1550996;1475280094;mircea_popescu;and in other holes, http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcu1ydFRTS1rji4nzo1_1280.jpg 1550997;1475280154;asciilifeform;good old king vlad t didn't finish a job, or wat. 1550998;1475280241;mircea_popescu;apparently. 1550999;1475282371;ben_vulpes;in other open sores chuckles "The encoded strings in the tests were created with Andresen's unmodified code, so they are correct. Probably." 1551000;1475283064;ben_vulpes;oh god the lols keep pouring out: "This bitcoind address validator is a subclass of the Django forms.CharField class" linked from https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1026.0 1551001;1475283101;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-October/000235.html 1551002;1475283480;shinohai;ty mod6 1551003;1475283657;phf;asciilifeform: the blog post presumably will always link to the latest version? 1551004;1475283710;phf;only issue with the regrind approach is clerical. it's easy to keep track of "this new thing that i don't have", much harder to keep all the "this old thing that i have is now new thing" updates 1551005;1475283731;mod6;shinohai: o7 thank, /you/, Sir. 1551006;1475283908;phf;oh that was entirely unfair thing to do, apparently a111 wasn't in limbo, but it's happy sept to oct log rotation day 1551007;1475284029;ben_vulpes;saturday the first of october, in which ben_vulpes (re?)discovers that bitcoin uses its own inane encoding scheme for addresses 1551008;1475284040;shinohai;a111 is staging a October revolution perhaps 1551009;1475284135;ben_vulpes;addrs have a bloody checksum; dafuq is this "human mistake amelioration" crap 1551010;1475284167;*;ben_vulpes would dearly like to know how base58 is not another wart of pointless complexity 1551011;1475285112;phf;heh, scalpl is now part of quicklisp 1551012;1475285303;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i like base 58 and the checksum. and i like the little metal flaps on wrong side of saw 1551013;1475291636;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: what do you like about b58? the checksum should be all that's necessary, right? 1551014;1475291932;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-23#1383335 possibly related? 1551015;1475291932;a111;Logged on 2016-01-23 22:21 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1383219 <<< i wouldn't buy a thing with "SawStop (tm)" and i certainly don't want to HAVE to. 1551016;1475292411;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-01#1551014 << encode your addrs in morse if you like. and throw out fire extinguisher, disconnect ground stake to your house, whatever floats yer boat. 1551017;1475292411;a111;Logged on 2016-10-01 03:18 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-23#1383335 possibly related? 1551018;1475292441;phf;http://paste.lisp.org/display/327488 lamport parachute PoC in common lisp (it has soft dependency on ironclad for sha256, but otherwise follows the design in that own function can be substituted) 1551019;1475292445;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: what'd have been wrong with b64? 1551020;1475292456;ben_vulpes;o cool phf 1551021;1475292459;ben_vulpes;shit 1551022;1475292461;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: confusable letters 1551023;1475292471;ben_vulpes;i'm going to have to do it in ruby at this rate 1551024;1475292476;asciilifeform;phf: spiffy 1551025;1475292537;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: the checksum should address that, no? 1551026;1475292594;asciilifeform;phf: you have times in there. what was it running on? 1551027;1475292613;asciilifeform;i ask because it does not appear to be substantially faster than the shell script.. 1551028;1475292653;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: theoretically 1551029;1475292678;phf;darwin lispworks 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 1551030;1475292686;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: again, make whatever encoder you like, folks have done so in the past, e.g., the barcode thing 1551031;1475292707;asciilifeform;phf: so ~=same as bash cpu cycle-wise! 1551032;1475292717;asciilifeform;surreal. 1551033;1475292745;shinohai;At least asciilifeform was kind enough to present this in bash 1551034;1475292767;shinohai;Now I shall see parentheses in my sleep 1551035;1475292840;phf;i suspect that the text marshaling that shell script does (as far as overhead over "pure c") is insubstantial compared to otherwise demanding and ~~cpu level sha256 1551036;1475292850;shinohai;>>> ;;Great boobies honeybun, my lower intestine is full of spam 1551037;1475292852;shinohai;xD 1551038;1475292858;asciilifeform;phf: holy shit, 134MB!??? 1551039;1475292865;asciilifeform;for what?? 1551040;1475292893;phf;actually that time is totally random, because it involves reading privkey out of /dev/random 1551041;1475292907;asciilifeform;fine, but the conses!? 1551042;1475292912;asciilifeform;134MB? 1551043;1475292921;asciilifeform;wai. 1551044;1475293174;phf;hmm, it's all ironclad's sha256. doing it with a dummy #(0 ...) digest drops it to 4.6mb 1551045;1475293208;asciilifeform;waaaait 1551046;1475293227;asciilifeform;why does computing sha2 cons at all??! 1551047;1475293236;asciilifeform;it's a fucking constant space op 1551048;1475293245;asciilifeform;this makes 0 sense. 1551049;1475293288;asciilifeform;wtf is even ~in~ ironclad, i thought it called out to openssl in c ffi, or similar horror 1551050;1475293294;asciilifeform;does the thing leak? 1551051;1475293309;phf;no wai, ironclad is pure lisp 1551052;1475293318;asciilifeform;mno 1551053;1475293326;asciilifeform;at least not my copy 1551054;1475293345;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/qntra-s-qntr-september-2016-report/ << Qntra - Qntra (S.QNTR) September 2016 Report 1551055;1475293393;phf;well, then you have a hitler diddled copy, ironclad's tagline always has been "entirely in common lisp" 1551056;1475293411;asciilifeform;could've sworn it had callouts. 1551057;1475293427;asciilifeform;https://github.com/froydnj/ironclad/blob/master/src/digests/sha256.lisp << phf is right re current one 1551058;1475293448;asciilifeform;yet there can be no excuse for it consing 1551059;1475293452;asciilifeform;barbaric. 1551060;1475293459;phf;ugh 1551061;1475293519;phf;i suspect what's happening is that the convenience call in that i'm using is allocating digest support structs on each invocation 1551062;1475293592;asciilifeform;also this was running on a box with iron rng? 1551063;1475293609;asciilifeform;or why does phf's /dev/random work so well. 1551064;1475293637;phf;we've had this thread, and i'm not going into that one again 1551065;1475293651;asciilifeform;link? 1551066;1475293714;asciilifeform;i ask because on any of my boxes with linux 3.x, i get maybe 1kB/minute from /dev/random unless i have rng plugged in. 1551067;1475293892;phf;darwin's /dev/random is marginally slower than /dev/urandom, but then it's a closed source os, for all i know both feed directly from nsa headquarters 1551068;1475293929;phf;though i think /dev/random is still in the opensourced parts of os 1551069;1475293995;asciilifeform;would be interesting to learn how it worx 1551070;1475294001;asciilifeform;which mac did phf use ? 1551071;1475294006;phf;10.9 1551072;1475294042;phf;but! this was the extent of my free hacking time for this weekend. if there aren't any glaring bugs i might attempt to make it cons-free 1551073;1475294060;asciilifeform;hmm i think i have an example of phf's selfsame mac here ! 1551074;1475294076;asciilifeform;will have to look into their rng at some point. 1551075;1475294147;asciilifeform;phf: it is not imho important to optimize parachute for speed. lamportron per se is nearly the ultimate waste of cpu and space in crypto world ... 1551076;1475294281;phf;pure as a lisp exercise 1551077;1475294398;asciilifeform;anyway kudos to phf for actually solving this exercise 1551078;1475294416;asciilifeform;now let's see other folk also ! 1551079;1475294487;shinohai;Imma stick to bash/perl 1551080;1475294517;*;shinohai is not lispy enough 1551081;1475294575;BingoBoingo;Imma stick to silk and needlepoint! 1551082;1475294617;*;shinohai would like to see BingoBoingo's parachute cross-stitched 1551083;1475294775;BingoBoingo;Not cross stitched. Needle point is for directing the silk worms as they spin parachute. 1551084;1475294910;shinohai;The silkworms in this area are only capable of sha1, I need better worms. 1551085;1475294976;shinohai;You can have them all tbh, they eat all the Mulberry trees and prevent me from harvesting great wines 1551086;1475295611;BingoBoingo;See that's your problem. You gotta feed them better. 1551087;1475295732;BingoBoingo;And by better I mean San Pedro cactus so they trip balls and naturally make parachute instead of cocoon 1551088;1475295917;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i like that there's no serif glyph powered ambiguity. 1551089;1475295923;mircea_popescu;all that l I 1 bs. 1551090;1475296075;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did you think bash was slow or what ? 1551091;1475326841;mircea_popescu;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/vnh21/?raw=true 1551092;1475326863;deedbot;accepted: 1 1551093;1475326942;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo plox to include deed url in report from now on, that way i can link to qntra piece rather than to deed from trilema. 1551094;1475326959;mircea_popescu;works added as a comment for eg. 1551095;1475327174;mircea_popescu;^% 1551096;1475327178;mircea_popescu;& shares added. 1551097;1475327914;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/qntra-sqntr-september-2016-statement/ << Trilema - Qntra (S.QNTR) September 2016 Statement 1551098;1475332252;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo plox to include deed url in report from now on, that way i can link to qntra piece rather than to deed from trilema. << ty, will do. 1551099;1475332358;mircea_popescu;cool 1551100;1475332419;shinohai;Oct. 1 so happy 2nd Qntra anniversary BingoBoingo 1551101;1475332460;BingoBoingo;shinohai: You're a day early. Tomorrow closes year 2 1551102;1475332471;shinohai;Ah kk 1551103;1475332486;shinohai;I still have time to buy celebratory items 1551104;1475332490;BingoBoingo;The historical asp opposed to statementical which closes November 1551105;1475332501;BingoBoingo;After october statement published 1551106;1475332998;mircea_popescu;we should prolly have a tshirt or something. 1551107;1475333017;mircea_popescu;you know, "Been there, done that, got the tshirt" 1551108;1475333119;BingoBoingo;Maybe after we pass BitBet in lifespan 1551109;1475333135;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-432380.txt 1551110;1475333143;*;shinohai would like to have a QNtra mascot shirt to wear to a blm protest 1551111;1475333148;BingoBoingo;Also those are the fakest looking cabbages and plants I've ever seen https://archive.is/gcqGH 1551112;1475333289;mircea_popescu;lol 1551113;1475334155;BingoBoingo;Litereally, the reallier looking snake plants look like they were shooped in from a home decorating magazine spread 1551114;1475335862;asciilifeform;of possible reverser interest, https://derevenets.com << 'Snowman is a native code to C/C++ decompiler...' >> similar, possibly, to ida's famous 'hexray'. 1551115;1475337276;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/01/on-the-ultimate-justification-of-the-ethics-of-private-property-by-hans-hermann-hoppe-adnotated-part-2/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - On the Ultimate Justification of the Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, adnotated. Part 2. 1551116;1475338444;mircea_popescu;in other news, i'm penning a humongo piece, hopefully be done by tonight. 1551117;1475339454;mircea_popescu;that sad moment when you look into server disk for unrelated reasons and you notice Blocks Read/sec 100.44 Blocks Written/Sec 194.83 1551118;1475339463;mircea_popescu;holy shit sherlock why is everything so broken ;/ 1551119;1475342873;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1551120;1475342874;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 432403 | Current Difficulty: 2.4122720022999103E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 433439 | Next Difficulty In: 1036 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 1 hour, 24 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1551121;1475342911;adlai;Estimated Next Difficulty: 260,022,823,582 (+7.79%) 1551122;1475343515;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-27#1549438 << catching up on refs, i spy an involved amazon referral linking scheme, not a bad approach lol 1551123;1475343515;a111;Logged on 2016-09-27 20:03 mircea_popescu: in other news, http://montalk.net/conspiracy/55/how-to-block-microwave-mind-programming-signals 1551124;1475343574;mircea_popescu;lol. quite so. 1551125;1475343882;BingoBoingo;Sorry for your lawn, pls to wait 7-10 years for "studies" http://www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/4DMG/Lawns/zoysia.htm 1551126;1475347421;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/observations-on-certain-documents-contained-in-the-history-of-the-united-states-for-the-year-1796-in-which-the-charge-of-speculation-against-alexander-hamilton-late-secretary-of-the-treasury-is-fully/ << Trilema - Observations on certain documents contained in the history of the United States for the year 1796 in which the charge of speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late secretary of the treasury is fully refuted. Written by 1551127;1475348806;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/bitcoin-foundation-celebrates-month-of-activity-and-release-milestone/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Foundation Celebrates Month Of Activity And RELEASE Milestone 1551128;1475349016;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1821 << Loper OS - The Care and Feeding of the Sage SmartProbe. 1551129;1475349071;asciilifeform;trinque ^^^^^^^ 1551130;1475349556;asciilifeform;and i forget who else. 1551131;1475349583;asciilifeform;( afaik the docs were to be found literally nowhere on the net. but they are now here. ) 1551132;1475349590;mircea_popescu;win. 1551133;1475349620;mircea_popescu;even later update for unpublished commands. 1551134;1475349627;mircea_popescu;your blog sir is becoming very cool. 1551135;1475349632;asciilifeform;not only commands 1551136;1475349658;asciilifeform;there is a mechanism whereby one can read/write the flash. i've been bolting it onto the ubiquitous 'flashrom' linux util, will be posted later. 1551137;1475349668;mircea_popescu;ahaha nice. 1551138;1475349690;mircea_popescu;mod6 four tickets eh ? great month. 1551139;1475349693;asciilifeform;(the tool i made for writing ~the probe's own~ flash, was posted earlier.) 1551140;1475352155;shinohai;Lulzy: https://twitter.com/BTCFoundation/status/782235121009172482 1551141;1475355055;asciilifeform;meanwhile, 1551142;1475355064;asciilifeform;!#s tarver 1551143;1475355064;a111;15 results for "tarver", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tarver 1551144;1475355068;asciilifeform;http://www.marktarver.com/open.html << moar. 1551145;1475355090;asciilifeform;(apparently he links back to my www now, lulzily) 1551146;1475355119;asciilifeform;'There is a certain character you see in the West; the sort of girl who paints her nails, works at KFC and dreams of being selected for X-Factor because she sang karaoke at her friend's hen night. We laugh at this because we know that for her the chances of getting mindshare and being the next Beyonce are slight. Everyone can dream; but when the girl goes on to neglect her education and development because she's stuck on this dream, 1551147;1475355119;asciilifeform;then something has gone very wrong in her head. The aspirations of the OS fanatic hooked on mindshare are often no more realistic than the neurotic checkout girl at KFC.' << soooomebody's been reading ze logz 1551148;1475355483;asciilifeform;on the other hand, if tarver - or anybody 'open source has failed!111' else - thinks that i am going to build anything whatsoever on top of his closed turd, he is smoking dope. 1551149;1475355682;trinque;asciilifeform: got the pill applied, last call to dump_forever() failed but the lines preceding looked to be a successful firmware write 1551150;1475355704;jurov;They may be smoking dope. Still, they decided to do their thing, instead of sitting on various stakes working for other people. 1551151;1475355727;trinque;can't get gdb connected to it yet, but connecting to it directly either with cu or telnet reports: SmartProbe: 3.2_3743 1551152;1475355736;trinque;so it appears the thing survived? 1551153;1475355784;trinque;gdb either via serial or net reports: Remote failure reply: E81 1551154;1475356264;asciilifeform;E81 -- 'The HDT cable is not plugged in' 1551155;1475356270;asciilifeform;^ http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/sage_smartprobe_gdb_command_manual.html 1551156;1475356295;asciilifeform;and yes, if it shows 'SmartProbe: 3.2_3743' it is cured. 1551157;1475356321;asciilifeform;jurov: per this argument, the microshit world is where it's at. 1551158;1475356326;trinque;sweet! 1551159;1475356359;asciilifeform;trinque: naturally the probe won't do anything useful without being connected to a powered amd mobo 1551160;1475356368;trinque;but it is 1551161;1475356373;trinque;and in the right direction 1551162;1475356375;asciilifeform;make sure plug is in the right way 1551163;1475356386;trinque;cable comes out away from the board 1551164;1475356472;jurov;asciilifeform: reductio ad microsoftum ;) 1551165;1475356473;asciilifeform;see also that it has not come loose inside the probe box. 1551166;1475356482;asciilifeform;this has happened to me >1ce 1551167;1475356560;asciilifeform;one time i even had a board with bad tracks to the hdt connector. 1551168;1475356561;trinque;heh that just occurred to me 1551169;1475356565;trinque;"this seems loose...." 1551170;1475356568;trinque;screwdriver in hand 1551171;1475356602;asciilifeform;the female connector inside the probe is keyed, should not be hard to reseat. 1551172;1475356665;asciilifeform;jurov: unfortunately it was tarver, not i, who 'reductio ad microsoftium' -- literally! http://shenlanguage.org/professional.html << his turd requires winblows. 1551173;1475356668;asciilifeform;took sbcl and closed it. 1551174;1475356675;asciilifeform;(with Shit Bolted To The Side) 1551175;1475356864;adlai;"We're beginning our first commercial application - a health app for yoga enthusiasts" oh, it's a http://itsthisforthat.com/ 1551176;1475356912;mircea_popescu;who is "mark tarver" anyway. 1551177;1475356943;jurov;gabriel_laddel on steroids, i guess. 1551178;1475356956;mircea_popescu;heh 1551179;1475356959;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: british dude who was once a comp sci prof and quit because barfed at academia's corrupt idiocies, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-06-22#728961 1551180;1475356959;a111;Logged on 2014-06-22 17:22 asciilifeform: 'You can routinely find lecturers with more than a hundred published papers and you marvel at these paradigms of human creativity. These are people, you think, who are fit to challenge Mozart who wrote a hundred pieces or more of music. And then you get puzzled that, in this modern world, there should be so many Mozarts - almost one for every department. The more prosaic truth emerges when you scan the titles 1551181;1475357035;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/tbpjB << the only afaik live copy 1551182;1475357038;mircea_popescu;"This essay is a lightly edited transcript of a series of posts I made to the Shen news group in the middle of 2015. They highlighted the failure of the open source initiative in the project, analysed the reasons and suggested a successful formula for moving the project forward. The posts led to the formation of the much more dynamic closed source Shen Professional. The lessons here are widely applicable to many open sourc 1551183;1475357039;mircea_popescu;e projects and developers may find the material interesting." 1551184;1475357057;mircea_popescu;myeah ok, i can't see anything past "here's tmsr in blockchain form". 1551185;1475357126;asciilifeform;tarver had an open source crackpot lisp system for a decade or so, then quit in disgust, then opened some commercial thing 1551186;1475357163;mircea_popescu;whole piece seems pretty much the #trilema talking points. including "giving away your power" unreferenced ballas - as - processed stuff etc. 1551187;1475357178;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-8/ << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend 8 1551188;1475357283;mircea_popescu;neway, dood is more than welcome to his delusional kingdom. not the first one. 1551189;1475357332;asciilifeform;i linked subj because he is not the only one in that kingdom, it quite resembles one of those glue traps for mice, and folks who 'disgusted with open source!111' tend to end up in it. 1551190;1475357374;mircea_popescu;or in yarvin's revolutionary-language clubs, or in "less wrong" to learn all about how to have a slavegirl while calling her a dragon or w/e is currently fashionable in manga world, and so on and so forth. 1551191;1475357393;asciilifeform;nah those are for young blokes 1551192;1475357430;asciilifeform;the new tarver is instead a case of 'my sbcl-with-serial-number-filed-off-pays-my-mortgage, open sores suxx!111' 1551193;1475357433;mircea_popescu;well the old blokes tend to disappear in chumpatroniums a la http://trilema.com/2014/so-the-dollar-vigilante-scam-ring-is-going-to-jail/ 1551194;1475357465;mircea_popescu;hm, i suppose this is a different class indeed. old guy who goes to the gym and so forth. a sort of lafond pencildick version. 1551195;1475357466;asciilifeform;various. 1551196;1475357497;mircea_popescu;entirely unrelated to anything, http://66.media.tumblr.com/fb142efbdc04ec9115a00b342da8e762/tumblr_nir0r5aLaw1qlne6uo1_1280.jpg 1551197;1475357534;asciilifeform;trinque: so was the plug loose, or dud board, or wat 1551198;1475358069;mircea_popescu;http://www.lambdassociates.org/blog << referenced in logs, meanwhile gone 1551199;1475358089;mircea_popescu;this is i think the first positive case of logrot due to idiots being idiots (tarver, in this case) 1551200;1475358134;asciilifeform;http://marktarver.com/professor.html << it moved. 1551201;1475358139;mircea_popescu;aha. ty. 1551202;1475358183;asciilifeform;http://marktarver.com/reply.html << moar on subj 1551203;1475359399;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/01/social-justice-lawncare-agricultural-marxism-for-the-collective-home-lawn/ << Bingo Blog - Social Justice Lawncare: (Agri)Cultural Marxism For the Collective Home Lawn 1551204;1475361015;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency rmb 1551205;1475361024;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4092.26, vol: 231309.99960000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4092.26 1551206;1475361410;trinque;asciilifeform: reseated it inside the sage, now got E64, which seems reasonable? 1551207;1475361512;asciilifeform;trinque: try power cycling the board using gdb monitor commands 1551208;1475361537;asciilifeform;sometimes it takes some fiddling to get it into a gdb-able state. 1551209;1475361590;trinque;"monitor" command not supported by this target << having issued "monitor reset" 1551210;1475361608;trinque;any particular order to boot the devices? I figured sage, then gizmo 1551211;1475361638;asciilifeform;rtfm, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/sage_smartprobe_gdb_command_manual.html#sideband_commands 1551212;1475361651;asciilifeform;there aint no 'reset' 1551213;1475361678;asciilifeform;and no, gizmo first, then sage. 1551214;1475361727;asciilifeform;monitor Power,acpi 1551215;1475361733;asciilifeform;switches off mine 1551216;1475361775;asciilifeform;monitor Power,on 1551217;1475361780;asciilifeform;switches on 1551218;1475361798;asciilifeform;ctrl-C will halt it to where you can play 1551219;1475361825;asciilifeform;alternatively, monitor HaltOnReset 1551220;1475361832;asciilifeform;gets you to start of bios. 1551221;1475361873;asciilifeform;oh btw you gotta have the cpu arch set to i386 for that one, as the iron starts in 16bit mode, and gdb is too stupid to track mode switches 1551222;1475362570;trinque;I'll have to fiddle with it a while and figure out why I'm seeing E64, but seems like I'm close. 1551223;1475362774;asciilifeform;aha 1551224;1475362795;asciilifeform;all it means is that he cpu wasn't halted properly 1551225;1475362801;asciilifeform;*the 1551226;1475362843;shinohai;I have successfully stuffed asciilifeform 's Lamport functions into a single bash script. Now for cleanup. 1551227;1475363007;mircea_popescu;it's really too bad there's like nothing happening in teh republic these days. 1551228;1475364249;asciilifeform;trinque: http://support.amd.com/TechDocs/43009.pdf http://amd-dev.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/media/2012/10/43366_sb7xx_bdg_pub_1.00.pdf << amd sb700 chipset docs. (and no, they do not exist in any other format, nor will they) 1551229;1475364254;asciilifeform;^ what's on the gboard. 1551230;1475364267;mircea_popescu;are the archival bots running ? lessee 1551231;1475364351;mircea_popescu;oh dun work for pdfs huh 1551232;1475364356;mircea_popescu;jesus this shit's hard to get settled. 1551233;1475364420;mircea_popescu;but no, they don't work, for eg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/sage_smartprobe_gdb_command_manual.html#sideband_commands 1551234;1475364473;asciilifeform;strange 1551235;1475364480;asciilifeform;given as the latter is hand-cranked html 1551236;1475364491;mircea_popescu;anyway. we gotta do something with the pdfs. 1551237;1475364496;asciilifeform;(i personally stitched it out of the old braindamaged wiki, dumped circa july 2015) 1551238;1475364502;mircea_popescu;especially as they're now getting imported into fucking foundational work 1551239;1475364525;asciilifeform;could rasterize the thing, but it will be multi-GB. 1551240;1475364536;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform even a pdf to png transfer, with the images pasted on a html page, would be preferrable. 1551241;1475364540;mircea_popescu;seeing how svg is crap 1551242;1475364545;asciilifeform;well yes. multi-GB. 1551243;1475364559;asciilifeform;who wants - go ahead, it is a 1-liner, and is in the l0gz somewhere 1551244;1475364559;mircea_popescu;sigh. this is a major problem in search of a solution. 1551245;1475364582;asciilifeform;png would also be very painful because no cut'n'paste 1551246;1475364591;asciilifeform;these are chip docs, with thousands of magic numbers. 1551247;1475364595;mircea_popescu;myea 1551248;1475364602;mircea_popescu;is it latexable ? 1551249;1475364607;asciilifeform;what's that even mean 1551250;1475364616;asciilifeform;is steak cow-able ? 1551251;1475364626;asciilifeform;spam - pig-able ? 1551252;1475364626;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1551253;1475364648;mircea_popescu;this whole tex/svg/png/pdf/fuckall thing is becoming a major problem. 1551254;1475364652;mircea_popescu;fucking eyesore too. 1551255;1475364662;trinque;asciilifeform: so far always receiving E64 when I load gdbinit.txt, gizmo is booted to the point where it asked me to press a key on the keypad 1551256;1475364680;asciilifeform;nobody knows what amd generated these with. could've been msword for all i know. could've been motherfucking quark express. but in any case all they published (WHEN they published anything) is pdf. 1551257;1475364686;trinque;the LCD on the plugged board says "press a key" 1551258;1475364706;asciilifeform;trinque: did you try the resets as i described here ? 1551259;1475364715;asciilifeform;are you able to turn the board on and off using the probe ? 1551260;1475364716;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it seems highly unlikely that any usg.* matter will be usable verbatim anyway. we will have to maintain our own, ~correctable~ versions of their manuals anyway. 1551261;1475364734;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. 1551262;1475364748;mircea_popescu;so the notion of pigging the spam is not entirely without merit ; impossible as it may be. 1551263;1475364783;mircea_popescu;(this being WHY they publish in the fucking crud in the first place, of course. pdf, enemy of humanity in every which way already.) 1551264;1475364796;trinque;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/fdxx7/?raw=true << can't run any 'monitor' commands 1551265;1475364805;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gotta also think about the fact that sb700 is EXTRAORDINARILY unusual in that we have chip docs at all for it. 1551266;1475364812;mircea_popescu;aha. 1551267;1475364825;trinque;but then the gizmo is not halted, right? it's asking me to press any key "to exit keypad test" 1551268;1475364836;trinque;upon which it cycles back through the boot process 1551269;1475364840;mircea_popescu;seems ~the only liable to be productive way forward is offering rewards for stolen originals. 1551270;1475364845;mircea_popescu;which kind-of requires working gossipd. 1551271;1475364852;trinque;maybe I'll just plug an empty HD 1551272;1475364862;asciilifeform;trinque: give me a similar dump but after you put "set debug remote 1" in your gdb config. 1551273;1475364869;asciilifeform;this prints raw packets. 1551274;1475364873;asciilifeform;and no you don't need a hd in there 1551275;1475364878;asciilifeform;it is guaranteed to make 0 difference 1551276;1475364885;asciilifeform;i never connect any to mine. 1551277;1475364899;trinque;asciilifeform: I already uncommented that 1551278;1475364996;asciilifeform;trinque: what happens if you run it second time ? 1551279;1475364997;asciilifeform;in a row 1551280;1475365078;asciilifeform;trinque: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/nkmho/?raw=true << mine, with complete debug out, fwiw 1551281;1475365088;asciilifeform;(connected to warm and running board) 1551282;1475365098;asciilifeform;you might have to get the same gdb i have, to properly compare. 1551283;1475365175;trinque;same no matter how many times I run. GNU gdb 6.3 1551284;1475365179;trinque;what vintage do you run? 1551285;1475365224;asciilifeform;$ gdb --version 1551286;1475365224;asciilifeform;GNU gdb (Gentoo 7.8.1 vanilla) 7.8.1 1551287;1475365243;mircea_popescu;this may be the first time alf had a HIGHER version. 1551288;1475365261;asciilifeform;trinque: let's do 1 small experiment 1551289;1475365267;asciilifeform;kill the gdb, warm up the box, and... 1551290;1475365273;asciilifeform;cu -l /dev/ttyACM0 -s 115200 1551291;1475365292;asciilifeform;after you get a 'Connected. 1551292;1475365292;asciilifeform;SmartProbe: 3.2_3743' followed by mac addr and a 0, 1551293;1475365315;asciilifeform;throw in, verbatim, 1551294;1475365318;asciilifeform;$qXfer:features:read:target.xml:0,4a6#16 1551295;1475365348;asciilifeform;this is gdb command, the syntax is simple, $COMMANDGOESHERE#CHECKSUM 1551296;1475365369;asciilifeform;where CHECKSUM is 'the unsigned sum of all the characters in the packet data modulo 256. It is represented as a pair of hexadecimal digits.' ( as described http://www.embecosm.com/appnotes/ean4/embecosm-howto-rsp-server-ean4-issue-2.html , section 2.3 ) 1551297;1475365389;trinque;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/pbunu/?raw=true << did over telnet, got this 1551298;1475365395;asciilifeform;so trinque , anywhere in my paste http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/nkmho/?raw=true where you see 'Sending packet' you can try the command manually 1551299;1475365403;trinque;k 1551300;1475365407;trinque;I'll also build that particular gdb 1551301;1475365433;asciilifeform;trinque: that's correct ! 1551302;1475365434;asciilifeform;see my paste 1551303;1475365440;asciilifeform;your probe worx 1551304;1475365445;trinque;mega-win 1551305;1475365473;asciilifeform;gdb is sad though 1551306;1475365482;asciilifeform;i have a gigantic collection of working and nonworking ones 1551307;1475365495;asciilifeform;(the stock version is ~useless with mips, for instance) 1551308;1475365592;asciilifeform;aaah and i almost forgot, there is another possible problem. if the box you plugged the serial cable into has pissed down the line, anything whatsoever, the ethernet interface will be confounded 1551309;1475365606;asciilifeform;(thing is not built to be driven by two machines at 1ce) 1551310;1475365627;asciilifeform;i recommend to - at first - use only the usb-serial hole. 1551311;1475365635;asciilifeform;(you gotta power it via that hole anyway.) 1551312;1475365687;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-01#1551269 << it is not clear that anyone knows how to do this without simply becoming a toilet for disinfo, with rapidly thinning wallet to boot 1551313;1475365687;a111;Logged on 2016-10-01 23:34 mircea_popescu: seems ~the only liable to be productive way forward is offering rewards for stolen originals. 1551314;1475365763;asciilifeform;how do i verify that $chipdoc is not only correct but ~complete~, much less the ~original~..? 1551315;1475365812;asciilifeform;or that it does not contain subtle lie (this is a problem with every single example extant, including the one linked earlier, they have subtle deviations from what the actual silicon does, we know this from YEARS of thankless sweat by various linux folk) 1551316;1475366204;trinque;newer gdb worked great. I'll now write up my notes, did all this from openbsd. 1551317;1475366236;trinque;only differences were /dev/cuaU0 and installing recent gdb 1551318;1475366244;asciilifeform;heeeeeeeeere we go. 1551319;1475366248;asciilifeform;congrats trinque ! 1551320;1475366257;trinque;ty very much for the pill, asciilifeform 1551321;1475366266;asciilifeform;yw trinque . 1551322;1475366280;asciilifeform;that pill was ~3 mo. of work, at one time. 1551323;1475366297;*;asciilifeform bbl -- there is much meat. 1551324;1475366309;trinque;enjoy. 1551325;1475370135;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is that. 1551326;1475370149;mircea_popescu;and ftr this mentoring session in hardware fucking has been a treat to watch :D 1551327;1475370184;mircea_popescu;meanwhile somewhere else, http://67.media.tumblr.com/1b765c015a5358761162431aa209b246/tumblr_mxy7d4P7HV1t8btbqo1_1280.jpg 1551328;1475370622;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2016/10/01/sage-smartprobe-rehabilitated/ << trinque - Sage SmartProbe Rehabilitated 1551329;1475371354;mircea_popescu;ahaha snatched comment #1. 1551330;1475371557;trinque;cheers mp! 1551331;1475371560;*;trinque bbl 1551332;1475373553;shinohai;BingoBoingo: https://www.reddit.com/r/lawncare/comments/55fljr/social_justice_lawncare_agricultural_marxism_for/d8a9ygs <<< lol 1551333;1475373564;shinohai;what did I expect 1551334;1475373720;mircea_popescu;good for a minilol. 1551335;1475378059;BingoBoingo;shinohai: tyvm 1551336;1475378110;shinohai;I rather enjoyed that piece 1551337;1475378205;BingoBoingo;I was applying a healthy dose of priviledge to my lawn today and the idea came to me. 1551338;1475378430;shinohai;I have the privilege of having no lawn of my own to dose. 1551339;1475378657;BingoBoingo;Well you're in Georgia. You would have the unenviable task of neighbors trying to grow lawn cancer. 1551340;1475379175;shinohai;In Georgia, the epitome of great lawncare is seeing how many dilapidated cars you can have sitting on cinder blocks. 1551341;1475380511;BingoBoingo;Still better than Bermudagrass 1551342;1475380920;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 four tickets eh ? great month. << ya, thanks! 1551343;1475384891;asciilifeform;trinque: http://trinque.org/2016/10/01/sage-smartprobe-rehabilitated/#comment-2 . 1551344;1475388685;adlai;asciilifeform: how much value is there in getting the Gizmo Explorer as a first educational toy in this field, given that I currently have no idea what to do with it other than pilling and whatever else you suggest? 1551345;1475409739;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-02#1551339 << i'll take pictures of my neighbors lawn, and show you what happens when white people become trifling niggas. 1551346;1475409739;a111;Logged on 2016-10-02 03:24 BingoBoingo: Well you're in Georgia. You would have the unenviable task of neighbors trying to grow lawn cancer. 1551347;1475409769;thestringpuller;I'm srsly tempted to pull a Danny Glover in "Good Fences" and burn their house down. 1551348;1475411617;mircea_popescu;!!key 1551349;1475411617;deedbot;No such key. 1551350;1475411621;mircea_popescu;!!key Susanna 1551351;1475411623;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/qamps/?raw=true 1551352;1475411877;mircea_popescu;adlai sounds like a lot. 1551353;1475411897;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-01#1551011 << for highly-nonlocal values of (now) 1551354;1475411897;a111;Logged on 2016-10-01 01:25 phf: heh, scalpl is now part of quicklisp 1551355;1475411943;adlai;yeah i'm thinking of getting me a birthday present for the qlc 1551356;1475411992;adlai;lol google knows what's up: " is solving the quarter life crisis by empowering individuals to explore career and lifestyle change aspirations through short term remote experiences" 1551357;1475412278;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-02#1551344 << anyone who claims to be doing os or bios dev and does not have this instrument is deaf and blind. but if you aren't into either, then it is just a very threadbare comp. 1551358;1475412278;a111;Logged on 2016-10-02 06:11 adlai: asciilifeform: how much value is there in getting the Gizmo Explorer as a first educational toy in this field, given that I currently have no idea what to do with it other than pilling and whatever else you suggest? 1551359;1475412405;asciilifeform;thing is also handy for driver reversers - it can actually boot winblowz 1551360;1475412451;asciilifeform;anyway, see logz , adlai . 1551361;1475412657;*;adlai has been following along, question can be rephrased as "is gizmo appropriate as My First Debugger a la https://www.amazon.com/Plan-Toys-My-First-Camera/dp/B00BJKW8U0 except 'for children aged 18 years and up'" 1551362;1475412724;mircea_popescu;yes. 1551363;1475412901;adlai;cool, i'll see if my tulpas can crowdfund this 1551364;1475413114;mircea_popescu;guy writes trading bot, spends half his time explaining how mpex is broken because he's making a living, has to crowfund a probe. nuts. 1551365;1475413130;mircea_popescu;adlai post an address, i'll send you a coupla hundred so you can buy it and do something useful with yourself. 1551366;1475413154;adlai;i thought i had to terraform my tits on eulora for free money? 1551367;1475413174;mircea_popescu;different strokes. 1551368;1475413288;asciilifeform;in other olds - http://www.computer-museum.ru/histsoft/lisp_sorucom_2011.htm << lisp in su. i for one had nfi that j. mccarthy went there and taught. 1551369;1475413297;asciilifeform;phf et al ^ 1551370;1475413377;mircea_popescu;in totally uninteresting anecdote, back in the 80s i was chiefly speaking romanian, and in romanian the bad guys = us (uniunea sovietica) ; the good guys su (statele unite). thirty years later... 1551371;1475413428;adlai;deedbot: http://dpaste.com/34AS43W.txt 1551372;1475413449;shinohai;+adlai cool, i'll see if my tulpas can crowdfund this <<< alice_ might like to have a word with you 1551373;1475413462;adlai;!!deed http://dpaste.com/34AS43W.txt 1551374;1475413503;deedbot;accepted: 1 1551375;1475413550;mircea_popescu;lmao champion disavower. 1551376;1475413574;asciilifeform;lel 1551377;1475413659;mircea_popescu;in other news i just produced a 65 item stack trace 1551378;1475413664;mircea_popescu;why is software so broken! 1551379;1475413731;adlai;why is pisa so tilted! 1551380;1475414318;shinohai;http://archive.is/MoEpk <<< lolzworthy, is complaining because paid a bitpay invoice from a coinbase account and wonders why it didn't arrive. 1551381;1475414360;mircea_popescu;why didn't it arrive ? segwit ? 1551382;1475414405;shinohai;Coinbase tx's are notoriously slow I think they manually process I dunno. I'm banned from there. 1551383;1475414416;mircea_popescu;lol k 1551384;1475414418;shinohai;But bitpay invoices have a 15 minute window 1551385;1475414436;shinohai;so naturally it makes sense to pay from a wallet you control, or it does to me anyway 1551386;1475414494;thestringpuller;bitpay is scam. everyone i know who works there has turned up scammer. 1551387;1475414530;thestringpuller;dunno their kyc scam yet, (more subtle than coinbase), but i'll find it. 1551388;1475414564;mircea_popescu;qntra awaits. 1551389;1475414772;*;adlai lazily types up a smoke 1551390;1475416894;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-grifters/ << Trilema - The Grifters 1551391;1475418110;shinohai;https://transfer.sh/jW9hC/2016-10-02.jpg <<< Happy Rosh Hashanah I guess 1551392;1475418325;adlai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/16F3VP1.txt 1551393;1475419535;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-432541.txt 1551394;1475419805;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/02/on-the-ultimate-justification-of-the-ethics-of-private-property-by-hans-hermann-hoppe-adnotated-part-3/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - On the Ultimate Justification of the Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, adnotated. Part 3. 1551395;1475420053;mircea_popescu;and in other "la vie est ailleurs" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/180b49b949d31ea294d7a56e5363561e/tumblr_mxy7ire7ln1t8btbqo1_1280.jpg 1551396;1475421776;znort987;;;later tell adlai emailed you back 1551397;1475421829;mircea_popescu;znort987 there's been a bot control code standardization. you prolly want !~ (see also bots.contravex.com ) 1551398;1475421877;znort987;mircea_popescu yeah, it's beeb ... unusual. will go read, thx 1551399;1475421881;znort987;*been 1551400;1475422085;znort987;!~later tell adlai emailed you back 1551401;1475422085;jhvh1;znort987: The operation succeeded. 1551402;1475436502;mircea_popescu;and in other lolz, http://logs.minigame.bz/latest.log.html#t19:13:17 1551403;1475438107;mircea_popescu;but in much better lolz, http://67.media.tumblr.com/9db52688fa1972dee4868e27412a7d23/tumblr_myeplaxIHD1t8btbqo1_1280.jpg 1551404;1475438117;mircea_popescu;apparently high class strippers shit with their underwear on. 1551405;1475438980;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F1D81424EB2D0324D6D9AED88EDAAD6A0F1B3FD150981EEE8A03D3FBCDEE0D4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 151 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1551406;1475440400;mircea_popescu;lol 1551407;1475441320;jurov;https://www.agwa.name/blog/post/how_to_crash_systemd_in_one_tweet a chuckle 1551408;1475441429;jurov;if (getpid() == 1) umask(0); 1551409;1475441434;jurov;lmaomfg 1551410;1475441753;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how software works! 1551411;1475441818;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-02#1551405 << lelzer 1551412;1475441818;a111;Logged on 2016-10-02 20:09 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F1D81424EB2D0324D6D9AED88EDAAD6A0F1B3FD150981EEE8A03D3FBCDEE0D4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 151 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1551413;1475441840;asciilifeform;151! 1551414;1475441845;mircea_popescu;it is so fucking great yeah. prime number right ? 1551415;1475441857;mircea_popescu;took a while to find. makes a nice counterpoint for all the 2kb long ones 1551416;1475441881;asciilifeform;eh we had a couple of'em 1551417;1475441952;*;asciilifeform still floored by the discovery that mccarthy spoke fluent ru and argued with maths folks there in '60s 1551418;1475442085;shinohai;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=trust;u=11425 "Frank and thoughtful technical expert. I have run unreviewed code by Pieter on systems with access to large amounts of Bitcoin." 1551419;1475442094;shinohai;Is this badge of honor? 1551420;1475442111;mircea_popescu;nope. 1551421;1475442143;mircea_popescu;in which we find that
doesn't work. because why would it! 1551422;1475442168;asciilifeform;shinohai: it dun load 1551423;1475442172;asciilifeform;wants login 1551424;1475442194;mircea_popescu;in which we also find that
als dun work. because why the fuck would anything work. 1551425;1475442209;shinohai;oh yeah they require login to see trust ratings 1551426;1475443263;BingoBoingo;!~later tell adlai That looks like great material for your personal blog! Pls publish! 1551427;1475443263;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1551428;1475443375;mircea_popescu;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/i9nno/?raw=true 1551429;1475443391;deedbot;accepted: 1 1551430;1475443397;mircea_popescu;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/w4kms/?raw=true 1551431;1475443416;mircea_popescu;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/914vy/?raw=true 1551432;1475443421;deedbot;accepted: 1 1551433;1475443421;deedbot;accepted: 1 1551434;1475444622;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/minigame-smg-september-2016-statement/ << Trilema - MiniGame (S.MG), September 2016 Statement 1551435;1475444807;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: consider http://www.golfdom.com/selective-postemergence-herbicide-control-of-bermudagrass-in-zoysia-fairways/ 1551436;1475445210;shinohai;ty mircea_popescu for your generous contribution to future crayon fund. 1551437;1475445808;jurov;qntra distributed 1551438;1475446542;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-432576.txt 1551439;1475446943;mircea_popescu;nono, ty. 1551440;1475447076;mircea_popescu;ahh, document registration within like an hour, for like a cent. such lovely republic. 1551441;1475447360;shinohai;The joys of listening to your neighbors buy crystal meth using your sdr dongle 1551442;1475447428;asciilifeform;shinohai: lol, shortwave?! 1551443;1475447465;mircea_popescu;how much does the crap go for ? 1551444;1475447517;shinohai;I think it's an old gsm phone 1551445;1475447530;asciilifeform;0 crypto ? 1551446;1475447537;mircea_popescu;i meant the meth not the dongle 1551447;1475447627;shinohai;I dunno, have no use for it 1551448;1475447723;shinohai;!~google how much does an eight-ball of meth cost ? 1551449;1475447725;jhvh1;shinohai: weights and measures - Tweaker.org: ; weights and measures - Tweaker.org: ; How much is in an eight ball of meth ? - Quora: 1551450;1475447838;mircea_popescu;i thought you heard them lol 1551451;1475447925;shinohai;well, said "Hey lenny u got an eight-ball?" 1551452;1475447942;mircea_popescu;apparently it's an eight of an ounce, ~200 bux. 1551453;1475447952;*;shinohai knows of no other drug in local dialect referred to by that unit of measure 1551454;1475448018;BingoBoingo;coke? 1551455;1475448035;mircea_popescu;originally i thought it was coke and speed that came in 1/8 oz 1551456;1475448055;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/timber/ 1551457;1475448159;mircea_popescu;that was weird. 1551458;1475448690;mircea_popescu;and speaking of meth, http://67.media.tumblr.com/4937e77f467d2712a36b7e06d9c38d54/tumblr_mz18fu6H7s1t8btbqo1_1280.png 1551459;1475448926;shinohai;Sign needs qr and "Monero accepted" at the bottom 1551460;1475448952;mircea_popescu;lol 1551461;1475448994;mircea_popescu;but wait, there's more! http://66.media.tumblr.com/9b88d432a27f6ee20b646ebbbc2f5c3a/tumblr_n7kcuwG1tB1t8btbqo1_1280.jpg 1551462;1475450193;mircea_popescu;n somewhat other news, http://www.evz.ro/un-interviu-de-pomina-serghei-lavrov-cabotinul-acuza-sua-ca-nu.html (entirely obscure romanian "expert" of the usg.nato.romania.experts indirection has... WATCHED TV! and has oppinions! as to how reality is! and things! consensus! international community! 1551463;1475450256;mircea_popescu;they're pretty great to watch ; sort-of like spending some time with the "the official transcaucasia puskin poetry club" and their literary criticism of last year's literary mags. 1551464;1475450301;mircea_popescu;(amusingly enough, he looks almost exactly like lavror, same no-chin cocksucker bugman) 1551465;1475451271;shinohai;Colombians reject peace deal with FARC. Dis gonna be interesting. 1551466;1475452717;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-02#1551417 << great find, i've not seen any mentions of lisp in my explorations of retro su technology 1551467;1475452717;a111;Logged on 2016-10-02 20:59 asciilifeform still floored by the discovery that mccarthy spoke fluent ru and argued with maths folks there in '60s 1551468;1475452923;phf;from the link, http://www.ich.dvo.ru/~nmr/ylisp/ 1551469;1475458458;asciilifeform;'Система YLisp использует динамический контекст для tag-меток и имен блоков. Как следствие, в лексическом замыкании сохраняются лишь лексические связи переменных (и лямбда-выражение). Отсутствуют также лексические функции и макросы (flet, macrol 1551470;1475458777;phf;it's like halfway between common lisp and elisp 1551471;1475459487;asciilifeform;phf: sorta like xlisp 1551472;1475459499;asciilifeform;(was asciilifeform's first lisp) 1551473;1475460615;phf;i kind of want to read an entire book about this Dirlewanger fella 1551474;1475461896;asciilifeform;phf: there is 'the cruel hunters' but it is by 'esltards' iirc and not especially great 1551475;1475462213;mircea_popescu;the ss dood ? 1551476;1475462502;mircea_popescu;and in other strange, http://67.media.tumblr.com/f837a269fe43445a9b7b0c574e247caf/tumblr_myihi9ld841t2pac0o1_1280.jpg 1551477;1475462664;shinohai;I'm detecting a theme here. 1551478;1475462696;mircea_popescu;bad boobjobs ? 1551479;1475462696;shinohai;Although this picture appears free of intravenous drugs. 1551480;1475462721;shinohai;Yeah those are definitely fix-a-flat boobs 1551481;1475462770;mircea_popescu;and in other metro, http://67.media.tumblr.com/3b04cbdcd5bba02f0c4ec24860359122/tumblr_n83007m11b1t8btbqo1_1280.jpg 1551482;1475462829;shinohai;Subway, eat fresh! 1551483;1475462835;mircea_popescu;lol word 1551484;1475464044;asciilifeform;phf: http://flibusta.is/b/354168 1551485;1475464141;asciilifeform;there is also apparently a http://flibusta.is/b/298985 , recent, but i have not read it. 1551486;1475464695;asciilifeform;{a {b (1 2} (c d (e f} эквивалентно (a (b (1 2)) (c d (e f))) 1551487;1475464703;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1551488;1475464719;asciilifeform;WHY 1551489;1475464743;*;thestringpuller decides to finally learn lisp. 1551490;1475464760;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: this is weird orc lisp 1551491;1475464975;mircea_popescu;curlisp ? 1551492;1475465010;BingoBoingo;)))))))))))))) 1551493;1475465652;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "Hillary Rodham-Clinton after putting the few remaining working Americans in a basket labelled deplorables during the weekend her legs buckled at Ground Zero, was discovered to have earlier alleged that many young American leftists were basement dwellers." << huh ? 1551494;1475465750;mircea_popescu;that magenta thing had me in stitches though. masterfully done. 1551495;1475467788;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/02/on-the-ultimate-justification-of-the-ethics-of-private-property-by-hans-hermann-hoppe-adnotated-part-4/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - On the Ultimate Justification of the Ethics of Private Property by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, adnotated. Part 4. 1551496;1475494101;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1sIY 1551497;1475494101;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1551498;1475499612;mircea_popescu;!!up mepian 1551499;1475499612;deedbot;mepian voiced for 30 minutes. 1551500;1475499634;mepian;Hello and thanks for the voice 1551501;1475499681;mepian;I was reading Trilema for a while and decided to visit you here 1551502;1475499806;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Choppied that piece up a bit. 1551503;1475499824;BingoBoingo; that magenta thing had me in stitches though. masterfully done. << tyvm 1551504;1475499901;mircea_popescu;cheers. 1551505;1475499972;mircea_popescu;and in other workplace training, http://66.media.tumblr.com/888cc827651ff69149b312944b2d5d75/tumblr_mf7aci4gaY1rx0ocqo1_500.gif 1551506;1475500136;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/a-guide-for-torturing-cats-recently-voted-most-likely-to-psychopath-article-on-trilema-by-anonymous-and-otherwise-anodyne-romanian-speaking-derps/ << Trilema - A guide for torturing cats. Recently voted most likely to psychopath article on Trilema by anonymous and otherwise anodyne Romanian speaking derps. 1551507;1475500784;mepian;after reading about the plight of asciilifeform trying to implement a driver for gigabit NIC http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1544183 I wonder if rolling your own NIC on FPGA in this fashion https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:19005/FULLTEXT01.pdf would be less insane 1551508;1475500784;a111;Logged on 2016-09-17 17:36 asciilifeform: i hunted for years and found what imho is the simplest GB/s-capable nic, the rt8168. here is the linux driver, https://github.com/mtorromeo/r8168/tree/master/src 1551509;1475501170;jurov;mepian: because drivers/interfaces for recent enough FPGAs are yet higher level of closedturdedness 1551510;1475501520;PeterL;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e51yx/?raw=true 1551511;1475501546;deedbot;accepted: 1 1551512;1475501604;PeterL;^ I converted lamport paper to ascii, took some hand cranking to clean up after the machine gave it a try. 1551513;1475501711;asciilifeform;mepian: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551507 << please read the xilinx threads . 1551514;1475501711;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 13:19 mepian: after reading about the plight of asciilifeform trying to implement a driver for gigabit NIC http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1544183 I wonder if rolling your own NIC on FPGA in this fashion https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:19005/FULLTEXT01.pdf would be less insane 1551515;1475501956;asciilifeform;e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-17#1165927 1551516;1475501956;a111;Logged on 2015-06-17 13:17 asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric; 1551517;1475502156;asciilifeform;and http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-11#950467 1551518;1475502156;a111;Logged on 2014-12-11 01:52 asciilifeform: decimation: notice that all known fpga manufacturers (xilinx, altera, lattice, a few others) have the same business model 1551519;1475502183;asciilifeform;and on at least six other occasions. somebody regularly shows up and asks re fpga. 1551520;1475502201;asciilifeform;a subject which i wasted years on. 1551521;1475502310;asciilifeform;(e.g., http://www.loper-os.org/?p=702 ) 1551522;1475502651;asciilifeform;mepian: what i want to make is a ZERO-closed-vendor-turd machine, among other things. and no existing fpga gives you this. 1551523;1475503652;mircea_popescu;PeterL ahaha nice work. 1551524;1475503667;mircea_popescu;!!up mepian 1551525;1475503667;deedbot;mepian voiced for 30 minutes. 1551526;1475503801;shinohai;http://archive.is/X4eIQ <<< a poor copycat of http://trilema.com/2016/my-first-bitcoin-or-how-do-i-get-some-satoshi/, 4 of the entires are the exact faucets trilema warns of dicking around with. 1551527;1475503817;trinque;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-October/000237.html << seems like the ml eats "Re: " at the front of a message 1551528;1475503821;trinque;*subject 1551529;1475503827;mod6;mornin' 1551530;1475503842;trinque;mod6: how goes it? 1551531;1475503975;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://archive.is/YvrAP 1551532;1475503984;asciilifeform;'This C64C used by a small auto repair shop for balancing driveshafts has been working non-stop for over 25 years! And despite surviving a flood it is still going...' 1551533;1475503997;asciilifeform;'No FUCKING Windows updates! No VIRUSES! No blue screens. Not even a "Guru Meditation" or 3 bombs... Just a working horse. That's what a computer supposed to be for you.' 1551534;1475504386;mod6;trinque: good! looks to be a busy week. 1551535;1475504389;mod6;you? 1551536;1475504396;trinque;same and same. 1551537;1475504411;adlai;mircea_popescu: cheers! now i, too, can tell #cat-v that "there's no way that's the REAL mircea because ..." 1551538;1475504565;mircea_popescu;because ? 1551539;1475504811;mircea_popescu;shinohai apropos of which, http://67.media.tumblr.com/f27e143774ad80af9845927899645d06/tumblr_mtdy1lT0Ko1qgp9ipo1_1280.jpg 1551540;1475504817;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/ethereum-developers-reach-violent-part-of-huffing-binge-with-come-at-me-bro/ << Qntra - Ethereum Developers Reach Violent Part Of Huffing Binge With "Come at me bro" 1551541;1475504876;mircea_popescu;shinohai BingoBoingo ITS authors omygerd. 1551542;1475504902;BingoBoingo;sry, fxd 1551543;1475504916;adlai;doncha remember, "sl_ seriouslt this is not mircea ... i saved the emails last year from when mircea donated for my thinkpad" 1551544;1475504993;trinque;heya phf, did you ever take on that sbcl arm port (and which arm was it) ? 1551545;1475505000;mircea_popescu;incidentally, at some point you gotta do the "sorry for your lues" 1551546;1475505016;trinque;phf: my google tentacles found that in foreign lands 1551547;1475505156;trinque;I encounter asciilifeform, phf, or gabriel_laddel tracks semi-frequently :P 1551548;1475505163;BingoBoingo;urls containing "drive.google.com/open?id=" now on qntra blacklist. 1551549;1475505192;trinque;!!rate gabriel_laddel 1 mega-helpful clim-splainer 1551550;1475505193;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/h1qka/?raw=true 1551551;1475505217;trinque;!!v DC2C216469620467DE71979B63F754FE244DB479EC7FA4349392136A74595FE9 1551552;1475505217;deedbot;trinque rated gabriel_laddel 1 << mega-helpful clim-splainer 1551553;1475505241;trinque;guy even sent me a detailed email in response to a query. 1551554;1475505255;mircea_popescu;he's rather nice. 1551555;1475505421;mircea_popescu;PeterL for the record, traditionally "not equal" is marked as != not /= because ! is the logical negation and also because / has other meanings ; while "less than or equal" is =< or <= or somesuch, not _<. why invent unexpected symbology ? 1551556;1475505456;PeterL;yeah, that makes sense. 1551557;1475505547;PeterL;could also use =/= ? 1551558;1475505833;jurov;despite my orientation, i prefer <> 1551559;1475505927;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-432671.txt 1551560;1475506009;shinohai;jurovs's favorite tar.gz double-clicker from yesterday just asked me if he could just wget all his dependencies. 1551561;1475506016;*;shinohai bangs head on desk 1551562;1475506149;adlai;/= is a [common]-lispism 1551563;1475506164;PeterL;what does it mean in lisp? 1551564;1475506193;adlai;"The value of /= is true if no two numbers are the same in value; otherwise it is false." http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_eq_sle.htm 1551565;1475506242;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551510 << neato PeterL -- did you do this with bare hands ?! 1551566;1475506242;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 13:32 PeterL: !!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e51yx/?raw=true 1551567;1475506291;PeterL;well, I copy/pasted out of pdf, then with bare hands had to fix just about every symbol (and for some reason it lost all the "a"s) 1551568;1475506323;asciilifeform;sounds like titanic labour 1551569;1475506333;PeterL;took ~hour or so 1551570;1475506341;asciilifeform;and i cannot help but wonder, did PeterL end up grokking the paper in the process of massaging it 1551571;1475506350;PeterL;but it also gave a chance to thouroughly read paper 1551572;1475506368;PeterL;I grok it much more now than before task 1551573;1475506377;asciilifeform;the parallels with medieval copyists invite themselves... 1551574;1475506490;*;shinohai is disappointed PeterL didn't use vellum 1551575;1475506498;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/colombian-electorate-votes-to-continue-war-against-farc/ << Qntra - Colombian Electorate Votes To Continue War Against FARC 1551576;1475506520;PeterL;deedbot does not eat vellum 1551577;1475506528;shinohai;^.^ 1551578;1475506561;BingoBoingo; deedbot does not eat vellum << He might if you ask trinque to feed it to him 1551579;1475506615;PeterL;that was essentially my task, getting deedbot to eat paper 1551580;1475506677;*;jurov force feeds deedbot clay tables 1551581;1475506685;phf;trinque: i added your sig to btcbase 1551582;1475506686;asciilifeform;it is a curiously-inverted but still quite medieval situation, today we rescue ~paper~ by turning it into ascii. 1551583;1475506725;asciilifeform;i suspect that when mircea_popescu wakes up he will at least feel temptation to write up a 'modern school of comp sci' thing where 'you must find a paper and asciify it...' etc 1551584;1475506755;asciilifeform;(at least this is what my emulated mircea_popescutron is currently running with) 1551585;1475506771;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5353 1551586;1475506852;PeterL;as far as mathematical/scientific papers go, asciiifying this one was not too bad. 1551587;1475506871;asciilifeform;PeterL: aha, the pieces from the age of the typewriter are, interestingly, easier. 1551588;1475506901;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: for some odd reason i cannot picture lafond in my mind as anything other than the character in the pathetic film 'the wrestler'. 1551589;1475506917;*;BingoBoingo has not seen 1551590;1475506918;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551486 << was it interlisp or maclisp that let you close multiple parenthesis with a single final one, like (do ((foo 1) (bar 2)) (blah (foo) == (do ((foo 1) (bar 2)) (blah (foo))) 1551591;1475506918;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 03:18 asciilifeform: {a {b (1 2} (c d (e f} эквивалентно (a (b (1 2)) (c d (e f))) 1551592;1475506926;asciilifeform;phf: interlisp 1551593;1475506930;asciilifeform;and it is a braindamaged idea 1551594;1475506945;asciilifeform;and perhaps one of the few things ~not~ worth taking from it, imho. 1551595;1475506964;asciilifeform;i dare say it removes most of the fucking point of using sexprs in the first place 1551596;1475506971;asciilifeform;(to explicit the ast) 1551597;1475506978;phf;i was looking at some mit cadr source and they do some totally insane stuff with parenthesis closing/opening 1551598;1475507002;phf;i think it was a thing in vogue at some point, back when fexprs were still in the back of everyones minds 1551599;1475507004;asciilifeform;to be fair, they did not have some of the things we have 1551600;1475507015;asciilifeform;e.g., colour terminal, where you can colourize parens 1551601;1475507037;asciilifeform;or boxes fast enough to reindent 1000-line+ blocks every time the carriage return is hit 1551602;1475507066;asciilifeform;phf: i don't see how this is needed for fexprs 1551603;1475507068;phf;true, or the fact that simple half a second "match opening paren" is pain, when you're typing )))) in a row 1551604;1475507091;asciilifeform;now i COULD see mapping a key on kbd to 'shit out enough ) to balance' 1551605;1475507100;asciilifeform;but to place it in the code, destroys the homoiconicity. 1551606;1475507112;phf;asciilifeform: well, in a sense that it wasn't immediately obvious that read-delimited-list is a fundamental concept 1551607;1475507197;phf;for how cavalier cadr is with parenthesis, all of that is gone by the time of genera 1551608;1475507219;asciilifeform;phf: this is largely because they introduced proper editing 1551609;1475507269;asciilifeform;and also because genera was a product of adults, rather than children, it is a sin specifically of the latter to obsess over very dubious 'optimizations' like 'super-paren {}' 1551610;1475507295;phf;in before clojure and special [] :> 1551611;1475507341;asciilifeform;that was one of the off-putting things, actually, re the clojure people, why did they have to clobber every key on the keyboard 1551612;1475507356;phf;and then not give you readtable! 1551613;1475507366;asciilifeform;obligatory >> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=103 1551614;1475507387;asciilifeform;i like having the [], {}, etc. available for readtableisms. 1551615;1475507406;asciilifeform;sometimes a localized bit of custom notation is the only reasonably-compact abstraction. 1551616;1475507450;asciilifeform;(in linked example, we get a transformation of commonlisp into a language with entirely different syntax and evaluation rules, 'while you wait!111') 1551617;1475507580;asciilifeform;phf: interlisp had a graphical 'structure editor', i have never used it, and now i wonder if the {} thing was slightly less braindamaged given the context of having it. 1551618;1475507633;phf;fwiw they had a graphical editor going back to mit cadr, and it flashes and highlights 1551619;1475507660;asciilifeform;but does it reindent ? 1551620;1475507772;phf;hmm, fair question, but i don't remember, i can't remember if tab even indents to the right place, i'll check in a bit 1551621;1475508021;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551544 << sbcl already has an arm port, courtesy of nyef. i am doing the same work for cmucl, but i'm very far from actually getting there. i'm going by armv7 with vfpv3-d16, mostly because that's what ccl does and their code is imho most readable 1551622;1475508021;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 14:29 trinque: heya phf, did you ever take on that sbcl arm port (and which arm was it) ? 1551623;1475508066;phf;needless to say, i have no idea what i'm doing(r)(c) 1551624;1475508105;trinque;was particularly curious about armhf threads, which sbcl lacks 1551625;1475508110;trinque;arm64 has 'em 1551626;1475508131;trinque;clozure cl seems to work for what I need 1551627;1475508148;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/dam-panic-spreads-among-environmentalists/ << Qntra - Dam Panic Spreads Among "Environmentalists" 1551628;1475508148;trinque;I have no idea whether ccl is a good idea (tm) (r) 1551629;1475508487;asciilifeform;for n00bz and perhaps also for mircea_popescu , i will add the note here, that lisp folk don't generally ~read~ the parens, they read the indentation. this requires proper tools, such that the possibility of encountering misindented crapola is ~= 0. 1551630;1475508563;mircea_popescu;lmao 1551631;1475508579;trinque;they are there as blessings! 1551632;1475508607;PeterL;why not just use python? indentation enforced! 1551633;1475508629;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> the parallels with medieval copyists invite themselves... << it's called scholarship, hater. 1551634;1475508682;asciilifeform;who said i did not like. 1551635;1475508711;mircea_popescu;hm. 1551636;1475508798;asciilifeform;'medieval' in my mind is not an insult. 1551637;1475508832;asciilifeform;think 'old version.' if there existed a medieval gcc, i'd at least consider it. 1551638;1475508862;mircea_popescu;alrigh alright, you're not a hater, you're just a strange lover. 1551639;1475508877;asciilifeform;lolk. 1551640;1475508884;mod6;heheh 1551641;1475508905;shinohai;I consider asciilifeform the republican authority on impalement methods 1551642;1475508917;phf;heyo 1551643;1475508960;asciilifeform;shinohai: nah, that'd be mircea_popescu 1551644;1475508974;asciilifeform;(who is actually king vlad himself, posting via a time wormhole) 1551645;1475508984;mircea_popescu;o.O 1551646;1475509001;shinohai;So that's what that stick he is carrying in the new trilema banner is for. 1551647;1475509024;mircea_popescu;it may be illustrative to point out at this juncture that well over half of player time in eulora is spent with the character superimposed on a very pike like thing. 1551648;1475509028;mircea_popescu;(because mining) 1551649;1475509042;mircea_popescu;oh yeah, anyone figured what that thing in my hand is ? 1551650;1475509077;shinohai;I can't make it out, looked very close to a dried bovine penis for all I can tell. 1551651;1475509083;mircea_popescu;lol. 1551652;1475509089;mircea_popescu;it's actually a very fine machete. hecho en colombia. 1551653;1475509097;shinohai;oooh nice 1551654;1475509111;mircea_popescu;180 pesos. ~15 bux. 1551655;1475509209;asciilifeform;looked like umbrella when i saw 1551656;1475509218;asciilifeform;quite ambiguous pic. 1551657;1475509232;mircea_popescu;aha. 1551658;1475509256;mircea_popescu;quite useful device, also. wrap it in newspaper, crack anyone's skull open. 1551659;1475509280;asciilifeform;'In my opinion, sir, any officer who goes into action without his sword is improperly dressed.' 1551660;1475509301;asciilifeform;(colonel 'mad jack' churchill) 1551661;1475509325;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> it's actually a very fine machete. hecho en colombia. << Very cool. 1551662;1475509369;mircea_popescu;i suppose a machete esp in the rula style as seen there is a very credible cavalry sword. 1551663;1475509395;mircea_popescu;(the word itself comes from "manliness" if anyone's curious) 1551664;1475509462;mircea_popescu;anyway. only way to open coconuts. 1551665;1475510016;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://inf.ufrgs.br/~vbuaraujo/blog/?entry=20160519-c-identity-crisis 1551666;1475510030;asciilifeform;( also of interest, to certain folks, by same: http://inf.ufrgs.br/~vbuaraujo/blog/?entry=20160528-lisp-without-cons-cells ) 1551667;1475510095;mircea_popescu;this is the first time i hear c had an identity. 1551668;1475510107;mircea_popescu;i thought it was like the romanian language, a subjective superset of all languages. 1551669;1475510136;asciilifeform;you'd be surprised, there are folks who are convinced that they've been 'programming in c' for 30+ yrs. 1551670;1475510156;mircea_popescu;as opposed you c++ you mean ? 1551671;1475510164;asciilifeform;as opposed to 'in unix' or 'in winblows' 1551672;1475510169;mircea_popescu;but... 1551673;1475510175;mircea_popescu;yeahok. 1551674;1475510190;asciilifeform;at least the cpp folk are - typically - aware that their retarded horror has broad swath of vendor-specific behaviours and miscellaneous strange. 1551675;1475510246;*;asciilifeform incidentally currently cpp's for money, and has much that could be said on the subj, but naggum already said it 1551676;1475510254;mircea_popescu;one node higher from that : i was unaware anyone involved actually had the subjective mechanism of indentity. it works like this "don't do that, only gypsies do that, we're not gypsies". that's identity. whereas who in c ever said anything of the kind ? 1551677;1475510266;mircea_popescu;the ~only thing they produce is "oh yeah, those other people do that other thing ? SO DO WE!" 1551678;1475510272;mircea_popescu;this is not identity but the opposite thereof. 1551679;1475510334;*;asciilifeform is out of telepathic-psychoanalytic pills, is ill-equipped to answer the q of what 'c programmer's concept of identity' may be. 1551680;1475510366;mircea_popescu;you ever saw a "this should not be in c because it's stupid" in the past 30 or so years ? 1551681;1475510406;mircea_popescu;all the various "c-with-serials-filed-off-because-i-wanna-john-smith-all-over-the-place" inherit this bizarre property. 1551682;1475510445;phf;that second link looks like alternative take on cdrcoding, but since the first post started with "i read on twitter from discussion on hacker news".. 1551683;1475510485;mircea_popescu;no you don't understand, "Software, lingüística, mitologia nórdica e rock'n'roll". a true renaiswitter man. 1551684;1475510503;asciilifeform;the issue in subj link is quite real though. 1551685;1475510511;asciilifeform;even if the peanut gallery has shat all over it. 1551686;1475510635;asciilifeform;e.g., 'Pointer arithmetic. In the good old times, an int and a pointer used to have the same size. People happily used ints as array indices. Array indexing is just pointer arithmetic, and in some architectures (like x86), you can often perform the pointer arithmetic plus load in a single instruction. Then came 64-bit architectures. For reasons I don't really get (compatibility?), on x86-64 and other 64-bit architectures ints remaine 1551687;1475510635;asciilifeform;d 32-bit even though pointers became 64-bit. The problem now is that transformations that assumed integers and pointers to be the same size don't work anymore, because now their point of overflow is different.' 1551688;1475510644;mircea_popescu;i dunno man. "This looks (to me) as good C code as it gets. However, this code triggers undefined behavior: after the first iteration of the loop frees the node pointed to by head, it is undefined behavior to perform the tmp != head comparison, even though head is not dereferenced." << if this looks like good c to him he would have flunked my higschool class. 1551689;1475510650;mircea_popescu;because YOU MAKE A COPY and compare with it. 1551690;1475510663;asciilifeform;aaaaaahahaha 1551691;1475510666;mircea_popescu;absolute minimum defensive coding for unix ; taught as such decades ago in fucking romanian. 1551692;1475510671;asciilifeform;'make a copy' and put it WHERE ?? 1551693;1475510680;mircea_popescu;in your spare pocket. 1551694;1475510708;mircea_popescu;"may not use the datastructs you are dereferencing in any control code involving the dereferencing. F." 1551695;1475511214;asciilifeform;from comments, '...there are many processor features that are not directly available in C even though they are available in a wide variety of processors (the overflow flag is a prime example). A similar situation that comes to my mind now is that 32bit*32bit multiplication results in a 32-bit integer in C even though most processors yield a 64-bit result...' 1551696;1475511231;asciilifeform;^ this is a personal hatred of asciilifeform's, when dealing with bignumatrons 1551697;1475511245;mircea_popescu;why the fuck do 64 bit platforms even bother with 32 bit ints ffs. 1551698;1475511285;mircea_popescu;i spent 100s of engineer-hours fixing the idiocy of "int" not being 64 bit ; it's a disaster for human productivity directly comparable to the black death. 1551699;1475511292;mircea_popescu;worst fucking idea ever and who the fuck came up with it. 1551700;1475511338;asciilifeform;well let's say that we redefined int as 64b. then the headache would simply be 'why does c not give us the 128-bit mul result that pentium happily disgorges when we mul rax, rbx' 1551701;1475511344;asciilifeform;(which are 64bits) 1551702;1475511363;mircea_popescu;i suppose these are unrelated complaints. 1551703;1475511365;asciilifeform;c is fundamentally braindamaged in 1,001 ways, even in light of its nominal purpose as 'fancy macroassembler' 1551704;1475511374;asciilifeform;the arch it ~was~ 'fancy macroasm' for no longer exists 1551705;1475511380;asciilifeform;and has not existed since... 1982 or so. 1551706;1475511658;asciilifeform;i will give example here, to nail in the point: 1551707;1475511670;asciilifeform;let's say i'd like to add two 128-bit ints together. 1551708;1475511691;asciilifeform;say [edi] points to one 1551709;1475511722;asciilifeform;64-bit, rather 1551710;1475511755;asciilifeform;so, 1551711;1475511770;asciilifeform;add dword [edi], 0xAABBCCDD 1551712;1475511770;asciilifeform;adc dword [edi+4], 0x1234567 1551713;1475511770;asciilifeform;adc dword [edi+8], 0 1551714;1475511830;asciilifeform;( we are on a 32-bit box in this example ) and we add 0x12345678AABBCCDD , a 64-bit int, to another 64-bit int, to get a 128-bit result. 1551715;1475511844;asciilifeform;because we have this great thing called 'adc', add-with-carry. 1551716;1475511861;mircea_popescu;i'd say we are adding two ints to two consecutive memory maps, but w/e. 1551717;1475511876;asciilifeform;we also have things like shift-with-carry, 1551718;1475511905;asciilifeform;shl dword [num], 1 1551719;1475511905;asciilifeform;rcl dword [num+4], 1 1551720;1475511905;asciilifeform;rcl dword [num+8], 1 1551721;1475511905;asciilifeform;jc overflow 1551722;1475511906;mircea_popescu;and if your first add overflows then what ? 1551723;1475511922;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that's what add-with-carry is for 1551724;1475511928;mircea_popescu;... 1551725;1475511936;mircea_popescu;add/adc 1551726;1475511937;asciilifeform;it adds the overflow bit (which can physically be 1 or 0, think about it) to the next add. 1551727;1475511977;mircea_popescu;is something supposed to be processed backwards here or what ? 1551728;1475511981;asciilifeform;nope. 1551729;1475512002;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu want me to work it out pedantically ? 1551730;1475512006;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> add dword [edi], 0xAABBCCDD << say edi = 0xAABBCCDD. the contents of edi+4 after this will be 0. 1551731;1475512051;asciilifeform;the contents of edi+4 is unaffected by the first instruction, mircea_popescu . 1551732;1475512066;mircea_popescu;so what happens if the first instruction overflows ? 1551733;1475512100;mircea_popescu;add dword 0xAABBCCDD, 0xAABBCCDD = 557799BA 1551734;1475512115;asciilifeform;you get a carry bit set to 1, and [edi] is 0x557799ba . 1551735;1475512117;asciilifeform;try it yourself. 1551736;1475512131;mircea_popescu;oh and then adc pops the carry bit ? 1551737;1475512153;asciilifeform;http://x86.renejeschke.de/html/file_module_x86_id_4.html << aha. 1551738;1475512161;mircea_popescu;myeah ; color me satisfied. i thought you have to use adc to pop it and push it both. 1551739;1475512175;asciilifeform;nono, this is quite elementary. 1551740;1475512180;asciilifeform;and works similarly on all cpu. 1551741;1475512192;asciilifeform;(all cpu you might ever encounter, at any rate.) 1551742;1475512224;mircea_popescu;myeah. except the one in my head ; cuz if i had made cpus then add dword 0xAABBCCDD, 0xAABBCCDD = 557799BA and adc dword 0xAABBCCDD, 0xAABBCCDD = 557799BA + set carry bit. but then again i dun make them. 1551743;1475512230;asciilifeform;so to continue the tale, NONE of these ops (add-with-carry, shift-with-carry, etc) map to any conceivable c code ! 1551744;1475512248;asciilifeform;(the reverse is not true, of course) 1551745;1475512254;mircea_popescu;none of these map to any code other than asm ; chiefly because fixed memory like this is not even used anymore. 1551746;1475512275;asciilifeform;it is used in every box you can presently buy. pretenses to the contrary. 1551747;1475512299;asciilifeform;'fixed memory' is what you get when you buy ram. no other kind is sold. 1551748;1475512306;mircea_popescu;ok. chiefly because the fashion in kink high this season is to pretend that fixed memory like this is not even used anymore. 1551749;1475512312;asciilifeform;fashion aha. 1551750;1475512333;asciilifeform;but underneath the emperor's robe, there is same bare arse as everyone else has. 1551751;1475512403;mircea_popescu;i suppose the solution everyone uses is to declare a special class made of arbitrary length bitfields and define procedures on it such as these. 1551752;1475512431;mircea_popescu;pretty sure that's what gfx people do, for instance, some of the fellows that first encountered 128 bit, 256bit and so forth overflowing ints. 1551753;1475512439;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu knows very well what they do 1551754;1475512450;asciilifeform;massive bags of hand-asm inline. 1551755;1475512458;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1551756;1475512503;asciilifeform;(and plenty of 'special' cpu instrs, which operate on large fixnums, e.g., 128-bit xmm regs) 1551757;1475512545;asciilifeform;all of this retardation is because c semantics are very much inhospitable to working on variably-sized, non-register-sized operands 1551758;1475512557;asciilifeform;among other caltrops. 1551759;1475512596;asciilifeform;as for the 'kink high' aspect, the rubes are approaching the retardation in much the same way medieval folk approached the plague 1551760;1475512602;asciilifeform;hygiene-via-parfumery. 1551761;1475512616;mircea_popescu;hey, it's what built the united states 1551762;1475512633;asciilifeform;does it still stink? NEED MOAR SPRAY 1551763;1475512637;mircea_popescu;(a demand for tobacco powered by europe's elite aiming to protect itself from diseases through smoke permitted richmond to be a thing.) 1551764;1475512649;asciilifeform;aha. 1551765;1475512662;mircea_popescu;otherwise, florida had 500 people in 1770. 1551766;1475512847;asciilifeform;point earlier was, the 'c is THE close-to-the-metal language' is a half-truth 1551767;1475512865;mircea_popescu;no argument there 1551768;1475512876;BingoBoingo;Best untruth moar leik. 1551769;1475512893;mircea_popescu;the only valid statement of it is that "all other languages bootstrap in c". see recent discussion with phf. 1551770;1475512905;mircea_popescu;so it's more of a fashion / kink high consensus thing than a real matter. 1551771;1475512926;asciilifeform;to our grief, it is very very easy to write a (sad, inefficient, but working) c compiler. 1551772;1475512959;asciilifeform;which is how the disease perpetuates itself. 1551773;1475512961;mircea_popescu;hey, you just wrote a c complier for addition above! :D 1551774;1475512983;asciilifeform;well no, that was 'compiler' for sane-people addition 1551775;1475512991;asciilifeform;(where the operands can be of any size you like) 1551776;1475512994;asciilifeform;quite unlike c. 1551777;1475513016;mircea_popescu;no dude. the reason the disease perpetuates itself is the functionally illiterate product of the stunted intellectual life in the colonies ; whereby there's this outpour of idiots who imagine "what i can do" is an acceptable limit of "what i shall do". so they'll be writing things in c "because that's what i know". 1551778;1475513021;mircea_popescu;as if that's the fucking criteria, what you know. 1551779;1475513071;mircea_popescu;"i will now make apple pie out of turnips, because here in new york all we have is turnips. mmmmm delicious apple pie, new-york style. the angel morni told me so!" 1551780;1475513081;mircea_popescu;moroni* 1551781;1475513084;asciilifeform;well if all you got is turnip. 1551782;1475513087;mircea_popescu;no. 1551783;1475513090;asciilifeform;then menu is a) turnip b) dirt. 1551784;1475513097;mircea_popescu;if all you got is turnip beat the women to death. 1551785;1475513105;asciilifeform;c ) get on a boat and MAYBE come back 20 yrs later. 1551786;1475513111;asciilifeform;possibly also with only turnip. 1551787;1475513113;asciilifeform;and syphilis 1551788;1475513116;mircea_popescu;i'm not eating fucking turnip pie. 1551789;1475513133;mircea_popescu;"but mp, we'll season it. with cilantro." 1551790;1475513142;mircea_popescu;*rage* 1551791;1475513201;mircea_popescu;how is it that the republic can do just fine progressing at the clip of its own progress, no faster than that, nor slower ; and that while we don't specifically wnat to "do things" or set goals, nevertheless we do things and achieve (other people's) goals ? 1551792;1475513216;mircea_popescu;there's a fucking right way to do things, and this arbitrary "i shall now be a becoming actress" ain't it. 1551793;1475513606;asciilifeform;thing is, 'right way to do things' is not in practice available to engineer, who always and ~without exception labours inside a cage made of his predecessors' retardation. 1551794;1475513640;asciilifeform;now ~how much retardation to create himself~ is often within his control, and sometimes he can manage a 0 1551795;1475513646;asciilifeform;but in all cases the idiocy is cumulative. 1551796;1475514012;asciilifeform;now also, the effect of 'babelization' is instructively pertinent. 1551797;1475514031;asciilifeform;as per the immediately previous thread, some operations are actually SIMPLER, conceptually, to express in x86 asm than in c ! 1551798;1475514052;asciilifeform;e.g., anything pertaining to bignums - as hopefully is abundantly clear from the example. 1551799;1475514075;asciilifeform;but C remains popular not merely because 'c compiler is the first thing to be ported to any new iron' but also because it is 'lowest common denominator.' 1551800;1475514104;asciilifeform;so, if we said 'this here x86-64 asm is canonical bignumatron', it will be quite useless to phf with his armhf box, or whatnot. 1551801;1475514116;asciilifeform;(or on pogo. or,or.) 1551802;1475514447;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551637 << we're going to end up with frozen gcc, lynx, sbcl at this rate 1551803;1475514447;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 15:33 asciilifeform: think 'old version.' if there existed a medieval gcc, i'd at least consider it. 1551804;1475514803;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: iirc we already had frozen gcc 1551805;1475514805;asciilifeform;as of rotor. 1551806;1475514862;asciilifeform;for so long as you are still using traditional trb, you are stuck with some variant of this. 1551807;1475514885;asciilifeform;otherwise one day you discover 'surprise', gcc6 or whatever won't build trb, or worse, builds-with-boojum 1551808;1475514906;asciilifeform;(some new, or removed, 'optimization' that gives exploitable overflow in this or that.) 1551809;1475515267;ben_vulpes;"you 1551810;1475515271;ben_vulpes;bah 1551811;1475515278;ben_vulpes;"you're not a c programmer, you're a gcc programmer" 1551812;1475515306;asciilifeform;nobody is a c programmer. 1551813;1475515307;asciilifeform;or ever was. 1551814;1475515320;asciilifeform;there are gcc programmers, gcc-and-microshit programmers, etc. 1551815;1475515335;asciilifeform;nintendo and supernintendo, etc. 1551816;1475515365;asciilifeform;even gcc-to-bare-mips is quite different animal from gcc-to-x86-linux 1551817;1475515374;asciilifeform;arguably more different than nintendo vs x86. 1551818;1475515417;asciilifeform;there does not exist such a thing as 'a c program', even the schoolbook 'hello world' relies on a megatonne of os crapola simply to load and produce human-readable out. 1551819;1475515581;trinque;$s is lisp dying 1551820;1475515618;trinque;!#s is lisp dying 1551821;1475515619;a111;12 results for "is lisp dying", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=is%20lisp%20dying 1551822;1475515644;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3141310154691952@naggum.no.html << ? 1551823;1475515703;asciilifeform;'it's appropriate to make a machine print "hello world" to verify that everything works after all the mind-boggling nonsense has interfered with the real purpose of a computer, and you never know which part of booting up will fail due to a minor bug. the delight in a C programmer's eyes when his machine thus booted typed "hello world" back at him would probably parallel that of a Common Lisp programmer when the satellite communicati 1551824;1475515703;asciilifeform;ons subsystem he designed beams back "hello world" after an almost-aborted launch, a navigation jet which misfired, and the solar panels sustained some damage by space debris. normally, it's unnecessary to have confirmations of basic operations, but it makes perfect sense under C.' 1551825;1475515706;trinque;aha 1551826;1475515708;asciilifeform;(whole thing worth reading.) 1551827;1475515715;trinque;knew it was already in l0gz 1551828;1475518081;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/base58-encoding-in-common-lisp << CH - Base58 Encoding in Common Lisp 1551829;1475519014;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161003/#340 << yes. as we speak diana_coman is busy at work making snapsnots of linuxen. because it's obvious from practice that the way this goes is "i can't install eulora on linux" "we tested this" "but i can't". then upon extensive and expensive research it turns out... THEY CHANGED THE FUCKING DISTRO. breaking software. because why not. 1551830;1475519015;scriba;Something went wrong while attempting to read the log. 1551831;1475519016;scriba;Exception: ['utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 6698: invalid start byte] 1551832;1475519029;mircea_popescu;so we'll just have people run historical snapshots and that's that. 1551833;1475519053;mircea_popescu;this, of course, means no fixes. 1551834;1475519104;ben_vulpes;"year of the linux desktop!" 1551835;1475519111;mircea_popescu;yawell. it dun work. 1551836;1475519133;*;shinohai curses Debian for whatever crapolade is in newest release 1551837;1475519135;ben_vulpes;this gulf between computers as toys and computers as devices to be used by people who can patch, understand what the machine is doing stretches wider every day. 1551838;1475519144;ben_vulpes;not that i'm claiming to understand what the machine is doing. 1551839;1475519148;mircea_popescu;at least observably wider. 1551840;1475519203;mircea_popescu;if anyone is inclined to maintain forks of any linux distro (much in the manner of trb - to clean, not to "support"/utf/systemd/etc) we can prolly work something out. 1551841;1475519246;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we already do ~this with buildroot. 1551842;1475519271;asciilifeform;(if you add a kernel and busybox to mod6's config, you get a linux.) 1551843;1475519325;asciilifeform;( what ELSE do you really need, on top of kernel+shell+gcc, to count as 'a linux' ? 'xpenguins' ?! ) 1551844;1475519379;shinohai;Well I certainly learned the merits of preserving an older gcc this weekend 1551845;1475519650;trinque;Framedragger: I can help you fix that python error; ping me when available. 1551846;1475519907;PeterL;so I am working on porting the parachute scripts to python, does this look better as multiple or single line? http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/z1jyt/?raw=true 1551847;1475519991;asciilifeform;the former. 1551848;1475520015;trinque;even when using generator exprs could at least hit enter once in a while :p 1551849;1475520023;PeterL;I guess there is something to be said for not doing everything at once, makes it easier to understand 1551850;1475520436;asciilifeform;PeterL: aha. 1551851;1475520481;deedbot;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1862 << Loper OS - Still Tenser, Said the Censor. 1551852;1475520652;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551829 << i run into 1,001 instances of this whenever trying to build nearly ANYTHING i-didn't-write-myself from source. 1551853;1475520652;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 18:23 mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161003/#340 << yes. as we speak diana_coman is busy at work making snapsnots of linuxen. because it's obvious from practice that the way this goes is "i can't install eulora on linux" "we tested this" "but i can't". then upon extensive and expensive research it turns out... THEY CHANGED THE FUCKING DISTRO. breaking software. because why not. 1551854;1475520652;scriba;Something went wrong while attempting to read the log. 1551855;1475520654;scriba;Exception: ['utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfc in position 6698: invalid start byte] 1551856;1475520657;asciilifeform;urgh 1551857;1475520661;asciilifeform;Framedragger ^ ?! 1551858;1475520743;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1551859;1475520777;ben_vulpes;and in today's "shooop or nooot?" http://66.media.tumblr.com/cf3b2fcaa400b04c14aa2deea94c98a7/tumblr_oegpvpBf541qjjis9o1_1280.jpg 1551860;1475520810;mircea_popescu;genuine, i;m sure. 1551861;1475520828;asciilifeform;source is mcafee. 1551862;1475520831;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1551863;1475520871;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i need an interpretation guide for your last post. what am i seeing ? 1551864;1475520917;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pg & co. are kind enough to mark '[FLAGGED]' when they hand-delete one's post on their thing (visible only to the user) 1551865;1475520948;mircea_popescu;seems it's all qntra huh. 1551866;1475520962;asciilifeform;aha. 1551867;1475520965;mircea_popescu;i suppose not enough faux "women in tech" to satisfy teh libtards. 1551868;1475520968;asciilifeform;gawker - a-ok; qntra - verboten. 1551869;1475520974;asciilifeform;esp if subject concerns diddled keys. 1551870;1475520995;mircea_popescu;shall be their undoing. 1551871;1475521004;mircea_popescu;there are some drugs you don't win the war on. 1551872;1475521066;mircea_popescu;vaguely related, it turns out that the per capita price for polish children cca 1942 was 25 zloty. 1551873;1475521175;asciilifeform;before or after boiled for soap ? 1551874;1475521187;mircea_popescu;fully functional. 1551875;1475521195;mircea_popescu;maybe slightly used. 1551876;1475521223;asciilifeform;and what was that, anyway, in white man's money..? 1551877;1475521259;mircea_popescu;bout a dollar. 1551878;1475521271;asciilifeform;(does it even make sense to ask exchange rate of zloty in '42? currency of defunct crown) 1551879;1475521304;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the demolished man is an excellent piece, inasmuch as it's pretty much an exact description of both the ideal as well as the practical implementation of "modern democracy, civilised & globalized" as teh bureaucrats perceive it. 1551880;1475521315;asciilifeform;noshit. 1551881;1475521348;mircea_popescu;it's literally what hillary clinton thought she was doing with her derpy email server. and still thinks this. 1551882;1475521369;mircea_popescu;"protecting esper l3 comms from terrorists who don't understand how demolished world works." 1551883;1475521375;asciilifeform;konsensoos reality is one hell of a drug. 1551884;1475521424;mircea_popescu;(note that the ~only punishment described is... having to leave "the country". as if not smelling the fucking farts of ustards is the worst fate.) 1551885;1475521427;asciilifeform;the toilet chick from mircea_popescu's photo earlier -- has substantial edge over these folks. she at least ~knows~ that she is hooked on dope. 1551886;1475521442;mircea_popescu;this is altogether dubious, from experience. 1551887;1475521461;mircea_popescu;much like hillary, she thinks it merely enhances her life and she could quit at any time, if the balance turned -ev 1551888;1475521485;asciilifeform;dunno that 'rock bottom' folks still have the 'can quit anytime!111' notion 1551889;1475521499;mircea_popescu;womne almost never hit rock bottom. this is almost entirely a male phenomenon. 1551890;1475521503;asciilifeform;(but not living in their company, i have deeply nfi.) 1551891;1475521504;mircea_popescu;women generally just die. 1551892;1475521544;asciilifeform;eh if dope folk 'just died', we'd see many fewer of'em 1551893;1475521550;asciilifeform;but death, generally, takes work. 1551894;1475521613;mircea_popescu;there's some biological factors to account for this, both directly (shittier metabolism ; stronger response to neurotransmitters ; the venereal 50/5 trap etc) and indirect (through the workings of sexuate reproduction women are always vandable) ; but i'm pretty sure there's also psychological factors involved. 1551895;1475521631;asciilifeform;vandable? 1551896;1475521676;mircea_popescu;specifically, that male self-hate tends to reject the world (which is what "i hit rock bottom" always is - it is insanity to imagine the addict understands the world in your terms, and "Has seen reason" ; no such thing, he just activated a peculiar, and reasonably well understood, psychological process. no rationality involved) whereas in females tends to reject the self. 1551897;1475521681;mircea_popescu;vandable, which can be sold. 1551898;1475521694;asciilifeform;ah vendable 1551899;1475521697;asciilifeform;hm ok. 1551900;1475521698;mircea_popescu;right. 1551901;1475521781;mircea_popescu;apparently it's actually vendible. 1551902;1475521890;asciilifeform;doesn't their lim($marketvalue - $costofdopehabit) ---> -inf as t--->+inf though ? 1551903;1475521924;mircea_popescu;addiction limits that t very narrowly closer to inf. if you get her started in college she'll die before her tits sag if we're talking eg meth. 1551904;1475521986;mircea_popescu;and the beauty is, the only true boundry on the $costofdopehabit is the ceiling on t. 1551905;1475522003;mircea_popescu;if you're willing to die tomorrow you can have five pounds of your choice of dusts, seeing how yo ugo rob a bank. 1551906;1475522048;asciilifeform;quite conceivably dope is a beneficial thing, by this light, if it helps folks who are candidates for BingoBoingo's 'scooty' photos to die (relatively) cheaply, and quickly, rather than slowly and expensively decades later 1551907;1475522095;mircea_popescu;surely. dope is still the best way to open up china for "trade" ; as it is the best way to get that snotty chick with "plans for the future" open for... hm. "partying". 1551908;1475522115;asciilifeform;one of the interesting recurring motifs in dalrymple (british dude who worked for decades as prison doctor) re addicts is that they are not 'could be just anybody' 1551909;1475522130;asciilifeform;most folks off the street, if given whatever dope you like, will not - apparently - take to it. 1551910;1475522150;mircea_popescu;he mostly studied men. there's a marked difference between the genders. 1551911;1475522169;asciilifeform;tru 1551912;1475522175;mircea_popescu;but yes, humanity being what it is - this isn't a complete solution. given a large enough population, you'll find individuals capable to survive anything ; hiv even has innate immunity believe it or noit. 1551913;1475522263;asciilifeform;(consider, perhaps most adults in industrialized countries - and elsewhere - have at one point taken an opiate, but how many became morphinists ? ) 1551914;1475522315;mircea_popescu;we are discussing very unlikely situations here. back when i was a kid, codeine as a phosophorous salt was the child cough remedy ; i took plenty ; so did other kids. did ~nothing. 1551915;1475522323;asciilifeform;aha, same 1551916;1475522352;mircea_popescu;it was safe mostly \because lacking the social context. 1551917;1475522381;asciilifeform;so - hypothesis is that you need the 'opium den' > 1551918;1475522382;asciilifeform;? 1551919;1475522412;mircea_popescu;well, opium adiction is very slow. you need to actually get addicted. 1551920;1475522423;mircea_popescu;as that pacino character aptly points out, "i'm chippin'" 1551921;1475522458;mircea_popescu;think of starting a wood fire. "many trunks in the forest, including mine and friends' i saw, had zippo lighter approached to trunk - nothing happened" 1551922;1475522468;mircea_popescu;sure darling. suppose you're a) dry enough and b) in a furnace, ok ? 1551923;1475522504;PeterL;what is the difference between a zippo and a hippo? One is very heavy and the other is a little lighter! 1551924;1475522504;asciilifeform;or napalmed, lol 1551925;1475522509;mircea_popescu;lol. 1551926;1475522550;mircea_popescu;PeterL has this decided "kids interests" streak in him. he knows all the shit 12yos are liable to find cool. 1551927;1475522590;PeterL;well, I hang around with a 10 yo girl a lot, sometimes it rubs off 1551928;1475522636;mircea_popescu;did you ask her the sphinx's challenge ? 1551929;1475522654;PeterL;I think she knows that one already 1551930;1475522664;mircea_popescu;a 1551931;1475522812;mircea_popescu;so girl bought "brazilian grapes". they're indescribably aptly named. colored this luscious black, like a brazilian chick's tone ; big, and round, and tough and sweet. 1551932;1475523189;ben_vulpes;!~later tell pete_dushenski 'no ceilings' isn't a /bad/ mixtape, on review 1551933;1475523189;jhvh1;ben_vulpes: The operation succeeded. 1551934;1475524934;shinohai;http://archive.is/JrAnI <<< so like colored coins, but better? 1551935;1475525081;mircea_popescu;!#s sergio demina lerner 1551936;1475525081;a111;0 results for "sergio demina lerner", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sergio%20demina%20lerner 1551937;1475525087;mircea_popescu;this is odd. 1551938;1475525137;mircea_popescu;anyway ; like colored coins except with a different dood pretending to authorship. 1551939;1475525263;shinohai;"We propose a soft-fork that defines a new opcode (redefining a NOP opcode) as the OP_COUNT_ACKS using the segwit script versioning system" 1551940;1475525287;mircea_popescu;but w/e, after the total rout of the gavin forks in 2015 and the political rather than technological defeat of the summer of forks earlier last year the remaining hole - which is also not going to get plugged - is exactly in this vein (segwit is no different), where all comers are more than welcome to define magic versions, script meanings and paralel chains ; which everyone else is more than welcome to ignore. 1551941;1475525315;mircea_popescu;this both satisfies the desire of github rats to feel connected to bitcoin even though they aren't ; as well as bitcoin's necessity to be rid of the "talented" young minds. 1551942;1475525336;mircea_popescu;so it's stable, and can continue indefinitely. they have not the power to change the situation at any rate. 1551943;1475525721;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551832 << Good luck. Just in few years, newest videocard will cease to be supported in your medieval kernel or xorg version... 1551944;1475525721;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 18:23 mircea_popescu: so we'll just have people run historical snapshots and that's that. 1551945;1475525740;asciilifeform;jurov: this is 'the iron problem' and we discussed it, what, 20+ times. 1551946;1475525752;asciilifeform;it has exactly 1 long-term solution - to make own hardware. 1551947;1475525754;asciilifeform;yes, from mineral. 1551948;1475525787;jurov;Is mircea going to do this for eulora? I missed it. 1551949;1475525797;asciilifeform;it also has a broad spectrum of short-term half-solutions (use minimal subset of the iron's functionality; stockpile old amd; etc) 1551950;1475525820;asciilifeform;jurov: i wouldn't put it past him to sell a 'game console' for it at some point 1551951;1475525833;asciilifeform;but i have nfi, i am not the one to ask! 1551952;1475525932;jurov;You see, I was asked to operate eulora vendor channels, and just gave up exactly bacause of this. It needs team of monkeys to keep up. 1551953;1475526016;mircea_popescu;jurov hey, this isn't from a good life. 1551954;1475526024;adlai;holy logs. 1551955;1475526062;mircea_popescu;but from what i see, ~nobody has "newest" video card. 1551956;1475526073;mircea_popescu;moreover "new" video cards make about as much sense as "14nm cpu". 1551957;1475526082;trinque;now that is the stuff of sci-fi dreams. republican game console brings political and computing salvation to teh youth. 1551958;1475526105;asciilifeform;actually ~everybody who walks into a shop and buys a lappy gets a newest minus a year or two video card. 1551959;1475526122;mircea_popescu;the moore is dead. it's just as dead here as it was when i killed gavin with it. dead is dead, and objective reality means universal properties. 1551960;1475526141;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it being dead has not discouraged chip vendors from shuffling the cards every year. 1551961;1475526143;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform except anyone who walks into a shop to buy a lappy walks out with ipad anyway. 1551962;1475526184;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what are your players playing on ? i personally have very little idea, except that i notice that you support winblows and ergo some substantial number of them are lusers. and may well be 'walking into shop, buy lappy' 1551963;1475526201;mircea_popescu;shocking vastity of 32bit systems, for one thing. 1551964;1475526217;mircea_popescu;and my 2004 vintage card is not even the oldest ; not by a long shot. 1551965;1475526228;asciilifeform;this is artifact of the turd world being ~decade behind the planned-obsolescence curve. 1551966;1475526238;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1551967;1475526253;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551646 << actually my first association was "type softly and swing a big stick" 1551968;1475526253;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 15:36 shinohai: So that's what that stick he is carrying in the new trilema banner is for. 1551969;1475526273;asciilifeform;point being that next year, their cards will eventually be whatever was common in usa in '07, roughly. and the next - '08. etc 1551970;1475526280;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1551971;1475526281;jurov;Oh, windows is completely other can of nastiness. You can count on directx being kinda stable, but the incessant updates are prone to break anything else. 1551972;1475526318;mircea_popescu;actually i'm currently chasing a major performance degrading bug which seems to be related to directx version > 8. 1551973;1475526328;asciilifeform;every-six-months-incompatible-chip had ~0 to do with moore's law before, and has 0 now. 1551974;1475526341;asciilifeform;it is done SPECIFICALLY to keep US out. 1551975;1475526341;mircea_popescu;and by "major performance degrading" i mean that same machine, same os, same code runs at 150 fps with pre and ad 1.5 fps with post. no otehr symptoms. 1551976;1475526381;asciilifeform;(lusers who get auto-updated 'new kernel' etc do not notice the new chip. which often is sold with the same laser markings, even, as the old, not even speaking of the actual model number) 1551977;1475526406;mircea_popescu;anyway ; a large portion of these problems (there's also a threading fuckup or two, and other things) have to do with the miserable quality of the legacy codebase (like http://trilema.com/2016/minigame-smg-september-2016-statement/#selection-931.0-931.47 miserable). 1551978;1475526417;mircea_popescu;i expect as we clean that up i'll be in a better position to make sense. 1551979;1475526450;asciilifeform;i was addressing jurov's more general http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551943 1551980;1475526450;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 20:15 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551832 << Good luck. Just in few years, newest videocard will cease to be supported in your medieval kernel or xorg version... 1551981;1475526472;mircea_popescu;to be honest, i do not think the current "open source" has five years left in it. 1551982;1475526481;mircea_popescu;i suspect that by 2020, ~everything will cease to be supported 1551983;1475526490;mircea_popescu;so it's kind-of a moot point anyway. 1551984;1475526496;mircea_popescu;and again - not from a good life. 1551985;1475526590;asciilifeform;gpu on linux ~never actually ~worked. 1551986;1475526597;asciilifeform;with open, i mean, driver. 1551987;1475526599;mircea_popescu;right. 1551988;1475526607;asciilifeform;one of the reasons i'm not playing eulora. 1551989;1475526608;mircea_popescu;and it seems the high water was cca 2010, not improving. 1551990;1475526730;asciilifeform;btw this is one of the potential uses for ice probe 1551991;1475526734;asciilifeform;reversing winblowz drivers. 1551992;1475526737;mircea_popescu;yeah but which card. 1551993;1475526795;asciilifeform;card of the day. 1551994;1475526834;mircea_popescu;myeah. that's the other thing - once the "r&d" pretense goes away, vidcards will definitely go the way of ram, as hdds went before it. ie, centralization, 1 place in asia where they're all made, all the same. 1551995;1475526855;mircea_popescu;at which point making a proiper driver for the bn unit singleitem will make sense 1551996;1475526856;asciilifeform;you either -- make your own cards, or reverse somebody else's, tertium non datur. 1551997;1475526859;mircea_popescu;like it makes sense now to reverse z80 1551998;1475526874;mircea_popescu;no point wasting effort with the current variety ; unless one's trying to learn. 1551999;1475526875;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551821 << after reading preceding thread (and i must say: machine code logs > all other logs), i now wonder if i'm not a lisp programmer, nor a cl programmer, nor even an sbcl or ccl programmer, but a "ql:quickload programmer" 1552000;1475526875;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 17:26 a111: 12 results for "is lisp dying", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=is%20lisp%20dying 1552001;1475526893;asciilifeform;adlai: from reading your published material, it would seem like this is so. 1552002;1475526900;mircea_popescu;lol. 1552003;1475526906;mircea_popescu;it's always cute when one discovers this. 1552004;1475526945;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551827 << correct me if i'm wrong, but does "logs" include http://www.xach.com/naggum/* ? 1552005;1475526945;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 17:28 trinque: knew it was already in l0gz 1552006;1475526957;adlai;sorry, 'l0gz' 1552007;1475526968;*;adlai finds himself pining for that one server where s/foo/bar/ actually works 1552008;1475526972;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this commoditization - it did not happen by magic. 1552009;1475526983;mircea_popescu;invisible handmagic! 1552010;1475527005;adlai;asciilifeform: unfortunately, it's pretty much impossible to 'tradebot' without this 1552011;1475527058;adlai;even if you want to atomic-swap trb against etc, you're stuck shelling out, so you're at best "sbcl/ccl programmer" 1552012;1475527084;adlai;(at worst - tinyscheme matchstick-and-glue-bridger) 1552013;1475527566;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551909 << in this case, i'm gonna "blame the mice", or in other words -- and i can't find the exact 'logs' here, but it's iirc Leary -- "you can meditate for ten years and achieve nothing, but take a decimated milligram of lysergic acid dimethylamide, and something interesting is guaranteed to happen" 1552014;1475527566;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 19:15 asciilifeform: most folks off the street, if given whatever dope you like, will not - apparently - take to it. 1552015;1475527589;adlai;s/m// 1552016;1475527608;*;trinque predicts adlai will evade but... 1552017;1475527622;trinque;define acheive, and ... something. 1552018;1475527663;adlai;does it count as evading if i explain my paraphrase rather than citing strunk and white? 1552019;1475527712;trinque;I've done acid something like 10 times. Where was the something interesting? 1552020;1475527739;adlai;^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HOW MANY TIMES have you meditated daily for ten years? 1552021;1475527755;mircea_popescu;who the fuck meditates. 1552022;1475527766;adlai;the gist of the paraphrase is that some chemicals have an effect on the human brain which is not reducible to "now you will be less inhibited" 1552023;1475527773;trinque;!#s ordeal 1552024;1475527774;a111;20 results for "ordeal", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ordeal 1552025;1475527779;trinque;!#s from:trinque ordeal 1552026;1475527780;a111;2 results for "from:trinque ordeal", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Atrinque%20ordeal 1552027;1475527801;trinque;that's all it is, and woe upon you that your culture has none worthwhile to put you through. 1552028;1475527811;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-17#1543757 << old idf proverb: "what does not kill you, makes you stronger; what does, makes mom stronger" 1552029;1475527811;a111;Logged on 2016-09-17 06:15 trinque: ordeal is therapeutic; psychdelics maybe if they cause a beneficial ordeal 1552030;1475527836;adlai;interestingl, hebrew has a single word for "does not kill you" 1552031;1475527845;adlai;makes this proverb actually poetic, as opposed to my english translabutchering 1552032;1475527858;mircea_popescu;and the word is something like "mis'r" ? 1552033;1475527859;mircea_popescu;lol 1552034;1475527869;asciilifeform;adlai: thread was re 'addiction dopes' 1552035;1475527880;asciilifeform;vs your favourite swizzle stick for mental blocks 1552036;1475527885;adlai;mekhashel. means roughly, "makes you stronger, short of the irreducible strength attained by having your obituary written" 1552037;1475527912;*;adlai has yet to find a chemical which truly makes him more productive, long term. so far they've all been 'addiction' 1552038;1475527919;trinque;adlai: you still didn't define the fucking precise benefit 1552039;1475527929;trinque;am I supposed to buy homeopathic cures from you on the same grounds? 1552040;1475527937;adlai;by which count ( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-19#1327189 )... i'm not a person! 1552041;1475527937;a111;Logged on 2015-11-19 16:19 mircea_popescu: specifically, that there are two kids of people : the addicts, who aren't people, and the actual people. 1552042;1475527939;mircea_popescu;shell out bitch! 1552043;1475527960;adlai;benefit of what, doing things you've never done before? 1552044;1475527966;adlai;define "ordeal" 1552045;1475527975;trinque;this borderline slut right here 1552046;1475527992;mircea_popescu;ordeal is what your mom doesn't want to happen to you. 1552047;1475528008;adlai;looks like i'm too fuck to drunk, i'll http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529463 1552048;1475528008;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 22:58 mircea_popescu: i think it is past your bedtime, yes. come back fresh tomorrow. 1552049;1475528031;mircea_popescu;later. 1552050;1475528043;adlai;goodnight and shana tova to all the kikes reading along 1552051;1475528050;ben_vulpes;shana tova 1552052;1475528070;ben_vulpes;on a different topic am i crazy or are bitcoin /pubkeys/ serialized in the blockchain big-endianly and /ripmd160 pubkey hashes/ serialized little-endianly? 1552053;1475528137;mircea_popescu;for all the respectable folk who like me do not even wish to entertain ben_vulpes ' crazy shit stick, here's http://66.media.tumblr.com/9d05f4cbccceb87877c4c1e8d693b456/tumblr_inline_n4vcjtU6Px1qjk6pl.gif 1552054;1475528153;asciilifeform;lol! 1552055;1475528159;ben_vulpes;hah HAH 1552056;1475528162;ben_vulpes;harumph. 1552057;1475528173;mircea_popescu;"hey honey, is this deserialized yet ?" 1552058;1475528213;trinque;henceforth working on trb was known throughout the land as "doughfucking" 1552059;1475528238;ben_vulpes;yeah, fuck satoshis dough. 1552060;1475528265;ben_vulpes;fudgepacker, not in the sexual sense but in the sense of going overboard packing shit too tightly where it didn't matter and not thinking rigorously about ~anything that did 1552061;1475528278;trinque;lel 1552062;1475528279;ben_vulpes;perhaps unfair, but i am irked. 1552063;1475528297;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: see also the 'c thread' from earlier today, for more of same. 1552064;1475528302;mircea_popescu;hey, to revisit the previous discussion, 1552065;1475528317;mircea_popescu;ah yes, exactly. alf keeps stealing my ideas and then passing them off as his! 1552066;1475528321;asciilifeform;(c programmer assumes that 'i am sitting on the metal' and ergo anything he is not seeing, is not in the picture) 1552067;1475528512;*;ben_vulpes saw, refilled the backup wtf tank 1552068;1475528903;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/03JXi << in other lulz. AAAANYTHING but using actual crypto! 1552069;1475530535;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1552070;1475530535;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1552071;1475530563;gabriel_laddel;$$ later tell dina_corman gentoo distfile backups 1552072;1475530570;gabriel_laddel;http://bbgentoo.ilb.ru/distfiles/ 1552073;1475530576;gabriel_laddel;http://ftp.nluug.nl/os/Linux/distr/gentoo/distfiles/ 1552074;1475530581;gabriel_laddel;http://fi.archive.ubuntu.com/gentoo/distfiles/ 1552075;1475530587;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: if you make a new pgp key, i will rate you 1552076;1475530587;gabriel_laddel;http://funtoo.neu.edu.cn/distfiles/ 1552077;1475530598;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: noted. 1552078;1475530633;gabriel_laddel;dina_corman: I don't have the disk space to download all of them, but if you could get all the funtoo stage3 tarballs too, would be great. 1552079;1475530642;gabriel_laddel;http://build.funtoo.org/ 1552080;1475530891;trinque;* diana_coman 1552081;1475530903;gabriel_laddel;ty 1552082;1475530922;diana_coman;will have a look gabriel_laddel 1552083;1475533195;asciilifeform;'We define algorithmic proxy custody as the automatic custody of cryptocurrency by a set of parties, where the release of cryptocurrency in custody is at least partially controlled by approval signals generated by programs run by these parties, and where programs base their approvals on the observation of a consensus for the release in another secondary blockchain, and the secondary blockchain has authoritative responsibility to comm 1552084;1475533195;asciilifeform;and the release. Once the command is produced, it is fully authoritative and proxy custodians must obey.' << ahahahaha will this idiocy never die 1552085;1475533217;asciilifeform;>> http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-13#920116 << oblig. 1552086;1475533217;a111;Logged on 2014-11-13 19:06 asciilifeform: bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element 1552087;1475533283;asciilifeform;the enemy is dull, but not so dull that he does not grasp the most hospitable place on the tank's armour to stick the mine onto. i.e. lock up as much coin as possible behind chastity belts of whatever possible kind. 1552088;1475533351;asciilifeform;the second prong of this, as described in the leaked mit slides last year, is to declare unbelted coin 'terrorist' and simultaneously shitcoin it from use at coinbase, bitpay, etc. 1552089;1475533380;asciilifeform;!#s permissioned 1552090;1475533380;a111;6 results for "permissioned", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=permissioned 1552091;1475533382;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1552092;1475533531;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: aha. listened to 'no ceilings' maybe 6 months ago for the first time and was relatively unimpressed. on the other hand i just found an unlabeled cd in my car that turned out to be 'drought iii' and i'm currently quite enjoying the walk down memory lane. 1552093;1475533561;ben_vulpes;opening is okay 1552094;1475533571;ben_vulpes;good lines scattered about. otherwise, entirely meh. 1552095;1475533590;pete_dushenski;cars, computers, and rap apparently all peaked between '07-'10 1552096;1475533699;ben_vulpes;"how come every joint on point like a harpoon" 1552097;1475533715;ben_vulpes;classic shit. 1552098;1475533757;*;pete_dushenski is quite enjoying "jay"'s 4.6l all-aluminum v8 atm now that he's commuting more. a radar detector is now near the top of the shopping list (yes, they're legal here) 1552099;1475533808;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: enjoy it while it lasts, here in mordor speed ticketing is ~100% camera-on-wheels 1552100;1475534010;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: my early research indicates that premium radar detectors a la valentine1 detect 'camera-on-wheels' on k and ka bands 1552101;1475534038;pete_dushenski;if perhaps with less warning than manned radar gun 1552102;1475534067;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F7TVM8m95Y << your b-minor for the day 1552103;1475534082;ben_vulpes;lmk if you want to commission a laser jammer pete_dushenski 1552104;1475534096;pete_dushenski;o ? 1552105;1475534147;ben_vulpes;been thinking about 'em for a while now. 1552106;1475534166;ben_vulpes;those little 30W modules asciilifeform found could take one out permamently. 1552107;1475534315;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1552100 << sorry pete_dushenski , this is a physics-nope. 1552108;1475534315;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 22:33 pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: my early research indicates that premium radar detectors a la valentine1 detect 'camera-on-wheels' on k and ka bands 1552109;1475534329;asciilifeform;thing works by having 2 cameras, each with licenseplate ocr 1552110;1475534343;asciilifeform;if you appear on camera b too soon after appearing in camera a, you get ticket. 1552111;1475534351;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: what do you need to get started on the commission ? time, money, both ? 1552112;1475534400;ben_vulpes;it's be a pretty pricey project, i don't really expect anyone to fund it. 1552113;1475534415;asciilifeform;(i will point out, it is not necessary for camera 'a' and 'b' to be sprouting from the same cabinet, though afaik they usually do) 1552114;1475534443;ben_vulpes;part of the 'catalogue of hardware for asymmetric statal combat' 1552115;1475534457;ben_vulpes;doubles as tire-popper! 1552116;1475534491;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: from my own experiments, and i hate to be the one to rain on the 'cheap blaster' parade - ir laser does not go far outdoors in the air. unless said air is peculiarly dry. 1552117;1475534503;asciilifeform;(it is absorbed by water.) 1552118;1475534546;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes however must not take my word for this, ought to set up a tube and camera etc. 1552119;1475534548;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: http://radartest.com/Photo-Radar-Test.asp 1552120;1475534561;asciilifeform;at the very least because mircea_popescu will only believe it if somebody other than asciilifeform says 'won't work' 1552121;1475534594;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: tire's emissivity implies decent conversion of non-ir wavelengths to heat, is this mistaken? 1552122;1475534601;ben_vulpes;(s/tire/rubber) 1552123;1475534605;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: the linked item appears to feature a normal radar thing 1552124;1475534627;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: conversion long before reaching target. 1552125;1475534638;asciilifeform;makes for an impressive 'scifi' blaster beam though. 1552126;1475534639;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: this is exactly 'camera-on-wheels' 1552127;1475534648;asciilifeform;(think, when you can see the beam, the light is not reaching the victim) 1552128;1475534655;pete_dushenski;'camera-on-pole' is a differnt beast, ofc. 1552129;1475534662;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: nope, your item is camera-cum-radargun-on-wheels 1552130;1475534665;asciilifeform;which is obsolete. 1552131;1475534723;asciilifeform;there is an imho interesting dynamic in speedtraps though, where the enforcement is never permitted to become ideal, or folks will simply drive very slowly and commerce grinds to a halt 1552132;1475534729;asciilifeform;so they are given 'sporting chance' 1552133;1475534760;asciilifeform;several years ago, a massive toll road opened where i live. if you go on it from one end to the other, you go through a dozen or so rfid arches. 1552134;1475534777;asciilifeform;(there is no other way to pay the toll, and license plate cameras look for deadheads) 1552135;1475534786;asciilifeform;so they could in THEORY bill 100% of the speeders 1552136;1475534798;asciilifeform;i.e. folks who reach arch N too quickly after reaching arch 1. 1552137;1475534805;asciilifeform;BUT they do not do this. 1552138;1475534816;asciilifeform;instead, there are 6 police cars working in shifts, with TRADITIONAL radar... 1552139;1475534821;asciilifeform;the 'sporting' aspect. 1552140;1475534874;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: in other "peak hip hop": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOzt_uPV-xA feat a young nikki and wayne sampling his own damn self 1552141;1475534902;asciilifeform;(incidentally, this principle is applicable - fundamental theorem of calculus!111 - to all speed traps - police could simply observe that your license plate appeared on street S1 too soon after it was seen on street S0 ! BUT observe, this is done in no city anywhere.) 1552142;1475534958;pete_dushenski; ben_vulpes lol she even ~sounds~ like a (much) lil(er) girl 1552143;1475534977;ben_vulpes;"fuck i look like? i'm lookin for a bitch that can fuck right, cook right. and if not, then left foot, right, get to steppin, yeah bitch walk like." 1552144;1475535128;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: lol you're joking rite. no city ? anywhere ? try THE ENTIRETY of airstrip one. the whole thing. it's one big trap of 'time from a to b should be => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=174620.0 1552467;1475554730;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 02:23 mircea_popescu: if you ever wondered what uppity tortilla'd have been like if born intelligent. 1552468;1475554740;pete_dushenski;trinque: cheers 1552469;1475554802;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/d2mmu << for tortilla posterity 1552470;1475554882;pete_dushenski;!#s golden toilet 1552471;1475554882;a111;94 results for "golden toilet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=golden%20toilet 1552472;1475554940;pete_dushenski;https://www.guggenheim.org/exhibition/maurizio-cattelan-america << for asciilifeform (and interestingly immune to archive.org and archive.is) 1552473;1475554981;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: was in log 1552474;1475555029;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-16#1542873 << 1552475;1475555029;a111;Logged on 2016-09-16 16:45 asciilifeform: 'The long-planned participatory (shall we say) sculpture by the Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan — a fully functional, solid 18-karat-gold copy of a Kohler toilet, an over-the-top apotheosis of wealth — was installed in the humble restroom on the fifth-floor ramp of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum late last week and will be open for business to anyone with the urge on Friday...' 1552476;1475555030;adlai;"For ???America??? Cattelan replaced the toilet in this restroom with a fully functional replica" ... functional? no side effects? 1552477;1475555071;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552469 << gotta wonder , where is he now. 1552478;1475555071;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:20 pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/d2mmu << for tortilla posterity 1552479;1475555087;pete_dushenski;a damn. you're eminently deserving of your elefant gravatar, asciilifeform. 1552480;1475555131;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski doesn't know the 'elephant' ? 1552481;1475555140;pete_dushenski;adlai: primary side effect is richard serra wincing in paint at the shot across his 'participatory art' bow. 1552482;1475555141;asciilifeform;from '5th element' 1552483;1475555154;pete_dushenski;in pain* 1552484;1475555171;adlai;why, i think he'd rather take it as a compliment 1552485;1475555175;pete_dushenski;or raw steel i suppose. just not paint 1552486;1475555178;adlai;you're using his usable doodad 1552487;1475555186;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: aha 1552488;1475555425;*;adlai starts reading http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552477, soon despairs, skims rest 1552489;1475555425;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:24 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552469 << gotta wonder , where is he now. 1552490;1475555461;BingoBoingo;!~step1 1552491;1475555462;jhvh1;1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable. 1552492;1475555467;BingoBoingo;!~step2 1552493;1475555467;jhvh1;2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 1552494;1475555476;adlai;!~step3 1552495;1475555476;jhvh1;3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 1552496;1475555479;adlai;!~step4 1552497;1475555479;jhvh1;4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 1552498;1475555482;adlai;!~step5 1552499;1475555482;jhvh1;5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 1552500;1475555486;adlai;!~step6 1552501;1475555486;jhvh1;6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 1552502;1475555490;adlai;!~step7 1552503;1475555490;jhvh1;7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 1552504;1475555496;adlai;do i need to keep spamming this useless shit? 1552505;1475555541;BingoBoingo;Well, are you still going to spill bottle everywhere? 1552506;1475555580;adlai;'''define''' spill 1552507;1475555592;trinque;!!down adlai 1552508;1475555623;trinque;enough fucking meta-conversation loop. 1552509;1475555730;adlai;asciilifeform: this is what happened to him: "The board of directors of Silvervault O?? has decided to close the operations. We expect the closure to be on effect June 2016, until which you may pick-up or sell your silver. Fixings will only be conducted on Thursdays. Thank you for the 5 years together, and sorry for the market turning against us!" 1552510;1475555789;trinque;you hit it, and more signal comes out 1552511;1475555792;*;trinque goes to bed 1552512;1475555997;*;pete_dushenski idem. 1552513;1475556279;adlai;(./bjam toolset=gcc link=static -sNO_BZIP2=1 -sNO_ZLIB=1 -sNO_COMPRESSION=1 || true) # FIX THIS ABOMINATION!!! 1552514;1475556306;adlai;also, i had to install 'cpio' on this box, whatever that is 1552515;1475556311;trinque;you fix that. 1552516;1475556315;adlai;no u! 1552517;1475556319;*;adlai thought trinque went to be 1552518;1475556323;trinque;christ, man. 1552519;1475556413;adlai;200~http://www.bricktestament.com/the_teachings_of_jesus/on_peace/lk12_49b.html 1552520;1475556432;*;adlai blinks at that weirdly smooth numba 1552521;1475556527;trinque;ftr I put that comment there. used to be that rotor lacked a -e and so would pass over the boost failing targets silently. while we don't use them, the `|| true` certainly has to go 1552522;1475556549;trinque;the task there is disabling all unused boost targets. 1552523;1475556570;mod6;adlai: did you get all of the vpatches then? 1552524;1475556579;adlai;mod6: yes, it's still building atm 1552525;1475556599;adlai;and by 'building' i mean gcc.compile.c++ing 1552526;1475556615;mod6;after a closer look on my side, you got that specific error because you were missing: 'bitcoin-asciilifeform.1.vpatch' 1552527;1475556621;mod6;sounds like it's resolved now. 1552528;1475556635;adlai;well, the missing patch is resolved; but the missing cpio - is a bug. 1552529;1475557114;adlai;wtf, i know of no cl lib that takes this long to build. even with sbcl. wtf. 1552530;1475557130;adlai;/usr/bin/ranlib ../../libcrypto.a || echo Never mind. << these people 1552531;1475557488;*;adlai encounters another bug, adds `G++ = cxx` to fix, wonders how deep the shithole rabbits 1552532;1475557586;adlai;oh here we go! net.cpp:35:1: error: reference to ???array??? is ambiguous 1552533;1475557596;adlai;no hat 1552534;1475558319;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552459 << i don't have statistical statistics on normal connection count but it ~doubled today as well. sustainedly, as well. 1552535;1475558319;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:10 pete_dushenski: in other holy cramolies i've never seen more than ~30 connections to laocoon but he's been maintaining 66-67 all day. werd. 1552536;1475558340;ben_vulpes;over seventy all day so i win or something 1552537;1475558432;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552504 << no you don't, and stop. 1552538;1475558432;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:31 adlai: do i need to keep spamming this useless shit? 1552539;1475558460;adlai;but i still can't build the silly offline trb doodad! 1552540;1475558478;*;adlai is stuck on the same error, trying to massage it with cppisms but... yuck 1552541;1475558513;ben_vulpes;what kind of system are you using? 1552542;1475558569;adlai;Linux adlai-t400 4.7.2-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Aug 20 23:02:56 CEST 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux 1552543;1475558589;adlai;t400 is the hardware. lenovo 1552544;1475558714;adlai;GOD FUCKING DAMNIT https://github.com/FairCoinTeam/fair-coin/issues/14 DOESN'T ACTUALLY EXPLAIN HOW THE DUDE FIXED IT SHIT 1552545;1475558757;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552529 << if i have a foggy notion of what you're undertaking you're probably compiling a linux kernel and a mountain of other things as well 1552546;1475558757;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:58 adlai: wtf, i know of no cl lib that takes this long to build. even with sbcl. wtf. 1552547;1475558779;adlai;dude i'm http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html - ing 1552548;1475558813;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/FairCoinTeam/fair-coin/commit/761475dbe4c5cb8dcc2a99ee4f67271c4cb5c357 1552549;1475558827;ben_vulpes;yeah so there's a linux to compile as well 1552550;1475558838;*;ben_vulpes waves hands furiously 1552551;1475558841;ben_vulpes;or so they tell me 1552552;1475558856;adlai;if this fixes it... 1552553;1475558882;*;adlai will then specify in his resume that he only worked with CLR, not CPP proper 1552554;1475558990;ben_vulpes;so what does replbot do 1552555;1475559123;adlai;wonders which cock mystery L1-only deeds suck 1552556;1475559287;ben_vulpes;really? that's what dragged you out of your hole? 1552557;1475559423;adlai;no, i tried building the shit and it failed. but you asked a silly question, so i gave a silly answer 1552558;1475571273;jurov;ben_vulpes: totally swell, just...is machine-readable output planned? 1552559;1475571347;jurov;if it's in lisp, just dump the sexpr, don't even bother with backwards compat 1552560;1475576602;jurov;adlai: it builds boost. which is worse compiletimewise than kernel :) 1552561;1475580973;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1t1A 1552562;1475580973;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1552563;1475584269;shinohai;https://twitter.com/CryptoHolmes/status/783113736831770624 <<< noshit.jpg 1552564;1475586390;mircea_popescu;and in other "better industrial machineries and processes", http://66.media.tumblr.com/eebe12d3bf4392541e286d6260e3c5d9/tumblr_nia5igC37I1trwqu4o1_400.gif 1552565;1475586424;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform am i getting a thing from you then ? 1552566;1475586582;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: later today, yes 1552567;1475586588;mircea_popescu;kewl. 1552568;1475586649;shinohai;INDUSTRIA ARGENTINA S.A. 1552569;1475586654;*;asciilifeform also preparing massive pile of research for blogification 1552570;1475586661;mircea_popescu;muy bien! 1552571;1475586721;*;asciilifeform slams head on desk, got 'private!11111' leaks via plaintext shitmail 1552572;1475586744;asciilifeform;wai, wai, people gotta be savages. 1552573;1475586785;mircea_popescu;lol 1552574;1475586791;mircea_popescu;explain this to the agent in question. 1552575;1475586815;mircea_popescu;unrelatedly, i wonder if anyone appreciates just how much their social skills, and generally speaking mental kernel improved as a result of interaction with #trilema. 1552576;1475586836;mircea_popescu;and i don't just mean the regulars. whole departments of teh usgistan got more education at work than in "college". 1552577;1475586891;asciilifeform;they typically go to the uni i went to, mircea_popescu . and know what they study? 'journalism'. 1552578;1475586899;mircea_popescu;aha. 1552579;1475586912;mircea_popescu;but still - they pay 50k or w/e ; which is significantly more than we charge. 1552580;1475586926;asciilifeform;it was 'undocumented' but everybody knew where the leprosorium was. 1552581;1475586991;mircea_popescu;much like in the other us. 1552582;1475586998;asciilifeform;aha. 1552583;1475587209;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also consider that if you don't keep a shitmail ; this becomes not possible. 1552584;1475587223;mircea_popescu;let them wotpaste in plaintext, why not. 1552585;1475587260;asciilifeform;and on dirigible there are no roof leaks also. 1552586;1475587274;asciilifeform;nor drain backs up. 1552587;1475587338;mircea_popescu;it seriously is not that impossibru, "if you would like to contact me, here's my pubkey, here's the wotpaste link, here's the irc channel. here are instructions how to do all this, step by step, for windows, even with "youtube tutorials". 1552588;1475587438;asciilifeform;my www had 'contact' link, it goes to empty page, gotta fix it to go phuctor-style 1552589;1475587452;mircea_popescu;aha 1552590;1475587526;mircea_popescu;the quarter or w/e i spent over the past month shows clearly that this CAN be done, even by the bottom of the barrel from that third world scammer forum known as tardstalk. 1552591;1475587651;mircea_popescu;if a marginally literate 17yo barefoot son of a farmer from goatfuckistan can manage to get kleopatra running on the 486 at the "luxor centre for businessmen" and then manage to register his key with deedbot over dial-up, so can the peonry. 1552592;1475588461;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552416 << i have nfi how you imagine this works, but it doesn't work this way. 1552593;1475588461;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 03:56 adlai: mod6: the shit fails, i'm trying to figure out why, but meanwhile, it's deeded - whatever that's worth 1552594;1475588540;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552431 <<< srsly? 1552595;1475588540;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:00 adlai used wget + emacs macro to get vpatches 1552596;1475588761;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552453 << for the record, "get a probe and do something useful with yourself" was not an invitation to enter the high phase of your bipolar. it was an invitation to get the actual probe, spend six weeks or whatever your skull actually needs learning how to use it, and then next year or w/e start shitting out useful things such as a pill for ddr or a pill for usb or a pill for nvidia or so fo 1552597;1475588761;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 04:08 adlai sure hopes dear reader understands wtf he's on about. if not -- goodnight 1552598;1475588761;mircea_popescu;llowing. but in any case - until and unless, you're still the shitstain you always were, shut the fuck up foremost, and stop thinking anyone gives two shits for your whole 150lb sack of flesh or whatever it is. 1552599;1475588863;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: and know what they study? << i thought it was "Communications" now or whatever the fuck US girls (who think they are princess) go into to get into a marketing department 1552600;1475588897;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: cia foreign service recruits (or at least once did) from uni of md 'journalism' sub-dept. 1552601;1475588903;thestringpuller;and despite how sexist it sounds, nearly every female of this type i've worked with is better suited to spitting out babies than actually bringing value to a corporation 1552602;1475588903;asciilifeform;dunno why. 1552603;1475588908;asciilifeform;and yes 1552604;1475588910;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1552605;1475588944;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and the dude, believe or not, went through bootcamp, drove a tank, you'd think he'd have learned something. 1552606;1475588983;asciilifeform;i suppose with enough dope anybody can unlearn anything..? 1552607;1475588983;thestringpuller;it's a fucking epidemic d00d. Perhaps it was Disney or maybe the dad's who decided it was a good idea to give their daughter any and all things, including that 80k BMW for graduating college with a degree (in communications). 1552608;1475589056;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu may enjoy reprogramming women before entering his harem, but I ain't trynna get into management. 1552609;1475589064;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: these mostly go to 'private', vs state, schools, but i did meet some. 1552610;1475589106;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform army doesn't actually need people to work. 1552611;1475589139;asciilifeform;how's that work, the tank drives itself ? 1552612;1475589154;asciilifeform;or idea is that lazy man ~will~ perform under the whip, or what. 1552613;1475589189;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller there's a lot of worthless paper money floating around, "investing it" in "the future" is not even much of a leap. way the fuck better than the local idiots, who run around "investing" their worthless paper money in "real estate" and keep telling themselves that a thirld world square foot with 0 amenties could nevertheless sell for 200 dollars. ie, 10x the heart of san francisco. 1552614;1475589224;mircea_popescu;then they go around and manufacture spoons that are a millimeter wider than standard jars. because soberania and industria argentina and head so far up the ass you can't even tell they have heads in the first place. 1552615;1475589243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's not so much "driving" involved. just follow. 1552616;1475589274;asciilifeform;yes, and i thought mircea_popescu's observation was precisely 'dude can't follow' 1552617;1475589302;asciilifeform;y'know, the thing army teaches folks to do. 1552618;1475589323;asciilifeform;to shuddup, and follow the next tracked coffin, to wherever. 1552619;1475589531;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i'm highly convinced corporate america is set up so women get knocked up. for realz, I think you get 6 months paid leave to spawn an offspring as a women here (at my salt mine at least), which hey, fine. So all and all it's just a device to get men wives. 1552620;1475589556;thestringpuller;Or at least that's how it's been playing out given the fact 50% of all women there are pregnant at any given time. 1552621;1475590213;mircea_popescu;white bitches won't spawn ; what's people to do. 1552622;1475590225;mircea_popescu;they'll even let them do it with black dudes and rappers, still dun do much. 1552623;1475590253;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he can't follow reliably ; otherwise most all he does is follow. 1552624;1475590321;mircea_popescu;you know, exactly like broken computer. if it doesn't compute altogether it's a brick not a computer. if it computes all the time and you can never trust the ouput, then it's a broken computer. 1552625;1475590631;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in other news i registered #loper-os and #asciilifeform defensively ; whenever you feel like building them up say and i'll pass them along. 1552626;1475590674;mircea_popescu;and i recall saying this before, but anyway - every lord should seriously consider registering a channel for himself. the way this is going is towards such a federation anyway. 1552627;1475590742;mircea_popescu;and in other fucking nonsense, freenode has decided to redirect ALL inbound links to its most recent web page, to advertise to the world privateinternetaccess.com, ie the nsa front ; and their derpitude in support of "resurrecting tor". this of course includes all old manual pages and everything else. 1552628;1475590744;asciilifeform;danke mircea_popescu 1552629;1475590749;asciilifeform;i only had trilema-asciilifeform previously. 1552630;1475590752;mircea_popescu;fucking shameless imbeciles. 1552631;1475590771;mircea_popescu;!!rate christel -10 usg tool 1552632;1475590771;deedbot;christel is not registered in WoT. 1552633;1475590775;mircea_popescu;unsurprisingly. 1552634;1475590858;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/domain/privateinternetaccess.com/ << if anyone is interested in building a list of known usg pinoy reddit accounts. 1552635;1475590899;mircea_popescu;including, obviously, rickard falkvinge & his merry gang of sellouts. 1552636;1475590938;*;shinohai adds theymos to the list 1552637;1475591180;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/ethereum-come-at-me-bro-patch-attacked-as-invitation-is-taken/ << Qntra - Ethereum "Come At Me Bro" Patch Attacked As Invitation Is Taken 1552638;1475591266;mircea_popescu;(incidentally, the source on "andrew lee" being the ceo of privateinternetaccess.com is... an ancient ars technica article... about... oh you've guessed it; mtgox. http://archive.is/5OSIG 1552639;1475591291;mircea_popescu;aquihire, the favourite nsa mechanism for implanting its shitheads in corps. 1552640;1475591333;mircea_popescu;win-win, it both creates the impression that "200 mn, you could be next!" for the herd of mouthbreathers shelling out 50 bux to see pg eat rubber chicken and stale macaroni out of a plastic plate ; and delivers "under the radar" implants. 1552641;1475591429;mircea_popescu;(and yes the name is very likely a fake, or w/e, a "literary pseudonym". because historical andrew daulton lee, and aren't we fucking clever over at md journo school.) 1552642;1475591726;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/eiEBR#selection-1041.0-1047.1 for the vague lulz potential. 1552643;1475591882;asciilifeform;'One of PIA’s biggest selling points (like other VPN providers) is that it does not log anything, and thus has little data to actually hand over to law enforcement.' << lel 1552644;1475591889;asciilifeform;Believe Moar Promises 1552645;1475591918;mircea_popescu;right ? much like "bitbet.us doesn't log anything" which then seamlessly turns into "of course it does" the moment i pull the chain. 1552646;1475591923;asciilifeform;the greatest american who ever lived, p. t. barnum, is not forgotten in his motherland. his work lives. 1552647;1475591929;mircea_popescu;i don't have a middle finger long enough for these fuckers. 1552648;1475592011;mircea_popescu;anyway, since you seem to care, notice how it's perfectly fine for privateinternetaccess.com to fill EVERY AVAILABLE REDDIT every time they pen some new piece of braindamage ? it's not clear they average less than 6 per, and notice how the votes go ? 1552649;1475592022;mircea_popescu;that's reddit for you. agency washing for the ruminant masses. 1552650;1475592040;asciilifeform;sorta what it's for, neh 1552651;1475592046;mircea_popescu;quite. 1552652;1475592137;mircea_popescu;lulzy as fuck ; both vorhees and casares were there with me when i told them i'm taking mtgox down. in spite of everything teh usg could come up with, i took it down. yet they STILL believe the entity to suck the dick of is the usg. 1552653;1475592154;mircea_popescu;braindamage on this level is why america needs to be made great again in the first place. 1552654;1475592193;asciilifeform;mtgox, evidently, was not a sufficient stalingrad. 1552655;1475592214;mircea_popescu;depends for whom. for idiots there's no sufficient stalingrad. kinda the definition. 1552656;1475592245;asciilifeform;nah, a stalingrad, definitionally, suffices for the folks on the bus. 1552657;1475592252;asciilifeform;to know which way the elevator is going. 1552658;1475592271;mircea_popescu;what can i tell ye. maybe. 1552659;1475592385;asciilifeform;'The theory is that while a court can compel someone to not speak (a gag order), it cannot compel someone to lie.' << orly. 1552660;1475592543;mircea_popescu;perhaps the entomo-lulziest bit in the historical pile, of course, being https://archive.is/bhnUj (2012-03 vs http://trilema.com/2011/fetele-bitcoin-ului-episodul-i/ 2011-09). 1552661;1475592552;mircea_popescu;thing started life as a "copy trilema six months later" affair. 1552662;1475592582;mircea_popescu;gah wrong link where is it 1552663;1475592635;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/fetele-bitcoin-ului-episodul-iii << correct item 1552664;1475592748;PeterL;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6evj2/?raw=true << lamport.py , a python port of asciilifeform's lamport-parachute scripts 1552665;1475592782;asciilifeform;PeterL: neato 1552666;1475592817;PeterL;uses the same formatting for files, so you should be able to e.g. generate key with one and use it on the other 1552667;1475592827;mircea_popescu;even better. 1552668;1475592837;asciilifeform;(in actual practice, i would probably use sha512 or keccak; sha256 was for pedagogic example only) 1552669;1475592874;PeterL;aha. Changing hash algo in this is not as easy as in your thing, because I built it in 1552670;1475592875;asciilifeform;notice, with my original, you can substitute in your favourite hasher without changing the code. 1552671;1475592878;asciilifeform;aha. 1552672;1475592928;asciilifeform;PeterL: what is the logic in ' if hexmessage[-1] == 'L': ' ? 1552673;1475592969;PeterL;there is probably a better way to convert into hex, but I was getting hex with an L at the end of the string, because python 1552674;1475593016;mircea_popescu;ehehe 1552675;1475593096;PeterL;I am also not convinced my way is the best way of getting a binary string for the encoding 1552676;1475593118;PeterL;seemed kinda kludgy 1552677;1475593146;PeterL;off to a meeting, bbl 1552678;1475593148;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://www.larrycollinsfineart.com/arsenault/John%20Arsenault%20-Patriotic%20Overload,%202001%20c-print.jpg (notice the toes.) 1552679;1475593193;trinque;so this is what happens when you invert the dakka 1552680;1475593210;mircea_popescu;kakka ? 1552681;1475593268;trinque;cukka, lol 1552682;1475593275;mircea_popescu;lol 1552683;1475594070;phf;PeterL: '%x' % num 1552684;1475594345;jurov;or import binhex (it's in python std lib) 1552685;1475594364;jurov;PeterL has strings, not integers anyway 1552686;1475594459;jurov;er.. sorry, it's binascii.hexlify() 1552687;1475594459;phf;jurov: hexmessage = hex(int(binmessage, 2))[2:] 1552688;1475594628;mircea_popescu;^ 1552689;1475594766;jurov;nevermind, seems i misread the code 1552690;1475595377;asciilifeform;ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set. 1552691;1475595385;asciilifeform;trinque, shinohai , mircea_popescu , et al ^ 1552692;1475595490;asciilifeform;'AMD’s PSP is based around a single 32-bit ARM Cortex-A5, with its own isolated ROM and SRAM but has access to system memory and resources. It contains logic to deal with the x86 POST process but also features a cryptographic co-processor.' << they stuffed, finally, their 'fritz chip', into the g-series. 1552693;1475595600;asciilifeform;https://github.com/coreboot/blobs/tree/master/southbridge/amd/kern/PSP << lulzy, on subj. 1552694;1475595906;mircea_popescu;heh 1552695;1475595921;asciilifeform;the payloads aren't, interestingly, encrypted 1552696;1475595922;asciilifeform;only signed 1552697;1475595934;mircea_popescu;gonna extract some ? 1552698;1475595942;asciilifeform;no need to extract, it is right there ! 1552699;1475595950;mircea_popescu;ah, but to trust this ? 1552700;1475595961;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is what gets rolled into coreboot 1552701;1475595965;asciilifeform;so these are what run on the apu2. 1552702;1475595989;asciilifeform;i'd like to get their pubkey into phuctor, but it is in some peculiar format. (if somebody can discern a modulus in there, please write in.) 1552703;1475596058;mircea_popescu;"Features and fixes: 1. ENH466357: Reduce PSP/SMN clock back to 300 MHz as a temporarily workaround for eCZ B10/A10 fused parts." eh, what am i looking at here ? 1552704;1475596161;asciilifeform;amd's shitball, as-released 1552705;1475596173;asciilifeform;it gets rolled into coreboot, or post-2013 chip doesn't release from reset on warmup. 1552706;1475596197;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/biNPy << related lulz. 1552707;1475596529;asciilifeform;'PSP: The Cortex A8 running trustzone firmware, implemented from family 15h model 60h (Carrizo) and family 16h model 30h (Mullins) and up. It is running Trustonic TEE OS licensed by AMD. PSP Boot ROM runs *before* x86 core. Then non-bootrom PSP parts are stored (zlib-compressed) in the main flash. Bypass mechanism available via strap pin, but dummy and AMD signed bypass binaries needs to be always run. It is expected that newer CPUs 1552708;1475596529;asciilifeform;will offload part of AGESA to the PSP, making memory init even part of the PSP :(' -- https://www.coreboot.org/Binary_situation . 1552709;1475596876;mircea_popescu;aha 1552710;1475596892;mircea_popescu;trustonic lmao 1552711;1475597133;asciilifeform;https://android.googlesource.com/platform/hardware/samsung_slsi/exynos5/+/master/libkeymaster/tlcTeeKeymaster_if.c#831 << possibly the key format. 1552712;1475597140;asciilifeform;(unless they made an entirely other one for x86) 1552713;1475597167;mircea_popescu;worth checking 1552714;1475597205;asciilifeform;ok am i dreaming, or did i just read... 1552715;1475597207;asciilifeform;' |--key metadata--|--public modulus--|--public exponent--|--private exponent--|' 1552716;1475597218;mircea_popescu;lol ? 1552717;1475597241;mircea_popescu;no there it is, line 839 1552718;1475597269;shinohai;O.o 1552719;1475597269;mircea_popescu;how is rsa supposed to work with different exponents ? 1552720;1475597371;asciilifeform;realize, if we know the private exponent, we can demolish the N. 1552721;1475597379;asciilifeform;in a few seconds. 1552722;1475597446;asciilifeform;but i cannot presently believe that the 'd' (private exponent) is actually in there. 1552723;1475597447;mircea_popescu;the privexp doesn't seem to be used/referenced in that code snippet though. 1552724;1475597450;asciilifeform;nobody is that stupid. 1552725;1475597463;mircea_popescu;tee-get-pubkey just loads a mod and exp like in sanity. 1552726;1475597565;asciilifeform;it is the key format that interested me. 1552727;1475597699;mircea_popescu;i somehow can;t believe they just gave away the key. 1552728;1475597716;mircea_popescu;esp as this is >1 year old by now. foss right, many eyes ? 1552729;1475598163;BingoBoingo;Why wouldn't they give it away? Sony did. 1552730;1475598327;mircea_popescu;heh 1552731;1475598354;ben_vulpes;jurov: thanks, that'd be one of those 'glaring oversights' 1552732;1475598359;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/k081w/?raw=true http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/wv3x3/?raw=true << have we heroes ?? 1552733;1475598361;BingoBoingo;Anyways this seems to be the way the Republic's eye works. Jools are hiding in plain sight unseen. Republican eye turn upon them for unrelated bsns. Jools get got. 1552734;1475598378;mircea_popescu;nothing got here as of yet. but sure. 1552735;1475598443;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1552224 << thought about it, now understand 1552736;1475598443;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 23:46 mircea_popescu: think about it. 1552737;1475598946;shinohai;!!up GiveMe5 1552738;1475598946;deedbot;GiveMe5 voiced for 30 minutes. 1552739;1475598974;GiveMe5;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/gcygb/?raw=true 1552740;1475598995;shinohai;GiveMe5: do this !!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/gcygb/?raw=true 1552741;1475599019;GiveMe5;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/gcygb/?raw=true 1552742;1475599021;deedbot;B661FC04321E3F47F254A0FBA40B09860B4CC476 registered as GiveMe5. 1552743;1475599032;GiveMe5;finish 1552744;1475599047;GiveMe5;now? 1552745;1475599142;asciilifeform; default "3rdparty/blobs/southbridge/amd/avalon/PSP/AmdPubKey.bin" if CPU_AMD_PI_00730F01 1552746;1475599142;asciilifeform; default "3rdparty/blobs/southbridge/amd/kern/PSP/AmdPubKeyCZ.bin" if CPU_AMD_PI_00660F01 1552747;1475599146;asciilifeform;^ from coreboot src. 1552748;1475599170;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: is it just me or is it a strange thing that the pubkey is in there at all. 1552749;1475599176;asciilifeform;i would think it would be in mask rom. 1552750;1475599194;asciilifeform;(what prevents the substitution of another pubkey ?) 1552751;1475599195;mircea_popescu;so would i. but hey, we're not hardware developers. 1552752;1475599204;mircea_popescu;maybe the privkey is in mask rom ? 1552753;1475599215;asciilifeform;that would be hilarious 1552754;1475599224;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you. 1552755;1475599336;asciilifeform;!!up kmalkki 1552756;1475599336;deedbot;kmalkki voiced for 30 minutes. 1552757;1475599346;kmalkki;hi 1552758;1475599354;asciilifeform;hi Kyösti 1552759;1475599379;kmalkki;so.. a package should arrive in your inbox anytime soon 1552760;1475599385;asciilifeform;kmalkki: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690 << here's what you missed re thread. 1552761;1475599385;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set. 1552762;1475599430;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: kmalkki is an experimenter with sage/amd g-series/etc. 1552763;1475599438;PeterL;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/536oi/?raw=true 1552764;1475599462;deedbot;accepted: 1 1552765;1475599473;mircea_popescu;kmalkki consider registering your rsa key with deedbot. 1552766;1475599494;trinque;I get such great stuff for free running deedbot. 1552767;1475599505;mircea_popescu;whatcha get ? 1552768;1475599517;trinque;just now a python lamport-achute 1552769;1475599535;trinque;other times, vintage gpg, complete deps for trb, all sorts of things 1552770;1475599564;asciilifeform;kmalkki: i received your find, it is very spiffy. 1552771;1475599689;kmalkki;I chose the smallest raw binary, SmartUpdater to experiment with 1552772;1475599701;PeterL;the question I have, is lamport-achute any easier for people to understand if written in python than in bash? 1552773;1475599707;kmalkki;readelf and objdump now understand and disassemble it nicely 1552774;1475599757;asciilifeform;kmalkki: ida happily eats the update payload. 1552775;1475599841;asciilifeform;kmalkki: the stellaris arm also had jtag pins, handily brought out to pcb, as seen here, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sage/test_points.jpg , i plugged it into a busblaster and eventually stepped through the execution from reset to where it checked the serial. 1552776;1475599907;asciilifeform;kmalkki: now more interestingly, hdt is simply a protocol on top of jtag, imho the main scientific interest in the smartprobe fw would be to extract the protocol. 1552777;1475599932;asciilifeform;so that folks do not need to rely on the extinct smartprobe and can make own debugger (the pinout is public) 1552778;1475599967;mircea_popescu;trinque a yeah. hehe. 1552779;1475599969;kmalkki;do you have access to AMD BKDG documents? 1552780;1475599972;asciilifeform;kmalkki: but the other prong of this is your apparent discovery that new g-series boards disable hdt somehow 1552781;1475599979;asciilifeform;kmalkki: i do not and will not sign any nda. 1552782;1475599999;asciilifeform;if you would like to post them publicly, send them pgp-encrypted to any of the folks here. 1552783;1475600781;kmalkki;I just found the HDT debug support in the NDAd BKDG 1552784;1475600789;kmalkki;it has been removed from the public BKDG 1552785;1475600792;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1t65 1552786;1475600792;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1552787;1475600883;asciilifeform;kmalkki: i know that it is in the private one, yes. 1552788;1475600895;asciilifeform;(or rather, that it was not in any of the public datashits.) 1552789;1475600947;asciilifeform;but no, i don't have access to any amd members-only whatevers. 1552790;1475600958;asciilifeform;and never did. 1552791;1475601038;asciilifeform;kmalkki: do you perchance know the format of the amd public keys seen here : http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552732 ( from coreboot dist ) 1552792;1475601038;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 16:25 asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/k081w/?raw=true http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/wv3x3/?raw=true << have we heroes ?? 1552793;1475601148;asciilifeform;!!up kmalkki 1552794;1475601148;deedbot;kmalkki voiced for 30 minutes. 1552795;1475601180;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai 1552796;1475601216;kmalkki;I believe I know the key format, 1 min 1552797;1475601239;*;adlai orders probe & lurks until he has something more useful to contribute than yesterday's babble 1552798;1475601263;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/after-recent-leak-north-sea-lubricated-to-spec-per-bps-assessment/ << Qntra - After Recent Leak North Sea Lubricated To Spec Per BP's Assessment 1552799;1475601341;asciilifeform;https://github.com/coreboot/coreboot/blob/master/util/amdfwtool/amdfwtool.c << this appears to show where it ends up sitting down in the coreboot flash image, but not the format. 1552800;1475601754;mircea_popescu;lmao 1552801;1475601776;mircea_popescu;lubricate the sea, lower transportation costs, save the environment! 1552802;1475601831;asciilifeform;the sea, lol, but apparently it is possible to 'lubricate' tapwater, reduces vorticing and friction loss. discovered in '70s in su, iirc, never used for anything. 1552803;1475601867;asciilifeform;you add short polymer chains, they 'drag', so to speak, the water. 1552804;1475602025;mircea_popescu;finally a use for all that plastic sludge in the pacific. 1552805;1475602033;mircea_popescu;YOU CAN ADD IT T O TAP WATER 1552806;1475602046;mircea_popescu;"we found this abundant shit we dunno what to do with." "add it to tap water." 1552807;1475602069;kmalkki;there is SHA-256 hash of AmdPubKey.bin stored in PSP BootROM 1552808;1475602090;asciilifeform;kmalkki: so all we need is a collision to break the thing ? 1552809;1475602102;asciilifeform;of one single sha2 ? 1552810;1475602112;mircea_popescu;that's not terribly expensive. 1552811;1475602123;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can be pretty expensive if there is any structure checking 1552812;1475602137;mircea_popescu;well it's a pubkey. 1552813;1475602137;asciilifeform;(i.e. if the collision needs to be a turd in a similar format) 1552814;1475602154;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pubkey-with-header, presumably, so i'd like to know 1) where is the modulus 2) is there checksum etc. 1552815;1475602155;mircea_popescu;why ? you don't care what you iterate over ; whatever format it may be you iterate that. 1552816;1475602167;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: narrows the space, yes. 1552817;1475602172;mircea_popescu;tru. 1552818;1475602172;asciilifeform;ergo - more expensive. 1552819;1475602241;asciilifeform;kmalkki: if it is an rsa key, i would like to get it into phuctor. 1552820;1475602255;asciilifeform;kmalkki: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com . 1552821;1475602353;kmalkki;0x38 4 bytes exponent size 1552822;1475602380;kmalkki;0x3c 4 bytes modulus size 1552823;1475602461;asciilifeform;0x01...0x03 seems to be a constant, 1. but what's 0x04..0x38.. ? 1552824;1475602563;kmalkki;0x40 N bytes public exponent (N = 0x100 for RSA-2048) 1552825;1475602581;kmalkki;0x140 N bytes modulus 1552826;1475602623;kmalkki;0x04 .. 0x38 sort of GUIDs, unique identifiers for chain-of-trust 1552827;1475602635;asciilifeform;interesting 1552828;1475602644;asciilifeform;any idea whether the latter are derived from the modulus ? 1552829;1475602961;asciilifeform;Framedragger: did you ever post your converter-to-rfc4880 script ? 1552830;1475602977;asciilifeform;!!up kmalkki 1552831;1475602978;deedbot;kmalkki voiced for 30 minutes. 1552832;1475603036;shinohai;!~ticker --market all 1552833;1475603042;jhvh1;shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 607.0, vol: 3286.01228327 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 607.502, vol: 3372.35673 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 611.3, vol: 5470.86711697 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 610.322347, vol: 176768.49800000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 611.337, vol: 387.8041609 | Volume-weighted last average: 610.244758437 1552834;1475603096;asciilifeform;kmalkki: something is strange. the format appears to be little-endian, but if we look at some of the pubkeys in http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/k081w/?raw=true , they would appear to be EVEN 1552835;1475603155;asciilifeform;e.g., 'avalon' PspSecureDebug.Key , ends in 0e a8 92 70 . 1552836;1475603238;asciilifeform;do you know what an even rsa modulus implies ? 1552837;1475603300;kmalkki;that is different sized file, different format 1552838;1475603313;asciilifeform;lolk 1552839;1475603317;asciilifeform;do you happen to know the format ? 1552840;1475603590;kmalkki;same as before, but from 0x240 starts signature with RSA-SSA-SIGN with AMD's private key 1552841;1475603616;asciilifeform;ah thx 1552842;1475603644;kmalkki;the idea behind all this, is OEM can send their public key to AMD to be signed 1552843;1475603677;kmalkki;and then OEM can sign their firmware without bothering AMD for every build 1552844;1475603692;asciilifeform;any idea how amd revokes ? 1552845;1475603808;kmalkki;they don't if there is only single SHA-256 fused in PSP bootrom for their public key? 1552846;1475603829;asciilifeform;that would appear to be so 1552847;1475604092;asciilifeform;though it raises the question of why they would not simply share their master key with the OEMs then 1552848;1475604106;asciilifeform;if it reduces to the same thing, given lack of revocation mechanism 1552849;1475604150;asciilifeform;perhaps it was simply to trace leaks. 1552850;1475604222;kmalkki;I guess you have heard how AMD SMU keys leaked out for previous gen? 1552851;1475604293;asciilifeform;kmalkki: https://events.ccc.de/congress/2014/Fahrplan/system/attachments/2503/original/ccc-final.pdf << these ? 1552852;1475604310;kmalkki;yep 1552853;1475604363;asciilifeform;it was interesting, but does not help with the crippled psp. 1552854;1475604408;asciilifeform;(smu is a southbridge animal) 1552855;1475604462;asciilifeform;iirc cpu will run with a nulled smu rom. 1552856;1475604809;asciilifeform;!!up kmalkki 1552857;1475604809;deedbot;kmalkki voiced for 30 minutes. 1552858;1475604922;asciilifeform;kmalkki: how did you determine the fact about the sha256 at boot ? 1552859;1475605125;kmalkki;documentation only 1552860;1475605142;asciilifeform;... consider sharing ? 1552861;1475605783;mircea_popescu;kmalkki> 0x40 N bytes public exponent (N = 0x100 for RSA-2048) << o seriously, e is 256 bits long ? 1552862;1475605823;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i just verified, indeed, they left a 2048-bit long chunk of bits for the 65537 to live in ! 1552863;1475605826;asciilifeform;in all of the keys. 1552864;1475605830;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1552865;1475605831;kmalkki;256 bytes or 2048 bits 1552866;1475605861;mircea_popescu;o right, because it's rsa 2048, so e should be 2048 bits. makes sense >.< 1552867;1475605877;asciilifeform;hey, futureproof!11111 1552868;1475605889;mircea_popescu;right. 1552869;1475606469;kmalkki;note that RtmPubSigned.key[0x14..0x23] == AmdPubKey.bin[0x04..0x13] 1552870;1475606480;asciilifeform;i did notice. 1552871;1475606489;asciilifeform;they are constant for each blobset. 1552872;1475606639;asciilifeform;!!up kmalkki 1552873;1475606639;deedbot;kmalkki voiced for 30 minutes. 1552874;1475606686;mircea_popescu;cosmic ray protection ? 1552875;1475606732;mircea_popescu;in entirely unrelated nonlulz, "Todos los derechos individuales reconocidos y consagrados por la Constitución Nacional están sujetos a las limitaciones o modificaciones que los derechos de la sociedad imponen, es decir, a un poder de reglamentación con fines de conveniencia social y seguridad común, como que el bienestar y prosperidad general es precisamente uno de los primordiales objetivos de todo estatuto constituciona 1552876;1475606732;mircea_popescu;l, y particularmente del nuestro, según reza con toda claridad su propio preámbulo." 1552877;1475606751;mircea_popescu;what is a socialist state ? why, any state that purports to hold individual rights hostage to imaginary "rights of society". 1552878;1475606823;asciilifeform;ok, so, 1552879;1475606828;asciilifeform;blob = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb').read() 1552880;1475606828;asciilifeform;(exp_size, mod_size) = struct.unpack_from(", right? 1553065;1475627694;trinque;(nice thing HEY FEATURE REQUEST PLX) 1553066;1475627715;trinque;yeah 1553067;1475627717;ben_vulpes;(yeah mhm write it down and feed it through the shredder to the right) 1553068;1475627724;ben_vulpes;not until i rewrite the storage layer. 1553069;1475627737;ben_vulpes;would you be happy with indices? 1553070;1475627753;trinque;no; ain't nobody got time for that 1553071;1475627782;ben_vulpes;i'm not doing that immediately because it means either parallelize the hashing of transactions or precompute and cache them. 1553072;1475627814;trinque;I was kidding though; can I look up index in gettransaction or something? 1553073;1475627820;trinque;index might be fine 1553074;1475627826;ben_vulpes;how are you spotting deed confirmations now? 1553075;1475627837;trinque;the damned wallet, cursed be its name 1553076;1475627842;ben_vulpes;ick 1553077;1475627863;ben_vulpes;see if you can figure out the tx index within the block 1553078;1475627864;trinque;it's the pigs fault for dressing so slutty 1553079;1475627869;ben_vulpes;lolu 1553080;1475627887;ben_vulpes;if you can be happified with index-in-block for the short term, i'll give you an index anchor. 1553081;1475627903;*;ben_vulpes off, it's fwednesday 1553082;1475628041;trinque;isn't in gettransaction so neh. I'll just link to the block for now. 1553083;1475628056;trinque;cya! 1553084;1475628261;mircea_popescu;mimisbrunnr is pretty coolbool 1553085;1475628350;shinohai;as with links, w3m also barfs on it too 1553086;1475628358;shinohai;I still love it 1553087;1475628751;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552559 << append raw=true to url, it says. 1553088;1475628751;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 08:55 jurov: if it's in lisp, just dump the sexpr, don't even bother with backwards compat 1553089;1475629068;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553075 << i lolled. because it's sad. because it's true. 1553090;1475629068;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 00:37 trinque: the damned wallet, cursed be its name 1553091;1475629078;mod6;i did too. haha 1553092;1475629153;shinohai;mod6 do you still have that issue where yours shows incorrect balance? 1553093;1475629214;mod6;on that one test node of mine ya 1553094;1475629244;shinohai;weird. I still haven't had that happen yet 1553095;1475629407;mod6;well, it'd be interesting to see if it started because of sending a number of high-s txns or something back in Januaray when I was testing that vpatch. 1553096;1475629419;mod6;*shrug* no idea. 1553097;1475629427;mod6;i'll have to check into it. 1553098;1475629476;mod6;someone else has seen this issue too, can't remember who. trinque maybe? anyway, yeah, it's some balderdash. 1553099;1475629524;shinohai;I think pete_dushenski mentioned it, don't quote me on that though. 1553100;1475629866;mod6;ah, yeah could be. 1553101;1475630591;trinque;mod6: yeah, I saw it when I didn't specify -lows 1553102;1475630615;trinque;because highs transactions would be malleated to lows, and then the wallet wouldn't notice they confirmed 1553103;1475630649;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553054 << lol shitphone 1553104;1475630649;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 00:21 shinohai: https://whispersystems.org/bigbrother/eastern-virginia-grand-jury/ <<< heh signal got subpoenaed for user data 1553105;1475630655;asciilifeform;Believe Moar Promisetronics 1553106;1475630717;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what means 'Unable to decode destination address.' , http://mimisbrunnr.cascadianhacker.com/blocks?height=432901 ? 1553107;1475630737;asciilifeform;i see quite a few of these. 1553108;1475630772;shinohai;likely one of the prb turds not supported 1553109;1475630807;asciilifeform;i don't grasp how this kind of thing can work without being a hardfork 1553110;1475630836;asciilifeform;say i use prb to send C coin to addr A, via some strange method that results in ben_vulpes 'unable to decode' 1553111;1475630853;shinohai;yup, same block shows p2sh addys on blokechain.info where "unable to decode" appears 1553112;1475630860;asciilifeform;does it thereby follow that prb and trb have differing notions of how much coin is contained in A ? 1553113;1475630977;mod6;<+trinque> because highs transactions would be malleated to lows, and then the wallet wouldn't notice they confirmed << aha. right on. 1553114;1475631492;mod6;asciilifeform: huh, weird. looking at block '432901', the first one in the list @ mimisbrunnr that says 'Unable to decode...' is this txn: https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/tx/7affd7cd864678e0ed23a96841c8ef8a76f0df3521a230d94e9d9cf8e1e12dc7/ 1553115;1475631509;mod6;and there is a special message there under Estimated Value Sent: 1553116;1475631515;mod6;"Estimated Value Sent" excludes known change addresses. For example, let's say we have a single transaction where address A sends 1 BTC to address B and also 1 BTC back to address A as change, then only 1 BTC is estimated to have been sent. Proper use of a new change address for each transaction (like all HD wallet implementations) obfuscate this feature. 1553117;1475631862;mircea_popescu;trinque actually - wallet does notice the new inbound tx spending from one of its addresses. 1553118;1475631873;mircea_popescu;at least in all prb i know of 1553119;1475631982;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform your trb node is not capable to send money from derpy addresses ; which is ok because it's also not able to send to them. other people are more than free to do whatever the fuck they like. 1553120;1475632089;mircea_popescu;currently some miners process, eg, 3-leading bitcoin addresses. while that lasts, trb can send money to you. once it goes away - can send no longer, resulting in some lost bitcoin (practically, sent to unspendable address) 1553121;1475634382;asciilifeform;the thing i do not understand is, how does the thing not fork? say i fire up a prbtron and prbsend to A. then fire up trbtron and send same coin to B. 1553122;1475634394;asciilifeform;what prevents ? 1553123;1475634426;asciilifeform;possibly answer is, trb thinks i sent it to neverneverland ? 1553124;1475634456;asciilifeform;i could work out the details from prb src, but am loathe to 1553125;1475636446;asciilifeform;!~later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/2xuq2/?raw=true ! 1553126;1475636446;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1553127;1475637801;thestringpuller;did mircea_popescu ever get his amazon gift cert 1553128;1475637812;thestringpuller;i'll grab it for you if you want 1553129;1475637816;*;asciilifeform can also 1553130;1475639202;asciilifeform;elsewhere, 'It is indeed a great folk song, and although I don't know this as a fact, it seems to have been inspired by a certain depressive tendency surrounding alcohol. Many people don't quite understand this, but alcohol is an intelligence, along with all other vegetable derivatives and extracts. This isn't negative, but you can definitely tell the difference between a sober German musician and the ones who tread into bars for s 1553131;1475639202;asciilifeform;pirits and the forests for unconventional allies.' 1553132;1475639265;trinque;adlai check it out; there's intelligence in booze. 1553133;1475639319;asciilifeform;quoted this specifically for him. 1553134;1475639333;trinque;lol 1553135;1475639336;thestringpuller;Balmer Peak? 1553136;1475639366;asciilifeform;evidently. 1553137;1475639403;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5377DC3F52C67DB02FB2F4CBC7391DDD471AF66B9AFF37F4A5FB782434DC1748 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99916434751733729770393647 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Shell Arkell ; ' 1553138;1475639416;asciilifeform;blam. 1553139;1475639448;asciilifeform;aw, mirrorolade. 1553140;1475639539;trinque;http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations/ << this "zenrio" has shown up before 1553141;1475639550;asciilifeform;that's because it's mirrorolade. 1553142;1475639559;asciilifeform;it will keep coming back, forever. 1553143;1475639581;asciilifeform;with decaying frequency, but will. 1553144;1475639616;asciilifeform;8ball will keep makin' the rubble bounce. 1553145;1475639646;trinque;from now on I'm gonna have a pang of "OH SHIT, WAS IT THE AMD KEYS?!" every time there's a phuctor rss 1553146;1475639652;asciilifeform;ahahaha yes 1553147;1475639887;asciilifeform;and why else do you think i put'em in, trinque . 1553148;1475639898;asciilifeform;we'll be throwing in intel also. 1553149;1475639925;asciilifeform;will also come in handy once we roll out meat phuctoring. 1553150;1475639931;asciilifeform;('drop privkey here') 1553151;1475641714;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/kim-kardashian-bound-gagged-and-robbed-after-social-media-use/ << Qntra - Kim Kardashian Bound, Gagged, and Robbed After Social Media Use 1553152;1475642535;BingoBoingo;!!up fitra 1553153;1475642536;deedbot;fitra voiced for 30 minutes. 1553154;1475642569;fitra;hello 1553155;1475642686;fitra;i want to claim the free bitcoin 1553156;1475642686;fitra;i want to claim the free bitcoin 1553157;1475642686;fitra;i want to claim the free bitcoin 1553158;1475642686;fitra;i want to claim the free bitcoin 1553159;1475642806;asciilifeform;!!down fitra 1553160;1475642856;asciilifeform;revolting. 1553161;1475642867;asciilifeform;what do you use these for, again, mircea_popescu 1553162;1475642889;asciilifeform;i cannot picture any use for them, try as i might. 1553163;1475642906;asciilifeform;other than biodiesel. 1553164;1475643809;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1553050 << what's the draw? phreee wagner 'n cyanide ? 1553165;1475643809;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 23:15 mircea_popescu: incidentally, anyoen going to the coreboot conference in berlin ? 1553166;1475643881;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552971 << i dun get, why not steal the plaintext shitmail upstream with echelon etc.? 1553167;1475643881;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 19:36 shinohai: In "Nobody is shocked" news http://archive.is/Qrd3P 1553168;1475646185;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/04/voltaire-money-adnotated-part-1/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Voltaire. Money. Adnotated. Part 1. 1553169;1475647367;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553162 << my understanding is that eulora n00bs have value in that they can yield lower-quality raw materials that players with higher skills cannot, and there's a current n00b shortage 1553170;1475647367;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 04:48 asciilifeform: i cannot picture any use for them, try as i might. 1553171;1475647396;lobbes;but I guess you gotta weed through the derps to see if any will stick 1553172;1475648111;mircea_popescu;motherfucker 1553173;1475648134;mircea_popescu;so i just spent every last peso i had, because i was up all night partying 1553174;1475648144;mircea_popescu;spent the past four hours at the fucking hospital italiano, 1553175;1475648155;mircea_popescu;with a chick passing kidney stones 1553176;1475648181;mircea_popescu;because i invented a new manner of tying her hands behind her back and fucking her standing during the weekend 1553177;1475648186;mircea_popescu;and it loosened her calculi. 1553178;1475648191;mircea_popescu;true fucking story. 1553179;1475648629;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553121 << miners won't mine the 2nd send is what prevents. 1553180;1475648629;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 02:26 asciilifeform: the thing i do not understand is, how does the thing not fork? say i fire up a prbtron and prbsend to A. then fire up trbtron and send same coin to B. 1553181;1475648715;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553145 >> lol srsly. 1553182;1475648715;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 03:54 trinque: from now on I'm gonna have a pang of "OH SHIT, WAS IT THE AMD KEYS?!" every time there's a phuctor rss 1553183;1475648759;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553161 << what, you mean other than this ? 1553184;1475648759;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 04:47 asciilifeform: what do you use these for, again, mircea_popescu 1553185;1475649013;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://www.thefalconandthesnowman.com/blog-1 1553186;1475654620;thestringpuller;does mircea_popescu still need amazon gift card? 1553187;1475664509;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553109 << it's done as a soft-fork. the transactions sending to&from P2SH addresses are valid for all nodes, except that miners enforce an additional constraint before confirming spends from such addresses: the preimage of the address must ~also~ execute as a valid script 1553188;1475664509;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 01:26 asciilifeform: i don't grasp how this kind of thing can work without being a hardfork 1553189;1475664565;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553120 << so this is actually incorrect; should miners stop respecting the P2SH softfork, these coins will suddenly become a lot more spendable than before. anybody who can reproduce the input script preimage could spend them, even if they don't know data which would make that preimage script validate 1553190;1475664565;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 01:48 mircea_popescu: currently some miners process, eg, 3-leading bitcoin addresses. while that lasts, trb can send money to you. once it goes away - can send no longer, resulting in some lost bitcoin (practically, sent to unspendable address) 1553191;1475664697;*;adlai handwaves aside the issue of parsing an the format beginning with a 3; once in the blockchain, these addresses are just: [op_hash160 op_equal], which is a valid script for clients going all the way back to satoshi 1553192;1475675732;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yeah, can you get it ? 1553193;1475676033;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller nevermind, filled. 1553194;1475676137;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553181 << i half-expected one or more of'em to pop. but they did not. 1553195;1475676137;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 06:25 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553145 >> lol srsly. 1553196;1475676189;mircea_popescu;would have been kinda huge. 1553197;1475676203;asciilifeform;though if i could get at the rom, betcha it will not be necessary to break the rsa key. there is some unwritten rule whereby the fritz sig authenticators are always porous. 1553198;1475676227;mircea_popescu;doesn't your local uni allow access to a microscope ? 1553199;1475676231;asciilifeform;it is, likely, because usg does not like to use stolen key to sign its 'tailored victim' crud, far too attributable 1553200;1475676242;mircea_popescu;aha. 1553201;1475676254;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the uni barely allows access to the motherfucking bus from the train station, for plebes. 1553202;1475676282;asciilifeform;and i recently found that the dining hall can only be entered by folks with correct fingerprint. 1553203;1475676291;asciilifeform;(why - was a mystery, it still takes money) 1553204;1475676315;mircea_popescu;weird. in yurp you can taxi pretty much any and all uni gear. 1553205;1475676326;PeterL;they do not want "random guy off street" "causing problems for students" 1553206;1475676359;mircea_popescu;ie, pointing and laughing at whatever "rape" "black lives matter" "occupy wallstreet" etc fashion of the day ? 1553207;1475676372;asciilifeform;fwiw when i was a very, very paying customer, there was still no access to microscope. 1553208;1475676378;PeterL;or making the precious snowflakes feel insecure 1553209;1475676419;asciilifeform;PeterL: that probably isn't it, because there are still stinking hobos in the computer labs. 1553210;1475676425;mircea_popescu;how to produce an esltard ? keep kids isolated among themselves with a steady diet of cancerous shit from idiots like what's his face 1553211;1475676427;PeterL;just find grad student who has access, offer to slip him some cash 1553212;1475676446;asciilifeform;i suspect they are slowly phasing in 'dude X was in place Y at time T' anti-hooliganism/generic preparation for usgschwitz tracking systems. 1553213;1475676448;mircea_popescu;john oliver. 1553214;1475676466;mircea_popescu;then wonder wtf is wrong with them. well... how about "they didn't suck any 30yo dick when they were 16." 1553215;1475676536;asciilifeform;at any rate, it isn't as if i needed 10 minutes with the thing. 1553216;1475676557;asciilifeform;decapping, delayering, imaging a modern cpu is not a lunch break project. 1553217;1475676563;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553189 << read what was being said. i do not discuss the matter in outside terms. should WE stop allowing 3-lead addresses, all coins found there will be gone. 1553218;1475676563;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 10:49 adlai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553120 << so this is actually incorrect; should miners stop respecting the P2SH softfork, these coins will suddenly become a lot more spendable than before. anybody who can reproduce the input script preimage could spend them, even if they don't know data which would make that preimage script validate 1553219;1475676573;asciilifeform;and i am quite uncertain whether in this pesthole there even ~exists~ the requisite instrument. 1553220;1475676609;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform per-hour cost of car with driver (another ~70k item) is about 100 bux give or take. youget teh idea. 1553221;1475676668;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, this would be great for reddit. "Hi. I live in and I need access to {list} instrument in order to explore the AMD chip so and so. Anyone know anyone ?" 1553222;1475676748;asciilifeform;how do you sneak a month of instrument time ? 1553223;1475676755;asciilifeform;this is not an hour of cab. 1553224;1475676772;asciilifeform;(and the analogy, sadly, falls down, consider how many autos there are, and how many - microscopes.) 1553225;1475676782;PeterL;presumably if you are paying by hour to use you are not sneaking? 1553226;1475676799;asciilifeform;if i were paying by hour, it may well add up to most of the cost of the instrument. 1553227;1475676811;asciilifeform;and fuck, i would buy one right now, if i had where to put ! 1553228;1475676840;asciilifeform;as often is the case, it is ~space~ that is the expensive piece, in this particular zimbabwe. 1553229;1475676853;mircea_popescu;heh. 1553230;1475676861;mircea_popescu;it's only about 50sqft or so 1553231;1475676866;asciilifeform;(in mircea_popescu's zimbabwe, it could be the microscope that is expensive, or even unobtainable other than by boat) 1553232;1475676893;mircea_popescu;nah, this zimbabwe is like pre-collapse soviets. govt pays for it, you use it for beer. 1553233;1475677079;asciilifeform;ftr, if the amd turd is anything like other recent similar, you will also need ion beam machine 1553234;1475677120;asciilifeform;(rom will be difficult to read passively, and the most practical way would be to restore whatever antifuses they blew that prevent debugging of the fritz core, and attach debug probe.) 1553235;1475677339;mircea_popescu;i thought metal is extremely visible in electron microscopy 1553236;1475678266;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/90vci/?raw=true 1553237;1475678511;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: sorry for missing your message I was ptfo by then. 1553238;1475678531;thestringpuller;Gotta figure out how you are able to manage the Napoleon sleep schedule. 1553239;1475679055;shinohai;Don't sleep at Waterloo. Just sayin' 1553240;1475679098;shinohai;!!up btcforchild 1553241;1475679098;deedbot;btcforchild voiced for 30 minutes. 1553242;1475679175;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: got it 1553243;1475680224;btcforchild;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/y36mu/?raw=true 1553244;1475680226;deedbot;4E0B0F442A0407AEF731ECCFC883F93EF7E4980E registered as btcforchild. 1553245;1475682674;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C961D62D59B78442DB2FA4C4ABC4CE874FE0E95418BBDA01785049DB58B02591 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13118913265992357713749906968914856459229448329385353928317865240153186990772616410386066804476994406481496060266687741570826925431077185850750051547683307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on F 1553246;1475682675;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/21B9669858203080326DB86F3AB1B88D51F892D38F17EA587F71640F604BA7AD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13118913265992357713749906968914856459229448329385353928317865240153186990772616410386066804476994406481496060266687741570826925431077185850750051547683307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1553247;1475682675;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4E7AC0EEF980D94B18797FD2B95C091C4EAC05B15C9FCB329825F05B81B8D903 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13118913265992357713749906968914856459229448329385353928317865240153186990772616410386066804476994406481496060266687741570826925431077185850750051547683307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1553248;1475683569;PeterL;is there a way to make pgp use something other than sha1 for clearsigning? 1553249;1475683675;shinohai;Change it under personal digest preferences in .conf? 1553250;1475683756;PeterL;umm, where is .conf stored? 1553251;1475683761;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i dunno man, can't say i try even 1553252;1475683788;shinohai;~/.gnupg 1553253;1475683814;PeterL;darn hidden files ... thanks shinohai 1553254;1475683825;shinohai;np 1553255;1475683842;mircea_popescu;PeterL yes ; and you should. everyone should ; this is a recurring topic, so plox : http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-16#877599 1553256;1475683842;a111;Logged on 2014-10-16 14:00 mircea_popescu: btw, cazalla bingoboingo and everyone else in the same situation : if the blob gpg spits out when you sign contains a SHA1 you are using the older, and perhaps not all that secure digest algo. you should move on to sha512 either with --digest-algo SHA512 or else edit gpg.conf to insert personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 1553257;1475684060;mircea_popescu;!!key btcforchild 1553258;1475684063;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/ubabz/?raw=true 1553259;1475684157;PeterL;changing the hash algo - one of those little things which should be in the "everything you should know when you start using a computer" list 1553260;1475684234;PeterL;!!deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/xx7so/?raw=true 1553261;1475684295;deedbot;accepted: 1 1553262;1475684298;mircea_popescu;da fuck is that lol. starting your own segwit altcoin ? 1553263;1475684318;PeterL;that is for possible future reference 1553264;1475684327;PeterL;if needed 1553265;1475684328;mircea_popescu;aha. 1553266;1475684408;PeterL;might be random noise, might be top secret leak, who knows? 1553267;1475684420;mircea_popescu;right. 1553268;1475684475;shinohai;It's Pieter Wuille's death certificate, that'll be 1 BTC plox 1553269;1475685765;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/no-such-labs-snsa-september-2016-statement/ << Trilema - No Such lAbs (S.NSA), September 2016 Statement 1553270;1475685836;mircea_popescu;^ in a shocking development, nsa actually comits to making a thing! 1553271;1475686337;asciilifeform;aha 1553272;1475686616;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553217 << i don't understand what you mean. the only sense in which coins will be "gone" is that whoever knows first that miners stopped enforcing the "op_eval", and knows preimages, can claim the coins for themselves; but they're not 'gone' in the sense of 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE 1553273;1475686616;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 14:09 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553189 << read what was being said. i do not discuss the matter in outside terms. should WE stop allowing 3-lead addresses, all coins found there will be gone. 1553274;1475686620;mircea_popescu;and in further "holy shit broken linux" news : minigame is endeavouring to keep snapshots of various distros to mitigate the fact that the shitheads in charge tend to break software for no reason. to do this, one needs dkpg, and dkpg-dev (not -devel, mind). which enforces arbitrary python and httpd version requirements, because why the fuck not. 1553275;1475686626;mircea_popescu;it's insanely deep, this fucking swamp. 1553276;1475686671;mircea_popescu;adlai how would the someone convert my copy of the blockchain so that payment would appear to proceed from a 1-lead bitcoin address ? 1553277;1475686682;adlai;or by "stop allowing 3-lead addresses" do you mean "we convince 'chinese conspirators' to soft-fork disable op_equal" 1553278;1475686700;adlai;"addresses" don't actually exist! 1553279;1475686706;mircea_popescu;no ; we release code which ignores attempts to spend 3-whatever addresses ; everyone uses it ; the end. 1553280;1475686708;adlai;payments come from previous outputs 1553281;1475686727;mircea_popescu;fine. we release code which ignores txn which involve 3-whatever addresses on the in side ; everyone uses it ; the end. 1553282;1475686729;adlai;"addresses" tell a ~sender~ how to build an output, so that the recipient can spend it later 1553283;1475686825;mircea_popescu;and in general - "innovation" on top of bitcoin is extremely risky an endeavour. the item itself is the heart of reaction ; and the notion that "nobody would dare" unwind the "developments" of usg.tards runs into the plain statement that i certainly will. 1553284;1475687134;adlai;sure, but there are two kinds of "unwind" here and i'm not sure which you mean. one is roughly "i will not honor a confirmed bitcoin transaction which has inputs coming from a prevout that looked like [op_hash160 op_equal]", whereas the other is "no miner will honor a block containing any such transaction". the former is easy, the latter requires miner collaboration 1553285;1475687154;mircea_popescu;so it does. 1553286;1475687234;mircea_popescu;if history is any guide, i manage to gather miner support to quash "internet entrepreneurs" of the vc-aspirant variety a whole of a lot more often than the converse. 1553287;1475687297;mircea_popescu;which is the point here : using ANYTHING made by usg.vc.* is risky, and opens one to various liabilities downstream. including among them - that you will be unwound. 1553288;1475687650;ben_vulpes;"addresses" are a murky thing, i've discovered. 1553289;1475687681;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553084 << thanks! but to quote, "just you wait, henry higgins. just you wait." 1553290;1475687681;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 00:44 mircea_popescu: mimisbrunnr is pretty coolbool 1553291;1475687690;mircea_popescu;the whole interface-to-distributed-db thing is broken, not just "wallets" or "accounts" 1553292;1475687857;ben_vulpes;noshit 1553293;1475687897;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553085 << looks fine to me, but nevertheless i'm not interested in fighting browsers over table rendering. 1553294;1475687897;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 00:45 shinohai: as with links, w3m also barfs on it too 1553295;1475687910;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you could use divs... 1553296;1475687939;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553284 << i wonder if in the future, when the earthquake hits all this "layered innovation", if there will be business in salvaging the rubble (i.e. that spend-all NOOP shit miners are to view as 5 wheel solution) 1553297;1475687939;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 17:05 adlai: sure, but there are two kinds of "unwind" here and i'm not sure which you mean. one is roughly "i will not honor a confirmed bitcoin transaction which has inputs coming from a prevout that looked like [op_hash160 op_equal]", whereas the other is "no miner will honor a block containing any such transaction". the former is easy, the latter requires miner collaboration 1553298;1475687986;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-433006.txt 1553299;1475688140;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553270 << I would buy an in-WoT RNG yesterday. 1553300;1475688140;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 16:43 mircea_popescu: ^ in a shocking development, nsa actually comits to making a thing! 1553301;1475688236;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1553302;1475688269;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 1553303;1475688275;ben_vulpes;sorry, misfire 1553304;1475688961;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller the problem is that it's not rubble. historically, rubble consists of chunks of cut stone, such as marble, that are intrinsically valuable. this shit is simply human filth ; there wasn't much of a business in salvaging the remains of executed camp inmates in nazi germany ; even through they went over it, burned and bone-ground them later. 1553305;1475689261;shinohai;ah ben_vulpes ... today it works for me! I blame a previously unknown debian gremlin 1553306;1475689647;PeterL; I hate these single spigot fountain beverage dispensers popping up in all the fast-food places (whoopty-doo you can have 1001 flavor combinations, I just want Coke!) so many flavors to choose from, but none of them come out right 1553307;1475689703;shinohai;Plus, they don't always clear the lines properly leaving you with weird flavors at time 1553308;1475689732;PeterL;I guess I deserve it for going to junk-food (heavy on the junk) places 1553309;1475689786;trinque;that shit is terrible for you anyway. 1553310;1475689806;PeterL;Cherry coke - good. Coke flavored with random portion of cherry syrup - bleh 1553311;1475689823;PeterL;yeah, I know how bad it is 1553312;1475691042;PeterL;!!v 0E758089768DECACC658B03122394CCE1711DDFFA9DE31FFAC09001694057AEE 1553313;1475691043;deedbot;PeterL rated trinque 1 << made deedbot 1553314;1475691280;PeterL;!!v 709360E31CAA0B7E12E52ABA1D26BE3718E8234A6E0BD161687AED5673961BC9 1553315;1475691280;deedbot;PeterL rated asciilifeform 1 << the real brains around here 1553316;1475691561;PeterL;!!v 8B2A8DFB32D319BF6FF99D6F7EDA3DD86A3F03C8F185060EE9F9986481AAA5EA 1553317;1475691561;deedbot;PeterL rated mod6 1 << the real bitcoin foundation 1553318;1475691610;PeterL;!!v 90DA7BF1367248CCDAC6AEAF7778EEAE0DF035D0D8FF82A32FC7525930775566 1553319;1475691610;deedbot;PeterL rated ben_vulpes 1 << the real bitcoin foundation 1553320;1475692504;*;ben_vulpes waves at PeterL 1553321;1475692777;mod6;PeterL: o7 1553322;1475692860;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552690 << any notion of the odds on apu2 being useful for the republic, asciilifeform ? 1553323;1475692860;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set. 1553324;1475692910;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: only if that amd key phuctors. or the idiocy in subj thread is finessed in some other way. 1553325;1475692924;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i won't be touching this one, not for a long while. got full hands. 1553326;1475692930;PeterL;is "crippled" bad in this case, or is it good in that it is easier for us to exploit for our own uses? 1553327;1475692938;asciilifeform;the former. 1553328;1475697043;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1trU 1553329;1475697043;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1553330;1475697053;mircea_popescu;every day PeterL migrates closer in my head to the absolute epitome of midwest. 1553331;1475697113;adlai;mircea_popescu: dude there is tons of 'cut stone' here. i don't expect you to visit the non-WoT p2sh.info, but i'll tl;dr for you: there are currently just over 1.8 million btc secured by the goodwill of miners, and a nested ripemd160(sha256(x)) collision 1553332;1475697153;adlai;this is more than satoshi's stash, and probably much easier to salvage, should miners allow it 1553333;1475697191;adlai;(much/all of satoshi's stash is p2pk, not p2pkh, so a secp256k1 compromise will make those pennies ripe for taking) 1553334;1475697566;mircea_popescu;you're confusing topics. the cut stone / non cut stone was a discussion of the "contributions" in the shape of ideas, code, etc ; not of the way they fucked up pre-existing, and unrelated to them, bitcoin 1553335;1475697755;mircea_popescu;anyway ; other than this, asciilifeform is broadly correct re the intended endgame of these various "innovations". 1553336;1475697771;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo Ignore first submission and use this revised one plz http://ix.io/1ts3 1553337;1475697771;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1553338;1475697930;adlai;ok ok ok, the issue was thestringpuller's ambiguous use of "rubble", i assumed he meant the coins themselves, you're interpreting it as the 'innovations'. w/e. it's impossible to 'destroy' coins through layers such as p2sh, segwit, drivechain, etc; it just makes coins less tightly controlled, and more dependent on miner goodwill 1553339;1475697961;mircea_popescu;it's quite possible to destroy coins, yes. 1553340;1475697972;mircea_popescu;i dunno how you manage to come back to the same vomit. but it is vomit. 1553341;1475697985;adlai;segwit is much worse (or better!) than p2sh in this regard, aiui, you don't even need to find a preimage to spend them 1553342;1475698006;shinohai;!~bible 2 Peter 2:22 1553343;1475698008;jhvh1;shinohai: [KJV] 2 Peter 2:22 :: But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. 1553344;1475698009;adlai;what exactly is vomit? please, point out.... or don't. i'm sitting out of this 'argument', have fun. 1553345;1475698020;mircea_popescu;very simply put : if you use usg.vc.* which * means ANYHING, then anything (which means ANYTHING!) you touch, including your own money, your own bitcoin, your own penis, wife, life, whatever - can be destroyed in the process. and probably will be. 1553346;1475698028;mircea_popescu;i dunno how to make it simpler than that, so there it is. 1553347;1475698075;mircea_popescu;adlai vomit is the notion that you can usg and survive. you can't. if you do anything whatsoever, without any exception at all, that involves them, the only endgame for you is losing it. 1553348;1475698105;mircea_popescu;use 3address ? you will lose your bitcoin. use prb ? you will lose your bitcoin. pick your poison, if it's theirs it's marked. 1553349;1475698110;lobbes;http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-10-05.log.html#t16:53:23 << and thus we can conclude that the tardstalk folk aren't even worth their weight in biodiesel. Ah well 1553350;1475698121;mircea_popescu;lobbes can't say i didn't try. 1553351;1475698137;shinohai;asciilifeform was sadly correct 1553352;1475698854;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553330 << is being "epitome of midwest" a good thing? 1553353;1475698854;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 19:50 mircea_popescu: every day PeterL migrates closer in my head to the absolute epitome of midwest. 1553354;1475699213;mircea_popescu;i dunno. it can be or not depending what you're after. 1553355;1475699218;mircea_popescu;kinda how epitomy works. 1553356;1475699432;mircea_popescu;(speaking of which, "the rise and fall of the great powers" by kennedy is not altogether a bad book. esp. as "nobody could have predicted" in 1987) 1553357;1475702165;*;asciilifeform will be operating on a pulsed, rather than continuous-wave duty cycle for next week or so, plox to pm if something is desperately broken, if you are in my l1, siren will go off, eventually will answer. 1553358;1475702401;ben_vulpes;bon chance! 1553359;1475704641;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you know chance's a woman. 1553360;1475704680;shinohai;I love the bitch, even when she is cruel 1553361;1475704868;ben_vulpes;rebroadcasting from the heathens: https://cointelegraph.com/news/monero-loses-darknet-market-in-apparent-exit-scam 1553362;1475704918;shinohai;qntra on that incoming if BingoBoingo gets back 1553363;1475704930;*;mircea_popescu will wait and read teh qntra 1553364;1475704964;shinohai;It may in fact save your eyes from burning 1553365;1475704980;mircea_popescu;i believe. 1553366;1475705029;BingoBoingo;lulzchecking 1553367;1475705159;shinohai;The lulzy part is a darknet market scamming for ~100k though not impossible twas just smash and grab 1553368;1475705391;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/oasis-drained-while-major-monero-webwallet-languishes-offline/ << Qntra - Oasis Drained While Major Monero Webwallet Languishes Offline 1553369;1475705444;mircea_popescu;aww. 1553370;1475705476;BingoBoingo;Digging through the link-kive takes time and finess 1553371;1475705503;shinohai;ty BingoBoingo 1553372;1475705513;ben_vulpes;fwiw fluffyponzi claims web wallet is not offline 1553373;1475705524;*;ben_vulpes does not care, simply amused 1553374;1475705557;shinohai;heh it DOES appear to be up now 1553375;1475705570;ben_vulpes;something's returning html 1553376;1475705570;mircea_popescu;in other news http://67.media.tumblr.com/79a6579f8bbc0400cae64fd3fff1ee55/tumblr_ni31xj6TXp1tfytxzo1_500.gif 1553377;1475705581;shinohai;amazing what appearing in tabloid crypto news outlets does for your motivation 1553378;1475705806;shinohai;should correction be added BingoBoingo ? 1553379;1475705933;trinque;that is the correct amount of thigh. 1553380;1475706228;mircea_popescu;from the same source, "don't wrap it and tap it ; tape her and rape her." 1553381;1475706326;shinohai;lol 1553382;1475706377;mircea_popescu;apparently there's also a "bitch please, cut if before you fuck it" 1553383;1475706382;mircea_popescu;who knew this is such a theme 1553384;1475707904;BingoBoingo;shinohai: corrected 1553385;1475707942;shinohai;ty 1553386;1475707964;shinohai;sorry 1553387;1475707966;shinohai;!~ty 1553388;1475707966;jhvh1;You are very welcome Daddy 1553389;1475708171;jurov;!~hallelujah 1553390;1475708171;jhvh1;jurov: Error: "hallelujah" is not a valid command. 1553391;1475708300;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/photos-show-catastrophic-damage-to-hsv-swift-following-missile-attack/ << in case anyone's curious what the littoral combat ships will look like in another decade 1553392;1475710159;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553099 << right you are, alfalant-in-training 1553393;1475710159;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 01:05 shinohai: I think pete_dushenski mentioned it, don't quote me on that though. 1553394;1475710213;pete_dushenski;the high-s tx in questions is still pending to this very day. 1553395;1475710238;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: nifty work on the new tool yo 1553396;1475710262;pete_dushenski;who knew you were so... norse 1553397;1475710298;pete_dushenski;you one-a those mythical blue-eyed jews ? 1553398;1475710749;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: waldorf school does strange things to a kid 1553399;1475710768;ben_vulpes;you should see the kid though 1553400;1475710773;pete_dushenski;apparently so 1553401;1475710776;pete_dushenski;ya ? 1553402;1475710798;pete_dushenski;y'know you can blog such things (unless you're still on sm) 1553403;1475710805;ben_vulpes;veritably golden locks 1553404;1475710816;pete_dushenski;bad ass 1553405;1475710828;ben_vulpes;you know, i'm not particularly inclined to put the kids face on my website. 1553406;1475710862;ben_vulpes;'daddy blogger' i r not. 1553407;1475710881;mircea_popescu;and in other "faces of competence", http://66.media.tumblr.com/aab1622bf11c5840338258672c38952a/tumblr_nhtvxqWe9h1tvhieuo2_500.gif 1553408;1475710882;shinohai;That makes you sane. 1553409;1475710949;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: not surprised 1553410;1475710966;ben_vulpes;odd domestic optimization posts aside. 1553411;1475711013;*;ben_vulpes off to don the commuter yeti 1553412;1475711381;shinohai;ben_vulpes: I took the liberty of linking to mimi from jhvh1 so one can quickly get page link to specified block 1553413;1475711446;pete_dushenski;o.O nice. what's the command ? 1553414;1475711454;*;pete_dushenski will update directory 1553415;1475711461;shinohai;!~btc.blocks 512 1553416;1475711462;jhvh1;http://mimisbrunnr.cascadianhacker.com/blocks?height=512 1553417;1475711487;pete_dushenski;win. 1553418;1475711667;shinohai;guess I could change command to mimi or something, whatever works 1553419;1475711694;pete_dushenski;i'd suggest leaving it. it's easier to remember as-is 1553420;1475711771;shinohai;worx for me 1553421;1475711890;mircea_popescu;o nice shinohai 1553422;1475711909;pete_dushenski;shinohai: think you can add !~btc.blocks.raw or something to that effect with the '&raw=true' at the end of the url ? 1553423;1475711918;shinohai;sure 1553424;1475711978;shinohai;!~Alias add btc.blocks.raw echo "http://mimisbrunnr.cascadianhacker.com/blocks?height=$1&raw=true" 1553425;1475711978;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1553426;1475711992;shinohai;!~btc.blocks.raw 34 1553427;1475711993;jhvh1;http://mimisbrunnr.cascadianhacker.com/blocks?height=34&raw=true 1553428;1475712002;pete_dushenski;sweet 1553429;1475712014;shinohai;good bot 1553430;1475712030;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/by43h/?raw=true 1553431;1475712048;mircea_popescu;yeah that alias is teh way to go. 1553432;1475712084;shinohai;the Lords have spoken 1553433;1475712335;pete_dushenski;directory updated. 1553434;1475712433;shinohai;ty 1553435;1475712498;shinohai;I still have nfi why it isn't sending you a gpgram on Sundays I think not enough lines yet to trigger it 1553436;1475712527;pete_dushenski;!#s manual then automate 1553437;1475712528;a111;0 results for "manual then automate", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=manual%20then%20automate 1553438;1475712535;pete_dushenski;or something to that effect 1553439;1475712694;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553177 << jeebus that's vigorous fucking. next time use a roller coaster to pass the kidney stones. on second thought there's no way b-a has such an amenity. 1553440;1475712694;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 06:16 mircea_popescu: and it loosened her calculi. 1553441;1475712731;pete_dushenski;http://jaoa.org/article.aspx?articleid=2557373 << roller coasters as kidney stone cure reference 1553442;1475712742;shinohai;mircea_popescu goes to Home Depot to pay BingoBoingo a visit: http://archive.is/FN2Ot 1553443;1475712744;mircea_popescu;apparently it's more the angle than the force. 1553444;1475712860;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ckib6/?raw=true . 1553445;1475712903;shinohai;feebs secretly arrest nsa contractor I missed that one http://archive.is/RclkQ 1553446;1475713498;pete_dushenski;in other spits and fliers, https://thenanfang.com/china-to-boost-airport-infrastructure-by-billions/ 1553447;1475713531;pete_dushenski;66 all-new airports in 5 years. 1553448;1475713579;pete_dushenski;and you thought the internet would kill the need for air travel. ha! 1553449;1475713583;pete_dushenski;bbl. 1553450;1475713829;*;BingoBoingo wouldn't be caught anywhere near appliances 1553451;1475713892;BingoBoingo;Perfectly good appliances can be had from metal dealer 1553452;1475714183;BingoBoingo;"The question came up after Donald Trump’s recent appearance on The Dr. Oz Show, in which it was revealed his weight and height—if his numbers are to be believed, his BMI is 30.3, which qualifies as obese." << OMG The trumpenfuher is an Obeast! 1553453;1475714304;shinohai;https://twitter.com/SatoshiShinohai/status/783800963719106560 1553454;1475716790;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5383 1553455;1475717438;BingoBoingo;http://www.alpharubicon.com/quippage/urbaninvisibility.htm 1553456;1475718044;ben_vulpes;shinohai: tight 1553457;1475718066;ben_vulpes;oh and pete_dushenski belated thanks! 1553458;1475718688;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: your node still running with an extraordinary number of connections? 1553459;1475718747;trinque;ben_vulpes: that block sexp is damned cool! 1553460;1475718753;trinque;nice job 1553461;1475718959;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo kinda why "the butler did it" exists in the first place. 1553462;1475719047;BingoBoingo;Or in the recent parisian invasion and gagging, it was done to the BUTTler. 1553463;1475719081;ben_vulpes;trinque: thanks dood 1553464;1475719162;ben_vulpes;if you use that sexpr for anything automatedly, keep in mind that i will be transforming the list of transactions into an alist keyed on tx hash (aka id) once i get the db in place 1553465;1475719205;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/kdfdo/?raw=true 1553466;1475719273;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo butter lol. is it true btw she got ugly recently ? 1553467;1475719310;BingoBoingo;As is the way of her people after having baby she got round in less desirable places. 1553468;1475719339;mircea_popescu;age gets to them all... 1553469;1475719341;BingoBoingo;Her current bodyshape is rather similar to Hillary's. The political implications of this are unclear 1553470;1475719535;mircea_popescu;https://ximage.me/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Kim-Kardashian-pussy.jpg << from better days ; looks exactly like home! 1553471;1475719639;BingoBoingo;Now imagine the view being marred by a midsection "tire" 1553472;1475719657;mircea_popescu;;/ 1553473;1475719672;*;BingoBoingo breaking in new gloves by typing with them on 1553474;1475719750;BingoBoingo;And other fine tasks 1553475;1475719864;mircea_popescu;http://67.media.tumblr.com/999cc352da9580e206dc1694be5bfa89/tumblr_mykvspt9rW1symi8mo1_400.gif << eat moar plastics! 1553476;1475719971;*;shinohai goes back to looking at Kim's ass 1553477;1475720938;*;asciilifeform encountered for 1st time the mega-20th-c-popsong where '... Des Edelmannes Kindelein, heia hoho, \ das schicken wir in die Höll’ hinein, heia hoho. \ Des Edelmannes Töchterlein, heia hoho, \ soll heute uns’re Buhle sein, heia hoho...' and could not help but recall mircea_popescu's 'daughter sausage' concept. 1553478;1475721082;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: ayup. 68 connex when i last checked a few hours ago. yours too ? 1553479;1475721487;ben_vulpes;75 1553480;1475721500;ben_vulpes;wat dat 1553481;1475721611;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5cham/?raw=true << possib. qntrable. 1553482;1475721696;asciilifeform;with mega-gold, e.g., 'Complete discovery would likely require defense counsel to obtain appropriate security clearances (which they do not possess), and appropriate facilities to be prepared and made available to the defense for review and storage of any classified materials. In anticipation of that possibility, the process of obtaining security clearances was initiated shortly after the complaint in this case was issued, to avoid d 1553483;1475721696;asciilifeform;elays later in the case. Obtaining the required clearances, if deemed necessary, may take weeks or months. Furthermore, if it is deemed necessary for defense counsel to review classified material, preparing and certifying appropriate facilities would also take several weeks.' 1553484;1475721756;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: jews must be in season. high holidays and all that. 1553485;1475721835;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: AHA, I've been looking into how to cover. 1553486;1475721871;BingoBoingo;I've also been looking into starting a Monsanto and marketing "Priviledge" as the banner product. 1553487;1475721917;*;pete_dushenski is trying new synagogue this year for first time ever. had to make move because rabbi > congregation, just as king > kommoonitee, and old joint lost rabbi because small-time. 1553488;1475721977;pete_dushenski;though options are awfully limited for man with goy fambly! 1553489;1475721986;BingoBoingo;Naturally "Priviledge" (TM)(R) is for oppressing west african warm season grasses in superior turf 1553490;1475722001;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: wat 1553491;1475722016;ben_vulpes;how do goyim rels figure into synagogue choice 1553492;1475722029;trinque;The parties are engaged in pre-indictment discovery, and exploring the possibility of resolving this matter prior to presentation of the case to a grand jury. << sounds like "swear publically that you are not a Snowden" because that will do something. 1553493;1475722087;trinque;they are screwed because they actually believe this concensus reality shit where "public opinion" matters and might be swayed by n+1 Snowdens. 1553494;1475722089;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: orthodox and chabad don't take kindly to 'mixed' couples, leaving reform and conservative (no reconstructionists in these orclands) 1553495;1475722125;BingoBoingo;trinque: Nah, its the Ulbricht circle jerk again. Admit thing is yours to invoke privacy while admitting guilt 1553496;1475722188;ben_vulpes;well yeah, but are there really that few conservative synagogues out there? 1553497;1475722225;pete_dushenski;and since kid's gotta ~be~ something, and that something is a joo because there's no leg to stand on on the girl's side. and 'round here there's ~exactly~ one congregation of each sect. one. 1553498;1475722352;pete_dushenski;i dun think jews figure into 0.05% of pop here. and yet, the 'yud' arena is a thing (http://www.contravex.com/2016/09/22/drake-summer-sixteen-tour/#footnote_1_16519). go figure. 1553499;1475722579;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553308 << um. yea. this place has standards! jeez! 1553500;1475722579;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 17:48 PeterL: I guess I deserve it for going to junk-food (heavy on the junk) places 1553501;1475722599;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-05#1553342 << i lolled 1553502;1475722599;a111;Logged on 2016-10-05 20:06 shinohai: !~bible 2 Peter 2:22 1553503;1475722663;pete_dushenski;is anyone else impressed by shinohai's biblical callback memory ? 1553504;1475722759;trinque;bible did "the pig likes it" first eh? how bout that. 1553505;1475722777;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: ANy progress with your mulch guys and their landscaping business? Or did it fodl after you gave them their first job. 1553506;1475723156;pete_dushenski;mulch guys are still ready and willing but my properties have exceedingly little streetscape so i only need them once or twice a year 1553507;1475723185;pete_dushenski;afaik i'm their only client 1553508;1475723237;pete_dushenski;in the roman sense of the term, obv., as per http://www.contravex.com/2015/08/23/so-whats-a-client-in-the-roman-sense-of-the-term/ 1553509;1475723293;pete_dushenski;man this tempranillo is hitting the spot 1553510;1475723380;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: for the naive, what means "invoke privacy" ? 1553511;1475723414;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: You know the whole warrants vs parrallel construction charade 1553512;1475723498;BingoBoingo;Maybe you should convert that termite bait into turf? 1553513;1475723507;ben_vulpes;one lol poor babby 1553514;1475723804;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: termites ? this is ~siberia. what termites. there aren't even (offically) rats. lynx is more frequently spotted. 1553515;1475723842;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: rite. 1553516;1475723876;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: It's the principle of the thing. A lord in addition to the fief must have a small makework to demonstrate he has land he can afford neither to use for producing crops nor for composting woodchips upon. 1553517;1475723961;*;pete_dushenski is very, very minor lord in meatspace, or any space for that matter 1553518;1475724025;BingoBoingo;All the better reason to install artificially heated Zoysiagrass on your little bit of tundra 1553519;1475724161;BingoBoingo;Or since canada you could have your typical lush fine fescues mowed to a height of 1.75cm 1553520;1475724215;pete_dushenski;mmmm centimetres 1553521;1475724318;BingoBoingo;I mean you could take it down to 1.5cm or lower 1553522;1475724381;BingoBoingo;Or bentgrass prolly would work. A putting green right outside the orfice! 1553523;1475724485;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo> trinque: Nah, its the Ulbricht circle jerk again. Admit thing is yours to invoke privacy while admitting guilt << that was pretty ridoinculous, i recall. "you have a choice of self-incriminating through avenue a or b ; with a as the default if you pick nothing. what's your choice ? whadda ya mean this is nonsense, that's how we pick presidents also! GREAT DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF AFRICA!" 1553524;1475724505;BingoBoingo;^^ 1553525;1475724532;BingoBoingo;Maybe it gets a special roundup plus of its own once there's more noise to nooze up 1553526;1475725069;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: more of a poa annua man myself. but anything's better than bluegrass, which has to be the single most bizarre and unkind species to ever afflict the genteel sport of golf. 1553527;1475725287;pete_dushenski;hm. i meant bermuda didn't i. this is what happens when you semi-retire! 1553528;1475725317;pete_dushenski;anyways, when putting on bermuda, you have to account for the direction... of the sun! it has the funkiest grain to it. 1553529;1475725494;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: reread http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/01/social-justice-lawncare-agricultural-marxism-for-the-collective-home-lawn/ 1553530;1475725545;BingoBoingo;Also Poa Annua is a weed. Basically the winter version of crabgrass. 1553531;1475725711;BingoBoingo;brb, sleep 1553532;1475738160;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/10/thug-motiviation-101-applied/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Thug Motiviation 101 Applied 1553533;1475757118;mircea_popescu;!!up oama 1553534;1475757118;deedbot;oama voiced for 30 minutes. 1553535;1475757144;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller and how do you propose the buyer "not let the supplier leave" ? unequal relationship, the supplier is the supplier, the buyer can run the gamut from the lowest upwards, so. 1553536;1475757212;shinohai;localbuttcoins is truly a convoluted way of obtaining btc 1553537;1475757793;shinohai;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1159946.msg16469139#msg16469139 1553538;1475757795;mircea_popescu;!!up oama 1553539;1475757796;deedbot;oama voiced for 30 minutes. 1553540;1475757868;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/mg8b1/?raw=true 1553541;1475757942;oama;still here mircea_popescu? you haven't convinced the argentinians to make you their dictator yet? 1553542;1475757957;mircea_popescu;i dun wanna be the king of cattle. 1553543;1475757970;mircea_popescu;how's ladyboyland ? 1553544;1475758003;oama;hot and humid 1553545;1475758070;mircea_popescu;"vaginal" 1553546;1475758077;mircea_popescu;shinohai what the everloving fuck, handmade sks ? 1553547;1475758085;shinohai;ikr 1553548;1475758090;mircea_popescu;by a guy who "only has access to pc on weekend" ie, is 12 irl ? 1553549;1475758096;shinohai;I should feed all dem keys into phuctor 1553550;1475758100;oama;maybe that's why they all aim to have vaginas? 1553551;1475758139;mircea_popescu;shinohai bet you we have them, but if you do - plox script for the love of all that's holy. bash-curl even. 1553552;1475758150;mircea_popescu;oama i thought they just aimed to suck the dick. 1553553;1475758191;oama;that too 1553554;1475758236;mircea_popescu;in other "holy shit open source" news : to run a linux repo, you must provide... md5hashes for the stuff, because... apt-get wants it. fancy that. and by default you get that and sha1. because it's fucking 1995 and there's a thousand fly eyes! 1553555;1475758703;PeterL;do we need to make a republican version of apt-get now? 1553556;1475758736;mircea_popescu;no, burn the whole thing. v is enough. 1553557;1475758753;PeterL;linux repo in v? 1553558;1475758760;mircea_popescu;also in lulz, red hat does not package rhash. at all. you want keccak on your system, use the buggy openssh implementation! 1553559;1475758771;mircea_popescu;PeterL all software belongs in v and nowhere else. 1553560;1475759089;mircea_popescu;and in other fucking lulz http://archive.is/YOQ4U 1553561;1475759096;mircea_popescu;anyone have any idea how to do sha-3 in centos ? 1553562;1475759198;asciilifeform;http://keccak.noekeon.org/KeccakInPython-3.2.zip possibly. 1553563;1475759211;mircea_popescu;for the love of christ. 1553564;1475759223;asciilifeform;or build their c reference proggy. 1553565;1475759255;mircea_popescu;yes. because this is why fucking weimer exists, so anything you need you build from source. then PeterL can wonder if "linux repo in v". 1553566;1475759257;mircea_popescu;IN WHAT THE FUCK ELSE 1553567;1475759315;mircea_popescu;fucken bullshit. 1553568;1475759324;asciilifeform;hey wasn't it mircea_popescu who (correctly) pointed out that there are no usable gold teeth in executed usg corpses. and now he's trying to salvage rathead linux ?? 1553569;1475759350;mircea_popescu;legacy fucking sytstems 1553570;1475759372;mircea_popescu;for the past five fucking years, nearly, i've been in the process of getting rid of the crap 1553571;1475759375;mircea_popescu;and i'm still not done. 1553572;1475759649;*;mircea_popescu sings... for the water is wide, i cannot get o'er 1553573;1475759652;mircea_popescu;neither have i 1553574;1475759656;mircea_popescu;wiiiiiiings to flyyyyyy 1553575;1475760832;asciilifeform;!!key kmalkki 1553576;1475760835;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/rymxo/?raw=true 1553577;1475760874;asciilifeform;!!rate kmalkki 1 coreboot maestro 1553578;1475760876;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/h089d/?raw=true 1553579;1475760907;asciilifeform;!!v 2858810A09E13E28CDCA83155877499E99905A51C93CD7909A7DD840FA53C04A 1553580;1475760907;deedbot;asciilifeform rated kmalkki 1 << coreboot maestro 1553581;1475761252;mircea_popescu;welcome. 1553582;1475761266;mircea_popescu;!!rate kmalkki 1 coreboot 1553583;1475761267;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/45p2d/?raw=true 1553584;1475761291;mircea_popescu;!!v EB71EA3ABADCAB6F6A6DFB5A4D788ED7D785907CD4B350B533BD033CDBEE104F 1553585;1475761291;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated kmalkki 1 << coreboot 1553586;1475761321;kmalkki;smartprobe binaries now as ELFs with symbols... mostly 1553587;1475761395;mircea_popescu;where ? 1553588;1475761442;kmalkki;on my desktop.. what's your favorite anon share 1553589;1475761459;mircea_popescu;can put in http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ or else make a v out of them i guess. 1553590;1475761463;mircea_popescu;though the later prolly premature 1553591;1475761478;mircea_popescu;if you sign them, they can also go into deedbot's list 1553592;1475761488;mircea_popescu;as seen on http://deedbot.org/ 1553593;1475762081;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: in my experience you don't. it's more of a final warning. if the supplier tries to bail early, it's usually a setup of some kind. 1553594;1475762098;thestringpuller;i really should change it. thx. 1553595;1475762107;mircea_popescu;more like a sign that the setup's done as he no longer cares what you think. 1553596;1475762270;thestringpuller;gotta case the trap spot first. honestly with street trapping you should have a shadow or two...some muscle...but I didn't want to imply i endorse violence in the article 1553597;1475763345;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-06#1553536 << i use it to find the plug. people as close as possible with regular access to clean btc with no KYC links. based on dealings in our good 'ol city I think there is a small underground miner consortium. 1553598;1475763345;a111;Logged on 2016-10-06 12:33 shinohai: localbuttcoins is truly a convoluted way of obtaining btc 1553599;1475763550;shinohai;mircea_popescu: this is nearly everyone besides a few which sed ate, but nearly all are keybase.io http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/2gmzb/?raw=true 1553600;1475763560;shinohai;so I'm willing to bet phuctor has em already 1553601;1475765505;mircea_popescu;anyway, i AM mildly curious how many here present can actually calculate sha-3 512 (ie, keccak) from command line. 1553602;1475765533;mircea_popescu;shinohai aha. 1553603;1475765627;shinohai;Doesn't rhash do that? 1553604;1475765742;mircea_popescu;do youy have it ? 1553605;1475765805;mircea_popescu;because if you don't have it it doesn't do that ; and from a cursory inspection it turns out NOBODY packages it. because why would they, usg has its own designs. 1553606;1475765973;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was a reason i did not use sha3 in the lamport tutorial. 1553607;1475766678;mircea_popescu;sucks. 1553608;1475767043;thestringpuller;from other lulz: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/10/06/spotify-has-been-sending-computer-viruses-to-listeners/ 1553609;1475768202;mircea_popescu;and in other passtimes, http://67.media.tumblr.com/b0db55c8f2e3d557b27d184023d4b93c/tumblr_mt72waEt5p1s7ejhlo1_500.gif 1553610;1475768541;shinohai;When Vinny says pay, you pays bitch. 1553611;1475770151;mircea_popescu;aye 1553612;1475771299;PeterL;https://www.gnupg.org/faq/gnupg-faq.html << "If you need more security than RSA-2048 offers, the way to go would be to switch to elliptical curve cryptography — not to continue using RSA." hmm, interesting 1553613;1475771360;PeterL;"RSA-4096 is not a bad idea: it’s just, generally speaking, unnecessary. You gain very little in the way of additional resistance to brute-forcing and cryptanalysis." 1553614;1475771477;PeterL;aha, this is the actual reason I was looking through FAQ: "SHA-3 is a completely new hash algorithm that makes a clean break with the previous SHAs. It is believed to be safe, with no warnings about its usage. It hasn't yet been officially introduced into the OpenPGP standard, and for that reason GnuPG doesn't support it." 1553615;1475772122;PeterL;https://pthree.org/2014/04/30/sha3-keccak-in-linux/ << mircea_popescu it looks like rhash does do this 1553616;1475772204;PeterL;from rhash -h : "--sha3-224, --sha3-256, --sha3-384, --sha3-512 Calculate SHA3 hash sum." 1553617;1475772700;phf;i get this on local machine 1553618;1475772700;phf;echo foobar | rhash --sha3-256 - 1553619;1475772701;phf;9c5bbf00bb6103c7f3d91fe598489725341010b8d0785274029d4645c34ebe9c (stdin) 1553620;1475772782;PeterL;hmm, I get ec7f27c2fb6588d30116d0abd380354bd73b9100e4ad2520c099c0716895ca70 (stdin) 1553621;1475772803;PeterL;shouldn't they be the same? 1553622;1475772911;trinque;wat 1553623;1475772933;phf;kek 1553624;1475772969;PeterL;rhash v1.3.1 here, you? 1553625;1475772985;phf;1.3.3 1553626;1475773048;phf;fwiw i tried both echo foobar and echo -n foobar 1553627;1475773069;trinque;was just about to ask if one of you was using a weirdo shell 1553628;1475773077;trinque;with warped echo 1553629;1475773104;*;trinque compiles rturd 1553630;1475773112;phf;we need a tie breaker 1553631;1475773164;trinque;% echo foobar | ./rhash --sha3-256 - 1553632;1475773166;trinque;9c5bbf00bb6103c7f3d91fe598489725341010b8d0785274029d4645c34ebe9c (stdin) 1553633;1475773197;trinque;clearly all PeterL's fault 1553634;1475773546;PeterL;should I be worried that I am getting a different value? 1553635;1475774028;shinohai;just got back, I get: 1553636;1475774032;shinohai;9c5bbf00bb6103c7f3d91fe598489725341010b8d0785274029d4645c34ebe9c (stdin) 1553637;1475774040;shinohai;so same as trinque 1553638;1475774188;trinque;SHA512 (rhash-1.3.3-src.tar.gz) = 0ac1699a0e5718b750610cd6189d9d582186d7e17191e3723a994559c8f9c6ea7e0d34825da0c96fd0fc6be3e14b5f44ce7a21d17156cdfce3f0e3e4ff09389e 1553639;1475774214;trinque;PeterL: worth figuring out eh? even if it's pebkek 1553640;1475774219;*;shinohai always userd rhash to create torrent files 1553641;1475775401;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1tIO 1553642;1475775401;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1553643;1475776008;PeterL;9c5bbf00bb6103c7f3d91fe598489725341010b8d0785274029d4645c34ebe9c (stdin) << must be something to do with the older version I got from apt-get, with newer version I get this hash 1553644;1475776056;PeterL;now, how do I go about removing the old version and replacing it with the new one I just built? 1553645;1475776167;shinohai;apt-get autoremove rhash 1553646;1475776195;shinohai;if you built from source it will leave that in /home/ or wherever 1553647;1475776618;PeterL;I learn so much hanging around here! 1553648;1475776682;shinohai;now you can copy the one you built to /usr/local/bin and good to go 1553649;1475776937;PeterL;what's the difference between /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin ? 1553650;1475776944;diana_coman;rhash actually has make install... 1553651;1475776974;shinohai;oh thats true 1553652;1475777690;trinque;PeterL: /usr tends to contain items considered part of your distribution, /usr/local contains 3rd part or "contrib" items 1553653;1475777697;trinque;though this distinction has gotten pretty muddy over the years 1553654;1475777736;trinque;on openbsd for example, /usr contains things shipped with the release. anything installed from ports is in /usr/local . 1553655;1475777802;trinque;then there's /opt which roughly translates to "fuck it, I'm putting this turd all by itself in say /opt/rhash-1.3.3/" 1553656;1475777848;*;trinque avoids discussing /var lest he have an aneurysm. 1553657;1475778056;shinohai;http://archive.is/dsW46 <<< handy pic of what a bf that attempts to pull stuck vibrator out of gf's ass with salad tongs looks like. 1553658;1475778164;trinque;http://archive.is/dsW46#selection-965.0-965.33 << ahaha now it's a cause. 1553659;1475778257;shinohai;No woman should ever have to have a buttplug irretrievably lodged in her ass again. 1553660;1475778367;trinque;I can only assume "go in through my stomach" is "abdomen" for the anatomically illiterate. 1553661;1475778411;trinque;since this is probably clickbait fiction, they should rewrite it in a month with the dude playing lead. it'd be funnier. 1553662;1475779025;ben_vulpes;trinque: tell us about /var 1553663;1475779335;trinque;thing's overrun with autistaxonomy n-levels deep, because the filesystem is a terrible database. 1553664;1475779361;trinque;/var is meant to be mutable state, as opposed to static-at-runtime state in /etc 1553665;1475779388;trinque;but y'know CUPS writes to /etc/cups/printers.conf all damned day, because fuck you. 1553666;1475779589;phf;when i learned unix from graybeard, i was actually told things like "have your etc mounted read only for day to day operation, have your var on separate drive since that's where all the thrashing is" etc. 1553667;1475779621;trinque;yep, not a terrible thing to mount whole root r/o 1553668;1475779661;*;trinque has a bigger problem with every unique graybeard snowflake inventing his own format inside /var 1553669;1475779687;trinque;so when I want to "join" across all this data I get to munge strings like some barbarian 1553670;1475779790;mod6;haha 1553671;1475779831;ben_vulpes;CUPS haha 1553672;1475780631;mircea_popescu;PeterL i'll ask you what i asked him : does it do it on your box ? 1553673;1475780702;PeterL;I am confused, yes it does 1553674;1475780732;mircea_popescu;then ok ; but it doesn't exist on plenty of boxes and in most distros - is the point. 1553675;1475780748;mircea_popescu;(and from looking through the log - no, it didn't. but anyway) 1553676;1475780749;PeterL;because I just installed it 1553677;1475780753;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1553678;1475780817;PeterL;but it is relatively new, so that is why you have to manually add it, right? 1553679;1475780840;PeterL;eventually all the open source guys will get around to adding this to thier packages 1553680;1475780845;mircea_popescu;in one interpretation. 1553681;1475780860;ben_vulpes;aww PeterL 1553682;1475780865;mircea_popescu;they don't seem to take very long in adding the official usg holes to "their" packages. 1553683;1475780871;ben_vulpes;that's either very charitable or very naive 1553684;1475780876;ben_vulpes;or very sarcasatic. 1553685;1475780887;PeterL;did I forget the sarcasm tag again? 1553686;1475780933;ben_vulpes;hey, midwesterners use mayo as a food base, i have nfi when y'all are joking 1553687;1475780938;PeterL;so, this gets added to "tmsr distro"? 1553688;1475780953;PeterL;I thought it was the cajuns that made everything out of mayo? 1553689;1475780977;mircea_popescu;shinohai why does that student look 45. 1553690;1475781004;PeterL;maybe she went back to school? 1553691;1475781032;mircea_popescu;mebbe. 1553692;1475781248;mircea_popescu;phf lol graybeard trying to emulate vax on micro ? 1553693;1475781329;mircea_popescu;and in other "practical lessons in redundancy", http://66.media.tumblr.com/8eb17a81724f99bdd761115606b6cee5/tumblr_nhsz38o5MS1u2tjfmo1_500.gif 1553694;1475782107;mircea_popescu;"research indicates coffee made from capsules contains significantly more furan than drip or boiled." 1553695;1475782149;mircea_popescu;i suppose no marketing budged to pay for this awareness, however. gotta find better awarenesses. 1553696;1475782236;PeterL;"lets run our boiling hot water over some random plastic bits, what could possibly go wrong?" 1553697;1475782247;mircea_popescu;it's actually from the coffee. 1553698;1475782277;mircea_popescu;furan is a degradation product ; mostly driven by thermal shock. 1553699;1475782311;PeterL;would that also apply to cappucinos? 1553700;1475782324;mircea_popescu;to a slighter degree. and to microwaves. and so on. 1553701;1475782406;mircea_popescu;http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02652030701551842?journalCode=tfac20 for the passionate. 1553702;1475782822;diana_coman;mircea_popescu> then ok ; but it doesn't exist on plenty of boxes and in most distros - is the point. <- ubuntu 14.04 at least actually has it 1553703;1475782835;mircea_popescu;a does it ? 1553704;1475782993;diana_coman;apparently previous version of ubuntu should have it too https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhash 1553705;1475783000;PeterL;"brewing by an espresso machine caused significant loss of furanic compounds." < from another study on mircea_popescu's link 1553706;1475783028;diana_coman;or here : http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=rhash 1553707;1475783043;diana_coman;so yeah, from ubuntu 12.04 1553708;1475783050;trinque;could ship a statically compiled rhash. 1553709;1475783107;trinque;there is an example with the rpm target in the Makefile using ADDLDFLAGS, should also work with target "all" 1553710;1475783153;PeterL;why not build from source? 1553711;1475783156;mircea_popescu;10.04 definitely doesn't have it, fwiw. 1553712;1475783159;diana_coman;that being said, it is from "universe" aka not "officially" supported 1553713;1475783166;trinque;PeterL: I just proposed that. 1553714;1475783194;PeterL;I guess I misunderstood what you proposed 1553715;1475783243;mircea_popescu;if you ship a statically compiled rhash that'd be a binary neh ? 1553716;1475783318;trinque;sure if he meant end user of Eulora compiles. I understood that most of them download binaries. 1553717;1475783363;mircea_popescu;ah, this is only vaguely related to eulora ; inasmuch as i've decided to keep snapshots of known-good linuxen and in the process discovered the horribru state of "open source" opsec 1553718;1475783402;mircea_popescu;ps. you'd be surprised just how many installs are secured by a md5 hash. do check what happens if you disable it ; or try to use a repo with it disabled. 1553719;1475783417;trinque;got it, and yes. 1553720;1475783431;mircea_popescu;and by now md5 collisions are subsecond affairs even without significant gear / investment. 1553721;1475783496;mircea_popescu;(because src allows comments, this literally means ANYTHING could be in that file that "matches" md5 signature) 1553722;1475783506;trinque;meanwhile gentoo, which obviates the whole F35^H^H^Hdebian-style build infrastructure, bloats by the day 1553723;1475783520;*;trinque did another base install of gentoo the other day, was something like 1.5-2gb 1553724;1475783538;mircea_popescu;what the fuck. 1553725;1475783573;trinque;gotta have like two pythons, a perl, can't remove scads of doc/info/sgml(WHAT?)/man pages in-band, god knows whatever else 1553726;1475783585;mircea_popescu;.... 1553727;1475783711;ben_vulpes;trinque: can you install an ancient gentoo? 1553728;1475783712;mircea_popescu;none of these is 2gb wtf 1553729;1475783741;trinque;ben_vulpes: I'd rather freeze an openbsd and steal portage from gentoo 1553730;1475783744;trinque;farting around with that still. 1553731;1475783799;mircea_popescu;diana_coman of course the q now is, if it has it or "has" it, like seen above with PeterL 's experience with a v 1.3.1 that fraudulently misrepresented sha2 as sha3 1553732;1475783958;mircea_popescu;tension, apprehension and dissension long ago began. 1553733;1475783962;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, and right you are, ofc 1553734;1475783975;diana_coman;it's version 1.3.1 in the repos from what I see 1553735;1475783992;mircea_popescu;whell. 1553736;1475784003;mircea_popescu;this then would qualify as "not has it". 1553737;1475784025;diana_coman;indeed; not has it then it is 1553738;1475784076;PeterL;I don't think it matched up with sha2 either 1553739;1475784084;mircea_popescu;whole fucking termite nest, in all places and everywhere, THIS paper thin. "it has it, o wait dun look closer". 1553740;1475784100;mircea_popescu;from littoral combat ships to convenience paper cups, all the way and whichever way. the usg way! 1553741;1475784172;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: one of your earlier links contained yet another 'happy surprise' - there are TWO INCOMPATIBLE keccaks floating around, by decree of His Putrid Majesty, one of'em is simply the normal keccak but it appends a constant turd to the input (nfi why) 1553742;1475784182;PeterL;http://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/550/which-cryptographic-hash-function-does-ethereum-use << more confusion 1553743;1475784220;diana_coman;only latest version of ubuntu claims to have 1.3.3-1 rhash but by this time I'm not even sure that is what it claims anyway 1553744;1475784241;mircea_popescu;PeterL it's sha-256 long, but you're right, not the correct value 1553745;1475784260;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform doh. 1553746;1475784271;mircea_popescu;diana_coman 1.3-3.1, get it ? it's a palindrome! 1553747;1475784296;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well you could venture a guess. 1553748;1475784303;diana_coman;lol 1553749;1475785129;mircea_popescu;and i'm going to write up that " "If you need more security than RSA-2048 offers, the way to go would be to switch to elliptical curve cryptography" nonsense ; because it's getting ridiculous 1553750;1475787557;mircea_popescu;hm, anyone recall the "the canonical 'specificity of diddling theorem' article." as per http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-30#1148301 ? 1553751;1475787558;a111;Logged on 2015-05-30 04:04 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: y'know, at some point one of us needs to write the canonical 'specificity of diddling theorem' article. 1553752;1475787734;mircea_popescu;i guess ima go with http://trilema.com/2013/how-to-airgap-a-practical-guide/#selection-89.209-89.346 1553753;1475788005;ben_vulpes;iirc there is no canonical specificity of diddling article 1553754;1475788024;ben_vulpes;but that's the best i've found as well. 1553755;1475788465;mircea_popescu;alright. 1553756;1475789713;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-lies/ << Trilema - Werner Koch lies. 1553757;1475793912;BingoBoingo;* trinque avoids discussing /var lest he have an aneurysm. << /var is great. Most stuff belongs there! 1553758;1475794531;trinque;lets separate things properly here 1553759;1475794545;trinque;having a partition for run-time mutable state sounds great 1553760;1475794562;trinque;one could have that and impose some rigorous structure over the damned thing too 1553761;1475794686;trinque;and /etc for that matter 1553762;1475794849;shinohai;Todays ebay scam brought to you by the US Army http://archive.is/Mcf5H 1553763;1475795129;trinque;insert into `/etc/hosts` (ip, hostname) select ip, hostname from `/var/db/dhcp.leases`; << the only reason this (represented in *any* syntax, has nothing to do with SQL itself) isn't possible is that "freedom" plus autism equals makework 1553764;1475795280;trinque;a pile of cleartext sexprs manipulated through a transactional constraints checker would be superior, even, to the relational example. 1553765;1475795701;mircea_popescu;freedom plus autism equals makework eh ? 1553766;1475795740;mircea_popescu;trinque i think you're on to something. 1553767;1475795741;mircea_popescu;shinohai i lullzed. 1553768;1475795996;shinohai;Do all scammers have only a 3rd-grade education now? Seriously, ebay of all places. 1553769;1475796198;mircea_popescu;the cattle regards the fence as "part of its environment". it endows it with basic assumptions of fairness etc derived from the "fact" that it & its fellow moos still moo. 1553770;1475796232;mircea_popescu;just like they don't suspect the rain of being radioactive ; they wouldn't suspect ebay of being run by you know, someone. 1553771;1475796234;mircea_popescu;"it just is." 1553772;1475796315;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/us-tax-department-busted-by-indian-police/ << Qntra - US Tax Department Busted By Indian Police 1553773;1475796359;mircea_popescu;"although no word was available as to whether any iTunes gift cards were recovered the haul" BingoBoingo ? 1553774;1475796491;mircea_popescu;and in other kim gageshian news, https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-q7nOPKd9m3I/UsaZLZA1beI/AAAAAAAAASc/GcTx92XVbHI/w800-h600/KimKardashianMuzzleGagged.jpg 1553775;1475796514;shinohai;You haven't got a call from a Preet asking you to pay fines with an itunes giftcard? 1553776;1475796541;mircea_popescu;no it was John ford-kerry or w/e ketchup firm they named him after. 1553777;1475796627;shinohai;I guess they figure they need to send the big cheeses after you. 1553778;1475796650;mircea_popescu;it's not a cheese it's a ketchup im telling you. 1553779;1475796992;mircea_popescu;did we have https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1000.pdf here btw ? asciilifeform ? 1553780;1475797239;*;shinohai is going to start offering pdf to text conversions as a service 1553781;1475797249;mircea_popescu;for srs 1553782;1475798099;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pretty sure we did, it's a nadia heninger 1553783;1475798296;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: fxd, ty 1553784;1475798486;thestringpuller;preet just called, he wants his defendent back. 1553785;1475798853;*;BingoBoingo pretty sure that is the wrong cart for that load https://i.imgur.com/qE6kGWQ.jpg 1553786;1475798912;BingoBoingo;"I bought this toilet and it already had shit it it!" 1553787;1475801255;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tacked on yeah. but iirc we didn't. 1553788;1475801413;shinohai;!~later tell diana_coman http://ix.io/1tOB 1553789;1475801413;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1553790;1475801455;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was in crypto-'13. iirc, the original 'here is how much amazonium it takes to break n-bit rsa' 1553791;1475801575;mircea_popescu;this is a 2015 re print 1553792;1475801606;*;asciilifeform looks 1553793;1475801663;asciilifeform;ah this is the one where they added 'and now it costs ~ a hundy, and plenty of idiots still remain to whom to do it' 1553794;1475801687;shinohai;Apparently a new round of DoS attacks on ETH ... this time on *parity* clients 1553795;1475801693;mircea_popescu;aww. 1553796;1475801697;mircea_popescu;but i thought come at me bro! 1553797;1475801715;shinohai;Well, they asked for it 1553798;1475801740;mircea_popescu;i dunno anything makes one so happy as derps who dunno when to quit. 1553799;1475801763;mircea_popescu;particularly well fed by this entire "you are a special snowflake and have rights and nobody can ever rape you" 1553800;1475801822;mircea_popescu;+ of course the "money is of no consequence, plenty of things more important '''in life'''" bit, not to mention the "you gotta just keep faith and hold out forever!" etc. 1553801;1475801844;mircea_popescu;usg is the ultimate lolcow factory. 1553802;1475801883;shinohai;As long as I have a gas station to work in, I can ride out teh storm and keep huffin' 1553803;1475801900;mircea_popescu;werd. 1553804;1475801959;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in "productive travel" news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/acaf02eb8ff46c553e67bab94dd775ad/tumblr_mkgnh7mKc91rubadgo1_1280.jpg 1553805;1475801980;mircea_popescu;get the whole couchette compartment is still the best way to travel 1553806;1475802016;shinohai;What a lovely posterior 1553807;1475802027;mircea_popescu;nature helps teens. 1553808;1475802166;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/least-effort-signups-in-django << CH - Least-Effort Signups in Django 1553809;1475802308;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is an automatic login. 1553810;1475802323;ben_vulpes;what the fuck is a password 1553811;1475802546;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: elaborated upon 1553812;1475802564;mircea_popescu;what's to elaborate, i have nfi what the guy you quote wants to do. 1553813;1475802570;shinohai;http://archive.is/VkjX4 <<< nothing like free booze to lube the blocksize debate 1553814;1475802621;trinque;he's also way too fuckin excited about django 1553815;1475802643;trinque;should always come off like you're clearing your throat the morning after a moonshine bender 1553816;1475802683;mircea_popescu;shinohai "will you give a shit ? let us know in comments below". apparently they forgot to add to the pinoy workorders, because about as empty as evan fraggart's gaze. 1553817;1475802701;mircea_popescu;"senior editor of bitcoin.com", 17yo. 1553818;1475802785;shinohai;Hey it's hard to find any decent help when you recruit from reddit, even if you do supposedly have millions in btc 1553819;1475802817;mircea_popescu;guess so. 1553820;1475802840;mircea_popescu;amusingly, this is almost exact replay of a story 4 years old. aanyway. 1553821;1475802849;shinohai;I loll'd at his tweet earlier this morning, so ecstatic that they have 1% of all mining power on their phork 1553822;1475802862;shinohai;IT'S HAPPENING 1553823;1475803294;mircea_popescu;1% today, two percent tomorrow! 1553824;1475803749;ben_vulpes;WE! ARE! THE ROGER VER PERCENT! 1553825;1475803770;ben_vulpes;(tm)(r)(occupy*) 1553826;1475803812;*;shinohai wonders why he doesn't call his fork "Bitcoin Uncensored" 1553827;1475803966;mircea_popescu;i need roger ver percent because i don't want beer to dictate my body shape! 1553828;1475804897;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/body-heat/ << Trilema - Body Heat 1553829;1475804927;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/06/voltaire-money-adnotated-part-2/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Voltaire. Money. Adnotated. Part 2. 1553830;1475806916;mod6;does anyone else have this issue running asciilifeform's lamport example diff commands? http://dpaste.com/00VJ9E2.txt 1553831;1475806976;asciilifeform;mod6: it's a wordpress idiocy 1553832;1475806988;asciilifeform;try as i might, i was unable to zap the space between the < and (. 1553833;1475807015;asciilifeform;'diff < (./lamport_decode.sh sha256sum pubkey.txt < encoded.txt)' should be 'diff <(./lamport_decode.sh sha256sum pubkey.txt < encoded.txt)' . 1553834;1475807088;asciilifeform;(possibly not wp per se, but the plugin i used to format code fragments. i fought with it for a while, and gave up) 1553835;1475807128;mod6;ah got it. 1553836;1475807158;mod6;yup works if i use it like: diff <(./lamport_decode.sh sha256sum pubkey.txt < encoded.txt) 1553837;1475807177;mod6;anyway, onwards and upwards. 1553838;1475807177;asciilifeform;because that is the correct syntax. the other - rubbish. 1553839;1475807177;trinque;mega-useful and syntactically befuddling sugar for bolting the command inside to a fifo and passing as argument 1553840;1475809678;BingoBoingo; i need roger ver percent because i don't want beer to dictate my body shape! << For eight easy payments of cyan dollars you too can be Roger VERified media Impire editeroror 1553841;1475833231;shinohai;Make controversial deal with Marxists, fail, still win Nobel prize http://archive.is/Nzs7u 1553842;1475835237;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1tVA 1553843;1475835237;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1553844;1475839566;mircea_popescu;shinohai hey, that's what nobel prize is for, entirely. "tried and failed to socialism". 1553845;1475839581;mircea_popescu;deep reason stalin never got it : he looked too much like succeeding. 1553846;1475839607;shinohai;Guess that's why they gave Bahamas one too. 1553847;1475840295;mircea_popescu;he moar like failed to try, but sure. 1553848;1475840465;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform write "<(" as "<(" and it'll work. as a geenral rule i run a s/ it's compressed. she's got a nice girth to her, a foot and a half of ass. << indeed, looks good suckin cock. 1553896;1475849254;shinohai;Good here, btw disregard my pm re: making old floppy images using perl 1553897;1475849639;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/backpage-ceo-criminally-arrested-on-pimping-allegations/ << Qntra - Backpage CEO Criminally Arrested On Pimping Allegations 1553898;1475849710;mod6;rapid news! 1553899;1475849715;mircea_popescu;lol 1553900;1475850244;shinohai;https://twitter.com/WhalePanda/status/784062111966171140 1553901;1475850282;shinohai;I think eth devs intentionally make the most faggoty sounding names for patches. 1553902;1475850328;mircea_popescu;lol 1553903;1475856969;mircea_popescu;in other news, node blackholing is still here and healthy. 1553904;1475858089;phf;"Brain training exercises just make you better at brain training exercises (bps.org.uk)" 1553905;1475858209;mircea_popescu;i dunno ... ass training exercises don't just make you better at ass training exercises... 1553906;1475858430;phf;"When her best friend died, she used artificial intelligence to keep talking to him ☶ cogsci theverge.com" 1553907;1475858866;mircea_popescu;what the... 1553908;1475859135;phf;kind of makes sense, if you're a markov chain, and so are all your friends, it only makes sense 1553909;1475859253;mircea_popescu;sense that it makes i don't see sensible. 1553910;1475860020;BingoBoingo;Sense, once made, is markedly not sensible! 1553911;1475860647;mircea_popescu;in other sense, i have this pot full of lovage on the balcony. it rocks ; by now it's the size of having eaten a small baby. 1553912;1475862393;BingoBoingo;Awesome. 1553913;1475863091;shinohai;"Gov. Pat McCrory has let become law without his signature a bill transferring money from a disaster-relief fund to pay to defend the state against lawsuits over HB2." 1553914;1475863106;shinohai;At least their is no hurricane coming or anything like that 1553915;1475864942;ben_vulpes;mats and other reversers: http://bits-please.blogspot.fr/2016/05/qsee-privilege-escalation-vulnerability.html 1553916;1475864955;ben_vulpes;found in: http://www.fredericb.info/2016/10/amlogic-s905-soc-bypassing-not-so.html 1553917;1475864976;asciilifeform;meanwhile, from the dept. of sad sacks of shit, https://download.wpsoftware.net/bitcoin/wizardry/mimblewimble.txt >> 'Q. If you delete the inputs, double spending can happen. A. In fact, this means: maybe someone claims that some unspent output was spent in the old days. But this is impossible, otherwise the sum of the combined transactioncould not be zero.' 1553918;1475865039;mircea_popescu;wut ? 1553919;1475865090;mircea_popescu;oh, derps working to destroy bitcoin txn verifiability ? 1553920;1475865097;asciilifeform;aha! them. 1553921;1475865099;asciilifeform;who else. 1553922;1475865132;shinohai;I refuse to read that on the grounds it might give me cancer 1553923;1475865133;mircea_popescu;here's the beauty : any idiot can delete anything he wants. heck, out of the ~7 bn pointless ruminants currently masquerading as members of the human race, we could say all actually "have" bitcoin, it's just they... deleted it. 1553924;1475865134;mircea_popescu;so ? 1553925;1475865146;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i would not rule out the bootrom.bin being identical, or similar, to the one in the amd thread. and the linked author's refusal to share it is rank cowardice, must point out. 1553926;1475865260;asciilifeform;re other ben_vulpes link, ' I've responsibly disclosed this vulnerability to Google and it has been fixed...' << why the FUCK does anyone still do this. 1553927;1475865297;asciilifeform;'hello, is this hitler? i saw there is a hole in one of your camp fences, untermenschen are escaping, send help quickly' 1553928;1475865303;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/no-longer-sterling-pound-plunges-6-1-percent-over-two-minutes/ << Qntra - No Longer Sterling Pound Plunges 6.1 Percent Over Two Minutes 1553929;1475865313;BingoBoingo;^ More fence holes! 1553930;1475865951;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: linked in part because i had a hunch 1553931;1475865967;ben_vulpes;and nfi re the second point 1553932;1475865979;ben_vulpes;stockholm? paid to? 1553933;1475865984;ben_vulpes;utterly nfi. 1553934;1475866099;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for that exact reason. most of the taxpayers are complicit and group-guilty. 1553935;1475866121;ben_vulpes;comment section even enforces usg.identity 1553936;1475866362;*;ben_vulpes halfway tempted to install the openid wordpress plugin, but...meh. 1553937;1475867688;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-07#1553903 << lol, where didja expect it to go. it isn't like the old soviet jamming of 'voice of america', this one doesn't cost anything. 1553938;1475867925;ben_vulpes;hyuuu the littoral lolz continue! LCS bumped into a tug and opened up a foot-long crack along a weld seam. 1553939;1475867949;ben_vulpes;five of the stringers bent! 1553940;1475867951;ben_vulpes;god the things are made of plastic. 1553941;1475868659;mircea_popescu;us is the new china, by now china has much better plastics than this 1982 shit 1553942;1475871354;thestringpuller;wow that was brutal 1553943;1475873144;deedbot;Freenode confirmed to operate out of a Florida trailer park. 1553944;1475873390;ben_vulpes;confirmed 1553945;1475874622;trinque;!!up phf 1553946;1475874622;deedbot;phf voiced for 30 minutes. 1553947;1475877645;ben_vulpes;surely there's another server somewhere they haven't restarted. 1553948;1475880152;shinohai;http://archive.is/cJUpe <<< kek 1553949;1475881050;BingoBoingo;Hold your kek 1553950;1475881126;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/nsa-has-a-booz-problem-a-special-roundup-xtend-tmr/ << Qntra - NSA Has A Booz Problem, A Special Roundup Xtend (TM)(R) 1553951;1475881201;*;BingoBoingo finally got to link human latrine pig 1553952;1475881580;shinohai;Brilliant BingoBoingo 1553953;1475881613;BingoBoingo;tyvm 1553954;1475882878;adlai;BingoBoingo: this is top shit but as a Person i take offense at your using personal pronouns in reference to a mere octopus tentacle. sure, maybe the whole octopus aspires to tulpahood, but why extend the honor to a mere appendage? 1553955;1475883130;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-03#1533854 << a) "fully private" does not exist, anywhere; b) cryptonote scales worse than sleeve of wizard 1553956;1475883130;a111;Logged on 2016-09-03 01:17 Bugpowder: a cryptonote fork that provides user selectable transaction privacy, from public (like bitcoin) to fully private (only sender and recipient know) using ring encryption. 1553957;1475883255;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo epic how many and varied benefits the eth derives from it's large, fast blocks. 1553958;1475883259;mircea_popescu;ita* 1553959;1475883282;mircea_popescu;eg https://archive.is/GcW40 1553960;1475884025;BingoBoingo;lol 1553961;1475884046;BingoBoingo;adlai: zher is not a personal pronoun 1553962;1475884053;shinohai;^ 1553963;1475884127;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BD09C2257D5A0DEBAC696557EBB958142B9539C659D026E58AB3845452F8E56B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94031244202143566798174534423023440637356261691582919641171828044851605209359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1553966;1475884667;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5B7E4D990A326021D8A8638FF696364559C4D1B58D094E364C5073BFFA1053AD << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94031244202143566798174534423023440637356261691582919641171828044851605209359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1553968;1475884667;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/306C0F0E71E4E318D91B570C39D2F006E88D6DC6BB28EAE578AA7F9FA7130F08 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94031244202143566798174534423023440637356261691582919641171828044851605209359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; Norco Bicycles: ; Norco oral : Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings ...: 1554061;1475969560;mircea_popescu;"The leak of Trump’s disgusting remarks on Friday, although putting a near end to his chances," |<< "Really, Ubuntu legitimately contains enough stuff to cover many hundreds of walls with shelves ? " <<< couldn't agree more << indeed. 1554084;1475971801;shinohai;I hadn't installed Ubuntu in forever until I started testing this stuff. It's maddening what a resource hog it is. 1554085;1475971842;mod6;oh yeah. it's a wasteland. 1554086;1475971880;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/ideological-history-of-the-republic/#comment-119400 . 1554087;1475972098;mod6;mircea_popescu: in the context of an ideological history, I have nothing further to add. I'll denote that the recent progress of freezing trb's 3rd party deps, starting in the end of July, is signifigant, however covered by item #10 imho. 1554088;1475972140;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: it'll eat up to 4mb, lmk if you need more 1554089;1475972247;ben_vulpes;aaand i have nfi what the story is with pingbacks 1554090;1475972394;asciilifeform;aaaaand i see the lizards already rolled out the legitimization story for a diebolding of ol' mr t. 1554091;1475973678;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: how would i use shiva to hook into the trb wallet functions? 1554092;1475973684;thestringpuller;and key functions? 1554093;1475973700;trinque;so, phf was the second after asciilifeform to have a key expire. we should probably discuss how this should be handled going forward. 1554094;1475973718;trinque;in alf's case I did --recv-key on same fingerprint when it happened, so same was done with phf's key 1554095;1475973736;trinque;my perspective is that the field is promisetronic in exactly the same manner as nlocktime 1554096;1475973755;trinque;I don't see that it means a thing; control of private key is control of private key 1554097;1475973873;ben_vulpes;fingerprint collisions can be purchased. 1554098;1475973925;ben_vulpes;wouldn't one want to actually verify the key components and not just that sks coughed something up for a given fp? 1554099;1475973947;trinque;I have both keys here. 1554100;1475973970;trinque;ben_vulpes: given that, how do I know I got the right key the *first* time. 1554101;1475974007;trinque;somebody put a fingerprint in someplace and then I asked hitler for it 1554102;1475974015;asciilifeform;trinque: that'd be one of the few practical uses of meatspace conference. 1554103;1475974027;ben_vulpes;ideally !!register 1554104;1475974037;trinque;then that gets mitm 1554105;1475974051;ben_vulpes;sure enough. 1554106;1475974081;ben_vulpes;user comes back around pretty quickly with a 'wtf' tho. 1554107;1475974102;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554091 << you would have to begin by putting shiva back in... it isn't in the mainline trb (on account of questionable usefulness) 1554108;1475974102;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 00:41 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: how would i use shiva to hook into the trb wallet functions? 1554109;1475974142;asciilifeform;(and relatively large qty of gnarly and yet-unreviewed code) 1554110;1475974199;ben_vulpes;trinque: i say don't handle it, expiration is a ridiculous booby trap in gpg and updating is all sorts of fraught. 1554111;1475974386;trinque;I have to run for a bit; I put the matter of how to handle this circumstance before the Lords. 1554112;1475978431;mircea_popescu;mod6 a ty. 1554113;1475978453;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554094 << Just Say No to sks, folx. 1554114;1475978453;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 00:41 trinque: in alf's case I did --recv-key on same fingerprint when it happened, so same was done with phf's key 1554115;1475978458;asciilifeform;stop using --get-key-from-usg. 1554116;1475978465;asciilifeform;yesterday. 1554117;1475978637;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes so far was amply sufficient, very nice. 1554118;1475978784;mircea_popescu;trinque you know you got the "right" key the first time because the guy registered it ~prior~ to being anyone. 1554119;1475978806;mircea_popescu;anyway ; expiring keys are a major fucking problem. i have personally no qualms whatsoever with simply depersoning anyone whose key expires. 1554120;1475978821;mircea_popescu;"my key expired" === "i published my privkey" 1554121;1475978956;asciilifeform;unupdateable keys are also problem. 1554122;1475978972;mircea_popescu;not retroactively, of course, but hey - you want to expire your key, just fucking change it. BEFORE it "expires". 1554123;1475978977;asciilifeform;noshit. 1554124;1475978986;asciilifeform;'take off pants ~before~ sitting on shitter, not after' 1554125;1475978987;mircea_popescu;course i dunno if we even have support for this in deedbot 1554126;1475979083;mircea_popescu;even the notion of "expire" as implemented in gpg.koch is nonsense. should be replaced with "disused", as in, "i took it out of deedbot and am not using it anymore" 1554127;1475979084;asciilifeform;imho there is even merit in a scheme like lamport's, where the key has to be replaced ~every time it is used.~ seems like nuttery, until you consider that it cannot be ruled out that rsa (and every other numbertheoretical method) signatures slowly leak the privkey. 1554128;1475979126;mircea_popescu;i guess i should add this to my rsa key length article. 1554129;1475979142;asciilifeform;aha 1554130;1475979160;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform rewmind me, how did i get pubkeys from phuctor ? 1554131;1475979182;asciilifeform;let's take example: 1554132;1475979225;mircea_popescu;Known Moduli: 4391213 Moduli with Obvious Brain-Damage: 460906 ie more than 10% ffs. 1554133;1475979228;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3FD8822B236A7D809CB7D94A9B5E7DF08251829E6DCB988208AD8D3A768CAB9B << me. 1554134;1475979238;asciilifeform;then there is a button at the bottom. 1554135;1475979241;asciilifeform;gets you the .asc. 1554136;1475979260;asciilifeform;or --- http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgfp/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7 << using the longfp. 1554137;1475979278;asciilifeform;these are the only 2 knobs it's got. 1554138;1475979315;mircea_popescu;!!register http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/download/876B66A5F4BB61D4B8BDCDB4F88B565D213C3A3D906FA1656E9E1F841AA2D0E9? 1554139;1475979316;deedbot;mircea_popescu is already registered. 1554140;1475979320;mircea_popescu;ha. 1554141;1475979326;asciilifeform;see, worx 1554142;1475979332;mircea_popescu;mebbe 1554143;1475979333;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554113 << right, I am of the mind to make two changes going forward, as this was not stated explicitly before. 1554144;1475979333;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 02:00 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554094 << Just Say No to sks, folx. 1554145;1475979333;asciilifeform;(or does it?) 1554146;1475979354;mircea_popescu;trinque so ideally i'm thinking !!register should just keep on working, except if it's already register it should produce challenge to old sig 1554147;1475979355;trinque;one, remove --recv-key entirely from deedbot; two, anyone whose key expires is a dead nick 1554148;1475979366;trinque;mircea_popescu: yep I like that 1554149;1475979384;mircea_popescu;and yes, once key expires the responsible party is fucked. 1554150;1475979434;mircea_popescu;re recv-key, i dunno that you HAVE TO take it out ; but i'm certainly not against removing it. 1554151;1475979435;asciilifeform;did we ever have a case of key-expired-and-no-new-key-issued-prior ? 1554152;1475979443;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you and phf. 1554153;1475979445;asciilifeform;nope 1554154;1475979446;asciilifeform;not me. 1554155;1475979449;asciilifeform;i -- issued. 1554156;1475979458;mircea_popescu;not afadk. 1554157;1475979530;trinque;asciilifeform: I thought I had not pulled your new key until after the old one's expiry, but I could be mistaken. 1554158;1475979545;trinque;but at any rate, "I published to sks before old expired" is also broken. 1554159;1475979551;asciilifeform;now i cannot force people to pull the reissued key in timely way. 1554160;1475979554;trinque;right 1554161;1475979570;trinque;mircea_popescu's change to !!register solves it 1554162;1475979571;asciilifeform;i still get 'wtf' from people who download the original v 1554163;1475979586;asciilifeform;with old key (differs only in date field, i've been using the same modulus for years) 1554164;1475979638;mircea_popescu;trinque also possibly force any !!register to an existing name to happen in the chan only, no pms 1554165;1475980036;trinque;makes sense. 1554166;1475981676;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, firefox 20.0 crashes about once a week ; firefox 43 crashes about once an hour. 1554167;1475981705;mircea_popescu;but it improved somewhat wrt to improving the restoration-of-session thing, which i guess indicates they're well aware. 1554168;1475982440;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1554169;1475982441;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 433548 | Current Difficulty: 2.5852274840451544E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 435455 | Next Difficulty In: 1907 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 13 hours, 22 minutes, and 54 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1554170;1475985119;*;asciilifeform setting out traveling, will have sporadic connectivity. 1554171;1475985573;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyJN3R_TbcY << will leave this here. 1554172;1475986382;phf;^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgUevFTLhW0 1554173;1475986512;asciilifeform;^ mega-classic. 1554174;1475989389;mircea_popescu;i suppose we already did the italian version of this 1554175;1475991456;mircea_popescu;!!up ser 1554176;1475991456;deedbot;ser voiced for 30 minutes. 1554177;1475997808;ben_vulpes;doing some maintenance on mimisbrunnr. 1554178;1475997868;ben_vulpes;done. 1554179;1475999686;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/update-mimisbrunnr-last-block-received << CH - [UPDATE] Mimisbrunnr: last block received 1554180;1475999734;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes nice going thar. 1554181;1475999748;mircea_popescu;bitcoin infrastructure is its own weird kind of addictive. 1554182;1475999771;mircea_popescu;sort of like radio speedboat model racing or w/e middle class hobby. not monetarily productive, yet somehow oddly satisfying. 1554183;1476006044;shinohai;!~later tell ben_vulpes got wotpaste to behave finally, a little ugly but this did it: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bncye/?raw=true 1554184;1476006044;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1554185;1476015276;shinohai;!!up pkeane4osu 1554186;1476015276;deedbot;pkeane4osu voiced for 30 minutes. 1554187;1476022921;mircea_popescu;ahhh watching the failed "blockchain technology" attempt on the us election is lulzy. http://archive.is/DGofp << nytimes (joan vennochi) can't quite gather to guts to go for "embattled" ; wjs (janet hook) http://archive.is/4mnFs "gop scrambles to... SALVAGE!!!1". salvage what ? "the election". after sitting on their dicks for six months after it become evident gop==whatever the fuck trump says, and nobody other than him has a 1554188;1476022922;mircea_popescu;ny sort of future in us republican politics, they've finally decided to take sleeping pills rather than wait quietly for the brown shirts. ). plus you know "trump enablers" and all sorts of similar crapolade from ~every other pack follower, from boston globe to whatever newspaper nobody read since 1991. 1554189;1476022958;mircea_popescu;the funny thing being that this is an exact replay of what the Romanians did a decade ago. fancy that, the us follows in the footsteps of the great european country of romania! 1554190;1476023024;mircea_popescu;the guy (traian basescu) predictably cut the journowhores in half and fucked the holes. http://trilema.com/2010/razboiul-cu-presa/ << period piece, in response to some nobody haughtily declaring in a similar sheet nobody read that "nobody wins the war with the press". 1554191;1476023035;shinohai;It's the kyklos 1554192;1476023047;mircea_popescu;more like the cluelos. 1554193;1476023070;shinohai;lol 1554194;1476023087;mircea_popescu;Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus << what the fuck ? 1554195;1476023124;mircea_popescu;this is a joke, right ? some douche thinks he has a place in politics under the label "reince priebus" ? what is this, sztajnszrajber for the english speaker ? 1554196;1476023188;*;mircea_popescu is surprised to discover the dude is neither vaguely black nor approximately female. seriously, somebody who's surprisingly not a minority is going to get somewhere ? 1554197;1476023283;mircea_popescu;"When 2008 Republican nominee John McCain on Saturday withdrew his endorsement of Mr. Trump, that left 1996 nominee Bob Dole as the only living GOP nominee backing Mr. Trump." ahahaha epic. 1554198;1476023386;mircea_popescu;"The one figure who might help keep Republicans unified during this most challenging time is the Democratic nominee. Though Mrs. Clinton’s approval ratings have hovered slightly above Mr. Trump’s, she is one of the least popular presidential nominees in modern history." 1554199;1476023392;mircea_popescu;teh deeply disturbed cans of soup roflmao. 1554200;1476023759;mircea_popescu;"Inside the tower on Saturday, different plans of action were discussed. Mr. Trump and his advisers considered a joint television interview that he and Ms. Trump would give to a major network, an echo of the 1992 appearance by the Clintons on “60 Minutes” after Gennifer Flowers claimed that she had had an affair with Mr. Clinton. The deliberations over a possible interview were moving ahead despite Ms. Trump’s lack of i 1554201;1476023759;mircea_popescu;nterest in appearing on camera." << ahahaha melanie trump does not want to be on cam ?! what the fuck bimbo did this guy replace ivana with! 1554202;1476023811;mircea_popescu;(note the fixation on bohemian chicks btw. they may be the one female group most capable of taking a good beating with a smile. either right behind or right after teh ukrainians) 1554203;1476024322;mircea_popescu;i guess it's time to translate. 1554204;1476028014;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-war-with-the-press/ << Trilema - The war with the "press" 1554205;1476028491;mircea_popescu;In a statement released after the now-infamous “Access Hollywood’’ tape, Melania Trump said the words her husband used “are unacceptable and offensive to me” but do not “represent the man I know. He has the heart and mind of a leader.” << bwahahaha. 1554206;1476034348;mircea_popescu;"In our time, women have been gaining political power as never before. There are (by my count) 17 female presidents and prime ministers around the world today. Sixty-three of the world’s countries have now had at least one female head of government or state in the past half century. But it’s not the fact of their being female that is important, so much as the feminine style today’s female leaders have brought to politic 1554207;1476034349;mircea_popescu;s. The powerful women of the 1970s and 1980s — Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher — were iron ladies, famous (metaphorically speaking) for having more cojones than the average male politician. By contrast, the female leaders of our time are not just female; they are also feminine." << check it out, msm dork actually gets it! 1554208;1476034375;mircea_popescu;the fucking problem isn't that they're women, it's that they're idiots. this is intolerable, irrespective of what the circlejerk may tell itself. 1554209;1476034496;mircea_popescu;and his example (merkel ; esp as seen in how she ruined germany to soak up the net result of usg's terrorism) is well chosen, too. "feminine" politics, leadership and everything else is two notches below suicide. 1554210;1476034930;asciilifeform;warm greetings from sunny chicagabad 1554211;1476034946;mircea_popescu;hola. 1554212;1476034970;asciilifeform;seems like obummer is parked here, or at least his flying hog is. 1554213;1476034982;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1554214;1476035003;mircea_popescu;"Around 81 percent of American households, according to a recent McKinsey study, experienced flat or falling incomes between 2005 and 2014." << in NOMINAL terms. with > 15% inflation per annum this means that 81% of the people who were employed in 2005 make ABOUT A QUARTER today of what trhey made back then. 1554215;1476035079;mircea_popescu;ie, without the government of us going abroad and borrowing to give freebies to the population (much like the govt of argentina did a decade prior), the housing of the average fambly would have went from 1600 sqft to 400sqft in this past decade. 1554216;1476035088;mircea_popescu;to nicely match the endless decay of the picket fence dream since the 50s. 1554217;1476036257;mod6;<+asciilifeform> warm greetings from sunny chicagabad << stay safe 1554218;1476036368;mircea_popescu;hey, he gets to try out the kalash 1554219;1476036443;ben_vulpes;"chiraq" 1554220;1476036498;mod6;haha, werd. 1554221;1476049397;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554208 << it is a shame for women to have authority over men http://atruechurch.info/women.html 1554222;1476049397;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 17:32 mircea_popescu: the fucking problem isn't that they're women, it's that they're idiots. this is intolerable, irrespective of what the circlejerk may tell itself. 1554223;1476049421;danielpbarron;>> In the salvation of God, "there is neither male nor female" (Galatians 3:28). No distinction is made between Jew and Greek, slave or free, male or female, but all the children of God are one in Christ (Galatians 3:26-28). The forgiveness and grace of God is upon all who believe. But, when it comes to God's established order of authority, there is a difference between slave and free, male and female. 1554224;1476049431;danielpbarron;>> Although God has in the past placed women in authority over men (e.g. Judges 4:4), and even today the Lord places women in authority over men (e.g. Romans 13:1), this is nonetheless a shameful reality, as Isaiah illustrates. 1554225;1476049471;danielpbarron;!~bible Isaiah 3:12 1554226;1476049472;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Isaiah 3:12 :: As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. 1554227;1476049493;danielpbarron;>> The fact that Israel had women ruling over them was a shameful thing, just as it was shameful that children were their oppressors. Israel was weak, trapped in their sin. Consequently, women ruled over them. 1554228;1476049509;danielpbarron;>> The Lord did not design men to have women rule over them. He designed men to rule over women. "The head of woman is man" (1 Corinthians 11:3), and "Adam was formed first, then Eve" (1 Timothy 2:13). This is why women are to be submissive (1 Corinthians 14:34). God has placed men as the authority (head) over women, and therefore they need to submit to this authority. Moreover, this authority was established from the very beginnin 1554229;1476050441;mircea_popescu;o hai danielpbarron 1554230;1476050638;danielpbarron;hi 1554231;1476051618;jhvh1;[gpgram] pete_dushenski http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/67yhy/?raw=true 1554232;1476053351;mircea_popescu;and in other "what is social media for", http://66.media.tumblr.com/68032f649c337f2a51081f5635d07031/tumblr_nxvlndN0Md1ufldteo5_r1_1280.png 1554233;1476056057;shinohai;top kek "Venezuela to give *Peace Prize* to ... Hugo Chavez" 1554234;1476056134;shinohai;http://archive.is/Wdvle 1554235;1476056246;mircea_popescu;lol 1554236;1476056267;shinohai;s/to/for 1554237;1476056335;*;shinohai wonders what sort of prize such impoverished country can give ... lifetime supply of tp ? 1554238;1476056352;mircea_popescu;well guy's dead, so. 1554239;1476056426;shinohai;Well the prize is "named" for him (hence my sed) but first recipient Maduro wants to name is Putin lol 1554240;1476057115;mircea_popescu;!!up th3nolo_ 1554241;1476057115;deedbot;th3nolo_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1554242;1476057122;th3nolo_;Hi mircea :) 1554243;1476057126;th3nolo_;how are you ? 1554244;1476057215;th3nolo_;mircea :( ? 1554245;1476057236;mircea_popescu;i'm ok, what's up ? 1554246;1476057244;th3nolo_;same.. 1554247;1476057265;th3nolo_;the game is still open .. ? 1554248;1476057283;th3nolo_;I mean.. I can do tasks ? 1554249;1476057299;mircea_popescu;sure. 1554250;1476057369;th3nolo_;:D 1554251;1476057410;shinohai;Well one of them *did* come back 1554252;1476057430;th3nolo_;who ? 1554253;1476057459;shinohai;You, didn't have too many returning players 1554254;1476057479;shinohai;Aside from the ones burned at the stake already. 1554255;1476057490;mircea_popescu;i dun recall who he was either. 1554256;1476057529;shinohai;It's magic, I mention the name of Maduro and Venezuelans show up. 1554257;1476057535;mircea_popescu;lol! 1554258;1476057680;th3nolo_;LoL 1554259;1476057711;th3nolo_;Maduro is the worths president all time -.- 1554260;1476057713;th3nolo_;apesta 1554261;1476058042;th3nolo_;shinohai i remeber you speak spanish i'm rigth ? 1554262;1476058061;mircea_popescu;th3nolo_ listen, best move over to #eulora 1554263;1476058075;th3nolo_;Ok Joining ;) 1554264;1476061042;phf;"Milo Yiannopoulos Eyeing Bid for 4chan Social Media Site (hollywoodreporter.com)" 1554265;1476061088;mircea_popescu;that whole place is one huge Hot Topic. 1554266;1476061538;phf;yeah, it's gotten incredibly dull, even compared to the usual peanut gallery 1554267;1476062736;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/cxPvM << apparently there's going to be blood. 1554268;1476062786;mircea_popescu;(trump promises to punish betrayers, will prolly result in a bloodbath in parliament) 1554269;1476062870;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-09#1554215 << this - happened. except, unsurprisingly, 'family' now also means some unwashed d00d living in a garret alone with reddit terminal. 1554270;1476062870;a111;Logged on 2016-10-09 17:44 mircea_popescu: ie, without the government of us going abroad and borrowing to give freebies to the population (much like the govt of argentina did a decade prior), the housing of the average fambly would have went from 1600 sqft to 400sqft in this past decade. 1554271;1476062890;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1554272;1476062909;mircea_popescu;hay mas futuro! 1554273;1476062939;asciilifeform;mas en un m^2. 1554274;1476063005;mircea_popescu;incidentally, apparently this "sexual scandal" bs had been carefully saved, primped and gloated over by the "feminine" side of us politics for well over three months. 1554275;1476063022;mircea_popescu;imagine these idiots, sitting around thinking "o no, this will END TRUMP!!111" 1554276;1476063063;mircea_popescu;the depts of derealisation availabe to the self-appointed "elites" of dying empires is utterly fascinating. 1554277;1476063135;mircea_popescu;if /me were trump, melania would be getting divorce papers over her ill-considered statements. let the girl work for a living if she is "offended as a woman" etc. 1554278;1476063202;asciilifeform;in usa 'papers' come with 50+% of the dough. 1554279;1476063212;mircea_popescu;not if you're sane. 1554280;1476063226;mircea_popescu;she gets 2k/month or w/e it is, let her find her own garret in wisconsin. 1554281;1476063234;asciilifeform;sane as in fed the woman to piranhas? 1554282;1476063270;mircea_popescu;i dunno that 60yo "mogul" (for a moment omitting the business lulz surrounding the fellow) marries his.. 3rd ? czech model woman without prenup etc 1554283;1476063287;asciilifeform;prenup is worth 0 in usa. 1554284;1476063311;mircea_popescu;and unless he should feed his estate lawyers to piranhas, there's a clause in there going "any public statement in any manner critical of master -> you get nothing" 1554285;1476063333;asciilifeform;routinely overturned on spurious technicalities, like the duke will . 1554286;1476063335;mircea_popescu;this is debatable, and i dun has teh interest. 1554287;1476063346;mircea_popescu;well sure ; but this is why you hire lawyers. 1554288;1476063435;asciilifeform;well, either it dun work, or none of the megabux folk that end up in the papers with gnarly divorce knew where to do it. 1554289;1476063488;asciilifeform;ianal, but iirc state of the art is fabricated 'abuse' claims 1554290;1476063519;asciilifeform;(and if there were chillunz - pederasty accusations.) 1554291;1476063529;mircea_popescu;most of the megabux folk made the megabux after marriage. 1554292;1476063808;mats;https://panic.com/blog/the-lightning-digital-av-adapter-surprise 1554293;1476063969;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/G8zKJ saving for later lulz. 1554294;1476064078;mircea_popescu;mats i don't get it, dude is excited at diodes ?! 1554295;1476064105;mircea_popescu;ah it has an arm mk. 1554296;1476064958;asciilifeform;arm + 2gb ! 1554297;1476064982;asciilifeform;mats: you oughta port trb to it!111 1554298;1476064997;mircea_popescu;i dunno that i trust the guy's guessworkl 1554299;1476065002;mircea_popescu;chip surely doesn't look 2gb 1554300;1476065019;asciilifeform;look?! 1554301;1476065026;mircea_popescu;yes ? 1554302;1476065042;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's eagle eye can see the die?? 1554303;1476065048;mircea_popescu;i can see its size... 1554304;1476065054;mircea_popescu;what, is it .5 nm process ? 1554305;1476065079;asciilifeform;y'know they all come in same plastic bga. 1554306;1476065093;asciilifeform;i have a 64g one here that is smaller. 1554307;1476065136;mircea_popescu;what clock does your 64g one that is smaller run at ? 1554308;1476065164;asciilifeform;ddr3, 800mhz iirc 1554309;1476065240;mircea_popescu;afaik the smallest 19nm chips are still about .4 x .4 mm or so. 1554310;1476065267;asciilifeform;the die, aha 1554311;1476065281;mircea_popescu;and it didn't look to me like it'd fit, but w/e, dubious. 1554312;1476065537;mats;i thought it was neat there's a soc running xnu for a display adapter 1554313;1476065579;mircea_popescu;if that's actuallyt what's going on 1554314;1476065747;mircea_popescu;"What runs through the tape is, along with his one-size-fits-all brutality, Trump’s deep insecurity and desperate need for approval from other men." << ahahahaha. check out these idiots, "how DARES HE!!11 seek the approval of men! only approval of women may be sought!! mutti merkel and mother government 4eva!!11" 1554315;1476065815;mircea_popescu;"Even the bad language doesn’t seem like that of a native speaker of English" << lolz. 1554316;1476065822;mircea_popescu;oh this episode has entertained me so. 1554317;1476065986;mircea_popescu;pretty much every jew with a msm account is out there in force, you'd think this guy is firmly decided on the final solution or something. 1554318;1476066004;mircea_popescu;(above quotes via adam gopnik, the new yorker) 1554319;1476067056;BingoBoingo;As I said earlier, Gary Johnson is now ahead of the curve. Leads refuge for current GOP "establishment" 1554320;1476067085;mircea_popescu;who's he again ? 1554321;1476067107;mircea_popescu;oh the libertarian 1554322;1476067108;mircea_popescu;lolz. 1554323;1476067362;mircea_popescu;even funnier - how cancerous fags a la say scott adams are trying to milk it. 1554324;1476067589;BingoBoingo;It's what cancer does, it milks. Kinda like how tuberculosis makes cheese. 1554325;1476067753;mircea_popescu;heh\ 1554326;1476067794;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554317 << ahahahha and speaking of it, it did not come from martians, no. 1554327;1476067794;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 02:19 mircea_popescu: pretty much every jew with a msm account is out there in force, you'd think this guy is firmly decided on the final solution or something. 1554328;1476067811;asciilifeform;'jewish impudence' 1554329;1476067847;mircea_popescu;kinda bizarre tbh. 1554330;1476067867;BingoBoingo;Kinda self fulfailing prophecy. 1554331;1476067872;mircea_popescu;kik 1554332;1476067892;mircea_popescu;incidentally they're terrible at judgement calls. 1554333;1476067920;BingoBoingo;"OMG his fans want to screw us" "Let's piss him off so he really screws us." 1554334;1476067943;mircea_popescu;does anyone give a shit about jews anymore ? 1554335;1476067954;BingoBoingo;pete? 1554336;1476067971;asciilifeform;someone could well start again.. 1554337;1476067984;mircea_popescu;well no i mean in the sense of "they r eating our babiez" 1554338;1476067989;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you think ? 1554339;1476068010;mircea_popescu;seems mexicans / blacks / whatever have a better shot 1554340;1476068012;BingoBoingo;A number of jew girls kinda got nice butts, but then they grow old and sound like butts. 1554341;1476068034;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mexicans et al have teeth. 1554342;1476068121;ben_vulpes; /cartels/ have teeth 1554343;1476068150;ben_vulpes;guy standing on the corner of mlk and burnside has a 40 and a backpack. 1554344;1476068172;mircea_popescu;T 1554345;1476068174;mircea_popescu;^ 1554346;1476068322;BingoBoingo;Clinton: Everything he said is absolutely false. It would be impossible to be fact checking Donald all the time. I would never get to talk and make lives better for people. Once again, go to Hillaryclinton.com. You can fact check Trump in realtime. Last time at the first debate we had millions of people fact checking and we will have millions more fact checking. It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is 1554347;1476068322;BingoBoingo;not in charge of the law in our country. 1554348;1476068323;BingoBoingo;Trump: Because you would be in jail. 1554349;1476068333;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you saw the southpark btw ? 1554350;1476068340;BingoBoingo;Which one? 1554351;1476068344;mircea_popescu;"EVERYTHING MY OPPONENT SEZ IS FALSE HE IS A LIAR AND CAN NOT BE TRUSTED" 1554352;1476068349;BingoBoingo;AHA, yes 1554353;1476068360;BingoBoingo;Future magic! 1554354;1476068384;mircea_popescu;totally fucking epic, seeing how they ~about predicted it. 1554355;1476068415;mircea_popescu;how is the president "in charge of the law" anyway ? 1554356;1476068417;BingoBoingo;Except in the South Park universe Donald Trump is dead because the grade school teacher fucked him to death. 1554357;1476068427;mircea_popescu;did they promote the cesar to hieropomp sometime during the long weekend ? 1554358;1476068474;BingoBoingo;Shhh.... they weren't supposed to advertise the hieropomp till After the electoral college fucks the pig 1554359;1476068490;mircea_popescu;(incidentally tyhe above is a total sasha cohen thing - clinton gets hurt by trying to interact with trump something fierce) 1554360;1476068506;mircea_popescu;it's a monthlong ali g interview 1554361;1476068628;*;BingoBoingo wonder what we will all learn this wednesday 1554362;1476068779;BingoBoingo;Anyways the reason the MSM is rushing their "it's over narrative" on the weekend is because a few hours from now magic happens in America. Talk radio hosts repeat Trilema talking points on the air, because they get weekends off. 1554363;1476068813;mircea_popescu;far from working, it ain't gonna do much of anything at all, however. 1554364;1476068827;mircea_popescu;~nobody cares what the msm/sm dorks write on their msm/sm profiles. 1554365;1476068845;mircea_popescu;they of course think "everyone" does, but the problem is that they are their entire audience. 1554366;1476068878;mircea_popescu;nobody read (and i don't mean act upon, or take seriously, i mean skim through the titles) of any newspaper/magazine/etc in the past decade who wasn't hoping to one day write them. 1554367;1476068952;BingoBoingo;Well, what happens on Monday is Rush et al broadcast the other side of the dialectic and the echo chamber cycles again, but this time with a substantial amount of the GOP villianized for their wrongful surrender. 1554368;1476069000;mircea_popescu;seems almost certain the republicans will get butchered. 1554369;1476069021;mircea_popescu;if 1/4 of electorate showing up to vote actually votes trump y nada mas i would not be surprised. 1554370;1476069040;mircea_popescu;which means the republicans will be crushed entirely, make like 3 senators and 5-6 reps alltogether. 1554371;1476069076;mircea_popescu;but hey - good for them. there was no need or future for the republican party. let the libertarians take over, maybe merge or whatever with the trumpians and there it is. 1554372;1476069292;mircea_popescu;and in other well rounded educations, http://67.media.tumblr.com/5c5abdaf21b57a4a1cd9fcaced20c4a3/tumblr_nq50bgq0eL1somlbvo1_400.gif 1554373;1476071567;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554334 << whodathunk but they actually apologized after making jew jokes at me, so i made real jew jokes (ie, lollercauster jokes) but nobody called let alone a fucking raise 1554374;1476071567;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 02:52 mircea_popescu: does anyone give a shit about jews anymore ? 1554375;1476075007;mircea_popescu;who's they ? 1554376;1476075398;BingoBoingo;The Egyptians of Luxor srsbsns center for young men 1554377;1476075434;BingoBoingo;Who through Jacob's wicked son Joseph led the Joos to slavery. 1554378;1476075468;BingoBoingo;And who got robbed blind by their sticky fingers on the way out 1554379;1476082090;adlai;mircea_popescu: in all honesty, i can't remember the kid's name, but he was a fountain of these "first thing that breaks when masturbating jew walks into wall is nose"-level gags 1554380;1476082122;mircea_popescu;mk 1554381;1476082148;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CDC7E33BE19658B144FFA79EA8372705569ACB1FB43D60EE772DD7F6BE14CD76 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94031244202143566798174534423023440637356261691582919641171828044851605209359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) CORRUPT VIDEOGAME TERRORISTS ADVOCATE FGM 1554467;1476132815;pete_dushenski;shinohai: i used to be quite the bbet v1 advocate and user though. but hey, nothing lasts forever. trading shares of asicminer or s.mpoe is also lost to the sands of time. 1554468;1476132830;shinohai;:/ 1554469;1476132862;shinohai;Eulora better not vanish now I'm addicted to that ecosystem. 1554470;1476133066;pete_dushenski;even if diana_coman went 'full kako' eulora would almost certainly still survive. point of failure then becomes, as with remainder of republican projects, mp. 1554471;1476133112;pete_dushenski;but if mircea_popescu vanishes we know what the future of tmsr looks like! what, you ask ? why, #cat-v ofc. 1554472;1476133121;shinohai;>.< 1554473;1476133528;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554277 << both don's and melania's public backtracking on this 'issue' is bizarre to say the least. why not just own it ? 1554474;1476133528;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 01:32 mircea_popescu: if /me were trump, melania would be getting divorce papers over her ill-considered statements. let the girl work for a living if she is "offended as a woman" etc. 1554475;1476133745;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554314 << /me had great-grandmother he called 'mutti'. she was romanian but in the austro-hungarian school. 1554476;1476133745;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 02:15 mircea_popescu: "What runs through the tape is, along with his one-size-fits-all brutality, Trump’s deep insecurity and desperate need for approval from other men." << ahahahaha. check out these idiots, "how DARES HE!!11 seek the approval of men! only approval of women may be sought!! mutti merkel and mother government 4eva!!11" 1554477;1476133923;trinque;pete_dushenski: Trump has so far avoided admitting the obvious fact that he intends to torch the existing republican party 1554478;1476133926;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554359 << trump, ofc. saw right through ali g a decade ago, one of the very, very few who didn't tolerate being trolled and ~walked out~ of the interview. taleb could learn a thing or two from trump on this score 1554479;1476133926;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 03:01 mircea_popescu: (incidentally tyhe above is a total sasha cohen thing - clinton gets hurt by trying to interact with trump something fierce) 1554480;1476133942;trinque;he's said the expected praise Reagan pbuh, etc 1554481;1476134005;trinque;I figure were he to get in he'd switch to exactly "I used to bang sluts and I still do, too" mode 1554482;1476134033;trinque;still gotta get a bunch of old white people 30 years from their last orgasm to vote for him 1554483;1476134375;BingoBoingo;Eh, now there's just going to be old people voting Trump to "Make sex great again" 1554484;1476134501;pete_dushenski;"make boners big again!" 1554485;1476134568;pete_dushenski;trinque: trump's 'operation von flondor' will probably 'leak' in another accesshollywood scoop a month from now 1554486;1476134757;pete_dushenski;in other news, who knew that shopping for home furnishings and furniture was... fun! i shit thee not. a few months ago i woulda dismissed such activities as a 'waste of time for idiots with more money than brainz' but now i hafta admit i can see some of the appeal. i guess i can always blame bitcoin for makes me feel rich. or the architects in the family for cursing me with a design sense. 1554487;1476134885;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554379 << 8.5" nose ? that's some venetian plague mask shit. 1554488;1476134885;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 06:48 adlai: mircea_popescu: in all honesty, i can't remember the kid's name, but he was a fountain of these "first thing that breaks when masturbating jew walks into wall is nose"-level gags 1554489;1476135295;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: http://media.giphy.com/media/8pN7SOXZsuakg/giphy-tumblr.gif 1554490;1476136233;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski pretty sure the "eating babiez" is a medieval (properly speaking, 11th century) jesuit nonsense. 1554491;1476136245;mircea_popescu;for some reason the papacy was really preoccupied with people eating people. 1554492;1476136304;mircea_popescu;shinohai> Eulora better not vanish now I'm addicted to that ecosystem. << just about 0 odds of that, to quote the Most Powerful Pussy Grab On Earth. 1554493;1476136315;pete_dushenski;papacy figured itself the height of civility, barbarian baby-eaters were therefore at the other end of the spectrum. 1554494;1476136370;pete_dushenski;!!up AaronvanW 1554495;1476136370;deedbot;AaronvanW voiced for 30 minutes. 1554496;1476136376;shinohai;http://btcinfo.sdf.org/ <<< for a quick-n-dirty way to search mimi's blocks 1554497;1476136469;mircea_popescu;hah! 1554498;1476136579;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski o damn right, he did walk out didn't he. i recall this now. 1554499;1476136582;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/10/get-yours/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Get yours. 1554500;1476136824;pete_dushenski;shinohai: wd 1554501;1476137255;mircea_popescu;o check it out, andrew breitbart actually died of... hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ?! like any serious basketball player ? 1554502;1476137278;pete_dushenski;oh, those archives... http://www.contravex.com/2014/10/10/guide-to-setting-up-a-remote-bitcoin-node-for-20-per-year/ ... two years ago it was $20 to run a vps node. now it's what, $200. two years hence, $2k. 1554503;1476137294;mircea_popescu;the more curve. 1554504;1476138180;ben_vulpes;shinohai: your widget doesn't handle 1554505;1476138351;mircea_popescu;oh in other news : it's not just that the "pussygrab ergo trump is finished" move fizzled. it appears the other side actually has a heavy hitting story saved up about clinton and human trafficking. with all the good stuff, arm deals, the works. coming like next week to a fox news near you or somesuch. 1554506;1476138517;shinohai;ben_vulpes: hey I said it was quick and dirty! 1554507;1476139038;BingoBoingo;Well, what else did people think "global initiative" was? 1554508;1476139235;mircea_popescu;heh 1554509;1476139450;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-01#1551192 << how'd you determine that it's an sbcl under the hood? 1554510;1476139450;a111;Logged on 2016-10-01 21:30 asciilifeform: the new tarver is instead a case of 'my sbcl-with-serial-number-filed-off-pays-my-mortgage, open sores suxx!111' 1554511;1476139510;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it was plainly stated on the subj's www. 1554512;1476139579;ben_vulpes;huh 1554513;1476139612;ben_vulpes;oh fascinating tarver wrote bipolar lisp programmer as well 1554514;1476139688;mircea_popescu;that's THE thing neh ? "oh fascinating, oprah also has a tv show" 1554515;1476139728;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: what is shen then? 1554516;1476139765;mircea_popescu;!~google shen 1554517;1476139766;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Shen | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia: ; Shen | League of Legends: ; Shen Build Guides :: League of Legends Strategy Builds - Mobafire: 1554518;1476139771;mircea_popescu;:p 1554519;1476139778;ben_vulpes;> /dev/cu.usbmodem12345671 << what on earth 1554520;1476140752;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: pill applied, sage survived 1554521;1476140851;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: congrats 1554522;1476140963;*;shinohai still has not purchased sage yet, bought a cruddy old laptop for testing african eulora today instead 1554523;1476141289;ben_vulpes;brew actually gets dumber every day 1554524;1476141306;ben_vulpes;'brew install' actually downloads new 'formulae', updates existing ones, and deletes others 1554525;1476141383;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/10/the-causes-of-lordship-in-the-republic/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The causes of Lordship in the Republic. 1554526;1476141939;mircea_popescu;in entirely unrelated lulz : some watch hawker with a penchant for pretentiousness started an advertising gimmick whereby it's going to "support the arts" etc through financing an apprentice of a master for one year. for incomprehensible reasons phillip glass let them drag him into it ; but otherwise it's just a bunch of b-listers credited with things such as "architecture" or "dance" or whatever. all male, EXCEPT for one der 1554527;1476141940;mircea_popescu;p, whose area of expertise is quoted as... "art". 1554528;1476141969;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes predictable os is unprogressive. 1554529;1476142005;mircea_popescu;oh btw BingoBoingo can trump be "the qntra grabber" nao ? since he did grab it... 1554530;1476142014;mircea_popescu;or is it moar a case of pix or it didn't occur. 1554531;1476142757;mats;i suspect apple left their gfx driver debug switch on in their latest update to osx 1554532;1476142773;mats;i've been seeing red flashes in windows that are doing opengl 1554533;1476142775;mircea_popescu;ooo 1554534;1476142821;mats;so excite! 1554535;1476142869;mats;old timer whose beard is longer than mine says gfx programmers do this to fill a buffer and visually ensure its been wiped correctly before being used 1554536;1476142911;mircea_popescu;aha 1554537;1476142946;trinque;ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: neat, so the pill has worked on alf-linux, os x, and openbsd at this point? 1554538;1476143121;mircea_popescu;gentwalf. 1554539;1476143136;ben_vulpes;trinque: i've applied the pill, got a 'Connected.' over 'cu' so far 1554540;1476143291;BingoBoingo; oh btw BingoBoingo can trump be "the qntra grabber" nao ? since he did grab it... << Pix or it didn't happen. As editor I still believe Trump a Clinton plant until proven otherwise. 1554541;1476143330;mircea_popescu;aite. 1554542;1476143474;BingoBoingo;He did attend the daughter Clitler's wedding 1554543;1476143488;mircea_popescu;well there was alcohol and pussy right ? 1554544;1476143502;mircea_popescu;guy's evidently due for a new modelwife. 1554545;1476143762;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-01#1551297 << in which ben_vulpes begins to deeply regret expiring pastes so agressively 1554546;1476143762;a111;Logged on 2016-10-01 23:43 trinque: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/pbunu/?raw=true << did over telnet, got this 1554547;1476143777;ben_vulpes;i am to expect some xml blob back, though? 1554548;1476143780;mircea_popescu;hm wasn't stuff in here supposed to get archived ? 1554549;1476143784;ben_vulpes;SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES etc 1554550;1476143788;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: lobbes perhaps? 1554551;1476143798;mircea_popescu;!~later tell peterl were you doing archival of #trilema links ? 1554552;1476143798;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1554553;1476143800;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes hm... 1554554;1476143807;*;ben_vulpes does not recall 1554555;1476143821;mircea_popescu;anyway we need archival of links in logs. 1554556;1476143840;ben_vulpes;mhm. 1554557;1476143859;*;ben_vulpes recommends "gigablast" again for anyone looking to bite archival off 1554558;1476143866;mircea_popescu;whassat ? 1554559;1476143881;ben_vulpes;indexer + archiver + search engine 1554560;1476143885;mircea_popescu;ah. 1554561;1476143895;mircea_popescu;java ? ruby on tear trails ? 1554562;1476143903;mircea_popescu;phpain ? 1554563;1476143910;trinque;C++! 1554564;1476143921;mircea_popescu;syphlusphlus! 1554565;1476143928;trinque;wahaha 1554566;1476143954;trinque;ben_vulpes: the thing there was gdb version, and having a new enough one 1554567;1476144001;trinque;I'm doubtful the brew hipsters would have a gdb as old as obsd has by default 1554568;1476144018;ben_vulpes;this is 7.12 1554569;1476144100;ben_vulpes;1) power gizmo 2) count to 30 3) plug sage into gizmo 4) gdb ? 1554570;1476144122;*;ben_vulpes has not rummaged for vga cable 1554571;1476144146;trinque;nah just leave it plugged 1554572;1476144158;trinque;got a deathwish fiddling cables with a powered thinger? 1554573;1476144256;ben_vulpes;i get only a "the target architecture is assumed to be i386:x86-64 1554574;1476144263;*;ben_vulpes runs permutations 1554575;1476144311;ben_vulpes;one oddity is that set logging file gdb_out.txt is being completely disregarded in favor of gdb.txt 1554576;1476144635;mod6;ben_vulpes: lol, GNU gdb 6.3 1554577;1476144716;ben_vulpes;mod6: pardon? 1554578;1476144762;mod6;dusty gdb 1554579;1476144820;mod6;guess i read that wrong. 1554580;1476144841;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CucHIiJWcAAyoxB.jpg <<< xD 1554581;1476144868;ben_vulpes;that's what shipped on trinque's bsd 1554582;1476144901;mod6;yeah, my obsd has an old one too 1554583;1476145576;ben_vulpes;mwell, gdb does things when i connect to /dev/cu.usbmodem12345671 and not when i connect to /dev/tty.usbmodem12345671 1554584;1476145579;*;ben_vulpes shrugs 1554585;1476145610;ben_vulpes;tearing it down, packing it up. time for my daily dose of the laughter of innocents. 1554586;1476145649;mod6; later! 1554587;1476145655;ben_vulpes;o ya it works 1554588;1476145672;ben_vulpes;gizmo wouldn't respond to keypad inputs until i released it in gdb 1554589;1476145674;ben_vulpes;sweet! 1554590;1476145676;mod6;im working my way through funk's privkey vpatch 1554591;1476145690;mod6;ah right on 1554592;1476145691;shinohai;nice mod6 1554593;1476148061;ben_vulpes;what, by the way, do i need to make an electronics workbench where i can safely leave this hw out and not have to rebag it? 1554594;1476148068;ben_vulpes;esd mat i assume, what else? 1554595;1476148249;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-11#1554593 << i never used one in entire life 1554596;1476148249;a111;Logged on 2016-10-11 01:07 ben_vulpes: what, by the way, do i need to make an electronics workbench where i can safely leave this hw out and not have to rebag it? 1554597;1476148288;asciilifeform;just grab an iron pipe , lamp, light switch, before pawing the boards in dry winter air. 1554598;1476148332;*;asciilifeform bbl, off to chicagabad night air 1554599;1476148341;ben_vulpes;stay safe out there 1554600;1476148343;ben_vulpes;and ty 1554601;1476148911;ben_vulpes;oh and trinque yes confirmed to work on os x 1554602;1476150167;mircea_popescu;and in other latino hotties, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/latino-hottie.jpg 1554603;1476150198;shinohai;niiiice 1554604;1476151150;mircea_popescu;in other news, "better than chocolate" is an ok film. great pair of tits on the "butch" and otherwise great depiction of puppy lesbian love. 1554605;1476154994;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform bbl, off to chicagabad night air << Does the river named for Chicagobad still smell of poo in the thick evening air? 1554606;1476155717;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-11#1554605 << not in the greenzone. 1554607;1476155717;a111;Logged on 2016-10-11 03:03 BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform bbl, off to chicagabad night air << Does the river named for Chicagobad still smell of poo in the thick evening air? 1554608;1476155764;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The River, right by the lake IS the fortified green zone! 1554609;1476155807;asciilifeform;nfi. bmore smells of shit, here- no 1554610;1476155829;BingoBoingo;Ah, maybe its been a while since it rained... 1554611;1476155919;asciilifeform;reptilia would love this place. 1554612;1476155935;BingoBoingo;lol he would 1554613;1476155953;BingoBoingo;Have you found the Polacks yet? 1554614;1476155978;asciilifeform;nope 1554615;1476155994;asciilifeform;where are they? 1554616;1476156280;BingoBoingo;North side, in the part that isn't black or gay. 1554617;1476156499;mats;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-security-usa-ship-idUSKCN12A082 << looks like .ir-sponsored (if not actually quds force) took a shot at a USN ship and missed 1554618;1476156511;mats;twice! 1554619;1476157128;BingoBoingo;It's called a shot across the bow. It's a communications protocol. 1554620;1476163713;BingoBoingo;In Classic Trilemma Today http://trilema.com/2014/the-sex-lives-of-other-people/ 1554621;1476165409;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1554622;1476165415;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 624.48, vol: 3508.31426352 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 627.014, vol: 6024.66977 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 635.93, vol: 8309.31116154 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 636.285436, vol: 452631.44850000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 633.012, vol: 1093.37439238 | Volume-weighted last average: 636.065303944 1554623;1476186413;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/t2znt/?raw=true 1554624;1476186413;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1554625;1476189153;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lol comms protocol. 1554626;1476190232;thestringpuller;ix.io is down? 1554627;1476190420;shinohai;nope, ben_vulpes helpedme to get docs uploading from cli so I'm using republican bits now 1554628;1476192022;adlai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/0JHFARG.txt 1554629;1476192022;jhvh1;adlai: The operation succeeded. 1554630;1476196175;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554551 << I think I got it working again 1554631;1476196175;a111;Logged on 2016-10-10 23:56 mircea_popescu: !~later tell peterl were you doing archival of #trilema links ? 1554632;1476196195;mircea_popescu;nice. so is it all covered historically ? 1554633;1476196225;thestringpuller;shinohai: but his URL is so long 1554634;1476196232;PeterL;the way I had been doing it no longer works because of cloudflare 1554635;1476196261;*;shinohai shrugs 1554636;1476196270;PeterL;so I cam up with a different work-around, I will keep an eye on it 1554637;1476196464;mircea_popescu;aha 1554638;1476196511;shinohai;thestringpuller isn't the idea here to use in-house solutions whenever possible, or am I mistaken? 1554639;1476196639;mircea_popescu;i think he's just bored. 1554640;1476196643;mircea_popescu;yo thestringpuller ! do something man! 1554641;1476196939;*;thestringpuller drops a WuTang album and gets hacking. 1554642;1476198278;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/bitcoin-network-mining-difficulty-up-7-17-in-latest-adjustment/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Mining Difficulty Up 7.17% In Latest Adjustment 1554643;1476198668;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/huffers-at-ether-camp-baking-next-smart-contract-for-your-loss/ << Qntra - Huffers At Ether.Camp Baking Next "Smart Contract For Your Loss" 1554644;1476199613;asciilifeform;l0lday >> https://gist.github.com/marcograss/40850adb3c599ac38e0beac31617d56b 1554645;1476200007;mats;http://www.defenseworld.net/news/17265/Lack_Of_Orders__High_Cost_May_Force_Germany__Spain_To_Suspend_Eurofighter_Production 1554646;1476200076;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quemu bug ? 1554647;1476200164;shinohai;http://archive.is/BKyfp <<< darpa creates "smart contract", nukes half of the Middle East, sfyl occurs when they can't roll back the chain. 1554648;1476200172;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: kernel 1554649;1476200177;mircea_popescu;hm 1554650;1476201435;adlai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/dkrch/?raw=true 1554651;1476201435;jhvh1;adlai: The operation succeeded. 1554652;1476202745;mod6;Good morning, Gentlemen. 1554653;1476202768;mod6;And Ladies. 1554654;1476202857;shinohai;hiya mod6 how goes it? 1554655;1476202941;mircea_popescu;hola! 1554656;1476203668;mod6;Good! 1554657;1476203898;mod6;Just about time to grab some lunch. 1554658;1476203913;mod6;Something to soak up all the coffee. :] 1554659;1476204205;mircea_popescu;lol enjoy 1554660;1476212330;ben_vulpes;thestringpuller: patches welcome 1554661;1476213269;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: i'll buy you a nice 4 letter domain name 1554662;1476213277;thestringpuller;dix.io ? 1554663;1476216891;Framedragger;evening. apologies for going awol, just busy (+ flu season). :/ wanted to link to this for the logs: https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/961.pdf 1554664;1476217080;mircea_popescu;o look it's a Framedragger 1554665;1476217135;Framedragger;and here's an attempt at conversion to html from heathen pdf, for our dear mircea_popescu and others: http://fd.mkj.lt/stuff/snfs/ 1554666;1476217139;Framedragger;o/ 1554667;1476217142;shinohai;For those that would rather view above in text: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cnogz/?raw=true 1554668;1476217155;Framedragger;o nice! 1554669;1476217190;Framedragger;(granted, my html thing uses js to render close-to-original pdf, which is not really needed) 1554670;1476217219;mircea_popescu;Framedragger aka, DSA is a joke ? 1554671;1476217280;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yes, and no, not super duper original indeed, but nice to see something (closer to) empirical :) 1554672;1476217299;mircea_popescu;aha 1554673;1476217315;Framedragger;(been trying to steal time from afk stuff to read on useful things so brain does not go dead. it's.. slow) 1554674;1476217349;mircea_popescu;nothing quite like the republic to make life insufferable huh. 1554675;1476217389;Framedragger;wait shouldn't it be the inverse of that?? 1554676;1476217486;mircea_popescu;should it ? 1554677;1476217538;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: ..unless you are implying that the republic stimulated results such as this, making life insufferable for nsa, idiots and the like 1554678;1476217573;mircea_popescu;no, i'm implying that nobody in plato's cave knows how badly the cave sucks until someone comes in riding a pegassus 1554679;1476217589;Framedragger;ah! nice image 1554680;1476218372;thestringpuller;!!b2 1554681;1476221196;mircea_popescu;any of you guys insalled denian ? 1554682;1476221240;shinohai;loool 1554683;1476221318;Framedragger;still with the fatass distro freeze project madness mircea_popescu ? 1554684;1476221332;mircea_popescu;yes. 1554685;1476221335;Framedragger;goodness 1554686;1476221350;mircea_popescu;final tests with noobs etc. 1554687;1476221357;Framedragger;must be increasing your firm beliefs in the values of the community further still, mircea_popescu. 1554688;1476221359;mircea_popescu;but repo.minigame.bz should work for ubuntu 1554689;1476221373;Framedragger;oh! that might be useful for things outside eulora, too. 1554690;1476221383;Framedragger;well, good wokr! 1554691;1476221385;Framedragger;work! 1554692;1476221389;Framedragger;* 1554693;1476221392;mircea_popescu;yes, for as long as it's "community of selected women". 1554694;1476221394;mircea_popescu;y nada mas. 1554695;1476221410;Framedragger;heheh. word 1554696;1476223271;shinohai;"Hey shinohai, lets go through the trouble of intalling all my dependencies then I'll tell you I already installed the eulora .deb package" 1554697;1476223274;shinohai;fml 1554698;1476223289;mircea_popescu;lol 1554699;1476225285;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/mysterious-auction-of-grimy-mystery/ << Trilema - Mysterious Auction of Grimy Mystery! 1554700;1476226479;mats;for irssi users that have not upgraded, see https://irssi.org/2016/09/21/irssi-0.8.20-released 1554701;1476231670;BingoBoingo;!!up b1thoven 1554702;1476231670;deedbot;b1thoven voiced for 30 minutes. 1554703;1476231685;BingoBoingo;!~later tell adlai fxd 1554704;1476231685;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1554705;1476233055;shinohai;https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/?sm=HOVGkBatrOjUtgmDyrbvBQ_3D_3D <<< lulzy coindesk survey 1554706;1476233134;mircea_popescu;i thought the libertards established that "online polls aren't scientific" given that they actually reflect the electoral reality rather than their preferred fiction. 1554707;1476233187;mircea_popescu;"The growing interest in Ethereum has been one of the most significant blockchain technology developments of 2016." 1554708;1476233191;mircea_popescu;ok that's good enough. such meta. 1554709;1476233195;shinohai;xD 1554710;1476233247;mircea_popescu;in other news, sex is fucking great. 1554711;1476233462;trinque;isn't it though? 1554712;1476233466;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1554713;1476233483;mircea_popescu;even after all these years. 1554714;1476233517;shinohai;This is true, but requires further research. Will report back in when I return from Miami. 1554715;1476233527;*;trinque reread the myth of consent just now, appropriately enough. 1554716;1476233527;mircea_popescu;i thought you lived in miami 1554717;1476233538;shinohai;Nope, I live near thestringpuller 1554718;1476233550;trinque;struck me this time through how far "with-feeling" is from the commonly understood "definition" 1554719;1476233551;mircea_popescu;what was that, georgia ? 1554720;1476233596;shinohai;Yup, near Atlanta 1554721;1476233606;mircea_popescu;pack some warm socks 1554722;1476233610;mircea_popescu;florida is chilly this time of year. 1554723;1476233613;mircea_popescu;comparatively speakinfg 1554724;1476233641;*;trinque was born in the tampa area 1554725;1476233644;trinque;what a shithole that's become 1554726;1476233654;mircea_popescu;no more sorority sluts ? 1554727;1476233664;mircea_popescu;used to be the ~capital of sororisluttery. 1554728;1476233674;trinque;fat wigger descendents of bartenders and strippers 1554729;1476233687;mircea_popescu;ah, ou sont l'90s d'antan. 1554730;1476234051;mircea_popescu;trinque i just re-read it myself. great read. 1554731;1476234478;trinque;brings to mind a conversation had with my lady friend, gist of which is that "modern angry feminist" in the states is nothing more than a (deeply resented) survival move, reacting to the complete lack of sane males in this country. 1554732;1476234576;mircea_popescu;ahahaha this is epic 1554733;1476234587;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/eM0Qe << just hit mod queue. 1554734;1476234688;trinque;reuter's recent headline after the weekend was something like "Failure to Implode" 1554735;1476234694;mircea_popescu;lol 1554736;1476234704;trinque;uh uh he's failing to fail is all, look away! 1554737;1476234897;mircea_popescu;In a recent interview, Obama’s 2008 opponent, John McCain marveled at his own challenges when trying to connect with African American voters. “I didn’t get a single vote in the whole inner city of Philadelphia,” the Arizona GOP senator told POLITICO. “I thought maybe they could find one.” << pretty lulzy. 1554738;1476234969;mircea_popescu;Obama said. “So my suggestion would be go out there and try to win the election. If Mr. Trump is up 10 or 15 points on Election Day and ends up losing, then maybe he can raise some questions.” << even better. lol. 1554739;1476235101;trinque;diebold unhappened eh? 1554740;1476235130;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is backed by lulz and drama ; and the us election is apparently made of lulz, and drama. 1554741;1476235174;mircea_popescu;anyway, he apparently killed it with that debate, got a 15% surge in support. 1554742;1476235224;trinque;"I will put her in prison" could only be trumped by "I will flog her on national TV" 1554743;1476235239;mircea_popescu;i dun think anyone really wants to see her old ass educated. 1554744;1476235289;*;trinque oinks in agreement 1554745;1476235415;mircea_popescu;"Clinton’s performance was less-than-stellar, which may be just a meaner way of saying it was good as we ever could have expected. She has this tendency to look very self-satisfied after delivering a zinger that’s clearly been crafted by someone else in Brooklyn and then tested on voters in a fish tank. It’s grating." << to put it charitably. 1554746;1476235639;mircea_popescu;in unrelated but equally uninteresting news, the argentine natl bank introduced 500 peso notes, lifting the maximum bill from its ~6 dollar value to heights incomprehensible by the locals. (who think themselves rich and don't ever have 30 dollars in cash in their hands, like ever). 1554747;1476235664;ben_vulpes;heh oh that's nice 1554748;1476235676;ben_vulpes;the six dollar bills were hilaribad 1554749;1476235699;mircea_popescu;there's larger denominations coming out. this is just a step in a wider plan to liquidate the country. for rather many years, the socialist government pumped pesos into the pockets of its clientele, a bunch of lice concentrated around the capital. 1554750;1476235731;mircea_popescu;having absoluterly nothing to do with it, because they're literally lice, not people, they pumped up real estate values ; and "educated" their kids in the sense of giving them very us-like diplomas in cutting up cardboard. 1554751;1476235803;mircea_popescu;(literally, this, and i've documented it. the "architecture" university consists of building cardboard boxes. the "social sciences" university consists of painting posters by hand. etc etc, all education here is paper and glue handicrafts like for mongoloids. which their kids ACTUALLY ARE, if i see another 20something girl walking hand in hand WITH HER FUCKING MOTHER im burning the place down. only country where it's social a 1554752;1476235803;mircea_popescu;cceptable for teenage females to dress 11 and behave 7.) 1554753;1476235852;ben_vulpes;well now i expect all of ba to burn tomorrow 1554754;1476235860;mircea_popescu;to preserve the insanely inflated real estate values (really, 1k to 1.5k per square meter, ie 5x san francisco ; and the amenties are eastern europe in the 1990s level, their windows whistle in the wind, there's no gas heaters anywhere etc etc) they choked the money supply 1554755;1476235860;ben_vulpes;you cover what, 30km/day? 1554756;1476235916;ben_vulpes;no way you don't see the handholding tomorrow. 1554757;1476235919;mircea_popescu;so the battle is pretty simple : a bunch of fucktarded "middle class" idiots in their own mind, concentrated in buenos aires, expecting their "real estate" to sell for 200k usd per dingy appartnment unfit for the ghetto ; and their educations to bring serious payola in govt jobs 1554758;1476235923;mircea_popescu;who voted scioli and lost 1554759;1476235940;mircea_popescu;versus a bunch of ambitious industrialists, stuck outside and who want to utterly ruin the other group. 1554760;1476235953;mircea_popescu;macri is doing everything to help them. it'll be a bloodbath, and it'll be a bloodbath i'll enjoy. 1554761;1476235962;mircea_popescu;ni una menos indeed. ni una menos without a cock in her mouth. 1554762;1476235971;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes for srs. 1554763;1476235979;asciilifeform;plox to burn here next 1554764;1476235983;asciilifeform;it is worse. 1554765;1476235995;asciilifeform;well, my other here 1554766;1476235999;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform found a great icecream place to replace the other one. so yeah, it's great. for me. 1554767;1476236006;asciilifeform;mmmm 1554768;1476236009;mircea_popescu;it'll be hell for them, and i intend to piss gasoline on faces. 1554769;1476236061;asciilifeform;dun burn it yet, i'd like to eat there when i fly the crate in 1554770;1476236107;mircea_popescu;ima build a line of hookers chained to poles the whole length of avenida del libertador yet. 1554771;1476236115;ben_vulpes;til mircea_popescu pisses gasoline 1554772;1476236126;ben_vulpes;the man's metabolism never ceases to amaze 1554773;1476236130;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes depends on the grade of tuica i imbibe. 1554774;1476236140;ben_vulpes;that's ethanol, neh/ 1554775;1476236140;mircea_popescu;i can even piss kerosene. 1554776;1476236144;ben_vulpes;hyuu 1554777;1476236151;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: for rocket fueling depot 1554778;1476236162;asciilifeform;fractional pisstillation 1554779;1476236166;mircea_popescu;lmao 1554780;1476236167;ben_vulpes;haw 1554781;1476236866;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> the man's metabolism never ceases to amaze << i lel'd. 1554782;1476236909;mod6;and i continue to lel at the documented state of the "architecture" univeristy. 1554783;1476236950;mircea_popescu;and the shitheads actually expect to get jobs. 1554784;1476236960;mircea_popescu;you understand this ? EXPECT. TO GET. because that's how it fucking works now. 1554785;1476237090;*;trinque finds the elliot pieces coming to him daily now 1554786;1476237097;trinque;I AM HERE, AND THEREFORE PERFECT 1554787;1476237108;mod6;haha 1554788;1476237118;trinque;you see it goddamned everywhere 1554789;1476237128;mircea_popescu;watching the "progressive" libertards denounce "unscientific online polls" and "russian hacked internet" is pretty fucking epic. 1554790;1476237140;mircea_popescu;fancy that, the revolution will not be worldwidewebbed after all! 1554791;1476237142;mod6;what was that .ar slogan again? cracks me up 1554792;1476237149;mircea_popescu;which one ? 1554793;1476237166;mod6;something about everyone having a better life or something 1554794;1476237171;mircea_popescu;hay mas futuro ? 1554795;1476237175;mod6;haha 1554796;1476237178;mircea_popescu;lol 1554797;1476237188;mircea_popescu;it's hysterical ; they have absolutely no fucking future. 1554798;1476237201;mod6;it was plastered on a bunch of signs down there. 1554799;1476237214;mircea_popescu;functionally illiterate ; entirely innumerate. the chinese have to run the supermarkets because the locals lack basic business ability. 1554800;1476237236;mircea_popescu;pretty much the peak of argentine technical know-how is operating call centers. 1554801;1476237250;mircea_popescu;problem is a) they are too dumb to learn english, so they can only fight for the mexico and spanish markets 1554802;1476237264;mod6;you're right though, this is coming to the US. i dare say, we're nearly there now! 1554803;1476237265;mircea_popescu;and b) they expect euro like salaries for some incomprehensible reason. 1554804;1476237288;trinque;fuck man, I was buying a belt today 1554805;1476237308;trinque;you should've seen the things, two stitches on a folded piece of plastic^W"leather" 1554806;1476237315;mircea_popescu;aww. 1554807;1476237321;trinque;apparently nordstrom still has belts, for now 1554808;1476237324;mircea_popescu;they got great leather belts here. and leather generally. 1554809;1476237350;trinque;fucking sad; even the one I paid 120 for will probably fall apart next year 1554810;1476237360;mod6;I bought some decent leather belts for my suits here, but prepare to pay top dollar for /actual/ craftmanship and leather. 1554811;1476237361;*;mircea_popescu bought belt recently, told girl he wants to test it, girl bent over slightly and turned her generous posterior, /me whacked her one. 1554812;1476237366;mircea_popescu;shop attendant nearly fell over 1554813;1476237370;mod6;Otherwise, shitty qual. 1554814;1476237385;mod6;lol 1554815;1476237398;trinque;mircea_popescu: ahaha my thought was precisely "I'll break this!!" 1554816;1476237412;mircea_popescu;very satisfying whack, perfect leather. 1554817;1476237418;mircea_popescu;like texas used to make 1554818;1476237425;mircea_popescu;back when their bulls weren't all mechanical yet. 1554819;1476237430;mod6;I was thinking today that I should start a rope company. lol. 1554820;1476237439;mircea_popescu;where to get the hemp ? 1554821;1476237443;mod6;I think we're gonna need a lot of rope. 1554822;1476237469;trinque;lol! 1554823;1476237470;mod6;Hmm. Have to buy it maybe, or grow?! 1554824;1476237543;mircea_popescu;needs some industrial process. growing's easy enough, shit's practically a marsh weed. but to get the fiber you gotta beat it. 1554825;1476237555;asciilifeform;i still regret not buying the german gear in ba 1554826;1476237569;mircea_popescu;bout 5x the mechanical work needed for cotton. which is how cotton won (in 1800. when work was expensive) 1554827;1476237572;mod6;i told you, like three times to buy it dude. 1554828;1476237577;asciilifeform;aha 1554829;1476237589;mircea_popescu;lol so why didntcha 1554830;1476237606;asciilifeform;miserliness 1554831;1476237621;ben_vulpes;trinque: even spells nordstrom correctly! 1554832;1476237622;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> bout 5x the mechanical work needed for cotton. which is how cotton won (in 1800. when work was expensive) << ah, hm. 1554833;1476237626;ben_vulpes;boss status 1554834;1476237627;mircea_popescu;can't be that, because you didn't go grab the gypsy girl by the cunt that invited you too, either. 1554835;1476237638;asciilifeform;i'ma bring a few kilobux next go-around 1554836;1476237638;mod6;i should have just bought them for ya asciilifeform 1554837;1476237639;ben_vulpes;waitwhich 1554838;1476237640;mircea_popescu;you gotta be more irresponsible man. 1554839;1476237642;ben_vulpes;i missed this gypsy 1554840;1476237655;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i dun recall if you were there, took a walk in the ghetto, chicks heard us speak english. 1554841;1476237663;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: did you see davout's gypsies? 1554842;1476237670;mircea_popescu;not sure ? 1554843;1476237671;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it was only visible via mircea_popescu's magic eye 1554844;1476237686;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: then no, they were visible even to asciilifeform 1554845;1476237688;mod6;yah, there was that bazaar or whatever ben 1554846;1476237703;asciilifeform;weren't those in timis? 1554847;1476237706;mircea_popescu;yes ? 1554848;1476237710;mod6;i bout had a heart attack when i lost track of alf in the crowd. 1554849;1476237714;ben_vulpes;mod6: that was no ghetto that was an up and down tourist trap 1554850;1476237742;mod6;yah, i didn't think it was a ghetto, just sprang up out of nowhere lol. 1554851;1476237758;*;asciilifeform very deeply fond of ba 1554852;1476237764;mod6;mike & I were lookin everywhere for alf. 1554853;1476237781;mircea_popescu;damn where's mike! 1554854;1476237788;mod6;Was it Mike? Might hvae been davout. 1554855;1476237788;asciilifeform;good q 1554856;1476237789;mircea_popescu;GYPOS ATE MIKE 1554857;1476237799;mircea_popescu;POGROM! 1554858;1476237813;mod6;yeah, he's been mia for some time now. 1554859;1476237825;*;ben_vulpes doffs hat, spills coors 1554860;1476237827;asciilifeform;his www worx... 1554861;1476237836;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: and his bouncer reconnects! 1554862;1476237848;ben_vulpes;mike_c: talkin bout u, bb 1554863;1476237850;asciilifeform;then again -- naggum's too 1554864;1476237879;trinque;last I spoke with mike_c I gave him pgsql info to update btcalpha 1554865;1476237911;asciilifeform;lol coors 1554866;1476237937;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu et al : it is a type of american 'water beer' 1554867;1476237943;mircea_popescu;no i know. 1554868;1476237959;ben_vulpes;fermented corn syrup if you must 1554869;1476237962;mircea_popescu;let it be stated i fucked in a dozen states all over the coast mkay ? 1554870;1476237970;asciilifeform;mildly fermented 1554871;1476237973;ben_vulpes;lightly 1554872;1476237995;ben_vulpes;hey asciilifeform 1554873;1476238000;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and drank the recycled piss?! 1554874;1476238006;ben_vulpes;what's the difference between coors light and sex in a canoe? 1554875;1476238010;mircea_popescu;had a taste. 1554876;1476238014;mircea_popescu;but i dun generally drink beer 1554877;1476238021;ben_vulpes;usg.quilmes 1554878;1476238028;mircea_popescu;just about yeah 1554879;1476238053;trinque;lol in costa rica I asked a guy what his favorite local beer was 1554880;1476238055;ben_vulpes;less non-alcohol-or-water contaminants though 1554881;1476238058;mircea_popescu;(quilmes is this very shitty local swill. made through the same process as us beer / sodas : hfcs water and "naturally identical" flavouring) 1554882;1476238063;trinque;"oh oh, Imperial. It is like the local Budweiser!" 1554883;1476238064;ben_vulpes;trinque: "imperial!" 1554884;1476238065;trinque;so proud he was 1554885;1476238068;trinque;SO PROUD 1554886;1476238077;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1554887;1476238078;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: did you figure it out yet? 1554888;1476238079;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> what's the difference between coors light and sex in a canoe? << lol fucking close to water 1554889;1476238091;asciilifeform;lel 1554890;1476238092;ben_vulpes;omg mod6 ruiner 1554891;1476238100;mod6;haha 1554892;1476238108;ben_vulpes;"not much, they're both fucking close to water" 1554893;1476238154;asciilifeform;morarji-cola. 1554894;1476238182;trinque;CR has a bit of that "no es un pais pobre" 1554895;1476238183;mircea_popescu;o btw asciilifeform lolz of all time, i nearly fell down : chejov. 1554896;1476238226;asciilifeform;wat 1554897;1476238231;ben_vulpes;trinque: portland too if you recall 1554898;1476238237;mircea_popescu;for srs. 1554899;1476238257;mircea_popescu;http://web.fullsearch.com.ar/chejov-0-1778644.html 1554900;1476238262;mod6;the 2nd best part of Mr. P.'s riddle was the cognac. remember that place? 1554901;1476238304;trinque;ben_vulpes: I mean PDX is at least stripclub-rich 1554902;1476238308;trinque;I count that in favor 1554903;1476238319;mircea_popescu;don't grab any counts nao. 1554904;1476238350;ben_vulpes;trinque: all that really means is that there are a bunch of shitty strippers 1554905;1476238366;mircea_popescu;airport stripper like airport sandwich ? 1554906;1476238370;ben_vulpes;i have been touring random clubs when i take the corvette out for its weekly "please don't freeze up" runs 1554907;1476238376;ben_vulpes;and ho damn it is bad out there. 1554908;1476238393;ben_vulpes;pdx surprisingly does not actually have an in-facility strip club, much to my shame. 1554909;1476238396;asciilifeform;oh btw ben_vulpes i ought to have answered yesterday: there is no good reason to unplug the probesnake 1554910;1476238399;ben_vulpes;first thing i shall fix. 1554911;1476238409;asciilifeform;leave it in. 1554912;1476238416;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes why not just sell it ? 1554913;1476238427;asciilifeform;it replaces the power & reset toggles. 1554914;1476238459;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: much of my woes were to attempting to talk to the thing over /dev/tty.usbmodem123445671 instead of /dev/cu.usbmodem12345671 1554915;1476238476;trinque;OS X actually calls it "cu" ? 1554916;1476238478;trinque;such bsd 1554917;1476238503;ben_vulpes;$bizpartner (/me waves) says there is all sorts of inane horseshit involved in how os x handles devices, with odd text files and os restarts in the loop 1554918;1476238620;ben_vulpes;trinque: yeah 1554919;1476238827;asciilifeform;both devices appear when you plug it in!? 1554920;1476238835;ben_vulpes;yes! 1554921;1476238887;asciilifeform;lulzily, i had nfi, never once attempted to plug the thing into mac 1554922;1476238917;asciilifeform;even though i keep my supply of'em right next to the macs ... 1554923;1476238943;ben_vulpes;you have a whole stack of sageprobes? 1554924;1476238954;asciilifeform;what didja think. 1554925;1476238976;ben_vulpes;1:1 with gizmos? or you found an supplier of the probe alone 1554926;1476238988;asciilifeform;the former 1554927;1476239003;ben_vulpes;goodness 1554928;1476239006;asciilifeform;but most of the 'gizmos' died. 1554929;1476239014;ben_vulpes;interesting. how, typically? 1554930;1476239053;asciilifeform;hard to say. just won't boot. 1554931;1476239069;asciilifeform;but they were subjected to various abuses. 1554932;1476239116;asciilifeform;(nailed to plank, carried between facilities, in cars, in rain, snow) 1554933;1476239156;asciilifeform;various instruments plugged in, out, in ,out... 1554934;1476239166;asciilifeform;fucked to death. 1554935;1476239172;mircea_popescu;in other uninteresting nonsense, did that random whore with a non christian name get billionz off musk in divorce or how did it plkay out ? 1554936;1476239184;ben_vulpes;tallulah? 1554937;1476239191;mircea_popescu;yes. ty. 1554938;1476239201;ben_vulpes;native american name 1554939;1476239223;mircea_popescu;iirc she filed in march 1554940;1476239238;ben_vulpes;> whose fitful relationship culminated in a first trip down the alter 1554941;1476239248;ben_vulpes;god fuck, vanity fair is full of dipshits even now? 1554942;1476239278;mircea_popescu;doh ? 1554943;1476239302;ben_vulpes;dude was there even anything of your childhood to rot? 1554944;1476239327;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1554945;1476239343;ben_vulpes;institutions that at one point produced quality wares that as you aged -- stopped? 1554946;1476239368;ben_vulpes;yes, 'doh' now. 1554947;1476239368;mircea_popescu;vanity fair ?! 1554948;1476239377;BingoBoingo; no more sorority sluts ? << Problem is the descendents 1554949;1476239392;mircea_popescu;i never knew that side of it, i guess. anyway - yes. 1554950;1476239488;trinque;ben_vulpes: for some reason, now in my head plays "hey mr carter, where have you been?" 1554951;1476239552;ben_vulpes;"i heard you were looking for me" 1554952;1476239568;trinque;I watched that wretched interview with the Y Combinator fuck. Elon looked positively submissive. 1554953;1476239592;trinque;if there's a usg.antichrist it's him. 1554954;1476239599;*;trinque forgets his name; it's quite forgettable 1554955;1476239606;asciilifeform;nah that'd be thiel 1554956;1476239607;ben_vulpes;aaaaltman? 1554957;1476239624;trinque;that's the one 1554958;1476239646;ben_vulpes;the one who didn't actually do anything but wrote enough about the circus that he got pulled in to play ringmaster? 1554959;1476239659;trinque;aha 1554960;1476239664;asciilifeform;pg's favourite catamite 1554961;1476239717;ben_vulpes;trinque: jigga destroys that track 1554962;1476239738;trinque;watching that (musk hunched over, nodding, laughing nervously) it was obvious he knew who signs his check 1554963;1476239743;trinque;ben_vulpes: hell yeah 1554964;1476239783;mircea_popescu;lol sam altman ? ahahaha. guy's more or less a whore, of no practical consequence. 1554965;1476239809;ben_vulpes;"young carter/go farther/go further/go harder/is that not/why we came?/and if not/then why bother?" 1554966;1476239828;trinque;mircea_popescu: yep, and rocketman was sweating, "uhm"-ing, and lowering his head 1554967;1476239839;ben_vulpes;"the stuttering south african" 1554968;1476239841;mircea_popescu;next you're gonna take buterin seriously or what. 1554969;1476239851;trinque;taking elon un-seriously 1554970;1476239858;mircea_popescu;that i can see. 1554971;1476239879;mircea_popescu;~none of the "leadersheeps" of the "free world" are very leadershippy. 1554972;1476239884;*;asciilifeform off into the night city for a spell, bbl. 1554973;1476239893;mircea_popescu;it's particularly funny when very old nobodies keep thanking each other for each other's leadersheep. as fucking if. 1554974;1476239932;mircea_popescu;i mean for all his warts, trump was made possible by a fucking void. 1554975;1476239934;mircea_popescu;extrudation process. 1554976;1476239969;trinque;tallest thing standing was a used car salesman's broken condom 1554977;1476240021;mircea_popescu;aha 1554978;1476240522;BingoBoingo;In other penetrations http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/ex-principia-school-student-gets--year-prison-sentence-in/article_f39225d2-abd1-5498-a32c-4b47b5076eef.html 1554979;1476240605;BingoBoingo;!!up thortron 1554980;1476240605;deedbot;thortron voiced for 30 minutes. 1554981;1476240688;ben_vulpes;!~later tell pete_dushenski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MItv-PTKaE << u savvy the cover? 1554982;1476240688;jhvh1;ben_vulpes: The operation succeeded. 1554983;1476240800;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1554984;1476240806;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 635.0, vol: 8150.61178082 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 638.699, vol: 7635.98026 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 639.58, vol: 12246.76981746 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 640.95, vol: 1478.91938802 | Volume-weighted last average: 638.155813891 1554985;1476240897;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbxJSDlrKRU << hahaha shit remember when black eyed peas tried to retcon themselves out of the "get retarded" pr problem? minaj did a whole verse as an aside in 07 1554986;1476241206;mats;nate silver (of 'fivethirtyeight' fame) believes hrc has 79.9% chance of winning 1554987;1476241324;trinque;how's he rate the outcome of the subsequent world war? 1554988;1476241477;mircea_popescu;is this the guy who ran some sort of "AI" to make predictions and then decided to "turn it off" because something sounding a lot like yakowsky or w/e the harry potter fanfic writer's name is ? 1554989;1476241528;mats;maybe 1554990;1476241542;mats;http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/#plus << i was referring to this 1554991;1476241875;mircea_popescu;hm, it briefly blinked 83.5 to 16.4 1554992;1476241918;mircea_popescu;so his theory is 48 to 44% in popular vote but 318 to 219 in electoral votes. should be funny to see how this plays out 1554993;1476242035;mircea_popescu;"Our win probabilities come from simulating the election 20,000 times, which produces a distribution of possible outcomes for each state. Here are the expected margins of victory. The closer the dot is to the center line, the tighter the race." << ahahaha wtf is this, global warming science applied to politics ? 1554994;1476242045;BingoBoingo;yes 1554995;1476242075;mircea_popescu;pennsylvania major democractic victory ? 1554996;1476242633;mircea_popescu;and in other news from the 90s, http://66.media.tumblr.com/82299ae83796d3d23cd755a62fe7a562/tumblr_mu7oibCRfs1skttepo1_1280.jpg 1554997;1476244109;trinque;http://www.breitbart.com/tag/dangerous-faggot-tour/ << this guy's alright 1554998;1476244222;trinque;crazy that /pol/ cancerous fag is apparently a demographic nao! 1554999;1476244226;trinque;it's weird getting old 1555000;1476244307;BingoBoingo;Newfags can't triforce 1555001;1476244573;mats;wat 1555002;1476244581;mats;'dangerous faggot tour' 1555003;1476244997;trinque;http://is.4chan.org/pol/1476239414393.jpg 1555004;1476244999;trinque;lol 1555005;1476245202;mats;after ten minutes of research i figured out milo yiannopoulos is gay 1555006;1476245453;ben_vulpes;mats: that's a lot of research 1555007;1476245476;ben_vulpes;can you turn that into a phd? 1555008;1476245501;mats;i had to watch a number of these videos on breitbart before i figured it out 1555009;1476245560;trinque;he's gay and hates the state; no US college would accept that dissertation 1555010;1476245587;trinque;guy might actually be one of those mythical beasts that's actually gay, rather than psychologically broken 1555011;1476245737;mats;he's speaking at a lot of universities i'd expect to be liberal havens, ie UCLA, Stanford 1555012;1476245757;mats;bit shocked he's not getting shut out on the basis of hate speech tbh 1555013;1476245817;mats;these headlines are hilarious though 1555014;1476245847;mats;"MILO: Feminist Control Of The Web Would Be Worse Than Giving It To China" 1555015;1476245871;mats;"Milo: Why Islamic Preachers Prey On Gingers ... MILO explained why gingers are more likely to become Islamic extremists — because they’re ugly and unloved." 1555016;1476245880;mats;i loled 1555017;1476245990;mats;"Milo: ‘100% Of Fat People Are F**ing Gross’ ... Speaking in full drag to an audience of cheering conservative students, Milo explained why fatties need to put down the Bic Macs." 1555018;1476246116;BingoBoingo;https://stlouis.craigslist.org/mis/5823407751.html https://archive.is/vEdzJ << Other debate lulz from Sunday 1555019;1476247552;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: wat 1555020;1476247580;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Some dude who asked a question at the "town hall" 1555021;1476247635;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1554993 << somebody call rand corp, iirc they have patent on crapolade 'sim' 1555022;1476247635;a111;Logged on 2016-10-12 03:13 mircea_popescu: "Our win probabilities come from simulating the election 20,000 times, which produces a distribution of possible outcomes for each state. Here are the expected margins of victory. The closer the dot is to the center line, the tighter the race." << ahahaha wtf is this, global warming science applied to politics ? 1555023;1476259914;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C30B0E305FFCF03A61D6DADB8305473866298C48C8317C1FC6C2585EF24C6608 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 113002371995753950581308836296409269873435959798738101723966334555563166332607 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1555025;1476261088;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> can you turn that into a phd? << first i read pdf. same diff. 1555026;1476261166;mircea_popescu;mats> bit shocked he's not getting shut out on the basis of hate speech tbh << he's the officially designated muppet to cover that area, the idea being that he'll outcompete the genuine plants in the niche, while being firmly loyal to the system. 1555027;1476261190;mircea_popescu;there's nothing quite as lulzy as a middle aged woman who thinks herself smart. except, of course, for a group of them. 1555028;1476272397;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/10/bitcoin-four-years-in/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Bitcoin – Four Years In 1555029;1476274066;mats;https://news.usni.org/2016/10/11/uss-mason-fired-3-missiles-to-defend-from-yemen-cruise-missiles-attack 1555030;1476274224;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1555023 << quebec ! 1555031;1476274224;a111;Logged on 2016-10-12 08:11 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C30B0E305FFCF03A61D6DADB8305473866298C48C8317C1FC6C2585EF24C6608 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 113002371995753950581308836296409269873435959798738101723966334555563166332607 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1555038;1476277774;shinohai;Phuctor on a roll today 1555039;1476278310;Framedragger;kako's bot says it's from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, MX, "SECRETARIA DE COMUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES COORDINACION DE LA SOCIEDAD DE LA INFORMACION Y EL CONOCI"!!11 1555040;1476278365;shinohai;Debo de informarlos pues 1555041;1476278368;shinohai;xD 1555042;1476281203;mats;538 moved its prediction up to 86% clinton victory 1555043;1476281418;asciilifeform;mats: why not 100. heil clitler!1111 1555044;1476281515;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1555034 << ahahahaha galois corp - somebody wake up ben_vulpes 1555045;1476281515;a111;Logged on 2016-10-12 13:00 trinque: http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a23336/the-pentagon-wants-to-use-bitcoin-technology-to-guard-nuclear-weapons/ << holy crap. 1555046;1476281537;mats;heil mein Führer 1555047;1476281554;mod6;mornin' 1555048;1476281586;*;asciilifeform subcontracted in galoisism for a few months, it was 'aryan physics' hell 1555049;1476284112;BingoBoingo;"A willingness to put in the work, and especially to go that extra inch, makes all the difference in the world." << A+++ wordplay 1555050;1476284711;shinohai;http://archive.is/jBENZ <<< LOL now both regular AND classic eth under same attack 1555051;1476287551;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/viabtc-hash-power-halves-after-joining-roger-verification-effort/ << Qntra - ViaBTC Hash Power Halves After Joining Roger VERification Effort 1555052;1476287911;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/blockchain-info-is-down-apparently-people-still-had-wallets-there/ << Qntra - Blockchain.info Is Down – Apparently People Still Had Wallets There 1555053;1476291133;BingoBoingo;!!up b1thoven 1555054;1476291134;deedbot;b1thoven voiced for 30 minutes. 1555055;1476291140;BingoBoingo;!!up bounce 1555056;1476291140;deedbot;bounce voiced for 30 minutes. 1555057;1476291145;BingoBoingo;!!up vexare 1555058;1476291145;deedbot;vexare voiced for 30 minutes. 1555059;1476291192;vexare;https://youtu.be/nm6DO_7px1I 1555060;1476291262;b1thoven;Hello all, i come with strange question. Have anybody time and opportunity to study me at programming with btc? 1555061;1476291320;shinohai;b1thoven: start here http://thebitcoin.foundation/ 1555062;1476291480;b1thoven;thx u. If i have some problems who can help me? i ready to pay for it. 1555063;1476291502;BingoBoingo;b1thoven: Begin with main.cpp in that tarball and move next to init.cpp 1555064;1476291654;b1thoven;ok 1555065;1476291913;BingoBoingo;b1thoven: From there figure out how everything fits together. If it makes sense and you aren't Cursing satoshi and later contributors read again until you find understanding. It is far better to understand than be understood. 1555066;1476291961;BingoBoingo;!!Up AaronvanW 1555067;1476291961;deedbot;AaronvanW voiced for 30 minutes. 1555068;1476291970;BingoBoingo;AaronvanW: Please fix your connection 1555069;1476292008;AaronvanW;BingoBoingo: what's wrong? 1555070;1476292011;b1thoven;i understand u, thanks 1555071;1476292018;shinohai;Apparently, wifi connections run on windmill blades there. 1555072;1476292049;BingoBoingo;AaronvanW: You are joining and parting the channel frequently. It's kinda spammy. Perhaps look into setting up a bouncer on a more stable connection? 1555073;1476292092;AaronvanW;BingoBoingo: I've been offline all day and just logged onto IRC for the first time today... 1555074;1476292137;BingoBoingo;AaronvanW: It's a recurring problem. I believe other people have previously tried leaving notes for you on this point for a while now. 1555075;1476292207;AaronvanW;BingoBoingo: someone mentioned something a couple of days ago. but that was not a connection problem, I just had to step away from my laptop from time to time and logged off when I did. either way I don't think there should be any further problems from here on out. 1555076;1476294658;mircea_popescu;cool. 1555077;1476294950;thestringpuller;http://imgur.com/a/NO477 1555078;1476294968;thestringpuller;^- Verified Pepe. Bitcoin feels good man. 1555079;1476295008;shinohai;Make counterparty great again? 1555080;1476295167;thestringpuller;MtGox is totes okay guise. I saw bank statements and letters from lawyers. It's the traditional banking systems fault!!!111 1555081;1476298154;mircea_popescu;why ty BingoBoingo :p 1555082;1476298166;mircea_popescu;shinohai that's what the guy meant by cubic :p 1555083;1476301616;mircea_popescu;"Bitcoin? 1555084;1476301616;mircea_popescu;Making Bitcoin-based networks to sell taboo erotica was very hip for a few months last year. None of those networks ever made a single successful sale to the best of my knowledge (I tried many of them, never got anything more than annoyed emails from fans asking why the website didn't work). As far as I know, this is no longer a thing. I'm not aware of any Bitcoin site that allows you to sell any kind of digital erotica." << 1555085;1476301616;mircea_popescu;much to everyone's couldn't have predicted, there's no genuine MARKET in child porn etc. 1555086;1476301646;mircea_popescu;tell me more about how you believed what the government told you and then it didn't work out in practice. 1555087;1476316000;mats;http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/turkey-carries-out-major-nato-purge_us_57fe20abe4b0e9c70229e93d 1555088;1476316207;shinohai;Duerte Harry is tossing out American specops and threatens to seek Russian or Chinese help 1555089;1476316631;mircea_popescu;aha 1555090;1476316715;mircea_popescu;i'm sure the utter failure of obama I + II is all trump's fault. 1555091;1476318862;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/v0o4s/?raw=true 1555092;1476318862;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1555093;1476321325;mats;i wonder what kinda premiums (50%?) lloyds is imposing for war risk insurance after all this business 1555094;1476321415;mats;supposed houthis took another shot at us navy ship today 1555095;1476321490;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/10/the-average-scam-band/ << Pull Your Own Strings - The Average Scam Band 1555096;1476321548;mats;topically, it appears the attack on sunday was the first combat deployment of the BAE Nulka ship decoy 1555097;1476321657;mod6;thestringpuller: werd 1555098;1476321896;BingoBoingo;lol: "Our Trump-supporting friend in Illinois is a surprisingly big part of the reason. In some polls, he’s weighted as much as 30 times more than the average respondent, and as much as 300 times more than the least-weighted respondent." 1555099;1476322027;mircea_popescu;in other kickass smoothie news : seven almonds, a dab of purely dark chocolate and two cloves go in the coffee grinder ; then a banana, fresh brewed coffee, milk, ice and the ground dusts + some vanilla go in the blender. 1555100;1476322033;mircea_popescu;cognac can be added at the end on a per glass basis. 1555101;1476322076;mod6;sounds good 1555102;1476322092;mircea_popescu;muy rrrrico! 1555103;1476322104;mats;.ir and .ru must be rubbing their hands in glee, they got to see the Nulka and SM-2 (USN's primary surface-to-air missile) deployed in actual combat 1555104;1476322127;mircea_popescu;and the word around the campfire is that they're unimpressed. 1555105;1476322204;mats;from the looks of things, the SM-2 as well as the ESSM systems didn't properly intercept incoming 1555106;1476322217;mats;and the Nulka saved the day, narrowly 1555107;1476322243;mircea_popescu;aha. and if there was an actual attack, ie, 5k to 50k flying objects as opposed t oa piddly single fire, they'd be underwater. 1555108;1476322301;mircea_popescu;"Turkey has fired hundreds of senior military staff serving at NATO in Europe and the United States following July’s coup attempt, documents show, broadening a purge to include some of the armed forces’ best-trained officials." <<< except "most esltardian" does not mean "best trained". in fact, it means the opposite. 1555109;1476322312;mircea_popescu;they were some of the worst trained officers in the history of turkish armed forces. 1555110;1476322337;mats;i wonder how usg will react when uss cole pt 2 comes around 1555111;1476322363;mircea_popescu;my bet is on it reacting the same exact way it reacted to having its ether raped. 1555112;1476322364;mats;circling the wagons and going home, or some violent death throes involving another useless war 1555113;1476322393;mats;americans don't have the stomach or the coin for the latter 1555114;1476322417;mircea_popescu;they have the psychosis for flailing aimlessly and continuing as-if, however. so they will. 1555115;1476324314;mats;meanwhile, few folks know or care that this particular chain events was probably precipitated by usg supplying saudis with arms used to strike a funeral that resulted in 142 dead 1555116;1476324346;mircea_popescu;aha 1555117;1476324358;mircea_popescu;iirc they said as much 1555118;1476329984;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Pls to self proofread future submissions at least a little bit. Also no more "mETH" or "ETH". Qntra style dictates "Ether" "Huffers" "Huffing" and "Huffing bag" 1555119;1476330020;shinohai;nb 1555120;1476330042;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/butt-erin-seeks-another-bailout-fork/ << Qntra - Butt-erin Seeks Another Bailout Fork 1555121;1476330049;*;shinohai is losing touch with the huffers 1555122;1476330684;BingoBoingo;Grab a bag and hodl to work? 1555123;1476330817;BingoBoingo;Anyways it's been a while since a scammer got any attention for backing a coin with a physical substance and that was urea coin tard guy who didn't grok that urea is renewable. In continuing with the wHorticulture theme someone ought to start a Perlite coin. 1555124;1476331663;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6C664FF74089605F6246A6E3E95A12B202B8736D872E54B080EED7777AE692C4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 37551836257268935959723478568763457442860198243540106322393743965390844655421389420208041106693656158402333202209747 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot l 1555125;1476331663;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/146339822E9914AAEF7528FBB3BF5F36DEAC041FFED2BDA31FAA7D2220AB8AA8 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 37551836257268935959723478568763457442860198243540106322393743965390844655421389420208041106693656158402333202209747 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot l 1555126;1476340689;BingoBoingo;Best prank gift for the gardener in your life http://www.selectivegardener.com/African-Violets/African-Violet-Specialty-Varieties/4IN-Optimara-NeverFloris-p460.html 1555127;1476354252;shinohai;!~weather 1555128;1476354252;jhvh1;stormy with a chance of packeting 1555129;1476354572;mircea_popescu;are we fucking done installing the taps already ? 1555130;1476354587;mircea_popescu;fucking usgtards, any more inept than this they'd qualify for the 1970s. 1555131;1476355177;shinohai;"[Global Notice] Hi all, while our temporary frexit took slightly longer than anticipated the network should now be starting to normalise, services will be returning momentarily and hopefully it has not caused the pound to plummet any further! Thank you for your patience!" 1555132;1476355549;shinohai;lolz 1555133;1476360920;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/whore-wife-whores-some-more/ << Trilema - Whore Wife Whores Some More 1555134;1476364571;thestringpuller;is shinohai hup? 1555135;1476364572;thestringpuller;up* 1555136;1476364573;thestringpuller;lol 1555137;1476365627;shinohai;!!rate mircea_popescu 3 #trilema #eulora 1555138;1476365629;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/9fm86/?raw=true 1555139;1476365683;shinohai;!!v 0DA13637D9ECB35AF26CA24F2974F7062DA5F9282AAB321DFE2CFFBD004B9561 1555140;1476365683;deedbot;shinohai updated rating of mircea_popescu from 2 to 3 << #trilema #eulora 1555141;1476365863;shinohai;!!rate mats 2 #trilema 1555142;1476365865;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/0g96i/?raw=true 1555143;1476365922;shinohai;!!v ABC1666632D35F19BDAB5771D28F61F63DF54F1312B5ED96C5C299A77EAB60C4 1555144;1476365922;deedbot;shinohai updated rating of mats from 2 to 2 << #trilema 1555145;1476366444;shinohai;!!jurov 3 http://coinbr.com #trilema #eulora 1555146;1476366459;shinohai;!! rate jurov 3 http://coinbr.com #trilema #eulora 1555147;1476366467;shinohai;!!rate jurov 3 http://coinbr.com #trilema #eulora 1555148;1476366468;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/tzb1n/?raw=true 1555149;1476366469;shinohai;fr 1555150;1476366538;shinohai;!!v E0E7E3D27532FE02B347D33211B22565C7B60F855F989674F6C528D1FC414E0F 1555151;1476366538;deedbot;shinohai updated rating of jurov from 2 to 3 << http://coinbr.com #trilema #eulora 1555152;1476366559;shinohai;sorry 4 log spam thought id do this in middle of "maintenance" 1555153;1476366893;shinohai;!!rate pete_dushenski 2 http://contravex.com/ #trilema Ministry of Silly Walks 1555154;1476366895;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/9lp0a/?raw=true 1555155;1476366949;shinohai;!!v 94D7A05540538FC0218648E75482CB40EAFE27DEB8783A0BD3A87931B0D51D47 1555156;1476366950;deedbot;shinohai updated rating of pete_dushenski from 1 to 2 << http://contravex.com/ #trilema Ministry of Silly Walks 1555157;1476367253;shinohai;!!rate ben_vulpes 2 http://cascadianhacker.com/ #trilema trb 1555158;1476367254;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/vm7ra/?raw=true 1555159;1476367501;shinohai;!!v F181ECADF7632E443294E0006C1D8B0D970BDB773E41F150CF5EDDC510D1D317 1555160;1476367501;deedbot;shinohai updated rating of ben_vulpes from 1 to 2 << http://cascadianhacker.com/ #trilema trb 1555161;1476369159;mod6;mornin' 1555162;1476369685;shinohai;hiya mod6 how goes it? 1555163;1476369941;mod6;good. you? 1555164;1476369979;shinohai;same 1555165;1476369988;shinohai;just having coffee 1555166;1476370131;mod6;same. 1555167;1476370719;*;asciilifeform home, catches up on the lulz 1555168;1476370746;shinohai;wb 1555169;1476372461;thestringpuller;so. Ethereum's chain is grew 10gb yesterday 1555170;1476372498;thestringpuller;Can Buterin just cut his losses or are is DApps really gonna change da woooorld 1555171;1476373083;PeterL;http://www.businessinsider.com/a-marine-explains-which-state-would-win-if-the-us-declared-war-on-itself-2015-7 << here is a fun story 1555172;1476373119;asciilifeform;^ doesn't load 1555173;1476374057;PeterL;http://archive.is/k8veg ? 1555174;1476374078;mircea_popescu;texas, nqa. 1555175;1476374215;asciilifeform;suppose the rockets in north dakota still work. 1555176;1476374216;mircea_popescu;that ca 330k vs texas 299k is utter bullshit. people are not equal ; my first day in texas was spent in a small town where the mayor was presenting an award to a 70 yo woman who, while eating a sandwhich at a diner, took out a .45 from her purse and blew the brains out of some mexican kid that was trying to hold up the place at knife point. they were giving her a plaque and everything. 1555177;1476374249;mircea_popescu;that old woman, ifshe's still alive, which she probably is, counts as three california soldiers, as typified by that brandi manning or w/e his name was. 1555178;1476374301;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if the whole arsenal is in working order, which it is not, it's barely sufficient to not do anything to texas, seeing how look at the fucking surface. 1555179;1476374311;mircea_popescu;if you take out dallas and ft worth the texans might actually thank you. 1555180;1476377593;BingoBoingo;Not to mention Texas has a string of ready allies to the north provided war breaks out along mostly ideological lines 1555181;1476378878;BingoBoingo;Fucking Copycats https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/oct/12/will-you-become-a-citizen-of-asgardia-the-first-nation-state-in-space 1555182;1476378895;BingoBoingo;"Boo Hoo TMSR beat us" 1555183;1476379410;shinohai;http://archive.is/8UA4A <<< 1555184;1476379411;PeterL;I agree, Texas would probably win. Texans are much more likely to identify as "Texan" than most other parts of the country would identify as their state's. 1555185;1476379412;shinohai;Some day my grandchildren will ask me: "How did people pay for their morning coffee before #BitcoinUnlimited?" 1555186;1476379531;PeterL;I remember when I was freshman in college, we got freshmen together for welcoming assembly. Speaker says anybody from California (people poliely raise hands), etc. until anybody from texas? (thunderous applause/shouting) 1555187;1476379646;BingoBoingo;Texas has natural allies in Missouri, Oklahoma, and R-Kansas against california so long as the war does not start during College football season 1555188;1476380473;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-28#900429 << the canonical 'micronations' thread. 1555189;1476380473;a111;Logged on 2014-10-28 19:27 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: strauss is a (now very old) man who was involved with some of the '70s derpistans (actual attempts at island 'nations' by american jokers). worth reading if only for zoological purposes. 1555190;1476380485;BingoBoingo;AHA 1555191;1476380535;asciilifeform;this idiocy is as old as man - 'i'ma pick this here rock and call myself napoleon of it' 1555192;1476380556;asciilifeform;works until the folks in white coats come to take the napoleon to the other napoleons. 1555193;1476380827;BingoBoingo;Well how else do they find BEST napoleon unless they make them compete? 1555194;1476382102;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: how does one get an x86-64 proggy to run on a bare cpu like the gizmo? 1555195;1476382131;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it isn't bare in any sense. can even boot winblows if you wanted 1555196;1476382160;asciilifeform;i assume you meant as a coreboot payload rom ? 1555197;1476382165;ben_vulpes;i think? 1555198;1476382185;asciilifeform;see the coreboot docs, there is a skeleton example. 1555199;1476382330;*;ben_vulpes digs 1555200;1476382369;mircea_popescu;PeterL aha there's also that 1555201;1476384581;kmalkki;btw, sometimes I was able to get gizmo1 into state where smartprobe was unable to write SPI 1555202;1476384613;kmalkki;also sage edk did not work with some other SPI vendor part I had 1555203;1476384632;asciilifeform;kmalkki: the sage edk is shitware 1555204;1476384684;kmalkki;I never had much success with it either 1555205;1476384706;asciilifeform;kmalkki: i reversed it, the spi is written the same way it would be if you were running, e.g., 'flashrom', on the board - by issuing pci writes 1555206;1476384722;kmalkki;yes I know 1555207;1476384761;asciilifeform;modding 'flashrom' so that it would use a pci bus hanging from a sage instead of the local one would be fairly simple. unfortunately i do not have time presently, being deep into something quite else. 1555208;1476384846;kmalkki;and mostly pointless.. use $5 ftd232h instead with soic clip or wires 1555209;1476384888;asciilifeform;slow and ugly 1555210;1476384896;asciilifeform;and glitchy 1555211;1476384898;asciilifeform;ewww. 1555212;1476384925;asciilifeform;also you might like to flash roms that aren't spi, or are hanging off pci cards. 1555213;1476384935;kmalkki;btw.. gizmo1 explorer board can provide serial console and coreboot 1555214;1476384963;asciilifeform;well yes, the pins are brought out 1555215;1476384973;asciilifeform;but again, console-via-sage is ugly 1555216;1476384986;asciilifeform;now you can't use normal gdb 1555217;1476385051;kmalkki;I mean the gizmo add-on board has FT232H on it, just use 2nd ttl-uart2usb 1555218;1476385062;kmalkki;so you don't need that console-via-sage 1555219;1476385065;asciilifeform;ah sure 1555220;1476385109;asciilifeform;it doesn't exist on pcengines though, and so is uninteresting to me personally. 1555221;1476385158;asciilifeform;also... by the time that serial console works, you're past most of the interesting stuff in bios. 1555222;1476385217;kmalkki;well you can have consoloe output even before RAM is up 1555223;1476385222;kmalkki;how early would you want it? 1555224;1476385226;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-married-whore-and-the-cynful-whore/ << Trilema - The Married Whore And The Cynful Whore 1555225;1476385246;asciilifeform;kmalkki: on reset 1555226;1476385297;kmalkki;familiar with serialice? 1555227;1476385500;asciilifeform;aha 1555228;1476385508;asciilifeform;but i don't really see the point, when you have a real probe 1555229;1476385516;asciilifeform;and what about when i want to dump a few GB of ram. 1555230;1476385528;asciilifeform;i gotta do it via rs232 ?! 1555231;1476387972;jurov;shinohai: ty 1555232;1476387985;shinohai;o7 1555233;1476390423;shinohai;!~later tell mod6 cannot submit gpg key to mailing list :/ 1555234;1476390423;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1555235;1476393305;*;BingoBoingo had great victory over electricity today 1555236;1476393949;mod6;what happened there shinohai? you just tried to send your gpg key to the ML? 1555237;1476394000;shinohai;yeah 1555238;1476394127;mod6;im not sure how that'd work out. you might be better off putting your key on your "blog" as detailed in the logs, then just putting in a clearsigned message stating that's where one can find your pub key. 1555239;1476394161;mod6;Or even where your key can be found by fingerprint via phuctor? 1555240;1476394226;shinohai;ok 1555241;1476396597;shinohai;included in latest block: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3bs8g/?raw=true 1555242;1476396606;shinohai;!~tslb 1555243;1476396608;jhvh1;shinohai: Time since last block: 3 minutes and 52 seconds 1555244;1476398790;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/13/needalittlejohnsoninmylife-adnotated/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - #needalittleJohnsoninmylife. Adnotated. 1555245;1476399904;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, 1555246;1476399905;asciilifeform;anybody here tried https://github.com/FPGAwars/icezum ? 1555247;1476400002;shinohai;pdf's on github why? https://github.com/FPGAwars/icezum/commit/23b72c3869cbbf22828ad8f34caeda8d844f5501 1555248;1476400034;asciilifeform;ask them, not me... 1555249;1476400110;shinohai;lol 1555250;1476404084;BingoBoingo;http://bitcoinerrorlog.com/bitcoin-error-log-gets-a-bitcoin-job << In Pre-Republic alumni 1555251;1476406078;mod6;"The election is merely a fight over who gets to be the band conductor while the Titanic sinks. And the debt is precisely the reason for this." << https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/while-media-obsesses-over-pussygate-us-debt-soars-to-19-7-trillion-20323/ << someone reads the logs 1555252;1476408878;trinque;then you've got the unfunded liabilities bomb (social security, federal pensions, whatever else) 1555253;1476408947;mircea_popescu;no it's ok, they'll just raise awareness. 1555254;1476409064;trinque;I went searching for a link on the subj and every rag says "we grow (inflate) at x% per year! we'll have infinity funbux by then!" 1555255;1476409094;trinque;the usg.* of it all. insanity tentacles. 1555256;1476409343;mircea_popescu;no but you see "it can't go bankrupt because dollars are like shares" 1555257;1476410271;mod6;stock split! 1555258;1476410364;mircea_popescu;words are like bullets and dollars are like shares. 1555259;1476410370;mircea_popescu;social media shares. 1555260;1476411347;asciilifeform;https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/9/24/551 << in other not-quite-news 1555261;1476414824;mats;http://www.newosxbook.com/2ndUpdate.html << for folks curious about osx internals 1555262;1476415218;phf;hmm, half the book is about evasi0n and pangu though. i guess the overall exploitation techniques remain the same across devices 1555263;1476443669;thestringpuller;trinque: dunno if this is reasonable: but for !!wot could we possibly also get !!signedwot ? That is deedbot returns a signed wot-sexp timestamped from some point? doesn't have to update in real time, maybe once a week? ty for your time. 1555264;1476443740;thestringpuller;mod6: what's jeezy's numba one rule ? ;) 1555265;1476448486;mircea_popescu;these "social sciences" idiots. so don't you know, online polls are "unscientific" because they're "opt-in", ie they reflect the views of people who wish their views reflected. meanwhile their "scientific" polls are what, they call people up, ask them some questions, and if those people hang up they ??? get a court order ? get the schmuck sentenced to jail without a definite term, us style, "the key is in your pocket mr!" ? 1555266;1476449780;mircea_popescu;and in other webforum lulz, http://www.transgays.com/report-fake/1 1555267;1476449794;mircea_popescu;"we allow trivial enumeration of users! just like facebook! and reddit! whoooo!" 1555268;1476451793;PeterL;pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/13/needalittlejohnsoninmylife-adnotated/#comment-51124 1555269;1476454648;mircea_popescu;the terms of art are giant douche and turd sandwich pete_dushenski 1555270;1476454652;mircea_popescu;oops i mean PeterL 1555271;1476454696;thestringpuller;interestingly the masses want to bring that same choice to bitcoin. luckily its kinda immune to the stupidity. 1555272;1476454711;thestringpuller;maybe people just want to choose between a turd sandwich and giant douche. 1555273;1476454863;mircea_popescu;i dunno about that. 1555274;1476454901;shinohai;choose thy master for next 4 years 1555275;1476454926;thestringpuller;or any debate really. BingoBoingo made a really good blog post about it in relation to sports fanatics. 1555276;1476455538;mod6;<+thestringpuller> mod6: what's jeezy's numba one rule ? ;) << don't get caught 1555277;1476455924;PeterL;mircea_popescu in this case it is fun to go with the anatomical descriptions to complement Johnson 1555278;1476456364;mircea_popescu;lol 1555279;1476458372;trinque;thestringpuller: I would rather change !!wot to encrypt to the key making the request. 1555280;1476458432;mircea_popescu;not like it's not public ? 1555281;1476458448;trinque;isn't that, but rather, he wants to know he got the wot dump I sent 1555282;1476458454;trinque;really this is a problem of the wire, not the bot 1555283;1476458469;mircea_popescu;but he doesn't get to know that. 1555284;1476458511;trinque;yeah, as I think about it, seems like not a thing. 1555285;1476458536;mircea_popescu;did i miss this discussion in the log ? 1555286;1476458569;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-14#1555263 1555287;1476458569;a111;Logged on 2016-10-14 11:14 thestringpuller: trinque: dunno if this is reasonable: but for !!wot could we possibly also get !!signedwot ? That is deedbot returns a signed wot-sexp timestamped from some point? doesn't have to update in real time, maybe once a week? ty for your time. 1555288;1476458637;mircea_popescu;if you're gonna sign it might as well dump it in the deeds. but it seems rather excessive. 1555289;1476458655;thestringpuller;never thought i'd hear that from mircea_popescu 1555290;1476458667;mircea_popescu;!#s excessive from:mirc 1555291;1476458667;a111;34 results for "excessive from:mirc", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=excessive%20from%3Amirc 1555292;1476458722;mircea_popescu;anyway. jus wait for gossipd, it'll solve this. 1555293;1476458726;trinque;^^^ 1555294;1476459635;thestringpuller;:D 1555295;1476461459;kmalkki;apu2 (with AMD PSP) does respond properly to JTAG IDCODE 1555296;1476461494;kmalkki;but there is off-by-one error in the bitstream in shift DR stage for HDT commands 1555297;1476461562;asciilifeform;kmalkki: iirc in evil mode, it jtags (for pin testing) but won't halt 1555298;1476463234;Framedragger;couldn't find anything after (very) cursory glance at logs, so, random question #667: has anyone considered crawling tor hidden services for their rsa (1024 bit iirc!) keys, and dumping them into phuctor? apologies if there was already a discussion with regards to this. 1555299;1476463305;Framedragger;as of now this is more-or-less trivially doable. later, tor will move to a new hidden service model where it'll be more difficult to crawl for things. (right now, you can run a node which after a while (if stable enough, etc.) becomes a hidden service directory, and then (if you're sneaky enough) you can log all hidden service key requests, therefore obtaining a large bunch of fingerprints -> public keys.) 1555300;1476463328;mircea_popescu;iirc was briefly discussed, nobody gave much of a shit about tor 1555301;1476463330;asciilifeform;Framedragger: iirc this was suggested but nobody did 1555302;1476463334;Framedragger;keyword for future log searches: hsdir 1555303;1476463334;mircea_popescu;i think you might be the only fan here. 1555304;1476463343;Framedragger;such fan!11 1555305;1476463385;Framedragger;well it'd amount to public service for current HS operators; perhaps indeed too much effort. but many lulz, and educational. ok, gotcha. not committing to anything, will ping asciilifeform if i obtain anything. :) 1555306;1476463447;mircea_popescu;there was (perhaps more usbstantially interesting) an effort to get the historical databases with silk road junk as maintained by some pothead sifted, both for rsa keys and whatever else 1555307;1476463451;mircea_popescu;but this also went nowhere. 1555308;1476463462;Framedragger;also for future logs: http://donncha.is/2013/05/trawling-tor-hidden-services/ (i know i know, noone cares) 1555309;1476463504;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: oh, yea. maybe it was this gwern dude. (his summary of studies on melatonin *was* helpful for me, so there's that...) 1555310;1476463507;Framedragger;gotcha. 1555311;1476463531;mircea_popescu;yeah, pretty sure it was 1555312;1476463537;mircea_popescu;!#s gwern 1555313;1476463538;a111;34 results for "gwern", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gwern 1555314;1476463547;Framedragger;(gwern is this eclectic fella who collects all kinds of trash on his site. interestingly, sometimes it piques one's curiosity. http://www.gwern.net/ ) 1555315;1476463551;Framedragger;aha, okay 1555316;1476463553;asciilifeform;at one point i was interested in tor, and ran several nodes, but strictly from the point of view of malware collection. 1555317;1476463627;Framedragger;asciilifeform: right, cool. i guess if one runs a node they may as well collect some additional info.. i may still have a 'respected' node private key laying about, may be possible to collect those HSDir requests. (but i agree that it may not be very productive effort) 1555318;1476464059;mircea_popescu;iirc even at the peak of the whole "anyone could have sent me fake ids with my picture on them because there exists this thing online called silkroad i'm not related to" pothead mania, less than hjalf the idiots used encryption at all, and a tiny fraction of traffic was actually encrypted coming from relatively few keys. as in hundreds rather than hudreds of thousands. 1555319;1476464081;mircea_popescu;who knows, possibly shitter than average though. 1555320;1476464242;mircea_popescu;speaking of tor & the rest of the retard community, ""Mariana's Web" does not exist. For anyone trying to be the "Jacques Cousteau of the Dark Web": There is no "going deeper". There are no "levels". Please stop asking how to get there." 1555321;1476464250;mircea_popescu;via, of course, https://archive.is/iBLt9#selection-3245.0-3247.153 1555322;1476464856;mircea_popescu;ahahaha man. THE DEEP WEB! such a comedy goldmine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbfSvjNisWY 1555323;1476464964;Framedragger;"I had to be quick and stelth" probably apt description of deep web security 1555324;1476464998;Framedragger;iirc there *was* a buncha keys on silk road v1. but, not ruling out key re-use / sybil identities. 1555325;1476464999;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/v6PGY << if anyone has an email hacker. 1555326;1476465052;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i vaguely recall some data about how 1/3 of all encrypted comms on sr historically was from/to usg and its merry band of thieves under another name. 1555327;1476465076;Framedragger;hahaha. well, fair enough, can't see why that couldn't have been the case. but if so, even more hilarious! 1555328;1476465090;mircea_popescu;this guy is epic. 1555329;1476465104;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mysfwo06cKg 1555330;1476465124;asciilifeform;chesterton was there first, in 'man who was thursday' 1555331;1476465169;*;Framedragger learns of "red rooms" 1555332;1476465228;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that story was so fucking retarded... 1555333;1476465249;mircea_popescu;what, the central council of anarchism and the conveniently-involved uninvolved poet ? 1555334;1476465255;asciilifeform;no moar retarded than life 1555335;1476465276;mircea_popescu;i guess ; at least for any definition of life that permits the continued existence of the reddit scum. 1555336;1476465303;asciilifeform;'the scum you will always have with you' or how did it go. 1555337;1476465314;mircea_popescu;in other news, "i am vampyr and you can't be vladimir because it's too close to vampyr" 1555338;1476465335;thestringpuller;^^^^^^^^^ 1555339;1476465336;thestringpuller;YES 1555340;1476465375;thestringpuller;"Burn burn burn down hot topic. Don't let it steal your soul...../ Burnin' down. / Hot topic." - In depeche mode mode 1555341;1476465406;mircea_popescu;check out who had his sp history current :p 1555342;1476465447;thestringpuller;That was my favorite SP episode for about 3-4 years. 1555343;1476465541;thestringpuller;something about the kindergoth's hardcore attitude that is inspiring... 1555344;1476465619;mircea_popescu;poor kids. 1555345;1476465983;mircea_popescu;first they can't have halloween candy ; then they can't fight, or climb trees ; or be home alone ; or touch ; or etcetera. by now it's ... pretty much endless re-dos of carmen winstead. 1555346;1476466902;pete_dushenski;PeterL: http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/13/needalittlejohnsoninmylife-adnotated/#comment-51135 1555347;1476466921;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/exposed.su in the unlikely case anyone gives a shit. 1555348;1476466999;pete_dushenski;yumm, replica watches 1555349;1476467100;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-14#1555320 << lol 1555350;1476467100;a111;Logged on 2016-10-14 16:57 mircea_popescu: speaking of tor & the rest of the retard community, ""Mariana's Web" does not exist. For anyone trying to be the "Jacques Cousteau of the Dark Web": There is no "going deeper". There are no "levels". Please stop asking how to get there." 1555351;1476467188;trinque;pete_dushenski: people have been making Gary Johnson dick jokes for a while now 1555352;1476467192;trinque;#feelthejohnson 1555353;1476467214;pete_dushenski;aha. much like the bern. 1555354;1476467226;pete_dushenski;berning johnson anyone ? get that shit checked out. 1555355;1476467315;BingoBoingo; in other news, "i am vampyr and you can't be vladimir because it's too close to vampyr"<< LOL 1555356;1476467320;mircea_popescu;for srs 1555357;1476467340;mircea_popescu;names dude. the only reality allowed the lost. 1555358;1476467373;pete_dushenski;!#s lael brainard 1555359;1476467374;a111;0 results for "lael brainard", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=lael%20brainard 1555360;1476467465;pete_dushenski;"Lael Brainard, the Federal Reserve governor overseeing new technology, says the decentralized method of record-keeping introduced by Bitcoin has the potential to transform multiple aspects of the financial system." << mkay glhf with that 'blockchain' bizniz 1555361;1476467493;pete_dushenski;https://static01.nyt.com/images/2016/10/12/business/12BITCOIN2-web/12BITCOIN2-web-master768.jpg << cancerous looking ol hag 1555362;1476467612;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/pxM0B << in other murders, an entire article on how 'latin america could cut its murder rate by 50 percent' and yet somehow neglects to mention 'be more argentine' anywhere. 1555363;1476467660;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-13#1555099 << sounds deadly delectable 1555364;1476467660;a111;Logged on 2016-10-13 01:27 mircea_popescu: in other kickass smoothie news : seven almonds, a dab of purely dark chocolate and two cloves go in the coffee grinder ; then a banana, fresh brewed coffee, milk, ice and the ground dusts + some vanilla go in the blender. 1555365;1476467843;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1555015 << wasn't this milo guy in the ben shapiro camp of mainstream alt-right ? 1555366;1476467843;a111;Logged on 2016-10-12 04:17 mats: "Milo: Why Islamic Preachers Prey On Gingers ... MILO explained why gingers are more likely to become Islamic extremists — because they’re ugly and unloved." 1555367;1476467892;*;pete_dushenski had a cat named milo, probably the best of the 7 or 8 he ever had. 1555368;1476467937;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1555030 << vive la fleur de lis! 1555369;1476467937;a111;Logged on 2016-10-12 12:10 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1555023 << quebec ! 1555370;1476468038;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-12#1555085 << same as market in sexual assault, verbal abuse, chauvenism, and the rest of the made-up excuses for firing capable dudes in a power grab and replacing them with hags like lael. 1555371;1476468038;a111;Logged on 2016-10-12 19:46 mircea_popescu: much to everyone's couldn't have predicted, there's no genuine MARKET in child porn etc. 1555372;1476468162;mircea_popescu;how do these relate ? 1555373;1476468230;mircea_popescu;there's an obvious incentive for someone to fuck his coworkers : they're there ; i have nfi what "verbal abuse" is, but in principle putting people in their place through means other than hitting them in the head is cheaper, so there's evidently a market ; chauvinism is like revolution or progress, anything to anyone and therefore uninteresting. 1555374;1476468476;pete_dushenski;maybe they don't relate except as loosely applied tags or labels for individuals disliked by socialists. not knowing or caring what the words actually mean, libtards just conjure up accusations like 'child pornographer' or 'verbal abuser' when being dismissive. 1555375;1476468556;mircea_popescu;anyway. there's evidently stuff like say peter scully's being produced. the notion that some sort of market drives this however is ridoinculous. 1555376;1476468588;pete_dushenski;!#s peter scully 1555377;1476468589;a111;1 result for "peter scully", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=peter%20scully 1555378;1476468615;pete_dushenski;so not the scully from xfiles cuz that was a chick. 1555379;1476468638;mircea_popescu;some dude, tall old total nut face, butchered an infant in a very sexual manner on tape, apparently tortured a bunch of others. had ran off from au to the philipines for some legal reason. 1555380;1476468669;pete_dushenski;aha 1555381;1476468788;pete_dushenski;anyways, looks like a hot chocolate kind of day today. the snow started lightly last week but is coming down in earnest today. prolly 10cm on the way. 1555382;1476468818;pete_dushenski;too bad there's not more logs to keep me warm. quieter around here without turbo-alf. 1555383;1476468828;mircea_popescu;evidently teh enlightened policies of the centralised socialist state, from misrepresenting it as a market to whatever the fuck they do work splendidly : the worst on record dates from last year. 1555384;1476468831;mircea_popescu;such success etc. 1555385;1476469052;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: believe or not, i am doing something useful 1555386;1476469082;mircea_popescu;#somethinguseful 1555387;1476469115;pete_dushenski;in other success, looks like there's increasing traction for the theory that the terracotta warriors were directly inspired by the greeks and may have even been overseen by greek sculptors, predating marco polo by a millennia in terms of contact between east and west. 1555388;1476469144;mircea_popescu;i thought teh anabasis was the first foray. 1555389;1476469234;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: while useful conversations happen in channel, i have little doubt that shiva would be more productive if he weren't reading and reposting yarvin, bbc, el reg, or whatever 'sekoority' bloggers. it's really not hard for anyone to imagine. 1555390;1476469286;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: xenophon, rite. /me is actually working on this tome atm. 1555391;1476469287;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski tu quoque. 1555392;1476469355;pete_dushenski;in degrees! 1555393;1476469855;*;pete_dushenski wonders what planet he is living on where he is as useful to republic as alf 1555394;1476470149;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtblQxPjwZE << have a cheer-up 1555395;1476470450;pete_dushenski;lol i have a badass life all things considered and need no cheering up, though i appreciate the thought. but i can be no more lenin nor laika than alf. i'm boyar, not barbarossa. 1555396;1476470477;pete_dushenski;pleasant tune tho 1555397;1476470483;asciilifeform;mega-classic 1555398;1476470547;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M90oFjSlx8 << the original words, without the englishism. 1555399;1476470576;*;asciilifeform back to wurk 1555400;1476470655;pete_dushenski;cheers 1555401;1476472039;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/14/the-incremental-degrees-of-observance-on-yom-kippur/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The incremental degrees of observance on Yom Kippur. 1555402;1476472459;trinque;what the hell is this "no brushing teeth" ? 1555403;1476472489;mats;plaque is sacred 1555404;1476473282;ben_vulpes;my node cracked 4gb res yesterday 1555405;1476473299;ben_vulpes;> 4137 1555406;1476473321;pete_dushenski;still over 70 connex ? 1555407;1476473336;ben_vulpes;down to 47, actually 1555408;1476473362;pete_dushenski;huh. mine's up to 73 1555409;1476473364;ben_vulpes;what 1555410;1476473366;ben_vulpes;dat 1555411;1476475456;asciilifeform;phf, ben_vulpes , et al : can any of you describe to me how /dev/random works on crapple's os ? 1555412;1476475567;asciilifeform;and incidentally, this goes for everybody, i'm collecting dd if=/dev/random of=shitball.bin bs=1 count=8388608 && dieharder -a -g 201 -f shitball.bin && ent shitball.bin outputs from anyone who can be bothered 1555413;1476475578;asciilifeform;as many types of box as can be had 1555414;1476475598;shinohai;>.> 1555415;1476476820;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: not offhand, no 1555416;1476477760;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it is suspiciously fast 1555417;1476477779;asciilifeform;about same speed as /dev/urandom on my gentoo boxen, even. 1555418;1476479167;thestringpuller;suspiciously fast? 1555419;1476479194;thestringpuller;like libsecp256k1 or whatever crap those power rangers created 1555420;1476479891;mod6; asciilifeform: what's the diff between -g 201 and '-g 200' mentioned in lastnight's link? 1555421;1476479913;mod6;also, if you want, i can try to run the above command on this apple macbook pro i have access to; if you like. 1555422;1476479955;mod6;version 3.31.1 ok? 1555423;1476480109;mod6;running... 1555424;1476480268;mircea_popescu;Framedragger btw ever got around to fixing that thing which makes scriba go dysfunctional ? 1555425;1476480476;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: no. i know it's still there, and i know it's been a long time. it's in my plan. maybe even this weekend, if i can make time. i'll ping you. apologies for rapid slow-down of productivity with regards to #trilema :) 1555426;1476480486;asciilifeform;mod6: 200 reads from stdin 1555427;1476480550;Framedragger;oh and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-03#1551845 << thanks trinque! i'll maybe ping you. need to find time to sit down. behind on afk-stuff, but getting back on track (or so i hope) 1555428;1476480550;a111;Logged on 2016-10-03 18:34 trinque: Framedragger: I can help you fix that python error; ping me when available. 1555429;1476480638;Framedragger;such anagram adlai 1555430;1476480648;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/nIHKW << BingoBoingo -- qntra ? 1555431;1476480671;mircea_popescu;aite. 1555432;1476480714;mircea_popescu;Framedragger only asked because earlier you were talking about doing more stuff lol 1555433;1476480787;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Y not, I'll get started 1555434;1476480801;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: no fair enough, i mean that's the plan! and i wouldnt do that before doing this other more important stuff first. :) 1555435;1476481116;mircea_popescu;in other flavour news, /me household proceeded to turn a dozen hard boiled eggs + five unboiled eggs into deviled eggs. the final production was evaluated at a shade under 3000 calories, of which i ingurgitated half in one sitting. i feel very pleasantly full ; and may turn into a boa. 1555436;1476481162;Framedragger;sounds..energetically efficient? dat protein. also cholesterol? :) 1555437;1476481174;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1555438;1476481200;mircea_popescu;but i'm cutting it with cognac now, so should be ok. 1555439;1476481210;mircea_popescu;if not, there's always paint thinner. 1555440;1476481510;mod6;lol 1555441;1476481544;mod6;asciilifeform: still running; on rgb_lagged_sum test #19 1555442;1476481711;shinohai;preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 1555443;1476481762;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/brit-faces-extradition-for-trading-on-us-markets/ << Qntra - Brit Faces Extradition For Trading On US Markets 1555444;1476481852;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/mps-definitive-dark-deep-etc-web-faq/ << Trilema - MP's Definitive Dark / Deep / Etc Web FAQ 1555445;1476482030;mircea_popescu;in other revolutionary ideas the world's not ready for : http://www.horizontalhive.com/how-to-build/bee-bed-sleep-hive-plans.shtml 1555446;1476482120;shinohai;O.o 1555447;1476482146;shinohai;how many bitcoin would it take to get danielpbarron to send the night in one 1555448;1476482157;mircea_popescu;why him specifically ? 1555449;1476482170;shinohai;he has faith power :D 1555450;1476482176;mircea_popescu;lol 1555451;1476482197;shinohai;it's like snake handling, but with bees! 1555452;1476482208;mircea_popescu;lol 1555453;1476482256;*;shinohai buys adspace on this page for epi-pens, profits 1555454;1476482818;mod6;lol, "this isn't fucking tanning." 1555455;1476483041;mircea_popescu;:p 1555456;1476483151;pete_dushenski;o hey former alberta premier from two terms ago can 'has accident' in style of total ceo. a memorable departure for an otherwise forgettable figure. 1555457;1476483253;pete_dushenski;king of siam also took a final bow today 1555458;1476483429;mod6;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ay6hn/?raw=true 1555459;1476483470;asciilifeform;ty mod6 1555460;1476483474;mod6;check out the last line of the test. "command not found: ent", however, i copied the command exactly from your original: 1555461;1476483483;mod6;(20:06) <+asciilifeform> and incidentally, this goes for everybody, i'm collecting dd if=/dev/random of=shitball.bin bs=1 count=8388608 && dieharder -a -g 201 -f shitball.bin && ent shitball.bin outputs from anyone who can be bothered 1555462;1476483502;asciilifeform;mod6: you might not have the proggy 1555463;1476483510;asciilifeform;get it via macports or build from src 1555464;1476483513;mod6;yah, i just noticed -- and installed it via brew 1555465;1476483518;mod6;i'll re-run the thing. 1555466;1476483552;mod6;give it another hour figure, sorry :/ 1555467;1476483552;shinohai;!~date 1555468;1476483553;jhvh1;12th of Tishrei, 5777 1555469;1476483562;mod6;the future sucks. 1555470;1476483563;pete_dushenski;lol! 1555471;1476483570;pete_dushenski;shinohai: well played 1555472;1476483576;shinohai;^.^ 1555473;1476483595;pete_dushenski;what's old is new 1555474;1476483627;ben_vulpes;doesn't count from bitcoinday? 1555475;1476483630;ben_vulpes;scam 1555476;1476485230;shinohai;http://archive.is/9VE27 <<< step 1, tell ur enemy "we r gonna hack u" 1555477;1476485261;pete_dushenski;sounds like verbal abuse to me 1555478;1476485603;BingoBoingo;OMG shinohai I was writing the qntra!!! 1555479;1476485625;shinohai;sorry >.> 1555480;1476486323;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/covert-cia-plan-makes-evening-news/ << Qntra - "Covert" CIA Plan Makes Evening News 1555481;1476486500;pete_dushenski;bbl. to dinner and dieharder fiddling. 1555482;1476487136;mod6;ok here we go 1555483;1476487160;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/44dy1/?raw=true 1555484;1476487163;mod6;asciilifeform: ^ 1555485;1476494900;asciilifeform;ty mod6 1555486;1476498992;mircea_popescu;oo we have alt calendar ? 1555487;1476498994;mircea_popescu;!~date 1555488;1476498994;jhvh1;12th of Tishrei, 5777 1555489;1476499000;mircea_popescu;win. 1555490;1476499024;asciilifeform;talmudic system 1555491;1476499040;asciilifeform;tishrei - 1st mo. 1555492;1476499162;mircea_popescu;ah right you are. i was for some reason thinking of the byzantine style 1555493;1476499168;mircea_popescu;but that's more like 7.7k 1555494;1476499251;shinohai;do we need a byzantine calender? 1555495;1476499277;mircea_popescu;well... not exactly need. but apparently we have fun subverting the socialist superstate notions of political time. 1555496;1476499308;shinohai;its a tome free for all! stamp in the babel of choice 1555497;1476499315;shinohai;!!u th3nolo 1555498;1476499321;shinohai;!!up th3nolo 1555499;1476499321;deedbot;th3nolo voiced for 30 minutes. 1555500;1476499348;th3nolo;hehe recover access to my account 1555501;1476499541;mircea_popescu;fun fact : 1492 (expulsion of jews from spain and discovery of america) was year 7000 ; drove a buncha people wild. 1555502;1476499593;mircea_popescu;shinohai did you get an ygood stuff from those slamms then ? 1555503;1476499596;mircea_popescu;smalls lol 1555504;1476499615;shinohai;grass 1555505;1476499629;shinohai;stones such as being purveyed by hanbot 1555506;1476499638;shinohai;nests 1555507;1476499655;th3nolo;few years later.. they come to Venezuela.. name because they think Venezuela looks like Venecia but small venecia 1555508;1476499655;shinohai;other items to numerous to list 1555509;1476499664;th3nolo;hehe 1555510;1476499712;shinohai;El Relámpago del Catatumbo lo mando! 1555511;1476500077;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-14#1555447 << enough to cover whatever expenses it takes to get one to me; i don't mind bees. 1555512;1476500077;a111;Logged on 2016-10-14 21:55 shinohai: how many bitcoin would it take to get danielpbarron to send the night in one 1555513;1476500148;shinohai;mpex. powered by bees (tm) 1555514;1476500188;th3nolo;shinohai el Relampago del Catatumbo is one of the best thing of this country! 1555515;1476500242;shinohai;Relampago por presidente 1555516;1476500295;th3nolo;JAJAJ 1555517;1476500298;th3nolo;rt+ 1555518;1476500611;danielpbarron;in other pay a christian to sleep with dangerous things news, http://www.horizontalhive.com/honey-bee-images/bee-bed-sleep-apitherapy.jpg 1555519;1476500636;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron it's prolly be more practical to go to them ; bees don't move so well. 1555520;1476500697;mircea_popescu;lol they even got a tall young chick to go towel-naked in their thing ? someone's seriously dedicated to these stilted coffins. 1555521;1476500701;shinohai;so your god has power to protect hot girls from bees 1555522;1476500708;shinohai;impressive 1555523;1476500724;mircea_popescu;shinohai hey, a micropenis is a micropenis, whether flying or just buzzed. 1555524;1476500830;mircea_popescu;in other early christian obscura : the 6th bishop of antioch (teofil, dead by 200) wrote a book "To Autolickus". 1555525;1476500869;shinohai;!~google "To Autolickus" 1555526;1476500870;jhvh1;shinohai: CHURCH FATHERS: To Autolycus , Book I (Theophilus of Antioch): ; CHURCH FATHERS: To Autolycus , Book II (Theophilus of Antioch): ; CHURCH FATHERS: To Autolycus (Theophilus of Antioch): 1555527;1476500876;mircea_popescu;ehehehe 1555528;1476500916;mircea_popescu;overheard in my room : "ehm... that must've been a happy man..." 1555529;1476501221;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes, phf, asciilifeform etc : casting call for man who can host and sign xcode 4.2 plzthx 1555530;1476501287;mircea_popescu;ugh what ? 1555531;1476501561;mats;i have five boxes of varying models i can test, but will need to wait til sunday evening 1555532;1476501626;pete_dushenski;mats: all good. looks like the apple 'developer' page hosts all the old ones after all. surprising but true. 1555533;1476501631;thestringpuller;Didn't realize how easy it is to connect to IRC via sockets. Far simpler than HTTP by a long shot... 1555534;1476501659;thestringpuller;God I hate you HTTP, but not as much as SOAP 1555535;1476501699;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: it's a mac thing needed to run alf's dieharder tests. 1555536;1476501724;jhvh1;you have no idea @ thestringpuller 1555537;1476501753;mircea_popescu;it's an ide irrc. 1555538;1476501857;pete_dushenski;seems like brew requires xcode, which is required by git, which is required by dieharder 1555539;1476501886;thestringpuller;you can get build essentials on mac without xcode 1555540;1476501898;thestringpuller;altho xcode is "easiest" way to get "gcc" 1555541;1476501921;thestringpuller;but if you get build essentials without xcode you can compile git 1555542;1476501973;pete_dushenski;aha 1555543;1476502272;BingoBoingo;!~google degrowth 1555544;1476502273;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Degrowth - Wikipedia: ; Degrowth - Wikipedia: ; Life in a ' degrowth ' economy, and why you might actually enjoy it: 1555545;1476503350;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lol at usg online redo of tikrit offensive. lemme guess, they got a bunch of merceniaries 1555546;1476503488;BingoBoingo;Who knows anymoar 1555547;1476503499;mats;on the subject of iraq, seems the attack on mosul is imminent 1555548;1476503505;BingoBoingo;Maybe they got balloons? 1555549;1476503559;mats;nao taking bets for how many hours it'll take for iraqi forces to abandon arms and flee 1555550;1476503617;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: i don't archive xcodes 1555551;1476503673;ben_vulpes;in the sense of not deleting old ones 1555552;1476503713;pete_dushenski;turns out there was no need anyways. aapl mysteriously hosts them. quite despite expectations to the contrary. 1555553;1476503716;ben_vulpes;macs belong to apple, customer just gets to depreciate them while running xcode or chrome 1555554;1476503735;mircea_popescu;mats 8 to 12. 1555555;1476503774;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: yeah, surprising 1555556;1476503780;ben_vulpes;"gotta catch 'em all" 1555557;1476503797;mircea_popescu;(guess based on the observation that much as was the case in medieval warfare (among people disinclined to fight, such as italians), the arabs arrived at a courtier's agreement as to what constitutes "sufficient honorable defense".) 1555558;1476504085;mats;oughta just glass the place 1555559;1476504716;mats;in other news, https://citeam.org/here-s-why-assad-s-army-can-t-win-the-war-in-syria 1555560;1476505044;mircea_popescu;glassing dun work as advertised ; much like every other part of the us materiel. 1555561;1476505398;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/8Qzdr << '"He turned sideways to be sure that we would see that he has an open carry gun, which is legal, and is fine, but it's intimidating," she said. Parks said that his firearm is legal, and that he had no ill intention by carrying it. "We're not a threat to anybody, the only threat is ignorance, and ignorance breeds fear," he said.' << trump supporters edging closer to openly gunning 1555562;1476505400;pete_dushenski;down opponents. 1555563;1476505435;mircea_popescu;you think ? 1555564;1476505471;BingoBoingo;Glock Lives Matter!!!! 1555565;1476505562;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: i foresee skirmishes at ballot boxes come november 1555566;1476505618;mircea_popescu;should be interesting to see. 1555567;1476505627;mircea_popescu;best lulzection in memory, that's fo sho. 1555568;1476505639;mats;iirc glass was seen following the Trinity test in 1945; 'Ivy Mike' in '52; and 'Joe-4' at Semipalatinsk in 1953 1555569;1476505662;mircea_popescu;mats you have any idea what area is "the place" ? 1555570;1476505714;BingoBoingo;The inverse square rule is a bitch 1555571;1476505722;mircea_popescu;aha. 1555572;1476505735;BingoBoingo;And Glass happens on a spectrum 1555573;1476506121;mats;its enormous, at least 15mi end to end 1555574;1476506192;mircea_popescu;well, you know. iran is like 1.5mn sqkm or such ? add afghanistan, turkmenistan, a coupla smaller ones, another million, add syria, iraq, egypt what hve you another million... 1555575;1476506232;mircea_popescu;of course mountaineous terrain counts like cvadruple or some shit... 1555576;1476506248;mats;i'm talking about glassing mosul 1555577;1476506254;mircea_popescu;and what'll that do ? 1555578;1476506269;mats;spare five figures of coalition losses 1555579;1476506286;mircea_popescu;this is like proposing burning down the school will save thousands of teenage hymens. 1555580;1476506293;BingoBoingo;There's always more Mosuls 1555581;1476506297;mircea_popescu;no, it won't. the hussies will just get their injection somewhere else. 1555582;1476506297;mats;oh you dog 1555583;1476506537;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the whole "trick some poor kids who want a chance of escaping their ghetto and figure "schooling" is the ticket into getting maimed in some desert" is pretty fucking scandalous. 1555584;1476506548;mircea_popescu;us army ? what army. there's no soldiers there, just a bunch of defrauded kids. 1555585;1476506627;mircea_popescu;a monography of the continuity of this particular statal fraud in the us, from lincoln's shipping of hopeful imigrants to die in his war to obama's shipping of hopeful 2nd rate citizens to die in his war should be written. 1555586;1476506637;mircea_popescu;if the usg-sponsored "social sciences" weren't a pile of crap, someone'd have already written it. 1555587;1476506909;mats;i'm curious how many uniformed americans will actually be in the fight 1555588;1476506939;mircea_popescu;as few as anyone can possibly help it. 1555589;1476507061;mircea_popescu;anyway, since we're on it : remember when the us had to bomb its intel depot / "embassy" in baghdad ? it came with a ~230 mn bill for gear, that was never reported. there's going to be another 50 ? 60 ? 100 mn worth of destroyed expensive gear in mosul. once you start adding all these up, the "misplaced" pentagon money suddenly catches a very different light. 1555590;1476507089;mircea_popescu;"nobody knows where it went because you don't want us to admit how we lost it in all the wars, encounters and conflicts you've not yet come along to admitting you lost." 1555591;1476507334;mircea_popescu;o btw, check out erdogan : "You are not my interlocutor. You are not at my level. You are not my equivalent. You are not of the same quality as me," Erdogan said (to al-Abadi) "Your screaming and shouting in Iraq is of no importance to us. You should know that we will go our own way," 1555592;1476507380;mircea_popescu;(haider al-abadi being the us appointed pm of iraq for a coupla years now.) 1555593;1476507599;mats;when was this bombing? i have no idea what you're referring to 1555594;1476507633;mircea_popescu;summer 2014, mid july or somesuch 1555595;1476507657;mircea_popescu;six weeks after obama assured everyone it's not gonna happen, as per usual procedure with the retard. 1555596;1476507668;BingoBoingo;In opposite reactions https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/10/14/leader-white-nationalist-group-student-california-state-university-stanislaus 1555597;1476507893;mats;this was after the local IA garrison was routed by isis and usg was concerned the embassy would be taken? 1555598;1476507902;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's pretty evident russia is pivoting from syria to a iraq spur via turkey. so yeah, sure, whatever, bazaar al-asado won't be there forever. 1555599;1476507936;mircea_popescu;mats yeah, internal support collapsed, whatever cleric instrumental in earlier successes directed his people to pressure the govt, they went into the holy "green zone" and everyone shat their pants. 1555600;1476508005;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555589 << inventory churn. 1555601;1476508005;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 04:51 mircea_popescu: anyway, since we're on it : remember when the us had to bomb its intel depot / "embassy" in baghdad ? it came with a ~230 mn bill for gear, that was never reported. there's going to be another 50 ? 60 ? 100 mn worth of destroyed expensive gear in mosul. once you start adding all these up, the "misplaced" pentagon money suddenly catches a very different light. 1555602;1476508050;mircea_popescu;sure. 1555603;1476508072;asciilifeform;every exploded trunk in that depo gets replaced and each replacement bought some wanker in north virginia a house. 1555604;1476508151;mircea_popescu;for as long as the dance still entertains the chinese. 1555605;1476508187;asciilifeform;when has the monkey dance ever failed to entertain them ? 1555606;1476508222;mircea_popescu;well they're recently a thing, so. 1555607;1476508244;asciilifeform;incidentally, what, if anything, was the chinese reply to clinton blowing up the cn embassy in belgrade where the wreckage of the 'stealth' was hidden ? 1555608;1476508251;mats;the us is a nice place, i wonder what bits will get carved out for .cn colonies 1555609;1476508270;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have nfi. 1555610;1476508287;mircea_popescu;mats apparently they like california all the way into seattle. 1555611;1476508294;mats;socal is bone dry 1555612;1476508311;asciilifeform;mats: chinese dun colonize, they 'demolition farm', and it has already begun long ago, see the soy article on trilema. 1555613;1476508345;mats;chinese people like clean air, water, food too, asciilifeform 1555614;1476508351;asciilifeform;naturally 1555615;1476508362;mats;not so much of that to go around, on the mainland 1555616;1476508428;asciilifeform;quite a bit in north amer, but it has 'aboriginal problems' 1555617;1476508429;mircea_popescu;not that much drier than about half of china. just badly overpopulated (also not as much as about half of china) 1555618;1476508478;mats;so i can see the appeal of taking sf, portland, seattle, even vancouver 1555619;1476508527;mircea_popescu;apparently they dun do so well in normal climate ; so maybe not vancouver. but amusingly the only actually chinese people i ran into were in texas. 1555620;1476508558;asciilifeform;no shortage here, also, in various research institutes 1555621;1476508582;asciilifeform;i've worked with varyingly chinese fellas for entire working life. 1555622;1476508583;mircea_popescu;no but i mean, evidently sustainable communities, not random dude plucked and cogged-in. 1555623;1476508611;asciilifeform;ah them. nearest afaik to here is in nyc. 1555624;1476509070;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555540 << crapple hasn't shipped gcc in years, they fraudulently symlink clang to 'gcc' 1555625;1476509070;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 03:24 thestringpuller: altho xcode is "easiest" way to get "gcc" 1555626;1476509074;mircea_popescu;https://www.identityevropa.com/#home << in other news, some kid from california started a rather trilema-esque flier campaign, got a bunch of people very aggitated. 1555627;1476509104;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i met one of these, very very similar, got thrown out of uni, even 1555628;1476509135;mircea_popescu;bout same thing, kid's taking a few classes in some community college, buncha ranking university lizzards keep calling the people there to "express concern". 1555629;1476509151;asciilifeform;!~google matthew heimbach 1555630;1476509153;jhvh1;asciilifeform: This white nationalist who shoved a Trump protester may be the next ...: ; An Interview with Matthew Heimbach - Southern Poverty Law Center: (1 more message) 1555631;1476509158;mircea_popescu;because you know, calling your jewish friend to fire the hot black cashier so she has nowhere to turn and therefore has to suck your cock for a living is racism 1555632;1476509181;mircea_popescu;but calling your university dean friend to get some kid kicked out of university because he's too white for school isn't anything. 1555633;1476509196;mircea_popescu;this one is nathan damigo 1555634;1476509219;mircea_popescu;you know, from the good old european bloodline of d'amigo, which is totally not hispanic or anything. 1555635;1476509239;mircea_popescu;also spain only recently floated and crashed into europe, it was originally an island in the carribean. 1555636;1476509255;mircea_popescu;back in you know, prehistoric 1700 ad. 1555637;1476509259;asciilifeform;heimbach was one hell of a d00d, i met him on a street, where he picketed 'occupyists' while waving kaiser banner. 1555638;1476509269;mircea_popescu;lol! 1555639;1476509273;mircea_popescu;bought him a drink ? 1555640;1476509309;asciilifeform;did offer, but he was working on a chick, wouldn't leave the magical corner. 1555641;1476509326;mircea_popescu;kinda how this works. shoulda offered her 10 bux to offer him the drink for you. 1555642;1476509367;mircea_popescu;of course by now this is so meta you'd be stuck there all day. only practicable for parasite jews who've got no work to do. 1555643;1476509412;asciilifeform;i was indeed stuck there all day. but that is story for another time. 1555644;1476509432;BingoBoingo;lol http://luxreview.com/article/2016/10/why-there-s-more-chance-the-manufacturer-will-fail-than-the-led-driver 1555645;1476509484;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i've discarded 3 '20 Year Life!!!111' led lamps thus far 1555646;1476509533;asciilifeform;they develop flicker, and i suppose this is 'not failed, normal people won't notice' to the sc4mz0rz pushing'em 1555647;1476509535;BingoBoingo;Are you feeding them high quality organic power from only the finest compost? 1555648;1476509560;asciilifeform;evidently not 1555649;1476509588;BingoBoingo;Or at least put them on a dimmer circuit? 1555650;1476509591;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/cra2K << guy goes to trump's "coronation", much to his surprise the place's teeming with "alt-right" folks. 1555651;1476509615;asciilifeform;i still dun get why they need separate rectifiers, just stack the leds till the volt drop adds up to mains v 1555652;1476509626;mircea_popescu;o.O 1555653;1476509640;mircea_popescu;am i going to link to your meltdown re stacking consumers a few months ago or what. 1555654;1476509720;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Because phosphor ink is fragile and OMG what are you going to do with that much light? 1555655;1476509733;asciilifeform;led != voltage regulator , mircea_popescu 1555656;1476509742;mircea_popescu;lolk 1555657;1476509774;asciilifeform;anyway i did find these, they are sold, the stack even was made to resemble trad tungsten filament 1555658;1476509792;asciilifeform;but they were dim, thermal was the weakness. 1555659;1476509958;BingoBoingo;Scam filament LED's die fast. 1555660;1476509981;BingoBoingo;May as well make your own carbon filament bulb 1555661;1476509995;BingoBoingo;Or even a carbon arc candle 1555662;1476510104;asciilifeform;i can picture BingoBoingo's palace of dreams, arc lamps plugged into belching 2cycle petrol 1555663;1476510119;mircea_popescu;lol 1555664;1476510125;asciilifeform;smell of victory 1555665;1476510126;mircea_popescu;steampunk bb! 1555666;1476510192;BingoBoingo;Don't forget the low pressure sodium fixtures for lighting the bathroom mirror! 1555667;1476510217;mircea_popescu;girls like sodium light now ?! 1555668;1476510240;BingoBoingo;If you can't compose yourself in the morning with only two spectral lines you have no business having mornings! 1555669;1476510247;mircea_popescu;holy shit. 1555670;1476510298;*;mircea_popescu never managed to get women aware of their body to use anything but incandescents for the purpose. 1555671;1476510422;BingoBoingo;Bah, I'm surprised you haven't though to take away every color but two yellows for some time as a sort of punishment. 1555672;1476510443;mircea_popescu;i am sometimes cruel but not generally mean. 1555673;1476510727;BingoBoingo;What's mean about recreating the great paved outdoors indoors? 1555674;1476510825;mircea_popescu;i dunno dood, this "take teh colors away" sounds a lot like grinch on steroids. 1555675;1476510851;BingoBoingo;Or a truck stop simulator! 1555676;1476519183;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/62F0C68781D366C13D9F5E7F3D5EE44E382AC818B81A1C0B3C7147FF81B8ED10 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13141532908988404541071280395188907484676008522191401091122376200721283550794244084368115245273729332675189511644620965899399620469432849684605427811773649 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1555677;1476519693;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/62F0C68781D366C13D9F5E7F3D5EE44E382AC818B81A1C0B3C7147FF81B8ED10 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13141532908988404541071280395188907484676008522191401091122376200721283550794244084368115245273729332675189511644620965899399620469432849684605427811773649 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1555678;1476519693;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DA2008CAD74127BB3AEDA4D275394BF0AEF3CB13A837388A6D59A45171EADF8C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13141532908988404541071280395188907484676008522191401091122376200721283550794244084368115245273729332675189511644620965899399620469432849684605427811773649 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1555679;1476519693;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6695CEA16B3BE0DA88B01B458B297C177CE228EEFA56B195639F48A0DD4A2DE6 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13141532908988404541071280395188907484676008522191401091122376200721283550794244084368115245273729332675189511644620965899399620469432849684605427811773649 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1555680;1476522928;kmalkki;crap.. wasted hours 1555681;1476522950;kmalkki;jtag is at 1.8V.. cheap blaster clone worked on apu2 but not apu1 1555682;1476523003;kmalkki;I forgot that clone has min 2V for logic high on input 1555683;1476523080;kmalkki;I also found SKINIT instruction and MSR with HDT disable bit 1555684;1476535314;mircea_popescu;kmalkki you could try to put something like http://www.analog.com/en/analog-dialogue/articles/architecting-multi-voltage-jtag-chain.html on top of it (level translator) ; or otherwise step up the voltage. 1555685;1476535881;kmalkki;mircea_popescu: I have Altera brand blaster also, works fine with that 1555686;1476535934;kmalkki;that MSR bit does kill HDT on apu1 1555687;1476536005;kmalkki;apu1 also really needs DBREQn asserted to give access to USEHDT IR/DR pair 1555688;1476536056;mircea_popescu;aha 1555689;1476536991;mircea_popescu;incidentally, did anyone think the whore series sucked ? 1555690;1476540299;mircea_popescu;http://www.joeydevilla.com/2016/10/09/florida-of-the-day-rock-you-like-a-hurricane/ < in other lulz. 1555691;1476542057;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555681 << a standard xilinx jtagtron should work 1555692;1476542057;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 09:15 kmalkki: jtag is at 1.8V.. cheap blaster clone worked on apu2 but not apu1 1555693;1476542100;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555683 << that one is in the public docs 1555694;1476542100;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 09:18 kmalkki: I also found SKINIT instruction and MSR with HDT disable bit 1555695;1476542233;asciilifeform;!~later tell kmalkki did you try flipping the hdt bit inside some place in apu2 coreboot image that isn't signed ? 1555696;1476542233;jhvh1;asciilifeform: The operation succeeded. 1555697;1476542520;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555676 << usa 1555698;1476542520;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 08:13 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/62F0C68781D366C13D9F5E7F3D5EE44E382AC818B81A1C0B3C7147FF81B8ED10 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 13141532908988404541071280395188907484676008522191401091122376200721283550794244084368115245273729332675189511644620965899399620469432849684605427811773649 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1555699;1476542584;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555689 << it was a snore to asciilifeform , but he is not a connoisseur 1555700;1476542584;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 13:09 mircea_popescu: incidentally, did anyone think the whore series sucked ? 1555701;1476546456;BingoBoingo;The whore wife series was a nice change of pace 1555702;1476550068;mircea_popescu;these fucking idiots. 1555703;1476550083;mircea_popescu;so there's a fish shop nearby ; pretty well stocked. and it's always jam packed with people. 1555704;1476550099;mircea_popescu;nobody buys any fish. not ever. not a shrimp, not a file, nothing. 1555705;1476550121;mircea_popescu;they all buy prepared shit. fucking empanadas and whatnot. and THEN, they put the stuff in the microwave for them, and they take it home. 1555706;1476550134;mircea_popescu;fucking refried fish. revolting. 1555707;1476550234;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'll have to write to your own taste sometime, i for one am pretty curious. 1555708;1476551068;asciilifeform;maybe in peacetime. 1555709;1476551165;mircea_popescu;aha. 1555710;1476551173;mircea_popescu;or to inaugurate dirigible. 1555711;1476552492;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/kismia-dating-scam/ << Trilema - Kismia dating scam 1555712;1476553325;BingoBoingo;"The lust bit was flipped. It was satisfied and then flipped off... for now" 1555713;1476553416;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1555714;1476553522;BingoBoingo;alf Lust fanfic in one line 1555715;1476553568;mircea_popescu;lol 1555716;1476555402;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/bad-timing/ << Trilema - Bad Timing 1555717;1476556062;mircea_popescu;in other shock-lulz from the other side : there's a douche calls himself "tyga", who being black and vapid is evidently "a rapper". while going out with some underage runt in the kardashian litter, he also had a child with a stripper with the innovative and revolutionary name of "blac chyna" ; who meanwhile dumped him and is going with some dude named rob kardashian, who also impregnated her. so in a decade or so, the best re 1555718;1476556062;mircea_popescu;ality tv in the world will be able to invite two kids who are brother, sister, and cousins. to tell the world all about their failed relationship / lovechild, of course. 1555719;1476556838;BingoBoingo;Lol, "Rack Rack City! Ten, Ten, Twenties on them titties" << Sample of Tyga's lyrics 1555720;1476556869;mircea_popescu;he's a soulfull poet driving hard to the hoop. 1555721;1476558299;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/poih1/?raw=true 1555722;1476558299;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1555723;1476558690;BingoBoingo;ty 1555724;1476558755;shinohai;not sure if lulzy enuf but puttin it out there 1555725;1476558763;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-10-tmr/ << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend 10 (TM)(R) 1555726;1476558857;mircea_popescu;lol nobody wants twitter 1555727;1476558884;mircea_popescu;watch it sell for ~1.5mn in a whilrwind romance deal like slashdot. 1555728;1476558908;*;shinohai *flushing.ogg 1555729;1476559073;mircea_popescu;km t 1555730;1476559084;mircea_popescu;ok this xtend is hilarious 1555731;1476559102;mircea_popescu;it has elongated my lulzenis by 2 inches within the first five minutes. 1555732;1476559173;mircea_popescu;Blockchain.info is blaming their recent downtime on a DNS attack against their registrar. << that part is correct ; mitm tried and mostly failed. 1555733;1476559606;BingoBoingo;Tis possible they consented which would make it not an attack! 1555734;1476559657;BingoBoingo; ok this xtend is hilarious << ty 1555735;1476559664;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/the-sacred-dies-in-india/ << Qntra - The Sacred Dies In India 1555736;1476559718;mircea_popescu;yeah, but one'd expect if they consented it'd have worked better. 1555737;1476559945;BingoBoingo;Known parties involved aren't known for working well in the first place. 1555738;1476560087;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: turn dem hoes in house wives? 1555739;1476560614;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ehdip/?raw=true 1555740;1476560652;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what kind of box ? 1555741;1476560689;ben_vulpes;mac, 2.7 GHz core i5 1555742;1476560697;asciilifeform;ty ben_vulpes 1555743;1476560719;ben_vulpes;anything else? 1555744;1476560773;asciilifeform;let's have from some box other than mac 1555745;1476560831;ben_vulpes;kk 1555746;1476560886;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller hm ? 1555747;1476561427;asciilifeform;http://simul.iro.umontreal.ca/testu01/tu01.html << also interesting, and somehow i never ran into it previously. 1555748;1476562368;mircea_popescu;trump hit clinton where it hurt huh. the odds of white menopausal female with sham marriage and pretensions to social success not being addicted are indeed pretty slim. 1555749;1476562404;asciilifeform;eh dope habit is ~mandatory for the muppets, is as good a string as any to pull 1555750;1476562410;mircea_popescu;aha 1555751;1476562528;BingoBoingo;Anyways if there's ever a candidate for taking away all colors but 2, its Rodham-Clinton 1555752;1476562566;BingoBoingo;Trump-Clinton would of course simply declare the two spectral lines he was left with were the BEST COLORS and he has no need for those other loser colors! 1555753;1476562633;mircea_popescu;pretty lulzy all the "trump can grab my ->" tshirts 1555754;1476562663;mircea_popescu;somehow this "some men don't need to ask" thing really gets the libtards all twisted up inside. 1555755;1476562956;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/bUMIL << angry virgin libtards lash out. fatshaming ~and~ slutshaming, talk about narcissistic rage! 1555756;1476563024;mircea_popescu;the "nsfw" bit makes it, imo. 1555757;1476563157;BingoBoingo;4 srs 1555758;1476563330;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://www.tmz.com/2016/10/14/miranda-kerr-shooting-stabbing-malibu/?adid=external_site_spinmedia << accidental gay spat / pussy grabbing at random starlet's home. dunno if too late for xtending 1555759;1476563455;BingoBoingo;The latest Xtend is published and closed. There is always next Xtend 1555760;1476563474;mircea_popescu;word. 1555761;1476563563;BingoBoingo;!~later tell thestringpuller If you really want a chance to do some work, you could do a breakout Xtend on the whole Chinese RMB situation 1555762;1476563563;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1555763;1476565469;lobbes;https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/resources/faq/faq_publicdebt.htm#DebtFinance << kek. usg now accepting gifts to reduce debt. checks accepted! 1555764;1476566094;asciilifeform;https://www.pay.gov/public/search/agencyforms?agencyFilters=Central+Intelligence+Agency&searchCategory=PAYMENT&searchType=AGENCYPAYMENT&agencyId=1577 << i am disappoint!! how do i pay the cia! 1555765;1476566104;asciilifeform;and nsa isn't even listed!1111 1555766;1476567344;mircea_popescu;aww 1555767;1476567364;mircea_popescu;just make check out to iran contra movement 1555768;1476567368;mircea_popescu;they'll reconcile it themselves. 1555769;1476567521;mircea_popescu;in other news, symbian os still exists and is still used. 1555770;1476567551;mircea_popescu;"wtf, someone read trilema while riding a fuck machine???" "ah no, that's an ancient pda platform. from like 1996." 1555771;1476567818;asciilifeform;symbian/sybian 1555772;1476569833;mircea_popescu;mmmmbop 1555773;1476572629;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: rng on this machine is dog slow, since http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555745 shitball.bin has only amassed 22k of noise 1555774;1476572629;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 19:47 ben_vulpes: kk 1555775;1476572643;ben_vulpes;inb4 'noise' 1555776;1476573507;asciilifeform;in other noose, uni of md raises tuition by 34 $ to fund 'sexual assault office' positions 1555777;1476573592;asciilifeform;also they expelled 4 'for rape' last yr 1555778;1476575378;mats;whats with the air quotes 1555779;1476578022;asciilifeform;mats: no convictions 1555780;1476578068;asciilifeform;(trials, juries -- that's sooo yesterday) 1555781;1476578410;mats;gotcha 1555782;1476581946;shinohai;http://archive.is/XkCGg <<< Thiel to fund Trump to tune of 1.5 million 1555783;1476581978;asciilifeform;what's that buy? 3 seconds of radio ad ? 1555784;1476582296;shinohai;xD 1555785;1476591441;BingoBoingo;http://www.inforum.com/news/4136304-candidate-nd-office-says-make-america-rape-again 1555786;1476598874;pete_dushenski;'rarepepeforever' parsed as 'rape pepe forever' 1555787;1476598940;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555717 << tyga is/was part of the 'young money' crew alongside ben_vulpes' fav fillie rappah 1555788;1476598940;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 18:27 mircea_popescu: in other shock-lulz from the other side : there's a douche calls himself "tyga", who being black and vapid is evidently "a rapper". while going out with some underage runt in the kardashian litter, he also had a child with a stripper with the innovative and revolutionary name of "blac chyna" ; who meanwhile dumped him and is going with some dude named rob kardashian, who also impregnated her. so in a decade or so, the best re 1555789;1476598950;pete_dushenski;!#s nicki minaj 1555790;1476598950;a111;26 results for "nicki minaj", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=nicki%20minaj 1555791;1476599002;pete_dushenski;tyga basically stands out for being the tall skinny childish looking one and not a whole lot else besides 1555792;1476599063;mircea_popescu;!!up rarepepeforever 1555793;1476599063;deedbot;rarepepeforever voiced for 30 minutes. 1555794;1476599102;rarepepeforever;hello 1555795;1476599111;rarepepeforever;I sent you a PM 1555796;1476599128;mircea_popescu;that's nice but just say here whatever. 1555797;1476599141;rarepepeforever;Just wanted your opinion on what photo you would prefer for the rarepep card 1555798;1476599176;rarepepeforever;it will be for this asset 1555799;1476599177;rarepepeforever;http://blockscan.com/assetInfo/MIRCEPEPESCU 1555800;1476599177;pete_dushenski;all these years i'd mistaken tyga for 'lil chuckee' on 'ym salute'. turns out i can't name a single tyga track after all. such impact. 1555801;1476599190;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, iirc 30 seconds during superbowl (ie, most expensive) is like a coupla mil. 1555802;1476599199;mircea_popescu;on sirius 1.5mn buys you like two seaons. 1555803;1476599227;rarepepeforever;there are many styles, this one might be modeled after Risto http://rarepepedirectory.com/?p=65 1555804;1476599227;mircea_popescu;lol mircea pepescu 1555805;1476599235;mircea_popescu;rarepepeforever what is this thing ? like a trading card game ? 1555806;1476599241;rarepepeforever;yes 1555807;1476599280;rarepepeforever;i recently sold http://rarepepedirectory.com/?p=438 PEPEPIZZA for 5 million PepeCash. 1555808;1476599290;mircea_popescu;what's 5 mn pepecash worth ? 1555809;1476599330;rarepepeforever;http://coinmarketcap.com/assets/pepe-cash/ 1555810;1476599333;mircea_popescu;what sense does it make to have "gini coeficients" for individual data in a series ? gini coeficient is calculated over the entire series neh ? 1555811;1476599341;rarepepeforever;It's about $1500 I guess 1555812;1476599366;rarepepeforever;Not bad for 1 hour of art work. 1555813;1476599372;mircea_popescu;!~calc 0.0000000036 * 5*10**6 1555814;1476599373;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: 0.0000000036 * 5*10**6 = 0.018 1555815;1476599381;mircea_popescu;sounds like 6 dollars ? 1555816;1476599451;rarepepeforever;you have too many 0's here 1555817;1476599477;mircea_popescu;ah do i ? alrighty. 1555818;1476599487;rarepepeforever;0.00000036 1555819;1476599507;mircea_popescu;ok so basically you make trading cards which you then put on some colored coins thing and people can buy. anyone playing the game ? is there like a tournament or anything ? 1555820;1476599517;rarepepeforever;there is a guy setting up a game 1555821;1476599529;rarepepeforever;and they have live auctions every few days in telegram 1555822;1476599537;rarepepeforever;for people to buy cards of course 1555823;1476599544;mircea_popescu;aha 1555824;1476599560;rarepepeforever;do you have a preferred photo? i'm happy to work on the card and send you 1/3 of the supply 1555825;1476599563;mircea_popescu;well alright, so what do i enter into it, you're the creative pick whichever photo works 1555826;1476599607;mircea_popescu;!!key rarepepeforever 1555827;1476599607;deedbot;No such key. 1555828;1476599614;mircea_popescu;do you have a rsa key ? 1555829;1476599654;rarepepeforever;i had one a log time ago 1555830;1476599657;rarepepeforever;don't use it 1555831;1476599663;*;pete_dushenski would select canonical egyptian horse pic for mircea_popescu's trading card 1555832;1476599684;mircea_popescu;i suppose pyramids and all can't hurt. 1555833;1476599690;rarepepeforever;I would like to use one of these but alas NSFW is not allowed currently http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 1555834;1476599703;rarepepeforever;I'll go with the horse and pyramid then :) 1555835;1476599707;mircea_popescu;what's "not allowed" mean ? 1555836;1476599739;rarepepeforever;rules for "certification" of rareness: http://rarepepedirectory.com/?page_id=25 1555837;1476599751;rarepepeforever;"5) No NSFW content please. Trying to be keep it light for now. (dont get upset if you are declined)" 1555838;1476599752;mircea_popescu;but didn;t you make those rules up yourself ? 1555839;1476599768;rarepepeforever;I am not the person who runs the Rare Pepe Foundation lab 1555840;1476599772;mircea_popescu;o.O 1555841;1476599774;mircea_popescu;who does ? 1555842;1476599786;rarepepeforever;someone named Mike in the telegram chat 1555843;1476599807;mircea_popescu;so then you just make cards ? and they approve them or something ? 1555844;1476599812;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: 1.5mn is also what thiel ~announced~ to primary campaign. if he's really backing trump he'll also donate multiples of that via superpac. 1555845;1476599826;rarepepeforever;yes, they take a few as well 1555846;1476599829;rarepepeforever;fee 1555847;1476599830;mircea_popescu;i thought superpac was a dem thing 1555848;1476599840;pete_dushenski;bipartisan iirc 1555849;1476599849;mircea_popescu;rarepepeforever so is it worth your time ? 1555850;1476599861;pete_dushenski;!~google republican superpac 1555851;1476599862;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: Super PACs | OpenSecrets: ; Republican Super PAC Summary | OpenSecrets: ; Republican presidential election super PACs , 2016 - Ballotpedia: 1555852;1476599866;rarepepeforever;I do it to destress 1555853;1476599888;rarepepeforever;It just so happens that these people are crazy enough to pay for these things. 1555854;1476599929;rarepepeforever;I mean who buys a pizza card for 5,000,000 (was worth $200 at the time) simply because I put that it is worth 10,000,000 on the card :) 1555855;1476600021;rarepepeforever;I'll be back in a few days after I make the card and get it certified. Then you can have 333 if you wish. 1555856;1476600026;rarepepeforever;ciao 1555857;1476600102;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555622 << vancouver's chingchong communities are eminently sustainable. thriving population of young and old. 1555858;1476600102;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 05:16 mircea_popescu: no but i mean, evidently sustainable communities, not random dude plucked and cogged-in. 1555859;1476600385;mircea_popescu;ah ? k then 1555860;1476600489;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/9PaDa << in other "what lulzy shit are kids today doing", import url into token. what if url contents changes ? oh uh. 1555861;1476601443;pete_dushenski;"Some have called Beijing’s strategy in the South China Sea “salami slicing,” or taking many small, incremental actions, none of which is on its own dramatic enough to provoke a response, but that over time lead to a strategic advantage. Scarborough Shoal was one of the larger slices it’s taken in recent years. Thanks to Duterte, it looks set to get away with it—and to be rewarded for acting 1555862;1476601445;pete_dushenski;aggressively at sea." << it's all the flip's fault you see! 1555863;1476601512;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/UTpV0 << "In 2013 the Philippines opened a case under UNCLOS against China. In a ruling handed down on July 12, a tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines and rejected China’s sweeping claims, invalidating the nine-dash line. Filipinos celebrated—but by that time Duterte was in power. 1555864;1476601517;pete_dushenski;" 1555865;1476601658;pete_dushenski;so basically usa drags Benigno Aquino III by the nose to the united nations, gets inevitable anti-china ruling, duterte comes in and gives Scarborough Shoal to china anyways, much libtard us media flailing about how duterte 'just doesn't understand how the us-centric-unipolar world works' 1555866;1476601674;pete_dushenski;ensues 1555867;1476601717;pete_dushenski;pretty lulzy actually. this duterte fella is growing on me. 1555868;1476601803;*;pete_dushenski will ask his flipp nanny what she thinks of him for further perspective. 1555869;1476601914;pete_dushenski;bbl 1555870;1476619079;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A0D69F52E140E54774E5F1414E2F622C3D2C1C33A96C3095F18245FBDB8B7C44 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 168638246933202027422050642429749431015537230992318340365570882616403689471409401020138553120124066356009864693982343520874509550890671120511782077035315289201586039713696005217253034558261956482596111076944819988905108180333306795620181692852133128494385109887341386517907988458718170224508756534142874205617 divides RS 1555871;1476619079;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F1D64166EF73F8BE6C16C0BA57218C67EACBA9839F58893858622BB11B0071DC << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 168638246933202027422050642429749431015537230992318340365570882616403689471409401020138553120124066356009864693982343520874509550890671120511782077035315289201586039713696005217253034558261956482596111076944819988905108180333306795620181692852133128494385109887341386517907988458718170224508756534142874205617 divides RS 1555872;1476619079;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/C29EA6B1F7D6AD77DEBA08E41C7C04C88A9C80A2BBDA661383959A4DABAC776E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 168638246933202027422050642429749431015537230992318340365570882616403689471409401020138553120124066356009864693982343520874509550890671120511782077035315289201586039713696005217253034558261956482596111076944819988905108180333306795620181692852133128494385109887341386517907988458718170224508756534142874205617 divides RS 1555873;1476619079;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9BBDEB5651AD779357CC0300D7EBA2B94508BD233C3EFCE605A33732A425A607 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 168638246933202027422050642429749431015537230992318340365570882616403689471409401020138553120124066356009864693982343520874509550890671120511782077035315289201586039713696005217253034558261956482596111076944819988905108180333306795620181692852133128494385109887341386517907988458718170224508756534142874205617 divides RS 1555874;1476621984;mircea_popescu;juicy. 1555875;1476622091;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski i expect she hates him which is how she got to be a nanny in canada in the first place. "he gets in way of unipolar us world!!" in alt-statement. 1555876;1476624185;BingoBoingo;Why can't she hate the previous guy instead? 1555877;1476624201;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/memory/ 1555878;1476624266;mircea_popescu;i suppose also possible. but i was guessing pete_dushenski fucks teenaged nanny not you know, 49+ 1555879;1476624352;BingoBoingo;Eh, came over a few months ago is still teenaged. 1555880;1476624436;mircea_popescu;oh he only made president in 2015 1555881;1476624445;mircea_popescu;somehow i tohught he was there for a while, but he was just mayor 1555882;1476624584;BingoBoingo;But BEST Mayor 1555883;1476624691;mircea_popescu;aha 1555884;1476625669;mircea_popescu;speaking of duterte : it is quite evident what sort of trumpian "strong leader" china prefers to run its barbaric neighbours. 1555885;1476625700;mircea_popescu;the libtards are also evidently aware. that they prefer to then clothe this awareness in the ridiculous "trump works for russia" rhetoric is so so fucking telling in so many ways. 1555886;1476625825;mircea_popescu;for one thing, all their inept rags try to paint russia as a "local power at best", "gdp" of italy bla bla. how, then, is this magical thing possible where they decide who wins the fucking election ? obviously the libtard has a reputation for dealing well with cognitive dissonance, but that they'd prefer this nonsense to actually naming the rapist makes you think they liked the tiny, slanted cock. 1555887;1476625915;mircea_popescu;then for another thing, the mechanism. it's so neatly stupid, with its strict content-and-label disparity, like a retarded kid trying to invent "his own" geography, calling all the items in common geography by different names and that's it. 1555888;1476625941;mircea_popescu;the procedure doesn't evoke thinking, or even aware subjects. 1555889;1476626631;asciilifeform;meanwhile, https://archive.is/I65VZ 1555890;1476626984;BingoBoingo; then for another thing, the mechanism. it's so neatly stupid, with its strict content-and-label disparity, like a retarded kid trying to invent "his own" geography, calling all the items in common geography by different names and that's it. << Just like Elliot!!! 1555891;1476627010;mircea_popescu;dum dum dum dum dum 1555892;1476627075;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. hard to do performant high voltage transformers without coolant ; hard to do coolant under gunfire 1555893;1476627124;mircea_popescu;i suppose as we speak the idiots with the return-fire thingee are pitching utility comps. 1555894;1476627199;mircea_popescu;in any case there's jack shit they can do, "physical security" my foot. the radiators are big by necessity, a hole anywhere counts as a score as much as any other hole anywhere, dude could take them out with a decent scoped rifle from a mile away 1555895;1476628421;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the thing is, this is -- iirc -- 3rd or 4th time since 2012 1555896;1476628516;asciilifeform;btw washington region is a notch ahead, with infinite payola, they have full brickwork, with iron slant vents, around maybe 1 in 5 stations. 1555897;1476628583;mircea_popescu;brick won't do much. all guy has to do is fire a grenade first. 1555898;1476628592;asciilifeform;no grenades yet. 1555899;1476628625;mircea_popescu;it's an engineering nightmare, the gunfire proof hv transformer. much like the helisubmarine. 1555900;1476628642;mircea_popescu;for this and many other reasons "civilisation" is a self limiting disease. 1555901;1476628684;mircea_popescu;stuff like "domestic tranquility", "high density" and "handheld power tools" - pick exactly two. 1555902;1476628695;asciilifeform;somehow worked for su. 1555903;1476628714;mircea_popescu;worked until it didn't. 1555904;1476628727;asciilifeform;everything works until doesn't. 1555905;1476628737;mircea_popescu;mno. for instance - 2nd law works until you don't. 1555906;1476628739;asciilifeform;kindergarten thermodynamics. 1555907;1476628982;asciilifeform;fwiw the last few incidents weren't even antitank rifle but ordinary kalash, at ~100 metres. 1555908;1476629011;mircea_popescu;doesn't scale worth a shit either. spend 10k to encase it in metal shell, gunman spends $20 extra for his bullet, you're back to leaking. spend 1mn to encase the shell in brick, gunman spends $500 extra on ordnance you're back to leaking. 1555909;1476629019;mircea_popescu;it's like a power of 2.5 or some shit to your disadvantage. 1555910;1476629045;asciilifeform;as to why, and why, i suggest the armour/brick/whichever subcontractors. 1555911;1476629048;asciilifeform;*who and why 1555912;1476629057;mircea_popescu;you would lol. 1555913;1476629190;asciilifeform;brick isn't wholly pointless, you are forcing the attacker to use a shorter-range weapon with considerably louder/flashier shot 1555914;1476629205;mircea_popescu;none of it is wholly pointless, just altogether inefficient is all. 1555915;1476629333;mircea_popescu;take the matter in the following terms : today you have 10k transformers, doing stepping of 1TW each for a loss of 1MW each. these 10 GJ are being pumped into the atmosphere. 1555916;1476629382;mircea_popescu;tomorrow, you build a six inch brick encasement. the extra heat load due to the added insulation is, say, 50 MW. 1555917;1476629396;mircea_popescu;you're basically operating with 50 extra transformers for no reason whatsoever. 1555918;1476629401;mircea_popescu;gunman-in-being 1555919;1476629456;asciilifeform;why not natural cover, e.g., bottom of a lake. 1555920;1476629478;mircea_popescu;because servicing becomes expensive. 1555921;1476629495;mircea_popescu;anyway - the numbers aren't exact ; but the principle is inescapable. the more you insulate the more you pay to dissipate. 1555922;1476629710;mircea_popescu;and in the bad news department, even handgun fire will cut through six inches of brick. a proper assault rifle with AP round will do what, two walls and a sheet of steel. 1555923;1476629800;asciilifeform;at some point they will have to move to 'expensive transformer - under ground, cheap radiator - above' 1555924;1476629819;mircea_popescu;evne then, the hydraulics are vulnerable. 1555925;1476629832;asciilifeform;vulnerable but you can detect hole and shut down. 1555926;1476629849;mircea_popescu;they could detect holes and shoot down as it is. that's the more rational approach, than brick 1555927;1476629853;mircea_popescu;put a pressure sensor 1555928;1476629881;asciilifeform;that this was not done leads me to suspect that these marvels already leak 1555929;1476629885;asciilifeform;from shoddiness 1555930;1476629900;asciilifeform;at 'tolerable' rate 1555931;1476629984;mircea_popescu;anyway. REALLY hard to defend from "hunting rifle". 30-06 soft charge (say like the M2 ball) will cut through 1cm of steel 1555932;1476630074;asciilifeform;btw betcha sewer system would make a workable coolant. 1555933;1476630087;mircea_popescu;transformers are usually found in rural areas. 1555934;1476630100;asciilifeform;the gigantic ones - yes. 1555935;1476630115;asciilifeform;these - put under water. 1555936;1476630121;mircea_popescu;that's the issue - losing distribution transformers is mere nuisance. 1555937;1476630128;mircea_popescu;losing the major interchanges can fry your whole system 1555938;1476630137;mircea_popescu;this is what they're not saying, not that it isn't evident. 1555939;1476630177;asciilifeform;and it is at least part of the reason for the desperately -ev windmill, photo, etc. crackpotteries 1555940;1476630187;mircea_popescu;depends on the design etc. lots of places - including romania - are built on ring pattern interchange. this has the obvious weakness. 1555941;1476630207;mircea_popescu;but star pattern, here as everywhere, is more expensive less efficient etc 1555942;1476630210;asciilifeform;lizards dun particularly care that these can, at best, supply 1% of the current mains current. point is that they cannot be shot out. lizard current - stays on. 1555943;1476630311;asciilifeform;i was looking out of an airplane a few days ago and saw rows upon rows of windmill. 1555944;1476630326;mircea_popescu;were they making america great again ? 1555945;1476630341;asciilifeform;didn't seem to be turning. not much wind here. 1555946;1476630349;mircea_popescu;then clearly. 1555947;1476636543;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/peruvian-immigrants-argentine-natives/ << Trilema - Peruvian immigrants > Argentine natives 1555948;1476637858;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://rarehistoricalphotos.com/nazi-rally-argentina-1938 << the old ar, that had ballz 1555949;1476638122;mircea_popescu;o wow look at that. 1555950;1476638173;asciilifeform;where did all those folx go. 1555951;1476638178;mircea_popescu;old chevrolet plant no less ? 1555952;1476638182;asciilifeform;no less. 1555953;1476643821;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/4l1Pt != http://archive.is/07HKx 1555954;1476643874;pete_dushenski;the peruvian article is showing up as http://trilema.com/2016/the-married-whore-and-the-cynful-whore/ 1555955;1476644051;mircea_popescu;oh the fuck 1555956;1476644064;mircea_popescu;damn 1555957;1476644119;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski fixed ? 1555958;1476644154;pete_dushenski;ayup 1555959;1476644424;mircea_popescu;thanks for reporting 1555960;1476644815;pete_dushenski;con gusto 1555961;1476645064;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-16#1555875 << possible she hates him, possible she's less than familiar with him other than third-hand via fambly back home. she left the country close to a decade ago, worked in electronics assembly in korea, then nanny in singapore and hk before landing here a few months ago. 1555962;1476645064;a111;Logged on 2016-10-16 12:48 mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski i expect she hates him which is how she got to be a nanny in canada in the first place. "he gets in way of unipolar us world!!" in alt-statement. 1555963;1476645137;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-16#1555884 << would you put putin in this camp ? assad ? 1555964;1476645137;a111;Logged on 2016-10-16 13:47 mircea_popescu: speaking of duterte : it is quite evident what sort of trumpian "strong leader" china prefers to run its barbaric neighbours. 1555965;1476645334;mircea_popescu;putin predates china. but his presence might have been informative ; teh chinese are pretty good at "use what works" 1555966;1476646407;pete_dushenski;russians win 'how to make effective artillery brigade' race then 'how to make spaceship' race then 'how to make strongman' race. next ? 'how to make elbrus' race ? 1555967;1476646475;pete_dushenski;speaking of peter i's artillery, militarily-inclined russophiles (aren't they all) will enjoy http://www.artillery-museum.ru/en/main-exposition/the-history-of-russian-artillery-up-to-the-mid19th-century.html 1555968;1476646894;mircea_popescu;what is this artillery brigade win ? 1555969;1476648044;pete_dushenski;i was thinking of the win against charles xii of sweden when peter i was at the helm at Lesnaia 9=[']0(not routing by swedes near narva) 1555970;1476648065;pete_dushenski;lel @ baby key mashing 1555971;1476648066;pete_dushenski;bbl 1555972;1476648133;asciilifeform;b00k r3c for pete_dushenski : 'the cruel hunters' (engl.) 1555973;1476648154;asciilifeform;(f. maclean) 1555974;1476655242;asciilifeform;'As disclosed in this report, the context of our UK court action against Mr Assange significantly relates to a criminal investigation by the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) into Mr Julian Assange’s alleged procurement and internet grooming of an 8-year-old girl in Nassau, Bahamas, that was reported by the family of a ToddandClare.com female user.' 1555975;1476655262;asciilifeform;( https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:ruXBSKQHQtYJ:https://www.unglobalcompact.org/system/attachments/cop_2016/322211/original/ToddandClare.com_United_Nations_GC_Member_Report_COP_1042016.pdf%3F1475591336+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us ) 1555976;1476655283;asciilifeform;upgraded to pedowitch, eh. 1555977;1476658847;mircea_popescu;lol 1555978;1476658895;mircea_popescu;since when the fuck can "investigation" on the basis of words be a cause of action in the first fucking place. 1555979;1476658902;mircea_popescu;how about they investigate UNTIL THEY FIND SOMETHING. 1555980;1476658939;asciilifeform;'find' 1555981;1476658961;mircea_popescu;especially when involved are total scamsites with the dating gimmick. here's a newsflash : the only reason these exist is because the owners are working an angle. 1555982;1476659038;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/kismia-dating-scam/ << exact equivalent of "todd and clare", "the first dating business to be accepted by the United Nations Global Compact[1] based on the company's commitment to gender equality." 1555983;1476659055;mircea_popescu;imagine that fucking pile of nonsense. next they're going to give them an obama prize. 1555984;1476659074;mircea_popescu;and of course the shitstain has a wikipedia page. because wikipedia is not for commercial advertising of utterly irrelevant mfa sites. 1555985;1476659117;mircea_popescu;but hey, references from their own subreddit are apparently wikiplopedic now. 1555986;1476659131;mircea_popescu;oh and their own about page. and shit like that. 1555987;1476659420;mircea_popescu;o wait. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/united-nations-delists-toddandclare-coms-un-membership-publication-131200231.html << sports! 1555988;1476659495;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform total nsa front, check that shit out. 1555989;1476663770;mircea_popescu;o hey check it out, gingrich and giuliani backing up the democrat election fraud trump thing. 1555990;1476663931;mircea_popescu;on the other side, desperation tends to paint the map - they're now considering whether to declare az, georgia or utah blue. 1555991;1476664289;mats;http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/16/middleeast/mosul-isis-operation-begins-iraq/index.html 1555992;1476664297;mircea_popescu;how's it looking ? 1555993;1476664416;mats;idk 1555994;1476664435;mircea_popescu;30k. not much. 1555995;1476664664;mats;i wonder how the peshmerga feel about coalition forces being too cowardly to put troops in the fight 1555996;1476664678;mircea_popescu;they're most of it neh ? 1555997;1476664741;mats;looks like it 1555998;1476664792;mircea_popescu;i dun imagine teh isis can afford to lose their only port. 1555999;1476669327;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-16#1555901 << "Handheld power tools" are non-negotiable necessity 1556000;1476669327;a111;Logged on 2016-10-16 14:38 mircea_popescu: stuff like "domestic tranquility", "high density" and "handheld power tools" - pick exactly two. 1556001;1476669410;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-16#1555919 << Arc faults 1556002;1476669410;a111;Logged on 2016-10-16 14:50 asciilifeform: why not natural cover, e.g., bottom of a lake. 1556003;1476672886;mats;prob not. helluva bet for the pesh - usg offers statehood in exchange for the lives of tens of thousands of their young men 1556004;1476672956;BingoBoingo;Well, Turkey prolly thinks otherwise 1556005;1476675602;mats;http://www.longwarjournal.org/archives/2016/10/tehran-deploys-warships-to-red-sea-amid-escalation-in-yemen.php 1556006;1476675855;mats;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10/14/russian-aircraft-carrier-expected-in-english-channel 1556007;1476676036;asciilifeform;meanwhile, https://archive.is/a6QE6 1556008;1476676094;asciilifeform;'"The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary - but also at many polling places - SAD," Trump wrote on Twitter ... In another tweet later on Sunday, Trump blamed "animals representing Hillary Clinton" and Democrats in North Carolina for an overnight attack on a local Republican Party headquarters in that state. Local authorities said the building in Hillsborough, North Carolina 1556009;1476676094;asciilifeform;, had been struck through a front window with flammable material and an adjacent building wall was spray-painted with a swastika and the words "Nazi Republicans leave town or else."' 1556010;1476676220;asciilifeform;if the d00d weren't a zhirinovsky-style muppet, he'd be recruiting good old-fashioned brownshirts just about now. 1556011;1476676522;ben_vulpes;eh we've got a few more cycles between here and there 1556012;1476676538;ben_vulpes;imagine the world in which the rank-and-file dems wish for an opponent like trump 1556013;1476676600;asciilifeform;dunno, imho this shithole is ready for a good old-fashioned civil war butchery. 1556014;1476676611;asciilifeform;overdue. 1556015;1476676653;BingoBoingo; eh we've got a few more cycles between here and there << Trump's too old to have more cycles 1556016;1476676683;BingoBoingo;Trump is single cycle. A second cycle is needed for a motor 1556017;1476676735;ben_vulpes;fuel is fuel, air ams air. 1556018;1476676880;mats;this cycle, 'nazi' is a catch-all word used by the unimaginative and slow 1556019;1476676884;BingoBoingo;If you only have one cycle you have a torch or a firecracker, not a motor. 1556020;1476676917;mats;'i can't properly describe what you believe so i'll use a word people commonly think is offensive' 1556021;1476676942;mats;kinda like 'sociopath'. 1556022;1476677357;ben_vulpes;"yeah sure, his campaign is dead. you realize that his base actually wishes they were as witty and erudite in public as he is in private?" 1556023;1476677391;ben_vulpes;mats: got any intel on the latest salvos against the Mason? 1556024;1476677429;ben_vulpes;your adoring public demand more insider baseball reports 1556025;1476677878;mats;nop 1556026;1476677920;mats;i suspect these were also 'soft kills' though 1556027;1476677944;ben_vulpes;what is a 'soft kill' in this context 1556028;1476678033;mats;electronic countermeasures interfering with e.g. radar, acoustic, EM signatures 1556029;1476678091;ben_vulpes;aok 1556030;1476678141;ben_vulpes;mats: is there a 'hard kill' in this context? 1556031;1476678172;ben_vulpes;some insane northrupgrumman "shoot a rokkit out da skye"? 1556032;1476678229;mats;physical intercept with SM-2, ESSM, mark 41, or Phalanx CIWS 1556033;1476678264;ben_vulpes;the leading two of that list having failed lolariously in the recent sorties, no? 1556034;1476678273;mats;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gz0LssslcA 1556035;1476678308;mats;yeah i think so 1556036;1476678415;asciilifeform;the 'cost of the rocket' always leads in my head to the obvious question, how many frag-on-quadcopter would that sum buy, and what % can 'phalanx' etc. shoot before they reach the addressee. 1556037;1476678437;mats;or maybe they used some other sekrit forward deployed countermeasure, like a directed energy anti missile weapons system 1556038;1476678438;asciilifeform;esp. since they emit ~0 helpful ir beacon. 1556039;1476678452;ben_vulpes;~0? really? 1556040;1476678458;asciilifeform;compared to rocket. 1556041;1476678466;ben_vulpes;motors don't dissipate for what can be distinguished against bg? 1556042;1476678477;asciilifeform;they are... air cooled. 1556043;1476678482;asciilifeform;think. 1556044;1476678489;mats;that could possibly cause incoming to dump into sea, and look like a soft kill to untrained observers 1556045;1476678518;ben_vulpes;mats: granted they can handle 1, 2, 3 at a time. 1556046;1476678523;ben_vulpes;but 10, 20, 100, 200? 1556047;1476678550;mats;i dunno man, i'm not mp, i can't afford not-open-source intel 1556048;1476678558;ben_vulpes;it's a simple estimation problem 1556049;1476678573;ben_vulpes;how many tonnes of fudge in the chocolate shop? 1556050;1476678643;ben_vulpes;the point is that deployed systems have a hard upper bound of inbound targets they can handle, and there is no such hard upper bound to how many inbounds can be lobbed at them, much less any sort of constraint on btc/lobbed body. 1556051;1476678691;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: this is effective enough to make them invisible on ir? 1556052;1476678694;mats;i get that, i however haven't read any pentagon reports to suggest where that bound is at 1556053;1476678729;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 'invisible' is not the word, object above absolute zero is 'visible', just not to any device that doesn't also fire at pigeons. 1556054;1476678760;ben_vulpes;mats: well why would they say anything, much less anything indicative of how badly the systems actually function 1556055;1476678789;ben_vulpes;my money's on less than 10 concurrent inbound targets while the systems have payloads to deploy. 1556056;1476678828;mats;well, that first statement is not exactly true, they do that all the time 1556057;1476678834;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: pigeons and qcs are trivially differentiable on derivatives 1556058;1476678852;ben_vulpes;mats: "actually function" 1556059;1476678855;asciilifeform;say they are perfectly distinguishable. 1556060;1476678863;asciilifeform;let them play 'duck hunt'. 1556061;1476678887;ben_vulpes;these two threads ducktail so nicely! 1556062;1476678892;asciilifeform;you only need a handful of shaped charges getting to other end, to cripple the ship. 1556063;1476678909;mats;i have read reports by DoD that indicate dissatisfaction with the Aegis system's autonomous detection and tracking 1556064;1476678916;asciilifeform;(shaped charge; thermite; whichever the occasion calls for) 1556065;1476678929;asciilifeform;and we had this thread... 1556066;1476678934;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: several times 1556067;1476678946;ben_vulpes;mats: what all is actually going on in that video? 1556068;1476678950;mats;specifically with smaller targets (smaller than airplane, which it was originally designed to track) at greater distances 1556069;1476678982;mats;ben_vulpes: incoming getting cut up by automated guns 1556070;1476678982;ben_vulpes;baww, targets shrink two orders of magnitude and billions of dollars get flushed down the drain. 1556071;1476678993;ben_vulpes;mats: those are pure kinetic countermeasures? 1556072;1476679034;mats;'C-RAM' is, yes 1556073;1476679051;mats;(counter rocket, artillery, mortar) 1556074;1476679080;asciilifeform;whole thing is the 'star wars' idiocy in miniature. all that is needed to kill the ship is to have n+1 independent kamikazes. 1556075;1476679145;asciilifeform;where n is sum of how many aimed shots the defender's turrets can shoot before the end. 1556076;1476679154;mats;the SM-2, SM-3 are also known to be shite for ascent or mid-course intercepts (insufficient velocity iirc) 1556077;1476679197;mats;but that report was about use against strategic ballistic missiles 1556078;1476679937;mircea_popescu;mats yeah, except the usg is in no position to offer anyone anything. but w/e, all sorts of charlies ready to suicide, so. 1556079;1476679976;ben_vulpes;http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/fashion/modern-love-pregnancy-miscarriage-app-technology.html << Seven months after my miscarriage, mere weeks before my due date, I came home from work to find a package on my welcome mat. It was a box of baby formula bearing the note: "We may all do it differently, but the joy of parenthood is something we all share" 1556080;1476680063;mats;also important to note that the DoD's review office (OT&E) found Aegis to be very difficult to upgrade circa 2002 1556081;1476680081;ben_vulpes;raytheon sells upgradeable systems? 1556082;1476680098;mircea_popescu;lol 1556083;1476680099;mats;apparently not 1556084;1476680105;ben_vulpes;color me 2000-ragtop-mustang-purple 1556085;1476680130;ben_vulpes;coincidentally, also the year of the Aguilera/Durst MTV awards collab 1556086;1476680149;ben_vulpes;less than twelve months later, americans are wondering what we did to deserve the plane-bombing 1556087;1476680162;mats;ultimately the report was about how unready the Aegis was for use against strategic ballistic missiles 1556088;1476680205;ben_vulpes;mats: has the usg defense industry made a thing that was ready for use against anything-thats-not-goatfuckers-with-twenty-year-old-mortars? 1556089;1476680218;ben_vulpes;in like my lifetime or yours? 1556090;1476680239;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it makes megatonnes of perfectly good gear for perforating uppity citizens 1556091;1476680246;asciilifeform;of 'own' side. 1556092;1476680254;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: omg own goals don't count 1556093;1476680305;mircea_popescu;aegis being, of course, the one remaining "us superiority" item. 1556094;1476680331;ben_vulpes;look my ex employees bike trip from vancouver to mexico is more impressive than usg defence contractor turds 1556095;1476680333;asciilifeform;i thought that was 'infinite money and slaves' 1556096;1476680349;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556010 << apparently he is. 1556097;1476680349;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 03:50 asciilifeform: if the d00d weren't a zhirinovsky-style muppet, he'd be recruiting good old-fashioned brownshirts just about now. 1556098;1476680389;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform we're not discussing the aspie 14% fantasy here. usg dun got no money nor any workers. 1556099;1476680402;mircea_popescu;slaves, lol. 1556100;1476680426;asciilifeform;eh, somebody's making the gear. 1556101;1476680430;asciilifeform;or what, martians dropped it. 1556102;1476680433;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: cascadia slavers for the clinton dirt 1556103;1476680448;mircea_popescu;slavers my foot. any of them naked ? any of them work when dun feel like it ? 1556104;1476680460;mircea_popescu;any of them whipped today ? any of them dead from whipping this morn ? 1556105;1476680483;ben_vulpes;i 1556106;1476680486;mircea_popescu;china got infinite slaves. usg got infinite expectations. you know, like elliot, peace be upon his name. 1556107;1476680487;ben_vulpes;have used the wrong word. 1556108;1476680525;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556018 << next cycle, it's gonna be cool. 1556109;1476680525;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 04:01 mats: this cycle, 'nazi' is a catch-all word used by the unimaginative and slow 1556110;1476680530;mircea_popescu;it's already edging into cool. 1556111;1476680563;asciilifeform;^ 1556112;1476680584;ben_vulpes;so i know that salver is a dish and that salivate is to drool, and was dead convinced that "slaver" was "to drool" but congugated 1556113;1476680584;*;asciilifeform has been on a month-long all-things german kick. 1556114;1476680596;mats;ben_vulpes: railgun promises to be interesting 1556115;1476680608;mircea_popescu;congugated lol. 1556116;1476680616;ben_vulpes;http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/09/22/palmer-luckey-the-facebook-billionaire-secretly-funding-trump-s-meme-machine.html << already cool 1556117;1476680625;ben_vulpes;mats: cool /how/? 1556118;1476680656;*;mircea_popescu lolz at the notion of a railgun array. because slow to fire and not really directionable. 1556119;1476680695;mats;i dun see how a ship could possibly defend against a railgun 1556120;1476680730;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556039 << think in terms of wattage. how many joules does solid fuel engine pump out ; how many watts can electric engine piss out ? 1556121;1476680730;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 04:27 ben_vulpes: ~0? really? 1556122;1476680732;ben_vulpes;and i dun see how one can place slugs accurately 1556123;1476680734;mats;on land you'd use passive, reactive armors like ceramics, composites, ERA, i don't think a ship could in practical terms carry it 1556124;1476680741;ben_vulpes;didn't we have this thread? 1556125;1476680760;mircea_popescu;mats by becoming <1meter above water. waves will protect you. 1556126;1476680775;mircea_popescu;this is ~already the logical trend ; and used in some applications (the ones where idiots and imbeciles weren't involved) 1556127;1476680842;mircea_popescu;(railgun is not useful as ballistic fire, because well, air friction ; as short range direct fire it has the obvious problem : your firing platform kinda has to be afloat too.) 1556128;1476680957;mats;railgun doesn't change the 'kill chain', yes - you still need to detect, identify, track target, communicate this information to the firing platform, then launch the weapon 1556129;1476681009;mircea_popescu;nono. think. railgun is a direct fire superfast projectile. if its target is not taller than 1m above "waterline", both the "ground effect" of flying so close to water and the actual wave/spray will make your trajectory impossible. 1556130;1476681026;mircea_popescu;it's a dynamic pressure problem - on the bottom it's high on the top it's low, your projectile trajectory curves badly. 1556131;1476681047;ben_vulpes;they'll just go for the ballistic approach 1556132;1476681055;mircea_popescu;no, you can't do that, because air friction. 1556133;1476681063;ben_vulpes;errors be damned 1556134;1476681066;ben_vulpes;howso? 1556135;1476681073;mircea_popescu;ballstic works for missiles, not for "10km/s at muzzle and no self power" railgun ammo 1556136;1476681083;mats;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556122 << they're guided. 1556137;1476681083;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 05:05 ben_vulpes: and i dun see how one can place slugs accurately 1556138;1476681093;ben_vulpes;mats: nominalluy 1556139;1476681104;mats;at least... they're trying. https://news.usni.org/2015/04/14/navsea-details-at-sea-2016-railgun-test-on-jhsv-trenton 1556140;1476681116;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes of the total energy available to the projectile, some % is given at launch and some % is given in flight. if you got a bullet (100-0) ballistics dun work. if you got a missile (0-100) ballistics work 1556141;1476681131;mats;>The Florida test will place a static floating target at a range of 25 to 50 nautical miles from the test ship and fire five GPS guided hyper velocity projectiles (HVP) 1556142;1476681134;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556050 << actually this is a pretty great statement. rocketry-ddos. 1556143;1476681134;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 04:30 ben_vulpes: the point is that deployed systems have a hard upper bound of inbound targets they can handle, and there is no such hard upper bound to how many inbounds can be lobbed at them, much less any sort of constraint on btc/lobbed body. 1556144;1476681141;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: but imagine a really really large KE mortar 1556145;1476681144;ben_vulpes;self steering, y'see 1556146;1476681159;mircea_popescu;no. this is jules verne stuff. dun work as per 1800s maffs. 1556147;1476681169;ben_vulpes;BUT WE HAVE RAILGUNS 1556148;1476681174;ben_vulpes;THEY WILL BE AWESOME 1556149;1476681177;mircea_popescu;we also have dildoes 1556150;1476681280;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556053 << for the record, i support indiscriminate firing at pigeons. 1556151;1476681280;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 04:32 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: 'invisible' is not the word, object above absolute zero is 'visible', just not to any device that doesn't also fire at pigeons. 1556152;1476681290;mircea_popescu;fucking airborne rats. 1556153;1476681308;asciilifeform;in chigagabad they had little stakes on everything the birds might remotely consider perching on 1556154;1476681311;asciilifeform;at least in train stations. 1556155;1476681320;asciilifeform;it was surreal. 1556156;1476681332;asciilifeform;thousands of'em. 1556157;1476681332;ben_vulpes;eh, it's a mass-produced plastic thing at this point 1556158;1476681344;ben_vulpes;wake me up when they coat benches along feral ave with it 1556159;1476681383;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556071 << firing hail of bullets at incoming missile is probably the best available strategy. 1556160;1476681383;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 04:36 ben_vulpes: mats: those are pure kinetic countermeasures? 1556161;1476681406;mircea_popescu;they dun really have the proper buckshot-lattice firing devices up and running, but nature will teach all. 1556162;1476681407;mats;i recognize that existing tech/tactics work well against railguns, they're not faster or longer range weapons than SM-2 1556163;1476681432;mats;where the railgun tech is now, its only suitable against land-attack 1556164;1476681442;mats;intimidating pyongyang, etc 1556165;1476681457;mircea_popescu;actually, it's only suitable in outer space fights, and even there very dubious. 1556166;1476681473;mircea_popescu;on land it has ~no utility other than novelty item. 1556167;1476681559;mircea_popescu;(the outer space idea being that you get up there a thing with immense rtg / solar panels, and a supply of bb shells. because far from heavy grav fields (as per definition of outer space) all shots are guided by default - you just gotta get close enough. fast flying bb projectile hitting the other ship is ~doom.) 1556168;1476681569;ben_vulpes;y'actually are going to want lasers or microwaves in orbit 1556169;1476681581;mircea_popescu;nah. light is more expensive than this. 1556170;1476681581;mats;also important to note that railgun (lack of) durability has been highly understated, the rails can currently handle ~400 shots, with plans to take it to ~1000 1556171;1476681587;mats;see http://www.acq.osd.mil/chieftechnologist/publications/docs/FY2015_TestimonyONR_KlunderUSNM_20140326.pdf 1556172;1476681594;mircea_popescu;mats it hasn't been understated by me, last we discussed this. 1556173;1476681607;mats;sure, just putting it out there. 1556174;1476681616;mircea_popescu;but yes, they're friable as all fuck. 1556175;1476681616;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: newtons 1st, see quadcopter/shotgun thread 1556176;1476681630;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes hm ? 1556177;1476681666;ben_vulpes;getting the bb into the right spot with the right delta v either means shooting it from the orbital platform or letting it accelerate itself, no? 1556178;1476681675;mats;pages 4-5 have the relevant information if you don't want to read the whole thing. 1556179;1476681723;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the "interdictor" is this item which has a railgun, a supply of pellets, and a huge array of solar panels etc to power them. this item can then shoot fast pellets towards any other ship, crippling it. 1556180;1476681755;ben_vulpes;the stationkeeping fuel budget will be...expensive. 1556181;1476681768;mircea_popescu;spaceships suffer very much from the problem of transformers discussed ealier - no practical way to armor them. 1556182;1476681781;mircea_popescu;space encounters also have much easier a time hitting targets. 1556183;1476681801;asciilifeform;see also uncle al's 'orbital scrubber'. 1556184;1476681811;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes expensive ; yes. but comparable to trying alternative weapon systems. whereas on earth - not comparable. 1556185;1476681813;asciilifeform;(picture a 1-3 tonne frag.) 1556186;1476681814;ben_vulpes;no contest but that stationkeeping cost grows steeply, quickly. 1556187;1476681834;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: em is going to be a far simpler engineering challenge. 1556188;1476681857;ben_vulpes;no moving costs, no stationkeeping costs incurred from firing. 1556189;1476681857;mircea_popescu;em is very expensive. think : i want to shoot a ship 5500 km away. how do you em it ? 1556190;1476681861;mats;mircea_popescu: what's special about the railgun IS NOT that it is better than other precision guided projectiles, but rather it is very-long-range artillery, with really small payload, and no rocket motor 1556191;1476681881;mircea_popescu;mats how long range any item is depends on air friction and little else. 1556192;1476681881;ben_vulpes;have another bird in that hemisphere at that time! 1556193;1476681902;mats;public info sez ~200mi at this time 1556194;1476681910;mircea_popescu;you could actually make bullets shoot 10x as fast as they do now. it's not worth doing. 1556195;1476681928;ben_vulpes;15 identical sats beat the crap out of a single sat with one finnicky fucking railgun on it. 1556196;1476681932;mircea_popescu;200mi is not long range artillery. railroad artillery of ww2 vintage shot that far. 1556197;1476681946;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes beat the crap using what ? 1556198;1476681970;mircea_popescu;long range artillery is if i can bombard washington from vancouver. 1556199;1476681983;ben_vulpes;either microwaves or a uv laser. 1556200;1476681992;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you will never get close enough. 1556201;1476682004;mats;mircea_popescu: iirc V-3 topped out at ~100mi... 1556202;1476682011;mircea_popescu;v-3 was a rocket neh ? 1556203;1476682037;asciilifeform;relatedly, i just picked up a b00k on coriolis force, and it has... basic programs in every chapter, as example. such nostalgic. 1556204;1476682046;mircea_popescu;!~schwerer gustav 1556205;1476682046;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Error: "schwerer" is not a valid command. 1556206;1476682051;mircea_popescu;!~google schwerer gustav 1556207;1476682052;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Schwerer Gustav - Wikipedia: ; Schwerer Gustav 800mm 1942 - YouTube: ; Schwerer Gustav - Hitler's giant gun - How it worked and why it ...: 1556208;1476682055;ben_vulpes;that is a claim, 1556209;1476682064;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes wanna do the math together ? 1556210;1476682097;ben_vulpes;sure! 1556211;1476682111;mircea_popescu;ok. so for the interdictor : can i have 1 MW of power ? 1556212;1476682117;ben_vulpes;you're far better at the fudgestimations, so plz to lead 1556213;1476682137;mats;its not a typical artillery piece, depends who you ask i guess 1556214;1476682141;ben_vulpes;aha, you may 1556215;1476682182;mircea_popescu;alright. i shall employ this to accelerate 10 gram pellets ; at the usual loss of 99.99% i will then have available 10kW for my pellets. 1556216;1476682205;mircea_popescu;i fire them at a rate of three a minute, meaning each 10 gram pellet acquires an energy of 200kJ 1556217;1476682207;mats;'paris gun' topped at 80mi 1556218;1476682209;ben_vulpes;i am more interested in the "never get close enough" 1556219;1476682219;mircea_popescu;gotta do the whole thing! patience young vulpes! 1556220;1476682241;mircea_popescu;now then. you happy with 100 kW per each of your 15 zergs ? 1556221;1476682258;ben_vulpes;ho ho ho okay i see where this is going 1556222;1476682264;ben_vulpes;yes, carry on 1556223;1476682293;mircea_popescu;let's agree that a hit means an interaction which delivers 1MJ ; let's agree we start our engagement 1mn km apart. 1556224;1476682297;mircea_popescu;what's next ? 1556225;1476682314;ben_vulpes;power dropoff between emitter and absorber? 1556226;1476682371;mircea_popescu;well... you gotta aim more precisely than i do ; and light-matter interaction is much weaker than matter-matter 1556227;1476682382;*;ben_vulpes is more than happy to slowly melt panels and controllers 1556228;1476682403;mircea_popescu;the first pellet that touches you takes you out. 1556229;1476682441;mircea_popescu;and your 100kw won't actually allow you to make a laser strong enough to cut al alloy or w/e ther fuck i use. 1556230;1476682452;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if this is so, how do the ships even get to the 'battlefield' without having been perforated by rubbish ? 1556231;1476682467;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform supposedly this is a battlefield far, far away. 1556232;1476682480;ben_vulpes;if one's to consider the orbital-kinetic weapon, why bother accelerating the pellets when one could simply ballistically heave them into the path of the enemy sats? 1556233;1476682483;mircea_popescu;note however that rubish is mostly stationary, and ships move kinda slowly. whereas railgun allows very fast pellets. 1556234;1476682493;asciilifeform;wtf does 'stationary' mean in orbit. 1556235;1476682500;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes because of material strengths issues. 1556236;1476682512;ben_vulpes;wat 1556237;1476682515;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it means that they never hit you with a speed in excess of say 100m/s. and if they do, it's goodnight 1556238;1476682540;ben_vulpes;i'm seeing buckshot in orbit where a target will pass in the next 2 seconds. 1556239;1476682550;mircea_popescu;your target moves relatively slowly. 1556240;1476682552;ben_vulpes;what materials strengths issues do i suffer in heaving them up there? 1556241;1476682591;mircea_popescu;no, the point is, the dust in the rings of saturn doesn't enter spontaneous fusion because it all moves ~the same direction and ~the same speed. so sure, leave it there, it'll make a nice bing sound as it hits the outer casing. 1556242;1476682607;ben_vulpes;no, ballistically. not at orbital speeds. 1556243;1476682622;mircea_popescu;to fire a blunderbuss you gotta get very close. 1556244;1476682628;mircea_popescu;hence the advantage of rail gun. 1556245;1476682630;ben_vulpes;i throw it up. straight up. just in time for your railgun to go sailing through a relatively stationary cloud of shrapnel. 1556246;1476682645;mircea_popescu;my railgun doesn't let you get within 50k km of it. 1556247;1476682661;mircea_popescu;that's why it's called an interdictor. 1556248;1476682669;ben_vulpes;no way it spins fast enough to track and pop something coming straight up. 1556249;1476682687;mircea_popescu;think what speed you'd have to have to bother me angularily at that distance. 1556250;1476682706;ben_vulpes;you're providing all the angular speed by virtue of being in orbit! 1556251;1476682724;mircea_popescu;that's the point here. a 10 gram pellet that got accelerated for 200kJ is now moving at 5km/s 1556252;1476682735;mircea_popescu;your ship ain't ever moving at 100. maybe 50. maybe. 1556253;1476682779;ben_vulpes;no, your bird is moving at 9km/s by virtue of being in what, geosync? 1556254;1476682791;mircea_popescu;the interdictor itself is stationary. 1556255;1476682800;ben_vulpes;that makes no sense. 1556256;1476682806;mircea_popescu;and this isn't "in orbit". too much friction there. this is in outer space. 1556257;1476682823;ben_vulpes;cheater! 1556258;1476682825;ben_vulpes;omg cheater 1556259;1476682831;mircea_popescu;i did say outer space eh. 1556260;1476682853;ben_vulpes;whatEVER 1556261;1476682867;ben_vulpes;"if freed from mortal constraints" 1556262;1476682874;mircea_popescu;so yes, there is ONE possibly useful application of a military railgun : making the deep space interdictor. but this is slight. 1556263;1476682894;ben_vulpes;i resent being used to make this point. 1556264;1476682960;mircea_popescu;aww. 1556265;1476683023;ben_vulpes;fucking deep space you 1556266;1476683027;mircea_popescu;mats ah i guess you're right, it never went past 50 mi. 1556267;1476683308;mircea_popescu;well, so in 60 years "de impliniri marete" we got from 50 to 200 mile railroad artillery. only costs about 5000x. neat. 1556268;1476683704;asciilifeform;!~google hochdruckpumpe 1556269;1476683706;jhvh1;asciilifeform: V-3 cannon - Wikipedia: ; Common Rail Hochdruckpumpe Animation - YouTube: ; dict.cc dictionary :: Hochdruckpumpe :: German-English translation: 1556270;1476683729;asciilifeform;(somehow it keeps coming back..) 1556271;1476683736;mircea_popescu;aha 1556272;1476683766;mircea_popescu;fun fact : the large cannons, much like the rail guns, actually wore down considerable metal off the barrel 1556273;1476683778;mircea_popescu;so much so the projectiles fired were actually of increased caliber over time 1556274;1476683801;mircea_popescu;this is a 238 - 238.5 - 239 - 239.5 - 240 mm gun! 1556275;1476683829;asciilifeform;iirc they were sabot anyway 1556276;1476683849;mircea_popescu;no pretty sure the germans had ordnance in numeric order 1556277;1476683902;asciilifeform;did they redrill the chamber, or wat 1556278;1476683914;asciilifeform;i am having problem picturing this 1556279;1476683916;mircea_popescu;yup. fired like 50 shots, send the barrel back to krupp 1556280;1476683929;asciilifeform;this - yes 1556281;1476683940;asciilifeform;the calibre stepup..? 1556282;1476683951;mircea_popescu;and yes the chamber varied, so they had a "top-up" propellant depot nearby 1556283;1476683980;mircea_popescu;the large guns, esp of ww1, are an utterly lulzy subject of anthropology. 1556284;1476683999;mircea_popescu;iirc they were also the first with ballistic caps. 1556285;1476711810;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-17#1556180 << just fire one off in the other direction for every one you shoot forward 1556286;1476711810;a111;Logged on 2016-10-17 05:22 ben_vulpes: the stationkeeping fuel budget will be...expensive. 1556287;1476719528;mircea_popescu;lol someone's been reading the prev shotgun quadcopter thread ? :) 1556288;1476721453;BingoBoingo;Eh, that kind of force and the center mounting bracket is likely to fail 1556289;1476721494;mircea_popescu;aluminum! 1556290;1476721825;BingoBoingo;Concrobium! 1556291;1476721871;mircea_popescu;lol 1556292;1476721964;BingoBoingo;mold is perfect outer space weapon 1556293;1476721969;BingoBoingo;brb 1556294;1476722221;BingoBoingo;Why destroy one ship when you can incur the cost of 8 ships in mold remediation? 1556295;1476724733;mats;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-15#1555598 << .ru appears committed to turning the fight into a cage match among extremists, by diligently double tapping remaining civilian infrastructure - water & food storage facilities, courthouses, hospitals 1556296;1476724733;a111;Logged on 2016-10-15 05:05 mircea_popescu: anyway, it's pretty evident russia is pivoting from syria to a iraq spur via turkey. so yeah, sure, whatever, bazaar al-asado won't be there forever. 1556297;1476724815;mircea_popescu;aha. 1556298;1476724826;mats;.sy will be one big smoking pile of rubble once assad, the various insurgencies, IRGC, ru, and isis are finished 1556299;1476724837;mircea_popescu;they can't be finished 1556300;1476724840;mircea_popescu;precisely because rubble. 1556301;1476725216;mircea_popescu;if there isn't any infrastructure, the difference between "extremists" and "civilised people" is nil. much like when there aren't any balls, the difference between usg presidential hopefuls is nil. 1556302;1476725477;mircea_popescu;in other news, the b2b cocksucking season is open early this year. if anyone wants to receive those inane gift baskets corps keep trying to send on my behalf, drop me a line (with your physical address). 1556303;1476725498;asciilifeform;the ones with the recycled cheese ? lol nothx 1556304;1476725530;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what junk is in them. changes every year. maybe handicrafts, or w/e. 1556305;1476725551;asciilifeform;dunno about mircea_popesculandia, but here in ye olde reich we get: 'food' 1556306;1476725559;mircea_popescu;no dude, it's b2b not b2slave 1556307;1476725573;asciilifeform;there isn't a 'b2slave' yet afaik 1556308;1476725596;mircea_popescu;food ? 1556309;1476725602;asciilifeform;'holiday food' etc 1556310;1476725613;mircea_popescu;exactly. not what's being discussed. 1556311;1476725616;asciilifeform;dun ask, it is guaranteed to cost you your appetite 1556312;1476727080;mats;lots of folks reporting on isis in .sy, attacks in Aleppo, Darayya, etc but nobody is discussing .ir, Hezbollah funded sectarian militias, IRGC commands on the battlefield, IRGC providing the majority of Assad's troops, active targeting and destruction of aid convoys, ru's efforts to destroy moderates and local civilian authorities 1556313;1476727101;asciilifeform;dafuq is a 'moderate' 1556314;1476727162;mats;syrians disinterested in any political cause, looking to live their lives in peace 1556315;1476727243;Framedragger;mats: since i guess you're following news more than me, i'm curious if you know anything about how the kurds in northern syria are doing, assuming anything new in the last couple of months? (not really following news there but just curious) 1556316;1476727904;mats;there's an ongoing truce with assad and they're very close to controlling the northeast 1556317;1476727923;mats;i don't know that much has changed 1556318;1476727927;mats;(that was august) 1556319;1476728121;mats;usg has done a good job helping the kurds hold down the area 1556320;1476728200;mats;i'm sure the kurds lie awake at night waiting for the knife in their backs to materialize 1556321;1476728355;mats;i.e, http://www.nytimes.com/1977/12/19/archives/of-kurds-and-kissinger-carter-and-conscience.html 1556322;1476728441;mats;i give it 1/2 odds usg packs their bags and goes home if isil is routed from mosul 1556323;1476728788;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform jwzs. 1556324;1476728809;asciilifeform;jwzs - to the meat packery with the other livestock. 1556325;1476728817;mircea_popescu;Framedragger they're pretty much on turkey's kill list. seems unlikely there's gonna be that many to celebrate 2020. 1556326;1476728889;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, but usg is always very keen on counting the jwzs on its own lists. nixon's "silent majority" and all that. 1556327;1476728910;mircea_popescu;whole steaming pile of droppings is predicated on "don't get involved and let us run things" after all. match made in heaven. 1556328;1476734092;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-16#1555972 << cool. though gotta love how the only amason review is 1 star from james storemski. apparently the title is heavy on the numbers and politics. "stuff the nobody really cares about" mkay. because ofc he asked the entirety of the nobody and they all concurred with james in the most unambiguous terms. 1556329;1476734092;a111;Logged on 2016-10-16 20:02 asciilifeform: b00k r3c for pete_dushenski : 'the cruel hunters' (engl.) 1556330;1476734113;pete_dushenski;shinohai: no bash-gram yesterday ? 1556331;1476734143;shinohai;no results for the week pete_dushenski :/ 1556332;1476734154;pete_dushenski;that'd do it lol 1556333;1476734224;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: despite your protestations for 'non-mac' dieharder test results, here are a couple of em for your project all the same : http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/fch7o/?raw=true http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/olgha/?raw=true 1556334;1476734233;asciilifeform;ty pete_dushenski 1556335;1476734251;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: if you have an idle mac, try same with 256M 1556336;1476734282;pete_dushenski;? 1556337;1476734328;pete_dushenski;'dieharder -a -g 256' instead of 201 or what ? 1556338;1476734353;asciilifeform;nono 1556339;1476734360;asciilifeform;256M of dd 1556340;1476734587;pete_dushenski;how is that variable set ? 1556341;1476734606;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/the-planetary-model-of-software-development/ << /me recommends to asciilifeform phf Framedragger and all those interested in the theory of sd ; very curious as to comments. 1556342;1476735149;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161017/#340 << gotta agree i guess. so it goes. 1556343;1476735150;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-17: [18:26:57] Framedragger they're pretty much on turkey's kill list. seems unlikely there's gonna be that many to celebrate 2020. 1556344;1476735183;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161017/#357 << looks good! *adds to readlist* nice amount of playhours on eulora, too 1556345;1476735183;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-17: [20:03:26] http://trilema.com/2016/the-planetary-model-of-software-development/ << /me recommends to asciilifeform phf Framedragger and all those interested in the theory of sd ; very curious as to comments. 1556346;1476735580;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-planetary-model-of-software-development/ << Trilema - The planetary model of software development. 1556347;1476741775;mircea_popescu;lol! 1556348;1476746790;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/sm9m7/?raw=true << 256mb test 1556349;1476747003;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6ftlp/?raw=true 1556350;1476747498;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/bAje9 << 1556351;1476747504;pete_dushenski;"Craigslist ad for ‘personal servant’ a sign of growing inequality says UBC professor 1556352;1476747571;pete_dushenski;"It’s essentially an ad for a personal servant, said one UBC professor, who added she was not surprised to see it given the country’s growing income inequality. “They’re not calling it a personal servant but that is what they’re asking for,” said Sylvia Fuller, who studies employment and inequality. “Its not surprising that you start to see more of this kind of arrangement because there are 1556353;1476747573;pete_dushenski;people who can afford it and there are folks who don’t have any other options.”" << holy shit does this sort of libertard flailing grind my fucking gears 1556354;1476747689;pete_dushenski;ad is included in article and is eminently reasonable. nothing a pa or nanny wouldn't do. i seriously dun get it and it drives me up the fucking wall. the gall of these impotent shits. to think that it's evil for employers to have specific expectations rather than being 'universally' 'inclusive'. 1556355;1476747774;shinohai;They got a personal army of similar-minded folks to flag post and get it removed, that'll show 'em! 1556356;1476747921;pete_dushenski;this is presumably what the employment alternatives look like. i) wash dishes for well to do couple, learn, maybe make productive connections along the way (you hope) ; ii) play 'flag the meanies' in your mom's basement ad infinitum. 1556357;1476747985;pete_dushenski;that 'the press' would aim to shelter and coddle morons into the latter camp is despicable, unethical, and destined to fail - for both themselves and their moo-eyed readership. 1556358;1476748146;pete_dushenski;bbl 1556359;1476748664;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski word. 1556360;1476760424;ben_vulpes;ohai BingoBoingo 1556361;1476760430;BingoBoingo;hai 1556362;1476760796;ben_vulpes;http://trilema.com/2016/the-planetary-model-of-software-development/#selection-483.79-483.279 << a zillion times this 1556363;1476760813;ben_vulpes;the root of "build one to throw away" 1556364;1476763661;trinque;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germanys-birthrate-hits-33-year-high-after-arrival-900000-refugees-aging-population-a7366016.html << ahahaha 1556365;1476763766;ben_vulpes;"the “large majority” of the rise was driven by births to foreign-born women." 1556366;1476763791;ben_vulpes;aw man i pooped in the logs 1556367;1476763795;trinque;ben_vulpes: foreign born german women tho! because they're german nao! 1556368;1476763796;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1556369;1476763852;mircea_popescu;anyway. german state/govt has a point : peons are replaceable. if they won't fuck - there's orcs somewhere that will. 1556370;1476763988;trinque;gotta have them to give welfare so they can be taxed, or something 1556371;1476763991;trinque;the cycles in this graph boggle 1556372;1476764046;mircea_popescu;aha 1556373;1476764156;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161018/#8 1556374;1476764157;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-18: [04:09:26] "the “large majority” of the rise was driven by births to foreign-born women." 1556375;1476764161;mircea_popescu;hey check it out, it fixed. 1556376;1476765023;BingoBoingo;lol, fuxxed unlike the those Aryan folk. 1556377;1476765091;mircea_popescu;and in other insertables, http://66.media.tumblr.com/9eb6cdeaf10cd64831eddd709be1b978/tumblr_nesm0ikc2N1sprsiqo1_1280.jpg 1556378;1476765309;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform phuctor/stats just times out. i suspect this happens A LOT. nething we can do about it ? 1556379;1476765438;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: appears to load..? 1556380;1476765491;mircea_popescu;now it does. what hapopens i suspect is that the queue for the cache becomes overlong, then when a requyest hits the machine starts processing it, takes > 30 s or w/e it is, the connection timeouts 1556381;1476765492;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: db is under near-full load most of the time, as we are filling it with Framedragger's keys. afaik this'd account for it. 1556382;1476765498;mircea_popescu;then on subsequent request it delivers it fine 1556383;1476765514;asciilifeform;something like this, yes. 1556384;1476765527;mircea_popescu;so could the cache be reconstructed houry or somesuch to avoid this ? 1556385;1476765560;asciilifeform;a simple cron job ought to do the trick, actually 1556386;1476765564;asciilifeform;i'ma put one in when i wake up. 1556387;1476765566;mircea_popescu;thought so 1556388;1476765567;mircea_popescu;aite. 1556389;1476765626;mircea_popescu;and in other youthful sluts, http://67.media.tumblr.com/37cb25e20c363768aa84df87c9b5822a/tumblr_of1zrs3Amn1vdm1pio1_1280.jpg 1556390;1476770719;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/10/18/in-defence-of-personal-servants/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - In defence of personal servants. 1556391;1476771439;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/208CF98F157CC2B4E4A0C7A18922DD71E461E1D557569BDAEE515D3D08F5C746 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94031244202143566798174534423023440637356261691582919641171828044851605209359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1556392;1476773089;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/we-dont-have-a-security-problem-we-have-a-branding-problem << CH - We don't have a security problem, we have a branding problem! 1556393;1476775841;ben_vulpes;mega promisetronics in urbit docs: informal conventions designed to motivate a healthy ownership structure " 1556394;1476788530;mircea_popescu;lol urbit. still ? 1556395;1476790998;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161018/#23 << it is a pity that nginx caching mechanism does not support stale-while-revalidate - which is: if client requests page which hasn't expired in cache, serve from cache; if expired in cache, serve (the stale version) from cache, and update *in the background*. this is RFC 5861. apparently supported in newer varnish tho. 1556396;1476790998;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-18: [04:38:11] now it does. what hapopens i suspect is that the queue for the cache becomes overlong, then when a requyest hits the machine starts processing it, takes > 30 s or w/e it is, the connection timeouts 1556397;1476791061;mircea_popescu;the solution where it's simply computed with some frequency is better. 1556398;1476791134;Framedragger;i don't know if it's better, but yeah a cronjob would indeed work. *however*, you then may not get around those exceptional cases where client requests page which is still processing from cronjob request - and cache already expired. unless you set it to be tightly timed i guess? 1556399;1476791176;Framedragger;maybe it's just a matter of having cronjob hit server in intervals which are smaller than cache expiry time. 1556400;1476791182;mircea_popescu;very simple to show it's better : stale-while-revalidate will show arbitrarily old data to some users ; periodic-recalculate will never show data older than the period. 1556401;1476791222;Framedragger;true. *unless you have both* (so you have ceiling on time). but at that point... yeah ok, cronjob is easier and better, heh. 1556402;1476791240;mircea_popescu;certainly easier. and once oyu have it in, adding the other adds no utility. 1556403;1476791531;mircea_popescu;anyone remember that line where asciilifeform said something like "dorks prove cryptosystem security by the theorem that if it looks complicated to them it probably is complicated enough" ? 1556404;1476792148;mircea_popescu;in other news - know who else goes around with a gangster roll ? that's right, the most powerful kenyan in the world https://archive.is/ZB5sB 1556405;1476793447;Framedragger;lol! my take on it: https://i.imgflip.com/1cjilb.jpg (image now available in imgflip's template img dir) 1556406;1476793997;shinohai;The GREAT BITCOIN FORK is coming: https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/788188693995655168 1556407;1476794360;mircea_popescu;Framedragger amusingly, he didn't officially report having enough with them to allow him to get that. 1556408;1476794389;mircea_popescu;his declared jp morgan fortunes were 500k to 1mn ; the minimum net worth for the 4147-20 "saphire preferred signature extra hurr durr" is 25mn 1556409;1476794500;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: lol. maybe they accept alternative "patriot dividends" as asset 1556410;1476794505;Framedragger;that is amusing tho 1556411;1476794793;mircea_popescu;state agency, what. 1556412;1476798836;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/i-dont-think-you-understand-how-credit-cards-work/ << Trilema - I don't think you understand how credit cards "work". 1556413;1476806402;mircea_popescu;in other lulz... hillary shit-ton is going into "digital currencies". VEN! 1556414;1476806407;mircea_popescu;!#s ven 1556415;1476806408;a111;29 results for "ven", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ven 1556416;1476806457;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/yGeyv for the lulz 1556417;1476806764;mircea_popescu;mats btw how's mosul ? the beobachter surprisingly speaks of "tough resistance" and "slowed advance" ? 1556418;1476807348;mats;coalition forces are busy clearing surrounding villages 1556419;1476807365;mircea_popescu;yeah. iranian guy in command on the ground too ? 1556420;1476807468;mats;soleimani? there's no independent verification he's in country 1556421;1476807475;mircea_popescu;aha. 1556422;1476807481;mats;he doesn't have a passport at any rate 1556423;1476807485;mircea_popescu;lol ok. 1556424;1476807725;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, kurdish zone population swelled 30% in the past year, all civil servants and pashmerga salaries are in arears, and oil prices stay low. 1556425;1476811251;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/SwdGV << in other lulz. 1556426;1476811343;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/LF2Ym << from same pile o'shit: 'NatWest bank is to close the accounts of Russia's state-run broadcaster, RT. Editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan tweeted: "They've closed our accounts in Britain. All our accounts. 'The decision is not subject to review.' ' 1556427;1476813089;thestringpuller;!~seen shinohai 1556428;1476813089;jhvh1;thestringpuller: shinohai was last seen in #trilema 5 hours, 18 minutes, and 12 seconds ago: The GREAT BITCOIN FORK is coming: https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/788188693995655168 1556429;1476813107;thestringpuller;!~later tell shinohai ping me when you get a moment pl0x 1556430;1476813107;jhvh1;thestringpuller: The operation succeeded. 1556431;1476813582;mircea_popescu;!!up yangwao 1556432;1476813582;deedbot;yangwao voiced for 30 minutes. 1556433;1476813729;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha it is up to bank to decide if it wants to offer services to rich merchant "based on its risk appetite" ? is it also open for bank to decide if it wants to offer services to muslims etc ? 1556434;1476813833;asciilifeform;reichsbank does what it is told. 1556435;1476813985;mircea_popescu;yeah, it decides for itself to do what it's told. 1556436;1476814061;asciilifeform;sorta how these work 1556437;1476814070;asciilifeform;'voluntary-compulsory' 1556438;1476814084;asciilifeform;(or how does that go in english..? is there a modern term ?) 1556439;1476814116;asciilifeform;'добровольно-принудительно' (tm) (r) (su) 1556440;1476814140;asciilifeform;http://lurkmore.to/%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE << see also. 1556441;1476814450;mircea_popescu;that was a lengthy mouthful... 1556442;1476814869;mircea_popescu;"Either a priapic clown or an embalmed witch are going to be running this country next year, and all I have is a case of fermented corn syrup." << lol! 1556443;1476815037;mircea_popescu;dude... so you sit down to read an article, like a phrase in it, keep going only to notice you're actually mentioned. 1556444;1476815040;mircea_popescu;i think i might be famous. 1556445;1476815376;mircea_popescu;and in totally unrelated news, hyaluronic acid is not really available this side od the pond ? 1556446;1476815446;mircea_popescu;let it be pointed out that it's the best anal fissure curative agent. 1556447;1476815597;thestringpuller;Why is ASIC procurement feel like I'm trying to set up a large drug deal???? 1556448;1476815612;thestringpuller;Every time I mention miners to a supplier they freak out and vanish. 1556449;1476815775;mircea_popescu;possibly because you're wasting your time with internet dorks who aren't involved in asic market ? 1556450;1476815875;thestringpuller;nah these are irl people I meet and buy btc from who seem to have "deep supply", so I have on idea where they source their funds 1556451;1476815885;thestringpuller;and when I mention miners they stop taking calls 1556452;1476815903;thestringpuller;albeit its only happened twice but that's 2 for 2 1556453;1476816116;mircea_popescu;tsk 1556454;1476816127;mircea_popescu;mebbe you smell like teh pigs. 1556455;1476816155;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: it is deeply -ev to make and ~sell to plebes~ a usefully current miner. 1556456;1476816169;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: how do you regard strangers who offer to do other -ev things for you ? 1556457;1476816322;mircea_popescu;he gotta start somewhere.... 1556458;1476816389;thestringpuller;after a certain amount cash it's not -ev :P 1556459;1476816416;thestringpuller;and usually people who sell also do not make 1556460;1476816456;asciilifeform;if the current devices are exported and sold anywhere, it is a well-kept secret. 1556461;1476816484;mircea_popescu;bout same as current cunts. there's a reason all that's available to the general population on dating sites is well used 40+yos 1556462;1476816555;asciilifeform;well they are more than happy to put derps in touch with eliza. 1556463;1476816578;asciilifeform;similarly to how 'asic' vendors will happily ship 2014 fpga with the etching sanded off. 1556464;1476816684;mircea_popescu;hey, you buy it by the hash not by the year. 1556465;1476817144;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFwdFzAX7Bw 1556466;1476817803;shinohai;!~later tell thestringpuller will ping in a bit, got pm's shut off again so I can concentrate 1556467;1476817803;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1556468;1476818294;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=568&cpage=4#comment-17975 << in other lulz. 1556469;1476818447;asciilifeform;in yet-other lulz, https://ostif.org/the-veracrypt-audit-results << 'modernized' truecrypt. 1556470;1476818911;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/headlight-replacement-on-a-c3-corvette << CH - Headlight Replacement on a C3 Corvette 1556471;1476819257;mircea_popescu;kristi doesn't have any sql anything on her computor ? 1556472;1476819379;asciilifeform;that's a substitute now?! 1556473;1476819392;mircea_popescu;from her description it's what i'd use. 1556474;1476819398;trinque;ahaha here's what I was just typing: 1556475;1476819405;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-18#1556468 << heh. I use sqlite and emacs' helm for this, and no, it is not enough 1556476;1476819405;a111;Logged on 2016-10-18 19:18 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=568&cpage=4#comment-17975 << in other lulz. 1556477;1476819426;asciilifeform;sorta like suggesting wires clenched in teeth, a la su cult 'подвиг радиста', as substitute for a keyboard. 1556478;1476819429;trinque;relational db must be rewritten in Lisp and there must be a CLIM interface written for it 1556479;1476819435;trinque;asciilifeform: no, it's much closer than that 1556480;1476819443;trinque;but everyone uses relational databases like an idiot 1556481;1476819465;mircea_popescu;in honesty i always found this entire "reorder it by timeline" bulky and ineffectual. my mental teeth always did this wire clenching by itself 1556482;1476819469;trinque;persistent CLOS with a CLIM gadget per table would be *precisely* the thing. 1556483;1476819530;mircea_popescu;so today we find ben_vulpes has taken a celerity vow, which is like a chastity vow ("you shall not fucke") but it goes "you shall not worke for empire" 1556484;1476819552;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's some literary talent in the idle fucker, who'd have guessed ? 1556485;1476819672;ben_vulpes;wutno 1556486;1476819722;ben_vulpes;just a classic 'how to make a peanut butter sandwich' instructional piece 1556487;1476819762;*;trinque wonders aloud wtf asciilifeform has against the relational model 1556488;1476819779;trinque;answers involving SQL are automatic disqualification 1556489;1476819783;asciilifeform;trinque: nothing in particular 1556490;1476819793;asciilifeform;trinque: but didja ever read the linked piece ? 1556491;1476819829;asciilifeform;want to tell me that a copy of postgres substitutes for the subj ? 1556492;1476819851;trinque;I've been doing all sorts of things with CLIM bolted to postgresql lately 1556493;1476819883;asciilifeform;and i've been doing all of this with just head (have given up even on paper and pen) but this has obvious limitations. 1556494;1476819901;trinque;the clim part gives me anything I'd have wanted from hypercard 1556495;1476819913;asciilifeform;how about full-description-fits-in-50pg ? 1556496;1476819924;asciilifeform;or is that not a thing that one may ask for. 1556497;1476819925;trinque;I walk one step at a time like any fella 1556498;1476819944;asciilifeform;generally nothing ever goes from >50 to <=50. 1556499;1476819952;asciilifeform;just like eggs dun unbreak, people - unage, etc. 1556500;1476819973;trinque;Codd is not very complicated 1556501;1476820045;asciilifeform;this here is 'road coning.' 1556502;1476820057;asciilifeform;or what was it 1556503;1476820096;trinque;the provided example incurs "AND ALSO ALL OF MAC OS" as postgresql incurs item on Linux 1556504;1476820099;trinque;*idem 1556505;1476820136;asciilifeform;iirc the mac os of the period was ~msdos-sized. 1556506;1476820152;asciilifeform;and didn't do much aside from giving proggy a framebuffer to draw in, and open() 1556507;1476820186;trinque;not terribly much more to CLIM, other than sanity around which parts of buffer to redraw 1556508;1476820271;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-19#1243116 << . 1556509;1476820271;a111;Logged on 2015-08-19 00:18 asciilifeform: cabbie: 'this ford is a piece of shit. stalled again.' mircea_popescu: 'i have a solution!' cabbie: 'oh???111' mircea_popescu: 'here, have this broomstick.' cabbie: 'how do i drive customers on that, feed my family' mircea_popescu: 'you misunderstand, my good man. you stuff it in your arse.' cabbie: 'and... how does this feed by family?' mircea_popescu: 'no, you sit there with it in.' 1556510;1476820324;mircea_popescu;incidentally : the whole "what part of buffer to redraw" and the assorted nonsense comes from a time of scanning crts. i would be very much interested to see computing hardware built around a lcd paradigm. which is to say : no more hdds ; everything is flash rom, the "hdd", the "ram", the "display". arrays of x by y cells is all. 1556511;1476820339;mircea_popescu;what "redraw". 1556512;1476820341;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i described this a few yrs ago 1556513;1476820352;asciilifeform;dependency graph. 1556514;1476820355;mircea_popescu;ah ? i must've missed it. 1556515;1476820367;mircea_popescu;but anyway - sanity's but one, so. 1556516;1476820382;asciilifeform;(pixel is connected directly to pipe, that can go wherever, fpga-style.) 1556517;1476820387;mircea_popescu;aha 1556518;1476820399;trinque;I suppose I'll just wait around for this before writing anything. 1556519;1476820409;trinque;argumentum ad apocalyptum 1556520;1476820415;mircea_popescu;if i want to see a 1mb page of "ram" on my display whop's to prevent me. "real time" wtf is that. 1556521;1476820428;mircea_popescu;trinque eh, such wasn't contemplated! 1556522;1476820439;asciilifeform;incidentally actual lcd panel such as one might buy it today is still a rastertron. 1556523;1476820445;mircea_popescu;sadly. 1556524;1476820457;mircea_popescu;but i mean enough of raster gfx already, it's done. 1556525;1476820481;asciilifeform;i'd be satisfied even with the modest miracle of ~usable~ lcd not going up exponentially in price. 1556526;1476820497;asciilifeform;which it is. 1556527;1476820524;mircea_popescu;anyway - a tightly coupled video-ram bridge would even do away with the dumbass "drivers" and etc. 1556528;1476820542;asciilifeform;funnily enough, we had this in the '80s. 1556529;1476820558;asciilifeform;before the whole 'gpu' crapolade went konsooomer. 1556530;1476820574;asciilifeform;3 bytes - 1 pixel, vga. 1556531;1476820576;asciilifeform;addressable. 1556532;1476820584;asciilifeform;want shapes? draw'em. 1556533;1476820601;mircea_popescu;by now "gpu" can move on to its proper niche as... hash engine (ie, what in period lingo would be "math coprocessor") and the video can go back to being straight up dac 1556534;1476820619;asciilifeform;and it is perfectly feasible to draw 3d shapes in software, reasonably quickly. 1556535;1476820624;trinque;this is not related to the discussion of CLIM at all 1556536;1476820633;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform even a modest 1024x768 screen would be 2mb which is not bad for memory inspectionz either 1556537;1476820639;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. 1556538;1476820641;mircea_popescu;trinque it isn't, not really. 1556539;1476820644;trinque;you'd still at the application layer be describing operations on a plane which are a function over the previous plane producing the next 1556540;1476820647;trinque;mircea_popescu: heh k 1556541;1476820661;mircea_popescu;plane ? what ? 1556542;1476820663;trinque;but not as though this isn't cool 1556543;1476820669;asciilifeform;trinque: mno. read henderson's functional-graphics paper. 1556544;1476820733;mircea_popescu;trinque i don't think you appreciate the horror of directx/opengl, for blessed lack of experience. but if you wish to get spooked and not be able to sleep ever again, do review the history of opengl 2006-2016 in context. 1556545;1476820751;mircea_popescu;the insanity that occured. the errors. the nvida game developer dessant teams. the whole decade. 1556546;1476820772;mircea_popescu;taking the god damned gpu hardware out of the computer would improve it immensely. 1556547;1476820799;trinque;I can't just hide in this nice niche where I call (draw-circle* ...) and the thing does? 1556548;1476820804;trinque;lol 1556549;1476820805;mircea_popescu;o brother. 1556550;1476820814;mircea_popescu;just the issues of bad blipping, flipped buffers, jesus almighty. 1556551;1476820818;asciilifeform;trinque: Just Want To (tm) ? 1556552;1476820834;asciilifeform;'tis a sin 1556553;1476820849;mircea_popescu;do you understand that the "graphics" ad-hoc card-programming was more code than the actual game for most studios in the period ? 1556554;1476820885;shinohai;'tis a sin cos why? 1556555;1476820890;mircea_popescu;tangent 1556556;1476820901;trinque;I got lost somewhere in between pixels should be (x,y,color) and mount OpenGL 1556557;1476820906;trinque;I tend to agree with the former 1556558;1476820926;trinque;and the former maps nicely to being a CLIM backend, i.e. a framebuffer port of the thing wouldn't be that hard 1556559;1476820939;mircea_popescu;pixels really are just color(rgb), 3 bytes. the xy is implicit. 1556560;1476820971;trinque;but I'm speaking of the application layer; eventually you're talking about an X,Y position, no? 1556561;1476820988;mircea_popescu;notreally. you do the whole screen at once. 1556562;1476820990;mircea_popescu;all the time.\ 1556563;1476821005;mircea_popescu;this (xy) thing is a raster artefact. i'm not fucking scanning the pixels. 1556564;1476821023;trinque;somebody does the math for the circle 1556565;1476821062;mircea_popescu;sure. but in your hands not in the fucking crazy chip. 1556566;1476821089;trinque;certainly not in the chip; CLIM is a very high level thing, akin to hypercard or the browser and not a video driver 1556567;1476821096;trinque;that's the divergence here 1556568;1476821134;mircea_popescu;basically printing the screen with tits should be cat tits.bmp > screen0 1556569;1476821247;mircea_popescu;and if i want to do a slideshow i do a for loop, and the machine cycles through the bmps as fast as memory updates, which is to say i get 2GHz ie 2 bn fps. 1556570;1476821262;mircea_popescu;ALL THE TIME, EVERY TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS. 1556571;1476821319;asciilifeform;where do i buy a 2GHz lcd ? 1556572;1476821361;mircea_popescu;aha. imagine that thing, with individually wired pixels, the cable coming out of its back as thick as the fucking viewport. 1556573;1476821380;mircea_popescu;then we can build twinkle at home. 1556574;1476821420;asciilifeform;btw who remembers 'vectrex' ? 1556575;1476821450;mircea_popescu;one of the vertical displays 1556576;1476821456;asciilifeform;not only vertical 1556577;1476821459;asciilifeform;but nonrasterized. 1556578;1476821461;trinque;hm. neat! 1556579;1476821467;*;trinque is googling 1556580;1476821469;mircea_popescu;ah it was vector based was it ? 1556581;1476821475;asciilifeform;aha, as the name implied. 1556582;1476821492;mircea_popescu;100 bucks. but i never had one. 1556583;1476821507;trinque;so that goes an entirely different direction from RAM full of sequential pixels, eh? 1556584;1476821511;trinque;movements of beam? 1556585;1476821520;mircea_popescu;well this is a crt. 1556586;1476821565;trinque;still same horizontal scan pattern instead of tracing out the vector shapes? 1556587;1476821567;trinque;if so, scam 1556588;1476821609;mircea_popescu;eh, vector display was this attempt of console people in the 80s to fight the killer micro. 1556589;1476821612;*;mircea_popescu never liked consoles. 1556590;1476821660;asciilifeform;i've never seen an actual working 'vectrex.' but knew about it from ancient graphics textbook. 1556591;1476821675;asciilifeform;and no, it was not scam, the thing actually moved the beam to draw the shapes. 1556592;1476821682;asciilifeform;like 1950s 'sage' radar console. 1556593;1476821979;mircea_popescu;apparently they did one of the very few honest attempts at 3d, with spinning half-black disk and everything. 1556594;1476823256;trinque;right, so what mircea_popescu described with tits.bmp is a framebuffer 1556595;1476823298;*;trinque wants to understand why asciilifeform balked when I said draw-circle goes and alters that framebuffer 1556596;1476823342;asciilifeform;trinque: because 'framebuffer' and 'circle' are more complicated than pictured here. 1556597;1476823349;asciilifeform;for instance, ~which~ buffer ? 1556598;1476823356;asciilifeform;there is never 1, unless you like flicker. 1556599;1476823384;asciilifeform;and what if the circle reaches outside of the buffer? etc. 1556600;1476823386;trinque;if there's no video card, I assume there is just an area of ram currently being used as such 1556601;1476823433;trinque;could have as many as you like, tell the video output thinger that offset x to x+n is the frame 1556602;1476823434;trinque;? 1556603;1476824418;asciilifeform;trinque: it gets complicated surprisingly quickly. consider 'blitting' between buffers. 1556604;1476824431;asciilifeform;(and while drawing is taking place.) 1556605;1476825243;mircea_popescu;consider none of this shit. 1556606;1476825276;mircea_popescu;screen shows what's in ram. no more, no less. at the fps here considered, these artefacts aren't more significant than the speaker hum due to being powered off ac not dc 1556607;1476825305;asciilifeform;first bake a nonrasterized panel. 1556608;1476825310;mircea_popescu;right. 1556609;1476825332;mircea_popescu;that's what i'm saying. make a fucking proper lcd alrerady, who the fuck heard of this crt-emulated-in-lcd 1556610;1476825342;mircea_popescu;about as stupid as creating a mechanical drum for the usb stick 1556611;1476825352;mircea_popescu;"oh you can't read there, the selector is not on that cell!" 1556612;1476825376;asciilifeform;check out how sdram works some time. 1556613;1476825398;mircea_popescu;fucking factory model that gave us the usg in the end. "oh this is where we process things". damn it. 1556614;1476825419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no i know. 1556615;1476825453;asciilifeform;the same idiocy recurs, everywhere, 'eh our cow died, let's call the resulting mass of weevils 'the cow', pretend to drink its... milk' 1556616;1476825476;asciilifeform;yes dram gave you 'gigabyte per chip', nevermind ~of what~ 1556617;1476825484;asciilifeform;it isn't really random-access. 1556618;1476825603;*;mircea_popescu points out that a 1024x768 bundle of wires, 786.5k total is not unthinkable. at 50 microns each + 30 insulation you'll end up with a cable bundle 4 inches thick, big deal. a girl could take it in either hole with a little practice! 1556619;1476825619;asciilifeform;what's on other end? 1556620;1476825633;asciilifeform;and why do you need wires 1556621;1476825635;mircea_popescu;lcd cells ? 1556622;1476825638;asciilifeform;put what's on other end, on the glass. 1556623;1476825644;asciilifeform;(your fpga or whatever.) 1556624;1476825646;mircea_popescu;leds. 1556625;1476825659;asciilifeform;which are made of something other than semiconductor ? 1556626;1476825662;asciilifeform;put'em on the same die. 1556627;1476825671;mircea_popescu;and i don't need a wire. i'm just using the wire to loosen headcunts. 1556628;1476825677;asciilifeform;lolk 1556629;1476827522;BingoBoingo; yes dram gave you 'gigabyte per chip', nevermind ~of what~ << DRAMs of rum also refreshed the Royal Navy's gift of sodomy 1556630;1476829564;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-butt-injectors/ << Trilema - The Butt Injectors 1556631;1476829611;mircea_popescu;speaking of the gifts of sodomy 1556632;1476829626;mircea_popescu;and in other news, guess who (else) is rewriting trilema "in his own words". that's right, irrelevant academitard from flyover country : http://news.vcu.edu/article/VCU_professor_discusses_The_Politics_of_Bitcoin_Software_as_RightWing 1556633;1476829682;mircea_popescu;otherwise in mosul, the fight is now supposed to take two months, a 50% upgrade, and from the locals “The Iraqi army arrived yesterday and took the town, and today Isis came back and the army ran away. We weren’t expecting this.” 1556634;1476829707;mircea_popescu;who the fuck ever heard of regular forces winning an attrition fight with insurgents and who the fuck is the imbecile strategist that allowed this to play out... 1556635;1476829797;mircea_popescu;apparently the pashmerga have decided they're not going to go any further. iraqi "police" is on its own. 1556636;1476833495;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/quid-pro-quo-and-arkencide-a-special-roundup-xtendtmr/ << Qntra - Quid Pro Quo And Arkencide – A Special Roundup Xtend(TM)(R) 1556637;1476833651;asciilifeform;procto-pomade lul 1556638;1476833672;asciilifeform;industria argentina!11 1556639;1476833693;trinque;BingoBoingo: s/part/party/ in first point 1556640;1476833751;trinque;s/Clitler hold/Clitler to hold/ 1556641;1476833954;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1556642;1476834104;asciilifeform;from mircea_popescu's link, http://www.uncomputing.org/?p=1716 << lulzy example, more or less at random, of peculiarly literate lizard shill 1556643;1476835958;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. "code IS much closer to x than y". "says who" "sayz me" "aokthen" 1556644;1476835988;mircea_popescu;anyway - speaking of "misrepresentation hard to not see as wilful" - governments DO NOT regulate. 1556645;1476836016;mircea_popescu;parliaments regulate. governments are not parliaments, nor are they legitimate, as a matter of principle, which is separable and also separate from the absent legitimacy of parliaments. 1556646;1476836023;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. clueless dork with pretensions 1556647;1476836517;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo publicly campaigning from President << for 1556648;1476836674;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but the point that bitcoin is "right wing", which is to say, that it chokes socialism by its very nature, rather than by some sort of interpretation or ulterior human construction apparently finally landed 1556649;1476836685;mircea_popescu;only took 'em 3 years or so to digest trilema. 1556650;1476836699;asciilifeform;the 'bugspray for 10,001 species of weevil' aspect was obvious almost on day 1. 1556651;1476836706;mircea_popescu;not to the weevils. 1556652;1476836719;mircea_popescu;fwtw 1556653;1476837797;mircea_popescu;it's funny, reviewing the iraq conflict, just how much fucking romanian weaponry is involved. 1556654;1476837807;mircea_popescu;the psl ? the pm 65 ? oodlebunches. 1556655;1476837841;mircea_popescu;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Iraqi_SVD.JPG << left one is the psl. 1556656;1476844528;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo publicly campaigning from President << for << ty fxd 1556657;1476844560;BingoBoingo;!!Up mthreat 1556658;1476844560;deedbot;mthreat voiced for 30 minutes. 1556659;1476844573;mthreat;hola 1556660;1476844588;BingoBoingo;hola 1556661;1476844599;mod6;hey mthreat 1556662;1476845562;ben_vulpes; whoa howdy mthreat 1556663;1476845718;ben_vulpes;https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/the-politics-of-bitcoin << dat cert do 1556664;1476845743;ben_vulpes;oh that's nice 1556665;1476845754;ben_vulpes;expanding details on the cert in chrome expanded the pane off the bottom of my screen 1556666;1476845759;ben_vulpes;collapsing it did not undo the expansion 1556667;1476845767;*;ben_vulpes stabs buttons at random 1556668;1476845773;ben_vulpes;aok, /enter/ not /esc/ 1556669;1476846065;mircea_popescu;how goes mthreat ? 1556670;1476846086;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you don't understand how websecuritits work. 1556671;1476846094;ben_vulpes;vapid little interview. 1556672;1476846120;mircea_popescu;stick to autoshop bodywork, these advanced webthingees not fer ya :D 1556673;1476846547;ben_vulpes;heh topic of i'm trying to sell a third of my civic to my business partner in exchange for a very large turbo and his time installing it 1556674;1476846684;ben_vulpes;tangentially tangentially, i dunno about these headlights, baby. i think i need to take 'em out and rattle them around for a few hours before i trust the connectors and re-seating job fully. 1556675;1476846869;mircea_popescu;how do you sell parts of a car ? 1556676;1476847114;BingoBoingo;easily 1556677;1476847316;mircea_popescu;and in other news of BingoBoingo interest, http://67.media.tumblr.com/159e0027458126b9efc2d199e05011c2/tumblr_oa4ggeei1C1v7tn4go3_1280.jpg 1556678;1476847373;BingoBoingo;OMG that has to be the highest ratio of arm fat storage I have ever seen. 1556679;1476847388;mircea_popescu;bonus http://67.media.tumblr.com/e3510fdb3e615a8f65626c602051370d/tumblr_oa4ggeei1C1v7tn4go1_1280.jpg 1556680;1476847531;BingoBoingo;OMG where did you find this Oreogre 1556681;1476847543;mod6;heheh 1556682;1476847546;mircea_popescu;lol 1556683;1476850330;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/2016-chicago-more-violent-than-2015-chicago-by-1000-shootings-so-far/ << Qntra - 2016 Chicago More Violent Than 2015 Chicago By 1000 Shootings So Far 1556684;1476850365;asciilifeform;oblig: http://heyjackass.com 1556685;1476850447;BingoBoingo;lol 1556686;1476850842;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-18#1556642 << #HashTags that don't even link to anything is the exact opposite of literacy 1556687;1476850842;a111;Logged on 2016-10-18 23:41 asciilifeform: from mircea_popescu's link, http://www.uncomputing.org/?p=1716 << lulzy example, more or less at random, of peculiarly literate lizard shill 1556688;1476851348;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1556689;1476851349;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 434938 | Current Difficulty: 2.5852274840451544E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 435455 | Next Difficulty In: 517 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes, and 19 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1556690;1476851356;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1556691;1476851369;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 635.0, vol: 2791.35995364 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 633.478, vol: 2996.44422 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 638.61, vol: 6600.92428158 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 640.912559, vol: 630684.40630000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 636.99, vol: 585.90599856 | Volume-weighted last average: 640.825123593 1556692;1476854360;mircea_popescu;and in other slutwalks, http://67.media.tumblr.com/664192ee16a81806fe5a41a2f11892d5/tumblr_oefajj3I2p1uen6aho3_400.gif 1556693;1476875587;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/open-parasitic-p2p-relay/#comment-119511 (awaiting moderation) 1556694;1476875645;mircea_popescu;approved & answered. 1556695;1476875743;Framedragger;(man, i am in dire need of multi-tier TODO lists (sorted by urgency and other things). my TODO text file is a mess.) 1556696;1476875848;mircea_popescu;heh 1556697;1476875876;adlai;Framedragger: are you familiar with tb0t and http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/ ? 1556698;1476875892;Framedragger;adlai: i've looked at it and i like it. i haven't used it! 1556699;1476875911;*;Framedragger checks tb0t commands 1556700;1476875980;Framedragger;i suspect it wouldn't be optimal in my case. i want ticket tags and stuff. dependency graph is of course nice. 1556701;1476876036;mircea_popescu;mod6 does tb0t even run private sessions ? 1556702;1476876058;mircea_popescu;this should be a thing, it occurs to me, if it could be aware of user so ppl in l1 can specify public or private. 1556703;1476876078;*;adlai still uses orgmode, to mixed results 1556704;1476876840;mircea_popescu;mod6 and once trinque gets the payment side of deedbot ready, you can even charge a fee! 1556705;1476877040;mircea_popescu;btw BingoBoingo i submit something like "troubled hrc fundraisers despair of ever receiving support from bitcoin, comically look to ven in desperation" or such for the next roundup (sauce http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-18#1556416 ) 1556706;1476877040;a111;Logged on 2016-10-18 16:00 mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/yGeyv for the lulz 1556707;1476877088;shinohai;Can't use BTC because evil Trump uses it, we must "blockchain" instead. 1556708;1476877119;*;shinohai wonders if CLIT devs are already secretly at work. 1556709;1476877166;mircea_popescu;Celebrated Nefario of GLBSE fame was an early adopter. 1556710;1476877654;mircea_popescu;shinohai the ven thing, it has nothing to do with blockchain, or with technology generally. it's the funniest thing you ever saw, a sort of etsy-paypal, made by the same sort of stunted minds that tried to push doge. 1556711;1476877727;mircea_popescu;buncha mentally retarded but politically ambitious social-pseudosciences types trying to get ahead in the world as best they know how. which somehow, in their broken culture, does not mean twerking, for some reason. 1556712;1476877766;shinohai;I was just about to say, it is obvious they will make a pseudo scientific effirt at creating a "cryptocurrency" 1556713;1476877779;shinohai;That works exactly like paypal but better! 1556714;1476877787;mircea_popescu;maybe they can hire that blonde chick with the alt-eth what was her name 1556715;1476877813;shinohai;covertress lol 1556716;1476877843;shinohai;They left the eth part of it behind, no more lulz from that camp :( 1556717;1476877857;mircea_popescu;lol behind in this context may be misleading. 1556718;1476877930;shinohai;lol 1556719;1476885817;trinque;https://www.rt.com/news/363256-sweden-returning-terrorists-benefits/ << ""considering giving jihadists returning from Syria and Iraq free housing, a driver’s license, and tax benefits to ease their reintegration" 1556720;1476886208;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 does tb0t even run private sessions ? << ah, no currently it's just all public facing projects. 1556721;1476886245;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> this should be a thing, it occurs to me, if it could be aware of user so ppl in l1 can specify public or private. << ah, ok. i'll put some thought into this. 1556722;1476886314;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 and once trinque gets the payment side of deedbot ready, you can even charge a fee! << yeah, nice! 1556723;1476886364;trinque;made great progress last weekend, got the rest of the various services of deedbot broken off into tidy separate projects. 1556724;1476886399;mod6;cool. yeah, a neat payment model for private projects would be pretty sweet with deedbot. 1556725;1476886411;mod6;hmmm. 1556726;1476886424;mod6;mornin' btw 1556727;1476886429;mod6;heheh 1556728;1476886448;trinque;when the great schism occurred, I wrote the first cut of deedbot as quickly as possible as a single large blob of code. 1556729;1476886450;trinque;morning! 1556730;1476886542;trinque;!#s one to throw away 1556731;1476886543;a111;4 results for "one to throw away", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=one%20to%20throw%20away 1556732;1476886779;trinque;mod6: I'm considering bringing up common lisp UCI nodes once payment is done 1556733;1476886813;trinque;first customer of course being myself 1556734;1476886893;mod6;right on 1556735;1476887481;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> Celebrated Nefario of GLBSE fame was an early adopter. << lol, remember 'Test' ? 1556736;1476888223;shinohai;< 24 hrs after hard fork to stop ETH attacks, another attack is ongoing and butterin suggest yet another fork will fix it: http://archive.is/3XcGG 1556737;1476888373;mod6;the lels just keep on comin' eh 1556738;1476888407;shinohai;I'm actually tired of Qntra'ing it all 1556739;1476889339;mod6;well, fortunately qntra pays 1556740;1476889428;shinohai;Yeah, hence I don't want to screw up a good thing lol by submitting trash all the time 1556741;1476889561;asciilifeform;meanwhile, https://archive.is/XIExL 1556742;1476889568;asciilifeform;^ BingoBoingo , qntra ? 1556743;1476889789;trinque;pairs nicely with my sweden link 1556744;1476889814;trinque;bitcoin terrorists must be stopped; ISIS terrorists need moar benefits! 1556745;1476889817;BingoBoingo; btw BingoBoingo i submit something like "troubled hrc fundraisers despair of ever receiving support from bitcoin, comically look to ven in desperation" or such for the next roundup (sauce http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-18#1556416 ) << AHA, it's a firm mebbe for next one. Didn't fit flavor of recent electoral one. 1556746;1476889817;a111;Logged on 2016-10-18 16:00 mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/yGeyv for the lulz 1556747;1476889904;BingoBoingo; ^ BingoBoingo , qntra ? << of course 1556748;1476889923;asciilifeform;btw, the long-defunkt finn, ilkka kokkarinen, had a mighty interesting explanation of why sweden became a laboratory for cutting edge liberasty 1556749;1476889928;BingoBoingo;trinque: Nah, I'll let you write of the sweden 1556750;1476889937;asciilifeform;it was officially mythologized as 'nazi reservation' and in need of 'extra cleaning'. 1556751;1476890016;BingoBoingo;lol 1556752;1476890026;asciilifeform;being the only ~serious industrial country in europe unwrecked by ww2, and full of german sympathizers, it 'musted die' 1556753;1476890028;asciilifeform;and so it died. 1556754;1476890566;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556732 << grand 1556755;1476890566;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 14:19 trinque: mod6: I'm considering bringing up common lisp UCI nodes once payment is done 1556756;1476892222;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/d4Kbp << earlier this month... 1556757;1476892231;asciilifeform;'New York City police are looking for whoever draped a gigantic banner featuring a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin over the side of the Manhattan Bridge' 1556758;1476893486;thestringpuller;and usually people who sell also do not make 1556759;1476893496;thestringpuller;UGH. i pooped in the logs. 1556760;1476893504;*;thestringpuller cleans up the poop...somehow 1556761;1476895120;ben_vulpes;https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/MilagroProposal << i cannot make heads nor tails of this but it smells like bullshit 1556762;1476895174;asciilifeform;'Standards bodies have already begun standardizing various pairing-based schemes. These include the IEEE, ISO, and IETF. Besides identity-based encryption (IBE), the standardized schemes include identity-based signatures, identity-based signcryption, identity-based key establishment mechanisms, and identity-based key distribution for use in multimedia. NIST has also recommended the standardization and adoption of pairing-based crypto 1556763;1476895174;asciilifeform;graphic systems for government agencies. In the NIST "Report on Pairing-based Cryptography" issued in February 2015, they state....' --- snore 1556764;1476895204;asciilifeform;helpfully labeled nonsense, won't read past ^ 1556765;1476895227;asciilifeform;or, actually, grep 'developers' for future-negrate. 1556766;1476897805;adlai;pairing is the main moon math behind mumblejumble. one of my secondary hopes in going to milan was to leave with some rough understanding of pairings, but it has yet to crystallize. 1556767;1476899712;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556724 << kinda where this is going, chan as a hub for all sorta activity like that. 1556768;1476899712;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 14:13 mod6: cool. yeah, a neat payment model for private projects would be pretty sweet with deedbot. 1556769;1476899789;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556728 << yeah pretty quick moving there too, was just a few days iirc. 1556770;1476899789;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 14:14 trinque: when the great schism occurred, I wrote the first cut of deedbot as quickly as possible as a single large blob of code. 1556771;1476899815;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556733 << the race is on, buster. 1556772;1476899815;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 14:20 trinque: first customer of course being myself 1556773;1476899884;mircea_popescu;but this aside : HAVING the thing there will be very useful for some important areas of republican research. such as the most evident one - malleable computation. (ie, when you somehow structure your code so that others can help but can't discern what they're helping. this may or may not involve a well chosen cipher system). 1556774;1476899941;mircea_popescu;the way this shit works is that nothing progresses science quite as much as the idle availability of specific precursors. which is both why alf has a point re the failure of us science and engineering being related to the criminalization of the garage teenager's bombmaking lab as well as to the general idea that "you get to have sex in college". 1556775;1476900140;*;asciilifeform ftr must point out that state of the art 'hot fusion' is much close to working than malleable-whateverthefucks. 1556776;1476900200;asciilifeform;there is a titanic volume of drivel on subj. it is just that. none of any of the schemes i know of, is good for ~anything. 1556777;1476900224;mircea_popescu;absolutely tru. 1556778;1476900236;mircea_popescu;which is how, from my (unscientific, managerial) experience, notable breakthroughs happen 1556779;1476900252;mircea_popescu;when the "adults" have fucked a topic to death to no-one's benefit, and the kids finally get their hands on it. 1556780;1476900286;asciilifeform;i would dearly love to meet said 'kids'. 1556781;1476900292;mircea_popescu;as per http://trilema.com/2013/squares-do-morals-a-porno/#selection-517.0-519.243 1556782;1476900311;asciilifeform;right now doing crypto-anything is like walking on mars. desert, as far as the eye can see, not even cactus or fly. 1556783;1476900375;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556735 << mod6's been here since day 1 huh. 1556784;1476900375;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 14:31 mod6: <+mircea_popescu> Celebrated Nefario of GLBSE fame was an early adopter. << lol, remember 'Test' ? 1556785;1476900418;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556736 << the lulz of all time being the "price" and "market cap" as reported by you know, "Exchanges" where this shitstain "is traded" being CONSTANT in the interval. 1556786;1476900418;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 14:43 shinohai: < 24 hrs after hard fork to stop ETH attacks, another attack is ongoing and butterin suggest yet another fork will fix it: http://archive.is/3XcGG 1556787;1476900435;mircea_popescu;then idiots want to know if mpex is for real. not you know, if nyse & nasdaq are. 1556788;1476900443;mircea_popescu;i suppose because it's by now evident they aren't. 1556789;1476900515;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556741 << ahaha "fearing ONE DAY it might WEAKEN its control" ? bitch, you lost control, completely, years ago. get lost.\ 1556790;1476900515;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 15:06 asciilifeform: meanwhile, https://archive.is/XIExL 1556791;1476900623;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556744 << the problem of the socialist state is that as it hijacks terminology to try and get an unwilling society to implement its policy, the ACTUAL subjects of the terminology and the PRETENDED subjects of the terminology become disjunct. and so this constant apparent hypocrisy whereby they wish to see diametrically opposed reaction to the same label. 1556792;1476900623;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 15:10 trinque: bitcoin terrorists must be stopped; ISIS terrorists need moar benefits! 1556793;1476900630;mircea_popescu;"drugs are bad mkay take this ritalin" sorta thing. 1556794;1476900689;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556752 << not a bad theory. 1556795;1476900689;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 15:13 asciilifeform: being the only ~serious industrial country in europe unwrecked by ww2, and full of german sympathizers, it 'musted die' 1556796;1476900701;BingoBoingo; "drugs are bad mkay take this ritalin" sorta thing. << Why use the PC name and not call it Kid-amphetamine? 1556797;1476900724;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: iirc pharmacologically more cocainlike 1556798;1476900724;mircea_popescu;no idea. 1556799;1476900762;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo for that matter, why is it ok for union thug to brainwash 12 yo into idiocy which is called "schooling", but it is not ok for kiddy fucker to brainwash 12 yo into idiocy, which is called "grooming". 1556800;1476900797;mircea_popescu;it's ~just as stupid for the kid inquestion to imagine the state is good and paying taxes is not rape as it is for the same kid to imagine whoring is a future plan and so on. 1556801;1476900846;mircea_popescu;somehow i'm supposed to take umbrage to brothel-living tween who can't do basic math ; but i'm supposed to see no problem whatsoever with school-going tween who can't basic math. because reasons. 1556802;1476900857;mircea_popescu;as if i actually give a fuck how many dicks it can or does take. 1556803;1476900879;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Really splits the middle. More like amphetamine though because nearly all its activity is on dopamine and norepinephrine. 1556804;1476900932;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556766 << state its math part sometime. 1556805;1476900932;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 17:23 adlai: pairing is the main moon math behind mumblejumble. one of my secondary hopes in going to milan was to leave with some rough understanding of pairings, but it has yet to crystallize. 1556806;1476900940;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Because one has visible bleeding from the butt and the other has metaphysical butt bleeding. 1556807;1476900967;mircea_popescu;this is a myth, much exactly the same as "masturbation will make you blind". 1556808;1476900986;mircea_popescu;which, incidentally, used to be good state-science decades ago. 1556809;1476901020;mircea_popescu;nowadays the good state-science being, of course, "taking it in the ass and eating a lot of soy won't castrate you". 1556810;1476901039;mircea_popescu;bullshit idiots push to those clueless enough to eat it up. 1556811;1476901133;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/european-central-bank-publicly-leaks-knowledge-of-its-internal-bitcoin-panic/ << Qntra - European Central Bank Publicly Leaks Knowledge Of Its Internal Bitcoin Panic 1556812;1476901180;BingoBoingo;Oh, no I mean the physical butt bleeding happens at Union thug schools, because the wider world is merging with the world of James Lafond Presents Baltimore 1556813;1476901299;trinque;on that note, last week some mexican dude broke into my sister's neighbor's apt, raped chick inside, tried to kill her. noteworthy cuckland lul of it being that it was his second visit to the property in a month or so. 1556814;1476901391;asciilifeform;trinque: i thought texas was a 'empty kalash into breaking door' state..? 1556815;1476901420;trinque;texas has the misfortune of having jerbs for the past couple decades. 1556816;1476901424;trinque;all sorts of people moving here. 1556817;1476901456;trinque;californians have been colonizing Austin in particular 1556818;1476901474;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Requires a "True Texan"(TM)(R) who actually has kalash 1556819;1476901480;asciilifeform;and what, they are ghandians and don't believe in defending self ? 1556820;1476901523;trinque;don't ask me; I give shotgun shells to unwanted visitors like any gentleman. 1556821;1476901533;BingoBoingo;Californian? Yes! They believe in simply staying out of "Bad Neighborhoods" and tiny bottles of OC/CS. 1556822;1476901542;asciilifeform;lel 1556823;1476901567;trinque;!#s from:mircea_popescu mechanical bull 1556824;1476901568;a111;0 results for "from:mircea_popescu mechanical bull", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20mechanical%20bull 1556825;1476901596;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/l26Uw << custom regional lulz for mircea_popescu 1556826;1476901598;trinque;hm, that has a result, but wrong one 1556827;1476901601;trinque;!#s from:mircea_popescu mechanical bulls 1556828;1476901601;a111;0 results for "from:mircea_popescu mechanical bulls", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20mechanical%20bulls 1556829;1476901618;trinque;phf: ^ result count busted 1556830;1476903362;mircea_popescu;incidentally : it occurs to me we might be well advised to run an advertising campaign along the lines of "No University in the world can rival the Republic's own STEM research lab". 1556831;1476903376;mircea_popescu;would this be something teh foundation might consider sponsoring, ben_vulpes mod6 ? 1556832;1476903392;mircea_popescu;and any of the marketing minded fellows want to make the website ? 1556833;1476903435;mircea_popescu;trinque what do you mean second visit ? like he worked there befoar ? 1556834;1476903447;trinque;like he raped there befoar 1556835;1476903462;mircea_popescu;so they basically have an ongoing arrangement ? like they do in south africa ? 1556836;1476903534;trinque;yeah, seems like he's pretty comfortable coming back to that spot 1556837;1476904801;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: advertise where? 1556838;1476905012;BingoBoingo;University bathroom stalls? 1556839;1476905075;mircea_popescu;i have nfi. take out a banner in front of ucla ? 1556840;1476905087;mircea_popescu;put it on google ads / facebook ads / twitter ads, whatever the fuck. 1556841;1476905114;mircea_popescu;go on fiver and pay people to fill the uni campuses with fliers. 1556842;1476905181;*;mircea_popescu actyually did that last one for http://trilema.com/2013/the-gentlemen-prefer-coeds-club/ just had the article printed and affixed to walls. was pretty lulzy. 1556843;1476905321;mircea_popescu;it resulted in 0 press coverage, even from the derpy campus newspapers which evidently have nothing to report on (but hey, socialist butthurt) ; however it did produce ample fresh beaver supplies, which is what ads are for after all. 1556844;1476905350;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556829 << thanks for spotting that 1556845;1476905350;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 18:26 trinque: phf: ^ result count busted 1556846;1476905620;phf;which goes back to mp's very wise "don't mess with counts" 1556847;1476906369;phf;fa65e4c5ad0e5f7a94337910847bd10f7af10c74 1556848;1476906383;phf;!#s from:phf fa65e4c5ad0e5f7a94337910847bd10f7af10c74 1556849;1476906383;a111;2 results for "from:phf fa65e4c5ad0e5f7a94337910847bd10f7af10c74", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aphf%20fa65e4c5ad0e5f7a94337910847bd10f7af10c74 1556850;1476909159;mircea_popescu;i wrote some code to make the life of eulora players more confusing. i spent half hour writing it and one hour fighting fence errors. 1556851;1476909163;phf;!#s from:mircea_popescu mechanical bulls 1556852;1476909164;a111;1 result for "from:mircea_popescu mechanical bulls", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amircea_popescu%20mechanical%20bulls 1556853;1476909255;phf;i'm now explicitly removing query message from results, which i think produces most appropriate counts 1556854;1476909289;phf;!#s 3dbd372cbf1a3e320868e280d67a961bc07927da 1556855;1476909289;a111;0 results for "3dbd372cbf1a3e320868e280d67a961bc07927da", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=3dbd372cbf1a3e320868e280d67a961bc07927da 1556856;1476909341;mircea_popescu;in other "properly dressed sluts" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/1c96f67affad9787929e73c6cf27b36f/tumblr_oefajj3I2p1uen6aho1_400.gif 1556857;1476910732;BingoBoingo;Lafond goes West http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5478 1556858;1476914816;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/wargames/ << Trilema - Wargames 1556859;1476917396;*;BingoBoingo guesses Trilema review of "manhattan project" is next? 1556860;1476917488;shinohai;!!up gabriel_laddel 1556861;1476917489;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1556862;1476917497;gabriel_laddel;phf getting some linux boxen from which to host the #sane-clim / #masamune irc channel + logs either this friday or the next. Any chance you'll be releasing the logger at some point so that I don't have to write my own? 1556863;1476917698;phf;check your pm, but since that's a public question, i'll also answere here. i'm not going to go through work of releasing of logger in the immediate future, but i can dedicate some time to making sure logger can attach and track multiple channels, host masamune logs for you. this is aligned with a cleanup work that i was going to do, and i might as well do it next 1556864;1476917802;phf;logger right now is a big ball of mud that includes V, parts of bitcoin protocol, logger itself with xref, irc bot and a kitchen sink of entire lisp ecosystem :> 1556865;1476917844;shinohai;bit it worx and we love it 1556866;1476917861;trinque;gabriel_laddel: offended by postgresql? 1556867;1476917883;gabriel_laddel;trinque: nein. whatever you've got to do to use CLIM in the day-to-day is fine with me. 1556868;1476917907;trinque;gabriel_laddel: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ 1556869;1476917908;gabriel_laddel;you too see the end game, so I'm happy 1556870;1476917987;gabriel_laddel;Oh I see. ty downloading. 1556871;1476918024;trinque;and let me know when your IRC is up; I'll be joining. 1556872;1476918092;trinque;that said if phf is happy to run a logger for you, his own log-viewer is pretty damned fly 1556873;1476918103;trinque;my thing has no viewer written 1556874;1476918183;trinque;thread reference is going to be indispensible for digestion of the clim-wad 1556875;1476918383;phf;gabriel_laddel: have you explored clim2? i'm curious what state it's in. i want to at least try and spin it up on ACL to see how bit rotted it is, what it looks like, etc. i vaguely suspect it might be better clim baseline than mcclim 1556876;1476918450;gabriel_laddel;phf: It isn't, though it has implemented every form McCLIM is missing. 1556877;1476918479;gabriel_laddel;It has useful comments too, but the CFFI makes it a no-go for me. 1556878;1476918537;phf;oh it cffi's to gtk or somesuch? 1556879;1476918589;gabriel_laddel;I have nfi, just saw that they utilize a cffi at some point. I interviewed at franz and talked with them about it (this is why it was released?) -- they have no vision and I consider anything they touch to be tainted. 1556880;1476918615;gabriel_laddel;Franz Inc. implemented an entirely new CL GUI toolkit on top of windows and pay people to update it when windows updates. 1556881;1476918636;gabriel_laddel;This, when they already had a complete clim implementation. 1556882;1476918663;trinque;but windows is usg.approved 1556883;1476918691;trinque;gabriel_laddel: any idea how many client contracts they survive on? 1556884;1476918702;gabriel_laddel;trinque: see your previous message.. 1556885;1476918710;trinque;lol 1556886;1476918721;gabriel_laddel;yeeeah. 1556887;1476918774;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nah ima do the one where marisa tomei is a stripper next i think 1556888;1476918884;gabriel_laddel;http://paste.lisp.org/display/329035 < location of all missing McCLIM forms in the franz codebase if one gets bored. 1556889;1476918897;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel prolly best to have both your own logger and a 2nd backup. redundancy ftw. 1556890;1476918903;mircea_popescu;incidentally, what do you run, your own ircd or ? 1556891;1476918960;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: as a "client": kiwiirc on a bad connection, beirc if in the mood or default to emacs "host": nfi, never done it. 1556892;1476918987;phf;gabriel_laddel: franz have been living in frontline foxholes since before you knew what a computer was, i don't think masamune is there yet to judge their methods 1556893;1476918998;mircea_popescu;uh. i thought you measnt actually hosting the channel. 1556894;1476919024;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: I will be, but as of yet have not even googled for a guide on how to do so. 1556895;1476919027;mircea_popescu;phf he judged it for himself mind, not telling you what to do. 1556896;1476919057;gabriel_laddel;phf: what sort of company lives in foxholes for over 25 years?! 1556897;1476919166;mircea_popescu;and in the butthurt of all time, trump ahead in polls. o noes. 1556898;1476919228;phf;mircea_popescu: i'm not telling him what to do either; i sometimes rant alongside asciilifeform, but i don't actually think gabriel_laddel should be doing something differently. 1556899;1476919239;mircea_popescu;http://www.investors.com/politics/trump-leads-clinton-by-one-point-going-into-debate-in-ibdtipp-tracking-poll/ << first time since june 1556900;1476919283;trinque;kek 1556901;1476919317;asciilifeform;a weeee bit of book larnin' wouldn't kill'm 1556902;1476919319;mircea_popescu;NOBODY WINS THE WAR WITH THE PRESS!111 1556903;1476919325;asciilifeform;!!up gabriel_laddel 1556904;1476919325;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1556905;1476919341;mircea_popescu;trump ?! 1556906;1476919380;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel 1556907;1476919387;gabriel_laddel;ya? 1556908;1476919391;mircea_popescu;lol 1556909;1476919396;phf;hehehe 1556910;1476919414;phf;this is like the three stooges slapstik 1556911;1476919416;mircea_popescu;confusion begins here. 1556912;1476919455;gabriel_laddel;To answer my own question: living in a foxhole for 25 years turns you into a faggot who thinks oakland is "up and coming" 1556913;1476919476;mircea_popescu;depends dood. lenin lived in a swisshole for 30 years. 1556914;1476919506;asciilifeform;lieutenant onoda, 40! 1556915;1476919523;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lulz of all lulz is that well... not only jill stein is poisoning the clinton vote ; but so is johnson, some-fucking-how. 1556916;1476919546;mircea_popescu;apparently in a contest with a popular revolutionary, the best way to lose is to play establishment. everyone eats your vote. 1556917;1476919555;mircea_popescu;who could have fucken predicted. 1556918;1476919580;gabriel_laddel;The franz "foxhole" == writing parsers for whoever comes along and pays them to do so, failing to exploit the most obvious benefit of lisp, surrendering the whole competitive advantage. 1556919;1476919752;mircea_popescu;engineers are particularly prone to this idiocy. 1556920;1476919752;mircea_popescu;opengl owned the video market for a decade, did nothing with it so microshit could catch up. 1556921;1476919753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform check it out, lt onoda died recently. 1556922;1476920164;gabriel_laddel;Framedragger: have you managed to turn off the wifi on your x220 such that it won't re-enable when you toggle the hardware switch again? 1556923;1476920227;*;trinque knows a method that works every time 1556924;1476920230;trinque;involves a screwdriver 1556925;1476920281;*;gabriel_laddel cannot deliver this masamune machine until the wifi works and wtf am I missing here 1556926;1476920459;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on campus, http://67.media.tumblr.com/777061726100233f0e743ef98e796135/tumblr_oegbe60pFQ1u3425fo1_1280.png 1556927;1476920931;mircea_popescu;!!up AforA 1556928;1476920932;deedbot;AforA voiced for 30 minutes. 1556929;1476920987;AforA;I came here from loper OS. holy hell, wow. I've been wrecking my mind about something awfully similar for /months/ now and only now found this, good lord 1556930;1476921049;mircea_popescu;cheers. 1556931;1476921061;mircea_popescu;you've got what, 5 years or so of logs to go through now ? 1556932;1476921073;mircea_popescu;btw phf did you load the old archives yet ? 1556933;1476921235;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lol at lafond getting out of his ditch experiencing "real america". 1556934;1476921327;AforA;joined myself to IRC first, orienting now. ;) my thinking right now to deal with that amount of data is to shove the entire logs into infranodus.com, but that'll get reevaluate before; after I'm done reading the non-log part :) 1556935;1476921351;mircea_popescu;which is the non-log part ? 1556936;1476921387;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556935 1556937;1476921387;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: which is the non-log part ? 1556938;1476921400;mircea_popescu;meta! 1556939;1476921516;mircea_popescu;AforA i'd certainly give a look at the result of trying to shove the whole 100mb log into that graph thingee ; because even something relatively simple like say MY wot looks like http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/mircea_popescu/ 1556940;1476921565;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556921 << it is in the l0gz 1556941;1476921565;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 23:29 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform check it out, lt onoda died recently. 1556942;1476921577;mircea_popescu;somehow it hadn't registered 1556943;1476921593;asciilifeform;not, strangely, coming up in the search. 1556944;1476921601;mircea_popescu;and speaking of btcalpha - is someone gonna redo this plox ? 1556945;1476921631;AforA;"graph thingy", that's one hell of an understatement :D 1556946;1476921634;asciilifeform;!~seen mike_c 1556947;1476921634;jhvh1;asciilifeform: I have not seen mike_c. 1556948;1476921646;asciilifeform;never came up for air since the schism, eh 1556949;1476921659;mircea_popescu;nope, no answer to email, he's gone. 1556950;1476921669;mircea_popescu;a pity too because i really liked the graphing 1556951;1476921674;asciilifeform;never popped up on the kakotron either. 1556952;1476921691;mircea_popescu;i think he might just be overrun by irl. 1556953;1476921820;AforA;oh and where the hell are my manners: thanks for the voice, mircea_popescu :) 1556954;1476921830;mircea_popescu;sure. 1556955;1476921930;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> would this be something teh foundation might consider sponsoring, ben_vulpes mod6 ? << werd. we'll discuss and get back to you. o7 1556956;1476921965;mod6;fwiw, at face value, i like it. 1556957;1476922004;mod6;!~tslb 1556958;1476922006;jhvh1;mod6: Time since last block: 41 minutes and 23 seconds 1556959;1476922090;mircea_popescu;mod6 the main consideration there, strategically, would be that while foundation's conservative finances are certainly the path to victory, the absence of any and all expenditures is probably by now becoming a drag - why'd someone donate his tax dues when the coin is just going to sit ? he might as well donate it mentally and let it sit in his own pocket. sooner or later something will hafta be done, or else why bother. somet 1556960;1476922090;mircea_popescu;hing like this has the advantage that it's an entirely uninvesting expenditure (exact opposite of what the faux foundation did with its "hiring" of nsa asset gavin andresen), it commits the foundation to ~nothing and can be discontinued at any point. 1556961;1476922149;*;asciilifeform thought that the donations would print The B0000k 1556962;1476922162;mircea_popescu;well that also, but looks more like 2020. 1556963;1476922170;asciilifeform;where is my motherfuckingb00000k 1556964;1476922173;asciilifeform;lol 1556965;1476922176;mircea_popescu;it's good to be able to say you know, here, we have a track record of usefulness, trust us. 1556966;1476922202;mod6;mircea_popescu: a fair point. we have been pretty frugal. we have considered paying for a few things, but they never were fully baked. 1556967;1476922228;mod6;asciilifeform: heheh, i thought some guy was gonna print the book for you? 1556968;1476922229;mircea_popescu;anyway, for you two to discuss. 1556969;1476922244;asciilifeform;lulzily, i did end up printing it personally 1556970;1476922248;asciilifeform;on ordinary laser 1556971;1476922249;mod6;werd. 1556972;1476922258;asciilifeform;and then tearing out chunks of it as i nuked'em 1556973;1476922272;mod6;mircea_popescu: makes sense. we'll discuss. 1556974;1476922283;mircea_popescu;btw, speaking of mosul & more generally the us inept engagement in the empire's graveyard : anyone know the great story of the faqir of ipi ? 1556975;1476922490;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: After doing a bit of gardening this weekend, and the science thereof, I'm a bit disappointed in the all the "cool kids" who made fun of the "Horticulture Kids" 1556976;1476922636;AforA;read about the book...romanian? talk about synchronicity, I was just reading this guys work, and it seemed relevant to the point about domain invalidation from V: http://fs.gallup.unm.edu/florentinsmarandache.htm. hm. and as to answer your question mircea: the non-log part being absorbing the website. 1556977;1476922671;mircea_popescu;AforA what book is that ? 1556978;1476922719;AforA;Asylum - sorry for neglecting to mention that 1556979;1476922734;thestringpuller;!~seen shinohai 1556980;1476922734;jhvh1;thestringpuller: shinohai was last seen in #trilema 1 hour, 21 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: bit it worx and we love it 1556981;1476922783;mircea_popescu;asylum is in english though. 1556982;1476926918;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo lulz of all lulz is that well... not only jill stein is poisoning the clinton vote ; but so is johnson, some-fucking-how. << That's been on Qntra for months nao 1556983;1476926992;BingoBoingo; Framedragger: have you managed to turn off the wifi on your x220 such that it won't re-enable when you toggle the hardware switch again? << cut the antenna wires with a pair of Kleins or Dykes? 1556984;1476927084;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: It's because they are jealous they don't have an Agri-CULTURE to celebrate 1556985;1476934742;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/probable-aspect-of-peace-on-earth-arrested-while-the-notorious-quiet-and-tranquility-evades-capture/ << Qntra - Probable Aspect Of Peace On Earth Arrested While The Notorious Quiet And Tranquility Evades Capture 1556986;1476934756;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5468 1556987;1476934763;BingoBoingo;ty to shinohai for the lead 1556988;1476936482;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/19/is-so-unfair-cycle-2/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 2 1556989;1476937807;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo indeed. slowly percolating through my head :) 1556990;1476937916;BingoBoingo;Trump has hoardes, CLitler has "settlers" who can settle on other candidates. 1556991;1476937940;mircea_popescu;and in other afterparty news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/04467c1871a1103396d2ece8c0da251d/tumblr_nesv8r1BYD1tiy6qdo1_1280.jpg 1556992;1476938152;ben_vulpes;back up to 84 pete_dushenski 1556993;1476938159;ben_vulpes;i'm going to have to start collecting statistics. 1556994;1476941712;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556881 << i must point out, much as i have 0 luvvv for these folx, that this was a forced move. clim is ugly and dog-slow for what i suspect are fundamental reasons . 1556995;1476941712;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 23:10 gabriel_laddel: This, when they already had a complete clim implementation. 1556996;1476941733;asciilifeform;and probably not fixable w/out making iron. 1556997;1476941798;asciilifeform;(consider, why did they not simply clim-for-winblowz ??) 1556998;1476958624;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161019/#291 << tbh i didn't check. does it re-enable after hw switch is toggled? what distro/OS do you run? i could check how it is on my end on that machine (prolly tomorrow, not today) 1556999;1476958639;Framedragger;hmpf 1557000;1476958764;Framedragger;will check logs later. ridoinculous 1557001;1476958772;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161019/#291 ^ 1557002;1476958772;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-19: [23:36:04] Framedragger: have you managed to turn off the wifi on your x220 such that it won't re-enable when you toggle the hardware switch again? 1557003;1476958885;Framedragger;also iirc x220's come with either intel or realtek wifi adapters. mine is intel 1557004;1476966311;mircea_popescu;and in other "future britny spears" news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlU_wYK0YF4 1557005;1476966487;mircea_popescu;and here';s something for ben_vulpes specifically : http://www.kopana.net/september-15-2014/ 1557006;1476966515;diana_coman;ahaha: ",operator imagine : Mircea Popescu" 1557007;1476966717;mircea_popescu;aha. it's how it ended up in my flux. 1557008;1476972748;mod6;mornin' 1557009;1476972945;mircea_popescu;hola 1557010;1476973637;trinque;Framedragger: ah and here I thought he wanted the wifi to stay off! 1557011;1476974753;mircea_popescu;and in today's installement of "i am a jew and an idiot, hear my butt tearflow", https://archive.is/tJj1I 1557012;1476975407;trinque;was pretty entertaining when that mickey mouse hosting the show asked them why neither of them care about increasing the national debt. 1557013;1476976052;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/wL0Ev << in other lelz 1557014;1476976370;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1556998 << wtf is such a 'hardware' switch worth ?! 1557015;1476976370;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 10:17 Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161019/#291 << tbh i didn't check. does it re-enable after hw switch is toggled? what distro/OS do you run? i could check how it is on my end on that machine (prolly tomorrow, not today) 1557016;1476976370;scriba;Logged on 2016-10-19: [23:36:04] Framedragger: have you managed to turn off the wifi on your x220 such that it won't re-enable when you toggle the hardware switch again? 1557017;1476978654;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i don't know how it works internally in x220. if i wanted to make sure to not have wifi, i'd remove / physically disconnect the controller, of course.. 1557018;1476978841;asciilifeform;Framedragger: it is trivial to pull the card. my point is that there is an abundance of mysteriously softwaretronic 'hardware switches' for write-protect, radio-toggle, etc. 1557019;1476978871;Framedragger;asciilifeform: hey no disagreement there! 1557020;1476978891;Framedragger;tbh i wouldn't expect anything truly shady out of x220. i just didn't try any switches yet 1557021;1476978918;Framedragger;("truly shady" except for, you know, the whole shitty stack incl cpu, dma etc) 1557022;1476978933;asciilifeform;or the winblowz rootkit which still ships with the stock bios 1557023;1476978934;asciilifeform;etc 1557024;1476978957;Framedragger;the prime point of my conviction regarding shadiness comes from the fact that X220 has a legit hax0r backlight at top of monitor. 1557025;1476978968;Framedragger;asciilifeform: you mean uefi? yeah.. 1557026;1476978978;asciilifeform;no, ordinary rootkit 1557027;1476978982;Framedragger;oh, uh 1557028;1476978985;trinque;wtf is a legit hax0r backlight 1557029;1476979023;Framedragger;trinque: it's a small LED which shines down upon the most awesome thinkpad keyboard before lenovo ruined (fuck chiclet) 1557030;1476979097;Framedragger;asciilifeform: you don't mean anything in cpu microcode but rather in bios? plox to enlighten uneducated naive mind 1557031;1476979130;asciilifeform;!#s lenovo rootkit 1557032;1476979130;a111;1 result for "lenovo rootkit", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=lenovo%20rootkit 1557033;1476979135;trinque;presence of this backlight makes you think either of IBM or Lenovo wouldn't fuck you for their government masters? 1557034;1476979135;asciilifeform;!~google lenovo rootkit 1557035;1476979137;jhvh1;asciilifeform: Lenovo used shady ' rootkit ' tactic to quietly reinstall unwanted ...: ; Lenovo Caught Using Rootkit to Secretly Install Unremovable Software: ; Lenovo Statement on Lenovo Service Engine (LSE) BIOS | Lenovo ...: (1 more message) 1557036;1476979230;Framedragger;asciilifeform: heh. i think i recall. pity i didn't properly *read* about it. guess time to corebios the fuck out of that laptop anyway 1557037;1476979238;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/nnVrp << in other lulz, amerikanization!11111 1557038;1476979245;Framedragger;asciilifeform: oh no this is sth else - thanks! 1557039;1476979283;asciilifeform;^ argentina mandates diebold voting machine and proclaims that publication of flaws is punishable 1557040;1476979340;Framedragger;(still not sure if that rootkit is basically same as superfish. the latter is just in software as i take it; the former is a lenovo superduper software update solution which can download the latter(?) and resides in BIOS which is scary) 1557041;1476979397;asciilifeform;Framedragger: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?p=29497693&sid=82d9b8ff7442a8e58f779a08c0d06494#p29497693 1557042;1476979404;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/QFIFw ) 1557043;1476979412;asciilifeform;^ archive.is seems to break anchors 1557044;1476979431;Framedragger;"More worrisome part of the feature is that it injects software that updates drivers, firmware, and other pre-installed apps onto Windows machine – even if you wiped the system clean." LOL 1557045;1476979436;Framedragger;kthx 1557046;1476979550;Framedragger;"a file called "wpbbin.exe" was placed in C:\windows\system32 and executed. That turns out to be a method Microsoft introduced with Windows 8 to allow the BIOS to execute code on boot up (!?!) called "Windows Platform Binary Table (WPBT)"." gotta love M$ 1557047;1476979619;thestringpuller;!!s 150 1557048;1476979624;Framedragger;(and lenovo published their own 'Lenovo LSE Windows Disabler Tool'). [sorry i'm sure this is in the logz - i'm behind on stuff..] 1557049;1476979628;thestringpuller;!~s bip-150 1557050;1476979629;jhvh1;thestringpuller: Error: "s" is not a valid command. 1557051;1476979687;thestringpuller;power rangers version of gossipd like stuff? https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0150.mediawiki 1557052;1476979806;Framedragger;five back-and-forth messages, hmh. also "For privacy reasons, dropping the connection or aborting during the authentication process must not be allowed. " sounds stupid to me 1557053;1476979845;thestringpuller;unsurprising coming from the power rangers 1557054;1476979852;asciilifeform;'Acknowledgements: Gregory Maxwell and Pieter Wuille for most of the ideas in this BIP. Bryan Bishop for editing.' 1557055;1476979857;asciilifeform;bishop == kanzure 1557056;1476979886;asciilifeform;self-admitted usg hilfswillige. 1557057;1476979967;thestringpuller;"A Hiwi was a foreigner who volunteered to serve the Nazis." 1557058;1476979971;thestringpuller;TIL 1557059;1476979988;asciilifeform;!!rated kanzure 1557060;1476979988;deedbot;asciilifeform rated kanzure -1 at 2014/06/21 22:40:29 << minor-league quisling; inquire within 1557061;1476980006;*;thestringpuller inquires about rating 1557062;1476980020;asciilifeform;it is in recent l0gz iirc. 1557063;1476980036;asciilifeform;folks ask regularly, because the d00d is 'everywhere'. 1557064;1476980506;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-04#1552372 << so d00d works for Hitler? 1557065;1476980506;a111;Logged on 2016-10-04 02:17 asciilifeform: kid was cursed, at very young age, with being 'esr rich' 1557066;1476980543;asciilifeform;works, as far as i can tell, for the self-importance monkey riding on his back. 1557067;1476980567;asciilifeform;but possibly at this point also for bread. 1557068;1476980599;thestringpuller;hence why he types 20k word transcripts of lame meetings? 1557069;1476980632;asciilifeform;the sort of fella who wants to be, where 'it's at' by his dim lights. 1557070;1476980796;asciilifeform;y'know, folx like walter schellenberg, who joined ss simply because of the spiffy uniform and 'good career perspective' 1557071;1476980977;thestringpuller;albeit off topic. your WWII references genuinely used to make me think you were >70 y/o 1557072;1476980984;asciilifeform;lel 1557073;1476981635;Framedragger;trinque: here's a (very shitty) video of someone dem0nstrating said light https://youtu.be/WzfL3parOWM?t=12 1557074;1476981650;Framedragger;it's for the win. 1557075;1476981685;asciilifeform;i had several boxes with this lamp, imho it is monumentally useless. 1557076;1476981700;asciilifeform;why the fuck do you even need to see the keys. 1557077;1476981724;asciilifeform;.. 'hunt and peck' typing ?? 1557078;1476981735;Framedragger;i actually like to have a sticky note near palm to scribble upon. in the dark 1557079;1476981784;Framedragger;i too learned to type in was it 3rd grade :p but the light is aw3some. seriously tho, yeah it's not powerful at all 1557080;1476981796;asciilifeform;i prefer working in a lit room 1557081;1476981805;asciilifeform;(better yet, in the daytime) 1557082;1476981885;Framedragger;but then how can you hax0r. 1557083;1476981885;Framedragger;(i'm in an energetic mood today, teenage mode = collateral damage) 1557084;1476981971;thestringpuller;you have a teenager? 1557085;1476982026;Framedragger;thestringpuller: no not in the sense that you mean.. 1557086;1476982029;Framedragger;in unrelated news/queries, game audio has deteriorated in the last 10 years. used to be proper 3d positional audio. am trying to build a shitty 2d top-down thingie with proper HRTF etc for audio, don't suppose anyone has any recommendations? if worx on linux, enough in principle. linux + osx + windows = ideal 1557087;1476982065;Framedragger;(mandatory 'fuck creative labs and fuck microsoft for pulling back on soundcard APIs) 1557088;1476982123;thestringpuller;what are you using? 1557089;1476982125;thestringpuller;sdl? 1557090;1476982225;Framedragger;thestringpuller: pyglet for prototyping (yes yes python & graphics wtf), later - i do not know, i considered unity for prototyping, too (fat thing, that, yes). for ease of sake, very likely sdl for graphics and events, but not set. 1557091;1476982249;thestringpuller;ah 1557092;1476982261;thestringpuller;SDL with OpenAL is probably better suited, but more code writing. 1557093;1476982264;Framedragger;unity hsa this oculus audio sdk which does HRTF and everything, but no occlusion. openal-soft does the latter as well as HRTF 1557094;1476982274;Framedragger;thestringpuller: yeah fair enough 1557095;1476982333;Framedragger;the -soft fork of openal seems very decent enough. i was hoping for something high/lazy-level for graphics so i don't have to deal too much with it (it'd be just 2d shapes anyway, no textures etc, super simplistic), and lower-level for audio so i can mess around with it. openal-soft as of now best contender 1557096;1476982342;Framedragger;but man is audio a mess. so much middleware and layers 1557097;1476982343;thestringpuller;i think with openal (iirc) you can drop sound to emit from a location like a light source on 3d map 1557098;1476982358;thestringpuller;people used to love they could use the coords from OpenGL with OpenAL 1557099;1476982461;thestringpuller;oh wow this shit still exist. I did this tutorial in high school circa 2003/2004: http://www.gamedev.net/page/resources/_/technical/game-programming/programming-3d-sound-with-openal-in-windows-r1958 << its for windows but I think you can translate to linux p. easily 1557100;1476982592;thestringpuller;Framedragger: yea its something like: alSource3f(alSource,AL_POSITION, xposition, yposition, zposition); 1557101;1476982607;Framedragger;(was afk.) (i guess it's unavoidable to a point because e.g. you need to somehow pass down complex scene info (not only sources and listeners but also obstacles for occlusion/reverb) into a low-level api) 1557102;1476982647;thestringpuller;I mean you don't have to use opengl for graphics just use openal's coordinate system on top of SDL 1557103;1476982704;Framedragger;thestringpuller: yeah you're totally right and i really like the api - it's nice! it does seem that to make sure everything incl hrtf works on a person's PC it needs to be installed to system dirs and then linked dynamically as folks had problems with static linking; and apparently for windows the 'proper' way to do it is to first install creative's openal version, and *then* install openal-soft on top 1557104;1476982721;Framedragger;which is something i'd like to avoid; but if i can't - then i guess it's still the best thing available 1557105;1476982727;Framedragger;yeah 1557106;1476982855;Framedragger;(in one of his talks karmack did complain that (something like) "it's still ridiculous that i can send a packet to another continent than i can send a click to my sound card!" - basically, multiple middlware layers are involved and it's a bit.. stinky. but at least one can stick to a good API and reduce the headache..) 1557107;1476982898;Framedragger;^ send a packet *faster* 1557108;1476982926;asciilifeform;Framedragger: 'software mixers' are an evil. 1557109;1476983001;Framedragger;asciilifeform: asciilifeform: but if you want 3d soundspace with coordinates of sounds etc? 1557110;1476983005;asciilifeform;(audio buffers are also an idiocy, but it is a forced mistake, it comes from trying to do real-time operations on a multiprocess os full of shit) 1557111;1476983006;Framedragger;i guess that's not "mixing" 1557112;1476983041;asciilifeform;the 'msdos way' to do audio was the sane way - 'what i write to this-here-address comes out the DAC immediately.' 1557113;1476983061;Framedragger;yeah, linux audio folks have these suggestions to "run everything on a realtime kernel", which is probably akin to pouring a bit of water (which may or may not be mixed with gasoline) on a large fire. 1557114;1476983069;Framedragger;sure. 1557115;1476983077;Framedragger;i'd really like that 1557116;1476983100;asciilifeform;ever try to use a linux (or winblowz) box for cnc machining via naive 'parallel port to stepper motor' plug ? 1557117;1476983104;asciilifeform;you get soup. 1557118;1476983106;asciilifeform;because multiprocess. 1557119;1476983142;asciilifeform;worse yet if on a laptop, which has smm 1557120;1476983144;Framedragger;i can imagine. i mean.. laggy audio on 2ghz cpu because multiprocess OS 1557121;1476983158;asciilifeform;(and then you get interrupts serviced even under msdos with interrupt flag off) 1557122;1476983177;Framedragger;heh! 1557123;1476983246;Framedragger;s/karmack/carmack/ ^ 1557124;1476983456;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: the ms-dos way is used on the gameboy 1557125;1476983466;thestringpuller;DMA to this address and out comes sound 1557126;1476983481;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: and on every sane piece of single-purpose hardware ever made. 1557127;1476983482;thestringpuller;writing a program for it felt a lot liek telling the computer to play a tape... 1557128;1476986541;trinque;Framedragger: I had old school thinkpads; I was mocking your implication that it meant anything about whether the hardware was diddled 1557129;1476986719;trinque;looking back over recent history, maybe a guy asks himself why the government stopped pushing the clipper chip. 1557130;1476986755;*;trinque does not know how old Framedragger is 1557131;1476987139;BingoBoingo;re: lights >> http://www.27bslash6.com/halogen.html 1557132;1476987345;asciilifeform;in other vintage lulz, https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/09/surreptitiously.html#c1746484 << 'little birds' tell me that this actually happened. but no proof. anyone got electron microscope and too much free time ? 1557133;1476988408;asciilifeform;http://blog.jim.com << in quite other lulz. 1557134;1476988501;asciilifeform;'As you know “the international community” is denouncing Russia’s use of bunker buster bombs as a war crime. There is a rebel video on you tube examining the hole made by a bunker buster. Looks like the bomb blast went through two meters of concrete to blow up inside a bunker. Somehow I doubt that you will find all that many civilians under two meters of concrete inside a bunker. But I rather suspect you might find a few memb 1557135;1476988501;asciilifeform;ers of “the international community” in there.' 1557136;1476988502;asciilifeform;etc. 1557137;1476988577;asciilifeform;http://blog.jim.com/uncategorized/nitrocellulose-illegalized << also of interest. 1557138;1476988590;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ (belated) qntra ? 1557139;1476988639;BingoBoingo;Sure 1557140;1476989255;asciilifeform;http://blog.jim.com/war/now-four-sovereign-nations << re turks. 1557141;1476989665;asciilifeform;many lulz. (e.g., http://blog.jim.com/war/on-successful-revolution ) 1557142;1476990334;asciilifeform;http://blog.jim.com/science/technological-decay-2 << aerial combat etc. 1557143;1476990669;mircea_popescu;lol electrospaces.blogspot mmkay 1557144;1476990681;asciilifeform;very mixed bag, this d00d. 1557145;1476990689;asciilifeform;but not wholly a snore, which is rare. 1557146;1476990984;trinque;where does he define this Cathedral thing 1557147;1476990999;asciilifeform;trinque: it's a moldbugism 1557148;1476991027;mircea_popescu;no it's not. 1557149;1476991040;mircea_popescu;"the cathedral and the bazaar", google it. 1557150;1476991049;asciilifeform;this is coincidental 1557151;1476991071;asciilifeform;mr mold was quite specific about which 'cathedral', 0 to do with esr's. 1557152;1476991078;mircea_popescu;not in the slightest. i daresay there is not one thing that originates with the curtis yarvin fellow. 1557153;1476991078;trinque;I'm aware of the latter 1557154;1476991095;mircea_popescu;what he does is the very americansky "i buy old books and rewrite them in my own hand, nobody'd ever know" 1557155;1476991126;asciilifeform;this, he did not try to hide. but his 'cathedral' is american (and, post-1945, 'internashiinnal komyooniti') academia/press. 1557156;1476991143;mircea_popescu;the difference from the other one being specifically that ? 1557157;1476991156;asciilifeform;iirc esr's referred to microshit 1557158;1476991167;mircea_popescu;ie, academia/press 1557159;1476991255;mircea_popescu;the whole "this is how the matriarchy does it, this is how it should be done - because the matriarchy in all times and places is so much frozen shit" is not liable to change over time. 1557160;1476991296;asciilifeform;imho it is useful to distinguish pickpocket from rustler, even if both are hanged with the same type of rope on the same tree on same day etc. 1557161;1476991313;mircea_popescu;but do distinguish. 1557162;1476991324;mircea_popescu;so how is microsoft different from democratic party supercap ? 1557163;1476991349;mircea_popescu;physically the same people, ideologically the same agenda, financially the exact same "money", wherein lies the distinguishing ? 1557164;1476991349;asciilifeform;esr's 'cathedral' is an imbecilic indictment of führerprinzip ; 1557165;1476991356;asciilifeform;mr mold's - of demooocracy. 1557166;1476991358;mircea_popescu;not in my read 1557167;1476991403;asciilifeform;if we're dabbling in telepsychiatry, then the subject is what the patient hallucinated, rather than the actual objects that were in front of him at the time. 1557168;1476991417;asciilifeform;esr hallucinated 'microshit is evil because monarchic' 1557169;1476991431;mircea_popescu;well i dunno about that. the point being, if two works purport to describe items that can not be distinguished, it then stands that the two works are about the same thing. 1557170;1476991450;asciilifeform;they describe the author's hallucinations, which are not difficult to distinguish. 1557171;1476991457;mircea_popescu;this is how metaphysics, or christianity, etc even became subjects in the first place 1557172;1476991458;asciilifeform;the actualities - correct, are quite similar, to sane eye. 1557173;1476991469;mircea_popescu;there is absolutely nothing but this to glue together eg t aquinas and jonas the prophet 1557174;1476991507;mircea_popescu;(and for bonus lulz - according to THEMSELVES, the pashtun are jews. unlike the people you and i know as jews, who are idiots, the good jews from afghanistan heard of the last prophet and sent envoys to muhammad.) 1557175;1476991609;mircea_popescu;and since it's been mentioned, let it be said i'm rather suspicious of this fuhrerprinzip business also. nazis WERE socialists, by their own lights, and the fact that they desired a matriarchy stylistically irreconcilable with the matriarchy in power in england does not make them men, or respectable. 1557176;1476991635;asciilifeform;that cargo cultists build 'airplane', does not show that airplane is a scam. 1557177;1476991641;mircea_popescu;sure. 1557178;1476991689;asciilifeform;'tischgespräche im führerhauptquartier' and other sources strongly suggest that ~their~ airplane - was of straw. 1557179;1476991714;asciilifeform;or at least of very dubious cardboard. 1557180;1476991733;mircea_popescu;and since we're on it, let's define terms. matriarchy - an arrangement built among the worst in society, who are weak, inconsequential, ambitious and envious. they tend to spend a lot of time gossiping - which is speech without purpose - and dedicate themselves to a very pedestrian sort of magico-technology, aiming to protect, their worthless flesh as well as their miserable progeny. this necessarily decays into a quest for c 1557181;1476991733;mircea_popescu;onvenience, which is no sort of hedonism. 1557182;1476991778;mircea_popescu;meanwhile patriarchy is an arrangement among the best in society, who are strong, inconsequential, and careless. they tend to spend a lot of time doing, which is purpose without speech, and dedicate themselves to raping the women and tearing down anything taller than themselves. 1557183;1476991784;asciilifeform;afaik we all here went to kindergarten, read of herr nietzsche's slave morality, etc.. 1557184;1476991804;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sometimes i suspect you might have been the only one at your kindergarten :) 1557185;1476991823;asciilifeform;lel 1557186;1476991847;asciilifeform;http://blog.jim.com/crypto/against-urbit << poor heathens dance around the elephant 1557187;1476991878;asciilifeform;http://blog.jim.com/crypto/against-urbit/#comment-1241097 << handful of folx - get it. 1557188;1476991939;asciilifeform;( apparently mr mold was ordered by handlers to counter-attack, http://urbit.org/posts/objections ) 1557189;1476991965;mircea_popescu;anyway. that the matriarchy always builds some sort of reddit, which is to say the female hujra, pointless-blather-house is much of a historical necessity ; much like how the matriarchy's annoyance at ~what trump represents~ necessarily expressed itself in terms of fantastic "rape". 1557190;1476991982;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, if they have a controversy it means they exist rite ? 1557191;1476991989;asciilifeform;the sop algo, aha. 1557192;1476992063;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557039 << this was a major point of contention during previous elections. guy published (ridiculous, web based xss) flaw in their voting thing, everyone threw a hissy fit 1557193;1476992063;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 16:01 asciilifeform: ^ argentina mandates diebold voting machine and proclaims that publication of flaws is punishable 1557194;1476992099;asciilifeform;i can picture some schmuck in casa rosada going, roughly, 'догоним и перегоним америку !' 1557195;1476992144;asciilifeform;i wonder, did they actually import american hardware, or contracted to have own, 'industria argentina' dieboldtrons birthed ? 1557196;1476992179;mircea_popescu;the schmuck in casa rosada is very much a dmitry ovsyannikov. 1557197;1476992298;asciilifeform;'TLDR: all of computing is a hoax. You can't compare a hoax to nothing. You can only compare it to all the other hoaxes.' 1557198;1476992301;asciilifeform;wat. 1557199;1476992359;deedbot;http://thewhet.net/2016/the-best-things-in-eulora-are-grimy/ << The Whet - The Best Things in Eulora are Grimy 1557200;1476992378;asciilifeform;'Urbit is a total scamcoin. It's 100% premined TLDR: yeah. But at least it's not the DAO.' 1557201;1476992453;mircea_popescu;the department of "here's words, they don't mean anything" 1557202;1476992500;asciilifeform;eh back to the pickpockets; there is a difference between crackpot and charlatan. 1557203;1476992531;mircea_popescu;there is a difference if and only if the difference can be shown. 1557204;1476992559;trinque;what does what he believes in "his true self" matter? 1557205;1476992563;trinque;is the timecube guy not lying? 1557206;1476992605;asciilifeform;0 to do with 'inner selves' 1557207;1476992619;asciilifeform;but with the physical props of the chumpatron. 1557208;1476992649;mircea_popescu;how do you aim to extract difference between crackpot and charlatan from examination of physical reality ? 1557209;1476992659;asciilifeform;charlatan leaves behind corpses. 1557210;1476992663;mircea_popescu;i am very much interested in this method, because i guess it could be extended to distinguish malicious from stupid slavegirls 1557211;1476992676;mircea_popescu;ex post facto ? that's not much of a distinction. 1557212;1476992745;asciilifeform;it isn't an earth-shakingly useful distinction, except in situations where you have a finite length of rope and gotta decide who goes first. 1557213;1476993194;asciilifeform;in re thread from coupla days ago, i was somewhat surprised to discover that a recent homomorphatron scam, 'cryptoleq', is now promoted in a buncha places, incl. pediwikia, ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_instruction_set_computer#Cryptoleq and probably elsewhere ) . 1557214;1476993214;asciilifeform;based on the most obvious scheme, that i toyed with as a student, paillier (see oooooold l0gz) 1557215;1476993228;asciilifeform;problem is that paillier dun multiply. or turingate at all. 1557216;1476993235;asciilifeform;now guess how author 'solves.' 1557217;1476993258;asciilifeform;(i was only able to see 'solution' from the shithub code, the paper is everywhere paywalled. and this somehow passes as a 'source' for pediwik et al..) 1557218;1476993274;mircea_popescu;does it add ? 1557219;1476993308;asciilifeform;nah, it 'solves' the same way all of the imbeciles in darpa's homomorphotron pig trough 'solved.' 1557220;1476993312;asciilifeform;by plain making shit up. 1557221;1476993328;asciilifeform;'this multiplies, based on this-here conjecture, we suspect it to be strong...' 1557222;1476993329;mircea_popescu;but does paillier add ? 1557223;1476993336;asciilifeform;and the branches take place 'in plaintext'. 1557224;1476993359;asciilifeform;(which is to say, are actual branches, visible to the naked eye, based on the outcome of the magic box) 1557225;1476993372;asciilifeform;paillier adds, that's all it does. 1557226;1476993375;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557132 << guess why "whitening" is so important for the imperials. 1557227;1476993375;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 18:15 asciilifeform: in other vintage lulz, https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/09/surreptitiously.html#c1746484 << 'little birds' tell me that this actually happened. but no proof. anyone got electron microscope and too much free time ? 1557228;1476993382;asciilifeform;noshit. 1557229;1476993388;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you could construct a multiply ints function out of add ints 1557230;1476993394;mircea_popescu;then you could construct all other math from this 1557231;1476993400;mircea_popescu;after all algebra is constructive. 1557232;1476993401;asciilifeform;except you need a crypto-branch. 1557233;1476993406;asciilifeform;and if you had one, you'd be done. 1557234;1476993419;mircea_popescu;explain this to me ? 1557235;1476993499;asciilifeform;homomorphic-under-addition just means that you can take C1, C2, encrypted ints P1, P2, and get C3, encrypted sum, that decrypts later to the correct sum of P1+P2 1557236;1476993510;mircea_popescu;right. 1557237;1476993529;asciilifeform;you cannot turingate with this, alone. 1557238;1476993550;mircea_popescu;if my job is to obtain C1 * C2 I will chain it : ask A to produce P1 + P1 ; ask B to add P1 to his result. ask C to add P1 to that result and so on. 1557239;1476993556;asciilifeform;instead, you would need something like F(C1, C2, C3) == P3 + max(P1, P2). 1557240;1476993562;asciilifeform;this does not exist. 1557241;1476993568;asciilifeform;and quite likely cannot exist. 1557242;1476993570;mircea_popescu;what's the problem though ? 1557243;1476993592;asciilifeform;make me a branch. 1557244;1476993598;asciilifeform;you gotta have a branch. 1557245;1476993646;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what you're on about. again : i want to multiply C1 by C2. I fire up the UCI, i ask C2 processes to add C1 to the result of the previous process adding C1 to the result of the... 1557246;1476993687;asciilifeform;~how many times~ to 'add C1' ?? 1557247;1476993693;mircea_popescu;C2 1557248;1476993704;asciilifeform;this dun work with paillier. or any other known scheme. 1557249;1476993709;mircea_popescu;... 1557250;1476993722;mircea_popescu;are you actually reading what i say or should i just stop ? 1557251;1476993745;asciilifeform;read. several times. 1557252;1476993768;mircea_popescu;let's try once more. so, I want to multiply 3 by 3. suppose the encrypted form of 3 is fgh. 1557253;1476993777;mircea_popescu;i ask you to add fgh to fgh. you come back with qwe 1557254;1476993783;mircea_popescu;i ask trinque to add fgh to qwe 1557255;1476993785;mircea_popescu;he reports tty 1557256;1476993801;mircea_popescu;i decrypt tty and have my 9. 1557257;1476993806;asciilifeform;this is a card trick, not crypto. 1557258;1476993811;mircea_popescu;because ? 1557259;1476993824;asciilifeform;if you're locked in a room with'em, and see all of the steps, they know the 3. 1557260;1476993833;mircea_popescu;don't CALL THINGS THINGS. show. don't tell. this isn't bad fanfic hour. 1557261;1476993843;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1557262;1476993846;asciilifeform;well they know that there were 3 additions. 1557263;1476993857;mircea_popescu;maybe i ask a bunch of decoys 1557264;1476993900;mircea_popescu;in other words : paillier in UCI over gossipd seems capable of bignum. 1557265;1476993926;asciilifeform;this is rather like the 'send the new key and signature in one shot' thread. crypto that dun work if the enemy watches both of your hands, ain't crypto. 1557266;1476993929;asciilifeform;promise, not protocol. 1557267;1476993937;mircea_popescu;how is it like ? 1557268;1476994011;asciilifeform;would you still think that rsa were strong, if it sufficed to, say, collect 90% of the ciphertext that's left your house, to derive the privkey ? 1557269;1476994045;mircea_popescu;this is a very abstruse spoke off an interesting discussion. i dun really want to follow it. can we get back to the point ? 1557270;1476994082;asciilifeform;aite. (i dun even dispute that a scheme where multiple parties are used for obfuscatory/smoke purposes ~can be useful~ - but it is not crypto in the normal sense. stego, perhaps.) 1557271;1476994096;mircea_popescu;the scheme presented isn't in any sense what you describe. 1557272;1476994132;asciilifeform;how not ? if i know that you delegated a total of 3 ops, i know that your multiplicand is <= 3. 1557273;1476994158;asciilifeform;(and we still have not arrived at the question of how to branch) 1557274;1476994171;mircea_popescu;but you can't know that i'm multiplying 1557275;1476994196;asciilifeform;it isn't that i can say, with 100% certainty, that you multiplied; it is that i have != 0 bits of info re what you might be doing. 1557276;1476994198;asciilifeform;this is a problem. 1557277;1476994213;mircea_popescu;this is an illusion. 1557278;1476994223;mircea_popescu;you present to yourself that you do, because you wish to. but in practice, you do not. 1557279;1476994274;mircea_popescu;from the fact that A asks B to p-add P1 and P1 you can not distinguish whether P1 is being multiplied or added. that you can't distinguish between these two means you have 0 bits, not > 0 bits. 1557280;1476994320;asciilifeform;if you know the total set of A-asked-B, you can put bounds on what was done. 1557281;1476994330;mircea_popescu;except you can never know that total set. 1557282;1476994361;mircea_popescu;this is a stronger guarantee than what rsa offers, incidentally. 1557283;1476994382;asciilifeform;it is no guarantee of any kind. 1557284;1476994389;asciilifeform;(neither has, of course, rsa.) 1557285;1476994421;asciilifeform;crypto that dun work inside a 100% surrounded castle is not crypto. 1557286;1476994424;mircea_popescu;it is. in order for you to get the whole set you must a) break rsa keys as numerous as the whole set and b) magically intercept all communications, even those happening outside of any set that includes you. 1557287;1476994447;mircea_popescu;so its strength really is n*rsa + x 1557288;1476994559;asciilifeform;this gedankenexperiment strikes me as quite similar to the one where you 'defeat' 2nd law of thermo. by dumping heat into a black hole, and similar. 1557289;1476994578;mircea_popescu;i dun follow ? 1557290;1476994631;mircea_popescu;http://blog.jim.com/culture/why-women-get-tattooed/#comments << in other news, holy shit check out the ream of experts in women. 1557291;1476994640;asciilifeform;scheme that relies on a and b, in besieged castle, to communicate with a non-besieged C, is not crypto. 1557292;1476994693;asciilifeform;let's temporarily leave this part for later, and posit that mircea_popescu can both add and multiply homomorphically, via whatever means. i'd like to hear how he carries out the branching. 1557293;1476994706;phf;"The teleology of this phenomena should probably begin with the first modern group of women to get tattoos [...]" 1557294;1476994715;trinque;mircea_popescu is afaik proposing the communication of these is encrypted; asciilifeform is seeing them transmitted in teh bare 1557295;1476994724;mircea_popescu;i'm not interested in the branching, will be happy to have a bignum machine that's securely separable via uci. 1557296;1476994739;trinque;if not I don't see how alf says every single comm between all peers gets intercepted readably 1557297;1476994774;mircea_popescu;trinque he has a serious issue with things that i don't yet fully grok, but i can not presently distinguish from this irrational meltdown and the irrational meltdown on the gossipd spec. 1557298;1476994790;mircea_popescu;for all i know the guy has a point ; but we've not to date managed to put it in terms i can read. 1557299;1476994802;asciilifeform;i would rather leave it as exercise to the patient reader, mircea_popescu et al, than press it 1557300;1476994808;asciilifeform;either it will make sense - or not 1557301;1476994818;asciilifeform;'chewing scenery' - will not help. 1557302;1476994829;trinque;this metaphor fart fog is ridicuous 1557303;1476994831;mircea_popescu;anyway - we shall never again find ourselves "in a closed castle". 1557304;1476994851;mircea_popescu;this is a fundamental strategical choice, and it is not getting reviewed. which is why there isn't a geographical republic. 1557305;1476994870;asciilifeform;can't speak for other folx, but i personally sit in a kettle. 1557306;1476994887;mircea_popescu;this has no bearing. it was "all" not "one" 1557307;1476994895;mircea_popescu;every one is always going to be representable as "in a kettle". 1557308;1476994911;asciilifeform;how does this not reduce to 'all in a kettle'..? 1557309;1476994916;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-19#1556932 << i started chipping at the code to get the old log support working, probably a couple of days worth of work 1557310;1476994916;a111;Logged on 2016-10-19 23:51 mircea_popescu: btw phf did you load the old archives yet ? 1557311;1476994931;mircea_popescu;alrighty. 1557312;1476994949;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if one "reduced" to all then set theory would be a funny place indeed. 1557313;1476995034;mircea_popescu;incidentally, was this jim fellow ever invited over ? 1557314;1476995043;asciilifeform;i only today dug him up... 1557315;1476995054;mircea_popescu;ima leave him a comment 1557316;1476995063;asciilifeform;good idea. 1557317;1476995084;asciilifeform;btw i've been trying to come up with useful scheme standing on paillier, for >decade now, and if mircea_popescu writes one, i promise to read it. 1557318;1476995135;mircea_popescu;i jus' did, and best i can see it is sufficient, and how we'll do stuff like rsa encryption/decryption over uci once gossipd is here. 1557319;1476995172;asciilifeform;if it relies on my being able to send packet from my house without it being immediately logged, some fraction of the time, then i personally cannot much profit from the scheme. 1557320;1476995196;asciilifeform;(and if i could! wouldn't need crypto at all. just shamir's secret-splitting algo...) 1557321;1476995315;asciilifeform;other, unrelated observation, is that delegating computation with a homomorphotron is only +ev if you spend fewer cycles to encipher 'the question' and decipher 'the answer' than it would have taken you to carry out the entire computation in your own comp 1557322;1476995322;asciilifeform;which is you you need the branch 1557323;1476995327;trinque;hm, perhaps the problem is one is thinking of completely untrustworthy flat topography of grey-goo nodes, and the other, in-wot nodes? 1557324;1476995359;asciilifeform;if i have to do 6 bignum mults myself, to ask my partner to homomorphicate 1 bignum mult, i am losing. 1557325;1476995397;mircea_popescu;well, here's some lulz http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/vdlxv/?raw=true 1557326;1476995401;mircea_popescu;anyway, comment sent. 1557327;1476995403;asciilifeform;'the game', in that case, 'isn't worth the candles' 1557328;1476995413;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform packet may be logged, this dun matter. 1557329;1476995425;asciilifeform;wow, d00d nuked comments entirely?! 1557330;1476995433;mircea_popescu;notrly. just can't handle html. 1557331;1476995450;asciilifeform;prolly the usual overcompensation for spamolade. 1557332;1476995451;mircea_popescu;i think he'd greatly benefit from mp-wp, but anyway 1557333;1476995684;asciilifeform;(this might be in the l0gz, but asciilifeform's own private, abortive, and ~entirely pointless attempt to 'invent bitcoin' in 2005-6 involved 'homomorphotron' (did not at the time know the term, or of anyone else's work on subj) that simulates 'martian bank' as ordinary computer program but somehow executed 'crypto-blinded' by multitude of independent machines, with the aggregate behaving correctly so long as collusion is below lampo 1557334;1476995684;asciilifeform;rt's threshold) 1557335;1476995871;asciilifeform;('martian bank' being simply a naive abstraction of 'idealizes swiss bank', where money supply is constant, and i can send from account a1 can send to a2 if and only if i have the privkey for a1, and double-spend - impossible, etc.) 1557336;1476995876;asciilifeform;*idealized 1557337;1476995888;mircea_popescu;anyway. the main problem with the algo described being that if i want to multiply 2^2^7-1 with 2^2^11-1 i'm stuck requesting 340282366920938463463374607431768211455 discrete additions, which isn't worth doing in any possible universe. 1557338;1476995899;mircea_popescu;but these have ~nothing to do with the weird objections raised. 1557339;1476995905;asciilifeform;nah, this one is fixable 1557340;1476995911;mircea_popescu;maybe fixable 1557341;1476995914;asciilifeform;you shift-add. 1557342;1476995918;asciilifeform;how do you imagine your cpu mults. 1557343;1476995924;mircea_popescu;yes but even then 1557344;1476995937;mircea_popescu;it could in principle end up too much back and forth. 1557345;1476995949;asciilifeform;you only need log2(N) additions, to mult. 1557346;1476995983;mircea_popescu;sure. log2(340282366920938463463374607431768211455) = 128. which may still be too much 1557347;1476996004;asciilifeform;out of curiosity, why too much 1557348;1476996013;asciilifeform;'how many bugs shall we tolerate!?' 'seven!' 1557349;1476996032;mircea_popescu;the overhead is : i encrypt 1 number, and communicate 127 numbers to 127 people then their responses to 127 people. 1557350;1476996073;asciilifeform;this - gets painful, quickly. 1557351;1476996135;*;asciilifeform bbl - meat 1557352;1476996165;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1557353;1477003798;asciilifeform;unrelated to any of this, i recently went on a dig re crackpot altcoins, and was again disappointed, much of the phase space was never explored. for instance, it does not appear that anyone ever tried a 'captain kidd' alt 1557354;1477003853;asciilifeform;i.e. one where all of the coin is premined, but allocated into 'chests', published as privkeys enciphered in such a way as to be bruteforceable with reasonable effort 1557355;1477003861;asciilifeform;possibly this is analogous to eulora's 'copper' ? 1557356;1477003882;asciilifeform;(i am almost wholly ignorant of how the latter mechanically works - so possibly not) 1557357;1477003986;asciilifeform;the cryptographic mega-puzzler would be re how 'ck coin' could be 'provably fair' (i.e. the ciphertexts provably represent privkeys containing the entire monetary base, in aggregate ) 1557358;1477004011;asciilifeform;as i see it , this is not satisfactorily solvable, the author cannot prove that he did not retain a crib sheet to the keyz. 1557359;1477004031;asciilifeform;(and incidentally this is a problem shared with bitcoin, which may conceivably have been authored by someone with a pill for sha2.) 1557360;1477004916;asciilifeform;in very other lulz, https://archive.is/n7lSx 1557361;1477004939;asciilifeform;^ linux privesc since 2.6.22 (circa '07) 1557362;1477005615;thestringpuller;http://people.csail.mit.edu/rivest/RivestShamirWagner-timelock.pdf << is what I read back in 2012 on timelock puzzles 1557363;1477005638;asciilifeform;the basic concept is at least as old as ol' capt. kidd. 1557364;1477005647;asciilifeform;so no one should be excited. 1557365;1477005697;thestringpuller;well the paper is from 1996, it was just intriguing how familiar to PoW it was 1557366;1477005763;asciilifeform;the problem is demonstrably unsolvable in the general case. 1557367;1477005772;asciilifeform;because how the fuck do you show that you have not 'pre-solved' the puzzle. 1557368;1477005778;asciilifeform;whatever form it takes. 1557369;1477005837;asciilifeform;'proof of work', like 'symmetric crypto', does not in fact have a protocolic (vs promisetronic) existence ! 1557370;1477005869;asciilifeform;to put it in more familiar frame, there is no way to prove that the majority of the bitcoin hash rate is not in fact happening on a pocket comp. 1557371;1477005874;asciilifeform;in some closet. 1557372;1477005902;thestringpuller;iirc this was in 2012 logs, cause i remember you saying similar situation to "nLockTime" (altho we discovered more turds there upon further inspection) 1557373;1477005906;asciilifeform;there is no 'trapdoor problem' for which 'intrinsic hardness' has been demonstrated. 1557374;1477005910;asciilifeform;and quite likely there can be none. 1557375;1477005928;asciilifeform;(for one thing, the actual existence of trapdoors has not been demonstrated.) 1557376;1477005939;thestringpuller;you can't prove the trap door function doesn't exist cause you can't prove you don't know the keys to the puzzle 1557377;1477005955;asciilifeform;the burden of proof is on whoever asserts existence. 1557378;1477005958;thestringpuller;the only way to do that would be through some kinda consensus mechanism 1557379;1477005972;thestringpuller;everyone involved somehow consents the puzzle is legit... 1557380;1477005982;asciilifeform;~appears~ to do so. 1557381;1477006000;asciilifeform;if i owned the closet hasher, i would also carry right along 'consenting', aha. 1557382;1477006014;ben_vulpes;but for how long? 1557383;1477006025;thestringpuller;well isn't solving a block the same as finding a time delay crypto puzzle? 1557384;1477006029;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: until dead ? 1557385;1477006048;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: 'locktime' has 0 to do with crypto 1557386;1477006053;ben_vulpes;wait, misunderstood. hasher, not pill. 1557387;1477006066;asciilifeform;it was a feature that derps pretend is in bitcoin, but never made it in, made fools of themselves 1557388;1477006086;thestringpuller;i kno that. we discussed in 2012. 4 year discussion now eh? 1557389;1477006096;asciilifeform;because nobody reads the motherfucking code. 1557390;1477006105;thestringpuller;point being seems like solution to trap door is similar to distributed PoW 1557391;1477006118;asciilifeform;not even. 1557392;1477006140;asciilifeform;there exists no proof that finding, e.g., sha2 collision, MUST take ~C cycles per. 1557393;1477006162;thestringpuller;Ah. Atomically. Def. That's in the paper. 1557394;1477006182;thestringpuller;"We have also discussed a 1557395;1477006184;thestringpuller;way to use trusted agents to eciently enable timed release crypto " 1557396;1477006194;asciilifeform;snore. 1557397;1477006238;asciilifeform;aficionados of 'trusted agent' - straight to paypalschwitz. 1557398;1477006241;asciilifeform;into the ovens. 1557399;1477006263;thestringpuller;Yea. hence brokenness. all a snore indeed. 1557400;1477006425;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the (very old) gedankenexperiment concerned 'what if solving hashes is substantially cheaper than we chumps believe it to be, and promulgator of the coin knows the pill' 1557401;1477006440;asciilifeform;it is a form of theoretically-undetectable 'premine'. 1557402;1477006516;mircea_popescu;http://blog.jim.com/culture/how-to-not-be-offensive/#comment-1442563 << dpood ever show up ? 1557403;1477006527;asciilifeform;notyet 1557404;1477006642;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557293 << the question eschewed, of course, is why "modern". and what;s it supposed to mean. very strange sort of amateur anthropology. 1557405;1477006642;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 20:18 phf: "The teleology of this phenomena should probably begin with the first modern group of women to get tattoos [...]" 1557406;1477006705;mircea_popescu;anyway. when i was a kid, tattoos meant a thing and that thing only : she fucks. there exists no majority age in romania, a girl's a woman the moment she starts doing it, which can happen as early as 12, though as a rule it's more around 15. 1557407;1477006757;mircea_popescu;but in any case, no hymen = fair game. and as there was need for easy visual identification to know whom to invite to parties... the sluts got inked. 1557408;1477006778;mircea_popescu;this i suspect is the ancient, tribal, functional usage. "modern" my left foot. 1557409;1477006808;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was there a typical tat ? 1557410;1477006814;asciilifeform;(for this purpose) 1557411;1477006835;mircea_popescu;well some things were important, such as : did she get it somewhere her parents might see ? 1557412;1477006850;phf;sort of like notches on spitfires 1557413;1477006855;mircea_popescu;sort-of. 1557414;1477006882;mircea_popescu;but this is from a very insular culture, where for instance lesbos had it very easy : "does she wear anklet ? talk to her." 1557415;1477006905;phf;asciilifeform: do you have some of your very old logs, can you grep for "sawdust in the gearbox, apparently timeless." and let me know what timestamp on that is? 1557416;1477006913;asciilifeform;phf: 1sec 1557417;1477006915;mircea_popescu;also at a time and place where listening to depeche mode wasn't merely happenstance but more cultural identification and political statement than a trump tshirt 1557418;1477006920;mircea_popescu;and i'd have busted your face on the street. 1557419;1477006945;asciilifeform;phf: Apr 25 17:36:18 1557420;1477007008;phf;would you also happen to remember which timezone that would be? :D 1557421;1477007012;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, they never got semantic, a la ru prison tattoos. most girls got what today'd be called "tribal" shit 1557422;1477007015;asciilifeform;phf: EST 1557423;1477007020;phf;kk 1557424;1477007038;mircea_popescu;ie non-figurative stylisized pattern 1557425;1477007039;asciilifeform;(answering 'what year' is O(N) because idiocy) 1557426;1477007059;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in so far as i can tell, modern american tatoo is ~always ~meaningless. 1557427;1477007077;asciilifeform;even among prisoners, there are only 2-3 usefully distinct types. 1557428;1477007077;mircea_popescu;not really. facedots get circles once you finally got the fucker, for isntance. 1557429;1477007087;phf;there's an hour disparity between mp's tmsr-logs and btcbase, so i need to figure that one out.. 1557430;1477007107;asciilifeform;phf: they dun have dst in mircea_popesculandia 1557431;1477007119;mircea_popescu;i don't use summer right 1557432;1477007173;phf;oh right gmt uses daylight 1557433;1477007220;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what was the face-busting cultural identification earlier ? 1557434;1477007335;mod6;DM shirt 1557435;1477007340;mod6;rightly so 1557436;1477007341;asciilifeform;well yes 1557437;1477007343;asciilifeform;but on whom 1557438;1477007360;asciilifeform;hungarians ? 1557439;1477007364;asciilifeform;communists ? 1557440;1477007368;asciilifeform;jewmasons ? 1557441;1477007439;mircea_popescu;also for the sake of humanity, "The teleology of this phenomena should probably begin" is a broken sentence. a teleology is any theory of purpose in realia. so you could say "any attempt if describing the teleology of this phenomena should probably begin" or "the teleology of this phenomena should be expressed in terms of" etc. it dun work like "description" or "philosophy", it works like for "substance" or "relevancy". 1557442;1477007452;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform faggots. 1557443;1477007461;asciilifeform;aah 1557444;1477007492;mircea_popescu;see, pre 2000, romania had VERY strong antibodies against what jim&friends discuss in that turkey article. 1557445;1477007501;mircea_popescu;much as the muslim world also does. 1557446;1477007515;asciilifeform;in ru -- still 1557447;1477007521;mircea_popescu;actually i recall ru went through a very acute phase 1557448;1477007525;asciilifeform;much to the lament of jurov et al 1557449;1477007535;mircea_popescu;a sort of localbrew punk/skinhead of the 70s 1557450;1477007548;mircea_popescu;spooked the party even 1557451;1477007810;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557323 << possibly the implication of wot not fully digested as of yet. 1557452;1477007810;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 20:28 trinque: hm, perhaps the problem is one is thinking of completely untrustworthy flat topography of grey-goo nodes, and the other, in-wot nodes? 1557453;1477007916;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557353 << well, it's sad, but i can't say i'm disappointed, because i had no expectation otherwise. the psychology of the alt-coin purveyor is very much as exemplified by that covertress chick : ambitious, mommy told her she's special which she believes, and "problems" "can always be overcome". preferably - by someone else. you know, what's washington gonna do about it. 1557454;1477007916;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 22:49 asciilifeform: unrelated to any of this, i recently went on a dig re crackpot altcoins, and was again disappointed, much of the phase space was never explored. for instance, it does not appear that anyone ever tried a 'captain kidd' alt 1557455;1477007930;mircea_popescu;these aren't usually the same people as come up with anything worth reading. 1557456;1477008024;asciilifeform;eh i did not even say it would be necessarily worthwhile 1557457;1477008031;asciilifeform;just that it would be something other than the usual snore 1557458;1477008042;Framedragger;trinque: i know i know. (i'm young to answer q) 1557459;1477008085;mircea_popescu;the most symptomatic point being that they absolutely fucking never have any kind of reason to dislike anything. ever saw an altcoin head meaningfully discuss the drawbacks in alternatives ? 1557460;1477008096;mircea_popescu;Framedragger what are you, like 26 ? 1557461;1477008149;mircea_popescu;they're on doge team or ripple team like other people support coventry or wolverhampton. it's to their dumb head immoral to switch teams because the others got better players. ON THE CONTRARY. 1557462;1477008216;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557355 << yes. i very much claim that type for eulora. it's been done, turns out you just dunno where to look :) 1557463;1477008216;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 22:51 asciilifeform: possibly this is analogous to eulora's 'copper' ? 1557464;1477008305;asciilifeform;it relies on a server, neh ? 1557465;1477008319;mircea_popescu;less so than eg ethereum. 1557466;1477008377;asciilifeform;well eulora afaik never claimed p2ptronicity 1557467;1477008387;asciilifeform;it is honest. 1557468;1477008392;mircea_popescu;aha. 1557469;1477008737;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1557358 << kinda what makes bothering with p2p in this particular subspace pointless. 1557470;1477008737;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 22:53 asciilifeform: as i see it , this is not satisfactorily solvable, the author cannot prove that he did not retain a crib sheet to the keyz. 1557471;1477008779;asciilifeform;aaand yet the alts where author simply pocketed the monetarybase and distributed by hand from own pocket - were laughed off. 1557472;1477008813;asciilifeform;(e.g., urbit!) 1557473;1477008940;mircea_popescu;you mean generally or here ? iirc urbit was eagerly followed for 3-4 weeks here, until it became obvious the author is technically inept and the following he has entirely disinterested in doing any useful work. 1557474;1477008944;mircea_popescu;then the mocking begun. 1557475;1477009025;asciilifeform;was interesting, when it was interesting, ~in spite of~, not because, of the premine. 1557476;1477009043;mircea_popescu;which ties right into the above discussion of altcoin heads (they can't meaningfully criticize means they can't think) and more generally in the difference between republican forum and imperial forum (eg, reddit). the latter exists specifically so no work is done. 1557477;1477009050;asciilifeform;(and was not merely premined, but the 'btcphobic' mr mold had 'coins', of which there are only 256, die ! after 9 moves.) 1557478;1477009077;mircea_popescu;heh. ~equal to us level inflation. 1557479;1477009085;mircea_popescu;incidentally - linux, also premined. 1557480;1477009100;asciilifeform;elaborate? 1557481;1477009123;mircea_popescu;the objection never was as far as i can discern that linus did it (unless of course one is to give voice to the "feminist" cows), but that he seems to have given the keys away 1557482;1477009159;asciilifeform;is 'linux' here the proggy, or the microphone+podium ? 1557483;1477009161;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "premined" generalized here to mean, "you can do any work you want - unless recognized by authority it dun exist". 1557484;1477009198;mircea_popescu;as opposed to you know, bitcoin, where if you do the hash you get the coin, anyone else be damned. 1557485;1477009226;asciilifeform;well, 'do the hash' + 'not get orphaned' 1557486;1477009250;mircea_popescu;yes, there's no such thing as perfect bitcoin wrt work functions. 1557487;1477009314;asciilifeform;the orbit of my personal inner altcrackpot is largely around 'mining is a bug'. 1557488;1477009366;mircea_popescu;i'm unconvinced. 1557489;1477009369;asciilifeform;there are, theoretically, schemes for mineless coin that do not resolve to any obviously idiotic or centralized thing. 1557490;1477009384;asciilifeform;hey if i were 'convinced' - would say. 1557491;1477009388;mircea_popescu;unless they "tattoo" so to speak, ie, burn perfectly fine fat, they can't work. 1557492;1477009404;mircea_popescu;teh gods demand their sacrifice. 1557493;1477009408;asciilifeform;it much depends on what is 'work'. 1557494;1477009422;mircea_popescu;heat waste, fo sho. 1557495;1477009432;mircea_popescu;same meaning here as in law 2. 1557496;1477009477;asciilifeform;it also depends on what is a 'coin' fundamentally. 1557497;1477009483;asciilifeform;recall the multiverse 'coin' ? 1557498;1477009507;mircea_popescu;a coin is a quanta, really. apparently for some reason quantization is mandatory. 1557499;1477009518;asciilifeform;well not only a quanta 1557500;1477009532;asciilifeform;but, in the customary picture, something scarce. 1557501;1477009540;mircea_popescu;no coin is scarce. 1557502;1477009564;asciilifeform;scarce in the 'nobody is obviously wielding an infinite hose of it' sense. 1557503;1477009571;mircea_popescu;the fact that the world existed before all of them should be sufficient proof. 1557504;1477009598;mircea_popescu;it's scarce like time is scarce - you can't make more, just squander what you got. 1557505;1477009608;mircea_popescu;but there's naught more abundant in nature than time. 1557506;1477009617;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: mine is 'difficulty is nonsensical' 1557507;1477009626;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes why ? 1557508;1477009661;mircea_popescu;difficulty is a proxy for "are we there yet ?" ; once half the energy available is burned to mine, we're there yet. the difficulty equiv of this can be calculated. 1557509;1477009669;ben_vulpes;because not tied to a finite amount. 1557510;1477009679;ben_vulpes;(since we're talking crackpot alts) 1557511;1477009683;mircea_popescu;of course it's tied ? 1557512;1477009699;ben_vulpes;totally different thing. 1557513;1477009709;ben_vulpes;the infinite to bitcoin's finite, if you will. 1557514;1477009717;mircea_popescu;you'll have to go into proper detail i guess. 1557515;1477009737;ben_vulpes;crackpot alt orbit may not even be stable! 1557516;1477009746;asciilifeform;'mining is a bug' because, as mircea_popescu even appeared to agree earlier, it is promisetronic. 1557517;1477009762;asciilifeform;accomplishes ~same result as author of coin personally handing out the monetary base, but messier and more expensively. 1557518;1477009769;mircea_popescu;anyway, my interest in alts is like my interest in orc-language "academia" and random gaggles of nubile sluts. 1557519;1477009778;mircea_popescu;who knows, maybe a person may be found, somehow, somewhere, in all this muck. 1557520;1477009789;asciilifeform;nah. afaik it is a dead field. 1557521;1477009793;asciilifeform;like the rest of crypto. 1557522;1477009800;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's the other angle of it though. mining forces you to burn half your milk. 1557523;1477009805;trinque;how the hell is it the same result?! 1557524;1477009807;trinque;it costs something 1557525;1477009811;mircea_popescu;^ 1557526;1477009813;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which is moronic if there is any way to avoid it. 1557527;1477009817;mircea_popescu;the bug is the feature. 1557528;1477009823;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nope, it's not. it's fundamental. 1557529;1477009825;mircea_popescu;happiness gotta hurt. 1557530;1477009827;trinque;how the fuck, economics does not work that way 1557531;1477009833;trinque;it's a *coin* 1557532;1477009862;asciilifeform;trinque: see thread. mining is not provably costing all of the participants anything. 1557533;1477009874;asciilifeform;you - yes, me - yes ; fella with the sha2 pill - ~0. 1557534;1477009890;trinque;yes and I can factor rsa in my head 1557535;1477009892;trinque;where is the evidence 1557536;1477009905;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that part is the most dubious, but hey. 1557537;1477009922;asciilifeform;trinque: i suspect that our null hypotheses differ. 1557538;1477009944;mircea_popescu;besides, at some point we'll get rid of sha2 in trb, and then we'll know. 1557539;1477009956;asciilifeform;that'll simply reset the problem. 1557540;1477009960;asciilifeform;with new protagonist. 1557541;1477009971;asciilifeform;which is why nobody's pulled it off yet. 1557542;1477009974;mircea_popescu;kinda why it's not an imperative yet, or any hurry. 1557543;1477009993;trinque;I would have the greatest self control on earth if I found more gold tomorrow than had ever been mined and this did not soon become apparent to everyone. 1557544;1477009997;trinque;and it would have the same effect 1557545;1477010029;trinque;look how bitcoin rips through USG bureaucracies, but this sha2 pill yet hides? 1557546;1477010042;mircea_popescu;a lot can stay hidden. 1557547;1477010044;asciilifeform;no alt stands a remote change against 'grandfather's pistol' unless the author also discovers and demonstrates a 'proof of nonchiseling' . 1557548;1477010066;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform unless something starts burning, at any rate. 1557549;1477010075;asciilifeform;aha. 1557550;1477010090;asciilifeform;trinque: 'joseki' and 'shillelagh' are also hidden. 1557551;1477010090;trinque;mircea_popescu: while it stays hidden how does it affect the value of gold? 1557552;1477010114;asciilifeform;trinque: ditto the amd signing key from last month's thread. 1557553;1477010114;mircea_popescu;subjective value, as judged by you ? it doesn't. objective value, as in, the ship of state is being sailed by idiots into the shoals ? 100%. 1557554;1477010155;trinque;the claim was that infinite gold/coin/etc shows itself through inflation 1557555;1477010170;asciilifeform;only if dumped 1557556;1477010182;mircea_popescu;it creates a disparity of power between two identified groups that is not backed by ontological superiority. 1557557;1477010196;asciilifeform;'there are no alchemists because an alchemist could not POSSIBLY keep it in his pants' is no argument. 1557558;1477010225;trinque;nor is "usg shall surely be able to increase interest rates to mop up the money it printed" 1557559;1477010228;mircea_popescu;if men are better and women worship men, the situation is stable and prosperous. if men are better but women discover they can fuck it all up by gathering together and engaging in the wail (term of art), then society collapses 1557560;1477010251;mircea_popescu;this was the mechanism fucking babylon fell by, and in the intervening 5k years it worked like a charm every single time. 1557561;1477010298;trinque;the free heat shall leak 1557562;1477010315;mircea_popescu;the rate is controllable by the owner though. 1557563;1477010362;trinque;hm 1557564;1477010387;mircea_popescu;see, this is how the cunt that runs on perl works. "oh, dick moving inside is detectable". 1557565;1477010388;trinque;then no-mining is possible with a philospher king 1557566;1477010395;mircea_popescu;yes, it is. and if it moves at a slow enough pace you'll enjoy it. 1557567;1477010746;trinque;asciilifeform: ftr the argument wasn't about whether kept in pants; it was that if kept in pants, might as well not exist 1557568;1477010758;trinque;but I see that either construction ignores fucking privately 1557569;1477010798;mircea_popescu;yeah, it wouldn't be kept in pants THAT well is the problem. your argument is solid in principle, but there's a crack in it. 1557570;1477010803;thestringpuller;i can see your bulge! 1557571;1477010805;asciilifeform;trinque: idea is that a unit of hashicity might cost you, i, and 1,000,001 others -- H, but might cost 'satoshi' 1/1,000,001H. 1557572;1477010817;asciilifeform;can be kept in pants arbitrarily well. 1557573;1477010820;asciilifeform;like any other alchemy. 1557574;1477010839;asciilifeform;esp. if it is one man's secret. 1557575;1477010848;mircea_popescu;anyway, if mining is a bug, then the philosopher king is a backdoor. 1557576;1477010892;mircea_popescu;experience shows it's perfectly fine to have a philosopher king, however utterly suicidal to have a philosopher king's throne. bolt is fine, nut will kill you. 1557577;1477010929;asciilifeform;'monetary base handed out by hand' equates to an evaporating throne 1557578;1477010940;mircea_popescu;in principle at least yes 1557579;1477010941;asciilifeform;so potentially works. 1557580;1477010959;mircea_popescu;it's certainly how eg medieval japan coin worked out. 1557581;1477010969;asciilifeform;any imperial coin, really. 1557582;1477010989;mircea_popescu;no i mean, "medieval japan" AS a coin. which it was. 1557583;1477010992;mircea_popescu;everything's a coin. 1557584;1477011002;asciilifeform;ah as in europe. 1557585;1477011005;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1557586;1477011015;mircea_popescu;you got however much worth of koku production. well there yo ugo. 1557587;1477011033;mircea_popescu;much like the medieval eu "here's three weirs and a village fulla sluts. you're a knight now." 1557588;1477011041;trinque;I kinda see how wot relationships could confer certain amount of newly "mined" coin, like ^ 1557589;1477011058;asciilifeform;trinque: see the 'multiverse gossipcoin' old thread 1557590;1477011068;asciilifeform;was about, largely, this. 1557591;1477011070;mircea_popescu;trinque the whole reason wot and forum are at the basis of republic is this orthogonality which reinforces the bit-coin 1557592;1477011072;*;trinque pulls up to reread 1557593;1477011080;mircea_popescu;which is how we prevailed historically, against all the other groups 1557594;1477011086;mircea_popescu;who were backed, at best, by orthogonal idiocy. 1557595;1477011124;trinque;best damned human sort function, seems like. 1557596;1477011182;thestringpuller;oh man. cryptofeudalism here we come. 1557597;1477011186;asciilifeform;trinque: it was a crackpot algo which i suggested, ages ago, where there is no objective coin, but instead, e.g., mircea_popescu can mint any amount (with the total base being public) of mircea_popescucoin, which in turn trinque accepts for certain rate of trinquecoin, etc, etc., integrated with wot 1557598;1477011206;asciilifeform;sorta how fiatola works already at the sovereign level. 1557599;1477011231;asciilifeform;but less promisetronic (public, e.g., base.) 1557600;1477011245;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is more or less ripple. 1557601;1477011253;asciilifeform;iirc ripple was promisetronic though. 1557602;1477011260;asciilifeform;i.e. a cynical scam. 1557603;1477011263;mircea_popescu;i did not like ripple, as i don't like this, because it requires a level of financial acumen that is not available in the general population 1557604;1477011273;mircea_popescu;this would be the ultimate in assembly line phding 1557605;1477011289;asciilifeform;hey i never learned to fly a jet fighter; 1557606;1477011294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, sure, it was a cancer on top of an avorton. but this doesn't change the fact that even if you cleaned up the tumor, you'd have an aborted fetus. 1557607;1477011296;asciilifeform;doesn't mean that jet fighters are useless. 1557608;1477011311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's worse than that : it's too late for you to learn now. 1557609;1477011314;asciilifeform;what is an ace pilot if not 'assemvly line phd'. 1557610;1477011316;asciilifeform;naturally. 1557611;1477011327;asciilifeform;*assembly 1557612;1477011341;mircea_popescu;i do not wish to construct systems that much need, let alone require, or depend on, ace pilots. 1557613;1477011345;asciilifeform;it is too late for grown men to learn damn near anything 1557614;1477011428;asciilifeform;and, eh, 'v', or trb, or various other items contemplated here, fall much closer to the jet than to the tv set. 1557615;1477011436;mircea_popescu;so they do. but not THAT far. 1557616;1477011451;mircea_popescu;they're still things grown man could learn, 1557617;1477011463;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding all the insistence grown man is usually seen putting in avoiding it 1557618;1477011489;asciilifeform;'general population' is barely qualified to operate a public shitter. 1557619;1477011556;mircea_popescu;this is mostly because of deliberate stupidification - by clerics in the east, by "educators" ie clerics in the west. 1557620;1477011575;mircea_popescu;general population is capable, as practically verified by my whip holding hand, to do all sorts of wholesome things. 1557621;1477011632;asciilifeform;how did it go, 'horse that can count to five is a remarkable horse, but not a remarkable mathematician' 1557622;1477011706;mircea_popescu;aha 1557623;1477011724;mircea_popescu;there is some of that, of course. 1557624;1477011733;asciilifeform;to briefly go up the stack, 'gossipcoin' is not useless by virtue of being a mach10 jet. i cannot fly it. but it is conceivable that mircea_popescu could. and/or, folks not even yet born, could. 1557625;1477011837;mircea_popescu;no, the problem is that the only way to find out "couldn't" is by their crashing it, and the whole construction has a low crash tolerance. 1557626;1477011843;mircea_popescu;think of "race cars on space station". 1557627;1477011868;asciilifeform;what would it even mean for a multiversal per-operator altcoin to 'crash' ? 1557628;1477011872;asciilifeform;you can have a car crash. 1557629;1477011876;asciilifeform;but ~cars~ cannot crash. 1557630;1477011882;asciilifeform;as a class. 1557631;1477011882;mircea_popescu;!~lemon market 1557632;1477011882;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Error: "lemon" is not a valid command. 1557633;1477011887;mircea_popescu;!#s lemon market 1557634;1477011888;a111;12 results for "lemon market", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=lemon%20market 1557635;1477011893;asciilifeform;eh we already have one of those. 1557636;1477011905;mircea_popescu;and yes, cars can and do crash all the time 1557637;1477011906;trinque;maybe that gossipcoin, but what of the one where coins exist, are minted according to position in the wot-graph? 1557638;1477011908;mircea_popescu;hence symbolics. 1557639;1477011922;asciilifeform;trinque: consider elaborating 1557640;1477011934;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was expecting you to mention... dirigibles 1557641;1477011945;mircea_popescu;but no, think : the vertical monitor. 1557642;1477011953;mircea_popescu;"cars" have crashed and burned more times than it's worth mentioning 1557643;1477011959;mircea_popescu;where is ac power ? where is etc etc 1557644;1477011973;trinque;a gentleman's weight according to his ratings in the wot determine the rate at which coin mints to his key 1557645;1477011977;mircea_popescu;idiots were hoping bitcoin will go same way. who knows, it just might've. 1557646;1477011988;mircea_popescu;trinque you're thinking of a wot that doesn't exist. 1557647;1477011996;trinque;how so? 1557648;1477012003;mircea_popescu;it's not a centralized thing, you're trying to build a string out of a vector. 1557649;1477012009;asciilifeform;trinque: http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it << oblig. 1557650;1477012019;asciilifeform;'The Web of Trust is not, as the name would seem to imply, an oilfield in which trust plays the role of oil, and you deploy some apparatuses and other devices to extract the trust therewith.' 1557651;1477012019;mircea_popescu;wrong datatype, "wot" may not be used as "basis for central behaviour" 1557652;1477012023;trinque;doesn't have to be centralized. 1557653;1477012030;trinque;there's no center in what I described 1557654;1477012031;mircea_popescu;not in the sense of "unethical to do so", but in the sense of practically impossible. 1557655;1477012043;mircea_popescu;then how does coin work ? 1557656;1477012050;mircea_popescu;understand, a coin must be centralized to exist. 1557657;1477012069;mircea_popescu;because it works with a market, which is the definition of centralization, "all good things flow to the city [to participate in the marketplace]" 1557658;1477012076;asciilifeform;unless it is a 'gossiptronic coin', as discussed earlier, but the applicability of the name 'coin' is then questionable 1557659;1477012086;mircea_popescu;it is improper to call that a coin 1557660;1477012092;asciilifeform;i'd call it an 'ob' 1557661;1477012099;asciilifeform;to steal erik frank russel's name. 1557662;1477012110;mircea_popescu;you could call it a semen, seeing how it's pretty much exactly "how much cock i'd suck" 1557663;1477012127;mircea_popescu;a problem female teenagers have struggled with for eons, because... well... expecting wrong data type. 1557664;1477012132;asciilifeform;(1950s writer, had space folk using something quite like subj) 1557665;1477012175;asciilifeform;a certain qty of 'ob' from, e.g., brothel, could indeed refer to a certain number of litres of spooje swallowed, etc. 1557666;1477012200;mircea_popescu;no no it's a much finer point 1557667;1477012213;mircea_popescu;it'd be literally a measure of social intercourse 1557668;1477012330;trinque;dunno if I like being named governor of brittania being a matter of spooge guzzling. 1557669;1477012343;mircea_popescu;how do you suppose eleanor got aquitanie ? 1557670;1477012359;mircea_popescu;anyway. i was speaking metaphorically ok! 1557671;1477012362;trinque;lol 1557672;1477012435;trinque;anyhow it's an interesting idea, but I figure wild redefinitions of money run the risk of angering the gods. 1557673;1477012449;mircea_popescu;well, how'd one go ? 1557674;1477012532;mircea_popescu;http://www.joeydevilla.com/2016/10/18/hey-america-youre-great/ << in other lulz. 1557675;1477012557;trinque;seems relationship is the conduit over which money flows; deciding one day that arteries shall be blood because after all they're so related... 1557676;1477012588;trinque;moving to Tampa indeed 1557677;1477012643;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-06#1423970 << thread. 1557678;1477012643;a111;Logged on 2016-03-06 15:01 asciilifeform: or we can lift from a mircea_popescu article, 'Another aspect is that new blocks are mined by one group (miners) but have to be stored in perpetuity by another group (nodes). This creates a situation where X (users) pay Y (miners) to inconvenience Z (nodes), which is unsustainable not to mention sheer nonsense.' 1557679;1477012654;asciilifeform;(possibly there were others, but afaik this was the canonical.) 1557680;1477012669;mircea_popescu;this part of mining is a bug, except it is evidently no part of mining 1557681;1477012740;asciilifeform;mining is a solution to specific set of problems. just like pressurizing your house with sarin and walking around in a teflon suit is one possible answer to rats and mice. 1557682;1477012817;asciilifeform;(tru story! ru chemistry students would occasionaly make, e.g., sarin, as a very effective answer to... rats, mice, whatever else infested the cellar..) 1557683;1477012894;mircea_popescu;yes, but the problem mining solves is very strictly "make it impossible for hillary to pretend she matters" 1557684;1477012914;asciilifeform;potentially this mouse is solvable without sarin. 1557685;1477012916;mircea_popescu;or whatever other equivalent, that dumb bitch who was born a dude and tried to run off with coreboot 1557686;1477012928;asciilifeform;and ditto. 1557687;1477012973;asciilifeform;(in the end you get sarin-resistant mice. this is not even a physical impossibility, iirc mongoose needed an elephant's dose to fall down) 1557688;1477012995;asciilifeform;quite likely the current crop of miners is already this. 1557689;1477013756;mircea_popescu;mongoose is specifically toxin resistant though. it's what it does for a living 1557690;1477013760;mircea_popescu;like africans in africa. 1557691;1477013793;asciilifeform;he has slightly nonstandard ACHE and number of other ferments. 1557692;1477013807;mircea_popescu;aha 1557693;1477013859;asciilifeform;(we had mongoose ache crystallographied 1 floor down from my chair, at one point, can't recall precisely why, it had already been done elsewhere. possibly it was in-complex) 1557694;1477014337;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, jamelle bouie (slate "chief political correspondent", if you didn't give a shit before) along with everyone else is damned pissed at trump. "The act of conceding, in other words, is vital to the functioning of democracy. It confers legitimacy on the winner of an election, giving him or her a chance to govern. To refuse to concede, to deny that legitimacy, is to undermine our democratic foundations." 1557695;1477014338;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1557696;1477014348;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would ANYONE confer legitimacy on the usg ffs. 1557697;1477014502;mod6;stockholm syndrome 1557698;1477014516;mircea_popescu;either that or all the checks it keeps writing. 1557699;1477014531;mod6;indeed, both. 1557700;1477014538;trinque;guy later said, "I'll respect the results if I win" 1557701;1477014545;mircea_popescu;was pretty lulzy. 1557702;1477014570;mircea_popescu;oh how he toys with America's heart ; and how that slutty heart does throb for still more toyings. 1557703;1477015127;*;mircea_popescu is pretty happy at all this "oh noes, trump won't promise to admit defeat if he loses", because all signals point to a complete rehash of the brexit thing, whereby clinton is credited with ~50% of popular vote and 55% of electoral colege, but realises 35% of popular vote and 30% of electoral college. 1557704;1477015138;mircea_popescu;and THEN the libertards WILL STILL WHINE about "election was stolen" 1557705;1477015157;mircea_popescu;because when they do it, it's all good. just when others do it it's "an attack on our democracy" 1557706;1477015169;mircea_popescu;our being the keyword there, not democracy as the naive reader may imagine 1557707;1477017232;trinque;hell, when the hairdo's justice department gets done with them, who'll be left to run their machine? I guess after that it's bernie 2.0 1557708;1477017254;trinque;people talk about him killing the republican party but if anything that's rumbling about the clinton foundation is true, and he wins, it's going to kill both 1557709;1477018338;mircea_popescu;i don't see he has any way to extricate himself from sending ~half the dem party machine to jail 1557710;1477018355;mircea_popescu;of course, this already happened once to it, back when it was centered on tammany hall, and it survived. 1557711;1477018544;mircea_popescu;the history thereof is interesting - dems were actually a pretty respectable party back when democratic meant something ; then the progressive cripple showed up and smashed it. 1557712;1477019714;asciilifeform;tammany -- respectable??! 1557713;1477021733;BingoBoingo; everything's a coin. << AHA, the Qntra "altcoin" tag 1557714;1477021980;ben_vulpes;https://open_nsfw.gitlab.io/ 1557715;1477022419;*;asciilifeform falls down. 1557716;1477022516;ben_vulpes;best lolz i found on the web all day. 1557717;1477022519;asciilifeform;at last, the ancient dream. pornoshannonizer. 1557718;1477022528;ben_vulpes;haha aha 1557719;1477022548;asciilifeform;idea, incidentally, is ancient. 1557720;1477022569;asciilifeform;i 'evolved' similar 'martians' in an old msdos proggy, iirc called 'imogene'. 1557721;1477022580;asciilifeform;unfortunately none of the output - survived. 1557722;1477022584;asciilifeform;(or, fortunately..) 1557723;1477022608;asciilifeform;evolved, incidentally, starting from white noise. 1557724;1477022622;asciilifeform;pure 'genetic algo'. pick the 'more fun', times 1,001... 1557725;1477022689;ben_vulpes;there was a screensaver that did this as well 1557726;1477022722;phf;asciilifeform: hey you mind greping for the first log entry, "just looked at chart... shit... a couple hours can be an eternity in bitcoin land" and see what time you have? 1557727;1477022770;asciilifeform;phf: Apr 25 18:01:31 1557728;1477023470;phf;is that 23:01:31 in utc? 1557729;1477023480;asciilifeform;nein 1557730;1477023482;asciilifeform;est. 1557731;1477023488;trinque;https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/12659 << discussion of gaddafi's plans for gold-backed african currency 1557732;1477023502;trinque;interesting alt-future that'd be 1557733;1477023553;asciilifeform;ooold noose. 1557734;1477023560;trinque;reminds me of a documentary I watched recently on chicago. a young black gang member says more or less "they killed all the gang leaders, and then everything collapsed" 1557735;1477023571;asciilifeform;fella got usg bayonet up his starfish for a reason. 1557736;1477023574;trinque;killed/locked-up 1557737;1477023579;trinque;aha 1557738;1477023660;trinque;same mistake every single time. they have imperial aspirations, yet they apparently have no idea how to do this? you don't destroy the whole power structure in a place; you *take* it 1557739;1477023684;asciilifeform;they gotta impose the star topology. 1557740;1477023955;trinque;I hear there are reasons, and it's because of them. 1557741;1477025845;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform certainly. 1557742;1477025953;mircea_popescu;heh the ai-nsfw crap is almost amusing. 1557743;1477026097;mircea_popescu;trinque africa needs a currency like hillary needs anal lube. 1557744;1477027070;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, if your name was broderick and you had a daughter, how could you not name her limerick. 1557745;1477027445;mircea_popescu;(bonus track : A randy marsupial named Reeves spent a while between a cocksucker's knees. When she asked him for money he said "Listen honey... a koala eats bushes and leaves.") 1557746;1477028188;BingoBoingo;!~b 3 1557747;1477028188;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: "b" is not a valid command. 1557748;1477054205;mircea_popescu;wait, i got more. 1557749;1477054210;mircea_popescu;Said Miguel to the gringo, "Senor, eef I open thees here closet door an' dee lady eenside ees my leetle lost bride then I theenk I mus' leek'er some more." 1557750;1477057795;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/rseq3/?raw=true <<< before my internet dies again 1557751;1477057795;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1557752;1477058079;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/JamfF << monumental nsalulz 1557753;1477058206;asciilifeform;'The Defendant has also communicated online with others in languages other than English, including in Russian, and in June 2016 downloaded information regarding the Russian language as well as other foreign languages.' << mega-crime 1557754;1477058208;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1557755;1477058306;asciilifeform;'There is evidence that he has remote data storage accounts and has engaged in encrypted communications. The Defendant also had encrypted communication and cloud storage apps installed on his mobile device.' << mega-lel. 1557756;1477058548;asciilifeform;funny how they put the 'cloud storage' in the bail denial affidavit, but have not yet even bothered to parallelconstruct some reason ~other than it~ for how the d00d could have been caught. 1557757;1477058850;asciilifeform;(for folks who have not heard of this show trial - harold martin worked at nsa-tao and was arrested for, supposedly, taking the contents home by the crate.) 1557758;1477058971;asciilifeform;'In a review of the digital information seized from the Defendant, the government found a letter, apparently created in 2007, which was addressed to government employees with whom he worked, and signed “Hal.” In the letter, the Defendant refers to his co-workers as “clowns” and criticizes the government’s digital security measures: Well, for one thing, I’ve seen pretty much all your tech secrets wrt [sic] regard to compus 1557759;1477058972;asciilifeform;ec [computer security]. Thanks. You made me a much better infosec [information security] practitioner. In exchange, well, I gave you my time, and you failed to allow me to help you... You are missing most of the basics in security practice, while thinking you are the best. It’s the bread and butter stuff that will trip you up. Trust me on this one. Seen it.... Dudes/Dudettes, I can’t make this any plainer... Listen up . . . ‘Th 1557760;1477058972;asciilifeform;ey’ are inside the perimeter. . . I’ll leave you with this: if you don’t get obnoxious, obvious, and detrimental to my future, then I will not bring you ‘into the light’, as it were. If you do, well, remember that you did it to yourselves. The antipathy demonstrated in this letter raises grave concerns about the Defendant’s intentions and potential actions should he be released.' 1557761;1477061145;BingoBoingo;tyvm alf for the find 1557762;1477061227;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/prosecutors-forget-to-parallel-construct-that-harold-t-martins-mistake-was-trusting-cloud-storage-providers-in-bail-denial-affidavit/ << Qntra - Prosecutors Forget To Parallel Construct That Harold T. Martin's Mistake Was Trusting Cloud Storage Providers In Bail Denial Affidavit 1557763;1477061667;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform pretty lulzy. 1557764;1477061685;mircea_popescu;also quite accurate. 1557765;1477062642;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: mistake-was -> mistake-wasn't ? 1557766;1477062736;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: He used cloud storage apps so his mistake was trusting them? Even if he was dumping encrypted blobs. 1557767;1477062743;asciilifeform;well yes 1557768;1477062763;asciilifeform;but 'parallel construct' means the creation of some smoke screen 1557769;1477062771;asciilifeform;e.g., 'he blabbed to his mother' or the like. 1557770;1477062775;mircea_popescu;they evidently don't know what's in [at least some] of them. however they do know who he is. metadata. 1557771;1477062781;asciilifeform;which afaik the prosecutor has not yet spewed forth. 1557772;1477062820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they've got real sloppy with it, partly because nobody buys it anyway, partly because bureaucrats are deeply uncreative (in this case, practically : affraid of "revealing" shit through the pc. as if they actually had something left to reveal.) 1557773;1477062829;asciilifeform;so the sentence would go 'prosecutors forget to parallel construct that ... martin's mistake wasn't ... cloud' 1557774;1477062830;BingoBoingo;AH: "Prosecutors Forget To Parallel Construct Away That Harold T. Martin's Mistake Was Trusting Cloud Storage Providers In Bail Denial Affidavit" -- New TItle 1557775;1477062836;asciilifeform;aha, or this. 1557776;1477062874;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun get why they even mentioned 'cloud', it gave the card trick away in, srsly, 30 seconds of my reading 1557777;1477062887;asciilifeform;gotta be a deliberate taunt to the audience. 1557778;1477062895;mircea_popescu;because bread and butter stuff gets them ? 1557779;1477062907;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/dyn-dns-suffers-packet-inflation-many-other-services-affected/ << Qntra - Dyn DNS Suffers Packet Inflation, Many Other "Services" Affected 1557780;1477062910;mircea_popescu;stupidity is the occam selection. 1557781;1477063072;asciilifeform;the defense's affidavit (included) was also lulzy, evidently they had 1-3 of these per year, none were publicized. this time they needed a public scapegoat, so. 1557782;1477063089;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1557783;1477063153;asciilifeform;re: 'cloud', imho the hypothesis that ~this was~ the parallelconstruction, cannot be dismissed. 1557784;1477063162;asciilifeform;possibly d00d was not an idiot, and never touched 'clouds.' 1557785;1477063166;asciilifeform;they created - for him. 1557786;1477063190;asciilifeform;(whereas he was caught in some other way, e.g. by a politruk.) 1557787;1477063201;mircea_popescu;if they did or if they didn't, the "i had nothing to do with it" defense is ironclad as far as that goes. 1557788;1477063241;asciilifeform;dunno that there is a defense. the penal code article he was arrested under is a 'strict liability'. 1557789;1477063252;asciilifeform;i.e. 'did the rape? do the ape' 1557790;1477063268;mircea_popescu;strict liability for what ? 1557791;1477063274;asciilifeform;found with the stash 1557792;1477063285;mircea_popescu;"i never saw this before" 1557793;1477063288;asciilifeform;the only defense, afaik, that could be attempted, was 'they planted it' 1557794;1477063288;asciilifeform;aha. 1557795;1477063294;mircea_popescu;"so how come it's there ?" "you planted it" no we didn't" "mkay" 1557796;1477063320;asciilifeform;and it would appear that his wife has already turned rat. 1557797;1477063325;mircea_popescu;"it's your house" "it's not legal for me to shoot intruders, so no, it's your house" 1557798;1477063327;asciilifeform;so he's through. 1557799;1477063335;mircea_popescu;hey, marriage is for suckers. 1557800;1477063346;asciilifeform;eh if he had no wife, it'd be some other rat. 1557801;1477063355;mircea_popescu;how ? "i never saw her before." 1557802;1477063387;asciilifeform;lel, brilliant, it's a marvel that anybody ever gets imprisoned, if it were so easy.. 1557803;1477063400;mircea_popescu;these are different matters. 1557804;1477063419;mircea_popescu;the defense is still ironclad. that they stick him in jail anyway is entirely their problem. 1557805;1477063445;asciilifeform;i suspect that the folks for whom 'the defense is ironclad' they simply nailgun. 1557806;1477063451;asciilifeform;and we never hear of it. 1557807;1477063456;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1557808;1477063720;asciilifeform;'When confronted with specific marked documents he had stolen, only then did the Defendant begin to admit that: (1) he had taken documents and digital files that he knew were classified from his work assignment to his residence and vehicle, and (2) he knew such actions were unauthorized and wrong. He also admitted that he had committed these crimes regularly over many years.' 1557809;1477063724;asciilifeform;confessed, supposedly. 1557810;1477063740;mircea_popescu;heh 1557811;1477063852;asciilifeform;btw i doubt that it would take otto skorzeny and his merry men, to break martin out of the clink. if he were 'valuable', as prosecutor alleges, he would already be in moscow. 1557812;1477064125;mircea_popescu;usians are weird about "The country" 1557813;1477064145;asciilifeform;hm? 1557814;1477065105;mircea_popescu;he prolly didn't want to leave 1557815;1477065155;asciilifeform;expected to hide among the grizzlies in the forest, or wat. 1557816;1477065196;mircea_popescu;no, just, idiot born in the us, doesn't comprehend how utterly irrelevant it is. because "THE COUNTRY" 1557817;1477065255;asciilifeform;i'd naively picture that if d00d made up his mind to plunder the crown jewels, he would have an escape plan (even if nonsensical, like, e.g., carl force's) in his head. but no. 1557818;1477065268;mircea_popescu;can't leave "\the country" 1557819;1477065334;trinque;could've been entirely power fantasy; he's outsmarted "teh best (tm)" after all 1557820;1477065346;asciilifeform;it isn't even as if he would have to leave penniless and beg on streets. 1557821;1477065389;trinque;piles of docs could've been his closet full of women's shoes/underwear/pinky-toes too 1557822;1477065391;asciilifeform;trinque: what kind of 'power fantasy' ends with starving incommunicado in fbi dungeon ? 1557823;1477065434;mircea_popescu;most ? 1557824;1477065444;mircea_popescu;it's a fantasy after all. 1557825;1477065458;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/if-a-family-by-the-name-broderick-had-a-son-an-they-named-him-roderick-could-he-in-turn-without-concern-eschew-naming-his-daughter-limerick/ << Trilema - If a family by the name Broderick had a son an' they named him Roderick could he in turn, without concern, eschew naming his daughter Limerick ? 1557826;1477065474;mircea_popescu;^ let me know which you like best :D 1557827;1477065812;BingoBoingo;"To fight the evil patriarchy a young hussy barebacked a darky. The result of their sins were quadruplets, not twins : one black, one white and two khaki." << roflmao 1557828;1477065927;trinque;ahahahahaha! 1557829;1477066185;trinque;There was a young sailor from Brighton who once told his girl "You're a tight one." She replied, "`Pon my soul, you're in the wrong hole. There's plenty of room in the right one." << also gold 1557830;1477066481;*;mircea_popescu is playing ella fitzgerald an' chillin 1557831;1477066671;shinohai;I rather like `A misfortunate fellow named Rex had a vanishingly small sex. Once charged with exposure he replied with composure "De minimus non curat lex." ` 1557832;1477068756;shinohai;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12759653 <<< rofl 1557833;1477069255;danielpbarron;!~bible matthew 19:10-11 >> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557799 1557834;1477069255;a111;Logged on 2016-10-21 15:22 mircea_popescu: hey, marriage is for suckers. 1557835;1477069256;jhvh1;danielpbarron: ERROR: Failed to load/parse the verse or page. Check your syntax. 1557836;1477069275;danielpbarron;!~bible matthew 19:10-11 1557837;1477069276;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 19:10 :: His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry. 1557838;1477069277;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Matthew 19:11 :: But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 1557839;1477070220;asciilifeform;SSH: Server;Ltype: Authname;Remote:;Name: coin [preauth] 1557840;1477070221;asciilifeform;^ lel 1557841;1477070230;asciilifeform;^ on a box with nonstandard ports, at that. 1557842;1477070264;asciilifeform;somewhere, someone, is a hydrocephalus, has user 'coin',...? 1557843;1477071429;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/nitrocellulose-recategorized-as-high-explosive-in-us-through-quiet-physics-defying-ruling/ << Qntra - Nitrocellulose Recategorized As High Explosive In US Through Quiet Physics Defying Ruling 1557844;1477071436;BingoBoingo;^ 4alf 1557845;1477071442;asciilifeform;SSH: Server;Ltype: Authname;Remote:;Name: dashcoin [preauth] 1557846;1477071443;asciilifeform;... 1557847;1477071457;asciilifeform;SSH: Server;Ltype: Authname;Remote:;Name: bitcoin [preauth] . 1557848;1477071614;BingoBoingo;lololololol 1557849;1477071970;shinohai;dash = anonymity 1557850;1477072000;asciilifeform;oh, and, apparently lastly, 1557851;1477072002;asciilifeform;'eth' . 1557852;1477072100;ben_vulpes;you install mamp on one macbook and the whole internet goes down 1557853;1477072103;ben_vulpes;who knew things were this bad 1557854;1477072162;shinohai;dash = anonymity 1557855;1477072176;trinque;every piece of shit on the web was apparently using dyn? 1557856;1477072179;trinque;what is this nonsense 1557857;1477072187;trinque;AND NOBODY PUT A SECOND SET OF SERVERS IN EVEN? 1557858;1477072196;trinque;to say nothing of being a champ and running your own DNS 1557859;1477073104;asciilifeform;in other noose, who remembers http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-13#1131177 ? 1557860;1477073104;a111;Logged on 2015-05-13 22:47 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/freedom-to-tinker-derp.png 1557861;1477073150;asciilifeform;well, derp has archive.is blocked 1557862;1477073156;asciilifeform;(we really need a pill against this nonsense) 1557863;1477073176;asciilifeform;and, https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2016/10/21/bitcoin-is-unstable-without-the-block-reward << the loltron in question. 1557864;1477073329;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/9e3lw/?raw=true << the raw crapola. 1557865;1477074769;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno of a pill other than replicating the service and closing it to non-l1 1557866;1477074847;mircea_popescu;incidentally ben_vulpes would you be amenable to print email received by foo@cascadianhacker.com on wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/foo@cascadianhacker.com for 24 hours ? 1557867;1477074854;mircea_popescu;alternatively, you could just lift the whole https://github.com/ruffrey/mailsac package. 1557868;1477074874;mircea_popescu;i contacted the author, but he's not bothered to write back, so whatevs. would be a useful service for teh republic it seems to me. 1557869;1477074894;asciilifeform;replicate - yes; not sure what l1ing it would do 1557870;1477074913;asciilifeform;(other than raise the friction to the point where ~nobody can ~ever be arsed to use it) 1557871;1477074946;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i should care what people i don't know wish to preserve ? as it happens, i don't. 1557872;1477074966;asciilifeform;not 'people i don't know 1557873;1477074967;asciilifeform;' 1557874;1477075190;mircea_popescu;well then let them l themselves. 1557875;1477075281;mircea_popescu;and in other news nobody gives a shit about : the argentine govt announced an "amnesty" whereby idiots with cash in strongboxes/matresses etc can "blanquear" it, by depositing it in a bank and paying 11% in tax ("to begin with"). same applies to foreign holdings. 1557876;1477075339;mircea_popescu;this generous measure of voluntary self-rape "ends" on 31st, after being extended a coupla times. meanwhile the govt has been piling on debt at about 2x the rate of the kirscheristas. 1557877;1477075356;mircea_popescu;seeing how the other, with expatriated goods, ends in march, i would expect the reasonable time for argentina to faceplant in the mud would be about april. 1557878;1477075379;mircea_popescu;if anyone's looking to buy cheap farmer's [who thinks himself a gentleman] daughters / farms / etc, that's your horizon. 1557879;1477075400;asciilifeform;what's the excuse for the vacuum job, devaluation a la ruble ? 1557880;1477075457;mircea_popescu;the real estate market is holding by a thread. to understand each other : in the same country where the bumpkins imagine real estate goes by 1000-1500 usd per sq meter, they have SERIOUS problems over xmas bonus worth 2000 pesos (~120 dollars), to the point it's a major topic of televised debates. 1557881;1477075479;mircea_popescu;sales are down to nothing, the people are utterly desperate for food and other basics. girls still wanna marry, this year like all others. etc. 1557882;1477075492;mircea_popescu;the ~only hope to maintain the pretense is by putting a lot of pressure on the monetary supply. so... they will. 1557883;1477075616;mircea_popescu;not like the average "middle class" (in his mind only) argentine has any other resources besides renting out an apartment and expecting govt payola for his university "education". neither of which look too good at the moment. 1557884;1477075657;asciilifeform;who are the renters? 1557885;1477075712;mircea_popescu;~everyone. this is the profile of middle class argentinian family : unemployed man que es letrado (=with a law degree, never practiced) + homemaker and their teenaged 2.2 kids, living off a) the man's income from governmental sinecures + the woman's income from her parents' appointed dowry in the shape of real estate. this is it. 1557886;1477075747;mircea_popescu;they have ~500k units privately held by ~3mn owners in bizarro clan arrangements, and virtually no commercial rental market to speak of. 1557887;1477075760;asciilifeform;sooo... they rent apt with... the income from their inherited apt ..? 1557888;1477075765;asciilifeform;wai. 1557889;1477075770;mircea_popescu;no, they own one and rent another. 1557890;1477075775;asciilifeform;well yes 1557891;1477075780;asciilifeform;but why. 1557892;1477075789;mircea_popescu;because they're about as bright as earthworms ? 1557893;1477075795;mircea_popescu;not nearly as energy efficient however. 1557894;1477075868;mircea_popescu;anyway. the girls wanna marry, the boys dun wanna live with the inlaws, the old folks don't want to move to the old folks' home at 44 (you should see a) how many of those they have here, must be over 5k distinct old folks homes and b) how many of these stupid cunts are saddled with 2-3 kids aged 20something and looking for a new mate. bitch, seriousy ? go suck your babby momma's cock, you're off the market) and the girls got 1557895;1477075868;mircea_popescu;the itch 1557896;1477075871;mircea_popescu;it's set to blow. 1557897;1477076033;mircea_popescu;oh : and soy is down in chicago, and is trending down, and the chinese announced they're dropping 20% of maize to plant more soy in mainland china. 1557898;1477076053;mircea_popescu;soy being the ~only serious product of the argentine. who seriously expects to live like europeans on the basis of farming. 1557899;1477076054;asciilifeform;not estrogenized yet?! lel 1557900;1477076102;asciilifeform;motherfucking bioweapon-masquerading-for-food 1557901;1477076103;mircea_popescu;who ? the chinese ? they're practically 1bn lesbians, are you kidding me ? 1557902;1477076122;mircea_popescu;half ever-so-slightly butcher than the other half. 1557903;1477076132;asciilifeform;well evidently not yet enough by their lights, if order is 'Moar Soy' 1557904;1477076150;*;mircea_popescu has not yet encountered chinese person he didn't feel he could snap in half and eat in one sitting. 1557905;1477076184;asciilifeform;these, supposedly, exist, but ~only in usa, fed on red meat.. 1557906;1477076199;mircea_popescu;i guess they must. 1557907;1477076202;asciilifeform;iirc mats is one 1557908;1477076259;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oh were you asking who pays the rents ? 1557909;1477076274;mircea_popescu;working class argentines, principally, who live about 6-8 to a 500sqft apt. 1557910;1477076289;asciilifeform;aah 1557911;1477076291;mircea_popescu;these can be workers hoping to make it in the great urban village with its supposed "vida de noche" etc. they were defrauded. 1557912;1477076306;mircea_popescu;these can also be students hoping to acquire the official letters patent and become middle class 1557913;1477076311;mircea_popescu;they were also defrauded. 1557914;1477076328;mircea_popescu;the occasionally buyer of local cunt. these are oscillating between very amused and utterly infuriated. 1557915;1477076400;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's funny, you know, "why should i dump everything and worship the gringo ?" "because his women live two to the apartment rather than eight." 1557916;1477076865;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: aye, i could do something like that. 1557917;1477076886;ben_vulpes;MORE WHIMSICAL NAMES? YES LETS 1557918;1477077153;mircea_popescu;lol. 1557919;1477077205;mircea_popescu;anyway, how's things states-side ? everyone bracing down for the inevitable bombing campaigns of the russian-iranian coallition joint "peacekeeping" missions once the democratically elected president is deposed by a military junta led by an ex-wife of an ex-president ? 1557920;1477077236;asciilifeform;lol if only 1557921;1477077239;ben_vulpes;we're all moving to bali 1557922;1477077242;asciilifeform;in reality - death by boredom. 1557923;1477077254;mircea_popescu;bali might not fit all of ye 1557924;1477077265;asciilifeform;mali - will fit. 1557925;1477077275;mircea_popescu;that yes 1557926;1477077281;asciilifeform;already fitted. 1557927;1477077282;ben_vulpes;it's a very small contingent. 1557928;1477077403;mircea_popescu;anyway, cnn trading places with al-jazeera to report supportively about wedding ceremonies "accidentally" bombed in santa barbara by a "stray" russian rocket would be something i'd even turn a tv set on for. 1557929;1477077460;asciilifeform;check back in 20y 1557930;1477077478;mircea_popescu;i dunno, things move fast in the reddit era. 1557931;1477077498;asciilifeform;only imaginary, massless particles. 1557932;1477077837;mats;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/za8el/?raw=true and http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/05rky/?raw=true 1557933;1477077838;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the best part about that package is that it actually sends (and delivers!) emails from arbitrary email address. i've been sending as hussein.bahamas@whitehouse.org without complaint, gmail inboxes, the works. 1557934;1477077852;ben_vulpes;dag 1557935;1477077859;ben_vulpes;really don't want to install mongo. 1557936;1477077860;mircea_popescu;cool factor > 9k 1557937;1477077866;asciilifeform;ty mats -- where were these from 1557938;1477077867;asciilifeform;? 1557939;1477077870;mircea_popescu;you mean you don't have mongo installed ?! 1557940;1477077878;ben_vulpes;dog 1557941;1477077885;ben_vulpes;i have been trying to avoid importing the whole internet 1557942;1477077890;mircea_popescu;wtf where is the ben vulpes you know and what did you do to him 1557943;1477077899;mircea_popescu;we know* 1557944;1477077900;*;trinque grows suspicious 1557945;1477077913;mircea_popescu;THERE IS AN IMPOSTEUR IN OUR MIDSTS! 1557946;1477077920;ben_vulpes;listen just because people pay me to root around in cow pussy all day doesn't mean i do it in my free time 1557947;1477077926;ben_vulpes;i actually prefer humans 1557948;1477077935;mircea_popescu;in a shocking development 1557949;1477077984;mats;first is osx 10.11.6, second is opensuse 42.1 1557950;1477078005;ben_vulpes;no it's pretty funny, take a break from inseminating cows and mircea_popescu goes all "oh hey if you have a minute" 1557951;1477078011;mircea_popescu;lol 1557952;1477078013;ben_vulpes;"dis heifer" 1557953;1477078024;mircea_popescu;dats uddars! 1557954;1477078048;ben_vulpes;trinque: what do you do for emailz? 1557955;1477078058;mircea_popescu;~anything, i hear. 1557956;1477078062;mats;is there a particular os you are trying to test? 1557957;1477078071;trinque;ben_vulpes: in what regard? 1557958;1477078072;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: hyu 1557959;1477078076;asciilifeform;mats: no, or i would test it with own hands. 1557960;1477078080;asciilifeform;mats: just survey. 1557961;1477078088;mircea_popescu;mats coverage is good ; and these we didn't have. 1557962;1477078099;ben_vulpes;trinque: smtp i think 1557963;1477078111;trinque;postfix 1557964;1477078112;ben_vulpes;guess i'm learning how email works this weekend 1557965;1477078119;mircea_popescu;email doesn't work. next question. 1557966;1477078122;trinque;lel! 1557967;1477078123;ben_vulpes;inb4 'poorly' 1557968;1477078125;ben_vulpes;fuck! 1557969;1477078132;mircea_popescu;too slow, mongoboy! 1557970;1477078159;ben_vulpes;mongoman to you 1557971;1477078164;mircea_popescu;mongosir 1557972;1477078166;ben_vulpes;mongomanous 1557973;1477078186;ben_vulpes;living in mongnominy 1557974;1477078186;mats;it took a couple hours for both of these to run 1557975;1477078190;asciilifeform;mongoose..? 1557976;1477078192;mircea_popescu;verrrry sorrry to tell you sir here at trilema haus we all halal. no mongo at all! 1557977;1477078199;mats;meanwhile a debian and ubuntu machine is still cooking after 3 days 1557978;1477078247;ben_vulpes;my gentoo shitball has only cooked up 1.1M so far 1557979;1477078261;ben_vulpes;so i dunno, you'll get it in another month? 1557980;1477078288;asciilifeform;great, incidentally, pill against testability, this 1557981;1477078290;mircea_popescu;i like linux because it is more better cryptosecurelly. 1557982;1477078295;asciilifeform;laughably piddling bitrate 1557983;1477078298;ben_vulpes;fucking gross node.js and mongo and redis 1557984;1477078313;asciilifeform;go & try & get 1MB from /dev/random. 1557985;1477078319;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i thought you two'd be buttbuddies when i ran into him. i'm genuinely surprised you don't already know each other. 1557986;1477078324;asciilifeform;the king and the donkey might die first. 1557987;1477078354;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: hurtful 1557988;1477078373;mircea_popescu;well look on the bright side : now that you stepped away from it we can finally joke about it. 1557989;1477078402;ben_vulpes;i was never averse to joking about it before... 1557990;1477078421;mircea_popescu;not the same! 1557991;1477078930;phf;it was good timing switching to hand curated hosts file, because i've been informed whole of the internet is down or something 1557992;1477078949;mircea_popescu;lol 1557993;1477078957;mircea_popescu;STRATEGIC SUPERIORITY! 1557994;1477082325;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557575 << this is seriously intriguing framing. can't wait for trilema on the subj. 1557995;1477082325;a111;Logged on 2016-10-21 00:47 mircea_popescu: anyway, if mining is a bug, then the philosopher king is a backdoor. 1557996;1477082372;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-20#1556992 << you're the semen-covered winrar 1557997;1477082372;a111;Logged on 2016-10-20 04:35 ben_vulpes: back up to 84 pete_dushenski 1557998;1477082436;mircea_popescu;eh ? 1557999;1477082448;mircea_popescu;what, this is not directly obvious ? 1558000;1477082498;pete_dushenski;even the obvious benefits from fleshed out blogs. see credit cards. 1558001;1477082548;mircea_popescu;mebbe, but i dun see this one coming. just look at history of previous russian empire ; first they had lenin, then they had stalin, then they had that idiot what's his name. 1558002;1477082559;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/e6Ips << for expert entomologists strictly. 1558003;1477082580;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: the one with the mercedes. aha. or the one with the guitar bridge. either way. 1558004;1477082738;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557946 << i thought 'cow pussy' was euphamism at first, likely for some kinda corvette-powered webdev. now not so sure. next bv will be writing manifesto from bulbless cabin a la kaczynski. 1558005;1477082738;a111;Logged on 2016-10-21 19:25 ben_vulpes: listen just because people pay me to root around in cow pussy all day doesn't mean i do it in my free time 1558006;1477082790;ben_vulpes;hm? 1558007;1477082808;pete_dushenski;since we're doing entemology, this keeper's from the 'other' bitcoin news site : http://archive.is/HQM7m 1558008;1477082886;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: are you a farm hand now or aren't you ? 1558009;1477082922;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform basically a textbook example of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-01#1460246 . anything more ? 1558010;1477082922;a111;Logged on 2016-05-01 17:40 mircea_popescu: anyway, to bridge this discussion with the kaiser wilhelm "disappeared" daily telegraph interview discussed last week : 1558011;1477082943;mircea_popescu;other than yet another example of how utterly ridiculous yarvin looks 1558012;1477082958;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: mnope. 1558013;1477083041;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/Gth1m << "verifying identity", the fiat way. 1558014;1477083056;asciilifeform;wat 1558015;1477083131;asciilifeform;i thought this were a nigerian thing 1558016;1477083143;mircea_popescu;it is. 1558017;1477083364;pete_dushenski;those are some giant mitts 1558018;1477083385;mircea_popescu;guy has transformed into an almost perfect jewish caricature, it's uncanny. 1558019;1477083396;mircea_popescu;they're gonna start posting his outline in 4chan 1558020;1477083415;pete_dushenski;wasn't 8chan the kkk one ? 1558021;1477083449;mircea_popescu;i thought they all were. 1558022;1477083477;pete_dushenski;quite possibly 1558023;1477083513;asciilifeform;was good caricature in '08 1558024;1477083516;asciilifeform;(watched the film ?) 1558025;1477083524;mircea_popescu;which film ? 1558026;1477083563;asciilifeform;mr mold 'debating' some 'professor'. 1558027;1477083567;mircea_popescu;nah. 1558028;1477083583;asciilifeform;was terrible, nervous ticks, whole shebang 1558029;1477083650;asciilifeform;https://vimeo.com/9262193 << iirc, this. 1558030;1477083661;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557933 << lel. tho mp@foib.org is pretty good too. 1558031;1477083661;a111;Logged on 2016-10-21 19:23 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the best part about that package is that it actually sends (and delivers!) emails from arbitrary email address. i've been sending as hussein.bahamas@whitehouse.org without complaint, gmail inboxes, the works. 1558032;1477083965;*;mircea_popescu can't be arsed, but seriously, how hard is at least making an effort to appear human! 1558033;1477084002;asciilifeform;dunno, possibly this was even ~with~ effort. 1558034;1477084009;asciilifeform;picture - without. 1558035;1477084071;phf;he probably realized his position is not going to earn him any favours with the aparatchiks, so he's trying to morph himself into chomsky "what exactly ~is~ racism, khmmm mmm, seeee" 1558036;1477084073;mircea_popescu;i'm starting to understand why the various philipinos were so jizzed up over those videos of mine they fished up. "oh, ALL these dorks look like dorks so we can just pretend this guy does too!" 1558037;1477084094;asciilifeform;looking ridiculous is not imho a mortal sin, i also cannot claim to be great orator, or photomodel. but i never try to do these things, do not go around plastering self-portraits, or dance on stage. 1558038;1477084112;mircea_popescu;phf may be above his paygrade. 1558039;1477084158;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a difference between "not great orator&photomodel" and uncanny fucking valley, however. 1558040;1477084203;asciilifeform;phf: afaik d00d is one of thiel's court clowns, since '11 or so, and free to do mostly whatever he wants so long as it remains reasonably quiet. 1558041;1477084219;asciilifeform;yudkowsky-style charity-laundry. 1558042;1477084270;mircea_popescu;anyway, leaving appearance aside, his position is shockingly idiotic. on one hand he gives away the stuff that matters (yes, for god damn sure most of human population, of either sex, gender, race, ethnicity, whatever belongs in bondage. doh) in exchange for not exactly clearly what the fuck, not like rando progre attention whore is now going to be best pals with him and blow him. 1558043;1477084315;mircea_popescu;"oh, yarvin said he doesn't think blacks are born slaves ?!?! OMG WHERE DOES HE LIVE I WANNA DO A LOAD OF HIS LAUNDRY!!!" 1558044;1477084401;asciilifeform;in exchange, probably, for 'reasonably quiet' 1558045;1477084468;mircea_popescu;stupid deal. 1558046;1477084482;mircea_popescu;who wants to trade the undefined upside for a fixed payment ? fuck that, inverse insurance, really ? 1558047;1477084494;phf;asciilifeform: well, like mircea_popescu said above it's not about thiel, it's about whether or not he gets to hang out with rando progre attention whores. of course it doesn't work that way and i don't know why he would want to, but i wouldn't be surprised if in his mind it does. my impression is that he's visibly trying to morph from stormfront "must read litrecha" section to a kind of "let's discuss human nature, surely we all agree" 1558048;1477084494;phf;intelligentsia 1558049;1477084508;asciilifeform;probably 1558050;1477084532;mircea_popescu;but he doesn't have either the intellectual werewithal nor the knowledge base. 1558051;1477084539;mircea_popescu;it's the worst possible move. 1558052;1477084568;mircea_popescu;then again i guess humanity is principally defined by a propensity to make the worst possible move. 1558053;1477084588;mircea_popescu;hence the whole "nobody could have predicted" shtick. 1558054;1477084591;asciilifeform;btw stormfront on shortwave was pretty great. 1558055;1477084605;mircea_popescu;last time i listened to radio i was like 15. 1558056;1477084608;asciilifeform;(the talker died some years ago) 1558057;1477084926;asciilifeform;https://outernet.is/tech << entirely unrelated, and lulzy, and i do dare suspect that they read the l0gz 1558058;1477084965;asciilifeform;^ arbitrary crud over satellite, but the receiver is the familiar rtl-sdr, that everyone already has. 1558059;1477085010;asciilifeform;http://destevez.net/2016/10/reverse-engineering-outernet-modulation-coding-and-framing << reversed. 1558060;1477085046;mircea_popescu;why do you think read logs ? 1558061;1477085123;asciilifeform;iirc we suggested this very method, at one time. 1558062;1477085130;mircea_popescu;ah 1558063;1477085140;mircea_popescu;not terribly counterintuitive is it ? 1558064;1477085192;phf;i figured out how archive.is is doing their archiving by the way, i'm taking a stab at implementing it 1558065;1477085206;mircea_popescu;prompted by all this discussion, i find "More recently, Land has been a primary theorist and the namer of the Dark Enlightenment, a neoreactionary movement that opposes egalitarianism.[5] The Dark Enlightenment supplies philosophical underpinnings to the alt-right.[6]" 1558066;1477085215;mircea_popescu;i had no idea ? we're not the only anti-egalitarians out there ? 1558067;1477085245;mircea_popescu;guy's blog is even active, apparently. 1558068;1477085251;mircea_popescu;!#s xenosystems.net 1558069;1477085251;a111;12 results for "xenosystems.net", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=xenosystems.net 1558070;1477085256;mircea_popescu;bejaysus. 1558071;1477085258;asciilifeform;loads of these. 1558072;1477085262;asciilifeform;for years now. 1558073;1477085267;asciilifeform;oooold noose. 1558074;1477085294;mircea_popescu;o wait, we were actually linked at some point ? 1558075;1477085302;mircea_popescu;did anyone ever invite the fellow over ? 1558076;1477085315;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/tqQBL << 'new yorker' soils pants in face of trump, tmsr, other t-words. blames nazis, obv. bit of a snore really. 1558077;1477085321;*;mircea_popescu would muchly appreciate a crash course in dark enligthement from the very horse's mouth. 1558078;1477085358;asciilifeform;iirc we tried to get the horse here 1558079;1477085363;pete_dushenski;http://www.xenosystems.net/quote-note-144/ << wherein pete is quoted on xenosystems 1558080;1477085367;mircea_popescu;a we did ? 1558081;1477085612;pete_dushenski;a 'dark enlightenment' character by the name of 'alrenous' also found his way to the contravex comments for a while. bought a year-and-a-half ago now. decent enough to carry a convo but hardly limitless depth there. 1558082;1477085746;mircea_popescu;phf that's pretty major. how does he do it then ? 1558083;1477085821;pete_dushenski;s/bought/bout. lol. 1558084;1477085827;pete_dushenski;bbias 1558085;1477086145;phf;they are using Qt webkit integration, either through a hacked up version of phantomjs, or something handwritten. there's enough hooks in qt, that you can figure out what was loaded, where it got stored in local cache and where it's being used. 1558086;1477086159;mircea_popescu;hm 1558087;1477086359;phf;phantomjs out of the box is almost there, except it doesn't give you locations to where page dependencies were stored in local cache. but the approach ensures that anything that can be rendered using a modern browser can also be archived 1558088;1477086412;mircea_popescu;"Victorious third world struggles, so long as they have been successfully localized, do not lead to realistic post-capitalist achievements, and certainly not to post-patriarchal ones, since the conversation of the form of the nation state is itself enough to guarantee the reinsertion of a society into the system of inhibited synthesis. For as long as the dynamic of guerrilla war just leads to new men at the top . . . History 1558089;1477086412;mircea_popescu;will continue to look bleak. For it is only when the pervasive historical bond between masculinity and war is broken by effective feminist violence that it will become possible to envisage the uprooting of the patriarchal endogamies that orchestrate the contemporary world order . . . But the only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this must foster new Amazons in our midst" 1558090;1477086421;mircea_popescu;and suddenly /me is very disinterested in nick land's ideas. 1558091;1477086464;mircea_popescu;http://cnqzu.com/library/Philosophy/neoreaction/Nick%20Land/%281988%29%20LAND%20--%20Kant_%20Capital_%20and%20the%20Prohibition%20of%20Incest.pdf << sauce if anyone gives a shit. in pdf because ofcourse. 1558092;1477086670;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/the-feds-wont-buy-this-19-million-stealth-boat-or-let-it-be-sold-abroad << lulzy tech interdiction 1558093;1477086688;ben_vulpes;clever little design 1558094;1477086713;mircea_popescu;and it's not expropriation because reasons. 1558095;1477086717;mircea_popescu;of the us courtly sort. 1558096;1477086776;ben_vulpes;the kind where they take a thing but can't use it 1558097;1477086818;ben_vulpes;stealth boat? really? 1558098;1477087058;asciilifeform;eh it's old hat in the 'wetlands' racket 1558099;1477087062;asciilifeform;as described by uncle al 1558100;1477087071;asciilifeform;'this land is yours but if you build anything - jail' 1558101;1477087073;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1558102;1477087076;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 435318 | Current Difficulty: 2.5852274840451544E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 435455 | Next Difficulty In: 137 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 21 hours, 4 minutes, and 36 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1558103;1477088277;ben_vulpes;http://portland-shopping-list.shithouse.tv/ 1558104;1477088317;phf;i thought dark enlightenment completely discredited itself, by trying to julius evola while neckbeard 1558105;1477088358;phf;i was certain we had a thread.. 1558106;1477089002;pete_dushenski;!#s cathedral 1558107;1477089003;a111;33 results for "cathedral", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=cathedral 1558108;1477089243;shinohai;http://archive.is/XXGCQ <<< PLZ give out btc bac kthanx 1558109;1477090108;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: We may have invitit a few of them, but they seem to spring up like weeds 1558110;1477091086;ben_vulpes;oh good 1558111;1477091192;BingoBoingo;niggers.txt 1558112;1477092255;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/21/is-so-unfair-cycle-3/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 3 1558113;1477092310;*;pete_dushenski off to a retreat for teh weekend. no cell reception. no net connex. 1558114;1477092343;BingoBoingo;But pete_dushenski will then miss the fanfic while it is fresh! 1558115;1477095222;shinohai;http://archive.is/eRnEY <<< damned expensive beer at $125 per 12 pack 1558116;1477095254;shinohai;!~calc 90000 / 719 1558117;1477095255;jhvh1;shinohai: 90000 / 719 = 125.17385257301808 1558118;1477096200;mircea_popescu;!#s julius evola 1558119;1477096201;a111;2 results for "julius evola", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=julius%20evola 1558120;1477096205;mircea_popescu;ahem 1558121;1477096225;asciilifeform;!#s evola 1558122;1477096226;a111;21 results for "evola", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=evola 1558123;1477096296;mircea_popescu;all i see is a bunch of outsiders trying to impress with their reading. 1558124;1477096319;asciilifeform;dunno that we have any evola fans present. 1558125;1477096368;phf;ag3nt_zer0 was one 1558126;1477096434;mircea_popescu;shinohai ok that bitfinex stuff is hysterical. 1558127;1477096457;shinohai;ikr 1558128;1477096458;*;mircea_popescu recalls the not so distant days a coupla years ago when these imbeciles were masquerading as bidnismen with suits and secretaries and who is mp./ 1558129;1477096480;asciilifeform;wait, they stopped?! 1558130;1477096489;mircea_popescu;heh. 1558131;1477096490;shinohai;I guess the token scheme isn't working as planned. 1558132;1477097642;shinohai;I should have qntra'd that story just for the title "Bitfinex Begs Burgler for Bitcoins Back" 1558133;1477097650;mircea_popescu;for srs 1558134;1477097656;mircea_popescu;possibly not to late still 1558135;1477098104;mircea_popescu;anyone can explain how the cryptoart "purveroys of fine art papeer wallets" can afford to blow what looks like a >10k budget on google advertising ? 1558136;1477098134;mircea_popescu;this is the first time i hear of non-starving yet un-famous graphical artists doing a lot of quality work for no upfront fee of their own, anarcho-syndicalist volition. 1558137;1477098139;mircea_popescu;it's fucking absurd. 1558138;1477098227;mircea_popescu;and in other lolz, https://archive.is/xcL5b 1558139;1477098253;mircea_popescu;"Donald Trump gained on Hillary Clinton among American voters this week, cutting her lead nearly in half despite a string of women accusing him of unwanted sexual advances and the furor over his disputed claims that the election process is rigged, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday." 1558140;1477098263;mircea_popescu;aka deese putins dun understand how teh our democracy works! 1558141;1477098285;asciilifeform;eh they print these to revv up turnout for the kpussa. 1558142;1477098294;asciilifeform;'oh noez we might luuus' 1558143;1477098309;mircea_popescu;lol. 1558144;1477098332;mircea_popescu;teh libertards are basically playing twister in the "situation room" 1558145;1477098370;mircea_popescu;63% think he raped someone at some point ; 62% want him to be president. presumably the missing 1% doesn't like the dearth of pics ? 1558146;1477098435;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/mNVrl << related lultron from same rag 1558147;1477098482;asciilifeform;'he worries that the lack of trust is dangerous. It is one thing to not trust government, but quite another to doubt the election process. “Then the entire premise of democracy comes into question,” she said.' 1558148;1477098490;mircea_popescu;aha 1558149;1477098492;asciilifeform;oh noez, DOUBT!?!!!!! 1558150;1477098511;mircea_popescu;i'm telling you, russian-iranian peacekeeping coalition 1558151;1477098517;mircea_popescu;coming to a walmart near you this winter. 1558152;1477098523;asciilifeform;zimbabwean-malian coalition. 1558153;1477098567;mircea_popescu;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2016/10/21/111701348_Hillary_Trump_top_foreign-large_trans++faglMYeke2FdVtM7pecRgqZZ4XO6YMBIM0m8aUTtExs.jpg << dude who the everloving fuck lives like this ?! 1558154;1477098568;asciilifeform;this is rather like trying to guess which fungus will eat an aids sufferer. 1558155;1477098580;asciilifeform;could be any fungus, but fungi dun eat healthy folk. 1558156;1477098585;mircea_popescu;"powerful rich important people" leat 2010 are such a fucking joke. 1558157;1477098646;asciilifeform;who the fuck is that in the middle, cardinal richelieu ? 1558158;1477098683;asciilifeform;or... a _trans++fagl ?? 1558159;1477098694;mircea_popescu;new york cardinal dolan 1558160;1477098710;mircea_popescu;a very jolly fellow irl, no idea why he looks so forced-laughing there. 1558161;1477098944;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/v0oil/?raw=true plox to use title "Bitfinex Begs Burgler for Bitcoins Back" if published thx 1558162;1477098944;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1558163;1477098984;mircea_popescu;(the pic is from the al smith diner, yest. this is a derpy thing trying to get the candidates to roast each other for catholic charities. ny libertard "elites" are very excited today about the fact that trump walked in not giving the slightest shit about their mores, and eschewed what in manhattan passes for "humour", aka http://trilema.com/2014/parody-is-not-there-for-you-cancerous-fags-to-try-and-hide-your-cancer-behind-it/ 1558164;1477098984;mircea_popescu; ) 1558165;1477099773;shinohai;So it appears the Russian Foreign Affairs Website was sorta hacked by the jester. 1558166;1477100619;mircea_popescu;it's fucking incredible just how bad trump's speech writer was, by the way. dude's a reality tv star, like that jenner chick or whatever, you'd expect he'd come prepared to kill it. 1558167;1477100862;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/WHfpe << clinton oligarch branson testifies as to which hand feeds him. 1558168;1477101292;mircea_popescu;omyfucking god he wrote it on his own. 1558169;1477101412;mircea_popescu;so 70yo dude who's always, though thick and thin and half a dozen bankruptcies, ever since he was a wee tyke and his dad had to cosign his deals, aspired to be part of the you know, new york moneyed elite finally goes to the al smith diner. and gets to seat on the dais. and you know, he prepares for this. his speech, his own speech. 1558170;1477101416;mircea_popescu;and it's miserable. 1558171;1477101427;mircea_popescu;thursday's the night trump became a tragic figure. 1558172;1477101464;*;shinohai plays tiny violin for Trump 1558173;1477101894;mircea_popescu;mindblowing. 1558174;1477106359;BingoBoingo;shinohai: the tag is blockquote, not block 1558175;1477106628;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/buggered-bitfinex-begs-burgler-for-bitcoins-back/ << Qntra - Buggered Bitfinex Begs Burgler For Bitcoins Back 1558176;1477108759;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5A35236F137FD211F772259BD5287EDE9AA09CD8A275F881C74BD97AB8BD0545 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99319465194670868101345891624117322377222977433808483462332438176091472945093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1558177;1477109269;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5A35236F137FD211F772259BD5287EDE9AA09CD8A275F881C74BD97AB8BD0545 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99319465194670868101345891624117322377222977433808483462332438176091472945093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1558178;1477109269;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D21502DDC614160506D49019E3A101B1D769C3A49597CAB4B67CBBC0EF4E7592 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99319465194670868101345891624117322377222977433808483462332438176091472945093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1558179;1477112896;mircea_popescu;just when you think it's done... 1558180;1477113078;BingoBoingo;What done? 1558181;1477113082;mircea_popescu;phuctor 1558182;1477113115;BingoBoingo;Never, too many ints and not enough hertz. 1558183;1477113971;mircea_popescu;lol 1558184;1477130922;znort987;ola 1558185;1477130938;znort987;a quick question if I may 1558186;1477130988;znort987;Rethinking the hw setup for bbet and having come across unpleasant security rumors about intel chips 1558187;1477131036;znort987;I am wondering what kind of iron you guys typically use 1558188;1477131102;znort987;I searched the logs, and it seems a topic often discussed, but the answers are sort of sprinkled through 1558189;1477131199;znort987;A fresh set of opinions on the topic would be welcome 1558190;1477143914;mircea_popescu;!~later tell znort987 questionbombing dun work irl. 1558191;1477143914;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded. 1558192;1477144594;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-22#1558179 << it isn't even 1/3 done with Framedragger's material as of yet. 1558193;1477144594;a111;Logged on 2016-10-22 05:08 mircea_popescu: just when you think it's done... 1558194;1477144621;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1558195;1477144782;mircea_popescu;and in other "people were having fun in buenos aires" news, http://www.diario26.com/enamoraba-a-mujeres-y-las-volvia-dealers-230891.html 1558196;1477144934;shinohai;Looks like I'm doing this Latin American entrepreneurship thing all wrong. 1558197;1477144944;mircea_popescu;guy was certainly doing it right. 1558198;1477144980;*;shinohai tips sombrero 1558199;1477145031;mircea_popescu;not so sure about the execution (really, selling cocaine to these poor fucks ? really, have children ?!) but the principle is entirely correct. 1558200;1477145186;shinohai;MAybe his hope was that having children would increase succession lineage. 1558201;1477145222;mircea_popescu;what the fuck's that supposed to do. 1558202;1477148632;BingoBoingo;Well if he has 800 children mebbe one doesn't suck? 1558203;1477149193;mircea_popescu;no but see, guy has the right idea already : let the 800 dorks have kids, pick up the select ones once they're 16 1558204;1477149203;mircea_popescu;then he goes right back to it. 1558205;1477150167;BingoBoingo;Eh meat is a messy business. 1558206;1477154491;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1558207;1477155494;ben_vulpes;fuckin dns 1558208;1477155501;ben_vulpes;great scam 1558209;1477155523;ben_vulpes;wacky .tlds are "eighty eight cents (plus fee) (for the first year and then hundreds per year after that)" 1558210;1477155531;ben_vulpes;artificial scarcity horseshit 1558211;1477155998;mircea_popescu;oya 1558212;1477156048;mircea_popescu;it was unavoidalbe, derps paid 1mn to govt and now want to get it back from society. because that's what "business" is, finding novel ways to move money from the rays to the star center. 1558213;1477156068;mircea_popescu;note however that the whole "domain is valuable" bullshit this entire scam is predicated on doesn't carry any water. i expired mpex domains, polimedia.us etc. cost =0. 1558214;1477156092;mircea_popescu;just get the domain for 88 cents, put a redirect to new domain month 11. let the "investor" derps acquire the very valuable domain name!11 1558215;1477156136;ben_vulpes;teh broken linx though 1558216;1477156155;mircea_popescu;so then get a .com or w/e. 1558217;1477156273;ben_vulpes;mhm 1558218;1477156302;mircea_popescu;"yessica" 1558219;1477156303;mircea_popescu;dude... 1558220;1477156543;ben_vulpes;http://nombresanimados.net/gifs-nombres-animados/gifs-animados-nombre-yessica-firma-animada-0154.gif 1558221;1477156555;ben_vulpes;neon signs, redone as gif 1558222;1477156591;mircea_popescu;spanish has the most fucking retarded female names. yessica and belen and dolores and ffs. 1558223;1477156682;asciilifeform;misericordia! 1558224;1477156876;mod6;Happy Birthday to the Bitcoin Foundation. 2 years old today! 1558225;1477156885;asciilifeform;congrats mod6 et al 1558226;1477157235;mod6;Salud! 1558227;1477157309;*;shinohai raises glass [~]D 1558228;1477157561;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: domain 'investment' was so closely a premonition of modern shitcoinery scams, that it is almost of a same relationship to them as nipkow's mechanical televisor to modern tv. 1558229;1477157993;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557866 << wouldn't strictly need to be coupled to the paster though right? 1558230;1477157993;a111;Logged on 2016-10-21 18:34 mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes would you be amenable to print email received by foo@cascadianhacker.com on wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/foo@cascadianhacker.com for 24 hours ? 1558231;1477158545;mircea_popescu;aha 1558232;1477158568;mircea_popescu;o hey happy bday mod6 & ben_vulpes 1558233;1477158622;ben_vulpes;huzzah 1558234;1477159562;mod6;Thanks, Sir! 1558235;1477160453;mod6;ben_vulpes: Your makefile.vpatch seal has been verified and added to the Foundation's mirror. 1558236;1477160467;mod6;Thanks! 1558237;1477160554;ben_vulpes;mhm! 1558238;1477161983;asciilifeform;soooo here's a tale 'from the crypt.' it recently fell to asciilifeform to turn on a winblowz box and install a python there, to run a lab instrument. and guess what, the Official installer RUNS WINBLOWS UPDATE, KBxxxxxsomethingorother! 1558239;1477161989;asciilifeform;AAAAND of course hangs for eternity 1558240;1477161995;asciilifeform;because i have microshit firewalled. 1558241;1477162037;asciilifeform;this is imho worth putting on record, because the perhaps one and single edge ye olde winblows world had over open sores was 'self-contained, static-exe' etc. 1558242;1477162049;asciilifeform;but now the wonderful 'dependency hell' has been IMPORTED there. 1558243;1477162060;asciilifeform;so microshit folk can 'enjoy' the 'best of two worlds'... 1558244;1477163304;mircea_popescu;microsoft wanted to phone home the moment it could, back in 95 or such 1558245;1477163316;mircea_popescu;so really, what to you is hell, to vermin is paradise. 1558246;1477163497;mod6;!~bcstats 1558247;1477163498;jhvh1;mod6: Current Blocks: {"blockcount":435465} | Current Difficulty: 2.5361824664148953E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 437471 | Next Difficulty In: None blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 14 hours, 25 minutes, and 39 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1558248;1477163596;mod6;down 1.8% 'eh? 1558249;1477163682;mod6;been going up pretty steady tho recently. 1558250;1477163700;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the tale is not interesting because microshit phones home, this is known even to schoolchildren, it is interesting because 'open sores' now INSISTS on MICROSHIT update enabled 1558251;1477163705;asciilifeform;when running on microshit 1558252;1477163756;asciilifeform;interesting detail, the described scenario relates strictly to 'python3', 'python2' -- installs normally. 1558253;1477163758;mircea_popescu;my point is that they always wanted this. 1558254;1477163764;mircea_popescu;to you, it's broken. to them, it's better. 1558255;1477163773;asciilifeform;their supposed 'enemies' -- are on board. 1558256;1477163802;asciilifeform;i must wonder, was it van rossum himself ? or his bobbeck ? 1558257;1477163805;mircea_popescu;there exists this sort of (conventionally denoted "female" mind) for whom everything-depends-on-everything-else-nothing-can-happen-because-of-it is simply put nirvana 1558258;1477163952;asciilifeform;btw main effect, apparently, is to keep the thing from working on unregistered winblowsen, as seen in https://archive.is/BrcIy . 1558259;1477163974;asciilifeform;why the python devs volunteered to become license enforcers for microshit, is a question for them, not for me. 1558260;1477164676;mircea_popescu;prolly just wanted to 1558261;1477165045;asciilifeform;microshit ain't a religion, the quislings expect a reward 'on earth, not in heaven', and i'd like to know what it is 1558262;1477168337;adlai;!~bible matthew 1-48 1558263;1477168338;jhvh1;adlai: ERROR: Failed to load/parse the verse or page. Check your syntax. 1558264;1477168346;adlai;!~bible matthew 5:1-48 1558265;1477168347;jhvh1;adlai: [KJV] Matthew 5:1 :: And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: 1558266;1477168348;jhvh1;adlai: [KJV] Matthew 5:2 :: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, 1558267;1477168349;jhvh1;adlai: [KJV] Matthew 5:3 :: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 1558268;1477168350;jhvh1;adlai: [KJV] Matthew 5:4 :: Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. 1558269;1477168351;jhvh1;adlai: [KJV] Matthew 5:5 :: Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 1558270;1477168352;jhvh1;adlai: ERROR: I have more than 5 matching passages from your query (43 left). Please be more specific. 1558271;1477168379;adlai;ok ok. 1558272;1477168480;adlai;http://trilema.com/2016/trilema-bot-spec/#selection-41.75-41.130 << still a tad ambiguous, arguably a less leaky spec would give a ratio of command:response lengthsn 1558273;1477168561;*;adlai notices that mod6 'scooped' him, gets back to 'work' 1558274;1477169997;adlai;asciilifeform: what exactly does KBxxxxx mean in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-22#1558238 ? (please elucidate, for those who are fortunate enough to only inhabit physical mordor, but limit their computing expeditions to... ah... mirkwood) 1558275;1477169997;a111;Logged on 2016-10-22 18:46 asciilifeform: soooo here's a tale 'from the crypt.' it recently fell to asciilifeform to turn on a winblowz box and install a python there, to run a lab instrument. and guess what, the Official installer RUNS WINBLOWS UPDATE, KBxxxxxsomethingorother! 1558276;1477170050;adlai;i guess my question can be upgraded to "which KB number?", if you can answer that without revealing too much about the windows setup 1558277;1477172842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if the quislings got 40 virgins they wouldn't know what to do with them 1558278;1477172866;mircea_popescu;i very much dispute this theory whereby thye expect a reward on earth. in my view the one thing they fear is reward on earth. which is who they are and why they are that. 1558279;1477173172;adlai;40? all you need do for nearly double that is blow your own dick off while aiming for an apostate 1558280;1477173319;mircea_popescu;adlai a) you don't get to call a spec leaky. if it's not clear what's going on to you, it's probably because you are dumb, not because the going on is broken. 1558281;1477173341;mircea_popescu;in this particular case, http://trilema.com/2011/arta-pedepsirii/#selection-87.147-91.69 applies. keep your bot where i don't have to whack it, and if you need to ask what that is i'll whack both of you. 1558282;1477173409;adlai;can you please translate the original? i prefer not to rely on machine translation. 1558283;1477173528;mircea_popescu;mebbe one day. though the gist is in english anyway. 1558284;1477173779;asciilifeform;adlai: mircea_popescu translated eons ago, and apparently forgot, http://trilema.com/2014/the-logical-impossibility-and-the-moral-untenability-of-forgiveness/ 1558285;1477173816;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-22#1558276 << it was iirc in the reddit link 1558286;1477173816;a111;Logged on 2016-10-22 21:00 adlai: i guess my question can be upgraded to "which KB number?", if you can answer that without revealing too much about the windows setup 1558287;1477173834;asciilifeform;something to do with msvs cpp runtime lib. 1558288;1477173864;asciilifeform;i omitted this detail because i could not fathom why anyone might care, and still cannot... 1558289;1477173876;adlai;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2011/arta-pedepsirii/#comment-119537 1558290;1477174005;asciilifeform;but! i then replaced the thing with... msdos box. and 1990s proggy. which worx flawlessly. 1558291;1477174010;mircea_popescu;oh oh rigjht 1558292;1477174059;asciilifeform;srsly if you wanna drive a parallel port gadget in realtime - straight to msdos. 1558293;1477174078;asciilifeform;fuck multiprocessing. 1558294;1477174228;adlai;mircea_popescu: thank you for the translation! 1558295;1477174257;mircea_popescu;answert/ 1558296;1477174270;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha, it's been my conclusion also. 1558297;1477174286;mircea_popescu;do you know what's the lulziest thing i heard in response to stating it ? 1558298;1477174298;mircea_popescu;"well... on modern systems you could easily emulate multiple msdos in paralel" 1558299;1477174360;asciilifeform;specifically no 1558300;1477174364;mircea_popescu;aha. 1558301;1477174406;asciilifeform;when my thing goes 'logic high on pin 2 and then 10ms later -- logic low' it has to be 10ms 1558302;1477174421;asciilifeform;and not 10 + parasitic interrupt handlers. 1558303;1477174440;mircea_popescu;it's just stupid in principle, in the very peculiar manner of libertard socialism. "oh, you can have the thing that works, provided it doesn't work anymore" 1558304;1477174699;adlai;mircea_popescu: answer-answert; afterthought - there's a theory that holocaust survivors' grandchildren are better off than they'd have been if the first assasination attempt against hitler had succeeded, and it's probably not wrong. 1558305;1477174782;adlai;in other news, i have sitting next to me a yet-unboxed Gizmo Explorer 1, which compromises the rest of the night's "work" (after qntring the diff adjustment) 1558306;1477174794;mircea_popescu;enjoy. 1558307;1477174836;adlai;i will. thank ~you~! 1558308;1477175012;shinohai;WHo all has these Gizmos right now ... mod6 ? 1558309;1477175149;mircea_popescu;amazon 1558310;1477175165;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not afaik 1558311;1477175176;asciilifeform;never did, unless it just now happened 1558312;1477175179;mircea_popescu;no ? where were they from ? 1558313;1477175223;adlai;shinohai: if you're asking where to buy the Sage Smartprobe, i'm not aware of any way to get it other than thru "Symmetry Electronics" (WoT: Nonperson) 1558314;1477175237;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-23#1547445 1558315;1477175237;a111;Logged on 2016-09-23 02:00 trinque: thortron: http://www.semiconductorstore.com/cart/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=48524 << linked from the gizmo 1's website 1558316;1477175247;mircea_popescu;oh 1558317;1477175258;mircea_popescu;shinohai i take it back, not amazon. 1558318;1477175264;asciilifeform;seems like it's down to that 1 warehouse 1558319;1477175310;shinohai;I was on the fence about it anyway, spent my gizmo budget on a lappy to run African linux for testing eulora repos instead. 1558320;1477175319;adlai;quoth theBay: "0 results found for sage smartprobe, so we searched for sage smartphone" 1558321;1477175334;adlai;might make a killing if you have a crateful lying around, asciilifeform ! 1558322;1477175353;asciilifeform;shinohai: it's a veeery specialized tool, very much not an 'everybody' item imho 1558323;1477175365;asciilifeform;adlai: i dun have so many left. 1558324;1477175372;shinohai;I know, of which you have discussed before 1558325;1477175681;mircea_popescu;it certainly doesn't look like a horrible investment from a antiquarian pov. 1558326;1477175868;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/P0nA8 << in other lulz 1558327;1477175880;asciilifeform;'Thousands of California soldiers forced to repay enlistment bonuses a decade after going to war' 1558328;1477175888;mircea_popescu;awww. 1558329;1477175897;mircea_popescu;oh which reminds me, did they mosul yet ? 1558330;1477175912;asciilifeform;iirc they hired some local orcs 1558331;1477175941;mircea_popescu;o look at that! apparently they... got pushed back ? and kirkuk is under attack now ? 1558332;1477175945;mircea_popescu;this dun look too good. 1558333;1477176156;mircea_popescu;dozens dead, hostages taken, o brother. 1558334;1477176461;ben_vulpes;can any other gentoo users confirm/deny that the libzdb-2.12 ebuild is hosed? 1558335;1477176712;BingoBoingo; mebbe one day. though the gist is in english anyway. << AHA, that's a very important point. Gotta work to understand the rules. 1558336;1477176834;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/uYc0P << buenos aires has a night life and teheran has protests. not irl, of course, but a generation of keyboard warriors shaped the delusions of a generation of dreamers. 1558337;1477177057;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/the-bitcoin-foundation-celebrates-its-second-birthday/ << Qntra - The Bitcoin Foundation Celebrates Its Second Birthday 1558338;1477177103;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/8Si2r rt has ~the same story. 1558339;1477181205;adlai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/0c3ty/?raw=truev 1558340;1477181205;jhvh1;adlai: The operation succeeded. 1558341;1477181618;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/bitcoin-network-difficulty-drops-for-only-second-time-since-second-halving-down-1-90-still-18-8-above-hash-at-halving/ << Qntra - Bitcoin Network Difficulty Drops For Only Second Time Since Second Halving: Down 1.90%, Still 18.8% Above Hash At Halving 1558342;1477182690;BingoBoingo;Xtend is still accreting 1558343;1477187030;mod6;Thanks for the qntra shout out to the Foundation's birthday BingoBoingo. 1558344;1477187038;BingoBoingo;yw 1558345;1477188448;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-22#1558333 << what didja expect? stalingrad ? 1558346;1477188448;a111;Logged on 2016-10-22 22:42 mircea_popescu: dozens dead, hostages taken, o brother. 1558347;1477189030;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-11-tmr/ << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend 11 (TM)(R) 1558348;1477193612;ben_vulpes;solid extend, bb 1558349;1477196057;BingoBoingo;ty ben_vulpes 1558350;1477196742;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/halloween-pre-fab << CH - Halloween pre-fab 1558351;1477200103;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/22/is-so-unfair-cycle-4/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 4 1558352;1477200114;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/09/29/is-so-unfair-cycle-1/ http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/19/is-so-unfair-cycle-2/ http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/21/is-so-unfair-cycle-3/ And now finally http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/22/is-so-unfair-cycle-4/ ... Or is this finally not really the finally 1558353;1477200279;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/10/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-11-tmr/#comment-75681 1558354;1477200372;BingoBoingo;Spoiler alert, Cycle 4 is not last cycle 1558355;1477201024;ben_vulpes;haha 1558356;1477201043;ben_vulpes;i love a good plinthing. 1558357;1477201074;BingoBoingo;ty ben_vulpes Where is your fanfic? 1558358;1477201145;ben_vulpes;you know honestly i'd not considered writing an ode to the plinths marvelous utility as a bludgeon 1558359;1477201157;ben_vulpes;until tonight 1558360;1477201195;BingoBoingo;Y not? 1558361;1477201291;ben_vulpes;i simply hadn't the yreka moment i soupose 1558362;1477201406;BingoBoingo;Go forth young Mr Fox and write. 1558363;1477201423;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/okTurtles/dnschain oh hey checkout this block chain technology with a twee fukkin name 1558364;1477201477;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/okTurtles/dnschain/blob/master/docs/What-is-it.md << i think the words are supposed to be here 1558365;1477201520;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i am currently taking a break from trying to beat portage into recompiling postfix with postgresql support 1558366;1477201525;ben_vulpes;no time for fanfic 1558367;1477201568;BingoBoingo;That's what you are taking a break from, but what are you taking a break with? 1558368;1477202723;ben_vulpes;a shitty namespace: https://blockstack.org/docs 1558369;1477206665;phf;ben_vulpes: uploaded your sig to btcbase 1558370;1477206851;ben_vulpes;thanks phf! 1558371;1477223571;adlai;the only namespace is strings .bitcoin/blocks/* 1558372;1477228802;thestringpuller;!~seen shinohai 1558373;1477228803;jhvh1;thestringpuller: shinohai was last seen in #trilema 14 hours, 50 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: I know, of which you have discussed before 1558374;1477230908;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no that was a different, "secured" city, kirkuk. 1558375;1477231071;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/23/is-so-unfair-cycle-5/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 5 1558376;1477231190;mircea_popescu;lol BingoBoingo is gonna win the bitcoin by default isn't he. 1558377;1477231258;*;BingoBoingo would be disappoint over lack of competition, but contests don't exactly have a rich history of attracting a wide field of enterants. 1558378;1477231270;BingoBoingo;Perhaps hanbot has something in the works? 1558379;1477231420;BingoBoingo;Maybe alf? Surely danielpbarron and shinohai must have Halloween surpises baking. 1558380;1477231425;mircea_popescu;mebbe. 1558381;1477231481;shinohai;With competition such as yourself BingoBoingo, I am content merely to read your submissions with glad heart. 1558382;1477231482;mircea_popescu;Apr 19, 2016: Across all industries the average results for UK SME email marketing campaigns were: Open rate: 22.87% (2013: 21.47%) Click-through rate: 3.26% (3.16%) Unsubscription rate: 0.53% (0.47%) 1558383;1477231510;mircea_popescu;a FIFTH. 1558384;1477231553;mircea_popescu;this is some of the lulziest shit i've seen. 1558385;1477231568;BingoBoingo;OMG people run emails that let the sender know shit was opened? 1558386;1477231607;mircea_popescu;heh. the only pill against that is locked dns. 1558387;1477231627;BingoBoingo;shinohai: You can prolly readily beat me at least in word count. 1558388;1477231688;shinohai;word count != substance 1558389;1477231903;BingoBoingo;It's fiction. Length creates oppotunities to do something with the words. 1558390;1477231934;BingoBoingo;But I think my Qntra habit has trapped my brain in short form. Hence the serial. 1558391;1477232152;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/3P6Ml << "Yeah. Well, yeah. I guess that - I guess we are definitely - us corrupt journalists are definitely the ones who are in the danger zone here. But the real problem here is - let's presume - and all the polls are pointing in this direction - Hillary Clinton wins. You know, we could be having..." - (Stooge who sent is work to John Podesta for Approval) 1558392;1477232290;BingoBoingo;In other news I completely forgot when it was news... Qntra has crossed 1500 published pieces, http://qntra.net/2016/10/quid-pro-quo-and-arkencide-a-special-roundup-xtendtmr/ was 1500 1558393;1477232450;BingoBoingo;https://news.slashdot.org/story/16/10/23/0020212/american-vigilante-hacker-defaces-russian-ministrys-website << OMG the CIA's "Hacker name" is leaked per http://qntra.net/2016/10/covert-cia-plan-makes-evening-news/ 1558394;1477232849;shinohai;You can't even see the "hack" in firefox if you use noscript, 'tis a simple xss injection 1558395;1477232887;shinohai;to ... 000webhost no less 1558396;1477233772;mircea_popescu;lolk 1558397;1477233786;mircea_popescu;so is vigilante good now ? 1558398;1477233823;shinohai;It's ok when you do it under banner of the usg 1558399;1477233915;mircea_popescu;i thought they were these guys from like montana with guns etc. 1558400;1477234026;BingoBoingo;No they are homos from soho 1558401;1477234089;mircea_popescu;https://funnypictures2.fjcdn.com/pictures/You+f+uckin+wot+center+say+it+to+my+face+center_fec1df_6066785.jpg 1558402;1477236067;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/jt4g6/?raw=true <<< blockquote issue fixed, spellcheck was changing it. 1558403;1477236067;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1558404;1477236763;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Bumm4 << in other lelz. 1558405;1477237252;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/peace-on-earth-adultfriendfinder-data-liberated-again/ << Qntra - Peace On Earth: AdultFriendFinder Data Liberated Again 1558406;1477237300;asciilifeform;'In a police interview, Amir A. confessed to the crime; telling officers the incident had been "a sexual emergency", as his wife had remained in Iraq and he "had not had sex in four months". ... However, in a bizarre twist, the Supreme Court yesterday overturned the conviction, accepting the defence lawyer's claim that the original court had not done enough to ascertain whether or not the rapist realised the child was saying no.' 1558407;1477237478;BingoBoingo;In MP fanfic leaking into James Lafond presents Baltimore: http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5509&pr=1 1558408;1477237788;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/jX4Fd << from same rag, 'GERMANY'S infamous “Nazi Grandma” – an 87-year-old Third Reich fanatic repeatedly up before the courts for denying that the Holocaust took place – has been handed down a new 11-month term behind bars.' 1558409;1477237920;BingoBoingo;brb 1558410;1477241364;asciilifeform;in re the 'crackpot alts' thread, apparently attempts at 'communist coins' are still a thing, e.g., https://archive.is/RSOF4 -- 'When new Bitcoins are created, only some Bitcoin users (the miners) are given new Bitcoins, while everyone else get nothing. We believe this is the first injustice.' 1558411;1477241399;asciilifeform;^ reading this, i could not shake the 'this has to be a gag' -- but apparently it is not 1558412;1477241464;asciilifeform;'The freedom to access resources: because we all should have access to economic & monetary resources' 1558413;1477241507;shinohai;(-__\) 1558414;1477242571;thestringpuller;!~later tell shinohai http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5ktan/?raw=true 1558415;1477242571;jhvh1;thestringpuller: The operation succeeded. 1558416;1477242967;asciilifeform;in an unsurprising continuation of a very vintage lul, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-07#1190644 , --> https://archive.is/ns05G << aslr bypass on intel iron. 1558417;1477242967;a111;Logged on 2015-07-07 04:11 asciilifeform: mats: as a rule, i am entirely uninterested in 'mitigations' 1558418;1477243310;trinque;it's almost like the machine has to know where executable code is 1558419;1477243766;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-23#1558386 << wat? no. srsly, wtf, just switch off images in email reader. 1558420;1477243766;a111;Logged on 2016-10-23 14:06 mircea_popescu: heh. the only pill against that is locked dns. 1558421;1477243803;asciilifeform;1990s state-of-antispam-art. 1558422;1477243829;trinque;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-surveillance-big-data-score-censorship-a7375221.html << add that to the endless examples of socialist hells rendering what is personal and individual an instrument of statal rape; meet chicom-wot 1558423;1477243842;asciilifeform;trinque: last year's noose, iirc 1558424;1477243868;asciilifeform;and a very modest extension on american 'credit ratings', 'terrorism ratings', etc. 1558425;1477243890;trinque;yes, the side-lul is this being something unique to china 1558426;1477243903;trinque;but look at the consolidation! such progress 1558427;1477244603;shinohai;http://archive.is/cgI00 Because 10 cents per trick-or-treater won't break my 0.05 btc budget. 1558428;1477245073;ben_vulpes;https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/NETRF/tnsnames.htm#NETRF260 << in which oracle is found to use sexprs of a sort for config files o.O 1558429;1477245139;trinque;hah 1558430;1477245161;trinque;that equals sign is probably to keep the lisp-innocent "feeling safe" 1558431;1477245251;trinque;and don't worry; there's probably a migration to JSON underway 1558432;1477245264;ben_vulpes;ugh 1558433;1477245267;ben_vulpes;plz no bully 1558434;1477245278;ben_vulpes;wait hang on i don't actually care 1558435;1477245482;ben_vulpes;my trb node just breached 4950 megs in virt and 3470 megs in res 1558436;1477250076;mircea_popescu;lmao sexual emergency building over 4 months 1558437;1477250143;mircea_popescu;no ok that was a pretty good bag. "we all" 'should' "have accees" ? stop raping gaia omaigerd. 1558438;1477250189;mircea_popescu;all the beta orbiters at last night's event didn't think they should also have access to the subbie herd. they were very content they got to watch /nobody kicked them out while the girls did girly things. 1558439;1477250221;mircea_popescu;and this in noesunpaispbore! 1558440;1477250292;mircea_popescu;btw, who wants to be the official tmsr envoy to hell ? shinohai ? danielpbarron ? who's russoflexible enough 1558441;1477250350;shinohai;mircea_popescu what hell is that? btctalk? 1558442;1477250397;mircea_popescu;nah, hacker forum 1558443;1477250424;shinohai;Guess I could venture out 1558444;1477250510;mircea_popescu;check it out. after you make a handle or w/e i'll issue you accreditations ? if you even want such. 1558445;1477250546;shinohai;which forum, the tardy hackforums? 1558446;1477250567;mircea_popescu;dawg doth not read his very own dogfood 1558447;1477250578;mircea_popescu;Peace further stated to Motherboard that the current breach was accomplished by opening "a backdoor that had been publicized on the hacking forum Hell" The Russian language forum was the site where the data from the previous hack was listed for sale at a price of 70 BTC. 1558448;1477250598;shinohai;oh that one 1558449;1477250621;asciilifeform;...russoflexible?? 1558450;1477250623;asciilifeform;wat 1558451;1477250687;mircea_popescu;it's an expression! 1558452;1477250747;shinohai;lol costs 0.1 BTC to join 1558453;1477250836;shinohai;http://imgur.com/a/VTNpN 1558454;1477250836;mircea_popescu;post addy 1558455;1477250872;mircea_popescu;in like text format. 1558456;1477250875;shinohai;1PjA1ae26XGN6Z94nswSnCY5wNu9amevWr 1558457;1477250988;mod6;"only" 10 million units. 1558458;1477251060;mircea_popescu;tis the correct design, what. mpex works the same way 1558459;1477251219;mod6;haha. alright. 1558460;1477251246;mircea_popescu;i expect 60 bux keeps the entire "rich democratic western world" well out. 1558461;1477251259;shinohai;Awaiting blue button 1558462;1477251288;mircea_popescu;did it get paid ? 1558463;1477251325;shinohai;I see tx on blokechain.info ... mebbe it needs 1 confirm 1558464;1477251344;mircea_popescu;i wonder if anyone thinks it a good idea to doublespend this lol. 1558465;1477251359;mod6;heheh 1558466;1477251431;shinohai;Probably what they are awaiting to see if one does, despite the 60-second "We promise" 1558467;1477251440;mircea_popescu;and speaking of fine dining, http://67.media.tumblr.com/3fcb5f82b5e4b6fcb636536ea364dfa4/tumblr_of5s06RREH1v1qf57o1_1280.jpg 1558468;1477251600;mod6;mmm, leche 1558469;1477251602;asciilifeform;in other 'news', antonouwhateverderp apparently gave a talk to 'sv investors' et al where he plagiarized protocol-vs-promise wholesale and made up own terminology, etc. 1558470;1477251618;mircea_popescu;awww, isn't that cute. 1558471;1477251634;shinohai;What's new there. He always makes up own terminology. 1558472;1477251637;mircea_popescu;what are all these self-important dorks gonna do when we start charging 0.1 ? 1558473;1477251644;asciilifeform;fella is reminiscent of the zombies in 'quake', apparently 1 death doesn't kill him quite enough 1558474;1477251677;mircea_popescu;me suspects you look too highly upon "collection of three waitresses and twelve busboys from greater san diego area" 1558475;1477251681;mod6;"my ideas are important and unique!" 1558476;1477251714;mircea_popescu;sv investors are about what "baby im a producer"s were at 1980s parties. one step above skinny guy in stained overcoat. 1558477;1477251774;mircea_popescu;point in case : do you know WHO attends the al smith dinner under the guise of "new york elite" ? 1558478;1477251863;mircea_popescu;people like maggie haberman, katie couric etc. 1558479;1477251876;mod6;yeah, Maria B. etc. 1558480;1477251899;mircea_popescu;ie, the zsa zsa gabors of a new generation, the 1% of media whores who married well and are now held up before the twentysomething herd as a sort of cunt frenzying fetish 1558481;1477251919;mircea_popescu;"oh baby, how about you suck cock for free, and if you suck as much as couric you too cold one day be worth 10mn" 1558482;1477251928;*;asciilifeform is behind the times, had never even heard of 'al smith dinner' until today 1558483;1477251940;asciilifeform;or possibly yesterday 1558484;1477251943;mircea_popescu;twas in the logs yest yeah 1558485;1477252179;shinohai;http://archive.is/mT4Hi <<< attack? there was no attack. 1558486;1477252232;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-23#1558419 << lol you SO don't understand how software worx... 1558487;1477252232;a111;Logged on 2016-10-23 17:29 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-23#1558386 << wat? no. srsly, wtf, just switch off images in email reader. 1558488;1477252373;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-23#1558435 << it may scale with penis. 1558489;1477252373;a111;Logged on 2016-10-23 17:58 ben_vulpes: my trb node just breached 4950 megs in virt and 3470 megs in res 1558490;1477252501;mircea_popescu;trinque re that "china wants to" bit, best i can figure there's two thugs and a whore ; and the "new york elites" running the whore's mouth (writing plenty of checks its ass can't actually cash) have arbitrarily decided thug #1 is good, thug #2 is bad. in which contexts pieces like "look what thug X is doing" simply serve as a psychologically-defended mechanism for the mouth to try and direct the movements of the ass. 1558491;1477252562;mircea_popescu;ie "china wants to make a consolidated version of our flylists, credit scores, etc [therefore they are good" ; or "russia wants trump president [therefore "we" should not vote for him". 1558492;1477252608;mircea_popescu;it's funny when the "elites" in question fall to the level of abjection of not even being able to discuss courses of action other than in the terms of "what do actual people do". 1558493;1477252697;mircea_popescu;but then again, it is the necessary fate of isolated motherhood. they've set out to build AI and ended up building a meta-Lucy instead. apparently spontaneous organisation emerges in chimps with "humanities" degrees before it emerges in doped silicone. 1558494;1477254406;shinohai;mircea_popescu: 4 confirmations .... yet the page still has not confirmed membership :/ 1558495;1477254413;mircea_popescu;onoes, scam ?! 1558496;1477254491;shinohai;either that or human-reviewed. will keep page open 1558497;1477254499;mircea_popescu;and in other inexplicable arcana : someone actually thought this is a good idea https://twitter.com/thebest_ceci 1558498;1477254569;*;shinohai buys Ceci a nosehair trimmer 1558499;1477254595;mircea_popescu;i have no idea why they don't do "acne awareness month", they've done ~about everything else, including "mes del amigo" and whatnot. 1558500;1477254600;mircea_popescu;it's a huge problem here, somehow. 1558501;1477254631;shinohai;Like Butt-injections, can't get Retin-A in Argentina ? 1558502;1477254647;mircea_popescu;that's no excuse. 1558503;1477254891;mircea_popescu;and in other "entrepreneurial california" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/484f66492b4e98e2d20a9a34defda34f/tumblr_no9inu4JIV1ut248go1_1280.jpg 1558504;1477256351;mircea_popescu;http://www.diarioregistrado.com/ciencia-y-tec/un-cientifico-argentino-creo-un-sistema-de-correo-electronico-seguro_a54a7667942b51e2eea015857 << see alf, if you only lived in a third world shithole, you too could be closer to a nobel prize! 1558505;1477256989;asciilifeform;QUANTUM!!!11111111111111 1558506;1477257012;mircea_popescu;they're from a different place, these people. 1558507;1477257044;asciilifeform;snoar 1558508;1477257055;*;asciilifeform wanders back out to the outhouse with giant laser and 0 net pipe 1558509;1477257072;mircea_popescu;enjoy 1558510;1477259891;shinohai;!~later tell thestringpuller http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5vsc4/?raw=true 1558511;1477259891;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1558512;1477259933;shinohai;Also mircea_popescu HeLL forum is still in limbo ... appears scam indeed 1558513;1477259968;shinohai;Deposit now shows 10 confirmations 1558514;1477260000;mircea_popescu;tsk tsk 1558515;1477260031;mircea_popescu;give em time tho, peeps be dorky by nature. 1558516;1477262363;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/rj29u/?raw=true 1558517;1477262363;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1558518;1477263659;deedbot;http://www.dianacoman.com/2016/10/24/a-party-called-my-party-by-elliot-rodger-and-his-spellchecker/ << Ossasepia - A Party Called My Party – by Elliot Rodger and his spellchecker 1558519;1477264489;mircea_popescu;o.O 1558520;1477264538;mircea_popescu;teh plot, it thickens! 1558521;1477264565;diana_coman;didn't want to let BingoBoingo alone 1558522;1477264599;mircea_popescu;pretty cool 1558523;1477264603;*;shinohai pops popcorn 1558524;1477266053;ben_vulpes;in other nyooz, i have discovered the neighborhood bar with: fast wifi, wine that is not ripple, and a playpen 1558525;1477266075;ben_vulpes;if i can accustom myself to thirteen diagonal inches, i might never return to the office 1558526;1477266077;ben_vulpes;or haus! 1558527;1477266294;mircea_popescu;ripple, the us take on amontillado ? 1558528;1477270115;ben_vulpes;couldn't tell ya, only remotely familiar with it from cultural bushwhacking 1558529;1477271072;shinohai;http://archive.is/6nNgz <<< another video game with eth ico 1558530;1477272195;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Comment no longer in Limbo 1558531;1477272511;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/chicom-internet-of-things-confirms-no-one-gives-a-fuck-about-securing-internet-of-things/ << Qntra - Chicom "Internet Of Things" Confirms No One Gives A Fuck About Securing "Internet Of Things" 1558532;1477272615;BingoBoingo;lol diana_coman OMG that is wonderful 1558533;1477272670;BingoBoingo;Anyways the saga of Elliot and James is still not over. 1558534;1477274422;mircea_popescu;and in other slut news, http://65.media.tumblr.com/02475793a367de499ca9f2baf6717593/tumblr_oeey5anxG91vhuq2bo1_1280.jpg 1558535;1477275062;mircea_popescu;lmao dis shit is epic. "I also noticed that there was truly exquisite food on one side of the room: there was ham and salami and even sausages that looked as exceptional as I had ever seen." 1558536;1477275540;BingoBoingo; ripple, the us take on amontillado ? << Nah, that's Cisco http://www.bumwine.com/cisco.html 1558537;1477275542;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/23/is-so-unfair-cycle-6/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 6 1558538;1477275565;mircea_popescu;oh 1558539;1477275633;BingoBoingo;The legally mandated disclaimer on Cisco reads: "This is not a wine cooler 8 servings" 1558540;1477275789;BingoBoingo;Also the US take on dry white wines http://www.bumwine.com/tbird.html 1558541;1477275790;mircea_popescu;lol 1558542;1477276061;BingoBoingo;Ripple gets sorted in with "others" http://www.bumwine.com/others.html 1558543;1477276419;*;BingoBoingo still unsure how many parts the fanfic has. At least two more are plotted out 1558544;1477277037;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5491 1558545;1477277052;BingoBoingo;^ 4 pete_dushenski 1558546;1477277573;mircea_popescu;and speaking of plotting out, http://66.media.tumblr.com/2f2f3151a1075a11ec60f3a165114c6a/tumblr_nl9u23ufR61t1n4hqo1_1280.jpg 1558547;1477277677;shinohai;Ahoy there. 1558548;1477277700;mircea_popescu;http://66.media.tumblr.com/bece550a71a352bced0858863a1da7d2/tumblr_obr39yD13Q1unwm78o1_400.gif << check out her butt dampener. 1558549;1477277934;mod6;ahoy, indeed! 1558550;1477278010;shinohai;More girls with firearms: http://i.imgur.com/Ydap6Ev.jpg 1558551;1477280824;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/23/is-so-unfair-cycle-7/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 7 1558552;1477281356;BingoBoingo;The question of the day: Will will have wheels when they are needed? 1558553;1477281514;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/763930076E165275AF7659105A2A31F61AE3FBF931A7E188B2DC146EFFC7CF49 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 32094612339948189447948179783588092796973784028146716183449249266595409637294065230814599652546614172003881897026799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) < 1558554;1477281981;mircea_popescu;lol diana light a fire under bingo's butt 1558555;1477282041;mircea_popescu;shinohai 13 views ? didja ul teh gf ? 1558556;1477282054;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/763930076E165275AF7659105A2A31F61AE3FBF931A7E188B2DC146EFFC7CF49 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 32094612339948189447948179783588092796973784028146716183449249266595409637294065230814599652546614172003881897026799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) < 1558557;1477282054;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7E840C2FC34B3F9B8B95E6D12E18267E717ACBE1494C34DFA9055710347573A7 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 32094612339948189447948179783588092796973784028146716183449249266595409637294065230814599652546614172003881897026799 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) 1558558;1477282171;BingoBoingo; lol diana light a fire under bingo's butt << a butt of a fire 1558559;1477282181;mircea_popescu;hehe 1558560;1477282208;BingoBoingo;Anyways after so much Qntra'ing fiction is taking some practice to warm up 1558561;1477282281;*;BingoBoingo will wait before posting next part which updates James' state of being 1558562;1477282418;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/hotbaubles/ 1558563;1477282750;BingoBoingo;You know I haven't wondered about pete_dushenski yet. pete_dushenski writes about everything. Where's his fanfic? 1558564;1477282819;BingoBoingo;!~later tell thestringpuller You oughtta fanfic too. 1558565;1477282820;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded. 1558566;1477284697;asciilifeform;lel, egypt -- vietnam. 1558567;1477285268;ben_vulpes;"Postfix uses file locking to avoid access conflicts while updating Berkeley DB or other local database files. This used to be safe, but as Berkeley DB has evolved to use more aggressive caching, file locking may no longer be sufficient." << oh ffs 1558568;1477285316;ben_vulpes;locks don't even work anymore, cool 1558569;1477293602;diana_coman;BingoBoingo> lol diana_coman OMG that is wonderful <- cheers! 1558570;1477306769;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes evolved! more efficient! here, now it's broken. 1558571;1477307727;mircea_popescu;and in historical facebook lulz : https://archive.is/QDD0B 1558572;1477307920;mircea_popescu;summary : facebook gave everyone @facebook.com address back in 2012 (and forced everyone to download a meanwhile failed "facebook messenger", before buying some thing meanwhile forgotten for more play money than ever seen before in any game of monopoly). the user was simply the facebook user. then they axed this service... and started forwarding all mail to the user's personal inbox. because yes, they're THAT important. but n 1558573;1477307920;mircea_popescu;ot without safeguards (because yes, they're THAT dedicated to security) : first email received didn't get delivered, instead they just sent a notification from facebook explaining... how to opt out. after which they sent all further emails straight up. consequently emailing the entire facebook userbase was ~trivial. 1558574;1477307920;mircea_popescu;all this because opt-out is perfectly ok, even in 2014, if you're facebook. hurr. 1558575;1477311281;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ABF23DE303BE1C82869D7925F0ACF7A8F54B420469D851530FC4121CBEC0B356 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 105638693539486280577069786671334496140217243359651613257235225205932098397673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1558576;1477311822;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B9546AF73E66CBDE87E3FB00E89C0FE7C53423CDDF964BD60DDEB18B8B6BFE82 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 105638693539486280577069786671334496140217243359651613257235225205932098397673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1558577;1477311822;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/ABF23DE303BE1C82869D7925F0ACF7A8F54B420469D851530FC4121CBEC0B356 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 105638693539486280577069786671334496140217243359651613257235225205932098397673 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1558578;1477312872;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/ferments/ << Trilema - Ferments 1558579;1477313744;shinohai;Latest trilema made me .... hungry. 1558580;1477314612;mircea_popescu;lol 1558581;1477318702;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/RVSq8 << this is some of the lulziest shit... what % of your content is shown to "your" followers ? used to be ~15%, by now it's about 5%. 1558582;1477318736;mircea_popescu;a figure which strangely mimics the way publishign works otherwise. what % of the sale value of books ends up with the authors ? what % of cd sales end up with the studios, let alone the artists ? 1558583;1477318752;mircea_popescu;they should just s/united states of america/the country of 5%/ and be done with it 1558584;1477319725;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3151422-Nikulin-Indictment.html << qntra ? 1558585;1477319772;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/cTs3P << same, from horse's mouth 1558586;1477320077;shinohai;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/10/probable-aspect-of-peace-on-earth-arrested-while-the-notorious-quiet-and-tranquility-evades-capture/ ? 1558587;1477320114;asciilifeform;shinohai: aha but no indictment linked there. afaik it was unsealed just now. 1558588;1477320205;*;shinohai wonders if Preeeeet is muttering to himself this morning because he didn't get it. 1558589;1477320618;mircea_popescu;what a sad day for justice and democracy! 1558590;1477320805;shinohai;Maybe he was the admin of Hell, which explains why still no creds this morning. 1558591;1477321047;mod6;scammed? 1558592;1477321571;mircea_popescu;lmao! 1558593;1477321591;mircea_popescu;i suppose this is maybe worthy of a future news xtend ? 1558594;1477322024;shinohai;My first time on tor in months, immediately scammed mod6 1558595;1477322064;mircea_popescu;did you maybe end up on a fake site ? 1558596;1477322196;shinohai;Nope, I made sure it was the exact one listed in multiple sources: http://legionhiden4dqh4.onion/reg.php 1558597;1477322221;mod6;dang, is there any way to msg these guys? 1558598;1477322229;mircea_popescu;aite. 1558599;1477322256;mircea_popescu;mod6 apparently not lol 1558600;1477322272;mod6;lol 1558601;1477322281;mod6;ermahgerd 1558602;1477322333;shinohai;http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-dark-web-hacking-forum-hell-is-back-online 1558603;1477322707;asciilifeform;in other noose, say goodbye to old, outdated, rocket 'xprize', and hello to the... new one: https://archive.is/8yz8b 1558604;1477322738;asciilifeform;'The Anu & Naveen Jain Women’s Safety XPRIZE is a $1 million global competition that challenges teams to leverage technology to empower communities with a transformative solution that ensures women’s safety. Armed with innovative safety nets, communities everywhere can rapidly respond to threats against any of its members, ensuring that help is always available when needed. The winning team’s solution will autonomously and inco 1558605;1477322738;asciilifeform;nspicuously trigger an emergency alert while transmitting information to a network of community responders, all within 90 seconds and at an annual cost of $40 or less.' 1558606;1477322763;mircea_popescu;i have nfi wat this is ? 1558607;1477322783;asciilifeform;$maxint 'rape whistle' ? 1558608;1477322787;asciilifeform;i have nfi 1558609;1477322793;asciilifeform;but this is the new 'xprize problem' apparently. 1558610;1477322836;asciilifeform;orbiting apparatus is soooo yesterday - sex prevention is 'in' !1111 1558611;1477322837;mircea_popescu;"challenges teams to leverage technology to empower communities with a transformative solution that ensures women’s safety" is basically "find a way to extract magical energy from the ether to power a machine that'll make men give a shit about how women prefer to be fucked" ? 1558612;1477322920;asciilifeform;eh they already know how to 'energy from ether', it is called printolade 1558613;1477322925;asciilifeform;all else - follows this. 1558614;1477322939;mircea_popescu;now if it only worked. 1558615;1477325077;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/5hv6d << in other lelz, 'Several of London’s largest banks are looking to stockpile bitcoins in order to pay off cyber criminals who threaten to bring down their critical IT systems.' 1558616;1477325959;mircea_popescu;lol 1558617;1477326149;shinohai;http://archive.is/e3oME "We welcome the progressive position taken by the Argentinian government and regulators on Bitcoin." (Warning, link in tweet is to CoinTelegraph article) 1558618;1477326182;shinohai;s/article/farticle/ 1558619;1477326385;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Kle7s << in not-quite-noose, apparently this is a thing now 1558620;1477326406;mircea_popescu;ok this is the epic-est shit i read all week : https://archive.is/GBNWF#selection-289.290-313.2 1558621;1477326407;mircea_popescu;"Avoid easy selections, such as qwerty or password. If you want to pick an easy-to-remember but somewhat unique password, consider a variation of a word, such as a1rPl4nE for airplane." 1558622;1477326422;mircea_popescu;these and other tips and tricks brought to you by red hat entreprise security department. 1558623;1477326425;asciilifeform;133333333337 1558624;1477326853;shinohai;xD 1558625;1477327340;trinque;McAfee killing criminals is supposed to make me not like him? 1558626;1477327398;trinque;OH WAIT THEY THREW RAEP IN THERE TOO 1558627;1477327882;thestringpuller;TIL 15% of all US households have a negative net worth 1558628;1477327886;thestringpuller;damn 1558629;1477327917;asciilifeform;lie 1558630;1477327919;asciilifeform;~100. 1558631;1477327978;thestringpuller;elaborate? 1558632;1477328397;thestringpuller;or not 1558633;1477328555;thestringpuller;https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2016/10/active-4g-lte-vulnerability-allows-hackers-police-eavesdrop-conversations-read-texts-track-smartphone-location/ << looks like GSM isn't the only one 1558634;1477330057;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/YyahC << one of the things the usg push for 'biometric auth' was for. 1558635;1477332015;adlai;thestringpuller: if your net worth's center of gravity lies close to the printolade axis, it's negative on hard currency scales 1558636;1477332179;thestringpuller;adlai the asciilifeform translator 1558637;1477332182;thestringpuller;tyvm 1558638;1477332333;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller nah it was discussed in the logs, whle back. 1558639;1477332339;mircea_popescu;also giving the correct figure (60%) 1558640;1477336744;hanbot;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20161024/#103 << i was actually gonna check out some "linux chix" meeting at the local red hat hole when i noticed 'pre-registration with documento' was required, you know, for 'security'. 1558641;1477336745;scriba;Something went wrong while attempting to read the log. 1558642;1477336746;scriba;Exception: ['utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 5594: invalid start byte] 1558643;1477336764;hanbot; these and other tips and tricks brought to you by red hat entreprise security department. .> 1558966;1477429307;ben_vulpes;interestingly 'dbmail' also uses parens-delimited expressions 1558967;1477429316;ben_vulpes;for at least some data... 1558968;1477429872;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/blessed-are-the-poor-in-spirit/ << Daniel P. Barron - Blessed are the poor in spirit 1558969;1477430727;trinque;do I read this correctly in that it's crying over a woman? 1558970;1477430735;trinque;nigga please! 1558971;1477430804;shinohai;trinque has a point, no tears. 1558972;1477430927;mircea_popescu;whynot! 1558973;1477430956;mircea_popescu;also, http://67.media.tumblr.com/f215e553d5570d91b70a67addb6e8186/tumblr_o328b5d1SN1ud9ntao1_1280.jpg 1558974;1477430981;trinque;see, there's another one right there! 1558975;1477430989;mircea_popescu;yeah but this one's different. 1558976;1477431043;shinohai;I had bad luck with the Colombian girl, turns out she has commie ideas. 1558977;1477432105;ben_vulpes;that's what the cranial steel wool is for 1558978;1477432263;mircea_popescu;what commie ideas ? 1558979;1477432387;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron was teh she-friend hot at least ? 1558980;1477432539;shinohai;Well, Marxist ideas, such as everyone is somehow equal and wealth should be distributed. 1558981;1477432555;mircea_popescu;she's a poor chick in colombia, what do you want her to think ? 1558982;1477433019;thestringpuller;don't try to turn hoes into housewives mang 1558983;1477433043;thestringpuller;also don't try to be cap'n save-a-ho 1558984;1477433128;trinque;lel 1558985;1477433160;mircea_popescu;ftr reformed whores make the best wives. 1558986;1477433164;shinohai;No one was trying to turn her into a housewife 1558987;1477433180;shinohai;fuckmarriage.png 1558988;1477433254;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: the reformation is very difficult process in american society 1558989;1477433271;mircea_popescu;ah, notrly a process. just, some eventually decide to settle down. it's an internal thing. 1558990;1477433282;mircea_popescu;subjectively-reformed whores i meant. 1558991;1477433410;thestringpuller;oh those. I work with an entire department of them, they pay for themselves if they get job then get pregnant then get paid to be pregnant. 1558992;1477433480;thestringpuller;also got me reading E-40's commentary via: http://genius.com/E-40-captain-save-a-hoe-lyrics 1558993;1477433491;trinque;most of the sluts I knew in early 20s are two kids deep in momhood by now 1558994;1477433504;trinque;makes plenty of sense 1558995;1477433510;*;trinque off for dinner 1558996;1477433705;mircea_popescu;http://66.media.tumblr.com/e64a6b2e3833c376b2352b156b6931c1/tumblr_nu6tcpxZU91uq3rffo1_1280.png & bbl myself. 1558997;1477436295;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, yeah 1558998;1477436354;shinohai;http://archive.is/Vfo1U <<< moar Monsanto lelz 1558999;1477436868;BingoBoingo;lol, people bitch about corn and soy but forget to bitch about potatoes when complaining about glyphosate. Potatoes get sprayed with glyphosate before harvest because they are NOT resistant. 1559000;1477436916;BingoBoingo;Anyways Mesotrione is a far sexier herbicide atm. 1559001;1477436919;shinohai;Such is life. 1559002;1477439544;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron it's hard dude. even finding a chick worth bothering with the training of is <1 in 1000 sorta shot. but what you're looking for... you gotta go to either amish land or preferably middle east and see there. 1559003;1477442294;danielpbarron;i wasn't looking for one in the first place 1559004;1477442340;mircea_popescu;there is that 1559005;1477443460;trinque;they have sweet ones in texas that'll go "oh hey, you're working. I'll go bake something" but the proportion dwindles by the day. 1559006;1477443500;*;trinque likes dpb, was just elbowing him 1559007;1477443616;*;asciilifeform covered in coolant from ruptured hose 1559008;1477443632;asciilifeform;dun buy latex hoses, folx 1559009;1477443643;asciilifeform;they - rot. 1559010;1477443696;shinohai;Silicone is superior 1559011;1477443733;asciilifeform;aha 1559012;1477443773;asciilifeform;i had silicone hoses to the tube, but extended with latex so as to reach the chiller 1559013;1477443782;asciilifeform;bad idea. 1559014;1477443795;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/white-racism/ << does this make sense to anyone besides me ? 1559015;1477443852;asciilifeform;yes. 1559016;1477444094;mircea_popescu;makes two then! 1559017;1477444786;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/white-racism/ << Trilema - White racism 1559018;1477446005;shinohai;http://archive.is/lVLJD#selection-371.0-371.6 <<< so ShapeShit will give up customer info if harassed enough by redditards. nb 1559019;1477447510;mircea_popescu;doh. 1559020;1477448507;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/38D3N << derpy woman with no tech anything in SV has tiny deal collapse, she misrepresents it as "her refusing to deal with some guy who might have once had dinner with thiel", bloomberg is happy to run the nonsense. 1559021;1477448511;mircea_popescu;truly teh lulz do not end 1559022;1477448544;asciilifeform;' a prominent diversity group refusing to work with any company associated with Thiel' 1559023;1477448547;asciilifeform;~work~ ?! 1559024;1477448552;mircea_popescu;i have nfi. 1559025;1477448552;asciilifeform;oh noez 1559026;1477448713;asciilifeform;'Hamilton’s Backstage Capital invests in entrepreneurs who are underrepresented in the Valley, including women, minorities and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. The firm has backed 20 startups, including makers of background noise reduction software and wearable tech jewelry, Hamilton said.' 1559027;1477448715;asciilifeform;gold. 1559028;1477448727;mircea_popescu;absolutely no fucking idea what the words mean. 1559029;1477448753;asciilifeform;they mean, i think, that thiel will sit in clitler's gulags. 1559030;1477448769;mircea_popescu;perhaps. 1559031;1477448778;asciilifeform;after his dekulakization, naturally. 1559032;1477448790;mircea_popescu;should be interesting to see. 1559033;1477448917;mircea_popescu;http://67.media.tumblr.com/a3b9c9dfb88424934ad27a922c90860a/tumblr_ocw6fcZfGE1vywz17o1_1280.jpg what to do with booze to shitty to drink ? pour it on ass! 1559034;1477449105;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/DgDTV << in other 'would be funny, but sad' noose. 1559035;1477449126;mircea_popescu;lmao 1559036;1477449129;mircea_popescu;no, it's funny 1559037;1477449133;asciilifeform;what's better than usgwallet ? usgwallet on fritz chip !11 1559038;1477449474;BingoBoingo;great latest Trilema 1559039;1477449564;mircea_popescu;i thought it may be too abstruse for lack of context / jumps 1559040;1477449683;BingoBoingo;Nah, very clear. 1559041;1477449704;hanbot;https://archive.is/GtVli << got 10 votes and was banned within 10 minutes. 1559042;1477449736;mircea_popescu;lol 1559043;1477449744;hanbot;(speaking of that republican reddit warnin') 1559044;1477449754;mircea_popescu;hey, if i were clinton's campaign i'd also run the reddit thingee for her oponent. 1559045;1477449760;thestringpuller;lol r/btc is freaking out over backlog 1559046;1477449887;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/VdjKM << from BingoBoingo's link. 1559047;1477449963;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: That wasn't my link this is my link https://www.thefix.com/patrick-kennedy-interview-mental-health-addiction 1559048;1477450019;mircea_popescu;that may be your link but this is my link : http://66.media.tumblr.com/4501a1f9a413cc7d8a1057fdc4a8ba61/tumblr_oaqza7y7vI1v0hr1go1_1280.jpg 1559049;1477450409;thestringpuller;grunge is such a shitty music, and it wasn't really surprising Kurt Cobain was a self loathing piece of shit. 1559050;1477450442;thestringpuller;like srsly. "Waaah. My stomach hurts I'm gonna do heroin. Courtney Love is such a bitch. Waaah I hate being a rockstar." 1559051;1477450571;mod6;nirvana is great 1559052;1477450577;mod6;totally disagree 1559053;1477450626;thestringpuller;nirvana is great, but most other grunge isn't that good. 1559054;1477450649;thestringpuller;more importantly point was more kurt cobain was not meant for stardom at all 1559055;1477450750;thestringpuller;like i guess for instance, trent reznor went through the same shit and became a rock god. 1559056;1477450886;BingoBoingo;In other muzak https://i.sli.mg/FKG31i.jpg 1559057;1477451025;BingoBoingo;!~google RS-28 Sarmat 1559058;1477451027;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: RS - 28 Sarmat - Wikipedia: ; First Image of RS - 28 Sarmat , Russia's Largest-Ever ICBM, Unveiled ...: ; Russia reveals first photos of new 'super nuke' missiles capable of ...: (1 more message) 1559059;1477451440;mircea_popescu;yes, but does it protect our democracy ? hm ? HM ? 1559060;1477451443;mircea_popescu;didn't think so. 1559061;1477451535;mircea_popescu;and in other golden butts, http://67.media.tumblr.com/2e7b03454fd5f9dd9a2961903632a209/tumblr_oc833w965c1uyxjoxo1_500.gif 1559062;1477451662;mod6;dang 1559063;1477451674;mod6;great pics today 1559064;1477451722;mircea_popescu;lol 1559065;1477451898;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5519 1559066;1477452093;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5518 1559067;1477453059;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/B0FLRR1.png 1559068;1477453279;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: btw do you know why 'sarmat' ? 1559069;1477453289;BingoBoingo;No 1559070;1477453319;asciilifeform;the polish nobles made up a story re how they were not slavs, but 'sarmats', ~= aryans 1559071;1477453346;asciilifeform;pl is hotspot of nato 'missile defense' monkey business. 1559072;1477453937;mircea_popescu;!~google sarmatia 1559073;1477453938;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Sarmatians - Wikipedia: ; Sarmatian | people | Britannica.com: ; The Women Warriors - the Sarmatians - Silkroad Foundation: 1559074;1477453974;asciilifeform;hey aryans also existed. 1559075;1477454264;mircea_popescu;amusingly, sarmatia was mostly dacia, ie, present day romania. 1559076;1477455081;thestringpuller;in reddit lulz: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/59efig/is_bitbetus_coming_back_up_the_site_is_down_right/ 1559077;1477455162;thestringpuller;!~seen znort987 1559078;1477455163;jhvh1;thestringpuller: znort987 was last seen in #trilema 3 days, 17 hours, 59 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: A fresh set of opinions on the topic would be welcome 1559079;1477455175;thestringpuller;!gettrust znort987 1559080;1477455180;thestringpuller;!!gettrust znort987 1559081;1477455181;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections. 1559082;1477458777;ben_vulpes;reputation also of interest 1559083;1477458800;deedbot;http://cascadianhacker.com/ad-hoc-routing-another-benefit-to-life-in-the-republic << CH - Ad-hoc routing: another benefit to life in The Republic 1559084;1477484635;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes just you wait until the network effects start building up 1559085;1477484694;mircea_popescu;and in other wtf, now i'm getting local "businessmen" trying to convince me to publicize their "business idea". which is... "the patagonian pyramid". EXACTLY what you imagine. 1559086;1477484711;mircea_popescu;that people this stupid manage to find food is an outrage to all the gods. 1559087;1477484738;shinohai;!~bash 2 1559088;1477484738;jhvh1;Last 2 lines bashed and pending publication 1559089;1477484869;mircea_popescu;o hey where's it publish them ? 1559090;1477484901;shinohai;bash.contravex.com 1559091;1477484972;shinohai;I think I need to changed trigget to !~b though ... forgot that was how it used to be 1559092;1477484973;*;mircea_popescu goes to check it out 1559093;1477484977;shinohai;*trigger 1559094;1477484980;mircea_popescu;and in other proper party news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/6da08131552579901ae5a1395524c2ec/tumblr_o6ng23twbO1ut5gyro1_1280.jpg 1559095;1477484989;mircea_popescu;yeah b works. 1559096;1477485019;mircea_popescu;shinohai you could prolly dispense with "moderation" altogether. 1559097;1477485034;mircea_popescu;it just slows things down / makeswork for people. not like randos can speak in chan anyway 1559098;1477485088;shinohai;Currently, bot just sends all the weekly bashims to pete_dushenski in a gpgram for him to publish, kinda low-tech :/ 1559099;1477485104;mircea_popescu;a 1559100;1477485595;mircea_popescu;shinohai in principle it could work like : there's a wp, either dedicated or extand with a special category ; when getting !~b bot just publishes the thing there then responds with " Last 2 lines bashed : http://blog.url/article". 1559101;1477485599;mircea_popescu;and people can just follow the bash rss 1559102;1477485653;mircea_popescu;just hack its theme so that http://trilema.com/2016/10/ publishes the article also and you're good to go. 1559103;1477486636;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "the extend to which" << extent. in latest. 1559104;1477486750;mircea_popescu;aaaand http://67.media.tumblr.com/977996dab3cee473dc89870e862706ab/tumblr_ocryhpult11ufo94ko1_1280.jpg 1559105;1477486927;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/o5EVV << biggest ever conference on grammar and spelling results in results. it's now called scailing. 1559106;1477486937;mircea_popescu;what's it called when a scammer sails into the sunset ? SCAILING! 1559107;1477488116;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1559108;1477488126;BingoBoingo;An it's snailing off into sunset 1559109;1477488279;BingoBoingo;I mean wtf, they are still around communing with theft? 1559110;1477488467;BingoBoingo;brb 1559111;1477490398;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/on-friendship-and-marriage/ << Daniel P. Barron - On friendship and marriage 1559112;1477491086;mircea_popescu;check it out, the trishop has meanwhile set aside apostasy as an exclusion criteria for nuptials. 1559113;1477491126;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron suppose the woman believes and the man doesn't, and they're married. as she's to take after him in all things ; and he's to educate her in all matters, by the time of her first litter she'll be an apostate too! 1559114;1477491164;mircea_popescu;you probably mean "apostasy is a block to marriage in the sense that if the man doesn't believe he shouldn't be married to anyone ; nobody cares what the woman believes or doesn't." 1559115;1477492453;mircea_popescu;and in other sisters fun, http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3u6bjEkya1rvj1qqo1_1280.jpg 1559116;1477494607;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: so that there's no repeat of the bickening, is 'in principle bash could work like x' the new way forward ? because i don't at all mind moderating bashes. in fact, i kinda like it. i'm also not entirely persuaded that every last bash contender is worthy of publication, but i grant that it's not ultimately my call. either way, i'm honoured to have contravex serve as host in whatever capacity 1559117;1477494609;pete_dushenski;necessary for tmsr bash lulz. 1559118;1477494809;mircea_popescu;i don't see a problem either way, really. republican senate discusses and teh lord implementer decides. 1559119;1477494958;pete_dushenski;sounds good. 1559120;1477494993;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: most every store has own giftcard cum altcoin. pretty sure even my berlinese beltmaker has em. 1559121;1477495011;shinohai;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bQnxlHZsjY <<< relevant 1559122;1477495083;pete_dushenski;o charlton 1559123;1477495272;pete_dushenski;in other plays, https://www.elie.net/blog/security/fuller-house-exposing-high-end-poker-cheating-devices 1559124;1477495294;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: there was a thread 1559125;1477495316;shinohai;http://archive.is/FSXry <<< someone smashed Trump's Hollywoord star lol 1559126;1477495327;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: around poker ~bots~ neh ? 1559127;1477495360;asciilifeform;nope, around cheat machines 1559128;1477495361;asciilifeform;from 19th c. up. 1559129;1477495365;pete_dushenski;shinohai: and yet hillary's is intact O WAIT SHE DUN HAVE ONE 1559130;1477495372;shinohai;xD 1559131;1477495405;shinohai;Hillary is on twitter wishing herself a Happy Birthday to whoever will listen ... because no friends? 1559132;1477495417;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: aha. well link is to latest tech out of china using smartfone-looking device. 1559133;1477495441;pete_dushenski;tho 'elie.net' is archive.is resistant 1559134;1477495534;pete_dushenski;not that the loss of '5 easy ways to bulletproof your credit cards against identity theft' is so devastating to the civilised world... 1559135;1477496431;pete_dushenski;shinohai: shillary ~thinks~ she has friends because she i) has sm (bot) followers, just like bahamas, and ii) isn't up on her republican reading and is therefore unfamiliar with danielpbarron's seminal definition of friendship : http://danielpbarron.com/2016/blessed-are-the-poor-in-spirit/#fn2-932 1559136;1477496638;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu> check it out, the trishop has meanwhile set aside apostasy as an exclusion criteria for nuptials. << key word is *friend* -- the point being, if man and woman don't both believe then they shouldn't even be friends, let alone get married 1559137;1477496974;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu> danielpbarron suppose the woman believes and the man doesn't, and they're married. << she should both submit to him and also keep the faith 1559138;1477497004;danielpbarron;!~bible 1 corinthians 7:12-14 1559139;1477497005;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] 1 Corinthians 7:12 :: But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away. 1559140;1477497006;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] 1 Corinthians 7:13 :: And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. 1559141;1477497007;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] 1 Corinthians 7:14 :: For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy. 1559142;1477497786;*;trinque puts on 666 The Number of the Beast to balance things out a bit 1559143;1477498159;ben_vulpes;aaah i see the rodgers fanfic competition is heating up 1559144;1477498189;*;trinque falls down 1559145;1477499457;trinque;in other news, the bitcoin/usg.usd interface is on the move 1559146;1477499509;trinque;current price on buttstamp... 666! it's a sign from the morning star! 1559147;1477502118;mats;http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a23537/air-force-fires-up-depot-line-keep-a-10s-flying-indefinitely 1559148;1477502198;asciilifeform;http://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a23470/two-men-jump-start-a-car-with-ak-47s/ << from mats's link 1559149;1477502219;mats;lol 1559150;1477502252;trinque;"as the military continues to rely on the low-and-slow attack plane for close-air support (CAS) missions flown against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria." << coming soon to an american urban warfare theater near you. 1559151;1477502276;asciilifeform;'puff, the magic dragon' 1559152;1477502769;mats;usg is busy maintaining a state of terror in the middle east 1559153;1477502810;ben_vulpes;> software laden 1559154;1477502814;ben_vulpes;truer words. 1559155;1477502858;mats;coalition forces near mosul bombed the women's section of a Shia mosque in Daquq, resulting in at least 13 dead 1559156;1477503057;ben_vulpes;the womens section? 1559157;1477503059;ben_vulpes;how progressive 1559158;1477503078;mats;additionally, usg continues to support the uae's meddling in yemen, with warships defending a blockade despite an ongoing humanitarian crisis https://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2015/jun/08/humanitarian-crisis-in-yemen-voices-from-the-conflict 1559159;1477503182;mats;and, of course, a healthy dose of war crimes every other week http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/article/yemen-airstrikes-saada-wound-dozens-kill-ambulance-driver-among-others 1559160;1477504214;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes pretty much everything is sectioned off. this way the derpy males don't have to come to terms with the fact that no, they didn't fuck 'em. how come, they were there. 1559161;1477504305;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron wait, so i shouldn't be friends with muslim chicks ? 1559162;1477504423;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-26#1559143 << lol i thought he was being cereal. you telling me i'm too trusting and i've been had ?! 1559163;1477504423;a111;Logged on 2016-10-26 16:09 ben_vulpes: aaah i see the rodgers fanfic competition is heating up 1559164;1477504655;mircea_popescu;http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9tbwxbGo31r9rfsto1_1280.jpg 1559165;1477504688;mircea_popescu;and in other news, /me just bought, or rather paid for, a bunch of hot dresses. once home it was discovered the shop's logo actually includes a pair of tits. 1559166;1477504691;mircea_popescu;aptly so. 1559167;1477504756;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: nono /bombing/ the women's section 1559168;1477504764;ben_vulpes;very egalitarian, these coalition forces 1559169;1477504782;mircea_popescu;yeah. i mean, middle east is all segregated. everything has womens' sections 1559170;1477504850;mircea_popescu;say what you will of the whole "why teach women not to be raped, teach men not to rape" thing, but there's a kernel in there. freely intermixing the genders has its costs, and common practice making one unaware doesn't actually make them go away. just like noise pollution is still pollution whether consciously audible or not. 1559171;1477504872;mircea_popescu;most middle eastern men will spend their entire lives without ever interacting socially with women. 1559172;1477504908;mircea_popescu;mats o wow, they turned about on that stupid idea ? incredible. 1559173;1477504915;mircea_popescu;pretty much the only actually good us plane left. 1559174;1477506214;ben_vulpes;in other wtfs: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/703752115/kickstarted-in-the-butt-a-chuck-tingle-digital-adv 1559175;1477506837;mircea_popescu;what the fuck.. 1559176;1477506889;ben_vulpes;right?! 1559177;1477506905;mircea_popescu;kickstarter is by now evolving into its own alt-world. very reminiscent of how myspace went, this. "general purpose" UGC shitmarket turns into very peculiar weird. other than kickstarter being all about "my weird tabletop game" instead of "my shitty garage band", the differences elude me 1559178;1477506931;ben_vulpes;note also zoe quinn's wrapped up in it. lulz are sure to flow. 1559179;1477506951;mircea_popescu;was this one of the original "i'm a woman in tech with no tech skills hear me roar" crowd ? 1559180;1477506966;ben_vulpes;"gamer gate" iirc 1559181;1477507113;mircea_popescu;so basically this is taco bell doing "gonzo" advertising and "being out there". 1559182;1477507126;mircea_popescu;these schmucks lol, they don't even have a cool they're already selling it out. wtf is this lmao. 1559183;1477507179;mircea_popescu;meanwhile back at the slut farm next door, http://67.media.tumblr.com/4685a41dee05dedc39754f52f7a215a2/tumblr_odg3ysoVDs1uref50o1_1280.jpg 1559184;1477507687;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu> danielpbarron wait, so i shouldn't be friends with muslim chicks ? << well you don't believe the Bible, so be friends with who you like i guess 1559185;1477507692;jurov;omg how it's possible i was not aware of chuck tingle? 1559186;1477507742;jurov;actually, what does danielpbarron say about man-beast marriages? iirc there's something about a lion and lamb 1559187;1477507802;danielpbarron;!~bible leviticus 20:15-16 1559188;1477507803;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Leviticus 20:15 :: And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast. 1559189;1477507804;jhvh1;danielpbarron: [KJV] Leviticus 20:16 :: And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 1559190;1477507921;phf;i like the sufi take on the same problem, https://1earthunite.wordpress.com/2013/05/03/the-importance-of-gourd-crafting/ 1559191;1477508558;mircea_popescu;but ~you~ couldn't be friends with muslim chicks ? 1559192;1477508850;mircea_popescu;phf holy shit that's nonsense. really, pushed into her intestines ? only a dude innocent of sexual congress, or at any rate who's never fucked a girl an inch shorter than him can imagine such a thing. 1559193;1477508879;mircea_popescu;you have a better chance poking a glory hole through the wall than hurting the woman by impaling her with your penis. 1559194;1477508900;jurov;not his. donkey's. 1559195;1477508927;mircea_popescu;she might tear, and lose a fourchette even. she won't split up top. 1559196;1477509046;mircea_popescu;i suppose they don't show this in general use schematics etc, but the peritoneal cavity is protected in females by strong conjunctive tissue reinforced by a strong muscle that uses the pubis for leverage. you've about the same chances to break into her guts as you have to break a dude's forearm through his bicep. 1559197;1477509100;mircea_popescu;anyway. your penis will break first, and by an order of magnitude first. 1559198;1477509121;phf;why yours though? the poem is talking about a donkey 1559199;1477509122;mircea_popescu;(yes, there is such a thing as a penis fracture. it occasionally happens when a (short) woman cowgirls her husband after a night of drinking) 1559200;1477509150;phf;for reference https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donkey_penis.jpg 1559201;1477509162;mircea_popescu;phf donkey is somewhat bigger, but not that much stronger. the issue is stretching her out. 1559202;1477509193;trinque;man, that dick bending shit is the worst. 1559203;1477509197;mircea_popescu;phf ever held a cabaline penis ? 1559204;1477509216;mircea_popescu;it's softer than human. larger, thicker and all that. not exactly a tool of destruction however. 1559205;1477509318;phf;horses are much stronger though, and more importantly can just apply weight. i'm not sure if donkeys are significantly heavier though. 1559206;1477509338;mircea_popescu;donkey is about as heavy as a man. and yes they can apply weight, but they apply weight to what's essentially soft tissue. 1559207;1477509355;mircea_popescu;penis is a hydraulic, blood powered baloon not some sort of a bone. 1559208;1477509498;phf;i feel like this requires an experiment 1559209;1477509525;trinque;hm, apparently other primates have a baculum, humans (and horses) do not. 1559210;1477509546;trinque;in the human case, it makes me wonder if this feature was removed by evolving standing upright 1559211;1477509546;phf;i guess the whole "impaled by a horse" can just be an apocryphal story 1559212;1477509595;jurov;i tried to do some youtube research on it...and ended up laughing on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rJvn-xoTrA 1559213;1477509612;mircea_popescu;by all means, next time you end up with a lot of feminists have the horses fuck 'em to death see how many pelvic floor splits you can count 1559214;1477509664;mircea_popescu;phf the work to impale (most of which goes to fracturing the basin to displace the hips from inside) is historically >2 <4hp. 1559215;1477509698;mircea_popescu;meaning a horse can't provide it even if equipped with wooden gear. 1559216;1477509767;mircea_popescu;trinque well sure, and some bugs actually have piercers for the exact purpose. which is how bed tick colonies fail in vitro. but how weird are we gonna take it you know. 1559217;1477510152;mircea_popescu;enfin, even this aside : whoever thinks getting a punctured gut makes you die without a word never was involved in a port tavern knife fight. worst fucking way to go, for it takes forever. 1559218;1477510245;PeterL;I thought stories of "impaled by horse" usually involved a man, not woman? 1559219;1477510274;mircea_popescu;hard to tell. i thought they mostly involved the same bad fanfic writers who do all the other shit for playboy's "mail from readers" section 1559220;1477510280;mircea_popescu;what with the quadriplegics and whatnot. 1559221;1477510381;PeterL;the "not a word" could also be "nobody around to hear it, therefore no words uttered" 1559222;1477510397;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1559223;1477510495;phf;"not a word" part could also be a bad translation 1559224;1477510536;mircea_popescu;there's this big tradition of blue writing fantasy anatomy however. here's a piece of lulz of entirely similar composition : https://archive.is/vC1mF#selection-627.0-667.50 1559225;1477510553;mircea_popescu;imagine that wonder, uterus extension fuckspace. but this is somehow a recurrent theme. 1559226;1477510708;mircea_popescu;!!up fromloper 1559227;1477510708;deedbot;fromloper voiced for 30 minutes. 1559228;1477510721;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-26#1559191 << not just muslims; most people on earth. those who believe like I do are the smallest minority 1559229;1477510721;a111;Logged on 2016-10-26 19:02 mircea_popescu: but ~you~ couldn't be friends with muslim chicks ? 1559230;1477510758;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron that's not very practical then is it ? having a multitude of varied, various and mutually-irreducible friends is the cornerstone of anchored sanity, i always thought. 1559231;1477510787;mircea_popescu;hence the expression "what do i care, i'm not married to it." 1559232;1477510828;danielpbarron;associates is a better term for those kinds of relationships 1559233;1477510877;mircea_popescu;how do you distinguish in the ideal ? 1559234;1477510958;mircea_popescu;trinque the theory is complicated, mostly because it's a host of various characteristics. probably the most important being hidden ovulation in females, which then drove a mating style similar to that of pigeons (follow her around, fuck her often), which then probably made the bone too expensive. 1559235;1477510960;danielpbarron;it hurts to lose a friend. associates, not so much 1559236;1477510971;mircea_popescu;most animals that have the bone tend to meet the females rarely and only in estrus. 1559237;1477510992;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so you can only know after the fact ? 1559238;1477511040;trinque;makes plenty of sense 1559239;1477511083;danielpbarron;i know before the hurt whether it would hurt or not 1559240;1477511122;mircea_popescu;i dunno man... isn't this a little circular ? 1559241;1477511144;danielpbarron;my belief in the Bible is circular 1559242;1477511170;mircea_popescu;well yes but isn't the entire rational point of belief that you isolate circularity there and therefore need no more of it anywhere else ? 1559243;1477511187;mircea_popescu;if your prime mover fails to put the whole world in motion there's something seriously amiss. 1559244;1477511281;danielpbarron;to me, a friend is someone who sincerely believes the Bible, or at the very least is sincerely interested in it 1559245;1477511332;mircea_popescu;quaker style, "a friend is a fellow traveller" ? 1559246;1477511338;danielpbarron;and this is a very easy way to sort people that I meet. most people cannot stand to hear about it at all; a few can stand it, but they are not sincere 1559247;1477511366;trinque;facile, even 1559248;1477511375;mircea_popescu;well, if the point is selection, then all this is working as intended, no ? you should be thrilled with the tool. 1559249;1477511382;danielpbarron;this definition can work for others: substitute Bible for whatever your core belief is 1559250;1477511396;danielpbarron;all what? 1559251;1477511403;*;mircea_popescu never before heard of a guy who, upon receipt of a perfectly functioning megaweapon from god, asks same to kill him already. 1559252;1477511424;danielpbarron;eh i was feeling pretty low at the time 1559253;1477511454;danielpbarron;and that's not as it sounds, to die would mean to join Him in His kingdom 1559254;1477511467;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron oh i c. so by now "i ask god to please kill me" reads more like "thanks god for ridding me of this dubiously faithed woman and her lures" ? 1559255;1477512098;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, at chez hussy, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9lpcgPOBg1rz2601o1_1280.jpg 1559256;1477512684;mircea_popescu;and for that matter, i dun think http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-26#1559249 works for me. i dun volunteer bitcoin discussions socially. ironically i'm apparently famous by now and people bring it up a lot, so i tend to answer whatever questions they got, but that's the length of it. 1559257;1477512684;a111;Logged on 2016-10-26 19:49 danielpbarron: this definition can work for others: substitute Bible for whatever your core belief is 1559258;1477512697;mircea_popescu;in the same vein i don't think i ever discussed the republic so far, a testament to how it's not a household item and so nobody knows to ask. i don't think i much care about anything else, and still i can't bring myself to give a shit about what anyone thinks of these, because why would i ? 1559259;1477513409;diana_coman;fwiw to me daniel's posts on this + the thoughts expressed here on the necessity of shared "core beliefs" to qualify for friendship etc sound as an elaborate form of "I'm on my own, it's terribly lonely and it hurts" 1559260;1477513456;ben_vulpes;jurov: omg for srs 1559261;1477513460;ben_vulpes;even i know about the tingler 1559262;1477513479;ben_vulpes;canonical: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25183293-pounded-in-the-butt-by-my-own-butt 1559263;1477513811;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i had nfi. still don't really. 1559264;1477513831;mircea_popescu;but here's some butts poundin' away anyway http://67.media.tumblr.com/dbb9233aa7f8cfae24cee54e8d9e2b7e/tumblr_nijtovbhG81rh844qo1_500.gif 1559265;1477513955;ben_vulpes;wahaha 1559266;1477514189;mircea_popescu;anyway, what is it, "now that the gays can has marriage time for furies to push into mainstream", because who could have predicted and they've got a better shot than the child fuckers, who'll have to wait their turn ? 1559267;1477515674;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, i wouldn't call bitcoin or the republic thereof your core beliefs. I'd say it'd be your stance on women and the poor. 1559268;1477515732;danielpbarron;diana_coman, yeah that and, it's a good thing (good as in scripturally) 1559269;1477515928;danielpbarron;and re: "dubiously faithed woman" ; yes that's actually what I prayed for: that she be won over to salvation or that we never get together, so that I would not be tempted to lose faith 1559270;1477516506;shinohai;Women tempt, it's what they do danielpbarron 1559271;1477516513;shinohai;!~bible Genesis 3:6 1559272;1477516515;jhvh1;shinohai: [KJV] Genesis 3:6 :: And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. 1559273;1477517219;shinohai;!~later tell pete_dushenski Hag Sameah http://archive.is/3AfF9 1559274;1477517219;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1559275;1477517325;pete_dushenski;shinohai: $200k is what proper tomes ~should~ cost. keeps the riffraff from getting their cheeto fingers on the good word. 1559276;1477517340;pete_dushenski;$1k reward is pretty chintzy tho. 1559277;1477517381;shinohai;ikr 1559278;1477517522;shinohai;Not like you can just go pawn these sort of things for heroin though 1559279;1477517546;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/yo7FS << moar shabaton lulz from same fishwrap. cars supplanting jooz! 1559280;1477517701;pete_dushenski;shinohai: aha. same reason thieves steal honda accords not mclaren 570s 1559281;1477517782;shinohai;In the US, I'd wager most dumb theives couldn't work the paddle shifters anyway 1559282;1477517803;pete_dushenski;hot big ticket items need political connex. 1559283;1477517848;pete_dushenski;shinohai: heh. 'thief foiled by manual trans' is actually a pretty common headline these days. has been for ~decade. 1559284;1477517949;pete_dushenski;dunno wat the hell they're teaching kids in school these days but is sure as hell isn't anything of practical import. 1559285;1477517960;pete_dushenski;!#s mit lightbulb 1559286;1477517961;a111;7 results for "mit lightbulb", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mit%20lightbulb 1559287;1477518449;trinque;it's kinda interesting... the muslim guy says "I can't have a woman, so I'll kill everyone for god" and the christian says "I can't have a woman; god please kill me" 1559288;1477518619;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron really ?! 1559289;1477518625;shinohai;So what does the Jew say "I want a get and 99% of all you own?" 1559290;1477518692;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski amusingly, 200k is just about what tomes DO cost. in eulora. 1559291;1477518726;pete_dushenski;ha! inb4 usd inflats to copper parity. 1559292;1477518734;pete_dushenski;and then it allllll comes full circle 1559293;1477518737;mircea_popescu;kik 1559294;1477518928;pete_dushenski;shinohai: just like chris rock said of women in his seminal 1999 stand-up 'bigger and blacker' : 'men want three things : food, fucking, and silence. y'know what women want ? everything!' jooz being feminine and matriarchal means they're forever unsatisfied with 'enough' regardless of gender. 1559295;1477519183;mircea_popescu;no more loose shoes huh 1559296;1477519209;pete_dushenski;unless you're throwing them at infidels 1559297;1477519282;mircea_popescu;i also want drunken hussies. 1559298;1477519346;pete_dushenski;^mega-core belief 1559299;1477519368;pete_dushenski;!~b 2 1559300;1477519368;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: Error: "b" is not a valid command. 1559301;1477519392;pete_dushenski;!~bash 3 1559302;1477519392;jhvh1;Last 3 lines bashed and pending publication 1559303;1477519495;mircea_popescu;i dunno what he means, tbh. as far as i'm concerned, if she's obedient and tall enough there's exactly nothing more one can ask. if you don't like her tits you talk to a doctor ; if you don't like her ass she works out, each day, every day. all good ass is made not fallen from the sky, there are no excuses. if she doesn't know shit you teach her, if she has bad habits you train her, there's really naught more. this is a belie 1559304;1477519495;mircea_popescu;f then ? 1559305;1477519507;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wBe1EG5efI << 'bigger and blacker' by chris rock 1559306;1477519524;mircea_popescu;and that poor fuckers nec ultra crepidam seems rather plain common sense. what next, 2nd law is a core belief ? not possibru, physics is universal. 1559307;1477519660;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: you have to recall that from us govskool perspektiv, where most english-speakers 'learned' things about the world during their formative years, poor == bad IS blasphemy. 1559308;1477519676;mircea_popescu;so then this'd be THEIR belief. 1559309;1477519695;mircea_popescu;you can't say people not holding your beliefs are holding the belief of not-your-belief. 1559310;1477519769;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at the pewl, http://65.media.tumblr.com/06956dbc7f325579fe7a04f1b03dc10a/tumblr_mg7d2vCfOh1ru4vdco1_1280.jpg 1559311;1477519771;pete_dushenski;but in the same way that 'russia is doing propaganda but we're just having open debate that spreads democracy', so too does 'he has belief not me, i have usg.facts' 'work' 1559312;1477519782;mircea_popescu;!!key nytro 1559313;1477519785;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/28eob/?raw=true 1559314;1477519810;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski i guess it depends. seeing how this is just absence... 1559315;1477520125;phf;hmm, what the 1559316;1477520128;phf;!~bash 0 1559317;1477520128;jhvh1;Last 0 lines bashed and pending publication 1559318;1477520154;pete_dushenski;lol botwarz 1559319;1477520207;phf;!~bash 0 1559320;1477520208;jhvh1;Last 0 lines bashed and pending publication 1559321;1477520267;phf;apparently alexandria:when-let is not identical to naggum's whereis. the first one doesn't shortcut, and will evaluate all the clauses even if the first one fails 1559322;1477520515;trinque;sounds like a blog post 1559323;1477520616;phf;might as well 1559324;1477520819;mircea_popescu;that's pretty dumb 1559325;1477521096;phf;ah, actually it's my bad. they also have when-let* that makes clauses depend on each other and shortcut on first failure. this is in parallel to let/let*, where let doesn't guarantee order of execution, so i guess shortcut makes no sense. a very pedantic take on the problem.. 1559326;1477521164;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, thay you liken your belief to thermodynamics kinda proves my point. my belief is as real to me (more even) as laws of nature 1559327;1477521186;mircea_popescu;hm 1559328;1477521209;mircea_popescu;but it's not at issue whether it's real to me. it's real to you too, and verifiably so by you too, i don't have to enter into it. 1559329;1477521232;danielpbarron;what is real to me? 1559330;1477521253;mircea_popescu;that you can't buy a two dollar lolipop with a six quarters. 1559331;1477521725;shinohai;!!up Dog1 1559332;1477521726;deedbot;Dog1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1559333;1477521740;Dog1;that is kinda of short LOL 1559334;1477521758;*;trinque emits a parser error 1559335;1477521765;Dog1;!!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/be22a/?raw=true 1559336;1477521768;deedbot;3BF5CD536A683F0C1E5CDF3EF64B4F400F056756 registered as Dog1. 1559337;1477522033;mircea_popescu;!!key Dog1 1559338;1477522035;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/9opph/?raw=true 1559339;1477522800;danielpbarron;is that re: the poor ? 1559340;1477522844;shinohai;!~bcstats 1559341;1477522845;jhvh1;shinohai: Current Blocks: 436043 | Current Difficulty: 2.5361824664148953E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 437471 | Next Difficulty In: 1428 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes, and 40 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1559342;1477525614;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron yeah 1559343;1477526208;phf;asciilifeform: you might find these random notes about a su high school math professor pleasant, http://lj.rossia.org/users/aculeata/1327704.html 1559344;1477526315;mircea_popescu;also http://66.media.tumblr.com/ef8041687d9aeeb383c1c4b87b36b6dd/tumblr_n8ytauJyap1r43ttjo1_1280.jpg 1559345;1477526341;phf;that's always a hit 1559346;1477526351;mircea_popescu;pool tit ? 1559347;1477526380;asciilifeform;phf: and i'll raise you a https://archive.is/3hylC 1559348;1477526391;asciilifeform;^ cult mega-classic. 1559349;1477526510;phf;girls enjoying themselves in water, yes 1559350;1477526799;mircea_popescu;true, huh. 1559351;1477526811;mircea_popescu;http://67.media.tumblr.com/9c0eb0f2009e38e7bb317506f8e2f307/tumblr_o6yxsclTYt1u4932fo1_1280.jpg continuant. 1559352;1477528803;mats;bodog has clinton's odds at 3.5:1, bitbet is at ~57%, nate silver sez 85%, NPR has her at ~63% 1559353;1477528818;mats;someone is full of shit 1559354;1477528819;asciilifeform;diebold - at 100%. 1559355;1477529090;mircea_popescu;she's not winning. 1559356;1477529104;mircea_popescu;she was going to bite it even without the obamarape. 1559357;1477529129;asciilifeform;i could picture this if votes were actually counted. 1559358;1477529166;mircea_popescu;hey, only one way for the bureaucracy to avoid ru-ir peacekeeping missions. 1559359;1477529183;asciilifeform;since when is this avoidable. 1559360;1477529186;asciilifeform;only question of when. 1559361;1477529210;mircea_popescu;well, delayable fo sho 1559362;1477529239;asciilifeform;and it'll be mexican scrap-harvesting mission. 1559363;1477529251;asciilifeform;going across ocean to pick up ~anything from carcass of usa is -ev. 1559364;1477529310;asciilifeform;this is even supposing it not being polluted with radioactive crud. 1559365;1477529328;mircea_popescu;hey, gotta try out teh sukhois somewhere 1559366;1477529342;asciilifeform;iirc they are being tried even now in syria. 1559367;1477529349;asciilifeform;worx great. 1559368;1477529367;mircea_popescu;besides, i think there's ~a century worth of pent up blue balls. american girl gotta suck some dick. 1559369;1477529385;asciilifeform;these will self-export. 1559370;1477529391;asciilifeform;(possibly already have?) 1559371;1477529409;mircea_popescu;the idea is to get the ones that dun wanna. 1559372;1477529414;mircea_popescu;good n' hard. 1559373;1477529482;asciilifeform;'salvation of the drowning is work for the selfsame drowning' (tm) (r) 1559374;1477529550;asciilifeform;is the 'getter' gonna un-fat'em first ? 1559375;1477529692;mircea_popescu;they got planes neh ? 1559376;1477529755;asciilifeform;and liposuctors ? 1559377;1477529767;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has been to usa, iirc, neh ? 1559378;1477529776;mircea_popescu;but i had no planE! 1559379;1477529925;trinque;texas would probably be better off in some kind of loose arrangement with mexico than current status 1559380;1477529948;mircea_popescu;generally the case, nutrition at periphery improves once empire finally croaks. 1559381;1477529951;mircea_popescu;happened to the gauls too. 1559382;1477530180;trinque;chairman of the joint chiefs dared utter the consequence of a "no fly zone" in syria earlier this month in congress 1559383;1477530210;trinque;he then pissed himself and backpedaled while that creepy grandpa from arizona got weepy about the syrian children 1559384;1477530210;mircea_popescu;funny thing - ru could enforce one in iraq ; us could not enforce one in syria. 1559385;1477530370;trinque;almost as if these countries the US keeps lighting on fire are right next door to RU 1559386;1477530391;mircea_popescu;moreover, the russians actually have a jet fighter. 1559387;1477530396;mircea_popescu;the us has a ... plan. 1559388;1477530416;mircea_popescu;in other news, one of the best parts of really big tits is how they float in water. 1559389;1477530422;trinque;sir we are evaluating all options which are on, around, or under the table 1559390;1477530685;trinque;http://oglaf.com/isle-of-tits/ << oblig 1559391;1477530931;mircea_popescu;not bad 1559392;1477531481;mod6;nice pics today! 1559393;1477531697;shinohai;o/ mod6 1559394;1477531719;mod6;hi shinohai 1559395;1477532323;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1559396;1477532331;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 678.27, vol: 6779.63737102 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 679.961, vol: 5397.91119 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 684.68, vol: 12090.27736565 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 694.52442, vol: 1685220.19930000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 680.916, vol: 1621.40054747 | Volume-weighted last average: 694.331622518 1559397;1477532333;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency rmb 1559398;1477532337;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4705.85, vol: 1684807.11990000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4705.85 1559399;1477532378;mats;it rises 1559400;1477532877;phf;(test) 1559401;1477537733;BingoBoingo;http://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=11608 << OMG haterz all jelly that the "invasive" in the pictures looks better than them 1559402;1477537848;BingoBoingo;For instance this was a very uggly fenceline until Buddleja davidii showed up http://www.invasive.org/browse/detail.cfm?imgnum=5163064 1559403;1477541898;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5530 1559404;1477543712;mircea_popescu;and in "more faces for alf" collection http://65.media.tumblr.com/ea2488caf2b4899fa6cbd453c5018822/tumblr_o5gyc9JshD1v4xcqfo1_1280.jpg 1559405;1477543725;mircea_popescu;oh check it out, btc going to 700 1559406;1477543727;mircea_popescu;!!up bandhall_bp-host 1559407;1477543727;deedbot;bandhall_bp-host voiced for 30 minutes. 1559408;1477544317;BingoBoingo;Poor MLKKK 1559409;1477544368;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5527&pr=1 << Poignant election analysis 1559410;1477544983;trinque;go to florida; plenty of whites "willing to mount even the most monstrous cottage-cheese textured ass" 1559411;1477572887;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/fdv8k/?raw=true 1559412;1477572887;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1559413;1477573603;mircea_popescu;and in lieu of good morning... http://67.media.tumblr.com/b134c39a4953965a4098c38e0db04a4c/tumblr_o56zs8Oqg21twgy9wo1_1280.jpg 1559414;1477573691;shinohai;You know mircea_popescu with this recent spate of pictures of girls holding red cups you have posted, it's probably gonna start eliciting a Pavlovian response in me. 1559415;1477573894;mircea_popescu;red cups are for public nudity! 1559416;1477574039;mircea_popescu;http://65.media.tumblr.com/e81a5f491a8c33372bf468ca7360c6eb/tumblr_o54kzd3Y8z1tv3y9wo1_1280.jpg << spot the red and purple cups. 1559417;1477574162;*;shinohai sudden;y wants to hold a facesitting competition. 1559418;1477574437;mircea_popescu;lol you like teh pusstard ? 1559419;1477574453;mircea_popescu;hmm i suppose that didn't come out quite right. you know, pusstard as in pussy custard. 1559420;1477574454;mircea_popescu;like a pie. 1559421;1477574551;shinohai;I'm not picky. 1559422;1477574582;shinohai;!~later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7947z/?raw=true tis a good day for Qntra submissions, here is #2 1559423;1477574582;jhvh1;shinohai: The operation succeeded. 1559424;1477574615;*;mircea_popescu blames teh red cups 1559425;1477574673;shinohai;I have a sleeve of those in my kitchen. I should set up a vodka and lemonade stand outside my apartment and see what happens. 1559426;1477574755;mircea_popescu;bitchez today be cray, man. i tried to take one out for icecream and she wouldn't come because she has to prepare for burlesque show on friday. 1559427;1477574865;shinohai;Is there good ice cream in Argentina? Here everything tastes artificial ... I prefer to make my own. 1559428;1477574875;mircea_popescu;o brother. 1559429;1477574890;mircea_popescu;argentina has, bar none, the best icecream of anytime in the world or any place in history. and vice-versa. 1559430;1477574903;mircea_popescu;it is so much better than anything i had before even shitty icecream here beats good italian stuff 1559431;1477574932;mircea_popescu;there's hundreds of shops, literally, and they all do it by hand. selection being what it is... 1559432;1477574992;shinohai;http://www.bonappetit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/white-mountain-ice-cream-maker-640.jpg <<< /me has one of these that is like 40 years old 1559433;1477574993;mircea_popescu;if oyu've not had chocolate orange, or pistachio, or crema de almendras, or figs here you've not lived. 1559434;1477575054;mircea_popescu;nb 1559435;1477575179;*;shinohai would like to troll a waiter in Argentina by asking for "Fakland Islands Fig" ice cream. 1559436;1477575338;shinohai;"No! It's MALVINAS MARASCHINO" 1559437;1477575355;mircea_popescu;lol 1559438;1477575364;mircea_popescu;they just get beaten puppy sore. 1559439;1477575367;mircea_popescu;not really worth it. 1559440;1477575422;mircea_popescu;best trollage, from experience, is when you wonder stuff like "how do all these people (stuck in traffic) manage to pay for the gas in the first place. then they get caught in an explanation of how money is made and you let them. 1559441;1477575441;mircea_popescu;or you know, point out that the trafic jam consists of mostly buses, which are entirely empty. which is something they NEVER noticed before. 1559442;1477575466;mircea_popescu;they're not so much evil as just incredibly stupid through blindfolding / willing suspension of disbelief. 1559443;1477575470;mircea_popescu;quite american. 1559444;1477575493;shinohai;Buses operating on schedule show their effishunsy! 1559445;1477575505;mircea_popescu;eh they don't have bus schedules here. 1559446;1477575509;mircea_popescu;fgor the obvious reason. 1559447;1477575638;mircea_popescu;http://65.media.tumblr.com/b1934a741e7830cccba6af03b9373166/tumblr_nzzq6dam1L1uenzp2o1_1280.jpg << guess the teese, win a red cup. 1559448;1477576267;phf;dita von teese 1559449;1477576513;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-27#1559429 << best icecream on the east coast is this place http://www.franklinfountain.com , they hand make it too, though i'm sure the ingredients suffer (the milk particularly is probably not argentinian level) 1559450;1477576513;a111;Logged on 2016-10-27 13:28 mircea_popescu: argentina has, bar none, the best icecream of anytime in the world or any place in history. and vice-versa. 1559451;1477577211;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/buggered-bitcurex-tries-to-selectively-hide-sfyl-based-on-customer-language-skills/ << Qntra - Buggered Bitcurex Tries To Selectively Hide SFYL Based On Customer Language Skills 1559452;1477577421;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/ethereum-security-still-ethereal-has-yet-to-appear-after-hard-forks/ << Qntra - Ethereum Security Still Ethereal, Has Yet To Appear After Hard Forks 1559453;1477577639;trinque;BingoBoingo: s/Most/Mist/ ^ 1559454;1477577671;trinque;epic lulz all around 1559455;1477579077;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1559456;1477579431;thestringpuller;http://www.crowdpondent.com/ << lol 1559457;1477579711;trinque;nothing like changing pf.conf remotely to make you clench your butthole 1559458;1477579721;shinohai;thestringpuller: I loll'd at your FagicalTux tweet 1559459;1477579783;thestringpuller;tight butthole 1559460;1477581207;mircea_popescu;"The severity of the bug is listed as high, and can be triggered by merely visiting a webpage containing malicious code or dapp." roflmao 1559461;1477581225;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "new bug are discovered " << new bugs 1559462;1477582047;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/WNi9A << meanwhile, in the prb cellars, the umpteenth 'soft' phork 1559463;1477582130;mircea_popescu;aww 1559464;1477582157;mircea_popescu;here's a hedgehog to celebrate http://67.media.tumblr.com/ff64cb992539e62afeb058b0fdf9a249/tumblr_nnuby6dWh01ra9e4oo1_1280.jpg 1559465;1477582223;asciilifeform;that cross-pistols pose, that was here a couplea days ago 1559466;1477582228;asciilifeform;where did it come from 1559467;1477582247;asciilifeform;'i'ma blow my chin off, twice for good measure' 1559468;1477582299;mircea_popescu;i think it's from a series of action movies 1559469;1477582304;mircea_popescu;something with cars and easy sluts 1559470;1477582318;asciilifeform;mr hedgehog is either complete idiot or he collected and put in his pocket the firing pins before smiling. 1559471;1477582383;mircea_popescu;cunt is anesthetic. 1559472;1477583953;mircea_popescu;and in other boobs, http://67.media.tumblr.com/013d366ebd8f5f83c66f5ab25bda614e/tumblr_o04vgo4mYr1rrq7ino1_1280.jpg 1559473;1477584667;hanbot;mircea_popescu> there's hundreds of shops, literally, and they all do it by hand. selection being what it is... << actually the majority of them suck in the over-sugared + giant ice crystals sorta vein, but we don't put those on your list ;) 1559474;1477584721;hanbot;also, people who know why there's a traffic jam generally...don't end up in the traffic jam, lol 1559475;1477586095;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1559476;1477586424;phf;don't think this was in logs, https://archive.is/scAgB "U.S. courts: Electronic surveillance up 500 percent in D.C.-area since 2011, almost all sealed cases" 1559477;1477586502;asciilifeform;phf: and this is only the vanishingly rare occasions when they bother with paperwork. 1559478;1477586597;trinque;but the dnc hacks were obviously the russians. 1559479;1477586627;asciilifeform;also gotta love that now 'guessed password' == 'hack' 1559480;1477586837;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/hmw8D << elsewhere, in the land of lulz. 1559481;1477586840;phf;well, They want to redefine the boundaries for obvious reasons. sort of an electronic version of jaywalking, or indecent exposure, or .. 1559482;1477586912;asciilifeform;noshit. 1559483;1477586981;asciilifeform;'Now that it's looking like a Trump win is unlikely, you could argue that his supporters are following those conversations to their logical conclusion. You could also argue that Trump is feeding this narrative with his frequent proclamations that the election is “rigged." If you are among the 84 percent or so of Trump supporters who believe that is a legitimate issue, then it's an easy step from there to assume the riggers will hav 1559484;1477586981;asciilifeform;e what's coming to them. (The presidential election is not rigged.)' 1559485;1477586989;asciilifeform;gold. 1559486;1477587039;shinohai;I'm sure the Texas voting machine glitch from yesterday will add gas to that fire. 1559487;1477587064;trinque;there have been people reporting that all over 1559488;1477587075;asciilifeform;'beoble of lolmart' are good for 0 fire. 1559489;1477587086;asciilifeform;see the oregon lulz thread from last yr. 1559490;1477589397;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/what-is-the-difference-between-bill-clinton-and-bill-cosby-a-qntest-with-bitcoin-prizes/ << Qntra - What Is The Difference Between Bill Clinton And Bill Cosby? – A Qntest with Bitcoin Prizes 1559491;1477589469;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/OHYrx << in other lulz, 'The battle groups will be backed by NATO's 40,000-strong rapid-reaction force, and if need be, further follow-on forces, for any potential conflict, which could move into Baltic states and Poland on rotation.' 1559492;1477591082;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/HillaryForPrison/comments/59pfva/what_is_the_difference_between_bill_clinton_and/ 1559493;1477591434;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/cQAPl << speaks for itself. 1559494;1477591654;ben_vulpes;fuckin same exact product. amazon prime: 14.29. amazon /pantry/: 6.04 1559495;1477591674;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: is the latter the subscription deal ? 1559496;1477591731;asciilifeform;or was it the one where you pay some fixed sum for the crate, and then get to fill it with discounted items up to a certain mass 1559497;1477591737;ben_vulpes;no prime pantry is this delightfully fucked thing where you have to fill a fifty pound box with shit before they'll give you any of it 1559498;1477591757;asciilifeform;i'd rather play 'ranger' for msdos 1559499;1477591758;BingoBoingo;lol 1559500;1477591760;asciilifeform;where we also had this 1559501;1477591790;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp22xCSMOyw << it. 1559502;1477592994;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-27#1559478 << it's really a pity you didn't live in the soviet times, the identity'd be worth so many lulz... 1559503;1477592994;a111;Logged on 2016-10-27 16:43 trinque: but the dnc hacks were obviously the russians. 1559504;1477593336;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at doctor's office, http://67.media.tumblr.com/af8be75b3b6377a7c34013923e14681a/tumblr_nzqhlbtmCy1rrq7ino1_1280.jpg 1559505;1477593618;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the point being that ALL THE ARMY NATO HAS, altogether, is about 40k and some ipads. 1559506;1477593632;mircea_popescu;almost enough to steal a toothbrush. 1559507;1477593657;asciilifeform;how many grunts does it take to push button. 1559508;1477593669;mircea_popescu;no button is connected to anything. 1559509;1477593710;asciilifeform;this can't be ruled out. 1559510;1477593718;mircea_popescu;i just ruled it out. 1559511;1477593733;asciilifeform;the not-connectedness, that is 1559512;1477593741;mircea_popescu;i just did. 1559513;1477593771;mircea_popescu;(amusingly the "royal navy" that was going to meet the russian carrier did nothing, it turns out ?) 1559514;1477593772;asciilifeform;waiwat, this is confusing. ~is~ or ~is not~ connected ? 1559515;1477593779;mircea_popescu;is not connected. 1559516;1477593783;asciilifeform;ahok 1559517;1477593818;asciilifeform;https://stashnode.com << in other lulz, 'why build a trb node, buy a prb box from stranger today!' 1559518;1477593828;mircea_popescu; https://archive.is/OHYrx/8d7a9f9c1fea2a8095f4a831d8e17d43ec708f6d.jpg << holy shit is that how english side looks now ?! 1559519;1477593835;mircea_popescu;warsaw pact clone omfg! 1559520;1477593858;asciilifeform;that's a pic of murmansk 1559521;1477593887;asciilifeform;it was labeled as britain somewhere ?! 1559522;1477593890;mircea_popescu;caption reads "a russian aircraft carrier passed tyhrough the4 english channel last week" https://archive.is/OHYrx#selection-3225.0-3225.92 1559523;1477593904;mircea_popescu;also "barcroft media" shoots in murmansk ? 1559524;1477593913;mircea_popescu;also that looks more like a heavy frigate ? is it an ac ? 1559525;1477593922;asciilifeform;nfi. 1559526;1477593991;*;asciilifeform takes it back, there is no such ugly in murmansk. 1559527;1477594046;mircea_popescu;i have lived the best life anyone could have ever lived. fucking period. 1559528;1477594061;mircea_popescu;THIS i am reading in the papers of the day ? i could shame the grandfathers with my stories! 1559529;1477596209;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/27/is-so-unfair-cycle-8/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 8 1559530;1477596274;asciilifeform;!!up fromloper 1559531;1477596274;deedbot;fromloper voiced for 30 minutes. 1559532;1477596293;fromloper;!up 1559533;1477596300;fromloper;thanks 1559534;1477596308;asciilifeform;fromloper: who might you be ? 1559535;1477596341;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1559536;1477596346;fromloper;A curious fellow who stumbled into this channel from loper-os.org 1559537;1477596348;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 683.0, vol: 5194.02270569 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 679.977, vol: 4740.92614 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 685.63, vol: 12179.34553369 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 693.398975, vol: 1961411.57200000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 683.0, vol: 1447.55403013 | Volume-weighted last average: 693.284454971 1559538;1477596359;mircea_popescu;welcome then 1559539;1477596363;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency rmb 1559540;1477596368;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4700.99, vol: 1961117.66260000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4700.99 1559541;1477596370;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i think one's caught in filter ? 1559542;1477596370;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1559543;1477596372;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 436178 | Current Difficulty: 2.5361824664148953E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 437471 | Next Difficulty In: 1293 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1559544;1477596394;fromloper;thank you 1559545;1477596502;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: OMG you linked to Youtube! http://qntra.net/2016/10/what-is-the-difference-between-bill-clinton-and-bill-cosby-a-qntest-with-bitcoin-prizes/#comment-76462 1559546;1477596511;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1559547;1477596540;shinohai;BLASPHEMY! 1559548;1477596565;mircea_popescu;other things i've done today : girl bought some rubber doodads with a vacuum sucker at one end and a clasp at other end, i've been wearing them attached to forehead like horns. 1559549;1477596583;BingoBoingo;Win 1559550;1477596595;shinohai;You must make a pic of this the trilema header 1559551;1477596609;mircea_popescu;i link to youtube and i horn people. whatever, it's my sweet body and i do what i want! 1559552;1477596637;fromloper;sounds good to me 1559553;1477596674;BingoBoingo;Let's come together as a skewl. 1559554;1477596698;shinohai;I give mircea_popescu 666 flotsam in the morning, he grows horns in the afternoon. 1559555;1477596866;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: pics 1559556;1477596903;mircea_popescu;nuh uh, this goes into the homemade pron stash. 1559557;1477596963;fromloper;good bye and good luck on your future endeavours! 1559558;1477596967;mircea_popescu;cheers. 1559559;1477598418;mircea_popescu;"mommy, mommy, what does vip mean ?" http://66.media.tumblr.com/03272862a089e9a120ff58da9db83929/tumblr_nzqhmrQ8oT1rrq7ino1_1280.jpg 1559560;1477598486;shinohai;Very Irriguous Pussy 1559561;1477600501;BingoBoingo;And the joaks start rolling in 1559562;1477600633;shinohai;wow lol 1559563;1477600772;mircea_popescu;it's not a joak till someone gets hurt 1559564;1477600776;mircea_popescu;then it's hysterical 1559565;1477601087;BingoBoingo;12 comments and 5 entries, the Qntest is officially underway! 1559566;1477601680;BingoBoingo;SIX!!! http://qntra.net/2016/10/what-is-the-difference-between-bill-clinton-and-bill-cosby-a-qntest-with-bitcoin-prizes/#comment-76475 1559567;1477601801;shinohai;I didn't expect it to gain traction for at least 24 hours. 1559568;1477601937;BingoBoingo;lol 1559569;1477602157;BingoBoingo;It's a joke contest not fanfic. Even with far lower prize attract interest because it seems like far less work. 1559570;1477602977;ben_vulpes;https://twitter.com/ThaddeusRussell/status/785630313850417152 1559571;1477606270;BingoBoingo;http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2016/10/pickup-truck-headlights-iihs/ 1559572;1477607984;shinohai;http://archive.is/3RcBq "I don’t lie but I frequently misunderstand because I’m highly intellectually intelligent.” 1559573;1477608504;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/Z9WBd 1559574;1477610756;shinohai;The next stupid idea to hit Bitcoin, block time debate: http://archive.is/Yi3sE 1559575;1477610767;shinohai;Brought to you by none other than an ETH huffer 1559576;1477611345;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/RichCore9007/status/791717274478522368 1559577;1477611384;shinohai;mkay 1559578;1477611538;BingoBoingo;Oh Speaking of Oregon, news happened 1559579;1477612148;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/all-militia-heroes-of-oregon-liberation-acquitted-by-jury-in-federal-court/ << Qntra - All Militia Heroes Of Oregon Liberation Acquitted By Jury In Federal Court 1559580;1477613968;BingoBoingo;Great praise! https://archive.is/mbcQd 1559581;1477614223;mircea_popescu;and in other topless times, http://67.media.tumblr.com/9ec9c3ee80048853d0d101856aac695d/tumblr_nslkljWyt11ucvu8po1_400.gif 1559582;1477614278;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes wards of the state my foot. they'll become vases, and the price tag will be in the $100 range too. 1559583;1477614957;shinohai;Plane carrying Republican VP candidate Mike Pence slides off runway at LaGuardia in NYC. Trump blames Hillary in 3..2.. 1559584;1477615020;mircea_popescu;sort: write failed: /tmp/sortTrFwMo: No space left on device << anyone ever sorted gb large file ? the tmp stuff is pretty lulzy, it keeps dumping 20mb files in tmp 1559585;1477615085;mircea_popescu;(the solution, for completeness is sort -T /path to drive with plenty of space. which usually isn't mounted as /tmp/ which is its default) 1559586;1477619091;mod6;in related qntest fun-facts "clinton cosby" anagram: bin Colon Cyst 1559587;1477620573;asciilifeform;in other noose, is ben_vulpes excited to buy the new crapple shitbook pro, missing f-keys and (yes) power jack ?! 1559588;1477620663;asciilifeform;oh and, 1/2 depth of the (already short) keystroke. 1559589;1477620699;asciilifeform;i can almost picture the committee, 'how can we move to making this box entirely, instead of merely largely, useless!' 1559590;1477621200;trinque;same piece of shit operating system on it they've been turd-polishing for a decade 1559591;1477621219;trinque;also you can now give fingerprints wherever you take your mac 1559592;1477621221;trinque;such progress 1559593;1477621269;asciilifeform;the os is no more painful than the bad old commercial unixen of the 1990s. but consider the hardware. 1559594;1477621498;mircea_popescu;and in further "consider the hardware" news, http://65.media.tumblr.com/299e15a56e8a11cb79c2b4b8b57d8645/tumblr_n2ubnvzmzp1styf9co1_1280.jpg 1559595;1477621554;asciilifeform;not quite relatedly, 1559596;1477621571;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ever read ortega y gasset's 'revolt of the masses' ? 1559597;1477621581;asciilifeform;1930 b00k, very trilemaish imho. 1559598;1477621588;mircea_popescu;yeah 1559599;1477621609;asciilifeform;mega-recommended to all tuned-in folx. 1559600;1477621709;trinque;http://pinkmonkey.com/dl/library1/revolt.pdf << l33t warez 1559601;1477621776;mircea_popescu;in other random tidbits : sort -u -t, -k1,1 (sort, unique, comma delimited, first column only) 1559602;1477621784;trinque;https://archive.org/stream/TheRevoltOfTheMassesJoseOrtegaYGasset/Philosophy%20-%20The%20Revolt%20of%20the%20Masses%20-%20Ortega%20y%20Gasset%20Jose_djvu.txt 1559603;1477621820;mod6;hawt pics today btw. ty for the parade. 1559604;1477621840;*;mircea_popescu recomends spanish version for tuned-in 3rd world folx 1559605;1477621843;mod6;you ever think about running a pr0nsite? 1559606;1477621845;mod6;oh wait 1559607;1477621850;mircea_popescu;lol. 1559608;1477621856;mircea_popescu;if i were 20 again... 1559609;1477621860;mod6;haha 1559610;1477622709;BingoBoingo;lol at hanbot's Qntest submissions 1559611;1477622759;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform fwiw, i don't think much of ortega y gasset's notions of what makes the man. "sense of duty" my left foot. 1559612;1477622825;mircea_popescu;same old bullshit. a is above b BECAUSE A IS ABOVE B. not because "a asks more of himself". it's an ontological matter, naught else, and it is not open to technologizing. 1559613;1477622825;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/xpE7m << OMG the butthurt brigading! 1559614;1477622847;mircea_popescu;(the first and foremost mark of "humanism" in all matters is the rigid, resilient notion that anything can be technologized) 1559615;1477623071;*;mircea_popescu finally noticed phf actually put an eye in triangle in the favicon of btcbase lol. 1559616;1477623187;mircea_popescu;and in better hos and gardens, http://67.media.tumblr.com/7a04c550feab794c601ae57f51a1a95e/tumblr_nzc1lsIAKS1u33kz9o1_1280.jpg 1559617;1477623368;asciilifeform;in other 'news', apparently it is possible for parallel port input pins (on all cards from this century, it seems) to... get stuck 1559618;1477623386;asciilifeform;as in, for seconds, or even minutes. 1559619;1477623444;asciilifeform;and like complete idiot i was crawling around inside laser cabinet with a motherfucking obgyn mirror, looking for crud in the beam path.. 1559620;1477623468;asciilifeform;(beam of limit sensor, that is, not of 'death ray', lel) 1559621;1477623535;asciilifeform;there are ants in there, i entertained the hypothesis obstruction - was an ant.. 1559622;1477623547;BingoBoingo;The Plot Thickens! 1559623;1477623557;asciilifeform;thinnens. 1559624;1477623565;mircea_popescu;heh 1559625;1477623575;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nah, I mistimed that statement vs RSS bot 1559626;1477623611;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/lawyer-for-militia-heroes-tazed-for-demanding-release-of-said-heroes-after-acquittal/ << Qntra - Lawyer For Militia Heroes Tazed For Demanding Release of Said Heroes After Acquittal 1559627;1477623665;BingoBoingo;^ Intended target 1559628;1477623691;asciilifeform;lel BingoBoingo didja actually think he'd walk?! 1559629;1477623805;BingoBoingo;God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference. This falls under "serenity to accept" as it is little business of mine how the evil empire intends to end itself. 1559630;1477624459;mircea_popescu;lol rogue state getting a little frazzled ? 1559631;1477624485;shinohai;It's been a good day for Qntra 1559632;1477624613;BingoBoingo;shinohai: As you can see by the byline this is opening piece of a new day. 1559633;1477624645;shinohai;Maybe start of a good week then. 1559634;1477624664;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo time to s/Qntra - Reporting the Intersection of Bitcoin, Technology, and Politics/Qntra - The Mainstream Media of The Most Serene Republic/ ? 1559635;1477624711;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Maybe after next statement, the 2nd anniversary statement? 1559636;1477624721;mircea_popescu;and unrelatedly, G.I. Dependopopotami-to-be : http://66.media.tumblr.com/fbb5c3bcfc57dadb7d5fb9bc3f69321e/tumblr_nzipc6zss61qdtr76o1_1280.jpg 1559637;1477624724;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo worxz 1559638;1477625164;mircea_popescu;btw what's the latest on trump, did he yell "surprise" after all or notrly ? 1559639;1477625191;BingoBoingo;Here's the latest on Trump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdymkbLAuAk 1559640;1477625309;BingoBoingo;Meanwhile in Camp Clinton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nt0C7yVhkaY 1559641;1477625342;mircea_popescu;ahahaha bernard henri levy (self important french dood) going to mosul. 1559642;1477625397;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i thought he was pretty lulzy, "how about we just call the election off and say i won" 1559643;1477625428;BingoBoingo;There are yet more lulz to come. 1559644;1477625436;mircea_popescu;im sure 1559645;1477625469;mircea_popescu;the whole "clinton is looking past trump" angle they jews ran with last week didn't look like it was going anywhere. 1559646;1477625551;BingoBoingo;Anyways the "polls" for some reason keep oscillating. In Missouri Greitens went from a double digit deficit to 2 points. Who knew what hell the death of the landline phone would really bring? 1559647;1477625613;mircea_popescu;it's very funny to me how the attempts at "sanitizing" "domestic terrorism" work. EVERY SINGLE MENTION OF VOTER FRAUD MUST BE TRAILED BY A STATEMENT OF HOW SUCH IS VERY RARE!!11 1559648;1477625625;mircea_popescu;funny shit. 1559649;1477625759;BingoBoingo;!~google hubbard absentee ballots 1559650;1477625760;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: P-D investigation reveals multiple problems with absentee voting ...: ; Absentee ballot case – Franks v. Hubbard – now in judge's hands ...: (1 more message) 1559651;1477625826;asciilifeform;recall how a sitting (!) 'scotus' judge proclaimed that a mr t win is 'unthinkable catastrophe' ? 1559652;1477625838;mircea_popescu;well, it is. 1559653;1477625857;mircea_popescu;for the SOPS it is both unthinkable and catastrophic. 1559654;1477625932;BingoBoingo;http://gomerblog.com/2015/12/episiotomy-obgyn/ 1559655;1477625947;BingoBoingo;^ How election day will likely go 1559656;1477626481;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559650 << can we lose the < > crapolade around links plox ? 1559657;1477626481;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 03:36 jhvh1: BingoBoingo: P-D investigation reveals multiple problems with absentee voting ...: ; Absentee ballot case – Franks v. Hubbard – now in judge's hands ...: (1 more message) 1559658;1477626607;mircea_popescu;ya srsly 1559659;1477626624;mircea_popescu;shinohai ^ 1559660;1477626638;shinohai; Will look into it. 1559661;1477628813;BingoBoingo;https://ageofshitlords.com/smugglypuff-has-been-arrested/ 1559662;1477629120;BingoBoingo;https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Smugglypuff << "They are known by their yellow Eric Cartman style beanie, their impressively bloated whale like appearance and their smugly looking butter face." << OMG look how language evolves. Butter face went from meaning hot except for the face to instead mean Obeast with an oily sheen (like melted butter) to their fat piece of shit face. 1559663;1477630493;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: just thrilled 1559664;1477630537;BingoBoingo;lol https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/f/f3/Trump-anchor.jpg 1559665;1477630781;asciilifeform;https://ageofshitlords.com/social-justice-warriors-vandalize-cat-cafe/ << from BingoBoingo's link. 1559666;1477630991;asciilifeform;compare with the Official version, https://ageofshitlords.com/social-justice-warriors-vandalize-cat-cafe/ 1559667;1477630995;asciilifeform;grr 1559668;1477631016;asciilifeform;http://patch.com/texas/eastaustin/east-austin-anti-gentrification-protesters-feeling-heat-infowars-legion-fans 1559669;1477631275;BingoBoingo;Fucking monsters! 1559670;1477631298;BingoBoingo;Cafe needs bigger cats to eat them! 1559671;1477648993;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the shower, http://67.media.tumblr.com/509552ff85ab577eedbc9c1ed1fb655b/tumblr_ntnamkncOC1sfcru6o1_1280.jpg 1559672;1477661624;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Ln8qA << in other heathen lulz 1559673;1477661792;shinohai;kek asciilifeform 1559674;1477661982;shinohai;Also sure to be the progeny of many lulz: http://archive.is/xu2J7 1559675;1477661993;asciilifeform;i still dun get why folks put their sybils on 'amazon' etc. 1559676;1477662002;asciilifeform;all in one corral, for easy banhammer. 1559677;1477663882;mod6;mornin' 1559678;1477663964;mircea_popescu;heya 1559679;1477664051;shinohai;Now I wonder if these particular Romanians didn't study crime with Dr. Evil or something: http://archive.is/sDD9l 1559680;1477664533;mircea_popescu;hey, petty slavery is coming back in a big way. 1559681;1477664557;mircea_popescu;~half of the urban poor in the soi dissant civilised world have had direct experience with the matter. 1559682;1477664645;shinohai;I enjoyed the recent story of the Mexicans that kidnapped fellow paisanos from the local Home Depot and forced them to work on their marijuana farm. 1559683;1477664670;mircea_popescu;tons of those 1559684;1477668297;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-27#1559571 << honda ridgeline is fairly common tbh. dunno where ttac hyperbole about 'the only truck with passable headlights is the one you've never seen' is all about, but probably related to what 'most normal, reasonable people' (ie. sjw's) see from their sheltered vistas, as per http://www.contravex.com/2016/04/19/be-vewy-vewy-qwiet-weuh-hunting-wabbits/ 1559685;1477668297;a111;Logged on 2016-10-27 22:11 BingoBoingo: http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/2016/10/pickup-truck-headlights-iihs/ 1559686;1477668412;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559587 << why doesn't alf buy new crapbook pro to plug into TWO lg 5k displays ? 5120 x 2880 resolution with 218 ppi yo 1559687;1477668412;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 02:09 asciilifeform: in other noose, is ben_vulpes excited to buy the new crapple shitbook pro, missing f-keys and (yes) power jack ?! 1559688;1477668436;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: which display 1559689;1477668448;asciilifeform;(it only plugs into that one box..?) 1559690;1477668462;pete_dushenski;via 'thunderbolt3', so ya. 1559691;1477668485;pete_dushenski;http://media.idownloadblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/lg-5k-2-1024x782.png << 1559692;1477668489;asciilifeform;also terrible proportion 1559693;1477668502;pete_dushenski;turns sideways. wat. 1559694;1477668507;asciilifeform;still terrible. 1559695;1477668517;asciilifeform;i have a similar display here, it is barely adequate. 1559696;1477668539;asciilifeform;16:9 is an evil. 1559697;1477668544;asciilifeform;even if you 9:16ate it. 1559698;1477668560;asciilifeform;(and it goes without saying.) 1559699;1477668585;pete_dushenski;pretty sad that msft is the new aapl anyways. craapl can't make own cinema display anymore while the house that gates built has https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzMLA8YIgG0 1559700;1477668597;trinque;also isn't this the thing with a chip IN THE CABLE?! 1559701;1477668616;pete_dushenski;aha. it. 1559702;1477668617;asciilifeform;trinque: afaik all crapple cables are now 'chipped' 1559703;1477668626;*;trinque can be buried with his thinkpads 1559704;1477668732;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: that microshit box is suspiciously similar to the circa-2007 projector thing 1559705;1477668827;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: which one was that ? 1559706;1477668870;phf;ha, i'm at this moment trying to find a couple of matte apple cinema displays. they seem to have completely disappeared from ebay/amazon/... (they've been discontinued for a while now) 1559707;1477668911;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: e.g., https://archive.is/VcBi6 1559708;1477669020;pete_dushenski;phf: i have 24" and 30" next to me here. found both for sale on kijiji (cdn craigslist) 1559709;1477669044;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: new one for me 1559710;1477669275;phf;i have two but i want to replace my office monitor, it's a giant dell and it's giving me a headache 1559711;1477669303;asciilifeform;phf: pwm led backlights are great for smashing headaches. 1559712;1477669315;asciilifeform;and 0 other types are, afaik, made today. 1559713;1477669393;phf;ebay ebay ebay, and once the supplies are gone tmsr is going to have a finaly computing solution figured out 1559714;1477669399;phf;*final 1559715;1477669423;asciilifeform;complete with optics, lel. 1559716;1477669474;asciilifeform;alternatively mircea_popescu will teach us how to live well on hercules card with monitor from old 'iskra'. 1559717;1477669475;pete_dushenski;phf: fwiw the eizo 16:10 trio that kicked out my office samsungs cured my daily headaches. 1559718;1477669497;*;trinque moves his fingers instead of his head 1559719;1477669500;phf;hand blown crt tubes 1559720;1477669507;trinque;x1 carbon mounted at eye level works fine 1559721;1477669508;phf;made by trained sluts 1559722;1477669521;pete_dushenski;lol 1559723;1477669667;phf;pete_dushenski: i looked at eizos, but it's another minefield. they seem to have a "prosumer" line, that's the same trash you get elsewhere. and then there's pro line that's 2k+, but you can't just judge by the price. gotta know what you're doing. hence hunting for apple cinemas, i know they worked well for me in the past. 1559724;1477669746;pete_dushenski;https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf << latest lulz from google 'ai' dept of 'cryptosystems' 1559725;1477669762;trinque;"we don't know what it did, so it's encrypted!" 1559726;1477669767;trinque;I guess it is, from a perspective 1559727;1477669865;pete_dushenski;phf: fair enough. i actually use acd+eizo(prosumer) combo at home. it's definitely a minefield but i'm very much content with the ev2455 or whatever its called. 1559728;1477669891;*;pete_dushenski can't speak to colouredge, can only dream. 1559729;1477669904;*;trinque imagines the dog cocking his head to the side, wondering at the encryption with which his master speaks 1559730;1477669951;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: you can always sell one of your old bugatis, and buy a few colouredge!1111 1559731;1477669983;pete_dushenski;trinque: gotta love the 'encrypts selected bits of plaintext' part. 1559732;1477670011;pete_dushenski;""Interestingly, neural networks can also learn what to encrypt in order to achieve a desired secrecy property while maximizing utility. Thus, when we wish to prevent an adversary from seeing a fragment of a plaintext, or from estimating a function of the plaintext, encryption can be selective, hiding the plaintext only partly." << 1559733;1477670035;trinque;straight out of the justification for the existence of our department department 1559734;1477670037;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: le i don't need one ~that~ bad 1559735;1477670050;pete_dushenski;lel* 1559736;1477670573;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EDF9365B7D2A57CAD85C300EEABCEBC423E74E3C0EC9D6DDB7744F3A421910A3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 37551836257268935959723478568763457442860198243540106322393743965390844655421389420208041106693656158402333202209747 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) 1559737;1477670781;asciilifeform;^ cn 1559738;1477671305;BingoBoingo;In other high crimes, Chrysanthemum theft! https://archive.is/pmudV 1559739;1477672655;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559724 << gold. q: 'i want a deterministic system that behaves securely.' a: 'i know! let's make a dogvomit mold simulator!' 1559740;1477672655;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 15:49 pete_dushenski: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.06918v1.pdf << latest lulz from google 'ai' dept of 'cryptosystems' 1559741;1477672758;asciilifeform;speaking of ebay, 1559742;1477672760;asciilifeform;'This is an unusual and insanely fast capacitor. Ok, a gross overkill, full foil discharge type. The capacitor is rated at 3000V and 0.15uF. It was originally intended to go to a... Give you three guesses and you'll probably hit the nail on the head in the first guess. Anyway it is super small, light weight, 100% reliable, and indefinitely repeatable in the 2500V range. Would be great for large flashlamp triggering or large KDP q-sw 1559743;1477672760;asciilifeform;itches.' 1559744;1477672773;asciilifeform;^ from one of asciilifeform's favourite sellers 1559745;1477672810;asciilifeform;^ yes there are n00q partz on junkbay 1559746;1477673046;BingoBoingo;Sweet! 1559747;1477673066;BingoBoingo;Great for triggering very large flashlamp 1559748;1477673071;asciilifeform;nothing magic about these, other than the 'hand-forged golden toilet' aspect. 1559749;1477673085;asciilifeform;platinum-iridium toilet. 1559750;1477673096;asciilifeform;(gold is for 'aspirational14' schmucks!111) 1559751;1477673121;BingoBoingo;WHat better place for large flashlamp 1559752;1477673133;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: bridgewire detonator, not lamp 1559753;1477673198;BingoBoingo;Right, but just imagine how big of a UV flash you could trigger with it. Self disinfecting showers, etc. 1559754;1477673348;BingoBoingo;OMG arrest the reddit CEO for the same reason as the backpage ceo https://archive.is/74qai 1559755;1477673484;BingoBoingo;And drama thickened https://archive.is/jAUp5 1559756;1477674544;shinohai;BingoBoingo: is there a fph thread about this? 1559757;1477674548;shinohai;lol 1559758;1477674551;BingoBoingo;yes 1559759;1477674554;BingoBoingo;there is 1559760;1477674558;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559721 << i am too busy eating my chocolate-strawberry cake to hear you. 1559761;1477674558;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 15:45 phf: made by trained sluts 1559762;1477674575;shinohai;This is too rich 1559763;1477674593;mircea_popescu;(for flavour : the girl that delivered it did so wearing nothing but an apron she had made. which looked great, especially on her. and this morning was... making her shoes. so i was like...oook, what have i done here!) 1559764;1477674617;mircea_popescu;(in fairness - just making new hole in sandal straps, but who can resist.) 1559765;1477674799;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559726 << well no, it's confuzeled. 1559766;1477674799;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 15:49 trinque: I guess it is, from a perspective 1559767;1477675020;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559754 << no because reddit is part of "our" democracy. 1559768;1477675020;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 16:49 BingoBoingo: OMG arrest the reddit CEO for the same reason as the backpage ceo https://archive.is/74qai 1559769;1477675032;shinohai;"If you remember Elliot Roger, he was an incel. basically virgins who're angry at society for not getting women." 1559770;1477675039;shinohai;lollerz 1559771;1477675074;mircea_popescu;OBESE comfort woman ? how the fuck do they omit to mention that lmao 1559772;1477675105;mircea_popescu;who the fuck does blowjobs with a condom anyway ?! 1559773;1477675133;asciilifeform;folks in the land of double-digit hiv (u.s. black cities) 1559774;1477675142;mircea_popescu;uh. 1559775;1477675156;asciilifeform;africa-levels, i shit thee not 1559776;1477675160;mircea_popescu;http://67.media.tumblr.com/1fda86a6f420828426cc4bb2a793da4e/tumblr_nqt669uTaW1sfcru6o1_1280.jpg < meanwhile at the suction farm 1559777;1477675176;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can you even get hiv sucking dick ?! 1559778;1477675178;BingoBoingo; africa-levels, i shit thee not << Northwest Ohio! 1559779;1477675198;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: eventually 1559780;1477675304;mircea_popescu;hm. well this blows. 1559781;1477675372;BingoBoingo;Getting one's dick sucked not a problem. Sucking the dick, problem. 1559782;1477675459;mircea_popescu;i suppose i'm the weirdest person alive then a) never had sex without a condom ; b) never had my cock sucked with a condom. 1559783;1477675553;mircea_popescu;other than the shocking fact that apparently this isn't normal, BingoBoingo 's link also provides a lead to what apparently is a ~community~ based on... not having sex against one's will ? with identity issues and a word for "normies" and everything ? 1559784;1477675559;mircea_popescu;!!up fromloper 1559785;1477675559;deedbot;fromloper voiced for 30 minutes. 1559786;1477675607;shinohai;Will Clinton privilege prevail again? http://archive.is/F9rbH 1559787;1477675626;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Gotta research late stage fanfiction 1559788;1477675653;mircea_popescu;yeah, it's amazing the shit to be found in the pile. 1559789;1477675693;mircea_popescu;shinohai onoes. 1559790;1477675750;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "i'm a woman that only fucks virgins ama" too. 1559791;1477675825;BingoBoingo;ty, shinohai being qntra's right now 1559792;1477675854;shinohai;!~tyvm 1559793;1477675854;jhvh1;shinohai: Error: "tyvm" is not a valid command. 1559794;1477675879;shinohai;oh it was 1559795;1477675880;trinque;https://archive.is/8D0K0 << hory shit, BingoBoingo was right. the only solution to the elliot equation is faggotry 1559796;1477675918;*;trinque will be lost in this lulzmine for a bit 1559797;1477675953;mircea_popescu;trinque history be your guide. 1559798;1477676029;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/m0hyq/iama_34_year_old_woman_with_a_virgin_fetish/ 1559799;1477676095;shinohai;That post may have given me cancer trinque 1559800;1477676106;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo that these exist and are distinguishable from fag hags in the field i knew before. then it dawned on me what a field day it must be in the days of reddit etc. 1559801;1477676121;mircea_popescu;then it dawned on me that nope. and then looking through the comments it was confirmed. 1559802;1477676131;BingoBoingo;lol 1559803;1477676176;BingoBoingo;When in doubt sexual novelty on the internet is either Obeast or a 48 year old plumber wearing panties 1559804;1477676206;mircea_popescu;which explains why it's so damned hard to get plumbing work done in any of the large african cities of the banana republic. 1559805;1477676219;BingoBoingo;Indeed 1559806;1477676249;BingoBoingo;But it's also the thing that gets them into doing pipework in the first place 1559807;1477676257;mircea_popescu;hm. 1559808;1477676588;mircea_popescu;lol all the low effort two line trollage. "o dudes gotta pua and lay bitchez!" "oh i blackmailed this chick and she cried the whole time" 1559809;1477676597;mircea_popescu;apparently virginity is as socially fascinating today as 2k years ago 1559810;1477677040;BingoBoingo;lol trinque "On the plus side I'm not technically a virgin anymore I guess. On the con side everybody who called me a faggot in online video games is now technically right" 1559811;1477677118;mircea_popescu;TECHNICALLY 1559812;1477677146;mircea_popescu;because they really meant anything other than "you're this dubiously sexed derp who's going to end up with some dude's dick up your ass because the other dude said so." 1559813;1477677229;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, i wanna rephrase that. because they really meant anything other than "you're this dubiously sexed derp who's going to end up with a buttfulla dick because the other dude said so." 1559814;1477677327;BingoBoingo;!~bash 6 1559815;1477677327;jhvh1;Last 6 lines bashed and pending publication 1559816;1477677441;trinque;oh god, such lulz 1559817;1477679124;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in the shallow pool, http://67.media.tumblr.com/709eaeefddaac7527a3ba0a2ecbfa177/tumblr_nd1zqaonkG1tvkyubo1_1280.jpg 1559818;1477682216;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/10/fbi-reopens-investigation-of-hillary-rodham-clintons-emails-after-wikileaks-reveals-deleted-emails-still-exist/ << Qntra - FBI Reopens Investigation Of Hillary Rodham-Clinton's Emails After Wikileaks Reveals Deleted Emails Still Exist 1559819;1477682754;BingoBoingo;My the goings on in the world. What a week to be celebrating continuous sobriety! And I haven't even had my cake yet! 1559820;1477682816;mircea_popescu;poor hillary 1559821;1477682826;mircea_popescu;and she actually thought she was gonna like, win something for once in her life. 1559822;1477682883;mircea_popescu;cnn now running "trump's path to the white house" pieces, etc. it's ~all over. 1559823;1477682900;BingoBoingo;Fuck CNN, KMOX has been glorious today! 1559824;1477682956;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/3dL8S << not just cnn 1559825;1477682995;BingoBoingo;Amazing WaPo online magazine picked Today of all Todays to complain about Chief Wahoo being in the World Series https://archive.is/6lLaX 1559826;1477683062;mircea_popescu;even salon/michael moore dork. 1559827;1477683088;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in things that actually matter, http://66.media.tumblr.com/84a9e719856d6bfaec115d46b0157e33/tumblr_nmomt6WsRp1u9sycbo1_400.gif 1559828;1477683556;BingoBoingo;In other Securit-Key news http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/27/woman-surprised-stolen-car-returned-apology-note-gas-money/ 1559829;1477683570;BingoBoingo;"As it happens, some older Subaru models have ignition keys that sometimes work in any number of other Subaru vehicles. The car the “thief” was looking for was sitting a block away the entire time." 1559830;1477683795;BingoBoingo; http://qntra.net/2016/10/fbi-reopens-investigation-of-hillary-rodham-clintons-emails-after-wikileaks-reveals-deleted-emails-still-exist/ << Updated with new lulz 1559831;1477683911;shinohai;https://github.com/blog/2273-incident-report-inadvertent-private-repository-disclosure <<< shithub lolz 1559832;1477684725;trinque;BingoBoingo: missed opportunity for "Dirty Weiner" in title 1559833;1477684751;BingoBoingo;trinque: Dirty weiner discovery happened after gloating and authoring piece 1559834;1477684830;trinque;not like this gusher's going to run out of lulz any time soon 1559835;1477684904;BingoBoingo;Hard to say. She could just stroke out. 1559836;1477685109;shinohai;I used that as basis for my Qntest submission: http://qntra.net/2016/10/what-is-the-difference-between-bill-clinton-and-bill-cosby-a-qntest-with-bitcoin-prizes/#comment-76612 1559837;1477685127;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FEF1C6C9A890941640110AD479AFDEDCC6132445EEFB2D1F31C1D58AFF1DC4F4 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99319465194670868101345891624117322377222977433808483462332438176091472945093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1559838;1477685127;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5A35236F137FD211F772259BD5287EDE9AA09CD8A275F881C74BD97AB8BD0545 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99319465194670868101345891624117322377222977433808483462332438176091472945093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1559839;1477685127;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D21502DDC614160506D49019E3A101B1D769C3A49597CAB4B67CBBC0EF4E7592 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 99319465194670868101345891624117322377222977433808483462332438176091472945093 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1559840;1477685127;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/8F949C482D230ADA81BFECE7760FD7F88B390232D14960D68D8D21112967151F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11520742314723813746227292269224645943940995018994626667635659533585100550197225430962756297095765291615753812877399232796946497787103544147241860465489889 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger 1559841;1477685127;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E32A980A153D1BD323493B5F6A6EF42AD702773A85D9B1DDAA7F1F90C1FFEB25 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11520742314723813746227292269224645943940995018994626667635659533585100550197225430962756297095765291615753812877399232796946497787103544147241860465489889 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger 1559842;1477685266;BingoBoingo;ty 4ur submission 1559843;1477685305;shinohai;I fucked up and put an apostrophe in there, but oh well 1559844;1477685738;phf;for apple people here, i guess, ben_vulpes? https://twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/791872723681239040 "Touch Bar runs watchOS, and macOS sends it framebuffer data over USB. This presumably then relays multitouch events back to macOS." 1559845;1477685767;trinque;ow, my head 1559846;1477685808;trinque;what, EFI wasn't enough? 1559847;1477685869;trinque;gotta have as many systems in systems as possible; it makes hackers too tired to do the deed 1559848;1477686674;jurov;mircea_popescu: pls to mpex 1559849;1477687293;ben_vulpes;trinque: i have no words 1559850;1477687754;trinque;inb4 touchpad becomes an ipad mini 1559851;1477688799;mircea_popescu;jurov on it 1559852;1477688830;mircea_popescu;for the record : proposing that hillary being elected would be "a victory for women" is entirely like imagining the la lakers winning a game is exercise for everyone in los angeles. 1559853;1477690018;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/28/is-so-unfair-cycle-9/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 9 1559854;1477690029;mircea_popescu;and in other sweet 16 boobage, http://67.media.tumblr.com/f5ba17631a26a7e37c39b6c9654113b3/tumblr_norgj3StNu1uo56n1o1_1280.jpg 1559855;1477690230;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/pXCyB << in other lulz, microshit Rises Again (or at least thinks it does) 1559856;1477690806;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559853 << There's 3 days left until the weens are hallowed. Who else other than diana_coman and danielpbarron has stories? Or at a minimum speculums of where I'm taking Elliot and James. 1559857;1477690806;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 21:26 deedbot: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/28/is-so-unfair-cycle-9/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 9 1559858;1477690910;*;BingoBoingo still waiting for alf fanfic submission to drop 1559859;1477690931;*;asciilifeform has quite full hands 1559860;1477691006;BingoBoingo;Everyone has full hands. The question is how people refresh their holding ability so that their hands might become still fuller. 1559861;1477691085;asciilifeform;http://gaugeboson.com/electronics/rf.html << unrelated but good pr0n 1559862;1477691146;asciilifeform;http://gaugeboson.com/electronics/IMG_5579L.jpg << in particular is reminiscent of the 'not-so-integrated' circuits made in '60s su 1559863;1477691303;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559844 << that's one way to ensure your box isn't compatible with unofficial osen : give it two! 1559864;1477691303;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 20:15 phf: for apple people here, i guess, ben_vulpes? https://twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/791872723681239040 "Touch Bar runs watchOS, and macOS sends it framebuffer data over USB. This presumably then relays multitouch events back to macOS." 1559865;1477691342;pete_dushenski;want to use gentoo or even so much as osx10.8 ? enjoy using an external keyboard on the airplane because there's no other way to use f-keys 1559866;1477691376;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: paying the crapple tax and then running linux is epic waste 1559867;1477691402;asciilifeform;whatever point there is to buying the box, it is to use the sun/sgi-like vertical integration 1559868;1477691413;asciilifeform;(i can't think of any other) 1559869;1477691458;asciilifeform;why the fuck would you buy the world's least-documented x86 box to gentoo on..? 1559870;1477691466;pete_dushenski;for aesthetes, it's not what's in the box, it's... the box. 1559871;1477691503;asciilifeform;mega-aesthetics when half of the peripherals dun work. 1559872;1477691562;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559782 << the former is highly unusual (which never made sense to me personally) while the latter is super goddam normal 1559873;1477691562;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 17:24 mircea_popescu: i suppose i'm the weirdest person alive then a) never had sex without a condom ; b) never had my cock sucked with a condom. 1559874;1477691594;pete_dushenski;i dun even think i ever HEARD of a dude getting lid with a dome on. it'd be like fucking an earhole or something. 1559875;1477691614;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: you clearly dun get fashion. 1559876;1477691643;pete_dushenski;that half the peripherals don't work is ~ironic~. see ? zhe didn't even want them to work 1559877;1477691658;pete_dushenski;so, they don't. it's a match made in heaven. 1559878;1477691686;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski apparently it's standard fare in reddit land. 1559879;1477691730;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: http://www.thetoysavenue.com/gallery/vtech-learning-laptop/vtech_learning_laptop_1.jpg << nah, this here is the correct laptop for such folx 1559880;1477691806;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: bizarre 1559881;1477691815;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: too poorfaggy 1559882;1477691882;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-28#1559822 << even shillary mouthpiece fivethirtyeight (nate silver) has her lead slipping. http://archive.is/9R8Ym 1559883;1477691882;a111;Logged on 2016-10-28 19:28 mircea_popescu: cnn now running "trump's path to the white house" pieces, etc. it's ~all over. 1559884;1477691930;pete_dushenski;although natedog still has shillz at 81.2% to 18.7% 'chance of winning' 1559885;1477692010;pete_dushenski;needless to say i've doubled down on my meatspace wagers. even if i never set foot in the states again, trump WILL get me paid. 1559886;1477692164;pete_dushenski;!~ticker --market all 1559887;1477692171;jhvh1;pete_dushenski: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 685.5, vol: 3916.84159109 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 680.998, vol: 4286.93499 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 690.77, vol: 9933.29115578 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 693.927025, vol: 2490374.58530000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 688.119, vol: 1327.22650159 | Volume-weighted last average: 693.876224359 1559888;1477692415;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Y no fanfic? 1559889;1477692687;BingoBoingo;Anyways Is So Unfair Cycle 10 is quickly become the longest entry so far because the Elliot/James slashfic reached the slash portion. 1559890;1477692709;pete_dushenski;same reason as b4 1559891;1477692770;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: But it is for a good cause! The cultural output of the Republic is a demonstration of Republican supremacy! 1559892;1477692930;pete_dushenski;https://sourceable.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/timber-skyscraper-chicago.jpg << in other wood without condoms, a proposed 80-story TIMBER skyscraper in chiraq 1559893;1477693077;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/10/what-is-the-difference-between-bill-clinton-and-bill-cosby-a-qntest-with-bitcoin-prizes/#comment-76521 << my cultural contribution for the week. it's what i could muster. 1559894;1477693278;*;BingoBoingo honestly surprised the Pinoys haven't flooded the Qntest yet 1559895;1477693625;shinohai;too much work for them, requires formulating actual thoughts 1559896;1477695778;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Do your Eulora recruits know about Qntest? 1559897;1477695906;shinohai;Doubtful ... the 0.00013% that made it or whatever 1559898;1477696041;BingoBoingo;How many remain? 1559899;1477696080;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/10/28/is-so-unfair-cycle-10/ << Bingo Blog - Is So Unfair Cycle 10 1559900;1477696083;BingoBoingo;^ The gore you have all been waiting for is here 1559901;1477696119;shinohai;hmmm none presently xD 1559902;1477696158;*;BingoBoingo worries he might have gone a bit light on the gore. 1559903;1477696228;BingoBoingo;Anyways story not yet over. 1559904;1477696302;BingoBoingo;Perhaps related http://epmonthly.com/article/theres-alien-inside/ 1559905;1477697411;BingoBoingo;“Hottest beer cart girls in the Midwest serving drinks on selected holes.” http://www.bnd.com/news/local/article111168492.html#storylink=latest_side 1559906;1477698388;BingoBoingo;!~bcstats 1559907;1477698388;mod6;BingoBoingo: s/would/wound/ 1559908;1477698389;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 436363 | Current Difficulty: 2.5361824664148953E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 437471 | Next Difficulty In: 1108 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 9 hours, 16 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1559909;1477698440;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1559910;1477698493;shinohai;heya mod6 ... another week done? 1559911;1477698506;mod6;yup 1559912;1477698514;mod6;how's it goin? 1559913;1477698920;shinohai;Pretty good here and yourself? 1559914;1477698995;mod6;better now! :] 1559915;1477699581;BingoBoingo;The butthertz of the day, preserved in Amber https://archive.is/etZS7 1559916;1477699626;BingoBoingo;brb caek 1559917;1477700539;mircea_popescu;caek is good. 1559918;1477700732;mircea_popescu;http://66.media.tumblr.com/0176e6c6cd969553e9531335abcce742/tumblr_nmdhefuPg21u1s2wgo1_1280.jpg << icescreams is bettar. 1559919;1477700747;shinohai;caek and limonada 1559920;1477702477;shinohai;bwahahaha this scam is getting fun to watch: https://poloniex.com/exchange#btc_zec 1559921;1477706688;pete_dushenski;shinohai: kraken similarly poisoned (if sewage could be thusly degraded) : http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/15/suppose-we-have-an-exchange-that-due-to-resource-limitations-is-limited-to-5-decimal-places-for-orders-or-how-kraken-is-scamming-to-stay-solvent/#comment-51846 1559922;1477706765;shinohai;bwahahahaha 1559923;1477706989;pete_dushenski;given that it'd be 9 months since zooko's pathetic 'white paper' i thought usg.idjits had given up on him altogether, but i guess the etherape forced them to reconsider even their most ill-advised projects and implement anything at all if even just so they could keep talking about themselves 1559924;1477707004;pete_dushenski;*it'd been 1559925;1477707079;shinohai;pete_dushenski: did my comment get lost or does it have to be moderated ? 1559926;1477707096;*;pete_dushenski checks 1559927;1477707161;pete_dushenski;it's there so chances are it was a cache hold-up and you just need to refresh the page to see it. 1559928;1477707172;shinohai;ah! 1559929;1477707181;shinohai;I see it now thanks 1559930;1477707182;pete_dushenski;lol nice avatar btw 1559931;1477707204;shinohai;how dafuq did covertress avatar show up there? 1559932;1477707249;shinohai;O.o 1559933;1477707285;pete_dushenski;lol that wasn't intentional ?? 1559934;1477707308;shinohai;no 1559935;1477707309;*;pete_dushenski thought it was tres cheeky 1559936;1477707311;shinohai;xD 1559937;1477707377;shinohai;works off gravatar I see? 1559938;1477707402;shinohai;BITCH STOLE MY EMAIL 1559939;1477707589;ben_vulpes;wat? 1559940;1477707624;ben_vulpes;that's pretty rich 1559941;1477708808;pete_dushenski;shinohai: http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/15/suppose-we-have-an-exchange-that-due-to-resource-limitations-is-limited-to-5-decimal-places-for-orders-or-how-kraken-is-scamming-to-stay-solvent/#comment-51901 1559942;1477708928;*;shinohai L'Chaim [~]D 1559943;1477708930;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/vAoKM << relevant to latest crapbook pro news. basically a variant of 'living in a post-steve world' from contravex 1559944;1477710649;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/7cG8b << lulzy, they did indeed bake a new ethereum. 1559945;1477710671;asciilifeform;because, and as i said before, there is ~unlimited supply of academitards etc. ready to play. 1559946;1477710763;shinohai;They fucking "LIVE STREAMED" the Genesis block. 1559947;1477710854;asciilifeform;https://github.com/zcash/zips/blob/master/protocol/protocol.pdf << it is not necessary to read all of this to understand the 'catch', it is the same as with the earlier 'ring signatures' crapolade 1559948;1477710856;asciilifeform;and with tor 1559949;1477710913;asciilifeform;the baked-in unspoken presumption that no one will have sufficiently panopticonic view of the ledger to compute the obfuscated numbers 1559950;1477710977;asciilifeform;the linked alt also introduces a backbreaking pseudomathematical turd, similar to the one discussed in the homomorphism thread a while back 1559951;1477711078;asciilifeform;lulzily, they import all of (yes) prb... 1559952;1477716174;BingoBoingo;Caek was delicious 1559953;1477717405;shinohai;Did they at least have lemonade too? 1559954;1477717462;BingoBoingo;Better. Coffee. 1559955;1477717635;shinohai;Good point 1559956;1477718129;*;BingoBoingo not sure if the lack of discussion on the fanfic is a good or bad thing. 1559957;1477718156;BingoBoingo;Perhaps now that the slash is done next entry should take a more traditional fanfic turn. 1559958;1477723123;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform empire is really dedicated to "not a sperm is wasted". all teh holes gotta be always kept. 1559959;1477749158;mircea_popescu;and, of course, http://66.media.tumblr.com/918778e0a014c11dbf790c170bbdb5db/tumblr_ngbn9hWiM31u2x6vro1_1280.jpg 1559960;1477749197;trinque;BingoBoingo: http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/10/27/not-guilty-oregon-jury-exonerates-seven-defendants-refuge-standoff/ << no noose is good news 1559961;1477749216;trinque;dunno why that's filed under texas 1559962;1477749229;trinque;are they pandering to my demographic?!?! 1559963;1477749230;mircea_popescu;"all good things go in texas file" ? 1559964;1477749233;trinque;worx 1559965;1477751830;shinohai;http://i.imgur.com/AX2KmH9.png 1559966;1477752313;mircea_popescu;ahaha 1559967;1477752543;mircea_popescu;and in other stupid ideas, http://67.media.tumblr.com/5113513464264c6073e4d6ccf74a38d5/tumblr_n38cmfzkWn1rtutkqo1_500.jpg 1559968;1477752677;shinohai;Asses are better for snorting coke off of 1559969;1477753032;mircea_popescu;you really don't want to mix the hygroscopic cocaine with skin brine. 1559970;1477758424;BingoBoingo; dunno why that's filed under texas << No, filed under news *FOR* Texas 1559971;1477758609;BingoBoingo;"One of the people who was sought in the probable cause action was killed. Another person was injured and transported to an area hospital where he was later arrested, according to an FBI press release obtained by Breitbart Texas at the time." << Pussies at Breitbart won't give Lavoy Finicum his NAME!. 1559972;1477758675;BingoBoingo;And lol http://qntra.net/2016/10/what-is-the-difference-between-bill-clinton-and-bill-cosby-a-qntest-with-bitcoin-prizes/#comment-76680 1559973;1477759030;shinohai;LOL vexual should have put that one in format for the Qntest 1559974;1477759070;BingoBoingo;4srs 1559975;1477759359;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all 1559976;1477759373;BingoBoingo;~!ticker --market all --currency gbp 1559977;1477759382;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 706.7, vol: 3989.59358643 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 702.999, vol: 5255.44058 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 714.14, vol: 13968.47285007 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 713.287, vol: 1538.43442931 | Volume-weighted last average: 710.522274718 1559978;1477759473;shinohai;When you start to resemble the candidate you are voting for: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/29/trump-supporter-charged-with-voting-twice-in-iowa/ 1559979;1477759483;BingoBoingo;!~ticker --market all --currency rmb 1559980;1477759491;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4862.41, vol: 2937798.91540000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4862.41 1559981;1477759537;BingoBoingo;lol shinohai 1559982;1477760171;mod6;mornin' 1559983;1477760186;shinohai;morning 1559984;1477760192;shinohai;or afternoon lol 1559985;1477760197;phf;meanwhile, asciilifeform at work http://66.media.tumblr.com/a1df58bc0106d0387164ad24ff49092f/tumblr_od226u6em41sndzdgo1_500.jpg 1559986;1477760199;mod6;lol, how's it goin? 1559987;1477760234;mod6;phf: heheh 1559988;1477760255;shinohai;xD 1559989;1477760269;mircea_popescu;wow they allow non-tit tumblrs ?! 1559990;1477760374;BingoBoingo;OMG his hands ARE free!!! 1559991;1477760501;mod6;lol 1559992;1477760657;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/poor-women/ << Trilema - Poor women... 1559993;1477761791;mircea_popescu;!!key DarkSonic1338 1559994;1477761793;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/3b74h/?raw=true 1559995;1477762700;ben_vulpes;"we even picked them out together online" wahaha 1559996;1477762731;BingoBoingo;For srs 1559997;1477762752;ben_vulpes;i ain't even take remedial kink and that shit's retarded 1559998;1477762757;BingoBoingo;Motherfucker *wants* to get cuck'd by a couple bits of plastic 1559999;1477762781;BingoBoingo;It's only time before he finds a boyfriend with "frame" to bring home. 1560000;1477762835;ben_vulpes;interesting take 1560001;1477762895;ben_vulpes;relatedly, hijinks on the corvette hood jammed the right side release 1560002;1477762929;ben_vulpes;fuckin toys 1560003;1477762930;BingoBoingo;PB Blaster and patience 1560004;1477762944;ben_vulpes;i think it's a mechanical jam, possibly the glass is now out of true 1560005;1477762981;BingoBoingo;PB Blaster, Patience, and Pushing is the amended prescription 1560006;1477763193;ben_vulpes;pushing 1560007;1477763222;ben_vulpes;source of and solution to the world's woes 1560008;1477763283;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1560009;1477763328;BingoBoingo;But the PB Blaster is pretty much nothing but solution... except in locks... or electronics 1560010;1477763367;ben_vulpes;more like a suspension of solution 1560011;1477763446;BingoBoingo;Nah, because wear items always evade permanent solutions. They aren't plinths. 1560012;1477763488;trinque;the guy who has to ask an authority how and whether to fuck truly is another gender. 1560013;1477763500;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes corvette is for fucking 50lbs of 17yo not 100lbs of married woman! 1560014;1477763519;mircea_popescu;there IS such a thing as engineering specifications! 1560015;1477763521;ben_vulpes;eh corvette is for depreciating 1560016;1477763532;trinque;also hooning in circles when wet 1560017;1477763533;ben_vulpes;schedule is a matter of personal taste 1560018;1477763534;trinque;:D 1560019;1477763536;mircea_popescu;i wonder if they actually had a hood engineer sit around thinking about this 1560020;1477763543;ben_vulpes;trinque: not circles, arcs 1560021;1477763547;ben_vulpes;arcs of like 30 degrees 1560022;1477763550;trinque;fair 'nuff 1560023;1477763551;ben_vulpes;UGH 1560024;1477763571;ben_vulpes;replacing that bumper is going to cost me 450 in plastic and another 175 in shipping oil 1560025;1477763580;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it may interest you to know i first met / picked out / hired my best driver ever when he was 17 and was doing "spinnies" with a group of similarly minded idiots 1560026;1477763593;mircea_popescu;which consisted of accelerating and then steer-locking the car in a gravel pit. 1560027;1477763603;ben_vulpes;aka 'donuts' 1560028;1477763607;mircea_popescu;ah is it ? 1560029;1477763611;ben_vulpes;i think so 1560030;1477763616;ben_vulpes;what is 'steer-locking'? 1560031;1477763621;*;mircea_popescu is largely innocent of cool car stuff 1560032;1477763626;*;ben_vulpes as well 1560033;1477763640;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes well, you know how you can make the car skid if you steer it ineptly ? 1560034;1477763651;*;ben_vulpes is intimately familiar 1560035;1477763654;trinque;this is what texas "beaches" are for 1560036;1477763657;ben_vulpes;or if its rwd 1560037;1477763657;mircea_popescu;that done deliberately. 1560038;1477763678;ben_vulpes;right 1560039;1477763686;mircea_popescu;ah yes, but on gravel! ro standard gravel has this 1cm ish shards thing, it's a horror. 1560040;1477763688;ben_vulpes;so in other related plastics, ford is shipping a focus with "drift mode" 1560041;1477763690;mircea_popescu;mostly basalt flakes 1560042;1477763708;ben_vulpes;featuring computer controlled front/rear differential 1560043;1477763713;mircea_popescu;ffs. 1560044;1477763732;ben_vulpes;when yaw rate exceeds some envelope parameters it dumps power back to the front and yanks the car back under control (in theory) 1560045;1477763756;ben_vulpes;local club has a great story about a noob slamming a brand new focus into a rock wall playing with this 1560046;1477763766;ben_vulpes;missed the front of the pile of parked club cars by ~10 feet 1560047;1477763772;trinque;this is now called cuckatronics 1560048;1477763780;mircea_popescu;^ 1560049;1477763804;ben_vulpes;cuck cars 1560050;1477763810;mircea_popescu;cuck.ars 1560051;1477763818;ben_vulpes;(e) 1560052;1477763823;mircea_popescu;lol 1560053;1477763847;ben_vulpes;today's cooking mystery: 1560054;1477763860;ben_vulpes;WHY do yams and sweet potatoes fry so differently from ordinary american idaho potatoes? 1560055;1477763862;mircea_popescu;see how his free association works ? cuck-cook 1560056;1477763883;trinque;lel 1560057;1477763888;ben_vulpes;i was trying to work a cucking in 1560058;1477763900;mircea_popescu;i suppose yams think themselves pastries. 1560059;1477763919;ben_vulpes;it was a tight squeeze 1560060;1477763921;ben_vulpes;awkward fit 1560061;1477763951;mircea_popescu;best excuse ever for girl not liking condoms : "there's barely any room even without!" 1560062;1477763987;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Because they are compeltely different things. White potatoes are a nightshade tuber and sweet potatoes are a morning glory tuber. 1560063;1477764041;mircea_popescu;!~google salt n pepa push it 1560064;1477764042;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Salt N Pepa - Push It (Original) + Lyrics - YouTube: ; Push It - Salt - N - Pepa - Vevo: ; Salt ' n Pepa , ' Push It ' | 500 Greatest Songs of All Time | Rolling Stone: