marauding piece of shit, i'm a PHILANTHROPIST!111'
1670697;1497538831;mircea_popescu;i dunno dood, nobody buys it.
1670698;1497538841;mircea_popescu;just a perverse old man with weird hangups.
1670699;1497538842;asciilifeform;it isn't connected to a feedbacktron
1670700;1497538849;asciilifeform;dun matter whether anyone buys.
1670701;1497538864;mircea_popescu;i thought it was entirely for "look in the mirror" narcisiac purposes.
1670702;1497538881;asciilifeform;orlol had an old piece re 'philanthropy' being part of decomposition/putrefaction process
1670703;1497538894;asciilifeform;where the wealth a koschei sucks up during life, begins to splurt out
1670704;1497538901;mircea_popescu;obviously is. there is ONE WAY to do resource allocation, and if it's not used what you got is socialist rot.
1670705;1497538974;asciilifeform;sooo, hypothesis here could be, that you dun need to be rockefeller to undergo this form of putrefaction: under the right conditions, 'middle class' derps also could.
1670706;1497539010;mircea_popescu;seems that their answer to "my god, we built fucking korea, our kids would rather hang themselves than come back home and therer's absolutely nothing to buy" is to take in a retard for a cat.
1670707;1497539027;asciilifeform;same reason they did the 'free the slaves' thing
1670708;1497539037;asciilifeform;'captive audience of guaranteed gratefuls' notion.
1670709;1497539046;mircea_popescu;oh that's what it is.
1670710;1497539054;mircea_popescu;well no fucking wonder they're stabbing them in the fucking eyes, jhesus
1670711;1497539069;mircea_popescu;it's a wonder they don't also urinate on the writhing cadaver.
1670712;1497539071;asciilifeform;same reason why the old slaves are lafonding them in the eye
1670713;1497539079;asciilifeform;to this day
1670714;1497539088;mircea_popescu;world makes perfect sense to me now.
1670715;1497539116;mircea_popescu;"oh, if i do this, people will have to like me!" wtf nonsense.
1670716;1497539116;asciilifeform;iirc most of this was on trilema already.
1670717;1497539126;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i guess it was.
1670718;1497539154;mircea_popescu;reason people write things is so others read the things back to them, huh.
1670720;1497539182;trinque;pretty common american 80s movie trope, right? "ends up liked! the end."
1670721;1497539206;mircea_popescu;it's even in seinfeld. "i'd have all this money and people would love me" george costanza daydreaming of philantrophy.
1670723;1497539243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incidentally reading the djb thing left asciilifeform with impression that $derp could also have been part of a 'cuck' scenario
1670724;1497539264;mircea_popescu;from experience, that sort of thing is decided by the woman declaring, not by looks.
1670725;1497539277;asciilifeform;( djb lives with one of his coauthors -- unofficial wife of sorts )
1670726;1497539368;mircea_popescu;trinque i guess it is at that.
1670727;1497539375;asciilifeform;entirely possible that the man lives 'under the heel', like, e.g., saharov
1670728;1497539391;mircea_popescu;sure it's possible, but i'm telling you, "how it looks" is a terrible heuristic.
1670729;1497539410;asciilifeform;hey all i got here is this'ere light from 50 lightyears off..
1670730;1497539435;mircea_popescu;yes well, if girl attempts to make carrot cake with "All i got here are these potatoes" she gets in trouble.
1670731;1497539794;mircea_popescu;aaand in other news, who wants to wire 2.5k for me ?
1670732;1497541065;mircea_popescu;!!up daffadil
1670733;1497541066;deedbot;daffadil voiced for 30 minutes.
1670734;1497541379;shinohai;Welcome daffadil
1670735;1497541386;daffadil;Thank you shinohai
1670736;1497541389;daffadil;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/xqRoG/?raw=true
1670737;1497541392;deedbot;B4338076C48E09C37C900F28D73BBEDFECE35DD4 registered as daffadil.
1670738;1497541401;mircea_popescu;o hey. who might you be ?
1670739;1497541451;daffadil;I was recommended here by Gabe Laddel
1670740;1497541457;daffadil;Currently learning the ropes and reading
1670741;1497541461;mircea_popescu;a cool.
1670742;1497541474;daffadil;I am a biology/artist/human
1670743;1497541492;mircea_popescu;well, say if you have questions.
1670744;1497541503;mircea_popescu;!!rate daffadil 1 biology/artist/human
1670745;1497541505;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/EcjkV/?raw=true
1670746;1497541509;daffadil;Will do ~
1670747;1497541541;mircea_popescu;!!v DC975E8D241C6A5C3FBFC9B19269498161CC014D43585A24FE8D45CA390AF874
1670748;1497541541;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated daffadil 1 << biology/artist/human
1670749;1497541561;shinohai;Any examples of thy art daffadil ?
1670750;1497541580;daffadil;Sure...... https://www.flickr.com/photos/daniel_friedman/
1670751;1497541727;shinohai;Fractal surrealism
1670752;1497541877;daffadil;Hehe, something like that ~~
1670753;1497542271;daffadil;don't understand the "Get your OTP" message from deedbot, whose key encrypted it?
1670754;1497542285;mircea_popescu;you encrypt to a key. in this case yours.
1670755;1497542297;shinohai;See also http://deedbot.org/
1670756;1497542374;daffadil;Ok thanks.
1670757;1497542637;mircea_popescu;daffadil oh i misunderstood what you were asking. i gave deedbot an order, and to verify my identity it encrypted something to my key. that string in !!v
1670758;1497542784;daffadil;+mircea_popescu so I don't need to do anything with that deedbot OTP message?
1670759;1497542792;mircea_popescu;no. it was for me.
1670760;1497542816;daffadil;Ok.....many interesting features and I am enjoying being enfolded within them......
1670761;1497542835;mircea_popescu;takes a while to get to the bottom of it
1670762;1497542907;mircea_popescu;daffadil say !!up to it in a private message
1670763;1497543564;phf;mircea_popescu: do romanians eat buckwheat?
1670764;1497543672;phf;i cook it at the office from time to time, and every time i get "wtf" reactions, and not just from the infidels, but from eastern europeans too. slovenian (slovak?) girl at the office was very confused by it, what is it? how do you eat it? why do you eat it?
1670765;1497543689;asciilifeform;phf: i had to teach pet to make it
1670766;1497543714;asciilifeform;afaik nobody in usa eats any such thing as манная каша
1670767;1497543739;phf;"baby you want me to cook you some GRECHKA!!1"
1670769;1497543802;asciilifeform;iirc jurov is a slovak . hey jurov , do you folx eat buckwheat ?
1670770;1497543895;*;shinohai loves buckwheat pancakes
1670771;1497543978;mircea_popescu;phf old style romanians do, yeah.
1670772;1497544018;mircea_popescu;afaik casha was a very ... jewish retirement home thing in the us, limited to east coast.
1670773;1497544024;phf;i think ashkenazim might've brought it to u.s. as "kasha", i.e. explicitly buckwheat porridge, rather than porridge in general
1670776;1497544042;mircea_popescu;i also didn't know non-ukr russkis eat it :D
1670777;1497544046;mircea_popescu;do you salo also ?
1670778;1497544068;asciilifeform;pretty sure you need direct access to the pig to get salo in usa
1670779;1497544150;mircea_popescu;hey, in ro too, if you won't eat crap.
1670780;1497544155;mircea_popescu;!!up daffadil
1670781;1497544156;deedbot;daffadil voiced for 30 minutes.
1670782;1497544360;phf;yeah, my mother's line is a mongrel lemki, ashkenazi and polish, so i grew up on a yushka, salo, holubtsi, but also like chopped liver, goulash, knish, etc.
1670783;1497544385;mircea_popescu;i love slanina. properly smoked and with proper ro 52proof shine... o ya
1670784;1497544419;mircea_popescu;impossible to get outside of traditional transylvanian farm tho, in my exp
1670785;1497545790;phf;there's a faux butcher shop in georgetown that sells various eastern european meets at premium, but i doubt the quality. their salo is questionable. my mom is working on a project in ukrain at the moment, so she's been sending photos of vodka carafe & large slabs of salo
1670787;1497546142;mircea_popescu;o, photos help ;/
1670788;1497549033;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669950 >>> apparently it's back..
1670789;1497549033;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 04:19 BingoBoingo: Well it shouldn't have been so fat. Nao it's got butterbrain.
1670790;1497549050;asciilifeform;( e.g. https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: finds 8 nodes )
1670791;1497549099;asciilifeform;!!up eplogos
1670792;1497549099;deedbot;eplogos voiced for 30 minutes.
1670793;1497549779;asciilifeform;aaand nao for something compleeetly different , in archaeology of dead cultures  : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teDn-GTeDVs
1670794;1497551080;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670306 << amusingly, this is great for pharma-coin though; 1) sell the "ourdemocracy you-are-worth-it-and-can-do-anything" message, 2) create populace of people that end up 'depressed' and feeling 'unfulfilled' because they are fulfilling their natural role as non-human, but told otherwise, 3) extract $>sustenance in form of 'anti-depression' drugz
1670795;1497551080;a111;Logged on 2017-06-14 15:27 mircea_popescu: and the whole story of "oh, 1800 style squalor and poverty and five points erradicated!!! great ourdemocracy progress!!!" is really just very caked on masking upon the base fact that "we redirected all resources away from fun, so that now there's nothing to do but wait to die a la http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156
1670796;1497551088;*;lobbes starting to grok how bone-fide slavery is actually the 'more humane' model
1670797;1497551098;mircea_popescu;lobbes o ya.
1670798;1497551145;asciilifeform;lobbes: dr. mengele was a saint and humanitarian compared to the folx presently in the saddle, aha
1670799;1497551157;mircea_popescu;lobbes the whole thing revolves around the valuation of lying. for the people that judge lying as a primum malum, proper slavery is the more humane model. for the people who judge lying as the primum bonum, the us/su nonsense is the more humane model.
1670800;1497551181;mircea_popescu;in the end the question comes down to, do you feel like a man, or do you feel like a woman ? just don't lie to me or lie to me prettily ?
1670801;1497551249;lobbes;makes sense
1670802;1497551262;trinque;all the insanity around "identifying as" points directly to it. most folks *cannot* form an identity outside being told what they are. having been told incoherent nonsense, little wonder the starving creatures flail for control of the mechanism
1670803;1497551305;mircea_popescu;and this is not ideology, but biology. if you have a sexuate species, then THEREFORE you will have a female (defined as, carrying the burden to term).
1670804;1497551312;trinque;the drugs are in that sense the same as the "I am a pony", both towards a feeling
1670805;1497551330;mircea_popescu;as you've made this a biological necessity by your "sexuate" idea, it then follows that about half the population will enjoy the passive benefit of the other half being fucked over. as in, bars wouild be a lot fuller and service a lot crappier if women also crowded them.
1670806;1497551363;mircea_popescu;and therefore, the female will want to be lied to prettily. because lied to she will be, and she knows this. there's no way to window dress the cost of sexuate reproduction into anything else. though they try.
1670807;1497551366;mircea_popescu;and so...
1670808;1497551570;trinque;puts the female behaviors in context. "I'm going to be parasitized as a matter of course, better fatten up, hide, etc"
1670810;1497551597;mircea_popescu;things make perfect sense once one stops trying to lie about what they are.
1670811;1497551926;mircea_popescu;and it's a significant cost, at that. the A grade baby is at birth three kilograms worth about 8 calories per gram, plus a metabolic average of about 650 calories a day over its forty week womb life.
1670812;1497551932;mircea_popescu;comes to a whole lotta bison.
1670813;1497552162;mircea_popescu;add to this the grandiose benefit of you know, i sit around all day while girls work their ass off at the gym three times a week, yet my ass is still firmer and i can lift them and throw them because hey, fuck you for hoping.
1670814;1497552171;mircea_popescu;and teh picture is pretty clear.
1670815;1497552250;asciilifeform;!~calc 40 * 7 * 650 * 4184 / ( 34.2 * 10**6 )
1670816;1497552252;jhvh1;asciilifeform: 40 * 7 * 650 * 4184 / ( 34.2 * 10**6 ) = 22.265730994152047
1670817;1497552257;asciilifeform;litres of petrol
1670818;1497552266;mircea_popescu;ya but... what petrol lol
1670819;1497552288;mircea_popescu;at thye time all this is relevantly going on, a sharpened stick goes on the open market for fifty two plain sticks.
1670820;1497552289;asciilifeform;no but to put 'mega-energy-cost' in picture .
1670821;1497552296;asciilifeform;and noshit.jpg
1670822;1497552313;mircea_popescu;myeah. it is mega-cost, because hunted bison only counts about 4kcal per kg.
1670823;1497552330;mircea_popescu;more like 2.5 or so if you weigh the carcass fresh, as opposed to filleted.
1670824;1497552340;asciilifeform;aaha. but the balanced picture of 'pharma wars' etc. is 'today very different costs'
1670825;1497552353;asciilifeform;than 100k.yr. prior
1670826;1497552369;mircea_popescu;no, see, because by now it's entirely baked in the culture.
1670827;1497552387;mircea_popescu;biology doesn't care that a millisecond ago you built an oil refinery for the first time.
1670828;1497552395;asciilifeform;well yes.
1670829;1497552401;asciilifeform;it's baked into the meat.
1670830;1497552425;mircea_popescu;right. and the universe we're discussing for "change you can believe in" counts by the half million years to be generous.
1670831;1497552432;asciilifeform;hence the temptation to hotpatch the meat.
1670832;1497552460;mircea_popescu;much like the temptation to selinux.
1670833;1497552470;mircea_popescu;works about as well, too.
1670834;1497552515;asciilifeform;it's selinux when you're a cow and farmer does it ~to~ you; otherwise it's misadventure (if fails) and technology (when succeeds)
1670835;1497552540;mircea_popescu;i guess.
1670836;1497552554;asciilifeform;aka daedalus vs wrightbrothers
1670837;1497552568;mircea_popescu;i want to believe.
1670838;1497552650;asciilifeform;one man's imposition is another's wet dream :
1670839;1497552669;asciilifeform;not long ago asciilifeform hit upon a www for nonj00z who want to join israeli army !
1670840;1497552677;asciilifeform;( spoiler : it ain't easy 0
1670843;1497552780;phf;met some of those down south
1670845;1497552799;asciilifeform;south of waht
1670846;1497552820;phf;mason dixon line
1670847;1497552831;asciilifeform;srsly ? who and why, now i'm curious
1670848;1497553078;phf;well, i've met a handful a American Boy types who were interested in fighting on behalf of israel and defending the christian faith (???) against muslims over the past years, but it's gotten to the point where this doesn't seem to be fringe position
1670849;1497553131;asciilifeform;or possibly, alternate hypothesis : healthy boy wants to be in an army
1670850;1497553136;asciilifeform;but american army is not so hot
1670851;1497553152;mircea_popescu;serems by far the likelier
1670852;1497553395;phf;also in the last two years, as putin became a kind of presidential role model for the midwest, i think it also became a lot more acceptable to come out in support of countries that are not america, so america and its people are seen as having lost the way, etc. it went from "red scare" to "i wish putin was our president" (a phrase i've heard more than once even before the previous election cycle)
1670853;1497553448;trinque;"israel can do no wrong" is a serious item of conversation around idiot evangelical dinner tables.
1670854;1497553507;phf;this is a highly amusing reversal from a decade ago, when left was pro-russia and right anti-
1670855;1497553547;mircea_popescu;aha lol
1670856;1497553606;trinque;well bush "got a sense of the man's soul" and now he's okay.
1670857;1497553689;asciilifeform;now if only bengurion et al hadn't rm -rf / 'd the actual israel and overwritten
1670858;1497553725;phf;actually in 2005 or so, i was reading a lot of hunter thompson and first got into the whole americana thing. i spent some time at kind of dirty biker honky tonk places. my guides, on more than one occasion, warned me not to speak at all (at first, and while i'm sober anyway), so as not to alert the locals to the fact that i'm russian. i'm pretty sure that at this point at the same bars i would automatically gain an honored guest status for being russia
1670860;1497553756;*;asciilifeform intrigued
1670861;1497553902;trinque;http://archive.is/UMRP1 << as for israel, hasn't to do with anything material.
1670862;1497554002;trinque;"end times" cult is a giant chunk of north american christianity
1670863;1497554041;mircea_popescu;xtianity generally.
1670864;1497554382;asciilifeform;atheistianity also. many, many folx wet dream of thermonukefest etc
1670865;1497554413;asciilifeform;unremarkable reaction to the intolerable shitpit they live in.
1670866;1497554431;phf;asciilifeform: you don't have to travel far, there's plenty of exotic locations nearby, particularly as you get close to appalachian ridge
1670867;1497554583;asciilifeform;phf: re hunter h. thompson << i really ~wanted~ to like him. but bounced off every time tried to read any.
1670868;1497554598;asciilifeform;d00d is simply not digestible by my enzymes, or sumthing
1670869;1497554775;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670853 << curious, how many of those folx have been there even as tourist
1670870;1497554775;a111;Logged on 2017-06-15 19:04 trinque: "israel can do no wrong" is a serious item of conversation around idiot evangelical dinner tables.
1670871;1497554822;trinque;ah less than 1 ppm
1670872;1497554825;*;asciilifeform has not been . and for some reason inescapably pictures it as landscape from planet arrakis from herbert's 'dune'
1670873;1497554825;trinque;doesn't matter!
1670874;1497554832;asciilifeform;complete with fremen
1670875;1497554862;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is true.
1670876;1497554875;asciilifeform;the hilarious bit is that asciilifeform & co's original exit visas from su read 'israel'
1670877;1497554978;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which this ?
1670878;1497554997;mircea_popescu;that "e3nd of times" is a major portion of religiodiocy since forever.
1670879;1497555006;asciilifeform;aah yes
1670880;1497555172;trinque;nothing gets the mothers fretting quite like "the bad thing will happen to all of it"
1670881;1497555188;mircea_popescu;"you'll be sorry!"
1670882;1497555195;mircea_popescu;wtf is the loser supposed to say.
1670883;1497555202;asciilifeform;quite opposite -- apocalypses are ~appealing~
1670884;1497555227;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im pretty sure originally it was just that, "You'll be sorry" "oh yeah ? whyt ?" "THE BAD THING!!1"
1670885;1497555240;mircea_popescu;everything becomes appealing eventually, through human perversity.
1670886;1497555268;mircea_popescu;"o ya ? i there's nothing i can do about it then tell you what, ILL LIKE IT! SO THERE!"
1670887;1497555293;asciilifeform;war, especially , is appealing, modern boys hunger for it the way iron-deficient gurlz hunger for red meat
1670888;1497555309;trinque;that's not an apocalypse.
1670889;1497555356;asciilifeform;trinque: do you recall mircea_popescu's article re 'hungry man feels as if he could eat elephant, thirsty -- drink a river; unfucked -- fuck a batallion of chix' etc ?
1670890;1497555422;trinque;no, but the term as used here means "the ultimate foil"
1670891;1497555434;asciilifeform;trinque: expand?
1670892;1497555435;trinque;no matter what you do, thwarted. even your war
1670893;1497555446;trinque;better sit on hands and behave!
1670894;1497555462;mircea_popescu;"rocks fall, everyone dies"
1670895;1497555472;asciilifeform;that'd be the 'female' pov re apocalypse. the 'male' : 'success, because THEY, enemy, will die'
1670896;1497555501;trinque;not taking my meaning. it means hanging out there in front of you in the future, is everything you may ever conceive of doing, already thwarted
1670897;1497555505;trinque;and it's your fault, fucker
1670898;1497555526;asciilifeform;how's it 'thwarted' if 'they-die' is exactly the thing you wanted ?
1670899;1497555543;*;mircea_popescu gets popcorn.
1670900;1497555582;*;asciilifeform actually has this ~exact conversation with $pet regularly :
1670901;1497555588;trinque;we were discussing what some particular end times cult's symbol "means"
1670902;1497555607;trinque;I am not prepared to redefine "
1670903;1497555611;asciilifeform;trinque: varies, neh
1670904;1497555614;trinque;apocalypse" according to asciilifeform's metaphysics
1670905;1497555720;trinque;maybe the god of web development rises and declares that none shall die until theorems can be written and proved by mashing tab
1670906;1497555742;trinque;"my whole system of meaning and context of agency is extinguished"
1670907;1497555744;asciilifeform;but soon after this, cthulhu wakes from his dream
1670909;1497555750;asciilifeform;and gameover!11
1670910;1497555792;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the idea is that the "end of worlds" moment as found from odin to osiris is NOT a practical item, but symbolic. "everything you have burns down and nothing makes sense anymore"
1670911;1497555800;asciilifeform;probably my favourite apocalypse is ye olde nordic one, incidentally
1670912;1497555828;mircea_popescu;actually, that piece i wrote is probably fine example
1670913;1497555831;asciilifeform;where 'world will get rm -rf / and fuck all anyone could or should try an' do about it, smile that we carved a bit of sunlight out of the ice for a little while.'
1670914;1497555851;mircea_popescu;that's the idea throughout.
1670915;1497555870;mircea_popescu;it's a very... ango-ustardian notion that "judgement" shall mean someone actually passes.
1670916;1497555883;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/stop-all-the-clocks-again/ < apocalypse.
1670917;1497555922;asciilifeform;i'll admit i never liked the original of ^
1670918;1497555929;mircea_popescu;too gay.
1670919;1497555929;asciilifeform;strong flavour of 'emo'
1670921;1497556350;asciilifeform;trinque: my philosophical difficulty was with http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670893 -- the emotional load of apocalypses is not automagically baked into the concept
1670922;1497556350;a111;Logged on 2017-06-15 19:37 trinque: better sit on hands and behave!
1670923;1497556384;asciilifeform;reaction to 'yggdrasil is rotting, serpent is gnawing, axe-time, sword-time draws near' is not automatically one thing for every reader.
1670924;1497556412;trinque;yes yes, I long for death.
1670925;1497556438;trinque;the things are universal, likely a cause and not "each snowflake had a different notion about apocalypse"
1670926;1497556479;asciilifeform;i suspect there's a handful of basic variations.
1670927;1497556501;asciilifeform;clustering around 'male' and 'female' pov as described earlier.
1670928;1497556561;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-15#1670769 if i translated buckwheat right, it's available in slovakia but not widely used, i don't remember last time i ate it
1670929;1497556561;a111;Logged on 2017-06-15 16:23 asciilifeform: iirc jurov is a slovak . hey jurov , do you folx eat buckwheat ?
1670930;1497556573;asciilifeform;'joke's on you, schmucks who sank cycles into offspring and their idiot mothers' is one variation, for example.
1670931;1497556593;asciilifeform;jurov: so like usa.
1670932;1497556611;asciilifeform;jurov: it's sold at corner shop but to this day i have nfi what it is used for here !
1670933;1497557647;mircea_popescu;pet rodent feed ?
1670934;1497557813;asciilifeform;hell knows
1670935;1497557843;asciilifeform;there could be something to that -- i once had mice get into the container.
1670936;1497557865;asciilifeform;prolly it's 100 octane mouse fuel.
1670937;1497558012;mircea_popescu;just about. they love the stuff.
1670938;1497558036;asciilifeform;in other lulz, 'At least 10 injured after suburban plows into pedestrians in NYC'
1670939;1497558094;mircea_popescu;!!up fffeee
1670940;1497558094;deedbot;fffeee voiced for 30 minutes.
1670941;1497558458;asciilifeform;meanwhile in the world of entomology, https://archive.is/n3Zs1
1670942;1497558546;asciilifeform;'EF changed the properties of the security it sold and still falsely advertises "unstoppable .. exactly as written" code (despite proving it false) while profiting from all of it.'
1670943;1497558556;asciilifeform;^ somehow hasn't stopped any of the excitable monkeys
1670945;1497562628;BingoBoingo; d00d is simply not digestible by my enzymes, or sumthing << It's the drugz
1670946;1497562674;BingoBoingo;Same reason gabriel chaffes, just chaffing different spot on skin
1670947;1497562680;BingoBoingo;Well, brainskin
1670948;1497564812;BingoBoingo; it's a very... ango-ustardian notion that "judgement" shall mean someone actually passes. << BUT THEY MADE IT TO THE END!!!
1670950;1497565847;BingoBoingo;Anyways, old people use buckwheat in USia as a magic totem of "pls let me shit just one more time"
1670951;1497566589;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, it's supposed to rain here 4cm today and 4 more cm tonight.
1670952;1497566600;mircea_popescu;with any luck i'll be realising alf's dream of a floating house.
1670953;1497566797;BingoBoingo;That's not really so much rain
1670954;1497566877;BingoBoingo;It's those 15 cm afternoons you have to worry about.
1670955;1497567566;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/fake-news-tries-to-bury-their-culpability-for-inciting-violence-by-alleging-fake-criminal-investigation/ << Qntra - Fake News Tries To Bury Their Culpability For Inciting Violence By Alleging Fake Criminal Investigation
1670956;1497567635;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo could use a comma pre they
1670957;1497575473;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/15/the-lord-hath-no-fury-like-a-keyboard-monkey-scorned-a-beschaulich-vpatch-saga/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The lord hath no fury like a keyboard monkey scorned, a Beschaulich vpatch saga.
1670958;1497577318;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty fxd
1670959;1497578385;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/88FBE06D1ED656D192AB60C61CA54398135B979767D082579B4BE54C6C42C76B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1759...6257 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown KR)
1670960;1497578385;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/88FBE06D1ED656D192AB60C61CA54398135B979767D082579B4BE54C6C42C76B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1402...2229 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown KR)
1670962;1497582701;asciilifeform;heya mod6
1670963;1497582710;mod6;how goes alf?
1670964;1497582739;asciilifeform;the usual slow grind.
1670965;1497582774;asciilifeform;and you, mod6 ?
1670966;1497582780;mod6;similar. :]
1670967;1497585387;BingoBoingo;?Los judios son gringos?
1670968;1497585752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/278F0BC1BD35C91EB35CB1FB486225C908799FE6A2265B95E232D5C2542A247D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1120...8343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH)
1670969;1497585752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CBBB1104DCE81D9FED18429F378EF9FB623BD973F9B1D6A18A6023A70078F40E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1120...8343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH)
1670970;1497585752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/32652A860DF501D08376A8FF97AF452915B8916DD7D6F5F97D33250D3E7F72F8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1120...8343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH)
1670971;1497585752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9A34020BD86CCFD722610615BCEA3BC872B7161FCFEB84222CAAD4208C7869B5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1120...8343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH)
1670972;1497585752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/89B9986669FC0DDDC234C7D8D296527FC8336AD24BDCEABF0945DCA3E0F4425F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1120...8343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH)
1670973;1497585752;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/278F0BC1BD35C91EB35CB1FB486225C908799FE6A2265B95E232D5C2542A247D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 9976...7323 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MX CHH)
1670974;1497586178;asciilifeform;meanwhile, very vintage lulgem from a vintage trilema, https://archive.is/0diw9
1670975;1497586378;BingoBoingo;lol http://www.returnofkings.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Ugly-all-the-same-Copie.jpg
1670976;1497586689;trinque;why did someone save four pictures of that ugly woman
1670977;1497586722;trinque;oh god, I'm tired, made same joke as the filename
1670978;1497586726;*;trinque departs!
1670979;1497588060;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1670980;1497588066;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2420.0, vol: 36351.35251520 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2463.671, vol: 15402.25459 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2381.1, vol: 54429.47696304 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2659.08153, vol: 18130.42470000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2416.198, vol: 15598.9621391 | Volume-weighted last average: 2440.23170351
1670981;1497603289;mircea_popescu;http://68.media.tumblr.com/fe7e515d179e36fa7ebad672c0393e3a/tumblr_oo1ndvcoaH1shlzkjo1_1280.jpg << these are really cool btw.
1670982;1497603768;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/jduuuu/ << Trilema - Jduuuu!
1670985;1497620900;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes this intersectional thing is so tense! i can barely follow.
1670986;1497621008;mircea_popescu;but meanwhile at the "wut?" ranch, http://68.media.tumblr.com/f06580c8ffcffc0ed52ca83472f54250/tumblr_ok9r77tKmb1vx7twgo1_500.gif
1670988;1497621919;*;BingoBoingo wonders how mircea_popescu's local puta con leche is
1670990;1497621933;mircea_popescu;you mean puta lechera ?
1670991;1497621983;BingoBoingo;Nah, I mean with milk
1670992;1497621997;mircea_popescu;yes but with milk as in her own or not
1670993;1497622114;mircea_popescu;lechera here doesn't mean anything like lecherous. vaca lechera = cow which you can milk.
1670994;1497622231;BingoBoingo;Well that's too be determined by the response for the request
1670995;1497622274;BingoBoingo;Does the leche arrive in the puta, in a pitcher, in cow on leash?
1670996;1497622289;mircea_popescu;!!up giucciardini
1670997;1497622289;deedbot;giucciardini voiced for 30 minutes.
1670998;1497622400;mircea_popescu;why are they so broken anyway.
1670999;1497622421;BingoBoingo;No idea.
1671000;1497622451;mircea_popescu;it's like "omyGOD, the adults might have noticed me!!! QUICK PANIC PUSH THE ANY BUTTON11eleven"
1671001;1497622473;BingoBoingo;So today's lul is "special counsel" of many leaks Mueller is once again broadening the scope of investigation to find more leaks
1671002;1497622478;BingoBoingo;to leak
1671003;1497622498;mircea_popescu;even the leaks leak on this great sheep of state.
1671004;1497622529;mircea_popescu;maybe we should sell a bitcent, present the us congress with a two ton truck full of leeks.
1671005;1497622555;mircea_popescu;"in loving consideration of your continued leadersheep, dumbasses."
1671006;1497622556;BingoBoingo;Truck driver would likely be arrested. Onion futures are mega-crime in USia
1671007;1497622573;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo hire one of those new googlebots.
1671008;1497622624;BingoBoingo;But that'll spoil some raytheon contract  when it makes it past their drone detectors
1671009;1497622642;mircea_popescu;elementarily can't have drone detectors in us congress
1671010;1497622646;mircea_popescu;how'd the representatives get in ?
1671011;1497622680;BingoBoingo;That's the one secret raytheon contractors don't want you to know!
1671012;1497624454;asciilifeform;!~later tell pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/15/the-lord-hath-no-fury-like-a-keyboard-monkey-scorned-a-beschaulich-vpatch-saga/#comment-57393 << i confess that i was unable to make sense of this
1671013;1497624454;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1671014;1497625775;Framedragger;PSA, the `!$ssh` command may go offline for a while "soon", moving the db server which is used for this to a better, more tremendous place
1671015;1497625795;Framedragger;(scriba unaffected)
1671016;1497625831;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-12#1669119 << yes can do, if no other opinions, then will do - i like the way btcbase does it now!
1671017;1497625831;a111;Logged on 2017-06-12 16:15 asciilifeform: !~later tell Framedragger l0gz feature request -- turn the href in links to *.bitcoin-assets.com into btcbase ( printed text of link can remain same, in principle )
1671018;1497625885;Framedragger;(in truth, whole loggotron is in need of drainage, just fyi that i don't forget previous requests.. but yes, slow)
1671019;1497625900;*;Framedragger mostly afk due to country move and related
1671020;1497626001;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/failed-state-to-be-removed-from-trade-partnership/ << Qntra - Failed State To Be Removed From Trade Partnership
1671021;1497626007;Framedragger;(oh and siphnos.mkj.lt where scan data and phuctor mirror are hosted will also be offline for a bit "some time soonish maybe")
1671022;1497626107;BingoBoingo;Found in the wild: "I know this is the most controversial part of my story. A few people I told this one before would instantly jump to her defense: if she felt she was harassed then she was, end of story. Who knows. As an aside, I found it extremely interesting that mentioning the guy's race instantly changed those people's minds (Pat's white, the guy who got fired was the only african american on our team)." << Victim Olympics
1671023;1497626176;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-09#1667749 << sorry asciilifeform, i missed this "tell" and only saw now! hmm, key *parser* - as in, pgp parser? i don't believe you've posted that before, or i haven't seen it. at any rate you probably meant sth else that the phuctor fingerprint generator i assume?
1671024;1497626176;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 17:43 asciilifeform: !~later tell Framedragger do you perchance remember where in the logs i posted phuctor's key parser ?
1671025;1497626181;Framedragger;(the latter is http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/phuctor-fp.py)
1671026;1497626210;Framedragger;s/else that the/else than the/
1671027;1497626322;Framedragger;asciilifeform: unless #2 you meant jurov's pgp packet parser but probably not? (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/pgp.py)
1671028;1497626444;mircea_popescu;o look who's here!
1671029;1497626447;mircea_popescu;when did you get out ?
1671030;1497626515;Framedragger;still in the cryptobannedmmkay.uk island :) off around ~5-7 july, travel for a bit (but not much), just finished handover at $ukjob, quite happy
1671031;1497626538;Framedragger;brexit negotiations about to start, such timing huehue
1671032;1497626611;Framedragger;will be relatively (entomologically?) interesting to watch from some distance away (i mean, europe is all the very same swamp, sure...)
1671033;1497626646;mircea_popescu;depends, hungary's not so terribru.
1671034;1497626664;mircea_popescu;except for the terrible food, horrible language etc. but primo whores.
1671035;1497626688;mod6;i'll have to check it out
1671036;1497626780;Framedragger;i can believe re. whores! visited briefly. weird language, one of its kind in that branch or something like that, right?
1671037;1497626799;Framedragger;(also iirc .hu gobmint wanted to shut down CEU (this uni in budapest) because it had some unhappy words to say about gobmint or somesuch, but then again maybe CEU is ~liberalshit anyway, so fair)
1671038;1497626804;mircea_popescu;with finish
1671039;1497626818;mircea_popescu;i'd shut down ceu too.
1671040;1497626825;mircea_popescu;anywya, yes, they went rhodesia a decade-ish ago
1671042;1497627276;Framedragger;asciilifeform: unless #3 you meant ssh key to rfc4880 pgp converter (http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/ssh-to-pgp.py), but again, prolly not. don't remember seeing any phuctor innards tbh (except for fingerprint algo), but could just be me
1671043;1497627366;diana_coman;Framedragger, where are you moving to?
1671044;1497627403;Framedragger;.lt for the summer at least. no master plan, and right now don't feel like having one (first time i feel like that in life)
1671045;1497627464;*;Framedragger haz some meatwot and friends in berlin (will pay a visit in july), considering that, too, but not in a hurry
1671046;1497627476;diana_coman;ah, looking around Europe as it were
1671047;1497627480;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671025 << that's exactly it Framedragger
1671048;1497627480;a111;Logged on 2017-06-16 15:16 Framedragger: (the latter is http://siphnos.mkj.lt/datadrop/crap-from-scans-to-be-sorted/phuctor-fp.py)
1671049;1497627496;asciilifeform;it's the only snippet that was posted, or in any near future will be.
1671050;1497627500;Framedragger;ah, cool!
1671051;1497627518;Framedragger;diana_coman: yeah, not too geographically ambitious for the time being, i'faith, hm
1671052;1497627542;asciilifeform;Framedragger: as for 'why', see also thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668420 .
1671053;1497627542;a111;Logged on 2017-06-10 13:19 mircea_popescu: well, in the particular case of phuctor, he has a solid point.
1671054;1497627569;*;Framedragger will read. need to catch up on logz, too
1671055;1497628767;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: it is a cruelty
1671056;1497629389;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/amazon-to-pay-13-7-billion-us-dollars-for-brick-and-mortar-footprint/ << Qntra - Amazon To Pay 13.7 Billion US Dollars For Brick And Mortar Footprint
1671058;1497629514;BingoBoingo;The amazon capturing whole foods is most aggressive pantsuit move of the year so far
1671059;1497629561;mod6;let them eat kale!
1671060;1497629697;trinque;clearly putting mkultra mind control substances in the quinoa
1671062;1497629719;asciilifeform;relatedly , i went to one the other day, and saw -- i shit thee not -- ubuntufoundation-branded coffee.
1671063;1497629757;trinque;hey, they've got ethiopian coffee
1671064;1497629796;trinque;gotta wonder if the purchaser knew what an ubuntu was.
1671065;1497629801;asciilifeform;trinque: corner shop also has ethiopian coffee.
1671066;1497629815;asciilifeform;this was actual ubuntunonsense-brand, for 5x the usual price of beans
1671067;1497629824;asciilifeform;'supports education in africa' or somesuch gargle
1671068;1497629843;trinque;https://www.ubuntucoffeecoop.com/ << looks like a different beast
1671069;1497629868;asciilifeform;trinque: not the same logo
1671070;1497629874;asciilifeform;i'ma take a photo next time i see it
1671071;1497629878;asciilifeform;it read 'ubuntu foundation'
1671072;1497629891;*;trinque would love to see
1671073;1497630085;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2017/06/amazon-to-pay-13-7-billion-us-dollars-for-brick-and-mortar-footprint/#comment-102246 and http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8024
1671074;1497630169;BingoBoingo;Also http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/13/dc-whole-foods-fights-rodents-and-landlord/
1671075;1497630198;trinque;https://ycharts.com/companies/WFM/profit_margin << certainly not shockingly high
1671077;1497630223;BingoBoingo;"For Whole Foods, the remedy includes gutting the grocery store and rebuilding it anew, based on consultations with multiple contractors"
1671078;1497630238;asciilifeform;trinque: 'you aren't cleared for the TRU bookz, comrade gorbachev'
1671080;1497630340;lobbes;BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2017/06/failed-state-to-be-removed-from-trade-partnership/ << "the Powerball Jackpot game" link goes to about:blank?
1671081;1497630351;trinque;speaking of commies, I'm finding I quite enjoy sviatoslav richter
1671082;1497630426;BingoBoingo;lobbes: ty fxd
1671083;1497630500;lobbes;Aha! Elliot reference. Just as a I expected :D
1671085;1497630648;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2017/06/amazon-to-pay-13-7-billion-us-dollars-for-brick-and-mortar-footprint/#comment-102248 asciilifeform
1671086;1497630703;*;trinque suddenly realizes that some pig is coughing in the background of this guy playing chopin, for minutes on end
1671087;1497630741;trinque;I guess when it's somebody important, counts as percussion
1671088;1497630743;BingoBoingo;^ VErmin
1671089;1497630807;asciilifeform;trinque: ever been to a performance of anything where nobody sneezed ? sorta why theatres don't double as recording studios , and the latter exist as separate thing
1671090;1497630834;trinque;after 5th cough pls to get the fuck out.
1671091;1497631393;trinque;and asciilifeform is right, whole foods appears to have an army of subsidiaries, so the profit number on the mothership is a useless fiction.
1671092;1497631427;asciilifeform;trinque: 'pantsuit corps' like to funnel whatever profit there is into compensations for bluebloods, rather than dividends, also
1671093;1497631438;asciilifeform;a kind of unofficial 'nonprofit' scheme
1671094;1497631527;asciilifeform;anyone in usa who has not been to a wf -- visit, it is quite surreal 'disneyland of 'bay aryanism'' theme park. contains everything from 'ubuntu foundation coffee' to 'airbnb magazine' (i shit thee not)
1671095;1497631605;phf;asciilifeform: perhaps this http://www.ubuntu.life ?
1671096;1497631617;asciilifeform;phf: yes!
1671098;1497631842;phf;but re wf, fwiw it's the least expensive of the pantsuit stores. there are much worse examples from both price and "ubuntu foundation" perspective. for example i have Mom's and Yes organic both within walking distance. i used to live next to dawson's in rockville. all of them are more wf than wf.
1671099;1497631855;asciilifeform;lol i have these here also
1671100;1497631864;asciilifeform;wf beats the living shit out of'em
1671101;1497631871;asciilifeform;on signal/noise etc
1671102;1497631883;trinque;texas has "central market", better selection than wf
1671103;1497631930;asciilifeform;wf is very much 'the lolmart of' 'highend food' in usa
1671104;1497632025;phf;s/n maybe. but if you're trying to buy "raw ingredients", like meat cuts, vegetables, bulk dry goods, wf is the cheapest option. can do safeway for some items, but there's a noticeable drop in quality
1671105;1497632034;asciilifeform;aha - scale
1671106;1497632265;phf;http://www.ubuntu.life/teammembers/ jesus
1671107;1497632296;*;asciilifeform hands phf an iron-cross-with-oak-leaves for intrepid entomology work
1671108;1497632339;asciilifeform;wai is the 'human resource manager' wearing a flakjacket...?!
1671109;1497632366;phf;they have a clothing line and everything https://ubuntumade.com
1671110;1497632374;asciilifeform;'head of production' : 'i am growing : we are gonna change it all'
1671111;1497632383;asciilifeform;'production manager' : 'i am a DIVA : we are the future of tomorrow'
1671113;1497632415;*;asciilifeform maxed out dosimeter
1671114;1497632426;trinque;one side of that transaction doesn't look like it's eating too well
1671115;1497632445;phf;BOARD MEMBER i am inspired by children at UBUNTU school : we are working hard to help them reach their potential
1671116;1497632464;phf;BOARD PRESIDENT; EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIR i am loving and capable : we are miracles
1671117;1497633279;*;Framedragger just got reverse-poe-law'd. apparently this isn't parody, omg
1671119;1497633456;Framedragger;ah, just that all this time i was thinking #t was making fun of wannabe-board-member derps, but the above ^ are actual quotes
1671120;1497633604;trinque;ah god they're from Austin, too.
1671121;1497633767;asciilifeform;oh noez, maga valhalla infested!111
1671122;1497633794;trinque;californians have been swarming in.
1671123;1497634055;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5123A750E7EB3C5AA409ED550A847E392FA6FA40F440E88D3DFB6DD98F63EAE7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1477...1307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mvx-179-191-83-166.mundivox.com. BR)
1671124;1497634055;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5123A750E7EB3C5AA409ED550A847E392FA6FA40F440E88D3DFB6DD98F63EAE7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1683...0803 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mvx-179-191-83-166.mundivox.com. BR)
1671125;1497636239;ben_vulpes;"new seasons" is pretty choice
1671126;1497636338;*;trinque misses it.
1671127;1497637404;ben_vulpes;ahaha creative director: "i am creating : we are inspiring"
1671128;1497637441;ben_vulpes;> i am obedient
1671129;1497637466;ben_vulpes;why is it that only the white austin team has animated pics
1671130;1497637468;ben_vulpes;hm? HM?
1671131;1497640935;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/leftistfrench-batters-woman-during-her-visit-to-market-over-objections-to-her-campaign/ << Qntra - LeftistFrench Batters Woman During Her Visit To Market Over Objections To Her Campaign
1671132;1497641102;BingoBoingo;tit-le fxd
1671134;1497646827;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1671135;1497646831;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2492.83, vol: 16148.30827408 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2473.308, vol: 7145.31136 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2445.8, vol: 25624.84666402 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2712.568932, vol: 14523.43730000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2486.459, vol: 9171.34558406 | Volume-weighted last average: 2517.45782855
1671136;1497646838;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lel, gotta be a photoshit
1671137;1497646860;BingoBoingo;How sure?
1671138;1497649495;BingoBoingo;!!Up punto
1671139;1497649495;deedbot;punto voiced for 30 minutes.
1671140;1497649553;BingoBoingo;Hola punto! Who is your daddy and what does he do?
1671141;1497652294;sina;morning tmsr
1671142;1497653179;phf;ben_vulpes: i think they took one group photo of the afrian team (you can see it elsewhere) and then cut it for profile pictures
1671143;1497653197;asciilifeform;in other lullariae, http://www.vitorian.com/x1/archives/265 ( https://archive.is/LfwZH ) >> 'A 100% American Technology Company'
1671144;1497653492;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in spam : 'wanted: Vulnerability Researcher and Patriot.  Vulnerability Researcher Do you critique the narrative and technology displayed on Mr. Robot? Do you like to wear a hoodie… always with the hood up? Do you have a haircut inspired by anime? NO?!! We guess that’s okay, as long as you can do some of the things listed below… and have a minimum of a Top Secret security clearance? .... IDA Pro ... x86' etc etc
1671145;1497653497;asciilifeform;i couldn't make these up if i tried.
1671147;1497653523;asciilifeform;'Applicants selected for employment will be subject to a Federal background investigation and must meet additional eligibility requirements for access to classified information or materials.'
1671148;1497653640;sina;you get what you advertise for
1671150;1497653691;asciilifeform;sina : see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-03#1665170 .
1671151;1497653691;a111;Logged on 2017-06-03 02:47 asciilifeform: in such a way as to judas goat the authors of said code to rewrite it such that it DEMANDS the new 'improved' compiler.
1671152;1497653742;asciilifeform;and likewise http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-26#1632664 .
1671153;1497653742;a111;Logged on 2017-03-26 15:03 mp_en_viaje: basically a novel vector of imperial attack seems to be this "let's take republican items and ~EXPAND~ the downstream so that siberian river attack is then feasible".
1671154;1497653767;sina;asciilifeform: maybe if you don't want the hoodie job you can work for https://www.torproject.org/about/jobs-browserdeveloper.html.en
1671155;1497653771;mircea_popescu;o hey, mi viaje!
1671156;1497653784;asciilifeform;sina: lol
1671157;1497653823;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also local branch of appletel is hiring! JAVA!
1671158;1497653825;asciilifeform;'Uninitialized memory has been used as a source of entropy to seed random number generators in OpenSSL, DragonFly BSD, OpenBSD, and elsewhere.10 If accessing an indeterminate value is undefined behavior, however, compilers may optimize out these expressions, resulting in predictable values.' << bonus lol
1671159;1497653841;sina;that's my fav line
1671160;1497653855;mircea_popescu;undefined behaviour != indeterminate values ffs.
1671161;1497653862;asciilifeform;'hey we neutron bombed yer house' 'but at least the rats died'
1671162;1497653880;mircea_popescu;!#s turbulent flow
1671163;1497653882;a111;9 results for "turbulent flow", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=turbulent%20flow
1671164;1497653900;sina;oh yeah I started working on an ircbot!
1671166;1497653909;mircea_popescu;sina what in ?
1671167;1497653924;sina;prototype in python for now, deciding whether to proceed in that lang or not
1671168;1497653930;*;asciilifeform has been working on the ~same ~20 lines of code for past... 6wks
1671169;1497653936;mircea_popescu;use supybot carcass then
1671170;1497653953;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform now you know why you can't have a job!
1671171;1497653965;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: job is ~different~ 20ln lel
1671172;1497653966;mircea_popescu;black chicks coding have better loc productivity than you
1671173;1497653993;asciilifeform;chicks (as in the kind that hatch from egg) probably also
1671175;1497654052;asciilifeform;asciilifeform notices that his desk has an uncanny resemblance to the one in 'ascension of alfred'
1671177;1497654066;mircea_popescu;ALFred, geddit ?
1671179;1497654075;asciilifeform;whole room, in point of fact
1671180;1497654469;lobbes; use supybot carcass then << aye. 'tis what lobbesbot (and I think jhvh1) run on, sina
1671181;1497654493;lobbes;or, even better, check out trinque's lispbot
1671182;1497654523;lobbes;I one day aim to migrate lobbesbot functions over to that.. but many things in the hopper before then
1671183;1497654728;*;Framedragger used sopel successfully. would also like to eventually migrate to ircbot/logbot, tho
1671184;1497654808;sina;literally everyone I know https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/listening
1671185;1497654903;sina;for some reason I feel mircea_popescu will enjoy this tweet https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/listening
1671188;1497654931;mircea_popescu;not setup to read tweets atm. what is it ?
1671189;1497654943;sina;".@Coinbase disabled the #FreeRoss account after receiving 16.5 #Bitcoin this morning. We need that for Ross' defense"
1671190;1497654950;asciilifeform;sina: that ain't milk coming from the dead cow, it's corpsejuice
1671191;1497654956;mircea_popescu;idiots. why use known scam ?
1671192;1497654975;mircea_popescu;o, right, because they're all about FIXING the socialist tub so it can CONTINUE FOR LONGER
1671193;1497655087;sina;I knew you'd like it
1671194;1497655104;mircea_popescu;not sure i'd go as far as all that.
1671195;1497655287;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the era of erudite crackpotteries, https://archive.is/QH2bk >> 'July 28, 2003   //  Magic Flight is an algorithm for public key exchange which is based on a lossy commutative mixer constructed from products of primes. The basic operation involves an underlying ring-like algebra which does not have multiplicative inverses, and may not have additive inverses. The elimination of additive inverses (cancellation) is intended
1671196;1497655287;asciilifeform; to prevent standard algebraic methods of solution.'
1671197;1497655342;mircea_popescu;the "does not have" is a remarkably strong claim
1671198;1497655397;*;asciilifeform does not endorse $subj
1671199;1497655404;asciilifeform;posted for historical purposes.
1671200;1497655437;asciilifeform;( at some point i'ma get around to sawing the thing open an' seeing if it contains salvageables )
1671201;1497655471;mircea_popescu;i dun get what exactly is the need for another key exchange algo.
1671203;1497655488;asciilifeform;that ain't the (potentially) interesting bit.
1671204;1497655505;mircea_popescu;the properties of constructed algebras are the pre-haskell mathwank.
1671205;1497655514;mircea_popescu;and i mean this very literally.
1671206;1497655521;asciilifeform;pre- mainscurrent wank
1671207;1497655530;mircea_popescu;not wank then yet.
1671208;1497655543;mircea_popescu;back when peopel like bannach and bolyai were doing it.
1671209;1497655549;mircea_popescu;much like kandisnky isn't yet wank.
1671211;1497655560;asciilifeform;'wank' in same sense as boolean algebra..
1671212;1497655608;asciilifeform;sorta why asciilifeform goes a-spelunkin' in old maths crackpotteries. every decade back ~doubles the snr
1671213;1497655627;mircea_popescu;just about. problem is that the basis is so narrow you need like five or six doublings.
1671214;1497655669;asciilifeform;http://users.rcn.com/pjsteuert/ << lol, poor lone soldier
1671215;1497655680;asciilifeform;wonder if he's alive still somewhere.
1671216;1497655849;trinque;https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-steuert-528a6525/ << eh?
1671217;1497655880;asciilifeform;who knows if same
1671218;1497655902;asciilifeform;but if yes... belly of the beast. RIP.
1671219;1497660994;danielpbarron;!!key Keira_
1671221;1497662114;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in cheap ho-tels, http://68.media.tumblr.com/c7244ea521976e6ebab5ebbc69a8e56f/tumblr_ojztapZSp61w3shn6o1_1280.jpg
1671222;1497662296;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/28BBDCC61450814CF3F22DEFA6FD7B74BCF4C1D4A007F3AAB3D611350E614CD0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1059...1187 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rrcs-198-2-36-167.west.biz.rr.com. US CA)
1671223;1497662296;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/819BC7DB3450C9B9EF5D0AD24E6DF1ABD58A79A1962DB4FB76BD9965837C890B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1069...5599 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (66-193-84-241.static.twtelecom.net. US NY)
1671224;1497662296;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/28BBDCC61450814CF3F22DEFA6FD7B74BCF4C1D4A007F3AAB3D611350E614CD0 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1069...5599 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (rrcs-198-2-36-167.west.biz.rr.com. US CA)
1671225;1497662296;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/819BC7DB3450C9B9EF5D0AD24E6DF1ABD58A79A1962DB4FB76BD9965837C890B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1229...0123 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (66-193-84-241.static.twtelecom.net. US NY)
1671226;1497667681;phf;Enlightenment window manager is "fully committed to moving to Wayland eventually as this is definitely the future of the graphical display layer on Linux." etc.
1671228;1497667690;mircea_popescu;what's wayland ?
1671229;1497667702;asciilifeform;!#s wayland
1671230;1497667702;a111;15 results for "wayland", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=wayland
1671231;1497667774;asciilifeform;e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-12#1450738 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-22#1455551 , http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-13#1602505
1671232;1497667774;a111;Logged on 2016-04-12 23:01 asciilifeform: and iirc 'wayland' is one of those infuriating idiocies where 'want remote proggy? here's a DESKTOP, in a 1024x768 box'
1671233;1497667774;a111;Logged on 2016-04-22 12:42 phf: but freezing effectively implies lockstep freezing of the whole environment, to hardware. ("oh we deprecated x11, your code better support wayland. oh this new video card only supports wayland, since x11 is deprecated, etc."]
1671234;1497667774;a111;Logged on 2017-01-13 23:41 asciilifeform: from comments, lulzgold, 'The Hivemind is fully committed to systemd for service management, Wayland for graphical display, and PulseAudio for audio, which is why it doesn’t matter if you personally find them distasteful, they will become the de facto standard. For systems programming, Rust looks increasingly like it will be the Hivemind’s choice to replace C, as it has the backing of the Mozilla organization, is being used for r
1671235;1497667798;asciilifeform;poetteringization of x11.
1671236;1497667969;phf;noticed this while looking for imlib2 sources
1671237;1497667992;phf;which is apparently https://git.enlightenment.org/legacy/imlib2.git now. legacy, see
1671238;1497668562;sina;"Report: 7 Percent of Americans Think Brown Cows Make Chocolate Milk"
1671239;1497668852;phf;you've lived in u.s. too long when you think "oh, hmm, that's not that bad actually!"
1671242;1497668990;mircea_popescu;this "poor idiots make standards -- doesn't matter what lords thnk" nonsense is it's very own kind of poetteringization.
1671243;1497668995;mircea_popescu;windows WILL NEVER BE a standardf.
1671244;1497669000;mircea_popescu;BECAUSE i do not use it.
1671245;1497669009;mircea_popescu;the ONLY WAY anything can matter is if ~I~ use it.
1671246;1497669181;sina;mircea_popescu: you use wordpress tho :P
1671247;1497669216;phf;some people when they come back to old homestead take certain perverse pleasure in learning that joe now sucks cock for meth, while molly is married with three kids to a cop that beats her. not i, i'm sad to see my childhood friends debase themselves so
1671248;1497669360;sina;I got nothing against Wayland.
1671249;1497669371;mircea_popescu;it's called mp-wp
1671250;1497669389;sina;at least Wayland apps can't keylog other Wayland apps like X can
1671251;1497669405;mircea_popescu;sina if you made them, at least.
1671252;1497669409;mircea_popescu;koch's styill can, i'm, sure.
1671253;1497669464;sina;I'm not saying it's the best thing ever, but X needs to die, and only a few people are doing the work to kill it
1671254;1497669479;asciilifeform;how about the folx trying to make it die, die instead.
1671255;1497669505;asciilifeform;preferably very painfully.
1671256;1497669522;phf;sina: did you read that on reddit?
1671257;1497669562;mircea_popescu;well, let's instead examine priors. sina and why must it die ?
1671258;1497669564;sina;phf: read what?
1671259;1497669691;sina;mircea_popescu: my main gripe is that X apps aren't isolated from each other, so they can tamper easily. I don't really like it that a vulnerability in, e.g. xeyes, can read firefox memory, or whatever.
1671260;1497669706;mircea_popescu;no apps on any x86 machine are isolated from each other.
1671261;1497669769;sina;so that makes it OK for a given X app to be able to log keys from another X app?
1671262;1497669775;mircea_popescu;ie, you are reacting to the empty tank light coming on by trying to buy a car without one
1671263;1497669795;mircea_popescu;no, it does not make it ok. it also does not make it ok for some snake oil salesman to sell his "better" shitpie.
1671264;1497669829;mircea_popescu;the republic is well weary of such charlatans, chiefly because their ~only offering encountered experimentally sooner or later boils down to "vote hillary"
1671265;1497669906;sina;the republic is, as you like to say, a sovereign entity, can do whatever it likes, including ignoring the existence of software produced by people it deems as charlatans
1671266;1497669915;mircea_popescu;this is so.
1671267;1497669933;mircea_popescu;or for that matter, it can not ignore it, and exploit the holes for great ethlulz.
1671268;1497669941;mircea_popescu;or it can laugh ass off at them and publicly humiliater
1671269;1497669954;mircea_popescu;or it can send assassins to peel the skin off their children in the night while they watch in horror.
1671270;1497669958;mircea_popescu;and so following. what of it ?
1671271;1497669991;sina;I'm trying to remember that thing you said when I was asking about the php mpfhf
1671272;1497670011;mircea_popescu;im sure it's in the glorious logs!
1671274;1497670101;a111;Logged on 2017-06-09 22:38 mircea_popescu: "works in the sense that it does something, not in the sense it does what it should"
1671276;1497670134;phf;sina: could you explain the difference between how keylogger issue manifests in x11 vs. how wayland prevents it, with some technical details?
1671277;1497670158;mircea_popescu;phf i doubt he's anything more than simply pissed at the rather famous x thing.
1671278;1497670172;mircea_popescu;it's one of those outrageous items.
1671279;1497670202;phf;that much is obvious from what he said so far, but i thought maybe he'll choose to think about it a little bit
1671280;1497670214;mircea_popescu;in time!
1671281;1497670238;*;phf simmers down
1671282;1497670257;mircea_popescu;phf is wise beyond his years.
1671283;1497670309;sina;phf: mostly my opinion based on this article https://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.com.au/2011/04/linux-security-circus-on-gui-isolation.html
1671284;1497670351;asciilifeform;'Windows is the only one mainstream OS I'm aware of, that actually attempts to implement some form of GUI-level isolation, starting from Windows Vista. See e.g. this ancient article I wrote in the days when I used Vista at my primary laptop.'
1671285;1497670353;*;asciilifeform falls down.
1671286;1497670392;mircea_popescu;windows vista is so aptly named, like one of those florida retirement things. "rancho linda vista" etc
1671287;1497670393;asciilifeform;^ for n00bz -- this is verbatim Official usg doctrine -- i.e. the ostensible reason why winblowz is mandatory at nsa etc
1671288;1497670418;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform maybe not at nsa, but eg at puerto rico / united ass-fucked emirates, etc.
1671289;1497670427;sina;did you rush to paste that before continue reading? she's aware of the limitations and nobody says "use windows"
1671290;1497670432;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mandatory at nsa
1671291;1497670436;sina;I'm not even a fan of Joanna or Qubes OS Xen junk
1671292;1497670443;asciilifeform;sina: i read it back when.
1671293;1497670445;sina;I just pointing out the issue illustrated there
1671294;1497670458;phf;sina: yes, but do you understand the ~technical details~
1671295;1497670459;sina;X apps receive *all* keyboard input
1671296;1497670468;sina;Wayland apps don't
1671298;1497670472;mircea_popescu;sometimes i suspect asciilifeform has octopus helmet but with eyes, reads like that.
1671299;1497670474;asciilifeform;sina: ever meet a fella who bought reinforced iron door to put in a drywall flat , with ground floor windows ?
1671300;1497670491;phf;sina: that's an extreme oversimplification that is also not true
1671301;1497670521;sina;phf: it's not true that X apps receive all kb input?
1671303;1497670578;mircea_popescu;sina trivially verified, open two gui editors, type in one , check the other.
1671304;1497670584;phf;see architecturally wayland and x11 couldn't be more different. x11 supports a special network protocol that lets clients from different sources connect to the same instance of x. for example you can have a client from a different user on the same machine or a client from a network source (like over ssh)
1671305;1497670641;phf;x11 allows you to attach your own windows to a window hierarchy, that starts with root window
1671306;1497670672;phf;on any of those windows you can put masks for what kind of events you want to receive
1671307;1497670691;phf;root, being a special window receives all the events (that's very handwavy but closer to truth)
1671308;1497670707;phf;those events then propagate down the window hierarchy
1671309;1497670708;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: mandatory at nsa << Per "Reality Winner Mc Moon Unit"'s orders
1671310;1497670715;sina;fair, let me rephrase and you tell me if still not true: x apps have access to receive all keyboard input
1671311;1497670728;phf;an application can choose to register events on root window and thus receive all the keyboarding events that come in (or mouse events)
1671312;1497670766;sina;to me, the distinction between "X apps receive all keyboard input" and "X apps have access to receive all keyboard input" is negligible
1671313;1497670777;phf;sina: can you wait till i finish my explanation
1671316;1497670839;phf;in addition there's a RECORD extension that allows any application to register for all keyboard events irrespective of their destination
1671317;1497670857;phf;that one is used for things like screen recording, and is optional. it doesn't otherwise respect the hierarchy
1671318;1497670905;sina;I have no beef with that extension
1671319;1497670929;phf;a security minded application can do what's known as a server grab, which isolates a chosen window and makes it a new root as far as events are concerned
1671320;1497670976;phf;so now it doesn't matter who's registered for what, the only windows that will be receiving events are those in the server grab hierarchy, i.e. your chosen window and its children
1671321;1497671059;phf;(there's a handful of other extensions that might potentially be used to subvert that mechanism, but likewise they are not mandatory and can be disabled like XTEST)
1671322;1497671097;phf;if you simply load an x app, attach it to root, and start grabbing all the events then you can come to same conclusion as any random chick with a blog "omg all teh events"
1671323;1497671116;phf;but if you were to actually repeat that same exercise when gnupg pinentry is asking you for password you'll see that it doesn't work
1671324;1497671139;phf;it still works though when xterm is asking you for password because xterm doesn't know it's a password entry, and doesn't do a grab
1671325;1497671158;mircea_popescu;the cogent objection to x is that "design irrespective, something this fucking long can never be good." the redditard objection to x is "omaygerd, black chix code!"
1671326;1497671177;phf;never the less ~xterm~ specifically supports server grab for people who know what they are doing (i.e. not the lunix on desktop crowd)
1671327;1497671206;sina;phf: ok that is pretty interesting and I didn't know
1671328;1497671213;phf;but anyway, all of this is at all relevant why? because of the first things i said, i.e. x11 lets clients ~from network~ or ~from other users~ to connect to your session
1671329;1497671242;phf;those clients are isolated, in one case by machine, in the other case by unix isolation, and can't do the obvious thing, that is read the memory of your password requesting process directly
1671330;1497671277;phf;so you could, theoretically connect to a compromised ssh box, with your x11 tunneling enabled, and get a silent agent snooping your keyboard
1671331;1497671287;phf;and this is where we come to wayland
1671332;1497671316;phf;wayland "mitigates" keylogger issue by not fucking letting you start apps either as a remote user or ~even as a different user on same machine~
1671333;1497671399;phf;so any wayland app that has access to your wayland session by the obvious implications can do the obvious thing: gpg encrypt all your files, steal all your passwords, and send compromising emails to all your friends, because as should be obvious that app has access to everything else you have access too oh my fucking god the level of retardation i can't even.
1671334;1497671430;mircea_popescu;phf's capacity to scale an explanation is well impressive.
1671335;1497671438;sina;sure, as can any application in the dac model
1671336;1497671479;sina;if you trust the software you can mitigate with whatever sandbox and if you don't then you need hw compartments, different issue
1671337;1497671552;sina;phf: finished? the discussion about server grab is appreciated. links to docs or examples appreciated also
1671338;1497671632;sina;!!rate phf 5 patient explanation of X server grab (http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671304)
1671339;1497671632;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 03:36 phf: see architecturally wayland and x11 couldn't be more different. x11 supports a special network protocol that lets clients from different sources connect to the same instance of x. for example you can have a client from a different user on the same machine or a client from a network source (like over ssh)
1671340;1497671633;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/Oxgfk/?raw=true
1671341;1497671663;phf;man XGrabKeyboard
1671342;1497671665;sina;!!v A07AB95DDCF240C19AECC10DB3102290DD17B353D9E3B04E88E8257368237C1E
1671343;1497671665;deedbot;sina rated phf 5 << patient explanation of X server grab (http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671304)
1671344;1497671802;sina;https://github.com/keepassx/keepassx/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=XGrabKeyboard&type= :'(
1671345;1497671890;mircea_popescu;but try the command line ?
1671346;1497671933;sina;mircea_popescu: commandline keepassx?
1671347;1497671940;mircea_popescu;man XGrabKeyboard
1671348;1497671976;sina;oh, yeah, I read through that, and wanted to see if the password manager I use was utilising it ala gpg pinentry that phf mentioned
1671349;1497671979;sina;tis not
1671351;1497672013;mircea_popescu;i read that as you proposing random third party to be the root for the discussion somehow.
1671353;1497672043;mircea_popescu;random blogspot links dun help :D
1671354;1497672080;phf;they might be relying on gtk/kde password input boxes to do the right thing
1671355;1497672308;phf;since applications (and that includes window managers) tend to send around lots of different messages as the focus is traveling around your window hierarchy, i wouldn't be surprised if gtk/qt does a very specific grab when you put a cursor inside your app's password box, and do a release whenever focus travels away
1671356;1497672899;sina;carrying on the "jobs for asciilifeform" https://jobs.lever.co/circlemedical/3de96093-ac16-40da-8ee6-0a721ebcd960?lever-origin=applied&lever-source%5B%5D=HACKERNEWS
1671357;1497672907;sina;Circle Medical is seeking an Ethereum hacker to build dApps for healthcare
1671358;1497672942;mircea_popescu;momentarily read "the", was "wtf are these people smoking"
1671359;1497672966;mircea_popescu;but obviously, they don't even know it's a matter of "the", smoking own cock as per usual with the ustards.
1671360;1497673173;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1671361;1497673180;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2492.54, vol: 13591.94003499 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2472.551, vol: 5975.23191 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2433.4, vol: 21458.55571283 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2774.521468, vol: 15298.81530000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2484.89, vol: 7556.11736614 | Volume-weighted last average: 2537.43121103
1671362;1497674510;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671355 << can't speak for other folx, i run in '0 stealing focus' mode
1671363;1497674510;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 04:05 phf: since applications (and that includes window managers) tend to send around lots of different messages as the focus is traveling around your window hierarchy, i wouldn't be surprised if gtk/qt does a very specific grab when you put a cursor inside your app's password box, and do a release whenever focus travels away
1671364;1497674520;asciilifeform;as in, 0 popups, focus moves WHEN I MOTHERFUCKING MOVE IT
1671365;1497674537;asciilifeform;( this is trivial in 'ratpoison' and i have nfi where else )
1671366;1497674566;asciilifeform;and i mean literally does not EVER move by itself -- not connected to mouse, either
1671367;1497674577;asciilifeform;has to be moved explicitly, using designated keys
1671368;1497674589;asciilifeform;and this is as it ought to be.
1671369;1497674610;mircea_popescu;is it connected to alt-tab ? :D
1671371;1497674622;mircea_popescu;but standard!
1671372;1497674639;asciilifeform;connected to, i shit thee not, dedicated physical keys.
1671373;1497674652;mircea_popescu;pedal ?
1671376;1497674684;mircea_popescu;pedal would be cool
1671377;1497674691;sina;lol http://www.nongnu.org/ratpoison/inspiration.html'
1671378;1497674693;asciilifeform;i used to have pedals
1671379;1497674698;sina;ratpoison created so people could code while high?
1671380;1497674715;asciilifeform;threw out , from frustration, because nobody - NOBODY - sells a set of pedals of decent physical quality
1671381;1497675045;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671332 >> 'Хорошо тому живется / У кого одна нога...'
1671382;1497675045;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 03:48 phf: wayland "mitigates" keylogger issue by not fucking letting you start apps either as a remote user or ~even as a different user on same machine~
1671383;1497675199;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671325 << the objection is valid but only when it comes with a 'and here is how i shortened it and DOES SAME JOB'
1671384;1497675199;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 03:45 mircea_popescu: the cogent objection to x is that "design irrespective, something this fucking long can never be good." the redditard objection to x is "omaygerd, black chix code!"
1671386;1497675231;asciilifeform;i.e. remote session on ARBITRARY SIZED DISPLAY and not in motherfucking microshit-style 'have your 1024x768 remotedesktop liquishit'
1671387;1497675251;mircea_popescu;im not trying to take your monitors
1671388;1497675271;asciilifeform;it ain't even about the monitors, but re the poettering's attempts to import the 'desktop' idiocy into linux
1671389;1497675278;asciilifeform;where 'of course there is One Desktop'
1671390;1497675287;mircea_popescu;what is the desktop idiocy ?
1671391;1497675302;asciilifeform;the one where there is anything whatsoever graphically outside of particular proggy.
1671392;1497675307;*;mircea_popescu has notced people keep ranting on about "folders" which supposedly is how you say directory now, but w/e.
1671393;1497675310;asciilifeform;and in particular, shared between sessions
1671394;1497675326;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't get it.
1671395;1497675437;asciilifeform;well, on classical x11 i have, e.g., machine that runs, say, 20 gui proggies, and each one 1) is on an entirely different machine, somewhere else, some of them not even on same continent 2) behaves EXACTLY as if it were running locally, window reshapes, etc 3) none have any shared state with the others, each sees local disk only of own local machine etc
1671396;1497675464;mircea_popescu;but consider eulora. it has a ... login desktop, which is not only shared between sessions, but users also! being the same
1671397;1497675469;mircea_popescu;then you get to your actual game.
1671398;1497675485;asciilifeform;yes but deliberate effect
1671399;1497675500;mircea_popescu;so if compiz or w/e has a similar thing ? dun have to run compiz.
1671400;1497675509;asciilifeform;and it is not in any reasonable sense 'shared', merely copied
1671401;1497675519;mircea_popescu;well what's the difference
1671402;1497675526;asciilifeform;the shared state in eulora is the game board -- explicit
1671403;1497675543;mircea_popescu;no, if you change your username it is going to show trhe new one when you boot it next
1671404;1497675559;asciilifeform;get hold some time of a winblows box and see what microshit passes off as 'remote desktop', then will see what was meant here.
1671405;1497675589;*;mircea_popescu files this discussion away for retirement.
1671406;1497675618;asciilifeform;( spoiler : all you get is the effect of N duplicate screens -- in the form of cruddy, slow, dithered mirrors of 1 screen - and keyboard - of a single, in effect, winblowz box. can even play 'war of the cursors' )
1671407;1497675673;mircea_popescu;which reminds me, girl forgot wireless mouse for laptop, was trying to use the mousepad. i, from meters away, was helping with the mouse.
1671408;1497675677;mircea_popescu;was great fun!
1671410;1497675723;mircea_popescu;it can produce a huge ball of wtf, this procedure.
1671412;1497679641;a111;Logged on 2016-05-01 17:42 asciilifeform: (they bought the outfit i was in at the time, hilarious story for another time)
1671413;1497679648;sina;tell us the story asciilifeform
1671414;1497681124;sina;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-03#1461762 did this ever happen
1671415;1497681124;a111;Logged on 2016-05-03 12:15 mircea_popescu: anyway, if anyone with a box with python > 3.2 on it is willing to give http://cado-nfs.gforge.inria.fr/ a whirl (specifically in regards to the modulus in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-03#1461712 ) plox lemme know whether it even worx.
1671416;1497681138;mircea_popescu;not afgaik
1671418;1497681853;a111;Logged on 2016-05-04 00:32 asciilifeform: i also recommend that gpg4win henceforth be referred to as gpg4lose.
1671419;1497683474;sina;alright, it's been a pleasure, going to get some sushi
1671420;1497693041;BingoBoingo;!~ud extra af
1671421;1497693042;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: ERROR: 'extra af' not defined on UrbanDictionary.
1671422;1497710654;mircea_popescu;meanwhile from the "today i introduced my best friend to my master. we went for a picnic" files, https://68.media.tumblr.com/91b81a0742485b4a8aee7870536e5603/tumblr_onq1le4qqH1ssn9vjo1_400.gif
1671423;1497711419;asciilifeform;lol ukrs
1671424;1497711509;mircea_popescu;couldja tell ?
1671425;1497711515;mircea_popescu;wat gave it away, the bear in the distance ?
1671426;1497711526;asciilifeform;the demonstrative lolgarb ?
1671428;1497711551;mircea_popescu;i always thought that's just gypsy swag. now you're telling me it's ukrainian ?!
1671429;1497711612;asciilifeform;hey they too can be ukrs!111 ( if they can be 'romanians' )
1671430;1497711633;mircea_popescu;i suppose trully, they're just british.
1671431;1497711673;asciilifeform;i've yet to meet the brit fond of dressing up in ukriform -- but nfi.
1671432;1497711720;mircea_popescu;i've yet to meet the british government NOT fond of going around naming things.
1671434;1497716237;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DC0A629D9F7ED9E06B98F7D21BB5A116CFB99DF5A9866B47E11088EC804044DF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1390...8363 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (138-135-203-89.net.baz.cz. CZ)
1671435;1497716237;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DC0A629D9F7ED9E06B98F7D21BB5A116CFB99DF5A9866B47E11088EC804044DF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1501...3783 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (138-135-203-89.net.baz.cz. CZ)
1671436;1497717384;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A347597E83187EAC28F0979A98CCB1B5BA36BD16A6023C8288E4CC1D68EBE464 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1436...5243 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (xvm-190-113.ghst.net. FR)
1671437;1497717384;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A347597E83187EAC28F0979A98CCB1B5BA36BD16A6023C8288E4CC1D68EBE464 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1569...0387 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (xvm-190-113.ghst.net. FR)
1671439;1497717414;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
1671440;1497717416;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-9
1671441;1497719405;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-boundless-burden/ << Trilema - The boundless burden
1671442;1497720132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/the-boundless-burden/#comment-122248
1671443;1497720340;mircea_popescu;back atcha
1671445;1497720575;asciilifeform;!~google felonious fortification
1671446;1497720576;jhvh1;asciilifeform: ASK DR. SCHUND - Mazepath: ; Breast milk (Steven B. Harris, M.D.) - Yarchive: ; Erythorbic Acid (President Bush have a less-carcinogenic hotdog ...: 
1671447;1497720587;asciilifeform;lol , 1st 2 hits -- subj!
1671448;1497720603;asciilifeform;and 3 -- uncle al commenting..
1671449;1497720610;asciilifeform;( so all 3 )
1671450;1497720666;asciilifeform;'FDA specifically bans from human infant formula ("felonious fortification") the addition of a tetraunsaturated fatty acid only found in human breast milk.  Near as anyone can tell, its only metabolic purpose is to encourage brain development. Human milk for human babies - or you bring up a Democrat.' ftr.
1671451;1497720914;asciilifeform;elsewhere in uncleal, 'The FDA screamed "felonious fortification" when makers of cheap fortified wines wanted to add thiamine to prevent alcoholic neuropathy caused by thiamine malabsorption.'
1671453;1497720971;mircea_popescu;al schwartz is such a treasure of specific information.
1671454;1497721157;asciilifeform;though i am at a loss to find a clean 'logic' for what gets 'fortified'. for instance i have on my desk now a commonplace can of pseudofreon , and to some surprise discovered 'bitterant to deter snorting' on the ingredients list
1671455;1497721177;asciilifeform;gotta wonder, what cost it adds to the bottle, and what effect it has on the surfaces where sprayed, etc
1671456;1497721182;mircea_popescu;i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN
1671457;1497721186;asciilifeform;and wtf was the Official justification.
1671458;1497721204;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the contents?!
1671460;1497721225;asciilifeform;ah y'mean liquid, e.g. antifreeze ?
1671461;1497721227;mircea_popescu;obv, toxic if ingested. but that color was outright alien
1671463;1497721263;asciilifeform;didja buy it in a comp shop, meant for use in those fluorescent-lit showman pcs kidz build ?!
1671464;1497721278;mircea_popescu;nope, car shop.
1671466;1497721286;mircea_popescu;lemme see
1671467;1497721327;mircea_popescu;ah dun have the paperwork here, but anyway, io tell you, that item would work great as artist installation. it's an otherwordly color
1671468;1497721359;asciilifeform;incidentally 'water pc' folx often add fluorescent dye to the coolant even when not 'show piece' -- it aids in finding leaks
1671469;1497721363;asciilifeform;( uv lamp )
1671470;1497721387;asciilifeform;possibly the practice had spread to auto world
1671471;1497721396;mircea_popescu;ah this makes sense huh
1671472;1497721402;mircea_popescu;clever enough
1671474;1497721444;mircea_popescu;and great tits to you too, mod6 !
1671475;1497721449;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: methyl mercaptan is the ultimate 'leak finder', but for some... odd!111 reason ... not popular
1671476;1497721458;mircea_popescu;stinks to all heavens ?
1671477;1497721463;asciilifeform;aha, is the point!
1671478;1497721472;mircea_popescu;but it might explain why not popular ?
1671479;1497721474;asciilifeform;same way you know that gas leak.
1671480;1497721503;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's father had an army story where he & some d00dz got hold of a vial
1671481;1497721503;mircea_popescu;anyway, the point re fluorescents is more to see where than to see if, i bet.
1671482;1497721521;asciilifeform;and it went into (wooden) truck bed of a certain fella who Really Needed To
1671483;1497721533;asciilifeform;later he was made to go to the forest an' burn the bed.
1671485;1497721566;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> and great tits to you too, mod6 ! << and to you Sir!
1671486;1497721587;asciilifeform;heya mod6
1671487;1497721598;mod6;how goes alf?
1671488;1497721606;asciilifeform;mod6: still doing ~same thing..
1671489;1497721614;asciilifeform;(fixed-space karatsuba)
1671490;1497721620;asciilifeform;astonishing degree of bitch
1671491;1497721636;asciilifeform;( and -- afaik it has never existed, anywhere, anyhow, nowhere to crib, also )
1671493;1497721800;asciilifeform;i'll review karatsuba here, ftr. suppose you have 2 L-bit numbers, X and Y, to multiply. you can multiply X*Y the usual way, is O(N^2). but instead anatoly alexeevich k. shows us that you can cut X into X0,X1, ceil(x/2) and floor(x/2) bits, respectively, and same to Y, -> Y0,Y1, and then you only gotta do THREE multiplications, X0*Y0, X1*Y1, (X0+X1)*(Y0+Y1)
1671494;1497721821;asciilifeform;then you can recombine'em ,
1671495;1497721926;mod6;this seems to make sense to me off the cuff.
1671496;1497721941;asciilifeform;( (X0*Y0) << 2K ) + (((X0+X1)*(Y0+Y1) - X0*X1 - X1*Y1) << K) + X1*Y1 .
1671497;1497721951;mircea_popescu;mod6 if you manage to cut l to where it's 64 bits you save a loit
1671498;1497721966;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that there's the base case
1671499;1497721973;asciilifeform;and usually you'll have it above 1 machine word
1671500;1497721997;asciilifeform;( where to draw magic line, can only be found empirically, depends somewhat on machine )
1671501;1497722038;asciilifeform;but at any rate, the astute reader will immediately notice that k's algo is not fixedwidth-friendly : in the addition
1671502;1497722060;asciilifeform;addition of 2 B-bit integers needs B+1 bits
1671503;1497722077;asciilifeform;our machine ain't bit-discrete tho and so it needs M+1 machine words
1671504;1497722100;asciilifeform;immediate 'argh' because we set out to operate SOLELY with M-bit FFA.
1671506;1497722197;mircea_popescu;this IS a bitch
1671508;1497722222;asciilifeform;so, for instance, if X and Y were 32-bit integers, the term (X0+X1)*(Y0+Y1) is actually 34 bits wide.
1671509;1497722232;asciilifeform;or scratch that
1671512;1497722376;mircea_popescu;the babe police force arrested ben vulpes
1671514;1497722441;asciilifeform;anyway to round out the thread -- i solved it, in the 'obvious' way, but now gotta simplify the proggy a bit, so that it becomes again readable, and also ideally would like to waste less space
1671515;1497722464;asciilifeform;( it is probably obvious that any conceivable solution - esp in a pointer-avoiding proggy -- will waste much space )
1671516;1497722479;mircea_popescu;i prefer the word invest.
1671518;1497722555;asciilifeform;see, when we copy bits again and again , things gets slow, and ends up barely beating the egyptological mult.
1671519;1497722591;mircea_popescu;not wasted space. invested space.
1671520;1497722608;asciilifeform;the 'return' on the 'investment' is a ~year-long keygen time.
1671523;1497722622;mircea_popescu;but yes
1671524;1497722733;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671504 << M-WORD, that is
1671525;1497722733;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 17:55 asciilifeform: immediate 'argh' because we set out to operate SOLELY with M-bit FFA.
1671526;1497722773;asciilifeform;it continues to entertain asciilifeform that ALL KNOWN implementations of rsa extant, branch-on-secretbits
1671527;1497722800;asciilifeform;( in that their mult is not fixedspace and thereby - regardless of what snakeoil is used -- not fixedtime )
1671529;1497722823;mircea_popescu;doth not entertain me
1671530;1497722846;mircea_popescu;larger bar to actual tmsr sovereignity to correspond to the ideological than, eg, the continued existence of the united states.
1671531;1497722880;asciilifeform;( at one point i derived how to do ~fixed-joules~ rsa, and it is in the logs, but needs peculiar silicon, don't expect one yet )
1671532;1497722913;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plox to expand ?
1671533;1497722941;mircea_popescu;rsa is the fundamental basis of individual identity. tmsr is a republic of men. without proper rsa, it can not be properly said men exist.
1671534;1497722988;asciilifeform;sorta how basis of victorian england was the logarithmic table. eggog - sink ship. hence the effort for the steam 'difference engine' etc
1671535;1497722997;mircea_popescu;yes, rather exactly.
1671536;1497726487;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671496 << err, ( (X0*Y0) << 2K ) + (((X0+X1)*(Y0+Y1) - X0*Y0 - X1*Y1) << K) + X1*Y1 .
1671537;1497726487;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 17:52 asciilifeform: ( (X0*Y0) << 2K ) + (((X0+X1)*(Y0+Y1) - X0*X1 - X1*Y1) << K) + X1*Y1 .
1671538;1497726585;mircea_popescu;you just said the same thing
1671540;1497726602;mircea_popescu;eh the hell
1671541;1497726609;asciilifeform;diff with diff if you can't with eyes
1671542;1497726637;mircea_popescu;rly ?
1671543;1497726696;mircea_popescu;X0*Y0 lol wtf was that
1671545;1497726717;asciilifeform;i had grunted it in from memory
1671546;1497726718;mircea_popescu;unreadable typo apparently
1671547;1497726733;mircea_popescu;6 passes!
1671548;1497726757;asciilifeform;yeah well if mod6 or phf or anybody had tried cooking with this recipe, he'd get headache and wonder wtf asciilifeform was smoking
1671549;1497726793;*;asciilifeform always proofreads equations dropped into teh l0gz, but not necessarily in time!11
1671550;1497726871;asciilifeform;incidentally the time to understand why this recipe works, is now, because users of 'p' will be expected to grasp it and the rest of mechanism
1671551;1497726879;asciilifeform;as part of the 'pack yer own parachute' philosophy.
1671552;1497727057;mircea_popescu;a = a1 * 10^x + a2 ; b = b1 * 10^x + b2
1671553;1497727073;mircea_popescu;a * b = (a1+a2)*(b1 + b2) = etc
1671554;1497727481;mod6;yeah, im about to write this one on my whiteboard here.
1671555;1497728157;ben_vulpes;do forgive my ignorance, but why must rsa ops run in constant, worst-case time?
1671556;1497728185;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that's not the point. the point is that the processor must never have an if(secretbit) then branch
1671557;1497728194;mircea_popescu;this then reduces to the case where constant, space, time etc
1671558;1497728274;mircea_popescu;whereas as alf aptly points out, the waywards of the world attempt to spit-fix this after the fact.
1671559;1497728291;ben_vulpes;because those branches might spew secrets to the nic?
1671560;1497728302;mircea_popescu;which, as i told sina, certainly fixes something : it makes it so that common people can't spy, but nsa still can.
1671561;1497728328;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes because then an outsider can and therefore will observe the black box behaviour differentials, thereby giving away the keys.
1671562;1497728575;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if i ( or whoever ) can time the execution of your mod-exp even to , e.g., 20% accuracy, a couplea times (say, by listening with radio next door) i can derive your p,q.
1671564;1497728609;asciilifeform;supposing you were using gpg ( or pretty much any other rsatron )
1671565;1497728733;asciilifeform;hypothetically i could even do it ( supposing your rsatron is mains-powered ) by observing the imperceptible dimming of the room lights, from 5km away
1671566;1497728734;asciilifeform;or whichever.
1671567;1497728749;asciilifeform;the kindergarten term for the concept is 'side channel'.
1671568;1497729010;asciilifeform;the imho interesting part of this tale is that ~time~ is the most, it turns out, difficult side channel to properly cement shut
1671569;1497729032;asciilifeform;because none of the naive approaches 1) work 2) give any symptom of not working, until you're dead
1671570;1497729061;asciilifeform;adding random noise -- 'i'll look in the box after T nsec, with T uniform random quantity..' most interestingly does NOT work
1671571;1497729077;asciilifeform;in that you are adding a finite and -- in most cases manageable -- amount of noise to the signal.
1671572;1497729094;asciilifeform;which enemy will -- eventually -- subtract.
1671573;1497729120;asciilifeform;( if you own, e.g., 'gps' receiver, you already own an example of a device that picks up a signal BELOW motherfucking THERMAL noise!1111 )
1671574;1497729151;ben_vulpes;whoa really?
1671576;1497729168;asciilifeform;!~google phase-locked loop
1671577;1497729169;jhvh1;asciilifeform: What is phase - locked loop ? - Definition from WhatIs.com: ; Phase Locked Loop Tutorial | PLL Fundamtentals | Radio ...: ; MT-086: Fundamentals of Phase Locked Loops ... - Analog Devices: (1 more message)
1671578;1497729177;asciilifeform;^ basic idea
1671580;1497729301;ben_vulpes;did not know the signal was that quiet
1671581;1497729412;asciilifeform;idea of pll is that you can indeed see a lit match from mile away in daylight if you know 'exactly when to look'
1671582;1497729462;asciilifeform;concept is usually taught in re radio but applies just as readily in optics -- say, the common infrared remote button
1671583;1497729493;asciilifeform;receiver samples at the carrier freq (typically 40 or so kHz), and then processed as serial bits.
1671584;1497729522;asciilifeform;whereas if you're a kid and naively build a thing that tries to close a relay when infrared diode sees light and conducts dc -- it will work for maybe a metre, no moar, distance
1671585;1497729551;asciilifeform;...drowns in noise, if made any moar sensitive
1671586;1497729565;asciilifeform;because room is full of, if you will, 'dc' light
1671587;1497729573;asciilifeform;whereas (ideally) 'not so full' of 40kHz light.
1671588;1497729667;asciilifeform;lulzily, long ago, asciilifeform tried to make use of this principle to build a sunglass for seeing lappy lcd in bright sunlight ( sync lcd shutter, a la 'game glasses', to the backlight pwm freq )
1671589;1497729688;asciilifeform;couldn't source a set of lcd glasses that had usefully high switching speed.
1671590;1497729853;mod6;ok. so there looks to be a section on this in AoCP Vol 2. section 4.3.3. [ Section A ]
1671591;1497730006;mod6;I guess, it doesn't cover karatsuba specifically, but gives some background perhaps for the uninitiated.
1671592;1497731165;mod6;asciilifeform: can you explain what K is and why we need to shift by it?
1671593;1497731188;shinohai;!!up m0n0lake
1671594;1497731188;deedbot;m0n0lake voiced for 30 minutes.
1671595;1497731373;mircea_popescu;!!up b00blegum
1671596;1497731373;deedbot;b00blegum voiced for 30 minutes.
1671597;1497731417;mod6;is this like taking the low-order bits of X0*Y0 << 2*(WORD_SIZE), and (((X0+X1)*(Y0+Y1) - X0*Y0 - X1*Y1) << WORD_SIZE ?
1671598;1497731462;shinohai;Epic logs I missed over past ~2 days .... especially phf's lecture this a.m.
1671599;1497731474;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes but do the math for signal power used in eg FM radio, then figure what the satellite would have to send.
1671600;1497731539;m0n0lake;i don't need no voice , thanks shinohai
1671601;1497731657;shinohai;!!down m0n0lake
1671602;1497731676;shinohai;One of those Argentines mircea_popescu raves about I see.
1671603;1497731832;mircea_popescu;mod6 you take a number of say 22 bits, and cut it in two 11 bit numbers. this 11 is the k. then you have first part * 2 ^ K (=11) + second part to get the original back
1671604;1497731850;mircea_popescu;shifts are mults by powers of two in binary, basically.
1671605;1497731918;mircea_popescu;trivially, 11 * 11 = 121, and also (10 + 1) * (10 + 1) = 10 * 10 + 2 * 10 * 1 + 1 * 1 = 121.
1671606;1497731934;mircea_popescu;that 10 is 1 * 10 ^ 1 ie first part * 2 ^ k.
1671607;1497731959;mircea_popescu;because obviously if we're cutting up 11, the first part will be 1 and the second part will be 1.
1671608;1497732226;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-16#1671180   <<< 'tis correct, though I am still working on switching it to lispbot as time permits.
1671609;1497732226;a111;Logged on 2017-06-16 23:07 lobbes:  use supybot carcass then << aye. 'tis what lobbesbot (and I think jhvh1) run on, sina
1671610;1497732822;mod6;mircea_popescu: ok thanks.
1671611;1497732844;mircea_popescu;that make sense ?
1671612;1497732990;mod6;i haven't groked it yet.
1671613;1497732991;asciilifeform;mod6: mircea_popescu's explanation is correct: K is ceil(bitness/2)
1671614;1497733078;asciilifeform;...if all of your ffa are 'clean' powerof2-sized, you can lose the floor/ceiling thing
1671615;1497733120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this was going to be my next line of inquiry. can the above discussed +1 bs be lost if we simply enforce a conveniently chosen size ?
1671616;1497733134;asciilifeform;which one
1671617;1497733146;mircea_popescu;!#s "argh"
1671618;1497733147;a111;120 results for "\"argh\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22argh%22
1671619;1497733153;asciilifeform;the carry from the addition ? nope
1671620;1497733176;asciilifeform;i'ma work a concrete example here, so, patience...:
1671621;1497733188;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671504 this one
1671622;1497733188;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 17:55 asciilifeform: immediate 'argh' because we set out to operate SOLELY with M-bit FFA.
1671623;1497733240;asciilifeform;let's multiply 0xffffffff by 0xffffffff
1671624;1497733248;asciilifeform;( maxint of 32bit register )
1671625;1497733261;asciilifeform;using k.algo ( you wouldn't, in life, but principle remains same )
1671626;1497733280;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> trivially, 11 * 11 = 121, and also (10 + 1) * (10 + 1) = 10 * 10 + 2 * 10 * 1 + 1 * 1 = 121. << what I can't figure out is where the part: + 2 comes from.
1671627;1497733284;asciilifeform;the result is ( noshit.jpg!! ) a 64bit , 0xfffffffe00000001
1671628;1497733289;asciilifeform;let's get it via k.:
1671629;1497733321;asciilifeform;X0 = 0xffff
1671630;1497733322;asciilifeform;X1 = 0xffff
1671631;1497733325;asciilifeform;Y0 = 0xffff
1671632;1497733327;asciilifeform;Y1 = 0xffff
1671633;1497733363;mod6;if i FOIL this thing (10 + 1)(10 + 1), i get: 10*10 + 10*1 + 1*10 + 1*1; 100 + 10 + 10 + 1 = 121.  ooh, is see what you did there.
1671634;1497733371;asciilifeform;X0Y0 = 0xfffe0001
1671635;1497733385;asciilifeform;X1Y1 = 0xfffe0001
1671636;1497733398;asciilifeform;nao for the bitch :
1671637;1497733418;asciilifeform;X0+X1 == Y0+Y1 == 0x1fffe .
1671638;1497733434;asciilifeform;which is 17, and not 16 bits
1671639;1497733469;asciilifeform;(X0 + X1) * (Y0 + Y1) == 0x3fff80004
1671640;1497733477;asciilifeform;which is ~34~ bits
1671642;1497733560;asciilifeform;p0 = X0*Y0
1671643;1497733566;asciilifeform;p1 = ( (X0 + X1) * (Y0 + Y1) )
1671644;1497733570;asciilifeform;p2 = X1*Y1
1671645;1497733579;asciilifeform;p2*(2**32) + (p1-p2-p0)*(2**16) + p0 ==
1671647;1497733588;asciilifeform;and we're done.
1671648;1497733603;asciilifeform;( apologies for l0g clutter, but gotta do this !!)
1671649;1497733892;asciilifeform;if it weren't obvious, k = 16
1671650;1497733956;asciilifeform;( we did not recurse, in this example, explicitly, but if you had -- you would have k := ceil((bitness of x and y)/2) naturally in each level of recursion
1671652;1497734030;mod6;<+asciilifeform> if it weren't obvious, k = 16 << this seems to make sense
1671653;1497734145;mircea_popescu;mod6 because (a + b) * (c + d) = a (c + d) + b (c +d) = ac + ad + bc + bd. now, in our case, we were doing 11 * 11 and so a = 10 AND c = 10, while b = 1 AND d = 1, and so if you replace you yahve 10 * 10 + 10 * 1 + 1 * 10 + 1 * 1. because 10 * 1 = 1 * 10 you can just write it down as 2 * 10 * 1.
1671654;1497734153;asciilifeform;now my recipe is arranged a little bit differently from, e.g., knuth's , so that we can forget about signs
1671655;1497734166;asciilifeform;( there are not and will not be signed arithmetic in ffa )
1671656;1497734190;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is using base10 in his example but otherwise right
1671657;1497734191;mod6;mircea_popescu: yup, gotcha, that short hand threw me through a loop for a minute. lol.
1671658;1497734209;mircea_popescu;mod6 the thing with these is always some little insignificant nook that gets caught
1671659;1497734214;mod6;just was overthinking it .. thought maybe the '2' was a base reference or something
1671660;1497734239;asciilifeform;mod6: aha, my recipe uses (noshit.jpg) base2
1671661;1497734242;mircea_popescu;but yes alf is correct i did base 10 for convenience because most people don't have base 2 mult table loaded in head so dunno what 110 * 101 is
1671662;1497734258;mod6;yeah, was easier.
1671663;1497734263;asciilifeform;knuth uses base10 in his overview, aha
1671664;1497734295;mod6;yeah, few examples i've seen of karatsuba all use base 10..
1671665;1497734299;asciilifeform;basic idea is that k's algo transforms a N-bit O(N^2) mult, into instead ~three~ (N/2)-bit mults
1671666;1497734313;asciilifeform;(four would be the obvious but useless transform)
1671667;1497734325;mod6;apparently this ends up being O(N^ln 3) or something
1671669;1497734337;mircea_popescu;this is only relevant because machines do mults in like 18x the time they do adds.
1671670;1497734398;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually it remains relevant even if single-word mult is (as it is on some boxes) 1 cycle, same as add
1671671;1497734441;mircea_popescu;it does ?
1671673;1497734487;asciilifeform;karatsuba et al weren't even working with computers. but wrestling with question of how much, abstractly, work, does multiplication per se entail.
1671674;1497734518;mircea_popescu;if single - word mult is same as add, there's no benefit to not simply multing the parts.
1671676;1497734580;asciilifeform;btw iirc this is an ~actual~ exercise in knuth -- to show that you still need karatsuba on a box where add(word,word) takes same time as mult(word,word)
1671677;1497734616;BingoBoingo; i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN << The dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce rust to one's engine block cooling passages.
1671678;1497734623;asciilifeform;( spoiler : ultimately we are dealing with ~multiword~ ops, and the complexity of how the multing actually happens, comes into play )
1671679;1497734645;*;asciilifeform brb
1671680;1497734687;mircea_popescu;which one is orange ?
1671681;1497734692;mircea_popescu;this was ethylene glycol iirc
1671682;1497734697;BingoBoingo; possibly the practice had spread to auto world << Coolant color coded with dye. Refrigerant available with optional dye for leak finding.
1671683;1497734861;mod6;<+BingoBoingo>  i bought a can of coolant, it's FLUORESCENT GREEN <<  he dye is to tell you which of several incompatible types of coolant it is. Mixing GREEN and ORANGE coolant is a good way to introduce rust to one's engine block cooling passages. << iirc, all vehicles pre-1995 or so used the green coolant.
1671684;1497734909;mod6;post, most seem to now use this "dex-cool" stuff which is pink or orange.  you are not supposed to mix them, no.  and as bb says, can introduce rust into the water jacket of the block.
1671685;1497734974;mod6;anyway, the wisdom seems to be, use what's described in the manual or even written on the radiator cap.  fwiw, never open a radiator cap while engine is hot - contents under pressure.
1671686;1497734983;mod6;(noshit.jpg) et. al.
1671687;1497735067;mod6;im not sure why they switched to the new coolant.  they always just said, "lasts longer, etc."  but i wonder if it was really due to the proliferation of aluminum blocks.
1671689;1497735160;mod6;asciilifeform: thanks for the hex example.
1671690;1497735175;mircea_popescu;which brings the mixing : putting orange in green engine is bad. orange engine can run with green fine
1671691;1497735188;shinohai;So apparently all one needs to destroy a US destroyer is container ship: http://archive.is/4GbGw
1671692;1497735204;mircea_popescu;shinohai cardboard car for looking at not for driving in the rain.
1671693;1497735238;mod6;mircea_popescu: this is actually what a guy at auto store told me recently too; but other fellas have told me, "if you wanna be 100% sure you're not going to introduce any problems, just use what it says in the manual or on cap."
1671694;1497735257;mircea_popescu;well sure.
1671695;1497735268;mod6;you fixin up the bmw?
1671696;1497735278;mircea_popescu;ah, done already.
1671697;1497735284;mod6;ah cool :]
1671698;1497735298;mircea_popescu;new "cvasi-consumables"
1671699;1497735309;mircea_popescu;like you know, springs, brake pads, etc
1671701;1497735414;*;mircea_popescu much rather buy used and then put these new at own shop than buy "certified" bla bla and have to put new ones anyway in coupla years
1671702;1497735468;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the pets do own shocks, brakes, etc. work ??
1671703;1497735478;mircea_popescu;huh ?
1671704;1497735483;mircea_popescu;ah, no.
1671705;1497735490;asciilifeform;well you did say 'own shop' so i pictured.
1671706;1497735502;mircea_popescu;a, no, commercial item.
1671708;1497735525;mircea_popescu;thing is, if chick's good at mechanics she should do it all day, and if not never.
1671709;1497736027;mircea_popescu;that's kinda my objection with the whole "in my kitchen" outlook. if your kitchen makes stuff that's any good it should be a factory, and if not it should forget about it and just be a kitchen
1671710;1497739779;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: problem with this pov is that certain classes of things ~only~ can ever happen in a serious-kitchen, and will never in factory.
1671711;1497739784;asciilifeform;of whatever description.
1671712;1497739815;mircea_popescu;hey, in theory no difference between sextoy's anterior and posterior openings. in practice she sometimes winces.
1671714;1497739918;mircea_popescu;tho potty humour aside, i suspect the actual dispute is re the meaning of factory
1671715;1497741135;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm quite familiar with the original meaning of the word
1671717;1497741145;asciilifeform;and not fixated on, e.g., conveyor belt or whatnot trappings
1671718;1497741151;asciilifeform;the operative concept is 'for money'
1671719;1497741187;mircea_popescu;sure, originally. what i had in mind above is that your idea of "serious kitchen" is probably my idea of factory but without any capital goods management.
1671720;1497741201;mircea_popescu;if i buy coffee grindewr for kitchen, it is to work whenever the girls want coffee ground.
1671721;1497741222;mircea_popescu;but if i buy coffee grinder for factory, it is to work at all times, and girls will change their schedule to keep it going, not it to accomodate them.
1671722;1497741249;BingoBoingo; im not sure why they switched to the new coolant.  they always just said, "lasts longer, etc."  but i wonder if it was really due to the proliferation of aluminum blocks. << Dex-cool is silicate free so gentler on Aluminum. Also something something organic/inorganic dopants differing between verde and naranja
1671723;1497741262;mircea_popescu;which is why if my place costs 100 to rent and 80 to man, it will be open 24/7 and so it will cost 100 to rent and 240 to man.
1671724;1497741291;BingoBoingo; which brings the mixing : putting orange in green engine is bad. orange engine can run with green fine << Orange engine runs green fine, IF orange is drained out.
1671725;1497741315;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: recall the thread with the gardener ?
1671726;1497741322;mircea_popescu;gthe one making tomatoes on windowsil ?
1671727;1497741332;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-30#1650052 << that one
1671728;1497741332;a111;Logged on 2017-04-30 13:58 asciilifeform: 'If I employ a gardener, I have to earn £3 for every £1 he can actually spend, because everything is taxed twice, first as my income, then as his.' << not only still true in today's reich, but today it'd be 10 : 1 .
1671730;1497741348;asciilifeform;not everybody has mircea_popescu's ultralowfriction pairs of auxiliary hands.
1671731;1497741361;asciilifeform;and so asciilifeform spent much of today cutting motherfucking grass.
1671732;1497741403;BingoBoingo;How "much of today"?
1671734;1497741412;asciilifeform;and still not done
1671735;1497741427;mircea_popescu;funny, guy has been cutting my grass all day also.
1671736;1497741432;BingoBoingo;Come on it's a standardized 30-45 minute task or your lawnmower is the wrong size
1671737;1497741449;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it's a whole day job. crazy angles en la loma.
1671738;1497741454;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not if you let it go for ~year
1671740;1497741461;asciilifeform;and 1,001 hills.
1671741;1497741491;mircea_popescu;indisciplined poolboy alf. lets go for year
1671742;1497741492;asciilifeform;the funny bit is that the needed commercial arrangement 'i call on a saturday and it happens THIS MOTHERFUCKING HOUR while i'm out to dinner' is not available where i live
1671743;1497741497;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: not if you let it go for ~year << That isn't mowing. That is harvesting hay. Hope the crop was dry.
1671744;1497741512;asciilifeform;the only offered variant is 'subscription and it happens during business hours when you, idiot, are sitting in the room an' trying to work'
1671745;1497741523;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform used to be local kids. but now local kids are too precious cuntlets to let out of deepfreeze
1671746;1497741561;asciilifeform;sorta goes back to mircea_popescu's 'who gets to bend around the schedule of what' item
1671747;1497741593;mircea_popescu;all my shit goes back to all my olther shit, it's crazy. i was just contemplating this earlier.
1671748;1497741642;BingoBoingo; the funny bit is that the needed commercial arrangement 'i call on a saturday and it happens THIS MOTHERFUCKING HOUR while i'm out to dinner' is not available where i live << The is lawnmowing service since the exit of children is priced based on amoritization of mowing equipment
1671749;1497741684;asciilifeform;aha, how else
1671750;1497741720;BingoBoingo;Certainly not on warm body cost.
1671751;1497741761;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the problem is excess of services amoratizing 10-50 kilodollar monsters and few amoratizing 21" machines
1671752;1497741809;asciilifeform;actually problem is the theme park of usa 'suburbia' demands this peculiar prop, 'mass of grass'
1671753;1497741831;asciilifeform;somehow it is not permitted to have houses reasonable distance apart from one another, without bunch of green liquishit in the middle
1671754;1497741837;BingoBoingo;Mass of grass is fine. Where else do you get hay from?
1671755;1497741855;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo knows very well that none of this 'hay' goes anywhere but city dump, at considerable expense
1671756;1497741869;BingoBoingo;And without grass roots how do you keep mud from washing away?
1671758;1497741891;mircea_popescu;make a compost pile alf. srsly.
1671759;1497741906;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i have my cutter set to 'in-place'
1671760;1497741915;mircea_popescu;but compost pile is better.
1671761;1497741922;BingoBoingo;Spz you want to plant tomatoes? Now you need 2-cycle concrete saw and rotary hammer before you can even till!
1671762;1497741932;mircea_popescu;in place brings ants. in pile brings birds.
1671763;1497741938;mircea_popescu;what do you prefer, bird or ant ?
1671764;1497741976;asciilifeform;funnily enough it's already set to bird
1671765;1497741983;asciilifeform;( they are right here, as we speak, devouring )
1671767;1497742042;asciilifeform;back upstack -- i spend considerable time doing this and similar nonsense because : high-friction
1671768;1497742218;*;mircea_popescu did some grass cutting, enjoyed being out with the trees
1671769;1497742261;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu doesn't live in 'green hell' where ~100% humidity and 40c
1671770;1497742275;mircea_popescu;not accidentally, either!
1671771;1497742276;asciilifeform;and the mosquitoes, ground wasps, other lovelies
1671772;1497742312;mircea_popescu;but yes, upstack : the ability to say "here, do this. ok, you'll be doing this from now on until further orders" is invaluable.
1671773;1497742313;BingoBoingo;Maybe alf needs to mow with a more fun machine?
1671774;1497742327;mircea_popescu;contrary to what undersexed young men may think, the prime utility of the harem also.
1671775;1497742332;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'd luvv to mow with flamethrower. or disintegrator mean.
1671776;1497742341;asciilifeform;esp if the latter worked on city hall et al
1671777;1497742342;mircea_popescu;you can get laid at any bar. you can't ghet decent help anywhere
1671780;1497742404;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform has not read the story of hyenas and haggling i take it :D
1671781;1497742413;asciilifeform;did read, lol.
1671782;1497742423;mircea_popescu;was there, also man with flamethrower
1671783;1497742438;asciilifeform;naturam expellas furca (tm)(r)
1671784;1497742464;mircea_popescu;there's nothing natural abou city hall.
1671785;1497742468;asciilifeform;story gets even moar pathetic, the battery (i shit thee not) died in my 'furca' for 2nd time today
1671786;1497742474;asciilifeform;and takes 4x longer to charge than discharge..
1671787;1497742478;mircea_popescu;homosexuality is natural. city hall -- height of perversion.
1671788;1497742502;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mine were corded
1671789;1497742527;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: these work great maybe in sane house where ground is straight and not 1,001 items for cord to catch
1671790;1497742550;mircea_popescu;aha. this is why i did it in timisoara, flatland, and not here.
1671791;1497742667;asciilifeform;the petrol-engined things, aside from vibration ( can't use my hands for day+ after ) and acrid smoke , also made of shit, i've thrown out 2 (after attempting various orc repairs, cleaned carb etc) in frustration
1671792;1497742735;asciilifeform;the humble grass cutter went the way of the pc -- you get to choose between affordable rubbish and 'must amortize and work this for pay' golden toilet
1671793;1497742746;mircea_popescu;try a scythe
1671794;1497742755;mircea_popescu;great for your back, and from experience as fast as the crapomachines
1671795;1497742763;asciilifeform;would , but won't satisfy city hall's 'max length'
1671796;1497742764;BingoBoingo;There's still reel mower as long as you can get traction on  your turf
1671797;1497742772;mircea_popescu;huh ?!
1671798;1497742779;BingoBoingo;!~google reel mower
1671799;1497742780;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Amazon.com: Fiskars 18 Inch Staysharp Max Reel Mower : Patio ...: ; Reel Lawn Mowers - Lawn Mowers - Outdoor Power Equipment ...: ; Reel Mowers vs. Rotary Lawn Mowers - from People Powered ...: (1 more message)
1671800;1497742783;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i got one. problem is that it needs SCHEDULE
1671801;1497742785;asciilifeform;as in weekly
1671802;1497742790;asciilifeform;i ain't doing this weekly.
1671803;1497742793;asciilifeform;or biweekly.
1671804;1497742797;BingoBoingo;Well, glyphosate?
1671805;1497742831;BingoBoingo;Or better still Imazapyr
1671806;1497742833;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you can find me an agentorange where the bloody shit STAYS GREEN 4evah, i'll buy for its weight in silver.
1671807;1497742834;shinohai;Don't like to mow? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SJEUFF4/ref=asc_df_B00SJEUFF45034810/?tag=hyprod-20&creative=394997&creativeASIN=B00SJEUFF4&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167146984279&hvpos=1o3&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5746195614524956660&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=21164&hvlocphy=9010851&hvtargid=pla-308200867139
1671808;1497742857;asciilifeform;not-having-grass is also banned around here
1671809;1497742866;BingoBoingo;!~google Ortho groundclear
1671810;1497742867;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer Concentrate-Ortho: ; Ortho GroundClear 1 Gal. Concentrate Vegetation Killer-0430510 ...: ; Ortho GroundClear 2 gal. Concentrate Vegetation Killer-0430610 ...: (1 more message)
1671811;1497742878;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's just a wide fenceline!
1671812;1497742891;asciilifeform;we actually had a d00d here who did this
1671813;1497742893;asciilifeform;didn't fly
1671814;1497742900;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sounds like the solution to your problem would be bonzai grass.
1671815;1497742911;asciilifeform;'neighbour's grass' is part of the mandatory fantasyland these folx live in
1671816;1497742922;BingoBoingo;!~google bella bluegrass
1671817;1497742923;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bluegrass Bella Grass Plugs| Bluegrass Bella Plugs for shade and ...: ; Bella Bluegrass - Todd Valley Farms: ; No Mow Bella Blue Grass | Bella blue grass - Roberta's Garden's: 
1671818;1497742928;BingoBoingo;^ Dwarfism'd grass
1671819;1497742950;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: still not magic pill, the weeds happily grow in it, even taller than the grass per se
1671820;1497742977;asciilifeform;the only actual solution is to leave the accursed jail. but so far aint got to where.
1671821;1497742989;BingoBoingo;Weeds and grass will follow
1671822;1497743061;asciilifeform;funnily, i could easily afford, say, a gardener, but refuse to pay the equivalent of 8 gardeners so that obummercare and shameekas.
1671823;1497743073;asciilifeform;( and so 'gardeners' are not really a thing, here in monkeystan )
1671824;1497743653;mircea_popescu;maybe try clover ?
1671825;1497743666;mircea_popescu;nopt alfalfa tho, that grows tall
1671826;1497745296;BingoBoingo;clover's not so aggressive weeds can't grow through it and it is on the kill list of all the selective weed killers
1671827;1497745328;mircea_popescu;thaty's the idea, it shades well so it dominates if installed properly. and it never grows over coupla inches.
1671828;1497745332;mircea_popescu;pretty too
1671829;1497745906;BingoBoingo;It does do well for very dense patches, but hard to make a monoculture lawn out of it, because with the sligtest change in grade or soil, patch ends
1671831;1497745926;BingoBoingo;And you get weird DMZ border area until next patch
1671832;1497745949;mircea_popescu;i've seen full cover with it tho
1671833;1497745955;mircea_popescu;but prolly more of a northern clime thijng
1671834;1497746060;BingoBoingo;Likely, alf has a sorta hell climate
1671835;1497746428;mircea_popescu;and in other anatomical incorrectness, http://68.media.tumblr.com/ad672e5db403ab7045a6d4bf4a735115/tumblr_nsxmz3hphV1rutinco1_1280.jpg
1671836;1497746464;*;sina wav
1671837;1497746485;mircea_popescu;how was your curry ?
1671838;1497746497;sina;sushi? good
1671839;1497746519;sina;I looked again through asciilifeform bignum lib in Ada
1671840;1497746528;*;sina bows in respect
1671841;1497746672;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671691 << surely the commander will be defrocked for this, nobody watching the fucking blinking lights?
1671842;1497746672;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 21:33 shinohai: So apparently all one needs to destroy a US destroyer is container ship: http://archive.is/4GbGw
1671844;1497746868;sina;https://archive.fo/Ys3sQ << spotted this morning
1671845;1497746988;sina;nothing further to report
1671847;1497747659;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1671848;1497747667;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2613.5, vol: 11513.36568057 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2543.297, vol: 8133.18219 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2576.4, vol: 17285.33207052 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2752.501468, vol: 19276.20920000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2623.494, vol: 5957.62161879 | Volume-weighted last average: 2638.05859056
1671849;1497748863;mircea_popescu; http://68.media.tumblr.com/5206256d6c64919120c23073fc5e0f73/tumblr_od05y7idhS1uf4nugo1_400.gif << speaking of ships
1671850;1497748987;shinohai;That cannon could prolly take a a littoral combat ship
1671851;1497749025;mircea_popescu;wisely spoken, because here's the torpedoes it shoots : http://68.media.tumblr.com/b990c1ef2101a1a8954a7067c1e8e97f/tumblr_od05y7idhS1uf4nugo2_400.gif
1671853;1497749067;mircea_popescu;i think that's a vast.
1671855;1497749122;shinohai;If one day tmsr has a navy, must have slave-girls that shoot dildo torpedoes at enemies.
1671856;1497749140;mircea_popescu;barefoot on pykrete ?
1671857;1497749198;shinohai;If it improves morale (and distance)
1671858;1497749796;*;shinohai was trying to find the reference to project Habakkuk determining that a single horsepower motor could keep a vessel made of pykrete refrigerated .....
1671860;1497752106;sina;what a first link to click after exiting the shower
1671861;1497752115;sina;I'm off gentlemen, have a fabulous week
1671862;1497752135;mircea_popescu;#trilemna gets people off
1671863;1497758753;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/bitcoin-network-mining-difficulty-takes-modest-4-85-percent-uptick-to-new-all-time-high/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Mining Difficulty Takes Modest ~4.85 Percent Uptick To New All Time High
1671864;1497797163;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in today's theme, http://68.media.tumblr.com/0c76d6bf31a35aa19f9a07ca5caf07c9/tumblr_inline_odvi73TNNK1u1xzy9_1280.jpg
1671865;1497797873;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Kjc0Q/?raw=true   <<< My bun in teh oven
1671866;1497797873;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1671867;1497798189;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai
1671868;1497798247;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/today-is-the-first-anniversary-of-dao-emptying-ethereum-attack/ << Qntra - Today Is The First Anniversary of "DAO Emptying" Ethereum Attack
1671869;1497798260;*;shinohai is glad his internet service was restored in time to mark this occasion .....
1671870;1497798265;mircea_popescu;how teh ethereum flies...
1671871;1497798280;mircea_popescu;time flies like an arrow, but ether flies like fruit flies.
1671872;1497798370;BingoBoingo;TO THE BEETUS!
1671874;1497804375;mircea_popescu;at least it gives the prostitutes something to yak about other than "i has found satoshee"
1671875;1497805882;phf;https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2017/06/17/curl-doesnt-spew-binary-anymore/ it's for your own good
1671876;1497805905;mircea_popescu;binary could scare black chix coding into going back to twerking
1671877;1497806115;asciilifeform;curl http://idiocy.gov | /bin/bash   still Worx Great!111 tho
1671878;1497806135;mircea_popescu;that's really the on;y thing you need it for anyway
1671879;1497808939;asciilifeform;!~later tell pete_dushenski didja ever get your FG going ??
1671880;1497808939;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1671881;1497812640;mircea_popescu;also http://68.media.tumblr.com/16556942b06ccf5916406798e73bf342/tumblr_ns11vzWGJn1u9ayhoo1_1280.jpg
1671882;1497812723;mod6;my eyes
1671884;1497812757;mod6;how goes Mr. P.?
1671885;1497812764;mircea_popescu;not bad, avtiually
1671887;1497812954;mircea_popescu;howabout yerself
1671888;1497813900;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: not yet. pretty much struck out on heathen osen (osx and openbsd) and my linuxbox is mid-rebuild. replacing fans and having a hell of a time finding screws that fit the deeper "noctua" units. it's still on the list but not there yet.
1671889;1497813915;pete_dushenski;shinohai: thanks for testing!
1671890;1497814160;pete_dushenski;in other expanded vocabularies, https://ndews.umd.edu/sites/ndews.umd.edu/files/dea-drug-slang-code-words-may2017.pdf
1671891;1497814189;pete_dushenski;gotta get me summa dat booty juice
1671892;1497814454;pete_dushenski;"Any early bitcoin miner or investor now has thousands of bitcoins. Most are Chinese. Each 500 bitcoins is $1 million. These “bitcoin whales” are now very wealthy. They would like to reduce their exposure to bitcoin" << bwahaha this is what passes of "op-ed" in non-qntra circles.
1671893;1497814519;pete_dushenski;david siegel doesn't provide any reasons why wealthy people want to be poor like him and his readers because he doesn't need to. neither he nor his readers can imagine anyone that doesn't want to be on the forefront of the cryptocurrency revolution JUST LIKE THEM
1671894;1497814596;pete_dushenski;speaking of "alts" it somehow escaped my attention until yesterday (or perhaps this particular lulzbit went in one ear and out the other) but did you know that there's no cap on the maximum number of ether ?
1671895;1497814655;pete_dushenski;this is worse than doge!
1671896;1497814751;mod6;mircea_popescu: ahh good. just made myself a nice ham sandwich.
1671897;1497814762;*;mod6 loves sandwiches
1671898;1497814772;mircea_popescu;hehe i do too
1671899;1497814920;pete_dushenski;bogota != bogata https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCnAFZcVoAA5Wzd.jpg
1671900;1497815028;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski what's the poor schmuck goin to say, "dolalr is worthless and we're all fucked, all hail mp" ?
1671901;1497815036;mircea_popescu;he ain't gonna say that. true or not true, he's not saying it.
1671902;1497815093;mircea_popescu;there's two kinds of kids on any schoolyard : those who know you're better than them and admit it, and those who know you're better than them and will have to be beaten into shit because of it.
1671903;1497815233;pete_dushenski;the third kind is... the better kid.
1671904;1497815254;mircea_popescu;discussion was from the perspective of the best kid.
1671905;1497815295;mircea_popescu;and no, there isn't "always someone better". rather, there's always a best.
1671906;1497815411;pete_dushenski;to be sure. and the rest flows from there. like there's always a peak of a waterfall or the top of a mountain. nature paints certain portraits over and over.
1671907;1497815424;mircea_popescu;something like that
1671908;1497815450;mod6;pete_dushenski: saw your blog post about how you worked through getpeerinfo - very nice of you to say. :]
1671909;1497815499;pete_dushenski;that reminds me...
1671910;1497815503;pete_dushenski;!!rated mod6
1671911;1497815503;deedbot;pete_dushenski rated mod6 3 at 2015/12/31 17:23:00 << co-chair of trbf. gentleman.
1671912;1497815682;pete_dushenski;!!v 8E18F8A8A92C56898987AD5CA23097B968947FCADD8742BAF86C8955C122CDF8
1671913;1497815682;deedbot;pete_dushenski updated rating of mod6 from 3 to 4 << co-chair of trbf. gentleman and patient preceptor.
1671914;1497815735;mod6;Thank you, Sir.
1671915;1497815752;mod6;That reminds me too -- I need to go through and cleanout my wot one of these days.
1671916;1497815770;mod6;I'll try to get that done this week.
1671917;1497815793;pete_dushenski;mhm same here. ima do a few right now.
1671918;1497815798;pete_dushenski;!!v 5AFC115B1ECBBFC225FC533E0C930F22BD3101D18E3AC9E66E86CF8D33FB4B0A
1671919;1497815799;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated assbot.
1671920;1497815901;mircea_popescu;and in other heave ho, http://68.media.tumblr.com/0ea2cd2db7dabd83315e29dc91f699ed/tumblr_n076qcU9th1tnale6o1_400.gif
1671921;1497815975;pete_dushenski;!!unrate 9DC8B9DF2DC3B806D842E8F40DF41E9E4C18316396CCA000D1A8873BA917010A
1671922;1497815975;deedbot;9DC8B9DF2DC3B806D842E8F40DF41E9E4C18316396CCA000D1A8873BA917010A is not registered in WoT.
1671923;1497815976;shinohai;Gah I need to do wot updates too ... been wellover a year
1671924;1497815981;pete_dushenski;!!v 9DC8B9DF2DC3B806D842E8F40DF41E9E4C18316396CCA000D1A8873BA917010A
1671925;1497815981;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated kingking190.
1671926;1497816069;pete_dushenski;!!v 678AE4B25756AA9631C487961651F05A1DF248F298CFC54369DF32F1858A0BFD
1671927;1497816069;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated punkman.
1671928;1497816139;pete_dushenski;!!v 421F1F5279BF37390451C221080334B1718E536B88B600B56A33548664FEEE22
1671929;1497816140;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated thenewdeal.
1671930;1497816168;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-18#1671920 << paging BingoBoingo!111!
1671931;1497816168;a111;Logged on 2017-06-18 19:58 mircea_popescu: and in other heave ho, http://68.media.tumblr.com/0ea2cd2db7dabd83315e29dc91f699ed/tumblr_n076qcU9th1tnale6o1_400.gif
1671932;1497816232;pete_dushenski;!!v 223525AAA2EBAB43902A75A9EB0422770BA94CFFF6E925BEA5D2FBCB0CBBFF0F
1671933;1497816232;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated mike_c.
1671934;1497816242;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-18#1671888 << oughta ask phf, perhaps he has this pill ( iirc has both openbsd and crapple in active use )
1671935;1497816242;a111;Logged on 2017-06-18 19:25 pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: not yet. pretty much struck out on heathen osen (osx and openbsd) and my linuxbox is mid-rebuild. replacing fans and having a hell of a time finding screws that fit the deeper "noctua" units. it's still on the list but not there yet.
1671936;1497816283;pete_dushenski;worth a shot.
1671937;1497816304;asciilifeform;alsoo pete_dushenski you can use selftapping woodscrews
1671938;1497816346;pete_dushenski;!!v 65860A96E83EAC6E450413BC75BE41FDF771A9B77CDBEB64A8C6BC928B995008
1671939;1497816347;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated williamdunne.
1671940;1497816351;shinohai;http://ethosdistro.com/   <<< I did not know this monstrosity existed
1671941;1497816367;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: now there's an idea!
1671942;1497816421;asciilifeform;enlarge hole in chassis as needed
1671943;1497816422;pete_dushenski;!!v 5D485EEB624F2912DDC34157DE64CC5392A70FDDF2FBB30891DE01803C47CBDA
1671944;1497816423;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated fluffypony.
1671945;1497816486;pete_dushenski;!!v 98E04B9D0E92310A0342DB3E5697F4CA4C04C0608038ED99FB56640A57599CCC
1671946;1497816486;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated funkenstein_.
1671947;1497816555;pete_dushenski;!!v 1AA7E2493084C8FB44A77463BE4FA54BCED05C7CDA3D9698D796FD829563DF4D
1671948;1497816556;deedbot;pete_dushenski rated deedbot 10 << primer inter pares
1671949;1497816573;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-18#1671900 << every time i see these, immediately think of those ww2 'surrender nao' leaflets
1671950;1497816573;a111;Logged on 2017-06-18 19:43 mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski what's the poor schmuck goin to say, "dolalr is worthless and we're all fucked, all hail mp" ?
1671951;1497816650;pete_dushenski;!!v 63B3155CD611A4F42C7CD2EA4330351F102EBE5DFBB73D5FA1FF2A4E1820CC55
1671952;1497816650;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated bitstein.
1671953;1497816713;pete_dushenski;!!v A2235D98480368A728712BB8ED998651116F8D556183FBC6CCCD64462FF516A6
1671954;1497816713;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated nanotube.
1671955;1497816943;pete_dushenski;!!v 99008777A88EAB3794F0927AEEF9641F30D3C128CE6E24BF6440993E68D2D23E
1671956;1497816943;deedbot;pete_dushenski rated Framedragger 2 << literate beyond his years but still a green shoot.
1671957;1497817123;mircea_popescu;i think a more apt misspelling would have been dlolar
1671958;1497817162;pete_dushenski;!!v 13EAFE262A55E60E4595D21522C895E088B9B4154B2481F9FB5D408C00071705
1671959;1497817162;deedbot;pete_dushenski updated rating of BingoBoingo from 2 to 3 << sober yarn-spinner and green thumb.
1671960;1497817295;pete_dushenski;!!v 63E8B34600E8E0BF1D5BD75E0C49643A11D16BD6C900CCBDAD3735A82B583459
1671961;1497817295;deedbot;pete_dushenski rated phf 2 << deliberate burner.
1671962;1497817359;pete_dushenski;that should do for now. log spam over for today.
1671963;1497817464;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the rancho,  http://68.media.tumblr.com/2491ae09fbc9361bd6075e778b5be581/tumblr_inline_odvi78kjch1u1xzy9_1280.jpg
1671964;1497817602;pete_dushenski;bbl. all these preggos are reminding me that it's father's day.
1671965;1497818020;asciilifeform;in other olds, ''Whilst making love a necklace broke. / A row of pearls mislaid. / One sixth fell to the floor. / One fifth upon the bed.'
1671966;1497818069;mircea_popescu;"and nineteen down her throat"
1671967;1497818072;asciilifeform;( from 'Lilavati', c. 1150 ad, Colebrook transl., )
1671968;1497818285;asciilifeform;( http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Biographies/Bhaskara_II.html << subj, for the intrepid )
1671969;1497818939;asciilifeform;'Lilavati was the name of Bhaskaracharya's daughter. From casting her horoscope, he discovered that the auspicious time for her wedding would be a particular hour on a certain day. He placed a cup with a small hole at the bottom of the vessel filled with water, arranged so that the cup would sink at the beginning of the propitious hour.
1671970;1497818951;asciilifeform;When everything was ready and the cup was placed in the vessel, Lilavati suddenly out of curiosity bent over the vessel and a pearl from her dress fell into the cup and blocked the hole in it. The lucky hour passed without the cup sinking. Bhaskaracharya believed that the way to console his dejected daughter, who now would never get married, was to write her a manual of mathematics!'
1671972;1497819486;mircea_popescu;the stories of people who cared too much.
1671973;1497819857;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, now that makes me curious just how much is too much and how much is perfectly fine and how much is too little
1671974;1497819868;diana_coman;might as well say people who cared.
1671975;1497819871;mircea_popescu;you only find out when you die.
1671976;1497819876;asciilifeform;esp in re monarch's marriageable children
1671977;1497819908;diana_coman;now if you care about that when you die that is indeed too much, lol
1671978;1497819941;diana_coman;leftover care - becomes active at last minute
1671979;1497819949;mircea_popescu;diana_coman when i was about three, they took me to a doctor. it was like a kinda mysterios affair, and it made no sense as i was not sick. the doctor asked me what do i do if i'm hungry ? and i told him i eat. he then asked me what do i do if i'm sleepy, and i said i go to bed. that was it, and everyone was impressed because apparently no fucking kids ever have any sense left.
1671980;1497819956;mircea_popescu;nor, for that matter, indians of a millenium ago.
1671981;1497819977;mircea_popescu;if you get aroused, fuck. what the fuck is a marriage to begin with, let alone "propitious hours" bullshit.
1671982;1497819991;mircea_popescu;you'll know after you're spent if it was going to be any good or not. never before.
1671983;1497820095;diana_coman;uhm, the doctor story is weird re impressed but maybe that was the point of the visit for all I know
1671984;1497820108;mircea_popescu;at the time they did this "normal development" visit with kids.
1671985;1497820125;mircea_popescu;from birth to about 2 or 3, something like that.
1671986;1497820129;asciilifeform;afaik the ancients actually bought the 'propitious time' thing. it was as real to them as 'launch at the right transit time of the orbits' is to modern rocketeer
1671987;1497820129;diana_coman;so if they were impressed it follows it wasn't normal? lolz
1671988;1497820140;mircea_popescu;yes, sanity is abnormal now.
1671989;1497820160;mircea_popescu;and since about the invention of writing, so every perverse tard can note down his insanity for later perverse tards to apply.
1671990;1497820166;mircea_popescu;mathematics manuals and whatnot.
1671991;1497820211;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually $subj is pretty good manual. beat the living shit out of what europe had going at the time ( and until end of 16th c, in some aspects )
1671992;1497820224;mircea_popescu;but let the record reflect that it strikes me as the height of batshit insane psychosis to fail to fuck and then misappropriate mathematics into one's psychosis.
1671993;1497820224;diana_coman;I suspect every hole in knowledge (and not only that) might look like... insanity to those who ...simply have a better plug; not even a full plug, just better
1671994;1497820233;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i believe.
1671995;1497820242;asciilifeform;diana_coman: and to those who have ~worse~ plug also..
1671997;1497820252;diana_coman;asciilifeform, indeed
1671998;1497820264;mircea_popescu;but seriously, wtf knowledge is it needed to stuff the plug into the prelubricated hole ?
1671999;1497820270;mircea_popescu;fucking puppies manage to figure it out eventually.
1672000;1497820308;asciilifeform;overabundance of options breeds divinations.
1672001;1497820316;asciilifeform;('how do i pick?!!!')
1672002;1497820325;mircea_popescu;should have written her a manual on buridan's ass.
1672003;1497820327;asciilifeform;and buridaning.
1672004;1497820335;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, this idea that go fuck woman of centuries ago and get yourself pregnant and oh, no worries,what
1672005;1497820336;asciilifeform;lol mircea_popescu beat me to it.
1672006;1497820351;mircea_popescu;could have simply consisted of "proasta pulii ce esti tu, mori de nefutai inecata in supa de pule."
1672007;1497820377;mircea_popescu;diana_coman i know of no culture outside of the chtonic-inspired anglos who deemed pregnancy as a negative.
1672008;1497820399;mircea_popescu;"you'll get pregnant, good for you, it means your innards work."
1672009;1497820414;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suspect - unrelated. think, king has 1 daughter, 'fuck, how do i spend this one torpedo'
1672010;1497820443;diana_coman;ugh, in the right conditions though, not exactly in all cases
1672011;1497820454;diana_coman;honour deaths and all that are not anglo-thing
1672012;1497820465;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform moreover, i am not familiar with the story, nor with the culture, likely reading too much / wrong things into it.
1672013;1497820481;mircea_popescu;diana_coman indians tho, these aren't wanna-be anglo muslims.
1672014;1497820540;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 1source of the story seems to be the farsi translator (16th c) of the text
1672015;1497820547;asciilifeform;who could have easily pulled it from own arse
1672016;1497820549;asciilifeform;so there's that.
1672017;1497820580;diana_coman;I kind of doubt the story is *true* as such, so there is that
1672018;1497820590;mircea_popescu;it's annoying to high heavens. it's one thing to show up at your wedding and go "what a great day for a wedding, let's have two!" and force your first maid into marriage with some randomlty chosen guy. it's the same thing to say "fuck this shit, i don't feel like getting married today, go home all of youze".
1672019;1497820606;mircea_popescu;it is ANOTHER thing to go on about how the cups told you what to do and the spirits and the moasa-sa pe gheata.
1672020;1497820628;diana_coman;I can't say I studied the time+culture of the guy to know, perhaps  mircea_popescu knows better what he is talking about; it sounds really highly unlikely to me that it was the case that woman could just go and fuck, hurray, but whatevers
1672021;1497820634;mircea_popescu;and i dun care for the another thing at all.
1672022;1497820636;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yet stories of 'the cups told' abound
1672023;1497820643;asciilifeform;somehow it's an attractor.
1672024;1497820646;mircea_popescu;diana_coman who was gonna keep her ?
1672025;1497820674;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes because the human cattle aspires to one thing above all, and that is to be relieved of the downside of agency while getting to keep on the sly as much as possible of the upside.
1672026;1497820688;mircea_popescu;and this is also the root and beginning of all insanity.
1672027;1497820703;diana_coman;that's the thing: she had value, not to be wasted /given away to any bum who s/he fell like fucking on the day
1672028;1497820744;mircea_popescu;diana_coman so let her father bring men home rather than write inept shit (which nevertheless was better than whatever europe had, or kamchatka for that matter, peninsulae nobody heard of)
1672029;1497820803;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: alt-hypothesis -- princess ugly, 'cup system' -- rationalization of the 0 bidders...
1672030;1497820823;diana_coman;I really think you are reading too much into it; the way I see the thing it's basically a dedication; inept like all dedications if analysed but wtf is there to analyse in the first place
1672031;1497820835;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they all grip the same from behind. ugly prevented no princess to date.
1672032;1497820848;mircea_popescu;diana_coman yeah prolly. i just don't like it.
1672033;1497820853;diana_coman;ahahah asciilifeform might have it; maybe not ugly but barren
1672034;1497820868;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lesse what BingoBoingo says re whether ~all~ 'princesses' 'grip the same from behind'
1672035;1497820875;asciilifeform;'cause i can think of a few, linked, that might not..
1672036;1497820894;mircea_popescu;nah cuz the vessel comes with a seal (and yes, the inspiration for babylonian trade, the seals, and amphorae was DEFINITELY the cunt). you can claim it wasn't tried or that it didn't work, these aren't confoundable.
1672037;1497820929;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they didn't have the tech to produce mcdonalds princesses in 1100 india.
1672038;1497820932;diana_coman;sure; just that you don't claim *in writing* that it didn't work, lel
1672039;1497820938;asciilifeform;'removal of seal voids warranty!'
1672040;1497820953;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they did have the pox tho
1672041;1497820975;mircea_popescu;diana_coman there is that i guesd
1672042;1497821036;diana_coman;at asciilifeform's link it even says it might have been his wife, not his daughter - so maybe it was more of a consolation/precisely the dedication thing I was saying earlier: too busy to fuck, I wrote this book
1672043;1497821050;mircea_popescu;he prolly said the same to the harem girls, also.
1672044;1497821067;diana_coman;sure, what of it; all of them were L-whatevers
1672045;1497821078;mircea_popescu;but, if the lived experience of ghandi is any guide, the classical indians did not very pointedly distinguish daughters from wives.
1672046;1497821079;asciilifeform;'lilavati' seems to translate simply as 'she-playful-one'
1672047;1497821082;asciilifeform;so fuck all knows.
1672048;1497821111;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have doubts that they ran a closed-arsemouth production cycle. it'd show today.
1672049;1497821147;mircea_popescu;doesn't it ?
1672051;1497821168;mircea_popescu;how many intelligent indians do you know ? and how many bagawan what's his face, the inept chicago "professor"
1672052;1497821172;asciilifeform;the brahmins, by and large, have working heads.
1672053;1497821180;mircea_popescu;name one.
1672054;1497821186;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your hindus are dalits
1672055;1497821195;mircea_popescu;name an intelligent indian omfg.
1672056;1497821206;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: bose
1672058;1497821225;asciilifeform;do i have to keep going ?
1672059;1497821226;mircea_popescu;the national front dood ?!
1672060;1497821228;asciilifeform;there's no shortage
1672062;1497821240;asciilifeform;j.c bose
1672063;1497821257;asciilifeform;microwave transceivers in motherfucking 1880s
1672064;1497821269;asciilifeform;complete with waveguides
1672065;1497821270;mircea_popescu;aaa that bose.
1672066;1497821277;asciilifeform;yes what other bose, lel
1672067;1497821291;mircea_popescu;are bengalis indians ?
1672068;1497821304;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there was some nazi ally dude tryting to outs the british cca 1940s
1672069;1497821317;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gandi?
1672071;1497821330;mircea_popescu;nonono, subhas bose
1672072;1497821337;asciilifeform;aah yeah tru
1672073;1497821357;asciilifeform;there's even a bose in usa, possibly alive today, sold overprices stereos
1672074;1497821379;mircea_popescu;well in that sense there's also a mr haagen-dazs. hangs out with mr r mcd.
1672075;1497821389;asciilifeform;( among owners reputed to stand for Buy Other Stereo Equipment ! )
1672076;1497821511;*;asciilifeform worked with both kinds of india, for many many years. can distinguish 'brahmin or not' in ~3min of conversation
1672077;1497821546;asciilifeform;the folx asking on 'shit overflow' re 'how do i make for loop plz dear Sir help' are the... other kind
1672078;1497821560;mircea_popescu;my exposure has been minimal.
1672079;1497821635;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most of the working-head hindus you might conceivably run into outside of india, were pushed out in 1970s-80s 'red' phase, when untouchables took over academia and had a sort of american-style 'diversity' shitfest
1672080;1497821666;asciilifeform;was not a massive wave of emigration, tho, not like j00z from su
1672081;1497821681;mircea_popescu;which has succeeded in one aspect : i see india, generally speaking, as a sort of latrine. probably because of these.
1672082;1497821712;asciilifeform;by and large, india today ain't exporting the j.c.bose's, no.
1672083;1497821716;mircea_popescu;but, honestly, there's older beefs. srsly, schmucks had steel in 900 and never made tanks ? why ?
1672084;1497821737;asciilifeform;same reason as china
1672085;1497821749;asciilifeform;turns out steel ain't enough, you also need to give half a shit
1672086;1497821766;mircea_popescu;yes, well, good thing they were writing complicated "thank you for your leadership" pieces of maculature!
1672087;1497821776;mircea_popescu;fucking us congress, going for 1500 years. blergh.
1672088;1497821778;asciilifeform;the 'technology' of the latter, is afaik still virginal subject ( unlike metallurgy )
1672089;1497821807;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: china went for, what, 5k yrs, same
1672090;1497821839;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think the discussion has uncovered why exactly it is my bristles stand up. it'd be one thing if a sane place with a sane culture with respectable people churned out a "hey, chick didn't get married because the cups lolz" thing. THEN it would be funny.
1672091;1497821851;mircea_popescu;but when india's involved it's not funny just like tuberculosis cough's not funny.
1672092;1497821915;asciilifeform;hey, greeks also had oracles etc
1672093;1497821951;mircea_popescu;and with them it's almost tolerable.
1672094;1497821982;*;asciilifeform brb
1672095;1497824075;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-pulation-and-other-biodiversities/ << Trilema - The Pulation and other biodiversities.
1672096;1497828244;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform they didn't have the tech to produce mcdonalds princesses in 1100 india. << McDonalds or not, Beetus tends to run strong in Indian populations. Perhaps cow-ban is in response to earlier Mc-Hamplanet crisis on subcontinent?
1672097;1497828274;mircea_popescu;what's cow gonna do ? diabetes == vegetarian diet
1672098;1497828438;*;asciilifeform back from lugging 30kg of b000kz 4km in swampfuckistan heat, lol
1672099;1497828572;mircea_popescu;lol sold car got lawnmoer ?
1672101;1497828633;asciilifeform;and realized, while doing this, that in fact you don't need 2k+2 bits for the karatsuba intermediates, you can do instead of (x0+x1)*(y0+y1) , (x0-x1)*(y0-y1), and then you don't need to propagate carries, but only take absolutevalue and xor the borrows to see if gotta invert the resulting term
1672102;1497828663;mircea_popescu;check it out, lowly labour is good for oyu
1672103;1497828669;asciilifeform;and then i look in shitpile of paperz and find that some d00d actually did this, called it 'subtractive karatsuba', used in some microcontroller,
1672104;1497828671;asciilifeform;but... get this :
1672105;1497828683;asciilifeform;STILL NOT IN CONSTANT TIME because apparently mother dropped him as a child
1672106;1497828722;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: getting up from the terminal on occasion is good for people, it is one of the reasons asciilifeform doesn't hurry to automate various chores
1672108;1497828881;BingoBoingo; what's cow gonna do ? diabetes == vegetarian diet << Cow competes for carbs, hard to do if burger
1672109;1497829030;mircea_popescu;the way to end up usflated is a) margerine (gunks up the fat cycle, body ends up dependent on citric cycle for energy) + processed starches (hfcs, potato, whatever)
1672110;1497829081;mircea_popescu;add various complex toxins in there for spice, and you got it.
1672111;1497829095;asciilifeform;don't forget not-walking
1672112;1497829105;asciilifeform;~nonnegotiable ingredient in 'ham planet'
1672113;1497829122;mircea_popescu;nah, actually, that gets taken care of "by itself"
1672115;1497829146;mircea_popescu;eater of linoleum + soda water CAN'T walk, want to or no.
1672116;1497829178;mircea_popescu;his metabolism costs about 160% what it costs in normal people, and that's it.
1672117;1497829207;asciilifeform;there is something to this. asciilifeform usedto wurk with a buncha american d00dz, not all of whom even fatter than asciilifeform !, and they would not hear of the idea of ~walking~ to restaurant <1km from office
1672118;1497829223;mircea_popescu;there's no spare energy for such stuff.
1672119;1497829231;mircea_popescu;let alone any intensive bouts of thinking.
1672120;1497829309;*;asciilifeform is not a thin man; but can walk dawn - midnight noprob
1672121;1497829339;mircea_popescu;with books even!
1672122;1497829346;asciilifeform;books, toolz, etc
1672123;1497829373;asciilifeform;sometimes also perversities (e.g. today found very nice shop lamp , of a 1950s type i already have, and picked up... walked with that)
1672124;1497829386;asciilifeform;the kind that had the transformer in the base
1672125;1497831550;*;asciilifeform finally cut down the last motherfucking green hell
1672126;1497832160;shinohai;!~ticker --market all
1672127;1497832167;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2536.22, vol: 9298.58367092 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2482.001, vol: 5980.55088 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2520.1, vol: 19721.37517408 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2769.525864, vol: 8377.74000000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2538.494, vol: 7031.98497136 | Volume-weighted last average: 2562.57176279
1672129;1497848423;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A42D585D4E69C2724B635FFC697C84D81F11623C3D5A8A770A429C135127DE12 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1425...7567 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (LReunion-656-1-16-164.w193-253.abo.wanadoo.fr. FR)
1672130;1497848423;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A42D585D4E69C2724B635FFC697C84D81F11623C3D5A8A770A429C135127DE12 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1752...1279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (LReunion-656-1-16-164.w193-253.abo.wanadoo.fr. FR)
1672131;1497850102;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1E747904CF05517E963D69C8198C6B734799A985645841277AA10A142DDE92D5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1617...7583 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (relay.tfl.spb.ru. RU SPE)
1672132;1497850102;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1E747904CF05517E963D69C8198C6B734799A985645841277AA10A142DDE92D5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1761...9693 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (relay.tfl.spb.ru. RU SPE)
1672133;1497858807;mircea_popescu;!!up DuaneBarry
1672134;1497858808;deedbot;DuaneBarry voiced for 30 minutes.
1672136;1497858922;DuaneBarry;hello btw
1672138;1497882436;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-18#1672101 << ah, interesting
1672139;1497882436;a111;Logged on 2017-06-18 23:30 asciilifeform: and realized, while doing this, that in fact you don't need 2k+2 bits for the karatsuba intermediates, you can do instead of (x0+x1)*(y0+y1) , (x0-x1)*(y0-y1), and then you don't need to propagate carries, but only take absolutevalue and xor the borrows to see if gotta invert the resulting term
1672142;1497883423;*;mod6 is drinking bad coffee. 
1672145;1497883652;mod6;just some at-mines brew^H^H^H^Hgarbage
1672146;1497883668;*;mod6 choking it down
1672147;1497883899;shinohai;Looks like box running my trb node was a casualty of the storm ... fried nic despite my best efforts to revive.
1672148;1497883910;mod6;oh shite
1672149;1497883937;mod6;colo box? or was just at the spot?
1672150;1497883958;shinohai;Just at spot
1672151;1497883975;mod6;that bites, does it still boot?
1672152;1497884009;shinohai;HDD is ok, and pogo containing my backup chain survived so at least I don't have to start over *there*
1672153;1497884024;mod6;yah, good deal to have a backup!
1672154;1497884046;mod6;if there is room in the chassis, see if you can just stick in a PCI eth card?
1672155;1497884050;*;shinohai curses the surge protector that didn't do it's job
1672156;1497884109;mircea_popescu;shinohai crazy shit, it fried via the utp cable ?!
1672157;1497884196;shinohai;Yup ... blew up my whole cable modem, had to wait until Saturday for them to come replace.
1672158;1497884209;shinohai;Tree fell across power line AND cable as well
1672159;1497884252;mod6;and cable modem was plugged into defective surge protector?
1672160;1497884280;mod6;and/or router?
1672161;1497884340;shinohai;I had one of these: http://www.fullcompass.com/prod/271259-American-Power-Conversion-P11VNT3?utm_source=googleps&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=googleps&st-t=googleshopping-accessories&vt-k=&vt-mt=&vt-pti=271259&gclid=CjwKEAjw7J3KBRCxv93Q3KSukXQSJADzFzVSROXPxzL4bKeiiY_PGHPZyPoqaTvvhA5rVq9J58JvhBoCcGXw_wcB
1672162;1497884344;*;mod6 looks
1672163;1497884353;shinohai;Everything in lab was plugged into it
1672165;1497884379;mod6;i have similar ones.
1672166;1497884398;mod6;i did just have my trees cut back from the powerlines about a week ago.
1672167;1497884432;mod6;just in case.  we've been getting some weather up here too.
1672168;1497884437;shinohai;If only I had waited to move back here one extra weekxD
1672170;1497884759;shinohai;I view it as another "what not to do" moment .... add research better surge protection to my todo list
1672171;1497886606;asciilifeform;shinohai: nothing beats doubleconverter ups
1672172;1497886668;asciilifeform;( esp. if you have petrol-powered secondary backup mains -- these tend to have noisy output )
1672173;1497886821;mircea_popescu;apparently this was power-through-utp-cable scenario
1672174;1497886830;shinohai;Yeah was just discussing ups with mod6. I haz generator for extended outages" but ups would be nice as well.
1672175;1497886842;asciilifeform;shinohai: you have utp direct from pole ?!
1672176;1497886846;mircea_popescu;there is no wayu you have a generator without an ups ?
1672177;1497886874;shinohai;I do.
1672178;1497886892;mircea_popescu;ugh. whatcha do, repurpose a construction crew genset ?
1672179;1497886944;mircea_popescu;thing has batteries, yes ? or batteries separate ?
1672180;1497886978;shinohai;Batteries separate .... yeah just an old construction style gen
1672181;1497886989;mircea_popescu;ah. yea must get a properly sized ups for it.
1672182;1497887025;mircea_popescu;talk to electrician tho, various gotchas.
1672183;1497887226;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170619/#34 << this reminds me -- current UK PM's response to "what's the naughtiest thing you've ever done" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9cdhaBfre0
1672184;1497887226;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-19: [15:03:55]  nasty.
1672185;1497887304;asciilifeform;in other noose, 'впредь в районах выполнения боевых задач российской авиацией в небе над Сирией любые воздушные объекты международной коалиции к западу от реки Евфрат будут приниматься на сопровождение в качестве воздушных целей'
1672186;1497887375;asciilifeform;( 'from this moment on, in the sky of syria, ru aviation will treat any aircraft belonging to the west's international-coalition, such as are found west of euphrates, as aerial targets'
1672188;1497887383;shinohai;Also appears they shut down the communication line to coordinate airstrikes as well.
1672189;1497887386;mircea_popescu;aha. should be interesting.
1672190;1497887395;shinohai;(Dunno if  thier gmail addy survived lol)
1672191;1497887405;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform prediction is, 0% actual sorties and lots of blather from west from now on.
1672192;1497887434;mircea_popescu;when putting an embargo in, execution is more important than newspaperism.
1672193;1497887468;asciilifeform;wasn't half the point of the syria thing, from lizard pov, to test current ru equipment ..?
1672194;1497887481;mircea_popescu;there's no lizard point of any things.
1672195;1497887495;mircea_popescu;they just randomly yet boldly go wherever their speech impediments carry them
1672196;1497887585;mircea_popescu;(and then act surprised when you don't follow!)
1672197;1497887706;mircea_popescu;anyway. the (vehehehery unlikely) alternative is that the usoviets blather in a warlike direction and as a result the russians beat the chinese to the punch of "first usoviet aircraft carrier sunk".
1672198;1497887720;mircea_popescu;which from what i hear a LOT of generals in the ru army really wish to do.
1672199;1497888039;asciilifeform;incidentally 'будут приниматься на сопровождение в качестве воздушных целей' could read more accurately as 'will be tracked as aerial targets', which can mean anything from 'shoot on sight' to 'we'll make angry faces'
1672200;1497888202;mircea_popescu;teh situation is certainly escalating.
1672201;1497888277;asciilifeform;# of 'international komyoonity' planes shot down, to date there, afaik : 0
1672202;1497888293;asciilifeform;ru - at least half dozen
1672203;1497888296;mircea_popescu;to date ? wtf to date they just announced.
1672204;1497888299;asciilifeform;( this counting only the announced ones )
1672205;1497888322;mircea_popescu;orcs are slower on the uptake, because everyone alive in 2017 apparently reall;y believes all the shit mommy said while daddy was absent.
1672206;1497888340;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually if you recall, this is the 2nd such proclamation
1672207;1497888346;asciilifeform;( previous was in, iirc, march )
1672208;1497888377;mircea_popescu;something like that.\
1672209;1497888415;mircea_popescu;of course, it depends how you count these things. international pantsuit party lost a buncha "invisible" planes to ru trained specialists working ru gear in eg serbia.
1672210;1497888439;asciilifeform;meanwhile, among the ethermonkeys, 'they have messy code paths, don't follow best practices, and happen to work by the skin of their teeth. The code works on a good day with the wind on its back. But when it comes to corner cases, things get awfully complex. In the course I teach, when I point out such situations to students, they go into a diatribe that goes "well, you see, the problem can't arise because for it to happen, A has to
1672211;1497888440;asciilifeform;happen first, but A is guarded by B, and C ensures that B cannot happen." This is a temporal logic proof, over a certain code path. It's complex, fragile in the face of code evolution, and totally unacceptable in professional code development. We want flat, simple invariants, maintained by following best practices. Without regard for the correctness of the student's code, we grade such cases a 2 out of 10. They ought to know better,
1672212;1497888440;asciilifeform;and they're 20 year olds with two years of programming experience.'
1672213;1497888453;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/i5Bxl )
1672214;1497888544;shinohai;Ironic he writes this post as one of the biggest proponents of ETH out there
1672215;1497888570;asciilifeform;shinohai: see also thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669509
1672216;1497888570;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 15:14 mircea_popescu: the hanno boecks always work in the same cycle. feeder phase where they "seem reasonable" and chumpatron phase where they shed the half-hour-horizon idiots who bought it.
1672217;1497888594;asciilifeform;evidently d00d is one of the chumps dismayed by the phase transition
1672218;1497888652;asciilifeform;'Bancor ended up reimplementing their own functions for arithmetic. That is, their own add, subtract, multiply, and exponentiation. ... The sum total number of dedicated tests for these math functions is 6. Multiplication is tested solely by multiplying 2957 by 1740.' << lulzy
1672219;1497888886;shinohai;Repeat of the DAO in 3...2..1 .......
1672220;1497888936;asciilifeform;shinohai: but it Unhappened!111 ergo dun count
1672221;1497889043;shinohai;"We are grateful to Vitalik Buterin for his insightful feedback on earlier drafts of this document." kek
1672222;1497889279;phf;"i know a good UDP joke, but i don't think you'll get it"
1672223;1497889281;*;phf chuckles
1672225;1497889610;Framedragger;a good UDP joke
1672226;1497889613;Framedragger;i, too, know
1672227;1497889615;Framedragger;i, too, know
1672228;1497889678;asciilifeform;hey i know a TCP jokehey i know a TCP jokehey i know a TCP jokehey i know a TCP jokehey i know a TCP jokehey i know a TCP jokehey i know a TCP joke[barf]
1672229;1497889740;mircea_popescu;shinohai the problem with usoviet academiatards is that they "see the potential" in a very special definition of potential.
1672230;1497889757;phf;also new poc||gtfo is out, https://www.sultanik.com/pocorgtfo/pocorgtfo15.pdf
1672231;1497889768;phf;(main mirror is being firehosed right now)
1672232;1497889827;mircea_popescu;i UDP joke also i UDP know joke also know.
1672233;1497889856;asciilifeform;phf: i'll admit that my favourite thing in these is.. the ads
1672234;1497889900;shinohai;Trump is supposed to make America great again ... deport the Asst. Prof. back to Turkey!
1672235;1497889930;mircea_popescu;what, and lose out on all that insightful bullshit ?
1672236;1497889996;phf;i agree, there's only so many "we reversed this obscure tamagochi device" or "we figured out how to put SWF into a JPEG" articles one can read. but i just read it for the presentation. used to be a lot more zines in the late 90s early 2000s, so i suspect the whole poc||gtfo is a "thirsty man in the desert" thing
1672237;1497890024;trinque;all this war cocktease.
1672238;1497890030;mircea_popescu;the "Death of the zine" generally is an interesting epiphenomen of the intellectual check-out the internet brought.
1672239;1497890031;asciilifeform;phf: also at a certain point 'they don't know about tmsr' evaporates and turns into 'they studiously ignore, like bernstein'
1672240;1497890037;mircea_popescu;very neatly follows the 1980s / 1990s transition
1672241;1497890040;trinque;what, everyone's going to go punch syria harder, and from a slightly different angle?
1672242;1497890078;mircea_popescu;trinque syria is little more than a firing range. used to be a country, but... went the way of the united states.
1672243;1497890194;trinque;evokes a teenager taking passive aggression out on a wall.
1672244;1497890235;mircea_popescu;hey, there's lotsa little ugly misshod misborn lincolns out there. and what they do is wreck countries, to assuage the overpowering intuition of their own inadequate insufficiency.
1672245;1497890265;mircea_popescu;"maybe if i fuck up the republic / burn the temple, people will remember me for that rather than for being so ugly monkeys averted their eyes / having a really ridiculously small penis."
1672246;1497890287;mircea_popescu;of course they won't, but reality is not part of the lincoln thought process. as alf says, studiously not.
1672247;1497890364;asciilifeform;the other bit is that 'i'll die a hunchback, but hey i have a shovel and can enhunchback my neighbour, he will share in the misery' is a 'logical' process. the spartans, i suspect, understood this, i.e. it is catastrophically stupid to 'live and let live' the deformed. esp. the mentally deformed.
1672248;1497890407;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as discussed, 100% of the whole "let live" ie, keep all the 8 males around is simply socialism support pillar. to have equality, gotta fetter manhood.
1672249;1497890442;asciilifeform;( see also mircea_popescu's '...bullying is done by normal, sane and upstanding humans who are trying to do their part so we don't live among monsters' -- http://trilema.com/2014/the-all-american-asshole-in-his-own-words-with-my-own-notes )
1672251;1497890487;mircea_popescu;seriously now, see a loser, mock a loser. preferably to death, but if not to tears.
1672252;1497890498;mircea_popescu;it's the only decent thing to do, and moreover an absolute moral obligation.
1672253;1497890546;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the social media "red pill" is all about, and was born out of, purely ustardian "YOU TOO!!! could bla bla WITH THESE SECRETS I FOUND"
1672254;1497890556;mircea_popescu;ie, reddit red is distinctly blue in color.
1672255;1497891062;asciilifeform;'take this magic pill' -- sells. 'go eat nagant, you were a mistake of nature' -- doesn't
1672257;1497891188;asciilifeform;well it doesn't. just like my garbage bags won't walk to the dump by themselves, even if asked politely.
1672258;1497891328;mircea_popescu;hey, history contains 0 animated garbage bag and thousands of "i attained self-awareness, discovered i was bug, nagant'd."
1672259;1497891342;asciilifeform;thousands, note. not billions.
1672260;1497891362;mircea_popescu;yeah. then again history does not record all.
1672261;1497891789;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-19#1672255 << apparently saying the latter is now a criminal offense worthy of 20 years' time, in greatest country in the world.
1672262;1497891789;a111;Logged on 2017-06-19 16:51 asciilifeform: 'take this magic pill' -- sells. 'go eat nagant, you were a mistake of nature' -- doesn't
1672263;1497891839;asciilifeform;the 'bullying' trials aha
1672264;1497891924;hanbot;http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/16/us/michelle-carter-texting-case/index.html   yeh.
1672265;1497891953;hanbot;"bullying", "psychotherapy", w/e
1672266;1497892013;mircea_popescu;ahahaah check that retarded shit out, jury actually came out with a guilty verdict. because "it's terribly terribly bad some loser bit it" and that's good enough a rationale.
1672267;1497892026;mircea_popescu;if anyone knows greater travesti than us trials by now, i'd like to hear wtf it is
1672268;1497892039;hanbot;mircea_popescu: no jury. they went with single judicial decision.
1672270;1497892067;asciilifeform;lemme guess, 'public defender' recommended
1672271;1497892077;hanbot;the rationale of which iirc was supposed to be that a judge would be less affected by her "bad attitude" in the texts or somesuch.
1672272;1497892082;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform either that or "mandatory minimum".
1672273;1497892093;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope, you still get jury if you demand one
1672274;1497892095;mircea_popescu;hanbot traditionally why that's done, eg in japan.
1672275;1497892104;mircea_popescu;requires, however, actual judges, as in, white men, not obamas.
1672276;1497892109;asciilifeform;( unless you're a 'sonderbehandlung' case, e.g. in gitmo )
1672277;1497892120;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform unless the unless, you get, sure.
1672278;1497892134;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't do anything, then you get.
1672279;1497892159;hanbot;you get got, maybe.
1672280;1497892175;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: elementarily, 'unless' - e.g. d00d shot by cops in his own house (plenty of these every week, and the white-skinned ones ~nobody documents in usa) gets neither judge nor jury, etc
1672281;1497892238;mircea_popescu;yet in the country where the idiots think "discussing your salary is a social faux pas", the social stigma still attaches to "accused of" rather than to "law" enforcement.
1672282;1497892345;asciilifeform;'"It got to the point that he was apologizing to her, ... apologizing to her for not being dead yet,"' << lel
1672283;1497892369;mircea_popescu;kinda how biofilth stories go.
1672284;1497892452;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-19#1672280 << and yet you still opt to live there!
1672285;1497892452;a111;Logged on 2017-06-19 17:09 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: elementarily, 'unless' - e.g. d00d shot by cops in his own house (plenty of these every week, and the white-skinned ones ~nobody documents in usa) gets neither judge nor jury, etc
1672286;1497892455;hanbot;mircea_popescu if stigma successfully attached to law enforcement people'd have to stop mindlessly doing what they say, which might require thought, or worse yet, initiative, and meh pass the doritos.
1672287;1497892467;mircea_popescu;i guess.
1672288;1497892492;mircea_popescu;amusingly, black communities are the forward thinkers on this score.
1672289;1497892524;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's a pretty long list of things that being shot by police - beats
1672290;1497892543;mircea_popescu;the whole "stigmatize criminal gang pretending to enforce law" is a true conceptual revolution, much more so than piddly efforts such as "destigmatize faggotry"
1672291;1497892547;mircea_popescu;an' they're leading it.
1672292;1497892573;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda how the shit works, huh.
1672293;1497892576;mircea_popescu;pass teh doritos!
1672294;1497892739;asciilifeform;in other amerilulz from same rag, https://archive.is/Bxot3 >> 'In a report published Sunday, Pyongyang's state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) accused US Department of Homeland Security officers and airport police of taking a diplomatic package away from the delegation, which it said carried a valid diplomatic courier certificate. KCNA called the incident "an illegal and heinous act of provocation," adding that US authorities b
1672295;1497892739;asciilifeform;ehaved like "gangsters."'
1672297;1497892769;hanbot;mircea_popescu i wonder what proportion of nonblacks' failure in that regard owes to not having been picked on "enough", vs what "communities"
1672298;1497892783;mircea_popescu;i expect it's entirely because never been touched.
1672299;1497892828;asciilifeform;from also same rag, moar gold, 'A Pennsylvania man was convicted Tuesday of sexually assaulting six young sisters married off by their parents in return for financial support.... The verdict came almost a year after police said they found Kaplan living with 12 females at his Feasterville home, including an 18-year-old who prosecutors said was "gifted" to him after he provided financial support for her parents.' ( https://archive.is/x
1672300;1497892828;asciilifeform;mKrh ) didjaknow !!
1672301;1497892830;mircea_popescu;people love to think their dumb shit is their own, yet a kid who's never been touched will "by itself" behave exactly the same way as an adult all the time no exceptions.
1672302;1497892864;asciilifeform;childrenz belong to the great inca, didjaknow, how dare d00d sell'em, etc
1672303;1497892865;hanbot;asciilifeform that town's name is...unfortunate
1672304;1497892890;mircea_popescu;check it out, dood had harem in the us!
1672305;1497892897;asciilifeform;emphasis on past tense
1672306;1497892917;asciilifeform;'недобитый kulak dekulakized!' newz at 11
1672307;1497892947;mircea_popescu;and the crime was, "having it way better than the judge / lawyers involved" ?
1672309;1497892973;asciilifeform;( what is every 'statutory rape' prosecution even about, to begin with, do you think. )
1672310;1497892988;mircea_popescu;"i wish i was fucking 16yos" ?
1672311;1497893001;asciilifeform;what else.
1672312;1497893013;mircea_popescu;i dunno. who actually wants to fuck 16yos.
1672315;1497893031;mircea_popescu;and i suppose 15yo boys
1672316;1497893044;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-23#1107897 << see also
1672317;1497893044;a111;Logged on 2015-04-23 12:23 ascii_panama: some nonzero portion of socialistoidderp is 'revenge' of low-smv folks against the high. dan mocsny observed this and it is a hypothesis with some explanatory power.
1672318;1497893099;*;mircea_popescu skipped the whole fucking 16yos thing almost entirely. went from not giving shit about girls at 12 to doing 20somethings by 16. 
1672319;1497893104;mircea_popescu;i guess i'm a monster!
1672320;1497893127;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in usa, the gurlz are typically fully-hatched zombies by 25
1672321;1497893139;asciilifeform;hence the popularity of '16'
1672322;1497893140;mircea_popescu;ah that huh.
1672323;1497893169;mircea_popescu;cluj is a city on the hill, going to colege there implies (or did at the time) 2 miles / day walked uphill... ah what times.
1672324;1497894315;shinohai;In unsecured Amazon server fails: http://archive.is/nKDQr
1672325;1497894499;ben_vulpes;b-b-but govcloud!
1672326;1497894511;mircea_popescu;dont worry, it didn't really happen
1672327;1497894587;asciilifeform;nao if only shit somebody actually wanted, were to leak...
1672328;1497894607;mircea_popescu;only shit that exists can leak!
1672329;1497894710;asciilifeform;let's say, e.g., the privkeys of 'keybase' idiots
1672330;1497894715;asciilifeform;or other goxers
1672331;1497894728;asciilifeform;just to be narrowly specific to 'certainly exists, not yet leaked to public'
1672333;1497894920;asciilifeform;Run Moar CMachine!11
1672334;1497895389;ben_vulpes;in other "faces of meth": http://pamplinmedia.com/cr/24-news/363414-243949-ccso-woman-kidnapped-held-in-rv-for-12-hours-in-oak-grove
1672335;1497895663;phf;https://parity.io/parity.html i'm not sure what this is even supposed to be, but my dosimeter went off scale.
1672336;1497895683;shinohai;"On Fedora and CentOS, this ld.so "hwcap" exploit fails against
1672337;1497895685;shinohai;  /usr/bin/passwd and /usr/bin/chage (but it works against all other
1672338;1497895687;shinohai;  SUID-root binaries) because of SELinux"
1672340;1497900296;asciilifeform;in other lulz, orlol is selling his tub : http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2017/06/prince-kropotkin-is-for-sale.html
1672341;1497900381;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/P7Xx3 << for approx 1 toyota's worth
1672342;1497900901;mircea_popescu;it's vaguely annoying any rando can name his tub "prince kropotkin"
1672343;1497901011;asciilifeform;can also name, whatever, 'center of universe'
1672344;1497901020;mircea_popescu;this is also vaguely annoying.
1672345;1497901039;asciilifeform;i saw a tub of similar size, in the port, named 'ctrl-alt-del'
1672346;1497901056;mircea_popescu;lol nb
1672347;1497901086;asciilifeform;lol, engine under kitchen sink
1672348;1497901109;mircea_popescu;doubles as either garbage propeller or garbage disposer ?
1672349;1497901148;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/wIPJL )
1672350;1497901228;asciilifeform;for some reason i thought his current thing were bigger..
1672351;1497903004;mircea_popescu;phf your bouncer did some weird earlier.
1672352;1497903054;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do all small boats have that weird triangular bed thing ??
1672354;1497903081;mircea_popescu;riverboats don't, though
1672355;1497903125;phf;mircea_popescu: so the server i was connected to rebooted (or something like that), and then i was sitting on reconnect for a bit, until i explicitly changed it to a different server. what was it doing?
1672356;1497903137;mircea_popescu;spit out ips 3x
1672357;1497903252;phf;and so castles made of sand, melts into the sea eventually
1672358;1497903271;mircea_popescu;just said in case you didn't know / cared.
1672359;1497903327;*;phf nods
1672360;1497903514;shinohai;Another storm headed my way folx, so if I vanish for another 48 hrs, thanks comcast!
1672361;1497903526;mircea_popescu;gl eh
1672362;1497903538;shinohai;Thanx! :D
1672363;1497903560;*;shinohai actually likes storms, besides the circuitry frying parts ,,,,
1672364;1497903974;mod6;yeah, gl
1672365;1497906989;asciilifeform;storm here also lol
1672366;1497907032;asciilifeform;( these affect everything ~but~ the comps , which are on isolated mains )
1672367;1497907126;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-19#1672334 << when asciilifeform thinks 'flyover usa' he thinks specifically of these 'beauties'
1672368;1497907126;a111;Logged on 2017-06-19 18:03 ben_vulpes: in other "faces of meth": http://pamplinmedia.com/cr/24-news/363414-243949-ccso-woman-kidnapped-held-in-rv-for-12-hours-in-oak-grove
1672369;1497917505;mircea_popescu;lol is it bot tapping season ?
1672370;1497917515;asciilifeform;loox like!!
1672371;1497917732;mircea_popescu;de pipes are broken
1672373;1497919454;jhvh1;stormy with a chance of packeting
1672374;1497919476;shinohai;Appears deedbot left! O.o
1672377;1497919707;asciilifeform;toilet water flowing through the drinklet
1672378;1497921477;trinque;ty to ben_vulpes and mod6 for pinging me about deedbot
1672379;1497921490;trinque;looks like freenode isn't having a great day
1672380;1497921577;shinohai;Gentleman, meet a real-life Sam: http://archive.is/F6OzP
1672381;1497921916;mod6;thanks trinque
1672385;1497937216;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6B5B77FD7E335875B265600B307D7DC3C92D7D73C043F86719F899A9CD943323 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1647...8617 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (xvm-9-0.ghst.net. FR)
1672386;1497937216;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6B5B77FD7E335875B265600B307D7DC3C92D7D73C043F86719F899A9CD943323 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1736...3599 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (xvm-9-0.ghst.net. FR)
1672387;1497940044;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1672388;1497940841;mircea_popescu;no marketall for you! come back - one year!
1672389;1497941188;BingoBoingo;Awe, I guess the dollarshaming will have to wait
1672391;1497941611;BingoBoingo;It's actually a rather popular subscription service among oldsters who think they are millenials, "dollar shame club". Even has radio advertising jingles.
1672392;1497941750;mircea_popescu;cuz they can't afford the "pro dommes"
1672393;1497942148;BingoBoingo;Aha, easier to pretend they didn't want the dollars they don't have in the first place
1672394;1497946116;jurov;https://i.nahraj.to/f/1Kyp.gif unrelated
1672395;1497958188;*;shinohai is impressed http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672394
1672396;1497958188;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 08:08 jurov: https://i.nahraj.to/f/1Kyp.gif unrelated
1672397;1497959745;erlehmann;so i wrote software for sluts http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/epigraph-sh.html
1672398;1497959789;erlehmann;i suspect this method of taint analysis can be useful for more than just the question “who is at risk when a condom broke?”
1672399;1497959832;erlehmann;also it does not include test results in the epigraph tree-builder
1672400;1497966005;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4B573F584F8FD284E16465CA83F08D274E8EEB1B7743BFB659587F3ACBE46415 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1603...9679 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (63-97-43-239-ama.pathwayz.com. US TX)
1672401;1497966005;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4B573F584F8FD284E16465CA83F08D274E8EEB1B7743BFB659587F3ACBE46415 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1448...8323 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (63-97-43-239-ama.pathwayz.com. US TX)
1672402;1497966257;asciilifeform;lol, 'OFFERING BUSINESS INTERNET AND PHONE SOLUTIONS
1672403;1497966257;asciilifeform;ACROSS THE STATE OF TEXAS AND BEYOND'
1672404;1497968829;shinohai;!!up sn0wmonster
1672405;1497968829;deedbot;sn0wmonster voiced for 30 minutes.
1672406;1497968840;sn0wmonster;here for the deedbot
1672407;1497968849;sn0wmonster;have a general question really
1672408;1497968870;sn0wmonster;in what ways (please name as many as possible) is deedbot patently different than #bitcoin-otc's gribble in terms of GPG/user ratings?
1672409;1497968886;mircea_popescu;sn0wmonster gribble ratings are unauthenticated.
1672410;1497968899;sn0wmonster;that is a problem
1672411;1497968908;sn0wmonster;i've been trying to find the perfect WoT system to include into #Taskhive for a while now and i was under the impression that#bitcoin-otc simply decentralized would suffice,
1672412;1497968917;mircea_popescu;nanotube was going to fix it cca 2015. didn't happen then or hence.
1672413;1497968918;sn0wmonster;but i had planned on having each rating also be signed
1672414;1497968920;sn0wmonster;is that the only difference?
1672415;1497968937;sn0wmonster;well, major difference anyway?
1672416;1497968939;mircea_popescu;that is a sufficient difference.
1672418;1497968976;sn0wmonster;i was hoping to hear that it was decentralized, as in, nodes connect together to disperse and allow submissions to the reputation database without needing IRC or the website
1672419;1497968990;mircea_popescu;not really the tmsr way.
1672420;1497968992;sn0wmonster;because that would have saved us the time of reinventing the wheel
1672421;1497969001;sn0wmonster;no worries
1672422;1497969004;sn0wmonster;thank you kindly!
1672423;1497969110;shinohai;trb node should be back up soon, motherboard still boots up, replaced nic with external model.
1672424;1497969120;shinohai;Now to locate superior ups
1672426;1497969184;shinohai;How goes this morning Sr. Popescu?
1672427;1497969199;mircea_popescu;eh, been better.
1672428;1497969209;asciilifeform;shinohai: 'liebert' makes ok upsen
1672429;1497969247;*;shinohai looks ....
1672430;1497969253;shinohai;thx asciilifeform !
1672431;1497969335;asciilifeform;np shinohai
1672432;1497969362;asciilifeform;shinohai: if you get one with a nic, make sure to segment it away from anything interesting
1672433;1497969404;asciilifeform;( alternatively -- yank the nic and put in the serial port card, they're a few bux secondhand )
1672434;1497969430;mircea_popescu;sn0wmonster supposing you're actually serious about not reinventing the wheel (which at this point i very much doubt), the correct approach is to first establish ~yourself~, and then have your own castle like so many others before you.
1672435;1497969459;mircea_popescu;it is NOT, very specifically and poinedly not, coming up with a "catchy" socialistard name and then trying to build "ideas" around it.
1672436;1497969693;mod6;<+shinohai> trb node should be back up soon, motherboard still boots up, replaced nic with external model. << good deal :]
1672437;1497969701;sn0wmonster;mircea_popescu, are there any decentralized web-of-trusts that allow GPG authenticated ratings and comments to be left for GPG authenticated users without needing to connect to IRC or a centralized website to interact with it?
1672438;1497969714;mircea_popescu;no. and there is a reason for that.
1672439;1497969721;sn0wmonster;if not, i don't see how i'm reinventing the wheel by building that part of it.
1672440;1497969734;sn0wmonster;i'm here to learn, could you share the reason for that?
1672441;1497969764;mircea_popescu;this is exactly what d-k is all about. think for a second : years ago when i specced this, i could just as well ahve specced it that way. what, you think the-people-who-matter need you to come by ten years late and show them the wheel ?
1672442;1497969764;shinohai;Cheers mod6, and thanks for advice yesterday .... seemed most straightforward route since box still booted.
1672443;1497969768;mircea_popescu;your wheel ain't a wheel.
1672444;1497969802;mircea_popescu;sn0wmonster you're not here to learn. you're here to try and bludgeon the world into a shape your head may fit. this is the opposite of learning. learning is when you change.
1672445;1497969814;sn0wmonster;you'll have to do a bit better than narcissistic ravings
1672447;1497969824;sn0wmonster;is there a technical reason why it hasn't been built yet?
1672448;1497969861;mircea_popescu;you actually believe i needed you to mosy along and say the magic words "decendralized feteraded buzz buzz buzz". you actually believe this. how ?
1672449;1497969890;sn0wmonster;i like how you made this about you.
1672450;1497969891;mircea_popescu;yes, there's an actrual technical reason. no, it can't be explained to you. because you lack priors.
1672451;1497969904;sn0wmonster;do you always do this?
1672452;1497969911;asciilifeform;theoretically, if d00d has a brain, it could be explained to'im
1672453;1497969935;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the difference between brains and practices is that in theory there are no brains.
1672454;1497969939;mircea_popescu;but in practice, there are.
1672455;1497969984;asciilifeform;sn0wmonster: trinque's wotron ( which is in use here ) gives you a complete copy of the wot on demand. how would you make this 'more decentralized' ?
1672456;1497969988;mircea_popescu;sn0wmonster the moment you stumble into a technical discussion with "proposals" on the level of "hey guise i just heard about this cryptormation superhighway, here's how to fix it", YOU made the discussion about you.
1672457;1497970021;sn0wmonster;another narcissistic trait, assuming things.
1672458;1497970046;sn0wmonster;no one 'stumbled', i was invited here with the false idea that the WoT here was any different than the one i've already used for 7 years.
1672459;1497970046;mircea_popescu;and the sad thing is, the more time flies, the more the fruit flies will be flying in.
1672460;1497970051;shinohai;Relevant: https://www.writeraccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/scarecrow-brain.jpg
1672461;1497970071;mircea_popescu;sn0wmonster what is the difference between "stumbled" and "invited here with the false idea that the WoT here was any different than the one i've already used for 7 years" iyo ?
1672462;1497970074;sn0wmonster;now that i know it's not but for a single technical difference that i was already planning on fixing before coming here, i'm left with only your narcissistic rants and runarounds.
1672463;1497970078;sn0wmonster;good luck!
1672464;1497970139;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what irritates the fucktard is that somehow, agaionst all pantsuit effort and promise, somehow in this world there still are men!
1672465;1497970148;mircea_popescu;and he has had the bright idea to... fix, geddit.
1672466;1497970181;mircea_popescu;"tasklead" for "shithive" and whatnot. such a wunderbarl world little girls have tea with sam in!
1672467;1497970212;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on other hand, the fact that a wot is a local object ( and doesn't 'decentralize' ) is not necessarily obvious, even to thinking folx
1672468;1497970224;asciilifeform;it was not immediately obvious to asciilifeform , for instance, at one time
1672469;1497970261;asciilifeform;and wtf is taskwhatever
1672470;1497970287;mircea_popescu;yet the difference between us, whereby when he asks for a difference i provide the difference, but when i ask for a difference he has nothing to show, is entirely lost on him. and this DOESNT suggest to him that perhaps he's not yet up to the task of comprehending such intricacies as might not be obvious even to thinking folks.
1672471;1497970300;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform * sn0wmonster (~yeti@taskhive/lead/sn0wmonster) has left #trilema ("Leaving") <
1672472;1497970305;shinohai;Appears to be android app to "decentralize" Mechanical Turk
1672474;1497970314;mircea_popescu;you know ?
1672475;1497970319;mircea_popescu;could prolly buy russia.
1672476;1497970322;asciilifeform;does it pay out in etherdaotronium
1672477;1497970324;asciilifeform;or wat
1672478;1497970334;mircea_popescu;at worst "it is an option".
1672479;1497970342;mircea_popescu;i'm so sick of ustards by now it's palpable.
1672480;1497970369;mircea_popescu;ima go to the doctor and he's going to feel my abdomen and then say "hmm... i can feel a petrified being sick of ustards right here next to the spleen"
1672482;1497972470;BingoBoingo; ima go to the doctor and he's going to feel my abdomen and then say "hmm... i can feel a petrified being sick of ustards right here next to the spleen" << Still less of a disease state than being a USTard. At least you KNOW when you are sick, even if it is bubbles.
1672483;1497972480;mircea_popescu;there is that.
1672484;1497972622;BingoBoingo;I mean decentralized gribdeedbot to handle ratings on decentralized mecanical turk all to be held together by what? Hard forks?
1672485;1497972622;mircea_popescu;to be honest, back when the fucktards were like "o hi guise, i am 12 and expert, never heard of wot but i made this keybase", i was all pissy because of the whole "i have never heard". now that they do the "oh i know tmsr is my true and proper sovereign, but might i not talk my way out of it ? i'm really clever like, plus i use words i can't define borrowed from an old copy of wikimedica" i'm pissy because of the whole clever
1672486;1497972623;mircea_popescu; like borrowed words bs.
1672487;1497972638;mircea_popescu;logically it follows, i'm just a curmudgeon and gtfo my lawn.
1672488;1497972657;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the hard fork school of soft knocks to the colon.
1672489;1497972698;asciilifeform;speaking of these, asciilifeform can hardly wait for the 'dontchaknow you Don'tImplementYourOwnCrypto!!1111' 'luminaries'
1672490;1497972703;BingoBoingo;At least you aren't an alf getting out of own lawn
1672491;1497972716;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not to mention you-should-do-it-in-haskell
1672493;1497972724;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha!! dunforget!
1672494;1497972832;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing not forgets, "i never ate outside of kfc in my whole life, but i think i heard granpa call granma a filthy arab whore, and so therefore i am culturally arabic and OMFG NEED UTF-256 WHERE ARE THE SQUIGGLIES TO FILL MY INNER VOIDS!!!"
1672495;1497972986;BingoBoingo;In other near misses, an almost Omidyar's almost Qntra http://narrative-collapse.com/2017/06/08/teenagers-held-captive-and-gang-raped-at-st-paul-park/
1672496;1497973001;mircea_popescu;any hotties ?
1672497;1497973008;BingoBoingo;Not really
1672498;1497973037;mircea_popescu;let the permanent record permanently reflect that the ~only reasonable use of us-born teenagers today is gangrape in park.
1672499;1497973039;BingoBoingo;Mostly looks like a chronicle of every time local news papers censored race
1672500;1497976218;phf;building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di
1672501;1497976218;phf;scussions, but also any kind of attempt at crypto communication. there was nothing to say all along.
1672502;1497976585;BingoBoingo;AHA, you stole their having to talk about
1672503;1497976698;mircea_popescu;phf the whole thing to say was that $random-schmuck is really REALLY bothered by the scent of my ballsac.
1672504;1497976778;BingoBoingo;Oh, in other news, apparently miner coup is at ~80% support
1672505;1497976793;mircea_popescu;i fail to see how any of it is anything other than "protect me from men". from credit cards and parking lots to "legal system" and "our democracy", the whole exercise is entirely borne out of and predicated upon "please god let it never be the case mp says something to me"
1672506;1497976801;BingoBoingo;perhaps fork war is nigh
1672507;1497976810;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it is almost summer...
1672509;1497976901;mircea_popescu;vaguely curious if this "80%" is any closer to reality than the previous "miner consensus" when gavin wrecked the chain.
1672510;1497976950;BingoBoingo;Hard to say. Perhaps the miners really do wander off to do Altcoin
1672511;1497977025;BingoBoingo;Where's davout? Is the Bitcoin/shitcoin this ready to light up?
1672512;1497978285;BingoBoingo;https://stuffeurasianslike.wordpress.com/ << OMGWTF
1672513;1497978431;BingoBoingo;BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Apparently Elliots are organizing themselves as a demographic! "How is that better than being ignorant? In some ways knowledge is more evil. Like the Asian women who write these “progressive” “feminist” articles about how they know its so bad being an Asian man, but sorry they also married a white man. Is that the model you are looking to, when you say you will be a WMAF who acknowledges racism against As
1672514;1497978431;BingoBoingo;ian men?"
1672515;1497978444;mircea_popescu;isn't this whole "shit black chicks say" or w/e meme done to death already ?
1672516;1497978503;mircea_popescu;wait, wait wut ?! THERE EXIST ASIAN MEN ?!?!
1672517;1497978510;mircea_popescu;how long have i been away.
1672518;1497978533;BingoBoingo;"Back then I looked at me being born as a good thing." << Lol
1672519;1497978570;mircea_popescu;* deedbot gives voice to hanbot << somehow this struck me as quite funny :D
1672520;1497978592;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Children of White Dads and Asian Moms, like Elliot. There's a gold mine of self loathing out there
1672521;1497978639;hanbot;mircea_popescu shhh, i'm trying to infiltrate botciety here
1672523;1497978745;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo apparently servile mother + withdrawing father is the best recipe for offspring psychological disorders.
1672524;1497978914;BingoBoingo;Or the kids are doing it to themselves
1672525;1497978926;BingoBoingo;more comedy gold needs mining to make a decision
1672526;1497979049;phf;the last asian men all committed seppuku when japan lost in world war ii. yukio mishima, a homosexual writer of some repute was so distressed by there not being any men anymore, he tried to organize a coup to restate imperial power and bushido, with predictable results
1672527;1497979063;asciilifeform;phf: possibly -- not last.
1672528;1497979067;asciilifeform;but this remains to be seen.
1672529;1497979142;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Apparently the Elliot demo mines and sows discord in the lands of their matriarchies https://archive.is/mEV8w
1672530;1497979187;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: stalin, supposedly, once said to his friends, 'history divides into three eras, matriarchate, patriarchate, and secretariate'
1672531;1497979366;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672507 << mircea_popescu: consider dropping another 50MTonne кузькина мать -- looked, at least to naked eye, to have miraculous educational effect last time around
1672532;1497979366;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 16:40 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo it is almost summer...
1672533;1497979417;phf;mishima and his sword http://luisantoniodevillena.es/web/wp-content/uploads/0.mishima-tamostu.jpg
1672534;1497979461;asciilifeform;phf: what a misfortunate d00d, he was, couldn't get a proper kaishakunin, it took, what , 5 whacks to drop his head
1672535;1497979467;BingoBoingo;LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL "Stop using the word Asian-Chinese, it's redundant, and inaccurate. Use Indigenous-Chinese or Aboriginal-Chinese."
1672536;1497979542;phf;first guy actually failed repeatedly, until another one took over
1672537;1497979575;phf;but that's why you don't try and build an army out of your gay buddies.
1672538;1497979619;asciilifeform;'you seppuku with the kashakunin you have, not the kaishakunin you wish you had', or what did old man rumsfeld say.
1672539;1497979664;asciilifeform;( and, oblig : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teDn-GTeDVs )
1672540;1497979681;asciilifeform;^ apparently still a folk favourite in jp
1672541;1497979819;phf;well, "folk", i'm reminded how every indian, when they say ghandi, they have to add "the father of our nation" immediately after, but in the privacy of their own homes (lubricated by a bit of alcohol) they start saying that godse should've done it sooner
1672543;1497979888;asciilifeform;lubricated jp folk aaalso say... interesting things.
1672544;1497979960;BingoBoingo;Nepali kids insisted their country was the one Indians thought they had
1672546;1497980020;BingoBoingo;Well, Between Buddah and all the kings etc.
1672547;1497980044;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there are ~no buddhists in india, last i knew
1672548;1497980066;BingoBoingo;Also "Greater Nepal" is this nationalistic thing many of them bought into where they insisted their traditional borders went halfway to the ocean
1672549;1497980104;*;asciilifeform sings softly 'от москвы до британских морей красная армия всех сильней!'
1672550;1497980120;trinque;not to get all "mixing of the races", but in a less squeamish culture it'd be interesting if somebody actually studied it. maybe poor elliots have a biological basis.
1672551;1497980120;asciilifeform;...at least that's what we had in asciilifeform's nepal
1672552;1497980205;asciilifeform;trinque: expand plox
1672553;1497980226;phf;гражданин непала это человек зачатый не пальцем и не палкой
1672555;1497980301;mircea_popescu;phf i was thinking of mishima exactly.
1672556;1497980323;trinque;there are ethnically bound diseases right? why not diseases arising out of a particular mixture of genes from two sides of the planet
1672557;1497980378;mircea_popescu;phf> but that's why you don't try and build an army out of your gay buddies. << but i saw it in that film about us cowboys dressed in skirts!
1672558;1497980380;mircea_popescu;IT WAS HISTORICAL
1672559;1497980388;asciilifeform;trinque: it isn't clear that there was anything physically wrong with elliot ( aside from being, by his account, a very short and thin d00d )
1672560;1497980414;asciilifeform;could have been worse - say, short+fat
1672561;1497980426;mircea_popescu;phf speaking of "father of nation" pedo -- ever seen the bridge to kwaii ?
1672562;1497980429;asciilifeform;or missing a leg, arm..
1672563;1497980494;mircea_popescu;absolutely HYSTERICAL not-dead-yet-honest britsh empire piece of agitprop. it is built on the mindbogglingly entertaining twin premises that a) british is not merely relevant, but world-central and b) really, they're this sort of age cave tace laborious dependable serious folk, like ghandi personally spawned the lot of them out of fat drunk saxon uglies.
1672564;1497980516;mircea_popescu;totally must be seen piece of lulz for the curious entomologist.
1672565;1497980524;*;asciilifeform adds to list
1672566;1497980581;mircea_popescu;trinque because a random "gene mixture" does not an ethnicity make.
1672567;1497980640;mircea_popescu;creoles (which is the name for two-ethnic mixtures, unless you prefer mongrels) are significantly more variant as a group than either antecessor group.
1672568;1497980672;mircea_popescu;somewhat similar to how hela is just one of many sorta-woman sorta-hpv combinations out there, a set much more diverse than either woman or hpv.
1672569;1497980701;asciilifeform;or how windows are quite alike but broken pieces of window pane are each unique..
1672570;1497980727;mircea_popescu;well, missing the mixing. but something like that.
1672571;1497980823;BingoBoingo;Their propaganda even sucks https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C89CD3cVYAA6nGm.jpg
1672573;1497980902;BingoBoingo;Apparently the elliots think Whitey can't get a date?
1672574;1497980935;BingoBoingo;Or that what dudes get azans because spooks and slants are taking all the white wimmins.
1672575;1497980987;BingoBoingo;!!Up erlehmann
1672576;1497980987;deedbot;erlehmann voiced for 30 minutes.
1672577;1497980994;BingoBoingo;Compare to the counter trolling https://img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1477/57/1477576657610.png
1672578;1497980994;phf;i've seen it long time ago, but the only part i remember about it is the heavy handed agitprop. but that's the tail end of british empire, so there is probably something to "dependable serious folk". i think it was in a handful of war novels too (slaughterhouse five maybe?) the whole "british officer" thing
1672579;1497980995;mircea_popescu;i vaguely suspect the whole point of the exercise is to somehow stroke the "womenz belong to us" fantasy.
1672580;1497981016;mircea_popescu;"if i can't get one to be mine in private, maybe we could get them to be ours as a group ???"
1672581;1497981035;erlehmann;so the first response to epigraph was like “why not explain a more interesting topic like ebola transmission?”
1672582;1497981038;mircea_popescu;phf it was something else, the stoic british officer who fixes everything through being so very british!
1672584;1497981085;mircea_popescu;except their notion of british looks more like "son of ghandi" than anything the actual 1790 brits would have recognized
1672585;1497981091;mircea_popescu;let alone wanted to be under the flag of.
1672587;1497981270;erlehmann;this is pure comedy gold. i bow before the abrasiveness http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672450
1672588;1497981270;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 14:44 mircea_popescu: yes, there's an actrual technical reason. no, it can't be explained to you. because you lack priors.
1672589;1497981297;mircea_popescu;erlehmann i dare say it couldn't have been said smoother-er.
1672590;1497981298;phf;i'm going to rewatch it. this logs idea that british empire (or what was remaining of it) was destroyed in wwii made me reevaluate a lot of the 20th century events, and it's neat to look at these things through new frame
1672591;1497981316;mircea_popescu;phf whole point of scholarship / life of mind, to review.
1672592;1497981583;BingoBoingo;WTF, whole fucking continent has a victim complex https://np.reddit.com/r/bakchodi/comments/6ida58/when_an_indian_enters_a_super_fun_and_friendly/
1672593;1497981612;BingoBoingo;"No wonder the genetically superior brahmanas considered it the worst sin to so much as even lay their hands on obc gutter swines"
1672594;1497981632;asciilifeform;what's obc
1672595;1497981647;mircea_popescu;how are short shriveled brown men genetically superior.
1672596;1497981823;BingoBoingo; what's obc << I'm guessing dalits. I dunno all their internal slurs
1672598;1497982121;asciilifeform;wtf is 'amwf' again
1672599;1497982140;mircea_popescu;i would guess asian male naked female
1672601;1497982209;asciilifeform;heya mod6 !
1672602;1497982209;BingoBoingo;More lol: "sure, white society is obsessed with castration anxiety; fear of being cucked by blacks, muslim rapist gangs and the final myth affirming white masculinity was being able to 'out-masculine' the stereotype of asian males in white society. Shattering that myth with the reality of successful Asian men, re-affirms the belief in the white male that he himself truly is the beta cuck that he is."
1672603;1497982246;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> In other near misses, an almost Omidyar's almost Qntra http://narrative-collapse.com/2017/06/08/teenagers-held-captive-and-gang-raped-at-st-paul-park/ << thanks for posting.
1672604;1497982251;erlehmann;i don't get racist propaganda. if there is really nothing better holding people together than race, that seems like a very low common denominator.
1672605;1497982252;mircea_popescu;what successful asian men ? speed slalom through bollards athletes ?
1672606;1497982258;mod6;hi asciilifeform
1672607;1497982258;asciilifeform;mod6: believe or not, i have fixedtime fixedspace karatsubatron going. but it still needs to get CONSIDERABLY shorter
1672609;1497982266;mircea_popescu;erlehmann ever fucked women of a different race ?
1672610;1497982291;BingoBoingo;erlehmann: I am having a lol.
1672611;1497982304;mod6;asciilifeform: i can imagine that there's some stuff to it, ya.
1672612;1497982332;erlehmann;mircea_popescu if with “race” you mean “skin color”, well, of course?
1672613;1497982340;mircea_popescu;and didn't they smell weird ?
1672614;1497982366;erlehmann;i only fuck what smells good, so no
1672615;1497982377;mircea_popescu;i don't mean weird as in bad. i mean weird as in alien.
1672616;1497982392;*;mircea_popescu is mostly persuaded the whole race thing exists on the basis of natural skin scent.
1672617;1497982411;erlehmann;yes, but alien seems attractive attractive. actually, my own smell is also attractive to me.
1672618;1497982418;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: got some multicoloured pets nao?
1672619;1497982421;mircea_popescu;yes, but this marks you as a minority.
1672620;1497982429;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for a long time.
1672622;1497982437;*;mircea_popescu off to town. bbl!
1672624;1497982449;erlehmann;i once had a one night stand with a porn director. during sex, i figured out that her fluids smell exactly like mine. we were a bit weirded out by that, then went back to pound town.
1672625;1497982517;erlehmann;i think scent can be attractive, but repulsive? i believe most people find “exotic” attractive somewhat. whiteys getting tanned, geishas having light skin etc. pp.
1672626;1497982537;asciilifeform;erlehmann: recall the tshirt experiment ?
1672627;1497982549;erlehmann;with the woman who could smell alzheimer's?
1672628;1497982551;asciilifeform;!#s histocompatibility
1672629;1497982552;a111;4 results for "histocompatibility", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=histocompatibility
1672630;1497982561;asciilifeform;erlehmann: nope -- see log ^
1672631;1497982587;erlehmann;in general, i have the impression that whitey-whites tend to smell bad more easily
1672632;1497982601;asciilifeform;wholly orthogonal to the mhc thing
1672633;1497982675;erlehmann;so everyone wants to be michael jackson
1672634;1497982682;erlehmann;a mix
1672635;1497982703;erlehmann;neither black nor white, male or female, adult or child (… and now: dead or alive)
1672636;1497982715;erlehmann;reading https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/15/9/1269/1874025/MHC-genes-body-odours-and-odour-preferences now
1672638;1497982755;phf;well, "everyone". these fashion go through phases. 80s were all about androgyny for example to the extent that present time is no longer
1672639;1497982755;erlehmann;implying i should work on my quantors
1672640;1497982846;erlehmann;btw, i can voice myself (and will, if i have something to say)
1672641;1497982853;phf;michael jackson rode on a tail wave of that, and really i would say that "everyone" wants to be michael jackson, but michael jackson wanted to be david bowie (not cause bowie is somehow good or superior, but because bowie was happening as jackson was rising)
1672642;1497983001;BingoBoingo;ABOVE THAT: "Dating is part of the WMAF Hapa problem. Our #2 mod is called incelman. Hapa issues started gaining traction after Elliot Rodger blamed being half asian for being incel. The perceived unattractiveness of Asian males is a primary factor behind the huge WMAF imbalance. And a major point of r/Hapas is that the very sons of WMAF are hit by that anti-AM bias. So look we're not a bunch of angry incels just hating on women. We're m
1672643;1497983001;BingoBoingo;uch above that. But dating issues, rejection, attraction are a part of the Hapa problems we describe. "
1672644;1497983003;phf;i think these fashions are a balance between youthful rebelling and popular things that are normalized as time passes. but the present "race" narrative has nothing to do with anything, it's simply a fashion conversation.
1672645;1497983013;erlehmann;> incelman
1672646;1497983023;erlehmann;> elliot rodger
1672647;1497983028;erlehmann;oh noes
1672648;1497983049;erlehmann;phf fashion as in moral fashion?
1672649;1497983060;phf;no, fashion as in fashion
1672650;1497983112;phf;because adding any other qualifiers to fashion makes it somehow special. nothing special is happening here, it's a bunch of bored people trying out different clothes, signaling, etc.
1672651;1497983160;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Don't feel bad. The Boers can't hire gardeners anymore either due to Obama-cares http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2179171/Walkerville-family-murders-Horrific-death-boy-12-drowned-boiling-water-robbers-raped-mother.html
1672652;1497983224;phf;they heard that sometime long time ago cool people were doing tmsr (like maybe black panthers in the 60s), but back then was doing, now it's long long fashion. and it's obviously fashion because none of these posers have it in them to make a clean cut with a sword so to speak. an act that comes from conviction or desperation that is an act in itself. with no "purpose" to it
1672653;1497983275;phf;so protesting and facebooking and posting pinterest pictures of molotov cocktail manuals that nobody's actually tried making in the their kitchen, etc.
1672654;1497983387;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: since mircea_popescu is away from his terminal, i'll fill in for him : 'tru men!' 'nature's garbage collector' etc
1672655;1497983417;erlehmann;phf another case of “talking about X does not make you part of X”?
1672656;1497983437;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: "Should have hired nekkid chix to tend garden"
1672657;1497983474;asciilifeform;it still boggles my mind : would you hire, e.g., a talking grizzly bear, to 'tend garden' ?
1672658;1497983556;erlehmann;> Apart from war zones, South Africa’s murder rate is surpassed only by Latin American nations embroiled in gruesome battles between drug gangs.
1672659;1497983557;asciilifeform;witness the chinese folx in africa -- they do no such thing, first thing they do is to put up a perimeter of barbed wire, mine field, and interlocking sectors of fire. and ain't nobody darker than proverbial paper bag, permitted inside, ever again.
1672660;1497983663;asciilifeform;witness the 'smart brits of 1700s' -- how many indian gardeners?
1672663;1497983699;asciilifeform;lol did they finally surrender to stupid
1672664;1497983769;asciilifeform;... or could simply be snow job to put the 'international komyooniti' off the scent
1672665;1497983828;asciilifeform;( chinese folx are observably clever enough to sometimes signal 'we kowtow' without actually ~doing~ any such thing -- as per the infamous july '15 forklulz
1672667;1497983861;BingoBoingo;Or is cracker now a slur against Chinese work camp bosses?
1672668;1497984288;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672617 << bahaha, erlehmann's over there with yesterday's boxers on his head
1672669;1497984288;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:13 erlehmann: yes, but alien seems attractive attractive. actually, my own smell is also attractive to me.
1672670;1497984429;trinque;imagine the creature born with a scent repulsive to itself.
1672671;1497984489;erlehmann;one opposite of “does something for me” would be “does nothing for me”
1672672;1497984519;erlehmann;many people do not care about their own smell. i find mine really nice.
1672673;1497984531;erlehmann;s/many people/many people i know/
1672674;1497984563;phf;erlehmann: yes, but with two clarifications. i specifically don't think that "something", that one could be part of, is actually happening when it comes to "race" at the moment. (i might find out otherwise years from now, but it would be totally unrelated to the public conversation that's happening right now)
1672675;1497984605;trinque;curious if shinohai's 'white supremacist' chick ever replied
1672676;1497984610;asciilifeform;the 'somethings, such that One Could Be Part Of' is a thing with very exaggerated existence to begin with
1672677;1497984654;asciilifeform;last i heard, the 1 place where everybody gets guaranteed admission ticket, is cemetery
1672678;1497984666;phf;situationists actually were very sensitive to that subject, and notoriously trolled anyone who would imply there is such a thing as "situation-ism"
1672679;1497984670;asciilifeform;( and even there -- doubt, possibly only room in oven, for some )
1672680;1497984671;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: don't forget us schools
1672681;1497984689;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i've personally worked with at least 2 d00dz who were drummed out of american school
1672682;1497984706;trinque;I employ someone who was drummed out as "terrorist!!!!"
1672683;1497984711;trinque;(for sending a prank e-mail)
1672684;1497984738;asciilifeform;trinque: mine were back when it was 'hooliganism'
1672685;1497984742;asciilifeform;but otherwise similar iirc
1672686;1497984772;asciilifeform;so in point of fact ben_vulpes is mistaken, it is far from 'everyone'
1672687;1497984854;ben_vulpes;speaking of 'middle'/'high' schools?
1672688;1497984889;ben_vulpes;everyone gets ticket, some might get ejected but lord with the stories coming out of the inner cities i don't even give that much credence.
1672689;1497984892;phf;(thinking some more i only had one clarification, second one relating to action/thought i don't think i have a good grasp on...)
1672690;1497984989;trinque;ben_vulpes: high school, for changing a "From" e-mail header -> "lol email came from teacher"
1672691;1497985025;trinque;the irony of this person being called a hacker makes me lol every time I have to get involved with setting up a printer.
1672692;1497985032;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: uppity white folx expelled at the drop of a hat
1672693;1497985049;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 'inner city' blax -- pretty much need murder conviction, to expel
1672694;1497985107;ben_vulpes;yes well, "everyone gets ticket" and "cannot be expelled" are two distinct things
1672696;1497987351;erlehmann;> Last weekend, in an attempt to get Sky's NOW TV video player (for Mac) to work on my machine, I noticed that one of the Cisco executables contains a private key that is associated with the public key in a trusted certificate for a cisco.com sub domain.
1672697;1497987358;erlehmann;if that sounded good:
1672698;1497987373;erlehmann;> I read the Baseline Requirements document (version 1.4.5, section, but I wasn't entirely sure whether this is considered a key compromise. I asked Hanno Bock on Twitter
1672699;1497987397;erlehmann;because that seems like, the first thing that comes to mind when encountering embedded private keys, right?
1672700;1497987779;mod6;ask a rando non-person first!
1672701;1497987840;erlehmann;well, he seems beloved here! http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hanno+bock
1672702;1497989065;lobbes;erlehmann, see also: http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag/
1672703;1497989935;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/ford-turns-to-china-to-save-small-cars/ << Qntra - Ford Turns To China To Save Small Cars
1672704;1497990331;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1672705;1497990338;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2753.88, vol: 14624.41527752 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2720.0, vol: 7819.6884 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2750.0, vol: 18166.34731933 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2887.009464, vol: 16054.26870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2741.001, vol: 6272.39731438 | Volume-weighted last average: 2781.22630363
1672706;1497990444;phf;hanno bock is a stand in for "security community", sort of like preet bharara is a standing for american aparatchiks. they even look the parts!
1672707;1497990465;phf;https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1458238253/hanno.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Preet_Bharara_2012_Shankbone.jpg
1672708;1497990549;phf;hmm, that last picture gave me a lizard overload for the day, did it to myself though.
1672709;1497992952;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672675   <<< Unfortunately never replied, likely thought I was trying to recruit her.
1672710;1497992952;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:50 trinque: curious if shinohai's 'white supremacist' chick ever replied
1672711;1497995223;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672624 << hmm, i thought the way the set picked the director in the first place was "that one nobody really wants to fuck".
1672712;1497995223;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:14 erlehmann: i once had a one night stand with a porn director. during sex, i figured out that her fluids smell exactly like mine. we were a bit weirded out by that, then went back to pound town.
1672713;1497995288;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672641 << this is eerily persuasive, actually. either bowie or diana ross.
1672714;1497995288;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:20 phf: michael jackson rode on a tail wave of that, and really i would say that "everyone" wants to be michael jackson, but michael jackson wanted to be david bowie (not cause bowie is somehow good or superior, but because bowie was happening as jackson was rising)
1672715;1497995360;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672642 << just you wait till these entitled cumquats living comfortably in the west find out what "AM" born in beijing has to accomplish to get even a vague shot at an unhappy, single-woman western style marriage thing.
1672716;1497995360;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:23 BingoBoingo: ABOVE THAT: "Dating is part of the WMAF Hapa problem. Our #2 mod is called incelman. Hapa issues started gaining traction after Elliot Rodger blamed being half asian for being incel. The perceived unattractiveness of Asian males is a primary factor behind the huge WMAF imbalance. And a major point of r/Hapas is that the very sons of WMAF are hit by that anti-AM bias. So look we're not a bunch of angry incels just hating on women. We're m
1672717;1497995377;mircea_popescu;"what do you mean you can'tr afford to drop 2mn on a shitty matchbox appartment ?!?!?!?!"
1672718;1497995418;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hey, no need to even go as far as beijing, we have this right here in northern gringolandia
1672719;1497995455;mircea_popescu;you have nfi. you keep going "oh, we have fruits also in soviet union." no, you don't, your ethylene pinkomatoes aren't fit for a dog salad.
1672720;1497995467;asciilifeform;the matchboxes, i mean
1672721;1497995469;mircea_popescu;and no, you have nfi what real estate bezzle is until you rent for a while in shanghai
1672722;1497995469;asciilifeform;what else.
1672723;1497995484;asciilifeform;> nyc ?!
1672724;1497995507;asciilifeform;( not even to mention californistan )
1672725;1497995515;mircea_popescu;ah. at issue was the social dynamic. "average income in your country is $500/year, which you can onl;y have in paper gift certificates, and shitty apartment that is prerequisite for maybe getting a bad blowjob on odd weekends is $2mn in gold."
1672726;1497995522;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they're pale copies of china.
1672727;1497995561;asciilifeform;they dun have konsoomer credit in cn ?
1672728;1497995565;asciilifeform;( or else why 'in gold' )
1672730;1497995620;erlehmann;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672711 << some kind of porn peter principle, i guess?
1672731;1497995620;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 21:47 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672624 << hmm, i thought the way the set picked the director in the first place was "that one nobody really wants to fuck".
1672732;1497995638;mircea_popescu;erlehmann either that or he's the least likely to get distracted.
1672733;1497995676;mircea_popescu;(and, afore anyone asks, the porn ~~~PRODUCER~~~ ie what i did is the one who fucks when feels like, rather then as a group behaviour.)
1672734;1497995721;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how did it come about that pornproducer and porndirector are separate people ?
1672735;1497995731;asciilifeform;( and are they, typically..? )
1672736;1497995751;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672652 << you're definitely on to something there. the act without meaning is long gone in the world of "meanings" devoid of any acts. every single time withjout exception captain brezer0 runs into tmsr, the remnants splattered everywhere consist entirely of "here's this collection of signifiers i had"
1672737;1497995751;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:27 phf: they heard that sometime long time ago cool people were doing tmsr (like maybe black panthers in the 60s), but back then was doing, now it's long long fashion. and it's obviously fashion because none of these posers have it in them to make a clean cut with a sword so to speak. an act that comes from conviction or desperation that is an act in itself. with no "purpose" to it
1672738;1497995766;erlehmann;i guess what asciilifeform wants for his porn is some kind of bed-rocking abstraction
1672739;1497995773;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they are, typically. much like fluffer and pornstar are separate.
1672740;1497995790;erlehmann;fluffer is a job that does not exist anymore, prove me wrong
1672741;1497995812;mircea_popescu;think in terms of the old crime world. producer is the fixer, he gets some guy's house for the weekend. director is the office manager, he makes sure all the cunts end up on the couch and all the film cans in the lab.
1672742;1497995831;mircea_popescu;erlehmann entirely possible, i've not been watching for a long time now.
1672743;1497995832;asciilifeform;aaah field- vs flag- officer
1672744;1497995837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right.
1672745;1497995843;asciilifeform;makes sense nao.
1672746;1497995855;mircea_popescu;director can't be on the set. producer on the set is a clear symptom of serious trouble, like white cell count
1672747;1497995865;mircea_popescu;i mean director can't NOT be on the set.
1672748;1497995882;erlehmann;mircea_popescu i believe i got that information not from porn, but from what a porn director claimed
1672749;1497995916;mircea_popescu;important to point out this is all memories from back when cameras weighed >20lbs and came with tape.
1672750;1497995955;asciilifeform;for some reason i pictured mircea_popescu filming to celluloid..
1672751;1497995969;asciilifeform;on 100 pound camera
1672752;1497995978;erlehmann;mircea_popescu so did you do (semi-)professional porn?
1672753;1497995978;mircea_popescu;im theoretically technically promising, but practically rather inept. i don't even drive.
1672754;1497995995;mircea_popescu;erlehmann what's (semi-)professional ?
1672755;1497996081;erlehmann;people involved expect payment i guess, but at a lower rate than full-time professionals
1672756;1497996107;mircea_popescu;erlehmann i don't think anyone alive made as much money per time, at the time. so in this sense i guess i was a fully professional... banker ?
1672757;1497996128;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672657 << because they hired the talking grizzly's papa back in the day (when they had muzzles and hot irons at the ready) and nothing has changed!!1
1672758;1497996128;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:31 asciilifeform: it still boggles my mind : would you hire, e.g., a talking grizzly bear, to 'tend garden' ?
1672759;1497996207;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672660 << loads, actually. it become fashionable to have black vallet sometime late 18th century, under french influence
1672760;1497996207;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:34 asciilifeform: witness the 'smart brits of 1700s' -- how many indian gardeners?
1672761;1497996215;mircea_popescu;!~google chocolat follies
1672762;1497996216;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Folies au Chocolat LLC - Home | Facebook: ; Notte fondente - chocolat follies - Facebook: ; Folies AU Chocolat , LLC, Wasl Vita, 71, 32c Street (Dubai), Dubai ...: 
1672763;1497996222;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: black, note, not amerind
1672764;1497996228;mircea_popescu;oh google you are so usefully intelligent!
1672765;1497996232;asciilifeform;i.e. the folx on whom the hot irons worked ok
1672766;1497996233;erlehmann;the director told me at our date that she tried to weed out the ones doing porn mainly for money during castings because it paid so bad and she suspected they would not be satisfied with the pay.
1672767;1497996238;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually mostly haitian and generally island - creole iirc.
1672768;1497996249;erlehmann;it reminds me of startup culture thingies.
1672769;1497996261;erlehmann;accept low pay to achieve stuffings!
1672770;1497996269;mircea_popescu;erlehmann not even a bronze age, now. with all the "webcam" sadness. but there WAS a golden age.
1672771;1497996288;mircea_popescu;i know, for i was there. and it was glorious.
1672772;1497996314;asciilifeform;'there was a golden age' of almost anything - even of begging: iirc the first d00d to conceive of begging via pisspal or what was it, made bank
1672773;1497996331;asciilifeform;homo redditicus falls for the novelty
1672774;1497996346;erlehmann;or greed
1672775;1497996349;asciilifeform;and 100mil pennies is 1mil$, etc
1672776;1497996352;mircea_popescu;eh, no, no. this was a golden age in the very true and proper sense of "like bitcoin", ie, realligning social order pressures available.
1672777;1497996374;mircea_popescu;ie, "you tv folk can come in and see our hot gear on a wednesday but don't teach anything"
1672778;1497996384;mircea_popescu;touch* loll
1672779;1497996427;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider, if you're curious, the shift in the implicit social attitudes as reflected by mid 80s and late 90s sit coms.
1672780;1497996431;mircea_popescu;porn changed the world.
1672781;1497996457;asciilifeform;asciilifeform was born a bit too late to properly notice this with own eyes: while he ~had~ paid for compilers -- never once paid for porn
1672782;1497996467;mircea_popescu;moreover, the internet as a not-apple-paysite even exists in the first place because it allowed its silver age ; and in so allowing also destroyed, of course, but different discussion.
1672783;1497996505;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, to properly appreciate the change one should have been born no later than 62 or so. be in your mid 20s in mid 80s.
1672784;1497996624;asciilifeform;in asciilifeform's head 'age of porn' is still synonymous with 'cheap svga card appears'
1672785;1497996625;erlehmann;for those who know german, i can suggest „die läufige leinwand“ from christian kessler, a book about american hardcore porn from 1970 to 1985. maybe there exists a translation?
1672786;1497996692;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform notrly. by the time broadband + sonycams hit, it was already gone, and i was already out.
1672788;1497996705;erlehmann;i had a lot of fun with this and the goebbels diaries
1672789;1497996746;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i wasn't speaking of the 'age of porn-makes-money', i wasn't there to see either end of it.
1672790;1497996747;asciilifeform;rather was thinking of age of 'too cheap to meter' (tm)(r)
1672791;1497996750;mircea_popescu;golden age of porn was the vhs. silver age of porn was the early internet paysite, which if i recall the figures correctly were hit 80% dialup, then a few years later 60%, and then a few more years like 5% or so, and the cheap digicams were everywhere
1672792;1497996765;erlehmann;(spoiler: goebbels was an angsty wimp, despised other nazis, described hitler as “his only friend”)
1672793;1497996775;erlehmann;seems someone … did the deed?
1672794;1497996804;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah, that. i dunno, really. filming physiology is not pornography. there's a certain intersection of cultural items to make porn, and i'd say it expired just about the time michael jackson was completing his diana bowie-ross morphism.
1672795;1497996815;mircea_popescu;erlehmann pretty sure erryone knoes.
1672796;1497996886;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as result, i suspect, of missing the 'silver age' etc, asciilifeform never imprinted on the various kabukis of the genre
1672797;1497996893;asciilifeform;iirc we had an old thread about this.
1672798;1497996901;mircea_popescu;anyway, but back upstack : it'd be perhaps fair to say that it wasn't porn ~per se~ that changed the world from pantsuit to breathable. it was the fortunate situation that just as the chick in every young household had been exposed to other girls outperforming her, the dude could then afford a cam and so he could go "ok, get to work bitch".
1672799;1497996935;mircea_popescu;all renaissance works on this paradigm afaik. "bitch get to work" in a coherent and realistic (ie, with a real underpinning) fashion -> renaissance.
1672800;1497996961;asciilifeform;this is a mega-point,
1672801;1497996984;asciilifeform;something quite like it (ww2 crunch) created, e.g., su as industrial-power, for while that lasted
1672802;1497996987;mircea_popescu;this confluence of a) forming an idea (why can't you deepthroat ? SHE CAN!) and b) having a lab is the key to all everytrhings.
1672803;1497997006;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite. "don't fucking tell me it can't be done, they've done it which is why there's bombs falling everywhere"
1672804;1497997009;asciilifeform;and woe be unto you if producer (iosif vissarionovich!) shows up to the set!
1672805;1497997016;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know ?
1672807;1497997033;mircea_popescu;"i'm not going away from here without a head in this here bag, so which head is it going to be".
1672808;1497997151;*;asciilifeform aficionado of autobios of the period -- most recently, serov's. and this element -- recurs.
1672809;1497997156;asciilifeform;it's the one fixed star in all of'em.
1672810;1497997164;mircea_popescu;i will also note that there's a very interesting relation between... i mean! it is almost always the case culture shock engenders #trilema conversations. and it is at least in principle possible to measure how interesting rthey are ; and then to relate that value to just how shocky the shock is. it'd seem moderate shock like eg erlehmann works a lot better than full on blast splatting like the fly earlier today.
1672811;1497997178;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i believe for good reason.
1672812;1497997217;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i've never seen anyone (other than fly going splat) in earnest that it was accident.
1672813;1497997223;asciilifeform;*argue that
1672814;1497997293;mircea_popescu;amusingly, 1970s parents even had internalised this whole thing into daily speech. "don't make me come over there!"
1672815;1497997324;asciilifeform;'as above, so below' (tm)(r)(the alchemists)
1672816;1497997337;mircea_popescu;who, newton ?
1672817;1497997340;asciilifeform;all of'em
1672818;1497997354;asciilifeform;fractals before it was hip!11111
1672819;1497997361;*;mircea_popescu delights at that complex joek.
1672820;1497997509;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672698 << ahahahahaha
1672821;1497997509;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 19:36 erlehmann: > I read the Baseline Requirements document (version 1.4.5, section, but I wasn't entirely sure whether this is considered a key compromise. I asked Hanno Bock on Twitter
1672822;1497997529;asciilifeform;sorta why there even exists a twatter, or a bock
1672823;1497997541;mircea_popescu;shit im not there yet. SPOILERS!
1672824;1497997547;asciilifeform;whole orchestra plays, solely so that $schmuck knows exactly, who, where to 'ask'
1672826;1497997597;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for as long as there's slop trickle in stable, pig won't find truffles in forest.
1672827;1497997609;mircea_popescu;very biologically-aware chumpatron.
1672828;1497997610;asciilifeform;or even acorn in forest.
1672829;1497998164;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672689 << the other major problem with "race" as a wholly-devoid-of-meaning anglotard subcultural construct is that... well... it's a brand, see. licenseable, negotiable like any other "negotiable instrument" ie paper money. there's no substantial difference between "Black & Decker power tools hecho en Mexico" and "African with tribal tatoo made in Chicago" and finally http://trilema.com/201
1672830;1497998164;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 18:54 phf: (thinking some more i only had one clarification, second one relating to action/thought i don't think i have a good grasp on...)
1672831;1497998164;mircea_popescu;6/usg-in-btc-a-history-of-constant-failure/#selection-51.0-51.49 "certified scientist" etcetera is nil.
1672832;1497998219;trinque;curious bot behavior lately. the thing has to be receiving pongs from something, or it'd close and restart.
1672833;1497998232;mircea_popescu;so in the same sense kentucky fried chicken isn't "something that is happening" nor "something you could be part of", neither is "african american" or white, or wmaf or w/e the shit already.
1672834;1497998237;asciilifeform;trinque: no prizes for guessing from what!11
1672835;1497998244;mircea_popescu;trinque getting spliced a little ?
1672836;1497998251;trinque;guess so
1672837;1497998269;mircea_popescu;hey, free practical nsa work lab you got yourself. instrument & enjoy.
1672838;1497998283;mircea_popescu;and remember -- everything you see in usoviet lands is a state secret.
1672839;1497998376;erlehmann;deedbot source code lives where?
1672840;1497998420;trinque;erlehmann: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/
1672841;1497998430;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672705 << this collapse is scam, i want my money back.
1672842;1497998430;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 20:25 jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2753.88, vol: 14624.41527752 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2720.0, vol: 7819.6884 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2750.0, vol: 18166.34731933 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2887.009464, vol: 16054.26870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2741.001, vol: 6272.39731438 | Volume-weighted last average: 2781.22630363
1672843;1497998432;mircea_popescu;o, wait.
1672844;1497998453;asciilifeform;relatedly, i've been seeing lines pop into existence on my client end in 2-3ln bursts
1672845;1497998458;asciilifeform;the 'net splits' also splices.
1672846;1497998466;asciilifeform;and their buffering -- is shit
1672847;1497998519;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672706 << they do. and not forget, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-06#1318952 as a stand-in for shit-academia. though i suppose obama would work just as well, "constitutional law scholar". read motherfucking constitution of ghana.
1672848;1497998519;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 20:27 phf: hanno bock is a stand in for "security community", sort of like preet bharara is a standing for american aparatchiks. they even look the parts!
1672849;1497998519;a111;Logged on 2015-11-06 22:33 ascii_field: 'Follow Bhagwan Chowdhry on Twitter'
1672850;1497998596;mircea_popescu;holy shit, i had nfi preet actually married A DUDE.
1672852;1497998605;mircea_popescu;or is that thing a camel.
1672853;1497998617;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672707 << 2nd part.
1672854;1497998617;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 20:27 phf: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1458238253/hanno.jpg and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Preet_Bharara_2012_Shankbone.jpg
1672855;1497998640;asciilifeform;hey, gotta marry within caste..
1672856;1497998653;mircea_popescu;by that point need a better caste holy shit.
1672857;1497998709;asciilifeform;castes -- exist. and i can even see the argument, that one oughta be able to make the call from 10 metres, rather than burn away 10minutes of yer life listening to a wikipedian
1672858;1497998717;asciilifeform;( or whatver dalit )
1672859;1497998734;erlehmann;“make the call”?
1672860;1497998756;asciilifeform;erlehmann: ever heard of 'fof beacon' ?
1672861;1497998761;asciilifeform;as used in fighter jet
1672862;1497998777;mircea_popescu;are you proposing that pair of yetis actually look good to someone ?
1672863;1497998779;mircea_popescu;i do not believe.
1672864;1497998785;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not necessary
1672865;1497998802;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there's this big bin of folx who ain't gotta look good to anybody, in particular.
1672866;1497998803;mircea_popescu;they look like a poster image for "why india should not really even exist".
1672867;1497998807;asciilifeform;they - stuck with one another.
1672868;1497998824;mircea_popescu;no, they stuck with reddit.
1672869;1497998854;erlehmann;asciilifeform you mean IFF beacon?
1672870;1497998870;asciilifeform;erlehmann: in modern parlance aha
1672871;1497998871;erlehmann;friend or foe
1672872;1497998873;mircea_popescu;she could show him her tits anonymously while carefully hiding her face. they'd both get more sex and sex alikes mileage out of the arrangement.
1672873;1497998944;asciilifeform;re castes, see also http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=buluceala
1672874;1497998947;mircea_popescu;anyway. AAA++ log, would catch up again.
1672875;1497998956;erlehmann;looks shopped https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/Preet_Bharara_2012_Shankbone.jpg
1672876;1497999001;mircea_popescu;can you tell by some pixels ?
1672877;1498000723;erlehmann;no, actually, i can't
1672878;1498000730;erlehmann;error level analysis does not yield anything
1672879;1498005601;shinohai;In other malware: http://archive.is/qwSQL
1672880;1498011085;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3E3B6B6C4504FCCA206505232AD38A553ECE9B407028CA4FC0615706E7587115 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1653...0623 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (87-126-230-17.ip.btc-net.bg. BG)
1672881;1498011085;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3E3B6B6C4504FCCA206505232AD38A553ECE9B407028CA4FC0615706E7587115 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...3683 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (87-126-230-17.ip.btc-net.bg. BG)
1672882;1498011085;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CE3054BE86A5AAAABF50B797F6DA6B65DD77CA4D814A5EF491F50EC6B2D7B284 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...3683 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MZ)
1672883;1498011086;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CE3054BE86A5AAAABF50B797F6DA6B65DD77CA4D814A5EF491F50EC6B2D7B284 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1682...2313 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown MZ)
1672884;1498026674;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/21/i-know-the-last-train-is-leaving-the-station-but-thats-ok-ill-grab-the-next-one/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - “I know the last train is leaving the station but that’s ok I’ll grab the next one.”
1672885;1498026816;BingoBoingo;Very trippy new trilema header
1672886;1498051592;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/druPv/?raw=true
1672887;1498051636;mircea_popescu;trinque http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/QycSh/?raw=true
1672888;1498051663;mircea_popescu;mod6 http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Fpxb5/?raw=true
1672889;1498051691;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: got it, gimme a min
1672890;1498051693;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/C1eU7/?raw=true
1672891;1498051694;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kk
1672892;1498051725;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/qj4DD/?raw=true
1672893;1498051763;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: done.
1672894;1498051785;mircea_popescu;normally this happens "privately" as per usg.freenode's notion of that, but since http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672501 i figure what the hell, we can have one public day.
1672895;1498051785;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: scussions, but also any kind of attempt at crypto communication. there was nothing to say all along.
1672896;1498051799;mircea_popescu;thereby making june 21st the republican "day of there was nothing to say all along" and a holiday.
1672897;1498051818;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ty kindly!
1672898;1498051845;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: np!
1672899;1498051939;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4Sgct/?raw=true
1672900;1498051967;asciilifeform;got it!
1672901;1498052007;mircea_popescu;dun dun duuun.
1672902;1498054725;shinohai;Happy Solstice/day of there was nothing to say all along Day !
1672903;1498054757;mircea_popescu;wasn't that yest ?
1672904;1498054765;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: ack
1672905;1498054782;mircea_popescu;shinohai precesion, yo. by now solstice moved to late 20th evening.
1672907;1498054821;*;shinohai now wonders what to do with these naked girls in the kitchen ....
1672908;1498054845;mircea_popescu;send them home, it's all fruhstuck't.
1672909;1498055133;mircea_popescu;and speaking of black chix code : https://www.google.com/search?q=Elena+Istode&tbm=isch
1672910;1498055179;mircea_popescu;(yet another of ex ro president traian basescu's harem was finally "found" by teh ro tards. this one is an actual general no less, and organised more parties / ows-likes than ~anyone in the us).
1672911;1498055194;mod6;mornin tmsr~
1672913;1498055255;mircea_popescu;(perhaps also of note, what piddly orlol boats pass for "the yacht!! of a mobster!!!" in rotardland.)
1672914;1498055278;*;asciilifeform considered buying the orloltron
1672915;1498055295;mod6;the boat?!
1672917;1498055327;mircea_popescu;lmao. but why ?
1672918;1498055333;asciilifeform;although it is suspiciously cheap
1672919;1498055339;mod6;the ocean is a desert.  i don't think i could do that for extended time.
1672920;1498055346;asciilifeform;if the 'replaced and renovated everything!111' is in fact tru
1672921;1498055354;mircea_popescu;dude, you are off your fucking rocker. you have no experience whatsoever with boating and will buy a 2nd hand item ?
1672922;1498055361;mircea_popescu;how the fuck will you evaluate anything about it ?
1672923;1498055372;mircea_popescu;noobs buy new. golden rule, don't step out.
1672924;1498055382;asciilifeform;for asciilifeform , 'new' means 'never'
1672925;1498055385;asciilifeform;because $mil
1672926;1498055389;mircea_popescu;this is NOT A CRITERIA.
1672927;1498055398;asciilifeform;sure it is.
1672929;1498055408;asciilifeform;[insert mircea_popescu boat thread here!111]
1672930;1498055417;mircea_popescu;you understand, for $retard "correctly means never" is how he gets into javascript ?
1672931;1498055429;mircea_popescu;it is a stupid thing to do. i don't care what you think "means never" means.
1672932;1498055474;mircea_popescu;the schmuck above, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672451 like so many equal schmucks before him, thought "read logs and get into tmsr ? THAT MEANS NEVER!!!! LOG TOO LONG!!!" etc.
1672933;1498055474;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 14:45 sn0wmonster: do you always do this?
1672934;1498055476;asciilifeform;asciilifeform barely ever buys 'new' anythings. 'newness' is a chump tax.
1672935;1498055494;mircea_popescu;so don't buy it new in the us, buy it new in china.
1672936;1498055518;mircea_popescu;you understand this ? industrial process offers a guarantee of sameness and conformity, such as it is. natural decay DOES NOT.
1672937;1498055545;mircea_popescu;all items coming off the factory line are worth ~same within a few percents, AND the whole fucking world is out there trying to figure out FOR YOU, on their own dime, what that SAME is.
1672938;1498055552;asciilifeform;i'll be sure to buy new b0at in china as soon as i learn chinese, get into cpcn wot, and obtain teleporter.
1672939;1498055557;mircea_popescu;a used item can be worth anything through mt_rand(0, new)
1672940;1498055619;*;mircea_popescu can buy used cars. CARS. because i bought and own hundreds. i can't buy fucking used boats, and i doubt you can (or would, or do for that matter) buy used cars.
1672941;1498055627;mircea_popescu;bought and owned*
1672942;1498055659;asciilifeform;incidentally 'industrial process offers a guarantee of sameness and conformity', 'natural decay DOES NOT' is not wholly given : there exists such a thing as turdalicious production processes, and -- on opposite end -- the 'bathtub curve' of winnowing
1672943;1498055674;asciilifeform;electric transformers, for instance
1672944;1498055693;mod6;asciilifeform: you'd be better of renting a boat if you just wanna have some fun.  if you want escape-hatch, then you escape, buy boat later at where ever with translator et al.
1672945;1498055695;asciilifeform;and i would not buy anything BUT a used car, wtf
1672946;1498055698;asciilifeform;newness is a chump tax.
1672947;1498055706;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. when you buy a used electric transformer, i'll keep my peace.
1672948;1498055713;asciilifeform;plain and simple. ( it drives off the dealer lot, suddenly loses 10k in value, lol )
1672949;1498055718;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do you buy it over the internet, too ?
1672950;1498055722;asciilifeform;i certainly do.
1672951;1498055732;asciilifeform;or would, at any rate.
1672952;1498055737;mircea_popescu;did you.
1672953;1498055751;asciilifeform;transformer? yes!
1672954;1498055754;asciilifeform;was even a thread here.
1672955;1498055760;mircea_popescu;no dude, used car over craigslist.
1672956;1498055765;asciilifeform;ah these no
1672957;1498055773;mircea_popescu;i swear the loony reservation is doing things to your head. you ended up baking in us "consumer protection" laws at some level.
1672958;1498055776;asciilifeform;but i've had the same (inherited) auto for eons.
1672959;1498055783;mircea_popescu;so you didn't... buy it ?
1672961;1498055791;mircea_popescu;so then wtf are you talking about.
1672962;1498055798;mircea_popescu;of couse your brotyher isn't going to stick you with a lemon.
1672963;1498055826;asciilifeform;was thinking of transformers and other smaller items. ~100% of my comps is made of 2ndhand parts, for instance.
1672964;1498055840;mircea_popescu;THAT is fine, but also does not scale.
1672965;1498055854;mircea_popescu;there's ~no mechanical moving parts in computer, and guess what -- the few that are, you DO buy new.
1672966;1498055858;asciilifeform;tru!! if i needed 10,000,001 -- would be stuck paying the chumptax
1672967;1498055859;mircea_popescu;or are your fans 2nd hand also.
1672968;1498055872;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my toothbrush ain't 2ndhand either!11
1672969;1498055888;mircea_popescu;yes but circumstances of two kinds overlap to dazzle and confuse your eye.
1672970;1498055895;mircea_popescu;the relevant part in the fan is the movement, not the intimacy.
1672971;1498055927;asciilifeform;would mircea_popescu describe the chassis of boat as 'moving part' ?
1672972;1498055937;mircea_popescu;and, to a much larger degree in the car than in the fan. and to a larger still in the boat than in the car.
1672973;1498055941;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes!
1672974;1498055963;mircea_popescu;we already had this thread last week, but you got it like duck gets wet. the boat hull IS a moving part, and it is moving in such a way to make plastic ~useless.
1672975;1498055974;asciilifeform;per my current (nonexpert) conception, it's a fiberglass shell, that is either broken or whole
1672976;1498056029;mircea_popescu;this is not entirely true. it's either new or ground.
1672977;1498056031;asciilifeform;at any rate, and ought to satisfy mircea_popescu , i dun buy machines i have nfi how to drive, i did not buy airplane either.
1672978;1498056039;BingoBoingo;The hull is a friction surface
1672979;1498056046;mircea_popescu;ie, 10k or 10 days away from failure.
1672980;1498056073;BingoBoingo;Like a very hard to change tire
1672981;1498056120;mircea_popescu;the problem with brake pads is that under the heat and shear stress they microcrystallize. this makes them much less useless for their intended purpose, which is abrasion, and for which they'd better stay amorphous. the problem with fiberglass is that under mechanical stress they separate, which then creates fissures and which then is the end.
1672982;1498056135;mircea_popescu;much less useful*
1672983;1498056137;asciilifeform;but if asciilifeform ever ~were~ to buy boat, or plane, it ~would~ be a used one, and will pay for it not only in reichsmarks but millimorts, because new is simply not on the table -- a new, e.g., sailboat thing, may as well be a starship
1672984;1498056154;BingoBoingo;If that's the case buy a motorcycle
1672985;1498056164;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun particularly need a motorcycle..
1672986;1498056168;BingoBoingo;Low dollars, higher millimorts
1672987;1498056170;mircea_popescu;yes, from a pass/fail perspective brake pad is either broken or isn't. but natura not facit saltus, it gets there through a continuous process. there's no discrete processes above atomic scale.
1672988;1498056178;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: nagant even cheaper!111
1672989;1498056186;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform buy a few bitcoins and wait a few years.
1672990;1498056195;mircea_popescu;you could afford a boat in $2 btc, yes.
1672991;1498056197;asciilifeform;lol that'd require selling bitcoin!111
1672992;1498056212;mircea_popescu;better than selling micromorts.
1672993;1498056218;*;asciilifeform treats btc as something like the fabled 'write-only memory'
1672994;1498056223;mircea_popescu;it just about is.
1672995;1498056419;asciilifeform;for instance, almost 100% of the btc i ever tx'ed out, was on the dumb alphago bet
1672996;1498056430;asciilifeform;(never bet on any game you haven't rigged yerself!11111)
1672997;1498056481;asciilifeform;probably quite enough at this point to have bought an orlolboat for some cackling 'bay aryan'
1672998;1498056524;mod6;whats the longest boat trip you've ever taken?
1672999;1498056540;asciilifeform;maybe half a day?
1673001;1498056545;mod6;i personally have only been on a boat for a day at most.
1673002;1498056574;mod6;well, i think that it's fun for a day; imagine going port to port for weeks on end.  i think it'd get tiring.  maybe i'm wrong. *shrug*
1673003;1498056578;asciilifeform;it was enough to establish that asciilifeform is completely immune to sea sickness, for instance.
1673005;1498056597;mircea_popescu;anyway, a word re the "new chump tax drives off the lot loses 10k value" thing : it loses 10k of RESALE value. it does not lose 10k of value, ie, your new car still won't need new shocks just because you drove it off lot.
1673006;1498056609;mod6;i don't seem to have problems with that either.... at least, i have't had it yet.
1673007;1498056619;mircea_popescu;there's many values. value as a negotiable is different from value as a usable.
1673008;1498056625;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: tru
1673009;1498056630;mircea_popescu;"you marry a girl, it loses 10k whoring value right there" is rank nonsense.
1673010;1498056645;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my observation was the the 'warranty' of new item is a very, very expensive thing
1673011;1498056654;asciilifeform;that may or may not be +ev
1673012;1498056668;mircea_popescu;which is why i said don't buy it in the us, cuz yes those people are SO into papers and empty signifiying by now that it's a legitimate problem.
1673013;1498056678;mircea_popescu;but the insanity of one group does not affect the bedrock of reality any.
1673014;1498056688;asciilifeform;getting to where you can buy outside of the reservation is also not phree
1673015;1498056714;mircea_popescu;perhaps. but it's still an open problem how expensive, and it is my estimation you're massively overestimating it.
1673016;1498056720;asciilifeform;it is hard enough to buy massless, teleportable btc, even
1673017;1498056724;asciilifeform;much less physical contraption like boat
1673018;1498056982;mircea_popescu;mod6 it helps immensely if you only take slavegirls along.
1673019;1498056995;mircea_popescu;possibly only thing in nature that actually occupies negative space.
1673020;1498057029;mod6;ah, i agree.  naked girl(s) + boat go hand in hand.
1673021;1498057064;mircea_popescu;nudity is a start, but it's just... people have a bubble, it depends on many things and i suppose is of various types. if you pack them tighter than their bubble is they'll get increasingly pissier.
1673022;1498057070;mircea_popescu;except, well trained slavegirl has opposite effect.
1673023;1498057097;mircea_popescu;this is favoritism!
1673024;1498057148;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mind that there's two sea sicknesses, also, early and late. though the late is rare.
1673025;1498057164;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's the 'late' ?
1673026;1498057176;mod6;heheh. i can see it though, mircea_popescu
1673027;1498057183;mircea_popescu;sort of migraine-like, seen in the 6th to 12th week.
1673028;1498057183;asciilifeform;sets in after a month..?
1673029;1498057204;mircea_popescu;mostly hits people like fishing boat crews, which is why they never take more than X% noobs no matter what.
1673030;1498057208;asciilifeform;i dun think an orloltron carries 12 wks of food/water
1673031;1498057217;asciilifeform;( or petrol, for that matter )
1673032;1498057224;mircea_popescu;narrows with exposure.
1673033;1498057347;asciilifeform;while we're on subj of storms at sea -- i admit to having wondered why orlol isn't designing a small sub ( it doesn't need to have gigantic pressure hull, or even ~any maneuvering ability while under -- but only to ride out storms by submerging). afaik it dun get any moar storm-proof than a sub.
1673034;1498057375;mircea_popescu;so basically have your own solitary confinment cell ?
1673035;1498057392;asciilifeform;lol dun have to be solitary, does it
1673036;1498057392;mircea_popescu;they give those out for free, you know, even in your jurisdiction.
1673037;1498057414;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno you'll be able to find anyone willing to indulge, so in theory not but in practice likely.
1673038;1498057419;asciilifeform;https://archive.hnsa.org/ships/img/kaiten.jpg << probably the sub mircea_popescu was thinking of !111
1673039;1498057443;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily enough, i have that part ( if little else ) solved.
1673040;1498057572;mircea_popescu;i dunno man, there's many kinds of people and i dun expect to understand all, but going by observation to date the only reason people even put up (for brief intervals) with the many and significant inconveniences of navigation is access to the sun and the wind and so on.
1673041;1498057669;asciilifeform;nothing keeps the mariner from hanging out on the deck when weather is fine, neh
1673042;1498057691;asciilifeform;( ww2 sub folx -- certainly did, witness the group photos )
1673043;1498057707;mod6;i feel like that was once every 3 months though. haha.
1673044;1498057729;asciilifeform;mod6: no ww2 sub was capable of 3 month patrol
1673045;1498057732;asciilifeform;or even close
1673046;1498057738;asciilifeform;you're thinking of today's atomic monsters, mod6
1673047;1498057763;asciilifeform;( where the 3mo limit is imposed by the practical load of food, and little else )
1673048;1498057770;mod6;ah, fair point.  but i mean, whatever, probably wasn't daily sunning either.
1673049;1498057783;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what, you are going to have a CONVERTIBLE sub ?
1673050;1498057794;shinohai;asciilifeform must ICO gossipd, everyone is doing it nao! http://archive.is/clQo7
1673051;1498057796;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope, lol
1673052;1498057802;mircea_popescu;i don't get it.
1673053;1498057805;asciilifeform;just one with a topdeck, like (afaik) all of'em
1673054;1498057815;mircea_popescu;you ever been on a sub top deck ?
1673055;1498057816;mod6;i dunno, if you feel like you wanna live in a submarine, then perhaps its time to gtfo and find a better place.
1673056;1498057827;mircea_popescu;mod6 ^ golden words.
1673057;1498057841;asciilifeform;shinohai: that dun sound like gossipd, sounds moar like http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1490
1673058;1498057848;mircea_popescu;rules to fucking live by, you know, "by the time you feel like you wanna live in a submarine, it's time to gtfo and find a better place."
1673059;1498057874;asciilifeform;shinohai: ' It can handle chat, audio and video calling, photo/video/file sharing, voice conferences, etc.' <<  lol! over bitcoin tx?!
1673060;1498057894;shinohai;dat blockchain bloat
1673061;1498057903;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform show me pics with naked chix sunbathing on this submarine deck.
1673062;1498057907;shinohai;(has on chain if I understand correctly)
1673063;1498057911;phf;asciilifeform grew up on russian romantic literature (like the soviet writer jules verne), yearns to live on Nautilus
1673064;1498057915;mircea_popescu;just because a buncha doods are standing uncomfortably on it for five minutes dun mean jack.
1673065;1498057953;mircea_popescu;phf except the soviet writer jules verne later wrote star trek, "how great would it be to sit on your couch watching tv on which they show you some dorks sitting on couch watching tv"
1673066;1498058008;asciilifeform;i thought star dreck was mostly about fucking peculiarly humanoid alien chix
1673067;1498058015;mircea_popescu;they ever fucked ?
1673069;1498058027;*;asciilifeform not aficionado
1673070;1498058031;mircea_popescu;afaik it was all about that big screen and the various people gathered around in that livingroom to watch it.
1673071;1498058043;mircea_popescu;lt commander pass the popcorn or what was it.
1673072;1498058234;*;mircea_popescu rather suspects that actually star trek figures principally as the G in that MAGA. it really was the best of times, that worst of times, for all those involved.
1673073;1498058259;mircea_popescu;"bring back that time when ''your job is to watch tv'' actually WORKED."
1673074;1498058430;phf;i have to be honest, i barely read jules verne. i think it's just an incompatible temperament issue, i preferred my romantics to be a bit darker.
1673075;1498058479;mircea_popescu;i preferred twain, but the problem is twain wrote enough for a coupla weeks, verne for a coupla months. every day as a 10yo i'd come home from school, stop at library, buy another jv book an' go read it.
1673076;1498058547;mircea_popescu;then i discovered romania actually had a niche equivalent of the us pulp, spinrad & all, so i moved on to that.
1673077;1498058568;phf;i liked twain, but he was also a touch wholesome. like an older uncle, telling you a yarn, that has a Point to it that you're expected to notice, because the uncle grins every time the point comes up
1673079;1498058583;ben_vulpes;phf: ever read any andre norton?
1673080;1498058624;mircea_popescu;to this day my idea of "who can be bothered to read "other americas" or "trainspotting" or you know, watch coffy fightin' crime for the black "homeland" is, 11 yo boy.
1673081;1498058676;mircea_popescu;phf really ? i utterly missed that out. i think to this day. what was the point ?
1673082;1498058776;phf;oh that i don't know, i was 10, so i intentionally avoided learning what the point was, i just had an uneasy sense that it was there
1673083;1498058785;mircea_popescu;ah. who knows.
1673084;1498058823;mircea_popescu;the "uncles" ie uppity aunts don't like it anymore these days, though. too much nigger in it, not to mention a very strong vein of "things are as they are not only because that's how they are but also because that's how tyhey should be".
1673085;1498058841;mircea_popescu;and so the poor kid has allergy to clothes and the black kid to learnin and the injun to sitting still.
1673086;1498058862;phf;funny how that goes
1673087;1498058893;mircea_popescu;kinda why buying the ourdemocracy pantsuit lolboat is such a ridiculous deal. the only thing you know for sure about it is that, "wait a few years, they won't like it anymore".
1673088;1498058914;mircea_popescu;no eternal vocation to socialism.
1673089;1498058987;phf;or as my mom would say "перебесятся..!"
1673091;1498059034;mircea_popescu;mmm... i dun get it ?
1673092;1498059091;phf;which doesn't have a good direct translation. "they will soon stop throwing a tantrum" but the verb is from bes, i.e. old russian word for demon, so kind of like "they will run out of the idiotic and chaotic energy, and will eventually calm down"
1673093;1498059161;mircea_popescu;"voluntary apnea works out until the brain shuts down from lack of oxygen and the stem restarts breathing reflexively" ?
1673095;1498059190;phf;https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бес#/media/File:Сказка_о_попе_рисунок_Пушкина_crop.jpg << bes illustration
1673096;1498059193;mircea_popescu;kinda the whole story of socialism, as it happens. what the pantsuits are doing is === voluntary apnea, and what happens to them is always "well, you ran out of money, so back to capitalism whore!"
1673097;1498059230;mircea_popescu;phf is it more a la satyr / jp kappa sorta item ?
1673098;1498059256;asciilifeform;more like the kind you exorcise
1673100;1498059475;phf;apparently from greek pithakos (monkey) through latin foedus (ugly)
1673101;1498059746;phf;goes back to slavic mythology, but i don't know what bes is there. in old slavonic bibles it was used to translate the word "demon"
1673102;1498059804;mircea_popescu;afaik the slavic notion of the devil is muchly indebted to a) the observation of lyssaviri in action and b) the passage about jesus and the herd of pigs. so they mostly understood demons as rabies agents.
1673103;1498059820;mircea_popescu;of course, they don't really have rabies in galilea, but wut-eevars!
1673104;1498059843;phf;yeah, бешентсво, that is rabies, is derived from bes
1673105;1498059887;mircea_popescu;yeah. at the time and in those parts, wolves were a much more serious problem, and correspondingly a much larger part of culture than seen today
1673106;1498059904;mircea_popescu;(both because today's culture is mostly interhuman masturbation and because it has mostly lost the ability to reflect reality.)
1673107;1498059952;mircea_popescu;makes for much better demonography than the southerners had at any rate.
1673108;1498060080;phf;there's though a comedic dimension to the word, by 19th century you had a stereotype of bumbling deacon, the kind of person who would blame "daemons" on personal insignificant follies
1673109;1498060127;mircea_popescu;kinda how folk-whatever goes. "he had the devil in him" ie liked to touch girls between the legs and drank.
1673110;1498060163;mircea_popescu;though the last word from harvard trained Psychologists (!!!) is psychopath, i hear.
1673111;1498060252;phf;из столицы! ему сам царь-батюшка ученую грамоту дал и подписал!
1673114;1498060323;mircea_popescu;yemu sam tsar-batyushka huh.
1673115;1498060486;mircea_popescu;incidentally, people get all excited re the fungi that grow out of ant's heads and change the ant's behaviour etc.
1673116;1498060527;mircea_popescu;however, rabies is a much better example : the virus specifically accumulates in the salivary glands, for the ~purpose~ of being transmitted through bites, and shuts down the deglutition behaviour.
1673117;1498060556;mircea_popescu;a lot more work to change behaviour ~in all mammals!~ than it is to aflict one narrowly defined sort of ant.
1673118;1498060699;asciilifeform;toxoplasmosis comes to mind also
1673119;1498060721;mircea_popescu;you think it makes old women herd cats ?
1673120;1498060746;asciilifeform;i'd be surprised if it worked exactly same in man as in mouse
1673121;1498060759;asciilifeform;iirc is supposed to make victim somewhat less cautious in general
1673122;1498060768;mircea_popescu;myeah. entirely possible.
1673123;1498061170;BingoBoingo;Oh the desperate wishing in anti-reality land https://archive.is/j5kN6
1673124;1498061188;phf;there was a young adult novel about vampires, and i can't remember the title or the author, but it was written by a virologist, had all kinds of trivia about this sort of viral parasites (obviously vampirism was explored from that angle too)
1673125;1498061253;mircea_popescu;did it still make them gay ?
1673126;1498061315;BingoBoingo;Of course it must have. I thought that's what the 1980's in "activism" was about. Vampire disease
1673127;1498061318;phf;i don't think you could get published in america if you were to imply that gayness is biologically viral in nature
1673128;1498061350;mircea_popescu;but you can't sell your vampire story unless everyone in it is very twinky.
1673130;1498061378;mircea_popescu;!~google "poz my neg hole"
1673131;1498061379;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Urban Dictionary: poz my neg hole: ; Poz my neg hole . - Whisper: ; poz my neg hole - PbNation: 
1673132;1498061435;mircea_popescu;phf incidentally, it's a great thing the free world (tm) defeated the soviet union where people couldn't be published for writing things outside of the yemu sam's letters.
1673133;1498061470;mircea_popescu;it's even better that nobody (tm) is even bothered by this, exactly like they weren't in teh self-same soviet union.
1673134;1498062191;asciilifeform;ACHTUNG, PANZERS! preliminary result of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-18#1672101 is that http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-19#1659220 nao takes <3 sec. which can still be improved further,
1673135;1498062191;a111;Logged on 2017-06-18 23:30 asciilifeform: and realized, while doing this, that in fact you don't need 2k+2 bits for the karatsuba intermediates, you can do instead of (x0+x1)*(y0+y1) , (x0-x1)*(y0-y1), and then you don't need to propagate carries, but only take absolutevalue and xor the borrows to see if gotta invert the resulting term
1673136;1498062191;a111;Logged on 2017-05-19 17:22 asciilifeform: in other news, a 4096-bit A**B takes approx 14 seconds (3GHz) .
1673137;1498062209;asciilifeform;because at present the base case of the recursion is L=1 , and probably ought to be 4, or even 8 machinewords;
1673138;1498062244;phf;(500 lines of ada later...)
1673139;1498062246;asciilifeform;and, unrelatedly, karatsuba parallelizes (into 3 forks) without any substantial effort, so can also speed up whatever the bare bone speed ends up being, 3x
1673140;1498062255;asciilifeform;phf: aactually thing got ~shorter~
1673141;1498062261;asciilifeform;i'ma about to post, momentarily,
1673142;1498062461;asciilifeform;>>>>> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Zy27g/?raw=true <<<<< ( CAUTION, mod6 , phf , et al ! the invocation syntax has changed !! )
1673143;1498062480;asciilifeform;^ veeeery prelim. version, i still gotta prove that it worx always and forever.
1673144;1498062499;asciilifeform;also can probably be simplified slightly.
1673145;1498062513;asciilifeform;the 'egyptological' mul has been removed, it is not useful
1673146;1498062599;asciilifeform;also it is almost certainly possible to have less copying in there.
1673148;1498062819;*;mod6 looks
1673149;1498062823;asciilifeform;not as nice as needed
1673150;1498062825;asciilifeform;not yet.
1673151;1498062892;asciilifeform;mod6: if you want to test, keep in mind that you gotta   Foo : FZ(Bits) ;    now, rather than Foo : FZ;
1673152;1498062906;asciilifeform;in all other respects, same semantics as previously.
1673153;1498062961;asciilifeform;( you physically cannot have karatsuba or anything of the kind if you cannot make FZs of several sizes. however the F remains, it is still impermissible to involve FZs of variant bitnesses in any arithmetical operation when invoking . )
1673154;1498063067;asciilifeform;likewise 'bitness' of an FZ refers solely to the number of bits available in it, and does NOT and never will depend on their ~contents~ ( unlike non-fixed bignumatrons )
1673155;1498063113;asciilifeform;but keep in mind mod6 et al that where before you had   package ALU is new FFA(Width => Width, Word => OS.Machine_Word);   you will now have, e.g.,    package ALU is new FFA(Word => OS.Machine_Word);
1673156;1498063136;asciilifeform;^ this oughta suffice, for whoever wants to try.
1673157;1498063354;BingoBoingo;!~ud pajama boy
1673158;1498063355;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: pajama boy :: An insufferable Man-Child. About as threatening as Michael Cera and so nerdy he could guest-host on an unwatched MSNBC show. The purpose of Pajama Boy is not to get people to buy health insurance, but to get a rise out of more powerful personas. [ex:] Pajama Boy is an insufferable Man-Child probably reading The Bell Jar and looking forward to a hearty Christmas meal of stuffed tofurkey. If (2 more messages)
1673159;1498063389;trinque;scam; I don't think you can stuff a tofurkey
1673160;1498063405;asciilifeform;mod6: interestingly, there is veeeeery little improvement so far, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-23#1660607 turns into 17.7 sec !!
1673161;1498063405;a111;Logged on 2017-05-23 18:39 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-19#1659228 turns into 20.5s.
1673162;1498063413;asciilifeform;base case definitely should not be 1.
1673163;1498063433;trinque;http://vegweb.com/sites/default/files/styles/recipe_large/public/recipe/images/tofurkey2.jpg?itok=E92IW1jt << ah gross, I take it back
1673164;1498063449;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/georgia-special-election-demonstrates-continued-erosion-of-fake-news-influence-in-us/ << Qntra - Georgia Special Election Demonstrates Continued Erosion Of Fake News Influence In US
1673165;1498063450;asciilifeform;( 8192bit exponentiation: ~10min with egyptological mul; 20.5s was with first-grade mul; 17.7 with karatsuba posted today )
1673166;1498063552;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: if you want to test, keep in mind that you gotta   Foo : FZ(Bits) ;    now, rather than Foo : FZ; << good to note. thanks
1673167;1498063555;asciilifeform;the INFURIATING thing is that, just as with the addition/subtraction carry bit (last month's thread), the compiler DOES NOT give us portable access to the upper word of MUL reg,reg
1673168;1498063572;asciilifeform;so we end up having to do FOUR multiplications !! and buncha additions, to get it
1673169;1498063577;asciilifeform;( see procedure W_Mul )
1673170;1498063613;asciilifeform;and yes, one can inline asm it. however the EXPLICIT spec was : NO ASM!!!!!
1673171;1498063750;mod6;yeah. no sewage in the champagne
1673172;1498063776;asciilifeform;mod6: understand, we're still an entire order of magnitude away from being able to so much as miller-rabin.
1673175;1498064010;mod6;<+asciilifeform> but keep in mind mod6 et al that where before you had   package ALU is new FFA(Width => Width, Word => OS.Machine_Word);   you will now have, e.g.,    package ALU is new FFA(Word => OS.Machine_Word); << thanks for this too
1673176;1498064079;asciilifeform;so far this has been a quite depressing exercise
1673177;1498064100;asciilifeform;in that i still do not know if the problem can even be solved satisfactorily.
1673178;1498064115;mod6;depressing because 17.7 seconds?
1673179;1498064142;asciilifeform;mod6: understand, that translates into a YEAR or two of 4096bit rsa keygenning time.
1673180;1498064149;asciilifeform;at best.
1673181;1498064171;mod6;i do not think this is depressing, more ~expected. we're doing things typically in crystal way up above where normally executed.
1673182;1498064192;asciilifeform;( not to mention ~worthless for mircea_popescu's prize-problem of 'pure rsa link b/w 2 machines' )
1673183;1498064204;mod6;so, there might be some optimization to be done (perhaps?) once we all grok the implementation.
1673184;1498064252;asciilifeform;mod6: i mentioned all of the ones i could think of -- larger base case ( trivially necessary ), and parallelized recursing ( unacceptable in the msdos port, or on single-cored machines of whatever type, however )
1673185;1498064336;mod6;yeah, don't let it get you down.  all in good time.
1673186;1498064412;asciilifeform;main thing nuking the speed is the W_Mul thing and the fact that we copy EVERY split. the latter is not avoidable given as we ban pointers
1673187;1498064418;asciilifeform;the former is also afaik going nowhere.
1673188;1498064686;mod6;you mean, storing the halfwords isn't going anywhere?
1673189;1498064694;mod6;in W_Mul ?
1673190;1498064741;asciilifeform;doing FIVE ( yes, it's five ) machine muls, in there, and 5 machine adds ( instead of motherfucking ZERO ) JUST TO GET THE UPPER WORD of word*word mul, is not.
1673191;1498064780;asciilifeform;not to mention the shift and AND in the bottomhw/tophw subs
1673192;1498064791;asciilifeform;this is all because compiler is maliciously retarded
1673193;1498064818;asciilifeform;( or, charitably, because ada committee could not rely on ALL cpu having ability to return top word of mul, or even HAVING an iron mul )
1673194;1498064874;mod6;fair enough.
1673195;1498064891;asciilifeform;also gotta understand what the F in 'ffa' means. it means that N**2 takes exactly same time as N**N
1673196;1498064902;asciilifeform;there are NO best-cases, or worst-cases.
1673197;1498064940;asciilifeform;so there is no handwave away, 'average case will be better'. there IS no average case distinct from the others here.
1673199;1498065802;asciilifeform;mod6, phf , et al -- see if you grasp how the thing worx.
1673200;1498065918;asciilifeform;( oh, typo in comment : '-- J1 := Remaining J of Y' of course oughta be '-- Y1 := Remaining J of Y' )
1673201;1498065974;asciilifeform;pleeez, folx, write in re typos, or any item that is unclear ( unclear is in itself a bug in critical code )
1673202;1498066153;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/06A440A299DFAC49B901A7AC5546ADD656BFEBF0914010F1F0983B5481A4BA94 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1334...8633 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1673203;1498066153;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1882442C346E34C73069FB7ED55D952BCF5B7B1E2FF7FAB9C4337FD173C75180 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1334...8633 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1673204;1498066154;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4243CD67258D732BF7B2965A06839BDBB5CED0F8AE16B34FC085874FE89A4396 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1334...8633 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1673205;1498066154;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/357944F7083AA4DBA3BB8A7147F19D7F0C299F546964111FC9D2BEB093DDC815 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1334...8633 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1673206;1498066155;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4243CD67258D732BF7B2965A06839BDBB5CED0F8AE16B34FC085874FE89A4396 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1021...8907 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown US)
1673207;1498066986;asciilifeform;wb mircea_popescu
1673208;1498067010;mircea_popescu;ty ty
1673209;1498067057;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lulzy montana "the referendum" on ourdemocracy.
1673210;1498067080;mircea_popescu;also re "small cars", apparently fiat actually makes a THREE CYLINDER car
1673211;1498067737;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6, phf , et al -- see if you grasp how the thing worx. << will continue to try to grok this thing.
1673212;1498067739;BingoBoingo;three cylinder engines are not that uncommon
1673213;1498067800;BingoBoingo;Kubota has a rather popular 3-cylinder diesel ~25-ish horsepower but lots of torque for the small holder who wants to deep rip their plot
1673214;1498067807;mod6;this is outside the spec, but just as an experiment, what kinda timings do we get if you were to do inline asm for the W_Mul & Karatsuba procedures? is this worth doing?
1673215;1498067870;asciilifeform;mod6: i haven't tried and have 0 intention of
1673216;1498067881;asciilifeform;it defeats entire point of the entire thing.
1673218;1498069161;asciilifeform;mod6: ffa has to stay an algebraic, if you will, whole, or you cannot prove that it works.
1673219;1498069309;asciilifeform;likewise, whole thing is 100% cpu arch AND endianity (!) independent, having any asm in the mix would ruin this.
1673220;1498069439;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: what does 'ffa' stand for?
1673221;1498069447;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: finite field arithmetic
1673222;1498069484;ben_vulpes;huh, i don't understand this comment then: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1673195
1673223;1498069484;a111;Logged on 2017-06-21 17:08 asciilifeform: also gotta understand what the F in 'ffa' means. it means that N**2 takes exactly same time as N**N
1673224;1498069488;mod6;asciilifeform: ok, i understand.
1673225;1498069550;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ben_vulpes: f also 'fixed' !1111
1673227;1498069602;asciilifeform;... just read it, probably will make moar sense than my explaining it ( and if this is not so, then it is not written correctly )
1673228;1498069693;ben_vulpes;ok ok!
1673229;1498069920;mod6;X.Z'Length; -- Words in each operand << does 'Length count from 0?
1673230;1498069945;asciilifeform;sure does, see ada spec
1673231;1498069958;mod6;ok, thx
1673232;1498069960;asciilifeform;however we don't have 0length Zs
1673233;1498069967;asciilifeform;( see ffa.ads )
1673234;1498071840;mod6;asciilifeform: have a minute to walk through the splitting of the numbers?
1673236;1498072000;mod6;L : constant Positive := X.Z'Length; -- Words in each operand << let's say that L gets assigned to 7. (since we start at 0, we end on 7 as overall length)
1673237;1498072070;mod6;K : constant Positive := (L + 1) / 2; << Now, K gets assigned to 4. (7 + 1) / 2 = 4
1673238;1498072139;mod6;J : constant Positive := L - K; << J gets assigned to 3. 7 - 4 = 3.
1673239;1498072274;mod6;X0.Z(X0.Z'First .. K) := X.Z(X.Z'First .. K); << X0 will be assigned to X.Z[0] -> X.Z[4] ? or is the 'X.Z'First .. K' part exclusive? where it'll only do X.Z[0]->[3] ?
1673240;1498073286;BingoBoingo;In other lols, which part is inclusive now? https://archive.is/ppJtM
1673242;1498073445;ben_vulpes;holy doodle, my tunnel under steve's wall just broke the surface!
1673243;1498073473;*;ben_vulpes shucks jumpsuit, runs
1673244;1498074136;BingoBoingo;Congrats ben_vulpes
1673245;1498074443;mod6;asciilifeform: anyway, im just trying to figure out if this splits the number in a balanced manner or we're off by one.
1673247;1498075710;mod6;A'First denotes the lower bound of the first index range; its type is the corresponding index type." << http://www.ada-auth.org/standards/12rm/html/RM-3-6-2.html#I1941
1673248;1498075749;mod6;So, in this case, it seems that we start at 0.
1673249;1498075800;mod6;and my guess is that X.Z(X.Z'First .. K) would be assigning 5 words where K = 4.
1673250;1498075971;mod6;X1.Z(X1.Z'First .. J) := X.Z(K + 1     .. X.Z'Last); << Further, it seems that here, we'd be setting (K + 1) .. X.Z'Last ; so, 5 .. 7.  And assigning that to X1.Z(0 .. 3).
1673251;1498076127;mod6;which, i guess you would be assigning a null word then, also.  not sure if that was intended.
1673252;1498076203;mod6;well, not assigning, just not assigning the 4th word in X1.Z; where 4th == X1.Z[3]
1673253;1498077119;asciilifeform;ACHTUNG s.nsa customers!! all outstanding-through-today FUCKGOATS have shipped
1673254;1498077188;asciilifeform;mod6: look at ffa.ads
1673255;1498077194;asciilifeform;mod6: note,      Z : Words(1 .. WLength) := (others => 0);
1673256;1498077203;asciilifeform;so you can see that the words are indexed from 1
1673257;1498077241;asciilifeform;ergo foo.Z(foo.Z'First .. 4) gives you the lower 4 words, for instance
1673258;1498077259;asciilifeform;( which is WHY i numbered'em from 1 !! )
1673259;1498077310;asciilifeform;the 'index arrays from whatever' thing in ada is genius, it abolished the megatonnes of increments and decrements that litter c proggies and inevitably lead to 'fencepost' eggog
1673260;1498077370;asciilifeform;likewise the ability to refer to Foo'First and Foo'Last -- arrays know their size; and taking a slice from a nonexistent portion behaves SANELY (i.e. is a slice of size 0, and it is legal to assign another array to it, this is a null op)
1673261;1498077434;mod6;X1.Z(X1.Z'First .. J) := X.Z(K + 1     .. X.Z'Last); << what about this one where J = 3?
1673262;1498077450;asciilifeform;what's L in your case, mod6 ?
1673264;1498077465;asciilifeform;work out the arithmetic
1673265;1498077474;asciilifeform;(7 + 1) / 2 == 4
1673266;1498077481;asciilifeform;7 - 4 == 3
1673267;1498077497;mod6;i did that, see above.
1673268;1498077499;asciilifeform;4 cuts the obvious way
1673269;1498077519;asciilifeform;3 cuts into (3 + 1) / 2 == 2    and 3 - 2 = 1
1673270;1498077528;asciilifeform;2 cuts into 1 and 1;   1 is the basecase
1673271;1498077529;mod6;K=4,J=3 when there are 8 words in FZ.
1673273;1498077543;asciilifeform;if k=4 -> j= 4
1673275;1498077567;asciilifeform;( 8 - 4 = 4 )
1673276;1498077581;mod6;(18:31) <+mod6> X.Z'Length; -- Words in each operand << does 'Length count from 0?
1673277;1498077584;mod6;(18:32) <+asciilifeform> sure does, see ada spec
1673278;1498077597;asciilifeform;length is the count of items in the array
1673279;1498077600;mod6;so i figure if my X.Z is 8 words long, L = 7
1673281;1498077623;mod6;lol, this is why i asked first!
1673282;1498077625;asciilifeform;'from 0' means that it is permissible to have an array of length 0 ( not in ffa ! but in ada )
1673283;1498077641;asciilifeform;an array of length 0 has ~zero~ elements, not one
1673284;1498077666;asciilifeform;and operations performed on it become no-ops
1673285;1498077842;mod6;so to work it out:
1673286;1498077853;mod6;L=8 then
1673287;1498077890;asciilifeform;carry on mod6
1673288;1498077928;mod6;K=(8+1)/2 == 4, J =(8-4) == 4
1673289;1498078017;mod6;guess that clears that up. my apologies to TMSR~ for the spam.
1673290;1498078050;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ACHTUNG s.nsa customers!! all outstanding-through-today FUCKGOATS have shipped << cool
1673291;1498078059;asciilifeform;mod6: it is absolutely imperative that all future users of 'p' understand exactly how this thing worx
1673292;1498078059;trinque;entirely worthwhile, for when one of us is next going through the Ada march.
1673293;1498078068;asciilifeform;so in that sense it is not at all spam
1673294;1498078836;mod6;huffers got flashed -96%. HEH
1673295;1498083831;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/IY3pD/?raw=true
1673296;1498083831;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1673297;1498083878;shinohai;lol mod6 caught it same time I did, was busy writing up the lulz and didn't see your msg.
1673299;1498088392;mircea_popescu;!~later tell hanbot http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/jMQOL/?raw=true
1673300;1498088392;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
1673301;1498093433;ben_vulpes;first full day at the helm of gentoo workstation while rough, was a marked improvement over the previous wheelbarrow's spiky handles. many thanks to asciilifeform and trinque.
1673302;1498093453;mircea_popescu;o hey
1673303;1498093636;ben_vulpes;hey hey!
1673304;1498093759;shinohai;I'm so accustomed to it now I can't imagine going back to my old ways.
1673305;1498095381;trinque;pretty cool
1673306;1498096316;mod6;i like mine.
1673307;1498096514;mod6;overall fvwm works great, and opera works pretty well.
1673308;1498096743;asciilifeform;neato ben_vulpes !
1673309;1498096756;asciilifeform;and congrats.
1673310;1498103280;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in teh shower, http://68.media.tumblr.com/9734ba893ca17c3f021b3de7ac9803a2/tumblr_oqtz43iXYU1vhnnuho1_1280.jpg
1673311;1498113483;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/3KoLj << "Dude, you forgot that this is a STEALING SUB!! WTF?!"
1673312;1498117395;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/the-poofening-ether-huffers-suffer-price-flash-crash-as-opposed-to-more-frequently-covered-service-crash/ << Qntra - The Poofening: Ether Huffers Suffer Price Flash Crash (As Opposed To More Frequently Covered Service Crash)
1673314;1498117418;mircea_popescu;but ALL THAT VALUE!
1673315;1498117479;mircea_popescu;to satisfy http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672531 -- try and fuck with btc price, discover eth "price" was a joke all along.
1673316;1498117479;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 17:22 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672507 << mircea_popescu: consider dropping another 50MTonne кузькина мать -- looked, at least to naked eye, to have miraculous educational effect last time around
1673317;1498117522;BingoBoingo; but ALL THAT VALUE! << Turns out the shoes and chain were both fake
1673319;1498117545;mircea_popescu;and to think we beliebed them!
1673321;1498127404;Framedragger;shinohai: where is the flash crash? https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/#charts or were you talking about ETHC?
1673322;1498127561;shinohai;Framedragger: See chart on http://archive.is/7RS9z
1673323;1498127784;Framedragger;hehe ok thanks, i missed that one
1673324;1498127817;Framedragger;lol, i see :D i take my inner skeptic back
1673325;1498127881;*;shinohai makes every effort to exhaustively research his lulz
1673326;1498131551;erlehmann;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672500 << infrastructure seems more useful when people using it to show off fuck off
1673327;1498131551;a111;Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di
1673328;1498132953;sina;evenin tmsr
1673330;1498138540;shinohai;ding, ding, ding! asciilifeform wins a prize!
1673332;1498139911;shinohai;Stay tuned to find out why the ETH genesis block funds have moved. Absolute pin-drop silence on that one.
1673333;1498140144;erlehmann;“genesis block funds” == “premined ETH”?
1673334;1498155590;ben_vulpes;mod6: neat recommendation; i'm working with an abortion called 'exwm' for now
1673335;1498155626;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ever try 'ratpoison' ?
1673336;1498155651;ben_vulpes;not yet
1673337;1498155662;*;asciilifeform recommends
1673338;1498155681;ben_vulpes;having x windows live in emacs buffers is very low cognitive overhead
1673339;1498155701;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it is very similar to this
1673340;1498155707;asciilifeform;( and does not conflict with it )
1673341;1498155719;asciilifeform;extends same treatment to nonemacsizable proggies.
1673342;1498155733;ben_vulpes;what means 'nonemacsizable'?
1673343;1498155746;asciilifeform;e.g. graphical www browsers
1673344;1498155756;asciilifeform;or emacses on >1 lcd panel, say
1673346;1498155795;asciilifeform;or whatever else (cad, 'gimp', etc )
1673347;1498155825;ben_vulpes;exwm puts the x window into an emacs buffer, so can eg C-x b opera
1673348;1498155847;asciilifeform;does it work with >1 lcd ?
1673349;1498155859;ben_vulpes;claims to, but i don't desire that at this moment
1673350;1498155873;asciilifeform;then possibly you don't need a wm at all
1673351;1498155877;asciilifeform;just have the 1 emacs frame.
1673352;1498155894;ben_vulpes;'tis the hope
1673353;1498155908;asciilifeform;x worx perfectly ok sans wm
1673355;1498155919;asciilifeform;you just can't resize or move the 1 window
1673356;1498155941;ben_vulpes;eh, C-x 2/3 works as expected
1673357;1498155986;asciilifeform;sounds like you have no possible need for an x wm on this box, then, ben_vulpes
1673358;1498155989;ben_vulpes;but yes, .xinitrc does consist of `exec emacs` at the moment
1673359;1498156016;erlehmann;ben_vulpes asciilifeform opinion about i3?
1673360;1498156028;asciilifeform;erlehmann: intel's?
1673361;1498156033;erlehmann;no, window management
1673362;1498156047;erlehmann;everyone using tiling window management in my vincinity seems to end up there
1673363;1498156054;erlehmann;one guy even wrote his own wm, then switched to i3
1673364;1498156056;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> mod6: neat recommendation; i'm working with an abortion called 'exwm' for now << ah ok. this is all emacs related eh?
1673365;1498156060;ben_vulpes;erlehmann: looks like something i'd have to learn in addition to emacs
1673366;1498156064;erlehmann;at work, everyone who has a non-standard setup on GNU/linux, uses i3
1673367;1498156071;asciilifeform;erlehmann: here's an algo for determining what asciilifeform thinks of an x wm :
1673368;1498156076;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: ever try 'ratpoison' ? << yeah, i still need to try this
1673369;1498156077;ben_vulpes;mod6: aye
1673370;1498156083;asciilifeform;1) does it draw ANYTHING on the screen when it is running ?
1673371;1498156093;asciilifeform;2) does it know about mice, and take input from the mouse ?
1673372;1498156108;asciilifeform;if answer to either 1, 2, or both, is 'yes' -- asciilifeform won't use.
1673373;1498156161;erlehmann;i3: 1. tiling, so probably not until you order it to draw title bars. 2. focus can follow mouse and windows can float, but keyboard-only use is sensible.
1673374;1498156169;asciilifeform;https://i3wm.org/screenshots << i see FUCKING WINDOW DECORATIONS
1673375;1498156169;erlehmann;asciilifeform you probably hate plan9
1673376;1498156172;asciilifeform;so -- rubbish
1673377;1498156190;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i'm not an aficionado of plan9 -- but for quite unrelated reasons
1673378;1498156196;erlehmann;well, they are optional. they are used because i3 can not only tile windows, but also tab them. and float them, if you *really* want to.
1673379;1498156204;asciilifeform;( unix oughta have been strangled in the cradle, not further nurtured )
1673380;1498156218;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i dun need this 'can' for anything.
1673381;1498156223;asciilifeform;my wm is <100KB of c.
1673382;1498156237;asciilifeform;and draws 0. and reads 0 bytes from mouse.
1673383;1498156242;erlehmann;i see
1673385;1498156250;asciilifeform;it does 1 job -- reshape windows.
1673387;1498156285;erlehmann;this is what a friend of mine wrote: https://github.com/plomlompom/PlomWM/blob/master/plomwm.c
1673388;1498156301;erlehmann;it seems way less than 100kb of c. but then there are libs.
1673389;1498156336;erlehmann;it's <8k of C
1673393;1498156367;mod6;<+asciilifeform> if answer to either 1, 2, or both, is 'yes' -- asciilifeform won't use. << wait... i thought you were big on a workstation that you could use... but this doesn't include a mouse?
1673394;1498156380;asciilifeform;mod6: i have a mouse
1673395;1498156385;asciilifeform;but not a mouse-tarded wm !!
1673396;1498156388;mod6;do you use a graphical browser if needed?
1673398;1498156398;asciilifeform;cad, also
1673399;1498156402;asciilifeform;hence -- have mouse
1673400;1498156404;mod6;if so, do you just use keybindings to navigate?
1673401;1498156406;erlehmann;mod6 mouse-wm means mouse can have two modi. managing windows and managing application.
1673402;1498156406;asciilifeform;but no draggable windows !!
1673403;1498156416;mod6;oh, ok.
1673405;1498156453;erlehmann;it's not? most i3 users have no use for draggable windows. the maemo wm (i forgot its name) also has none.
1673406;1498156460;erlehmann;where do you need them?
1673407;1498156587;erlehmann;mod6 did you mean „word“ or „weird“?
1673408;1498156614;erlehmann;asciilifeform what do you use as shell? i use rc shell, because grammar fits in head (actually, grammar is written on man page).
1673409;1498156619;erlehmann;but maybe you know better
1673410;1498156675;asciilifeform;erlehmann: bash
1673412;1498156697;erlehmann;no further questions then
1673413;1498156892;mod6;<+erlehmann> mod6 did you mean "word" or "weird"? << the former.
1673414;1498157003;erlehmann;mod6 sorry then i assumed the latter (even though the keys are right next to each other)
1673415;1498157026;mod6;heheh, no worries.
1673416;1498157058;mod6;i misspell a lot of things too. so there' that.
1673417;1498157116;erlehmann;who of you except mp works on minigame?
1673418;1498157177;ben_vulpes;diana_coman does
1673419;1498157186;erlehmann;it remindes me of my work on minetest, years ago
1673420;1498157240;erlehmann;(apparently: minecraft clone. actually: generalized networked 3d cellular automata engine.)
1673421;1498157935;Framedragger;erlehmann: i like my voxels, looks nice... generalized CA, as in, you can run arbitrary programs in the space (or somesuch)?
1673422;1498158019;Framedragger;i see map generators, but that's something else, i assume the subgame thing is the way towards the "generalized"/"arbitrary"
1673423;1498158032;Framedragger;(from initial glance at website)
1673424;1498158087;Framedragger;oh lua, cool, is that how you write those subgames?
1673425;1498158087;Framedragger;/me ends barrage of questions
1673426;1498158123;*;danielpbarron unofficially works on eulora. occasionally publishes patches to the client. almost ready to publish a eulora-gentoo recipe
1673427;1498158219;Framedragger;erlehmann: question #3 -- any recommendations for what to do in berlin in july? i'll be there with a few friends from 5 july (may travel to leipzig), random recommendations welcome (we'll visit the nsa tower/hill, etc)
1673428;1498158270;ben_vulpes;danielpbarron: do you have an ebuild for it?
1673429;1498158293;danielpbarron;what does that mean?
1673430;1498158354;danielpbarron;a portage package? no. it's more of a recipe from scratch: how to install gentoo for optimal eulora
1673431;1498158362;ben_vulpes;recipe for portage to make $package happen to a gentoo
1673433;1498158387;trinque;btw this could be turned into a portage "set"
1673434;1498158401;danielpbarron;and the way i'm writing it up, it's also a crash course on how to gentoo in general
1673435;1498158416;trinque;but then you're on teh way to an ebuild anyway.
1673436;1498158926;erlehmann;Framedragger each cell in minetest is potentially a lua program
1673437;1498158968;erlehmann;Framedragger i can give advice, but first specify what kind of advice
1673438;1498158970;erlehmann;about berlin
1673439;1498159061;erlehmann;Framedragger where will you stay? type of venue / part of city?
1673440;1498159100;Framedragger;good point, i'll get back to you later. it's not a well-defined request/problem in my mind. "shit to do at night in kreuzberg / east berlin" would count, including rave parties (sounds teenage-ish when i put it like that heh)
1673441;1498159127;Framedragger;erlehmann: airbnb apartment, 3-4 people, possibly neukoln or thereabouts, not sure yet
1673442;1498159130;erlehmann;looking for rave culture. are you some kind of rave-apologist? maybe even a gang rave!
1673443;1498159187;Framedragger;funny thing is i'm not really into raves. at the same time i have a pile of high quality mdma that i now need to dispose of, because changing country. so who knows
1673444;1498159230;Framedragger;erlehmann: i've been to c-base a coupla times, curious if there are any hackerspaces which are less about showing off and more about actual DIY projects etc (not sure if can meaningfully interact in the span of only a week tho, i guess)
1673445;1498159315;Framedragger;so like, hackerspace stuff, nice party stuff, etc.
1673446;1498159337;*;Framedragger is also curious if isis from tor is still in berlin, too
1673447;1498159351;erlehmann;i have a single, very important berlin tourism tip. avoid airbnb (and similar things) to the strongest extent possible. there are only a few faster ways to make enemies, like putting on a police uniform and visiting rigaer straße alone in the middle of the night.
1673448;1498159472;Framedragger;erlehmann: girl says "wtf, plz to elaborate" :D is that due to high degree of scams, or just the high possibility of misunderstandings? (only time i used airbnb was in morocco, but that was planned well in advance, and kinda-vetted place)
1673449;1498159636;erlehmann;re scammy: read reviews and think if an airbnb host with that name really exists. it may or may not do you any harm if “sarah” never shows up and is in fact a front for some rent-seeking dude.
1673450;1498159679;Framedragger;fair point, thanks
1673451;1498159716;Framedragger;(there may indeed be no harm, tho)
1673452;1498159720;erlehmann;furthermore, two observations, one on a systemic, one on an individual level: a) airbnb drives up rents, because it is much more profitable to (illegally) rent on airbnb than to (legally) rent to someone long-term. transients always spend more money then residents.
1673453;1498159772;erlehmann;b) many airbnb guests behave in such an obnoxious way that entirely unpolitical people living in the same house hate them with a passion.
1673454;1498159794;Framedragger;re. a), yes ACK re gentrification, sure.
1673455;1498159823;Framedragger;(or well, maybe i'm misusing the term)
1673456;1498159870;erlehmann;by passion, i mean: some door locks are faulty and seem to spontaneously fail in the middle of the night, when you come back to the ap.
1673457;1498159872;Framedragger;basically, if we were to stay for a longer chunk of time, different arrangements would be made. very-short-term... hm, hotels are boring
1673458;1498159891;erlehmann;also, did you know that frozen piss can be shoved under a door and seep into the carpet?
1673459;1498159921;Framedragger;any personal experiences there? i've heard of "frozen piss" bomb concept, yeah
1673460;1498159931;erlehmann;i could not possibly comment on that
1673462;1498159954;erlehmann;let's say i heard stories. or saw stuff. who knows!
1673463;1498159974;jurov;O.o my first two airbnb experiences were fine, but that was in greece, they don't mind noise
1673464;1498159976;erlehmann;basically, if you want to go cheap: go to a hostel, rent a room for 4 or 6.
1673465;1498160011;*;Framedragger notes "join erlehmann's local anarcho cell when ready" to list
1673466;1498160049;erlehmann;joke's on you, i don't do such stuff
1673467;1498160062;erlehmann;but i also don't have airnbn next door
1673468;1498160069;erlehmann;so i guess motivation is low
1673469;1498160092;erlehmann;it is just that berliners have a very good understanding of how to make people fuck off
1673470;1498160109;erlehmann;example: burning cars. if your car is insured and it burns, that is not vandalism.
1673471;1498160129;erlehmann;it is most likely a tactical action to make you go away.
1673472;1498160138;erlehmann;took me some time to understand that.
1673473;1498160169;ben_vulpes;who gives a flying fuck about "pushing up rents" because some people rent in ways not appealing to the local statal orgs
1673474;1498160200;erlehmann;ben_vulpes local paupers
1673475;1498160264;erlehmann;more generally, communities. tourists use infrastructure, but do not always pay taxes.
1673476;1498160281;erlehmann;and are on the average much bigger assholes than people living there.
1673477;1498160384;ben_vulpes;if the "community" can't soak people who want to come there and spend money adequately to make tourism +ev for the hosts incl. cities, how can they even justify continuing to live
1673478;1498160387;Framedragger;gotta agree with you, #t will disdainfully sneer at "omg, kom000nity!!", but it does suck that local communities get negatively impacted in this regard
1673479;1498160444;trinque;because otherwise they'd what?
1673480;1498160448;trinque;bitch about something else?
1673481;1498160491;Framedragger;you mean, what's their recourse / what leverage they have? yes, not much leverage at all, sucks to be them
1673482;1498160554;trinque;no. I mean if they were free of the terribru rent oppression what human flourishing would sprout in their place?
1673483;1498160599;erlehmann;i think it is not about rent per se. it is about long-term renting.
1673484;1498160625;ben_vulpes;same people who are flabbergasted when rents go up 5%, having never considered allocating for that scenario.
1673485;1498160648;ben_vulpes;"but i'm poor and nobody taught me that rents usually go up and now my living expenses and rent max out my income!"
1673486;1498160655;Framedragger;plenty of folks quite content living their frugal lives (in e.g. leipzig, from what i hear, to be particular), i guess #t doesn't think much of them, i happen to have friends, what do. if bitch at 5% rent increase, sure, not much sympathy from me
1673487;1498160658;ben_vulpes;b-be less poor?
1673488;1498160668;erlehmann;as i said: as a tourist, i probably would not choose airbnb in berlin. reason is that the strategy is working. less stressful to book hotel room or hostel.
1673489;1498160692;*;Framedragger takes point
1673490;1498160777;erlehmann;if, on the other hand, you are looking to experience tourist hate, take an airbnb in mitte, in the vincinity of st. oberholz. take a wheelie case and new apple devices with you.
1673491;1498160833;Framedragger;and emerge in late morning with frappucino and american accent "any free wifi around here, maan"
1673492;1498160836;erlehmann;a suitcase on wheels marks a person like a shitstain on their pants
1673493;1498160841;erlehmann;ah no, that will work
1673494;1498160865;erlehmann;because you'll ask it in a cafe
1673495;1498160872;erlehmann;and they'll smile and take all your money
1673496;1498160887;erlehmann;on the other side of the street the drink will cost half as much, but what do you know, tourist!
1673497;1498160894;Framedragger;yeah i guess that's basically 50% of berlin (*dodge*)
1673498;1498160898;erlehmann;prepare to get fleeced
1673499;1498160914;erlehmann;i'd also avoid berlin hacker gatherings
1673500;1498160915;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673487 << i find it lulzy that folx will happily say this to someone to whom they would ~not~ necessarily say 'kill yerself nao, slice lengthwise' . but at the same time the phrases have EQUIVALENT meaning, because at some point you are already as rich as you possibly know how to become.
1673501;1498160915;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:44 ben_vulpes: b-be less poor?
1673502;1498160923;asciilifeform;and then it means 'slice lengthwise, untermensch!!'
1673503;1498160937;asciilifeform;which is a-ok thing to say. but why not cut straight, 'to the chase.'
1673504;1498160969;erlehmann;des pudels kern!
1673505;1498161058;ben_vulpes;eh i don't see how "stop bitching about problems you can trivially solve without involving the state eg rent control, try moving to a neighborhood as shitty as this one was two decades ago when you crept in" is quite "slice lengthwise"
1673506;1498161091;asciilifeform;'move to cheaper' is not same as 'be less poor'
1673507;1498161091;erlehmann;the trivial solution is piss disc
1673508;1498161103;lobbes;ben_vulpes: if the "community" can't soak people who want to come there and spend money adequately to make tourism +ev for the hosts incl. cities, how can they even justify continuing to live << I grew up on The Cod in Massachusetts; "working class" locals were always bitching about how much they hated tourists, but that tourism $$$ is the ~only~ thing sustaining that particular sandbar. Fishing is dead, and retail and landscaping indus
1673509;1498161161;erlehmann;point is, it is not only working class.
1673510;1498161301;trinque;erlehmann: please bridge the gap for me between "country that is welcoming a flood of foreign invaders" and "omg haet tourists, I'll torch your car"
1673511;1498161316;trinque;or is it the invaders that are actually torching cars in these towns
1673512;1498161332;erlehmann;trinque refugees intend to become residents, not transients.
1673513;1498161340;erlehmann;they have skin in the game, so to say
1673514;1498161349;erlehmann;tourists are worse in every way
1673516;1498161389;asciilifeform;tourists at least burn a handful of cars and leave. unlike 'residents' who a) burn cars on continuing basis b) collect welfarecheque on same
1673517;1498161491;trinque;"I chose this" is I suppose one way to cope with the dick buried in your ass.
1673519;1498161577;erlehmann;if you understand german, i can recommend this about gentrification (from 2010) https://www.kuechenstud.io/kuechenradio/episode/kr268-gentrifizierung/
1673520;1498161606;trinque;you think the same stupid arguments aren't raised every time someone improves a neighborhood anywhere else?
1673521;1498161626;erlehmann;fefe also made a podcast in 2017 with the same guy (andrej holm) https://alternativlos.org/40/
1673522;1498161639;erlehmann;trinque it is about the specific history of berlin.
1673523;1498161657;erlehmann;berlin is special, partially because both east and west used it to show off.
1673524;1498161688;erlehmann;compare, e.g. amount of vegetation inside city with other german cities. berlin has much more.
1673525;1498161803;asciilifeform;erlehmann: there is an american-'patented' style of rent-seeking scam that is now being 'enjoyed' in europe, incl., as i understand, in your berlin. which goes like this : 1) import a horde of raping, pillaging orcs from some fuckhole 2) prohibit 'discrimination' against'em. now the only permitted means of excluding them from being your neighbours is... price. 3) landlords rake in the dough, because now you gotta pay not only for ove
1673526;1498161803;asciilifeform;rpriced flat but to put some distance b/w you and Them.
1673527;1498161811;asciilifeform;4) 'Profit!11111'
1673528;1498161882;asciilifeform;the second stage of this cancer is when market begins to segment SOLELY based on orc proximity -- i.e. your house costs moar, or less, ~strictly based on how much orc you are willing to tolerate in everyday life, and not, say, based on size, or whether it is made from brick or shitboard
1673529;1498161900;asciilifeform;eventually ~everyone gets ~same shit-flat made of shitboard, but with ~slightly~ varying proximity to orc pit.
1673530;1498161942;asciilifeform;you can observe this 2nd stage in, e.g., city of baltimore, usa.
1673531;1498161970;asciilifeform;i have nfi what is the 3rd stage. but i suspect that it looks like detroit -- which in turn, looked like berlin in '45
1673532;1498161994;asciilifeform;and then 4th stage is the 'gentrifying' sections of detroit, that are being rebuilt into masses of cardboard condos that sell for $1M.
1673533;1498162003;erlehmann;i think it is fairly plausible that the description of “orcs” can be read as some kind of blatant racism – “black-skinned”, “brutish”, “slant-eyed” …
1673535;1498162021;erlehmann;rohirrim are even described as white-skins, no?
1673536;1498162028;trinque;who the hell is this guy, even
1673537;1498162050;asciilifeform;!!gettrust erlehmann
1673538;1498162050;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections.
1673539;1498162066;*;asciilifeform has nfi
1673540;1498162103;ben_vulpes;'new blood' from trinque and mircea_popescu
1673542;1498162113;trinque;aw crap!
1673543;1498162124;trinque;and now I'm racis
1673544;1498162128;asciilifeform;trinque: every new d00d walks in with a certain set of cockroaches in head.
1673545;1498162134;asciilifeform;sometimes -- they work themselves out. sometimes -- not.
1673546;1498162157;trinque;!!v 3F2E43B45913419A7A02ED0981F4EE80C1DEF877685C5DED3BDB32D28771BFE9B
1673547;1498162157;ben_vulpes;erlehmann: 'faces of meth' also entirely orcish.
1673548;1498162175;Framedragger;rehashing *conclusions* of tmsr dogma does not do much good. (i guess counter to that is "we don't have time for proper free education", which is fair).
1673550;1498162202;trinque;!!v 3F2E43B45913419A7A02ED0981F4EE80C1DEF877685C5DED3BDB32D28771BFE9
1673551;1498162202;deedbot;trinque unrated erlehmann.
1673552;1498162213;trinque;maybe they still will get worked out
1673553;1498162222;trinque;I think when I arrived I thought the place was a bunch of red-pillers
1673554;1498162253;Framedragger;!!v 239BABC6689F5067B0BF7307DF8EF040B9BF1D59B457BE150A0E2A7EB3572CB8
1673555;1498162254;deedbot;Framedragger rated erlehmann 1 << new blood
1673556;1498162256;Framedragger;just to balance things
1673558;1498162278;trinque;y'all can go hang out with Isis Hackersauce in Berlin
1673559;1498162282;erlehmann;well, i think when i arrive people often tend to think i want to convince them of something. i often do not want and do not care as much as other think i do.
1673560;1498162316;asciilifeform;erlehmann: would you describe germany+turks as more habitable, enjoyable, interesting place than the germany sans turks you grew up in ?
1673561;1498162336;asciilifeform;... and how about the african 'syrians' ?
1673562;1498162476;Framedragger;erlehmann: "blatant racism" is an empty label here, and won't carry the same "prescriptive power" as elsewhere. that said, maybe you meant "heuristic generalisations are dangerous" (my (overcharitable) interpretation)
1673563;1498162482;erlehmann;asciilifeform i spent years of my youth in a remote boarding school inside an old monastery building. not many turks or africans there.
1673564;1498162495;asciilifeform;erlehmann: but plenty in berlin today
1673565;1498162512;asciilifeform;so consider plox answering the q as stated
1673566;1498162512;erlehmann;asciilifeform i enjoy turkish and kurdish food, but otherwise, no idea.
1673567;1498162557;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i enjoy a number of things, from turkish military marches to turkish sweets. but it is different q from 'do i want the bottom economic 10% of turkey moving in next door'
1673568;1498162581;asciilifeform;you probably would not want bottom 10% of arkansas moving in , either.
1673569;1498162589;asciilifeform;( are they 'a race' ..? lol )
1673570;1498162593;trinque;fact of the matter is that he is not permitted to say.
1673571;1498162634;BingoBoingo; plenty of folks quite content living their frugal lives (in e.g. leipzig, from what i hear, to be particular), i guess #t doesn't think much of them, i happen to have friends, what do. if bitch at 5% rent increase, sure, not much sympathy from me << Better to be frugal and not poor
1673572;1498162634;erlehmann;fact of the matter is i have not enough reference points
1673573;1498162661;erlehmann;e.g. i rarely encounter black people when going to the supermarket
1673574;1498162741;erlehmann;Framedragger i actually meant “i had not noticed to that extent until now how tolkien tells a story that can be seen as a race war”
1673575;1498162756;BingoBoingo; or is it the invaders that are actually torching cars in these towns << Yes, so "not crime"(TM)(R) because "honored guests
1673576;1498162796;trinque;I'm still eagerly awaiting a description of these roving gangs of car burners.
1673577;1498162810;Framedragger;erlehmann: i mean, old wise men decide faith of orcs, yeah :D
1673578;1498162812;Framedragger;you may be interested in "the last rinbearer" by a russian geologist (iirc), tells ring tale from perspective of mordor on a brink of industrial revolution
1673579;1498162842;Framedragger;and how the elves with gandalf conspired to rewrite story ("written by the victors" and all that), and ring was actually a side plot to distract people
1673581;1498162852;erlehmann;directed by m. night. shyamalan.
1673582;1498162872;BingoBoingo; and then 4th stage is the 'gentrifying' sections of detroit, that are being rebuilt into masses of cardboard condos that sell for $1M. << St Louis appears to want to go from 3 to 4, but uncertain if three can really be moved past
1673583;1498162876;Framedragger;'tis not bad, but read only small part. decent ru->en translation by a guy on livejournal (not joking, promise)
1673584;1498162886;erlehmann;Framedragger URL?
1673585;1498162910;Framedragger;i *think* http://ymarkov.livejournal.com/280578.html , digging thru bookmarks
1673586;1498162972;Framedragger;oh there's a .de translation apparently, but can't attest to quality
1673587;1498162976;BingoBoingo; you probably would not want bottom 10% of arkansas moving in , either. << FUcking peckerwood trash
1673588;1498162998;erlehmann;asciilifeform you mean conflict is classist, not racist.
1673590;1498163001;shinohai;https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbjyk4/heres-how-traders-lost-millions-in-the-first-ethereum-flash-crash <<< Lollerz "Some of the affected individuals have already started to organize via a Telegram group with the intention of filing a class action lawsuit against the exchange, but at present GDAX's position is that all margin trades are final, and terms were outlined in advance."
1673591;1498163088;erlehmann;vice forgot to include that ethereum transactions are indeed reverseable, but only when core developers lose money.
1673592;1498163100;Framedragger;erlehmann: original url http://fan.lib.ru/e/eskov/last_ringlord.shtml ; translation url above ; older LJ link gives more context: http://ymarkov.livejournal.com/270570.html
1673593;1498163167;erlehmann;Framedragger let me retaliate: http://www.rifters.com/real/Blindsight.htm
1673594;1498163181;Framedragger;actually, i had started reading that one, too!!
1673595;1498163186;Framedragger;thanks for bringing it up
1673596;1498163208;trinque;erlehmann | asciilifeform you mean conflict is classist, not racist. << the fuck kind of grandmother-pleasing behavior is this?
1673597;1498163219;Framedragger;erlehmann: it's the one where (logreaders, spoilers) alien intelligence which is actually intelligent is not conscious, right?
1673598;1498163257;erlehmann;trinque “grandmother-pleasing behavior”?
1673599;1498163265;trinque;"I don't want to have a conversation re: invasion, so lets instead belabor whether we're all behaving ourselves."
1673600;1498163309;ben_vulpes;trinque: oh hey while on the topic, best way to wind up modern genderbenders, blacklivesmatter et al feebs is to "i mean sure, but isn't that all just embedded in the class struggle?"
1673601;1498163311;erlehmann;Framedragger it is the one where vampires can't do VR because they have autism and see the pixels.
1673603;1498163378;trinque;ben_vulpes: correctness is a bourgeois construct.
1673604;1498163392;erlehmann;ben_vulpes i think identifying as trans-black or something might top it, depending on circumstances
1673605;1498163403;trinque;anyhow lets all just tweet now, eh?
1673606;1498163439;trinque;erlehmann: where do I upvote your quips?
1673607;1498163469;erlehmann;trinque i don't actually want to have a conversation about invasion, because i don't particularly care. i came here because of the v versionatron and because i liked the attitude behind that.
1673608;1498163501;trinque;you couldn't have come to a worse place to tell us what it "means to you"
1673609;1498163535;BingoBoingo;Eh, German's well on it's way to becoming Far-East-East Saint Louis
1673610;1498163564;trinque;the republic's forum is not "I will posture on whichever topics don't make me uncomfortable"
1673611;1498163585;erlehmann;oh, i enjoy conflict.
1673612;1498163605;erlehmann;i mean, err, discussion.
1673613;1498163640;trinque;then I ask you what the output of all your "the community" and "class not race" noise has been, in your own judgment?
1673614;1498163661;trinque;in a place that clearly worships this "following the rules of decent discussion"
1673615;1498163681;trinque;"I don't care" is the correct answer.
1673616;1498163691;trinque;put usually around here as "I just want to"
1673617;1498163743;erlehmann;i'll read the log again to maybe get a clear picture
1673618;1498163762;trinque;works for me
1673619;1498168661;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1673620;1498168670;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2706.49, vol: 12173.25703108 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2670.0, vol: 4613.48832 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2672.8, vol: 16199.38576081 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2881.518948, vol: 8264.71540000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2699.1, vol: 5253.7241449 | Volume-weighted last average: 2721.40543553
1673621;1498169265;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673590 << where did the butthurt go when kraken, shitfinex, et al did same thing?
1673622;1498169265;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:23 shinohai: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/mbjyk4/heres-how-traders-lost-millions-in-the-first-ethereum-flash-crash <<< Lollerz "Some of the affected individuals have already started to organize via a Telegram group with the intention of filing a class action lawsuit against the exchange, but at present GDAX's position is that all margin trades are final, and terms were outlined in advance."
1673623;1498169277;asciilifeform;it's sop, as i understand, method for 'exchange' to defraud the idiots who use exchanges.
1673624;1498169302;asciilifeform;1) 'set price to penny' 2) margin calls 3) profit 4) sfyl, tards
1673625;1498170509;whaack;from what I remember reading about shitfinex, the people with pending bitcoin buy orders at X did not get theirs completed, while at the same time people were forced to sell ("margin called") because price was officially "X-E"
1673626;1498170800;whaack;(not sure whether or not the unfilled buy orders on the way down occurred in this case)
1673627;1498170946;*;Framedragger unrelatedly recalls placing orders on mtgox and getting multi-minute+ lags
1673628;1498170959;Framedragger;(or maybe even much more, don't remember)
1673629;1498171820;asciilifeform;!#s goxlag
1673630;1498171821;a111;723 results for "goxlag", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=goxlag
1673631;1498171826;asciilifeform;Framedragger ^
1673632;1498171951;asciilifeform;in other noose, happy international-komyooniti-attacking-su-and-getting-own-arse-handed-to-it-on-a-plate-4y-later day, folx !!
1673633;1498172104;asciilifeform;http://www.may9.ru/uploads/default/images/RIAN_00760832.HR.ru.jpg << see also.
1673634;1498175845;TomServo;asciilifeform: what does it say?
1673635;1498175880;TomServo;Also, if someone could share a copy of mp-wp, that'd be swell.
1673637;1498181116;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673634 << i'm dying, but i'm not surrendering. goodbye, motherland. 7/20/41. fwiw ascii is smart not to translate it, english verbiage doesn't do it justice
1673638;1498181116;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 23:57 TomServo: asciilifeform: what does it say?
1673639;1498181196;phf;til, there's a "Knuth Prize" that doesn't actually involve knuth. "The Knuth Prize winner is selected by a Prize Committee consisting of six individuals selected by the SIGACT and TCMFC Chairs. In selecting the Knuth Prize winner, the Committee will pay particular attention to a sustained record of high-impact, seminal contributions to the foundations of computer science. The selection may also be partly based on educational accomplishments and contrib
1673640;1498181196;phf;utions such as fundamental textbooks and high-quality students. The award is not based on service work for the community, although service might be included in the citation for a winner if it is appropriate."
1673643;1498181229;asciilifeform;it gotta be read in original. like, e.g., koran in arabic.
1673644;1498181259;asciilifeform;( re http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673637 )
1673645;1498181259;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 01:25 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673634 << i'm dying, but i'm not surrendering. goodbye, motherland. 7/20/41. fwiw ascii is smart not to translate it, english verbiage doesn't do it justice
1673646;1498181301;asciilifeform;lel, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673639 a la 'linux foundation' !
1673647;1498181301;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 01:26 phf: til, there's a "Knuth Prize" that doesn't actually involve knuth. "The Knuth Prize winner is selected by a Prize Committee consisting of six individuals selected by the SIGACT and TCMFC Chairs. In selecting the Knuth Prize winner, the Committee will pay particular attention to a sustained record of high-impact, seminal contributions to the foundations of computer science. The selection may also be partly based on educational accomplishments and contrib
1673648;1498181387;phf;latest winner would be particularly deer to asciilifeform's heart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oded_Goldreich
1673649;1498181408;phf;*dear, but the other one works too
1673650;1498181414;asciilifeform;i actually did try to read'im
1673652;1498181520;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/22/two-months-of-vegganism/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Two months of vEGGanism.
1673653;1498181530;asciilifeform;specifically re the nphard-ciphers thing
1673654;1498181702;phf;what do you by mega-downer?
1673655;1498181754;asciilifeform;re knuth... names ain't, afaik, copyrightable anywhere, even in usa.. so i half expect to live to see a 'mircea popescu foundation' run by, e.g., malia obummer, which funds transsexualized rust programming for systemd plugins
1673656;1498181853;asciilifeform;phf: re goldreich -- a very specific and deep type of downer, where you find what by all appearances is the definitive, unsurpassed definitional stem of work in $field -- which turns out to be wholly and deliberately useless on $principalquestion
1673657;1498181860;phf;nah, tmsr is like situationists, has the anti-spectacle protective mechanisms builtin. recurepation will be in form of artisanal log excerpts and "Collected Trilema" and such for a special kind of hipster
1673658;1498181895;asciilifeform;( which in asciilifeform's case was ' can crypto be put on a hard scientific foundation - i.e. does a provably hard problem exist )
1673659;1498181947;asciilifeform;phf: i'm sure
1673660;1498181967;asciilifeform;betcha some preet chowdhra fella is typesetting a 'bedt of trilema' even nao.
1673661;1498181977;asciilifeform;or if not now -- next year.
1673662;1498181987;asciilifeform;*best of
1673663;1498182155;asciilifeform;and holy shit pete_dushenski... that post. i'ma guess you are writing these on a bet
1673664;1498182185;asciilifeform;'betcha you can't surpass taleb in militant self-aggrandizing mundanity' 'you have yerself a bet!!11'
1673665;1498182277;asciilifeform;sometimes people write to asciilifeform , 'you're a bore and pompous arse', but fwiw i have to date 0 posts about dieting. or about Eating Eggs While 3133337.
1673666;1498182794;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E499B8A638178EDF07229E9F9670AA397B3436C262293313331E1577D952D65E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1760...6387 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (5725.ovz-n9.hc.ru. RU)
1673667;1498182794;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E499B8A638178EDF07229E9F9670AA397B3436C262293313331E1577D952D65E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1433...7763 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (5725.ovz-n9.hc.ru. RU)
1673668;1498183891;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F107A00381C3C3D03DF80FB8191F6779204BD1ADE8665F130C37E20F23CAE60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1781...9389 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE)
1673669;1498183891;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F107A00381C3C3D03DF80FB8191F6779204BD1ADE8665F130C37E20F23CAE60 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1678...3843 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE)
1673672;1498191983;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673565 << https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/20/world/europe/germany-36-accused-of-hateful-postings-over-social-media.html
1673673;1498191983;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:15 asciilifeform: so consider plox answering the q as stated
1673674;1498192098;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What's wrong with pete_dushenski using his blog as a public notebook for himself?
1673675;1498192123;BingoBoingo;And it's his. Where else is he to be aggrandized if he doesn't do so on his blog?
1673676;1498193034;trinque;I knew that pantsuit grandmother had something to do with it.
1673677;1498193407;trinque;it's a wonderment things don't get better for them when they're behaving as hard as they can.
1673678;1498193535;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo has it, not sure why asciilifeform still reads my blog ? must be short of things to gripe about in life. he was never a fan afaik, this isn't news, and yet he keeps sticking his hand in fire, wondering why the smell of burning flesh lingers in the air.
1673679;1498193628;pete_dushenski;if alf isn't the exception, trinque is more than welcome to remove contravex from deedbot blogroll. i won't be offended even if i do look forward to the comments here, be they negative or positive.
1673680;1498193661;trinque;I don't see any reason to do that.
1673681;1498193803;trinque;reminds me, I haven't tried your getpeerinfo patch yet
1673682;1498193822;pete_dushenski;aha it's pretty nifty!
1673683;1498193865;pete_dushenski;at least i like it. always wondered what versions were connecting to trb nodes before.
1673684;1498193964;pete_dushenski;turns out it's quite the mish-mash out there. far from the taught controversy of reddit : "uasf" vs "core" vs "blockstream" . pretty much none of the software versions you read about anywhere outside #t are actually the ones in use.
1673685;1498194127;*;trinque to bed
1673687;1498196635;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E55CA1B7E917B94E024399179C34C1E901D8F227ABAA192B56884EE7B5783E3E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1712...3877 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ddn-intranet.de. DE)
1673688;1498196636;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E55CA1B7E917B94E024399179C34C1E901D8F227ABAA192B56884EE7B5783E3E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1786...3007 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ddn-intranet.de. DE)
1673689;1498197617;ben_vulpes;!!up mimisbrunnr
1673690;1498197618;deedbot;mimisbrunnr voiced for 30 minutes.
1673692;1498197620;mimisbrunnr;Logged on 2017-06-12 16:42 phf: scriba is not ben_vulpes's bot, so presumably the question is why don't ben_vulpes put up his own log speaker
1673693;1498197705;ben_vulpes;what is protocol for bot voice? mimisbrunnr now has a use for that.
1673694;1498199575;BingoBoingo;!!up mimisbrunnr
1673695;1498199575;deedbot;mimisbrunnr voiced for 30 minutes.
1673696;1498202955;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1673697;1498202960;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2714.82, vol: 10434.94535349 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2667.002, vol: 4624.86528 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2682.4, vol: 13155.69327291 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2879.478063, vol: 6872.40450000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2704.057, vol: 4083.80781154 | Volume-weighted last average: 2726.05217077
1673698;1498204011;BingoBoingo;Baltimore Sued! http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8080
1673700;1498227098;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/57119F399651AE887D7AB14D176A27D35DC31AAC3A891D86CD55B1FB5ABAAF59 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1768...7593 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ortiz.unizar.es. ES Z AR)
1673701;1498227098;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/57119F399651AE887D7AB14D176A27D35DC31AAC3A891D86CD55B1FB5ABAAF59 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1640...4219 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ortiz.unizar.es. ES Z AR)
1673703;1498228423;shinohai;hola mod6
1673704;1498228658;mod6;how goes shinohai!
1673705;1498228812;shinohai;Bored as fuck but good here ^.^
1673707;1498229477;mod6;haha. good.
1673708;1498229508;mod6;i've got some testing for you if you want... probably a bit later today.
1673709;1498229693;shinohai;Cool ... that trb Makefiles thing ?
1673710;1498229783;trinque;morning gents.
1673711;1498229854;mod6;shinohai: yessir
1673712;1498229865;mod6;was testing lastnight, looking good
1673713;1498229867;shinohai;Heya trinque
1673714;1498229899;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673693 << pretty sure the newer bots are doing the !!up dance with deedbot, couple of earlier ones grandfathered in on autovoice
1673715;1498229899;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 06:01 ben_vulpes: what is protocol for bot voice? mimisbrunnr now has a use for that.
1673716;1498230435;Framedragger;yeah, scriba sends `!!up`s if it's not voiced, and then does the `!!v` challenge (but is smart enough to stop spamming once it gets voice)
1673717;1498230607;ben_vulpes;Framedragger: i recall a thread on the tradeoffs of this approach, do you recall? link perhaps?
1673718;1498230625;Framedragger;hm notrly, can look later, but nothing pops to mind
1673720;1498230812;Framedragger;i find one-off related notes like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-13#1541283 only thus far
1673721;1498230812;a111;Logged on 2016-09-13 19:22 Framedragger: (deedbot not in room, and so bots don't self-voice)
1673722;1498231570;ben_vulpes;nifty retro hodgepodge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXkkr0REEPI
1673723;1498232319;lobbes;(+Framedragger) [15:07:16] yeah, scriba sends `!!up`s if it's not voiced, and then does the `!!v` challenge << lobbesbot behaves in similar manner; sends !!up request when it first joins #t
1673724;1498232601;diana_coman;!!up js-of-mp
1673725;1498232601;deedbot;js-of-mp voiced for 30 minutes.
1673726;1498232619;js-of-mp;hola ppls!
1673728;1498232633;js-of-mp;this is the jaguar spirit of mp.
1673729;1498232659;mod6;ah! looking down at us from a nice tree 'eh?
1673730;1498232681;js-of-mp;this shit is addictive btw, anyone noticed ? i had to have them cut out a patch of jungle overnight and there's six confused locals holding up strange religious artefacts, just so i can catch up on logs
1673732;1498232723;mod6;hello locals!
1673733;1498232745;shinohai;Hola Espirtu de mp
1673734;1498232747;js-of-mp;no, that's outdoors. i'm indoors. because dried plant matter totally counts yes.
1673735;1498232760;js-of-mp;shinohai: the alcohol had nothing to do with it.
1673737;1498232798;js-of-mp;incidentally, you'd like it here. i've seen more barefoot females in the past day than during a whole week of south carolina.
1673738;1498232807;js-of-mp;and i've not even visited the trailer park yet.
1673739;1498232833;shinohai;They have trailer parks there?
1673740;1498232833;mod6;right on
1673742;1498232876;js-of-mp;hm, that\s a point, i guess trailer park = government buildings huh. certainly the way it works in the us-liberated terra obscura.
1673743;1498232909;*;lobbes was imagining thatched roof trailers
1673744;1498232922;shinohai;With stone wheels yet
1673745;1498232928;js-of-mp;with square banana "wood" tyres. you know, for stability.
1673746;1498232976;js-of-mp;the nicaraguan border people were kinda funny, they were like "purpose of visit ?" "just for fun" then they were "no, seriously, purpose of visit."
1673747;1498233009;shinohai;"I want to see if I can call up the spirit of Manuel Noriega!"
1673749;1498233071;shinohai;"Anything to declare?" "Well I have this scrap of fabric from one of Ollie North's uniforms. It is critical for the séance"
1673750;1498233090;js-of-mp;lol thye didn't ask.
1673751;1498233102;Framedragger;irc in plant hut sounds pretty damn l33t, gotta say...
1673752;1498233135;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673332 << lmao. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-19#1672215
1673753;1498233135;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 13:58 shinohai: Stay tuned to find out why the ETH genesis block funds have moved. Absolute pin-drop silence on that one.
1673754;1498233135;a111;Logged on 2017-06-19 16:09 asciilifeform: shinohai: see also thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669509
1673755;1498233157;Framedragger;have you literally travelled through some jungle, js-of-mp?
1673756;1498233164;js-of-mp;Framedragger: i have some ancient pix about how that looks like on trilema im pretty sure. little has changed.
1673757;1498233180;Framedragger;ahh, will check :) cool.
1673758;1498233183;js-of-mp;but of course. they don't have pine forest here, see. what they have is jungle
1673759;1498233212;js-of-mp;kinda comes-with-the-territory, so to speak. from colombia to southern mexico it's one big rainforest.
1673760;1498233372;shinohai;In todays rape news: http://archive.is/Yd9MK
1673761;1498233402;js-of-mp;how the hell did she have sex with a 9yo ?!
1673762;1498233469;shinohai;This being arkansas, I guess Father, brothers, or cousins were previously engaged.
1673763;1498233515;js-of-mp;only chick i know from arkansaw ~never had sex befoar. apparently it's a hot land of mosquitoes and tedious religious nuts, you can't get it on inside, you can't get it on outside.
1673764;1498233584;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673366 << where do you work again ?
1673765;1498233584;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 18:27 erlehmann: at work, everyone who has a non-standard setup on GNU/linux, uses i3
1673766;1498233712;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673371 aww all teh mouse hatred. wtf is wrong with them anyway, xtg took mice pointing, and you used it.
1673767;1498233712;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 18:28 asciilifeform: 2) does it know about mice, and take input from the mouse ?
1673768;1498233716;js-of-mp;or w/e nc
1673769;1498233963;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673426 << word. lobbes also did a lot, and jurov. these being just the substantial contributors.
1673770;1498233963;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:02 danielpbarron unofficially works on eulora. occasionally publishes patches to the client. almost ready to publish a eulora-gentoo recipe
1673771;1498233984;js-of-mp;well, and chet while she lived, of course.
1673772;1498234047;js-of-mp;an phf got it to run on mac originally, and ben_vulpes is fucking up blender so it stops bleeding, and really come to think about it everyone is probably working on eulora even if not published anything yet.
1673773;1498234085;js-of-mp;except for asciilifeform who has no time for such things so instead he is writing a proper rsa to be licensed by nsa to minigame so totally different.
1673774;1498234144;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/42E0269691FDDE7DF103BD0317D427B537228DDE9CE66EBA984C6E83CCD3B5E1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1019...4117 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mx5.diranuk.de. DE HE)
1673775;1498234144;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/42E0269691FDDE7DF103BD0317D427B537228DDE9CE66EBA984C6E83CCD3B5E1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1289...7267 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mx5.diranuk.de. DE HE)
1673776;1498234146;Framedragger;such a monstrous oligarchy!!11
1673778;1498234180;*;js-of-mp chuckles privately at all the people who will be later going "motherfucker, so he comes on at an ungodly hour, bombs the log and then melts in the mists!!!1"
1673779;1498234314;js-of-mp;but, to come back to the question, apparently everyone in tmsr is working on everything, whatever they do. because the spython being in one strand has implications both ways.
1673780;1498234341;BingoBoingo;Maybe you should have a doctor check that mist melt out?
1673781;1498234360;js-of-mp;they'll probably find a gecko in it.
1673782;1498234372;js-of-mp;anyone know the cackling call they make btw ?
1673783;1498234373;BingoBoingo;No birbs?
1673784;1498234386;BingoBoingo;Because geckos are racis
1673785;1498234408;js-of-mp;BingoBoingo: my automatic gate was dead in cr. so i'm like wtf. the handyman takes it apart, finds gecko in the control box, getting slowl fried.
1673786;1498234423;BingoBoingo;!!up js
1673787;1498234424;deedbot;js voiced for 30 minutes.
1673788;1498234429;BingoBoingo;!!up js-of-mp
1673789;1498234430;deedbot;js-of-mp voiced for 30 minutes.
1673790;1498234431;js-of-mp;they're everywhere, insistently so.
1673791;1498234448;BingoBoingo;Free resistors!!!
1673792;1498234456;js-of-mp;and low resistence ones at that.
1673793;1498234479;js-of-mp;aw shit, people down history tree will think it's "the javascript of mp" won't they. damn.
1673794;1498234508;Framedragger;is literally what i thought at first
1673795;1498234532;js-of-mp;this, my dear sir, IS BIAS.
1673796;1498234548;Framedragger;(something like, "the side-effects / leaky state of mp that could not have been contained; it crept onto irc" (i had a beer))
1673797;1498234550;*;asciilifeform lulzily, and almost polar oppositely of js-of-mp -- is in nyc
1673798;1498234566;js-of-mp;very much polar oposite.
1673799;1498234578;asciilifeform;for no good reason either!111
1673800;1498234591;js-of-mp;you mean "for no good reason, ether" ?
1673802;1498234605;js-of-mp;alcohol ?
1673803;1498234607;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: clearly dancing in "pride" parades
1673804;1498234620;js-of-mp;ether alcohol ? breaking down that brain barrier finally ? :D
1673805;1498234628;*;phf is in seattle. midway point between new york and a jungle
1673806;1498234630;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: those are usually in dc afaik
1673807;1498234644;js-of-mp;phf: are there straight males in seattle btw ?
1673808;1498234656;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: lolwat
1673809;1498234663;*;shinohai is suddenly hungry for an LA Burrito now that asciilifeform mentions NYC
1673810;1498234670;asciilifeform;js-of-mp: hunter thompson had a thing re drinking ether
1673811;1498234689;js-of-mp;aha. ad look where it got him!
1673812;1498234724;*;ben_vulpes still boggling at the notion that dc pride would be significantly anything
1673813;1498234739;ben_vulpes;actual leather in the streets etc?
1673814;1498234763;js-of-mp;got a lot of unemployed, criminology degreed latinas nobody could be bothered to fuck at home, ben_vulpes. they gotta do SOMETHING OMG PLEASE
1673815;1498234782;ben_vulpes;that ain't the pride i know
1673816;1498234818;ben_vulpes;if the parades aren't 5% body hair by volume IT AIN'T MOTHERFUCKIN PRIDE
1673817;1498234821;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673443 "i'm not into raves i just like intoxicated naked teens with an overexcitable personality"
1673818;1498234821;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:19 Framedragger: funny thing is i'm not really into raves. at the same time i have a pile of high quality mdma that i now need to dispose of, because changing country. so who knows
1673819;1498234852;phf;js-of-mp: funny. i walked down the street from rail station to hotel, and the two outside happy hour groups i passed were talking IT. "yeah, we did some products and about to launch" etc.
1673820;1498234883;js-of-mp;o yeah. it's like totally happening and hubbing up, seattle. with tech and nology and stuff.
1673821;1498234901;js-of-mp;i know all about it, read it on the side of an old 80s mag in my dentist's office.
1673823;1498234925;js-of-mp;a good dose of the conference clap = gnologee.
1673824;1498234960;ben_vulpes;seattle's got the *claptrap*!
1673825;1498234962;phf;it is though another one of those u.s. cities being rapidly bought up by chinese, so in some sense it's booming
1673826;1498234971;BingoBoingo; js-of-mp: hunter thompson had a thing re drinking ether << Nah, huffing it
1673827;1498234988;js-of-mp;quaffing, queefing, huffing, farting, it's all the same really.
1673828;1498235034;js-of-mp;phf: the funny thing is that the japanese went though this whole cycle post toyota explosion, you recall ? it didn't work out for them, so i suppose the locals have a hidden hope that a bn strong continent may end up fizzling like a 50mn island did.
1673829;1498235070;js-of-mp;i... have my doubts. parts for alf's model are cheap, you can get self-firing perimeter machine guns installed for less than a car costs.
1673830;1498235123;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673444 << no.
1673831;1498235123;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:20 Framedragger: erlehmann: i've been to c-base a coupla times, curious if there are any hackerspaces which are less about showing off and more about actual DIY projects etc (not sure if can meaningfully interact in the span of only a week tho, i guess)
1673832;1498235159;js-of-mp;not anywhere in europe this exists. it's in part excusable because teenagers naturally peacock as ~only activty unless adults make them work. and no adult made anyone work in two decades.
1673833;1498235235;asciilifeform;there was, i shit thee not, a billboard for 'brighterion: machine learning and ai'
1673834;1498235245;asciilifeform;on the interstate
1673835;1498235261;phf;i grew up on the tail end of robocop era, so intimately remember u.s. being bought up by japan. of course i missed the whole crash part, so was severely disappointed when i discovered how bland most of the u.s. urban areas are.
1673836;1498235279;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673453 << the problem here being entirely cultural. dumbass "locals" ie, suckers bereft of mobility, imagine to the point of expecting that they'll dictate others' behaviour. in serious need of public nude beatings, zee germanz.
1673837;1498235279;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:29 erlehmann: b) many airbnb guests behave in such an obnoxious way that entirely unpolitical people living in the same house hate them with a passion.
1673838;1498235319;js-of-mp;phf: yeah, japanese investments in the us sufferent from a bit of "turner buys mysplace" thing : they went home at the same time, drove a real estate panic.
1673839;1498235383;phf;seattle though still has holdovers from the neon era. japanese bars that were probably hot in the 80s, that serve purple drinks served in cocktail glass
1673840;1498235423;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673455 << you are misusing the term. gentrification is when the tiresome old women are richer than the pair of 20yo twinks, make them get out. here the pair of 20yo twinks is richer, you get obnoxious old women gathering around the church to whine about how prices are going up on stuff and they can't keep up. as i
1673841;1498235423;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:30 Framedragger: (or well, maybe i'm misusing the term)
1673842;1498235423;js-of-mp;f somehow they fucking should god help us.
1673843;1498235469;js-of-mp;phf: which reminds me, there's this thing in costa rica, "cafe con cuerpo". there's a single solitary chick in stripper ware, very VERY put off by having to talk to people and get them drinks and stuff in that gedup.
1673844;1498235480;js-of-mp;i imagine it was very happening at some point.
1673845;1498235506;js-of-mp;but today,    just the cardboard airplane remains.
1673846;1498235559;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673456 << and the solution to that is to go back out, buy a dozen cyanoacrylate mg things, and fix everyone's lock.
1673847;1498235559;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:31 erlehmann: by passion, i mean: some door locks are faulty and seem to spontaneously fail in the middle of the night, when you come back to the ap.
1673848;1498235564;phf;death comes for us all
1673849;1498235604;phf;oh yeah, i've been meaning to comment on that log, but fell asleep last night..
1673850;1498235634;js-of-mp;and generally speaking : whenever the obnoxious old women try to do the group split, force the outgroup identification on her. do they wish to identify your whores as "going naked around" ? fine. let them do it for a coupla weeks then chain them naked to your audi and drag them through the market.
1673851;1498235645;js-of-mp;and remember it only stings if they invest in the anti-identification first.
1673852;1498235702;js-of-mp;which is why fake news is the name for the pantsuit party mouthpieces, and so on.
1673853;1498235709;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170623/#204 << i disagree - case in point: https://technarium.lt/equipment.html?language=en (a hackerspace in vilnius)
1673854;1498235711;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-23: [16:26:00]  not anywhere in europe this exists. it's in part excusable because teenagers naturally peacock as ~only activty unless adults make them work. and no adult made anyone work in two decades.
1673855;1498235723;Framedragger;that said, i think they may have an issue with onslaught of said teenagers. thus far they are coping
1673856;1498235725;js-of-mp;Framedragger: vilnius is in europe now ?!
1673857;1498235734;Framedragger;ah well, you have a point :)
1673858;1498235744;js-of-mp;dun dun dun.
1673859;1498235746;Framedragger;.su represent!
1673860;1498235753;js-of-mp;come one come all, come ye and witness mp havin ga point!
1673861;1498235784;phf;i did find it amusing to see the interaction of two different brands of socialism (Framedragger whose pedigree i think is more of an IT globalism, and erlehmann who's german and a Berliner so he has a very traditional views that were directly shaped by ussr)
1673862;1498235827;js-of-mp;phf: oya, i'm very much settled in comfy-like for the coming lulz of erlehmann unwinding his berliner mindset.
1673863;1498235828;Framedragger;curious to hear about intersection of IT globalism and socialism, not sure, hmm. (may follow-up later, tho)
1673864;1498235841;Framedragger;"what is IT globalism"
1673865;1498235843;js-of-mp;recall the clever chick that couldn't make it ? i think he's in a much better position, for being male.
1673866;1498235932;js-of-mp;Framedragger: let's put it this way : a youthful expectation that the reason you're not doing 30s beer advertisement with the chick at the bar is because you're not speaking the right language, not because she's fundamentally broken one way and beer advertisements fundamentally broken the other way.
1673867;1498235980;js-of-mp;30s = 30 seconds, it's a term of art, most people in footage production these days either trained for, worked for, or aspire to making 30second clips of things for purposes. the ultimate art-with-a-tendency.
1673868;1498236057;BingoBoingo; recall the clever chick that couldn't make it ? i think he's in a much better position, for being male. << AHA
1673869;1498236058;Framedragger;something about trying to find local issues vs. accepting that there are irreparable general and systemic issues? that's all i got (not that it's not meaningful)
1673870;1498236089;Framedragger;(i guess i can see that)
1673871;1498236093;js-of-mp;Framedragger: not really. something about the expectation that as your penis theoretically plugs any cunt, so does your everything else fit with everyone else's.
1673872;1498236120;js-of-mp;except this theoretically only exists through a (sane, of course) misinterpretation of the absence of experience as the presence of possibility.
1673873;1498236166;js-of-mp;"just because you've never been to the nicaraguan jungle doesn't mean you'd want to" "but mp, how do you know ?" "right."
1673874;1498236239;Framedragger;aha, ok; false assumptions about the breadth of possibility (over-extrapolating the horizon of possibility, something)
1673875;1498236242;Framedragger;!!up js-of-mp
1673876;1498236242;deedbot;js-of-mp voiced for 30 minutes.
1673877;1498236244;js-of-mp;"all people are the same in that i don't know about them and all phone chargers fit each other or else you can get converters for a nominal fee" == it globalism.
1673878;1498236282;Framedragger;i can see how more experience is needed to properly attune these sensors, hm
1673879;1498236289;js-of-mp;this then powers the cringy "oh, people are making choices against their own best interest" by it globalist socialists who eg got into politics "to help people" and disover the people they're helping don't want their help.
1673880;1498236303;js-of-mp;Framedragger: there's no properly here. i am not saying anything about it is improper.
1673881;1498236349;js-of-mp;it's perfectly reasonable, nothing wrong with it. specific, yes, but thats what you get for being alive. i don't have red hair, and i don't look sudanese. what can you do.
1673882;1498236356;erlehmann;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673846 << a type of situation, where if you are clever enough to react in a calm and decisive manner, you are probably not obnoxious enough to end up in it
1673883;1498236356;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 16:32 js-of-mp: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673456 << and the solution to that is to go back out, buy a dozen cyanoacrylate mg things, and fix everyone's lock.
1673884;1498236393;js-of-mp;erlehmann: people do have generally enough sense to be thoroughly petrified of me before doing something irreparably stupid like that, so yes i guess you're right.
1673885;1498236418;js-of-mp;lizard brain gets man out of more trouble than gets him into. except the former\s never counted properly.
1673886;1498236668;erlehmann;phf btw is there any way i could have phrased it differently so that “berliners hate tourists and airbnb in particular” could not have been interpreted as “i hate tourists and airbnb in particular”?
1673887;1498236685;js-of-mp;he doesn't think that i'm pretty sure.
1673888;1498236738;js-of-mp;"berliners hate tourists and airbing particularly and i understand how they're thinking"
1673889;1498236870;erlehmann;i often have the problem that i describe a position and then people think i support it. i stopped describing moldbug's ramblings because of that, though i find urbit in particular a quite good idiot test.
1673890;1498236911;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673459 << eh, nothing beats the flaming bag srsly now. 1. you buy a sturdy paper bag. 2. you take a good shit on it. 3. you put it in front of door. 4.you ring the doorbell 5. you set it on fire.
1673891;1498236911;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:32 Framedragger: any personal experiences there? i've heard of "frozen piss" bomb concept, yeah
1673892;1498236915;phf;erlehmann: oh no, there was no misunderstanding. it's actually other parts of that whole conversation.. some of the things you say and how you say them align with your background in ways in which i can recognize them
1673893;1498236916;trinque;I was going after the topics you were avoiding.
1673894;1498236917;js-of-mp;then watch person step repeatedly i nshit.
1673895;1498236923;erlehmann;phf i see!
1673896;1498236933;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/violence-today-one-arrest-another-suspect-at-large-for-threatening-trump/ << Qntra - Violence Today: One Arrest, Another Suspect At Large For Threatening Trump
1673897;1498236936;js-of-mp;erlehmann: i can swear such identification is not made here.
1673898;1498236961;erlehmann;js-of-mp i have never seen burning shitbag. it also means person has to be home.
1673899;1498236971;js-of-mp;point in case, i often say programmery things, nobody thinks im a programmer.
1673900;1498237001;js-of-mp;erlehmann: if person isn't home, the population density isn't high enough for jewish ghetto warfare bs of the sort contemplated.
1673901;1498237193;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673463 << i've not actually yet used airbnb. i don't honestly think it's more than a gloified craigslist made by some kids with handmade ezine cereal boxes or w/e equivalent. but the thing is i generally travel with a herd and we don't deal by the room. though in some places traditional renters do attempt to co-op
1673902;1498237193;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:32 jurov: O.o my first two airbnb experiences were fine, but that was in greece, they don't mind noise
1673903;1498237193;js-of-mp;t airbnb as just another want ads venue. but those places aren't where "it globalist" kids go, nor do those renters meaningfully compete with the rest of the market, that gleefully ignores it like it ignores tumblr.
1673904;1498237258;Framedragger;i did rent out a large whole riad in fez through it, no regrets there
1673905;1498237282;js-of-mp;what's a riad and what's fez ?!
1673906;1498237283;Framedragger;came with one mr Jawad, a local housekeeper and guiding spirit (those medinas are *complex*)
1673907;1498237295;js-of-mp;oh city, fez ?
1673908;1498237301;Framedragger;why, i thought this was a *cultured* sort of place :D
1673910;1498237306;Framedragger;i guess i should say "fes"
1673911;1498237317;js-of-mp;yeah, arab world has strange relationship with seattle products, all bets are off there.
1673912;1498237318;Framedragger;riad as in traditional moroccan house, yeah
1673913;1498237326;js-of-mp;yes now it parses lol.
1673914;1498237326;trinque;I saw this same sort of "conditions worsen daily, isn't it hilarious? but I really don't care, really" in portland among the web developer idiots.
1673915;1498237335;trinque;ben_vulpes: na'mean?
1673916;1498237369;js-of-mp;trinque: ascetism is and always was popular with youth. because if the do without things, that means they've got substance yes/
1673917;1498237381;js-of-mp;all youth ever wanted on this bland green earth was some substande damnit.
1673918;1498237391;Framedragger;totally, guilty there
1673919;1498237396;trinque;very holy and above it of them.
1673920;1498237411;js-of-mp;god love them wetly for the girls sure don't.
1673921;1498237442;erlehmann;seems wotc got it right http://mtg.gamepedia.com/Substance > Substance is an obsolete keyword ability that had no inherent effect.
1673922;1498237480;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673470 << it's also not much of an inconvenience.
1673923;1498237480;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:35 erlehmann: example: burning cars. if your car is insured and it burns, that is not vandalism.
1673924;1498237487;Framedragger;erlehmann: critique of aristotele's metaphysics in game, i like it
1673925;1498237496;js-of-mp;ahahaha wtf!
1673926;1498237534;js-of-mp;i always suspected im missing out on a lot with the whole trade card thing
1673927;1498237569;erlehmann;Framedragger they once tried to pander to people like you and do arthouse gaming. newbies stopped playing, now they limit complexity to attract new marks.
1673928;1498237575;ben_vulpes;trinque: "it's all going to shit, and none of us can do anything about it, and isn't it weird that nobody wants to talk about how its going to shit, and maybe we're the crazy ones so STOP BEING SO DEPRESSING
1673930;1498237588;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673477 << but that's the very thing : married "now i can get fat" old cow doens't think she should have to streetwalk because "above her".
1673931;1498237588;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:39 ben_vulpes: if the "community" can't soak people who want to come there and spend money adequately to make tourism +ev for the hosts incl. cities, how can they even justify continuing to live
1673932;1498237638;js-of-mp;besides, they had a rape in berlin not even century ago, "i sucked it enough".
1673933;1498237643;ben_vulpes;crime of having married a man who doesn't look askance at the growing fat, see also 'health at any size'
1673934;1498237664;js-of-mp;well sure. ever met german men ?
1673935;1498237694;*;js-of-mp ran into this dork in bsas, with ru chick in tow. my escort directly hit on her, and the dude wanted to review my qualifications.
1673936;1498237715;js-of-mp;to his mind, that was adequate defense to sexual preditor propositioning sexual preditor.
1673938;1498237811;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673478 << the problem is hat "local community" does NOT get to evlauate negative/positive.
1673939;1498237811;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:39 Framedragger: gotta agree with you, #t will disdainfully sneer at "omg, kom000nity!!", but it does suck that local communities get negatively impacted in this regard
1673940;1498237816;js-of-mp;let them get fucked, it's good for them.
1673941;1498237876;erlehmann;seems that in soviet america, arson is even weirder http://www.gq.com/story/san-francisco-is-burning
1673942;1498237901;js-of-mp;check it out, la moved into frisco over the past three decades.
1673943;1498237936;js-of-mp;erlehmann: why is the illustration a (bad) drawing of a fire ?
1673944;1498238009;erlehmann;js-of-mp no idea. article kind of dances around question if house owners would burn houses to evict less profitable renters, then interviews one guy who was entrapped to pay for fire. money quote: Gideon was jailed for 17 months. He hung around with the other Jewish prisoners. They were popular. Gideon says the non-Jewish inmates would ask their advice on starting businesses or trading currencies.
1673945;1498238026;erlehmann;neither before or after that article contains word “jew”
1673946;1498238052;erlehmann;!!up js-of-mp
1673947;1498238053;deedbot;js-of-mp voiced for 30 minutes.
1673948;1498238054;js-of-mp;i dun see how this is worth the read.
1673949;1498238076;erlehmann;tbh, it probably isn't. i already spoiled the singular joke.
1673950;1498238118;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673496 << you realise this isn't the be all end all. in nicaragua the flor de cana gran reserva 7yo media will run you  about five dollars. BUT WHAT DO YOU KNOW TOURIST!
1673951;1498238118;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:48 erlehmann: on the other side of the street the drink will cost half as much, but what do you know, tourist!
1673952;1498238177;ben_vulpes;tangential thread in my house last night, "sure, advertising industry pushes ridiculous body imagery but a) shame is part of the toolset a society uses to hold down runaway obesity and b) the stupid lazy shits are going to leverage anything they can find to justify their shit behavior and so they took the not-entirely-senseless 'hey, lotsa different body shapes besides the CGI on the teevee can be healthy
1673953;1498238180;ben_vulpes;and even attractive' and ran with it straight to 'health at any size'"
1673954;1498238181;js-of-mp;i mean, if you're in a shithole sorry enough that drinks on either side of street are the same drink, you really have no business paying anything anyway.
1673955;1498238256;js-of-mp;ben_vulpes: it's not even the body image issue here. but have you noticed gurls in beer commercials have always been dealt 0 anxious/anyoing behaviour, somehow ? just like teens in soda commercials seem to all speedball at the same time, which is 30 seconds before camera light came on.
1673956;1498238261;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/german-police-hate-raid-homes-over-political-speech/ << Qntra - German Police Hate-Raid Homes Over Political Speech
1673957;1498238263;erlehmann;ben_vulpes only that advertising industry is not trying to shame people into being thinner, but to dull their hideounsness
1673958;1498238268;BingoBoingo; check it out, la moved into frisco over the past three decades. << Aztlan kicked them out of LA. Compton of "Straight Outta Compton" fame was ethnically cleansed of black people by the Aztecs. Note how little the Reverend Al Sharpton spoke of this.
1673959;1498238302;erlehmann;“you are fat? well, you can still be fat and feeeel beautiful, just eat shit!”
1673960;1498238311;js-of-mp;BingoBoingo: you mean to tell me little short dudes with wet backs buchered the god's children that are afroamericans ?!?!?! BUGT H
1673961;1498238316;js-of-mp;BUT HOW COULD THIS BE!
1673963;1498238368;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673500 << this is not only not true, but lacks the ability of carrying truth.
1673964;1498238368;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:48 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673487 << i find it lulzy that folx will happily say this to someone to whom they would ~not~ necessarily say 'kill yerself nao, slice lengthwise' . but at the same time the phrases have EQUIVALENT meaning, because at some point you are already as rich as you possibly know how to become.
1673965;1498238375;BingoBoingo;"You really think Latinos coming over here to kumbaya with you, think again. Think you only gotta worry about Europeans, think again. These Latinos with their gangs are the new KKK for many of brothers and sisters on the West Coast. And our gangs aren't anywhere close in numbers compared theirs. "
1673966;1498238380;ben_vulpes;side thread on that thread was "also omfg the 'ad industry body image thing' came out of EXISTING TABOOS AGAINST BEING OBESE"
1673967;1498238406;js-of-mp;ben_vulpes: you are aware the lens thickens are you ?
1673968;1498238414;js-of-mp;ie, normal women look fat on tv.
1673969;1498238443;erlehmann;Framedragger very old card. but check out how name, illustration and database id align: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Discussion.aspx?multiverseid=1488
1673970;1498238459;js-of-mp;BingoBoingo: well, might be because blacks are ~gypos, ie ineffectual when wet and cowardly in any case. but whadda i know.
1673971;1498238523;BingoBoingo;js-of-mp: Well, I now chuckle that "straight OUTta compton" now has new meaning 20-30 years later
1673972;1498238544;Framedragger;you know you're in for some fun when the key is named "multiverseid" lol
1673973;1498238572;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: think about simple preditor, say spider. is "be less hungry" an invitation to "kill self" ? spider is certainly not programmable machine, it has kernel burned in rom and ain't learning anything or in any way changing. yet the difference betwen "be less hungry" and "kill self nao" in the case of the spider is ... ?
1673974;1498238587;js-of-mp;BingoBoingo: bwahahah i guess huh
1673975;1498238618;js-of-mp;"we'll do all da posturing you can stand with iron gold chains and clip-less shotguns, and then straight outta compton."
1673976;1498238695;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673508 << a) your client is clipping and b) that's obviously the case of berlin. when that sort of bitching is going on, the lido's long sanded and everyone worth two shits gave up and moved on long ago.
1673977;1498238695;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:51 lobbes: ben_vulpes: if the "community" can't soak people who want to come there and spend money adequately to make tourism +ev for the hosts incl. cities, how can they even justify continuing to live << I grew up on The Cod in Massachusetts; "working class" locals were always bitching about how much they hated tourists, but that tourism $$$ is the ~only~ thing sustaining that particular sandbar. Fishing is dead, and retail and landscaping indus
1673978;1498238738;Framedragger;erlehmann: i admit i didn't get the reference re id (some event in year 1488?)
1673979;1498238740;js-of-mp;and this is specifically the case of berlin. it'll never again be anything more than a 2nd hand bruxelles, that is to say bureaucracy reservation, a la wash dc. art, culture, what have you ain't gonna go there.
1673980;1498238746;ben_vulpes;js-of-mp: sure, yeah
1673981;1498238782;phf;Framedragger: hehe http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=14%2F88
1673982;1498238806;Framedragger;aaahahahah many thanks :D
1673983;1498238826;Framedragger;(ud delivers again)
1673984;1498238834;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673510 << you know how pantsuit party had a lot of support in the polls and then didn't ? german politicians are ENTIRELY illegitimate, the dork in thailand or the one in korea at least are familiar to the populace. german politruks are irrelevant to anyone and to anything.
1673985;1498238834;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:55 trinque: erlehmann: please bridge the gap for me between "country that is welcoming a flood of foreign invaders" and "omg haet tourists, I'll torch your car"
1673986;1498238867;phf;that seems like central/eastern europe thing though. almost unheard in u.s. (except i guess among diehard stormfront folk), and looks like not as much in western western europe either
1673987;1498238898;js-of-mp;phf: there's a difference in the soviet lands between what people know and what they'll admit to knowing.
1673988;1498238916;BingoBoingo;In other failed states: Illinois legislature is in "special session" to avoid getting booted from lottery treaty
1673989;1498238920;js-of-mp;i was recently shocked by this in discovering at a gathering that out of six people present five actually knew trilema, none would have mentioned it ever.
1673990;1498238988;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673514 << and especially in the way where they're better than the locals in every way. and i mean that literally, every way.
1673991;1498238988;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:55 erlehmann: tourists are worse in every way
1673992;1498239002;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: funny what turn out to be motivating factors, eh?
1673993;1498239047;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673523 << ahahaha ok this is just precious.
1673994;1498239047;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:00 erlehmann: berlin is special, partially because both east and west used it to show off.
1673995;1498239065;js-of-mp;man, you think bakersfield's not special ? just ask whatever fried out zombies you can get to not drool for half a minute.
1673996;1498239076;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Seriously. Only time Legislature and this governor have been able to come to terms was when legislature as sqashed between governor and lottery treaty organization
1673997;1498239083;phf;it's a big millennial thing, not to be perceived as a tourist. gets almost comedic, where every travel story i heard from a certain type of white girl involves "staying at the house of this local family" or being invited to "this bar that only locals go to" etc.
1673998;1498239112;trinque;"pls I have no in-group, so lonely"
1673999;1498239115;js-of-mp;phf: and you know right then and there that in any practical terms (ie, slurping some local cock) her trip was a total waste.
1674000;1498239120;phf;i usually counter that with "lol no hilton in the area, i only stay at hilton" etc. etc.
1674001;1498239133;js-of-mp;ask her about smoking the cock instead.
1674002;1498239172;js-of-mp;"whenever i go places, i fuck half local. that eases the pain of staying at whatevefr place is both good quality and a good deal, whatever it may be called."
1674004;1498239224;phf;that is the unspoken part isn't it
1674005;1498239228;js-of-mp;it is.
1674006;1498239256;js-of-mp;THAT is what she's saying. that you shouldn't think her an unmarrigeable loose woman, beacause even though she is tinted by monkey juice, it only went in her shoes.
1674007;1498239281;js-of-mp;wtf was that film with the whote chick in indochina fucking some local dude ? hm
1674008;1498239379;ben_vulpes;eat play derp?
1674009;1498239398;erlehmann;eh, it's not always unspoken. one woman told me that one reason she fucks around would be that “it's hard to find intimacy while travelling any other way”. because, you know, fucking strangers is a real intimate thing!
1674010;1498239412;js-of-mp;!~google l'amant
1674011;1498239413;jhvh1;js-of-mp: The Lover (1992) - IMDb: ; The Lover (Duras novel) - Wikipedia: ; The Lover (film) - Wikipedia: 
1674012;1498239446;js-of-mp;erlehmann: she means a very specific thing. "it's hard to get cuddled any other way".
1674013;1498239466;js-of-mp;because yes, carring her blankie is ridiculous, large teddies don't pack well, and not that many men tolerate her presence
1674014;1498239503;js-of-mp;phf: but of course the real barb in there is the "half" part. as erlehmann aptly pinpoints.
1674015;1498239544;erlehmann;later i realized that while i gave her an orgasm, i should have given her a hug. i'm so mean!
1674016;1498239562;js-of-mp;hug after.
1674017;1498239592;js-of-mp;but anyway, next time spank her lightly and graciously permit her to apologize for it.
1674018;1498239612;erlehmann;i think nowadays no fucks would be given. X Y problem.
1674019;1498239640;erlehmann;looking for hugs? don't act slutty so you get some. there are other ways.
1674020;1498239651;phf;i didn't get the "half" part
1674021;1498239701;phf;oh oh "half local" meaning half local/lalf my own
1674022;1498239702;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673528 << this is a fine statement of the nonsense. "once market is saturated technologically, 1. invent alternative nonsense criteria 2. let nonsense criteria run sensible criteria out of market". this is how cars work, for instance : the best car ever made were the german items mod 2000s. there is not, nor can t
1674023;1498239702;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:04 asciilifeform: the second stage of this cancer is when market begins to segment SOLELY based on orc proximity -- i.e. your house costs moar, or less, ~strictly based on how much orc you are willing to tolerate in everyday life, and not, say, based on size, or whether it is made from brick or shitboard
1674024;1498239702;js-of-mp;here be better cars made. so they started with the whole "emissions" crap, exact equivalent of the orc thing in renting. now all you can get are the same b-m-double-shoe bullshits, except they're toyotanissan.
1674025;1498239741;js-of-mp;phf: if i fuck half local, it means the other half is what ? how did it get there ? omfg if i already have the hugs what am i doing... headxplody.
1674027;1498239783;js-of-mp;erlehmann: this btw is patently stupid / entirely false redditism. there's no "act less slutty be more successful / happier / godblesseder" in nature. it is 100% th ebyproduct of ustards being retards.
1674028;1498239816;js-of-mp;irl, there's no prizes for the wallflower.
1674029;1498239853;erlehmann;js-of-mp misunderstanding. i like slutty behaviour. but if you want something else than sex, don't be disappointed if slutty behaviour results in sex.
1674030;1498239864;shinohai;!!up js-of-mp
1674031;1498239864;deedbot;js-of-mp voiced for 30 minutes.
1674032;1498239897;js-of-mp;its not a matter of like. it is a matter of the dorky reductionism, "oh, slut gives up on everything for sex". this isn\'t taking holy orders.
1674033;1498239905;js-of-mp;slut WILL be your boss.
1674034;1498239932;erlehmann;worst story of that type was that i once got a lecture how prostitution is bad, because the woman who told me that had done it and never found love (abridged, but probably truthful enough). meanwhile, other people rather fuck for money than work as a waiter.
1674035;1498239949;js-of-mp;the woman lied about being a whore.
1674036;1498239969;js-of-mp;any even moderately competent whore will get a "twu wuv" idiot each season.
1674037;1498239996;js-of-mp;there's no exception to this rule and i think i know more whores than any representative ever knew of his electoral basis.
1674038;1498240015;erlehmann;i guess the point was that she did not catch feelings. i know that type and keep away now.
1674039;1498240037;js-of-mp;next time idle chatterbags make that claim, point out to them that you once fixed a shower head yet you don't go around trying to pass for handyman in social situations.
1674040;1498240084;js-of-mp;working girl works. twelve a day every day, not "oh i was in this ambiguous situation about paying the toll at the booth once"
1674041;1498240157;phf;we have a particular friend hoe. she's fucked up most of the time (alcohol and psychedelics), traveled across the world off the money she makes. running joke is that she's taken over by ishtar, and she's having all these crazy amazing experiences while being only half conscious of it. "got fucked up in mumbai, ended up in a hat of a holy man in himalayas. good lay. xoxo" etc.
1674042;1498240162;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673533 << do you prefer auslander ? or what is it in berlin idish, "tourist" ?
1674043;1498240162;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:06 erlehmann: i think it is fairly plausible that the description of “orcs” can be read as some kind of blatant racism – “black-skinned”, “brutish”, “slant-eyed” …
1674044;1498240195;js-of-mp;phf: haha nb.
1674045;1498240272;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673548 << how do you mean ?
1674046;1498240272;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:09 Framedragger: rehashing *conclusions* of tmsr dogma does not do much good. (i guess counter to that is "we don't have time for proper free education", which is fair).
1674047;1498240308;erlehmann;js-of-mp i don't particularly care. germans weirdly enough use “refugees” (older german: „flüchtling“ newer german: “geflüchtete”). i finally understood the orc metaphor, that was the point of the statement.
1674048;1498240318;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673558 <<< aaahahaha championship sendoff entry.
1674049;1498240318;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:11 trinque: y'all can go hang out with Isis Hackersauce in Berlin
1674050;1498240378;js-of-mp;erlehmann: there's no real spec to orcdom, visually, beyond "no good". it's actually a pretty interesting concept, anthropologically, because of its marked similarities to beauty.
1674051;1498240395;js-of-mp;ie, aculturated agents claim awareness can't meaningfully produce ideal etc.
1674052;1498240429;erlehmann;next up: Framedragger comes to town, ends up in bed with jacob applebaum, writes seven blog posts about it because that is what j.k. rowling did (right?).
1674053;1498240441;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1674050 in iirc old trilema it was proposed as 'people with no indoorvoice'
1674054;1498240441;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 17:52 js-of-mp: erlehmann: there's no real spec to orcdom, visually, beyond "no good". it's actually a pretty interesting concept, anthropologically, because of its marked similarities to beauty.
1674055;1498240467;*;js-of-mp spent some time playing social game with this, "has green skin and long ears" "isn't that a greenskin ?" "uhhh"
1674056;1498240495;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: yeah, but how visual is that.
1674057;1498240561;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673560 << i would. i would also describe new mexico or texas with the wetbacks as more hospitable, habitable etc than without.
1674058;1498240561;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:11 asciilifeform: erlehmann: would you describe germany+turks as more habitable, enjoyable, interesting place than the germany sans turks you grew up in ?
1674059;1498240587;js-of-mp;note that if you can't come up with a good novel IT ISN'T THE FAULT OF THE WOMAN EMPTYING YOUR BASKET.
1674060;1498240618;js-of-mp;i think every domestic slave of every cramped up writer got screamed at least once in her life out of the dude's pure frustration at his own inability.
1674061;1498240629;js-of-mp;if berlin scene is dead it's not because the turks came in and did the dishes.
1674062;1498240636;asciilifeform;js-of-mp: you visited the sans- ? with.. time machine?!
1674063;1498240647;asciilifeform;( re texas )
1674064;1498240653;js-of-mp;my time machine works better than your c machine!
1674066;1498240676;trinque;it is factual that the non-pussified mexican culture is a huge boon for texas.
1674067;1498240677;js-of-mp;texas sans would be ~penn.
1674068;1498240737;*;asciilifeform thinks of mexico , inevitably immediately thinks also about icepick
1674069;1498240768;js-of-mp;i really recommend hanging out with some tattood short dudes from whicever gang is locally available.
1674070;1498240779;js-of-mp;you will come out with a better impression of manhood generally.
1674071;1498240805;erlehmann;but why short dude?
1674072;1498240815;js-of-mp;well mexicans, whadda ya want.
1674073;1498240825;trinque;they work their asses off for one, and that goes straight up to the business-owner ones.
1674074;1498240831;asciilifeform;betcha there are tall aztecs ~somewhere~
1674075;1498240836;trinque;omg racis
1674076;1498240839;js-of-mp;but we are discussing mexicans specifically.
1674077;1498240854;js-of-mp;ie, hang out with puerto ricans, you're jus tseeing 2nd hand new york.
1674078;1498240867;js-of-mp;and god damned their music is god-awful omfg.
1674079;1498240881;erlehmann;trinque omg raCIS-male!!!
1674081;1498240976;erlehmann;on that note, my pronouns are haltstopp and blitzkrieg
1674082;1498240991;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673567 << i collect the bottom 10% of all sorts of places. young females are eminently educable, and the poorer the better.
1674083;1498240991;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:15 asciilifeform: erlehmann: i enjoy a number of things, from turkish military marches to turkish sweets. but it is different q from 'do i want the bottom economic 10% of turkey moving in next door'
1674084;1498241020;asciilifeform;erlehmann: mine are 'hande hoch' and русс здавайс
1674085;1498241022;erlehmann;because poor → no illusions about self-worth?
1674086;1498241030;js-of-mp;poverty is not some sort of predictor of prospective failure in my experience. just a summary of historical failure.
1674087;1498241061;js-of-mp;erlehmann: well, not really, no. vanity comes in valupacks at any price point. but because, if nothing else, hungry.
1674088;1498241073;js-of-mp;hunger is good, as it is the only true antithesis of indolence.
1674089;1498241078;asciilifeform;js-of-mp collects plutonium from sea water. sailor - drowns in sea. both work with sea!111
1674090;1498241095;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: so we could say that the problem wit htheir being poor is your being poor too ?
1674091;1498241103;js-of-mp;this is eminently true, and especially of today's berlin.
1674092;1498241115;erlehmann;asciilifeform totally unrelated, what is your opinion about compose key?
1674093;1498241126;erlehmann;in terms of machine being predictable etc.
1674094;1498241131;asciilifeform;erlehmann: wassat
1674095;1498241148;asciilifeform;js-of-mp: was in re '10% females'
1674096;1498241162;js-of-mp;no, i know. that's what i mean.
1674097;1498241177;erlehmann;asciilifeform kind of mod key: 1. press compose key. 2. press at least two other keys in succession 3. get glyph that makes sense
1674098;1498241184;js-of-mp;barefoot never-ever-seen-tampons female will still think highly of self in her own village.
1674099;1498241193;erlehmann;asciilifeform so for example compose and - and > makes →
1674100;1498241200;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i dun like modals
1674101;1498241201;erlehmann;asciilifeform but compose C C C P makes ☭
1674102;1498241205;asciilifeform;but matter of taste
1674103;1498241233;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i'd rather hit 'altgraph meta c' and get same or etc
1674104;1498241237;erlehmann;modality is limited, that's why i asked
1674105;1498241251;js-of-mp;google item, mouse-paste the product!
1674106;1498241251;asciilifeform;i dun like sticky modes.
1674107;1498241259;erlehmann;also most compose key sequences are just overlaying of characters, compose + - makes ±
1674108;1498241289;asciilifeform;erlehmann: you'd be surprised re how rarely i need or want hieroglyphs
1674109;1498241308;asciilifeform;i live with cyrillic but that's it
1674110;1498241430;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673576 << mostly north african french from what i could discern. for some reason it was a big deal political gesture in like algiers.
1674111;1498241430;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 20:19 trinque: I'm still eagerly awaiting a description of these roving gangs of car burners.
1674112;1498241453;js-of-mp;possibvly modern day equiv of roman "slaughtering cattle" , in the sense that car's white man's camel or something
1674113;1498241471;js-of-mp;but then it got postmodernified, so not very specific anymoar.
1674114;1498241520;js-of-mp;anyway, item goes around with 10-20-50 MJ, it's only sensible to try and FOAD it .
1674115;1498241523;phf;(somewhat related, the battle of algiers is a cool movie on the subject of why burn cars. i suspect that same car burning tactic was later adopted by the ira)
1674117;1498241547;*;js-of-mp very far from expert on teh behaviour
1674118;1498241561;asciilifeform;problem wit htheir being poor is your being poor too ? << too poor to build perfectly impermeable membrane against'em, aha
1674119;1498241576;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: women exist to be used not chained up in the basement.
1674120;1498241584;asciilifeform;realize, i dun want'em for anything. no more than mice, fleas
1674121;1498241589;js-of-mp;and why not ?
1674122;1498241615;js-of-mp;could build flea circus. you know the story of the ancient alf-sheik who had ant thread gemstone ?
1674123;1498241622;asciilifeform;because не культурные
1674124;1498241650;asciilifeform;i'll leave the flea circuses to magicians like js-of-mp
1674125;1498241651;js-of-mp;what's the difference between that and "i won't talk to the girl at the bar because wrong kind of music is currently playing" ?
1674126;1498241656;phf;my north ireland friend tells me that the burning car was a kind of symbol of terror when she was growing up. it wasn't so much about the car itself, it's the fact that around where it was burned there were probably going to be ira militants ready to "check your papers"
1674127;1498241672;asciilifeform;!!up js-of-mp
1674128;1498241672;deedbot;js-of-mp voiced for 30 minutes.
1674129;1498241723;js-of-mp;phf: yes, it's an anti-state pillar, for sure. smoke visible from distance, etc.
1674130;1498241725;asciilifeform;js-of-mp: because the wrongmusic plays not at the bar, but permanently on her face..
1674131;1498241733;asciilifeform;i fucking hate cowfaces.
1674132;1498241742;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: they all grip the same from behind...
1674133;1498241749;asciilifeform;this - possibly
1674134;1498241761;phf;driving on a one way street, through the woods, a car burning in the distance. "oh shit"
1674135;1498241772;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: confounding dumb and poor is subversive in this discussion.
1674136;1498241776;asciilifeform;i hear sow also quite like same from behind..
1674137;1498241987;js-of-mp;who do you hear this from ?
1674138;1498241993;js-of-mp;pig penis quite unlike o fman
1674139;1498242013;*;shinohai is under tornado watch, opens a bottle of wine to celebrate ....
1674140;1498242033;asciilifeform;this yes. figured in one of lomachinsky's anatomist tales even
1674141;1498242037;js-of-mp;in proper tornado, bottle drinks you!
1674143;1498242083;*;asciilifeform currently marveling at the turdworldification of nyc
1674145;1498242092;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673621 same place just about.
1674146;1498242092;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 22:07 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673590 << where did the butthurt go when kraken, shitfinex, et al did same thing?
1674147;1498242097;asciilifeform;crumbling cement absolutely everywhere
1674148;1498242114;asciilifeform;sewer gas also
1674149;1498242131;js-of-mp;asciilifeform: backm in the 80s, the fashionable thing to say was "the city's a toilet, moving to whiteplains". well... THEY HAD NO IDEA THEN
1674151;1498242215;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673627 << lel. http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Agribble+%22You+could+have+sent+a+bitcoin+from%22
1674152;1498242215;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 22:35 Framedragger unrelatedly recalls placing orders on mtgox and getting multi-minute+ lags
1674153;1498242255;asciilifeform;goxlag archipelag!111
1674154;1498242384;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673655 << not a matter of copyright. there's specific protections, you can't make the jodie foster foundation etc.
1674155;1498242384;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 01:35 asciilifeform: re knuth... names ain't, afaik, copyrightable anywhere, even in usa.. so i half expect to live to see a 'mircea popescu foundation' run by, e.g., malia obummer, which funds transsexualized rust programming for systemd plugins
1674156;1498242415;asciilifeform;can if you find 'own' jodie f, neh?
1674157;1498242433;asciilifeform;'not this mircea, that one'
1674158;1498242455;js-of-mp;ah, that iirc already exists, wikitards found some $rando.
1674159;1498242461;js-of-mp;amusement of the week
1674160;1498242485;asciilifeform;aha! so it'll be 'his' foundation
1674161;1498242536;js-of-mp;lol, the dubious fortune of being also called pacepa.
1674163;1498242620;js-of-mp;highest ranking deserter in eastern bloc, ro spymaster
1674164;1498242634;asciilifeform;ah hm him
1674165;1498242669;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673684 << aha. the summer of forks caught a little bit of a spell of relfection, ended up hitting home.
1674166;1498242669;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 04:59 pete_dushenski: turns out it's quite the mish-mash out there. far from the taught controversy of reddit : "uasf" vs "core" vs "blockstream" . pretty much none of the software versions you read about anywhere outside #t are actually the ones in use.
1674167;1498242696;js-of-mp;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1673693 << what do you mean ?
1674168;1498242696;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 06:01 ben_vulpes: what is protocol for bot voice? mimisbrunnr now has a use for that.
1674169;1498242708;js-of-mp;can voice self whenevers.
1674170;1498242776;js-of-mp;aaand with that, i shall bid you lot a very good weekend and laters!
1674171;1498242789;ben_vulpes;yeah, Framedragger got me ther
1674172;1498242790;shinohai;Hasta luego js-of-mp
1674173;1498242802;asciilifeform;goodnight js-of-mp
1674174;1498242803;ben_vulpes;bit of state to manage, since the thing sits in umpteen channels with umpteen different voice models
1674176;1498242847;trinque;js-of-mp: cya!
1674177;1498244765;BingoBoingo;Now to wait and see if key holding mp comes back to confirm autheticity of jaguar spirit, lest jaguar spirit be some sort of shitty chameleon spirit
1674178;1498249993;lobbes;or lest Jaguar Spirit MP be some sort of Javascript MP. Stay tuned to find out, folx!
1674179;1498252136;BingoBoingo;Well the spirit identified as jaguar
1674180;1498252161;BingoBoingo;Have to assume it is because of the fyiad rule
1674181;1498252229;shinohai;We could have easily determined if it was javascript MP by asking it to return random integers.
1674183;1498255897;shinohai;I pushed for them to name it after Preet, but failed: http://archive.is/niVnw
1674184;1498259439;lobbes;in other news, I'm happy to report my FUCKGOATS has arrived!
1674185;1498259441;lobbes;I plan to wrap my brain around, and then run the recommended tests; will report results once I do
1674187;1498260601;asciilifeform;congrats lobbes !!
1674188;1498265869;mod6;lobbes: cool!
1674189;1498267239;sina;mornin tmsr
1674190;1498268338;mod6;how goes/
1674191;1498268714;sina;mod6: heya, not too bad, working on a gossipd impl!
1674192;1498268742;sina;been working on it all week really
1674193;1498268747;sina;lots of fun
1674194;1498269628;sina;its not finished yet, but I just completed the "server" portion of the daemon the next piece is to start on the "client" that connects to peers, generates RSA keys, sends bogus challenges
1674196;1498269710;*;shinohai applauds sina for not writing it in golang ....
1674198;1498269761;sina;shinohai: I was definitely thinking about it. there is a lot to be said for the strong typing and forced error checking which makes the program more robust
1674199;1498269858;sina;anyway I am hoping to have a decent complete implementation done by tomorrow-ish
1674200;1498269934;trinque;https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd/blob/master/gossipd/util/gpg.py#L3 << I lul'd
1674202;1498269981;trinque;http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/ << not following the thread then?
1674203;1498269996;sina;I need to complete the client part for that so I can flesh out the key handling
1674204;1498269997;trinque;what you've got there looks like a tcp-gpg-wad hucker
1674205;1498270067;sina;I'm working on the spec per the blog post, the thread had a lot of stuff on which there wasn't a consensus yet
1674206;1498270141;trinque;cool, was just curious which gossipd you meant.
1674207;1498270146;sina;trinque: is there anything from the thread you think was agreed that materially modifies the spec in post? I figured mp would have updated if so
1674208;1498270166;sina;yeah fair
1674209;1498270502;sina;going to get some food and chill out for a bit, any feedback would be appreciated
1674210;1498270518;trinque;there was for example the lighthouse concept; asciilifeform has also spoken of using the luby fountain algorithm over iirc either udp or raw IP packets.
1674211;1498270532;trinque;!#s luby
1674212;1498270533;a111;22 results for "luby", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=luby
1674213;1498270589;trinque;guy can speak for himself, but I'm sure these items await his "P"
1674214;1498270602;trinque;doesn't prevent anybody else from fiddling in his own shop
1674215;1498272711;sina;ah yeah I do remember reading the lighthouse comments
1674216;1498272750;sina;trinque: my problem is I don't have an original bone in my body, so short of a well described (enough) spec I have a lot of trouble
1674217;1498272774;sina;my impl is more "hey, here is a spec I can implement for some funtimes" than "hey, here is a useful thing"
1674218;1498273810;sina;just going through those comments again trinque, e.g. http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/#comment-119015 "One possible cut of the Gordian Knot re: my "enemy's ability to trigger a response from a suspected-node on demand" would be for every node to have a "lighthouse" - an always-on broadcaster of authentication challenge strings." per the spec I will be implementing this
1674219;1498273842;sina;"Unsolicited challenge strings will also be sent, at intervals and to destinations specified by the operator."
1674220;1498273914;sina;although tbh I don't fully understand the purpose because if someone is watching the wire, they will see the session never gets fully established
1674221;1498274828;sina;some win10 src got leaked https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/06/23/windows_10_leak/
1674222;1498278675;sina;out for a bit
1674223;1498278982;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0D4CC8C588478D718F17A4243FCFFAB346D3374D857651FE5E18943D56623C46 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1380...0109 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vz265.worldserver.net. DE)
1674224;1498278982;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0D4CC8C588478D718F17A4243FCFFAB346D3374D857651FE5E18943D56623C46 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1734...2487 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vz265.worldserver.net. DE)
1674225;1498279654;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1674226;1498279661;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2703.83, vol: 8180.10512074 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2657.199, vol: 3153.9575 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2688.5, vol: 7827.96099297 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2891.834538, vol: 5663.30470000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2682.525, vol: 3123.89985527 | Volume-weighted last average: 2729.98805555
1674227;1498280601;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EB8C93FE2651B21232B43D564E9A7DFE74FD6D6D05601D764DB53427886CA9C4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1501...9849 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (archtest.tuxtools.net. DE)
1674228;1498280602;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EB8C93FE2651B21232B43D564E9A7DFE74FD6D6D05601D764DB53427886CA9C4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1792...8753 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (archtest.tuxtools.net. DE)
1674229;1498326222;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/phHeR/?raw=true
1674230;1498326222;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1674231;1498336316;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/bitcoin-latecomers-try-pumping-blockchain-info-flush-with-fiat-cash/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Latecomers Try Pumping Blockchain.info Flush With Fiat Cash
1674232;1498336893;shinohai;ty BingoBoingo o7
1674233;1498336935;shinohai;(also appears I forgot to close the SFYL tag with )
1674234;1498337685;erlehmann;http://trilema.com/2014/consent-is-a-myth-lets-see-how-it-came-to-be/ << i did not know what to make of mp's idiosyncratic writing style at first, but this what i'll show people if they question the “queer zine for the 1%” line.
1674235;1498337722;erlehmann;safe, sane, consensual (choose max. 2)
1674236;1498344229;BingoBoingo;shinohai: ty fxd
1674237;1498344637;shinohai;Alo BingoBoingo in your "Violence Today" piece ... s/is still after/is still at
1674239;1498344695;BingoBoingo;ty fxd
1674240;1498344925;shinohai;A "we did it reddit" occurred when Coinbase announced they will be making ppl that called on the ETH crash whole, but not really qntrable.
1674241;1498345154;BingoBoingo;Define "whole"
1674242;1498345313;shinohai;Ah ha! Well, terms and conditions *do* apply it appears.
1674243;1498345660;BingoBoingo;Conditions like "Margin call"
1674245;1498346766;shinohai;And in whoreticulture fails: http://archive.is/YbBku
1674246;1498347499;BingoBoingo;shinohai: That was on Qntra last year, except for the Arkansas ban part. good find, will qntra
1674247;1498352238;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/arkansas-plant-board-sends-emergency-dicamba-ban-to-governor-amid-continued-dicamba-destruction-xtend-tmr/ << Qntra - Arkansas Plant Board Sends Emergency Dicamba Ban To Governor Amid "Continued Dicamba Destruction Xtend (TM)(R)"
1674248;1498354289;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/285C553D5DB91235A671C47926806E67DA594D9F9DD0955D8B4C27E98DA9BB73 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1603...0343 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (vdrm740.ful.informatik.haw-hamburg.de. DE HH)
1674249;1498354290;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/285C553D5DB91235A671C47926806E67DA594D9F9DD0955D8B4C27E98DA9BB73 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1352...9359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown DE HH)
1674251;1498359587;sina;hiya mod6
1674252;1498359599;mod6;how goes?
1674253;1498359621;sina;not bad just got home from eating some breakfast dumplings
1674254;1498359632;sina;and you sir
1674255;1498359661;sina;was kind of hoping mp would be around as I have a few gossipd questions
1674256;1498359770;mod6;ah right on.  just doing trb related testing :]
1674257;1498359800;sina;hows that goin
1674258;1498359816;mod6;so far, good!
1674259;1498361370;mod6;sina: if you wish, you can always ask your question, and im sure it'll get read in the logs.  someone will get back to you eventually.
1674260;1498361514;sina;good point
1674261;1498361675;sina;I. Gossipd will have access to a read-onlyii databaseiii of identitiesiv known to it.
1674262;1498361721;sina;but per the next specification sentence, the client will be generating keys constantly and potentially assigning them to use when connecting to a peer
1674263;1498361746;sina;it also states later that clients should keep track of last seen info
1674264;1498361757;sina;so really the list of identities needs to be mutable?
1674265;1498361797;sina;you might roll the key you're using to talk to a particular peer, or want to update its last seen status
1674266;1498365523;BingoBoingo;In other news pete_dushenski was right, I probably should learn how to ride a mundane slave-bicycle before putting more effort into motorcycle learning
1674267;1498365604;BingoBoingo;Or play around on one of those 50cc 2-cycle scooters to orient self to 2 wheeled sense of balance
1674268;1498365913;sina;BingoBoingo: did you hurt yourself
1674269;1498366073;BingoBoingo;Nah, had fun playing around on motorbike. Came to realize that the physics of 4-wheels have thoroughly colonized and corrupted my mind, and advancing further than burnouts would benefit from attuning inner ear to two wheeled physics.
1674270;1498366093;BingoBoingo;But burnouts on motorcycle are wicked easy.
1674271;1498366114;BingoBoingo;So much braking power on front wheel!
1674272;1498366127;sina;finally, you got the breaking power you truly need!
1674273;1498366293;BingoBoingo;Funny thing is the vehicle played with would have been perfect for crossing Darien gap
1674274;1498366520;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-26#1662579 << Machine in question
1674275;1498366520;a111;Logged on 2017-05-26 03:39 BingoBoingo: In other research, OMG A TWO WHEELED TRACTOR!!! https://www.topspeed.com/motorcycles/motorcycle-reviews/yamaha/2016-2017-yamaha-tw200-ar171244.html
1674276;1498367654;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/02D55B918782FF27FAD0D12360DE85CA8B1539A6EACAB4C77C5E3E310B23FDF7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1438...6963 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown NL)
1674277;1498367654;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/02D55B918782FF27FAD0D12360DE85CA8B1539A6EACAB4C77C5E3E310B23FDF7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1778...6373 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown NL)
1674278;1498367791;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: one of the fun things you won't learn about on a slavecycle is the delightful secondary torque around your axis of travel developed when you open the throttle while turning
1674279;1498367935;ben_vulpes;in other lols, assbot apparently still tells folks about the voice model
1674280;1498372241;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Felt that. The thing is gotta learn the more mundane feelings to learn the novel ones
1674281;1498375499;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1674282;1498375507;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2579.87, vol: 14204.91124638 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2589.998, vol: 5824.27668 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2527.8, vol: 19599.96858084 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2826.517463, vol: 12627.92760000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2562.878, vol: 5531.23463269 | Volume-weighted last average: 2615.50137883
1674284;1498377863;sina;took me a fair bit of debugging but I got the gossipd thing going so it sends and receives messages. peer addition and message addition are manual commands atm, but it does work :D github.com/sinner-/gossipd
1674285;1498378133;sina;gonna head out for dinner and hopefully start adding in pieces of the crypto on my return
1674286;1498399861;shinohai;Launch your ICO NOW before it is too late!!!! http://icokit.com/
1674287;1498406689;diana_coman;!!up mp-en-managua
1674288;1498406689;deedbot;mp-en-managua voiced for 30 minutes.
1674289;1498406705;mp-en-managua;thankee diana_coman
1674290;1498406714;diana_coman;no more js? lol
1674291;1498406733;mp-en-managua;these ppls are unserious with the upping!
1674292;1498406744;mp-en-managua;diana_coman: nah, came back to human form.
1674293;1498406758;diana_coman;eh, Sunday service, whaddayawant
1674295;1498406818;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170622/#340 << did he ever get it btw ?
1674296;1498406819;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-22: [23:58:00]  Also, if someone could share a copy of mp-wp, that'd be swell.
1674297;1498406819;mp-en-managua;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-6-23#2af40b52-19bb-4d4e-8459-8b8c4146ee9c << possibly teh right approach being to standardize teh voice model.
1674298;1498406819;mp-en-managua;http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema?d=2017-6-23#2aa8c3f2-fda4-4904-ab82-c0acf4b523d0 << manana lel.
1674299;1498406877;mp-en-managua;ah, ben_vulpes' thingee dun read outloud huh. also the windows original product keys are a little lengthy.
1674300;1498406973;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170624/#5 << check out this guy!
1674301;1498406973;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-24: [01:45:14]  mod6: heya, not too bad, working on a gossipd impl!
1674302;1498407138;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170624/#23 << as experience shows, the first implementation of a spec often ends up improving the spec. write it out, see what's wrong with it after/
1674303;1498407138;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-24: [02:15:03]  going to get some food and chill out for a bit, any feedback would be appreciated
1674304;1498407388;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170624/#50 << ahh, it's been a pleasure re-reading that piece. /me enjoys reading trilema apparently.
1674305;1498407388;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-24: [20:54:46]  http://trilema.com/2014/consent-is-a-myth-lets-see-how-it-came-to-be/ << i did not know what to make of mp's idiosyncratic writing style at first, but this what i'll show people if they question the “queer zine for the 1%” line.
1674306;1498407503;TomServo; mp-en-managua Yup, shinohai helped me out, thanks.
1674307;1498407514;mp-en-managua;cool deal.
1674308;1498407667;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170624/#61 << it's funny, they notice the part where "pitting arkansas farmers against arkansas farmers is never good", but they don't notice the part where "all arkansas farmers do all day is argue how to better plant soy for the chinese boss man". i suppose that's always good or what.
1674309;1498407667;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-24: [23:26:06]  And in whoreticulture fails: http://archive.is/YbBku
1674310;1498407844;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170625/#10 << at this time i think i was hanging out with the only indian restauranteur in all of granada. fine gentleman, used to run a place in majorca if he's to be believed. kickass homemade yogurt, and fine vindaloo.
1674311;1498407844;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-25: [03:01:01]  was kind of hoping mp would be around as I have a few gossipd questions
1674312;1498407989;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170625/#19 << indirection layer. you have your actual identities on one side, and they're immutable, just an ever growing list, similar to how wallet keeps accumulating bitcoi naddresses with their keys.
1674313;1498407989;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-25: [03:35:57]  so really the list of identities needs to be mutable?
1674314;1498408052;mp-en-managua;on the othe rside you have th esignificance of these identities, which is an operator concern. the operator may be augmented by the program, but principally speaking the designation of identities works like the us notion of state secrets - "they're classified if the president says and until he says."
1674315;1498408238;mp-en-managua;it's not very clear to me what you mean by "update lastseen status", but yes in principle there's no need for an outside observer to be able to distinguish "your" identities from "others", ie whether you wer eable to decypher message M or not needn't be leaked.
1674316;1498408753;TomServo;!up mp-en-managua
1674317;1498408772;TomServo;!!up mp-en-managua
1674318;1498408772;deedbot;mp-en-managua voiced for 30 minutes.
1674319;1498408778;mp-en-managua;why thankee
1674320;1498409754;mp-en-managua;fucking incredible this country, pre jp2 catolicism survives undisturbed in nicaragua. you'd think you're in 1880s sicily over here, proper parade, including the music and the excited tweens in clean clothes for once in their week.
1674321;1498410049;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170625/#45 << "Are you sick of watching Cryptocurrency opportunities pass you by without getting in the game? Here's what we can do for you: We will create an ERC20 complient Ethereum Token for you."
1674322;1498410050;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-25: [14:11:02]  Launch your ICO NOW before it is too late!!!! http://icokit.com/
1674323;1498410079;mp-en-managua;apparently fucktards learned nothing of the doge slaughter, still believe "promotion" matters.
1674324;1498410388;mp-en-managua;and of course, from the mandatory list of idle bullshit, "Gnosis $12.5 million for decentralized prediction market. " because totally, we've entirely forgotten how whatever random redditardesque thing was going to take over from bitbet at any point nao because it has to because redditard friendly is all that matters to the redditard mind AND IT WAS
1674325;1498410388;mp-en-managua; DECENTRALIZED HURR.
1674326;1498410398;mp-en-managua;how they don't tire of themselves is anyone's guess by this point.
1674327;1498410493;mp-en-managua;"There is no denying that ICOs are hot right now. If you have a great idea for a Cryptocurrency, there is an army of enthusiasts ready and excited to back you."
1674328;1498410496;mp-en-managua;toppest of keks.
1674329;1498411031;BingoBoingo;!!Up mp-en-managua
1674330;1498411031;deedbot;mp-en-managua voiced for 30 minutes.
1674331;1498411969;mp-en-managua;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170625/#42 << im defo giving this a spin once back.
1674332;1498411969;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-25: [08:08:54]  gonna head out for dinner and hopefully start adding in pieces of the crypto on my return
1674333;1498412034;mp-en-managua;and in other not-news, frankenhooker is definitely worth seeing. preferably with a bunch of "shy" and "they never did this before" naked latinas, who don't speak too good english and aren't old enough to know wtf a vhs tape is.
1674334;1498412041;mp-en-managua;but even without, pretty entertaining.
1674335;1498412299;shinohai;o hai mp-en-managua
1674337;1498412594;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674299 << i suspect if you manually upped mimisbrunnr (until he implements the self voice) it would quote now
1674338;1498412594;a111;Logged on 2017-06-25 16:07 mp-en-managua: ah, ben_vulpes' thingee dun read outloud huh. also the windows original product keys are a little lengthy.
1674339;1498412779;asciilifeform;mp-en-managua: spoiler: it's a python skin on (yes, via shell, per packet..!) koch gpg
1674340;1498412848;phf;though the via shell, per packet part isn't implemented yet
1674341;1498412855;asciilifeform;i dun like , contrary to popular belief, pissing on parades. but pile of coal is not a diamond.
1674342;1498412867;asciilifeform;phf: lol
1674343;1498412893;asciilifeform;i confess, did not read whole thing, past the boojum.
1674344;1498412946;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's old post re making a gift from paper for his mother, comes to mind.
1674345;1498412961;*;asciilifeform bbl
1674346;1498413238;shinohai;!!up mp-en-managua
1674347;1498413239;deedbot;mp-en-managua voiced for 30 minutes.
1674348;1498413286;mp-en-managua;phf: well yeah but i cant voice atm
1674349;1498413327;mp-en-managua;asciilifeform: no, i saw the thing on github. but what's the big deal, spend an hour with the new guy an' his thing, see what comes of it.
1674350;1498413642;shinohai;re: icokit, I hope to see 1000 redditards do this, will keep the methereum DDoS fueled for a bit :)
1674351;1498413688;shinohai;"But Gavin said ETH scales better than Bitcoin!!!!!"
1674353;1498413744;mp-en-managua;1000 redditards do this with what 25% of 1997 bux ?
1674354;1498415299;shinohai;!!up mp-en-managua
1674355;1498415299;deedbot;mp-en-managua voiced for 30 minutes.
1674356;1498415699;mp-en-managua;thanks for voice. i'll bb tomorrow.
1674357;1498422466;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/poor-brits-evacuated-from-their-warehousing-in-green-incinerators/ << Qntra - Poor Brits Evacuated From Their Warehousing In Green Incinerators
1674359;1498425018;BingoBoingo;Found in wild: "Protip: if you meet someone and don't want to ask his/her/:wq preferred pronouns, you can just use vim commands instead"
1674360;1498425879;shinohai;Sounds legit
1674361;1498427416;jurov;definitely better approach than pressing their Control, Meta and Shift keys all the time
1674362;1498429849;erlehmann;BingoBoingo medusa magazine seems pretty reasonable, indeed https://medusamagazine.com/youre-a-bigot-if-you-wouldnt-have-sex-with-a-gay-friend
1674363;1498429935;erlehmann;i wonder if it was intended as genuine satire or more as clickbait to get advertising dollars
1674364;1498430022;BingoBoingo;Who cares, guilty by absence from WoT
1674366;1498430256;erlehmann;rhymes, even!
1674367;1498430980;BingoBoingo;That's how you know it's true.
1674368;1498431061;BingoBoingo;In other Obeasts https://archive.is/hPIqc
1674369;1498431109;erlehmann;“… und was sich reimt, ist gut!”
1674371;1498432738;sina;that is some dumb shit BingoBoingo but I am pretty sure it's just someone trolling, because I think I have seen that pic before
1674372;1498432773;sina;oh right its from instructables
1674374;1498432784;BingoBoingo;Well, WoT or GTFO to the author
1674375;1498433302;shinohai;otoh she *could* oversee death penalty cases and just execute the condemned by sitting on them.
1674376;1498433319;shinohai;But that might constitute "cruel and unusual" punishment.
1674377;1498438764;sina;suggestions on the following key exchange conundrum:
1674378;1498438870;sina;I am trying to program the following behaviour, a user can run "gossipc --add-peer --host --port 5000 --name sina" and gossipc will select one of the available (not bogus) RSA keys generated by the ongoing key generation process and say something like "peer added. advertise/exchange the following pubkey to that peer:"
1674379;1498438975;sina;but this presents a chicken/egg problem, where the peer "initiating" the addition will need to then advertise that key to the other peer and wait for a key back, and then initiate an update to the peer data to add in the advertised pubkey
1674380;1498438982;sina;which seems a bit hacky.
1674381;1498439022;sina;any thoughts? does that even make sense? basically it's caused because I am trying to use a different pubkey per peer, if there was just 1 pubkey it would be a standard out of band RSA pubkey exchange
1674382;1498439034;sina;phf? trinque?
1674383;1498439180;sina;or should it be a three-phase thing where 1. each peer advertises their name/host/port to the other 2. each receives the others pubkey 3. adds it to the peer info
1674384;1498439213;sina;that seems less hacky typing it out
1674385;1498441574;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CBCE9595FFD44B5848895D2216E07BF49549F3724C839F7BC77492932CD12B70 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1598...3303 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown BA BIH)
1674386;1498441575;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CBCE9595FFD44B5848895D2216E07BF49549F3724C839F7BC77492932CD12B70 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1462...5079 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown BA BIH)
1674387;1498441663;BingoBoingo;From the mines:
1674388;1498441663;BingoBoingo;The Slatest
1674389;1498441663;BingoBoingo;Your News Companion
1674390;1498441663;BingoBoingo;June 25 2017 7:51 PM
1674391;1498441663;BingoBoingo;Gay Pride Marchers Carrying Star of David Flags Kicked Out of Chicago Parade
1674392;1498441664;BingoBoingo;By Daniel Politi
1674393;1498441666;BingoBoingo;ISRAELJERUSALEMGAYPARADE An Israeli woman draped with a rainbow gay pride flag with the Star of David walks past Israeli border policemen during the annual Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade on July 21, 2016.
1674394;1498441669;BingoBoingo;AFP/Getty Images
1674395;1498441671;BingoBoingo;Three people carrying Jewish Pride flags were asked to leave the Chicago Dyke March on Saturday in part because they “repeatedly expressed support for Zionism”"
1674396;1498442120;sina;BingoBoingo: that's pretty funny because I was reading this http://exiledonline.com/russia-blog-day-1-the-strange-activist-who-provoked-chechnyas-anti-gay-crackdown/
1674397;1498442179;sina;TL;DR, Russian gay activist who triggered crackdown/kidnap/murder on gay people in Chechnya (aside from a bunch of other stupid shit) is also very anti-semite
1674398;1498442208;sina;it's almost as if being a homosexual has nothing to do with your political orientation :P
1674399;1498442581;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/354708EE43E41E72C8E4227529A7F2A75D9B7D1EDB29D174008FF2CE74FA3A5E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1788...6957 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (biofisica-35.unipv.it. IT 25 PV)
1674400;1498442582;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/354708EE43E41E72C8E4227529A7F2A75D9B7D1EDB29D174008FF2CE74FA3A5E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1518...3873 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (biofisica-35.unipv.it. IT 25 PV)
1674401;1498447633;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1674402;1498447637;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2532.21, vol: 10188.40615120 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2537.006, vol: 5061.79062 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2488.5, vol: 16447.74479774 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2880.064726, vol: 8307.21190000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2498.81, vol: 5140.30973793 | Volume-weighted last average: 2577.0287227
1674403;1498450604;ben_vulpes;sina: you read http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=line+speed ?
1674404;1498450666;ben_vulpes;not to piss in cheerios, but to find shared basis.
1674405;1498450771;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673500 << most folks who bitch in the manner of "oh noes, rising rents and stagnant wages" have not meaningfully pursued higher wages. not a matter of "rich as know how to get" but "thought this rich was enough forever" which is very foolish.
1674406;1498450771;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 19:48 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673487 << i find it lulzy that folx will happily say this to someone to whom they would ~not~ necessarily say 'kill yerself nao, slice lengthwise' . but at the same time the phrases have EQUIVALENT meaning, because at some point you are already as rich as you possibly know how to become.
1674407;1498450907;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674337 << does, yes
1674408;1498450907;a111;Logged on 2017-06-25 17:43 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674299 << i suspect if you manually upped mimisbrunnr (until he implements the self voice) it would quote now
1674409;1498451096;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674299 << yeah, it suxx, i hear you. probably going do the right thing like phf and use timestamps
1674410;1498451096;a111;Logged on 2017-06-25 16:07 mp-en-managua: ah, ben_vulpes' thingee dun read outloud huh. also the windows original product keys are a little lengthy.
1674411;1498451305;sina;heya ben_vulpes
1674412;1498451320;sina;thanks for the headsup on that, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-01#1418726 looks interesting but quite different from what I'm making :P
1674413;1498451320;a111;Logged on 2016-03-01 03:53 asciilifeform: mats: the idea is, a kind of line-speed (GB ethernet) wall, where crud goes in, and valid in-wot gossipd out.
1674414;1498451450;sina;ben_vulpes: that is quite different from the spec :P
1674415;1498453626;ben_vulpes;sina: consider your basis shared!
1674416;1498453796;sina;ben_vulpes: I'm not smart enough to make what's described there, just implementing the spec I saw for amusement
1674417;1498454393;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: broken link: http://www.contravex.com/trilema-bots-directory/
1674418;1498454537;ben_vulpes;from http://trilema.com/2016/trilema-bot-spec/
1674419;1498454890;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674280 << don't forget that you can put a holy 2-stroke in the secret apu slot of the slavecycle at the ghetto craft table and walk away with the prized freedombike!
1674420;1498454890;a111;Logged on 2017-06-25 06:30 BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Felt that. The thing is gotta learn the more mundane feelings to learn the novel ones
1674421;1498454901;ben_vulpes;*brapp brapp*!
1674422;1498455568;ben_vulpes;on the "laptops suck" thread, now that i'm using an adult workstation most of the time, my hands start hurting after a bare thirty minutes on a 13" laptop kb
1674423;1498455648;ben_vulpes;and so, adieu
1674424;1498457868;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: AHA
1674425;1498457873;BingoBoingo;chainsaw bike!
1674426;1498458910;BingoBoingo;Or as an alternative there's a number of new manufacter 2-cycle scooters which do not require registration due to various "moped" exemptions. Needs to be under 50cc displacement which means riding machine with 1/4 of a lawnmower engine or twice a string trimmer engine.
1674427;1498471090;sina;alright. the gossipd thingo is 0.0.1 implemented. peers can communicate, each session (fetch messages) is mediated by deedbot style OTP with per peer-pair RSA keys (no GPG shell asciilifeform, using libtomcrypt). I wrote a tiny client to add peers, exchange keys, broadcast msgs and view stored msgs. there is a README.
1674428;1498471101;sina;if anyone wants to play https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd
1674429;1498471178;sina;it's still a little rough around the edges so you can break it pretty easily if you disconnect during a session or send bad data or whatever like that.
1674430;1498471232;sina;pytomcrypt is the only external dependency
1674431;1498471402;sina;tmsr trigger warnings: it uses sqlite, TCP, OOP but I tried to make it modular enough that those things could easily be changed. It isn't the lighthouse or linespeed thing asciilifeform has mentioned, I just tried to follow the spec on trilema.com
1674432;1498471555;sina;~700 LoC
1674433;1498479414;sina;TL;DR: unfixed Skylake and Kaby Lake processors could, in some
1674434;1498479415;sina;situations, dangerously misbehave when hyper-threading is enabled.
1674435;1498479415;sina;Disable hyper-threading immediately in BIOS/UEFI to work around the
1674436;1498479415;sina;problem.  Read this advisory for instructions about an Intel-provided
1674439;1498480633;erlehmann;sina have you checked all your input against a formal grammar today?
1674440;1498480886;erlehmann;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674429 << “of course i've validated my input, officer, i swear”
1674441;1498480886;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 09:59 sina: it's still a little rough around the edges so you can break it pretty easily if you disconnect during a session or send bad data or whatever like that.
1674443;1498481560;sina;erlehmann: nope hehe
1674444;1498481669;erlehmann;sina http://langsec.org/occupy/
1674445;1498481803;sina;erlehmann: yup. if you look through the code you see I do validate inputs as they come in on the socket for example, but I noticed while I was developing that there are some more subtle edge cases and that's what I was referring to
1674446;1498481899;sina;erlehmann: for example https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd/blob/master/gossipd/cmd/gossipc.py#L68 ...it throws an error if you try to add a peer before an RSA key is available
1674447;1498481933;sina;I was just happy to get the OTP working for today and will continue to increment it
1674448;1498482631;sina;erlehmann: I do hope to be able to code a naughty host counter up, still thinking about that
1674450;1498487295;sina;mornin mod6
1674451;1498487301;sina;I was just about to sign off for the night :)
1674452;1498487321;sina;hope you have a nice day
1674453;1498487755;shinohai;O hai mod6
1674454;1498490850;mod6; how goes shinohai ?
1674455;1498490916;shinohai;Not bad mod6 .... want to get with you later this evening on the new Makefiles thing if you have a few minutes to spare
1674456;1498491024;erlehmann;> Makefiles
1674457;1498491038;erlehmann;shinohai http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/redo-sh.html
1674458;1498491151;shinohai;Interesting erlehmann ....
1674459;1498491204;erlehmann;shinohai faster smaller and more reliable than make
1674460;1498491248;erlehmann;shinohai you can see here why redo is superior by far http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/redo-gcc-automatic-dependencies.html#dependency-graph-visualization
1674461;1498491269;*;shinohai likes anything that can be done better w/ shell scripting
1674462;1498491338;erlehmann;if your build-system is not recording two dozen dependency relationship for a simple hello world program, it is pretty much a non-build-system
1674463;1498491361;erlehmann;reading the text explains that statement
1674464;1498491461;shinohai;Hey the redo-dot dep graph thing is pretty nifty too!
1674465;1498491505;erlehmann;i have yet to see a build system that can do so much in so few lines of code
1674466;1498491545;erlehmann;shinohai for a massive real-world C++ workload, build https://github.com/linleyh/liberation-circuit
1674467;1498491553;erlehmann;it has cmake scripts and a makefile
1674468;1498491558;erlehmann;but the cmake scripts don't work well
1674469;1498491569;erlehmann;and the makefile only builds the project on every second invocation
1674471;1498491574;erlehmann;make lulz
1674472;1498492272;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/supreme-court-lifts-lesser-court-injunctions-against-trump-travel-bans/ << Qntra - Supreme Court Lifts Lesser Court Injunctions Against Trump Travel Bans
1674473;1498492617;BingoBoingo;In not news, Buttstamp now introduce Litecoin trading to two cans and a string too
1674474;1498493213;mod6;<+shinohai> Not bad mod6 .... want to get with you later this evening on the new Makefiles thing if you have a few minutes to spare << sure thing.  did you get to try it out?
1674475;1498493365;shinohai;Haven't gotten to try it yet, but want to run the full suite of tests as soon as I get back home this afternoon. ;)
1674476;1498493408;mod6;ok, np. there are a matrix of tests that can be extrapolated from the doc.
1674477;1498493419;mod6;we can discuss later though.
1674478;1498493574;shinohai;kk, will ping you when I get back - sorry for the pm tag this weekend :/
1674479;1498494653;asciilifeform;in other lulz >> https://archive.is/Iqf3R << see also ye olde 'fly in it? i won't ~walk under it~'
1674480;1498494767;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674428 << fwiw i carefully read all of it. asciilifeform's verdict: very much a gabriel_laddel-ization of gossipd. does 0 of the necessary work, and drags in 5+GB of liquishit deps (python, sql, some derp's crypto lib.) the amount of this that would have to be rewritten, from the ground, is 100%. not even useful as illustration of anything, because NONE of the actually complicated moving parts of a
1674481;1498494767;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 09:58 sina: if anyone wants to play https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd
1674482;1498494767;asciilifeform;proper gossipd, are in there.
1674483;1498494771;trinque;didn't a (temporarily) flying one catch fire the other week?
1674484;1498494803;asciilifeform;trinque: possibly, but i missed
1674485;1498494847;TomServo;In moar MIT lulz >> https://archive.is/NkP2Y
1674486;1498494880;trinque;asciilifeform: https://archive.is/FJtTL
1674487;1498494896;asciilifeform;TomServo: lulzy. see also the infamous light bulb.
1674488;1498494944;trinque;clearly needs to upgrade to the f35, it's 19 better.
1674489;1498494956;asciilifeform;'Ever since IS&T started to undergo "The Transformation", there has been a deliberate and systematic attempt to change Computing at MIT for the worse. Services that have been relied on for years have been discontinued and turned down, frequently without notice. Infrastructure critical to running MIT has been outsourced to cloud services during "emergency maintenance". Most of these changes had minimal impact on students and faculty,
1674490;1498494956;asciilifeform;until IS&T suddenly and unceremoniously decided to renumber all of campus onto a private, NAT'd address space. Some buildings have already been migrated, with same-day notice, causing outages of services hosted in those buildings.'
1674492;1498494967;TomServo;asciilifeform: Tis what I was (obliquely) referencing with the 'moar'
1674493;1498495033;asciilifeform;hey, they gotta keep inmat^H^H^H^H^Hstudents from hosting warez/trb/etc terrorisms somehow!1111
1674494;1498495078;asciilifeform;'Although the ranges sold initially were unused, IS&T announced that the entire upper half of MITnet would be sold, and that buildings would need to be renumbered.' << holy fuq mircea_popescu was right
1674495;1498495085;asciilifeform;they spent it all on... ethertardium?!
1674496;1498495115;asciilifeform;picture 'upper half of british crown's jewels will be sold...' mentioned in passing in some unrelated crud
1674497;1498495158;asciilifeform;'Instead of being renumbered into publicly-accessible IP ranges, IS&T is moving all of campus into RFC-1918 10/8 addresses, and enforcing the campus firewall, which will be made up of Palo Alto 7050 devices, which are best known for their deep-packet inspection feature, App-ID.' << ahahaha so it ~is~ about zapping unauthorized nonethertardium nodes etc
1674498;1498495224;asciilifeform;or, alternatively, desperate usg dod-like last gasp to keep massive fleet of winblows boxen properly declitorized and infibulated
1674499;1498495259;asciilifeform;great lulzfind, TomServo
1674500;1498495271;asciilifeform;ty for posting.
1674501;1498495366;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/Tr9PF , linked within, also interesting : 'Led by IS&T’s vice president, John Charles, the ambitious reorganization began in February 2015 and aims to spur innovation through agile software development practices adopted from industry. Charles emphasizes that this is not a typical reorganization, but rather a complete transformation of MIT’s IT department. ... Many longtime employees have resigned ... Charles,
1674502;1498495366;asciilifeform; who was interviewed over email for this story, said he “cannot comment on individual decisions and personnel matters,” other than to say that all personnel matters were “handled in accordance with Institute HR policies.”' )
1674504;1498495574;asciilifeform;erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674460 << 'redo' is theoretically neat ( at least when compared to gnumake ) but - and i studied it, since you last mentioned it - it strikes me as a near-miss attempt to invent 'v'
1674505;1498495574;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 15:34 erlehmann: shinohai you can see here why redo is superior by far http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/posts/redo-gcc-automatic-dependencies.html#dependency-graph-visualization
1674506;1498495612;asciilifeform;gnumake is one of those turds that ~every serious user, eventually tries to rebuild, out of whatever is at hand, because of sheer barfalicity
1674507;1498495636;asciilifeform;but the generalized, correct incarnation of 'automatic dependency graph walker' is : v.
1674508;1498495819;mod6;<+shinohai> kk, will ping you when I get back - sorry for the pm tag this weekend :/ << no worries at all
1674509;1498495851;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674456 << thread: http://logs.bvulpes.com/trilema-mod6?d=2017-6-22#dcfcaad0-5fef-4672-8692-e8a69b9df2f5
1674510;1498495851;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 15:30 erlehmann: > Makefiles
1674511;1498496012;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674434 << has hyperthreading ever actually worked ? ( see also... http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/hyper-threading )
1674512;1498496012;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 12:16 sina: situations, dangerously misbehave when hyper-threading is enabled.
1674513;1498496068;asciilifeform;even on chips where it did not cause halt-and-catch-fire, it was always a sort of hardware equivalent of ye olde 'ramdoubler' scamola -- 'make luser think he has 2x the cores'
1674514;1498496125;asciilifeform;was introduced right when moore's law first was beginning to sputter out, and new ways of bamboozling idiot new-iron chasers were being devised - 'let's up the clock speed but cut the work per-cycle', etc
1674515;1498496284;asciilifeform;so intel shat out ht, aka 'i can't believe it's not a cpu core'
1674516;1498496494;erlehmann;asciilifeform i am curious, how does v walk dependencies and non-existence dependencies related to files?
1674517;1498496518;asciilifeform;erlehmann: what means to walk 'non-existence dependencies' ?
1674518;1498496519;erlehmann;i was of the impression that it presses a specific view of the world out of a) source code b) patches c) wot
1674519;1498496534;asciilifeform;if a vpatch refers to a hash of a nonexistent file, the process stops.
1674520;1498496555;erlehmann;so v is more like a reverse epigraph, in my understanding
1674521;1498496581;asciilifeform;thing is, nowhere is it written that a v program ~must~ be a gnudiff-like thing
1674522;1498496582;erlehmann;non-existence dependencies are leaf nodes, so tree-walking stops there
1674523;1498496598;asciilifeform;can easily have process invocations (e.g. compiler invokes) rather than filename-hash
1674524;1498496616;erlehmann;i see the overlap
1674525;1498496620;asciilifeform;and they'd trigger, if hash not found immediately. and so you get a maketron.
1674526;1498496662;asciilifeform;current vtrons assume that all of the signed nodes exist on disk already.
1674527;1498496665;asciilifeform;but this is not intrinsic.
1674528;1498496721;asciilifeform;( so long as the signers, sign the hashes, and you still have a cryptographically healthy frozen history -- it is entirely acceptable to specify also how the inputs are to be produced. )
1674529;1498496751;erlehmann;apart from separation of concerns (tree-walking vs. invoked programs), what other gains are to be had by using a hypothetical v maketron instead of the existing redo maketron?
1674530;1498496780;asciilifeform;erlehmann: it isn't clear to me that these belong in separate programs, and that a system ought to have two tree walkers.
1674531;1498496804;asciilifeform;one - proper one - suffices. and it is easier to produce from a generalized vtron, than to produce a vtron from, e.g., 'redo'.
1674532;1498496840;asciilifeform;in general, the tumour mass of 'i have 200 utils that do ~same thing on my box, and not a single one ~quite~ works entirely' is to be flamethrowered.
1674533;1498496852;erlehmann;i understand completely
1674534;1498496875;erlehmann;i am willing to abandon my redo efforts if v maketron suits my needs better. does there exist a v implementation in <500 lines of shell?
1674535;1498496884;asciilifeform;erlehmann: shell - afaik not
1674536;1498496916;erlehmann;i chose bourne shell specifically because redo runs everywhere and i consider it stupid to need a C++ compiler or python interpreter for building stuff.
1674537;1498496930;asciilifeform;... but not to need bourne shell ?
1674538;1498496939;asciilifeform;i have systems here with no bourne shell.
1674539;1498496952;erlehmann;i have a single phone with no bourne shell and two others that have it.
1674540;1498496953;asciilifeform;but with c compiler.
1674541;1498496979;erlehmann;but that's my need. i was scratching my own itch.
1674542;1498496993;asciilifeform;nothing wrong with that.
1674543;1498497000;erlehmann;in terms of v, i have only produced this piece of questionable sanity http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/vdiff
1674544;1498497020;asciilifeform;but gotta remember, erlehmann , that one man's 'this is ON EVERY SYSTEM, motherfuckers, not an optional shitlib' is another's optional shitlib.
1674545;1498497056;asciilifeform;erlehmann: that looks a lot like my original vdiff.
1674546;1498497083;erlehmann;same problem domain, simple problem, DON'T TASE ME BRO
1674548;1498497099;erlehmann;i think it's subtly wrong btw
1674549;1498497107;erlehmann;thinking about the grammar of vpatches made me come here
1674550;1498497158;erlehmann;asciilifeform i often do stuff in shell because major implementations fuck it up. this, for example: http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/unicode
1674551;1498497163;asciilifeform;all in-band signalling is subtly wrong.
1674552;1498497186;asciilifeform;erlehmann: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-11#1581252 << see thread, for instance.
1674553;1498497186;a111;Logged on 2016-12-11 18:53 asciilifeform: so i had two base64's png files in there,
1674554;1498497231;erlehmann;well, full recognition before processing.
1674555;1498497270;erlehmann;well, epigraph has a preamble that parses input http://news.dieweltistgarnichtso.net/bin/epigraph
1674556;1498497318;erlehmann;the part from “while read dt source tr _;” on is solely to prevent bad stuff happening
1674557;1498497323;asciilifeform;maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, but it'd take same, IF NOT GREATER, effort, for asciilifeform to ascertain the truth of this statement, as to rewrite the linked proggy
1674558;1498497326;asciilifeform;which is a problem.
1674559;1498497338;erlehmann;asciilifeform thanks for giving an example regarding +++
1674560;1498497400;asciilifeform;erlehmann: the +++ thing was actually a more serious problem than you might walk away thinking on first reading -- because it is physically impossible to fix it without MAKING NEWLINES SIGNIFICANT semantically
1674561;1498497407;erlehmann;actually, ++++ is a valid base64 input
1674562;1498497411;asciilifeform;it is indeed
1674563;1498497452;asciilifeform;so if you wanted to distinguish 'proper' vs 'bug' +++, you would have to make the grammar CONSIDERABLY more complicated, and transform the ENTIRE input text, and then un-transform it BACK, every time
1674564;1498497460;asciilifeform;see also gpg's '-' idiocy
1674565;1498497472;asciilifeform;and you would also have to not-disregard newlines
1674566;1498497493;asciilifeform;which in fact get mutilated by ~every piece of shit attached to the net
1674567;1498497545;asciilifeform;somehow LEAVE MY MOTHERFUCKING BITSTREAM ALONE is not an option if you're transmitting 'ascii text'
1674568;1498497613;asciilifeform;( see also mega-thread , http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-29#901052 )
1674569;1498497613;a111;Logged on 2014-10-29 01:36 asciilifeform: because plain ascii is like naked people
1674570;1498497617;erlehmann;; printf '++++' | base64 -d | od -t x1
1674571;1498497617;erlehmann;0000000 fb ef be
1674573;1498497740;asciilifeform;process-input-until-next-MAGICSTRING ( aka in-band signalling ) is inescapably and fundamentally braindamaged.
1674574;1498497742;erlehmann;asciilifeform there might be one detail why it is possible to make a v maketron, but no v redotron. does v try to work out all dependencies before processing?
1674575;1498497761;asciilifeform;erlehmann: indeed it does. read the source.
1674576;1498497767;erlehmann;i did and asked to clarify
1674578;1498497785;asciilifeform;erlehmann: or at least read ben_vulpes's classic article re subj, http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system
1674579;1498497811;asciilifeform;he explains it better than i ever did.
1674580;1498497831;erlehmann;the point of redo vs. make is that make does the same: build tree, walk tree. the problem is that this may need in a second treewalking phase and a third etc. pp. until the build becomes stable
1674581;1498497845;erlehmann;think of TeX requiring at least three compiles until layout becomes stable
1674582;1498497853;asciilifeform;erlehmann: i'm not sure the existence of partial-builds is even justified.
1674583;1498497865;asciilifeform;because i'm quite certain that the existence of large codebases is NOT justified.
1674584;1498497868;erlehmann;so redo turns the process on its head: build is atomic, but redo only claims to have a tree when all is built.
1674585;1498497880;asciilifeform;whereas small codebases build quickly enough that partial rebuilds are unnecessary.
1674586;1498497995;erlehmann;current number of files that OAMI converted and uploaded to wikimedia commons stands at 35646
1674588;1498498012;erlehmann;most of those are audio or video files. every format conversion is a build
1674589;1498498070;erlehmann;a bot i wrote, that travels PubMed Central open access publications, takes supplementary materials, fixes common errors in metadata, converts the files to other formats and uploads them.
1674590;1498498076;asciilifeform;what's that got to do with whether a maketron ought to be able to do partial builds ?
1674591;1498498140;erlehmann;well, full rebuilds are infeasible, in terms of time and computing power resources i have available
1674592;1498498165;asciilifeform;if 'full builds are infeasible', your tree is mis-structured.
1674593;1498498173;asciilifeform;and there are things in it that ought to be separate trees.
1674594;1498498205;erlehmann;how would you structure it? programmatically, it does not matter if there are 3 videos or 30000, a “partial build” just converts the ones that need converting and uploading.
1674595;1498498221;asciilifeform;( and noshit.jpg, 'entire works of mankind as 1 tree' leads to 'infeasible in terms of time and computing power available' )
1674596;1498498238;asciilifeform;erlehmann: you DON'T TOUCH THE ALREADY CONVERTED ONES omfg
1674597;1498498243;asciilifeform;they don't belong being visible !
1674598;1498498259;erlehmann;okay, but then one of the converted ones changes.
1674599;1498498265;asciilifeform;why the fuck would it CHANGE ?!
1674600;1498498272;asciilifeform;that's the thing with v : inputs NEVER CHANGE
1674601;1498498274;erlehmann;metadata cleanup, maybe.
1674602;1498498278;erlehmann;i see
1674603;1498498288;asciilifeform;immutable, motherfuckers, datastructure.
1674604;1498498298;asciilifeform;want change ? that'll be a new patch, and 1 or more new sigs.
1674605;1498498306;asciilifeform;no changing-of-the-past.
1674606;1498498343;erlehmann;seems sensible
1674607;1498498362;asciilifeform;not only sensible, but thermonukes away entire, as you see, ~classes~ of misproblem.
1674608;1498498364;erlehmann;yet outputs can change based on e.g. newly introduced inputs
1674609;1498498388;asciilifeform;nope. outputs of presses to a given node on the flow - will NEVER change.
1674610;1498498404;asciilifeform;outputs of presses to ~new~ nodes, will, naturally, give unseen-before output.
1674611;1498498418;asciilifeform;but outputs of presses to OLD nodes -- will give same output 1000 yrs from now, as today.
1674612;1498498429;asciilifeform;this is essential to v.
1674613;1498498487;asciilifeform;immutable past is a prerequisite to ~authenticable~ past, and v gives it.
1674614;1498498698;erlehmann;do you have an opionion on GNU tsort?
1674615;1498498705;erlehmann;from coreutils
1674616;1498498720;asciilifeform;( what's a 'misproblem' ? let's say it is a problem that only exists because of misapplied concepts earlier 'up the stack' .  see also the immortal prof. kokkarinen's 'alien problem', http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-26#934852 thread . )
1674617;1498498720;a111;Logged on 2014-11-26 01:11 asciilifeform: reminds of ilkka kokkarinen's 'alien problems':
1674618;1498498746;asciilifeform;erlehmann: yes
1674619;1498498761;erlehmann;care to extrapolate your onions?
1674620;1498498778;asciilifeform;erlehmann: 1) i have nfi what it does on corner cases 2) i have nfi how consistent is it across unixen, and how it misbehaves with, e.g., crapolade turdicode characters in the inputs
1674621;1498498790;asciilifeform;gnudiff, i found, in fact DID misbehave, on many a box
1674622;1498498813;asciilifeform;and produced differing orderings depending on the 'charset' set on the machine
1674623;1498498819;asciilifeform;which SHOULD NOT BE A THING
1674624;1498498843;asciilifeform;and i say this as an orc, who uses cyrillic
1674625;1498498852;asciilifeform;MY SHELL IS STILL SET TO THE KING'S ENGLISH
1674626;1498498857;asciilifeform;for fucks sake.
1674627;1498498873;erlehmann;i guess with immutable inputs, redo would not be necessary.
1674628;1498498885;asciilifeform;certainly not in the form offered.
1674629;1498498893;asciilifeform;and the necessary bits -- reduce to a slightly generalized vtron.
1674630;1498499549;BingoBoingo; they spent it all on... ethertardium?! << YES!!!
1674631;1498500324;shinohai;Dat nearly 20% drop of ETH in 24 hrs >.>
1674632;1498504970;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674627 << http://pbfcomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/PBF005-Billiards_in_heaven.png
1674633;1498504970;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 17:41 erlehmann: i guess with immutable inputs, redo would not be necessary.
1674635;1498505468;asciilifeform;ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has quit [shutting down]  << lolwat
1674636;1498505487;phf;"[Global Notice] Hi all. We need to take services (NickServ, ChanServ and friends down for some quick database tweaking so they'll be unavailable for a few minutes. I'll update via WALLOPS when completed."
1674638;1498507629;asciilifeform;from earlier, lulz, 'In April 2017, an unexpected and disruptive change was made to the MIT network: the sale of historically MIT-allocated IP address ranges to external entities such as Amazon. The sale wasn't announced to the MIT community until after it had taken effect. '
1674639;1498507696;asciilifeform;gotta luvv the folx so slow on the uptake, who imagine being in 'a community' while having already been subsumed into usg faceless mass.
1674640;1498507742;asciilifeform;and that 'your' horse is somehow still 'your' AFTER you join kolhoz.
1674641;1498508233;shinohai;http://archive.is/I9uUu #rekt
1674642;1498508297;ben_vulpes;> sold via OTC over the course of the next month, to ensure it will have a negligible effect on the market
1674644;1498508331;ben_vulpes;shinohai: what is 'status'?
1674645;1498508414;shinohai;Just another Lame Ethereum ICO that raised millions and now gonna dump to pay for hookers, etc.
1674646;1498508501;shinohai;Apparently they made a "Mobile ethereum interface w/ encrypted messaging"
1674647;1498508521;shinohai;So (signal + ETH - Tor)
1674648;1498508704;shinohai;Plus another fine DDoS https://etherscan.io/txsPending?a=0x331d077518216c07c87f4f18ba64cd384c411f84
1674649;1498515323;asciilifeform;meanwhile, 'thief cries thief', https://archive.is/vgrDP << organized pantsuit ouster of linus t. slowly crystallizing...
1674650;1498515401;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/7bx0V << upstream in same thread << apparently he tried to draw a line, 'stfu with the monolithic unreadable patches'
1674651;1498518134;phf;nah, that's your monthly occurrence.
1674653;1498524544;asciilifeform;heya mod6
1674654;1498524552;mod6;how goes toinght?
1674655;1498524582;asciilifeform;epoxying, i shit thee not, a paid of shoes
1674656;1498524586;asciilifeform;for the 3rd time
1674657;1498524593;asciilifeform;*pair of
1674658;1498524622;asciilifeform;because a) can't be arsed to go to town to get new one  b) ain't like you can get nonchinese sandal anyway
1674659;1498524631;mod6;haha. well, suppose you're getting good re-use out of them.
1674660;1498524658;asciilifeform;still depressing; my emulated mircea_popescu sat on my shoulder invisibly laughing
1674661;1498524672;mod6;yah, if you want !b, gotta make them yourself, or hire a sandal artisan of sorts.
1674663;1498524704;asciilifeform;i suspect he'd laugh even moar heartily if i were sitting and making own shoes
1674664;1498524727;asciilifeform;'if yer making shoes, you oughta be a shoemaker'
1674666;1498524773;asciilifeform;but say i also make own chair. then which must i be... shoe maker, or chair maker..?
1674667;1498524783;asciilifeform;because it isn't as if you can get decent chair here.
1674668;1498524821;mod6;yeah, everything is made with sawdust and cheap screws & glue.
1674669;1498524825;trinque;gotta wedge the broomstick at the right angle, can sit and sweep simultaneously!
1674670;1498524839;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674480 << haha savage
1674671;1498524839;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 16:32 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674428 << fwiw i carefully read all of it. asciilifeform's verdict: very much a gabriel_laddel-ization of gossipd. does 0 of the necessary work, and drags in 5+GB of liquishit deps (python, sql, some derp's crypto lib.) the amount of this that would have to be rewritten, from the ground, is 100%. not even useful as illustration of anything, because NONE of the actually complicated moving parts of a
1674672;1498524845;*;asciilifeform pictures pogo stick stake
1674673;1498524848;sina;mornin all
1674674;1498524855;asciilifeform;sina: don't be discouraged
1674675;1498524876;sina;not at all sir
1674676;1498524876;asciilifeform;sina: but understand that the problem does not resolve to '200 lines of py' or would have been solved years ago and we'd all be using.
1674678;1498524891;asciilifeform;phf has a very similar gossipd in commonlisp, for instance
1674679;1498524895;asciilifeform;and iirc trinque had another
1674680;1498524902;asciilifeform;and asciilifeform yet other
1674681;1498524906;asciilifeform;and... who knwos who else
1674682;1498524907;trinque;one's even a hideous bashball
1674683;1498524913;trinque;netcat and everything.
1674684;1498524943;asciilifeform;sina: at least a few folx were playing with very similar things even before mircea_popescu wrote his essay
1674685;1498525004;sina;I honestly didn't make it because I thought it would solve any problem, but only because I saw the spec and happen to be on holidays from work this week, thought it would be a good fun
1674686;1498525009;sina;(and it was so far!)
1674687;1498525047;asciilifeform;sina: one of the things gossipd needs is a constant-time-constant-space rsa. if you don't have one, enemy can derive your privkeys remotely based on timing.
1674688;1498525048;sina;hows all today, is it time to rotate shift mod6?
1674689;1498525061;asciilifeform;sina: i've been writing one, for some months now.
1674690;1498525069;asciilifeform;!#s ffa
1674691;1498525070;a111;40 results for "ffa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ffa
1674692;1498525103;mod6;<+sina> hows all today, is it time to rotate shift mod6? << hows that?
1674693;1498525118;sina;mod6: ah hehe you signed on just before I went to bed last night :P
1674694;1498525129;mod6;ah, gotcha, hehe.
1674695;1498525191;sina;asciilifeform: can you elaborate on timing? in my impl each peer-pair has its own set of corresponding RSA keys and I was thinking of adding something like, at the end of each session a new keypair is generated and exchanged on each side
1674696;1498525200;mod6;everytime I think of a shoemaker/cobbler, i think of that character from A Tale Of Two Cities who used to be a Doctor before he did 18 years in the Bastille.
1674697;1498525202;sina;well, not even generated, just assigned
1674698;1498525225;asciilifeform;sina: are you familiar with the concept of timing side channel ?
1674699;1498525233;sina;I am on the general points
1674700;1498525263;asciilifeform;sina: if some % of the time i can determine how long it took you to carry out a secret key op (incl. key generation) i can determine a few bits of key. over time, i get 1/4 of them, and that is == to getting the rest.
1674701;1498525267;sina;but do they not depend on measuring the timing over many operations?
1674702;1498525281;asciilifeform;sina: not necessarily very many.
1674703;1498525287;sina;but >1 ?
1674704;1498525292;asciilifeform;not even necessarily >1.
1674705;1498525327;sina;so my impl doesn't do this currently, but imagine it throws away the key after the session is established, no big deal then
1674706;1498525331;asciilifeform;even 1, cuts the amount of practical work necessary to break your key, considerably.
1674707;1498525339;asciilifeform;sina: again no
1674708;1498525349;asciilifeform;and if you don't understand why, you should not be using rsa
1674709;1498525374;asciilifeform;for one thing, there IS NO SESSION in gossipd (either my concept or either of mircea_popescu's two essays)
1674710;1498525379;asciilifeform;there is rsa-only crypto.
1674711;1498525398;asciilifeform;this means ALL ciphertext is the output of rsa modular exponentiations.
1674712;1498525410;sina;session may be the wrong term. I just mean, in the spec http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/ "III. Gossipd will receive inbound connectionsvii from identified clientsviii and on the basis of that identification produce an encrypted challenge string, which constitutes its response. If the other party responds with the proper challenge string, the connection is established ; otherwise it is
1674713;1498525411;asciilifeform;( unlike, e.g., gpg, ssl, the rest of the shit soup )
1674715;1498525487;asciilifeform;not reusing the keys would do 0
1674716;1498525493;asciilifeform;i break ONE - i break whole chain.
1674717;1498525497;asciilifeform;same statistics apply.
1674718;1498525570;asciilifeform;sina: subject is considerably trickier than charlatans (e.g. schneier) let on. in fact, most of what is available on the net, is deliberate disinfo.
1674719;1498525589;sina;ok fair point, I get the general need for constant time constant space algo regardless of gossipd stuff anyway
1674720;1498525594;asciilifeform;sina: if you've been reading anything other than the logs, you have a great deal of catching up to do.
1674721;1498525610;asciilifeform;( this should not horrify, but encourage. the logs are a very handy resource. )
1674722;1498525616;sina;I have been reading the logs, agreed they are handy
1674723;1498525706;asciilifeform;sina: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Zy27g/?raw=true << current ffa.
1674724;1498525746;sina;asciilifeform: if I'm not pestering let me throw a couple of questions. in my impl there are two secret operations, 1. key generation 2. challenge decryption. for #1, it runs in a different process on a random basis and marks a portion of the keys generated as bogus (per linked spec). that seems like it should sufficiently obfuscate against timing? for #2 is it possible to do some bogus ops in a similar
1674725;1498525753;sina;vein? e.g. perform 3 parallel decryptions
1674726;1498525762;asciilifeform;sina: this is a good q
1674727;1498525773;asciilifeform;sina: and the answer is, interestingly: no
1674728;1498525780;asciilifeform;~no~ practical amount of noise adding is enough.
1674729;1498525801;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671568 << see also thread
1674730;1498525801;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 19:50 asciilifeform: the imho interesting part of this tale is that ~time~ is the most, it turns out, difficult side channel to properly cement shut
1674731;1498525814;asciilifeform;and in particular http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671581 .
1674732;1498525814;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 19:56 asciilifeform: idea of pll is that you can indeed see a lit match from mile away in daylight if you know 'exactly when to look'
1674733;1498525853;sina;another thought, in my impl, even if you broke the key, all this nets you is the ability to have messages delivered to you from a single node
1674734;1498525870;asciilifeform;that's if i break 1
1674735;1498525882;asciilifeform;1 ephemeral key. say i break the station key.
1674736;1498525891;asciilifeform;( by timing decrypts of session establish )
1674737;1498525903;asciilifeform;and if i can break 1, can break any and all.
1674738;1498525908;sina;sorry, define "station key"?
1674739;1498525941;asciilifeform;long-term key.
1674740;1498526074;sina;why would there be a long term key? I mean, right now in the impl the process to rotate a key is manual, but if you're using ephemeral key why not just "chain" them in the sense that at the end of the "session" you pass some ciphertext that includes the next ephemeral key, wait for delivery ack and then dump the old key?
1674741;1498526087;sina;so no key is ever retained beyond a single "session"
1674742;1498526133;asciilifeform;i can trivially tell when you've switched keys, strictly by looking at ciphertext ( is how rsa works. )
1674743;1498526161;asciilifeform;if this is a surprise to you -- i recommend getting familiar with the basic arithmetic
1674744;1498526215;sina;yeah no surprise
1674745;1498526230;sina;can I clarify something? when you say gossipd are you assuming that all traffic is enciphered?
1674746;1498526235;asciilifeform;now your homework : prove that an rsa-only channel MUST re-use every key at least once
1674747;1498526253;asciilifeform;unless it sends only 1 message and then both sides call it quits and never speak again.
1674748;1498526284;sina;I think we might be speaking at corss purposes and just wish to clarify that point before proceeding
1674749;1498526286;asciilifeform;sina: yes. and it is not a far assumption, nobody will send plaintext wtf omfg
1674750;1498526330;asciilifeform;sina: why do you think mircea_popescu mentioned rsa in his spec ? to keep the room warm with cpu heat ?
1674751;1498526367;sina;ok fair. see, the spec I was working from it only mentions encryption for the "session establishment" so I assumed that encryption of actual message payloads was to be with out of band encryption
1674752;1498526396;sina;and right now my impl does send everything except the challenge in plaintext!
1674753;1498526409;asciilifeform;wtf is the point of even having the challenge then !
1674754;1498526427;asciilifeform;if enemy can ALTER PLAINTEXT EN ROUTE AT WILL AND LIKEWISE READ ALL OF IT
1674755;1498526461;sina;I assumed it was deedbot style OTP thing
1674756;1498526463;asciilifeform;wtf is the point of writing a proggy that leads to this.
1674757;1498526476;asciilifeform;no, it'd be a nickserv, sina
1674758;1498526495;asciilifeform;'ohai i authenticated and now lemme say [NSA INSERTS TEXT HERE] sincerely yours, mr.chump'
1674759;1498526842;sina;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-08#1399525
1674760;1498526842;a111;Logged on 2016-02-08 00:05 maqp: The point is, unless you encrypt the message, anyone might have created the plaintext
1674761;1498526877;asciilifeform;there is NO reason why enemy should be able to read and alter at will traffic b/w 2 nodes.
1674762;1498526887;sina;I got that impression from reading gossipd logs, obviously I didn't read everything ever because I only learned about the linespeed thing yesterday
1674763;1498526890;asciilifeform;if i want this -- i will use irc.
1674764;1498526893;asciilifeform;as in fact using now.
1674765;1498526900;asciilifeform;irc is exactly 'gossipd without crypto'.
1674767;1498526911;a111;Logged on 2016-02-08 00:06 mircea_popescu: the only assurance to be had here comes from a gossipd model. where anyone could have written the plaintext, and for all anyone POORLY CONNECTED knows, they probably did.
1674768;1498526920;asciilifeform;you gain NOTHING from the crypto unless it is applied correctly - i.e. to whole channel.
1674769;1498526956;asciilifeform;sina: in the linked thread, mircea_popescu described why he did not want to use rsa ~signatures~
1674770;1498526960;asciilifeform;for gossipd auth
1674771;1498526965;asciilifeform;but instead ~decrypts~
1674772;1498526985;asciilifeform;!#s opposable
1674773;1498526986;a111;17 results for "opposable", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=opposable
1674774;1498526996;asciilifeform;^ see also mega-thread re subj more recently
1674775;1498526998;trinque;^ great threads in there.
1674777;1498527060;a111;Logged on 2016-02-07 23:57 mircea_popescu: complete anonimity between peers more than one node removed ; complete secrecy outside of the node group ; no integrity or authenticity outside of the wot trust.
1674778;1498527072;sina;perhaps I misread
1674779;1498527077;asciilifeform;but INSIDE - must have integrity.
1674780;1498527095;asciilifeform;or you have irc.
1674781;1498527111;asciilifeform;this is elementary, and the fact that i have to, apparently, explain this, beggars the imagination
1674782;1498527117;asciilifeform;WE ALREADY HAVE IRC!!
1674783;1498527127;asciilifeform;and don't need irc-with-homeopathic-sprinkling-of-rsa for anything.
1674784;1498527146;asciilifeform;(if i can unglue the auth from the payloads, because the latter are plaintext -- IT IS HOMEOPATHIC)
1674785;1498527209;sina;asciilifeform: don't pop a vein, I absolutely get your point, I was trying to explain (erroneous or otherwise) the path walked
1674786;1498527238;sina;again, I'm not proposing my impl as "hey you should use this!", only wanted to ask you some questions re timing
1674787;1498527313;asciilifeform;sina: don't hesitate to ask
1674788;1498527318;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform or whoever else. )
1674789;1498527813;sina;asciilifeform: how about this simpler model. Nodes only accept connections at interval N seconds, and during time between intervals it is preparing encrypted payload of all messages since last seen for each peer. so when A connects to B and says "Hi, I'm A", B responds with a pre-prepared payload encrypted for As key
1674790;1498527908;asciilifeform;EVERYONE eventually asks this
1674791;1498527909;asciilifeform;re rsa
1674792;1498527911;asciilifeform;answer: no
1674793;1498527938;sina;can I ask how come no?
1674794;1498527938;asciilifeform;the only way to make guaranteed time bound is... constant-time arithmetic
1674795;1498527988;asciilifeform;because if i can make your thing spill out of the time 'box' which you made for it, i get >0 info re your key. again.
1674796;1498528012;asciilifeform;and the only way to make it so that i can't -- and ~probably~ so -- is to do your arithmetic in constant time.
1674797;1498528018;asciilifeform;i.e. no-branches-on-secret-bits.
1674799;1498528050;asciilifeform;not probably, lol
1674800;1498528067;sina;any actual practical example of making it spill out of the time box? lets say two independent processes, one is preparing the payloads and putting them in an "outbox"
1674801;1498528067;asciilifeform;understand: if your scheme cannot be proven to work : it does not work.
1674802;1498528083;asciilifeform;say your time box is 1s
1674803;1498528115;asciilifeform;while your rsa, for sake of argument, is 200-300ms long.
1674804;1498528149;asciilifeform;now at some point your smm bios kicks in and spends 700ms adjusting fan speed. and i happen to know that this happens every whatever many seconds.
1674805;1498528163;asciilifeform;now i know that a certain % of the time your 'box' is spilled out of.
1674806;1498528167;asciilifeform;and it is == as not having the box.
1674807;1498528171;asciilifeform;if i have this knowledge.
1674808;1498528202;sina;I'm not sure I explained correctly. Please let me try one more time.
1674809;1498528214;asciilifeform;arbitrary 'don't report the answer for T units of time' doesn't work, because you have no hard assurance of no spill.
1674810;1498528220;asciilifeform;certainly not on a pc.
1674811;1498528276;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F26286E344AAD5DAC3259412DFD76A915DC0CA95AE6C819CC7F33B760D99DD19 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1593...2599 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (www.ecg.co.uk. GB)
1674812;1498528276;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F26286E344AAD5DAC3259412DFD76A915DC0CA95AE6C819CC7F33B760D99DD19 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1542...2949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (www.ecg.co.uk. GB)
1674813;1498528299;asciilifeform;sina: making 'constant time rsa' by trying to bury the rsa in a fixed 'box' of time, only works if you can guarantee LOWER bound of how long the rsa ops (ALL of them, till the end of time) take, as well as UPPER
1674814;1498528321;asciilifeform;UPPER as well as LOWER, that is
1674815;1498528342;asciilifeform;you gotta say 'it will return answer in EXACTLY t units of time, no less AND NO MORE'
1674816;1498528361;asciilifeform;and the way to provably do this, is method called 'constant time arithmetic'
1674817;1498528366;asciilifeform;illustrated in the earlier link.
1674818;1498528405;sina;Imagine two independent processes. Process #1 is going through the list of peers and generating encrypted payload for unique peer key since last seen. When the payload is generated it places in outbox. Process #2 is running every N interval (1s example sure) to accept connections and deliver payloads from outbox. If for some reason Process #1 doesn't complete operation in time, it simply appears as if no
1674819;1498528411;sina;messages are to be delivered for a given peer or set of peers.
1674820;1498528451;asciilifeform;already you have made an assumption that is false on all extant hardware
1674821;1498528463;sina;which is?
1674822;1498528466;asciilifeform;it is not possible to make guaranteed-independent-timewise processes
1674823;1498528467;asciilifeform;on a pc
1674824;1498528472;asciilifeform;1 ) you might have a box with 1 cpu
1674825;1498528485;asciilifeform;2) you might have a box with 2+ cpu where the scheduler puts both of your processes on 1
1674826;1498528487;asciilifeform;3) cache exists.
1674827;1498528504;asciilifeform;and memory accesses will take variant time based on recent operations, by any and all threads.
1674828;1498528508;asciilifeform;on any and all cpu cores.
1674829;1498528536;sina;fine, what if we assume two independent computers
1674830;1498528551;asciilifeform;describe what they do, and how connected
1674831;1498528576;sina;same as above, but each computer houses 1 process respectively, connected over ethernet or whatever
1674832;1498528614;asciilifeform;if they are connected, and communicate, they are not time-independent
1674834;1498528623;asciilifeform;it doesn't matter what they are connected with.
1674835;1498528645;asciilifeform;if you're sending bits from one to another, and using crypto that branches-on-secret-bits -- you are vulnerable.
1674836;1498528666;asciilifeform;this is like the perpetuum mobile. you cannot argue your way out of fundamental constraint.
1674837;1498528744;*;asciilifeform bbl.
1674838;1498528749;sina;vulnerable to what, exactly, is the question? I am struggling to see how timing can be ascertained from that kind of model, but it's only a thought experiment so I can steal your brain juices
1674839;1498531508;*;mircea_popescu waves
1674840;1498531510;sina;howdy sir
1674842;1498531780;*;mircea_popescu confirms that indeed js-of-mp and mp-en-managua are legitimate mps
1674843;1498532012;sina;have fun in Managua?
1674844;1498532062;mircea_popescu;after a fashion!
1674845;1498532354;asciilifeform;wb mircea_popescu !
1674846;1498532359;mircea_popescu;why ty
1674847;1498532412;mod6;Hi mircea_popescu
1674849;1498532439;sina;alrighty, gonna go do some human stuff. have a good week all!
1674850;1498532535;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674362 << speaking of bigots : so i'm walking with girl through utter shithole, true poverty area. stench of sewage in the air, houses made out of $200 in materials and so on. i spot a rabid dog by that sure sign of drooping salivation, so i go in between and keep my eye on it.
1674851;1498532535;a111;Logged on 2017-06-25 22:30 erlehmann: BingoBoingo medusa magazine seems pretty reasonable, indeed https://medusamagazine.com/youre-a-bigot-if-you-wouldnt-have-sex-with-a-gay-friend
1674852;1498532581;mircea_popescu;some idle kids playing with rocks notice and one yells out "don bigote! don bigote! no muerde el perro!"
1674853;1498532605;mircea_popescu;and yes, the root is common.
1674855;1498532668;mod6;haha wth?
1674856;1498532680;asciilifeform;did the kidz also droop salivate
1674857;1498532682;mircea_popescu;tis true. bigots = fixated people with beards you couldn't convince of your reasonable position, such as "the rabid dog doesn't bite" on the grounds of it not having bit yet, or "marrying your first cousin is fine" on the basis of hey, cunt that doesn't scare me!
1674858;1498532685;asciilifeform;or notyet
1674859;1498532694;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform notyet.
1674860;1498532714;mircea_popescu;i expect the dysentery to get them first though, judging by certain anatomic details.
1674861;1498532761;asciilifeform;shit where-they-stood a la africa ?
1674862;1498532772;mircea_popescu;i don't think so.
1674863;1498532780;asciilifeform;which detail then
1674864;1498532796;mircea_popescu;ah ah. too much abdomen for how sad their ribcages were.
1674865;1498532817;asciilifeform;ah so you meant dystrophy, not dysentery, neh
1674866;1498532841;asciilifeform;'auschwitz belly'
1674867;1498532876;mircea_popescu;well, various distended bellies.
1674868;1498532927;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to sewage : the thing civilised people generally fail to appreciate is just how insistently shit sticks to human agglomerations.
1674869;1498532937;mircea_popescu;it dun wanna go so easily, that's fo sho.
1674870;1498532991;asciilifeform;more of a case of finely evolved nose. we can smell it at nearly ppb.
1674871;1498533018;mircea_popescu;that, also.
1674872;1498533140;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674379 << introductions aren't intended to be handled by gossipd. the correct way to do this is for me to say "add 8A56264EAD0BC4BD9CD7AC0086B488AB sina" which is a legitimate pubkey of your gossipd, AND for you to go whatever re mine. then they can talk, change keys etc. not before./
1674873;1498533140;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 01:02 sina: but this presents a chicken/egg problem, where the peer "initiating" the addition will need to then advertise that key to the other peer and wait for a key back, and then initiate an update to the peer data to add in the advertised pubkey
1674874;1498533187;mircea_popescu;gossipd should hot be able to discover peers. (if you think about it, the ability to discover peers is another way to say "leaking data").
1674875;1498533223;asciilifeform;'a discovered peer' == 'a sybil'
1674876;1498533248;asciilifeform;sorta like 'shit stuck to bottom of shoe' is 'shit', and never snack
1674877;1498533338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see, kinda what i meant yest. while he's actually trying to implement, he discovers these things. the result may not be usable, but its building will have been useful. otherwise his only option is to nod along, not really comprehending what he's agreeing with, or to "rebel", and have "his own opinion", except also not really comprehending what he's talking about.
1674878;1498533365;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which is why i said to d00d, 'don't be disheartened '
1674879;1498533373;mircea_popescu;which is why we agree!
1674880;1498533674;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674422 << consider that the damage you already did to modern man's most important joint is permanent. do not add.
1674881;1498533674;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 05:39 ben_vulpes: on the "laptops suck" thread, now that i'm using an adult workstation most of the time, my hands start hurting after a bare thirty minutes on a 13" laptop kb
1674882;1498533737;asciilifeform;crapple kbd is egregiously, insidiously deadly, has ~0 'give', is rather like pounding a table
1674883;1498533741;asciilifeform;all day long...
1674884;1498533748;mod6;it's the worst.
1674885;1498533749;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674428 << i'll do this tomorrow, too displaced right nao for such werks.
1674886;1498533749;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 09:58 sina: if anyone wants to play https://github.com/sinner-/gossipd
1674887;1498533801;mod6;i really like the new kb i've been using. took a little while to get use to, but hands feel good after all day typing.
1674888;1498533819;asciilifeform;mod6: which is this
1674889;1498533826;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674439 >> ahahaha
1674890;1498533826;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 12:37 erlehmann: sina have you checked all your input against a formal grammar today?
1674891;1498533871;mod6;concave job.  'kinesis advantage 2'
1674892;1498533900;asciilifeform;mod6: even rubbish membrane kbd that came with my 486 -- beats crapple lappy
1674893;1498533929;mod6;yeah, those are, like you said, like pounding on concrete
1674894;1498533949;asciilifeform;the latter must've been designed as an active fuckyou to people who actually enter text
1674896;1498534008;mircea_popescu;you're prolly supposed to speak it or who knows what shambling idiocy.
1674897;1498534009;asciilifeform;hard to picture such exquisite torture implement arising through mere happenstance
1674898;1498534044;mod6;yeah, seems like hardly an accident.  supposed to talk to the goddamn thing. as if.
1674899;1498534137;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2017/06/supreme-court-lifts-lesser-court-injunctions-against-trump-travel-bans/ << i take it asciilifeform had no comment ? :D
1674900;1498535307;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674488 <<< for some reason the illustration featured a hercules, which is a prop not a jet, but w/e.
1674901;1498535307;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 16:35 trinque: clearly needs to upgrade to the f35, it's 19 better.
1674902;1498535358;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674489 << sounds entirely like The Drepperization. which is very much the only american technology style left.
1674903;1498535358;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 16:35 asciilifeform: 'Ever since IS&T started to undergo "The Transformation", there has been a deliberate and systematic attempt to change Computing at MIT for the worse. Services that have been relied on for years have been discontinued and turned down, frequently without notice. Infrastructure critical to running MIT has been outsourced to cloud services during "emergency maintenance". Most of these changes had minimal impact on students and faculty,
1674904;1498535426;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674495 << it's a... haaaard....lyffe!
1674905;1498535426;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 16:38 asciilifeform: they spent it all on... ethertardium?!
1674906;1498535582;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674511 <<< sadly this question is not unlike asking "has multiplication ever actually worked".
1674907;1498535582;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 16:53 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674434 << has hyperthreading ever actually worked ? ( see also... http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/hyper-threading )
1674908;1498535980;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674534 << you can definitely make this in an evening by simply translating the extant lisp/python iirc impls.
1674909;1498535980;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 17:07 erlehmann: i am willing to abandon my redo efforts if v maketron suits my needs better. does there exist a v implementation in <500 lines of shell?
1674910;1498536382;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674899 << lol it takes time to generate commentz, i not long got back from long lulztrip
1674911;1498536382;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:28 mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2017/06/supreme-court-lifts-lesser-court-injunctions-against-trump-travel-bans/ << i take it asciilifeform had no comment ? :D
1674912;1498536716;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674906 << ht is not a legitimate concept, like, e.g., pipelining, but instead an ill-conceived attempt to speed up 'winblows as it existed at the time'
1674913;1498536716;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:53 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674511 <<< sadly this question is not unlike asking "has multiplication ever actually worked".
1674914;1498536754;asciilifeform;it does 0 to well-written code -- other than slow down, and -- behold -- sometimes breaks semantics entirely
1674915;1498536981;asciilifeform;code that is built with awareness of the pipeline ~cannot~ leave any room for ht to have any useful effect - elementarily
1674916;1498537145;asciilifeform;( for n00bs : 'hyperthreading' attemps to marshal 'resources unused by the current instruction' - say, the ALU during a memory fetch - into becoming, through sleight of hand, 'a cpu core' that is , while said resources are available, behaving as a cpu, executing instructions )
1674917;1498537464;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2017/06/26/racing-for-a-cure-6-edmonton/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Racing for a Cure 6 – Edmonton
1674918;1498537784;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674592 << moreover, these are data containers, non reflective non recursive what's the similarity in tyhe fgirst6 place
1674919;1498537784;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 17:29 asciilifeform: if 'full builds are infeasible', your tree is mis-structured.
1674920;1498537922;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674605 << possibly one of the least visible pillars of tmsr for newcomers, because in world of socialist liquid shit everything is "mutable" ie liquid shit, and not accidentally. but because the only way socialism may masquerade as "sensible" is through rendering the past meaningless.
1674921;1498537922;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 17:31 asciilifeform: no changing-of-the-past.
1674922;1498538147;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674631 << "flash crash" lulz. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-22#1673315
1674923;1498538147;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 18:05 shinohai: Dat nearly 20% drop of ETH in 24 hrs >.>
1674924;1498538147;a111;Logged on 2017-06-22 07:44 mircea_popescu: to satisfy http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672531 -- try and fuck with btc price, discover eth "price" was a joke all along.
1674925;1498538271;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674638 <<< it's a good thing that the successful introduction of ipv6 rendered such considerations mute.
1674926;1498538271;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 20:07 asciilifeform: from earlier, lulz, 'In April 2017, an unexpected and disruptive change was made to the MIT network: the sale of historically MIT-allocated IP address ranges to external entities such as Amazon. The sale wasn't announced to the MIT community until after it had taken effect. '
1674927;1498538289;mircea_popescu;also amazon is only supporting python 3 with orcisms ; and other lulz.
1674928;1498538369;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674641 << awww.
1674929;1498538369;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 20:17 shinohai: http://archive.is/I9uUu #rekt
1674930;1498538554;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674651 << while phf is right, nobody lasts forever, and linus is getting old.
1674931;1498538554;a111;Logged on 2017-06-26 23:02 phf: nah, that's your monthly occurrence.
1674932;1498538558;mod6;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674323 << aha
1674933;1498538558;a111;Logged on 2017-06-25 17:01 mp-en-managua: apparently fucktards learned nothing of the doge slaughter, still believe "promotion" matters.
1674934;1498538719;mircea_popescu;and in other disbeliefs, i can't imagine anyone'd fucking read that plaintive undisciplined-female-whining mailing list ffs. what the everloving fuck.
1674935;1498538751;mod6;shit show
1674936;1498538776;mircea_popescu;coding without v and without #t. how do they do it, i have nfi.
1674937;1498538852;*;mircea_popescu lolzd at the whole shoe problem, because nicaragua has a healthy contingent of dumb white whores who went there to suck native cock and "get in touch with teh earth" paddling around barefoot in the streets and "learning" the "fascinating" how to twist a necklage together "antique traditional skills" sandy invented last decade.
1674938;1498538875;mircea_popescu;but hey, at least they get buggered sore like a hobo's whore. that + gallo pinto > what they got at home.
1674940;1498539193;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674687 << this is very much so, and very much why both a) http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671529 and b) there not being an auto-signatron or decryptatron or so forth deployed anywhere in teh vast expanses of la serenissima.
1674941;1498539193;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 00:57 asciilifeform: sina: one of the things gossipd needs is a constant-time-constant-space rsa. if you don't have one, enemy can derive your privkeys remotely based on timing.
1674942;1498539193;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 18:07 mircea_popescu: doth not entertain me
1674943;1498539398;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674709 << it's not clear to me what he means by session ; might be some internal-only thing (eg, lifetime of particular sig) which isn't breaking.
1674944;1498539398;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:02 asciilifeform: for one thing, there IS NO SESSION in gossipd (either my concept or either of mircea_popescu's two essays)
1674945;1498539555;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1DD542B4BEF18F141C7B6941F77348DB7B711C2E59FD22B9BCF8389711074965 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1462...2939 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (exchange.piccollo.cz. CZ)
1674946;1498539555;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1DD542B4BEF18F141C7B6941F77348DB7B711C2E59FD22B9BCF8389711074965 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...0867 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (exchange.piccollo.cz. CZ)
1674947;1498540070;BingoBoingo; more of a case of finely evolved nose. we can smell it at nearly ppb. << Worst part of smoking cessation is having a sense of smell again. Still not sure it's worth it.
1674948;1498540131;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674940 << excepting the special case of the bots
1674949;1498540131;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 04:53 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674687 << this is very much so, and very much why both a) http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671529 and b) there not being an auto-signatron or decryptatron or so forth deployed anywhere in teh vast expanses of la serenissima.
1674950;1498540172;mircea_popescu;well, obv this is at teh ops option. but i'd have imagined that not excepting.
1674951;1498540187;mircea_popescu;very trivial to make fixed time upping after all.
1674952;1498540242;mircea_popescu;!!up hair_soup
1674953;1498540242;deedbot;hair_soup voiced for 30 minutes.
1674955;1498540291;mircea_popescu;aaand who might you be
1674956;1498540299;hair_soup;oh, ben_vulpes
1674957;1498540336;mircea_popescu;a ok
1674958;1498540349;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674891 << i've been using that one for a while, with a https://www.amazon.com/CST2545-L-Trac-Wired-Performance-Trackball/dp/B00EEFK5QQ trackball in the middle. i'm pretty happy with that setup. i've figured out how to get the firmware out of the controller, so i'm hoping to customize some of the keys (that are otherwise useless)
1674959;1498540349;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:24 mod6: concave job.  'kinesis advantage 2'
1674960;1498540397;BingoBoingo;!!up kcud_dab
1674961;1498540397;deedbot;kcud_dab voiced for 30 minutes.
1674962;1498540419;BingoBoingo;!!up renart
1674963;1498540419;deedbot;renart voiced for 30 minutes.
1674964;1498540426;hair_soup;aaaand there it goes.
1674965;1498540459;mod6;that was some uber lag
1674966;1498540535;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: unless the bot is to stay down until the op awakes?
1674967;1498540536;*;BingoBoingo has a simulated alf in head that complains Supreme Court review is too slow for Trumpreich to overturn all of the shitty lesser courts on everything
1674968;1498540557;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes !!up and then !!v +5 mins ?
1674969;1498540559;mod6;phf: nice, let me know if you get there.  i'd like to re-map some of 'em too.
1674970;1498540670;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i mean to say in the case that the op is asleep when the bot goes offline, it'll stay that way until the op awakes
1674971;1498540690;mircea_popescu;and i mean to say that if the bot always verifies after a fixed time there's... fixed time.
1674972;1498540756;ben_vulpes;and must be an auto-decryptulator?
1674973;1498540771;mircea_popescu;not necessarily, but how'd you know.
1674975;1498541056;BingoBoingo;!!up candi_lustt
1674976;1498541056;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1674977;1498541057;candi_lustt;deedbot: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/V2jvD/?raw=true
1674979;1498541076;*;ben_vulpes rolls eyes
1674980;1498541095;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes she should prolly move to control seq
1674982;1498541118;ben_vulpes;gonna need two while we're at it
1674983;1498541132;mircea_popescu;lemme check where we're at
1674984;1498541149;ben_vulpes;oh ffs now bots.contravex.com redirects to http://www.contravex.com/trilema-and-eulora-bots-directory/
1674985;1498541158;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes !W as lobbes got !Q
1674986;1498541239;ben_vulpes;may i have R as well?
1674987;1498541269;mod6;i see that http://trilema.com/2016/trilema-bot-spec/ -> http://www.contravex.com/trilema-bots-directory/
1674988;1498541274;mod6;not sure if that helps.
1674989;1498541294;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes for the same bot ?
1674990;1498541305;ben_vulpes;mod6: yeah, i bitched about that a day or so ago; now i have stale dns
1674991;1498541312;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: nono
1674992;1498541317;mircea_popescu;then yes.
1674993;1498541323;mod6;ben_vulpes: ah, aight.
1674994;1498541352;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: ty
1674995;1498541353;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski << add !W for candi_lustt and !R for mimisbrunnr
1674996;1498541360;mircea_popescu;or was it the other way round
1674997;1498541382;ben_vulpes;a nod's as good as a wink to a blind man
1674998;1498541402;mircea_popescu;she's a sport ? ? ???
1674999;1498541446;ben_vulpes;does she? does she?
1675000;1498541476;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674737 << this is the fundamental problem here. if we're not really using encryption then we're not really using encryption.
1675001;1498541476;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:11 asciilifeform: and if i can break 1, can break any and all.
1675002;1498541483;mircea_popescu;there's a difference between encryption and obfuscation.
1675003;1498541731;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674765 << well, without crypto and without gossip. but then again the latter not meaningfully possible without former anyway.
1675004;1498541731;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:28 asciilifeform: irc is exactly 'gossipd without crypto'.
1675006;1498542144;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674809 << it does work, but at glacial speeds unfit for messaging. eg, !!v won't spill out of minutes-long windows.
1675007;1498542144;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:50 asciilifeform: arbitrary 'don't report the answer for T units of time' doesn't work, because you have no hard assurance of no spill.
1675008;1498542242;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674829 << your correct answer there was to say you use FG as a clock. which'd have totally sunk him, "my time comes in MB entropy chunks, ha-HA!"
1675009;1498542242;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 01:55 sina: fine, what if we assume two independent computers
1675010;1498542310;BingoBoingo;AHA scintillatored FG clock
1675011;1498542328;BingoBoingo;As opposed to sintered FG cock
1675012;1498542894;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: done.
1675014;1498542911;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: shoot me a list of all the commands for your bots when you have a min.
1675015;1498542923;mircea_popescu;prolly in a few days thay
1675016;1498542961;pete_dushenski;all good
1675017;1498542969;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674872 << sorry I used the wrong term there, I meant the operator. what I ended up with re that query is approximately what you've got there, except it's a two step process. 1. gossipc --add-peer --name sina --host  --port  which furnishes you a pubkey you can exchange with that peer (and they vice versa with you) and a seperate command to set the peer key
1675018;1498542969;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:12 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674379 << introductions aren't intended to be handled by gossipd. the correct way to do this is for me to say "add 8A56264EAD0BC4BD9CD7AC0086B488AB sina" which is a legitimate pubkey of your gossipd, AND for you to go whatever re mine. then they can talk, change keys etc. not before./
1675019;1498542992;mircea_popescu;alright then
1675020;1498542994;pete_dushenski;also, yes, stale page ben_vulpes. url back to orig.
1675021;1498543019;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: it'll grow over time, i'll letcha know
1675022;1498543078;pete_dushenski;as they do. but if you could summarise what you have to date i can tableise them and post.
1675024;1498543185;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1675025;1498543191;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2447.5, vol: 22759.91542862 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2460.999, vol: 9149.36296 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2428.1, vol: 37045.18114702 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2717.274662, vol: 13794.94400000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2436.86, vol: 10020.0253678 | Volume-weighted last average: 2480.05106835
1675026;1498543207;BingoBoingo;Hmmm markets seemed to prefer mp as a jaguar spirit
1675027;1498543275;pete_dushenski;the love of great inca is a nasty habit to kick
1675028;1498543329;pete_dushenski;http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-06/24/c_136391168.htm << autonomous lulz. perhaps of interest to ben_vulpes
1675029;1498543352;ben_vulpes;har har har
1675030;1498543359;ben_vulpes;wire autocannon into carbot
1675031;1498543368;pete_dushenski;"Volvo Australia's technical manager David Pickett told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) on Saturday that his company has been trying to solve the issue for 18 months. He said the way a kangaroo moves completely bamboozles the system -- a problem they haven't had with other animals around the world."
1675032;1498543426;pete_dushenski;inb4 "you call that an autocannon, THIS is an autocannon" and roos shoot back
1675034;1498543498;ben_vulpes;tank girl!
1675035;1498543754;BingoBoingo;So the solution is invasivitize roo's to the rest of the world to stop GoogAppAzon
1675036;1498544244;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt
1675037;1498544244;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1675038;1498544286;ben_vulpes;!W (mpfhf:mpfhf #*10101010101010101010101010101010101010 8)
1675039;1498544287;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*10111011
1675040;1498544289;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: log: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/v1lEX/?raw=true
1675041;1498544301;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt wanna sex ?
1675042;1498544337;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes can it be pushed into single line by appending the log bit ?
1675043;1498544358;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: "candi_lustt evals everything after !W in an SBCL environment with full access to the underlying host."
1675044;1498544388;mircea_popescu;"do not break it."
1675045;1498544449;ben_vulpes;needs saying?!
1675046;1498544461;mircea_popescu;possibly. who knows, manuals.
1675047;1498544505;ben_vulpes;look either you return the hooker in working order or kill her and hide the body and make yourself scarce.
1675049;1498544628;mircea_popescu;!W (ret "there is an atmosphere of toxic masculinity brewing in this channel!")
1675050;1498544629;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/NFMtc/?raw=true
1675051;1498544639;mircea_popescu;aok then
1675052;1498544846;ben_vulpes;!W 5
1675053;1498544847;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: 5
1675054;1498544949;BingoBoingo;!W cat niggers.txt
1675055;1498544950;candi_lustt;BingoBoingo: error, see: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/FshDZ/?raw=true
1675056;1498545005;BingoBoingo;candi_lustt: das racis
1675057;1498545233;ben_vulpes;omg is lisp repl not fucking bash shell!!
1675058;1498545256;*;ben_vulpes cranks one-armed bandit again
1675059;1498545283;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt
1675060;1498545284;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1675061;1498545289;ben_vulpes;!W (mpfhf:mpfhf #*10101010101010101010101010101010101010 8)
1675062;1498545292;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*10111011 (more: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/qCFXe/?raw=true)
1675063;1498545309;ben_vulpes;of course i need a space before the closing paren
1675064;1498545312;ben_vulpes;of course
1675065;1498545356;ben_vulpes;!!up candi_lustt
1675066;1498545356;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1675067;1498545359;ben_vulpes;!W (mpfhf:mpfhf #*10101010101010101010101010101010101010 8)
1675068;1498545362;candi_lustt;ben_vulpes: #*10111011 (more: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/ZzSOG/?raw=true )
1675069;1498545388;ben_vulpes;!W (values 1 2)
1675072;1498546183;ben_vulpes;should be good now
1675073;1498546439;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674880 << home orifice is another quarter or 4 months away yet; and the republic calls even in the dead of night
1675074;1498546439;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:21 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674422 << consider that the damage you already did to modern man's most important joint is permanent. do not add.
1675075;1498554864;sina;ok so I implemented some p2p encryption for the gossipd thingo
1675076;1498554894;sina;but each peer can see the msg plaintext of the messages for now
1675077;1498554921;sina;mircea_popescu: is it intention that there should be encryption from author to recipient as well?
1675078;1498568934;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675077 << there's no intention that there would be plaintext anything, wtf.
1675079;1498568934;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 09:15 sina: mircea_popescu: is it intention that there should be encryption from author to recipient as well?
1675083;1498570340;Framedragger;hehe https://github.com/infobyte/spoilerwall/blob/master/server-spoiler.py >> https://www.shodan.io/host/
1675084;1498574224;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674958 << lol, are those f-keys rubber?!
1675085;1498574224;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 05:12 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674891 << i've been using that one for a while, with a https://www.amazon.com/CST2545-L-Trac-Wired-Performance-Trackball/dp/B00EEFK5QQ trackball in the middle. i'm pretty happy with that setup. i've figured out how to get the firmware out of the controller, so i'm hoping to customize some of the keys (that are otherwise useless)
1675086;1498574351;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675006 << there are side-channels other than timing, and some -- readable from considerable distance
1675087;1498574351;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 05:42 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674809 << it does work, but at glacial speeds unfit for messaging. eg, !!v won't spill out of minutes-long windows.
1675088;1498574367;asciilifeform;( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-17#1671565 )
1675089;1498574367;a111;Logged on 2017-06-17 19:45 asciilifeform: hypothetically i could even do it ( supposing your rsatron is mains-powered ) by observing the imperceptible dimming of the room lights, from 5km away
1675090;1498574378;asciilifeform;against these, 'time boxing' does 0.
1675091;1498574475;asciilifeform;hypothetically -- even ping time might well have enough of a correlation to cpu load, that you can distinguish 'remanent of time cushion' from 'still rsa-ing' and eliminate the cushion.
1675093;1498574625;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675008 << this is actually more likely to sink you than simply using a very large time cushion would.
1675094;1498574625;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 05:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674829 << your correct answer there was to say you use FG as a clock. which'd have totally sunk him, "my time comes in MB entropy chunks, ha-HA!"
1675095;1498574688;asciilifeform;( why -- i will leave as an exercise )
1675098;1498574783;asciilifeform;lulzily, it was mircea_popescu who originally taught asciilifeform this fact
1675099;1498574799;asciilifeform;i fughet when, might be in old l0gz
1675100;1498574868;mircea_popescu;republican humour, man. it's a thing.
1675101;1498574974;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674946 >> 'B2B BABY ... Chcete se stát naším obchodním partnerem?'
1675102;1498574974;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 04:59 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1DD542B4BEF18F141C7B6941F77348DB7B711C2E59FD22B9BCF8389711074965 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1762...0867 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (exchange.piccollo.cz. CZ)
1675103;1498575087;asciilifeform;in other hilarities, http://www.rubos.com
1675104;1498575157;asciilifeform;e.g. 'MH has been found on Intel motherboards around 2007 – 2008 in Russia. Intel Corporation has never announced that it had or has a hypervisor in BMC system management software. We did not get any comments from the corporation after we provided a copy of the paper.'
1675105;1498575185;asciilifeform;d00d posted it to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674934 list and of course banhammered as 'off topic'
1675106;1498575185;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 04:45 mircea_popescu: and in other disbeliefs, i can't imagine anyone'd fucking read that plaintive undisciplined-female-whining mailing list ffs. what the everloving fuck.
1675108;1498575229;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tell him to maybe consider qntraing it ?
1675109;1498575239;asciilifeform;i dun post no moar
1675110;1498575257;asciilifeform;banned as veteran spammer, after phuctor thread
1675111;1498575283;asciilifeform;and, are the swine worth the pearls.
1675112;1498575296;mircea_popescu;hm. BingoBoingo see if dood wants to write a qntra post ? http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you and all that.
1675113;1498575313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the problem with that eval is that you don't know until after they aren't worth the pearls.
1675115;1498575372;asciilifeform;which is why on occasion i strap into the bathyscaph and go
1675116;1498575381;mircea_popescu;anyway, getting the "unhappened" to at least know there's a name for it can't hurty anything
1675117;1498575403;mircea_popescu;well, not anything worth caring about at any rate
1675118;1498575508;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674948 << which bot here does secret key ops ?
1675119;1498575508;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 05:08 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674940 << excepting the special case of the bots
1675120;1498575518;asciilifeform;( enciphering a challenge is not a secretkeyop )
1675121;1498575640;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they respond to deedbot
1675122;1498575758;asciilifeform;afaik deedbot is currently the only thing auto-signing ( inside its tx-issuing trb )
1675123;1498575786;mircea_popescu;that's bitcoin style
1675124;1498576127;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674920 << i took a 300+km trip by train, on east coast of usa, not long ago, and it was quite a sight - carcasses of dead factories, ex-trainstations belonging to ex-towns, and other 'dead past' that 'unhappened', plain for naked eye to see
1675125;1498576127;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 04:32 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674605 << possibly one of the least visible pillars of tmsr for newcomers, because in world of socialist liquid shit everything is "mutable" ie liquid shit, and not accidentally. but because the only way socialism may masquerade as "sensible" is through rendering the past meaningless.
1675126;1498576517;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674902 << there is a handy post-su word, 'распил' ('sawing-apart') to describe the process
1675127;1498576517;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 03:49 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-26#1674489 << sounds entirely like The Drepperization. which is very much the only american technology style left.
1675128;1498576571;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675118 << isn't deciphering a challenge an instance of a secret key op?
1675129;1498576571;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 14:58 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674948 << which bot here does secret key ops ?
1675130;1498576580;asciilifeform;basic idea - a vermin gets control of, e.g., factory, and processes it as a raw-material base - carefully organizes the disassembly and stealing of what-can-be-stolen, systematically, piece by piece, replacing with 'cheap prothesis' when possible to keep the budget dripping in for as long as practical
1675131;1498576616;asciilifeform;hence 'hey d00dz, why is mit email suddenly in 'cloud' ??!'
1675132;1498576629;asciilifeform;and the evaporating ip blocks, etc.
1675133;1498576647;mircea_popescu;hey, as socialism runs out of the agar, reverts to capitalism
1675134;1498576662;mircea_popescu;gotta take whatever's left out of the hands of the redditards.
1675135;1498576672;asciilifeform;and into the hands of other redditards, lol
1675136;1498576677;mircea_popescu;nicaragua awaits them, by the way. very awoke place.\
1675137;1498576700;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform whoever steals from the stupid man is a cut above the stupid man, whatever his foibles.
1675138;1498576790;asciilifeform;Framedragger: deciphering challenge happens on ~your~ end, not deedbot's
1675139;1498576800;Framedragger;ah, that's what you meant, yeah ok
1675140;1498576811;Framedragger;(true, of course)
1675141;1498576849;Framedragger;yeah i guess that's a nice thing with deedbot, it doesn't need secret key for most of the stuff incl. challenges..
1675142;1498577117;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't clear to me that, e.g., the mit theft, involved any guile or initiative -- is simply the idiot inheritors disassembling their father's house
1675143;1498577153;mircea_popescu;maybe. it doesn't matter : items must increase their market circulation. wife of socialist -> whore ; factory of socialist -> scrap iron, etcetera.
1675144;1498577168;mircea_popescu;money doesn't need anyone to understand what it's doing.
1675145;1498577171;asciilifeform;is raven on battlefield, eating eyes of a corpse, 'a cut above' the soldier?
1675146;1498577184;mircea_popescu;it's alive, innit.
1675147;1498577261;asciilifeform;for him the hour also comes.
1675148;1498577277;mircea_popescu;but -- dead soldier had some proteins locked up. they're getting unlocked.
1675149;1498577295;mircea_popescu;that's the whole thing : my keeping some women out of circulation is a reflection of my power.
1675150;1498577302;asciilifeform;everything gets unlocked.
1675151;1498577303;mircea_popescu;gotta first have that power.
1675152;1498577312;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform eventually, sure.
1675153;1498577334;mircea_popescu;but the whole point of life is that retention, temporary as it may be.
1675155;1498577341;asciilifeform;we had the membrane thread iirc.
1675157;1498577457;asciilifeform;in other recent lulzies, http://archive.is/B3QXF >> 'KMail’s ‘Send Later’ caused PGP encrypted private emails to be sent in plain-text'
1675158;1498577471;asciilifeform;Run Moar UserFriendlies
1675159;1498577489;asciilifeform;'This vulnerability led KMail to not encrypt email messages scheduled to be sent with a delay, even when KMail gave every indication that the email contents would be encrypted using OpenPGP.
1675162;1498577575;mod6;'sorry for your plaintext sekrets'
1675163;1498577585;mircea_popescu;why the fuck does it even have access to key
1675164;1498577616;asciilifeform;'i dun wanna raise an' lower the reactor rods by hand!111 too much exercise' 'ugh the indicator told me they lowered and turns out not!11 help'
1675165;1498577652;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: idjits have this fondness for 'automate and transparentize pgp' etc
1675166;1498577710;mircea_popescu;right, so as to maximally expose it to the earlier matters discussed
1675167;1498578515;shinohai;Good morning tmsr
1675168;1498578526;shinohai;TIL Russia is in Europe: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-attack-idUSKBN19I1TD
1675169;1498578580;asciilifeform;shinohai: nono, see, the ukrs are Officially Nao Europe
1675170;1498578592;asciilifeform;'Path Towards Europe' (tm)(r) etc
1675172;1498578816;asciilifeform;meanwhile also in the fishwrap, http://archive.is/t9BoT >> 'Reputed New York gangster released from prison at age 100' << '... in and out of prison for much of his adult life ... most recently incarcerated, at the age of 93 in 2010, for a racketeering conspiracy involving the shakedown of New York strip clubs.'
1675173;1498578863;shinohai;Read that the other day, *own son* ratted on him at one point. Omerta is ded.
1675174;1498578926;mircea_popescu;you kidding ? everyone wanna talk! they're just happy if anyone's even giving the appearance of listening.
1675176;1498579134;asciilifeform;meanwhile lulz in ru world : their version of 'silkroad' , but the local custom is to use burial in public places, rather than parcels via the post. so various folx go and... dig 'for treasure'
1675177;1498579229;mircea_popescu;not even bad idea
1675178;1498579244;asciilifeform;iirc we discussed it here, as a theoretical.
1675180;1498579252;asciilifeform;and of course ancient idea, 'dead drop'
1675181;1498579266;mircea_popescu;course ustards are too useless to dig anything
1675182;1498579280;shinohai;This is also known thing in city where one gets texted a "drop point" that requires recipient to find geocache of sorts
1675183;1498579297;asciilifeform;shinohai: is how spies worked, for century+
1675184;1498579306;mircea_popescu;to this day, give or take.
1675185;1498579318;asciilifeform;'leave the film cassette betweeen 15th and 16th brick in such-such wall' etc
1675186;1498579339;shinohai;But of course, was merely adopted by friendly neighborhood street-corner pharmaceutical representatives.
1675187;1498579369;asciilifeform;the interesting bit re ru is that the dope parcels buried are so small that the operators make ~0 attempt to interfere with 'treasure hunters' who paid 0
1675188;1498579378;asciilifeform;% of loss considered acceptable, 'priced in'
1675189;1498579411;mircea_popescu;not what it is. dealer always gives out freebies to interested parties who can wait.
1675190;1498579421;mircea_popescu;tits optional
1675191;1498579424;asciilifeform;reportedly, the 'emplacers' regularly get picked up by police and sentenced to 20y, but this, naturally, does 0, new ones -- appear when needed
1675192;1498579522;asciilifeform;also reportedly parks, benches, etc in various towns became a comical sight , where diggers rummage in the earth, like truffle pigs, looking for ???
1675193;1498579560;mircea_popescu;would be funny if all that's left of white civilisation in a century or two is a collection of inexplicable nutty habits, such as ^
1675194;1498579563;mircea_popescu;and no more.
1675195;1498579587;mircea_popescu;pressing ctrl-c ctrl-v in succession, buttons printed on a wall. etc.
1675196;1498579686;asciilifeform;arguably there already.
1675197;1498579862;asciilifeform;re 'buried treasure', i'm somewhat surprised that this approach did not (afaik) catch on in usa
1675198;1498579876;asciilifeform;where there is plenty of good landscape for such
1675200;1498579894;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 16:01 mircea_popescu: course ustards are too useless to dig anything
1675201;1498579924;asciilifeform;dunno that this is so -- i routinely see folx with 'minesweepers' in, e.g., parks, looking for ???
1675202;1498579932;asciilifeform;nobody bothers'em either
1675203;1498579934;mircea_popescu;consumers, dude. they're willing to say some magic incantations / "use the juice", but they ain't fucking willing to not use the post office.
1675204;1498579967;mircea_popescu;ask one. to the fried up mind of the ustarded consumer, "that'd be tantamount to synthesizing the item myself"
1675205;1498579983;mircea_popescu;you know, cuz he's seen a 3d printer once, so totally.
1675206;1498580013;asciilifeform;again, plenty of 'honest cunning' among the us folx. but you won't read of it in the beobachter reddit, no.
1675207;1498580028;asciilifeform;the latter will, yes, dwell on toy choppers etc
1675208;1498580048;mircea_popescu;well, the druggies happen to be === the redditards, so.
1675209;1498580066;mircea_popescu;there's a reason silk road failed to attract as much business as a lemonade stand.
1675210;1498580068;asciilifeform;( re '3d print pistol', i strongly suspect that whole thing is a psyop, to distract from cheap and effective cnc milling )
1675211;1498580082;mircea_popescu;cnc milling takes work.
1675212;1498580117;mircea_popescu;it's always the same thing with these shitstains. http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-16#509011
1675213;1498580117;a111;Logged on 2014-02-16 22:04 asciilifeform: son: 'whatdoyamean i gotta dip them'
1675214;1498580131;asciilifeform;in fact '3d print' takes an astonishing amount of work. extremely finicky process, takes much 'babysit'
1675215;1498580186;mircea_popescu;somehow that dun count.
1675216;1498580189;asciilifeform;~sold~, yes, as '0 work'
1675217;1498580192;mircea_popescu;i suppose it's not patriarchy-racist or w/e
1675218;1498580367;asciilifeform;the moar interesting, imho, aspect of the ru buriedtreasure thing is that ( again, thirdhandedly ) it is managed as a pure 'btc-in btc-out' operation
1675219;1498580436;asciilifeform;i.e. operator sits far, far away, and pays lieutenant to obtain 500g of $substance and bury. then 'packager' gets coordinates, and excavates, then reburies in aliquots of 1g
1675220;1498580442;asciilifeform;and takes photos, records coords of ea.
1675221;1498580463;asciilifeform;then purchasers get coords, pick up.
1675222;1498580484;asciilifeform;operator never sets foot within 3000km of all of this. just sends, receives coin.
1675223;1498580525;asciilifeform;as for how the wotronics are managed -- i have nfi
1675224;1498580539;asciilifeform;but considering that the apparent arrangement stands and falls wholly on wotronics -- i'd guess pretty well.
1675225;1498582854;mircea_popescu;yes, bitcoin renders "the state" obsolete.
1675226;1498582952;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it does seem to call into question your 'there is ~0 market for milligrams' thing
1675227;1498582964;mircea_popescu;it does ?
1675228;1498582994;asciilifeform;and, in same piece, the 'meatless contraband is a reddit trendoid thing and will vanish soon' thing
1675229;1498583022;asciilifeform;seems like there is massive set of dope aficionados that wants milligram AND wants no-face-meeting
1675230;1498583032;mircea_popescu;i think you're supplementing by imagination all sorts of corners. there's a cost to bury.
1675231;1498583032;asciilifeform;unless whole thing is disinfo.
1675232;1498583047;asciilifeform;for all i know -- whole thing is a fabrication
1675233;1498583064;mircea_popescu;and if i'm going to go dig up rabbit, im not digging up a spoonfull, im digging up enough to fill freezer.
1675234;1498583102;asciilifeform;if the 'dead drop dope' thing is actually true as reported -- it is a 'britneyization', the dealer replaces 1 mircea_popescu with 10,001 milligramderps
1675235;1498583105;mircea_popescu;reddit trendoid thing is "omg 3d printing GUNZ!!!" as well as "OMG USPS DRUGZZ!!!" etc
1675236;1498583107;asciilifeform;for -- presumably -- +ev
1675237;1498583125;mircea_popescu;where is such thing reported, other than your own reading.
1675238;1498583227;asciilifeform;!~google нарко закладки
1675239;1498583228;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Закладки наркотиков в подъезде: как бороться? – Вопрос: ; Закладки в подъездах! - Pikabu: ; [УЖАС] Наркоманы ищут закладку (наркотики) перед детьми в ...: (1 more message)
1675240;1498583268;mircea_popescu;meanwhile irl, if you cut a brick of coke 3:1 and bury the resulting miligrams indisivuallty you will be digging a million ditches.
1675241;1498583277;asciilifeform;beauty is -- not YOU will dig
1675242;1498583281;asciilifeform;but 1,001 expendable idiots.
1675243;1498583285;mircea_popescu;link to the "about 1mn ditches per brick" piece.
1675244;1498583301;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this part exists entirely in the fantasticly fertile imagination that also has them on boats.
1675245;1498583312;mircea_popescu;possibly made of frozen sawdust.
1675246;1498583427;asciilifeform;again , whole thing could be ~fabrication. but not mine, but of ru prosecutors. https://archive.is/8Gzus << example from 2016.
1675247;1498583469;asciilifeform;but i see nothing inherently fantastic about the notion that 1,001 derps each of whom buys a ??? of unknown purity for 1,001% markup, could be +ev vs conventional 'brick' buyer.
1675248;1498583483;mircea_popescu;the million ditches.,
1675249;1498583550;mircea_popescu;even if such a dig takes less than one hour of derp's time and no transportation, the fact remains that 1mn hours of minimum wage are > 1mn $ even in russhitia ; wheas a brick of anything is < 100k.
1675250;1498583581;asciilifeform;spammers work > for < pay..
1675251;1498583596;mircea_popescu;there's better things to do with an army of obedient dorks ready to die than this.
1675252;1498583665;mircea_popescu;farming them out to ourdemocracy "ngo"s comes to mind.
1675253;1498584674;BingoBoingo; hm. BingoBoingo see if dood wants to write a qntra post ? http://trilema.com/2015/on-how-the-factored-4096-rsa-keys-story-was-handled-and-what-it-means-to-you and all that. << Which dude where?
1675254;1498584688;mircea_popescu;the one that got bannered
1675255;1498584730;*;BingoBoingo tried detangling logthread to figure out who got banned from what
1675256;1498585816;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: according to the $sources, they dun dig 'ditch', but very low-effort and laughably shallow holes, with, e.g., duct tape 'flag' sticking out; underneath park benches; etc
1675257;1498585832;mircea_popescu;still gotta get there.
1675258;1498585857;asciilifeform;'there' turns out to be in public places, and both 'hiders' and 'seekers' routinely caught
1675259;1498585867;asciilifeform;but somehow still appeals.
1675260;1498585901;mircea_popescu;so more like a game of childhood than anything
1675261;1498585909;asciilifeform;parks, lobby of apt house, similar
1675262;1498585973;asciilifeform;when i first heard of the practice, i also assumed 'in the forest, like gru agents' etc. -- but turns out, no, in park benches, rubbish bins.
1675263;1498586021;asciilifeform;whole thing imho interesting ~solely from the perspective of '1mn hours of labour, yes, but unpaid'
1675264;1498586024;asciilifeform;like spam.
1675265;1498586046;asciilifeform;the ample idle hours of homo redditicus ~will~ be harvested
1675266;1498586059;asciilifeform;one way or another. 'uber', dope treasure, whichever.
1675267;1498586243;asciilifeform;the other interesting aspect of '1,001 idjits vs 1 brick buyer' is that the former are somewhat accustomed to ~not finding anything~ in the indicated coords
1675268;1498586264;asciilifeform;and so '1 brick' is bezzlated into equiv of 1*K bricks, where K is a pos. constant
1675269;1498586282;asciilifeform;and separately from any dilutions of the customary kind (which are , presumably , also in play)
1675270;1498586296;BingoBoingo;email sent
1675271;1498586582;mircea_popescu;a nice. now lessee if anything happens huh.
1675272;1498586607;BingoBoingo; dunno that this is so -- i routinely see folx with 'minesweepers' in, e.g., parks, looking for ??? << loose change
1675273;1498586609;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform drugs are already bezzled to all hell
1675274;1498586615;BingoBoingo;jew-elry etc
1675275;1498586630;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i can't picture the loose change thing being +ev
1675276;1498586658;mircea_popescu;i thought you didn't think that mattered
1675277;1498586680;asciilifeform;i suppose there are nuts, for whom ~nothing matters
1675278;1498586703;mircea_popescu;here's the thing : the per-hour value rummaging throughb park from finding drugz ~= from finding loose change.
1675279;1498586719;mircea_popescu;i don't even fucking take coins.
1675280;1498586727;asciilifeform;incidentally it is in principle possible to make a ~cheap njd, that would fine moar valuable 'dropped item' in a day than a platoon of minesweepers
1675281;1498586731;asciilifeform;(e.g. lost pnojes, etc)
1675282;1498586735;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: it does seem to call into question your 'there is ~0 market for milligrams' thing << milligrams isn't a market, its retail
1675283;1498586746;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is quite astonishing that usg still bothers to mint coins
1675284;1498586765;mircea_popescu;esp considering they doin't want them back
1675285;1498586773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dope aficionados presumably dig 'for truffle' to ~eat~, rather than sell
1675286;1498586779;asciilifeform;when they run out of what to buy with
1675287;1498586785;mircea_popescu;ie loose change.
1675288;1498586814;mircea_popescu;anyway, it has a fine profile to reeducate idiots. "dig-find-love" or how did that "book"/"movement" go
1675289;1498586843;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your bananistan still mints coins also ?!
1675290;1498586855;mircea_popescu;o ya.
1675292;1498586862;mircea_popescu;great coins here, too, total dubloons
1675293;1498586869;mircea_popescu;of course the larger one is ~1 dollar
1675294;1498586888;asciilifeform;are they often met with ?
1675295;1498586899;BingoBoingo; meanwhile irl, if you cut a brick of coke 3:1 and bury the resulting miligrams indisivuallty you will be digging a million ditches. << 3000, who gets less than a gram of coke?
1675296;1498586913;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo he was on about mgs
1675298;1498586952;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw i have a very basic n00b level grasp of the constants in the equations - e.g. how much cocaine is eaten in a typical sitting, etc. so cannot comment usefully re grams
1675299;1498586969;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: i can't picture the loose change thing being +ev << Well less ev if you get minesweeper at garage sale for 1/10th retail because initial purchaser realized -ev
1675300;1498586988;mircea_popescu;typical sitting ? prolly a sugarbowl's worth
1675301;1498587015;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'minesweeper' costs, what, 50bux new
1675302;1498587021;asciilifeform;like hammer.
1675303;1498587032;asciilifeform;not hightech.
1675304;1498587032;mircea_popescu;nah, the better ones are hundreds
1675305;1498587046;asciilifeform;still not megacapital.
1675306;1498587055;mircea_popescu;well now that all depends.
1675307;1498587057;BingoBoingo;AHA and ~$5 to $10 at garage sale after original purchaser learns math
1675308;1498587057;asciilifeform;(i.e. less than typical ameritard's pnoje)
1675309;1498587082;mircea_popescu;phone has functions!!!
1675310;1498587192;mircea_popescu;anyway. cocaine is one of those items that don't produice leftovers. party will expand until all available consumed.
1675311;1498587209;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: fwiw i have a very basic n00b level grasp of the constants in the equations - e.g. how much cocaine is eaten in a typical sitting, etc. so cannot comment usefully re grams << Typical cocaine use is gram after gram after gram after gram, I imagine mp or Tiger Woods level is sugar bowl or candy dish set out in advance
1675312;1498587218;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have difficulty picturing the protagonists of $redditardmarket using 'at party'
1675313;1498587229;mircea_popescu;~its only utility, really.
1675314;1498587229;asciilifeform;more plausibly they eat alone, while watching anime
1675315;1498587230;ben_vulpes;going to parties, even
1675316;1498587234;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: They still use until consumed
1675317;1498587240;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's more a ketamine thing.
1675318;1498587247;BingoBoingo;Principal effect of cocaine intoxication is a desire for more cocaine
1675319;1498587256;asciilifeform;paging gabriel_laddel !!
1675320;1498587257;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo and nudity.
1675321;1498587265;asciilifeform;is there a gabriel_laddel in ze house
1675322;1498587271;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I thought that was more of a PCP thing
1675323;1498587288;mircea_popescu;pcp goes mostly with the roids nuts afaik
1675324;1498587297;asciilifeform;~later tell btw gabriel_laddel you oughta have received the old comp by nao
1675325;1498587301;asciilifeform;!~later tell btw gabriel_laddel you oughta have received the old comp by nao
1675326;1498587302;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
1675327;1498587321;BingoBoingo;!~later tell btw Sup
1675328;1498587321;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
1675329;1498587515;asciilifeform;in other non-noose, nobody yet bought orlol's ship
1675330;1498587552;asciilifeform;i wonder, how long these typically sit around and rust
1675331;1498587577;asciilifeform;( the photos suggest that there are possibly rustable parts in it )
1675332;1498587628;BingoBoingo;Well, maybe it sucks?
1675333;1498587637;asciilifeform;also not long ago i was bored on a train and found myself reading the tech docs to the diesel in that thing ( apparently a very common model.) surprisingly ( to asciilifeform ) the 'water going into the tailpipe when motor not running' is still considered an open engineering problem...
1675334;1498587663;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: by the paper specs it seems to be a steal for the price. possibly the problem mircea_popescu mentioned ('lemons') is the tru reason.
1675335;1498587690;asciilifeform;'lemon car' breaks down on interstate; 'lemon' ship -- 'to davy jones's locker'
1675336;1498587705;BingoBoingo;Well, general with vehicles of any sort... At the point the price becomes a "steal" yes, ownership costs far more than price tag
1675337;1498587854;asciilifeform;at a certain price tag it'd be worth having just for lulz, and to ride within swimming range of land
1675338;1498587879;asciilifeform;... or possibly not, i have nfi what 'parking' costs for such a beast
1675339;1498587956;asciilifeform;speaking of which, i saw, i shit thee not, a child-sized motorcycle
1675340;1498587982;asciilifeform;entirely working thing, running on laptop (must be) battery, boy of ~8 was rocketing along on it..
1675341;1498588005;asciilifeform;i had nfi this existed.
1675342;1498588018;asciilifeform;not handcrafted thing, either, quite polished, likely - chinese
1675343;1498588429;ben_vulpes;"dress your kids in plastic and train them on lipos"
1675344;1498588432;ben_vulpes;fuckin idiots
1675345;1498588490;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: you've seen the gas powered 'minibikes' though, right?
1675346;1498588640;asciilifeform;not in boy size
1675347;1498588665;asciilifeform;and this thing did not at all resemble ordinary bicycle or 'moped' -- was miniature copy of 'kawasaki ninja' i think
1675348;1498588723;ben_vulpes;at least kiddo was zooming, and had the opportunity to fall over
1675349;1498588743;ben_vulpes;korean neighbor of mine was nervously pacing his kid in an electric 'lotus' knockoff last week
1675350;1498588748;ben_vulpes;moving at no greater than 2 mph
1675351;1498588782;ben_vulpes;oh god what's going to happen, he'll lose control and scramble out of the thing, falling all of six inches?
1675352;1498588785;ben_vulpes;gimme a break
1675353;1498588789;asciilifeform;lol training for 'whale cart' as pictured in BingoBoingo's material
1675354;1498588808;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675084 << apparently it's the wrong keyboard :o i used to use advantage back in the day, but now it's https://www.kinesis-ergo.com/shop/freestyle2-for-mac/
1675355;1498588808;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 14:37 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674958 << lol, are those f-keys rubber?!
1675356;1498588950;phf;i actually like advantage, but it encourages chording, which you hate. those rubber f-keys definitely don't help, but after a while that extra travel time to f-keys gets annoying anyway.
1675357;1498588967;phf;!#s arensito
1675358;1498588968;a111;3 results for "arensito", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=arensito
1675359;1498589061;TomServo;hey asciilifeform they even got foot pedals!
1675361;1498589072;asciilifeform;kinesis ? i had theirs
1675363;1498589078;asciilifeform;imho sucked
1675364;1498589096;asciilifeform;cheapo rubbish
1675365;1498589099;phf;freestyle 2 lacks numpad, but has an extra two columns of keys on the right, sun style, which is unfortunately bound to a bunch of windows/mac functions (like cut/copy). i mostly figured out how to change what those keys send though..
1675366;1498589109;asciilifeform;i'd like to know where i can get a comp pedal that i can REST FUCKING FOOT on
1675367;1498589134;asciilifeform;rather than hover and give myself repetitivestress in joint that nobody even thought of doing it to previously
1675368;1498589149;asciilifeform;what kind of imbecile designs for 'hovering'.
1675369;1498589169;asciilifeform;phf: reminds me of sun's kbd
1675370;1498589249;BingoBoingo; and this thing did not at all resemble ordinary bicycle or 'moped' -- was miniature copy of 'kawasaki ninja' i think << Pit bike. Where I grew up if my parents were cooler,tis likely a thing I could have played with
1675371;1498589281;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i dun think the battery existed then
1675372;1498589318;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674678 << mine was written in cweb, i.e. the literate programming thing for c. i haven't finished it, but i got bogged on configuration management.
1675373;1498589318;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 00:54 asciilifeform: phf has a very similar gossipd in commonlisp, for instance
1675375;1498589334;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Oh I thought we were talking awesome 2-strokes dirtbikes and pitbikes.
1675376;1498589355;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: no, this was this tiny, ~silent thing, that still went at ~motorcycle speed
1675377;1498589392;asciilifeform;no 'vroom', no busybodies coming from miles around to see 'why is 8yo kid on a motorbike'
1675378;1498589392;BingoBoingo;Well there in cooler days were loud things that went at motorcycle speed. Battery thing is for losers
1675379;1498589400;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: for suburbia
1675380;1498589431;phf;in fact i think i'm going to rip out some of the messier linked lists etc. management parts and simply wire in shiva. obviously wouldn't want to use it in the field, but mostly as a thing in itself
1675381;1498589474;asciilifeform;phf: out of what didja make the rsa ?
1675382;1498589517;phf;oh it's the same design as sina, slinging openpgp "packets"
1675383;1498589522;asciilifeform;aah ok
1675384;1498589602;phf;of only interest, it's got a state machine that knows how to parse (and validate as far as allocation and "how big is it?") individual packets, byte by byte and collect them until passing them on to gnupg
1675385;1498589604;asciilifeform;ftr cweb is interesting
1675386;1498589623;asciilifeform;phf: i posted one of these for 'p' recently
1675387;1498589627;asciilifeform;it's the Right Thing.
1675388;1498589699;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/JPnpq/?raw=true << repost, for aficionados.
1675389;1498589712;phf;oh i missed that
1675390;1498589713;mod6;<+a111> Logged on 2017-06-27 14:37 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674958 << lol, are those f-keys rubber?! << apparently the older versions were indeed rubber. they've since gotten rid of that, and are now plastic.
1675391;1498589713;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 05:12 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1674891 << i've been using that one for a while, with a https://www.amazon.com/CST2545-L-Trac-Wired-Performance-Trackball/dp/B00EEFK5QQ trackball in the middle. i'm pretty happy with that setup. i've figured out how to get the firmware out of the controller, so i'm hoping to customize some of the keys (that are otherwise useless)
1675392;1498589741;mod6;they annoyme... but really all i use is the ESC key, which i've since replaced the windows key with a new normal esc key and remapped.
1675393;1498589777;asciilifeform;mod6: i like 'f' keys.
1675394;1498589784;phf;ascii friendly version of advantage would be "maltron"
1675395;1498589788;asciilifeform;use'em for, e.g., flipping buffers in emacs, etc
1675397;1498589806;asciilifeform;phf: i saw maltron for first and last time in 1980s-era b00k on 'fun of computing' or sumthing
1675398;1498589807;mod6;asciilifeform: ahh
1675399;1498589814;asciilifeform;phf: dunno whether they still made
1675400;1498589836;asciilifeform;mod6: 'midnight commander' also likes fkeys
1675401;1498589839;phf;yeah i wonder, i looked into it 10+ years ago, and punted at the $2000 or whatever price tag
1675402;1498589849;asciilifeform;hence why i consider a box without fat, easy-to-reach 'f's, ~unusable
1675403;1498589856;asciilifeform;2000 << lol!!
1675404;1498589865;asciilifeform;is custom machined to fit yer hands, of shitanium??
1675405;1498589886;asciilifeform;( if not -- why not?! for 2000 i can have own motherfucking kbd machined. out of steel. )
1675406;1498589901;asciilifeform;and at some point i might even do it.
1675407;1498589903;phf;http://www.maltron.com/store/p20/Maltron_L90_dual_hand_fully_ergonomic_%283D%29_keyboard_-_US_English.html apparently only $500
1675408;1498589906;BingoBoingo;But will it be a very good keyboard?
1675409;1498589925;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the keys are the hard part, not the keyboard
1675410;1498589934;asciilifeform;( how to make buckling spring is not a secret )
1675411;1498589943;phf;has builtin trackball even, in the right place
1675412;1498589951;asciilifeform;looks like like in the b00k
1675413;1498589953;asciilifeform;pretty neat
1675414;1498589959;asciilifeform;i wonder what the switches are like
1675415;1498589977;BingoBoingo;All sorts of botique business endavors are born thinking "Better materials!!!" are a panacea, then they build their product, and it turns out there are design considerations beyond material
1675416;1498589980;asciilifeform;the site seems to be silent re switches.
1675417;1498590020;phf;it's because their own design, "maltron switches". sometimes it's an option on those "mechanical keyboard" sites, so i wouldn't be surprised if the switches are good
1675418;1498590049;asciilifeform;http://www.maltron.com/cherry-mx-switches.html << looks like they use cherries nao
1675421;1498590065;*;asciilifeform not fond of cherry switch
1675422;1498590072;asciilifeform;they feel cheap, and they break.
1675423;1498590082;asciilifeform;and when they do you geeeetttttt thiiiiis
1675424;1498590116;asciilifeform;sadly they ( and taiwanese 'alps' clone ) are the ~only 'clickies' in new production afaik today.
1675425;1498590173;asciilifeform;the '50 million cycles' thing is a bold lie.
1675426;1498590176;mod6;<+phf> has builtin trackball even, in the right place << this would be handy. mine doesn't have this.  having to take my hands off the board gets annoying.
1675427;1498590194;asciilifeform;( or possibly a half-truth -- perhaps it really does go 50m cycles before ~open circuit~ failure. but 'bounce' begins looong before )
1675428;1498590221;phf;mod6: people have modded that advantage to have a trackball in the middle, with a variety of approaches. there's actually hollow space there
1675429;1498590270;mod6;those maltron boards look nice.  i didn't get one because it's nearly 2x as much as the kinesis.. and had no idea if i could even get used to the concave thing.
1675430;1498590282;asciilifeform;'Maltron keyboards are expensive by comparison and for many people represent a considerable investment. They are hand made from sheet materials which are formed and punched to make the shell or body of the keyboard. Cherry MX key switches are individually fitted by hand. The switch contacts are wired up into a scanning XY matrix by hand. In fact everything is done on an individual basis by hand. This does not result in a $5 product.
1675431;1498590282;asciilifeform;But is does result in a product that is reliable not just to start with, but in ten or more years time.' << sounds great, but hey folx, why not make buckling springs like normal people!111
1675432;1498590285;mod6;phf: ah no shit huh?
1675433;1498590308;asciilifeform;i'd buy a several$k kbd if 0 plastic.
1675434;1498590324;asciilifeform;(and honest f-keys.)
1675435;1498590326;mod6;ah, ya, you wanted metal one right?
1675436;1498590335;asciilifeform;stainless, ideally.
1675437;1498590454;phf;i've at some point went through a mechanical keyboard site and ordered 6 different boards with all the available switches from different manufacturers. while they look "retro", e.g. http://xahlee.info/kbd/i/modern_selectric_keycaps_50529.jpg they all universally felt cheap with light frame and unpleasant lateral travel
1675438;1498590481;asciilifeform;aha, i found 100% of post-1980s kbds to feel ~same, all like this.
1675440;1498590590;asciilifeform;currently i use one of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_F_keyboard#/media/File:Model_F_corrosion.jpg and it took eons to sand, deburr, paint, rf paint inside, ultrasonically clean the moving parts, reassembly takes ~day...
1675441;1498590606;asciilifeform;( you need carpenter's clamps )
1675442;1498590623;asciilifeform;there's several kg of steel in'ere
1675443;1498590630;asciilifeform;but keys -- still abs plastic.
1675444;1498590641;phf;yeah, i got two, i'm yet to do anything with them. (and yes, mine are steel and correct version etc.)
1675445;1498590656;asciilifeform;however it is worth noting that it accepts ibm 'm' keys, and so you can easily be rid of the martian terminal keys and replace with 'human'
1675446;1498590730;asciilifeform;i like the key mechanisms -- unlike 'ibm m', no membrane, no rubber anythings, no rivets.
1675447;1498590770;asciilifeform;spring buckles and conductive plastic 'foot' tips and moves just a little, changing the resonant freq of that row/column
1675448;1498590936;phf;yeah, i think we had a conversation about putting piano forte into the firmware. if you type it fff it'll automatically uppercase and add random !!! etc.
1675449;1498590949;asciilifeform;aha, theoretically quite possible.
1675450;1498590984;asciilifeform;i'd still like to resurrect the su-era gold standard, the magnetic reed switch kbd.
1675451;1498590990;asciilifeform;they were... eternal
1675452;1498591241;phf;my setup is so "modern" that i can't really worry about permanence
1675453;1498591340;asciilifeform;there of course is the -- quite valid -- mircea_popescu school of thought, 'furniture oughta be standard and expendable'
1675454;1498591383;phf;i have to say though, from ergonomic perspective i've realized a while ago that none of this particularly matters. it's all significantly offset by fitness regime or lack of
1675455;1498591386;asciilifeform;but given what % of time i spend in front of screen and touching kbd, the idea of using lusertronic rubbish has ~0 appeal
1675456;1498591431;asciilifeform;phf: now this -- tru!
1675458;1498591451;asciilifeform;and moreover, the mircea_popescutronic answer to 'rsi', is that one that i end up using: 'type less, fool'
1675461;1498591986;asciilifeform;in continuation of 'the best car -- is to already be at the destination' line of thought, 'the best keyboard is to simply not need to hit many keys'
1675462;1498593458;mircea_popescu;hmm, anyone wanna paypal 30bux for me ?
1675463;1498595945;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/EHFoJ << in somewhat vintage cargocultisms.
1675464;1498595954;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski might enjoy ^
1675465;1498596505;asciilifeform;'Among the store’s roughly five thousand volumes were eight different books called “Talmud,” several of which listed Rabbi Tokayer as the author and included pictures of him inside their front covers. One version included “A Personal Message from the Author,” in English, in which Tokayer expressed his belief that “the Korean people and the Jewish people have so much in common, and share so many similar values.” '
1675467;1498597057;mircea_popescu;weird korean shit.
1675468;1498598503;shinohai;!~later tell mod6 New makefiles test went smooth ... If you aren't head-banging over Ada I have question regarding Vim setup when you have time.
1675469;1498598503;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded.
1675470;1498600084;BingoBoingo;So the first 3 results from the Google search "Roxanne Gay hamplanet" do not include the word hamplanet. Google Has either learned OR CENSORED RESULTS AGAIN!!!
1675471;1498601060;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1675472;1498601065;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2449.03, vol: 19229.41901269 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2403.893, vol: 7323.36006 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2402.0, vol: 33686.53303544 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2547.323739, vol: 14274.82870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2436.806, vol: 9231.76895356 | Volume-weighted last average: 2441.57226253
1675473;1498605245;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675463 << in somewhat vintage cargocultisms. >> "Korean women want to know the secret. They found the secret in this book." << lol "You, too, can do 'it'!"
1675474;1498605245;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 20:39 asciilifeform: https://archive.is/EHFoJ << in somewhat vintage cargocultisms.
1675475;1498605305;lobbes;One of the oldest self-help b00ks, still kickin' to this day
1675476;1498605359;shinohai;Adding this smacktard to my "List of ppl that need to die" http://archive.is/Lz9f9
1675477;1498605496;mod6;hi shinohai, glad to hear that the testing went well.
1675478;1498605510;mod6;what's your question re vim
1675479;1498605516;lobbes;"Many folks expect to have some way of viewing and using emojis" heh
1675480;1498605587;shinohai;If your sole contribution to computing is "adding fucking emojis" please die in a fire.
1675481;1498606296;Framedragger;calling it: "serious linux desktop RCE discovered related to emojis" (memory mismanagement or related) (exact words in quote may differ)
1675482;1498606301;*;Framedragger considers posting a bet re. this
1675483;1498606965;mircea_popescu;it's indubitably there.
1675484;1498609087;Framedragger;btw maersk (some related ports) is down due to new "ransomware" (orange website says it's the same nsa "eternalblue" windows vuln)
1675485;1498609108;mircea_popescu;not like they were needed anyway!
1675486;1498609131;Framedragger;:p what, the shipping company? ha
1675487;1498609138;mircea_popescu;just chinese crap anyway
1675488;1498609152;Framedragger;healthy perspective to have, i guess
1675489;1498609192;mircea_popescu;apple could buy china!
1675490;1498609305;mircea_popescu;netflix interprets maersk as damaged and just routes around teh censor ships!
1675491;1498609315;mircea_popescu;i got a whole silo fulla these btw, if you need.
1675492;1498609394;Framedragger;i mean, scriba was supposed to have an mp emulator chatbot, so i'll keep it in mind :)
1675493;1498609539;Framedragger;!$talk about "no such thing as too big"
1675494;1498609539;Framedragger;=> "from which we surmise you never had sex"
1675496;1498610641;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675479 << #8======B~~~~~~~~ .
1675497;1498610641;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 23:18 lobbes: "Many folks expect to have some way of viewing and using emojis" heh
1675498;1498610759;asciilifeform;in other, not wholly unrelated, lulz, '...out-of-bounds write in systemd-resolved in Ubuntu, which is possible to trigger with a specially crafted TCP payload. ... Certain sizes passed to dns_packet_new can cause it to allocate a buffer that's too small. A page-aligned number - sizeof(DnsPacket) + sizeof(iphdr) + sizeof(udphdr) will do this... A malicious DNS server can exploit this by responding with a specially crafted TCP payload
1675499;1498610760;asciilifeform;to trick systemd-resolved in to allocating a buffer that's too small, and subsequently write arbitrary data beyond the end of it.'
1675500;1498610803;asciilifeform;( 'CVE-2017-9445' )
1675503;1498610834;asciilifeform;and, not wholly unrelatedly, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr0d2eRl2nE .
1675504;1498610855;asciilifeform;'song of msdos'.
1675505;1498611029;asciilifeform;'... И представил я: / Город наводнился вдруг разумными людьми: / Вышли все под DOS,...'
1675506;1498611036;asciilifeform;( https://lleo.me/pesni/text/dos.shtml << full text. )
1675507;1498611098;asciilifeform;by the author of, e.g., 'the random number merchant'
1675508;1498611108;asciilifeform;( http://lleo.me/arhive/2014/prodavec.htm )
1675509;1498611827;asciilifeform;http://lleo.me/arhive/humor/skazki.shtml << d00d's 'fairy tales'.
1675510;1498612603;sina;mornin tmsr
1675511;1498612632;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675078 << my, I seem to have trouble phrasing my questions correctly :(
1675512;1498612632;a111;Logged on 2017-06-27 13:08 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-27#1675077 << there's no intention that there would be plaintext anything, wtf.
1675513;1498612652;sina;mircea_popescu: patience appreciated while I attempt to rephrase question.
1675514;1498612756;sina;in current model, operator can write a message and claim it is from anyone and "publish" it to their own message store. when peers connect, the messages since last seen are delivered, each encrypted with a peer-pair unique RSA key. so as the message "progresses" between peers it gets encrypted, then decrypted and stored in each peers message store in plaintext
1675515;1498612778;sina;what I'm asking is, does that behaviour match the intent? OR
1675516;1498612841;sina;should the operator be encrypting the message for the final recipient and then publishing that ciphertext?
1675517;1498612845;sina;OR, both?
1675519;1498612996;asciilifeform;sina: how do the 2 models differ ?
1675520;1498613015;asciilifeform;sina: and what means 'final recipient' ?
1675521;1498613028;Framedragger;intermediary peers won't be able to decrypt message in the latter model, asciilifeform
1675522;1498613049;sina;Framedragger: thanks, exactly what I meant
1675523;1498613057;asciilifeform;Framedragger: in mircea_popescu's gossipd algo, there are 2 types of messages, ordinary and private. the latter behave as described above
1675524;1498613070;asciilifeform;the former - as the 'stored, relayed'.
1675526;1498613085;*;Framedragger recalls mircea_popescu's archaic use of "for" in context of gossipd
1675527;1498613088;sina;so the answer is "the program should allow for both behaviours"
1675529;1498613100;asciilifeform;sina: if you're asking re mircea_popescu's algo -- then yes
1675530;1498613113;asciilifeform;i thought this was pretty clear from the article.
1675531;1498613143;sina;asciilifeform: yesterday you mentioned 2 articles, but I had only seen one, if you recall URL can you link second one?
1675532;1498613144;Framedragger;in fact i'd imagine that gossipd should ideally allow for arbitrary end to end encryption, would be up to operator?
1675533;1498613167;asciilifeform;Framedragger: all comms b/w any pair of nodes, properly rsa'd
1675534;1498613170;asciilifeform;no exceptions
1675535;1498613182;*;Framedragger got confused from article, too (hence not opining re gossipd currently)
1675536;1498613243;Framedragger;asciilifeform: sure, but (plz don't vomit from use of keyword) there should be a way to onion-rsa them, too (A encrypts to C's key, then encrypts to B's key and tells B to relay to C which is currently offline, or w/e)
1675537;1498613250;asciilifeform;1) original mircea_popescu's algo: http://trilema.com/2015/artifexd-a-better-ircd-rfc   2) the newer: http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document
1675539;1498613269;asciilifeform;Framedragger: you get this 'for free' from the normal relay mechanism
1675540;1498613271;asciilifeform;if you think about it.
1675541;1498613272;Framedragger;god it's like quoting talmud at this point :D (i mean the long comments etc)
1675542;1498613287;Framedragger;right, eternal rsa gen process, rsa'd automatically, etc
1675543;1498613297;sina;asciilifeform: can you clarify, *all* comms? when I was implementing my first pass at encrypting comms yest, I found that at least the very first message when a peer connects as a client would be plaintext, i.e. "hi I'm A", otherwise the "server" would need to enumerate all its keys to find if it knows the peer?
1675544;1498613310;asciilifeform;sina: it enumerates.
1675546;1498613319;asciilifeform;and in fact goes through ALL OF THEM, to avoid leaking timing.
1675547;1498613333;sina;then is there a need for a challenge at all?
1675548;1498613335;asciilifeform;( this is not in mircea_popescu's article but is imho elementary. )
1675549;1498613337;Framedragger;in fact that's a question i asked in comments, sina
1675550;1498613342;Framedragger;answer is as asciilifeform said
1675551;1498613343;Framedragger;just fyi
1675552;1498613363;Framedragger;i even raised a (nonsensical) "but-t-t time complexiti!" concern re this
1675553;1498613432;Framedragger;afaict gossipd model assumes that some rsa keys had been exchanged out-of-band. traditional challenge-response has been constantly critiqued by asciilifeform via "it's a DoS vector" argument (sorry if too curt, am in bed)
1675554;1498613469;Framedragger;(which makes sense, hence lighthoused proposal)
1675555;1498613500;asciilifeform;in other mircea_popescuine treats, http://lleo.me/kamasutra/index.htm .
1675556;1498613504;Framedragger;sina: (re. enumerate -- http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/#comment-121604)
1675557;1498613510;asciilifeform;and speaking of which i'ma bbl.
1675558;1498613514;*;Framedragger too
1675559;1498613520;sina;ok thanks all
1675560;1498613530;sina;this will change my design a little bit
1675561;1498613542;Framedragger;(ah in fact a bit up the stack, http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/#comment-121602)
1675562;1498613887;sina;asciilifeform: yest you said no sessions in gossipd, yet http://trilema.com/2015/artifexd-a-better-ircd-rfc/ clearly describes a session based proto
1675563;1498614207;Framedragger;sina: to clarify (hopefully lol), that ^ is for all intents and purposes outdated. asciilifeform did say "original mp algo". that said, i'll agree if you say "you guys have a documentation problem omg"
1675564;1498614231;Framedragger;(but then, the newer article clearly states "This is an up-to-date draft specification for gossipd", so i'm not too sure about that, either)
1675565;1498614312;Framedragger;sina: fwiw (he can speak for himself but to save you time), asciilifeform does not like sessions [ever|anymore], and considers them ugly beasts which won't have a place in his gossipd bed
1675566;1498614351;sina;appreciated Framedragger
1675567;1498614396;Framedragger;(i know it's a hella lot of comments under the newer article but iirc his "DoS magnet!!" points are addressed there)
1675568;1498614554;sina;I guess I'll wait for some clarification from mircea_popescu ? challenge/response is a session based concept even ignoring the older post
1675569;1498614596;Framedragger;did you read the part about lighthouse based challenge, though?
1675570;1498614626;sina;"To craft a valid packet, a sender must collect a single auth string from the receiving node's lighthouse (via whatever means, can be a shortwave tuner), craft auth with it as described by Mircea Popescu earlier, encipher to receiver's RSA pubkey, and send." ?
1675571;1498614635;sina;that one?
1675572;1498614644;Framedragger;tl;dr asciilifeform described a way for peer A to provide a challenge-response to peer B in a way which would not require any communication from B, hence not creating a DoS vector
1675573;1498614669;Framedragger;yeah, though note that the lighthouse may for all intents be node C there
1675574;1498614688;sina;well, the next line is literally "This variant is not, incidentally, intrinsically incompatible with Mircea Popescu's - conceivably he might choose to hand out auth challenges to all-comers, while I operate lighthouse; while retaining the other basic mechanics."
1675575;1498614706;Framedragger;hmm, right
1675576;1498614759;Framedragger;note the important aspect which lighthouse introduces: constant stream of auth strings, "in all directions"
1675577;1498614788;Framedragger;"in all directions" depends on medium. in radio, it's clear; in packet switched networks, could be a list of broadcast addresses to send auth strings to (constantly), etc
1675578;1498614797;Framedragger;sorry if repeating what you already know
1675579;1498614820;Framedragger;the point is that auth strings are sent regardless of whether the connecting peer (A) wants them
1675580;1498614852;Framedragger;so there's no way to DoS peer B with "hi plox to send me an auth string, i'm totally legit non sybil node"
1675581;1498614896;Framedragger;("well ok, let me generate this one just for you, and this for just for you", vs. "i'll generate this many auth strings per time unit, and distribute them to this set of destinations (or "shit them out via radio"))
1675582;1498614917;Framedragger;so in that sense it's not your traditional challenge-response. again, sorry if repeating
1675583;1498614932;sina;no apologies necessary
1675584;1498614984;sina;Framedragger: can you bear with me for a few questions or were you going to bbl?
1675585;1498614993;Framedragger;i may fall asleep but shoot
1675586;1498615019;sina;so we have a lighthouse thingo broadcasting some random bytes as challenge strings in plaintext
1675587;1498615039;sina;and nodes are receiving and storing those challenge strings
1675588;1498615085;sina;if I'm operator of peer A and want to send a message to peer B, what do I do? pick one of my stored challenge strings, sign it, send it along with my message?
1675589;1498615146;Framedragger;yes i think so, and note that there is a time window there re. how recent challenge string has to be, to avoid replay. i.e., those strings expire. and yes that's how you send a msg to B iirc
1675590;1498615187;Framedragger;A and B may then decide to enter some different "state" but the general gossipd design is stateless, i.e. there is no session
1675591;1498615228;sina;probably a dumb question
1675592;1498615230;Framedragger;mircea_popescu had concerns re. "signed", but iirc the concept of "station key" (vs. "mega important owner key") helped there. not sure if entirely resolved, tho
1675593;1498615247;sina;but why can't A just sign any random bytes? why does it need to come from the lighthouse?
1675594;1498615256;Framedragger;(btw the challenge strings may be in something else than plaintext, all depends on lighthouse and medium)
1675595;1498615345;Framedragger;i believe this relates to asciilifeform's "traditional challenge-response creates DoS vector". so with a lighthouse auth string, one more important point is that a particular auth string cannot be reused.
1675596;1498615346;sina;oh nevermind, obviously if you sign any random bytes it can be replayed
1675598;1498615391;Framedragger;yeah, so this avoid replay but also sets a limit to how much DoS exposure you have (one of the limits, at least)
1675600;1498615407;Framedragger;well i guess it's the same thing, kinda
1675601;1498615438;sina;another probably dumb question
1675602;1498615444;sina;why not just sign the current UTC timestamp
1675603;1498615464;sina;you can't replay timestamps outside of a certain window +/- 0.5s or something?
1675604;1498615484;Framedragger;because you can predict the future of such a lighthouse, hence craft any number of packets in advance
1675605;1498615510;Framedragger;let me recall why that is super important lol; but the unpredictability of the auth strings coming from lighthouse is important
1675606;1498615530;*;Framedragger is "recall vs. just think about it" mode
1675607;1498615530;sina;Framedragger: really appreciate your patience, I get the feeling asciilifeform would be shouting at me again by now
1675608;1498615546;Framedragger;nah folks are just busy
1675609;1498615565;Framedragger;i guess he'd say "read the article [implying read the comments, too]"
1675610;1498615591;sina;I'm not sure I understand how you can craft packets in advance if they need to be signed
1675611;1498615686;Framedragger;hold on, you're right
1675612;1498615723;*;Framedragger reading how asciilifeform described the packets, if at all, because forgot
1675613;1498615762;sina;also I can't see how the model can be *completely* stateless, there will always be some kind of minimal session which is "hi, I'm A" followed by a response tailored to A
1675614;1498615791;sina;unless all responses are identical for all peers, which would make them plaintext
1675615;1498615863;mircea_popescu;well now ima have to read this whole thang
1675616;1498615886;Framedragger;sina: right, re future, i didn't make sense there
1675617;1498615905;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675514 << yes.
1675618;1498615905;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 01:19 sina: in current model, operator can write a message and claim it is from anyone and "publish" it to their own message store. when peers connect, the messages since last seen are delivered, each encrypted with a peer-pair unique RSA key. so as the message "progresses" between peers it gets encrypted, then decrypted and stored in each peers message store in plaintext
1675619;1498615998;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675543 << yes, server looks through its keys.
1675620;1498615998;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 01:28 sina: asciilifeform: can you clarify, *all* comms? when I was implementing my first pass at encrypting comms yest, I found that at least the very first message when a peer connects as a client would be plaintext, i.e. "hi I'm A", otherwise the "server" would need to enumerate all its keys to find if it knows the peer?
1675621;1498616110;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675565 << the problem with the concept of a "session" is that it attempts to link machine state to world state. this is a very tenuous proposition, and the fundamental reason why sessionificatyion of (the correctly designed) stateless http protocol failed for 30 years straight and will continue to fail forever.
1675622;1498616110;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 01:45 Framedragger: sina: fwiw (he can speak for himself but to save you time), asciilifeform does not like sessions [ever|anymore], and considers them ugly beasts which won't have a place in his gossipd bed
1675623;1498616186;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: i fucking can't reckon right now why output of lighthouse has to be unpredictable. damn it :D *if* all packets are signed with peer keys that receiving peer already has, timestamp with defined validity window would avoid replay... (http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/#comment-119045)
1675624;1498616213;mircea_popescu;you know, the lighthouse idea, while an idea, didn't actually get included.
1675625;1498616228;mircea_popescu;prolly should separate the re-discussing of that from the guy trying to comprehend the spec
1675626;1498616259;Framedragger;situation is different if the point is for peer A to newly introduce self to B. then (sina) "unpredictable lighthouse" is important because it sets a limit to how many auth strings can be used.
1675627;1498616274;mircea_popescu;no peers introduce themselves though. at all.
1675628;1498616309;Framedragger;(in fact maybe that's an important point as well: lighthouse shits at a fixed rate; there is a discrete amount of auth strings which can be used. i guess this is obvious, i'm slow)
1675629;1498616321;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: right
1675630;1498616322;mircea_popescu;the only way for A and B to be introduced, outside of the grandfatherly, A fucks B and they exchange bits of paper, is C tells A about B and B about A.
1675632;1498616367;mircea_popescu;there's no peer discovery as a gossipd function ; at all times it knows already all the peers it will ever know. in lawyer speak this is called "never ask a question you don't know the answer to."
1675633;1498616390;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yeah lighthouse discussion does complicate matters, the fact of the matter is, it's the only current (written) alternative to DoS-prone traditional challenge-response (A asks B to plz send challenge, A then response to B with that challenge), within gossipd universe
1675635;1498616431;Framedragger;also lighthouse concept didn't get properly included in spec because it's probably not yet finished, ha
1675637;1498616460;Framedragger;"Re 119 : You'll have to properly spec this if you want it." (you said it!)
1675638;1498616462;sina;mircea_popescu: while I appreciate the validty of issues about sessions, challenge/response dictates there must be something akin to a session, even if that isn't the most precisely fitting term
1675640;1498616473;mircea_popescu;sina what challenge response ?
1675641;1498616478;mircea_popescu;let's go through the process in detail.
1675643;1498616495;mircea_popescu;at t0, A encrypts plaintext P to key B1.
1675644;1498616507;mircea_popescu;at t1, A remits P.B1 to B.
1675645;1498616542;mircea_popescu;at t2, B is free to decrypt or not decrypt P.B1. it is supposed to make this decision on the basis of B1 and whatever other data it uses to make such a decision.
1675646;1498616579;mircea_popescu;at t3, providing B has opted to decrypt P.B1, it is in possession of P. if P is a standard message, it contains a reference allowing it to respond.
1675647;1498616600;mircea_popescu;if the operator of B opts to respond, at t4 A will receive a P'.Ai
1675648;1498616607;asciilifeform;Framedragger: recall, mircea_popescu and asciilifeform never came to a 'hey we have this 1 algo', so all q re 'gossipd' presume, imho, mircea_popescu's algo, which was actually called so
1675649;1498616618;mircea_popescu;if the operator of B opts to relay, at t5 various nodes will receive a P.?j
1675650;1498616647;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. nmot that i'm against further exploring the lighthouse thing, but gotta be separate item for nao.
1675651;1498616655;mircea_popescu;sina so where's a session in there ?
1675652;1498616655;asciilifeform;and it was different from asciilifeform's, and did not include 'lighthouses', luby transform, a few elses
1675653;1498616658;sina;"a reference allowing it to respond." << is that not a session concept?
1675654;1498616677;mircea_popescu;sina i imagine it's a keyid of some kind. that makes a session ?
1675655;1498616706;sina;mircea_popescu: I assume A generated that reference, and it is storing it until B has responded?
1675656;1498616712;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ah, then i confused things by way of saying that "challenge-response needs to be ditched in gossipd model". hmm. i did think that the two items are not conceptually separable anymore
1675657;1498616719;mircea_popescu;sina all keys are stored forever.
1675658;1498616740;asciilifeform;Framedragger: gotta distinguish mircea_popescu's algo from the MB or so of asciilifeform's commentz re same
1675659;1498616769;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: well you did say "whenever operator feels like it, keys get nuked." (i guess that's not the same, tho)
1675660;1498616775;sina;mircea_popescu: ok that makes sense, you should consider updating the blogpost :P
1675661;1498616781;mircea_popescu;Framedragger that is what "forever" means to machines.
1675662;1498616783;sina;because the blogpost has a challenge/response thingo
1675663;1498616788;mircea_popescu;link me ?
1675664;1498616803;sina;http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/ III. Gossipd will receive inbound connectionsvii from identified clientsviii and on the basis of that identification produce an encrypted challenge string, which constitutes its response. If the other party responds with the proper challenge string, the connection is established ; otherwise it is dropped.
1675665;1498616815;asciilifeform;asciilifeform, some yrs before being introduced to mircea_popescu, wrote an (unpublished) algo, 'kapelle', that resembled mircea_popescu's gossipd. hence 'strong feelingz'
1675666;1498616842;mircea_popescu;sina yeah that's amply misleading.
1675668;1498616872;sina;this clarification is much appreciated, I do think I can rework what I've got to fit the above model
1675669;1498616872;Framedragger;CONFUSE THE ENEMY
1675670;1498616875;mircea_popescu;the idea was to report to the operator, "We have link with x". but conceptually, sessions as a fundamental building block of comms, are not used.
1675671;1498616886;asciilifeform;(had slightly different domain: botnet orbital control...)
1675672;1498616904;mircea_popescu;there's a difference between my client showing alf as "online" and my client being built on the concept of sessions.
1675673;1498616924;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i never got to comandeer one from irc channel, am sad
1675674;1498616957;asciilifeform;Framedragger: it 'gets old' quickly
1675677;1498617020;sina;time for some food and stuffs, I will spend time later trying to implement this
1675678;1498617027;asciilifeform;think of 'we have link' as if with, e.g, satellite
1675679;1498617038;Framedragger;i'm in fact curious why in your model lighthouse has to be unpredictable, asciilifeform. maybe it's something very obvious
1675680;1498617039;asciilifeform;i.e. when was last time of contact
1675681;1498617074;sina;oh yeah, while we have you alf, can you answer above? why is lighthouse necessary if A can just sign current timestamp and B only accept timestamps within a small variance window?
1675682;1498617079;asciilifeform;Framedragger: because not signing but decrypting
1675686;1498617114;asciilifeform;( why does deedbot cookie gotta be random! )
1675687;1498617119;Framedragger;yeah this is too densely compressed
1675688;1498617148;sina;asciilifeform: if the challenges are being broadcast by the lighthouse in the clear, and all the peers are storing N of them, can't evilguy X just encrypt all of them?
1675689;1498617153;sina;and send them at will?
1675690;1498617153;Framedragger;i assumed that packets were signed by A
1675692;1498617166;asciilifeform;whereas in 'sign lighthouse' model, also gotta be unpredictable, but to prevent replay
1675693;1498617173;asciilifeform;without having to store anything
1675694;1498617206;sina;you can prevent replay by signing a timestamp and accepting only "current" timestamp within a window of +/- 0.X seconds?
1675695;1498617208;asciilifeform;i.e. a signed(S) could not have practically come into existence before you broadcast S, if the latter is a long rng turd
1675696;1498617220;asciilifeform;sina: didja read the clocks thread ?
1675697;1498617227;sina;obvously not
1675698;1498617229;asciilifeform;we don't ntp
1675700;1498617247;asciilifeform;and disbelieve in the possibility of accurate synced clocks.
1675701;1498617255;sina;tmsr is a weird place
1675702;1498617263;asciilifeform;( sans ntp and similar imperial shenanigans )
1675703;1498617270;asciilifeform;ntp requires a hitler.
1675704;1498617270;Framedragger;asciilifeform: but the main work by the receiving peer is in checking the signature of the other peer anyway (besides decrypting the message itself), no?
1675705;1498617291;Framedragger;question is about unpredictability anyway
1675706;1498617293;Framedragger;so more general
1675707;1498617316;sina;<+asciilifeform> Framedragger: because not signing but decrypting << I am not sure I understand this. Why is it decrypting? Considering everyone has the plaintext from broadcasts
1675708;1498617323;Framedragger;and if the main work is in checking signature, how does a "could not have practically come into existence before you broadcast S" help with regards to DoS?
1675709;1498617358;asciilifeform;sina: say i take random string R and encrypt to pubkeys p1, p2,...,pN
1675710;1498617362;Framedragger;if incoming message is *not signed*, then i understand - it sets a fixed horizon in terms of how much you can spam.
1675711;1498617402;sina;anyway, I guess this is a seperate question for smarter people, I will just stick to trying to update my thingo to match mircea_popescu description above
1675712;1498617414;sina;must food
1675713;1498617414;asciilifeform;sina: to get a window to speak to me, you come back with the plaintext of a recent R. proving that you are one of p1,...pN.
1675714;1498617420;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ah, damn. is the point to prove to B that A holds A's key at time t? i feel dumb
1675716;1498617446;Framedragger;lol, umm, "duh", thanks for bearing
1675717;1498617451;asciilifeform;dun worry Framedragger , it does take some actual sweat, to puzzle out
1675718;1498617461;asciilifeform;but asciilifeform is happy to give a hand.
1675719;1498617487;Framedragger;sina: point was to prove continued identity of A, continued ownership of A's private key, so to speak.
1675720;1498617493;*;Framedragger appreciates
1675721;1498617502;*;Framedragger and goes to sleep
1675722;1498617532;asciilifeform;('come back with the plaintext' of course means that you, e.g,, gimme a hash H(R + salt), or the like, not literally exposing it for world!)
1675723;1498617545;asciilifeform;goodnight Framedragger
1675724;1498617811;asciilifeform;btw note that 'decrypt mode lighthouse' is deedbot-like, the answerer proves that he holds one of p1,...,pN keys. rather than one in particular.
1675725;1498617828;asciilifeform;without distributing signed material.
1675727;1498617862;asciilifeform;this btw is also a major feature of mircea_popescu's (non-lighthousetronic) algo, and imho important
1675728;1498617879;mircea_popescu;the problem with it, once ammended for the sign issue, was not exactly technical, more in terms of how expensiuve it is
1675729;1498617901;mircea_popescu;not "it won't work" but rather "will it be worth working"
1675730;1498617949;asciilifeform;it can be as expensive ( broadcast to galaxy! ) or cheap ( request a turd in web form, which actually reduces to approx. mircea_popescu's original..! ) as desired.
1675733;1498617992;asciilifeform;i imagine most stations would do something in between.
1675734;1498618023;asciilifeform;( homework: calculate packet shitting rate necessary to hit every ipv4 at least weekly )
1675735;1498618030;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675603 << because this imports GPS into gossipd, or most of gossipd history will not contain GPS or anything like it.
1675736;1498618030;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 02:04 sina: you can't replay timestamps outside of a certain window +/- 0.5s or something?
1675737;1498618301;sina;the weather is shit so I am just going to order a pizza and sit in the dark
1675738;1498618312;mircea_popescu;enjoy ?
1675740;1498618343;sina;oh yeah. I'm actually on holidays from work this week, that is why I'm around hassling y'all at all hours
1675741;1498618352;mircea_popescu;hey, i like it.
1675742;1498618427;asciilifeform;sina: think also through the implications of 'no clock'. suddenly, chronological ordering is nontrivial.
1675743;1498618458;sina;asciilifeform: chronological ordering of messages?
1675744;1498618464;asciilifeform;('timestamp' has no factual meaning outside of hardware on your desk. and even there - 'fuzzy')
1675745;1498618489;asciilifeform;sina: aha, what-happened-before-whatelse
1675746;1498618504;sina;yeah, per the spec, peers are only storing messages with local timestamp they received them
1675747;1498618514;mircea_popescu;yes, witness-time
1675748;1498618515;sina;ordering/conflict resolution is left up to the operator
1675749;1498618521;mircea_popescu;einstein'd be proud
1675750;1498618548;asciilifeform;sina: point being, you cannot rely on timestamps of any form to distinguish old packets from new and filter replays
1675751;1498618558;mircea_popescu;notice how it's not even POSSIBLE for the "same" message to be delivered via gossipd. for purely quantic reasons.
1675753;1498618635;asciilifeform;sina: i recommend to also review logs re 'protocolic vs promisetronic' concept
1675754;1498618661;asciilifeform;then when i say 'timestamps not produced by yourself are promisetronic' it will immediately click in your brain.
1675755;1498618669;mircea_popescu;this is the root of the divergence so far, so not a bad reference. encountering a problem, sina tends to seek the "correct" dependency to bake in.
1675756;1498618671;*;sina addes to notes
1675757;1498618675;mircea_popescu;as a matter of habit.
1675758;1498618689;mircea_popescu;this is very much not what tmsr ever does.
1675759;1498618720;sina;s/correct/desired/ pls
1675760;1498618733;mircea_popescu;ideal ? community-approved ? you name it.
1675762;1498618749;sina;is it bad?
1675763;1498618753;mircea_popescu;it's different.
1675764;1498618767;mircea_popescu;it can work, depending, but it doesn't work by itself, it has to be a very strictly examioned thing.
1675765;1498618778;asciilifeform;there was an old sf tale, maybe 1940s, about a d00d in the Evil Future who is sentenced to death , but 'in house arrest', is put in a seemingly normal flat where common household objects are boobytrapped
1675766;1498618782;sina;I mean I *can* go off and do my own thing, but then I am making a sinathing not a tmsrthing
1675767;1498618795;asciilifeform;with proviso that if he lives for a week, he gets reprieved
1675768;1498618825;asciilifeform;this is roughly analogous situation to the daily life of tmsr software folx
1675769;1498618827;sina;does he in an explosion of shit as he sits on the toilet?
1675770;1498618829;mircea_popescu;sina the problem with the non-tmsr things is that they are undependable. in the complete sense of that term : temporally, functionally, you name it.
1675771;1498618865;asciilifeform;sina: dies when 'reprieved' and turns door knob to leave, forgetting all caution: poisoned
1675772;1498618878;sina;the future is not all bad. I order pizza and can see its current progress in the store and GPS tells me its location en route
1675773;1498618881;asciilifeform;( spoiler!!!1 )
1675774;1498618882;sina;asciilifeform: haha
1675775;1498618909;mircea_popescu;sina do you see how this is an extra cost, not an added benefit ?
1675776;1498618923;mircea_popescu;my pizza just takes the my saying "yo, make pizza!"
1675777;1498618981;sina;mircea_popescu: my perspective is that I am just trying to implement what appears to be an interesting spec. for the reason of being interested in implementing that spec. so when I ask for tmsrthing clarification, it is just in terms of spec, not in terms of "making a thing" ...if that makes sense
1675779;1498618995;sina;Mircea Popescu: Pizza Whisperer
1675781;1498619019;mircea_popescu;but, and here's the beauty, for the same money today had salmon.
1675782;1498619031;sina;the pizza doesn't even exist, you just say "yo, make pizza" and flour assembles itself into dough, tomatos become paste, basil grinds itself
1675784;1498619066;sina;we aren't all rich Romanians with slavegirls ok
1675785;1498619092;mircea_popescu;aite, watch teh gps like it means something then!!!
1675789;1498619167;mircea_popescu;computer pseudoscience may be the only engineering discipline in which the ancient solutions actually are better.
1675790;1498619219;sina;token ring?
1675791;1498619250;mircea_popescu;slavegirl to run kitchen >>> gps to watch kitchen being run in
1675792;1498619304;mircea_popescu;see, because if she is too slow, i don't just SAY she's too slow. she fixes it. and if she dun fix it fast enough i got whips to help along. what's the gps do ? it doesn't afford you any agency towards the pizzeria. yet you're wartching. so what do you do ? you turn inward, educate ~yourself~.
1675793;1498619305;sina;CRT monitors!
1675794;1498619306;mircea_popescu;stupid fucking tool.
1675795;1498619324;mircea_popescu;i don't want to grind myself by the measure of some 9.60 an hour mexicans in a kitchen somewhere.
1675796;1498619341;sina;mircea_popescu: this is AU, no Mexicans, mostly SE Asians
1675797;1498619347;mircea_popescu;do you know how many soviets yelled at the television set ?
1675798;1498619361;asciilifeform;americans used to shoot at cinema screens
1675799;1498619365;asciilifeform;in the early days
1675801;1498619391;asciilifeform;like birds, attacking reflection in window
1675802;1498619415;mircea_popescu;i've seen some awesome bird-bird rape since i've been here btw. you have NO FDUCKING IDEA what birds do.
1675803;1498619419;asciilifeform;'that ain't another pigeon, idiot , it's yerself'
1675804;1498619431;sina;speaking of birds, I read this yest: https://archive.fo/bvoGR
1675805;1498619486;asciilifeform;if rat can learn to smoke.. why not bird.
1675806;1498619622;sina;re this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675484 ...here is one funny fact I learned today!
1675807;1498619622;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 00:18 Framedragger: btw maersk (some related ports) is down due to new "ransomware" (orange website says it's the same nsa "eternalblue" windows vuln)
1675808;1498619640;sina;"If you sign malware with a fake self-signed Microsoft certificate, several major AV's on VirusTotal will ignore it"
1675810;1498619652;sina;following affected: @kaspersky @arcabit @Malwarebytes @TrendMicro @Webroot @zonealarm
1675811;1498619657;mircea_popescu;grep "begin signed" blabla
1675812;1498619710;sina;majority of infections have been in Ukraine, there are screenshots of lots of Ukranian stuff (grocery store terminals, train stations, etc)
1675813;1498619726;sina;whoever wrote it didn't suck like WannaCry authors and implemented lateral movement
1675814;1498619741;sina;so it can go inside the "crunchy on outside, soft inside" networks
1675816;1498619809;sina;what is nb?
1675817;1498619816;mircea_popescu;not bad, contraction
1675818;1498619821;sina;ah thx
1675819;1498619825;sina;also, unrelated is this: https://archive.fo/lr3iN
1675820;1498619835;sina;ikea made awesome solar concentrator for 5 fiat units
1675821;1498619849;mircea_popescu;were you here for the "solar power" hax / lulz ?
1675822;1498619868;sina;don't think so
1675823;1498619903;mircea_popescu;lemme fish it out i guess
1675824;1498619920;sina;OH YEAH, going back to the ransomware that hit Maersk
1675825;1498619937;sina;Chernobyl is running on manual monitoring after their systems got hit!
1675827;1498619948;mircea_popescu;see also that day in logs, lulz were had
1675828;1498620074;sina;ha that is interesting, but the ikea thing is just a $5 polished metal bowl that has been setting stuff in peoples houses on fire
1675829;1498620086;sina;will check logs for more lel
1675830;1498620111;mircea_popescu;sounds liek a chiuldhood dream
1675831;1498620137;sina;live your dreams mircea_popescu! set all that stuff on fire :P
1675832;1498620149;mircea_popescu;i do make a fire now and again.
1675833;1498620162;mircea_popescu;got a whole bbq terrace thing by teh pool.
1675834;1498620177;sina;mmmm bbq I love me some bbq pork
1675835;1498620204;mircea_popescu;well, no gps here so can't help you
1675836;1498620262;sina;makes sense, you only just made it to fire, still another 7000 years before GPS :D :P
1675838;1498620303;sina;ok for real time to vegetate now, enjoy the day all, I will spend some time on rejigging gossipdthing later and probably be back with more dumb questions at that point
1675840;1498621137;PeterL;Good evening Trilema
1675842;1498623037;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675808 << RunMoarWinblowz
1675843;1498623037;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 03:14 sina: "If you sign malware with a fake self-signed Microsoft certificate, several major AV's on VirusTotal will ignore it"
1675844;1498623119;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/879D62B318A6A49281F9402E6B11526A4FFA8C93C1731EF9C504069D427CF434 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1381...2279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip68-231-181-46.tc.ph.cox.net. US AZ)
1675845;1498623119;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/879D62B318A6A49281F9402E6B11526A4FFA8C93C1731EF9C504069D427CF434 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1464...7843 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (ip68-231-181-46.tc.ph.cox.net. US AZ)
1675846;1498623124;PeterL;do antiviruses count as something that is promistronic?
1675848;1498625807;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8D410EBED0F258765B617AA394D7D7BD3CC1D378783527DF7F6CF74D58DF7395 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1549...0947 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (66-111-32-94.static.sagonet.net. US FL)
1675849;1498625807;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8D410EBED0F258765B617AA394D7D7BD3CC1D378783527DF7F6CF74D58DF7395 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1572...4967 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (66-111-32-94.static.sagonet.net. US FL)
1675850;1498626163;PeterL;from old thread: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-11#1641818 << where I work, we do stuff in excel, and every spreadsheet gets printed along with a copy of the formula view and these go together through a data audit
1675851;1498626163;a111;Logged on 2017-04-11 00:22 asciilifeform: when whole thing is excel -- the 60 y.o. buffett at the top, theoretically understands the flow.
1675852;1498626889;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6308E9FD2A84490D6072FDA12D2BF1AE6EFD6ACD5358ADCAE26E167350FC227D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1442...8033 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( EE)
1675853;1498626890;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6308E9FD2A84490D6072FDA12D2BF1AE6EFD6ACD5358ADCAE26E167350FC227D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1782...9023 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' ( EE)
1675854;1498627954;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3D70714D7ABCF06D4A82734399F94130FDEAB3EA5E8655CC253329D340E7FC6A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1600...1179 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR)
1675855;1498627954;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3D70714D7ABCF06D4A82734399F94130FDEAB3EA5E8655CC253329D340E7FC6A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1763...1999 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown IR)
1675856;1498628524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/396A5B41867A1256E75686B4951842D8943C3C2FC494F34BB71BCB37436417C1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1765...1089 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gyr158.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL WP)
1675857;1498628524;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/396A5B41867A1256E75686B4951842D8943C3C2FC494F34BB71BCB37436417C1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1780...1059 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (gyr158.internetdsl.tpnet.pl. PL WP)
1675858;1498629674;BingoBoingo;!~ticker F.DERP
1675859;1498629676;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitfinex. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the code is a valid (1 more message)
1675860;1498629864;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency birds
1675861;1498629865;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: 'birds' is not a valid currency code.
1675863;1498641130;sina;thanks to clarification from mircea_popescu Framedragger and asciilifeform I have refactored for statelessness, which led to a significant amount of unnecessary code being deleted!
1675864;1498641155;sina;currently only "standard" messages are supported
1675865;1498641185;sina;but all traffic is sent as RSA payloads with nothing at all in plaintext ever
1675866;1498641189;sina;everything now stateless
1675867;1498641269;sina;FWIW, what I have now is also nothing like the spec on trilema.com :P
1675868;1498642774;sina;lol https://archive.fo/rtW5P "Federal Reserve on bubble watch, but not worried yet"
1675869;1498648989;jurov;asciilifeform: didja look into sewing machine pedals, btw? they seem to be designed solidly, for all-day use
1675870;1498654421;asciilifeform;jurov: i did, same problem
1675871;1498654727;asciilifeform;sewing machine ( and other power tool ) trigger pedals, if you think about it, indeed sometimes are used 'all day', but very different pattern from hypothetical keyboardpedal. they do long strokes.
1675872;1498654755;asciilifeform;so the resting position thing does not so much matter to the sewing folx
1675873;1498655586;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://archive.is/iSqey
1675874;1498655656;asciilifeform;'On June 22, 2017, CNN.com published a story connecting Anthony Scaramucci with investigations into the Russian Direct Investment Fund. That story did not meet CNN's editorial standards and has been retracted. Links to the story have been disabled. CNN apologizes to Mr. Scaramucci.'
1675875;1498655672;asciilifeform;apparently in usg also there are 'untouchable' folx.
1675876;1498655751;asciilifeform;s is a hedge fund d00d.
1675877;1498655780;asciilifeform;( recently appointed minister of something or other )
1675878;1498655842;sina;oh yeah saw this on twitter thought tmsr would be amused/interested
1675879;1498655846;sina;"It’s not crazy for OpenSSL to redesign and simplify its CSPRNG. It is silly to make it MORE complicated." from tptacek
1675880;1498655856;sina;linking to this PR https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/3758
1675881;1498657604;shinohai; Good morning sina, in case you need to confess thy sins http://btcinfo.sdf.org/uploads/confession.jpeg
1675882;1498658184;sina;evenin shinohai!
1675883;1498658211;sina;I prefer atheists myself
1675884;1498658249;sina;or at least those that have been cast from the church in disgrace! :P
1675885;1498658345;shinohai;I can assure you that pic isn't sanctioned by the vatican at all
1675887;1498659090;sina;mornin mod6
1675888;1498659165;mod6;been havin fun workin on gossip?
1675890;1498659489;sina;I was thinking about the latest iteration which is much simpler, I think I might try and convert the TCP bit to UDP tomorrow
1675892;1498660093;sina;hows trb stuff comin along
1675893;1498660118;sina;mod6: haha I just remembered I was reading logs yesterday and found one line where you said you don't like python :P
1675894;1498660142;mod6;It's goin, been doing some testing on a experimental vpatch here as of late.
1675895;1498660229;mod6;(to update the makefiles.  http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/trb_tickets.html#36)
1675896;1498660246;mod6;sina: naw, don't like python.
1675897;1498660346;sina;it made me think about how I pretty much default to it for most problems above the complexity threshold of single line bash things
1675899;1498660418;sina;I do think it makes a very good prototyping tool
1675900;1498660432;sina;but do prefer strongly typed langs after knocking something together
1675901;1498660448;mod6;ya, for sure.
1675902;1498660483;sina;I see here everyone seems to know/use lisp and it's a lang I have almost 0 exposure to
1675903;1498660492;mod6;python got me with its for loop else case.
1675904;1498660505;asciilifeform;sina: garbagecollected language on pc hardware is unsuitable for crypto
1675905;1498660508;mod6;i'm a lisp n00b.
1675906;1498660521;mod6;i did start getting into scheme last year though.
1675907;1498660538;mod6;i don't use emacs or clisp or anything like that.
1675908;1498660557;sina;asciilifeform: sure that is understood as general principle, it's unsuitable for really anything low level
1675909;1498660577;sina;mod6: pls clarify "for loop else case"?
1675910;1498660586;asciilifeform;sina: this is quite mistaken. strictly for crypto.
1675911;1498660596;asciilifeform;because - again - nonconstant time and space.
1675913;1498660653;sina;I only learned recently that python was created for use on Amoeba OS
1675914;1498660714;asciilifeform;soooo asciilifeform was taking a morning walk and saw a sight straight out of a mircea_popescu article. teenage chick standing in doorway, her mother (?) packing something into car, in front yard. chick then lifts her shirt and reveals naked cunt, and smiles. mother goes apeshit, screaming in, i think, portuguese, even now, i can almost hear it through open window.
1675915;1498660761;sina;you made a friend!
1675916;1498660765;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu oughta send his ufo over and pick up his 'candidate'
1675918;1498660825;mod6;sina: there's a snippet of its use in asciilifeform's V, detailed in ben_vulpes's blog: http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system
1675919;1498660851;mod6;asciilifeform: you
1675920;1498660858;asciilifeform;waiwat mod6
1675921;1498660861;mod6;'ve had a splendid morning
1675922;1498660905;asciilifeform;certainly a lulzgem, to see creatures step out of the pages of mircea_popescu and into meat
1675923;1498660913;mod6;asciilifeform: for loop, with else case.
1675924;1498660921;mod6;it got me, way back in the day.
1675925;1498660965;asciilifeform;aah yes pythonism
1675926;1498661027;mod6;anyway, that was the only thing really with python.  most of it seems fine.
1675928;1498661172;sina;this is a good read http://www.loper-os.org/?p=861
1675931;1498661806;sina;mircea_popescu: mornin. I rejigged the gossipthing. I think what I have now reflects more closely what was discussed earlier. however I also think the spec vastly differs so may be worthwhile adding a disclaimer to the existing one or writing an entirely new one
1675932;1498661850;sina;anyhoos, past by bedtime, good evenin
1675933;1498661889;mircea_popescu;sina : that's how this stuff goes, and wehy someone biting bullet and writing an impl, even if he writes it in php, is worth it. was deliberately demonstrated with the fabulous hash function, and generally.
1675934;1498663765;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675863 << W.O.R.D.
1675935;1498663765;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 09:12 sina: thanks to clarification from mircea_popescu Framedragger and asciilifeform I have refactored for statelessness, which led to a significant amount of unnecessary code being deleted!
1675936;1498663813;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675869 <<< this is not a bad idea on the face, get an old singer or w/e. i might've even suggested it way back when. they do have a lot of inertia thop
1675937;1498663813;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 11:23 jurov: asciilifeform: didja look into sewing machine pedals, btw? they seem to be designed solidly, for all-day use
1675938;1498664080;asciilifeform;i have not only, believe, a sewing machine here, but other power tools actuated with pedals. but see the thread.
1675939;1498664445;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675902 << use the slut ; that's what she's there for.
1675940;1498664445;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 14:34 sina: I see here everyone seems to know/use lisp and it's a lang I have almost 0 exposure to
1675941;1498664586;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675914 << and you didn't stop ?!
1675942;1498664586;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 14:38 asciilifeform: soooo asciilifeform was taking a morning walk and saw a sight straight out of a mircea_popescu article. teenage chick standing in doorway, her mother (?) packing something into car, in front yard. chick then lifts her shirt and reveals naked cunt, and smiles. mother goes apeshit, screaming in, i think, portuguese, even now, i can almost hear it through open window.
1675943;1498664631;asciilifeform;lol, see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-23#1674130 etc.
1675944;1498664631;a111;Logged on 2017-06-23 18:15 asciilifeform: js-of-mp: because the wrongmusic plays not at the bar, but permanently on her face..
1675945;1498664662;mircea_popescu;she was ugly ?
1675946;1498664673;asciilifeform;to asciilifeform's lights
1675947;1498664678;asciilifeform;but i suspect mircea_popescu would have liked. brazil.
1675948;1498664703;mircea_popescu;let me explain to you how the duty of fucking works, because you're perhaps unaware.
1675949;1498664740;mircea_popescu;so, the young woman wants to individuate, gives her cunt to male, old woman / mother goes apeshit, male protects cuntlet from her mother. this is how it goes.
1675950;1498664746;*;asciilifeform pictures a 'партия сказала надо -- комсомол ответил: есть!'
1675951;1498664750;mircea_popescu;you can't simply walk away / pretend it's not your problem. it is your problem.
1675952;1498664756;asciilifeform;it is?!
1675954;1498664776;asciilifeform;the surprising/memorable thing was the apeshit mother
1675955;1498664781;asciilifeform;what's the mechanism there
1675956;1498664797;mircea_popescu;i dunno dood, old women. who the fuck understands the mechanism of their trying to ruin the world.
1675957;1498664810;mircea_popescu;pantsuit means "incomprehensible evil" and no more.
1675958;1498664833;asciilifeform;the duty of bacteriologist is to comprehend the 'incomprehensible plague' etc
1675959;1498664838;asciilifeform;so might be worth digging.
1675960;1498664843;mircea_popescu;there's no duty of the bacteriologist.
1675961;1498664881;mircea_popescu;the charge of the bacteriologist may well be that, but entirely different item, a charge.
1675963;1498664994;mircea_popescu;this is the important point here : that you're not attracted to the daugther's cunt. god knows there is naught more abundant on this earth. BUT you are to repress the mother into political irrelevancy.
1675964;1498665004;mircea_popescu;that, you must do.
1675965;1498665030;asciilifeform;describe, for education, how mircea_popescu goes about doing this.
1675966;1498665055;mircea_popescu;i'll say this much : that never in my history, with ANY woman, was it the case the mother didn't go some variant of apeshit and i repressed her into irrelevancy.
1675967;1498665066;mircea_popescu;even with women that were orphans, or didn't talk to their mothers in years.
1675968;1498665108;mircea_popescu;how, specifically, it goes varies by case. very often, at least in my youth, it was "that mp, he's such a great guy, not like the other vagabonds you keep bringing home!!1". ie, they self-repressed.
1675969;1498665126;asciilifeform;sometimes the simulated devil running in chick's head is the father, not mother
1675970;1498665127;mircea_popescu;which is very patently there, they doin't know it, but biology dun care.
1675971;1498665131;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform's pet's, for instance )
1675972;1498665166;mircea_popescu;at the other extreme, of course, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-09#1580129
1675973;1498665166;a111;Logged on 2016-12-09 01:44 mircea_popescu: ~if i am~ a drug dealer and i burn down your house, you'll what ? file a police report ? go on the local news network with a teary eyed "no one could have predicted that if i get pissy with people who break the law for a living i might end up with a burned down house" ?
1675974;1498665191;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, plenty of kids today suckle two mothers as it were.
1675975;1498665384;mircea_popescu;but in any case : the socialist rot starts with permitting mothers to go apeshit near their daughter's bare cunt. the swamp drain starts there.
1675976;1498665410;mircea_popescu;it's the whole through which "the world doth not belong to you" goes into pantsuit skull.
1675977;1498665449;mircea_popescu;the hole* lmao
1675978;1498666130;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675879 << ftr tptacek is the infamous 'USE /DEV/URANDOM !!' d00d
1675979;1498666130;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 13:17 sina: "It’s not crazy for OpenSSL to redesign and simplify its CSPRNG. It is silly to make it MORE complicated." from tptacek
1675980;1498666182;asciilifeform;beloved sage ideologue of the schneierism komyoonity, author of gems like https://archive.is/ootJi
1675981;1498666239;asciilifeform;!#s tptacek
1675982;1498666239;a111;14 results for "tptacek", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tptacek
1675983;1498666252;asciilifeform;see also esp. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523233 .
1675984;1498666252;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:54 asciilifeform: all i solidly know of the tptacek fella is his reaction to phuctor.
1675985;1498666274;mircea_popescu;this "arguing in the general for opposite particulars" byzantine "wisdom" ie stupidtity is just about all us by mass now
1675986;1498666294;asciilifeform;aha, 'what shall it be, gavincoin or hearncoin'
1675987;1498666327;mircea_popescu;opposite i mean to the general. like "making rng more complex is silly -- here, use tyhis broken one"
1675988;1498666335;mircea_popescu;bitch, that "silly" does not map on your "use this broken one"
1675989;1498666355;asciilifeform;or even to promote the notion that openssl has whatever kind of future.
1675990;1498666361;mircea_popescu;"oh, but the only reason i even discuss that generazl point is to try and sell you cheetos"
1675991;1498666365;asciilifeform;'we are talking about it, THEREFORE RELEVANT!1' etc
1675992;1498666389;mircea_popescu;yeah lolz. "this is what is important TO US"
1675993;1498667585;*;asciilifeform is quite looking forward to the frenzied butthurtz of the shitlibs folx when 'p' is released.
1675994;1498668185;asciilifeform;'Sources need to be statistically assessed. The quality of the entropy being produced needs to be estimated so that enough can be released to properly seed the RNG. The dieharder and TESTU01 suites are good but they both require prohibitively large amounts of random data to operate. NIST's SP800-90B tests seem to be statistically sound and have manageable data requirements....' << didjaknow!
1675996;1498668222;mircea_popescu;see, what do you want dirigible for. alreadfy got one, looking down through telescope at teh stone age folk
1675997;1498668247;mircea_popescu;"showers require prohibitive amounts of mule-carried water to operate"
1675998;1498668255;asciilifeform;they sure do!111
1675999;1498668260;mircea_popescu;ikr ?
1676000;1498668279;asciilifeform;use /dev/fauxwater
1676001;1498668299;mircea_popescu;it's almost just as good, and it smells like roses a donkey shat on
1676002;1498668334;asciilifeform;hey, it's a hose from the stable's piss trough -- but at least it doesn't block !!
1676003;1498668500;asciilifeform;all quality hokum has a measure of fact mixed in : e.g. 'dieharder' is in fact extraordinarily 'hungry'
1676004;1498668504;asciilifeform;but not unusably .
1676005;1498668509;mircea_popescu;not that i've seen
1676006;1498668514;mircea_popescu;our problems is its cycling not its hunger
1676007;1498668544;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-23#1660237 << see also )
1676008;1498668544;a111;Logged on 2017-05-23 01:06 asciilifeform: ( the grade outputted by the 'hungrier' tests appears to be in direct proportion to sample size, and very little else; and FG, /dev/urandom, various fashionable prng, intel's mysterymeatrng, and several others, all exhibit same effect, 100% pass begins somewhere b/w 1-3GB sample size. )
1676009;1498668550;asciilifeform;well yes, it cycles, because 'hungry'
1676010;1498668565;mircea_popescu;but io got food
1676011;1498668587;asciilifeform;author apparently considered 'p value too low unless TB of input' or whatnot
1676012;1498668601;mircea_popescu;not unreasonable. let fg run for a while
1676013;1498668603;asciilifeform;and would not reply to asciilifeform's or other (iirc BingoBoingo ) attempts to find why
1676014;1498668628;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i got one here with 16G and counting
1676015;1498668634;mircea_popescu;eh, TB ?
1676017;1498668642;mircea_popescu;i read gb.
1676018;1498668652;asciilifeform;some tests still read 'rewound 15 times'
1676019;1498668656;mircea_popescu;well running 1mn times over 1mb is not "bettering" the mb
1676021;1498668709;asciilifeform;as i understand it was a statistical ('p value') demand by the author.
1676022;1498668735;mircea_popescu;yes but then he implements rewinds ?
1676024;1498668750;asciilifeform;and i did ask 'why?!!!'
1676025;1498668752;asciilifeform;0 reply.
1676026;1498668763;mircea_popescu;fucking stupid camp. there's a guarantee real random stream will vary from 01010101 by some count.
1676027;1498668773;mircea_popescu;then that becomes a pattern when you reuse it
1676028;1498668793;asciilifeform;the notion of making a statistical claim about a doubled-tripled-15upled up string, is ????????.
1676029;1498668818;asciilifeform;'cannot rightfully apprehend the confusion of ideas that would lead to such...' (tm)(r)(babbage)
1676030;1498668859;mircea_popescu;p-value worship, as such, numerically. i betcha if i told him i have a dentistry certificate he'd be impressed.
1676031;1498668879;asciilifeform;it is in this case specifically cargocultism, rather than application
1676032;1498668898;asciilifeform;i could live with 'too few bits? yer stuck with lower P, and oh here i'll print the P'
1676033;1498668902;asciilifeform;but instead we get... rewinds.
1676034;1498668917;mircea_popescu;bcause nobody can ever be told they'\re not fucking good enough omfgbbq
1676035;1498668943;asciilifeform;well no, not so simple, dh is happy to print 'weak' or 'fail' that resulted from... IT WRAPPING THE STRING
1676036;1498668961;mircea_popescu;yes. no child left behind always means "the kids you really like getting procusted"
1676037;1498668964;asciilifeform;( try running dh on, say, a kByte of anything whatsoever )
1676038;1498669029;mircea_popescu;!~google procust's bed
1676039;1498669031;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Procrustean bed | Define Procrustean bed at Dictionary.com: ; Procrustean bed | Define Procrustean bed at Dictionary.com: ; Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology: Procrustes - Mythweb: 
1676040;1498669047;asciilifeform;!#s procrusted
1676041;1498669048;a111;2 results for "procrusted", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=procrusted
1676042;1498669050;asciilifeform;!#s procrusting
1676043;1498669050;a111;1 result for "procrusting", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=procrusting
1676044;1498669063;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which is why i put it in
1676045;1498669110;asciilifeform;further lulz from recent fishwrap, https://archive.is/37eB9 >> 'Venezuelan police helicopter strafed the Supreme Court and a government ministry on Tuesday...'
1676046;1498669124;mircea_popescu;did it fall ?
1676047;1498669136;asciilifeform;'no reports of injuries'
1676049;1498669153;mircea_popescu;you ever been in one odf those ? they're ~useless for aiming
1676050;1498669165;asciilifeform;i had nfi there were any place to even fit a barrel on these
1676051;1498669169;asciilifeform;must have fired out of window
1676052;1498669181;mircea_popescu;i was thinking one of the military ones.
1676053;1498669189;asciilifeform;specified as 'police'
1676054;1498669195;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mega-marksmanship << lel
1676055;1498669290;asciilifeform;'"It's a terrorist attack that is part of an insurrectional offensive by Venezuelan right-wing extremists with the support of foreign governments and powers," said a Venezuelan government communique on the helicopter raid.' << didjaknow
1676056;1498669315;mircea_popescu;"terrorist" = some govt doth not approve
1676057;1498669327;asciilifeform;'Around the time of the attack, the pro-government Supreme Court expanded the role of the state ombudsman, a human rights guarantor who is closely allied with Maduro, by giving him powers previously held only by the state prosecutor's office. Tarek Saab, an ardent Maduro ally, can now lead criminal investigations by ordering state officials to conduct autopsies and carry out ballistics tests, powers previously reserved for state pros
1676058;1498669328;asciilifeform;ecutors. He will also have access to the case files associated with criminal trials.'
1676059;1498669334;asciilifeform;top orc.
1676060;1498670259;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1676017 << 16GB, ftr
1676061;1498670259;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 16:50 mircea_popescu: i read gb.
1676062;1498670268;asciilifeform;( it ~wants~, seems, TB+ )
1676063;1498670279;asciilifeform;for 0wrap.
1676064;1498672479;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675561 << i reread the mega-thread, and it seems that i promised mircea_popescu an algo ! and never iirc posted...
1676065;1498672479;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 01:32 Framedragger: (ah in fact a bit up the stack, http://trilema.com/2016/gossipd-design-document/#comment-121602)
1676066;1498672494;asciilifeform;gotta do this, at some point , after done with the rsa thing
1676067;1498672555;asciilifeform;( this was very near the time when FUCKGOATS was beginning to happen , and it took over asciilifeform's head for a long while )
1676068;1498673953;BingoBoingo; apparently in usg also there are 'untouchable' folx. << Care to do a qntra? Your interpretation seems more interesting than mine.
1676069;1498674004;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hands full atm
1676071;1498675068;BingoBoingo;In other citizen complaints: "Regarding recent posts about a suspicious white panel van that has been spotted ... was contacted by the owner who recognized his vehicle after seeing the posts on social media. He is a local construction worker who had pulled over to take a phone call after leaving a job site near the original complaint location... this was a false alarm."
1676072;1498675086;BingoBoingo;^ Workvehicles now assumed to be crime scenes
1676073;1498675126;BingoBoingo;^ Pulling over to make phone call like you aren't a suicidal psycho bitch, nao suspicious
1676074;1498677676;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/fake-news-organizations-begin-bleeding-showing-fatigue/ << Qntra - Fake News Organizations Begin Bleeding, Showing Fatigue
1676075;1498677822;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'ensures'
1676076;1498678344;TomServo;also, take *its* toll
1676077;1498678977;BingoBoingo;ty fxd
1676078;1498681395;ben_vulpes;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2017/06/27/seattles-higher-minimum-wage-is-actually-working-just-fine/ << "minimum wage increase is totally working!!!"
1676079;1498681434;ben_vulpes;best part, "their results are just completely out of the standard accepted by minimum wage hike advocates as reasonable"
1676080;1498682401;jurov;a parallel with economy struck me. economists invented something they call "value" and are jerking off on it it ever since
1676081;1498682414;jurov;and cryptographers just invented -- entropy.
1676082;1498684529;asciilifeform;in other noose, in 6236676 phuctor moduli, still just the same old 2 fermat-factorables as 6 mo. ago.
1676083;1498684609;asciilifeform;( 10,000 shots of fermatola / per.; took ~40 min. )
1676084;1498684612;asciilifeform;!!up palatine
1676085;1498684613;deedbot;palatine voiced for 30 minutes.
1676086;1498684653;asciilifeform;palatine: who might you be ?
1676087;1498684720;palatine;that's an interesting question
1676088;1498684753;asciilifeform;palatine: if so interesting, consider answering..?
1676089;1498684760;palatine;just reading trilema and contravex and followed the lead here
1676090;1498684792;asciilifeform;palatine: enjoy. and also there are logs, http://btcbase.org/log .
1676091;1498684816;palatine;thank you
1676092;1498686628;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1676067 << :p
1676093;1498686628;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 17:55 asciilifeform: ( this was very near the time when FUCKGOATS was beginning to happen , and it took over asciilifeform's head for a long while )
1676094;1498686630;mircea_popescu;there is time tho
1676095;1498686715;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1676078 << "twice the heroin works ok for me!"
1676096;1498686715;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 20:23 ben_vulpes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2017/06/27/seattles-higher-minimum-wage-is-actually-working-just-fine/ << "minimum wage increase is totally working!!!"
1676097;1498686782;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1676082 << cosmic rays behave in mysterious ways.
1676098;1498686782;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 21:15 asciilifeform: in other noose, in 6236676 phuctor moduli, still just the same old 2 fermat-factorables as 6 mo. ago.
1676099;1498688496;shinohai;http://archive.is/9jQzU   <<< Top kek OPSEC
1676100;1498695877;asciilifeform;in other peculiar bernsteinisms: http://loup-vaillant.fr/tutorials/poly1305-design
1676101;1498698554;ben_vulpes;and fortranisms: http://fluxus.haus/post/162281020169
1676102;1498710018;ben_vulpes;wat-as-hell pitfalls of modern timeshare scams: https://sysdig.com/blog/container-isolation-gone-wrong/
1676103;1498710602;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you know some dorks here built a shipping container church ?
1676104;1498712443;mircea_popescu;and in random lulz : bus line in costa rica chose the facebook handle viajEROTICAbus
1676105;1498712447;mircea_popescu;to them it makes sense.
1676106;1498719511;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/nicaragua-es-un-pais-pobre/ << Trilema - Nicaragua es un pais pobre.
1676107;1498722474;*;BingoBoingo somehow picked up a case of acedia this week
1676108;1498722801;*;BingoBoingo unsure if this is related to smoking cessation or alf's dosimeter hypothesis
1676109;1498725027;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2017/06/8-year-old-dorm-building-explodes-on-us-campus/ << Qntra - 8 Year Old Dorm Building Explodes On US Campus
1676110;1498725794;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1676111;1498725798;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2574.02, vol: 9247.86861870 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2500.002, vol: 4360.78148 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2507.2, vol: 18481.94127152 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2645.118, vol: 7894.08990000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2568.003, vol: 6178.03593635 | Volume-weighted last average: 2551.62836146
1676112;1498725881;BingoBoingo;le sigh, still crashing
1676113;1498737672;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/66C8EBEA4DE5ACA6EFC6B1B1BE33ECBCC9D4D64BD6D5F1CBEFC5818CE16AE914 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1676114;1498737672;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/78EEABCADE0AAF24BF0A74FFC4499719B490E7A27952560F9860F82FFF341545 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN 33)
1676115;1498737672;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8F1E48FD50BC89EFA18F3A63DFD88482CB3B74362F99077EA25B771FD7F10AFF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1015...6687 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1676116;1498737672;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/66C8EBEA4DE5ACA6EFC6B1B1BE33ECBCC9D4D64BD6D5F1CBEFC5818CE16AE914 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1211...2273 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (Unknown CN)
1676117;1498741137;mod6;mornin' tmsr~
1676118;1498742232;mod6;lol "pierce labias"
1676120;1498745098;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-Comware-5.20
1676121;1498745099;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-Comware-5.20
1676122;1498745101;scriba;ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-1.99-Comware-5.20
1676123;1498745128;asciilifeform;!#s comware
1676124;1498745128;a111;12 results for "comware", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=comware
1676125;1498745153;asciilifeform;aah the one where 'elite team of experts understands complex security issues'
1676126;1498746249;mircea_popescu;lol dat qntra
1676127;1498746337;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by now that verbiage is as good as a paper comedy gold certificate of deposit.
1676128;1498747780;shinohai;Good morning mircea_popescu o/
1676129;1498747799;*;shinohai is enjoying the Rhopalocera from http://trilema.com/2017/the-pulation-and-other-biodiversities/
1676130;1498747819;mircea_popescu;hey hey
1676131;1498747871;shinohai;Somehow I overlooked that gem, but better late than never!
1676133;1498747894;mircea_popescu;lotta that on trilema. gets me all thew time too
1676134;1498748038;shinohai;Do you ever see any of the Morpho menelaus around where you are in Costa Rica? Those are my favorite.
1676135;1498748084;*;shinohai is amazed how these butterflies are like a coin flip. iridescent on one side, drab brown on reverse ....
1676136;1498748099;mircea_popescu;ive not seen one but i think they do exist here
1676138;1498752344;jurov;US has no new/refurbished nukes for 4 years already
1676139;1498752385;asciilifeform;'...they gathered eight rods painstakingly crafted out of plutonium, and positioned them side-by-side on a table to photograph how nice they looked.' << lol! slotin spins in his lead coffin
1676140;1498752399;trinque;ah don't worry; Rick Perry has it under control.
1676141;1498752554;mircea_popescu;aha. was even lulzed vaguely in the logs last year iirc.
1676142;1498752570;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lead free solder coffin you mean!
1676143;1498752595;mircea_popescu;trinque to quote the rage of central america... "deeeeeespaaaacito... como lo hacen en puerto rico..."
1676144;1498752774;trinque;guy's job as texas governor was primarily to do nothing, and make sure the other parts of government did as much nothing as possible, too.
1676145;1498752781;trinque;in that, I can't dislike him *that* much
1676146;1498753188;mircea_popescu;heh. the sad times when the best you can hope for is the idle class staying idle.
1676147;1498753695;asciilifeform;re the nuke piece, for future reference :
1676150;1498753714;asciilifeform;( and for some inexplicable reason i had to strip the headers, for these to get eaten )
1676151;1498753732;asciilifeform;and for some similarly inexplicable reason, neither derp had an extant pgp key of any serious age
1676152;1498753752;mircea_popescu;no, that part is explicable
1676153;1498753820;asciilifeform;'Latest from our investigations  White House spotlight: Tracking Donald Trump  By The Center for Public Integrity February 13, 2017' << aaaah yes
1676155;1498753850;mircea_popescu;for some reason they're obsessed with making the old man's life miserable by pestering him constantly.
1676158;1498753896;mircea_popescu;it's a whole thing, "oh, PRESERVE HIS DRUNKEN TWEETS"
1676160;1498753932;mircea_popescu;as if that's how it fucking works, and pantsuits get to decide what is joe's public and what is joe's private communication\
1676161;1498753968;mircea_popescu;but if you look at it, whole movement is built on this thing. "hypocrisy" is how you say "we think we decide what other people say in public or in private" in pantsuit.
1676162;1498754003;mircea_popescu;and it's all cancer outgrowth from republican spleen, as it happens. that idea that republican "ideal man" is same in public and in private.
1676163;1498754021;mircea_popescu;except they';re trying tyo you know, make it opposable. to everyone but not themselves.
1676164;1498754029;mircea_popescu;typical hurr durr we did it retarddit.
1676165;1498754037;asciilifeform;hey if you lose the harem, and instead replace with fishwife, then from where is the 'harem vs forum' to come from.
1676166;1498754052;asciilifeform;d00d is then 'on the clock' 24/7/365, or goes the theory.
1676167;1498754057;mircea_popescu;same place it came this time : my fucking head
1676168;1498754068;asciilifeform;yes but mircea_popescu came equipped with a head.
1676169;1498754130;mircea_popescu;so why blame the confused slave playing the fishwife then
1676170;1498754160;asciilifeform;because trump is zhirinovsky
1676171;1498754165;asciilifeform;i.e. designated punching bag
1676172;1498754178;mircea_popescu;no i meant in your example.
1676173;1498754221;asciilifeform;ah, example was re how it is unclear to me that professional actors like 'potus' ~meaningfully have~ privatelives
1676174;1498754236;asciilifeform;they are characters in 'realityshow'
1676175;1498754267;asciilifeform;d00d prolly at this point has ss cameras filming him taking a shit, from 4 angles.
1676176;1498754287;mircea_popescu;only becausde he lets them.
1676177;1498754291;asciilifeform;what sort of 'private life' has someone who shits in supervga.
1676178;1498754301;asciilifeform;iirc he tried 'not let', it didn't quite work
1676179;1498754309;mircea_popescu;i didn't let my security ppl follow me around all the time.
1676180;1498754319;mircea_popescu;and this was at a time people were actively trying to shoot me.
1676181;1498754335;asciilifeform;yes but mircea_popescu's security folx for ~for mircea_popescu~ and not for 'our demoocracy'
1676182;1498754342;mircea_popescu;now that is very true.
1676183;1498754385;mircea_popescu;still, you know. buy a hammer tear down the toilet cameras, anyone who tries to fix is fired.
1676184;1498754403;mircea_popescu;and also, this fucking car goes where i say it goes, not where you say it goes. and if you don't like it you're getting shot.
1676185;1498754408;asciilifeform;iirc he was last seen trying to hammer the cameras in 'security council'
1676186;1498754420;asciilifeform;which ended with ~his~ appointees there being sacked
1676187;1498754433;asciilifeform;while lizards -- retained
1676188;1498754488;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this'd likely end with a gorbachev-like 'mr. president is not feeling well today, or this week, needs his rest' while pantsuits take the wheel.
1676189;1498754500;phf;i saw a lot of covfefe signs all over seattle, next to "#blm" etc.
1676190;1498754507;asciilifeform;( but i dun work in this circus, so nfi )
1676191;1498754543;asciilifeform;phf: uni of md. vicinity, and much of dc, are covered in 'trump as ru stooge' stickers, complete with (yes) hammers an' sickles
1676192;1498754596;phf;the meme is stronger than the thought
1676193;1498754622;mircea_popescu;the bad meme pushes the good thought out of the skull.
1676194;1498754641;BingoBoingo; it's a whole thing, "oh, PRESERVE HIS DRUNKEN TWEETS" << Herr Tritler doesn't drink
1676195;1498754659;mircea_popescu;"drunken tweet" as a single item :p
1676196;1498754663;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: being old is sorta like drinking
1676197;1498754701;BingoBoingo;Well, "dry drunk"
1676198;1498755588;phf;https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-files/+bug/1701068  << "In Ubuntu 17.04 or newer, there is a script at /etc/update-motd.d/50-motd-news that reads https://motd.ubuntu.com/ and displays that text with the rest of the MOTD. Currently, https://motd.ubuntu.com shows a news item about HBO's Silicon Valley which has a reference to Ubuntu."
1676199;1498755898;mircea_popescu;"but it works!"
1676200;1498757533;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=8142 << "Her attorney informed us this morning, that although the deed is being assigned to my sister, my brother and I, that if my mother requires nursing home care through Medicare at any point over the next five years, that the Feds will take the house to pay the bills. "
1676202;1498757680;mircea_popescu;last generation to own anything is dying now.
1676203;1498757688;asciilifeform;mostly dead
1676204;1498757689;mircea_popescu;welcome to the undeclared soviet republic.
1676205;1498757764;asciilifeform;i prefer the original one, where, e.g., asciilifeform's folx had 4 metre ceilings and paid 0 rent and 0 mortgage
1676206;1498757784;mircea_popescu;hey, wehn was the sequel an improvement
1676208;1498757818;mircea_popescu;it's called sequelae for this reason
1676209;1498757925;asciilifeform;re the confiscation : welfaristans fear sham-indigence like elephant fears mice
1676210;1498757936;asciilifeform;it's the sure siphon by which it can be drained dry.
1676211;1498757951;mircea_popescu;it's how the 4m ceilings one died.
1676212;1498758031;mircea_popescu;this is the perpetual bait and switch : "fuck you, be useful" creates a lot of people with repressed needs. it APPEARS that "to everyone according to his needs" will then turn a profit. get themn to vote you, pay their tiny needs, make bank.
1676213;1498758035;mircea_popescu;then the needs baloon.
1676214;1498758050;mircea_popescu;and all that's lefty in place is a stable of needy people with no utility.
1676215;1498758331;asciilifeform;if ~anyone actually wanted usd enough to pay bitcoin for it en masse, even nickel-on-the-dollar's worth, usg would evaporate in a week.
1676216;1498758352;asciilifeform;( i.e. if 'lafond's mother' could cash in, even at a loss, the house into non-usgolade )
1676218;1498758385;asciilifeform;in ye olde su this was accomplished somewhat differently -- by physically cutting apart the, e.g., laboratory where you worked, and selling to faceless bagmen who carried it abroad
1676219;1498758386;mircea_popescu;which is why that's the idea : take all the credit card debt you canm, buy btc, mexico.
1676220;1498758414;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik this is only dampered today by the lack of folx willing to part with btc
1676221;1498758424;mircea_popescu;even unemployed mouthbreather can get 10-20k. in a decade that'll be enough.
1676222;1498758496;asciilifeform;supposing no http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-14#1627008 .
1676223;1498758496;a111;Logged on 2017-03-14 17:34 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-14#1626921 << yes. there's absolutely no argument that bitcoin dying on the enemy's terms would be an unmitigated catastrophe. chernobyl pales in comparison, it'd be on the level of "wheel is useless anyway" wisdom of dropped-on-head amerindians, or "oh pretty, spinning wheels" greek steam engine. utterly catastrophic. which is why eg  http://trilema.com/2013/mpoe-march-2013-statement/#selection
1676224;1498758509;mircea_popescu;so if that happens you're where you were anyway.
1676225;1498758602;asciilifeform;but enemy, hypothetically, ahead '+9000%', having successfully swallowed everything folx moved into btc
1676226;1498758619;mircea_popescu;i don;'t follow ?
1676227;1498758657;asciilifeform;well in a maximally ghastly 'death of btc' scenario, usg slowly alchemates/inflates it
1676228;1498758663;asciilifeform;rather than 'whole thing evaporates overnight'
1676229;1498758669;mircea_popescu;the indigent will still be indigent, and "medicare"
1676230;1498758721;asciilifeform;aha, and the show, refueled, gets to go on another century
1676231;1498758761;asciilifeform;this'd be rather like germany taking stalingrad and the petrowells
1676232;1498758773;mircea_popescu;it'd have done ~nothing.
1676233;1498758788;asciilifeform;why so sure..?
1676234;1498758794;mircea_popescu;because i did the maths.
1676235;1498758847;mircea_popescu;petrowells schmetrowells. germany had lost all its human resources throughtout a century and a half of inept management to the us.
1676236;1498758860;asciilifeform;could've regained, as slaves.
1676237;1498758862;mircea_popescu;all the aryans making up 55% of the us 120mn weren't gonna come back to berlin and man stalingrad wells.
1676238;1498758875;mircea_popescu;instead they were gonna man docks in pittsburgh
1676239;1498758893;asciilifeform;hard to picture them not coming back to a victorious germany
1676240;1498758903;mircea_popescu;germany's problem was sparta's problem -- all the raw materials in the world can't make another spartan.
1676241;1498758904;asciilifeform;where bach instead of josephsmith
1676242;1498758909;mircea_popescu;only spartan women can, and they're hard to lay.
1676243;1498758928;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so then you agree stalingrad was irrelevant militarily
1676244;1498758944;asciilifeform;i dun follow
1676245;1498758964;mircea_popescu;the question is the 60 or so mn germans thinking themselves americans
1676246;1498758968;mircea_popescu;not some shithole in russia
1676247;1498759029;mircea_popescu;hitler fell for the eternal patnsuit scam, invaded russia to sell to some white old women in europe the notion that "bolshevik threat". bad trade
1676248;1498759030;asciilifeform;serious problem in the original germany : scarce and cruddy fuel , from fischer-tropsch ( which they only even had to begin with because of those 60.. )
1676249;1498759036;mircea_popescu;never take the old woman side, she's a born loser.
1676250;1498759050;asciilifeform;this yes.
1676251;1498759056;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ~only problem of reich was irreplaceable people.
1676252;1498759071;mircea_popescu;which is why break of pact was a stupid move. trade the expensive for the cheap.
1676253;1498759108;mircea_popescu;stalin would have been fucking thrilled to sell hitler that same oil he never got. and for almost nothing : just instruction manuals on how to kill his slaves to build industrial empire.
1676254;1498759141;mircea_popescu;1mn german trainers whipping russian mujicks into the ground would have produced 10x more for the reich than 5mn soldiers did.
1676255;1498759149;mircea_popescu;!!up mats
1676256;1498759149;deedbot;mats voiced for 30 minutes.
1676257;1498759151;mircea_popescu;!!up maxidev
1676258;1498759151;deedbot;maxidev voiced for 30 minutes.
1676259;1498759225;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'stalingrad' hypothesis was not re 'germany wins' but rather 'prolongs the agony' -- could have easily finished wrecking the not-yet-wrecked half of europe, say.
1676260;1498759229;mircea_popescu;problem is -- people don't know how to commit. (naked, bitch! so what if people can see your perecious cuntlet ?). and when.
1676261;1498759245;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform allies did that.
1676262;1498759257;mircea_popescu;germany -- not a windowpane. uk+us - famine in pairs.
1676263;1498759259;asciilifeform;well picture another 5 yrs of it.
1676265;1498759269;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that is what it got anyway innit.
1676266;1498759269;asciilifeform;or 10.
1676267;1498759303;asciilifeform;at least paris didn't get, e.g., nuked.
1676268;1498759322;asciilifeform;which is how that opera may well would have ended.
1676269;1498759322;mircea_popescu;or do i need to dig up the threads about us "regulator" "fining" japanese co ? or the one where other japanewse co built shit and usg dun feel obliged to pay ? or ?
1676270;1498759359;mircea_popescu;oh, "at least" huh ? i thought this at least didn't figure in your books in earlier discussion re correct move.
1676271;1498759378;mircea_popescu;"at least" is the pregnant woman solace.
1676273;1498759401;mircea_popescu; but enemy, hypothetically, ahead '+9000%', having successfully swallowed everything folx moved into btc
1676274;1498759414;mircea_popescu;but hey -- at least they got some tequilla!
1676275;1498759424;mircea_popescu;how come you didn't have that there -- have it here ?
1676276;1498759435;BingoBoingo; then the needs baloon. << Healthcare!!!
1676277;1498759460;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'll admit to a complete puzzlement re which 'it' i 'have there' 'and not here'
1676278;1498759514;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform when we were discussing how the loser should treat the usg, ie, borrow and steal, move it to btc, and run away, you pointed out that "if btc fails, then the evil empire of usg is that much better positioned", but did not say "at least the folks trying enjoyed the try"
1676279;1498759533;mats;hello friendos
1676280;1498759547;asciilifeform;ohai mats
1676281;1498759549;mircea_popescu;wehn we are discussing geopolitics, ie, counbtries not people, ie your lazy ass bias not kicking into max gear and =silencing your brain, you do not say, or evenm see "evil usg empire better position"
1676282;1498759560;mircea_popescu;you instead say "oh, at least they" line.
1676283;1498759611;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'better position' i admit is a poor phrasing. moar of 'give arsonist 10x the petrol'
1676284;1498759618;mircea_popescu;same in both cases.
1676285;1498759626;mircea_popescu;and the "at least" is same in both cases.
1676286;1498759633;mircea_popescu;and you see one in one case and the other in the other case.
1676287;1498759774;asciilifeform;let's briefly revisit ye olde su, which afaik was largely nailed by folx ~not producing~, rather than spiriting $goodies away overseas
1676288;1498759790;mircea_popescu;well, folks deciding to need more and make less every day
1676289;1498759796;asciilifeform;now say they instead had produced, and thinking it were theirs ('charging btc battery'). and then -- inca gets it.
1676290;1498759836;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bad plan to produce while there's inca around. revisit the ancients -- it is shameful for man to work plow like beast of burdewn wehn he could be soldier and plujnder.
1676291;1498759848;mircea_popescu;this view is correct -- while usg stands, it is shameful for man to work. man must steal.
1676292;1498759884;asciilifeform;same failure mode tho -- you go around pirateing, yarrrr, and storing treasure in btc, but in the end it turns out you were privateering for inca
1676293;1498759906;mircea_popescu;at least you raped instead of "performance review"
1676295;1498759929;mircea_popescu;no. the time to work, is when there's no sovereign in sight but tmsr
1676296;1498759950;asciilifeform;but it is a sad fate to rape an' pillage only to feed a platoon of performancereview.
1676297;1498759958;mircea_popescu;when there's other pretenders, the ~only work to do is take their shit.
1676298;1498759976;mircea_popescu;which is why maersk is paying republicgeld now.
1676299;1498759983;mircea_popescu;and the us congress will. and everyone else.
1676300;1498760019;asciilifeform;hey if they get tired, could always consider not runningmoarwinblowz
1676301;1498760041;mircea_popescu;no. that's the point -- they could not.
1676302;1498760060;mircea_popescu;might as well ask byzantine army that if they get tired might stop believing jesus is in the sky.
1676303;1498760073;asciilifeform;this is a point.
1676304;1498760102;mircea_popescu;they'll lose their worthless body here to accumulate great fortunes in the myfolder future!
1676305;1498760137;mircea_popescu;or w/e the shit's called, MyDocuments
1676307;1498760569;asciilifeform;upstack : i suspect that the situation re 'borrow mortgage and run away into btc' is entirely similar to old su 'run into dollars'.  many (most?) would have nodded to 'sell motherland', 'but nobody's buying her!'
1676308;1498760586;mircea_popescu;any ustard can get 10-20k cash nqa.
1676309;1498760595;mircea_popescu;they spend 10x that on "tuition"
1676310;1498760603;asciilifeform;yes but who wants to trade bitcoin for these
1676311;1498760612;mircea_popescu;there's markets.
1676312;1498760635;asciilifeform;afaik markets want actual-usd, not chargebacktronium
1676313;1498760644;asciilifeform;per mircea_popescu's 'tide' article.
1676314;1498760654;mircea_popescu;obviously you pay in cahs.
1676315;1498760669;asciilifeform;for some values of 'you', lol
1676316;1498760678;asciilifeform;for other values, it is like buying strela.
1676317;1498760686;mircea_popescu;if you can't buy btc for cash you aren't a person. that is the minimum bar of personhood.
1676318;1498760711;asciilifeform;'friendly d00d' will immediately materialize to 'sell you btc for bag of benjies' and free room-an'-board-for-20y next
1676319;1498760720;asciilifeform;asciilifeform apparently is not at all a person.
1676320;1498760724;mircea_popescu;work on it!
1676321;1498760740;asciilifeform;can table, chair, 'work on it' also and become person ?
1676322;1498760745;asciilifeform;where do they start ?
1676323;1498760751;mircea_popescu;these "Dangers" are very much hallucinated. chick i bought car from (for cash!) was totally petrified of you know, having money.
1676324;1498760758;mircea_popescu;teh slave habits are strong in the herd.
1676325;1498760766;asciilifeform;trip over policeman in usaschwitz --> lose the cash
1676326;1498760772;asciilifeform;as is documented to death
1676327;1498760788;asciilifeform;( soon to be : not merely the cash in your pocket, but whatever is in your car/house/bank )
1676328;1498760792;mircea_popescu;so ? it was freeby anyway.
1676329;1498760807;mircea_popescu;pretty srue they've been stealing cars for >decade byu now.
1676330;1498760847;asciilifeform;cars yes. 100%confiscation a la stalin -- not yet, generally
1676331;1498766234;asciilifeform;in other noose ! nao we have comba's algo multiplier as basecase in karatsuba (currently threshold 8 words) , and  http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-21#1673165 becomes now 7.5sec
1676332;1498766234;a111;Logged on 2017-06-21 16:44 asciilifeform: ( 8192bit exponentiation: ~10min with egyptological mul; 20.5s was with first-grade mul; 17.7 with karatsuba posted today )
1676333;1498766239;asciilifeform;this is still nogood.jpg
1676334;1498766321;asciilifeform;( for comparison, python (internally gmp) takes 0.016s )
1676335;1498766350;asciilifeform;computation of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ** 0x80
1676336;1498766378;asciilifeform;( and yes, it cheats, not the least of it being that it STOPS after 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, rather than doing the other 8192-N bits )
1676338;1498767090;mircea_popescu;so give it 0x1(0)FF
1676339;1498767092;asciilifeform;nao where do i get a 470x speedup.
1676340;1498767110;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: give which
1676342;1498767132;mircea_popescu;0x1(0)FF* 0x80
1676343;1498767140;asciilifeform;i dunno how to read that
1676344;1498767156;mircea_popescu;one followed by 8184 0s followed by 8 1s
1676345;1498767161;asciilifeform;y'mean, say, 2**8192 - 1 ah
1676346;1498767167;asciilifeform;it doesn't do same thing tho
1676347;1498767174;asciilifeform;will end up a 100MB turd
1676348;1498767178;mircea_popescu;i'd have thought it's within rounding error.
1676349;1498767182;asciilifeform;recall, we're FFA, and they're non-F
1676350;1498767187;mircea_popescu;oh this is exp not mult ?
1676352;1498767199;asciilifeform;but ~uses~ mult, naturally, inside
1676353;1498767203;asciilifeform;( see src )
1676354;1498767208;mircea_popescu;0x1(0)FF** 0x1
1676356;1498767301;asciilifeform;happens in O(1)
1676357;1498767323;asciilifeform;i suppose i'm stuck actually measuring time of N (large N) mult ops, rather than exp
1676358;1498767333;asciilifeform;(measuring interval of ~one~ is impractical)
1676359;1498767373;asciilifeform;0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ** 0x80 was picked because the answer actually occupies 8192 bits.
1676360;1498767416;mircea_popescu;can it do negative powers ?
1676361;1498767430;mircea_popescu;not yours, py gmp i mean
1676362;1498767434;asciilifeform;it - sure
1676363;1498767440;mircea_popescu;so do ^ -1
1676364;1498767454;mircea_popescu;8192 bits, will have to be all touched.
1676365;1498767466;asciilifeform;that's an op that has ~0 relation to anything we do
1676366;1498767475;asciilifeform;(it produces some float liquishit )
1676367;1498767489;mircea_popescu;should give an indication of time, i guess
1676368;1498767499;mircea_popescu;very looosely comparable, granted
1676369;1498767516;asciilifeform;mno, it translates to a 1 / x
1676370;1498767535;mircea_popescu;meh, ^ 1/2 i meant :D
1676371;1498767746;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/the-universal-plan-for-wealth/ << Trilema - The Universal Plan for Wealth
1676372;1498767753;mircea_popescu;^ RFC svp.
1676373;1498767777;*;mircea_popescu intends to make this into a noob focus.
1676374;1498768073;asciilifeform;soooooo i measured time of 10,000 8192b mults,
1676375;1498768080;asciilifeform;us: 1.49s
1676376;1498768085;asciilifeform;them: 0.345s
1676377;1498768095;asciilifeform;which is quite a way less ghastly
1676378;1498768244;asciilifeform;and when test is 0x2fffffff.....ff * 0x4ffffffff....fff (8192 b.) so as no 0s to 'cheat' with, then they : 0.7s
1676379;1498768272;mircea_popescu;this is actually nb.
1676380;1498768273;asciilifeform;so we run at almost 50% speed of gmp, for straight mult, which is notbad.jpg, and can be improved ( less copying of intermediates )
1676381;1498768288;mircea_popescu;basically the other side of the "constant time" coin is that... YOU GET CONSTANTTIME, BITCH.
1676383;1498768298;mircea_popescu;what DID you think "fork on secret bits" does.,
1676384;1498768302;asciilifeform;plus dun forget WE ALSO CHECK BOUNDS ON ALL ARRAY ACCESSES
1676385;1498768311;asciilifeform;which costs quite >0
1676386;1498768332;mircea_popescu;yet once more poverty is the edge distinguishing man from nigger.
1676387;1498768353;asciilifeform;how here
1676389;1498768364;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is also the problem of shitty profiling, times may not be accurate as measured.
1676390;1498768373;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because they can't afford to not fork-on-secrets
1676391;1498768378;mircea_popescu;"no time!"
1676392;1498768390;mircea_popescu;"computers cost money"
1676394;1498768414;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no matter how you cut it, however, i dun have a battery that will power a keygeneratory-capable comp for a month. and neither does anybody else.
1676395;1498768423;asciilifeform;( much less a year )
1676396;1498768440;mircea_popescu;and i don't have a slave that eats jam and shits whole prunes. NEITHER DOES ANYONE ELSE is the controlling bit.
1676398;1498768468;mircea_popescu;some things, could be had but aren't ; other things can't be had so we don't have them. what can you do.
1676399;1498768473;asciilifeform;but i'll observe that this plane still weights a little much to get off ground
1676400;1498768484;mircea_popescu;i don't see the problem. i got power.
1676401;1498768493;mircea_popescu;who says must be done on battery.
1676402;1498768530;asciilifeform;let's say yer willing to live with mains ( or petrol, lol ) power.
1676403;1498768537;asciilifeform;but can live with month+ gen time ?
1676404;1498768542;asciilifeform;PER MODULUS
1676405;1498768549;mircea_popescu;i lived 5 years on this key.
1676406;1498768559;asciilifeform;yes but you don't purersa with it.
1676407;1498768580;mircea_popescu;that i don't.
1676408;1498768593;asciilifeform;because there, not only gen problem, but each shot.
1676409;1498768599;mircea_popescu;so in this sense (not yet ready to shave the combined rsa-symkey model) not ready to fly.
1676411;1498768631;mircea_popescu;at least this has a valid reason to symkey.
1676412;1498768631;asciilifeform;is whole point of the ffa thing
1676413;1498768638;mircea_popescu;and we have decent hash functions now.
1676414;1498768648;asciilifeform;which also takes eons
1676415;1498768660;asciilifeform;( i seem to recall 10minute hash times )
1676416;1498768673;mircea_popescu;depends on size. we never had a decent profiling of impls iirc.
1676417;1498768687;asciilifeform;will soon enough, when i polish off ffa
1676418;1498768687;mircea_popescu;was next step but sina moved to gossipding
1676419;1498768739;asciilifeform;but will observe that we can get something like a 8x speedup 'for phree' if use MUL instr. inlike instead of the http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/RSu5T/?raw=true horror show.
1676420;1498768763;asciilifeform;( yes that's what you end up doing JUST TO GET THE UPPER 64bits of result !! )
1676421;1498768778;asciilifeform;which is PRODUCED ANYWAY EVERY TIME YOU MUL srsly
1676422;1498768791;*;asciilifeform froths in fury every time he things about this
1676425;1498768885;mircea_popescu;inline you mean ? so what's the problem with that ?
1676426;1498768912;asciilifeform;that it'll blow away the 'this is exactly same on all bitnesses' algebra
1676427;1498768929;mircea_popescu;tsk ya that
1676428;1498768930;asciilifeform;now we'd have a turd of #ifdef and asmolade
1676429;1498769316;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2017/the-universal-plan-for-wealth/#comment-122297
1676430;1498769563;asciilifeform;it is mind-boggling, ~all major cpu have had 2word-outputting MUL instr for, what, 30 years. and NO compiler actually gives you, by default, the top half of it !!
1676431;1498769581;asciilifeform;Because It Would Be Wrong (tm)(r)(uncle al)
1676432;1498769613;asciilifeform;i wouldn't even be surprised if the explanation for this turns out, in the end, to be an usgological one
1676433;1498769629;asciilifeform;( just as in the old smoking gun, where it came out that nsa delayed the introduction of POPCOUNT instr )
1676434;1498770755;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform answered.
1676435;1498771382;mircea_popescu;122k comments. that's... kind of a lot.
1676436;1498771721;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all
1676437;1498771729;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2563.99, vol: 8385.18521930 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2500.0, vol: 3446.03227 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2518.3, vol: 13925.79122197 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2670.862942, vol: 7447.70230000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2559.006, vol: 5958.5577679 | Volume-weighted last average: 2561.67863518
1676438;1498771776;BingoBoingo; any ustard can get 10-20k cash nqa. << Nah, they might... if they are lucky may touch ~1.5-3 kilodollars cash
1676439;1498771884;mircea_popescu;provided they spend a mon-fri interval applying for all the possible credit cards they can find, and then spending saturday hitting all atms ?
1676440;1498771917;mircea_popescu;it tightened that badly already, all usoviet is good for is ~decent restaurant meal ?
1676441;1498771952;asciilifeform;yes and no
1676442;1498771970;mircea_popescu;for the record, i will state that the average chinese dood will be supported by the chinese govt with 1-300k usd to open shop abroad.
1676443;1498771980;mircea_popescu;which is why all the africa/south america/etc supermarkets etc.
1676444;1498771985;asciilifeform;most you can get ~in benjies~ (i.e. atm) is typically 1k
1676445;1498771993;asciilifeform;per card
1676446;1498771994;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a day, neh ?
1676448;1498772008;mircea_popescu;so hit it 29th and 2nd
1676449;1498772011;asciilifeform;or rather, till pid
1676452;1498772028;mircea_popescu;eh wtf. they distinguish atm from pos ?
1676456;1498772053;asciilifeform;10x higher interest, even
1676457;1498772058;mircea_popescu;and yet "everyone" acts as if they have nfi what mp is saying re usd being ~worthless ?
1676458;1498772078;asciilifeform;i'd bet most inmates have some idea.
1676459;1498772084;mircea_popescu;anyway. the amounts are not relevant. the plan is "get all you can and get out".
1676460;1498772101;mircea_popescu;if all you can get is a nail, get the nail.
1676461;1498772168;asciilifeform;and after traded the nail for food in liquishitistan, then what
1676462;1498772176;asciilifeform;or is it 'female' to ask
1676463;1498772193;mircea_popescu;then life.
1676464;1498772214;asciilifeform;the nicaragua shitlife eh
1676465;1498772223;asciilifeform;i'll take my wagner ty
1676466;1498772239;mircea_popescu;it is generally the argument of the pig in farm that the forest has wolves, and no clearly market slop through.
1676467;1498772276;mircea_popescu;this is broadly correct -- forest will not support same headcount of pig per acre as pig farm does.
1676468;1498772300;mircea_popescu;but then again -- it was "plan for wealth" not "plan for survival". there's no such thing as a wealthy farmed pig. definitionally -- wealth of farm belongs with farmer.
1676470;1498772376;mircea_popescu;in the end the circling will always come to the same square : do you wish to live long, or do you wish to live well.
1676471;1498772385;asciilifeform;could play same game without leaving home: connect rng to pistol, if fails to produce shitoshi privkey - bang
1676472;1498772400;mircea_popescu;it's not the same game except in the estimation of those who'd play it.
1676473;1498772425;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: short+well is what we get here already...
1676474;1498772451;mircea_popescu;it is ?
1676475;1498772479;asciilifeform;aha, prolly not a decade left
1676476;1498772493;mircea_popescu;then i suppose there's no problem to solve.
1676477;1498772523;*;mircea_popescu wouldn't have intuited alf thinks he lives well, prior to this moment.
1676478;1498772540;asciilifeform;hey i 'sleep ad lib'
1676479;1498772540;trinque;!#s from:asciilifeform hovel
1676480;1498772540;a111;13 results for "from:asciilifeform hovel", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20hovel
1676481;1498772584;asciilifeform;trinque: compared with life of fugitives with 0 social skill, my hovel wins +90000%
1676482;1498772597;mircea_popescu;it's good and bad, depending on context!
1676483;1498772603;mircea_popescu;the life of the mind, and its advantages.
1676485;1498772651;mircea_popescu;as a protection against change, it is a great life. except of course, as a justification of inertia, it is a terrible life. pick and choose, if it's why not move then it's because life is good, if it's why don't you have your boatirigible it's because life's bad.
1676486;1498772660;mircea_popescu;check it out, alf's dreidl.
1676487;1498772673;asciilifeform;i'm a hill climber, wat
1676488;1498772686;mircea_popescu;whassat ?
1676489;1498772701;asciilifeform;no move unless >current
1676490;1498772707;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform honestly i thjink you will be recalled as a sort of st peter-thomas in the eventual church.
1676492;1498772737;mircea_popescu;not a bad role, either.
1676493;1498772741;*;asciilifeform brb,tea
1676494;1498773720;BingoBoingo; it tightened that badly already, all usoviet is good for is ~decent restaurant meal ? << That's based off of the free student loan money conduit. Eat 20 kilodollars in debt, get less than 10 % in paperable for "living expenses"
1676495;1498773786;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo chick i aspirated on the tail end of this owes like 1/4mn to usg according to usg, and wasted about 60k on pot and stupid shit. "living expenses" ie "i was by myself and they were giving me money. what."
1676497;1498773871;mircea_popescu;now, evidently they have time-locks and other safeguards on the whole bullshit. but as a factual matter average redditard will have wasted no less than 20k in cash by the time he's "established" in "the community".
1676498;1498773872;*;BingoBoingo similarly drank ~40-80 kilodollars of USG/Bank money between 2004-2012
1676499;1498773886;mircea_popescu;this with no prejudice to your figure re "what can actually be had in hand"
1676500;1498773908;BingoBoingo;Mostly between 06-08 After 08 rate of allowed cash access constricted
1676501;1498773919;mircea_popescu;i c.
1676502;1498773936;mircea_popescu;i'm working on old almanacs here, as i don't tend to seriously talk to 19yos.
1676503;1498773941;BingoBoingo;i.e dollars that don't go straight to college bezzel office
1676504;1498773972;BingoBoingo;Well, the shithole rarely starts smelling better on its own
1676506;1498774238;BingoBoingo;Putrefecation sustains itself, always getting worse.
1676507;1498774942;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-29#1676497 << definitely working with old almanacs nao. today 20k dun even buy a toyota.
1676508;1498774942;a111;Logged on 2017-06-29 22:04 mircea_popescu: now, evidently they have time-locks and other safeguards on the whole bullshit. but as a factual matter average redditard will have wasted no less than 20k in cash by the time he's "established" in "the community".
1676509;1498774954;asciilifeform;a TWO-DOOR toyota.
1676510;1498774962;mircea_popescu;a lawnmower!
1676511;1498775024;asciilifeform;just about
1676512;1498775031;asciilifeform;buys one of those ridable tractor things.
1676513;1498775038;mircea_popescu;8 or so btc.
1676514;1498775043;asciilifeform;... or 80% of an old orloltron
1676515;1498775055;mircea_popescu;very much more than enough for average derp.
1676516;1498775071;asciilifeform;enough to what ? pay for christian burial ?
1676517;1498775078;mircea_popescu;future holds room for maye 10-20mn humans. ~1btc is the table stakes of living on earth
1676518;1498775092;asciilifeform;then even old asciilifeform is covered
1676519;1498775101;asciilifeform;but somehow skeptical that 1btc.
1676520;1498775101;mircea_popescu;"even". you're way ahead of teh curv.e
1676522;1498775109;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform numbers dun lie.
1676524;1498775180;trinque;I bought a beast of a truck for 16k
1676525;1498775189;asciilifeform;trinque: lemme guess, american
1676526;1498775195;mircea_popescu;trinque we're in the other side of the life sucks/doesn't continuum atm.
1676527;1498775198;trinque;you guess wrong; toyota
1676528;1498775204;asciilifeform;rly, new toyota ??
1676529;1498775205;trinque;ah ah, pardon me
1676530;1498775210;trinque;who said new!
1676531;1498775213;asciilifeform;aaaaah lol!!
1676532;1498775220;mircea_popescu;it only counts if it's pink!
1676533;1498775225;trinque;wtf is this lol; do you know how long those last?
1676534;1498775225;asciilifeform;'old toyota' can be 100 usd even.
1676535;1498775231;asciilifeform;so i thought it was quite obvious that meant 'new'.
1676536;1498775238;mircea_popescu;in a word... no.
1676537;1498775240;trinque;fucking yawn; the things run til 300k miles
1676538;1498775246;mircea_popescu;having never bought a car etc.
1676539;1498775248;trinque;and got it at ~100k
1676540;1498775259;asciilifeform;i dun think i've ever sat in a car with <100k
1676541;1498775281;asciilifeform;in usa that is
1676542;1498775282;trinque;thing didn't have the idiot iPads in the dash so no one wanted it.
1676543;1498775293;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i thought buying new is a scam anyway. why would it be obvious you meant that ?
1676544;1498775303;asciilifeform;trinque: quite a stuggle to buy one ~without~ the crud , lately
1676545;1498775314;mircea_popescu;2005 bmw ftw.
1676546;1498775324;mircea_popescu;it got all the electronics of old motorola phone.
1676547;1498775331;asciilifeform;i'm definitely getting one when my 'acura' finally falls apart
1676548;1498775351;asciilifeform;( same era )
1676549;1498775362;mircea_popescu;"see that freightliner baby ? well... your car and that engine, ~same hp. use it well."
1676550;1498775406;asciilifeform;orlol's tub somehow got by with... 35hp
1676552;1498775557;BingoBoingo; a TWO-DOOR toyota. << $4000 buys a sports car convertible
1676553;1498775649;BingoBoingo; who said new! << 4 srs, mircea_popescu just needs decades of car buying experience to go used because his tastes run German and not lawnmower
1676554;1498775680;mircea_popescu;hey, i also bought a blender. it was... swiss.
1676555;1498775702;mircea_popescu;i betcha it outtorques your shmoyota or w/e
1676556;1498775705;BingoBoingo;But how long does it take to mow lawn with blender??
1676557;1498775719;mircea_popescu;i dunno but it made an acre's worth of gravel one weekend...
1676558;1498775726;BingoBoingo;Gotta figure in forward speed AND deck size
1676559;1498775740;BingoBoingo;But sounds like quite the blender
1676560;1498775747;BingoBoingo;May beat mower :(
1676561;1498776042;trinque;so here's a tip re: "omg cannot pull cash out of credit cards: 2017 panoptical broomstick hell"
1676562;1498776053;trinque;pay the fucking feds with the card; buy bitcoin with the cash
1676563;1498778071;ben_vulpes;on the topic of "us courts are a thin veil over the criminal enterprise": https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/06/appeals-court-public-defender-lacks-standing-in-dispute-over-court-software/
1676564;1498780135;asciilifeform;'...the public defender’s office has filed approximately 2,000 motions informing the court that, due to its reportedly imperfect software, many of its clients have been forced to serve unnecessary jail time, be improperly arrested, or even wrongly registered as sex offenders.' << lol!!
1676565;1498780208;asciilifeform;brings to mind this old '40s sf tale, where 2 d00dz are exonerated of murder after doing 20y on the toughest prison planets, with giant wasps & similar joys, and so each gets a 'murder pass' to actually do the thing he already sat for
1676566;1498780228;asciilifeform;and has to ponder, 'who should it be'
1676567;1498780266;mircea_popescu;pretty lulzy shit.
1676568;1498780300;mircea_popescu;let's worry if enough black chicks code. that's the issue.
1676570;1498780318;asciilifeform;or whatwasit.
1676571;1498780320;mircea_popescu;2k black dudes registered as sex offenders for buying a can of canada dry are a-ok
1676572;1498780351;mircea_popescu;and, ironically, they're registered by the very shit black chix coded.
1676573;1498780357;asciilifeform;how else.
1676574;1498780375;mircea_popescu;shoulda spanked the bitchezs when they were 16, not wait for the fucking "criminology" degree.
1676575;1498780425;mircea_popescu;"if enough black chicks coded we wouldn't have to think about when was the last time anyone wrote any usefu lcode"
1676576;1498781412;asciilifeform;meanwhile, for the intrepid: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/mIuk9/?raw=true << combatron!
1676577;1498781429;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-21#1659882 << see also, RIP )
1676578;1498781429;a111;Logged on 2017-05-21 00:47 asciilifeform: in other sads, it turns out that paul g. comba ( of comba's multiplication algo ) died in april.
1676579;1498781523;asciilifeform;pretty 'martian' algo for the usual O(N^2) mults, but notably it doesn't need a full Z's worth of temporary row space, but only 3 words' , ~regardless of Z width~ !
1676580;1498781533;asciilifeform;( homework to reader: prove that this works.. )
1676581;1498781552;shinohai;btw mod6 .... I failed with the Ada/Gentoo thing the other night. Back to reading I suppose.
1676582;1498781565;asciilifeform;shinohai: say moar? failed how?
1676583;1498781646;shinohai;I can't get a workable env going .... using gcc version 4.9.4 (Gentoo 4.9.4 p1.0, pie-0.6.4)
1676584;1498781659;asciilifeform;again say moar
1676585;1498781661;asciilifeform;what dun work
1676586;1498781667;asciilifeform;where - barfed ?
1676587;1498781683;*;shinohai looks at notes
1676588;1498781786;shinohai;First of all, is this what I should be following? https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Ada
1676589;1498781816;asciilifeform;emerge dev-lang/gnat-gpl
1676590;1498781844;asciilifeform;alternatively install adacore's thing
1676591;1498781864;asciilifeform;( either variant involves, sadly, a binary bootstrapper, as gnat is written in ada... )
1676592;1498782045;shinohai;Ah there is my issue apparently ... I needed to prefix USE=bootstrap
1676593;1498782970;shinohai;le sigh
1676594;1498783727;asciilifeform;ftr 'p' stands at ~2500 ln. (incl. comments) presently. will need to lose some weight...
1676595;1498785135;ben_vulpes;long time no see, ag3nt_zer0
1676596;1498785153;ag3nt_zer0;hey there!
1676597;1498785157;ag3nt_zer0;no kidding man
1676598;1498785174;trinque;this guy right here, shit you not, tells deedbot:
1676599;1498785180;ag3nt_zer0;I am always peeking from time to time for reassurance hehe
1676600;1498785181;trinque;curl $url | gpg --decrypt
1676601;1498785187;*;trinque thoroughly entertained
1676602;1498785188;ag3nt_zer0;awww man
1676603;1498785196;trinque;you don't get off so easy!
1676604;1498785199;trinque;lol, anyhow wb
1676607;1498785206;ben_vulpes;ho ho ho
1676608;1498785259;ben_vulpes;allow me to reassure you, ag3nt_zer0, you *can* still curl2sudo!
1676609;1498785284;asciilifeform;curl http://microshit.gov > /dev/sda
1676610;1498785297;trinque;I resisted the urge to troll him that hard
1676611;1498785307;trinque;"oh gotta update your gpg, here"
1676612;1498785313;*;trinque should be sainted
1676613;1498785460;ag3nt_zer0;hehe yes been very patient
1676614;1498785522;ben_vulpes;what are the lolz of the day ag3nt_zer0
1676615;1498785594;ag3nt_zer0;haha well alot moved around since last I was here... we had that whole brexit trump pepe chaos magik thing
1676616;1498785649;ag3nt_zer0;I went on an pretty long trip - 8 mos mexico, colombia, peru, thailand
1676617;1498785680;trinque;how do you find Thailand?
1676618;1498785704;ag3nt_zer0;just got back a while ago and working my ass off to buy btc before it fulfills what appears to be its destiny of 1 trillion dollars/coin
1676619;1498785721;ag3nt_zer0;trinque I loved thailand
1676620;1498785732;trinque;the place has been on my radar for a while; I've got a meatwot guy there
1676621;1498785857;ag3nt_zer0;i should say it was my first "world trip" so I dont have much to compare it to and was really just enjoying the otherness of it all... the food was fucking incredible and the people were mostly very nice... said hi to me as I walked past them on the street which I guess qualifies as "very nice" in pharmaceutically feminist america
1676622;1498785910;ag3nt_zer0;I really enjoyed the temples everywhere
1676623;1498785943;ag3nt_zer0;Chiang Rai is very nice superior to Chiang Mai imo, smaller, cleaner, up in the hills a bit more
1676624;1498785947;asciilifeform;what's a pharmaceutically feminist ?
1676625;1498785973;trinque;ag3nt_zer0: what'd a month cost you there?
1676626;1498785974;ag3nt_zer0;what i mean is that people are on drugs and feminism
1676627;1498786070;ben_vulpes;pantsuit parties: http://www.theamericanmirror.com/emails-cheryl-mills-hillary-aides-thought-pantsuit-party-woo-young-voters/
1676628;1498786077;ag3nt_zer0;could have a small home outside of town for 0.116376 btc/mo
1676630;1498786111;ag3nt_zer0;then food... maybe 3-4 usd/day
1676631;1498786124;ag3nt_zer0;less if you cook
1676632;1498786165;asciilifeform;ag3nt_zer0: is that rice or roquefort ?
1676633;1498786232;ag3nt_zer0;that would be rice
1676634;1498786243;asciilifeform;thought so
1676635;1498786252;ag3nt_zer0;and noodles and veggies and some meatz
1676636;1498786277;asciilifeform;it's about ~same 3-4 here in bad old usa too
1676637;1498786293;*;asciilifeform was once a penniless student, like many folx
1676638;1498786301;ag3nt_zer0;dropped my little aged porn star potbelly  and all fat over there though with no bread and cheese
1676640;1498786357;asciilifeform;thailand is the land of the 200% car tax iirc.
1676641;1498786365;asciilifeform;so i take it 0 fat folx.
1676642;1498786396;ag3nt_zer0;yeah I didnt see any
1676643;1498786399;mod6;<+shinohai> Ah there is my issue apparently ... I needed to prefix USE=bootstrap << thanks for reporting and working through your probs on this in here -- this will probably help someone in the future.
1676644;1498786451;asciilifeform;mod6: i've been increasingly dwelling on http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-13#1669650 .
1676645;1498786451;a111;Logged on 2017-06-13 22:37 asciilifeform: end result is to be a vaguely msdos-like thing that understands how to configure x64 page table, put/get blocks of disk, and speak over rs232 port. and on top of this, a self-building gnat.
1676646;1498786468;asciilifeform;mod6: because the unix situation ain't getting any better.
1676647;1498786474;asciilifeform;it will only get -- worse.
1676648;1498786597;mod6;yeah, it's liquishit. for sure.
1676649;1498786606;asciilifeform;( e.g. http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666258 )
1676650;1498786606;a111;Logged on 2017-06-06 00:42 ben_vulpes: oh christ xorg needs gcc5 now?
1676651;1498786654;mod6;hmm, i dunno about that, following danielpbarron's instructions i was able to get X built with gcc4.  but yah, it's all shit.
1676652;1498786668;trinque;hey, gnat just hauled in *6*
1676653;1498786684;asciilifeform;mod6: betcha you can't build an x that will draw on any card you can buy in a store nao, without 5+
1676654;1498786687;asciilifeform;or worse.
1676655;1498786701;asciilifeform;trinque: lol which gnat
1676656;1498786714;trinque;the latest and therefore best!!11!!!11
1676657;1498786720;trinque;was actually going to ask if you had a vintage
1676658;1498786729;asciilifeform;i do, which one would you like
1676659;1498786767;trinque;whichever one doesn't scorn gcc4 I suppose.
1676660;1498786780;asciilifeform;on the box i'm sitting at nao, i have adacore's 4.9.4
1676661;1498786813;trinque;dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2017 << this demanded gcc6
1676662;1498786819;asciilifeform;4.9.4 iirc is still on their www
1676663;1498786819;trinque;I'll try that one instead
1676664;1498786855;asciilifeform;incidentally for all i know gcc5ism has not even touched gnat/ada
1676665;1498786865;asciilifeform;to date it's been 100% frontend rot afail
1676667;1498786878;asciilifeform;but i cannot guarantee this.
1676668;1498786914;asciilifeform;( ada does not suffer from the c/cpp idiots' '95% of everything we do is not nailed down in the standard' horror )
1676669;1498786958;asciilifeform;ditto fortran
1676670;1498786968;asciilifeform;( incidentally i considered fortran for tmsr crypto )
1676671;1498787026;asciilifeform;we may well eventually end up with fortran ( it is by far easier to write a fortran compiler from 0 than an adatron )
1676672;1498787168;asciilifeform;fwiw SANELY written algos translate quite well between algols.
1676673;1498787184;asciilifeform;( i.e. 0 pointerolade )
1676674;1498787235;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i lolled at the pantsuits using the fucking word, all casual like.
1676675;1498787255;mircea_popescu;you know, like fat girl everyone calls piggy trying to use "piggy" in conversation.
1676676;1498787313;mircea_popescu; so i take it 0 fat folx. << 0 tall chicks with nice udders, either.
1676677;1498787333;asciilifeform;afaik they dun make those east of urals
1676678;1498787343;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2E42F2EB9F4AF41CAD631A416DA71DFA634867421238BFA9F52B05A773CA94CC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1655...7227 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (lvps87-230-7-215.dedicated.hosteurope.de. DE NW)
1676679;1498787343;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2E42F2EB9F4AF41CAD631A416DA71DFA634867421238BFA9F52B05A773CA94CC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1480...1079 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (lvps87-230-7-215.dedicated.hosteurope.de. DE NW)
1676680;1498787392;mircea_popescu;prolly not.
1676681;1498787404;asciilifeform;^ http://www.2f-spiele.de >>>>>  'Ich hoffe, dass auf dieser Seite alle Fragen zum Thema 2F-Spiele beantwortet werden können.'
1676682;1498787407;mircea_popescu;wtf is the point even sticking it into her if she can't show 2-3lbs of tit upfront.
1676683;1498787436;*;mircea_popescu tried recently, literally felt like was fucking a little boy. ew.
1676684;1498787449;asciilifeform;http://www.2f-spiele.de/spiele/spiele_akt_deut.htm << anybody ever heard of these..?
1676686;1498787532;asciilifeform;board gamez apparently. old-school.
1676687;1498787855;asciilifeform;mod6: further re '64-bit dos' : i increasingly also like the idea of os that has 0 kernel activity other than when invoked. and in general, 0 background activity other than user-specified; and no more threads than cpus.
1676688;1498787872;asciilifeform;i.e. honesty.
1676689;1498787890;asciilifeform;( moar-threads-than-cpus is fundamentally a lie to the operator )
1676690;1498787921;asciilifeform;it'll be great to be able to deterministically measure execution times again, for instance.
1676691;1498787963;asciilifeform;i can't think of any reason to EVEN ENABLE INTERRUPTS on such a box
1676692;1498787967;asciilifeform;polling or fuckoff
1676693;1498788021;asciilifeform;or at least confine'em to 1 core.
1676694;1498788217;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ( moar-threads-than-cpus is fundamentally a lie to the operator ) << 'i can't believe it's not cpu' aha.
1676695;1498788240;mircea_popescu;interrupts were a bad idea from the get-go.
1676696;1498788271;mircea_popescu;then "masking" and then of course "non maskable" and etc. when that happens you know you fucked up the design
1676697;1498788294;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: betcha you can't build an x that will draw on any card you can buy in a store nao, without 5+ << yeah, any proper graphics card.  std intel card tho.
1676698;1498788348;mod6;asciilifeform: yeah, i agree though.  having all kinds of background things running and the kernel off doing who knows what is unwanted.
1676699;1498788373;asciilifeform;mod6: the open-specced intel gpu -- evaporated
1676700;1498788387;asciilifeform;i hate to be the bringer of badnoose... but it is so.
1676701;1498788418;mod6;i dunno, im pretty sure i used gcc4 to build x on this box. o.O
1676702;1498788445;asciilifeform;what is 'this box' ?
1676703;1498788477;mod6;e560 thinkpad
1676704;1498788483;asciilifeform;the badnoose is re certain 2017 intels. starting with iirc kaby
1676705;1498788496;asciilifeform;nomoar open gpu
1676706;1498788770;mod6;<+trinque> I'll try that one instead << let me know if it "works" for ya
1676707;1498789475;sina;hiya tmsr
1676708;1498789479;mircea_popescu;a look who's here
1676709;1498789497;mircea_popescu;hey listen sina, wanna go with me through the fhf spec and make final version ?
1676710;1498789499;mircea_popescu;in an hour or so
1676711;1498789511;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-29#1676418 << happy to do any benchmarking you like assuming its agreed finalised
1676712;1498789511;a111;Logged on 2017-06-29 20:38 mircea_popescu: was next step but sina moved to gossipding
1676713;1498789515;sina;ahh you took the words out of my mouth!
1676714;1498789518;mircea_popescu;ima l;ist your and ben_vulpes 's impls as canonical
1676715;1498789546;mircea_popescu;after which, benchmarkings.
1676716;1498789604;sina;mircea_popescu: sure. happy to. FWIW, I kept README.md in my python repo updated with the spec as our discussions went on
1676718;1498789621;mircea_popescu;cool. read the article, make list of what you think needs changed
1676719;1498789633;sina;but there are definitely one or two additional refinements
1676720;1498789641;mircea_popescu;yeah, the goal is to nail them ALL.
1676721;1498789669;mircea_popescu;ill be back in about 90 mins.
1676722;1498789677;sina;cool see you then
1676723;1498789709;sina;ben_vulpes: around?
1676724;1498790012;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-29#1676470 << sigh
1676725;1498790012;a111;Logged on 2017-06-29 21:39 mircea_popescu: in the end the circling will always come to the same square : do you wish to live long, or do you wish to live well.
1676726;1498790796;sina;asciilifeform: wondering if you took a look at my revised gossipthing by any chance?
1676727;1498790835;mircea_popescu;i suspect today is the day tmsr production exceeded the ability of any one man to keep abreast of.
1676728;1498790953;asciilifeform;sina: notyet
1676729;1498790967;asciilifeform;prolly this weekend
1676730;1498790991;sina;I mean, it's still written in python and all :P
1676731;1498791001;sina;so I know it still counts as "complete rewrite" in your eyes
1676732;1498791015;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i still eat'em faster than they shit'em, but currently tied up
1676733;1498791027;mircea_popescu;that's what it's called, in alflang
1676734;1498791031;asciilifeform;with the ffa massages
1676735;1498791058;asciilifeform;sina: will read, promise
1676736;1498791066;sina;appreciated sir
1676737;1498791089;asciilifeform;( might even.... run! )
1676738;1498791129;mod6;sina: where's the code?
1676739;1498791135;mod6;i'll look at it.
1676741;1498791154;mod6;ah, thx!
1676742;1498791195;sina;asciilifeform: btw I was going to ask you about your feelings on this https://github.com/cforler/Ada-Crypto-Library ...obviously hasn't been impl for constant time/space but regardless. may be possible to ctgrind it using that valgrind patch I linked in the logs
1676743;1498791212;asciilifeform;sina: it is in the logs
1676744;1498791214;sina;mod6: no, thank *you*
1676745;1498791218;sina;ah ok will look
1676746;1498791228;asciilifeform;sina: ( spoiler: ~useless )
1676747;1498791245;asciilifeform;because loc hog
1676748;1498791253;asciilifeform;and nonconst
1676750;1498791262;a111;Logged on 2017-03-29 12:08 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-29#1633699 << it is a notbad library to study (no external deps!) -- but it DOES use heap.
1676751;1498791263;trinque;consider also the value of the gentleman who writes the thing ~being in your wot~
1676752;1498791280;asciilifeform;and if you even so much as considering valgrind, your ada is ill-conceived
1676753;1498791281;mircea_popescu;quite a not inconsequential value.
1676754;1498791282;sina;that is true trinque
1676755;1498791305;sina;asciilifeform: not valgrind for valgrinding, but ctgrind patched valgrind for checking constant timeness of existing code
1676756;1498791315;sina;but I guess that point stands anyway
1676757;1498791330;asciilifeform;sina: no need for robotic checkers, it is screamingly naked eye
1676758;1498791336;sina;if you impl as constant time you don't need ctgrind
1676760;1498791357;asciilifeform;afaik mine is the only fixed spacetime bigint lib that exists publicly
1676761;1498791389;asciilifeform;( if whoever knows of another -- plz write in..!! )
1676762;1498791482;sina;asciilifeform: nope, and I did look! the closest thing I found was this, which is both not public and not for constantime, although interesting nonetheless drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2012/3587/pdf/3.pdf
1676763;1498791496;asciilifeform;sina: not public == not exists
1676764;1498791504;sina;can agree
1676765;1498791523;sina;although I do guess the researchers could be convinced to send source
1676766;1498791553;mircea_popescu;not what experience indicates.
1676767;1498791610;asciilifeform;sina: the other thing is, life-critical code gotta be fitsinhead.
1676768;1498791614;asciilifeform;like kalash.
1676769;1498791634;asciilifeform;which means that if you're even thinking about grinders, it is Wrong.
1676770;1498791656;sina;yeah, I definitely appreciate the fitsinhead thing
1676771;1498791693;sina;basically once it's >fitsinhead, nobodies gonna audit it
1676772;1498791702;asciilifeform;sina: worse
1676773;1498791714;asciilifeform;sina: it's physically impossible then
1676774;1498791735;asciilifeform;and whoever insinuates otherwise, is not a friend
1676775;1498791851;sina;somehow it's 1pm and I haven't eaten breakfast, going to walk to the shop
1676776;1498791944;asciilifeform;oh why so many subdirs, sina ?
1676777;1498791951;asciilifeform;makes it painful to read
1676778;1498791970;sina;asciilifeform: I think all the stuff you care about will be in process/
1676780;1498791982;mod6;sina: aside from alfs previous assertions; do you not want a primary key field set in the messages or keys table?
1676781;1498792015;sina;mod6: yes, will add some constraints and indexes
1676782;1498792037;sina;it was intentionally loose to begin with, but now can be constrainted
1676785;1498792060;sina;definitely need index on keys table
1676786;1498792095;sina;mod6: although, again, maybe not, I think the desire is to not have sqlite dep and use fs so...
1676787;1498792249;sina;asciilifeform: do you feel sqlite is an OK dep or no?
1676788;1498792257;asciilifeform;take a guess
1676789;1498792298;sina;I guess you think the entire edifice of computing should be torn down and rebuilt
1676790;1498792307;sina;;) :D
1676791;1498792308;asciilifeform;we have a winner
1676792;1498792336;asciilifeform;except most of it dun need to be rebuilt, after burning
1676793;1498792345;asciilifeform;nobody needs it for anything.
1676794;1498792365;asciilifeform;certainly not anybody worth knowing, at any rate
1676795;1498792379;sina;in this case it has at least allowed for rapid iteration
1676796;1498792438;asciilifeform;sina: i've personally sewn 'silk purses' from all kinds of sow's ears. incl. python, sql, etc
1676797;1498792439;sina;and I do remember a logline from asciilifeform "written in python because if I didn't then it wouldn't exist" or along those lines
1676798;1498792446;asciilifeform;but they aren't here to stay.
1676799;1498792454;sina;yah, that is understood
1676800;1498792459;asciilifeform;wartime duct tape.
1676801;1498792467;sina;especially for the usecase of gossipd, python cannot be the final lang
1676802;1498792474;*;asciilifeform bbl
1676803;1498792526;sina;must find food. mircea_popescu please excuse if I'm tardy on your return
1676805;1498795521;sina;ok back
1676806;1498795649;sina;mircea_popescu: off the top of my head there were two things that I thought needed clarification
1676807;1498795652;sina;one was this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668149
1676808;1498795652;a111;Logged on 2017-06-10 03:59 mircea_popescu: i say count from 1.
1676809;1498795685;sina;which led to this conclusion http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668162
1676810;1498795685;a111;Logged on 2017-06-10 04:04 mircea_popescu: counterintuitively counting must be from 0 ?!
1676811;1498795820;mircea_popescu;so girl bought imported (us) strawberries, and i swear to god they taste like detergent. washed and rinsed the living shit out of them. it's in the fucking skin.
1676812;1498795843;ben_vulpes;sina: yo
1676813;1498795872;sina;there is also this http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-10#1668191
1676814;1498795872;a111;Logged on 2017-06-10 04:09 ben_vulpes: my next q is does the iteration run [0, count] or [0, count)
1676815;1498795903;sina;which I noticed in my golang impl is [0, count)
1676816;1498795916;sina;and I remember making it [0, count] and it breaking somehow or other
1676817;1498795939;sina;oh right I remember
1676818;1498795950;mircea_popescu;iirc that was correctly [0, count)
1676819;1498795954;sina;in mpfhf-python:     for i in range(0, count):
1676820;1498795961;sina;which is [0, count], right?!
1676821;1498795975;sina;but in golang:     for i := 0; i; ' (mars.waven.com. US CA)
1676963;1498799708;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/656A746A3CF65B13C3026486E29E425B8BEB6601D9ED8B5EEB1DE720A21E78EB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1627...7153 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mars.waven.com. US CA)
1676964;1498801190;ben_vulpes;this go script screams
1676965;1498801347;sina;I like go
1676966;1498801348;*;sina ducks
1676967;1498803356;sina;ben_vulpes: you write clojure no? I'd be interested to race golang vs functional jvm
1676969;1498803462;ben_vulpes;i only fuck with the jvm under duress
1676970;1498803471;ben_vulpes;or hint of riches
1676971;1498803574;mircea_popescu;so, sina , shall we give this gossipd of yours a go ?
1676972;1498803581;ben_vulpes;tangentially relatedly, i've been working from a cheapo ssd in this ancient once-gaming-rig i got for a song and holy shit does it kick the ass off the ssds in macbooks
1676973;1498803657;sina;mircea_popescu: sure.
1676974;1498803669;ben_vulpes;i had no idea how shit the tanium was
1676975;1498803731;mircea_popescu;sina ok, so terminal says python 2.6.5
1676976;1498803732;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2017/promising-and-promises/ << Trilema - Promising ; and promises.
1676977;1498803733;mircea_popescu;what now ?
1676978;1498803769;mircea_popescu;the above should plainly explain btw (for instance, via asciilifeform 's "beat the ai" game), why rng is absolutely required for sovereign entity to even in principle exist.
1676979;1498803812;sina;mircea_popescu: old man python hey? you should be able to clone the repo and run "python setup.py install" from inside the repo dir
1676980;1498803818;sina;the README explains all usage
1676981;1498803870;mircea_popescu;some assembly required huh. fair enough, lessee this readme then\
1676982;1498803917;*;mircea_popescu goes hmm what was it, github/sina- ? ends up with https://github.com/sina-/dota-hero-suggestion
1676985;1498803993;mircea_popescu;git clone an virtualenv and stuff.
1676986;1498804000;mircea_popescu;well, this machine's not set up for such liftings.
1676987;1498804086;sina;mircea_popescu: would you be willing to ssh into another box where it's setup?
1676988;1498804099;mircea_popescu;sina prolly premature to hassle you with ah hey, that's an idea. sure.
1676989;1498804120;mircea_popescu;if only we had teh uci already ;/
1676990;1498804170;sina;ok hold pls
1676992;1498804188;mircea_popescu;!#s UCI
1676993;1498804189;a111;134 results for "UCI", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=UCI
1676994;1498804216;sina;ah interesting I actually had a similar idea after reading abotu the ai stuff
1676995;1498804226;mircea_popescu;nooo ?
1676997;1498804711;sina;mircea_popescu: where are you atm? I booted in Frankfurt thinking you were in EU but just realised you're probly elsewhere :P
1676998;1498804721;mircea_popescu;costa rica. whart diff does it make ?
1676999;1498804732;sina;ah I would've booted something with less lag is all
1677000;1498804744;mircea_popescu;dun much matter does it.
1677001;1498804745;sina;ssh pubkey?
1677002;1498804755;mircea_popescu;um. lessee.
1677003;1498804831;mircea_popescu;$key simonpenner
1677005;1498804838;mircea_popescu;!!key sina
1677007;1498804904;mircea_popescu;sina http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cB11w/?raw=true
1677008;1498804916;mircea_popescu;suspiciously enough, ssh-keygen takes all of 5ms or some shit.
1677009;1498804959;mircea_popescu;sina wait i just realised i'm retarded lol. 1 sec
1677010;1498804980;sina;you are
1677011;1498804986;sina;cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
1677013;1498805060;mircea_popescu;sina http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/A6ukN/?raw=true
1677014;1498805288;sina;mircea_popescu: can you 'ssh root@'
1677015;1498805325;mircea_popescu;48:b6:50:73:bd:07:2c:58:ac:f5:68:bb:d1:50:63:1d ?
1677017;1498805358;mircea_popescu;hey, im into... something. there's pretty red colored stuff.
1677018;1498805369;*;mircea_popescu goes back to readme to see wtf next.
1677019;1498805402;sina;yup. ok pls open another terminal, one to run the daemon and another to run the client
1677020;1498805451;mircea_popescu;gossipc just ends, is that intended ?
1677021;1498805458;sina;you can run gossipc -h
1677022;1498805472;mircea_popescu;aite, which peer do i add ?
1677023;1498805486;sina;so youcan add me as a peer with: gossipc --add-peer --name sina --host --port 5556
1677024;1498805532;sina;my pubkey is here http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/FtYXs/?raw=true
1677026;1498805645;sina;mircea_popescu: ok, so then save my key somewhere onto the filesystem like /tmp/sina_exchange.pub and run: gossipc --set-peer-key --name sina -k /tmp/sina_exchange.pub
1677027;1498805656;mircea_popescu;so i saved it as hurr.txt and then gossipc -k hurr.txt, no anmswer
1677029;1498805680;sina;sorry the UX bit of it is still a tad clunky
1677030;1498805692;mircea_popescu;also no answer.
1677031;1498805702;sina;all good.
1677033;1498805727;mircea_popescu;so where do i see messages ? send ?
1677034;1498805756;mircea_popescu;i got a RECV: empty line
1677035;1498805758;sina;ah, fuck
1677036;1498805761;sina;some kind of bug! wtf!
1677037;1498805770;sina;hold pls
1677038;1498805776;mircea_popescu;don't sweat it.
1677039;1498805792;mircea_popescu;i typed "hurr ?" into the demon window, though i suspect that's not intended usage
1677041;1498805817;sina;you can ctrl-c the daemon and I will tell you when to restart
1677042;1498805827;mircea_popescu;it can just go.
1677043;1498805850;mircea_popescu;99% cpu too, nice handiwork there :D
1677044;1498805869;mircea_popescu;o look, and systemd...
1677047;1498806111;mircea_popescu;o hey, still empty :D
1677049;1498806131;mircea_popescu;aite listen don't stress out, we'll try this again later.
1677050;1498806152;sina;yeah, I'll let you know when I have hunted down wtf is going on
1677051;1498806158;sina;considering this is working on an identical setup locall
1677052;1498806236;mircea_popescu;heh, sounds exactly like why man made computer in the first place.
1677053;1498807464;sina;heh ffs!
1677054;1498807473;sina;I was missing the final "-" of your pubkey footer
1677056;1498807498;sina;feel free to hop back on
1677057;1498807517;mircea_popescu;got some other stuff going right now, so not a good time, but tomorrow or such ?
1677059;1498808056;sina;ok added some error handling to stop that issue in future, how annoyin
1677060;1498808166;mircea_popescu;and so the little guy grew...
1677061;1498808179;mircea_popescu;sina can you dump pcap of session going ?
1677062;1498808197;sina;there's no session! :P
1677063;1498808206;mircea_popescu;lol i see!
1677065;1498808214;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 02:15 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675565 << the problem with the concept of a "session" is that it attempts to link machine state to world state. this is a very tenuous proposition, and the fundamental reason why sessionificatyion of (the correctly designed) stateless http protocol failed for 30 years straight and will continue to fail forever.
1677066;1498808230;mircea_popescu;sina can you dump pcap of two of these talking ?
1677068;1498808359;mircea_popescu;also, how do you feel about replacing your db dependency with encrypted-flatfile instead ?
1677069;1498808478;sina;mircea_popescu: I feel fine about reducing everything once the concept is OK'd
1677070;1498808492;sina;can change tcp for udp, can change sql for flatfile, can change python for syslang
1677071;1498808512;mircea_popescu;the two main problems are the db and the rsa import as it stands.
1677072;1498808536;sina;happy to swap out the RSA lib if one can be proposed
1677073;1498808546;mircea_popescu;we'll see what alf makes for minigame
1677074;1498808563;sina;I just googled "small RSA lib" and tomcrypt was one that had python bindings out of the box
1677075;1498808985;mircea_popescu;sina so you're considering making offer for ai learning hosting ?
1677076;1498809073;sina;mircea_popescu: I dunno. all I can say is when I was reading the ai logs, and you mentioned irc repl, I was thinking about how it could be implemented
1677077;1498809109;sina;today is Fri here, bout to return to work in a few days, so free time will be curtailed
1677078;1498809144;mircea_popescu;hey, teh republic is made of free men.
1677079;1498809154;sina;mircea_popescu: what do you want to see ideally? just a lisp repl with irc interface?
1677080;1498809168;sina;where do I upload this pcap
1677081;1498809174;mircea_popescu;wotpaste ?
1677082;1498809199;mircea_popescu;and i was talking specifically about the ai learning thing, http://trilema.com/2017/the-bitcoin-learning-tournament/
1677083;1498809209;mircea_popescu;i intend to hire someone to do the official run, see.
1677084;1498809226;sina;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ZXfR3/?raw=true base64 encoded because PCAPs are binary, so pls base64 decode first
1677086;1498809278;sina;mircea_popescu: FYI that is a bunch of send and recv from 2 peers, (1 on port 5555, other on port 5556) on the same network interface ( ...it's not a single "session"
1677087;1498809297;sina;I did look at the learning tournament blog previously but I couldn't really grok it
1677088;1498809303;mircea_popescu;obviously not. just, you realise, it's a republican artefact, "1st pcap of an early gossipd attempt"
1677089;1498809330;mircea_popescu;well, basically a bunch of people (ideally) will write ai bots, and solmeone will have to run their tournament.
1677090;1498809435;mircea_popescu;sina ftr, the lisp repl with irc interface was already built ; her name is candi_lustt
1677091;1498809546;mircea_popescu;!!up candi_lustt
1677092;1498809546;deedbot;candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
1677093;1498809550;mircea_popescu;candi_lustt (+ 2 3)
1677094;1498809557;mircea_popescu;oh what was it
1677095;1498809561;mircea_popescu;!W (+ 2 3)
1677096;1498809562;candi_lustt;mircea_popescu: 5
1677098;1498809580;sina;so can you untangle these for me as I'm a little confused
1677099;1498809582;sina;UCI ?
1677100;1498809586;sina;ai thing?
1677101;1498809590;mircea_popescu;universal computing interface.
1677102;1498809619;sina;I got that from the logsearch link you put, but http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-12#1582081 had me confused
1677103;1498809619;a111;Logged on 2016-12-12 15:24 Framedragger: uci == universal computing interface? something something infrastructure on demand at your irc fingertips, right (ironically google is failing me)
1677104;1498809624;mircea_popescu;see the early discussion re it in the log, http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=UCI it's well described
1677105;1498809639;mircea_popescu;sina ah ok. yeah that's the idea.
1677106;1498809764;sina;mircea_popescu: so is UCI just candi_lustt + an interface you can pay for resources via?
1677107;1498809794;mircea_popescu;nah. candi_lustt is a by hand, limited implementation of something that could be deemed uci in the sense of the donkey-powered shower.
1677108;1498809807;sina;have you ever heard of seccomp?
1677109;1498809823;mircea_popescu;i have.
1677110;1498809835;sina;it's a linux kernel feature you can use to limit which syscalls a program has access to...the original version of seccomp allowed only read()/write()/exit() syscalls
1677111;1498809842;sina;it was implemented for this CPUShare concept
1677112;1498809852;mircea_popescu;myeah. all sorts of these.
1677113;1498809860;sina;so people could sell CPU cycles, in a pretty hard sandbox, that only offered those 3 syscalls
1677114;1498809879;sina;is that the same kind of idea?
1677115;1498809906;sina;I can actually feel asciilifeform being angry at me in the future already
1677116;1498809920;mircea_popescu;lol. it's... somewhjat similar i guess
1677118;1498809985;a111;Logged on 2017-05-02 15:39 mircea_popescu: could I do something like !$mirror  5 so as to get it to spin up 5 separate instances, load url, unpack it and serve ?
1677119;1498810020;mircea_popescu;that is a fine example. or, you know, calculate the mpfhf over the gutenberg collection.
1677120;1498810036;mircea_popescu;or whatever, hashing, packeting, anything and everything.
1677121;1498810059;sina;hmm ok so there is an interesting technology I have worked on
1677122;1498810130;mircea_popescu;there is ?
1677123;1498810149;sina;you've probably heard of Amazon S3, it's an object store with REST API, so it responds to primitives GET/HEAD/PUT/DELETE/POST ...there is an equivalent open source project part of OpenStack called Swift. some people I know worked on a sandbox that only accepts input on stdin and writes to stdout, and wrotesome middleware for swift so you can for example upload a datset and compute on it and get the result
1677126;1498810162;mircea_popescu;i think we even used them at some point.
1677127;1498810186;mircea_popescu;interesting. what was the problem with it ?
1677128;1498810186;sina;sorry, them being?
1677129;1498810192;mircea_popescu;amazon s3s
1677130;1498810194;sina;mircea_popescu: no problem with it, just nobody wants this!
1677132;1498810202;sina;I rant about it to my boss at least once a week
1677133;1498810220;mircea_popescu;seems like you found a new home!
1677134;1498810269;sina;mircea_popescu: when the people I know first wrote ZeroVM it was like 2012 or so, and at the time I was working at a startup you may recall that. and I told everyone we shoudl get involved, was ignored, then ZeroVM got "acquihired" by Rackspace
1677135;1498810277;sina;and since  then the project has been stealth or just stagnant
1677136;1498810291;mircea_popescu;kinda how this stuff works.
1677137;1498810306;sina;no commits to zerovm github since 2015 same for zerocloud middleware for swift :(
1677138;1498810323;sina;anyway, it would be trivial to place an irc gateway in front of that
1677139;1498810338;mircea_popescu;there's a management/pricing segment too
1677141;1498810357;mircea_popescu;which depends on deedbot payments, which reminds me... how's that going trinque ?
1677142;1498810373;mircea_popescu;sina the idea is for me to go "do this" and for it to go "here's your bill sir"
1677143;1498810400;mircea_popescu;then all the ad-hoc uci impls doing full disk encryption for maerks could be actually useful.
1677144;1498810408;mircea_popescu;nobody cared what their shitty data was, anyway.
1677145;1498810420;sina;fde wouldn't have protected them
1677146;1498810425;sina;backups would have!
1677147;1498810449;mircea_popescu;nono, the attack consists of encryption.
1677148;1498810461;sina;oh LOL
1677149;1498810471;sina;you mean, the ransomware bot shoudl have been UCI bots? haha
1677150;1498810471;mircea_popescu;see ?
1677152;1498810493;mircea_popescu;there's two kinds of computers : public, and private. everyone else's computers are public, and by public i simply mean, not theirs.
1677153;1498810503;sina;so what's wrong with candi_lustt for this role? it just needs a billing thingo?
1677154;1498810510;mircea_popescu;gotta put a price tag on this whole "we're too lazy to do security"
1677155;1498810523;mircea_popescu;sina it doesn't, for instance, spin up new ones.
1677156;1498810537;mircea_popescu;nor does it... acquire them.
1677158;1498810543;mircea_popescu;well ?
1677159;1498810553;sina;technically both of those are just pieces of code you'd write though
1677162;1498810561;sina;so then?
1677164;1498810569;mircea_popescu;so then i've not written them lol.
1677165;1498810649;sina;so this thing literally exists on the market today and its fucking cheap for example to use Amazon Lambda...is the reason you want your own basically boil down to 1. no irc gw 2. not tmsr?
1677166;1498810673;mircea_popescu;sina no. 1. no "rules of conduct" 2. no usg / fiat "sovereign" interdictability.
1677167;1498810693;mircea_popescu;this thing exists to put an end to non-tmsr computing, give or take.
1677168;1498810728;sina;well someone like me could write software to do these things but the deployment would need to be outside of jurisdiction, hard for me as an AU citizen
1677169;1498810734;sina;you need to be Eastern European or Chinese
1677170;1498810743;mircea_popescu;let them self-deploy.
1677171;1498810767;sina;so basically it's just a pay to play botnet?
1677172;1498810768;mircea_popescu;bitcoin+gossipd+uci -> pretty much time to say goodnight.
1677173;1498810776;mircea_popescu;i suppose you could say that.
1677174;1498810793;mircea_popescu;though i've yet to see a good botnet.
1677175;1498810806;sina;good being defined as?
1677176;1498810826;mircea_popescu;the typical botnet is what, a bunch of fridges sending ntp requests ?
1677177;1498810863;mircea_popescu;people's understanding of "botnet" goes as far as the very deliberate automattic wp hole, for isntance.
1677178;1498810867;sina;sure, but that is largely a lack of originality in the types of commands executed, but the botnet itself can execute whatever
1677179;1498810880;mircea_popescu;i suppose.
1677180;1498810895;sina;when I was a bit younger I worked for managed hosting company
1677181;1498810898;mircea_popescu;dunno how much useful anything can a windows box execute, but for the sake of argument
1677182;1498810914;sina;customer sites used to get scanned/pwned/php shell uploaded on the regular
1677183;1498810938;sina;php shell was usually <100 lines of base64 encoded thing that'd shell out to whatever you wanted
1677184;1498810940;mircea_popescu;i'm sure. trilema daily log is 1mn lines of crap.
1677185;1498810942;mircea_popescu;"trying things"
1677186;1498810946;sina;yeh exactly
1677187;1498810949;mircea_popescu;among them, things from you know, 1997
1677188;1498810971;mircea_popescu;"dis most popular guestbook php!"
1677189;1498810991;sina;costs nothing to check for existence of shit software compared to payoff :P
1677191;1498811010;mircea_popescu;as the saying went, "poll or get lost" hm
1677194;1498811415;sina;well it's certainly an interesting concept
1677195;1498811424;mircea_popescu;do we do anything else ?
1677196;1498811440;sina;seriously hanging here is the least bored I ever am
1677197;1498811452;mircea_popescu;makes one feel.... alive, huh.
1677198;1498811484;sina;how can I explain it
1677200;1498811514;sina;day to day, everything is postmodernism. any idea you have, someone did it. probably better than you. in fact, one example of that is MPex
1677201;1498811524;sina;an idea I had, then I saw someone had done it way better than my idea
1677202;1498811545;sina;but tmsr in general, everything that anyone has done sucks and is to be torn down and rebuilt in some quirky fashion
1677203;1498811552;sina;lots of fertile ground for funtimes
1677205;1498811661;mircea_popescu;people are liek "oh, mp can't be rich & powerful because rich & powerful people don't irc". totally, because it is really the goal of my life as well as everyone reasonable to be as rich and powerful as trump, so as to live the great life of idiots trying to insert cathetercam up your dick as you're trying to pee
1677207;1498811704;mircea_popescu;i suppose i'm missing out on a lot of watching four movies at once through pay per view.
1677210;1498811917;sina;that's what they call you mate
1677211;1498811922;mircea_popescu;o, really ?
1677214;1498811935;mircea_popescu;pretty great name fuckupery, at that.
1677215;1498812164;sina;mircea_popescu: earlier you said "spin up new ones"
1677216;1498812170;mircea_popescu;i did,
1677217;1498812186;sina;is a "new one" a full host, i.e. CPU/RAM/HDD/public IP?
1677218;1498812192;mircea_popescu;it can be whatever no ?
1677219;1498812206;sina;well it depends right?
1677220;1498812213;sina;!mirror  5
1677221;1498812216;sina;needs 5 public IPs
1677222;1498812217;mircea_popescu;is a new child an athlete artist intellectual cook ?
1677223;1498812222;mircea_popescu;well... ideally atleast some are each
1677227;1498812268;sina;but both might spin up 5 "new ones" to do the task
1677228;1498812274;mircea_popescu;ok ?
1677229;1498812294;sina;I'm just trying to envision what a "one" is
1677230;1498812308;mircea_popescu;some kind of physical item
1677231;1498812385;sina;I get the feeling that the task would be much simpler if there was only 1 public IP for the whoel system where you could retrieve the results of whatever "job" you triggered
1677232;1498812403;mircea_popescu;comms over gossipd
1677233;1498812474;sina;that'd be much more difficult given your requirement for manual peer introduction?
1677234;1498812486;sina;I mean imagine you have autonomous "acquisition" of ndoes
1677235;1498812534;mircea_popescu;ah, no, looky : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-28#1675630
1677236;1498812534;a111;Logged on 2017-06-28 02:18 mircea_popescu: the only way for A and B to be introduced, outside of the grandfatherly, A fucks B and they exchange bits of paper, is C tells A about B and B about A.
1677237;1498812557;sina;ah right
1677238;1498812572;mircea_popescu;after all, you did get my key from... your irc client yes ?
1677239;1498812593;sina;I did but in my mind that falls more under A fucks B
1677240;1498812600;mircea_popescu;why ?
1677241;1498812621;sina;well it wasn't bits of paper, but wotpaste URLs are not so different?
1677242;1498812632;mircea_popescu;we didn't fuck!
1677243;1498812640;sina;DIDNT WE
1677244;1498812650;mircea_popescu;you just... BLEW my mind~!
1677245;1498812692;sina;so in your way of thinking, B is irc.freenode.net?
1677247;1498812719;mircea_popescu;could be. if it were how'd you know.
1677248;1498812761;sina;I guess I was thinking of C tells A
1677249;1498812770;mircea_popescu;a yes, C not b.
1677250;1498812789;sina;as B has fucked C and A and exchange paper with both of them
1677251;1498812819;sina;transitive peer recognition through trusting the fucker
1677252;1498812829;mircea_popescu;i have no idea why this is confusing
1677253;1498812867;sina;it's because you have an implicit mental model of the thing and years of log context
1677254;1498812874;sina;and I am basically just grokking the thing less than a week ago
1677255;1498812878;mircea_popescu;a could be!
1677256;1498812918;ben_vulpes;also worth mentioning the feedback loop where a and c get the wrong keys somehow and go talk to b about it
1677257;1498812919;mircea_popescu;now look : in situation 1, where bricktop decided to introduce me to you, and you do me, for which purpose he sent you some wotpaste and me similarily
1677258;1498812931;mircea_popescu;and situation 2 where i sent you it via irc, how do you distinguish ?
1677259;1498812952;sina;"you do me" *me dies*
1677260;1498812971;sina;good question
1677261;1498813000;sina;in situation 1, I assume there is no bricktop and we exchange wotpaste directly
1677263;1498813009;sina;but I guess you are assuming you'd never add a rando peasant
1677264;1498813019;mircea_popescu;gotta separate your vision from the shit on the glasses.
1677265;1498813038;mircea_popescu;are you kidding, i added rando peasant with my cock last week
1677266;1498813350;sina;I think this is a much more interesting idea than the IRC bot I was goign to make that plays chess
1677267;1498813389;sina;instead, IRC bot which accepts any shell command, tracks CPU time, mem used, block and network IO consumed and presents a bill
1677268;1498813501;ben_vulpes;if it runs any shell command, what's to keep it from getting at your monitor?
1677269;1498813505;ben_vulpes;http://cascadianhacker.com/an-implementation-of-mircea-popescus-fabulous-hash-function << updated
1677270;1498813532;sina;ben_vulpes: monitor?
1677271;1498813537;sina;oh the thing tracking billing?
1677272;1498813541;ben_vulpes;thing as what tracks cpu time etc
1677273;1498813575;ben_vulpes;cl runs 3-4x longer than the go impl after attending to all the compiler notes i can; probably need a pointer on profiling common lisp code to squeeze much more out of it
1677274;1498813582;ben_vulpes;or, a different set of eyes.
1677275;1498813597;sina;you can run the command in a sandbox and track it with cgroups in linux
1677276;1498813665;sina;once long ago, I ran a tor hidden service that allowed anyone to execute any command they liked on it, as a deanonymisation challenge
1677277;1498813683;sina;nobody could ever deanon it even though they had shell access
1677278;1498813692;sina;(because of the sandbox techniques)
1677279;1498813717;ben_vulpes;some not-root root-alike?
1677280;1498813737;sina;grsec chroot sandbox + linux network namespaces
1677282;1498813773;mircea_popescu;sina sounds interesting as a prototype at any rate.
1677283;1498813796;sina;mircea_popescu: it was more to prove the point at the time that Ulbricht was a numpty who couldn't secure his own ass
1677284;1498813802;mircea_popescu;paging phf for ben_vulpes 's needs
1677285;1498813844;mircea_popescu;sina wait, what ?
1677286;1498813862;ben_vulpes;lol sina he got nabbed by insiders and physical tails what are you on about
1677287;1498813920;sina;several times during operation he exposed the public IP of the hs
1677288;1498813930;sina;due to shit sandboxing
1677289;1498813946;sina;"oh apache listen on now I am secure"
1677290;1498813958;mircea_popescu;nfi what you folks are discussing. i meant, the metering irc bot would be interesting.
1677291;1498813977;sina;ah yep, sorry I think we are one branch further down the tree
1677292;1498814033;*;ben_vulpes off, robosprinklers pointed out the time and suddenly v. tired
1677293;1498814033;mircea_popescu;now, a bunch of all-talk wedidits couldn't do whatever medium diff task. ok. how's this relate to silk road dood ?
1677294;1498814098;sina;mircea_popescu: it was trying to prove at the time, that you could construct system in such a way that it can't expose its own info by amateur fuckups
1677295;1498814126;mircea_popescu;ok ?
1677296;1498814136;sina;which Ulbricht had done several times
1677297;1498814140;sina;is all
1677298;1498814149;mircea_popescu;but... he wouldn't have used it.
1677299;1498814165;sina;no, it certainly seems he wouldn't have :P
1677300;1498814176;mircea_popescu;a ok then. that was the hair lol.
1677301;1498814240;sina;at the time I was v interested in tor hs, before it became completely obvious that GCHQ/NSA had ability to look across the whole onion, and I just wanted to demonstrate hey it is actually possible to not ride your bike into the side of the bus
1677302;1498814262;sina;"with this one simple trick" :P
1677303;1498814278;mircea_popescu;the thing sucked a lot of naive youth time that way.
1677304;1498814290;mircea_popescu;take Framedragger for instance.
1677305;1498814312;sina;anyway, this was all just to answer ben_vulpes question about how you can make sure the "job" doesn't fuck with its billing supervisor
1677306;1498814343;sina;same sandboxing techniques can be used to go a long way
1677307;1498814350;mircea_popescu;on the basis of its record of accomplishments it's not even directly obvious if it was made by usg to orange revolution random shitholes, or rather to mentally swamp the not-entirely-dim lightbulbs in its own collegiate stables.
1677308;1498814363;sina;I am sure asciilifeform would disagree of course, that it is remotely possible to ever secure anything :P
1677309;1498814385;sina;mircea_popescu: *el paso theme song* why not both?
1677310;1498814385;mircea_popescu;having the item running can't hurt in any case. if it gets owned, you learn a lesson. if it doesn't, it ... works.
1677311;1498814423;mircea_popescu;and also fries!
1677314;1498834197;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1676837 << tbh "domain ownership" is a joke anyway
1677315;1498834197;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 04:15 mircea_popescu: wtf is wrong with you ?
1677316;1498834216;Framedragger;i personally don't see any big diff between myblog.com and myblog.landlord.com
1677317;1498834242;Framedragger;"the former has regulationz and policies to protect it!" doesn't sound very tmsr to me, hm
1677318;1498834265;Framedragger;talk about promisetronic :)
1677319;1498834271;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20170629/#195 << this encourages me to revisit eu bezzlemoney funding application projects :p
1677320;1498834272;scriba;Logged on 2017-06-29: [18:10:49]  this view is correct -- while usg stands, it is shameful for man to work. man must steal.
1677321;1498834296;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677304 << 100% tru. ("at least i got paid a bit for it", but myeah.)
1677322;1498834296;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 09:18 mircea_popescu: take Framedragger for instance.
1677323;1498834491;trinque;you didn't even get to bang Iris Buttcruft did you.
1677324;1498834855;sina;good morning/evening sirs
1677325;1498834856;sina;signing off
1677326;1498835182;Framedragger;ikr :/
1677327;1498835203;Framedragger;ftr i respect her a lot, tmsr and me will have to agree to disagree
1677328;1498835639;trinque;and "tor is a thing, really, because reasons" ?
1677329;1498835770;Framedragger;more like, i learned things from her
1677330;1498835776;Framedragger;regardless of tor being a thing or not
1677331;1498835891;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677141 << hadn't had a chance to pick it up for a bit; got time this weekend though. item I've got can maintain balances, send and mark-paid invoices. I think I'll handle deposits manually and call that a first cut, trb address tracking without a privkey isn't there yet.
1677332;1498835891;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 08:12 mircea_popescu: which depends on deedbot payments, which reminds me... how's that going trinque ?
1677333;1498835963;trinque;Framedragger: that "crypto-anarchist" thing is exactly a continuation of the american notion of "omg it's a free country, can do whatever I want"
1677334;1498836029;trinque;they use crypto to hide under the bed; they don't use it to swear, or be named.
1677335;1498836049;Framedragger;this ad hominem (some ad hominems are completely valid, that i understand) is orthogonal to technical knowledge and its conveyance to other people. i know that there is no apolitical knowledge and you maybe can't separate the two, but i think sometimes it's possible, to an extent.
1677336;1498836070;shinohai;"Wright also reiterated that he’s ready to take legal action against those who have ridiculed his claim of being the creator of Bitcoin, which he made back in 2016. "
1677337;1498836077;shinohai;Will Qntra be sued? LOLZ
1677338;1498836100;trinque;australia probably has laws against ridicule by now
1677339;1498836127;trinque;Framedragger: you know, but you don't, eh?
1677340;1498836131;*;trinque shrugs
1677341;1498836156;*;Framedragger back later will respond
1677342;1498836410;Framedragger;ah or not because probably no proper response. i mean, i ack the contradiction.
1677343;1498836420;trinque;ftr it's nonsense to cry "ad hominem" when I'm criticizing *people*.
1677344;1498837111;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677329 << i'll bite. give example, what things.
1677345;1498837111;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:16 Framedragger: more like, i learned things from her
1677346;1498837145;shinohai;!!v FA963D93B5905D6C2EB3F61CC90AAB86F55267292B2F6032C6127CDB5B0B1479
1677347;1498837145;deedbot;shinohai rated TomServo 1 << #trilema Working on trb node
1677348;1498837237;asciilifeform;Framedragger: srs q, btw, i know nothing about this supposed great guru other than 'pretty gurl posing for usg.tor photo ops, oh-so-oppressed, oh-so-orangerev' etc
1677349;1498837288;shinohai;!!v B87C3ABDB63D9924CF135C5173B3DCB5C0BC03B518E3E67C3C3F488731263071
1677350;1498837288;deedbot;shinohai updated rating of jurov from 1 to 2 << #trilema #eulora coinbr.com
1677351;1498837313;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677316 << it is not unlike the diff b/w living in a train station bench vs a building to which you have title in manhattan
1677352;1498837313;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 14:50 Framedragger: i personally don't see any big diff between myblog.com and myblog.landlord.com
1677353;1498837334;asciilifeform;yes, bum can be dislodged from train station, and trump, theoretically, from trump tower. but in practice palpable diff.
1677354;1498837352;shinohai;I promise if Framedragger ever gets her to show up here and !~tits to give here a +1 ^.^
1677355;1498837709;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677070 << and that's when you realize that the ~adult~ gossipd is a 150x moar complicated item.
1677356;1498837709;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 07:41 sina: can change tcp for udp, can change sql for flatfile, can change python for syslang
1677357;1498837729;asciilifeform;esp. the udp/luby piece (where ONE packet must somehow suffice for friend-or-foe, but it cannot >512byte! )
1677358;1498837806;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677110 << it still has access to... cache timings. and potentially undocumented cpu instructions ( laugh, but this happened and 'unhappened' repeatedly, and that's just on asciilifeform's watch )
1677359;1498837806;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 08:03 sina: it's a linux kernel feature you can use to limit which syscalls a program has access to...the original version of seccomp allowed only read()/write()/exit() syscalls
1677360;1498837877;asciilifeform;isolation of 'naked x86', via whatever means, is a nonstarter.
1677361;1498837982;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677127 << unreadably massive turd written by svameritards, with million deps, what could possibly be the problem...
1677362;1498837982;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 08:09 mircea_popescu: interesting. what was the problem with it ?
1677363;1498838149;trinque;I'm curious about asciilifeform's 64bit DOS as a network-edge device.
1677364;1498838183;asciilifeform;trinque: that was the original application as i saw it, btw
1677366;1498838189;asciilifeform;gossiptron filter
1677367;1498838224;asciilifeform;( packet ingress at whatever bandwidth of bus, from N sources; egress strictly for qualified ones )
1677368;1498838269;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677176 << believe or not, there is a reason for this: not so many activities tolerate arbitrarily unreliable, flickering '1024 chickens'
1677369;1498838269;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 08:20 mircea_popescu: the typical botnet is what, a bunch of fridges sending ntp requests ?
1677370;1498838286;asciilifeform;after the demise of cpu mining, ddos is afaik the only remaining
1677372;1498838510;asciilifeform;sina, mircea_popescu, et al : pretty interesting thread.
1677373;1498838520;mircea_popescu;i thought so too!
1677374;1498838559;asciilifeform;i'ma bake an ada mphashtron also. but currently in 'one piece on conveyor at a time' mode.
1677375;1498838570;asciilifeform;in the interest of actually finishing things.
1677376;1498838587;mircea_popescu;no rush.
1677377;1498838630;asciilifeform;( how long we've been stuck with the kochtron, after knowing what it is ! disgraceful )
1677378;1498838680;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform re "how many activities" -- it's not so clear to me, and moreover the consensus of hardware farmers (as opposed to coders) is that there's not much reason this absolutely should be the case, other than, to quote, "largely a lack of originality in the types of commands executed".
1677379;1498838691;mircea_popescu;after all, your current machine flickers at 3GHz.
1677380;1498838701;asciilifeform;that ain't the type of flicker contemplated
1677381;1498838710;mircea_popescu;yes but now we're down the tree discussing types of flicker.
1677382;1498838723;asciilifeform;chumpnet nodes randomly disappear (often with permanent loss of contents)
1677384;1498838754;asciilifeform;there is not ( and probably provably cannot be ) a 'luby for computation'
1677385;1498838758;mircea_popescu;the whole point is -- that it's not clear to me this is an unaproachable limit.
1677386;1498838773;mircea_popescu;this in itself does not make it approachable.
1677387;1498838807;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly the whole fucking point of "malleable encryption" is ~give or take to make lubby for computation.
1677388;1498838811;asciilifeform;well yes
1677389;1498838816;asciilifeform;the homomorphism derpism
1677390;1498838846;mircea_popescu;hey, it wouldn't be a sour grape if it could be had.
1677391;1498838846;asciilifeform;which is a comical pit of usgology, not a single item in the 'toolbox' actually works as described, or is based on anything other than wishful thinking
1677392;1498838873;*;asciilifeform worked in this very racket for a spell, ended up quitting in disgust
1677393;1498838941;mircea_popescu;anyway. even if you get to keep data but not computation, may be enough.
1677394;1498838942;asciilifeform;now : certain processes that divide into arbitraily many - and, importantly, ~arbitrarily fungible~ slices -- are good fits for chumpnet
1677395;1498838942;*;ben_vulpes entertained a sales pitch from a seller with some relevant snake oil recently
1677396;1498838956;mircea_popescu;anything good ?
1677397;1498838961;asciilifeform;ddos is one example, in the sense where it absolutely does not matter if a ~particular~ packet of liquishit gets sent or not
1677398;1498838990;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all your machine ever does is push pop and mult.
1677399;1498838998;ben_vulpes;"the guys down the office keep giving us hardons with the homomorphic encryption stuff but every time we sit down to discuss numbers it turns out to be computationally infeasible so uh here's this rest layer over postgres so you don't have to touch the dirty dirty phone numbers yourselves"
1677400;1498839025;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you know this is strangely how "artificial intelligence" as well as "quantum computing" work out ?
1677401;1498839027;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but observe, it pushes and pops in realtime and predictably.
1677403;1498839037;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but you got ecc ram. why ?
1677404;1498839039;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ever use a box over a 'martian' connection, that drops, say, 90% of packets
1677405;1498839050;mircea_popescu;i actually have software for that!
1677406;1498839055;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: to turn 99.99 into 999999
1677407;1498839056;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: quite aware
1677408;1498839060;mircea_popescu;turns out -- perfectly usuable.
1677409;1498839074;ben_vulpes;to quote #programmer-therapy: "i just sat clicking at a recaptcha for five minutes before it would accept that i'm human."
1677410;1498839085;mircea_popescu;why would they do that ?!
1677411;1498839096;ben_vulpes;learned helplessness
1677412;1498839137;mircea_popescu;well, at least there's (11.5/2)% or so black chicks among them yes ?
1677413;1498839149;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: slow links are tolerable, and can be abstracted over ( consider how 'vi' came to exist, for instance. ) data loss, however, is harder to swallow
1677414;1498839157;mircea_popescu;but lubby!
1677415;1498839171;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i was specifically speaking of vi :)
1677416;1498839190;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: nah, but they make up for it with genderswappers
1677417;1498839200;mircea_popescu;this is how conversations go -- if you're talking to alf, he's gonna mention it himself ; if talking to anyone else, you hit them over the head with it.
1677418;1498839201;ben_vulpes;fungible minoridees dontchaknow
1677419;1498839217;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes oh right right, fucking two midgets ~= fucking one swede. i forgot.
1677420;1498839234;shinohai;If a black mayogendered tgirl writes code, will the universe implode?
1677421;1498839256;mircea_popescu;ideally should be code about a list of dota characters.
1677422;1498839262;ben_vulpes;shinohai: they don't make keyboards for fingers that large
1677424;1498839271;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw i've been stabbing at the 1024 chickens thing since 2006 or so
1677425;1498839284;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're lucky, some've been trying since 1955.
1677426;1498839288;asciilifeform;it may be 'possible if you adjust your expectations'
1677427;1498839297;mircea_popescu;kinda my notion also.
1677428;1498839301;asciilifeform;for instance, bitcoin is an illustration of what you can do if you entirely forget about 'real time'
1677429;1498839316;asciilifeform;but nobody's running, e.g., shells, on top of bitcoin.
1677430;1498839321;asciilifeform;or irc.
1677431;1498839323;mircea_popescu;and for that matter -- bitcoin is computed by a) 1024 flickering nodes that b) lose data or processing all the time.
1677432;1498839331;asciilifeform;( recall my 'irc over bitcoin' gedankenexperiment article )
1677433;1498839345;mircea_popescu;definitionally, "what could you possibly do with a fridgenet???" "bitcoin"
1677434;1498839363;asciilifeform;the ethertards illustrate the irresistible monkey lure of 'shell over bitcoin'
1677435;1498839364;shinohai;Mine ethereum for scam ICO's of course.
1677436;1498839364;mircea_popescu;the key elements are a) specify a quanta and b) let them either get to it or not. some will.
1677437;1498839390;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the principal boojum is not-being-transparent-to-enemy
1677438;1498839390;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a shell is an artefact of technology, like say the "eingeer's" coal shovel.
1677439;1498839396;mircea_popescu;not a fundamental.
1677440;1498839410;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, there is that. but... at least PARTS of bitcoin are not.
1677441;1498839421;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'shell' used here in the general sense of 'apparatus that spits out responses to button presses in approx. psychological-realtime'
1677442;1498839435;mircea_popescu;"engineer's" coal shovel. ie, back when engineer was dude driving steam engine.
1677443;1498839440;asciilifeform;well yes
1677444;1498839442;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. even so.
1677445;1498839492;mircea_popescu;honestly, i expect the unix "Shell" is very much "poor man's ai". specifically "we can't get it to laugh at your jokes or suck your cock, but here's the best we can do, it's almost as if you're talking to it"
1677446;1498839506;mircea_popescu;i have ~no expectation for machine to entertain me. all i expect is for it to do work.
1677447;1498839507;trinque;shell's all wrong; you have no idea when you're getting a response in chickennet
1677448;1498839528;mircea_popescu;trinque harem's same way.
1677449;1498839557;trinque;async is always way easier to manage
1677450;1498839564;trinque;also have to be able to verify responses yourself
1677451;1498839566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you don't need real time response, or monotonicity ( you made a change and it stays made , instead of randomly reverting itself like fart in the wind ) then existing botnet is more or less what you want.
1677452;1498839590;asciilifeform;runs N copies of $payload, at random times, in random machines, etc.
1677453;1498839629;asciilifeform;incidentally the 'pass around the latest rsa-signed payload from master' is sop there.
1677454;1498839631;mircea_popescu;yes, but lot of room for improvement.
1677455;1498839641;mircea_popescu;much like "existing isp is pretty much what you want", except not.
1677456;1498839676;asciilifeform;it isn't clear to asciilifeform how much 'room for improvement' there is, unless one were to cough up solutions to a number of unsolved ( and possibly unsolvable ) mathematical boojums
1677457;1498839683;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E74891A065005A1B653D9AE3EB601974954DE0367A00D2B645E8AC9A7747D645 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1420...2657 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.jacobstoner.com. US MA)
1677458;1498839684;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E74891A065005A1B653D9AE3EB601974954DE0367A00D2B645E8AC9A7747D645 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1460...9767 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (mail.jacobstoner.com. US MA)
1677459;1498839688;mircea_popescu;what are you here for!
1677460;1498839702;asciilifeform;lol 403
1677461;1498839704;mircea_popescu;i can talk with guys who don't know about boats any number of places!
1677462;1498839753;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/the-end-of-emissions-control << CH - The End of Emissions Control
1677463;1498839803;mircea_popescu;noo ?!
1677464;1498839811;mircea_popescu;but mah environmentits!
1677465;1498839815;shinohai;asciilifeform: doesn't `jacobstoner` tell you all you need to know? >.<
1677466;1498839860;asciilifeform;shinohai: mebbe it's the d00d who designed m16 rifle
1677467;1498839865;asciilifeform;or nm, that was eugen stoner
1677468;1498840233;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677276 << this is reminiscent of the 'i left a box with bait of 1 bitcent and nobody broke it, SEKOORE!!!1' -- you gotta ask 'was the game worth the candles'. an 0day can be worth from $100k to $maxint; why does your particular honeypot, merit blowing it.
1677469;1498840233;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 09:07 sina: once long ago, I ran a tor hidden service that allowed anyone to execute any command they liked on it, as a deanonymisation challenge
1677470;1498840336;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but this also means you get secure sub 10k devices.
1677471;1498840375;asciilifeform;they gotta be <$10k ~in the aggregate~ , for this syllogism
1677472;1498840398;asciilifeform;( all items breakable by particular $0day are to be treated as 'one device' )
1677473;1498840415;mircea_popescu;sort-of how "the improved technology" of us army makes most countries immune to it. "what, you're gonna blow a 5mn tomahawk to destroy this here 20k hangar ? bwahahaha go right ahead, the chinese give 50k in cash rebates for each destroyed hangar they rebuild cuz you tomahawked."
1677474;1498840461;mircea_popescu;and i'm not even fucking kidding, you.actually.get.cash.rebates.
1677475;1498840470;asciilifeform;'50k bullets', if useful at all, are only so as 'fleet in being' -- 'damocle's sword could Smite You Any Day Of The Week' etc
1677476;1498840470;mircea_popescu;like hookers exactly.
1677477;1498840481;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform problem is, nobody cares.
1677478;1498840504;asciilifeform;at the point when nobody cares, you're done, like the siphonariae of byzantium
1677479;1498840512;asciilifeform;( which iirc the turks did not even bother to pick up and use )
1677480;1498840514;mircea_popescu;this is a very typical ustardian headroach, deliberately educated into their brains like those african tribes with the flattened skulls.
1677481;1498840526;mircea_popescu;"oh, gotta worry! oh, gotta be careful!" bitch... i dun care.
1677482;1498840555;mircea_popescu;"you have to plan for your future" "how about your daugther plans for parenthood"
1677483;1498840664;asciilifeform;the wunderwaffen, when it works, works exactly like the auschwitz guard's machinegun - 'can't shoot all of the prisoners, but can shoot any particular in 1 go'. and fails in exactly same gametheoretical way.
1677484;1498840682;asciilifeform;( see the old treblinka thread )
1677485;1498840796;mircea_popescu;point remains -- "the only available 0day costs > 100k" is a legitimate specification-of-security.\
1677486;1498840813;mircea_popescu;"do not put over $x in aggregate on this system" is pretty much the only way you'd do it anyway.
1677487;1498840814;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mnope. how about 'the only 0day is an asteroid'
1677488;1498840829;asciilifeform;that's the spec for ffa, for instance.
1677489;1498840837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so your car has a special indicator, binary, E/F ?
1677490;1498840851;mircea_popescu;goes from full to empty in a yard and then it stops the next yard ?
1677491;1498840857;asciilifeform;i dun follow
1677492;1498840862;asciilifeform;'secure' is a binary.
1677493;1498840879;mircea_popescu;just like tank fillness is binary, right ? "is it full or isn;'t it"
1677494;1498840882;asciilifeform;either system accepts an unanticipated input and produces unanticipated rape, or it does not.
1677495;1498840911;mircea_popescu;in practice, "what's this tank worth" doesn't depend on "there is NO ARROW THAT COULD PIERCE THIS SHIELD!!!" nonsense.
1677496;1498840918;asciilifeform;and before you do, or anybody mentions godel, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-31#1663960
1677497;1498840918;a111;Logged on 2017-05-31 16:28 asciilifeform: and if someone wants to mention godel etc -- ethical engineer MAY NOT cite godel, EVER, just as a police detective MAY NOT cite the supernatural and admit a hypothesis of miraculous theft from a safe
1677498;1498840947;asciilifeform;the duty of engineer is to ignore godel. like soldier's is to ignore death.
1677499;1498840949;mircea_popescu;every tank can be flattened, and yet i can make comparative judgements re tiger vs mathilde.
1677500;1498840963;asciilifeform;again no analogy from physical objects is suitable here.
1677501;1498840970;asciilifeform;because we are discussing an ideal object.
1677502;1498840975;asciilifeform;like theorem.
1677503;1498840982;asciilifeform;there are no gradations in validity of theorem.
1677504;1498840986;mircea_popescu;in fact, no medicine yet devised bestows endless life as a young man ; and yet i can say sulfmetoxazole better for gonorhea than cough syrup.
1677505;1498840991;asciilifeform;no physical beams of steel to fatigue, in theorem.
1677506;1498841002;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there are in fact gradations of validity in theorem, and you use them daily.
1677507;1498841019;asciilifeform;nope. 'gradated' theorems are called 'conjectures' instead.
1677508;1498841031;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677384 << graded
1677509;1498841031;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 16:05 asciilifeform: there is not ( and probably provably cannot be ) a 'luby for computation'
1677511;1498841049;asciilifeform;these live, and die.
1677512;1498841053;asciilifeform;or turn into theorems
1677513;1498841058;mircea_popescu;oooo, that's what it was! check you out, YOU introduced the word theorem to describe what we were discussing, and then conveniently YOU point out YOU used the wrong word ?
1677514;1498841066;mircea_popescu;tsk tsk. is this a 0 day being sold here ?
1677515;1498841079;asciilifeform;'probably provably' == 'conjecture'
1677516;1498841090;asciilifeform;'sqrt(2) is irrational' -- theorem
1677517;1498841099;mircea_popescu;in this case  like theorem. is entirely spurious non-contribution to teh discussion.
1677518;1498841114;mircea_popescu;because no, by your own lights within five minutes, NOT "like theorem". unlike theorem.
1677519;1498841130;mircea_popescu;like "in practice", ie like conjecture.
1677520;1498841132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja read the beginning, say, of ffa. there's a proof of correctness for the adder, for instance.
1677521;1498841135;asciilifeform;( tableau proof )
1677522;1498841139;mircea_popescu;so ?
1677523;1498841144;asciilifeform;so motherfucking theorem.
1677524;1498841157;mircea_popescu;the ~only way to specify the security of a certain, definite, given system is still "good for up to $x btc"
1677525;1498841177;mircea_popescu;which makes the "0 days cost X" a legitimate statement of the ~security~ of a system.
1677526;1498841185;mircea_popescu;which is what we were talking aboot.
1677527;1498841194;asciilifeform;given that the system includes a physical component, this is reasonable
1677528;1498841201;asciilifeform;like 'bridge is good for T tonnes of tank'
1677529;1498841215;mircea_popescu;what system exists without physical component ? something running on uci ?
1677530;1498841221;mircea_popescu;i know of no other thing that'd make the cut
1677531;1498841228;asciilifeform;well this is the mega-question of our time neh
1677532;1498841244;asciilifeform;to what extent can ideal object (proggy) be conceptually cut from the physical 'mortal soil'
1677533;1498841246;mircea_popescu;i suppose so. but eg "power diff analysis" very much "leverage of the thingness of item"
1677535;1498841293;asciilifeform;speaking of which, i've been wanting to discuss 'simplest cpu' for a while.
1677536;1498841302;mircea_popescu;go right ahead, i'm having a sammich.
1677537;1498841336;asciilifeform;there exists ( in the sense where asciilifeform thought of it, but then went to dig in the dusty libraries and discovered ancient tomes ) a thing called 'tta'
1677538;1498841343;asciilifeform;'transport triggered architecture'
1677539;1498841354;asciilifeform;idea is, 'cpu' that only knows how to do 1 thing:
1677540;1498841371;asciilifeform;instructions consist of, say, pairs of 64bit words
1677541;1498841380;asciilifeform;word A is 'source' and B is 'destination'
1677542;1498841403;asciilifeform;cpu reads from source (which can be a slow device, it waits for readysignal) and writes (ditto) to B.
1677543;1498841414;asciilifeform;the current instruction ptr is, e.g., address 0.
1677544;1498841430;asciilifeform;all other operations exist in the form of devices that hang off this bus, right next to the memory
1677545;1498841451;asciilifeform;so for instance if you want to load in a constant somewhere, you gotta read it from the constanttron (which is some range of addrs)
1677546;1498841467;asciilifeform;so adder, multer, etc, etc all exist simply as devices that hang from 1 set of wires.
1677547;1498841477;asciilifeform;this scheme is interesting for strictly 1 reason :
1677548;1498841501;asciilifeform;you can make this out of discrete logic.
1677549;1498841529;asciilifeform;without worrying about path lengths, delays.
1677550;1498841555;mircea_popescu;it sounded like signal processor at first, but then it kinda went bent. wouldn't this be damned slow ?
1677551;1498841557;asciilifeform;the quick sub-devices will run quickly, the slow-slowly.
1677552;1498841595;mircea_popescu;the one thing that comes to mind is that the correct approach is for all devices hanging off bus to always run, so that when cpu gets 0xaa 0xbb then the mult mults, the adder adds, and nobody knows WHICH of them the processor peeked for the result.
1677553;1498841602;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yes !
1677554;1498841604;asciilifeform;is the point.
1677555;1498841608;mircea_popescu;this would be automatic-constant-time cpu, run any software you want.
1677557;1498841628;asciilifeform;naturally they 'always run'
1677558;1498841639;asciilifeform;and you can likewise 'chain' the 'cpus' with ~0 effort.
1677559;1498841653;mircea_popescu;well, tree them.
1677560;1498841654;asciilifeform;plug'em like children's blocks
1677561;1498841665;mircea_popescu;the compiler for arbitrary this arch would be one helluva piece of gnarl.
1677562;1498841673;asciilifeform;not necessarily.
1677563;1498841697;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not "naturally" they always run, since "ready signals" were mentioned.
1677564;1498841708;mircea_popescu;i'd prefer it if this had no out band signalling. at all.
1677565;1498841718;asciilifeform;'ready signals' are how you finesse the problem of subcomponents of different speeds.
1677566;1498841727;mircea_popescu;which is why my mind went to "would run slow" : cpu clock is largest-hanger-clock + 1
1677567;1498841734;asciilifeform;it simply means 'if yer trying to read from me, you gotta wait or go do something else for a spell'
1677568;1498841740;asciilifeform;'want to write to me? wait a bit'
1677569;1498841743;mircea_popescu;yes but this then leaks most of the gains
1677570;1498841757;asciilifeform;the gain is the minimality of the hardware.
1677571;1498841770;asciilifeform;could make nsa-free cpu out of stock ecl logic, a few dozen ics.
1677572;1498841778;mircea_popescu;the real gain is if this thing could be signal-less
1677573;1498841785;asciilifeform;and run at ~modern capacities.
1677574;1498841807;mircea_popescu;this sounds like engineer problem, really. make the multer same speed as adder.
1677575;1498841820;mircea_popescu;"but how ?" "give it cancer wtf do i care."
1677576;1498841835;asciilifeform;it is pretty easy to give the fast devices cancer and make'em wait for the slow.
1677577;1498841841;asciilifeform;this gives you cpu from 1960s soviet comp
1677579;1498841854;asciilifeform;because some slow ops are veeeery sloow
1677580;1498841858;asciilifeform;(e.g. disk)
1677581;1498841872;asciilifeform;as in, 3 orders of magnitude slower than others.
1677583;1498841892;mircea_popescu;perhaps better solutions also available.
1677584;1498841967;trinque;for the slower cogitaters trying to keep up, this guy has two registers? operations hanging off the executor read from these?
1677585;1498841978;asciilifeform;trinque: elaborate?
1677586;1498841994;mircea_popescu;trinque yes. asciilifeform he's trying to visualize how the damned thing talks to the world.
1677587;1498842004;trinque;where is ADD getting its terms to add.
1677588;1498842035;mircea_popescu;basically it's a signal processor someone dropped on the floor.
1677589;1498842038;asciilifeform;the traditional scheme is that a read happens when the thing being read drops its busy line; and a write begins when when the 'victim' drops his busy signal, and ends when he drops it again after raising.
1677590;1498842055;mircea_popescu;none of that. just poll at fixed speed. that is the clock.
1677591;1498842066;mircea_popescu;1khz or 1thz, whatever you can get the hardware to do.
1677592;1498842072;asciilifeform;you then run at the disk's 1khz.
1677593;1498842075;asciilifeform;or get garbage.
1677594;1498842081;mircea_popescu;or don't put a disk in this.
1677595;1498842089;mircea_popescu;or put an array of 64k disks.
1677596;1498842090;asciilifeform;there'll be a khz item in there, regardless.
1677597;1498842098;mircea_popescu;not if there's any real engineers involved!
1677598;1498842108;asciilifeform;i/o, for instance.
1677599;1498842109;trinque;my shitty ram claims to run at 3.2ghz
1677600;1498842114;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform fuck that, wire speed.
1677601;1498842123;asciilifeform;you want to run at the baud rate of the terminal, lol?
1677602;1498842126;mircea_popescu;trinque ramdisk entirely practicable by now.
1677603;1498842135;trinque;sitting on 32gb of the stuff atm
1677604;1498842139;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nono, there's this wire, and it does 1thz, and you connect w/e you want to it, go ahead.
1677605;1498842155;asciilifeform;has mircea_popescu ever seen a multi-Ghz box-to-box wire ?
1677606;1498842159;asciilifeform;ever touched, with own hands ?
1677607;1498842160;mircea_popescu;takes "flickers in and out of existence" to a whole new level.
1677608;1498842168;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes.
1677609;1498842180;mircea_popescu;it was much shorter and slightly thicker than my penis.
1677611;1498842196;*;asciilifeform satisfied that mircea_popescu saw
1677612;1498842246;asciilifeform;anyway the badnoose for mircea_popescu is that you're stuck with the busy signal because that's what the 's' in sram or sdram stands for. the synchronicity.
1677613;1498842257;mircea_popescu;gets special driver.
1677614;1498842259;asciilifeform;it's how you read/write the actual stable signal you put/got , rather than liquishit.
1677615;1498842263;mircea_popescu;to simply "run it by the clock"
1677616;1498842289;asciilifeform;clock ain't magic, it does not teleport to whole circuit instantaneously
1677617;1498842296;mircea_popescu;oh fucking hell.
1677618;1498842296;asciilifeform;( sadly. )
1677619;1498842301;mircea_popescu;i knew this dream was too good to last.
1677620;1498842310;asciilifeform;i'd luvvv a clock like that, btw
1677621;1498842310;mircea_popescu;motherfucking signals.
1677622;1498842320;asciilifeform;it'd have made FG much easier to make, for instance
1677623;1498842348;mircea_popescu;yest i wanted to make myself batido, the swiss iutem was fullo of some health crap the girls drink, so i was whatever. then later new girl emitted "it's clean now!" signal and i was like "bitch, srsly ? you're... signalling me now ?!"
1677624;1498842353;asciilifeform;( FG has ~three~ clock domains, and it was a bitch. exercise for reader: which 3 ??? )
1677625;1498842382;mircea_popescu;took her most of the day to even get her head wrapped around what exactly she's not understanding about what happened.
1677626;1498842384;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F17A9C8CCC3C1A4EEC6272C05DADC9B012D9D693A4E48744B2FC5C3D58A9DC6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1511...9987 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (235.toad.com. US CA)
1677627;1498842384;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1F17A9C8CCC3C1A4EEC6272C05DADC9B012D9D693A4E48744B2FC5C3D58A9DC6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1669...7373 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' (235.toad.com. US CA)
1677628;1498842420;asciilifeform;holy mother of fuck
1677630;1498842430;asciilifeform;john gilmore
1677632;1498842467;mircea_popescu;did he croak ?
1677633;1498842482;asciilifeform;eff, 'cypherpunks', cygnus, alt.* , gnuradio...
1677634;1498842487;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: toad.com is him
1677635;1498842494;asciilifeform;somebody shoot him a mail ????
1677636;1498842497;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ?
1677638;1498842507;mircea_popescu;eh, let him google his name like any other noob.
1677639;1498842538;asciilifeform;'...have spent a lot of time working on crypto export control issues. led the team that built the world's first publicly announced DES Cracker...' etc
1677640;1498842556;mircea_popescu;!!key toad
1677641;1498842556;deedbot;Not registered.
1677642;1498842561;asciilifeform;'The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.' also him
1677643;1498842577;mircea_popescu;i was mocking that the other day!
1677644;1498842606;asciilifeform;'Last updated November 27, 2013.' mebbe dead/?
1677645;1498842655;mircea_popescu;(as an aside, i don't expect any of these fucktards, gilmore, bernstein, whatever, even remotely give enough of a shit about anything not tittlating their anal orifices, BUT! it'd help me fucking immensely if they actually were in, because of sybil considerations. but they dun wanna, becausew why should the world not stink.)
1677646;1498842660;shinohai;wackopedia shows him still alive https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gilmore_%28activist%29
1677647;1498842680;mircea_popescu;a wot with a few respectable old timers in would be significantly stronger than their individual market value.
1677648;1498842688;asciilifeform;sumbody with a track record of folx actually answering... plox ping the d00d
1677649;1498842701;mircea_popescu;lol alf's gambler fallacy :D
1677650;1498842829;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677316 << but google does.
1677651;1498842829;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 14:50 Framedragger: i personally don't see any big diff between myblog.com and myblog.landlord.com
1677652;1498842869;asciilifeform;to revisit the tta cpu thing : i investigated 'can haz ecl?' and found reasonably priced 4+GHz discrete logic
1677653;1498842898;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677321 << the problem with one's life is that pay's never enough in retrospect.
1677654;1498842898;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 14:51 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677304 << 100% tru. ("at least i got paid a bit for it", but myeah.)
1677655;1498842921;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's reasonably priced in numbers rather than unicode ?
1677656;1498842950;asciilifeform;5-10bux for a 8bit register, in q.1
1677657;1498842962;mircea_popescu;what about eg multer ?
1677658;1498842967;asciilifeform;no such thing
1677659;1498842974;asciilifeform;you make it from discretes.
1677660;1498842986;mircea_popescu;o boy. what size would a mpfhf capable item occupy ?
1677662;1498842997;mircea_popescu;and phuctor ?
1677663;1498843010;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what do you think.
1677664;1498843022;mircea_popescu;cost turns out to have been unreliably measured.
1677665;1498843023;asciilifeform;phuctor is not the objective imho
1677666;1498843030;mircea_popescu;agreed, just getting an idea.
1677667;1498843043;mircea_popescu;this tta would cost more in floorspace rent than in object items.
1677668;1498843048;asciilifeform;objective is a minimal core of absolute nonusgicity
1677669;1498843052;asciilifeform;suitable for, e.g., rsa.
1677670;1498843061;mircea_popescu;rsa is > mpfhf
1677671;1498843072;asciilifeform;capable of working on a few dozen kB of working set.
1677672;1498843090;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: rsa looks harder than it is because of the ludicrously short machineword of the pc
1677673;1498843098;mircea_popescu;oh you can do that, hm
1677674;1498843099;asciilifeform;it is possible to multiply, for instance, in O(1)
1677675;1498843103;asciilifeform;if you have longer words.
1677676;1498843108;mircea_popescu;make a 4096 word machine and be done wit hthe shit
1677678;1498843116;asciilifeform;what do you think ffa is prototype of !
1677679;1498843118;mircea_popescu;yes this is a great idea actually!
1677680;1498843137;asciilifeform;'p' is simply software emulator of a $widebit machine.
1677681;1498843161;mircea_popescu;in point of fact, this breadbox may qwell be clock-speed fast when doing rsa, none of those second bs of python running on 8 bit "optimal" intel-me
1677683;1498843186;mircea_popescu;"what do you think 4Gz means, bitch ? you do 4 billion rsa per second."
1677684;1498843197;asciilifeform;sorta what i've been swimming towards for past yr or 2
1677685;1498843212;mircea_popescu;a breadbox like that'd be actually worth buying.
1677686;1498843238;asciilifeform;theretically only need adder in there.
1677687;1498843246;asciilifeform;( shifts you get 'for free' )
1677688;1498843251;mircea_popescu;lot of adders as good as a multer for a blind bat naimean ?
1677689;1498843264;asciilifeform;aha, see the 'egyptological' ffa posted last month
1677690;1498843275;mircea_popescu;wink wink nudge nudge does your box go ? does it go ?
1677691;1498843276;mircea_popescu;is it a sport ?
1677693;1498843354;mircea_popescu;definitely an item for gossipd.
1677694;1498843356;asciilifeform;also nicely illustrates 'specificity of diddling'. you buy a bucket of 74xxxxolade. enemy wants to diddle'em en route -- but which ONES? and how ? ( he has nfi where each set of gates will end up going in the scheme )
1677695;1498843364;mircea_popescu;"oh, quantum computer can like, totally break things and what was it ?" ehehehe
1677696;1498843408;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's by now a well established fact through republican practice, this original idea that "all the benefits of non-usg, you get by simply making non-consumer choices".
1677697;1498843439;asciilifeform;the first step is to reconsider the traditional 'konsoomer assumptions'
1677698;1498843445;mircea_popescu;"don't try to use the king's own mail system (with incantations! and lemon juice!) to get your dope -- not have problems with getting your dope". and so on.
1677699;1498843478;asciilifeform;e.g. 'do you really need a box that plays solitaire? maybe one that simply adds 32768-bit numbers reasonably quickly and outputs answer at 115200 baud, will suffice !' etc
1677701;1498843503;mircea_popescu;this is a fine candidate for nicdom also.
1677702;1498843554;asciilifeform;( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-14#1583280 )
1677703;1498843554;a111;Logged on 2016-12-14 19:05 asciilifeform: not only could it, but there's been a d00d serving up his www on a pic16f84, via slip, since 1990s...
1677704;1498843579;mircea_popescu;there is promise in the hardware sea!
1677705;1498843594;asciilifeform;well most of it in the 'adjust yer expectations' direction
1677706;1498843601;asciilifeform;at least until we have something like a fab
1677707;1498843678;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677323 << implying someone'd want to ; which...
1677708;1498843678;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 14:54 trinque: you didn't even get to bang Iris Buttcruft did you.
1677709;1498843694;mircea_popescu;cheaper better looking eagerlier ass awaits barefoot in the jungle.
1677710;1498843774;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677329 << nothing wrong with that, and there's no requirement for a unified saint book either.
1677711;1498843774;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:16 Framedragger: more like, i learned things from her
1677712;1498843775;asciilifeform;i suspect that we differ on subj
1677713;1498843789;mircea_popescu;which ?
1677714;1498843812;asciilifeform;'jungle ass'
1677715;1498843821;asciilifeform;vs buttcrafts
1677716;1498843827;mircea_popescu;have you seen the piece of ass in discussion ? isis lovecruft chick ?
1677717;1498843837;asciilifeform;not sure
1677718;1498843858;asciilifeform;but iirc it was posted here, and was a noncow
1677719;1498843858;mircea_popescu;well, do you agree that had you seen her AND had your reaction been "omfg i gotta tap dat ass!" you... would be sure ?
1677720;1498843876;asciilifeform;hey Framedragger do you have a photo ?
1677721;1498843882;asciilifeform;Framedragger: of subj
1677722;1498843888;mircea_popescu;his google's broken, this guy.
1677724;1498843902;mircea_popescu;!~google fappening isis lovecruft
1677725;1498843903;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: isis agora lovecruft (@ isislovecruft ) | Twitter: ; isis agora lovecruft on Twitter: "Jacob Appelbaum sexually assaulted ...: ; isis agora lovecruft on Twitter: "Yay, @rustconf! Asking permission ...: 
1677726;1498843928;asciilifeform;lol all i see is a leg...
1677727;1498843944;mircea_popescu;a leg is as good as a twat for a blind bad
1677728;1498843944;asciilifeform;i'ma have to raise the busy wire on this one
1677729;1498843945;mircea_popescu;NAIMEAN ?
1677730;1498844075;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677331 << lotta ground to cover yeah huh. aite.
1677731;1498844075;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:18 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677141 << hadn't had a chance to pick it up for a bit; got time this weekend though. item I've got can maintain balances, send and mark-paid invoices. I think I'll handle deposits manually and call that a first cut, trb address tracking without a privkey isn't there yet.
1677732;1498844118;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677336 << ahahaha he's going to take LEGAL ACTION is he now ?
1677733;1498844118;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:21 shinohai: "Wright also reiterated that he’s ready to take legal action against those who have ridiculed his claim of being the creator of Bitcoin, which he made back in 2016. "
1677734;1498844152;mircea_popescu;"hey usg criminal organisation, would you like to back up the false claims made by some random new york hotel whore/maid you picked up specifically to make those false claims ???"
1677735;1498844160;mircea_popescu;"yes, i think we might!"
1677736;1498844172;mircea_popescu;"praise pantsuit trans-jeebus, justice was served!"
1677737;1498844246;mircea_popescu;the only question left is if apple could buy iLegal action and make a country out of it.
1677738;1498844270;asciilifeform;this already happened!11
1677739;1498844279;mircea_popescu;o right.
1677740;1498844284;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry. o wright.
1677741;1498844320;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677335 << not dispositive or anything, not even relevant to anything, but now i'm totally curious : what was this knowledge even ?
1677742;1498844320;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:20 Framedragger: this ad hominem (some ad hominems are completely valid, that i understand) is orthogonal to technical knowledge and its conveyance to other people. i know that there is no apolitical knowledge and you maybe can't separate the two, but i think sometimes it's possible, to an extent.
1677743;1498844387;mircea_popescu;there's nothing whatever wrong with "woman took me to sushi. it was a restaurant, she didn't even cook it, or work there, or pay. and yes people have been having sushi far longer than they've been having hamburger but it was my first time and i'll always remember her fondly, notwithstanding she died of an overdose while trying to rob a kindergarten at gunpoint (she thought she was inside the bank next door)."
1677744;1498844436;asciilifeform;hey it's how folx grow fond of their, e.g. mothers
1677745;1498844440;mircea_popescu;this is why people even get their own fucking head and their own history in the first place -- so that such great stories can occur.
1677746;1498844461;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. "bland, rather stupid woman. but she could walk back when i was six months old"
1677747;1498844576;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, re that wright "i totally was fondled by bitcoin in a hotel room he was occupying" imbecile : i suppose the backup claim of "well, bitcoin now patented! terrorists!" just in case "everything else" keeps blowing up is being "serviced".
1677748;1498844593;mircea_popescu;it's an entirely spurious claim, of course, but then it's an entirely spurious criminal org making it, so.
1677749;1498844598;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: d00d's been at this for years neh
1677750;1498844608;asciilifeform;patents & all
1677751;1498844617;mircea_popescu;~the time they got bitchslapped so hard they bled internally.
1677752;1498844633;mircea_popescu;before that, they were still in denial, "oh, it's just a nose bleed, we get these naturally, fist was incidental".
1677753;1498844682;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677339 << tell you what, i know but i don't that computers suck.
1677754;1498844682;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:22 trinque: Framedragger: you know, but you don't, eh?
1677755;1498844698;mircea_popescu;to clean the shit gotta be able to straddle the shitsty.
1677756;1498844735;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wright, chowdhra, et al would have considerably moar lulzpotential if they ever had gotten hold of, say, a key or two
1677757;1498844741;trinque;can go into the sty, but avoid fondness for shit as a coping mechanism
1677758;1498844753;mircea_popescu;gotta fuck something.
1677759;1498844762;asciilifeform;trinque: often it suffices to burn down the sty, not to clean it.
1677760;1498844767;asciilifeform;trinque: consider, i am not 'fixing' kochpgp
1677761;1498844773;mircea_popescu;yeah, moar aerosol shit please x.x
1677762;1498844799;asciilifeform;a skilled cremater aerosolizes nuffin!111
1677763;1498844821;mircea_popescu;there's also that.
1677764;1498844835;asciilifeform;( history of modern crematorium is pretty lulzy, and enlightening )
1677765;1498844842;mircea_popescu;it is, at that!
1677766;1498844844;asciilifeform;the 'afterburner' for instance. mega-invention.
1677767;1498844852;mircea_popescu;also -- how expensive it was for most of its history.
1677768;1498844855;asciilifeform;( not to be confused with same item in aviation )
1677769;1498844857;mircea_popescu;counterintuitively, cheaper to bury.
1677771;1498844902;asciilifeform;i worked ( still on occasion do ) with elderly phd d00d who grew up in rural india , first childhood job - collecting, drying cowshit to fuel funeral pyres with
1677772;1498844935;asciilifeform;hey, joules are joules !
1677773;1498844940;asciilifeform;fuel -- costs.
1677774;1498844981;mircea_popescu;whereas calories are calories -- body worth something to ant.
1677775;1498845115;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677355 << nothing wrong with either lobe of that.
1677776;1498845115;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:48 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677070 << and that's when you realize that the ~adult~ gossipd is a 150x moar complicated item.
1677777;1498845186;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677358 << no fully documented cpu was made in the past 30 years ; and possibly at all.
1677778;1498845186;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:50 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677110 << it still has access to... cache timings. and potentially undocumented cpu instructions ( laugh, but this happened and 'unhappened' repeatedly, and that's just on asciilifeform's watch )
1677779;1498845205;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hence the ttacpu thread.
1677780;1498845246;asciilifeform;ftr i'm satisfied that 6502 was fully known.
1677782;1498845255;asciilifeform;the unfortunate bit that it is ~useless for crypto
1677783;1498845263;mircea_popescu;sure, small items like that.
1677784;1498845264;asciilifeform;( tiny width and no multiplier )
1677785;1498845275;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it was peeled and photograpphed my multiple teams.
1677786;1498845292;asciilifeform;not only photographed, but there is a 'chemical' level sim of it
1677788;1498845304;mircea_popescu;fits in head has bene-fits
1677789;1498845350;asciilifeform;http://www.6502.org/users/dieter/m02/m02.htm << see also, handmade 6502...
1677790;1498845846;asciilifeform;oh ftr http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677656 --> MC100E016
1677791;1498845846;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 17:15 asciilifeform: 5-10bux for a 8bit register, in q.1
1677792;1498845853;asciilifeform;in case anybody gives a damn.
1677793;1498845890;asciilifeform;ecl is a 'black art' incidentally. for instance, it runs 'backwards' voltagewise, with ground-as-positive, and needs negative supply
1677794;1498845913;asciilifeform;but interestingly is extremely well-suited for crypto in particular : an ecl gate consumes SAME current regardless of what it is doing
1677795;1498845923;asciilifeform;( switching, holding 'high', or holding 'low' )
1677796;1498845998;asciilifeform;( see also thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-16#1656785 )
1677797;1498845998;a111;Logged on 2017-05-16 01:55 asciilifeform: for bonus 'ourdemocracy' decapitation, bake it out of ECL logic
1677798;1498851601;asciilifeform;in other relateds, SY100E137 is rated for 1.8GHz (8bit programmable counter), ~$6 in qty=1.
1677799;1498851635;asciilifeform;a basic ttatron needs maybe 6 of these, plus a few glue gates.
1677800;1498851645;asciilifeform;and a modest sram.
1677801;1498851652;asciilifeform;arithmetical operations can be tabletronic.
1677802;1498851661;asciilifeform;( load the tables into sram on warmup... )
1677803;1498851671;asciilifeform;whole thing could run under a hundy.
1677804;1498851693;asciilifeform;and have effective horsepower of, say, a 50Mhz 486, in the end.
1677805;1498851708;asciilifeform;which is > than sufficient for many immediate purposes.
1677806;1498851757;shinohai;Oh lawd this is fucking brilliant: http://hoaxchain.com/aboutus1.html
1677807;1498851777;asciilifeform;in fact, here's a new (afaik) scheme for tta. an instruction is THREE addresses, X, Y, Z. and it performs Z := X xor Y.
1677808;1498851783;asciilifeform;you can demonstrate that this is turing-complete.
1677809;1498851794;asciilifeform;and reasonably parsimonious of clock.
1677810;1498851839;asciilifeform;shinohai: 'Above all Dr Craig Wright is humble, kind and generous. Although its widely accepted that the Bitcoin developers are brilliant engineers. A major problem is that the developers have horrible and nasty personalities. Dr Wright is generous, humble, calm, polite and above all nice. Bitcoin will therefore hugely benefit from Dr Wright returning to more actively participate in Bitcoin engineering and research. ' didjaknow!!
1677811;1498851970;shinohai;Scroll down! :D
1677812;1498852060;asciilifeform;shinohai: 'breaks parody horizon'
1677813;1498852375;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/YHbPC/?raw=true
1677814;1498852784;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677810 << what the fguck is this contemptible cunt drool.
1677815;1498852784;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 19:43 asciilifeform: shinohai: 'Above all Dr Craig Wright is humble, kind and generous. Although its widely accepted that the Bitcoin developers are brilliant engineers. A major problem is that the developers have horrible and nasty personalities. Dr Wright is generous, humble, calm, polite and above all nice. Bitcoin will therefore hugely benefit from Dr Wright returning to more actively participate in Bitcoin engineering and research. ' didjaknow!!
1677816;1498852804;mircea_popescu;who wrote this shit ?
1677817;1498852822;asciilifeform;'parody' it claims
1677819;1498852854;asciilifeform;shinohai: consider vodka -- is better habit than reddit
1677820;1498852861;asciilifeform;( if one must. )
1677821;1498852893;mircea_popescu;or whippets.
1677822;1498852895;shinohai;Didn't find it on reddit .... twitter scraper found it
1677823;1498852912;asciilifeform;y'know shinohai it's still a reddit even if you made it from whole cloth with own hands
1677824;1498852919;asciilifeform;'by their fruits you shall know'em'
1677826;1498852965;asciilifeform;don't drink from the sewer hatch, folx. it's no well.
1677827;1498852974;mircea_popescu;yet someone gotta do it
1677828;1498852987;asciilifeform;truly gotta ?
1677829;1498852993;asciilifeform;what'll happen if nobody were to ?
1677830;1498853002;mircea_popescu;you know how you know it's a sewer hatch ?
1677831;1498853005;mircea_popescu;some dude in your nose drank it in
1677832;1498853010;asciilifeform;usually smell suffices
1677833;1498853017;asciilifeform;but sure.
1677834;1498853102;asciilifeform;in earlier lulz, 'Max Count Frequency   Min=1800 Typ=2200 Max=---' << pretty interesting spec. not a thing i've previously encountered.
1677835;1498853124;asciilifeform;quite appetizing.
1677836;1498853178;asciilifeform;( http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/sy10-100e137.pdf << for the intrepid. )
1677837;1498854707;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677720 << moving pic (i haven't watched video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGIE7KTJiBY
1677838;1498854707;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 17:31 asciilifeform: hey Framedragger do you have a photo ?
1677839;1498854768;trinque;> feminist critical theory
1677841;1498854817;Framedragger;(had a flatmate who was into that for long, had some good engaging convos)
1677842;1498854859;Framedragger;she did physics and literature, what
1677843;1498854868;Framedragger;(isis, i mean)
1677844;1498854875;Framedragger;but anyway
1677845;1498854928;trinque;ah well on the basis of your feelings and coy avoidance I'll suppose it's a thing then.
1677846;1498854973;Framedragger;well your pseudpsychoanalysis is always spot-on, so would appreciate explanation re avoidance
1677847;1498855017;mircea_popescu;it's what they call it, "feminist" bla bla.
1677848;1498855032;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677344 << use of some specific datastructures (e.g. - and yes uni didn't cover yes - yes, shame on me - hashrings). as well as coding style (yes).
1677849;1498855032;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:38 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677329 << i'll bite. give example, what things.
1677850;1498855034;mircea_popescu;sort-of like nigger-rigging is what they call us navy works.
1677851;1498855051;mircea_popescu;Framedragger but you're still vague. what's a coding style ?
1677852;1498855052;trinque;"I supposedly read some books, and now listen to me prattle about myself while I stand on the books"
1677853;1498855078;Framedragger;well the video is technical-only
1677854;1498855078;mircea_popescu;trinque would "Scholastics" sound any better ? cuz it's thje same thing, unchanged since the uni was invented, by the turks, in 1200.
1677855;1498855082;trinque;'engaging' is a tripeword marketing people use when there's no content
1677856;1498855083;Framedragger;but whatever
1677857;1498855099;mircea_popescu;Framedragger do believe i have no intention or tendency here, i'm just curious.
1677858;1498855116;Framedragger;trinque: i read said flatmate's dissertation on critical writing and provided lots of criticism, it was nice, not sure what else to say
1677859;1498855128;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: let me recall
1677860;1498855192;trinque;nice how?
1677861;1498855225;Framedragger;basically she inherited this terribad codebase, "bridgedb". she rewrote parts of it (possibly finishing the rest but i didn't stay in touch), and fixed all kinds of weird threading issues by effective use of semaphores etc, which is nothing special, but the result is just so damn easy to read
1677862;1498855227;Framedragger;and maintanable.
1677863;1498855242;mircea_popescu;i see.
1677864;1498855244;Framedragger;i don't mean easy as in lazy, i mean that there was no point for the historical bad to be so clumsy
1677865;1498855266;mircea_popescu;and you wrote the original ?
1677866;1498855305;Framedragger;trinque: she agreed that "yes i was quoting here because i liked the quote, didn't understand in depth", many times, while at the same time i didn't think it was all nonsense. i would have to dig up to actually provide examples, which i suppose yes would be nice.
1677867;1498855309;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: hehe, no
1677868;1498855313;Framedragger;but i got to see both
1677869;1498855338;mircea_popescu;and so this was a learning experience for you, because semaphores as a concept ?
1677870;1498855373;trinque;Framedragger: you're avoiding spilling the "what was not all nonsense"
1677871;1498855408;mircea_popescu;well, might be the first time he's confronted with this issue.
1677872;1498855428;trinque;ample logs of me smacking my nose on same!
1677873;1498855442;Framedragger;"heavily documented and commented without useless comments code", effective use of OOP in python without using classes just for the sake of it, tackling a technologically entangled thing (i could explain but basically there is this "bridge db" which gives "bridges" at some churn rate, but bridges come in different "buckets" (different obfuscation protocol etc),
1677874;1498855466;Framedragger;and hence need multiple hashrings (which ensure uniformly random distribution of them), etc.; many moving parts.)
1677875;1498855480;mircea_popescu;Framedragger see now you're being useful. because the republican notion of "those people" is gendercomits for comments.
1677876;1498855498;Framedragger;trinque: yeah i acknowledge that. well fuck, i need to actually try to respond, but for that i'd need to take a look at subject again. which i can do and probably should do
1677877;1498855513;mircea_popescu;so basically, something more in the vein of literate programming than in the vein of lolzjavascript
1677878;1498855519;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677848 << lol, what was it, Used Hashtable While Female ?
1677879;1498855519;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 20:37 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677344 << use of some specific datastructures (e.g. - and yes uni didn't cover yes - yes, shame on me - hashrings). as well as coding style (yes).
1677880;1498855537;*;asciilifeform likes to say to pet, 'but you did it While Female !'
1677881;1498855548;mircea_popescu;and she likes to hear, im sure.
1677882;1498855561;asciilifeform;somewhat relatedly, http://trilema.com/2017/promising-and-promises/#comment-122310
1677883;1498855580;Framedragger;asciilifeform: got shown shit effectively while also staring at relevant places of codebase so it was all contextualised well.
1677885;1498855603;mircea_popescu;cool deal.
1677886;1498855606;asciilifeform;Framedragger: do you realize how 'hour of battle' this sounds ?
1677887;1498855613;asciilifeform;( the sheckley story )
1677888;1498855618;Framedragger;and yeah i guess just literate programming. i was *even younger*, recall
1677889;1498855629;mircea_popescu;no need to apologize for preference and inclination.
1677890;1498855635;asciilifeform;( or as rebaked by mircea_popescu , http://trilema.com/2014/the-hour-of-reckoning )
1677891;1498855649;mircea_popescu;the whole requirement is to be able to explain, naught more.
1677892;1498855700;asciilifeform;recall the thread where mircea_popescu wrote 'what if you found something in your living room that you hadn't put there'
1677893;1498855711;asciilifeform;'treat contents of your head with no less respect than the sofa'
1677894;1498855715;asciilifeform;or how did it go.
1677896;1498855801;asciilifeform;and unrelatedly, http://trilema.com/2017/no-such-labs-snsa-march-2017-statement/#comment-122312
1677897;1498855849;asciilifeform;but back to the living room, Framedragger there is quite clearly something in yer head that you hadn't put there, you might want to figure out what it is.
1677898;1498855907;asciilifeform;mebbe the chix was THAT hot. i can't say, i only saw the leg!111
1677899;1498856058;Framedragger;check the video i guess, tastes can differ heh
1677900;1498856097;mircea_popescu;i like how chix is a singular for him, like minx
1677901;1498856116;asciilifeform;not ugly
1677902;1498856162;*;asciilifeform watched a coupla frames of linked film
1677903;1498856268;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677861 << if indeed this took place, it is still work for a reasonably middling undergrad, rather than world class
1677904;1498856268;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 20:40 Framedragger: basically she inherited this terribad codebase, "bridgedb". she rewrote parts of it (possibly finishing the rest but i didn't stay in touch), and fixed all kinds of weird threading issues by effective use of semaphores etc, which is nothing special, but the result is just so damn easy to read
1677905;1498856312;mircea_popescu;so ?
1677906;1498856319;asciilifeform;so not much
1677907;1498856322;asciilifeform;dancing bear.
1677908;1498856327;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/HBtxo << in other piratelulz
1677909;1498856339;asciilifeform;phf will find ^ esp. entertaining, i suspect
1677911;1498856361;mircea_popescu;showing cunt to passerby also work for middling adolescewnt female, not world class. and yet...
1677913;1498856430;asciilifeform;'investigation is being conducted by Maureen P. King, Preethi Krishnamurthy, Neil Hendelman, and Sandeep Satwalekar' << such india
1677914;1498856756;asciilifeform;( revisiting upstack: one sad irony of beelzebub : the world-class chix, e.g. emmy noether, tend to be square faces. testosterone will do that. )
1677915;1498856819;asciilifeform;http://s1.ibtimes.com/sites/www.ibtimes.com/files/styles/lg/public/2015/03/23/noether1.png << e.g
1677916;1498861149;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677636 << My que of emails to send to the dead/undead is long and vita brevis
1677917;1498861149;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 17:08 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo ?
1677918;1498861164;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: this was a d00d who's actually famous
1677919;1498861169;asciilifeform;arguably more than, e.g., rms
1677920;1498861188;mircea_popescu;noblesse oblige.
1677921;1498861194;asciilifeform;and not famous derp, either, but one of the original folx pushing, e.g., working pgp
1677922;1498861204;mircea_popescu;he should have been here. arguably more than, eg, rms.
1677924;1498861209;BingoBoingo;Then maybe famous guy like asciilifeform of Loper OS fame ought to email? You've got more history in the field.
1677925;1498861218;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: mine seems to work with 'minus sign'
1677926;1498861241;mircea_popescu;from experience, famous doods aren't worth the paper they'll be buried in
1677927;1498861256;BingoBoingo;I am finding similar results. Seems email isn't functional for anything but "subscription" market that was never subscribed to
1677928;1498861265;mircea_popescu;anyone recall that "protocols of elders of zion" equivalent, "why not hire inerlligent people" ?
1677929;1498861276;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: short of getting on airplane and knocking on his door, i have no further idea
1677930;1498861297;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: frederick the great ? or somebody else's 'don't hire genius'
1677931;1498861309;mircea_popescu;early 1900s americana.
1677932;1498861311;*;BingoBoingo just back from day in the sun and dirt, memory still in lossy mode
1677933;1498861359;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: possibly h. ford
1677934;1498861402;mircea_popescu;anyway. is passage there about "football glories" who expect they already did their work and will be getting conference chicken free for life.
1677935;1498861407;mircea_popescu;"famous people".
1677936;1498861548;*;mircea_popescu is sick of "famous people" like of crab apples. let them sit in some other latrine with their "oh i lost my pgp key 20 years ago" zimmerman and their "i dedicate my life to raising impudent street urchins as if they were white people" bernstein and their "oh hi, rng ?" koch and their "o btw, i lied about that laptop" rms everything else. 
1677937;1498861580;mircea_popescu;not a single one, you understand me, out of dozens examined, proved upon examination to be more than wasp spit and dung.
1677938;1498861605;mircea_popescu;i've a better chance to find actual human among the barefoot jungle nicas than among the usgistani "famous people".
1677939;1498861756;mircea_popescu;and this isn't even getting into the whole layer of "i make a webcomic about shit i don't grok" "famous" retardation
1677940;1498862263;*;Framedragger actually recalls essay. https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Why_I_Never_Hire_Brilliant_Men
1677941;1498862277;mircea_popescu;aa ty
1677942;1498862285;Framedragger;possibly fiction, but good fiction
1677943;1498862836;Framedragger;ah, you quoted the athletes part quite exactly, and 'tis a nice passage
1677944;1498862856;mircea_popescu;memory works on occasion!
1677945;1498862955;sina;morning tmsr
1677947;1498862989;sina;ah mp
1677948;1498862994;shinohai;Buenas tardes
1677949;1498862999;sina;hi shinohai
1677950;1498863007;sina;mircea_popescu: time to mess with gossipthing?
1677951;1498863048;mircea_popescu;sorry, will be a little.
1677953;1498863067;sina;so fucking cold here!
1677954;1498863099;sina;for a sydneysider, 8 degrees C is essentially the siberian tundra
1677955;1498863187;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677338 << hey we're a Commonwealth country so I can't blame you for thinking such but we aren't as bad as the UK on this front! :P
1677956;1498863187;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:21 trinque: australia probably has laws against ridicule by now
1677957;1498863188;mircea_popescu;i thought all you had was wilting heat and scorpions
1677958;1498863251;sina;we def got the wilting heat in summer, and little scorpions as you approach the equator
1677959;1498863265;mircea_popescu;my stereotypes are offen't.
1677960;1498863298;sina;but you're still allowed to ridicule Craig Wright here
1677961;1498863337;mircea_popescu;are you allowed to peruse drawings of little squares labeled mom "fucking" littler squares labeled daugther and/or dog ?
1677962;1498863341;sina;and despite our local media being incapable of discerning an utter charlatan from a block of wood, those who could, did
1677963;1498863426;sina;nobodies gonna kick down your door for watching pornhub or even bestialityhub
1677964;1498863449;mircea_popescu;to my eyes, the true outstanding imbecillity of the remains of the british empire is this, taking the ustardian pretense that "child pornography" and turning it to the point of "CARTOON!!!! child pornography".
1677965;1498863472;mircea_popescu;that they're thereby negating the very pretense of justification never seems to have occured to them. oh, really, does it harm little drawings ?
1677966;1498863482;sina;ah childporn. yeah they come down on that kind of stuff very hard here
1677967;1498863519;mircea_popescu;this is like saying an idiot ignoring the door and trying to walk through the wall "Came very hard". the hardness isn't the point, the utter idiocy kinda overwhelms it.
1677968;1498863530;mircea_popescu;fucking gumby's, the lot.
1677969;1498863576;sina;to clarify, are you trying to make the point that childporn shouldn't be prosecuted? or that the definition of childporn is overlybroad
1677970;1498863607;mircea_popescu;i am making the point that irrespective of whether some group should be oppressed or not, the "justification" proferred for the oppression is ridiculous.
1677971;1498863637;mircea_popescu;much saner to put all gays in jail because "they offend baby jezuz" than to put all pedos in jail because "they harm little kids"
1677972;1498863676;sina;it wasn't all that long ago that we were doing just that in fact
1677973;1498863681;mircea_popescu;it wasn't.
1677974;1498863699;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may -- the notion that a drawing can be at issue is not only just as stupid as usual, but also crits. now you don't even have any sort of available "i really believe this crap" defense.
1677975;1498863703;mircea_popescu;clearly, there's nothing therew.
1677976;1498863758;sina;well one can argue that all of the lines in "society" are essentially of the same arbitrary construct
1677977;1498863774;sina;it just so happens that this is where one of those lines is laid today
1677978;1498863791;mircea_popescu;one could argue that, but not very successfully. try and argue it re drugs for instance.
1677979;1498863856;sina;um sure? so the line for some drugs is drawn *here*, and other drugs drawn *there*, and depending on a similarly "nothing there" criteria, some peoples lives are ruined and others enriched
1677980;1498863874;mircea_popescu;did you see the economic discussion of the matter in the logs ?
1677981;1498863888;mircea_popescu;or did you read the "how to be a pimp" piece on trilema ?
1677982;1498863911;sina;I think at this point, given countries like Portugal which have decriminalised a lot of drugstuff, it's clear the lines for drugs is just as arbitrary
1677983;1498863921;mircea_popescu;i dun see it.
1677984;1498863994;sina;rly? because in Portugal posession of an ounce of weed is nothing, here it's up to officer discretion (above 1oz is trafficking!), in US if you're black that can be jail, in Indonesia you could get death
1677985;1498863999;sina;clearly it's arbitrary
1677986;1498864021;mircea_popescu;right now it's morning where you live, afternoon where i live and even night in some places. clearly daytimes are arbitrary.
1677987;1498864030;mircea_popescu;wtf reasoning is this.
1677988;1498864054;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677819 << vodka also offers chance for self improvement if personal tolerance for "rock bottom" tops out higher than grave
1677989;1498864054;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 20:00 asciilifeform: shinohai: consider vodka -- is better habit than reddit
1677990;1498864057;mircea_popescu;portugal has a large redditard population and nothing else. they need weed for crowd control like the us needs prozac.
1677991;1498864069;mircea_popescu;economy usually hides behind "arbitrary"
1677992;1498864069;sina;sir where I live the sun is rising and where you live it may be falling
1677993;1498864074;sina;but I will read the pimp article nonetheless
1677994;1498864099;mircea_popescu;have you SEEN the unemployment rates in portugal ? esp among "college graduates" ? and have you seen what redditardation are portuguese unis ?
1677995;1498864141;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677355 << no contention on this POV, will go in increments towards adulthood, learning along the way
1677996;1498864141;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 15:48 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677070 << and that's when you realize that the ~adult~ gossipd is a 150x moar complicated item.
1677997;1498864219;sina;mircea_popescu: I can't speak specifically of Portugal redditardation, only use in attempt of "try and argue it re drugs for instance.
1677998;1498864238;mircea_popescu;~the entire raison d'etre of portugal altogether is as "that place where black chicks from africa go to learn portuguese before being shipped to work in brazil brothels."
1677999;1498864285;sina;really? I would've imagined the flow to go opposite direction
1678000;1498864298;sina;I mean, from brazil to portugal
1678001;1498864302;mircea_popescu;why ?
1678002;1498864340;sina;GDP/capita in brazil is half of portugal? more money for the same skin
1678003;1498864359;BingoBoingo;No money in portugal, because no people left who don't suck
1678004;1498864361;mircea_popescu;except brazil has more industrial base than ~all of europe, and that "per capita" is bullshit as half the country lives on a dollar a day.
1678005;1498864380;mircea_popescu;which leaves you with a bankrupt 5mn strong portugal and 25mn brazillians with 1mn to blow on black hookers.
1678006;1498864394;sina;I guess there is no available "GDP/people who can afford brothel visits" metric
1678007;1498864439;mircea_popescu;gdp is ~meaningless. it is entirely government window dressing in socialist countries, and entirely "wealth divided to random number" in sane countries. the two are distinguished by "inequality index".
1678008;1498864467;BingoBoingo;GDP biases towards cows and printing presses
1678009;1498864512;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677394 << confirm
1678010;1498864512;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 16:09 asciilifeform: now : certain processes that divide into arbitraily many - and, importantly, ~arbitrarily fungible~ slices -- are good fits for chumpnet
1678011;1498864517;mircea_popescu;gdp/capita i mean
1678012;1498864545;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677417 << facts I am learning
1678013;1498864545;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 16:13 mircea_popescu: this is how conversations go -- if you're talking to alf, he's gonna mention it himself ; if talking to anyone else, you hit them over the head with it.
1678014;1498864718;sina;http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677535 << super interesting
1678015;1498864718;a111;Logged on 2017-06-30 16:48 asciilifeform: speaking of which, i've been wanting to discuss 'simplest cpu' for a while.
1678016;1498865268;sina;when mircea_popescu asks if you want to live long, or live well: https://archive.fo/9Mpdv
1678017;1498865894;mircea_popescu;they misspelled hepatitis
1678018;1498865919;mircea_popescu;it'd quite incredible hjow much of the us is an oral culture by now. hepacitis my unicode.
1678019;1498866499;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 99% oralculture by nao. ~all of the civilization-like appearance of the language gained by webster's standardization of orthography -- lost
1678021;1498866535;mircea_popescu;if spell checkers go on strike for a week that's it for "English"
1678022;1498866551;asciilifeform;it'll look like 1700s eng
1678023;1498866565;mircea_popescu;forsooth, it wail.
1678024;1498866605;asciilifeform;passe mye the divers condymenttese forthythe
1678025;1498866645;Framedragger;if this means english were to regain cases, i'm all up for it
1678026;1498866654;asciilifeform;Framedragger: doubt it
1678027;1498866662;mircea_popescu;not without gladiators lol
1678028;1498866667;asciilifeform;i think the saxons misplaced those.
1678029;1498866723;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform's pet is learning ru and having much phun with cases , incidentally)
1678030;1498866748;mircea_popescu;as a woman ?
1678032;1498866985;sina;today is tax day in AU
1678033;1498866986;asciilifeform;( and, for n00bs, in ru, like in jp, verbs are sexed . so whatever you do While Female (tm)(r) is labeled !111 )