1512689;1470146060;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1a3x 1512690;1470146060;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1512691;1470149794;mircea_popescu;it's not too hard, no. 1512692;1470149934;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha reddit gonna steal another sub ? 1512693;1470150742;*;mircea_popescu waves hello to covertress 1512694;1470150795;*;covertress waves hello to mircea_popescu 1512695;1470150812;mircea_popescu;taken over teh blocktechoworld yet ? 1512696;1470150827;covertress;block by block 1512697;1470150853;mircea_popescu;lol 1512698;1470150882;covertress;came here today for the fireworks, if any 1512699;1470150888;shinohai;blockhead by blockhead? 1512700;1470150894;covertress;+1 1512701;1470150940;covertress;ETH btc thinks ETC liberator funds are on the move 1512702;1470150974;mircea_popescu;doh ? http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-27#1510464 << see that part. 1512703;1470150974;a111;Logged on 2016-07-27 17:51 mircea_popescu: meanwhile the eth "rednecks" are "acting against their own interest". as per usg verbiage now current. 1512704;1470150981;mircea_popescu;an' read the logs in integrum, generally speaking. 1512705;1470151036;shinohai;Good lolz you posted earlier re: Tual mircea_popescu 1512706;1470151049;mircea_popescu;old lulz sometimes ages like cheese. 1512707;1470151059;*;shinohai does not link to log to avoid pissing off his worship danielpbarron 1512708;1470151091;mircea_popescu;lol you're taking it too heartily. 1512709;1470151116;shinohai;I'm just pulling his chain :D 1512710;1470151143;mircea_popescu;chains are damnation tools. 1512711;1470151357;shinohai;http://puu.sh/qmTW9/cf8c53b3b9.jpg <<< /me wonders if mats received such training. 1512712;1470151679;asciilifeform;'don't do the rape if you can't do the ape!' -- ilkka kokkarinen 1512713;1470151709;shinohai;win 1512714;1470151842;mircea_popescu;iirc the army training is more along the lines of "if your mate looks like he's going to become a prisoner, shoot them" 1512715;1470151860;mircea_popescu;somehow this is a lot more democratic than it sounds. because MODERN no doubt. 1512716;1470151883;asciilifeform;lel that's spetsnaz, not american army 1512717;1470151926;mircea_popescu;well naz something or the other at any rate. 1512718;1470151940;mircea_popescu;i recall adlai mentioning teh policy. 1512719;1470151966;asciilifeform;;;seen adlai 1512720;1470151966;gribble;adlai was last seen in #trilema 2 weeks, 3 days, 7 hours, 48 minutes, and 9 seconds ago: ask not what your qntra can read to you; ask what you can write for your qntra 1512721;1470151999;asciilifeform;;;seen gabriel_laddel 1512722;1470152000;gribble;gabriel_laddel was last seen in #trilema 3 weeks, 6 days, 10 hours, 1 minute, and 7 seconds ago: wtf else are you going to do? 1512723;1470152048;mircea_popescu;btw, anyone seen shadowlands ? 1512724;1470152124;asciilifeform;the thing about c.s.lewis ?! 1512725;1470152156;mircea_popescu;hopkins does probably his best role ~as a man~, to jack nicholson levels. debra winger is utterly superb. perfect performance. 1512726;1470152161;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha that one. 1512727;1470152167;*;asciilifeform has not seen 1512728;1470152174;asciilifeform;any good ? 1512729;1470152180;mircea_popescu;heartily recommended. 1512730;1470152187;*;asciilifeform puts on list 1512731;1470152246;asciilifeform;funny thing, lewis started showing up at the open air blackmarkets back in... '91? and we bought, and enjoyed, and then choked mid-way through series on the obvious bait 1512732;1470152275;mircea_popescu;i never cared much for the oxford genre fiction of the 50s. 1512733;1470152288;asciilifeform;it was for kidz!! 1512734;1470152294;mircea_popescu;yes, this includes tolkien. no, i don't see him as much more than an earlier, therefore craftier, woman what's her name. 1512735;1470152301;mircea_popescu;nothing is ever for the kids. 1512736;1470152314;asciilifeform;lel silmarillion also for kidz ? 1512737;1470152314;mircea_popescu;in the sense that if they are old enough to walk they're old enough to fuck and that's the end of the matter. 1512738;1470152318;asciilifeform;didn't we have this thread 1512739;1470152368;asciilifeform;$s tolkien 1512740;1470152368;a111;16 results for "tolkien", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tolkien 1512741;1470152380;mircea_popescu;wtf is the woman with the "successful franchise" 1512742;1470152400;mircea_popescu;can't even fucking remember any of this crud it's always the same words in a different souping. 1512743;1470152431;asciilifeform;10,001 shannonizations of shakespeare don't cancel the original. 1512744;1470152461;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-05#1446148 << thread. 1512745;1470152461;a111;Logged on 2016-04-05 03:04 mircea_popescu: ok, point taken, the guy is good. 1512746;1470152470;mircea_popescu;a bunch of tired oxford fags trying to give their miserable subculture breath in the heavens doesn't make it a sort of byzantine "chrstian faith" 1512747;1470152484;mircea_popescu;it just makes them what thgey always were : invidious barbarians lost in a distant, misty island. 1512748;1470152486;asciilifeform;not what tolkien did. 1512749;1470152514;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform their characters don't fuck properly. yes, good, as in crafty writer. still has nothing to say besides "god save the queen" 1512750;1470152523;asciilifeform;didja ~read~ any ? 1512751;1470152527;mircea_popescu;which can be said well but isn't worth saying in any case. 1512752;1470152531;mircea_popescu;i read fragments. 1512753;1470152532;asciilifeform;or consulted anal oracle strictly 1512754;1470152533;asciilifeform;lel 1512755;1470152555;mircea_popescu;i can't help it, for all my patience i can't read ANYTHING integrally. some things annoy. 1512756;1470152575;asciilifeform;betcha 'lotr' would take less effort to read than mircea_popescu's spam queue for the week. 1512757;1470152590;mircea_popescu;i dun really read the spam queue. 1512758;1470152601;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/contact-pgp/ << notice anything, speaking of ? 1512759;1470152613;diana_coman;I'm with asciilifeform on this one re Tolkien 1512760;1470152650;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nowai! 1512761;1470152652;asciilifeform;no moar emailz? 1512762;1470152653;mircea_popescu;diana_coman are you with him also on "harry potter" ? 1512763;1470152664;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as knuth said, there comes a time. 1512764;1470152669;*;asciilifeform actually cannot comment on 'harry potter', never read any 1512765;1470152680;diana_coman;don't know where he is on that, but harry potter is a shit from what I saw and no way to compare it to tolkien 1512766;1470152682;mircea_popescu;what exactly is the difference, prythee. 1512767;1470152704;mircea_popescu;i for the life of me can't distinguish them, and this is never a good sign. 1512768;1470152723;*;mircea_popescu also can't normally remember people's names. the people in question flatter themselves with the idea this is a fault of mine. 1512769;1470152751;diana_coman;hm, depending on where you are looking from, nothing can be distinguished from anything else on Earth really 1512770;1470152788;mircea_popescu;yes, it could be i'm an idiot, granted. 1512771;1470152883;mircea_popescu;so distinguish it for my benefit, should be instructive. 1512772;1470152886;asciilifeform;tolkien was an archaeologist and linguist, dug through all of europe's myths, legends, in the original languages, to make his feedstock. and was a talented and quite humble man, never saw ~any income from his fiction - which was superb, if verbose - during life. 1512773;1470152900;asciilifeform;the imitators, who chopped up tolkien and shannonized - are not worth the dust from my balls. 1512774;1470152930;mircea_popescu;yes, but i specifically disclaimed the argument as to craft. yes, the man is a crafty writer, archeologist, etc. put in the work. hard work. intelligently. yes. 1512775;1470152935;mircea_popescu;HE HAS NOTHING TO SAY. 1512776;1470152946;mircea_popescu;he comes from a dead culture. a culture which was never interesting to begin with. 1512777;1470152951;mircea_popescu;he has, literally, nothing to say. 1512778;1470152970;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu knows this how ? 1512779;1470152981;mircea_popescu;he is, if you wish a metaphor, in the position of the old scottish lord with a nice big castle and ample fields, sitting alone without offspring, without the possibility of offspring, disinterested in the world, waiting to die. 1512780;1470152991;mircea_popescu;that's english culture, always was, will stay that way. 1512781;1470153000;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform same way i know errything ? 1512782;1470153019;mircea_popescu;his characters don't fuck properly. read it side to side with, say, the decameron. ALSO an archeologist and whatnot. but one with things to say. 1512783;1470153111;mircea_popescu;so i say "this man never amounted to anything" and you say "but he is rich" and i say "and it doesn't matter" 1512784;1470153119;asciilifeform;how come mircea_popescu's ethnic allergy to the english dun extend to ol' william s. ? 1512785;1470153142;mircea_popescu;was a brief time in english history they were owned by the french, and it showed. 1512786;1470153158;mircea_popescu;eventually they decided to go with the dutch, and it turns out the dutch weren't anything but hayfire. 1512787;1470153177;mircea_popescu;in any case - this should prove it's not ETHNIC allergy. 1512788;1470153253;diana_coman;asciilifeform was faster than me on tolkien; it sounds to me that mircea_popescu's objection to Tolkien is that he did not tackle the right problem(s) 1512789;1470153281;adlai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1512714 << iirc (it's been some years by now!) the exact policy is, "shoot to kill the captors, and don't hesitate just because you may kill your buddy" 1512790;1470153281;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 15:30 mircea_popescu: iirc the army training is more along the lines of "if your mate looks like he's going to become a prisoner, shoot them" 1512791;1470153323;mircea_popescu;diana_coman not merely. but that he never tackled any problems. 1512792;1470153383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform (the french point, for ease of following : at the time james was king. the king of scotland. scotland was, throughout, and recognised at the time, a french outpost in the islands. shakespeare's own henry says as much.) 1512793;1470153394;asciilifeform;the 'nothing to say' is most appropriate verdict ~after~ reading b00k... 1512794;1470153413;mircea_popescu;i have read the book. to my standard of reading a book, which does include throw it away on its own merits. 1512795;1470153423;diana_coman;asciilifeform, sounds more like "after reading result of grep -r "fuck" :D 1512796;1470153428;asciilifeform;^ 1512797;1470153436;mircea_popescu;otherwise this position is much like "but teach, you can't score me on my program UNTIL IT FINISHES COMPILING!!1" 1512798;1470153436;shinohai;wb adlai 1512799;1470153493;mircea_popescu;adlai does it sound to you more alike "democratic" or more alike "national socialistiche" ? 1512800;1470153495;asciilifeform;granted mircea_popescu may or may not feel inclined to read the b00k, but the 'it suxx because jrrt was english' is a bag of lulz. 1512801;1470153509;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not what was said ; also review the compiler point above. 1512802;1470153521;phf;i thought the objection was, not enough fucking 1512803;1470153522;mircea_popescu;one doesn't get out of literary criticism just by writing A LOT of crud people can't be bothered to read through. 1512804;1470153569;asciilifeform;insufficient fuck is a legit point 1512805;1470153576;mircea_popescu;i did not say insufficient 1512806;1470153594;mircea_popescu;i said THEY DON'T FUCK PROPERLY! 1512807;1470153622;asciilifeform;and romeo fucked juliet properly ? 1512808;1470153636;mircea_popescu;yes. 1512809;1470153647;mircea_popescu;this properly is a very wide loop. 1512810;1470153675;BingoBoingo;Coinbase got its kiss of death, ROger VERified the funds https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/760318293651566592 1512811;1470153681;mircea_popescu;lol. 1512812;1470153702;mircea_popescu;someone shjould ask him what ever happened to those 10 btc he broke blockchain.info to trace 1512813;1470153706;mircea_popescu;erryone forgot that lulz ? 1512814;1470153726;BingoBoingo;I remember the 10 BTC at the time which traded for ~$50 1512815;1470153744;shinohai;xD 1512816;1470153747;mircea_popescu;hey, it was a meal. a man without a meal is liable to do shocking things for the $50. 1512817;1470153787;phf;tolkien is not literature though, it's more like an oxford style set of artifacts (epics, linguistic analysis, chronicles, etc.). the interesting part of tolkien is that he invented a universe and described it through same set of tools he would describe historical past. the sex part is on point, because stodgy british professor, he views his imaginary world through same dodgy prism he views historical past. 1512818;1470153793;BingoBoingo;VERified is an American it is 20 happy meals 1512819;1470153821;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, thing is that what people can or cannot be bothered to read has to do with them, not with what is written really; so it's kind of circular: he writes "crud" because I can't be bothered to read it 1512820;1470153837;mircea_popescu;phf no argument there. he can be the president of the oxford medieval reenaction society and organise medieval faires. i'd go, with the chicks topless, they'd kick me out, all nice and good. 1512821;1470153858;mircea_popescu;diana_coman this is not true, for i am not people. i am a scholar, and when i spit an error the problem's the code not the compiler. 1512822;1470153868;mircea_popescu;you think what gcc can and can't be bothered to read has to do with bugs in gcc ? 1512823;1470153894;diana_coman;thing is: if you give gcc some python code, it won't be bothered to read it 1512824;1470153905;diana_coman;one can say python is crud, sure 1512825;1470153911;mircea_popescu;that's where the simile breaks down, i even read arabic. 1512826;1470153931;diana_coman;I think the language here is not the key 1512827;1470153939;mircea_popescu;you brought it up. 1512828;1470153941;diana_coman;maybe closer procedural vs functional 1512829;1470153954;diana_coman;I followed your simile, what can I do 1512830;1470153959;mircea_popescu;~obviously~ you could translate, if that were the matter, "oh they brought him tolkien in islandic and he doesn't read that" 1512831;1470153971;mircea_popescu;but that's not the matter. 1512832;1470153999;diana_coman;so basically that's what you are asking for: translate tolkien for me so that I can see what is worth in there for in the current language I can't see it 1512833;1470154020;mircea_popescu;i said, actually, bring out a class, a function, a fucking data type, ANYTHING, that'd show this kid can program. 1512834;1470154027;mircea_popescu;and phf did the mnost that can earnestly be done, above. 1512835;1470154067;asciilifeform;fwiw i enjoyed jrrt moar in translation. 1512836;1470154077;asciilifeform;(as did also, e.g., my brother) 1512837;1470154092;mircea_popescu;granted the attendance is not much trained in this weird arcana, so we'll not dispose the matter on the spot. but still, worth thinking of. a book's a mechanism, like any other, not some sort of magical artefact. 1512838;1470154111;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is generally indicative of subject matter without object point. 1512839;1470154137;asciilifeform;substantiate this ? 1512840;1470154141;mircea_popescu;if it's famous it gets "famous" translator, who's a writer ratee, who then fills the corpse with his own crabs. gives appearance of life, movement at least. 1512841;1470154192;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is it that english doesn't EVEN HAVE the word that describes its literature, ie, a rata, ratare ? 1512842;1470154263;diana_coman;I don't follow where the magical artefact came from; fwiw I fully agree that a book's a mechanism, true; I still can't fully grasp where you say this particular mechanism is broken/not even one ; I'll go through the old threads again, maybe I get it 1512843;1470154274;phf;well, tolkien ~is~ a construction set, but that's its whole point, it's just a very elaborate construction set. 1512844;1470154314;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with this, EXCEPT it comes with instructions, and the instructions include "how to castrate yourself with your new lego set" 1512845;1470154342;mircea_popescu;diana_coman was mostly directed at teh boys, who never read literary criticism in their lyf. 1512846;1470154393;asciilifeform;who never read literary criticism in their lyf << lel, i live with it 1512847;1470154432;mircea_popescu;phf allow me to quote to you from modern tolkien : "The heir apparent, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, is poorly regarded in Thailand and the succession has clouded the brows of not only the Thai political elite, but the Thai people, who believe a period of substantial instability will follow the King's death" 1512848;1470154446;asciilifeform;dafuq ^this has to do with jrrt ? 1512849;1470154448;BingoBoingo; nothing wrong with this, EXCEPT it comes with instructions, and the instructions include "how to castrate yourself with your new lego set" << This does seem like Tolkien/Lewis/Rowling et al. Pretty much made to turn people into apies with "worlds where people are special but fucking doesn't exist" 1512850;1470154448;mircea_popescu;this, because idiots perceived a man with a naked woman on her knees. 1512851;1470154454;mircea_popescu;and it's not in thefucking construction set, o noes! 1512852;1470154461;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo read any jrrt ? 1512853;1470154469;asciilifeform;or also can probe contents with magic 1512854;1470154476;BingoBoingo;jrrt? 1512855;1470154481;BingoBoingo;Yeah 1512856;1470154490;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it is upon you to bring the exception, rather than complain of the form of the universal. 1512857;1470154508;mircea_popescu;believe it or not, there's nothing substantially wrong with the statement "no prime number is even" 1512858;1470154517;mircea_popescu;if you disbelieve this, go, bring the prime number that's even. 1512859;1470154524;BingoBoingo;Seriously fucking midgets with hairy feet are special, because their boring makes then determined? 1512860;1470154533;diana_coman;uhm, what worlds where people are special BingoBoingo ? as far as I know Tolkien's point was quite the opposite of this really 1512861;1470154539;diana_coman;lol BingoBoingo seriously 1512862;1470154568;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: What, wizards don't get to count? 1512863;1470154579;mircea_popescu;no, he has a point. 1512864;1470154580;BingoBoingo;Sauron seems like Tolkien wrote him pretty special. 1512865;1470154580;asciilifeform;all i see here is folks who possibly encountered modern and vaguely-tolkienisticly-flavoured pablum and proceed to piss on the original sight unseen 1512866;1470154594;mircea_popescu;maybe you do or maybe you don't knbow the kitsch victorian xtianity that yielded the special midgets. 1512867;1470154607;mircea_popescu;if you don't, it may seem neutral. it isn't neutral, not anymore than the glass fish on the milieu. 1512868;1470154626;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the original is pablum, is hte problem. 1512869;1470154626;diana_coman;what point? that hobbits were special? they are meant to be exactly not-special, that's why I suspect BingoBoingo perceives them as boring in the first place 1512870;1470154634;diana_coman;exactly because they are not special 1512871;1470154637;BingoBoingo;Why did the midgets alternately love/despise gandalf with no middle ground if he wasn't special. 1512872;1470154643;mircea_popescu;no, it's "the divine poetry of little things" bla bla 1512873;1470154649;diana_coman;nope 1512874;1470154657;diana_coman;what divine poetry lolz 1512875;1470154672;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wouldjha stop trolling them this is 101 class go to 205 and bother the twentysomethings! 1512876;1470154690;mircea_popescu;diana_coman you know that medieval "for lack of a nail" thing ? 1512877;1470154748;diana_coman;guess not since I don't see the link 1512878;1470154758;BingoBoingo; exactly because they are not special << And then they take a shit on national borders et al. Reading this sort of immersive universe is exactly how awkward teens become bornies/aspies/et al because they can wait for Gandalf to make them different and interesting. 1512879;1470154759;mircea_popescu;http://www.latrecut.ro/2006/04/peste-de-sticla/ << the glass fish on milieu. q to the attendance : is this artwork ? 1512880;1470154778;mircea_popescu;"well, it's a statue" "aj ok." 1512881;1470154820;mircea_popescu;(no, not ah, aj, it's not a misspelling, it just looks like one.) 1512882;1470154850;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, I think that teens who want to wait for someone to make them special will find something to justify it 1512883;1470154868;diana_coman;other than that I don't see any link to either immersive universes or Gandalf or Tolkien or whatever else 1512884;1470154888;diana_coman;now you are basically in the camp of hysterical wives with "violence in video games makes kids murderers" 1512885;1470154912;BingoBoingo;Nah violence in video games makes kids fat sacks of safety 1512886;1470154940;diana_coman;well, as long as it "makes" them, it's the same thing 1512887;1470154960;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, I don't get it 1512888;1470154969;BingoBoingo;Well, culture is a form of nourishment 1512889;1470155006;phf;i think it's the "computers for professionals" thread all over again. 1512890;1470155025;mircea_popescu;diana_coman miserable error message. 1512891;1470155031;mircea_popescu;phf that thread is never going away. 1512892;1470155140;BingoBoingo;Cultural obesity is a thing. If one gorges on Disney without exercising their culture in the real world, they become morbidly something. 1512893;1470155175;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, absolutely; I can't compute it atm at all, not even enough to spit out something meaningful on it 1512894;1470155193;phf;but the message seems to be, don't eat this it's bad for you. BingoBoingo grew up with fat people who don't know how to cook and only eat at mcdonalds. i grew up with moscows girls who all know how to cook, and for them stopping by a mcdonalds for a milkshake was sort of a thing 1512895;1470155264;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, pure and proper obesity is a thing; if one gorges on butter only without exercising/doing anything/actually cooking with it, they become morbidly something; how is that the fault of butter now though? 1512896;1470155268;BingoBoingo;phf: More, don't eat only this and for the love of god go out into the world occasionally and test it. 1512897;1470155301;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: It is the manifestation of the Obeast's character defects amplified by their access to butter. 1512898;1470155315;diana_coman;still nothing to do with butter 1512899;1470155334;BingoBoingo;But everything to do with their accesss to it! 1512900;1470155339;mircea_popescu;the message isn't don't eat this it's bad for you. wqhether something is good or bad is no direct relation of whether you should like it or not. if you like it, like it, and if you will sin go sin. come back when you've sinned enough. 1512901;1470155348;diana_coman;keep aspies away from tolkien you say? so keep them, whatevs 1512902;1470155369;asciilifeform;i dunno that i've ever run into anyone among the kind of folk BingoBoingo described, who actually ~read~ tolkien. 1512903;1470155379;mircea_popescu;just don't go around thinking / saying that "there's nothing outside of sin" 1512904;1470155383;mircea_popescu;that's just wrong. 1512905;1470155664;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, "there's no errect penis in tolkien's book" - is this a correct description of the main fault you find? 1512906;1470155677;mircea_popescu;otherwise, the notion that tolkien is a writer is not unlike the notion that roger alexander of the us civil war reenactment society is A CIVIL WAR HERO. 1512907;1470155685;mircea_popescu;diana_coman not at all. 1512908;1470155693;mircea_popescu;there's no erect penis in romeo & juliet either, see above. 1512909;1470155698;diana_coman;well, fwiw tolkien as far as I know did NOT consider himself a writer 1512910;1470155704;mircea_popescu;and in that he was right. 1512911;1470155759;mircea_popescu;this activity, not just "tolkien" but generally "reading", is very much subverted in the anglotard world. have yo useen this, whole carloads of white, quiet, mousy people "reading a book" on their commute. 1512912;1470155764;mircea_popescu;it blew me away. at first. 1512913;1470155770;mircea_popescu;then i took a look at the "books" in question. 1512914;1470155775;mircea_popescu;it blew me away... the other way. 1512915;1470155778;asciilifeform;when and where did mircea_popescu see this ? 1512916;1470155793;mircea_popescu;england, 2000s. london commute trains. 1512917;1470155797;phf;i don't think even tolkien fans think of tolkien as a writer, that's why him and his brood get own section at a bookstore 1512918;1470155806;asciilifeform;modern-day train is full of folks playing doom XXXXXII or wat, on ipnoje 1512919;1470155844;mircea_popescu;phf much like "solo" gets its own section at the pron store. 1512920;1470155854;mircea_popescu;it's for people who don't like seeing peni, like alf here present :) 1512921;1470155865;asciilifeform;on d.c. metro there will also typically be 2-3 chix per car, reading off epaper gizmo, and if you look it will be a ru 'romance' 9/10 times 1512922;1470155870;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah obv. that was back before the jobs return. 1512923;1470155892;asciilifeform;there is also usually 1-2 kidz with chemistry etc textbooks 1512924;1470155913;asciilifeform;and a bureaucrat or 2, who is taking her 3ring home and probably diddles it even on the pot 1512925;1470155963;asciilifeform;also there is an almost inevitable black dude singing to himself, and/or pumping what must be 50w through his earbuds, can be heard from 3 cars away 1512926;1470155996;asciilifeform;and 2-3 beggars with printed (yes) plaquards, shoved in face of passengers, with 'sob story' about chillunz etc 1512927;1470156018;asciilifeform;^ more or less complete picture of typical d.c. train ^ 1512928;1470156023;diana_coman;mircea_popescu> this activity, not just "tolkien" but generally "reading", is very much subverted in the anglotard world. have yo useen this, whole carloads of white, quiet, mousy people "reading a book" on their commute <- actually I saw this in FRANCE 1512929;1470156036;mircea_popescu;france is part and parcel of anglotard world these days. 1512930;1470156050;mircea_popescu;except if you go to i dunno, farm in normandy or w/e. certainly no paris in paris. 1512931;1470156078;diana_coman;uhm, what is not part? (it was pretty much all the way from Paris to Lyon at least) 1512932;1470156106;mircea_popescu;by now the only places left outside are left outside because too dumb to qualify for anglotardation, such as argentina. 1512933;1470156111;mircea_popescu;not because "know better". 1512934;1470156152;mircea_popescu;i suppose it's not to be surprising. if one day you decide to pump the septic tank into the house, the only things still standing will be still standing because lower density than the shit, and so float, not other reason. 1512935;1470156221;mircea_popescu;what doth surprise me however, diana_coman , is that the allergy i presume in you for the works of "socialist realism" does not somehow extend to... this here OTHER, exactly the same, socialist realism. 1512936;1470156237;mircea_popescu;what ever happened to make tolkien more acceptable than sadoveanu ? 1512937;1470156241;mircea_popescu;exact same swill. 1512938;1470156304;mircea_popescu;i even loved him as a kid, and thought it great fiction. just don't seem to summon the interest these days. 1512939;1470156530;diana_coman;hm, funnily enough I did love Sadoveanu as a kid but got over it somewhere in the teens 1512940;1470156651;diana_coman;Tolkien made his universe as a place to experiment with his language; I can fully see and agree with the point that it is "not real life" - I read him very late and therefore I knew this already, I never for a second considered it as "real life" or reflection of it or whatever; I guess that's where the whole thing comes from 1512941;1470156686;mircea_popescu;aha ? exactly my point. 1512942;1470156716;asciilifeform;'tolkien as real life' belongs in same asylum as 'doom as real life' 1512943;1470156729;mircea_popescu;it is not literature, but copywriting. reading him can be interesting, like reading an instruction manual for any artefact can be interesting. i do it sometimes for "no reason" even. 1512944;1470156735;diana_coman;but how does that make him crud I don't get 1512945;1470156748;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, tolkien is therefore part of english CIVILISATION. he is an artefact. he is pointedly NOT part of culture. 1512946;1470156757;mircea_popescu;this passes unnoticed in english because no culture anyway. 1512947;1470156776;mircea_popescu;diana_coman you familiar with bouvard & pecuchet, the dicitonary readers ? 1512948;1470156779;mircea_popescu;that's how. 1512949;1470156829;mircea_popescu;it's not altogether clear the anglos even have a "life plan" that includes anything besides "how to be mme bovary's husband BUT AVOID the whole legbox incident & fallout thereof." 1512950;1470157022;mircea_popescu;"somewhere in the teens". ie, "when i disbecame a child". 1512951;1470157189;diana_coman;maybe; guess I need to revisit bouvard&pecuchet 1512952;1470157202;diana_coman;what is copywriting to you? 1512953;1470157220;mircea_popescu;any writing that's paid by the line. 1512954;1470157238;mircea_popescu;you know... for newspapers. 1512955;1470157240;diana_coman;uhm, he wasn't; didn't even write it for that 1512956;1470157249;mircea_popescu;which is the sad part here. 1512957;1470157271;diana_coman;in these terms you would rank harry potter higher then 1512958;1470157278;mircea_popescu;why is that ? 1512959;1470157280;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/contact displays a corrupted (??) key that will not import 1512960;1470157280;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1512961;1470157289;diana_coman;well, she got paid a lot more for sure 1512962;1470157310;asciilifeform;New: unknown(tag 34)(128 bytes) 1512963;1470157310;asciilifeform;Old: Public Subkey Packet(tag 14)(109 bytes) 1512964;1470157310;asciilifeform;pgpdump: unknown version (55). 1512965;1470157312;diana_coman;if it is copywriting hence the point is to get paid for the length, she did better by a wide margin , no? 1512966;1470157313;mircea_popescu;look, a woman's still a whore if she gets married to some loser and keeps doing it. 1512967;1470157321;mircea_popescu;we're not formalists here, are we. 1512968;1470157413;diana_coman;if it's not "real life" it's not literature, but copywriting; is this it? 1512969;1470157439;mircea_popescu;not quite. consider : "what would you call bullshit science ?" "anything that comes from a grant application". 1512970;1470157441;mircea_popescu;same principle. 1512971;1470157462;mircea_popescu;this doesn't make crackpots somehow inherit the empire of proper science, through the absenteism of everyhone else. 1512972;1470157702;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: How about now? 1512973;1470157743;asciilifeform;now yes 1512974;1470157745;asciilifeform;what changed ? 1512975;1470157770;diana_coman;hm; so far we established we agree (and apparently this wasn't in fact disputed although it seemed so) that tolkien's writing is not reflecting "real life" nor intended to really; this makes it crud in your view I gather 1512976;1470157902;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I pasted the key in fresh 1512977;1470157922;BingoBoingo;using canonical deedbot copy 1512978;1470157923;asciilifeform;i am wondering what BingoBoingo did last time 1512979;1470157934;asciilifeform;to result in the rubbish key with apparently ok headers 1512980;1470157935;BingoBoingo;probably pasted from sks 1512981;1470157939;asciilifeform;lolk 1512982;1470157950;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'd remove sks from your 'contact me' page if i were you 1512983;1470157954;asciilifeform;it is evil. 1512984;1470157968;asciilifeform;and is standing in line for the chopping block 1512985;1470158001;mircea_popescu;the reason i don't watch "Star wars" or "sex and the city" ; nor bother with "lords of the rings" or "jezebel" is exactly the same reason i don't go around sex stores to sniff used condoms and napkins from the bin in their video booths, like isabelle huppert's character in the piano teacher : i am not quite that hungry. 1512986;1470158022;mircea_popescu;i can understand others can be, and have no beef with it. and i don't necessarily even pity the situation, a test's a test. 1512987;1470158075;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the child that insists to stay and dedicates his effort to staying a child, a la http://trilema.com/2010/femeia-nesuferita/ has a serious mental problem. 1512988;1470158092;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so once its head rolls i'll take it off. 1512989;1470158177;BingoBoingo;My opinion of JK Rowling increased over the weekend when I learned that she released the new Harry Potter story as a printed play. A++ Trolling. 1512990;1470158230;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo in another twenty years they'll catch up with the "book for practical activities of making puippets and imagining scenes", ie 1970s ro standard 1512991;1470158232;mircea_popescu;(it's in the logs) 1512992;1470158310;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Seriously. In the interim the butthurt is a lot of win. 1512993;1470158319;mircea_popescu;who's butthurt ?! 1512994;1470158338;mircea_popescu;teh readersheep ? 1512995;1470158341;BingoBoingo;The people who deep inside wanted another novel to take them away from IRL for a while. 1512996;1470158352;mircea_popescu;but but whay! it's more cultural this way! like a play! 1512997;1470158378;BingoBoingo;By butthurt readers I especially mean WAPO http://www.slate.com/blogs/nightlight/2016/07/31/harry_potter_and_the_cursed_child_reviewed.html 1512998;1470158387;mircea_popescu;heh k 1512999;1470158414;phf;mircea_popescu: what about stevenson, doyle, dumas, kipling, they also all fall into that category? 1513000;1470158417;diana_coman;I'll add only the message that considered to be "what Tolkien had to say" (even though he did it through "not-real-life universe") namely that all and everyone (yeah, the ordinary and no, they are not made anything by gandalf quite pointedly not made anything by him) is in some way responsible /called to do something when shit hits the fan; that is all I guess 1513001;1470158445;mircea_popescu;doyle and dumas fo sho. kipling maybe, it's somewhat iffier. 1513002;1470158458;mircea_popescu;but nevermind stevenson : dickens. 1513003;1470158471;diana_coman;BingoBoingo, those people have loads of things for that purpose; will move onto something else fast enough 1513004;1470158480;phf;hehe, i don't care about dickens :> 1513005;1470158491;mircea_popescu;diana_coman methinks you just explained what you asked of me. 1513006;1470158505;BingoBoingo;diana_coman: Well butthurt does tend to fade. If it persists longer than two weeks they have to see a doctor 1513007;1470158526;mircea_popescu;phf i couldn't tell you re stevenson. the only scott i ever read was shaw. anmd shaw is not in this. 1513008;1470158570;phf;oh what about poe? 1513009;1470158577;mircea_popescu;re kipling, because this just came up in mp household : girly read his story, you know the one. the spooky one, with the people in the pit. 1513010;1470158588;mircea_popescu;she asked me if i ever read it, and i said oh god that thing was spooky. 1513011;1470158600;mircea_popescu;and then she finished it. and was nonplussed by the end, much like... everyone ever. 1513012;1470158606;mircea_popescu;that'd be kipling. he ... is a promising writer. 1513013;1470158619;shinohai;You mean Under the Doedars? 1513014;1470158627;mircea_popescu;i suspect so. 1513015;1470158633;shinohai;*Deodars 1513016;1470158638;BingoBoingo;Kippling solid English author 1513017;1470158662;BingoBoingo;"Murder the Jungle before Jungle Murders US!!!!" 1513018;1470158664;mircea_popescu;phf http://trilema.com/2015/oracle-sunday-on-eulora/ 1513019;1470158669;mircea_popescu;notably enough, NO PLAYER DARED. 1513020;1470159157;*;thestringpuller does ritual dance to summon shinohai 1513021;1470159229;phf;so is it purely when i became a man, i put the ways of childhood behind me, or you're saying there's something specific to tolkien that turns his fans into castrati? 1513022;1470159267;BingoBoingo;$s Vice 1513023;1470159268;a111;37 results for "Vice", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=Vice 1513024;1470159281;mircea_popescu;i do not say any such thing. i say he is a competent smith, running as best he can a convenience shop, which for whatever reason is blessed with a wall where every jay and silent bob in the county is attracted to rest, and rap, and what they do. 1513025;1470159387;mircea_popescu;baudelaire, toulouse-lautrec and five others fucked the same one whore. this blessed woman made toulouse-lautrec a writer, baudelaire a painter, and five others nothing ? 1513026;1470159430;mircea_popescu;when i was a child i wore blue, and diana_coman wore pink. thanks god they didn't mix up the colors, lest i'd have grown tits ? 1513027;1470159561;mircea_popescu;or for that matter, woman shouldn't wear pink ? what if she's bonbon blonde ? 1513028;1470159606;BingoBoingo;http://www.kentucky.com/news/local/crime/article92962632.html#wgt=trending 1513029;1470159859;phf;hm 1513030;1470159905;mircea_popescu;literally, the only point problems start, is when jay goes into shop and wants to buy an ipad because he thinks this is the only shop and therefore must be that apple concept store he's heard about. 1513031;1470160100;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1512927 << storify it! bonus points for cocks, esp if they're only implicit. 1513032;1470160100;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 16:40 asciilifeform: ^ more or less complete picture of typical d.c. train ^ 1513033;1470160114;mircea_popescu;lol 1513034;1470160223;hanbot; mircea_popescu: what about stevenson, doyle, dumas, kipling, they also all fall into that category? << and what of verne & carroll? 1513035;1470160235;mircea_popescu;verne absolutely. carroll not one bit. 1513036;1470160295;mircea_popescu;(showing that it's not the air or water of oxford magically doing it, or somesuch. much like it's not the ethnic group per se.) 1513037;1470160359;phf;hanbot: pretty sure can also add jack london, but not mark twain 1513038;1470160388;mircea_popescu;mark twain being the best example as far as trouble goes - by "rights" you should add him, and yet he doesn't belong, at all. 1513039;1470160394;phf;:> 1513040;1470160412;mircea_popescu;what cock ? there isn't even ANY WOMAN. 1513041;1470160424;mircea_popescu;yet the nigger plays enough womanhood to qualify the whole thing. nuts, huh. 1513042;1470160605;hanbot;well there's an interesting cleavage. it's probably a stretch but i might suggest that tolkein's bit with gollum shares the sensual/sexual/at any rate internal-and-external, physical change via subjugation of self that appears in say alice's "eat me" wafers, if that does anything for you mircea_popescu 1513043;1470160668;mircea_popescu;that he buries it under 5000 pages doesn't help. much of carroll's... lightiness, to call faggotry thus for now, is excused on the grounds of brevity. 1513044;1470160675;mircea_popescu;how long can an aliteration run before it's tedious ? 1513045;1470160755;hanbot;http://trilema.com/2010/cuvinte-carencep-cu-a/ << you tell me? :D 1513046;1470160777;mircea_popescu;(and yes, faggotry is not merely sexuality, ie, homosexuality. it is also a certain sort of ineptitude. the man who stutters when addressing a woman is not merely short of the simple "strip" indication ; but actually a faggot by this measure.) 1513047;1470160798;mircea_popescu;hanbot lol 1513048;1470160849;mircea_popescu;one of the shortest trilema articles, and tbh getting tedious about midway. 1513049;1470160884;mircea_popescu;but, a blog differs from "a body of literary work" in this sense, that it's much more extensive. a blog is "all the literature i could write", a middle ground between "i did" and "i could have". 1513050;1470161080;hanbot;sure. and no, i don't think tolkien had much mastery of economy of words (somehow this'd seem to make him less a copywriter? or maybe merely a more monstrous one). 1513051;1470161204;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513000 << and that is the point there. greatness in smallness, and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1512876 and all that jazz. perhaps best explained by monty python : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk 1513052;1470161204;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 16:18 mircea_popescu: diana_coman you know that medieval "for lack of a nail" thing ? 1513053;1470161204;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 17:20 diana_coman: I'll add only the message that considered to be "what Tolkien had to say" (even though he did it through "not-real-life universe") namely that all and everyone (yeah, the ordinary and no, they are not made anything by gandalf quite pointedly not made anything by him) is in some way responsible /called to do something when shit hits the fan; that is all I guess 1513054;1470161329;mircea_popescu;but that's light, the humour of a well fed mob. you recall the scene of the poor italian child with a bedridden mother and numerous siblings living in a hole, jumping to his death ? much more on point. 1513055;1470161352;mircea_popescu;which is why italian realism IS realism ; whereas ingsoc realism is just another sovietism, ie nonsense. 1513056;1470161746;mircea_popescu;hanbot it's a problem deeper than mere "economy of words". 1513057;1470161820;mircea_popescu;it's the fundamental core of all bad literature, "what if the rules didn't apply". good literature is the work of "what if the rules applied differently", never a case of "let's all pretend britannia rules the seas." 1513058;1470161906;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is still punching this ~wholly imaginary bag, instead of the actual jrrt 1513059;1470161930;mircea_popescu;but object rather than meta-object, neh ? 1513060;1470161949;hanbot;yeah, i'm not sure i can specifically place this unapplication of rules, emplacement of britannia ruling the seas in the actual work 1513061;1470162018;mircea_popescu;hanbot why would you place ~it in the actual work~ when it's a response to a meta-discussion you started with " i don't think tolkien had much mastery of economy of words" ? 1513062;1470162034;mircea_popescu;we're talking of tolkien and hgis masteries. that he THINKS it's ok to disregard the brevity rule does not make it go away. 1513063;1470162109;hanbot;aha, hrm. 1513064;1470162146;mircea_popescu;the thing flew "look, this thing almost like in carroll is in tolkien" "yes but here's deluged in crap" "oh, well this guy deluges things in crap" "that he does or that he doesn't has no bearing on crap and deluging." 1513065;1470162209;hanbot;right. well so, apparently i have no argument lol 1513066;1470162250;mircea_popescu;as i said, we're not about to dispose of this matter here and now anywayz. 1513067;1470162257;hanbot;scandalous how much bad literature there is by this tolkien token then! 1513068;1470162279;mircea_popescu;huxley said the same thing. to his misfortune, he chose to die the day they killed kennedy, and so... 1513069;1470162289;mircea_popescu;scandalous how many randos die the same day as you. 1513070;1470162309;mircea_popescu;(c s lewis, also, funnily enough) 1513071;1470162336;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/dfaa9d9f-cc4a-465f-b291-8715f65ceed8/?raw=true << draft of phuctor finds qntra, plox to edit and pass to BingoBoingo 1513072;1470162349;mircea_popescu;o.O 1513073;1470162351;mircea_popescu;alrighty. 1513074;1470162354;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu . 1513075;1470162417;hanbot;mircea_popescu wow wtf. 1513076;1470162426;mircea_popescu;this might be the first html document that starts with a tag. 1513077;1470162445;asciilifeform;it was a hasty cut from a larger blob 1513078;1470162449;mircea_popescu;hanbot i was referencing this with the baudelaire and whore story. but then again... absolutely nobody would have guessed as much, i figure, amirite. 1513079;1470162450;asciilifeform;feel free to trim the offal. 1513080;1470162458;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform was just funnay :D 1513081;1470162472;asciilifeform;and lel, buttfinex finally croaked..? 1513082;1470162495;asciilifeform;'Today we discovered a security breach that requires us to halt all trading on Bitfinex, as well as halt all digital token deposits to and withdrawals from Bitfinex. We are investigating the breach to determine what happened, but we know that some of our users have had their bitcoins stolen. We are undertaking a review to determine which users have been affected by the breach. While we conduct this initial investigation and secure ou 1513083;1470162496;asciilifeform;r environment, bitfinex.com will be taken down and the maintenance page will be left up. The theft is being reported to — and we are co-operating with — law enforcement.' 1513084;1470162504;mircea_popescu;who could have predicted... o wait... mpoe-pr did ? 1513085;1470162504;asciilifeform;'As we account for individualized customer losses, we may need to settle open margin positions, associated financing, and/or collateral affected by the breach....' 1513086;1470162619;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'the next prime following' prolly ought to be 'the first prime following' -- otherwise we get 'run from me to the next oak tree' 1513087;1470162657;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1512654 and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1512596 Stabilitit does not break downward without bleeding scammers 1513088;1470162657;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 23:16 BingoBoingo: ^related https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=224745.0;all 1513089;1470162657;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 04:46 BingoBoingo: Anyone else smell blood? 1513090;1470162728;BingoBoingo;Fuck, lingering in this channel and its predecessor since 2013 has really attuned my ability to smell death even with my pack a day cigarette habit 1513091;1470162811;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ima write the butfinex thing 1513092;1470162816;mircea_popescu;you'll get mail within teh hour. 1513093;1470162834;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty, thing we discussed is nearing publication 1513094;1470162870;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513051 - it seems to me that you are taking what I said to mean what you meant; called to do something and responsible in some way does not mean everybody is the same/has same effect or some other such nonsense; the peasant in the hut won't save the world no matter what they do, but this doesn't mean they should do nothing/whatever; similarly, the same peasant may not have "done bad" but this 1513095;1470162870;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 18:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513000 << and that is the point there. greatness in smallness, and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1512876 and all that jazz. perhaps best explained by monty python : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk 1513096;1470162870;diana_coman;doesn't mean they have no responsibility for the current shit in the world 1513097;1470162883;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1513098;1470162982;diana_coman;as to length that indeed I can agree it is a big fault of tolkien - at times he rambles because apparently he's just too much in love with the landscape basically 1513099;1470163015;asciilifeform;i kept waiting for somebody to bring up the luddism 1513100;1470163026;asciilifeform;and the fellatio of the imaginary pre-industrial paradise in england 1513101;1470163028;asciilifeform;but nobody did 1513102;1470163136;diana_coman;I find it actually quite interesting that it's perceived as saying "britain the isolated , small, insignifiant by now island actually matters/is mighty/hero/whatevs" when I read it quite the opposite: as long as they are happy in their own world, they don't matter/contribute nothing/and if they are not interested in the world, the world at some point will be interested in them - and with a big stick at that 1513103;1470163170;asciilifeform;diana_coman: aha, recall, he wrote in the shadow of german bombers. 1513104;1470163191;asciilifeform;(even tried to get into the army but rejected on account of age) 1513105;1470163242;diana_coman;aha, precisely 1513106;1470163440;BingoBoingo;Only one (WOT:nonperson) in cast of latest Qntra, guess who! http://qntra.net/2016/08/coinbase-engineering-director-jokes-that-roger-verified-their-coins-are-safe/ 1513107;1470163658;thestringpuller;time for OT 1513108;1470163659;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7a49246f-a701-41cf-88ca-da0a61813f7f/?raw=true 1513109;1470163665;mircea_popescu;what a qntra day! 1513110;1470163673;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1513111;1470163715;phf;asciilifeform: luddism point is aligned with what mircea_popescu is saying, so nobody's really interested in shooting own foot :> 1513112;1470163726;mircea_popescu;really, byzantine fiction (currently known as the vulgate) is much better. but i don't think much more of the people who regard the bible as "great writing" than of the tolkien fans. 1513113;1470163830;deedbot;[Qntra] Coinbase Engineering Director Jokes That Roger VERified Their Coins Are Safe - http://qntra.net/2016/08/coinbase-engineering-director-jokes-that-roger-verified-their-coins-are-safe/ 1513114;1470163871;asciilifeform;aaaand guess what, after they lowered into pederasty, and then murdered, ian of debian, we get: https://bits.debian.org/2016/08/debian-and-tor-services-available-as-onion-services.html 1513115;1470164101;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1513116;1470164109;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 576.67, vol: 8326.09899249 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 577.093, vol: 9504.19206 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 585.834795, vol: 155877.42810000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 578.91, vol: 3586.75787395 | Volume-weighted last average: 584.795686196 1513117;1470164188;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1513118;1470164190;gribble;Current Blocks: 423360 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 2015 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 20 hours, 1 minute, and 31 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1513119;1470164220;deedbot;[Qntra] Bitfinex Breaks: Fiat Exchange That Never Had Anything To Do With Bitcoin Finally Goes Away - http://qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-breaks-fiat-exchange-that-never-had-anything-to-do-with-bitcoin-finally-goes-away/ 1513120;1470164418;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is how it works, now it can be theirs, so. 1513121;1470164454;asciilifeform;aha. 1513122;1470164499;mircea_popescu;why the fuck does archive.is shot of bitfines come out blank o.O 1513123;1470164532;asciilifeform;and also why does submitting to archive.is only work via the 'not found, submit' link in search results box...? 1513124;1470164540;mircea_popescu;weird. 1513125;1470164542;asciilifeform;thing is more or less broken 1513126;1470164717;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "they sunk instead of swam" << swimming. or alternatively, "instead of swan" i guess. 1513127;1470164727;diana_coman; really, byzantine fiction (currently known as the vulgate) is much better. but i don't think much more of the people who regard the bible as "great writing" than of the tolkien fans. <- fans, lol; out of curiosity: an example as to "much better"? 1513128;1470164781;mircea_popescu;yes fans. every generation has its thing, orwell tells the story of their infatuation with "a shrophsire lad" (which, for maximal lulz, is actually referenced in, say, a room with a view - old hag actually attempts to discuss florence in terms of a sort of shropshire.) 1513129;1470164788;phf;if jrrt was just saying "happy in their own world", there probably wouldn't be a story. he makes a point that shire values are best values all throughout the books. gandalf does all kinds of scheming in order to ensure that it's hobbits specifically that participate in the quests, rather than random guy from the street, and it's the kind of values jerome k jerome was making fun of that somehow make hobbits particularly fit for task 1513130;1470164793;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1513131;1470164807;mircea_popescu;diana_coman take the story of the whore who wanted to fuck the patriarch. it's a fine story. 1513132;1470164833;mircea_popescu;phf jkj particularly useful reference here ; and yes quite so. 1513133;1470164888;mircea_popescu;diana_coman finer, i will wager, than anything to be found in the 50k lop (lines of pablum) here under consideration. 1513134;1470164907;mircea_popescu;and no, you can't have a story of arbitrary length ; anything longer than a novel becomes a sludge of separate stories whether you want to or not. 1513135;1470164922;diana_coman;phf, fit for some tasks, not for all tasks, no? 1513136;1470164936;mircea_popescu;like what good and worthy task aren't they fit for ? 1513137;1470164974;mircea_popescu;the only reason they're not the best vacuum cleaner door to door salesmen is that selling vacuum cleaners door to door isn't all that great. 1513138;1470165085;BingoBoingo;Well, they need to door to door things that make sense sold that way like gutters. 1513139;1470165086;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, hm, as far as I recall they are not great fighters at all for one thing 1513140;1470165087;thestringpuller;oh man i love seeing the qntra diversity 1513141;1470165098;mircea_popescu;because in ingsoc socialism fighting is bad. 1513142;1470165123;thestringpuller;any reason for the spike in diverse authors? continuing the trend would be cool. 1513143;1470165128;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://qntra.net/2016/08/phuctor-finds-seven-keys-produced-with-null-rng-and-other-curiosities/ << now do diff to your thing for next time. 1513144;1470165158;asciilifeform;neato mircea_popescu 1513145;1470165169;diana_coman;uhm, what, the dwarfs are now bad in there? (I am all open to seeing this in any other way - I did not grow up with it or something of the kind - but I can't say I see this in there at all) 1513146;1470165285;phf;diana_coman: perfectly fit for proper and good life as defined by tolkien, somehow magically fit for all the necessary tasks of the quest. even fighting, like pippin and merry after they are split from fellowship. they are literally only unfit for things that are bad, and even there frodo eventually at the last moment gets corrupted, Let That Be A Warning To You All 1513147;1470165294;shinohai;lol asciilifeform "Peace in our ctime();" 1513148;1470165330;deedbot;[Qntra] Phuctor Finds Seven Keys Produced With Null RNG, And Other Curiosities - http://qntra.net/2016/08/phuctor-finds-seven-keys-produced-with-null-rng-and-other-curiosities/ 1513149;1470165411;phf;i think that if you approach jrrt as literature and worse start applying literary analysis to it, then mircea_popescu wins in the first round. if you start looking for life lessons and values in jrrt books it's a lot of really dodgy shit 1513150;1470165636;diana_coman;phf, in that case basically mircea_popescu has a point anyway and there isn't anywhere to go otherwise; I read it to mean what I said above (so no, not the best etc) - maybe I was just so tolerant as to miss the bullshit entirely 1513151;1470165717;diana_coman;what can I say: it wouldn't even be the first time I saw someone as the best version they could be rather than what they actually really were 1513152;1470165874;asciilifeform;https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/4vu9qm/pgp_key_of_mahmood_khadeer_president_of_the << for further lulz. 1513153;1470167280;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1513154;1470167285;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 566.0, vol: 9967.39642678 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 573.661, vol: 10655.80966 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 579.476144, vol: 164602.26320000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 562.64, vol: 4096.36899115 | Volume-weighted last average: 578.075068468 1513155;1470167431;deedbot;[Qntra] Network Difficulty Experiences Modest Drop Of ~5.4% In Second Change Post Halving - http://qntra.net/2016/08/network-difficulty-experiences-modest-drop-of-5-4-in-second-change-post-halving/ 1513156;1470167509;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2016/borcanelanul-elanul-la-borcan/#comment-118359 1513157;1470170584;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes http://www.loper-os.org/pub/gasbag.jpg << lulzy, old bloated cell from pnoje 1513158;1470170584;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1513159;1470170643;asciilifeform;^ pete_dushenski, phf, other connoisseurs ^ 1513160;1470171371;asciilifeform;$up boolcrap 1513161;1470171371;deedbot;boolcrap voiced for 30 minutes. 1513162;1470171379;boolcrap;i can speak 1513163;1470171392;boolcrap;my speech is limited just like in amerikka 1513164;1470171393;asciilifeform;boolcrap: didja bury your pgp key in the garden and planted apple tree on top, or wat 1513165;1470171419;boolcrap;im actually going to recover it today when i install my new motherboard 1513166;1470171431;boolcrap;hopefully this one doesnt croak when i turn VTx on 1513167;1470171454;asciilifeform;i recommend also using pc iron bought from shop, and not dug up from garden 1513168;1470171459;asciilifeform;it works better. 1513169;1470171467;boolcrap;i hope to actually dig up something amazing from the garden 1513170;1470171477;boolcrap;like a box of gold coins burried in 1740 1513171;1470171486;asciilifeform;aha. then buy some proper iron 1513172;1470172440;BingoBoingo;boolcrap: Maybe you dig up 5 pound sweet potato? Such things have happened before. 1513173;1470172491;boolcrap;nope 1513174;1470172496;boolcrap;i dug up a 1lb potato that was my biggest 1513175;1470172536;BingoBoingo;Ah. The five pounder happened on the year of a single sweet potato 1513176;1470172637;BingoBoingo;Thing covered thanksgiving and christmas all by itself 1513177;1470172779;mircea_popescu;and there was a quarter mile traffic jam caused by... senor flocop parking. 1513178;1470172781;mircea_popescu;i kid you not. 1513179;1470172902;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: perhaps penalty ought to be a mandatory excursion to usa, to learn how to parallel-park. 1513180;1470172941;mircea_popescu;he'd just go to miami 1513181;1470173238;BingoBoingo;$up boolcrap 1513182;1470173238;deedbot;boolcrap voiced for 30 minutes. 1513183;1470173378;asciilifeform;$up privkeytones 1513184;1470173378;deedbot;privkeytones voiced for 30 minutes. 1513185;1470173394;asciilifeform;privkeytones: who might you be ? 1513186;1470173412;privkeytones;$isup qntra.net 1513187;1470173422;mircea_popescu;deedbot http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3e782031-6e65-4e12-b874-7f875ce955b9/ 1513188;1470173457;asciilifeform;privkeytones: it loads here 1513189;1470173480;BingoBoingo;deedbot: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3e782031-6e65-4e12-b874-7f875ce955b9/?raw=true 1513190;1470173488;BingoBoingo;^ trinque 1513191;1470173516;mircea_popescu;hmm 1513192;1470173519;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: gross! 1513193;1470173550;privkeytones;I can only reach it intermittently for some reason, seems the DNS address cannot be found.. 1513194;1470173588;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: for bonus gross, the entire inside of the metal cup that comprises the body of the pnoje, is razor-sharp, literally you will not notice as it opens all of your fingers at once 1513195;1470173598;ben_vulpes;ick. 1513196;1470173603;ben_vulpes;this is why i left #fabcareer 1513197;1470173616;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i spent 5min prying loose the battery (they glued it) and another 5 wiping off the blood. 1513198;1470173625;privkeytones;asciilifeform log reader 1513199;1470173645;ben_vulpes;hoho you actually sliced yourself, eh? 1513200;1470173656;mircea_popescu;let him bleed for his art. 1513201;1470173687;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: interestingly - silent, painlessly, thing is literally a knife 1513202;1470173720;asciilifeform;there ought to be a mod that turns the thing open when you press it just-so and turns into a stealthy weapon. 1513203;1470173745;trinque;BingoBoingo: not the prefered nomenclature! 1513204;1470173756;trinque;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/3e782031-6e65-4e12-b874-7f875ce955b9/?raw=true 1513205;1470173759;mircea_popescu;a ty 1513206;1470173765;trinque;word 1513207;1470173769;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: semi-relatedly, kiddo sliced his hands open on the radiator fins of an airconditioner i had lying foolishly within reach 1513208;1470173784;*;trinque checks to see if I stopped the thing when working with mod6 1513209;1470173785;mircea_popescu;not so foolishly then 1513210;1470173792;deedbot;accepted: 1 1513211;1470173798;trinque;a sweet 1513212;1470173798;asciilifeform;further lelz, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12213470 1513213;1470173824;ben_vulpes;child never noticed. lady, though, did rather quickly, once the bright red started getting on rugs and the baby. 1513214;1470173837;ben_vulpes;and that was the day i won the great Battle of Cyanoacrylate 1513215;1470173849;mircea_popescu;lol 1513216;1470173857;mircea_popescu;you glued her baby back together ? 1513217;1470173859;mircea_popescu;YOU MONSTER 1513218;1470173863;ben_vulpes;imagine how pointless it is to attempt to band-aid a 9-month old's fingers. 1513219;1470173868;ben_vulpes;TEH MONSTROUS 1513220;1470173870;trinque;lol 1513221;1470173884;ben_vulpes;two weeks later, cuts herself open on something else, "hey where's the superglue?" 1513222;1470173903;ben_vulpes;"in my bike bag. don't forget to antibiotic before applying the glue." 1513223;1470174100;mircea_popescu;$up finlol 1513224;1470174101;deedbot;finlol voiced for 30 minutes. 1513225;1470174120;finlol;goxed 1513226;1470174170;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513170 << from what i hear that's more of a curse in the us of a. 1513227;1470174170;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 20:57 boolcrap: like a box of gold coins burried in 1740 1513228;1470174199;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 1513229;1470174204;gribble;Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. 1513230;1470174224;mircea_popescu;there are no tickers 1513231;1470174294;ben_vulpes;what's that? 1513232;1470174298;ben_vulpes;no price signal? 1513233;1470174302;ben_vulpes;nobody could have oh whatever 1513234;1470174504;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/hn.png << 'why japanese toilets did not catch on in usa' in 3, 2, 1.... 1513235;1470174593;BingoBoingo;lol 1513236;1470174633;deedbot;[Trilema] Qntra (S.QNTR) July 2016 Statement - http://trilema.com/2016/qntra-sqntr-july-2016-statement/ 1513237;1470174746;mircea_popescu;i dun get it ? 1513238;1470174798;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: original phuctor story on that site was manually replaced with 'japanese toilets' link 1513239;1470174806;asciilifeform;within ~2 hrs iirc. 1513240;1470174832;mircea_popescu;o.O 1513241;1470174847;mircea_popescu;lulzy stuff, but it'll need better documentation lol 1513242;1470174862;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-02#1460657 1513243;1470174862;a111;Logged on 2016-05-02 04:39 asciilifeform: with 'why japanese toilets did not catch on in america!' 1513244;1470174883;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: elaborate ? 1513245;1470174939;mircea_popescu;i'm confused. did they just do this, ie, now ? 1513246;1470174948;asciilifeform;not YET 1513247;1470174950;mircea_popescu;ah 1513248;1470174965;asciilifeform;it was done last year. 1513249;1470174985;asciilifeform;when the first keys popped. 1513250;1470174986;mircea_popescu;right. i thought it happened again, woulda been almost trollage. 1513251;1470175015;mircea_popescu;;;lastblock 1513252;1470175015;gribble;Error: "lastblock" is not a valid command. 1513253;1470175037;mircea_popescu;;;last 1513254;1470175038;gribble;[17:56:55] ;;lastblock 1513255;1470175042;mircea_popescu;da fuck was it 1513256;1470175085;mircea_popescu;;;tslb 1513257;1470175087;gribble;Time since last block: 2 minutes and 50 seconds 1513258;1470175104;*;mircea_popescu reloads http://deedbot.org/ frantically 1513259;1470175144;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1513260;1470175151;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 550.4, vol: 12272.82816775 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 552.644, vol: 12132.81198 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 573.267321, vol: 180679.04120000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 554.598, vol: 4940.77120382 | Volume-weighted last average: 570.300507152 1513261;1470175680;BingoBoingo;$up Reydev 1513262;1470175681;deedbot;Reydev voiced for 30 minutes. 1513263;1470175878;shinohai;"Ads are being blocked. For us to continue writing great stories, we need to display ads." <<< guess this is why Qntra can't produce great stories. 1513264;1470175893;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-423385.txt 1513265;1470176013;deedbot;[Qntra] Yet Another Underwhelming Effort To Fork Bitcoin Unveiled - http://qntra.net/2016/08/yet-another-underwhelming-effort-to-fork-bitcoin-unveiled/ 1513266;1470176341;asciilifeform;lel boeck replies. 1513267;1470176352;asciilifeform;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12213785 1513268;1470176619;asciilifeform;aaaaaaaaand it's gone from front pg. 1513269;1470176628;asciilifeform;pretty fast. 1513270;1470176879;mircea_popescu;ah sweet it puts the deed bundles in here now ? 1513271;1470176886;shinohai;The shitstain has spoken 1513272;1470176909;asciilifeform;i do wonder how a boeck is paid - per word? for 'result' ? 1513273;1470176914;mircea_popescu;shinohai it's a toss-up whether it can't produce great stories because no ads or because being mean. 1513274;1470176919;mircea_popescu;toss-up, geddit ? 1513275;1470176938;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aspie 14% needn't be paid. wonder instead how he hopes&dreams. 1513276;1470176944;mircea_popescu;and i'd expect he does it by the tolkien. 1513277;1470176963;trinque;mircea_popescu │ ah sweet it puts the deed bundles in here now ? << sho nuff 1513278;1470176973;mircea_popescu;there's a quanta of energy, a token of friendship and a tolkien of usg.aspie h&d. 1513279;1470176980;asciilifeform;next mircea_popescu will blame gulag on mayakovsky, or wat. 1513280;1470177005;mircea_popescu;and if i did, who'd speak for him ? 1513281;1470177030;asciilifeform;maybe phf. i'm not a fan. 1513282;1470177051;mircea_popescu;Adevărat „copil al secolului” Vladimir Maiakovski este poetul care „a săvârșit una dintre cele mai mari revoluții literare cunoscute de istoria literaturii universale.” << sez ro.shittypedia, so must be tru. 1513283;1470177107;mircea_popescu;oh, i forgot in that enumeration : the tsyan, intelligence measure. named for the... militsyan 1513284;1470177141;mircea_popescu;and note that naming the tolkien for tolkien isn't blaming him for the gulag. merely recognising his intricacy in the civilisation-masquerading-as-a-culture that spawned him. 1513285;1470177155;mircea_popescu;you know, like measuring skin tone by the obama. what, he made melanin ? 1513286;1470177189;asciilifeform;and let's say i propose 'the aristotle' as a unit of tautological circularity. 1513287;1470177192;asciilifeform;problem ? 1513288;1470177205;mircea_popescu;nope. 1513289;1470177216;mircea_popescu;tho the aquinas would prolly work better. 1513290;1470177219;asciilifeform;tru. 1513291;1470177234;mircea_popescu;or even the recently discussed descartes. 1513292;1470177334;mircea_popescu;"an orwell of bedwetting" 1513293;1470177385;asciilifeform;lel. how many litres is that 1513294;1470177397;mircea_popescu;these are imperial measures, not metric. 1513295;1470177404;asciilifeform;hm yes. 1513296;1470177448;mircea_popescu;an orwell of bedwetting is defined as that quantity of bedwetting sufficient to give a wilde of a woman a single white hair. 1513297;1470177479;asciilifeform;how much woman is in a wilde ? 1513298;1470177483;mircea_popescu;oscar. 1513299;1470177488;asciilifeform;iirc wilde didn't even fuck chix 1513300;1470177495;mircea_popescu;most women don't, similarly. 1513301;1470177516;mircea_popescu;but he's that measure that doesn't dare speak its name. 1513302;1470177674;phf;i dunno, i think you can blame mayakovsky for gulags 1513303;1470177691;shinohai;Supposed tally of Buttfinex hack: 119,756 BTC 1513304;1470177814;mircea_popescu;hey, if they can name a school/street/urinal a pushkin, what's to keep them from naming a gulag v maiakovski 1513305;1470177830;phf;he was really good at playing working class revolutionary, in the old tradition of "going native", just look at him https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3385/3635935907_817fa1e408.jpg. his whole style is that of мужицкий топор and he used his refined ear to play it very nicely, found it very surprising when the топор just kept chopping on its own 1513306;1470177844;mircea_popescu;wtf is topor mean in russian 1513307;1470177862;phf;axe 1513308;1470177885;mircea_popescu;hatchet in romanian, yeah. except there's also "om din topor" ie "man of the hatchet", which just means a crude fellow. 1513309;1470177929;trinque;shinohai: sauce? 1513310;1470178030;shinohai;trinque: this is why I said "supposed" http://archive.is/03EF0 1513311;1470178084;shinohai;Oh wait that's the Director of Community and Product Development for Bitfinex. 1513312;1470178095;shinohai;so decent sauce. 1513313;1470178106;BingoBoingo;related https://www.reddit.com/r/tardtales/comments/4p6tgb/rampagetard_hates_the_police/ 1513314;1470178117;BingoBoingo;shinohai: archive and qntra it 1513315;1470178123;phf;mircea_popescu: "рубить", "топор" has a very nice sound to it in russian, which is that of something crude, rough, but also to the point. can string a few of those together with a lot of breaks and pauses to get a feeling of "honest" crudeness or somesuch 1513316;1470178138;mircea_popescu;aha 1513317;1470178152;shinohai;on it 1513318;1470178189;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1513319;1470178194;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 527.31, vol: 14382.99936634 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 523.67, vol: 14666.60693 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 541.720348, vol: 191378.27510000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 529.506, vol: 5492.57683242 | Volume-weighted last average: 539.334155823 1513320;1470178314;mircea_popescu;shinohai best remember to mention that these are the bitcoins they claimed to have but at never point throughout the run ever actually held. 1513321;1470178336;mircea_popescu;it's not unlikely hong kong announcing today someone hacked their geography made off with mainland china. 1513322;1470178344;mircea_popescu;not unlike* 1513323;1470178427;shinohai;Well they *were* in p2sh addresses 1513324;1470178491;mircea_popescu;heh. 1513325;1470178530;BingoBoingo;But for how many pee-2 shits? 1513326;1470178546;mircea_popescu;mucho inseguridad. 1513327;1470179187;shinohai;BingoBoingo: http://ix.io/1acl 1513328;1470179236;mircea_popescu;what's that make it for today, 5 ? 1513329;1470179541;BingoBoingo;6 1513330;1470179556;BingoBoingo;Forgot the forgettable but obligatory diff change piece 1513331;1470179614;mircea_popescu;nb! 1513332;1470179735;BingoBoingo;June http://qntra.net/2016/06/bitfinex-fucks-up/ 1513333;1470179799;shinohai;^ probably preparatory run 1513334;1470179854;deedbot;[Qntra] Bitfinex Director Claims 119,756 Bitcoins Lost - http://qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-director-claims-119756-bitcoins-lost/ 1513335;1470180068;mircea_popescu;"insurance that never existed doesn't cover loss of funds we never had" 1513336;1470180069;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1513337;1470180185;shinohai;xD 1513338;1470180464;BingoBoingo;lulz http://qntra.net/2016/08/phuctor-finds-seven-keys-produced-with-null-rng-and-other-curiosities/#comment-65904 1513339;1470180582;BingoBoingo;Not sure if spam or not 1513340;1470180808;shinohai;More lulz: "There were a number of security practices that were in place to make this the most secure, yet transparent way of securing funds and we used the company that prides itself and specializes in bitcoin storage. How these practices were bypassed, we're still investigating." 1513341;1470181045;shinohai;;;later tell thestringpuller How 'bout that steem vs. ETC chart 1513342;1470181045;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1513343;1470181414;deedbot;[Trilema] Las Esquinas de Vidal (Cursos de Copulacion y Copizdacion a Domicilio) - http://trilema.com/2016/las-esquinas-de-vidal-cursos-de-copulacion-y-copizdacion-a-domicilio/ 1513344;1470181617;shinohai;I read that sign as "Spammed Travel" mircea_popescu 1513345;1470181626;mircea_popescu;well yes ? 1513346;1470181711;shinohai;Also, I think I'd use doorknob and string before visiting a dentist in that building. 1513347;1470181774;shinohai;https://twitter.com/hanno/status/760622019700371456 1513348;1470181809;mircea_popescu;he's not getting out of it no fucking matter what posturing scheme he adopts. 1513349;1470182451;BingoBoingo;72!!! https://archive.is/Ru6Lb 1513350;1470182609;phf;выходит маяковский из кабака, окруженный стайкой девиц. девицы начинают его охаживать: — владимир! а это правда, что вы можете сочинить стихотворение прямо с ходу, на месте? — конечно! — говорит подвыпивший поэт революции, — давайте тему! — ну, вот видите 1513351;1470182609;phf;идешь с блядями и иди! маяковский: — пойдемте, девушки, это есенин. 1513352;1470182669;mircea_popescu;"it's one of shaw's!" 1513353;1470182817;phf;more like "never mind, ladies, it's bernard" 1513354;1470182836;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1513355;1470182838;gribble;Current Blocks: 423397 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 1978 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes, and 28 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1513356;1470182844;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1513357;1470182850;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 535.16, vol: 22232.29056002 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 540.09, vol: 21716.04224 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 533.661596, vol: 211301.67240000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 533.625, vol: 7909.1321435 | Volume-weighted last average: 534.317560315 1513358;1470183578;asciilifeform;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12213968 << further lelz 1513359;1470183692;mod6;good evening 1513360;1470183705;asciilifeform;'evening mod6 1513361;1470183962;mod6;Peace in our ctime(); << i lul'd 1513362;1470183980;asciilifeform;aaalso apparently multisig is really a beautiful thing 1513363;1470183983;asciilifeform;and to be encouraged. 1513364;1470183997;asciilifeform;else idiots may get to keep their coinz 1513365;1470184027;mod6;^ 1513366;1470184244;ben_vulpes;incoherent? 1513367;1470184247;ben_vulpes;INCOHERENT?! 1513368;1470184379;mod6;"just imagine that these things don't exist. see, all better now!" 1513369;1470184402;mod6;bad news? no problem. 1513370;1470184407;*;mod6 puts fingers in ears. 1513371;1470184410;mod6;lalalalalalalalalala 1513372;1470184508;mircea_popescu;this is shaping up to being a pretty great autumn really. 1513373;1470184553;mod6;ya! 1513374;1470184556;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see, there's wisdom in all things 1513375;1470184562;mircea_popescu;big and small 1513376;1470184564;mircea_popescu;MWAHAHAHAHA 1513377;1470184606;mircea_popescu;incidentally BingoBoingo : it ~would~ be fair to say that the bitfinex failure as presented by bitfinex amounts exactly to a major failure of the dao as meagrely implemented in bitcoin. 1513378;1470184611;mircea_popescu;autumn of purges. 1513379;1470184686;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform honestly i don't comprehend why you entertain the tards above and beyond "honey, close your eyes and think of the empire", but each his own i guess. 1513380;1470184724;mircea_popescu;all this "you hurt your credibility" wanl 1513381;1470184726;mircea_popescu;wank* 1513382;1470184733;mircea_popescu;who the fuck cares what nobody on a stick's idea of anything is. 1513383;1470184894;asciilifeform;every so often i wrestle with the pig, old habit. 1513384;1470184941;mircea_popescu;i guess what i'm saying is that i admire your patience. 1513385;1470185064;asciilifeform;lolk 1513386;1470185792;ben_vulpes;so what actually happened with the multisig shits? 1513387;1470186001;phf;asciilifeform: just a reminder that this exists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZodexUkiDI 1513388;1470186205;asciilifeform;phf: i rewatched it just a few yrs ago! 1513389;1470186212;asciilifeform;lovely thing. 1513390;1470186216;shinohai;http://archive.is/9ceV1 <<< so much for Telegram 1513391;1470186238;phf;i'm writing subs for girl, because official english translation is awful 1513392;1470186270;asciilifeform;phf: consider posting. 1513393;1470186291;phf;yeah, put that blog of mine to some use 1513394;1470186395;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513152 << already covered in pinoy spew 1513395;1470186395;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 19:24 asciilifeform: https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/4vu9qm/pgp_key_of_mahmood_khadeer_president_of_the << for further lulz. 1513396;1470186689;asciilifeform;http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2016/08/furious-sheep.html << orlol suggests vote-by-rng. 1513397;1470186822;mircea_popescu;$up smef 1513398;1470186823;deedbot;smef voiced for 30 minutes. 1513399;1470186834;mircea_popescu;so i finally got around to watching that thai prince orgy video thing. 1513400;1470186842;mircea_popescu;holy shit these idiots! ITS A TOPLESS WOMAN AT A POOL PARTY! 1513401;1470186859;asciilifeform;i watched a few min, it was a snore, turned off 1513402;1470186861;mircea_popescu;the woman i sat down to watch it with was ALL NUDE! who the fuck cares omfg the tamest stht ever 1513403;1470186886;mircea_popescu;and to add insult to injury they do all sort of complicated ceremonial futzing around some catered looking cake prior to singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU 1513404;1470186897;mircea_popescu;do these idiots not have a language or what the fuck is their problem already. 1513405;1470186920;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that thing is almost a litmus test for anglo penetration 1513406;1470186932;asciilifeform;e.g., it was, last i knew, ~wholly absent from ru sphere 1513407;1470186943;asciilifeform;but ported to, say, spanish, long ago 1513408;1470186949;mircea_popescu;iirc ro upper crust still sings o tannenbaum at teh tree 1513409;1470186963;asciilifeform;it is almost as good a test as what colour winnie pooh is, in a given country 1513410;1470186973;mircea_popescu;colour ? 1513411;1470186975;asciilifeform;(the correct brown? or the jaundiced disney yellow) 1513412;1470186982;mircea_popescu;uh 1513413;1470186990;mircea_popescu;what is this ? 1513414;1470187013;phf;40 seconds in, i switched from watching that video to watching an old soviet cartoon.. 1513415;1470187023;mircea_popescu;anyway, if my dungeon videos ever leak there's going to be a ~100mn or so new cases of apoplexy that year ? 1513416;1470187025;phf;pretty much definition of "op didn't deliver" 1513417;1470187044;asciilifeform;http://hitgid.com/images/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BF%D1%83%D1%85-1.jpg << ru ; https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3c/ec/56/3cec563b4162de9d91d064a027388d9c.jpg << usa 1513418;1470187058;mircea_popescu;$up jodym 1513419;1470187058;deedbot;jodym voiced for 30 minutes. 1513420;1470187063;shinohai;https://img1.steemit.com/0x0/http://i.imgur.com/visQpcj.jpg <<< heh 1513421;1470187075;phf;it's ugh the Alaskan yellow bear 1513422;1470187089;asciilifeform;jaundice, cirrhosis, i say. 1513423;1470187098;mircea_popescu;lmao 1513424;1470187107;asciilifeform;should've laid off the whiskey. 1513425;1470187110;mircea_popescu;which one is this one again ? 1513426;1470187113;mircea_popescu;i can't place it. 1513427;1470187129;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: illustrations to winnie pooh. 1513428;1470187133;mircea_popescu;shinohai oddly it says 0 views ? 1513429;1470187163;mircea_popescu;ah ok. 1513430;1470187312;shinohai;mircea_popescu: maybe they use the same metrics counter as twitter does. 1513431;1470187324;mircea_popescu;or maybe you're the uploader!!!1 1513432;1470187337;phf;!!! 1513433;1470187337;gribble;Error: "!!" is not a valid command. 1513434;1470187342;shinohai;lo 1513435;1470187343;mircea_popescu;!-!-! 1513436;1470187343;gribble;Error: "-!-!" is not a valid command. 1513437;1470187368;phf;!go-home-gribble-you're-drunk 1513438;1470187368;gribble;Error: "go-home-gribble-you're-drunk" is not a valid command. 1513439;1470187476;shinohai;Buttstamp: "We would like to reassure all customers that Bitstamp's implementation of multisig is fundamentally different from the one at Bitfinex" 1513440;1470187919;asciilifeform;'1. Take site offline and work on ensuring everything is secure. 2. communicate to users 3. contact chain analytic companies and authorities about the hack and trace the funds, look at ways to recover the funds. 4. Investigate exactly what happened to ensure that we're still not vulnerable. 5. Work on getting the site back up and running.' 1513441;1470187922;asciilifeform;^ lelz 1513442;1470187934;asciilifeform;RECOVER!!!!1111 1513443;1470190397;asciilifeform;in other lulz, 'Exploring Encryption and Potential Mechanisms for Authorized Government Access to Plaintext: Proceedings of a Workshop.' Anne Johnson, Emily Grumbling, and Jon Eisenberg, Rapporteurs. THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 This activity was supported by the Office of the Director for National Intelligence, under Contract.... 1513444;1470190432;asciilifeform;^ u.s. academy of sciences, whored out, fucked in openings sov academy did not even ~have~ drilled 1513445;1470190452;asciilifeform;( original at http://cryptome.org/2016/08/nap-encryption-gov-access.pdf if anyone gives half a shit ) 1513446;1470190492;asciilifeform;'We wish to thank the following individuals for their review of these workshop proceedings: 1513447;1470190492;asciilifeform;- Dan Boneh, Stanford University 1513448;1470190520;asciilifeform;...[bunch of other sad folk snipped]' 1513449;1470190604;asciilifeform;'The Workshop on Encryption and Mechanisms for Authorized Government Access to Plaintext was convened on June 23-24, 2016, in Washington, D.C., under the auspices of the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The workshop was sponsored by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). ... The meeting was open to the public.' 1513450;1470190608;asciilifeform;^ pity i missed this party 1513451;1470190624;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform somehow rape's always followed by asking for seconds. 1513452;1470190931;asciilifeform;spoiler: in the massive turd, usg functionaries propose to rebrand ye olde key escrow as 'multisig' and mandate! 'k of n' ! 1513453;1470190947;mircea_popescu;heh 1513454;1470190962;mircea_popescu;i'm sure that'll work! 1513455;1470190965;asciilifeform;^ in case anyone ever had whatever doubt as to the meaning and purpose of multisigification of whatever sort. 1513456;1470191116;BingoBoingo; incidentally BingoBoingo : it ~would~ be fair to say that the bitfinex failure as presented by bitfinex amounts exactly to a major failure of the dao as meagrely implemented in bitcoin. << Indeed, as presented 1513457;1470191290;asciilifeform;'Given the difficulty of opening a post-iOS 8 phone or a similarly protected device, investigators are now forced to turn to other methods. Kerr pointed to a case in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals of a former police officer allegedly dealing in child pornography who would not divulge his computer passcode; he is currently being detained with no clear end date. Kerr noted that it is quite possible for someone to withhold a passcod 1513458;1470191290;asciilifeform;e purposefully, but it is also possible for someone to genuinely forget it, and this is left to a judge to decide. If “failure to decrypt your device” leads to indefinite jail time, Kerr asked, is that an outcome we are willing to accept?' << mega-l0l 1513459;1470191300;asciilifeform;'support escrow or risk COKE MACHINE!1111' 1513460;1470191317;asciilifeform;'ya wouldn't wanna end up in one BY ACCIDENT WOULDJA' 1513461;1470191353;mircea_popescu;how about "if you lack the authority to detain people indefinitely THEREFORE you lack the authority to engage in any behaviour that may lead to it, including trying to prosecute this nonsense" 1513462;1470191370;mircea_popescu;somehow a plain reading is never within the purview of militant idiocy. 1513463;1470191396;asciilifeform;the reading that suggests great inca is not sovereign over earth, fire, air and water, is never the preferred reading, no 1513464;1470191419;asciilifeform;it can only be read to him by other folks, in the only language he understands. 1513465;1470191464;mircea_popescu;alternatively simply is not invited, can go on about his nonsense in his mom's basement while that lasts. 1513466;1470191510;asciilifeform;very british/tolkienian view, this 1513467;1470191527;asciilifeform;'hitler/sauron can go on doing his thing in his mother's basement, what do we care' 1513468;1470191622;mircea_popescu;any time this "hitler" grows a pair, he can come over and we can have a chat. 1513469;1470191656;asciilifeform;would have to grow a central nervous system first, neh ? 1513470;1470191666;asciilifeform;can chat with amoeba ? 1513471;1470191689;asciilifeform;or with slime mold ? 1513472;1470191698;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you, until and unless kid is actually visible in the world nobody can interact with him, 1513473;1470191709;mircea_popescu;hence the appeal of derpy "proceedings" 1513474;1470191717;asciilifeform;the mold in my old bathroom begged to differ 1513475;1470191851;mircea_popescu;in other news whoa check out alf's reddit account. 1513476;1470191857;mircea_popescu;looks like it's enough to buy russia yo! 1513477;1470191861;asciilifeform;lel 1513478;1470191874;asciilifeform;it dates to the days when dinosaurs walked, when reddit was ~readable 1513479;1470191883;BingoBoingo;$b 4 1513480;1470191891;asciilifeform;and every third article was about broken common lisps etc 1513481;1470191908;asciilifeform;~decade ago. 1513482;1470191927;mircea_popescu;i thought back when it was voat.co reddit mostly did kiddie porn. 1513483;1470191952;asciilifeform;i have pretty much nfi what happened after 2008 or so. 1513484;1470191961;mircea_popescu;no this'd be 2005 or so. 1513485;1470191974;asciilifeform;it opened, iirc, in '05. 1513486;1470191979;mircea_popescu;right. 1513487;1470191995;asciilifeform;was ~readable until early '07 or so. 1513488;1470192035;mircea_popescu;btw : the muslims actually do the whole chain thing. point in case : "Nabil Received five Ijazas/certificate from several respected scholars in Egypt. He has an Ijaza with an authentic, short chain of 26 from him to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Be upon Him)." 1513489;1470192041;mircea_popescu;$up forgotmypw 1513490;1470192041;deedbot;forgotmypw voiced for 30 minutes. 1513491;1470192090;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lel, as per https://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu 1513492;1470192158;BingoBoingo;Continued from previous two days https://archive.is/Y2eSu 1513493;1470192169;mircea_popescu;aha 1513494;1470192273;asciilifeform;'Not every wiretap request is granted. Only 313 federal wiretaps were installed in 2014, far fewer than the number requested, Landau pointed out. Each one costs the federal government about $41,000, most of which is spent on “minimization”—that is, someone to monitor the wiretap and assess its content.' << lulzy: the universal dragnet thing dun count, evidently, as 'wiretap' 1513495;1470192278;asciilifeform;it counts as 'stfu terrorist' 1513496;1470192279;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nfi what this is ? 1513497;1470192290;asciilifeform;$up fromphuctor 1513498;1470192290;deedbot;fromphuctor voiced for 30 minutes. 1513499;1470192311;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The daily hate? 1513500;1470192319;asciilifeform;do their cocks also work this way ? 1513501;1470192324;mircea_popescu;complex thing. 1513502;1470192395;BingoBoingo;Their cocks like their wiretaps require their toilet grabber 1513503;1470192403;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform two points here being that a) the "global dragnet" is much more difficult to use than you imagine ; and much less productive, being more of a prestige item than a tool of any sort ; b) they're discussing a specific item. if i ask you how many stovetops you have in your house you wouldn't count the roof, notwithstanding the sun heating it is, energetically, more significant. 1513504;1470192408;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i was speaking of the 'fromphuctor's. 1513505;1470192438;BingoBoingo;Well of what else? 1513506;1470192518;BingoBoingo;It is all disabilitit 1513507;1470192549;forgotmypw;thank you 1513508;1470192819;asciilifeform;'Despite a great deal of mathematical work in this field, there is still no general theory of cryptography, Blaze posited. He called this “one of the dirty secrets of cryptography.”' 1513509;1470192844;mircea_popescu;hey, same is true of physics. 1513510;1470192857;mircea_popescu;also missing, the great american novel. as well as a dictionary of the french language. 1513511;1470193097;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the curious amateur historian may be well served by a review of the 2nd anglo-dutch war. some underlined parts : the anglos were deeply overextended politically - their crummy country consisting of one single town and a bunch of retarded peasants ; while the republic had many more merchants, with lots more money. in practice this meant that the english could pay for one ship where the dutch could afford seven ; 1513512;1470193097;mircea_popescu;but obviously the english ordered ships they couldn't possibly pay for and called this "a cash problem". to be resolved by privateers - except the dutch privateers were both better and more productive. 1513513;1470193162;mircea_popescu;then they induced the bishop of munster, a sort of medieval thug, to invade the republic, under promise of "large subsidies". those subsidies never materialized, being promised by the broke-ass anglos as they were ; brandenburg moved in from the east and the naive turk uh i mean bishop of munster was forced to a rather disfavourable peace for his trouble / idiotic naivity. 1513514;1470193193;mircea_popescu;meanwhile charles keep trying to make peaces with the republic, by offering vague nothings. 1513515;1470193229;mircea_popescu;but they also drew up plans for overthrowing the republic's government, in a very muchly amusing color revolution (the future english king was to come from the house of Orange, you realise!) 1513516;1470193248;mircea_popescu;they were ~accidentally~ supplied to de witt in a pile of other documents. which resulted in some beheadings. 1513517;1470193262;mircea_popescu;altogether a funny thing, especially in the sense that these idiots learned ~nothing in five centuries. 1513518;1470193515;asciilifeform;$up fabio__ 1513519;1470193516;deedbot;fabio__ voiced for 30 minutes. 1513520;1470193537;fabio__;hi guys, I came across http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/faq this morning. 1513521;1470193538;fabio__;number one on the faq has a bit saying replacing RSA with ECC is not a good idea: 1513522;1470193538;fabio__;"Part of their efforts is the push towards Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) to replace RSA, in spite of obvious mathematical weaknesses in this proposition. 1513523;1470193539;fabio__;There has been quite a bit of noise about ECC NIST curves (nistp256, nistp384, nistp521) being tampered with by the NSA. I thought using ECC was all good if you don't use the NIST curves and instead use community approved curves like Curve25519 and Curve1174 by like DJB and friends, or other approved ones at https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/. 1513524;1470193541;fabio__;So what does the nsl faq mean, are the obvious mathematical weaknesses the NIST curves or some other issue with ECC as compared to RSA? 1513525;1470193556;mircea_popescu;what is your idea of a "community" ? 1513526;1470193597;mircea_popescu;ethereum forked by "agreement of the community", does the result satisfy your expectations, for instance ? 1513527;1470193658;asciilifeform;fabio__: the cryptographic side of the question is two-pronged. there is a set of 1) questionable actors making 2) questionable claims (e.g., of equivalence of n-bit ecc with m-bit rsa, n openssh is a scandalous piece of trojan work, on the other hand. << OpenSSL is, OpenSSH is collateral damage 1513537;1470193905;mircea_popescu;they support anything and everything but sound cryptography, proper rng etc. 1513538;1470193939;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo hey, somehow they didn't miss out implementing utf, they just neglected to check their crypto code. great set of priorities there. 1513539;1470193971;BingoBoingo;BUT THEY LIStenED TO COMMUNITAH!? 1513540;1470193981;mircea_popescu;oh, sorry, was there a consensus ? 1513541;1470194000;BingoBoingo;WHo could tell over the noise, twas a voice vote! 1513542;1470194053;fabio__;so in reference to #1 is DJB questionable? 1513543;1470194064;mircea_popescu;as far as i know the fellow's quite respectable. 1513544;1470194109;BingoBoingo;But until he registers a key and bros out here questionable in his respectability as he lacks a declaration of allegiance. 1513545;1470194125;mircea_popescu;$gettrust fabio__ 1513546;1470194125;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1513547;1470194135;mircea_popescu;no idea that HE would care about that though. 1513548;1470194139;fabio__;and in reference to #2 the point of contention is equivalent strength with RSA for a given bitlength? 1513549;1470194143;asciilifeform;djb is respectable and talented, but labours under certain faustian bargains as part of his employ. 1513550;1470194161;mircea_popescu;fabio__ you don't specifically know whether and which curves may be surprisingly weak. community consensus can't fix this. 1513551;1470194176;mircea_popescu;in general when dealing with snake oil, and cryptography currently is indistinguishable from such, is to take the simplest form. 1513552;1470194183;asciilifeform;one of these bargains is that you cannot build a career as a university academic with 'use rsa, kthx, bye' 1513553;1470194186;mircea_popescu;there's nothing simpler than rsa ; ecc certainly doesn't meet that qual. 1513554;1470194253;asciilifeform;the claim of equivalence is wholly spurious because no difficulty proof of whatever kind exists for either system. 1513555;1470194254;fabio__;so ECC is new and still unproven, wereas RSA is well understood and a safer bet 1513556;1470194265;mircea_popescu;if nothing else, it's simpler. 1513557;1470194271;asciilifeform;or, for that matter, for ANY cryptosystem other than vernam. 1513558;1470194308;fabio__;right, I'm with you. 1513559;1470194345;asciilifeform;ergo, the folks offering said 'equivalence' has same credibility as, e.g., 'herbal viagra' spammers 1513560;1470194374;asciilifeform;i, for one, do not care how many degrees, and from what rotten institutions, such a swindler has. 1513561;1470194476;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-01#1474766 << see also thread. 1513562;1470194476;a111;Logged on 2016-06-01 17:42 asciilifeform: and point of thread was 'no one has shown with any degree of rigour whatsoever, ~how~ hard' 1513563;1470194577;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaaaaaaaaaand it's 'flagged' (gone) on hn. 1513564;1470194584;mircea_popescu;aww. 1513565;1470194584;asciilifeform;impressive endurance record. 1513566;1470194619;asciilifeform;going strong, however, on tarditt, with buncha shannonized pinoy comments 1513567;1470194637;asciilifeform;different strokes, for different folkz or sumthing 1513568;1470194676;mircea_popescu;gawker has spooked conde nast. 1513569;1470194691;mircea_popescu;the ycombinator derps on the other hand have ~nothing to lose. 1513570;1470194733;asciilifeform;or simply differing approaches. 'problem' posed: 'someone shat in my garden.' hn algo: 'burn with flamethrower, shoot witnesses' reddit algo: 'empty honeywagon on top of it, have whole platoon drop trou and take a shit in turn on it for good measure' 1513571;1470194741;mircea_popescu;sort of the roger ver of the "online business" world. 1513572;1470194803;asciilifeform;i dun get it, what does either of these 'have to lose' 1513573;1470194813;asciilifeform;the 'neverhappened' curtain is airtight 1513574;1470194831;asciilifeform;even the various so-called 'independent' 'security blogger' types won't touch phuctor 1513575;1470194838;asciilifeform;(i wrote to a few) 1513576;1470194852;mircea_popescu;you were here when tiny boo boo exploded into gawker bankruptcy followed by nick denton personal bankruptcy soonish to be followed by actual imprisonment over lying to judges etc ? 1513577;1470194865;asciilifeform;that was actually funded, with actual money 1513578;1470194874;asciilifeform;by a registered lizard 1513579;1470194874;mircea_popescu;the exact same thing COULD happen to bob sauerberg. tomorrow. 1513580;1470194880;mircea_popescu;bob would much rather sleep at home. 1513581;1470194889;asciilifeform;wake me up when paul graham 1513582;1470194899;asciilifeform;i would like to buy ticket, to watch him stuffed into the paddy 1513583;1470194902;mircea_popescu;unlike bob, nobody on a stick and sam altman own nothing, and have nothing to lose. they sleep in ~prison / airbnb as it is. 1513584;1470195271;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is conflating the sc4mz0rs with their chumps 1513585;1470195280;asciilifeform;pg, altman, et al laughed all the way to the bank 1513586;1470195324;BingoBoingo;So did Denton. 1513587;1470196096;asciilifeform;$up fabio__ 1513588;1470196096;deedbot;fabio__ voiced for 30 minutes. 1513589;1470196133;fabio__;hi again 1513590;1470196140;fabio__;so one final question, at what point would you guys consider ECC to be useable? 5 years of field with no reported issues? 1513591;1470196180;asciilifeform;fabio__: not how it works. 1513592;1470196230;fabio__;how does it work? 1513593;1470196247;asciilifeform;well, for starters, i'd like a compelling reason to even ~entertain~ ecc in the first place. 1513594;1470196290;asciilifeform;(its appearance in bitcoin is, contrary to popular delusion, not a reason) 1513595;1470196385;asciilifeform;the burden of proof is one the folks proposing to replace a simple system with few moving parts (rsa) with a larger and gnarlier item 1513596;1470196388;asciilifeform;not vice-versa. 1513597;1470196399;asciilifeform;*on the 1513598;1470196471;fabio__;ok 1513599;1470196498;fabio__;well, thanks for talking the time to answer my questions 1513600;1470196556;asciilifeform;fabio__: it is helpful to understand that cryptographic breaks are quite unlike ANY other type of engineering failure. 1513601;1470196571;asciilifeform;if a bridge collapses, or reactor melts down, you will know it 1513602;1470196586;asciilifeform;and if not you, personally, the corpse, then - onlookers 1513603;1470196615;asciilifeform;in a crypto break, you, your family, the onlookers, everyone you give half a shit about - can be corpses, for 25 years, and ~not know~ 1513604;1470196667;asciilifeform;all of your doings will 'mysteriously' come to nought, folks will say 'bad luck' etc. 1513605;1470196707;asciilifeform;ever play, e.g., sid meier's 'civ 1' ? 1513606;1470196717;asciilifeform;or any of the other strategy gamez where the computer 'cheated' 1513607;1470196723;asciilifeform;(looked at the player's 'cards') 1513608;1470196728;fabio__;yep. a little 1513609;1470196732;asciilifeform;so then. 1513610;1470196754;asciilifeform;or consider, e.g., admiral yamamoto. 1513611;1470196766;asciilifeform;when enemy is perenially 'one step ahead', and 'no one knows why.' 1513612;1470196805;asciilifeform;there is not such a thing as 'we used for x years and no reported problem.' quite conceivably the correct yamamoto has simply not yet flown. 1513613;1470196823;fabio__;sure, sure 1513614;1470196827;asciilifeform;or, alternatively, flown 10,001 times to his death, unreported. 1513615;1470196839;asciilifeform;statistical methods are wholly inappropriate here. 1513616;1470196865;fabio__;i totally agree, but what I was getting at was what methods of analysis do you trust 1513617;1470196886;fabio__;internet protocols have RFCs 1513618;1470196923;fabio__;by the time they have made it there they have undergone enough analysis to be robust enough to use 1513619;1470196924;asciilifeform;fabio__: the only cryptosystem for which any rigorous analysis exists is vernam (otp). 1513620;1470196940;fabio__;you use rsa 1513621;1470196946;fabio__;and endorse it 1513622;1470196952;fabio__;how did you arrive at this conclusion? 1513623;1470196955;asciilifeform;i use a buncha stuff 1513624;1470196965;asciilifeform;most recently, a battery that nearly turned to a frag in my pocket 1513625;1470196971;asciilifeform;use - what's available. 1513626;1470196974;asciilifeform;and understand the limitations. 1513627;1470196976;asciilifeform;$up nosuchlabswww 1513628;1470196976;deedbot;nosuchlabswww voiced for 30 minutes. 1513629;1470197001;asciilifeform;nosuchlabswww: hello ? 1513630;1470197039;nosuchlabswww;Hi 1513631;1470197116;asciilifeform;nosuchlabswww: lemme guess, you clicked 'contact' link on the www. presumably you have something to say ? 1513632;1470197162;nosuchlabswww;Not really. Just read about phuctor and the square rsa keys and shit. 1513633;1470197204;mircea_popescu;fabio__ rsa has the advantage that it's the simpler solution. i thought i said this before. 1513634;1470197204;nosuchlabswww;Havent been in a irc since 1999. Brings back memories. 1513635;1470197211;mircea_popescu;or do you specifically want to hear it out of his mouth also. 1513636;1470197225;mircea_popescu;nosuchlabswww the chicks are hotter now. 1513637;1470197279;fabio__;you did, but I'm fighting through the snark to ask for more details ;) 1513638;1470197313;mircea_popescu;aite. 1513639;1470197325;asciilifeform;fabio__: what kind of details are you interested in ? there is no reduction-to-complexity-class proof of hardness for either cryptosystem. 1513640;1470197351;asciilifeform;it is, for instance, not proven that rsa reduces to difficulty of factoring integers, or what complexity class factoring is in. 1513641;1470197352;mircea_popescu;not that we're even sure "complexity class" is meaningfully defined for this purpose 1513642;1470197367;mircea_popescu;last the topic was took up it came out that no, it's absolutely not. 1513643;1470197375;asciilifeform;in the elementary sense of 'number of ops required to solve avg case' 1513644;1470197383;mircea_popescu;avg case is of no interest here. 1513645;1470197388;asciilifeform;there is also this. 1513646;1470197392;fabio__;so in your mind, new comers are not worth considering RSA unless they are equivalent in complexity or simpler. and until RSA is broken no need to migrate? 1513647;1470197392;asciilifeform;and yes, we had a thread 1513648;1470197422;mircea_popescu;fabio__ rsa is not breakable in the "shit someone broke openssl" sense you seem to be thinking of. 1513649;1470197432;mircea_popescu;if someone breaks rsa you have all sorts of other problems to contend with. 1513650;1470197479;fabio__;yes I know, integer factorisation problem 1513651;1470197498;fabio__;so in your mind, new comers are not worth considering RSA unless they are equivalent in complexity or simpler. and until RSA is broken no need to migrate? <-- is this fair? 1513652;1470197523;mircea_popescu;what does "new comers" mean ? like, people fresh out of highschool ? 1513653;1470197531;fabio__;for example ECC 1513654;1470197536;fabio__;alternatives 1513655;1470197552;mircea_popescu;you mean, "alternatives for rsa are not worth contemplating" ? sure, they are, much like anything's worth contemplating. it's educative if nothing else. 1513656;1470197589;mircea_popescu;but "the new better replacement for copper pipe" is not worth contemplating today like it wasn't worth contemplating in 516 ad. 1513657;1470197594;fabio__;your said "fabio__ rsa has the advantage that it's the simpler solution." 1513658;1470197603;asciilifeform;~contemplate~ whatever suits your fancy -- folks have... contemplated, e.g., trains with triangular wheels riding on sinusoidal rails. 1513659;1470197608;asciilifeform;~adopting~ is another matter. 1513660;1470197635;fabio__;so alternatives that are more complex are regarded as lesser 1513661;1470197642;fabio__;that's one criteria 1513662;1470197647;mircea_popescu;always and everywhere in engineering, this is the case. 1513663;1470197654;mircea_popescu;$s muntz 1513664;1470197655;a111;15 results for "muntz", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=muntz 1513665;1470197720;asciilifeform;fabio__: understand, also, that someone who offers you a more complicated (i.e. more moving parts) cryptosystem without ~justification~, is attempting to compromise your security, no less than if he were stalking in your garden under the cover of night bristling with cameras and antennae 1513666;1470197758;mircea_popescu;well the ecc justification is "shorter keys", other than a bunch of "new! better!" crapola. 1513667;1470197813;fabio__;ok I think I understand your position a bit better now thanks 1513668;1470197821;mircea_popescu;$up nosuchlabswww 1513669;1470197821;deedbot;nosuchlabswww voiced for 30 minutes. 1513670;1470197960;nosuchlabswww;Not trying to spam. Check out qntra dot net. Fourth article down is about rsa and brought me here. Good read and new article. 1513671;1470197973;mircea_popescu;good for you. 1513672;1470198025;nosuchlabswww;Phuctor Finds Seven Keys Produced With Null RNG, And Other Curiosities 1513673;1470198131;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform btw re the fermat discussion, i wonder if anyone ever did a proper review of rsa code for lattice and fermat-closeness weakness in p,q generation. 1513674;1470198170;mircea_popescu;one obviously hopes that gpg did. but then again the brutal teacher that is experience shows it's wiser to suspect everyone merely hoped someone else did it. 1513675;1470198173;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well... indirectly: us. 1513676;1470198194;mircea_popescu;yes but no. for one thign you don't do lattice search iirc ? for the other, the keys we're working on are too large. 1513677;1470198206;mircea_popescu;more practical would be to force the code to make a pile of say 64 byte keys and sieve them. 1513678;1470198338;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b7ce7e35-60d3-4e97-85e2-1f8c87607d36 << relevant excerpt. gpg 1.4.10. 1513679;1470198387;mircea_popescu;oops 1513680;1470198392;mircea_popescu; /* make sure that nbits is even so that we generate p, q of equal size */ << what ? 1513681;1470198413;mircea_popescu;this is already a fucking stupid idea. 1513682;1470198419;asciilifeform;we had this thread... 1513683;1470198429;mircea_popescu;why give away this fucking trivial protection. 1513684;1470198433;mircea_popescu;we did ? 1513685;1470198436;asciilifeform;iirc 1513686;1470198440;mircea_popescu;how did it go ? 1513687;1470198539;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-24#1144420 << possibly here? 1513688;1470198539;a111;Logged on 2015-05-24 14:45 Apocalyptic: "there's no guarantee p and q have the same bitsize is there ?" // I think there is, a couple of lines above it generates them both with nbits/2 bits, so I would say yes, unless there is a bug in "generate_secret_prime", because this function specifically sets the two high bits to 1 1513689;1470198543;mircea_popescu;when we reimplement rsa plox : a) either p length odd and q length even or vice-versa ; b) neither within 1 of a lattice power 1513690;1470198559;asciilifeform;could've sworn this was in the logz 1513691;1470198562;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform same length p q is fucking stupid. 1513692;1470198563;asciilifeform;even that snipped from gpg 1513693;1470198568;asciilifeform;*snippet 1513694;1470198677;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1513695;1470198678;mod6; <+asciilifeform> could've sworn this was in the logz << i recall a few discussions, ya. 1513696;1470198860;mircea_popescu;actually to formalize that : a 4096 bits key means a p that is 257 to 259 bytes long ; and a q that is 258 to 260 bytes long. end of fucking story. 1513697;1470198953;mircea_popescu;oh and to revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513511 : guess what mistake the dutch made, that the japanese repeated in ww2. 1513698;1470198953;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 02:58 mircea_popescu: incidentally, the curious amateur historian may be well served by a review of the 2nd anglo-dutch war. some underlined parts : the anglos were deeply overextended politically - their crummy country consisting of one single town and a bunch of retarded peasants ; while the republic had many more merchants, with lots more money. in practice this meant that the english could pay for one ship where the dutch could afford seven ; 1513699;1470198973;mircea_popescu;yes, that's right : landed at chatham, burned the ships, FAILED TO BURN THE FUCKING DOCKYARDS. 1513700;1470199073;mod6;maybe im remembering this http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-20#1140428 1513701;1470199073;a111;Logged on 2015-05-20 15:03 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-05-2015#1139680 << speaking of this, am I the only one nonplussed by all this "we use <> fixed exponent" bs ? it's an unavoidalbe magic number , okay, but it's tyhe sort that should eminently be a knob for the user. a proper gpg would have e user-settable at the key generation phase (with 65536+1 as a default, sure) 1513702;1470199098;mircea_popescu;mod6 ok but none of this resulted in "current gpg shitfest is acceptable" 1513703;1470199338;mod6;ya, no 1513704;1470199381;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> more practical would be to force the code to make a pile of say 64 byte keys and sieve them. << this would be interesting. 1513705;1470201038;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/greitens-wins-pricey-gop-battle-for-governor/article_a9940f13-345a-5028-91b7-64eea1320f39.html 1513706;1470201048;BingoBoingo;"The results mean that, on Nov. 8, the state's gubernatorial race will be between Koster, a former Republican turned Democrat, and Greitens, a former Democrat turned Republican." 1513707;1470202929;mircea_popescu;loller 1513708;1470203035;BingoBoingo;Guess we now know who killed Missouri's late next governor http://qntra.net/2015/02/missouri-state-auditor-dies-of-gunshot-wound/ 1513709;1470204951;mircea_popescu;and speaking of gpg deplorable state asciilifeform can you think of any possible reason the damned thing doesn't come a) bundled with ent and b) with ready implemented tests of local entropy while c) key generation is a subset of entropy testing in all cases ? 1513710;1470205511;deedbot;[Trilema] MiniGame (S.MG), July 2016 Statement - http://trilema.com/2016/minigame-smg-july-2016-statement/ 1513711;1470222019;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1513712;1470222020;gribble;Current Blocks: 423466 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 1909 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 9 hours, 30 minutes, and 23 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1513713;1470228002;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://twitter.com/wolfoftheair/status/760774766542282752 1513714;1470228016;*;asciilifeform expected this idiocy to pop up at some point. 1513715;1470228360;shinohai;Well after getting his fudge packed for so long, I guess it finally made it's way to his brain. 1513716;1470228389;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513709 << the obvious reason: at this point, even the lamest system rng (urandom, etc) are 'whitened' and trivially pass the tests, while having anywhere from 0 to whatever actual hardware entropic content 1513717;1470228389;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 06:15 mircea_popescu: and speaking of gpg deplorable state asciilifeform can you think of any possible reason the damned thing doesn't come a) bundled with ent and b) with ready implemented tests of local entropy while c) key generation is a subset of entropy testing in all cases ? 1513718;1470228434;asciilifeform;it is useless to test rng that is, to steal hanbot's phrasing, 'an unknown mixture of fact and hogwash' 1513719;1470228497;asciilifeform;(recall, e.g., digits of pi, pass the ent tests.) 1513720;1470229181;asciilifeform;to compactly rephrase, entropy testing is only useful when you ~know the design of the rng~ 1513721;1470229214;asciilifeform;otherwise you get slipped the wonderfully entropic digits of some transcendental constant and that'll be it. 1513722;1470229380;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EAFB01DF89745CDC55D1D8A0B5BC68F625251EC35B15486E5297A54492BB56D9 << in other lulz. 1513723;1470230635;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but this is not a reason to not have the tool. 1513724;1470230660;mircea_popescu;otherwise you're in the position of the camper who doesn't pack a burner because, technically speaking, he doesn't know there will be oxygen where he goes, not having been there before. 1513725;1470230850;mircea_popescu;(also by definition whitening doesn't trivially pass the tests, just superficially seems to.) 1513726;1470232163;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: whitened crapolade passes all known entropic tests, in fact considerably better than the 'real thing'. 1513727;1470232209;asciilifeform;(e.g., aes of a stream of nulls, outscores (debiased) geiger, electric rng, whatever you like, on ~100% of the tests) 1513728;1470232215;mircea_popescu;passing it better than the real thing is failing, innit. 1513729;1470232258;asciilifeform;if it were a consistent, known-quantity effect - yes 1513730;1470232276;mircea_popescu;well, it's a statistical matter, so modellable like any other. 1513731;1470232313;mircea_popescu;anywya, i don't dispute that "accidentally"-deliberately nobody put any effort into rng quality assurance ; key quality assurance ; etc. 1513732;1470232328;mircea_popescu;but i do dispute that for this reason it then follows there also can't be put any. 1513733;1470232335;asciilifeform;my contention is that this test belongs on the system end. 1513734;1470232352;mircea_popescu;all tests must always and forever be in the hand of hte user. 1513735;1470232356;asciilifeform;because on the userland end, ~100% of shit os will pass. 1513736;1470232361;asciilifeform;even winblowz. 1513737;1470232368;mircea_popescu;the concept of test is, definitionally, "on user end". 1513738;1470232395;asciilifeform;testing whitened bits which may or may not even have actual physical entropy behind them is ~useless. 1513739;1470232414;mircea_popescu;this is also true. 1513740;1470232433;mircea_popescu;it just doesn't actually speak to the foregoing. i suppose the correct rsa implementation comes with a kernel patch. 1513741;1470232488;mircea_popescu;(incidentally those "accidental"-deliberate fucktards : fixed whitening scheme ? really ? what the FUCK! if there's anything in the entire fucking os the user must be able to customize, it's NOT the fucking glyph table / window size for the love of christmas fucks!) 1513742;1470232522;asciilifeform;hey they're genius exam takers, whaddayaexpect, 'we want to pass ent' 'how to pass' 'whiten' 'done' 1513743;1470232532;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1513744;1470232547;asciilifeform;they 'hired the cheapest soothsayer' !!111 1513745;1470232567;asciilifeform;if there is anything one cannot accuse insects of, it is lack of economy. 1513746;1470232575;mircea_popescu;maybe (there is a valid argument here, that at the time they were making this shit it was for toys not btc nodes). or maybe they're just usefully idiotarian. 1513747;1470232590;mircea_popescu;i prefer to discern between the two by their reaction to events. the fact that they're not all here means they're all there. 1513748;1470232627;*;mircea_popescu can't think of any valid excuse anyone involved in os design could possibly have not to already be in wot. 1513749;1470232633;asciilifeform;it is a kind of forced/nudged idiotarianism, via os architecture, useland does not have the direct access to the hardware (incl. the scheduler) to force a proper sampling of whatever hardware rng 1513750;1470232641;asciilifeform;*userland 1513751;1470232657;asciilifeform;so rng gets stuck as an os api function 1513752;1470232674;asciilifeform;and userland proggies trust it implicitly, lacking any alternative 1513753;1470232685;mircea_popescu;im not sure this model can/should be breached. 1513754;1470232692;mircea_popescu;but better rng code could well live in the os. 1513755;1470232693;asciilifeform;recall how the original pgp collected keystroke fuzz etc.? 1513756;1470232703;mircea_popescu;the verbiage still reflects this 1513757;1470232708;asciilifeform;it was a desperate wunderwaffen. 1513758;1470232715;*;mircea_popescu occasionally lulz at girlies earnestly clucking around to speed up key production. 1513759;1470232726;mircea_popescu;"hey, it says on the screen" 1513760;1470232744;mircea_popescu;"o ya ? then put echo "come suck my dick"; in bash!" 1513761;1470232784;asciilifeform;l0lz 1513762;1470232819;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513748 << i must now point out that ~everyone ~involved in os design~ is... dead 1513763;1470232819;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 13:57 mircea_popescu can't think of any valid excuse anyone involved in os design could possibly have not to already be in wot. 1513764;1470232835;mircea_popescu;o right, they recently got the last one huh. 1513765;1470232845;mircea_popescu;well, not an excuse, but definitely an explanation. 1513766;1470232851;asciilifeform;and likewise their designs are also dead (or alive in museums and collections like mine) 1513767;1470232862;asciilifeform;linux, quite arguably, was designed by no one 1513768;1470232865;asciilifeform;(has no design.) 1513769;1470232886;mircea_popescu;well no, linus is the foreman-architect there. 1513770;1470232894;asciilifeform;foreman. but no design. 1513771;1470232903;asciilifeform;just 'tip the dump truck here and here' 1513772;1470232911;mircea_popescu;as per aristotle, there is no such thing as "no design" 1513773;1470232929;asciilifeform;by that token a dog taking a shit is a sculptor. 1513774;1470232934;mircea_popescu;and he is. 1513775;1470232958;asciilifeform;uselessly debased concept. 1513776;1470232964;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, i once knew anal sculptor girl. she'd insert condom full of prepared gypsum, shit it back out. 1513777;1470232991;mircea_popescu;debased, yes. uselessly, no. 1513778;1470233003;*;asciilifeform pictures said 'sculptor' grunting out a dodecahedron 1513779;1470233032;mircea_popescu;well no, feminist you see. had no use for those e=mc2 shapes that predilect the edge of light over roundnesses much more important ... to "us". 1513780;1470233044;asciilifeform;only 1 shape matters, aha, lel 1513781;1470233064;mircea_popescu;one time one person inquired at party "but what's with all the monster cocks" 1513782;1470233071;mircea_popescu;they weren't on speaking terms thence. 1513783;1470233104;asciilifeform;the situation of open sores is really not at all different. 1513784;1470233112;asciilifeform;all of the proggies have roughly this very same shape. 1513785;1470233114;mircea_popescu;kinda what reminded me. 1513786;1470233127;asciilifeform;same organ, same shape, mega-unsurprise 1513787;1470233250;mircea_popescu;see, but that's not it. same FUNCTION of organ. that's the issue. the anal ring is made to keep farts in, and ~arguably~ to pleasure a beloved penis now and again. this is very much the same function. 1513788;1470233364;mircea_popescu;nobody asked you to force the poor thing to art ; much like nobody asked you to force the minimal brain of the huswife into producing political discourse and directing ships on the sea. 1513789;1470233419;mircea_popescu;she's well equipped for the things she does, invidious gossip, raising children and burning the cabbage. there's really no call for cabbage os and burned "literature". 1513790;1470233498;asciilifeform;nobody forced poettering. 1513791;1470233536;asciilifeform;just as, per yesterday's thread, nobody forced the bathroom mold. 1513792;1470233538;mircea_popescu;yes, everybody did. that's the problem. when derp mcherperson wants commit access to vomit her versiuon of invidious gossip therein as "comments" and "sensitivity", PEOPLE FORCE IT 1513793;1470233562;mircea_popescu;instead of everyone laughing her into bulimia, and weekly egging and tping the house in which basement she dwells, 1513794;1470233573;mircea_popescu;they go exactly fucking opposite. this is forcing. 1513795;1470233626;mircea_popescu;i get that it's a diffuse, socialist, retarded sort of forcing where nobody actually does anything that could possibly be upon them. but that dun matter so much, if you end up pushed out of bed by a colony of maggots, THE MAGGOTS DID IT. 1513796;1470233643;mircea_popescu;even if any single maggot only exerted 1/800 N and as part of squirming in a different direction altogether, 1513797;1470233649;mircea_popescu;their resultant effort pushed you out of bed. 1513798;1470233653;asciilifeform;a sane exterminator would begin by asking why the bed has 100kg of maggots in it to begin with 1513799;1470233673;mircea_popescu;no. a sane examinator always begins by twisting the necks he can, not the necks he "should". 1513800;1470233678;asciilifeform;$up fromphuctor 1513801;1470233678;deedbot;fromphuctor voiced for 30 minutes. 1513802;1470233680;mircea_popescu;merely opening the matter of should to the maggots is a bad idea. 1513803;1470233733;asciilifeform;this inevitably brings to mind the characters in BingoBoingo's links, who curse doctor for going to the root cause of bedridden maggot farm 1513804;1470233742;mircea_popescu;nah 1513805;1470233763;asciilifeform;not only is it a mistake to ask the maggots, but likewise it is mistake to ask the maggot-farmer 1513806;1470233774;mircea_popescu;well there is that. 1513807;1470233996;asciilifeform;fact: folks who share their bed with maggots are different, in fundamental and interesting ways, from those who do not 1513808;1470234018;asciilifeform;and not, as they usually contend, simply M units of unlucky, for M == number of maggots 1513809;1470234035;mircea_popescu;this is quite likely true. 1513810;1470234102;mircea_popescu;nevertheless - there must be collective guilt at work here, as a concept, for the opposition. if you are "a computer programmer", and you aren't part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem, ands personally responsible for it. 1513811;1470234110;asciilifeform;there were no 'gender comment commits', not only in, e.g., system v unix, but in symbolics 'genera' (smbx corp employed, interestingly, a multitude of chix, some of whom appear in my bookcase even now) 1513812;1470234118;mircea_popescu;if you are a guy who was on a list where a maggot tried to get in and you didn't, personally, flame and humiliate that maggot, 1513813;1470234123;mircea_popescu;then you are, personally, a bad person. 1513814;1470234156;mircea_popescu;if you participate in "communities" that make this difficult, you are, personally, a bad person. it's not "oh, i'm just trying to on facebook". 1513815;1470234171;mircea_popescu;you're a bad person, there's no two wais about it, kiddy fuckers may be great or horrible. you're horrible, no great. 1513816;1470234199;asciilifeform;well, there is 'Если немца убил твой брат, Если немца убил сосед, — Это брат и сосед твой мстят, А тебе оправданья нет. За чужой спиной не сидят, Из чужой винтовки не мстят.' (tm) (r) 1513817;1470234228;mircea_popescu;being "inclusive" is not merely distasteful. it is actually something to carry on your conscience, as a murder, except worse. 1513818;1470234234;asciilifeform;but fact is, effective pest control does not work by individual squishing. 1513819;1470234235;mircea_popescu;and so following. 1513820;1470234252;asciilifeform;it works by 1) hygiene , and -- distantly -- 2) squishing. 1513821;1470234301;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but hygiene starts as well as exists as a "better squishing". people given the "hey, it'd be elegant to wash" will wash and retain the bugs. people given the "hey, you will be in this dungeon until you squished all the bugs" given "hey, use this, works faster" WILL fucking wash. 1513822;1470234325;asciilifeform;hygiene starts with ~not attracting~ vermin 1513823;1470234334;mircea_popescu;that's the thing. especially to the inferior man, "hygiene" does not exist, as an abstract. it may only exist as "mechanized individual squishing" 1513824;1470234346;mircea_popescu;in fact, it does. conceptually, it does not. 1513825;1470234377;asciilifeform;not attracting, not supplying array of crevices where they can hide from any form of killing 1513826;1470234377;mircea_popescu;the only practical starting point for hygiene in the mind of the golum is through forcing pain until a desired result. that it's unachievable through means available to the golum does not matter one iota. 1513827;1470234391;asciilifeform;ever live in a flat that CANNOT be cleaned short of demolition and flamethrower ? 1513828;1470234392;asciilifeform;i have. 1513829;1470234410;asciilifeform;i wrote 'don't blame the mice' in it. 1513830;1470234431;mircea_popescu;well depends. i once had a colony of ants. which i personally liked. 1513831;1470234438;asciilifeform;in your kitchen ?! 1513832;1470234449;mircea_popescu;no they were the black sort interested in bugs and whatnot. 1513833;1470234468;mircea_popescu;they patrolled all the outside walls constantly. being no damage they could do to rebared concrete... i really didn't see the harm. 1513834;1470234476;asciilifeform;ah, see, these are a-ok 1513835;1470234487;mircea_popescu;judge your chances to get rid of that colony though. 1513836;1470234498;asciilifeform;that's the other end of advanced pest control - cultivate beneficial predators 1513837;1470234629;mircea_popescu;similarly i guess, once had a colony of crickets 1513838;1470234650;mircea_popescu;i also didn't mind them - but it did drive one girl positively crazy. couldn't sleep, eventually had a mild psychotic episode. so i got rid of them. 1513839;1470234653;mircea_popescu;fucking guess how ? 1513840;1470234671;asciilifeform;hm? 1513841;1470234717;mircea_popescu;borrowed a cat, to live there temporarily. 1513842;1470234728;mircea_popescu;for some reason cats and crickets don't mix. at all. 1513843;1470234756;asciilifeform;cat will devour ~any animal that is roughly in that size range, yes 1513844;1470234822;mircea_popescu;yeah, maybe they hunt them, though i've never personally seen it. 1513845;1470234837;mircea_popescu;alternatively there's some pheromone interaction or something. dunno. 1513846;1470234876;asciilifeform;to briefly go up the stack: 'gender comment commits' aren't cricket-level, they are maggot-level 1513847;1470234888;asciilifeform;there has to be decaying flesh in the mix 1513848;1470234892;asciilifeform;for them to ever appear. 1513849;1470234908;asciilifeform;no amount of individual tweezer work will undecay the flesh. 1513850;1470234925;asciilifeform;the most that can be accomplished is... what a mortician does 1513851;1470234933;asciilifeform;e.g., my embalmed gentoo 1513852;1470235010;mircea_popescu;the point being that i have wisened to understand the problem. it is a lack of negative reinforcement. 1513853;1470235034;mircea_popescu;the reason argentines drive horribly, as well as are incredibly inept economically, and the reason for pretty much all visible misbehaviour is exactly the same : lack of negative reinforcement. 1513854;1470235059;mircea_popescu;if i start screaming at the idiots they WILL execute their job, and well. but absent my scream, they have no fucking idea they're doing a bad job, even. nobody ever told them so. 1513855;1470235059;asciilifeform;well yes. consider the predicament of a maggot trying to feed on living flesh 1513856;1470235067;asciilifeform;or fungus - in a body with functioning immune system 1513857;1470235082;mircea_popescu;nobody ever told 20 yo girly, in her 16 or so years of active intellectual life to date, that she's fucking untalented and needs to go do something she can actually do. 1513858;1470235092;mircea_popescu;so she ends up underwriting debt to "pursue" rank nonsense. 1513859;1470235122;mircea_popescu;idiots must be told they're dumb. often. loudly. in no uncertain terms. 1513860;1470235147;mircea_popescu;this is universally the fucking problem. and it's passively supported by idiots' tendency to build life support systems for themselves, hence the all-pervasive socialism. 1513861;1470235160;mircea_popescu;it's ~like a fungus colony that secretes plastic substrate for itself to live on. 1513862;1470235168;asciilifeform;http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/bosch/stone.jpg << illustration to subj 1513863;1470235170;asciilifeform;^ familiar ? 1513864;1470235180;mircea_popescu;quite. 1513865;1470235188;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 17407531760166155857697 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Ismael de Moura Costa (email pessoal) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7ED61BA9F1483495BAB2CB60A5C9BE858F5C2B37C9856BDEE024A8C5518EB421 1513866;1470235197;asciilifeform;^ old mirrorolade 1513867;1470235200;mircea_popescu;aha 1513868;1470235257;mircea_popescu;so in this sense, the solution seems to be quite simply vitriol. dissolve the "acceptance" blanket of idiocy. 1513869;1470235261;mircea_popescu;intolerance saves teh day. 1513870;1470235288;asciilifeform;it is a necessary thing, but not a solution to the infestation in question 1513871;1470235329;asciilifeform;for so long as maggoting on software is even ~thinkable~, the upper echelon of 'aspirational' maggots will bang on the door, and some - will get in. 1513872;1470235368;asciilifeform;nobody's maggoting on reactor - or even bulldozer - design. 1513873;1470235404;asciilifeform;there are fields with crystallized sanity, or at the very least sufficiently well-known hard priors, to make the sort of festering gangrene we live with here, quite unthinkable. 1513874;1470235432;mircea_popescu;i dun think so. to wit : every kid has a toy buldozer, which he does improvements to. 1513875;1470235512;asciilifeform;note that somehow real bulldozer can work without attracting army of adult 'improvers' 1513876;1470235529;mircea_popescu;item such as "articulated bulldozer" which now exists and is factually useful in particular applications, did not exist 50 years ago, mostly because of machining difficulties involved. 1513877;1470235598;mircea_popescu;in fact, the heavy machinery industry is today very much a "designer item" sort of thing, pretty much any large mine will order machinery to spec for its own particular use. 1513878;1470235621;mircea_popescu;that 1% or w/e it shaves off costs over using generics is still many billions. 1513879;1470235630;asciilifeform;it isn't that the machine has never, or could never again, be improved, but that it can stand and work without gathering crowd of 'train pushing face' who want to weld forks, knives, onto it, to 'improve', and be paid for the privilege 1513880;1470235660;mircea_popescu;for all we know a buldozing naggum is dying right now. 1513881;1470235681;*;mircea_popescu has only vague contacts in minerals at that level. 1513882;1470235712;asciilifeform;hey recall my proposal for standing-wave flexing cable ? 1513883;1470235722;asciilifeform;could just as well paint walls, pick strawberries, etc. 1513884;1470235752;mircea_popescu;what, you want it to move earth ? 1513885;1470235789;asciilifeform;could very easily move earth. 1513886;1470235793;asciilifeform;quickly, in small chunks. 1513887;1470235796;mircea_popescu;all this shit is made of solid steel mostly because earthmoving is barely a step away from direct abrasion. it's like making tools to push the grinder. 1513888;1470235811;mircea_popescu;it all comes down to durability, nothing else. 1513889;1470235826;asciilifeform;at the very least, could pump away the soluble earth, and leave the rocks to be broken up, into same 1513890;1470235834;asciilifeform;as oil drillers do. 1513891;1470235845;mircea_popescu;actually oil drillers use a version of your arm thing. 1513892;1470235856;asciilifeform;minus the articulation, lel 1513893;1470235859;mircea_popescu;it's pressure-directed though. 1513894;1470235861;asciilifeform;but yes, vertically. 1513895;1470235867;mircea_popescu;no, no, flexible piping. 1513896;1470235882;asciilifeform;well yes, there is sometimes a side drill 1513897;1470235898;asciilifeform;and yes, flexed hydraulically, like cock. 1513898;1470235903;mircea_popescu;not VERY flexible, <1/100 or somesuch, but still, can go in directions 1513899;1470235904;mircea_popescu;yep 1513900;1470236039;asciilifeform;to move yet again up the stack: mining machinery is improved by engineers, who - if not went to a school, at least are literate - rather than by gawkers who 'drinkin' beers, beers, beeers' in front of the mine, suggest 'hey bubba let's weld on a SHIT HANGING OFF THE SIDEZ' 1513901;1470236130;asciilifeform;mao's 'cultural revolution' - in fact, had a brief episode of nearly this, with the 'backyard steel' thing 1513902;1470236155;asciilifeform;$s backyard steel 1513903;1470236155;a111;11 results for "backyard steel", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=backyard%20steel 1513904;1470236638;asciilifeform;lel, phuctor piece still top of tarddit 'netsec' 1513905;1470236655;asciilifeform;and ~0 notable comment 1513906;1470237667;PeterL;http://www.businessinsider.com/apple-change-pistol-emoji-toy-confusion-precedent-meaning-retroactive-2016-8 << asciilifeform mircea_popescu does this support "use alphabet not symbols", or is it just emojis are braindead lulz? 1513907;1470237726;asciilifeform;PeterL: ☭! 1513908;1470237767;PeterL;use more communist microshit and crapple? 1513909;1470237772;asciilifeform;'In March a Frenchman was actually jailed for sending his ex-girlfriend the pistol emoji, in what was interpreted as a threat. What if a joke sent from an Apple user to a Google user is misconstrued because of differences in rendering?' << lel 1513910;1470237861;asciilifeform;卐 hande hoch! 卐 1513911;1470238280;BingoBoingo;;;later tell jurov pls to shares 1513912;1470238281;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1513913;1470238304;mircea_popescu;"a font can't change your interpretation of a letter" AHAHAHAHA OH MY FUCKING IEHOVA 1513914;1470238314;BingoBoingo; this inevitably brings to mind the characters in BingoBoingo's links, who curse doctor for going to the root cause of bedridden maggot farm << See there was a purpose! 1513915;1470238362;PeterL;you could make a custom font with each letter shifted (so my A looks like your B etc), right? 1513916;1470238363;mircea_popescu;PeterL it's an application of idiotum per idiotius, really. 1513917;1470238386;mircea_popescu;PeterL no. the "letters" you currently use are the result of FONT FLUCTUATION in the roman empire. 1513918;1470238390;asciilifeform;PeterL: iirc winblowz used to ship with one such. 1513919;1470238390;mircea_popescu;hence i/j 1513920;1470238434;PeterL;aha, right, roman alphabet is just a transmutation of greek etc? 1513921;1470238445;mircea_popescu;and hence numerous examples i'm too much of a business insider to bother fucking listing. who the fuck let these idiots write in the first place, they're an insult to the cattle that had to die for the vellum. 1513922;1470238483;mircea_popescu;PeterL no, and leaving the greeks aside : one day some people decided to make an I that looked more like a J. sexier font, stylish, whatnot. 1513923;1470238492;mircea_popescu;then the barbarians decided to hear distinction between i and j. 1513924;1470238519;PeterL;same with U/V? 1513925;1470238554;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/4vyb8a/mircea_popescu_exposed_bitfinex_back_in_2013/d62hm96 << She returns with hard on for mircea_popescu 1513926;1470238565;mircea_popescu;to this day "Exchange" in serbian is menjati, for this reason. two "i". 1513927;1470238573;mircea_popescu;and yes, more or less same with u and v 1513928;1470238616;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lol imagine, we made a fat loser with no friends hate rabbits. 1513929;1470238629;shinohai;Soon it will be a federal crime to use handgun or assault-rifle emojis 1513930;1470238631;BingoBoingo;Amazing Company! 1513931;1470238828;phf;the whole font changes meaning take two is coming from the japanese. they were actively promoting this idea back during early unicode standardization days, where there was a strong drive to include every idiosyncratic version of kanji in the standard, because "that's how my family writes it in our last name". 1513932;1470238883;mircea_popescu;the notion of unicode is fucking stupid in the first place. 1513933;1470238899;mircea_popescu;the ~only~ way to get useful symbolics, which does mean STRICTLY standardized symbols, is to have very few of them. 1513934;1470238925;mircea_popescu;azn illiteracy is no excuse for doing things wrongly, which is why colonialism and the rape of nanking are more sensible policies than whatever the fuck's going on presently. 1513935;1470238935;phf;they have an encoding in circulation, that actually encodes text in terms of font glyph offsets, which was also the way emacs did it initially. the solution was written by japanese, was called MULE, and that was one of the first major flame wars naggum participated in. famously forked his own version, etc. 1513936;1470238989;mircea_popescu;i can't comprehend why anyone'd summon the interest to care. the only correct solution is to insist strict latin set exists throughout, and otherwise they can all get fucked. 1513937;1470239013;mircea_popescu;"retroactively changes the meaning of text". what fucking text ? strings including "emoji" ipso facto carry no meaning. 1513938;1470239028;phf;^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9BNoNFKCBI 1513939;1470239073;asciilifeform;бнопня вхрюк! 1513940;1470239088;PeterL;perhaps should be "retroactively changes the meaning of the message" 1513941;1470239138;mircea_popescu;dude that fucking thing... i loled all over again 1513942;1470239162;mircea_popescu; ПХГМЮБЮИРЕЯЭ ЙРН Б лЯЙ, ОНДЛНЯЙНБЭЕ Х оХРЕПЕ НАХРЮЕР? 1513943;1470239163;mircea_popescu; сам ты нахрюер 1513944;1470239166;mircea_popescu;joke of the fucking year. 1513945;1470239467;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to the romans : the whole "dickus maximus" bit in monty python is actually very strict scholarship. to the "rugged men of the fronteer", the speech of proper roman citizen sounded so fucking faggoty you can't imagine. 1513946;1470239476;mircea_popescu;campiest of drag queens today barely matches. 1513947;1470239803;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPGb4STRfKw 1513948;1470239848;*;BingoBoingo still really that Puget Sound Muslim Association was big enough news for Liztler to kill Buttfunex over it 1513949;1470239855;BingoBoingo;*reeling 1513950;1470239862;mircea_popescu;that may be not quite exactly what happened. 1513951;1470239878;asciilifeform;i wrote to them 1513952;1470239880;asciilifeform;just now. 1513953;1470239885;asciilifeform;not expecting much. 1513954;1470239903;asciilifeform;(the muslim assoc, that is, not shitfinex) 1513955;1470239915;mircea_popescu;looks like a one-man-newsprop. 1513956;1470239955;asciilifeform;reply: 1513957;1470239957;asciilifeform;'Thank you for contacting us. We will look into this.' 1513958;1470240004;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other news, trilema has served 5.5 mn pages... this month. 1513959;1470240017;shinohai;O.o 1513960;1470240026;mircea_popescu;what contemporary servers can do is pretty fucking shocking, for srs. 1513961;1470241106;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4vykkr/1000_btc_giveaway_from_your_friend_rekcahxfb/ <<< Alleged buttfinex haxxor giving away BTC on reddit xD 1513962;1470241186;mircea_popescu;and it verifies and everything. 1513963;1470241235;mircea_popescu;check out the deluge of comments. suddenly "the community" is showing itself to be eXACTLy http://trilema.com/2013/soft-consensus-aka-fecal-matter/ 1513964;1470241255;mircea_popescu;they have opinions on things, and the collected value of those opinions is nothing. 1513965;1470241281;shinohai;lol 1513966;1470241417;phf;ahaha 1513967;1470241434;phf;that's beautiful 1513968;1470241892;asciilifeform;holy mother of fuck, nlocktime ? 1513969;1470241907;asciilifeform;3, 2, 1, countdown to 'petition to miners to break softfork and mine it' 1513970;1470241997;shinohai;xD 1513971;1470242002;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-27#1510525 << oblig. thread. 1513972;1470242002;a111;Logged on 2016-07-27 18:35 asciilifeform: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.h?v=asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option#0444 1513973;1470242065;asciilifeform;spoiler: that 1000 can move into 1BitcoinEaterAddressDontSendf59kuE any time the 51% feels like it. 1513974;1470242571;asciilifeform;https://blog.fuzzing-project.org/51-Fun-with-Bignums-Crashing-MatrixSSL-and-more.html << moar moocow crypto lulz 1513975;1470242589;asciilifeform;'If one tries to calculate a modular exponentiation with the base equal to the modulus (a^b mod a, code) it would return an error. If one tries to calculate a modular exponentiation with the base zero (0^b mod a, code) it would crash with an invalid free operation, potentially leading to memory corruption.' 1513976;1470242624;asciilifeform;' I just discovered a somewhat similar issue in Nettle. They switched their RSA implementation from GMP's mpz_powm() function to mpz_powm_sec(), which is supposed to be sidechannel resistant. However mpz_powm_sec() is no drop-in replacement. Unlike mpz_pown() it doesn't accept even moduli and crashes with a floating point error. Therefore when trying to use a specifically crafted RSA key with an even modulus this will crash. ' 1513977;1470242648;asciilifeform;' A common way to speed up the calculation of RSA signatures is an algorithm based on the chinese remainder theorem (CRT) that splits it up into two smaller calculations. However if one of these calculations goes wrong an attacker can learn the private key. Last year Florian Weimer observed that various devices had this error and he could extract their keys. He recently mentioned...' 1513978;1470242653;asciilifeform;$s weimer 1513979;1470242654;a111;4 results for "weimer", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=weimer 1513980;1470242656;asciilifeform;yes, him 1513981;1470242658;asciilifeform;'observed'. 1513982;1470242700;asciilifeform;it gets better! 1513983;1470242710;asciilifeform;'The way the MatrixSSL team "fixed" the miscalculation issue is not really satisfying: They now restrict the input to the pstm_exptmod() function to a set of bit sizes (512, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096). My test input had a different bit size, therefore I cannot reproduce the miscalculation any more, but the underlying bug is most likely still there. ... Despite the fact that the bug may be still there the CRT attack will probably 1513984;1470242710;asciilifeform;no longer work. A protection mechanism against that was implemented in version 3.8.3. ' 1513985;1470242714;asciilifeform;typical 'protection'. 1513986;1470242762;mircea_popescu;;;later tell fabio__ http://trilema.com/2016/you-are-not-a-person-and-you-dont-get-a-vote/ << there yo go, re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513523 : community approved. 1513987;1470242762;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 03:05 fabio__: There has been quite a bit of noise about ECC NIST curves (nistp256, nistp384, nistp521) being tampered with by the NSA. I thought using ECC was all good if you don't use the NIST curves and instead use community approved curves like Curve25519 and Curve1174 by like DJB and friends, or other approved ones at https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/. 1513988;1470242763;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1513989;1470242811;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i see you admire teh beauties yes. 1513990;1470242872;asciilifeform;from same beauty contest as BingoBoingo's 'beauties' 1513991;1470242876;asciilifeform;just encoded differently. 1513992;1470242881;mircea_popescu;aha. 1513993;1470242902;mircea_popescu;all beauty's just mud piles 1513994;1470242906;mircea_popescu;merrily merrily merrily... 1513995;1470243591;shinohai;$rate _FeltPen -1 My argument is you are just another redditard that sucks VC cock. 1513996;1470243593;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/6f92f629-3d38-4d3c-9c2c-d006296a6fa6/ 1513997;1470243635;shinohai;$v 2D54080C8FB2A65B4A225D92C0737C87B6DC628B7BFAECC3BE734C8AAF78CB98 1513998;1470243635;deedbot;shinohai rated _FeltPen -1 << My argument is you are just another redditard that sucks VC cock. 1513999;1470244007;mircea_popescu;what's that all about 1514000;1470244009;mircea_popescu;$up DaoSancho 1514001;1470244010;deedbot;DaoSancho voiced for 30 minutes. 1514002;1470244019;mircea_popescu;$up _FeltPen 1514003;1470244019;deedbot;_FeltPen voiced for 30 minutes. 1514004;1470244031;_FeltPen;thx! 1514005;1470244041;deedbot;[Trilema] You are not a person ; and you don't get a vote. - http://trilema.com/2016/you-are-not-a-person-and-you-dont-get-a-vote/ 1514006;1470244063;*;asciilifeform wrote to krebs, re khadeer 1514007;1470244084;asciilifeform;iirc we haven't tried him yet 1514008;1470244099;asciilifeform;perhaps a hole in the unbroken wall of stupid 1514009;1470244118;_FeltPen;!register A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24ABB6 1514010;1470244118;gribble;(register ) -- Register your GPG identity, associating GPG key with . is a 16 digit key id, with or without the '0x' prefix. We look on servers listed in 'plugins.GPG.keyservers' config. You will be given a random passphrase to clearsign with your key, and submit to the bot with the 'verify' command. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 1514011;1470244183;_FeltPen;shinohai - what's up the tweet? 1514012;1470244194;asciilifeform;https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/4vu9qm/pgp_key_of_mahmood_khadeer_president_of_the/d62ld86 << moar lelz 1514013;1470244197;asciilifeform;'ACCIDENT!!!!' 1514014;1470244495;shinohai;But hey asciilifeform still on front page! 1514015;1470244663;trinque;_FeltPen: you are already registered with deedbot 1514016;1470244678;_FeltPen;your failing at constructing a thought, shinohai - so disappoint. https://twitter.com/MrFelt_/status/760872268327030784 1514017;1470244689;_FeltPen;*you're 1514018;1470244781;mircea_popescu;_FeltPen stop linking nonsense sm and explain stuff in plain terms before that half hour runs out 1514019;1470244872;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i see your accident and raise you one luck : https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/4vyb8a/mircea_popescu_exposed_bitfinex_back_in_2013/d62nxmb 1514020;1470244889;shinohai;Oh hai, I suppose you are merely another 21co fanboy that gets butthurt every time I point put how your $400 doorstop has no case, ad naseum 1514021;1470244897;mircea_popescu;nauseam 1514022;1470244905;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pass the luck oil 1514023;1470244915;mircea_popescu;mno, i think ima keep it all. 1514024;1470244923;mircea_popescu;better lube than even baby panda tears. 1514025;1470244926;shinohai;ty 1514026;1470244936;_FeltPen;i'm trying to figure out what shinohai is randomly tweeting at me and making up shit about VC relationships that don't exist. a little confused atm. 1514027;1470244953;*;asciilifeform inescapably recalls the 'chess oil' from sierra online's 'gabriel knight' 1514028;1470244998;_FeltPen;what are you talking about shinohai? i don't have a 21co - i tend to root for folks that make things for this ecosystem. 1514029;1470245051;shinohai;I'm sorry, I was unaware 21co actually made anything useful for this ''ecosystem" 1514030;1470245052;_FeltPen;normally sanity lives here, so a little confused by your nonsense today. 1514031;1470245069;asciilifeform;pigeon, we did not know, but turns out is a sculptor, MAKES THINGS for city statutes 1514032;1470245071;asciilifeform;*statues 1514033;1470245071;_FeltPen;who said anything about it being useful? i just said they made something. 1514034;1470245078;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hater. 1514035;1470245109;mircea_popescu;shinohai _FeltPen do you two have anything more substantive of a beef than what one might have implied by what he might have said on facebook ? 1514036;1470245145;_FeltPen;i hope . . . normally, i just lurk and learn. happy to keep doing that. 1514037;1470245169;mircea_popescu;what do you do other than lurking ? ie, "for teh ecosystem" 1514038;1470245222;shinohai;Besides getting trggered by a hashtag, for instance. 1514039;1470245223;_FeltPen;speculate, write, research, buy coin, mine, etc. - usual stuff. 1514040;1470245255;_FeltPen;tbf - haven't mined in a while, but i have a nice fleet of antminer S1s 1514041;1470245352;mircea_popescu;where do you write ? 1514042;1470245396;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, "owned by whitening" is not altogether a bad theory wrt the null-entropy keys. ie, "they replaced rng with null-outputting one, never noticed because whitening". this, of course, doesn't explain why gpg would end up with null-generated keys, but whatevs. 1514043;1470245448;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my best hypothesis is a) khadeer generated key with, e.g., 'jihadcrypt' b) winblowz gpg with the memcpy from rng nopped out by ??? 1514044;1470245488;mircea_popescu;seems more sensible. 1514045;1470245493;_FeltPen;https://medium.com/@Felt/satoshi-s-inspiration-b948a5b17790#.wtp8wey1o ; network23.org/dogecoin; https://bitco.in/forum/threads/gold-collapsing-bitcoin-up.16/page-769#post-26664 ; etc 1514046;1470245517;asciilifeform;in other news, 1514047;1470245519;asciilifeform;http://m.cacm.acm.org/news/205495-in-memoriam-seymour-papert-1928-2016/fulltext 1514048;1470245523;asciilifeform;^ papert dead. 1514049;1470245550;trinque;asciilifeform: guy gets trotted out every shooting to "islam is not about this!" so one might suspect him as having a reason to have a bad key 1514050;1470245583;asciilifeform;trinque: if fella is a stooge, no reason for him not to have ~normal~ pgp key with puppet master having copy of the private. 1514051;1470245595;asciilifeform;why have the loud diarrheal fart ? 1514052;1470245604;shinohai;"bitco.in" and "dogecoin" tell me all I need to know. 1514053;1470245637;_FeltPen;and what's that? 1514054;1470245712;trinque;asciilifeform: maybe they want to find where messages originate without having to have the privkeys at the points of surveillance? but yeah, not clear 1514055;1470245726;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://news.softpedia.com/news/hacker-compromises-fosshub-to-distribute-mbr-hijacking-malware-506932.shtml << qntra ? 1514056;1470245726;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1514057;1470245771;asciilifeform;trinque: just about any scenario involving a stooge khadeer would make considerably more sense with a properly-generated pgp key 1514058;1470245803;asciilifeform;of course, there is no degree of idiocy that could be wholly ruled out where usg is involved.. 1514059;1470245833;trinque;aha. might have to roach-brain harder 1514060;1470249151;asciilifeform;$up fromphuctor 1514061;1470249151;deedbot;fromphuctor voiced for 30 minutes. 1514062;1470249174;asciilifeform;...hello fromphuctor ?? 1514063;1470249207;fromphuctor;is phuctor's source code shared somewhere? 1514064;1470249223;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: nope. 1514065;1470249260;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: however, the factorings are reproducible - you can dump modili with 'pgpdump', and any bignum calculator - e.g., 'bc', or ordinary python repl, can multiply the factors. 1514066;1470249268;asciilifeform;*moduli 1514067;1470249288;asciilifeform;e.g., pgpdump -i pubkey.txt 1514068;1470249430;fromphuctor;so when we can modulus N, how do you use bignum calc for it? don't you need to brute force 2^x -1 starting from 2^1023 ? 1514069;1470249444;fromphuctor;*when we get 1514070;1470249458;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: calculator is suggested here for ~verifying~ output of phuctor 1514071;1470249467;fromphuctor;oh got it 1514072;1470249485;fromphuctor;but to do the same thing youself, you need to bruteforce 2^x -1 == your N? 1514073;1470249503;asciilifeform;if you're speaking of the latest experiment, we used fermat's method 1514074;1470249505;mircea_popescu;not exactly ; the faq has some good links re this. 1514075;1470249513;asciilifeform;which is ~more or less a brute force starting at sqrt(N). 1514076;1470249525;asciilifeform;see also http://facthacks.cr.yp.to/fermat.html . 1514077;1470249566;fromphuctor;yup, that's what I meant. Thank you! 1514078;1470249576;fromphuctor;so for this brute-forcing, don't you need a little bit of fast PC? 1514079;1470249591;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: it parallelizes. 1514080;1470249604;fromphuctor;on a single PC? 1514081;1470249611;fromphuctor;or across net? 1514082;1470249611;mircea_popescu;$s 256 gb ram 1514083;1470249612;a111;1 results for "256 gb ram", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=256%20gb%20ram 1514084;1470249616;mircea_popescu;aww. 1514085;1470249639;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: whichever you have. ~3.7M keys split nicely across N cpus. 1514086;1470249661;fromphuctor;nice 1514087;1470249667;fromphuctor;thank you for all the info 1514088;1470249702;fromphuctor;one dumb question, would GPU do this operation faster? (I doubt it, but have to ask) 1514089;1470249764;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: doubtful. afaik there is no bignum routine optimized for gpu 1514090;1470249773;asciilifeform;nor would such a thing necessarily work especially well. 1514091;1470249777;mircea_popescu;dependiong on your set-up, possibly. not very clear how. 1514092;1470249779;fromphuctor;exactly 1514093;1470249801;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bfd989db-f5e2-4d2e-b2aa-3f699bbb638a << this ought to get you started, if you want to fermat. 1514094;1470249806;fromphuctor;you might end up writing your own bignum calc in GPU and still I'm not entirely sure it will be faster for this op in CPU 1514095;1470249830;mircea_popescu;it might be cheaper, though, in terms of digit/dollar 1514096;1470249856;fromphuctor;I see 1514097;1470249867;fromphuctor;thanks again guys, I learned a lot in 10 mins :) 1514098;1470249868;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: doubtful, ram will be bottleneck 1514099;1470249873;mircea_popescu;obviously a lot of the cpu is not really used to do bignum mults. a smaller lot of the gpu isn't. 1514100;1470249874;asciilifeform;and obliterate the parallelism 1514101;1470249879;asciilifeform;(gpu's ram) 1514102;1470249889;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which is why i say depends on the set-up. maybe something plouffe-esque could be had to fit it in tight ram 1514103;1470249901;mircea_popescu;i have nfi. 1514104;1470249932;asciilifeform;this kind of thing really begs for a cpu arch optimized for bignummery 1514105;1470249939;mircea_popescu;aha. 1514106;1470249956;asciilifeform;would be entertaining to see what ft meade's looked like. 1514107;1470249958;mircea_popescu;symptomatic for the "we are the premiere science and tech world in the world", it dun exist. 1514108;1470249965;asciilifeform;dun exist in the corner store. 1514109;1470250025;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/common-scenarios/ "Although you can't get a list of all the fans of a Facebook Page, you can find out whether a specific person has liked a Page." 1514110;1470250049;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, takes a non-idiot half an hour to fish them out. 1514111;1470250050;asciilifeform;for l in lusers ... 1514112;1470250057;asciilifeform;likes(l, p) 1514113;1470250062;asciilifeform;etc. 1514114;1470250076;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nothing that advanced/serious even. they leak it. 1514115;1470250084;asciilifeform;is the skin worth the tanning ? 1514116;1470250096;mircea_popescu;is the latrine worth the shitting ? 1514117;1470250207;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: in case you didn't know - fermat's method is not an effective way to attack a properly-generated rsa modulus 1514118;1470250252;fromphuctor;I know that, it works well only on non-properly-generated rsa modulus, which is easily factorizable by 2^x -1 1514119;1470250263;asciilifeform;well no 1514120;1470250266;asciilifeform;nothing to do with powers of 2 1514121;1470250278;asciilifeform;rather, with moduli where the two factors are quite close together 1514122;1470250285;asciilifeform;(and, ergo, to the square root of the mod) 1514123;1470250327;mircea_popescu;it's just "bruteforce from a conveniently chosen spot", mostly. 1514124;1470250346;asciilifeform;aha. 1514125;1470250348;asciilifeform;an rng firing blanks and leading rsa key gen to spit out the square of a prime immediately following a power of two, is simply one way to arrive at such. 1514126;1470250410;fromphuctor;I see. so for this to work, two factors should be close to each other. So nothing todo with 2x-1? 1514127;1470250415;asciilifeform;aha. 1514128;1470250469;asciilifeform;fromphuctor: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513678 << example of rsa key generation, as seen in gpg 1514129;1470250469;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 04:25 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b7ce7e35-60d3-4e97-85e2-1f8c87607d36 << relevant excerpt. gpg 1.4.10. 1514130;1470250556;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e38c3232-5ff5-4e85-be93-d6d47f14354f << prime generator, from same. 1514131;1470254904;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes your wotpaste gizmo mangles c code, e.g., http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e38c3232-5ff5-4e85-be93-d6d47f14354f 1514132;1470254904;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1514133;1470254946;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: does the mangling show up in ?raw=true? 1514134;1470254965;ben_vulpes;also pls to characterize mangling 1514135;1470255270;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: diff the raw and standard views of linked piece. 1514136;1470256604;phf;ben_vulpes: your non raw version does not escape html, so it parses #include
as a tag 1514137;1470256737;mircea_popescu;do a / mod6: dupe champ << was that thte total dups counted below? 5`431? 1514211;1470273623;mircea_popescu;what the fuck does that mean, he failed to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-03#1513857 ? that doesn't make him a "good person", that makes him a fucking shitstain. 1514212;1470273623;a111;Logged on 2016-08-03 14:38 mircea_popescu: nobody ever told 20 yo girly, in her 16 or so years of active intellectual life to date, that she's fucking untalented and needs to go do something she can actually do. 1514213;1470274340;ben_vulpes;http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2016/08/fixing-america-make-a-political-party-out-of-software.html << john robb with the lolz 1514214;1470274808;mircea_popescu;could it be called da tao ? 1514215;1470274841;ben_vulpes;hyu 1514216;1470280028;BingoBoingo;;;laserkittens 1514217;1470280029;gribble;ุ ₍˄.͡˳̫.˄₎ ุ ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew* 1514218;1470280434;phf;"U.S. Team Wins First Place at International Math Olympiad (wordplay.blogs.nytimes.com)" first win, entire team is chinese, hmm 1514219;1470280441;ben_vulpes;well that didn't render in my irctron 1514220;1470280443;ben_vulpes;wut 1514221;1470281135;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0E72DA65482697B76A85E218D51CCEAFC20C447F95EAEF2922DF208145699F8C << didjaknow. 1514222;1470281177;BingoBoingo;lol 1514223;1470281465;asciilifeform;on the other end of the stick, there are 8914 256/384-bit (trivially broken) mods. 1514224;1470281498;BingoBoingo;http://arstechnica.co.uk/information-technology/2016/08/craig-wrights-proof-that-he-invented-bitcoin-fuck-off-im-not-going-to-jump-through-hoops/ 1514225;1470281539;asciilifeform;bbbbutt boeck HIMSELF vouched for shitoshi!!1111 1514226;1470281543;asciilifeform;(he did.) 1514227;1470281703;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/jwgjKH.png 1514228;1470281726;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: GQ piece comes out sometime in the next 24 hours for further lulz 1514229;1470281739;*;BingoBoingo cleans gasmask and zeroes dosimeter 1514230;1470281906;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514210 << yes, specifically of that one. 1514231;1470281906;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 01:20 mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: dupe champ << was that thte total dups counted below? 5`431? 1514232;1470282881;phf;"because i turn up and it’s not fucking not anonymous anymore. i’m not just some guy in the crowd ever again." цыпа такая цыпа. зашкварился, теперь под петухами всю жизнь ходить 1514233;1470282999;BingoBoingo;phf: He could always go to San Diego and jack it. 1514234;1470283031;BingoBoingo;Oh, a commentor! http://qntra.net/2016/08/black-lives-matter-releases-segregationist-demands/#comment-66023 1514235;1470283201;deedbot;[Qntra] First US Cop Faces Terrorism Charges, Crime: Buying Gift Cards - http://qntra.net/2016/08/first-us-cop-faces-terrorism-charges-crime-buying-gift-cards/ 1514236;1470285841;deedbot;[Qntra] Woman's Facebook Account Suspended During Fatal Standoff - http://qntra.net/2016/08/womans-facebook-account-suspended-during-fatal-standoff/ 1514237;1470286026;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/3kNm1QY.jpg 1514238;1470286253;ben_vulpes;heh. 1514239;1470286279;ben_vulpes;i'll probably be cursed with the opposite. 1514240;1470286308;ben_vulpes;either that or a totally staid gay lawyer 1514241;1470286605;mircea_popescu;eh, i wouldn't be too worried. by now most of "the crowd" is made out of washed outs who thought at some point they were somebody. 1514242;1470286610;mircea_popescu;craig wright will fit right in. 1514243;1470286836;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency rmb 1514244;1470286845;gribble;BTCChina BTCRMB last: 3780.76, vol: 232369.92330000 | Volume-weighted last average: 3780.76 1514245;1470286942;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514235 << not bad. 1514246;1470286942;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 04:00 deedbot: [Qntra] First US Cop Faces Terrorism Charges, Crime: Buying Gift Cards - http://qntra.net/2016/08/first-us-cop-faces-terrorism-charges-crime-buying-gift-cards/ 1514247;1470286987;BingoBoingo;ty 1514248;1470287214;BingoBoingo;Just remember to save the gay whales in Darfur-finex 1514249;1470287240;mircea_popescu;heh 1514250;1470287317;mircea_popescu;actually i'm doing a large-ish project whereby various bullshit "countries" leak their civil records (ie, names, ssi, taxids, address etc) of their whole population ; which then gets searched in fb db. 1514251;1470287329;mircea_popescu;guess what ? less than 10% of people alive actually have a fb. 1514252;1470287412;mircea_popescu;actually. less than 10% of people alive EVER HAD a fb. less than 10% of THOSE touched it in the past year. 1514253;1470287426;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: why did you burn out udev? 1514254;1470287428;mircea_popescu;i wonder if any of the derpy investors ever did any sort of dd whatsoever. 1514255;1470287491;BingoBoingo;At a time it had users, could do recon by scoping out a persons facebook page. Now... none of the kids have them anymore. 1514256;1470287513;mircea_popescu;"could recon", for as long as you stayed within certain demos 1514257;1470287517;mircea_popescu;which are demographically irrelevant. 1514258;1470287549;BingoBoingo;Well back when still did, needs were modest. 1514259;1470287655;phf;oh ffs larse magne nuked gmane after all 1514260;1470287669;mircea_popescu;did i miss some drama ? 1514261;1470287762;phf;not really drama as such, oldfag bailed, took his project down with him, project being gmane an old repository of mailing lists (and an ntp<->mailing list proxy) https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2016/07/28/the-end-of-gmane/ 1514262;1470287836;mircea_popescu;cloudflare mkay 1514263;1470287838;mircea_popescu;why so inept ? 1514264;1470287914;BingoBoingo;Just because 1514265;1470287930;mircea_popescu;o sorry, guy almost threw up. alrighty then. 1514266;1470287939;mircea_popescu;oh, and none of his software is usable. and hurr. 1514267;1470287987;phf;ben_vulpes: i was going to link relevant mail message, but udev has been merged into systemd a while ago. gentoo has a fork, called eudev. udev also prompted one of the linus' famous rants, https://lkml.org/lkml/2012/10/3/484 1514268;1470288113;BingoBoingo;THe most Reddit thread on anything ever https://www.reddit.com/r/Shoplifting/comments/4vwgii/is_it_just_me_or_the_majority_of_the_posters/ 1514269;1470288156;phf;yeah, somehow killing internet infrastructure doesn't make him throw up 1514270;1470288227;mircea_popescu;the lost generation keeps on delivering. 1514271;1470288244;BingoBoingo;Pair with https://www.reddit.com/r/lossprevention/comments/4vvio4/when_by_yourself_at_what_point_is_it_best_to_move/ for still further Buttfunex 1514272;1470288378;mircea_popescu;phf im mostly ignorant of the stuff (heck, i think i read gmane... once. in like 1996. it didn't deliver.) but what exact idiocy is kay sievers invested in not reverting at whatever cost, including his anal virginity ? 1514273;1470288461;mircea_popescu;ahahaha ok this is epic 1514274;1470288462;mircea_popescu;"I need your assistance if you can. I accidentally sent a message to the [redacted] email list last night with a live password in it. The password is hardcoded in to dozens of machines, so changing it would be… inconvenient, to say the least. I don’t yet see the message on your archive page, so I can’t provide the URL link, but I wanted to see if you could remove the message before it is processed and posted." 1514275;1470288467;mircea_popescu;check out the part the muppet wants fixed. 1514276;1470288542;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “At least the US government is not overtly confiscating the assets of the general population at this very moment.” - http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/03/at-least-the-us-government-is-not-overtly-confiscating-the-assets-of-the-general-population-at-this-very-moment/ 1514277;1470288772;phf;oh, and he's giving up domain to anyone willing to "set up a new web based service" "all previous permalink.gmane.org (etc.) links continue to work as before, but they’ll look new and spiffy in your new and spiffy web interface" bunch of anons in the comments going "yeah, i'm kind of sort of interested plx send money to this btc address^W^W^W^W^Wdomain" 1514278;1470288808;mircea_popescu;but he has no wot so no way of enforcing this 1514279;1470288823;mircea_popescu;and, much like the retard with the "live password", no fucking idea what he's doing wrong. 1514280;1470288986;phf;explains how we got here, for every linus-- 100 larses 1514281;1470289015;phf;i have his blog on rotation, and about 2 years ago he stopped posting anything interesting. it's all 1) screenshots from movies he watches 2) photos of comic books he reads 1514282;1470289066;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, anyone saw travolta's outrageous incarnation of a bill clinton idealized above and beyond anything brejnev ever got ? 1514283;1470289073;mircea_popescu;came out right about the time of the impeachment, too. 1514284;1470289226;phf;i don't know the details of ken sievers, some lesser part of systemd's master wrecking plan, involving firmware devices. probably behavior is somehow mandatory in NSA injection sequence. or else guy is just another righteous prick 1514285;1470289275;mircea_popescu;yeah kinda what i was vaguely and amateurishly curious about. 1514286;1470289307;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/IB3T3 1514287;1470289335;mircea_popescu;lol 1514288;1470289350;phf;i'll reread it tomorrow with an eye for malice, unless someone else (looks in direction of asciilifeform) does it first. it does look curious 1514289;1470289371;mircea_popescu;could be a pretty decent qntra :D 1514290;1470289423;phf;thing is gmane is not really for reading, it's a permanent archive of a handful useful technical emails, sort of what google was supposed to be for usenet, before they pulled the plug 1514291;1470289431;BingoBoingo;pls phf qntra 1514292;1470289463;mircea_popescu;explain to me how this thing can be useful as kept by unrelated randos. 1514293;1470289480;mircea_popescu;deedbot, i can see. logs, i can see. what exactly goes into this archive ? why do you trust anything in it ? 1514294;1470289493;mircea_popescu;the age of "we're all intellectuals here and therefore gentlemen" is long gone. 1514295;1470289505;mircea_popescu;no child left behind left no gentlemen behind it. 1514296;1470289557;mircea_popescu;he fucking admits deleting emails. what archive is this ? 1514297;1470289692;phf;intertia? :> sort of eton boys for queen and country long after the empire died 1514298;1470289713;BingoBoingo;http://www.alpharubicon.com/prepinfo/chlorinestoragestats.htm 1514299;1470289749;phf;i think half the conversations here are about coming in terms with how royally "the age" was lost 1514300;1470289802;mircea_popescu;honestly, the age never existed. i've seen such ages, up close and personal. but the composition of this particular version was exceedingly weak. not even teracotta soldiers, more like pillsbury doughmen. 1514301;1470289852;mircea_popescu;excited like little children at paper fortunes, puffing and huffing on their stick horses without an inkling of understanding of how horses work, let alone to what fucking purpose they'd like to run them. and without the clue to even begin not knowing the difference, but noticing something's amiss. 1514302;1470289891;mircea_popescu;"we just want the world to be a better place somehow vaguely and ''technologically'' which is just doublespoken easily, and to be nice to each other". 1514303;1470289901;mircea_popescu;they're hardly qualified to be women, these men. 1514304;1470289911;phf;also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507135 1514305;1470289911;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 15:44 asciilifeform: why not 'die in a fire, scum' 1514306;1470289934;mircea_popescu;quite that idea. 1514307;1470289949;mircea_popescu;except, 2016 ? really ? 1514308;1470289966;mircea_popescu;what happened to tearing the entire us com apart in 1992 ? 1514309;1470289991;mircea_popescu;"there's no further need for a usg computing arm. here's the entire archive of everything. we're moving on." 1514310;1470290004;mircea_popescu;snowden in 2012 ? twenty years late, a single guy ? 1514311;1470290006;mircea_popescu;mmkay. 1514312;1470290044;ben_vulpes;phf: thank you for the insight. 1514313;1470290050;mircea_popescu;woefully behind the times, these men of "wake me up when" 1514314;1470290056;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: thank you for the killfile. 1514315;1470290065;BingoBoingo; ... pillsbury doughmen. >> Can be cured https://i.sli.mg/a6O2Jw.jpg 1514316;1470290104;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo he should go on a tandem bike with those tandem pants... 1514317;1470290114;*;phf bbl 1514318;1470290128;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: With tandem gurlz!!!! 1514319;1470290140;mircea_popescu;ideally, cojoined twins. 1514320;1470290257;mircea_popescu;fucking retards, huddling around "universities" long gutted, hoping to catch a dribblet of dole off some business major's penis. 1514321;1470290357;ben_vulpes;dude the business majors are even more pathetic. 1514322;1470290368;ben_vulpes;now, the business major /chicas/ not so at all. 1514323;1470290390;ben_vulpes;but the male-gendered bowel movements don't have a scrap of dole to redistribute. 1514324;1470290391;mircea_popescu;this strengthens my point. 1514325;1470290412;ben_vulpes;semi-relatedly, i found the wine insulator. 1514326;1470290423;ben_vulpes;i believe that one of the cleaning girls put it in the dishwasher. 1514327;1470290450;ben_vulpes;heh and further lolz of the wine insulator, i once asked one of the staff to bring a bottle up in it 1514328;1470290455;mircea_popescu;crazy american, has more cleannign girls than mating girls on the premises. as a result... wine suffers. 1514329;1470290468;ben_vulpes;he arrived on the deck with the bottle /in/ the insulator, surrounded by ice and /in water/ 1514330;1470290479;ben_vulpes;this a bottle that'd been sitting in the fridge all week. 1514331;1470290503;mircea_popescu;was it also red ? 1514332;1470290507;ben_vulpes;"dude, it's not a cooler. the wine was already cold. it's an /insulator/." 1514333;1470290525;ben_vulpes;no although i did have to lay about with the cane one time when someone brought me a bottle of refrigerated red. 1514334;1470290545;mircea_popescu;girlies here keep asking me if i want ice in it. 1514335;1470290566;ben_vulpes;no es un pais de pobre rose 1514336;1470290574;mircea_popescu;ALL THEY HAVE is fucking reds. 1514337;1470290582;*;ben_vulpes shrugs 1514338;1470290591;mircea_popescu;anyway, i usually ask them in turn how long they've been working, they say something with months in it, i ask them how they like it, they say not very much... 1514339;1470290601;ben_vulpes;i briefly looked into buying a giant waterproof sack and sticking it into a TEU for int'l wine shipping. 1514340;1470290605;mircea_popescu;why be good at somethiung when you could just be argentine. 1514341;1470290621;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ' first step to oil shipping. 1514342;1470290635;ben_vulpes;yeesh have you seen the rates though? 1514343;1470290642;ben_vulpes;like 18k/day i think? 1514344;1470290646;ben_vulpes;down from 100k a year ago? 1514345;1470290659;ben_vulpes;"TANKERS! GETCHER TANKERS!" 1514346;1470290661;mircea_popescu;well, frenzy time dun last. 1514347;1470290674;mircea_popescu;heck, alf should buy one, now's the time. 1514348;1470290676;ben_vulpes;shipglut ain't going anywhere though. 1514349;1470290680;ben_vulpes;srs 1514350;1470290681;mircea_popescu;no fucking way he gets a cheaper seaworthy platform. 1514351;1470290686;ben_vulpes;there are some good deals on the market! 1514352;1470290687;mircea_popescu;small tanker, best possibru vessel. 1514353;1470290689;mircea_popescu;yep. 1514354;1470290715;ben_vulpes;but iono, nato, rockets, enforcement, he'll come up with a reason why it'd never work. 1514355;1470290720;ben_vulpes;"doesn't go underwater" probly 1514356;1470290750;mircea_popescu;the reason is obvious, they start at more millions than he has. not more millions than he;d have had the cardano shipped on schedule and we all make it rich off the exploding share price, but neways. 1514357;1470290751;ben_vulpes;fuck dude go park it off a shipping lane and get weekly oil deliveries if you really burn that much 1514358;1470290768;ben_vulpes;yeah well have to build a cpu first or something 1514359;1470290778;*;ben_vulpes not privy to the uncensored reports 1514360;1470290782;mircea_popescu;hey, we're not even 40 yet. 1514361;1470290802;ben_vulpes;heh, all that means is you're 43 and not willing to come to terms with it yet 1514362;1470290818;mircea_popescu;lol! 1514363;1470290818;ben_vulpes;me i'm not even thirty yet! 1514364;1470290821;BingoBoingo; small tanker, best possibru vessel. << Can even build properly plumbed ark inside!!! 1514365;1470290842;mircea_popescu;speaking of which : there's 10x more women aged 27-29 on facebook than there's women aged 30-35. 1514366;1470290859;mircea_popescu;apparently there's a silent epidemy killing tens of millions of women in their prime and nobody knew anything about it. 1514367;1470290872;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo an ark large enough to build a house in it! with a pool! 1514368;1470290872;ben_vulpes;anyways, unrelatedly, the new box stands on its own two feet. now to close the colo deal, rack and migrate. 1514369;1470290893;BingoBoingo;No, it coincides with facebook being/not being a college student thing when those demographics passed 1514370;1470290913;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: whut? 30-35 is prime wimminzing? 1514371;1470291007;mircea_popescu;we're discussing the medical angle, not the sexual. 1514372;1470291102;ben_vulpes;prime bearing years? 1514373;1470291107;ben_vulpes;i thought that was 16-24 1514374;1470291111;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: 30-35 is when the women should be independent and wealthy after having finished basking in the glory of mircea_popescu and learning 1514375;1470291122;mircea_popescu;works. 1514376;1470291159;mircea_popescu;"old enough to have scarlatine immunity ; young enough to not crack a hip if she drops to the floor" 1514377;1470291400;BingoBoingo;Old enough to have had baby, young enough to not have to look forward to eventual grandbabies 1514378;1470291433;mircea_popescu;i dunno about this babying. oodletons of flesh in various states of decay already produced. 1514379;1470291460;BingoBoingo;Eh, can't recycle them all for stem cells 1514380;1470291471;mircea_popescu;tru, tru. 1514381;1470291574;BingoBoingo;Now that he won the GOP nomination for Missouri governor the ads heat up. Trump is totes going to get primaried in 2020 http://qz.com/749606/the-new-gop-nominee-for-missouri-governor-wants-you-to-vote-for-him-because-he-can-shoot-a-massive-gun-into-nothingness/ 1514382;1470291597;BingoBoingo;20 seconds of firing a rotary canon is the entire ad 1514383;1470291644;mircea_popescu;things are going to shit north of the rio. 1514384;1470291662;ben_vulpes;not so bad west of the cascades though. 1514385;1470291668;BingoBoingo;Or from Orlol's father outlet https://www.rt.com/usa/354538-missouri-candidate-machine-gun-ad/ 1514386;1470291766;BingoBoingo;Democrat turned Republican Trump killed the GOP, Only Democrat turned Republican Greitens can save it 1514387;1470291789;BingoBoingo;The math is simple Action Movie > Reality TV 1514388;1470291989;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1514389;1470291995;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 566.57, vol: 13277.78043571 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 572.555, vol: 10498.95112 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 568.464512, vol: 231705.89610000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 577.4, vol: 3187.60091924 | Volume-weighted last average: 568.643402664 1514390;1470292174;mircea_popescu;oh dude. julia roberts crying on teh set of whatever shitty featurette she's shooting now, because whatever ugly goon ditched her sorry ass ? YES! 1514391;1470292250;BingoBoingo;She sould thank her lucky stars she is too old for http://epmonthly.com/article/the-elephant-test/ 1514392;1470292275;mircea_popescu;i could never fucking stand the twerp. 1514393;1470292277;BingoBoingo;1.5 Liters! 1514394;1470292296;mircea_popescu;hopefully she gets the mj habit. 1514395;1470292312;BingoBoingo;Eh 1514396;1470292875;mircea_popescu;dude what the fuck is that three galon clot 1514397;1470293145;ben_vulpes;"Some of it..." 1514398;1470293153;ben_vulpes;you /are/ getting old! 1514399;1470293187;ben_vulpes;:P 1514400;1470293203;BingoBoingo;Explains the facebook drop! 1514401;1470301839;jurov;BingoBoingo: qntra distributed 1514402;1470310223;thestringpuller;shinohai: Steem is slowly drying up. Volume and depth evaporated from bittrex, and they've openly admitted now it's designed like a ponzi to bring more people to the scene. But what I imagine actually happens, is a bunch of smart people write bots to go to war with each other. the spam bots and counter spam bots. The spam bots pretty much will just extract revenue from spam like anything else, but in this context it actually works, si 1514403;1470310429;shinohai;the new lulz is the sudden coinbase decision to launch etc 1514404;1470310514;thestringpuller;So basically Steemit's fate is being turned into a straight up spam machine since it has no soultion in place for the eternal september except "premined votes from ned and dan" and btc bagholders who bought extremely early and can't yet exit. This is the doom I believe Bitcoin would have faced if Roger, Gavin, Hearia, or whatever incarnation of USG programmed hedonist-bot had hijacked the entire system and allowed spam to be cheap. Th 1514405;1470310558;thestringpuller;The thing that would intrigue me is an updated chart using MP's method from the "lets chronicle the scammer drama" and had a chart for the total loss of the economy due to scams over 2012 charted by month 1514406;1470310946;shinohai;derp shares may rise again on mpex yet 1514407;1470312809;PeterL;mpex.co not responding, what is the correct tld? 1514408;1470312875;shinohai;mpex.site? 1514409;1470312878;shinohai;working for me 1514410;1470316649;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514253 << it was eaten by systemd. there is a (last i saw, working) clean fork, 'eudev'. and it looks like phf explains further down in the l0gz. 1514411;1470316662;asciilifeform;OH FOR FUCKS SAKE 1514412;1470316669;asciilifeform;phf: log down. 1514413;1470316692;asciilifeform;does he run it on winblowz 95 or wat. 1514414;1470317196;asciilifeform;and what is so fucking hard about making the thing retry connect FOREVER if not connected ?? 1514415;1470317198;asciilifeform;i dun get it. 1514416;1470317214;asciilifeform;at this point this thing has been responsible for more tmsr downtime than all of the ddos idiocies of the kako age combined. 1514417;1470319368;asciilifeform;there we go. 1514418;1470319384;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514261 << it sucked. 1514419;1470319384;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 05:16 phf: not really drama as such, oldfag bailed, took his project down with him, project being gmane an old repository of mailing lists (and an ntp<->mailing list proxy) https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2016/07/28/the-end-of-gmane/ 1514420;1470319403;asciilifeform;consider, 'So, anyway, I’m perfectly willing to delete whatever it is they want to have deleted. So I was looking through the stack to see if that was in there somewhere.' 1514421;1470319411;asciilifeform;( https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2011/10/31/legal-proceedings ) 1514422;1470319443;asciilifeform;and ~all of the gmane content is also found elsewhere. 1514423;1470319455;asciilifeform;to the point that i've never thought of gmane as anything but a polluter of search results. 1514424;1470319487;asciilifeform;y'know, quite like those pediwikia clones that once were pestilentially common 1514425;1470319572;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514296 <<<< 1514426;1470319572;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 05:45 mircea_popescu: he fucking admits deleting emails. what archive is this ? 1514427;1470319590;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514300 << it existed. 1514428;1470319590;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 05:50 mircea_popescu: honestly, the age never existed. i've seen such ages, up close and personal. but the composition of this particular version was exceedingly weak. not even teracotta soldiers, more like pillsbury doughmen. 1514429;1470319694;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514350 << tankers are seaworthy?! perhaps by 'i sit on land while lloyds of london pays for the 100 tankers rogue waves sink every year' sense... 1514430;1470319694;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 06:04 mircea_popescu: no fucking way he gets a cheaper seaworthy platform. 1514431;1470319717;asciilifeform;any tub is 'seaworthy' when some OTHER arse drowns on it 1514432;1470319742;asciilifeform;seaworthy per OWN arse means nothing but 'NOTHING the sea can do to this thing, will sink it' 1514433;1470319752;asciilifeform;and go and built tanker that fits this description. 1514434;1470319781;asciilifeform;(need more like bathyscaphe, or at least sub) 1514435;1470319825;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514356 << would someone kindly explain to me WHY i would wish to live on a ship if i had 'millions' ? 1514436;1470319825;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 06:05 mircea_popescu: the reason is obvious, they start at more millions than he has. not more millions than he;d have had the cardano shipped on schedule and we all make it rich off the exploding share price, but neways. 1514437;1470319857;asciilifeform;millions (even, if one is thrifty, a single million, even of usd) can handily buy the requisite degree of social isolation ON LAND 1514438;1470319867;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu hangs out with moneyed folk. how many live on tankers ? 1514439;1470319869;asciilifeform;why not ? 1514440;1470319989;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514357 << when ben_vulpes installs a 1500hp diesel in his living room and reports back re how much fun he is having. 1514441;1470319989;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 06:05 ben_vulpes: fuck dude go park it off a shipping lane and get weekly oil deliveries if you really burn that much 1514442;1470320016;asciilifeform;srsly nobody grasped the point of the boat thread ? 1514443;1470320053;asciilifeform;i am interested in the sea as ~strictly~ a place where the dollar buys moar social-isolation bang than elsewhere, and in no other way. 1514444;1470320167;PeterL;For less than a boat you could get an isolated cabin here in MI and be as isolated as you want 1514445;1470320198;PeterL;seems like empty land would be cheaper than boat in the long run 1514446;1470320459;PeterL;http://www.upmls.com/land.php?view=1088652&board= "The north east corner of the property touches the Ottawa National Forest. The almost one million acres of this Forest extends from the south shore of Lake Superior to the Wisconsin border." 1514447;1470320485;PeterL;$5k 1514448;1470320988;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform iirc the nutso scientology guy did for a decade or so. 1514449;1470321021;mircea_popescu;note that i'm the one explaining "life on the sea" is idiotic, you don't get to hijack that argument. fact remains that IF you're willing to bite the live-on-sea bullet, tanker by far best deal. 1514450;1470321051;mircea_popescu;and WILL STAY best deal, for your lifetime, given that no amateur shithead/copywriter is going to come up with a way to MAKE NEW ships that'll come out cheaper than the tail end of the industrial process. 1514451;1470321078;mircea_popescu;just like no squirrel is ever going to make a cpu that'll be cheaper than simply taking a box of pentiums out of radioshack in a post-apocalyptic world. 1514452;1470321352;BingoBoingo;ty jurov 1514453;1470321617;asciilifeform;they break on waves. 1514454;1470321618;asciilifeform;QED. 1514455;1470321622;asciilifeform;not good deal. 1514456;1470321640;asciilifeform;good deal to send some ~other~ poor fuck on, to carry cargo. 1514457;1470321664;asciilifeform;and cheap - yes, until the diesel cannot be had in the requisite qty. 1514458;1470321675;asciilifeform;nor the parts. 1514459;1470321695;asciilifeform;(quite a few tanker co. have already begun 'downsizing' by removing individual pistons, even..) 1514460;1470321750;mircea_popescu;you crazy ? 1514461;1470321756;mircea_popescu;no tanker broke on anything in 30+ years. 1514462;1470321762;mircea_popescu;they don't break if driven on land ffs. 1514463;1470321784;asciilifeform;http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Observing_the_Earth/Ship-sinking_monster_waves_revealed_by_ESA_satellites << ? 1514464;1470321797;asciilifeform;'Severe weather has sunk more than 200 supertankers and container ships exceeding 200 metres in length during the last two decades. ' << lies ? 1514465;1470321799;mircea_popescu;this i gotta see 1514466;1470321824;asciilifeform;http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/11/science/11wave.html << moar liez? 1514467;1470321843;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have nfi. maybe ? it'd surely help if they listed names. 1514468;1470321852;asciilifeform;maybe ask lloyds? 1514469;1470321872;mircea_popescu;maybe. of course they're talking of ... 1995 ? 1514470;1470321879;mircea_popescu;and the guy... survived ? 1514471;1470321917;mircea_popescu;wtf is esa anyway ? 1514472;1470321949;asciilifeform;euro space 1514473;1470321972;asciilifeform;y'know, the folks with their own crappy gps etc. 1514474;1470322021;mircea_popescu;if you imagine you'll have orlov build you a ship out of a well chosen half walnut that'll perform better in "freakish weather" than a tanker you really should move on to apologetics, what can i say! 1514475;1470322041;asciilifeform;hey i never asserted that the problem was ~solvable~... 1514476;1470322045;asciilifeform;much less by orlol. 1514477;1470322052;asciilifeform;only that it were interesting. 1514478;1470322071;mircea_popescu;well, by far the cheapest masquerade of a solution is spending the 45mn or so to buy a junky old tanker and be happy. 1514479;1470322082;asciilifeform;and small vessels, for all of their faults, are less breakable than large ones. 1514480;1470322150;asciilifeform;incidentally tanker is a poor solution for another reason - it is, like that 'business jet', a 'have slaves machine' 1514481;1470322167;asciilifeform;and certainly not a 'one bloke operates and repairs with his own two hands for 20 years' machine. 1514482;1470322212;asciilifeform;what's it cost to dry-dock a tanker ? 1514483;1470322222;asciilifeform;and in how many spots on planet3 can you do it 1514484;1470322235;mircea_popescu;not really. most tankers run on tiny crews of a dozenand a half to two dozen 1514485;1470322243;mircea_popescu;much less crew than any submarine. 1514486;1470322256;mircea_popescu;also, it's a consumer item. you never drydock it. buy another. 1514487;1470322257;asciilifeform;iirc the crew is largely ceremonial, the thing is driven by computer 1514488;1470322261;mircea_popescu;there's thousands extra. 1514489;1470322262;asciilifeform;buy another! lel 1514490;1470322265;mircea_popescu;doh ? 1514491;1470322278;mircea_popescu;bitch, things cost money. what is this "im of the internet and free plox" ? 1514492;1470322281;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu reminds me of the british ww1 admiral 1514493;1470322294;asciilifeform;who, asked 'how we shall deal with uboats' answered, 'let's boil the atlantic' 1514494;1470322301;mircea_popescu;the whole fucking point of "buy tanker, live on sea" is that you are exploting an early-come apocalypse. 1514495;1470322312;mircea_popescu;the industrial world died. once this means everyone can loot walmart, everyone will 1514496;1470322317;mircea_popescu;currently, it just means "anyone can loot tankers" 1514497;1470322320;mircea_popescu;go, loot. 1514498;1470322332;asciilifeform;walmart and slow targets visible from 50km 1514499;1470322335;asciilifeform;which includes tanker. 1514500;1470322368;asciilifeform;i can understand folks who buy the subs (as described by mircea_popescu re costa rica narcos) but tanker is lunacy. 1514501;1470322376;mircea_popescu;by the time you get to loot, you get to loot like fungi do (visible but nobody to take advantage) 1514502;1470322381;PeterL;Somali pirates spend much less than 45 mn to get their tankers 1514503;1470322382;mircea_popescu;you're not a preditor and do not wish to become one. 1514504;1470322386;mircea_popescu;so therefore, go, photosynthesize. 1514505;1470322398;mircea_popescu;PeterL as above. he's a lilly ass murican, not a somali. 1514506;1470322416;mircea_popescu;he "has better things to do". "do those better things buy you a tanker ?" "don't ask so many questions!" 1514507;1470322419;asciilifeform;PeterL: 'get' until first contact with ru navy. 1514508;1470322438;asciilifeform;by that token, can go to any parking lot and 'get' jaguar, until first police car. 1514509;1470322441;mircea_popescu;so what is this, you'll be sinking the ru navy as part of this project ? 1514510;1470322452;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform most of the better whores can, and do, and that's why i love them. 1514511;1470322473;asciilifeform;did mr reptilia 'get' that aston-martin in the hotel parking lot ? 1514512;1470322485;mircea_popescu;no idea, which is why i never fcared for him. 1514513;1470322493;asciilifeform;for sufficiently flexible 'get', anyone can get-anything.. 1514514;1470322695;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514252 << at one point i even had acct there, decade+ ago, it likely still exists 1514515;1470322695;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 05:10 mircea_popescu: actually. less than 10% of people alive EVER HAD a fb. less than 10% of THOSE touched it in the past year. 1514516;1470322731;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i was using non-us market data. 1514517;1470322762;asciilifeform;it was 'new and fun and for students' etc., but i never really grasped wtf to do with it. 1514518;1470322938;shinohai; asciilifeform best i can offer for backup logz is http://bit-box.org/logs/logs/%23trilema/2016-08-04.html 1514519;1470322957;asciilifeform;shinohai: Framedragger has one as well. 1514520;1470322972;shinohai;ah cool 1514521;1470322983;asciilifeform;shinohai: problem is that there's gotta be a bot relaying link contents, and keeping cross-index, and searchability. 1514522;1470322990;shinohai;mod6 was gonna add one to tbot or something 1514523;1470323022;*;mircea_popescu sings "i did it one step at a time, and it didn't cost me a dime... i got the only one there is around" 1514524;1470323116;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514284 << poetteringism does not exist in order to slip in ~one particular~ cockroach, but to maintain a generally fertile soil for vermin 'control the vertical and the horizontal' (tm) (r) 1514525;1470323116;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 05:40 phf: i don't know the details of ken sievers, some lesser part of systemd's master wrecking plan, involving firmware devices. probably behavior is somehow mandatory in NSA injection sequence. or else guy is just another righteous prick 1514526;1470323145;asciilifeform;which includes 'gender warriors', 'lemme break this until the Right Solution is Consensused', and the whole constellation of plagues. 1514527;1470323411;mircea_popescu;someone should prolly actually classify these, actually. 1514528;1470323433;asciilifeform;needs expert entomologist. 1514529;1470323442;mircea_popescu;there's ~no value in considering the individual "people" as people. take mike hearn. he's not as much "mike hearn" as he is "lemme break this while right solution" + x + y. 1514530;1470323454;mircea_popescu;much smarter would be to create the categories and then just tag the billion vermin 1514531;1470323458;asciilifeform;the shitgnomatic toolkit is not large. 1514532;1470323460;mircea_popescu;than attempt to construct identities for vermin 1514533;1470323467;asciilifeform;there are perhaps half a dozen basic instruments. 1514534;1470323467;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite so. certainly smaller than its flesh. 1514535;1470323480;mircea_popescu;and yes it does need expert entomologist, but wtf we've been doing here. 1514536;1470323486;asciilifeform;bobbeck, for instance, is own thing. 1514537;1470323512;asciilifeform;there are also multiple types of shitproject 1514538;1470323514;mircea_popescu;i'd definitely read carefully / comment on any proposed classification 1514539;1470323534;asciilifeform;systemd gets a good thrashing regularly, but recall flycheck ? 1514540;1470323537;asciilifeform;$s flycheck 1514541;1470323537;a111;36 results for "flycheck", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flycheck 1514542;1470323540;asciilifeform;^ mega-thread 1514543;1470323544;mircea_popescu;but, point being, the story of idiocy would benefit from systematic approach. 1514544;1470323558;asciilifeform;(flycheck was LITERALLY the 'we shall build an alt-country out of stooges and call it your country) 1514545;1470323614;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514446 << mother of all lulz, 'There is no written legal access for this property, or road into this property. There is walk-in-only access from the Ottawa National Forest.' 1514546;1470323614;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 14:20 PeterL: http://www.upmls.com/land.php?view=1088652&board= "The north east corner of the property touches the Ottawa National Forest. The almost one million acres of this Forest extends from the south shore of Lake Superior to the Wisconsin border." 1514547;1470323624;asciilifeform;^ boxed in by usg from all sides! and pay 5k for the privilege 1514548;1470323642;PeterL;but nobody is going to come knocking on your door 1514549;1470323648;asciilifeform;somebody call that 'galt's gulch' idiot, he'll buy 10 of these 1514550;1470323676;asciilifeform;PeterL: no, they'll just wait for you to come out for supplies. 1514551;1470323679;PeterL;just an example, there are plenty of other plots available for about same price, some have road access 1514552;1470323695;PeterL;send servant to get supplies? 1514553;1470323698;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this, you're gonna like : http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-18#1375760 1514554;1470323698;a111;Logged on 2016-01-18 20:35 mircea_popescu: flycheck is hereby banned from anywhere 1514555;1470323702;mircea_popescu;now look at the page. 1514556;1470323707;asciilifeform;PeterL: lol servants 1514557;1470323714;PeterL;pet? 1514558;1470323721;mircea_popescu;FLYCHECK IS STILL BANNED FOR BEING ASSWIPES THAT DELETE CONTENT ON THE QUIET IN AN ATEMPT TO CIRCUMVENT TMSR BAN. 1514559;1470323730;asciilifeform;waitasec where 1514560;1470323732;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, on the other side, we fucking need an auto-archive bot for all links. 1514561;1470323756;asciilifeform;http://www.flycheck.org/conduct.html << aaaah. 1514562;1470323757;asciilifeform;lol. 1514563;1470323759;mircea_popescu;aha. 1514564;1470323774;asciilifeform;http://www.flycheck.org/en/latest/community/conduct.html << it moved. 1514565;1470323778;mircea_popescu;fuck them. 1514566;1470323788;asciilifeform;got longer, turdier, even. 1514567;1470323796;mircea_popescu;it didn't "move". they deleted it to circumvent tmsr ban. then, as you'd expect, later tried to lie about that, too. 1514568;1470323810;mircea_popescu;phf can has archive.is integration for links plox ? 1514569;1470323818;asciilifeform;fuckwits shuffle around their site all the time, breaking links left and right 1514570;1470323823;mircea_popescu;no. 1514571;1470323824;asciilifeform;not necessarily anything intelligent about it 1514572;1470323835;mircea_popescu;intelligence is not here discussed. legal liability is. 1514573;1470323860;asciilifeform;wake me up for the public flogging of every arsemunch who ever broken a link. 1514574;1470323874;asciilifeform;i promise to attend. 1514575;1470323874;mircea_popescu;what "every". what is this, a democracy again ? 1514576;1470323883;mircea_popescu;wake me up when flyckech manages to escape the charge of fraud. 1514577;1470323906;asciilifeform;we were in the process of catalogueing the frauds 1514578;1470323915;mircea_popescu;tho it's still unclear to me what exactly you imagine to achieve through this "wake me up" device. 1514579;1470323934;asciilifeform;it means that i dun expect to live to see a thing. 1514580;1470323965;mircea_popescu;it's still unclear what exactly you imagine to achieve through this "i don't expect to live to see a thing" device either. 1514581;1470323973;danielpbarron;https://archive.is/CDVc1 << it was archived btw 1514582;1470323979;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron gracias. 1514583;1470323993;asciilifeform;before the thread is lost, i'd like to nominate 'flycheck' as an own and distinct type of fraud, the 'bus broke down, yes, we're the bus now!111' device. 1514584;1470324000;mircea_popescu;expectation clearly has no impact on living. so then... "here's my favourite oft repeated nonsequitur" ? 1514585;1470324010;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform word. 1514586;1470324087;asciilifeform;systemd is, fundamentally, of this species: 'systemv init script is... broken!111 yes! and here is REPLACEMENT eat up' 1514587;1470324113;mircea_popescu;"community agreed" 1514588;1470324124;asciilifeform;in every case, one discovers that the supposedly 'broken' original still works great, once you remove the rust and monkey shit it was buried under 1514589;1470324140;mircea_popescu;but it's not enviro friendly! 1514590;1470324154;asciilifeform;(systemv init in systemd's case, flymake in flycheck's) 1514591;1470324198;asciilifeform;a list of these crimes would probably not be wholly waste of time 1514592;1470324229;mircea_popescu;as i said, i'd defo read it. 1514593;1470324233;asciilifeform;i recall distinctly that, e.g., phf, named several cases with which i was not personally familiar. 1514594;1470324254;mircea_popescu;everyone got blogs anyway, and is now desperate for material to fulfill the "one a day" golden rule, amirite ? 1514595;1470324257;mircea_popescu;pe cai, baieti. 1514596;1470324284;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has a quite spiffy article, iirc, concerning the 'bobbeck' species 1514597;1470324289;asciilifeform;the 'komyooniti organizer' 1514598;1470324305;mircea_popescu;buncha those, they piss me off. 1514599;1470324323;mircea_popescu;fucktard beta aspiring to speak in the group. since when may this happen under the fucking sun! 1514600;1470324324;asciilifeform;who, e.g., works 'round the clock to make sure that, e.g., microshit, is heard in the openbsd throne room, and mircea_popescu is not 1514601;1470324365;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's ok, i didn't actually want to say anything @openbsd. 1514602;1470324404;asciilifeform;then there is the 'do-ocrat', as exemplified by boeck, who 'has done SO MUCH for the komoyoonity! and who are you again pigfucker to question his guiding light' 1514603;1470324415;asciilifeform;(see recent link for nearly this very text) 1514604;1470324456;asciilifeform;another, quite distinct species is the weimer 1514605;1470324471;asciilifeform;i.e., an appointed 'burn man' for usg vulns 1514606;1470324488;asciilifeform;who collects 'the glory' of 'finding' hole 1514607;1470324511;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2016/fred-wilson-is-an-idiot-and-other-things/ << better example 1514608;1470324517;mircea_popescu;who the fuck is bock again. 1514609;1470324518;asciilifeform;somehow reliably announcing each 'find' immediately prior to actual people 1514610;1470324547;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag << that one 1514611;1470324572;asciilifeform;^ reactivated ~immediately after the null rng find published 1514612;1470324575;mircea_popescu;heh. 1514613;1470324601;mircea_popescu;oh right right, he was waxing indignant atop some hallucinated "moral superiority" on twitter, "look at these people calling me what i am, clearly i must be right!!1" 1514614;1470324614;mircea_popescu;"support me now, ye imbeciles of the world, lest next they behead you!!11" 1514615;1470324616;asciilifeform;let's also not forget the most numerous tool, 1514616;1470324619;asciilifeform;the useful idiot 1514617;1470324654;asciilifeform;to whom tmsr folk are 'extremist crackots' with (direct quote) 'obvious signs of mental illness', and hanno boeck is a pillar of the komyooniti. 1514618;1470324660;asciilifeform;and who 'just want to' (tm) (r) etc. 1514619;1470324691;mircea_popescu;sure. the only problem is that apparently "pillar of komyooniti" is a disease that kills, whereas "obvious signs of mental illness" is a pretty good predictor of stability. 1514620;1470324716;mircea_popescu;wasn't that sloven fucktard derping about how "everything will come to grief because mp stopped subsidizing my sorry ass AND I THOUGHT I WAS ENTITLED!11" 1514621;1470324779;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: believe or not, kako was actually complaining earlier, why do i discuss phuctor finds 'there, in the nuttery' and not 'here' 1514622;1470324800;asciilifeform;('here' being his lonely hut.) 1514623;1470324847;asciilifeform;truly a puzzling fella. 1514624;1470324887;mircea_popescu;yeah, whatever. i can't be arsed to have anyone dig it up, but certainly germane to this idiocy. imbecile went as far to actually ~predict~, the obviously falsifiable point, that somehow the republic is unstable. because omg, it breks the tenets of socialism and dares have personally invested sovereignity, THEREFORE IT MUST BE BAD. 1514625;1470324924;mircea_popescu;the sort of braindamage that'll make one continue putting out predictions that are regularly falsified instead of fixing the tool that produces them is something else. 1514626;1470324970;asciilifeform;neh, 'not falsified yet!!', see, fella's gonna sit by the river-side waitin' for our corpses to float by till he dies 1514627;1470324981;asciilifeform;or so at least is the impression. 1514628;1470325010;mircea_popescu;(and if you're unwilling to beat your children, this is what you produce. this unrelenting sort of idiot who's never had to learn on his own skin at the age of 3, when the skin is soft and the flesh fixes quickly, that escalation is not to be tried idly ; then has to learn it in the life's school of hard knocks, where there's no fix and no way to grow head back out of beheaded neck.) 1514629;1470325053;asciilifeform;speaking of scraps of living matter in the pipe, http://qntra.net/2016/08/phuctor-finds-seven-keys-produced-with-null-rng-and-other-curiosities/#comment-66086 1514630;1470325088;asciilifeform;'though the pgp keys in question do not import into gpg, they can be imported in a couple javascript pgp-trons: https://www.igolder.com/PGP/encryption/ and http://ianpurton.com/online-pgp/ ...' 1514631;1470325102;asciilifeform;FINALLY somebody does this thing that i asked for 1+yr ago. 1514632;1470325126;asciilifeform;(i challenged the #b-a folk 'dontcha get tired of making monkey noises at mp, try being useful') 1514633;1470325333;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu has a quite spiffy article, iirc, concerning the 'bobbeck' species << mircea_popescu has a quite spiffy article, iirc, concerning the 'bobbeck' species 1514634;1470325344;BingoBoingo;^ http://trilema.com/the-public-burning-of-bob-beck 1514635;1470325349;asciilifeform;aha! 1514636;1470325350;asciilifeform;it. 1514637;1470325457;mircea_popescu;of course... the other view here is that the dictionary of stupidity sunk flaubert, or to quote, "will be the death of me" . 1514638;1470325487;asciilifeform;the pretense of exhaustive listing, sinks, yes 1514639;1470325495;asciilifeform;but pest control starts with identification of species. 1514640;1470325532;mircea_popescu;this is true. flaubert... had his issues. 1514641;1470325562;BingoBoingo;Gamma-Cyrethrin FTW! 1514642;1470325781;BingoBoingo;In other lol organophosphate from flower plant good, from chemical plant bad!!! https://www.amazon.com/review/R13Z9ISQBKINA0/ref=cm_cr_dp_cmt?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0035HA0AK&channel=detail-glance&nodeID=2972638011&store=lawn-garden#wasThisHelpful 1514643;1470325943;*;asciilifeform wonders what the boecks will move on to now that 'snore, gpg won't import the keyz' is addressed 1514644;1470326016;mircea_popescu;well... it's not really addressed! 1514645;1470326073;*;covertress waves hi to mircea_popescu 1514646;1470326092;mircea_popescu;hola. 1514647;1470326103;covertress;fireworks in 5 mins http://fuckethereum.com/ 1514648;1470326108;covertress;:) 1514649;1470326141;covertress;I do enjoy a good show. 1514650;1470326199;BingoBoingo;covertress: Wait, they FIGHT ENTROPY???? BAD ANARCHISTS!!! 1514651;1470326246;covertress;don't shoot the messenger 1514652;1470326536;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/faq << updated. 1514653;1470326644;mircea_popescu;nb. 1514654;1470326663;mircea_popescu;"VIII. But Hanno Böck explained that" / "VIII. But I heard that" 1514655;1470326669;mircea_popescu;gotta understand how namebombing works irl. 1514656;1470326689;asciilifeform;? 1514657;1470326716;mircea_popescu;how am i going to answer a ghost of a question! 1514658;1470326743;asciilifeform;elaborate why not 'bock explained' 1514659;1470326800;mircea_popescu;for humans, because it doesn't serve any purpose to credit idiots; with anything. for computers, because the whole point of the idiot being named is to make it impossible for his life to continue outside of his association with his fucking a pig. 1514660;1470326822;mircea_popescu;reusing the name does nothing for either, and moreover there's no cause for it. he's nothing to nobody, except a pig fucker with a matching face. 1514661;1470326859;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: done. 1514662;1470326931;mircea_popescu;aquae et ignis, you understand. "flycheck" lacks the ability to "it moved" much like hanno bock lacks the ability to "tell" anyone anything. 1514663;1470326972;mircea_popescu;these aren't to be assumed, just because fucktards think socialism, and all things are equal and all "people" are special and so forth. 1514664;1470327041;asciilifeform;well when instead of 'boeck said...' i say 'the lizard octopus proclaimed via one of its tentacles...' folks laugh. 1514665;1470327078;asciilifeform;somehow the face trick works. 1514666;1470327079;mircea_popescu;so then say "i heard" 1514667;1470327095;asciilifeform;i dun like the female-gossiptronic aspect of 'i heard' 1514668;1470327102;asciilifeform;there was a mouth, that spoke the nonsense 1514669;1470327104;asciilifeform;why not point the mouth. 1514670;1470327349;mircea_popescu;you're getting the brunt of it for your "sin" of being naively open, but whatever, you're a big enough boy to survive it i'd hope : the above orcish "when stated plainly they laugh so whatever, the face trick seems to work" is a large part of why people like rms failed without meaning to and without realising they were. much like the hurtless cut of the apple carpace. 1514671;1470327369;mircea_popescu;they're built up to exploit the force of this "it works" mistake you understand ? much like a revolver uses the gas to move the next round. 1514672;1470327408;mircea_popescu;the thing to focus on is the hearer, not the mouth. 1514673;1470327441;mircea_popescu;this is how the ethereum humiliation worked ; and why ; and wherefore. and it's how the bitfinex thing played out, for the same reasons. 1514674;1470327464;mircea_popescu;use the tools shown to bring back head of lizzard in battle ; not the ones that are shiny in the sun. 1514675;1470327519;asciilifeform;i understand quite well that hearns, boecks, etc. are used and discarded by octopus, like condoms. 1514676;1470327546;asciilifeform;and have 0 individual input on tactic, much less strategy. 1514677;1470327565;asciilifeform;(when has anyone last even heard of hearn?) 1514678;1470327583;asciilifeform;also i would like to buy mircea_popescu's revolver that uses gas to move next round ! 1514679;1470327584;asciilifeform;can haz ? 1514680;1470327619;covertress;¯¯̿̿¯̿̿'̿̿̿̿̿̿̿'̿̿'̿̿̿̿̿'̿̿̿)͇̿̿)̿̿̿̿ '̿̿̿̿̿̿\̵͇̿̿\=(•̪̀●́)=o/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿̿ 1514681;1470327622;*;asciilifeform pictures miniature chaingun from 'doom' 1514682;1470327636;covertress;fireworks over 1514683;1470327648;asciilifeform;dafuq was that 1514684;1470327667;covertress;ascii art, my dear 1514685;1470327672;covertress;:) 1514686;1470327757;asciilifeform;on my planet there is no right->left compositive hangul strange in ascii. 1514687;1470327816;*;covertress waves goodbye to mircea_popescu 1514688;1470328016;mircea_popescu;lol. ok ok, blowback, whatevs. 1514689;1470328029;asciilifeform;blockback revolver ? 1514690;1470328045;asciilifeform;iirc korovin designed one, a few were made 1514691;1470328064;mircea_popescu;should be interesting to try lol 1514692;1470328092;asciilifeform;afaik it worked, but was thrown out because it sheds the one serious plus of revolver (simplicity) but keeps the minus (limited capacity) 1514693;1470328100;asciilifeform;sorta like ecc crypto. 1514694;1470328111;mircea_popescu;well, the "inertia locking" thing is kinda useful in theory. 1514695;1470328121;mircea_popescu;no idea, i've not had drinks with kalashnikov. 1514696;1470328148;asciilifeform;kalashnikov afaik never designed pistols. 1514697;1470328156;asciilifeform;you need drinks with stechkin et al. 1514698;1470328168;mircea_popescu;apparently i need drinks with someone to tell me who to drink with. 1514699;1470328182;asciilifeform;lel 1514700;1470328255;mircea_popescu;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_gun#/media/File:Chaingun.jpg << so do these fucktards. 1514701;1470328268;mircea_popescu;what the fuck emplacement is that, "we trust we will never have to use this under fire ; and ideally - at all" ? 1514702;1470328285;asciilifeform;where's the shield..? 1514703;1470328308;mircea_popescu;where's the "i'd like to not have a wall a foot behind me to reflect all napalm and ricochet on my head" 1514704;1470328330;asciilifeform;anyway this is american sop, they don't expect to be fired on by so much as bb gun. 1514705;1470328341;mircea_popescu;so how is it a warship then. 1514706;1470328348;asciilifeform;strafe defenseless tub? yes! party! 1514707;1470328364;asciilifeform;it's not 'war ship' any more than f-35 is 'war plane' 1514708;1470328372;asciilifeform;it is 'strafe savages from safe distance' machine. 1514709;1470328416;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing as "a safe distance autocannon" for the love of fuck. 1514710;1470328431;mircea_popescu;the autocannon is the armor equivalent of the roman gladius. 1514711;1470328446;asciilifeform;iirc they were installed after the uss cole incident. 1514712;1470328458;asciilifeform;for perforating uninvited rowboats etc. 1514713;1470328480;mircea_popescu;such design process. 1514714;1470328511;asciilifeform;same 'design process' as made every usg outpost a horrendous mess of bollards and spikes 1514715;1470328652;BingoBoingo; for perforating uninvited rowboats etc. << Hey rowboats were entire threat model justifying TWO classes of littoral comabt ship 1514716;1470328713;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i thought they were for smugglers with subs 1514717;1470328715;asciilifeform;or sumthing. 1514718;1470328742;mircea_popescu;it can engage subs ? 1514719;1470328757;asciilifeform;i have nfi, it perhaps claims to 'engage' even martians, for all i know. 1514720;1470328759;mircea_popescu;how, 90 degree rotation and plows for the sub with its beak ? 1514721;1470328760;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Rowboats were the Pubic rallying cry though. But yes everything else seems to suggest designed to beat up on plywood narco subs 1514722;1470328787;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: at some point torpedos were imagined 1514723;1470328801;mircea_popescu;that thing at no point was considered with a torpedo in mind. 1514724;1470328822;mircea_popescu;literally, anything from ww2 even, should it score a hit in that horrendous lip of nonsense will crack the ship in two and sink it 1514725;1470328830;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the sub in question is not the ru diesel thing, but the plywood handcraft items BingoBoingo refers to, their only defense is to motor in the other direction when they notice pursuit. hence wankery re 'stealth' patrol boats etc. 1514726;1470328843;deedbot;[Qntra] Phree Software Download Website Fosshub Distributed MBR Tainting Malware - http://qntra.net/2016/08/phree-software-download-website-fosshub-distributed-mbr-tainting-malware/ 1514727;1470328853;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a torpedo tube isn't THAT heavy. 1514728;1470328878;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Firing torpedos... somehow 1514729;1470328916;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it needs such things as locks and seals. the plywood boats are very spartan affairs, lacking even flush toilet. 1514730;1470328925;BingoBoingo;Where to fit torpedos among imaginary missiles, mortars and helicopers is a mystery 1514731;1470328948;mircea_popescu;afaik the tube is actually self-contained. you could just tie it on with chicken wire and will still work. 1514732;1470328971;asciilifeform;torpedo per se is a costly pleasure. 1514733;1470328979;BingoBoingo;I dunno if thing actually has armament beyond thing next Missouri governor fired at/above lake in most recent ad 1514734;1470328987;mircea_popescu;sure, but in the million range. cocaine should afford one. 1514735;1470328991;asciilifeform;(aha, and mircea_popescu will say, 'steal 1,001 of them' but then why not also steal ship.) 1514736;1470329008;mircea_popescu;a torpedo really is not THAT expensive. 1514737;1470329015;asciilifeform;even in ww2, with actual navies, most targets weren't worth a torpedo. 1514738;1470329018;asciilifeform;hence deck guns. 1514739;1470329031;mircea_popescu;in ww2 most targets were also not worth an ipad. 1514740;1470329042;asciilifeform;torpedo easily cost year's pay of officer. 1514741;1470329082;mircea_popescu;the officiall us cost for the mk48 is ~4mn. 1514742;1470329092;mircea_popescu;and we'll deduct from this the usual alf "golden toilet" premium yes ? 1514743;1470329097;asciilifeform;looks like it has not become cheaper, either..? 1514744;1470329099;asciilifeform;lel 1514745;1470329137;mircea_popescu;not that anyone needs a 50km range ton-and-a-half monster. 1514746;1470329184;mircea_popescu;(it should be pointed out that the torpedo also weighs about the same as a year worth of officer) 1514747;1470329565;asciilifeform;speaking of '50km monster', i always wondered why not 'intercontinental torpedo' 1514748;1470329570;asciilifeform;if yer gonna have a nuke in the thing... 1514749;1470329578;asciilifeform;guidance via oceanographic db. 1514750;1470329604;PeterL;sort of like drone sub with atomic warhead? 1514751;1470329620;asciilifeform;atomic. or cocainiferous. etc. 1514752;1470329629;asciilifeform;whichever payload appropriate for the occasion. 1514753;1470329645;mircea_popescu;shinohai strangely enough, slack can afford to pay for advertising on pastebin ; can not afford to make the people it defrauded whole. 1514754;1470329667;mircea_popescu;so then you'll have a sub inside the sub ? 1514755;1470329677;asciilifeform;launch from shore. 1514756;1470329688;PeterL;and pick up on other shore 1514757;1470329733;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: slack? or slock ? 1514758;1470329743;mircea_popescu;wait these are distinct ? 1514759;1470329745;asciilifeform;(slack is a chat thing?) 1514760;1470329761;mircea_popescu;i thought the grimy looking tual fellow had... a chat thing ? 1514761;1470329769;asciilifeform;slock is this orc subcontractor that only existed in light of ethertardium 1514762;1470329779;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is everyone in vcland making "chat things" after we started a chat thing is anyone's guess. 1514763;1470329788;asciilifeform;slack is an american vc corp thing 1514764;1470329795;mircea_popescu;what, unlike "slock" ? 1514765;1470329802;asciilifeform;iirc slock was euro 1514766;1470329810;mircea_popescu;euro vc ? 1514767;1470329817;mircea_popescu;what, like... danish venture capital ? 1514768;1470329833;asciilifeform;euro buncha-dudes-in-a-cellar 1514769;1470329874;*;mircea_popescu still chuckles at the "conference" where the various "captains of industree" were discussing who sleeps on whose floor, because one of them was subletting or bumming out or w/e in some flat in london 1514770;1470329878;BingoBoingo;slack seems to just be chat 1514771;1470329882;mircea_popescu;by which "london" we mean ... god help it. 1514772;1470329912;asciilifeform;https://slack.com << often used by american software co. sorta like irc-cum-logz for the terminally lazy 1514773;1470329924;asciilifeform;proprietary proggy, central server, etc. 1514774;1470329934;*;asciilifeform has used 1514775;1470330076;shinohai;ewwww 1514776;1470330102;asciilifeform;shinohai: it lives in the land of 'aol messenger', microshit outlook, etc. 1514777;1470330149;asciilifeform;is a pretty typical work of heathendom. 1514778;1470330261;mircea_popescu;so why not just use irc ? i suppose these charge at some point no ? 1514779;1470330283;asciilifeform;because then someone has to sweat, setting up logz, search, bots, etc. 1514780;1470330293;trinque;irc doesn't have emojis and gifs.. would be the "reason" 1514781;1470330298;asciilifeform;why not, thinks luser, put money in the clown head, and eat. 1514782;1470330310;asciilifeform;and of course it charges. 1514783;1470330332;mircea_popescu;so why the fuck would a software house hire eh nevermind. 1514784;1470330335;asciilifeform;and comes with pnoje APP!!1111 etc. 1514785;1470330339;mircea_popescu;i'm not advanced enough for modernity. 1514786;1470330479;asciilifeform;it is really 'we want tmsr-like machine but all get got is a pile of usd, let's have whatever much cardboard approximation it buys' 1514787;1470330487;asciilifeform;*we got 1514788;1470330524;mircea_popescu;seems such a trivially tiny project tho 1514789;1470330559;asciilifeform;eh, supporting the various smart-pnoje clients alone probably employs a whole slave galley 1514790;1470330566;mircea_popescu;almost like an entry bar. "if you can't get your team irc room together you're all fired" 1514791;1470330568;asciilifeform;iirc ben_vulpes eats off this, just for some niche industry somewhere 1514792;1470330632;mircea_popescu;i suppose this leads us to the fundamental tmsr reform. our view is exclusive, "either it works with this or is banned" ; their view is inclusive, "either it works with this or we change the this" 1514793;1470330637;mircea_popescu;important point i guess. 1514794;1470330646;asciilifeform;the proprietary clients do such things as guaranteed retro-ordering of messages, very frustrating to folks raised on irc, but the folks who have it - expect it. 1514795;1470330658;asciilifeform;and yes. 1514796;1470330663;mircea_popescu;who the fuck in management would say anything other than "so buy a proper phone" to employee who was like "i can't call the company" 1514797;1470330675;mircea_popescu;what's retro-ordering ? 1514798;1470330709;asciilifeform;when boss keys in a message, but he is in a lift, so it doesn't post until he comes out, but he wants it pinned to time T 1514799;1470330711;asciilifeform;when he was in the lift. 1514800;1470330718;asciilifeform;ask ~them~, not me, why this is necessary. 1514801;1470330735;mircea_popescu;ahahaha what! 1514802;1470330749;mircea_popescu;but how the fuck does this work, i can just set my system time and send messages back to 2014 ? 1514803;1470330756;asciilifeform;sort of like having a log, except in everybody's client at once, and with heavy does of 'promise' (vs protocol) 1514804;1470330779;asciilifeform;*dose 1514805;1470330819;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and quite possibly. if anyone cared to reverse the client, all kinds of marvels may yet become possible. 1514806;1470330829;mircea_popescu;this is ridiculous. 1514807;1470330842;asciilifeform;i did say! typical work of heathendom. 1514808;1470330844;asciilifeform;didn't i. 1514809;1470330849;mircea_popescu;you did say. 1514810;1470330882;mircea_popescu;quite typical, too, in the elevator example. "i want things to be made to be what i thought they were going to be at no expense to me!" 1514811;1470330933;asciilifeform;y'know, like the tsar who drew a line on the map with a pencil and ordered rail laid just-so 1514812;1470330940;asciilifeform;through mountains etc. 1514813;1470331093;deedbot;[Qntra] Blog Post On Insurance Disappears From BitGo Website - http://qntra.net/2016/08/blog-post-on-insurance-disappears-from-bitgo-website/ 1514814;1470331140;mircea_popescu;lmao. 1514815;1470331148;mircea_popescu;all these idiots with usagi "insurance". 1514816;1470331160;mircea_popescu;but no, they know shit and have opinions on matters and whatnot. 1514817;1470331171;mircea_popescu;and then, THEN, when it comes time to eat the shit they don't gop 1514818;1470331172;BingoBoingo;Well, grab a shovel and a wheelbarrow 1514819;1470331190;mircea_popescu;they don't go "hey, you know what, MP was right all along, we ARE fucking idiots not fit to lick his boots clean, and will henceforth do just that" 1514820;1470331191;asciilifeform;then they derp about 'obvious signs of mental illness' 1514821;1470331204;mircea_popescu;no, instead it's just "silently" erase history and... keep the pretense going. 1514822;1470331220;mircea_popescu;that way, they can be sure they will also never be fit to lick my boots clean, ever. 1514823;1470331225;asciilifeform;to a muppet, anyone who refuses to participate in the consensual 'reality' is dangerous lunatic. 1514824;1470331242;mircea_popescu;the rapings will continue until attitude improves. 1514825;1470331345;*;BingoBoingo feeling bearish, because what happens when the fuck juice runs out???? 1514826;1470331962;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2015/02/bitgo-offers-insurance-the-fdic-way/ << lol came true. now no insurance at all. 1514827;1470331983;BingoBoingo;ty, gotta add link 1514828;1470331986;thestringpuller;what was the theft. ~120k 1514829;1470331994;thestringpuller;;;market buy 120000 1514830;1470331996;gribble;Bitstamp | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would buy 9580.7606 bitcoins, for a total of 33190089.2632 USD and take the price to 1000000000.0000. | Data vintage: 0.0211 seconds 1514831;1470332018;thestringpuller;everyone is fucked even if they had insurance 1514832;1470332062;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1514833;1470332146;thestringpuller;http://archive.is/wbNAk << i forgot all about that. 1514834;1470332476;thestringpuller;can insurance even exist in bitcoin yet without devolving into Usagi antics? the liability it too high to insure bitcoin with bitcoin. and insuring bitcoin with fiat isn't insurance. 1514835;1470332510;asciilifeform;insurance against flood, fires ? 1514836;1470332517;asciilifeform;or against 'losing coins' 1514837;1470332528;asciilifeform;which is perhaps the ultimate in 'moral hazard' and a crock of shit 1514838;1470332533;thestringpuller;losing something directly tied to coins. 1514839;1470332550;thestringpuller;anything related to loss of coins. 1514840;1470332554;thestringpuller;isn't insurable. 1514841;1470332597;asciilifeform;moral hazard: 1) insure 2) 'lose' 3) find 4) profit!!! 1514842;1470332624;deedbot;[Qntra] Louisiana Enacts and New York Considers Protecting Law Enforcement With Hate Crime Laws - http://qntra.net/2016/08/louisiana-enacts-and-new-york-considers-protecting-law-enforcement-with-hate-crime-laws/ 1514843;1470332644;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: that assumes a smart scammer. 1514844;1470332649;asciilifeform;go and try to insure a pile of usd you keep in your mattress, see what, e.g., lloyds, answers. 1514845;1470332789;thestringpuller;That was probably the case for people scamming usagi, which is what it boiled down to. Usagi issued insurance against people who were exposed to pirate (insured their debts), then collected it into risk trenches (A, B and C) of descending risk. he did 0 underwriting, and was overconfident. So all the people who told him they weren't exposed to pirate were. 1514846;1470332822;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: are you familiar with MPEx CDO? And how the derpage was so bad it was like a 60% default rate. 1514847;1470332830;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2016/08/louisiana-enacts-and-new-york-considers-protecting-law-enforcement-with-hate-crime-laws/#comment-66094 1514848;1470332831;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1514849;1470332847;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller quite huh. nice. 1514850;1470332861;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2012/bitcoin-still-not-quite-ready-for-cdos/ 1514851;1470332883;asciilifeform;' If (1) the victim was (A) a government officer or employee; (B) a former government officer or employee; or (C) a member of the immediate family of a person described in subdivision (A) or (B); and (2) the offense of conviction was motivated by such status, increase by 3 levels.' 1514852;1470332917;mircea_popescu;they somehow fail to grasp this a) has al ong history of being tried which b) never failed to produce the opposite effect. 1514853;1470332947;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/08/louisiana-enacts-and-new-york-considers-protecting-law-enforcement-with-hate-crime-laws/#comment-66095 1514854;1470333058;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo subject to enhance penalties as "hate" crimes. << missed a d 1514855;1470333090;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1514856;1470333095;mircea_popescu;also it should probably be noted that what worries them isn't "attacking police officer", but the very tmrs-esque "attack government drone" 1514857;1470333113;mircea_popescu;supposedly this luft will protect them. somehow. who knows. 1514858;1470333131;mircea_popescu;they believe they'll get pensions, so why wouldn't they believe the usg will somehow, magically, protect them and their families. 1514859;1470333192;mircea_popescu;it protected the people involved in its various wars, from iraq to bitcoin, ever so grandiosely well. it even managed to protect its ground installations in say libya, or for that matter ethereum... 1514860;1470333201;asciilifeform;in usa, hoodlums stab, shoot, club, push off cliff, run over, cops every day of the week 1514861;1470333204;asciilifeform;normally nobody gives half a shit 1514862;1470333210;mircea_popescu;sean smith could be you today, and WILL be you tomorrow, yo! 1514863;1470333211;asciilifeform;so long as it stays a 'disorganized' thing. 1514864;1470333226;mircea_popescu;not really. recently old woman got stabbed, remember ? 1514865;1470333236;asciilifeform;aha? 1514866;1470333253;mircea_popescu;apparently a warning ain't enough. which... hey, the beatings can definitely continue. 1514867;1470333263;asciilifeform;iirc was some bureaucrat ? 1514868;1470333271;mircea_popescu;quite. "government employee" in this verbiage. 1514869;1470333291;mircea_popescu;how many unknown hillary clintons will have to paint the sidewalk before usg admits defeat and goes to licking selected boots ? 1514870;1470333291;asciilifeform;(in usa, this is typically not nyooz, recall the missouri governor - typically a whole president has to get plugged before it is nyooz) 1514871;1470333301;mircea_popescu;oh it will be news. 1514872;1470333349;asciilifeform;lulzily i had just freshly come back from that part of bmore, when i read the nyooz item re the old woman. 1514873;1470333371;asciilifeform;it must have been a clean job, no constellations of police or whatevers afterward. 1514874;1470333444;asciilifeform;i still have nfi what her political place was 1514875;1470333459;asciilifeform;(fits, or does not, the 'nailgunned for not playing nice' scenario ?) 1514876;1470333867;mircea_popescu;think tank old woman "not playing nice" ? 1514877;1470333872;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1514878;1470333873;BingoBoingo; (in usa, this is typically not nyooz, recall the missouri governor - typically a whole president has to get plugged before it is nyooz) << Auditor, would have been governor 1514879;1470336057;BingoBoingo;Phun Phact, soybeans bleed red when you cut their roots 1514880;1470336105;deedbot;[Qntra] Monsanto On Dicamba Drift Disaster: We Are Not An Enforcement Agency, To Argentina: We Are An Enforcement Agency - http://qntra.net/2016/08/monsanto-on-dicamba-drift-disaster-we-are-not-an-enforcement-agency-to-argentina-we-are-an-enforcement-agency/ 1514881;1470336728;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1514882;1470336730;gribble;Current Blocks: 423672 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 1703 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 4 hours, 53 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1514883;1470336733;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1514884;1470336738;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 563.29, vol: 9617.39258584 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 571.0, vol: 5857.64775 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 559.247465, vol: 194354.98870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 572.88, vol: 3094.75560473 | Volume-weighted last average: 559.951517469 1514885;1470336893;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1514886;1470336899;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 422.617272, vol: 9557.45953991 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 428.1358, vol: 5856.48453 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 420.575265, vol: 194530.62940000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 452.0, vol: 42.19618789 | Volume-weighted last average: 420.885382441 1514887;1470337102;ben_vulpes;i eat off what now? 1514888;1470337108;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: 1514889;1470337114;asciilifeform;pnoje appz? 1514890;1470337228;ben_vulpes;oh yeah 1514891;1470337285;ben_vulpes;read as though you were implying i lived off setting ircd's up for folks. 1514892;1470337292;ben_vulpes;unrelated lolz http://www.kaynemcgladrey.com/about/ 1514893;1470337294;asciilifeform;le 1514894;1470337295;asciilifeform;l 1514895;1470337318;asciilifeform;dafuq is that 1514896;1470337325;ben_vulpes;some remora 1514897;1470337389;ben_vulpes;http://www.kaynemcgladrey.com/events/ << shit is like 101 1514898;1470337393;ben_vulpes;"how to schedule a meeting" 1514899;1470337404;ben_vulpes;"in this webinar, i will teach you how to hold your dick." 1514900;1470337424;ben_vulpes;"first, unzip your pants. unroll your sea slug into your left hand." 1514901;1470337432;ben_vulpes;"look! you are now holding your dick." 1514902;1470338650;mircea_popescu;i want to say that i followed some instructions provided in this website and ended up holding an unmentionable part in my hand. 1514903;1470338660;mircea_popescu;i would like you to delete this dangerous material from the interweb and google. 1514904;1470338761;ben_vulpes;here let me dig through the archives 1514905;1470338769;ben_vulpes;i'm sure i can delete it from everyone's logs 1514906;1470338775;ben_vulpes;two weeks 1514907;1470339119;mircea_popescu;This week, due to your GNAA postings, I just suffered the loss of an important job opportunity, and contract because an individual obtained the private parts I had not intended for hand distribution. After the irc error I wrote several people on that chat ridiculed me. 1514908;1470339119;mircea_popescu;As I informed Mr. [redacted], there are treatises between the Nations of the United States and yours, I believe, Norway, which mandate compliance with the California State and Federal privacy laws respectively. 1514909;1470339123;mircea_popescu;exclamation point. 1514910;1470339171;asciilifeform;waiwat 1514911;1470339174;mircea_popescu;The penalties that can be adjudged against you due to your reckless and knowing violation of the aforementioned act, and my privacy rights under the California Constitution, the highest law in the land for any one person living in the State of California, are very high. 1514912;1470339204;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform https://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2013/08/17/the-internet-help-desk/ some pretty choice lulz in there. 1514913;1470339511;asciilifeform;for some reason the michael church thing comes to mind 1514914;1470339561;mircea_popescu;pretty much everyone with a visible anything gets a ton of these 1514915;1470339562;asciilifeform;0 google hits btw 1514916;1470339564;mircea_popescu;tpb also had a lulzy page 1514917;1470339576;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/how-the-other-half-lives-or-michael-o-church-is-a-scummy-fuckwit << subj. 1514918;1470339597;*;asciilifeform wonders how the shmuck got pulled from google 1514919;1470339623;mircea_popescu;http://www.sitelinks.info/search/michael-o-church/ << the internets beg to differ. 1514920;1470339642;asciilifeform;perhaps it is only the trilema result that was yanked. nfi. 1514921;1470339737;mircea_popescu;maybe your google lies. 1514922;1470339763;asciilifeform;no doubt. 1514923;1470339823;asciilifeform;https://yandex.ru/search/?text=michael%20o%20church%20trilema << finds immediately. 1514924;1470339853;mircea_popescu;in fairness, using google is not unlike using the bitcoin network. 1514925;1470339861;mircea_popescu;gotta maintain numerous connections and compare the various lies 1514926;1470339873;mircea_popescu;the naive "i connected to one, should be good rite???" thing dun work since late 90s 1514927;1470339884;*;asciilifeform at one point had an automatic thing for this, but it rusted 1514928;1470339892;asciilifeform;i can rarely be arsed these days. 1514929;1470339958;mircea_popescu;it's not that useful, no. 1514930;1470340626;asciilifeform;to go up stack: the 'delete my history of disgraceful failure OR ELSE!1111' thing is an idiocy that does not come from empty space, but from monkeys watching lizard organs do ~same thing routinely 1514931;1470340636;asciilifeform;straight imitation. 1514932;1470340648;asciilifeform;'ME TOO!!!1111' 1514933;1470340685;mircea_popescu;quite possibly. 1514934;1470340707;mircea_popescu;also a nice bastadization of "you can be anything" with "if you want something the whole universe coelhospires for it to happen" 1514935;1470340770;mircea_popescu;but it's certainly quite deep. the vermin doesn't merely aim to a comfortable existence, but more importantly to a memory-less situation. 1514936;1470340777;mircea_popescu;hence the whole "anonymous" bullshit. 1514937;1470340803;asciilifeform;a memory-less situation is quite incompatible with 'comfortable existence' for these folx. 1514938;1470340809;asciilifeform;*memory-full 1514939;1470340812;mircea_popescu;how do you figure? 1514940;1470340815;mircea_popescu;ah ah yeah. 1514941;1470340839;mircea_popescu;hence all the "drugs will make things better". the ONE thing all psychoactives have in common is a destruction of identity through fucking up memory. 1514942;1470340855;mircea_popescu;this is also a large portion of why i'm so nonplussed by theoretical "improvements" 1514943;1470340885;asciilifeform;baseless generalization. 1514944;1470340896;asciilifeform;~sleep debt~ will zap memory, yes. 1514945;1470340898;mircea_popescu;there's a fundamental, perhaps "not visible" in some lights line that distinguishes the college twerps who KNOW what they did from the college twerps who need someone else to tell them what they did. 1514946;1470340910;mircea_popescu;quite blockchain-like, this. 1514947;1470340924;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform really ? get drunk sometime. 1514948;1470340936;asciilifeform;clearly i have not been sufficiently drunk ? 1514949;1470340979;mircea_popescu;clearly. 1514950;1470340982;mircea_popescu;$s blackout 1514951;1470340982;a111;34 results for "blackout", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=blackout 1514952;1470340986;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1514953;1470340995;*;asciilifeform always suspected that 'fuhgettting', such as happens to drunks, is very similar to other things which happen to drunks, in being substantially a matter of ~wanting to~ 1514954;1470341011;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1514955;1470341023;BingoBoingo;One can not soak the brain in solvents without solving some brain! 1514956;1470341029;asciilifeform;not speaking of chronic brain damage here, but of 'i fuhget which one i fucked' 1514957;1470341029;mircea_popescu;memory is a high cognitive function, which is why alzheimer's 1514958;1470341040;mircea_popescu;tis not volitional. 1514959;1470341067;BingoBoingo;With Lizards! http://www.drunkard.com/11-03-booze-brain/ 1514960;1470341072;asciilifeform;at any rate the 'all psychoactives' thing is poppycock. 1514961;1470341087;mircea_popescu;ellaborate ? 1514962;1470341144;asciilifeform;no evidence that moderate intake of ~just about any dope, affects memory. 1514963;1470341162;mircea_popescu;"It’s generally a mistake to let twitchy nerds get their paws on statistical data." << 1514964;1470341177;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you take enough to notice you thereby took enough to affect memory! 1514965;1470341178;asciilifeform;i am satisfied, for instance, that the boxing ring - does. 1514966;1470341187;asciilifeform;let's have to this standard. 1514967;1470341212;mircea_popescu;let's what ? 1514968;1470341413;asciilifeform;i get it, mircea_popescu is considerably more familiar with the 'rot yer body, rot yer mind', 'clean the bath 1,001 times' sort of dope user. 1514969;1470341415;asciilifeform;vs erdos. 1514970;1470341419;asciilifeform;dun change the fact. 1514971;1470341483;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-05#1477470 << let's leave the last thread here as cheap alternative to redoing... 1514972;1470341483;a111;Logged on 2016-06-05 15:26 asciilifeform: observe how nobody's about to legalize the performance dopes. 1514973;1470341488;*;asciilifeform bbl, food 1514974;1470341551;mircea_popescu;deal. 1514975;1470342775;BingoBoingo;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/08/04/why-you-should-have-been-reading-and-writing-qntra-this-whole-time/ 1514976;1470343006;deedbot;[Bingo Blog] Why You Should Have Been Reading And Writing Qntra This Whole Time - http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/08/04/why-you-should-have-been-reading-and-writing-qntra-this-whole-time/ 1514977;1470343831;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "(Visited 38 times, 1 visits today)" holy shit that's a sad fate for an otherwise entertainingly (if superficially) penned piece. 1514978;1470343874;BingoBoingo;welcome to the internet full of shit 1514979;1470344019;mircea_popescu;srsly 1514980;1470344093;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/sxJUF << In case of DDoS the why QNtra piece 1514981;1470344302;shinohai;I did it for the lulz. 1514982;1470344322;mircea_popescu;is your blog not responding bb ? 1514983;1470344688;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Suddenly since piece published responding... slow... 1514984;1470344705;mircea_popescu;a here it is. 1514985;1470344889;*;BingoBoingo eventually will get it proper hosting and just convert site to a static archived thing 1514986;1470345104;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4c6199be-2f9c-463b-82b9-be1d063c0d06/?raw=true 1514987;1470345137;deedbot;accepted: 1 1514988;1470345161;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5eb8cb1d-9d7e-4174-9a64-4b43f66c54c0/ 1514989;1470345167;deedbot;Bad URL or network outage. 1514990;1470345167;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5eb8cb1d-9d7e-4174-9a64-4b43f66c54c0/?raw=true 1514991;1470345197;deedbot;accepted: 1 1514992;1470345546;BingoBoingo;Other lol http://qntra.net/2016/08/yet-another-underwhelming-effort-to-fork-bitcoin-unveiled/#comment-66109 1514993;1470345570;shinohai;lo 1514994;1470346779;ben_vulpes;$key mod6 1514995;1470346797;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/76aa6e36-2538-460e-bdb6-0e498f1fb500/ 1514996;1470346989;mircea_popescu;and in other newss, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-Vz8rKPA-g 1514997;1470347130;*;asciilifeform pictures crew of kriegsmarine sub arranged for group photo on deck, to this song 1514998;1470347136;mircea_popescu;oya 1514999;1470347219;mircea_popescu;well... no, this is 70s basf stuff. 1515000;1470347274;asciilifeform;for some value of this 1515001;1470347434;mircea_popescu;there was actually a ton of this saccharine bs in the period. 1515002;1470347451;mircea_popescu;$google bettina und patricia 1515003;1470347452;deedbot;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls-3JMQlJXQ << Bettina Patricia Jung und Frech YouTube - YouTube | http://www.bettina-patricia.de/ << Bettina und Patricia / Home | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8a2glfcRRw << Bettina & Patricia - Jung und frech - YouTube 1515004;1470347461;asciilifeform;there was, and prolly still is, a bunch of ru-speaking, largely 18th c. hussar-flavoured variant of it 1515005;1470347470;mircea_popescu;i expect so yeah 1515006;1470347651;asciilifeform;reading old logz, linked earlier, turned up another 'flycheck' -- 'gnu taler' 1515007;1470347665;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-05#1477506 1515008;1470347665;a111;Logged on 2016-06-05 17:05 asciilifeform: 'We are building an anonymous, taxable payment system using modern cryptography. Customers will use traditional money transfers to send money to a digital Exchange and in return receive (anonymized) digital cash. Customers can use this digital cash to anonymously pay Merchants. Merchants can redeem the digital cash for traditional money at the digital Exchange. As Merchants are not anonymous, they can be taxed, enabling income or sal 1515009;1470347680;mircea_popescu;lol totally. 1515010;1470347786;mircea_popescu;anyway, the salt clearly burns. 1515011;1470347820;asciilifeform;if the slugs are turning up thinner, it is not apparent to my naked eye. 1515012;1470348468;BingoBoingo;The plug hurt! http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/08/04/why-you-should-have-been-reading-and-writing-qntra-this-whole-time/#comment-112507 1515013;1470348501;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: say hi to the kako for me 1515014;1470348516;asciilifeform;i had nfi that he reads yer site. 1515015;1470348749;mats;shhh its kako being sneaky 1515016;1470348812;mats;i did also notice he's a big fan of the 'qntra is slashdot repost' line 1515017;1470348887;asciilifeform;fella's got ~3 lines. 1515018;1470348889;asciilifeform;on rotation. 1515019;1470348938;mircea_popescu;in other news, qntra is apparently big in japan : http://megalodon.jp/2016-0803-2149-34/qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-breaks-fiat-exchange-that-never-had-anything-to-do-with-bitcoin-finally-goes-away/ 1515020;1470348948;asciilifeform;mats: as typified by today's #b-a 1515021;1470348949;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo maybe consider adding a frame breaker ? 1515022;1470348952;mircea_popescu;there's a model on trilema. 1515023;1470349065;mircea_popescu;o wait, apparently it's actually yet another archiver. 1515024;1470349071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do you like this one better ? 1515025;1470349096;asciilifeform;the one with the chix vaginally rocketing column of white thermonyookyoolar phire? 1515026;1470349099;asciilifeform;quite definitely. 1515027;1470349106;mircea_popescu;the what now ?! 1515028;1470349116;asciilifeform;i got 'lucky' with the ad rotator 1515029;1470349121;mircea_popescu;lol! 1515030;1470349229;mircea_popescu;in other possibly of vague interest news http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Who_We_Are 1515031;1470349305;mircea_popescu;if they weren't on efnet i might even have dropped in for a hi. 1515032;1470349351;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/3c01aabac6.png << screenshit. 1515033;1470349371;mircea_popescu;oh i suppose that's just a blur-out 1515034;1470349380;asciilifeform;l0l! 1515035;1470349401;mircea_popescu;incidentally, idiot local glossmag had pic of i forget which celeb and her 11 or so yo daughter. who was, fitting for a child that age in summer, topless. 1515036;1470349414;mircea_popescu;except the idiots blurred out her eyes, making the whole thing look INCREDIBLYT dirty. 1515037;1470349627;asciilifeform;http://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Deathwatch << interesting. 1515038;1470349772;asciilifeform;'Google Groups: "Gone within a year" (SketchCow, 2016-06-07).' 1515039;1470349796;asciilifeform;^ has been ~entirely broken for eons 1515040;1470349814;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: say hi to the kako for me << Common divorce phenomenon. Parents generally resent the children whose affections continue to follow the other parent. 1515041;1470349855;BingoBoingo; in other news, qntra is apparently big in japan : http://megalodon.jp/2016-0803-2149-34/qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-breaks-fiat-exchange-that-never-had-anything-to-do-with-bitcoin-finally-goes-away/ << win 1515042;1470350088;deedbot;[Ossasepia] Craft-Table Tourism with Foxybot 1.4 - http://www.dianacoman.com/2016/08/04/craft-table-tourism-with-foxybot-1-4/ 1515043;1470350131;shinohai;Good week for qntra 1515044;1470350478;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-423700.txt 1515045;1470350485;mircea_popescu;damn they slow. 1515046;1470350686;BingoBoingo;Pls be parody http://tao.network/ 1515047;1470350718;mircea_popescu;doubt it 1515048;1470351210;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1515049;1470351215;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 582.23, vol: 8637.04386390 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 576.011, vol: 5876.57462 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 568.98186, vol: 189973.57130000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 585.5, vol: 2825.33834335 | Volume-weighted last average: 569.958170347 1515050;1470351506;BingoBoingo;Re: tolkien http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2016/08/04/stephen_colbert_fields_questions_about_lord_of_the_rings_is_huge_tolkien.html 1515051;1470351656;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oh btw, discussion in #eulora reminded me : peano, a very respectable LITERATE mathematician, did in fact chase cantor's counterintuitve result, did in fact find a unit interval to unit space mapping, DID in fact construct a fucking tile to decorate his house, but did NOT put any fucking drawings in his work explaining how to make a non-zone-differentiable function. 1515052;1470351678;mircea_popescu;SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE, and in his own words, "pictographic understanding is not understanding" 1515053;1470352980;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cn62QbqWcAE18V1.jpg 1515054;1470353065;mircea_popescu;is this re ethereum ? 1515055;1470353076;shinohai;yup 1515056;1470355607;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: can i get a re-link to mp-wp.tar.gz? 1515057;1470355770;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496205 << omfg teh linkrot!!!1 1515058;1470355770;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 19:37 mircea_popescu: phf http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wp-mptargz.gpg << it's all there ; run a grep over the files for "fill your own" to see what you need to add ; you'll also need a theme (goes in /wp-content ) and obviously a mysql db. 1515059;1470355831;*;ben_vulpes was afk at the time of the original party 1515060;1470356054;mircea_popescu;wouldn't have helped you anyway ; it was keyed to the people who asked. 1515061;1470356061;mircea_popescu;best get phf's variant, iirc he fixed a bunch of stuff. 1515062;1470356068;mircea_popescu;he announces it that same day/early the next 1515063;1470356078;ben_vulpes;ah 1515064;1470356610;ben_vulpes;phf: did you ever release the original sources to which your mp-wp patches apply? i scanned a few days of logs and didn't see anything other than the wp-content and a few patches. 1515065;1470356635;ben_vulpes;shinohai: did you ever get mp-wp running and fit for sharting around? 1515066;1470356751;shinohai;ben_vulpes: http://bit-box.org/blog/ 1515067;1470356800;mircea_popescu;a right, that's prolly the right reference, since shinohai was working on it. 1515068;1470356817;ben_vulpes;shinohai: can ye share the sources? 1515069;1470356866;shinohai;sure ben vulpes, hang tite 1515070;1470356900;ben_vulpes;sweet 1515071;1470357267;shinohai;$key ben_vulpes 1515072;1470357275;shinohai;>.> 1515073;1470357281;ben_vulpes;WE WAIT 1515074;1470357284;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/120e28b0-c441-40f0-a6bb-0454b96b7755/ 1515075;1470357304;ben_vulpes;http://i53.tinypic.com/24edh80.png 1515076;1470357504;shinohai;ben_vulpes: http://bit-box.org/downloads/wpdev.tar.gz.gpg 1515077;1470357618;ben_vulpes;ty, procured. 1515078;1470357623;*;ben_vulpes off for the evening 1515079;1470357624;mircea_popescu;"Testing RSA keys after generation is a fool's quest. This is a nice thing to do to detect some poor implementations, not poor keys. Moreover, it detects only certain classes of poor keys (specifically, those with small factors). It does not detect poorly seeded RNG used in an otherwise correct RSA private key generation." << god i love reading year-old webwisdom/community consensusi. 1515080;1470357642;shinohai;o/ 1515081;1470357647;mircea_popescu;almost as good as reading year-old "intelligent commentary" in various fishwrappers 1515082;1470357822;ben_vulpes;> tinymce 1515083;1470357825;ben_vulpes;TRIGGERED 1515084;1470358167;mircea_popescu;what is that thing even ? 1515085;1470358218;mircea_popescu;Moduli with Obvious Brain-Damage: 235229 << dear god. 1515086;1470358817;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515079 << where was this bit of sad ? 1515087;1470358817;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 00:40 mircea_popescu: "Testing RSA keys after generation is a fool's quest. This is a nice thing to do to detect some poor implementations, not poor keys. Moreover, it detects only certain classes of poor keys (specifically, those with small factors). It does not detect poorly seeded RNG used in an otherwise correct RSA private key generation." << god i love reading year-old webwisdom/community consensusi. 1515088;1470358897;asciilifeform;also phuctor, even in the 2013 earliest version, was never limited to 'small factors' wtf. 1515089;1470358943;asciilifeform;dafuq was even being smoked by this commenter? 1515090;1470359072;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515085 << this includes perhaps 1/5 of Framedragger's mods thus far 1515091;1470359072;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 00:50 mircea_popescu: Moduli with Obvious Brain-Damage: 235229 << dear god. 1515092;1470359085;asciilifeform;(largely due to 'e==35') 1515093;1470359103;asciilifeform;there are also massive dupe armies, by the thousand. 1515094;1470359121;asciilifeform;(as reported by various folks in earlier years, but afaik never exhaustively catalogued publicly) 1515095;1470359128;BingoBoingo;"btcfork.consider.it" << AHA Toomim is in on the latest fork noise! 1515096;1470359152;shinohai;what a shocker 1515097;1470359195;BingoBoingo;The list online in their ADVERTISED freenode channel at the moment is... myself, hostfat, spunky, and luke-jr 1515098;1470359207;BingoBoingo;And I left, now there are 3 1515099;1470359379;shinohai;they probably have a "slack" 1515100;1470359906;mircea_popescu;in other thinspiration news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4nyju8N1e1rv3z86o1_250.gif 1515101;1470360166;asciilifeform;http://s13.zetaboards.com/Crypto/topic/7487358/1 << moar lulz. 1515102;1470360244;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1aTP 1515103;1470360245;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1515104;1470360782;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id=2783535 << pinoy huntin' licenses - apparently - for sale. 1515105;1470360905;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai 1515106;1470360919;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Cool 1515107;1470360987;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wtf i just read. 1515108;1470361000;asciilifeform;which wtf 1515109;1470361006;mircea_popescu;first 1515110;1470361011;deedbot;[Qntra] Bitfinex Embraces Socialism In Losing - http://qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-embraces-socialism-in-losing/ 1515111;1470361042;asciilifeform;it was umpeenth ignoramus who discussed phuctorable keyz without reference to phuctor? 1515112;1470361043;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wanna bet they'll be right back trying to trade while insolvent, shtylman style ? 1515113;1470361052;asciilifeform;*umpteenth 1515114;1470361053;mircea_popescu;and the imbeciles will lap it all up like they lap up ~any sort of lsop ? 1515115;1470361064;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Tis the way of their codebase! 1515116;1470361065;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, they got lenstra. 1515117;1470361070;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it is isn't it! 1515118;1470361081;BingoBoingo;HISTORY RHYMES!!! 1515119;1470361094;mircea_popescu;yeah. with dick. 1515120;1470361151;mircea_popescu;ok that's epic. 1515121;1470361176;mircea_popescu;today, pinoy get license to kill any druggies, tomorrow usians get license to kill any ex-"usg". 1515122;1470361511;BingoBoingo;win http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/mtgox-cad.png from http://trilema.com/2012/strategic-superiority-a-saga/ 1515123;1470362300;shinohai;BingoBoingo: http://ix.io/1aUh 1515124;1470362364;shinohai;Yet another exchange showing the signs of imminent demise. 1515125;1470362485;mod6;<+shinohai> mod6 was gonna add one to tbot or something << yeah, will need to get to that... 1515126;1470362494;mod6;mircea_popescu sings "i did it one step at a time, and it didn't cost me a dime... i got the only one there is around" << lol, great song. 1515127;1470362517;mod6;how's tmsr~ today, gentlemen? 1515128;1470362565;shinohai;The republic shines over her enemies another week. 1515129;1470362688;mod6;im gonna get myself a new box one of these days. 1515130;1470362725;mod6;then im gonna put african on it and let it just foxy bot just harvest 24/7 1515131;1470362756;BingoBoingo;ty, shinohai on a roll 1515132;1470362757;mod6;excited for that 1515133;1470362763;shinohai;\o/ 1515134;1470362790;mod6;keep up the good work, gentlemen 1515135;1470362832;mod6;speaking of which; wanna help the foundation test V99994 of the build script? let me know. 1515136;1470362860;shinohai;just pm me im on board 1515137;1470362886;mod6;;;later tell pete_dushenski wanna help test V99994 build script? 1515138;1470362887;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1515139;1470362902;mod6;danielpbarron, let me know if you have spare cycles too ^ 1515140;1470362905;mod6;hanbot? 1515141;1470362955;mod6;shinohai: yup. you really already passed the thing. feel free to re-test at-will, also, to help others who may need it. 1515142;1470362980;mod6;basically, one can follow the instrutions here: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html 1515143;1470362992;deedbot;[Qntra] Magnr Pauses Trading Stirring Worry - http://qntra.net/2016/08/magnr-pauses-trading-stirring-worry/ 1515144;1470362997;mod6;with the exception that they'll need the URL to the testing version of V99994 1515145;1470363015;mircea_popescu;heh 1515146;1470363044;mircea_popescu;mod6 yeah not bad idea. i have a box playing eulora all day long 1515147;1470363055;mircea_popescu;i fucking love mining with the new foxybot 1515148;1470363187;mod6;i'm kindof an asshole right now - I told diana_coman that I'd play more this year, just need to get a new box first. that was... months ago. :/ 1515149;1470363204;mod6;so I need to pony up. 1515150;1470363239;shinohai;i just haven't been able to get eulora-level machinery yet 1515151;1470363290;mod6;its a bunch of fun. and there's jerbs to be had (as some players will hire you) and/or money to be made. 1515152;1470363379;mod6;it's a good time to start too, because, iirc land (ownership?) is coming soon too. 1515153;1470363427;adlai;what level is eulora-level? 1515154;1470363433;mod6;(thought i read that, might be wrong) 1515155;1470363439;shinohai;ive put most of my resources into stable www machine lol 1515156;1470363467;mod6;adlai: i run it with an asus laptop with an i5 and whatever onboard pos graphics card (intel) comes with it. 1515157;1470363476;mod6;with african os 1515158;1470363487;shinohai;`eulora-level` being certainly something better than my current i5 1515159;1470363521;*;BingoBoingo wonders when review of new Eulora release is coming in... 1515160;1470363524;shinohai;www box is ibm server w/ no grafix 1515161;1470363531;adlai;heh, google is smarter than expected: 1515162;1470363535;adlai;;;google african os linux 1515163;1470363536;gribble;Ubuntu ( operating system ) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; List of Linux distributions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; About Ubuntu | Ubuntu: 1515164;1470363549;mod6;lol, everyone knows 1515165;1470363659;mod6;if someone where so inclined, i bet there could be a text-only eulora client created. 1515166;1470363697;mod6;maybe even discussed previously? can't recall, but that'd be sweet. just connect, issue some coords and commands and let it rip. 1515167;1470363987;adlai;it's been mentioned although nobody but me expressed any interest; and i'd want familiarity with the regular client first, anyways 1515168;1470364004;*;asciilifeform interested 1515169;1470364007;mod6;sure. 1515170;1470364086;*;adlai thought asciilifeform preferred to play with toys & pets in the physical realm! 1515171;1470364099;asciilifeform;usually yes. 1515172;1470364110;mircea_popescu;mod6 not like it's mandatory or anything. leisure! 1515173;1470364131;mod6;oh for sure. much fun to be had. 1515174;1470364151;mircea_popescu;shinohai what level is that ? im running it on a box from like ... 2005 i think 1515175;1470364193;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo possibly danielpbarron is cooking one 1515176;1470364247;mircea_popescu;shinohai ah that's your thing then, no gfx card. so pick up something for 20 bux, it'll carry. 1515177;1470364255;BingoBoingo;Cool, it is something someone other than myself has to bake. 1515178;1470364288;mircea_popescu;mod6 yeah there was some talk of making a text client. maybe jurov was considering it iirc ? anyway, eventually one'll definitely exist. 1515179;1470364324;mircea_popescu;adlai oh was it you ? anyway i recall alf wanted one. was entire thread about this. 1515180;1470364341;adlai;!s eulora emacs 1515181;1470364341;gribble;Error: "s" is not a valid command. 1515182;1470364348;adlai;$s eulora emacs 1515183;1470364348;a111;6 results for "eulora emacs", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=eulora%20emacs 1515184;1470364348;shinohai;text client would be most excellent 1515185;1470364352;mod6;ah, yeah maybe jurov was talkin about it. 1515186;1470364380;mircea_popescu;shinohai the foxybot could prolly be expanded into an actual text client. it has methods to interact with the world mostly written. 1515187;1470364409;mod6;the gfx part is certainly part of the exp.; however, if one was to do a lot of bot work, txt would suit just fine. 1515188;1470364434;mircea_popescu;for instance right now, i actually used the bot to take me to the mining spot, because it does the table trick 1515189;1470364441;mircea_popescu;which you know, otherwise dragging the materials there by hand... 1515190;1470364474;mod6;ah, right. auto-pilot 1515191;1470364479;mircea_popescu;would be trivial to expand its console commands to cover ~everything in game 1515192;1470364499;mircea_popescu;mod6 no, no, see now it prevents you from getting overweight when mining through dropping a craft table. it's a thing of wonder 1515193;1470364527;mod6;oooh. coolness. 1515194;1470364552;mod6;that was always a thing. having to run back to town to store loot 1515195;1470364557;mircea_popescu;the client IS pretty gnarly. but as the bot did most of the interfacing work already, it's not THAt bad. 1515196;1470364575;hanbot; speaking of which; wanna help the foundation test V99994 of the build script? let me know. << soitenly, will slip it into the weekend 1515197;1470365056;mircea_popescu;mod6 curious who gets the next pop, too hehe 1515198;1470365104;mod6;yeah, every explore is exciting in that way. 1515199;1470365109;mod6;you never know. 1515200;1470365132;mircea_popescu;iirc danielpbarron got that sizable barehanded, too. 1515201;1470365143;mod6;! 1515202;1470365163;mod6;thats awesome actually. 1515203;1470365163;mircea_popescu;remarkables being in the millions of ecu range, this is who knows, possibly close to a btc. 1515204;1470365199;mod6;*nod* 1515205;1470365258;mircea_popescu;i had been crafting for many months, but now esp with the new mining bot expansions i think ima do some serious mining. 1515206;1470365265;mircea_popescu;got a few stacks of lbn to marry. 1515207;1470365346;mod6;thinking back to the pre-bot days, it is quite remarkable to let it just run and it does everything for you. 1515208;1470365356;mircea_popescu;for srs. 1515209;1470365381;mod6;my arm would srsly get tired after a few hours. 1515210;1470365383;mod6;lol 1515211;1470365393;mircea_popescu;yeah, then recall the xmacro days ? 1515212;1470365401;mod6;AH 1515213;1470365404;mod6;indeed. 1515214;1470365411;mircea_popescu;so tenuous. 1515215;1470365414;mod6;had forgotten about that. 1515216;1470365445;mircea_popescu;im sitting here watching it dig up tinies as we speak :D 1515217;1470365474;mod6;nice. 1515218;1470365838;mod6;bot works great still 1515219;1470365856;mod6;what's the deal with 'size'? i put in 'small' seems to be happy. *shrug* 1515220;1470366438;mircea_popescu;which size ? 1515221;1470366773;mod6;oh, its (newer?) bot option i think? 1515222;1470366805;mod6;i got it working. maybe you tell it which size you're willing to build on the fly... 1515223;1470367662;mircea_popescu;i use something like /bot explore 55555 line 25 1 7 7500 8500 1515224;1470367672;mircea_popescu;but if you /bot help it'll explain what's what. 1515225;1470368424;mod6;ah, thx 1515226;1470371522;*;ben_vulpes also interested 1515227;1470371681;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: remember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjT4s9MkbRc ? 1515228;1470372151;mircea_popescu;whatcha interested in ben_vulpes ? 1515229;1470372203;ben_vulpes;text based eulora client 1515230;1470372207;mircea_popescu;ah ah. 1515231;1470372304;*;ben_vulpes helps shinohai with the log line recency citation criteria binary search project 1515232;1470372382;mircea_popescu;i guess someone'll have to bite teh bullet and make the thing. 1515233;1470372564;*;ben_vulpes will probably commit some x11 atrocity 1515234;1470372607;ben_vulpes;can one detatch from an x11 display and then later reconnect to it, a la tmux? 1515235;1470372621;mircea_popescu;if you run it in screen i dun see why not 1515236;1470372720;ben_vulpes;woof yeah that looks like it might work in theory 1515237;1470372864;mircea_popescu;in other totally-not-tmsr-related news, https://static.adzerk.net/Advertisers/e1b0517082e54a8aa734356cf93f5183.png 1515238;1470373006;ben_vulpes;the photos i've seen of brasilia mostly look tacky as hell, is it any better in person? 1515239;1470373042;ben_vulpes;i mean wtf does lawn really mean "dust rectangle" to brazilians? 1515240;1470373102;ben_vulpes;oh hey the bridge is pretty cool though 1515241;1470373228;mircea_popescu;brasilia the capital of brasil you mean ? 1515242;1470373232;mircea_popescu;about as shitty as wdc 1515243;1470373314;ben_vulpes;quelle triste 1515244;1470373337;ben_vulpes;bits and pieces look like they might be fun to be proximate to for an hour or two 1515245;1470373338;mircea_popescu;tristesse ? 1515246;1470373364;ben_vulpes;yeah, gutter spanish leaking through 1515247;1470373461;ben_vulpes;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Palacio_do_Planalto.jpeg << this, i would wander around for a few minutes. 1515248;1470373507;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515200 << i think it was with a tool. maybe even an improved hoe or something 1515249;1470373507;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 02:45 mircea_popescu: iirc danielpbarron got that sizable barehanded, too. 1515250;1470373514;ben_vulpes;https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f2/dc/c2/f2dcc2b9360dc2b30b1d542c131e79e5.jpg << and also holy crap i want one of these 1515251;1470373591;mircea_popescu;ah was it ? ok then 1515252;1470373654;danielpbarron;plenty of ordinaries i got barehanded, and at least one remarkable 1515253;1470373740;mircea_popescu;o yeah i got a dozen the past ~3 days. 1515254;1470373742;mircea_popescu;ordinaries i mean 1515255;1470373753;danielpbarron;more i think about it, i may have gotten that sizable without foxybot, which means... I must have been fortunate enough to see it happen while xmacroing and was able to lock it in time 1515256;1470373845;mircea_popescu;you know the bot totally spoiled me in the sense that i'd go with sticks, and find ords and then totally forget to lock them 1515257;1470373852;mircea_popescu;"what do you mean they don't autolock" 1515258;1470373860;mircea_popescu;must have lost like 5 or 6 this way 1515259;1470375729;mircea_popescu;and in other big dick news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTB-kFA-WyE 1515260;1470386804;jurov;i just have embedded ecl in eulora and made quite a complete functionality available to it 1515261;1470386838;jurov;but whole thing is still the graphical client married to crystalspace 1515262;1470386875;jurov;see http://minigame.bz/jurov/ 0.1.2 not there yet 1515263;1470386979;jurov;ben_vulpes shinohai ^ 1515264;1470394140;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 13118913265992357713749906968914856459229448329385353928317865240153186990772616410386066804476994406481496060266687741570826925431077185850750051547683307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1515265;1470394140;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 13118913265992357713749906968914856459229448329385353928317865240153186990772616410386066804476994406481496060266687741570826925431077185850750051547683307 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1515266;1470396047;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514975 <<< in retrospect, I should have mentioned that < 2/3 of this was mircea_popescu always saying "you should qntra" and me finally saying "ok. goddamn. I'll do it already." 1515267;1470396047;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 20:32 BingoBoingo: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/08/04/why-you-should-have-been-reading-and-writing-qntra-this-whole-time/ 1515268;1470399097;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1b3g 1515269;1470399098;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1515270;1470401796;thestringpuller;oh look the drinking record has been updated 1515271;1470402430;mircea_popescu;ah nice jurov 1515272;1470402449;mircea_popescu;btw you still making windows binary releases ? 1515273;1470402529;PeterL;BingoBoingo "Access to sanely parse" s/parse/parsed 1515274;1470402544;mircea_popescu;shinohai hey, it's how i ended up looking at bitcoin. 1515275;1470402708;shinohai;Now I am grateful for the prodding Sr. Popescu. 1515276;1470403049;mircea_popescu;where the fuck is that utf thumbsup 1515277;1470403075;mircea_popescu; 1515278;1470403097;mircea_popescu;omgawd phf log's broken! WHERE IS MY WATERGUN 1515279;1470403199;shinohai;8999.66 <<< this is # of shares in circulation by s.mg ? 1515280;1470403224;shinohai;*# of BTC i mean 1515281;1470403293;PeterL;"S.MG has a total of 88`096`605 authorised shares outstanding. The shareholder equity per share implied value is thus 0.00009958 BTC." 1515282;1470403293;mircea_popescu;yeah it raised like 9k when it ipo'd 1515283;1470403323;mircea_popescu;there's also some stock warrants outstanding, which is a matter that is still open wrt valuations in btc. 1515284;1470403359;shinohai;nice 1515285;1470403380;mircea_popescu;or at leas afk, out of all the "corporate officers" in their own mind and "cummulative years of expertise" echo'd by php scripts on websites, nobody has actually found it within their power to say anything intelligent on the topic lo these many years. 1515286;1470403582;thestringpuller;;;calc 46377 * 0.00014970 1515287;1470403582;gribble;6.9426369 1515288;1470403588;thestringpuller;;;ticker 1515289;1470403589;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 570.47, Best ask: 572.62, Bid-ask spread: 2.15000, Last trade: 572.58, 24 hour volume: 5358.74239655, 24 hour low: 552.0, 24 hour high: 583.97, 24 hour vwap: 570.519062008 1515290;1470403660;thestringpuller;will s.mg start paying tax now that it's profitable or is that just for dividend paying? 1515291;1470403710;shinohai;i thought of doing a piece comparing s.mg to bitcrystals but it would likely sound too biased 1515292;1470403728;thestringpuller;they're two different concepts. 1515293;1470403775;shinohai;i was trying to generalize. there are a lot of other places id have to look to do an objective gaming piece 1515294;1470403779;PeterL;is s.mg profitable yet? 1515295;1470403827;mircea_popescu;it's not altogether clear it's profitable. 1515296;1470403848;mircea_popescu;in any case what's the rush, if it pays now or later ; as long as it's not paid dividends it doesn't much make a diff. 1515297;1470403920;thestringpuller;Bitcrystals literally copied MTG-online (ironic), and replaced the credit system in MTG with BitCrystals. 1515298;1470403947;thestringpuller;But it's revolutionary cuz ur digital pokemonz cardz are on da blockchainz!!!!!1 1515299;1470403983;mircea_popescu;which is mtg ? 1515300;1470403990;mircea_popescu;oh magic the gathering ? 1515301;1470404006;mircea_popescu;that's not a business, the moment they make a dime they get sued and what are they gonna do ? hire an assassin ? 1515302;1470404041;shinohai;it's another Erik Voorhees venture, did you expect anything different ? 1515303;1470404066;mircea_popescu;heh. 1515304;1470404074;PeterL;mircea_popescu https://www.anony.ws/image/NncR the table on your page gets truncated in my browser (chrome) 1515305;1470404117;mircea_popescu;that sucks. 1515306;1470404141;mircea_popescu;well, you can see the whole thing in page source, data's there. 1515307;1470404156;PeterL;aha, I hadn't thought of that 1515308;1470404163;thestringpuller;The guys who did A Tale in the Desert did a game. (A tale in the desert was a partial inspiration for chetty iirc) 1515309;1470404180;mircea_popescu;i recall she played it, way back when. before btc even. 1515310;1470404194;thestringpuller;Dragon's Tale! that's the bitcoin one they made 1515311;1470404206;thestringpuller;it's just a digital casino but has the same "feel" as ATITD 1515312;1470404228;mircea_popescu;yeah, at least that was you know, a proper thing. there's a difference between drawing a cartoon mouse and copy/pasting mickey. 1515313;1470404267;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: yea her and I had some good convo's about ATITD it's a great game. Not many people have played it, but the crafting system was something really intense for the time period. 1515314;1470404300;thestringpuller;like mega crafting villages and "world wonders" and such. (I think each age is denoted when a community builds a world wonder) 1515315;1470404302;mircea_popescu;they had some interesting teamwork items that i intend to lift. 1515316;1470404328;mircea_popescu;like at some point she was doing some shit with 3 friends where they kept lifting something or the other in order. 1515317;1470404432;deedbot;[Qntra] Hacked Exchange Other Than Bitfinex Also Plans Reopening - http://qntra.net/2016/08/hacked-exchange-other-than-bitfinex-also-plans-reopening/ 1515318;1470404435;thestringpuller;sounds promising. 1515319;1470404454;mircea_popescu;shinohai it's trading DAMN IT SON! 1515320;1470404503;thestringpuller;re: shinohai I don't think many bitcoin games exist other than eulora and dragon's tale. i don't see why more secondlife-like game companies don't get on board. since USG killed second life by regulating linden dollars. 1515321;1470404515;thestringpuller;i don't see that being a problem for regulating eulora coppers 1515322;1470404543;mircea_popescu;hey, people are lazy and stupid. there's a very good explanation why they don't do anything intelligent. for one thing, it requires work. 1515323;1470404547;mircea_popescu;for the other, they're not in the demo. 1515324;1470404615;thestringpuller;indie developers are just in a crab bucket race for a 15 minute spotlight before going back into obscurity. so exaclty as you described. phil fish (maker of FEZ) is a primary example of what's wrong with game development 1515325;1470404651;thestringpuller;if you ever want to torture yourself, watch Indie Game the Movie and watch the beta male Phil Fish literally cry about how difficult making a game is and wants to give up. 1515326;1470404666;thestringpuller;like tears and snot and everything 1515327;1470404690;mircea_popescu;i can't summon teh interest. 1515328;1470404708;thestringpuller;you can call out beta males on being pussies. 1515329;1470404728;mircea_popescu;the problem is, nobody wants to intern, everyone wants to pretend equality to their betters, then "oh it's hard". fucking hell, how would it be easy, you're a child that's given himself adult responsibilities which precluded you from becoming an adult in time. hurr durr, stop being stupid. 1515330;1470404749;mircea_popescu;every single fucktard "businessman" in bitcoin thinks himself a CEO. 1515331;1470404760;mircea_popescu;fuck this shit, 1% of 1% of what crawls out of woman isn't fit to be an officer. 1515332;1470404766;mircea_popescu;why pretend ? not like it makes it so! 1515333;1470404790;mircea_popescu;then "life is hard". well yes, if the turtle didn't pretend to be an eagle it wouldn't have all the bumps on the carpace from all the rocks it hit on its many forced descents. 1515334;1470404959;mircea_popescu;the only thing i regret is that they're not pretending to be you know, boxers. drug lords. 1515335;1470404994;mircea_popescu;THIS is the deep reason so many black kids get shot, incidentally : that it's not fashionable to be a "ceo", it's fashionable to be a "gangsta". and the idiots get shot. humongo boon for the black community, and ~the only reason they don't suck as bad as whitey. 1515336;1470405017;thestringpuller;The interesting thing, is the profound games the arise out of the sludge. While the children try to make toys and pass them off as "real things", (when it's just glue and twigs stuck together purporting to be a doll). For instance the Beginner's Guide puts you in the role of having that mentality. This "I want recognition for nothing. Call me CEO, bitch. Cause Zuckerberg did it." 1515337;1470405059;thestringpuller;And after playing teh Beginner's Guide you walk away thinking, "Wow a lot of people are pieces of shit, pretending to have talent. How could I not recognize this before?" 1515338;1470405099;mircea_popescu;if, quia absurdum, i were to take a 13 yo and call her a slave and a slut, and ordered everyone in the harem to be deferential to her majestic slavish sluttery, the girls would do it, but the 13 yo STILL wouldn't feel accomplished, or be happy, or anything. on the contrary, it'd poison her life. 1515339;1470405135;mircea_popescu;why it's evidently a bad idea here but not even verbalized as a bad idea there is entirely beyond comprehension. 1515340;1470405137;thestringpuller;the trophy generation huh? here is a reward for participating even if you sucked. 1515341;1470405151;mircea_popescu;personally, i blame the english language, which is why all the various knocks it got. 1515342;1470405218;thestringpuller;this reminds me of the article of the type of game that hand holds you to the end. lack of difficult == lack of accomplishment 1515343;1470405231;mircea_popescu;word. 1515344;1470405241;thestringpuller;bbl 1515345;1470405268;mircea_popescu;also, the same fucking thing with the "bright" young "finance" minds (which, btw asciilifeform , is the deep reason i dun think much of "performance enhancing" - these idiots, not those idiots) : yes the job is very... metaphysical, in the end. yes some accomplished metaphysicians use various "performance enhancers", ever since the day they were priests and shamans. 1515346;1470405287;mircea_popescu;THIS DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN random dicklet from ohio will be a "successful trader" for "doing coke off whore's asscrack" 1515347;1470405296;mircea_popescu;it's not a fucking mechanism ffs. 1515348;1470405326;PeterL;shinohai aha, I found the 8`999.6605 btc, that is the total value that would be raised by S.MG if all outstanding warrents were executed, not the amount previously raised 1515349;1470405345;mircea_popescu;wait, what ?! 1515350;1470405361;shinohai;that is the number i wanted 1515351;1470405361;PeterL;in the warrents table 1515352;1470405381;mircea_popescu;right it's ipo + what warrants yield. 1515353;1470405411;mircea_popescu;technically sws work as a sort of "deferred ipo", at least so far. 1515354;1470405428;PeterL;none have been executed yet, right? 1515355;1470405434;mircea_popescu;none yet. 1515356;1470405462;PeterL;does not make much sense to execute them until the price rises, I suppose 1515357;1470405466;thestringpuller;they will when the coffers fill up 1515358;1470405494;mircea_popescu;well, more like irl this is 99% a tax consideration. nobody's dodging the republic's tax anyway, so not much difference. 1515359;1470405509;mircea_popescu;at least that's what i think, who even knows. 1515360;1470405535;thestringpuller;S.MG stock warrants act exactly as stock bonuses in "corporate" should work, you add value to the company. company profits. Execute warrant. Profit. 1515361;1470405550;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515346 << cheapo honda engine sitting in traffic jam in wash dc also won't benefit from nitro fuel. 1515362;1470405550;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 13:54 mircea_popescu: THIS DOESN'T FUCKING MEAN random dicklet from ohio will be a "successful trader" for "doing coke off whore's asscrack" 1515363;1470405553;mircea_popescu;yes, but the warrant is worth ~same executed or unexecuted. 1515364;1470405553;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg. 1515365;1470405595;thestringpuller;Whereas stock bonus in corporate means "WOuld you like to voluntarily keep your slave contract going for another few years? If you do there is this cheese waiting for you at the end of the maze. The cheeze MAAAY spoil in the meantime cause the leadership had a lobotomy in the 90's but it's okay." 1515366;1470405598;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tis a lot easier to measure the engine capacity than the metaphisicity. by definition of latter. 1515367;1470405617;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: think of afterburners on jet fighter. there are no afterburners on boeing liner. for good reason. 1515368;1470405629;mircea_popescu;this is not so clear. 1515369;1470405665;mircea_popescu;moreover, it's entirely unclear how you'd go about distinguishing a jet fighter from an airliner when they're both bipedal lifeforms. 1515370;1470405675;mircea_popescu;leaving aside the MUCH HARDER q of how'd you distinguish self. 1515371;1470405689;PeterL;yes, but the warrant is worth ~same executed or unexecuted. << If the company pays dividends, wouldn't it be worth more when executed? 1515372;1470405711;mircea_popescu;PeterL yes, it would. 1515373;1470405740;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is just as strange a question as 'how do i distinguish if i am ceo', or napoleon, etc. 1515374;1470405761;asciilifeform;~the man~ doesn't distinguish, and if he tries, and is laughably off target, he ends in asylum and issued a bicorn 1515375;1470405764;mircea_popescu;so then, both the safe and the ethically required position is "i guess i aren't, let me see the best i can do" 1515376;1470405790;asciilifeform;if everybody followed this dictum, there'd be no napoleon at all. 1515377;1470405803;mircea_popescu;and generally stop with the fucking titulature ; between the dizzy cow who thinks herself "an expert on geopolitics" for having a geopolitics degree from geopolitics university and alf thinking himself a "jet fighter" for reason of the rule of cool - no difference. 1515378;1470405811;asciilifeform;(and no anybody else worth the mention) 1515379;1470405816;mircea_popescu;this is deeply untrue. 1515380;1470405832;mircea_popescu;fewer napoleons, more cincinnatii would be widely preferable. 1515381;1470405854;asciilifeform;what, laser beam from the heavens has to illuminate you before you can finally napoleon ? 1515382;1470405905;mircea_popescu;napoleon is essentially 1700s herostratus. a more successful histrion, but that's a matter of circumstance mostly. 1515383;1470405928;mircea_popescu;you can not "BE" napoleon ffs. what is with all this label-based categorical thinking. 1515384;1470405949;asciilifeform;shorthand for 'exceptional mover of things' conventionally 1515385;1470405965;mircea_popescu;like what, a fart ? 1515386;1470405970;asciilifeform;on account of their one-time over-representation in asylums 1515387;1470405981;mircea_popescu;i dun think much of your historical model. 1515388;1470405997;mircea_popescu;for one thing, there was no shortage of napoleons, even at the time of napoleon. 1515389;1470406022;mircea_popescu;the ~only reason they didn't fill the asylums at that time has to do with the relative naivite of spamfilters. 1515390;1470406029;mircea_popescu;im sure the first few "buy viagra" emails were also widely read. 1515391;1470406066;asciilifeform;'napoleon' is typically shorthand for 'effective napoleon', unless the asylum is explicitly specified, neh ? 1515392;1470406079;mircea_popescu;i have no idea what your symbols are typical shorthand for. 1515393;1470406090;mircea_popescu;but do define "effective" in this context. 1515394;1470406096;mircea_popescu;what, effecting change for change's sake ? 1515395;1470406120;asciilifeform;more in the 'soldiers, i demand your lives, and you will give them to me!' (tm) (r) sense 1515396;1470406132;mircea_popescu;this is a purely sexual matter. yes, the guy was hot as all fuck. 1515397;1470406138;mircea_popescu;i didn't realise that was the angle. 1515398;1470406154;*;asciilifeform thought this was pretty clear from context.. 1515399;1470406186;mircea_popescu;but youy can't "want to be hot" "like napoleon" ffs. 1515400;1470406213;asciilifeform;but - to move up the stack - mircea_popescu's comment re dopes was, in effect, 'shuddup peon and be content with what nature gave you' wasn't it ? 1515401;1470406219;mircea_popescu;there's two kinds of pretty blonde girls that grow double d tits their 15th year : the kind to whose the tits are a boon ; and the kind to whose the tits are a curse. 1515402;1470406253;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, it was "stop being the fucking idiot who thinks he's going to '''improve''' a series car in his fucking garage with a rusty old nail and a blowtorch". 1515403;1470406261;asciilifeform;i dun really see a hard distinction between 'performance dopes' and, e.g., silicone tits, or heeled shoes, etc 1515404;1470406287;mircea_popescu;a discussion actually found here : http://trilema.com/2010/masini-bune-si-masini-de-lux/ 1515405;1470406291;mircea_popescu;prolly worth a read. 1515406;1470406301;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think you deeply misunderstand this technological item, the silicone tits. 1515407;1470406320;asciilifeform;not being an aficionado, it is possible that i do not 1515408;1470406327;mircea_popescu;it's point is not to make a mousy 15 yo into a total pool party slut. its point is to recover an aging slut, so that she gets a 2nd run starting in her 30s sometime. 1515409;1470406343;asciilifeform;well yes. 1515410;1470406348;mircea_popescu;it's a kind of dentistry - children don't need it, they got milk teeth. 1515411;1470406366;asciilifeform;15 y.o. don't performance-dope either 1515412;1470406371;asciilifeform;they have energy. 1515413;1470406375;mircea_popescu;it's not a kind of "genetic engineering" of the "magical" kind seen in ~cartoons, "this spider touched radioactive superglue at the same time as this janitor" 1515414;1470406393;asciilifeform;noshit 1515415;1470406398;mircea_popescu;no, actually, 15yos do speedballs like fucking crazy 1515416;1470406407;asciilifeform;that's not performance-doping. 1515417;1470406410;asciilifeform;just plain doping. 1515418;1470406411;mircea_popescu;it's not "they have the energy", it's "they actually care" + "they have the recuperative power". 1515419;1470406416;mircea_popescu;aaaaa-hahahaha 1515420;1470406428;mircea_popescu;stop being a tightass. speedballing is the ~only performance doping actually shown to work. 1515421;1470406437;mircea_popescu;you think partying is easy ? 1515422;1470406526;asciilifeform;didn't mircea_popescu earlier proclaim 'doping dun work' ? 1515423;1470406539;asciilifeform;we might have disagreement on what means 'works' ? 1515424;1470406540;mircea_popescu;yes, but we were discussing it in the context of your "i wanna solve theorems" 1515425;1470406556;mircea_popescu;we weren't discussing it in the general context. fucking obviously doping works at some point, hence inflamation supression. 1515426;1470406572;mircea_popescu;"the performance of my inflamatory cascade has been enhanced. asa result i am not going to die from this beesting" 1515427;1470406595;mircea_popescu;patently not what you had in mind. nor at any point a contested usage. 1515428;1470406604;asciilifeform;quite similar, actually, to what i had in mind. 1515429;1470406636;asciilifeform;'idiot body thinks that it should conserve the glucose, but i have this 7-dimensional optimization problem that won't solve itself so shuddthefuckup' 1515430;1470406646;mircea_popescu;then i don't think much of your biological model of rationality, either. 1515431;1470406673;asciilifeform;i'd be worried if mircea_popescu began to think much of my models. 1515432;1470406688;mircea_popescu;you seriously imagine it's a matter of "if i just increased the voltage of the south bus, i'd have twice as much ram" ? what is this, 15yo-overclockers-anonymous ? 1515433;1470406711;asciilifeform;nah, 25 y.o. overclockers, 'i'ma boost voltage by 0.1 and pump nitrogen' 1515434;1470406718;asciilifeform;an engineering tradeoff, like any other. 1515435;1470406719;mircea_popescu;here's a newsflash : there's no mechanism to downregulate brain consumption of glucose, outside of the natural. 1515436;1470406729;asciilifeform;upregulat. 1515437;1470406732;mircea_popescu;if you have it, and it can burn it, it will. 1515438;1470406738;asciilifeform;~up~ 1515439;1470406744;mircea_popescu;if it CAN burn it, it WILL. 1515440;1470406749;mircea_popescu;if it can't burn it, you can sit on a pole. 1515441;1470406814;asciilifeform;the pharmacology of actual dopes is interesting subj, which i will guess mircea_popescu is quite familiar with 1515442;1470406834;asciilifeform;cns comes with own adrenergic 'gas pedal', which most (but interesting, not ALL) of the dopes rely on. 1515443;1470406854;asciilifeform;so in fact the thing does come with adjustment knob. 1515444;1470406862;asciilifeform;with well-understood tradeoffs. 1515445;1470406877;mircea_popescu;~the only reason the complicated glucose/lipid interface even exists in the liver is that muscle can't protect itself from brain 1515446;1470406926;asciilifeform;;;seen gabriel_laddel 1515447;1470406926;gribble;gabriel_laddel was last seen in #trilema 4 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 49 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: wtf else are you going to do? 1515448;1470406943;asciilifeform;where is that fella when we have the thread as if just for him ! 1515449;1470406949;asciilifeform;perhaps he over-revved his motor. 1515450;1470406954;mircea_popescu;heh. what is this "Gas pedal" in actual terms ? 1515451;1470406997;asciilifeform;was thinking of adrenergic and dopaminergic systems in particular 1515452;1470407013;mircea_popescu;this regulates firing. not glucose usage on one end ; not rational activity on the other. 1515453;1470407069;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's analogy of 'overclock' is, as i understand, quite exact. 1515454;1470407070;mircea_popescu;we've moved from "i'll make this music better by increasing output volume" heavy metal fan approach to "i'll make this music better by speeding up the tape". welcome to the rap game yo! 1515455;1470407111;asciilifeform;the beatles also sped up (and slowed down) tape. 1515456;1470407126;mircea_popescu;i'm sure it's what made them. 1515457;1470407137;asciilifeform;this here, i suspect, is the dispute 1515458;1470407156;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is reading a 'what made them' into asciilifeform's 'dope is a tool like any other, not a devil' 1515459;1470407171;asciilifeform;tape speed knob did not make the beatles, nor dope made erdos. 1515460;1470407195;asciilifeform;nor will either transform pig into man 1515461;1470407237;mircea_popescu;i dunno whence "the devil" comes from, but that aisde, the point was that speedballing does work, if with miserable side effects ; whereas smartrophine or w/e the shit is hoped to work, by a certain demographic. 1515462;1470407265;asciilifeform;i have nfi what is the latter thing 1515463;1470407289;mircea_popescu;while there's not a single example of "high cns function helped by chemical", you can take ps hoffman as a fine example of "idiot enhanced himself" 1515464;1470407293;asciilifeform;was speaking strictly of dopes that 'work, if with miserable side effects' 1515465;1470407299;mircea_popescu;give such an example. 1515466;1470407313;asciilifeform;erdos's dextroamphetamine, for instance. 1515467;1470407329;mircea_popescu;so what problem will i be able to solve if i take how much dextroamphetamine ? 1515468;1470407338;asciilifeform;how would i possibly know 1515469;1470407356;mircea_popescu;i can buy by the kg if need be, and i'd like to find a way to classify assym cyphers meaningfully. say a number. 1515470;1470407358;asciilifeform;it would have to be a problem that is just out of reach with normal methods. 1515471;1470407361;mircea_popescu;so then WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN WORKS! 1515472;1470407380;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. if the problem is "go ten miles" then the fucking combustion engine works in that i can tell you a fucking fuel qty value. 1515473;1470407401;mircea_popescu;a.certain.demographic.hopes.it.works. 1515474;1470407413;mircea_popescu;exactly like another certain demographics hopes she'll be a princess soon. 1515475;1470407490;mircea_popescu;i can dose your daughter/sister/wife so she can party "like an animal" on the basis of seeing her naked and knowing how long the party lasts. that's what "speedballs work" means. 1515476;1470407491;asciilifeform;the head is not an off-the-shelf part, and so all of the manipulations are sadly subjective. possibly erdos could have achieved same result by having a servant whip him silly every morning. not my place, to say this. 1515477;1470407512;mircea_popescu;so then. 1515478;1470407517;asciilifeform;all we have re comparison is that time he made a bet and quit for month 1515479;1470407524;asciilifeform;and produced 0 theorem. 1515480;1470407530;mircea_popescu;good thing we spent half hour re-establishing the obvious that alf doesn't like. 1515481;1470407545;asciilifeform;which? the subjectivity ? 1515482;1470407568;mircea_popescu;eh whatever. 1515483;1470407609;mircea_popescu;it's like talking to bitcointalk i swear. "x works ; y doesn't" "no y is not the devil" "nobody said it is" "but it could work" "has it ?" "i dunno" "then wtf are you on about ?" 1515484;1470407681;adlai;if the problem is "go twenty hours" then the dope works in that you can pick a dose and go 1515485;1470407712;adlai;quite analogous to fuel quantity, although it's more of an additive than a fuel 1515486;1470407725;mircea_popescu;right. 1515487;1470407766;mircea_popescu;moreover, that two ten hour parties sum to less than one twenty hour parties is unclear ; that a hit takes a hit out of you is certain. 1515488;1470407771;adlai;the combustion engine alone can't follow lanes, or tell apart an overhead sign from a crossing trailer (the tesla fatality) 1515489;1470407798;asciilifeform;let's try slightly different question. people vary in endurance / energy / sleep req. just as they vary in height, etc. 1515490;1470407814;asciilifeform;doping is simply attempt to 'steal fire from the gods' and move up categories, paying whatever price. 1515491;1470407888;asciilifeform;that none of the existing dopes are demonstrably 'great idea for everyone, let's eat with breakfast' is quite a separate assertion from what i read to be mircea_popescu's supposition 'only idiot would try' 1515492;1470407902;asciilifeform;recall thread re mircea_popescu's pets and their iron pill ? 1515493;1470407926;asciilifeform;prior to iron pill, it was perhaps supposed that 'women vary in their energy level and that's that' 1515494;1470407959;asciilifeform;but ~someone~ took out a sharp meat cleaver, like mine, but larger, and CHOPPED the happenstance crud off. 1515495;1470407977;asciilifeform;and turned the 'natural, inevitable' into kibble. 1515496;1470407991;mircea_popescu;there is no fucking "categories". and this is a fundamental problem here, that you seem to imagine for whatever reason that the world is a large collections of drawers with labels on them. 1515497;1470407995;mircea_popescu;this model is nonsensical. 1515498;1470408006;asciilifeform;no drawers / discreteness implied. 1515499;1470408020;mircea_popescu;so then what do you mean "categories" 1515500;1470408024;asciilifeform;only the - quite obvious - fact that capacities vary. 1515501;1470408034;asciilifeform;some folks are taller/faster/stronger/need less sleep/etc. than others. 1515502;1470408042;mircea_popescu;so far the discussion is that capacities vary FOR A REASON. a biological reason. 1515503;1470408054;mircea_popescu;for instance, do you know you could shatter your own bones under your own muscular power ? 1515504;1470408058;asciilifeform;yes. 1515505;1470408078;mircea_popescu;o noes, "i increased my capacity". well... i can increase the "capacity" of my house circuitry right now, just short the fusebox. 1515506;1470408078;asciilifeform;and there are instances where i'd like to have the option of risking it 1515507;1470408084;asciilifeform;rather than to stay pinned under rubble. 1515508;1470408095;mircea_popescu;is this also a case of "o noes, mp is making shorting out hte fusebox into the devil - it could be useful" 1515509;1470408117;asciilifeform;and in fact your fusebox can temporarily supply pulse much greater than its steady current. 1515510;1470408122;mircea_popescu;sure, if you're a fuycking weirdo you may benefit from such nonsense. but a) it's a short term thing and b) whatevert you're doing, you're doing it wrongly, as evidenced by this perceived need to short out the fuse box 1515511;1470408123;asciilifeform;and often is asked to. 1515512;1470408140;asciilifeform;(when your ac motor starts, it is effectively 'short of fusebox') 1515513;1470408152;asciilifeform;so this is a deliciously bad analogy. 1515514;1470408227;mircea_popescu;not really. 1515515;1470408248;mircea_popescu;when you get startled you aslo "short of fusebox". the objection is at best disingenuous. 1515516;1470408264;mircea_popescu;"oh, alf decided he's going to solve problem by paying someone to startle him every 5 minutes" 1515517;1470408333;asciilifeform;eating, e.g., dopaminergic, and 'startling', have approx. same relationship as hormonal bc pill and actual gestation. 1515518;1470408394;asciilifeform;if asciilifeform had not personally watched mircea_popescu drink a cup of coffee, he might now suppose that it had never happened ! 1515519;1470408407;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: does it feel like a 'startled every 5 minutes' ? 1515520;1470408411;mircea_popescu;what IS a very bad analogy however, that i let pass though i shouldn't have, is the fucking iron pill. you don't know this, because insufficient exposure ; but i run a farm of women my whole life and let me tell you that a) pernicious anemia is still a fucking thing. unlike syphilis that isn't since antibiotics, pa is, iron pill or no ; b) iron pill doesn't work worth a shit. every fucking time i'd try every glycosulcinate, f 1515521;1470408411;mircea_popescu;errofuckitsmother and etc. girl doesn't absorb, has to go on diet of chicken livers and so on. THAT works. 1515522;1470408417;mircea_popescu;and they had chicken livers in 5000 ad, also. 1515523;1470408427;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i entirely believe it, i have 1 such right here 1515524;1470408429;asciilifeform;kept as pet. 1515525;1470408441;asciilifeform;fed it the very same iron pill, to substantial effect. 1515526;1470408443;mircea_popescu;the piddly coffee i drink, drowned in milk as it is, has ~0 effect i can discern. 1515527;1470408455;shinohai;http://archive.is/LbhgO <<< lulzy 1515528;1470408476;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, good for you then. but generally in modern anemia the problem is bad genetics leading to poor intestinal uptake. 1515529;1470408501;mircea_popescu;shinohai lol! 1515530;1470408591;shinohai;he was running wptron! 1515531;1470408650;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: would be interesting to learn why the chicken liver worx 1515532;1470408713;mircea_popescu;i have nfi, but it's quite fascinating indeed. 1515533;1470408752;asciilifeform;who the fuck even knows how much individual variation is accounted for by 'different uptake of x' 1515534;1470408765;mircea_popescu;intuitively, you'd think "oh well, there's these many oxidative presentations of iron, i've tried them all, time for you to say goodbye to life". yet, chiken liver works. bloody steak somewhat but not as greatly (and only with proper red wine anyway, so clearly oxidative pathway) 1515535;1470408779;asciilifeform;there was actually an interesting experiment, one of the VERY few useful 'human genetic sequence' finds i know of, 1515536;1470408790;mircea_popescu;so you next suppose "oh, it's because the pill creates this point with a gradient, whereas livers are distributed". so you grind it into a dust, mix it in say, humus. nnnnnope... 1515537;1470408826;asciilifeform;where two sets of people were fed dopaminergic (some amphetamine or other) and then tortured with puzzles, etc. subjectively both pools 'liked', but only one set actually outscored 1515538;1470408830;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the intestine ? LOTS of it. the intestinal surface is just as fucking complex as the brain. it selects certain bacterial populations ffs. 1515539;1470408836;mircea_popescu;through complex interactions with their dna no less. 1515540;1470408845;asciilifeform;and they had an identifiable mutation. 1515541;1470408853;PeterL;might have to do with how the iron is complexed with organics in the liver, mostly non-complexed in the pill 1515542;1470408865;asciilifeform;if adlai or PeterL recall the paper, plx link. 1515543;1470408872;mircea_popescu;PeterL quite possibly. though... 1515544;1470408947;mircea_popescu;i mean... ammonium citrate. useless. but just how complex does this coordination have to get ? 1515545;1470408960;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'd bet that the iron is at least partly 'red herring', and you need some enzyme that magicks the absorption 1515546;1470408964;asciilifeform;found in liver. 1515547;1470408982;mircea_popescu;i'm pretty sure it's the gut, myself, but then again wtf do we know. 1515548;1470409041;PeterL;could be both (needs some enzyme to get through gut, another to change the complex coordination in liver so the rest of the body can use it) 1515549;1470409048;PeterL;just throwing out ideas 1515550;1470409091;PeterL;maybe a red herring would be a healthy diet addition ;) 1515551;1470409100;mircea_popescu;yes but... i tried lactate. i tried glycosulphate. i mean... holy shit, what, does it come as part of a chunk of protein eight miles long, to count ? 1515552;1470409110;asciilifeform;quite conceivably. 1515553;1470409115;mircea_popescu;yeah well... 1515554;1470409123;PeterL;bigger is better, right? 1515555;1470409127;mircea_popescu;apparently. 1515556;1470409129;mircea_popescu;women, you know ? 1515557;1470409172;mircea_popescu;PeterL ironically, the reason i'm convinced it's genetics is that of the (~half dozen) girls i encountered with the problem, ALL hated nordic fish 1515558;1470409176;mircea_popescu;ie, heavy oil fish like herring. 1515559;1470409409;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so how do you find out if you have the erdos gene ? 1515560;1470409540;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the article mentioned earlier gave a locus. will post when i find it, prolly will have to dig through optical disks. 1515561;1470409554;mircea_popescu;aite! 1515562;1470409596;asciilifeform;also holy FUCK is pig-wrestling a waste of time, http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/89713/offline-rsa-strong-prime-test-similar-to-phuctor#comment247283_89715 1515563;1470409713;mircea_popescu;lol why am i reading this. 1515564;1470409721;mircea_popescu;don't tell me, "it's where the experts gather" ? 1515565;1470409731;asciilifeform;expert sexchangers. 1515566;1470409765;mircea_popescu;oh i fucking linked this didn't i 1515567;1470409767;mircea_popescu;mea culpa. 1515568;1470409771;asciilifeform;aha! 1515569;1470409772;asciilifeform;lel 1515570;1470409783;mircea_popescu;"why am i reading this ?" "you linked it!" "oh..." 1515571;1470409783;asciilifeform;it pops up every 6 mo or so. 1515572;1470411079;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515272 sure. 1515573;1470411079;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 13:07 mircea_popescu: btw you still making windows binary releases ? 1515574;1470411116;mircea_popescu;cool. new one's up, 0.1.2b plox. 1515575;1470411145;mircea_popescu;it was a painless ~10 minute compile for everyone who tried it so far, but diana_coman 's kinda curious if that holds out in win or not. 1515576;1470411195;shinohai;it isn't difficult at all to build, and jurov's deb makes it even easier 1515577;1470411324;mircea_popescu;shinohai did i see you in game ? 1515578;1470411573;danielpbarron;10 minute!!?? 1515579;1470411849;mircea_popescu;how long did you take ? 1515580;1470412204;danielpbarron;half hour at least, maybe an hour 1515581;1470412281;mircea_popescu;was it ftjam ? 1515582;1470412301;mircea_popescu;did you for some reason to a full recompile ? 1515583;1470412521;danielpbarron;jam -aq client 1515584;1470412545;danielpbarron;it was painless though 1515585;1470412566;mircea_popescu;i guess it depends on machine to a more significant degree than i thought. 1515586;1470412578;mircea_popescu;my ftjam finished in 12:44 on this (kinda old) machine 1515587;1470412597;danielpbarron;just downloaded and verified the new tar.gz, unpacked it into ~/development , ran the same recompile.sh script as before 1515588;1470413587;shinohai;http://archive.is/iGXas <<< further mmporg lulz 1515589;1470414232;shinohai;oh yes mircea_popescu i met you in game, was gonna pair up with danielpbarron one day but system froze after a few minutes walking :/ 1515590;1470414267;mircea_popescu;you know, someone had a similar problem due to ancient gfx card / old drivers or somesuch. iirc there's a solution to tone down world items. 1515591;1470414320;danielpbarron;hah i just closed out my client to re-apply exactly those changes 1515592;1470414350;danielpbarron;http://logs.minigame.bz/2015-07-21.log.html#t16:30:27 << here's how 1515593;1470414384;hanbot;ah, danielpbarron beat me to it. was gonna post my config file, had similar issues as shinohai 1515594;1470414410;shinohai;thanx 1515595;1470414412;mircea_popescu;o look at that, chetty! 1515596;1470414432;shinohai;Powered by latest chettymodz lol 1515597;1470414666;asciilifeform;http://ria.ru/society/20160805/1473700232.html << unrelated, ru lulz. 'ru national guard refuses to enforce evictions' of squatters, debtors 1515598;1470414755;deedbot;[Trilema] Eulora Forward Looking Statement, August 2016 - http://trilema.com/2016/eulora-forward-looking-statement-august-2016/ 1515599;1470415286;asciilifeform;moar lulz, https://www.yubico.com/2016/05/secure-hardware-vs-open-source << who recall this turd? from the age of mtgox? it is now IMPROVED!1111 with moar closedsoresness!111 and has lengthy and hilarious justification thereof. 1515600;1470415488;asciilifeform;in more recent noose, linus approved switch of /dev/urandom algo, http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1607.3/00275.html 1515601;1470415542;asciilifeform;( http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1607.3/02631.html << him ) 1515602;1470419276;mircea_popescu;is this good for bit-coin ? 1515603;1470419432;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7d3ac59a-372b-4ec9-bef7-408f614d6217/?raw=true 1515604;1470419442;mircea_popescu;why ty! 1515605;1470419532;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515260 << eg repl-in-crystalspace? or must run crystalspace but then can attach an emacs repl to it? 1515606;1470419532;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 08:46 jurov: i just have embedded ecl in eulora and made quite a complete functionality available to it 1515607;1470419590;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/408ea34c-f51e-4243-99ca-6b239035a73f/?raw=true << source code of A2, for your study 1515608;1470419742;mircea_popescu;aite! 1515609;1470422768;hanbot;http://lxr.free-electrons.com/ident?i=TMSR << so famous 1515610;1470422816;mircea_popescu;lol 1515611;1470422837;mircea_popescu;sure, and there's a nasdaq tmsr, and some canadian band ; and thorium-molten salt reactors and what have you. 1515612;1470422861;hanbot;sue the salt sue the salt 1515613;1470422867;mircea_popescu;lol! 1515614;1470422904;mircea_popescu;actually scratch that, apparently nasdaq no longer knows of it. 1515615;1470422912;mircea_popescu;but they made pc peripherals 20 years ago 1515616;1470422947;ben_vulpes;whip the salt, sue the nasdaq 1515617;1470423519;hanbot;http://cranbrookart.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ruth2010-7-hi-e1411752849600.jpg << front & center on "program description" page for fine arts at some michigan uni. no explanation, but does point out that yes, those are potatoes. 1515618;1470423543;mircea_popescu;ahahaha what 1515619;1470423551;hanbot;nfi 1515620;1470423562;mircea_popescu;wtf is with the potatoes already ? you know they have a fucking STATUE of like... corn, in ohio ? 1515621;1470423587;mircea_popescu;this shit is ~what pig-run world would be like. 1515622;1470423591;hanbot;you mean the concrete cornfield? i wish it were a single statue. 1515623;1470423595;mircea_popescu;and why are they in the corner ? been punished ? 1515624;1470423603;mircea_popescu;wait, there's more ? 1515625;1470423634;mircea_popescu;in other, just about equal level weblulz, there's https://archive.is/BPQc1 1515626;1470423649;hanbot;maybe it's interactive, you visit and pummel the subjects with the spuds. 1515627;1470423672;hanbot;next piece is just the wall, entitled, "i promise it's just ketchup" 1515628;1470423693;mircea_popescu;apparently r/btc exists to collect the various idiots who never heard of obama and think the russians invaded atlanta, georgia like a decade ago. 1515629;1470423708;mircea_popescu;hanbot is it like, for special needs ? 1515630;1470423760;hanbot;iono dude, this project is making me think there's no regular needs institutions up there 1515631;1470423773;mircea_popescu;lol 1515632;1470423942;hanbot;lol "Want (MP) the one who put out that hot notice on sipa one time?" 1515633;1470424059;asciilifeform;#define TMSR (1<<5) /* Timer soft reset. */ 1515634;1470424060;asciilifeform;lel. 1515635;1470424063;mircea_popescu;in other ~news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/42006c6cccd7173d3ec31dc18af50f15/tumblr_n8fd1qxoOv1ravtw5o9_400.gif 1515636;1470424558;asciilifeform;'The July 2016 estimate was not part of the agreement, and certainly not a deadline. It was (at the time) a reasonable expectation based on the agreement terms. Speaking only for myself, I made the promise with sincerity, and intend to uphold it best I can (despite the almost immediate violation by one of the parties).' << can anyone translate this to human language ? 1515637;1470424758;asciilifeform;moar gems, 1515638;1470424763;asciilifeform;'...when Gavin was leading development it seemed like there was no reason to panic or rock the boat. He's reasonable and not a member of the perfectly decentralized everyone-runs-a-full-node-at-home-in-moms-basement-on-bare-metal fairy tale woo-woo cult.' 1515639;1470424817;shinohai;my sides 1515640;1470424903;asciilifeform;'...What people are failing to understand about cryotocurrencies is that insofar as there is friction entailed in forking away we will see some government-type behavior from dev teams. We need to understand both that this will always happen... The trick as an investor is to not get spooked during that period where the pressure is building but still not big enough to overcome the friction. Where it looks like the wall will hold foreve 1515641;1470424903;asciilifeform;r if you just extrapolate. It eventually must fall, as the burden of forking away is not that large...' 1515642;1470424922;asciilifeform;pinoys workin' overtime 1515643;1470424963;ben_vulpes;what schelling point 1515644;1470425066;mircea_popescu;what the fuck am i re... 1515645;1470425072;mircea_popescu;fuck, i linked it again didn't i. 1515646;1470425078;asciilifeform;aaaha. 1515647;1470425111;mircea_popescu;this is like when you keep waking up in bed with ugly women. 1515648;1470425114;mircea_popescu;i gotta stop drinking. 1515649;1470425125;asciilifeform;the sheer gas pressure of the turd is mind-bending 1515650;1470425138;asciilifeform;reading that thread, i feel like eskimo drinkin' rotgut 1515651;1470425148;mircea_popescu;im sure it's all investors. 1515652;1470425157;asciilifeform;(esp. on account of not having a reddit habbit personally) 1515653;1470425160;asciilifeform;*habit 1515654;1470425188;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is the special preserve r/btc where the idiots went once theymos took away their shitposting rights in r/bitcoin 1515655;1470425226;mircea_popescu;considering a large part of the historical beef with tardstalk was over mismanagement of shitposting rights for idiots, the adventure of r/bitcoin is not particularly encouraging. 1515656;1470425241;mircea_popescu;seems to be the case that for as long as you interact with idiots, what you do doesn't really matter all that much. 1515657;1470425280;mircea_popescu;nowadays a rather banal observation, but i guess not quite as crystallized in 2012. 1515658;1470425637;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515617 << Cranbrook is a prep school, not uni (That's where Mitt Romney did high school, iirc) 1515659;1470425637;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 18:58 hanbot: http://cranbrookart.edu/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ruth2010-7-hi-e1411752849600.jpg << front & center on "program description" page for fine arts at some michigan uni. no explanation, but does point out that yes, those are potatoes. 1515660;1470425691;mircea_popescu;o.O 1515661;1470425702;mircea_popescu;now i wonder if he had to sit facing the wall. 1515662;1470425751;PeterL;I seem to remember they have a nice museums for art and science on the campus, my dad would take me there a couple times a year as a kid 1515663;1470425855;mircea_popescu;why don't they showcase that then i wonder. 1515664;1470430815;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the land of the lulcowz, https://botbot.me/freenode/bitcoin-core-dev/2016-08-05/?msg=70809464&page=1 1515665;1470434703;hanbot;PeterL of interest was their "Academy of Art", degree-granting. not their prep school. 1515666;1470435626;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform more interesting, "who's this suddenly very active jeremy rubin character" 1515667;1470435637;mircea_popescu;https://gist.github.com/JeremyRubin/1a3260431b3ee4afbaa0 etc. 1515668;1470435640;asciilifeform;why the replacement-gavin. 1515669;1470435642;asciilifeform;who else. 1515670;1470435644;asciilifeform;i did say ! 1515671;1470435645;mircea_popescu;heh. 1515672;1470435713;mircea_popescu;changed block headers, the works. 1515673;1470435743;asciilifeform;it isn't as if golem-clay is a limited resource. 1515674;1470435748;asciilifeform;never a shortage. 1515675;1470435791;mircea_popescu;https://gist.github.com/JeremyRubin/6eec0427edec6e68755ae274b27baae5 << other lulz. 1515676;1470435814;mircea_popescu;but yes, having the "fork" nonsense defeated, and the "we'll promote a shitcoin" defeated leaves the usg.lizzards ... one option. 1515677;1470435829;asciilifeform;https://gist.github.com/JeremyRubin/6eec0427edec6e68755ae274b27baae5 << and hey, hey, hey, let's add race conditions to gavincoin 1515678;1470435839;asciilifeform;didja know, it needed some. 1515679;1470435854;mircea_popescu;no it's not gavin coin, because old wedding picture was associated to random string! it's jeff rubin now! 1515680;1470435884;asciilifeform;'у големов нет проблемов' (tm) (r) (pelevin) 1515681;1470435908;mircea_popescu;anyway. it's altogether unclear how on earth one will wipe them this time. intelligently they're no longer using a gavin, but ~an anon hydra. 1515682;1470435953;mircea_popescu;and the various noise groups are both incapable mentally of using a wot and actually very affraid of locking out newbies because they perceive an (wholly hallucinated, but w/e, they're immersed in socialist ideology) existential threat : "they'll die without noobies" 1515683;1470435990;asciilifeform;the only piece that 'compulsively welcomes noobs' is the ablative shield. 1515684;1470436008;asciilifeform;i walked past the fed bldg in washington not long ago, and did not notice a neon sign asking for noobs to go in. 1515685;1470436013;mircea_popescu;yes, but socialist mind is affraid of killing, for reasons. 1515686;1470436053;asciilifeform;killing, with honest and purposeful hand - yes. 'embrace & extinguish' ? plenty. 1515687;1470436124;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/hbIQb << if it wasn't obvious. 1515688;1470436199;mircea_popescu;(grad student) 1515689;1470436238;mircea_popescu;which is the correct strategic choice, once the opponent has demonstrated the ability to behead your "academic" assets, zerg him with the academic aspie assets. they surely got the "man"-hours anyway. 1515690;1470436450;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at honest working girl ranch, http://66.media.tumblr.com/77015608eb8809acc9299cfda42280c7/tumblr_muqgezMtQK1rispuco1_1280.jpg 1515691;1470436811;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as pioneered by elaine shi et al. 1515692;1470436829;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: these are literally inexhaustible. 1515693;1470436948;mircea_popescu;aha. 1515694;1470436955;mircea_popescu;in other, not really related lulz : https://www.internations.org/ 1515695;1470436989;mircea_popescu;"if you're the sort of guy who almost escaped the homeshitland, wouldn't you like to register in a cigna-powered "community of trust" ????" 1515696;1470436999;mircea_popescu;totally, if it's by invitation only i'll feel sooo fucking special. 1515697;1470437039;mircea_popescu;(cigna, for the noobs, is the usg dept of "insurance" human records) 1515698;1470437122;asciilifeform;most usa 'expats' are as close to escaping truly as i am to the moon by jumping with all my might. 1515699;1470437340;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/8bdc4b2d-2581-4b7a-a591-39b96b9a2ac6/?raw=true 1515700;1470439098;shinohai;$up sexysophia 1515701;1470439098;deedbot;sexysophia voiced for 30 minutes. 1515702;1470439151;shinohai;hi sexysophia who are you? 1515703;1470439336;mircea_popescu;well... intelligence is sexy amirite. 1515704;1470439407;shinohai;http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ <<< she says here for this, speaks spanish? 1515705;1470439421;mircea_popescu;where does she say ? 1515706;1470439433;shinohai;pm 1515707;1470439437;mircea_popescu;besides, we speak spanish don't we ? 1515708;1470439443;mircea_popescu;so tell her to speak in chan liek normal ppls. 1515709;1470439455;mircea_popescu;hola sexysophia 1515710;1470439559;sexysophia;HI 1515711;1470439580;sexysophia;HI MIRCEA_POPESCU 1515712;1470439591;mircea_popescu;como anda 1515713;1470439597;sexysophia;BIEN 1515714;1470439600;sexysophia;THC 1515715;1470439609;sexysophia;TE DEJE UN MENSAGE 1515716;1470439612;mircea_popescu;sos aqui por http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ? 1515717;1470439650;sexysophia;http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 1515718;1470439721;mircea_popescu;ok, escribir b68fe7aa sobre sus tetas y tome una photo. como lost otras chicas. 1515719;1470439745;sexysophia;OK 1515720;1470439797;mircea_popescu;fucking spanish imperative i never get it right. escribe y toma, is it shinohai ? 1515721;1470439845;shinohai;si 1515722;1470439853;shinohai;escribe eso 1515723;1470440729;mircea_popescu;one of the best parts of ba this time of years is the invasion of freesia. wunderbar. 1515724;1470440740;*;mircea_popescu 's house is uniformly perfumed. 1515725;1470440805;sexysophia;http://i.imgur.com/oOT6CLq.png?1 1515726;1470440823;sexysophia;MIRCEA_POPESCU 1515727;1470440839;mircea_popescu;hehe mirror. 1515728;1470440847;mircea_popescu;nice sexysophia , now post your bitcoin address. 1515729;1470440849;shinohai;xD 1515730;1470440876;shinohai;nice 1515731;1470440884;sexysophia;1GAc7mr1j14n4opVDwQnexVULwNJ5fQztz 1515732;1470440898;mircea_popescu;alrighty, sending it now. 1515733;1470440913;mircea_popescu;so where are you from ? 1515734;1470440920;sexysophia;COLOMBIA 1515735;1470440929;mircea_popescu;medelin hm ? how's the weather there 1515736;1470440932;mircea_popescu;$up sexysophia 1515737;1470440933;deedbot;sexysophia voiced for 30 minutes. 1515738;1470440956;sexysophia;GRACIAS 1515739;1470440967;sexysophia;CALI 1515740;1470441004;mircea_popescu;mi gusto. decile a tus amigas tambien :) 1515741;1470441073;sexysophia;OK 1515742;1470441209;mircea_popescu;como encontraste el articulo en trilema ? 1515743;1470441588;asciilifeform;soooo, http://trilema.com/2016/eulora-forward-looking-statement-august-2016 << 'From a technical perspective, the RSA migration is intended to work on the following scheme : RSA privkey is generated correctly ; this key and the server's key are used to pass OTPs between client and server' is fundamentally Right Thing. 1515744;1470441603;sexysophia;SI 1515745;1470441684;*;asciilifeform proposes to implement this subsystem for s.mg. 1515746;1470441873;mircea_popescu;hm. like, s.mg to hire s.nsa as a subcontractor ? 1515747;1470441993;asciilifeform;aha. 1515748;1470442115;mircea_popescu;would it cost a lot ? would it take very long ? 1515749;1470442153;asciilifeform;answer would depend on what is specced, but if spec will substantially reflect linked trilema article, then, likely, not, and not. 1515750;1470442184;mircea_popescu;well... i guess specifics of this will be tied to specifics of that. 1515751;1470442189;asciilifeform;correct. 1515752;1470442205;mircea_popescu;gotta admit the idea is promising. so lessee... 1515753;1470442222;mircea_popescu;hm. im guessing we'll get together with diana_coman and write a spec ? unless you want to propose one ? 1515754;1470442241;mircea_popescu;currently the "what happens past key generation" and "there's an otp" part is left pretty loophole-y 1515755;1470442294;asciilifeform;diana_coman will be able to describe necessaries, e.g., bit rate. 1515756;1470442314;asciilifeform;and the constraints of the built & runtime. 1515757;1470442315;mircea_popescu;"largest message size" is more a sticking point. 1515758;1470442338;asciilifeform;not really, given that mircea_popescu already solved this problem in his article by describing 'otp pool' 1515759;1470442370;asciilifeform;the one sticking point may be entropy starvation on certain systems (it is my understanding that a number of eulora players are stuck on winblowz) 1515760;1470442372;mircea_popescu;possibly yeah. 1515761;1470442400;mircea_popescu;i'm also not entirely certain a symmetric cypher or perhaps hash-and-rehash scheme won';t be better. 1515762;1470442417;asciilifeform;that'd be more or less standard gpg mechanism. 1515763;1470442438;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1515764;1470442442;mircea_popescu;brb 1515765;1470442452;*;asciilifeform brb, food, will come back to this thread. 1515766;1470442812;shinohai;dat metadata tho 1515767;1470443628;shinohai;mine is no better than phf 's 1515768;1470443638;shinohai;worse perhaps 1515769;1470443865;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so im thinking here, without a byte/sec sort of idea of what messaging is liable to look like, we can't really spec anything anyway. 1515770;1470443875;mircea_popescu;$up pepegrillo 1515771;1470443875;deedbot;pepegrillo voiced for 30 minutes. 1515772;1470449053;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1515769 << yes. also will need some detail re the desired glue (where subsystem plugs in? etc) 1515773;1470449053;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 00:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so im thinking here, without a byte/sec sort of idea of what messaging is liable to look like, we can't really spec anything anyway. 1515774;1470449116;mircea_popescu;that part is not hard : a) you get a client ; b) you write it a drop-in wrapper for the messaging - this should be one function/class + the keygen. the same class should be used by server the same way, which we'll do the integration of. 1515775;1470449154;asciilifeform;perhaps diana_coman will be able to give rough picture of the bit rate. 1515776;1470449162;mircea_popescu;yeah when she pops in i'm sure. 1515777;1470449171;asciilifeform;(this will determine how much optimizatory massage the item would need.) 1515778;1470449260;mircea_popescu;basic cryptoquestion i do not expect an answer to : is there a way to evaluate strength loss by hash pass in a scheme where otp is hashed and the hash used as next pass otp, for N passes of this ? 1515779;1470449263;shinohai;$s bitfinex 1515780;1470449264;a111;199 results for "bitfinex", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=bitfinex 1515781;1470449285;shinohai;sob 1515782;1470449299;shinohai;$s blockchain.info 1515783;1470449299;a111;619 results for "blockchain.info", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=blockchain.info 1515784;1470449305;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hash as stream cipher ? 1515785;1470449312;mircea_popescu;hash as say sha512 1515786;1470449344;mircea_popescu;but anyway, it's ok that there isn't : there ALSO isn't a way to evaluate strength loss due to "rng" starvation. 1515787;1470449356;asciilifeform;the one obvious gotcha is that if enemy can decipher (perhaps via known plaintext) ONE instance in the stream, he has the rest ! 1515788;1470449356;mircea_popescu;so it's impossible to make a rational decision here, from both ends. win-win, as they say. 1515789;1470449367;mircea_popescu;the next, but not the previous. 1515790;1470449379;mircea_popescu;if he decyphers the 12th in a 12pass scheme he gets 1 message. 1515791;1470449387;mircea_popescu;if he decyphers the 1st he gets 12 messages. 1515792;1470449390;asciilifeform;aha. 1515793;1470449399;mircea_popescu;well, at least theoretically. 1515794;1470449420;asciilifeform;iirc bernstein's 'salsa' thing works on this method. 1515795;1470449425;mircea_popescu;anyway because messages are highly structured to begin with, there's a whole lotta attacking surface available. 1515796;1470449425;asciilifeform;it is a common way to stream cipher. 1515797;1470449436;mircea_popescu;(a large part of this project is me trying to field-evaluate crypto schemes in the first place) 1515798;1470449450;shinohai;has anyone checked the rng for the new blockchain.info `wallet` 1515799;1470449469;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no i'm not discussing here "a way to community consensus". the question is quite specific : given 12 passes, tell me how much strength i lose adding a 13th. 1515800;1470449473;mircea_popescu;as a scalar, please. 1515801;1470449482;mircea_popescu;shinohai nope. how would you ? 1515802;1470449484;asciilifeform;unfortunately crypto schemes are not really experimentally testable on 'human' timescales - in the sense that even the dumbest algo appears to 'work great!111' until one day, likely quietly, it does not. 1515803;1470449506;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cipher strength is now a quantifiable, scalar no less ?! 1515804;1470449512;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm more concenred about obviously-not-working in practice. same principle as phuctor, really. 1515805;1470449516;shinohai;i dunno. 1515806;1470449530;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in order for management to make decisions, all items must be put in the form a > b. 1515807;1470449546;asciilifeform;well-ordered != scalar 1515808;1470449563;mircea_popescu;i didn't mean it that way. i meant, all items must be reduced to TWO scalars. 1515809;1470449590;asciilifeform;to an ordering - sure. 1515810;1470449601;mircea_popescu;in this case : here is the security loss from adding a 13th step to the 12 step scheme : 79. here is the security loss from not adding it, because rng starvation : 45. 1515811;1470449629;mircea_popescu;only in this context the decision to "add it" or "not add it" can be said to make any sort of fucking sense. 1515812;1470449631;asciilifeform;the unfortunate thing about hashes is that they are every bit the voodoo that block ciphers are. 1515813;1470449643;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1515814;1470449650;asciilifeform;'this appears to jumble the bits well, ergo cryptographically strong' 1515815;1470449659;asciilifeform;'i cannot reverse it, thereby no one can!' etc. 1515816;1470449707;asciilifeform;this kind of thing is a large part of why crypto implementation tends to show the attributes of religious ritual 1515817;1470449714;deedbot;[Trilema] No Such lAbs (S.NSA), July 2016 Statement - http://trilema.com/2016/no-such-labs-snsa-july-2016-statement/ 1515818;1470449716;asciilifeform;'hiring soothsayer, hire cheapest' 1515819;1470449747;mircea_popescu;anyway. 1515820;1470450050;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform re glue, we'll be able to run a test server for it anyway. 1515821;1470453591;shinohai;mircea_popescu: chick from earlier says to `profoundly thank you` 1515822;1470453641;shinohai;actually she was a very nice lady 1515823;1470454861;mircea_popescu;cool! 1515824;1470454866;mircea_popescu;$up dvsdude 1515825;1470454866;deedbot;dvsdude voiced for 30 minutes. 1515826;1470454964;dvsdude;hey mp .....how goes it? 1515827;1470454974;mircea_popescu;profoundly, thank you. 1515828;1470456970;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in madrid, http://noticiasvaldeorras.com/valdeorras/el-capricho-de-un-millonario-cinco-menores-una-violacion-y-un-kilo-de-cocaina-en-o-barco-de-valdeorras/ 1515829;1470458042;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515648 << Half way to Step 1!!! 1515830;1470458042;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 19:25 mircea_popescu: i gotta stop drinking. 1515831;1470458842;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: how does the server rental fee make sense as "intangibles and goodwill"? 1515832;1470458861;ben_vulpes;also latest s.nsa posting missing s.nsa wptag 1515833;1470458905;trinque;phuctor's a free public service innit 1515834;1470458924;trinque;in other lol today I discover that emacs tries to ssh to host.does.not.exist at every start 1515835;1470458975;ben_vulpes;nowai 1515836;1470459007;trinque;yeah, hamhanded probing for whether you have ControlMaster support in your ssh 1515837;1470459043;trinque;you'd like to think your machine will with default settings not take it upon itself to diddle the network 1515838;1470459049;trinque;but you know, 2016, great progress 1515839;1470459058;ben_vulpes;psh i dunno what world you grew up in 1515840;1470459196;trinque;https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=20015 << if the world ever rights "helpful" is going to be a euphemism for "tries to slip dick in when you turn your back" 1515841;1470459249;trinque;and the fucking bug is "mom my toy is too slow" not "HOLY FUCK THIS TOUCHES THE NETWORK WITHOUT BEING ASKED" 1515842;1470459872;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes well, it's been spent, yes ? 1515843;1470460099;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: sure, this is likely a misunderstanding of "intangibles and goodwill" as an asset. 1515844;1470460107;ben_vulpes;(on my part) 1515845;1470460149;mircea_popescu;well, if you cash your paycheck and don't spend it, it's cash. if you spend it to buy a pair of shoes, you have a tangible asset. if you spend it to buy a round for all your friends, it's goodwill. 1515846;1470460176;mircea_popescu;the difference being that the tangible you can turn back to cash whenever you want to ; whereas the intangible you gotta wait for it to decide on your own. 1515847;1470460236;mircea_popescu;on its own* heh. 1515848;1470460325;ben_vulpes;3% of s.nsa's balance sheet amounts to "sweet parties we have thrown" by that reading 1515849;1470460336;mircea_popescu;yup. 1515850;1470460343;ben_vulpes;nearly 4 1515851;1470460368;mircea_popescu;seems a rather correct description of reality, too. 1515852;1470460393;mircea_popescu;anyway, the whole job of valuating a public corp reduces to adding the proper factors to those 3 categories. 1515853;1470460402;mircea_popescu;how much cash, how much asset and how much goodwill does apple have ? 1515854;1470460414;mircea_popescu;is it work >1 or <1 * what it spent on it ? 1515855;1470460415;mircea_popescu;etc. 1515856;1470460423;mircea_popescu;worth not work heh. 1515857;1470460514;mircea_popescu;anyway. the scheme is both correct and very, VERY fucking scary to "start-ups", because within 12 to 18 months, ~100% of all their capital turns to "sweet parties we have thrown". which is a sad reality they dun wanna look in the face, especially not while trying to get someone/anyone to give them moar money. 1515858;1470460633;ben_vulpes;you book salaries under "goodwill"? 1515859;1470460642;mircea_popescu;nsa pays no salary afaik. 1515860;1470460659;ben_vulpes;no, "start-ups" 1515861;1470460670;mircea_popescu;certainly. 1515862;1470460690;mircea_popescu;the sort of "salaries" start-ups pay have more in common with greenmail than with the proper concept of salary. 1515863;1470460705;mircea_popescu;i've yet to see a start-up engage actual labour, in the classical sense of this term. 1515864;1470460741;mircea_popescu;$s shuttle cocks 1515865;1470460742;a111;2 results for "shuttle cocks", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=shuttle%20cocks 1515866;1470460830;mircea_popescu;ie, labour is when you engage a stable of cowsies to die in your stable, circulating company scrip between the company store and the company workshop. then wages actually contribute to assets. 1515867;1470460937;mircea_popescu;which is also why start-up paying anything but warrants/options/stock is primo nonsense. but then again a no-nonsense approach would shut off most of the morti di fame who like to pretend they're participating in the economy, as they'd have to get proper jobs instead of aspie-ing all over town. 1515868;1470460957;ben_vulpes;this greenmail notion is entirely unrealistic, shares allocated to "enginering" are utterly trivial compared to investment tranches, and shartup operators routinely reneg on non-dilution clauses for staff. 1515869;1470460978;mircea_popescu;but the "employees" are still paid chiefly to not go to the "competition". 1515870;1470460981;mircea_popescu;that's the core of that concept. 1515871;1470461059;mircea_popescu;also i find now that the webternet is retarded. investopedia definition for instance is pretty nonsensical. i guess pinoy everywhere. 1515872;1470461086;ben_vulpes;even /i/ know investopedia is trash 1515873;1470461138;mircea_popescu;anyway. greenmail is an antieconomic activity, in the sense that management group A divests capital goods in order to pay management group B to no longer pretend like it could do a better job of managing said capital goods. 1515874;1470461176;mircea_popescu;like, if ethereum-classic created some dilutive ethereum coins to pay off random idiots to run their chain instead of the ethereum-fork. or vice-versa. 1515875;1470461740;mircea_popescu;(this, incidentally, is just as common in scamcoins as it is in scamcorporations aka vc-whatever. "premine", ie, reserved-greenmail.) 1515876;1470462259;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1515877;1470462260;gribble;Current Blocks: 423920 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 1455 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 2 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1515878;1470462263;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1515879;1470462269;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 567.36, vol: 6223.64827465 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 570.0, vol: 2594.70548 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 561.91158, vol: 76412.05880000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 572.33, vol: 1077.58913538 | Volume-weighted last average: 562.677707037 1515880;1470489862;mircea_popescu;possibly one of the more depressing activities available in contemporaneity is checking out the portofolio of one of those "artist" photographers that in practice survives out of taking wedding pictures. i don't mean the friend-of-the-bride etsy idiot that DOESN'T survive. i mean the dude who keeps a steady stream of work enough to feed a family, provided that family somehow decided to do on half the income of a plumber becau 1515881;1470489863;mircea_popescu;se daddy's artistique. hopefully the wife fucks around with a non-beta. but anyway : 1515882;1470489928;mircea_popescu;all of them are ooooobviously "speshul". except... all of them are obviously the same fucking thing, the fuck are you gonna do out of a dork who doesn't own suits and a rando girl in a white gauze marshmellow ? within an acceptable budget ? 1515883;1470489949;mircea_popescu;there's only so many ways you can anchor gauze in a tree so it appears windblown. 1515884;1470490327;mircea_popescu;"if i can't comfortably lift the girl in the air, maybe it's time to work out! or maybe it's time to find another girl!" thought no groom ever. "if my wedding threatens to look exactly like the wedding of every other bourgeois idiot, maybe it's time to take off the dress" thought every bride ever, AND THEN CHICKENED OUT ON IT. etc etc. 1515885;1470490497;mircea_popescu;and then that "trash the dress" bullshit. looks exactly like a donna dolore set for the first two minutes, then it turns out the director isn't present and shit goes downhill from there. 1515886;1470491600;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, asciilifeform currently eulora messages exchanged between client and server are between 43 and 2048 bytes (really upper limit and rarely seen); this being said, the current system of messages/ exchanges between eulora client and server is quite a mess from many points of view, so it's set to be changed too 1515887;1470491644;mircea_popescu;so what'd typical client do ? 10kbps ? 1 ? 100 ? 1515888;1470491928;diana_coman;about 50kbps 1515889;1470491981;diana_coman;from the server to the client mainly; the other way around is much less, below 10 1515890;1470492023;mircea_popescu;so for an average message size of say 600 bytes, the server on average sends 800 messages to the client each second, and the client back about 1-200. that sound right ? 1515891;1470492126;mircea_popescu;meh wait, i did the 8 conversion the wrong way. 50kbps ~= 10 messages / s if they average 600bytes each 1515892;1470492294;diana_coman;aha; might be worth mentioning too that average can be dubious, since you'll get more likely spikes when lots of things happen where you are and otherwise some very low regular exchanges 1515893;1470492334;mircea_popescu;and by the revision we're doing we hope to cut this... in half ? by 90% ? 1515894;1470492552;diana_coman;hm, kind of hard to say before having done at least some sort of concrete start on this; at this moment I'd say half more as a guess than an estimate 1515895;1470492681;mircea_popescu;ok. so the reasonable move here would be to spec this to transport 10kbps from client to server ; in chunks no longer than 2048 and no shorter than 32. 1515896;1470492787;mircea_popescu;diana_coman this of course includes ~no chat chatter. 1515897;1470492840;diana_coman;yes, this is without chat stuff indeed 1515898;1470492873;mircea_popescu;not a serious problem, i really intend to simply include a chat client. didn't mention this in the fls, but... all comms should be over irc anyway. 1515899;1470492904;mircea_popescu;with the possible exception of pm, which should be a separate function, and point-to-point. (ie, client encrypts to dest's key, not to server's key) 1515900;1470492943;mircea_popescu;(in this discussion, irc is gossipd 0.1, obviously) 1515901;1470493167;diana_coman;sounds ok to me at this stage, yes 1515902;1470493239;mircea_popescu;if we actually go with a 12-pass hashing method, this then will require > 8kb of entropy/second from the client, which isn't possibru without dedicated rng fountain. 1515903;1470493252;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, as long as the input isn't actually fucking 0... maybe urandom can survive with this. 1515904;1470493344;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's your call, because the matter is quite acute : is it a safer system to demand 8kb entropy/second and hash 12 times ? or to demand say 128bytes/second and hash 768 times ? 1515905;1470493351;mircea_popescu;possiblyt the most abused vernam cypher in history. 1515906;1470494074;mircea_popescu;in other news holy shit ffmpeg is a fine example of how not to do a -h switch. it overruns default terminal buffer! 1515907;1470495793;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: a certain amount of rng load can be moved to server end (rekeying on that end, and ciphers new session key to pubkey of client, which was presumably generated at his leisure and is adequately entropic) 1515908;1470495836;asciilifeform;in unrelated lulz, http://abc13.com/automotive/hpd-crooks-armed-with-laptop-stole-30-cars/1457015 1515909;1470495895;asciilifeform;'The two men apparently used a laptop and pirated software to start the vehicles and take off. HPD said the vehicles made it into Mexico. ... HPD said it's nearly impossible to stop this high-tech crime especially if someone else has the same pirated software.' 1515910;1470495911;shinohai;lol 1515911;1470495929;mircea_popescu;nah. everyone's responsible for what he eats. server makes otps for itself ; client for itself. 1515912;1470495964;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform good thing they "solved" the old mechanical lock problems then huh! viva progess & technology. 1515913;1470495988;asciilifeform;how, one wonders, did they tout the 'master key over bluetooth' or wtf is in there. 1515914;1470495993;asciilifeform;'less sweat for repo man' ? 1515915;1470496024;asciilifeform;what, i wonder, are the stats for u.s. car repo ? 1515916;1470496033;asciilifeform;most of'em? at this point? 1515917;1470496039;mircea_popescu;(in other lulz : ro admits both technologie and technologeala as imports for "technology". the first is commonly used ; the latter is a portmanteau of tech and ologeala, which is the noun describing the "fact of having been made olog, ie, unable to walk". quite appropriately.) 1515918;1470496059;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do they have a french-style 'academy of the language' in ro ? 1515919;1470496065;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, not most of them, because intelligent people are lazy and cowardly. 1515920;1470496082;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's an academy. it is very much vessenes-style ; and always has been. 1515921;1470496131;mircea_popescu;i used to regularly humiliate them for their sheer ignorance, back in the days i almost cared. 1515922;1470496201;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as i understand it, car repo is a routine event in usa, if debtor defaults 1515923;1470496208;asciilifeform;or judgement against him, or tax lien, or, or 1515924;1470496235;mircea_popescu;so frequent in fact the manufacturers introduced a special category of "not new, but as-new" to cover for it. 1515925;1470496258;mircea_popescu;"this is a car sold without the intent of its owner". to answer the perennial tyre-kicking question of "so why're you selling it" 1515926;1470496262;mircea_popescu;"i'm not. they stole it." 1515927;1470496437;asciilifeform;the logical end is that the self-driving car will simply take off 1515928;1470496444;asciilifeform;and go to new owner 1515929;1470496455;asciilifeform;when subscription lapses. 1515930;1470496474;asciilifeform;i can already picture sad sacks banging on the doors of mercedes in their driveways, tears 1515931;1470496478;mircea_popescu;can't say i'm entirely opposed to the idea. then i can just log into facebook backend, direct selected womenz to preferred fuckpad ? 1515932;1470496482;asciilifeform;'doooontt goooo!111' 1515933;1470496491;asciilifeform;aha,this also 1515934;1470496499;mircea_popescu;slight improvement over current state of the art. 1515935;1470496797;asciilifeform;automatic car has circus-level potential for lulz, via induced laziness in 1,001 types of people - say, what kind of policeman might there be, once a routine arrest consists of instructing arrestee's car to take him to clink instead of work the next morning 1515936;1470496817;mircea_popescu;yup. 1515937;1470496848;mircea_popescu;in general tehnologeala weakens the consumer ; advantages the gangster. except of course in practice it works to split the gangster into levels of consumerism. 1515938;1470496876;mircea_popescu;ie, what street toughs will there be once there's no policemen ? 1515939;1470496913;mircea_popescu;contrary to what the state likes to claim, it is always "law enforcement" that creates "the criminal element" ; never the other way around. first there was a police, then there was a "law breaker" 1515940;1470497116;asciilifeform;well how else? what kind of 'law breaker' is there without law ?? 1515941;1470497120;asciilifeform;seems tautological 1515942;1470497143;mircea_popescu;anyone know of a better/more intuitive manner of handling metasyntactic marks so as to not run into http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-08-06.log.html#t15:22:52 ? 1515943;1470497165;asciilifeform;there is, say, folks waltzing around and shakin' down folks on the street for their lunch money. and state wants this privilege for itself, yes. 1515944;1470497167;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mno. law can exist without "law enforcement". to equate the two is very much part of the statal delusion. 1515945;1470497187;mircea_popescu;notably republican tax is collected w/o an irs. 1515946;1470497203;asciilifeform;without law enforcement in the modern (e.g., 18th c. brit) sense, yes. 1515947;1470497213;mircea_popescu;no. without external enforcement. 1515948;1470497230;mircea_popescu;$key Silverjayw 1515949;1470497237;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/149d8415-6224-46c2-bd2f-5b3800cee2a1/ 1515950;1470497239;asciilifeform;traditional euro system did include, e.g., infangthief and outfangthief. 1515951;1470497255;asciilifeform;just as tax collection was subcontracted. 1515952;1470497261;mircea_popescu;let's carry the discussion in terms of tax, always and everywhere the most nevralgic point of the statal model. 1515953;1470497276;mircea_popescu;the republic manages to extract tax without a tax extractor. 1515954;1470497296;asciilifeform;imho tmsr 'tax' is more closely analogous to church tithe. 1515955;1470497304;mircea_popescu;this is important. qualitatively it is exactly as much a state as any usg flavour. the discussion may be carried in quantitative terms, 1515956;1470497312;asciilifeform;more church than state. 1515957;1470497320;mircea_popescu;but the problem is that even here the republic wins : the tax it collects is an optimum on the capital allocation curve 1515958;1470497321;asciilifeform;functionally. 1515959;1470497324;mircea_popescu;something no state ever managed. 1515960;1470497334;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the church-state difference is entirely hallucinatory in nature. 1515961;1470497483;asciilifeform;in the sense where all arbitrary convention (and the division of the celestial-terrestrial magisteria thing is quite arbitrary thing) is hallucination. 1515962;1470497501;mircea_popescu;no, in the sense of any ethics (ie, an attempt to implement morals) is equal to any other. 1515963;1470497554;mircea_popescu;the difference between "don't ever fuck a girl in this building, nor drip candle wax on her bare tits while she kneels on this particular wood plank" is no different from "don't call fat people niggers and don't park where that drawing is" 1515964;1470497595;mircea_popescu;lol the difference is no different. mmmmmkay then! 1515965;1470497626;asciilifeform;could sit all day and catalogue weird religions, sure 1515966;1470497632;asciilifeform;all quite similar in this respect. 1515967;1470497652;mircea_popescu;hey, i spent some time with that. 1515968;1470497666;mircea_popescu;then again i spent some time dripping wax on bare tits in 5 century old euro churches, also. 1515969;1470497702;mircea_popescu;but go ahead, illustrate this difference between "a state" and "a church", i'm all ears. 1515970;1470497804;asciilifeform;i always pictured 'church' as a sort of animal that lives in the cracks of 'state' 1515971;1470497833;mircea_popescu;yes but this is entirely an unexamined opinion. 1515972;1470497871;mircea_popescu;more to the point, the "classical village" is an entity that survived fine with a dazzling array of law and regulation that a) exceeds in complexity modern codes and b) was entirely oral in nature while at the same time having... no police. at all, i mean. none. zip. 1515973;1470497893;mircea_popescu;eventually a "king's representative" showed up, and this event marks the end of the classical period, and the start of the modern, ie decay. 1515974;1470497919;asciilifeform;aaactually you can get quite a bit of 'bang for the buck' purely with internalized 'enforcement', i.e. brainwash. 1515975;1470497949;asciilifeform;this, arguably, was rebuilt in usaschwitz, most 'respectable' folk around here live whole life and die without ~any direct contact with police 1515976;1470497951;mircea_popescu;what's your definition for "brainwash" and how do you distinguish it from "education" ? 1515977;1470497952;asciilifeform;and yet obey 1515978;1470497974;mircea_popescu;have you been brainwashed into disbelieving there's as many points in a line as in a plane ? 1515979;1470498009;asciilifeform;you don't distinguish, the difference is a conventional one, 'colour of bits' 1515980;1470498016;asciilifeform;'what was the intent of the education' 1515981;1470498023;mircea_popescu;there is no intent. 1515982;1470498038;mircea_popescu;what's the intent of your mother teaching you to not piss the bed ? 1515983;1470498048;mircea_popescu;her intent is that if she manages, your father won't have to kill you. 1515984;1470498068;mircea_popescu;which is dangerous, because if she's picked as well as orwell's dumb whore of a mother picked, the derp won't even try it he sucks so bad. 1515985;1470498080;asciilifeform;refrain from bed piss, pay tax... 1515986;1470498091;asciilifeform;dun fuck in church, etc 1515987;1470498094;mircea_popescu;most genetically-sane kids don't ever piss the bed. 1515988;1470498103;mircea_popescu;it's just not naturally occuring. 1515989;1470498112;asciilifeform;i just realized that i have 0 idea who pisses bed and why 1515990;1470498122;asciilifeform;other than incontinent invalids, infants 1515991;1470498123;mircea_popescu;"creative" ie, very variant boys. 1515992;1470498137;mircea_popescu;note that it's VASTLY a more common problem for boys, and ~in civilsiation~ than it is for girls. 1515993;1470498150;asciilifeform;would dearly like to learn why 1515994;1470498157;mircea_popescu;the reason is that nature explores in the male not in the female ; and consequently there's much more variance in the male than in the female ; and because they're all kept alive... 1515995;1470498187;asciilifeform;i meant, what is proximate mechanism 1515996;1470498194;mircea_popescu;shitty brain. 1515997;1470498208;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1515998;1470498209;mircea_popescu;what's the mechanism for allergies ? shitty immune system. how about autism ? etc. 1515999;1470498227;asciilifeform;allergy has 'hygiene hypothesis' 1516000;1470498230;asciilifeform;with some explanatory power 1516001;1470498239;asciilifeform;(e.g., the infamous tapeworm cure for allergy) 1516002;1470498248;mircea_popescu;there is that, yes. 1516003;1470498258;*;asciilifeform brb, food 1516004;1470498263;mircea_popescu;"shitty" in this context strictly means "inadequate to current circumstance" 1516005;1470498271;mircea_popescu;it can't mean anything more/above that ; there's no absolute shitty. 1516006;1470498305;mircea_popescu;in which sense, while mediatory strategies exist, working through modifying the environment - the fact that it needs modifying has not been resolved ; and so the genotype is still shitty. 1516007;1470499169;BingoBoingo; 'less sweat for repo man' ? << likely 1516008;1470499308;BingoBoingo; what, i wonder, are the stats for u.s. car repo ? << Behold how normal the repo trucks look now! Some even have boring original factory truck bed!!! http://www.ebay.com/bhp/repo-wrecker 1516009;1470499891;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4956 1516010;1470499989;BingoBoingo;Reportedly inspired by http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4957 1516011;1470500329;mircea_popescu;so i think i invented a new cocktail. you cut up a fresh ripple pineapple, into small chunks. you pour an inch of fine cognac into an old style whiskey glass. you proceed to dip the chunks and eat them. 1516012;1470500434;asciilifeform;in other lulz, the https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7910/files ('segwit') crapolade is still going strong in prbland. 1516013;1470500447;mircea_popescu;oya. 1516014;1470500486;asciilifeform;and lel, nobody noticed, log is dead. 1516015;1470500500;mircea_popescu;i was just trying to get BingoBoingo 's links and noticed. 1516016;1470500718;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what's the physical diff b/w 'repo' truck and conventional tow ? 1516017;1470500755;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515605 no, crystalspace just makes extracting useful parts of code difficult because it is monolithic framework used for everything - strings, events, drawing, network de/serialization,... 1516018;1470500766;asciilifeform;(incidentally, who has seen film 'repo man' ??) 1516019;1470500776;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: repo tends to have business end hidden and quickly self loads vehicle onto carriage. 1516020;1470500796;asciilifeform;or rather, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0963194 1516021;1470500809;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hidden? 1516022;1470500809;jurov;but of course, C++ object instantiation documented and used in crystalspace is avioded in lieu of homebrew mess 1516023;1470500879;asciilifeform;'In some states, making a clean, quiet repo isn't just a safety matter, it's a legal necessity. Some state laws require that all repos happen without creating a "breach of the peace." That means that if the owner notices the repo in progress and comes out of the house yelling and screaming, the repo agent can't legally repossess the car. Of course, it's in the repo man's best interest to avoid a scene like this, but how?' 1516024;1470500883;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Usually mounted to truck frame under truck bed, or inside truck bed. Instead of toolboxes composing sides of bed as on "friendly" tows, most repos no have factory bed of lookalike 1516025;1470500884;asciilifeform;( http://auto.howstuffworks.com/repo-truck3.htm ) 1516026;1470500888;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1516027;1470500930;asciilifeform;seems perfect for car thief 1516028;1470500967;asciilifeform;jurov: sounds quite like, e.g., 'qt' 1516029;1470500973;BingoBoingo;Pretty much the only reason any Americans still have "their" cars appears to be that their cars suck 1516030;1470500984;asciilifeform;jurov: and, prior, e.g., 'boost', 'stl' 1516031;1470500992;asciilifeform;cpp is unusable on its own, ergo the babel. 1516032;1470501266;jurov;yea, no two C++people can agree on common string implementation. 1516033;1470502260;ben_vulpes;good morning phf 1516034;1470502291;ben_vulpes;does a1111 self-shutdown every 24 hours? 1516035;1470502350;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today 1516036;1470502436;trinque;if I can get sasl to work I will have an afaik perfect bot 1516037;1470502455;trinque;right now after I issue AUTHENTICATE PLAIN the thing times out 1516038;1470502524;trinque;relatedly I've read cl-irc and the thing is a haphazard mess 1516039;1470502579;ben_vulpes;trinque: "perfect", eh? 1516040;1470502581;asciilifeform;trinque: naggum expounded on the difference between the 2 basic types of program (and program-writer) - the 'exam-taking', 'solved problem!11 i'm done!' and 'reusable, readable, for the ages' 1516041;1470502595;asciilifeform;there is precious little of the latter extant. 1516042;1470502607;ben_vulpes;trinque: who wrote it? 1516043;1470502629;trinque;asciilifeform: I mean perfect in the latter sense 1516044;1470502669;trinque;all problems mine has involve the various nickserv states; sasl auth solves that 1516045;1470502696;trinque;the thing just establishes a connection and shits messages into db, reads messages to send from db 1516046;1470502709;trinque;broke all the code for the commands into their own thing which interacts with the db 1516047;1470502744;asciilifeform;neato 1516048;1470502754;trinque;230 lines now with maybe 100 of that being nickserv logic I haven't deleted yet 1516049;1470503039;trinque;ben_vulpes: some character named Jochen Schmidt apparently 1516050;1470503095;ben_vulpes;http://www.jochenhschmidt.com/ << plolsk 1516051;1470503847;ben_vulpes;"There's a possibility they may not be the only ones that are doing this, but right now we feel if they are the only ones that are doing this, with this arrest we hope we will be able to curb the amount of thefts occurring," said Woods. << quote i'd meant to drop last night re the carlol 1516052;1470504296;phf;ben_vulpes: like clockwork. i will do the tmsr thing and claim that wreckers are blackholing teh server 1516053;1470504367;mircea_popescu;enemies of the revolution everywhere! must stay vigilant, comrades! 1516054;1470504384;phf;i'm thinking of moving it to cock box, but i doubt that's going to be better, since the policy there sets it up to be an attack box 1516055;1470504763;ben_vulpes;wait, what does the box location have to do with anything? 1516056;1470504797;*;ben_vulpes is dreadfully curious about the actual failure mechanism at work here. 1516057;1470504806;phf;ben_vulpes: it times out 1516058;1470504839;shinohai;"To clear up confusion, 17.5k ETC was replay attacked on Coinbase (~$40k USD)" 1516059;1470504841;asciilifeform;phf: didja ever explain why it doesn't loop forever reconnecting ? 1516060;1470504848;asciilifeform;like normal people 1516061;1470504855;shinohai;^ BArmstrong 1516062;1470504863;phf;the bot disconnects when ping/pong delay exceeds 30 seconds 1516063;1470504870;asciilifeform;and then ? 1516064;1470504870;phf;asciilifeform: how's cardano going? 1516065;1470504897;asciilifeform;phf: 'tis in the monthly broadcast 1516066;1470504897;mircea_popescu;shinohai that's why the confusion took a week to clear ? because it wasn't 4,5 mn eth coins ? 1516067;1470504922;mircea_popescu;ahahaha is that becoming "how about your mom" ? 1516068;1470505002;asciilifeform;i actually recall phf saying something about why he didn't make it loop forever reconnecting, but cannot find in the l0gz 1516069;1470505032;mircea_popescu;he's wasting his time hopelessly trying to catch up to my ho count while he's still young, that's why. 1516070;1470505271;phf;well, unfortunately i don't have S.LOG to make monthly excuses to shareholders in. log upkeep is like the janitorial work of tmsr, doesn't even come with a promise of future millions 1516071;1470505289;phf;best case scenario, i'll just lose my shit like kako 1516072;1470505435;asciilifeform;lemme help, (do (try-connecting) (is-connected-p)) 1516073;1470505529;mats;:( 1516074;1470505540;mircea_popescu;phf why don't you, btw ? 1516075;1470505587;phf;why don't i lose my shit like kako? 1516076;1470505598;mircea_popescu;no, why don't you have s.something 1516077;1470505643;asciilifeform;phf's v-viewer, for instance, is a masterpiece 1516078;1470505762;phf;i don't grok the business strategy of "here's the project i'm working on, it lost x btc so far". cardano had a deliverable, that could be sold, everything else seems to be "tmsr marketing" 1516079;1470505805;asciilifeform;'а у вас негров линчуют' (tm) (r) phf ? 1516080;1470505829;mircea_popescu;what's that to do with anything ? bitbet had a model, that had a model, this had a model, what's it to you ? 1516081;1470505832;mircea_popescu;dja got a model ? 1516082;1470505901;mircea_popescu;in unrelated news, http://www.jocuri-play.ro/files/swf/bate-o-pe-dora-la-fund-1425217049.swf 1516083;1470505941;asciilifeform;fwiw asciilifeform has the utmost respect for phf's abilities, and quite seriously wanted to know why he didn't (do (try-connecting) (is-connected-p)) , not to kick him for 'lazy' or whatever. 1516084;1470505963;asciilifeform;it seems, to my naked eye, like a 1-liner 1516085;1470505990;mircea_popescu;hey, i'm not asking him questions because i hate him. i'm asking him questions because i'm nice! 1516086;1470506044;shinohai;s.lockit 1516087;1470506068;asciilifeform;s.latterns 1516088;1470506184;phf;mircea_popescu: i will have to think about it, because to be honest i've not given it any thought. i'm not immediately seeing a cause for it though 1516089;1470506194;mircea_popescu;it's not like alf is magic and phf is unmagic. come up with something. preferably that'd make sense. 1516090;1470506235;mats;how could you monetize that? trilema credits for s.log? 1516091;1470506256;*;shinohai builds a printing press that makes wptrons and gets listed on mpex 1516092;1470506288;asciilifeform;phf, by all indications, got plenty of magic, now just needs a crackpot mega-project (tmsr bare metal cmucl ?) 1516093;1470506298;shinohai;distribute shares to holders by number of words ala qntra? xD 1516094;1470506307;mircea_popescu;deedbot is probably closer to becoming a paid service on those lines, it's just mostly deliberate decision to not push it that way yet. which is sensibru. 1516095;1470506311;asciilifeform;i, for instance, would pay for a metal cmucl 1516096;1470506314;phf;yes, yes, keep talking (/me counts words) 1516097;1470506338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i believe him when he says, "i've simply not thought about it". which is the beauty of tmsr, gets people thinking about things. 1516098;1470506343;mircea_popescu;you know, like any serious religion. 1516099;1470506441;mircea_popescu;anyway. eulora made i dun recall, some tens of btcs selling its product so far. bitbet took in i dun recall idem, but maybe a few hundred to a thousand selling its product ? 1516100;1470506475;mircea_popescu;neither of these have so far produced a unit of whatever they produce for less than they sold it for. this is obviously unsustainable ; but also not necessarily a killer early on in new markets. 1516101;1470506478;asciilifeform;incidentally there is a large crater where bbet stood that no one has yet filled. 1516102;1470506503;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for ~same reason "colored coins" in all their nutty variants all the way to "the dao" dun work in practice. 1516103;1470506514;mircea_popescu;there isn't ai. and it costs too damn much to actually hand-eval contracts. 1516104;1470506540;mircea_popescu;there's a ~degree of magnitude gap between what "a bitbet bet cost" and what bitbet charged for one. 1516105;1470506545;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: is implication here that manual reactor control always must end in a crater ? 1516106;1470506555;asciilifeform;because, e.g., mpex had not 1516107;1470506579;mircea_popescu;no. the implication here is that "automated business" will always end in crater, with the size of the crater as a functiuon of how much everyone actually reliedf on the "automated" part. 1516108;1470506597;asciilifeform;what ought to have been the cost of creating a bet? 1516109;1470506604;mircea_popescu;ie, in case of bitbet things worked smoothly because i never trusted the nonsense ; in the case of the dao unsmoothly because the idiots actually tried this "the code is law" nonsense. 1516110;1470506615;phf;asciilifeform: of course i thought about writing bbet, but that means that i can't work on log, or would spend less time on it. to answer question re no reconnect, at some point there was a reason, which i since realized was silly. to now rewrite bot and integration takes time. which i took, now takes time to integrate etc. if i was working on this full time could finish all in a couple of days. as is, i'm literally hacking in a car on 1516111;1470506615;phf;the way back from ocean city 1516112;1470506628;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform creation's cheap ; closure's expensive. what's the cost of making a kid ? depends. do you kill him right after or do you take him to college ? 1516113;1470506656;mircea_popescu;phf understand you're not being impeached here. 1516114;1470506660;asciilifeform;^ 1516115;1470506668;mircea_popescu;just, all things can be discussed, now you've opened this can, so we're discussing it. 1516116;1470506675;mircea_popescu;~nothing to do with you per se. 1516117;1470506700;asciilifeform;phf: recall thread where asciilifeform was whipped for phuctor rusting ? it was quite fair thing. 1516118;1470506718;asciilifeform;and yes, it makes 0 coin. 1516119;1470506738;asciilifeform;campaigning against franks while the fields overgrow with weed, and aqueducts fall down, makes 0 likewise. 1516120;1470506752;asciilifeform;but how else. 1516121;1470506760;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to give you one datapoint : out of close to 2k props closed, there were exactly 2 mispaid ones we had to repay. go ahead and create a team of people who a) pick all items within hours ; b) failure rate of 0.1% or less. then report what it costs. 1516122;1470506768;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo didja see? http://archive.is/TwQKA 1516123;1470506769;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1516124;1470506782;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so this'd be more or less al schwartz's 'assembly line of phd' doom. 1516125;1470506796;BingoBoingo;shinohai: no, ty 1516126;1470506801;mircea_popescu;quite so. it's a deep problem, i have been toying with for many years, because i never do just one single thing at a time. 1516127;1470506801;phf;asciilifeform: ~one~ thread. every time bot goes down i get a "wtf" treatment from you. bot disconnects because there's a connection issue. it doesn't reconnect because there's no reconnection code. i will fix that eventually. i've said as much every time the subject comes up. so i'm supposed to just work on this shit to a chorus of "loooooog dooooown wtf incompetence"? 1516128;1470506815;mircea_popescu;and bitbet was a particularly promising but ultimately failed attempt to take a bite out of it. 1516129;1470506839;asciilifeform;phf: the reason i complain is that the fix is a 1liner, as cited above 1516130;1470506846;asciilifeform;phf: am i mistaken ? 1516131;1470506853;phf;asciilifeform: you are 1516132;1470506874;asciilifeform;phf: for my education, plox summarize? 1516133;1470506956;phf;asciilifeform: there's two problems. one is pedantic, lost messages during reconnect period. one is practical, there's a handful beurocratic steps that needs to take place during reconnect, ensuring you have the right nick, ghosting a stale connection, ensuring that you're authenticated 1516134;1470506975;asciilifeform;ah the stale connection. 1516135;1470506978;trinque;yeah, that's why I'm farting around with sasl over here 1516136;1470506993;mircea_popescu;incidentally, we prolly shoulf just publish a standard irc bot basic, a la gribble (which is really just supybot) then v off it ? 1516137;1470506994;trinque;enumerating the states of nickserv is a tangle of weeds 1516138;1470507002;trinque;mircea_popescu: precisely what I'm working on 1516139;1470507005;mircea_popescu;word. 1516140;1470507009;asciilifeform;phf, then, has point 1516141;1470507013;mircea_popescu;in which context it makes sense for phf to just wait. 1516142;1470507013;mod6;cool idea 1516143;1470507019;trinque;this sasl bit is the last thing before I sign a vpatch 1516144;1470507023;phf;mircea_popescu: trinque actually published one, but it's a bit too tied to his particular postgresql requirements 1516145;1470507036;trinque;phf: imma rip that out and provide hooks 1516146;1470507043;asciilifeform;phf: see, i did not know that you implemented entire stack, always assumed that you had it hanging off znc or the like 1516147;1470507047;asciilifeform;(which has own reconnect logic) 1516148;1470507075;phf;(i actually integrated that code into btcbase two weekends ago, which is when i piped up about it. but then i went to ocean city, twice now :> so no free weekend of hacking) 1516149;1470507099;mircea_popescu;told you it's all about hoscores! 1516150;1470507128;phf;all these stories from mp basement, i feel like i'm missing out 1516151;1470507179;mircea_popescu;so do i! 1516152;1470507187;mircea_popescu;that feelin' ain't ever goin' nowhere. 1516153;1470507221;mats;fun fact, the usb smart card reader spec defines a control request for eating cards instead of returning them 1516154;1470507235;mircea_popescu;they have to iirc. 1516155;1470507236;asciilifeform;mats: sop in 'atm' etc 1516156;1470507258;asciilifeform;though most of the newer units lack an 'eater' for some reason. 1516157;1470507259;mats;for confiscation! 1516158;1470507308;mats;there's no guidance for how the reader is supposed to fight if the user resists 1516159;1470507332;asciilifeform;or feeds it thermite tape as 'card'... 1516160;1470507349;mircea_popescu;mats bet you that's a separate crime. 1516161;1470507352;mircea_popescu;"fraud and x" 1516162;1470507369;asciilifeform;fraud and resisting-roborrest! 1516163;1470507372;mircea_popescu;quite. 1516164;1470507398;asciilifeform;'"This is Sentrybot XJW - 667 responding to kinetic disturbance at perimeter wall." whirred an obnoxious female voice. "Please put your handcuffs on and lay face down on the floor. This is an emergency."' 1516165;1470507432;asciilifeform;incidentally i've wondered for many years why american atm builders had not yet thought of including hand-trap in the thing 1516166;1470507444;asciilifeform;instead of eating card, lock the user's hand in. 1516167;1470507456;mats;the new usb3 standard has a lotta power, could shock a disobedient user real good 1516168;1470507489;asciilifeform;many atm in usa are already in a kind of cage, where you need to first open door to a small booth using the card, and only then can use atm 1516169;1470507504;asciilifeform;it would be a fairly small matter to refuse to let the victim out, if need be. 1516170;1470507536;asciilifeform;wagen can collect him at leisure, after. 1516171;1470507552;mats;virtually all of these i've seen have three glass walls on em 1516172;1470507570;asciilifeform;lotta glass in usa. 1516173;1470507583;asciilifeform;it is being replaced, in the 'harm cities', with cage. 1516174;1470507600;asciilifeform;glass walls are a relic from the old imperial dayz. 1516175;1470507611;asciilifeform;when the cage in the luser's head was cage enough. 1516176;1470507667;mircea_popescu;anyway, re phf's "of course i thought about writing bbet" : the problem there's not "write the site", thats a trivial task to be done in a brief time by a single competent coder. the problem there, and the reson i'm not pushing for replacement, is "how to administer bets". and until i have a good idea i won't push for this, because it's ~futile as it is, will just pile busywork on some people for no actual benefit. 1516177;1470507693;mircea_popescu;now, if someone either a) thinks they have the bright idea or b) welcome the busywork (not unrational, that's how you learn things) they're welcome obviously. 1516178;1470507718;asciilifeform;bbet may well turn out to be one of those items which 'runs on human fat' 1516179;1470507731;mircea_popescu;with the caveat that from experience, mike_c's attempt to make a site (and he made a very nice one) to test in practice some theories which we didn't agree on in theory did put a lot of load on him, and possibly in my mind burned the guy out. 1516180;1470507732;asciilifeform;i.e. kamikaze labour that cannot possibly be +ev to those doing 1516181;1470507770;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have the advantage of ready at my beak and call stable of otherwise intelligent, educated and detail-oriented womenz. i can soak up all sorts of unimaginable things the average "vc team" et all couldn't possibly. 1516182;1470507793;asciilifeform;to an extent. 1516183;1470507799;mircea_popescu;to an extent. 1516184;1470507835;mats;whatever happened to the guy that was working on a wot cryptopoker thing 1516185;1470507852;mircea_popescu;not much, sadly. that might be a much better idea for "Something to do", if anyone's looking. 1516186;1470507882;phf;mats: "work" part consistently turns out to be hard :> 1516187;1470507899;asciilifeform;mats: i thought that was you ! 1516188;1470507916;mircea_popescu;phf you should see what "make this shit 64 bit uniformly wtf is this" ends up being like. 1516189;1470507938;mircea_popescu;neways, city calls so i shall be back later a bit. 1516190;1470507970;phf;oh i've seen that code, so whoever worked on that migration is a saint 1516191;1470507996;mats;i played with the idea but i need an alf (or a coupla years of free time to eat the prerequisite knowledge) 1516192;1470508020;asciilifeform;mats: what specifically did you come to think you need ? 1516193;1470508034;asciilifeform;(e.g., 'crypto algo that takes an x and a y and produces z..') 1516194;1470508055;asciilifeform;perhaps i can push you in a useful direction ? 1516195;1470508257;asciilifeform;;;seen mike_c 1516196;1470508257;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #trilema 14 weeks, 3 days, 15 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds ago: at least you won the 'most famous mircea popescu' award - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mircea+popescu 1516197;1470508493;mats;i'm not confident in my ability to write secure crypto 1516198;1470508520;mats;or auditing it 1516199;1470508645;asciilifeform;mats: did you (or anybody else...) ever come up with a 'crypto poker using btc' scheme, at all, that relies on protocol (vs promise) ? 1516200;1470508656;asciilifeform;of whatever postulated crypto building blocks 1516201;1470508725;asciilifeform;$s mental poker 1516202;1470508726;a111;2 results for "mental poker", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mental%20poker 1516203;1470508751;asciilifeform;original concept is shamir's. 1516204;1470508768;mats;not that I know of 1516205;1470508768;asciilifeform;various refinements had been proposed over the years, but none, afaik, of any serious consequence. 1516206;1470508818;asciilifeform;http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0019995883800308 possibly of interest. 1516207;1470508947;asciilifeform;http://libtmcg.nongnu.org << possibly worth study. 1516208;1470508955;mats;will read 1516209;1470509010;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12162511443944070773219991934677582698468209730498855355911521948607449303537567609416882598773485743668093728963053579135929514188223460244897500435488727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1516210;1470509035;asciilifeform;http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~tromer/wondercrypt.html << moar classical readings for mats et al. 1516211;1470509131;asciilifeform; <<< hetzner in johannesburg ! 1516212;1470509136;asciilifeform;not consumer modem crapolade. 1516213;1470509565;asciilifeform;mats, mircea_popescu, et al : just about any game can be played 'over bitcoin blockchain' and be 'provably fair', this is not the problem, but that ~nobody wants to pay the cost (in time and coin both) of playing over btc telegraph. 1516214;1470509607;asciilifeform;it comes with whole raft of problems, incl. the inherently lethal 'mechanical connection to btc transmitter' bit. 1516215;1470509655;asciilifeform;think bbet was doomed by 'gotta send 2 btc tx, one - player's, to play, one - bbet's, to pay bet' ? 1516216;1470509661;asciilifeform;now try 100s of tx per game of poker... 1516217;1470509787;asciilifeform;i'd guess players yearn for this like they yearn for a molten sodium turbine reactor in their living room. 1516218;1470509882;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1490 << obligatory. 1516219;1470510060;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12162511443944070773219991934677582698468209730498855355911521948607449303537567609416882598773485743668093728963053579135929514188223460244897500435488727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuc 1516220;1470510060;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12162511443944070773219991934677582698468209730498855355911521948607449303537567609416882598773485743668093728963053579135929514188223460244897500435488727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1516221;1470510061;shinohai;i made pokarbot but only plays simple texas hold 'em rules 1516222;1470510147;asciilifeform;;;later tell trinque any idea why deedbot sometimes spits out a phuctoring twice ? 1516223;1470510148;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1516224;1470510788;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1515840 << i nearly missed this lul! 1516225;1470510788;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 04:53 trinque: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=20015 << if the world ever rights "helpful" is going to be a euphemism for "tries to slip dick in when you turn your back" 1516226;1470510805;asciilifeform;'A working hostname lookup is a fundamental part of the system. -- Andreas.' 1516227;1470510812;asciilifeform;Andreas Schwab linux-m68k.org> 1516228;1470510840;asciilifeform;GPG Key fingerprint = 58CA 54C7 6D53 942B 1756 01D3 44D5 214B 8276 4ED5 1516229;1470513687;ben_vulpes;phf: nobody's pushing the incompetence line 1516230;1470514590;*;BingoBoingo hopes phf unveils S.EX and kind wonders why no one's chosen that ticker yet 1516231;1470514753;shinohai;if i had capital to start a pr0n biz i'd call it that xD 1516232;1470514756;jurov;S.HIT 1516233;1470514759;shinohai;lo 1516234;1470514949;BingoBoingo;jurov: Fertilizer company? 1516235;1470514994;jurov;summer hits 1516236;1470515025;BingoBoingo;Ah! 1516237;1470515810;danielpbarron;the poker thing need not be "provably fair" it only needs to have WoT integration -- not unlike Eulora 1516238;1470516423;mircea_popescu;not that expensive to make it provably fair though. 1516239;1470516568;mircea_popescu;dooglus contributed a lot of solid research to this ; the way he handed it in primedice with the salts and later copied by all the others works fine. 1516240;1470516866;BingoBoingo;just-dice... primedice was other thing 1516241;1470516878;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516199 << sure. 1516242;1470516878;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 18:37 asciilifeform: mats: did you (or anybody else...) ever come up with a 'crypto poker using btc' scheme, at all, that relies on protocol (vs promise) ? 1516243;1470516882;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo o right you are. justdice 1516244;1470516887;BingoBoingo;primedice bought forum ads, dooglus was the ad 1516245;1470516893;BingoBoingo;for just-dice 1516246;1470517227;mircea_popescu;anyway. decentralized don't enter into it. the way you play is that you have a dealer bot, which selects a string composed as a) "the hash of the latest known block whose height is divisible be 117 and is not in the last 117 found blocks" + b) a server generated salt for the day + c) a player generated salt, to be changed any time a player feels like. then for any dealt hand, the server concatenates a + b + c for each player 1516247;1470517228;mircea_popescu;and hashes the result. this is the "rng". at end of day publishes day's salt concatenations for each played hand. 1516248;1470517229;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/Y4kxt << Aedes albopictus distribution for the record 1516249;1470517251;mircea_popescu;the major problem in poker isn't "fair dealing", it's debotting it. but i have a ready solution for this problem too, and im persuaded it's complete. 1516250;1470517343;BingoBoingo;$s Wolbachia 1516251;1470517344;a111;1 results for "Wolbachia", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=Wolbachia 1516252;1470517346;mircea_popescu;also none of the nonsense of "encrypt face down cards" via elgamal is needed. 1516253;1470517431;mircea_popescu;as green correctly points out, "most of the pointless wank and useless crud in all stem fields were actually just unhappy accidents: the shit that stuck to the floor, walls and all crevices while imbeciles at MIT tried to feed themselves." 1516254;1470517544;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516215 << i have no idea who thinks this, but they'd be rather clueless and in any case wrong. 1516255;1470517544;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 18:54 asciilifeform: think bbet was doomed by 'gotta send 2 btc tx, one - player's, to play, one - bbet's, to pay bet' ? 1516256;1470517561;mircea_popescu;on the contrary, bitbet made most of its money in retrospect by being canary in mine. 1516257;1470517584;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516222 << 2 different ips there. 1516258;1470517584;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 19:02 asciilifeform: ;;later tell trinque any idea why deedbot sometimes spits out a phuctoring twice ? 1516259;1470517619;mircea_popescu;and in other illustrated news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/c38c453fb4415eeb20dd35c442944134/tumblr_mzk8thzYK61qaoeoqo9_500.gif 1516260;1470517866;mircea_popescu;"A working hostname lookup is a fundamental part of the system. ~Andreas." 1516261;1470517877;mircea_popescu;motherFUCKER! really, bitch ? really ? YOU SAY WHAT IS A FUNDAMENTAL PART ? 1516262;1470517880;mircea_popescu;fucking hell omfg. 1516263;1470518067;mircea_popescu;heh i see that i'm not the first to notice. 1516264;1470520748;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516257 << mno, 1516265;1470520748;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 21:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516222 << 2 different ips there. 1516266;1470520770;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516209 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516220 1516267;1470520770;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 19:01 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12162511443944070773219991934677582698468209730498855355911521948607449303537567609416882598773485743668093728963053579135929514188223460244897500435488727 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) lol tokens you can use to buy equity in bitfinex? genius! << notrly, simply copy/paste from http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515112 1516297;1470529520;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 01:37 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo wanna bet they'll be right back trying to trade while insolvent, shtylman style ? 1516298;1470529774;mats;>'In the meantime, In place of the loss in each wallet, we are crediting a token labeled BFX to record each customer’s discrete losses. Tokens will be distributed without release or waiver. The BFX tokens will remain outstanding until redeemed in full by Bitfinex or possibly exchanged—upon the creditor’s request and Bitfinex’s acceptance—for shares 1516299;1470529774;mats;of iFinex Inc. We are still sorting out many details on this; we will post further updates in the coming days.' 1516300;1470529803;mircea_popescu;heh. yep. 1516301;1470529820;mircea_popescu;tried and true tool of scammer apparel. 1516302;1470529874;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/time-for-europe-to-repeal-the-us-backed-aml-crap/ being the fiat equivalent. 1516303;1470530599;shinohai;so buttfinex hacker told me he doesnt have a pgp key -_- 1516304;1470530615;mircea_popescu;aww. 1516305;1470530632;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Alleged 1516306;1470530640;shinohai;si, *alleged 1516307;1470530654;mats;i await mp intel that indicates inside job 1516308;1470530735;mircea_popescu;no mp intervention needed, the lulz spindle seems to be working great neh ? 1516309;1470530759;BingoBoingo;Anyways, intel would spoil the tears 1516310;1470530792;mats;http://yarchive.net/comp/linux/efi.html << linus really belongs here 1516311;1470530823;mircea_popescu;he does ; doesn't seem to know it jetzt. 1516312;1470530864;BingoBoingo;Truth stranger than fiction https://archive.is/3TZoY 1516313;1470533180;mircea_popescu;incidentally, anyone seen valerie a tyden divu ? 1516314;1470533924;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1bBQ 1516315;1470533924;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1516316;1470535646;BingoBoingo;shinohai: To many non-people doing nothings in that one 1516317;1470535659;shinohai;kk 1516318;1470535891;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the lulzery, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2687223 1516319;1470536241;asciilifeform;'The allegation that the U.S. government is producing secret law has become increasingly common. This article evaluates this claim, examining the available evidence in all three federal branches. In particular, Congress’s governance of national security programs via classified addenda to legislative reports is here given the first focused scholarly treatment, including empirical analysis that shows references in Public Law to these c 1516320;1470536241;asciilifeform;ermined that the secret law allegation is well founded in all three branches, the article argues that ... ' 1516321;1470537049;mircea_popescu;the very notion of secret "law" 1516322;1470537053;mircea_popescu;wtf is with these people. 1516323;1470537099;mircea_popescu;"scientists" with "secret" proof and never-seen "publications" ; bureaucrats with secret "law" ; financiers with "secret" resources that don't exist and "businessmen" in their own minds asking you to "sign their nda" to hear their "idea" 1516324;1470537105;mircea_popescu;it's a fucking mental issue already. 1516325;1470537133;mircea_popescu;also, the us congress is not a branch of us government. 1516326;1470537550;mats;whats this now 1516327;1470537590;mircea_popescu;i suppose the usians are special, they call government "Administration" and the state "government" 1516328;1470537591;mircea_popescu;anyway. 1516329;1470537760;mats;in other news, .de seems to be building up the bundeswehr 1516330;1470537785;mats;an extra 20k personnel and some billions - doesn't look nearly enough 1516331;1470537787;mircea_popescu;their "congress" is a parliament. there's no such thing as "congress". words have meanings, even if the rural colonists never had a chance to visit a school or library. 1516332;1470537807;mircea_popescu;yeah. what else are they gonna do ? it'll be cheaper to make it in germany than to buy it from trump. 1516333;1470537812;mircea_popescu;by a huge margin, actually. 1516334;1470537836;mircea_popescu;and unlike the ukistans, they actually have a shot at fielding something. 1516335;1470539014;mircea_popescu;(22:35:16) >Daniel has got 0.81 BTC worth of Boulder and assorted loot while building. Congratulations! < 1516336;1470539034;mircea_popescu;aw oops. 1516337;1470539698;BingoBoingo;Sweet 1516338;1470539705;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516321 << talmudism. they 'just want to' arbitrarily do whatever, to whomever, like orcs, and the window dressing of 'rule of law' is annoying, more importantly - too expensive to afford nowadays 1516339;1470539705;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 02:30 mircea_popescu: the very notion of secret "law" 1516340;1470539740;asciilifeform;seeeekrit law is analogous to, e.g., 'dao' fork and every other 'unprincipled exception'. 1516341;1470539822;mircea_popescu;the only problem with this approach is that it's utterly unsustainable. by the time "they just want to" that, the sword's all out of the sheath, and i'm way the fuck more likely to buy obama's daughters by the pound than they're to "win the war on x" or w/e the fuck. 1516342;1470539886;asciilifeform;sustainable for just as long as everything else. 1516343;1470539901;mircea_popescu;nah. 1516344;1470539943;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516329 << 'all hail the wehrmacht! i mean, the bundeswehr!! hail to our modern allieeees..' -- tom lehrer 1516345;1470539943;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 02:42 mats: in other news, .de seems to be building up the bundeswehr 1516346;1470539964;mircea_popescu;hopefully they go all the way #3. 1516347;1470539978;mircea_popescu;or #whatever, i kinda lost count. what's the official uber alles count ? 1516348;1470539979;asciilifeform;waiwat 1516349;1470540106;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516298 << gox! lives!111 1516350;1470540106;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 00:29 mats: >'In the meantime, In place of the loss in each wallet, we are crediting a token labeled BFX to record each customer’s discrete losses. Tokens will be distributed without release or waiver. The BFX tokens will remain outstanding until redeemed in full by Bitfinex or possibly exchanged—upon the creditor’s request and Bitfinex’s acceptance—for shares 1516351;1470540218;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516310 << on top of all of this, as if it were not enough: intel's bios crapolade, at least such as have been released or leaked, builds STRICTLY under winblowz. i shit thee not, MB of .bat. 1516352;1470540218;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 00:46 mats: http://yarchive.net/comp/linux/efi.html << linus really belongs here 1516353;1470540239;asciilifeform;masm, even. 1516354;1470540241;asciilifeform;yes. 1516355;1470540245;mircea_popescu;lol! 1516356;1470540258;asciilifeform;i wish i were making this up... 1516357;1470540272;asciilifeform;saw - alive. 1516358;1470540701;*;covertress waves hi to mircea_pepescu 1516359;1470540757;covertress;since this is your house 1516360;1470540900;mircea_popescu;you got a new vacuum cleaner model ? 1516361;1470540916;mats;lol 1516362;1470541000;mats;jesus christ covertress your linkedin interview and blog is cringey 1516363;1470541015;covertress;cringey? 1516364;1470541016;mats;>For you more adventurous types, like me, you can dive into the world of cryptocurrency and diversify your wallet among a sea of alternatives to bitcoin. Dogecoin (internet tipping) and Gaiacoin (e-commerce platform) are two of my favorites. 1516365;1470541024;mats;read the logs plz 1516366;1470541043;covertress;no time. sorry too busy w rl work 1516367;1470541148;covertress;ha. that old interview? 1516368;1470541153;covertress;lulz 1516369;1470541192;covertress;i was bored 1516370;1470541283;mircea_popescu;how come you're not playing eulora btw ? diversify your portofolio with ecu! 1516371;1470541296;mats;altcoins are retarded, covertress 1516372;1470541307;covertress;i only bet on a sure thing. myself. 1516373;1470541338;mats;totes 1516374;1470541349;covertress;lol @ mats... srsly did 1516375;1470541440;mats;me too 1516376;1470541477;covertress;sorry, idk the dynamics of this feifdom and don't know who 'ranks'... but, fair warning.. im gonna call it like i see it 1516377;1470541555;mircea_popescu;this curse of modernity, where nobody has any time to eat because everyone gotta cook all the time. 1516378;1470541699;mircea_popescu;covertress so how much kr do 10 bitcents buy me ? 1516379;1470541762;covertress;kr is currently .00011908 btc on bittrex 1516380;1470541788;mircea_popescu;;;calc .1 / .00011908 1516381;1470541788;gribble;839.77158213 1516382;1470541788;covertress;https://bittrex.com/Market/Index?MarketName=BTC-KR 1516383;1470541841;mircea_popescu;does your middle name happen to be lynn btw ? 1516384;1470541877;covertress;non 1516385;1470541881;covertress;Joy 1516386;1470541992;mircea_popescu;ic. 1516387;1470542003;covertress;uc my gf 1516388;1470542108;BingoBoingo;bbq? 1516389;1470542196;covertress;hellz yahs! http://truebbqmb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/bbq.jpg 1516390;1470542261;mats;i'll diversify my portfolio into dogecoin and gaiacoin just as soon as i scoop some bitfinex shares 1516391;1470542288;covertress;d/b w giacoin dev left 1516392;1470542308;mircea_popescu;actually, if you're part of the NOT!!1-corruption ring of the usg and have some hope of obtaining serviceable enforcement, it's not a terribru buy. 1516393;1470542312;mats;who knows, maybe one of these three scams will unfuck itself 1516394;1470542332;BingoBoingo;Eh, its all about devcoin http://trilema.com/2013/whats-a-sperglord/ 1516395;1470542358;covertress;wow this is wierd cu all later 1516396;1470542376;BingoBoingo;Oh, come on now this is no where near weird 1516397;1470542467;mats;nobody has even mentioned slavery yet 1516398;1470542483;mircea_popescu;since for some reason we're doing home of the slaves & land of the cowardly discovery : " The Jimmy Ryce Act (Jimmy Ryce Involuntary Civil Commitment for Sexually Violent Predators' Treatment And Care Act) was passed unanimously by the Florida legislature and was signed by Governor Lawton Chiles on May 19, 1998, becoming effective on January 1, 1999. The act calls for inmates with sex offense histories to be reviewed by the F 1516399;1470542483;mircea_popescu;lorida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), and state attorneys to determine the level of risk for re-offense. Upon release from incarceration, these inmates may be subject to civil proceedings and commitment to a secure facility for treatment. That treatment center, located in Arcadia, was criticized because treatment is lacking (less than 5 hours per week), it lacks security (sev 1516400;1470542483;mircea_popescu;eral incidents of murder on site, riots requiring hundreds of officers to quell) there is no method of restoring civil liberties (the program has no release stage) being underfunded, understaffed and located in an old condemned correctional facility." 1516401;1470542490;mircea_popescu;oh shit, sorry mats . 1516402;1470542559;mats;nice 1516403;1470542572;mats;10/10 timing 1516404;1470542582;mircea_popescu;10/10 unintentional also. 1516405;1470542600;asciilifeform;serviceable enforcement..?? 1516406;1470542636;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, like the dudes that bought up argentina's debt at 2 cents to the dollar, proceeded to have the idiots for some reason respond tgo suit in us court, and have us judge opine as if anyone asked him anything. 1516407;1470542674;mircea_popescu;"buttfun-ex owes me fiddy billion because i spent 839 kr to buy up its scamtokens" 1516408;1470542680;asciilifeform;iirc they confiscated a boat and even this raised a stink and ultimately nothing happened 1516409;1470542694;mircea_popescu;hey, not my fault usg doesn't work in practice 1516410;1470542699;mircea_popescu;i was discussing the model, theoretically. 1516411;1470542733;asciilifeform;goxcoin. 1516412;1470542743;asciilifeform;shares of dead horse. 1516413;1470542744;mircea_popescu;that never came to anything, did it. 1516414;1470542759;asciilifeform;it came to idiots parting with money 1516415;1470542770;asciilifeform;which was the object. 1516416;1470542788;mircea_popescu;in other news, "Imagine a corporation that engages in economic activity without guidance or direction from humans." 1516417;1470542798;mircea_popescu;like porn, but for economy. 1516418;1470542841;asciilifeform;i caaant wait for some buterinesque halfwit to bring hansen's 'futarchy' to shitcoin. 1516419;1470542851;asciilifeform;$s futarchy 1516420;1470542852;a111;10 results for "futarchy", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=futarchy 1516421;1470542883;mircea_popescu;is this futa-archy ? ie, the japanese what were they, chicks with monstrous mammaries ? 1516422;1470542891;asciilifeform;see logz. 1516423;1470542905;mircea_popescu;ain't nobody got time for dat. 1516424;1470542908;asciilifeform;it was an early instance of the robo-corporation idiocy. 1516425;1470542923;asciilifeform;predates shitcoins even. 1516426;1470542946;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-07#1478076 1516427;1470542946;a111;Logged on 2016-06-07 18:18 asciilifeform: some derp named hanson was pushing a crackpottery called 'futarchy', where you have a bitbet-like item that is actually plugged into a robotic monarch that issues edicts 1516428;1470542964;mircea_popescu;https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/archive/6/63/20151206140722!Futa_anatomy.jpg << why does this look so much like a mcburger ? 1516429;1470543013;asciilifeform;wats this? hermaphrodite ? 1516430;1470543019;mircea_popescu;no, futa. 1516431;1470543028;asciilifeform;dafuq's that 1516432;1470543034;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Mythical creature 1516433;1470543035;mircea_popescu;you know, futarchy ? 1516434;1470543120;mircea_popescu;https://skyrimfuta.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/superduperfinalpass1.jpg << i would say this is just about average ? 1516435;1470543209;*;asciilifeform unfamiliar with subj. 1516436;1470543211;mircea_popescu;o look, there's even an irc chan, #kryptoncoin 1516437;1470543237;mats;;;ud futanari 1516438;1470543238;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3DFutanari | Futanari. Someone(Usually in a doujinshi, but occasionally in normal fanfics or hentai), who appears to be female, but for some reason has male genatalia. 1516439;1470543278;asciilifeform;lolk 1516440;1470543295;mircea_popescu;i'd say futa = deeply sexualized female, with monstrously large male genitals that violate basic physics (chiefly in that they can disappear under clothes, and don't need blood to function) 1516441;1470543331;asciilifeform;telescopic! 1516442;1470543340;mats;is a genuine human hermaphrodite even biologically possible? 1516443;1470543354;mircea_popescu;yes. 1516444;1470543374;asciilifeform;mats: typically from nondisjoined fraternal twins 1516445;1470543386;mats;operational genitalia and all? 1516446;1470543394;mircea_popescu;usually one set works, the other doesn't. 1516447;1470543395;asciilifeform;aha 1516448;1470543403;mircea_popescu;both functional is usually as alf says, chimera. 1516449;1470543425;mircea_popescu;there's also chemical imbalances of various sorts, it's not entirely well understood. 1516450;1470543466;asciilifeform;my understanding is that most folks will live and die without ever meeting one 1516451;1470543472;BingoBoingo;Don't worry though at this year's olympics there are 0 testosterone regulations on competing as women 1516452;1470543474;asciilifeform;unless specifically set out to. 1516453;1470543547;mircea_popescu;it's really not that rare. 1516454;1470543556;mircea_popescu;$google nadar hermaphrodite photographs 1516455;1470543557;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermaphrodite_(Nadar) << Hermaphrodite (Nadar) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | http://www.luminous-lint.com/app/contents/fra/_photographer_nadar_hermaphrodite_01/ << Nadar: Hermaphrodite | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16490032 << Early photo-illustration of a hermaphrodite by the French ... 1516456;1470543578;*;BingoBoingo wonders if ISIS version of dependapotamus if Hijjabba the Hutt 1516457;1470543615;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: sorta contradiction, neh? 1516458;1470543622;asciilifeform;submarine with screen door. 1516459;1470543639;mircea_popescu;no ?! obesity is prevalent enough in traditional muslim society. 1516460;1470543651;mircea_popescu;plenty of force-fed girlies among the beduins, etc. 1516461;1470543667;BingoBoingo;Like futa, we can build it! Start with conjoined twins and substantial donor blood for revision surgery. 1516462;1470543674;asciilifeform;why the fuck would islamic patriarch keep 'obeast' around? 1516463;1470543693;asciilifeform;unless he specifically is fetishist of such a thing 1516464;1470543695;BingoBoingo;Same reason they keep Giraffe and other non-functional pets. 1516465;1470543699;mircea_popescu;they are, from experience. 1516466;1470543744;mircea_popescu;i don't think i've seen a woman over 50 that wasn't over 30bmi in my entire time among teh muslims, actually. 1516467;1470543757;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what counts, for the purpose of this observation, as 'obese' ? 1516468;1470543759;asciilifeform;hm 1516469;1470543766;mircea_popescu;perhaps forcing a point. but there's this very typical balabusta look. 1516470;1470543776;mircea_popescu;you'd think they're all secretly ultraorthodox jooz. 1516471;1470543785;mircea_popescu;(which, of course, they are.) 1516472;1470543820;asciilifeform;well, in the way bat is a bird. 1516473;1470543851;mircea_popescu;more like in the way ancient transparent trylobite sealed in a cave since 2mn years ago is a mollusc. 1516474;1470543948;mircea_popescu;anyway. re hermaphroditism thing : it's actually much more common in embryos ; generally get aborted before end of 1st trimester. 1516475;1470544015;asciilifeform;lotsa lulz common in these. 1516476;1470544020;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1516477;1470544045;mircea_popescu;i dun recall what it was for "true" hermaphroditism in "average" population, maybe 20 or somesuch ppm ? 1516478;1470544063;asciilifeform;somewhere there. 1516479;1470544067;mircea_popescu;which you know, is ~same as "really hot woman" and ~100x more than "great soccer player" etc. 1516480;1470544234;mircea_popescu;"more common than us presidents" let's put it that way. 1516481;1470562210;jurov;we're coming close, if hilary wins, we'll have fuparchy 1516482;1470571489;asciilifeform;from the lulpipe: https://everydayconcerned.net/2016/08/05/nsa-whistleblower-wrongfully-baker-acted-by-florida-sheriffs-department-after-providing-hard-evidence-of-covert-electronic-harassment 1516483;1470575651;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform eh the woman's nuts. 1516484;1470579829;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: unlike, e.g., dragos bios, there are no physical contradictions in the linked piece 1516485;1470579863;mircea_popescu;you ever worked with lasers ? 1516486;1470579865;asciilifeform;and this is the first case i learned of where victim owned measuring equipment of whatever sort. 1516487;1470579871;asciilifeform;laser... 1516488;1470579879;asciilifeform;that part is odd. 1516489;1470579881;mircea_popescu;i have, and saw enough burns. that patch of skin was welted by application of a cane, not fucking "laser" 1516490;1470579887;*;asciilifeform rereads 1516491;1470579914;mircea_popescu;this is no small matter : mechanical oscillation is just as much oscillation as lightwave. 1516492;1470579930;mircea_popescu;and i can just as you can measure the wavelength of the generator on the basis of the mark left behind eh. 1516493;1470579993;asciilifeform;yeah i have nfi how to create this mark with laser. even at firing squad range, 1516494;1470580013;mircea_popescu;that laser was doing ~12 hz. 1516495;1470580084;asciilifeform;incidentally asciilifeform just now woke up from interesting dream where he visited some handle-like usg figure's house that featured a handy platform for 'executing spies', complete with stone chair, manacles, barbecue pit, audience stands 1516496;1470580103;mircea_popescu;not a bad dream. 1516497;1470580157;asciilifeform;it was very much in character, somehow, with the mental image the 'patrioty', more backwoodsy usg types appear to have of themselves. 1516498;1470580190;asciilifeform;the ones with the decorative 'terrorist hunting license' on the pickup trux. 1516499;1470580231;mircea_popescu;heh 1516500;1470580429;asciilifeform;i am inclined to believe that some of the allegations not pertaining to death rays are true. психушка is indeed a thing in usaschwitz. 1516501;1470580484;asciilifeform;(where they work on victim's weaknesses and ignorance, and actually do a fine job of inducing degree of madness) 1516502;1470580581;asciilifeform;and, incidentally, microwave illuminators for audio bugs, as invented by leo thermen, still in use today worldwide. 1516503;1470580588;mircea_popescu;but in this case the alleged psykushka kicked her out. 1516504;1470580599;asciilifeform;and may handily account for some of the 'death ray' tales. 1516505;1470580605;mircea_popescu;it is true the us uses "medicine" to wash its hands on social problems, ballas has well explained this, article is cached on trilema 1516506;1470580620;asciilifeform;those'd be other problems. 1516507;1470580622;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, like any strained mechanism supposed to do one thing in theory and another in practice, the practitioners aren't too keen 1516508;1470580653;mircea_popescu;and so often the sherriff goes "here's a load of items of the right type - we don't know what else to do with them" and the psych ward lead goes "fu bitch, none of these belong here take them out" 1516509;1470580669;mircea_popescu;leaving the sherriff puzzled... "in training they told us to dump here evertything we don't know how to otherwise process. wtf ?!" 1516510;1470580725;mircea_popescu;and on the other score : the weak and the ignorant are mad and have no excuse. i don't mean no excuse to mistake. i mean no excuse to be. 1516511;1470580838;asciilifeform;let's cut in another direction. say, not my house (which is studiously ignored even by pigeons, i have nfi) but... e.g., BingoBoingo's - he picks up microwave background, thick enough that birds are dropping. gets rf burns when touching conductors (as i suspect that chick got in the photo) 1516512;1470580849;asciilifeform;what's the recommended answer ? 1516513;1470580876;mircea_popescu;nah, he touched conductors... with her thigh ? wut ? 1516514;1470580890;asciilifeform;idk, iron dildo? 1516515;1470580896;mircea_popescu;the recommended answer will be an array of assays. "get ye so and so item from amazon and do so and so with it" 1516516;1470580913;asciilifeform;well yes, chick also had toolbox 1516517;1470580922;asciilifeform;then what. 1516518;1470580942;mircea_popescu;then do something other than post a billion pics of anon people sitting in room and ONE clearly mislabeled item 1516519;1470580945;mircea_popescu;post some actual proof. 1516520;1470580952;asciilifeform;if complain to official organs - we already know where train goes. 1516521;1470580957;mircea_popescu;set up go-pro system to watch live set-up and dump it online 1516522;1470580967;mircea_popescu;science be science. 1516523;1470580970;asciilifeform;dump what? pics of trees? 1516524;1470580983;mircea_popescu; and ftr, if i one day ran into aliens, i would similarly not report it to the closest police preceinct 1516525;1470581005;mircea_popescu;this because i'm not "a citizen" aka consumjer aka idiot, but one of those elite folks to whom law doesn't apply and to whom the police are a tool not an entity. 1516526;1470581009;asciilifeform;it is trivial to illuminate a house from several 100 m, through another's property line, or from parked vehicles 1516527;1470581013;mircea_popescu;consequently i don't give them to solve problems they're not there to solve. 1516528;1470581028;mircea_popescu;nah, pics of your detectors in action. 1516529;1470581063;asciilifeform;well yes, i grasp that mircea_popescu would have the perp's safehouse broken into and the screaming operator dragged out, tied to a plank, etc 1516530;1470581069;mircea_popescu;makea a blog, call it "joe and katy's radioastronomy garage lab". post the weirdo data live, let people come visit... 1516531;1470581081;asciilifeform;sorta what was linked, neh? 1516532;1470581084;mircea_popescu;neh 1516533;1470581103;mircea_popescu;what was linked was a sort of scrapbook, much alike what a "our wedding" album would look in the hands of a deranged housewife. 1516534;1470581129;mircea_popescu;her fucking parents ? are you kidding me ? 1516535;1470581133;asciilifeform;limited mental wattage, yes. 1516536;1470581186;asciilifeform;but basic principle... yes, operator will turn off the machine if neutral third party comes to visit 1516537;1470581199;asciilifeform;then go and prove worth a shit. 1516538;1470581205;mircea_popescu;third party comes to visit to see how the detectors are wired 1516539;1470581219;mircea_popescu;not that they report something noteworthy as the visit progresses. 1516540;1470581247;asciilifeform;betcha this has been done, by one or more, and dismissed as schizo. 1516541;1470581257;mircea_popescu;link plox 1516542;1470581263;asciilifeform;because it so well patternmatches schizo. 1516543;1470581280;mircea_popescu;i dont see that it does. 1516544;1470581283;asciilifeform;hey if i had link, would post. 1516545;1470581297;mircea_popescu;so then. there's no excuse for not having blog, for not being in wot, for etc. 1516546;1470581305;mircea_popescu;"oh, i could have" fuck you. do or die. 1516547;1470581314;asciilifeform;this, yes. 1516548;1470581341;mircea_popescu;note that this woman dun have something dragos roua did have 1516549;1470581344;mircea_popescu;ie, "who the fuck is she". 1516550;1470581355;asciilifeform;ex-bureaucrat, claims 1516551;1470581366;mircea_popescu;literally, i see no difference between this idiot and the used up party-hos with the "ambassador" blabla crowding out paetraeus 1516552;1470581398;mircea_popescu;yeah, ex office cocksucker that had to be let go over her idiotic trying to compete with other office cocksucker in any other way than cocksucking. 1516553;1470581424;asciilifeform;bit old for a cockeress, neh? 1516554;1470581446;mircea_popescu;hence her anger. 1516555;1470581509;*;asciilifeform can picture this. 1516556;1470581525;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1516557;1470581527;gribble;Current Blocks: 424129 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 1246 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 23 hours, 8 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1516558;1470581552;mircea_popescu;she says as much. 1516559;1470581564;asciilifeform;but 'They (NSA) apparently targeted me to warn me off or punish me for having my lawyer subpoena–in February 2015–corroborating information on the identity and existence of Eric Hagemann, a now retired NSA executive who had broken into my home and bugged it illegally because I had filed the IG complaint against one of his buddies.' is testable claim, no? 1516560;1470581590;mircea_popescu;the pics of the bugs are missing. 1516561;1470581610;asciilifeform;point. 1516562;1470581617;asciilifeform;where are the bugs. 1516563;1470581640;mircea_popescu;that's how a sane person structures this claim. "i am in possession of the electronics here documented. i got them because X tried to bug my house. feel free to come up with alternative explanation" 1516564;1470581647;mircea_popescu;ie, EXACTLY how the miner collusion item worked. 1516565;1470581653;asciilifeform;( asciilifeform is still waiting to buy a 'GODSURGE' !1111 h 1516566;1470581657;mircea_popescu;yes, there will be a chorus of "ononononon", and you just behead the lot. 1516567;1470581686;mircea_popescu;very simple and, more importantly, quite sound. 1516568;1470581730;asciilifeform;incidentally the last time his happened, iirc, the victim ended up with a gag order and costly legal bill 1516569;1470581739;asciilifeform;( it was a car tracker ) 1516570;1470581766;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1516571;1470581768;asciilifeform;but we got to see what said bug looked like. 1516572;1470581776;mircea_popescu;send it to me, i;ll publish it. 1516573;1470581788;mircea_popescu;but you see the difference between this and that. it's marked. 1516574;1470581788;asciilifeform;was it old logz, will dig. 1516575;1470581793;mircea_popescu;fucking parents pictures ffs. 1516576;1470581794;asciilifeform;*in 1516577;1470581800;asciilifeform;and yes. 1516578;1470581801;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no i meant, if the woman had it and is affraid of publishing it. 1516579;1470581829;asciilifeform;i will be sure to link to this line should i ever encounter one of these folk alive. 1516580;1470581847;mircea_popescu;works. 1516581;1470581853;asciilifeform;( they never seem to show up here .... ) 1516582;1470581864;mircea_popescu;well, it's new. 1516583;1470581891;asciilifeform;tru. 1516584;1470581971;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, back 20 years ago, friend being pursued by especially insultingly incompetent "secret service" called in a hit on their car. boxed them in, got them out, beat the shit out of them, took them to police station as per tradition. police wouldn't make arrest, he berated them a good one. and left. 1516585;1470582045;asciilifeform;sorta why in usa they shoot first, ask questions after. 1516586;1470582084;mircea_popescu;at the time, possibly still today, secret service wasn't armed. 1516587;1470582094;asciilifeform;lulzy 1516588;1470582104;mircea_popescu;much like the ru iirc. pretty much everyone competent in the field eschews the nonsense. 1516589;1470582112;mircea_popescu;wtf sort of secret agent operates infantry iron ? 1516590;1470582127;asciilifeform;infantry ~support~ 1516591;1470582133;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1516592;1470582162;asciilifeform;american snoops typically have police cover of one kind or another, 1516593;1470582174;asciilifeform;specifically against this scenario. 1516594;1470582187;mircea_popescu;"typical cover" is exactly like "standard key" 1516595;1470582250;mircea_popescu;point remains, a "secret agent" shooting is not unlike a "mathematician" doing finger-addition. 1516596;1470582251;asciilifeform;i have nfi whether it is effective, for all i know snoop is being well-beaten just around the corner. i only know the procedures. 1516597;1470582261;asciilifeform;but yes. 1516598;1470582274;mircea_popescu;i suppose in theory it could happen. 1516599;1470582281;asciilifeform;seeekrit folk in actual life dun usually shoot, except in self-defense 1516600;1470582302;mircea_popescu;i can scarcely think of a situation where spook's odds are improved by shooting. 1516601;1470582329;asciilifeform;paid hit contractor dun count, i suppose, as 'spook' ? 1516602;1470582335;asciilifeform;for this observation 1516603;1470582341;mircea_popescu;well, trained dog dun count as mathematician ? 1516604;1470582352;asciilifeform;counts as sapper!111 1516605;1470582352;mircea_popescu;i dunno dude, someone who is qualified in their chosen profession. 1516606;1470582392;mircea_popescu;so it turns out upon examination that it's not as much "us snoop has police cover" ; but rather that "some police grunts are deluded into thinking themselves snoops to accept lower paychecks" 1516607;1470582680;asciilifeform;we also know that exceptionally-deserving lucky folk get handled by private contractors (as i'm certain m. hastings was) 1516608;1470582689;asciilifeform;and not by police of any description. 1516609;1470582723;asciilifeform;'academe', 'craft international' et al. 1516610;1470582731;asciilifeform;plus independents. 1516611;1470584162;thestringpuller;for posterity in chan: "Second, most companies in the digital currency space are not profitable right now. Coinbase is not" - Brian Armstrong 1516612;1470584212;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha-HAGHAHAHAHAHA 1516613;1470584228;mircea_popescu;back when mp was saying this while mpex was a public company, the idiots knew better. 1516614;1470584238;mircea_popescu;now that it's private, nothing's to keep the dickface from admitting it. hurr durr. 1516615;1470584258;mircea_popescu;the "public" deserves everything it gets. long and hard. 1516616;1470584440;asciilifeform;since when is there even a 'the public' ? i thought there were only individual chumps.. 1516617;1470584456;mircea_popescu;since they pretend to have a state. 1516618;1470584552;thestringpuller;http://archive.is/USut2 << archived for posterity 1516619;1470584593;phf;"the public" is what you say when you're talking trash, while periodically glancing back to check if there's somebody to back you up. 1516620;1470584631;danielpbarron;;;ticker --market all 1516621;1470584638;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516511 << Hey, I have very popular bird feeder 1516622;1470584638;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 14:40 asciilifeform: let's cut in another direction. say, not my house (which is studiously ignored even by pigeons, i have nfi) but... e.g., BingoBoingo's - he picks up microwave background, thick enough that birds are dropping. gets rf burns when touching conductors (as i suspect that chick got in the photo) 1516623;1470584640;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 596.6, vol: 4085.10277797 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 590.3, vol: 7094.38646 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 590.03271, vol: 134586.99930000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 602.0, vol: 1199.26884988 | Volume-weighted last average: 590.325814408 1516624;1470584689;mircea_popescu;phf ideologically this all ties into http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-prices-bitcoin-inflexibility/ and the following in that thread ( such as http://trilema.com/2013/the-future-of-bitcoin-regulation/ ) 1516625;1470584713;thestringpuller;"Customers have shown an incredible willingness to pay for the service we've created because there is demand for it, and they recognize that this will help digital currency be more successful." << I love the denial. There is overwhelming hatred from the over regulation. Coinbase is just another fiat institution. 1516626;1470584715;mircea_popescu;specifically in 2013 MPEx gave a sort of soft ultimatum to the public : either you rally behind us, and push the world into the future, or you rally behind either of these two options and get raped. 1516627;1470584715;asciilifeform;'We spend a lot of money on things like security audits, compliance, understanding the laws of each country where we operate, obtaining regulatory licenses around the world, great engineering, and many more mundane areas like lunches for employees (there is a competitive market to hire the best people out there).' << gold. 1516628;1470584724;mircea_popescu;the public, as then predicted, picked the most rape per unit work. 1516629;1470584748;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: were you surprised. Given CDO et. al.?!?!? 1516630;1470584756;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yeah i dunno what is more hated by the noobs on the margin of btc than coinbase. 1516631;1470584763;thestringpuller;it will take years to deprogram the eternal september 1516632;1470584769;thestringpuller;decades 1516633;1470584782;mircea_popescu;literally, they're responsible for the largest count of marginal people - people who could have gone in, and ensured their future, but didn't. 1516634;1470584783;thestringpuller;meanwhile as asciilifeform says, build walls let zombies eat each other 1516635;1470584800;mircea_popescu;they're the equivalent of a guy that sits with a baseball bat in front of hospital and chases the elderly, the infirm and the disabled away. 1516636;1470584807;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: 'eternal septembers' are never deprogrammed, they are encasketed, like nuke waste 1516637;1470584827;mircea_popescu;then turns around and claims "the willingness to pay" is somehow indicative of... how loved he is ? 1516638;1470584834;shinohai;O.o 1516639;1470584848;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: sue me for liking to sugar coat things. my fragile subconscious is not used to this new wasteland we are living in 1516640;1470584852;mircea_popescu;and totally neglects the fact that most of the hospital's business comes in the shape of dudes that show up in unmarked vans, tie him to a wall and fuck him in the ass while loading/unloading patients. 1516641;1470584857;phf;sort of definition of eternal september, since before "eternal" septembrists were deprogrammed by forced communal reeducation. "read the logs, etc." 1516642;1470584880;mircea_popescu;phf no but they're "busy" with "their business". as if there could be a fucking business. 1516643;1470584888;mircea_popescu;"i'm too busy doing accounting to learn addition" 1516644;1470584899;thestringpuller;phf: this is as asciilifeform says throwing nuke waste into caskets and firing it into the sun 1516645;1470584911;thestringpuller;takes great amounts of effort to do it right (tm) 1516646;1470585030;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: show up in unmarked vans << funny how i know plenty of money launderers who use coinbase. 1516647;1470585075;shinohai;i lol'd because how quickly their position changed on ETC 1516648;1470585091;shinohai;Sure we can do that 1516649;1470585150;thestringpuller;ether huffing is sustainable until people are so brain dead their bodies stop working 1516650;1470585166;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CpE7gP1WIAA3aFY.jpg:large 1516651;1470585169;thestringpuller;reminds me of some neuromancer shit. 1516652;1470585252;phf;thestringpuller: there's a limited number of cultural references for these people. that's why all the conspiracy theory youtube videos use that one track from the matrix when they need to lay down "truth" etc. 1516653;1470585281;mircea_popescu;more generally, the dysfunctional brain is by definition limited. 1516654;1470585303;mircea_popescu;which is also why nutty woman accidentally admits she's been pushing this nonsense ever since trhe 80s, and puts her parents (ie, authority figure) in the amulet. 1516655;1470585319;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/pomades/ 1516656;1470585428;phf;vampire doctor is my favorite.. 1516657;1470585452;mircea_popescu;whitch one was that ? 1516658;1470585522;phf;it's the main character in this strip, the one that always dispenses kooky medical advise 1516659;1470585539;mircea_popescu;the rogue chick ? yea she might be the best character in oglafverse 1516660;1470585579;mircea_popescu;imo her best is the fabled "evadam sau ne futem ?" "fuff. mai fimflu" 1516661;1470585584;phf;she needs a video game, a whacky take on Thief series 1516662;1470585589;mircea_popescu;(do we fuck or escape ? fuck. easier.) 1516663;1470585602;phf;hehe 1516664;1470585603;mircea_popescu;nah, she needs a video game, a remake of planescape : torment. 1516665;1470585695;mircea_popescu;ideally something made by gilliam. 1516666;1470585737;phf;get avellone and spitzley to design & program 1516667;1470585891;phf;that would be a righteous project to fund, it'll burn thousands of btc and the crumble under its own weight. "featuring in game cinematics by alexandro jodorowski" 1516668;1470585940;mircea_popescu;jaromil jires, rather. 1516669;1470586175;BingoBoingo;In other news, Russia was banned from the parolympics 1516670;1470586186;phf;i've never seen, but but valerie and her week of wonders looks fun.. 1516671;1470586194;mircea_popescu;yeh try it. 1516672;1470586195;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: them cripples not crippled enough or wat was it ? 1516673;1470586219;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Cripples need too much dope! 1516674;1470586225;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, "putin this or that ore the other". because it's not about the cripples, paralympics is like paralitics, ie politics-something 1516675;1470586272;asciilifeform;lel, it is almost 1980 again 1516676;1470586295;phf;with a modern PC twist 1516677;1470586309;mircea_popescu;ie, exactly the same. 1516678;1470586311;asciilifeform;as per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516653 , 1516679;1470586311;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 15:54 mircea_popescu: more generally, the dysfunctional brain is by definition limited. 1516680;1470586311;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 15:54 mircea_popescu: more generally, the dysfunctional brain is by definition limited. 1516681;1470586320;phf;hmm 1516682;1470586332;asciilifeform;hey where'd the 2nd line come from 1516683;1470586340;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516654 1516684;1470586340;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 15:55 mircea_popescu: which is also why nutty woman accidentally admits she's been pushing this nonsense ever since trhe 80s, and puts her parents (ie, authority figure) in the amulet. 1516685;1470586340;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 15:55 mircea_popescu: which is also why nutty woman accidentally admits she's been pushing this nonsense ever since trhe 80s, and puts her parents (ie, authority figure) in the amulet. 1516686;1470586346;phf;i broke a thing 1516687;1470586347;mircea_popescu;lol. phf made redundancy 1516688;1470586366;phf;making sure those messages always come through 1516689;1470586382;mircea_popescu;"i had a nut, but then i eted it. then i eted it. then iiiiii" 1516690;1470586411;mircea_popescu;awww. even rabbit log can die but once. 1516691;1470586526;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516686 1516692;1470586526;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 16:12 phf: i broke a thing 1516693;1470586568;phf;downsides of patching live process, one definition got updated, another one is sitting somewhere on stack 1516694;1470586582;phf;$seen mircea_popescu 1516695;1470586583;a111;2016-08-07 awww. even rabbit log can die but once. 1516696;1470586993;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where was the 'since 1980s' bit ? 1516697;1470587000;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] Until it isn’t. - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/until-it-isnt/ 1516698;1470587039;mircea_popescu;grep for "wavies", a term i didn't see before, she halfmouthedly admits it. 1516699;1470587065;asciilifeform;'Julianne McKinney reports that back in the 1980s and 1990s, persons complaining of electronic harassment were dismissed as “wavies,” and the government took the position that electronic weapons simply did not exist. The government no longer takes this position, she notes, but the “wavies” of yore are still a threat, apparently, so propaganda pieces alleging mental illness are now the preferred mode of attempted discrediting 1516700;1470587065;asciilifeform;. (Julianne McKinney reports extensive experience with this during the 1980s and 1990s.)' 1516701;1470587080;mircea_popescu;ah it was a different someone ? 1516702;1470587101;asciilifeform;'Julianne McKinney, former Army Intelligence officer, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project, a sub-group of the Association of National Security Alumni, and author of...' 1516703;1470587118;*;asciilifeform has nfi re claimed affiliation of subj 1516704;1470587134;mircea_popescu;kay then. 1516705;1470587140;mircea_popescu;i skimmed. 1516706;1470587418;asciilifeform;for extra lulz, i dug into the 'trifield meter' pictured in linked piece. it appears to be from the 'madness market' segment discussed in the em shielding blanket thread... 1516707;1470587435;asciilifeform;hell knows how calibrated, or whether, or what is even in the box. 1516708;1470587479;mircea_popescu;it's not directly apparent what "trifield" would mean. 1516709;1470587490;asciilifeform;https://www.trifield.com/content/trifield-meter << vendor. 1516710;1470587505;mircea_popescu;ah brand name. 1516711;1470587513;mircea_popescu;error 404, from hostgator. 1516712;1470587515;mircea_popescu;unimpressed ? 1516713;1470587550;asciilifeform;and it is not difficult to see some obvious wtf (srsly, ONE pocket-sized antenna, for all freq. ??) 1516714;1470587552;mircea_popescu;https://www.trifield.com/content/trifield-meter/ works. lol. 1516715;1470587576;mircea_popescu;wait it measures electric and magnetic field ? how ? 1516716;1470587671;mircea_popescu;and why the fuck pay these derps 50 bux instead of just plugging a ten mile long cable into some capacitors and pipe to serial connector on pc. 1516717;1470587674;mircea_popescu;$up shi_ 1516718;1470587674;deedbot;shi_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1516719;1470587769;asciilifeform;linked item is not a recommendation for purchase... but demo of 'madness market', we had thread 1516720;1470587798;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-26#935089 << 1516721;1470587799;a111;Logged on 2014-11-26 04:23 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: at one point i needed some conductive cloth (the kind with silver strands) for an experiment. to my great surprise, i discovered that there is a large manufacturer in usa, and they do brisk business with folks suffering from precisely the kind of phobia described in decimation's link. 1516722;1470587828;asciilifeform;there is, apparently, whole 'parallel world' of junky 'measurement tools' 1516723;1470587837;asciilifeform;purchased by nobody other than 'wavies' 1516724;1470587859;asciilifeform;who never, afaik, once got a hold of, e.g., a used 'fluke' field strength meter, or any other adult toy. 1516725;1470587878;mircea_popescu;it's mindboggling poor dersign. so for one thing, the measurement mechanism for magnetic is liable to influence measurements for electric and vice-versa. 1516726;1470587893;mircea_popescu;for the other thing, how do i make sure i don't burn this item, since apparently the same needle responds to 3 unrelated things ? 1516727;1470587896;asciilifeform;i bring it up because this is somehow, at least in my mind, eerily analogous to the 'legal remedies' crackpottery portrayed in mircea_popescu's 'sops of government clerks' piece 1516728;1470587929;asciilifeform;same type of folks, who carefully avoid actual probe in favour of... strange placebo 1516729;1470587952;mircea_popescu;maybe we should introduce official tmsr rf measurement tools for environment. 1516730;1470587963;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there is no question that it is poor design, you would never encounter such a thing even in undergrad lab 1516731;1470587969;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how anyone expects to be taken seriously without bundle of coax clearly visible. 1516732;1470587973;mircea_popescu;he's "measuring" ? really ? 1516733;1470587995;mircea_popescu;why not go all out measure in tip of penis. 1516734;1470588009;asciilifeform;the interesting thing is that these tools 'work', no doubt arrow moves when you bring it up to working pnoje, etc. and this is 'works' per the lights of the target market. 1516735;1470588026;mircea_popescu;fucking chicken cooksl when you bring it next to smartphone 1516736;1470588032;mircea_popescu;wasn't there yourtube with popping corn etc ? 1516737;1470588040;asciilifeform;lolwat 1516738;1470588050;mircea_popescu;$google cellphone popping corn youtube 1516739;1470588051;deedbot;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V94shlqPlSI << Pop corn with cell phones - YouTube | http://www.wired.com/2008/06/cellphones-cant/ << Physicist Debunks Cellphone Popcorn Viral Videos | WIRED | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqIZDIxJgXw << Cell Phone Radiation Pops Popcorn - YouTube 1516740;1470588141;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc creator of film confessed to flimflammery. 1516741;1470588150;mircea_popescu;"by the lights of target market" 1516742;1470588249;asciilifeform;ah well yes. 1516743;1470588297;mircea_popescu;to be perfectly honest, a lot of your "oh, cern is not needed" is inseparable in my mind from "oh why should i spend the 50 on buying cable for antenna, not needed". 1516744;1470588319;mircea_popescu;in ~every serious measuring effort, the antenna is more trouble than the collectors. 1516745;1470588329;asciilifeform;do not conflate surgeon and jack the ripper. 1516746;1470588332;asciilifeform;yes, both - cut. 1516747;1470588363;asciilifeform;and even the humblest hobbyist spent, -- ask any -- obscene sums on antennae 1516748;1470588372;mircea_popescu;well apparently not this woman. 1516749;1470588377;asciilifeform;apparently. 1516750;1470588384;mircea_popescu;she bought a cane and thought it's a laser and bought a funbox and thought it's a measurement tool. 1516751;1470588514;asciilifeform;also for some reason i inevitably think of the legendary savages who 'died of voodoo' when prompted 1516752;1470588546;mircea_popescu;this may well be more of the "cannibals" priestly fantasy. 1516753;1470588577;asciilifeform;possibly, or rooted in fact, placebocin is strong medicine. 1516754;1470588625;asciilifeform;http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/placebo.htm << oblig. al schwartz. 1516755;1470588653;asciilifeform;'Is Placebocin paradise, Erehwon, Shangri-La, utopia, Eden, and heaven all in a tiny gelatin capsule? Is Placebocin a T-3 fiberoptic Gigabit Ethernet connection to the Net? Is there anything that Placebocin cannot cure?' 1516756;1470588835;BingoBoingo;alleged thickastheives finally updates blawg http://www.bitcoinerrorlog.com/2016/08/05/bitfinex-bitgo-become-bitcoin-barbers/ 1516757;1470588873;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what makes you think it was him ? 1516758;1470588909;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: following TaT's evolution of his personal branding on twitter following his long walk 1516759;1470588927;asciilifeform;iirc he fell in with gavin et al 1516760;1470588961;BingoBoingo;He fell in with some obeast organization "whaleclub" or something sure. No idea about gavinotronic ties. 1516761;1470589013;davout;ohai 1516762;1470589025;asciilifeform;davout ! 1516763;1470589046;mircea_popescu;how's paris 1516764;1470589052;asciilifeform;how sing the minarets of sunny al-paris today, davout ? 1516765;1470589068;davout;paris is approximately 9000 km away 1516766;1470589075;davout;from my current position 1516767;1470589075;asciilifeform;escaped ? 1516768;1470589076;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1516769;1470589099;davout;figured moving to the south wasn't enough, so i've settled on mauritius 1516770;1470589128;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1516771;1470589132;asciilifeform;srsly? 1516772;1470589138;mircea_popescu;with the woman ?! 1516773;1470589139;davout;yeah 1516774;1470589142;davout;yeah 1516775;1470589147;mircea_popescu;with the horses ? 1516776;1470589157;davout;she wanted to, but no 1516777;1470589165;asciilifeform;meet any pirates yet ? 1516778;1470589189;davout;no, but i can't wait! 1516779;1470589191;mircea_popescu;pretty cool. 1516780;1470589216;*;asciilifeform takes off hat 1516781;1470589231;davout;yeah, i'm waiting a few months to see if i actually like it here 1516782;1470589246;mircea_popescu;is that what, a french possession ? independent ? 1516783;1470589265;davout;iirc it used to be dutch, then french, then british, then independent 1516784;1470589303;davout;so it's kind of weird, everything official is in english, but usual conversation is either in french, or in creole 1516785;1470589330;mircea_popescu;aha. nb. 1516786;1470589338;mircea_popescu;how's re prices ? 1516787;1470589416;davout;cars are heavily taxed, the rest is okay i guess, depends obviously on whether you insist on buying the exact same stuff as at home or if you're ok going the local way 1516788;1470589447;davout;from what i've seen a cleaning lady costs like 4 or 5 times less than in france, but the rest isn't *that* cheaper 1516789;1470589451;asciilifeform;davout: how's the bandwidth ? 1516790;1470589465;davout;asciilifeform: excellent, they're deploying fiber pretty much everywhere 1516791;1470589469;asciilifeform;neato 1516792;1470589499;davout;cars are horribly expensive though 1516793;1470589511;davout;they're like ridiculously taxed for some reason 1516794;1470589521;davout;and they drive on the left side of the road 1516795;1470589527;mircea_popescu;davout i meant real estate 1516796;1470589558;mircea_popescu;no cars i kinda like, actually. besides, it's an island. 1516797;1470589564;davout;mircea_popescu: it's pretty good from what i've seen 1516798;1470589594;davout;i'm renting a 3 bedroom house, with a pool, for like the ~750 eur/month 1516799;1470589606;asciilifeform;! 1516800;1470589608;mircea_popescu;that is pretty good. 1516801;1470589614;mircea_popescu;3 year ? or ? 1516802;1470589642;davout;i'm staying one year at least, more if i like it, or were you asking about the lease? 1516803;1470589701;mircea_popescu;yeah, about the lease. 1516804;1470589721;davout;one year, i can leave with 2 month notice 1516805;1470589759;asciilifeform;that price is brain-meltingly, 'baltimore'-cheap 1516806;1470589762;davout;so far it seems like a pretty peaceful place, compare the stuff that makes the newspaper to what does in yurp: http://www.lexpress.mu/article/286927/quatre-bornes-pradeep-roopun-porte-plainte-pour-vol-legumes 1516807;1470589779;mircea_popescu;course... kinda close to the us base 1516808;1470589791;davout;diego garcia? 1516809;1470589794;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1516810;1470589797;asciilifeform;iirc it has 'territorial dispute' with the english also ? 1516811;1470589807;davout;nfi 1516812;1470589811;mircea_popescu;well the english sent the natives off an island, rented it to the us 1516813;1470589903;davout;i see, that would be it -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chagos_Archipelago 1516814;1470590025;mircea_popescu;1% heroin prevalence check that out. 1516815;1470590034;asciilifeform;is this > or < than in usa 1516816;1470590051;davout;sounds like a lot to me 1516817;1470590068;asciilifeform;<, iirc, than usa circa early 1900s 1516818;1470590071;asciilifeform;but nfi re today 1516819;1470590098;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform us as well as most "sane" places are in the 0.1 range 1516820;1470590121;davout;drugs seem to be a big deal there 1516821;1470590137;davout;repression-wise especially 1516822;1470590174;davout;apparently cigarette rolling paper is illegal here 1516823;1470590180;mircea_popescu;lol. 1516824;1470590185;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: americans take synthetic opium of 1,01 types, add'em up, get quite likely more than 1%. 1516825;1470590192;asciilifeform;low-tech orcs - yes, shoot smack 1516826;1470590201;mircea_popescu;apparently it's brown sugar. 1516827;1470590219;mircea_popescu;anyway - they also ~all smoke pot. which is the fucking nuttery of the age, you should see the ba derps. 1516828;1470590256;mircea_popescu;instead of burning the city down, the she-cows huddle around with their mothers throughout adolescence, dressed in retard apparel ; while the he-cows smoke immense amounts of pot and wash it down with gallons of mate. 1516829;1470590295;asciilifeform;matte isn't even psychotronic, is it 1516830;1470590307;mircea_popescu;it is, uselessly so. like khat. 1516831;1470590323;davout;mircea_popescu: when i was in bsas i could pretty much smell pot on every corner of the street, here not even once, kinda surprising 1516832;1470590334;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i've never taken khat, what's it do ? 1516833;1470590340;mircea_popescu;yeah im surprised there isn't pot smog over ba. 1516834;1470590351;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform makes you keep taking khat. ~nothing else. 1516835;1470590371;asciilifeform;kinda like tobacco ? 1516836;1470590379;mircea_popescu;nah, tobacco at least gives you cancer. 1516837;1470590393;asciilifeform;khat isn't even tumorigenic?! SCAM!1111 1516838;1470590396;mircea_popescu;khat is just this cud. 1516839;1470590434;davout;kinda like tea! 1516840;1470590446;asciilifeform;davout chews tea?! 1516841;1470590448;davout;makes you want to drink more tea 1516842;1470590451;mircea_popescu;does it ? 1516843;1470590457;mircea_popescu;never felt the effect myself. 1516844;1470590462;asciilifeform;what's ~in~ davou't tea..? 1516845;1470590471;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4961&pr=1 1516846;1470590488;davout;lol no i don't chew tea! but when i don't smoke, i'm much more sensitive to coffee and drink tea instead 1516847;1470590569;asciilifeform;davout: you missed a great dope thread. 1516848;1470590574;asciilifeform;couplea days ago. 1516849;1470590611;davout;i've only been reading qntra's executive summaries lately 1516850;1470590648;davout;now that the gtfo of france is complete imma have more time, link to the thread? 1516851;1470590730;asciilifeform;davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515361 most recently. 1516852;1470590730;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 13:59 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515346 << cheapo honda engine sitting in traffic jam in wash dc also won't benefit from nitro fuel. 1516853;1470590732;davout;it's pretty nice here, i hear frogs and can actually see the stars! 1516854;1470590745;davout;tyu 1516855;1470590748;davout;*ty 1516856;1470590766;mircea_popescu;reminds me of my place next to timisoara. 1516857;1470590783;*;asciilifeform has abundant frogs, stars, here. 1516858;1470590788;mircea_popescu;lol. 1516859;1470590792;asciilifeform;srsly 1516860;1470590852;asciilifeform;other wildlife, also. 1516861;1470590867;asciilifeform;right now it appears to be peak dragonfly season. 1516862;1470590870;davout;asciilifeform: shut up, i saw a fucking monkey today 1516863;1470590893;asciilifeform;davout: neato 1516864;1470590929;asciilifeform;the kind that trashes houses in india ? 1516865;1470590929;davout;i thought you lived in the suburbs of washington dc? 1516866;1470590933;asciilifeform;davout: i do 1516867;1470590948;asciilifeform;davout: in places, they are quite sparsely populated. 1516868;1470590967;davout;nah, i was driving through some forest, it just crossed the road 1516869;1470590986;davout;not like the kind that'll steal your photo camera if you don't pay attention 1516870;1470590993;asciilifeform;ah. 1516871;1470591050;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: from the alleged tat blog: 'I had a chat with Bruce Fenton, of the Bitcoin Foundation, where I thanked him for representing Bitcoin well in his television interviews, as the media swarmed around the Craig Wright announcements yesterday. While we have many things to criticize the Foundation for, and Bruce himself in some regards, I was tipsy enough to realize that we can’t just keep writing off their efforts, and that i 1516872;1470591050;asciilifeform;t would be much better to find ways to get better communicate with the Foundation so we can stay on the same page. It’s not going to be easy for the Foundation to repair its image with the Bitcoin community, but they seem intent on trying.' 1516873;1470591057;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i quit reading after that. 1516874;1470591066;asciilifeform;(may 3, 2016.) 1516875;1470591520;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, leavers gonna join 1516876;1470591747;BingoBoingo;https://politics.slashdot.org/story/16/08/07/1657214/edward-snowden-is-not-dead-despite-mysterious-tweets-says-glenn-greenwald 1516877;1470592065;BingoBoingo;lol https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4wk7uz/caution_bitbet/ https://archive.is/Vnf12 1516878;1470592081;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lel, 'deadman key' to what? to 'insurance' parcel that was posted nowhere ? 1516879;1470592142;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: NFI, If existed probably grave error of trusting it to the evil Greenvald was made 1516880;1470592229;asciilifeform;to continue associating with greenwald et al after the demise of the fella who leaked the catalogue ( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-27#1073554 etc ) he has to be a) idiot b) shill 1516881;1470592230;a111;Logged on 2015-03-27 01:04 asciilifeform: i think he means 'he led the nsa device catalogue leaker to his anthill death' 1516882;1470592236;asciilifeform;there is no (c). 1516883;1470592299;BingoBoingo;c) Hostage! 1516884;1470592310;asciilifeform;that goes under (b) 1516885;1470592330;BingoBoingo;Fine (b)(1)(a) 1516886;1470592504;mats;eh? the walk in got killed? 1516887;1470592564;mircea_popescu;davout> asciilifeform: shut up, i saw a fucking monkey today << i assume he means this literally. 1516888;1470592691;mircea_popescu;o jesus, don't tell me the new bitbet management decided to you know, eschew bitcoin-handling problems by... holding their money over at bitfinex. 1516889;1470592742;davout;doubtful, but would be lulzy nonetheless 1516890;1470593722;deedbot;[Trilema] Eulora, that chiffré land of cifre & cyphers - http://trilema.com/2016/eulora-that-chiffre-land-of-cifre-cyphers/ 1516891;1470594147;hanbot;so in V99995 testing, it'd seem the asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig is "invalid", i imagine 'cause of something to do with stan's old key? and deedbot only spits the current, which i have. i don't see the old one on btcalpha either, anyone have an idea fo' me? 1516892;1470594204;hanbot;asciilifeform ^ 1516893;1470594210;hanbot;possibly shinohai also ran into this? 1516894;1470594578;shinohai;hanbot: i simply changed the hash to match :P 1516895;1470594584;shinohai;not ideal ik 1516896;1470594722;mircea_popescu;o.O 1516897;1470594745;mircea_popescu;what do you mean "not ideal" lmao! 1516898;1470594805;hanbot;err lol 1516899;1470597843;asciilifeform;hanbot: my original v came with a key that had a since-expired date. 1516900;1470597846;asciilifeform;$key asciilifeform 1516901;1470597853;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/7615ac21-932b-43c6-bbd0-3376e522a9af/ 1516902;1470597857;asciilifeform;^ current. 1516903;1470597889;asciilifeform;also at www.loper-os.org/pgp.asc 1516904;1470597920;asciilifeform;also available from buncha folks, e.g., mircea_popescu . 1516905;1470597971;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516894 << holy FUQ shinohai do you also use a hammer when vga plug won't fit into keyboard jack ? 1516906;1470597971;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 18:29 shinohai: hanbot: i simply changed the hash to match :P 1516907;1470597989;shinohai;lel 1516908;1470598014;shinohai;but evidently i have old key because i dont require hammer when building 1516909;1470598062;mod6;mine seems to do fine, i've got this key: pub 2048R/B98228A001ABFFC7 2012-12-20 [expires: 2017-01-04] 1516910;1470598106;asciilifeform;this is the correct key mod6 . 1516911;1470598116;asciilifeform;(and they all have same fp.) 1516912;1470599631;mod6;anyway, im putting in an entire new sink etc. so ive got my hands full atm. 1516913;1470599634;mod6;will check back in later. 1516914;1470599658;mod6;in reality, we want to test V99994 and see how that behaves. 1516915;1470599667;mod6;V99995 is about to be replaced 1516916;1470600499;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516912 << i took apart cnc mill, now covered in ancient grease 1516917;1470600499;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 19:53 mod6: anyway, im putting in an entire new sink etc. so ive got my hands full atm. 1516918;1470600579;asciilifeform;(ripped off the old motors, cabling, misc crud) 1516919;1470600665;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516914 << what's new in the new ver ? 1516920;1470600666;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 19:54 mod6: in reality, we want to test V99994 and see how that behaves. 1516921;1470601808;ben_vulpes;hanbot: have you added that key to the default keyring on the box? 1516922;1470601837;ben_vulpes;the autobuilder has three keys mentioned at the top that need to live in the keyring used when you run gpg -k 1516923;1470601888;ben_vulpes;you can see that this is the issue you're running into if you run gpg --verify thinger.vpatch thinger.vpatch.sig (or w/e the inane order is) 1516924;1470601908;ben_vulpes;if you're hitting this failure path, gpg will complain that it doesn't have stan's key 1516925;1470601959;ben_vulpes;in other news i am taking babymomma on A DATE!!1 1516926;1470601979;ben_vulpes;first time in months, in the midafternoon 1516927;1470601985;ben_vulpes;parents are so boring 1516928;1470602902;jurov;.sig always goes first 1516929;1470607511;mircea_popescu;$key asciilifeform 1516930;1470607514;mircea_popescu;is that it ^ ? 1516931;1470607518;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/0e4dd49e-00bd-44eb-b3f2-3b9f46018cc7/ 1516932;1470608103;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516909 <<< this is what i have after check, no mod needed 1516933;1470608103;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 19:27 mod6: mine seems to do fine, i've got this key: pub 2048R/B98228A001ABFFC7 2012-12-20 [expires: 2017-01-04] 1516934;1470612246;mircea_popescu;aaaand in other mouths, http://66.media.tumblr.com/cefd1705c517db89872139e077acb520/tumblr_nfvxp3hQhl1rrckn7o1_500.gif 1516935;1470612834;shinohai;niiiice 1516936;1470612991;shinohai;oh mircea_popescu chic from a few nights ago said thank you for the bitcoin, she loved it. 1516937;1470613002;mircea_popescu;lol cool. 1516938;1470613009;mircea_popescu;you know each other ? 1516939;1470613039;shinohai;no i never met her before in m life. 1516940;1470613057;shinohai;but she mysteriously shows up here pms me and leaves lol 1516941;1470613074;mircea_popescu;lol seems you made a friend in colombia. 1516942;1470613134;shinohai;she wants ou to come to show and i haz no pron tokens 1516943;1470613143;shinohai;i need a larger pron budget 1516944;1470613221;mircea_popescu;lol 1516945;1470613238;mircea_popescu;ftr buying camhos is even a worse deal than getting married. 1516946;1470613312;shinohai;it is, that is why i stay away mostly 1516947;1470613445;shinohai;in other not news "FBI working with bitfinex on case" 1516948;1470613485;mircea_popescu;with excel spreadsheets i hope. 1516949;1470613509;mircea_popescu;quick, someone tell the businessmen with cumulative years of experience about the excel spreadsheets! don't let inferior tooling happen to you! 1516950;1470613525;mircea_popescu;only the best fbi case solving happens with excel spreadsheets! 1516951;1470613536;shinohai;we can put the blockchain on excel spreadsheets ... smart contracts! 1516952;1470614969;hanbot;so mod6 asciilifeform ben_vulpes & etc, i was testing the wrong derned thing (V99995), switching to the V99994 actually requested nao. did have asciilifeform's 01ABFFC7 key, artifact for anyone interested: http://dpaste.com/2J85RB5 1516953;1470615502;shinohai;buttfinex back up, balances adjusted 1516954;1470616828;mod6;The sink is finished & installed ohmahgerd. 1516955;1470616837;mod6;what a fiasco. 1516956;1470616873;mod6;this all started when the cat knocked off a heavy candle decaration off a high shelf, came down and shattered the pedestal sink. 1516957;1470616878;mod6;that was thursday. 1516958;1470617009;mod6;<+davout> figured moving to the south wasn't enough, so i've settled on mauritius << nice! wow is that pretty. 1516959;1470617062;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516914 << what's new in the new ver ? << this one (V99994) pulls the deps from deedbot that were deedified last month. 1516960;1470617062;a111;Logged on 2016-08-07 19:54 mod6: in reality, we want to test V99994 and see how that behaves. 1516961;1470617175;hanbot;i had the same problem with V99994, ftr i suspect it's a user permissions issue as when i try to manually check that sig against the vpatch gpg complains it can't open the file (and that particular patch was just alphabetically first, ergo not special) 1516962;1470617563;mod6;yeah, i've seen this error before myself. 1516963;1470617568;mod6;we'll get past it here. 1516964;1470617609;mod6;$key asciilifeform 1516965;1470617617;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/12b2e8d2-a965-41d4-ac4e-f2ea79a4a884/ 1516966;1470617642;mod6;$key trinque 1516967;1470617644;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/18257021-3cb3-463f-8fe9-9bf832b3be13/ 1516968;1470617659;mod6;$key mircea_popescu 1516969;1470617676;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/8e670bdd-c61c-4102-b472-c5ba37188c5e/ 1516970;1470617754;mod6;$key ben_vulpes 1516971;1470617757;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/693ace08-d7e6-4ccb-a9bd-fcccb79d65b5/ 1516972;1470617774;mod6;$key mod6 1516973;1470617796;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/897aafb0-06c6-45ec-a023-f87f5e9eed09/ 1516974;1470619624;mircea_popescu;digging up through ancient trilemaz, http://trilema.com/2013/ripple-the-definitive-discussion/#comment-93298 1516975;1470619969;BingoBoingo; this all started when the cat knocked off a heavy candle decaration off a high shelf, came down and shattered the pedestal sink. << Wait the drainpipe was fine? WHat was the problem? 1516976;1470620030;BingoBoingo; digging up through ancient trilemaz, http://trilema.com/2013/ripple-the-definitive-discussion/#comment-93298 << AHA, Outputs.io! 1516977;1470620049;mircea_popescu;iirc that dude ran off with something or the other later 1516978;1470620161;BingoBoingo;Yeah "wallet service" called inputs.io 1516979;1470620350;mircea_popescu;back when noobs still had dust, so his ~100 btc or w/e it was made a huge splash in the "community". 1516980;1470620412;BingoBoingo;The press releases were $1000 or whatever 1516981;1470620424;BingoBoingo;ANd then Gox finally kicked it a few months later 1516982;1470620459;mircea_popescu;aha 1516983;1470620480;BingoBoingo;Oh =B= 1000 1516984;1470620513;BingoBoingo;Or is the text thing 8=====D...... :) 1000 1516985;1470620529;BingoBoingo;I forget how to prefix the internet coinz 1516986;1470620554;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> this all started when the cat knocked off a heavy candle decaration off a high shelf, came down and shattered the pedestal sink. << Wait the drainpipe was fine? WHat was the problem? << the ceramic basin was completely shattered. 1516987;1470620563;mircea_popescu;in the same spirit, http://trilema.com/2014/these-people-should-be-shot-basically/#comment-115108 1516988;1470620565;mod6;but the drainpipe/trap, etc were fine. 1516989;1470620582;mod6;i may post a few pics here later. 1516990;1470620587;BingoBoingo;mod6: You remove it and you caulk the new one in 1516991;1470620600;BingoBoingo;And supply the faucet etc 1516992;1470620652;mod6;oh yeah. except when girl wants whole new thing. 1516993;1470620697;BingoBoingo;Oh, so you hew a new vanity cabinet from timbers? 1516994;1470620755;BingoBoingo;Anyways, impact trauma is the enemy of tempered glasses 1516995;1470620781;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> Oh, so you hew a new vanity cabinet from timbers? << lol. no. 1516996;1470620980;BingoBoingo;Then look on the bright side. Any plumbing project where you didn't have to worry about where to put the water after you use it isn't so bad. 1516997;1470621162;mod6;ok: update on hanbot's test. she was able to clear the previous error. 1516998;1470621221;mod6;but when it came down to it, she hit another error; her Ubuntu 10.04 test environment doesn't have `sharutils', a package that contains uuencode/uudecode. which is what V99994 is using to decode the deedified dependencies from deedbot. 1516999;1470621244;mod6;so instead of using uudecode for this process, I'll have to reconfigure the script to use base64 looks like. 1517000;1470621263;mod6;no worries. will make some changes and come back for another round of testing this week. 1517001;1470621304;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> Then look on the bright side. Any plumbing project where you didn't have to worry about where to put the water after you use it isn't so bad. << naw, certainly could have been worse. 1517002;1470621615;BingoBoingo;Also gotta avoid the temptation to use pipe wrench when installing supply side threaded anything. 1517003;1470621655;BingoBoingo;Or circles become eggs 1517004;1470621666;BingoBoingo;And the water eggogs out 1517005;1470621950;mircea_popescu;base64 much better than pulling in utf crap 1517006;1470622537;mod6;i think i might have to re-deedifiy all those deps. 1517007;1470622555;mod6;because i can't decode those files with the base64 binary. 1517008;1470622642;mod6;for instance: 1517009;1470622643;mod6;$ cat openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz.uu.asc | sed -n '/begin-base64/,/====/p' | base64 -d > openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz 1517010;1470622646;mod6;base64: invalid input 1517011;1470622790;mircea_popescu;uh 1517012;1470622805;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, why not just use gpg armor ? wtf uu 1517013;1470622822;mircea_popescu;maybe im confused. 1517014;1470622838;mod6;i went down that path first. 1517015;1470622881;mod6;with `gpg --armor --sign` but, like we discussed, one could not tell what thing is contained. 1517016;1470622932;mircea_popescu;hm 1517017;1470622937;mod6;tbh, i thought that base64 and uuencode/uudecode did the same thing. 1517018;1470622946;mircea_popescu;apparently not 1517019;1470622965;mod6;i mean, it does say: 'begin-base64 664 openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz' at the beginning of the encoding. 1517020;1470622973;mod6;so apparently those are lies. 1517021;1470623082;mircea_popescu;im still lost on "one could not tell what thing it contained". 1517022;1470623209;mod6;<+mod6> because i can't decode those files with the base64 binary. << maybe im doing something wrong here. 1517023;1470623221;mod6;will try this again 1517024;1470623258;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> im still lost on "one could not tell what thing it contained". << when discussed & shown, they are large signed/armored files. (with `gpg --armor --sign`) 1517025;1470623287;mircea_popescu;ok. and i recall they were getting a header or is this something else ? 1517026;1470623312;mod6;As I understood, we didn't wanna use that becuse one wouldn't be able to read the disclaimer or the "begin-base64 644 " to see what the deed actually contained 1517027;1470623327;mircea_popescu;{This blob is so and so : [then large pile of stuff]}signed 1517028;1470623358;mircea_popescu;and the pile itself could just be put through gpg --armor, afaik you don't HAVE TO encrypt. i think ? 1517029;1470623376;mod6;i guess to me, that meant clearsigning a pgp signed message. guess i didn't try that. 1517030;1470623406;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> and the pile itself could just be put through gpg --armor, afaik you don't HAVE TO encrypt. i think ? << good question. i think you might just be able to armor. 1517031;1470623416;mircea_popescu;well lemme prototype this quick see if what i have in mind works. 1517032;1470623489;deedbot;[Qntra] Eulora Released 0.1.2 Update Released, Record Loot Follows - http://qntra.net/2016/08/eulora-released-0-1-2-update-released-record-loot-follows/ 1517033;1470623493;mircea_popescu;hm apparently that doesn;t exist in stock gpg. my bad. 1517034;1470623500;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo too many released ? 1517035;1470623534;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1517036;1470623579;mod6;hrm, guess not: 1517037;1470623580;mod6;$ cat buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz | gpg --armor 1517038;1470623580;mod6;gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. 1517039;1470623581;mod6;gpg: processing message failed: eof 1517040;1470623599;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> well lemme prototype this quick see if what i have in mind works. << thanks! 1517041;1470623615;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> hm apparently that doesn;t exist in stock gpg. my bad. << ah ok. 1517042;1470623631;mod6;so anyway, lemme see if i can get this working the way I wanted with base64, i must be doing something wrong here. 1517043;1470623637;mod6;this seems insane to me. 1517044;1470623676;mircea_popescu;kk 1517045;1470623829;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nice! 1517046;1470624290;mod6;ok yup, im just mental 1517047;1470624387;mod6;http://dpaste.com/01M9WSY.txt 1517048;1470624409;mod6;so it turns out that base64 binary kinda wants nothing to do with those beginning and ending markers. 1517049;1470624425;mod6;once removed, works as expected. seems like i can just alter my sed command and should be ok. 1517050;1470624541;mircea_popescu;so basically just spurious header added ? 1517051;1470624775;mod6;yeah, header and footer. 1517052;1470624825;mircea_popescu;aite then 1517053;1470624835;mod6;if you get rid of the 'begin-base64 ...' line and the ending '====', then you can use base64 to decode, no problem. 1517054;1470624846;mod6;i was just oblivious to this. 1517055;1470624858;mod6;sorry for the noise. 1517056;1470626421;BingoBoingo;In other "bathroom and too many dollars are getting printed lulz" a product exists called "bluetooth speaker bathroom fan with led light" intended to be installed as your bathroom's exhaust fan... 1517057;1470626777;mod6;alright, got a way to grab what's between the header & footer with sed: 1517058;1470626785;mod6;cat buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.uu.asc | sed -e '1,/begin-base64/d' -e '/====/,$d' | base64 -d > buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz 1517059;1470626816;mod6;will update the V99994 script and start a new test cycle. 1517060;1470629335;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-08#1517007 << base64 -i 1517061;1470629336;a111;Logged on 2016-08-08 02:15 mod6: because i can't decode those files with the base64 binary. 1517062;1470629379;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-08#1517049 << you dun have to remove'em, just -i 1517063;1470629379;a111;Logged on 2016-08-08 02:47 mod6: once removed, works as expected. seems like i can just alter my sed command and should be ok. 1517064;1470629482;asciilifeform;base64 -d -i foo.uu > bar.baz 1517065;1470630131;mod6;asciilifeform: hey thanks. 1517066;1470630144;mod6;let me try that out 1517067;1470630263;mod6;hrm, didn't seem to work on my end: http://dpaste.com/2XB8ZEV.txt 1517068;1470630306;mod6;i tried the -i, ignore garbage, during my earlier tour ; didn't seem to do what i hoped. 1517069;1470631832;BingoBoingo;http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/news/overweight-horse-research-owner-survey-515812 1517070;1470632010;BingoBoingo;Bad News for the Arabs https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26741571 1517071;1470632065;mircea_popescu;onoes. 1517072;1470632141;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-08#1517004 << your highly log-referential humour has not gone unnoticed 1517073;1470632142;a111;Logged on 2016-08-08 02:01 BingoBoingo: And the water eggogs out 1517074;1470632184;BingoBoingo;Not safe for Life, if you look all you have to blame is yourself https://ceufast.com/imgs/wd-4-pic-3.jpg 1517075;1470632549;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: ty 1517076;1470634176;ben_vulpes;https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/28/1mdb-inside-story-worlds-biggest-financial-scandal-malaysia << the spin continues 1517077;1470634192;ben_vulpes;annoying theme of the article: "according to documents seen by the guardian" 1517078;1470634204;ben_vulpes;bitch shut the fuck up or publish 1517079;1470634216;ben_vulpes;i don't take shit on anyone's word anymore 1517080;1470634249;ben_vulpes;you either bring scans and let them stand or you bring unsubstantiated claims 1517081;1470634269;mircea_popescu;aww, you don't take the agitprop at face value, terrorist ? 1517082;1470634284;ben_vulpes;and you're the guaaaardian you backed greenwald gtfo 1517083;1470634311;mircea_popescu;heh. 1517084;1470634345;ben_vulpes;actually greenwald schmeenwald you backed *anyone* who suggested the use of anything other than RSA. 1517085;1470634568;mircea_popescu;according to documents seen by mp, the guardian publishes anything for a double hamburger. 1517086;1470634577;ben_vulpes;jeez 1517087;1470634599;ben_vulpes;the thing features stock photos of leo from the movie and the obligatory noble j-school ho 1517088;1470634687;mats;http://www.eweek.com/security/risk-from-linux-kernel-hidden-in-windows-10-exposed-at-black-hat.html << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-30#1442290 microsoft delivers 1517089;1470634687;a111;Logged on 2016-03-30 22:30 mats: i look forward to moar attack surface 1517090;1470634796;mircea_popescu;lol 1517091;1470634883;ben_vulpes;oh man the thing even has a "sign the papers" moment 1517092;1470634977;ben_vulpes;man the weak shit on display 1517093;1470635006;ben_vulpes;oh sorry am i distracting from the fiddy cents of btc bitfinex lost? 1517094;1470635107;mircea_popescu;no it was a billion! 1517095;1470635694;BingoBoingo;Covered By ObamaKoin Insurance 1517096;1470667688;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/grKt2 << lulzy. 1517097;1470667797;mircea_popescu;"rouge" ? nm. 1517098;1470667820;asciilifeform;it's a gag, but subj crossed 'parody horizon' long ago. 1517099;1470667887;mircea_popescu;aok 1517100;1470667961;asciilifeform;('brittanica' is not in fact included in that lib, but i found myself checking...) 1517101;1470668081;deedbot;[Trilema] My Rather Sad Breakfast, or Fuck You "Smart Food Company SRL" and Fuck You "Industria Argentina". - http://trilema.com/2016/my-rather-sad-breakfast-or-fuck-you-smart-food-company-srl-and-fuck-you-industria-argentina/ 1517102;1470668359;asciilifeform;and here i was, thinking mircea_popescu had his phood flown in 1517103;1470668455;mircea_popescu;sometimes. 1517104;1470668463;mircea_popescu;what i do dun excuse the localtards, though. 1517105;1470672076;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, check out how people made 1 btc back in 2012 : http://trilema.com/2012/visual-culture-test-the-naked-woman/#comment-90759 1517106;1470672171;phf;simpler times 1517107;1470672269;shinohai;i always miss these opportunities to make easy BTC, i knew that one xD 1517108;1470672416;mircea_popescu;funny thing being, at the time i was running a sort of digg (well, much better, but anyway) in romanian, and people could actually cash out, via btc. a few did, not massive sums at the time, but massive sums in btc. 1517109;1470672552;deedbot;[Trilema] The Husewife at the ATM - http://trilema.com/2016/the-husewife-at-the-atm/ 1517110;1470672633;asciilifeform;unrelated, and - possibly at this point, unsurprising - lelz: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/08/audit-reveals-pentagon-doesnt-know-where-trillions-went.html 1517111;1470672676;asciilifeform;'...employees of the DFAS were routinely told by superiors to take “unsubstantiated change actions” commonly referred to as “plugging” the numbers. These “plugs” – which amounted to falsifying financial records – were then used to create the appearance that the military’s financial data matched that of the U.S. Treasury Department’s numbers when discrepancies in the financial data couldn’t be accounted for, acco 1517112;1470672676;asciilifeform;rding to the Reuters investigation.' 1517113;1470672719;mircea_popescu;sooo, is lybia going to bomb the us now, to put obama in a cage, and hang himlater, while "giving a chance to democracy" in that country ? 1517114;1470672811;asciilifeform;hyperborea, and atlantis, in coalition. 1517115;1470672829;mircea_popescu;seems the us is pretty ripe for giving the people a voice etc. 1517116;1470672855;asciilifeform;'regime change begins at home' -- popular picket sign in bush II era 1517117;1470672985;phf;trinque: so your bot has a bunch of string matches for things that come back from nickserv, but they are all stripped of special characters. like "nick has been ghosted." what i get back is "^Anick^A has been ghosted." is that some setting i'm missing? or something else? 1517118;1470673002;deedbot;[Trilema] The Huswife at the ATM - http://trilema.com/2016/the-huswife-at-the-atm/ 1517119;1470673188;trinque;phf: did the paster eat those? I have them too 1517120;1470673229;phf;paster ates them 1517121;1470673229;mircea_popescu;in other "stripping the special chars" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/71c2bce1b57d44d510457fed3c2b1369/tumblr_mk9bnxQdqN1rni6rao1_400.gif 1517122;1470673281;trinque;lol 1517123;1470673295;trinque;phf: probably better to just get sasl in there 1517124;1470673315;phf;sasl is made of fail 1517125;1470673320;mircea_popescu;^ 1517126;1470673329;trinque;and nickserv isn't? 1517127;1470673338;mircea_popescu;it's literally, "fail" read out by the wodewick roman guy 1517128;1470673354;phf;sasl doesn't ghost, it renames you, and when you rename back, it asks you to identify 1517129;1470673361;trinque;ah fucker 1517130;1470673364;trinque;who made all this 1517131;1470673482;phf;eh, i'm not too worried about it, i'm playing "spot the eastern european" game at the ocean city board walk. tall check, skinny check, fit check, not surrounded by 4 bros check. there are some easy matches though. fat +100 to american. not busted, but with a black guy +100 slav. 1517132;1470673583;mircea_popescu;what's busted ? 1517133;1470673850;*;asciilifeform found that it is ~impossible to visit a museum of whatever kind in washington, or beach in delaware/md coast, without hearing spoken ru in the crowd at least once 1517134;1470674013;mats;'Not even the ones managed and attented* by ethically* Asian people' << is this intentional or? 1517135;1470674122;mats;i am not surprised DFAS is fucked up, i'd guess 1 in 10 soldiers see pay issues during their enlistment 1517136;1470674163;mats;some - don't see them resolved until they exit service 1517137;1470674328;mats;i didn't see a deposit clear until 3 months into training (good thing i didn't really need it, had enough cash to buy running shoes and what not) 1517138;1470674331;asciilifeform;mats: i'd be rather surprised if missing $T had anything to do with soldiers' pay. 1517139;1470674343;mircea_popescu;mats sort-of yeah. 1517140;1470674358;asciilifeform;does their collective pay even add up to $B, or the cost of 1 magic airplane. 1517141;1470674373;mircea_popescu;nah. 1517142;1470674388;mircea_popescu;50k people making 100k a year that's 5bn 1517143;1470674404;mircea_popescu;add in all the various tax and "education" easements + medical care etc. 1517144;1470674410;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 100k is a colonel's pay 1517145;1470674413;asciilifeform;how many colonels? 1517146;1470674420;mircea_popescu;and 50k is meta-usa army. but anywya. 1517147;1470674428;mats;too many colonels. 1517148;1470674434;mircea_popescu;when doing degree of magnitude evaluation we do degree of magnitude. 1517149;1470674447;phf;mircea_popescu: various signs of often irreversible degradation, corn rows, track marks, gaudy tattoos 1517150;1470674485;mircea_popescu;ie, "appearance in according to greater russian code" ? :P 1517151;1470674507;mats;also endemic problems with the travel system and reimbursements 1517152;1470674530;mircea_popescu;also endemic problems with procurement. weren't famblies sending silly string over because dod can't afford ? 1517153;1470674533;phf;mircea_popescu: "busted" == "not approved by phf" 1517154;1470674543;mats;NCOs would routinely get fucked and have to cover out of pocket because the vouchers wouldn't clear fast enough 1517155;1470674548;mircea_popescu;i got that concept too phf ! :D 1517156;1470674551;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wasn't 'couldn't afford', but 'not in protocol' 1517157;1470674554;asciilifeform;different disease. 1517158;1470674561;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hardly. 1517159;1470674561;mats;yes, i also heard about the silly string 1517160;1470674568;mats;and batteries 1517161;1470674578;mats;and polymer magazines 1517162;1470674580;asciilifeform;they can 'afford' 10k shitanium rifle where you can't even club a man with the butt 1517163;1470674582;mats;and ... its a long list 1517164;1470674602;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the pretence that "it's not because we're poor, it's because of the sandbugs" is ENTIRELY rural belle ego protection and naught else. 1517165;1470674632;asciilifeform;this'd be one of those poor folk in hanbot's story 1517166;1470674643;asciilifeform;who is only poor because he has 25 ipnojes 1517167;1470674652;mircea_popescu;that's the dod, dude. 1517168;1470674655;asciilifeform;one for each dog. 1517169;1470674669;mircea_popescu;yes, obviously the sputniks made a plane that could fly for 1/100 the "cost". 1517170;1470674740;*;asciilifeform perenially wonders what felipelalli uses for a modem 1517171;1470674757;mircea_popescu;in other news, i'm somewhat puzzled that NOBODY said a single word re new trilema header. 1517172;1470674805;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mega-hassan-i sabbah win. 1517173;1470674850;mircea_popescu;because we collectively lost our shit hiar while making it and kept laughing convulsively for many hours. 1517174;1470675100;asciilifeform;in other noose, krebs ( http://krebsonsecurity.com ) has definitely been awake since i wrote to him (he has new material on his site) but never answered re phuctor/khadeer/etc. 1517175;1470675114;asciilifeform;so we learn, now, where he stands. 1517176;1470675173;mircea_popescu;hey check you out, you can raise teh ded 1517177;1470675214;asciilifeform;eh wat 1517178;1470675248;mircea_popescu;" has definitely been awake since i wrote to him (he has new material on his site)" << i took this to mean site was ded previously ? 1517179;1470675253;asciilifeform;nono 1517180;1470675261;asciilifeform;just that there is no 'he was at the beach' excuse available. 1517181;1470675289;mircea_popescu;ah i c. 1517182;1470675452;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : hano bock (the deceitful shitbag) drives slightly less traffic via his twitter / t.co/bcrxVsVoe5 than phuctor does via its faq page. 1517183;1470675464;mircea_popescu;from which we infer shitbags lose and phuctor > twitter. 1517184;1470676567;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: waiwat, he linked it from ~own~ page?! 1517185;1470676601;mircea_popescu;what's "own" mean when discussing vermin ? 1517186;1470676653;asciilifeform;meant to say, vermin linked to mircea_popescu's article ? dun they have a rule against this?! 1517187;1470676681;mircea_popescu;they also have a rule about bombing rogue states that steal $5bn out of people's wealth to pay cronies. 1517188;1470676763;asciilifeform;only when uppity orc 1517189;1470676831;mircea_popescu;in perhaps related, perhaps interesting to amateur historian sources, here's the 1950 act that confiscated various houses of "the enemies of the regime" in Romania : http://www.juris.ro/legislatie-detaliu/DECRET-nr-92-din-19-aprilie-1950-pentru-nationalizarea-unor-imobile/ 1517190;1470676878;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how were the particular kulaks picked ? 1517191;1470676880;mircea_popescu;perhaps notable for the device : a) the ~rights~ without any encumberances of real estate named goes on to new owner ; b) anyone currently living there is now renting from new owner, no matter what title they thought they had ; c) anyone fucking with this gets 10 years hard labour. 1517192;1470676908;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform judging by the fact that 99% of it is bucharest, it's entirely certain they were picked by personal invidy. 1517193;1470676939;mircea_popescu;otherwise, bucharest scarcely accounted for a fifth of the country's real estate ; and most of it was shit anyway when compared with the 3-5 century old stuff in transylvania. 1517194;1470677013;mircea_popescu;anyway, by the workings of that thing, if you took out a loan + mortgage to buy a house ; the house did go on to be owned by X, but you kept the mortgage. 1517195;1470677065;asciilifeform;we have this right here in usaschwitz, if house confiscated as part of 'dope warz' (requires no conviction in any court) chumper ~also~ gets to keep the mortgage. 1517196;1470677075;mircea_popescu;the principle is fundamental to any such activity. the usg will obviously still owe on all its obligations, such as social security. it will however not have any right to perceive any income. and anyone involved is personally responsible - with their own fat, personally - of the exact execution of this. 1517197;1470677112;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, gotta make sure one expropriates the socialists in the proper manner such is done. ie, as they themselves do it. 1517198;1470677220;asciilifeform;'грабь награбленное' (tm) (r) 1517199;1470677233;asciilifeform;(lenin.) 1517200;1470677248;mircea_popescu;quite. 1517201;1470679681;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1515904 << idea: transfer random series a and b of length A and B where A and B are co-prime, session key is the series {(a[i%A] XOR b[i%B]) for i in [0, AxB]} 1517202;1470679681;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 14:22 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what's your call, because the matter is quite acute : is it a safer system to demand 8kb entropy/second and hash 12 times ? or to demand say 128bytes/second and hash 768 times ? 1517203;1470679708;asciilifeform;holy fuck why 1517204;1470679709;asciilifeform;? 1517205;1470679733;PeterL;would be better than just reusing the one otp over a bunch of times? 1517206;1470679744;asciilifeform;no one suggested reusing an otp !! 1517207;1470679756;asciilifeform;the idiot reservation is the next door 1517208;1470679764;PeterL;maybe I misunderstood what MP was suggesting? 1517209;1470679769;asciilifeform;quite definitely. 1517210;1470679775;PeterL;ok, nevermind then 1517211;1470679836;asciilifeform;PeterL: mircea_popescu's original suggestion was to transfer properly random messages, via rsa, continuously, thereby keeping a supply of otp warm on both sides 1517212;1470679848;asciilifeform;which is then tapped into when actually sending payloads. 1517213;1470679863;asciilifeform;quite like what, e.g., gpg does, but in ~batches~ ahead of time. 1517214;1470680683;PeterL;Anybody else watch olympic opening ceremony? There was about a minute of fun brazillian dancing and hours of boringness and a stupid tribute to global warming. Bleh. 1517215;1470681963;asciilifeform;$up b-a_alum 1517216;1470681963;deedbot;b-a_alum voiced for 30 minutes. 1517217;1470682656;mircea_popescu;$up dfgg_ 1517218;1470682657;deedbot;dfgg_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1517219;1470682916;mircea_popescu;PeterL seems pretty wasteful neh? 1517220;1470683030;PeterL;wasteful to pass N bytes of otp for each N bytes of message? 1517221;1470683032;mircea_popescu;PeterL reusing an otp straight makes bothering with the whole scheme kinda pointless ; hashing an old otp to generate a new otp is perhaps dubious, but in widespread use. (it's more or less what a "deterministic" wallet is, for instance) 1517222;1470683131;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you understand that if you never hash them, you might as well not use them at all and simply rsa the actual message back and forth. as appealing as the idea is in theory, it's not workable in practice because even with a game as relaxed as eulora, it'll still be too laggy. 1517223;1470683200;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'rsa the actual message back and forth' << not same. for instance, if you have the pump going at all times, it can be cache-local. 1517224;1470683239;mircea_popescu;yeah there are some advantages. but half second is too much to delay a game message for encryption, and you won't be able to fit two passes in .5 s 1517225;1470683277;asciilifeform;the only aspect of rsa that actually takes palpable time on a modern box is key gen. 1517226;1470683294;mircea_popescu;got any benchmarks ? 1517227;1470683343;asciilifeform;not handily. 1517228;1470683356;mircea_popescu;worth checking this, if you have an actual c implementation anywhere. 1517229;1470683371;asciilifeform;i'ma put this in the pipe. 1517230;1470683405;mircea_popescu;anyway : the rsa/otp scheme is also bw-wasting, up to a factor of 2 if no hashing, or otherwise depending on how many hash passes, with 20 it's just 1.05 ie 5% more bw etc. 1517231;1470683408;asciilifeform;incidentally gmp (what ~everybody, at least gpg users, use) is braindamaged in a certain important way 1517232;1470683414;asciilifeform;i.e. it allocates. 1517233;1470683417;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1517234;1470683459;mircea_popescu;there's also a subtle point here, which is : that if we indeed use a otp-and-hash scheme, this in fact puts whatever hash scheme we use to work. 1517235;1470683480;mircea_popescu;ie, it'd be silly to correctly engineer this system in the sense of minimalism, as we're more interested in it testing our tools. 1517236;1470683536;mircea_popescu;afaik nobody to date deployed keccak on any sort of large scale anything for any purpose over any duration. unless someone else knows ? 1517237;1470683813;mircea_popescu;(and for the governance-minded log reader : yeah, the above is literally me in my capacity as ceo making a strategic choice that puts the best interest of shareholders second, after the interest of the republic. it literally subsidizes republican research at the expense of s.mg's bottom line. not only is this common in my practice - i hold it to be both required and unavoidable, and if "that's not how you'd run a corp" you're 1517238;1470683814;mircea_popescu; either an ashole or an idiot. but in any case if oyu don't like it you can get stuffed. bitbet pays for miner cartelisation detection and minigame pays for hash research and so on and so forth.) 1517239;1470684179;asciilifeform;the unfortunate bit is that 'hash research' is presently not even yet at alchemy level, and stuck somewhere between haruspicy and astrology. 1517240;1470684192;mircea_popescu;it won't get out of it unless and until we start putting it in things. 1517241;1470684197;mircea_popescu;at least that's my best guess atm. 1517242;1470684207;asciilifeform;eh folks have been 'putting it in things' since '80s 1517243;1470684209;mircea_popescu;management ; an inexact science. 1517244;1470684212;mircea_popescu;name one. 1517245;1470684222;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu knows that this is not how crypto strength is established. 1517246;1470684237;mircea_popescu;i do. but it is how people are enticed to read code , and think about what they read. 1517247;1470684252;asciilifeform;(the depressing part is that the way it ~is~ established, is claude shannon's otp paper, and it happened exactly ONCE, afaik, to date.) 1517248;1470684290;asciilifeform;afaik we do not have any theoretical support whatsoever for the strength of any known hash algo. 1517249;1470684293;asciilifeform;just as for block ciphers. 1517250;1470684302;mircea_popescu;possibly not. 1517251;1470684317;asciilifeform;(we have support for ~weakness~ and this confuses people) 1517252;1470684346;*;asciilifeform brb 1517253;1470686050;asciilifeform;cryptography is a 'meat market' where, after sobering up, one notices that 100% of the 'girls' are actually pigs. 1517254;1470686069;asciilifeform;and then you go, again, to the bottle. 1517255;1470686072;asciilifeform;rinse, repeat. 1517256;1470686286;asciilifeform;phun phakt: the uncensored, full-length version of shannon's otp paper was released only in 2013 ! 1517257;1470686356;asciilifeform;https://www.iacr.org/museum/shannon45.html << pdf only. 1517258;1470686366;mircea_popescu;fucking adobe. 1517259;1470686421;asciilifeform;https://www.bell-labs.com/claude-shannon << apparently a thing 1517260;1470686441;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 2 tests complete both passed 1517261;1470686444;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1517262;1470686661;mircea_popescu;in juicier news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/6279d067e98a965272603710fb28ed39/tumblr_nfosrok9vd1siddzto1_400.gif 1517263;1470687016;deedbot;[Trilema] Respiro - http://trilema.com/2016/respiro/ 1517264;1470687796;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: liberation of the dogs ?? 1517265;1470688157;mod6;shinohai: sweet! 1517266;1470688161;mod6;thanks for checking that out 1517267;1470688172;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1517268;1470691781;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, "Detroitiscrap.com finally shut down. - Niggermania.NET" << apparently there was a detroit lafond. 1517269;1470691803;asciilifeform;did he get, i wonder, 'unamusement park'-ed ? 1517270;1470691814;asciilifeform;or was it 'through difficult country'-d 1517271;1470691830;mircea_popescu;apparently "litigation based on dmca" 1517272;1470691832;asciilifeform;(.za blogger fella who got 'accidentally' beaten to death in police station one time) 1517273;1470692032;thestringpuller;rumors of lucifer 1517274;1470697978;mircea_popescu;$google cacastecherita 1517275;1470697978;deedbot;http://trilema.com/cum-sa-fii-peste-ghid-simplu-pe-inteles-si-exhaustiv << Cum sa fii peste - ghid simplu, pe inteles si exhaustiv on Trilema - A ... | http://trilema.com/cae-dorel << Cae Dorel ? on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. 1517276;1470697989;mircea_popescu;da fuck is with these people. 1517277;1470704455;mircea_popescu;"Today, on February 3rd, 2015, Massively.com ends." << the "internet" in the sense of "world wide web" contracts right on schedule. 1517278;1470704468;mircea_popescu;fewer sites today than in 1996, for sure. 1517279;1470709203;*;asciilifeform has never so much as heard of 'massively.com' 1517280;1470709422;mircea_popescu;yeah well. they were a major yahoo sorta thing, years ago. aol-owned outfit. 1517281;1470709447;mircea_popescu;"The search for the reason behind the declining PCU in EVE Online continues." << how about "the game fucking sucks". 1517282;1470712592;mircea_popescu;and in other camping news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/e1ab922ac8ba3ee0c2fcfecb6719765b/tumblr_nfdfce7Z5V1t8o22bo1_500.gif 1517283;1470714297;BingoBoingo;Yeah, eve's downfall was transitioning from spreadsheets in space to MS Excel specifically in space 1517284;1470714976;BingoBoingo;Listen to your elders https://archive.is/vsG03 1517285;1470716915;mircea_popescu;word. 1517286;1470717559;BingoBoingo;Any ways a proper spreadsheet is not software. It is stationary. 1517287;1470718253;mircea_popescu;stationery. 1517288;1470718285;BingoBoingo;Why not both? 1517289;1470718302;BingoBoingo;Not like it gets up and walks away with the seekrits 1517290;1470718388;mircea_popescu;lol aite. both 1517291;1470719201;trinque;https://www.engadget.com/2016/08/08/oracle-data-breach/ << usg.oracle haxed 1517292;1470719219;mircea_popescu;this is good for fiat. 1517293;1470719223;trinque;lol 1517294;1470719669;BingoBoingo;In related surprises: 1517295;1470719671;BingoBoingo;7 ate 9 1517296;1470728370;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1516222 << not sure. I'm thinking maybe we stop fighting cruft and fire you up one of these: http://deedbot.org/v/ircbot-genesis.vpatch http://deedbot.org/v/logbot-genesis.vpatch 1517297;1470728370;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 19:02 asciilifeform: ;;later tell trinque any idea why deedbot sometimes spits out a phuctoring twice ? 1517298;1470728423;trinque;I'm gonna test this guy more tomorrow and add message splitting to the first one, then probably sign. 1517299;1470728480;trinque;you could just shit messages as you like from phuctor and not have to worry about RSS. 1517300;1470728586;trinque;anyone else wants to play with a lispybot / offer critique / point and laugh, feel free 1517301;1470730206;ben_vulpes;it is a very tidy sourceball, trinque. 1517302;1470730258;ben_vulpes;on the topic of pointing and laughing, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497751 << phf would you be so kind as to share what you did to your wp-content/themes/comments.php to get past the "stale comments" thinger? 1517303;1470730258;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 01:31 asciilifeform: phf apparently knows enough to replicate working setup without the missing pieces and without using the pig-ugly default theme. 1517304;1470744866;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-09#1517299 << if i had a working lispified phuctor, yes. 1517305;1470744866;a111;Logged on 2016-08-09 07:41 trinque: you could just shit messages as you like from phuctor and not have to worry about RSS. 1517306;1470744869;asciilifeform;but not presently. 1517307;1470751808;phf;ben_vulpes: i think everything's here 1517308;1470752021;mircea_popescu;incidentally, anyone recall diablo 1 multiplayer mode ? which nobody ever played, because you could edit your client to send to the other "your player was hit by 1`000`000 dmg" and the idiot'd take it at face value and kill the other person ? 1517309;1470752129;mircea_popescu;$up vcvbnmcvm 1517310;1470752130;deedbot;vcvbnmcvm voiced for 30 minutes. 1517311;1470752515;phf;ben_vulpes: i have a patchset, that takes wp from stock 2.7 to mircea_popescu's version, and then adds a few cleanups that i did. once i get through all the other shit i'm working on, i'll release it. the stock->mp patch is useful if you want to do further work on the codebase and have some idea where mp's custom patches begin and end 1517312;1470752740;mircea_popescu;check it out, we managed to replicate in vitro ALL OF FOSS 1517313;1470753269;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: eh we dun even have a gnudiff that build without gnudiff. 1517314;1470753293;asciilifeform;or a gnat that builds without gnat (which has been annoying asciilifeform greatly in recent times) 1517315;1470753456;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform point being : "a) here is a package of open source software that b) worked great c) for a lengthy, unclear and unverifyable past interval d) maintained by an intelligent but dour and otherwise busy party that e) is well respected but no longer much involved f) yet you could ask q of them if only you could find out how to ask an intelligent one g) which is pointless anyway because you can't make much sense of the 1517316;1470753457;mircea_popescu; answer h) yet there's a new team maintaining the item i) except it's unclear exactly who exactly how and to what exact purpose or standard" 1517317;1470753463;mircea_popescu;points a through i === foss. 1517318;1470759120;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the open sores thing is a clusterfuck of a depth that i cannot even convey in words. e.g., in the past few days i have uncovered catastrophic bugs in gcc, which NO ONE will ever fix, or likely even replicate, because they ONLY show up when you try to build version X with version Y, for particular pairings of X,Y, and similar 1517319;1470759137;asciilifeform;the thing is rotten to the core 1517320;1470759148;mircea_popescu;it "works"! 1517321;1470759152;asciilifeform;and likewise everything which stands, supposedly stably, on top of it. 1517322;1470759482;asciilifeform;nor is the thing in any sense approaching readable 1517323;1470759484;asciilifeform;or maintainable 1517324;1470759510;asciilifeform;in fact, it is ~impossible to build it on 2 boxes, supposing that they are not mirror images of one another's disks, and end up with same gcc. 1517325;1470759569;asciilifeform;at least it is theoretically possible to build gcc on another compiler (i personally have not attempted this, and the last confirmed report i know of is some years ago, however) 1517326;1470759579;asciilifeform;but, e.g., gnat, will ONLY BUILD USING ANOTHER GNAT 1517327;1470759581;asciilifeform;for fucks sake. 1517328;1470759594;asciilifeform;how the FIRST gnat was built, NO ONE KNOWS today. 1517329;1470759649;mircea_popescu;it evolved. from frogs. how was the first human built! 1517330;1470759815;asciilifeform;evolved, l0l, from ken thompson. 1517331;1470759999;asciilifeform;in point of fact we do not have a freezable software stack. 1517332;1470760039;asciilifeform;it isn't even that we are operating on an animal that is squirming on the table, but that it is not an animal at all, but a bag of maggots and weevils 1517333;1470760382;asciilifeform;so, for instance, i have, theoretically, a gnat that builds for mips, but in actuality it dun work. 1517334;1470760424;ben_vulpes;thanks phf, i used shinohai's dump as i didn't realize that your tgz contained wordpress as well as wp-content 1517335;1470760466;asciilifeform;because ALL version of gcc i've been able to get a hold of, which are able to build a version of gnat i've been able to get a hold of, refuse to build gnattools (the linker) when standard lib (which dun belong on a microcontroller) is disabled. 1517336;1470760483;asciilifeform;i found a dozen different sites with ad-hoc recipes, and patches, and NONE worked 1517337;1470760505;asciilifeform;on top of this, all but two of the gnat ver / gcc ver building it combos i've tried, barf. 1517338;1470760586;asciilifeform;and they barf in non-debuggable ways because gnumake was written by chimps, and 'ERROR 2' !!!11 1517339;1470760844;mircea_popescu;this reminds me of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-06#1515840 1517340;1470760844;a111;Logged on 2016-08-06 04:53 trinque: https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=20015 << if the world ever rights "helpful" is going to be a euphemism for "tries to slip dick in when you turn your back" 1517341;1470760847;asciilifeform;sooooooo then i put on gas mask, and vivisected the makefiles until FORCED bloody thing to build gnattools 1517342;1470760867;asciilifeform;which of course barfed, because it is unable to find the motherfucking std lib that supposedly 'is optional' 1517343;1470760873;asciilifeform;but in actuality gnat expects it 1517344;1470760883;asciilifeform;and the recipe whereby you substitute a dummy -- dun work. 1517345;1470760890;mircea_popescu;or for that matter, that old "fuck you and netbase" http://trilema.com/2014/ubuntu-is-a-worse-piece-of-shit-than-ms-dos-ever-was/#selection-145.0-145.98 1517346;1470760960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and the much worse point of this is - WHAT THE FUCK is a "standard lib" supposed to be thaT DOESN'T fit on microcontroller. what the fuck standard is this standard, utf-standard, the antistandard. 1517347;1470760965;mircea_popescu;the EXACT opposite of a fucking standard. 1517348;1470760976;mircea_popescu;the #1 rule a standard must pass is BEING SMALL. 1517349;1470761004;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ada has a titanic standard lib, this is not really escapable on a c machine if you want SAFE data structures, threads, etc. 1517350;1470761010;asciilifeform;it has its own fucking scheduler ferfuxxsake 1517351;1470761018;asciilifeform;because unix scheduler is RETARDED 1517352;1470761047;asciilifeform;now on a micro, one needs VERY little of this, and folks traditionally trim the thing down to fit by sacrificing pieces 1517353;1470761058;asciilifeform;this has been done for arm, apparently 1517354;1470761060;asciilifeform;but no other box. 1517355;1470761142;asciilifeform;all known 'small' standards, e.g., ansi scheme, have resulted in ~99% of the extant code in the respective language using nonstandard libs. 1517356;1470761212;asciilifeform;this unicorn, the SMALL language in which ONE CAN ACTUALLY PROGRAM, is not yet born. 1517357;1470761408;mircea_popescu;somehow the small alphabet in which one can actually write - is. 1517358;1470761422;mircea_popescu;yet modern idiot fancies himself much more intelligent than anyone who ever lived ; and better informed, and "progressed". 1517359;1470761432;asciilifeform;alphabet is not the correct analogy, dictionary - is. 1517360;1470761437;mircea_popescu;do tell, how are you richer than your father, and his father, when his reservoir was full and yours is empty ? 1517361;1470761442;mircea_popescu;how so ? 1517362;1470761451;mircea_popescu;dictionary is eminently NOT a standard. 1517363;1470761455;mircea_popescu;it's a guideline. 1517364;1470761467;asciilifeform;it is the closest thing any humanlang has to a standard. 1517365;1470761487;mircea_popescu;"this text is non-compliant, replace letter ? with a proper letter and resubmit" - right 1517366;1470761501;mircea_popescu;"this text is non-compliant, dictionary translation makes no sense" - wrong 1517367;1470761510;mircea_popescu;not so. the fucking alphabet is the only human lang standard. 1517368;1470761537;asciilifeform;you cannot decipher dead language using alphabet strictly. 1517369;1470761547;mircea_popescu;thinking the dictionary "a standard" is exactly the level of ignorance one displays thinking "the blue earth internet icon" 1517370;1470761555;asciilifeform;hence why i said 'closest thing' 1517371;1470761556;mircea_popescu;this is besides the point. 1517372;1470761563;mircea_popescu;not what a standard is. 1517373;1470761584;asciilifeform;it is what a standard is in compiler-land. i.e., i can, using only the standard, re-create the compiler. 1517374;1470761590;asciilifeform;on a martian computer. 1517375;1470761607;asciilifeform;it is what a standard is in the land of nuts and bolts, likewise. 1517376;1470761672;asciilifeform;i screwed in a modern part into a bolt plate made 35 yrs ago, last night, and it fit with 0 measurable error. 1517377;1470761676;asciilifeform;because motherfucking standards. 1517378;1470761739;asciilifeform;you can fire a modern luger round in a ww1 luger, also. 1517379;1470761763;asciilifeform;despite that the modern round were made by folks who were born after everyone involved in making the pistol were long dead. 1517380;1470761770;asciilifeform;because motherfucking standards. 1517381;1470761860;mircea_popescu;i dunno. 1517382;1470761887;mircea_popescu;a standard for 1 inch nut does not a) specify material b) enter into considerations of what levers to push on what type of cnc mill 1517383;1470761896;mircea_popescu;seems your notion of a standard unduly includes both a and b 1517384;1470761969;asciilifeform;attempts to WHOLLY detach a standard from particular artifacts - e.g., si def of the metre in terms of cesium atom cross-sections - have not gone far. 1517385;1470762006;asciilifeform;because it is difficult to measure, much less reshape, physical object without using another such 1517386;1470762027;mircea_popescu;still. when we discuss language - the alphabet is the only standard. the dictionary is not a standard ; nor aspires to be a standard. 1517387;1470762040;mircea_popescu;this difference is important, and apparently not much understood through normal schooling. 1517388;1470762065;PeterL;French dictionary tries to be a standard 1517389;1470762085;mircea_popescu;does not. french is specifically the one culture language which does not have a normative, academy-produced dictionary., 1517390;1470762090;mircea_popescu;they tried for three centuries, gave up. 1517391;1470762118;asciilifeform;a dead language with small literature corpus is arguably standardized. 1517392;1470762119;PeterL;what I mean is the french have the academy trying to specify their language 1517393;1470762132;asciilifeform;e.g., old norse. 1517394;1470762150;mircea_popescu;specification and standard are also different processes. a specified item is evidently different from a standardized item. 1517395;1470762162;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform non-culture languages are necessarily kinda sucky, amateur affairs. 1517396;1470762214;mircea_popescu;similarity, specificity, standardisation. 0, 1, infinity. 1517397;1470762293;PeterL;can you expand on what you mean by standard and specified being different? 1517398;1470762314;asciilifeform;asking to standardize a living humanlang in the nut-and-bolt sense is rather like asking for a standard liver, leg, or cock. 1517399;1470762324;mircea_popescu;if you say "bring me a mcburger" you are asking for a standard item. if you say "bring me a burger" you are asking for a specified item. 1517400;1470762379;mircea_popescu;the latter makes some specific comments as to some points of interest - "the meat should be between some sort of bread". the former specifies every single aspect of the item, including a complete chemical composition etc. 1517401;1470762396;mircea_popescu;perhaps forcing the point, as these are both industrial processes. anyway. 1517402;1470762396;asciilifeform;and alphabet of, e.g., english, is 'standard' for english in the exact 100% useless sense that mendeleev table is 'standard for mcburger'. 1517403;1470762418;mircea_popescu;utility is not so clearly married to this alfie. 1517404;1470762430;mircea_popescu;there's no intrinsic utility of abstract objects. 1517405;1470762482;asciilifeform;'standard', in industrial world, has a meaning. it is a document which at least ~attempts~ an exhaustive description of an object, with an aim to enabling reader to re-create it. 1517406;1470762503;mircea_popescu;yeawell. not much of a meaning. 1517407;1470762520;mircea_popescu;in any fucking case, "here's the standard - it doesn't work for yout item" is rank nonsense, and the paragon of anti-utility. 1517408;1470762536;mircea_popescu;that phrase should immediately reduce to "your item is stupid and you're dumb for working on it" 1517409;1470762545;asciilifeform;elaborate re where one finds 'here's the standard - it doesn't work for yout item' ?? 1517410;1470762718;mircea_popescu;when standard lib (which dun belong on a microcontroller) 1517411;1470762737;asciilifeform;and standard tank shell dun fit in the luger. 1517412;1470762739;asciilifeform;what of it ? 1517413;1470762771;mircea_popescu;mno. EITHER "the standard library" is not the standard library ; or ELSE your mips is a chunk of charcoal and you've got down syndrome to be trying to program on it. 1517414;1470762781;mircea_popescu;that's what standards are. 1517415;1470762813;asciilifeform;well, if you actually were to read the ada standard, it has a massive annex specifying ~optional~ components. 1517416;1470762825;mircea_popescu;the "standard tank shell" is not "the standard shell" for this exact reason. 1517417;1470762832;asciilifeform;which happens to add up to pretty much whole standard lib. 1517418;1470762852;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. i did, and was impressed by apparently hermetic points like this, such as an understanding of the difference between standard and specification etc. 1517419;1470762871;asciilifeform;the standard was and is a titanic work, imho. 1517420;1470762879;asciilifeform;but the implementation is somewhat other matter. 1517421;1470762879;mircea_popescu;granted. 1517422;1470762883;mircea_popescu;quite. 1517423;1470762910;asciilifeform;as with cpp, there is EXACTLY ONE usable public implementation. 1517424;1470762927;asciilifeform;and it is as rusty as a ww2 tank pulled from swamp in ukraine. 1517425;1470762928;mircea_popescu;what's the exactly one on cpp, llvm ? 1517426;1470762930;mircea_popescu; /troll 1517427;1470762934;asciilifeform;lolvm 1517428;1470762955;asciilifeform;i did say 'usable, public', i can find you winblowz closed turd adas by the dozen also. 1517429;1470762966;asciilifeform;they dun exist in my planet. 1517430;1470763066;mircea_popescu;anyway, to put it in the harshest term : a man may be shot for one item he produced not being identical to another item someone else produced. this means the item was standardized. 1517431;1470763083;mircea_popescu;alternatively, a man may be whipped for one item he produced not meeting what his master told him to produce. this means the item was specified. 1517432;1470763148;asciilifeform;aha! 1517433;1470763170;asciilifeform;but moreover, there must be, in the former case, a mechanical test which determines if he is to be shot. 1517434;1470763197;mircea_popescu;any disparity between two items suffices ; everyone involved gets shot. 1517435;1470763206;mircea_popescu;$s "i want an equal quantity of jam in each muffin" 1517436;1470763207;a111;0 results for "\"i want an equal quantity of jam in each muffin\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22i%20want%20an%20equal%20quantity%20of%20jam%20in%20each%20muffin%22 1517437;1470763211;mircea_popescu;eh ffs. 1517438;1470763242;mircea_popescu;(it's from casino) 1517439;1470763380;danielpbarron;blueberries* 1517440;1470763384;mircea_popescu;oh! 1517441;1470763397;mircea_popescu;right you are huh. 1517442;1470763422;asciilifeform;as a boy, i read a - i think czech - folk tale, where a servant is made to pour JUST THE RIGHT amount of wine in the king's glass, 'too little, or too much, Off! with yer head!' 1517443;1470763433;asciilifeform;and of course loses his head, because it was quite impossible to JUST-so. 1517444;1470763464;mircea_popescu;of course. 1517445;1470763486;asciilifeform;http://www.worldoftales.com/European_folktales/Czechoslovak_folktale_17.html << hey it exists in engl. apparently. 1517446;1470763509;asciilifeform;'There he ordered Yirik to pour him out a goblet of wine. "And I warn you," he said, "that you forfeit your head if you pour a drop too much or too little."' 1517447;1470763529;mircea_popescu;"a drop" is pipette-able though. 1517448;1470763543;asciilifeform;king pulls out microscope and still notices shortfall. 1517449;1470763662;mircea_popescu;he ~did~ say drop... 1517450;1470763682;asciilifeform;but did kingdom have STANDARD!111 drop!! 1517451;1470763692;asciilifeform;therein being the rub. 1517452;1470763743;mircea_popescu; "a drop" is pipette-able though. 1517453;1470763758;asciilifeform;even a very recent europe had idiot circus of ill-specified weights and measures... 1517454;1470763765;asciilifeform;recall how napoleon was 'shortened' ? 1517455;1470763803;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1517456;1470763866;asciilifeform;french foot was slightly longer than british. 1517457;1470763874;mircea_popescu;ah ah. sure. 1517458;1470765292;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1517459;1470765294;gribble;Current Blocks: 424432 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 943 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 18 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1517460;1470765303;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1517461;1470765309;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 584.31, vol: 3538.96290955 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 583.313, vol: 6130.57023 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 604.1, vol: 0.0 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 585.113391, vol: 98681.36490000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 586.77, vol: 1044.94796213 | Volume-weighted last average: 585.002330803 1517462;1470765456;deedbot;[Qntra] Merkel Regime To Broaden Issuance Of Driving Bans In Germany - http://qntra.net/2016/08/merkel-regime-to-broaden-issuance-of-driving-bans-in-germany/ 1517463;1470765629;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: suspensed --> suspended ? 1517464;1470765655;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1517465;1470765657;asciilifeform;'when you can administratively imprison them later' --> before?! 1517466;1470765716;BingoBoingo;No. before is common. Suspended sentence means you tell them they are free except for X,Y and then later you lock them up for clause Z later. 1517467;1470766209;trinque;mod6: V99994 built just fine 1517468;1470766268;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-09#1517304 << nah, anything that can speak pgsql, i.e. psycopg2 1517469;1470766268;a111;Logged on 2016-08-09 12:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-09#1517299 << if i had a working lispified phuctor, yes. 1517470;1470766306;trinque;first item simply connects and stays connected to IRC; second item creates a two-way interface to IRC via pg 1517471;1470767226;mircea_popescu;and in other dubious entertainment, http://i.imgur.com/iQlIhbb.jpg 1517472;1470768594;shinohai;$ticker --market all 1517473;1470768636;shinohai;duh 1517474;1470768645;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1517475;1470768650;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 584.41, vol: 3499.03957998 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 583.031, vol: 6122.57726 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 604.1, vol: 0.0 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 584.568953, vol: 99279.99300000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 585.31, vol: 1009.12428445 | Volume-weighted last average: 584.485024797 1517476;1470768680;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wat's that 1517477;1470768773;asciilifeform;trinque: the db is a painful and incurable bottleneck for phuctor, the LAST thing i want is to use it for anything else. 1517478;1470769107;trinque;asciilifeform: would be trivial to write another subclass of ircbot that just sat there reading stdin and shitting stdout 1517479;1470769141;asciilifeform;trinque: the abstraction will leak. 1517480;1470769144;asciilifeform;just as it does now 1517481;1470769151;asciilifeform;(e.g., line length limit) 1517482;1470769178;asciilifeform;fact is, irc is NOT a stdout-compatible device. 1517483;1470769189;asciilifeform;has severe impedance mismatch. 1517484;1470769224;trinque;asciilifeform: mkay, well, I'm spending precisely zero time debugging some python rss module 1517485;1470769235;trinque;rss is a piece of shit that descends from the www idiocy 1517486;1470769247;asciilifeform;trinque: consider printing the url first 1517487;1470769252;trinque;that I can do 1517488;1470769257;asciilifeform;that'll suffice. 1517489;1470769264;asciilifeform;ty trinque . 1517490;1470770319;BingoBoingo; mircea_popescu: wat's that << Looks like some species of farm gurl 1517491;1470770352;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what led you to this conclusion ? 1517492;1470770437;deedbot; << BARKS IN THE WIND - capi 1517493;1470770438;deedbot; << BARKS IN THE WIND - HELLO 1517494;1470770438;deedbot; << BARKS IN THE WIND - wp-content for a. 1517495;1470770438;deedbot; << BARKS IN THE WIND - applescript from clozure 1517496;1470770461;trinque;^ new format 1517497;1470770470;trinque;also hai to phf's blog 1517498;1470770481;asciilifeform;neato 1517499;1470770488;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The floral patterned dresses, hair clearly styled by each other, and sorta bored rural look on their faces. 1517500;1470771848;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/former-illinois-governor-loses-convictions-but-keeps-prison-sentence/ << Qntra - Former Illinois Governor Loses Convictions But Keeps Prison Sentence 1517501;1470772598;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/alleged-orlando-shooters-father-seated-behind-hillary-at-rally/ << Qntra - Alleged Orlando Shooter's Father Seated Behind Hillary At Rally 1517502;1470772932;BingoBoingo;https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/1221067 1517503;1470773144;asciilifeform;http://freya.theladyofthelabyrinth.com/?page_id=512 << just as unrelated to anything, but imho moar interesting 1517504;1470773166;asciilifeform;' But the real morals of the story is that one must be able to employ every little part of the animal you kill, like the man does… ' 1517505;1470775945;trinque;shinohai: ben_vulpes gave me the wad o' wp-mp you gave him. am I supposed to apply this patch, or is it already applied? it broke when applying 1517506;1470775984;shinohai;weird trinque worked fine after i did all that. 1517507;1470775984;*;trinque gonna start using blogotron instead of just dumping things in the logs 1517508;1470776000;trinque;shinohai: what am I supposed to do, unpack then apply that patch? 1517509;1470776025;trinque;I'm just humping the football over here 1517510;1470776092;shinohai;yeah I unpacked it all the applied patch, built database and was good to go 1517511;1470776141;trinque;mkay I'll try again 1517512;1470776168;shinohai;kk 1517513;1470776200;trinque;man I haven't phpeed since 2006 1517514;1470776304;shinohai;It took a while for me to remember everything but I guess like bike riding and all 1517515;1470776377;trinque; 1517516;1470776527;trinque;shinohai: ah the patch diddles wp-content too; got it now 1517517;1470776577;shinohai;Not sure how you got it from ben but for me i packed it up precisely as I got it working xD 1517518;1470776624;trinque;time for a genesis vpatch! 1517519;1470776644;shinohai;yup 1517520;1470776652;trinque;anyhow you packaged it up fine; I just skipped a step 1517521;1470776784;shinohai;Maybe it will get whittled down more when I have some time to dedicate to it 1517522;1470779010;mircea_popescu;"peter john I am giving a testimony of how i become rich and famous today... i was deeply strangled up by poverty and i had no body to help me, and also i search for help from different corners but to no avail. i see people around me getting rich but to me i was so ashamed of my self so i met a man on my way he was very rich and he was a doctor so he told me something and i think over" 1517523;1470779046;mircea_popescu;teh mentality of the poor idiot penning these things... so he's gonna tell me he's famous ? why, because he's more or less obama, and if he hadn't told me i'd have never known ? 1517524;1470779061;mircea_popescu;peter john the nobel prize laureate. 1517525;1470779074;asciilifeform;does is 'famous' a mistranslation of some unique nigerian word, or wat 1517526;1470779081;mircea_popescu;from his country of africa which is ken ya ni ger ya ? 1517527;1470779088;asciilifeform;spamlandia. 1517528;1470779119;mircea_popescu;he's looking for help in the vast fields of literal representation. against this demon-beast strangling him. 1517529;1470779141;mircea_popescu;because we're all equally people and therefore all equally potent in richdom. just his time hasn't come yet to becoming in wealth-hood. 1517530;1470779249;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-09#1517476 << coupla too old bitchez. 1517531;1470779249;a111;Logged on 2016-08-09 18:51 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: wat's that 1517532;1470779269;asciilifeform;it is not even easy to be certain re what 'he was very rich' means in the mental landscape of the degenerates. 1517533;1470779278;asciilifeform;i.e. 'owns five goats' ? 1517534;1470779284;asciilifeform;mercedes and five goats ? 1517535;1470779296;mircea_popescu;obviously. since his notion of fame doesn't match the common notion of fame, you'd expect his notion of richness doesn't either. 1517536;1470779313;asciilifeform;and the whole exercise becomes one of deciphering martian language. 1517537;1470779327;mircea_popescu;hey, it's what they pay us mercedi for, amirite. 1517538;1470779340;asciilifeform;5 goat / minute. 1517539;1470779352;mircea_popescu;just about! 1517540;1470779377;mircea_popescu;tho to be honest mercedessen seems a better plural 1517541;1470779393;asciilifeform;tru. 1517542;1470779445;mircea_popescu;i still remember the fucking lolz we had as kiddies when they introduced this penpal thing ; they religiously matched all boys with girls, and this guy got paired with... mercedes gonzales. 1517543;1470779449;mircea_popescu;god it was a riot. 1517544;1470783451;mod6;<+trinque> mod6: V99994 built just fine << nice! thanks :] 1517545;1470784624;mircea_popescu;#up pouledodue 1517546;1470784630;mircea_popescu;$up pouledodue 1517547;1470784630;deedbot;pouledodue voiced for 30 minutes. 1517548;1470785411;asciilifeform;from the dept. of Run Moar Winblowz, https://securelist.com/analysis/publications/75533/faq-the-projectsauron-apt 1517549;1470785467;mircea_popescu;"Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s)." i presume this is good for fiat. 1517550;1470785501;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this came out of what, curl ? 1517551;1470785544;mircea_popescu;the-thing-which-i-use 1517552;1470785555;asciilifeform;'...The attackers used multiple interesting and unusual techniques, including: Data exfiltration and real-time status reporting using DNS requests. Implant deployment using legitimate software update scripts....' 1517553;1470785558;asciilifeform;^ bonus lul 1517554;1470785605;asciilifeform;but didja know, how WORLD WORX, ya CAN'T HAVE computer without dns and updatez!111111111111111 1517555;1470785843;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1056325 << it's the curl thing aha. 1517556;1470785853;asciilifeform;or rather, where it first pops up in the logz. 1517557;1470785879;asciilifeform;them bitz were shuffled 'round, to get them dirty terrorists UPDATING LIKE GOD SAID TO etc 1517558;1470785884;mircea_popescu;aww 1517559;1470785898;asciilifeform;'The website may try to fallback to TLS 1.0 in a way that is no longer allowed in current releases or may be using a deprecated cipher suite.' 1517560;1470785958;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform real men ban dns traffic on their net machines. 1517561;1470786005;mircea_popescu;(i am proud to report i've deployed this long ago ; and it causes absolutely no inconvenience whatever, just in case the "killing god is impossibru!!!" emovibe is strong in the reader) 1517562;1470786033;asciilifeform;well apparently it did keep mircea_popescu from searchengining for the error msg. 1517563;1470786094;asciilifeform;and perhaps it is 'not inconvenient' because other folks do this for him ? 1517564;1470786097;mircea_popescu;i wasn't going to. 1517565;1470786099;asciilifeform;all quite reminiscent of rms 1517566;1470786108;mircea_popescu;i so deeply don't give a shit WHY some failure failed. 1517567;1470786113;asciilifeform;and his 'i ask friends to load www links for me and print and to bring me' 1517568;1470786119;mircea_popescu;except... i don't. 1517569;1470786127;mircea_popescu;i literally dun care what the thing may contain. 1517570;1470786204;mircea_popescu;if it's public-newsworthy i'll read it on qntra ; if it's nonpublic i'll read it in reports. bout how it goes. i suppose you can say this is that. 1517571;1470786238;asciilifeform;it works, apparently, for mircea_popescu . 1517572;1470786242;asciilifeform;but is advice that is of 0 use outside of the dirigible. 1517573;1470786256;mircea_popescu;mebbe try it first. 1517574;1470786300;asciilifeform;try what? if i can't search for error messages, i literally go broke. 1517575;1470786311;asciilifeform;more or less immediately. 1517576;1470786350;asciilifeform;just as i run, e.g., virii, which like to use dns. 1517577;1470786385;asciilifeform;but i guess i forgot that... YOU CAN HAVE ONE COMPUTER ONLY 1517578;1470786388;asciilifeform;or what. 1517579;1470786494;asciilifeform;sometimes i wonder if mircea_popescu is seeeekritly an orthodox jew: 1517580;1470786508;asciilifeform;y'know, it STILL counts as dns'in if you send gurlz to do it... 1517581;1470786524;mircea_popescu;but i ... don't. for honests. 1517582;1470786563;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's intel group investigates solely using binoculars ? 1517583;1470786589;mircea_popescu;oh oh that. i don't care what they do. 1517584;1470786594;asciilifeform;ah there we go. 1517585;1470786603;mircea_popescu;as you might've noticed, i'm the opposite of a micromanager. 1517586;1470786645;asciilifeform;try asking them to do next mission without dns. 1517587;1470786649;asciilifeform;see what they say. 1517588;1470786689;asciilifeform;(i haven't any dispute re dns being a work of evil, from day 1, but the rms solution is not a solution and i will continue to laugh) 1517589;1470786740;mircea_popescu;works on my machine! 1517590;1470787514;mircea_popescu;and in other butts, http://67.media.tumblr.com/bb86e0301d8858b4ebde397e23087cf0/tumblr_n99rjotaV21se6xvlo1_500.gif 1517591;1470787564;shinohai;bravissimo 1517592;1470787825;mircea_popescu;and in other ethereum news : the "white hack" attackers... stole... the pot. 1517593;1470787858;asciilifeform;what did they originally propose to do with it? 1517594;1470787863;mircea_popescu;heh. 1517595;1470787871;asciilifeform;give to starving nigerians ? 1517596;1470787881;mircea_popescu;something something rigthful owners something etc. 1517597;1470787886;asciilifeform;ah lel 1517598;1470787901;asciilifeform;so, 2nd hardphork when ? 1517599;1470787910;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/19oTs wall of text/pointless dramaz. 1517600;1470787932;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/giro-girotondo-con-il-sesso-e-bello-il-mondo/ << Trilema - Giro girotondo con il sesso e bello il mondo 1517601;1470788141;mircea_popescu;shinohai http://67.media.tumblr.com/50156485fcb4ea53aa37acebbf1ee06a/tumblr_n99rjotaV21se6xvlo2_500.gif << thgere you go. 1517602;1470788183;*;shinohai claps 1517603;1470793316;asciilifeform;turns out whole 'giro girotondo' is on youtube 1517604;1470793319;asciilifeform;pretty lulzy 1517605;1470793789;mircea_popescu;most old foreign stuff is on youtube. 1517606;1470793803;mircea_popescu;shows what a vibrant space one'd have without the usg.mpaa idjits 1517607;1470796579;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ~all the ru material worth seeing, afaik, is. 1517608;1470796599;asciilifeform;the films, just as the b00kz. 1517609;1470796639;mircea_popescu;aha 1517610;1470797313;asciilifeform;in other vintage lulz, https://ballandalus.wordpress.com/2014/09/11/a-hispano-muslim-embassy-to-the-vikings-in-845-an-account-of-al-ghazals-journey-to-the-north 1517611;1470797474;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CEB08E08EEF3C71AEC185767B076C306E945E535BE55A8CAAAB9378A9F7CD4D1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 5683000818959356094387121433230433 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Andreas Fleig ; ' 1517612;1470797475;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FBC53C4FC84FB6570CC9AACEE304CF6E13339C4581D517A786C30DABA3995874 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 90055334522847202481312882334750017605897224759371784435327473584564809667943 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1517614;1470798015;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FBC53C4FC84FB6570CC9AACEE304CF6E13339C4581D517A786C30DABA3995874 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 90055334522847202481312882334750017605897224759371784435327473584564809667943 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) > http://www.loper-os.org/pub/whatisit.jpg 1517643;1470837551;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1517644;1470837683;PeterL;is that a weed or some kind of fruit? 1517645;1470837868;mircea_popescu;google sez : "best guess for this image is - plant. here are some similar : http://66.media.tumblr.com/4887210f21347503a1ab613ec36f4bd8/tumblr_n4fs4e3RRN1tz1qsho1_500.gif " 1517646;1470839636;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lel 1517647;1470839640;asciilifeform;PeterL: weed 1517648;1470839645;asciilifeform;with fruit. 1517649;1470839660;asciilifeform;and none of the reference material i have on the subj, features it. 1517650;1470839698;*;shinohai consults the voynich manuscript 1517651;1470839704;mircea_popescu;lol 1517652;1470839796;asciilifeform;http://www.isssource.com/fixing-an-internet-security-threat << moar 'black hole lulz' 1517653;1470839808;asciilifeform;this is the n-th time with the sequence number prediction thing, isnnit. 1517654;1470839844;mircea_popescu;and they're not giving it up, either. 1517655;1470839953;asciilifeform;https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity16/technical-sessions/presentation/cao << orig. source apparently. 1517656;1470839954;mircea_popescu;ah nm, they're putting a large ack limit in conf so as to... BYPASS THE MAGIC NUMBERS BAKED IN. 1517657;1470839964;asciilifeform;'In this paper, we report a subtle yet serious side channel vulnerability (CVE-2016-5696) introduced in a recent TCP specification. The specification is faithfully implemented in Linux kernel version 3.6 (from 2012) and beyond, and affects a wide range of devices and hosts. In a nutshell, the vulnerability allows a blind off-path attacker to infer if any two arbitrary hosts on the Internet are communicating using a TCP connection. Fu 1517658;1470839965;asciilifeform;rther, if the connection is present, such an off-path attacker can also infer the TCP sequence numbers in use, from both sides of the connection; this in turn allows the attacker to cause connection termination and perform data injection attacks. We illustrate how the attack can be leveraged to disrupt or degrade the privacy guarantees of an anonymity network such as Tor, and perform web connection hijacking. Through extensive experi 1517659;1470839965;asciilifeform;ments, we show that the attack is fast and reliable. On average, it takes about 40 to 60 seconds to finish and the success rate is 88% to 97%. Finally, we propose changes to both the TCP specification and implementation to eliminate the root cause of the problem.' 1517660;1470839971;mircea_popescu;lemme link to the previous instance of me losing it over this. where was it. 1517661;1470840009;mircea_popescu;something with file descriptors 1517662;1470840027;asciilifeform;iirc it was the db descriptors thing in trb. 1517663;1470840072;mircea_popescu;nono, some idiot/genius explaining how he "fixed" something or the other in kernel 1517664;1470840078;mircea_popescu;reecently. 1517665;1470840268;*;asciilifeform remembers thread, but unable to turn it up in the l0gz 1517666;1470840347;asciilifeform;'implemented in Linux kernel version 3.6 (from 2012) and beyond' << emphasis. 1517667;1470840349;mircea_popescu;you recall ? was some foss "expert" blog article, in which he detailed some bugfixing he did, except it was of the nature of "i removed undigested corn kernel from shit on wall - all better now" 1517668;1470840357;asciilifeform;why no mention of WHO implemented ? 1517669;1470840363;mircea_popescu;heh. 1517670;1470840601;asciilifeform;the most galling thing is the VERY NOTION of a tcp that isn't porous. because tcp breaks BOTH of the two, as i found, iron rules of network sanity: 1) NOTHING TO RANDOS FOR FREE 2) NO OPERATIONS ON UNSIGNED INPUT 1517671;1470840637;asciilifeform;(quite arguably, (2) is redundant and subsumed in (1). but it defines what is a 'rando') 1517672;1470840756;mircea_popescu;speaking of "actionable steps towards better itnernet", do i have benchmarks yet ? 1517673;1470840763;asciilifeform;the only permissible operation on an unsigverified input is - constant-time sig verification. 1517674;1470840803;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not quite yet. 1517675;1470840852;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but current idea is, an instrumented gpg. 1517676;1470840887;asciilifeform;https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-announce/2016-August/001739.html << further lulz 1517677;1470840899;asciilifeform;'Why was there no mention of the fact that running freebsd-update to install the fix for the bspatch advisory [SA-16:25] may actually expose users to the vulnerability?' 1517678;1470840925;asciilifeform;this, notice, is the same freebsd as was distributed with DEAD rng, for ~year 1517679;1470840941;asciilifeform;and the same one which threw out gcc in favour of crappleade, etc. 1517680;1470841062;asciilifeform;http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/10/europe/wandsworth-prison-drone-death/index.html << further lelz. 1517681;1470841067;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ 1517682;1470841174;asciilifeform;'The patch included in SA-16:25 is incomplete, and may still permit heap corruption. The patch included in the document dump is more complete. Why only a partial fix?' <<< ahahahahaha 1517683;1470841450;mircea_popescu;oh btw, apparently brasil can't keep drones out of stadiums, try as it might. there's always half dozen flkoating about, and the "heads of state" muppets in attendance might as well get used to it. 1517684;1470841461;mircea_popescu;their "security" moans as it will, but ultimately... 1517685;1470841463;mircea_popescu;new normal. 1517686;1470841484;asciilifeform;next: flying vuvuzelas. 1517687;1470841651;mircea_popescu;eminent application for both technologies, yes. 1517688;1470842215;asciilifeform;incidentally, a Useful Product Idea, plug-in replacement guidance module for popular flying toys, to pick arbitrary quiet frequency spread in a reasonably broad swatch of spectrum, when remote is paired with toy, rather than the current 'legal' jammable idiocy. 1517689;1470842307;mircea_popescu;aha. 1517690;1470842323;asciilifeform;and, also incidentally, a 64GB+ sdcard weighs ~1g. so there is no reason whatsoever for the cipher not to be otp. 1517691;1470842336;mircea_popescu;quite. 1517692;1470842336;jurov;are there any engineers left capable of this? other than alf? 1517693;1470842345;asciilifeform;jurov: it's an undergrad-level project 1517694;1470842361;mircea_popescu;his question stands lol. gl finding an undergrad that's not an imbecile. 1517695;1470842366;asciilifeform;and for all i know, already done somewhere 1517696;1470842368;mircea_popescu;i'm having trouble finding phd's that aren't. 1517697;1470842369;asciilifeform;dig around. 1517698;1470842413;jurov;undergrads are content with reflashing tv dongle and listening to cops 1517699;1470842440;asciilifeform;rtlsdr ? 1517700;1470842447;jurov;yea 1517701;1470842459;asciilifeform;it's a fine thing. and if all you want is to ~receive~ in broad spectrum, it is light enough to fly. 1517702;1470842713;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/6cQKA << doesn't this make one mildly curious ? 1517703;1470842746;asciilifeform;'The Maiden Rape Assault: Violent Semen Inferno' << lel 1517704;1470842755;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1517705;1470842773;asciilifeform;wtf is 'twitch' anyway 1517706;1470842783;asciilifeform;screenshots thing ? 1517707;1470842806;mircea_popescu;a sort of youtube for obnoxiously voiced dorks to stream their voice and upper-left efigy atop game video captures. 1517708;1470842808;phf;probably a live streaming service? 1517709;1470842810;mircea_popescu;it's a postmodern genre. 1517710;1470842830;asciilifeform;speaking of 'modern', http://www.cnbc.com/2016/05/26/mt-gox-creditors-seek-trillions-where-there-are-only-millions.html 1517711;1470842839;asciilifeform;^ somehow i missed. 1517712;1470842850;mircea_popescu;turns out it wasn't the tv making people stupid - people were stupid to begin with, tv fit like a glove. with its demise - the cowsies moo for a replacement. so they watch others play games. 1517713;1470843055;phf;i think i watched notch livecoding a wolfenstein clone in java on twitch. it was mildly entertaining, because he was writing everything from scratch (i.e. tick locked mainloop, ray casting onto an awt canvas, etc.) 1517714;1470843096;mircea_popescu;there is some legitimate space for this, in high performance rts type of games where watching a high ranked player play is very instructive. 1517715;1470843119;mircea_popescu;then average wowhead started doing it too, mostly for the pretense, and this is what gave us the lulz of 1517716;1470843129;mircea_popescu;$google "best paladin in the werld" 1517717;1470843135;deedbot;No results. 1517718;1470843150;mircea_popescu;and then it went downhill from there. like : http://www.polygon.com/2016/1/14/10767458/we-made-a-livestream-ignored-the-press-and-created-a-successful-indie 1517719;1470843166;mircea_popescu;random 15 hour rts nobody cares about come next week. 1517720;1470843171;mircea_popescu;rpg* 1517721;1470843313;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/cel-mai-bun-paladin-din-the-world/ << best paladin! IN THE WORLD! 1517722;1470843477;phf;even in rts you want demos, rather than flat rendering 1517723;1470843791;phf;like i remember watching fps speed runs and tricks on youtube back when it started and it was wholy unsatisfying experience. you want to be able to fly around and look at trick from different directions to know what's going on. not to mention pro level duels, where half the info comes from sound, you want to be able to figure out what player B did that player A reacted to, so you have to pause, rewind, and switch to other player, to 1517724;1470843791;phf;grok things like "oh, it was armor pick up in this corridor, and let me see there's two exits, but the guy would be going for quad next, so he'll take exit 2, so naturally you want to intercept blah blah blah" 1517725;1470843942;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1517726;1470843958;mircea_popescu;the problem is that in the consumer "mind", easy always beats good. 1517727;1470844335;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/oxcxe << in other "fiat is so much better than bitcoin" drama... 1517728;1470846074;asciilifeform;http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-administrator-of-the-dark-webs-infamous-hacking-market-the-real-deal-has-vanished << moar tabloid lulz 1517729;1470846332;asciilifeform;from same rag, a gem for BingoBoingo, 'While lurking on a prepper discussion thread on Tea Party Community, a social network marketed as a conservative alternative to Facebook, I once saw a rousing discussion about navigating the tricky business of armed combat while confined to a mobility scooter. In that particular hypothetical scenario, individuals were discussing the best ways to kill NATO peacekeeping forces. These are real peop 1517730;1470846332;asciilifeform;le, and they live in your city.' 1517731;1470846359;asciilifeform;( http://motherboard.vice.com/read/i-used-to-write-apocalypse-survival-guides , confessions of pay-per-word spamola pinoy, supposedly ) 1517732;1470846423;mircea_popescu;d;oh. 1517733;1470846432;asciilifeform;scooter!!1111 1517734;1470846465;mircea_popescu;nothing quite as lulzy as the libertard waking up to the cold reality that a) nobody likes him ; b) everyone wants him dead and, AND, paramountly, c) his "being nice" has exactly 0 impact on a and very slight impact on b. 1517735;1470846525;asciilifeform;the 'being nice' delusion is confined to a small set of ustardz 1517736;1470846542;mircea_popescu;not so small. 1517737;1470846572;asciilifeform;generally, the courtly kabuki nonsense caste 1517738;1470846583;phf;the progression from "feel the bern" to "Hillary just so it's not trump" to "ohmygod there's trump stickers everywhere outside of my panera bread plaza :o:o:o" 1517739;1470846588;asciilifeform;(womanities phd, managerial apparatchiks, etc.) 1517740;1470846615;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's like 2/3 of the country yo. 1517741;1470846632;asciilifeform;2/3 of lowell, mass., possibly. 1517742;1470846634;asciilifeform;not of country. 1517743;1470846635;mircea_popescu;the net result of a collection of idiots whose bills are paid by govt being... the collection itself. 1517744;1470846683;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform black people are like 11.5%. of those, two thirds are wiggers, and the remainder just too obtuse to admit to it, wank it to "rap" and otherwise try to show up on time for work. 1517745;1470846686;mircea_popescu;most of the country. i tell ya. 1517746;1470846763;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : jsawk is like awk, but for json. 1517747;1470846777;asciilifeform;lolwut 1517748;1470846778;mircea_popescu;this spoon is like spoon, but for soup. 1517749;1470846779;asciilifeform;WHY 1517750;1470846788;mircea_popescu;because.most.of.the.country. 1517751;1470846790;mircea_popescu;that's why. 1517752;1470846959;ben_vulpes;oh oh! relatedly. jq doesn't do ints. floats only. cuz reezuns. 1517753;1470846970;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there are no ints in js. 1517754;1470846971;asciilifeform;period. 1517755;1470847021;phf;i know there are all these asm.js extensions that add uint32 and such 1517756;1470847022;ben_vulpes;in json you mean? or are you talking about the jslib 'jquery'? 1517757;1470847030;asciilifeform;javascript. 1517758;1470847036;mircea_popescu;the language ben_vulpes 1517759;1470847036;phf;ben_vulpes: stock javascript doesn't have integers. 1517760;1470847045;ben_vulpes;'jq' is this mostly-c-thinger that parses json. 1517761;1470847065;ben_vulpes;i mean hey that's pretty amusing as well, that js doesn't have ints. 1517762;1470847087;phf;ben_vulpes: json also doesn't have integers 1517763;1470847098;phf;ben_vulpes: http://json.org/number.gif 1517764;1470847153;ben_vulpes;everything is so gross 1517765;1470847165;ben_vulpes;"but you can just staple a bunch of digits together and make an int, right? RIGHT?" 1517766;1470847227;PeterL;why not just use strings of ints, it's the same thing, right? 1517767;1470847338;phf;ben_vulpes: well, json integer is number without fractional part, but from my reading of "standard" it's not mandatory to treat number as such. as far as numerics it has type "number", which is up to client to interpret. here on rum island we do not believe in rum 1517768;1470847351;mircea_popescu;lol 1517769;1470847548;ben_vulpes;hah! 1517770;1470847609;asciilifeform;i suppose this here is the kind of 'standard' that makes mircea_popescu reach for his pistol when he hears word 'standard'. 1517771;1470847638;mircea_popescu;fine example. 1517772;1470847654;phf;everything i need to know about javascript i learned from mochikit, which was written by a bunch of sane hackers back before "javascript library" was a thing. ~first~ thing they implemented is comparator, iterator and printer protocols (they gave up on numerics as braindead). because javascript doesn't have those. they were also the last ones who even bothered to. 1517773;1470847738;asciilifeform;https://libraries.mit.edu/archives/exhibits/purse << related. 1517774;1470847757;asciilifeform;'In 1921 the management of Arthur D. Little, Inc., of Cambridge, Mass., issued a small report describing the methods employed by the firm's chemists to create "silk" from pork byproducts. The idea behind this surprising and not very practical experiment was to prove that something said to be impossible was, with sufficient effort and ingenuity, attainable. As the report notes, the old adage "you can't make a silk purse of a sow's ear 1517775;1470847757;asciilifeform;" had been used for years to discourage inventiveness and enterprise. "We resolved...to prove that it was false, and we have done so. We have made a silk purse of a sow's ear."' 1517776;1470847776;asciilifeform;same folks who floated a... lead balloon. 1517777;1470847804;mircea_popescu;the lead balloon i believe. trivial fluid dynamics. 1517778;1470847807;mircea_popescu;the silk however i do not. 1517779;1470847832;*;asciilifeform has not attempted replication 1517780;1470847889;mircea_popescu;fibroin is part of insect metabolism ; not really part of mammals. 1517781;1470847948;PeterL;it's just a protein, you could get the amino acid building blocks from pigs and synthesize it 1517782;1470847959;mircea_popescu;it's glycine-alanine polymer. 1517783;1470847971;mircea_popescu;you can make it synthetically at considerable cost ; but not really out of sow's ear. 1517784;1470848014;PeterL;chemically digested and separated pigs ear - debatable wether that would still be a pig ear 1517785;1470848016;asciilifeform;according to their article ( https://libraries.mit.edu/archives/exhibits/purse/index1.html ) it was simply protein glue, pumped through extruder, and 'silk' only in appearance. 1517786;1470848018;shinohai;http://archive.is/IGghR <<< hilarious, "we get 0% loan from you, the customers!" 1517787;1470848043;asciilifeform;shinohai: blank page 1517788;1470848051;mircea_popescu;PeterL sow-killed-and-fed-to-mulberry-tree-leaves-fed-to-silkwork silk purse from pig ear prolly dun qualify. 1517789;1470848077;shinohai;http://archive.is/aIGqw 1517790;1470848119;asciilifeform;^ largely unreadable 1517791;1470848140;PeterL;see also most labels of materials "made from natural products" listed as a selling point 1517792;1470848149;shinohai;lemme resubmit, snapshillbot is failing me 1517793;1470848171;asciilifeform;PeterL: about as precious as a dry cleaning shop i walked by once, advertising the use of 'strictly organic solvents!' 1517794;1470848174;shinohai;fuck, here's the page https://www.bitfinex.com/bfx_token_transfers 1517795;1470848227;PeterL;carbon tetrachloride is an organic solvent, they don't lie 1517796;1470848305;PeterL;I would never use an inorganic solvent like dihydrogen monoxide to clean clothes! 1517797;1470848361;mircea_popescu;water is organic innit ? 1517798;1470848369;PeterL;no carbons 1517799;1470848382;mircea_popescu;(organic = "any compound of these elements") 1517800;1470848394;mircea_popescu;oh it has to have carbon ? so co is organic ; h20 inorganic ? 1517801;1470848396;asciilifeform;traditionally implies a C. 1517802;1470848409;mircea_popescu;my definition was "any compound of elements from this list". 1517803;1470848421;PeterL;organic === has carbon (except carbon monoxide and dioxide are considered inorganic) 1517804;1470848429;asciilifeform;take it up with wohler, not me. 1517805;1470848434;mircea_popescu;well so then no === more like ~= 1517806;1470848450;mircea_popescu;is HCl organic ? 1517807;1470848452;PeterL;depends on your symbol table, neh? 1517808;1470848466;PeterL;HCl is inorganic, it has Cl not C 1517809;1470848474;mircea_popescu;oic how it is 1517810;1470848478;mircea_popescu;regexp-unfriendly! 1517811;1470848492;PeterL;chemistry was invented before regex 1517812;1470848523;PeterL;at least they switched to alphabetic chemical symbols instead of the weird ones they used in alchemy 1517813;1470848553;mircea_popescu;there is that... 1517814;1470848574;asciilifeform;PeterL: did they ever actually update the Official chirality rules to accomodate 6,6-chiralane ? 1517815;1470848583;asciilifeform;which, recall, has no chiral centres, yet is chiral. 1517816;1470848587;asciilifeform;broke quite a few proggies. 1517817;1470848588;mircea_popescu;im guessing the cno cycle is also organic. 1517818;1470848635;mircea_popescu;this incidentally might make the basis for an excellet sf piece. a sentient star! 1517819;1470848639;PeterL;chirality centers are just a trick of the imagination to help students, the chirality property is actually of the whole molecule (or so one of my professors tried to explain to me once) 1517820;1470848648;mircea_popescu;cno cycle playing the role of citric acid cycle in mammals. 1517821;1470848751;asciilifeform;PeterL: well yes, the non-superimposability of the thing when rotated through 4th d. on itself. 1517822;1470848783;asciilifeform;PeterL: but the traditional heuristic was that no compound can be chiral unless it has one or more chiral centres. 1517823;1470848806;asciilifeform;(C with 4 non-identical substituents.) 1517824;1470848867;asciilifeform;http://www.chem.ucalgary.ca/courses/350/Carey5th/Ch07/ch7-3.html << the nonsense is still, apparently, taught. 1517825;1470848870;asciilifeform;as it was taught to me. 1517826;1470848935;PeterL;there are a few organometalic that are tricky because they have sort of "chiral surfaces" instead of points, there are some interesting examples out there 1517827;1470849008;PeterL;I seem to remember there are things like F-HC=C=CH-F which are chiral too 1517828;1470849052;PeterL;Might need to be F-HC=C=CH-Cl 1517829;1470849097;asciilifeform;http://petitjeanmichel.free.fr/itoweb.petitjean.graphs.html << for n00bz 1517830;1470849108;asciilifeform;'The central atom is an undistorted tetrahedral sp3-hybridized carbon bearing four rigorously identical homochiral substituents. [6.6]Chiralane has all the direct rotational symmetries of the regular tetrahedron, but none of its mirror symmetries or higher order improper symmetries.' 1517831;1470852183;mircea_popescu;$up sedition 1517832;1470852183;deedbot;sedition voiced for 30 minutes. 1517833;1470852271;sedition;Thanks much. Saw the channel on NoSuchlAbs and thought I would idle for a bit. 1517834;1470852407;jurov;https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity16/technical-sessions/presentation/svenda 1517835;1470852418;jurov;"The Million-Key Question—Investigating the Origins of RSA Public Keys" 1517836;1470852461;jurov;^ analyse distribution of primes and moduli 1517837;1470852625;mircea_popescu;sedition consider registering your pgp key with deedbot. 1517838;1470852632;asciilifeform;guess who and what isn't once mentioned, trololololol. 1517839;1470852645;asciilifeform;in that usenix paper. 1517840;1470852669;mircea_popescu;doesn't load. 1517841;1470852675;sedition;mircea_popescu: Noted. Thanks much for the info. 1517842;1470852707;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/ihgcT < likeso. 1517843;1470852763;asciilifeform;https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity16/sec16_paper_svenda.pdf << subj. 1517844;1470852772;mircea_popescu;no ty. 1517845;1470852812;asciilifeform;dump it to a printer, there is some lulz re obviously braindamaged rng etc. 1517846;1470852850;mircea_popescu;i can't summon the interest. "vague discussion of a topic that previously didn't exist for reasons we won't discuss by people who aren't qualified to participate" 1517847;1470852883;mircea_popescu;what happened to the fucking magic rays now. 1517848;1470852926;asciilifeform;mega-psynetic powers, reading without reading. 1517849;1470852981;asciilifeform;there is discussion of the idiot high-bits-of-prime trimming, and the like. 1517850;1470853000;mircea_popescu;eh let them fix their broken http. 1517851;1470853072;asciilifeform;there is no html version of the thing. 1517852;1470853077;asciilifeform;to begin with. 1517853;1470853084;mircea_popescu;problem solved! 1517854;1470853252;asciilifeform;i'll say that this is the first not-wholly-plagiarized paper on subj since bernstein's. 1517855;1470854363;asciilifeform;'In the exceptional case of the Oberthur Cosmo Dual 72K cards, approximately 0.05% of the generated keys shared a specific value of prime q. The flaw was discovered in all three tested physical cards for both 512-bit and 1024-bit keys. The repeated prime value was equal to 0xC000...0077 for 512-bit RSA keys and 0xC000...00E9B for 1024-bit RSA keys. These prime values correspond to the first Blum prime generated when starting from the 1517856;1470854363;asciilifeform; value 0xC000...000 in each case.' 1517857;1470854388;asciilifeform;BUY MOAR DUMBCARDZ!1111 1517858;1470854397;mircea_popescu;do they actually give the value so you can add it ? 1517859;1470854435;asciilifeform;looks like above quote is enough to calculate it... 1517860;1470854449;asciilifeform;though we dun have any ssl certs in phuctor, so it is unlikely to pop any time soon. 1517861;1470854491;mircea_popescu;worth doing anyway. 1517862;1470854512;asciilifeform;definitely, and in the general case. 1517863;1470854544;asciilifeform;it is the kind of crumb i've been searching for. 1517864;1470854579;asciilifeform;thing is, the kind of case described above will phuctor naturally 1517865;1470854584;asciilifeform;without knob-turning 1517866;1470854594;asciilifeform;once the 0.05% end up in the hopper. 1517867;1470854615;mircea_popescu;there's also this 1517868;1470854708;asciilifeform;diddled pgptrons that shit out dupe primes are 'yesterday's' thing. i suspect that the state of the art involves rng that still gives each chumper a unique prime pair, but it can be calculated via some kleptographic clue. 1517869;1470855333;asciilifeform;oberthur, incidentally, is a gigantic vendor of 'payment chip, etc., various mass-market heathen crypto iron. 1517870;1470855375;mircea_popescu;and they obviously work. 1517871;1470855377;asciilifeform;goes right back to the 'soooo you won't spend yer money on konsoomer crud, terrorist? we'll HELP you' 1517872;1470855383;asciilifeform;re cc fraud dynamics. 1517873;1470855537;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-07#913418 << see also. 1517874;1470855537;a111;Logged on 2014-11-07 05:25 asciilifeform: financial memory leak. 1517875;1470859050;mircea_popescu;in other news, check out the epic eff site for spanish noobs : https://ssd.eff.org/es/module/como-usar-pgp-para-windows-pc 1517876;1470859111;asciilifeform;how is this a sadder sack than the english ver ? 1517877;1470859157;mircea_popescu;but it exists in spanish. 1517878;1470859258;asciilifeform;betcha it exists in swahili also. 1517879;1470859277;asciilifeform;one of the favourite, notice, wankages, is to Make Sure No Orc Misses The Light of Enlightenment 1517880;1470859289;asciilifeform;or however it goes. 1517881;1470859382;mircea_popescu;http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-08-10.log.html#t19:54:17 << quite useful on occasion. 1517882;1470861095;asciilifeform;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/08/kansas-couple-sues-ip-mapping-firm-for-turning-their-life-into-a-digital-hell << further floating point lulz 1517883;1470861146;asciilifeform;'Technically, the latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the center spot are 39°50′N 98°35′W. In digital maps, that number is an ugly one: 39.8333333,-98.585522. So back in 2002, when MaxMind was first choosing the default point on its digital map for the center of the U.S., it decided to clean up the measurements and go with a simpler, nearby latitude and longitude: 38°N 97°W or 38.0000,-97.0000. As a result, for the la 1517884;1470861146;asciilifeform;st 14 years, every time MaxMind’s database has been queried about the location of an IP address in the United States it can’t identify, it has spit out the default location of a spot two hours away from the geographic center of the country...' 1517885;1470861174;asciilifeform;'...“countless” law enforcement officials and individuals turning up at their farm day and night looking for links to alleged theft and other supposed crime. ' 1517886;1470863049;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: qntra snarfed a comment of mine containing a youtube link about a week back. just a heads up in case you're sifting through spam. 1517887;1470863158;pete_dushenski;;;later tell davout wd on moving to mauritius. the few ppl i've met from there speak ~the~ mostly lovely, most noble french i've yet encountered. enjoy! 1517888;1470863158;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1517889;1470863423;pete_dushenski;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-37020906 << pretty sure this is how tesla started : "i have a wacko idea" said elon, "we have a whackload of fake paper money" said the obama.gov. whether 'transit elevated bus' has a 15-year++ scam in it remains to be seen, but it looks no worse than the endless miles of surface-level light rail transit edmonton is vapidly installing atm. 1517890;1470863877;pete_dushenski;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/258723592/toasteroid-first-app-controlled-smart-image-toaste << and in other skamz. toasterdoodles! 1517891;1470863938;asciilifeform;can haz programmable branding iron for scamming derps ? 1517892;1470863989;pete_dushenski;they all carry iphones and wear chuck taylors and ray bans, how much more obvious can it be ? 1517893;1470863999;asciilifeform;i have nfi what 2 and 3 are 1517894;1470864000;shinohai;dafuq toasters? 1517895;1470864047;asciilifeform;http://www.kafka.org/index.php?aid=167 << obligatory. 1517896;1470864051;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: an iphone is this calculator/telephone combo that's about the size of a deck of cards, the others are shoes and sunglasses, respectively :P 1517897;1470864114;asciilifeform;'...he pulled out a small leather folder and said, “Our sentence does not sound severe. The law which a condemned man has violated is inscribed on his body with the harrow. This Condemned Man, for example,” and the Officer pointed to the man, “will have inscribed on his body, ‘Honour your superiors.’” The Traveler had a quick look at the man. When the Officer was pointing at him, the man kept his head down and appeared to 1517898;1470864114;asciilifeform; be directing all his energy into listening in order to learn something. But the movements of his thick pouting lips showed clearly that he was incapable of understanding anything. The Traveler wanted to raise various questions, but after looking at the Condemned Man he merely asked, “Does he know his sentence?” “No,” said the Officer. He wished to get on with his explanation right away, but the Traveler interrupted him: “H 1517899;1470864115;asciilifeform;e doesn’t know his own sentence?” “No,” said the Officer once more. He then paused for a moment, as if he was asking the Traveler for a more detailed reason for his question, and said, “It would be useless to give him that information. He experiences it on his own body.”' 1517900;1470864171;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: you missed the ipnoje-is-a-knife thread from a few days ago, didntcha. 1517901;1470864197;pete_dushenski;apparently 1517902;1470864210;pete_dushenski;was on holidays. not caught up on logz. 1517903;1470864252;pete_dushenski;didn't open laptop once in 6 days. barely kept up on a few emailz/sms on mobile. 1517904;1470864304;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1512283 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513157 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1513194 1517905;1470864304;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 18:07 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes et al: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/pnoje_pop.jpg http://www.loper-os.org/pub/pnoje_pop_moar.jpg 1517906;1470864304;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 20:43 asciilifeform: ;;later tell ben_vulpes http://www.loper-os.org/pub/gasbag.jpg << lulzy, old bloated cell from pnoje 1517907;1470864304;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 21:33 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: for bonus gross, the entire inside of the metal cup that comprises the body of the pnoje, is razor-sharp, literally you will not notice as it opens all of your fingers at once 1517908;1470864332;phf;(i fixed the order, i'm so happy about that) 1517909;1470864343;pete_dushenski;phf: nice 1517910;1470864359;asciilifeform;phf: yes, i noticed, worx great 1517911;1470864385;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: caught the later tell about the bloat, missed the blade of death part. aha. 1517912;1470864393;phf;i have a new bot ready too, but i need some stretch where i can hand hold it if it starts acting up to switch 1517913;1470864436;asciilifeform;phf: neato 1517914;1470864496;phf;i need the bot in a fully autonomous state, for the week of burning man 1517915;1470864545;phf;will probably rig up some in-wot "hard reset" c&c 1517916;1470864567;pete_dushenski;https://www.firstthings.com/article/2015/06/against-edenism << for anyone who wants to barf on peter thiel's bible-blasted philosophasty 1517917;1470864597;asciilifeform;somebody wake up danielpbarron ... 1517918;1470864615;ben_vulpes;subject of burning man, girl got a text last night 1517919;1470864633;ben_vulpes;"hey i'll be out of town from aug 25 through sept 6, so if you want to come down south and bring the bambino i'll fly y'all in" 1517920;1470864640;ben_vulpes;visiting gramma 1517921;1470864644;pete_dushenski;;;later tell danielpbarron see ^^^ if you're looking for blog post fodder 1517922;1470864645;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1517923;1470864646;ben_vulpes;to which i "YES PLEASE GO" 1517924;1470864653;asciilifeform;what i'd like to know is why there is not a Freezing Man festival in, e.g., alaska. 1517925;1470864660;asciilifeform;i'd go. 1517926;1470864668;phf;asciilifeform: there is 1517927;1470864669;*;ben_vulpes rummages around for gas mask, loses interest 1517928;1470864702;asciilifeform;phf: eh looks like it's in nyc ? 1517929;1470864710;mircea_popescu;lmao! I BLAME PHF FOR FREENODE OUTAGE TOMORROW. 1517930;1470864721;phf;asciilifeform: frostburn, masontown, west virginia, in february 1517931;1470864721;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: gotta update the mitm on webchat 1517932;1470864726;shinohai;You brought down webchat! 1517933;1470864742;asciilifeform;phf: these dun look like permafrost wastelands to me.. 1517934;1470864743;phf;mircea_popescu: that's what i thought when i saw it too 1517935;1470864780;phf;asciilifeform: it was rough. nothing a frosty crust of sleeping bag as you're trying to get into it 1517936;1470864784;phf;*nothing like 1517937;1470864861;mircea_popescu;oic, ben_vulpes is going to be posting inebriated sluts pix while wife barefoots around the deep souths ? 1517938;1470864960;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_SlAzsXa7E << in other mad scientist dancing with bond rip-off while dancing a merry dance to a song having nothing to do with mongolians news 1517939;1470865000;pete_dushenski;ok, minus one of those 'dance's. twas too much. 1517940;1470865055;pete_dushenski;oh snap there's fresh honey from the rooftop beehive. bbs. 1517941;1470865293;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: more likely tell the mistress the wife demands the entire week and spend it in the lab. 1517942;1470865424;phf;лучше всего иметь и жену, и любовницу. жене сказал, что ушёл к любовнице, любовнице-что остаёшься с женой, а сам в кремль, работать, работать, и работать! -- lenin 1517943;1470865433;asciilifeform;^ 1517944;1470865513;ben_vulpes;mhm! 1517945;1470865613;phf;"it's best to have both wife and mistress. you tell wife, that you went to mistress, you tell mistress, that you're staying with wife, meanwhile -- to kremlin, work, work and work" 1517946;1470865653;ben_vulpes;yeah although i don't actually have a mistress 1517947;1470865675;asciilifeform;afaik neither did lenin 1517948;1470865679;phf;you only say that because your wife reads the log 1517949;1470865774;ben_vulpes;suremebbe 1517950;1470865788;pete_dushenski;lol 1517951;1470865819;ben_vulpes;dunno that i'd be willing to trade the time sink of mistressmgmt for the sweet relaxation of being brought beers and snacks on the hammock after biking home from work 1517952;1470865829;pete_dushenski;kremlin had advantage of no public log. oh rose tinted days were those. 1517953;1470865836;*;ben_vulpes is pathologically lazy 1517954;1470865881;pete_dushenski;are mistresses much to manage ? (open q to tmsr~) 1517955;1470865927;ben_vulpes;nonzero 1517956;1470865929;ben_vulpes;just showing up 1517957;1470865961;ben_vulpes;plus i don't know that i have the energy to disabuse another twenty something of a lifetime of miseducation again 1517958;1470865963;pete_dushenski;so too is dog, cat, goldfish, or what have you 1517959;1470865998;pete_dushenski;there's that. the meat in na needs a hell of a lot of tenderising 1517960;1470866010;asciilifeform;dunno, asciilifeform has pet that creates ~0 work 1517961;1470866092;ben_vulpes;paying attention to pets is work 1517962;1470866100;ben_vulpes;anything that is not sleep is work 1517963;1470866116;ben_vulpes;eating, thinking 1517964;1470866130;phf;salaryman is awake only for the benefit of bossman 1517965;1470866150;phf;salaryman sleeps also for the benefit of bossman, he's restoring strength 1517966;1470866165;ben_vulpes;"machine runs on human fat" 1517967;1470866186;asciilifeform;wasn't ben_vulpes an overseer over a buncha fat engines ? 1517968;1470866209;phf;"так, так, так!" - говорит пулеметчик, "так, так, так!" - говорит пулемет. 1517969;1470866213;asciilifeform;^. 1517970;1470866273;asciilifeform;phf: iirc mircea_popescu quoted a ro version of this. 1517971;1470866304;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: aha 1517972;1470866324;ben_vulpes;fired everyone in a fit of pique after the pokelolz 1517973;1470866338;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501930 1517974;1470866338;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 03:02 ben_vulpes: needless to say, everyone's fired. 1517975;1470866347;asciilifeform;how often this happens ? 1517976;1470866347;pete_dushenski;nuts. 1517977;1470866365;ben_vulpes;well, not entirely serious pete_dushenski 1517978;1470866385;asciilifeform;well if not - why not..? 1517979;1470866398;asciilifeform;how long's it take to get a new java monkey or what were they. 1517980;1470866403;ben_vulpes;had to find convenient excuses first! 1517981;1470866415;asciilifeform;they're what, union labour ? 1517982;1470866418;asciilifeform;what excuses. 1517983;1470866425;ben_vulpes;everyone is union labor in usa 1517984;1470866429;ben_vulpes;"unemployment" 1517985;1470866429;asciilifeform;mno. 1517986;1470866430;pete_dushenski;'short of work' 1517987;1470866490;ben_vulpes;eh, not really * monkey. more paratroopers to parachute into whatever and take arbitrary pillboxen. 1517988;1470866536;BingoBoingo; ;;later tell BingoBoingo can you identify this weed ? >> http://www.loper-os.org/pub/whatisit.jpg << Yucca, often intentionally grown as an ornamental. 1517989;1470866549;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: no ? 1517990;1470866558;asciilifeform;yucca dun have the fruit thing 1517991;1470866586;asciilifeform;looks nothing like it 1517992;1470866637;asciilifeform;or... 1517993;1470866637;asciilifeform;hm. 1517994;1470866646;asciilifeform;yucca filamentosa ? 1517995;1470866703;BingoBoingo;yucca makes that fruit 1517996;1470866777;BingoBoingo;Anyways roots far too deep to dig. Responds to glyphosate. Responds very quickly to glyphosate/triclophyr mix often sold as "poison ivy" killer. 1517997;1470866841;asciilifeform;is that thing any good to eat ? 1517998;1470866864;phf;ben_vulpes: did you really? :o 1517999;1470866978;ben_vulpes;phf: yeah, p. sick of services biz. 1518000;1470866998;phf;we had to get rid of entire support department for being https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSjLiQxEZlM it was highly amusing to observe the chaotic legal flailing that followed 1518001;1470867079;phf;"i want 40 days of outstanding pto" "your own calendar says you took 60 days already, so you should be paying us" "..." 1518002;1470867087;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1518003;1470867089;ben_vulpes;> because i have no shame or self-awareness! 1518004;1470867090;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I dunno, but I accidentally defeated two of the things last year with overspray from actual target weed. 1518005;1470867091;ben_vulpes;oh god 1518006;1470867094;ben_vulpes;so painfully true 1518007;1470867133;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it isn't even in my yard, or on my street, but i do walk by it occasionally and think 'cucumber' 1518008;1470867147;asciilifeform;or rather, 'zombie cucumber', which i initially misidentified it as 1518009;1470867166;phf;ben_vulpes: that video is now the prism through which i see majority of millennials. our support team were literally like this, down laugh, awkwardness, and the painful "whiteness". 1518010;1470867166;asciilifeform;(datura stramonium) 1518011;1470867175;pete_dushenski;http://thenextweb.com/gadgets/2016/08/08/thermostats-can-now-get-infected-with-ransomware-because-2016/ << lol. "gimme your money, punk, or you'll never see your precious a/c again!" 1518012;1470867241;pete_dushenski;thermostat ransomware is sure to be a hit everywhere other than san fran where it's 20c year-round 1518013;1470867293;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: ransomware on a fiddybux machine ? 1518014;1470867310;asciilifeform;that stores, what, 7 bits of user input , ever ? 1518015;1470867312;ben_vulpes;> I'll stay because i'm full of unearned confidence! 1518016;1470867346;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: 'nest' is like $330 1518017;1470867362;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: and has no reset button ? 1518018;1470867375;pete_dushenski;doubtful 1518019;1470867378;asciilifeform;lel 1518020;1470867580;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: qntra snarfed a comment of mine containing a youtube link about a week back. just a heads up in case you're sifting through spam. << Youtube disallowed, too far in the past to dig out of anywhere. Resubmit. 1518021;1470867675;phf;"no external links unless they are in mp's host file" 1518022;1470867683;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: all good. couldn't have been that important. 1518023;1470867810;pete_dushenski;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-08-02/samsung-unveils-iris-reading-note-7-to-keep-apple-at-a-distance << as per asciilifeform's prediction 1518024;1470867843;pete_dushenski;"The iris-scanning technology, which relies on an infrared camera lens mounted on the front of the phone, can also be used to unlock a secure folder within the Android operating system. Users can store sensitive documents and apps in the directory, which remain encrypted even if the phone is unlocked. Iris-detection is fast, identifying a registered face and unlocking the device in less than a second duri 1518025;1470867843;pete_dushenski;ng a demonstration in London." 1518026;1470867877;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-02#1512625 << oblig 1518027;1470867877;a111;Logged on 2016-08-02 00:52 asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/einsatzgruppen_jewdetector.png 1518028;1470867890;pete_dushenski;lol that. 1518029;1470867913;pete_dushenski;but for konsoomer! 1518030;1470867929;pete_dushenski;nao moar aksesabel 1518031;1470867949;pete_dushenski;buttsexable too 1518032;1470867968;ben_vulpes;phf: fired whole department? well done 1518033;1470867983;ben_vulpes;ideally you want to hang on to 2 or 3 of the meekest so they can tell the story to the next round of draftees 1518034;1470868052;ben_vulpes;"take more than a week of your PTO and they FIRE THE WHOLE DEPARTMENT!" 1518035;1470868229;phf;nah, they were all pampered, a kindness they took for weakness. next round will simply be on tighter specs-- "clock in/clock out", "this many days off", etc. 1518036;1470868415;phf;one guy was convinced we'll let him open a uk department (he's ~support~, answers tickets, but has a degree in business something or other), wouldn't let the thought go even after told no multiple times. he would schedule meetings on behalf of company with various uk foundations, etc. he had a meeting with richard branson as part of handful "young entrepreneurs", to talk about, yes, moving the company to uk. 1518037;1470868493;phf;there's some kind of massive delusion going with these people, that even video above doesn't fully do justice 1518038;1470868494;ben_vulpes;whoa that last tidbit sounds insanely familiar 1518039;1470868618;ben_vulpes;lol ofc it was in the logs 1518040;1470868635;ben_vulpes;yeah nuts these kids 1518041;1470868644;phf;possibly because i might've ranted about it before. anyway, gate gate paragate.. 1518042;1470868688;ben_vulpes;and it's hysterical that i should say "these kids" because wtf i'm younger than many of the worst specimens i've met 1518043;1470868841;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski> are mistresses much to manage ? (open q to tmsr~) << no. the whole point of the fucking mistress is that she's a negative management cost. she helps with the wife ; and if the wife's any good she helps with the mistress etc. 1518044;1470868930;mircea_popescu;phf the unending lulz of gunner being "pulemetchik" will never be explained. 1518045;1470868945;mircea_popescu;(literally, dicksfuckarounder or something) 1518046;1470868971;phf;a sort of lesser version of zeus 1518047;1470869014;mircea_popescu;check out BingoBoingo 's botanical experience! 1518048;1470869096;mircea_popescu;phf> ben_vulpes: that video is now << the logs prevail. 1518049;1470869308;ben_vulpes;how do mistress and wife mitigate each others management costs? is this one of those "well you put them in the same room and they just start eating each other out" things? 1518050;1470870191;*;pete_dushenski just learned in the most untimely way possible, in the midst of an unexpected rainshower apparently on his building and his building alone, that his lexus (jay) has 'feature' whereby remote unlock button is held and all windows incl. sunroof open simultaneously. and ofc, he'd sat on the button or something jit. quelle experiment! 1518051;1470870245;BingoBoingo; "no external links unless they are in mp's host file" << Not quite, but basically no links to places spamzors like such as youtube/tumblr/etc without pretty pleasing an approval right after comment is submitted. 1518052;1470871029;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes suppose woman is depressed. much more effectual for you + OTHER WOMAN to tell her a nice story 1518053;1470871031;mircea_popescu;than for you alone. 1518054;1470871084;mircea_popescu;and yes, they teach each other things ; if you're not fucking boring / mommy fixated, you'll end up with very different girls which makes it better. 1518055;1470871453;mircea_popescu;phf> there's some kind of massive delusion going with these people << they were never humiliated. it rots the brain. idiot literally imagines that just because he doesn't understand how the ocmpany is run, then therefore it's not run at all and there';s room for him to pretend it's like washington state cca 1916 and one gets to be mayor just for showing up, population 1 town. 1518056;1470871642;mircea_popescu;"Technology means doing more with less. In the absence of technological progress, we end up with a zero-sum world, in which there must be a loser for every winner. It is not clear whether a capitalistic economic system could function without growth; and it is unlikely that a representative democracy, which requires the give-and-take of win–win compromise, would continue to function." << why hate on the guy ? other than the 1518057;1470871643;mircea_popescu;ludicrous doublespeak (really bitch, it's "win-win" ?), he has it exactly right : 1518058;1470871669;mircea_popescu;the delusion of growth is coming to an end and there's going to be a loser for every winner and a ravished maiden for every satisfied gunner. 1518059;1470871796;ben_vulpes;predicted in the ksr books 1518060;1470872005;mircea_popescu;moreover, who the fuck wants "actual things". will any sane lord trade lordship for ipad ? so that what, you can click on pictures of farms ? like a chicken ? 1518061;1470872023;mircea_popescu;this "trade power for fetish of power so we can fit more shiny happy faux people on the marble" was bullshit since day one. 1518062;1470872052;mircea_popescu;there's a good reason optimism and pedophilia appear indistinguishable in the afflicted, as this inexplicable, howling madness of unfathomable profundity. 1518063;1470872134;mircea_popescu;back at the ranch, i wish to make 10 dollars in a world where the peons make one ; and i specifically do not wish to make a hundred in a world where the peons make ninety. to say nothing of fucking equality ; let alone the hollywoodian imbecilism of lottery winners. 1518064;1470874217;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: (really bitch, it's "win-win" ?) << this, as it happens, it what specifically set off my bullshit alarm. i don't disagree that technology means doing more with less, nor with the place of religion in filling the materialistic voids created by modernity. 1518065;1470874413;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/JjWoO << speaking of religion, latest taleb on the subj. 1518066;1470874629;*;pete_dushenski to the four winds 1518067;1470875142;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1518036 << holy shit 1518068;1470875142;a111;Logged on 2016-08-10 22:33 phf: one guy was convinced we'll let him open a uk department (he's ~support~, answers tickets, but has a degree in business something or other), wouldn't let the thought go even after told no multiple times. he would schedule meetings on behalf of company with various uk foundations, etc. he had a meeting with richard branson as part of handful "young entrepreneurs", to talk about, yes, moving the company to uk. 1518069;1470875349;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1518055 << didn't mircea_popescu have a spiffy article about how healthy male MUST try to fill available cracks, just as water fills a barrel ? 1518070;1470875349;a111;Logged on 2016-08-10 23:24 mircea_popescu: phf> there's some kind of massive delusion going with these people << they were never humiliated. it rots the brain. idiot literally imagines that just because he doesn't understand how the ocmpany is run, then therefore it's not run at all and there';s room for him to pretend it's like washington state cca 1916 and one gets to be mayor just for showing up, population 1 town. 1518071;1470875390;asciilifeform;the duty is on the afflicted's colleagues, to show him that it is not 1916 and he is no mayor 1518072;1470875415;asciilifeform;not on imbecile to somehow (how?) grasp that he is an imbecile (if he could grasp this, we would never know him as one) 1518073;1470875430;asciilifeform;he's be quietly pulling plow somewhere, etc. 1518074;1470875679;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1518050 << is there also a button which takes the wheels off ? thieves want KONSOOMER CONVENIENCE!11111 just as with the roof! 1518075;1470875679;a111;Logged on 2016-08-10 23:03 pete_dushenski just learned in the most untimely way possible, in the midst of an unexpected rainshower apparently on his building and his building alone, that his lexus (jay) has 'feature' whereby remote unlock button is held and all windows incl. sunroof open simultaneously. and ofc, he'd sat on the button or something jit. quelle experiment! 1518076;1470876278;ben_vulpes;shinohai: do *you* have comments working? 1518077;1470876384;shinohai;they were working for me before ben_vulpes , lemme check 1518078;1470876541;shinohai;What fun, my whole site is down 1518079;1470878889;asciilifeform;in other historic lulz, 'In May 1967, "Co$t of Living's" M24-A 20mm cannon vibrated loose causing the weapon to rotate upward and fire into the forward rotor system. The blades separated and the aircraft tumbled to the ground killing all eight crewmembers on board. Then in February 1968, "Birth Control" suffered the destiny of her sisters. "Birth Control" received some bad hits from a gun run and had to auto-rotate into dry rice padd 1518080;1470878889;asciilifeform;ies. "Easy Money" flew in and positioned herself between the enemy and "Birth Control" while rescuing the downed crewmembers.' 1518081;1470878916;asciilifeform;( http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/ach-47.htm ) 1518082;1470881435;mircea_popescu; asciilifeform i did ? 1518083;1470881446;asciilifeform;iirc! 1518084;1470881566;mircea_popescu;link if you find it. 1518085;1470881585;asciilifeform;it might be in this parallel trilema in my head. 1518086;1470881601;mircea_popescu;might be a rose by another name. i'm curious now. 1518087;1470881661;mircea_popescu;in other news http://www.engrish.com/wp-content/uploads//2014/08/bruce-almighty.jpg 1518088;1470881770;ben_vulpes;eminem! 1518089;1470881802;mircea_popescu;oh and speaking of co-op households, http://67.media.tumblr.com/36885e740082180643fdcb36c929a554/tumblr_ne1anyNWuw1tpmcueo1_500.gif 1518090;1470881868;ben_vulpes;coopertittin 1518091;1470883202;phf;$s http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/475 1518092;1470883202;a111;0 results for "http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/475", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Feprint.iacr.org%2F2016%2F475 1518093;1470883234;phf;"With an Internet-wide scan we identified 184 HTTPS servers repeating nonces, which fully breaks the authenticity of the connections." "Furthermore we discovered over 70,000 HTTPS servers using random nonces, which puts them at risk of nonce reuse if a large amount of data is sent over the same connection." from mr. bock 1518094;1470883855;asciilifeform;pilin' on the crapolade 1518095;1470883868;asciilifeform;anything to keep folks from talking about That Which Shall Not Be Talked About. 1518096;1470885087;mircea_popescu;somehow the "184 servers were probably planted by you on the interwebs" line forgot to be mentioned in response, i assume ? 1518097;1470885104;mircea_popescu;da fuck, you can probably find 100 servers that fedex you banana peels. 1518098;1470885413;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, in more "truly the internet is fucking tiny and broadly irrelevant" news : largest twitch-influencer (syndicate) serves about... 1k views/day. meanwhile at hallucination farms (eg https://archive.is/jQxr9 ) : "Twitch and the global economy" ; "Twitch Talent Agents" "David Goldberg, of New York and Hong Kong-based agency Flood Gaming said that Amazon buying Twitch made him realize there was real money to be made her 1518099;1470885413;mircea_popescu;e. He believed Flood Gaming was ideally placed to broker deals between Twitch stars and corporate brands." 1518100;1470885442;mircea_popescu;saying it makes it true to an outstanding level, not even reached by most altcoins. 1518101;1470885512;mircea_popescu;"The line was for TwitchCon merchandise. T-shirts were $22 – $25. The next day they were $150 on eBay." right, right "were". how many fucking sold ? "I CAN DO ANYTHING! I'VE NEVER BEEN PUNCHED!" 1518102;1470885765;mircea_popescu;and from same rag (different topic, same overblown style), here's a shot of barefoot princessa with her totally-not-feeling-this taller hotter friend : https://instagram.fgig1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/t51.2885-15/e35/11240691_839766102810983_1308477495_n.jpg 1518103;1470885809;asciilifeform;wat 1518104;1470885822;mircea_popescu;eggog ? 1518105;1470885828;asciilifeform;aha! 1518106;1470885839;asciilifeform;Еггог!!1 1518107;1470885981;mircea_popescu;"Lindsay is candid about how she makes her career choice work. It’s about grafting, and having a heavy social media presence. She runs a busy Facebook, Twitter and instagram page, and has held a Reddit AMA that received 796 comments." 1518108;1470886003;mircea_popescu;796, you realise. almost enough to be the 3rd elected alderman in shitown stickville. 1518109;1470886027;ben_vulpes;> grafting 1518110;1470886034;ben_vulpes;actual bribery? 1518111;1470886036;mircea_popescu;by now these idiots are so infatuated with their own "SOCIAL MEDIA!!! HUGE!!!" gargle they don't even comprehend numbers. "it's a number, so it's huge, righht ?" 1518112;1470886045;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i suspect they meant the grift not the graft. 1518113;1470886056;mircea_popescu;kids today, not only illiterate but also deaf. 1518114;1470886076;asciilifeform;iirc we even had this grandiose 796 beat... 1518115;1470886093;mircea_popescu;yes, but we're men with jobs, jerry. and secretaries! 1518116;1470886185;mircea_popescu;"Most cosplayers are shy about revealing their exact numbers, so we sourced some from industry experts. Cosplay Photographer Don McCaskill said that a low day rate is $75 to $300 for a cosplayer." 1518117;1470886196;*;ben_vulpes did not realize that griftering was a noble calling these days! 1518118;1470886202;ben_vulpes;must be horrendously out of the time. 1518119;1470886203;mircea_popescu;jesus fuck. a set is an hour and a half, and while not the multi-k figures, it still pays 4-500 ish. 1518120;1470886231;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's an actual professional calling, unlike all this shit. respectable if done well. 1518121;1470886234;ben_vulpes;phf: i will kick your bot over while you're at the burn if nobody else has/will step forward 1518122;1470886246;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: just like scamzoring! 1518123;1470886253;mircea_popescu;nah. 1518124;1470886271;asciilifeform;waiwat, i thought 'cosplay' was a hobby thing? 1518125;1470886279;mircea_popescu;the grift works towards a specified target. scamzoring is just low effort whaling, trying to eat the copepods that socialist state redistribution produces. 1518126;1470886287;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so is programming. 1518127;1470886305;asciilifeform;well when pro it is called 'actor' neh? 1518128;1470886329;mircea_popescu;"And a lot of income comes from merchandise sales. McCaskill estimates that “top tier” cosplayers might make around $70-125,000 a year. Breaking this down, if a cosplayer attends 26 conventions a year and sells 100 prints (a low number) per weekend for $20, that’s $52,000 a year. Minus costs (makeup, equipment, photography shoots) that sounds pretty sweet. And this is North America. The Asian market is much larger and s 1518129;1470886330;mircea_popescu;ome of its stars – like Alodia Gosiengfiao (5 million plus facebook fans) might easily pull in a high six-figure income." << THIS. 1518130;1470886332;mircea_popescu;this is it. game over. 1518131;1470886347;mircea_popescu;the definitive statement ; "and this is romania - in moscow they must be having it better!" 1518132;1470886381;mircea_popescu;"tell you what, pack of cards counts 52, so call it 52 THOUSAND. and this is america." 1518133;1470886429;mircea_popescu;somehow they don't even notice this. "why aren't you in asian then ???" "oh, from ohio to la was long enough a trip for me!" 1518134;1470886430;asciilifeform;'ameeerikka! cocacola, sometimes war!' (tm) (r) (rammstein) 1518135;1470886508;mircea_popescu;if that ever existed outside of local popular imagination, it's long gone. 1518136;1470886538;asciilifeform;it existed on vhs! 1518137;1470886555;mircea_popescu;yeah well the city of amazon alien mutant dinos also. 1518138;1470886559;asciilifeform;that mircea_popescu watched, and asciilifeform watched 1518139;1470886562;asciilifeform;aha. 1518140;1470886708;mircea_popescu;"Lindsay’s costs are mostly for costumes. Prices vary, depending on complexity. Her favorite costume, Game of Thrones Cersei Lannister cost $200 (and didn’t sell many prints). For this she used upholstery fabric at $30 a yard." << im trying to recall when it was i bought a woman an outfit for less than $200. wtf. 1518141;1470886725;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is going on in this america, they dress out of an hour's work ? 1518142;1470886746;mircea_popescu;what do they do with the other 199 hours in a month 1518143;1470886845;asciilifeform;rent 1518144;1470886854;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1518145;1470886856;asciilifeform;&tax. 1518146;1470886978;mircea_popescu;https://www.twitch.tv/lindsayelyse 1518147;1470886998;mircea_popescu;dude... i'd pay a mn a year to just not be her. 1518148;1470887010;mircea_popescu;wtf, someone somewhere actually believes someone could conceivably want this ?! 1518149;1470887020;mircea_popescu;look at that fucking schedule! 1518150;1470887047;mircea_popescu;is she on tour or some shit ? no fucking rock band made their own costumes out of $200 to go on tour. ffs. 1518151;1470887105;asciilifeform;is this one of those chix who films whole life with webcam? 1518152;1470887115;asciilifeform;incl. bathroom, fuck room, etc ? 1518153;1470887127;asciilifeform;or what am i seeing 1518154;1470887133;mircea_popescu;i suspect she's a super-soft camho. non-nude. 1518155;1470887151;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have nfi, i'm trying to make sense of nonsense over here and it spills. 1518156;1470887182;asciilifeform;i watched many hours of ru blokes cutting metal on youtube, at least i learned sumthing 1518157;1470887265;asciilifeform;(incidentally 0 - afaik - extant footage of a chick doing it..) 1518158;1470887276;mircea_popescu;all i see so far - is that softening the grip on IP is actually more harmful to human life than keeping it tight. this entire cosplay thing exists essentially because the various "ip holders" aren't nearly as vigorous as they were in the 70s (good fucking luck doing "your own version of mickey mouse/donald duck" because "you think you look like them" and then - horror of horrors!!11!!1 - selling fucking tschotchkes) 1518159;1470887351;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l! for some reason i pictured them paying royalties to mpaa or the like 1518160;1470887363;mircea_popescu;i think not. 1518161;1470887375;ben_vulpes;bwahaha teh naivte really asciilifeform ? 1518162;1470887410;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: hey i am still half an hour into digesting this very idea, of 'pro cosplayer' 1518163;1470887420;ben_vulpes;anyways notion of IP outside of wot and outside of "i will negrate you if you rip me off" is fundamentally broken. 1518164;1470887437;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes how about "your parents will lose the house" 1518165;1470887453;mircea_popescu;course with the current derps ... "haha they already lost it - i went to college" 1518166;1470887455;ben_vulpes;in context of fiat enforcement regime or wot? 1518167;1470887473;mircea_popescu;in context of "why there weren't a buncha derpy 20yo chicks running around dressed as minnie in 1976" 1518168;1470887500;ben_vulpes;that's so far removed from sensible contextualization to be a worthless question 1518169;1470887507;ben_vulpes;dude there was no internet 1518170;1470887507;mircea_popescu;yeah ok. 1518171;1470887514;mircea_popescu;so ? 1518172;1470887521;ben_vulpes;ergo no fandom 1518173;1470887523;ben_vulpes;well, "web" 1518174;1470887529;mircea_popescu;and your dad didn't fuck ? 1518175;1470887547;mircea_popescu;fandom pre-internet was HUGE. 1518176;1470887554;mircea_popescu;$google samantha fucking fox 1518177;1470887555;deedbot;http://www.xvideos.com/video14887049/king_paul_samantha_fox_in_classic_fuck_video << King Paul, Samantha Fox in classic fuck video - XVIDEOS.COM | http://mediamatters.org/video/2016/04/26/full-frontal-s-samantha-bee-rips-fox-hosts-criticizing-plan-put-harriet-tubman-20-bill/210096 << Full Frontal's Samantha Bee Rips Fox Hosts For Criticizing Plan To ... | http://www.xvideos.com/video11486525/serena_vanessa_del_rio_samantha_fox_in_vintage_fuck_scene << Se 1518178;1470887603;ben_vulpes;i lack the context to understand the link 1518179;1470887609;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1518180;1470887641;mircea_popescu;let's just say the internet didn't invent the fandom. it moreover killed it. 1518181;1470887708;mircea_popescu;(samantha fox was this chick posing for the sun "page 3 girl" as a 15yo, built a huge following. perhaps the last of a lengthy tradition of fetish/pin-up idols starting with... < fill in) 1518182;1470887709;ben_vulpes;point taken 1518183;1470887764;mircea_popescu;marylin monroe ? no, earlier! bettie page ? EVEN EARLIER! mata hari ? EARLIER STILL! 1518184;1470887777;mircea_popescu;they had it in revolutionary france. it's been around for a while. 1518185;1470887791;ben_vulpes;huh 1518186;1470887798;ben_vulpes;what /did/ happen. 1518187;1470887838;asciilifeform;there are still folx ready to fuck the dessicated mummy of mata hari. 1518188;1470887839;mircea_popescu;this trope is older than dirt. 1518189;1470887841;ben_vulpes;what, samantha fox enforced her ip 'rights' and the other girls didn't? 1518190;1470887865;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes we're discussing two things. one is the idol, such as the girl herself, corporeal. the other's the ip, such as "princess leila". 1518191;1470887881;mircea_popescu;because of a weakening of corporate grip on ip, the two are mixing, to the detriment of everyone involved 1518192;1470887883;mircea_popescu;is the observation. 1518193;1470887887;ben_vulpes;hm 1518194;1470887924;asciilifeform;what weakening, copyrasty is stronger than ever, mass warez beheading just last week... 1518195;1470887942;ben_vulpes;no more slutty mcsluttersons then because they're all being coy while seeking fame prancing around as fiction characters? 1518196;1470888057;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in your dreams, white boy. 1518197;1470888110;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes not even that ; i see nothing here but george costanza's retort to the observation he did no work : "but consider, i am in the smaller office". the chick's not hot, she's average at best. her face's all weird etc. BUT! she makes her own costumes! out of construction paper! 1518198;1470888122;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: just the geniuses who accepted payment via natobank 1518199;1470888134;mircea_popescu;she's ~the chick that gives sorry excuses of teethy blowjobs and buys you beer 1518200;1470888136;asciilifeform;hey it was in völkischer beobachter, must be fact!11111 1518201;1470888200;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: there is still 2 or three years of these wunkderkids for the mpaa to chew through before cockboxmaster or ($seen) Framedragger get their butts off the couch and make a wot-blessed tracker 1518202;1470888209;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes as to the other point - fetishism is still unhealthy. samatha fox was, sex toy or no, still samatha fox. and if someone cornered her in a dark alley and stuck it in her, the rape happened to samantha. 1518203;1470888214;mircea_popescu;but princess leila ? poor her. 1518204;1470888245;ben_vulpes;leila's rape being the ip infringement? 1518205;1470888277;mircea_popescu;do you perceive the difference between "im raping you because i think you're fucking hot" and "i'm raping you because i'm fixated on a character i've decided you represent" ? 1518206;1470888317;mircea_popescu;pro tip : the former don't usually figure in serial killing files. the latter rarely don't figure in serial killing profiles. 1518207;1470888338;ben_vulpes;hm. 1518208;1470888434;asciilifeform;does it make substantial difference to the rapee? 1518209;1470888439;asciilifeform;this why 1518210;1470888450;ben_vulpes;that's kind of where i'm stuck too 1518211;1470888460;mircea_popescu;i think so, yes. 1518212;1470888467;ben_vulpes;maybe the latter is more likely to actually get knifed at the end? 1518213;1470888475;ben_vulpes;by mircea_popescu's claim 1518214;1470888486;mircea_popescu;for one thing. but even without that...insanity is never a good thing in the mix. 1518215;1470888498;ben_vulpes;yeah but homegirl /just got raped/ 1518216;1470888503;mircea_popescu;still not the same. 1518217;1470888529;mircea_popescu;i posit a good comparison is "tb patient spit in your mouth. does it make a difference if you have aids ?" 1518218;1470888532;ben_vulpes;what same, few girls conniseurs of the act. 1518219;1470888540;mircea_popescu;"ewww, spit in mouth" "yes, yes... but..." 1518220;1470888623;ben_vulpes;"you got raped. does it make a difference that you were dressed in your leila costume?"? 1518221;1470888644;mircea_popescu;take one single point of reference, i think it works pars pro toto : "She says that entrepreneurs need to have a thick skin. “Just don’t care” is her advice. She says you need to just keep going – remember, the internet is a cruel and malicious place for a girl in a bikini top and elf ears." 1518222;1470888658;mircea_popescu;the previous set were all about "love and open up to the world and blablabla" 1518223;1470888672;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes but she's not merely DRESSED in the costume. 1518224;1470888686;ben_vulpes;what praytell is she 1518225;1470888770;mircea_popescu;nothing. that's the problem. "but the vast majority who have aligned their psychology with this vector will pursue an impossible fantasy at the expense of their labor and their lives." is the ballas quote. 1518226;1470888803;mircea_popescu;there's no difference between girl who's not hot squeaking her way into modelling job because she's willing to make her own costumes, and that misfortunate math assistant professor i mentioned yonder long ago in the logs and alf prolly still remembers. 1518227;1470888815;asciilifeform;aaah 1518228;1470888827;mircea_popescu;insanity is never a good thing in the mix. 1518229;1470888848;asciilifeform;$s she's a furniture 1518230;1470888848;a111;0 results for "she's a furniture", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=she's%20a%20furniture 1518231;1470888852;asciilifeform;hm 1518232;1470888863;mircea_popescu;what was it, 2014 maybe ? 1518233;1470888961;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-19#761488 1518234;1470888961;a111;Logged on 2014-07-19 03:15 mircea_popescu: now among this dozen, there was a mentally retarded girl. she wasn't badly touched, maybe 80 or so. definitely enough to take care of herself. definitely not enough for high level math. her parents however were i dun recall what academic country gentry, and so they insisted she go. 1518235;1470888974;mircea_popescu;ding. 1518236;1470889118;asciilifeform;sooo the contemplated model has 'princess leia' in the role of visual basic? elevating the marginal? 1518237;1470889131;asciilifeform;to 'enough to be danger to self and others' 1518238;1470889141;asciilifeform;? 1518239;1470889234;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't say elevating. it's an elevator shaft, it ... you know what ? it's mcdevil quickfaust, is what it is. 1518240;1470889239;mircea_popescu;allows people to sell their soul, quick and cheap. 1518241;1470889278;mircea_popescu;if you're gonna sell it, at least sell it in a ditch, fighting to exterminate the jews or to not exterminate the jews or something. 1518242;1470889282;mircea_popescu;ya know ? 1518243;1470889283;BingoBoingo;OMG you stole the name I was gonna give woodchipper when I pick one up 1518244;1470889289;mircea_popescu;lol! 1518245;1470889310;BingoBoingo;Put sign on chipper "Insert Hand for Wish Evaluation" 1518246;1470889320;asciilifeform;lel just as mircea_popescu mentioned jooz i happened to be reading bio of streicher. 1518247;1470889379;mircea_popescu;lulzy thing with him. "why did they draw a hitler moustache on him ??" "nono, he ~wore~ that. it was a fashion at the time. like bell bottoms." "ooh" 1518248;1470889616;ben_vulpes;eeeeeentirely unrelatedly, mircea_popescu is there a way to set post slugs in mp-wp? 1518249;1470889627;mircea_popescu;what's a post slug ? 1518250;1470889646;ben_vulpes;blog/ 1518251;1470889657;ben_vulpes;you know, in case one might want to preserve previous urls 1518252;1470889663;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1518253;1470889676;ben_vulpes;http://trilema.com/ 1518254;1470889680;mircea_popescu;look for any time i typoed a title. the old url still works. 1518255;1470889698;mircea_popescu;a yes, you can name the url anything you wish, just click on it under the title when editing an article 1518256;1470889745;mircea_popescu;there's a Permalink: http://trilema.com/2016/giro-girotondo…bello-il-mondo/ Edit << that button. 1518257;1470889850;ben_vulpes;cool permalink shows up in source but not on the page 1518258;1470889861;mircea_popescu;uh,/ 1518259;1470889918;mircea_popescu;see in settings, permalinks 1518260;1470889929;mircea_popescu;custom structure, /%year%/%postname%/ 1518261;1470889931;mircea_popescu;then it should do it. 1518262;1470889941;ben_vulpes;sweet 1518263;1470889944;ben_vulpes;danke 1518264;1470889997;ben_vulpes;hm so would it be possible to keep the year/month/ for most post titles but override it on a per-post basis 1518265;1470890033;mircea_popescu;likely, but as i've never needed to i don't have it at the ready. 1518266;1470891078;ben_vulpes;mk 1518267;1470891119;ben_vulpes;so here's a dumblarious notion: move all the old html into the webserver root to preserve links, and then make a dummy post for each page that redirects to the correct flat html file 1518268;1470891143;ben_vulpes;part a is trivial, and works, but oh man part b 1518269;1470891566;mircea_popescu;eh just put a htaccess rule from old to new name scheme 1518270;1470891661;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518208 << yes. see : http://trilema.com/2014/consent-is-a-myth-lets-see-how-it-came-to-be/ >> It'd be nice, you know, if one didn't have to go to work encased in ballistic armor, if one didn't have to probe all food items for shit, and if one could rely on the notion that if on the receiving end of a sexual proposition, that proposition stems from something direct rather than from some sort of met 1518271;1470891661;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 04:07 asciilifeform: does it make substantial difference to the rapee? 1518272;1470891716;mircea_popescu;"if i hang, let it be for something i did" 1518273;1470896566;ben_vulpes;http://archive.is/9uTWt << dig the sweet aqua ui widgetry 1518274;1470902075;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4979 1518275;1470902322;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4976 1518276;1470903416;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1518277;1470903418;gribble;Current Blocks: 424667 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 708 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 6 hours, 48 minutes, and 21 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1518278;1470903422;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1518279;1470903432;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 591.55, vol: 5162.64618537 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 587.001, vol: 11302.10087 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 591.5, vol: 30145.15648888 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 593.98, vol: 8502.30713739 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 597.334111, vol: 96760.28270000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 593.32, vol: 1829.30723989 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 595.94, vol: 1220.13295715 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 597.483304, vol: (1 more message) 1518280;1470906972;diana_coman;$key DarkSonic1338 1518281;1470906979;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/9c7bd6a3-9245-4f4d-853d-dce093f7c329/ 1518282;1470925068;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2016/08/10/ircbot-genesis/ << trinque - ircbot-genesis.vpatch 1518283;1470925170;asciilifeform;https://twitter.com/Grurray/status/763734969113907200 << lelz 1518284;1470925960;trinque;ty mircea_popescu for the blogotron. 1518285;1470926144;thestringpuller;now you gotta blog everyday! 1518286;1470926158;*;thestringpuller isn't kidding' anyone. he misses days nonstop. 1518287;1470926239;trinque;I have a backlog of ~/src that'll get me through at least a coupla days :p 1518288;1470926517;asciilifeform;congrats trinque ! 1518289;1470926740;trinque;ty asciilifeform 1518290;1470927211;asciilifeform;sooo i attempted test of https://protonmail.com/blog/openpgpjs-email-encryption as a suspected http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514630 , and discovered that it is plain and simple nonsense, won't import public keys at all! uses only pantomime of pgp 1518291;1470927211;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 15:38 asciilifeform: 'though the pgp keys in question do not import into gpg, they can be imported in a couple javascript pgp-trons: https://www.igolder.com/PGP/encryption/ and http://ianpurton.com/online-pgp/ ...' 1518292;1470927215;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu et al ^ 1518293;1470927359;asciilifeform;it ~exports~ user's pubkey, but does not - as far as i can tell - have a knob for ~importing pubkeys~, checking signatures of incoming messages, etc. 1518294;1470927378;asciilifeform;'trade power for the fetish of power' (tm) (r) (tlp). 1518295;1470927398;thestringpuller;you really trust ~anything~ written in javascript? 1518296;1470927400;asciilifeform;as if browser-based crapola weren't bad enough 1518297;1470927412;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: i was testing it as a potential eater of khadeer-style keys. 1518298;1470927419;thestringpuller;aha 1518299;1470927430;asciilifeform;recall, searching for pgptrons which accept malsigned or otherwise malformed pubkeys. 1518300;1470927499;asciilifeform;initially i missed the www-based crapolade entirely, because it simply did not occur to me that any serious number of people were dumb enough to ~use~ such a thing 1518301;1470927519;asciilifeform;and that anyone might bother targeting it specifically. 1518302;1470927709;thestringpuller;jgarzik was pushing opengpgjs for years 1518303;1470927731;thestringpuller;until he made that tweet danielpbarron archived "gpg needs to die cause grandma can't use it" 1518304;1470927742;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: do you know of a place where one can conveniently test, without putting in actual work, what pubkeys the thing eats ? 1518305;1470927768;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A15EACE4291DE6EAFA302572F54E054491218AF959463E119A212D1F84EAD475 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 145544767271628355021138948218065922887438243793500802858250927035792218021368837104580302613837780224469761940120270148077180710981969418009963290863877670291808435992750304731263006678948717022881724044383602277016851556973015660700026601928834951780095058287489657831666623472681031667044818814731200102877 divides RS 1518306;1470927794;thestringpuller;i've never used opengpg.js but most of those things have some kind of "demo" version so you don't have to touch the code yourself without gloves 1518307;1470927795;asciilifeform;lel for a second i almost expected ^ that to be the protonmail turd i threw in. 1518308;1470927809;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: it doesn't appear to 1518309;1470927819;asciilifeform;anyone willing to test ? 1518310;1470928287;asciilifeform;( http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/6BFB175C42F58F1ABF33255B7DD755C4DE78E5294765EDDBBED2F4B8FDE6B3CF , for the record. and no, they don't let luser adjust key size, it is always 2048, nor the hash - it is always sha256, nor any other knobs save for the username ) 1518311;1470928292;phf;i never grok why some of these javascript libraries don't just provide a demo console. "everything you need is loaded on this page, feel free to run your browser's dev console" 1518312;1470928309;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A15EACE4291DE6EAFA302572F54E054491218AF959463E119A212D1F84EAD475 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 145544767271628355021138948218065922887438243793500802858250927035792218021368837104580302613837780224469761940120270148077180710981969418009963290863877670291808435992750304731263006678948717022881724044383602277016851556973015660700026601928834951780095058287489657831666623472681031667044818814731200102877 divides RS 1518313;1470928309;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CDA444B217B93BD108B3681B3E46D2F81DDE108A156E84E696789DB8D3074A06 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 145544767271628355021138948218065922887438243793500802858250927035792218021368837104580302613837780224469761940120270148077180710981969418009963290863877670291808435992750304731263006678948717022881724044383602277016851556973015660700026601928834951780095058287489657831666623472681031667044818814731200102877 divides RS 1518314;1470928310;asciilifeform;phf: the ones linked earlier (and now referred to in phuctor faq) do. 1518315;1470928336;asciilifeform;lel 1518316;1470928468;phf;i don't think it's the same beast as openpgpjs, since the later does seem to support keys 1518317;1470928514;asciilifeform;phf: it would appear that openwhateverjs supports all of the basic knobs, but the protonmail idiocy did not bother to expose them 1518318;1470928593;phf;cute, protonmail spits "We're hiring! https://protonmail.com/careers" into console 1518319;1470928962;asciilifeform;A15E... , CDA4..., << incidentally, venezuela. 1518320;1470929323;phf;how do i convert a binary key to its armorerd counterpart, without importing into keyring? 1518321;1470929341;asciilifeform;phuctor doesn't shit out 'binary' keys 1518322;1470929345;asciilifeform;or is this from some other place 1518323;1470929415;asciilifeform;iirc it was something like gpg --enarmor foo.gpg 1518324;1470929436;asciilifeform;but if you're using a key exported from phuctor, you never need to do this 1518325;1470929446;asciilifeform;(or from sks, or any sane place) 1518326;1470929467;phf;phuctor seems to be producing "armored files" of keys, where's openpgpjs expectes it to be in "public key block" format 1518327;1470929492;asciilifeform;phf: link to which key ? 1518328;1470929500;phf;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DDDE667282B355D21D9F0E3505442E332AB082F487BFFC440034D11D636FD6A7 1518329;1470929533;asciilifeform;see, each key is what came out of sks or whoever dumped it in. 1518330;1470929539;asciilifeform;in this case, you can replace the header only 1518331;1470929542;asciilifeform;and it will work. 1518332;1470929546;phf;ah 1518333;1470930100;phf;well, i can read the key with proton's opengpg implementation, can't generate one though 1518334;1470930134;asciilifeform;read, and encrypt to it ? 1518335;1470930144;asciilifeform;and try verify sigs, etc ? 1518336;1470930252;trinque;o.O 1518337;1470930641;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, apparently the word 'screw' is censored by some idiot forum app, http://www.foundcollection.com/15_7ebad456d0b67430_1.htm 1518338;1470930665;asciilifeform;'It's annoying to deal with because the motor has to be loosened so that the belt can be removed so that one can get to the set ***on the pulley. If you have the same problem be forewarned that there is a small flat on the spindle shaft that the set***should be aligned with.' 1518339;1470930681;asciilifeform;the well of idiocy is truly bottomless. 1518340;1470931350;mircea_popescu;o hallo alf 1518341;1470931414;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu ! 1518342;1470931436;mircea_popescu;nice fat factors this morn eh. 1518343;1470931453;asciilifeform;the usual 2. 1518344;1470931501;mircea_popescu;i think this may be the longest yet neh ? 1518345;1470931509;asciilifeform;nah 1518346;1470931517;mircea_popescu;311 digits ? we got longer ? 1518347;1470931632;asciilifeform;champ : 126044733741731328742413066718552314382419228167112456334027928884317367999330241024168451126326383475145520025295451544372438227070210798265767098934250820341305937931860061514790268968891523470454082874208728274680634763462042122485524526243688604432591998753006364684812749745538152702859571396997177876337 1518348;1470931647;asciilifeform;(aug. 1) 1518349;1470931668;asciilifeform;today's is in third place. 1518350;1470931684;asciilifeform;after 115689563593438224355064235381090056755163859480449174433830003975037467950966309481394007709292222401673721911305757070903002186880134248491556817065874097861521564574240083326343937488908899708599174992366919884328839153192482261044065875685676447097938344009705169081015113163350134173402351902967563106577 1518351;1470931693;asciilifeform;(april the 30th, 2016) 1518352;1470931763;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1512386 << champ 1518353;1470931763;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 19:47 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 126044733741731328742413066718552314382419228167112456334027928884317367999330241024168451126326383475145520025295451544372438227070210798265767098934250820341305937931860061514790268968891523470454082874208728274680634763462042122485524526243688604432591998753006364684812749745538152702859571396997177876337 divides RSA Moduli belonging to '<>&%"\${}`'deadbeef1; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/617706D7A6FC1817D01 1518354;1470931791;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-26#1252559 << runner-up 1518355;1470931791;a111;Logged on 2015-08-26 14:42 asciilifeform: gcd==115689563593438224355064235381090056755163859480449174433830003975037467950966309481394007709292222401673721911305757070903002186880134248491556817065874097861521564574240083326343937488908899708599174992366919884328839153192482261044065875685676447097938344009705169081015113163350134173402351902967563106577 1518356;1470931808;asciilifeform;^ looks like it was in classic phuctor's set 1518357;1470931822;asciilifeform;so today's is the longest ssh mod busted yet. 1518358;1470931839;asciilifeform;(as neither the gold nor silver medalist was an ssh mod) 1518359;1470931892;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, seems like they moved argentina to egypt: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/markets/2016/08/10/Egypt-closes-48-forex-bureaus-in-black-market-crackdown.html 1518360;1470931904;asciilifeform;'Egypt’s central bank has closed 48 foreign exchange bureaus since the start of the year for trading at black market rates and other violations, banking sources said on Wednesday, as the country tries to end speculation against the Egyptian pound. Egypt has accelerated a crackdown against black market traders it blames for growing pressure to devalue the currency. The dollar is being sold on the black market for about 12.65 to 12.7 1518361;1470931905;asciilifeform;5 Egyptian pounds, according to traders, far more than the official rate of 8.78.' 1518362;1470932035;mircea_popescu;aha. so there. 1518363;1470932076;mircea_popescu;ftr it was 5.5 in 2004. so this would be 250% inflation over a little more than a decade. 1518364;1470932091;asciilifeform;~=usd 1518365;1470932117;mircea_popescu;~8% pa 1518366;1470932131;PeterL;on top of US inflation 1518367;1470932137;mircea_popescu;yes. 1518368;1470932174;mircea_popescu;let it be noted that in a deeply conservative (this means things other than you think - it mostly means stupid, lazy males), mostly rural society inflation is actually a good thing 1518369;1470932183;mircea_popescu;as it dislodges the meat robots from their comforts and forces them into towns. 1518370;1470932194;asciilifeform;stalin waves hello 1518371;1470932197;mircea_popescu;quite so. 1518372;1470932218;mircea_popescu;also how france beat germany in 1800s : inflation was actually a useful governance tool. 1518373;1470932333;asciilifeform;inflation was not a plague dropped down by martians, no. 1518374;1470932410;asciilifeform;rather, sorta the macroeconomic version of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-05#1515459 . 1518375;1470932410;a111;Logged on 2016-08-05 14:26 asciilifeform: tape speed knob did not make the beatles, nor dope made erdos. 1518376;1470932760;*;covertress wishes she had more time to join in such discussions. ^ fascinating. 1518377;1470932809;covertress;good day, mircea_popescu. excuse me please, I'm merely passing through. 1518378;1470932813;mircea_popescu;hello. 1518379;1470932820;covertress;:) 1518380;1470932903;covertress;mircea_popescu, by chance might there be an opportunity for us to meet, either in Toronto (17-18 Aug) or in Shanghai (18-25 Sept)? 1518381;1470932972;covertress;alternately Luxembourg next April 1518382;1470933030;mircea_popescu;or you could just come to ba. 1518383;1470933038;covertress;:) 1518384;1470933054;covertress;perhaps then, as I travel through Europe next year. 1518385;1470933074;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu will have to remember to move ba to europe... 1518386;1470933081;shinohai;lo 1518387;1470933095;asciilifeform;(hopefully he has not misplaced its ignition key) 1518388;1470933121;covertress;lulz all you like, asciilifeform, just implied that it would be in closer proximity 1518389;1470933130;trinque;than?! 1518390;1470933147;covertress;than Shanghai, trinque 1518391;1470933149;mircea_popescu;ba is buenos aires. 1518392;1470933165;mircea_popescu;though it'd appear i'd have liked it better back when it was buenos ayres. 1518393;1470933173;covertress;thank you, mircea_popescu. my apologies. did not know the reference. :O 1518394;1470933197;mircea_popescu;you're lucky with me ; the locals call it "caba". because see, ciudad autonoma! 1518395;1470933198;PeterL;BA and Europe both touch Atlantic, therefore they must be nearby each other 1518396;1470933201;*;shinohai should make a white supremacy group and call it "Buenas Aryans" 1518397;1470933212;mircea_popescu;shinohai why not buenas aryanas ? 1518398;1470933235;mircea_popescu;could be a white-sexual-supremacy group. 1518399;1470933263;shinohai;aha! 1518400;1470933268;covertress;I'll be in touch, mircea_popescu. Perhaps I can alter my return plans from Shanghai. 1518401;1470933268;mircea_popescu;$google "italians do it better" 1518402;1470933269;deedbot;http://italiansdoitbetter.bigcartel.com/ << Italians Do It Better — Home | https://www.facebook.com/ITALIANSDOITBETTER/ << ITALIANS DO IT BETTER | Facebook | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italians_Do_It_Better << Italians Do It Better - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1518403;1470933286;*;covertress waves bye. must run! 1518404;1470933290;mircea_popescu;(ftr, they'd better do IT better, god knows they suck at everything else) 1518405;1470933297;asciilifeform;giro, giro tondo!1111212121 1518406;1470933302;mircea_popescu;werd. 1518407;1470933358;asciilifeform;for some reason ^ is symlinked in my head to kurt vonnegut's 'round and round and round we spin, with feet of lead and wings of tin' 1518408;1470933376;mircea_popescu;justabout, really. 1518409;1470933385;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518284 << o hey it werked ? i'm glad. 1518410;1470933385;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 14:32 trinque: ty mircea_popescu for the blogotron. 1518411;1470933409;mircea_popescu;covertress what's the rush anyway. 1518412;1470933431;mircea_popescu;teh impossible vector beckons ? 1518413;1470933471;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518287 << yeah, get back to me after a year. which, here like in classical college education, is teh minimal qual. 1518414;1470933471;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 14:37 trinque: I have a backlog of ~/src that'll get me through at least a coupla days :p 1518415;1470933516;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518290 << js crypto ? really ? god help us. 1518416;1470933516;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 14:53 asciilifeform: sooo i attempted test of https://protonmail.com/blog/openpgpjs-email-encryption as a suspected http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514630 , and discovered that it is plain and simple nonsense, won't import public keys at all! uses only pantomime of pgp 1518417;1470933533;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see the 'added to faq' thread. 1518418;1470933547;asciilifeform;right now it is the strongest suspect for 'eats rubbish keys' 1518419;1470933547;mircea_popescu;im gettin' there. 1518420;1470933567;asciilifeform;(no version of, e.g., gpg, appears to) 1518421;1470933629;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518311 << because that'd make sense. 1518422;1470933629;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 15:11 phf: i never grok why some of these javascript libraries don't just provide a demo console. "everything you need is loaded on this page, feel free to run your browser's dev console" 1518423;1470933712;covertress;no particular rush, mircea_pepescu, at least from your perspective. 1518424;1470933787;mircea_popescu;hey, you said you gotta run. i gather you aim to be a sort of project manager for some eth fork whatever - bear in mind that nobody ever respects the rushed. you want people to look up to you, never run. 1518425;1470933845;covertress;apologies again but, I have many logistics to rush towards completion prior to my travels. I do not have a secretary yet. 1518426;1470933876;covertress;thank you for the lessson. 1518427;1470933920;covertress;I must indeed go now. Appointments await. 1518428;1470933943;covertress;good day, mircea_popescu :) 1518429;1470933953;mircea_popescu;cheerios. 1518430;1470934061;thestringpuller;secretaries are so corporate. what you need is a chief of staff. 1518431;1470934116;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wtf - censored "screw" ? really ? what's next, do bolt and nail also, be done with it ? 1518432;1470934135;mircea_popescu;joining things together is so oppressive and antilibertarian! all parts must float free into the sunset! 1518433;1470934151;asciilifeform;next to go: 'nail'. 1518434;1470934162;asciilifeform;(hey, one can nail people as well as screw, etc) 1518435;1470934181;mircea_popescu;rifles don't kill people, BOLTS KILL PEOPLE 1518436;1470934195;asciilifeform;nailgunz dun kill people, nails... 1518437;1470934310;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-irc-so-hard/ << Trilema - Why is IRC so hard ? 1518438;1470934314;asciilifeform;they even substituted '***', and not '*****' 1518439;1470934531;mircea_popescu;eerily related to trilema article deedbot spit out. 1518440;1470934536;mircea_popescu;"How does the bitter black fungus keep out the tasty lactic bacteria ? Certainly not directly ; it's a terraforming process you see. Which is why you can't "just want to" : either you permit it or you don't permit it. There's no third option available." 1518441;1470934591;mircea_popescu;obviously, the managerial imbecile didn't specifically aim to make life hard for engineers. nevertheless - it's either one or the other, and if you're not actively oppressing people who know how things should be, you're then therefore actively oppressing people who are curious as to how things actually are. 1518442;1470934595;mircea_popescu;there just isn't a third road. 1518443;1470934894;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-irc-so-hard/#comment-118459 1518444;1470935926;mircea_popescu;answer't! 1518445;1470936161;shinohai;Speaking of "Why is irc so hard" you have another incoming Colombian slut mircea_popescu 1518446;1470936538;shinohai;$up melissasexy 1518447;1470936539;deedbot;melissasexy voiced for 30 minutes. 1518448;1470936550;melissasexy;Hola mircea_popescu aqui estoy para http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-t 1518449;1470936941;mircea_popescu;escribe b58fe7aa sur su tetas melissasexy 1518450;1470936950;mircea_popescu;sur lol. sobre. 1518451;1470936974;melissasexy;ok 1518452;1470937016;mircea_popescu;and in other reach measurement news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/113e64ed3f4c6f73e01e304e13939f0f/tumblr_na6ameigP11qzw1zio1_400.gif 1518453;1470937041;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/overheard-in-my-kitchen/ << Trilema - Overheard in my kitchen 1518454;1470937299;melissasexy;http://i.imgur.com/9fgI51i.png?1 1518455;1470937334;asciilifeform;sc4m!11111 i see 0.5 tit 1518456;1470937349;melissasexy;http://i.imgur.com/9fgI51i.png?1 1518457;1470937354;shinohai;O.o 1518458;1470937403;asciilifeform;y'know, posting 0.5 tit twice, or even 4x, doesn't add up to 1.0 tit 1518459;1470937409;asciilifeform;2.0 1518460;1470937423;mircea_popescu;melissasexy yeah that's not right. look at the other girls, do the same thing. 1518461;1470937438;mircea_popescu;shinohai say it en espanol por favor. 1518462;1470937463;shinohai;On it 1518463;1470937483;asciilifeform;melissasexy: dos tetas completas por favor. 1518464;1470937630;melissasexy;ok 1518465;1470937664;melissasexy;http://i.imgur.com/iLASXvE.png?1 1518466;1470937680;mircea_popescu;nice. address ? 1518467;1470937732;melissasexy;1K266dX8wLM1Fi63C1GeaA8DwAGdLH6BPo 1518468;1470937779;mircea_popescu;sent. 1518469;1470937798;mircea_popescu;shinohai with all this herding experience you're accumulating, you'll be ready to start your own brothel in no time. 1518470;1470937829;melissasexy;gracias 1518471;1470937851;deedbot;http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << trinque - logbot-genesis.vpatch 1518472;1470937859;mircea_popescu;oooo 1518473;1470937979;shinohai;mircea_popescu: :D 1518474;1470937997;shinohai;Sent me an email asking if id help xD 1518475;1470938053;mircea_popescu;check out that wall behind her ; somewhere in colombia there is this multi-layered cam-whoring building, fo sho. 1518476;1470938076;mircea_popescu;sort-of like an indian call center except the girls are naked and instead of chair there's a ~mat. 1518477;1470938081;shinohai;lol 1518478;1470938286;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/#comment-118463 << adjusting payout to 2 bitcents. 1518479;1470938474;shinohai;Ah so she was the last luck girl to get 0.1? 1518480;1470938742;mircea_popescu;aha. 1518481;1470938759;mircea_popescu;hey, they had two years to get shit in order. 1518482;1470940701;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518471 << this is mighty spiffy trinque. is this based on phf's gadget, or a new thing ? 1518483;1470940701;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 17:50 deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << trinque - logbot-genesis.vpatch 1518484;1470940741;trinque;asciilifeform: phf contributed some code that was modified a bit and placed in ircbot 1518485;1470940746;trinque;logbot's something other than a111 1518486;1470940774;asciilifeform;very neat. 1518487;1470940784;phf;though a111 now looks pretty much the same, since i copy pasted a bunch of code 1518488;1470940790;asciilifeform;btw trinque is the 'mp-wp' you are using available somewhere ? 1518489;1470940824;asciilifeform;i would like to crib it. 1518490;1470940856;trinque;asciilifeform: isn't, but I can package it up later. I hand-applied phf's patch to a custom skin mangled from the "classic" skin. 1518491;1470940870;phf;originally i was trying to tame the complexity of all the auth/ghost/join blah by having a state machine, but it got unmanageable, so i unded up dropping back to same approach as in logbot 1518492;1470940877;asciilifeform;exactly what i tried to do in july, but it turned to shit in my midas hands 1518493;1470940891;asciilifeform;(re mpwp) 1518494;1470940919;trinque;I channeled my inner php shitlord and got it to work 1518495;1470940958;*;asciilifeform was ruined for wwwism by programming on systems having actual debuggers... 1518496;1470940975;trinque;imagine my wonder going the other direction :p 1518497;1470940994;asciilifeform;it is a handicap that is perhaps curable, but do i ~want~ it cured. 1518498;1470941004;asciilifeform;as naggum put it, 'do i want to learn to run the deep-fryer ?' 1518499;1470941107;trinque;this is why I went ahead and installed wp-mp instead of finishing the lispy thing I was hacking together. 1518500;1470941112;trinque;web needs to die, not be fixed 1518501;1470941158;trinque;to be replaced by gossiptronic "hey does anyone have the doc with hash X" say 1518502;1470941243;asciilifeform;trinque: 'get doc from dht' is right and proper, but says nothing about the format of said doc 1518503;1470941346;mats;http://www.businessinsider.com/the-dark-side-of-silicon-valley-according-to-a-teenager-who-grew-up-there-2016-8 1518504;1470941355;ben_vulpes;"no formats, no format wars!" 1518505;1470941357;mats;i feel that 1518506;1470941365;ben_vulpes;anyways, i am *still* looking for the comment-fixin patch 1518507;1470941366;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: right, on lispm. 1518508;1470941390;ben_vulpes;but have a mountain of shit to move, and it's not like it's a blocker in any regard 1518509;1470941412;asciilifeform;didn't ben_vulpes already have a blogotron ? 1518510;1470941416;asciilifeform;what was it made of ? 1518511;1470941478;asciilifeform;mats: Bellarmine highschool! l0l! do tell me that it was named for the cardinal 1518512;1470941514;mats;it's a Catholic prep school iirc so probably 1518513;1470941521;asciilifeform;si muove!11111111 1518514;1470941530;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: heinous org export 1518515;1470941562;asciilifeform;i wanna take astronomy class at bellarmine. 1518516;1470941565;asciilifeform;dontcha ? 1518517;1470941617;trinque;asciilifeform │ trinque: 'get doc from dht' is right and proper, but says nothing about the format of said doc << indeed 1518518;1470941625;asciilifeform;anyway mats that piece is a mega-snore, i went to a school just like that one, but on other side of the continent, they are common as dirt 1518519;1470941707;mats;iirc bellarmine is also an all male school, so i hope you enjoy butt stuff 1518520;1470941721;asciilifeform;lel 1518521;1470941744;asciilifeform;http://www.businessinsider.com/harry-reid-on-widening-democratic-hack-my-emails-are-so-boring-not-even-putin-wants-to-read-them-2016-8 << from same rag. 1518522;1470941752;asciilifeform;'"[Trump] is an enabler of Putin, former head of the KGB, and of course is leading all these hacks," Reid said. "It should be a message to America that you can't hold hands with Putin."' 1518523;1470941756;mats;i grew up in sv, can confirm it was weird 1518524;1470941758;asciilifeform;ENABLER!!111111 1518525;1470941760;asciilifeform;wrecker! 1518526;1470941902;trinque;I just want to know who beat Harry's ass a while back. 1518527;1470941950;trinque;his face is still fucked up from it. 1518528;1470942295;asciilifeform;unrelatedly, 1518529;1470942297;asciilifeform;'The continued growth and acceptance of virtual currencies has contributed to increasing exploitation by criminals seeking to sell illegal drugs in the United States. Reporting indicates Colombian TCOs may be using Bitcoin as a tool to conduct TBML schemes between the United States and Colombia. TCOs purchase bitcoins in the United States with drug proceeds and then buy merchandise from the wide range of US-based businesses that acce 1518530;1470942297;asciilifeform;pt bitcoins. The merchandise can include phone and Internet minutes, tickets for events or travel, clothes, or luxury items. The merchandise is shipped to Colombia for resale as in a traditional TBML scheme...' 1518531;1470942316;asciilifeform;( from massive usg lulproclamation, https://www.dea.gov/docs/2015%20NDTA%20Report.pdf ) 1518532;1470942334;asciilifeform;'TBML' is a usgtronic term, 'trade-based money laundry' 1518533;1470943297;asciilifeform;'In January 2014, a teen crossing the US–Mexico border at the San Ysidro POE claimed the two bottles he carried were apple juice. Upon further questioning, the teen volunteered to drink from the bottles and died hours later from acute methamphetamine intoxication.' 1518534;1470943301;asciilifeform;many lulz. 1518535;1470943657;asciilifeform;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/08/11/i-yelled-back-a-few-expletives-racially-charged-trump-t-shirt-dispute-ends-in-attack << in other lulz for BingoBoingo . 1518536;1470945082;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Related In Gawker Media's final week before Ziff Davis takes over opened a "men's magazine" called "the cuck" 1518537;1470945681;shinohai;In honour of Nick Denton I presume? 1518538;1470945726;BingoBoingo;Prolly a Hulk Hogan joke 1518539;1470946576;mats;i wonder how much meth you can dissolve into 240ml of water 1518540;1470946720;PeterL;LD50 about 50 mg/kg, only need 5 g for a 100 kg person, seems reasonable 1518541;1470946853;mats;but how much product was he carrying if it was two 240ml containers? 1518542;1470946855;BingoBoingo;small town "police sergeant" so figure 125-375 kg 1518543;1470946868;BingoBoingo;Oh, different case 1518544;1470946894;*;ben_vulpes saw tactical suspenders on his ride in the other day 1518545;1470946899;PeterL;about .9 mg/mL, so 216 mg each? seems kinda low 1518546;1470946909;ben_vulpes;subject of "police" and "sergeant"s 1518547;1470946942;BingoBoingo;lol 1518548;1470946969;*;BingoBoingo wonders where the fabled guide to motorized wheelchair combat is 1518549;1470947014;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518545 << nobody said it were wholly in solution... 1518550;1470947014;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 20:21 PeterL: about .9 mg/mL, so 216 mg each? seems kinda low 1518551;1470947015;PeterL;but it should be more soluble in acidic solution, so depending on how it was prepared it might be more concentrated than that 1518552;1470947030;asciilifeform;so long as it is in the bottle, and got out 1518553;1470947053;asciilifeform;(consider a bottle of powder, 0 fluid) 1518554;1470947109;PeterL;who is going to claim a powder is apple juice? but yes, would not nescesarily all be dissolved 1518555;1470947163;asciilifeform;fella who would rather croak than go to american jail? will claim. 1518556;1470947475;PeterL;actually, I wouldn't be suprised if meth would dissolve better in apple juice than plain water, so maybe he was telling the truth? 1518557;1470947714;asciilifeform;seems likely that >5g would fit in there, one way or another. 1518558;1470947733;asciilifeform;who the hell would even want to smuggle <5g in a bottle, and why. 1518559;1470947756;asciilifeform;(to sip on the way to work??) 1518560;1470947793;PeterL;right? I guess he didn't realize that it was poisonous in large quantities 1518561;1470947795;asciilifeform;it would be quite fitting if the cartel caught a dea guy, tied him to a pole, and forced to drink whole barrel of whisky 1518562;1470947811;asciilifeform;or coffee. whichever. 1518563;1470948056;PeterL;6.25 gallons of coffee would do it 1518564;1470954747;asciilifeform;;;seen williamdunne 1518565;1470954747;gribble;I have not seen williamdunne. 1518566;1470954824;asciilifeform;'отряд не заметил потери бойца' (tm) (r). 1518567;1470954950;asciilifeform;;;seen polarbeard 1518568;1470954950;gribble;I have not seen polarbeard. 1518569;1470954967;asciilifeform;;;seen punkman 1518570;1470954968;gribble;punkman was last seen in #trilema 12 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 18 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: it does but you need various packages to compile it 1518571;1470954991;asciilifeform;;;seen gabriel_laddel 1518572;1470954991;gribble;gabriel_laddel was last seen in #trilema 5 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 4 minutes, and 16 seconds ago: wtf else are you going to do? 1518573;1470956447;phf;%seen polarbeard 1518574;1470956450;phf;$seen polarbeard 1518575;1470956450;a111;2016-03-14 sheep must be managed in large groups 1518576;1470956465;phf;#seen polarbeard 1518577;1470957588;mircea_popescu;aaand in other news, https://archive.is/WUB8Y 1518578;1470957639;mats;is mp admitting he reads the reddit? 1518579;1470957648;*;mats looks shocked 1518580;1470957704;mircea_popescu;we just report the news, we don't make the news. 1518581;1470957711;mircea_popescu;why, was the reading properly signed ? 1518582;1470957721;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518494 << nb lol. 1518583;1470957721;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 18:41 trinque: I channeled my inner php shitlord and got it to work 1518584;1470958384;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518522 <<< ahahaha what, trump is "of course" leading "these hacks" ? libertards concede seat at top of tech pyramid to redneck in chief ? 1518585;1470958384;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 18:55 asciilifeform: '"[Trump] is an enabler of Putin, former head of the KGB, and of course is leading all these hacks," Reid said. "It should be a message to America that you can't hold hands with Putin."' 1518586;1470958644;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518539 << 2aminopropane is water miscible ; amphetamine is very slightly soluble. moreover is competitively-soluble with all the sugar crap, so i'd be rather surprised if you can get 5g to stay unprecipitated in a bottle of off the shelf soda/juice/whatever. 1518587;1470958644;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 20:16 mats: i wonder how much meth you can dissolve into 240ml of water 1518588;1470958888;mircea_popescu;(fun fact : amphetamine was discovered by a romanian dude.) 1518589;1470959077;hanbot;mircea_popescu: hence "omfg omfg o pula roz din fier cu luminite"? 1518590;1470959094;mircea_popescu;lol! 1518591;1470959103;mircea_popescu;was like 1880 or such 1518592;1470959128;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518561 << http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-08#786824 1518593;1470959128;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 20:36 asciilifeform: it would be quite fitting if the cartel caught a dea guy, tied him to a pole, and forced to drink whole barrel of whisky 1518594;1470959128;a111;Logged on 2014-08-08 08:23 mircea_popescu: "oh, no, he came out for olives six or seven times" 1518595;1470960883;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518588 << german, iirc, produced it, but never ate, just wrote down 'this is a thing' and moved on to next substituted benzene 1518596;1470960883;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 23:41 mircea_popescu: (fun fact : amphetamine was discovered by a romanian dude.) 1518597;1470960934;asciilifeform;or hm, edeleanu, working in germany 1518598;1470961073;mircea_popescu;mno, aha. see ? 1518599;1470961081;phf;gabriel_laddel wrote a mcclim tutorial https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/posts/CLIM-the-galaxys-most-advanced-graphics-toolkit.html 1518600;1470961086;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518584 << the american derpmedia Official Truth is, best as i can discern, that a hack is not, as in actuality, a technological finesse, but a kind of window-smash vandalism 1518601;1470961086;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 23:33 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518522 <<< ahahaha what, trump is "of course" leading "these hacks" ? libertards concede seat at top of tech pyramid to redneck in chief ? 1518602;1470961125;asciilifeform;as if proggy broke when you whack it with Big Hammer enough times. 1518603;1470961136;asciilifeform;big, bad, putins, with BIG HAMMERZ!!!!111 1518604;1470961175;phf;(defvar lords '("mircea_popescu" "asciilifeform" "ben_vulpes")), heh you guys made the planet.lisp.org 1518605;1470961219;asciilifeform;lelrds 1518606;1470961232;asciilifeform;i think i was already in lisporg somewhere 1518607;1470961237;asciilifeform;in... comedy section 1518608;1470961264;phf;asciilifeform: nah, your still considered to be one of the authorities on lisp from ground up in teh kommuniti 1518609;1470961264;mircea_popescu;phf o.O 1518610;1470961296;mircea_popescu;see, i knew good things will happen if i stick around with him. 1518611;1470961300;mircea_popescu;LOOK MOM IM FAMOUS! 1518612;1470961327;asciilifeform;phf: aha i have a 31111111111117 s1t3 with a scanned copy of sussman's 'scheme83' !1111 dunforget. 1518613;1470961358;phf;asciilifeform: i don't actually know about that one :o 1518614;1470961403;asciilifeform;nm it was cliki's comedy page. 1518615;1470961444;phf;nah, i'm curious about the scheme83 website 1518616;1470961466;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform good point re the "hack" thing. apparently the reason average cattle doesn't is because ... they CHOOSE not to. not because they cucking fouldn't to save their stinky hides 1518617;1470961479;asciilifeform;phf: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=46 and http://www.loper-os.org/?p=55 mostly. 1518618;1470961494;mircea_popescu;you know, just like "piracy" 1518619;1470961500;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite like. 1518620;1470961511;mircea_popescu;"nobody would give you a fucking invite" "a what ?" 1518621;1470961521;phf;those comments 1518622;1470961534;asciilifeform;phf: fresh gas mask canister recommended. 1518623;1470961539;mircea_popescu;phf the sort of comments he gets on his blog never cease to amaze me. 1518624;1470961565;mircea_popescu;possibly what he got picked up as too, "check out this guy, earthworm beset by ants" or somesuch. 1518625;1470961585;phf;i like how ascii handles them "i invented what you're talking about, and you're wrong" "eat shit you turncoat" 1518626;1470961632;asciilifeform;http://www.cliki.net/Humor << now i recall, my thing is at the bottom (curator actually wrote and asked to feature it) 1518627;1470961641;asciilifeform;'editors' 1518628;1470961660;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/AcyWa << for the records. 1518629;1470961670;mircea_popescu;(there's also an old version, from like 2013) 1518630;1470961673;asciilifeform;nooooooo 1518631;1470961676;asciilifeform;not terry davis ! 1518632;1470961679;asciilifeform;surely not gone?! 1518633;1470961683;mircea_popescu;ooya. 1518634;1470961693;asciilifeform;ah no 1518635;1470961695;asciilifeform;he moved. http://www.templeos.org 1518636;1470961707;mircea_popescu;well yes. 1518637;1470961709;mircea_popescu;but the page i mean. 1518638;1470961731;asciilifeform;yeah he quit payin' for domain. even the link on 'temple' is to archive.org. 1518639;1470961757;mircea_popescu;a sentiment i can appreciate. domains, really ? 1518640;1470961861;phf;i'm waiting for when we finally start sending hosts file to each other 1518641;1470961967;asciilifeform;gossip://6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452/....... 1518642;1470962016;phf;well, with custom hosts you can just type http://phf in your browser. that'll be kind of cool 1518643;1470962021;asciilifeform;well yes 1518644;1470962041;asciilifeform;(def-me-homies ((6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452 "mircea") ...... ) 1518645;1470962047;phf;:) 1518646;1470962096;mircea_popescu;phf i dunno why the fuck i'd type "http". 1518647;1470962124;asciilifeform;who the hell does 1518648;1470962142;asciilifeform;you type h-TAB or whatever button that is on your martian box. 1518649;1470962170;mircea_popescu;one of the most egregious cases of derpy engineering choices. "http://" really bitch, because what, your browser is also going to do what, bitcoin:// ? and then www, because totallies, there's other stuff on the web than web. 1518650;1470962192;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ftp 1518651;1470962199;mircea_popescu;you ftp with your browser ? 1518652;1470962203;asciilifeform;yes? 1518653;1470962209;mircea_popescu;a) can just http download anyway ; b) what. 1518654;1470962218;mircea_popescu;there is no "ftp". you mean sftp ? 1518655;1470962232;asciilifeform;i have own-written widgets that speak ftp over loopback strictly 1518656;1470962241;asciilifeform;it is easy protocol to implement, wat. 1518657;1470962259;mircea_popescu;i never ftp'd in a browser, nor would i. 1518658;1470962276;asciilifeform;granted. 1518659;1470962277;mircea_popescu;it has no fucking knobs. one step above pgp'ing in a browser. 1518660;1470962304;asciilifeform;granted you can't upload to ftp in browser (that i know of) 1518661;1470962341;asciilifeform;but hey, i even got shit here that talks ~tftp~ 1518662;1470962349;asciilifeform;(think ftp, but no dirs and no files !) 1518663;1470962371;asciilifeform;...or rather, 1 file. 1518664;1470962467;mircea_popescu;so you use browser ftp that can't upload. so then what does it do, this : http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ilasxve-560x456.png ? 1518665;1470962480;mircea_popescu;oh im sorry, fttp://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/ilasxve-560x456.png ? 1518666;1470962490;asciilifeform;lel approx. 1518667;1470962494;mircea_popescu;genius! 1518668;1470962515;asciilifeform;anyway i cannot even remember when i last. 1518669;1470962558;mircea_popescu;why not do it right, big-bang://general-physics://your-mother-should-stop-fucking-drunks://http://www.somesite.dork 1518670;1470962623;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you missed the plug-cable-from-socket-n-to-socket-m-in-plugboard part. 1518671;1470962625;mircea_popescu;you know, just in case you want to use the browser in an alternate universe. 1518672;1470962633;mircea_popescu;GOOD INGENIEURING! 1518673;1470962660;asciilifeform;(incidentally plugboards survived in analogue computers, which were manufactured ALMOST UNTIL '80s because ~actually easier to dataflow program on~) 1518674;1470962674;mircea_popescu;it'll be just good and ready to go, just replace big-bang at the outset with whatever other causative event happens in your alt-universe, all good. 1518675;1470962684;asciilifeform;big sneeze! 1518676;1470962687;trinque;phf │ well, with custom hosts you can just type http://phf in your browser. that'll be kind of cool << ben_vulpes and I were talking about this earlier 1518677;1470962697;asciilifeform;(or, i shit thee not, in japanese cosmogony, big spoodge) 1518678;1470962703;trinque;actually I think mircea_popescu first mentioned getting a vtronic hosts file going 1518679;1470962712;trinque;sounds like a great idea. 1518680;1470962719;mircea_popescu;aha. 1518681;1470962748;asciilifeform;trinque: not much use imho, a hostfile is the most intensely personal item possible, it is mapping of key fp's to friends' names. 1518682;1470962769;mircea_popescu;that doesn't speak to this. 1518683;1470962789;asciilifeform;well in the sense that i'm not sure what one wins from vtronic incarnation of it 1518684;1470962793;mircea_popescu;you can have a canonical copy unrelatedly to whether you scribble on your copy or not. 1518685;1470962794;asciilifeform;you still gotta merge by hand. 1518686;1470962824;asciilifeform;well yes, canonical, e.g., mircea_popescu signature, ' is mircea_popescu's w4r3z box', signed... 1518687;1470962840;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform put it this way : whether i call her "big tits" or whatever else, she can still be "susan b. anthony" in public. 1518688;1470962841;asciilifeform;(istanbul, incidentally, for all i know it IS mircea_popescu's pr0n box...) 1518689;1470962869;asciilifeform;right. 1518690;1470962874;mircea_popescu;so that's the use. 1518691;1470962903;mircea_popescu;$g "because of my father i thought my name is jesus christ" 1518692;1470962903;trinque;list of republic sites, while we still use "sites" 1518693;1470963000;ben_vulpes;well i was sitting in the sun but i have to drive-by-comment now 1518694;1470963030;ben_vulpes;i quite rather would like to take my extant domains donw 1518695;1470963041;trinque;and while we still use fleanode 1518696;1470963048;ben_vulpes;i have no interest in perpetuating the global hash table as controlled by nato 1518697;1470963128;ben_vulpes;this presents the thorny problem of noobs not having the foggiest where ben_vulpes/r/ is actually located on the net 1518698;1470963134;ben_vulpes;perhaps just give them an ip addr? 1518699;1470963161;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: hosts file can't possibly be more intimate than a gpg keyring 1518700;1470963161;trinque;ask some bot maybe 1518701;1470963188;mircea_popescu;trinque nothing wrong with having a http bridge. 1518702;1470963189;ben_vulpes;;;later tell gabriel_laddel folx appreciated the lolz 1518703;1470963190;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1518704;1470963196;mircea_popescu;gopher is accessible over http for chrissakes. 1518705;1470963209;ben_vulpes;i would be entirely fine with an ip addr 1518706;1470963218;mircea_popescu;this is, incindentally, much better than "cloudflare". 1518707;1470963235;mircea_popescu;and amusingly enough, it would be perfectly fine for mpex, or any other "financial" site built correctly. 1518708;1470963237;ben_vulpes;but in light of lease-breaking fees and firing of everyone and general existential crises am going to go dip my butt in the river with child and babe. 1518709;1470963338;phf;well, if you guys concerned about dns ownership, you should look into ip range allocations sometime 1518710;1470963355;mircea_popescu;lol 1518711;1470963393;mircea_popescu;phf the idea of course being that eventually this will grow into actual routing, 1518712;1470963404;mircea_popescu;and while it would allow tcp/ip, it wouldn't be limited to tcp/ip 1518713;1470963415;mircea_popescu;maybe you know how to get my site via drone-usb. 1518714;1470963449;mircea_popescu;(drone usb is when a drone flies in between points a and b, and back again, carrying an usb stick it plugs in on arrival) 1518715;1470963452;trinque;I'm not opposed to incremental improvements as long as they, y'know, continue. 1518716;1470963470;phf;^ http://pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF202-Post_Apocalyptic.jpg 1518717;1470963473;mircea_popescu;the great advantage being that the steps of the iteration === research. 1518718;1470963486;mircea_popescu;most of the things we've built came out of examining steps and making improvements. 1518719;1470963496;mircea_popescu;that started off as weirdisms and ended up as needed standards. 1518720;1470963525;mircea_popescu;(dunno who for instance recalls 2012 back when "logging irc" was "a bad idea" by "community agreement". freenode would still hold on to that idiocy hadn't it died meanwhile.) 1518721;1470963695;mircea_popescu;and in other "poster child for why polycarbonate rocks", http://67.media.tumblr.com/ec8c88692a7438823e15e4722b21b57d/tumblr_n6sy0mat2r1tt1lr0o1_500.gif 1518722;1470965070;phf;trinque: what happened to the bot vpatches? 1518723;1470965104;phf;oh it's on a blog now 1518724;1470965477;phf;not particularly interesting, since they are two independent codebases, but http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=bot 1518725;1470965505;phf;maybe one day(c)(tm) i'll be able to work on that thing again.. 1518726;1470966077;trinque;neat 1518727;1470966099;trinque;all my v stuff is going to live at http://trinque.org/src 1518728;1470969265;phf;trinque: you're on a book cover blurb ;) https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/excite.html 1518729;1470969347;asciilifeform;asciilifeform, meanwhile, sees 'extra cursor on this display' 'wait..' 'mosquito.' 1518730;1470969353;asciilifeform;gotta get out of this swamp. 1518731;1470969384;mircea_popescu;lol what is that phf ? 1518732;1470969423;asciilifeform;it's clim. 1518733;1470969438;phf;mircea_popescu: it's a ui for lisp that gabriel_laddel has been contributing to 1518734;1470969448;asciilifeform;world's best programmable graphics lib, but also looks like liquishit, and slow even on pentium-99999 1518735;1470969474;*;mircea_popescu looks in project about main, doesn't even see Philip Fominykh 1518736;1470969479;mircea_popescu;ah ah 1518737;1470969488;asciilifeform;https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/static/media/screenshots/NK8gdQd.png << lulzy 1518738;1470969534;mircea_popescu;in other news, making mega-ar post ; aficionados prepare. 1518739;1470969570;phf;it's sort of a universe in itself, i started looking at it again, because i'm doing some graphics work with lisp and needed a good gui toolkit. i'm using CAPI right now, which is proprietary and part of lispworks 1518740;1470969637;asciilifeform;when i was on a usg throne and had ~unlimited budget, i ordered ALL of the known commercial lisps (with exception of 'scineer') brought in. 1518741;1470969644;asciilifeform;it was interesting, and lispworks was spiffy. 1518742;1470969725;phf;sort of tempting to migrate all my lisp work there, because the ide is nice, but of course, proprietary 1518743;1470969742;asciilifeform;well you dun need the ide to deploy... 1518744;1470969797;mircea_popescu;not to mention it;s altogether unclear the republic will even enforce fiat-"proprietary" 1518745;1470969821;asciilifeform;https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/static/media/screenshots/XBgJbBH.png << lel 1518746;1470969837;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can scarcely picture republic sitting on ancient closed bins tho. 1518747;1470969869;asciilifeform;https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/static/media/screenshots/eAelY4L.png << lel, guybrush!!11 1518748;1470969882;asciilifeform;did everyone recognize him?? 1518749;1470969890;mircea_popescu;there is also that. 1518750;1470969997;trinque;phf: saw that :) gabriel needs to hang around moar. 1518751;1470970017;phf;maybe he can port my scan editor to clim.. 1518752;1470970049;asciilifeform;aha! so can haz schematicsz!!1111 1518753;1470970071;asciilifeform;i'd like to connect that tape deck to my 3620, for instance. 1518754;1470970092;asciilifeform;so i can perhaps back it up and dare to move it from the pedestal... 1518755;1470970127;asciilifeform;( i dun actually own the tape deck, just an empty carcass with wires where it ought to go ... ) 1518756;1470970232;phf;it's still wip. 1518757;1470970257;phf;i'm almost done though, going to upload for mr man to peruse at pleasure in the next few days 1518758;1470971089;mircea_popescu;$up drowngodx 1518759;1470971089;deedbot;drowngodx voiced for 30 minutes. 1518760;1470971752;mircea_popescu;and in other bounces, http://66.media.tumblr.com/3963ee6925f01bcee677c1a969380ffa/tumblr_nc45e1aFLu1rat4opo6_250.gif 1518761;1470971789;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'тяжело в учении -- легко в бою !' (tm) (r) 1518762;1470971850;mircea_popescu;lol 1518763;1470971872;mircea_popescu;quite, it's a brazzers set. she gets pounded. 1518764;1470972870;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/pisi-dot-ar-y-otras-temas/ << Trilema - Pisi dot ar y otras temas. 1518765;1470973258;ben_vulpes;> chesus 1518766;1470973277;mircea_popescu;el verdadero que salvia! 1518767;1470973760;ben_vulpes;> thoroughly dekualkized 1518768;1470973784;ben_vulpes;this fwiw is the appeal to me of ars, deflated though it may be through many a trilema 1518769;1470973791;mircea_popescu;and in other nebraska news, https://pisicademotivanta.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/wpid-fb_img_1444943174256.jpg 1518770;1470973816;ben_vulpes;that a lovely building may be bought and the savages beaten out of it like dust from a rug 1518771;1470973826;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1518772;1470973849;ben_vulpes;lol is that the first mircea_popescu imglink with no actual nudity?! 1518773;1470973872;mircea_popescu;noo! 1518774;1470973897;ben_vulpes;mind you i grew up in the land of pressed shitboard, and so the wrecked stone glory of ars is v. appealing 1518775;1470973972;mircea_popescu;they're overpriced though. 1518776;1470973988;mircea_popescu;go to eeurope, better deals and marginally less retarded peoplez. 1518777;1470974236;mircea_popescu;well, since i've already done non-nude, let's do non-coke. http://www.4tuning.ro/bloguri/ganduri-octanice/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/72832.jpg 1518778;1470974641;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/11/the-sorts-of-questions-scandinavian-journalists-ask-about-maidsafe-answered/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The sorts of questions Scandinavian journalists ask about MaidSafe, answered. 1518779;1470975249;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518776 << halifate has own problemz. 1518780;1470975249;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 03:53 mircea_popescu: go to eeurope, better deals and marginally less retarded peoplez. 1518781;1470975309;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518772 << hey , those chix are luscious 1518782;1470975309;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 03:50 ben_vulpes: lol is that the first mircea_popescu imglink with no actual nudity?! 1518783;1470975393;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518777 << cokeman's cokecastle is wired for ethernet! mega-modeeern.. 1518784;1470975393;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 03:57 mircea_popescu: well, since i've already done non-nude, let's do non-coke. http://www.4tuning.ro/bloguri/ganduri-octanice/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/72832.jpg 1518785;1470975446;asciilifeform;aand what's in the green 'gogo' ?? mircea_popescu ? 1518786;1470975628;mircea_popescu;shitty alcoho-gel 1518787;1470975644;asciilifeform;wai 1518788;1470975649;asciilifeform;would anyone 1518789;1470975677;mircea_popescu;there is much you don't know, young alf. 1518790;1470976099;mircea_popescu;and in other news, romanian pua in effect : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuXxIrarHEc 1518791;1470977709;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518720 << bwahaha i have irc logs dating back to 2004 ! there is, preserved in cd-rom, a record of the transformation of me from atheist to christian 1518792;1470977709;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 00:58 mircea_popescu: (dunno who for instance recalls 2012 back when "logging irc" was "a bad idea" by "community agreement". freenode would still hold on to that idiocy hadn't it died meanwhile.) 1518793;1470997742;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-tmr/ << News Roundup Xtend (TM)(R) will iterate every week where nothing independently important happens but where the accretion of nothings may offer some lols 1518794;1470997791;BingoBoingo;Next edition will be News Roundup Xtend 2 (TM)(R) followed by News Roundup Xtend 3 (TM)(R) etc. 1518795;1470998047;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-tmr/ << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend (TM)(R) 1518796;1470998348;BingoBoingo;http://theralphretort.com/breaking-hillarys-handler-carrying-auto-injector-syringe-anti-seizure-drug-diazepam-8007016/ 1518797;1471003418;mircea_popescu;diazepam is not "anti seizure drug". it's just about valium, ie, housewife popcorn. 1518798;1471003422;mircea_popescu;$rated gabriel_laddel 1518799;1471003423;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated gabriel_laddel 2 at 2015/04/11 14:35:30 << almost a year later, he got a larger chunk of exercise ball down his gullet than anyone i know of. 1518800;1471003440;mircea_popescu;$rate gabriel_laddel 2 McClim & stuff 1518801;1471003510;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It is indeed used that way. Works on the GABA system. 1518802;1471003517;*;deedbot hands you a broomstick. 1518803;1471003604;mircea_popescu;da fuck deedboot! 1518804;1471003635;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sure, and alcohol is "an alternate green fuel" 1518805;1471003673;mircea_popescu;$rate gabriel_laddel 2 "McClim & stuff" 1518806;1471003674;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/2df769b2-154d-4eeb-912d-ea537b27349b/ 1518807;1471003678;mircea_popescu;trinque ^ 1518808;1471003686;BingoBoingo;Well most things that break seizures work as housewife popcorn. 1518809;1471003705;mircea_popescu;$v 8A30C0809960E3CFEF2B791E665096AB45D61141568F9CC58FC3435D48B53B2D 1518810;1471003705;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of gabriel_laddel from 2 to 2 << "McClim & stuff" 1518811;1471003784;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo look, the woman ain't got no seizures. she's got a habit, left over from the days she was stuck in scandal cast playing kerry washington (created by shonda rhimes). 1518812;1471003822;BingoBoingo;Well seizures are a benzodiazepine withdrawal symptom, goes with the habit. 1518813;1471003830;mircea_popescu;(for the concerned watchers : i googled "scandal" looking for that idiotic talk show where some old douche keeps being oh-so-amazed at teenage sluts and whatnot. this worked.) 1518814;1471003891;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so consider publishing it. you got a blog neh ? 1518815;1471003960;mircea_popescu;"Coinbase has continued their apology and solvency tour " bwahahaha mkay 1518816;1471003998;mircea_popescu;ftr this is a good idea bb. 1518817;1471004027;BingoBoingo;It's time. Last week lots of good news. This week just fallout and noise mostly related to last week. 1518818;1471004047;BingoBoingo;And its been discussed for a while without opportunity appearing. 1518819;1471004187;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518811 << folks with habit, take pillz, not bloke with syringe at the ready in public 1518820;1471004187;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 12:09 mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo look, the woman ain't got no seizures. she's got a habit, left over from the days she was stuck in scandal cast playing kerry washington (created by shonda rhimes). 1518821;1471004256;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this "folks" is a 70+ yo woman. 1518822;1471004271;asciilifeform;what of it 1518823;1471004276;mircea_popescu;why the fuck do you think prince died as a ball consisting half of psychoactives by mass ? 1518824;1471004283;mircea_popescu;habits have this habit of running away from you. 1518825;1471004301;mircea_popescu;she's had the habit for 40+ years. 1518826;1471004362;asciilifeform;p was morphinist iirc 1518827;1471004372;asciilifeform;like goring. 1518828;1471004415;mircea_popescu;contrary to what you imagine, there's not really that vast variety of substances. 1518829;1471004432;mircea_popescu;there's uppers and there's downers. add "nothings" a la caffeine/nicotine etc and that;s just about it. 1518830;1471004450;asciilifeform;well yes. 1518831;1471004465;mircea_popescu;it's not alice's wonderland where the potions actually are fascinatingly unknown. 1518832;1471004497;asciilifeform;not outside of the late alex shulgin's basement at any rate 1518833;1471004499;mircea_popescu;just like when you pop the cover off some program you either find javascript or c. 1518834;1471004546;asciilifeform;it remains fact, that handler with battlefield trauma injector is not a sop part of whatever habit. 1518835;1471004638;asciilifeform;there is, interestingly, another possible explanation for the photo. injector like this (actually two, one being the very same diazepam) are part of u.s. army response kit for organophosphate war gas. 1518836;1471004719;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Micheal Jackson had cardiologist for getting high? Why would Clitler not have Neurologist? 1518837;1471004749;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'get high' is typically done off stage ? 1518838;1471004773;BingoBoingo;ONE HAS TO MAINTAIN THEIR BUZZ!!!! 1518839;1471004834;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you think this because you live in your cave. 1518840;1471004845;mircea_popescu;every "rockstar" with a habit i've ever encountered had one of these. 1518841;1471004876;asciilifeform;with syringe loaded in one hand, following the 'star' around, publicly ? 1518842;1471004892;asciilifeform;link to even one photo ? 1518843;1471004892;mircea_popescu;now, the ancients didn't think it wise to have blind emperor ; why the postmoderns imagine it acceptable to have figurehead with habit... 1518844;1471004911;asciilifeform;hey it 'worked' for hitler !1111 1518845;1471004912;mircea_popescu;suppose i get hold of her and keep her in a room for half a day ? what then ? "i can't recognise the person i voted for!!!" ? 1518846;1471004913;mircea_popescu;idiots. 1518847;1471004933;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform link to even one photo of your mom's cunt or else you weren't ever born!!11 1518848;1471004944;mircea_popescu;social convention prevented publication of plenty of material for many years. 1518849;1471004950;BingoBoingo; with syringe loaded in one hand, following the 'star' around, publicly ? << Autoinjector is not mere syringe. Preloaded just like star is. 1518850;1471004964;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i know what it is, had one in my desk for some years 1518851;1471004969;mircea_popescu;lol! 1518852;1471004974;mircea_popescu;and you're not even a president! 1518853;1471004976;asciilifeform;it came with the desk 1518854;1471004981;BingoBoingo;lol 1518855;1471004994;BingoBoingo;Boring epipen or something else? 1518856;1471005035;asciilifeform;pralidoxime iirc. 1518857;1471005050;asciilifeform;inherited with the office. 1518858;1471005067;mircea_popescu;lol what, in case someone farts real bad ? 1518859;1471005281;mircea_popescu;in entirely unrelated and broadly uninteresting news, https://archive.is/K6glt 1518860;1471005598;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the fella with the flashlight appears to be pointing to the other handler, re where to stand 1518861;1471005603;asciilifeform;not to clitler. 1518862;1471005621;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: antidote was from previous inhabitant of the desk, who did field tests 1518863;1471005659;mircea_popescu;aha. 1518864;1471005713;asciilifeform;incidentally, sov gensecs had a dude with diazepam injector follow them around. but the thing was not for gensec, but for crowd bozos rushing at him 1518865;1471005740;asciilifeform;there was a public incident where yeltsin had some old hag run out at him and she got needled 1518866;1471005760;asciilifeform;(if anyone has handy link - phf ? - post plox.) 1518867;1471005870;mircea_popescu;not unreasonable, though not sure i'd use diazepam. why not ketamine, watch them go all weird lol. 1518868;1471005898;asciilifeform;same reason why not knife. 1518869;1471005900;mircea_popescu;anyway, propofol is the right move for the purpose. but w/e. 1518870;1471005913;asciilifeform;you also dun want to generate a corpse. 1518871;1471005923;asciilifeform;whole point is quiet and deniable removal of hooligan etc. 1518872;1471005937;mircea_popescu;needn't be deniable. need be humiliating, need cause memory loss. 1518873;1471005945;asciilifeform;(propofol has narrow therapeutic window) 1518874;1471005956;mircea_popescu;sure. how long do you need ? 1518875;1471005966;asciilifeform;humiliating - have intruder seized and publicly horsewhipped 1518876;1471005969;mircea_popescu;the attacker being belligerent outside of his kill zone is an asset to you, not to him. 1518877;1471005983;asciilifeform;modern rulers do discreet/deniable/quiet, not humiliating/educational. 1518878;1471005988;mircea_popescu;can then leak youtubes of "crazy person" 1518879;1471006021;asciilifeform;anaesthetic won't produce 'crazy flail' 1518880;1471006039;mircea_popescu;hence why i wouldn't use diazepam. god gave you propofol / ketamine for a reason. 1518881;1471006073;asciilifeform;again, narrow therapeutic window, corpse is likely 1518882;1471006081;mircea_popescu;not bloody likely, no. 1518883;1471006086;asciilifeform;spring-loaded injector ! 1518884;1471006097;mircea_popescu;and if your security team needs more than 5 minutes you need a new security team. 1518885;1471006108;asciilifeform;no adjustment for weight of 'patient' --> corpse 1518886;1471006145;mircea_popescu;no dude. that's how it works with lone redditard in his forsaken den. if some guy just rushed your subject, he's in the middle of a media blitz and the ambulance is right there. 1518887;1471006149;mircea_popescu;he'll be fine, if ventilated. 1518888;1471006154;asciilifeform;why not curare then. 1518889;1471006164;*;asciilifeform pictures ss agent with blow dart gun 1518890;1471006167;mircea_popescu;cuz i culturally dislike the subculture. 1518891;1471006184;mircea_popescu;ie, "god didn't give you curare, it gave it to those monkeys." 1518892;1471006210;asciilifeform;wai wat subculture, the indians ?! 1518893;1471006238;mircea_popescu;anything south of mexico, im discovering. 1518894;1471006247;mircea_popescu;i think the earth makes people stupid here. 1518895;1471006289;*;asciilifeform looks at globe, verifies that usa, where stupidity is manufactured and shipped elsewhere, is north of equator 1518896;1471006320;mircea_popescu;the south americans at their peak are scarcely qualified to import us made stupidity. that's why they're so proud when they manage. 1518897;1471006339;mircea_popescu;heck, do you know that their favourite part of the us (to the point of scarcely even knowing other parts even exist) IS MIAMI ? 1518898;1471006358;asciilifeform;betcha 9/10 orcs' favourite city in usa is miami. 1518899;1471006368;mircea_popescu;da fuck is wrong with them. 1518900;1471006381;asciilifeform;because that's where orcish quislings get (or at least in imagination, in jam-tomorrow promise) retired to. 1518901;1471006384;asciilifeform;for their services. 1518902;1471006394;mircea_popescu;dfu 1518903;1471006409;asciilifeform;not, understand, in the flesh 1518904;1471006410;mircea_popescu;dude... a shitty place with hot wet weathert and a bunch of old farts in "gated communities". 1518905;1471006414;mircea_popescu;it's like ohio-arkansas. 1518906;1471006436;mircea_popescu;im sorry, did i misspell arkansaw ? 1518907;1471006444;asciilifeform;ciskensaw. 1518908;1471006472;BingoBoingo;Miami is just St Louis with beaches 1518909;1471006479;BingoBoingo;minus winter 1518910;1471006561;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: an orcish quisling who weights, even in his own mind, anything, tends to be an older fella already 1518911;1471006566;asciilifeform;at the time of his quislinging 1518912;1471006588;asciilifeform;and what do you expect him to yearn for but 'warm place to shit and six types of sausage in the store' 1518913;1471006589;mircea_popescu;dude forget that. chicks with no practical hope to anything selling shoes in shitty shoe store aspire to go to miami. 1518914;1471006596;mircea_popescu;"bitch, why" "oh it's so great" 1518915;1471006622;asciilifeform;diffusion from orc media. 1518916;1471006626;mircea_popescu;must be. 1518917;1471006638;mircea_popescu;where orc media = word of mouth. 1518918;1471006642;asciilifeform;the shoe chick is not target audience, no. 1518919;1471006647;asciilifeform;for miamism. 1518920;1471006672;mircea_popescu;"what mom overheard while doing the cleaning in so-and-so's house who was talking on the phone to her highschool friernd who is married to the brother of the undersecretary of trabajo" 1518921;1471006685;asciilifeform;how else. 1518922;1471006692;asciilifeform;https://www.deepdotweb.com/2016/08/12/feds-indict-two-alphabay-vendors-distribution-conspiracy-charges << moar lelz 1518923;1471006698;asciilifeform;'encrypted email address' !!111111111111 1518924;1471006712;mircea_popescu;they're insane with the gossip, by the way. do you know how often i see this scene where woman is talking the ear off posted policeman, who is doing his best to politely ignore her ? 1518925;1471006717;mircea_popescu;just about daily occurence. 1518926;1471006866;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518874 << 'therapeutic window' refers to the diff b/w a 'therapeutic' and fatal dose. 1518927;1471006866;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 12:45 mircea_popescu: sure. how long do you need ? 1518928;1471006871;asciilifeform;not duration. 1518929;1471006966;asciilifeform;ok this is gold: 1518930;1471006969;asciilifeform;'Law enforcement was able to investigate postal records and discover that Almashwali had purchased the postage for the two heroin packages. Farooq was apparently involved in “other mailings.” During the investigation, law enforcement officials were able to discover that the encrypted email address associated with the Area51 AlphaBay profile was linked to social media accounts. When they recovered the email’s password they disco 1518931;1471006969;asciilifeform;vered the same password was used for other online accounts. The documents specifically mention Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook – all three of which link back to Farooq. It’s concerning that this was considered an OK practice. Although unconfirmed, Reddit users who have purchased heroin from both vendor’s claim that both men use the same return address.' 1518932;1471007045;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform eh get out of here. ketamine ld50 is like half a gram/kg. propofol 1/10 that. in either case you can't pack enough of the stuff in a shot to kill anyone. 1518933;1471007102;mircea_popescu;that's why they're used in the first place, inept nurses don't kill patients with them. 1518934;1471007118;asciilifeform;in what hospital are there nurses with ketamine ? 1518935;1471007135;mircea_popescu;most surgery wards ? 1518936;1471007154;asciilifeform;not in usa (at least, not outside of army) 1518937;1471007156;mircea_popescu;it's a fucking essential medicine. 1518938;1471007159;mircea_popescu;so ? 1518939;1471007275;mircea_popescu;autoinjector shot is what, maybe a shade over 2ml ? which includes the carrying fluid. insufficient to kill a lapdog. 1518940;1471007288;asciilifeform;at any rate is still seems like an odd choice for 'inject crowd bozo', you still get a limp, not flailing, man 1518941;1471007327;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Ketamin used in us hospitals increasing as alternative to general anesthesia because lolwyers 1518942;1471007330;*;mircea_popescu recommends experimental assay, 8:1 mix of ketamine/propofol in solution. 1518943;1471007387;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i hear it's pretty great if you like watching the surgeons work on yer guts 1518944;1471007403;mircea_popescu;they give you an ipad, you'll never even know you were there. 1518945;1471007432;asciilifeform;(not to be confused with the other typical american 'anaesthesia' where you get to ~feel~ all of the cuts, but cannot move or speak to complain) 1518946;1471007448;mircea_popescu;"dude i finally passed that hard level in bubble casino" "How ?" "manned up and got that castration procedure wife kept wanting finally" 1518947;1471007464;mircea_popescu;"now she can go off the pill, and i have an elite highschore!" "sweet!" 1518948;1471007476;asciilifeform;dulap!111111111 1518949;1471007962;phf;ahaha, i know people with such ridiculous k tolerance, i'd like to see cops shoot at them 1518950;1471008009;mircea_popescu;lol, ketamine bbs. 1518951;1471008037;mircea_popescu;(fwiw, historical romanian guard types did fire large gauge shotgun loaded with salt at kids/thieves/etc) 1518952;1471008076;phf;right right 1518953;1471008100;phf;some grandma shooting k at kids 1518954;1471008100;mircea_popescu;low powder load ; salt corns. it is actually surprisingly effective. 1518955;1471008265;phf;also miami is where da clubs at, it's like a trashier, "let's go to the beach" version of new york club scene. let's have merlin bronques say a few words about it http://www.lastnightsparty.com/miami/ 1518956;1471008283;mircea_popescu;no but that's exactly my point. 1518957;1471008306;mircea_popescu;typical argentine has all the pretense of small time german krownprinz and all the sabiduria of rural south cali gangster. 1518958;1471008602;mircea_popescu;http://www.lastnightsparty.com/another1/slides/8Y0A2813.JPG << looks just like medellin, colombia or what. 1518959;1471008621;mircea_popescu;(also, props to all the genius "DRM" nonsense they installed. fucking clearly it works huh.) 1518960;1471008814;phf;well, terry richardson popularized the style of photography. sort of trashy "amateur" photography with good lighting, vomit and tits. it all looks a lot more polished when you're shit faced 1518961;1471008861;mircea_popescu;the tits are superb, btw, best silicone i've seen in a while. 1518962;1471008908;mircea_popescu;but they ran out of blondes in the us huh. 1518963;1471008968;mircea_popescu;http://www.lastnightsparty.com/another1/slides/8Y0A2858.JPG << this is EXACTLY how Old Whore looked at that age : a transvestite prostitute. 1518964;1471009022;asciilifeform;this was what, vampire masquerade ? 1518965;1471009024;mircea_popescu;http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02131/_Cristina-Kirchne_2131773b.jpg << AOW, ftr. 1518966;1471009104;phf;i think blonds are out at the moment, everyone wants a quirky hipster brunete, miami only makes it worse with all the latinos. i know a few blonds that actually color their hair. it's trully barbaric age up here. 1518967;1471009114;mircea_popescu;http://www.lastnightsparty.com/another1/slides/8Y0A2881.JPG << ahaha lol oops, i take it back. they got blondes. from 1970. check out the ex trophy wife! 1518968;1471009126;mircea_popescu;phf and this because kim totally fucking won the assculture war. 1518969;1471009150;asciilifeform;related: https://cryptome.org/2016/08/christopher-rokos-notice.pdf ( http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/92815419-4294-4356-a38c-6a3e318f3bba/?raw=true ) 1518970;1471009161;mircea_popescu;i know of no us-born individual of similar accomplishment as that armenian. 1518971;1471009217;phf;hehe, to answer asciilifeform's question from long time ago, you want wife like kim, so when you go to da club all the hoes look like your hubby 1518972;1471009239;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nuts, vet bills > clothes for kid ? 1518973;1471009248;asciilifeform;i have deeply nfi 1518974;1471009250;asciilifeform;whole thing is a riot 1518975;1471009297;mircea_popescu;"I have to say that I do not find it very ediffying that people in this financial bracket should be taking up a day of court time over a sum which to them, though not to others, is objectively so small. However, agreement has not been reached and I must rule." << HOLY SHIT 1518976;1471009308;mircea_popescu;judge can't spell, and has the unmitigated audacity to say THAT ? 1518977;1471009318;mircea_popescu;i'd fucking call a hit. what the fucking shit is this. omfg. 1518978;1471009322;mircea_popescu;how can these people live ? 1518979;1471009464;mircea_popescu;the indignity. illiterate peronista judges. is there enough alcohol in the "civilised world" ? 1518980;1471009473;BingoBoingo;Do they actually live? 1518981;1471009485;mircea_popescu;what a fucking outrage. 1518982;1471009641;mircea_popescu;http://www.lastnightsparty.com/another1/slides/8Y0A3739.JPG << dude... really ? is that actually intended as an insult ? 1518983;1471009727;mircea_popescu;http://www.lastnightsparty.com/another1/slides/8Y0A3931.JPG << ahahahaha ok, this shit's epic. check out the milliONEaire! 1518984;1471009737;mircea_popescu;thanks phf, i have been entertained by last night's party 1518985;1471009779;*;mircea_popescu will find this joint one day, give a girl a five and ask for change. 1518986;1471009971;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo mind if i write a qntra detailing justice holman's breach of the european declaration of human rights and other matters ? 1518987;1471010022;BingoBoingo;go for it 1518988;1471011118;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/93f0f96d-0681-4407-84eb-853db928df97/ 1518989;1471011127;BingoBoingo;ty 1518990;1471011253;mircea_popescu;(note the sheeps at end is intentional, because ships) 1518991;1471011570;BingoBoingo;What of the man worth 1 pence who sues for a whole pound? 1518992;1471011596;mircea_popescu;i imagine he gets it by default. 1518993;1471011629;mircea_popescu;(it is not technically possible for a man's claims to exceed his wealth, because wealth includes the value of all claims by definition) 1518994;1471011668;BingoBoingo;Well, in that case, those Argentine cowsies you are so fond of have it all 1518995;1471011704;BingoBoingo;Maybe they can get NEW cardboard to further advance their claims! 1518996;1471011738;mircea_popescu;totally. 1518997;1471011757;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1518998;1471011765;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 588.2, vol: 2488.81502903 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 584.015, vol: 5501.61862 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 587.25, vol: 6914.70674848 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 588.0, vol: 4904.97976219 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 588.024896, vol: 114071.37530000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 586.94, vol: 1255.26863115 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 588.76, vol: 1098.18394942 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 588.064, vol: (1 more message) 1518999;1471011790;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/brexit-fallout-illiterate-british-justice-enacts-breach-of-european-declaration-of-human-rights-into-british-legal-precedent/ << Qntra - Brexit Fallout : Illiterate British Justice Enacts breach of European Declaration of Human Rights into British Legal Precedent 1519000;1471011889;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2016/08/brexit-fallout-illiterate-british-justice-enacts-breach-of-european-declaration-of-human-rights-into-british-legal-precedent/#comment-67011 1519001;1471011919;mircea_popescu;nice! thanks asciilifeform for the tip! 1519002;1471011932;mircea_popescu;and plox notify the parties named in that paste BingoBoingo . twitter, email, w/e. 1519003;1471012118;BingoBoingo;The ones from the story or is there another paste? 1519004;1471012198;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2016/08/brexit-fallout-illiterate-british-justice-enacts-breach-of-european-declaration-of-human-rights-into-british-legal-precedent/#comment-67013 1519005;1471012282;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the one alf linked, i know no other. 1519006;1471012293;BingoBoingo;ah 1519007;1471012305;BingoBoingo;There was also the one the story came in 1519008;1471012315;mircea_popescu;well yes, lemme fish it out 1519009;1471012332;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/Q7K60 1519010;1471012406;BingoBoingo;ah, k 1519011;1471012500;mircea_popescu;$up gabriel_laddel 1519012;1471012500;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1519013;1471012502;mircea_popescu;how goes ? 1519014;1471012514;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: working. 1519015;1471012523;mircea_popescu;good for you. 1519016;1471012544;gabriel_laddel;phf: is your logging engine open source / can it be so that we can have less shit logs on #clim? 1519017;1471012556;gabriel_laddel;phf: there is no search right now and it makes the whole development cycle hellish 1519018;1471012571;mircea_popescu;lol. you heard the man phf ; gotta have your tool. 1519019;1471012617;mircea_popescu;whether os or not os needn't be resolved ; but gabriel_laddel should be able to acquire a copy i say! 1519020;1471012633;asciilifeform;last night trinque posted his 1519021;1471012638;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes: do you have an intern who wants to make a couple hundred bucks here and there writing CL for McCLIM? 1519022;1471012646;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I want the wwwtron 1519023;1471012657;mircea_popescu;damn we still need that jobs thing. 1519024;1471012677;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes: if so, have him drop into #clim and talk to beach, who is handling fundraising / distributing funds atm 1519025;1471012708;mircea_popescu;what, in like...fiat ? 1519026;1471012725;gabriel_laddel;ya 1519027;1471012741;gabriel_laddel;he is currently paying jackdaniel several thousand out of pocket to help 1519028;1471012758;mircea_popescu;yeah but i mean... why handle donations in shitcoin in the first place. 1519029;1471012771;gabriel_laddel;because some of us need fiat to eat 1519030;1471012788;mircea_popescu;that may be, but this is scarcely a reason to breach your privacy and etc. 1519031;1471012802;mircea_popescu;whose job is it of the usg's what jackdaniel gets paid and from whence it came ? 1519032;1471012811;gabriel_laddel;I'm not in charge of fundraising, talk to beach re this. 1519033;1471012829;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: First round sent https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/764109211705802752 1519034;1471012834;gabriel_laddel;also, jackdaniel is a pleb / etherhuffer (at least politically, and I really appreciate his work on mcclim) 1519035;1471012846;mircea_popescu;ok, so he can get paid in ethereum, what of it. 1519036;1471012859;gabriel_laddel;... anyways 1519037;1471012878;mircea_popescu;importing bitcoin into your financial affairs works its magic just by being a node ; doesn't have to be the whole process. actually, can't even be whole process, that's gavintardism. but yeah, no big deal. 1519038;1471012895;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo worx. 1519039;1471012927;*;BingoBoingo will need to dust off copy of "spam like a pro in 24 hours" 1519040;1471012928;gabriel_laddel;were I in charge of fundraising, I'd not be doing it as an anon anyways but rather calling syscog, ravenspack etc and trying to get donations in the 10ks rather than pocket change, but w/e 1519041;1471012955;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel hey, they're people, with a brain right ? can benefit from discussion of this as any other topic. 1519042;1471013012;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: that's one perspective. another is that I'm extrodinarily lucky that they're doing anything useful on mcclim at all 1519043;1471013022;mircea_popescu;yeah, i can see that one :) 1519044;1471013024;gabriel_laddel;there have been discussions of re-implementing it on top of the web, ncurses etc 1519045;1471013028;gabriel_laddel;have had to quash them as best I can 1519046;1471013031;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: for my edification, plox to summarize what, exactly, you lot have done to mcclim 1519047;1471013044;mircea_popescu;hey, understand, i'm not knocking you/it or anything. jus' sayin'. 1519048;1471013049;asciilifeform;(you have a spiffy www but the clim looks much as i found it in 2007) 1519049;1471013061;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform best i could tell they... started. 1519050;1471013064;mircea_popescu;half the job right ? 1519051;1471013073;asciilifeform;but started ~what~ 1519052;1471013082;mircea_popescu;ah. that. well... 1519053;1471013096;mircea_popescu;im curious too, turns out. started what gabriel_laddel ? 1519054;1471013168;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: redid the website, removed all the crap backends, gas2serra fixed a threading bug that caused irritating visual artifacts, I went through the whole of the CLIM archives and pulled out all the useful info, the codebase has been totally re-ordered, truetype is now the default, bugfixes relating to not pulling in the correct X keyboard 1519055;1471013168;gabriel_laddel;configuration after a setxkbmap change... 1519056;1471013186;asciilifeform;truetype?!~ 1519057;1471013203;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel but what's the goal or how are you proceeding or anything like that ? 1519058;1471013204;asciilifeform;what happened to 'do WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING STACK of graphics henderson-style' ? 1519059;1471013213;gabriel_laddel;ya 1519060;1471013234;gabriel_laddel;don't worry about it, I'm taking care of it 1519061;1471013234;gabriel_laddel;one thing at a time 1519062;1471013246;asciilifeform;of what ? rewriting truetype in cl ? 1519063;1471013288;gabriel_laddel;No. Cutting X/cario/opengl/truetype out of the picture completely. 1519064;1471013301;asciilifeform;i dun even recall tt being ~in~ the picture in '07. 1519065;1471013304;gabriel_laddel;talking directly to the monitor / whatever and implementing CLIM on that. 1519066;1471013309;asciilifeform;used to be just x 1519067;1471013317;asciilifeform;(and readily substitutable with any raster display) 1519068;1471013344;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel could probably get a considerable head start on clim cleanup just by unwinding version by a decade 1519069;1471013347;asciilifeform;sorta like we did with trb. 1519070;1471013391;gabriel_laddel;The fonts look like shit without truetype and that makes it impossible for me to make money using CLIM. 1519071;1471013419;asciilifeform;you already cannot make money with it, the athena widgets look like dog barf 1519072;1471013446;gabriel_laddel;on my dead harddrive there is a bunch of half-implemented useful things like clim-spec-in-clim, the "navigator" which is a reflective search apropos, I've taken climacs and made it usable for day-to-day work... 1519073;1471013454;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I am already paid to make money with it 1519074;1471013465;asciilifeform;i suppose in abstract you can 'make money' with anything 1519075;1471013470;gabriel_laddel;am installing masamune for a client (by hand) right now 1519076;1471013471;phf;oh for fucks say, client side font rendering. welcome to 2002, can i fuck up your stack 1519077;1471013475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dude... 1519078;1471013478;asciilifeform;but folks who will eat athena will eat fixed font also. 1519079;1471013516;phf;gabriel_laddel: have you tried actually getting some quality type 1 fonts and setting them up ~with your x server~ and seeing if you like the result 1519080;1471013528;gabriel_laddel;phf: no. 1519081;1471013532;gabriel_laddel;X has to die, this is non-negotiable 1519082;1471013541;gabriel_laddel;all of the business that I do inbetween now and then is simply churn to get there 1519083;1471013555;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: keep in mind that a 'replacement for x' that doesn't do the same job is not a replacement. 1519084;1471013555;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel opengl too ? 1519085;1471013579;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: yep. 1519086;1471013589;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: which is to say, if i cannot connect over network to machine across the planet and have the window FILL THE ALLOTED SPOT on my display, CORRECTLY, 'replacement' is junk. 1519087;1471013606;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel huh. listen, probably not actionable right now, but in general and on the long term if you write me a crystal space replacement in lisp ima definitely bundle it in eulora. 1519088;1471013608;asciilifeform;ditto if it insists on transmitting whole video frames. 1519089;1471013616;phf;asciilifeform: i don't know why gabriel_laddel is saying what he's saying. truetype has already been rewritten in lisp, and that's what mcclim uses for fancy truetype rendering. it's expensive as hell, and equally pointless. 1519090;1471013636;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the difference between your spec and my spec should be obvious. is it ? 1519091;1471013637;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: you're going to be waiting a while in any case, so I wouldn't get to worked up about it. 1519092;1471013640;phf;last time i checked there wasn't cairo/freetype/etc. in mcclim to begin with 1519093;1471013645;asciilifeform;^ 1519094;1471013658;asciilifeform;phf: possibly it got inserted because the unusably slow thing were thrown out ? 1519095;1471013673;phf;asciilifeform: or possibly gabriel_laddel doesn't know what he's talking about 1519096;1471013677;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yer thing needs realtime 3d iirc. 1519097;1471013677;gabriel_laddel;phf: sorry, what exactly is unclear about what I'm saying? 1519098;1471013698;mircea_popescu;i guess it's not obvious ;/ 1519099;1471013717;mod6;mornin'. many lulz reading this lastnight: http://trilema.com/2016/pisi-dot-ar-y-otras-temas/ 1519100;1471013731;mircea_popescu;cheers mod6 1519101;1471013742;phf;gabriel_laddel: you're saying that mcclim has FFI to cairo/freetype/opengl, i don't think that's true, care to link to relevant code 1519102;1471013858;gabriel_laddel;phf: that's not what I'm saying. truetype is in CL. McCLIM is 100% CL. But it /communicates/ with X, which has cario and all this other nonsense integrated with it, and it's causing problems. 1519103;1471013909;phf;gabriel_laddel: cairo is not integrated with X, nor is freetype. both are client side rendering libraries, that send computed bitmaps over the wire 1519104;1471013917;gabriel_laddel;there is no meaningful way to interrogate the X server about its state, so when it crashes (and it does from time to time), it really gets in the way of the whole lispm experience 1519105;1471013967;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i'm looking forward to seeing what happens when you wake up and realize that this applies to the entire linux. 1519106;1471013973;mircea_popescu;phf he means you can't use them without x, integrated. 1519107;1471013974;asciilifeform;and not merely x11. 1519108;1471013984;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I have woken up and realized this? 1519109;1471014002;asciilifeform;has not, apparently, fully sunk in yet ? 1519110;1471014018;gabriel_laddel;but I need a stable platform from which to redesign computing from the ground up 1519111;1471014031;gabriel_laddel;and run the various simulations that I have to run 1519112;1471014035;asciilifeform;'stable platform' is linux box on which you cad new iron. 1519113;1471014056;gabriel_laddel;yaya 1519114;1471014062;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wouldja let people live their lives! 1519115;1471014069;phf;gabriel_laddel: first mistake is to do so much pointless rendering on the client. from the few minutes of talking, it's quite clear that you're prepared to walk the path of "linux on desktop" to the same result 1519116;1471014090;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hey, i didn't show up at fella's house with megaphone. 1519117;1471014102;mircea_popescu;you two make miserable fathers, let it be stated in the permanent record. 1519118;1471014110;asciilifeform;'salvation of the drowning is work for the hands of selfsame drowning' 1519119;1471014113;gabriel_laddel;lol 1519120;1471014118;mircea_popescu;whatever wisdom one has is divided in two categories : that which must be asked for ; and that which needn't be. 1519121;1471014122;mircea_popescu;maintain this distinction. 1519122;1471014139;gabriel_laddel;phf: I intend to do away with the whole notion of "client & server" in rendering for CLIM 1519123;1471014140;gabriel_laddel;function calls and nothing more 1519124;1471014164;gabriel_laddel;though tbh, I plan on paying someone else to do much of this 1519125;1471014169;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel so who renders, the client or the server ? 1519126;1471014196;gabriel_laddel;neither because those notions no longer exist? 1519127;1471014204;gabriel_laddel;you simply have a CL process that talks directly to the hardware 1519128;1471014206;mircea_popescu;but humour me. in my own terminology, which'd be ? 1519129;1471014207;asciilifeform;and what happens if i want to rasterize on a device that isn't my lcd ? (e.g., printer, phototypesetter, lcd on mars..?) 1519130;1471014222;gabriel_laddel;tough nuggets 1519131;1471014231;gabriel_laddel;you can use the old, shit clim 1519132;1471014235;asciilifeform;terry davis school of thought ? 1519133;1471014236;mircea_popescu;is the cl process that talks directly to the hardware part of "kernel" or part of "user space" ? 1519134;1471014273;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: it is not yet clear as I don't know enough about the kernel to know if I can do away with the whole "user space" thing. 1519135;1471014283;mircea_popescu;hm. 1519136;1471014289;gabriel_laddel;in the sense you're thinking about things, probably the "user space" 1519137;1471014304;mircea_popescu;well so then do you understand what phf means about "Welcome to 2002" ? 1519138;1471014318;mircea_popescu;$up gabriel_laddel 1519139;1471014318;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1519140;1471014324;mircea_popescu;you gotta form a habit to voice self you know. 1519141;1471014331;asciilifeform;reminds me of subj in http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3244575386963745@naggum.no.html 1519142;1471014339;asciilifeform;re the 'doing less work' 1519143;1471014344;gabriel_laddel;key is not handy atm 1519144;1471014366;asciilifeform;it is very easy algorithm for 'optimization' - simply declare that a good chunk of the job 'does not need doing' and cut the corner 1519145;1471014400;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform onion link in naggum's message - gone. 1519146;1471014407;phf;gabriel_laddel: i understand your end goal, but the steps that you're taking to get there are going to result in worse design. you'd be better served in understanding clx first, making ~that~ work well by working to its strengths, and then replacing clx with own system. by then you'll have a snappier system and less primitives to write. i highly recommend spinning up VLM/genera and seeing how they do unix interop. it's really quite 1519147;1471014408;phf;elegant 1519148;1471014424;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: was my interpretation that in 2002 people were dong a lot of client side font rendering? 1519149;1471014425;asciilifeform;the problem is that you have not in fact done the job, but arbitrarily proclaimed that your steer is 'just the same as a bull' 1519150;1471014439;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel the reason kernel exists is so that random crap doesn't steal your machine. 1519151;1471014440;asciilifeform;'same but cheaper', plastic gears, want to go there ? 1519152;1471014514;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: my understanding of the present situation is that the linux kernel is here to stay, as it is a result of the way that the cee machine works, and contains drivers for a bunch of useful hardware 1519153;1471014531;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I'm not sure what "job" you have in mind, but suspect it is different from the one I have in mind 1519154;1471014541;mircea_popescu;this is debatable. but the fundamental problem with allowing userspace hardware access is that it can cut you loose from your own computer. 1519155;1471014551;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: 'replace x11' 1519156;1471014567;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: the msdos-style 'apps will write directly to graphics card' is not a replacement. 1519157;1471014589;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a ms-dos lisp would not, at this point, be a bad machine. 1519158;1471014591;asciilifeform;it can be, in ~your~ head, because you do not use typesetters, or remote displays, etc. and can arbitrarily proclaim that they are 'irrelevant' 1519159;1471014608;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: until i want to send a pcb print to a laser printer. 1519160;1471014612;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. YOU YOURSELF USE SHIT THAT DOESNT INTEROIPERATE 1519161;1471014613;mircea_popescu;jesus christ. 1519162;1471014628;mircea_popescu;bring this argument again once you're pdf free, ye hear ? 1519163;1471014629;asciilifeform;i use all sorts of junk. 1519164;1471014638;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: look, if the machines sell, they sell 1519165;1471014638;mircea_popescu;so then stfu and let him use all sorts of junk too! 1519166;1471014638;asciilifeform;the thread is about ~design~ of future junk ! 1519167;1471014651;asciilifeform;this is quite separate matter from 'which old junk to use' 1519168;1471014655;mircea_popescu;problem being that you're all done designing yours and are now designing his, too. 1519169;1471014689;asciilifeform;let, then, gabriel_laddel waste half a decade , as i did, learning what he could instead learn in 10min. 1519170;1471014695;asciilifeform;why not. 1519171;1471014697;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I will note that if someone with sufficent knowledge of x.org stumbles into my life, I'd be happy to pay them to solve the issues CLIM has with it 1519172;1471014729;mircea_popescu;i think the last person who had that locked themselves in a cellar and rages there still. 1519173;1471014746;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'll tell you why not : because until he asks, you can;'t tell. 1519174;1471014761;gabriel_laddel;Terry A Davis wrote a whole graphics system that doesn't communicate with X. 1519175;1471014774;asciilifeform;the part i dispute, gabriel_laddel , is that it is WHOLE 1519176;1471014779;asciilifeform;it is not 'whole graphics system' 1519177;1471014783;asciilifeform;but a cheap imitation. 1519178;1471014799;gabriel_laddel;aha 1519179;1471014823;asciilifeform;a ~whole~ system lets me preserve the semantics of the items to be drawn, for maximally compact transmission over a wire, and rasterizing on a display of my choosing 1519180;1471014838;asciilifeform;with, say, 100,000x100,000 res. 1519181;1471014853;phf;i think the disagreement can be bridged on architectural grounds. i think gabriel_laddel's lack of understanding of clx and ideological refusal to understand it better is going to result in the worse final design. there are examples of x11 done right, that are much easier to port away to native hardware. whether or not "x11" or "no x11" is the final design, basic x protocol provides for a very solid set of ground level elements and also 1519182;1471014854;phf;puts concerns where they matter. (like not requiring client render its own fonts for one) 1519183;1471014907;phf;problem with mcclim is that it went through many 2002 style "for the people" pretifications, that made optimizations, refinment and other aspects of architectural design work much harder than need be 1519184;1471014914;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: can we table this discussion for the time being? I understand what it is that you're getting at, but you don't have (and nor will you have) a clear picture of exactly what it is that I'm doing. 1519185;1471014935;gabriel_laddel;Also, you seriously underestimate the utility of paying other people to do work for you. 1519186;1471014948;gabriel_laddel;And seem to be adverse to making money. 1519187;1471014960;gabriel_laddel;Which, whatever, to each his own. 1519188;1471014968;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the reason i sometimes try to 'wake up' young, excitable folk like gabriel_laddel is that they are not yet at a stage where one made various dead-end design choices , that, now locked into, man enters a sad lifetime of justification and 'just wanted to' and 'only a terrorist would throw out my life's work of library' 1519189;1471014982;phf;^ 1519190;1471015003;mircea_popescu;i don't dispute your goals ; merely your very inept methodology. 1519191;1471015008;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i very much do not have a clear picture of what you're doing. other than the one fact that you seem to believe 'write directly to video ram' as 'viable replacement for x11' 1519192;1471015050;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: if you saw what i do to 'make money' you would barf, and ask for the valium injector from this morning's thread 1519193;1471015085;mircea_popescu;eh this is nonsense. something somewhere will at some point have to write to video ram ; and he's not said much more than that. 1519194;1471015086;gabriel_laddel;exactly. which is why I write CLIM for a living 1519195;1471015107;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: how's this work, you turned it into dissertation ? 1519196;1471015108;gabriel_laddel;^ ding ding ding 1519197;1471015110;asciilifeform;who pays ? 1519198;1471015126;gabriel_laddel;the client 1519199;1471015165;gabriel_laddel;I have people waiting on me *right now* to sell them masamune machines. 1519200;1471015173;gabriel_laddel;If I could just get the fking replication working.. 1519201;1471015186;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'most of x11 is unnecessary' is a 20 y.o. heresy, that ends up summing to 'let's do graphics the way microshit does' in all cases. 1519202;1471015194;mircea_popescu;phf define for me the concept of "bridged on architectural grounds" 1519203;1471015200;asciilifeform;i do not want a motherfucking 'desktop'. 1519204;1471015210;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have serious trouble distinguishing him from a young steve jobs, at this point. 1519205;1471015237;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you mean, a bloke wandering around looking for a woz to bamboozle? 1519206;1471015245;asciilifeform;or some other young stevejobs. 1519207;1471015249;mircea_popescu;if you will. 1519208;1471015263;mircea_popescu;note that the woz didn't make the ipad. so that theory lost a lot since 2002. 1519209;1471015282;asciilifeform;woz, broke in a ditch, made very little afaik. 1519210;1471015296;mircea_popescu;woz without jobs => universal remote. and see also site:trilema.com fred quimby 1519211;1471015308;asciilifeform;without money. 1519212;1471015334;mircea_popescu;wouldja stop with the fetishism ? "without money" == "dumb as rocks" and nothing else. not now, not during roman judaeea. 1519213;1471015340;asciilifeform;(and incidentally i have nfi which, the money, or the stevejobs. but to limit hypothesis to the latter strikes me as hasty) 1519214;1471015368;mircea_popescu;any arbitrary pick of my slaves has more money than jobs had when retook apple. 1519215;1471015398;asciilifeform;herr trump was moneyed even when, on paper, 'no money' 1519216;1471015406;asciilifeform;i am speaking of real-life-no-money. 1519217;1471015421;mircea_popescu;aka "excuse-no-money". 1519218;1471015440;mircea_popescu;or w/e, "meta-no-money", if you'd rather. 1519219;1471015502;asciilifeform;more like 'others see 2nd deriv.(your money) as 0 or -' 1519220;1471015529;gabriel_laddel;Gotta run. If anyone has experience with the levano x61 tablet or some other hardware you really like, do tell. I read all logs eventually. 1519221;1471015538;mircea_popescu;you realise that derivative evaluates on bases other than... your money ? 1519222;1471015538;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i have x61 here. 1519223;1471015548;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: and x60. 1519224;1471015551;mircea_popescu;lenovo ? 1519225;1471015553;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: aha 1519226;1471015558;mircea_popescu;oh how cute, even dyslexia, check it out. 1519227;1471015559;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: what do you need to know about either 1519228;1471015600;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: waiwat 1519229;1471015606;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: ty. asciilifeform: I think that the rotating screen is spiffy, and would love to stop carrying around a notepad + computer 1519230;1471015624;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: see logs for thread re x60/61 1519231;1471015630;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: kk 1519232;1471015631;asciilifeform;iirc i described it in some detail. 1519233;1471015654;asciilifeform;(the 'open' bios is neither open - uses blobs - nor actually works - machine crashes at full cpu load in 100% of case) 1519234;1471015704;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-29#1418199 1519235;1471015704;a111;Logged on 2016-02-29 16:55 asciilifeform: so at this point i'm satisfied that rms either 1) does not actually use an x60 machine with 'libreboot' ~~or~~ does not program. 1519236;1471015747;asciilifeform;and if gabriel_laddel wants an x61 he can have mine for the cost of postage. 1519237;1471015775;mircea_popescu;that's nice. 1519238;1471015786;asciilifeform;power brick and pen incl. 1519239;1471015799;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: "machine crashes at full cpu load in 100% of case" < nevermind then. glad I asked. 1519240;1471015799;asciilifeform;thing is taking up space. 1519241;1471015804;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: that was x60! 1519242;1471015806;asciilifeform;with 'libreboot' 1519243;1471015819;mircea_popescu;was a whole thing re rms's supposed ideal machine. 1519244;1471015825;mircea_popescu;a lenovo x60 1519245;1471015826;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: the x61 does not crash? 1519246;1471015829;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, i reproduced it 1519247;1471015834;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: neither crashes with vendor bios 1519248;1471015854;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: does the x61 crash running linux? 1519249;1471015855;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel the point was that rms made certain falsifiable statements, that alf took the pains to falsify. 1519250;1471015859;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: nope 1519251;1471015885;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: spiffy. I'd be happy to pay for postage. Will try and find somewhere to ship it later today 1519252;1471015890;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i ended up reversing the vendor bios on x60, or rather, the particular routine that concerned the hardware whitelist, and nopped it out 1519253;1471015907;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: pgpgram when you do. 1519254;1471015919;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: preferably here, and not email. 1519255;1471015920;mircea_popescu;incidentally, he might use an older item with a peculiarly functional set of parts. standardization in hardware is kind-of iffy 1519256;1471015926;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I'm homeless and that isn't really possible atm 1519257;1471015939;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nobody uses the stock nic. it was largely the impetus for the bios swap. 1519258;1471015948;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but stock x60 bios did not permit 'illicit' nics. 1519259;1471015953;mircea_popescu;heh 1519260;1471015957;asciilifeform;so i cracked it. 1519261;1471015972;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: usa post office box is 100bux/yr 1519262;1471015985;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: it'll be shipped to a friend's place. 1519263;1471015990;asciilifeform;worx 1519264;1471015995;gabriel_laddel;anyways, bbl 1519265;1471016001;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel you've not actually managed to lose your key, have you ? 1519266;1471016029;asciilifeform;i ain't shipping unless he signs with his $key. 1519267;1471016051;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1519268;1471016316;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/princess-diana-secret-sex-toy-8615318 1519269;1471016316;asciilifeform;oh mircea_popescu -- https://archive.is/Mvc6x - enjoy. 1519270;1471016515;mircea_popescu;lol cool. 1519271;1471016535;asciilifeform;most pages are not 'so lucky', but that one was cult hit 1519272;1471016559;asciilifeform;my curiosity is piqued by its disappearance 1519273;1471016607;mircea_popescu;and in other "la vie c'est ailleurs" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/acf990fa23a1a30bad4ca6c6e21af8a6/tumblr_ndu41h5Ot61ttr86so1_500.gif 1519274;1471016618;asciilifeform;also i dun fully grasp her laddel's story 1519275;1471016636;asciilifeform;he has 'clients', is writing dissertation, taking in 1000s in donation, etc 1519276;1471016640;asciilifeform;but is 'homeless' also ? 1519277;1471016648;asciilifeform;how's this wurk 1519278;1471016653;asciilifeform;is on the run, shot the sheriff, or wat. 1519279;1471016656;mircea_popescu;america. 1519280;1471016666;asciilifeform;kokakola, sumtimes WARRRR!11111 etc 1519281;1471016678;asciilifeform;but this? is a first, to me. 1519282;1471016688;mircea_popescu;young fetching fellow living in sunny climate, fucking locals for showers. not that rare. 1519283;1471016775;asciilifeform;when's the last time he $v'd, while we're on subj ? 1519284;1471016790;mircea_popescu;$s "$up gabr" 1519285;1471016791;a111;20 results for "\"$up gabr\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22$up%20gabr%22 1519286;1471016806;mircea_popescu;hm 1519287;1471016814;mircea_popescu;$s "from:gabriel_laddel $up" 1519288;1471016814;a111;0 results for "\"from:gabriel_laddel $up\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22from%3Agabriel_laddel%20$up%22 1519289;1471016819;mircea_popescu;apparently...never ? 1519290;1471016821;asciilifeform;looks like 0 ?! 1519291;1471016836;mircea_popescu;im too lazy to dig up the old logfiles. 1519292;1471016841;PeterL;would not be in chan, $up is to deedbot 1519293;1471016843;mircea_popescu;phf you importing those already!!11 1519294;1471016854;asciilifeform;iirc phf has whole set in there 1519295;1471016865;mircea_popescu;$s "from:gabriel_laddel !up" 1519296;1471016866;a111;0 results for "\"from:gabriel_laddel !up\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22from%3Agabriel_laddel%20!up%22 1519297;1471016892;mircea_popescu;of course... he wouldn't do it in cahn in the first place would he. 1519298;1471016934;mircea_popescu;apparently this needs an actual command, $last_check name or somesuch. looks for the last time someone self-authed. 1519299;1471016935;PeterL;maybe a command could be added to deedbot to return last time verifyed? 1519300;1471016941;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1519301;1471016949;mircea_popescu;actually no - not a command. 1519302;1471016954;asciilifeform;'FreeNode-#bitcoin-assets.log:Nov 22 01:21:09 * assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel' 1519303;1471017000;mircea_popescu;trinque can you modify deedbot so instead of " gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes." it says " gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. Last self-authed on : " ? 1519304;1471017009;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as for deedbot - apparently never. 1519305;1471017016;asciilifeform;not once. 1519306;1471017034;PeterL;ah, that was before B-A/Trilema split 1519307;1471017050;mircea_popescu;well guy went homeless or somesuch. 1519308;1471017093;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-22#931508 << the logged line immediately after his last known selfvoice. 1519309;1471017093;a111;Logged on 2014-11-22 06:21 punkman: another fun exercise, trying to install Linux on 3TB disk 1519310;1471017098;asciilifeform;2014. 1519311;1471017133;asciilifeform;now it is conceivable that he was here when my fiber was down or etc. 1519312;1471017144;asciilifeform;other folks - welcome to grep own l0gz. 1519313;1471017191;asciilifeform;herr laddel would not be the first unlucky fella to lose key and then be 'too lazy to reach for it' for yearz. 1519314;1471017221;PeterL;or too ashamed to admit loss of key 1519315;1471017223;phf;mircea_popescu: i don't have the 2012 ones yet 1519316;1471017239;asciilifeform;which is sad, because by this time he could have rebirthed himself with new key and worked long enough for new key to add up to a man 1519317;1471017248;mircea_popescu;quite. 1519318;1471017254;phf;but otherwise it's to the early days of b-a 1519319;1471017279;mircea_popescu;phf wait, how does this work ? i recall i sent you a batch, or was there a problem there ? 1519320;1471017310;phf;mircea_popescu: i haven't had time to integrate it, my spare cycles were going into bot rewrite 1519321;1471017315;mircea_popescu;ah ok. 1519322;1471017336;phf;(mostly because those logs will have to have negative id's, i assume there are bunch of places, where ids are handled with parse-integer) 1519323;1471017479;phf;i wrote a loader for them though, and they load, eating up another 100mb or so 1519324;1471017515;mircea_popescu;well, now and again the matter will pop up anew. 1519325;1471017666;trinque;mircea_popescu: I'd have to start collecting that information, but yes 1519326;1471017682;mircea_popescu;cool. useful because otherwise... 1519327;1471017904;asciilifeform;re earlier thread, did we ever do http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3144404199547949@naggum.no.html ? 1519328;1471017935;mircea_popescu;iirc yes. 1519329;1471017935;asciilifeform;'suppose you drive down the highway and you suddenly want to go some nice place you saw just before you pass a forest. you veer off the road, plunge into the wilderness and promptly decide that you need four-wheel drive, a huge cutting device in front of your car, much better shock absorbers, a bigger engine that could actually run on swamp water instead of getting all drowned, and then need an amphibious vehicle to get across the r 1519330;1471017935;asciilifeform;iver on the far side of the forest. you can't get all that right away after you made up your mind to veer off the road, and This Is Surely Somebody's Fault...' 1519331;1471017939;*;asciilifeform digs. 1519332;1471017997;asciilifeform;...sorta. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-21#1412522 1519333;1471017997;a111;Logged on 2016-02-21 21:23 asciilifeform: as described by naggum, http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3144404199547949@naggum.no.html 1519334;1471018010;asciilifeform;at any rate, it is applicable, imho, to herr laddel. 1519335;1471018018;mircea_popescu;yeah, it was part of a discussion of rms/foss/etc ineptitude. 1519336;1471018044;asciilifeform;very, to be fair, easy trap to fall in. 'i just want to y while never letting go of z.' 1519337;1471018056;asciilifeform;'only a lunatic would suggest that i part with z.' 1519338;1471018067;asciilifeform;'would have to redesign machine!1111' 1519339;1471018100;mircea_popescu;anyway, i;m deeply unpersuaded of naggum's love for "dynamism" 1519340;1471018104;asciilifeform;'here, instead i will part with networked displays, which i never used anyway, and shoelaces.' 1519341;1471018110;mircea_popescu;non-static code is rank nonsense. 1519342;1471018122;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: naggum's 'dynamism' is a very particular thing. 1519343;1471018153;asciilifeform;simply means dispensing with batch compilation. 1519344;1471018162;mircea_popescu;yes. and the reason no allowance for it is made in say v is also very particular. 1519345;1471018172;asciilifeform;as described in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=256 . 1519346;1471018208;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the two items have nothing to do with one another. 1519347;1471018241;mircea_popescu;his "open car design" is copied exactly off the "no guns" europolicy. 1519348;1471018259;asciilifeform;fella was, incidentally, 'gun nut' 1519349;1471018262;mircea_popescu;"find a better way to do what you want than shooting justice holman" 1519350;1471018263;asciilifeform;(not an easy thing to be in norway) 1519351;1471018268;mircea_popescu;fuck you bitch, i DO NOT WANT to find a better way. 1519352;1471018281;mircea_popescu;i want to plow right through the fucking swamp. 1519353;1471018327;asciilifeform;subj is not about whether mircea_popescu likes to plow through swamp. but about whether roads are unnecessary because let's all buy amphibious bulldozers. 1519354;1471018450;mircea_popescu;seems to me it's rather about how amphibious buldozers are unnecessary because her majesty's engineering corps may one day get around to building a road that goes where I WANT. 1519355;1471018456;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the coming of 'justice holman's, preets, etc. is not unlike the fungus in aids patient - it is not there from insufficient antifungal intake. by the time it appears, ought to pick out tomb stone, write will. 1519356;1471018457;mircea_popescu;fuck her scrawny ass with a pineapple. 1519357;1471018512;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: naggum was, as you can probably tell, 'roman', or 'man of civilization', 'i'ma drown like a gentleman ! (tm) (r) (brit officer)' etc. 1519358;1471018514;asciilifeform;hence why dead. 1519359;1471018525;mircea_popescu;for the record, if a system had this sort of "semantic indirection" built in where any fuckwad could "redefine OPEN()" i'd burn it and piss on the ashes. 1519360;1471018530;mircea_popescu;fucking hell, windows is preferable. 1519361;1471018536;asciilifeform;'operator can' != 'any fuckwit can' 1519362;1471018544;mircea_popescu;orly. 1519363;1471018544;asciilifeform;omfg what is so hard about this concept. 1519364;1471018554;mircea_popescu;define "operator" 1519365;1471018557;asciilifeform;operator == the fella who can put the key in the keyhole. 1519366;1471018559;asciilifeform;in front panel. 1519367;1471018563;asciilifeform;that has N notches, yes. 1519368;1471018570;mircea_popescu;you just downloaded bitcoin code. define "operator". 1519369;1471018595;asciilifeform;me. 1519370;1471018610;asciilifeform;and no, it doesn't get to 'redefine open' for any other process. 1519371;1471018613;asciilifeform;unless i let it. 1519372;1471018626;mircea_popescu;what is so hard about this concept is that it is not a concept of wisdom but a concept of idiocy. which is to say, it does not belong in reality, but in the masturbatory alt-reality, necessarily inexistent, secreted by overexcited virgins who lived in a basement. 1519373;1471018646;mircea_popescu;you're eschewing the question. "operator=me" has two options : a) not run the code ; b) run the code, giving whoever wrote it operator status. 1519374;1471018648;mircea_popescu;what's your pick ? 1519375;1471018653;asciilifeform;THIS IS IDIOCY 1519376;1471018657;asciilifeform;i pick c ! 1519377;1471018666;asciilifeform;code runs in impenetrable prison. 1519378;1471018666;mircea_popescu;which is what, to read it and re-redefine everything in it ? 1519379;1471018673;asciilifeform;that gets clearly delineated choice of operations 1519380;1471018681;asciilifeform;none of which is 'redefine x for other processes' 1519381;1471018684;mircea_popescu;this is something you can say ; but not something you can do. 1519382;1471018689;asciilifeform;not on x86 anyway. 1519383;1471018692;mircea_popescu;you've just said "i build escherian trestlework around it" 1519384;1471018693;asciilifeform;which is why x86 goes to the skip. 1519385;1471018697;mircea_popescu;mno. 1519386;1471018709;mircea_popescu;if THIS is you reason to dislike the x86, YOU go in the skip. 1519387;1471018710;asciilifeform;note, i can do it using two or moar x86 boxes. 1519388;1471018713;asciilifeform;and routinely do. 1519389;1471018717;asciilifeform;and so does mircea_popescu . 1519390;1471018722;mircea_popescu;you can run a buggy approximation thereof. 1519391;1471018728;asciilifeform;but it is 'heavy' and unwieldy method. 1519392;1471018735;mircea_popescu;unlike you, mircea_popescu doesn't lie to himself about what's going on. 1519393;1471018745;asciilifeform;where is the lie ? 1519394;1471018770;mircea_popescu;in that you're crudely approximating something that's fundamentally impossible - and tell yourselfd this is proof the impossible may be possible! magic! socialism! 1519395;1471018772;mircea_popescu;fucking nonsense. 1519396;1471018781;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's toilet is in his kitchen ? or not ? 1519397;1471018787;asciilifeform;is the wall a 'lie' ? 1519398;1471018800;mircea_popescu;it's not that i chose not to redefine sink as toilet. is that my sink CAN NOT BE so redefined. 1519399;1471018803;asciilifeform;betcha i could find bacterium that only grows in yer shitter, in your kitchen sink. 1519400;1471018821;mircea_popescu;there is no "bacterium that only" except in the masturbatory alt-reality, necessarily inexistent, secreted by overexcited virgins who lived in a basement. 1519401;1471018834;asciilifeform;'learn how the world works!' mno. 1519402;1471018848;mircea_popescu;definitionally bacterium will live anywhere. 1519403;1471018854;asciilifeform;live. 1519404;1471018856;mircea_popescu;that's what makes them themselves. 1519405;1471018869;asciilifeform;i did say 'grow' 1519406;1471018895;mircea_popescu;go do this experiment for curiosity. plumbing grows ~the same stuff everywhere. 1519407;1471018921;mircea_popescu;there's no "toilet bacteria" ; there is genetic variation, but by geography not by function. 1519408;1471018924;asciilifeform;at any rate it is quite possible to semantically isolate processes inside, yes, one crate. 1519409;1471018928;asciilifeform;with no side-channels. 1519410;1471018933;mircea_popescu;but this for static processes 1519411;1471018937;asciilifeform;that ~nowhere it is seen, is immaterial. 1519412;1471018939;mircea_popescu;not for meaningless labels. 1519413;1471018962;mircea_popescu;generally speaking, i specifically do not wish for anyone to be able to redefine anything ever. 1519414;1471018987;mircea_popescu;that is the policy. any opposition to this, such as "we're now calling niggers afroamerican" or such as "naggum redefined OPEN() to work on his system" is EXACTLY the same thing, 1519415;1471019000;asciilifeform;spoken like a fella who never personally engineers anything. 1519416;1471019003;mircea_popescu;and that thing is unmitigatedly evil ; not to mentionm the fundamental source and ther self-replicating living body, of our present predicaments. 1519417;1471019043;mircea_popescu;you want to change the world, build on top of immutable primitives, like in v. don't go around pretending "light" now means something else than yesterday. 1519418;1471019071;asciilifeform;an immutable record of past imperfections is not same as immutable pineapple to eternally sit on. 1519419;1471019077;mircea_popescu;sure. 1519420;1471019087;asciilifeform;nobody asked for mutable past. 1519421;1471019091;asciilifeform;(not asciilifeform anyway) 1519422;1471019100;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is this "redefine OPEN" bs then! 1519423;1471019105;mircea_popescu;$up gabriel_laddel 1519424;1471019105;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1519425;1471019111;mircea_popescu;ye found yer key ? 1519426;1471019125;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: it is not lost. Simply out of reach atm. 1519427;1471019137;gabriel_laddel;costs me about 300 usd to go get it, so am waiting 1519428;1471019139;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: how come it's - apparently - been out of reach since nov. 2014 ? 1519429;1471019150;mircea_popescu;lol you got kicked out of rented apt ? 1519430;1471019155;mircea_popescu;WITH backrent ? 1519431;1471019161;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: I have 3 closed bank accounts. 1519432;1471019174;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I authed many times in 2015 1519433;1471019174;mircea_popescu;your management skills amaze. 1519434;1471019203;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: neither mine, nor - it would appear - anyone else's log - has record of this 1519435;1471019264;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: will do some grepping at some point, but for now - work 1519436;1471019279;asciilifeform;btcalpha does show gabriel_laddel as having rated several people since '14. 1519437;1471019281;asciilifeform;so there's that. 1519438;1471019291;mircea_popescu;a right, that works. 1519439;1471019300;asciilifeform;but plox find yer key gabriel_laddel , esp. if you want the old lenovo thing, i'ma only ship to signed post addr. 1519440;1471019321;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: that's going to have to wait 1-5 months then, depending on my fiscal situation 1519441;1471019359;asciilifeform;thing sat on my shelf for a year, can sit moar. 1519442;1471019464;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: also, I'm not taking thousands in donations. jackdaniel is being paid several k to work on CLIM 1519443;1471019491;gabriel_laddel;were I fundraising for clim, yes, it would not be via 'crowdfunding' and yes, the numbers would be in the 10ks 1519444;1471019511;mircea_popescu;what's keeping you ? 1519445;1471019523;gabriel_laddel;work 1519446;1471019549;mircea_popescu;well then that kinda work should eat through your 300 overdraft in a short time. 1519447;1471019587;gabriel_laddel;nothing is straightforwards when you don't have a bank account 1519448;1471019598;gabriel_laddel;(among other things in my life that are totally fucked) 1519449;1471019631;mircea_popescu;"they sure wouldn't have built this very versatile car, which they talk about a lot more than where they have used it and for what" << now this is fo sho valid criticism of the whole demographic. 1519450;1471019646;PeterL;MP-in-my-head says: get a girlfriend and use her bank account 1519451;1471019656;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as per the 'shit hanging off the side' thread. 1519452;1471019663;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1519453;1471019664;gabriel_laddel;I had a girlfriend. was staying at her place when parents were out of town etc 1519454;1471019666;gabriel_laddel;too much work 1519455;1471019680;mircea_popescu;PeterL not a terrible plan. 1519456;1471019698;asciilifeform;ah yeah, iirc, karate gurl 1519457;1471019702;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519312 << I found one in this channel, here is the logged line preceeding it: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-16#1453037 1519458;1471019702;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 15:52 asciilifeform: other folks - welcome to grep own l0gz. 1519459;1471019702;a111;Logged on 2016-04-16 06:38 mircea_popescu: folding proteins for instance is essentially a search over a very large graph space 1519460;1471019744;trinque;gabriel_laddel: y'know I used to do this "fuck everything but work" thing, trying to get somewhere. 1519461;1471019749;trinque;no sleep, caffeine, so on. 1519462;1471019752;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron sorry, what did you find ? 1519463;1471019760;trinque;was never homeless, but it's a difference of degree. 1519464;1471019767;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: nope. 'Apr 16 02:19:58 $up gabriel_laddel' 1519465;1471019770;trinque;you'll actually get more useful work done if you take time to fix your life. 1519466;1471019786;trinque;the brain needs control over its environment to function best 1519467;1471019791;mircea_popescu;Apr 16 03:51:01 * deedbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel Apr 16 03:52:58 * deedbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel << ah yes. 1519468;1471019797;asciilifeform;ah there. 1519469;1471019798;danielpbarron;yeah and then the 30 minutes are up, he loses the +v, and then gets it again with nobody saying up 1519470;1471019808;asciilifeform;at any rate, fella is to be encouraged to find key !! 1519471;1471019821;mircea_popescu;course that could be anyone upping him in pm ? 1519472;1471019833;asciilifeform;would you let your cock, if it unscrewed, sit around in some closet ?? 1519473;1471019859;danielpbarron;seems I can't $up someone in private 1519474;1471019865;danielpbarron;unless i lost auth, lemme see 1519475;1471019870;danielpbarron;$up zfx 1519476;1471019871;deedbot;zfx voiced for 30 minutes. 1519477;1471019876;mircea_popescu;trinque> you'll actually get more useful work done if you take time to fix your life. << i support the notion. life's not a sprint but a marathon, and attempting to build anything serious on the very rotten shifty bases here described is not unlike trying to do clim in windows 95. 1519478;1471019891;mircea_popescu;consider that there's more to your tooling than just the software and fix things in priority order. 1519479;1471019905;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: thing is, he ~is~ doing clim in win95, best as i can tell. 1519480;1471019910;asciilifeform;a win95 known as linux. 1519481;1471019911;trinque;asciilifeform: http://oglaf.com/cockhunt/ << oblig 1519482;1471020016;asciilifeform;and gabriel_laddel if i 'cannot girlfriend because too much work' but the 'work' does not pay even enough to have flea-ridden flat, or post address, i would consider another work... 1519483;1471020032;asciilifeform;but perhaps that's just me 1519484;1471020049;mircea_popescu;perhaps it's just the girls he cavorts with. needy adolescent can be exhausting. 1519485;1471020057;mircea_popescu;kinda why you need more womenz to process that payload. 1519486;1471020064;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: women who are uneducatable but intelligent are exausting.. 1519487;1471020068;PeterL;is having the girlfriend too much work, or does the too much work get in the way of having girlfriend? 1519488;1471020089;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel how's an uneducatable intelligent woman like ?! 1519489;1471020095;mircea_popescu;old ? 1519490;1471020103;gabriel_laddel;older - 28ish 1519491;1471020119;mircea_popescu;myeah kinda towards the end of salvation window. 1519492;1471020139;gabriel_laddel;can memorize anything, rattle of facts about various interesting topics. Totally unable to see things from outside of the box she's been in for N years. 1519493;1471020177;gabriel_laddel;also people who are cowards are no fun 1519494;1471020200;trinque;does "coward" resolve to "you should probably right your ship" ? 1519495;1471020204;mircea_popescu;women are born cowards for very good, fundamerntal biologic reasons. 1519496;1471020211;mircea_popescu;gotta play to the op's strengths not weaknesses. 1519497;1471020252;gabriel_laddel;trinque: nein. 1519498;1471020273;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: elaborate what means 'coward' here ? 'won't attempt to live on tobacco alone, in dumpster, with me ' ? 1519499;1471020293;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: stupid stuff like being afraid of parents "angry about staying out late with strange boy" 1519500;1471020302;gabriel_laddel;at 28 1519501;1471020304;mircea_popescu;wait. at 28 ?! 1519502;1471020310;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: east asia ? 1519503;1471020316;mircea_popescu;i confess not my notion of cowardice. 1519504;1471020327;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: iran 1519505;1471020360;mircea_popescu;i suspect the subtext there is "you're poor". i've known irani chicks, not exhibited such problems. perhaps their daddy being petrified of me a large factor. 1519506;1471020394;*;trinque dated one; they're fucking hot 1519507;1471020400;mircea_popescu;can be ; can be. 1519508;1471020449;mircea_popescu;that's part of the whole "o look, latinas in miami" lulz. if you're going to decide to go brunette, there's a shitload better options than fucking south america, and they come from the golden crescent. 1519509;1471020459;gabriel_laddel;^ 1519510;1471020468;mircea_popescu;hence kim the ~armenian~ 1519511;1471020556;*;shinohai still finds yesterday's trilema girl quite fetching. 1519512;1471020606;trinque;eh 1519513;1471020622;trinque;could wash her hair 1519514;1471020656;mircea_popescu;too much work. 1519515;1471020702;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: an to the "cowardice" thing. girls who are afraid of eg, dropping lsd, but happily eat whatever the doctor hands them, inspite of a boy having them read, OUT LOUD various articles, research on the respective effects == cowards aor stupid. 1519516;1471020722;mircea_popescu;still not my idea of cowardice. 1519517;1471020743;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: and what is your idea of cowardice? 1519518;1471020775;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: how long you had this gurl ? 1519519;1471020802;gabriel_laddel;Idk, couple months. the lsd thing never came up explicitly, but several things in that vein did. 1519520;1471020805;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: if answer is 'years' and it still won't eat, either 'not programmable, get a new one' or 'the bad dancer is hindered by own arse' (tm) (r) (iddish proverb) 1519521;1471020874;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I can assure you that the problem here is not me. 'dated' (for some value of that word) a 35 yr chinese woman who had zero hangups 1519522;1471020875;mircea_popescu;sadly not too easy to put in words. 1519523;1471020919;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: what can i say, if knife won't cut, get new knife, or cut something softer.. 1519524;1471020921;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1519525;1471020921;*;trinque cackles at this measure of whence the problem 1519526;1471020921;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1519527;1471021003;asciilifeform;there is a concept, ad-hoc, i refer to as 'pressure', but there is quite likely a better and more specific name for it. e.g., mircea_popescu , walks into a village, and the menfolk line up in one column and the wimminfolk in another, the men - pick up rifles, and wait for order, the chix - get on knees, ready to pleez, etc. 1519528;1471021007;asciilifeform;this is because 'higher pressure' 1519529;1471021035;trinque;that'd be dominance eh? 1519530;1471021045;asciilifeform;on other end of the scale, there are freaks of nature who have so little 'pressure', they look for what to chameoleonize to wherever they go. 1519531;1471021047;mircea_popescu;heh not how irl works, because complex interaction in crystalline lattice causes all sorts of strange peribehaviours. 1519532;1471021052;asciilifeform;sure. 1519533;1471021054;asciilifeform;but in approximation. 1519534;1471021059;asciilifeform;just like rockwell hardness is approximation 1519535;1471021062;asciilifeform;yet useful to machinist. 1519536;1471021067;mircea_popescu;sure. 1519537;1471021071;asciilifeform;though it has no physical existence on its own. 1519538;1471021107;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519202 << it's kind of a pun, i think of systems design as landscape traversal. i think there are frequently paths, as is the case here, that hit multiple design goals and have lower overall complexity, better than a seemingly direct path, that has a hidden high complexity. abstract discussions about ideological goals, that don't take into account design space traversal can be resolved by actual taking 1519539;1471021107;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 15:19 mircea_popescu: phf define for me the concept of "bridged on architectural grounds" 1519540;1471021107;phf;the necessary mental steps. 1519541;1471021128;asciilifeform;from my brief sojourn with thickasthieves in airplanes, for instance, i learned that he is a fella of considerably lower pressure, it appeared, than his wife. 1519542;1471021136;asciilifeform;and that this explained some of his very peculiar thought processes. 1519543;1471021159;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: anyways, this is an ex-gf, looking for a new knife 1519544;1471021186;mircea_popescu;phf the fundamental problem here is that you misuse words. "to resolve on the basis of" requires a basis, which is to say, something shared. whether right or wrong - i can resolve quantum physics disputes on the basis of coran suras if need be. yet your thing is "this is cool so should be basis". how cool it is has no bearing on how shared it is, you know ? 1519545;1471021209;phf;mircea_popescu: i think asciilifeform and gabriel_laddel goals are very similar, combined together they'll produce an easy low complexity (but perhaps less glamorous) design space traversal path. gabriel_laddel doesn't see it, because he thinks that a certain stop on his path is "dirty" or somesuch, so he wants to avoid it altogether 1519546;1471021227;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1519547;1471021237;gabriel_laddel;phf: I just want the fking thing to work and make me some money. 1519548;1471021248;gabriel_laddel;all else is negotiable 1519549;1471021250;asciilifeform;what i see in his approach is a distinctly 15th c., hygiene-via-parfumery approach. 1519550;1471021250;phf;mircea_popescu: i think that it is shared between all designers, it's just that newbs have a very adhoc design space vision, it's better formed with experience 1519551;1471021261;mircea_popescu;so you're a platonician then ? 1519552;1471021266;asciilifeform;it gave us what we have now, and it dun work. 1519553;1471021337;asciilifeform;a kitchen with roaches, and kitchen with-roaches but at given instance in time they are behind closed cabinets and i cannot see them, are not the same item, even if 'functionally' the same from particular camera angle. 1519554;1471021386;asciilifeform;and i can see them buggers through 10 metres of steel. 1519555;1471021388;phf;mircea_popescu: i'm actually more of jungian 1519556;1471021389;asciilifeform;if need be. 1519557;1471021419;mircea_popescu;phf but your argument fundamentally is "there's no need for communication because the essence of all things is in all things", which is what that is. 1519558;1471021442;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, socrates used questions specifically for that fundamental reason - that understanding may only happen on the basis of what the understander contains, and naught else. 1519559;1471021452;mircea_popescu;a point platon never quite groked, hence his terrible political failures. 1519560;1471021548;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: for folks who 'dun care how, just wanna make some moneyz!111' the belching smokestacks of microshitschwitz are waiting. 1519561;1471021556;asciilifeform;presumably you know the address, i do not need to point. 1519562;1471021601;asciilifeform;at usgschwitz also we had all the moneyz you could want. 1519563;1471021603;asciilifeform;and then some. 1519564;1471021613;asciilifeform;the shovels were insufficient, to shovel it. 1519565;1471021653;asciilifeform;so i must infer that gabriel_laddel did not 'just want some moneyz' or he would be there, already, shovel in hand. 1519566;1471021696;phf;mircea_popescu: i don't take it all the way to the cave, i believe that one can tap into shared mythic space which has more to do with human condition than it does with humanless abstract. but for how often i'm misunderstood, i suspect that socratic method is much more effective. 1519567;1471021703;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I live in silly-con valley. If I - just - wanted to make money I'd be out doing it. 1519568;1471021711;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: aha 1519569;1471021728;asciilifeform;so then, what does gabriel_laddel want ~on top~ of 'some moneyz' 1519570;1471021729;mircea_popescu;well, it certainly is much more effective when stuck with the apparent incomprehensible mysts, as seen here. 1519571;1471021729;asciilifeform;? 1519572;1471021736;phf;:D 1519573;1471021751;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: sane computing, for one 1519574;1471021762;asciilifeform;'sane computing' dun have a linux kernel or c compiler in it. 1519575;1471021763;asciilifeform;anywhere. 1519576;1471021793;asciilifeform;and there is not a shortcut ladder into heaven that lets you 'save time' by 'using what you have' etc. 1519577;1471021825;asciilifeform;more relevantly , it ALSO does not have a c-compiler-shaped hole in it. 1519578;1471021834;asciilifeform;that you got from building on the latter and then removing. 1519579;1471021841;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: we've already discussed this. I'm going to be selling masamune computers + related until the leap can be made from the cee machine to... something else 1519580;1471021844;asciilifeform;nor a linux-shaped hole. 1519581;1471021849;gabriel_laddel;we need masamune machines to design on top of until then 1519582;1471021853;asciilifeform;why not sell bulldozers ? 1519583;1471021856;asciilifeform;or tyres ? 1519584;1471021859;asciilifeform;or cement ? 1519585;1471021867;asciilifeform;at least these things won't warp yer brain for the computer work 1519586;1471021876;phf;mircea_popescu: that point is consistently being driven home. in fact i got to talk lisp to a bunch of random people and had a very visceral experience of the gap. hathayogapradipika says to keep your yoga secret, i.e. don't be a incomprehensible myst. but sometimes i still get carried away. ~some~ people grok me though, even when i start speaking internal experiences. 1519587;1471021877;mircea_popescu;i recall this cca 2014 heh. 1519588;1471021877;gabriel_laddel;under what circumstances is it appropriate to open a deli? 1519589;1471021884;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: any and all. go, open 1519590;1471021888;asciilifeform;i will even come & eat there. 1519591;1471021898;gabriel_laddel;when your uncle runs a slaughterhouse. 1519592;1471021922;mircea_popescu;phf this "you already know all knowledge, just, you know, wash" is ridiculous enough, but nowhere the ridiculousness is in starker evidence than in the harem. "so i washed, can i bellydance yet ?" "no, wash more." 1519593;1471022116;mircea_popescu;anyway, the incomprehensible mists were him, not you. who the hell knows what's in the box of a guy who does such contradictory things as alf pointed out. i wouldn't risk much on the theory we share any mythology, and it's not even directly evident gabriel_laddel actually lives meaningfully related to the human condition. 1519594;1471022123;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: the 'i will pick high-level abstractions and then, much later, find a low-level set that supports them well' is doomed. and leads to, e.g., urbit. 1519595;1471022136;asciilifeform;the only way to have structure that stands up is to begin from the bottom. 1519596;1471022158;asciilifeform;this painful lesson is taught, again and again, for the whole history of the idiot field, but nobody learns. 1519597;1471022190;asciilifeform;because everybody 'i'm a genius and will pick the tower back up and insert hard ground under it because i am better than everyone who lived prior' etc. 1519598;1471022203;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you will note that there exists no life of the spirit outside of exactly this "i will pick high level abstracrtion and proceed to allign realia to it" 1519599;1471022221;mircea_popescu;the alternative to this is strictly "the lady of the lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft computador from the bosom of the lake" 1519600;1471022245;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: have you ever met, e.g., mechanical engineer, who has never heard of alloys ? 1519601;1471022251;mircea_popescu;yes. 1519602;1471022252;asciilifeform;and draws 'whatever, and let machinist pick' 1519603;1471022260;mircea_popescu;yes i have. 1519604;1471022262;asciilifeform;the result is, approximately, american car. 1519605;1471022269;mircea_popescu;well... 1519606;1471022293;mircea_popescu;romanian train (no need to discuss alloy, there were like 4) ; egyptian car (they'll use the best they can) ; etc. many possible contexts. 1519607;1471022301;asciilifeform;it is not the designer's place to replace the metallurgist. but 'design for manufacturability', for instance, is a thing. 1519608;1471022307;mircea_popescu;sure. 1519609;1471022311;asciilifeform;and requires functional grip on the materials. 1519610;1471022316;mircea_popescu;also sure. 1519611;1471022318;trinque;mircea_popescu: Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing computadors is no basis for a system of computing! 1519612;1471022331;mircea_popescu;you'd think, trinque, you'd think! 1519613;1471022395;asciilifeform;german jet, for instance, famously, jumo and bmw both, did not turn back british largely because it was designed with no mind of availability of materials (can get whatever you like for prototype, but try for production line) 1519614;1471022421;mircea_popescu;complicated discussion. 1519615;1471022422;asciilifeform;hence were few, and what few there were, had mtbf measured in 10s of hrs. 1519616;1471022429;asciilifeform;complicated, but not wholly unrelated. 1519617;1471022438;mircea_popescu;there's an overarching consensus that the germans would have broken britain had they not been cowards and kept up the london bombin. 1519618;1471022452;mircea_popescu;in the end, material shortages decide a lot more than people like to think. 1519619;1471022457;asciilifeform;cowardice has ~0 to do with it, there were jet bombers over london in april '45. 1519620;1471022464;asciilifeform;or rather, bomber. 1519621;1471022465;asciilifeform;singular. 1519622;1471022465;mircea_popescu;no, it's a matter of volume. 1519623;1471022471;asciilifeform;volume, aha. 1519624;1471022473;mircea_popescu;they cut down on losses ; instead of leaning into on losses. 1519625;1471022501;mircea_popescu;that, incidentally, is a good entry into "female, necessary, biological cowardice". what do you do confronted with losses ? wind down ? or pip up ? 1519626;1471022513;mircea_popescu;every domesticated animal winds down. 1519627;1471022523;asciilifeform;wild - gnaws off own leg, aha. 1519628;1471022523;mircea_popescu;there's a reason we have domestic sheep but not domestic mice 1519629;1471022527;asciilifeform;and - if he can - hunter's. 1519630;1471022601;mircea_popescu;so then there's the two and only two available strategies. the psychopath (the more i lose, the more i send, fuck you) ; and the woman (the more i lose, the less i send, may my children cover the earth). 1519631;1471022681;asciilifeform;not even uncommon for same individual to switch between strategies (in, e.g., certain fish) 1519632;1471022780;mircea_popescu;obv. 1519633;1471022784;asciilifeform;re: metallurgy, and 'design for manufacturability', i once heard a vintage, scratchy-record recording of old american engineering, if you will, folk song, where some quasiliterate rube is ruthlessly mocked, and chorus was something like 'triangular drills will drill all his square holes!' 1519634;1471022795;mircea_popescu;ahahah 1519635;1471022805;mircea_popescu;plox to put this on your blog. i gotta hear it 1519636;1471022852;asciilifeform;http://genius.com/Jordin-kare-the-engineer-lyrics << appears to be it, or at least variant. 1519637;1471022856;mircea_popescu;(you can, incidentally, obtain polygonal holes - if not necessarily square - with odd shaped bit moving on two different orbits) 1519638;1471022860;mircea_popescu;neat! 1519639;1471022910;asciilifeform;well yes, you can, it is the item referred to. 1519640;1471022916;asciilifeform;just co$$t$. 1519641;1471022919;mircea_popescu;myeah 1519642;1471022970;mircea_popescu;apparently not even folk - jordin kare is the propulsion guy neh ? 1519643;1471022996;asciilifeform;i have nfi where it originated. 1519644;1471023041;asciilifeform;maybe - him. 1519645;1471023049;mircea_popescu;But the tricky bits here are these spheres within spheres, the Klein bottle tanks, the irrational gears 1519646;1471023051;mircea_popescu;ahahaha ok 1519647;1471023075;asciilifeform;btw 'sphere in polyhedron' used to be a standard journeyman machinist exam. 1519648;1471023125;asciilifeform;http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k106/jims_03/IMG_0007-1.jpg << like so. 1519649;1471023169;asciilifeform;http://cdn.instructables.com/FPO/WZ15/GZKG35LC/FPOWZ15GZKG35LC.MEDIUM.jpg << or so. 1519650;1471023566;asciilifeform;https://www.shapeways.com/forum/t/irrational-gears-by-oskar.27672 << lulzy. 1519651;1471023885;danielpbarron;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://danielpbarron.com/qntra/choose-your-government-wisely.asc.txt 1519652;1471023886;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1519653;1471023955;asciilifeform;in other noose, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d15a7303-62c3-4aa5-beaf-f67218ab3ebf/?raw=true 1519654;1471023982;asciilifeform;'The claimants in this case appeal from the district court’s entry of default judgment for the government in a civil forfeiture action against funds deposited in the claimants’ names in banks in New Zealand and Hong Kong. Default judgment was entered after the government successfully moved to disentitle the claimants from defending their claims to the defendant property under the federal fugitive disentitlement statute, 28 U.S.C. 1519655;1471023982;asciilifeform; § 2466. The claimants appeal the judgment on several grounds, most prominent among them that the district court lacked jurisdiction over the defendant property because it resides in foreign countries, that fugitive disentitlement violates constitutional due process, and that disentitlement in this case was improper because the claimants are not fugitives from the law. Finding these arguments unpersuasive, we affirm the district cou 1519656;1471023983;asciilifeform;rt.' 1519657;1471023989;asciilifeform;^ gassing of kimdotcom stands. 1519658;1471024128;trinque;now he's going to deedbot torrent hashes and somehow make it all back 1519659;1471024144;trinque;revolutionary blockchain technology 1519660;1471024183;asciilifeform;i have nfi what deal idiot made with which preet to preserve the remaining empty skin husk of his arse. 1519661;1471024212;asciilifeform;( a practice i suggest to refer to as 'shremming') 1519662;1471024226;PeterL;speaking of which, where is the best place to find torrents? 1519663;1471024253;asciilifeform;from meatspace friend's disk ? 1519664;1471024265;asciilifeform;(warez in the general, rather than 'torrent') 1519665;1471025055;mircea_popescu;in another life /me had set of five jade spheres, hand carved. whole thing about titsized. 1519666;1471025080;asciilifeform;eh by hand it is easy. 1519667;1471025083;asciilifeform;just takes patience. 1519668;1471025087;mircea_popescu;uyp. 1519669;1471025106;asciilifeform;nobody gets to be journeyman-anything by doing it with hands. 1519670;1471025309;mircea_popescu;also need a proper sized jade piece, which is rarer the bigger it gets. 1519671;1471025355;asciilifeform;this also. 1519672;1471025623;mircea_popescu;"|I don't see why anyone would insist on a way to do things that does not solves the real problem, but rather solve an ancilliary problem that is a problem only because someone is very stubborn." << the political ineptidude of these people. 1519673;1471025633;mircea_popescu;it is a problem BECAUSE I AM THE BOSS OF YOU ; NOT YOU THE BOSS OF ME. 1519674;1471025644;mircea_popescu;how fucking hard to see could this possibly be ? 1519675;1471025656;asciilifeform;to naggum, mircea_popescu is boss if he is paying. 1519676;1471025660;asciilifeform;and for so long as paying. 1519677;1471025664;mircea_popescu;no. 1519678;1471025680;mircea_popescu;his "car could go there some other way" requires car user to recognize "other way provider" as boss. 1519679;1471025690;asciilifeform;as described in his cpp chronicles. he largely quit programming for a good while, because disagreed with the use of the abomination. 1519680;1471025699;mircea_popescu;"car goes through your house" requires "other way provider" to recognize car owner as boss. 1519681;1471025703;mircea_popescu;this has naught to do with me or naggum. 1519682;1471025725;asciilifeform;fact is, if konsoomer demands something that is fundamentally stupid, konsoomer is stupid. 1519683;1471025737;asciilifeform;even regardless of whether demand comes with a stack of cash that reaches to pluto. 1519684;1471025739;mircea_popescu;i don't care about the consumer. 1519685;1471025768;asciilifeform;this is not a seekrit. 1519686;1471025776;asciilifeform;and yes, triangular bits will drill mircea_popescu's square holes. 1519687;1471025778;mircea_popescu;naggum's solution to "bitcoin is broken" would be pointedly not to "take over source and discharge the delusional folks "releasing" "versions" in their own mind" ; but instead to "find another way". perhaps what, spam the forums ? to build consensus ? 1519688;1471025793;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as you know, this is not how he solved 'mule'. 1519689;1471025799;asciilifeform;he solved it the trb way. 1519690;1471025804;asciilifeform;with death ray. 1519691;1471025807;mircea_popescu;so then what's this gunk all about. 1519692;1471025810;asciilifeform;it is about sanity. 1519693;1471025814;asciilifeform;in engineering. 1519694;1471025827;mircea_popescu;sanity in engineering includes confiscation of codebases. something he didn't do with mule. 1519695;1471025828;asciilifeform;not 'bend over and spread arse cheeks for existing state of the art', no. 1519696;1471025833;asciilifeform;but he did. 1519697;1471025837;mircea_popescu;this titanic "start from scratch" nonsense is not of interest 1519698;1471025840;asciilifeform;confiscated emacs, essentially, for a good while. 1519699;1471025845;mircea_popescu;i thought he retreated to cave and wrote own ? oh ? 1519700;1471025848;asciilifeform;no. 1519701;1471025851;asciilifeform;he trb'd it. 1519702;1471025861;asciilifeform;at a certain point the heathen emacs surrendered. 1519703;1471025862;mircea_popescu;mkay then. the man's deeds and his words are not alligned. 1519704;1471025874;asciilifeform;possibly because mircea_popescu misreads the meaning of the wordz. 1519705;1471025879;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1519706;1471025885;mircea_popescu;"plain reading", eh ? 1519707;1471025891;asciilifeform;aha. 1519708;1471025921;asciilifeform;fwiw, i found myself having to examine what n. did, to fully grasp what he said and why. 1519709;1471025964;mircea_popescu;see, this is kinda backwards. normally, one examines what subject says to understand what he did. not what subj 1519710;1471025982;mircea_popescu;did to understand what he "meant" through "redefining what open() means in the middle of the text" 1519711;1471026018;asciilifeform;normally. but from the words i began to suspect that we had been to the same mine fields. 1519712;1471026024;asciilifeform;and it piqued curiosity. 1519713;1471026026;mircea_popescu;anyway ; im putting this off to an exquisitely bad metaphor, with the cars. 1519714;1471026032;asciilifeform;possibly. 1519715;1471026042;mircea_popescu;read in a charitable light, his point can perhaps be salvaged wrt lisp/unix. 1519716;1471026072;asciilifeform;or the hammer-drill from mircea_popescu's latest piece. 1519717;1471026103;asciilifeform;re fundamental tradeoffs of civilization, city, etc. 1519718;1471026113;asciilifeform;(or for that matter mircea_popescu's 'rural and urban' piece.) 1519719;1471026273;mircea_popescu;"I think Free Software and Open Source addicts will get down from their current high and become tremendously frustrated when the obvious problem of having millions of pieces of source code available and they actually can't move in any direction because the ability to make modifications that they have so lauded in the past turn into a very serious problem when much bigger problems require modifications to much larger systems t 1519720;1471026278;mircea_popescu;han the ones people today think are usefully modified locally." << this, for instance, is oddly half-true/half-delusional. 1519721;1471026281;mircea_popescu;it's true foss died ; for which reason it carries little water here. but the frustration is a) the inability of foss to maintain strong immutability in front of organised crime, be it usg or otherwise ; b) the part where it can't actually move is valid, but not exactly for the reason he describes. 1519722;1471026296;mircea_popescu;moreover for an array of half-related, half-unrelated reasons. 1519723;1471026324;mircea_popescu;such as "in lowering the perceived barrier to entry, encourages idiots and degrades median code quality" ; "in encouraging writing over reading, it plays to software's weaknesses against its strengths" scl 1519724;1471026335;asciilifeform;naggum's observation that it was a largely mindless 'protest' movement remains correct. 1519725;1471026341;asciilifeform;if not exhaustive. 1519726;1471026352;mircea_popescu;it's not that "bigger systems require changes" AT ALL. on the contrary : it's that bigger systems do not PERMIT changes some idiots think they are entitled to. 1519727;1471026367;mircea_popescu;yeah but it's a pretty mixed bag once he goes into discussion of it. 1519728;1471026382;asciilifeform;he observed the 'changes idiots perceive they are entitled to' at agonizing length re common lisp standard 1519729;1471026390;mircea_popescu;he has the strong excuse no bitcoin was there. but the main problem of bitcoin as "foss" is precisely this - that various idiots think they may change things. 1519730;1471026408;asciilifeform;when comp.lang.lisp was besieged by loud arsehats demanding to reopen the committee so they could have orc glyphs or whichever. 1519731;1471026413;mircea_popescu;and they have to constantly, painfully, slowly, humiliatingly be beaten down with a large stick. 1519732;1471026428;asciilifeform;naggum is ~the~ go-to source, pre-bitcoin, in my mind, re this eternal war. 1519733;1471026440;mircea_popescu;so fucking far up their own ass is their head, that merely me ~saying~ something is stupid, which should be fucking enough among any group of adults with functional brains, is not, 1519734;1471026451;asciilifeform;of the 'i want MY WAY, solely because MY shit dun stink, MOVE OVER old system' 1519735;1471026452;mircea_popescu;and requires complex, timewasting, resource destroying, excursions in fuck you. 1519736;1471026457;mircea_popescu;which also have to be repeated. 1519737;1471026546;asciilifeform;the ant traps in my kitchen also have to be repeated every odd year. 1519738;1471026552;mircea_popescu;he ~almost~ nearly makes the "it is wrong to encourqage code writing over code reading" point, and then it oddly eludes him 1519739;1471026556;asciilifeform;(floor is not hermetically sealed, no.) 1519740;1471026563;mircea_popescu;but one could pretend the entire car nonsense was his trying to say that and no more. 1519741;1471026575;asciilifeform;he says it in 1,001 ways in 1,001 places. 1519742;1471026582;asciilifeform;largely why i dug in. 1519743;1471026594;mircea_popescu;guy's work would have greatly benefited of his having a log, where he could reference it properly to itself. 1519744;1471026597;asciilifeform;had the classic 'earthworm and ants' feel to it 1519745;1471026601;mircea_popescu;having a blog* i mean 1519746;1471026604;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: he had a blog. 1519747;1471026610;asciilifeform;too little, however, and too late. 1519748;1471026629;asciilifeform;and spent last 8-9 or so yrs of life, largely offline. 1519749;1471026637;asciilifeform;because, i suspect, he realized that he was banging head on wall. 1519750;1471026642;mircea_popescu;myeah. this blog thing seems to me very strictly a problem of "tools are 30 iq points". 1519751;1471026651;mircea_popescu;you can explain to roman astronomer about proper numeration all you want. 1519752;1471026661;asciilifeform;because he was not mircea_popescu and did not have any knife sharp enough to actually make a palpable mark on the wall. 1519753;1471026665;mircea_popescu;but HAD he proper numeration, he'd be in such better a position. 1519754;1471026671;asciilifeform;aha. 1519755;1471026678;asciilifeform;finally this sinks in, i see. 1519756;1471026691;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? 1519757;1471026705;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, i suspect, was originally allergic to the 'roman numerals' observation for approx same reason as in dope thread 1519758;1471026713;asciilifeform;no, numerals do not make brilliant mathematician 1519759;1471026715;asciilifeform;nor the dope 1519760;1471026717;asciilifeform;nor the funny hat. 1519761;1471026726;asciilifeform;but ~in the hands of one~ etc. 1519762;1471026730;mircea_popescu;when exactly was i allergic to it ; and for that matter i've been preaching blogging to people for years. 1519763;1471026743;mircea_popescu;actually, starting the week after proper log/search/irc took off. 1519764;1471026744;asciilifeform;was speaking of the generalized 'tool is +30iq' 1519765;1471026782;mircea_popescu;i suspect this may be a case of "you may not use that tool here" being taken for "i don't like that tool". it was a domain problem most likely, but do link ? 1519766;1471026792;asciilifeform;and yes, walk across usa and meet 1,000,001 people who think GIGANTIC lathe, or tractor, or kalash with SHIT HANGING OFF SIDE, will make them THE GREAT MEISTER etc. 1519767;1471026863;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: any of, e.g., the notation threads. or the dope thread. or any ' mircea_popescu: this is worthless crapola used by posers to appear relevant . asciilifeform: no, i saw it used, and perhaps used personally, to palpable effect. mircea_popescu: bullshit, i can do same thing with shoestring and power of my mind. asciilifeform: ...' 1519768;1471026880;mircea_popescu;domain problem. 1519769;1471026886;asciilifeform;possibly. 1519770;1471027017;mircea_popescu;the beauty of the fucking logs - what is actually said can, and IS actually extricated from the "reasonable interpretation" it forms at the time of the saying. this is both a) a necessary effect of the passage of time and b) actually exponential rather than log or even liear. Moreover c) it actually provides aggregating benefits to everyone's toolset. 1519771;1471027025;mircea_popescu;do find the examples, worth our time to look at them. 1519772;1471027027;asciilifeform;http://naggum.no << holy shit, still up. 1519773;1471027028;asciilifeform;unchanged. 1519774;1471027039;asciilifeform;somebody must be paying the bill... 1519775;1471027048;mircea_popescu;ex gf woman committed to doing that iirc 1519776;1471027054;asciilifeform;(could even be the man's acct, slowly draining?) 1519777;1471027066;asciilifeform;nah, she prolly would've put some emo crapola in there) 1519778;1471027159;mircea_popescu;"wtf is orkut" https://archive.is/lkQ9Z << "300 mn social media network ; closed" 1519779;1471027168;mircea_popescu;apparently these aren't ACTUALLY worth money after all ? 1519780;1471027170;asciilifeform;it was among the first arsebooks. 1519781;1471027174;mircea_popescu;shoulda sold it to facebook for 10 bnz 1519782;1471027195;asciilifeform;iirc it survived in brazil for some years. 1519783;1471027200;asciilifeform;on own farts. 1519784;1471027340;asciilifeform;https://web.archive.org/web/20050205013750/http://ungregarious.org/2004 << lel. 1519785;1471027400;asciilifeform;http://www.librarything.com/profile/nocebo << his misc. net litter. 1519786;1471027777;mircea_popescu;and in ~other news http://www.armedpolitesociety.com/index.php?topic=52365.msg1068840#msg1068840 1519787;1471027836;asciilifeform;lel, as if 'flyover' walmartlandia is full of productive self-sustaining folk. 1519788;1471027848;mircea_popescu;hey, brain needs a foundational fiction. 1519789;1471027855;asciilifeform;evidently. 1519790;1471027866;asciilifeform;but usually ends up flying with own bootstraps. 1519791;1471028002;asciilifeform;and i met folks cashing fat usg contract cheques who laughed at 'welfare niggerz' etc. 1519792;1471028064;asciilifeform;somehow it is different when done in tailored, vs walmart suit ? i have nfi. 1519793;1471028099;mircea_popescu;crabs in the pot. 1519794;1471028148;mircea_popescu;"how to cook crab ?" "make sure you have a half dozen or more" 1519795;1471028173;asciilifeform;'how to guard an auschwitz. make sure you have half a dozen....' etc 1519796;1471028195;asciilifeform;'one prisoner might make a break for it, half a dozen will sit, smoke, justify...' 1519797;1471028233;mircea_popescu;hence http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519485 1519798;1471028233;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 16:40 mircea_popescu: kinda why you need more womenz to process that payload. 1519799;1471028261;asciilifeform;'The state told her she had to contact the SSA to get a specific form that says her SSN was misused and that she in fact was the "owner" of her number. When she went to the SSA, she said they wouldn't give her the form. The reason? They stopped giving them out (apparently recently as this just happened a few months ago) because they were getting too many request for them. So their decision, rather than going after the people falsely 1519800;1471028261;asciilifeform;using SSNs to get benefits, was to stop providing documentation so that the person who was actually associated to the number could prove it, because there were too many instances of this happening.' << this is actual and typical. 1519801;1471028290;asciilifeform;'So she returned to the state disability office and told them this. Their response was, "Oh, I guess that's new. Okay, no problem, we'll assign you a different ID number." My cousin's kid was like "WTF?" and asked them why they would reassign her a number rather than reassign, or better yet freeze, the SSN thief's account. Their response was that they don't get involved in those legal issues, their job is just to provide the benefit 1519802;1471028291;asciilifeform;s. ' << gold. 1519803;1471028315;asciilifeform;'got burgled? here, have this refrigerator crate to live in' 1519804;1471028323;asciilifeform;'it is just as empty as your house now is.' 1519805;1471028325;mircea_popescu;myeah. kinda why the name of the game has been "suck it dry and expatriate all you can" for about a decade now. 1519806;1471028336;mircea_popescu;it's just about clear the ship's hollow and will sink. 1519807;1471028369;asciilifeform;ship has been quite as it is since '70s. 1519808;1471028377;mircea_popescu;not at all. 1519809;1471028392;mircea_popescu;the difference even 2001 to 2016 is palpable. 1519810;1471028401;asciilifeform;every particular stretch is quite palpable. 1519811;1471028409;mircea_popescu;dubious there'll be a 2031 to palpate against. 1519812;1471028414;asciilifeform;now this, yes. 1519813;1471028424;asciilifeform;then again, north kr has chugged along . 1519814;1471028433;asciilifeform;living on own farts. 1519815;1471028441;asciilifeform;and remaining fat, what there is. 1519816;1471028638;mircea_popescu;"alf's idea of a think he has no sensation access nor cares to reasses to has remained unchanged over the interval the foregoing held" 1519817;1471028640;mircea_popescu;mmkay. 1519818;1471028647;asciilifeform;re quoted bit, the 'they stopped giving out form' is as questionable as 'nsa bugged my house, but i have no photo' 1519819;1471028677;asciilifeform;what happens if he finds the form , on the net, and files it ? 1519820;1471028686;asciilifeform;no answer ? how about in court ? etc. 1519821;1471028689;asciilifeform;what's the case # ? 1519822;1471028702;mircea_popescu;tru. which is why i didn't quote that part. 1519823;1471028705;asciilifeform;methinks this is simply the 'tech supports keeps you waiting for 5 minutes', feynman's postbox, bit. 1519824;1471028729;asciilifeform;a great many 'atrocity stories' from u.s. folk fit this description, on close thought 1519825;1471028743;mircea_popescu;also tru. 1519826;1471028744;asciilifeform;'so city hall told you to fuck off, what didja do next?' 1519827;1471028751;asciilifeform;'nuffin, watched tv, sad there sad' 1519828;1471028753;asciilifeform;*sat 1519829;1471028793;asciilifeform;the story never seems to end with 'i filed suit # .... and then four dudes in black van came and told me to withdraw or there will be problems' 1519830;1471028839;asciilifeform;two available resolutions to this, either four dudes also said 'shut yer trap or there will be problems', and ~everybody~ shut, or... 1519831;1471028841;asciilifeform;the other one. 1519832;1471028883;asciilifeform;now ~sometimes~ the story ends with 'judge found that 'quiet enjoyment' includes 1,001 crying babies at 3am' or the like. 1519833;1471028892;asciilifeform;(as per mircea_popescu's article circa, iirc, 2010) 1519834;1471028913;asciilifeform;but usually it ends with 'and then i drank myself to sleep in front of tv.' 1519835;1471028929;asciilifeform;in asciilifeform's experience as listener. 1519836;1471028982;asciilifeform;>> http://trilema.com/2013/the-onlinns-of-court << subj 1519837;1471029013;asciilifeform;$s rule of law 1519838;1471029013;a111;62 results for "rule of law", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=rule%20of%20law 1519839;1471029016;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1519840;1471029093;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519816 << not this, but simply observation that usa has been slowly sinking, since - at the very latest, even - fdr. 1519841;1471029093;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 19:03 mircea_popescu: "alf's idea of a think he has no sensation access nor cares to reasses to has remained unchanged over the interval the foregoing held" 1519842;1471029103;asciilifeform;rather than from some novel bush-era malady., 1519843;1471029901;trinque;eh the money printing did the hockey-stick maneuver pretty recently 1519844;1471029912;trinque;from its previous setting of "side of pyramid" 1519845;1471029912;asciilifeform;'08 1519846;1471030029;asciilifeform;the more interesting q is the rate of leakage into turkey-dollars. 1519847;1471030049;asciilifeform;most of the printolade, at least in so far as is visible to public naked eye, went into real estate racket 1519848;1471030072;asciilifeform;which in practical terms simply means that now plebe has to indenture himself for 50, not 20, years, when 'buying' his cardboard boxhouse 1519849;1471030081;asciilifeform;at some point it'll be 100. 1519850;1471030105;asciilifeform;what of it. just as meaningless, to office plankton, as the diff b/w being sentenced to 100 vs 200 years without parole. 1519851;1471030234;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-25#431177 << see also. 1519852;1471030234;a111;Logged on 2013-12-25 21:05 mircea_popescu: Itzhak is a respectable moneylender in the small neighbourhood of Fool's Crossing. 1519853;1471030318;asciilifeform;the moar interesting parameter is , if you will, 'meta' inflation, it being the rate at which the soup quotient in the soup cans shrinks, the rate at which respectable folk eat soup from cans to begin with - climbs, the plastic in the machine gears increases to 100%, etc. 1519854;1471030373;asciilifeform;the relationship between the 'goldman sachs printed another trillion' kind of inflation, and this weimar one, is - at least to my savage and primitive mind - a murky one 1519855;1471030382;asciilifeform;rather like the relation between hbomb tests and cancer rate 1519856;1471030394;trinque;quantify decadence 1519857;1471030399;asciilifeform;i.e. i am satisfied that there ~is~ one, but have nfi re particulars (hormesis, say, is a thing.) 1519858;1471030482;asciilifeform;i and anyone else can point to a few obvious 'financial memory leaks' - e.g., folks borrowing against 'their' house , buying btc, and rocketing off to mars. 1519859;1471030491;asciilifeform;but this is not exhaustive catalogue. 1519860;1471030502;asciilifeform;nor do i have any notion of what ultimately controls the rate of such leakage. 1519861;1471030532;asciilifeform;(it was not wholly impossible to 'leak' pre-btc, either..) 1519862;1471031078;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518369 << see also re 'inflation hormesis' as analogous to same in radiation. 1519863;1471031078;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 16:16 mircea_popescu: as it dislodges the meat robots from their comforts and forces them into towns. 1519864;1471031174;asciilifeform;but it is not clear, at least to me, that debased currency is a ~cause~ rather than ~symptom~ of cultural decay. 1519865;1471031277;trinque;why can't both cause the other 1519866;1471031322;asciilifeform;can, why not. 1519867;1471031329;asciilifeform;but typically it is depicted as 'this-way' 1519868;1471031347;asciilifeform;or at least, implied as reversible 'using sound money' 1519869;1471031920;asciilifeform;i am quite interested in the mechanisms whereby 1) goldmansachs usd are prevented from transmuting into turkey usd 2) plebes wielding turkey usd are restrained from putting unendurable pressure on supplies of limited resources, of the sort which lead to shortages and visible collapse. 1519870;1471031940;asciilifeform;i know a few things re (1) - e.g., cash confiscations. 1519871;1471031943;asciilifeform;but very little re (2) 1519872;1471031964;asciilifeform;nor do i expect to find out, unless mircea_popescu reveals tidbits. 1519873;1471032012;trinque;it was supposed to be central bank interest rates that sucked money out of the system 1519874;1471032032;trinque;but this is fiction when they set at near zero or below 1519875;1471032039;asciilifeform;trinque: how did central bank suck actual physical benjies out of mattresses ? 1519876;1471032043;asciilifeform;or do i misunderstand. 1519877;1471032117;asciilifeform;trinque do you know, e.g., why devaluations of the ruble were a bi-decennial, regular thing in su ? 1519878;1471032128;asciilifeform;it was how they emptied the mattresses. 1519879;1471032150;asciilifeform;which might otherwise strain already painfully limited supply of, e.g., auto tyres. 1519880;1471032156;asciilifeform;and 1,000,001 things. 1519881;1471032173;asciilifeform;su had not invented credit card and electric money. 1519882;1471032185;asciilifeform;you walked into a shop, and, if i had x - you bought x, with paper cash. 1519883;1471032217;asciilifeform;so the cash had to be collected from people , in occasional mass batches, to relieve strain on scarce supply of x-en. 1519884;1471032277;trinque;in this case the average consumer isn't saving shit. they're paying on house loans, student loans, so on. 1519885;1471032309;asciilifeform;not much of a spoiler if i say that the devaluations did not work! tyres and other seemingly mundane 'shop' goods still had to be allocated in gnarly and entirely nonmarkety ways. 1519886;1471032337;asciilifeform;trinque: there are many ways to keep folks from putting undue strain on shrinking industrial base. one is to simply prevent saving. 1519887;1471032343;asciilifeform;as successfully done in usa. 1519888;1471032356;asciilifeform;another is - also done here - to confiscate savings. 1519889;1471032370;asciilifeform;another - limits on what can be purchased, where, in what qty. 1519890;1471032376;asciilifeform;we have nearly all of these, here. 1519891;1471032381;trinque;central bank interest rate is afaik the rate it loans to other banks, which then themselves may speak a certain multiple of money into existence by virtue of holding the central bank's voodoo 1519892;1471032403;trinque;so really the interest rate diddles the margins of how fast the flood of money occurs 1519893;1471032405;asciilifeform;trinque: i know this. but am interested presently in where it interfaces with physical reality. 1519894;1471032407;trinque;not whether it's sucked back up 1519895;1471032440;asciilifeform;the particular spot, understand, where delusion turns to scorched flesh. 1519896;1471032670;trinque;certainly a mircea_popescutronic question 1519897;1471032688;trinque;I wonder if it's truly that the USA was *that* wealthy that it had this far to fall, that there is not yet starvation. 1519898;1471032702;trinque;what a pathetic thing if so 1519899;1471033754;asciilifeform;was. 1519900;1471033773;asciilifeform;i recently acquired ~60 years of 'scientific american'. worth every penny. 1519901;1471033783;asciilifeform;exhibits, graphically, this fact. 1519902;1471033794;asciilifeform;even the ads. in particular, the ads. 1519903;1471033870;asciilifeform;there was a... nearly incomprehensibly titanic 'battery charge' of ingenuity, sanity, and plain simple 'ant' (vs 'grasshopper') accumulated delayed gratification, that is now being maggoted through. 1519904;1471033966;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/from-order-towards-chaos/ << Daniel P. Barron - From order towards chaos. 1519905;1471033998;asciilifeform;i was recently reading about 'oilite', a type of self-lubricating bronze, that is still made in usa. the factory where it was originally produced, owned by chrysler corp., lived in the '30s. today it is a ruin, rats live in it. oilite is still made, in usa, but for how long - i have nfi, at some point it will become difficult to find people who will follow the ritual (yes, to savages, industry is ritual) and it will sail off to china 1519906;1471033998;asciilifeform; like everything else. 1519907;1471034141;trinque;begins to look like a great place to live, provided decent gas mask. 1519908;1471034170;asciilifeform;provided yer born there 1519909;1471034189;asciilifeform;and dun expect things such as cheese, or trees, or being considered for work outside yer clan wot 1519910;1471034206;asciilifeform;see mega-thread with mircea_popescu and china. 1519911;1471034221;trinque;aha 1519912;1471034249;asciilifeform;understand, if elephant is being devoured by ants, it does not necessarily follow that anthill is a 'great place to live' for elephant - or lion, or the other animals watching. 1519913;1471034284;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu were awake, he might say sumthinglike 'nothing human is foreign to me', etc. 1519914;1471034290;asciilifeform;but i will say that there ~is~, to me. 1519915;1471034312;asciilifeform;this may be subjective thing wholly. maybe trinque can learn to like living in anthill, without cheese or chix with visible tits. i have nfi. 1519916;1471034352;asciilifeform;http://www.allpar.com/history/amplex.html << oilite. 1519917;1471034355;asciilifeform;for the record. 1519918;1471034585;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519904 << holy mother of fuck, danielpbarron 1519919;1471034585;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 20:32 deedbot: http://danielpbarron.com/2016/from-order-towards-chaos/ << Daniel P. Barron - From order towards chaos. 1519920;1471034588;asciilifeform;dragon?! 1519921;1471034644;asciilifeform;eh i suppose it is no worse than the rest of it. 1519922;1471034681;danielpbarron;hehe 1519923;1471034706;trinque;what does the lord's word say on bigfoot? 1519924;1471034737;asciilifeform;well odin did slay the yottin 1519925;1471034743;asciilifeform;or wait, that was different lord. 1519926;1471034775;danielpbarron;I can see why the levianthan would be particularly hard to accept, seeing as how the thing is supposed to currently be alive in the ocean, whereas many of the other far-fetched sounding things in The Bible are supposed to have only existed long ago 1519927;1471034868;asciilifeform;leviathan ? 1519928;1471034877;danielpbarron;trinque, I don't think there is any mention of bigfoot in The Bible 1519929;1471034882;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, yes 1519930;1471034896;asciilifeform;( since gabriel_laddel thread i can never again be certain, whether typo is typo or deep barb of some sort ) 1519931;1471034902;trinque;lol 1519932;1471034908;danielpbarron;this time, just a typo 1519933;1471034913;asciilifeform;lolk 1519934;1471035239;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6dcba9a9-9d9d-4ea0-91ed-f02be5840e03/?raw=true << obligatory. 1519935;1471035279;asciilifeform;'Can you draw out Leviathan[a] with a hook, Or snare his tongue with a line which you lower? Can you put a reed through his nose, Or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he make many supplications to you? Will he speak softly to you? Will he make a covenant with you? Will you take him as a servant forever? Will you play with him as with a bird, Or will you leash him for your maidens? Will your companions make a banquet of him? Will they 1519936;1471035279;asciilifeform;apportion him among the merchants?' 1519937;1471035334;asciilifeform;'... Who can remove his outer coat? Who can approach him with a double bridle? Who can open the doors of his face, With his terrible teeth all around? His rows of scales are his pride, Shut up tightly as with a seal; One is so near another That no air can come between them; They are joined one to another, They stick together and cannot be parted.' << dune sandworm! 1519938;1471037233;danielpbarron;heh, nice 1519939;1471037546;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-26#581551 http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-26#581552 http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-26#581554 << go figure that the logs have covered most every situation imaginable, to which i'd like to ask mircea_popescu specifically about znort987 : how much trust is he (she?) worth ? 1519940;1471037546;a111;Logged on 2014-03-26 00:22 mircea_popescu: TestingUnoDosTre suppose this guy comes to trade 5 with you. 1519941;1471037546;a111;Logged on 2014-03-26 00:23 mircea_popescu: you don't know him, but know me. so you come to me 1519942;1471037546;a111;Logged on 2014-03-26 00:23 mircea_popescu: "hey, what's this guy worth in trust ?" 1519943;1471037582;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: did the 'bbet payouts halted after shitfinex incident' thing resolve, btw ? 1519944;1471037605;asciilifeform;because if not, answer is a fat and obvious 0. 1519945;1471037615;asciilifeform;at least, i'd expect. 1519946;1471037618;pete_dushenski;no one else in my l1 has rated znort, so mp is my only tether here, and a seemingly tenuous one at that. 1519947;1471037634;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: haven't been keeping up with that tbh 1519948;1471037651;asciilifeform;it is iirc the most recent mention of bbet here. 1519949;1471037684;pete_dushenski;well other than emails from znort requesting a bailout loan from ol' petey, sure. 1519950;1471037692;danielpbarron;!! 1519951;1471037692;gribble;Error: "!" is not a valid command. 1519952;1471037698;asciilifeform;lolwat 1519953;1471037700;asciilifeform;srsly? 1519954;1471037710;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: recently ? 1519955;1471037735;asciilifeform;so it ~did~ shitfinex itself. 1519956;1471037737;pete_dushenski;yesterday and into today. the conversation continues and will be published on contravex once it's all tied up. 1519957;1471037755;danielpbarron;why no qntra ?? 1519958;1471037819;pete_dushenski;contravex seems like a better spot for the emails, qntra can pick it up after as nyooz 1519959;1471037824;asciilifeform;so, supposing pete_dushenski did not dream this while on lsd, it ~was~ purchased by scammer. 1519960;1471037838;asciilifeform;(speculating with escrowed coin , on whatever exchange, is scamming ) 1519961;1471037903;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: bring it on 1519962;1471037933;asciilifeform;and - about what could such a conversation conceivably 'go on' ? 1519963;1471037962;asciilifeform;it is rather like talking to ninjashogun. i personally would like some of the time i wasted on it, back... 1519964;1471037982;pete_dushenski;patience, grasshopper, patience. 1519965;1471038066;pete_dushenski;while it might be obvious what goes on between nigerian scammers and their would-be prey, it never hurts to show the readers at home how their various attacks are thwarted. 1519966;1471038103;danielpbarron;seems to me the news is now broke-- whatever the details. Not that the qntra competitors are gonna link to trilema logs as their source.. but still 1519967;1471038128;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: oblig mr kako : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-08-2016#1452474 1519968;1471038128;pete_dushenski;anyways, i'm a bit hesitant to throw the 'scammer' label at znort, but there's definitely some fishy smells about. 1519969;1471038154;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: by what conceivable means would bbet operator need 'bailout loan' ASIDE from having speculated with escrowed coin ? 1519970;1471038166;asciilifeform;(aside from, say, armed robbery - but was any such thing alleged ?) 1519971;1471038183;danielpbarron;lol i can't even load the b-a logs. I guess i'm blacklisted 1519972;1471038208;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: use, e.g., google's cache. 1519973;1471038209;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: by continuing the conversation, perhaps i'll find out just that. sick grandmother ? ransomware ? 1519974;1471038226;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: 'i spent escrowed coins to cure sick grandmother' == scamming. 1519975;1471038237;asciilifeform;'i put escrowed coin on a winblowz box' == scamming. 1519976;1471038257;asciilifeform;'i put escrowed coin up my arse and then went to visit white house, where anal computer was confiscated and emptied' == scamming. 1519977;1471038259;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: qntra still has a place, even when news breaks in channel. 1519978;1471038287;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, ya I archive.is'd it 1519979;1471038297;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: lol. 1519980;1471038303;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: do you know how loss of state secrets was punished in su, and why..? 1519981;1471038304;asciilifeform;same idea. 1519982;1471038315;pete_dushenski;solitary ? gulag ? 1519983;1471038326;asciilifeform;pistol. 1519984;1471038333;asciilifeform;'did the rape? do the ape.' otherwise exercise in excuse-crafting. 1519985;1471038353;pete_dushenski;eh. i'm a curious feller. sue me. 1519986;1471038379;asciilifeform;well when pete_dushenski is done being curious and puts in the bullet, i'll sit and listen. 1519987;1471038415;*;shinohai pops popcorn 1519988;1471038472;asciilifeform;iirc we already had nearly this thread. no constructive cut can ever be made between an accidental and deliberate betrayal of trust. 1519989;1471038489;asciilifeform;IF it was a close friend, who stiffed you, you MAY choose to write off the debt, forgive him. 1519990;1471038498;asciilifeform;CHOOSE to. 1519991;1471038513;asciilifeform;stiffed YOU. 1519992;1471038514;asciilifeform;etc 1519993;1471038650;asciilifeform;incidentally, pete_dushenski , it may well be physically possible to determine if bbet deposits went to shitfinex. 1519994;1471038656;asciilifeform;whether znort wants you to find out, or not. 1519995;1471038667;pete_dushenski;i recall the thread. it was persuasive as to the difficulty of the cut. in the end, 'scammer' is probably an accurate tag for bitbet's new owner. 1519996;1471038689;asciilifeform;touched shitfinex or ANY exchange while bets are hot ? scammer. 1519997;1471038692;asciilifeform;QED. 1519998;1471038709;pete_dushenski;quite so. 1519999;1471038712;asciilifeform;in fact, coin movement from bet addr during bet hot - scammer. 1520000;1471038716;asciilifeform;quite arguably. 1520001;1471038735;pete_dushenski;sort of like valet taking ferrari to pick up gf while hustler is in the 'sino 1520002;1471038751;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski a guy by that name was active back in 2011-2012 ; he made some corrections to mpex faq verbiage ; we've not kept in touch hence nor have i heard anything of him for a few years. 1520003;1471038753;mircea_popescu;that'd be it. 1520004;1471038777;pete_dushenski;sort of what i gathered from the logs during bbet auction day. cheers. 1520005;1471038834;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519848 << mno, you're missing the chief significance : in practice it means "todos juntos defendiendo la soberania", ie, chinese have to pay more to buy it. 1520006;1471038834;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 19:27 asciilifeform: which in practical terms simply means that now plebe has to indenture himself for 50, not 20, years, when 'buying' his cardboard boxhouse 1520007;1471038849;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: wd on the latest blog post. made me realise i missed the last couple too! 1520008;1471038853;mircea_popescu;after the very sad experinece of japanese re speculation in new york, this is a reasonable manoeuver, macro speakling. 1520009;1471038863;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: their pile of zeros elongates at least as quickly as the price tag's 1520010;1471038880;mircea_popescu;yeah well, nobody said you can build escherian trestlework. 1520011;1471038881;asciilifeform;(because they already own usa) 1520012;1471038888;asciilifeform;aha, quite the klein bottle here. 1520013;1471038903;asciilifeform;with perpetuum mobile, even. 1520014;1471038941;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, if you start on one end you're stuck starting on the other too. 1520015;1471038951;mircea_popescu;kinda the nature of ideal social systems : they force this sort of mistake. 1520016;1471038995;asciilifeform;well sorta like how a fire forces being black, dead, sooty, and smelling of cooked meat. 1520017;1471039002;pete_dushenski;vancouver is a prime example of this macro manoeuvre. recently announced 15% tax on foreign (read: chinese) buyers to boot. 1520018;1471039020;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519864 << i don't think it was ever contemplated in these here logs as anything but symptom. 1520019;1471039020;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 19:46 asciilifeform: but it is not clear, at least to me, that debased currency is a ~cause~ rather than ~symptom~ of cultural decay. 1520020;1471039050;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: it will be fascinating to watch the gymnastics of chinese shills answerable to 'no one' on official paper, but to handlers in actual flesh, doing their 'independent' thing. 1520021;1471039056;mircea_popescu;a readily visible, central reason why goldbugs per se are so intellectually laughable. 1520022;1471039075;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: sorta like 'rich' people in, e.g., ukraine. 1520023;1471039108;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519869 << the latter part you can see in my doomed efforts to get to a fucking club in buenos aires. exact same fucking mechanisms. 1520024;1471039108;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 19:58 asciilifeform: i am quite interested in the mechanisms whereby 1) goldmansachs usd are prevented from transmuting into turkey usd 2) plebes wielding turkey usd are restrained from putting unendurable pressure on supplies of limited resources, of the sort which lead to shortages and visible collapse. 1520025;1471039116;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: there's no one better than chinese gymnasts atm. just watch the olympics. 1520026;1471039117;mircea_popescu;"we have plenty of" "where ?" "oh, nowhere" "right." 1520027;1471039141;pete_dushenski;japanese men were close last time, but iirc chinese still took gold. 1520028;1471039144;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what scarce resource would it exhaust in ar to have working clubs ? molybdenum ? 1520029;1471039153;mircea_popescu;cunt. 1520030;1471039160;asciilifeform;scarce ? 1520031;1471039163;mircea_popescu;the moment they have sexual competition the whole thing comes apart. 1520032;1471039168;asciilifeform;ah in that sense. 1520033;1471039179;mircea_popescu;that's the thing - female patience with ar loser IS fucking scarce 1520034;1471039193;mircea_popescu;because they need so much and it's not naturally occuring - hasta be produced. hence all the luchamos gargle. 1520035;1471039198;mircea_popescu;thatg's what that's all about. 1520036;1471039233;asciilifeform;we have same thing here in north argentina, it is produced via other means ('401k' gargle, etc) but otherwise similar. 1520037;1471039238;mircea_popescu;quite. 1520038;1471039247;asciilifeform;'make luser attractive deal to stupid female' 1520039;1471039257;mircea_popescu;cunt is a major transaction medium, in point of fact ; seeing how sexual competition is the driver of economic move. 1520040;1471039398;mircea_popescu;which is precisely why, widely speaking, economic progress happened in the west, with the sandyvagina'd women that didn't marry and didn't have kids, rather than i nthe east, or in china, with the loving and tolerant she-rabbits. 1520041;1471039428;mircea_popescu;the nonsensical myth of the "pure" knight is specific of what, england, northern france/belgium/luxemburg, and northern italy. 1520042;1471039438;mircea_popescu;as opposed to midi, sicily, holy roman empire etc. 1520043;1471039519;mircea_popescu;bitchez dun put out, beta male goes to get pomodori, spices and whatnot, maybe it gets her hot ; or otherwise arab boi goes to fucking sweden, where it's cold and it sucks, to rape the swede horsewomen. 1520044;1471039539;asciilifeform;used to be the swede - went. 1520045;1471039544;mircea_popescu;ukr chicks put out, ukr is the lol of all orcs, even the muscovi losers. 1520046;1471039544;mircea_popescu;etc. 1520047;1471039563;mircea_popescu;hence the whole protestantism thing. it delivered - they wiped the catholic tolerants. 1520048;1471039576;mircea_popescu;history of england is quite interesting under this aspect. 1520049;1471039607;mircea_popescu;majority catholic - fucking burgundy, which is now somehow inexplicably a country - owns it. 1520050;1471039616;asciilifeform;eh, there was spain. 1520051;1471039623;mircea_popescu;and then they got owned by the dutch. the DUTCH of all people! 1520052;1471039642;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, and spain IS because at some point the extremadura hos were putting out ~for the arabs~ 1520053;1471039644;mircea_popescu;which sunk the arabs. 1520054;1471039729;asciilifeform;at any rate 'tolerasts' ~ALWAYS~ get their arse handed to them. 1520055;1471039731;asciilifeform;no exception. 1520056;1471039735;asciilifeform;from mazdak on. 1520057;1471039764;asciilifeform;(do engl.-speaking folks even KNOW about tolerasty? well, they do now!) 1520058;1471039857;asciilifeform;Just Say No to tolerasty, kiddlez. 1520059;1471039861;asciilifeform;Be Smart, Dun Start 1520060;1471039863;asciilifeform;or how did it go. 1520061;1471039875;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly, i should run an ad campaign here. "Be smart, don't fuck Argentines." 1520062;1471039909;asciilifeform;well as per start of this subthread, nobody needs the ad, they just need the psychotronic weapon that makes them spread for idiots, removed. 1520063;1471039923;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1520064;1471039935;mircea_popescu;you should see this fucking place - 19yos going around WITH THEIR MOTHERS 1520065;1471039940;asciilifeform;when idiocy ray is turned off, people tend to go back to some approximation of sanity. 1520066;1471039942;mircea_popescu;so fucking degrading, it's unconscionable. 1520067;1471039963;mircea_popescu;i don't think i've ever seen this in romania. or for that matter the states. 1520068;1471039969;asciilifeform;how about egypt ? 1520069;1471039982;mircea_popescu;girl that age would rather be caught sucking off pigs than sharing an intimate moment with her mother. 1520070;1471039987;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oh, egypt all teh time. 1520071;1471040003;mircea_popescu;by and large if you wanted to start a cunt you pretty much had to have her mother spread her out for you. 1520072;1471040016;asciilifeform;lel 1520073;1471040353;mircea_popescu;as per the quote, "sfondami tutta! prendi mia figlia! te la faccio sverginare!" 1520074;1471040770;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: That thing your submission discusses was already withdrawn. Otherwise it would have been in the News Roundup Xtend 1520075;1471040789;BingoBoingo;Sorry, News Roundup Xtend (TM)(R) 1520076;1471040989;shinohai;I haven't found *a single thing* to qntra this week 1520077;1471041002;mircea_popescu;slow week huh. 1520078;1471041033;shinohai;Yeah, kinda weird. I started two submissions, then realized how dumb they sounded and canned 'em. 1520079;1471041073;mircea_popescu;kinda how this goes yeah 1520080;1471041203;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, ah, so i shouldn't even publish it myself? 1520081;1471041215;shinohai;Even scammers are starting to recycle scams, like PayCon. 1520082;1471041222;shinohai;No news :/ 1520083;1471041227;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: Well with some rewording that it failed you can self republish 1520084;1471041368;asciilifeform;lel bbet implosion is quite a nyooz 1520085;1471041370;asciilifeform;imho. 1520086;1471041391;mircea_popescu;wait what happened ? 1520087;1471041448;BingoBoingo;I was tempted to write about the falling value of tits. 1520088;1471041469;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519892 << nah, the central bank interest rate is the loss of the circuit. like, what s.mg takes out of eulora would be it. 1520089;1471041469;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 20:06 trinque: so really the interest rate diddles the margins of how fast the flood of money occurs 1520090;1471041486;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo seems kinda marginal tbh. 1520091;1471041503;mircea_popescu;maybe next pass you know, come 2019 or w/e, when i gotta move it from 0.02 to 0.001 or w/e 1520092;1471041535;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Yeah, but not mockable News Roundup (TM)(R) marginal either. Next move prolly has a place. 1520093;1471041590;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519897 << yes, the us was inconceivably wealthy. i nthat 1985-1990 half decade / 5yrplan it could have literally convinced the globe to do anything. this is ultimate wealth. sadly they decided to use that capital to convince the globe "saddam had nuclear weapons" and "green energy/blabla ecolotardisms and assorted danquayleisms" instead. 1520094;1471041590;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 20:11 trinque: I wonder if it's truly that the USA was *that* wealthy that it had this far to fall, that there is not yet starvation. 1520095;1471041598;mircea_popescu;possibly the largest case of wastage in the history of humanity. 1520096;1471041757;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform: there's no one better than chinese gymnasts atm. just watch the olympics.<< I thought black american hobbits were winning? 1520097;1471041771;pete_dushenski;that was in the pool 1520098;1471041793;pete_dushenski;lbgtbbq ethiopans ftw 1520099;1471041813;*;pete_dushenski saw some objectionable picture of such in local paper 1520100;1471041872;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519893 << other than cunt already mentioned, "criminal behaviour", ie, male systematic intolerance. hence all the "terrorists" etc. 1520101;1471041872;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 20:06 asciilifeform: trinque: i know this. but am interested presently in where it interfaces with physical reality. 1520102;1471041943;mircea_popescu;kinda why the clinton ticket is such nonsense to anyone not-a-pleb. the one thing obvious is things can't continue - how to let steam out, where etc are debatable, but her utterly mccain-ish notion of "all is well" smacks of such senile delusion as can scarcely be put into words. 1520103;1471041944;pete_dushenski;http://qntra.net/2016/08/brexit-fallout-illiterate-british-justice-enacts-breach-of-european-declaration-of-human-rights-into-british-legal-precedent/#comment-67051 << mircea_popescu 1520104;1471041946;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Nah, I just caught that downthread you were talking about dudes. 1520105;1471042007;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519902 < aha. quite valid measuring stick. 1520106;1471042007;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 20:29 asciilifeform: even the ads. in particular, the ads. 1520107;1471042020;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: stop oppressing ethiobians 1520108;1471042026;mircea_popescu;the switch from representational to aspirational advertising is quite the direct reflection of the turning point. 1520109;1471042054;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Maybe if they didn't want oppressed they would have kept the Ras Tafari Haille Sellaise alive? 1520110;1471042122;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1520086 << l0gz from past ~2hrs 1520111;1471042122;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 22:36 mircea_popescu: wait what happened ? 1520112;1471042144;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: tlp obviously went after this aspirational angle, even if he tripped over the patek philippe price points, as per http://www.contravex.com/2015/11/10/the-danger-of-unchecked-assumptions-or-the-surprising-depths-of-inequality/ 1520113;1471042165;mircea_popescu;aha. 1520114;1471042319;mircea_popescu;oh danielpbarron doth not approve of thiel heresies ? 1520115;1471042321;pete_dushenski;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3650344/Daughters-friends-partners-bizarre-relationship-men-human-size-plastic-dolls-China.html << in other chinese markets 1520116;1471042376;mircea_popescu;ah babel, not bad example either. 1520117;1471042440;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1518968 << ftr, wide road was paved by jlo and non-us-born shakira 1520118;1471042440;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 13:38 mircea_popescu: phf and this because kim totally fucking won the assculture war. 1520119;1471042453;mircea_popescu;blondies ? dun think so. 1520120;1471042466;mircea_popescu;road was paved by countless, nameless, black chicks shaking booty. 1520121;1471042487;mircea_popescu;so that cvasi-jew may one day be accepted queen in their stead 1520122;1471042492;mircea_popescu;very much like the obama trick, actually. 1520123;1471042545;mircea_popescu;(to go quite into the depths of this : /me has always suspected all the "upsetting" stories about how hairy kim is were i nfact strategic plants from her media strategist. to make her acceptable, for being ~jewish) 1520124;1471042559;pete_dushenski;jlo's sorta sandy-haired, shakira hit the bleach bottle 1520125;1471042572;mircea_popescu;image is everything ; substance dun count in this discussion. 1520126;1471042576;mircea_popescu;it's about women, after all. 1520127;1471042629;pete_dushenski;kim was harped on for being hairy ? this is nooz to me. i thought she just got sassed for being, as chappelle would say, a nigger-lover. 1520128;1471042646;mircea_popescu;re danielpbarron 's thing : yes, the texts do not support the reading of leviathan as demon. it is beast ; a sort of cow, or hippo or what have you. 1520129;1471042708;pete_dushenski;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3737641/Farage-aide-held-money-laundering-claims-Son-glamour-model-dated-Prince-Charles-facing-years-jail-offering-services-dark-web.html << from same fishwrap. darkweeeb 1520130;1471042746;mircea_popescu;$s daughters 1520131;1471042746;a111;105 results for "daughters", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=daughters 1520132;1471042802;mircea_popescu;check it out, us can now confiscate uk citizens np. nice. 1520133;1471042824;asciilifeform;could, eons ago. 1520134;1471042831;asciilifeform;e.g., laury love 1520135;1471042846;mircea_popescu;recall the days the british navy pressed rando usians into 10 year ship washing terms ? 1520136;1471042851;asciilifeform;aha 1520137;1471042860;asciilifeform;usa even declared war over it. 1520138;1471042895;asciilifeform;i saw, in delaware recently, a cannonball stuck in wall, since 1814, from it. 1520139;1471042898;mircea_popescu;doesn't seem like the uk is declaring anything but "i'll hold her for you" 1520140;1471042912;asciilifeform;well yes, 'airstrip one' uk. 1520141;1471042994;mircea_popescu;lol nice story though, guy worth 1/4bn is going to bother with 15k piddly us dollahs. this is almost as good as "we found a street hooker who's willing to swear she was a hotel maid and the european central bank prresident did vague things to her. honest!" 1520142;1471043004;mircea_popescu;state butthurt over brexit much ? 1520143;1471043134;pete_dushenski;http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/160702123222-trump-star-tweet-clinton-backlash-00001715-large-tease.jpg << heh. speaking of ~jewishness and politix 1520144;1471043137;asciilifeform;dun seem like he was dragged, hog-tied, to usa tho. 1520145;1471043148;mircea_popescu;quite. 1520146;1471043199;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: ever see j. streicher's cartoons? 1520147;1471043230;pete_dushenski;dun think they ever ended up in local journal, so prolly not 1520148;1471043236;asciilifeform;der sturmer. 1520149;1471043250;*;pete_dushenski read comics section religiously as a child 1520150;1471043274;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the strauss-kahn idiot also went willingly. 1520151;1471043282;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: german dude. hanged at nuremberg. 1520152;1471043288;mircea_popescu;dudes gotta learn, you don't visit barbarfic lands without proper bonds. 1520153;1471043306;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: aha. just recalled that i read a bio or two of streicher after your mention of him in the logs recently. 1520154;1471043327;pete_dushenski;http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/der-sturmer.jpg << example i guess 1520155;1471043352;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i have nfi why strausskahn went 1520156;1471043371;asciilifeform;perhaps they had his mother as hostage or wat. 1520157;1471043379;mircea_popescu;because they refuse to conceptualize that the us is a rogue state, why. 1520158;1471043382;asciilifeform;sisters, daughters, pets, 1520159;1471043387;asciilifeform;nfi. 1520160;1471043396;mircea_popescu;they don't go around visiting north korea 1520161;1471043402;mircea_popescu;though honestly much better reasons there. 1520162;1471043407;asciilifeform;the occasional imbecile does 1520163;1471043410;mircea_popescu;at least you probably can get a proper foot massage. 1520164;1471043412;asciilifeform;and gets stuck 1520165;1471043434;asciilifeform;typically christbesotted types 1520166;1471043443;asciilifeform;go a preachin' 1520167;1471043449;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519966 << morel ike a teaser. i'm teased alright. 1520168;1471043449;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 21:41 danielpbarron: seems to me the news is now broke-- whatever the details. Not that the qntra competitors are gonna link to trilema logs as their source.. but still 1520169;1471043450;asciilifeform;then to gulag. 1520170;1471043483;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i meant people, not rando "i crawled out of a woman at some point" 1520171;1471043498;asciilifeform;strausskahn was a people? 1520172;1471043509;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu knows, as fact? 1520173;1471043526;mircea_popescu;well, stuborn old fool, but sure, why the hell not. 1520174;1471043542;asciilifeform;well i have nfi, perhaps missionary dude also was ? 1520175;1471043548;mircea_popescu;is naggum people ? he's not in the wot. what standard shall we apply. 1520176;1471043562;asciilifeform;i haven't the intel. hence q. 1520177;1471043573;mircea_popescu;i dunno the missionary, and don't care to remedy this. 1520178;1471043653;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo or anyone with time/energy: see if any live bbet bets have empty in addrs. 1520179;1471043669;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519996 << this is altogether unclear. this "the people have the right to trace the coins" is a) still nonsense, bitcoin is not traceable ; b) still nonsense, forget the "dao" bullshit ; c) still nonsense, you trust the operator or you don't trust the operator. 1520180;1471043669;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 21:51 asciilifeform: touched shitfinex or ANY exchange while bets are hot ? scammer. 1520181;1471043720;mircea_popescu;while i ran bitbet there was no specific guarantee made that "the coins" would be found in any place or not found in any place. this specifically, explicitly and intentionally ; against at least three different attempts to "community organize" and assorted nonsense. 1520182;1471043723;*;covertress waves hello to mircea_popescu 1520183;1471043730;mircea_popescu;how goes ? 1520184;1471043732;asciilifeform;oh hey, https://bitbet.us/bet/1256/donald-trump-will-win-the-2016-united-states/#b25 1520185;1471043736;covertress;well, and with you? 1520186;1471043739;mircea_popescu;nb. 1520187;1471043754;covertress;I've been in contact w le ver. 1520188;1471043759;asciilifeform;https://blockchain.info/address/128VPofnGL1BCZdjgbyf8gRpuAALD3SLJj 1520189;1471043789;mircea_popescu;lol "lever". nb. 1520190;1471043800;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: whether 'can trace' or cannot, gambling with escrows == scamming 1520191;1471043808;asciilifeform;or, wat, only if you lose??? 1520192;1471043824;mircea_popescu;covertress i've been in contact with a lively, nicely titted waitress. i think this makes it 1-0 for me. 1520193;1471043835;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no such thing as "escrows". 1520194;1471043850;covertress;ahh, yes, I've seen your numbered exploits posted here. lulz 1520195;1471043853;mircea_popescu;nobody asked you anything of how bitbet's capital is to be used by bitbet. 1520196;1471043853;asciilifeform;coin parked at bbet and promised to come out minus fee. 1520197;1471043860;asciilifeform;what do you call it, mircea_popescu 1520198;1471043878;mircea_popescu;bitcoin is fungible. you hold a claim to a sum, not to any sort of otherwise specifiable coins. 1520199;1471043883;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: you're assuming taint 1520200;1471043885;asciilifeform;tru! 1520201;1471043889;mircea_popescu;there is no "these" coins in bitcoin. 1520202;1471043890;asciilifeform;sum. 1520203;1471043896;mircea_popescu;sum, sure. 1520204;1471043905;pete_dushenski;perhaps time for another audit ? 1520205;1471043911;mircea_popescu;up to operator. 1520206;1471043912;pete_dushenski;iirc mats did the last one of bbet 1520207;1471043939;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/04/07/results-of-first-bitbet-audit-april-7-2014/ 1520208;1471043943;asciilifeform;so jon corzine was an honest man per mircea_popescu's lights? 1520209;1471043948;covertress;mircea_popescu, I've meant to speak w you in private but, thought it rude to PM you. 1520210;1471043955;mircea_popescu;understand - just because i'm the king and queen and can afford to leave whatever untold bitcoin fortunes lay fallow in whatever addresses for yeasrs at a time - does not give you the right to expect or demand such. 1520211;1471043974;mircea_popescu;this is just another of those "sunk costs of mp's that we don't recognize nor compensate him for - just expect bitbet to magically work for free" 1520212;1471043984;mircea_popescu;i don't expect ~anyone else would afford to do this. period. 1520213;1471043992;asciilifeform;i dun expect it to work. i expected it to walk with the coinz. 1520214;1471044005;asciilifeform;hence - did not use after heathens got to it. 1520215;1471044007;mircea_popescu;covertress as we don't know each other, we have nothing to discuss "in private". public will work jus' fine. 1520216;1471044018;covertress;yes, of course. 1520217;1471044020;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well there's always that. 1520218;1471044040;asciilifeform;i'ma, lets say, low expectations fella. 1520219;1471044048;covertress;I would like to propose a visit then, during my return leg from Shanghai. 1520220;1471044071;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is another problem of the prev discussed "bitbet" theme - without a proper cash market and cash insurance, it's pretty fucking hard to get it going. 1520221;1471044073;covertress;26-sept 1520222;1471044091;mircea_popescu;covertress aite, i'll buy you a steak. you ever had a proper steak ? 1520223;1471044099;covertress;kobe? 1520224;1471044105;asciilifeform;but i do expect that if a phriend of mircea_popescu borrows his moneyz, and goes to gamble with it, and loses all, he will be made to pay with balls 1520225;1471044108;mircea_popescu;well no, we'd be in argentina not in japan. 1520226;1471044130;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform whether he will pay with balls, wife, or a cute poem, is mp\s problem ; but you're to expect you will be paid. 1520227;1471044132;covertress;wagyu 1520228;1471044147;mircea_popescu;are you a kobe fan covertress ? 1520229;1471044151;covertress;yes 1520230;1471044160;mircea_popescu;a then you can tell me what you think of the local cut. 1520231;1471044168;covertress;would love to 1520232;1471044173;mircea_popescu;alright then. 1520233;1471044183;covertress;will you be avail to meet w me? 1520234;1471044193;mircea_popescu;i just said that didn't i ? 1520235;1471044198;covertress;:) 1520236;1471044225;covertress;then I believe we now have something to discuss in private 1520237;1471044243;mircea_popescu;lmao such a slippery one she is. 1520238;1471044288;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu gonna love the veery speshul seeeekrit rogervergerian offer!! 1520239;1471044297;mircea_popescu;get in touch when you're here, i'll send someone to pick you up or such covertress . 1520240;1471044312;covertress;very well 1520241;1471044329;*;covertress waves goodbye to mircea_popescu 1520242;1471044399;mircea_popescu;this makes the... shit i lost count-th lady flying into weird uncharted lands to meet with me. 1520243;1471044405;mircea_popescu;i think i am altogether a bad influence. 1520244;1471044431;BingoBoingo;Did Shanti Dynamite ever make it? 1520245;1471044465;mircea_popescu;are you trying to destroy shanti fungibility ? 1520246;1471044489;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1520211 << did mircea_popescu ever say why he did not charge the full cost of bitbetronics? it was loss leader? or wat. 1520247;1471044489;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 23:19 mircea_popescu: this is just another of those "sunk costs of mp's that we don't recognize nor compensate him for - just expect bitbet to magically work for free" 1520248;1471044542;asciilifeform;or was it the 'pay for sunlight' thing. 1520249;1471044560;asciilifeform;where nobody knows how to bill 'died for the glory of the motherland'. 1520250;1471044572;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: What every Indiancandi has the same name or something? 1520251;1471044725;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform to quote a wise man, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-14#1432299 1520252;1471044725;a111;Logged on 2016-03-14 16:33 phf: nubbins`: it's a shame that you chose this approach for your denouncement. some people are here (myself, maybe ascii) not to make money, but to fuck around with novel ways of doing things. it would've been nifty if, as a "lord" if you will, you picked up the game and made your accusations formal, maybe solicited a judge from the wot, made it interesting somehow! you don't have to obviously, but the approach that you chose was basic and 1520253;1471044800;mircea_popescu;it wasn't a significant sum - think, i threw away 1k btc to humiliate buffett, i threw away 5 fucking btc for stuff like the contest that produced "shall be delivered" ; etc. moreover, to correctly account for it would have likely cost more. 1520254;1471044803;asciilifeform;well bbet is not run by lord, or even - to my satisfaction - actual wot persona. 1520255;1471044818;mircea_popescu;it's not a complaint ; it's a statement of fact, made at a time it's required to be made to protect the business environment from public insanity. 1520256;1471044899;mircea_popescu;anyway, don't misunderstand the "not to make money" bit, it's in my case a coincidence not a virtue. go, make money, absolutely no shame in it. a lot of shame in luchamos juntos blablala, so there's that. 1520257;1471045153;asciilifeform;dunno, i see 0 difference b/w a bbet that shitfinexes customer coin and that derp who put his customers' into canadian lottery. 1520258;1471045214;mircea_popescu;yes, this may be. the problem is that THE SOLUTION you originally envisaged / the STATEMENT of the problem you originally used is braindead. this is, ironically, very much approached to his worship our bishop's objections - in that merely thinking you "should be able" to technologize your way into heaven is scarce guarantee you will in fact manage such. 1520259;1471045238;asciilifeform;no word re technologizability. 1520260;1471045253;mircea_popescu;yes, little difference between idiot putting bitcoin into bitfinex and idiot putting bitcoin into canadian lottery. but this is not the same as saying "we shall now has smart contracts bitbet" 1520261;1471045275;asciilifeform;but if i pick up a stray burst of radio static from bbet that suggests he lotteries, this will be part of my risk assessment. 1520262;1471045284;asciilifeform;and i will share. publicly. 1520263;1471045291;asciilifeform;as pete did. 1520264;1471045296;mircea_popescu;well no possible argument there ; sure. 1520265;1471045364;asciilifeform;and no 'smart contract' or whatever, just radio static. it is ~possible~ that znort moved the coin because, solely because, he is allergic to odd-numbered addrs. or sumthing. 1520266;1471045392;asciilifeform;nevertheless i am free to consider a hypothesis that could be ruled out if he had not moved it. 1520267;1471045408;mircea_popescu;in general, unless someone is ~central bank, it'll be difficult for them to ignore the time-value of capital. 1520268;1471045446;mircea_popescu;some fish might be too big to care ; but in general fish that aren't too big to care are required, economically, to maximize the usage of resources. 1520269;1471045448;asciilifeform;what time value. after private mpoe, the ~only + or even breakeven ev btc use is 'hodl'. 1520270;1471045452;asciilifeform;presently. 1520271;1471045470;mircea_popescu;sure. but this is a conclusion that requires analysis above the pay grade to make. 1520272;1471045479;mircea_popescu;very pernicious vicious circle / catch 22 sort of situation. 1520273;1471045490;asciilifeform;well i dun wear a pope hat. 1520274;1471045537;mircea_popescu;let me put it this way : the fact that we don't have a proper money market is much more the problem of "the community" than the problem of the misfortunate whoever that ran bitbet. whether he was a scammer or not, as a factual matter, as an idealised, theoretical construct the observation stands. 1520275;1471045561;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: But you wear a Cardinal's College! 1520276;1471045567;mircea_popescu;yes, it's not even altogether clear there CAN be such a thing as a bitcoin-equivalent of the fiat money market. yes, problems of all sorts, yes yes yes. and yet - what's he to do ? 1520277;1471045587;asciilifeform;and yes, the temptation to 'invest' other people's coin , without their knowledge, has been overwhelming, for ~every megascammer to date. 1520278;1471045617;asciilifeform;the 'winners' - we generally never hear about. 1520279;1471045621;mircea_popescu;not even a temptation. the ECONOMIC DRIVE! if he doesn't - another will. and neither he nor the other are mp, to obliterate any conceivable competition by simple fucking logos like a thing out of the sacred texts. so what's he to do ? 1520280;1471045638;mircea_popescu;you think the average us banker DIDNT know, throughout the 2000s , that they're going straight into real estate crisis ? 1520281;1471045638;asciilifeform;lol aha, 'if i dun steal that donkey, another will' 1520282;1471045640;mircea_popescu;like shit. 1520283;1471045644;mircea_popescu;of course they did. 1520284;1471045647;asciilifeform;you still gotta hang thieves. 1520285;1471045657;mircea_popescu;sure. hang away. 1520286;1471045679;mircea_popescu;i don't think i ever spoke against a hanging, maybe if nice tits invovled or something, but rare enough. 1520287;1471045691;asciilifeform;pete is, as i understand, boiling the rope, as we speak. 1520288;1471045700;mircea_popescu;ahh, the scent of boiling rope. 1520289;1471045706;mircea_popescu;what things modern man knows not he doesn't know. 1520290;1471045936;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1520274 << well, we have a 'these ships sail for west indies next morning and most will come back never, or in a decade, and maybe full of gold and slaves, or maybe plague' market. 1520291;1471045936;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 23:45 mircea_popescu: let me put it this way : the fact that we don't have a proper money market is much more the problem of "the community" than the problem of the misfortunate whoever that ran bitbet. whether he was a scammer or not, as a factual matter, as an idealised, theoretical construct the observation stands. 1520292;1471045963;mircea_popescu;the italians all had proper risk and insurance markets. 1520293;1471045973;mircea_popescu;shakespeare knows of this. 1520294;1471045983;asciilifeform;did they assess risk of discovering syphilis?? 1520295;1471045990;mircea_popescu;yes. 1520296;1471045991;asciilifeform;and if so, at what. 1520297;1471046000;mircea_popescu;at, allow me to quite, 1520298;1471046001;mircea_popescu;quote* 1520299;1471046005;asciilifeform;and who paid - whom 1520300;1471046064;mircea_popescu;SHYLOCK: Three thousand ducats; 'tis a good round sum. Three months from twelve; then, let me see; the rate... 1520301;1471046093;mircea_popescu;there's more substance to lending than the naive christian "asking a living out of bare metal". 1520302;1471046126;asciilifeform;i dun see how they covered the colourful swan of , e.g, syphilis. 1520303;1471046127;mircea_popescu;actually there's more substance to lending than ~anyone ever alive ever realised. 1520304;1471046131;asciilifeform;from this example. 1520305;1471046133;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so you don't see. 1520306;1471046149;asciilifeform;'cause it isn' there? 1520307;1471046163;mircea_popescu;mno. "i don't see how they did" and "i see how they didn't" are quite widely spaced apart. 1520308;1471046185;asciilifeform;if i catch syphilis now, can i charge the penicillin bill to some dead genoan? 1520309;1471046188;asciilifeform;or wat. 1520310;1471046216;mircea_popescu;if you don't catch fdmjkrlehkjer now, shall a dead genoan send you the bill ? 1520311;1471046243;asciilifeform;yes. i think i might still be paying that one. 1520312;1471046251;mircea_popescu;evidently :) 1520313;1471046299;asciilifeform;for all the substance in the 'social contract' lunacy, it may as well be bill from dead cromagnons etc. 1520314;1471046350;mircea_popescu;the rousseau nonsense is unrelated to our discussion so far. 1520315;1471046436;asciilifeform;going up the stack, i dun see successful gambler as == to 'was covered' 1520316;1471046475;asciilifeform;elsewise shitfinex's 'insurance' will have been 'legit' right up to its total disappearance from the record. 1520317;1471046522;asciilifeform;and jon corzine was a crook. 1520318;1471046524;mircea_popescu;yeah, not at all contemplated here, such nonsense. 1520319;1471046530;asciilifeform;and obamite. 1520320;1471046562;asciilifeform;and would have still been a crook if he had won his bets and lost 0. 1520321;1471046577;asciilifeform;just an ~undiscovered~ bezzlemeister. 1520322;1471046599;mircea_popescu;at some point you'll have to understand bitcoin scarcity. 1520323;1471046610;mircea_popescu;unlike fiat, there specifically ISNT as much of this as anyone could ever need. 1520324;1471046628;asciilifeform;if mr thief picks mircea_popescu 's pocket, goes to the races, wins, and put the money back, he is still a pickpocket 1520325;1471046637;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu in the right to collect his balls 1520326;1471046641;asciilifeform;if catches him. 1520327;1471046648;mircea_popescu;surte. 1520328;1471046708;asciilifeform;and cash being fungible, mircea_popescu won't blink when he notices that his pocket had a hundie five minutes ago but now has 5 20s, right ? 1520329;1471046718;asciilifeform;or will he. 1520330;1471046742;asciilifeform;what am i missing ? 1520331;1471046767;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1520332;1471046778;asciilifeform;re bbet example and the 5 20s. 1520333;1471046792;asciilifeform;the coin movement is a bit of information. 1520334;1471046829;asciilifeform;to say 'aint no such thing as taint' is great that bit is there, like the light from a distant star, it carries info. 1520335;1471046853;asciilifeform;like the hundie that turned, 'spontaneously', to 5 20s. 1520336;1471046870;asciilifeform;*but that bit is there 1520337;1471046885;mircea_popescu;that bit is there to the owner of the pocket. in thsi case, bitbet. not you. 1520338;1471046896;asciilifeform;if i can see it, i can see it. 1520339;1471046906;asciilifeform;i am under no obligation to close my eyes. 1520340;1471046951;mircea_popescu;you may think you see whatever ; for all you know some guy "sees" the true meaning of pgp signatures. 1520341;1471046954;asciilifeform;fact is, it moved. MAYBE to other pocket of same guy, maybe not. but MOVED. 1520342;1471046955;mircea_popescu;they spell out 666 JOO 1520343;1471046970;asciilifeform;vs if it had not moved, i can see that it had not. 1520344;1471046984;asciilifeform;which carries a bit of actionable info re risk assessment. 1520345;1471047005;asciilifeform;and yes, there IS chance that key was lost 1520346;1471047011;asciilifeform;or owner - dead 1520347;1471047029;asciilifeform;but compare this with EV of 'bitcoin invest' on shitfinexes. 1520348;1471047042;mircea_popescu;apparently voodoo is just hard to let go of. 1520349;1471047050;asciilifeform;it aint voodoo if it works. 1520350;1471047072;asciilifeform;wanna demonstrate why i merely hallucinate that it works? 1520351;1471047086;asciilifeform;and the starlight carries 0 info 1520352;1471047120;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1520353;1471047136;asciilifeform;i can already guess where this will go. 1520354;1471047140;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520349 <<<>>> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520324 1520355;1471047140;a111;Logged on 2016-08-13 00:10 asciilifeform: it aint voodoo if it works. 1520356;1471047140;a111;Logged on 2016-08-13 00:03 asciilifeform: if mr thief picks mircea_popescu 's pocket, goes to the races, wins, and put the money back, he is still a pickpocket 1520357;1471047155;mircea_popescu;at least we get to admire your intellectual flexibility! 1520358;1471047158;asciilifeform;burden of proof will be on asciilifeform , not on wotless wonder znort 1520359;1471047180;mircea_popescu;burden of proof applies to meaningful statements. there's no burden of proof here, as this inference isn't even wrong. 1520360;1471047302;asciilifeform;P(coins lost | coins moved) > P(coins lost | coins stayed put). 1520361;1471047310;asciilifeform;there, testable. 1520362;1471047316;mircea_popescu;lol. 1520363;1471047319;asciilifeform;or, at least, observable. 1520364;1471047406;asciilifeform;this is a usable hypothesis, and the smart money will use it, just as it uses 'if train engineer drinks, he is more likely to cause bloodbath than if does not drink'. 1520365;1471047413;mircea_popescu;it's not even a hypothesis. 1520366;1471047425;asciilifeform;you can take' it to the bank '. 1520367;1471047427;mircea_popescu;it's a "if god exists he has 10 minutes to strike me down" nonsense. 1520368;1471047434;mircea_popescu;o look, mussolini's a theologian now. 1520369;1471047486;asciilifeform;i get it, mircea_popescu has this 'if we pretend coin movement carries 0 bits of info to the enemy, mebbe it will become true' thing going. 1520370;1471047494;asciilifeform;i dun see how it worx. 1520371;1471047508;mircea_popescu;no. "coin movement" carries no information ; anyone may pretend otherwise at their leisure. 1520372;1471047515;asciilifeform;yaya. 1520373;1471047535;asciilifeform;my arse movements prolly carry info 1520374;1471047537;mircea_popescu;it's a ridiculous stance, but whatever, people did PROVE that "she's a witch, but we did do the nose" etcetera. 1520375;1471047555;mircea_popescu;hey, it's integral part of modern man's damnation that he flatters himself so. 1520376;1471047583;asciilifeform;btw if mircea_popescu wants to do a shannon-style proof a la otp bits, i'm all ears. 1520377;1471047595;asciilifeform;(recall thread?) 1520378;1471047607;mircea_popescu;there is no such proof to be had ; you are simply pretending to glue together things that don't exist in the same domain. 1520379;1471047618;asciilifeform;proof can always be had. 1520380;1471047621;mircea_popescu;there's nothing here ; your presupositions can't be admitted. there's no way to do science o nthis. 1520381;1471047631;mircea_popescu;mno. proof can be had on meaningful representations. not on random strings. 1520382;1471047671;asciilifeform;tell me how 'coin moved' is not equivalent to 'coin may have moved to addr that mover dun have the key to and aint ever giving it back'. 1520383;1471047672;mircea_popescu;"is this ball bluer than the number 5 ???" 1520384;1471047674;mircea_popescu;"what ?" 1520385;1471047677;mircea_popescu;"proof can always be had!!11" 1520386;1471047685;asciilifeform;MAY have. 1520387;1471047711;mircea_popescu;may doesn't rescue you from the fact that you're purporting to compare the results of two functions that may never return at the same time. 1520388;1471047723;asciilifeform;sorta like 'wife MAY have fucked stranger last night, when she was out, but not THIS night, she was tied up in basement' 1520389;1471047731;mircea_popescu;except you don't have a wife. 1520390;1471047746;asciilifeform;i tell ya, i dun see it. 1520391;1471047752;mircea_popescu;aite. 1520392;1471047769;*;asciilifeform bbl, will go think. 1520393;1471048400;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/etude/ << Trilema - Etude 1520394;1471048405;asciilifeform;i tell ya, whole classes of coin loss universe that are possible given 'coin moved' - can be immediately ruled out if coin has not moved. 1520395;1471048441;asciilifeform;for instance, 'sold for usd.' 1520396;1471048718;mircea_popescu;it's all getting oneself drunk on spring water. 1520397;1471048963;asciilifeform;next mircea_popescu will tell me that P(aids|shoots heroin) is not > P(aids|clean), etc. 1520398;1471048986;mircea_popescu;entirely unrelated items. 1520399;1471048991;asciilifeform;and that the actuarial alarm bell is my 'drunk on springwater.' 1520400;1471048999;mircea_popescu;if there existed good physical models for bitcoin we wouldn't have either the problems or the interest. 1520401;1471049004;asciilifeform;fact is , what has not been spent, could not have been mis-spent. 1520402;1471049035;asciilifeform;lost key ? yes. meteor fell ? yes. ww3? yes. spent ? no. 1520403;1471049046;mircea_popescu;unless you didn't hear the block. 1520404;1471049058;asciilifeform;which sooooo happens every fucking day, aha. 1520405;1471049059;asciilifeform;mno. 1520406;1471049068;asciilifeform;'it's in the next block!' 1520407;1471049072;asciilifeform;the check is in the mailz! 1520408;1471049086;mircea_popescu;if you think you "hear all transactions" you'll have a lot of weird to explain. 1520409;1471049112;asciilifeform;if a year later nobody heard a tx, and nobody showed it to me, it dun exist. proof or gtfo. 1520410;1471049124;mircea_popescu;oh, and this year is what, in the protocol ? 1520411;1471049141;asciilifeform;taken arbitrary length here. 1520412;1471049142;mircea_popescu;your discussion of p's from afore somehow morphed into "proof or gtfo" ? what nonsense is this. 1520413;1471049145;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1520414;1471049156;mircea_popescu;go, take whatever voodoo water you will ; and don't ask me to sign off on it. 1520415;1471049189;asciilifeform;but burden of proof is on fella who says 'i've been trying to get this tx mined since obama presidency and nobody includes it in block because they are joooz' is on the claimant. 1520416;1471049198;asciilifeform;who - as incidentally mircea_popescu did - shows the tx. 1520417;1471049202;asciilifeform;if he wants to be believed. 1520418;1471049226;mircea_popescu;the only burden of proof is on ridiculous short man with napoleon delusions giving god ultimatums and then pretending the "burden of proof", as if such a thing could even exist in the nonsensical context, is on this or that. 1520419;1471049231;asciilifeform;(if he dun care whether anyone believes, naturally he dun have to show nuffin) 1520420;1471049234;mircea_popescu;lettuce talk of something else for i tire of the nonsense. 1520421;1471049244;asciilifeform;ahahaha argumento ad dirigible. 1520422;1471049257;asciilifeform;if there's nothing else, i've nothing. 1520423;1471049268;mircea_popescu;there's nothing to be had, no. 1520424;1471049309;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/wCuPt << not quite related lelz 1520425;1471049321;asciilifeform;'The fate of Liu Dawei that would lead him to a life sentence conviction began on July, 2014. Then 18-year-old, gun enthusiast Liu placed an online order to purchase 24 replica firearms from a Taiwanese website ...' 1520426;1471049327;asciilifeform;^ reminiscent of usg trials for faux dope. 1520427;1471049342;asciilifeform;'The judge said, based on the law, smuggling over 20 firearms should be given death sentence. However, the judge added that considering Liu’s young age at the time when the crime was committed, the court thus handed down a life sentence instead.' 1520428;1471063284;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/il-magnifico-cornuto/ << Trilema - Il Magnifico Cornuto 1520429;1471090792;mircea_popescu;and in other morning woods, http://66.media.tumblr.com/701d810f1637a939d18ab7be48978c5a/tumblr_mtwlruT11G1qkkvmmo1_400.gif 1520430;1471092853;mircea_popescu;http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/student-takes-porn-star-cherry-7445540 << anyone know this dude ? should totally be in teh wot. 1520431;1471093307;shinohai;wow Tenn the guy lives mebbe 6 hours from me lol 1520432;1471093507;mircea_popescu;that's a ways neh ? 1520433;1471093586;shinohai;good little drive yeah 1520434;1471093613;mircea_popescu;for some reason i had thought you were in yurp. 1520435;1471093669;shinohai;Nah I live close to that shithole Atlanta. 1520436;1471093677;shinohai;Maybe Europe for retirement 1520437;1471093683;mircea_popescu;aok 1520438;1471093706;shinohai;Though I could just move to Colombia and start a harem, as you suggest 1520439;1471093744;mircea_popescu;not really what i suggest to an us retiree no. 1520440;1471093782;shinohai;xD 1520441;1471094716;mircea_popescu;continuing the reporting of meatballs : http://66.media.tumblr.com/73b381e2224830142813a64385195d61/tumblr_mrdibgh98k1qea16ro1_500.jpg 1520442;1471097194;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/08/12/guccifer-2-0-hacked-dccc 1520443;1471097568;asciilifeform;in moar interesting noose, https://theintercept.com/2016/08/12/canadian-man-killed-during-police-raid-had-built-online-life-around-supporting-isis << canadian fella, 'under government surveillance due to his social media postings and had received a judicial order in February banning him from use of the internet' shot by police after, supposedly, setting off inept bomb. 1520444;1471097672;asciilifeform;( see also : http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-10#1296163 ) 1520445;1471097672;a111;Logged on 2015-10-10 17:48 mircea_popescu: "here's the laws and and if you don't like it, you can leave" "i'll go join the people that'll fuck you up" "o wait you can't leave" "does that mean you admit your laws are dumb ?" "nope" "does that make you a hypocritical idiot ? " "no it doesnt!!1" 1520446;1471097699;mircea_popescu;heh. 1520447;1471097878;mircea_popescu;anyway - the statal response to this sort of "situation" is very much modelled on the bomb disarming philosophy : "oh, you want to blow ? fine, now you have to, while we try to manipulate the context so that you're not effective" 1520448;1471097893;asciilifeform;how else. 1520449;1471097908;mircea_popescu;ie, "order to stay away from the internet" etc. 1520450;1471097910;asciilifeform;waco set the gold standard. 1520451;1471097925;asciilifeform;(it had no net access but they cut its phone, mail, visitors off.) 1520452;1471097933;mircea_popescu;hence the importance of denying the state reach. 1520453;1471097994;mircea_popescu;not a hard task, either : its reach has to be negative. 1520454;1471098027;mircea_popescu;the difference between qntra article detailing embarrassing illiteracy of uk supreme court and cancer cell the surgeon missed is just about nil. 1520455;1471098031;asciilifeform;'kick the dog till it bites, then shoot it' is standard anglo approach, from boer war, to ww2 japan, to every poor motherfucker like the one in link 1520456;1471098089;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the brits have ~nothing on usa: we have a whole supreme court judge here who is solidly suspected of illiteracy 1520457;1471098094;asciilifeform;(sotomayor) 1520458;1471098127;asciilifeform;bush's 'wise latina' (his phrasing) 1520459;1471098244;mircea_popescu;hey, rice is a fine example of us "academic" 1520460;1471098273;asciilifeform;i suppose now that these are stamped out by the thousand, they are ~unremarkable. 1520461;1471098311;mircea_popescu;kind-of. 1520462;1471099371;mircea_popescu;i dunno who recalls the history of irc ; but for the sake of recording : it was originally a finnish bb extension ; it quickly spread throughout finland then to swedish network ; then various us universities applied to be accepted and were. then it was used to report on the gorbachev coup, through a "media blocade", after being similarly useful during the gulf war. 1520463;1471099427;mircea_popescu;ie, irc is what "social media" idly pretends to have been. notwithstanding that digg and myspace went away, as reddit and facebook will go away. irc has been here throughout, and will probably see the successor websites putting forth the same sort of plowing flies idle pretensions. for idiots to believe ; and everyone else to laugh. 1520464;1471099443;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/buenos-aires-that-southern-village/ << Trilema - Buenos Aires, that southern village. 1520465;1471099544;mircea_popescu;obviously, deed-and-paste is much more reliable for a disrupted flow sort of situation. more generally : improvements can and do exist. it's just that they never come from the state. 1520466;1471100204;asciilifeform;whatever even happened to the finns... 1520467;1471100207;asciilifeform;recall penet.fi? 1520468;1471100219;asciilifeform;the ~original~ 'lavabit', if you will. 1520469;1471100222;mircea_popescu;i suspect the russians happened ot the fins. 1520470;1471100247;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they 'happened' to them during peter I 1520471;1471100259;asciilifeform;and a couplea times since. 1520472;1471100283;asciilifeform;(prior to all of which, there were, of course, no finns as such, but buncha backwater swedes...) 1520473;1471100283;mircea_popescu;yeah. one of those times since putin. 1520474;1471100318;mircea_popescu;just like the us carefully popped each and every single bulb in the previous "club of unalligned nations", russia fucked around with its better neighbours. 1520475;1471100424;mircea_popescu;yugo - gone ; egypt - gone ; worth looking through the list, it's pretty much the dod blueprint. 1520476;1471100433;asciilifeform;when i was a boy, mother went, briefly, to finland, and came back with tales of unfathomable civilization, with megatechnological wonders such as clean streets, japanese cars, and tv sets with REMOTES 1520477;1471100735;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520430 << complementing this, >> http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/secret-porn-star-professor-suspended-7542679 1520478;1471100735;a111;Logged on 2016-08-13 12:54 mircea_popescu: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/student-takes-porn-star-cherry-7445540 << anyone know this dude ? should totally be in teh wot. 1520479;1471101070;asciilifeform;in even lulzier noose, http://thefactcoalition.org/worlds-largest-banks-endorse-ending-anonymous-shell-companies <<< does this mean that Crypto Ag will be unmasked??!1111 1520480;1471101120;asciilifeform;$s crypto ag 1520481;1471101120;a111;8 results for "crypto ag", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=crypto%20ag 1520482;1471101158;mircea_popescu;lol 1520483;1471101175;mircea_popescu;"hey, you got bitcoin now, time to end this nonsensical abomination" "okaY" 1520484;1471101201;asciilifeform;bbbbut gunpowder is deviltry, no christian would... 1520485;1471101205;asciilifeform;or was that in some other time or place. 1520486;1471101296;asciilifeform;incidentally, mircea_popescu's article with the 'brujula' (compass), i could not help but wonder, is this same root as 'bruja' (witch) ? 1520487;1471101319;mircea_popescu;i would expect, yes. 1520488;1471101327;asciilifeform;witcherator. 1520489;1471101329;*;mircea_popescu is not an expert on moor etymologies. 1520490;1471101349;asciilifeform;well magnetism is sorcery no less than pyrotechnics, neh? 1520491;1471101354;mircea_popescu;sure. 1520492;1471101370;mircea_popescu;besides the navigators were italian dutch and portuguese, not really spanish. 1520493;1471101406;asciilifeform;i can picture spanish passengers, muttering 'witchery' 1520494;1471101416;mircea_popescu;aha. 1520495;1471101456;mircea_popescu;moreover this is the answer an actually competent scholar would give to amateur efforts a la yarvin's "oh, how could these people believe such nonsense WITHOIUT EVIDENCE". 1520496;1471101476;mircea_popescu;that evidence doesn't meet your standard is irrelevant - stuff like "ship across atlantic" very neatly met theirs. 1520497;1471101495;mircea_popescu;"we are living in a time of witchdom, how else did the ocean get bridged" 1520498;1471101511;asciilifeform;which nonsense 1520499;1471101536;mircea_popescu;unawareness of such "invisible" subtleties then lead one on wild goose chases of theoretical constructs with little basis in anything but tobacco he smoked. 1520500;1471101544;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform recall, guy has a piece about witches and whatnot. 1520501;1471101550;asciilifeform;hm 1520502;1471101587;mircea_popescu;somewhere in the foundations of his "unitarian church" series. 1520503;1471101587;asciilifeform;http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2013/09/technology-communism-and-brown-scare.html << ? 1520504;1471101645;mircea_popescu;aha! 1520505;1471101723;asciilifeform;'Obviously, if the witches had any power whatsoever, they wouldn't waste their time gallivanting around on broomsticks, fellating Satan and cursing cows with sour milk. They're getting burned right and left, for Christ's sake! Priorities! No, they'd turn the tables and lay some serious voodoo on the witch-hunters. In a country where anyone who speaks out against the witches is soon found dangling by his heels from an oak at midni 1520506;1471101723;asciilifeform;ght with his head shrunk to the size of a baseball, we won't see a lot of witch-hunting and we know there's a serious witch problem. In a country where witch-hunting is a stable and lucrative career, and also an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend, we know there are no real witches worth a damn.' << this struck me as reasonable observation. 1520507;1471101808;mircea_popescu;it is ; but this isn't the problem. the problem is that he's proceeded in the "Scientific American" manner of contemporary MIT engineering. he created a "hockey stick pattern" out of putting some data through a process that always yields a hockey stick pattern ; data that he's obtained from extrapolating a tiny dataset of dubious relevancy (ie, last week's tv guide contents). 1520508;1471101833;mircea_popescu;the objection is methodological. i am saying yarvin is not a thinker. 1520509;1471101838;mircea_popescu;his results don't enter into this discussion. 1520510;1471101841;asciilifeform;less than this. 1520511;1471101855;asciilifeform;whole piece was a reaction to gawker successfully raping paul graham. 1520512;1471101886;mircea_popescu;moreover, his notions of paul graham as the victim scarcely meet yours. for that matter mine - it is rare to see a confessed ponzi fraudster go free to "advise" young people on "their careers". 1520513;1471101902;mircea_popescu;i don't see at this point what exactly could happen to graham that'd be on the strength of his public record unwarranted. 1520514;1471101920;asciilifeform;if he is eaten by weevils, it will be quite warranted imho. 1520515;1471101965;asciilifeform;the problem, possibly, is that we get a multitude of fat, emboldened weevils. 1520516;1471101987;mircea_popescu;there is that. but then again - we don't care about results, purpose or consequence here at tmsr. 1520517;1471101991;mircea_popescu;we just proceed from cause. 1520518;1471102042;asciilifeform;there is 'proceed from cause, damn the torpedoes' but there is also 'first ecstasy, then laundry.' 1520519;1471102074;mircea_popescu;sorry, i couldn't hear you over the moans. then there's what ? 1520520;1471102084;asciilifeform;no rush. 1520521;1471102101;mircea_popescu;it may surprise the esteemed audience to find that i have never ever done laundry, in any capacity. not as much as load a load into a machine. 1520522;1471102115;mircea_popescu;this wasn't a deliberate thing. it just never happened. i fully intend to do it once, if i have occasion. 1520523;1471102124;asciilifeform;it will likely surprise no one if mircea_popescu tells also that he has never tied own shoes with own hands. 1520524;1471102124;asciilifeform;etc. 1520525;1471102130;mircea_popescu;very similarly to how i fully intend to jack off once. just as soon as i have occasion. 1520526;1471102240;mircea_popescu;i suppose this is what folks have in mind that go livid just after muttering "privilege" with clenched fists. 1520527;1471102242;mircea_popescu;awell. 1520528;1471102283;asciilifeform;dunno, at one point, in civilized cities, ~only specially-grown laundry nuns did laundry, everybody else just dropped coin in the basked and off it went 1520529;1471102305;mircea_popescu;you still gotta put it in the basket... 1520530;1471102330;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu , what, throws it in the air, the gurlz catch ? 1520531;1471102348;mircea_popescu;i literally throw my clothes around the house, yes. 1520532;1471102391;mircea_popescu;i suppose this sounds closer to parody than anything by now huh ? a well. 1520533;1471102407;asciilifeform;in as far as dirigiblisms go, this is the mildest yet, i can throw down my shirt also and it will also get washed. 1520534;1471102436;mircea_popescu;men are creatures of habit, there's i'm told "de facto designated areas" anyway. 1520535;1471102453;asciilifeform;i dun sit on every item of furniture, no... 1520536;1471102460;asciilifeform;(unlike, say, a housecat) 1520537;1471103100;asciilifeform;https://jhalderm.com/pacman << in other nooze: 'It's a touch-screen DRE (direct-recording electronic) voting machine. ... We received the machine with the original tamper-evident seals intact. The software can be replaced without breaking any of these seals, simply by removing screws and opening the case. ... In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the iconic arcade game, we reprogrammed the AVC Edge to run Pac-Man.' 1520538;1471103239;shinohai;kek 1520539;1471103250;mircea_popescu;lol! 1520540;1471103270;mircea_popescu;qntra ? 1520541;1471103276;shinohai;Quite possibly a superior use of the hardware 1520542;1471103279;mircea_popescu;shinohai go for it, slow week anyway. 1520543;1471103294;*;shinohai looks 1520544;1471103565;asciilifeform;i find linked item a bit of a puzzler, even sov-era electronics had screw seals, that were at least an honest try against quiet defloration, if not serious challenge 1520545;1471103869;asciilifeform;( the humble seal is one of the most, imho, under-rated pieces of crypto tech. at least the 'otp' variant, where it is made from a shattered rod, is 'unbreakable' in any direct sense. as discussed in at least one old thread. ) 1520546;1471104232;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-28#1076117 << canonical, i think, 'seals' thread. 1520547;1471104232;a111;Logged on 2015-03-28 03:15 Adlai: some of the devices shipped with teh sticker glued to the wrong side 1520548;1471104935;mircea_popescu;problem is the seal relies on a certain environment. to work it requires a population of mit engineers "as they pretend to be" rather than "as they are" 1520549;1471105125;asciilifeform;elaborate ? 1520550;1471105133;asciilifeform;( i.e. actually literate people? or wat ) 1520551;1471105146;mircea_popescu;yes, technically and scientifically literate. 1520552;1471105156;asciilifeform;well then noshit.jpg. 1520553;1471105162;mircea_popescu;ie, a bunch of "garage chemists" grown up, so to speak. 1520554;1471105166;mircea_popescu;the one thing the us certainly is not. 1520555;1471105195;mircea_popescu;in and of themselves, seals are just another religious artefact 1520556;1471105199;mircea_popescu;as proven by the quotes. 1520557;1471105300;asciilifeform;one of the numerous things seals do not do, is to sneak into violator's bed at night and remove his balls. 1520558;1471105305;asciilifeform;~someone~ has to ~give a fuck~ 1520559;1471105310;asciilifeform;and it isn't the piece of lead. 1520560;1471105895;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-freezes-us-accounts-following-another-loss/ << Qntra - Bitfinex Freezes US Accounts Following Another Loss 1520561;1471106227;danielpbarron;http://i.imgur.com/e0WAb5G.jpg >> Shotgun to the face, slow motion. 1520562;1471106596;asciilifeform;^ fella has this... surprised! look. 1520563;1471106610;mircea_popescu;awww! ANOTHER loss ? but who could have etc. 1520564;1471106612;asciilifeform;prolly just the eyeball pop. 1520565;1471106670;mircea_popescu;o hey, not a bad shot. 1520566;1471106698;mircea_popescu;another heuristic ruined, "so you shot a guy in the face ?" "oh yeah" "describe how it looks" is no longer an absolute bar to redditards. 1520567;1471107725;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/two-theoretical-alternatives/ << Trilema - Two theoretical alternatives 1520568;1471108772;mircea_popescu;since back in january you weren't yet constructing your identity around cleavage asciilifeform here's a repost : http://trilema.com/2016/the-bizarro-world-of-camwhoring/#selection-155.0-155.225 1520569;1471108894;mircea_popescu;or no, nm, my bad. seems it's actually quite linked. 1520570;1471109182;asciilifeform;al schwartz, iirc, did indeed fuck twins 1520571;1471109185;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1520572;1471109208;asciilifeform;(eh if 'google groups' still worked!111) 1520573;1471109494;mircea_popescu;good for him! 1520574;1471109593;asciilifeform;and i only even remembered this because it was my first encounter of this being described as a particular thing. 1520575;1471109864;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'cleaving' did not start, and won't end, with asciilifeform , or even with engineers, folks cleaved dry from green wood to burn in fire, and tasty from rotten parts of mammonth, etc. and will cleave in future. 1520576;1471110402;mircea_popescu;sure! 1520577;1471111773;BingoBoingo;In old trilema http://trilema.com/2009/de-ce-nu-mi-place-capitalismul/ 1520578;1471111844;mircea_popescu;o hey, you can read that ? 1520579;1471112103;BingoBoingo;bits and pieces, but the gist I get is pseudo-mantadory middlemen break markets 1520580;1471112139;BingoBoingo;Because how the fuck do you price milk if only one buyer from dairies and seller to consumers exists? 1520581;1471112156;mircea_popescu;yeah ; bad information ruins it, basically. 1520582;1471112167;mircea_popescu;anyway, ima add it to translaqueue. 1520583;1471112519;BingoBoingo;kinda the whole problem with extant fiat/Bitcoin interfaces on a more familiar scale 1520584;1471113144;mircea_popescu;fucking argentines and their "lyrical" tango. god damned. these people have no idea. 1520585;1471113168;mircea_popescu;the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of the tango is the sharp end of measures. you have a fuzzy exp that concentrates in a glowing hot tip. that's a tango. 1520586;1471114111;asciilifeform;https://www.deepdotweb.com/2016/08/13/caliconnects-private-pgp-key-account-password-asshole209 << moar lel 1520587;1471114165;mats;it appears that more than a kg of cocaine was sold on teh sr! 1520588;1471114368;mircea_popescu;after dea took it over ? 1520589;1471114390;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://im.ezgif.com/tmp/032a1ec2ab.gif to replace http://qntra.net/qntra.jpg ? 1520590;1471114396;mircea_popescu;it IS pretty fucking huge, almost mb. 1520591;1471114444;BingoBoingo;too huge, will negatively affect our African readers with GSM connections 1520592;1471114451;mircea_popescu;myeah. k. 1520593;1471114490;mats;just making a dig. specifically, in reference to 'This is why two years later the famous marketplace was struggling to move one kilogram of cocaine, and this is why it took them three weeks to make the sale, and this is why it actually had to be the owner buying it on his own account : because SR makes no economic sense whatsoever.' 1520594;1471114537;mats;the post was informative, no doubt about the fundamentals being correct -- readers, see http://trilema.com/2013/what-the-drug-trade-is-how-the-drug-trade-works-and-why-silk-road-didnt-work-and-didnt-matter 1520595;1471114600;*;mats starts slogging through 'U.S. v. Burchard' 1520596;1471114730;mircea_popescu;mats "was struggling to move one kilogram" ie, "this inept prude is struggling to take a 7 inch cock up her ass" not "the total volume of shit she ever shat to become the 29 yo loser she is doesn't ammount to the volume of a 7 inch penis" 1520597;1471114753;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: try compress the gif, it takes eons to load 1520598;1471114761;asciilifeform;(compress in the time sense, not the usual) 1520599;1471114770;asciilifeform;as in, head splats in 3s instead of 25 1520600;1471114793;mircea_popescu;kinda got nixed ; but if there's an artist in audience, mebbe i can get bb to reconsider. 1520601;1471114801;mircea_popescu;i kinda like the idea of that thing as an icon. 1520602;1471114814;asciilifeform;it is beautiful, only bulky. 1520603;1471114825;mircea_popescu;and badly encoded - all those ugly artefacts. 1520604;1471114838;asciilifeform;who, i wonder, was the lucky dude 1520605;1471114844;mircea_popescu;looks jew. 1520606;1471114885;asciilifeform;lel, did they write back to israel, 'stop sending niggerz with non-rusting staples' etc ? 1520607;1471114907;mircea_popescu;possibly not. 1520608;1471114912;mircea_popescu;couldn't find anyone who could write. 1520609;1471114945;mats;"On June 3,2015 I learned that publicly available information indicated David BURCHARD, **** Duke Ct, Merced, California 95340, had registered or attempted to register and trademark the phrase "caliconnect." After obtaining this information, HSI Fresno investigators began to search Reddit and other publicly available websites for the username "caliconnect" 1520610;1471114945;mats;and discovered comments and reviews from individuals claiming to have ordered marijuana from a dark-web vendor going by the online username "caliconnect." 1520611;1471114950;mats;oh lawd 1520612;1471114973;mircea_popescu;lol. 1520613;1471114976;asciilifeform;bbbbut did he register a software patent also!111111 1520614;1471114996;mircea_popescu;mats seriously, the pile of unexploited comedy gold in that "community driven" "dao-based security" thing is staggering. 1520615;1471115017;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1dSF 1520616;1471115018;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1520617;1471115045;mircea_popescu;and i'd just as well like to have it well exposed and catalogued to bitchslap the gwern-ish wikipedia/lesswrong/niceonline beta bois and assorted imbeciles. 1520618;1471115079;mircea_popescu;tbh they're more pernicious and a larger threat to sugar, spice and everything nice than bumbling "law enforcement" could ever hope to be. 1520619;1471115093;mats;this is p good qntra material 1520620;1471115098;mircea_popescu;hit it. 1520621;1471115184;shinohai;lulzy mats 1520622;1471115196;shinohai;r/darknetmarkets is an infosec lulzmine 1520623;1471115313;danielpbarron;asciilifeform> who, i wonder, was the lucky dude << some guy caught in isis-land writing anti-isis graffiti 1520624;1471115425;BingoBoingo; kinda got nixed ; but if there's an artist in audience, mebbe i can get bb to reconsider. << Would also break Qntra's branding history. Perhaps if someone wanted to start an "Online Culture Magazine" it may have a place in the header of that as per http://trilema.com/the-boy-blog-network 1520625;1471115428;mircea_popescu;wait, so like the us ? 1520626;1471115449;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ah, you're pretty much set on rabbit 4 eva ? 1520627;1471115471;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Well, history is its own asset class. 1520628;1471115481;mircea_popescu;up to you. 1520629;1471115496;mircea_popescu;it did end up put in there in response to events though, it's not deductively derived from qntra substance 1520630;1471115524;BingoBoingo;How many more reddit girlies can we make feel reflexive disgust at rabbits because truth? This needs to be answered. 1520631;1471115532;mircea_popescu;lol k 1520632;1471115542;mircea_popescu;tho i wouldn't call 200-odd pound redditards girlies. 1520633;1471115545;danielpbarron;I once went to the trouble of creating an account on either silkroad or one of the things that came after in order to buy twatter followers for an ex-friend of mine (he thought he was really good at social media, obsessed over follower/following ratio, yet only had 50 followers) -- he didn't ask for this; I thought it would be funny to freak him out. Anyway, stupid vendor I contacted via GPG-gram replies in plaintext that he can't 1520634;1471115546;mircea_popescu;girlols ? 1520635;1471115557;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/popular-voting-machine-hacked-with-seals-intact-plays-pacman/ << Qntra - Popular Voting Machine Hacked With Seals Intact, Plays Pacman 1520636;1471115559;BingoBoingo;It's a brand. As much as marketing is a scam, branding does matter. 1520637;1471115573;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron lol. the interwebs are full of that though, why bother with "Darknet" 1520638;1471115639;danielpbarron;I was also curious how the darknet thing went 1520639;1471115650;mircea_popescu;two toads with one spit huh. 1520640;1471115691;danielpbarron;wish I bought a silkroad t-shirt on the original silkroad. prolly the one interesting thing for sale on the whole lot of them 1520641;1471115730;mircea_popescu;sounds about right. 1520642;1471115849;mats;"BURCHARD used a program called GPG4USB, which automatically used Burchard's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) private key to decrypt messages sent to him from customers." 1520643;1471116051;shinohai;shit BingoBoingo i fergot to archive.is the sauce 1520644;1471116063;mats;also, "Other HSI investigators and I reviewed approximately 977 transactions involving "Caliconnect" on the Silk Road and determined that approximately 977 transactions involving "Caliconnect" on the Silk Road and determined that approximately 704 pounds of marijuana and approximately 10.5 grams of cocaine were sold to customers located throughout the United 1520645;1471116063;mats;States... Among the data provided to me by the FBI on this list, "Caliconnect" was the third largest U.S.-based vendor on the Silk Road in terms of total sales." 1520646;1471116082;mats;lol 10.5g 1520647;1471116218;ben_vulpes;pretty sad 1520648;1471116245;*;danielpbarron had a feeling it was mostly pot 1520649;1471116496;thestringpuller;more ver-ified lulz: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fw4ns 1520650;1471116813;ben_vulpes;oh lol phelps is swimming in rio? 1520651;1471116830;ben_vulpes;so all the 'omg drugs' propaganda produced ~0 actual effect on the mans professional career 1520652;1471117062;mats;iirc the controversy in question was over a vidya of him taking a bong rip 1520653;1471117079;mats;which is increasingly moar culturally acceptable in .us 1520654;1471117135;mircea_popescu;mats ahahaha 10 grams 3rd largest ? 1520655;1471117139;mircea_popescu;fuck yeah. 1520656;1471117146;mats;mp wins again 1520657;1471117153;mats;prepare for teh smug 1520658;1471117169;mircea_popescu;mp plays with rigged cards. hard to lose. 1520659;1471117264;mircea_popescu;in other news, "Recreational marijuana is available to residents and non-residents of Colorado, however you must be 21 years old and older to purchase or possess. Only licensed retail marijuana stores may sell retail marijuana. 1520660;1471117313;ben_vulpes;this is...news? 1520661;1471117328;mircea_popescu;well, it's other news. 1520662;1471117347;mircea_popescu;by now "pot smuggling" is right up there with hawking concert tickets. 1520663;1471117390;ben_vulpes;hasn't been an interesting hustle for over half a decade now. 1520664;1471117410;phf;man, that shotgun to the head is nasty. i wouldn't want confederate rabbit to get replaced by it 1520665;1471117422;ben_vulpes;now, the rollup and consolidation of pot retail operations on the other hand, is going to be a fun project. 1520666;1471117424;mircea_popescu;so if the "ideal man" moved from porn in the 90s to pot in the 00s to what in 2010 ? 1520667;1471117450;ben_vulpes;bit of a stretch to say that ideal man was moving pots in the aughts 1520668;1471117451;mircea_popescu;where do you meet all the sluts ? ngo organising ? 1520669;1471117461;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes hence the quotes. 1520670;1471117493;mircea_popescu;and i guess it was what, rock band roadie in the 80s ? cocksucker blues et all ? 1520671;1471117518;ben_vulpes;heh yeah my dad has some great stories about following the dead around 1520672;1471117523;mircea_popescu;im sure. 1520673;1471117542;mircea_popescu;but yeah, the spot to be today would be... the guy telling people what to do at burning man or somesuch i guess. 1520674;1471117563;phf;"and then we dropped acid and it was awesome. and then we dropped acid again, and it was awesome again" kind of stories.. 1520675;1471117590;mircea_popescu;phf gotta cut the old folks some slack ; for them getting slobber on ballsack is a lifechanging sort of event. 1520676;1471117600;ben_vulpes;phf: "great" 1520677;1471117665;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller gotta love the "of course i'm outraged". somehow this made sense to him. 1520678;1471117803;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-freezes-us-accounts-following-another-loss/ << this being exactly the mtgox playbook, "oh, it's not us, it's the processor" 1520679;1471118705;ben_vulpes;is anyone doing the "buy bitfinex coins at a ridoinculous discount" thing yet? 1520680;1471118822;mircea_popescu;mno. 1520681;1471118832;mircea_popescu;~same reason nobody sane is doing the "buy ethereum" whatever. 1520682;1471118859;mircea_popescu;anyone was around / recalls the discussions with the naive "mtgox debt" buyers ? back in the day ? pirate debt buyers ? back in THAT day ? 1520683;1471118882;mircea_popescu;;;seen onefixt 1520684;1471118883;gribble;I have not seen onefixt. 1520685;1471118890;mircea_popescu;oh gribble you liar you. 1520686;1471119041;phf;$seen onefixt 1520687;1471119041;a111;I haven't seen onefixt 1520688;1471119136;mircea_popescu;old stories. 1520689;1471119147;phf;that might be in the even older logs 1520690;1471119232;phf;ah, it's that case sensitive search.. 1520691;1471119234;phf;$seen OneFixt 1520692;1471119234;a111;2014-06-22 mine is not at all easy to dump unfortunately 1520693;1471119261;mircea_popescu;ah right. 1520694;1471125005;BingoBoingo;lol https://github.com/bitbet/tools https://archive.is/r2W6q https://archive.is/r2W6q << attn pete_dushenski et al 1520695;1471125195;shinohai;fucking lol 1520696;1471125719;mats;i put a few coins down for a bet, sure hope the operator doesn't fly away 1520697;1471126036;shinohai;O.o 1520698;1471126065;shinohai;i was kinda unsure if I should place hard-earned dust into it 1520699;1471126109;mats;not my finest moment 1520700;1471127420;mircea_popescu;tsk. 1520701;1471127611;mircea_popescu;it's fucking fascinating to read anglo reviews of fine italian cinema. a more stark light to display the fundamental inadequacy of that subculture in understanding anything worth thinking about could scarcely be found. 1520702;1471127741;mircea_popescu; James Kendrick Q Network Film Desk "Adriana's essential vacuity, central as it is the film's point, doesn't give us enough to hold onto, so by the time the narrative is winding its way to its climax, everything has blurred into one long rush of nothing." 1520703;1471127742;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1520704;1471127868;phf;man is describing his sex life 1520705;1471127881;mircea_popescu;or at least what he's seen of it on tv. 1520706;1471127936;mircea_popescu;and how commodously they give themselves the trophy, too. ADRIANA'S vacuity, you see. hers, not theirs. they know this. because... 1520707;1471127946;mircea_popescu;oh but it goes without sayng, it's a... it's a no brainer is what it is. 1520708;1471127950;mircea_popescu;fucking nobrain society. 1520709;1471128006;mircea_popescu;the fact that for any possible test other than timescale itself, she could already be una vecchia and nobody could tell the difference escapes notice. 1520710;1471128007;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. 1520711;1471128116;mircea_popescu;out of 9 "top critics" in syndication, two pass the blurb test : village voice's atkinson and slant magazine's dillard. this is the fucking bar, "write one sentence that doesn't mark you for idiocy", 2/9 specialists pass. 1520712;1471128128;mircea_popescu;every single college graduate should fucking pass omfg. 1520713;1471128550;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/io-la-conoscevo-bene/ << Trilema - Io la conoscevo bene 1520714;1471128727;mircea_popescu;michael atkinson gets it ; and he knows his shit. clayton dillard has absolutely no fucking idea what's going on. i think he smokes towels or something. 1520715;1471128749;mircea_popescu;out of the 9, 1 is competent and the other's a shannonizing pass. 1520716;1471128755;mircea_popescu;im sure engineering works out exactly the same. 1520717;1471129461;phf;mircea_popescu: link to atkinson review? 1520718;1471129486;mircea_popescu;http://www.villagevoice.com/film/pietrangeli-s-restored-beauty-i-knew-her-well-lets-you-know-her-too-8225729 1520719;1471129519;phf;thank you 1520720;1471129524;mircea_popescu;"A generation-defining movie in Italy, I Knew Her Well is that rare saga of the never-was, immersed, like its heroine, in daydreams, numb to its own heartbreak." 1520721;1471129538;mircea_popescu;threatens to become very much a generation-defining movie in the colonies, also. 1520722;1471129684;shinohai;ls 1520723;1471129699;shinohai;well that was wrong buffer certainly 1520724;1471131214;mircea_popescu;in other roger ver lulz, http://www.westchesterda.net/pressreleases/001108mkarraign.htm 1520725;1471131295;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ever have crapple 'a1181' lappy? i just swapped out hv (lamp) cable on one, for 2nd time in 7 yrs, what a piece of rubbish 1520726;1471131318;asciilifeform;takes no less than 2hrs, for a fucking $10 part. 1520727;1471131346;mircea_popescu;so basically costs more to fix than new laptop. such cost to carry... 1520728;1471131370;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: box is worth maaaaybe 100 (minus the ssd, which is modern and cost 4x that) 1520729;1471131389;mircea_popescu;you have a serious prioritization problem huh ? 1520730;1471131414;asciilifeform;more of 'old cars' problem 1520731;1471131428;asciilifeform;(categorically refuse to pay the newness tax, and from it follows the rest) 1520732;1471131459;asciilifeform;anyway this particular item isn't asciilifeform's, but tame critter's. 1520733;1471131493;mircea_popescu;so buy her a new ipad! 1520734;1471131510;asciilifeform;she dun like craplets 1520735;1471131513;asciilifeform;can't warez on'em 1520736;1471131530;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: classic! 1520737;1471131568;ben_vulpes;i think i have one sitting in the "library of machines to cannibalize when the future demands" 1520738;1471131583;ben_vulpes;or a close generation. 1520739;1471131599;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: this implies you have one or more of'em in service ?! 1520740;1471131608;asciilifeform;or cannibalize how, for door stoppers ? 1520741;1471131667;ben_vulpes;mnno, these are not for repair, but for migration to as the oldest give out 1520742;1471131691;ben_vulpes;nor are these "daily drivers", being nearly antiques already 1520743;1471131797;asciilifeform;'Bedi subsequently advised the victim that he successfully tracked the source of the computer virus to a remote village in Honduras. Bedi informed him that the hard drive was the source of the worm that had invaded the computer and advised the victim that Bedi’s uncle, who Bedi contended is an officer in the Indian military, flew to Honduras in an Indian military aircraft during a reconnaissance mission and obtained the hard drive. 1520744;1471131798;asciilifeform; Bedi further related that his uncle obtained information that Polish priests affiliated with Opus Dei were attempting to possibly harm the victim. Bedi also advised the victim that the Central Intelligence Agency had subcontracted with Bedi to perform work which would prevent any attempts by the Polish priests associated with Opus Dei to infiltrate the U.S. government.' 1520745;1471131811;asciilifeform;this is a crime ?! 1520746;1471131821;asciilifeform;'fool and his money' 1520747;1471131842;mircea_popescu;you know, before the whole "terrorists" bullshit started, i used to enjoy reading police reports. 1520748;1471131859;mircea_popescu;essentially, you get a barely literate, tired man who dun wanna do it, coerced into summarizing the lives of other derps. 1520749;1471131886;mircea_popescu;it's consistently going to deliver ; not as greatly as the heights of fiction, true, but rarely as poorly as its pits. 1520750;1471131916;mircea_popescu;"really... they did that ?" "oh, and then let's see, so the situation is x, i guess next they... burn the house down. ayup... they did." 1520751;1471131937;mircea_popescu;viri from villages in honduras, you realise! 1520752;1471131982;asciilifeform;and Great Pianist whose worx are on his 1 comp 1520753;1471131991;mircea_popescu;he just wanted to. 1520754;1471132000;asciilifeform;Heir to Fortunez!1111 1520755;1471132024;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu will still repeat that 'money is brain' or what. 1520756;1471132034;mircea_popescu;evidently. 1520757;1471132067;mircea_popescu;ye scarecrow fighting don quijote that there's no other : poverty = stupidity. never was the converse contemplated. 1520758;1471132073;asciilifeform;http://www.westchesterda.net/news-and-information/current-press-releases/2742-state-prison-sentence-in-cyber-security-larceny-of-the-heir-to-schlumberger-oilfield-services-fortune << sentence. 1520759;1471132127;asciilifeform;'The victim, a noted pianist and composer, is the great-grandson and great grand-nephew of the two brothers who founded Schlumberger Ltd.' 1520760;1471132158;asciilifeform;must've been one hell of a schlumberger, for great-grandson to have 21m to piss away. 1520761;1471132280;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/YAxy8 << moar. 1520762;1471132295;asciilifeform;'He said that in the days before they were arrested, the couple were preparing to leave the U.S. for Iceland where Ms. Invarsdottir's father, Ingvar Karlsson, is a prominent businessman.' 1520763;1471132319;asciilifeform;'On his website, Mr. Davidson doesn't mention his family's affiliation with Schlumberger, instead focusing on his long career composing and performing music. A spokeswoman for Schlumberger declined to comment. Mr. Davidson is also the founder and president of the Society for Universal Sacred Music...' 1520764;1471132358;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno, here we have some mind-bogglingly bovine rich, and pretty clever poverty..? 1520765;1471132392;asciilifeform;'In a 2006 video posted on YouTube promoting the society, Mr. Davidson is seen standing before a group of musicians and speaking about his organization. In the video, Mr. Bedi can be seen standing silently next to Mr. Davidson.' << gold. 1520766;1471132426;mircea_popescu;the "cleverness" of poor people is no different from the "security" of windows. 1520767;1471132438;mircea_popescu;not something to go on the ocean in. 1520768;1471132460;asciilifeform;well, at any rate the public whipping post only ever contains the folks who didn't make it to the ocean. 1520769;1471132467;asciilifeform;i have deeply nfi re the rest. 1520770;1471132469;mircea_popescu;but i note you're not actually confronting the ridiculousness of your earlier conflation. 1520771;1471132505;asciilifeform;i still say 'if yer so smart why aintcha rich' is horseshit. 1520772;1471132514;phf;i'd pay those guys for simply making 60 year old's life a bit more interesting. i think old man is just walking out on a tab 1520773;1471132516;mircea_popescu;and you'll keep saying until the day you die, poor. 1520774;1471132536;mircea_popescu;phf 6mn tho ? i mean... that nicole whatever chick, she did it for free! 1520775;1471132556;phf;that's after how many years though? 1520776;1471132567;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe she also carried to term ? 1520777;1471132571;mircea_popescu;$google anne nicole smith 1520778;1471132572;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Nicole_Smith << Anna Nicole Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Nicole_Smith << Anna Nicole Smith – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia | http://www.annanicole.com/ << Anna Nicole 1520779;1471132612;mircea_popescu;in related lulz, while i was visiting mass at some point there was a huge todo because some woman had a child with a ~dead~ fortune owner. and the family was trying to exclude her. 1520780;1471132623;phf;works out to about 500k a year 1520781;1471132698;mircea_popescu;i'd expect more for 500k/year than those two schmucks. 1520782;1471132704;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how did the 'trying to exclude' work ? 1520783;1471132708;asciilifeform;contested the will, or wat 1520784;1471132723;phf;yeah, 500k is a bit too much.. 1520785;1471132723;mircea_popescu;well, probate cases, that's what they are. a judge ends up with 55 people in a room all clamoring. 1520786;1471132842;asciilifeform;what i meant was, on what legal ground could the woman's claim possibly be dismissed. 1520787;1471132855;mircea_popescu;anyway, the nicole smith case is interesting because of how perfectly she played the lizzards off each other. step 1: got one disowned brother to ally with her agains the other ; step 2 : declared bankruptcy, forcing california bankruptcy court into dispute with texas probate court. 1520788;1471132870;asciilifeform;even in the grand open air lunatic asylum that is usa, this seems like 'open & shut case', no ? 1520789;1471132885;mircea_popescu;STEP 3! SCROTUS picked up the case, bush had solicitor general intercede, because wanting to get more federal jurisdiction over state probate cases. 1520790;1471132890;mircea_popescu;she totally gave them a run for their money. 1520791;1471132900;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which this ? 1520792;1471132911;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the thing you witnessed in mass. 1520793;1471132922;mircea_popescu;it was a horror ; the baby was born iirc 13 months after the man's demise and their dna matched. 1520794;1471132935;mircea_popescu;i didn't witness it per se, it was just "the talk fo the town" so to speak. at least among a certain set. 1520795;1471132946;asciilifeform;frozen spoodge or wat 1520796;1471132949;asciilifeform;must've been 1520797;1471132950;mircea_popescu;no idea. 1520798;1471132966;*;asciilifeform has nfi what the precedent for these is 1520799;1471132967;mircea_popescu;there's an array of "possible explanations", including that women do in some cases actually naturally conserve sperm. 1520800;1471132972;mircea_popescu;like fucking turtles. 1520801;1471132990;asciilifeform;this'd be worth the stockholm gold (if it still were a real thing) 1520802;1471133003;mircea_popescu;it was a rather contentious piece of lol. 1520803;1471133078;asciilifeform;sane judge would consider frozen sperms, faked deaths, falsified paternity test, in some order, prior to admitting an undiscovered biological process. 1520804;1471133092;mircea_popescu;difficult to bar "expert testimony" 1520805;1471133124;asciilifeform;in that case it would be interesting to catalogue the 'miracles' that 'are possible' as per u.s. judicial precedent. 1520806;1471133137;asciilifeform;betcha parthenogenesis is in there, somewhere 1520807;1471133139;asciilifeform;and teleportations. 1520808;1471133146;asciilifeform;and who knows what else. 1520809;1471133177;asciilifeform;i mean, if you genuinely can't throw out 'expert witness' based on known physical process throwing an exception... 1520810;1471133239;mircea_popescu;there is no such "known". that's the point of the experts. 1520811;1471133307;asciilifeform;judge is a brain, and not a 'prolog' proggy, for a reason, neh ? 1520812;1471133330;mircea_popescu;yes, but not for this reason. 1520813;1471133414;asciilifeform;and this 'not known' is a mighty selective thing, like the rest of the 'rule of law' crock of shit. e.g., why not close ALL unsolved murders, by positing that martians nailed them via telekinesis. 1520814;1471133430;mircea_popescu;you get you call your expert to say so, if you can find one 1520815;1471133436;mircea_popescu;the opposing party will definitely bring theirs. 1520816;1471133452;asciilifeform;nobody's called until a suspect is arraigned 1520817;1471133460;asciilifeform;i'm speaking of cold cases. 1520818;1471133463;mircea_popescu;VERY MUCH, much more than commonly realised, in the way the us works is predicated on a "can you afford one" system of qualifications. 1520819;1471133475;asciilifeform;this, i think, is known to ~everyone at this point 1520820;1471133489;mircea_popescu;that you'd be living there as opposed to, say, argentina, while entertaining these ridoinculous "not all poor people are imbeciles" delusions is pretty nutty in itself. 1520821;1471133509;mircea_popescu;you want to live in that alt-world where not all poor people are by that fact imbeciles, move to a juntos vencemos place, live with the slime. 1520822;1471133516;mircea_popescu;they're connected, these two things. 1520823;1471133529;asciilifeform;i dunno that i've ever lived ~outside~ of such a thing, mircea_popescu 1520824;1471133538;mircea_popescu;well... india, you know ? 1520825;1471133549;mircea_popescu;there's "inner worth" places still. generally, villages and rural areas. 1520826;1471133561;mircea_popescu;ie specifically the sort of arrangement you don't seem to like. 1520827;1471133584;mircea_popescu;six to a room, from 6 to 60yo, every sperm is sacred, that jazz. 1520828;1471133590;mircea_popescu;i mean jizz. 1520829;1471133598;asciilifeform;what's the appeal of this again..? 1520830;1471133620;mircea_popescu;that they actually try to pretend what you try to pretend, "poverty is not automatically disqualifying" 1520831;1471133627;mircea_popescu;at least the women behave accordingly, sometimes. 1520832;1471133641;asciilifeform;i'm not even sure that mircea_popescu and i agree on a def of 'poverty' 1520833;1471133670;mircea_popescu;maybe not. 1520834;1471133676;mircea_popescu;what difference would it make ? 1520835;1471133690;asciilifeform;does it include... all folx who work for a living? anyone with one fewer wine bottle than mircea_popescu's cellar contains ? folx without dirigibles? what. 1520836;1471133709;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it makes difference if we want to even have a meaningful dissection of subj. 1520837;1471133736;asciilifeform;for my edification, let's hear mircea_popescu's picture of 'poverty' 1520838;1471133744;mircea_popescu;why ? if "i'd love to chat you up but i gotta hurry back to work" applies, boy's poor, and girl either moves on or doesn't. 1520839;1471133756;mircea_popescu;if she doesn't, you've got a sort of place. if she does, you've got another sort of place. 1520840;1471133768;mircea_popescu;you insist in living in one while holding the ideology of the other. 1520841;1471133809;asciilifeform;not everyone who works is a 'gotta hurry back to work' 1520842;1471133827;mircea_popescu;the test is given. 1520843;1471133877;asciilifeform;no room for naggum folk? (and are they poor? unpoor?) 1520844;1471133919;mircea_popescu;again - the test is given. what, you expect this to be resolved from hitler's own throne, administratively and universally, as if somehow universal knowledge is possible ? 1520845;1471133932;asciilifeform;i really love mircea_popescu's 'choose hole a or hole b', 'fork in the eye or once up the arse?' (ru prison riddle) tests. 1520846;1471133940;mircea_popescu;what's this, "i'll consider looking at how nonsensical my nonsense is if you bake in this other nonsense" ? 1520847;1471134001;mircea_popescu;but yes, upon examination it's obvious we don't agree on "the definition of poverty". you apparently imagine it is a boolean ; and idiocy also. 1520848;1471134006;mircea_popescu;this can't possibly make any sense of anything. 1520849;1471134007;asciilifeform;nah it is just that mircea_popescu poses a riddle where there is 'or your ox wanders off' and i dun have an ox, and have to spend quite a few cpu cycles mapping it onto what i actually do. 1520850;1471134140;mircea_popescu;let's put it this way : in any situation when symbol.poverty is defined, symbol.idiocy is also defined and equals 1. 1520851;1471134181;asciilifeform;incidentally if mircea_popescu's picture of 'poverty' is encompassed by the hero of http://thewhet.net/2016/alcachofa-7515 then i have absolutely no counter against 'must also be stupid.' 1520852;1471134221;mircea_popescu;mno. if it ever makes sense to say "i am poor", in whatever context, for whatever reason, EVER ; it then therefore and for this reason as sole and sufficient it also makes sense to say "i am stupid". 1520853;1471134309;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu wants to operate with a definition of 'stupid' that encompasses everybody on planet3 but mircea_popescu and five other d'artagnans, this is his business alone, and not mine 1520854;1471134329;mircea_popescu;it dun really matter, does it. 1520855;1471134365;asciilifeform;there was some thread re 'driven by poverty' but i can't seen to unearth it 1520856;1471134383;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-14#1432314 << 1520857;1471134383;a111;Logged on 2016-03-14 16:36 mircea_popescu: there's a bunch of people who, however poor may they be irl, are still not driven by the poverty so to speak. 1520858;1471134394;mircea_popescu;but in any case, should the operator be interested in resolving the poverty issue, the solution is always and without exception being less stupid ; notwithstanding that the tempting path usually taken is being more stupud, for some reason reminescent of that great pacino monologue in devil's advocate. 1520859;1471134451;asciilifeform;'being less stupid' is a vector op, neh ? 1520860;1471134465;mircea_popescu;more like a string. 1520861;1471134475;mircea_popescu;i guess technically a string is an n-vector. 1520862;1471134481;asciilifeform;say i 'feel poor' until i can buy a working buenos aires, in what direction 'be less stupid' ? 1520863;1471134492;mircea_popescu;that's above my pay grade. 1520864;1471134504;asciilifeform;but can haz type ? vector ? tensor ? 1520865;1471134515;asciilifeform;i dun expect mircea_popescu to calculate it. 1520866;1471134520;mircea_popescu;there's pretty much nothing i can say about it, turns out. 1520867;1471134532;asciilifeform;so we have a 'NaN' lel. 1520868;1471134542;mircea_popescu;i'm not even convinced "summon nazi alien troops, massacre anyone" is solution. 1520869;1471134549;asciilifeform;(did the chinese actually call it 'mu' or was i lied to) 1520870;1471134669;asciilifeform;also imho this thread can go somewhere useful still. in a ru (or i suspect any) prison cell, there are 'poverty' people, even if there is no money in the cell. 1520871;1471134696;asciilifeform;so answer is, not to be them. 1520872;1471134734;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1520873;1471134750;mircea_popescu;money's always there ; i guess there's no coins, bills, whatever. 1520874;1471134753;mircea_popescu;tide money never goes away. 1520875;1471134787;asciilifeform;well yes. but 'pederast' who gets mailed a fat box of delicacy dun get to eat any. 1520876;1471134827;mircea_popescu;it's still in the cell. 1520877;1471134828;asciilifeform;american psychologists used to use a term 'social capital' but everybody will prolly break into hives now. 1520878;1471134831;phf;"be less stupid" might possibly be a cellular automaton. you can take steps according to certain rules, but the state of less stupid is emergent 1520879;1471134842;asciilifeform;^ 1520880;1471134858;mircea_popescu;phf the problem becomes rapidly complex as the tasks involved go above "i would like my snatch to not stink" 1520881;1471134865;phf;right 1520882;1471134874;mircea_popescu;generally complexity-reducing rules are for instance much more effectual as a class than ~anything else. 1520883;1471134881;asciilifeform;and i never for a moment disagreed with 'snatch stinks? yer poor & stupid' 1520884;1471134892;mircea_popescu;hence why the various complex fabulations of the psycho-overactive are so dimly regarded. 1520885;1471134924;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you conflated unlike things. 1520886;1471134931;asciilifeform;hm 1520887;1471134948;mircea_popescu;the number 4 in there isn't comparable to the number 4 as you compared it ; they're different things. 1520888;1471134957;mircea_popescu;all math and no physics makes scientist a socialist!!11 1520889;1471135023;asciilifeform;well traditionally folks say 'yes, stupid' when somebody is unable to learn what we think of as 'basic' process, e.g., reading street sign. 1520890;1471135039;asciilifeform;or washing. .....or earning enough to have a place to wash. 1520891;1471135068;mircea_popescu;in the context it was used, "i would like my snatch to not stink" made up the whole of the universe ; in the context you used it, it's part of a larger universe. this comparison is invalid. 1520892;1471135082;asciilifeform;definition can , as iirc was richly expounded on in the l0gz, also shift based on what we think is 'basic op' 1520893;1471135149;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yes, in the context of, e.g., dark ages europe, 'non-stinking snatch' possibly required considerably more standing in hierarchy than presently. so context matters. 1520894;1471135160;mircea_popescu;this is not what context means. 1520895;1471135164;mircea_popescu;bejesus what a festival. 1520896;1471135165;asciilifeform;so which context then ? 1520897;1471135176;asciilifeform;what am i missing. 1520898;1471135183;mircea_popescu;alright let's dig into it. 1520899;1471135317;mircea_popescu;i said "phf the problem becomes rapidly complex as the tasks involved go above "i would like my snatch to not stink"". this is a statement of the nature of, "geometry becomes rapidly longer as the number of possible dimensions goes above 1". you said "and i never for a moment disagreed with 'snatch stinks? yer poor & stupid'". this is a statement of the nature of "if you only describe one dimension, you suck at geometry". thi 1520900;1471135317;mircea_popescu;s is nonsensical, because the "1" was also "all". a geometry describing one dimension in a world where only one dimension may exist is not any worse than a geometry describing three in a world with three. they're exactly the same thing : the complete story of geometry. 1520901;1471135373;asciilifeform;ok so all mircea_popescu said earlier is 'solving 1-dim. optimization is trivial' ? 1520902;1471135398;mircea_popescu;well, a converse, but anyway, proceed. 1520903;1471135467;asciilifeform;well i didn't proceed, because still unable to conceive a useful (and general) def of poverty. 1520904;1471135495;mircea_popescu;(the agreement i inferred to have with phf as a result of that statement was "it's not even clear what sort of hyperexponential is involved, it grows so fast". we don't have any sort of upper bounds.) 1520905;1471135567;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly, a specific definition of poverty is, much like euler's god, not actually necessary for this discussion. 1520906;1471135615;asciilifeform;so far it resembles, in my mind, an entirely subjective thing, like, e.g., 'stinks'. stinking depends on the nose in question. 1520907;1471135642;mircea_popescu;this is entirely not forbidden. 1520908;1471135695;asciilifeform;so since noses un unscrew, and i cannot trade with mircea_popescu for each other to see what stinks to the other, the train typically stops there. 1520909;1471135699;asciilifeform;*dun unscrew 1520910;1471135720;mircea_popescu;what's that to do with anything ? 1520911;1471135750;asciilifeform;well what am i to do with 'this is a subjective perception' 1520912;1471135791;asciilifeform;next i suppose we can debate how many nm wavelength begins colour 'red'. 1520913;1471135792;mircea_popescu;i said "a specific definition is not required for the discussion", you opted to stuff some nonsense into that. 1520914;1471135796;mircea_popescu;do with it what you will, it's all yours. 1520915;1471135828;asciilifeform;what kind of discussion can we have without a definition ? 1520916;1471135870;mircea_popescu;what, this is new to you ? 1520917;1471135889;mircea_popescu;"what kind of house can i build if you and your wife aren't seated on a couch watching tv as we build the walls around you!!!1" 1520918;1471135951;asciilifeform;wasn't asking for the couch, but for sufficiently many intersecting planes in the vector space that we might arrive at a spot that looks like couch would fit there. 1520919;1471135962;asciilifeform;i.e. some useful concept of 'what is poverty' derived from shared priors. 1520920;1471135994;mircea_popescu;why ? 1520921;1471136033;mircea_popescu;the couch really is not your business, we're discussing whether this beam is horizontal or not, and if these angles sum up to the right value. 1520922;1471136127;asciilifeform;thus far i don't even know if mircea_popescu's concept is absolute ('must afford dirigible') or simply 'stay out of bottom 10% of social pyramid' or what. 1520923;1471136151;asciilifeform;or neither, and won't even fit in my orc skull. or. 1520924;1471136157;mircea_popescu;depends on the concept of stupidity involved, really. they're not separate. 1520925;1471136196;mircea_popescu;ie, some definitions of stupidity require universal poverty. as for instance documented re argentina. 1520926;1471136221;mircea_popescu;these people can't be rich no matter what the fuck happens to them. 1520927;1471136232;mircea_popescu;as proven by the fact that they have to date meaninglessly squandered ~5 fortunes. 1520928;1471136233;asciilifeform;hey, not universal once mircea_popescu unpacked his pith helmet and started the colonization, eh ? 1520929;1471136254;mircea_popescu;first, the german made them rich buying leather to make the pikehauberk. then, grain in ww2. then borrowed. then defaulted. then borrowed. etc. 1520930;1471136283;mircea_popescu;they're poorer than they've ever been ; people point and laugh at venezuela, but venezuela never fucking had the blessing of such an euro outpour. 1520931;1471136297;asciilifeform;this blew me away when i first found out - derps are STILL running on the fumes of the great german rocket of ~1900 1520932;1471136299;mircea_popescu;it was at best a texas to this new york. 1520933;1471136304;mircea_popescu;aha. 1520934;1471136326;asciilifeform;peak, imho, of europe's whole run. 1520935;1471136334;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1520936;1471136341;mircea_popescu;and to think, the idiot junkers got to fuck it up. 1520937;1471136346;mircea_popescu;could be japan, exactly. 1520938;1471136358;asciilifeform;as rich, comfortable imbeciles inevitably do. 1520939;1471136376;mircea_popescu;i dunno how comfortable the junkers were. 1520940;1471136454;asciilifeform;i still do not consider myself qualified to opine re why germany got eaten. 1520941;1471136459;asciilifeform;it is, in my mind, great riddle. 1520942;1471136478;mircea_popescu;sure. but the ineptitude of the junker class is well documented ; and i daresay well understood. 1520943;1471136498;asciilifeform;different in any way from british ineptitude ? 1520944;1471136520;mircea_popescu;there are some meeting points, for sure. 1520945;1471136523;asciilifeform;or the degenerate ru aristocrats 1520946;1471136526;asciilifeform;or austrians 1520947;1471136538;mircea_popescu;but really, voltaire actually had a fine blueprint, EARLY. they just didn't read him. 1520948;1471136543;mircea_popescu;"best possible barony" 1520949;1471136568;asciilifeform;they all read like that schlumberger to me. 1520950;1471136571;mircea_popescu;eh, "degenerate russian aristocrats" is simply french wanna-be ism. nothing russian there. 1520951;1471136634;asciilifeform;specifically, if aristocratic degeneracy varies in any fundamental way across europe, i do not know it. 1520952;1471136643;mircea_popescu;it does, yes. 1520953;1471136650;asciilifeform;folks who inherit empire they had done nothing to conquer, all look quite similar through my telescope. 1520954;1471136667;mircea_popescu;there's at least the french sensationalism and the nordic solipsism variants. 1520955;1471136681;asciilifeform;tru! 1520956;1471136693;asciilifeform;ru had, arguably, both kinds. 1520957;1471136708;mircea_popescu;classification is obviously a function of classifier's patience. "all butterflies are moths and that's good enough for a day's work." 1520958;1471136730;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, depends which set of magazines made it across the overflowing rivers that spring, you know. 1520959;1471136751;mircea_popescu;"russian aristocracy" would have paraded nude with a bone-done hairdo, if it came to it. 1520960;1471136768;asciilifeform;the folks running on 'solipsist' setting dun tend to read import lit. 1520961;1471136780;asciilifeform;they sit around and pray and horsewhip serfs etc. 1520962;1471136808;mircea_popescu;or sit around and smoke and meditate. the "absconse scottish lord" figure in british literature very much typifies the trope. 1520963;1471136824;asciilifeform;aha, 'eastern solipsist' setting 1520964;1471136829;asciilifeform;on which ran, e.g, iran 1520965;1471136834;asciilifeform;(for all i know, still does) 1520966;1471136859;asciilifeform;http://www.ilibrary.ru/text/1778/p.1/index.html << see also ! 1520967;1471136890;asciilifeform;'Посмотри: в тени чинары / Пену сладких вин / На узорные шальвары / Сонный льет грузин; / И склонясь в дыму кальяна / На цветной диван, / У жемчужного фонтана / Дремлет Тегеран.' 1520968;1471137031;asciilifeform;and, in particular, 'Бедуин забыл наезды / Для цветных шатров / И поет, считая звезды, / Про дела отцов.' 1520969;1471137079;mircea_popescu;anyway. there's a deep reason hitler "beloved bayern". it's complicated, all this flow, but in the end - the "treuloser Feinglinge" version of the dolchstoss libel, while factually unsubstantiated, is entirely comprehensible historically. 1520970;1471137107;mircea_popescu;i've been kinda waiting for the proper greek drama of "hitler as the executor of his own demise through countering his allies' enmity as best he can" 1520971;1471137110;mircea_popescu;pity there's no goethe. 1520972;1471137144;mircea_popescu;then again, i suppose there's no need for no goethe. 1520973;1471137251;mircea_popescu;pro dela ottsov eh ? 1520974;1471137291;asciilifeform;aha. 1520975;1471137296;mircea_popescu;nb. 1520976;1471137642;asciilifeform;approx., 'bedouin has traded conquest / for a coloured tent / and he sings, the stars a-countin' / of where his fathers'd went' 1520977;1471137689;asciilifeform;( there is, to no particular surprise of asciilifeform's no detectable english translation of lermontov's 'dispute' - linked item, it being not in any possible sense obscure ) 1520978;1471137744;*;asciilifeform only even went to 1st and 2nd grade of literate-people school, and we did a fat chunk of lermontov. 1520979;1471137757;asciilifeform;as in, the trad orc method, of 'memorize this and recite' 1520980;1471137789;mod6;asciilifeform: is nsa's trb down? 1520981;1471137814;asciilifeform;mod6: no ? 1520982;1471137818;asciilifeform;not even blackholed 1520983;1471137829;mod6;hm. 1520984;1471137830;asciilifeform;happily churning as we speak 1520985;1471137850;mircea_popescu;incidentally, as we were discussing probate lulz in the us recently : 1520986;1471137879;asciilifeform;mod6: what happened when you tried connecting ? 1520987;1471137914;mircea_popescu;so doris duke was this rando slut inheriting some decent chunk of change from the guy who owned lucky strike. she did all sorts of things, including funding duke university. then she died and left a will, naming her butler as executioner, leaving duke 10mn and stipulating that anyone contesting the will is to get nothing. 1520988;1471137947;mircea_popescu;within a decade of her death, her chosen executor was replaced by us court ; morgan stanley president ; duke uni president and some other dubious schmucks appointed executors 1520989;1471137948;mod6;connect() failed after select(): Connection refused 1520990;1471137960;mod6;im retrying now 1520991;1471137971;asciilifeform;mod6: you aren't, by any chance, on a shitazon box are ya. 1520992;1471137973;mod6;we'll see. oh shit, duh, you're blocking me anyway. 1520993;1471137976;mod6;yes. 1520994;1471137979;asciilifeform;well then. 1520995;1471137988;mod6;how did this work before i wonder lol? 1520996;1471137991;mircea_popescu;the various things the woman wanted financed got defunded "for perpetuating the Duke family history of personal passions and conspicuous consumption". and well... this being in 2004 i imagine the money is by now well spent by the usg. 1520997;1471137999;mod6;i keep forgetting that. my bad. 1520998;1471138031;asciilifeform;mod6: why are you on a shitazon anyway 1520999;1471138049;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: would be interesting to read the court transcript of the executor swap. can haz ? 1521000;1471138054;asciilifeform;what's such a proceeding look like 1521001;1471138064;mod6;asciilifeform: it's a test env 1521002;1471138170;mod6;as soon as there is a non-us wot-enabled btc provider... i might think about a bare metal thing for this. 1521003;1471138172;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, the lizzard meisters wiped it off say http://www.legalzoom.com/legal-articles/article15046.html ; but embers remain http://www.nytimes.com/1996/04/11/nyregion/deal-reached-over-the-estate-of-doris-duke.html 1521004;1471138197;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/ozqTk << did turn up 1521005;1471138221;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, nannerl o keohane, at the time duke head, is certainly a fine example of lizard dome architect. 1521006;1471138228;mircea_popescu;"political theorist" my foot. 1521007;1471138286;asciilifeform;hey, this is why folks make heirs, neh ? 1521008;1471138293;mircea_popescu;dubious. 1521009;1471138303;mircea_popescu;this is why folks behead any and all bureaucrats every 7 years. 1521010;1471138314;mircea_popescu;at least - my people did. 1521011;1471138320;asciilifeform;die heirless and surrounded by questionables, make a mess - today or 1000 yrs ago. 1521012;1471138333;mircea_popescu;kill all scribes periodically - problem solved. 1521013;1471138335;mod6;<+mod6> as soon as there is a non-us wot-enabled btc provider... i might think about a bare metal thing for this. << i may not wait for this... i dunno, will have to see. 1521014;1471138359;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly, serious hosters needed. 1521015;1471138370;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: when moose dies in the forest, 10,001 species of crawly comes out to eat - it is not a pest control problem as such. 1521016;1471138377;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you read the thing you're bound to recognize the by-now standard and documented playbook. 1521017;1471138382;asciilifeform;and yes. 1521018;1471138397;asciilifeform;but, fact is, it dun work on a live moose. 1521019;1471138402;mircea_popescu;not clear what heir could have done, other than you know, gaddafi all over himself. 1521020;1471138420;asciilifeform;the rockefellers are still, afaik, in the saddle. 1521021;1471138424;asciilifeform;maybe ask'em how. 1521022;1471138433;mircea_popescu;lol again with that ? 1521023;1471138464;asciilifeform;well simply that i dun have a copy of their dekulakization process. so working under assumption that they did not get duked. 1521024;1471138492;mircea_popescu;iirc the last time you used the symbol it got challenged into meaninglessness. 1521025;1471138529;asciilifeform;simply pointing out that not all american mega-fortunes yet vaccumed up. 1521026;1471138535;asciilifeform;*vacuumed 1521027;1471138539;mircea_popescu;pretty much, yeah. 1521028;1471138559;mircea_popescu;heck, saudi fortunes seem i ntreouble. the us moved to vacuuming up far east private fortunes recently. 1521029;1471138577;mircea_popescu;very moscow 1916. 1521030;1471138587;asciilifeform;also 'pay Bernard Lafferty, her high-spending, ponytailed butler, millions of dollars to give up his role in overseeing her fortune' dun look like a straight dekulakization. 1521031;1471138602;mircea_popescu;you know what else dun look like ? 1521032;1471138613;mircea_popescu;$s esr 1521033;1471138614;a111;82 results for "esr", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=esr 1521034;1471138643;asciilifeform;esr was idiot quisling paid in devil's-gold-turns-to-leaves. possibly butler - also. 1521035;1471138650;mircea_popescu;necessarily butler also. 1521036;1471138656;mircea_popescu;what exactly was his leverage ? 1521037;1471138658;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497659 << what all does this admin hardening entail? 1521038;1471138658;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 00:54 mircea_popescu: and you've got A LOT of things built in, not just "antispam". you got admin hardening ; gpg comments ; auto-spam tagging, ddos protection, anti-trackback flood and etc. 1521039;1471138668;mircea_popescu;"shut up or else i route the money to taliban" ? 1521040;1471138682;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i cannot even give a reason to think he was paid at all, now that i think. 1521041;1471138692;mircea_popescu;mkay. 1521042;1471138699;asciilifeform;perhaps simply told 'read this script in court or there will be problems' 1521043;1471138702;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i dun specifically recall. various. 1521044;1471138706;asciilifeform;and script included ' i was paid ... settlement ' 1521045;1471138797;asciilifeform;lel while reading linked fishwrap, fresh from barfomat, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/13/business/dealbook/bitcoin-blockchain-banking-finance.html 1521046;1471138817;mircea_popescu;ooobviously. 1521047;1471138825;asciilifeform;'Most banks have already put together blockchain working groups...' BLOCKCHAIN!!111 1521048;1471138829;asciilifeform;TECHNOLOGY!!!!! 1521049;1471138847;asciilifeform;straight from esr's 'open sores' playbook. 1521050;1471138865;asciilifeform;these folks have maybe 3, 4 recipes. total. 1521051;1471138934;asciilifeform;and of course the sacramental, '...the report says that the industry will have to work with governments to create standard rules and laws to govern transactions.' 1521052;1471138936;mircea_popescu;the irony being that they entirely miss the mistakes. but whatever, 1521053;1471138946;mircea_popescu;once they stop being poor maybe they can afford hiring actual experts. 1521054;1471138950;asciilifeform;anybody wanna write perl script that generates these articles ? 1521055;1471138955;asciilifeform;can sell to nyt et al. 1521056;1471138960;mircea_popescu;ahahaha. 1521057;1471138982;asciilifeform;at this point there is more than enough material to write a first-class shannonizer. 1521058;1471139000;asciilifeform;that, betcha, will produce moar readable item, than linked. 1521059;1471139020;asciilifeform;then we somehow find a way to slip'em in. 1521060;1471139042;mircea_popescu;and prove for the nth time that... a) nobody reads the "mainstream" media so no possibility of competing in the direct and b) they have no money anyway, nor any interest in any form of reality, so they can't buy anything from you anyway. 1521061;1471139055;asciilifeform;aha, sorta special case of mircea_popescu's proposed reddit nuke. 1521062;1471139079;mircea_popescu;yeah. special case of not workedness. 1521063;1471139167;asciilifeform;i have nfi what it would look like if 'worked', the most that can be asked for is sokal-style lul. 1521064;1471139173;asciilifeform;$s sokal 1521065;1471139174;a111;8 results for "sokal", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sokal 1521066;1471139238;asciilifeform;or, more particularly, https://archive.is/v6Haf . 1521067;1471139261;asciilifeform;'But this is the hoax that keeps on giving. The creators of the automatic nonsense generator, Jeremy Stribling, Dan Aguayo and Maxwell Krohn, have made the SCIgen program free to download. And scientists have been using it in their droves. Yesterday, French researcher Cyril Labbé revealed that 16 gobbledegook papers created by SCIgen had been used by German academic publisher Springer. More than 100 more fake SCIgen papers were publ 1521068;1471139261;asciilifeform;ished by the US Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). ' 1521069;1471139289;mircea_popescu;aha. 1521070;1471139292;asciilifeform;^ doesn't appear to be in the l0gz. so here for the record now. 1521071;1471142105;asciilifeform;in other 'news', chinese appear now to sell 30w (!) ~diode~ lasers, fiber-coupled, approx. the size of cig pack, a few hundy usd. 1521072;1471142144;asciilifeform;use yer imagination. they're ~1000nm, ir. 1521073;1471142243;*;asciilifeform wonders what it could output in msec bursts 1521074;1471142470;mircea_popescu;30w :D 1521075;1471142503;asciilifeform;aha. 1521076;1471142616;asciilifeform;while not 'death ray', would handily obliterate retinas, cameras, from 100s of metres, puncture tyres, light flammables. 1521077;1471142723;asciilifeform;well water is opaque to 1000nm so corneas, not retinas. 1521078;1471142732;asciilifeform;but the rest stands.. 1521079;1471144966;ben_vulpes;shiny, where? 1521080;1471145018;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: e.g., ebay 1521081;1471145062;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: https://www.ebay.com/itm/122075771989 1521082;1471145077;asciilifeform;probably elsewhere. 1521083;1471145092;ben_vulpes;yeah super shiny 1521084;1471145095;ben_vulpes;used but notbad 1521085;1471149646;mod6;$up Bugpowder 1521086;1471149647;deedbot;Bugpowder voiced for 30 minutes. 1521087;1471149690;mod6;hey Bugpowder, how goes? 1521088;1471150016;mircea_popescu;http://archive.is/6oYPy << check it out, it begins! 1521089;1471150075;mod6;he probably reads the logs. 1521090;1471150110;mircea_popescu;well there's no valid signature... 1521091;1471150167;mircea_popescu;fun times. 1521092;1471151288;ben_vulpes;oh man if he can throw the vote tracking systems into chaos... 1521093;1471151300;ben_vulpes;he could hose so much just by demanding ballots with signatures. 1521094;1471151324;ben_vulpes;and if anyone could exclude diebold and friends from the party it'd be him 1521095;1471151337;mircea_popescu;yup 1521096;1471151349;mircea_popescu;tis teh right strategic move. 1521097;1471151356;mircea_popescu;and the more the libtards bitch, the better for him. 1521098;1471151363;mircea_popescu;and the less they bitch, the worse for them. 1521099;1471151367;mircea_popescu;this is what win-win is. 1521100;1471151414;ben_vulpes;not to mention that the left cooked the diebold narrative to begin with. 1521101;1471151424;mircea_popescu;aha. 1521102;1471151429;ben_vulpes;endless lolz 1521103;1471151432;mircea_popescu;oya. 1521104;1471151552;ben_vulpes;phf, shinohai, trinque, asciilifeform, mircea_popescu: i elected to nuke the "stale comments" thing, i'd be much obliged if any of y'all have a patch for that. in exchange i've got a patch on wp-comments.php for the suffix trick, not that it's hard or anything 1521105;1471151608;mircea_popescu;just take out the part in the form names. 1521106;1471151614;ben_vulpes;i r phpbro nao 1521107;1471151625;ben_vulpes;but i wanted it to work! 1521108;1471151640;mircea_popescu;that;s not what nuke means ? 1521109;1471151644;mircea_popescu;explain yourself plainly! 1521110;1471151659;ben_vulpes;hang on 1521111;1471151686;ben_vulpes;pump the brakes there turbo 1521112;1471151726;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i pulled out the "comment_checks" 1521113;1471151740;ben_vulpes;er, "comment_check" 1521114;1471151770;ben_vulpes;and specifically, commented out the line starting with if (((time ... 1521115;1471151822;mircea_popescu;that didn't work. 1521116;1471151833;ben_vulpes;bad error message lol 1521117;1471151845;mircea_popescu;explain yourself vaguely and convolutedly now, maybe that's more practical in your present state of intoxication! 1521118;1471151857;ben_vulpes;i am stone cold sober 1521119;1471151859;ben_vulpes;SIR 1521120;1471151869;mircea_popescu;evidently, it's not working out for you! 1521121;1471151880;mod6;heheh 1521122;1471151894;mircea_popescu;now then. what are you trying to get and what did you do for it ? 1521123;1471151901;ben_vulpes;1) i commented out the line in wp-comments that checks for the delta between now and the comment time being greater than or less than two magic numbers. 1521124;1471151908;mircea_popescu;ok. 1521125;1471151923;ben_vulpes;that fixed the comment processor complaining about stale pages or whatever 1521126;1471151936;mircea_popescu;well... in the sense that it doesn't check anymore, yes. 1521127;1471151979;ben_vulpes;2) i added the suffix generation routine to the template page, and appended the suffix to the relevant form names. 1521128;1471151994;mircea_popescu;2 would have fixed 1 too i suspect. 1521129;1471152046;ben_vulpes;3) i excised a tril_ from wp-comments.php, replacing it with my db prefix 1521130;1471152064;mircea_popescu;yeh, alf reported that too, i recall. 1521131;1471152102;ben_vulpes;by jove 1521132;1471152115;mircea_popescu;cool, so you're good to go ? 1521133;1471152140;ben_vulpes;maybe? vaguely concerned that the thing is subtly broken in other ways not immediately apparent. 1521134;1471152161;ben_vulpes;also *zero* clue of what to do to avoid dushensking the instance 1521135;1471152163;mircea_popescu;well, you're vulnerable to comment flood and to harvester/spammer pairs, but otherwise should be ok. 1521136;1471152171;mircea_popescu;wassat ? 1521137;1471152174;ben_vulpes;no, i put the staleness back in 1521138;1471152179;ben_vulpes;oh no that was davout 1521139;1471152189;mircea_popescu;dude... 1521140;1471152203;mircea_popescu;davout put the staleness back in ? 1521141;1471152216;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-07#1448250 1521142;1471152216;a111;Logged on 2016-04-07 22:02 BingoBoingo: ;;later tell davout delete xmlrpc.php from your wordpress install and you will be 95% of the way to securing your blawg 1521143;1471152225;mircea_popescu;imagine this guy on acid, if you will. 1521144;1471152243;mircea_popescu;ah, that's a pretty stupid idea in that it kills pingbacks, which are a rather important contextualization tool. 1521145;1471152277;mircea_popescu;besides, mp wp is already xmlrpc hole-neutered 1521146;1471152293;mircea_popescu;it doesn't let randos use your xmlrpc to spam etc LIKE STOCK WP STILL DOES 1521147;1471152328;ben_vulpes;ah no, staleness checks still failing for some reason. 1521148;1471152608;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/o-hai-let-me-wanna-be/#comment-113027 < fix in question. 1521149;1471153057;ben_vulpes;aaand it works. 1521150;1471153099;ben_vulpes;great! neat mircea_popescu. 1521151;1471153108;ben_vulpes;now to muntz the theme. 1521152;1471153332;mats;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts7FQaVULRs 1521153;1471153832;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1521154;1471153834;gribble;Current Blocks: 425119 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 256 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 14 hours, 9 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1521155;1471153839;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1521156;1471153844;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 578.39, vol: 1843.72331891 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 581.556, vol: 3806.7075 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 582.4, vol: 6097.4617757 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 583.83, vol: 2781.51608301 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 585.25852, vol: 70794.30990000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 581.78, vol: 417.58616832 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 583.44, vol: 242.497425596 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 585.80104, vol: (1 more message) 1521157;1471154434;BingoBoingo;;;more 1521158;1471154434;gribble;539691.9271 | Volume-weighted last average: 585.646482735 1521159;1471183006;mircea_popescu;phf http://trilema.com/2016/io-la-conoscevo-bene/#comment-118515 1521160;1471183443;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that thing really ought to link back to the waterbug piece. 1521161;1471183457;mircea_popescu;possibly yeah. 1521162;1471183467;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2015/prophylaxis << 1521163;1471183518;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521104 << looks like you turned mp-wp into conventional rubbish wp?? congrats ? 1521164;1471183518;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 05:12 ben_vulpes: phf, shinohai, trinque, asciilifeform, mircea_popescu: i elected to nuke the "stale comments" thing, i'd be much obliged if any of y'all have a patch for that. in exchange i've got a patch on wp-comments.php for the suffix trick, not that it's hard or anything 1521165;1471183519;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521166;1471183620;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521093 << can demand whatever he likes. what will get, is another matter entirely. 1521167;1471183620;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 05:08 ben_vulpes: he could hose so much just by demanding ballots with signatures. 1521168;1471183629;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521094 << keep dreamin'. 1521169;1471183629;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 05:08 ben_vulpes: and if anyone could exclude diebold and friends from the party it'd be him 1521170;1471183672;asciilifeform;why not also demand to bring back motherfucking literacy test for vote. 1521171;1471183684;asciilifeform;diebold ain't leaving any more than literacy test is coming back. 1521172;1471183695;asciilifeform;may as well ask tumour to 'leave', nicely. 1521173;1471184033;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so far, he's been getting. 1521174;1471184047;asciilifeform;hey if the man can turn shit into gold, i'll clap. 1521175;1471184056;mircea_popescu;well, november's close. 1521176;1471184119;asciilifeform;lockheed et al 'also want to live.' either diebold, or fella eventually 'eats bad seafood' and keels over, or, etc. and that'll be that. 1521177;1471184208;mircea_popescu;yes, yes, i get it : life is a contest for life, and you have your favourite horse. this is fine. the important point here however isn't so much "what trump can accomplish" but "mp is as far as the internet can tell trump's campaign strategist. because no one other has better proof." 1521178;1471184306;asciilifeform;my fave horse is the very same 'common man fucked with spiked club of monotonically increasing thickness' as described by mircea_popescu . 1521179;1471184414;asciilifeform;other thing - what exactly are 'election observers' supposed to do ? 1521180;1471184434;asciilifeform;and from where does one get them ? mars ? 1521181;1471184448;mircea_popescu;it's echafaudage. you don't come out with what you want ; you come out with the principle poorly embodied. op protests, you change it. 1521182;1471184466;mircea_popescu;either that or he's just stupid, whatever. 1521183;1471184483;asciilifeform;the only kind i'm familiar with is when orc land 'opposition party' 'calls in observers' so that usg-favoured output can be hardcoded in. 1521184;1471184500;mircea_popescu;in any case, it's not reactive to this low level "i shall now examine cracks" approach. 1521185;1471184524;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. for instance - i could supply observers, working on this principle. 1521186;1471184535;mircea_popescu;it will result in ~6% for hillary. make it sting. 1521187;1471184594;mircea_popescu;in other words - the us became an orcland during obama's tenure. sad but tru. 1521188;1471184754;asciilifeform;phun phakt: the last time i went to a voting booth, i took out driver license to give to the clerk, to be checked off the list (there is a list of townspeople with tickyboxes next to names) and clerk turned around in horror, 'put it away!' -- turns out it was (or at least thought to be) now illegal for clerk to LOOK AT such a thing, in many states incl. md. 1521189;1471184832;mircea_popescu;eh ? 1521190;1471184930;asciilifeform;never heard of the 'voter buses' ? 1521191;1471184951;asciilifeform;where dem party trucks 'undocumented' folk from town to town, to 'vote early, vote often' ? 1521192;1471184955;mircea_popescu;i never heard of this "illegal to see" thing 1521193;1471184970;asciilifeform;well, it is a talmudic wall 1521194;1471184976;asciilifeform;it is not in fact illegal to see, afaik. 1521195;1471184983;asciilifeform;but it is - in md - illegal to ~ask~ for it. 1521196;1471184989;mircea_popescu;ah 1521197;1471184992;asciilifeform;and muppet dun wanna risk being seen 'asking'. 1521198;1471185014;mircea_popescu;mass/nh actually don't require citizenship at all iirc. 1521199;1471185024;asciilifeform;ditto here. 1521200;1471185032;asciilifeform;and so dem party sends bus. 1521201;1471185052;asciilifeform;folks on bus - have names of dead or elderly folk memorized (when this is even needed) 1521202;1471185063;mircea_popescu;"Every male person, being twenty-one years of age, and resident in any particular town in this Commonwealth for the space of one year next preceding, having a freehold estate within the same town, of the annual income of three pounds, or any estate of the value of sixty pounds, shall have a right to vote in the choice of a Representative or Representatives for the said town." 1521203;1471185067;mircea_popescu;sounds pretty reasonable. 1521204;1471185087;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu read this off a parchment or wat. 1521205;1471185094;mircea_popescu;aha. mass constitution. 1521206;1471185101;asciilifeform;guessed as much. 1521207;1471185102;mircea_popescu;anyway ; seems a fine principle, and i see no other available. 1521208;1471185135;mircea_popescu;"resident ; show income of one bitcoin ; or holdings of twenty bitcoin ; may vote" 1521209;1471185288;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/gangs-of-new-york << see also. 1521210;1471185290;mircea_popescu;a million or two votes should be enough for this entire planet. 1521211;1471185417;mircea_popescu;and in other boobs, http://67.media.tumblr.com/e9aaef655de4fdd1acb633b5da3088e7/tumblr_n37638gj1x1sitnino1_500.gif 1521212;1471185432;asciilifeform;^ rerun!! 1521213;1471185438;mircea_popescu;o is it ? 1521214;1471185444;asciilifeform;$s http://67.media.tumblr.com/e9aaef655de4fdd1acb633b5da3088e7/tumblr_n37638gj1x1sitnino1_500.gif 1521215;1471185444;a111;1 results for " http://67.media.tumblr.com/e9aaef655de4fdd1acb633b5da3088e7/tumblr_n37638gj1x1sitnino1_500.gif", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%20http%3A%2F%2F67.media.tumblr.com%2Fe9aaef655de4fdd1acb633b5da3088e7%2Ftumblr_n37638gj1x1sitnino1_500.gif 1521216;1471185446;asciilifeform;hm 1521217;1471185464;asciilifeform;definitely saw this very same item 2 or so wks ago. 1521218;1471185467;mircea_popescu;aww. 1521219;1471185508;mircea_popescu;http://66.media.tumblr.com/d39182b4713e575f0e6d95e20a4f0115/tumblr_n37638gj1x1sitnino5_250.gif << fine, admire her silky hair then. 1521220;1471185527;mircea_popescu;(the astute reader has no doubt long ago figured out that by jiggling the last figure before the _ one can see the rest of any set) 1521221;1471185961;asciilifeform;in other noose, a new ( to me at least ) type of scamola : http://www.sifive.com << metallization mask level (minor tweaks to EXISTING design) thing, which dates to the late 1980s even, fraudulently being pushed now as 'custom silicon for all', lulzy. 1521222;1471185990;asciilifeform;expect to see it at your friendly local 3dprinterist, makemagazine, kickstartertronic, 'THE BEOBLE can MAEK anything!111' convention. 1521223;1471186027;asciilifeform;$s hardcopy fpga 1521224;1471186028;a111;6 results for "hardcopy fpga", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hardcopy%20fpga 1521225;1471186244;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in principle if you make "generic" silicone you can then "fpga" it out of metal mask cuts 1521226;1471186260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my 1986 symbolics 3620 was made out of this. 1521227;1471186264;asciilifeform;it is ancient tech. 1521228;1471186273;mircea_popescu;aha 1521229;1471186276;asciilifeform;and is in fact what, until recently, was sold as 'miner asic'. 1521230;1471186306;asciilifeform;thing is, you get the clock rate of fpga. and same energy consumption. (~same propagation delays). 1521231;1471186310;asciilifeform;because it is in fact fpga. 1521232;1471186320;asciilifeform;just with hard wires instead of LUTs. 1521233;1471186356;asciilifeform;think 'bunch of misc. logical units, adders, shifters, etc. with plugboard' and you're 99% there. 1521234;1471186375;mircea_popescu;yeah 1521235;1471186399;mircea_popescu;thing is, given the tiny process now used, this is actually not such a terrible approach, for many projects. 1521236;1471186419;asciilifeform;you still can't meet ddr timing spec with it. 1521237;1471186441;asciilifeform;unless vendor supplied a 'ddr module'. ditto pci, unless 'pci module'. etc. 1521238;1471186456;asciilifeform;ever see manual for, e.g., xilinx fpga? it is simply a mass of these turds. 1521239;1471186470;asciilifeform;and designer is asked to pay 'license' for EACH. 1521240;1471186544;mircea_popescu;sure. but xilinx competition is first step. 1521241;1471186562;asciilifeform;there is less now, rather than more, than decade ago 1521242;1471186574;asciilifeform;(intel bought, and is killing, altera) 1521243;1471186594;mircea_popescu;yes. but the process itself is cheap, and the chinese will proceed to pirate. as per above. 1521244;1471186600;asciilifeform;we had this thread. 1521245;1471186607;asciilifeform;chinese have 0 incentive to sell fpga. 1521246;1471186613;asciilifeform;it isn't a mass-market item. 1521247;1471186643;asciilifeform;and if it were, they are happy to clone xilinx and ship pirate copy of the binary turdchain with it. 1521248;1471186656;asciilifeform;this implies ~0 logical reversing. 1521249;1471186660;asciilifeform;of the kind we might find interesting. 1521250;1471186667;asciilifeform;just a sov-style copy of the silicon. 1521251;1471186707;mircea_popescu;look : we keep "having these threads" where you keep sprouting nonsense about how you think the world works. we'll have them until either you give up on thinking you have a clue on these things ; or i get tired of it. 1521252;1471186716;mircea_popescu;there's no way out which consists of "the world alligning to alf fantasy". 1521253;1471186721;asciilifeform;thing is that i actually have a clue here. 1521254;1471186745;mircea_popescu;the bar for having a clue is owning and operating foundry, not being one of the monkeys foundry may at its leisure employ 1521255;1471186748;mircea_popescu;but generallty doesn't. 1521256;1471186755;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu operates foundry ? 1521257;1471186767;mircea_popescu;mircea_popescu does not operate foundry. 1521258;1471186768;asciilifeform;or even so much as bought 1 unit of fpga, and designed whatever, helloworld. 1521259;1471186782;mircea_popescu;this being the problem : those aren't valid substitutes. 1521260;1471186788;asciilifeform;but somehow still asciilifeform 'spouts nonsense' and mircea_popescu 'has clue' ? 1521261;1471186792;asciilifeform;i need moar lsd or wat. 1521262;1471186805;mircea_popescu;again with this. one doesn't migrate into the other. 1521263;1471186835;mircea_popescu;whether you have or don't have a clue as to the economic process involved isn't related to my having or not having one. you can't simply run around turning any statement into any random converse, what sort of javascript is this! 1521264;1471186875;asciilifeform;well i have the elementary clue re what device is used for, who buys, where it is a physico-economical win and where - not, etc. 1521265;1471186880;mircea_popescu;o you do ? 1521266;1471186883;asciilifeform;yes. 1521267;1471186888;asciilifeform;re fpga. 1521268;1471186891;mircea_popescu;so who buys 30w diode ? 1521269;1471186909;asciilifeform;it is largely used inside larger laser, as pump. 1521270;1471186926;asciilifeform;presently looking to see exactly ~whose~, the part is new. 1521271;1471186935;mircea_popescu;"who buys" != "what it is used for" 1521272;1471186975;asciilifeform;re fpga, largest buyer (not a mega-seekrit) is usg. 1521273;1471187006;asciilifeform;largely used for, or so all of the available clues suggest - deep-packet inspection iron. 1521274;1471187007;mircea_popescu;which is the problem with your clue - it is an anticlue, fed by delusional notions of design purism with no practical exposure whatsoever. in meta-world "nobody buys" metallization fpga for miner asic. in real world, it makes a billion dollars in sales over 5 years, ie, more than ~any "proper" chip class. 1521275;1471187026;asciilifeform;hey i actually nailed that prediction 1521276;1471187031;asciilifeform;it is in the l0gz. 1521277;1471187032;mircea_popescu;i get it why you think it's beneficial to be narrow minded. get it that this virtually never works to any sort of useful or interesting conclusion. 1521278;1471187044;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but acting out of character. 1521279;1471187058;asciilifeform;lel so when asciilifeform nails an item years in advance, he is 'out of character' aha. 1521280;1471187084;mircea_popescu;look, it's not a value judgement on you. i'm interested in the process. 1521281;1471187107;asciilifeform;anyway metal fpga is great, i'll take ten right now if it's a dime. 1521282;1471187107;mircea_popescu;do you see where the "oh i know how these assholes are cheating their customers" and "oh chinese have no economic incentive" do not communicate in your head ? 1521283;1471187121;asciilifeform;point was not 'it is rubbish', but that you cannot build, e.g., trinary comp, with it. 1521284;1471187134;mircea_popescu;well it's unclear what the fuck it'll be, but it's pretty evident, at least to me, that the chinese ARE trying to erode the whole xilinx tower of ip. 1521285;1471187158;mircea_popescu;so then the correct statement would have been "it's not clear yet if it'll ever be useful", with which i agree, not "it can't happen". 1521286;1471187172;asciilifeform;other point was that it is quite rare to see fpga deployed in mass produced product, because it has inescapably large per-unit cost compared to classical asic. it makes economic sense for small runs (<100,000) and for items which actually need the reconfigurability. 1521287;1471187178;asciilifeform;none of this, i thought, is controversial. 1521288;1471187183;mircea_popescu;yes but it also depends what the product actually is. 1521289;1471187196;mircea_popescu;for instance, if the product is nato-free comms drone, then yes it might well be 1521290;1471187201;asciilifeform;fpga is quite like the semiconductor equiv. of '3d printer'. 1521291;1471187205;mircea_popescu;that's suddenly millions of units, potentially. 1521292;1471187234;asciilifeform;the real 'killer app' of fpga is 'specificity of diddling' 1521293;1471187253;asciilifeform;(in fact it was the example i gave in the original thread concerning it, re a 'final solution' to subj.) 1521294;1471187255;mircea_popescu;hence why i say drones. you recall the thread ? with "air fence"| for olympics ? 1521295;1471187258;asciilifeform;aha. 1521296;1471187267;mircea_popescu;so yeah. there's all sorts of things at play here. 1521297;1471187300;asciilifeform;recall, i ~like~ fpga, and if it were my will, it would be the only logic chip produced, and anyone who 'needs' ddr3 clock can get phucked 1521298;1471187311;asciilifeform;my chinese contention was about ~current~ markets. 1521299;1471187318;mircea_popescu;well, it is possible on the basis of the observable data the chinese are coming to your view. 1521300;1471187330;mircea_popescu;the one thing that never can exist is the current market. 1521301;1471187368;mircea_popescu;(pro tip : when management starts talking about "current market" it's time to sell. they've lost all contact.) 1521302;1471187393;asciilifeform;this ^ even i can see, and i am 'management expert' like i am concert violinist. 1521303;1471187506;mircea_popescu;anyway. the big thing with this faux fpga thing is that it's very cheap. the much more important smaller thing is that it makes it god damned easy to steal usian ip. 1521304;1471187513;mircea_popescu;these forces may well combine into a major trend. 1521305;1471187535;asciilifeform;it was pretty easy earlier. 1521306;1471187548;asciilifeform;other trend is that quite soon no one will want american design, stolen or not. 1521307;1471187561;mircea_popescu;the us is weak ; it has already proved its unwillingness to pursue in the field ; their only response ("we'll ban the faux items at border") is exceptionally inadequate here : you'll get left behind by tech train if oyu do. 1521308;1471187575;asciilifeform;recall the ftdi incident ? 1521309;1471187582;mircea_popescu;the us already proved it's willing to do anything for sv lobby, and so the chinese are drip feeding the "capitalists" and waiting. 1521310;1471187592;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also quite possible. 1521311;1471187648;asciilifeform;( http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-23#891851 << thread, for whoever missed ) 1521312;1471187648;a111;Logged on 2014-10-23 22:49 asciilifeform: https://marcan.st/transf/ftdi_evil.png 1521313;1471187673;mircea_popescu;(but yes, the fact that the dos did NOT put into obama's files the observation that the "labour" dispute in silicon valley was chinese driven test run is exactly the sort of thing that feeds my spite for the whole of usg as a "state". it's a state like a collection of mahjongg players is a state.) 1521314;1471187716;asciilifeform;hey, if they can also ignore chinese subs having rocket target practice off california beach, in sight of tourists 1521315;1471187718;asciilifeform;why not also this. 1521316;1471187720;asciilifeform;and that. 1521317;1471187725;mircea_popescu;sure, but... 1521318;1471187824;shinohai;ben_vulpes: i didn't have to do anything to get it all to work besides diff and apply phf 's patch and directions 1521319;1471187844;mircea_popescu;o yeah how's that monster project coming along shinohai ? 1521320;1471187888;shinohai;it's a juggernaut for sure 1521321;1471187943;shinohai;I decided to stuff the whole thing in an .img file so you don't have to reinvent the whole server wheel every time 1521322;1471187970;mircea_popescu;wait 1521323;1471187998;mircea_popescu;you're bundling it with lamp and os ? 1521324;1471188022;shinohai;for personal use yeah 1521325;1471188032;mircea_popescu;ok... 1521326;1471188046;mircea_popescu;it's a much larger and more complex task like that ; best get the small discrete tip sorted out first. 1521327;1471189253;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: to briefly revisit thread, one interesting tidbit you might not know about 'hardcopy fpga' is that it stands on same toolchain as the respective vendor's 'ordinary' fpga (on which one prototypes for the 'hard' variant.) 1521328;1471189298;mircea_popescu;sure. 1521329;1471189308;asciilifeform;the sheer 'lock-in' of the niche, is mind-boggling to the uninitiated 1521330;1471189315;mircea_popescu;it's not expected this iteration will yield "better pci". merely - pci that you don't pay the license for. 1521331;1471189327;mircea_popescu;sure. it'll take a while to dissolve. maybe even... a coupla decades ? 1521332;1471189344;asciilifeform;they already pay 0 license (in most cases, there are idiots in china also) 1521333;1471189358;mircea_popescu;but htey'll sell this. to you. for 20 bux. 1521334;1471189372;asciilifeform;but the cost is - using american design. which is subtly braindamaged in 1,001 ways, not all of them even deliberate. 1521335;1471189385;asciilifeform;not to mention pulling in a multi-GB closed turdball x86 toolchain. 1521336;1471189417;asciilifeform;this is the thing i'd dearly like to see die 1521337;1471189423;asciilifeform;but so far know of no signs of impending death. 1521338;1471189432;mircea_popescu;yeah well, this is chinese restaurant. they don't do al a carte, they just bring you stuff. 1521339;1471189436;mircea_popescu;you ever been in one of these btw ? 1521340;1471189442;asciilifeform;yes. 1521341;1471189446;mircea_popescu;god it pissed me off. 1521342;1471189464;mircea_popescu;"you want food, yes ? hang on we bring!" 1521343;1471189470;asciilifeform;thing is, i know a bit about orcish 'ip theft' business, father spent most of his life doing just it. 1521344;1471189481;mircea_popescu;aite! 1521345;1471189486;mircea_popescu;heh, i guess my father also. 1521346;1471189501;asciilifeform;so mircea_popescu is familiar with the process. and output. 1521347;1471189512;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't go as far as that. but not entirely unfamiliar. 1521348;1471189530;asciilifeform;$s when you care enough to steal the very best 1521349;1471189531;a111;1 results for "when you care enough to steal the very best", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=when%20you%20care%20enough%20to%20steal%20the%20very%20best 1521350;1471189533;asciilifeform;hm 1521351;1471189543;asciilifeform;https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/creatures/pages/russians.html 1521352;1471189571;asciilifeform;^ atrocious and nearly indecipherable 'dictionary translation' 1521353;1471189604;mircea_popescu;the problem is russians are, for all their ridiculous orcishness, still white people. 1521354;1471189608;mircea_popescu;the chinese are stranger still. 1521355;1471189626;asciilifeform;i am familiar with some of the ways in which 'stranger.' 1521356;1471189636;mircea_popescu;moreover, this is exactly their first run in with first world problems. there's no history to go by. 1521357;1471189644;asciilifeform;e.g., considerably less reluctant to sell you product that will actually slowly kill you. 1521358;1471189652;mircea_popescu;hey, krakadil. 1521359;1471189659;mircea_popescu;that's hardly a problem anywhere. 1521360;1471189662;asciilifeform;hey krok does exactly what is printed on the box. 1521361;1471189670;mircea_popescu;ie, kills you slowl.y 1521362;1471189683;asciilifeform;whereas food with melamine mixed in is labeled 'food' not 'die slowly' 1521363;1471189697;mircea_popescu;maybe you misread the labels. 1521364;1471189709;*;asciilifeform pictures scene, nearly falls down 1521365;1471189719;asciilifeform;'it said right on the box...'! 1521366;1471189731;mircea_popescu;餐飲 definitely means "die slowly" 1521367;1471189752;asciilifeform;ever meet somebody with hilariously 'wrong' chinese tattoo ? 1521368;1471189758;mircea_popescu;oya. 1521369;1471190006;mircea_popescu;anyway. a large part of the problem with "i think better in symbols" is exactly evident here : sure, you think you do, much like dude in bathtub feels he's going faster. nevertheless YOU CANT FUCKING EXPLAIN WHAT YOU THOUGHT. 1521370;1471190011;mircea_popescu;was it "food" or was it "kills you slowly" ? 1521371;1471190041;asciilifeform;well sorta why they invented language, to explain the symbols with. 1521372;1471190051;asciilifeform;set up, if you like, the huffman table. 1521373;1471190063;mircea_popescu;mno. to kill the symbologists, rather. 1521374;1471190098;mircea_popescu;in any case it is much better to have food, kill you slowly and the quod me nutrit bridge than just repeat 餐飲 until you fall down and then be worshipped as a very wise man - hey, 5k yo wisdom "directly applicable" today. 1521375;1471191748;mats;i've never been to the chinese restaurant where they just bring you stuff 1521376;1471191765;mats;are you describing dim sum carts? 1521377;1471191982;*;covertress waves hello to mircea_popescu 1521378;1471192059;covertress;here is some news for TMSR, before it hits the press > https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WuZNZ2uPB2kFPzzQ-e3vBfJIP2bT8Gu1--6UxWepxCg/edit?usp=sharing 1521379;1471192064;covertress;:) 1521380;1471192823;mircea_popescu;mats no. you sit down, they ask what kind of WINE you want if any ; and then they bring you 30 plates 1521381;1471192830;mircea_popescu;there's a hot plate built in the table to cook your own meat 1521382;1471192834;mircea_popescu;you never saw this ? 1521383;1471192858;covertress;mircea_popescu, ala Mongolian bbq? 1521384;1471192872;mircea_popescu;yeah 1521385;1471192875;mats;no lol 1521386;1471192890;mats;this is in .ar? 1521387;1471192925;mircea_popescu;this is everyfucking where heh. but sure, in the coupla blocks of ba that constitute the "china town", between a kitchy gate and two dragon statues. 1521388;1471192935;covertress;Japanese do this also, with a central-table soup pot everyone shares. 1521389;1471192960;mircea_popescu;that's saner. 1521390;1471193006;mats;weird. 1521391;1471193035;mircea_popescu;granted, more of a yi thing. 1521392;1471193089;covertress;traditional Japanese dinner cooking > https://files.tofugu.com/articles/japan/2015-02-19-nabe-hot-pot/nabe-making-party-at-table.jpg 1521393;1471193091;mats;'hot pot' is a thing, but i've not seen a chinese place with hot plates unless they're also korean fusion or something 1521394;1471193103;mats;or mongolian 1521395;1471193111;mircea_popescu;you distinguish between these ? 1521396;1471193230;mats;yeah. more flavors in hot pot, in my experience, like 麻辣 1521397;1471193240;mircea_popescu;well, i'm new. 1521398;1471193256;covertress;contemporary Mongolian hot pot > http://www.thetabletopcook.com/images/thetabletopcook-korean-barbecue-at-hee-been.jpg 1521399;1471193256;mats;which is chinese peppercorn 1521400;1471193285;mircea_popescu;isn't that overcrowded ? 1521401;1471193304;mircea_popescu;~the only thing i liked about it was that the meat was cut very thin and you could hold-cook it to a very fine degree. 1521402;1471193314;covertress;it certainly can be... depends on how hungry everyone is. lol 1521403;1471193318;mircea_popescu;though in general this is the job of the god damned cook, which is why i don't eat just anywhere. 1521404;1471193358;covertress;mircea_popescu, you never eat this way at home? always go out? 1521405;1471193369;mircea_popescu;covertress yeah ok, but say shrimp needs 40 seconds ; veal maybe 70 ? whereas the mushrooms five fucking minutes or w/e. 1521406;1471193393;mircea_popescu;covertress i on occasion cook, but euro dishes. i do eat most everything at home, i even have sushi expert chick nao! 1521407;1471193395;covertress;mircea_popescu yes, there is an art to timing the meal. comes with practice. 1521408;1471193410;covertress;sashimi is my fav 1521409;1471193477;covertress;fash-seared ahi w sesame seeds <3 1521410;1471193488;covertress;*flash 1521411;1471193584;covertress;mircea_popescu, which are your fav euro dishes? 1521412;1471193611;mircea_popescu;ah, not so simple as all that. depends what mood i wake up in et all. 1521413;1471193635;mircea_popescu;i just don't like cooking the barbarian stuff. 1521414;1471193657;covertress;what? no haggis? lol 1521415;1471193676;covertress;don't blame you 1521416;1471193702;mircea_popescu;eh it's not as bad as it sounds. 1521417;1471193711;mircea_popescu;tho i couldn't be arsed to make it anymore than cazu marzu. 1521418;1471193782;covertress;ahhh... fine cheese is another weakness of mine 1521419;1471193802;covertress;the more flavorful, the better 1521420;1471193820;mircea_popescu;heh. 1521421;1471193848;mircea_popescu;you should see these people. i bought two hot peppers, they sold them with nuclear warhead warnings. 1521422;1471193862;covertress;lately, I've been enjoying Irish, grass-fed varieties. Can distinguish regions sometimes. 1521423;1471193862;mircea_popescu;delicious things, not even hot. barely flavoured one pot. 1521424;1471193883;covertress;ahh. <3 hot peppers also. 1521425;1471193934;covertress;I grow my own Japapenos next to Jabaneros, so they cross-polinate and become hotter. 1521426;1471193952;mircea_popescu;that's a thought. 1521427;1471193952;covertress;*jalapenos 1521428;1471193983;covertress;try a trad red bell pepper next to a ghost chili. ;) 1521429;1471194000;mircea_popescu;nah, i'm a very mild hotness sort of guy. 1521430;1471194108;covertress;have you tried Ancho Chili? wonderful flavor yet mild. 1521431;1471194149;covertress;*the secret ingredient in most good Mexican food 1521432;1471194180;mircea_popescu;aha. yeah, with mexican. 1521433;1471194199;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, "I am here to help you become rich and famous.. If you are not serious in becoming a member please don't even think of adding me or sending me a message because I won't be happy with you.but if you know you are serious and ready to become a member just add me now let's talk and let's get to know each other more better. If you wanna be famous like rihanna, jazzy, Eminem,rick Ross, Lil Wayne, bey once and so 1521434;1471194199;mircea_popescu;on just add and message me..and if you are in Kenya, south Africa, Tanzania,India,Zambia, Ghana, don't add me... Because I can't help you. I can't help you if you are from those country. But if you are in the USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, NIGERIA,Nether land, Poland, and if you are in European and Asia country and so on you can also add me let's talk and I will help you be a member... Once again if you are not serious d 1521435;1471194200;mircea_popescu;on't add me. Thanks for your corporation.. Your satisfaction is what we want. I will be expecting your reply. Just add and inbox me and I will help you to become a member of the great Illuminati.Thanks once again I am Bella Wilfred and your happiness is what we want." 1521436;1471194221;mircea_popescu;country of africaman, has internet, has not map, has not perl, has not way to make lists, has no countrylist datastructure, has nothing. 1521437;1471194224;mircea_popescu;modern poverty. 1521438;1471194277;mircea_popescu;Bey Once. you know, the singin' an' bootyshaking lord of the lordship of once. 1521439;1471194289;mircea_popescu;in an alliance with bey campreamult. 1521440;1471194309;asciilifeform;and holy shit, i broke a chinese centerpunch. 1521441;1471194321;mircea_popescu;see ? no clue! 1521442;1471194326;asciilifeform;didjaknow this was possible. 1521443;1471194338;mircea_popescu;well... EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! 1521444;1471194380;covertress;mircea_popescu, do you believe in a multiverse? 1521445;1471194403;mircea_popescu;you mean, in everett's gun sense so dear to alf's heart ? 1521446;1471194477;asciilifeform;covertress: what does this question even mean? believe-in as a place to which you can walk in, via some yet-undiscovered magic door ? 1521447;1471194491;danielpbarron;multiverse is a contradiction in terms. a universe is already one everything. whatever you call a "multi"-verse is really the whole "uni"-verse redefined 1521448;1471194495;covertress;in this sense > http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/af/afec866f59e4c60209e0c3ef8a5ad25be8038bcec717a1d5f7a759f6f857c832.jpg 1521449;1471194524;covertress;belief in the theory that multiple universes exist 1521450;1471194525;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform check it out, i get a pictogram response. 1521451;1471194533;covertress;:) 1521452;1471194549;mircea_popescu;covertress traditionally theories are not believed or disbelieved ; that's more of a religious practice. 1521453;1471194549;covertress;I *do specialize at K.I.S.S. 1521454;1471194571;mircea_popescu;covertress also, your image depicts a collapsed eigenstate. 1521455;1471194584;covertress;yes lol 1521456;1471194649;covertress;I'm of the opinion that there is only one universe 1521457;1471194664;mircea_popescu;is where ? 1521458;1471194692;danielpbarron;i don't even care for the term universe; it's usually used as a replacement for God, personified and everything ala "the universe did X" 1521459;1471194694;covertress;at the same time, I think that everyone is within their own universe 1521460;1471194701;covertress;this is why blue to me is green to you 1521461;1471194727;danielpbarron;pass me the bong when you're done babysitting it, wouldja? 1521462;1471194759;covertress;danielpbarron: the only time I hear "universe" confused with 'god' is from AA members. 1521463;1471194780;danielpbarron;pantheists and other new-agey stuff too 1521464;1471194865;mircea_popescu;well aa folks are kinda stuck with this god-but-its-not-god thing... 1521465;1471194897;covertress;not everyone is ready to be the center of their own universe, this is true 1521466;1471194954;mircea_popescu;anyway, i shall go festejar el dia de "lxs ninxs" con las trabajadoras sexuales in constitucion, "barrio donde por la niche muchos no desean transitar". 1521467;1471194959;mircea_popescu;catch you all later! 1521468;1471194991;covertress;nos vemos más tarde 1521469;1471195010;*;covertress waves goodbye to mircea_popescu and leaves also 1521470;1471195279;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521460 << this to me seems to be a confusion between metaphysical and epistemological relativism. "what green is to me" is more to do with the latter, and cannot be used to support full-blown idealism (as in berkeley), or "there are multiple universes", or anything else which has specific *metaphysical* commitments. 1521471;1471195279;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 17:11 covertress: this is why blue to me is green to you 1521472;1471195285;Framedragger; 1521473;1471195310;danielpbarron;unmatched trailing end tag detected 1521474;1471195365;Framedragger;implied tags will bring us satan, true, but eh 1521475;1471195760;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520649 && https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fwloo && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445489 << ...soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? i've read and liked http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ which is more of a vision of course.. 1521476;1471195760;a111;Logged on 2016-08-13 19:28 thestringpuller: more ver-ified lulz: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fw4ns 1521477;1471195760;a111;Logged on 2016-04-04 16:22 phf: given the state of things, i'm not convinced that hawala is the worst we can do 1521478;1471196142;Framedragger;$s hawala 1521479;1471196142;a111;49 results for "hawala", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hawala 1521480;1471196198;Framedragger;$s "in the log" 1521481;1471196198;a111;653 results for "\"in the log\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22in%20the%20log%22 1521482;1471196548;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/choose-your-government-wisely/ << Daniel P. Barron - Choose your government wisely. 1521483;1471199088;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/ellipse/ 1521484;1471199410;BingoBoingo;;;later tell covertress You gotta get other parties WoT'd up for your press releases to make it to media distribution. 1521485;1471199411;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521486;1471200260;mats;i'd be disappointed if that made its way into qntra 1521487;1471200457;phf;Framedragger: i was saying hawala as an alternative to bitcoin. that was when we were looking closely at the implementation and finding all kinds of insanity. hawala is a system for tracking long term exposure, and you forego collateral because you have "fuck same woman" wot (i suspect there's still collateral involved when exposure is too high). you don't need hawal when you have near instant calls. 1521488;1471200529;phf;probably what thestringpuller means is that "we" (he's speaking to a bunch of reddit anons, so i assume it's purely rhetorical) don't have a wot based market. 1521489;1471200557;BingoBoingo;mats: Well gotta explain the problem in layers. First is people. Next is substance. Then... 1521490;1471200629;phf;well, there is the wot, though nobody here as far as i know is buying/selling. there was also bitcoin-otc, which from what i hear died. i actually tried buying 10btc from a guy that was in bitcoin-otc wot, but we were l3, and he understandably bulked 1521491;1471200710;shinohai;mats: not even if it gets my usual ETH treatment? 1521492;1471200721;phf;but if the question is, why can't reddit produce hawala, the answer is so obvious it's kind of a "no shit". you need http://glyf.org/socdarw.jpg for hawala, which reddit doesn't have, can't produce and wouldn't recognize when given. 1521493;1471200756;BingoBoingo;shinohai: It's not there yet. 1521494;1471200816;shinohai;>.> 1521495;1471201037;asciilifeform;phf et al: did i ~and~ the log somehow get netsplit, and miss a thread, or is the hawala thing a continuation of pm or whatever 1521496;1471201048;asciilifeform;(in the latter case - can haz context ?) 1521497;1471201090;phf;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521475 i was responding to this 1521498;1471201090;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 17:29 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520649 && https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fwloo && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445489 << ...soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? i've read and liked http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ which is more of a vision of course.. 1521499;1471201162;asciilifeform;ah ty phf . 1521500;1471201633;mats;shinohai: I don't want to read about ethereum or ethereum-likes unless it is about holders being herded into cattle cars and gassed 1521501;1471201671;asciilifeform;^ 1521502;1471201671;*;shinohai gets the zyklon canisters out of storage 1521503;1471201809;mats;i was tired of reading about ripples by december 2013 1521504;1471201849;phf;main reason i avoided bitcoin news for years, because it was altcoins mixed with a bunch of ~obviously~ idiotic ventures. 1521505;1471201882;ben_vulpes;bitcoin? 1521506;1471201884;ben_vulpes;news? 1521507;1471201917;asciilifeform;phf: same 1521508;1471201919;ben_vulpes;;;later tell gabriel_laddel i'm not keeping interns at the moment 1521509;1471201919;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521510;1471201925;phf;it's like if bloomberg terminals were spewing "news" about some guy opening a pizza joint for $5k that he borrowed from his friends, like wtf 1521511;1471201941;asciilifeform;phf: ever read my ancient piece - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=939 ? 1521512;1471201976;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: oh pish and tosh. the only thing i threw out while banging on mp-wp was the comment time-sensitivity, and i even got around to fixing that. 1521513;1471202073;phf;asciilifeform: yes, that's the first bitcoin article i read end to end. i read satoshi's paper immediately after 1521514;1471202168;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i thought ~whole point was the spam filter. 1521515;1471202183;asciilifeform;phf: neato 1521516;1471202375;phf;i like the first comment, "How many years has ThePirateBay been up? They’re not going to shut down the bitcoin network". 1521517;1471202438;phf;i was trying to figure out when i started reading your blog, and found this lulzy post http://www.loper-os.org/?p=18 1521518;1471202472;*;danielpbarron on edge of seat for a +v znort987 .. 1521519;1471202515;asciilifeform;$up znort987 1521520;1471202515;deedbot;znort987 voiced for 30 minutes. 1521521;1471202530;danielpbarron;znort987, can you voice yourself? 1521522;1471202574;znort987;danielpbarron: I think I've managed to do that in #bitcoin-assets 1521523;1471202582;znort987;but not sure how to pull it off on #trilema 1521524;1471202599;danielpbarron;type /msg deedbot $up 1521525;1471202605;znort987;is deedbot the assbot of #trilema 1521526;1471202606;znort987;? 1521527;1471202607;danielpbarron;yes 1521528;1471202612;znort987;I gues that's a yes. will try 1521529;1471202634;danielpbarron;ok, I'll down you till then 1521530;1471202637;danielpbarron;$down znort987 1521531;1471202690;ben_vulpes;what's all this about a bridge loan, znort987 ? 1521532;1471202700;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/my-favorite-jerkcity/ << Daniel P. Barron - My favorite Jerkcity 1521533;1471202796;mats;$gettrust znort987 deedbot 1521534;1471202796;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1521535;1471202836;danielpbarron;wrong direction 1521536;1471202851;mats;$gettrust deedbot znort987 1521537;1471202851;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections. 1521538;1471202854;mats;o 1521539;1471202856;asciilifeform;meanwhile, http://www.loper-os.org/pub/control.jpg 1521540;1471202863;asciilifeform;^ not quite done 1521541;1471202901;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes probably has one ^ . 1521542;1471202946;danielpbarron;yay! welcome back znort987 1521543;1471203010;znort987;ben_vulpes: never been on irc before. i'm actually here to explain 1521544;1471203050;znort987;yahoo email account was hacked. hacker used it to email kako, davout and pete begging for coinz 1521545;1471203090;znort987;thing is: I never, ever sent an email to either of these 3 that wasn't a) encrypted b) signed 1521546;1471203101;znort987;whereas hacker just sent plain old text 1521547;1471203108;znort987;should have been a hint. 1521548;1471203131;danielpbarron;aha 1521549;1471203145;znort987;anyways ... spent the day chasing the damage he's wrecking in various accounts that were linked to that email 1521550;1471203150;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/the-your-loss-playbook/ << Qntra - The "Your Loss" Playbook 1521551;1471203156;phf;danielpbarron: jerkcity just came up in a conversation with some oldfags. it doesn't really translate and is part of a now dead culture. there's also http://yellow5.com/pokey/ and some others that i will probably go "oh man i remember thaaat one." if i were to see it. it's back when absurd non sequiturs typed in all caps was a thing, somehow it's part of hacker culture, which i think goes back to zippy the pinhead 1521552;1471203165;danielpbarron;what damage? it got you in here. Should help get more customers if anything 1521553;1471203173;znort987;including a doxx threat if I didn't pay 5 BTC lol 1521554;1471203193;asciilifeform;znort987: kako, notably, said nothing publicly. 1521555;1471203253;znort987;asciilifeform: correct. and I sent him a private email (properly gpg'd) this morning. he said he had smelled something funny. 1521556;1471203255;danielpbarron;all news is good news when it's about the most serene republic and its citizens 1521557;1471203268;mats;besides the ol' 'mp is a scammer!1', of course 1521558;1471203291;asciilifeform;mats: i think at this point he has an emacs macro that craps this string out, or sumthing 1521559;1471203293;mats;never mind the bit where he tried to take coins that didn't belong to him, used to seed bets... 1521560;1471203314;mats;kako is blameless in the divorce, in his mind 1521561;1471203366;mats;the o-noes-i'm-a-victim bit is played out. 1521562;1471203373;znort987;so anyhoo ... reason I'm here is simply to make a statement: bitbet is whole, not a cent of customer funds is ever accessible from the internet, and bitfinex was *never* used (nor were any other online wallets / exchanges / etc ...) 1521563;1471203397;mats;good to hear 1521564;1471203399;phf;danielpbarron: it's essentially bash rendered with microsoft comic chat 1521565;1471203413;asciilifeform;znort987: iirc original rumblings came from a recent payout delay, co-inciding with bitfinex incident 1521566;1471203450;znort987;second statement, likely not needed for this crowd bu has to be in the log: znort987@yahoo.com is a compromised email, please ignore anything coming from there unless gpg-signed 1521567;1471203460;asciilifeform;phf: 'ложечки—то нашлись, но осадок остался!' (tm) (r) 1521568;1471203510;znort987;asciilifeform: correct. a bet was paid 72 hours late. RL got in the way. Unfortunate, but nothing to do with solvency. 1521569;1471203564;phf;asciilifeform: was that for me? 1521570;1471203589;asciilifeform;phf: pertinent to thread, possibly 1521571;1471203598;asciilifeform;znort987: ty for putting this on record. 1521572;1471203630;znort987;wrt bitbet solvency in general ... not an easy problem. would love to be able to provide a crypto-hard "proof-of-solvency", but ... 1521573;1471203650;mats;if coins dun move, that's proof of solvency imo 1521574;1471203688;asciilifeform;mats: mircea_popescu will drill you a new arse for this contention (though i still do not grasp why) 1521575;1471203693;znort987;mats: yeah, agreed, but easier said than done. assembling payout tx's by hand from deposit addies exclusive to bet is a PITA 1521576;1471203738;znort987;mats: the second, and slightly more perverse issue is the whole coinbase debacle. 1521577;1471203744;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/4xpoy2/the_your_loss_playbook_sorry/ 1521578;1471203764;asciilifeform;znort987: which debacle ? 1521579;1471203793;znort987;coinbase threatens their customers with account closure if they are caught either sending to or receiving from bbet 1521580;1471203815;phf;oh wow 1521581;1471203822;znort987;and given that all addies are published on the site, bbet is making their life easy 1521582;1471203838;znort987;coinbase's life I mean 1521583;1471203849;asciilifeform;znort987: coinbase, as you probably already know, is owned and operated by enemies of bitcoin and the free world at large, from its first day. 1521584;1471203864;danielpbarron;znort987, no proof is required of you. see: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1520179 1521585;1471203864;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 23:14 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519996 << this is altogether unclear. this "the people have the right to trace the coins" is a) still nonsense, bitcoin is not traceable ; b) still nonsense, forget the "dao" bullshit ; c) still nonsense, you trust the operator or you don't trust the operator. 1521586;1471203873;znort987;asciilifeform: yeah, but that's not the issue 1521587;1471203904;znort987;danielpbarron: understood but ... crypto-hard proof of solvency would be a very nice feature I think. 1521588;1471203914;danielpbarron;znort987, that coinbase bans you should be seen as a feature rather than a bug 1521589;1471203927;danielpbarron;they are helping you select for decent customers 1521590;1471203934;asciilifeform;znort987: what, then, is the issue? if you ran a winery that took btc, and found out that saudi arabia chops off noses of folks who were found with tx buying your wine, you would do what? 1521591;1471203954;mats;my understanding of his point is that proof-of-solvency is a monkey patch that attempts to paper over defects in human relations with technical solutions 1521592;1471203967;mats;and i see that 1521593;1471203967;znort987;asciilifeform, danielpbarron: coinbase is not the issue. the core issue is that by making addies public, it affects coinz fungibility. 1521594;1471203986;danielpbarron;mats, there's also the point that bitcoin taint is only a thing when it can be used against the USG and other enemies of the republic 1521595;1471203988;asciilifeform;mats: as i understand, his contention was that the heuristic ~does not work~, rather than 'should not be relied on' 1521596;1471203998;danielpbarron;znort987, see ^ 1521597;1471204027;znort987;if we keep publishing addies on bbet, we create exposure for our users. 1521598;1471204050;asciilifeform;znort987: and if you stop, you turn into clone of 'fairlay' 1521599;1471204055;znort987;on the other hand, if we hide them behind - say - a user account, or hash, or encrypt them with a user public key, we remove transparency 1521600;1471204061;asciilifeform;not my place to say 'you should' or 'should not.' 1521601;1471204062;asciilifeform;but - fact. 1521602;1471204064;znort987;asciilifeform: exactly 1521603;1471204071;mats;does new bbet have new promise that coins will originate from address 1X...Y? 1521604;1471204133;asciilifeform;znort987: i'd say that getting out of coinbase, and similar insanity, or at the very least 'washing' their coinz, if they insist on using usgbase, is the responsibility of the affected users, not of bbet. 1521605;1471204137;znort987;mats: nope. wallet used to send payouts has all kinds of addies in it. it has a lot of 1X* because when I rebuild the cold wallet I pumped 20K addies in it at once, and they all came out that way. 1521606;1471204173;znort987;asciilifeform: yeah but I'm a sucker for making user's life easier/better, my bias I guess. 1521607;1471204214;*;danielpbarron imagines the lulz one might farm from laundering bitcoin first through ethereum or a similar scam, as a step between coinbase and bitbet, to see if someone else gets stuck with the 'blacklisted' coinz 1521608;1471204268;znort987;danielpbarron: working around coinbase policies is not hard, but 90% of users aren't savvy enough to pull it off 1521609;1471204313;znort987;anyhoo ... gotta jet. will be back now that I've actually managed to get on irc properly. ta. 1521610;1471204324;danielpbarron;cool 1521611;1471204539;danielpbarron;$v 2CC0A436A5EF94E5B31CC5A52FAC36AAD54EEE99C710B9BE2EC02C85529C030D 1521612;1471204539;deedbot;danielpbarron rated znort987 1 << bought BitBet after it was delisted and put into receivership 1521613;1471204837;mats;danielpbarron: i don't follow this bit about taint only being a thing when used against usg 1521614;1471204856;mats;something prevents them from mixing? 1521615;1471204863;mats;exchanging for services rendered? 1521616;1471204906;danielpbarron;nothing prevents 1521617;1471205182;danielpbarron;see: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-23#1064420 and continued in the next line http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-23#1064421 1521618;1471205182;a111;Logged on 2015-03-23 00:23 mircea_popescu: but yes, the entire "taint" bullshit does not work. the correct avenue is exactly the reverse : require to be paid only in "proper" bitcoin, that is to say, bitcoin traceable to X or Y or Z purchase, from agent of the crown, which fictitiously has title. 1521619;1471205182;a111;Logged on 2015-03-23 00:24 mircea_popescu: in this view of Bitcoin, only Draper has any, or whoever bought it from USG. 1521620;1471206154;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1521621;1471206156;gribble;Current Blocks: 425222 | Current Difficulty: 2.0189321085305896E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 425375 | Next Difficulty In: 153 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 22 hours, 23 minutes, and 24 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1521622;1471206646;mircea_popescu;Framedragger [,,,] .soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? << yes. http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ 1521623;1471206685;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521487 << this is like "bycicle as alternative to combustion". really ? 1521624;1471206685;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 18:47 phf: Framedragger: i was saying hawala as an alternative to bitcoin. that was when we were looking closely at the implementation and finding all kinds of insanity. hawala is a system for tracking long term exposure, and you forego collateral because you have "fuck same woman" wot (i suspect there's still collateral involved when exposure is too high). you don't need hawal when you have near instant calls. 1521625;1471206738;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521490 << this just means you aren't, really. if you were you;d know. 1521626;1471206738;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 18:50 phf: well, there is the wot, though nobody here as far as i know is buying/selling. there was also bitcoin-otc, which from what i hear died. i actually tried buying 10btc from a guy that was in bitcoin-otc wot, but we were l3, and he understandably bulked 1521627;1471206751;mircea_popescu;balked* 1521628;1471206756;phf;sick gains 1521629;1471206811;BingoBoingo;Hail Brodin! 1521630;1471206909;phf;right, exactly, the sentiment was "these cars consistently kill the driver and a dozen of people on the roade, bicycles sound not half bad now" 1521631;1471206917;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521510 << nowadays they ... just about do. 1521632;1471206917;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:12 phf: it's like if bloomberg terminals were spewing "news" about some guy opening a pizza joint for $5k that he borrowed from his friends, like wtf 1521633;1471206990;mircea_popescu;in other news i had drinks with the dominicans running the official bar of the hos do kids' day event ; will put pics up as soon as im done with this log 1521634;1471207157;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521544 << how did that happen ? 1521635;1471207157;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:30 znort987: yahoo email account was hacked. hacker used it to email kako, davout and pete begging for coinz 1521636;1471207165;mircea_popescu;oh i guess he's gone now is he ? 1521637;1471207439;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521579 <<< ahahaha lol! 1521638;1471207439;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:43 znort987: coinbase threatens their customers with account closure if they are caught either sending to or receiving from bbet 1521639;1471207462;mircea_popescu;check out who suddenly grew a pair of balls! the perambulating dickhead "entrepreneur" 1521640;1471207923;mircea_popescu;really, time usg got a brian armstrong v2.0, this one's stale. 1521641;1471208008;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521589 << it's ridiculous anyway, you're not supposed to use usg.scam as a fucking wallet in any case. withdraw funds to own wallet first, problem solved. 1521642;1471208008;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:45 danielpbarron: they are helping you select for decent customers 1521643;1471208016;mircea_popescu;"oh but i don't want to run a node" "fu" 1521644;1471208125;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521604 << alf has it. 1521645;1471208125;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:48 asciilifeform: znort987: i'd say that getting out of coinbase, and similar insanity, or at the very least 'washing' their coinz, if they insist on using usgbase, is the responsibility of the affected users, not of bbet. 1521646;1471208162;mircea_popescu;the notion of catering to consumer is rather orthogonal to the notion of being in bitcoin. this breach must be addressed early and cleanly, lest management of any project spends all its time hopping up and down aimlessly. 1521647;1471208233;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521615 << you familiar with the original source of the phrase "vae victis" ? 1521648;1471208233;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 20:01 mats: exchanging for services rendered? 1521649;1471208244;mircea_popescu;you can put literally anything in the balance. "they killed my auntie". fuck them. 1521650;1471210725;asciilifeform;meanwhile mircea_popescu , i have a http://www.loper-os.org/pub/saw.jpg to match your http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/periplus-2.jpg . 1521651;1471210789;mircea_popescu;dude what the fuck. 1521652;1471210802;asciilifeform;china. 1521653;1471210803;asciilifeform;is what. 1521654;1471210805;mircea_popescu;all this wasted material. we'll never get it back. 1521655;1471210836;asciilifeform;bonus fact is that it crumbled ~while sitting on a shelf~ 1521656;1471210838;asciilifeform;not in use. 1521657;1471210972;asciilifeform;and yes, 'let's make this part that takes 100kg of tension out of plastic' is a specifically chinese practice. 1521658;1471211007;asciilifeform;'let's also sputter-metallize it to look like at least pot metal' is also chinese. 1521659;1471211015;asciilifeform;i bet actual, e.g., aluminum, would have cost ~less~ 1521660;1471211024;asciilifeform;but it wouldn't result in chumper buying saw after saw... 1521661;1471211025;asciilifeform;so no go. 1521662;1471211269;mircea_popescu;duralumin actually is perfect for that application. and yes, cheapest than just about anything, incl the plastic. 1521663;1471211291;asciilifeform;ergo вредительство. 1521664;1471211459;asciilifeform;poor sad ru orcs never knew how to correctly wreck 'rotten capitalist' west. 1521665;1471211464;asciilifeform;chinese - know. 1521666;1471211494;asciilifeform;one motherfucking broken hand tool at a time. 1521667;1471211500;asciilifeform;one melamine biscuit at a time. 1521668;1471211531;asciilifeform;and GO an just TRY selling duralumin saw. 1521669;1471211539;asciilifeform;bankrupt in a week. 1521670;1471211748;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: bonus fact, i finished $job with angle grinder, also chinese, which overheated and began to smoke. 1521671;1471211758;mircea_popescu;heh 1521672;1471212255;znort987;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521634 << unfortunate combo of yahoo security model flaw (they claimed they "obsoleted" security questions when in fact the "obsoleted" part means they can't be changed but can still be used for account recovery) and my being careless/lazy (security question/answers were weak and I never bothered to fix while I could). 1521673;1471212255;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 20:39 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521544 << how did that happen ? 1521674;1471212348;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1521675;1471212366;mircea_popescu;pro tip : set up your own mailserver if you're going to use email as a security token. 1521676;1471212408;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: great till your dns is jacked. 1521677;1471212420;asciilifeform;(or not even.) 1521678;1471212428;mircea_popescu;hey, there's good reasons not to use email as "security" 1521679;1471212442;znort987;mircea_popescu: that's how info@bitbet.us is setup. and asciilifeform is right: email is lame for auth. 1521680;1471212472;mircea_popescu;znort987 anyway, so no bitfinex losses, goot for you. 1521681;1471212501;znort987;like I said earlier, the fact I had never sent email that wasn't encrypted nor signed during the bitbet auction should have been a dead giveaway that it wasn't me talking. 1521682;1471212506;mircea_popescu;ftr, you understand how deeds work ? that'd be the cannonical application for stuff like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521562 1521683;1471212506;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:36 znort987: so anyhoo ... reason I'm here is simply to make a statement: bitbet is whole, not a cent of customer funds is ever accessible from the internet, and bitfinex was *never* used (nor were any other online wallets / exchanges / etc ...) 1521684;1471212570;znort987;mircea_popescu: cant say that I do. gotta go read up on it I guess. pointerz ? 1521685;1471212585;mircea_popescu;http://deedbot.org/ < should be pretty self-explanatory. 1521686;1471212592;mircea_popescu;you call it with $deed url 1521687;1471212671;znort987;reading ... 1521688;1471212988;znort987;so IIUC this is a unalterable log of "things stated by GPG key owners" that are somehow shoehorned into the blockchain ? How does the shoehorning actually work ? Do it cost coinz ? 1521689;1471213050;mircea_popescu;it costs very little. it actually works, yes. 1521690;1471213060;mircea_popescu;see the faq, it includes sample code even 1521691;1471213147;thestringpuller;Framedragger: in regards to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521475 << I was trying to make a point in regards to Ver's idealism. Currently if 1993 AOL "mass adoption" occurs, the underbanked will inevitably be left out due to lacking infrastructure of the sovereign nature. Ver despite calling himself an anarchist is still willing to suck the USG dick, which helps no one. The fact he responded with "You found a new business opportun 1521692;1471213147;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 17:29 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-13#1520649 && https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4xj6uw/bitcoin_previously_had_all_the_properties_that/d6fwloo && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445489 << ...soo, has anyone an idea how hawala-like exchange structures for say bitcoin could be encouraged? i've read and liked http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ which is more of a vision of course.. 1521693;1471213148;znort987;lo and behold, the third line on the page actually says "Frequently Asked Questions" lol 1521694;1471213344;mircea_popescu;znort987 sorry, republic is poor can't currently afford rounded corners. 1521695;1471213557;znort987;mircea_popescu: was just pointing out that I ought to actually look at what I'm looking at. Re bitfinex: neve understood why people would want ever leave their coinz in other people's pockets. pretty much negates everything bitcoin is about. 1521696;1471213582;mircea_popescu;for interest. 1521697;1471213625;mircea_popescu;and ftr people routinely leave bitcoin in other people's pockets. just, in other PEOPLE's pockets. not every walker is people now. 1521698;1471214004;thestringpuller;turns out the FED physically delivers cash without KYC everyday. who'd of thought? 1521699;1471215669;mod6;So in test-land news; I've created a working totally off-line build for trb. 1521700;1471215725;mod6;essentially, i've taken all the buildroot deps (typically collected from the wan), along with the trb deeds, placed them in a local dir with the build script (modified to suit this process) and launched. 1521701;1471215785;mod6;with some additional work (encoding & signing the buildroot deps) and a simple guide, this could be a thing shortly. 1521702;1471215792;mod6;speaking of which 1521703;1471215825;mod6;;;later tell danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation? 1521704;1471215825;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521705;1471215972;mod6;;;later tell pete_dushenski You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation? 1521706;1471215972;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521707;1471216605;mircea_popescu;nice work mod6 1521708;1471216690;shinohai;o7 mod6 just got pm too 1521709;1471216701;mod6;thanks :] 1521710;1471216761;mod6;this is mainly a learning device anyway. as now I can take what i've learned here and apply it to the makefiles. 1521711;1471217955;thestringpuller;mod6: you got a min? 1521712;1471218667;asciilifeform;;;later tell trinque deedbot rss is broken ?? 1521713;1471218667;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521714;1471218742;asciilifeform;^ e.g., mircea_popescu last 2 pieces did not show. 1521715;1471219359;mircea_popescu;spot test : what's patibulaire mean to teh lordship ? 1521716;1471219368;mircea_popescu;"ghostly" or "fit to be hanged" ? 1521717;1471219453;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'jailbird' ? 1521718;1471219459;mircea_popescu;hm. 1521719;1471219460;asciilifeform;or what do you call it. 1521720;1471219488;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other dongs, http://66.media.tumblr.com/e8288199e7e976609832a18973b02d92/tumblr_n173tsKLcH1t55va3o5_400.gif 1521721;1471219530;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja ever explain the 'Ni Una Menos' thing ? 1521722;1471219537;asciilifeform;what the hell exactly ~is~ it 1521723;1471219559;mircea_popescu;derpy govt movement purporting to priviledge murders involving females ("femicidio") over murders in general. 1521724;1471219560;asciilifeform;generic derpatron a la 'occupy' ? 1521725;1471219563;asciilifeform;hm. 1521726;1471219564;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/lxs-ninxs/ << Trilema - Lxs ninxs 1521727;1471219572;asciilifeform;hah there it is. 1521728;1471219581;mircea_popescu;out of ~50 or so dead hookers in the past 20 years, the police "solved" 3 cases. 1521729;1471219598;trinque;asciilifeform: was just looking at it 1521730;1471219603;trinque;seems like it's just running quite slow 1521731;1471219609;mircea_popescu;this is about on par with their performance generally. 1521732;1471219644;asciilifeform;trinque: what've you got on that box ? 1521733;1471219649;asciilifeform;(aside from deedbot) 1521734;1471220003;asciilifeform;in unrelated nonnews, looking at what is in bbet today, folks who a) willing to use it b) follow mircea_popescu's logic re clitler - stand to make some coin, possibly: https://bitbet.us/bet/1256/donald-trump-will-win-the-2016-united-states 1521735;1471220055;asciilifeform;at this moment, standing at 49.37 BTC ('no'); 33.30 BTC ('yes'). 1521736;1471220161;mircea_popescu;lol @ comments. 1521737;1471220188;trinque;asciilifeform: nothing heavy. I will probably give in and write my own RSS thing this week. 1521738;1471220207;trinque;appears to be the only way to have working items 1521739;1471220660;asciilifeform;'Ya I wont be betting on this site until they pay the winners for the original trump nominee bet, very shady behaivor.' << holy mother of fuck. 1521740;1471220864;*;asciilifeform was recently reading vintage trilema, and happened upon http://trilema.com/2014/the-basics-of-banking-a-discussion - which is quite pertinent to the recent inflation thread, 1521741;1471220875;asciilifeform;'Once the organised thieves started their attack on prosperity, inflation was redefined to "mean" something meaningless, to wit "a disparity between the increase in means of payment and the increase in available goods and services". This is poppycock, primarily because if on a wharf somewhere there's ten yachts which each cost one million, then you and your nine friends are THE ten people with yachts. If tomorrow the wharf is chock-f 1521742;1471220875;asciilifeform;ull, sporting one hundred yachts, the fact that the monetary inflation is matched by corresponding inflation of yacht volumes doesn't help you any : you're now stuck with ninety more fuckwits on your wharf, and yachting shall never be the same. This is definitely inflation.' 1521743;1471220932;mircea_popescu;myeah 1521744;1471220934;asciilifeform;imho very palpable dimension, that is usually not mentioned. 1521745;1471220959;mircea_popescu;finance discussion, like most discussion as well as practice in "civilised society" suffers from a pruned-middle problem. 1521746;1471220975;mircea_popescu;idiotic nonproblems and extremely advanced problems are discussed ; but there's no discussion of anything to bridge that gap. 1521747;1471221014;asciilifeform;well no mega-seekrit as to why - middle is where the actionable meat lives, and you wouldn't want ~that~ openly discussed... 1521748;1471221042;mircea_popescu;the pruned-middle being a reference to buffett and that fiscal discussion, "in which you become grain" 1521749;1471221046;asciilifeform;aha. 1521750;1471221075;mircea_popescu;it'd seem, to my naive intuition, that the interest alone couldn't explain this weird. 1521751;1471221174;asciilifeform;thinking about it again, does it actually make sense to roll resource depletion (of empty space around yacht, of molybdenum, etc) into 'inflation' metric ? 1521752;1471221241;mircea_popescu;what now ? 1521753;1471221276;asciilifeform;well hm, i'd say it does, but the deception is that there are now '100 yachts' for same value of 'yacht' as when there were 10 1521754;1471221296;mircea_popescu;i'm not following. 1521755;1471221323;asciilifeform;nm, it makes sense. 1521756;1471221335;asciilifeform;no reason to follow this, it ends where it started. 1521757;1471221339;mircea_popescu;k 1521758;1471226078;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/lxs-ninxs-17.jpg << mircea_popescu - pigeon, yes, but window made from 'scotch tape' is now unremarkable ? it is almost like we are in 18th c again, but in place of fish bladder, this. 1521759;1471227402;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Best to ignore "store brands" unless you are getting consumables. 2.5 gallons of 41% glyphosate concentrate, HDX is fine. Tool, probably not fine. 1521760;1471227448;BingoBoingo;Store brands are where china's finest corners get cut. 1521761;1471228236;covertress;ever wanted to hear my voice? > https://twitter.com/covertress/status/764980607390736384 1521762;1471228279;covertress;sorry to spam n dash... but, I'm pooped... cu tomorrow ;) nn - Steph 1521763;1471231220;thestringpuller;mod6: hitman has taught me that a lot of accidents in the world may not have been accidents 1521764;1471232047;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/14/wot-loans-haxxing-emails-and-fishy-smells/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - WoT loans, haxxing emails, and fishy smells. 1521765;1471234338;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well they are in 18th century. 1521766;1471234350;mircea_popescu;except with ipads instead of crystal balls 1521767;1471235725;mod6;<+thestringpuller> mod6: hitman has taught me that a lot of accidents in the world may not have been accidents << aha, 'tis a great game isn't it? 1521768;1471235921;mircea_popescu;so if one googles "sandra milo ass", as one legitimately would after watching la visita, one finds naught but http://sandrarose.com/2016/07/the-story-behind-leslie-jones-vs-milo-twitter-brawl/ and such inept shit. 1521769;1471235926;mircea_popescu;what the fuck happened to sandra milo's ass! 1521770;1471236406;asciilifeform;http://unenumerated.blogspot.com/2006/01/death-by-government.html << lulz in the commentz 1521771;1471236586;BingoBoingo;And the meat of the Dicamba saga ends, all that's left is gloating and epitaphs http://qntra.net/2016/08/dicamba-disaster-continues-destruction/ 1521772;1471236639;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/dicamba-disaster-continues-destruction/ << Qntra - Dicamba Disaster Continues Destruction 1521773;1471236915;BingoBoingo;updated with fxs 1521774;1471236923;asciilifeform;in other oldz, http://iang.org/ssl/pki_considered_harmful.html << 'nobody foresaw!!1111' 1521775;1471237572;BingoBoingo;attn danielpbarron shinohai and other tweetmailers https://twitter.com/qntra/status/765051127129788416 https://twitter.com/qntra/status/765051445359972352 1521776;1471237623;BingoBoingo;;;later tell covertress once again your thing was beat by an altcorn for media attention 1521777;1471237623;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521778;1471240780;deedbot;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2016/08/14/a-tale-of-two-papers/ << Bingo Blog - A Tale Of Two Papers 1521779;1471240895;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/765065684543877120 1521780;1471241816;BingoBoingo;In other PGP short id collisions https://slashdot.org/submission/6212493/pgp-short-id-collision-attacks-continued-now-targeted-linus-torvalds 1521781;1471263079;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521770 << why isn't zooko in the wot, incidentally! 1521782;1471263079;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 04:46 asciilifeform: http://unenumerated.blogspot.com/2006/01/death-by-government.html << lulz in the commentz 1521783;1471263150;mircea_popescu;anyway. gathering some data would lead us to FIRST think about "disease, poverty war". THEN after we've grown out of kindergarten and its infantile emotional responses, it would lead us to think about our priors, such as "Every life is sacred", and so on. 1521784;1471263178;mircea_popescu;where by so on i mean truly basic stuff such as "what happens to a tub when you open the faucets and plug the drain ???" 1521785;1471263237;mircea_popescu;and then szabo goes on to hurr while blogging on google's platform. sigh. 1521786;1471263695;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521774 << i dun think ina grigg has enough study under this belt to produce usable overview studies on such matters. 1521787;1471263695;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 04:55 asciilifeform: in other oldz, http://iang.org/ssl/pki_considered_harmful.html << 'nobody foresaw!!1111' 1521788;1471263716;mircea_popescu;his intentions may be, as declared, good, or just as well as undeclared ill ; but in any case his perspective is misalligned. 1521789;1471264479;mircea_popescu;dude fucking twitter is unreadable now. most of the screen is a "promoted tweet" which 1) has exactly nothing to do with anything and 2) is exactly the sort of slimy, anticool, "here's me being sexy - with a hoodie" stupidity. it's like all the girls that dedicated their adolescence to "abstinence only" moved on to "corporate advertising / governance" or some shit. 1521790;1471265948;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i had to unfollow George Takei cause I think he's just being paid by blog spammers to post blog spam. 1521791;1471265978;mircea_popescu;taki you mean ? 1521792;1471265983;thestringpuller;dont even need to promote tweets if lame (but somehow "popular") celebrities will devolve to pederasty and shill 1521793;1471266009;mircea_popescu;is this the guy with the story about how he fucked a 16yo french girl on the riviera because at the time ? 1521794;1471266078;thestringpuller;https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/765023226887942144 << nah the asian dude from the original star trek that came out as being gay a few years back and became a public figurehead for the US gay community 1521795;1471266087;thestringpuller;but d00d posts way too much blog spam 1521796;1471266128;thestringpuller;Nimoy was the only one who posted anything interested out of Shatner, Takei and himself, but he dead now. 1521797;1471266181;mircea_popescu;ah 1521798;1471266472;asciilifeform;https://ostif.org/ostif-quarklab-and-veracrypt-e-mails-are-being-intercepted << Use Moar Shitmail!1111 1521799;1471266599;asciilifeform;('veracrypt' is apparently the umpteenth reincarnation of 'truecrypt') 1521800;1471266604;mircea_popescu;motherfucker 1521801;1471266612;mircea_popescu;hey asciilifeform can you find the first reference for "star pattern" ? 1521802;1471266692;asciilifeform;hmm 1521803;1471266697;mircea_popescu;there's http://btcbase.org/log/2015-02-03#1005509 but i suspect that was earlier. 1521804;1471266697;a111;Logged on 2015-02-03 23:23 mircea_popescu: "why vote for women ? because if women spend more time talking to the state and less talking to their husbands, the state will be stronger and society weaker" 1521805;1471266752;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998181 << 1521806;1471266752;a111;Logged on 2015-01-30 05:50 mircea_popescu: the socialist state does not want a normally functioning society, but instead this stellar configuration where the state is at the center, 1521807;1471266758;mircea_popescu;yes! 1521808;1471266759;mircea_popescu;ty. 1521809;1471266762;asciilifeform;np. 1521810;1471266867;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521780 << these take at worst a ~week of (a very modest) cpu, to generate. 1521811;1471266867;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 06:16 BingoBoingo: In other PGP short id collisions https://slashdot.org/submission/6212493/pgp-short-id-collision-attacks-continued-now-targeted-linus-torvalds 1521812;1471266987;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521785 << i confess to wondering, of whom there is more - 'blog on proper, hand-admin'd machine' people, or of gentoo users.' 1521813;1471266987;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 12:13 mircea_popescu: and then szabo goes on to hurr while blogging on google's platform. sigh. 1521814;1471267222;mircea_popescu;sigh. fucking derivative culture. anyone got a link to goatse ? 1521815;1471267238;mircea_popescu;piece of shit google listing cakes and corporashithead light jokes. goatse.cx is gone... \ 1521816;1471267246;asciilifeform;nooooo?!!!!?? 1521817;1471267253;mircea_popescu;buncha facebook links. 1521818;1471267283;asciilifeform;holy mother of fuck. 1521819;1471267284;mircea_popescu;An email address like no other, launching in early December 2012 for limited release. Your favourite email host meets Goatse..." /> 1521820;1471267284;mircea_popescu;meta name="keywords" content="mail,goatse,email,email hosting,goatse mail,goatsemail" /> 1521821;1471267300;asciilifeform;http://goatse.info 1521822;1471267301;mircea_popescu;because totally, that's how it works. fucktard aluminun siding salesmen... 1521823;1471267315;mircea_popescu;a ty, 1521824;1471267336;asciilifeform;such important item, naturally, has mirror!1111 1521825;1471267412;asciilifeform;but mircea_popescu this is not even the most monumental wtf, recall when 'symbolics.com', ~first~ .com ever regged, was auctioned off to spammers ? 1521826;1471267446;asciilifeform;iirc the money went specifically to pay for probate lawyers. 1521827;1471267460;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1521828;1471268997;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/too-poor-for-trees-too-dumb-to-know-it/ << i dedicate this to asciilifeform for all his help in chasing down pieces of it! 1521829;1471269070;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: If your only "competition" is Toni Lane Caserole, I'm a little sad inside. 1521830;1471269890;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-07#747810 . 1521831;1471269890;a111;Logged on 2014-07-07 14:00 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'terminator seed' is actually a very intriguing instrument from the standpoint of the mega-state. solves the ancient problem of the peasants not really needing the state for much of anything (as described in j. scott's 'the art of not being governed.') 1521832;1471269977;mircea_popescu;aha. 1521833;1471270307;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/too-poor-for-trees-too-dumb-to-know-it/ << Trilema - Too poor for trees, too dumb to know it... 1521834;1471271807;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2015/09/qntras-mascot-dixie-visits-consensus-2015/ << qntra retrospective is so fucking delicious. 1521835;1471271817;mircea_popescu;soon enough they're going to have a nother one of these, right ? 1521836;1471271850;mircea_popescu;"we can't get a table straighter than 0.3% but we'll discuss bitcoin" 1521837;1471272284;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't help but wonder wtf actually goes on at these conferences 1521838;1471272330;asciilifeform;all that comes up in my head is a gavin ballmering at the podium, 'big blox, big blox!' (to the tune of 'developersdevelopers' (tm) (r) naturally) 1521839;1471272350;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's basically speed dating for people who suck too much to admit they are lonely 1521840;1471272421;mircea_popescu;why the sausage party then ? 1521841;1471272425;asciilifeform;^ 1521842;1471272435;mircea_popescu;o wait. obviously. 1521843;1471272450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ironically the question proves his point. 1521844;1471272522;mircea_popescu;and in other morning shower thoughts, http://67.media.tumblr.com/7e58fd69aa991656ace8a66cb7719d5d/tumblr_mynatycCdI1t2iu5ho1_500.gif << "i love chicks with small hands. they make my schlong look longer than their thigh" 1521845;1471272937;asciilifeform;http://www.orrazz.com/2016/08/we-want-cash-drug-agents-seize-209mn-in.html << in other lulz. 1521846;1471272995;asciilifeform;'Two years ago, Amtrak’s inspector general revealed that in nearly two decades, drug agents paid a secretary $854,460 in exchange for passenger information. Court records suggest that agents have been profiling passengers on most major airlines, including American, Delta, JetBlue, Southwest, United and others, usually without the companies’ consent. ... “We want the cash. Good agents chase cash,” George Hood, who supervised a 1521847;1471272995;asciilifeform; drug task force assigned to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago before he retired in 2007, told the newspaper...' 1521848;1471273007;mircea_popescu;starting to sound very 1990 soviet dunnit. 1521849;1471273189;asciilifeform;by '90 the valuables were already leaving su by the trainload, and usd - entering. 1521850;1471273240;mircea_popescu;myeah, the "we gotta get some cash together" phase was more 88/89 1521851;1471273276;asciilifeform;and earlier. recall thread re 'Берёзка' (foreign currency posh grocery shop) 1521852;1471273544;mircea_popescu;yeah. the very sharp desperation come to think of it was more of a ro thing. everyone else, from yugos and poles all the way over to moscow had a lot more sense than to take socialism seriously. 1521853;1471273671;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: usd was legalized in su in '91. 1521854;1471273701;asciilifeform;but even before this official surrender, was quite ubiquitous. 1521855;1471273739;mircea_popescu;myeah 1521856;1471276238;thestringpuller;when i was reading that i asked myself, "Who travels with cash anymore?" 1521857;1471276259;thestringpuller;wasn't the seinfeld era also the era of "traveler's cheques" and shiznit? 1521858;1471276371;phf;i used to travel with cash before i got an hsbc account 1521859;1471276430;asciilifeform;phf: what's special about hsbc ? 1521860;1471276501;phf;asciilifeform: as far as i gather they have highest ground coverage of all banks on account of running the world, which means that i can get a no fee atm pretty much anywhere 1521861;1471276517;thestringpuller;mod6: it's insane man. the AI in Absolution is a beast. when you kill someone normally, like with gun or fiber wire, it leaves marks on the body, and AI will see that. so they detect someone is there. however, there are ways people can die where the AI is just like "Huh. That's a shitty way to go." For instance I put some kinda acid in this d00ds hair regrowing gel or whatever. he puts it on, and it melts his head off and everyone aro 1521862;1471276520;asciilifeform;phf: mine just refunds all atm fee. 1521863;1471276566;phf;asciilifeform: amt fees, international fees and also fees that atms charge on top of withdrawl? 1521864;1471276603;asciilifeform;phf: supposedly. i have not tested the 'world' part, dun particularly relish feeding card skimmer debit card 1521865;1471276624;mircea_popescu;yeah srsly. the problem with cards isn't the piddly dollar or w/e the atm charges. 1521866;1471276628;phf;that's another thing, can find a branch pretty much anywhere 1521867;1471276656;mircea_popescu;if i have a roll and i want to pay 2k, i peel 2k off the roll. if i have a card i do what, wait for a week to get 400 / day ? 1521868;1471276688;mircea_popescu;and no, you can't find a branch pretty much anywhere outside the us. what you find and don't know any better are independent organisations that bought the right to use the name. 1521869;1471276704;*;mircea_popescu discovered this with "citi" a few years back. 1521870;1471276735;phf;they turned you down when you walked in? 1521871;1471276776;mircea_popescu;nope. 1521872;1471276798;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: doesn't this require you to have stacks of cash at your residence? 1521873;1471276808;mircea_popescu;but manhattan hq was "oh, we can't do that, they're not actually OURS" when i wanted them to etc. 1521874;1471276810;thestringpuller;pull a rack off the stack and make a roll 1521875;1471276841;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yes, having access to cash requires you to have access to cash. 1521876;1471276883;thestringpuller;so you don't leave any cash in banks or like what is the arrangement there is more what I'm inquring about :P 1521877;1471276911;trinque;bahaha yes, he's now going to tell you where his money is at. 1521878;1471276922;thestringpuller;LOL 1521879;1471276931;thestringpuller;i'm not gonna keep mils in my house 1521880;1471276946;trinque;y'know... I bet he has a few of them buttcoins. 1521881;1471276965;thestringpuller;you can roll bitcoins into a rubber band? who knew! 1521882;1471277000;phf;mircea_popescu: i wouldn't say hsbc branches are everywhere, but they've been in every country i've been to so far 1521883;1471277006;mircea_popescu;i actually use a clip. it's pretty great, can swallow a hundred bill stack vertically, or else just folds whatrever. 1521884;1471277016;phf;and i've extracted cash from them for the duration of my stay 1521885;1471277032;mircea_popescu;phf to put it in these terms, your high opinion of your insurance is mostly built on you not having had anything covered. 1521886;1471277060;thestringpuller;trinque: lemme rephrase; MPEx::Bitcion as X::USD what is X? Obviously no bank qualifies there. 1521887;1471277070;mircea_popescu;did it actually happen to you that you had your card skimread in foreign jurisdiction and hsbc was "oh fuck we'll squish those fuckers" 1521888;1471277142;phf;mircea_popescu: no, i had some dodgy charges removed though 1521889;1471277159;mircea_popescu;better than nothing. 1521890;1471277160;asciilifeform;when you lose pocket change, american bank often refunds, strictly for pr 1521891;1471277168;asciilifeform;'here have the candy bar back' 1521892;1471277173;asciilifeform;now go and lose $mil. 1521893;1471277186;mircea_popescu;but you know, the nightmare scenario is when seven+ figure account is linked to half a dozen cards which regularly pay for things such as "dinner for six at chez victor". 1521894;1471277193;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. 1521895;1471277246;asciilifeform;the 'they stole yer purse? here's yer $300 back' thing is really a mousetrap cheese, to keep plebes from waking up to the scamolade of fiat bank as a class 1521896;1471277290;phf;asciilifeform: this is empty rhetoric unless you're actually not using a bank account 1521897;1471277299;mircea_popescu;i'm actually not using a bank account. 1521898;1471277316;phf;i mean, ~i~ benefit from "$300 back", why would i pretend like i'm mircea_popescu? 1521899;1471277328;mircea_popescu;yeah, no argument with all that. 1521900;1471277338;mircea_popescu;use what works ; just don't infer things scale. 1521901;1471277416;mircea_popescu;they mostly don't, and the "i'm not about to use card in foreign skimreader slit" is unescapable policy in plenty of real life situations. 1521902;1471277428;asciilifeform;i left the cardz at home when i got on the plane. 1521903;1471277473;phf;i have a card that's linked to my spending account, where i have to explicitly go and transfer money from a different account. at most i'm standing to lose $5k or so 1521904;1471277608;phf;i find it convenient, that, so far, i was able to walk into branches in different parts of the world, and extract 2-3k at a time to cover me for a few days of vacation. sometimes i also get sloppy (3am, i'm drunk), so i'll pull money from atm in some dodgy location 1521905;1471277616;mircea_popescu;that's not what you most stand to lose. what you most stand to lose is this situation where you "lose it", and tell the bank to close it, which they won't, so have to be screamed at and threatened, so they "do", except they keep re-opening it as the charges keep coming in, over ~years~. 1521906;1471277627;mircea_popescu;so you keep having to scream and threaten, ie, half a mil over two decades. 1521907;1471277675;mircea_popescu;that's the problem with trusting us banking/anything really : they lie. 1521908;1471277684;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how's this work, you take out the money, and bank extends you line of credit against your will ? 1521909;1471277699;mircea_popescu;yes. 1521910;1471277714;mircea_popescu;and then keeps sending you overdraft notices, and on and on. 1521911;1471277717;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1521912;1471277721;mircea_popescu;very lulzy. 1521913;1471277744;asciilifeform;what's the court circus for a tort like this look like ? 1521914;1471277750;phf;the overdraft thing, i thought, is a feature, that you negotiate when you sign the contract 1521915;1471277756;asciilifeform;i'd naively suppose it'd be an open'n'shut case 1521916;1471277760;mircea_popescu;~half mil over a coupla decades. 1521917;1471277780;mircea_popescu;phf depends. you mean "the overdraft thing" as a feature to serve you, or as a feature to serve them ? 1521918;1471277781;asciilifeform;phf: the 'they keep your closed acct secretly open so that spammers, in league with bank, can keep charging it' is not in any contract afaik. 1521919;1471277805;mircea_popescu;there's no "closed account" artefact, in spite of customer intuition to the contrary. 1521920;1471277821;phf;right 1521921;1471277828;mircea_popescu;just like there is no "fuck you and your alimony, until and unless customer signs you a checque you can go dangle" 1521922;1471277922;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: elaborate re 'no closed account' ? 1521923;1471277922;phf;asciilifeform: i don't think that's "secret", that's somewhere in the contract that you sign with a visa network, which is separate from bank's contract 1521924;1471277943;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what's to elaborate ? "item x does not exist" "but i think it does" "good for you and good luck with santa" 1521925;1471278009;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so, chump asks bank to close account, in actuality it never happens, if decade later some hobo digs through his rubbish bin and finds old chequebook, and tried to charge against it, bank will attempt to collect ? 1521926;1471278014;phf;asciilifeform: banks don't have to close the account, and if your account has been linked to visa, they have to keep it mandatory open for the duration of something like 10 years from your last transaction, which is how long visa network can claim a chargeback 1521927;1471278015;*;asciilifeform can see it. 1521928;1471278048;asciilifeform;phf: re visa thing, it is famous. 1521929;1471278056;asciilifeform;phf: i was thinking of 'civilian' accts. 1521930;1471278086;phf;civilian accounts are always linked to visa network by default "you can access your savings from this card too, ain't it swell" 1521931;1471278119;asciilifeform;chargebacks concern visa ~merchant~ acct, no ? 1521932;1471278165;phf;ah but you have to have the counterparty 1521933;1471278206;asciilifeform;so official smokescreen is 'must keep acct open in case mr konsoomer asks for refund on his shoes decade later' ? 1521934;1471278210;mircea_popescu;anyway, not to say that the patient, organised, large entity can't actually tailor something that works for them ; but for retail (ie, you're worth millions or less) customer to expect they get THAT by default is cruisin' for a bruisin'. which is not so much of a problem generally because the lifestyle of us peonry is very narrow anyway. 1521935;1471278240;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no official smokescreen per se ; just, the us is predicated on "saying no is mean". what follows is soup. 1521936;1471278300;mircea_popescu;also the described hobo-rubbish thing actually happened irl. there's tons of sad stories of the middle class encountering us bank system. 1521937;1471278320;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is one of the reasons pretty much everyone in usa owns shredder machine 1521938;1471278338;mircea_popescu;yes, and also the reason pretty much everyone in mexico has dreamcatcher on wall. 1521939;1471278339;asciilifeform;(often laughably inadequate, but ~some~) 1521940;1471278356;asciilifeform;hey gotta trap them evil spirits somehow ! 1521941;1471278360;mircea_popescu;quite. 1521942;1471278369;asciilifeform;rich folk buy the death ray from 'ghostbuster' i imagine. 1521943;1471278378;asciilifeform;9000% moar power. 1521944;1471278426;mircea_popescu;in general, companies have a serious problem - because unless they're on the "official list google returns results from", the business case is rather weak - companies don't live too long. bank has little reason to try and salvage the business of an entity that lives on average under a decade. 1521945;1471278504;asciilifeform;i know a fella who saw a (1990s-era isp) business slowly sink due to an eternal visa chargeback rape, stemming originally from 1 single hack 1521946;1471278504;mircea_popescu;even something like apple - here today, gone tomorrow. alphabet inc was fdounded... 2015. ie it's not yet 2 years old. on it goes. 1521947;1471278540;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno, prolly at this point crapple is Official 'tbtf' member 1521948;1471278555;mircea_popescu;i'd expect yeah. 1521949;1471278570;mircea_popescu;generally, once the founder dies you can assume usg got it. just liek in roman empire. 1521950;1471278593;asciilifeform;if somehow (dun ask me how!) folks stop buyin' the pnoje - it'll be run on pure synthetic printolade oil, like, e.g., ford. 1521951;1471278602;mircea_popescu;or turner or etc. yep. 1521952;1471278612;mircea_popescu;in fact : people kinda stopped already. 1521953;1471278631;mircea_popescu;much like if you're aiming to tell me google makes 70bn a year out of people paying for online advertising... 1521954;1471278640;asciilifeform;last i recall they moved to this weird lease thing. 1521955;1471278656;asciilifeform;(paging at&t!!!) 1521956;1471278659;mircea_popescu;the whole market is not even 1% that, and mostly fed by very short lived foools 1521957;1471278682;mircea_popescu;(+the government of argentina - which is currently paying google money to advertise itself to me, in terms of "soberania". the lulz of this is apparently lost for every spanish speaking tard) 1521958;1471278699;asciilifeform;'ma bell', leased phones, lizard folk aiming, apparently, for eternal rerun loop of ~1970s usa. 1521959;1471278705;mircea_popescu;but who knows, maybe if they give google its cut they'll be able to place bonds in a year or two again. paul graham has the details. 1521960;1471279076;mircea_popescu;anyway. the problem with the world that "magically" works is that if one day it magically stops working you're invited to go magically fuck yourself. 1521961;1471279078;mircea_popescu;magic can't be fixed. 1521962;1471279670;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is quite true, but tautological - 'magic' is definitionally the set of things you can't pop the hood on and fix 1521963;1471279697;mircea_popescu;aha. 1521964;1471279800;mircea_popescu;tautology is the last ditch in the fight with they who do not wish to understand the plainly obvious. there's little more to be said to "i just want it to work" crowd than some tautology or other, because the problem in their head is exactly this : to them, it ISNT tautological. 1521965;1471279893;*;phf sits there sadly with his hsbc account 1521966;1471279908;mircea_popescu;lol i was talking in teh general. dun worry, has nothing to do with you. 1521967;1471279969;phf;it was my last link to jet setters, men of the world 1521968;1471280039;mircea_popescu;the deep problem is that any known implementation of division of labour imports magic.h 1521969;1471280062;mircea_popescu;so this is far from a resolved problem. no actual action is required of you ; merely the understanding suffices. 1521970;1471280125;mircea_popescu;(the most successful to date thing tried, to resolve this - commodification - is turning out to be worse a solution than no solution at all. between dicamba, alf's saw, my heater and hollywood movies, the point is pretty sorely obvious.) 1521971;1471280195;mircea_popescu;hence all the appeal of "colored coins" "dao" blablabla. to people with no experience or clue of reality whatsoever, it truly seems like a complete solution - commodification without the downsides!!! 1521972;1471280314;mircea_popescu;for everyone else - there's the wot. and the fucking important point from this view of republican history to date is just this : we've actually built a selection of magic spells that are both a) magic to the user and b) fixable through a definite process. 1521973;1471281710;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b7500d5a-d012-4f2b-9854-6cbaf6f8a19d/?raw=true << moar lulz. 1521974;1471282084;asciilifeform;qntra ddosed ? 1521975;1471282097;asciilifeform;(noticed considerable lag for a few days..) 1521976;1471283482;pete_dushenski;mod6: no prob. send on over the v99994 url. 1521977;1471283508;trinque;$s V99994 1521978;1471283509;a111;21 results for "V99994", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=V99994 1521979;1471283533;trinque;hm dun see it 1521980;1471283535;thestringpuller;"The share of people under 30 who own a business has fallen by 65 percent since the 1980s and is now at a quarter-century low, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Federal Reserve data." 1521981;1471283541;pete_dushenski;trinque: ya, i looked too 1521982;1471283553;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: oof. 1521983;1471283629;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521781 << this zooko ? the one that failed to launch usg.zcash ? >> http://www.contravex.com/2016/01/25/zcash-will-crash-just-like-gavincoin-garzikcoin-xt-segwit-and-classic-now-you-know/ 1521984;1471283629;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 12:11 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521770 << why isn't zooko in the wot, incidentally! 1521985;1471283653;trinque;pete_dushenski: http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99994.sh 1521986;1471283656;trinque;is what mod6 gave me 1521987;1471283676;pete_dushenski;cheers. 1521988;1471283696;trinque;945bed24a93fdde2ab94b47503a00e40ec935faeb05a59a803315e24929d6dcd93d1e58ee18f1bbc6e11166d6a22425ba9c323d55f40d5700849e03eeb8291e5 /var/www/html/build-bitcoind-V99994.sh 1521989;1471283732;pete_dushenski;checks out 1521990;1471283769;asciilifeform;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5020 < pickelhaube??! 1521991;1471284117;covertress;;;later tell BingoBoingo said press release not yet approved by Lux Univ PR dept. was taste for TMSR eyes only. 1521992;1471284117;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1521993;1471284909;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521789 << yeah twatter doesn't even work in my web browser anymore-- can only use it from my phone. As for the "abstinence only," I wish such a girl existed. Who has ever met such a thing? 1521994;1471284909;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 12:34 mircea_popescu: dude fucking twitter is unreadable now. most of the screen is a "promoted tweet" which 1) has exactly nothing to do with anything and 2) is exactly the sort of slimy, anticool, "here's me being sexy - with a hoodie" stupidity. it's like all the girls that dedicated their adolescence to "abstinence only" moved on to "corporate advertising / governance" or some shit. 1521995;1471284999;shinohai;i thought mircea_popescu proved that `promoted tweets` was garbage ? 1521996;1471285030;danielpbarron;hm? I'm not defending anything about twatter 1521997;1471285036;danielpbarron;the whole thing stinks 1521998;1471285052;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521703 << sure 1521999;1471285052;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 23:03 mod6: ;;later tell danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation? 1522000;1471285187;phf;join twitter to join conversation 1522001;1471285288;trinque;danielpbarron: I met plenty in tx public school 1522002;1471285295;trinque;they were the uggo chicks nobody wanted to fuck anyway 1522003;1471285372;danielpbarron;yeah well that hardly counts, does it? 1522004;1471285559;trinque;what is this hypothetical other version of the abstinent chick? 1522005;1471285589;danielpbarron;the kind you'd want to marry 1522006;1471285664;danielpbarron;it's not really abstinence if nobody was trying to get at you anyway 1522007;1471285683;danielpbarron;whole point is turning away most of the suitors 1522008;1471285683;trinque;that describes a property of you, not a property of her 1522009;1471285698;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-18#1326704 1522010;1471285698;a111;Logged on 2015-11-18 22:29 phf: they call him the elusive joe. -- nobody can catch him? -- nobody cares to 1522011;1471285704;trinque;heh! 1522012;1471285708;danielpbarron;1) someone i'd want to fuck that 2) hasn't already been fucked 1522013;1471285732;danielpbarron;because 3) has a father who cares 1522014;1471285747;trinque;that's like waiting to get a job when the job for your True Self (TM) comes along 1522015;1471285755;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the land of gullible nitwits, https://theshadowbrokers.tumblr.com 1522016;1471285763;danielpbarron;no, because a job you must have. A wife, not. 1522017;1471285768;asciilifeform;'How much you pay for enemies cyber weapons? Not malware you find in networks. Both sides, RAT + LP, full state sponsor tool set? We find cyber weapons made by creators of stuxnet, duqu, flame. Kaspersky calls Equation Group. We follow Equation Group traffic. We find Equation Group source range. We hack Equation Group. We find many many Equation Group cyber weapons. You see pictures. We give you some Equation Group files free, you se 1522018;1471285768;asciilifeform;e. This is good proof no? You enjoy!!! You break many things. You find many intrusions. You write many words. But not all, we are auction the best files.' 1522019;1471285779;trinque;danielpbarron: I'm speaking from her perspective, not yours 1522020;1471285813;danielpbarron;ok, but in that case all these fuckable girls would be married. They aren't, however. They just get passed around. 1522021;1471285877;danielpbarron;my argument isn't that they should wait for mr. perfect. My argument is that they should stick with whoever got her first 1522022;1471285886;phf;whachamacallit, "riding the cock carousel" 1522023;1471286112;trinque;danielpbarron: "should" leaves your argument to stand upon a "because reasons". 1522024;1471286151;danielpbarron;because otherwise they are harlots 1522025;1471286196;trinque;she doesn't stick around (and she's not psychologically miswired) it's probably because you suck 1522026;1471286198;trinque;not her 1522027;1471286230;danielpbarron;i'm not necessarily describing girls that have left me, although they do exist 1522028;1471286254;phf;trinque: presumably the argument is that she gets through a lot of sucky people before she gets to you, at which point you're not interested 1522029;1471286261;danielpbarron;surely it is the failure of men when this happens. I do not blame the girls, for they are the "weaker vessels" 1522030;1471286263;asciilifeform;interestingly, the 'free file' in earlier link contains what appears to be massive collection of nsa exploit installers 1522031;1471286268;asciilifeform;some with commented src. 1522032;1471286269;danielpbarron;phf, yes. 1522033;1471286279;trinque;because what, defiled by cockessence? 1522034;1471286286;danielpbarron;yes. 1522035;1471286290;trinque;pffflol 1522036;1471286439;asciilifeform;http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/crapola.tar.gz for anyone interested. 1522037;1471286455;asciilifeform;sha512==c5e1f808b06b3530d3bb84c965cdae7b6a1b88fa3dddf93f6e6b98418ae4a25dcab99c54bb4936fccd616c2fe8ab9b2b9503e8b1a70d2e2188cd252d0630ff96 1522038;1471286461;danielpbarron;not only is she defiled, so is the land. It's a violent act to separate what God has joined. I have a blog article that's nearly finished about just this. 1522039;1471286674;trinque;sexual competition is biologically required; she's doing her job, man. 1522040;1471286733;danielpbarron;death is biologically required 1522041;1471288104;ben_vulpes;danielpbarron: is even more cock0phobic than asciilifeform ! 1522042;1471288119;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: can't stand cocks in his porn, danielpbarron can't stand his cock touching a cunt that might have had other cocks in it! 1522043;1471288150;ben_vulpes;post birth control, girls do not say no to cool guys. 1522044;1471288248;phf;ben_vulpes: http://media.salon.com/2014/03/scott_rnc_ad.jpg 1522045;1471288286;ben_vulpes;gross what is that 1522046;1471288332;phf;post birth control cool guy 1522047;1471288404;trinque;danielpbarron should have no problem with him; his swimmers won't be able to go the distance 1522048;1471288423;trinque;castration by skinny jeans 1522049;1471288435;phf;somehow you can't just hold one variable, just cause you will it to be so. them dependency graphs find SAT, and the solution is might surprise you! 1522050;1471288492;asciilifeform;unrelated, but hilarious, http://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Suit-warns-of-Russian-back-door-into-U-S-9140446.php >> 'Their suit says Morpho and Safran defrauded the U.S. government and the state of California by falsely claiming their technology as French rather than Russian, violating antitrust laws and presenting false claims for payment.' 1522051;1471289201;danielpbarron;phf, it's no cool guy who would ditch her afterwards 1522052;1471289235;danielpbarron;err, ben_vulpes rather 1522053;1471290547;asciilifeform;lel, buncha magic packet senders in there. 1522054;1471290646;asciilifeform;largely against pre-diddled (but i repeat myself) ciscos. 1522055;1471290761;asciilifeform;also a linux/solaris very classical 'rootkit' and remote orifice client 1522056;1471290772;asciilifeform;(supports process hide, log cleansing, all of the 1990s fare.) 1522057;1471292449;ben_vulpes;danielpbarron: your "cool" and her "cool" have ~epsilon to do with each other 1522058;1471292593;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521973 << ok this is sad. intelligence by regexp, really ? 1522059;1471292593;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 17:21 asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b7500d5a-d012-4f2b-9854-6cbaf6f8a19d/?raw=true << moar lulz. 1522060;1471292665;mircea_popescu;"HPSCI had broadly stated that it could withhold any document containing unclassified discussion on any topic that had been considered in executive session during Plaintiff’s 17 years of service, as opposed to protecting the substance of Committee proceedings. For instance, this allegedly would apply to any discussion of any budget issue at any time." 1522061;1471292668;mircea_popescu;nice. lol. 1522062;1471292717;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521980 << exclude "online business" made up of a linked-in profile and vps/shared/free hosted website, and it's 10x to 100x worse. 1522063;1471292717;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 17:52 thestringpuller: "The share of people under 30 who own a business has fallen by 65 percent since the 1980s and is now at a quarter-century low, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Federal Reserve data." 1522064;1471292734;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521983 << zooko triangle zooko. 1522065;1471292734;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 17:53 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521781 << this zooko ? the one that failed to launch usg.zcash ? >> http://www.contravex.com/2016/01/25/zcash-will-crash-just-like-gavincoin-garzikcoin-xt-segwit-and-classic-now-you-know/ 1522066;1471292793;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522002 <. 1522067;1471292793;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 18:21 trinque: they were the uggo chicks nobody wanted to fuck anyway 1522068;1471292833;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522013 << go to iran. 1522069;1471292833;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 18:28 danielpbarron: because 3) has a father who cares 1522070;1471292973;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522015 << what's this, the stick shit on all sides of lulz department ? 1522071;1471292973;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 18:29 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the land of gullible nitwits, https://theshadowbrokers.tumblr.com 1522072;1471293049;pete_dushenski;mod6: pleased to report that 99994k spins up on deb7 without fuss. only comment would be on 'trb-howto' to suggest '-lows' command when booting bitcoind for the first time. 1522073;1471293055;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522021 << this is a very naive view, based on the behaviour of poor beta bois. girls get "passed around" until they meet the right guy. who generally doesn't give much of a shit who she fucks per se ; , but who does make her unavailable for teaming up with rando kids. 1522074;1471293055;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 18:31 danielpbarron: my argument isn't that they should wait for mr. perfect. My argument is that they should stick with whoever got her first 1522075;1471293065;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: arite. 1522076;1471293241;pete_dushenski;"Japan’s central bank is set to become the top shareholder of 55 companies in the Nikkei" << this can only be good for fiat 1522077;1471293287;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522057 << I do not care what she thinks is cool. As I said already, the onus is on the guys; the girls are the commodity being used improperly 1522078;1471293288;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 20:20 ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: your "cool" and her "cool" have ~epsilon to do with each other 1522079;1471293302;ben_vulpes;one cannot use a commodity improperly. 1522080;1471293307;ben_vulpes;one may kill a thing one owns. 1522081;1471293308;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522033 << the idea is not entirely without merit. people are entirely made up of their heuristics ; much like a child who spent the language-formative years among orangoutans will never make a great tenor, writer or public speaker ; just so a girl who spent the heuristic-formative years among retards will never make a good whore, spymaster or etc. 1522082;1471293308;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 18:37 trinque: because what, defiled by cockessence? 1522083;1471293370;mircea_popescu;whether she fucks them or not is immaterial, however. hence my recomendation of iran : he might discover that in a hundred smoking hot virgin babes, thereby fitting his bill as stated, there's not a single one worth the hassle. 1522084;1471293418;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522068 << hey, the muslims get a lot of things correct. But The Bible says not to seek a wife, so it's hardly a good reason to move 1522085;1471293418;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 20:27 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522013 << go to iran. 1522086;1471293464;asciilifeform;;;later tell trinque i think deedbot may be actually broken. e.g., where is http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0648EBDEEF3F210D6A081115BD29DC916FCC304D6839A0D142993D704EACB182 ? 1522087;1471293464;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1522088;1471293501;trinque;yep, I will write a from-scratch RSS thing sometime this week. 1522089;1471293513;trinque;as apparently this is required. 1522090;1471293528;pete_dushenski;http://mcmansionhell.tumblr.com/post/148605513816/mcmansions-101-what-makes-a-mcmansion-bad << muricans can't figure out proportions and balance at any level. not political, nor architectural, nor anywhere else for that matter. they've no eye for the aesthetic. 1522091;1471293529;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522070 << the 'sample' goodies box, strangely enough, appears to be genuine (if quite uninteresting, imho.) and previously unpublished. fwiw. 1522092;1471293529;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 20:29 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522015 << what's this, the stick shit on all sides of lulz department ? 1522093;1471293562;asciilifeform;trinque: it worked great before... what changed ? 1522094;1471293635;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so move to admire the classical civilisation. lotta stuff worth seeing in the middle east. 1522095;1471293645;trinque;asciilifeform: nada 1522096;1471293649;danielpbarron;meh 1522097;1471293652;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522090 << i was expecting to read about cardboard, prefab sheetboard, poisonous insulation, 1,001 actual things, and instead reading feng shui garbage ? 1522098;1471293652;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 20:38 pete_dushenski: http://mcmansionhell.tumblr.com/post/148605513816/mcmansions-101-what-makes-a-mcmansion-bad << muricans can't figure out proportions and balance at any level. not political, nor architectural, nor anywhere else for that matter. they've no eye for the aesthetic. 1522099;1471293668;mircea_popescu;what's with you people and tumblr lately anyway! 1522100;1471293682;mircea_popescu;o shit, it's from me linking the pronz isnt it. 1522101;1471293690;danielpbarron;what I don't get is how the "cool guys" as you put it don't mind that their girls have been "passed around" 1522102;1471293715;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: greek architectural theories are chinese now ?? 1522103;1471293729;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: in exactly the same sense that melamine in biscuits is chinese. 1522104;1471293732;mircea_popescu;because she's not made of soap! to be an athlete you gotta work out ; to be a cunthlete you gotta put out. 1522105;1471293748;danielpbarron;so ~you~ work them out 1522106;1471293761;mircea_popescu;you can't keep up with a woman. 1522107;1471293766;danielpbarron;i cannot fathom why anyone would want her to be trained by other guys 1522108;1471293772;danielpbarron;me specifically? 1522109;1471293780;mircea_popescu;me either ; it's a male thing. 1522110;1471293786;trinque;danielpbarron: it's an insecurity, i.e. "if she has had other dick onoes she might think of that dick at some point" 1522111;1471293791;trinque;so what?! 1522112;1471293799;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, do you not keep up with a harem of women? 1522113;1471293810;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but they're not 16yos! 1522114;1471293811;danielpbarron;i don't care what ~she~ thinks 1522115;1471293827;mircea_popescu;yes, women can and will downregulate. but that's later in life. 1522116;1471293847;mircea_popescu;no idea why i highlighted alf lol. anyway. 1522117;1471293861;trinque;if not in her mind, where does the specter of cock-defilement live 1522118;1471293879;danielpbarron;in the mind of whoever she fucked, and in the nation, and the land itself 1522119;1471293886;trinque;in the fucking nation 1522120;1471293907;trinque;so now her cunt belongs to us all equally? 1522121;1471293909;asciilifeform;how about the cock calibration vernier. 1522122;1471293919;asciilifeform;as described by mircea_popescu . 1522123;1471293924;mircea_popescu;eh get out of here. it's not so simple as all that. recall that famous japanese chick that fucked some dude to stick a stilleto in his brain because he had won a war / killed her father ? 1522124;1471293938;mircea_popescu;"i fucked her" is not a scalar value. 1522125;1471293948;danielpbarron;trinque, no it belongs to her father at first, and then to her husband 1522126;1471294022;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522064 << it is the same zooko as in pete_dushenski's article ! 1522127;1471294022;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 20:25 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521983 << zooko triangle zooko. 1522128;1471294026;asciilifeform;yes, with the idiot altcoin 1522129;1471294061;asciilifeform;lacking a pgp sig, at the very least i will say that the 'two' zookos appear to share a name and a biography. 1522130;1471294082;mircea_popescu;if he were in wot there's hope he wouldn't be doing stupid shit. 1522131;1471294087;asciilifeform;(and yes prolly the same zooko as appears in my blog commentz.) 1522132;1471294100;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: melamine biscuits are besides the point. the point is that muricans manifestly suck at not only using name materials like brick and stone, instead preferring shitboard, but that they can't even assemble them into anything coherent. really just a reiteration of the old 'garbage in, garbage out' adage i guess. 1522133;1471294114;pete_dushenski;s/sane/name 1522134;1471294137;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i find the focus on the cosmetic when the functional elements are 'dangerous to self and to others' in 1,001 ways, to be also a typically american lunacy. 1522135;1471294140;asciilifeform;and the article exemplifies it. 1522136;1471294178;asciilifeform;'this ford pinto has a scratched bumper and torpedo, eww. oh and also it will cremate you in a crash, just so y'know' 1522137;1471294222;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: the article is merely observing that 48yo pack-a-day smoking whoor looks black inside ~and~ outside 1522138;1471294255;pete_dushenski;they're deeply related. 1522139;1471294263;asciilifeform;what i read in there is a lie by omission. 1522140;1471294285;asciilifeform;and palpable implication that 'if it had correct feng shui, it would not be 'mc' mansion.' 1522141;1471294346;asciilifeform;discussing the 'aesthetics' of cardboard house is quite like putting spoilers on a trabant. 1522142;1471294355;asciilifeform;it isn't a thing. 1522143;1471294397;asciilifeform;trinque: do i misunderstand, or you were saying that rss worked great for months, then stopped entirely mysteriously, and there is no clue re why ?? 1522144;1471294408;asciilifeform;and NOTHING was changed in the code ? 1522145;1471294510;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: except if you had spoilers on a trabant, you'd be forced to ask 'why do those need to be there' to which the answer is 'oh because the car is dreadfully engineered and will lose stability and traction above 50mph' 1522146;1471294536;trinque;asciilifeform: yeah. thing's 39 lines using feedparser. braindead simple loop. 1522147;1471294542;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: lawnmower engine at 50mph?! 1522148;1471294564;pete_dushenski;that the mcmansion is designed by children who failed ~technologist~ programs (not even architecture school) is indicative of deeper rot. 1522149;1471294580;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: fine. 20mph. 1522150;1471294590;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: it has very little to do with designers, and much to do with availability of materials, and likewise usg mandates. 1522151;1471294603;pete_dushenski;bicycle doesn't need spoilers at that speed but trabant does ? this is a problem. 1522152;1471294603;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: and if you think that spoilers of whatever kind have any effect at 20mph... 1522153;1471294629;asciilifeform;it doesn't! example concerned idiot 'aesthetificating' on top of a thoroughly broken construction. 1522154;1471294660;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: recall the thread where mircea_popescu described phriend who went to usa and tried to have a proper house built ? 1522155;1471294662;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: don't anchor to the numbers... i only brought them up to overcome your lawnmower nonsense 1522156;1471294674;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: trabant ran on lawnmower engine. fact. 1522157;1471294700;pete_dushenski;and still had top speed of 62mph 1522158;1471294708;mircea_popescu;you can still find two stroke lawn mowers ?! 1522159;1471294741;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: my wheelbarrow also can do 62mph - downhill... 1522160;1471294760;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: right here in the land of the phreee 1522161;1471294770;mircea_popescu;i dunno what trabant did 100km/h. maybe in lab conditions, engine on bench sort of theory. 1522162;1471294774;asciilifeform;i think BingoBoingo has whole collection 1522163;1471294806;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i thought it was all either electric or else 4stroke for the ride-on stuff. 2strioke is such loud, smoky nonsense... 1522164;1471294827;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the smaller lawn machines are ~all 2stroke here. 1522165;1471294827;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: hm don't recall mp's bud's housebuilding thread 1522166;1471294843;mircea_popescu;they may be verboten in yurp 1522167;1471294866;pete_dushenski;2-stroke is common in orclandnorth. seen in snowblowers, leafblowers, etc. 1522168;1471294883;pete_dushenski;a blight i'd love to see die. 1522169;1471294919;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522049 << this is actually the controlling point. for all the theoretical theory of how "woman" should be ; you're still going to meet individual women with which it works or it doesn't. plenty of cases "the wrong" works way better than the theoretical best, even if present (which it oft isn;t) 1522170;1471294919;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 19:13 phf: somehow you can't just hold one variable, just cause you will it to be so. them dependency graphs find SAT, and the solution is might surprise you! 1522171;1471294994;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNhvpui3_p0<< irl trabant 601cc top speed. 117kph 1522172;1471295037;mircea_popescu;lmao check out the nox trabi 1522173;1471295078;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c3hQ6_-zzA << that's nothing compared to trabant 1.4. >150kph! 1522174;1471295082;asciilifeform;trabambourghini!1111 1522175;1471295084;mircea_popescu;dunno man... i'm thinking more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8 1522176;1471295088;pete_dushenski;might be engine swap 1522177;1471295095;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: reliant robin ? 1522178;1471295104;pete_dushenski;aha. 1522179;1471295132;pete_dushenski;classic tg episode. 1522180;1471295235;mircea_popescu;pretty lulzy 1522181;1471295259;mircea_popescu;anyway, i don't dispute that with care, and expert handling, even a stock trabant might, on perfect roads, safely drive 100km/h briefly. 1522182;1471295279;mircea_popescu;however, the actual artefact of the time in the context of its time was maybe capable of 80, and otherwise liked the 50/55/60 limits. 1522183;1471295413;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: found l0gz, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-04#546040 1522184;1471295413;a111;Logged on 2014-03-04 22:05 mircea_popescu: romanian friends went to us, bought land, proceeded to build (proper) house 1522185;1471295426;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: reading! 1522186;1471295489;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-12#827553 << see also. 1522187;1471295489;a111;Logged on 2014-09-12 15:28 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall the case of the people making that very cheap wholly natural house, being ordered to destroy it ? 1522188;1471295545;pete_dushenski;crazy... mp's pal must've been in new suburb. most every city in orcland has 'old' 'established' neighbourhoods with 100+yo mansions allowing if not even requiring 'proper' house to be built. ofc, land values in such areas are astronomical. 1522189;1471295578;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: 'established' typically allows whatever, so long as it was standing prior to 19xx or when. 1522190;1471295583;pete_dushenski;;;tlsb 1522191;1471295584;gribble;Error: "tlsb" is not a valid command. 1522192;1471295589;pete_dushenski;$tlsb 1522193;1471295604;pete_dushenski;;;tslb 1522194;1471295607;gribble;Time since last block: 58 minutes and 52 seconds 1522195;1471295611;pete_dushenski;that's the ticket 1522196;1471295625;trinque;someone sacrifice a virgin to the chaos god 1522197;1471295637;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: and in usa, you can typically build ~whatever in rural pissholes, or in 'industrial' zone. but ~nobody wants to live there. 1522198;1471295681;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: country estates in airstrip one work just fine in 'rural pisshole' 1522199;1471295737;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i know a fella who built himself 'country estate' in wv. 1522200;1471295747;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: you oughta see his ping time. 1522201;1471295776;pete_dushenski;i oughta see duke of westminster's ping time too 1522202;1471295779;asciilifeform;(and, iirc, when it rains, it is == infinity.) 1522203;1471295870;pete_dushenski;http://takimag.com/article/a_hot_month_for_clintons_body_count_gavin_mcinnes/print << light overview of clintler internal kill count. 1522204;1471295903;pete_dushenski;'having accidents' is the new heroine od. 1522205;1471295996;pete_dushenski;;;tslb 1522206;1471295998;gribble;Time since last block: 1 hour, 5 minutes, and 24 seconds 1522207;1471296079;asciilifeform;$s arkencide 1522208;1471296080;a111;2 results for "arkencide", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=arkencide 1522209;1471296131;asciilifeform;https://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater/qBVPNvLPjxw/L18xF9cmS7EJ << subj. 1522210;1471296159;pete_dushenski;damn. ya. 1522211;1471296188;pete_dushenski;the list just keeps growing. 1522212;1471296702;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-05-08#19757 << record-setter from the logs. 38 mins to go to match it. 1522213;1471296702;a111;Logged on 2013-05-08 01:55 gribble: Time since last block: 1 hour, 55 minutes, and 38 seconds 1522214;1471296796;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: also it looks like block spamfilling is in fashion again. 1522215;1471296809;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-05-08#19773 << a bit longer even. same block. 1522216;1471296809;a111;Logged on 2013-05-08 02:18 gribble: Time since last block: 2 hours, 17 minutes, and 59 seconds 1522217;1471296881;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: like round trotskyite eyeglasses, these things come and go. 1522218;1471296898;asciilifeform;https://cryptome.org/2016/08/nsa-malware-scripts.zip << docs, apparently, from http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522091 earlier. 1522219;1471296898;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 20:38 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522070 << the 'sample' goodies box, strangely enough, appears to be genuine (if quite uninteresting, imho.) and previously unpublished. fwiw. 1522220;1471297000;asciilifeform;'scripts' is misnomer, these are docs, mainly concerning the patching of fw in proprietary shitware (e.g., cisco, fortinet) 1522221;1471297300;asciilifeform;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-hongkong-bitfinex-idUSKCN10Q0DQ << moar lulz. 1522222;1471297319;asciilifeform;'Imposing losses on customers who were not hacked appears to go against the company's terms of service, said Ryan Straus, a Fenwick & West lawyer who advises financial technology companies ...' 1522223;1471297868;pete_dushenski;;;tslb 1522224;1471297872;gribble;Time since last block: 1 hour, 36 minutes, and 38 seconds 1522225;1471298250;ben_vulpes;cartel!1! 1522226;1471298280;trinque;;;bc,stats 1522227;1471298282;gribble;Current Blocks: 425379 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 2012 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 14 hours, 16 minutes, and 12 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1522228;1471298878;asciilifeform;;;tslb 1522229;1471298881;gribble;Time since last block: 5 minutes and 24 seconds 1522230;1471298883;asciilifeform;snore. 1522231;1471299263;phf;for a person who dreams of sleep ad libitum you sure snore a lot 1522232;1471299288;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6c8e3e6a-fcae-4736-87cf-eb20579317ac/ 1522233;1471299307;asciilifeform;phf: i've been sleeping ad libitun since mid-may. 1522234;1471299312;asciilifeform;*libitum 1522235;1471299350;phf;:) 1522236;1471299690;pete_dushenski;http://olympics.cbc.ca/video/vod/full-replay-men-100m-olympic-final.html << 9.80 for usain bolt. 1522237;1471300529;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522188 << the way this works is you go in "new" place, build for century, wait for civilisation to catch up, $profit. 1522238;1471300529;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 21:12 pete_dushenski: crazy... mp's pal must've been in new suburb. most every city in orcland has 'old' 'established' neighbourhoods with 100+yo mansions allowing if not even requiring 'proper' house to be built. ofc, land values in such areas are astronomical. 1522239;1471300546;mircea_popescu;only ustard will go into "high value", watch that erode from under their feet. 1522240;1471300663;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522233 << o hey, dreams come true ? tell me how does it pheel... 1522241;1471300663;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 22:15 asciilifeform: phf: i've been sleeping ad libitun since mid-may. 1522242;1471300943;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: define "new" ? 1522243;1471301015;mircea_popescu;it's complicated, esp in the states. in romania much more trivial a point, growth pattern of cities quite obvious. 1522244;1471301054;mircea_popescu;but the idea is that you want to be 10-20 years early to the party. much like you know, if you're gonna rent out fuckspace at burning man, best go there a day early park the van right. 1522245;1471301197;pete_dushenski;this 10-20 jump ahead of the 'cool' kids i've seen work here as well. currently 50-60s neighbourhoods are the attractive ones for $profit here. 1522246;1471301252;mircea_popescu;much easier to pull off in places that had historically insane restraints on land development which just went away. a lot harder to do in places which are increasingly insane. 1522247;1471301354;pete_dushenski;the neat thing about places (like edm) that are increasingly insane is that the definition of 'what's central' continues to expand as the peripheries explode across the prairie landscape. 1522248;1471301370;pete_dushenski;everything's relative and all that 1522249;1471301372;pete_dushenski;bbias 1522250;1471303705;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: ty, coda has been rehumored 1522251;1471303752;pete_dushenski;lol sweet title 1522252;1471303763;pete_dushenski;missing period at the end tho. 1522253;1471303812;pete_dushenski;or not eh. nvm. 1522254;1471303821;pete_dushenski;i see what you did there! 1522255;1471304126;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/fda-prepares-to-regulate-literal-shitware/ << Qntra - FDA Prepares To Regulate Literal Shitware 1522256;1471304382;BingoBoingo;lol 1522257;1471304421;BingoBoingo;Anyway pete ty for adding coverage of another life science today. 1522258;1471304581;pete_dushenski;avec plaisir, monsieur! 1522259;1471304761;*;pete_dushenski just waited 3 hrs for tx conf with 0.00022 fee. "bitcoin is the worst form of e-payments, except for all the rest." (tm) (r) 1522260;1471304834;mircea_popescu;in other buttprobing news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/a627461503eba0e91ba810b4d19ed847/tumblr_mqieovS7pn1s8za73o1_500.gif 1522261;1471304919;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522240 << not my first, nor even second jailbreak. 1522262;1471304919;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 22:37 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522233 << o hey, dreams come true ? tell me how does it pheel... 1522263;1471305538;pete_dushenski;http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?8116417-Communist-cars-Retro-Museum-Varna-Bulgaria << for misty-eyed sovietophiles. featuring trabant 2-stroke on floor(!) and 'pravetz' computadors. 1522264;1471305694;pete_dushenski;https://jimholroyd365d.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/made-in-the-ussr/ << and some toyz. 1522265;1471306466;pete_dushenski;https://medium.com/@nntaled/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority-3f1f83ce4e15#.7oipsx4yk << featuring profile pic of nnt in what appears to be a santa hat. 1522266;1471307388;*;pete_dushenski to dine on the town. 1522267;1471308236;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a really ? well cool then 1522268;1471308298;mircea_popescu;"Studying individual ants will never (one can safely say never for most such situations), never give us an idea on how the ant colony operates. For that, one needs to understand an ant colony as an ant colony, no less, no more, not a collection of ants." aaaand we lose interest. 1522269;1471308307;mircea_popescu;fucking collection of ignoramuses. 1522270;1471308474;mircea_popescu;(likbez : ant worker is not genetically distinct from ant queen. epigenetics (mostly, env factors - as in feed) make the fenotypical distinction. consequently yes, whole anthill, as far as its underlying mechanics go, is found in each worker ant, all you have to do is sequence the dna and explore the possibilities. that such is currently a computationally prohibitive task is not relevant to the discussion.) 1522271;1471308710;mircea_popescu;(likbez #2 : ant colony, nature's finest example of star topology, is for this reason uniquely bad example for the (correctly defined) "complex system". the boom-bust cycle of rabbits and other small rodents much better examples. complex systems are made of like parts, not worker-queen sorta nonsense.) 1522272;1471308739;mircea_popescu;(likbez #3 : that the socialist shithead can not think of anything because too obsessed with anthill fetish should be informative as to his braindamage) 1522273;1471308763;mircea_popescu;so there, biology, system theory, political science and psychanalysis! 1522274;1471308778;asciilifeform;usedtobe they were fixated on bees 1522275;1471308790;asciilifeform;why, i wonder, now ant. 1522276;1471308797;mircea_popescu;yeah ; but they meanwhile figured out that bees produce honey, and noticed their drones produce nothing. 1522277;1471308804;asciilifeform;that was my thought. 1522278;1471308813;mircea_popescu;i don't mean figured out in any sense but guy de maupassan'ts "animal instinct of peasants" 1522279;1471308822;asciilifeform;well yes. 1522280;1471308824;asciilifeform;how else. 1522281;1471308828;mircea_popescu;right. 1522282;1471308847;mircea_popescu;termite colony in fact uniquely valuable model for us. 1522283;1471308865;mircea_popescu;"table is solid - doesn't fall" 1522284;1471308903;asciilifeform;'so let's chew, chew some moar.' 1522285;1471308921;thestringpuller;so. I'm pretty sure the lulz cows want us to clean up the room. 1522286;1471308925;thestringpuller;for them. 1522287;1471308925;mircea_popescu;chew shares likely to grow for the foreseable future off permanently elevated plateau. 1522288;1471309209;asciilifeform;soooo why is taleb on 'medium'..? 1522289;1471309228;asciilifeform;was, unknown to me, tumblr user, and it broke ? 1522290;1471309430;phf;medium is hot new publishing platform. everyone is using it. 1522291;1471309446;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1eD4 1522292;1471309446;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1522293;1471309581;ben_vulpes;livejournal 4.9? 1522294;1471309585;mircea_popescu;fucking idiots. 1522295;1471309609;phf;join medium to join conversation 1522296;1471309615;mircea_popescu;you are triggering me. 1522297;1471309643;ben_vulpes;"with myyyy finger! on youuuuur trigger!" (tm) (r) beatles 1522298;1471309687;*;phf puts on a yarmulka and starts dancing 1522299;1471309738;mircea_popescu;in better news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/3b4c0f2726ab36808dc5508fbe2cb8e7/tumblr_moht1iWQtt1qg7xwvo1_500.gif 1522300;1471309751;asciilifeform;in yet other noose, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEWyGTmahhk 1522301;1471309765;asciilifeform;'BOZENA RIOT is a remotely operated, armored vehicle designed to handle riots and mobs in the streets and urbanized areas. The system offers a solution for both protecting the law-enforcement units in action and controlling the situation whenever peace maintenance is required. The machine's design follows the concept of the BOZENA 4 demining system, which has been in use in various countries across Europe, Africa...' 1522302;1471309796;mircea_popescu;does it hold up to dog piss ? 1522303;1471309805;asciilifeform;only 1 way to find out... 1522304;1471309930;phf;asciilifeform: first predicted in half life 3, http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/c/c5/D1_trainstation_02001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090705205045&path-prefix=en 1522305;1471309932;asciilifeform;built-in shotgun, gas sprayer... what's not to luvvvv 1522306;1471309936;mircea_popescu;anyway. the generals are figthing last war ; the notion that anyone wants or needs physical body agglomeration for any purpose is ridoinculous. 1522307;1471309941;mircea_popescu;the revolution ain't gonna be in the street. 1522308;1471310002;thestringpuller;phf: you mean half life 2 1522309;1471310006;thestringpuller;unless you were making a joke 1522310;1471310039;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno that it has much to do with 'revolutions', it's more of a pour la canaille faut la mitraille sort of thing. 1522311;1471310064;phf;thestringpuller: i lost count 1522312;1471310074;mircea_popescu;i guess. ironically - the govt really should luv a "riot" in this sense. those are its people, should just go with them. 1522313;1471310077;mircea_popescu;the enemy is not there. 1522314;1471310106;mircea_popescu;but hey, the clue store doesn't take filthy fiat. 1522315;1471310120;thestringpuller;phf: ironically, humans lost control of their own planet. it wasn't humans making those checkpoints. 1522316;1471310139;thestringpuller;perhaps asciilifeform is onto something about this delizardification 1522317;1471310289;mircea_popescu;holy shit, check out this dude : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9rCD7L8b_c 1522318;1471310313;mircea_popescu;~30 yo, fully hunchback, "marketing director" ? that country's fucked. 1522319;1471310473;phf;thestringpuller: personally i'm partial to venusian conspiracy 1522320;1471311349;mod6;<+pete_dushenski> mod6: pleased to report that 99994k spins up on deb7 without fuss. only comment would be on 'trb-howto' to suggest '-lows' command when booting bitcoind for the first time. << hey! Thanks for testing that! 1522321;1471311469;mod6;<+danielpbarron> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521703 << sure << did ya see just above where trinque posted the script & the hash? test the same way you would with V99995. shouldn't need to do anything different. 1522322;1471311469;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 23:03 mod6: ;;later tell danielpbarron You wanna help the Foundation test the latest V99994 incantation? 1522323;1471311920;mod6;<+trinque> pete_dushenski: http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99994.sh << <+trinque> 945bed24a93fdde2ab94b47503a00e40ec935faeb05a59a803315e24929d6dcd93d1e58ee18f1bbc6e11166d6a22425ba9c323d55f40d5700849e03eeb8291e5 /var/www/html/build-bitcoind-V99994.sh << thanks for posting trinque 1522324;1471311972;trinque;yw 1522325;1471312332;mod6;;;bc,stats 1522326;1471312334;gribble;Current Blocks: 425399 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1992 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 0 days, 7 hours, 56 minutes, and 32 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1522327;1471312427;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522318 << holyshit, how do you end up like this 1522328;1471312427;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 01:18 mircea_popescu: ~30 yo, fully hunchback, "marketing director" ? that country's fucked. 1522329;1471313539;phf;i feel like tmsr needs a bard, whatever happened to vexual 1522330;1471313848;asciilifeform;he's around. 1522331;1471313898;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect laptop. 1522332;1471313958;mircea_popescu;phf cat-toonist better. sadly, all the chicks are being silly. 1522333;1471314036;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in 1970, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9l40tsYTJ1rv4jkoo1_1280.jpg 1522334;1471314062;asciilifeform;l0l crapple kbd circa 201 1522335;1471314064;asciilifeform;2001 1522336;1471314069;mircea_popescu;shhh 1522337;1471314110;phf;i had that phone 1522338;1471314124;mircea_popescu;that's the pivotal part :D 1522339;1471314132;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22holy%22 << turns out fuck is slightly holier than shit. 1522340;1471314133;asciilifeform;i still have it ! 1522341;1471314145;asciilifeform;motherfucking phone. 1522342;1471314364;phf;huh, i only used holy once 1522343;1471314371;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-12#1431247 1522344;1471314371;a111;Logged on 2016-03-12 17:03 phf: also, holy mother of logs 1522345;1471314379;mircea_popescu;yeah, mother is a distant third 1522346;1471314402;phf;holy mother of logs is the only holy thing for a citizen of tmsr (unless they are, of course, danielpbarron) 1522347;1471314701;mircea_popescu;holy buncha pottymouths. 1522348;1471322871;BingoBoingo; termite colony in fact uniquely valuable model for us. << And if breeched is ripe for raping by ant colony. 1522349;1471323344;BingoBoingo;Ants vs termites is the oldest ongoing way. Termites soley buff on defensive stats while ants buff on offensive stats. 1522350;1471325192;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/there-may-be-lulz/ << Qntra - There May Be Lulz 1522351;1471325201;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai 1522352;1471346851;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521574 << the statement is exactly equivalent to observing that "keeping your mouth shut will prevent your saying of anything stupid". if that's your worldview, you're invited to follow your own advice. 1522353;1471346851;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 19:41 asciilifeform: mats: mircea_popescu will drill you a new arse for this contention (though i still do not grasp why) 1522354;1471346877;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo aha. 1522355;1471347842;mircea_popescu;heh. aaand a trb node is at height 419220 for absolutely no reason ; 50+ connections, stable etc. 1522356;1471347874;shinohai;O.o 1522357;1471347880;shinohai;;;blocks 1522358;1471347880;gribble;425462 1522359;1471351863;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which node ? 1522360;1471352290;shinohai;Peace in our specified time BingoBoingo o/ 1522361;1471352972;mircea_popescu;oh since i'm thinking about it : there's two specific items tmsr wants to bring to the field of probate reform : a) no juridical person beneficiary. no government, ngo, corporation, trust etc may obtain as much as a farthing from any succession. physical persons only. b) no tax or fee of any kind may be levied against succession. 1522362;1471353677;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this almost comes 'for phree' out of how bitcoin works - 'corporation' cannot hold a coin, even now, only an individual key holder. 1522363;1471353695;asciilifeform;which is part of the reason why enemy derps on and on with the 'multisig' nonsense 1522364;1471353711;asciilifeform;they feel, in their bones, that the 'individual keyholder' thing is a mega-problem, and it itches, itches. 1522365;1471356962;mircea_popescu;aha. 1522366;1471356970;mircea_popescu;it is a mega problem 1522367;1471358677;asciilifeform;in other definite non-news, who recalls http://btcbase.org/log/2013-07-27#174617 ? 1522368;1471358677;a111;Logged on 2013-07-27 16:08 ThickAsThieves: http://www.theverge.com/culture/2013/7/26/4561176/barnaby-jack-hacker-atm-pacemaker-dies 1522369;1471358698;asciilifeform;.., http://btcbase.org/log/2013-07-27#174618 http://btcbase.org/log/2013-07-27#174619 1522370;1471358698;a111;Logged on 2013-07-27 16:08 ozbot: Barnaby Jack, respected hacker of ATMs and medical devices, found dead in San Francisco | The Verge 1522371;1471358698;a111;Logged on 2013-07-27 16:08 ThickAsThieves: "Jack had been due to speak at the 2013 Black Hat cyber security conference in Las Vegas next Thursday, August 1st. He was allegedly going to present a method of wirelessly hacking a pacemaker" 1522372;1471358728;asciilifeform;so now the octopus tendrils proclaim, that he died of dope, http://publicaddress.net/speaker/the-uncomfortable-silence 1522373;1471358747;asciilifeform;but how much sense does 'For six months we were lucky. The autopsy report hadn't been finalised. Cause of death: unknown.' make ? 1522374;1471359003;asciilifeform;( almost enough to make one ask, has usg wetwork arm now grown fond of gassified fentanyl, like ru fsb earlier ? ) 1522375;1471359803;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://www.sfgate.com/crime/article/SF-judge-to-decide-fate-of-Gurbaksh-Chahal-in-9139376.php 1522376;1471359811;asciilifeform;'Multimillionaire tech mogul Gurbaksh Chahal — once one of San Francisco’s Internet entrepreneur darlings until he was convicted of domestic abuse and ousted from his own company — was sentenced to 12 months in County Jail Friday by a judge citing his pattern of violence against women.' 1522377;1471359903;asciilifeform;^ whole turd worth reading, a very MODERN!11111 trial, complete with seeeeeeekrit evidence and absent accusers 1522378;1471359993;asciilifeform;copy >> https://archive.is/9HhFQ 1522379;1471362326;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu re d. duke probate case, moar lelz, https://capitalresearch.org/2016/04/on-tearing-down-doris-dukes-home 1522380;1471362327;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1522381;1471362363;asciilifeform;'How do you honor your founder’s memory by tearing down her house?' 1522382;1471362370;asciilifeform;hey - they unzipped! why not also piss! 1522383;1471362955;mircea_popescu;heh. 1522384;1471362978;mircea_popescu;at least they're not "promoting the duke family history of individualism". all good. 1522385;1471363264;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform note how one gets "ousted" from "his own" company. because it totally was... his own. 1522386;1471363285;mircea_popescu;basically, they stole his shit, transnistria style. 1522387;1471363308;asciilifeform;eh ceo != owner, could always be ousted. 1522388;1471363320;asciilifeform;(unless, in principle, also owner) 1522389;1471363324;mircea_popescu;they didn't say "the company he ceo'd". they said "his own company" 1522390;1471363342;mircea_popescu;words have meanings, even if the lizzards are blissfully fentanyl'd. 1522391;1471363348;asciilifeform;the phrase is often abused, perhaps it was 'his' as apple was steve jobs's. 1522392;1471363354;asciilifeform;when the latter was kicked. 1522393;1471363374;mircea_popescu;yeah, but i don't care. everything the usg says will be used against it in all the ways it can be used against it ; and will not be used for it in any way. 1522394;1471363411;asciilifeform;well i have nfi who formally owned the thing. if it was a public co, as i understand the board can throw out ceo if they decide that they don't like the shape of his nose. 1522395;1471363425;mircea_popescu;hey. the source says he did own it ; therefore the source says usg stole his shit. 1522396;1471363541;mircea_popescu;due process. 1522397;1471363551;mircea_popescu;"we take your words and apply our logic to them.| 1522398;1471363561;asciilifeform;sooo thing looks to be a private co., with ownership structure unpublished afaik. 1522399;1471363579;asciilifeform;the business model is... spam. 1522400;1471363587;mircea_popescu;aha. 1522401;1471363602;mircea_popescu;like... 100% of all vc "businesses". 1522402;1471363628;asciilifeform;and not only, but apparently infamous lolcow previously, e.g., https://archive.is/Y2xN8 1522403;1471363679;asciilifeform;i have nfi why this particular ant ended up sizzling under the magnifying glass. 1522404;1471363700;asciilifeform;there may not even be a particular reason. other than the fact that ~some~ ant had to pop. 1522405;1471363743;mircea_popescu;ho prolly was connected unbeknownst to him. 1522406;1471363808;asciilifeform;if yer 'connected', why not warn victim to bend over in advance. 1522407;1471363851;asciilifeform;or 'ho' were part of deliberate minefield constructed for fella to walk into. 1522408;1471363866;mircea_popescu;it's a natural trap that ; men don't take what women blather five minutes before being smacked too seriously ; women don't tend to land the bomb earlier than it's obvious they're getting smacked. 1522409;1471363939;mircea_popescu;the principal avenue for avoidable bodies is precisely this - guy scores chick above his station, she imagines it's obvious he'll share he imagines it's obvious he won't, then she scores guy above her station because being married to someone else is a significant bonus to high level guys ; then the husband gets uppity, gets warned too late, slaps her arround and then next week gets killed. 1522410;1471363971;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1522044 << probably replacement will look like this..! 1522411;1471363971;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 19:10 phf: ben_vulpes: http://media.salon.com/2014/03/scott_rnc_ad.jpg 1522412;1471364004;mircea_popescu;between that on the upside and the dude i linked on the mean. 1522413;1471364059;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03-oY2P0Bgc << moldavian version of the same predicament. 1522414;1471364110;asciilifeform;on black planet they have maxim, 'bros before hos', against this rot. 1522415;1471364121;mircea_popescu;nonsense. 1522416;1471364124;asciilifeform;(i have nfi whether, or how, it helps.) 1522417;1471364139;mircea_popescu;who the fuck is going to priviledge the lower gainst the higher, and the male against the female ? two strikes against him already. 1522418;1471364175;asciilifeform;dunno, folks who'd like to not butcher their friends ? 1522419;1471364187;mircea_popescu;but the friend is the woman here. 1522420;1471364215;asciilifeform;not, as i gather, in orcland, there the friend is the friend, and the woman - the livestock 1522421;1471364326;asciilifeform;even the godforsaken english have the 'bros' thing in their folklore 1522422;1471364341;mircea_popescu;that's loserdom, really. 1522423;1471364342;asciilifeform;(guinevere) 1522424;1471364368;mircea_popescu;think about it for a moment. you'll know a few hundred people. if you're the emperor most of them will be whores for the simple reason that whores know more people than i dunno, soldiers. 1522425;1471364395;asciilifeform;sooo, roxelana running the empire by pulling on her muppet's strings, this is 'winnerdom' ? 1522426;1471364438;mircea_popescu;you'll have to be careful to distinguish the butthurt of the losers from historical reality. 1522427;1471364480;asciilifeform;unfortunately i do not presently own a working chronoscope, so i'm stuck with the written record. 1522428;1471364532;mircea_popescu;myeah. especially problematic - the part where the successful arrangement doesn't actually get exposed. 1522429;1471364534;asciilifeform;will happily read the butttriumph of the winnerz, when such is available. 1522430;1471364547;mircea_popescu;it becomes obvious when inept derps practice it (see the clintons), but otherwise... 1522431;1471364560;asciilifeform;'there are good spies, famous spies, but no good, famous...' 1522432;1471364561;mircea_popescu;you familiar with clinton's harem right ? 1522433;1471364569;mircea_popescu;not just wifey, also that "lesbian" what's her name etc. 1522434;1471364572;asciilifeform;superficially 1522435;1471364604;mircea_popescu;alexander's empire existed in no small part because of the various whores, including his mother. caesar very much idem - and marc anthony failed to inherit it. 1522436;1471364629;mircea_popescu;hitler ? need i name hitler ? the fucking point of fuhrerprinzip was "every woman in germany is a whore." 1522437;1471364682;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522409 << "high level guys" see adultery as a "bonus" ?? 1522438;1471364682;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 16:12 mircea_popescu: the principal avenue for avoidable bodies is precisely this - guy scores chick above his station, she imagines it's obvious he'll share he imagines it's obvious he won't, then she scores guy above her station because being married to someone else is a significant bonus to high level guys ; then the husband gets uppity, gets warned too late, slaps her arround and then next week gets killed. 1522439;1471364722;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron yes. if she's not married, and wants to have kids, some sort of arrangement will have to be made. this has a cost. if she is ALREADY made the fix is already in. this is a value. 1522440;1471364736;*;danielpbarron barfs 1522441;1471364738;mircea_popescu;$up fiddlerwoaroof 1522442;1471364738;deedbot;fiddlerwoaroof voiced for 30 minutes. 1522443;1471364768;mircea_popescu;$up thortron 1522444;1471364768;deedbot;thortron voiced for 30 minutes. 1522445;1471364777;mircea_popescu;you know the joke with "tell me the truth, is he really mine" danielpbarron ? 1522446;1471364784;danielpbarron;nope 1522447;1471364839;mircea_popescu;patriarch lies dying - something like big daddy in the tennessee williams play. he started with nothing, just the rickety box of his bum father, and now has ten thousand acres of the most fertile land this side of the river nile. 1522448;1471364868;mircea_popescu;and he has seven sons. six of which - big, strong, beautiful men. the seventh - well, a repugnant hunchback, like that "marketing director" version of mircea popescu. 1522449;1471364886;mircea_popescu;so he waves them out, to be with his wife of lo these many years, and, taken by a stray thought, he asks her 1522450;1471364895;mircea_popescu;"ida, tell me the truth. that last one - is he mine ?" 1522451;1471364901;mircea_popescu;"yes, darling. that one is yours." 1522452;1471364921;danielpbarron;heh 1522453;1471365028;danielpbarron;at least in the line i quoted, it ends with the husband getting killed. It's better for a man to die than for him to live with his wife taken by another. (2 Samuel 11) 1522454;1471365036;mircea_popescu;moral being that at some point you will have to decide what you want the woman to do. she'll execute your priorities, if she's any good, but they must be clear in your head first of all. so : do you want strong boys to work your farm, or don't you ? 1522455;1471365111;danielpbarron;i would want my wife to not commit adultery; that's more important than whatever benefits might arise from such an act 1522456;1471365121;asciilifeform;'magic lamp problem' 1522457;1471365133;asciilifeform;rub,rub lamp, 'genie, get my son out of that burning house' 1522458;1471365137;asciilifeform;pause..., 1522459;1471365146;asciilifeform;gas main blows, son is flying 50 metres vertically 1522460;1471365152;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron this is your choice to make. but be aware that there's a perfectly valid interpretation of that joke where the dying man is actually proud of the competent ho on his side. 1522461;1471365174;mircea_popescu;"did you want to try farming with 7 hunchbacks ?" 1522462;1471365190;danielpbarron;and people are proud of the murders they do, I'm sure. 1522463;1471365199;mircea_popescu;an assassin'd better be. 1522464;1471365219;danielpbarron;(forgetting for a moment that pride in ~anything~ is already wicked) 1522465;1471365234;mircea_popescu;for THIS reason, mind. 1522466;1471365237;mircea_popescu;no oher. 1522467;1471365256;mircea_popescu;pride is, in this manner, for this reason, by this avenue, the spark of lucifer, ie, the genius. he who would make. 1522468;1471365351;mircea_popescu;people generally like to think faust is a story about someone else. just like they pretend italian cinema is about, you know, that place in europe, and they're ruled by hollywood nonsense. as if that's how things fucking work now. 1522469;1471365953;BingoBoingo; like... 100% of all vc "businesses". << Not quite. There's this entire sector of especially spammy companies headed by Preets and based on various forms of click fraud to drive revenue. 1522470;1471366194;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't, unfortunately, as if the 'hollywood nonsense' were harmlessly decorative. there are countless cases of, e.g., police AND arrestee both, acting out 'hollywood script' from their heads... 1522471;1471368340;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1522472;1471368342;gribble;Current Blocks: 425491 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1900 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 1 day, 4 hours, 47 minutes, and 59 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1522473;1471368382;trinque;asciilifeform: this is american life by now, but it's acting out "that pic I saw on instagram" 1522474;1471368392;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: you mean blog spam? 1522475;1471368411;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: Not exactly 1522476;1471368418;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: you've been watching too much Beavis and Butthead! 1522477;1471368446;BingoBoingo;More the "make money online" farms where they gather saps to collect fiat penny shavings for interacting with ads. 1522478;1471368464;thestringpuller;dat mechanical turk money tho 1522479;1471368482;thestringpuller;i think it was asciilifeform who showed me the chinese app rating farms 1522480;1471368555;trinque;thestringpuller: boy, stop hhhwhackin in my trailer! 1522481;1471368593;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: can't say i've ever seen it.. 1522482;1471369209;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: in beaivs in butthead there are several situations when they act out hollywood. they don't die tho cause cartoons. 1522483;1471369228;thestringpuller;like the episode were beavis runs head first as fast as possible into a brick wall thinking he'll bust through 1522484;1471369240;thestringpuller;cuz kool-aid man 1522485;1471369274;trinque;beavis in butthead sounds like fanfic to me. 1522486;1471369304;*;asciilifeform not burning with desire to watch this. 1522487;1471369693;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/network-difficult-hits-new-high-in-third-post-halving-adjustment/ << Qntra - Network Difficult Hits New High In Third Post Halving Adjustment 1522488;1471369708;thestringpuller;trinque: wow i can't type today. good thing i'm not qntraing today 1522489;1471370743;asciilifeform;https://xorcatt.wordpress.com/2016/08/16/equationgroup-tool-leak-extrabacon-demo << some fella tested one of the cisco payloads. appears to work. 1522490;1471370760;asciilifeform;( https://archive.is/5GxlW ) 1522491;1471370790;asciilifeform;(wish they'd quit using kaspersky's idiot euphemism for usg) 1522492;1471370910;asciilifeform;meanwhile, völkischer beobachter: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/why-github-removed-links-to-alleged-nsa-data : '“Per our Terms of Service (section A8), we do not allow the auction or sale of stolen property on GitHub. As such, we have removed the repository in question,” Kate Guarente, from Github's communications team, told Motherboard in a statement.' 1522493;1471370926;asciilifeform;didja know, usg gets to claim copyrasty on its malware ? 1522494;1471370952;asciilifeform;if you and i write virii, and try to file copyright claim against antivirus co, or against victim, judge will die of laughter 1522495;1471370960;asciilifeform;but nsa - apparently not. 1522496;1471370975;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: qntra ^ ? 1522497;1471371062;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: I'll wait a couple hours and prolly give it the Roundup Xtend treatment. Lotta little lulz around this. 1522498;1471371482;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522470 << sure. 1522499;1471371482;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 16:49 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it isn't, unfortunately, as if the 'hollywood nonsense' were harmlessly decorative. there are countless cases of, e.g., police AND arrestee both, acting out 'hollywood script' from their heads... 1522500;1471371582;mircea_popescu;" Good morning sir, Can you please see attached, was at the machine shop this morning and he said this has not been paid as of yet. This is really overdue, the machine shop jumps on anything I bring over, does quality work and gets me back the work quickly. Please, anything you can do to expedite this would be greatly appreciated." << speaking of spam. if anyone wants the enclosed JAR lemme know. 1522501;1471371602;asciilifeform;lol jar?! 1522502;1471371623;asciilifeform;turdroid infector. 1522503;1471371755;mircea_popescu;seems like a parallel world, of middle eastern aziz's dwelling in immitation cubicals, running java machines on their "engineering" desktops... 1522504;1471371783;mircea_popescu;the sort of social relations implicit in that text are so fucking NUTS already... 1522505;1471371785;asciilifeform;payload is for a pnoje. 1522506;1471371791;asciilifeform;and yes. 1522507;1471371811;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yhou can root iphone with a jar now ? 1522508;1471371821;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not i 1522509;1471371823;asciilifeform;pnoje 1522510;1471371826;asciilifeform;but the other one 1522511;1471371844;asciilifeform;the one where they exactly re-created the winblowz ecosystem without ever involving microshit 1522512;1471371860;mircea_popescu;uh. like what, samsung something or the other ? 1522513;1471371861;asciilifeform;complete with 'mother, why is yer phone so slooooow' 1522514;1471371867;asciilifeform;the whole android shebang. 1522515;1471371880;mircea_popescu;turns out microstupid is a way of life. 1522516;1471371897;asciilifeform;and they've standardized enough that it is worth taking the time to write 1 infector. 1522517;1471371901;mircea_popescu;they actually run a java machine on an android-os phone ? 1522518;1471371901;PeterL;android sucks. is there a better alternative? 1522519;1471371914;asciilifeform;PeterL: depends what you ask for 'better'. 1522520;1471371933;PeterL;sucks less, but is not crapple? 1522521;1471371939;asciilifeform;'sitting on this razor-studded road cone sucks, is there better alternative ?' 1522522;1471371949;asciilifeform;'here's a cone without razors' 1522523;1471371953;asciilifeform;'no, i wanted not crapple' 1522524;1471371966;mircea_popescu;PeterL http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1512335 1522525;1471371966;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 19:08 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1512301 << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502116 seriously. 1522526;1471372007;mircea_popescu;that didn't work so well. 1522527;1471372018;asciilifeform;lel this never recursed 1522528;1471372026;mircea_popescu;anyway - the official tmsr mobile phone seems to currently be samsung e1200. 1522529;1471372042;mircea_popescu;unless you were asking for a desktop, in which case make your own. 1522530;1471372046;PeterL;that is not smartphone 1522531;1471372057;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as "smartphone". just dumbuyer. 1522532;1471372071;mircea_popescu;there is phone ; there is computer. which did you want ? 1522533;1471372078;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wouldn't i make a great soviet shop keeper ? 1522534;1471372085;asciilifeform;sure would. 1522535;1471372092;asciilifeform;'fish is what they dun have over there!' 1522536;1471372102;asciilifeform;'now bugger off.' 1522537;1471372106;mircea_popescu;mno. "cardildo is not a thing. did you want a car or a dildo." 1522538;1471372152;asciilifeform;i'ma guess PeterL wants a gadget you can read l0gz on in the train, etc. 1522539;1471372172;PeterL;it is convienient to have phone/texting/camera/music streaming/log reading all on one device in a pocket 1522540;1471372186;mircea_popescu;it is also convenient to have a cardildo. 1522541;1471372195;mircea_popescu;the only problem is the sort of woman that you end up with, if you own one. 1522542;1471372213;asciilifeform;what sort is that ? 1522543;1471372225;mircea_popescu;well... big enough to fit the car dildo. 1522544;1471372274;*;mircea_popescu pictures woman flying around with tip of boeing in her snatch, "YES! YES! HARDER!" for a visual. 1522545;1471372402;asciilifeform;in some respects it is the beloved desktop that is 'cardildo' 1522546;1471372426;asciilifeform;i.e. something which COULD easily be made small and - when detached from the 10kg keyboard - reasonably portable , being instead gigantic and stationary. 1522547;1471372446;mircea_popescu;if detached from your head you'd also be a lot more portable. 1522548;1471372455;asciilifeform;well - the head 1522549;1471372467;mircea_popescu;what did you think the computer's head is ? the monitor ? the cpu ? 1522550;1471372480;mircea_popescu;it's the fucking keyboard. that little wire running from kbd to ps/2 port, that's its spine. 1522551;1471372483;mircea_popescu;has no other. 1522552;1471372531;*;asciilifeform pictures mircea_popescu riding with desktop comp in palanquin, six slaves at the handrails 1522553;1471372532;mircea_popescu;what the computer does without a keyboard is digestion, not thinking. 1522554;1471372552;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what, like baal in d2 ? 1522555;1471372554;asciilifeform;1 gurl to carry trailing mains cord 1522556;1471372558;PeterL;you can have a computer without a keyboard (gets instructions from network or other devices), a keyboard without the computer connected does not do much thinking 1522557;1471372569;mircea_popescu;PeterL similarly to a detached head, yes. 1522558;1471372709;mircea_popescu;and ftr, my principal objection to laptops is that they aren't... WIDE enough. 1522559;1471372738;mircea_popescu;if someone came up with the sane idea of making a 1m x 30cm laptop, whence the screen unfolds and turns 90 degrees, i'd probably consider that item au par with a desktop. 1522560;1471372757;asciilifeform;i thought mircea_popescu insisted on ability to swap boards, etc. 1522561;1471372776;mircea_popescu;there's nothing intrinsically unswappable in a laptop. just, manufacturers elect to be idiots. 1522562;1471372795;PeterL;you want your screen 3 times as tall as it is wide? 1522563;1471372799;mircea_popescu;yes. 1522564;1471372802;asciilifeform;PeterL: mine is. 1522565;1471372805;mircea_popescu;3.3 actually. 1522566;1471372852;mircea_popescu;and i wouldn't complain if it only ran in 80 x 640 cga mode, for that matter. 1522567;1471372852;asciilifeform;it is actually the ~correct~ way of making computer screen. 1522568;1471372852;PeterL;hmm, I go the other way, two wide aspect monitors side by side 1522569;1471372863;asciilifeform;this was known ages ago, e.g., http://core0.staticworld.net/images/idge/imported/article/ctw/2010/09/20/parc_alto_338-100395532-orig.jpg 1522570;1471372882;mircea_popescu;PeterL what do you do with them ? 1522571;1471372903;PeterL;typically I have several programs open side by side, one or two pwr monitor 1522572;1471372908;PeterL;*per 1522573;1471372922;mircea_popescu;so it's really entirely arbitrary, for all you know you use tall displays. 1522574;1471372928;mircea_popescu;naggum's 3 ring binder thing 1522575;1471372932;asciilifeform;( http://toastytech.com/guis/salto.html << see also. ) 1522576;1471372949;PeterL;what 3 ring binder thing? 1522577;1471372965;mircea_popescu;$s "less clutter" 1522578;1471372965;a111;5 results for "\"less clutter\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22less%20clutter%22 1522579;1471372984;asciilifeform;PeterL: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/lcd.jpg 1522580;1471373004;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-12-22#429394 1522581;1471373004;a111;Logged on 2013-12-22 16:56 asciilifeform: 'what people “want” is a function of what they learn is available. e.g., do Americans want three-ring binders, and Europeans four-ring binders? or do they want binders and take whatever number of holes they come with? or do they want something that can help them organize their papers and take whatever is available? or do they really want a less cluttered office and ease of storage and retrieval of the infor 1522582;1471373029;mircea_popescu;check out the crazy quotes. damn. 1522583;1471373076;phf;most right monitor is definitely full screen porn 1522584;1471373085;PeterL;I like to have several things open and easily be able to switch between then by turning head 1522585;1471373147;mircea_popescu;he has a point in that horiz scanning is better in humans than vertical. so if indeed he does something like a stoick trader, 3x2 2x1 etc. 1522586;1471373165;asciilifeform;which is why i have 4xvertical 1522587;1471373189;asciilifeform;but when eye focuses on particular document, is is vertical, as it should be ! 1522588;1471373210;mircea_popescu;in old news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/f3a930d71480cbce1f5d3cddf2e094c3/tumblr_milrroXn1j1rsnf49o1_500.gif 1522589;1471373214;PeterL;or jumping back and forth between chemical drawing program and spreadsheet 1522590;1471373243;phf;i actually have hard time reading documents when they start all the way at the tall top, but i think that might be from now harmful habit of laptoping 1522591;1471373280;asciilifeform;phf: when the thing is tall enough, it becomes necessary to intelligently adjust the chair/table. 1522592;1471373292;mircea_popescu;PeterL i dunno man, when i did the closest equiv to that, ie, swapping between building project and calculations, i kept the sheets one under the other, not one next to the other. 1522593;1471373349;phf;asciilifeform: proper ergonomics is a novel thing for me, as documented in logs 1522594;1471373359;mircea_popescu;phf not to mention banking. 1522595;1471373368;mircea_popescu;but we understand, orcdom is orcdom 1522596;1471373369;mircea_popescu;:D 1522597;1471373374;asciilifeform;phf: i personally like the resting eye level to be approx. 2/3 of the way to the top of the tallest lcd. 1522598;1471373378;asciilifeform;but that's just me. 1522599;1471373403;PeterL;think of this: if you have two pieces of paper, writing on one and checking data from the other, do you put them side by side or put on on top of the other and have to keep lifting it to read the other? 1522600;1471373463;*;phf goes full tommy devito, "you motherfucker" 1522601;1471373693;mircea_popescu;i put the one i'm reading on top, and the one i note on the bottom 1522602;1471373715;mircea_popescu;in another life, /me got a lot of mileage out of an old painter's table for this purpose, checking civil engineering designs. 1522603;1471373723;mircea_popescu;phf lol! 1522604;1471373745;mircea_popescu;do you mean joe pesci in the "get your shoeshine kit" scene in casino ? 1522605;1471373844;mircea_popescu;ah nm, it was goodfellas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pQ6fd6iO_c 1522606;1471373952;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/36273b7d7a.jpg << see also. 1522607;1471373977;mircea_popescu;is that a spent dildo next to him ? 1522608;1471373988;asciilifeform;spent?! 1522609;1471374082;asciilifeform;( i suppose, in the olden days, when a power dildo was a glass tube with bee swarm sealed in, it could be 'spend' when most of the bees are dead .... but this dun look like a beetronic dildo.) 1522610;1471374124;mircea_popescu;every dick's eventually spent, you can make it of whatever you want, metal, glass, dun matter. 1522611;1471374136;asciilifeform;'water grinds stone' sense ? 1522612;1471374138;asciilifeform;i can picture. 1522613;1471374169;mircea_popescu;neway. i was jus' bein' a little stylistical. 1522614;1471374276;phf;joe pesci in "how the fuck am i funny" scene, but the shoeshine kit works too 1522615;1471374287;mircea_popescu;"tommy devito" eh ? 1522616;1471374334;phf;that's his character! 1522617;1471374383;mircea_popescu;so it is, so it is. 1522618;1471374389;phf;"bing, what are you still doing here, i thought i told you to go fuck your mother?" 1522619;1471374473;mircea_popescu;which reminds me of perhaps the best cartoon episode ever made. 1522620;1471374616;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3vvu7bFD2Y&t=709 1522621;1471376566;phf;i was curious how thye going to make it G 1522622;1471377028;jurov;https://lkml.org/lkml/2016/8/15/445 "Fake Linus Torvalds' Key Found in the Wild, No More Short-IDs." 1522623;1471377052;asciilifeform;jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521810 1522624;1471377052;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 13:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521780 << these take at worst a ~week of (a very modest) cpu, to generate. 1522625;1471377113;asciilifeform;this idiocy, of course, is smoke, being spread to distract from the fact that generating LONG fp collision is now reasonably inexpensive. 1522626;1471377178;asciilifeform;sks, lulzily, continues to insist on displaying the short fp. 1522627;1471377185;asciilifeform;which is where we get the mirrored keys on phuctor. 1522628;1471377353;phf;i suspect that phuctor work has increased attention to gpg both on wrecker and on attacker side. no way that short-id collision would've been a thing without phuctor 1522629;1471377446;asciilifeform;phf: recall the faux peter anvin key ? 1522630;1471377455;asciilifeform;(one of the first phuctor finds) 1522631;1471377462;asciilifeform;it's been a thing, for eons. 1522632;1471377475;asciilifeform;just not, for some reason, publicly discussed. 1522633;1471377497;asciilifeform;(even now, observe the pains to which the supposed 'luminaries', e.g., the kernel folk, go, to avoid mentioning phuctor) 1522634;1471377547;asciilifeform;because It Never Happened! And If It Did, We Had It First! And Better! And Hanno Boeck! And Who Were Those Terrorists Again? 1522635;1471379839;mircea_popescu;yeah this entire "id of rsa key" thing needs a fix. i imagine sha512 of tmsr standard is the only way to go. 1522636;1471379872;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: with a hash that long, you may as well simply display the modulus. 1522637;1471379886;asciilifeform;'key id' is a heavy burden to put on a poor old hash. 1522638;1471379905;asciilifeform;( we dun even know whether hashes work !! ) 1522639;1471379910;mircea_popescu;problem is you want a modulus-comment association no ? 1522640;1471379954;mircea_popescu;buy yes, base-56'd modulus is an obv alternative. 1522641;1471380022;mircea_popescu;actually, why the fuck are we even using "base 56", which is braindamaged (no 1 AND no l ? really ?) when we should really be using base-120 or somesuch, ascii-high-byte half. 1522642;1471380058;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you mean 58 ? 1522643;1471380064;asciilifeform;(who and where is using base56 ??) 1522644;1471380108;mircea_popescu;$google base56 1522645;1471380109;deedbot;https://www.facebook.com/base56gym/ << BASE 56 GYM | Facebook | http://rossduggan.ie/blog/codetry/base-56-integer-encoding-in-php/ << Base-56 Integer Encoding in PHP | Ross Duggan | http://thebaseyouthcentre.co.uk/about-us/base56/ << Base 56 | The Base Youth Centre 1522646;1471380132;asciilifeform;bitcoin used base68 for addrs. 1522647;1471380139;asciilifeform;pgp - base64 for armourgrams. 1522648;1471380146;asciilifeform;56 - i have nfi, who ever used, for what. 1522649;1471380172;mircea_popescu;ascii 36 through 126 inclusive (91 elements). much better. 1522650;1471380207;mircea_popescu;perhaps excepting one of 96, 39. make it 90. 1522651;1471380251;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ideally tmsr rsa, such as for eulora etc, uses a fp and armored base90 as above. so there! 1522652;1471380269;asciilifeform;which 90 ? 1522653;1471380284;mircea_popescu;ascii 36 through 126 inclusive excepting #96 1522654;1471380300;mircea_popescu;ie ` 1522655;1471380342;asciilifeform;why forsaken 33-35 ? 1522656;1471380361;asciilifeform;and what did 96 ever do to mircea_popescu 1522657;1471380363;mircea_popescu;hm. 1522658;1471380369;mircea_popescu;ascii 32! through 126 inclusive excepting #96 1522659;1471380376;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's fucking small and looks like ' 1522660;1471380391;asciilifeform;lel, not to a lisp programmer!1111 1522661;1471380395;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1522662;1471380436;BingoBoingo;Fuck it, encode with Baudot! 1522663;1471380449;asciilifeform;y'know, if yer gonna have keyboard-typable format for keys, 1522664;1471380459;asciilifeform;why not go the next step and have human-readable key. 1522665;1471380466;asciilifeform;with the moduli, in, yes, hex 1522666;1471380475;asciilifeform;the structure - as sexpr. 1522667;1471380495;asciilifeform;why have the blob code/decode gymnastics at all. 1522668;1471380520;mircea_popescu;because hex takes 2 characters per byte ; whereas this would take ~1.232 characters/byte 1522669;1471380554;asciilifeform;and we will go broke over telegraph time, sending a few moar bits ? 1522670;1471380571;mircea_popescu;62% more bits. 1522671;1471380583;mircea_popescu;and let it be hand-usable. 1522672;1471380597;mircea_popescu;also, let it look exactly like passwords. 1522673;1471380664;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1eUa 1522674;1471380664;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1522675;1471380668;asciilifeform;the reason i favour sexpr is that 'magic format fields' are retarded. 1522676;1471380677;asciilifeform;i.e. the whole fucking rfc4880/2440 business. 1522677;1471380699;mircea_popescu;that's not really related is it ? all i'm discussing is a) fingerprint and b) armorer format. 1522678;1471380713;asciilifeform;well ~having~ an 'armourer format' implies the whole bag of shit. 1522679;1471380725;asciilifeform;where book-length turd specifies how the bigint bits must be stored, etc. 1522680;1471380791;asciilifeform;btw if somebody wants to gzip the sexpr and base-whatever it, nobody keeps him. 1522681;1471380812;asciilifeform;'saving bits' belongs at ~that~ layer, not in the crypto format. 1522682;1471380869;mircea_popescu;and for the record, base-tmsr=` !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuVWXYZ{|}~` 1522683;1471380887;asciilifeform;there we go. 1522684;1471380894;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wait, what ? implies ? 1522685;1471380920;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i suppose it doesn't, does it. 1522686;1471380956;mircea_popescu;i dunno, im trying to follow your idea here ? 1522687;1471381003;asciilifeform;idea is that a fully uncompressed, dearmoured, etc. key will be a sexpr. 1522688;1471381006;mircea_popescu;neways, 95 characters. 95^1.2177 = 256.02008. 2/1.2177 = 1.642440667. 1522689;1471381010;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i see no problem with this. 1522690;1471381014;mircea_popescu;beats it being a csv line. 1522691;1471381043;mircea_popescu;the one remaining cowlick is, should fingerprint cover the whole e, N, comment ? 1522692;1471381080;asciilifeform;the e and the N. (in the case of rsa.) 1522693;1471381099;mircea_popescu;i am in favour of includingthe comment. for the following two reasons : 1522694;1471381101;asciilifeform;selfsig, on other hand, covers whole thing. 1522695;1471381111;mircea_popescu;a) it becomes no longer obvious for enemy whether key is or is not = key he wants to look for. 1522696;1471381130;mircea_popescu;b) i do not regard a modulus with a new comment pasted in as "same". 1522697;1471381155;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no selfsig. 1522698;1471381155;asciilifeform;having folks 'die and reborn' because they switched email hosts is braindamaged. 1522699;1471381168;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? 1522700;1471381176;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no selfsig in a hand-keyed item is suicidal. 1522701;1471381188;asciilifeform;how will you detect rot ? 1522702;1471381200;mircea_popescu;if your process can't detect rot, you can't use rsa. 1522703;1471381204;mircea_popescu;how da fuck did you get the key ? 1522704;1471381239;asciilifeform;i keyed it in from a napkin, say. 1522705;1471381247;mircea_popescu;and you ask the owner "is this right" 1522706;1471381258;asciilifeform;and he asks 'which this' 1522707;1471381273;mircea_popescu;you can't have his key. 1522708;1471381285;mircea_popescu;if owner asks "which this" you are not sufficiently connected so as for you to has his key. 1522709;1471381287;asciilifeform;who, then, can ? 1522710;1471381300;mircea_popescu;sane people! 1522711;1471381306;asciilifeform;who trade keys using what ? 1522712;1471381312;mircea_popescu;anything they know works. 1522713;1471381314;asciilifeform;magical cable that transmits 0 error ? 1522714;1471381325;mircea_popescu;no cable. 1522715;1471381339;mircea_popescu;keys spread in wetware, not mechanically. 1522716;1471381354;asciilifeform;and modularly-exponentiated also in wetware ? 1522717;1471381358;mircea_popescu;no. 1522718;1471381377;mircea_popescu;machine processes ; people spread/administer. that's rsa key lifecycle. 1522719;1471381395;asciilifeform;realize that when it is moved from place to place via whatever mechanism, it will rot. 1522720;1471381399;asciilifeform;even talmud had checksums. 1522721;1471381414;asciilifeform;srsly we're talking 1500+ y.o. tech. 1522722;1471381417;mircea_popescu;it's not "the sks server" that is retarded. is the concept of machine-spread rsa key that's retarded ; much in the way of "machine-generated trust", be it embodied in "dao" or "colored coins" or "safe bitbet" 1522723;1471381439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why should it care ? keep it so it doesn't rot. 1522724;1471381448;asciilifeform;this doesn't exist in our universe. 1522725;1471381458;mircea_popescu;anyway, fp is "checksum" de facto - if your modulus rotted it will no longer match the fingerprint 1522726;1471381485;asciilifeform;issue remains with the first time you encounter a modulus/fp set. 1522727;1471381500;mircea_popescu;the first time you encounter them you're in the presence of their owner. 1522728;1471381526;mircea_popescu;much like dali certifies all copies ; he certifies yours. 1522729;1471381531;mircea_popescu;talmud also had this. 1522730;1471381583;asciilifeform;the 'fp as authenticator' only works if you, as mircea_popescu suggested, hash over the id string. 1522731;1471381590;mircea_popescu;yes. 1522732;1471381626;mircea_popescu;i want it to work this way though. if you take away my comment from my key and add something about how "miss piggy is the hawtest!!1" it's not, in my view, the same item. 1522733;1471381644;mircea_popescu;though material encrypted to it will still only be readable by me. 1522734;1471381644;asciilifeform;well selfsig prevented this. 1522735;1471381653;mircea_popescu;but we don't want selfsig, for many reasons. 1522736;1471381669;asciilifeform;for my edification, can haz some ? 1522737;1471381671;asciilifeform;reasons. 1522738;1471381769;mircea_popescu;sure. some classes : as it's unnecessary in the discussed scheme, it 1) adds weaknes through requiring unneeded computation ; 2) gives crevice for shitgnomery for no reason (see anvin bs) ; 3) possibly creates weakness through unnecessary computation on key generation 1522739;1471381823;mircea_popescu;as it's not acctually correctly designed it 1) creates false sense of security ; 2) creates unnecessary byzantinism and "can't pop the hood on this" 1522740;1471381845;asciilifeform;well, the way it is done in gpg (rsa sig of sha1) is indeed retarded 1522741;1471381859;asciilifeform;but so is all pgp signature, in nearly same way. 1522742;1471381880;asciilifeform;(yes you can swap out sha1 for 512 in own sigs, but what if i want to sign ACTUAL datum, not hash?) 1522743;1471381888;mircea_popescu;3) as it's theoretically nonsensical, it feeds a bunch of idiotic yet unconscious expectations in the mind of the user. i am well convinced that the general "i'll pull myself by own breeches" attitude of "creative" people is both due to and resulting in the gpg selfsig 1522744;1471381910;asciilifeform;waiwat?! 1522745;1471381917;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is a "self sig" ? 1522746;1471381927;mircea_popescu;the one thing you can't do is - SELF SIG. 1522747;1471381931;mircea_popescu;find someone to sign for you. 1522748;1471381942;asciilifeform;in gpg it is rsa sig of all the bits in the turd other than itself. 1522749;1471381949;asciilifeform;(sha1 thereof, rather.) 1522750;1471381965;mircea_popescu;so ? 1522751;1471381971;mircea_popescu;a key can't certify itself. 1522752;1471382040;asciilifeform;it is a checksum. 1522753;1471382051;mircea_popescu;a.key.can.not.certify.itself. never. not ever. 1522754;1471382059;mircea_popescu;the fact that it appears to breeds idiocy in the youth. 1522755;1471382075;mircea_popescu;the fact that the youth is imbecile crates such designs 1522756;1471382078;asciilifeform;if selfsig did not exist, we would have considerably less clue re where 'mirrorolade' came from. 1522757;1471382079;mircea_popescu;and so on and infinitum. 1522758;1471382089;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform we'd also care a lot less. 1522759;1471382099;mircea_popescu;and we currently DO NOT have any fucking clue anyway. 1522760;1471382123;asciilifeform;well smart money bets that it isn't keygen-side (or it would have valid new sigs.) 1522761;1471382128;mircea_popescu;this is the problem with socialist solutions : they cap the benefit certainly ; and offer some solution that half works. so you've traded the long tail of the future for the guarantee of current failure. 1522762;1471382143;phf;selfsig seems like a side effect of meta information on key, which should be handled by "separate bits signed by key" anyway 1522763;1471382153;mircea_popescu;phf what meta ? the comment ? 1522764;1471382159;asciilifeform;phf: i have no dispute re packaging the sig separately. 1522765;1471382181;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you agree to package it separately, add to that "no automated signing of anything" and you've got my position. 1522766;1471382183;asciilifeform;but it do NOT see the win from letting any arbitrary bit of binary garbage pass itself off as a valid rsa key + userid set. 1522767;1471382191;phf;mircea_popescu: oh bunch of random shit, first name last name comment date generated random DOS era flags. all the stuff that's been brought up before 1522768;1471382192;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1522769;1471382215;mircea_popescu;phf they COULD just have made that "Comment" in some serialization and did the fp over it like i propose and been scott free. 1522770;1471382218;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i quite agree. if mircea_popescu wants to distribute his own key without selfsig in the sexpr, he is welcome to. 1522771;1471382221;mircea_popescu;but no, ustard gotta ustard all over himself. 1522772;1471382245;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the "selfsig" comes in the form of "i obtained this key of mp from verified channel to mp".that's the sig. 1522773;1471382254;mircea_popescu;it doesn't come from "this item assures me it is this item" 1522774;1471382285;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if phrased this way, it sounds quite laughable. but this was never the point of selfsig 1522775;1471382293;asciilifeform;rather, it was a kind of strong checksum. 1522776;1471382305;asciilifeform;'this item assures me that it has such-and-such structure.' 1522777;1471382305;mircea_popescu;mno. it is idiocy. 1522778;1471382305;phf;well, primes stand on their own, then there's clientside mapping mp -> sexp of primes. anything else can be distributed by any other channel, including "with key", signed by the primes. 1522779;1471382329;mircea_popescu;as they say, "save this sort of idea for when your father gives you your part of heavenly kingdom" 1522780;1471382364;mircea_popescu;phf the only problem is that i want the comment to also be in there. 1522781;1471382391;mircea_popescu;also, N is not a prime. 1522782;1471382392;phf;mircea_popescu: comment needs to be separately signed? 1522783;1471382393;mircea_popescu;and so on. 1522784;1471382398;mircea_popescu;not signed at all. 1522785;1471382400;asciilifeform;sooo if mircea_popescu gets a new userid (say he throws out his polimedia domain because dns is run by hitler) i have to compare the mods manually ? 1522786;1471382430;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not manually ; but you will get a notification from me saying "please use 54kh6kl54j3l45 instead of ,mn54,35lkjh4l3 from now on. it's the same modulus". 1522787;1471382433;phf;asciilifeform: wouldn't there just be a process to work with primes primes directly? 1522788;1471382438;mircea_popescu;and you can check that it is, but only BECAUSE you are you and have them both. 1522789;1471382442;mircea_popescu;otherwise, you can check jack. 1522790;1471382505;mircea_popescu;and importantly, to continue this discussion asciilifeform , enemy can not reconstruct fp on the basis of intercepting your comms to me. 1522791;1471382577;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what would enemy win if he ~could~ reconstruct the one element he cannot derive from the ciphertext, the userid string ? 1522792;1471382586;asciilifeform;(recall, it is quite simple to generate the public modulus from it) 1522793;1471382595;mircea_popescu;no idea. 1522794;1471382601;mircea_popescu;but i'm not giving one single inch. 1522795;1471382669;asciilifeform;the one nitpick is that you cannot sign with an fp. 1522796;1471382676;asciilifeform;you sign with the pubmod and e. 1522797;1471382681;mircea_popescu;sure. 1522798;1471382689;mircea_popescu;the above was re encryption. 1522799;1471382696;mircea_popescu;signature is a different (ie, public-facing) usecase. 1522800;1471382792;mircea_popescu;not that you couldn't overload it horribly ("if this statement is signed by lkfjl5k shoot obama ; if it is signed by 3k4j5lkj54 shoot trump"signed) means what ? 1522801;1471382855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you take an inch from enemy, but give him many more: 1522802;1471382901;mircea_popescu;incidentally, cast iron pots make best corn poppers omg. 1522803;1471382933;asciilifeform;he is now free to distribute 10,001 mutated copies of mircea_popescu's key, with user id 'mp@really-mp-bunker.com' and chumps, who were never properly introduced to mp in meatspace, will send mail to this addr, where it will be transparently forwarded to mp with new headers. 1522804;1471382943;mircea_popescu;he is currently free to do that already. 1522805;1471382957;asciilifeform;not with classical gpg format 1522806;1471382968;mircea_popescu;sure. 1522807;1471382981;asciilifeform;if i substitute mp@nsa.gov for the polimedia.us, selfsig barfs. 1522808;1471382991;mircea_popescu;lol. hence all the stuff on phuctor. 1522809;1471383016;asciilifeform;aha. nearly all of it is predicated on broken pgptrons that don't check sigs. 1522810;1471383018;mircea_popescu;the "noob can't think" argument can be used by me too, you know. 1522811;1471383022;mircea_popescu;you don't have monopoly on it. 1522812;1471383030;mircea_popescu;but we're not here to serve the consumer. we're here to make things right. 1522813;1471383034;asciilifeform;well mircea_popescu can specify 'i dun care what happens to the 10,001' idiots 1522814;1471383040;mircea_popescu;which is exactly what i specify. 1522815;1471383052;asciilifeform;we aren't here to serve the idiots. but why help the meat grinder feed ? 1522816;1471383067;mircea_popescu;we do that across the board. help it feed hurts it. 1522817;1471383076;mircea_popescu;helping* 1522818;1471383080;asciilifeform;in this case what is the use of phuctor ? 1522819;1471383096;asciilifeform;consider, not 1 of the popped keys belongs to a 'human' in the sense of somebody we know via wot. 1522820;1471383111;mircea_popescu;this is an argument no different from "oh but mp, why http://trilema.com/2014/spamming-reddit-an-experiment/ it will just increase the "activity levels" on site". i'm sure it will. 1522821;1471383125;trinque;asciilifeform: that wasn't known before it ran though. 1522822;1471383130;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'd rather detach the "waht use is phuctor" from current discussion. 1522823;1471383166;asciilifeform;it is a question i get asked quite often. 1522824;1471383176;mircea_popescu;moreover, asciilifeform , the design doesn't PREVENT me from signing my own fp and publishing the fp - e,N,c set so signed. 1522825;1471383178;asciilifeform;'who are these people and wtf do you care what happens to them.' 1522826;1471383184;mircea_popescu;it just doesn't implement a braindamaged half-sorta-thing 1522827;1471383203;mircea_popescu;that's MANDATORY for all cases etc. 1522828;1471383207;asciilifeform;i've favoured a maximally-configurable design for quite some time. 1522829;1471383218;asciilifeform;including, recall, even ability to specify a new crypto algo in the key itself. 1522830;1471383220;mircea_popescu;so then. i dunno anything cleanner than this, myself. 1522831;1471383228;asciilifeform;fair'nuff. 1522832;1471383243;mircea_popescu;yeah, been thinking about that. my current idea on the topic being - that it's stupid to do THAT, because the key is subnode not overnode of algo. 1522833;1471383248;mircea_popescu;if you want a diff algo make a diff key. 1522834;1471383287;asciilifeform;problem is that key handling mechanisms tend to get baked in. 1522835;1471383288;mircea_popescu;and i would propose this as an example of the pernicious effects of category 3 of bad stuff selfsig did. it made people think "key" is "identity". when in fact it's algo->key. 1522836;1471383301;mircea_popescu;there is that. 1522837;1471383314;asciilifeform;(recall how sha1 ended up perma-fixed in pgp.) 1522838;1471383332;mircea_popescu;yes, but i suspect we solve all that through not including idiocy in the spec. 1522839;1471383348;asciilifeform;incidentally usg is so mortally afraid of reconfigurable crypto that it is SPECIFICALLY banned in the export ban list. 1522840;1471383351;mircea_popescu;should we tomorrow move to cs crypto, there'd be no reason to "upgrade" "extant" rsa keys. 1522841;1471383360;mircea_popescu;just make new keys, why carry along the twin headed eagle of austria. 1522842;1471383369;mircea_popescu;heh. 1522843;1471383401;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i had two arguments. one is that it dramatically simplifies the design of the cryptotron. (essentially becomes a mildly scriptable bignum calculator.) 1522844;1471383407;asciilifeform;another is specificity-of-diddling. 1522845;1471383409;mircea_popescu;now asciilifeform if cs were well specified and well understood from usage ; i wouldn't be against making "key" ambiguous as to which of rsa, cs it is. 1522846;1471383418;mircea_popescu;but this isn't current situation. 1522847;1471383428;mircea_popescu;and i fear instead of simplify it'll byzantinize it. 1522848;1471383431;asciilifeform;e.g., if mircea_popescu wants to use a hash algo of his own design, with ben_vulpes's pgptron, he can. 1522849;1471383449;asciilifeform;or if he wants to use sha512 on thursdays and keccak on tuesdays, also can. 1522850;1471383450;mircea_popescu;at the cost of what, carrying the implementation i nthe key ? 1522851;1471383456;asciilifeform;it isn't so big. 1522852;1471383464;mircea_popescu;kills hand-typing 1522853;1471383467;asciilifeform;nah 1522854;1471383481;mircea_popescu;i'd like to leave this matter open for further thinking. 1522855;1471383497;mircea_popescu;not exactly bad arguments. 1522856;1471383498;asciilifeform;i suppose i ought to dust off an' publish the 'p' demo. 1522857;1471383514;asciilifeform;as mircea_popescu can probably tell, i really loathe publishing half-cooked items. 1522858;1471383560;mircea_popescu;there's a time for that. some spaces really could do without a lot of cruft. 1522859;1471383625;mircea_popescu;nevertheless - we're fortunate, in that the job for eulora is for rsa only. 1522860;1471383637;mircea_popescu;should provide some decent basis for later improvement 1522861;1471383653;asciilifeform;speaking of this, where did we leave off there 1522862;1471383657;asciilifeform;bitrate ? 1522863;1471383665;mircea_popescu;yes, benchmarks 1522864;1471383671;asciilifeform;aha! 1522865;1471383794;*;asciilifeform will have usable measurements, packaged with code which produced them, by end of month. 1522866;1471383817;asciilifeform;incidentally what is eulora built with ? 1522867;1471383833;mircea_popescu;gcc ? or what do you mean ? 1522868;1471383843;asciilifeform;which gcc. 1522869;1471383849;asciilifeform;(and is always gcc ?) 1522870;1471383849;mircea_popescu;uh. 1522871;1471383864;mircea_popescu;well no, jurov compiles the client for windows with something ; iirc llvm also worked. 1522872;1471383885;mircea_popescu;ggc 4.x something. 1522873;1471383925;asciilifeform;aite. 1522874;1471383951;mircea_popescu;visual c confirmed also lol. 1522875;1471384011;asciilifeform;this is not fatal, but will need certain provisions. 1522876;1471384021;mircea_popescu;aha. 1522877;1471384881;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/16/cn-sms-mitm/ << because deedbot fell asleep on the lookout tower, a capital offence! 1522878;1471384896;shinohai;lol 1522879;1471385108;pete_dushenski;^contained therein is a translation project for readers of 'traditional' chinese script. my connex seem to think it's gibberish, but 'moar eyez halp' (tm) (r) 1522880;1471385213;BingoBoingo;Wait what feifdom does pete_dushenski hold to decide offenses, much less capital ones? 1522881;1471385323;pete_dushenski;i am but a resident as per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-14#1521208 1522882;1471385323;a111;Logged on 2016-08-14 14:32 mircea_popescu: "resident ; show income of one bitcoin ; or holdings of twenty bitcoin ; may vote" 1522883;1471385381;BingoBoingo;Well, then you gotta petition the peerage. 1522884;1471385395;pete_dushenski;but that falling asleep at one's lookout post is punishable by death has been sop from day one in most every culture worth the mention. even canada. 1522885;1471385405;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i dun think you get to shoot deedbot until replacement shows up. 1522886;1471385410;asciilifeform;sorta how we're still using gpg. 1522887;1471385431;BingoBoingo;But is deedbot RSS reading a lookout post or is it a town crier? 1522888;1471385440;pete_dushenski;i was joking! jeez!!11 1522889;1471385442;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/08/github-enforces-usg-nsa-copyright-and-other-lols-roundup-xtendd/ 1522890;1471385442;asciilifeform;this is the other 'every culture worth mention' bit. 1522891;1471385474;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: good chunk of folk went through entire ww2 with a suspended death sentence, because there was elementarily no replacement for them. 1522892;1471385518;pete_dushenski;ww2, sure. ww1 less so. 1522893;1471385552;trinque;y'know, I publish to date the simplest ball of code ever to IRC-bot and all you people want me to do is polish some w3c dumbshit's standard 1522894;1471385568;*;trinque begins to drink 1522895;1471385569;asciilifeform;trinque: just pete_dushenski . 1522896;1471385582;asciilifeform;drink - at him, strictly. 1522897;1471385585;trinque;ahaha 1522898;1471385586;pete_dushenski;omgerd... 1522899;1471385595;pete_dushenski;lol 1522900;1471385595;*;trinque drinks at pete_dushenski... intensely! 1522901;1471385611;pete_dushenski;make it cognac eh 1522902;1471385616;trinque;cheers 1522903;1471385709;pete_dushenski;trinque: ftr, i appreciate your contributions. goodness knows you save me the effort of manually dropping contravex links in here myself. plus authing! and searching! /me would be up shitcreek sans paddle w/o deedbot. 1522904;1471385741;trinque;ah I'm just giving shit 1522905;1471385754;pete_dushenski;plus, it's not deedbot's fault that rss is weird. 1522906;1471385994;pete_dushenski;http://www.wsj.com/article_email/a-gift-for-music-lovers-who-have-it-all-a-personal-utility-pole-1471189463-lMyQjAxMTE2MzE4NjExMjY1Wj << in other 'that's it i'm making my own' news 1522907;1471386049;pete_dushenski;'The 82-year-old lawyer already had a $60,000 American-made amplifier, 1960s German loudspeakers that once belonged to a theater, Japanese audio cables threaded with gold and silver, and other pricey equipment. Normal electricity just wouldn’t do anymore. To tap into what Mr. Morita calls “pure” power, he paid $10,000 to plant a 40-foot-tall concrete pole in his front yard. On it perches his own per 1522908;1471386049;pete_dushenski;sonal transformer—that thing shaped like a cylindrical metal garbage can—which feeds power more directly from the grid.' 1522909;1471386372;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2016/08/buterins-previous-waterfall-exposed/ << actually this was lolled about at conference 1 iirc. 1522910;1471386440;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522908 << lel, and to think, i get this fir phreeeee 1522911;1471386440;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 22:20 pete_dushenski: sonal transformer—that thing shaped like a cylindrical metal garbage can—which feeds power more directly from the grid.' 1522912;1471386441;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522894 << he has a point, at that. 1522913;1471386441;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 22:12 trinque begins to drink 1522914;1471386567;asciilifeform;(in usa, 'audiophiles' at least occasionally do things that make physical sense, e.g., install doubleconverter ups.) 1522915;1471386571;mircea_popescu;wtf is that crazy bloodshit. 1522916;1471386592;asciilifeform;cargocultism and veblenism, what else. 1522917;1471386626;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522288 << my guess is 'invited'. same reason he's on fbook despite having own blog. 1522918;1471386626;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 01:00 asciilifeform: soooo why is taleb on 'medium'..? 1522919;1471386642;trinque;pete_dushenski: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xbb' in position 52: ordinal not in range(128) << rss is supposed to be xml, hence ascii 1522920;1471386654;mircea_popescu;i don't get this nonsensical theory. “Electromagnetic interference from appliances being used by neighbors could propagate through a shared transformer and have an audible effect. That’s not an unreasonable thing.” 1522921;1471386673;mircea_popescu;sure, they could. what's keeping them from propagating into "your" transformer ? will github ban them if they don't respect notions of propriety ? 1522922;1471386694;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522320 << np :) 1522923;1471386694;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 01:35 mod6: <+pete_dushenski> mod6: pleased to report that 99994k spins up on deb7 without fuss. only comment would be on 'trb-howto' to suggest '-lows' command when booting bitcoind for the first time. << hey! Thanks for testing that! 1522924;1471386717;pete_dushenski;trinque: what am i looking at there ? 1522925;1471386731;trinque;your thing shat non-ascii 1522926;1471386748;trinque;xml way of doing this is ʚ 1522927;1471386753;pete_dushenski;qntra too ? 1522928;1471386766;trinque;no, but it's gagged on yours, which is a bug on my end 1522929;1471386778;pete_dushenski;guureat... 1522930;1471386817;trinque;well mine's easily fixed; however, I'm putting it here show that this is the kind of moron busywork that comes of taking something like RSS as bedrock 1522931;1471386826;pete_dushenski;trinque: can you check if my blog rss has barfed xml before ? 1522932;1471386894;shinohai;my twitter bot died bcuz new link first schema 1522933;1471386894;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522372 << like hanging man died of 'rope' 1522934;1471386894;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 14:45 asciilifeform: so now the octopus tendrils proclaim, that he died of dope, http://publicaddress.net/speaker/the-uncomfortable-silence 1522935;1471386928;pete_dushenski;ie. 'let's sprinkle some crack on this nigger and get outta here' 1522936;1471386943;mircea_popescu;and in other great successes of provisioning, i fucking found horseradish. i rule. 1522937;1471386962;shinohai;actual horseradish? 1522938;1471386965;mircea_popescu;yes. 1522939;1471386970;shinohai;:D 1522940;1471387090;BingoBoingo; your thing shat non-ascii << AHA, pete_dushenski's rss has long been the bane of town crier bots 1522941;1471387143;BingoBoingo;$s horseradish 1522942;1471387143;a111;8 results for "horseradish", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=horseradish 1522943;1471387155;*;pete_dushenski is ashamed of his rss. 1522944;1471387169;BingoBoingo;^ mircea_popescu All you need to do is axe 1522945;1471387177;shinohai;the mp-wp rss feed worked out of box for me 1522946;1471387178;mircea_popescu;axe ? what, for men ? 1522947;1471387207;pete_dushenski;shinohai: hey cool. i'll look into that. 1522948;1471387225;mircea_popescu;one mp-wp to rule them all and in the darkness diddle them or how did that go. 1522949;1471387313;pete_dushenski;http://www.recode.net/2016/8/16/12504008/univision-is-buying-gawker-media-for-135-million << in other darkness news 1522950;1471387322;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: axe, like you know... I axed this dude for some horseradish 1522951;1471387401;mircea_popescu;oh, the item simply doesn't exist down here. 1522952;1471387404;mircea_popescu;much like lovage. 1522953;1471387415;mircea_popescu;by now my path of biodestruction is pretty awesome. 1522954;1471387482;BingoBoingo;lol 1522955;1471387689;trinque;BingoBoingo: thedrinkingrecord.com/feed/ is shitting mysql errors 1522956;1471387695;trinque;hm, gone now 1522957;1471387703;trinque;intermittent 1522958;1471387727;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: AHA HYPOCITE 1522959;1471387729;BingoBoingo;trinque: Thing will likely be staticified at some point. Tis the juggler's ball of least concern. 1522960;1471387745;trinque;nbd, just saw it while in there 1522961;1471387788;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/univision-beats-ziff-davis-in-bidding-battle-for-gawker-media-corpse/ << Qntra - Univision Beats Ziff Davis In Bidding Battle For Gawker Media Corpse 1522962;1471387814;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Different issue, resource exhaustion. 1522963;1471387830;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522921 << veblenism (e.g., audiophilia, homeopathy, etc.) is a disease caused by idiot coming into possession of money. and there is only ONE cure. 1522964;1471387830;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 22:31 mircea_popescu: sure, they could. what's keeping them from propagating into "your" transformer ? will github ban them if they don't respect notions of propriety ? 1522965;1471387835;asciilifeform;removal thereof. 1522966;1471387868;BingoBoingo;trinque: If feed on personal blog fucks up feel free to remove. Updates atm are infrequent enough to manually drop. 1522967;1471387888;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: i seem to recall that kako was 'audiophile', which lends some credence to your theory 1522968;1471387967;pete_dushenski;http://qntra.net/2016/08/buterins-previous-waterfall-exposed/ << why isn't quote in
? BingoBoingo shinohai 1522969;1471388004;BingoBoingo;ty fxing 1522970;1471388006;shinohai;probably because in rush I forgot proper tags 1522971;1471388008;shinohai;xD 1522972;1471388055;*;pete_dushenski has qntra editor's rules scarred into memory banks 1522973;1471388078;BingoBoingo;AHA pete_dushenski, "It works when you work it" 1522974;1471388178;shinohai;BingoBoingo graciously accommodates my faults 1522975;1471389571;BingoBoingo;Symbolism! https://archive.is/ZTfyE 1522976;1471390134;pete_dushenski;http://www.usglassmag.com/2016/07/breaking-ppg-sells-assets-of-flat-glass-business-to-vitro/ << nuts. mehicanos snap up 100+yo us glass business. not even trump's wall can stop pesos from being launched over the border. 1522977;1471390436;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> heh. aaand a trb node is at height 419220 for absolutely no reason ; 50+ connections, stable etc. << did this get fixed? or is it stuck at that same block still? 1522978;1471390686;mod6;;;bc,blocks 1522979;1471390687;gribble;{"blockcount":425523} 1522980;1471391465;mircea_popescu;mod6 alf's black holing, it seems. 1522981;1471391903;mod6;ah, hm. ok. 1522982;1471391965;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/arZVm 1522983;1471392205;BingoBoingo;^ anti-advice 1522984;1471392222;mircea_popescu;also totally trollage. 1522985;1471392438;BingoBoingo;Well lovage breeds trollage 1522986;1471393616;asciilifeform;http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-time-that-the-us-turned-an-olympic-village-into-a-prison << lulzy. e.g., 'If prison construction in urban and suburban areas triggered not-in-my-backyard backlash, prison construction in rural areas, and upstate New York in particular, became seen as an economic development solution. According to officials of the local antipoverty program, half of Essex County households survived on an income 1522987;1471393616;asciilifeform;under $8,000 a year. The Olympic Prison promised over 200 new “recession-free” jobs, at a starting salary of $15,000, a huge boon for an area with the state’s highest unemployment rates for much of the ‘70s. "It's the most sensible idea anyone's come up with yet," Lake Placid Mayor Robert Peacock told the media. As manufacturing and agriculture moved out of rural America, the prison industry moved in.' 1522988;1471393976;shinohai;$up Daysylover 1522989;1471393976;deedbot;Daysylover voiced for 30 minutes. 1522990;1471394114;Daysylover;hola mircea_popescu aqui quiero hacer http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ 1522991;1471397822;shinohai;heh 1522992;1471405826;phf;"Our records show that you are the owner of 2 Urbit planets." 1522993;1471405972;trinque;heh, I got that too 1522994;1471410294;trinque;http://www.cnet.com/news/snowden-nsa-hack-russia-warning-election-democratic-party/ << Snowden wrote the "circumstantial evidence and conventional wisdom" suggested Russia was behind the alleged hack. 1522995;1471410297;trinque;wahahaha 1522996;1471410329;trinque;that and the puppeteer's hand up his ass. 1522997;1471412948;mircea_popescu;the more i'm thinking about it, the more it becomes obvious you're trying to split this wood ( http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522843 ) in the right place alf. 1522998;1471412948;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 21:36 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i had two arguments. one is that it dramatically simplifies the design of the cryptotron. (essentially becomes a mildly scriptable bignum calculator.) 1522999;1471412980;mircea_popescu;lol shinohai did you talk to her ? 1523000;1471413132;mircea_popescu;o btw phf, you aware of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508571 ? you never said anything. more generally, do you see the value in a ticket set for a111 on mod6 's thing ? 1523001;1471413132;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 12:20 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508508 << how about it phf, see the merit of having a111 archive.is every link it sees, downloading the zip and then presenting a [cached] [saved] pair of links after the line ? 1523002;1471413262;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1522996 << yeah, i yield the point ; seems alf's theory prevails. at some point the guy was gutted, the skin made hand puppet. 1523003;1471413262;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 05:05 trinque: that and the puppeteer's hand up his ass. 1523004;1471413864;mircea_popescu;and in other news from the sisterhood, http://67.media.tumblr.com/45c62719f6c8ded816b1083ae619ff34/tumblr_mhmfbiYIHz1qlnecbo1_500.gif 1523005;1471414611;mircea_popescu;oh also, old lulz is best lulz : https://archive.is/VuxeK 1523006;1471414629;mircea_popescu;quora, a place for people to be lesswrong together. 1523007;1471414642;mircea_popescu;as in "you're not even wrong, you're lesswrong." 1523008;1471417066;BingoBoingo;;;tslb 1523009;1471417069;gribble;Time since last block: 49 minutes and 12 seconds 1523010;1471417976;mircea_popescu;incidentally, what the fuck are people on about with "full blocks" ? past 8 hours average load is 900ish kb. 1523011;1471418021;mircea_popescu;as there's not a single 0 tx block in there, seems the fee market has actually done a lot to fix various historical mining problems. 1523012;1471418180;mircea_popescu;also, remember the pre-attacking mp days of f2pool + antpool ? back in march ? 1523013;1471418205;mircea_popescu;lo and behold that by august those two barely hold on to a third ; and there's a dozen or so pools over 1%. 1523014;1471418229;mircea_popescu;this experience should be informative for future braves. 1523015;1471427226;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521810 << also see https://evil32.com/ 1523016;1471427226;a111;Logged on 2016-08-15 13:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521780 << these take at worst a ~week of (a very modest) cpu, to generate. 1523017;1471427262;Framedragger;"It takes 4 seconds to generate a colliding 32bit key id on a GPU (using scallion). Key servers do little verification of uploaded keys and allow keys with colliding 32bit ids. Further, GPG uses 32bit key ids throughout its interface and does not warn you when an operation might apply to multiple keys." 1523018;1471427596;Framedragger;https://twitter.com/PHP_CEO/status/765298072691806209 (credit for finding goes to punkman) 1523019;1471434349;BingoBoingo; also, remember the pre-attacking mp days of f2pool + antpool ? back in march ? << What? History and the future were ever different from now? 1523020;1471434610;thestringpuller;no man's sky is what happens when you try to live off the hype 1523021;1471438445;asciilifeform;in other noose, http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2016/08/17 1523022;1471438463;asciilifeform;' Hasimir and the "corrupt keys" FUD raised semi-regularly by certain people in another bitcoin channel is just that; ill-informed FUD' 1523023;1471438500;asciilifeform;$rated Hasimir 1523024;1471438500;deedbot;asciilifeform has not rated Hasimir. 1523025;1471438512;asciilifeform;trinque: odd, not all old rating were imported ? 1523026;1471438565;asciilifeform;$key Hasimir 1523027;1471438574;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/ccf8acf9-642a-4d7f-85c8-d0a41ca47287/ 1523028;1471438618;asciilifeform;$rate Hasimir -1 https://archive.is/hfEBt or inquire within. 1523029;1471438620;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/45a34666-3221-43d7-a085-424c8c5938e8/ 1523030;1471438665;asciilifeform;$v F2DCC16A07073BBF822F2A74E9DF01ACD5E4F588D52BCF0647B61BC16D8CB908 1523031;1471438665;deedbot;asciilifeform rated Hasimir -1 << https://archive.is/hfEBt or inquire within. 1523032;1471439855;Framedragger;asciilifeform: well, it is true that if you use (semi)sane software for dealing with openpgp, all the diddled keys won't cause a problem for ya. 1523033;1471439888;Framedragger;(not that this makes phuctor any less worthy of a project) 1523034;1471439932;Framedragger;("random js pgp crap" does not belong in the "(semi)sane software for dealing with openpgp" set) 1523035;1471440359;asciilifeform;Framedragger: i'm more interested in the 'fact of' somebody taking advantage of the js idiots, than in the item per se. 1523036;1471440372;asciilifeform;ditto the null rng keys 1523037;1471440586;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ok, fair enough, hm 1523038;1471440814;asciilifeform;$up boolcrap1 1523039;1471440814;deedbot;boolcrap1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1523040;1471440820;asciilifeform;find yer key, boolcrap1 1523041;1471440836;boolcrap1;i actually finally got a new motherboard 1523042;1471440849;boolcrap1;that was the first step. 1523043;1471440869;boolcrap1;its not lost, i just need to plug in that disk 1523044;1471440901;boolcrap1;i really need to find my phone tho, is there a tool that can locate metal on the ground in a wide area? 1523045;1471442293;asciilifeform;boolcrap1: the tool is called 'squad of duded with minesweepers' 1523046;1471442305;asciilifeform;*dudes 1523047;1471442394;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523011 << afaik there is no fee market. there is folks slicing off underfee'd crapolade ad-hoc, but it is not same thing. 1523048;1471442394;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 07:13 mircea_popescu: as there's not a single 0 tx block in there, seems the fee market has actually done a lot to fix various historical mining problems. 1523049;1471442704;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523013 << public hashrate tables can be made to look like anything you like - it is kindergarten-level spamatronics 1523050;1471442704;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 07:16 mircea_popescu: lo and behold that by august those two barely hold on to a third ; and there's a dozen or so pools over 1%. 1523051;1471442728;asciilifeform;any pool can, if it wishes, turn into 'smaller pool and N new pools of 1%' overnight. 1523052;1471444035;asciilifeform;https://theshadowbrokers.tumblr.com << deleted. 1523053;1471444039;asciilifeform;^ in other noose. 1523054;1471444082;asciilifeform;in yet other noose, 1523055;1471444087;asciilifeform; Sent 13 minutes ago: a lot of allegations were made based on some corrupted data found on a single keyserver, yet none of the challenges or even queries from regular posters to gnupg-users were even responded to. 1523056;1471444087;asciilifeform; Sent 12 minutes ago: Back it up with verifiable evidence, otherwise there's nothing but FUD. If you're serious about proving it, I'll go find the challenges in the archives; if not I guess I'll only see IRC ranting 1523057;1471444899;asciilifeform;for aficionados of pig wrestin', http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2016/08/17#l1471444503.0 1523058;1471449580;mats;lol 1523059;1471449737;mats;dear god 1523060;1471449958;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/LlaNh << further völkischer beobachter lulz. 1523061;1471449972;asciilifeform;'“Without a doubt, they’re the keys to the kingdom,” said one former TAO employee, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive internal operations. “The stuff you’re talking about would undermine the security of a lot of major government and corporate networks both here and abroad.”' 1523062;1471450064;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523019 < heh. 1523063;1471450064;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 11:45 BingoBoingo: also, remember the pre-attacking mp days of f2pool + antpool ? back in march ? << What? History and the future were ever different from now? 1523064;1471450096;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523022 << what the shit is this lmao 1523065;1471450096;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 12:54 asciilifeform: ' Hasimir and the "corrupt keys" FUD raised semi-regularly by certain people in another bitcoin channel is just that; ill-informed FUD' 1523066;1471450098;trinque;$s from:asciilifeform !rate Hasimir 1523067;1471450098;a111;-1 results for "from:asciilifeform !rate Hasimir", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20!rate%20Hasimir 1523068;1471450105;mircea_popescu;-1 results ?! 1523069;1471450108;mircea_popescu;ahahahah 1523070;1471450110;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1523071;1471450112;mircea_popescu;this is one hell of a morning. 1523072;1471450124;trinque;there! you see!? 1523073;1471450126;trinque;ahaha 1523074;1471450153;mircea_popescu;$rated hasimir 1523075;1471450153;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated hasimir 1 at 2015/05/21 21:29:19 << Ben McGinnes, aparently the new treasurer of Pirate Party Australia 1523076;1471450169;mircea_popescu;$rate hasimir -1 Ill informed idiot. 1523077;1471450185;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/c65d97d5-dcad-475f-8e48-28fdd8b8ea15/ 1523078;1471450212;*;asciilifeform took the chance of trying to cure the schmuck, see linked heathen l0g. did not, of course, have any effect. 1523079;1471450218;mircea_popescu;$v 58874FFB68E2C30BAAB111CE578ACFD4BD388435131A1ABE7EF454692B7C335F 1523080;1471450218;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of hasimir from 1 to -1 << Ill informed idiot. 1523081;1471450233;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform by now there's a bunch of wanna-be this chan scattered around huh. 1523082;1471450238;asciilifeform;evidently. 1523083;1471450254;mircea_popescu;amusingly, they copy only the pretense with none of the substance. 1523084;1471450266;mircea_popescu;aaaanyway. 1523085;1471450275;asciilifeform;what else can cargocult do. you expected a working plane ? 1523086;1471450290;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1523087;1471450346;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523032 << there is a major difference between scientific speech and political speech. i don't care about the stupid conclusions random nobody arrives at. the moment however he emits judgements of value that happen to contradict mine, i no longer care HOW he arrived at them, merely that he stated them. 1523088;1471450346;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 13:17 Framedragger: asciilifeform: well, it is true that if you use (semi)sane software for dealing with openpgp, all the diddled keys won't cause a problem for ya. 1523089;1471450394;mircea_popescu;evidently, the socialist party does the exact same thing. for reasons of habit however, it doesn't irk you when they do it ; only when we do it. 1523090;1471450409;mircea_popescu;it is not sufficient for this habit to be removed ; it actually has to be reversed. 1523091;1471450434;mircea_popescu;when $empire$ does it, let it irk you ; when $republic$ does it, let you not notice. 1523092;1471450442;asciilifeform;sorta like the loon in -otc thread, who brought up 'sipa's head' as an... argument 1523093;1471450453;asciilifeform;heathen is not the least bit bothered by the heads usg removes each day. 1523094;1471450454;mircea_popescu;i dun intend to read all that. 1523095;1471450461;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you aint missing much 1523096;1471450486;*;danielpbarron is banned from the linked channel, as well as -dev and -assets :D 1523097;1471450496;mircea_popescu;why, you killed sipa ? 1523098;1471450536;danielpbarron;not as good a pig wrestler as asciilifeform I guess 1523099;1471450543;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/142806f4-9e5b-4698-ae77-f6aa13ac31d5/?raw=true << if you want. 1523100;1471450560;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523044 << a) not much metal in phone ; b) yes, treasure hunters keep going beachcombing etc with it. 1523101;1471450560;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 13:35 boolcrap1: i really need to find my phone tho, is there a tool that can locate metal on the ground in a wide area? 1523102;1471450596;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ipnoje is a thick aluminum can. 1523103;1471450610;mircea_popescu;there is that. 1523104;1471450614;danielpbarron;asciilifeform, thanks but I mean i've had /mode +b set on me in all three channels at some point, not that I can't read the public log, or even re-join today. Although my IP does appear to be banned from accessing b-a public log 1523105;1471450630;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: congrats? 1523106;1471450634;asciilifeform;rare honour. 1523107;1471450636;danielpbarron;ty 1523108;1471450670;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523051 << sure, theoretically. 1523109;1471450670;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 14:05 asciilifeform: any pool can, if it wishes, turn into 'smaller pool and N new pools of 1%' overnight. 1523110;1471450704;asciilifeform;^ aha, and ergo public 'pool stats' are approx. as interesting as what 'snowden tweeted' 1523111;1471450727;mircea_popescu;of course, the general point here being that we're seeing a lot of suboptimal allocation. why the fuck are you doing the job of sm gurlz, and poorly, alfie ? 1523112;1471450733;mircea_popescu;they can't do the job of you. 1523113;1471450741;asciilifeform;what's a sm gurl 1523114;1471450751;danielpbarron;social media, /me guesses 1523115;1471450766;mircea_popescu;^ 1523116;1471450767;danielpbarron;aka pig wrestling 1523117;1471450811;asciilifeform;well i dun have a stable of gurlz, and so end up like the folks in the old german '1 man bands', with toe-operated drum, arse-operated trumpet, cock cymbal, etc. 1523118;1471450831;mircea_popescu;lmao these fucking idiots. 1523119;1471450832;mircea_popescu;"I doubt this will ever happen. Even he never cracked any PGP keys at all, the FUD he spread around was a nice way to get some free advertising. Look, people saying his name on gnupg and enigmail lists, which are quite popular I believe." 1523120;1471450857;mircea_popescu;are these dudebros totally fucking deluded ? for gawker tards to imagine (wrongly) that gawker sees more traffic than trilema is one thing. 1523121;1471450873;mircea_popescu;but really, obscure open sores neckbeards on a nowhere list ? what the FUCK is wrong with brains that makes them rot so. 1523122;1471450883;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform question is why would you. 1523123;1471450963;asciilifeform;normally i ignore the peanut gallery. on occasion it leaks in through the keyhole (the inmates take the effort to write to me) and so pig fuck visit. 1523124;1471450968;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523089 << point of frustration acknowledged; however, ftr it *does* irk me when $empire$ does it; i don't point fingers at *that* here because there's a point of exhaustion and tiredness re. the latter (*not* learned helplessness / acceptance, note), and it appears to be sufficiently covered by others here :) 1523125;1471450968;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:13 mircea_popescu: evidently, the socialist party does the exact same thing. for reasons of habit however, it doesn't irk you when they do it ; only when we do it. 1523126;1471450980;*;mircea_popescu marks down august the 17th, that lulzy day when some idjit thought enigmail is "popular" 1523127;1471450981;Framedragger;(also, ha, just saw the star wars parallel) 1523128;1471450992;mircea_popescu;Framedragger so they win by exhaustion ? 1523129;1471451010;asciilifeform;re the 'dudebros', it is part of the 'we control the vertical and the horizontal' disease. notice, if you read the heathen log, how... novel, how foreign the idea of ~downloading the keys~ and ~multiplying the factors~ seemed to these folks. 1523130;1471451013;Framedragger;nono they do not win; but i don't feel like articulating their shit every time it happens 1523131;1471451034;mircea_popescu;cuz it's kinda the principle, yes, empire is founded on the principle of "never argue with idiots" : they aim to exhaust everyone who knows better and then do their dumb shit. 1523132;1471451034;Framedragger;(maybe it should be done; but again, it appears to be covered by others, incl. qntra) 1523133;1471451035;asciilifeform;'whaddayamean actually replicating. facts are enacted by pronouncement! and our pronouncement arse outranks yours! ' 1523134;1471451069;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yeah there's a slippery slope there, i guess. 1523135;1471451091;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform except it doesn't. it's almost exactly like random third world shithole, where random dude literally dying of hunger imagines "his pronouncement arse outranks mine". and then obv it's unfair when his daughter prefers to run away from home. 1523136;1471451114;mircea_popescu;Framedragger more importantly though, do you see some goal here ? or trying to accomplish something ? 1523137;1471451116;trinque;asciilifeform: they're a class of mimics; of course they don't know or care where facts originate. 1523138;1471451129;mircea_popescu;political speech is going to be political speech ; you aim to change that ? or what is your investment exactly ? 1523139;1471451153;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the rando pictures himself as 'playing on the team', like the fat ball game watcher described in mircea_popescu's article on subj 1523140;1471451183;mircea_popescu;trinque yeah, sure, the equivalent of vampyr, the junior high vampire cca 1990. problem is, junior high vampire doesn't actually believe there's 85,7 mn people going to his highschool, nor that the population on campus grounds exceeds that of guangzou 1523141;1471451195;asciilifeform;where was that greek gestapo quote... 1523142;1471451203;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: i currently refuse to articulate explicit alignments. but, i contend that i should have interpreted that dood's speech on #bitcoin-otc as political speech 1523143;1471451216;asciilifeform;the one where 'america is with us, you are a fool to resist' 1523144;1471451223;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: and hence my remark was useless, +/- 1523145;1471451237;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i dun care about all that ; i'm more interested about the philosophic angle to it. 1523146;1471451246;mircea_popescu;so ... is it... wrong that some statements proceed from authority ? 1523147;1471451263;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform was greek equiv, 1980s 1523148;1471451279;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498863 << 1523149;1471451279;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 18:09 mircea_popescu: here's something for the historian in alf! there's ancient statement of the principle, recorded in 1970 milwaukee journal : "You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The word is divided in two. The Russians and the Americans, no one else. What are we? Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the government is NATO, behind NATO is the US. You can't fight us, we are Americans." 1523150;1471451312;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform only thing is, back then the us was run by reagan and i more or less liked it. 1523151;1471451330;mircea_popescu;certainly liked it a shitload more than kruschev's su. which is the fucking point the idiot elides. the LEADER is ~the only concern. 1523152;1471451343;mircea_popescu;who the fuck wants to be in the same room as "hrc"'s dead cooch. 1523153;1471451371;asciilifeform;and american supermax prison feels like paradise to a fella who sat in a kazakh zindan. 1523154;1471451373;asciilifeform;same idea. 1523155;1471451406;mircea_popescu;im not entirely persuaded by this. i can't really say i had it all that bad in romania at any point. 1523156;1471451445;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: hm. no. but i'm not mature enough for this discussion (you may say), e.g. i still harbour ideas about anarchism etc. 1523157;1471451445;Framedragger;there is a danger of one presupposing the veracity of their own's truths, but this isn't exactly an original thought or anything; just, well, i *do* observe yourself and alf defending the power of phuctor's results almost a priori as it were; 1523158;1471451456;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i wouldn't mind discussing this. 1523159;1471451490;asciilifeform;Framedragger: if you have a factual criticism of whichever phuctor output, this here's the place. 1523160;1471451501;Framedragger;as in, any claims to the contrary (of the power of those results) are attacked with such force that it hints at some kind of defensiveness; but perhaps this is precisely what it means to have a political position. 1523161;1471451502;mircea_popescu;i perceive the following problem : in my (rightful) bashing of idiocies (allinged around "colored coins", "dao" etc, that jazz) i distinctly hear the crushed hopes of people who look at those as a refuge from something else, specifically. i suspect it's hwqat you call "anarchists" 1523162;1471451542;mircea_popescu;there's two classes composing the support there. one, the wider, is plain idiots, of the us business major sort. the other, however, hopes to be saved from some darkness within or i dunno wtf. 1523163;1471451619;mircea_popescu;(on the sub-subject of "defending the power of phuctor's results" << it is entirely reactive. just as doctor defending the power of sanitation. in some contexts it's the only thing a doctor can say - and he can be rendered "ridiculous" by insisting on presenting him in that context, but really, the joke's on the unwashed.) 1523164;1471451653;mircea_popescu;(other than in a discussion with the sort of imbecile typified today by hasimir, i dunno either of us gives half a shit.) 1523165;1471451684;Framedragger;asciilifeform: apologies if i am mistaken here, but iirc phuctor was reported to have cracked some pgp keys when at that point in time none of the keys cracked had valid self-sigs. the presentation from tmsr (trilema/phuctor) to me appeared to have overstated the results, so to speak. (but then later subkeys with valid selfsigs were found, iirc). this isn't a technical point, i suppose. 1523166;1471451706;mircea_popescu;link to those reports then ? 1523167;1471451729;mircea_popescu;because my recollection is, me/alf/phuctor made some very careful statements, pinoy restated them wronglyt and proceeded to win the war with the strawmen. 1523168;1471451746;Framedragger;ah, hm 1523169;1471451755;Framedragger;sec 1523170;1471451773;asciilifeform;e.g., https://www.reddit.com/r/security/comments/36mi86/if_you_are_on_this_list_phuctor_may_have_your_pgp/crfol5x 1523171;1471451819;asciilifeform;https://news.ycombinator.com/threads?id=asciilifeform << other pinoy engagements re subj. 1523172;1471451857;Framedragger;(funnily enough, as regards authority, i regard 'tptacek very highly) 1523173;1471451864;Framedragger;(from that HN comment) 1523174;1471451908;mircea_popescu;"may have" is the contention ? or ? 1523175;1471451953;Framedragger;(i'm sorry for being slow here, multitasking with too many tabs) 1523176;1471451957;mircea_popescu;no rush. 1523177;1471451971;mircea_popescu;the one true advantage of irc as we have it is that well... nobody's hanging on this thread. 1523178;1471452115;phf;Framedragger: i regarded ptacek very highly at some point, but can you point to something that ptacek/matasano did? 1523179;1471452134;mircea_popescu;who is this ? (excuse me, i'm new!) 1523180;1471452139;phf;for extra point, without doing a google search 1523181;1471452155;phf;mircea_popescu: orcland coloured pants heroes 1523182;1471452167;mircea_popescu;the... what ?! 1523183;1471452186;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/more-factored-rsa-keys-and-assorted-other-considerations/#selection-467.207-467.303 << with regards to "may have", can't see how that could be a problem - would be non sequitur masturbation on my part for sure; but the selected text - "Some are not signed at all - which notably means that yes gpg will import, and yes gpg will use." - does gpg actually 1523184;1471452187;Framedragger; import subkeys with no valid self-sig? or am i misreading what is stated in the article? because to me those statements (in the broader context) are rendered into that meaning precisely. 1523185;1471452199;mircea_popescu;maybe alf's mp-generator dun work too well, but lo and behold - my phf-parser dun work half as much! 1523186;1471452226;phf;mircea_popescu: in orcland, we have game, we put colored pants on people, and let them be our heroes. their pants distinguish their status in hierarchy 1523187;1471452233;asciilifeform;Framedragger: phuctor, today as in 2013, is strictly a 'transform T was applied to input I, which you can get here and here, and produced output O, downloadable here' affair. 1523188;1471452266;mircea_popescu;Framedragger afaik it imports but warns, and you can run it in a context with warning supressed. 1523189;1471452280;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phf's ref is to iconic su mega-film , http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091341 1523190;1471452286;mircea_popescu;oh oh oh. 1523191;1471452291;asciilifeform;seen by ~all ru-speaking folk alive. 1523192;1471452294;mircea_popescu;ok but can we be specifix plox! 1523193;1471452296;Framedragger;asciilifeform: oh i won't argue with that! well, of course. but say i took your pubkey and generated a subkey for it and uploaded that subkey (it wouldn't import into gpg). would you truly care? 1523194;1471452325;asciilifeform;'yellow pants' is a byword, on ru-lang forumz, for 'ranking gentleman for no particular reason but shuddup and suck plebe' 1523195;1471452330;mircea_popescu;Framedragger suppose i do that, and i get a message from a woman who thinks i'm him, and take her out to coffee and she brings me seven children over thirty years. 1523196;1471452333;mircea_popescu;would he truly care then ? 1523197;1471452333;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: okay, fair point, then. i should have checked. (maybe i will, out of curiosity / concern). not that i have *too* much faith in gpg, sure 1523198;1471452360;phf;"could've checked" is the moto of reddit generation 1523199;1471452374;mircea_popescu;yes, we're adjusting the meaning of rsa-crypto to explicitly not care, as discussed yest. but this is novel. 1523200;1471452398;mircea_popescu;see eg http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522801 1523201;1471452398;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 21:27 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: you take an inch from enemy, but give him many more: 1523202;1471452402;asciilifeform;Framedragger: see also phuctor faq, recently updated with findings of several rubbish pgptrons which NEVER check selfsig. 1523203;1471452421;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: this then is a critique of sks keyservers, strictly. there was a thread on their ML, they rejected the idea of rejecting such subkeys (...) 1523204;1471452445;mircea_popescu;except from my pov i dun actually care to distinguish the cockroaches to the point of naming them 1523205;1471452448;phf;mircea_popescu: ptacek is a "security expert" and founder of a security company matasano. he posts a lot to hackernews, and is regarded as authority. a simple question "what did ptacek actually did" usually doesn't produce any answers though 1523206;1471452457;mircea_popescu;this disregard of the cockroach births register can't possibly be a criticism of me. 1523207;1471452468;mircea_popescu;phf ic. 1523208;1471452502;Framedragger;asciilifeform: yeah that is fair, too, though i maintain that anyone using any such implementation is an irrevocable shithead and phuctor won't do them much good anyway - but maybe it will, i don't know; and phuctor is a needed public service anyway (so i'm not arguing against that, ftr) 1523209;1471452520;mircea_popescu;phf in fairness, digging too deep into english space "authority" is never well advised. trump turns into "guy who ~squandered inheritance" for eg. 1523210;1471452596;mircea_popescu;i suppose i should say "colorfully squandered", makes it go full circle. 1523211;1471452619;asciilifeform;Framedragger: phuctor has very little to do with curing particular lepers. 1523212;1471452621;Framedragger;phf: matasano crypto challenges and the new crypto ctf thing he and others did (i didn't try it) are a great public service; i mean the challenges start simple in the beginning but if one followed them to the end, actual reading of recent crypto papers would be required etc.; surely that counts as something? he didn't pioneer anything in crypto, sure. 1523213;1471452639;mircea_popescu;oh oh they're the people with the crypto challenges ? 1523214;1471452646;Framedragger;phf: but he did produce a valuable corpus of comments on HN, incl. decisive critique of cryptocat, etc etc 1523215;1471452663;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yeah, i mean, the dude thomas p tacek is, at least 1523216;1471452665;asciilifeform;i would even say that the bulk of the real win from phuctor existing is the exposure of the actual allegiances of the so-called 'security experts'. 1523217;1471452668;phf;so in other words he posts to hackernews a lot 1523218;1471452670;mircea_popescu;alright. 1523219;1471452682;Framedragger;"mp posts on his blog a lot" 1523220;1471452687;mircea_popescu;phf as long as he's not wrong... 1523221;1471452730;phf;Framedragger: that's not the only thing mp does though 1523222;1471452734;Framedragger;phf: bashing and critique of shitty crypto projects, calling out their authors (see discussions between tptacek and kaepora or however the other dood's nick is spelled) - they're a valuable public service 1523223;1471452744;mircea_popescu;sounds a lot like mpoe-pr by now. 1523224;1471452746;mircea_popescu;phf and if it were ? 1523225;1471452770;Framedragger;phf: yes, true, i know, but for some mp is "person who wrote lots of important text" 1523226;1471452777;asciilifeform;and hanno boeck also posts all day long to mailing list, with 'bug reports' (burned usg vulns) 1523227;1471452780;asciilifeform;also 'public service' ? 1523228;1471452790;Framedragger;asciilifeform: slippery slope fallacy 1523229;1471452810;mircea_popescu;damn. poor Framedragger , that "pure world, biaseless, untainted by rooting in authority" is crumbling so fast ;/ 1523230;1471452815;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i claim that one can post actually valuable stuff, seen by other people; and one can post shit, and these categories can be distinguished. 1523231;1471452826;mircea_popescu;Framedragger ie, there is absolute value, IN words ? 1523232;1471452832;mircea_popescu;shall i quote voltaire to you ? 1523233;1471452841;asciilifeform;all i solidly know of the tptacek fella is his reaction to phuctor. 1523234;1471452851;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: god damn it, no.. i'm anti-essentialist anyway 1523235;1471452852;asciilifeform;which is quite the same as that of the rest of the 'seeek0000rity komyoonity'. 1523236;1471452886;asciilifeform;'it never happened, and, oh, incidentally, hanno boeck! and hey craigwright is satoshi, and hey, big blox! and it never happened.' 1523237;1471452933;Framedragger;asciilifeform: look i won't fault you for pre-forming an opinion on tptacek and not spending your valuable time re-evaluating it. but such heuristic lumping of people into two camps is rather crude indeed. i know someone may reply "this serves tmsr's purposes well anyway, so what of it" - well, okay.. 1523238;1471452969;asciilifeform;Framedragger: i went to visit the -otc heathen folk specifically to test my working hypothesis, of phuctor as an unfailing political litmus strip. 1523239;1471452972;asciilifeform;it did not fail. 1523240;1471452978;asciilifeform;found exactly what i expected to find. 1523241;1471452983;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ... "everyone who disagrees is usg stooge" is the vibe i'm getting; impossible to have an actual conversation then 1523242;1471452991;asciilifeform;'disagree' is not the word. 1523243;1471452999;mircea_popescu;"Il est à remarquer que l'once d'argent ne vaut pas cent de nos sous valeur intrinsèque, comme le dit l'Histoire de la Chine; car il n'y a point de valeur intrinsèque numéraire; mais à prendre le marc de notre argent à 50 de nos livres de compte, cette somme revient à 1250 millions de notre monnaie en 1740" <<< he knows. in 1700! 1523244;1471453013;asciilifeform;'there was no finding. and oh incidentally hanno boeck found the finding. and hey there was no finding.' 1523245;1471453025;asciilifeform;this is not 'disagree.' it has another name. 1523246;1471453057;mircea_popescu;Framedragger the reply isn't "this serves tmsr's purposes", but moreover, the reply is that he's in charge of his own household, and if he is making a mistake it'll hurt... him. and if the other made a mistake, evidently it'll hurt... the other. 1523247;1471453066;Framedragger;asciilifeform: one *could* maintain that there was no interesting finding for someone who trusts gpg import policy. and yes, a fool is he who trusts gpg; but a charitable interpretation of such an opinion is possible 1523248;1471453097;asciilifeform;Framedragger: observe the 'neverhappening' of the ssh key pops, which have 0 to do with gpg policy. 1523249;1471453114;asciilifeform;the latest derp pretended, quite vigorously, to have never seen it. 1523250;1471453120;mircea_popescu;"everyone who disagrees is usg stooge" <<< this is not the criterion. everyone who dresses his "position", which they don't even call disagreeing, IN THE SAME COLORED PANTS, evidently shops at the same shop. you see ? 1523251;1471453129;asciilifeform;^. 1523252;1471453145;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: agree re no intrinsic value, incidentally. this does not nullify there being possible to distinguish valuable writing from shit writing, *within a framework of meaning* that we can all agree on. 1523253;1471453153;phf;mircea_popescu speaks from experience, of things that he have practiced. even mpoe-pr's rants were using internal mpoe practices as a model for argument. it's not clear that ptacek has any kind of similar standing, because we don't know what he did. he argues for best practices, which he could've as easily picked up from reading others. compare to, say, djb, who, when speaks about security, uses his extensive qmail (etc.) experience as 1523254;1471453153;phf;a foundation. 1523255;1471453164;Framedragger;asciilifeform: yes, okay, that... is bullshit, lol. 1523256;1471453169;mircea_popescu;on one hand you have people with the fixed part "disagreeing", who dress it up as they dress it ; on the other, you have the people with the fixed dress, who call "their position" as they may call it. these are very different, and the latter's easily disqualified. 1523257;1471453183;phf;just because he happens to say right words, doesn't mean that he's right. 1523258;1471453187;mircea_popescu;phf point taken. 1523259;1471453223;mircea_popescu;"i could be mp, i read all he wrote" "and if tomorrow mizdra lands with an alien submarine, what will you say as mp ? this hasn't happened in the past ALREADY, for you to life the quote" 1523260;1471453232;mircea_popescu;copies work well for the past, but who can copy the future... 1523261;1471453257;Framedragger;phf: so you don't regard matasano crypto challenges as anything worthy, then? 1523262;1471453259;phf;right, it's sort of a more sophisticated version of alice bot 1523263;1471453315;Framedragger;i need a longer conversation-thread-stack in my mind. 1523264;1471453328;mircea_popescu;#trilema, will rape your mind into a new shape. 1523265;1471453330;asciilifeform;Framedragger: ever see the sequel to bruce schneier's crypto encyclopaedia ? 1523266;1471453345;asciilifeform;Framedragger: the original was written when he was still something like an honest man. 1523267;1471453360;Framedragger;asciilifeform: no - interesting 1523268;1471453367;asciilifeform;the sequel - was almost wholly free of mathematics, and replete with 'best practice because my arse thusly spoke' crapolade. 1523269;1471453371;mircea_popescu;Framedragger the reason there's a lot of credence in phf's perhaps harsh criticism is http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-make-money-on-the-internet-while-pretending-you-know-what-youre-talking-about-and-accumulating-a-legion-of-mindless-followers-for-fun-and-profit/ 1523270;1471453378;Framedragger;asciilifeform: (just ftr i don't think too much of bruce, either) 1523271;1471453401;mircea_popescu;this is a "business model", and in the shit the us is these days, it's actually a "premium" business model : establish "authority" of the purely wordy sort, then pivot. 1523272;1471453433;asciilifeform;it worked great, perhaps most recently - for yudkowsky. 1523273;1471453441;asciilifeform;and hell knows how many other charlatans. 1523274;1471453485;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: i mean.. i agree; i just don't agree that tptacek fits the category. sure, there are analogies, but then there exist analogies with mircea_popescu, too. 1523275;1471453514;mircea_popescu;on one hand there's the mfas, a number game, based on brute force. like say http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-25#1509965 (showaround). on the othe rhand there's "authority blogs", like say gawker. 1523276;1471453514;a111;Logged on 2016-07-25 21:41 mircea_popescu: basic "paid dating app" scam. 1523277;1471453523;Framedragger;asciilifeform: "the sequel - was almost wholly free of mathematics, and replete with 'best practice because my arse thusly spoke' crapolade." << okay, that's sad, and an educational case 1523278;1471453531;mircea_popescu;Framedragger im just saying in general, i myself have nfi who he is. 1523279;1471453538;Framedragger;right, right. 1523280;1471453651;mircea_popescu;understgand that the a/b split-scam scheme there discussed can do this with ~identities~ too. just create a tree of them. 1523281;1471453665;mircea_popescu;people generally misunderstand the extreme power of the fuzzing attack. 1523282;1471453682;Framedragger;phf: i'm curious, what was it that made you to originally regard tptacek highly? was it his words/discussions (and then later you decided that it's the only stuff that the man has actually produced - a fair point i guess, if you dismiss the crypto challenges, for example)? 1523283;1471453721;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: hm, yeah. it can become more serious, i suppose 1523284;1471453744;Framedragger;(need to re-read.) 1523285;1471453789;Framedragger;(ah no i haven't read it before - cool) 1523286;1471453803;mircea_popescu;consider the proper model for this : let there be an unknown endless list of binary questions. you create an endless list of identities, which you publish, 2^(n+1)-1 for the nth question. unknown to anyone but you, they are linked in a tree (ie, you know in advance identity 10111010101 will answer "yes" to q1 no to q2 yes to q 3-5 etc). 1523287;1471453831;mircea_popescu;for an observer, these being unlinked, there's "genius" identity 10111010001 which answered correctly to that many binary questions in a row. 1523288;1471453836;mircea_popescu;in point of fact, there is nothing there. 1523289;1471453876;mircea_popescu;what we ALSO know for a fact is that the count of people actually active on facebook last year (~10mn) is deeply dwarfed by the number of facebook accounts (>1bn). 1523290;1471453886;mircea_popescu;where's the difference from ? and if it were this, who'd know ? 1523291;1471453942;mircea_popescu;and this is just the first step. nothing forces your identities to keep playing ; you can retire them at any point you wish, and now you have a stable of "never wrong over n binary questions" respectables. 1523292;1471453957;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: the point is that whether the difference is from this kind of tree ordering, this is unknowable.. 1523293;1471453960;mircea_popescu;this is ~half of the usg "national security" plan, except they suck at both modelling and implementation. 1523294;1471453984;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: uh that was a question, more like 1523295;1471453993;Framedragger;right. 1523296;1471453995;Framedragger;good stuff 1523297;1471454000;mircea_popescu;Framedragger yes, it is unknowable. but the naive defense of the person first contemplating this issue is "oh, this is too noise, i'd hear about it" 1523298;1471454002;Framedragger;nice formal model 1523299;1471454009;mircea_popescu;that works, EXCEPT you already tune things out because... IT IS TOO NOISY 1523300;1471454011;mircea_popescu;so no sort of argument. 1523301;1471454018;Framedragger;true. 1523302;1471454023;mircea_popescu;which is all i mean by that. 1523303;1471454039;phf;Framedragger: i was young and a bum, i recognized all these people because my entertainment machine would reinforce their presence for me. "oh jwz is talking. oh now it's ptacek. oh it's paul graham! squee". but they were always in a different category from say norvig or knuth or naggum. once i started doing and learning (i.e. painfully read knuth, rather than just have him on my shelf) i finally was able to grok the difference. 1523304;1471454089;mircea_popescu;now, to be perfectly clear, i'm not either accusing or suspecting x guy of this, chiefly because i don't imagine he has the resources. nevertheless, phf's objection is much harder to reject than superficially appears. 1523305;1471454110;asciilifeform;a good chunk of what the 'genius splitters' are kept around for is to be blown on annoyances like phuctor. 1523306;1471454138;asciilifeform;(consider how boeck was grown. and used.) 1523307;1471454141;mircea_popescu;more like, a good chunk of what this stable of uselessness tries to argue its usefulness from, is their utter failure to do anything about things like phuctor, misrepresented. 1523308;1471454172;asciilifeform;the particular flavour of tptacek's dismissal of phuctor suggests that it was his 'now do your duty' moment. 1523309;1471454193;mircea_popescu;ironically, people in the contemporary, anglo sense of that term WANT to be these empty identities. no idea why or how; but imo much more serious a threat to anarchism than any kind of authority. 1523310;1471454219;mircea_popescu;gets lulziest when they encounter people who do not want to exchange their life for a fetish, and then explode into "putin doesn't understand how the world works!!1" 1523311;1471454245;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is almost literally what played out in the heathen pit today. 1523312;1471454249;Framedragger;phf: ha, nice. well, fair. (it made me warm inside to recall that i *never* took paul graham for much; anyone who reads only a bit by him on stuff that they know something about will realize this; e.g. http://idlewords.com/2005/04/dabblers_and_blowhards.htm (this is the "website obesity" guy)) 1523313;1471454256;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so it is. 1523314;1471454408;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: just to me, any dreams of "global anarchist revolt" *are* lost on me (i'm terribly naive but not *that* naive). personal responsibility and individualism (vague word, i know) are necessary conditions. and.. yeah, i don't have much hope for humanity, given that... 1523315;1471454420;Framedragger;s/just to me/just ftr/ 1523316;1471454458;mircea_popescu;which is how people end up with the notion of butchering most of the extant walkers. 1523317;1471454473;mircea_popescu;not that it's a novel, or worthy idea. 1523318;1471454545;asciilifeform;'no scripts are new' (tm) (r) 1523319;1471454564;phf;Framedragger: when did you first encounter paul graham? 1523320;1471454623;Framedragger;phf: probably ~7 years ago, give or take; i predict what you're going to say: in 2009, he was already spewing too much nonsense 1523321;1471454634;Framedragger;before, he would try to keep his focus on lisp 1523322;1471454646;Framedragger;and he wrote that book, quite earlier than that 1523323;1471454677;asciilifeform;Framedragger: the man had two - entirely acceptable - school textbooks on common lisp, in 1990s. 1523324;1471454678;Framedragger;so it makes sense for someone who got acquainted with him earlier to regard him more highly 1523325;1471454679;asciilifeform;i have them here. 1523326;1471454687;Framedragger;(i may be mistaken about the actual number of years) 1523327;1471454701;Framedragger;asciilifeform: aha, right. 1523328;1471454735;Framedragger;s/to regard him/to have had regarded him/ 1523329;1471455108;phf;i don't really think his message changed, it's just that he started talking about different things. there's the lisper period and then the hackernew/yc/startupschool period. i knew of him, because of the excellent On Lisp book, so i read hackers and painters when it came out, and read that dabblers and blowhards article when it came out, possibly because i thought that hackers and painters was awful (the book literally has low 1523330;1471455108;phf;fractional snr, and only because there's a few paragraphs about how they used clisp at yahoo stores) 1523331;1471455154;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523161 << you know, that's an apt characterization, and i think you're right re that second group of wanna-be anarchists; true, probably. and i am aware that tmsr regards bitcoin *quite* differently indeed, which manifests in the block size discussion etc. yeah. 1523332;1471455154;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:31 mircea_popescu: i perceive the following problem : in my (rightful) bashing of idiocies (allinged around "colored coins", "dao" etc, that jazz) i distinctly hear the crushed hopes of people who look at those as a refuge from something else, specifically. i suspect it's hwqat you call "anarchists" 1523333;1471455193;Framedragger;phf: ha - nice. 1523334;1471455195;phf;but when i made it to the first startup school, my reaction was "nerds trying to be businessmen, stick to doing nerd things". it took me many years to understand how their fundamental views made them not only suck at life, but also fucked up the computing. 1523335;1471455826;asciilifeform;http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/16/banks-look-for-cheap-way-to-store-cash-piles-as-rates-go-negative.html << more lulz 1523336;1471455865;asciilifeform;'After the European Central Bank's most recent rate cut in March, private-sector banks are paying what amounts to an annual levy of 0.4 per cent on most of the funds they keep at the eurozone's 19 national central banks. ... but private bankers and insurers are already thinking of creative ways to avoid those charges altogether. One way is by turning the electronic money they keep at central banks into cold, hard cash. Munich Re has 1523337;1471455865;asciilifeform;experimented successfully with storing a double-digit million sum of euros in cash at what the insurer describes as a manageable cost. A few other German banks, including Commerzbank, the country's second-biggest lender, have also considered taking the step. But when a Swiss pension fund attempted to withdraw a large sum of money from its bank in order to store it in a vault, the bank refused to provide the cash, according to local m 1523338;1471455865;asciilifeform;edia...' 1523339;1471457000;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523127 << wasn't a star wars reference ; it was a concordat of worms reference. you know, with the guelphs ghibelines et all 1523340;1471457000;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:23 Framedragger: (also, ha, just saw the star wars parallel) 1523341;1471457047;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523262 << you mean eliza ? 1523342;1471457047;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:00 phf: right, it's sort of a more sophisticated version of alice bot 1523343;1471457059;phf;yes 1523344;1471457075;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523186 << btw speaking of this, you know about stephen the great's pants ? 1523345;1471457075;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:43 phf: mircea_popescu: in orcland, we have game, we put colored pants on people, and let them be our heroes. their pants distinguish their status in hierarchy 1523346;1471457127;phf;no, but i suspect it's a holly relic now 1523347;1471457182;mircea_popescu;this guy, legendary ro leader, fought something like 50 encounters with the turks, won over 90%. including you know, crazy shit with 1.x mn men on opposing side. 1523348;1471457218;mircea_popescu;so joke is, vornic comes to stephen, my lord, the turks are coming. "a lot ?" well... there's the vidin pasha with maybe 100k jannisary + etc 1523349;1471457223;mircea_popescu;"get my my red pants" 1523350;1471457237;mircea_popescu;but why the red ones majesty ? well... if i get hurt, the troops won't see the blood and won't lose heart. 1523351;1471457251;mircea_popescu;so they go, beat the turks back over danube, take trophies, build monastery, rape the nuns etc. 1523352;1471457256;phf;ahaha, sorry i got it 1523353;1471457275;mircea_popescu;next year, my lord, the turks are coming ? "a lot ?" well... suleiman himself, 1mn infantry, more horse than previously known to exist in the world, etc 1523354;1471457279;mircea_popescu;"bring my my brown pants" 1523355;1471457288;trinque;l0l!! 1523356;1471457291;mircea_popescu;>D 1523357;1471457291;phf;:D 1523358;1471457312;phf;proper voievod like, knows when to bleed and when to shit his pants 1523359;1471457316;mircea_popescu;aha. 1523360;1471457402;asciilifeform;sequel: ... the general puts on brown pants, epic battle, he shits pants, loses half of army, but - just barely - wins. but next years... 'sir, whole army of the turk is here.' .... 'bring my miniskirt.' 1523361;1471457413;mircea_popescu;lol 1523362;1471457467;mircea_popescu;actually, this guy died sovereign, over a rather enlarged moldavia (took mostly from poles, lithuanians etc). he left testamentarily that "listen to your old shepherd, deal with the turks ; unlike the russians, the turks keep their word" 1523363;1471457603;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523334 << the memory hole effect. un-fucking-washable, for some god forsaken reason. 1523364;1471457603;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:33 phf: but when i made it to the first startup school, my reaction was "nerds trying to be businessmen, stick to doing nerd things". it took me many years to understand how their fundamental views made them not only suck at life, but also fucked up the computing. 1523365;1471457689;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523293 << by the way, i don't think the implication of that discussion can't possibly be understated. for instance, it is a common etatist criticism of "what they call bitcoin" so really, tmsr, that "everyone running a business has an incentive to eventually run so eventually will" sort of thing. 1523366;1471457689;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:12 mircea_popescu: this is ~half of the usg "national security" plan, except they suck at both modelling and implementation. 1523367;1471457756;mircea_popescu;this point is valid, the only problem is that it mostly discusses THE STATE. yes, every fiat entity has the incentive to eventually pivot ; and they all do. the derps are currently insulated from this by the momentary happenstance that the thieves are in a compact, called "the state", and everyone left outside is well... not someone you'll hear about. because exactly of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523303 "entertainment 1523368;1471457756;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:13 phf: Framedragger: i was young and a bum, i recognized all these people because my entertainment machine would reinforce their presence for me. "oh jwz is talking. oh now it's ptacek. oh it's paul graham! squee". but they were always in a different category from say norvig or knuth or naggum. once i started doing and learning (i.e. painfully read knuth, rather than just have him on my shelf) i finally was able to grok the difference. 1523369;1471457756;mircea_popescu; machine". 1523370;1471457821;mircea_popescu;historically, it was ensured by exactly the same process that ensures you can find your goat in http://trilema.com/2012/anonimity-or-the-urban-versus-rural-dispute/ - which is to say low pop density and the necessary orcishness therein produced will "protect" you in the sense not having lasers protects you from shining them in your eyes. 1523371;1471457831;mircea_popescu;nobody in the time of voltaire had retina burns from laser watching. 1523372;1471457867;mircea_popescu;which brings us full circle to why exactly it is that universal butchery http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523317 : by making fewer people you DO make the problem "go away" ; but you resolve naught. 1523373;1471457867;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:21 mircea_popescu: not that it's a novel, or worthy idea. 1523374;1471457985;mircea_popescu;so now back to the issue : we have some semblance of defense against what is in fact a universal problem ; they don't, and are in denial. as per the cannonical expression of this situation, http://trilema.com/2015/why-representative-democracy-doesnt-work-and-doesnt-make-sense/#selection-147.267-153.105 1523375;1471458168;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'split fuzzing', note, is how lizard folk approach virtually ~every~ problem - even the production of 'musicians' by disney, etc. 1523376;1471458192;asciilifeform;mass of chumps is modelled as idiot machine, that dun care that you had previously tried 999,999,999 wrong passwords, etc. 1523377;1471458245;asciilifeform;hence http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-04#1514935 . 1523378;1471458245;a111;Logged on 2016-08-04 19:59 mircea_popescu: but it's certainly quite deep. the vermin doesn't merely aim to a comfortable existence, but more importantly to a memory-less situation. 1523379;1471458696;asciilifeform;in other not-quite-noose, https://archive.is/gsdsL << summary of nsa turd. accurate per my own read. 1523380;1471459371;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite, yeah. 1523381;1471459377;mircea_popescu;river of meat fishin'. 1523382;1471459415;mircea_popescu;for my sins i ended up with split log situation 1523383;1471459536;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform need i quote at you btw ? "i will believe it when crown jewels leak" ? do you believe now ? 1523384;1471459554;asciilifeform;cisco garbage is not 'crown jewel' to asciilifeform . 1523385;1471459558;asciilifeform;this position has never changed. 1523386;1471459570;mircea_popescu;... 1523387;1471459573;asciilifeform;'crown jewel' is, at the very least, something nontrivial from cryptodirectorate. 1523388;1471459585;mircea_popescu;you will never believe. 1523389;1471459611;asciilifeform;i'll believe, when, e.g., the recipe for taking 100MB of aes ciphertext and distilling out the key, is posted. 1523390;1471459620;asciilifeform;or similar. 1523391;1471459633;asciilifeform;i even believe in the authenticity of the cisco crud, it is simply not esp. interesting 1523392;1471459644;asciilifeform;(and certainly not interesting enough to disclaim 'hangout' hypothesis.) 1523393;1471459649;mircea_popescu;a) there is no dispute from you that this was actually their shit ; b) apparently so much is available some of actually their shit can be freely distributed, in gb sized portions. 1523394;1471459661;asciilifeform;~none of the affected systems are in use today outside of the most godforsaken orclands. 1523395;1471459664;mircea_popescu;these you somehow transform into i have nfi what, but the fact remains : whether the cock went through the cervix into the uter or not, 1523396;1471459668;mircea_popescu;this is no virgin. 1523397;1471459718;asciilifeform;none of it is even 'heartbleed'-grade. 1523398;1471459730;mircea_popescu;"i'm gonna rape you" "i dun believe" *rapes her* "tee hee, my filling is stil lattached to this cavity" 1523399;1471459738;asciilifeform;lel 1523400;1471459765;asciilifeform;if boeck had posted same pile, mircea_popescu would immediately recognize it as 'burning old holes' 1523401;1471459770;asciilifeform;which - imho - it very likely is. 1523402;1471459772;mircea_popescu;anyway, operation SHITTYNAMES 1523403;1471459810;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lol, what, you mean they moved from py ? to what, ada ? 1523404;1471459828;asciilifeform;who/where 1523405;1471459869;mircea_popescu;their exploit library was also "burned" in the pyre. 1523406;1471459917;mircea_popescu;"fosho" 1523407;1471459918;asciilifeform;well, the ciscolade etc. is particular to 7+ y.o. fw. 1523408;1471459933;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform people stopped buying new cisco cca 2012 anyway. 1523409;1471459949;asciilifeform;in most of the samples, the actual exploit used to get control of the box is not stated, quite likely it consisted of 'interdict the parcel'. 1523410;1471459975;mircea_popescu;what, cookie overflow, ifconfig bug, plenty in there. 1523411;1471460010;asciilifeform;there were a few. 1523412;1471460057;mircea_popescu;anyway. 1523413;1471460098;mircea_popescu;funny shit where the files usg stole from sr are supposedly being sold for x unless they were actually stolen first by freelancing agents etc ; whereas the files ? stole from usg are being sold for 100x. 1523414;1471460125;asciilifeform;( the thing that is not clear to me is what part of this leak prevents even a single parcel from being intercepted, with old ~or~ new cisco rubbish in it, and patched to admit the cock, supposing any of these devices even ~need~ such treatment, given that the master keys are escrowed already ) 1523415;1471460160;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno that 'send a non-refundable bid, and oh also price is 1 MIL BTC' counts as 'for sale', more of elaborate gag 1523416;1471460180;asciilifeform;;;balance 19BY2XCgbDe6WtTVbTyzM9eR3LYr6VitWK 1523417;1471460180;gribble;1.64237 1523418;1471460187;asciilifeform;l0l! 1523419;1471460205;mircea_popescu;right. not how hanno bock'd do it. 1523420;1471460231;asciilifeform;more how wright would do it. 1523421;1471460255;mircea_popescu;possibru. 1523422;1471460296;asciilifeform;(not quite relatedly, why was gribble able to answer the 'balance' question so quickly ?) 1523423;1471460345;mircea_popescu;no idea 1523424;1471460350;mircea_popescu;how long should it take ? 1523425;1471460453;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform pretty lulzy how butthurt they are at the fact bitcoin raped them, though. 1523426;1471460463;mircea_popescu;The auction “is a joke,” Weaver said. “It’s designed to distract. It’s total nonsense.” He said that “bitcoin is so traceable that a Doctor Evil scheme of laundering $1 million, let alone $500 million, is frankly lunacy.” 1523427;1471460487;mircea_popescu; “The stuff they have there is super-duper interesting, but it is by far not the most interesting stuff in the tool set,” he said. “If you had the rest of it, you’d be leading off with that, because you’d be commanding a much higher rate.” << yeah... and then... SELL ADVERTISING. 1523428;1471460488;mircea_popescu;idiots. 1523429;1471460499;mircea_popescu;anyway. 1523430;1471460534;mircea_popescu;empire not doin' so hawt these days. 1523431;1471461555;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523211 << seeing phuctor breaking things caused me to get off my ass and take the couple minutes to generate a bigger key 1523432;1471461555;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:50 asciilifeform: Framedragger: phuctor has very little to do with curing particular lepers. 1523433;1471461578;mircea_popescu;self-cure. 1523434;1471461659;asciilifeform;not to raid on the parade, but must point out, phuctor is not a collection of peculiarly-small keyz... 1523435;1471461691;trinque;hail mary, full of grace... 1523436;1471461693;PeterL;what was the biggest it did so far? 1523437;1471461730;asciilifeform;PeterL: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518347 1523438;1471461730;a111;Logged on 2016-08-11 16:07 asciilifeform: champ : 126044733741731328742413066718552314382419228167112456334027928884317367999330241024168451126326383475145520025295451544372438227070210798265767098934250820341305937931860061514790268968891523470454082874208728274680634763462042122485524526243688604432591998753006364684812749745538152702859571396997177876337 1523439;1471461770;mircea_popescu;largest factor iirc 300ish digits ~ 1k bits. 1523440;1471461803;PeterL;my old key was 1024, I think 1523441;1471461827;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: correct. as seen above. 1523442;1471461868;asciilifeform;incidentally it is the khadeer & co. modulus. 1523443;1471461898;asciilifeform;the one where (NextPrime(2^1023))^2. 1523444;1471462042;asciilifeform;not to be confused with 'longest modulus for which we have a factor' 1523445;1471462061;asciilifeform;which, iirc, was 16384-bit. 1523446;1471462103;asciilifeform;('flipolade' can contain arbitrarily short, or long, factors, in any quantity) 1523447;1471462138;Framedragger;asciilifeform: obtw, did the breaking of that khadeer modulus come from you implementing the "check (NextPrime(2^1023))^2" heuristic? 'cause that's bound to yield some new results! 1523448;1471462162;asciilifeform;Framedragger: we have fermat test. 1523449;1471462173;asciilifeform;which picks up any mod where the factors are obscenely close together. 1523450;1471462185;asciilifeform;(e.g., the degenerate case, perfect square, as above.) 1523451;1471462207;asciilifeform;will also pick up q == nextprime(p), say. 1523452;1471462233;asciilifeform;some time next we will have pollard's test. 1523453;1471462244;asciilifeform;betcha it will pop a few moar. 1523454;1471462300;asciilifeform;theoretically any ~inexpensive~ attack, such that i can do it against the whole collection of mods, is fair game. 1523455;1471462331;asciilifeform;if a new one is discovered tomorrow - i will consider it, also. 1523456;1471462403;asciilifeform;the cockroaches assumed, lived entire life, that no one will ever turn over the rocks. 1523457;1471462408;asciilifeform;we - turn them over. 1523458;1471462488;asciilifeform;expect to see moar butthurt scampering a la boeck et al. 1523459;1471462563;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523442 << actually this is wrong, 1523460;1471462563;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 19:24 asciilifeform: incidentally it is the khadeer & co. modulus. 1523461;1471462573;asciilifeform;it is not the khadeer modulus, but the 'xss attack' one. 1523462;1471462581;asciilifeform;found on same day. 1523463;1471462595;asciilifeform;via fermat probe. 1523464;1471462616;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1523465;1471462663;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/614469D3EF6BF58C797FFD118727304F76F2C921CF1C3419CBF99AFAF8E7A225 << it. 1523466;1471462731;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523424 << at least a minute ? 1523467;1471462731;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 18:59 mircea_popescu: how long should it take ? 1523468;1471462761;asciilifeform;;;bc,stats 1523469;1471462763;gribble;Current Blocks: 425627 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1764 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 1 day, 1 hour, 50 minutes, and 46 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1523470;1471462801;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ahh, ok. much thanks for elucidation 1523471;1471462802;asciilifeform;there are ~100+G of blocks now. 1523472;1471462807;asciilifeform;how long to walk 100G ? 1523473;1471462830;asciilifeform;(anyone have link to gribble src ? does it keep the 100+G in ram?!) 1523474;1471462830;Framedragger;(..ssd would probably speed things up, just to reiterate..) 1523475;1471462846;asciilifeform;Framedragger: how long does it take to grep a 100G file on your system ? 1523476;1471462862;asciilifeform;or even to simply load it into ram 1523477;1471462894;Framedragger;asciilifeform: grep is amazingly fast because it does it in a smart way (you prolly know). i can give some number but i expect the q is rhetorical (i.e.: it's fast) :) 1523478;1471462939;Framedragger;(re. grep, https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2010-August/019310.html << just for the logz) 1523479;1471462949;Framedragger;so yeah, fair enough, it's fast 1523480;1471463097;phf;it's the same technique that log uses to search entries, but i lose becase individual chunks of text are not necessarily sequential or localized by page. asciilifeform's for question though is about the fact that simply picking up 100G, page by page, from disk into ram, is expensive 1523481;1471463240;Framedragger;phf: (nice re log search) aha ok. 1523482;1471463398;phf;(of course log wins over grep in total time, because message are already all in ram) 1523483;1471463692;Framedragger;asciilifeform: (14.3s to grep thru 3gb file fwiw) 1523484;1471464587;asciilifeform;sooo either gribble (or whatever service is cribs from) did not actually chug through 100G, or the number is approximate ('in last n blocks...'), or. 1523485;1471464594;asciilifeform;*it cribs 1523486;1471464622;asciilifeform;;;balance 1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4 1523487;1471464623;gribble;0.0001 1523488;1471464664;asciilifeform;^ maybe bad example, it is also famous addr 1523489;1471464669;asciilifeform;so potentially cached. 1523490;1471464679;asciilifeform;anyone got an obscure one that last saw tx years ago ? 1523491;1471464746;PeterL;;;balance 12c6DSiU4Rq3P4ZxziKxzrL5LmMBrzjrJX 1523492;1471464746;gribble;50.039475 1523493;1471464794;PeterL;or does that not count as obscure? 1523494;1471464799;asciilifeform;anyone know from where gribble pipes ? 1523495;1471464803;asciilifeform;..mircea_popescu ? 1523496;1471464852;*;danielpbarron guesses it's some bc.info api 1523497;1471464877;asciilifeform;it isn't, granted, impossible to optimize this lookup with pre-index 1523498;1471464885;asciilifeform;but it would be interesting to learn how it was done. 1523499;1471465464;asciilifeform;in other definitely-not-news, https://accu.org/index.php/journals/1898 1523500;1471465472;asciilifeform;^ possibly for mircea_popescu et al. 1523501;1471465507;asciilifeform;actually nm. 1523502;1471465508;asciilifeform;snore. 1523503;1471465604;asciilifeform;http://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/esa-x-1819eng.pdf << actual detailed account, unfortunately scanned n-th generation xerox in pdf. 1523504;1471466475;asciilifeform;;;balance 1DskTjGvWh5KVbiqnb3vvRFyEmCen1UNzL 1523505;1471466476;gribble;0 1523506;1471466493;asciilifeform;that was certainly quick. 1523507;1471466564;asciilifeform;( probably there is a 'last seen' addr-to-blockidx hash table, so we get something like O(n log n) lookup. ) 1523508;1471466590;asciilifeform;this would be a handy (optional) item to have in trb. 1523509;1471466615;asciilifeform;would readily abolish the idiocy with 'wallet watch' mechanism etc. 1523510;1471466649;asciilifeform;multi-GB data structure though, you would not want it on every node. 1523511;1471468517;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523264 << Trilema the blog already epic self help cyclopedia. 1523512;1471468517;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:02 mircea_popescu: #trilema, will rape your mind into a new shape. 1523513;1471469199;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2016q3/000395.html << lel 1523514;1471469199;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1523515;1471469221;asciilifeform;'...bug in the mixing functions of Libgcrypt's random number generator: An attacker who obtains 4640 bits from the RNG can trivially predict the next 160 bits of output. This bug exists since 1998 in all GnuPG and Libgcrypt versions.' 1523516;1471469437;phf;i believe, that there's a man, somewhere in the bowels of meta-nsa, who can see the entire puzzle picture 1523517;1471469455;phf;stuxnet propagation strategy style.. 1523518;1471469512;asciilifeform;phf: do you find it interesting that the particular patch is posted nowhere ? 1523519;1471469524;asciilifeform;and koch wants people to download ~entire tarball~ of src and rebuild ? 1523520;1471469533;asciilifeform;i find it interesting. 1523521;1471469715;asciilifeform;https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-6313 << ok, click on patches at the bottom, then 'diff', yields the diffs. 1523522;1471469749;asciilifeform;http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=commitdiff;h=c6dbfe89903d0c8191cf50ecf1abb3c8458b427a;hp=e23eec8c9a602eee0a09851a54db0f5d611f125c 1523523;1471469788;asciilifeform;e.g., https://archive.is/lYEB5 . 1523524;1471469828;asciilifeform;who can tell me the author of the ORIGINAL routine ? 1523525;1471469944;asciilifeform;'exec summary' for mircea_popescu et al: all gpg keys ever generated have at most 2048 bits of effective entropy. 1523526;1471470062;phf;98, that must be the man himself? 1523527;1471470154;asciilifeform;must be. unless there are authors not listed in https://www.gnupg.org/people/index.html . 1523528;1471470256;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Please to qntra? 1523529;1471470278;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1523530;1471470305;asciilifeform;during my audit of the rng routine, i barfed at the whitening and stopped reading. 1523531;1471470310;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1523532;1471470329;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i will write it. brb. 1523533;1471470338;BingoBoingo;ty 1523534;1471470343;mircea_popescu;good idea. 1523535;1471470496;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523472 << afaik it just imports the blockchain.info version. 1523536;1471470496;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 19:40 asciilifeform: how long to walk 100G ? 1523537;1471470532;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523477 << believe it or not the grep trick was dissected in logs at length! 1523538;1471470532;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 19:41 Framedragger: asciilifeform: grep is amazingly fast because it does it in a smart way (you prolly know). i can give some number but i expect the q is rhetorical (i.e.: it's fast) :) 1523539;1471470610;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523509 << afaik trinque is making a wallet :) 1523540;1471470610;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 20:43 asciilifeform: would readily abolish the idiocy with 'wallet watch' mechanism etc. 1523541;1471470726;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523516 << i don't. 1523542;1471470726;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 21:30 phf: i believe, that there's a man, somewhere in the bowels of meta-nsa, who can see the entire puzzle picture 1523543;1471470759;phf;i know, i know, that's an ongoing mp vs ascii dialog 1523544;1471470759;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523525 << zimmerman. 1523545;1471470759;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 21:39 asciilifeform: 'exec summary' for mircea_popescu et al: all gpg keys ever generated have at most 2048 bits of effective entropy. 1523546;1471470807;asciilifeform;afaik koch didn't use zimmerman's code. 1523547;1471470815;asciilifeform;at least, not admittedly. 1523548;1471470828;mircea_popescu;i dunno about that. 1523549;1471470828;trinque;mircea_popescu: yep, whole point of perfecting the botworks layer by layer 1523550;1471470838;mircea_popescu;aha. 1523551;1471470966;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the incredible gall of the imbecile, to actually state it as "This bug does not affect the default generation of keys" 1523552;1471471115;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also ftr that loop is now how you'd do it. 1523553;1471472113;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-16#1522544 << related : http://pre14.deviantart.net/3f15/th/pre/i/2012/233/8/1/2012_aircraft_pool_party___complete_by_wsache007-d5bx09w.png 1523554;1471472113;a111;Logged on 2016-08-16 18:31 mircea_popescu pictures woman flying around with tip of boeing in her snatch, "YES! YES! HARDER!" for a visual. 1523555;1471472177;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: almost done 1523556;1471472184;BingoBoingo;cool 1523557;1471472204;BingoBoingo;Qntra thanks you for your sexpertise in this matter. 1523558;1471472423;shinohai;greetings #trilema 1523559;1471472535;asciilifeform;$up judywatson 1523560;1471472535;deedbot;judywatson voiced for 30 minutes. 1523561;1471472655;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/504e4c41-45db-4774-89bf-447b0269f5c9/?raw=true 1523562;1471472729;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'at time' ought to be 'at times' 1523563;1471472879;judywatson;Exenmy 1523564;1471472879;judywatson;hola mircea_popescu tengas tiempo para mis tetas? 1523565;1471472950;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: hold off on publication, i'ma revise a bit. 1523566;1471472990;phf;hold the presses! 1523567;1471473113;*;shinohai eagerly awaits asciilifeform publication 1523568;1471473139;*;shinohai also eagerly awaits mircea_popescu for tonite's offering 1523569;1471474079;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/365ec022-3b92-4388-ba01-9d92115b8f50/?raw=true << now. 1523570;1471474514;BingoBoingo;Is that the revision? 1523571;1471474518;asciilifeform;yes. 1523572;1471474520;asciilifeform;fire at will. 1523573;1471474553;BingoBoingo;k 1523574;1471474597;asciilifeform;there is a missing http:// in the phuctor link. 1523575;1471474599;asciilifeform;everything else ok. 1523576;1471474966;BingoBoingo;up 1523577;1471475089;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/rng-whitening-bug-weakened-all-versions-of-gpg/ << Qntra - RNG Whitening Bug Weakened All Versions of GPG 1523578;1471475327;shinohai;$up judywatson 1523579;1471475327;deedbot;judywatson voiced for 30 minutes. 1523580;1471475341;shinohai;sorry judywatson mircea_popescu must be out again 1523581;1471476326;BingoBoingo;Lateral move http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/tells-story-nypd-overcoming-crack-dealer-article-1.2645280 1523582;1471476824;mircea_popescu;judywatson ok. b58fe7aa por favor. 1523583;1471476862;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wtf is that! 1523584;1471476871;mircea_popescu;o i mean danielpbarron not asciilifeform 1523585;1471476900;mircea_popescu;shinohai why is judy watson speaking spanish anyway 1523586;1471476919;shinohai;stage name? 1523587;1471476961;mircea_popescu;i c 1523588;1471476987;mod6;<@deedbot> http://qntra.net/2016/08/rng-whitening-bug-weakened-all-versions-of-gpg/ << Qntra - RNG Whitening Bug Weakened All Versions of GPG << f. 1523589;1471477121;BingoBoingo;f. what mod6? 1523590;1471477134;BingoBoingo;$up judywatson 1523591;1471477135;deedbot;judywatson voiced for 30 minutes. 1523592;1471477283;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/4y8xo1/rng_whitening_bug_weakens_gpg/ << try to browse to 1523593;1471477655;mod6;<+asciilifeform> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2016-6313 << ok, click on patches at the bottom, then 'diff', yields the diffs. << werd. thx. i had to resort to cloning the gnupg gitrepo and doing diffs. 1523594;1471477874;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo aww qntra ate my ol/li spacing in comment. 1523595;1471477946;BingoBoingo;comment field eats lots of things and then shits. 1523596;1471477955;mircea_popescu;aha 1523597;1471478002;BingoBoingo;fixing seems as though it would require mucking up phphhphphphp 1523598;1471478059;mircea_popescu;you can specify what tags to allow in comments in settings. 1523599;1471478062;mircea_popescu;at least in mp-wp :p 1523600;1471478084;judywatson;http://i.imgur.com/lxWg8Uh.png?1 1523601;1471478174;shinohai;mircea_popescu: she said does it count or can you see the letters? 1523602;1471478212;mircea_popescu;works. addy ? 1523603;1471478269;judywatson;14Y8cfUZ56PvZC8R7u2QCNfojvRtxcdSff 1523604;1471478330;mircea_popescu;aite a sec 1523605;1471478338;shinohai;kk 1523606;1471478424;shinohai;judywatson: dijo el solo un momento 1523607;1471478497;judywatson;amor te agradezco por todo 1523608;1471478497;judywatson;amor te agradezco por todo 1523609;1471478498;judywatson;te doy las gracias por todo 1523610;1471478512;shinohai;de nada 1523611;1471478698;shinohai;thank you for choosing #trilema for your bits for tits needs. 1523612;1471479023;mod6;<+shinohai> thank you for choosing #trilema for your bits for tits needs. << :D 1523613;1471479069;mircea_popescu;lol 1523614;1471479106;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform the incredible gall of the imbecile, to actually state it as "This bug does not affect the default generation of keys" << i mean srsly. since 1998!? 1523615;1471479114;shinohai;I could totally make a bidness out of this. Branding! 1523616;1471479500;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/17/the-road-to-the-future-is-paved-with-gravel/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The road to the future is paved with gravel. 1523617;1471480103;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2016/08/rng-whitening-bug-weakened-all-versions-of-gpg/#comment-67543 1523618;1471480103;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1523619;1471480150;mircea_popescu;incidentally, this is a point that should be reviewed. is it the case that EACH 600 bytes lose 20, or is it the case that ALL bytes past the 580th are gone ? 1523620;1471480324;asciilifeform;BLOCKLEN==64. DIGESTLEN==20 (working length of the retarded 'patent-free!11111' ripemd hash). 1523621;1471480343;mircea_popescu;yeah wtf ripemd 1523622;1471480399;asciilifeform;eh dafuq am i doing, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/522b89a1-b759-40c4-9c04-56bd9316323f/?raw=true 1523623;1471480409;asciilifeform;^ from mircea_popescu's vintage canned preserve pgp 1.4.10. 1523624;1471480504;mircea_popescu;30 blocks of 64 1523625;1471480519;asciilifeform;nope 1523626;1471480529;asciilifeform;30 * 20. 1523627;1471480558;asciilifeform;is the - derived via arse magic - fixed size of the pool. 1523628;1471480567;asciilifeform;(why a pool? why whiten at all? ask koch.) 1523629;1471480618;mod6;https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-announce/2016q3/000395.html << wtf. this guy doesn't clearsign these emails 1523630;1471480634;mod6;any one able to get their hands on: "URL: " ? 1523631;1471480649;asciilifeform;not i. 1523632;1471480662;mod6;and SHA1 checksums? wtf is this, the 90s? 1523633;1471480683;asciilifeform;mod6: all pgptrons live and die by sha1. 1523634;1471480696;mod6;i had to hand crank mine up to 512 1523635;1471480699;asciilifeform;this is one of the more egregious festering sores 1523636;1471480708;asciilifeform;mod6: the fp calculation is not adjustable. 1523637;1471480725;asciilifeform;and so all you need to forge a signature is a sha1 collision. 1523638;1471480736;asciilifeform;(when generating ~key~ with which to sign) 1523639;1471480746;mod6;well, that open-sore yeah. 1523640;1471480747;asciilifeform;this is in the l0gz on several occasions 1523641;1471480750;mod6;oh yeah 1523642;1471480754;asciilifeform;most recently during the 'linus shortid' thread. 1523643;1471480766;mod6;we've talked about that a bunch. shit, we even looked at trying to fix it at one time iirc. 1523644;1471480776;asciilifeform;it isn't fixable while conforming to the rfc. 1523645;1471480792;asciilifeform;granted this is not a 'real' forgery because folks with a copy of genuine key are untouchable by it. 1523646;1471480795;asciilifeform;nevertheless. 1523647;1471480808;asciilifeform;folks who only have mircea_popescu's business card - are. 1523648;1471480820;asciilifeform;touchable. 1523649;1471480843;mod6;<+asciilifeform> it isn't fixable while conforming to the rfc. << ah right. ugh. 1523650;1471480881;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge/ << Trilema - Werner Koch, confirmed USG stooge 1523651;1471480893;mod6;<+asciilifeform> folks who only have mircea_popescu's business card - are. << ah, i see what you're sayin' 1523652;1471480922;asciilifeform;know who else ? 1523653;1471480927;asciilifeform;https://bitcoin.org/en/alert/2016-08-17-binary-safety << them. apparently. 1523654;1471480951;asciilifeform;'Bitcoin.org has reason to suspect that the binaries for the upcoming Bitcoin Core release will likely be targeted by state sponsored attackers. As a website, Bitcoin.org does not have the necessary technical resources to guarantee that we can defend ourselves ...blahblah... The hashes of Bitcoin Core binaries are cryptographically signed with this key. We strongly recommend that you download that key, which should have a fingerprint 1523655;1471480951;asciilifeform; of 01EA5486DE18A882D4C2684590C8019E36C2E964.' 1523656;1471481021;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'the spirochetes are there waiting' << win. 1523657;1471481237;shinohai;bwahahahaha 1523658;1471481549;mod6;<@deedbot> http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge/ << Trilema - Werner Koch, confirmed USG stooge << mod this shit up 1523659;1471481765;mod6;just threw this out to the unwashed ^ 1523660;1471481978;mircea_popescu;only win because it's true. 1523661;1471482008;mod6;:] 1523662;1471482013;mircea_popescu;fuckign shithead, there he sits, going to himself "oh look, these kids are closing in on me, let me say publicly that it's "probably a software bug / cosmic ray". 1523663;1471482029;mircea_popescu;no fucking integrity, no fucking shame, nothing, just zombified walkers. 1523664;1471482137;mod6;"Some guy 1523665;1471482137;mod6;downloaded most RSA keys from a keyserver and tried to factor 1.9 1523666;1471482138;mod6;million moduli" 1523667;1471482173;asciilifeform;nobody, of course, ever heard of any such preposterous thing ? 1523668;1471482179;mircea_popescu;mod6 because whatever inept handler was passing them the talking points didn't even have the modicum of know-your-bizness to get the actual number. 1523669;1471482197;mircea_popescu;then they mysteriously kept copy/pasting the wrong digits off each other and i'm supposed to what, look the other way ? 1523670;1471482199;mircea_popescu;shitheads. 1523671;1471482214;mod6;^ 1523672;1471482216;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no that was a mythical "some other guy" in "the past" 1523673;1471482230;asciilifeform;evidently. 1523674;1471482243;asciilifeform;'lomg, long time ago, in galaxy far, far away' 1523675;1471482245;mircea_popescu;it was all published in "i can't believe it's not a journal" 1523676;1471482306;mod6;"the PGP team at Symantec" << lel! 1523677;1471482330;asciilifeform;mod6: iirc they own the original zimmerman pgp. 1523678;1471482333;asciilifeform;for some years. 1523679;1471482347;asciilifeform;or what's left of it, anyway. 1523680;1471482347;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1523681;1471482377;asciilifeform;their main function was, iirc, to curate the openpgp working group, to make sure rfc stays replete with braindamage. 1523682;1471482412;mircea_popescu;more's the point here : does that pos actually work so as to get any entropy past the 600 bytes pool ? 1523683;1471482466;asciilifeform;from my current reading, first 20 of every 600 is fixed, for the duration of entire run of process. 1523684;1471482495;mircea_popescu;situation : you go to make key with stock gpg, set it to 4096, ie 512 bytes. it makes you the sign key with 512 entropy bytes, then makes you the encrypt key wirth the remainder 68, and that's it. 1523685;1471482525;mircea_popescu;seems prepasterous in that such narrow space'd have been evident by now 1523686;1471482528;mircea_popescu;but... 1523687;1471482547;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also importantly, is it the first 20 or the last 20 ? he's claiming the last 20. 1523688;1471482553;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it would not be evident. 1523689;1471482564;mircea_popescu;whitening eh. 1523690;1471482572;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: remember, the ~initial~ contents of the pool are entropic (at least in as far as the os provides) 1523691;1471482583;asciilifeform;the correlant is the FIRST key generated (i.e. primary key) 1523692;1471482587;asciilifeform;(to the subkeys.) 1523693;1471482708;mircea_popescu;anyway, seems proper tmsr-rsa will have to come sooner rather than later. 1523694;1471482849;mod6;indeed. and thank goodness for that. 1523695;1471483163;mircea_popescu;also, i had never read that dabblers and blowhards essay before, but good god is graham unfucking bearable AND ALSO remarkably undistinguishable from every other foss idiot, from o reilly to who have you, if distilled like that. 1523696;1471483173;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: upon reflection, there may exist also a mathematical relationship which allows BOTH mods to be broken. 1523697;1471483175;mircea_popescu;oil painting replaced tempera in 1400 ? hoily shit what. 1523698;1471483185;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is more to this yes/ 1523699;1471483473;mircea_popescu;this gotta be in the logs : 1523700;1471483474;mircea_popescu;" In Paul Graham's world, as soon as oil paint was invented, painting techniques made a discontinuous jump from the fifteenth to the twentienth century, fortuitously allowing Renaissance painters to paint a lot like Paul Graham. And the difficult problems the new medium supposedly helped painters solve just happened to resemble the painting problems that confront an enthusiastic but not particularly talented art student. I ho 1523701;1471483475;mircea_popescu;pe I am not the only to find this highly suspicious. 1523702;1471483475;mircea_popescu;I blame Eric Raymond and to a lesser extent Dave Winer for bringing this kind of schlock writing onto the Internet. Raymond is the original perpetrator of the "what is a hacker?" essay, in which you quickly begin to understand that a hacker is someone who resembles Eric Raymond. Dave Winer has recently and mercifully moved his essays off to audio, but you can still hear him snorfling cashew nuts and talking at length about wh 1523703;1471483478;mircea_popescu;at it means to be a blogger[7] . These essays and this writing style are tempting to people outside the subculture at hand because of their engaging personal tone and idiosyncratic, insider's view. But after a while, you begin to notice that all the essays are an elaborate set of mirrors set up to reflect different facets of the author, in a big distributed act of participatory narcissism. " 1523704;1471483484;mircea_popescu;i couldn't have said it better myself. 1523705;1471483494;*;asciilifeform is cooking up a little experiment. 1523706;1471483529;*;mod6 is looking at mix_pool by hand 1523707;1471484018;asciilifeform;aaah did i ever mention that gcc 5.x won't build gpg 1.4.x ?? 1523708;1471484023;asciilifeform;well now i did. 1523709;1471484138;mod6;heh 'mix_poo' 1523710;1471484182;mircea_popescu;heh 1523711;1471484500;asciilifeform;holy shit 1523712;1471484513;mircea_popescu;yeees ? 1523713;1471484518;asciilifeform;holy mother of shit. 1523714;1471484529;asciilifeform;folks yer gonna have to take this road cone in, a few mm at a time. 1523715;1471484533;asciilifeform;i promise, it will hurt. 1523716;1471484537;asciilifeform;when it fully goes in. 1523717;1471484542;asciilifeform;but slow is better, less tearing. 1523718;1471484562;mircea_popescu;the things you're an expert on ... 1523719;1471484574;asciilifeform;first, you will need mircea_popescu's gnupg-1.4.10.tar.gz. 1523720;1471484589;asciilifeform;sha512==d037041d2e6882fd3b999500b5a7b42be2c224836afc358e1f8a2465c1b74473d518f185b7c324b2c8dec4ffb70e9e34a03c94d1a54cc55d297f40c9745f6e1b 1523721;1471484637;asciilifeform;after this, you will need http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e63a6d1f-5f34-4be4-9e9f-0226dc8b8de2/?raw=true 1523722;1471484659;asciilifeform;it is quicker to throw in the extra 'hexdump' line by hand, than to get the patch ducks in a row, imho. 1523723;1471484660;BingoBoingo;Do we break pinky for anesthetic value now or later 1523724;1471484664;asciilifeform;then, build. 1523725;1471484678;asciilifeform;now folks get in some lube, you will need it: 1523726;1471484723;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/51515493-1d40-446b-99d0-932642d8b90d/?raw=true << sample output. 1523727;1471484727;asciilifeform;for 2048-bit key. 1523728;1471484742;asciilifeform;do i need to keep going, draw a picture ? 1523729;1471484761;mircea_popescu;ie, mostly 0s 1523730;1471484765;asciilifeform;aha. 1523731;1471484769;asciilifeform;and this isn't even the koch scenario. 1523732;1471484780;mircea_popescu;such entropy. 1523733;1471484802;*;asciilifeform brb, phood 1523734;1471484821;*;mod6 builds 1523735;1471485278;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4381e490-0696-47ae-8799-7fb27724a99c/?raw=true 1523736;1471485314;mod6;much fail 1523737;1471485386;mircea_popescu;im cooking it. 1523738;1471485806;mircea_popescu;hm where the fuck does it spit the binary after all ? 1523739;1471485819;mircea_popescu;"g10" mkay. sheesh. 1523740;1471485821;mod6;into g10 1523741;1471485822;mod6;yup 1523742;1471485840;asciilifeform;see my paste. 1523743;1471485842;asciilifeform;it has path. 1523744;1471485895;mircea_popescu;aite, cooking a key. 1523745;1471485901;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform plox to qntra. 1523746;1471485984;mircea_popescu;oya. 1523747;1471486038;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually - seems it's just slowly populating it ? 1523748;1471486114;mircea_popescu;jesus mother of holy shit, two different problems. 1523749;1471486289;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: N problems. 1523750;1471486306;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge/ << admire the FF FF pairs, among other things. 1523751;1471486306;asciilifeform;if somebody wants to replicate on gpg 2.x, plox. 1523752;1471486316;mircea_popescu;turns out EVERYTHING phuctor found comes straight from usg.koch 1523753;1471486370;asciilifeform;more or less. 1523754;1471486394;mircea_popescu;epic. 1523755;1471486414;mircea_popescu;so basically... the best key produced by stock gpg is... wait for it... about 700 or so bits strong. 1523756;1471486415;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1523757;1471486424;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski everything a person needs to know about dating can be found on Trilema 1523758;1471486424;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1523759;1471486427;asciilifeform;no this is optimistic mircea_popescu . 1523760;1471486467;asciilifeform;the more known bits in modulus, the easier to reconstruct whole thing. 1523761;1471486472;mircea_popescu;i'm an optimistic kinda guy. 1523762;1471486520;asciilifeform;at AT MOST 0.27 of the total, the rape is polynomial. 1523763;1471486588;BingoBoingo;So is S.NSA going to have a line item expense for alf.dope this month? 1523764;1471486590;asciilifeform;(the bound may conceivably be lower) 1523765;1471486601;mircea_popescu;lol 1523766;1471486620;asciilifeform;dunno what kind of dope is even called on such occasion. 1523767;1471486687;*;asciilifeform pictures boeck, poor idiot, waking up at 4 in the morning, called to do his dooooty 1523768;1471486692;BingoBoingo;Cheap vodka will prolly be fine. You're on an accelerated schedule now. Prolly it bottom next week and begin rehabbing by Sept 1st. 1523769;1471487153;asciilifeform;observe how primary key is always WEAKEST. 1523770;1471487214;mircea_popescu;aha. 1523771;1471487240;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally their dumbass "manual" https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gcrypt/Prime_002dNumber_002dGenerator-Subsystem-Architecture.html references /cipher/ which is gone in 2.0 trunk 1523772;1471487252;mircea_popescu;and you should see keygen.c THERE 1523773;1471487290;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you built it, post the dump plox. 1523774;1471487305;mircea_popescu;i'm still untangling wtf it does to get primes. 1523775;1471487315;mircea_popescu;entirely undocumented bullshit. 1523776;1471487448;asciilifeform;gpg 2.x uses gcrypt lib. 1523777;1471487457;asciilifeform;so the lunacy isn't even CONTAINED in it 1523778;1471487460;mircea_popescu;"put the key into an S-expression" 1523779;1471487461;asciilifeform;but in gcrypt. 1523780;1471487473;mircea_popescu;ah that's what it was huh. standardization of diddling. 1523781;1471487476;asciilifeform;aha. 1523782;1471487487;BingoBoingo;$b 2 1523783;1471487569;asciilifeform;in libgcrypt, the thing is in cipher/primegen.c 1523784;1471487611;asciilifeform;put the hex dump RIGHT AFTER the 'mpi_set_bit(prime,0)' idiocy 1523785;1471487614;asciilifeform;just like in gpg 1.4.10. 1523786;1471487620;asciilifeform;gentlemen, start yer engines. 1523787;1471487642;mircea_popescu;there is no cipher/primegen.c in 2.0 ? 1523788;1471487651;asciilifeform;again it isn't in gpg ! 1523789;1471487655;asciilifeform;it is in libgcrypt 1523790;1471487669;asciilifeform;the copy i happen to have pulled from my arse at this moment is 1.5.1. 1523791;1471487681;mircea_popescu;2.8mb holy fuck already 1523792;1471487686;asciilifeform;aha. 1523793;1471487689;BingoBoingo; observe how primary key is always WEAKEST. << But pinoy insists opposite-day observe how primary key is always WEAKEST. 1523794;1471487689;mircea_popescu;im going to try 1.7.3 1523795;1471487695;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/security/comments/4y8w7s/rng_whitening_bug_weakened_all_versions_of_gpg/ 1523796;1471487711;BingoBoingo;^ Where pinoy insists opposite 1523797;1471487732;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'm not even bothering with that crapolade nao. 1523798;1471487760;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Good. You accepted Step 1. You are powerless over social media and all it does it eat your time. 1523799;1471487774;BingoBoingo;And makes your life unmanageable etc... 1523800;1471487792;asciilifeform;approx. 1523801;1471487793;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform does building gpg build libgcrypt auto ? 1523802;1471487803;asciilifeform;nope. 1523803;1471487819;asciilifeform;you gotta build libgcrypt and then tell gpg's ./configure where to find it 1523804;1471487848;asciilifeform;./configure --with-libgcrypt-prefix /where/you/put/it 1523805;1471487856;mircea_popescu;aite. 1523806;1471487886;asciilifeform;(grep 'configure' for 'with-libgcrypt', see how many other crud libs it demands...) 1523807;1471487903;mircea_popescu;~/gpg-2.0.30/libgcrypt-1.7.3$ make 1523808;1471487904;mircea_popescu;make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. 1523809;1471487910;mircea_popescu;yet the makefile is right there ?! 1523810;1471487913;asciilifeform;didja ./configure it ? 1523811;1471487916;mircea_popescu;yeah 1523812;1471487947;asciilifeform;libgcrypt, i mean 1523813;1471487947;mircea_popescu;oh shit. configure: error: libgpg-error is needed. 1523814;1471487951;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is wrong with these people! 1523815;1471487965;asciilifeform;if no makefile, it didn't get ./configure'd. 1523816;1471487969;asciilifeform;aha 1523817;1471487978;mircea_popescu;is it going to walk me one by one through the entire list of loserdom, lib"assuan" and whatnot ? 1523818;1471488010;asciilifeform;fastest way to get all the deps is to simply grab a sacrificial (e.g., 'african') box and let it install gpg2 1523819;1471488019;asciilifeform;then build the new gpg2 as described here. 1523820;1471488045;asciilifeform;it will pull the deps you didn't tell ./configure about from the various pestholes they normally end up in. 1523821;1471488268;mircea_popescu;fucking nightmare. so the lib-error shit compiled, but obviously ./configure --with-libgpg-error-prefix="/home/mircea/gpg-2.0.30/libgpg-error-1.24/" does nothing, with or without quotes 1523822;1471488279;asciilifeform;nonononono 1523823;1471488291;asciilifeform;you want this only when building gpg. 1523824;1471488305;mircea_popescu;how do i build libgcrypt then ? 1523825;1471488307;asciilifeform;and it'll look like ./configure --with-libgpg-error-prefix="/home/mircea/libgcrypt-something 1523826;1471488308;asciilifeform;" 1523827;1471488320;asciilifeform;build gcrypt normally other than the added hexdump line. 1523828;1471488326;asciilifeform;./configure 1523829;1471488327;asciilifeform;make 1523830;1471488330;asciilifeform;. 1523831;1471488330;mircea_popescu;it dies becausde needs lib-error 1523832;1471488345;mircea_popescu;you don't properly appreciate the chain of braindamage. 1523833;1471488356;mircea_popescu;they made dependencies like 1->2->3 1523834;1471488364;asciilifeform;which is why 'let heathen box pull the binary deps' 1523835;1471488376;mircea_popescu;do you mind ? 1523836;1471488394;asciilifeform;well if you want to do this the gentoo way, actually gotta build libgpgerror 1523837;1471488398;asciilifeform;lessee, it built ? 1523838;1471488403;mircea_popescu;it did. 1523839;1471488437;asciilifeform;post output of failed ./configure . 1523840;1471488455;mircea_popescu;from autogen : "--with-gpg-error-prefix=@SYSROOT@" << what format does that take if not fucking path 1523841;1471488480;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform :checking for GPG Error - version >= 1.13... no 1523842;1471488480;mircea_popescu;configure: error: libgpg-error is needed. 1523843;1471488480;mircea_popescu; See ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgpg-error/ . 1523844;1471488566;asciilifeform;hmm 1523845;1471488587;mircea_popescu;what's it looking for, something like libgpg-error.a ? 1523846;1471488591;asciilifeform;aha 1523847;1471488624;asciilifeform;when you built gpg-error, it shat out a binary, gpg-error-config 1523848;1471488631;asciilifeform;find it and run gpg-error-config --prefix. 1523849;1471488641;asciilifeform;that's the prefix the gpg2 abortion wants. 1523850;1471488678;mircea_popescu;holy shit .a is in /src/ 1523851;1471488688;asciilifeform;lel. 1523852;1471488700;mircea_popescu;AND it returns "/usr/local" 1523853;1471488703;mircea_popescu;fuck me sideways what. 1523854;1471488724;asciilifeform;hey there was a reason i did not start with gpg2. 1523855;1471488736;mircea_popescu;this is so broken. srsly, nuts. 1523856;1471488764;mircea_popescu;~/gpg-2.0.30/libgpg-error-1.24/src$ ./gpg-error-config --prefix 1523857;1471488766;mircea_popescu; /usr/local 1523858;1471488777;mircea_popescu;ARE THEY MAD??? 1523859;1471488785;asciilifeform;perhaps just sad. 1523860;1471488813;BingoBoingo;brb 1523861;1471488817;mircea_popescu;so now, if i put the path in autogen.rc, nothing happens. 1523862;1471488901;asciilifeform;oh and on top of this, 1523863;1471488911;asciilifeform;there's no log_hexdump in libgcrypt. 1523864;1471488954;asciilifeform;_gcry_log_printhex instead. 1523865;1471489039;asciilifeform;presently testing on a box that had the deps crapolade 1523866;1471489047;asciilifeform;now for the magic moment. 1523867;1471489112;asciilifeform;gpg-2.0.22 and libgcrypt 1.5.1 1523868;1471489188;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7a7a03b8-9417-4d8b-912e-4345dbfeb482/?raw=true << mega-l0l. 1523869;1471489223;mircea_popescu;so 2.0.22 can't generate a key and 2.0.30 can't compile. 1523870;1471489228;asciilifeform;apparently. 1523871;1471489273;asciilifeform;not, at least, without some strange heathen magic, which i apparently lack here. 1523872;1471489303;mircea_popescu;ftr thee test is : if test "x$GPG_ERROR_LIBS" = "x"; then 1523873;1471489315;mircea_popescu;i figure i just go "x/path" lessee. 1523874;1471489318;mod6;i can'gnupg-2.0.30 to build either 1523875;1471489327;mod6;*can't 1523876;1471489328;mircea_popescu;mod6 same symptoms ? 1523877;1471489344;mod6;yup 1523878;1471489377;mircea_popescu;mod6 edit configure, the test above with your path. 1523879;1471489388;mod6;hm, ok 1523880;1471489418;mircea_popescu;ah no 1523881;1471489424;mircea_popescu;it just passes the test but dies on make nm 1523882;1471489621;mircea_popescu;for bonus lulz ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/libgpg-error/x 1523883;1471489637;asciilifeform;ugh 1523884;1471489650;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the x works. 1523885;1471489750;mod6;ok got close 1523886;1471489752;mod6;./.libs/libgcrypt.so: undefined reference to `log_hexdump' 1523887;1471489760;mircea_popescu;o you got it. what did you do ? 1523888;1471489763;asciilifeform;mod6: see earlier in log 1523889;1471489778;asciilifeform; _gcry_log_printhex instead. 1523890;1471489779;mircea_popescu;mod6 _gcry_log_printhex instead of it. 1523891;1471489794;mod6;mircea_popescu: so, instead of doing all the things with --prefix, i just started straight out building all the deps and installing them. 1523892;1471489811;mircea_popescu;oh. im not fucking insalling his bs. 1523893;1471489817;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is this. 1523894;1471489818;mod6;yah, this is just a test box. 1523895;1471489827;mircea_popescu;fuck him. 1523896;1471489835;mod6;no doubt. 1523897;1471489843;asciilifeform;this is, i warned, quite laborious. 1523898;1471489851;mircea_popescu;dude the sheer insanity... 1523899;1471489880;asciilifeform;i built it, refuses to run without 'gpg-agent' 1523900;1471489883;asciilifeform;which does ???. 1523901;1471489908;asciilifeform;funnily enough, testing on a box that, long ago, used to have gpg2 working... 1523902;1471489911;asciilifeform;(since rooted out) 1523903;1471489948;mircea_popescu;eulora builds ~500 times easier than this dumb shit. 1523904;1471489952;mircea_popescu;arguably it's a lot more useful, too. 1523905;1471490020;mod6;2.x is such a pile of dung 1523906;1471490181;asciilifeform;$up boolcrap1 1523907;1471490181;deedbot;boolcrap1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1523908;1471490184;boolcrap1;yo 1523909;1471490190;boolcrap1;what is good 1523910;1471490199;asciilifeform;boolcrap1: consider reading the channel log 1523911;1471490212;boolcrap1;I'm not sure im that dedicated to trilema yet 1523912;1471490221;asciilifeform;boolcrap1: http://btcbase.org/log 1523913;1471490233;asciilifeform;boolcrap1: i promise, you'll like this one. 1523914;1471490269;mircea_popescu;nope, export ld path dun do it either. 1523915;1471490361;asciilifeform;soooooo literature survey is in 1523916;1471490377;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm giving up on this bs. gnupg 2.0 doesn't even exist, contrary to nonsense noise on social media. 1523917;1471490385;mircea_popescu;let them figure out how to release software first. 1523918;1471490386;asciilifeform;sarkar and maitra give us a bang if we know 0.266N consecutive shared bits. 1523919;1471490415;asciilifeform;(anywhere in the mod pair) 1523920;1471490430;asciilifeform;this may be enough to blow away a good fraction of extant gpg pubkeys. 1523921;1471490430;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you look at the 4kb thing i published : there's no actual contiguity. just fields of double FFs 1523922;1471490445;asciilifeform;contiguity of ~shared string~ 1523923;1471490450;asciilifeform;between two public mods. 1523924;1471490457;asciilifeform;e.g. primkey and subkey. 1523925;1471490509;asciilifeform;hmm, 0.21 'in practice.' 1523926;1471490509;mod6;ok mine is going... 1523927;1471490540;asciilifeform;that's ~26 bytes of a 1024-bit prime. 1523928;1471490552;asciilifeform;27. 1523929;1471490560;mircea_popescu;27 1523930;1471490570;asciilifeform;and this is not a hard bound, either 1523931;1471490584;asciilifeform;just that when you dance off its edge, required horsepower grows exponentially 1523932;1471490586;mircea_popescu;im guessing phuctor is getting some new shit stuck on either side. 1523933;1471490593;asciilifeform;quite likely. 1523934;1471490732;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/16757709-7f5d-45f7-a260-79cde334dc93/?raw=true 1523935;1471490754;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform FF FF still there. 1523936;1471490773;mircea_popescu;and look at all the bonus zero fields 1523937;1471490776;mircea_popescu;mod6 do a ocupla more ? 1523938;1471490803;mod6;i can sure. 1523939;1471490810;mod6;give me a few here... 1523940;1471490826;mircea_popescu;np. 1523941;1471490856;asciilifeform;btw mircea_popescu .... 1523942;1471490865;asciilifeform;my runs have upper 32 BYTES in common. 1523943;1471490891;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/51515493-1d40-446b-99d0-932642d8b90d/?raw=true << for instance. 1523944;1471490894;asciilifeform;(linked earlier) 1523945;1471490929;asciilifeform;this is a headshot. 1523946;1471490973;mircea_popescu;ima run a bunch and we can see 1523947;1471491078;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : when generating a new key, name NEEDS to be at least 5 chars long. password however - can be 4. 1523948;1471491189;asciilifeform;soooo the subkey idiocy is apparently the 2nd half of a bipartite poison. 1523949;1471491198;asciilifeform;the diddled rng being the first. 1523950;1471491199;mircea_popescu;yes. 1523951;1471491318;asciilifeform;this is promising to be a very awkward occasion. 1523952;1471491335;asciilifeform;does mircea_popescu fully apprehend where this train is going ? 1523953;1471491352;mircea_popescu;to the lulz mine ? 1523954;1471491409;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/f6355da8-4a82-40d2-a6a0-d1217232dbac/?raw=true << this, for instance, is mircea_popescu's pub. 1523955;1471491427;mircea_popescu;aha. 1523956;1471491461;asciilifeform;got n1, b9 4e de 87 7a.... 1523957;1471491474;asciilifeform;and n2, bf ce 64 f1 43 f2 ... 1523958;1471491488;asciilifeform;generated one after another while process ran. 1523959;1471491530;asciilifeform;and here is mine, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cebf02d3-4b28-4e34-a66b-aa3edb3bd6e1/?raw=true 1523960;1471491530;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1523961;1471491536;asciilifeform;^ hopefully not surprising 1523962;1471491684;mircea_popescu;you mean, they start with same 4 bits ? 1523963;1471491688;asciilifeform;nono 1523964;1471491691;asciilifeform;these are moduli 1523965;1471491698;asciilifeform;p and q have already been multiplied. 1523966;1471491716;asciilifeform;nothing odd, of course, to the naked aye. 1523967;1471491717;asciilifeform;eye 1523968;1471491731;mircea_popescu;so then what'd be surprising or wut ? 1523969;1471491773;asciilifeform;but chances are that p1 and q1 share top 32 bit 1523970;1471491776;asciilifeform;ditto p2, q2. 1523971;1471491781;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/986c1c9c-da8c-4c71-800e-111fdc35d8d6/?raw=true 1523972;1471491807;asciilifeform;and all of p1,q1,p2,q2 share at least top 20 bit. 1523973;1471491812;mod6;i'll do one more 1523974;1471491827;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/55bf0b65-8784-49f0-895b-e3eb0793afc7/?raw=true << further 1.4. the ff's went away, 0s came in... 1523975;1471491862;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform trivial for me to dump these i just generated, let's see 1523976;1471491873;asciilifeform;the other thing, 1523977;1471491889;asciilifeform;sarkar et al promises (the recipe is quite gnarly) ANY substring 1523978;1471491899;asciilifeform;not necessarily top, or bottom of prime. 1523979;1471491983;asciilifeform;btw, here is a handy elementary proof of a certain thing, 1523980;1471492083;asciilifeform;if we know B - k shared topmost bits, then the work required to break in comparison with work W, supposing we knew B bits, is at most W*(2^k). 1523981;1471492099;asciilifeform;is this obvious or do i need to draw picture. 1523982;1471492134;asciilifeform;note that this is an upper bound, it applies regardless of what kind of magic is used. 1523983;1471492139;mircea_popescu;yes. 1523984;1471492149;asciilifeform;so this thing parallelizes 'embarrasingly'. 1523985;1471492192;mircea_popescu;this is weird... so this thing when told to dump priv key dumps THE SAME BLOCK irrespective of which user is indicated. 1523986;1471492273;mircea_popescu;check it out... if you do ANYTHING but -a "username", ie no quotes, or fp or anything, it just dumps ALL PRIVKEYS IT KNOWS. 1523987;1471492288;asciilifeform;lel 1523988;1471492292;mircea_popescu;including if you try -r 1523989;1471492295;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e8051eb2-9dca-4d40-9f08-5b38943bbb73/?raw=true 1523990;1471492365;mircea_popescu;anyway, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/9a20f5a7-7afd-4a74-ad78-b8217288c5e6/?raw=true << the two just generated keys. 1523991;1471492375;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what were you cutting these up with again ? 1523992;1471492390;asciilifeform;pgpdump -i foo.asc 1523993;1471492456;mircea_popescu;heh. 1523994;1471492457;mircea_popescu; WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! 1523995;1471492457;mircea_popescu; pgpdump 1523996;1471492457;mircea_popescu;Install these packages without verification [y/N]? 1523997;1471492458;mircea_popescu;so much win. 1523998;1471492469;asciilifeform;build it from src, it is small. 1523999;1471492493;mircea_popescu;atm i can't takle the aggravation of bulding anything. 1524000;1471492527;mircea_popescu;btw folks - wotpaste wipes shit daily. make sure you save what you want. 1524001;1471492547;mircea_popescu;phf an auto-archive for links would be so cool right about now... 1524002;1471492562;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/547e0a4f-8f73-43f2-82f2-9b5d540ff249/ 1524003;1471492563;asciilifeform;and 1524004;1471492581;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/9a139b53-7122-4eaf-b940-2407ca5d8974/ 1524005;1471492582;asciilifeform;. 1524006;1471492606;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is useless 1524007;1471492610;asciilifeform;you gave it a passphrase. 1524008;1471492617;mircea_popescu;oh shit. 1524009;1471492636;mod6;oh, i did the same. "asdf" iirc. 1524010;1471492642;mod6;i can regen tho 1524011;1471492679;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ababdff0-7902-42b8-9d39-732e1a701116/?raw=true 1524012;1471492684;asciilifeform;^ from my original shot. 1524013;1471492741;asciilifeform;... it looks as if there is an extra layer of shuffle not accounted for by the dump? 1524014;1471492783;mircea_popescu;ripemd ? 1524015;1471492796;asciilifeform;nope 1524016;1471492802;asciilifeform;dump is post-whitening. 1524017;1471492822;asciilifeform;but pre-'nextprime' 1524018;1471492827;asciilifeform;thing is, nextprime cannot walk all that far 1524019;1471492954;asciilifeform;i'll walk through here: 1524020;1471492969;asciilifeform;generate(...) in rsa.c 1524021;1471492988;asciilifeform;p = generate_secret_prime( nbits / 2 ); 1524022;1471492988;asciilifeform;q = generate_secret_prime( nbits / 2 ); 1524023;1471493003;asciilifeform;primegen.c: 1524024;1471493024;asciilifeform;generate_secret_prime( unsigned nbits ) gives us a 1524025;1471493035;asciilifeform;prime = gen_prime( nbits, 1, 2 ); 1524026;1471493056;asciilifeform;and now, 1524027;1471493066;asciilifeform;gen_prime( unsigned int nbits, int secret, int randomlevel ) 1524028;1471493100;asciilifeform;contains a single rng invocation, 1524029;1471493102;asciilifeform;char *p = get_random_bits( nbits, randomlevel, secret ) 1524030;1471493114;asciilifeform;which then gets, for good shitgnomatic measure, 1524031;1471493123;asciilifeform; /* Set high order bit to 1, set low order bit to 0. 1524032;1471493123;asciilifeform; If we are generating a secret prime we are most probably 1524033;1471493123;asciilifeform; doing that for RSA, to make sure that the modulus does have 1524034;1471493123;asciilifeform; the requested keysize we set the 2 high order bits */ 1524035;1471493124;asciilifeform; mpi_set_highbit( prime, nbits-1 ); 1524036;1471493125;asciilifeform; if (secret) 1524037;1471493128;asciilifeform; mpi_set_bit (prime, nbits-2); 1524038;1471493130;asciilifeform; mpi_set_bit( prime, 0 ); 1524039;1471493132;asciilifeform;(apologies for l0g bloat, but this has to be done..) 1524040;1471493141;asciilifeform;AAAAAND this is where we dump the buffer. 1524041;1471493142;mircea_popescu;ah, that explains the weird leading. 1524042;1471493154;asciilifeform;which brings us to here and now. 1524043;1471493158;mircea_popescu;right. 1524044;1471493188;mircea_popescu;this guy's "reasoning" is a process of incredible awkward awesome. 1524045;1471493202;mircea_popescu;"to make sure safety is met, we ductape some met to the safety" 1524046;1471493223;asciilifeform;dun forget to glue a saf to an ety first. 1524047;1471493602;asciilifeform;let's try a small variation on the theme. 1524048;1471493603;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/2123f7da-c117-442a-9d79-f316d0fae5e4/?raw=true 1524049;1471493610;asciilifeform;^ patch for gpg1.4.10 1524050;1471493627;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ba0caef9-843b-4482-8d53-ac4f41420a17/?raw=true << with empty password "" 1524051;1471493745;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/9f874336-2304-432c-a9be-bf6f22955a43/?raw=true << output of above experiment. 1524052;1471493779;asciilifeform;ok we're all fools 1524053;1471493788;asciilifeform;asciilifeform, mod6, mircea_popescu , et al 1524054;1471493799;asciilifeform;not one of us, it turns out, can count 1524055;1471493828;asciilifeform;log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", ptest, nbits); 1524056;1471493832;asciilifeform;ought to be log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", ptest, nbits/8.); 1524057;1471493868;asciilifeform;so now we gotta do it all again. 1524058;1471493890;mod6;i can do 2.0.30 with this ^ if that helps 1524059;1471493975;mircea_popescu;ugh 1524060;1471493990;mircea_popescu;o jesus 1524061;1471494008;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/c5ac34fd-8db4-45b8-bc89-5f7655045aa0/?raw=true << correct output. 1524062;1471494012;asciilifeform;but still quite depressing. 1524063;1471494046;mircea_popescu;11 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 E6 / 11 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E7 1524064;1471494047;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b35a2bb1-15f7-44be-be39-b60faea2ede3/?raw=true << patch which produced ^. 1524065;1471494050;mircea_popescu;the lulz. 1524066;1471494066;asciilifeform;see folks, this is why i didn't qntra this yet, dun wanna pons&fleischmann it. 1524067;1471494096;asciilifeform;i'ma let one of you fellers tell me when i wake up why 11 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 also didn't happen 1524068;1471494115;mircea_popescu;you mean log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", prime, nbits/8.); ? 1524069;1471494135;asciilifeform;no ? 1524070;1471494157;asciilifeform;dafuq would an unintegral number of bits refer to ?? 1524071;1471494176;asciilifeform;and what did mircea_popescu use for a compiler, that ate this. 1524072;1471494195;mircea_popescu; log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", ptest, nbits); 1524073;1471494195;mircea_popescu; ought to be log_hexdump("\nYieldPrime: \n", ptest, nbits/8.); << 1524074;1471494219;asciilifeform;did i push that button?? 1524075;1471494224;asciilifeform;yes i did, lel 1524076;1471494234;asciilifeform;anyway the patch ^ shown above is the ticket. 1524077;1471494262;asciilifeform;which is why i post the actual in and out, instead of contents of my head. 1524078;1471494273;asciilifeform;(in case anyone ever wondered why.) 1524079;1471494391;asciilifeform;now for the $64k question: 1524080;1471494422;mircea_popescu;well im running a 1.4.10 just for shits and giggles. 1524081;1471494492;asciilifeform;how the fuck these turn into the sane-looking p's and q's. 1524082;1471494505;mod6;<+asciilifeform> anyway the patch ^ shown above is the ticket. << recompiling for gpg2 1524083;1471494539;mircea_popescu;i dunno but the p an q in your example share nothing useful. 1524084;1471494547;mircea_popescu;longest item is 5 bits. 1524085;1471494566;asciilifeform;in http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/c5ac34fd-8db4-45b8-bc89-5f7655045aa0/?raw=true ?? 1524086;1471494589;mircea_popescu;no, the p and q from http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/ababdff0-7902-42b8-9d39-732e1a701116/?raw=true 1524087;1471494594;asciilifeform;ah yes. 1524088;1471494605;*;mircea_popescu put them through a binarytron 1524089;1471494608;asciilifeform;so far i am at a loss as to how one becomes the other. 1524090;1471494621;mircea_popescu;open source means the code is readable! 1524091;1471494662;asciilifeform;the output of 'YieldPrime', per my model, ought to end up in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524021 1524092;1471494662;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 04:03 asciilifeform: p = generate_secret_prime( nbits / 2 ); 1524093;1471494666;asciilifeform;etc. 1524094;1471494852;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bf16a842-3da9-4891-9db6-78b99fefe0b9/?raw=true < 1.4.10 1524095;1471494887;mircea_popescu;that 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 / 41 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ain't goin' nowhere 1524096;1471494904;mircea_popescu;(160 bits, incidentally) 1524097;1471494913;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and what did the p and q in the privkey look like ? 1524098;1471494920;asciilifeform;p1,q1, p2,q2 rather 1524099;1471494930;asciilifeform;(you get 2 moduli always, prim and sub) 1524100;1471495016;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/48a0ecf5-0102-41f1-9ca7-a416d7c2bc3b/ << blank pw 1524101;1471495029;asciilifeform;ok turns out that nobody can count x2. 1524102;1471495042;asciilifeform;shall i say it or has everyone already figured it out. 1524103;1471495077;asciilifeform;hint: what does log_hexdump do 1524104;1471495084;mircea_popescu;you're having entirely too much fun. 1524105;1471495086;asciilifeform;and what is ~really~ in 'prime' ? 1524106;1471495123;asciilifeform;we're chewing on mpi header. 1524107;1471495131;asciilifeform;and probably ought to go to bed 1524108;1471495134;asciilifeform;at leas asciilifeform oughta. 1524109;1471495149;asciilifeform;the dumped string is RAW MPI CRAPOLA 1524110;1471495155;mircea_popescu;the FF FF endings are the concern. 1524111;1471495190;asciilifeform;i suppose i gotta do one last, sane run nao. 1524112;1471495272;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/26b5d97c-d25d-4a8c-a97a-eae93211fd77/?raw=true << password empty "" 1524113;1471495333;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5e37a7ac-2f58-41d1-a497-e808705505d8/?raw=true 1524114;1471495337;asciilifeform;and now, 1524115;1471495377;mircea_popescu;mod6 check out all teh zerofields... 1524116;1471495421;mircea_popescu;that "move the mouse and utilize the disk" thing at the top is so fucking lulzy... 1524117;1471495432;asciilifeform;sure is. 1524118;1471495464;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/a05c54ca-62fb-4e5c-aa0c-c891f2acc1e1/?raw=true << output. 1524119;1471495467;asciilifeform;snooooooooore. 1524120;1471495471;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you recall the comment about "setting the two high order bits" ? 1524121;1471495479;asciilifeform;aha? 1524122;1471495506;mircea_popescu;they're set. 1524123;1471495515;asciilifeform;well no shit. 1524124;1471495518;asciilifeform;but we knew this 20yrs ago. 1524125;1471495523;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1524126;1471495539;asciilifeform;2 ain't 32 tho. 1524127;1471495560;mircea_popescu;anyway, with your code i don't get your results. 1524128;1471495570;asciilifeform;show? 1524129;1471495583;asciilifeform;( aaaaaanyway my ORIGINAL aim when i wrote the tester, was to look at what happens at 4096 and above. which i haven't even done yet ..! ) 1524130;1471495614;mircea_popescu;i just did. 1524131;1471495615;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524094 1524132;1471495615;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 04:34 mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bf16a842-3da9-4891-9db6-78b99fefe0b9/?raw=true < 1.4.10 1524133;1471495628;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu this is still a raw mpi hexdump 1524134;1471495652;mircea_popescu;log_hexdump("\n\nFurther lulz:",prime,nbits/8); log_hexdump("\nYielding:",ptest,nbits/8); << relevant lines. 1524135;1471495656;asciilifeform;that does not correspond to an integer, as such, it has pieces of it, chunks, each having a header 1524136;1471495659;asciilifeform;with plenty of nulls 1524137;1471495663;asciilifeform;and padding at the end of each chunk. 1524138;1471495673;mod6;building with mpidump 1524139;1471495676;asciilifeform;this output is rubbish 1524140;1471495683;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b35a2bb1-15f7-44be-be39-b60faea2ede3/?raw=true << your patch ? 1524141;1471495686;asciilifeform;mpidump shows the thing you end up seeing in pgpdump -i. 1524142;1471495720;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524113 1524143;1471495720;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 04:42 asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5e37a7ac-2f58-41d1-a497-e808705505d8/?raw=true 1524144;1471495725;asciilifeform;^ the corrected patch. 1524145;1471495734;asciilifeform;i'ma never live this down, will i. 1524146;1471495766;asciilifeform;hopefully everybody kept it in his pons&fleischmanny pants... 1524147;1471495793;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ^ the corrected patch. << I've got these changes in now. 1524148;1471495805;mircea_popescu;so basically, log_hexdump just reads off the stack, and it mostly reads garbage ? 1524149;1471495814;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not stack. the raw mpi turd. 1524150;1471495831;mircea_popescu;i thought it's a memory dump 1524151;1471495835;asciilifeform;which transforms to an actual sequence of meaningful bits of the bignum via a gnarly process. 1524152;1471495856;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mpi was written by braindamaged folk who believed that bigint ought to be able to 'grow infinitely' 1524153;1471495862;asciilifeform;and so it allocates chunks on the heap 1524154;1471495880;mircea_popescu;yes yes, but what log_hexdump does is, it dumps from memory starting at address going for count. pretty straightforward. 1524155;1471495888;asciilifeform;so yes, mircea_popescu phrased correctly, we are seeing 'memory dump' 1524156;1471495895;asciilifeform;were seeing. 1524157;1471495917;mircea_popescu;ok. and this does not actually correspond to the numeric format as used by gpg's bignum because mpi reasons. 1524158;1471495928;asciilifeform;because rfc4880 reasons. 1524159;1471495933;asciilifeform;they have a WHOLLY DIFFERENT format. 1524160;1471495940;asciilifeform;which, fortunately, we do not need to care about 1524161;1471495945;asciilifeform;pgpdump -i displays the actual int. 1524162;1471495960;asciilifeform;as crappable into, e.g., python, to arithmetize on. 1524163;1471495979;mircea_popescu;is this a matter of fact ? 1524164;1471495986;asciilifeform;the pgpdump -i output ? 1524165;1471495991;asciilifeform;try it yourself with a phuctor key. 1524166;1471495996;mircea_popescu;that gpg reads the correct number 1524167;1471496031;asciilifeform;i hesitate to use word 'correct' in relation to something gpg does... 1524168;1471496050;asciilifeform;at any rate, it is now possible to do the thing i ACTUALLY SET OUT to do 1524169;1471496065;asciilifeform;which is to see what happens to p2,q2 when you make 4096+ bit moduli. 1524170;1471496069;mircea_popescu;so when feeding the prime generator, it doesn't just feed ap ointer, but unwraps the thing through mpi-something 1524171;1471496090;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: all bignums in gpg are passed around as pointers to 'mpi' data structure. 1524172;1471496093;asciilifeform;which is quite gnarly. 1524173;1471496102;asciilifeform;i disentangled it from gpg last year, and posted result. 1524174;1471496124;asciilifeform;(quite compactified after removal of crust, e.g., optional asm optimizations, and dead code) 1524175;1471496150;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1533 1524176;1471496160;asciilifeform;there is a cleaner, still, unpublished ver. 1524177;1471496186;mircea_popescu;well /me is running this new variant to see. 1524178;1471496199;asciilifeform;you should see output that is same as pgpdump -i of seckey.asc 1524179;1471496208;asciilifeform;in re p1,q1,p2,q2. 1524180;1471496296;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/werner-koch-confirmed-usg-stooge << may need correction... 1524181;1471496309;asciilifeform;'haste - makes waste' (tm) 1524182;1471496311;mircea_popescu;yeah the update may get lopped off. 1524183;1471496373;asciilifeform;on the upside, we go to bed without having learned that all of the keyz are trivially poppable. 1524184;1471496375;asciilifeform;so there's that. 1524185;1471496385;asciilifeform;or at least asciilifeform does. 1524186;1471496387;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1524187;1471496414;mod6;later 1524188;1471496421;mod6;my last is generating now... 1524189;1471496463;mircea_popescu;mine is actually rather different than his 1524190;1471496532;mircea_popescu;oh i c. so basically, the seed is put into "get next prime" and the difference is liable to be ~the last 3-4 hexdigits 1524191;1471496568;mod6;mine is showing like that so far too 1524192;1471496577;mircea_popescu;aha. this is pretty sane. 1524193;1471496648;mats;'Finally caught, two decades later, he characteristically is neither willing to admit, nor dessist from the practice.' << i think you mean desist 1524194;1471496660;mod6;ok here it is: 1524195;1471496661;mod6;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/c4a7382b-cf62-409f-b911-1e7f9d6eebc2/?raw=true 1524196;1471496670;mod6;empty password ^ 1524197;1471496693;mircea_popescu;mats i think you're right 1524198;1471496755;mod6;anyway, g'night all 1524199;1471496766;mircea_popescu;laters. 1524200;1471496795;*;mircea_popescu has updated the update. 1524201;1471497436;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me1j7gf0TO1rgh5euo1_500.gif 1524202;1471518000;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/225ED2BD4112F1BF529CFB1D4D37A9DE03C198284C418AD85364A543BD795AAE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94498898625323854064565881858724834160435948913137983974021999533025286133157 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1524203;1471518570;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/59CF09B5A54C07B13532A929E710A3DC31279D3683F660369BE64C0EAF77B7CB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94498898625323854064565881858724834160435948913137983974021999533025286133157 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1524204;1471518570;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/225ED2BD4112F1BF529CFB1D4D37A9DE03C198284C418AD85364A543BD795AAE << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 94498898625323854064565881858724834160435948913137983974021999533025286133157 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1524205;1471520094;Framedragger;...wtfbbq. 1524206;1471520095;Framedragger;sweet jesus, i don't even. 1524207;1471520105;Framedragger;..good work on the gpg shitshow, people. 1524208;1471520699;Framedragger;fucking hell. nice public elucidation articles, asciilifeform and mircea_popescu 1524209;1471523274;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1524210;1471523534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258)); 1524211;1471523550;mircea_popescu;read wherever* 1524212;1471523659;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524000 << archived wotpastes from today's warzone: http://log.mkj.lt/wotpaste_20160818/ 1524213;1471523659;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 03:55 mircea_popescu: btw folks - wotpaste wipes shit daily. make sure you save what you want. 1524214;1471523669;Framedragger;(i'll go thru them myself, interesting stuff..) 1524215;1471523762;mircea_popescu;Framedragger you realise it turned out to be a datastruct artefact yes / 1524216;1471523785;Framedragger;is that why alf was calling himself and others idiots (or what was the word) 1524217;1471523810;Framedragger;(wait, no, that was sth else, right) 1524218;1471523838;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sha512 and cut to be defined by user ; with the caveat that if they don't produce a min of 258 bytes / 257 258 bytes user is taking life in his own hands. we provide defaults (keccak , "take first nth bytes" respectrively). key size NOT to be defined by user ; tmsr-rsa keys are al 515 bytes long. 1524219;1471523872;mircea_popescu;Framedragger well he got a little excited. but the original observation was pretty scary, which is what got every hand on deck following along (me, mod6 etc) 1524220;1471523881;Framedragger;`log_hexdump` was being used incorrectly? (i'm only catching up, hey) 1524221;1471523888;Framedragger;yeah. 1524222;1471523890;Framedragger;okay 1524223;1471523902;mircea_popescu;yeah, apparently mpi ints are messy in ram. 1524224;1471523912;Framedragger;ah, ah. good stuff! 1524225;1471523918;Framedragger;an educational exercise for sure 1524226;1471523938;Framedragger;(more than that, but that, too) 1524227;1471523958;mircea_popescu;seems certain kock-rsa aka "gnupg" is getting uprooted. 1524228;1471523988;mircea_popescu;yest log is a grim testament of just how little faith republic has in gnupg, and for that matter gnu/foss generally. 1524229;1471523998;trinque;oh boy 1524230;1471524006;*;trinque grabs coffee and heads to logs 1524231;1471524039;mircea_popescu;there's a pile of incidental nonsense (such as min length for name but not password hurr ; such as 2.0.30 current doesn't even fucking compile, such as etc) that shouldn't disappear under "oh, mpi" 1524232;1471524129;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523015 << warning website has been up two years, gpg still uses tiny fingerprints 1524233;1471524129;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 09:47 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-15#1521810 << also see https://evil32.com/ 1524234;1471524148;Framedragger;PeterL: amazing, eh 1524235;1471524207;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yeah, i'm actually felling a bit of that constructive mp-rage towards gnupg. by god it should be kicked and replaced as soon as possible 1524236;1471524208;mircea_popescu;it's amazing... when in the blink of an eye 1524237;1471524214;mircea_popescu;you suddenly feel... alright 1524238;1471524217;mircea_popescu;ooooh, it's amazing 1524239;1471524223;mircea_popescu;and i'll be singing a prayer 1524240;1471524226;mircea_popescu;for the desperate hearts 1524241;1471524228;*;PeterL eager awaits our savior asciilifeform to bring forth *something better* 1524242;1471524228;mircea_popescu;toooniiight. 1524243;1471524240;PeterL;*eagerly 1524244;1471524261;mircea_popescu;Framedragger this bs just can't fucking stand, how someone can sleep at night thinking "hey, i'm a maintainer!" atop THAT codebase is anyone's guess. 1524245;1471524293;Framedragger;yeah, what. i'd be so fucking ashamed 1524246;1471524296;PeterL;and how can you call something "current" if it does not compile? 1524247;1471524306;mircea_popescu;"works on my system", surely. 1524248;1471524328;PeterL;well, didn't work on mine, I had to grab an older version 1524249;1471524328;mircea_popescu;bitches should be beaten with eulora compile process until their mucosa bleed cow's milk. 1524250;1471524365;mircea_popescu;"oh this is just how it is" my third left foot. 1524251;1471524371;Framedragger;PeterL: apt-get install npm install brew install pip install crapdep --no-check-sig && curl http://legitopensource.biz.ru/laststep | sh 1524252;1471524390;*;mircea_popescu excommunicates Framedragger 1524253;1471524413;PeterL;Framedragger you forgot to put sudo at the beginning 1524254;1471524413;Framedragger;only one last step was left!!! just need to.. patch.. it's legit guyz 1524255;1471524419;Framedragger;oh yeah PeterL 1524256;1471524420;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1524257;1471524431;trinque;you forgot a sudo on your curl | 1524258;1471524433;mircea_popescu;and the sad part being THAT THEY DO THIS, TOO 1524259;1471524500;trinque;buddy of mine had a twatter somewhere listing the various open sores curl-to-sudos 1524260;1471524502;Framedragger;(for logs: http://thejh.net/misc/website-terminal-copy-paste) 1524261;1471524503;trinque;scads of them 1524262;1471524680;mircea_popescu;oh and also asciilifeform : e not to be provided by user. tmsr-rsa uses 0x010001 and that's that. 1524263;1471524684;trinque;makes me suspect that reflecting upon one's actions evolved much later than this mindless imitation of what didn't kill some other guy *today*, and that most walkers entirely lack the former. 1524264;1471524696;mircea_popescu;all these bullshit knobs attached to nothing / nothing useful / nothing important, while the ACTUAL important parts aren't exposed. 1524265;1471524736;mircea_popescu;trinque that'd be factual. but while the process is excusable in toddlers and sexually undiferentiated children, it is unacceptable in menstruating women / bois over 16 or so. 1524266;1471524743;mircea_popescu;LET ALONE people with pretensions as to a life of the mind. 1524267;1471524846;trinque;aha 1524268;1471524869;trinque;Framedragger: among other reasons anarchism is not a thing, this. 1524269;1471524964;Framedragger;trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523314 (s/just to me/just ftr/) ; but, yeah. 1524270;1471524964;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 17:20 Framedragger: mircea_popescu: just to me, any dreams of "global anarchist revolt" *are* lost on me (i'm terribly naive but not *that* naive). personal responsibility and individualism (vague word, i know) are necessary conditions. and.. yeah, i don't have much hope for humanity, given that... 1524271;1471525003;mircea_popescu;(why 0x010001 ? yes, it's a magic number. but it has magic reasons : 1) it is prime ; 2) it is the fastest multiplication on a 64 bit machine, because it's just a concatenation ; 3) could make it even longer by the same process, but that has a significant impact on speed with no visible security benefit. so it's magic for a god damned reason.) 1524272;1471525109;mircea_popescu;#trilema, where idealists come to be sad. 1524273;1471525139;Framedragger;sadness is a useful state of mind, fwiw 1524274;1471525148;mircea_popescu;there's certainly worse. 1524275;1471525275;Framedragger;related to install rage: https://circleci.com/blog/its-the-future/ 1524276;1471525378;trinque;not much sad about it; that one person might be free if he achieves it does not mean all are capable of this. further, individual freedom requires having political control of others. 1524277;1471525389;mircea_popescu;well him not you. 1524278;1471525407;mircea_popescu;Framedragger ahahahaha that lead pic is epic. might even be new screensaver. 1524279;1471525416;trinque;^^ output of trinque's digested youthful anarchism 1524280;1471525826;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's altogether unclear how much political control over others is required for individual freedom. certainly political control OVER IDIOTS, which includes small children, as well as all the adults with the mind of a small child. 1524281;1471525835;mircea_popescu;but appart from that... 1524282;1471525867;trinque;ah well, there's a lot of them around so far. 1524283;1471525869;Framedragger;^ true, i guess; and political control over idiots is not a de facto given at all, so, sure, problem. 1524284;1471525918;mircea_popescu;that my freedom requires the ability to send paul graham to his room without supper does not show that same freedom requires my ability to send Maciej Cegłowski. hes doing fine 1524285;1471525923;mircea_popescu;and omfg bbq he's in argentina ? 1524286;1471525954;mircea_popescu;http://idlewords.com/argentina/ << check that shit out. 1524287;1471525961;mircea_popescu;apparently he lasted all of two years a decade ago ? 1524288;1471525973;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: hmm maybe but i don't think so - i think he lived / spent some time there in the past 1524289;1471525976;Framedragger;heh. 1524290;1471525980;mircea_popescu;mmmyeah. awell. 1524291;1471526001;mircea_popescu;lived in san telmo too. poor sucker. 1524292;1471526051;Framedragger;of the argentinian-flavoured posts of his, this one is apparently well-regarded (haven't read yet) http://idlewords.com/2006/04/argentina_on_two_steaks_a_day.htm 1524293;1471526078;mircea_popescu;yeah i was gonna read through his shortish archive 1524294;1471526102;mircea_popescu;anyway, "San Telmo is a tango-rich environment and there are many studios advertising instruction, but this one seemed the most accessible for someone with social anxiety. There were no buzzers to ring, stairs to climb, or windowless doors to knock on." << the difference of style is palpable. 1524295;1471526121;mircea_popescu;though the effects are not : mp routinely refuses to trade with local idiots who lock their shops. 1524296;1471526141;mircea_popescu;oft the scene plays out as the guy frantically runs to unlock the door just as mp is jew-waving him and turning. 1524297;1471526147;mircea_popescu;who THE FUCK locks a shop door. 1524298;1471526168;trinque;bizarre 1524299;1471526188;trinque;hoping no customers will interrupt their nap 1524300;1471526201;mircea_popescu;trinque the stupid shit stupid people come up with is squarely not even, up until you get to hang out with them 1524301;1471526241;Framedragger;(i recall reading his post on polish astronomy pirates, wasn't aware this had happened: http://idlewords.com/2007/04/balloon_pirate_radio.htm ; and http://idlewords.com/2007/04/tv_solidarity.htm) 1524302;1471526252;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: hah, good one 1524303;1471526287;trinque;guy on IRC elsewhere was earlier expressing his amazement that I could find a coffee shop at 7am 1524304;1471526323;trinque;fucker, texas gets rolling early, gets jacked on stimulants and has half the world drilled for oil by lunch 1524305;1471526353;mircea_popescu;oh btw, re tango : it is a living testament to the ignorant, molasses-thick hypocrisy of these people that they regard tango as "their national heritage", when tango was invented and developed by BLACK DUDES. who then got a little bit of genocide, deliverately (argentina declared war with peru, told black people they make better fighters, sent them to fight, got them exterminated by the mountain folk. this is not unlike telli 1524306;1471526354;mircea_popescu;ng new york italians cca 1880 that they're best fighters and sending them into the ozarks.) 1524307;1471526375;mircea_popescu;today there's maybe fifty black dudes in all 10mn of buenos aires, and they came in the past decade from spanish speaking ex african colonies. 1524308;1471526424;mircea_popescu;in any case : if you're going to genocide an entire fucking skin tone, do me the general courtesy and don't turn around dressed in a plush costume of their dance. 1524309;1471526434;mircea_popescu;either they were too bad to live or they werent for chrissakes. 1524310;1471526441;Framedragger;oh my. sly fuckers rewriting history yet again :/ 1524311;1471526462;*;Framedragger more sad 1524312;1471526506;mircea_popescu;take that, white supremacists everywhere : all white argentina is as bad as an all-fungus erection. i came here for the all-black argentina and didn't even know it at the time ;/ 1524313;1471526522;mircea_popescu;fucking epic case of "i came for the waters" "but this is the desert" "i was misinformed" 1524314;1471526540;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'аргентина манит негра' (tm) (r) 1524315;1471526600;mircea_popescu;heh 1524316;1471526631;trinque;usa killed off however many tribes, then named states, cities, damned everything after them 1524317;1471526632;mircea_popescu;in other news, girl now knows how to make pickled ginger. fucking hell it's nice to be delivered of the benzoate ladden supermarket stuff. 1524318;1471526635;trinque;I'm sure they appreciate it 1524319;1471526659;mircea_popescu;trinque ok, but naming is one thing. if the us presidential inauguration consisted of smoking pipe and dancing around in bear costumes, it'd be similar to these fuckers. 1524320;1471526664;trinque;ahaha 1524321;1471526672;asciilifeform;'RSA keysizes must be in the range 1024-4096' << ?!!!! 1524322;1471526698;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1524323;1471526702;asciilifeform;gpg 1.4.10 1524324;1471526711;asciilifeform;apparently needs a pill 1524325;1471526721;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4fd101d5-8f2d-4e01-94c9-239bd9abefb3/?raw=true << a 4096 run 1524326;1471526727;PeterL;you want bigger keys? 1524327;1471526741;mircea_popescu;sadly bigger keys wouldn't do much for gnupg. 1524328;1471526751;asciilifeform;PeterL: for the rng spill test 1524329;1471526752;mircea_popescu;and honestly, if you need a larger key than 4096 you should just pick a different crypto system. 1524330;1471526757;mircea_popescu;do the math on what 4096 means. 1524331;1471526814;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 4096 is pretty spiffy until some bozo drills it out and puts in tungsten. 1524332;1471526819;mircea_popescu;in other news, i had no fucking idea russian has palindromes also. 1524333;1471526822;mircea_popescu;fancy the odds. 1524334;1471526825;asciilifeform;lel 1524335;1471526831;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite exactly. 1524336;1471526856;mircea_popescu;the only thing "i want more than 4096" says is "my crypto is broken". so fix it, don't make the broken longer. 1524337;1471526880;asciilifeform;again point was to observe rng spill. 1524338;1471526892;mircea_popescu;no i know. i was talking to the posterior tits. 1524339;1471526897;asciilifeform;(not to deploy pubkey weight a MB in battlefield..) 1524340;1471526899;asciilifeform;lolk 1524341;1471527038;mircea_popescu;incidentally, anyone recall the video for "amazing" ? with all teh advanced technologies!!! 1524342;1471527437;mircea_popescu;"People dance tango at a structured event called a milonga (the word can also apply to the dance hall itself, or to a two-beat older form of tango music), the only social setting in Argentina where you must fetch your own drinks and empanadas at a bar rather than waiting for table service." <<< ahaha fucking bs. as erryone can attest, you get table service. 1524343;1471527452;mircea_popescu;or in the words of mthreat "no, i get it, they must bring your fucking food." 1524344;1471527529;mircea_popescu;"Men ask women to dance by trying to make eye contact and nodding towards the dance floor in a gesture called the cabeceo. In theory this is a discreet way for men to save face in the event of a refusal; in practice it means men cross the darkened room, stand three steps in front of their intended partner, and wag their head gravely until she either gets up to dance or tells them to go away." <<< bwahahaha. fucking idiots. th 1524345;1471527530;mircea_popescu;ey do, too. 1524346;1471527557;mircea_popescu;thing is, we had the nod thing back in romania ; when i visited the eastern empire as a tyke, native chicks that spoke no language i spoke nevertheless knew how it works just fine. 1524347;1471527561;mircea_popescu;buncha losers, these days. 1524348;1471527599;asciilifeform;'As physicists, radioastronomers, and electronics engineers, we were all struck by the possibility of doing independent broadcasts, if nothing else because that was our profession. My colleagues took part in broadcasts in Warsaw and other cities. Rooftop transmitters had low range. And they were easy for the security services to locate. We had to think of something else. Our colleague Andrzej Jeśmanowicz, son of the noted Toruń mat 1524349;1471527599;asciilifeform;hematician Leon Jeśmanowicz, was an electronics engineer and an ardent glider pilot. He determined that even a weak radio transmitter in an airplane flying at great height could be heard perfectly well over a significant area. That was an idea. Jerzy Wieczorek, a physicist (later president of Toruń) pointed out that we could attach the transmitter to a balloon. It would make the transmitter harder to find while enabling us to reach 1524350;1471527600;asciilifeform; a wide audience. We couldn't use a weather balloon, however, since it would be easy to check where it had come from. ...' 1524351;1471527618;asciilifeform;^ whole piece worth reading ^ 1524352;1471527633;asciilifeform;in light of, e.g., http://trilema.com/2015/open-parasitic-p2p-relay . 1524353;1471527644;mircea_popescu;yeah guy's not bad 1524354;1471527685;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo send the man a congratulatory email ? since it turns out you linked him first. 1524355;1471527701;asciilifeform;'One reason you don't want to cross Eastern Bloc scientists is that they are by necessity handy people. Operating in a barter economy, even the most unworldly theoretician learns certain marketable skills. Besides the inevitable need to jury-rig spare parts for their own experiments, scientists have to horse trade for basic conveniences like anyone else. And so it was not uncommon to see ultraprecision machine tools and other laborat 1524356;1471527701;asciilifeform;ory wonders take on a second, clandestine life under advanced socialism. The local plumber who needed a new piston rod for his Fiat 126p certainly didn't mind if it happened to be machined out of elemental titanium to a tolerance of 0.05 microns, and the next time a pipe froze you could count on him to show up bright and early. In this context of creative craftsmanship and mutual aid the government had only itself to blame when illeg 1524357;1471527702;asciilifeform;al transmitters started floating by overhead.' 1524358;1471527764;mircea_popescu;the government has only itself to blame in all fucking contexts. either it's a government of the republic oppressing idiots, or else it has no excuse and no defense. 1524359;1471527974;asciilifeform;http://idlewords.com/2007/04/tv_solidarity.htm << also of interest. 1524360;1471527998;mircea_popescu;sadly stopped a year or so ago it seems ? 1524361;1471528014;asciilifeform;complete with zx spectrum 1524362;1471528028;asciilifeform;eh nothing's forever. 1524363;1471528048;mircea_popescu;this is generally what women sore in the morning said the night prior. 1524364;1471528068;asciilifeform;i thought it was ones sore the night prior said in the morning.. 1524365;1471528122;mircea_popescu;wait, now i'm cuntfused. 1524366;1471528397;mircea_popescu;aaactually the http://idlewords.com/2004/05/attacked_by_thugs.htm bit is both delishius and entirely reminds me of home. 1524367;1471528699;mircea_popescu;"we are finishing our penetration IN THE TERAIN!!!1" 1524368;1471528737;asciilifeform;'In Paul Graham's world, as soon as oil paint was invented, painting techniques made a discontinuous jump from the fifteenth to the twentienth century, fortuitously allowing Renaissance painters to paint a lot like Paul Graham. ... I blame Eric Raymond and to a lesser extent Dave Winer for bringing this kind of schlock writing onto the Internet. Raymond is the original perpetrator of the "what is a hacker?" essay, in which you quickl 1524369;1471528737;asciilifeform;y begin to understand that a hacker is someone who resembles Eric Raymond. Dave Winer has recently and mercifully moved his essays off to audio, but you can still hear him snorfling cashew nuts and talking at length about what it means to be a blogger[7] . These essays and this writing style are tempting to people outside the subculture at hand because of their engaging personal tone and idiosyncratic, insider's view. But after a whi 1524370;1471528738;asciilifeform;le, you begin to notice that all the essays are an elaborate set of mirrors set up to reflect different facets of the author, in a big distributed act of participatory narcissism.' 1524371;1471528742;asciilifeform;mega-lel. 1524372;1471528745;mircea_popescu;it';s in the logs! 1524373;1471528747;shinohai;https://m.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4y8m76/0130_binary_safety_warning_bitcoinorg/d6mao05 " Option 2 would be to skip creating the WoT, get the key, and verify its full fingerprint in several places, from several computers, at least once using Tor." 1524374;1471528749;mircea_popescu;i know cuz i put it there. 1524375;1471528779;mircea_popescu;shinohai fucking reddit. apparently they not only not heard of V, but their ears are simply shaped in such a way they CANT hear of v. 1524376;1471528783;mircea_popescu;what the fuck nonsense is this. 1524377;1471528801;shinohai;I haz no clue 1524378;1471528826;shinohai;Such a slow month for qntra, was trolling for stories found this braindamage 1524379;1471528910;mircea_popescu;feel free to pen an explanation of why the republic's v providently defends against problems the idiots just now discovered. 1524380;1471529429;mircea_popescu;"Dulce de leche is a culinary cry for help. It says "save us, we are baffled and alone in the kitchen, we don't know what to do for dessert and we're going to boil condensed milk and sugar together until help arrives". This cloying dessert tar is so impossibly sweet that you wish you were ten years old again, just so you could actually enjoy it. It is everywhere. There is a special dulce de leche shelf in the supermarket dair 1524381;1471529430;mircea_popescu;y case, and the containers go up to a liter in size. Even the churros are stuffed with it - the churros, Montresor! For anyone who has had pastries in Europe, the added horror is that dulce de leche is identical in color, texture and consistency to a number of much less sweet, tasty fillings, like the earthy chestnut material the French call crème de marrons, or the tart kind of plum butter popular in Eastern European bakeri 1524382;1471529430;mircea_popescu;es. You see a thick layer of dark brown jam-like material and think, this couldn't possibly be caramel, there's just too much of it. And so worldliness leads you to great giant bites and then disaster." << this is very much on point. 1524383;1471529457;*;mircea_popescu has had to train wait staff everywhere he goes to "sin dolce de leche" and also ended up qualifying-in-the-workplace harem pastry chefs, because good god. 1524384;1471529470;*;asciilifeform while was a student, sometimes at an entire can of it in one sitting in place of a meal 1524385;1471529476;mircea_popescu;the only worse thing than argentine deserts is usian hermeneutics. 1524386;1471529489;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform of what, good god. straight caramel ? 1524387;1471529494;asciilifeform;dulce de leche. 1524388;1471529535;asciilifeform;it was sustenance enough for two+ days of programming. 1524389;1471529540;mircea_popescu;it's a wonder you still have ytour teeth. 1524390;1471529555;asciilifeform;believe or not, i also had a working toothbrush. 1524391;1471529575;mircea_popescu;so do most cocaine fiends. sugar is sugar. 1524392;1471530536;PeterL;my current project at work is working with cocaine (measuring small levels of impurities in a pharmaceutical cocaine solution) 1524393;1471530661;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519513 well she washed her hair, now what? http://i.imgur.com/hG8uhUx.png 1524394;1471530661;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 16:50 trinque: could wash her hair 1524395;1471533973;thestringpuller;PeterL: tell me about fractional distillation...for um science... 1524396;1471534318;PeterL;thestringpuller what ya wana know? you heat stuff and it boils fractionally 1524397;1471534353;thestringpuller;i'm doing it for refining "essential Oils", i'm going to buy a short path fractional distillation set 1524398;1471534368;thestringpuller;just didn't know if there is a lab I should do to learn the process better 1524399;1471534436;PeterL;try maybe chem 152 (or however your school numbers things) "into to organic chemistry lab" 1524400;1471534446;PeterL;*intro 1524401;1471534484;thestringpuller;damn. why did i Have to take bio instead of o-chem for my lab science 1524402;1471534487;mircea_popescu;shinohai now she should was your hair. 1524403;1471534503;*;mircea_popescu is enjoying teh mileage shinohai gets out of teh tits. 1524404;1471534526;shinohai;We will see what September brings mircea_popescu thx! 1524405;1471534531;PeterL;thestringpuller: things like that, it might work better to do vacuum distilation with some dry ice or liquid nitrogen, so the heat does not decompose things? 1524406;1471534535;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: harem's are much harder to manage in USG. The pets are higher maintenance. 1524407;1471534558;mircea_popescu;harem made out of negative contributors is a pretty doomed affair. 1524408;1471534610;*;asciilifeform pictures sad tokamak equation, for harem 1524409;1471534632;thestringpuller;coincedentally everyone who tried fail. one of my buddies got up to 4 women. then one of them started complaining about "life problems". he tried to shut it down like, "Either get to steppin or shut the fuck up." Did not go over well. 1524410;1471534653;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform except the magnetism flows from the penis! 1524411;1471534664;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: actual 'inpatient' harem ? 1524412;1471534669;thestringpuller;He told me, "American parents did not raise their daughters to be women. But raised them to be disney princesses." 1524413;1471534705;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: yea inpatient harem where girls are college students (Buyers market) 1524414;1471534745;mircea_popescu;what about the others of your buddies ? 1524415;1471534770;thestringpuller;PeterL: yea i have a few videos where they use a vacuum pump and change the pressure (measured at the condensor) 1524416;1471534812;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: the other one almost ended up in scenario where a girl burned down his condo, when she went unstable cause "My needs aren't being met". 1524417;1471534837;thestringpuller;i've srsly never seen a successful longterm harem in my meatwot. 1524418;1471534859;trinque;unstable way before almost burning a condo. 1524419;1471534861;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: either visit a local school and take the ochem, or work through the usual practical exercises before you engulf self and others in a fireball from, e.g., 'bumping' (look it up) boiled solvent under vacuum 1524420;1471534865;mircea_popescu;uh. 1524421;1471534964;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aaaaa... /me broke a half inch thick ceramic piece through pouring purified molten sulphur in there. TO CRYSTALIZE! 1524422;1471534987;PeterL;yeah, in college I compromised a couple vacuum manifolds by forgetting to add a stirbar to the flask before opening to the vacuum line 1524423;1471534992;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524360 << iirc dude's writing up his epic antarctica adventure, one or two pieces are out, but there's more to come i think. or maybe he's just ranting on twitter full time heh 1524424;1471534992;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 13:46 mircea_popescu: sadly stopped a year or so ago it seems ? 1524425;1471534995;mircea_popescu;(sulphur is excellent material for crystall fucking around - nice complex crystall structure, low melting point) 1524426;1471534996;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i broke same, with molten saltpetre 1524427;1471535013;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but i was like 11! 1524428;1471535028;asciilifeform;i - 8 1524429;1471535041;asciilifeform;and those were the dayz. 1524430;1471535050;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: you probably would have better luck deprogramming the disney princesses. I haven't seen it personally done tho. 1524431;1471535054;mircea_popescu;fuck. 1524432;1471535062;mircea_popescu;just can't get a foot over this guy can i. 1524433;1471535102;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller it's very simple : if the girl has anything to offer, the "disney princess" act is actually holding her back, and she'll drop it as soon as it's safe ; if she doesn't have anything to offer - ain't no one got time for that. 1524434;1471535106;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: as i understand it, harem in usgdom consumes an entire fuel rod of mircea_popescu per week, or so. 1524435;1471535110;mircea_popescu;(no, "tits" aren't something to offer.) 1524436;1471535113;asciilifeform;i.e. you gotta be a saudi prince or the like 1524437;1471535125;asciilifeform;to avoid being disassembled for parts by the first soured patient 1524438;1471535129;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "your enemy to love you" problem. it's a nonsensical endeavour. 1524439;1471535137;asciilifeform;quite possibly. 1524440;1471535146;mircea_popescu;Framedragger so invite him over. 1524441;1471535251;PeterL;Speaking of vacuum lines, you ever heard of a Wayda/Dye vacuum manifold? 1524442;1471535285;PeterL;As undergraduate, I worked under one of the co-inventors, Dye 1524443;1471535298;mircea_popescu;o.O 1524444;1471535302;mircea_popescu;good for you eh. 1524445;1471535337;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-09#1339906 << see also thread. 1524446;1471535337;a111;Logged on 2015-12-09 22:16 ascii_field: j. strong's 'methods of experimental physics' covers the basics; the whole b00k is somewhere w4r3z3d in the logz. 1524447;1471535372;asciilifeform;(for some reason the proper link to the b00k is not coming up in the search..) 1524448;1471535412;asciilifeform;thestringpuller et al: it is a 1940s volume, but still a classic, because it is from the tail end of the era when folks had to make ~everything with their own two hands. 1524449;1471535420;asciilifeform;including vacuum system. 1524450;1471535423;asciilifeform;and the vessels. 1524451;1471535463;*;mircea_popescu dreams of a time perhaps not so distant in the future where "3d printers" will create chemlab equipment out of magnetic lines. 1524452;1471535473;mircea_popescu;imagine, a tablefull of glassware, all immaterial. 1524453;1471535529;thestringpuller;i'm looking forward to 3d printing computers 1524454;1471535542;PeterL;Dr. Dye was fond of blowing his own glassware, but was a lingering throwback of the previous generation, where they would calculate integrals by weighing the cut-out piece of graph paper (cause no computers yet) 1524455;1471535548;asciilifeform;ain't much 3d in computer, thestringpuller 1524456;1471535564;mircea_popescu;PeterL oh i saw the cut-out thing done! 1524457;1471535582;mircea_popescu;by sourdough-style math guy who had plotter connected to computer. which he used to plot. 1524458;1471535594;asciilifeform;PeterL: cheap - and, more importantly - borosilicate (a pain to rework) glassware - mostly killed 'blow yer own' in the '50s 1524459;1471535604;asciilifeform;but now that the 'cheap' and 'borosilicate' are going off the stage again... 1524460;1471535609;mircea_popescu;"and why does math lab need precision balance ?" "nevermind." 1524461;1471535611;asciilifeform;the old days - can come back. 1524462;1471535623;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: same reason it needed precision voltmeter ! 1524463;1471535627;asciilifeform;for the analogue comp. 1524464;1471535629;mircea_popescu;lol 1524465;1471535658;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently this wasn't as nutty as it seems - for some reason driving the plotter was a lot cheaper than actually having the machine compute the integral. i dun recall the specificx. 1524466;1471535661;asciilifeform;analogue comp is serious bizniss: americans shared, e.g., nuke, with britain, but never the norden bomb-sight. 1524467;1471535671;asciilifeform;~the~ analogue 'killer app' of its time. 1524468;1471535749;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform suddenly puts the japanese "music afficionados" in their proper context. cargo cult of something from the 40s. 1524469;1471535768;mircea_popescu;because there it DID motherfucking matter that the paper be smooth and even. 1524470;1471535801;asciilifeform;norden's sight worked well enough that it was not replaced until, iirc, early '70s... 1524471;1471535852;asciilifeform;don't underestimate analogue comp, when the job is to solve particular ODE, or the like 1524472;1471535869;mircea_popescu;the human body sure as fuck doesn't. 1524473;1471535960;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-04#1445520 << see also thread. 1524474;1471535960;a111;Logged on 2016-04-04 16:30 asciilifeform: fwiw my grandfather spent a good chunk of his life on hydraulic analogue computerz. 1524475;1471536986;asciilifeform;http://idlewords.com/2012/02/bia%C5%82owie%C5%BCa_forest.htm << reminded me of mircea_popescu's boars! 1524476;1471537069;lobbes;asciilifeform: I've been searching logz for thread regarding modern AMD cpu being almost as subverted as Intel's. you wouldn't happen to have good reading on the subject handy, would you? 1524477;1471537344;asciilifeform;hmm 1524478;1471537414;asciilifeform;lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-27#1308869 << one thread 1524479;1471537414;a111;Logged on 2015-10-27 15:25 asciilifeform: there is literally 1 paragraph devoted to amd: 1524480;1471537431;lobbes;danke 1524481;1471537498;asciilifeform;lobbes: http://mail.fsfeurope.org/pipermail/discussion/2016-April/010912.html << see also. 1524482;1471537579;asciilifeform;lobbes: http://support.amd.com/TechDocs/52740_16h_Models_30h-3Fh_BKDG.pdf << section 2.14 is afaik the ONLY public doc on amd's fritzchip 1524483;1471537605;asciilifeform;all 3 pgs of it. 1524484;1471537635;asciilifeform;this is not a bad time to add the detail that DOCUMENTED 'fritzchips' aren't even half the problem. 1524485;1471537659;asciilifeform;it's 'what you don't know', and 'what you know that isn't so', that is the real headache. 1524486;1471537709;asciilifeform;but at any rate, ALL current production x86, and MOST since 2011 or so, have always-on mystery cores that run ???. 1524487;1471537733;asciilifeform;and without magic init from which, the thing won't boot, or will wedge itself deliberately half an hour post-warmup (in intel's case.) 1524488;1471537855;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: just started a fire 1524489;1471537862;thestringpuller;*sigh* i'm so bad at this chemistry thing 1524490;1471537902;asciilifeform;'if at first you don't succeed, maybe mineclearing is not the career for you...' 1524491;1471537931;thestringpuller;fires don't always have to burn down the forest 1524492;1471537967;asciilifeform;house 3 blox from mine burned down last week, and i didn't even notice. 1524493;1471537974;asciilifeform;nfi how this was possible. 1524494;1471538022;thestringpuller;PeterL: I asked a friend who blows glass for a living, and he said nowadays it's more expensive to blow science-ware by hand than to get the mass produced stuff... 1524495;1471538128;asciilifeform;depends what, and where. 1524496;1471538144;asciilifeform;and whether you're a candidate for gasenwagen 1524497;1471538168;asciilifeform;(in, e.g., state of new york, unlicensed use of glassware (yes) is a criminal offense) 1524498;1471538221;asciilifeform;likewise, fraudulent 2000s american 'pyrex' (non-borosilicate! all that's left is the name) can cost you a great sum in hospital bill. 1524499;1471538241;asciilifeform;$s pyrex 1524500;1471538242;a111;21 results for "pyrex", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pyrex 1524501;1471538244;asciilifeform;^ see threadz 1524502;1471538491;jurov;how it's fraudulent? it's perfectly legal for pyrex brand owner to sell blown turds 1524503;1471538568;asciilifeform;bait and switch is a form of fraud, regardless of how strong a legal 'roof' the fraudster has. 1524504;1471538633;asciilifeform;the pyrex switcheroo was enabled by the fact of the two glasses being visually indistinguishable. 1524505;1471538745;asciilifeform;pyrex that doesn't withstand temperature shocks is as american as crapple pie. 1524506;1471538776;asciilifeform;tastes great with, e.g., airplanes that won't take off, pension funds that consist of /dev/null, and the rest of the rot. 1524507;1471538804;jurov;it's just fucking brand 1524508;1471538817;asciilifeform;the remnants of 'western prosperity' are made of precisely these chumpatrons, the items which are wholly worthless but continue to be sold as the genuine article, and ONLY A TERRORIST would try to distinguish. 1524509;1471538846;asciilifeform;jurov: go and try to buy actual borosilicate, e.g., teapot. 1524510;1471538874;asciilifeform;even in an antique shop, you're stuck with 'is it or isnnit'. 1524511;1471539027;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu https://threatpost.com/gpg-patches-18-year-old-libgcrypt-rng-bug/119984 << the hannobockization is ready!!!1111 1524512;1471539027;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1524513;1471539044;asciilifeform;and has of course replaced our piece 'everywhere that matters' (tm) 1524514;1471539418;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://www.loper-os.org/pub/20166313-pg1_2.png and http://www.loper-os.org/pub/20166313-pg2_2.png (depdfization of dorre and klebanov's report on gpg whitening idiocy) 1524515;1471539419;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1524516;1471539553;asciilifeform;http://formal.iti.kit.edu/~klebanov/software/entroposcope << klebanov's auditing tool thing. (teaser, apparently) 1524517;1471539603;asciilifeform;sorta like a special-purpose 'valgrind', for debugging rng. 1524518;1471539635;asciilifeform;liveth among you the hero who will get this fella to visit ? 1524519;1471539657;asciilifeform;i'd like to see what he's made of. 1524520;1471540000;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524210 << wai, wai the waitening, mircea_popescu ? 1524521;1471540000;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 12:32 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform since we're on this btw, the way i want tmsr-rsa key generation to work is as follows : a contains a number of entropy bytes specified by user in tmsr-rsa.conf read whenever tmsr-rsa.conf specifies (such as urandom); b contains a base-tmsr string specified by user. c = base-tmsr(a).b ; p = nextprime(cut(sha512(c),257)) ; process is repeated for q = nextprime (cut(sha512(c'),258)); 1524522;1471540012;asciilifeform;whitening sux. 1524523;1471540084;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not for whitening ; for acordeoning 1524524;1471540091;mircea_popescu;suppose i set my keys to be produced with 1mb of entropy. 1524525;1471540097;asciilifeform;xor lemma. 1524526;1471540098;mircea_popescu;none of your business ; and how you propose this to work ? 1524527;1471540103;asciilifeform;you waltz over the buffer. 1524528;1471540109;mircea_popescu;entirely open to that implementation also. 1524529;1471540115;mircea_popescu;as i say - sha512 is user defined. 1524530;1471540124;asciilifeform;straight waltzing is the only correct way 1524531;1471540131;mircea_popescu;i thought providing keccak as default is elegant ; but can also provide xoring scheme 1524532;1471540133;mircea_popescu;aite. 1524533;1471540135;asciilifeform;i.e. the only way that does not introduce a linkage between bit n and n+1. 1524534;1471540154;mircea_popescu;hey, i'm sold. 1524535;1471540162;asciilifeform;the fundamental psychiatric reason why folks like whitening, is, i suspect, a demon that wakes them up at night: 1524536;1471540171;asciilifeform;'what if the wire frays and rng is feeding 000000...' 1524537;1471540176;asciilifeform;or similar. 1524538;1471540184;mircea_popescu;so you check 1524539;1471540207;mircea_popescu;like we did. 1524540;1471540213;asciilifeform;try suggesting this to typical luser, it is almost as if he had to open reactor containment vessel to check. 1524541;1471540216;asciilifeform;going by the reaction. 1524542;1471540234;mircea_popescu;apparently. 1524543;1471540264;asciilifeform;whitening is in a class of similar items, childhood fears coupled to faux techno-fixes, deserves own separate discussion one day imho. 1524544;1471540281;asciilifeform;(and needs a handy name perhaps) 1524545;1471540349;mircea_popescu;(caveat fanaticus : while you probably want some ent redundancy for your key, a whole mb for a few kb key is drastically overshooting it. diminishing returns clip any conceivable benefit past a factor of maybe 8) 1524546;1471540375;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how about dildo ? 1524547;1471540394;mircea_popescu;similarly hard but unsatisfying devices. 1524548;1471540415;asciilifeform;there is nothing dishonest about dildo tho. 1524549;1471540452;mircea_popescu;in and of itself, there's nothing dishonest about any code. now imagine dude who keeps putting up this pretense and keeps aluding to his skillz and hunk... then in bedroom he takes slippers off to reveal dildo ductaped on. 1524550;1471540458;mircea_popescu;much like that scene in pink flamingoes 1524551;1471540462;asciilifeform;lel 1524552;1471540467;mircea_popescu;dja see it ? 1524553;1471540474;asciilifeform;i must have seen a still 1524554;1471540481;asciilifeform;because the scene sounds familiar. 1524555;1471540494;mircea_popescu;pscho waters has a sausage tied with rope 1524556;1471540639;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524497 <<< lol in similar what the fucks, anyone know about the lulz of california's "proposition 65" ? 1524557;1471540639;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 16:36 asciilifeform: (in, e.g., state of new york, unlicensed use of glassware (yes) is a criminal offense) 1524558;1471540656;mircea_popescu;read up on that crazy shit sometime, it's epitomical for the current us. 1524559;1471540677;asciilifeform;i have megatonne of items with the idiocy stamped on the package. 1524560;1471540684;asciilifeform;it is quite impossible to forget about it. 1524561;1471540712;mircea_popescu;(short version : lawyer lobby added law on books that allows them to sue anything that doesn't have a warning label on ; there's 0 enforcement from anyone but the lawyer mafia ; and for that matter no penalty for mislabeling anything ; consequently all of california is today a huge sticker reading "this item is known to the state of california to cause cancer") 1524562;1471540726;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well not everyone lives in the mordor swamps. 1524563;1471540729;asciilifeform;if only it were only ~in~ california ! 1524564;1471540735;asciilifeform;i've never set foot there 1524565;1471540749;asciilifeform;and still even humble tube of solder is stamped 'this product is known....' 1524566;1471540764;asciilifeform;because, see, it ~might~ be sold in ca. 1524567;1471540772;thestringpuller;cookin' in da pyrex isn't a thing anymore? 1524568;1471540780;mircea_popescu;"Miss out on Comic-Con? Relive all the action at Comic-Con with IMDb's Comic-Con 2016 Guide." << dude, if there's anything to miss it's the underage nuts, wtf is a guide gonna do. 1524569;1471540788;thestringpuller;so all these thugs turned rapper are lying to their constituents? 1524570;1471540806;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: see l0gz, this actually came up. 1524571;1471540862;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494311 << 1524572;1471540862;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:28 asciilifeform: http://nowiknow.com/the-war-against-pyrex << for n000bz. 1524573;1471540903;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "threatpost" dun load, so. 1524574;1471540906;mircea_popescu;never occured. 1524575;1471540938;mircea_popescu;and i also can't read "depdfization" any other way than "depizdification" 1524576;1471540973;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/c06bfd29-d998-41b6-a4c2-5c0148d3071c/?raw=true << if you must. 1524577;1471540984;mircea_popescu;i dun think i will, ty 1524578;1471540996;asciilifeform;not missin' anything. 1524579;1471541006;asciilifeform;(other than further spew to hang koch by) 1524580;1471541026;asciilifeform;the depizdification is worth seeing tho. 1524581;1471541048;mircea_popescu;i was reading it now 1524582;1471541266;mircea_popescu;honestly im not impressed with the whole scheme , whether fixed or not. 1524583;1471541297;asciilifeform;dafuq is 'fixed' whitening. 1524584;1471541308;asciilifeform;rather like 'healthy corpse' 1524585;1471541311;mircea_popescu;dafuq is any of that dumb shit and da fuck is 44+20+20 1524586;1471541319;mircea_popescu;i went to math school, they never taught me that theorem. 1524587;1471541334;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mechanical drawing of the stuttering whitener slide thing. 1524588;1471541342;mircea_popescu;so what is 44 ? 1524589;1471541360;mircea_popescu;is this twice as good as 22 + 10 + 10 ? 1524590;1471541371;asciilifeform;'The more particular difference is that the first cycle (Figure 2a) deviates from the other cycles (Figure 2b). Here, the hash is computed from the bytes [L − 20, L) ∪ [0, 44).' 1524591;1471541379;mircea_popescu;why not make it 88 + 40 + 40 then and while on it, why not fuck their ugly fucking mother. 1524592;1471541387;asciilifeform;ask koch. 1524593;1471541415;mircea_popescu;so fucking strange for the sort of idiot who imagines "all people are equal" to constantly be finding SPECIAL integers. 1524594;1471541421;mircea_popescu;there's no fucking special integers. they're all equal. 1524595;1471541432;asciilifeform;dun forget the other half of the circus - 1524596;1471541434;asciilifeform;the audience. 1524597;1471541448;asciilifeform;the 'i do not expect to UNDERSTAND the code' is the enabling sin. 1524598;1471541456;asciilifeform;idiot who will spew rubbish, can always be found. 1524599;1471541460;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform after the whole "oh, mp cares about beingmentioned on our obscure mail list" debacle coupla days ago, i actually had this measured. 1524600;1471541461;asciilifeform;audience - not. 1524601;1471541464;mircea_popescu;there is NO audience. at all. 1524602;1471541476;mircea_popescu;if one of these shits gets read by 3 people, it's a high water mark. 1524603;1471541477;asciilifeform;i was referring to the gpg users. 1524604;1471541482;mircea_popescu;when we link them they get 10x usual fare. 1524605;1471541504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oh you mean teh luserbase ? 1524606;1471541506;asciilifeform;aha. 1524607;1471541530;mircea_popescu;yawell. to quote from this great link, "I’m just back from ContainerCamp and Gluecon and I’m going to Dockercon next week. Really excited about the way the industry is moving - making everything simpler and more reliable. It’s the future!" 1524608;1471541533;asciilifeform;we lived with this shit. 1524609;1471541557;asciilifeform;koch et al did a thorough job gluing the nonsense on with broken glass. 1524610;1471541591;asciilifeform;https://underhandedcrypto.com/2016/08/17/the-2016-backdoored-cryptocurrency-contest-winner << meanwhile in the world of sport. 1524611;1471541630;asciilifeform;^ complete with gavinism push 1524612;1471541633;mircea_popescu;"our sponsor zcash" ? 1524613;1471541634;mircea_popescu;idiots. 1524614;1471541650;mircea_popescu;ahahaha first prize by "our judges" to sole submission ? 1524615;1471541674;mircea_popescu;o wait, and the whole shit is a miserable vessenes spam domain trying to capitalize on underhanded c ? 1524616;1471541683;mircea_popescu;why the fuck do you keep linking this irrelevant crap in here omg. 1524617;1471541691;asciilifeform;because it is illustrative. 1524618;1471541694;asciilifeform;circus has two ends. 1524619;1471541709;asciilifeform;blind - leading the blind. 1524620;1471541725;mircea_popescu;none of these humanizing metaphores apply. 1524621;1471541745;mircea_popescu;what blind ? they're not blind anymore than gut bacteria is blind 1524622;1471541751;mircea_popescu;they know what they like, and seek getting it. 1524623;1471541847;asciilifeform;and what is it that they like ? 1524624;1471541851;mircea_popescu;shit. 1524625;1471541855;mircea_popescu;gut bacteria, right ? 1524626;1471541956;asciilifeform;and hah, it ~is~ a blatant rip off from 'underhanded c', isnnit. 1524627;1471541962;mircea_popescu;yes. 1524628;1471541989;mircea_popescu;and do you know why it exists ? because it counts on grannies and alf to get confused by the content, as if words have meaning OF THEMSELVES, not of context, and click/spread the link. 1524629;1471541993;asciilifeform;barfalicious. 1524630;1471542016;mircea_popescu;understand : propaganda doesn't want you to agree. it just wants you to participate. dun matter so much what value you participate with, which is the point. 1524631;1471542023;asciilifeform;tru. 1524632;1471542034;asciilifeform;$s nonparticipation 1524633;1471542034;a111;6 results for "nonparticipation", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=nonparticipation 1524634;1471542079;asciilifeform;or, from today's earlier link, 'On September 14, 1985, residents of the Polish city of Toruń watching the popular James Bond ripoff 07, Call In (in which a blond and ideologically correct Citizen's Militia officer fights crime from within a series of tight sweaters) were surprised to see the show briefly overlaid with block white letters reading "Solidarity Toruń: Boycotting the election is our duty," and "Solidarity Toruń: Enough 1524635;1471542079;asciilifeform; price hikes, lies, repression". Twelve days later, the same slogans appeared superimposed on the hated evening news. The dissident radio astronomers had struck again.' 1524636;1471542109;mircea_popescu;lol 1524637;1471542127;mircea_popescu;pity that all they find to do is herp the plebe song. 1524638;1471542166;asciilifeform;what would mircea_popescu have put in there ? 1524639;1471542172;mircea_popescu;what's wrong with "fuck you torun, none of you are smart enough to know how this was done." 1524640;1471542175;mircea_popescu;too long ? 1524641;1471542188;asciilifeform;too long-game. 1524642;1471542191;mircea_popescu;lol 1524643;1471542193;mircea_popescu;mkay. 1524644;1471542232;mircea_popescu;but really, the only message that's worth broadcasting is some variation of "fuck you, you're not good enough and i don't like you." 1524645;1471542254;mircea_popescu;talking of childhood fears. 1524646;1471542297;asciilifeform;what, exactly, will reading this on the surprise tv screen do to the typical 'patient' ? 1524647;1471542303;mircea_popescu;i don't care. 1524648;1471542309;asciilifeform;then why bother 1524649;1471542325;mircea_popescu;cuz i can, or somesuch. 1524650;1471542325;*;asciilifeform asks emulated mircea_popescu , who answers 'from cause!11111' 1524651;1471542653;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: familiar with 'captain midnight' story ? 1524652;1471542662;mircea_popescu;dun think so 1524653;1471542668;asciilifeform;satellite hijack. 1524654;1471542690;asciilifeform;http://www.networkworld.com/article/2229101/security/captain-midnight---no-regrets--about-jamming-hbo-back-in--86.html << 1524655;1471542715;asciilifeform;http://www.macdougallelect.com/bio.html << the man himself. 1524656;1471542725;mircea_popescu;ah ha 1524657;1471542755;asciilifeform;the man had ~nothing to say. and so today is remembered by asciilifeform and , idk, half dozen other weirdos. 1524658;1471542759;*;mircea_popescu never gave a shit about hbo. 1524659;1471542773;mircea_popescu;it's like... midnight shopping channel decided to open a tcm competitor. 1524660;1471542784;asciilifeform;i dun think he picked hbo sat for any particular reason other than 'it had unsheathed arsehold' 1524661;1471542786;asciilifeform;*arsehole 1524662;1471542791;mircea_popescu;aha 1524663;1471542953;asciilifeform;incidentally, to this very day there are sats with ~0 authentication. 1524664;1471542981;asciilifeform;(why? ask the builders, not me) 1524665;1471543025;asciilifeform;from the commentz: 1524666;1471543030;asciilifeform;'As a member of the team that caught MacDougall, I can say we figured it out in less than a week. He may not yet realize that he might not have violated any existing law at the time he did it -- even though FCC threatened prosecution and he then"copped a plea". The reason why 18 USC 1367 was soon passed was to remove the ambiguity in this area. So Mr. Smart Guy, you pleaded guilty to a federal misdemeanor that a decent lawyer might h 1524667;1471543030;asciilifeform;ave gotten you off the hook for and it only took a week to find you.' 1524668;1471543030;*;mircea_popescu is so entranced with that circleci post he's out researching it, turns out https://aphyr.com/posts/335-tattoo << aphyr actually exists. 1524669;1471543086;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform guy's very representative ; got nothing to stand for and nothing to stand with. 1524670;1471543120;asciilifeform;precisely. 1524671;1471543171;asciilifeform;i meantion him on account of 'it is not enough to steal the microphone, also ought to have something to say.' 1524672;1471543174;asciilifeform;*mention 1524673;1471543248;asciilifeform;and that stealing microphone is not really so monumentally difficult. 1524674;1471543259;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1524675;1471543279;asciilifeform;a few yrs ago, students in moscow got hold of a green laser projector, a few dozen watt, and lit up the american embassy at night. 1524676;1471543282;asciilifeform;what did they paint ? 1524677;1471543287;asciilifeform;obummer sucking off a banana. 1524678;1471543295;asciilifeform;mega-imagination. 1524679;1471543314;mircea_popescu;that's actually pretty good 1524680;1471543326;asciilifeform;it's a passing grade. 1524681;1471543329;asciilifeform;but who remembers today. 1524682;1471543330;mircea_popescu;way the fuck better than "polite" derp jamming hbo or whatever the fuck. 1524683;1471543333;mircea_popescu;obama. 1524684;1471543353;asciilifeform;i can see bush-II remembering the grenade in tbilisi 1524685;1471543357;asciilifeform;but obummer, banana ? 1524686;1471543359;mircea_popescu;or the shoe. 1524687;1471543365;asciilifeform;shoe - yes 1524688;1471543374;mircea_popescu;and yes. fucktard's as vain as they come 1524689;1471543378;asciilifeform;(the significance of the shoe is often lost on western folk) 1524690;1471543406;mircea_popescu;i dunno... they had my fair lady neh ? 1524691;1471543554;mircea_popescu;https://circleci.com/blog/it-really-is-the-future/ << a week later, retraction. 1524692;1471543568;mircea_popescu;to be perfectly clear, none of that stupid shit is "the future", nor even much of the present. 1524693;1471543667;mircea_popescu;there's no space in any conceivable future for "that whole docker and cointainer thing" ; nor actually for "apps". 1524694;1471543798;mircea_popescu;html5 had a fighting chance as "not just text" ; it lost. this shit is dumber still, with a larger ground to cover still, with less talent and intellectual capacity involved ; and with the corporate nonsense that formed the original impetuus, from apple "app store" to cisco via intel/amd fritzchips etc dying left and right. the bottom's already fell out of apple store, there's no revenue made, and all these idiots can go back 1524695;1471543798;mircea_popescu; to pretending they're painters to get laid. 1524696;1471543974;mircea_popescu;So reactions to Docker are not necessarily based on the technology itself. Most haters are not really reacting to Docker’s solutions to important and complex problems. Mostly, this is because those problems are ones you might not have noticed if you haven’t spent time scaling big systems. If you don’t intuitively and deeply understand what’s meant by “cattle not pets” << it is directly obvious to me what is meant 1524697;1471543974;mircea_popescu; by "cattle not pets", for the record ; there's a difference between the people who actually understand the problems involved and the inept clowd of usian aspie 14%ers who wish to pretend like they have big town problems, who knows, maybe someone gives them a big town salary. 1524698;1471544003;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-27#811154 << see also naggum. 1524699;1471544003;a111;Logged on 2014-08-27 01:00 asciilifeform: 'pardon my cynical twist, but what are you doing with that 20,000×20,000 double-precision floating point matrix you say you need to invert _today_? If you answer "nutt'n, I jus kinda wondered what it'd be like, you know", you should be very happy that I am most likely more than 3000 miles away from you, or I would come over and slap you hard.' 1524700;1471544005;jurov;asciilifeform you forgot i have several actual borosilicate teapots, bohemian glass that claims to conform to ISO for borosilicate glass. and they sell to da US. it's in the logs 1524701;1471544016;mircea_popescu;eh fuck this, ima go blog it, too much log dumping. 1524702;1471544020;jurov;but complaining about pyrex is easier, I get that. 1524703;1471544040;asciilifeform;jurov: i have nfi what is sold in jurovlandia. perhaps it is genuine borosilicate, or perhaps just overpriced glass. 1524704;1471544046;asciilifeform;but here - it is largely absent. 1524705;1471544046;mircea_popescu;jurov believe it or not they export here. i've been buying exceptional lead glass wine/champagne etc stem glasses. 1524706;1471544054;asciilifeform;lead glass != borosilicate. 1524707;1471544058;asciilifeform;entirely other product. 1524708;1471544067;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform his argument is that it fits the spec for performance. which it does. 1524709;1471544081;jurov;yes it never broke due to heat/cold 1524710;1471544081;mircea_popescu;sold in the us as "swarovski crystals". 1524711;1471544130;mircea_popescu;one of the hugest scams of all time, my parents' house hosted numerous clear and colored bohemian glass pots, most a few lbs in weight 1524712;1471544153;mircea_popescu;i guess i lived in the swarovski prince of bell air's mansion. 1524713;1471544154;jurov;https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=simax+kettle aciilifeform just buyu one of these and stfu. it's annoying 1524714;1471544167;asciilifeform;jurov: and how do i know what i get ? 1524715;1471544174;mircea_popescu;clink it. 1524716;1471544176;jurov;you try it 1524717;1471544183;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dun work on pyrex 1524718;1471544199;asciilifeform;jurov: can i find out nondestructively ? 1524719;1471544202;mircea_popescu;(seriously guise - buy bohemian crystal flutes ; then have fun with the girl making literal music together.) 1524720;1471544331;jurov;it will be non destructive. unless usg exchanges the teapot for non-borosilicate in transit, in what case you don't need it after all 1524721;1471544405;jurov;but you'll be vindicated they have blown the exact shape specially for you 1524722;1471544413;asciilifeform;lel 1524723;1471544461;mircea_popescu;if soviet us were any good, they'd just replace it with a normal china teapot 1524724;1471544463;mircea_popescu;as a "fuck you" 1524725;1471545395;mircea_popescu;o look.... no logs... 1524726;1471546315;asciilifeform;$s 94498898625323854064565881858724834160435948913137983974021999533025286133157 1524727;1471546315;a111;3 results for "94498898625323854064565881858724834160435948913137983974021999533025286133157", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=94498898625323854064565881858724834160435948913137983974021999533025286133157 1524728;1471546318;asciilifeform;hm 1524729;1471546331;asciilifeform;these seem to occur in clusters of no moar than 2-3 1524730;1471546370;asciilifeform;(i've been shaping a mental picture of what kind of rng idiocy could lead to such a thing, to no avail) 1524731;1471546411;asciilifeform;i bet there's an algebraic trick that will yield ALL of these divisors. 1524732;1471546421;asciilifeform;(from the mexican routers or what it was.) 1524733;1471546438;asciilifeform;f(n) such that n is last bit of timer when it first powered on, or what. 1524734;1471546444;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo send the man a congratulatory email ? since it turns out you linked him first. << Gotta catch up on log to figure out who I am congratulating on what. 1524735;1471546644;asciilifeform;in unrelated lulz, https://asciinema.org 1524736;1471546790;asciilifeform;http://motherboard.vice.com/read/former-nsa-staffers-rogue-insider-shadow-brokers-theory << in other 'proof' lelz 1524737;1471546800;asciilifeform;'The source provided a military award as proof of his past employment, and multiple former intelligence sources who reviewed the award for Motherboard said it looks legitimate.' 1524738;1471546809;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, got a link to the original discussion re merits of urbit right before you sold your whatever it was, battlestarisland 1524739;1471546811;asciilifeform;craig wright rolls in his grave 1524740;1471546820;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes, 1sec 1524741;1471546846;asciilifeform;1 - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1352 << the sale 1524742;1471546874;asciilifeform;2 - http://moronlab.blogspot.com/2010/01/urbit-functional-programming-from.html?showComment=1263570771214#c6454142774827414532 << linked from same, pre-release thread 1524743;1471546891;asciilifeform;3 - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1390 - postmortem 1524744;1471546912;asciilifeform;there was also a lengthy googlegroup thread 1524745;1471546924;asciilifeform;where i finally barfed, decisively 1524746;1471546985;asciilifeform;https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/urbit-dev/utp3H7F78so/Dt24fpiT3xcJ << part of it 1524747;1471546989;ben_vulpes;hrm. can't find the canonical ox and flies link 1524748;1471547000;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aesop 1524749;1471547054;asciilifeform;https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/urbit-dev/PvXo1t7uNrY/ik5e-9b-cNwJ << the sale itself. 1524750;1471547077;*;thestringpuller thanks asciilifeform for inspiration for a rap song "war on pyrex" 1524751;1471547077;asciilifeform;https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/urbit-dev/4B12WpF1rL0/hYF3YPuqvR8J << 'we dun want to make a bitcoin! usg will gas us' 1524752;1471547085;asciilifeform;^ mega-thread 1524753;1471547134;asciilifeform;https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/urbit-dev/PvXo1t7uNrY/RL7DLpg1v9QJ << continued. 1524754;1471547138;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i think that was all of it. 1524755;1471547173;thestringpuller;LOL. Da war on pyrex created more crime!!!!1 1524756;1471547184;thestringpuller;WHO COULD HAVE PREDICTED 1524757;1471547185;asciilifeform;'CY, I've long admired your work, but pray answer me this: why on earth did you accept $millions in kleptocrat funding? How could this possibly serve the long-term interests of Urbit users? Now the same folks who ruined the Net - and virtually everything else that was ever good and bright - have a voting share! Or do I misunderstand? And if a strong USG were to take a dislike to Urbit, all the KYC clerks, bean-counters, and lawyers i 1524758;1471547185;asciilifeform;n the world could not save you. On the other hand, if the regime is weak (as suggested by the fact that it bowed to Bitcoin), these things are quite unnecessary.' << asciilifeform's q to mr mold. 1524759;1471547307;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: sent 1524760;1471547351;BingoBoingo;Maybe he shows or doesn't, but at least either blogger or spam filter has been congratulated. 1524761;1471547732;asciilifeform;https://twitter.com/hanno/status/765545176018354176 << guess who likes to play victim now. 1524762;1471547850;asciilifeform;https://coldwardaily.com/2016/08/17/shadow-brokers-nsa-exploits-doubts-about-edward-snowdens-tweets << meanwhile somebody asks the obvious q. 1524763;1471547867;asciilifeform;'“That needs to proven before we take anything coming from that account as actually coming from the mouth of Edward Snowden, the person.”' 1524764;1471547919;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ty. 1524765;1471547923;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ty! 1524766;1471547942;mircea_popescu;uh google com wtf is that. not in my dns list. 1524767;1471547945;mircea_popescu;we had a convo in logs. 1524768;1471547951;asciilifeform;$s urbit 1524769;1471547951;a111;168 results for "urbit", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=urbit 1524770;1471547956;asciilifeform;plenty 1524771;1471547960;mircea_popescu;ty 1524772;1471547974;asciilifeform;but asciilifeform's outings among the heathens, happened in heathendom. 1524773;1471547985;asciilifeform;with was (and afaik still is) the google faux-usenet thing. 1524774;1471547987;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-02#473654 ftw. 1524775;1471547987;a111;Logged on 2014-02-02 03:29 herbijudlestoids: has anyone come up with any useful use cases for urbit? all i could think of was a mutt clone lol 1524776;1471548092;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Jge7p << meanwhile the graphologists, astrologers, haruspicists, are busy busy bees!111 1524777;1471548252;mircea_popescu;lmao. DOH. 1524778;1471548306;mircea_popescu;i dunno who took the russian-kalash-guy act seriously. 1524779;1471548383;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: typical usaschwitz inmate is isolated enough that, e.g., the 'flying pistol copter' fella on youtube, was 'russian' enough to satisfy. 1524780;1471548423;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: when you toured usa, how many folks could find your home town in the atlas ? 1524781;1471548483;asciilifeform;( and the ones that ~could~... who were they ? old army officers ? ) 1524782;1471548507;mircea_popescu;i never had the curiosity to ask. 1524783;1471548524;asciilifeform;i did, it was a depressing exercise an' i stopped. 1524784;1471548578;asciilifeform;i shit thee not, even if you say, e.g., 'moscow', they will drop it somewhere near ankara or worse 1524785;1471548607;asciilifeform;there is no 'geography' subject in their primary school. 1524786;1471548626;asciilifeform;(at one point there was, they were asked to at least find the various states on a pre-drawn map.) 1524787;1471549097;asciilifeform;https://senderek.ie/research/pcp/release << was very interesting fella. where is he now ? 1524788;1471549106;asciilifeform;e.g., https://senderek.ie/research/pcp/release/pure.py 1524789;1471549123;mircea_popescu;til moscow is not near ankara. 1524790;1471549124;asciilifeform;and https://senderek.ie/research/pcp/release/read-pgpkey 1524791;1471549130;mircea_popescu;erdogan would beg to differ! 1524792;1471549210;asciilifeform;('pcp' was an early attempt, it appears, at a stateless and rsa-only pgp replacement) 1524793;1471549331;mircea_popescu;who made it ? 1524794;1471549344;asciilifeform;senderek. 1524795;1471549357;asciilifeform;who, for all i know, is in valhalla's halls now. 1524796;1471549398;asciilifeform;https://senderek.ie/research/pcp/release/pcp-10.tar.gz << whole set. and pretty interesting read. 1524797;1471549406;asciilifeform;and, picture, a man distributing signed src. 1524798;1471549407;asciilifeform;in 2003. 1524799;1471549412;asciilifeform;(who else was ?) 1524800;1471549461;mircea_popescu;pretty good. 1524801;1471549486;asciilifeform;'In summer of 2000, I had a look at the new key format PGP had introduced. In Europe a number of researchers voiced concerns about the new ADK feature that were routinely being ignored in the US, the home of PGP. This ignorance motivated me to look closer into the new PGP version and I discovered a serious problem with the way additional keys could be added without a user's consent. ' 1524802;1471549602;asciilifeform;lotsa weird on the site (e.g., crypto-in-php etc.) but it was, at least until recently, ~his own~, and not 'komyoonity'. 1524803;1471549733;asciilifeform;in other lulz, 1524804;1471549734;asciilifeform;http://marc.info/?l=cypherpunks&m=85281708902679&w=2 1524805;1471549759;asciilifeform;circa '94! 1524806;1471549785;asciilifeform;'Someone please prove me wrong, but I think there is a bug in the function mp_modexp_crt (RSA decryption and signing) in PGP23a's MPI library. Attached to this message is a program which demonstrates the bug. While testing Magic Money for lingering bugs, the client gave the error "Coin from server has bad signature!" I tried again with different coins, and the program worked. The proto.dat file had been cleared as the coins were rea 1524807;1471549785;asciilifeform;d, so there was no way to repeat the error. I set up a batch file to repeatedly cycle coins...' 1524808;1471549806;asciilifeform;http://marc.info/?l=cypherpunks&m=85281708902680&w=2 << the only reply. 1524809;1471549819;asciilifeform; Derek Atkins 1524810;1471549831;asciilifeform;' ... I tried this on two different platforms with two different byte orders. In particular, I used a mips-ultrix and sun386i. The results, are the same, and show that there is no problem with PGP 2.3a, or, at least, I cannot reproduce your bug. Sorry.' 1524811;1471549841;asciilifeform;anyone remember what was 'magic money' > 1524812;1471549842;asciilifeform;? 1524813;1471549848;mircea_popescu;yes. but wtf is this ? 1524814;1471549867;asciilifeform;http://www.csee.umbc.edu/~woodcock/cmsc482/proj1/magmoney.html << possibly this. 1524815;1471549887;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was trying to learn the answer to that. 1524816;1471549901;asciilifeform;because i consider mpi bugs to be a thing of interest. 1524817;1471549952;asciilifeform;https://w2.eff.org/Privacy/Digital_money/?f=magic_money.announce.txt << pretty lulzy. 1524818;1471549963;mircea_popescu;so do i. 1524819;1471549967;asciilifeform;dark age pseudobitcoin. 1524820;1471550071;asciilifeform;(does anyone find it interesting that modern gpg uses ~same mpi implementation as dark age pgp, but with massaged function names ('mp_' vs 'mpi_') ? 1524821;1471550075;asciilifeform;) 1524822;1471550131;mircea_popescu;apparently they don't like mp. 1524823;1471550225;shinohai;>.< 1524824;1471550639;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/uqRcV << soooo the shitstain knows no restraint 1524825;1471550732;asciilifeform;http://git.gnupg.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=gnupg.git;a=blob;f=dirmngr/dns-stuff.c;h=191719e932e8995b7876fcffd0ff809c18f47334;hb=refs/heads/STABLE-BRANCH-2-2#l102 << why is there even a 'tor mode' ? 1524826;1471551365;BingoBoingo;For placing suppositories, duh 1524827;1471551512;shinohai;suppositories or unlubed broom handles? 1524828;1471551736;trinque;$s from:asciilifeform the pig likes it 1524829;1471551736;a111;-1 results for "from:asciilifeform the pig likes it", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20the%20pig%20likes%20it 1524830;1471551744;trinque;well then 1524831;1471551771;trinque;$s the pig likes it 1524832;1471551772;a111;2 results for "the pig likes it", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=the%20pig%20likes%20it 1524833;1471551830;trinque;mental compression vs log search, fight! 1524834;1471551883;BingoBoingo;shinohai: What are the latter but a subset of suppositories? 1524835;1471551907;*;shinohai thinks on that. 1524836;1471552116;BingoBoingo;$up fromphuctor 1524837;1471552116;deedbot;fromphuctor voiced for 30 minutes. 1524838;1471552506;BingoBoingo;OMG Liberals are bodyshaming Trump now! Those Hippo-crits http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/18/12538672/nude-donald-trump-statues-union-square-los-angeles-indecline 1524839;1471552836;phf;-1 result eh 1524840;1471553413;shinohai;http://archive.is/Oj1JG "I'm sorry my shitty code fucked you all up, what's next?" 1524841;1471553511;trinque;"wow you guys. you know what I learned today?" (tm) (r) 1524842;1471553684;shinohai;Thanks Stephan for taking the time to use your new crayons to explain it all. 1524843;1471555694;mircea_popescu;again with the "blood sweat and tears" guy ? 1524844;1471555714;mircea_popescu;who the fuck told these idiots that their soul is worth anything or presents some sort of interest to anyone. 1524845;1471556210;shinohai;It's ok, he learned his lesson, won't happen again. 1524846;1471556333;mircea_popescu;your sarcasm can be heard from argentina. 1524847;1471556437;shinohai;Speaking of South American countries, should I suspect Columbia to be a horrid shithole? 1524848;1471556451;mircea_popescu;define shithole. 1524849;1471556451;shinohai;/suspect/expect/ 1524850;1471556484;shinohai;Like, hundreds of people on mopeds and muudy streets 1524851;1471556525;mircea_popescu;yes. 1524852;1471556564;*;shinohai makes note to look into transportation modes further. 1524853;1471556589;mircea_popescu;o holy shit, heroku was acquired by salesforce.com in 2010. 1524854;1471556593;mircea_popescu;hence "nobody uses heroku" 1524855;1471556603;mircea_popescu;jesus these idiots couldn't be more transparent fi they tried. 1524856;1471556800;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-text-and-the-piddly-recantion/ << Trilema - The text ; and the piddly recantion 1524857;1471557476;asciilifeform; Two Generals Problem << aaaaahaha 1524858;1471557480;*;asciilifeform falls down 1524859;1471558515;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re ^ - where was that trilema piece with the plugged bathtub ? 1524860;1471558543;asciilifeform;the one where 'removing the plug, or closing the water, is not ever to be considered an option, instead you are expected to build a raft from the flat tv' 1524861;1471558895;*;mircea_popescu digs 1524862;1471558965;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/please-stop-using-dns-already-and-other-considerations/ << the dns one apparently. 1524863;1471559507;asciilifeform;aha! 1524864;1471559576;asciilifeform;'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b 1524865;1471559576;asciilifeform;e your living room. The correct solution in the case of the retarded girlfriend obviously is turning off the main and beating her black and blue, rather than entertaining her idiocy. Similarly in the case of the retarded Internet, the correct solution is turning off the main and beating these idiots black and blue, rather than entertaining their idiocy.' 1524866;1471559614;asciilifeform;this ^ is quite exactly a description of the 'problem solvers' in 'piddly recantation', e.g., 'docker' 1524867;1471559622;mircea_popescu;werd. 1524868;1471559632;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you realise it's same author, one week apart. 1524869;1471559708;asciilifeform;waiwat 1524870;1471559728;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/please-stop-using-dns-already-and-other-considerations/#footnote_1_65060 << him ? 1524871;1471559732;asciilifeform;or who 1524872;1471559756;mircea_popescu;site's listed, name's given, first line. 1524873;1471559766;asciilifeform;ah the recantation 1524874;1471559774;asciilifeform;yeah 1524875;1471559777;mircea_popescu;ah yes. yeah. 1524876;1471564066;mats;http://www.cnbc.com/2016/08/16/icahn-to-epa-youre-creating-the-mother-of-all-short-squeezes.html 1524877;1471564119;mats;after seeing the annual reports and recent activity, /me ponders buying IEP 1524878;1471564384;phf;$s from:blah foo 1524879;1471564385;a111;166 results for "from:blah foo", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Ablah%20foo 1524880;1471564395;phf;what 1524881;1471564439;phf;$s from:phf rX0ONv1IyCoB 1524882;1471564439;a111;0 results for "from:phf rX0ONv1IyCoB", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aphf%20rX0ONv1IyCoB 1524883;1471564530;phf;ben_vulpes: i remember there was functionality to not expire wotpastes if they are in the log. what do you need me to provide you with in order to get that operational again? 1524884;1471564627;mircea_popescu;phf really, saving logged links has ~nothing to do with the (imo correct) functionality of pastes expiring 1524885;1471564659;phf;mircea_popescu: oh? that must've changed since last time we had conversation about it 1524886;1471564698;mircea_popescu;link ? 1524887;1471564828;ben_vulpes;phf: tbqh i was considering setting up a trilema style cookie l2 could get their hands on that would keep pastes around 1524888;1471564994;mircea_popescu;"Nothing about McMurdo improves with proximity. Up close, the station looks like a cross between an oil refinery and a struggling community college." << now i have what to link to when people ask me why i can't be arsed to antarctica. 1524889;1471565022;mircea_popescu;$up Lightsword 1524890;1471565022;deedbot;Lightsword voiced for 30 minutes. 1524891;1471566236;asciilifeform;http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-37114313 << meanwhile, in the muppet theatre.. 1524892;1471566510;asciilifeform;'No one had been back to the Pole since the Amundsen and Scott expeditions of 1911, and it was the obvious prestige location in Antarctica. ' << nazi ahnenerbe begs to differ. 1524893;1471566743;mircea_popescu;that didn't happen 1524894;1471566776;*;asciilifeform wasn't there. 1524895;1471566825;asciilifeform;http://everything2.com/title/Antarctic+hygiene << classic re antarctica (whole series of posts by same fella, eons ago) 1524896;1471566965;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's neuschwabenland doing in the atlas then ? 1524897;1471566968;asciilifeform;if 'didn't happen' 1524898;1471566978;mircea_popescu;american hero nansen did it first. 1524899;1471566985;asciilifeform;ahahahaha lolk. 1524900;1471566993;mircea_popescu;also best and bigger. 1524901;1471567028;asciilifeform;"Россия — родина слонов" (tm) (r) 1524902;1471567352;mats;http://www.tricki.org/tricki/map 1524903;1471567411;mats;fields medal winner's list of patterns he matches against to solve problems 1524904;1471567524;mircea_popescu;not bad. at least the section on estimations is pretty solid. 1524905;1471567552;asciilifeform;mats: ever read g. polya's b00kz ? 1524906;1471567567;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ironically, i am reading the man's name exactly. 1524907;1471567582;mircea_popescu;they use polya-vinogradov as an example for how to get rid of cutoffs 1524908;1471567607;asciilifeform;polya had a mega-classic for schoolboys, 'how to solve it', but lesser-known 'patterns of plausible inference' (2 volume thing) 1524909;1471567616;asciilifeform;the latter probably more interesting to adult 1524910;1471567937;phf;mircea_popescu: having hard time finding relevant bits, since thread diverged many times. a long standing criticism of dpaste was "all these pastes are going to make log not as useful", when ben_vulpes released his wotpaste there was discussion about expiration and how to mitigate it. fwiw i don't remember where it went from there 1524911;1471567960;mircea_popescu;iirc it went to "let them expire daily" 1524912;1471567978;mircea_popescu;they're two not overlapping tools. not all pastes necessarily end up in log 1524913;1471567993;mircea_popescu;something should be permanented for having being in the log, not for having been a paste 1524914;1471568027;phf;right right, so one option was to scan the log for all wotpaste's and only preserve those 1524915;1471568038;phf;since ben_vulpes can do that 1524916;1471568063;phf;of course another option is to add link downloader, to btcbase for example, but it's a can of worms, that i guess i will have to open.. 1524917;1471568071;mircea_popescu;the idea was to save ~all links~ 1524918;1471568121;*;shinohai starts work on the most serene archives .... 1524919;1471568128;mircea_popescu;nothing specific about paste or otherwise. if i click on a link in an old article by that marciej dude, it comes out 404. which sucks. 1524920;1471568164;mircea_popescu;baring you actually being exciting from writing.. a... browser, i guess, the solution was to just archive.is all links and save the resulting zips 1524921;1471568165;phf;right, which requires archive.is level infrastructure 1524922;1471568173;mircea_popescu;well you can just piggyback 1524923;1471568176;phf;ah ah 1524924;1471568201;mircea_popescu;i mean... it won't work for alf, but maybe if he needs it a kind soul will unzip the files for him in the magic way 1524925;1471568221;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that zip contained nothing but rubbish. 1524926;1471568227;asciilifeform;as far as i could tell. 1524927;1471568238;mircea_popescu;your tool failed to break it up into files, just dumped everything into one. 1524928;1471568244;mircea_popescu;apparently it';s a known zip bug. 1524929;1471568245;asciilifeform;mno. 1524930;1471568246;asciilifeform;see log again. 1524931;1471568268;asciilifeform;i even posted the thing. 1524932;1471568328;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508479 << 1524933;1471568328;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 22:30 asciilifeform: and has NOTHING in common with the jpegs or html in mircea_popescu's 32k zip 1524934;1471568356;phf;we just need to keep asciilifeform away from post 2005 technology 1524935;1471568491;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/turds/1.zip http://www.loper-os.org/pub/turds/2.zip << samples. 1524936;1471568508;asciilifeform;(as found on jul. the 21st) 1524937;1471568542;mircea_popescu;well anyway. 1524938;1471568547;asciilifeform;see whole thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508474 . 1524939;1471568547;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 22:29 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's 32k zip unpacks great 1524940;1471568571;asciilifeform;archive.today literally served me a wholly unrelated thing as what mircea_popescu gets. 1524941;1471568577;mircea_popescu;be this as it may ; if it becomes a standard it'll either continue until we figure it out or mysteriously stop. 1524942;1471568577;asciilifeform;via whatever client. 1524943;1471568584;asciilifeform;(i even fired up a winblowz box) 1524944;1471568593;mircea_popescu;did it do anything ? 1524945;1471568602;asciilifeform;nope. same type of item. 1524946;1471568606;mircea_popescu;also... i actually use archive.is 1524947;1471568626;asciilifeform;it redirects to same. 1524948;1471568635;mircea_popescu;a ok 1524949;1471568677;mircea_popescu;so this guy ran a kickstarter campaign to pay for his trip to antarctica. 1524950;1471568711;mircea_popescu;i suppose it makes more sense than the dudes who chip in so that a model version of themselves bangs some chick on camera... 1524951;1471568836;mircea_popescu;re the getting diverged phf , i dunno what you answered to 2nd part of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523000 ? 1524952;1471568836;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 05:52 mircea_popescu: o btw phf, you aware of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508571 ? you never said anything. more generally, do you see the value in a ticket set for a111 on mod6 's thing ? 1524953;1471568857;mircea_popescu;and in unrelatred lulz, reading through old logs re aws, we find http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-24#1249839 1524954;1471568857;a111;Logged on 2015-08-24 01:51 asciilifeform blew an astonishing bag of usd when ran 'phuctor' on aws - and this in its mostly-useless and almost-trafficless first year and half of life 1524955;1471568883;asciilifeform;aha, it burned through a few hundy 1524956;1471568888;asciilifeform;largely by occupying disk, iirc. 1524957;1471568897;mircea_popescu;basically the "problem" idiots like paul whatshisface are imagining docker solves is entirely a business construct : idiots gave their neck away to "cloud" companies because "it will be cheaper", exactly on the model that produced "export jobs to china" 1524958;1471568910;mircea_popescu;then once the transition was complete and ensconced in culture, it suddenly... wasn't cheaper anymore 1524959;1471568924;mircea_popescu;and the sort of solution they contemplate is, of course, wait for it, drumroll.. MORE OF THE SAME. 1524960;1471568936;mircea_popescu;i know of nothing in nature more resilient than the idiot in his idiocy. 1524961;1471568948;asciilifeform;aws, recall, was for its entire existence marketed via 'giveaways', teasers, the usual fool-snares. 1524962;1471568977;mircea_popescu;i'm entirely at a loss as to what'd it be useful, outside of what Framedragger tried to use it for - which it apparently fervently defends itself against using for 1524963;1471569019;mircea_popescu;(an interesting pattern this - most us made artefacts feverishly defend themselves against being used in the one way they might make economic sense. starting with the citizenry, which somehow doesn't service arab cock all day.) 1524964;1471569083;asciilifeform;every inhabitant of usa eats no fewer than 9000 arab cocks per yer, at petrol station. 1524965;1471569104;mircea_popescu;as any whore will tell you, a blowjob doesn't count if you don't make cocksucker eye contact. 1524966;1471569108;mircea_popescu;it's a thing. 1524967;1471569592;phf;ah, i was away during that discussion and forgot to comment. i have it in my todo, but i need to testrun before commenting. it's obviously a good idea, i wish we had archive.is in-wot though 1524968;1471569638;mircea_popescu;me too. 1524969;1471569670;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1524918 1524970;1471569670;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 00:55 shinohai starts work on the most serene archives .... 1524971;1471569810;mircea_popescu;the task of getting html rendering to work on sanely instrumented platform is ... 1524972;1471569816;mircea_popescu;actually i don't even believe that can be done. 1524973;1471569905;mircea_popescu;the big dark secret nobody in the "we, the web community" wants to mention is that html5 essentially failed under cognitive load. they just couldn't do it. 1524974;1471569921;mircea_popescu;wasn't a matter of choice ; much like "we'll fart our way to mars" isn't a matter of choice. 1524975;1471570008;phf;i went through the whole exercise for my lisp based instapaper clone back in a day, so i have some of that code around. but it was neither efficient nor reliable (for example, closure html a lisp based html parser fails in all kinds of surprising ways when you throw random web at it) 1524976;1471570089;mircea_popescu;right. obviously something that will render hello world can be written ad hoc right here ; a standards-compliant renderer is perhaps a decent season project at a middle college (if they still exist) 1524977;1471570105;mircea_popescu;but neither of these is all that relevant. 1524978;1471570669;phf;i'm on board cause we def need to preserve the tumblr content 1524979;1471570971;*;ben_vulpes has https://www.gigablast.com/ on the experiments list once these godforsaken hippies get their act together and card me at the dc 1524980;1471571011;ben_vulpes;could possibly serve both archive, index and lookup. 1524981;1471571172;shinohai;At least phf has priorities straight 1524982;1471571327;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1524957 << there is a notion, pernicious to the small-time and novice operators, that virtualization providers save time in infrastructure management. it's very much a "i just want to" write the software attitude. 1524983;1471571327;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 01:08 mircea_popescu: basically the "problem" idiots like paul whatshisface are imagining docker solves is entirely a business construct : idiots gave their neck away to "cloud" companies because "it will be cheaper", exactly on the model that produced "export jobs to china" 1524984;1471571398;mats;asciilifeform: no, i will put it on my list 1524985;1471571491;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-24#1249839 << the other way of looking at this is that "if hosting costs are a serious/worrisome part of your bottom line as a web/mobile app operator either you fucked up and badly on provisioning, or you don't make enough money" 1524986;1471571491;a111;Logged on 2015-08-24 01:51 asciilifeform blew an astonishing bag of usd when ran 'phuctor' on aws - and this in its mostly-useless and almost-trafficless first year and half of life 1524987;1471571503;ben_vulpes;granted, phuctor ain't that. 1524988;1471571584;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: was lunch money op. 1524989;1471571655;ben_vulpes;sure 1524990;1471571863;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: point was that aws only ~feels~ cheap 1524991;1471571885;asciilifeform;like naggum's proverbial flying bathtub 'feels fast'. 1524992;1471571990;ben_vulpes;it's a fantastic little rpg! 1524993;1471572008;ben_vulpes;"oh wait costs in db are escalating, quickly get in there and learn the arcane aws-specific optimizations!" 1524994;1471572034;ben_vulpes;"aaaaa now we're serving too much shit from disk, quickly, put cloudfront in so we're not charged egress fees" 1524995;1471572041;ben_vulpes;it is the *perfect* make-work machine. 1524996;1471572065;ben_vulpes;much like docker, mongo, realm 1524997;1471572092;ben_vulpes;(phf would likely add datomic to the list) 1524998;1471574436;phf;all in day's work 1524999;1471574649;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-21#1349108 1525000;1471574649;a111;Logged on 2015-12-21 05:15 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349033 << 'programmers get off on complexity the way weight lifters get off on weight' 1525001;1471575691;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes quite exactly. a sort of "when soviet army provisions jets, it provisions tupolevs!" what the fuck difference does this make to wage slave trying to get from point a to point b ? 1525002;1471575738;mircea_popescu;but the whole fucking shebang is "feeling like a trader". hence what they want is "google infrastructure for the rest of us". because totally, google first built the infrastructure and THEN was google. not the other fucking way around, first came up with page rank and then had to burn the cash in some accountant-permissible way 1525003;1471575778;BingoBoingo;RE: Antarctica https://www.thefix.com/content/antarctica-alcohol-problem00437?page=all 1525004;1471575864;mircea_popescu;and in other division of belabour news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md1w288TYL1qfu1wko1_500.gif 1525005;1471576142;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> it is the *perfect* make-work machine. << seems an exact description. 1525006;1471598588;Framedragger;https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/aug/18/fake-human-sacrifice-filmed-at-cern-with-pranking-scientists-suspected - allegedly cern did most of what it wanted to do and now scientists don't have anything to do... 1525007;1471598596;Framedragger;“Cern does not condone this type of spoof, which can give rise to misunderstandings about the scientific nature of our work.” bhah 1525008;1471598729;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524440 << yeah okay okay; but i don't know what to tell the guy, what's going on here. "lotsa smart people, it's actually a republic, rewriting the world, slowly. also software" 1525009;1471598729;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 15:45 mircea_popescu: Framedragger so invite him over. 1525010;1471598747;Framedragger;"butt sex, too" 1525011;1471601280;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524691 << aww :( moment of clarity was just a moment, then. 1525012;1471601280;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 18:05 mircea_popescu: https://circleci.com/blog/it-really-is-the-future/ << a week later, retraction. 1525013;1471605762;mircea_popescu;Framedragger moments of clarity are definitionally momentary ; anyway, tell him it's a terrorist organisation. 1525014;1471607306;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: kk. 1525015;1471607848;jurov;*virtual terrorist cult 1525016;1471607898;mircea_popescu;brb writing teh cia factbook 1525017;1471609345;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1525018;1471609347;gribble;Current Blocks: 425879 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1512 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 3 hours, 32 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1525019;1471609350;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1525020;1471609359;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 573.5, vol: 3974.81029855 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 572.424, vol: 5670.07524 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 574.93, vol: 5343.12248079 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 575.68, vol: 3786.15641759 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 576.686344, vol: 58397.86160000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 575.958, vol: 615.09089526 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 575.99, vol: 1177.06403494 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 577.470504, vol: (1 more message) 1525021;1471609367;BingoBoingo;;;more 1525022;1471609367;gribble;458559.981 | Volume-weighted last average: 577.259879696 1525023;1471610003;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524494 << If you want something standard, like a round bottom flask or a condenser, then yes it is much cheaper to get mass produced stuff. But sometimes you want something unique, like a round bottom flask with a condenser coming off at a particular angle and connected by a frit to another chamber and a couple gass line nipples, then it is much cheaper to build yourself 1525024;1471610003;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 16:33 thestringpuller: PeterL: I asked a friend who blows glass for a living, and he said nowadays it's more expensive to blow science-ware by hand than to get the mass produced stuff... 1525025;1471610186;mircea_popescu;PeterL the problem with build-yourself, at least in my brief experience [of managing other people trying to do it] is that you end up with nonstandard parts, which is an utter pain because a) you may get results you can't later reproduce, which is the bane of all time and eternal sadness and b) it becomes very difficult to correctly model your thing for prototyping/scaling/whatnot. because that little unintended glass lip/lit 1525026;1471610186;mircea_popescu;tle condensation cranny/whatnot was integral and we didn't know. 1525027;1471610197;mircea_popescu;i suspect this is the main reason people moved off it, not so much cost or anything. 1525028;1471610214;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524504 << in lab we had two flavors of glass, I think it was borosilicate and non-borosilicate (useful based on whether or not you are trying to measure certain metal ions), and we distinguished between them by looking at the edge, one was clear and the other was kinda blue-green 1525029;1471610214;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 16:43 asciilifeform: the pyrex switcheroo was enabled by the fact of the two glasses being visually indistinguishable. 1525030;1471610236;mircea_popescu;this of course depends also a lot on the application 1525031;1471610278;mircea_popescu;PeterL he's just being difficult, not like boron doesn't have well known absorbtion/emission lines. you can either heat it and see ; or else shine a tuned laser on it and see. 1525032;1471610385;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524397 << this thing is informally known as a MFP - if you flip it upside down it looks just like a "man fucking pig" (and grad students find humor in the weirdest things) 1525033;1471610385;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 15:32 thestringpuller: i'm doing it for refining "essential Oils", i'm going to buy a short path fractional distillation set 1525034;1471610412;mircea_popescu;so on other news, i am writing teh republic's "cia factbook", and on the matter of gdp i would like to have an estimate of the "fair market value of the total time donated to republic during 2015" in the estimation of everyone involved. detailed is better, but nothing over a page omg. 1525035;1471610470;mircea_popescu;specifically pinging trinque phf bingoboingo mod6 asciilifeform davout jurov ben_vulpes mike_c 1525036;1471610534;davout;i'm pretty sure ~0 fits on a page 1525037;1471610551;mircea_popescu;you're still good for at least 13.37 because hey, gdp is gdp :D 1525038;1471610573;davout;yeah, but 2016 isn't 2015 1525039;1471610590;mircea_popescu;oh that was this year right you are. 0 it is. 1525040;1471610608;davout;:D 1525041;1471610622;davout;i guess the republican french touch is hard to value 1525042;1471610637;mircea_popescu;and in other "mp's handwritten cia factbook will definitely be saner than the original" news, check out the ru entry : "A combination of falling oil prices, international sanctions, and structural limitations pushed Russia into a deep recession in 2015, with the GDP falling by close to 4%. Most economists expect this downturn will continue through 2016." 1525043;1471610650;mircea_popescu;inyourdreams-book much ? 1525044;1471610718;PeterL;are you going to do all the countries or just TMSR? (or is that the only country?) 1525045;1471610736;mircea_popescu;what do i care about these so called other countries. 1525046;1471610806;mircea_popescu;as far as fictions go, i'm also not going to do alice's wonderland or what have you. 1525047;1471612461;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the land of lulz, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/19/twitter_suspends_235000_violent_extremism_accounts 1525048;1471612477;asciilifeform;'Twitter has announced it has blocked a further 235,000 accounts that promoted “violent extremism.” The avian network's new report comes a week after it succesfully defended a case in which parents of a man slain by ISIS accused it of supporting terrorists. Twitter says it's increasingly using automated means to identify and crush accounts that promote violence and terrorism and will, as of next year, detail those efforts in its 1525049;1471612477;asciilifeform;transparency reports.' 1525050;1471612562;PeterL;use more centralized services, neh? 1525051;1471612598;asciilifeform;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/19/john_oneill_sexual_risk_order_it_consultant_insane_sec_ban << also lulzy, from same rag 1525052;1471612614;asciilifeform;'Homeless John O'Neill, 45, must tell police 24 hours in advance even if he only plans on “kissing” or engaging in “sexually explicit conversation” – but has never been convicted of any criminal offence.' 1525053;1471612633;asciilifeform;'O'Neill is banned from using the internet via any device which police cannot later check. He must also reveal the PIN for his phone to police so they can trawl through it at will. The terms of the SRO mean he must physically hand over for inspection any electronic devices he uses, sometimes every other day. He is also banned from using or owning “forensic wiping software”. He was cleared of rape following a retrial – in which 1525054;1471612634;asciilifeform;he said the verdict was unanimous – last November.' 1525055;1471612663;asciilifeform;'Sexual Risk Orders are a civil order which became available to police and the National Crime Agency in early 2015. Police employees can apply to a magistrate to impose the order. The law allows police to apply for the punishment to be imposed in cases where the defendant is found not guilty – merely being in a case where the court “deals with” you as a defendant is enough. Its automatic minimum duration is two years and it can 1525056;1471612663;asciilifeform; be renewed indefinitely.' 1525057;1471612679;asciilifeform;rule britannia!111111 1525058;1471612694;asciilifeform;bleeding edge test lab for usaschwitz. 1525059;1471612747;PeterL;guilty until proven innocent, and then still guilty 1525060;1471612795;mircea_popescu;o they're avians nao ? 1525061;1471612814;asciilifeform;i read it as ref to the bird logo 1525062;1471612840;PeterL;these are the bird lord, enemies of the lizard lords? 1525063;1471612865;mircea_popescu;i have nfi, the lulzbook is missing some pages. 1525064;1471612912;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform lulzy, especially given the denial of teh beoble. 1525065;1471613045;asciilifeform;elsewhere: https://archive.is/pz0kL << massive compendium of old noose (re recent tor psyops.) 1525066;1471613229;asciilifeform;'On April 13th, Appelbaum delivered a speech he self-described as "journalistic suicide" at the Logan Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) Symposium (where he is an advisor) in Berlin, Germany. During the speech he outlined how he and other investigative journalists had been betrayed by establishment journalists, particularly at The Guardian which he called the "shittiest publication in the English language," to the point where 1525067;1471613229;asciilifeform;their lives were at risk.' 1525068;1471613270;asciilifeform;in may '16 - the demolition derby. 1525069;1471613413;mircea_popescu;leaving aside the specifics, here's the core issues of the matter : want it or not, the world will come to rest randomly on the shoulders of tiny organisations. the fact that something like an obscure newspaper (50 or so people, on a good day) is made of the human equivalent of pressed shitboard will not, and does not, prevent the whole damned 5bn ton globe from landing on them. 1525070;1471613428;mircea_popescu;consequently, the only possible avenue, is the creation of STRONG small organisations. 1525071;1471613449;mircea_popescu;it's unclear whether, say, tmsr would currently be able to withstand the sort of pressure. i am however hopeful that by the time it has to, it will. 1525072;1471613479;asciilifeform;what's the 'pressure' in question consist of ? folks being rounded up an' gassed ? 1525073;1471613490;mircea_popescu;no. "here is the snowden files, do something". 1525074;1471613495;asciilifeform;ah. 1525075;1471613504;mircea_popescu;life, you know ? "the call of life" has become extremely sharp and disproportionately large. 1525076;1471613518;mircea_popescu;what'd be country boy of 1700 called to do ? maaaybe sit on a jury ? defend a meter of trench ? 1525077;1471613525;mircea_popescu;figure out when to bitchslap marie-jeanne ? 1525078;1471613551;mircea_popescu;then the russians had to revolutionize, an utterly modernist phenomenon, suddenly country bumpkins found themselves "minister of agriculture" 1525079;1471613567;mircea_popescu;you think stalin or anyone there is PROUD about the whole michurin affair ? no they aren't. 1525080;1471613582;mircea_popescu;but that was also a century ago. by now... 1525081;1471613665;asciilifeform;i still dun see the pressure in 'here are the files' 1525082;1471613673;mircea_popescu;o you don't ? 1525083;1471613683;asciilifeform;post it all in 1,000,001 places, signed. 1525084;1471613693;mircea_popescu;anyway, the $standard_strategy = "it won't happen to me"."oh shit"."it didn't happen to me" 1525085;1471613698;mircea_popescu;which goes as far as it goes. 1525086;1471613730;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and then mp pops about 5500 "agents" and 7500 irate women are looking for you, not to mention there's 10k+ sons who swear vendetta. 1525087;1471613738;asciilifeform;'pressure' is when folks are being led to the woodchipper and asked nicely to say where the partizans are hiding. 1525088;1471613748;mircea_popescu;that's really nothing. 1525089;1471613755;mircea_popescu;the pressure is always the ethical dilemma. "what do i do now". 1525090;1471613781;mircea_popescu;that you don't share a specific one does not mean you're incapable of having them. moreover, from experience, everyone gets his own, custom-tailored. 1525091;1471613814;asciilifeform;is 'max nazi blood' insufficient ethical algorithm ? 1525092;1471613824;mircea_popescu;does it come with a definition of nazi ? 1525093;1471613837;asciilifeform;nato and the bootlicks. 1525094;1471613841;mircea_popescu;anyway, as per ancient aristotle observation, anything is sufficient algo, even blank string. 1525095;1471613849;asciilifeform;this also. 1525096;1471613863;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is myopic, because the nato isn't long of this world. what do you do once they;re gone ? 1525097;1471613877;asciilifeform;you grind down the rubble, so nothing like it can ever reappear ? 1525098;1471613884;asciilifeform;mop up the vendetta sons ? 1525099;1471613888;asciilifeform;plenty of work for 200 years. 1525100;1471613901;mircea_popescu;were it so simple, we could crown you today. 1525101;1471613915;asciilifeform;lel french also thought 'hey, simple' 1525102;1471613934;mircea_popescu;well, simplicity has its advantages. 1525103;1471613950;asciilifeform;no, not simple. but mircea_popescu did appear to ask for an algo, and the very notion results in such simplification. 1525104;1471613974;mircea_popescu;i did not ask. i pointed out to you that "my algo solves this problem" is no solution to the halting problem in the general. 1525105;1471613985;asciilifeform;tru 1525106;1471613995;asciilifeform;the only algo that 'solves all problems, permanently' is eating nagant. 1525107;1471614023;mircea_popescu;for that matter, halting problem is an excellent model for this, because it can always be phrased as "well, am i done thinking and ready to act or will think some more ?" 1525108;1471614028;mircea_popescu;which is exactly the halting problem. 1525109;1471614093;mircea_popescu;and in this model, pressure = value * runtime. 1525110;1471614094;asciilifeform;most folks not only do not have this problem, but 'think? what's that' 1525111;1471614122;mircea_popescu;im sure they don't. 1525112;1471614145;asciilifeform;oh this turd is full of lelz, 1525113;1471614146;asciilifeform;'Auernheimer replied to Patterson's thread, saying "plagiarism is a more serious allegation than rape to me personally... The bug Jake stole from Len was awesome. Once in a lifetime kind of stuff. Irreplaceable." American journalist Quinn Norton later also claimed involvement in plagiarism disputes with Appelbuam. They have yet to directly specify, or present evidence of, what work he plagiarised. In Patterson's case she probably won 1525114;1471614147;asciilifeform;'t ever do so, since she's already told Leidl (who challenged how she defined 'plagiarism') that "when research that gets stolen was only communicated about orally, there is no paper trail." Kaminsky, one of the alleged victims, was also unwilling to provide details. Cryptocat developer Nadim Kobeissi has also argued with Appelbaum in the past with regards to attribution rights, but outside of one tweet on the subject has stayed out 1525115;1471614148;asciilifeform;of the debate because he "thought a bit more about things and decided I had better things to emotionally invest myself in than an angry riot."' 1525116;1471614238;mircea_popescu;almost anything is more serious than "using the tools in the manner they were designed without the alleged owner's permission". 1525117;1471614255;mircea_popescu;however, plagiarism is hardly a thing in the first place. so no. 1525118;1471614279;asciilifeform;i find the the choice of weapon in this firing squad interesting. 1525119;1471614301;mircea_popescu;i can't be arsed to follow. i trust we're satisfied with that quote for the entire thing ? 1525120;1471614315;asciilifeform;the 'plagiarism' thing appears to be based on usg's psychological portrait of the schmuck 1525121;1471614325;asciilifeform;recall chowdhra or what was his name 1525122;1471614338;mircea_popescu;the chicago "professor" ? 1525123;1471614353;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-15#1324569 << 1525124;1471614353;a111;Logged on 2015-11-15 01:17 mircea_popescu: i have this pile of very secret derpage here including the very expert "profile" of some random derp explaining how an elderly, principled gentleman is perhaps going to react crazily to the crass injustice of this entire scheme. 1525125;1471614422;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-15#1324558 better link 1525126;1471614422;a111;Logged on 2015-11-15 01:11 mircea_popescu: maybe there's something juicy in there like you know, plagiarism (for sure there is), and like mathematica stealing of stuff from people (almost willing to bet) 1525127;1471614438;asciilifeform;anyway rest of the dump consists of details re ready-baked 'victims' who, when pressed, would zip lips and pout, organizations from which a. was expelled, etc. 1525128;1471614481;mircea_popescu;teh easy-bake victim oven 1525129;1471614569;asciilifeform;most prolific bake yet. 1525130;1471614588;asciilifeform;i can picture hitler 'we made 20 rapees for assange - great. now let's try 200 ...' 1525131;1471614702;asciilifeform;https://pad.riseup.net/p/87Mazw3Jsdfe_pm/timeslider#11 << multistory lul tower. for instance, i had no idea what is 'riseup' until its pgp keys began to pop. 1525132;1471614745;asciilifeform;the lolmonkey in question is, as i gather, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-18#1468111 1525133;1471614745;a111;Logged on 2016-05-18 21:21 mircea_popescu: $google agora lovecruft 1525134;1471614764;mircea_popescu;iirc "riseup" astroturf was lulzed at in logs. 1525135;1471614765;asciilifeform;https://blog.patternsinthevoid.net/fbi-harassment.html << her www. 1525136;1471614798;mircea_popescu;maybe not. 1525137;1471614973;asciilifeform;let's posit that not. 1525138;1471614984;asciilifeform;the choice of victim, for the machine, is very peculiar imho. 1525139;1471614988;asciilifeform;just as the appelbaum thing. 1525140;1471614995;asciilifeform;dafuq are their skins worth to anybody ? 1525141;1471615038;asciilifeform;the (much-exaggerated) sufferings of greenwald come to mind. 1525142;1471615128;asciilifeform;is this basic game of 'we'll poshly auto-de-fe idiots, but quietly ignore actual opponents, see if we can breed the former to displace all oxygen for the latter' ? 1525143;1471615438;mircea_popescu;for all you know it could be parochial "i've heard of thieves but not the plague, hence should build thief wall not plague wall" 1525144;1471616161;mircea_popescu;in other lulz : russia and japan still technically in ww2, never agreed on kuriles partition 1525145;1471616759;asciilifeform;and north, south kr, never signed a peace likewise. 1525146;1471616777;mircea_popescu;aaaand the bering strait is still unpartitioned 1525147;1471616777;asciilifeform;plenty of this. 1525148;1471616861;asciilifeform;as well as of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1511945 ( e.g., taiwan ) 1525149;1471616862;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 00:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1511937 << oh, "color revolutions" dun work ? tell you what, we'll steal your country's exports and with the proceeds finance an alt-country we'll pretend is realy your country. ha-ha! 1525150;1471617131;asciilifeform;to round off the appelbaum thread, https://archive.is/2mePQ << lolcow with opposite electric charge. 1525151;1471617218;mircea_popescu;good riddance. fucking sore, that thing. 1525152;1471617236;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/cia-factbook-the-most-serene-republic/ << Trilema - CIA Factbook : The Most Serene Republic 1525153;1471617312;mircea_popescu;oh also asciilifeform , you were asking what "pressure" is. 1525154;1471617320;mircea_popescu;well... there you go. fine example. 1525155;1471617320;*;asciilifeform reads. 1525156;1471617336;mircea_popescu;rotten shitstack collapsed like a rotten shitstack the moment as much as a mild breeze of lolrape blew its way. 1525157;1471617346;asciilifeform;or is this in re appelbaum 1525158;1471617349;mircea_popescu;it is. 1525159;1471617351;asciilifeform;ah 1525160;1471617370;mircea_popescu;"tor project", aka a bunch of nobodies posturing loudly, tolerated as temporary willing astroturf cover for a nsa project. 1525161;1471617378;asciilifeform;i don't know the fella personally, but afaik he has not seppukued 1525162;1471617396;mircea_popescu;the willingness of the idiots to be used as condoms is nothing short of staggering, even if it comes up in logs periodically. 1525163;1471617400;asciilifeform;( but also has not burned down any usg infrastructure ) 1525164;1471617462;asciilifeform;ah 'shitstack collapsed' was re tor. 1525165;1471617468;mircea_popescu;yes. 1525166;1471617537;mircea_popescu;compare an' contrast the whole "oh, mp really really needs bitbet funds so he'll retract de facto" "oh wait, shit omg" campaign this spring. 1525167;1471617643;*;mircea_popescu is looking forward to the "mp raped me and wrote messages to aliens on my tits" campaigns to come, once the present generation of herders that earned a clue in battle retire and a new generation of socialmedia tards / paul biggars takes over the "full spectrum dominance" idiotmobile. 1525168;1471617734;asciilifeform;eh, mircea_popescu preemptively turned that knob to '11' with own hands, if it is turned any further it will probably come off. 1525169;1471617746;mircea_popescu;strategic superiority. it's a saga. 1525170;1471618396;mircea_popescu;incidentally, what is with the redditarded generation, that whenever they have to do one of these important, man-talks-to-world, "soul searching" pieces they always come off as utter dweebs speaking in a dreary monotone about really trivial, boring minutia ? 1525171;1471618420;mircea_popescu;ever since http://trilema.com/2014/the-all-american-asshole-in-his-own-words-with-my-own-notes/ i can't shake the feeling all these, age irrespective, gender irrespective, are really the same community-college educated, chronic masturbator. 1525172;1471618453;mircea_popescu;chartered accountants / lion tamers, for chrissakes. 1525173;1471618518;mircea_popescu;schmuck seriously thinks "creating a website" "is beyond terrible". really ? and hanging her by her own fallopian tubes is what then ? beyond-beyond-horrible ? 1525174;1471618530;mircea_popescu;no sense of proportion, like they got a coupla octopus eyes. 1525175;1471618574;asciilifeform;;;later tell mod6 imho 'vdiff' ought to zap 'minus' changes in cases where an entire file turns 'FALSE' (absent) - they take up space for no reason, given as we display a hash in the --- entry. what do you think ? 1525176;1471618574;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1525177;1471618618;asciilifeform;;;later tell mod6 i came to this by attempting vdiff of gnupg 1.4.10 vs their .21 release from wednesday, and ending up with an unreadable 8MB turd, they moved/rm'd a buncha files. 1525178;1471618618;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1525179;1471618672;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ever use an auto-ranging instrument, e.g., post-1980s voltmeter ? 1525180;1471618681;mircea_popescu;yes. 1525181;1471618683;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what you are seeing is same effect. 1525182;1471618699;asciilifeform;the moment derp's universe begins to include fallopian hangings, perspective will readjust. 1525183;1471618707;mircea_popescu;mno. because after being used for microamps, the item reverts to miliamps when exposed to miliamps. 1525184;1471618715;mircea_popescu;well... but it just did. 1525185;1471618734;mircea_popescu;that's the objection. they try to import terminology born of 9gag and at home on 9gag into actual discourse about their actual lives. 1525186;1471618742;asciilifeform;did i miss something, she is in your cellar hanging right now, or wut. 1525187;1471618751;mircea_popescu;in her own words. 1525188;1471618784;mircea_popescu;"But what happened is so unfair to so many people, in so many ways, that I cannot keep this for me." << this counts as "i raise my arms, to either kill or be killed, but to no longer continue this life" 1525189;1471618792;mircea_popescu;then what follows is inane dribble. 1525190;1471618869;asciilifeform;ahahahaha, this is gold: 1525191;1471618871;asciilifeform;~/gnupg-1.4.10 $ grep -i -r weimer * 1525192;1471618871;asciilifeform;AUTHORS:Florian Weimer Assigns past and future changes 1525193;1471618871;asciilifeform;ChangeLog: * README: Some typo fixes from Florian Weimer, and bump version 1525194;1471618871;asciilifeform;doc/ChangeLog: * gpg.sgml: Small typo fixes by Florian Weimer. 1525195;1471618871;asciilifeform;g10/ChangeLog: --default-cert-expire options. Suggested by Florian Weimer. 1525196;1471618872;asciilifeform;g10/ChangeLog: the new iobuf_skip_reset. Orginal patch by Florian Weimer. 1525197;1471618874;asciilifeform;g10/ChangeLog: Reported by Florian Weimer. 1525198;1471618876;asciilifeform;g10/ChangeLog: Florian Weimer. 1525199;1471618878;asciilifeform;g10/ChangeLog: ones being refreshed. Noted by Florian Weimer. 1525200;1471618880;asciilifeform;mpi/ChangeLog: not stored in w. Suggested by Florian Weimer. 1525201;1471618882;asciilifeform;THANKS:Florian Weimer Florian.Weimer@rus.uni-stuttgart.de 1525202;1471618884;asciilifeform;util/ChangeLog: Weimer. Added new argument PARTIAL. 1525203;1471618886;asciilifeform;util/ChangeLog: Florian Weimer. 1525204;1471618888;asciilifeform;^ in case anyone did not know this. 1525205;1471618909;mod6;hi 1525206;1471618912;mircea_popescu;hola. 1525207;1471618930;mod6;:] 1525208;1471618935;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b385a4e6-836d-4829-b157-d157b09c5a4f/?raw=true << and the drepper grep, is too long to take up log space ! 1525209;1471618947;mod6;i'll work on an estimate for the 2015 time spent (for me at least). 1525210;1471618947;asciilifeform;mod6 ! 1525211;1471618959;mircea_popescu;mod6 don't spend more than 15 minutes on it. 1525212;1471618962;mod6; imho 'vdiff' ought to zap 'minus' changes in cases where an entire file turns 'FALSE' (absent) - they take up space for no reason, given as we display a hash in the --- entry. what do you think ? << ah... ok. let me think about the impact of such a change here. 1525213;1471618995;mod6;mircea_popescu: gotcha. i've got a number in mind already. 1525214;1471619009;asciilifeform;mod6: in traditional diff, turning a deleted turd into a massive ball of minus is arguably necessary, to prevent patch from applying to arbitary item 1525215;1471619027;asciilifeform;mod6: but in the case of vdiff, there is no use for it, it simply makes patch unreadable. 1525216;1471619063;asciilifeform;(incidentally i have nfi whether gnu patch util will apply a patch that simply 'FALSE'-s a deleted file, without the minusola.) 1525217;1471619090;mod6;yeah, there is that part too. 1525218;1471619095;mircea_popescu;"The first thing I said when I saw this website, is that Shari failed. She knew people (many datapoints indicate the site creators are Alison and Isis) were about to do this. How could she let this happen? I am strongly wondering if this was really about protecting women. Here's what I noticed: I am a woman, and I estimate that more than half of the Tor core people know I was dating him, or at least close to him. If Tor belie 1525219;1471619096;mircea_popescu;ved there was victims, why did no one ask if I had bad experiences with Jake? This would have been easy given that Alison spent an hour alone with me in a cafe at the last TorDev meeting and had several communication channels with me. Also I have been at Isis' place several times in the last months as I am dating her roommate Brennan" <<< MOTHERFUCKER. so what, i'm to watch low rent reruns of beverly hills 90201 now ? da fuck! 1525220;1471619106;mircea_popescu;oh, really, what did brenda do ? oh no she didn't! that hussy! 1525221;1471619161;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/ImDmM << bonus. this is... shari. 1525222;1471619170;mircea_popescu;noty, 1525223;1471619179;mircea_popescu;i can't begin to give a shit about people with no parents. 1525224;1471619183;asciilifeform;photo. 1525225;1471619188;asciilifeform;candidate for BingoBoingo's collection. 1525226;1471619216;mircea_popescu;was "shari" born a man or a poodle ? 1525227;1471619225;asciilifeform;i could not possibly say. 1525228;1471619236;asciilifeform;perhaps as a toilet brush. 1525229;1471619270;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. not all graves are worth the stream of piss, and in the case of tor i'm well spent. 1525230;1471619299;asciilifeform;the bizarre autolysis is kinda interesting to me. 1525231;1471619308;asciilifeform;what did these folks see themselves as having been ~doing~ all of this time. 1525232;1471619349;mircea_popescu;see, that's the thing with plowing flies : for as long as the plow appears to plow, they imagine their clicking through lolpics and whatever-not-irc-chat nonsense is "work" 1525233;1471619363;mircea_popescu;once nsa runs out of budget for the project, they are still... "working", just as they did before. 1525234;1471619452;mircea_popescu;to shari, brenda, cher and madonna whatever, the notion that anything changed is entirely foreign. they'll quite not understand the source of derision eg above, and imagine, to quote, "Author seems to have an axe to grind." 1525235;1471619453;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/2CprW << i wonder how this lolcow is paid. per-lol ? 1525236;1471619480;mircea_popescu;back in the tardstalk glory days of 2012 it was "because competition!!!", but by now that nonsensical coverup has been disposed with. 1525237;1471619509;mircea_popescu;"he did it also" ? 1525238;1471619528;asciilifeform;'i was there, i did it!' -- al gore, 9/12/01 1525239;1471619531;mircea_popescu;check out the retrospectively-done-it-all man. 1525240;1471619655;asciilifeform;incidentally, mr. lolcow just gave away, unwittingly, another gpg laugh - recall what else comes out of rng when you generate key, after the primes ? 1525241;1471619667;asciilifeform;aha, the symmetric key for ciphering the privkey for storage. 1525242;1471619692;asciilifeform;you read it here phirst (tm) (r) 1525243;1471619714;mircea_popescu;heh. "Five minutes later, Burnett called back and said, “I don’t believe you actually represent her.”¹ Burnett stated additionally that a phone call from me might suffice, but that the FBI preferred to meet with me in person. After a pause he said, “But… if we happen to run into her on the street, we’re gonna be asking her some questions without you present.”" << "That's fine. And if she happens to run into som 1525244;1471619714;mircea_popescu;e of your aqents on the street, you'll be recognizing them on youtube, by how their liver and spleen squirms." 1525245;1471619743;asciilifeform;(or was it derived wholly from pw ? i suppose i oughta read the thing, later.) 1525246;1471619752;mircea_popescu;iirc it's pw-based aes 1525247;1471619776;asciilifeform;looks like. 1525248;1471619803;asciilifeform;(rng is also used in primality test, but it is switched into 'fast' gear and doesn't use the pool) 1525249;1471619823;mircea_popescu;incidentally... the primality tests, being probabilistic, are already bs. 1525250;1471619836;asciilifeform;incidentally, the traditional pattern of 'push this button for zero security' is everywhere present. 1525251;1471619841;mircea_popescu;AND moreover, most of that legendary mb of entropy should go into the primality test, not into the prime gen 1525252;1471619878;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc the runtime on the one known deterministic test (saxena's algo) is prohibitive. 1525253;1471619892;mircea_popescu;define "prohibitive". 1525254;1471619913;mircea_popescu;"your key will take a week to check on a contemporary box" "this is fine" 1525255;1471619988;asciilifeform;iirc, best variant that does not introduce an unproven conjecture runs in O(log n) ^ 6. 1525256;1471620105;mircea_popescu;(log 4096) ^ 6 ~=2k. now what's o ? 1525257;1471620131;asciilifeform;you mean, what is the constant multiplicand ? 1525258;1471620194;mircea_popescu;something, so i can put this in numbers. 1525259;1471620197;asciilifeform;i have nfi, it would be interesting to determine it. 1525260;1471620207;asciilifeform;it would depend on an actual physical implementation 1525261;1471620208;mircea_popescu;loose upper bound would suffice. 1525262;1471620216;mircea_popescu;next-degree of magnitude even. 1525263;1471620320;asciilifeform;http://arxiv.org/abs/1311.3785 << possibly of interest. 1525264;1471620383;asciilifeform;(interest in the subj is slim, on account of miller-rabin probabilistic test provably converging - i.e. probability of catastrophic failure can be made smaller than probability of machine flattened by asteroid the same night) 1525265;1471620397;asciilifeform;the ~implementation~ of the latter in gpg - is other question entirely. 1525266;1471620468;mircea_popescu;hence my comment re entropy and its use. 1525267;1471620478;asciilifeform;aks isn't a hog because of entropy-eating 1525268;1471620490;mircea_popescu;r-m needs entropy seed neh ? 1525269;1471620500;asciilifeform;it - yes 1525270;1471620504;mircea_popescu;is what i meant. 1525271;1471620523;asciilifeform;though funnily enough koch didn't pump ~that~ entropy from the whitened pool 1525272;1471620524;mircea_popescu;and no, obd does not need 1mb, or beenfit from it. point was - if you're going to use spare entropy, it would be for this rather than too much waltzing or w/e. 1525273;1471620546;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and bitcoin had "its database replaced" ; except "wallet still uses dbd" 1525274;1471620558;mircea_popescu;there's layers to these dudes' "improvements" 1525275;1471620584;asciilifeform;witness the sheer inherent sad in, e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524029 1525276;1471620584;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 04:05 asciilifeform: char *p = get_random_bits( nbits, randomlevel, secret ) 1525277;1471620594;asciilifeform;why is there 'randomlevel' and 'secret' flag ? 1525278;1471620610;mircea_popescu;im ill equipped to cut through the inanity of gnupg. 1525279;1471620611;asciilifeform;answer given, of course, is 'conserve SCARCE, PRECIOUS' entropy. 1525280;1471620625;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this item re-appears in every single sad crypto proggy. 1525281;1471620627;asciilifeform;for pc. 1525282;1471620640;asciilifeform;since the dark ages, and up. 1525283;1471620664;asciilifeform;'oh we can't have keygen take a week, and besides, who will sit and wiggle the mouse.' 1525284;1471620672;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1525285;1471620714;asciilifeform;re, aks, if mircea_popescu can't be arsed to wade through the linked piece, 1525286;1471620718;asciilifeform;'The very fact that the check for whether the number 9965468763136528274628451 is prime ( in Table 5.3 ) took as much as around 70 minutes shows how inefficient it is.' 1525287;1471620779;mircea_popescu;the definition of this "efficient" is suspicious. 1525288;1471620782;asciilifeform;it also helps to remember that there is no such actual thing as a fully deterministic algo for a physical machine. 1525289;1471620795;mircea_popescu;by definition, the efficiency of the single given method to do anything is always 100% 1525290;1471620803;asciilifeform;i.e. there is always a - calculable - chance that your result bit uncorrectedly flips right before you read it. 1525291;1471620829;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which is the reasoning here - yes rm can be made to converge. so what's it hurt to have another test ? 1525292;1471620849;asciilifeform;there are other probabilistic tests, which also converge. 1525293;1471620869;asciilifeform;and i'd personally love a deterministic test that doesn't take 4 years of cpu for a 2048-bit mod. 1525294;1471620987;asciilifeform;if crypto-academia were something like a going concern, rather than elaborate circle wank, we might actually have had one. 1525295;1471621013;mircea_popescu;true. 1525296;1471621023;mircea_popescu;but i dunno exactly how loing it'd take ; and i suspect not THAT long. 1525297;1471621072;mircea_popescu;moreover, subtle errors in technology are best made evident with radically different approaches. "have both deterministic and non deterministic tests, notwithstanding IT IS PROVEN the latter converges" is substantially the same thought process as produced phuctor. 1525298;1471621112;asciilifeform;if phuctor took 4 yrs/key, it would not be of much interest. 1525299;1471621137;mircea_popescu;i just mean the part where "everyone knows the moduli don't factor" "oh look they do" 1525300;1471621151;asciilifeform;(witness, even the '2 minutes per key' was rather too long to be of use.) 1525301;1471621184;mircea_popescu;it was however the basis of later stuff that WAS of use. 1525302;1471621191;asciilifeform;conceptually. 1525303;1471621197;mircea_popescu;yes conceptually. 1525304;1471621248;asciilifeform;http://cs.stackexchange.com/a/23360 << take with grain of salt, but possibly related. 1525305;1471621279;asciilifeform;i'd like to know from where he got the figure - no source is cited. 1525306;1471621292;mircea_popescu;so yes, vijay menon claimed in 2013 that his implementation of agrawal-kayal-saxena took 5k seconds for a 25 digit number ; and consequently we could expect as much as 1 minute/bit or cca 4k minutes for a tmrs-rsa key. 1525307;1471621297;mircea_popescu;which is 4 days, and not much concern. right ? 1525308;1471621306;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't linear 1525309;1471621336;mircea_popescu;no, and it's not a scalar either, it's an estimation. 1525310;1471621339;asciilifeform;also, mircea_popescu's airgap unit runs for 4 days in its cage ? i cannot boast of this. 1525311;1471621366;asciilifeform;that's the other thing - when you're massaging your key, you are also radiating it. 1525312;1471621376;asciilifeform;continuously. 1525313;1471621382;mircea_popescu;mno. you primality-test the N. 1525314;1471621383;mircea_popescu;no key. 1525315;1471621389;asciilifeform;holy shit mircea_popescu 1525316;1471621395;asciilifeform;n isn't ever prime 1525317;1471621401;mircea_popescu;oh damn it'll just say composite won't it. 1525318;1471621402;mircea_popescu;mmkay. 1525319;1471621439;asciilifeform;(though it would not astonish me if some keys in my collection had a prime n. devil knows i've seen every ~other~ deformity.) 1525320;1471621446;mircea_popescu;lol 1525321;1471621468;mircea_popescu;for some reason i was thinking it's going to return a factor. dun ask me. 1525322;1471621486;PeterL;will return p and q 1525323;1471621495;asciilifeform;it'd be hilarious 1525324;1471621505;asciilifeform;would mean that popping rsa is in P 1525325;1471621510;asciilifeform;and we wouldn't be having this thread. 1525326;1471621532;asciilifeform;just like we aren't having a thread about testing strength of knapsack keys. 1525327;1471621549;mircea_popescu;"here, download docker, configure orchestrator, push this butonetor and write your number. the restful interface will return a bevy of young ladies with the factors written in mascara on their tits." 1525328;1471621624;asciilifeform;i've been told that nsa castle of doom actually suffers from the same profusion of 'dockers', etc. as typical american software co. 1525329;1471621637;mircea_popescu;this is factual. 1525330;1471621641;asciilifeform;and employs several battalions of www dev types. 1525331;1471621664;mircea_popescu;a good chunk of the leaks are due to retarded client-server architectures deployued for no conceivable reason which they don't know how to secure 1525332;1471621680;mircea_popescu;the lulziest part being that they've been aware of this for years and don't know how to fix it. 1525333;1471621717;asciilifeform;at one point, pentagon had a physically-separate wan, for seekrits 1525334;1471621738;asciilifeform;then it was deemed impractical, to have separate fibers run in unmarked pipes, set in cement, around entire continent 1525335;1471621751;asciilifeform;not to mention oceans 1525336;1471621767;asciilifeform;so they 'fudged', and began piping traffic over conventional net, symmetrically crypted 1525337;1471621773;asciilifeform;with multitude of bridges, etc. 1525338;1471621790;asciilifeform;and, as i understand, the rest of it - flowed from this. 1525339;1471621826;asciilifeform;sorta like those centurions who threw out the armour, 'too heavy' 1525340;1471621835;asciilifeform;( there was a mircea_popescu piece ... somewhere ) 1525341;1471622083;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=834829 << 'gpg-agent' 1525342;1471624675;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the brave young world of microshit-flavoured (yes) open-sores, https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/1901 1525343;1471624699;asciilifeform;q: 'remove curl and wget aliases #1901. They block use of the commonly used command line tools without providing even an attempt to offer the same functionality. They serve no purpose for PowerShell users but cause confusion and problems to existing curl and wget users.' 1525344;1471624735;asciilifeform;a: 'We are rejecting this PR as it introduces "Unacceptable Changes", see our breaking change contract. If you disagree with this resolution, you will need to start an RFC. Note that our RFC process currently states only team members may create a new RFC. Our intent is to open this up to the community at large, we'll be updating that repo very soon to clarify.' 1525345;1471624747;asciilifeform;q: 'You adding them was "a breaking change" to people who were used to using curl and wget from their command lines. No sane person would use those alises anyway since your replacements for curl and wget aren't working anywhere near like the original curl and wget command line tools. These aliases are only making the life harder of the users who actually want the real tools and they don't do anything good for those who don't care for 1525346;1471624747;asciilifeform; the real tools.' 1525347;1471624756;asciilifeform;a: 'We're not saying here that this isn't a change we can investigate, but per our governance model we need to have a conversation around it. The impact of this change would be far-reaching, and it's not one we can make lightly.' 1525348;1471624759;asciilifeform;gold. 1525349;1471624868;asciilifeform;and yes, apparently microshit implemented a turd that takes ~none of the commands eaten by actual curl OR wget, but is symlinked to BOTH names. 1525350;1471625226;phf;i for one am looking forward to many lulz delivered by powershell fraction of linux on desktop koomoounity 1525351;1471625351;phf;are they going to integrate many lulz of systemd? are they going to do more dodgy shit, with nameless anons ripping hair on chest with indignation? are they going to coexist with freedesktop community, kind of like how one huckster can always recognize another, and keep each other at respectful distance until there's an opportunity for an underhanded move 1525352;1471625510;asciilifeform;the ~aimed~ endgame, we already knew in 1990s, Official Microshit Linux, with all of the idiocies in one pot, and nothing else will boot on new comp, because signing key in fritz chip. 1525353;1471625522;asciilifeform;~how~ it will be achieved, is still an open question. 1525354;1471625577;asciilifeform;currently they have folks sawing in convergent directions, microshitians to 'linuxize', embrace, extend, e.g., the powershell derps; and poetterings to winblowiate linuxland, e.g., systemd. 1525355;1471625593;asciilifeform;it stands to reason that at some point the saw blades will reach the middle. 1525356;1471625652;asciilifeform;how many users left today of 'terrorist' os, where you can (and must) rebuild ALL of the binaries locally ? 1525357;1471625659;asciilifeform;(e.g., gentoo, openbsd) 1525358;1471625663;asciilifeform;1000? 100 ? 1525359;1471625772;phf;well, i'm more interested in mechanics of it all, since i don't believe in lizard hitler. do thugs of both camps meet at the canteen and measure each other up? are they going to embrace mutual scam wholeheartedly? are they going to try and undermine each other in subtle ways? 1525360;1471625811;asciilifeform;do termites have an architect who directs demolition of a house ? 1525361;1471625844;asciilifeform;or do they just chew. 1525362;1471625870;PeterL;do ants and termites get together to agree on how to demolish house? 1525363;1471625885;phf;we're on the same page, but purely from entomology perspective, i, for example, don't know how two competing groups of termites behave when joining forces. 1525364;1471625897;asciilifeform;point was that they do not need to 1525365;1471625909;asciilifeform;but will naturally gravitate to fresh-looking opposite ends of a column to chew. 1525366;1471625939;phf;well, that'll make for a dull show :> 1525367;1471625993;phf;fwiw, i suspect there's as many users of terrorist os as there were in the 90s, or as little. just a lot more users of microshit variety, and also users of obuntus and such, that scew the picture 1525368;1471626025;asciilifeform;re hitler, http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-14#922393 << see also. 1525369;1471626025;a111;Logged on 2014-11-14 22:24 asciilifeform: (for n00bs only: who is 'lizard hitler' ? a character approximately as real as magnetic field lines were to michael faraday. don't look for magnetic field lines, they aren't there. physically. or as far as we can tell, anyway.) 1525370;1471626048;asciilifeform;phf: did you miss the gpg2 thread ? 1525371;1471626075;asciilifeform;'box where i built EVER bin' is significantly taller order today than in, say, 1998. 1525372;1471626085;asciilifeform;*EVERY 1525373;1471626254;phf;you just forgot how it was in '98. you now have wider range of available shit, so it's the snr that has changed. there was definitely a peak free software where available range also had max hacker value, i.e. intangible quality of buildable, inspectable, etc. but before that free software was kind of shit with a lot of dyi required. 1525374;1471626281;asciilifeform;still is. 1525375;1471626349;asciilifeform;(and many of the 'solutions' to 'diy required', such as automake, are evil.) 1525376;1471626386;phf;i'd say peak free software happened around same time when drivers were still a massive problem. when i moved to this country somebody gave me a g3 ibook, which i used for years to run linux (until i finally caved and switched to os x). i remember spending as much time on my fvwm as i did patching orinoco drivers. in fact my first massive foray into kernel hacking was getting those orinoco drivers to work for specific combination of 1525377;1471626386;phf;ibook/wifi. 1525378;1471626555;asciilifeform;the drivers thing is yet another problem that was never actually solved 1525379;1471626562;asciilifeform;but instead 'solved' with vendor blobs. 1525380;1471626563;phf;true 1525381;1471626589;asciilifeform;and horrors of the cthonian deep, such as real mode bios callouts (as in x11), or acpi crapolade. 1525382;1471626633;asciilifeform;folks labour under delusion that the problems of 'dawn of linux' were solved. they were not. 1525383;1471626642;asciilifeform;and if you start seriously pulling on it, the duct tape - WILL come off. 1525384;1471626653;mats;https://theintercept.com/2016/08/19/the-nsa-was-hacked-snowden-documents-confirm << snowden continues to shape the narrative about western intel agencies 1525385;1471626730;asciilifeform;mats: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524762 << see also. 1525386;1471626730;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 19:17 asciilifeform: https://coldwardaily.com/2016/08/17/shadow-brokers-nsa-exploits-doubts-about-edward-snowdens-tweets << meanwhile somebody asks the obvious q. 1525387;1471626757;asciilifeform;and http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523002 . 1525388;1471626757;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 05:54 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1522996 << yeah, i yield the point ; seems alf's theory prevails. at some point the guy was gutted, the skin made hand puppet. 1525389;1471626787;asciilifeform;;;later tell PeterL http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525032 << for a spell i did not figure out what was meant, but then, http://www.laboyglass.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/h/m/hmd011903.jpg !! 1525390;1471626787;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 12:39 PeterL: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524397 << this thing is informally known as a MFP - if you flip it upside down it looks just like a "man fucking pig" (and grad students find humor in the weirdest things) 1525391;1471626788;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1525392;1471626870;phf;the guy who invented tiling window managers (tuomo valkonen, he wrote Ion, that nobody probably remembers at this point), quit linux in 2005 or so over exactly these things. his pet peve was all the retardation that was going into x11 as part of linux on desktop movement. of course back then people laughed at him, etc. 1525393;1471626873;PeterL;It's one of those things where once you see it you can never unsee it 1525394;1471626910;mats;its unclear to me why wikileaks is so ready to serve ru interests 1525395;1471626913;*;asciilifeform remembers 'ion' very well. 1525396;1471626928;mats;is it so simple as - fuck usg? 1525397;1471626937;*;phf brb 1525398;1471626962;asciilifeform;mats: demolition of usg serves interests of all sane people on the globe, yes, even in moscow 1525399;1471627018;asciilifeform;even abos in australia, nameless savages in amazon forest, chukchas in the godforsaken arctic circle. them also. 1525400;1471627195;mats;these others will be oppressed until they dun exist, usg or not 1525401;1471627202;asciilifeform;lol mats , https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3031644-FOXACID-Server-SOP-Redacted.html censored, as usual. 1525402;1471627217;mats;they want that to change, gotta stop being useless 1525403;1471627255;asciilifeform;mats: nobody gives a fuck re 'oppressed'. a bullet in the head of maniac with axe is a gift to everyone he might have otherwise run into, regardless of whether possibly somewhere there are others like him, not yet shot. 1525404;1471627296;mats;just saying, people that don't contribute anything don't get to have an opinion 1525405;1471627347;mats;ecuadorian indigenous peoples are ideally slowly starving to death on whatever subsistence farming they're doing 1525406;1471627363;asciilifeform;preferable to growing fat on conditional mcdonalds. 1525407;1471627374;PeterL;https://www.anony.ws/image/NZrl 1525408;1471627389;asciilifeform;PeterL: aha. 1525409;1471627528;mats;this item looks like something i saw in an amateur chemist's setup, guy was making 'wax', thc concentrates 1525410;1471627553;asciilifeform;what i don't get is why the thing needs to be a unitary piece of glass 1525411;1471627578;asciilifeform;we distilled when i went to school, rig looked entirely like this but made of jointed condenser, tubes, etc. that were from standard kit. 1525412;1471627592;asciilifeform;is it really so painful to grease joints ? 1525413;1471627602;PeterL;the "short" in "short path distilation" is easier to get with one piece than if you have to use part of length for connectors 1525414;1471627603;asciilifeform;and how the fuck do you wash the 'pigfuck' tool. 1525415;1471627612;asciilifeform;hm i suppose that makes sense. 1525416;1471627631;PeterL;and less likely to leak if fewer joints to finangle 1525417;1471627652;asciilifeform;(i still have nfi how one cleans, e.g., a soxhlet) 1525418;1471627666;PeterL;washes easily enough, run solvent through from either direction 1525419;1471627680;PeterL;jab a brush in from either pig face or guy head 1525420;1471627688;*;asciilifeform can picture this. 1525421;1471627722;PeterL;whenever I used soxhlet, I clean by dumping copious amounts of solvent into it from various angles 1525422;1471627797;asciilifeform;'MistyVeal cannot call out on the network on its own. It piggybacks on Internet Explorer to call out on the network. ... If a target is using FireFox and has MistyVeal on the box, MistyVeal does nothing.' 1525423;1471627801;asciilifeform;for srs? 1525424;1471627810;asciilifeform;mats what a snore. 1525425;1471627853;mats;your link or the amateur chemist? 1525426;1471627860;asciilifeform;the foxacid dump 1525427;1471627873;asciilifeform;from mats's link 1525428;1471628246;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525409 << well the jig is up. 1525429;1471628246;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 17:25 mats: this item looks like something i saw in an amateur chemist's setup, guy was making 'wax', thc concentrates 1525430;1471628297;PeterL;speaking of soxhlet, would that help the thc enthusiast to get more out of their materials? 1525431;1471628368;thestringpuller;maybe? once you do fractional distallation the product is like 99% active ingredient 1525432;1471628381;mats;idk what your intention is but ownership and operation of that equipment is a massive liability 1525433;1471628394;mats;you're not poor, just go buy it 1525434;1471628405;thestringpuller;but for science? 1525435;1471628429;thestringpuller;So I'm finally interested in chemistry and now there is a war on science? 1525436;1471628434;PeterL;maybe thestringpuller does not trust the guys trying to sell him stuff, needs to make of known purity? 1525437;1471628464;thestringpuller;PeterL: partially. They use butane solvents for the initial extract on the east coast cause higher yields, but butane sucks. 1525438;1471628486;thestringpuller;If you make edibles with it, it'll make you constipated. 1525439;1471628490;PeterL;yeesh, I wouldn't want to consume something extracted with butane! 1525440;1471628492;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: what is the point of extracting it ? 1525441;1471628531;thestringpuller;I have asthma so for me personally less irritatoin on lungs for greater affect. I use it medicinally in combination with other focus medications. 1525442;1471628537;thestringpuller;effect* 1525443;1471628540;mats;i'm not responsible for the war on science, just telling you its a thing 1525444;1471628577;thestringpuller;mats: I know. It makes me sad. They just want everyone to be dumb :( 1525445;1471628681;mats;you can recook the stuff if you're worried about butane 1525446;1471628690;asciilifeform;thestringpuller may recall a recent thread on american dope laws, where if someone is found with, e.g., extract in intermediate (still dilute) stage, the sentence will be as if entire volume of liquid were the pure dope. 1525447;1471628699;mats;exactly this 1525448;1471628701;asciilifeform;for extra lulz. 1525449;1471628714;mats;plus you're in the perfect demographic 1525450;1471628719;mats;this has bad idea written all over it 1525451;1471628719;thestringpuller;hey. don't have to preach to me about dope laws. 1525452;1471628726;asciilifeform;this tends to happen, interestingly, fairly often, as recrystallization takes a while 1525453;1471628742;asciilifeform;esp for folks lacking a source of vacuum and drying in the sun etc. 1525454;1471628764;thestringpuller;as dave chappelle says, we know the dope laws like lawyers. everytime we do something felonious, an old black dude pops out and says, "hey nigga thats 10-20" 1525455;1471628788;thestringpuller;that's why the trap house is never at your mom's house 1525456;1471628795;asciilifeform;i found the detail interesting because usg exempts itself by decree from conservation of mass... 1525457;1471628799;asciilifeform;(why not also gravity?) 1525458;1471628826;thestringpuller;in a lab scenario when the DEA is busting in they just want to fuck you as much as they can because "FREE MONEY" 1525459;1471628857;asciilifeform;so, as i understand, if arrestee were carrying extract in his pocket, and it were to rain, and the water pools in the pocket... he will be tried for entire mass, original + rainwater. 1525460;1471628870;thestringpuller;Yup! 1525461;1471628884;thestringpuller;But the actuality is no one rolls around with more than maybe a half gram of extract. 1525462;1471628896;asciilifeform;in fact, iirc it is no longer even necessary to have actual dope, there are folks doing time for packets of sugar and flour. 1525463;1471628902;thestringpuller;Most of the time law enforcement is like "what is this? maple syrup?!?" 1525464;1471628980;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: did I ever tell you the story of how my old college mentor, got raided for Meth. And somehow through self representation was able to get the charges reduced to misdemeanors? 1525465;1471629001;asciilifeform;i don't recall it in the logz 1525466;1471629069;asciilifeform;mats: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3031638-Select-Slides-FINAL-PMR-4-24-13-Redacted.html << lulzy. idiot orcs. 1525467;1471629084;asciilifeform;Run Moar Winblowz. 1525468;1471629148;thestringpuller;well old mentor of mine found sleep to be his number one enemy. so he decided to just be on stimulants 24/7 and sleep minimally while staying up late programming assembly code or some non-sense. d00d is as insane as he is smart. okay anyhow he bought this condo, and at the time he was a Ph.D candidate and was like "Meth is awesome I hate sleep!" 1525469;1471629167;thestringpuller;So he started cooking it up in his condo. DEA eventually raided him. 1525470;1471629212;thestringpuller;Anyhow, due to shitty evidence collection, he was able to show that with expert testimonies he would likely be acquitted if it went to trial 1525471;1471629220;thestringpuller;so they gave him....PROBATION 1525472;1471629250;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: what did the 'experts' cost ? 1525473;1471629261;thestringpuller;he was the expert 1525474;1471629287;asciilifeform;first time i hear of defendant admitted as expert witness. 1525475;1471629288;thestringpuller;he wrote up a white paper on how one would create meth and compared it to the evidence they collected 1525476;1471629311;thestringpuller;i guess prosecutor didn't want to go up against an actual scientist... 1525477;1471629322;asciilifeform;prosecutor could have indicted him under the 'analogues act' 1525478;1471629332;thestringpuller;but the probation was costful 1525479;1471629332;asciilifeform;for 'newly discovered synthesis' 1525480;1471629346;thestringpuller;probably about the total cost of the product that was seized from him 1525481;1471629378;thestringpuller;cuz instead of serving time you pay your probation officer 1525482;1471629393;mats;asciilifeform: if i'm remembering these acronyms correctly, that last thing doesn't ave anything to do with windows 1525483;1471629477;asciilifeform;mats: inference from 1) no one has yet to publicly hear of an orc with linux desktop 2) not one piece of exploit kit related to such has yet leaked out of usg. 1525484;1471629487;asciilifeform;does not prove the non-existence, sure. 1525485;1471629519;thestringpuller;mats: i'm actually more worried about going to jail for buying bitcoin /w cash than I am anything else I do that's considered criminal activity. 1525486;1471629519;asciilifeform;presumably it lives in the 'interesting stuff' room, where snowden never went. 1525487;1471629526;asciilifeform;where the rsa-diddling is, etc. 1525488;1471629554;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: folks who are jailed seem almos universally ~surprised~ re for what, how, and why. 1525489;1471629561;asciilifeform;i am not the first to observe this. 1525490;1471629564;mats;thestringpuller: buy a 'volcano' vape and don't be another nigga in a cell 1525491;1471629594;mats;minimizing liabilities shoulda been one of the first things you learned here! 1525492;1471629634;thestringpuller;Oh I do. I just have not found a way to transfer BTC to cash and back without meeting someone in person. 1525493;1471629654;thestringpuller;I'm like highly convinced someone is gonna roll up on us one day and just take the cash. 1525494;1471629717;mats;set the meet at a police station like most folks on craigslist with $expensive-item 1525495;1471629823;thestringpuller;the police are the ones who gonna roll up and be like "We want our cut!" 1525496;1471629846;thestringpuller;war on cash man. you have more than 1 grand, the police take it. no questions. 1525497;1471629856;thestringpuller;you have a safe in your car. they take the safe and let you keep on rolling. 1525498;1471629875;mats;its unbelievable to me that your network is so small you can't orchestrate a btc purchase for cash 1525499;1471629892;mats;pay a guy - pay three. you worried about premiums or something? 1525500;1471629906;mats;you don't need to be there. 1525501;1471629934;thestringpuller;it's getting to that point :( never thought I'd have to have proxies for such an activity back in 2012 1525502;1471629935;mats;maybe your problem is the amounts are too small 1525503;1471629954;asciilifeform;lack of dirigible. 1525504;1471630027;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i guess police are like dogs. throw a bone in one direction, do activity in different direction. 1525505;1471630054;thestringpuller;mats: i'm cheap so yea. I guess that's my future - "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems" 1525506;1471630343;asciilifeform;https://youtu.be/pEp9d1bUTec?t=9m45s << in other noose, orlol seems to agree with mircea_popescu re american police. 1525507;1471630351;mats;asciilifeform: right, but nato does. 1525508;1471630368;mats;french parliament has 'ubuntu desktops', luls 1525509;1471630430;mats;anyways, i await next chapter of snowden-ru cooperation, where they leak evidence of usg direct action against civilian nato target 1525510;1471630457;asciilifeform;iirc this came long ago 1525511;1471630468;asciilifeform;(french ? isp, or swiss, or who was it.) 1525512;1471630469;mats;the surveilling bits of bnd and merkel? 1525513;1471630480;asciilifeform;and them. 1525514;1471630560;mircea_popescu;onoes logs 1525515;1471630624;asciilifeform;https://youtu.be/pEp9d1bUTec?t=13m06s << aaaand mr o reads, i suspect, the l0gz. 1525516;1471630626;mats;merkel is military target, imo 1525517;1471630652;mats;but this distinction is also useless, so imma shut up 1525518;1471630695;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is the head of civilian government at peace "military target" 1525519;1471630698;mircea_popescu;what are you, hitler ? 1525520;1471630765;mircea_popescu;(and what would be the definition of "rogue state" other than that ? "people we don't like" ?) 1525521;1471630783;PeterL;are they at peace? 1525522;1471630789;mircea_popescu;germany ? 1525523;1471630803;PeterL;or are they part of the general USG war on everything? 1525524;1471630822;mircea_popescu;as far as the usg is concerned, germany is at peace, and moreover, an ally. 1525525;1471630837;mircea_popescu;the real situation doesn't enter into this, the fictitious situation as presented by usg is the basis. 1525526;1471630839;mats;asciilifeform: i recall a 'belgacom' operation perpetrated by uk 1525527;1471630847;mircea_popescu;they want merkel to be a military target, best declare war to germany first. 1525528;1471630916;PeterL;the US does not declare war anymore, they just start blowing stuff up. (last US declaration of war was WWII) 1525529;1471630919;asciilifeform;it it even correct to use word 'target' for a willing muppet 1525530;1471630938;asciilifeform;(has merkel ordered, e.g., all usg snoops caught in her palace shot ? why not ?) 1525531;1471630939;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525339 << the problem being deeper : contrary to pretense, the us military is just not that important. much like the knight became relatively irrelevant, much like the "nuclear threat" consisted muchly of circus, etc. 1525532;1471630939;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 15:50 asciilifeform: sorta like those centurions who threw out the armour, 'too heavy' 1525533;1471630946;mircea_popescu;it's hard to keep people impressed when you got nothing. 1525534;1471630960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the muppet also dun enter into it. 1525535;1471631018;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525344 << ok this was pretty lulzy. 1525536;1471631018;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 16:38 asciilifeform: a: 'We are rejecting this PR as it introduces "Unacceptable Changes", see our breaking change contract. If you disagree with this resolution, you will need to start an RFC. Note that our RFC process currently states only team members may create a new RFC. Our intent is to open this up to the community at large, we'll be updating that repo very soon to clarify.' 1525537;1471631027;mircea_popescu;"our core mission is to shit on specified names. ha-ha." 1525538;1471631080;mircea_popescu;governance model, listen to random indian go. "we" and "governance model". 1525539;1471631218;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525359 << if experience is any guide, they're going to fuck and regret it, then start complicated psychodramas of no interest and then fizzle away into liverjournal. 1525540;1471631218;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 16:56 phf: well, i'm more interested in mechanics of it all, since i don't believe in lizard hitler. do thugs of both camps meet at the canteen and measure each other up? are they going to embrace mutual scam wholeheartedly? are they going to try and undermine each other in subtle ways? 1525541;1471631232;mats;yes am hitler 1525542;1471631289;mircea_popescu;can i has titpic ? 1525543;1471631339;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525373 << im with him. it's not altogether clear that the shit of today is any worse than the utter shit of 1990s. contrary to what the fans believe, stupid shit never worked worth a damn. 1525544;1471631339;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 17:04 phf: you just forgot how it was in '98. you now have wider range of available shit, so it's the snr that has changed. there was definitely a peak free software where available range also had max hacker value, i.e. intangible quality of buildable, inspectable, etc. but before that free software was kind of shit with a lot of dyi required. 1525545;1471631389;asciilifeform;where was systemd in the '90s ? 1525546;1471631416;mircea_popescu;where was crypto in 90s ? 1525547;1471631422;asciilifeform;pretty much where it is now. 1525548;1471631423;mircea_popescu;so the toilet broadened. big whoop. 1525549;1471631426;mircea_popescu;hardly. 1525550;1471631552;asciilifeform;wading through megatonne of shit is a very different experience, in practice, from cleaning one small chamber pot. 1525551;1471631565;asciilifeform;'90s kernel was, early on, ~readable~. 1525552;1471631567;asciilifeform;where is that now. 1525553;1471631570;mircea_popescu;and ~useless. 1525554;1471631579;asciilifeform;approx as useful as today's. 1525555;1471631606;mircea_popescu;this is you : 3/4 = 9 / 12. 3 is approx 9. meanwhile 4 turned to 12!!!1 1525556;1471631616;asciilifeform;waiwat 1525557;1471631631;mircea_popescu;let's redo. 1525558;1471631659;mircea_popescu;reality : 3/4 = 9 / 12 ; alf-proposition-1 : "3 is approx 9". alf-proposition-2 : "meanwhile 4 turned to 12!!!1" 1525559;1471631675;asciilifeform;i dun get it 1525560;1471631686;mircea_popescu;and if pushed, alf-proposition-3 : "all numbers of the same number of digits are ~equal" 1525561;1471631715;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ok, let's redo once more! 1525562;1471631737;mircea_popescu;reality : kernel-utility-3/kernel-idiocy-4 = kernel-utility-9 / kernel-idiocy-12 ; alf-proposition-1 : "3 is approx 9". alf-proposition-2 : "meanwhile 4 turned to 12!!!1" 1525563;1471631764;mircea_popescu;"the gap widened! from 1 to 3!" 1525564;1471631833;asciilifeform;when i dig for the essential core of some proggy with version history going back to '90s, typically i walk away with distinct feeling that reading the post-2003 or so tarballs was entire waste of time. 1525565;1471631849;asciilifeform;this - admittedly - is a subjective observation. take, or leave, whatever. 1525566;1471631857;mircea_popescu;this is pretty much factual. 1525567;1471631867;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, mp-wp did not exist in 1990s ; nor did lamp. 1525568;1471631881;phf;bordeaux-threads now mandates asdf >3.1, why? there's literally no reason 1525569;1471631884;mircea_popescu;ie, you're constructing this experiment to miss out on the stuff that didn't exist in 1990. 1525570;1471631899;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most of this stuff we will be, painfully, redoing from ~zero. 1525571;1471631906;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525392 << incidentally, tiling window managers are fucking retarded. 1525572;1471631906;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 17:14 phf: the guy who invented tiling window managers (tuomo valkonen, he wrote Ion, that nobody probably remembers at this point), quit linux in 2005 or so over exactly these things. his pet peve was all the retardation that was going into x11 as part of linux on desktop movement. of course back then people laughed at him, etc. 1525573;1471631920;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i won't use anything but a tiling wm. 1525574;1471631928;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, so is any woman you meet. in a few brief years she'll have to be redone, by some woman, painfully, from zero. 1525575;1471631946;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i've yet to use a "non-full-screen window" for anything. 1525576;1471631967;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: install a couple square metres of lcd and write back. 1525577;1471631990;mircea_popescu;"i don't need grenade pin safety for anything" "put grenade in your ass, pull it out by pin and write back" 1525578;1471631992;mircea_popescu;da fuck. 1525579;1471631999;phf;laying out terminals is nice, but i prefer how fvwm did it. "find a square of screen realestate, where i can fit it, with some tolerance" 1525580;1471632021;mircea_popescu;phf what the fuck is wrong with just flipping pages / adding more panels if flipping is THAT big a deal 1525581;1471632036;asciilifeform;phf: dafuq i want with 'find a square somewhere'. i want this scrolling log RIGHT HERE, on display #3, under the other log for other boxes, and this one gets 2cm because it is not esp. important. 1525582;1471632040;mircea_popescu;i am seriously sitting here flipping between log and xchat, and i wouldn't care to do it another way. 1525583;1471632050;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is not watching 45 processes. 1525584;1471632061;phf;so we have three different behaviors here 1525585;1471632063;mircea_popescu;and also not anallyzing grenades. 1525586;1471632106;mircea_popescu;"it would be so terribly hard and difficult to pipe all the shit into a single file and tail that omaygerd." 1525587;1471632118;asciilifeform;why the fuck would i want it in a single file 1525588;1471632130;mircea_popescu;because YOU, a single guy, IS WATCHING IT. apparently. 1525589;1471632134;mircea_popescu;what, you think you're 45 people ? 1525590;1471632140;asciilifeform;not only watching, but occasionally interacting with particular box. 1525591;1471632151;mircea_popescu;so switch to interact page if need be. 1525592;1471632169;phf;actually i had best results with multiple logs in a single file, color coded. it gives you also better understanding of time relationship between events 1525593;1471632180;phf;*single output 1525594;1471632188;asciilifeform;phf: this works when ALL you want is to tail log 1525595;1471632195;mircea_popescu;anyway ; anyone is free to jack off with whatever technique he prefers. let it be clearly stated though that a) underhand is perfectly valid and b) that the first time you were unsupervised as a 9yo you did it with sharpened pencils does not mean sharpened pencisl are required to jack off. 1525596;1471632203;mircea_popescu;phf you're telling me! 1525597;1471632269;phf;mircea_popescu: i work a lot better with your method, but i also sometimes like to manually drag windows around in a particular arrangement as a sort of distracted busy work. the only usecase i found for tiling wm is "full screen everything" 1525598;1471632294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the only thing this "tiling" bullshit does, in your case as exemplified, and in general as a matter of necessity, is that it allows you to hide your poor cognitive performance in minutious labour. IF you are encountering certain classes of problems (wood splinters in glans penis), it is because you are doing certain things wrong and should revise your process. a signal proper pagination does give you, and tiling 1525599;1471632294;mircea_popescu; bullshit hides from you. 1525600;1471632308;mircea_popescu;~same as heroin, in practice. "oh i feel so good and relaxed" 1525601;1471632327;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i am not interested in glomming 45 shells into one soup pot. 1525602;1471632328;asciilifeform;wtf. 1525603;1471632341;mircea_popescu;phf not like i'm saying it's verboten. heck, i fuck around with ipads on occasion. but sin does not change doctrine. 1525604;1471632346;asciilifeform;nor in mouse masturbation. 1525605;1471632355;asciilifeform;nor in wasting precious pixels on window decorations. 1525606;1471632357;mircea_popescu;what's the mouse to do with this ? 1525607;1471632361;asciilifeform;nor in windows which obscure other windows. 1525608;1471632366;mircea_popescu;uh. 1525609;1471632472;asciilifeform;flipping between, and shuffling windows, IS minutious labour. 1525610;1471632487;asciilifeform;that mircea_popescu grew used to it from papers on architect desk, or wherever, changes nothing. 1525611;1471632654;mircea_popescu;well no, technically those papers were tiled ? 1525612;1471632672;asciilifeform;tiled means that not one obscures not one square mm of any other. 1525613;1471632689;asciilifeform;and that you can navigate all of them with only eyeballs. 1525614;1471632712;mircea_popescu;i tell you though, whenever i came into the office of some dude who was literally fucking around with 45 different pieces of paper at the same time, i wouldn't think "oh this guy is such a super hero" but rather "ok, this guy's getting fired first." 1525615;1471632743;asciilifeform;aaaand that was how mircea_popescu ended up having to run his reactor himself. 1525616;1471632754;asciilifeform;'for what do you need all of these gauges at the same time!' 1525617;1471632826;PeterL;pilot only needs one instrument at a time, why clutter cockpit?!? 1525618;1471632852;asciilifeform;and let's have one touch screen instead of the bunch of levers!111111 1525619;1471632860;mircea_popescu;you know, contrary to the tv version of blinkenlichten, in cockpit design, and ESPECIALLY for combat or any sort of emergency situation, more items are regarded as a serious liability. 1525620;1471632862;asciilifeform;let him set if he wants to control throttle or rudder. 1525621;1471632874;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nobody said 'more is better.' 1525622;1471632874;mircea_popescu;wars have been won over army one having 3 buttons and army two having 7 buttons. 1525623;1471632876;phf;the point might be that a single information stream is always superior to multiple streams. the second comes from necessity (there's no time or desire to find a way to merge them, there's no analyst to merge them for you, etc.). it's always a better state when you can only have one, in which case tiling is a pointless concept. you only ever have one stream. 1525624;1471632895;phf;PeterL: that's actually a well known counter examples that supports the opposite of what you're trying to say 1525625;1471632921;asciilifeform;it remains the case that merging rudder and throttle is braindamaged, regardless of how you do it. 1525626;1471632943;phf;there's multiple training systems that are supposed to teach an operator how to deal with multiple inputs in high stress situations (like cockpit, or nuclear powerplant), and the techniques are all reduced to "how to perceive multiple streams as a single stream" 1525627;1471632984;asciilifeform;phf: likewise, i do not actually deal with the separate streams simultaneously ! 1525628;1471632990;mircea_popescu;moreover, the point is that human brain is human brain and you're not changing it. it has ONE attention flow. you use it as best you can. 1525629;1471632992;asciilifeform;i simply do the work of switching, when i switch, using EYES 1525630;1471632999;mircea_popescu;45 different scrolling shits aren't specifically better tyhan one. 1525631;1471632999;asciilifeform;instead of having to move windows. 1525632;1471633040;asciilifeform;i'm not interested in having ONE scroll and a bunch of 'something changed, MAYBE YOU SHOULD CHECK' blinkers. 1525633;1471633046;PeterL;I typically have lowest ~inch of irc visible with something else on top of it to work on 1525634;1471633049;phf;those techniques are seen as necessary in a situation that is suboptimal. yes, you need throttle and rudder, but it would've been better if you only had one 1525635;1471633060;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that sounds like uniquely poor design and you should butcher the whoeverts did that to you. 1525636;1471633079;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: describe yours ? 1525637;1471633097;mircea_popescu;i just did ? or what ? 1525638;1471633117;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how do you learn when a process has produced an interesting output ? 1525639;1471633121;asciilifeform;polling ? 1525640;1471633123;mircea_popescu;but anyway, yes, phf has it, ~most if not all training for high performance human operator could be summarized as "how to merge multistream in your head" 1525641;1471633135;asciilifeform;i don't actually disagree with ^ 1525642;1471633137;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well it depends, what process ? maybe it'sfiltered. maybe its... 1525643;1471633153;asciilifeform;say, irc box. 1525644;1471633188;mircea_popescu;often it actually is analyst-produced, because yes, phf intuitscorrectly, the ~only thing a "process" in the sense of, bash window is, is a very cheap version of mazarin's informants. who wrote him letters. which he read... on a non-tiling display. 1525645;1471633195;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding that tiling wm were cheap in 1700 1525646;1471633212;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has humans in the loop , this tech is not applicable outside of dirigible . 1525647;1471633219;mircea_popescu;i dunno. 1525648;1471633258;asciilifeform;as did mazarin . 1525649;1471633265;PeterL;so you are doing something else on puter, and somebody highlights you in IRC, you get notified by slavegirl or what? 1525650;1471633275;mircea_popescu;i look when i look. 1525651;1471633287;mircea_popescu;unless im doing something on other display, in which case it scrolls on this screen 1525652;1471633304;phf;fwiw my entire system is poll based. i literally don't have any notifications, all are disabled. "i look when i look" 1525653;1471633318;asciilifeform;i also have 0 notifications. 1525654;1471633319;mircea_popescu;phf that's a luxury on par with sleeping ad libitum. 1525655;1471633329;mircea_popescu;i have some notifications, but the penalty for fucking with it idly is indeed high. 1525656;1471633330;asciilifeform;it is one of the reasons i have the panels 1525657;1471633340;mircea_popescu;twenty years ago people were petrified of naught more than having to call me on the phone. 1525658;1471633345;asciilifeform;so that if something moves, my hindbrain can do the coprocessing 1525659;1471633355;asciilifeform;and if it is in a low-priority corner of peripheral vision, i can ignore. 1525660;1471633358;PeterL;how is having two panels different from having tiled display? 1525661;1471633376;asciilifeform;PeterL: i have tiles-on-multiple-displays. not importantly different. 1525662;1471633431;PeterL;^ q was for mircea_popescu 1525663;1471633436;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525034 << FOr me just crib their formula. 37.5 x 52 to get 2015's hours. I have now idea how to count them all but certainly over. 1525664;1471633436;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 12:40 mircea_popescu: so on other news, i am writing teh republic's "cia factbook", and on the matter of gdp i would like to have an estimate of the "fair market value of the total time donated to republic during 2015" in the estimation of everyone involved. detailed is better, but nothing over a page omg. 1525665;1471633465;mircea_popescu;PeterL the discussion was "tiling wm" specifically. and i said, exactly, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525580 1525666;1471633465;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 18:40 mircea_popescu: phf what the fuck is wrong with just flipping pages / adding more panels if flipping is THAT big a deal 1525667;1471633494;mircea_popescu;but if i add panels, i tend to also add boxes for them. 1525668;1471633503;asciilifeform;'tiling' simulates cutting display into pieces. is all it is. 1525669;1471633506;PeterL;so adding more panels is ok, but having tiles is not? 1525670;1471633516;asciilifeform;not everything merits an entire panel. 1525671;1471633520;mircea_popescu;again, the discussion was re a specific bit of software. 1525672;1471633534;mircea_popescu;more over : it was over the merits of implementing a specific cut in hardware vs software. 1525673;1471633547;mircea_popescu;and the contention is that not only not all cuts are worth making in software : this one definitely isn't. 1525674;1471633568;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo danke! 1525675;1471633741;hanbot;i use multiple panels but keep those i'm not actively looking at turned off. otherwise i can actually perceive time being wasted mulling between them. 1525676;1471633770;mircea_popescu;just for kicks /me imagines alf becoming a talk show host, having 45 different microphones implanted in his ears. for science. 1525677;1471633811;asciilifeform;hanbot: i used to turn'em on/off, had entire switchboard for this, then noticed that IT is a timesink... 1525678;1471633822;mircea_popescu;lol 1525679;1471633829;mircea_popescu;"organist needs someone to pedal for him" 1525680;1471633841;asciilifeform;now i just have one 'big red button' for'em. 1525681;1471633856;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the correct analogy is the bellow pumping. 1525682;1471633864;mircea_popescu;or the page turning yea 1525683;1471633871;asciilifeform;aha. 1525684;1471633902;asciilifeform;quite a few items that look 'wtf, why would you DO that' to mircea_popescu , come from not having a slave stable 1525685;1471633917;mircea_popescu;this is a cheap, and perhaps correct explanation. 1525686;1471633927;asciilifeform;i.e. 'not from a good life.' 1525687;1471633941;mircea_popescu;the other possibility, however, is that it comes from the same place a love of tchotchkes comes. 1525688;1471633970;asciilifeform;'i picked this up, now won't throw out' ? 1525689;1471633992;mircea_popescu;yes. moreover, "thinking about my things as things rather than as extensions of my identity is VERY BAD SCARY AND EVIL" 1525690;1471634006;asciilifeform;quite often, e.g., asciilifeform , is reduced to working on 1 display, sometimes for weeks at a time, on account of travel, say. 1525691;1471634024;asciilifeform;quite unpleasant. 1525692;1471634039;asciilifeform;and i enjoy coming back to actual workstation that is set up just-so, correctly. 1525693;1471634047;mircea_popescu;me too! 1525694;1471634056;mircea_popescu;amusingly, it dun has tiling, so that must not be it. 1525695;1471634081;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's eyeglasses would not work on mircea_popescu either, i suspect. 1525696;1471634093;mircea_popescu;i dun wear glasses. 1525697;1471634096;asciilifeform;aha 1525698;1471634098;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would oyu DO that 1525699;1471634098;mircea_popescu;:D 1525700;1471634105;asciilifeform;there we go 1525701;1471634160;asciilifeform;ever see a 'harmonium' ? 1525702;1471634163;asciilifeform;musical instrument. 1525703;1471634164;mircea_popescu;yeah ? 1525704;1471634183;asciilifeform;the small one is kinda like accordion, but stationary, sits on the floor, one hand plays, other - pumps 1525705;1471634184;mircea_popescu;bavarian thing, like a tiny piano. 1525706;1471634191;asciilifeform;that's the other one, aha 1525707;1471634205;asciilifeform;like upright piano, but instead of organ pedals, there is one 'singer sewing machine'-style pumper. 1525708;1471634213;mircea_popescu;aha 1525709;1471634234;asciilifeform;both kinds have this feature, and run on accordion-style reeds internally. anyway it is very much 'poor man's' instrument traditionally. 1525710;1471634244;asciilifeform;who has nobody to offload the pumping to. 1525711;1471634262;mircea_popescu;well i do think it's pretty stupid, other than for the endearing/cultural value. 1525712;1471634272;hanbot;incidentally, why are there no pianists on those long, scrolling walkways in airport terminal connectors? could put the music up along the handrail. 1525713;1471634279;mircea_popescu;lmao 1525714;1471634285;asciilifeform;(neighbours in my old flat were 'hari krishna' weirdos, and so i unfortunately became very closely familiar with this instrument.) 1525715;1471634311;*;phf can play one.. 1525716;1471634321;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: was my point. concert organists dun have 'i gotta pump with this other hand' problems. 1525717;1471634324;mircea_popescu;why not you know, play a harmonica like a normal drunk. 1525718;1471634339;phf;a side effect of lifestyle choices.. 1525719;1471634343;asciilifeform;because 'i'ma play the organ and fuck y'all', approximately. 1525720;1471634368;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1525721;1471634410;PeterL;organs were typically build with muscle driven bellows before electric motor was invented 1525722;1471634414;mircea_popescu;i suppose there is merit to this point, which is to say, "nutty central command economy mp wouldn't have ever come up with harmoniums, because they are stupid." 1525723;1471634439;mircea_popescu;"nevertheless, my aunt berthie lost her virginity on one" 1525724;1471634440;asciilifeform;PeterL: typical medieval arrangement was rather like modern 'stair climber' exercise machine. in separate room. 1525725;1471634442;mircea_popescu;not much to say to that. 1525726;1471634463;phf;i always sort of assumed that harmoniums were brought to india by traveling european bums, as an approximation of motherland culture, and stuck 1525727;1471634465;asciilifeform;so yes, i would happily offload the 45 shells to 50 people. 1525728;1471634475;asciilifeform;phf: by the brits. 1525729;1471634482;asciilifeform;normal organ, iirc, could not stand up to the humidity. 1525730;1471634487;phf;right 1525731;1471634489;mircea_popescu;incidentally, speaking of "medieval" organs, everyone knows the hysterical "notre dame des courants d'air" scene i trust ? 1525732;1471634541;hanbot;oh i saw that in kindergarten (NO.) 1525733;1471634551;mircea_popescu;lol! 1525734;1471634580;mircea_popescu;hanbot here you go : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxIHu9an9_g (and i bet you know it.) 1525735;1471634632;hanbot;oh oh. yeah. :D 1525736;1471634637;mircea_popescu;lol 1525737;1471635543;phf;hehehe 1525738;1471635566;phf;i should line up some louis de funès movies 1525739;1471635883;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nwSo_VtYT0 1525740;1471636664;BingoBoingo;;;tslb 1525741;1471636666;gribble;Time since last block: 32 minutes and 33 seconds 1525742;1471638437;asciilifeform;'Collaboration between multiple divisions within TAO and S215 led to the development of a custom-built router exploit and new HAMMERCORE implant builds.' 1525743;1471638450;asciilifeform;(what is/was s215..?) 1525744;1471638489;asciilifeform;'The OGERO ISP gateway router (RB) was exploited via HAMREX to enable SECONDDATE MiTM. The OGERO upstream Liban Telecom routers were exploited with CGDB, then implanted with HAMMERCORE and HAMMERSTEIN to enable successful Shaping of Hizballah Unit 1800 related traffic for multiple CT projects. Traffic was exfiltrated to STORMBREW from core routers and was accessible to S21, S2E, and SSG\NAC analysts via XKEYSCORE in less than 24 hour 1525745;1471638490;asciilifeform;s following the successful shaping tasking.' 1525746;1471638492;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1525747;1471638514;*;danielpbarron alt-tabs between full-screen things 1525748;1471638553;asciilifeform;'TAO project REXKWONDO successfully enabled Country-Wide Shaping and Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) capabilities against Lebanon's Internet traffic for the first time ever.' 1525749;1471638576;asciilifeform;^ has to be hangout, they own the upstream. 1525750;1471638583;asciilifeform;what sort of nonsense is this. 1525751;1471638941;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2016-August/031516.html << continued lelz 1525752;1471638941;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1525753;1471639093;asciilifeform;'To predict bytes 580..599 an attacker needs to know the bytes in the range 0..44 and 560..579.' << horseshit. 1525754;1471639117;asciilifeform;all he needs is a lattice solution, as described in the sarkar thing. 1525755;1471639123;asciilifeform;that includes ripemd. 1525756;1471639158;asciilifeform;once you have a known ~relation~ like this, you can work with it. 1525757;1471639404;asciilifeform;'I _might_ have introduced the hole to mix in more bytes in each step. Or it was a plain bug.' -- koch. 1525758;1471639410;asciilifeform;( https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2016-August/031513.html ) 1525759;1471639417;asciilifeform;( ??? ) 1525760;1471639488;asciilifeform;'It's not at all what I described in my PRNG paper, but I can't tell if that's an accident or by design because, well, there are no code comments. What the GnuPG code does is mix the next 64 bytes and then overwrite the preceding 20 bytes with the mixed output, however this doesn't propagate any entropy along through the buffer.' 1525761;1471639495;asciilifeform;-- gutmann 1525762;1471639500;asciilifeform;( https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2016-August/031508.html ) . 1525763;1471639561;asciilifeform;aaaaaaand, didja know, 1525764;1471639566;asciilifeform;https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2016-August/031475.html << they have a CONFERENCE!11111 1525765;1471639573;asciilifeform;and guess what isn't on the agenda. 1525766;1471639573;asciilifeform;aha. 1525767;1471639633;asciilifeform;https://openpgp-conf.org/program.html 1525768;1471639644;asciilifeform;^ abstracts. 1525769;1471639748;phf;i thought you said "what is on the agenda", i spent a few minutes trying to interpret those subjects in a nefarios way 1525770;1471639758;asciilifeform;lel 1525771;1471639768;asciilifeform;these folk specialize in isn'ts. 1525772;1471639776;asciilifeform;not is's. 1525773;1471639812;asciilifeform;though their 'is' is quite lulzy, e.g., the sks server talk is about 'This talk will discuss some experiences operating the services and discuss new features related to new specifications such as Elliptic Curves (including but not limited to Ed25519 and Curve25519) and the experimental Tor support available at hkp://jirk5u4osbsr34t5.onion in addition to providing an overview of the other available pools such as the TLS enabled HKPS p 1525774;1471639812;asciilifeform;ool and the various geographical pools.' 1525775;1471639833;asciilifeform;so predictable, one can almost die of boredom. 1525776;1471639840;asciilifeform;and yet hilarious. 1525777;1471639872;asciilifeform;or how about, 1525778;1471639875;asciilifeform;'In the last 4 years developing OpenKeychain, an OpenPGP implementation for Android, we made several unconventional UX decisions. While other implementations are still based on UX paradigms introduced in 1997 by PGP 5, we try to re-invent UX for a broader user base. Some of our decisions are subject to controversy in the OpenPGP community, in particular those of hiding information and complexity from the user, rather than giving them 1525779;1471639875;asciilifeform; full control to make bad decisions. We hide Key IDs from the user, we don't use the words public and private, we never mention Key Signing or Keyservers, and we don't generate 8192 RSA keys. In this talk we give an overview over our different UX decisions, the reasoning behind them...' 1525780;1471639890;asciilifeform;^ who wants to try feeding this abortion , e.g., the khadeer key ? 1525781;1471639893;asciilifeform;i bet it will eat. 1525782;1471639969;asciilifeform;and i won't even bother summarizing, e.g., 'OpenPGP for Android, Web and Windows' 1525783;1471640065;asciilifeform;and who won't love 'As far as the conference program goes, the Mesh may be considered as a proposal to replace/augment the existing OpenPGP key server infrastructure with a new one that provides support for multiple PKI based applications and trust models. ... The Mesh makes it easy for a user to transfer an email configuration from one machine to another and offers to automatically configure OpenPGP ... service whose architecture ma 1525784;1471640065;asciilifeform;y be loosely described as 'MIT keyserver meets blockchain'. ' 1525785;1471640117;*;asciilifeform maxed out dosimeter for the day. 1525786;1471640815;mircea_popescu;so i come back, wall of alf. 1525787;1471640828;mircea_popescu;you're going to have to pay a fine if you do more than a dozen lines in succession you hear ? 1525788;1471641090;mircea_popescu;and in other lipreading news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_maest5eAcq1r2a4juo1_500.gif 1525789;1471642365;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525750 << your mental model of a functional monolithical sensible "meta-nsa" is contradicted by the practice. a lot of redundancy is baked in by legions of mindless, not terribly intelligent, here today and gone tomorrow "analysts", "experts", "contractors" and whatnot, with management broadly unaware of what the situation is. 1525790;1471642365;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 20:29 asciilifeform: what sort of nonsense is this. 1525791;1471642408;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i did a tour of duty in the most godforsaken imaginable salt mine full of ex-nsa folk. 1525792;1471642413;asciilifeform;so i know what they look like. 1525793;1471642436;asciilifeform;(0 from crypto directorate tho.) 1525794;1471642482;mircea_popescu;ok. so basically, they vaguely are aware that project P is made out of parts P1... Pn, although if you take them to task they can't really explain it ; and for that matter they're not really aware that "we made n parts for P" really means "we made part 1 six times and part 3 nine times because they were easy to make, we don't have any 2, 3, 7, 8 or 9 which means P ain't ever EVER working" 1525795;1471642519;mircea_popescu;whole shebang has a lot more to do with absurdist theatre than with technological process. 1525796;1471642540;asciilifeform;it gets carried along by the - occasional - working trick. 1525797;1471642580;asciilifeform;(also helps that the typical target is softer than fresh dog shit) 1525798;1471642587;mircea_popescu;which is more a result of blind statistics than of institutional management 1525799;1471642613;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform softness of the target is not even half the story - what helps more is that half the time the derps don't even know if they got noise or signal. 1525800;1471642633;mircea_popescu;their very tpical hockey sticks machines work just as well over climate data as they work over washing machine readings. 1525801;1471642660;asciilifeform;this subj occurred to me before - who, if anyone, checks the FUCKEDMONKEY or whatever outputs against humint ? 1525802;1471642682;mircea_popescu;which is how a huge thorny tree of "programs" that ate in excess of 300bn in 15 years has produced exactly ZERO any sort of results of any kind whatsoever to date. 1525803;1471642696;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform same people who check the gpg rng unwhitened. 1525804;1471642824;mircea_popescu;so in the case of the lebanon thing : yes, they own the upstream, and YES some derps expect to be paid for their "contribution" succeeding "for the first time" blabla. 1525805;1471642863;asciilifeform;'награждение непричастных, наказание невиновных' (tm) (r) 1525806;1471642900;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525751 << epic. werner ADMITS "mp was right all along - gpg 1.4.x is the right way to go, 2.x is weak" 1525807;1471642900;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 20:35 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2016-August/031516.html << continued lelz 1525808;1471642910;mircea_popescu;he just iiiiiinexplicably omits to name names. hurr. 1525809;1471642931;asciilifeform;the rng thing was in all published vers. 1525810;1471642949;asciilifeform;(2.x is a monstrosity for other reasons) 1525811;1471642951;mircea_popescu;i fondly recall the brief push by sm derps of the "mp is right occasionally" angle. i suppose someone stopped and counted meanwhile. 1525812;1471642985;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, no, looky : For GnuPG 2.1 things are different because there is a long running process (gpg-agent) which creates all keys. 1525813;1471643000;asciilifeform;aha, this, yes 1525814;1471643003;mircea_popescu;he can try and paper over it with "should be" and "similar" and whatnot until teh cows come home. 1525815;1471643005;asciilifeform;(recall attempt to build) 1525816;1471643008;mircea_popescu;aha. 1525817;1471643040;mircea_popescu;i forget the exact score, but the part where it is three digits to ZERO is kinda seared in my memory. 1525818;1471643485;mircea_popescu;soo... https://www.google.com/search?q=werner+koch&tbs=qdr:w << is google serving me special pages or does anyone else see trilema leadign there ? 1525819;1471643504;mircea_popescu;might explain all the effort the derps are putting into talking around the matter, i guess. 1525820;1471643544;shinohai;I see trilema as first result 1525821;1471643587;asciilifeform;i also 1525822;1471643590;mircea_popescu;the gnupg official mail list announcement coming in second goes pretty good with a side helping of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523119 1525823;1471643590;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:20 mircea_popescu: "I doubt this will ever happen. Even he never cracked any PGP keys at all, the FUD he spread around was a nice way to get some free advertising. Look, people saying his name on gnupg and enigmail lists, which are quite popular I believe." 1525824;1471643715;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525764 << all that rubber chicken ain't gonna eat itself. 1525825;1471643715;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 20:46 asciilifeform: https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2016-August/031475.html << they have a CONFERENCE!11111 1525826;1471643820;mircea_popescu;anyway. i gues yet-another of these events where the whole bar talk is about us. 1525827;1471643826;mircea_popescu;which makes it what, the ... 4th ? i forget. 1525828;1471644119;asciilifeform;i'd be quite surprised if any of the participants (other than, perhaps, koch) even suspected there were any such thing as us. 1525829;1471644647;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/l3ks9 << in other lulz 1525830;1471644666;asciilifeform;'IEX slows down all of the trades that go through its system with a 38-mile coil of fiber-optic cable that sits between the outside world and the exchange’s main computer. It takes trading signals 350 millionths of a second to get through the coil.' 1525831;1471644681;asciilifeform;a) why do this, or b ) why it could not be done in software - remains a mystery. 1525832;1471644807;asciilifeform;spin machine tells that this front-running is somehow a win ? for KONSOOMERZ. 1525833;1471645119;mircea_popescu;they can't really trust software. 1525834;1471645195;mircea_popescu;anyway ; it's pleasant to see fiat exchanges migrate to being more like mpex. 1525835;1471653818;*;covertress waves hello to mircea_popescu 1525836;1471653855;covertress;enjoyed a wonderful steak with DFInstitute, SAP & 500 Startups @ http://www.barberians.com/ 1525837;1471653891;covertress;rare, bacon-wrapped filet 1525838;1471654011;covertress;mircea_popescu, one of my co-panelists has a proposal for you. I'll bring it when I visit. 1525839;1471654198;covertress;as I've spent a very busy few sleepless days/nights out of the country, I'll say my goodnights now 1525840;1471654207;*;covertress waves goodnight to mircea_popescu 1525841;1471664537;ben_vulpes;> 500 startups 1525842;1471664612;ben_vulpes;i thought that was the 'altman' thing, turns out it's the 'mcclure' thing 1525843;1471664737;ben_vulpes;ohey archive won't eat the linkedin lulz 1525844;1471664794;ben_vulpes;i wonder why anyone would give half a shit about an ex-conference organizer's...steak? 1525845;1471664802;ben_vulpes;how does one have a steak with SAP anyways? 1525846;1471666064;BingoBoingo; in fact, iirc it is no longer even necessary to have actual dope, there are folks doing time for packets of sugar and flour. << http://qntra.net/2016/08/man-jailed-after-allegedly-spiking-utah-police-sergeants-lemonade/ 1525847;1471667225;mod6;this was a great read: http://trilema.com/2016/the-text-and-the-piddly-recantion/ 1525848;1471670274;danielpbarron;$up indoor_jellyfish 1525849;1471670274;deedbot;indoor_jellyfish voiced for 30 minutes. 1525850;1471672993;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes well she's trying. 1525851;1471673012;mircea_popescu;mod6 why ty. 1525852;1471673447;mod6;:] 1525853;1471685686;jurov;mircea_popescu: my 2016 work was just monthly reports and btc.yt maintenance, about 4hrs total. There's another 20hrs turdatron upgrade/maint but seems that went to waste. 1525854;1471693156;Framedragger;http://thelongandshort.org/society/war-on-cash (cached: http://archive.is/WinMO) - some parts read naive, but overall an okay piece. 1525855;1471697375;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525462 << http://reason.com/blog/2016/07/29/how-a-donut-habit-can-send-you-to-jail 1525856;1471697375;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 17:48 asciilifeform: in fact, iirc it is no longer even necessary to have actual dope, there are folks doing time for packets of sugar and flour. 1525857;1471702012;mircea_popescu;jurov which turdatron whas that ? 1525858;1471702056;jurov;this one http://therealbitcoin.org/mailman/listinfo/btc-dev 1525859;1471702090;mircea_popescu;ah the mail list ? 1525860;1471702115;mircea_popescu;i dun recall what the problem was there. 1525861;1471702125;jurov;me neither 1525862;1471702144;mircea_popescu;i do of course recall alf throwing a number of hissy fits 1525863;1471702251;mircea_popescu;the coupla times i used it, i recall it working (after cutting through a mess of operator error). 1525864;1471702348;mircea_popescu;jurov actually, it's still the cannonical way to publish vpatches, no ? 1525865;1471702487;jurov;no idea, there was supposed to be no cannonical anything with v 1525866;1471702543;mircea_popescu;so if i want to publish a vpatch today, how do i go about it ? 1525867;1471702617;jurov;ofc you can send it to mailing list. and to phf via deedbot, and maybe some other places i dunno? 1525868;1471702644;mircea_popescu;ah yeah, there's also deedbot process. how does that work again phf ? 1525869;1471702658;mircea_popescu;jurov so are you thinking of turning it off ? 1525870;1471702702;jurov;so far not, but i will turn it off if something arises that needs nontrivial fix 1525871;1471702711;mircea_popescu;ic. 1525872;1471702725;mircea_popescu;so far vpatch production not exactly deluvional in the first place. 1525873;1471703249;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525870 << very bad idea 1525874;1471703249;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 14:18 jurov: so far not, but i will turn it off if something arises that needs nontrivial fix 1525875;1471703267;asciilifeform;it is still the authoritative history of trb. 1525876;1471703333;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525860 << email mutilation 1525877;1471703333;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 14:08 mircea_popescu: i dun recall what the problem was there. 1525878;1471703410;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525867 << doesn't jurov's box have a wwwtronic hopper now? 1525879;1471703410;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 14:16 jurov: ofc you can send it to mailing list. and to phf via deedbot, and maybe some other places i dunno? 1525880;1471703603;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525872 << there remains nothing that is a trivial fix, afaik, only mega-surgeries that promise not only to mutilate 'grandfather's pistol' but even to bolt-shit-on-side... 1525881;1471703603;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 14:18 mircea_popescu: so far vpatch production not exactly deluvional in the first place. 1525882;1471703691;mircea_popescu;yes. wasn't a complaint. 1525883;1471703888;mircea_popescu;here's a nice eulora knapsack problem for anyone looking to sharpen their ACTUAL computer science skills : 1525884;1471703974;mircea_popescu;i have eight sets of "sb" (solid branch) : 503 q 222 ; 1466 q 3 ; 973 q 207 ; 983 q 252 ; 1651 q 258 ; 2963 q 189 ; 563 q 22 and 336 q 225. the first number is the count, the second the quality (depends on your mining, whatever) ; you can mix these, the game will floor the average quality. this means you can lose matter through mixing, so you want to mix stacks so as to obtain the highest possible quality final. 1525885;1471703978;mircea_popescu;write code that does this. 1525886;1471703986;mircea_popescu;(mixing is always pairwise) 1525887;1471705415;diana_coman;ha, and I was just suggesting that in eulora, lol 1525888;1471705448;mircea_popescu;:p 1525889;1471705449;diana_coman;but actually why pairwise only? iirc you can mix up to 16 in one go using a table, no? (if it wasn't complicated enough ) 1525890;1471705459;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/609AF429A536FCA467F01F21DA23DA79C5663B50FCF17243C6AF812E8D86E222 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1525891;1471705514;mircea_popescu;pretty sure it still does them pairwise 1525892;1471705547;diana_coman;guess I'll go and check that 1525893;1471705905;asciilifeform; << first, i think, in china. 1525894;1471705918;asciilifeform;$s 11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 1525895;1471705918;a111;1 result for "11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 1525896;1471706010;asciilifeform;dafuq is wrong with deedbot 1525897;1471706025;asciilifeform;looks like i will have to paste ? 1525898;1471706034;mircea_popescu;eh simmar down. 1525899;1471706035;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/92EF45902AD5DDD496F233A413911C8A77BF9FAB0F6605ACC1B305A87C863708 ; Phuctored: 11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Fr 1525900;1471706040;asciilifeform;^ also china. 1525901;1471706149;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/92EF45902AD5DDD496F233A413911C8A77BF9FAB0F6605ACC1B305A87C863708 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Fre 1525902;1471706149;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/609AF429A536FCA467F01F21DA23DA79C5663B50FCF17243C6AF812E8D86E222 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11077075678020735934526148020847970758896871547063037169613263824976154697682093654805709367957440110046911224501506446879317626764896123149439487419328499 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1525903;1471706158;asciilifeform;lol, now with dupe. 1525904;1471706208;asciilifeform;in other lulz: http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-rbs-interestrates-idUKKCN10U1C5 1525905;1471706218;asciilifeform;'Some big corporate clients of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L) face the prospect of paying to hold deposits with the bank from Monday as it becomes the first lender in Britain to charge negative interest rates.' 1525906;1471706250;mircea_popescu;"and as it isn't ready or willing to allow clients to cash out... BANKING IS NOT A TAX (says the SCROTUK) 1525907;1471706253;asciilifeform;with the golden: 'Banks are seeking to encourage depositors to shift their cash out of deposit accounts into other financial products.' 1525908;1471706277;asciilifeform;BUY MOAR BEZZLE 1525909;1471706519;phf;mircea_popescu and co, there's no deedbot process. at the frequency of vpatches, whenever i see one, i just uploaded it to btcbase. and by see, i mean it's posted to a log or just mentioned 1525910;1471706523;phf;there's also http://btcbase.org/upload, this checks vpatch against seal and posts it http://btcbase.org/patches?patchset=uploads 1525911;1471706632;phf;the only patch that was uploaded this way is http://btcbase.org/patches/phf-shiva-swank obviously done by me 1525912;1471706885;mircea_popescu;then tha'ts the process. 1525913;1471706962;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the trend of calling them "financial products" btw smacks of the whole "they fail at trading but succeed at feeling like a trader". basically western banking is moving into las vegas' niche, which is why that port got sanded. 1525914;1471706964;phf;there's periodically things that claim to be vpatches, but they don't have genesis. i think a notable example of that is v.pl, which has been published as v.pl, and then followed up by vpatches that are supposed to superseded each other rather than form a chain. generally i've seen that pattern a lot, people publish something, than publish a second vpatch, that doesn't build on previous vpatch, but supposed to replace it 1525915;1471706964;phf;instead. obviously this doesn't make for pretty graphs, so i don't upload it 1525916;1471706976;mircea_popescu;"what do you mean we lost your money ? YOU GOT YOUR ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT!| 1525917;1471707002;phf;*then 1525918;1471707014;mircea_popescu;phf yeah, very sensible not to upload them. 1525919;1471707027;phf;ffs, than/then would be the death of me 1525920;1471707042;mircea_popescu;and everyone doing that : wouldja stop fucking with the live wires and use the civilised process! 1525921;1471707045;asciilifeform;i must point out that it is always possible to retroshit a genesis. 1525922;1471707062;asciilifeform;(simply take the initial publication and diff against an empty dir.) 1525923;1471707075;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's no "a genesis". for the last fucking time., 1525924;1471707078;asciilifeform;then persuade original author to sign. 1525925;1471707090;mircea_popescu;no. 1525926;1471707108;mircea_popescu;no sale ; no deal and no further discussion. there is A genesis, and everything else obeys this. 1525927;1471707117;asciilifeform;umm there are multiple proggies. 1525928;1471707122;asciilifeform;not only trb. 1525929;1471707144;mircea_popescu;sure ; and there's multiple people and not everyone's yet mentally comfortable with the whole thing which is why people do the "patch replacing patch" thing. 1525930;1471707154;asciilifeform;e.g., mod6's vtron does not depend on trb in any way shape or form 1525931;1471707178;asciilifeform;ergo it has own genesis - mod6's first publication thereof. 1525932;1471707185;asciilifeform;and trb - its own. etc. 1525933;1471707195;mircea_popescu;right. each has its own respective genesis. 1525934;1471707207;mircea_popescu;the point is to use it as such. 1525935;1471707231;asciilifeform;well yes. 1525936;1471707272;asciilifeform;my point was that mod6 could produce a genesis for v.pl that correctly clamps underneath existing vpatch sequence. 1525937;1471707277;mircea_popescu;there's places for flexibility ; but this isn't one. i dun even wanna think about "creative" solutions such as "retrocreate a genesis". just god damned it already, take the code, sign it, and then patch on the basis of that. 1525938;1471707294;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dun want this sort of c-ism unix-ism microsoft-ism imported! 1525939;1471707298;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the result will be exactly equal. 1525940;1471707300;mircea_popescu;stop fucking "fixing" things. 1525941;1471707304;mircea_popescu;i do not care! 1525942;1471707308;asciilifeform;i am not about to pretend that mathematically idempotent things are different. 1525943;1471707320;mircea_popescu;the process will not have been equal ; and process interests me. you can go take the results behind a shed and shoot them./ 1525944;1471707337;phf;asciilifeform: but there's also no existing vpatch sequence. there's N vpatches, that are all genesis children. you're supposed to know that N+1 supersedes N 1525945;1471707364;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is very easy to say, but not only did we not have generations pass, but even after just one year, much of what anyone remembers about 'the process' comes entirely from the recorded result. 1525946;1471707383;mircea_popescu;this is neither true nor relevant. 1525947;1471707384;asciilifeform;phf: then it is a clusterfuck. 1525948;1471707392;phf;asciilifeform: exactly :) 1525949;1471707399;mircea_popescu;and wtf with the argumentum ad populum. i care "what people do" about as much as i care about "probable results" 1525950;1471707425;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, as usual, is choking on allergens that aren't actually here. 1525951;1471707458;mircea_popescu;tell you what : i remember the process just fine ; has nothing to do with "the recorded result". 1525952;1471707472;asciilifeform;at any rate, ask mod6 to regrind, he made how many, 4 of these ? 1525953;1471707477;asciilifeform;should take him a few min. 1525954;1471707478;mircea_popescu;mostly because the recorded result is so far pretty fucking distant from itself. 1525955;1471707498;mircea_popescu;i'm sure he will ; but the important point here is not that as much as the principle of teh thing. 1525956;1471707500;phf;asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch 1525957;1471707539;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can see where you're going, aha. 1525958;1471707577;phf;so i think mircea_popescu has alergy to broken thinking, which is there plenty. retrofitting "equivalent solution" in this case is going to mask the fact that the process was not v, but something else entirely made to look like v post factum. you might as well export git history into v patches 1525959;1471707651;mircea_popescu;i get it, it's pretty fucking revolutionarily wild, and taken seriously teh mind needs some time to digest the whole thing. not a problem. but in the meanwhile gotta keep things clean so the poor soul actually has a port to come to when he comes. 1525960;1471707744;mircea_popescu;anyway - the more general point here, important and boldly underlined, is that WE ARE NOT RESULTS DRIVEN. the "results", factual or probable, certain or disputed, are no part of the fucking decision process. 1525961;1471707754;mircea_popescu;the republic is a deductive affair. 1525962;1471707834;mircea_popescu;for that matter, i daresay i've seen the sad fruits of "results-oriented programming" for lo these many decades, and in honestly i could have done with a whole lot less of it. 1525963;1471709603;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: argument was not 'oh we'll fudge it, and no one will know the difference!1111' 1525964;1471709616;asciilifeform;rather : suppose there are two possible processes, P and P' 1525965;1471709638;asciilifeform;P produces the Right Thing in the Right Way 'per laws of man and gods' etc. 1525966;1471709649;asciilifeform;output is O. 1525967;1471709675;asciilifeform;P' brings down curse upon the kingdom, and slowly despoils the lands, spreads madness. 1525968;1471709682;asciilifeform;but likewise output is O. 1525969;1471709685;asciilifeform;this is a problem. 1525970;1471709699;asciilifeform;because now you have promise in your protocol. 1525971;1471709773;asciilifeform;entire appeal of 'v' is to drive out 'promise' from protocol with hot irons. 1525972;1471710031;asciilifeform;this thread is quite reminiscent of the gpg key-revocation thread. 1525973;1471710132;asciilifeform;even of the 'dao' thread. 1525974;1471713218;mircea_popescu;yes, but at some point you will have, in all protocols that actually exist, some level of promise. 1525975;1471713233;mircea_popescu;there's "promise" in the bitcoin protocol that you'll type digits where the digits go. 1525976;1471713773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not really - if i shit in my btctron, the most that can burn down is my own house. 1525977;1471713792;asciilifeform;just as with electric grid, which is imperfect, but NOTHING the konsooomer can to do HIS mains socket, will burn down entire city. 1525978;1471713802;asciilifeform;this is the minimal bar. 1525979;1471713862;*;asciilifeform bbl - meat. 1525980;1471717074;mircea_popescu;exactly nothing burns down if you do stupid shit to early v projects, much like exactly nothing burns down if instead of using the keyboard normally, you try typing with your big toes. 1525981;1471717086;mircea_popescu;that STILL doesn't mean bigtoe typing is going to be well regarded. 1525982;1471717715;shinohai;http://archive.is/Ja6s4 <<< (-_\) 1525983;1471717735;shinohai;Google drive no less 1525984;1471718652;mircea_popescu;lol pruned blockchain 1525985;1471718653;mircea_popescu;mmmkay. 1525986;1471718769;shinohai;You can trust my pruned blockchain, which has in no way whatsoever been altered, pinky swear! 1525987;1471720135;BingoBoingo;Hark, the herald angels bring almost news http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-2-tmr/ 1525988;1471720192;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-2-tmr/ << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend 2 (TM)(R) 1525989;1471720255;shinohai;\o/ 1525990;1471720277;shinohai;This is the slowest news month for Qntra since I started contributing. 1525991;1471720292;shinohai;I literally can't make a story on anything last few days 1525992;1471720369;BingoBoingo;News is naturally bursty. 1525993;1471720383;BingoBoingo;Everything tends to go to shit and become news at once. 1525994;1471720414;BingoBoingo;Maybe see if any lulz is happening in metals markets? Skip the precious stuff though because boring. 1525995;1471720420;BingoBoingo;brb, ice cream 1525996;1471720443;shinohai;bon apetit 1525997;1471722243;mod6;This story with Mr. Bader's peach trees is a travesty: http://qntra.net/2016/08/dicamba-disaster-continues-destruction/ 1525998;1471722279;*;shinohai waves at mod6 1525999;1471722291;mod6;how's it goin? 1526000;1471722333;shinohai;Frosty here, you? 1526001;1471722531;mod6;ah, good. been raining a ton up here. good for the veggies though. 1526002;1471722571;mod6;the mosquitos are flying in squadrons 1526003;1471722576;mod6;its bananas 1526004;1471722598;shinohai;lol, we have storms in forecast so I look forward to evening at home with good muscadine wine. 1526005;1471722635;mod6;is that a local wine deal? 1526006;1471722710;shinohai;Yeah kind of a local thing. I have a really hard time finding it in other places. 1526007;1471722756;mod6;cool though 1526008;1471722766;diana_coman;hi mod6 how's that eulora-box thing going? :D 1526009;1471722909;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: http://bikeportland.org/2016/08/20/speeding-driver-kills-teenage-girl-who-was-crossing-se-hawthorne-189858 << "weather"? 1526010;1471723032;mod6;<+diana_coman> hi mod6 how's that eulora-box thing going? :D << hi!! it's not going exactly yet. been kinda caught up. i need to get a box for that. will do, soonish. 1526011;1471725255;mod6;well, actually, i've got this box just sitting here... its new. 1526012;1471725275;mod6;i put obsd on it, had some plans for it... but now it's been idle for like... oh... eight months. 1526013;1471725293;mod6;maybe i should yield and throw ubuntu on it and make that the new eulora box. 1526014;1471725339;diana_coman;hm, it doesn't have to be ubuntu you know 1526015;1471725380;mod6;yeah, but bsd isnt going to cut the mustard for all the things eulora related. 1526016;1471725409;mod6;and, yah, maybe it'd be something else other than ubuntu, but *shrug*. 1526017;1471725443;shinohai;What not deb? Less bloat 1526018;1471725459;mod6;yeah, probably would shinohai 1526019;1471725509;shinohai;It works fine for me, just the video issues I had, but others assure me the chetty mod would fix. 1526020;1471725526;ben_vulpes;g-gentoo quest? 1526021;1471725530;ben_vulpes;it's not really that painful 1526022;1471725532;ben_vulpes;the fifth time 1526023;1471725543;ben_vulpes;with asciilifeform's killfile 1526024;1471725737;mod6;lol 1526025;1471725833;phf;only thing i can't figure out with asciilifeform's killfile is how to get laptop to do apm related stuff. the main package depends on dbus 1526026;1471726539;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> so if i want to publish a vpatch today, how do i go about it ? <+jurov> ofc you can send it to mailing list. and to phf via deedbot, and maybe some other places i dunno? << i always just send mine to the ml 1526027;1471726580;mod6;i probably should also, update phf. 1526028;1471726890;mod6;<+phf> there's periodically things that claim to be vpatches, but they don't have genesis. i think a notable example of that is v.pl, which has been published as v.pl, and then followed up by vpatches that are supposed to superseded each other rather than form a chain. generally i've seen that pattern a lot, people publish something, than publish a second vpatch, that doesn't build on previous vpatch, but su 1526029;1471726896;mod6;pposed to replace it <+phf> instead. obviously this doesn't make for pretty graphs, so i don't upload it << yup. there's a planned vpatch for this. bunch of discussions. just been focusing my attention on trb build stuff lately. 1526030;1471727116;mod6;<+phf> asciilifeform: i did, he said something about "this being work in progress and don't want to commit" or somesuch << i could regrind them, yeah. ideally, each who want to use these unexamined items should do so on their own accord, placing them in their patches directory as a "WILD" patch. Until the day when the foundation moves forward and folds them in after examination and testing. 1526031;1471727225;mod6;so if i see the "dump priv key" patch out there on btcbase or found somewhere else (it's not included in the patches in thebitcoin.foundation's site), then i'd pull that vpatch down, regrind it myself, and place it into patches where I can apply it myself as a "WILD" patch. 1526032;1471727266;danielpbarron;mod6, shinohai, why not gentoo ?? (i run eulora on gentoo btw) 1526033;1471727300;mod6;i just laughed because of the previous tribulations with gentoo. i'm fine with it now that i'm over that hump. 1526034;1471727306;shinohai;I haven't tried Eulora build on Gentoo yet, only got one box w/gentoo 1526035;1471727313;mod6;well, mainly. i guess. the emerge thing still gets me from time to time. 1526036;1471727315;danielpbarron;i can't imagine there is a better environment to build and run it in, granted getting a working gentoo might be the hard part 1526037;1471727330;mod6;yeah, that. 1526038;1471727347;mod6;i'd say that gentoo would probably make a fine box for eulora. 1526039;1471727347;danielpbarron;it's no so hard. I mean if I can do it then there must not be any excuses 1526040;1471727376;mod6;im pretty dumb, danielpbarron :] 1526041;1471727389;danielpbarron;when it comes to computers i'm sure i'm dumber 1526042;1471727432;mod6;anyway, im sure it would work fine. at the same time, not sure i'd want to spend hours/days setting up a box for eulora. 1526043;1471727437;danielpbarron;i only feel smart about computers when i'm among people not-in-here 1526044;1471727455;danielpbarron;once it's set up, it can run automatically while you do other things 1526045;1471727486;danielpbarron;for example, barehanded gathering all day. have an elder set you up with some bits and threads and check back in a week 1526046;1471727733;mod6;and i guess furthermore, if it's needed for me to regrind these four vpatches as a service for others... 1526047;1471727749;mod6;i certainly could do that. 1526048;1471727850;mod6;the goal is and remains this: get the trb build infrastructure completed, once and for all. close out this portion of development with the completion of that (Makefiles) and a subsequent tying vpatch to mark the milestone. 1526049;1471727867;mod6;Then all newer things that have been submitted can be examined/tested etc. 1526050;1471727892;mod6;And the problem is, if I regrind & sign these patches now, it'd just have to do it again after these other two things are complete anyway. 1526051;1471727901;mod6;s/it'd/i'd/ 1526052;1471728362;mod6;This work is getting pretty exciting actually. 1526053;1471728386;mod6;I've got 14 new deeds that I'm about ready to sign and have tested before feeding them to deedbot. 1526054;1471728410;mod6;shinohai, trinque, care to help review these before the feeding? 1526055;1471728423;shinohai;mod6: I'm game 1526056;1471728449;mod6;danielpbarron: here's a qq, were you ever able to successfully build bitcoind with the build-bitcoind-V99994.sh ? 1526057;1471728486;mod6;because if so, I think it's had enough testing to send along to the ML and website. get all that updated so people can use that. 1526058;1471728619;phf;mod6: i don't think you understood what we were saying, but certainly nobody's expecting you to grind vpatches as a "service to others", so please don't 1526059;1471728646;mod6;Oh? Well, perhaps not. 1526060;1471728728;mod6;I can certainly help with that process if someone wants to do this on their own. 1526061;1471728771;mod6;But yeah, will certainly be reviewing those and regrinding them as needed if they pass the vetting process and are added to the tree. 1526062;1471728791;danielpbarron;mod6, i didn't attempt it yet sorry 1526063;1471728817;mod6;No apology required. Was just checking incase I missed something there. 1526064;1471728836;mod6;I'll give it another week, sound ok? 1526065;1471733687;mircea_popescu;$up meuh 1526066;1471733687;deedbot;meuh voiced for 30 minutes. 1526067;1471734157;*;covertress waves hello to mircea_popescu 1526068;1471734381;covertress;mircea_popescu, I bring fond greetings from a gun-toting, tannerite-shooting, ivy league, master of dining ettiquette. 1526069;1471734401;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1526070;1471734411;shinohai;And those are just the reasons you'll hate him! 1526071;1471734447;covertress;lulz 1526072;1471734481;mircea_popescu;in other teenaged life news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9prxy8ZCL1rsxgsgo1_400.gif 1526073;1471734629;mircea_popescu;"On Thursday following their acquisition by Univision, Gawker media announced that their former flagship Gawker.com would be shuttered next week." << lol. "all the 'jouralists' have been reclassified as actresses (which is what they always hoped for anyway), playing ugly betty in the 194 unilever sitcoms currently under production. this translates to a 85% pay increase across the board, and their spoken lines will be drastica 1526074;1471734629;mircea_popescu;lly limited. 1526075;1471734646;mircea_popescu;once more, wise latinos rescue the ship of state. 1526076;1471734678;shinohai;xD 1526077;1471734730;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo "Following the news of a serious RNG bug affecting all GPG versions a low energy shitgnome campaign of apologetics and "not that bad" followed." << can i get a "The fact that hundreds of GPG keys have been Phuctored in the past year has, of course, nothing to do with all this." added ? 1526078;1471734730;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526079;1471734949;covertress;mircea_popescu, I'll elaborate when I bring his proposal, in person. 1526080;1471734976;mircea_popescu;suppose you tell whoever to go through the motions himself. 1526081;1471734992;covertress;he's too busy, atm. other clients. 1526082;1471735004;mircea_popescu;then fuck him. i specifically do not wish to hear anything he has to say. 1526083;1471735050;mircea_popescu;and that rather goes for you too : the log is here to make you less stupid. spend at least 100x as much reading it as you spend writing into it, and certainly do not eat anything in any day you've not read at least a thousand lines. 1526084;1471735052;covertress;more specifically, he cannot be seen here. 1526085;1471735098;mircea_popescu;that closes his bitcoin career then. 1526086;1471735130;covertress;imo, it diminishes yours for not agreeing to listen to his proposal. 1526087;1471735149;phf;there we go again 1526088;1471735160;mircea_popescu;covertress keep at it and you'll also get booted. 1526089;1471735193;covertress;very well, I'll say my goodnights. 1526090;1471735202;*;covertress waves goodbye to mircea_popescu 1526091;1471735219;mircea_popescu;phf it's hard, huh. 1526092;1471735414;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526002 << this is so crazy, i live in the flood plain at the end of one of the world's largest rivers, i fondly recall seeing a mosquito. six months ago. 1526093;1471735556;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526030 << ftr i haet this multi-line paste with comment thing. took me near a whole ten seconds to disentangle who said what to whom. 1526094;1471735566;mircea_popescu;also where's a111! 1526095;1471735575;phf;yeah, i just noticed :> one sec 1526096;1471735602;mircea_popescu;we'll end up with a ring of axxx's working together to mutually inhibit each other so only one thing ends in logs. like retina cells. 1526097;1471735604;mircea_popescu;we'll end up with a ring of axxx's working together to mutually inhibit each other so only one thing ends in logs. like retina cells. 1526098;1471735605;mircea_popescu;we'll end up with a ring of axxx's working together to mutually inhibit each other so only one thing ends in logs. like retina cells. 1526099;1471735615;mircea_popescu;:D 1526100;1471735617;shinohai;xD 1526101;1471735740;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526034 << why not try playing it lol. you just wanna compile thangs ? 1526102;1471735740;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 21:08 shinohai: I haven't tried Eulora build on Gentoo yet, only got one box w/gentoo 1526103;1471735811;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526043 << lol that happens to a lot of folk on a lot of topics, i hear. 1526104;1471735811;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 21:10 danielpbarron: i only feel smart about computers when i'm among people not-in-here 1526105;1471735876;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526048 << just a thing for the longterm, mod6 . gotta start thinking in v-process terms. 1526106;1471735876;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 21:17 mod6: the goal is and remains this: get the trb build infrastructure completed, once and for all. close out this portion of development with the completion of that (Makefiles) and a subsequent tying vpatch to mark the milestone. 1526107;1471735972;shinohai;+mircea_popescu why not try playing it lol. you just wanna compile thangs ? lol, this is why I stick more on trb side of things xD 1526108;1471737140;mircea_popescu;there was another guy like that. someone shjould make "compile-the rpg" 1526109;1471739048;shinohai;Just in time BingoBoingo http://archive.is/tu7Lm 1526110;1471739166;BingoBoingo;shinohai: old news 1526111;1471739187;shinohai;heh I missed that one 1526112;1471739823;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Where are the lulz in heroic jap station wagon swats pedellerast traffic nuisance? 1526113;1471740290;BingoBoingo;;;later tell covertress Why would anyone not want to be seen here? The light here is very flattering. Anyways there are only two things a person NEEDS in their life. The Most Serene Republic and Sobriety. The second one is debatable. 1526114;1471740290;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526115;1471740394;*;BingoBoingo kinda envies those who can do sobriety as a part time thing. And russians who can be sober even while drinking. 1526116;1471740455;shinohai;I tried complete sobriety and decided my life was less interesting because of it. 1526117;1471740528;BingoBoingo;Can you do controlled drinking and succeed at it? 1526118;1471740612;shinohai;Well I have a bottle or 2 of wine on occasion, then maybe not touch a drop for 2-3 months. 1526119;1471740636;shinohai;Depends on mood I guess, but I do enjoy it so I didn't want to give up *entirely* 1526120;1471740669;BingoBoingo;Or do you plan on having three beers to celebrate graduating from socialist US school only to discover you have become a Lord of the Greatest Republic. 1526121;1471740732;BingoBoingo;And fuck your two bottles of wine crap unless the wine has a name like Thunderbird, Night Train, or Sysco 1526122;1471740804;phf;russians have a concept for it, "квасить" to drink socially in a controlled manner. failure at квас is seen as a character flaw. a grownup is supposed to go be able to go at it for like 5-6 hours without the embarrassing "passing out face first into the salad" eventual outcome. when you're in your 30s, you should be able to do it for 5-6 hours, then be able to freshen up and do work, etc. 1526123;1471740804;BingoBoingo;Or you're a teenage girl. Apparently that sends quite a few spiraling towards a bottom. 1526124;1471740841;*;shinohai likes Night Train actually 1526125;1471740956;BingoBoingo;phf: At some point I had that ability and lost it later to multi day binges. That may or may not have contained 5-12 hour bouts of "civilized" drinking. 1526126;1471741024;phf;you do proper квас-ing by pacing yourself, but also eating appetizers and small meals (traditional shit like pickles or black bread or salted herring). also there are some rules, like "always go from lower abv to higher" 1526127;1471741055;phf;but yeah self control is important, and i think a lot of people who do it through their lives turn into alcoholics 1526128;1471741065;BingoBoingo;Anyways continuing to drink for me while also living in USSA at a point became unacceptable according to the risk calculator. 1526129;1471741109;shinohai;I just got tired of being a slob 1526130;1471741195;phf;for all the jokes about russian vodka drinking, the amount of "functional alcoholism" i've seen in ussa is staggering. i literally cut contact with about 70% of my friends from my 20s, because they are slob alcoholics with no self control. so it's either health nuts who don't touch the stuff (or rarely) or else it's "50 minutes of квас and then race to the bottom" crowd 1526131;1471741257;phf;also sop in i.t. "friday happy hours" at shitty bars until everyone's blacked out 1526132;1471741410;BingoBoingo;The SOP that pissed me off most was fuckers prancing around with their Dainty light beers while playing games like Beer Pong. Bitch if have that kind of muscle coordination left you ain't drinking. 1526133;1471741461;BingoBoingo;But now thank to the 12 steps I have stolen Inner Peace from my higher power, and I will curb stomp a bitch if they try to steal my serenity. 1526134;1471741494;shinohai;I never did AA, I can't buy into whole "higher power" thing. 1526135;1471741506;shinohai;But it does work for other folks, so that's good. 1526136;1471741518;mircea_popescu;re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526117 << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ELSnWybX8 1526137;1471741518;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 00:48 BingoBoingo: Can you do controlled drinking and succeed at it? 1526138;1471741524;mircea_popescu;controlled drinking into terrain. 1526139;1471741611;mircea_popescu;the song goes "uite-asa as vrea sa mor, cu paharul linga mine, cu cobzarul linga mine, intr-o crisma din obor, sa scriu cind o fi momentul cu vin rosu testamentul. sa-i tragem o betie de pomina sa fie" 1526140;1471741627;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: can not see. Apparently Youtube broke again and refuses to obey my download script. 1526141;1471741698;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Higher power is an intentionally vague term. Any of the other lords of TMSR would probably be happy to serve as your higher power if you ask nicely. 1526142;1471741735;mircea_popescu;ie, "this is how i wish to die, the glass by me, the kobza player by me, in an Obor dive, and when the time comes write my testament in red wine. let's get so drunk it shall be remembered." 1526143;1471741738;shinohai;tmsr is the closet thing to a higher power I acknowledge true 1526144;1471741821;BingoBoingo;shinohai: alf or jurov might appreciate the benefits they recieve from serving as an object of your worship just so long as you ask nicely. Both have long histories of lording. 1526145;1471741833;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: AHA, very popular genera. 1526146;1471741868;shinohai;Alf is a vengeful God, this is no better than Jehovah. 1526147;1471741888;mircea_popescu;lmao 1526148;1471742005;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Well jurov is a high quality lord. Excells at fixing things that nobody thought could be broken until alf tried using them. Jurov is a very patient lord. 1526149;1471742054;mircea_popescu;since i got this spun up, here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFduSaFmiwc 1526150;1471742067;mircea_popescu;1986 ro clone of frank sinatra, complete with juntos venceremos drip. 1526151;1471742086;mircea_popescu;no idea what's with the "i'm a professional waiter" arm position, but anywya. 1526152;1471742206;BingoBoingo;likely a holdover from other profession 1526153;1471742235;mircea_popescu;guy was huge in romania, ever since teenager. he never did anything but sing. 1526154;1471742280;BingoBoingo;Are you sure? Maybe he waited tables until sucking the right dick? Entertainment is a complex industry. 1526155;1471742291;mircea_popescu;nah, was college athlete, got injury. 1526156;1471742310;mircea_popescu;also, this is trabajadores regime. strictly no dicksucking anywhere. 1526157;1471742361;BingoBoingo;WHen has that ever stopped anyone. 1526158;1471742374;mircea_popescu;brown nosing only! 1526159;1471742447;BingoBoingo;Oh I see. A trombone oriented society. 1526160;1471742452;mircea_popescu;aha. 1526161;1471742458;mircea_popescu;in ro too, "trombonisti" 1526162;1471742519;BingoBoingo;$b 4 1526163;1471742641;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526122 << this is part and parcel of the definition of humanity, fwiw. 1526164;1471742641;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 00:53 phf: russians have a concept for it, "квасить" to drink socially in a controlled manner. failure at квас is seen as a character flaw. a grownup is supposed to go be able to go at it for like 5-6 hours without the embarrassing "passing out face first into the salad" eventual outcome. when you're in your 30s, you should be able to do it for 5-6 hours, then be able to freshen up and do work, etc. 1526165;1471742755;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526127 << actually, except for some rare strands of caucasian genetics, it WILL kill your liver. 1526166;1471742755;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 00:57 phf: but yeah self control is important, and i think a lot of people who do it through their lives turn into alcoholics 1526167;1471742770;mircea_popescu;the only thing being that life expectancy of "50 something" is too short to make it obvious. 1526168;1471742794;mircea_popescu;but if you plan to do it for 50 years instead of the usual 30-something, your liver will give out most certainly. 1526169;1471742865;mircea_popescu;anyway, re "face in salad", all the "party girl" pictures of passed out sluts are degrading NOT for the anglopuritan reasons, but strictly because these adult looking women apparently fail at being not-12. 1526170;1471742911;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526048 << just a thing for the longterm, mod6 . gotta start thinking in v-process terms. << sure thing, point taken. 1526171;1471742911;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 21:17 mod6: the goal is and remains this: get the trb build infrastructure completed, once and for all. close out this portion of development with the completion of that (Makefiles) and a subsequent tying vpatch to mark the milestone. 1526172;1471743078;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526131 << binge alcoholism and computer programming go hand in hand for some reason. 1526173;1471743078;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 01:00 phf: also sop in i.t. "friday happy hours" at shitty bars until everyone's blacked out 1526174;1471743130;*;BingoBoingo prefered quiet desk drinking as is in the logs. 1526175;1471743182;BingoBoingo;But that prolly is SOP for journalism 1526176;1471743184;mircea_popescu;anyway. i fear that the great cvas society went the way of the cafe society decades prior. people just don't get out enough / maintain social circle enough / whatever for it to wkr. 1526177;1471743187;mircea_popescu;work* 1526178;1471743279;BingoBoingo;Well that's because Facebook, dying as it is did its damage. 1526179;1471744351;BingoBoingo;Oh I almost forgot http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-2-tmr/#rf1-6320 1526180;1471744737;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the coolest thing about the inner peace deal is that when its time to flip the wrath bit, it means something. 1526181;1471745853;mircea_popescu;word. 1526182;1471747206;mircea_popescu;and in other nudes, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mccnwdVjWA1qjuse9o2_500.jpg 1526183;1471747392;shinohai;perfect 1526184;1471747602;mod6;indeed 1526185;1471748931;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo not even sure. the decay was evident in the 90s. might as well say the berlin wall falling did its damage. 1526186;1471748961;mircea_popescu;ftm, it's not even clear the cafe society was sunk by the titanic sinking or by it existing. but anyways. 1526187;1471749019;mircea_popescu;oh, and in other penis-friendly news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdesotIwvM1rl039yo1_1280.jpg 1526188;1471749930;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/nuovo-cinema-paradiso-reprint/ << Trilema - Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (reprint) 1526189;1471755793;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1526190;1471755794;gribble;Current Blocks: 426142 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1249 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 2 hours, 38 minutes, and 57 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1526191;1471771374;znort987;;;bc,stats 1526192;1471771376;gribble;Current Blocks: 426181 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1210 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 12 hours, 22 minutes, and 21 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1526193;1471771925;znort987;after the great schism, was the wot forked as well ? 1526194;1471771987;znort987;or more practically, is there a page where the wot as used in #trilema can be explored ? 1526195;1471781749;mircea_popescu;$gettrust mircea_popescu znort987 1526196;1471781749;deedbot;L1: 1, L2: 2 by 4 connections. 1526197;1471781779;mircea_popescu;that's the mechanismcurrently ; mike_c- made a visualizer but it was never updated, so it has old/assbot data. 1526198;1471781802;mircea_popescu;speaking of which... who wants to make a visualizer already ? i tried emailing the guy months ago but no answer. 1526199;1471781983;znort987;mircea_popescu: but how does one get to the comments entered along with ratings ? 1526200;1471782066;shinohai;mircea_popescu: I spoke with mod6 about a v-style wot viewer, now may be the time to expound upon said idea. 1526201;1471782316;mircea_popescu;znort987 deedbot has a json for that, lemme find it for it 1526202;1471782322;mircea_popescu;shinohai aha ? 1526203;1471782483;mircea_popescu;trinque http://wiki.deedbot.org/ 502s, how the hell did the json thing work ? 1526204;1471784541;trinque;$wot 1526205;1471784548;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/c7d250a4-e89a-419d-bf8d-79becbf8fcab/ 1526206;1471784589;trinque;hola desde Costa Rica 1526207;1471784610;trinque;also 1526208;1471784621;trinque;$reputation znort987 1526209;1471784626;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/89f32722-a4cd-47d7-a3ea-0678d1eb928a/ 1526210;1471784638;trinque;$ratings znort987 1526211;1471784639;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/a32f33a2-8f94-4704-9ac6-60d86112d283/ 1526212;1471784759;mircea_popescu;a ty! 1526213;1471784770;mircea_popescu;gotta edit the help huh. did you decide not to wiki ? 1526214;1471784777;shinohai;saludos trinque o/ 1526215;1471784794;mircea_popescu;wait wait, you're in Costa Rica ? 1526216;1471784823;shinohai;Por razon de eso no llegaste ayer. 1526217;1471784834;trinque;si hasta lunes 1526218;1471784834;mircea_popescu;ha! 1526219;1471784859;mircea_popescu;listen : go to the president cafe or w/e it'scalled, the one right across from the teatre / across the street from that park, an' take some pics. 1526220;1471784861;mircea_popescu;ill pay your tab. 1526221;1471784900;trinque;voy a reemplazar wiki de mierda con wp-mp 1526222;1471784921;trinque;k, ha, a chick on out cruise said the same 1526223;1471784941;mircea_popescu;lol 1526224;1471785004;trinque;I'm off to the rainforest for now. 1526225;1471785029;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2010/flamenco/ << in that square. 1526226;1471785057;*;shinohai hands trinque juju beads against zika 1526227;1471785098;trinque;muchas gracias mircea_popescu 1526228;1471785105;trinque;adios! 1526229;1471785110;mircea_popescu;laterz 1526230;1471785821;znort987;trinque: thx, what I was looking for. 1526231;1471787261;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-%d0%ba%d0%b2%d0%b0%d1%81-bdsm-party/ << Trilema - The квас-BDSM Party 1526232;1471791642;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9B9B0ED6921A8C15003519B16DAED0FB79CB70782F178A4DD5CE5FBDCF85C47A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 29 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Yumeomi Tanaki; ' 1526233;1471791642;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/700B8BCB736ABB90FBD44CF67F97D08BC607249723DCD55DBC2A7CD36C495D4E << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 29 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1526234;1471792677;mircea_popescu;first case of koch-gpg / openshit-ssh keys sharing a factor. pity it's such a lulzy one, HOWEVER, it does make the "sks error" nonsense just a little more lulzy. 1526235;1471794668;thestringpuller;;;seen jurov 1526236;1471794668;gribble;jurov was last seen in #trilema 1 day, 1 hour, 32 minutes, and 44 seconds ago: so far not, but i will turn it off if something arises that needs nontrivial fix 1526237;1471795454;mircea_popescu;incidentally, who still had a tardstalk account ? 1526238;1471795482;*;shinohai shinohai has krusty tardstalk account 1526239;1471795642;mircea_popescu;shinohai i need some noobs to labour for me in eulora. put a post up wherever it fits, jobs board if they have it ? saying that i'll pay 1 bitcent / 2 hours of work. first task is to get gpg key made and registered with deedbot after which install game and ask for acct. once they're in they get the first bitcent, after which they'll get tasks. 1526240;1471795712;shinohai;kk mircea_popescu ... I'll find relevant section and make up a post 1526241;1471795781;mircea_popescu;piles and piles of unskilled labour piling up. 1526242;1471795828;*;shinohai prefers writing to gaming 1526243;1471796987;thestringpuller;$s chainalysis 1526244;1471796988;a111;4 results for "chainalysis", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=chainalysis 1526245;1471797290;phf;i was following menswear scene at some point, and could never understand the obsession with italian pigeons. there's an american equivalent, which i call kanye blacks, where straight black guys dress in tight fitting over the top preppy clothes (ascots and vests in aggressive patterns are usually involved, or odd mismatched shit like http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af328/pynk747/louis-vuitton-party-pharrell-751800.jpg), but at least 1526246;1471797290;phf;here i can understand the ugh thinking. but this http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/sprezzatura-lino-ieluzzi-ranato-plutino.jpg ? in #menswear this is supposed to be the hight of male style. the fuck is wrong with these people. 1526247;1471797311;phf;*height 1526248;1471797597;shinohai;>.> 1526249;1471799143;thestringpuller;skinny jeans 1526250;1471799249;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525034 << very belated, but i got hung up on the cost of time donated and the value produced 1526251;1471799249;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 12:40 mircea_popescu: so on other news, i am writing teh republic's "cia factbook", and on the matter of gdp i would like to have an estimate of the "fair market value of the total time donated to republic during 2015" in the estimation of everyone involved. detailed is better, but nothing over a page omg. 1526252;1471799283;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525437 << do you barbarians not have the supercritical co2 process out there? 1526253;1471799283;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 17:41 thestringpuller: PeterL: partially. They use butane solvents for the initial extract on the east coast cause higher yields, but butane sucks. 1526254;1471799309;ben_vulpes;i haven't seen a vial prepared in any other way in over a year 1526255;1471799328;ben_vulpes;there are companies selling turnkey extraction systems even. 1526256;1471799571;ben_vulpes;http://www.vrlife.news/president-virtual-reality-unveils-plans-create-3-million-jobs-virtual-public-transport-ipo/ << unrelated low-dough lolz from #b-a. features an actor for president of vr, a 2.50 minimum wage, a stock market and oh man it's too good really 1526257;1471799577;ben_vulpes;pinoys in full effect. 1526258;1471799654;phf;william gibson predicted everything, i claim as far as futurists go, he's been on point for a few decades now 1526259;1471800158;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: CO2 supercritical requires a CO2 supply. 1526260;1471800170;thestringpuller;It's the _best_ way, but also triggers lots of alarms. 1526261;1471800184;thestringpuller;So scrubs resort to dirty ass butane they can get from like home depot. 1526262;1471801388;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1526263;1471801390;gribble;Current Blocks: 426230 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 1161 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 4 minutes, and 5 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1526264;1471801676;mircea_popescu;shinohai a sec 1526265;1471801695;shinohai;kk 1526266;1471801856;mircea_popescu;shinohai http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e27bc549-9ff5-49cc-86b7-fd0cd3c0c0c4/ 1526267;1471801942;mircea_popescu;phf dandys always end up faggots. it is the way of the world, ordained by orson scott welles. 1526268;1471802079;shinohai;mircea_popescu: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1592575.new#new 1526269;1471802086;mircea_popescu;curious what that yields. 1526270;1471802097;mircea_popescu;is there a reddit thing for jobz or such ? 1526271;1471802106;shinohai;I guess I'll babysit it and see if we get any bites 1526272;1471802130;mircea_popescu;aite. dun kill yourself over it. 1526273;1471802175;shinohai;nw 1526274;1471802278;shinohai;Just noticed I had used the tags, replaced with BBcode nau 1526275;1471802578;mircea_popescu;what's nw ? 1526276;1471802596;shinohai;no worries 1526277;1471802614;mircea_popescu;a cool. neways, ima be off to... well things, but ima be back in a few hours in case anyone actually shows up. ta da. 1526278;1471802630;shinohai;mkay have fun! 1526279;1471805754;danielpbarron;"Bitcoin doesn't enforce checksums at the protocol level either." << is this true? A block that includes a transaction which spends to an address with an invalid checksum can be considered valid? 1526280;1471806297;danielpbarron;http://blockscan.com/orderinfo/11934437 << lol, my CAKE holdings are apparently worth over half a bitcoin now :D 1526281;1471806479;znort987;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cbc55d07-734a-41b5-8534-bfc5a7035d33/?raw=true 1526282;1471806496;deedbot;accepted: 1 1526283;1471810374;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron afaik yes. 1526284;1471810547;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-426243.txt 1526285;1471810624;BingoBoingo; So scrubs resort to dirty ass butane they can get from like home depot. << What they don't carry CO2 at your home depot? You live in the Capital of Home Depot! 1526286;1471810764;mircea_popescu;* umoguny has quit << lol why is this shit so hard seriously nao. 1526287;1471810819;mircea_popescu;$up edw 1526288;1471810820;deedbot;edw voiced for 30 minutes. 1526289;1471810869;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/pixiedust/ 1526290;1471810910;danielpbarron;why do people go to the trouble of making burn addresses that have valid checksums if such a thing isn't enforced by consensus rules? 1526291;1471810940;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron it's enforced in the sense high-s is enforced : miners won't mine it. 1526292;1471810945;mircea_popescu;if YOU mine it however... 1526293;1471811049;BingoBoingo; why do people go to the trouble of making burn addresses that have valid checksums if such a thing isn't enforced by consensus rules? << Because you can either make baby or you can make baby but feed girl levaqin while baby is baking. 1526294;1471811074;mircea_popescu;ok, you're like the champ of bad metaphors, but that one's the worst yet. wut ?! 1526295;1471811084;danielpbarron;oh ok it wasn't just me :D 1526296;1471811120;mircea_popescu;lol 1526297;1471811140;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: levaquin and related antibiotics do the weird arm/stump/hand-ish birth defect. 1526298;1471811146;danielpbarron;so invalid address is a thing like nlock is a thing. What is the republic's take on that? I know nlock isn't well regarded, but what is the harm in rejecting invalid address? or is there no such thing as an invalid address? 1526299;1471811146;mircea_popescu;no, i know. 1526300;1471811152;mircea_popescu;it's not that i don't understand the parts. 1526301;1471811165;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron nothing wrong with rejecting invalid addresse.s 1526302;1471811174;mircea_popescu;seeing how they're oft typed by hand, it's a common courtesy. 1526303;1471811257;danielpbarron;a courtesy that might cause a block to be orphaned, i guess is the primary reason to no actually enforce it 1526304;1471811270;mircea_popescu;$up kunickis 1526305;1471811270;deedbot;kunickis voiced for 30 minutes. 1526306;1471815903;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-10-13#349821 << my how times have changed 1526307;1471815903;a111;Logged on 2013-10-13 20:09 mircea_popescu: please do. 1526308;1471815967;mircea_popescu;dun hate, the bitcoin community! is going to do things! ANY MINUTE NAO. 1526309;1471816207;ben_vulpes;the kapersky blog attempts to append to the pastebuffer with js anything copied from a page on "threatpost.com" 1526310;1471816263;mircea_popescu;dumb shit, was all the rage among a certain set a few years ago. 1526311;1471816296;mircea_popescu;in related news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbwhpzmPIW1r230ufo1_1280.jpg 1526312;1471816394;mircea_popescu;oh ben_vulpes i thought you were on about the tardstalk thing. no, i know/knew who chsados was. 1526313;1471816426;mircea_popescu;the interbitcoin was a lot tighterly knit five years ago, chiefly because much fewer "business" tards. 1526314;1471816480;ben_vulpes;ah 1526315;1471816516;BingoBoingo;More on cattle herding https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-walmart-crime/ 1526316;1471816864;mircea_popescu;ahahahaahah. ok this is just fucking precious. 1526317;1471816870;mircea_popescu;Robert Rohloff, a 34-year police veteran who has to worry about staffing, budgets, and patrolling the busiest commercial district in Tulsa, says there’s nothing funny about Walmart’s impact on public safety. He can’t believe, he says, that a multibillion-dollar corporation isn’t doing more to stop crime. Instead, he says, it offloads the job to the police at taxpayers’ expense." 1526318;1471816897;mircea_popescu;so what the fuck IS the police there for and why the fuck is a private corp's job to "fight crime" and why the everloving fuck would they pay taxes if they're supposed to fight crime on their own anwyay 1526319;1471816925;mircea_popescu;so very much http://qntra.net/2016/08/brexit-fallout-illiterate-british-justice-enacts-breach-of-european-declaration-of-human-rights-into-british-legal-precedent/ it bleeds. 1526320;1471817551;BingoBoingo;Eh, walmart lost the part of their institutional memory that contained substantial cattle herding prowess around the time they turned into the town commons 1526321;1471817684;mircea_popescu;the derping is amusing. "oh, why do these people running the CHEAPEST store not spend money like the people running not-so-cheap-stores? ???" 1526322;1471817686;mircea_popescu;duh. 1526323;1471817724;BingoBoingo;Anyways the big shift seemed to happen when they went all in on the grocery business and started eating the foodstamp racket from both ends 1526324;1471817802;mircea_popescu;at some point libtards will have to wake up to the realisation that their implementation of freedom, for all its warts, has created a bunch of idiots, who are good for nothing but to shoplift and maaaaybe assault. 1526325;1471817820;mircea_popescu;not that they'll do that if they can in any way help it, obviously. 1526326;1471817868;mircea_popescu;"oh it's walmart's fault". no bitch, it's your fault for thinking joe's daddy may not bitchslap joe's mommy, and teachers shouldn't keep a leather whip by the markbook just in case, and so on and so forth. 1526327;1471817884;mircea_popescu;"what's a markbook" 1526328;1471817887;BingoBoingo;Related idiots http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3751030/Nevada-woman-moves-Los-Angeles-DIES-day-new-hometown-falling-100-feet-cliff-trying-better-view-Pacific-Ocean.html 1526329;1471817893;phf;it'll be someone else's fault till the very end 1526330;1471817925;mircea_popescu;yeah. damn that walmart for not spending money it doesn't have and "offloading" the police's job on the police at "Taxpayers" (=walmart) expense. 1526331;1471817952;phf;pretty sure Hillary can fix it 1526332;1471817969;mircea_popescu;i thought hillary thought america is already great ? what fixing. 1526333;1471818030;mircea_popescu;might be the same big-socialist-party candidate stupid enough to run on a panglossian ticket for first term. 1526334;1471818035;mircea_popescu;i can't recall another. 1526335;1471818043;mircea_popescu;the first* not the same i mean. 1526336;1471818604;phf;asciilifeform: do you have a gnupg1 version, that can be used as a trb-like base? i want to go through an execise of reading a diff between some version that can be relied on with all the disclaimers and whatever's in the trunk 1526337;1471818859;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/turkish-wedding-wrecked-by-tween-bomber/ << Qntra - Turkish Wedding Wrecked By Tween Bomber 1526338;1471820094;mircea_popescu;phf http://deedbot.org/bundle-378272.txt 1526339;1471823865;phf;danke schön 1526340;1471824395;asciilifeform;;;later tell phf this is a good project but gnudiff is laughably dull knife for the job. see also http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1525177 . 1526341;1471824395;a111;Logged on 2016-08-19 14:56 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mod6 i came to this by attempting vdiff of gnupg 1.4.10 vs their .21 release from wednesday, and ending up with an unreadable 8MB turd, they moved/rm'd a buncha files. 1526342;1471824397;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526343;1471824433;asciilifeform;phf: koch, drepper, weimer (yes, i shit thee not, all three participated, grep for them in the credits) took great care to make this job as painful as can be. 1526344;1471824441;asciilifeform;moved files, shuffled the shit, left and right. 1526345;1471824467;asciilifeform;i sat down to sift through this rubbish on 3 separate occasions, ended up with very little useful info 1526346;1471824516;asciilifeform;but is very much worth a shot, esp. if you are prepared to run exotic (e.g., needleman-wunsch sequence alignment algo) difftrons, or the like. 1526347;1471824539;asciilifeform;or at least something that understands file movement and doesn't shit out multi-meg turds. 1526348;1471824549;mircea_popescu;eh. they're ~as ineffectual as could be. 1526349;1471824597;asciilifeform;'turkish wedding' >> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-04#1041206 1526350;1471824597;a111;Logged on 2015-03-04 06:52 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: does engl. have a catch-term for 'fatal buggery' ? 1526351;1471825041;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no need to posit effectual, this particular bit of squid ink was not difficult. 1526352;1471825056;asciilifeform;and gnudiff is just about the dullest knife imaginable. 1526353;1471825214;asciilifeform;;;later tell phf http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526025 << didja use the minus in USE ? i have apm working fine on the box whose build resulted in that posted recipe. 1526354;1471825214;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 20:43 phf: only thing i can't figure out with asciilifeform's killfile is how to get laptop to do apm related stuff. the main package depends on dbus 1526355;1471825215;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526356;1471825244;asciilifeform;( box entirely and wholly free of dbus and other poetteringism ) 1526357;1471825274;phf;asciilifeform: there's some other package like laptop-mode maybe, that has a collection of shell scripts that live on top of apm and actually make do all the sensible things 1526358;1471825305;phf;i'll boot the laptop in a few and share the relevant details for interested parties 1526359;1471825314;asciilifeform;phf: i have never used this item, cannot comment. 1526360;1471825319;asciilifeform;but do please post. 1526361;1471825381;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526079 << i watched thread and wondered how long an (allegedly) cunt-enabled ninjashogun would last in the field, vs a conventional one. seems like we have an answer. 1526362;1471825381;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 23:15 covertress: mircea_popescu, I'll elaborate when I bring his proposal, in person. 1526363;1471825397;phf;i don't remember if i got hybernate to work, but my immediate problem was abysmal battery life on literally single emacs buffer and no daemons 1526364;1471825433;asciilifeform;phf: abysmal on what ? is this a box that ever had anything like good life ? 1526365;1471825452;asciilifeform;or one of those wonders that was good for 2h when brand-new, on winblowz 1526366;1471825476;phf;x1 carbon, original owner would run ubuntu on it with ~~6h when editing text 1526367;1471825486;phf;it dropped to about 2 1526368;1471825490;asciilifeform;phf: the answer, in my experience, is typically the gpu 1526369;1471825547;phf;yeah, i think i figured out how to power down radeon and use intel, which solved some of the issues, but there's also a bunch of other peripherals, that remain powered-up even not in use, bluetooth, gsm, etc. 1526370;1471825558;asciilifeform;gsm?! 1526371;1471825559;asciilifeform;built-in ? 1526372;1471825568;asciilifeform;typically these can be killed in bios 1526373;1471825569;phf;yeah, one of few devices with such! 1526374;1471825572;asciilifeform;or even physically pulled out. 1526375;1471825590;phf;you know, i don't think i've actually checked bios come to think of it 1526376;1471825631;asciilifeform;switch off all of the genuinely-unused junk 1526377;1471825640;asciilifeform;(or, gold standard, pull the boards out, if there are such) 1526378;1471825677;phf;i'm pretty sure it's already macbook air school of engineering 1526379;1471825703;asciilifeform;phf: i have yet to find ONE single box where wifi/bluetooth and gsm are soldered down 1526380;1471825715;asciilifeform;my understanding is that this is not done for american regulatory reason 1526381;1471825723;asciilifeform;(the components have to be certified separately) 1526382;1471825761;phf;i'll give it another try. i started using it prematurely, and was basically running around looking for a powerplug at the point where i really didn't want to deal with shit like that 1526383;1471825775;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526139 << sooooooo apparently the cobza from mircea_popesculand is different instrument than the cobza from urkland. whod'vethunkit. 1526384;1471825775;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 01:06 mircea_popescu: the song goes "uite-asa as vrea sa mor, cu paharul linga mine, cu cobzarul linga mine, intr-o crisma din obor, sa scriu cind o fi momentul cu vin rosu testamentul. sa-i tragem o betie de pomina sa fie" 1526385;1471825820;mircea_popescu; https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3ACobza.ogg << like that. 1526386;1471825824;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526130 << ah usa, land of the phreeee, of the streets full of pubs with gigantic parking lots. 1526387;1471825824;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 00:59 phf: for all the jokes about russian vodka drinking, the amount of "functional alcoholism" i've seen in ussa is staggering. i literally cut contact with about 70% of my friends from my 20s, because they are slob alcoholics with no self control. so it's either health nuts who don't touch the stuff (or rarely) or else it's "50 minutes of квас and then race to the bottom" crowd 1526388;1471825825;phf;oh also i couldn't figure out how to get intel to work on x11, rather than radeon. it seems like it requires some boot time pokes, which you need hurd to execute (or else figure out how to run a random code from lilo but before kernel is loaded, etc.) 1526389;1471825895;phf;err, not hurd, of course, grub 1526390;1471825907;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526361 << i'm sure she'll be back. 1526391;1471825907;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 00:23 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1526079 << i watched thread and wondered how long an (allegedly) cunt-enabled ninjashogun would last in the field, vs a conventional one. seems like we have an answer. 1526392;1471825938;asciilifeform;with a veeeeeeeery speshul offer! 1526393;1471825940;asciilifeform;just for mircea_popescu ! 1526394;1471825958;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526366 << listen, get replacement batteries. you'll be surprised. 1526395;1471825958;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 00:24 phf: x1 carbon, original owner would run ubuntu on it with ~~6h when editing text 1526396;1471825989;mircea_popescu;even 5 yo "originals" suck when compared with good quality contempos. at least THAT much came out of usg's tesla sponsorship : the chinese now make much better batteries. 1526397;1471826120;mircea_popescu;and in other koch, drepper, weimer news : http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lbl5enj5Dm1qd2dcwo1_500.gif 1526398;1471826200;phf;asciilifeform: http://www.myfixguide.com/manual/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/thinkpad-x1-disassemble-30.jpg you're right about the gsm,wifi 1526399;1471826218;mircea_popescu;aha. 1526400;1471826220;phf;not sure i can source a custom battery though 1526401;1471826225;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1526402;1471826230;asciilifeform;phf: get yerself a spot welder 1526403;1471826233;asciilifeform;and can make your own 1526404;1471826236;asciilifeform;out of the old. 1526405;1471826240;mircea_popescu;o.O 1526406;1471826257;asciilifeform;often sold as 'tab welder' tool. 1526407;1471826274;phf;mircea_popescu: never mind, wrong on that account too 1526408;1471826276;asciilifeform;or if you have large capacitor lying around, from stereo system junk (1F and +) make your own. 1526409;1471826309;mircea_popescu;i really wouldn't advise anyone to open a li-ion shit. why the fuck would you do that, next step is go to africa root through garbage for a living. 1526410;1471826313;phf;that thing looks like an air, so i figured it was junk, internally. but it's quite reasonable. harddrive has a rapid replacement design, etc. 1526411;1471826329;asciilifeform;phf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3kwpQbVHBo << very good example 1526412;1471826333;mircea_popescu;lotta learned helplessness eh phf ? :D 1526413;1471826349;asciilifeform;^ i still want to learn where the brit got the sound track 1526414;1471826407;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the cell comes out of the plastic box and separates from the proprietary connector and monitor pcb 1526415;1471826420;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is a useful ability for folks who keep stables of genuinely old lappy 1526416;1471826428;asciilifeform;(for which there is NO chinese ready battery) 1526417;1471826432;mircea_popescu;point is that cells improved significantly in recent practice. 1526418;1471826440;mircea_popescu;and you'd be amazed, also. 1526419;1471826442;asciilifeform;aha, gut the old box and put in modern chemistry. 1526420;1471826447;asciilifeform;(li poly) 1526421;1471826452;phf;mircea_popescu: i am, i am ashamed to admit it, feel comfortable in the warm embrace of apple's unix boxes, so transitioning out has been slow and painful. 1526422;1471826513;mircea_popescu;hey, whatever works. tho in my experience apple never made usable anything. 1526423;1471826965;phf;goes back to that whole literacy thing, sort of stuck with me.. 1526424;1471827370;phf;-void disable_dotlock(void) {} 1526425;1471827376;phf;+void dotlock_disable(void) {} 1526426;1471827379;asciilifeform;ahahahahahahaha 1526427;1471827381;asciilifeform;typical. 1526428;1471827411;asciilifeform;phf: how much battery time won with ^ above ? 1526429;1471827470;phf;"Versions of GnuPG before 1.4.11 and 2.0.16 allowed to import bogus direct key signatures." 1526430;1471827514;phf;- int readonly=!!(flags&8); 1526431;1471827514;phf;+ int read_only=!!(flags&8); 1526432;1471827514;phf; 1526433;1471827566;phf;fwiw there aren't any file renames between .10 and .21, but certainly plenty of fluff like that 1526434;1471827576;asciilifeform;phf: why is my diff 8M then. 1526435;1471827577;phf;diff is still 36k of lines! 1526436;1471827620;phf;asciilifeform: because you didn't strategically apply excludes to things that harbor nazis collaborators, but still should be probably inspected separately 1526437;1471827637;asciilifeform;where did phf make the cuts ? 1526438;1471827658;phf;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5b8e6acd-160f-4c5b-b814-9fba9c66f058/?raw=true 1526439;1471827687;asciilifeform;^ reasonable. 1526440;1471827689;phf;none have code, except for bzlib that was brought into the codebase 1526441;1471827760;asciilifeform;automake is a work of evil, first thing i did when sawing off the mpi lib is to nuke it. 1526442;1471827770;asciilifeform;it is loathesome and is to die, no exceptions. 1526443;1471827775;phf;zlib was patched up, very minor patches, but somehow it was necessary to bring in example.c "usage example of the zlib compression library" 1526444;1471827863;phf;riscos.c was added "RISC OS stuff". aha. 1526445;1471827957;phf;estream-printf got a whole blob for testing added including #ifdef TEST and emacs bindings for compile-command to do rapid testing from inside the file. how hacky 1526446;1471828172;phf;oh "intl" is gettext, so that can be cut too. of course, "nazi collaborators here" disclaimer 1526447;1471828205;phf;which brings line count to 15k 1526448;1471828234;asciilifeform;phf: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1533 << see also. 1526449;1471828243;asciilifeform;(there is a newer and yet-unpublished edition of this.) 1526450;1471828452;phf;i like how they added a stub for GOST 1526451;1471828491;phf;with empty implementation file, and #error don't use this inside 1526452;1471828565;*;asciilifeform can never again think of gost cipher without thinking of maslennikov's adventures. 1526453;1471828975;phf;that's as clean as i can get it in a single pass 1526454;1471828983;phf;443K 1526455;1471829040;BingoBoingo;;;later tell asciilifeform Not quite. 1526456;1471829041;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526457;1471829054;phf;there are some clearly meat-y parts, and then there's a lot of gendered pronounce 1526458;1471829093;phf;there's also bits (like riscos.c which i think is part of zlib and dotlock*), which i think are imported/updated from external sources 1526459;1471829144;phf;i need to patch site icon on that host, it still T 1526460;1471831854;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526429 << aha 1526461;1471831854;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 00:57 phf: "Versions of GnuPG before 1.4.11 and 2.0.16 allowed to import bogus direct key signatures." 1526462;1471831868;mircea_popescu;i guess we ping Framedragger ? or let him be ? 1526463;1471831939;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526441 << likbez re diff make/automake ? 1526464;1471831939;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 01:02 asciilifeform: automake is a work of evil, first thing i did when sawing off the mpi lib is to nuke it. 1526465;1471832002;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/21/what-king-do-you-think-youre-living-like-exactly/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - What King do you think you’re living like exactly? 1526466;1471832111;asciilifeform;'automake' is the massive turd that runs when you ./configure . 1526467;1471832144;mircea_popescu;and so you don't like ./configure ? 1526468;1471832220;asciilifeform;it is 100K to 1M of mildly variated boilerplate, typically. 1526469;1471832231;asciilifeform;and often dwarfs the proggy it is trying to build. 1526470;1471832234;mircea_popescu;yes ? and the alternative is what, hand-curated perl scriptsw ? 1526471;1471832241;asciilifeform;and attempts various bogus things like 'finding your libs' 1526472;1471832242;asciilifeform;no 1526473;1471832249;asciilifeform;alternative is 1kb of 'i set lib paths here'. 1526474;1471832253;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how i'd do eulora client install w/o it. 1526475;1471832258;asciilifeform;as seen in my mpi item earlier. 1526476;1471832270;asciilifeform;and yes all kinds of folks who dun know better think 'i cannot do X without it' 1526477;1471832273;asciilifeform;sounds familiar, neh ? 1526478;1471832299;asciilifeform;thing is, 99% of what the thing does is wholly unnecessary for a given proggy. 1526479;1471832308;mircea_popescu;yes, but : currently, the compile process is NOT the most difficult part of "noob getting eulora running". (turns out, interacting with irc is. lol.) 1526480;1471832311;mircea_popescu;i dun want this to change. 1526481;1471832322;asciilifeform;but is there 'anyway' because the fungus in rms's left ear told him that a build script weighing a meg was somehow ok 1526482;1471832325;asciilifeform;and nor a mortal sin. 1526483;1471832370;asciilifeform;to see example of sane build script: 1526484;1471832374;asciilifeform;mod6's trb-builder. 1526485;1471832379;asciilifeform;witness - no automake ! 1526486;1471832384;asciilifeform;not even retardoshi had automake in bitcoin. 1526487;1471832400;mircea_popescu;well that's because automake doesn't work in visual studio. 1526488;1471832444;phf;trb builds on three systems altogether, and it's still a pita 1526489;1471832479;mircea_popescu;phf yeah. i have a problem in that i want to impose eulora as standard for republic code ; but nevertheless automake IS a humongo pile of perl. 1526490;1471832508;asciilifeform;automake is a rancid pile of shit and my first contact with any project that contains it is to shoot it in the head. 1526491;1471832527;mircea_popescu;do you understand what's being said here or just spewing ? 1526492;1471832541;phf;automake solves a bootstrapping problem in that common subtrate across all posix systems is "sh", so it's a tcl-like macro language built on top of shell. biggest problem with it (besides the typical communal retardation) is that nobody actually spends any time trying to understand it, before dismissing it 1526493;1471832568;mircea_popescu;phf i wonder if a "prune down to THIS codebase" function would be useful. 1526494;1471832588;mircea_popescu;ie, it wipes out of itself everything it doesn't actually use. 1526495;1471832609;phf;mircea_popescu: it's already in there 1526496;1471832617;mircea_popescu;aclocal or what was it ? 1526497;1471832622;mircea_popescu;or no, wait 1526498;1471832676;mircea_popescu;phf what is it ? 1526499;1471832725;phf;i'm trying to remember what the current name is (which is where community retardation comes from) but yeah, aclocal is where you spec out just the things that you need for project 1526500;1471832749;mircea_popescu;yeah but it doesn't do it by itself. it's just a macro merge thing neh ? 1526501;1471832758;asciilifeform;gpg 1.4.10 has a 'configure 800K in mass. 1526502;1471832769;phf;because configure is generated 1526503;1471832796;mircea_popescu;eulora configure.ac is 27kb ; configure however is 720k. 1526504;1471832797;asciilifeform;aha. and most of what generator outputs has 0 to do with particular program. 1526505;1471832803;phf;mircea_popescu: well, there's the primary file, where you say things "i need a c compiler for this project" 1526506;1471832807;mircea_popescu;iirc same proportions with gnupg and everything else. 1526507;1471832851;mircea_popescu;what i had in mind phf is, automake runs on project, keeps track of every bit of itself that it actually called, then inserts a pruned down version of itself somewhere, so you can ship the software with THAT instead of the whole automake. 1526508;1471832857;asciilifeform;here is a sample 2 lines from that config: 1526509;1471832858;asciilifeform; # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which 1526510;1471832858;asciilifeform; # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature. 1526511;1471832894;asciilifeform;^ where i say FUCK anyone who uses zhs. fuck people using orc glyphs. fuck anyone whose compiler is not in $CXX. automake is dead weight. 1526512;1471832898;asciilifeform;*zsh 1526513;1471832913;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it ~does something~. 1526514;1471832936;mircea_popescu;what it does is exactly this : takes a situation where "fuck 83% of people" and allows them to install w/e it is you're making. 1526515;1471832937;phf;mircea_popescu: well, there's the primary file, which is your *.ac, which using autoconf generates your ./configure Makefile.in etc. ~those~ can be shipped with project and will work out of the box 1526516;1471832948;mircea_popescu;that's how we do it currently. 1526517;1471832955;asciilifeform;it pulls paths of dependencies by bruteforce searching for various items 1526518;1471832976;asciilifeform;like so: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1523842 1526519;1471832976;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 02:48 mircea_popescu: configure: error: libgpg-error is needed. 1526520;1471833002;mircea_popescu;nah, the retardation making it ~impossible to compile gpg 2."current" has 0 to do with automake. 1526521;1471833009;asciilifeform;has everything to do with it. 1526522;1471833017;mircea_popescu;they hardwired a bad path in there and i ran outof patience before finding the right magic knob. 1526523;1471833024;asciilifeform;has to do with program being written by heathens who do not understand that ALL deps must be CARRIED ! 1526524;1471833027;asciilifeform;as trb does. 1526525;1471833030;mircea_popescu;had they properly used automake the problem wouldn't have existed. 1526526;1471833038;asciilifeform;'you use zip? fine, carry zip.' 1526527;1471833074;asciilifeform;recall mircea_popescu's '#include must die' thread ? 1526528;1471833074;mircea_popescu;phf only problem is, configure script is like 700kb. 1526529;1471833083;phf;mircea_popescu: that's pretty much how it goes. hardwired paths because "fuck automake" or patching ./configure directly or all kinds of variations on the theme 1526530;1471833091;mircea_popescu;actually ~every project of "battlefield" size seems to end up with a half mb to mb configure script. 1526531;1471833112;asciilifeform;this comes from misguided refusal to standardize the build context. 1526532;1471833127;asciilifeform;'no you may NOT build this on vms and expect support' is the correct path. 1526533;1471833133;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do you understand the population of mouthbreathers out there is mystified by webirc page ? 1526534;1471833153;asciilifeform;yes. 1526535;1471833156;mircea_popescu;well then. 1526536;1471833160;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu expects them to compile the game ? 1526537;1471833163;mircea_popescu;yes. 1526538;1471833172;mircea_popescu;hence - automake. 1526539;1471833172;asciilifeform;they will find a way to set house on fire while running ./configure. 1526540;1471833177;mircea_popescu;not so far. 1526541;1471833194;mircea_popescu;so far the major problem is irc usage ; and gpg/deedbot a very distant second. 1526542;1471833201;asciilifeform;y'know, 'distribute exe' is ~even easier~ on the n00bz and rubes, but mircea_popescu doesn't do this. 1526543;1471833207;mircea_popescu;ie, anything that's different from the variety of keymashing they're used to from "work" 1526544;1471833217;mircea_popescu;i sort-of do yes. via jurov 1526545;1471833245;mircea_popescu;http://minigame.bz/jurov/ < 1526546;1471833263;asciilifeform;automake works when very carefully used, but the result is a massive turd that is autogenerated, that NO ONE will ever read, and does ???. with 10,001 system-specific #ifdef's. 1526547;1471833280;mircea_popescu;yes. 1526548;1471833290;mircea_popescu;on the other hand, it allows derps to build. 1526549;1471833292;asciilifeform;this is part 'i just wanted to!' if you like, but in no conceivable universe 'republican standard for code.' 1526550;1471833307;*;mircea_popescu being the derps in question nine cases out of ten. no fucking way am i going to chase obscure deps on your obscure project. 1526551;1471833310;asciilifeform;i hear microshit studio is even better at 'allow derps to build 1526552;1471833315;asciilifeform;wanna switch to that..? 1526553;1471833328;asciilifeform;don't chase deps ! 1526554;1471833333;asciilifeform;distribute with the proggy. 1526555;1471833335;asciilifeform;as trb does. 1526556;1471833345;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1526557;1471833356;mircea_popescu;so what am i goingto do, compile nvidia driver ? 1526558;1471833361;mircea_popescu;har har. 1526559;1471833361;asciilifeform;we already have a working example of 'sane proggy, sane build system.' 1526560;1471833369;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: automake doesn't build the gpu driver. 1526561;1471833373;phf;trb's build system is not sane 1526562;1471833374;mircea_popescu;your sane proggy does ~nothing. certainly no graphs. 1526563;1471833393;mircea_popescu;phf why ? 1526564;1471833621;phf;it doesn't satisfy our own requirements of fits in head, it goes through a rube goldberg machine in order to produce a specific build for a specific system. "mac os x? fuck you. openbsd? fuck you". it doesn't succeed at own goal of producing bit identical builds. 1526565;1471833645;asciilifeform;and i ain't ever signing GENERATED code. not for love nor money. 1526566;1471833662;asciilifeform;not unless i READ it, and i will not read 800KB of boilerplate sh crapolade. 1526567;1471833718;mircea_popescu;i... signed base64'd matter. 1526568;1471833745;mircea_popescu;seems pure fetishism. "i'm not signing generated code" well... yousigned ... your signature didn;t you ? 1526569;1471833751;mircea_popescu;if you know what the generator does, what's the problem. 1526570;1471833753;asciilifeform;automake stinks, and not a hearty, productive stink, like diesel engines of a maersk tanker, but the stink of liquishit in the diaper of profoundly retarded teenager smearing all over padded cell. 1526571;1471833784;phf;"i don't like it" 1526572;1471833798;mircea_popescu;the metaphor breaks down on / depends on not noticing that IT DELIVERS. 1526573;1471833805;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: go an' try reading the generator. 1526574;1471833811;asciilifeform;then see what you think. 1526575;1471833812;mircea_popescu;yeswell. 1526576;1471833825;asciilifeform;visual shitudio ALSO 'delivers'. 1526577;1471833827;mircea_popescu;that part's not so much in dispute. methinks i said above. 1526578;1471833836;phf;hence we have buildroot, equally unsigned, pretty sure ~nobody~ here read all of it, or relevant parts for the build system 1526579;1471833847;asciilifeform;phf: this is also a problem. 1526580;1471833855;mircea_popescu;phf iirc he put a historical version in deedbot neh ? 1526581;1471833857;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did you ? 1526582;1471833872;asciilifeform;but notice, i never picked up a microphone and proclaimed 'buildroot will be part of a republican standard for code' 1526583;1471833887;mircea_popescu;ah, to clarify : i do not mean "automake". i mean the process. 1526584;1471833896;asciilifeform;which process ? 1526585;1471833902;mircea_popescu;this thing whereby noob sits down, pastes four commands off wiki, gets working game. every time. 1526586;1471833908;asciilifeform;this is an illusion. 1526587;1471833909;mircea_popescu;i dun care what the lines are per se. 1526588;1471833917;asciilifeform;like all stage magic, it is satisfying when it works. 1526589;1471833923;mircea_popescu;it so far works. 1526590;1471833929;asciilifeform;but there is not, in our universe, actual magic. 1526591;1471833944;asciilifeform;there is only 'thus far the users happened to have the correct deps'. 1526592;1471833953;mircea_popescu;this thing works. and it works in a very messy environment - gfx drivers, a raft of dependencies, etc. 1526593;1471833958;asciilifeform;perhaps because of the dire monoculture of african linux, perhaps not, i have nfi who has been building 1526594;1471833960;mircea_popescu;not so, the deps are actually enumerated. 1526595;1471833973;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if the thing uses opengl, it doesn't care about gpu driver 1526596;1471833980;mircea_popescu;oh but it does. 1526597;1471833993;*;asciilifeform brb, alcohol 1526598;1471834005;mircea_popescu;oh what sweet delusion, "opengl will handle things for you". 1526599;1471834120;phf;there's also a dozen of different "opengl" 1526600;1471834273;mircea_popescu;in any case, the whole discussion is about "something like automake" in the sense of "gimme magic" 1526601;1471834447;phf;automake is distinctly not magic. it's a text interpolation macro system. i'm pretty sure there's not even a tree shaker there (i.e. if you check for gcc, you check for gcc every time something says "i need gcc". only reason it's not done a dozen of times is because there's also a check "did i check for gcc already?". never the less all those dozen gcc checks end up in ./configure) 1526602;1471834511;mircea_popescu;phf question is why wasn't it made saner. 1526603;1471834584;mircea_popescu;i don't even understand why does it parse rather than compile, for instance. seems a very nutty design decision. 1526604;1471834633;phf;afaiu it's because of subtrate problem. there are some programs that are specified in posix, so they are going to be on every system. sh, m4, already compiled by vendor. 1526605;1471834642;mircea_popescu;so ? 1526606;1471834664;mircea_popescu;rather than "read line, check if we checked, check" wouldn't it be saner to "read all lines, create list of checks, check list" ? 1526607;1471834696;phf;so you either rely on those, or you have a chicken and egg problem (how do i compile c without knowing how to compile c) 1526608;1471834709;mircea_popescu;i don;t follow. 1526609;1471834710;phf;programming in sh/m4 combination is not a sane thing 1526610;1471834805;phf;well, so sh/m4 are dumb. one is a very primitive programming language (no portable notion of arrays for example, so "read all lines" "create a list" is not a straightforward thing), the other one is a templating language 1526611;1471834820;mircea_popescu;let's work with an abstract example. suppose there's project X, which can for the purpose of configure be reduced to a list of n lines, whereby each line produces a dependency from the list of D1- D5 by the criterion that line# mod 5. so a sane autoconf will read the whole list, produce a list reading "d1, d2, d3, d4, d5" and then proceed to check these. once. five fucking checks, five lines of checking. 1526612;1471834868;mircea_popescu;and sure, maybe d1 = "need to compile c code" in which case "check for d1" means "do we have a way to compile c code on this system ? ok, what is it ? and how is it invoked ? ok here we go then :" 1526613;1471834918;phf;need to compile c code is already about 50 checks (do have "NULL"? do we have "malloc"?), but i follow 1526614;1471834928;mircea_popescu;so it's 50 checks. whatever it may be. 1526615;1471834960;mircea_popescu;basically, seems to me most, or at least a good chunk of autoconf problems as described by alf come from the fact that it tries to parse, rather than compile. in the abstract sense of these terms. 1526616;1471834975;mircea_popescu;and parsing is uniquely inadequate for its task. in fact, its task is more adequate to compiling than c code is. 1526617;1471834992;mircea_popescu;which really, isn't also parsed in the way lisp is also parsed because people are emotionally attached, and no other reason. 1526618;1471835002;mircea_popescu;heck, gcc is not much better than a three pass parser most of the time. 1526619;1471835056;phf;i think the reason is that the sh/m4 combo is particularly well suited for what you call parsing. really it's very well suited at "expanding code". it's wholly inadequate for building compilers 1526620;1471835221;phf;there are no arrays. you literally don't get better storage than "text in a variable". there's very limited math. even expressing something simple "do this n times" is pain. 1526621;1471835283;phf;neither were designed for programming, sh is rudimentary even by bash standards. on linux sh is linked to bash, but elsewhere you might actually encounter a barely posix take on it. 1526622;1471835301;phf;hence asciilifeform's "don't compile this on VMS" comment. 1526623;1471835344;phf;but fwiw even if openbsd, say, will give you a similar compilation environment, it's not going to give you bash out of the box. it's ksh, so you're back to "least common sh denominator" 1526624;1471835508;phf;i say it's a chicken and egg problem, because you know you can get vendor versions of posix tools (and then still reduce the available "language" even more, by taking away some features that might be missing in nominally posix sh on some obscure system), but you can't really do anything else, until you established some truths about your environment 1526625;1471835547;phf;new takes on build systems suffer, because they rely on high level languages. and if your vendor didn't provide you with perl or python, you're back to squire one "how do i compile my build system on this machine" 1526626;1471835561;phf;*square 1526627;1471835780;mircea_popescu;ok, but i mean... so we drive nails with screwdriver because that's what we got. 1526628;1471835788;mircea_popescu;of course the process and its result will be horrifying. 1526629;1471835794;phf;exactly 1526630;1471835857;mircea_popescu;but it is evident the blame isn't autoconf's per se. 1526631;1471835863;phf;but autoconf being at the subtrate level is testament to "unix won", its purpose to give you details about "what's unix" given the tools that are available at the most abstract level of unixness 1526632;1471835874;mircea_popescu;and trying to implement a "better" autoconf, even "by hand", will not result in anything better 1526633;1471835897;mircea_popescu;except it will appear to, for a briefd interval at first. then it will create friction between purists and inclusionists, which is just about as dumb drama as livejournal disputes. 1526634;1471836084;phf;i think at best it could be trimmed down, but i think even that's doable by limiting the number of m4 macros used for includes. or perhaps being very specific with what you want. "i need gcc 4" will necessarily be less messy than "i need a c compiler", considering that most of the time the program is not ready to deal with wide range of compilers anyway 1526635;1471836107;mircea_popescu;yes, but that kills you because rando will have gcc 5 1526636;1471836193;phf;well, since asciilifeform's not here "let them eat nagant! wake me up when less stupid people!" 1526637;1471836199;mircea_popescu;in other, unrelated-ish sad : to this day, "web development" has no javascript tree shaker. 1526638;1471836256;mircea_popescu;phf once management has put compatibility on your list of targets, you can say that all you want, best done in a mutter under own beard. 1526639;1471836325;phf;fwiw trb and eulora have opposite goals as far as exposure 1526640;1471836331;mircea_popescu;yup. 1526641;1471836341;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with this. but also no solution to problem. 1526642;1471836416;phf;i think crystal whatever is particularly nasty take on autoconf, probably one of the best examples in support of asciilifeform's rants. 1526643;1471836424;mircea_popescu;yep. 1526644;1471836436;mircea_popescu;ironically, it is also one of the most solid parts of the entire codebase. 1526645;1471836460;phf;only worse autoconf build i've seen was clisp, but in the later case it was written by one of autoconf authors, so while it was elaborate it was at the very least sane 1526646;1471836528;mircea_popescu;anyway ; it's evident that in the future republican code will have one of the two possible profiles (trb-like ; eulora-like), not necessarily one, and certainly not necessarily the former. 1526647;1471836536;phf;do you know if my changes were integrated into the release? because last time i checked the build wasn't doing autoconf, but simply using patches generated scripts. 1526648;1471836575;mircea_popescu;phf eulora can't pull current cs because they fucked it up. so i wouldn't know. 1526649;1471836577;phf;i went through the whole exercise of rebuilding the scripts from their respective ac files 1526650;1471836640;phf;by changes i mean the homebrew build patches. pretty sure i said something about "please look at them patches" in #eulora, probably to jurov or diana_coman. i highly doubt it was done, so more suffering on their part :> 1526651;1471836665;mircea_popescu;oh. isn't that os/x specific ? 1526652;1471836677;mircea_popescu;diana_coman did we eat that up or what happened do you recall ? 1526653;1471836686;phf;nah, those patches were crossplatform by design 1526654;1471836709;mircea_popescu;in truth we've been working on all sorts of things other than build process for months nao. 1526655;1471836751;phf;right 1526656;1471844291;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform brb, alcohol << AHA, S.MG is driving alf closer to rehab! 1526657;1471844373;BingoBoingo; ok, but i mean... so we drive nails with screwdriver because that's what we got. << In that case skip nail and drive in screwdriver. Better load bearing ability, usually... 1526658;1471844430;BingoBoingo; i think crystal whatever is particularly nasty take on autoconf, probably one of the best examples in support of asciilifeform's rants. << Nah, "Monero" is far worse because of what it supposes to be. 1526659;1471844662;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5075 1526660;1471845204;BingoBoingo;http://www.slate.com/blogs/five_ring_circus/2016/08/21/the_olympics_wrestling_controversy_that_led_a_mongolian_coach_to_remove.html 1526661;1471850407;diana_coman;phf mircea_popescu I think that was probably before my time really 1526662;1471850424;diana_coman;I'll search the logs to find phf's pointer and have a look at it 1526663;1471853172;diana_coman;phf, this is all I found, back before my time indeed: http://logs.minigame.bz/2015-08-15.log.html#t18:47:02 and http://logs.minigame.bz/2015-08-29.log.html#t19:13:13 1526664;1471858327;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525876 << you conveniently omitted that 4 of 5 cases the mutilations was client-side 1526665;1471858327;a111;Logged on 2016-08-20 14:28 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525860 << email mutilation 1526666;1471858394;jurov;and www-hopper won't change much about insane clients 1526667;1471858509;jurov;it can stay as a historical record, but it's currently frozen with #b-a wot and redoing wot synchronization is exactly such kind of nontrivial change 1526668;1471865273;jurov;re: eulora build system. last i saw it still carried crap like --with-hunspell . And when i tried to add configure option for ecl support.. i just gave up, it uses jam with poorly documented custom CS extensions. 1526669;1471865314;jurov;it's all much worse than just "generates big configure turds" 1526670;1471866183;jurov;noone can't ever use vanilla autotools and ftjam as documented. it's absolute necessity to prove own intelligence and DRY-adherence by creatively rigging the build system. 1526671;1471872655;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1591411 1526672;1471872662;asciilifeform;'systemd-logind must be restarted every ~1000 SSH logins to prevent a ~25 second delay' 1526673;1471872744;shinohai;When is someone finally gonna kill systemd and bury it deep. 1526674;1471873172;jurov;When there will be new shiny thing in rust or something 1526675;1471873247;asciilifeform;https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1961 << a thing of 'beauty' : 1526676;1471873257;asciilifeform;'OK, so I figured out one part of the puzzle I think: dbus-daemon is broken handling incoming messages where there's first a message without auxiliary fd in the socket buffer, which is then immediately followed by one with auxiliary fd. The kernel will already return the auxiliary fd with the first message, and dbus-daemon takes that as broken message and will abort the connection.' -- poettering. 1526677;1471873501;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526664 << i never found a sane client.. 1526678;1471873501;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 09:32 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-20#1525876 << you conveniently omitted that 4 of 5 cases the mutilations was client-side 1526679;1471873529;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526667 << is it really so hard to replace the pubkeys wherever they were kept, with your current v set ? 1526680;1471873529;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 09:35 jurov: it can stay as a historical record, but it's currently frozen with #b-a wot and redoing wot synchronization is exactly such kind of nontrivial change 1526681;1471873566;jurov;well, the v set is like 5 people 1526682;1471873577;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526668 << i have not, to date, attempted to build and run eulora, i wonder what 'wonderful surprises' await. 1526683;1471873577;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 11:27 jurov: re: eulora build system. last i saw it still carried crap like --with-hunspell . And when i tried to add configure option for ecl support.. i just gave up, it uses jam with poorly documented custom CS extensions. 1526684;1471873589;asciilifeform;jurov: aha, and those are the 5 people who have any business patching trb. 1526685;1471873593;asciilifeform;presently. 1526686;1471873654;asciilifeform;the other option of course is to do it as mircea_popescu described, and to have NO canonical vpatch repo at all, and 'every man for himself.' 1526687;1471873737;asciilifeform;then again, he argued - imho very successfully - against a canonical ~tree~, not against www which shows all known vpatches in tree form 1526688;1471873746;asciilifeform;(the latter was already implemented by phf and worx great) 1526689;1471873822;shinohai;I like phf's setup, it is simple to go in and find which patches I need/don't need. 1526690;1471873940;asciilifeform;shinohai: it is almost exactly the thing i imagined when first wrote 'v'. 1526691;1471873951;jurov;interesting, so the consesnus is apparently wot does not mean anything anymore and i should curate gpg keys manually? 1526692;1471873976;asciilifeform;jurov: no, but that it is better than letting the thing rust solid 1526693;1471874042;asciilifeform;it isn't as if assbot-l1 wasn't a manually-curated artifact. 1526694;1471874050;asciilifeform;it was not in any ordinary sense 'wot'. 1526695;1471874059;asciilifeform;was a manual cut of wot. 1526696;1471874068;asciilifeform;by 1 (2?) people. 1526697;1471874109;asciilifeform;i dun have a problem with this, but it is important to remember how it worked. 1526698;1471874120;asciilifeform;and how present-day item works. 1526699;1471874192;asciilifeform;so jurov's complaint rather resembles 'so consensus is that washing machines are useless and wtf, i have to clean this rifle manually ?' 1526700;1471874389;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526615 << my complaint is that it adds a meg of UNREADABLE and - largely UNTESTABLE (i do not have a VMS box, nor a machine with zsh or ksh, nor do i intend to , and i REFUSE to sign code that claims to run there , srsly wtf omfg) - and that it introduces massive turd, useless language m4, go and learn it, read the implementation 1526701;1471874389;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 03:02 mircea_popescu: basically, seems to me most, or at least a good chunk of autoconf problems as described by alf come from the fact that it tries to parse, rather than compile. in the abstract sense of these terms. 1526702;1471874397;asciilifeform;srsly it is not enough that we have the gnudiff turd baked in ? 1526703;1471874404;asciilifeform;i would like to get rid of THAT also. 1526704;1471874407;asciilifeform;it all must burn. 1526705;1471874465;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526624 << this, as all attempts to solve a 'tv raft' problem, is EVIL. 1526706;1471874465;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 03:11 phf: i say it's a chicken and egg problem, because you know you can get vendor versions of posix tools (and then still reduce the available "language" even more, by taking away some features that might be missing in nominally posix sh on some obscure system), but you can't really do anything else, until you established some truths about your environment 1526707;1471874496;asciilifeform;aaaaaaaand log is down. 1526708;1471874507;asciilifeform;aaaaand up. lol. 1526709;1471874520;asciilifeform;raft: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-18#1524864 1526710;1471874520;a111;Logged on 2016-08-18 22:32 asciilifeform: 'The situation is somewhat akin to a retarded girlfriend trying to flood your apartment, that not only opens all the faucets and stops all the drains, but also takes the "extremely clever" measure of puncturing the water pipes, so she can then preciously inform you that "turning off the faucets won't help" and you must work with her to somehow create a raft out of your widescreen TV so as to navigate the marshy terrain that used to b 1526711;1471874528;jurov;eh, i'm in no mood to discuss deeper, whatever 1526712;1471874630;jurov;you always use the most immaterial point and use it as counterargument "phee jurov doesn't want to clean his guns manually" 1526713;1471874653;asciilifeform;jurov: all i say is that presently we dun have a rifle-cleaning machine to give to jurov. 1526714;1471874675;asciilifeform;the fella who was in charge of this, vanished 1526715;1471874677;asciilifeform;;;seen mike_c 1526716;1471874678;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #trilema 16 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 3 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: at least you won the 'most famous mircea popescu' award - https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mircea+popescu 1526717;1471874742;asciilifeform;and yes, if jurov does not roll up his sleeves, and do the painful cleaning, it will rust and eventually no longer fire. 1526718;1471874755;asciilifeform;in fact, i'm pretty sure that i would not be able to submit a patch to turdatron presently. 1526719;1471874765;asciilifeform;(my subkey expires every year.) 1526720;1471874824;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526632 << this is entirely correct. the 'problem' which autoconf pretends (yes, pretends) to 'solve', is EVIL 1526721;1471874824;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 03:17 mircea_popescu: and trying to implement a "better" autoconf, even "by hand", will not result in anything better 1526722;1471874864;asciilifeform;if you want to 'include derps' (and the result will be EVERY bit as ugly as every other occasion when someone insisted on attempt to 'include' them) distribute binaries. 1526723;1471874920;asciilifeform;building a large proggy is intrinsically an act for literate hands, and trying to change this, will lead to no good. 1526724;1471876558;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo https://twitter.com/feministPLT << parody ? 1526725;1471876558;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526726;1471876720;asciilifeform;in other 'news', this, apparently, exists : https://twitter.com/NSAGov 1526727;1471876779;shinohai;lol they even have `NSACareers` account 1526728;1471877247;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/gnupg/devel/68250 << gpg lulz. 1526729;1471877247;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526730;1471877306;asciilifeform;'Once you have a key with a given 64-bit keyid in your keychain, GnuPG will not import any other key with the same 64-bit keyid. Even if you specify the new key by fingerprint.' 1526731;1471877662;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Likely not parody. Insufficient followers. 1526732;1471877691;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-37152665 << noose lulz 1526733;1471877700;asciilifeform;'Andy Darken of the Prison Officers' Association said the prison service "doesn't really have the resources, means or indeed the know how yet of how to deal with the problem".' 1526734;1471878374;BingoBoingo;news'd http://qntra.net/2016/08/no-arrests-in-drug-drone-prison-crash-and-mid-flight-seizure/ 1526735;1471878604;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/no-arrests-in-drug-drone-prison-crash-and-mid-flight-seizure/ << Qntra - No Arrests In Drug Drone Prison Crash And Mid-Flight Seizure 1526736;1471878878;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526670 << yeah, it works but seems pretty dangerous for the future. 1526737;1471878878;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 11:43 jurov: noone can't ever use vanilla autotools and ftjam as documented. it's absolute necessity to prove own intelligence and DRY-adherence by creatively rigging the build system. 1526738;1471878901;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/08/no-arrests-in-drug-drone-prison-crash-and-mid-flight-seizure/#comment-67856 1526739;1471878917;mircea_popescu;but i think a large-ish part of hte problem is that build process per se is not actually specified. 1526740;1471878941;mircea_popescu;much like the bloviating bovines / paul biggars of the world perceive bitcoin to be "a safe space for their creativity" or somesuch, similarly build process. 1526741;1471878977;mircea_popescu;so it attracts a certain sort of stupid, not just in the sense of "a certain sort of stupid people", but actually a certain sort of stupid OUT OF people, even normally intelligent ones. 1526742;1471878998;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is because it is a broken-fauced-water-raft. 1526743;1471879002;asciilifeform;*faucet 1526744;1471879027;asciilifeform;i.e. tries to paper over the 10,001 under- and un- specified 'systemwide-installed' deps. 1526745;1471879034;mircea_popescu;possibly. or alternately because nobody ever said "do it like this or i will fuck your children with many tiny bottle openers. in the eyes." 1526746;1471879062;asciilifeform;well the latter. and this would include 'either EVERY supported box has it LIKE-SO, or you bundle it with the proggy. no exceptions.' 1526747;1471879109;mircea_popescu;aha. in fact i suspect both issues are present, and reciprocally reinforcing. 1526748;1471879112;mircea_popescu;for good or bad. 1526749;1471879235;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526687 << yes. 1526750;1471879235;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 13:48 asciilifeform: then again, he argued - imho very successfully - against a canonical ~tree~, not against www which shows all known vpatches in tree form 1526751;1471879243;mircea_popescu;this'd be exactly it. 1526752;1471879339;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526691 << the "consensus" is that if you're unwilling to follow the proper wot and wish to import random strange from whenever, you're stuck handcurating gpg keys manually. 1526753;1471879339;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 13:52 jurov: interesting, so the consesnus is apparently wot does not mean anything anymore and i should curate gpg keys manually? 1526754;1471879369;jurov;and wtf is proper wot? 1526755;1471879384;mircea_popescu;the consensus in my head also is that if you keep with this whiny anal child subversive bullshit i'll bitchslap you so far up your mother's ass friends and family won't be able to reassemble the pieces. 1526756;1471879402;jurov;wtf is proper wot? 1526757;1471879408;jurov;go on, bitchslap 1526758;1471879448;mircea_popescu;the irresistible lure of teh derpage ffs. 1526759;1471879487;asciilifeform;jurov: is it in some way unclear who has business submitting patches ? 1526760;1471879525;jurov;Yes it is. 1526761;1471879548;mircea_popescu;no dude, znort hasn't been following along is perfectly able to resolve this problem ; jurov has been around since forever "doesn't know" how to ask. here, follow the noob, mayhap you learn something : http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526230 1526762;1471879548;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 13:23 znort987: trinque: thx, what I was looking for. 1526763;1471879570;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: znort went off into heathendom 1526764;1471879575;asciilifeform;'resolving' 'problems' aha. 1526765;1471879579;asciilifeform;just the other day. 1526766;1471879590;asciilifeform;is being 'helped' by kako as we speak, likely. 1526767;1471879612;mircea_popescu;i dun care for the content, tbh. form will carry this matter all the way it needs to go. 1526768;1471879682;jurov;and what do i do with output of $wot ? 1526769;1471879692;jurov;znort indeed did not resolve anything 1526770;1471879698;asciilifeform;jurov: related - i shit thee not - http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3agpo4 . 1526771;1471879707;asciilifeform;re 'unclear who has business'. 1526772;1471879747;mircea_popescu;a) you see who deedbot trusts. that is called the l1. b) you see who l1 trusts. that is called the l2. 1526773;1471879755;mircea_popescu;this, srsly, is new material ? 1526774;1471879784;jurov;alf says something different 1526775;1471879794;asciilifeform;rly? 1526776;1471879807;jurov;only 5 ppl are in deedbot l2 ? 1526777;1471879807;mircea_popescu;no, not really, but "creating the controversy" might "help". 1526778;1471879826;asciilifeform;jurov: am i mistaken that classical turdatron was an l1 device ? 1526779;1471879836;jurov;no it was l2 1526780;1471879842;asciilifeform;then i stand corrected. 1526781;1471879846;asciilifeform;but it really oughta be l1. 1526782;1471879847;mircea_popescu;the whole nonsense unpleasantly reminds me of that sf story about a socialist future where people got "handicaps" to match their intelligence, lest they're smarter than their stupid parents / the runts in the litter. 1526783;1471879856;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'harrison bergeron' 1526784;1471879859;asciilifeform;k. vonnegut 1526785;1471879871;mircea_popescu;jurov is smart kid, gotta have some ankle weights of stupid and loud noises in inner ear lest he doesn't fit in with the idiots he originally originated with anymore. 1526786;1471879876;asciilifeform;i read it as a boy, it was brainmelting 1526787;1471879876;mircea_popescu;it's a sore sight and naught else. 1526788;1471879879;asciilifeform;'this is reality' 1526789;1471879890;mircea_popescu;whenever it is a reality i blame the mother. 1526790;1471879902;mircea_popescu;woman's ONLY task is to protect her male offspring from this. 1526791;1471879917;mircea_popescu;do that and let them starve, it'll count as a job well done. 1526792;1471880005;asciilifeform;i'd rather like to know what it is that is actually bothering jurov. (could hazard a guess, but would rather not) 1526793;1471880027;jurov;yes i did have handicap. because i did not ever get SANE answer "why our supposed betters ever contemplated sending zerofee tx" 1526794;1471880044;jurov;sorry, the doubt is crippling 1526795;1471880054;jurov;dunno if my mother has anything with that 1526796;1471880556;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1526797;1471880628;asciilifeform;jurov: what would 'sane answer' look like, in your mind ? 1526798;1471880643;jurov;"i made a mistake" 1526799;1471880667;asciilifeform;jurov: do you recall the lightoller paper ? 1526800;1471880714;jurov;he did not insist chinese sank titanic 1526801;1471880727;asciilifeform;jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-14#921826 << thread. 1526802;1471880727;a111;Logged on 2014-11-14 19:44 mircea_popescu: maybe. 1526803;1471880751;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is "sane answer" to be established via regexp with given string is what i want to know. 1526804;1471880818;asciilifeform;jurov: fwiw, my own btctron is configured ~exactly like (we infer) mircea_popescu's was - very 'old' coins are sent 0fee. 1526805;1471880916;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a) yes i do "manual payments" ; this however does not mean i create the txn by hand. i'd think this'd be obvious ; b) any and all, this and all sorts of other resources are used to establish things about the network. i am, for the record, THE FIRST, and also for years THE ONLY both systematically sending txnfees "not needed" and pushing for others to do so. it is utterly not because i'm trying to shave pennies t 1526806;1471880917;mircea_popescu;hat i'd do such a thing. 1526807;1471880937;mircea_popescu;i'd guess a and esp b should be obvious. if they aren't obvious, the problem is almost certainly not what's stated. 1526808;1471880963;asciilifeform;i dun think anyone was imagining mircea_popescu creating tx on grid paper, with pencil, no. 1526809;1471880989;mircea_popescu;yes, the proposition that "sane answer" === "i made a mistake" necessarily implies that as a precursor. 1526810;1471881051;jurov;i am now matching mircea's answers against regexp? that was really clever retort. 1526811;1471881059;mircea_popescu;and for the record, the reason we don't have an obnoxiously impudent mining cartel today is almost entirely due to that root, and its fruit. 1526812;1471881076;mircea_popescu;accept that or don't, i dun particularly care nor does in fact have any effects. but history is history, rather than fantasy. 1526813;1471881258;asciilifeform;(incidentally, it was never wholly clear to me why 0fee tx was ever a thing.) 1526814;1471881305;asciilifeform;it is really part of the major gap in the design, where ~nodes~ pay eternally for disk footprint, but ~miner~ gets the fee 1526815;1471881315;shinohai;^ 1526816;1471881329;mircea_popescu;best i can discern two things : 1) derp wanted to discourage old coinbases accumulating (had intuition about the blockchain bloat didn't want to address or know how to) ; 2) fees would have been HUGE early on without this, as in, "fuck you, you wanna transact it's 50 cents. i dun care your 1k btc is enough for a pizza slice ie 2 bux" 1526817;1471881371;mircea_popescu;so might well have been forced mistake because of 2, even if in all likeliness satoshi put it in because of 1 1526818;1471881397;mircea_popescu;(which, incidentally, is an antipattern of software irl that's very fucking often visible. tech wants to do a "Stupid" thing for a stupid reason ; management lets them for an entirely different reason) 1526819;1471881413;asciilifeform;encouraging movement of coin 'for the sake of movement' leads to ~moar~ bloat, via 'utxo' frag effect, rather than less... 1526820;1471881427;mircea_popescu;you srsly think this was modelled worth a crap in 2009 ? 1526821;1471881439;mircea_popescu;90% of btc pre 0.4 is intuition by mas. 1526822;1471881442;mircea_popescu;mass* 1526823;1471881942;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has a point, if shitoshi had ~modelled~ anything, he may well have junked the whole thing and - not necessarily published anything at all. 1526824;1471881944;asciilifeform;bitcoin as it is reminds me, more than anything, of the french aerial machine gun during ww1 1526825;1471881944;asciilifeform;where several pilots had actually died via shooting out own propeller 1526826;1471881944;asciilifeform;and the solution was somehow seen as 'make armoured propeller' 1526827;1471881965;mircea_popescu;i don't necessarily dispute that he THOUGHT about it for many years. but there's a profound difference between these two things. psychological first of all. 1526828;1471881966;asciilifeform;and it took a german to arrive at something like an actual solution (sync gear for the gun bolt) 1526829;1471881978;phf;teh log, it never stops 1526830;1471882090;mircea_popescu;this is the log. there are many like it, but this one is good. it is your best friend. it is your life. you must read it like you read your wife. 1526831;1471882156;phf;diana_coman: i think i didn't say enough on the subject. the core of what i did in order to get it to build on mac os x is fix autoconf scripts, if i revisit mac os x build in a couple of weeks, i'll try and provide a portable patch 1526832;1471882246;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526708 << i had nothing to do with this, for all i know it's lizard hitler's a111 1526833;1471882246;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 14:01 asciilifeform: aaaaand up. lol. 1526834;1471882254;mircea_popescu;o.O 1526835;1471882296;asciilifeform;phf: interestingly, it was 404 for about half a minute. 1526836;1471882297;phf;dat latency, digitalocean has been running on a generator and a modem past few days i think 1526837;1471882305;asciilifeform;not ping dead, no 1526838;1471882307;asciilifeform;actual 404 pg. 1526839;1471882308;phf;:o 1526840;1471882324;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the only thing i can think re "digitalocean" is that place in the pacific where there's a trillion little bits of plastic, ground down by wind and sun over the decades. 1526841;1471882324;diana_coman;phf, sounds cool 1526842;1471882333;mircea_popescu;you know, discrete-ized ocean. 1526843;1471882344;asciilifeform;(what does phf's wwwtronics stack do when there is no available worker? or how does it work) 1526844;1471882357;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i thought it was called 'rubbish island' 1526845;1471882358;mircea_popescu;phf they prolly put you behind cloudflare/homebrewed equivalent as a service or somesuch. 1526846;1471882362;mircea_popescu;$up Twix 1526847;1471882362;deedbot;Twix voiced for 30 minutes. 1526848;1471882380;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "north pacific gyre" aite. 1526849;1471882413;phf;asciilifeform: yeah, it's the worker exhaustion, but since it's my favorite threadless cmucl, situations under which "no available worker" are numerous and fantastical 1526850;1471882428;asciilifeform;phf: i guessed as much. 1526851;1471882453;mircea_popescu;like what ? 1526852;1471882469;phf;well, judging by logs someone did fuzzing against it 1526853;1471882469;asciilifeform;(phuctor suffers from similar problem, python does not really have working threading either) 1526854;1471882498;phf;a whole bunch of coherent, but bogus urls. with spaces, ? & in wrong places, etc. 1526855;1471882514;mircea_popescu;ah, that's just normal scriptkiddery. 1526856;1471882531;mircea_popescu;the net is mostly newcomers. somehow. 1526857;1471882575;asciilifeform;phf: at one point i got 1,001 of these daily 1526858;1471882601;asciilifeform;countless variations on 'this fella MUST be php monkey, let's try all known monkeypoison' 1526859;1471882629;asciilifeform;incl. probes against the (never existing) wordpress on that box. 1526860;1471882642;asciilifeform;(somehow a box without wordpress is unthinkable to these folk.) 1526861;1471882750;mircea_popescu;you'll laugh, but the point is not so much untinkable as not valuable. ~all of them, if actually given access, will happily post links "for google to see" and that's all. 1526862;1471882809;asciilifeform;thinking here of the folks who show symptoms of 'manually cranked' probemeister, vs the usual bots. 1526863;1471882815;mircea_popescu;a small fraction will do the more nefarious bit of hosting pharma / child porn / whatever pages to link from OTHER wordpress / email blasts. 1526864;1471882836;asciilifeform;(e.g., lengthy browsing of what i consider 'interesting' pages on the site previously) 1526865;1471882845;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no , no, the ones that appear manually cranked are just the same 3-4 bots "sold" on "underground forums", but with exceptionally inept operators. such as ahmed. 1526866;1471882868;mircea_popescu;nah, the reason for that is because they find you from google, or equiv, which is an approximation of "what a human would think interesting" 1526867;1471882887;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cannot be ruled out. though the level of decorative dressing is quite ludicrous, in that case. 1526868;1471882911;mircea_popescu;it's not even deliberate, just byproduct of how the process works. they'd cut it out if they knew how. 1526869;1471882932;asciilifeform;now that mircea_popescu mentioned it, i recall an 'elaborate bots' thread. 1526870;1471882962;phf;speaking of wordpress, mysql keeps consistently crashing. i don't think i've had a unix daemon crash on me in the recent memory, this is a first 1526871;1471882991;mircea_popescu;not that there aren't a precious few competent folk out there. but they suffer a heavy demographic burden in the form of idiot us sucking them in to "build companies" and go to conferences and waste their lives for belonging&jam-tomorrow ; and the rest are fucking busy raping nsa and such. 1526872;1471883007;mircea_popescu;phf i dun think that ever happened to trilema. 1526873;1471883022;phf;i suspect not 1526874;1471883038;asciilifeform;now we need a vintage mysql..? 1526875;1471883041;mircea_popescu;my angry forays into apache/mysql are in the logs. that shit sucks. 1526876;1471883061;asciilifeform;(the pill against 'omfg, this has never before crashed', sad as it is, is generally to rewind version again and again...) 1526877;1471883084;phf;oh i think maybe it's a memory issue :D i'm running it on a $5 512mb instance 1526878;1471883096;asciilifeform;fwiw i have yet to see postgres crash. but there is always a time for a first. 1526879;1471883100;phf;and no wap 1526880;1471883105;phf;*swap 1526881;1471883107;mircea_popescu;phf nah. half gb is ample. 1526882;1471883114;mircea_popescu;what, no swap at all ? 1526883;1471883130;mircea_popescu;or you mean very small 1526884;1471883137;phf;no, just not even registered 1526885;1471883144;mircea_popescu;eh i'm surprised it works at all. 1526886;1471883158;mircea_popescu;look through it, it has swap existing hardwire throughout. 1526887;1471883177;phf;it exhausts the 512mb and quietly dies 1526888;1471883185;mircea_popescu;aha. make a swap. 1526889;1471883192;phf;160822 9:30:08 InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool 1526890;1471883240;mircea_popescu;do we put this down to "lamp sucks" or to "operator egregious eggog" ? 1526891;1471883282;phf;512mb ought to be enough for anyone! 1526892;1471883302;mircea_popescu;i thought it said so in the linux manual cca 1996, "linux can not be run without swap. don't even try." 1526893;1471883318;mircea_popescu;that they stopped saying it doesn't mean anything changed ; they just thought everyone got the idea. 1526894;1471883356;*;asciilifeform runs without swap. 1526895;1471883371;mircea_popescu;you probably run without panties, also. 1526896;1471883383;asciilifeform;all swap does is prolong an agonizing and inevitable death. 1526897;1471883444;asciilifeform;i can see using swap on a 486 with 8M, where it makes the diff between being able to load emacs and not. 1526898;1471883449;asciilifeform;elsewhere, it is simply sad. 1526899;1471883536;phf;log server runs without swap, but it's because cmucl stays within it's heap and nginx memory variance is negligible 1526900;1471883550;shinohai;You can't even build prb without setting a swap space. Or at least I haven't been successful yet. 1526901;1471883563;phf;also it's got couple of gigs of ram, for ~~500mb in memory log 1526902;1471883564;asciilifeform;shinohai: you are on what, a 486 with 8M ? 1526903;1471883581;shinohai;Nope, digital ocean droplet w 2gb 1526904;1471883584;shinohai;still fails 1526905;1471883602;asciilifeform;shinohai: even trb will run for no more than 2-3 weeks on 2G. 1526906;1471883641;shinohai;this is just during build-from-source process. 1526907;1471883648;phf;come to think of me my laptop runs without swap, because i mucked with write permissions on mac os x's swap file, but it's not ever a problem at 16gb 1526908;1471883660;phf;*of it 1526909;1471883689;asciilifeform;a reasonable dev box for 'modern' bloatrocities contains at least 32G. 1526910;1471883714;asciilifeform;(sad, neh? nsa crays in '90s never dreamed of 32G.) 1526911;1471883736;danielpbarron;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://danielpbarron.com/qntra/bitbet-owner-addresses-solvency-concerns.asc.txt 1526912;1471883736;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1526913;1471883855;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-12#1519442 << don't you now wish that wasn't the case, lol, the guy is like an ultra-wrecker, shitting all over that codebase 1526914;1471883855;a111;Logged on 2016-08-12 16:31 gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: also, I'm not taking thousands in donations. jackdaniel is being paid several k to work on CLIM 1526915;1471883897;asciilifeform;phf: eons have passed since i last could be arsed to read clim. what happened ? 1526916;1471884052;phf;asciilifeform: that attention from fundraiser and marketing that gabriel_laddel was so excited about ~obviously~ attracted not talent, but the usual modernizer suspects. i'm reading their channel logs and marvel. 1526917;1471884070;phf;in the immortal words of ivan chesnokov, YOU HAVE DISEASE OF AMERICAN CAPITALIST, CHANGE THING THAT IS FINE FOR NO REASON EXCEPT TO LOOK DIFFERENT FROM COMRADE. 1526918;1471884153;asciilifeform;phf: 'fresh meat in the sun' 1526919;1471884160;asciilifeform;as discussed on numerous occasions. 1526920;1471884176;asciilifeform;gift for the flies. 1526921;1471884186;phf;everyone agrees "we need windows backend" obviously, stodgy and dated decisions are being gradually replaced with "modern" equivalents. someone literally used the phrase "people come to expect from modern ui" 1526922;1471884198;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1526923;1471884232;asciilifeform;then again clim is perhaps ~the~ place for this phrase. 1526924;1471884238;asciilifeform;i won't use a gui that ignores mouse wheel. 1526925;1471884243;asciilifeform;just won't. 1526926;1471884246;asciilifeform;it can fuck itself. 1526927;1471884271;phf;bordeaux-threads stopped building with my asdf1, i checked, someone hardcoded >3.11 check, with ~no purpose for it~. next thing i know i read " [04:44:30] but don't use clim's mp, I've reimplemented it on top of bordeaux-thread just for backward compatibility" on #clim 1526928;1471884282;asciilifeform;and if i wanted to use a gui where i can sit and WATCH IT REDRAW, i will use microshit word. 1526929;1471884293;asciilifeform;motherfucker is slow even on 16 cpu. 1526930;1471884299;asciilifeform;at 3GHz. 1526931;1471884320;phf;asciilifeform: it needs work, but it's literally one of the few gui frameworks untouched by lizard hitler, unless you want to write raw xlib or tty outputs 1526932;1471884334;phf;not anymore, assholes! 1526933;1471884345;phf;it's modernization time 1526934;1471884356;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: Thing is more gossip than news. What happened? There may be a way to rewrite it into news, but it is still early this morning. 1526935;1471884394;asciilifeform;phf: if we discover that the only way to have a usably snappy clim is custom iron, i am willing to consider custom iron. 1526936;1471884404;asciilifeform;but what i am ~not~ willing to do is to close eyes and play pretend 1526937;1471884411;asciilifeform;and accept behaviour that i will not accept from microshit. 1526938;1471884459;phf;asciilifeform: nobody's asking you, this is for people who want a fixer-upper. you don't want to use cmucl either, because it's half baked. it does feel just a tad "i just want to", but i can't necessarily fault you for it 1526939;1471884477;asciilifeform;actually phf made an imho quite persuasive defense of cmucl. 1526940;1471884506;phf;i'm just hoping nobody's going to do a fundraiser for it. thank god gabriel_laddel hasn't discovered it yet 1526941;1471884513;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=300 << see also. 1526942;1471884528;*;phf cackles with mirth at seeing his city burn 1526943;1471884531;phf;where's ma fiddle 1526944;1471884546;asciilifeform;when i move into a house, demanding 'yes this place WILL have a toilet or no deal' != 'i just want to!' 1526945;1471884556;asciilifeform;there is such a thing as minimal hygienic standard. 1526946;1471884679;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, what gossip? 1526947;1471884888;phf;i like that story i read on livejournal long time ago. this soviet guy was telling, so he's sent to forced farming на посевы, bunch of guys digging for potatoes, middle of fucking nowhere. and then there's news, some deposed aristocrat is sent to join, so naturally jokes all around, since the toilet is a mess (it's a bunch of guys!) "how's his excellency going to use the facilities справлять нужду" "probably unaccustomed to working 1526948;1471884888;phf;class living" etc. anyway, guy arrives goes to toilet, comes out, grabs a broom and a bucket and cleans it. the moral is tediously obvious (it's a fucking liverjournal story), but it stuck with me. living in orcland is kind of like that 1526949;1471885010;asciilifeform;phf: 'Разруха. Это - мираж, дым, фикция. Что такое эта ваша разруха? Старуха с клюкой? Ведьма, которая выбила все стекла, потушила все лампы? Да ее вовсе и не существует. Это вот что: если я, вместо того, чтобы оперировать каждый вечер, начну у себя 1526950;1471885010;asciilifeform;в квартире петь хором, у меня настанет разруха. Если я, входя в уборную, начну, извините за выражение, мочиться мимо унитаза и то же самое будут делать Зина и Дарья Петровна, в уборной начнется разруха. Следовательно, разруха не в клозетах, а 1526951;1471885012;asciilifeform;в головах. Когда эти баритоны кричат "бей разруху!" - Я смеюсь. Клянусь вам, мне смешно! Это означает, что каждый из них должен лупить себя по затылку! ' 1526952;1471885016;asciilifeform;^ sacramental. 1526953;1471885150;asciilifeform;phf: the 'grabs a broom and a bucket and cleans it' incidentally is more or less the story of my 1st year of trb. 1526954;1471885418;phf;prof preobrazhensky failed at judicious application of nagant? :p 1526955;1471886277;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo, what gossip? << The signed recollection by minimally collected guy. 1526956;1471886342;BingoBoingo;*connected guy 1526957;1471886408;phf;you're gonna like this guy. he's all right. he's a good fella. he's one of us. 1526958;1471886468;BingoBoingo;All pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal! 1526959;1471886746;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: Based on the way the guy interesctionalittitties with my WoT maybe your blog is the best place to make the point you want to make about it? 1526960;1471887343;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526916 << "advertise and filter" is a fucking tall order to do right. 1526961;1471887343;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 16:40 phf: asciilifeform: that attention from fundraiser and marketing that gabriel_laddel was so excited about ~obviously~ attracted not talent, but the usual modernizer suspects. i'm reading their channel logs and marvel. 1526962;1471887596;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/12b1a02b-d351-41f0-b26d-54f25f4443aa/ 1526963;1471887666;mircea_popescu;lol piss on your own head. 1526964;1471887939;mircea_popescu;and in other unrelated news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8mny1gHtH1rq6vz1o1_500.gif 1526965;1471888174;shinohai;*smack!* 1526966;1471888578;asciilifeform;re mpi referred to in the automake thread, updates: 1526967;1471888579;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mpi/mpi_second_cut.vpatch 1526968;1471888584;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mpi/mpi_second_cut.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig 1526969;1471888589;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mpi/sane-mpi.tar.gz 1526970;1471888594;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/mpi/sane-mpi.txt 1526971;1471888609;asciilifeform;^ the tarball is the result of press, and included SOLELY for reference. 1526972;1471888625;asciilifeform;the vpatch consists heavily of minusola and FUCK GNUDIFF ALREADY. 1526973;1471888627;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/nth-french-republic-sending-tourists-to-belgium-for-death/ << Qntra - Nth French Republic Sending Tourists To Belgium For Death 1526974;1471888636;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1533 has been updated. 1526975;1471888714;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, what is the point of qntra? is it soley to bring non-republic news ~in~ or can it also be to tell republic news to the outside? I think it is certainly news that the new owner of bitbet is taking the time to speak in public (this channel) 1526976;1471888760;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: notably, see include/knobs.h. THIS is what we get instead of automake. 1526977;1471888773;asciilifeform;it weighs 2261 bytes. 1526978;1471888779;asciilifeform;the makefile - 516. 1526979;1471888837;asciilifeform;if anyone finds something resembling a reasonable unix box this WON'T build on by simply running 'make', PLEASE let me know! 1526980;1471888869;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: Qntra pointedly tells republic news to the outside, BUT znort does not at this time have a relation to anyone I know such that his signature carries more weight than rando unsigned pastebins 1526981;1471888876;asciilifeform;note that i no longer intend to use mpi for anything. it was posted as a deautomakeification demo. 1526982;1471888892;danielpbarron;$gettrust BingoBoingo znort987 1526983;1471888892;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections. 1526984;1471888969;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: cheers. 1526985;1471889008;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: There's prolly a way to rewrite what you submitted to news it up, but as you presented it it wasn't news. Maybe a "look how unlucky this guy is" angle would help? All those misfortunes may very well involve malice on the part of persons other than him. Such an angle could be very newsy. 1526986;1471889046;danielpbarron;unlucky for what? the hacked email? 1526987;1471889067;BingoBoingo;What you submitted at this time however was not that. You presented the signed block as basically "take this as what it is" and "here are other people doubting it" leaving unrepublican b00bs to wonder wtf? 1526988;1471889084;ben_vulpes;so i'm flattening and rebuilding this barely-used macbook pro, and frames of animated language names scrolling sideways on the "what language" screen are tearing 1526989;1471889087;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: The hacked email and the targeted use of it. 1526990;1471889095;ben_vulpes;IN THE OS INSTALL PROCESS 1526991;1471889130;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: ANyways where again were the lulz in "Heroic Jap Stationwagon Swats Traffic Disrupting Pedelarast" I still haven't found it. 1526992;1471889149;ben_vulpes;oh just in that some saudi is going to get spirited out of the country before getting lynched 1526993;1471889167;ben_vulpes;decent "us has no sovereignty, can't effect their own honor killings" angle 1526994;1471889189;ben_vulpes;or "can't piss off uae sponsors of us terrorism on global stage" angle 1526995;1471889210;BingoBoingo;Oh, well why did you not write it up and why would he be lynched for doing a pubic service? 1526996;1471889210;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, is blockchain.info being mitm'd atm ? 1526997;1471889214;danielpbarron;BingoBoingo, I don't understand your logic here. Even your criticism of znort's reputation is addressed in my copy. But whatever I'll just post it on my own blog 1526998;1471889260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://archive.is/NtTPs << speculation re why. 1526999;1471889294;*;asciilifeform has not attempted to verify 1527000;1471889357;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Mebbe verify and submit to qntra? 1527001;1471889363;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: if yer gonna mention redditola here, plox to link ??! 1527002;1471889381;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: not redditola, there was a bikeportland.org link 1527003;1471889402;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: yer ctrl key is broken or what. 1527004;1471889419;ben_vulpes;pardon? 1527005;1471889425;asciilifeform;can haz link ? 1527006;1471889448;ben_vulpes;http://bikeportland.org/2016/08/20/speeding-driver-kills-teenage-girl-who-was-crossing-se-hawthorne-189858 1527007;1471889514;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: where is the part re 'spirited out' 1527008;1471889514;asciilifeform;? 1527009;1471889530;BingoBoingo;? I wondered too 1527010;1471889535;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/1n5C8 << about half the world can't locate them atm 1527011;1471889554;mircea_popescu;the half that can is all natoreich, and sees 104.16.54/3 1527012;1471889570;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw, resolves here in the heart of mordor. 1527013;1471889575;asciilifeform;(took ~20 sec tho.) 1527014;1471889577;mircea_popescu;quite my point. 1527015;1471889579;*;ben_vulpes shrugs 1527016;1471889598;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ah, i misread, the half that CAN. 1527017;1471889606;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1527018;1471889643;mircea_popescu;looks like a rather shaping attack of some kind. 1527019;1471889661;asciilifeform;i have nfi why a usg organ in good standing needs 'attack' 1527020;1471889681;BingoBoingo;Imma have some cumpany soon, so someone get to the bottom of this other thing and submit. 1527021;1471889695;BingoBoingo; i have nfi why a usg organ in good standing needs 'attack' << Innocence washing 1527022;1471889704;asciilifeform;possibly. 1527023;1471889706;phf;ben_vulpes: that's what you get for installing >10.9. i tried it one a company machine, took ~~2 hours. fresh install, ssd. insanity. 1527024;1471889741;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Innocence washing is one of oldest SOPs 1527025;1471889759;mircea_popescu;;;tslb 1527026;1471889760;gribble;Error: Problem retrieving latest block data. 1527027;1471889765;mircea_popescu;^ gribble can't see it. 1527028;1471889807;ben_vulpes;;;balance 1b1tco1ne34ter 1527029;1471889807;gribble;Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) 1527030;1471889827;ben_vulpes; ;;balance 1DskTjGvWh5KVbiqnb3vvRFyEmCen1UNzL 1527031;1471889831;ben_vulpes;;;balance 1DskTjGvWh5KVbiqnb3vvRFyEmCen1UNzL 1527032;1471889832;gribble;Error: invalid syntax (, line 1) 1527033;1471889840;mircea_popescu;also, it's not just blockchain. the relay network lost about half of its edges since an hour ago 1527034;1471889945;mircea_popescu;seems ~more or less, "cloudflare turned off the chunk of bitcoin '''infrastructure''' ran by imbeciles imbecilisyh eno0ugh to rely on cloudflare" 1527035;1471889969;ben_vulpes;cloudfront is somehow involved in the relay network? 1527036;1471889977;ben_vulpes;er 1527037;1471889979;ben_vulpes;cloudflare 1527038;1471889988;*;ben_vulpes is suffering from cloudfusion 1527039;1471890015;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes : https://archive.is/mZfNl 1527040;1471890018;mircea_popescu;evidently. 1527041;1471890111;mircea_popescu;anyway. last block was ~half hour ago. 1527042;1471890157;ben_vulpes;corallos's? 1527043;1471890187;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1527044;1471890201;ben_vulpes;nm 1527045;1471890210;mircea_popescu;a here we go. 1527046;1471890240;mircea_popescu;997,999 kb har. 1527047;1471890311;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's your top block atm ? 1527048;1471890343;asciilifeform;dulap & zoolag are at 426394. 1527049;1471890431;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1527034 << if this is true - good riddance! let's hope it stays dead ? 1527050;1471890431;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 18:19 mircea_popescu: seems ~more or less, "cloudflare turned off the chunk of bitcoin '''infrastructure''' ran by imbeciles imbecilisyh eno0ugh to rely on cloudflare" 1527051;1471890465;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: now that i think about it, i dun recall prb having ssl eater in it 1527052;1471890467;asciilifeform;does it now ? 1527053;1471890488;asciilifeform;(if not, how would cloudfart shutting down affect prb relays ?) 1527054;1471890515;phf;well, that's what you get for..! oh, nevermind 1527055;1471890595;pete_dushenski;bc.i is down here. 1527056;1471890753;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: btw what was that dating thing all about ? 1527057;1471890834;mircea_popescu;in future lulz, 2b70ba3f5b9cb57fc76dba558cfe54f0b45d06433c1fc5ac454cb765e558a10865363958fcc6f4bd91c5ee43d742b8e160d74fc5e6b9232ed8d8a40cebc14e43 1527058;1471890971;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's that 1527059;1471891114;pete_dushenski;i dunno but bet i could fit that hash on my dong lengthwise. 1527060;1471891128;asciilifeform;sha512(icbm_launchcodes.txt) ? 1527061;1471891138;pete_dushenski;of course, no one will pay for this... 1527062;1471891161;pete_dushenski;so i'd be working pro boner. 1527063;1471891304;shinohai;xD 1527064;1471891330;pete_dushenski;in other weird, http://www.vocativ.com/220997/autism-elevators-youtube/ 1527065;1471891379;pete_dushenski;“I myself am autistic,” says Reams. “Not everybody that does these elevator [videos] is autistic but I would say at least 80 to 90 percent of them are.” 1527066;1471891409;pete_dushenski;"The channel is mostly filled with videos like the one described above: clips of Reams and friends riding in elevators. They ride elevators in hotels. They ride elevators in hospitals. They ride elevators in office blocks and public buildings. They film their rides in elevators. They film each other filming their rides in elevators." 1527067;1471891642;danielpbarron;$reputation BingoBoingo 1527068;1471891642;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/5d335262-f67b-4b46-bbf2-c1d4557dd50a/ 1527069;1471891770;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-usb/msg144177.html 1527070;1471891795;asciilifeform;'Linux Kernel panics when using an OHCI controller if a USB device reports being a generic HID keyboard and reports a wMaxPacketSize of over 4095. The OHCI controller driver fails to reserve bandwidth for the device, causing the keyboard handler to fail when attaching to the HID. Later, when the device is removed, the system crashes due to a null pointer dereference in a linked list of endpoint descriptors.' 1527071;1471892108;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/bitbet-owner-addresses-solvency-concerns/ << Daniel P. Barron - BitBet Owner Addresses Solvency Concerns 1527072;1471892763;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://krebsonsecurity.com/2016/08/malware-infected-all-eddie-bauer-stores-in-u-s-canada/#more-35378 << noose? 1527073;1471892763;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1527074;1471893281;*;pete_dushenski 's favourite backpack is eddie bauer 1527075;1471893333;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i think the krebs thing may be my 1st time hearing of the vendor outside of a spamogram. 1527076;1471895359;mod6;;;bc,blocks 1527077;1471895360;gribble;{"blockcount":426401} 1527078;1471895366;mod6;this is what i've got ^ 1527079;1471896411;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: eddie bauer is very 'outdoorsy'. they specialise in the climbing / hiking demo. mathmaticians may or may not overlap with this set. 1527080;1471896550;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: dunno, i get quite satisfactory outdoor duty out of old .mil gear from various dead empires 1527081;1471896576;asciilifeform;for pennies on the original dollar/ruble/deutschmark 1527082;1471896585;*;pete_dushenski pictures alf summiting with pointed reich helmet 1527083;1471896594;asciilifeform;well the bmore folks - do 1527084;1471896599;asciilifeform;( see recent BingoBoingo link ) 1527085;1471896602;pete_dushenski;aha. 1527086;1471896618;pete_dushenski;they're travelling more horizontally than vertically though 1527087;1471896630;pete_dushenski;less likely to spear eagles, more likely to spear pigeons 1527088;1471896951;pete_dushenski;https://www.theguardian.com/money/2016/aug/22/bitcoin-investments-cryptocurrency-traded-digital-money << "Is bitcoin the answer if traditional investments are letting you down?" 1527089;1471897198;phf;this looks as outdoorsy as SUVs are designed for sport 1527090;1471897262;pete_dushenski;you apparently haven't seen the cayenne turbo s / grand cherokee srt8 / x6m class of sporty suvs. 1527091;1471897423;shinohai;phf There was Eddie Bauer edition Ford Explorer iirc, speaking of SUV's 1527092;1471897597;pete_dushenski;so there was. usual 'paint+badge edition' for american vehicles. see also 'daytona 500 edition' camaros, 'mary kay' pink cadillacs, 'hertz' mustangs 1527093;1471897619;pete_dushenski;gimicky marketing for maroons. 1527094;1471897638;pete_dushenski;'1 of only 10000' !! 1527095;1471897683;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2016/04/29/petes-guide-to-investing-in-cars/ << for why that's waaaay too many units produced to be valuable on the secondary market 1527096;1471897684;shinohai;Complete with luxury heated leather seats for those rough weekends in the mountains. 1527097;1471897699;phf;i think mary kay ping cadillacs are awesome. so trashy 1527098;1471897727;phf;*pink 1527099;1471897805;pete_dushenski;shinohai: heated ~and~ cooled ventilated seats ftw. 1527100;1471897821;pete_dushenski;for black on black vehicles these are sine qua non 1527101;1471898518;pete_dushenski;in other bad investment, http://www.freddiemac.com/multifamily/product/pdf/green_advantage_term_sheet.pdf 1527102;1471898581;pete_dushenski;"We’ll underwrite up to 75% of projected energy savings" << need moar projections!!1 1527103;1471898664;ben_vulpes;phf: i'd take one 1527104;1471898759;ben_vulpes;kinda want one of those hilariously garish 2-door caddies in a matte pink 1527105;1471898768;phf;ben_vulpes: it's only worthwhile when it comes with a voluptuous russ meyer blond bimbo 1527106;1471898809;phf;and gass is 20c a gallon 1527107;1471898810;ben_vulpes;my popesculator says "no no, the blond comes *in* the cadillac" 1527108;1471898937;asciilifeform;in other 'news', http://www.mcmanis.com/chuck/computers/vaxen/worth.htm 1527109;1471898943;asciilifeform;'Estimating Worth - "How $VALUABLE$ is my VAX?"' 1527110;1471898961;asciilifeform;'Of course the first thing you have to understand is who is your customer. And to answer that you need to know just who is buying VAXen these days. The list it turns out is really short....' 1527111;1471899077;phf;and you have a pocketful of those 60s amphetamines, so you can hit every diner from chicago to springfield in 3 days, and then come back knowing exactly which one has the best milkshake 1527112;1471899269;asciilifeform;http://www.ebay.com/itm/DEC-MicroVax-II-World-Box-VMS-3-7-with-documentation-set-/232013130536 << demand for vax, apparently, still strong. 1527113;1471899294;asciilifeform;>400 usd for DEAD unit. 1527114;1471899388;pete_dushenski;phf: 'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard' 1527115;1471899600;phf;asciilifeform: there's a massive hobbyist market. well to do corporate programmers spending monthly paychecks on retrohardware. when i was buying my xl1201, i was bidding against a guy, who's been doing a tech lead thing since the 90s (an unbearably aspy fellow). he said that he was so pissed he didn't get it, he put a 12k starting bid on the next one and still got it for around 6k 1527116;1471899667;asciilifeform;phf: the bolix was a special, really, case 1527117;1471899673;asciilifeform;not really comparable to a vax imho. 1527118;1471899687;asciilifeform;(there is, for instance, no wholly satisfactory emulator.) 1527119;1471899696;asciilifeform;^ how many old comps can you say this for. 1527120;1471899717;asciilifeform;nor is the arch fully documented (again 'how many... say this for') 1527121;1471899753;asciilifeform;i cannot immediately name any other vintage comp that is 'cult object' comparable to the late lispm's. 1527122;1471899795;phf;right, so vax goes for a fraction of the cost. still same guy who put me in touch with dks, and spends 5k on each bolix, will spend fraction of that on a vax, because "it ain't bolix of course, but it's still cool" 1527123;1471899815;asciilifeform;this'd be the folks who use'em as coffee tables, neh ? 1527124;1471899830;asciilifeform;(only situation where the two are roughly similar!) 1527125;1471899847;asciilifeform;and i hear 'cray II' made a killer sofa. 1527126;1471899863;phf;vax lisp is a thing :p 1527127;1471899884;asciilifeform;not only a thing, but helped to nail lispm with 'good enuff' on the high end market. 1527128;1471899903;asciilifeform;iirc vax is where franz started out. 1527129;1471899941;phf;but no it's just a special kind of mindset, i don't know how to else call it but people who are into "retrohardware". there's a pecking order there between "i have an amiga and a macintosh" and "i have a vax, a pdp, a ..." 1527130;1471899984;phf;those people ~spend~. i mean they make the most money to put them in what used to be middle class bracket, but they don't spend it on houses and cars. instead on vaxen 1527131;1471899995;asciilifeform;when i was a sad student and pinched pennies to buy lispm parts, then much later the machine, i did not yet realize that turning the physical object into an emulator would take 20 yrs that i dun have. 1527132;1471900009;asciilifeform;so now i have the dough to get whatever machines, and it no longer appeals. 1527133;1471900056;asciilifeform;and yes phf that last batch of sinners includes asciilifeform , just that he is not buying vaxen etc. 1527134;1471900063;phf;those machines are joy to handle though, for same reason old keyboards are pleasant. they are not "made in china", but with steel chasis out of descrete units, etc. 1527135;1471900079;asciilifeform;phf: even as late as late '90s, machines with such 'feel' were made. 1527136;1471900080;phf;you know all that 1527137;1471900086;phf;oh i remembe 1527138;1471900086;asciilifeform;i had an hp 'pa-risc' 1527139;1471900095;asciilifeform;it was a marvel of iron cages and emp shields etc. 1527140;1471900118;asciilifeform;weighed approx. what a standard girl per mircea_popescu does. 1527141;1471900123;phf;shit, i had a store bought compaq 486, which had ~solid frame~. not bolix, but somewhere there 1527142;1471900148;asciilifeform;even ibm xt was quite 'ferrous' compared to modern junk. 1527143;1471900157;asciilifeform;(~wholly sheet steel) 1527144;1471900351;asciilifeform;recall when a cpu was a ceramic brick with gold-plated machine screw trunk sticking out of it ? 1527145;1471900390;asciilifeform;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/04/KL_HP_PA_RISC_7150.jpg << like-so. 1527146;1471900417;asciilifeform;and https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/35/HP-HP9000-PA-RISC-NS1-CPU_30.jpg << so. 1527147;1471900427;asciilifeform;i imagine most of'em have been melted down at this point. 1527148;1471900479;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: btw what was that dating thing all about ? << Trilema makes it better when you let trilema into your heart 1527149;1471900686;pete_dushenski;eh i'm not much for dating. tried it once. was satisfied that i'd sufficiently sorted it out. moved on. 1527150;1471900858;pete_dushenski;others are free to continue. for them, i'm sure trilema will be of use with regards to cutting the gordian knot. 1527151;1471900879;BingoBoingo;$s znort987 1527152;1471900879;a111;47 results for "znort987", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=znort987 1527153;1471901015;phf;didn't danielpbarron made a point a few times that one is not to seek a wife 1527154;1471901145;pete_dushenski;that might also be ex post rationalisation 1527155;1471901192;ben_vulpes;nono pete_dushenski there really are no women out there worth wifing! 1527156;1471901203;danielpbarron;most important is to believe in the entire Bible, the rest follows. 1527157;1471901258;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: HYPOCRITE 1527158;1471901268;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: causes. aha. 1527159;1471901299;danielpbarron;I mean, if you don't believe, then marry or don't, it's not like adhering to the rules without faith is worth anything 1527160;1471901385;BingoBoingo;Nah, dating is a sort of sorting. 1527161;1471901559;pete_dushenski;dating is more signalling your own value. pre-dating / scouting is sorting. 1527162;1471901580;BingoBoingo;Nah pre-dating is rought sorting. Dating is a finer sort of sorting. 1527163;1471901670;BingoBoingo;WTF is this signalling my own value stuff. I have inner peace and it apparently radiates. 1527164;1471901684;phf;dating is the same kind of sorting as choosing between coke and pepsi at a grocery store 1527165;1471901730;BingoBoingo;You must be sorting some bland pussy. 1527166;1471901786;phf;obviously no true scotsman! 1527167;1471901833;BingoBoingo;Only the Truest Scotsman, Idi Amin, the last king of the Scots! 1527168;1471902034;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1527169;1471902035;pete_dushenski;only true imins drive merc 600 grossers 1527170;1471902036;gribble;Current Blocks: 426412 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 979 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 5 hours, 39 minutes, and 21 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1527171;1471902043;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1527172;1471902050;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 583.15, vol: 4962.09361008 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 586.765, vol: 8263.83094 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 588.29, vol: 4387.8261918 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 583.46, vol: 4475.50010439 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 588.576864, vol: 46042.42140000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 588.31, vol: 672.0591571 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 587.16, vol: 1372.60688695 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 589.72592, vol: (1 more message) 1527173;1471902072;BingoBoingo;;;more 1527174;1471902073;gribble;387039.9753 | Volume-weighted last average: 589.400425341 1527175;1471902165;pete_dushenski;okcoin doing 5x volume of everyone else combined ? mkay. 1527176;1471902240;BingoBoingo;Well, maybe they are least laggy today? 1527177;1471902413;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1527071 << lol teh drama thickens. 1527178;1471902413;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 18:55 deedbot: http://danielpbarron.com/2016/bitbet-owner-addresses-solvency-concerns/ << Daniel P. Barron - BitBet Owner Addresses Solvency Concerns 1527179;1471902525;shinohai;Your outlook on s.qntra is rather grim though danielpbarron 1527180;1471902544;BingoBoingo;Everyone has to make their own value determinations. 1527181;1471902595;shinohai;Works for me 1527182;1471902632;phf;pretty much everyone here was subjected to dpb's harsh judgement at one point or another, as is right and proper, he keeps us in check 1527183;1471902646;BingoBoingo;Which is why danielpbarron is wise. 1527184;1471902666;shinohai;If I wanted echo-chamber I'd go back to reddit. 1527185;1471902683;mircea_popescu;he actually gets away with it better than alf. 1527186;1471902754;*;asciilifeform isn't working from a scripture and labours under the handicap of occasionally being convinced by other folks of sumthing 1527187;1471902790;phf;it's probably because alf is nominally gentle intelligentsia, where dpb can badmouth you and you ~know~ it could be worse 1527188;1471902802;mircea_popescu;hm. 1527189;1471902814;mircea_popescu;well the explanatory theories are well varied. 1527190;1471902999;asciilifeform;re 'let's abolish buildroot', turns out, surprise! -- there were attempts at sanity : http://landley.net/aboriginal/about.html 1527191;1471903008;asciilifeform;'Aboriginal Linux is a shell script that builds the smallest/simplest linux system capable of rebuilding itself from source code. This currently requires seven packages ...' 1527192;1471903016;asciilifeform;extra lulz at the tail end of the page. 1527193;1471903042;asciilifeform;( grep for 'Why does this matter?' ) 1527194;1471903147;phf;wonder if i could put pkgsrc on top of it 1527195;1471903156;asciilifeform;^ musslatronic, also, looks like. 1527196;1471903173;asciilifeform;the build scripts are tiny, resemble mod6's. 1527197;1471903203;mircea_popescu;not bad eh. 1527198;1471903213;pete_dushenski;please, it's 'first nations linux'. aboriginal is so 2010. 1527199;1471903225;asciilifeform;# This version of bash is ancient, but it provides everything most package 1527200;1471903225;asciilifeform;# builds need and is less than half the size of current versions. 1527201;1471903229;asciilifeform;^ from 'download.sh' 1527202;1471903577;BingoBoingo;Anyways this dispute danielpbarron raised largely relates to how different people navigate the WoT. At this point in time I'm not providing weight to low information connections. 1527203;1471903587;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1527107 << i suppose she could also come on, or near. but with ffs ? 1527204;1471903587;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 20:46 ben_vulpes: my popesculator says "no no, the blond comes *in* the cadillac" 1527205;1471905882;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/fratire-retailer-suffers-pervasive-malware-installation/ << Qntra - Fratire Retailer Suffers Pervasive Malware Installation 1527206;1471906075;pete_dushenski;"astounding normal" << astoundingly 1527207;1471906120;pete_dushenski;""Fratire" is a type of 21st-century fiction literature written for and marketed to young men in a politically incorrect and overtly masculine fashion. The term was coined following the popularity of works by George Ouzounian (writing under the pen name Maddox) and Tucker Max." << o.O 1527208;1471906170;*;pete_dushenski admits to being confused as to latest qntra title 1527209;1471906602;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Fratire (2) A clothing style favored by "preppy" folk. Combination of Fraternity and Attire. 1527210;1471906639;pete_dushenski;aha. the tsmr dictionary groweth. 1527211;1471906651;pete_dushenski;tmsr* 1527212;1471906786;asciilifeform;in other 'olds', material pertinent to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1517688 thread, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X27-2WDIZR0 (gold in the comments, 'Seems like a nice tool to capture exotic and endangered birds for my Black Market sales.') 1527213;1471906786;a111;Logged on 2016-08-10 15:16 asciilifeform: incidentally, a Useful Product Idea, plug-in replacement guidance module for popular flying toys, to pick arbitrary quiet frequency spread in a reasonably broad swatch of spectrum, when remote is paired with toy, rather than the current 'legal' jammable idiocy. 1527214;1471907927;pete_dushenski;bc.i is back. 1527215;1471908001;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: I'm pretty sure the definition of Fratire is older than the Tucker Max one by decades. Maybe even a whole century. 1527216;1471908097;pete_dushenski;who knew tucker max was so progressive. reappropriating old words is libtard 101. ie. "wage slaves aren't slaves because only blacks can be slaves!!1" 1527217;1471908235;shinohai;BingoBoingo: http://ix.io/1fUH 1527218;1471908455;BingoBoingo;ty 1527219;1471908458;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, anyone recall the original "oh i created social consensus by talking to my own sock puppets on some forum and the imbecile law firm partners BELIEVED IT" scam ? 1527220;1471908491;mircea_popescu;kinda what tucker max is known for, really. notwithstanding various attempts to market self since, essentially it's "im this dude who scammed a bunch of lawyers astroturfing social media" 1527221;1471908664;shinohai;I forgot to add BingoBoingo, Charlie Shrem was unavailable for comment 1527222;1471908763;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/noodle-bricks-overtaking-smokes-as-us-prison-currency-standard/ << Qntra - Noodle Bricks Overtaking Smokes As US Prison Currency Standard 1527223;1471908788;mircea_popescu;and in other "better homes and bimbo guestrooms" news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3tuy50uOe1rrhvpno1_500.gif 1527224;1471908909;pete_dushenski;" Gresham's Law bitch!" << i lolled :D 1527225;1471909212;ben_vulpes;that redhead and dean! 1527226;1471909227;BingoBoingo;shinohai: He's out and there is little compelling reason to trust his take on trends anyways. 1527227;1471909232;ben_vulpes;f-faye raegan? 1527228;1471909233;BingoBoingo;$gettrust Yankee 1527229;1471909234;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1527230;1471909241;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: good set? 1527231;1471909251;ben_vulpes;or video or whatever the variety speak is 1527232;1471909268;mircea_popescu;the idea is nb. 1527233;1471909282;mircea_popescu;"clears the mind". 1527234;1471909358;shinohai;You know, there is a sense of accomplishment that comes from actually getting a story about ramen published in Qntra. 1527235;1471909391;*;pete_dushenski to anniversary dinner. korean styles! 1527236;1471910945;*;asciilifeform looked up 'tucker max', wants the 5 minutes back!1111 1527237;1471911410;*;ben_vulpes installed cocoapods and friends, wants the day back 1527238;1471915341;phf;> cocoapods 1527239;1471915614;phf;http://qntra.net/2016/08/noodle-bricks-overtaking-smokes-as-us-prison-currency-standard/ << ramen is main ingredient in spread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sv4nb5VbAY 1527240;1471915695;phf;i think that has something to do with monotonous, high carb diet that those guys receive otherwise, to keep them pacified 1527241;1471916074;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/08/noodle-bricks-overtaking-smokes-as-us-prison-currency-standard/#comment-67884 << related. 1527242;1471916320;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2TTylnS6QM "~normally~ you're going to make it in a bag like that" 1527243;1471917302;phf;" [04:47:11] keep in mind my CLIM fu is very weak though :)" yet the guy is collecting money for paid CLIM internals development 1527244;1471917389;asciilifeform;suckah's born evryminute. 1527245;1471917405;asciilifeform;(and N to take'im) 1527246;1471918038;asciilifeform;$up abitserious1 1527247;1471918038;deedbot;abitserious1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1527248;1471918611;asciilifeform;tail -n 1000 znc-#trilema.log | grep -c "felipelalli has quit" 1527249;1471918612;asciilifeform;6 1527250;1471918619;asciilifeform;on a typical day. 1527251;1471918630;asciilifeform;somebody buy the fella a new modem ?? 1527252;1471918671;shinohai;or teach *him* to use znc 1527253;1471918677;asciilifeform;or. 1527254;1471918688;asciilifeform;;;seen felipelalli 1527255;1471918688;gribble;felipelalli was last seen in #trilema 3 weeks, 5 days, 11 hours, 44 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: mircea_popescu: why mpex isn't listed on Google anymore? https://www.google.com.br/#safe=off&q=mpex I just realized that yesterday, is that purposeful? 1527256;1471918948;phf;"Systemd Rolls Out Its Own Mount Tool ☶ linux systemd phoronix.com" 1527257;1471918995;phf;phoronix by the way consistently produces pro-freedesktop pro-redhat articles 1527258;1471919738;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1527259;1471919738;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1527260;1471919778;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526961 < Yeah, I'm an idiot. It's even worse than that though - beach (robert strandh) bertay 1527261;1471919778;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 17:35 a111: Logged on 2016-08-22 16:40 phf: asciilifeform: that attention from fundraiser and marketing that gabriel_laddel was so excited about ~obviously~ attracted not talent, but the usual modernizer suspects. i'm reading their channel logs and marvel. 1527262;1471919787;gabriel_laddel;ed the CLIM project 1527263;1471919820;asciilifeform;how's that 1527264;1471919850;gabriel_laddel;We'd previously discussed all the time wasted on 'backends', he agreed that we should get rid of them etc etc, and then a little bit of money shows up and BAM, he's happy to entertain any number of idiots trying to 'modernize' McCLIM 1527265;1471919933;gabriel_laddel;Also, he's funding jackdaniel, who is generating all the noise 1527266;1471920013;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527236 << occasional lulzcow. definitive piece being https://archive.is/u41WH#selection-581.0-601.267 1527267;1471920013;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 00:09 asciilifeform looked up 'tucker max', wants the 5 minutes back!1111 1527268;1471920032;mircea_popescu;this was cca 1999 mind you, ie, about TWENTY YEARS AGO. 1527269;1471920048;mircea_popescu;but the slowtrain patients still imagine "reddit consensus" etc today. 1527270;1471920060;mircea_popescu;it's like being the ohio state valedictorian. 1527271;1471920111;gabriel_laddel;on the other hand, beach did implement some of McCLIM on CLX, wrote the lisp-mode for climacs and has maintained the project for years 1527272;1471920186;mircea_popescu;;;later tell felipelalli plox to stop with the log in log out or you'll get banned. 1527273;1471920186;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1527274;1471920267;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527264 << geeks have no backbone, news at 11. there's some that are stubborn and a few more that are ambitious ; but neither of these qualifies. 1527275;1471920267;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 02:37 gabriel_laddel: We'd previously discussed all the time wasted on 'backends', he agreed that we should get rid of them etc etc, and then a little bit of money shows up and BAM, he's happy to entertain any number of idiots trying to 'modernize' McCLIM 1527276;1471920292;gabriel_laddel;He's french, which is probably the core of this. 1527277;1471920366;phf;https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3191/2526878703_5c6eaf10c3_b.jpg << nah this picture of his is probably enough to understand what his "discussed and agreed" count for 1527278;1471920368;mircea_popescu;ye think ? 1527279;1471920391;gabriel_laddel;"SIR the enemy approachs! How many men is it going take to defend paris?" "nfi, it's never been tried" 1527280;1471920406;felipelalli;mircea_popescu: you don't know how to hide these annoying messages in your client? I am not doing this purposely. Or it is the network, or I turned my notebook off and on again. 1527281;1471920407;mircea_popescu;phf fellow looks quite intelligent there. 1527282;1471920440;mircea_popescu;felipelalli it's not a matter of me hiding them ; really look into getting a znc instrance, it's 10 bux a yeart or somesuch 1527283;1471920509;felipelalli;ok, I'll look for it, thank you. I forgot about znc. 1527284;1471920609;phf;ok, i've no idea what my point was, huh 1527285;1471920667;gabriel_laddel;Eh, this is all my fault anyways. I'll file it under 'agreeing to anything counts for nothing unless in-wot' also 'recover key, dolt' 1527286;1471920691;mircea_popescu;hey, at least you're young. 1527287;1471920730;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: got a mailbox yet ? 1527288;1471920744;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: no? 1527289;1471920756;gabriel_laddel;you said you're not sending anything without my key, so I've not asked. 1527290;1471920765;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: there's a crate here with gabriel_laddel's name on it... 1527291;1471920811;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: email? I have a name and address I can use right now if you're willing to forego the key. Else, waiting. 1527292;1471920835;gabriel_laddel;(person in question sent me addy for something unrelated) 1527293;1471920839;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel oughta find his key. 1527294;1471920880;phf;hehe "i 'av it, gov'na, i swer on me mum" 1527295;1471920913;asciilifeform;and if he hasn't got it, to make new one sooner, and start working on new life, is better than later. 1527296;1471920916;gabriel_laddel;Lel. I'm not swearing to anything. But if you want to take a what, sub 100 usd risk of sending it to $rando, I've the info. 1527297;1471920928;asciilifeform;раньше сядешь -- раньше выйдешь (tm) (r) 1527298;1471920960;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel I'll file it under 'agreeing to anything counts for nothing unless in-wot' << = >> But if you want to take a what, sub 100 usd risk of sending it to $rando, I've 1527299;1471920963;mircea_popescu;apparently it's hard huh. 1527300;1471920977;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: apparently i fail yet again as educator. 1527301;1471920991;phf;yo gotta try socratic method 1527302;1471920992;mircea_popescu;don't feel too bad, i got a lot of experience with this on slavegirls 1527303;1471921012;mircea_popescu;"master, i have learned lesson, will never ever X again" "bitch, you just did". *dumbfounded look* "back to your cell." 1527304;1471921032;mircea_popescu;with the best of intentions, learning is ~impossible a task. 1527305;1471921067;gabriel_laddel;Meh, I wouldn't be entertaining this notion if it were not for the fact that I can ~ sell ~ the x61. 1527306;1471921084;mircea_popescu;but the good news is that after the first however many years of triple to five-nine failure rate, it drops to one or two, meaning that often you're forcfed to repeat the same point less than a hundred times! 1527307;1471921107;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: it's worth about fiddybux. 1527308;1471921129;asciilifeform;(if that) 1527309;1471921129;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: not running masamune it's not. 1527310;1471921156;mircea_popescu;lol he wants to put his software on it and sell it, check out the jew gates! 1527311;1471921171;mircea_popescu;im curious if this kid's actually going places. 1527312;1471921193;gabriel_laddel;it's quite possible I might get jailed first.. 1527313;1471921219;asciilifeform;well hey, if he's got a +ev amplifier, why not skip lunch a day or two and buy old comp with ~that~, then sell... rinse, repeat 1527314;1471921235;mircea_popescu;i imagine he already doesn't eat. 1527315;1471921251;asciilifeform;iirc smokes tho. can forgo smokes for a day, buy with that. 1527316;1471921264;phf;ahaha forgo smokes 1527317;1471921268;mircea_popescu;eh nevermind playing civ with other people's smokes. 1527318;1471921276;asciilifeform;hey nobody said life of ze mind is eaasy! 1527319;1471921278;mircea_popescu;alf is totally getting raped in prison. 1527320;1471921301;asciilifeform;it'll have to be for forgo-tinned-fish 1527321;1471921313;asciilifeform;(smokes, i recently learned, have been forbidden in the prison here) 1527322;1471921319;*;gabriel_laddel is presently eating sardines in harrisa, artichoke halves, olives and bread. 1527323;1471921335;mircea_popescu;SELL THEM!!! 1527324;1471921343;asciilifeform;$s trading sardines 1527325;1471921343;a111;3 results for "trading sardines", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=trading%20sardines 1527326;1471921373;mircea_popescu;o nevermind, i got it all wrong! "Tucker Max had the opportunity to be a spokesman for a generation. He had the opportunity to lend his voice to the revolt against the effeminization of North American Men, and maybe even lead a 21st-century revival of classical masculinity. Instead, he is pissing that opportunity away, in the hopes that he’ll earn a morsel of approval from the gatekeepers of mainstream culture and literatur 1527327;1471921373;mircea_popescu;e. The sad part is, he’s not even selling out. He’s trading principles, honesty and consistency for nothing. He will not reap money, power, or fame from his transformation into an emasculated poof. Tucker Max is ignoring his opportunity to be a part of history, and his only reward will be a well-deserved slide into obscurity." (cca 2012.) 1527328;1471921551;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1527329;1471921552;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1527330;1471921606;phf;i thought milo yiannopoulos is the new tucker max 1527331;1471921742;gabriel_laddel;vending machines for drugs. rigged with explosives. 1527332;1471921756;mircea_popescu;which one is that one ? 1527333;1471921770;mircea_popescu;not the conservative-gay-nick-denton ? 1527334;1471921966;phf;the same, but i thought nick denton has that mainstream legitimacy. tucker max and m.y. seem like they exist in the same blogspace, i.e. people who used to post videos about 9/11 truth with that matrix soundtrack 1527335;1471922037;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe. 1527336;1471922057;mircea_popescu;truth be told us subculture is kinda arid and uninteresting a topic. 1527337;1471922112;mircea_popescu;from obama's speeches to latest lindsay lohan lirics, i'd rather watch africans build huts. 1527338;1471922151;phf;at least later is mildly educational 1527339;1471922153;mircea_popescu;i suppose the sentiment is mutual : trilema is too hard, hurts the head and the undercurrent of disdain is hard to miss, even for esl tards. 1527340;1471922242;*;asciilifeform meanwhile searched for vendor to buy a ranque-hilsch tube, and ran into http://www.goldenspiralresearch.co.uk/implosion.html 1527341;1471922261;asciilifeform;^ who said american subcultures had to be a snore! there still remain 'timecubes' from '90s !1111 1527342;1471922277;mircea_popescu;co.uk ? 1527343;1471922284;asciilifeform;airstrip one!111 1527344;1471922326;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F7EE9D7418360EBF5222D566B0A5B811023AC29616EBC02A9EE52BDB5A00038A << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 109599797444024509787856438588803873233485202369776957423109401507256514201183 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1527345;1471922326;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A558B10A1CCC09194358E0502CAFA4415F57F1944DD9FE618E2A2E2D29EFAC0F << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 109599797444024509787856438588803873233485202369776957423109401507256514201183 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) phf intel says "roosh", ie some middle eastern looking kid.\ << Looks like he's trying too hard is my impression. Maybe becomes something if CLitler is elected. 1527445;1471928214;BingoBoingo; that sounds very familiar << Runs the Return of Kink or whatever 1527446;1471928247;mircea_popescu;did a "fuck girls in every country". overlapped some countries with my network in them, lulz resulted. 1527447;1471928325;BingoBoingo; what makes you think yours would win out ? << Yeah this is problem clinically addressed with oral vancomycin and one of the few problems addressed by that. 1527448;1471928382;mircea_popescu;yeah well, wasn't in his plane., 1527449;1471928384;mircea_popescu;plan* 1527450;1471928526;BingoBoingo;aha 1527451;1471928992;mircea_popescu;in other non-news, lol @kim lacapria being all butthurt at gawker being thorn to shreds. 1527452;1471929014;mircea_popescu;you're right bitch, it SHOULD worry you all. 1527453;1471929918;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-tatu-party-bus-and-other-wasps/ << Trilema - The Tatu Party Bus and other wasps. 1527454;1471930006;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha wait wait ; huffington post now pays shitty spam network outbrain to push its crapolade nobody reads anyway ? 1527455;1471930015;mircea_popescu;oh what days. 1527456;1471932655;mircea_popescu;"After dinner we went upstairs and I eased her onto my king-size bed. It took four hours of foreplay and at least thirty repetitions of “No, Roosh, no” until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina. No means no—until it means yes." << holy mother of ... well not of fuck, of ... snails, maybe ? 1527457;1471932685;mircea_popescu;who in his right fucking mind has four hours to spend thusly ? even if you're not making 100k an hour writing cia factbook entries, the time is gotta be worth enough to hire a hooker. 1527458;1471932753;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do these people always pick up this sort of incompetence ? oh, "dating advice from a loser who admits to spending four hours trying to get some derp to whatever, play dead fish for three minutes. presumably after spending 95 minutes trying to start his 1983 honda." 1527459;1471932779;mircea_popescu;"come see what zimmerman thinks about encryption - a guy who admits to losing his pgp key sometime in the 90s and doesn't see the problem with this" 1527460;1471932790;mircea_popescu;"here's how rms' laptop works - except it doesn't" 1527461;1471932820;mircea_popescu;is there some rule that "experts" in anglosphere must be ludicrously inept at their chosen expertise, as per their own lights ? 1527462;1471948986;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526429 && http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526462 << OKAY OKAY, i lose this round. apparently i underestimated the malice in gnupg.... again. lol. (though, i wonder if the "bogus direct key signature import" applies to *subkeys*; but let's assume so, because, gnupg.) 1527463;1471948986;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 00:57 phf: "Versions of GnuPG before 1.4.11 and 2.0.16 allowed to import bogus direct key signatures." 1527464;1471948986;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 02:11 mircea_popescu: i guess we ping Framedragger ? or let him be ? 1527465;1471957701;mircea_popescu;Framedragger the problem here is moreover default trust. so you wake up one day and you see... "gnupg". nomina nuda. you look around, theres' "werner koch" idem, nomina nuda. you look, there's "tor" with "shari" and "isis". names, hollow as can be. but the natural tendency of the brain, to see movement in a succession of stills and meaning in noise and structure in names convinces you these are THINGS. 1527466;1471957733;mircea_popescu;and for lack of obvious, pungent, loud alternative, you decide that... well... where's that quote 1527467;1471957841;mircea_popescu;"Pangloss enseignait la métaphysico-théologo-cosmolonigologie. Il prouvait admirablement qu’il n’y a point d’effet sans cause, et que, dans ce meilleur des mondes possibles, le château de monseigneur le baron était le plus beau des châteaux, et madame la meilleure des baronnes possibles. 1527468;1471957841;mircea_popescu;Il est démontré, disait-il, que les choses ne peuvent être autrement ; car tout étant fait pour une fin, tout est nécessairement pour la meilleure fin. Remarquez bien que les nez ont été faits pour porter des lunettes ; aussi avons-nous des lunettes. Les jambes sont visiblement instituées pour être chaussées, et nous avons des chausses. Les pierres ont été formées pour être taillées et pour en faire des châtea 1527469;1471957841;mircea_popescu;ux ; aussi monseigneur a un très beau château : le plus grand baron de la province doit être le mieux logé ; et les cochons étant faits pour être mangés, nous mangeons du porc toute l’année : par conséquent, ceux qui ont avancé que tout est bien ont dit une sottise ; il fallait dire que tout est au mieux." 1527470;1471957883;mircea_popescu;then ~I~'m supposedly "held", absurdly, to "demonstrate" and to "bring proof" and to "verify signature" against a ridiculous "default" constructed in this manner. 1527471;1471958065;mircea_popescu;which is the original point of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523089 : if for whatever reason you're unwilling to bias against pangloss, notwithstanding that this is both shown by experience to be a most productive, useful and eficacious heuristic as well as deductively sound ; nevertheless at the very least you can't bias FOR it. 1527472;1471958065;a111;Logged on 2016-08-17 16:13 mircea_popescu: evidently, the socialist party does the exact same thing. for reasons of habit however, it doesn't irk you when they do it ; only when we do it. 1527473;1471958086;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1g68 1527474;1471958086;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1527475;1471959256;mircea_popescu;(the foregoing, outrageously, shamefully, shockingly, is merely a plain restatement of the intellectual scepticism requirement. in the ignare, barbarous world we find ourselves immersed, this apparently needs statement, because the concept has somehow been hijacked by the very fucking arlequins it's supposed to guard against, from "obama" to "roger ver" and the whole kaboodle of rotten, hollow reeds in between. which incident 1527476;1471959256;mircea_popescu;ally IS the absolutel measure of "how barbaric are the times ?" : look how many of the fortresses build to keep the barbarians out are actually working to keep them in.) 1527477;1471959922;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the land of orlols, 'From a diplomatic perspective, it would be much more tidy to treat the problem of war criminals running the US as an internal, American political problem, to be solved by Americans themselves, with an absolute minimum of outside help. This would best be accomplished through a bit of friendly, neighborly intelligence-sharing, letting all interested parties within the US know who exactly should be hel 1527478;1471959922;asciilifeform;d responsible for these war crimes, what they and their family members look like, and where they live.' 1527479;1471959928;asciilifeform;( http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2016/08/a-thousand-balls-of-flame.html ) 1527480;1471959945;mircea_popescu;is he reading the logz or what. 1527481;1471959953;asciilifeform;him or handler. 1527482;1471959982;*;mircea_popescu is idly curious just how many "independent venues" will be reduced to "here's my inept restatement of logs" before the year/decade's out 1527483;1471960005;asciilifeform;half of the 313337 seeeek0000rity types nearly, already 1527484;1471960019;asciilifeform;at least the ones with ~anything to say. 1527485;1471960024;mircea_popescu;(all of which, of course, entirely oblivious to the fact that their "branding" entirely fails to work, for one, and of the global meaning of this sort of cultural crushing on the other) 1527486;1471960069;asciilifeform;derpus americanus can plagiarize essay in kindergarten and ~not feel like a dolt~ 1527487;1471960071;mircea_popescu;not like i didn't put a fucking notice! on the very trilema! 1527488;1471960088;mircea_popescu;but apparently what i say is somehow optional rather not mandatory now or some weird shit. 1527489;1471960147;asciilifeform;what can i say, some patients make do with ordinary dildo, others - need 5-horsepower rectal educator. 1527490;1471960193;shinohai;$s 5-horsepower rectal educator 1527491;1471960193;a111;1 result for "5-horsepower rectal educator", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=5-horsepower%20rectal%20educator 1527492;1471960198;mircea_popescu;in other news, i'm starting adnotation work on mega 110k word opus. possibly the only item of interest to come out of usian letters this year. 1527493;1471960200;shinohai;^ for science 1527494;1471960227;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: who? mark twain ? 1527495;1471960248;mircea_popescu;s/this year/since ww2/ 1527496;1471960254;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform guy's dead! long long ago. 1527497;1471960259;asciilifeform;wellyes 1527498;1471960261;mircea_popescu;shinohai do you mean asscience ? 1527499;1471960264;asciilifeform;but he had something-or-other on time delay 1527500;1471960285;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the title is "The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated." 1527501;1471960292;*;asciilifeform not familiar. 1527502;1471960300;mircea_popescu;so give it a few hours. 1527503;1471960333;asciilifeform;oh hah, one of ~these~ 1527504;1471960342;mircea_popescu;the place produces scarce aught else. 1527505;1471960384;asciilifeform;http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-ol-elliot-rodger-my-twisted-world-20140605-story.html << subj 1527506;1471960401;asciilifeform;rather, völkischer beobachter on subj. 1527507;1471960495;shinohai;mircea_popescu , I am rather disappoint that not a single person has responded to generous Eulora offer. 1527508;1471960514;shinohai;making gpg key is too much I suppose. 1527509;1471960521;mircea_popescu;teh beoble want living wage! too dumb to otherwise feed self! 1527510;1471960527;asciilifeform;'That night, I threw a wild tantrum, screaming and crying for hours on end. I had the whole apartment to myself, so there was no one there to hear me. I raged at the entire world, thrashing at my bed with my wooden practice sword and slashing at the air with my pocket knife. I even downed an entire bottle of wine, and got so drunk that I spilled my wine all over my laptop, permanently destroying it. I soaked my pillow with tears as I 1527511;1471960527;asciilifeform; drifted off to sleep in my lonely bed.' 1527512;1471960543;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you're gonna liek... ruin it nao, i'm just not gonna say next time! 1527513;1471960549;asciilifeform;lolk 1527514;1471965573;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527439 << Spaceballs!! 1527515;1471965573;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 04:53 boolcrap: is that a giant comb? wtf is that from 1527516;1471965682;danielpbarron;https://youtu.be/g3iFJpGJiug << the scene 1527517;1471967680;thestringpuller;lol "we're combing the desert" i always thought the afro pick was a nice touch. they don't make movies like that anymore. 1527518;1471967796;shinohai;http://archive.is/TZTOB <<< interesting article on how usg might go about quashing armed rebellion. 1527519;1471967913;asciilifeform;shinohai: quite anticlimactic article. 'with soldiers' - mega-surprise ? 1527520;1471967928;asciilifeform;no mention of death ray, either!11111 1527521;1471968016;shinohai;ah 1527522;1471968037;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: never mention the death ray!!!!11 1527523;1471968047;asciilifeform;probably linked for the lulgem, 'It’s interesting to note that many of the Constitutional protections afforded to American citizens still apply to those in arms against the government. For instance, federal judges will still have to authorize wiretaps on rebel phones during all phases of the federal response.' 1527524;1471968051;asciilifeform;... and i got a bridge to sell. 1527525;1471968122;mircea_popescu;hahaha 1527526;1471968160;mircea_popescu;anyway, ~everyone figured out by now the usg can not continue. 1527527;1471968167;mircea_popescu;hence all this bloviation. 1527528;1471968171;phf;i always assumed lizard hitler death ray is activated by total recall style machinery, complete with four fingered alien hand shape on the switch 1527529;1471968193;mircea_popescu;what's death ray do again ? 1527530;1471968226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: in this case i was thinking of the microwave blaster thing 1527531;1471968261;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527507 << would I qualify for offer, or is only for new people? 1527532;1471968261;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 13:54 shinohai: mircea_popescu , I am rather disappoint that not a single person has responded to generous Eulora offer. 1527533;1471968287;mircea_popescu;PeterL you'd prolly qualify, yea, unless oyu got large mining skills ? 1527534;1471968315;PeterL;have not set up game yet, but I have been thinking it might be fun to try 1527535;1471968328;mircea_popescu;go for it. 1527536;1471968345;mircea_popescu;#trilema 1 : whole-rest-of-"world" : 0 1527537;1471968717;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: has been reading too many comic books. 1527538;1471968813;asciilifeform;https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237198201_Design_of_95_GHz_100_kW_Gyrotron_for_Active_Denial_System_Application << build yer own. 1527539;1471968877;asciilifeform;https://justpaste.it/19ha << 2.4GHz, not quite as spiffy, but with pretty picturez. 1527540;1471968986;shinohai;^ with tubez yet 1527541;1471969031;asciilifeform;meanwhile prb 'almost ready' for phork, https://bitcoincore.org/en/2016/08/23/release-0.13.0 1527542;1471969120;asciilifeform;and let's also introduce a new lulzvector! -- 'There’s no need for the node to receive the transaction a second time if it still has the first copy. Compact block relay (BIP152) can eliminate this redundancy by allowing a node to receive from its peers an ordered list of what transactions are included in a new block. With this knowledge, the node can use the transactions it has already received to partly or fully reconstruct the tr 1527543;1471969120;asciilifeform;ansactions part of the block for itself. If the node doesn’t receive all the transactions it needs to fully reconstruct the block, it requests the missing transactions from its peers, and then uses them to complete the block.' 1527544;1471969175;mircea_popescu;should be interesting. 1527545;1471969317;asciilifeform;'This incentivization scheme is often called Child Pays For Parent (CPFP). In the simplest version, miners group a transaction and all of its ancestors together, calculating their total fee-per-byte in order to determine whether mining them together pays a high enough fee to outbid other individual transactions the miner wants to include in its next block.' << ain't that O(N^2) ? 1527546;1471969323;asciilifeform;(aside from 'wtf, why') 1527547;1471969347;asciilifeform;in fact, it isn't N^2, but potentially exponential (knapsack) 1527548;1471969400;asciilifeform;and if this were not enough, now we get Official arm binaries, with 'These binaries are designed for Linux using GNU libc6' 1527549;1471969499;mircea_popescu;well, gitian. 1527550;1471969526;mircea_popescu;anyway, why : because merchants want to be able to "service" the inept consumer by tacking on extra fees if they get delayed. 1527551;1471969543;mircea_popescu;note that this is hardly a change in any sense. 1527552;1471969595;BingoBoingo; is there some rule that "experts" in anglosphere must be ludicrously inept at their chosen expertise, as per their own lights ? << Yes, if every "expert" sucks then tournament market doesn't need a very sweet pot for the winrar. 1527553;1471969612;mircea_popescu;sick gainz. 1527554;1471969706;PeterL;am I correct that we (specifically asciilifeform) decided that a transaction should not be accepted/relayed if its parents are not already in a block? 1527555;1471969725;asciilifeform;PeterL: correct. 1527556;1471969739;asciilifeform;as per the 'NEVER something-for-nothing-to-allcomers' principle. 1527557;1471969911;asciilifeform;'Backing up an HD wallet ensures that you will be able to re-generate any private keys produced by that wallet in the future...' << lift hdd contents via nsa lizardport once, lift coin that chump gets hold of years later ! 1527558;1471970009;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/bitfinex-partners-up-for-your-loss/ << Qntra - Bitfinex Partners Up For Your Loss 1527559;1471970176;mircea_popescu;PeterL what's contemplated here is a) miner's internal kitchen, which he's allowed to do on the grounds of having paid for the gear ; b) not substantially different, you can just regard the two txn as one, provided you know about both. 1527560;1471970211;mod6;(22:56) <@mod6> and don't forget to grab: 1527561;1471970214;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as i understand, PeterL was pointing out that trb does not relay the ingredients desired in this kitchen. 1527562;1471970216;asciilifeform;which is correct. 1527563;1471970217;mircea_popescu;basically prb is trying to act as a sort of bitcoin mining code repository ; some of the miners contribute some of the less critical code and well... github. 1527564;1471970223;mod6;oops, sry. 1527565;1471970243;PeterL;so miner running trb-esque thing would not have second transaction 1527566;1471970274;mircea_popescu;miner runnign trb-esque thing only would not, right. the first gets cut off because fees, the second because unknown inputs. 1527567;1471970276;asciilifeform;this piece was put in as attempt to disincentivize connection to trb nodes. 1527568;1471970282;asciilifeform;specifically. 1527569;1471970286;mircea_popescu;nah. 1527570;1471970298;PeterL;but will trb accept block with chain of transactions in it? 1527571;1471970304;asciilifeform;block. 1527572;1471970307;asciilifeform;never mempool. 1527573;1471970315;mircea_popescu;it was put in because they're desperate for relevancy ; and it was free code ; and more code is more better. 1527574;1471970318;asciilifeform;(everybody, to date, accepts same blocks...) 1527575;1471970348;PeterL;otherwise would fork, no? 1527576;1471970353;mircea_popescu;yes. 1527577;1471970361;asciilifeform;by definition. 1527578;1471970380;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Some miners already seemed to be running software that looked for "Child Pays For Parent" situations. 1527579;1471970381;mircea_popescu;trb is however distinguished by being the most acceptant. so... 1527580;1471970389;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo for a year or more., 1527581;1471970433;asciilifeform;recall the mit mega-leak (meanwhile 'unhappened') re bribing miners ? 1527582;1471970440;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I thought since 2013 though some operations turn over 1527583;1471970460;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform back before they got smushed on eth, when they thought they got money and a voice ? yeah, i remember. 1527584;1471970471;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo yeah, been a while. 1527585;1471970522;asciilifeform;'parent for child' gives usg a new place to spend the waterfall - as subsidies for 'expediting' Officially Blessed tx. 1527586;1471970557;mircea_popescu;lol what waterfall. 1527587;1471970562;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I don't think there was a time since I came into communion with the proto-republic where it wasn't the case. 1527588;1471970609;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: No. Miners already were looking for those situations to collect fees. This is just dump a bunch of unnecessary turdcode on the masses 1527589;1471970639;mircea_popescu;eh, usg's problem is that it ain't got no money; not that it ain't got where to use the money it has. 1527590;1471970646;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: understand, 'these situations' can only exist for so long as somebody relays tx-with-ancestors-only-in-mempool. 1527591;1471970673;asciilifeform;which is to say, chumps, permitting freeloading on their machine resource. 1527592;1471970704;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Miners always had slutty mempools. 1527593;1471971747;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527586 << waterfall outlets are not merely for spending coin stolen by usg to date (via pre-trial confiscations, transport searches, nsa pwnholes, etc) but for 'fyoootoor, planned' IOUcoin that is to be somehow rolled out. 1527594;1471971747;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 16:42 mircea_popescu: lol what waterfall. 1527595;1471971763;mircea_popescu;heh 1527596;1471971832;asciilifeform;y'know, sorta like nazis had all of su divided into gau, and appointed gauleiters, and even land allotments, even in '41. 1527597;1471972099;asciilifeform;lizards nailed gold, and 'eternally refight the last war', just about all prb-isms are elements of 'here's where we can apply conservation-law-violation crowbar when we finally get hold of one' 1527598;1471972132;mircea_popescu;eh. unlike the us, the reich worked. 1527599;1471972139;asciilifeform;e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-13#920116 1527600;1471972139;a111;Logged on 2014-11-13 19:06 asciilifeform: bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element 1527601;1471972312;asciilifeform;a full frontal attack against the total issue cap would've been laughably stupid, so they will try ~every other possible angle. 1527602;1471972349;BingoBoingo;Question http://qntra.net/2016/08/rng-whitening-bug-weakened-all-versions-of-gpg/#comment-67915 1527603;1471972374;asciilifeform;for whom ? 1527604;1471972402;BingoBoingo;For answer! 1527605;1471972409;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/paypal-freezes-bundy-accounts-over-rebellion-against-federal-government/ << Qntra - PayPal Freezes Bundy Accounts Over Rebellion Against Federal Government 1527606;1471972420;mircea_popescu;laughably stupid never prevented them before. 1527607;1471972504;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/08/rng-whitening-bug-weakened-all-versions-of-gpg/#comment-67939 << answr. 1527608;1471972569;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc it was tried, the doge thing 1527609;1471972573;asciilifeform;(where is it now ?) 1527610;1471972583;mircea_popescu;marketing always wins! 1527611;1471972593;mircea_popescu;EVERYONE ELSE CONTRIBUTES TO COSTS!!! DOGE CONTRIBUTES TO SALES!!!1 1527612;1471972595;mircea_popescu;fucktards. 1527613;1471973394;asciilifeform;https://laanwj.github.io/2016/05/06/hostility-scams-and-moving-forward.html << lulz, from mouth of current prb chair. 1527614;1471973506;mircea_popescu;derp actually was dumb enough to cover for vessenes/merck and the rest of the scammer band ? 1527615;1471973510;asciilifeform;https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4965zi/it_is_time_to_talk_about_laanwj_wladimir_j_van << pinoy gold re same. 1527616;1471973511;mircea_popescu;pretty shockingly dumb. 1527617;1471973524;asciilifeform;'Given the contentious situation we are living it is just my opinion that laanwj has the moral obligation to give the keys back to Gavin. Satoshi can be considered a person who passed away and last will was to have Gavin in control.' 1527618;1471973530;asciilifeform;didja know. 1527619;1471973537;mircea_popescu;lmao 1527620;1471973545;asciilifeform;gets better: 1527621;1471973546;asciilifeform;' If ever there were a situation crying out for a smart contract - this is it.' 1527622;1471973569;mircea_popescu;"But it is even worse when many of those attacks are agitated by someone that purports to be part of your own project. Not just involved with, even leading projects whose developers and users are openly hostile to us." 1527623;1471973570;mircea_popescu;hurr ? 1527624;1471973613;asciilifeform;'... laanwj is the one who actually holds all the control over bitcoin protcol for now. ' 1527625;1471973616;asciilifeform;didjaknow. 1527626;1471973628;mircea_popescu;well, prb anyway. 1527627;1471973687;asciilifeform;'I see nothing wrong with having anonymous/pseudonymous contributors in an open source project, especially controversial ones like #bitcoin' << from https://twitter.com/orionwl , attributed to subj. 1527628;1471973708;mircea_popescu;neither do i. 1527629;1471973775;asciilifeform;i imagine fella means something quite different from 'every man has own v-tree and can apply patch he bought in back alley if he likes.' 1527630;1471973775;mircea_popescu;also, orion is noot laan afaik 1527631;1471973789;mircea_popescu;imagination is no subject of law. 1527632;1471973803;*;asciilifeform does not make law 1527633;1471973983;asciilifeform;https://gist.github.com/laanwj/9e5e404266a8956beabde522f97c421b#file-blatsting-txt-L362 << from earlier link, notes on reversing of recent nsa crapolade. 1527634;1471974062;*;mircea_popescu got his hands fulla retard as it is. 1527635;1471974073;asciilifeform;'BLATSTING's implementers are a big fan of mmap. It seems to be used for all file access, not just for manipulating kernel memory through `/dev/mem`. Is it done this way to reduce the number of system calls, to be less conspicious, as well as not reveal what exactly is accessed when running in `strace`? Or maybe a later stage of the rootkit blocks certain kinds of syscalls on certain "hidden" files.' 1527636;1471974242;phf;clever 1527637;1471974270;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/pokemon-go-fad-already-over/ << Qntra - Pokemon Go Fad Already Over 1527638;1471974396;asciilifeform;http://www.clifford.at/icestorm << yet another fpga reversing effort. 1527639;1471974404;asciilifeform;^ not news 1527640;1471974426;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Chnsl << 'no waterfall.' noose. 1527641;1471974428;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ . 1527642;1471974468;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Not news, Roundup Xtend material 1527643;1471974498;BingoBoingo;Unless someone else wants to support case of noose 1527644;1471974508;BingoBoingo;Or you make a case for news 1527645;1471974541;asciilifeform;linked item largely a snore. 1527646;1471974585;asciilifeform;'anonymous buyer who may or may not exist bought bag of coin which may or may not have been there' 1527647;1471974767;BingoBoingo;Yeah, kinda why if it still seems fresh enough this weekend will be roundup xtended 1527648;1471974772;mircea_popescu;mmap is the right tool! 1527649;1471974785;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite! 1527650;1471974809;mircea_popescu;found the one lone dude still competent in the whole shit fondue fountain-castle. 1527651;1471974819;mircea_popescu;and he prolly had to fight with management over it. 1527652;1471974827;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the leaked widgets give a pretty good impression of the production quality, actually 1527653;1471974840;asciilifeform;very reasonably engineered material. 1527654;1471974856;mircea_popescu;count the hands. 1527655;1471974871;asciilifeform;waiwat 1527656;1471974878;asciilifeform;how am i to count the hands, i dun work there 1527657;1471974885;mircea_popescu;but you got the code. 1527658;1471974916;mircea_popescu;the one true shocker (and unsurprisingly fishwraps avoid the mention) is just how few hands were involved. 1527659;1471974989;mircea_popescu;a dozen people (if that) carry on their "very reasonably engineered" with flecks of "right thing" a la mmap shoulders THOUSANDS of fucking social media monkeys and assorted barn animals ; they see a paltry few thousands out of the BILLIONS this shitfest burns each year ; and they don't even have good parking spaces. 1527660;1471975011;asciilifeform;from asciilifeform's 'seeeekrit evidential' sources, there are ~300 men, plus several thou 'contractors', of which perhaps 1 in 10 is a trojan writer in the usual sense, and the rest '0day finder' monkeys, operations 'trigger pullers', and similar. 1527661;1471975062;asciilifeform;and naturally a full platoon administrative, 'diverse veteran-hire' barn animals for each of these folk. 1527662;1471975068;asciilifeform;*of 1527663;1471975138;mircea_popescu;i think they're slimming. 1527664;1471975140;asciilifeform;the contractors live off-campus, working out of, e.g., raytheon, grumman, lockheed, and a bunch of 'small minority-owned businesses' (tm), and generally specialize in 'tools', rather than particular ops 1527665;1471975337;asciilifeform;re the 'crowbars' from earlier, we have a 'This BIP defines a new witness program type that uses a Merkle tree to encode mutually exclusive branches in a script. This enables complicated redemption conditions that are currently not possible, improves privacy by hiding unexecuted scripts, and allows inclusion of non-consensus enforced data with very low or no additional cost.' 1527666;1471975342;asciilifeform;( https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0114.mediawiki ) 1527667;1471975348;asciilifeform;'here's what we gonna do when we get the rapehole in' 1527668;1471975416;asciilifeform;'we'll have tx whose outputs depend on the text of next month's new york times, fuckyou' 1527669;1471975527;asciilifeform;it helps to also remember that 'text of new york times' can - and often does - retro-mutate. 1527670;1471975542;asciilifeform;which is naturally a coveted wet dream of the enemy, retconning blocks. 1527671;1471975567;asciilifeform;or 'not-quite-blocks', 'segregated shitnesses', or what are they calling pseudo-blox today, i lost track. 1527672;1471975578;phf;there is nothing wrong with your television set. do not attempt to adjust the picture. 1527673;1471975671;asciilifeform;their entire toolkit, when confronted with something that 'mysteriously' refuses to die when asked nicely, appears to consist of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1511945 1527674;1471975671;a111;Logged on 2016-08-01 00:44 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-01#1511937 << oh, "color revolutions" dun work ? tell you what, we'll steal your country's exports and with the proceeds finance an alt-country we'll pretend is realy your country. ha-ha! 1527675;1471975710;asciilifeform;it isn't even a wholly ineffectual tool - worked on, e.g., linux. 1527676;1471975744;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nothing obliges you to accept transactions that don't conform. 1527677;1471975763;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: noshit.jpg 1527678;1471975776;asciilifeform;rejecting thousands of turds per hours as it is. 1527679;1471975782;asciilifeform;*hour 1527680;1471975797;mircea_popescu;sure, this will prolly "be implemented" ; then some idiots will "use it" ; then we'll get some "oh mp is a scammer because i sent him 5 btc he's not recognizing" threads on reddit. 1527681;1471975799;mircea_popescu;i'll care deeply. 1527682;1471975818;mircea_popescu;just as much as i cared about the 2012 variant. 1527683;1471975912;asciilifeform;there will (and perhaps already are) a multitude of chumpers who believe they have X btc, while really they have some quantity Q, possible 0, of actual btc, and X-Q of gavinola, which consists of tx, somehow elaborately processed, that trb rejects as noise, and display as wtf 'shot into the sun' crapolade in any civilized block viewer 1527684;1471975927;mircea_popescu;so ? 1527685;1471975940;mircea_popescu;there's also people who imagine they "have a voice" ; or "social media power" or whatnot. 1527686;1471975950;mircea_popescu;there's the regular idiots who think themselves "rich", esr style. 1527687;1471975957;asciilifeform;it is laughable, but appears to have successfully depressed, e.g., gold price. 1527688;1471975964;asciilifeform;(~same process) 1527689;1471975979;mircea_popescu;there's no end to the human capacity for self delusion - which is fundamentally the point of our discussion coupla days ago. you can't have a protocol that keeps people from being stupid. 1527690;1471976041;mircea_popescu;do you know how many people think "500 followers" means 500 followers ? 1527691;1471976059;mircea_popescu;do you know how many people think they have "money in the bank", a la http://trilema.com/2013/time-for-europe-to-repeal-the-us-backed-aml-crap/ ? 1527692;1471976082;mircea_popescu;for that matter, do you know how many think they have seven sons ? 1527693;1471976126;ben_vulpes;more tragically, do you know how many social media mommies think that 20 likes on instagram trump 3 girlfriends who'll come over and hold their kid while the smm sobs over a lost parent? 1527694;1471976138;mircea_popescu;~all english speaking ones. 1527695;1471976152;ben_vulpes;it's tragic! 1527696;1471976163;mircea_popescu;stupidity is always tragic to the stupid. 1527697;1471976167;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: earlier observation is just that - observation. that turdmeisters apparently wish to live as cockroaches in the crevices of bitcoin, instead of issuing 'honest' plainly labeled usg alt. 1527698;1471976171;mircea_popescu;i find it mildly amusing. 1527699;1471976183;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they got nuked, currently is all they can try for. 1527700;1471976201;mircea_popescu;who knows, maybe stephen still wears red pants next year ; or maybe brown ; or maybe dead. 1527701;1471976202;ben_vulpes;it's an excellent opportunity to teach about the stealing being stolen. 1527702;1471976218;asciilifeform;this is not only angled as 'we'll sell i-cant-believe-its-not-bitcoin to rubes', but also piggybacks on honest nodes' storage and bandwidth. 1527703;1471976233;mircea_popescu;i don't see how you can be forced to store txn you dun wanna. 1527704;1471976238;mircea_popescu;after all - it pays per kb. 1527705;1471976240;asciilifeform;if it's in a block. 1527706;1471976244;asciilifeform;then i gotta. 1527707;1471976246;mircea_popescu;still :) 1527708;1471976276;mircea_popescu;the other side of "segwit" is that there will NEVER be a block size increase. period and full stop. 1527709;1471976313;mircea_popescu;given the dilemma of http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ the choice was to find a solution that doesn't brick extant miners. understandably. 1527710;1471976329;mircea_popescu;this is all fine. and they're more than welcome to hold whatever sidechain db in whatever manner until they fall over. 1527711;1471976330;asciilifeform;node operation, in the present implementation of the braindamage, is almost a 'religious' act 1527712;1471976377;mircea_popescu;you can count on 1`000`000 bytes ~ every six minutes til kingdom come. that's your bitcoin footprint. 1527713;1471976410;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'segwit' thing is, as i understand, intended as a protocol hardfork - to isolate trb users. 1527714;1471976418;mircea_popescu;that they make segwit ; that we make deedbot (the two are not even vaguely dissimilar, by the way, except prb doesn't know how to code cleanly), is really nobody's problem. 1527715;1471976428;mircea_popescu;psh. 1527716;1471976481;mircea_popescu;heck, we might even implement sidechains of whatever fashionable flavour of the month, as a bold-on, if anyone's bored enough. 1527717;1471976507;mircea_popescu;though it should not happen prior to 2018, i expect a lot of dao-lolz coming out of what's fundamentally a middling design. 1527718;1471976516;*;asciilifeform cannot speak for others, but is neither 'bored enough' nor sees the point. 1527719;1471976529;mircea_popescu;hey, freedom's about liberty. 1527720;1471976529;shinohai;I'll gladly make someone coloured coin and relieve them of good BTC 1527721;1471976569;asciilifeform;how come nobody (afaik) ever tried this, btw, with paper money ? 1527722;1471976578;asciilifeform;'usd with prime serial # is now worth xxxx!11111' 1527723;1471976657;mircea_popescu;but they did. 1527724;1471976670;asciilifeform;i knew it! mircea_popescu will answer 'that one time in new york in '68...' 1527725;1471976680;asciilifeform;let's hear story? 1527726;1471976686;mircea_popescu;lol no, this was variously done. 1527727;1471976698;phf;try buying a $1000 bill for less than $1700 1527728;1471976704;asciilifeform;phf: not comparable 1527729;1471976705;mircea_popescu;case of "only odd digit is good from now on" instead of making new currency, to stablize 1527730;1471976709;asciilifeform;phf: these never circulated 1527731;1471976722;mircea_popescu;also case of "converbile - but only so and so numbers monday ; so and so tuesday" etc. 1527732;1471976736;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: state-operated devaluations also not same 1527733;1471976756;mircea_popescu;to get you the actual pointers i'd have to dig out through my official history of currency trainingbook which i continents ago misplaced. 1527734;1471976757;asciilifeform;i was thinking of direct analogue of 'coloured coin', that is, 'issued' by derp who has 0 connection to the mint 1527735;1471976762;mircea_popescu;ah, no. 1527736;1471976770;asciilifeform;devaluations - are old hat. 1527737;1471976783;mircea_popescu;i suppose some soapy smith somewhere did something like this. 1527738;1471976786;asciilifeform;i personally played with massive shoebox of rubles as a boy, and buncha other folk here also. 1527739;1471976823;mircea_popescu;also money lottery was popular in the time of voltaire 1527740;1471976841;mircea_popescu;(anyone up to date on the lulz that passed for fiscal management of the kingdom back in 1750s ? ) 1527741;1471976852;asciilifeform;'redeem banknote with five sixes for 666!' ? 1527742;1471976867;mircea_popescu;well, state issued "rents", ie, you give them so much and they give you so much back. 1527743;1471976870;mircea_popescu;then didn't pay. 1527744;1471976877;mircea_popescu;so they devalued 1527745;1471976882;asciilifeform;how does that differ from modern bond bezzle ? 1527746;1471976890;mircea_popescu;THEN came up with idea of lottery, to repay full value for the serials took from a hat. 1527747;1471976908;mircea_popescu;then voltaire andsome friends bought all the emissions and so "won" the "lottery" 1527748;1471976928;mircea_popescu;really, the 1700s are more instructive to the student of modern finance than any available material. 1527749;1471976936;mircea_popescu;turns out pretense empire always dies the same ways. 1527750;1471976956;asciilifeform;i see 'coloured coin' as a fundamentally distinct type of chumpatron, 'let's monetize blue Turbo chewing gum wrappers!1111' 'and oh btw i totally don't have a shoebox full of blue' 1527751;1471976986;asciilifeform;it is 'alt with premining' by modern parlance, possibly. 1527752;1471976987;mircea_popescu;nah. the original colored coins was a "let's do mpex over bitcoin network because mp is something you can replace by a napkin sketch of a protocol" 1527753;1471976998;mircea_popescu;ie, THESE coins are now going to be SHARES in so and so. 1527754;1471977005;asciilifeform;well yes. 1527755;1471977011;asciilifeform;blue-turbos are SHARES!111 1527756;1471977056;asciilifeform;('in what?' 'in this big pot of real money you idiots gave me for them, that i PROMISE!1111 never to spend') 1527757;1471977089;mircea_popescu;yeah well there is also that. 1527758;1471977090;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/cost-of-wrong-kitty-litter-escalates-into-the-billions-following-nuclear-waste-accident/ << Qntra - Cost Of Wrong Kitty Litter Escalates Into The Billions Following Nuclear Waste Accident 1527759;1471977199;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didntcha have 'turbo' in mircea_popesculandia circa late 80s 1527760;1471977202;asciilifeform;or did i dream this. 1527761;1471977219;mircea_popescu;surely. 1527762;1471977230;mircea_popescu;iirc i even told the story of the gambling game i devised which made me uber rich 1527763;1471977234;mircea_popescu;should be somewhere in ancient logs. 1527764;1471977261;phf;http://www.ebay.com/itm/LOT-of-16-RARE-TURBO-CARS-CHEWING-GUM-WRAPPERS-/291376044747 1527765;1471977295;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-07#1045502 << found only this. 1527766;1471977295;a111;Logged on 2015-03-07 16:12 mircea_popescu: turbo was for kids tho, we had the one before that. with fake money. 1527767;1471977330;asciilifeform;phf: holy shit, i half-suspected i had the last extant examples. 1527768;1471977372;mircea_popescu;https://colectionaruldesurprize.wordpress.com/01-turbo/01_turbo_1-50/ 1527769;1471977385;BingoBoingo;anyways asciilifeform The auction made qntra early 1527770;1471977387;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes, them! 1527771;1471977396;diana_coman;hm, deedbot handed me 2 broomsticks before handing the OTP link (in the third try) 1527772;1471977399;phf;i remember that aston martin one it was a much coveted item because of the cyberpunk lady http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/6pAAAOSwZ8ZW2yJW/s-l1600.jpg in fact i remember half of these. 1527773;1471977414;mircea_popescu;i think the yellow tvr was the most valuable. 1527774;1471977423;asciilifeform;i remember ~all of these. 1527775;1471977439;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: was any of this a thing on your side of the ocean ? 1527776;1471977468;mircea_popescu;no lol. these are turkish makers. 1527777;1471977492;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Not sure. I am a young-ish. 1527778;1471977526;asciilifeform;i'd be surprised if even today schoolboys did not have these 'spontaneous monetizations' 1527779;1471977535;asciilifeform;(but of ~what~ now, i have deeply nfi.) 1527780;1471977546;phf;http://www.ebay.com/itm/100pcs-Super-Turbo-Chewing-Gum-Old-School-Bubble-Gum-Childhood-/161889537081 1527781;1471977548;asciilifeform;(... pokemon wrappers? ) 1527782;1471977581;phf;everything is digital and commerce is microagression anyway 1527783;1471977618;BingoBoingo;microagressions aren't real. There's just actual aggressions and thinskinned butthurt 1527784;1471977628;asciilifeform;in one of the american schools i went to as a kid, they had 'magic the gathering' 1527785;1471977632;asciilifeform;(of later mtgox fame) 1527786;1471977643;asciilifeform;was quite reminiscent of the chewing gum. 1527787;1471977654;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they don't. these spontaneous monetizations are spontaneous from an interplay of sexuality and violence which does not exist in anglo world. 1527788;1471977667;mircea_popescu;aha phf has it. 1527789;1471977686;asciilifeform;i did not go to ~these~ schools, no. 1527790;1471977688;asciilifeform;so - nfi 1527791;1471977703;mircea_popescu;the ~reason we monetized these was because a) we'd snowball the girls into little piles as soon as the snow came and b) we'd wrestle hundreds of times a day. 1527792;1471977716;asciilifeform;but 'naturam expellas furca tamen usque recurret' (tm) (r) so betcha they have SOMETHING. 1527793;1471977728;mircea_popescu;yes, but it's stupid. 1527794;1471977736;phf;ah the old art of wrestling the girl into snow 1527795;1471977746;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: stupid vs bubblegum wrap ? 1527796;1471977750;mircea_popescu;phf that was a banned maneuver in my place. 1527797;1471977750;asciilifeform;how do you make that. 1527798;1471977814;asciilifeform;also i dun see the connection with wrestling (in what school do little kids not wrestle one another?) 1527799;1471977817;phf;there's mtg but there's not even trade around mtg, afaiu it is heavily mediated through parents "so it that it's fair" 1527800;1471977824;asciilifeform;lol! 1527801;1471977831;asciilifeform;i can almost picture this. 1527802;1471977844;mircea_popescu;10yo acceptable maneuvers re girls were a) throwing soft snowball (really hard iced ones were for boys only!) ; sticking snow behind neck but only if done with trickery (ie, if the girl was aware she's about to get it you couldn't do it) and finally pulling pants off. bonus points if also underwear. 1527803;1471977873;mircea_popescu;that was more of a summer thing though. 1527804;1471977889;*;asciilifeform distinctly recalls recent case of boy condemned to insane asylum in usaschwitz for pulling pants off gurl. 1527805;1471977907;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1527806;1471977929;mircea_popescu;anyway, it got pretty much all of the girls wearing dresses. 1527807;1471977941;mircea_popescu;somehow lifting skirt was not ever contemplated. 1527808;1471977941;phf;i think wrestle also required trickery 1527809;1471977943;mircea_popescu;kidlogic. 1527810;1471977980;mircea_popescu;phf by and large the deep driver being that girls at that age suck, being as they are ~marmots. babyfat bubbles on uneasy legs. 1527811;1471978008;phf;because you couldn't really test strength against girl, that was inconceivable and those who tried were just weirdos (not to mention testing strength against girl the fuck), but if you managed to do a sneak drop 1527812;1471978038;mircea_popescu;ah, yeah, ankle hook was permitted. if you count that as wrestling. 1527813;1471978049;mircea_popescu;tho in fairness more girls got boys that way. 1527814;1471978062;phf;lies! 1527815;1471978064;asciilifeform;;;later tell felipelalli y'know, znc is supposed to go on RELIABLE, remote box... not the comp on your desk. 1527816;1471978064;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1527817;1471978075;mircea_popescu;true truth, i saw it. 1527818;1471978083;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha check it out! 1527819;1471978087;mircea_popescu;he... installed znc. 1527820;1471978090;asciilifeform;apparently. 1527821;1471978095;mircea_popescu;adorbs. 1527822;1471978111;asciilifeform;reminds me of the old saw with 'yer suppose to ~take~ the bc pill, for it to work' 1527823;1471978124;mircea_popescu;you know the "is it true aspirin is contraceptive" ? 1527824;1471978127;asciilifeform;aha. 1527825;1471978131;asciilifeform;'put between knees' 1527826;1471978136;mircea_popescu;AND HOLD IT THERE. 1527827;1471978151;felipelalli;asciilifeform: I know :p but I don't know znc just died. 1527828;1471978155;mircea_popescu;pretty ridoinculous seeing how half the time i fuck girl with knees together. 1527829;1471978155;felipelalli;I started it again. 1527830;1471978166;mircea_popescu;felipelalli you're supposed to get a cheap vps and run znc there. 1527831;1471978175;mircea_popescu;if you run it on yoru desktop is no better than your normal ircf client 1527832;1471978368;felipelalli;mircea_popescu: it's better than my notebook :) I'm pretty sure my cleaning lady plugged the computer off. OK, you guys win, I'll pay a vps shit just to install this little shit. 1527833;1471978376;mircea_popescu;ah ok. 1527834;1471978397;mircea_popescu;a little vps is useful to have anyway. it's one of those things, like a shed. once you have it - uses abound. 1527835;1471982454;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1527836;1471982455;gribble;Current Blocks: 426557 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 834 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 9 hours, 8 minutes, and 7 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1527837;1471982461;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1527838;1471982469;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 580.98, vol: 4867.18938293 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 582.723, vol: 8617.84272 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 584.06, vol: 5182.97466007 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 579.65, vol: 5224.2319025 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 580.035933, vol: 78155.69660000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 582.81, vol: 955.74625799 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 581.35, vol: 1249.93228217 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 580.519255, vol: (1 more message) 1527839;1471982602;asciilifeform;;;later tell phf http://www.apmex.com/category/61100/1-000-frns-1928-1934 << lulzy re earlier thread. 1527840;1471982603;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1527841;1471982670;asciilifeform;elsewhere, 'One thousand dollar bills may seem rare and exotic to the casual observers. The latest series date is 1934A. Surprisingly though, $1,000 bills were seen in circulation up until the early 1970s. You could still order them from banks in the 1960s. It is not uncommon for older Americans to take them to the bank to try to get face value today. Of course we wouldn’t recommend selling them for face value. Only severely impair 1527842;1471982670;asciilifeform;ed examples should be worth face value. All other notes are definitely collectible. Some $1,000 bills can be worth several thousand dollars each. Your standard value for a generic note in lightly circulated condition is probably $1,600.' 1527843;1471982696;asciilifeform;'It should go without saying that at the time when most $1,000 bills were printed that they were virtually unobtainable for the average American citizen. We are specifically talking about 1928 and 1934 notes. You can only imagine what kind of purchasing power a $1,000 bill had during the great depression. What is really amazing is that $1,000 bills were first issued during the 1860s. You would have to be extremely wealthy to ever eve 1527844;1471982696;asciilifeform;n see a one thousand dollar bank note issued before 1900. That is why large size $1,000 bills are so rare today. If you were rich enough to see one, you were smart enough to not keep it. Currency didn't really become collectible until the 1950s. There was no reason to save a $1,000 bill. You were just losing out on the interest it could be earning.' 1527845;1471982726;asciilifeform;( source, http://www.antiquemoney.com/old-one-thousand-dollar-bill-value-price-guide << another numismatic-type vendor ) 1527846;1471982763;BingoBoingo;;;more 1527847;1471982764;gribble;636679.885816 | Volume-weighted last average: 580.519926911 1527848;1471985946;shinohai;BingoBoingo: dooli added you to list doolipail/cat-lovers <<< I suppose due to latest kitty-litter Qntra in rss feed 1527849;1471985956;BingoBoingo;lol 1527850;1471987645;znort987;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526766 << for the record, not 'as we speak'. kako was helpful during the hand-over in May/Early June. rating was also given to exercise my understanding of the wot. 1527851;1471987645;a111;Logged on 2016-08-22 15:26 asciilifeform: is being 'helped' by kako as we speak, likely. 1527852;1471987758;asciilifeform;znort987: are you familiar with how there came to be a #trilema ? 1527853;1471987795;asciilifeform;and with why kakobrekla is not to be found there ? 1527854;1471987961;BingoBoingo;For that we need to go back to the Egyptian Scientists and that time Big headed Yakub invented white folk as the perfect slave race. 1527855;1471987973;asciilifeform;lel 1527856;1471987991;znort987;asciilifeform: yes, I spent the last week or so reading the logs in both parallel universes before I dip my toes in the waters of irc. 1527857;1471988000;BingoBoingo;But Big Headed Yakub made white folk wrong! 1527858;1471988032;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: paintgun, ran out of paint, everybuddyknowz. 1527859;1471988035;znort987;so fully aware. also don't have a dog in this fight. like I said was trying to see how the wot worked and gave rating where I felt they were due 1527860;1471988150;asciilifeform;znort987: there is not - unfortunately - yet a fully decentralized (see 'gossipd' thread) wot mechanism. but there are at least 3 centralized wotrons. in order of age: -otc wot; kakobreklan ('assbot') wot; and #trilema wot. 1527861;1471988188;asciilifeform;most of the users of each successive wotron left the previous one 'to the worms and flies' and quit updating ratings therein. 1527862;1471988275;znort987;asciilifeform: yeah, I had that conversation in the other universe. I actually had assumed - given who hangs here - that wot was just gpg keys giving rating to gpg keys and that as long as signed ratings were broadcast far and wide, there was no need for central server. but then I was wrong and discovered the 3-headed snake. I think I'm more or less up to date now. 1527863;1471988299;asciilifeform;the 'keys rating keys' thing does not yet exist. 1527864;1471988323;trinque;and for that matter *should* 1527865;1471988334;znort987;asciilifeform: yeah, like I said, I assumed. 1527866;1471988339;asciilifeform;trinque: it was part of mircea_popescu's original gossipd spec. 1527867;1471988355;trinque;aha, I'm not gonna bolt some sweet shit on the side of deedbot til gossipd 1527868;1471988357;trinque;:D 1527869;1471988378;asciilifeform;trinque: well it wouldn't make any sense as a deedbot component 1527870;1471988398;znort987;trinque: one point that was raised (in other chan) around the gpg keys signing ratings of other keys was how to handle revoked keys. 1527871;1471988404;asciilifeform;(though i suppose it could ~store~ the key-rated-key item as easily as anything else could) 1527872;1471988405;trinque;could do the chattering to other deedbots about ratings if ratings were signed matter fed to deedbot via pastebin 1527873;1471988417;asciilifeform;znort987: key revocation is not actually a thing 1527874;1471988434;trinque;phf and I have briefly discussed it 1527875;1471988484;znort987;asciilifeform: mmh. ok, I'll bite. why ? 1527876;1471988496;asciilifeform;znort987: rather, yes, there was provision for it in the original openpgp spec, but it is a bogus concept because it entails a global repository of revocation messages and a universal agreement re what time it presently is. 1527877;1471988513;asciilifeform;$s revocation 1527878;1471988514;a111;40 results for "revocation", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=revocation 1527879;1471988521;trinque;$s political time 1527880;1471988521;a111;46 results for "political time", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=political%20time 1527881;1471988525;asciilifeform;^ there was at least one detailed thread re this. 1527882;1471988597;znort987;asciilifeform: yeah the timestamp of sigs in gpg has always felt like a sorely missing feature. but then I guess you'd need - idk - a blockchain to solve that particular problem I guess. 1527883;1471988620;asciilifeform;znort987: familiar with the 'protocol vs promise' concept that we developed and exposed here ? 1527884;1471988644;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-one/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part One. 1527885;1471988647;asciilifeform;revocation is a ~promise~, in that there is not such a thing, and never will be such a thing, as a magical lever that instantly makes a key stop working. 1527886;1471988652;znort987;asciilifeform: nope. noob here. been reading *some* of the recent logs. 1527887;1471988660;phf;if it's keys signing keys then deedbot's ux is rediced to wotpaste urls to signed messages, and then deedbots role is to download/keep a history 1527888;1471988665;asciilifeform;there is only a message, that you can transmit to other ~people~, politely asking 'please stop using this key' 1527889;1471988704;trinque;phf: ftr I wholly support this idea, and in this scheme it's not global time that matters; it's when deedbot saw the material. 1527890;1471988721;asciilifeform;and - do i need to draw a picture, or is this obvious ? - they are free to ignore it; or they may not even GET the message; and are guaranteed to get it, IF they get it, at different physical TIMES 1527891;1471988742;asciilifeform;what do you do with a signature that took place after a revocation time, that you have ALREADY accepted as valid for some purpose ? 1527892;1471988850;znort987;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527884 << jeez. mother of all the walls of text. life is short ... will try to digest at some point 1527893;1471988850;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 21:44 deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-one/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part One. 1527894;1471988894;phf;trinque: well, since it's only order of your own rates that's important (rather than global rate order), then you can keep own sequence. 1.rate.phf.-1.doofus, 2.rate.phf.3.actually i take that back. you can just use timestamp if you trust your clock to not fuck you over 1527895;1471988914;trinque;ah right, you said this. 1527896;1471988944;asciilifeform;phf: when you make use of a timestamp, you are also asking ~other~ people to trust clock not to fuck ~them~ over. 1527897;1471988951;asciilifeform;it is not a thing to be done lightly. 1527898;1471988953;phf;asciilifeform: no! 1527899;1471988966;phf;asciilifeform: only important is that one number is bigger than another 1527900;1471989010;asciilifeform;there is not a guarantee even of this 1527901;1471989021;asciilifeform;which is why phf can buy airplane ticket and celebrate new year twice in a year. 1527902;1471989083;phf;because you don't need to place all rates into absolute order, you just need to order rates of a single person, then it's up to that person to choose which sequence they use. of course better to just keep own counter, but lazy people can rely on timestamp, and get screwed over from time to time 1527903;1471989105;asciilifeform;then it is most appropriate to use sequence number 1527904;1471989519;BingoBoingo;http://jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5055 1527905;1471990602;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'which meant that out of a hundred or so kids eating in a large room, I was the one getting the chicken meat parts. Which I didn't like, nor ate, because they were inferior bits to what I normally chomped at home, and they consequently didn't interest me, notwithstanding that most of those children had never in their life eaten meat. Supposedly it was good for them, right ? Vegetarianism is the future and all that ?' 1527906;1471990602;asciilifeform;<< holy shit, ro of the period was a motherfucking india ?! 1527907;1471990643;*;asciilifeform never lacked for meat, nor had any notion that any european childrenz in 20th motherfucking century, might have. 1527908;1471990836;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/eu-tinar-8.jpg << l0L!! i still have ~that~ coat 1527909;1471990845;asciilifeform;was it the same in entire sovblok ? 1527910;1471991129;phf;proud product of hozshitnarprod, izhevsk 1527911;1471991140;*;asciilifeform falls down 1527912;1471991200;mircea_popescu;;;later tell znort987 a) it's one part of what looks like 7 or 8 and b) for entomologist interest only. 1527913;1471991201;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1527914;1471991224;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform actually it was a very good coat. tough as nails. 1527915;1471991238;asciilifeform;all i ever changed were the buttons. 1527916;1471991283;mircea_popescu;i think it might beat raytheon 1527917;1471991350;asciilifeform;y'mean the raygun from last thread ? 1527918;1471991353;asciilifeform;whoknows. 1527919;1471991367;mircea_popescu;nah, whatever derpy vests 1527920;1471991389;phf;same factory produced baby blankets, specialty coats for generals and buran reentry flack 1527921;1471991404;asciilifeform;similar coat figured in a famous (in certain circles) duel b/w two drunken privates in ww2, fought with lendlease 'thompsons' ('.45' calibre) 1527922;1471991418;asciilifeform;two coats, neither pierced. 1527923;1471991426;mircea_popescu;for srs. 1527924;1471991432;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-21#1526219 << found the park and theater, cafe we found was closed for repair. 1527925;1471991432;a111;Logged on 2016-08-21 13:07 mircea_popescu: listen : go to the president cafe or w/e it'scalled, the one right across from the teatre / across the street from that park, an' take some pics. 1527926;1471991470;mircea_popescu;dang. 1527927;1471991472;trinque;went instead to "nuestra tierra" and ate a massive pile of seafood, drank muchas margaritas 1527928;1471991490;mircea_popescu;$up lolgato1 1527929;1471991490;deedbot;lolgato1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1527930;1471991513;mircea_popescu;cr seafood is pretty good 1527931;1471991569;asciilifeform;lolgato1 has quit (Client Quit) << do they fuck like this, also ? 1527932;1471991579;mircea_popescu;from what i hear. 1527933;1471991673;asciilifeform;and aaaaaaaaah the thrust collars are finally here. 1527934;1471991674;*;pete_dushenski thinks he might've finally figured out weechat 1527935;1471991690;phf;they can deal with only so much complexity before they expect to receive a tasty morsel 1527936;1471991692;*;asciilifeform how many folks do not know the joy of 'part that took month to find, fits!' 1527937;1471991713;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527621 << actually this is a situation specifically calling out for smart people, and exactly the opposite of calling out for "smart contracts" 1527938;1471991713;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 17:32 asciilifeform: ' If ever there were a situation crying out for a smart contract - this is it.' 1527939;1471991737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, we have girlfriends too. 1527940;1471991786;asciilifeform;was it in a mircea_popescu article that i read 'rat does not know where he will eat, but knows that he ~will~ eat, and delights in the disjunction' ? 1527941;1471991800;mircea_popescu;sounds like a mp thing to say 1527942;1471991819;asciilifeform;either that or my robotic mircea_popescutron generated it. 1527943;1471991826;asciilifeform;but it is true. 1527944;1471992003;*;asciilifeform put one of them collars on, then searched in vain for why turning handwheel is ~FUCK THIS WON'T MOVE~, chug-chug-chug instead of whhhhrr. inspected lead screw, with magnifying glass, took whole slide apart, back together, then noticed that the stepper motor's wires were touching... 1527945;1471992056;asciilifeform;it became - think - a kind of dynamo, grunting against a short circuit. 1527946;1471992081;asciilifeform;as per mircea_popescu's old piece 'a deal can be anything' -- 1527947;1471992085;asciilifeform;' a bug can be anything ' 1527948;1471992092;asciilifeform;outside of your current field of mental vision. 1527949;1471992095;mircea_popescu;aha. 1527950;1471992108;mircea_popescu;bugs are technically deals. just, deals you're not part of. 1527951;1471992110;asciilifeform;aha. 1527952;1471992115;asciilifeform;very much these. 1527953;1471992195;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527876 << there's no practical way to "revoke" a key ; much like there's no practical way to make that british supreme court judge not stupid. 1527954;1471992195;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 21:41 asciilifeform: znort987: rather, yes, there was provision for it in the original openpgp spec, but it is a bogus concept because it entails a global repository of revocation messages and a universal agreement re what time it presently is. 1527955;1471992440;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527906 << late 80s ?! yeah, working class could get chicken thighs, pig feet or else soy-baloney. 1527956;1471992440;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 22:16 asciilifeform: << holy shit, ro of the period was a motherfucking india ?! 1527957;1471992464;mircea_popescu;ceausescu was paying the country's debts recall. 5bn in 9 years. 1527958;1471992504;mircea_popescu;diabethes patients could have 100 grams / month. 1527959;1471992528;asciilifeform;sounds quite like wartime / ration-card su. 1527960;1471992552;asciilifeform;(not speaking of, e.g., besieged leningrad, but overall.) 1527961;1471992560;mircea_popescu;i expect, yeah. 1527962;1471992576;mircea_popescu;oh i forgot - the vietnamese "shrimp" 1527963;1471992596;mircea_popescu;a strange sort of im not even sure wtf it was. insulation foam. 1527964;1471992619;*;asciilifeform had no experience of these marvels. 1527965;1471992632;thestringpuller;wow did trb blackhole the entire box this time 1527966;1471992636;*;asciilifeform did, not long before the airplane, tasted soy 'chocolate' and went 'ewwww' 1527967;1471992636;thestringpuller;I GUESS I'LL FIND OUT 1527968;1471992636;*;diana_coman used to like watching them curl in hot oil ; not eating them though 1527969;1471992662;mircea_popescu;vietnam export in exchange for whatever heavy machinery they were getting. 1527970;1471992666;mircea_popescu;$google creveti vietnamezi 1527971;1471992667;deedbot;http://crazymothercooker.blogspot.com/2011/10/chipsuri-expandate-din-creveti-100-home.html << CRAZY MOTHER COOKER: CHIPSURI EXPANDATE DIN CREVETI ... | http://www.emag.ro/supermarket/pelete-de-creveti-200g-tao-tao-72804/pd/DW601BBBM/ << Pelete de creveti 200g Tao Tao - eMAG.ro | http://www.totuldespremame.ro/retete/pranz/paste-cu-creveti-excelente-pentru-toata-familia << Paste cu creveţi, excelente pentru toată familia - Totul Despre Mame 1527972;1471992701;mircea_popescu;https://ninulescu.wordpress.com/2012/03/18/crevetii-vietnamezi-chips-urile-copilariei-mele/ 1527973;1471992708;mircea_popescu;there. basically shrimp-shell flavoured rice puffs. 1527974;1471992715;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but hey, i 'made up for lost time' later, had my share of petro-rubbish in usaschwitz. 1527975;1471992733;diana_coman;myeah, tapioca mainly 1527976;1471992740;asciilifeform;prolly quite enough to die at least decade sooner, and that is supposing i eat no moar of it. 1527977;1471992766;mircea_popescu;well, priviledge is priviledge. i never had any then nor now. I WILL DIE FORNEVER! 1527978;1471992788;diana_coman;re meat though in the countryside everybody grew their own meat iirc 1527979;1471992806;mircea_popescu;yeah, and then if they caught you cutting a veal they'd lock you up! 1527980;1471992846;*;diana_coman still recalls playing a "police game" which consisted roughly in driving the car across a small figuring and shouting: got another policeman! 1527981;1471992860;mircea_popescu;lol 1527982;1471992862;diana_coman;apparently as a result of trips from the countryside with the pig carcass 1527983;1471992865;asciilifeform;hey i had this as pc game!111 1527984;1471992867;asciilifeform;'quarantine'. 1527985;1471992935;diana_coman;I suppose "they" being the neighbours who also cut veal etc dunno about locking up 1527986;1471992959;diana_coman;though there was ofc the "the fox got them *again*" eternal story re chicken I think 1527987;1471993014;mircea_popescu;lol 1527988;1471993146;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527910 << you know the italians had a better one rite. 1527989;1471993146;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 22:25 phf: proud product of hozshitnarprod, izhevsk 1527990;1471993269;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: tangentially: you have remnants of http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=FOOBAR in trilema. 1527991;1471993279;mircea_popescu;odd. 1527992;1471993286;asciilifeform;(e.g., http://trilema.com/2014/money-fucking-and-lying << here ) 1527993;1471993332;mircea_popescu;ah cuz search huh. dang. 1527994;1471993351;mircea_popescu;$up VINSIN 1527995;1471993351;deedbot;VINSIN voiced for 30 minutes. 1527996;1471993394;VINSIN;hey 1527997;1471993404;mircea_popescu;i love it when i ask mysqld things it takes seconds to answer. 1527998;1471993408;mircea_popescu;hello VINSIN 1527999;1471993512;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1527781 << pokemon cards were definitely a 'money' in elementary school. 'pogs' idem. there's always some collectible scraps ready to take the mantle, regardless of the age and locale. 1528000;1471993512;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 18:39 asciilifeform: (... pokemon wrappers? ) 1528001;1471993533;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: pet, seeing thread, briefed me on 'pogs' 1528002;1471993537;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 11 fixes! 1528003;1471993544;pete_dushenski;could be snapchat nudies now for all i know 1528004;1471993567;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: nah it's gotta be something 'scarce' 1528005;1471993578;asciilifeform;(in the elementary sense that it can't simply propagate to all the have-nots) 1528006;1471993578;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: lol. ya i even entered pog tourney once. 1528007;1471993596;pete_dushenski;i was better at lego tourneys it turned out 1528008;1471993685;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3F0F2B8C4D3CA8AB2E472F60F174C6C8FEE475C87E9B966190C9B8A80C02FC23 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 112272957310520557937287888630701884074400262312252660684746015492220368624387 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1528009;1471993685;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/264C89BED70EDF1ABBD841805C2A3EF1275599C01C8601A53097FE0FE8F4524C << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 112272957310520557937287888630701884074400262312252660684746015492220368624387 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' 1528010;1471993698;asciilifeform;'AS28400 SECRETARIA DE COMUNICACIONES Y TRANSPORTES COORDINACION DE LA SOCIEDAD DE LA INFORMACION Y EL CONOCI, 32190' 1528011;1471993712;asciilifeform;Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, MX 1528012;1471993716;asciilifeform;sodamigo!1111111 1528013;1471993735;asciilifeform;'it was invented! in a prison, south of the boooooorder, whereyaneed some help, to keep the badboyz away.....' 1528014;1471993754;asciilifeform;'sodamigo's yer friend, he protects yer rearend, so you won't be surprised by JOSE!1111' 1528015;1471993758;asciilifeform;(tm) (r) 1528016;1471993786;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: good point eh. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=107649466&cp=2255956.2273442.67715136.2255958.3253570.3253570&parentPage=viewall&isTopSellingItem=true << top seller for gurlz atm, it so appears 1528017;1471993807;asciilifeform;dafuq is that 1528018;1471993819;pete_dushenski;'collectible' ? 1528019;1471993826;asciilifeform;lolk. 1528020;1471993849;shinohai;rofl asciilifeform 1528021;1471993858;asciilifeform;i saw grown men dressed as that thing, in bmore 1528022;1471993861;pete_dushenski;kids aren't allowed to compete anymore. too many winners and lusers. 1528023;1471993866;asciilifeform;they were having a convention of some kind 1528024;1471993884;pete_dushenski;so no pogs, magic, pokemon cards, etc. just shiny bobbles 1528025;1471993936;asciilifeform;i recall an article, ~5 or so years ago, in uni. of maryland newspaper, about a fight in uni library (!) over a deck of pokemon cards. 1528026;1471993953;asciilifeform;explained why i saw an entire rubbish bin full of them the previous night. 1528027;1471994033;asciilifeform;the participants were said to have been high school pupils, part of a tour group. 1528028;1471994134;asciilifeform;(library and gym are the ~only places i still frequent there) 1528029;1471994231;pete_dushenski;gym ? like work out ? /me can't quite fathom alf doing deadlifting/chinups/treadmill 1528030;1471994250;asciilifeform;i wonder what else pete_dushenski can't quite fathom 1528031;1471994269;asciilifeform;sometimes i wish i could meet everybody's strange mental picture of everybody else. 1528032;1471994308;pete_dushenski;fwiw i also can't fathom alf at president trump's inauguration dinner table 1528033;1471994318;pete_dushenski;or flying mig, etc. 1528034;1471994398;asciilifeform;speaking of, 1528035;1471994402;asciilifeform;;;seen mthreat 1528036;1471994403;gribble;mthreat was last seen in #trilema 19 weeks, 3 days, 21 hours, 17 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: trinque: sweet thanks 1528037;1471994408;pete_dushenski;anyways, our mental representations of one another would indeed be fascinating. a motley assemblage of irc logs, blog posts, and various sm tidbits 1528038;1471994460;pete_dushenski;and trilema conferences 1528039;1471994488;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: any thoughts on conference 4 of late ? 1528040;1471994542;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: y'know, you could just drop by & visit him, as iirc ben_vulpes did 1528041;1471994550;asciilifeform;it dun have to be during a conference. 1528042;1471994586;pete_dushenski;true, having whole gang together is rather appealing tho 1528043;1471994610;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu really exists, and lives approximately where he is said to live, and really is this tall skinny fella, as pictured in, e.g., my www. 1528044;1471994669;asciilifeform;though - for what i imagine are good reasons of his own - he likes to entertain guests under open sky, rather than at home. 1528045;1471994868;pete_dushenski;well, you exist as well. i could visit you too. ben, bingo, shin, mod idem. all of which would be a few hours travel, not a whole day each way. 1528046;1471994902;asciilifeform;aha. 1528047;1471994908;asciilifeform;nearest, i think, would be BingoBoingo . 1528048;1471994912;pete_dushenski;hell, davout wouldn't be a bad guy to ring up atm either. 1528049;1471994939;pete_dushenski;ben's probably marginally closer than BingoBoingo from here 1528050;1471994940;asciilifeform;or phf, when his orbit intersects with yours. 1528051;1471995106;pete_dushenski;all in good time, i suppose 1528052;1471996185;*;pete_dushenski to eat leftover korean 1528053;1472000066;asciilifeform;$up boolcrap 1528054;1472000066;deedbot;boolcrap voiced for 30 minutes. 1528055;1472000126;boolcrap;yo 1528056;1472000321;boolcrap;stas you remember how to calculate base from segment selector and gdt in x64? 1528057;1472000399;asciilifeform;dafuq would you need to do this in longmode, boolcrap 1528058;1472000453;boolcrap;hehe 1528059;1472000465;boolcrap;well, windows still uses fs and gs as general purpose registers 1528060;1472000486;asciilifeform;weren't they used for stack cookie or sumthing 1528061;1472000523;asciilifeform;boolcrap: also http://wiki.osdev.org/GDT_Tutorial exists. 1528062;1472000524;boolcrap;pointer to the datastructure that contains all the information about current threads and crapola 1528063;1472000568;boolcrap;hrm , let me go thru this one again. 1528064;1472000726;asciilifeform;i'ma guess you're grunting through something like http://scrammed.blogspot.com/2014/10/code-obfunscation-mixing-32-and-64-bit.html 1528065;1472000791;boolcrap;hrm, this is pretty nice - but nope. 1528066;1472000795;boolcrap;im working tractor 2.0 1528067;1472000802;boolcrap;true bare tractor 1528068;1472000886;asciilifeform;boolcrap: the microphone is on, recall? 1528069;1472000890;asciilifeform;mr. reagan. 1528070;1472000901;boolcrap;lol 1528071;1472001049;boolcrap;speaking of, didnt they just let hinkley out?/ 1528072;1472001054;asciilifeform;iirc. 1528073;1472001071;asciilifeform;though 'out' may be wrong word, he is 'free to walk the Big Zone' now. 1528074;1472001119;boolcrap;hrm, i think they should have charged jody foster with accomplice to murder 1528075;1472001166;boolcrap;this watermelon is amazing stas 1528076;1472001168;boolcrap;you're missing out 1528077;1472001189;asciilifeform;did this one have legs, did it squeal on the block ? 1528078;1472001198;boolcrap;lol 1528079;1472001212;boolcrap;it didnt squeal but it popped open as soon as i stabbed it 1528080;1472001272;asciilifeform;i recall reading some chinese chick's 'story of my sad life' book in american school, and she described her arranged marriage, and how the husband-to-be kept repeating 'kai-gwa!' or how he will 'open the watermelon' 1528081;1472001280;asciilifeform;i.e. pop her cherry, when the time comes 1528082;1472001297;asciilifeform;and also described, briefly, the kai-gwa proper. 1528083;1472001315;boolcrap;hahaha 1528084;1472001325;boolcrap;what kind of book is that 1528085;1472001328;boolcrap;what grade? 1528086;1472001341;asciilifeform;damned if i remember. 1528087;1472001344;asciilifeform;;;google kai gwa 1528088;1472001344;gribble;The Joy Luck Club Part 4, Chapter 2 Summary - Shmoop: ; Joy Luck Club Vocabulary Flashcards | Quizlet: ; mark: my words: 1528089;1472001352;asciilifeform;possibly ^ that. 1528090;1472001518;boolcrap;you got a solid american education stas 1528091;1472001521;boolcrap;better than most 1528092;1472001525;asciilifeform;lel 1528093;1472001572;boolcrap;must be your white privilege 1528094;1472001581;asciilifeform;how else. 1528095;1472001677;boolcrap;get him, hes white! 1528096;1472001683;boolcrap;hows that for white privilege 1528097;1472001774;asciilifeform;$up Ferrol88 1528098;1472001774;deedbot;Ferrol88 voiced for 30 minutes. 1528099;1472001800;Ferrol88;Hi 1528100;1472001812;asciilifeform;Ferrol88: hello. who might you be ? 1528101;1472001866;phf;mircea_popescu: you know they made scateboards in su, my dad brought me one from tallinn, because he was obsessed with Estonia, but i'm pretty sure by mid 80s they made them all over 1528102;1472001881;asciilifeform;$up boolcrap 1528103;1472001882;deedbot;boolcrap voiced for 30 minutes. 1528104;1472002030;mircea_popescu;phf i had no idea. 1528105;1472002044;phf;http://pashasurf.narod.ru/skateboard_Rula.jpg 1528106;1472002069;mircea_popescu;hey, pretty cool. whne is this ? 90s ? 1528107;1472002085;phf;rula was the estonian brand, and they started making them at least in 70s 1528108;1472002141;mircea_popescu;well i had no idea. these things... they're kinda group run. 1528109;1472002179;phf;hah, here's an old rula from some su '84 movie http://s51.radikal.ru/i131/1107/de/6cf18e720ba1.jpg 1528110;1472002230;mircea_popescu;and in superficially unrelated news, http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqsnqyy9XO1qfih4xo1_500.jpg 1528111;1472002233;phf;i'm pretty sure only reason we had it is because tallinn was closest my dad could get to not-ussr, so he'd buy up whatever cool shit he could find 1528112;1472002280;mircea_popescu;anyway - i'm so impressed with you lot actually chewing through that turd, i'm writing the next part. 1528113;1472002288;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was epic 1528114;1472002300;asciilifeform;phf: we had, by same token, junk from finland and czechoslovakia. 1528115;1472002302;mircea_popescu;we're just getting wormed up. 1528116;1472002310;asciilifeform;and buncha stuff from ro. 1528117;1472002319;mircea_popescu;ro made skis that were not bad iirc. 1528118;1472002326;asciilifeform;incl a very spiffy flashlight with blinkenlights. 1528119;1472002341;asciilifeform;(probably intended as road safety thing but fascinating to kid) 1528120;1472002342;mircea_popescu;course... do you even sky in mos-cow ? 1528121;1472002379;phf;what they call "crosscountry" here is of course winter sop in moscow 1528122;1472002431;mircea_popescu;lol 1528123;1472002480;*;mircea_popescu recalls this lulz where country girl married rich british fellow who had two kids ; who came to visit. 1528124;1472002482;phf;http://www.shishkinn.com/assets/images/ufn2dpa5gsm.jpg 1528125;1472002502;mircea_popescu;girl's father had aro (huge bulky suv from the 70s, could go through swamp) and boat. you know, like that, boat, on land 1528126;1472002508;mircea_popescu;kids loved the car, but what is boat for ? 1528127;1472002512;mircea_popescu;old guy smiled 1528128;1472002515;mircea_popescu;then it started to rain... 1528129;1472002543;mircea_popescu;"boat is for going shopping" 1528130;1472002625;mircea_popescu;ok phf that's beautiful. i fucking miss winter. 1528131;1472002825;phf;yeah, main reason i got back to moscow every other winter. "why are you going to russia in winter? isn't it cold? lol!" shut. the. fuck. up. 1528132;1472002948;mircea_popescu;that's not even cold. 1528133;1472002956;mircea_popescu;perfect snow, looks like maaaaybe -5 1528134;1472003008;mircea_popescu;so anyone recall the spot in the logs many years ago where i explained to iirc trinque that the great sex mutation was most likely driven by the introduction of speech ? 1528135;1472003259;mircea_popescu;i guess it'll be a forever lost arcana reference. 1528136;1472003296;asciilifeform;meanwhile: curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" | cut -d' ' -f23 | sort | uniq 1528137;1472003302;asciilifeform;^ displays all ssh pops; 1528138;1472003309;asciilifeform;but, more interestingly: 1528139;1472003354;asciilifeform;for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" | cut -d' ' -f23`; do nc -w 5 $ip 22 ; done 1528140;1472003472;mircea_popescu;connects ? 1528141;1472003481;asciilifeform;you get the greets 1528142;1472003484;asciilifeform;e.g., 1528143;1472003490;asciilifeform;SSH-1.99-Comware-5.20 1528144;1472003494;asciilifeform;^ the champ ^ 1528145;1472003506;asciilifeform;and 1528146;1472003507;asciilifeform;SSH-1.99-HUAWEI-1.5 1528147;1472003510;asciilifeform;^ runner up ^ 1528148;1472003552;asciilifeform;'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.2' , 'SSH-1.99-DOPRA-1.5' << seem to be tied for 3rd plc. 1528149;1472003573;asciilifeform;the timeout thing dun seem to work on my netcat, so this is a painfully slow experiment 1528150;1472003579;asciilifeform;others are invited to replicate. 1528151;1472003652;asciilifeform;SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u3 << lel 1528152;1472003678;phf;what i don't understand is where all the "cool kids" are during summer break? why not go play with them then so you don't have to catch up every time? 1528153;1472003703;*;phf is really involved in the story, "go little weird short guy, go!" 1528154;1472003703;mircea_popescu;wait what ? 1528155;1472003708;mircea_popescu;oh lmao. 1528156;1472003765;mircea_popescu;btw, it's entirely self-justificatory nonsense. i have personally verified short stature does not per se negatively impact the shorty's prospects. 1528157;1472003783;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: now i gotta ask, how ?? 1528158;1472003790;asciilifeform;how'dya verify this. 1528159;1472003832;mircea_popescu;cuz like this : what's incidence of dude being under 5 feet ? then how come like the best caporegime i ever had was like 4 9 ? 1528160;1472003853;asciilifeform;waiwat 1528161;1472003867;mircea_popescu;better error messages! sign the petition! 1528162;1472003967;asciilifeform;what means 'best caporegime i ever had' 1528163;1472004005;asciilifeform;in what sense he was best 1528164;1472004045;mircea_popescu;well, in the literal sense, it's a mafia term denoting this dude who operates independently. but in the figurative sense here used, the idea is that you compare incidence as of the biological phenomenon with incidence as invidivuals-who-are-short-and-also-have-x. 1528165;1472004049;mircea_popescu;to guess whether short prevents x or not. 1528166;1472004080;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you know who alexey maresyev was ? 1528167;1472004087;mircea_popescu;i do not. 1528168;1472004095;asciilifeform;ru ww2 flyer ace. 1528169;1472004099;asciilifeform;lost his legs. 1528170;1472004107;asciilifeform;kept flyin' 1528171;1472004113;asciilifeform;and scorin' 1528172;1472004117;mircea_popescu;aha! 1528173;1472004149;asciilifeform;pelevin had a riot of a b00k, where there was a 'maresyev school of jet pilotage', where they procrust yer legz first thing 1528174;1472004159;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1528175;1472004166;asciilifeform;so then. 1528176;1472004180;mircea_popescu;so then what! 1528177;1472004184;asciilifeform;maresyev was not, imho, typical flyer. nor mircea_popescu's capo - typical shorty. 1528178;1472004193;mircea_popescu;so why would you be ? 1528179;1472004215;asciilifeform;dunno, ask all the other flyers who got shorter by a set of legs, why they did not become aces. 1528180;1472004216;mircea_popescu;hence my "self justificatory nonsense" comment. 1528181;1472004236;mircea_popescu;yes, but in the observation that X was exceptional is not included the proof that Y is not. 1528182;1472004263;mircea_popescu;the point was, is shorty bar to performance. we find shorty is no bar to performace. other bars may and indeed do exist, sure. so worry about those. 1528183;1472004272;asciilifeform;my observation was re 'does not per se negatively impact'. 1528184;1472004280;asciilifeform;it sure as fuck impacts. 1528185;1472004289;asciilifeform;(how many chicks will even consider a bloke shorter than self) 1528186;1472004325;trinque;can't argue from general case to make comments about the exceptional 1528187;1472004332;asciilifeform;maresyev was an ace, with, and without, legs. 1528188;1472004344;mircea_popescu;most, fwiseen 1528189;1472004349;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu would quite likely still be mircea_popescu if he were shorter by a cubit. 1528190;1472004360;mircea_popescu;i won't consider short chicks ; at least in theory (though say chet was a shorty). 1528191;1472004364;asciilifeform;kasparov can wipe the floor with a room full of handicap players. 1528192;1472004365;asciilifeform;etc. 1528193;1472004449;mircea_popescu;the only magic trick in all this is, how is speaker viewing self. if speaker has already decided is not exceptional ; then argument "shorty was exceptional - i'm not" can be brought ; but obviously the heuristic indicates the problem's somewhere else ; if however speaker hasn't made such decision, then the argument can't be logically brought. and we know whether speaker has or hasn't made such a decision by whether he brings 1528194;1472004450;mircea_popescu;or doesn't bring argument. 1528195;1472004459;mircea_popescu;THIS is female logic, not "how tall is he" 1528196;1472004515;asciilifeform;well, the 'female logic' is in penning a 'why my life sucked' screed to begin with, neh ? 1528197;1472004542;mircea_popescu;i meant "female logic" in the sense of "how does she magically wiff out the loser". 1528198;1472004546;mircea_popescu;it's not magic ; loser tells. 1528199;1472004570;asciilifeform;losing is also cumulative. 1528200;1472004580;mircea_popescu;is pederasty cumulative ? 1528201;1472004586;asciilifeform;quite possibly 1528202;1472004591;mircea_popescu;then maybe. 1528203;1472004615;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528134 << http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-22#1172563 << mentioned here but probably in reference to the logs sought 1528204;1472004615;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 01:43 mircea_popescu: so anyone recall the spot in the logs many years ago where i explained to iirc trinque that the great sex mutation was most likely driven by the introduction of speech ? 1528205;1472004615;a111;Logged on 2015-06-22 20:01 mircea_popescu: there is a deep link between sex and communication, not least of all because sex is the communication of biological material. 1528206;1472004626;mircea_popescu;win! tyvm! 1528207;1472004629;trinque;yw 1528208;1472004662;mircea_popescu;well yeah this is not it, but it will work jus' fine. 1528209;1472004670;asciilifeform;by the time you can tell 'luser' from a hallway's length away, fella prolly has 20 years of radiation damage . 1528210;1472004677;mircea_popescu;not to mention that now that we talk about it, scholar of the future has a way to know what to dig for. 1528211;1472004684;asciilifeform;the 'entomological pieces' are of interest re how it begins 1528212;1472004693;mircea_popescu;because references everywhere! that phf added hand thing was geniusz 1528213;1472004694;asciilifeform;(is it from first fight in kindergarten ?) 1528214;1472004768;mircea_popescu;from experience as well as harem consensus, the data in question is obtained EXACTLY in the manner of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528139 1528215;1472004768;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 01:49 asciilifeform: for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" | cut -d' ' -f23`; do nc -w 5 $ip 22 ; done 1528216;1472004773;mircea_popescu;ie, "ask, he'll tell." 1528217;1472004799;mircea_popescu;o, speaking of which, perhaps the best fucking ever pua in action, lemme fish out the link 1528218;1472004849;asciilifeform;speaking of which, holy FUCK is the 'netcat simply IGNORES timeout' thing frustrating 1528219;1472004863;asciilifeform;who writes like this. 1528220;1472004867;asciilifeform;and why 1528221;1472004896;asciilifeform;the '-w 5' does NOTHING 1528222;1472004911;mircea_popescu; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuXxIrarHEc << did i link this before ? 1528223;1472005024;mircea_popescu;(last one's actually his gf, has a bitch of a time trying to not laugh. because it's fucking impossible with the idiot.) 1528224;1472005113;asciilifeform;ok, now we're cooking : 1528225;1472005126;asciilifeform;for ip in `curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored | grep "ssh-rsa key from" |cut -d' ' -f23`; do timeout -k 0m 3s nc $ip 22 ; done 1528226;1472005171;asciilifeform;^ sends sigkill to idiot netcat after 3s 1528227;1472005260;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1528228;1472005267;mircea_popescu;look at alf, following the unix way, so adorb 1528229;1472005274;mircea_popescu;now you gotta code a watcher to restart your script 1528230;1472005285;*;trinque triggered!1! 1528231;1472005289;trinque;lol 1528232;1472005297;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/938a88c7-7884-414b-b01b-42ce13b53419 << they who answered. 1528233;1472005315;mircea_popescu;seems pretty diverse. 1528234;1472005315;trinque;neat 1528235;1472005320;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: phuctor is as it is so that i could do this, since day1 1528236;1472005321;mircea_popescu;sarge look at that. 1528237;1472005431;asciilifeform;NOW, for the record: 1528238;1472005433;asciilifeform; 7 SSH-1.99-DOPRA-1.5 1528239;1472005433;asciilifeform; 6 SSH-1.99-HUAWEI-1.5 1528240;1472005433;asciilifeform; 5 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.2 1528241;1472005434;asciilifeform; 3 SSH-2.0-AudioCodes 1528242;1472005435;asciilifeform; 3 SSH-1.99-Comware-5.20 1528243;1472005436;asciilifeform; 2 SSH-2.0-ROSSSH 1528244;1472005438;asciilifeform; 1 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u3 1528245;1472005440;asciilifeform; 1 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2 1528246;1472005442;asciilifeform; 1 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 Debian-8.sarge.4 1528247;1472005445;asciilifeform;left column is count. 1528248;1472005461;asciilifeform;( sort phuked | uniq -c | sort -r for the curious ) 1528249;1472005672;asciilifeform;'Comware is an industry-leading provider of network security solutions including products, professional services, and implementation. Our elite team of experts ....' 1528250;1472005674;asciilifeform;ahahahahahahahaha 1528251;1472005676;*;asciilifeform falls down. 1528252;1472005696;asciilifeform;competes, apparently, with cisco et al. 1528253;1472005731;asciilifeform;now what's dopra: 1528254;1472005741;asciilifeform;'As an open source project, the Yocto Project operates with a hierarchical governance structure based on meritocracy and managed by its chief architect, Richard Purdie, a Linux Foundation fellow. This enables the project to remain independent of any one of its member organizations, who participate in various ways and provide resources to the project.' 1528255;1472005747;asciilifeform;^ https://www.yoctoproject.org/about ^ 1528256;1472005758;asciilifeform;huawei needs no introduction. 1528257;1472005786;asciilifeform;'rosssh' is well-known lulcow, 1528258;1472005787;asciilifeform;e.g., 1528259;1472005789;asciilifeform;;;google rosssh 1528260;1472005790;gribble;Mikrotik RouterOS sshd ( ROSSSH ) - Remote Preauth Heap Corruption: ; Mikrotik RouterOS 5.* and 6.* sshd remote preauth heap corruption ...: ; ROS/NetworkSetup - ROS Wiki: 1528261;1472005796;asciilifeform;^1st hit. 1528262;1472005826;asciilifeform;what's 'audiocodes' ..? 1528263;1472005829;asciilifeform;'AudioCodes designs, develops and sells advanced VoIP and data networking products and communications applications for service providers and enterprises.' 1528264;1472005846;asciilifeform;'AudioCodes' international headquarters and R&D facilities are located in Israel, with branch offices in United States, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, UK, China, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico.' 1528265;1472005862;asciilifeform;NOW remember folks, this NEVERHAPPPPPPPENEED!1111 1528266;1472005863;trinque;another one of those got brutally pwnd recently. 1528267;1472005866;*;asciilifeform brb. 1528268;1472005873;trinque;$google obihai seclists 1528269;1472005885;trinque;fuuuuu 1528270;1472005888;deedbot;http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2016/Aug/111 << Full Disclosure: ObiHai ObiPhone - Multiple Vulnerabilities | https://vuldb.com/de/?id.90922 << ObiHai ObiPhone 1032/ObiPhone 1062 vor 5.0.0 Build 3497 URL ... | http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/ << Full Disclosure Mailing List 1528271;1472005895;trinque;there we go 1528272;1472006585;BingoBoingo; nearest, i think, would be BingoBoingo . << But apparently you have odd impressions of middle west. Love Chicago, the worst Middle West has to offer and refuse to give rest of it the time of day. 1528273;1472006791;trinque;;;later tell gabriel_laddel seems foolish to be doing so much work on mcclim without maintaining a presence here. 1528274;1472006792;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1528275;1472006826;trinque;vps can be had for 5/mo; presumably you're still eating during this vagabond phase 1528276;1472006894;asciilifeform;sooo mircea_popescu , how many 'dominations of the vertical and the horizontal' did we just spoodge into the faces of here ? 1528277;1472006958;asciilifeform;hp/comware, yokto, mikrotik, ... 1528278;1472006993;asciilifeform;audiowhateverthefuck, 1528279;1472007023;asciilifeform;... debian? ( though if i had to guess, i'd guess these were nailed by something else ) 1528280;1472007110;asciilifeform;i can hardly wait for the hanno boeck post. 1528281;1472007133;asciilifeform;the pigfucker reads the logz, yes. 1528282;1472007267;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528272 << i like 1890s buildings. 1528283;1472007267;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 02:43 BingoBoingo: nearest, i think, would be BingoBoingo . << But apparently you have odd impressions of middle west. Love Chicago, the worst Middle West has to offer and refuse to give rest of it the time of day. 1528284;1472007278;asciilifeform;lolmart country - not so much. 1528285;1472007309;BingoBoingo;What's wrong with the 1890's buildings in East St Louis? 1528286;1472007460;asciilifeform;cannot comment, haven't yet seen'em 1528287;1472007485;asciilifeform;but chicago figures prominently in the usa of my childhood bootleg vhs tapes, and st louis - does not. 1528288;1472007528;trinque;there was lolmart even in san jose this weekend. 1528289;1472007552;trinque;and a smattering of american fast food. I was surprised how much. 1528290;1472007618;asciilifeform;'there was lolmart' != 'lolmart country'. 1528291;1472007669;trinque;saw plenty of obeasts there. it's spreading. 1528292;1472007694;trinque;"no es un pais pobre" is not solely argentine 1528293;1472007716;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nah not talking about St Louis, but East St Louis. North St Louis also has substantial 1890's buildings 1528294;1472007718;asciilifeform;i saw ~0 in chicago, but admittedly i was not searching for'em 1528295;1472007721;mircea_popescu;trinque it's cheap. eating on budget more and more of a problem. 1528296;1472008059;trinque;mircea_popescu: speaking of coping with poverty, saw a guy selling ring pops in the middle of the road. guy on a motorcycle paid him and immediately popped in his mouth. 1528297;1472008073;trinque;I'm curious what drug that might've been 1528298;1472008083;trinque;wasn't so curious to buy one :p 1528299;1472008085;mircea_popescu;speed ? 1528300;1472008090;mircea_popescu;how fast was motorcycle going :D 1528301;1472008098;trinque;lol, costa rican fast 1528302;1472008102;trinque;so say 50kph 1528303;1472008124;mircea_popescu;what drugs do you ingest in broad daylight on a bike anyway. sugar ? 1528304;1472008133;mircea_popescu;guy prolly bought a caramel. 1528305;1472008153;trinque;girl with me thought it was as innocent as that. 1528306;1472008155;trinque;snore 1528307;1472008217;asciilifeform;gentlemen: any among you happen to own one of the 'stars' of the tard-ssh round-up ? 1528308;1472008228;asciilifeform;the routers 1528309;1472008269;asciilifeform;we have here evidence of at least four undiscovered l0ldays... 1528310;1472008404;mircea_popescu;nope. 1528311;1472008418;mircea_popescu;nfi who the fuck even buys that sort of thing ; half the names i never heard of befoar. 1528312;1472008435;mircea_popescu;anyway, do publish, your blog gets too little material as it is. 1528313;1472008449;asciilifeform;same folks who buy cisco, juniper, huawei (which incidentally...) 1528314;1472008470;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sample is pathetically small yet. 1528315;1472011989;*;asciilifeform realized just now that question http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528307 seemed quite strange to mircea_popescu most likely on account of his not buying shitware to-break-it. 1528316;1472011989;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 03:10 asciilifeform: gentlemen: any among you happen to own one of the 'stars' of the tard-ssh round-up ? 1528317;1472012008;asciilifeform;sorta continuation of the 'everybody!1111 has!1111 ONE!1111 comp' thread. 1528318;1472012052;mircea_popescu;guess so. 1528319;1472012479;asciilifeform;to possibly abuse the mircea_popescutron in my head, some folks buy iron to be cuckolded and alimonied by it, others -- to cut its throat and make sausage; yet others - somewhere in between. 1528320;1472012511;mod6;Bang bang, he shot me down, bang bang, that awful sound, bang bang... << this 1528321;1472012705;mod6;looking forward to part II. :] 1528322;1472012795;mircea_popescu;it's on. 1528323;1472013031;mod6;i really enjoy the trips-down-trilema-lane with links like this: http://trilema.com/2012/the-imbecilitarians/ , stuff that I haven't probably read in ~4 years. 1528324;1472013070;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-two/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Two. 1528325;1472013091;mod6;One of these times, I've got to circle back around and re-read the older ones. So many gems. 1528326;1472013094;mod6;hey! 1528327;1472013100;mod6;nice. 1528328;1472013104;*;mod6 reads 1528329;1472013108;*;asciilifeform reads. 1528330;1472014296;trinque;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-one/#selection-239.0-239.174 << god what a riot; I'm dying 1528331;1472022552;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D60710F34429805CA983E018B19C9D0400E3978C6A4F97721303D362A1E9941 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) :( 1528350;1472045266;jurov;u r no battery? 1528351;1472045287;thestringpuller;i didn't think i needed a "production" set up to run a bitcoin node 1528352;1472045306;thestringpuller;not that I mind, but hey the big blockers told me i can synch easy on current tech!!!!1111 1528353;1472045511;mircea_popescu;hello t2yax 1528354;1472045570;mircea_popescu;$key t2yax 1528355;1472045594;asciilifeform;;;later tell Framedragger the banners really oughta have been in the userstrings. but if you dig'em up, i will retro-add them. 1528356;1472045595;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1528357;1472045601;shinohai;I had to instruct him on how to submit key to public keyserver 1528358;1472045611;shinohai;deedbot didn't see key 1528359;1472045612;mircea_popescu;aok. ping me. 1528360;1472045768;thestringpuller;seeding eulora with da n00bs is an interesting process as it requires WoT registration 1528361;1472045776;mircea_popescu;aha. 1528362;1472045886;t2yax;hello mircea 1528363;1472045886;shinohai;I'm pretty impressed someone made it this far, so far my replies have required lots of crayons. 1528364;1472045911;t2yax;$register A28D33C4DDC87533BA1A9EE53DDAB37948261874 1528365;1472045914;deedbot;A28D33C4DDC87533BA1A9EE53DDAB37948261874 registered as t2yax. 1528366;1472045918;shinohai;\o/ 1528367;1472045932;mircea_popescu;a cool 1528368;1472045934;mircea_popescu;$key t2yax 1528369;1472045951;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/ceb8112b-63bd-4463-a1ee-b4e7f1660f4a/ 1528370;1472045975;thestringpuller;shinohai: eventually when you can use eulora to purchase soma, the cypherpunk n00bs will flow in SnowCrash style. Or I guess Ready Player One?!? 1528371;1472045981;mircea_popescu;aha. 1528372;1472045985;mircea_popescu;what's the rush. 1528373;1472045989;mircea_popescu;har har :) 1528374;1472046014;thestringpuller;hey. if the government hadn't ruined second life! 1528375;1472046016;shinohai;$up t2yax 1528376;1472046017;deedbot;t2yax voiced for 30 minutes. 1528377;1472046026;t2yax;5 min left for game 1528378;1472046037;t2yax;and also i wanna change my irc password 1528379;1472046039;t2yax;how to do it ? 1528380;1472046084;shinohai;t2yax: /msg NickServ SET PASSWORD 1528381;1472046096;shinohai;where is well ... 1528382;1472046118;t2yax;oky 1528383;1472046119;t2yax;thnx 1528384;1472046126;mircea_popescu;t2yax http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/57b4f884-85e3-4b86-8eb9-9507355683f9/?raw=true 1528385;1472046146;t2yax;so what should i do ? 1528386;1472046156;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528331 << all 3 mexico. the 2 that answer return SSH-1.99-DOPRA-1.5. 1528387;1472046156;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 07:09 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D60710F34429805CA983E018B19C9D0400E3978C6A4F97721303D362A1E9941 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) also consider - someone like the young rodger is the result of careful selection over the generations. <- thing is: if ancients were aware of the type, this selection thing is not really that relevant: there probably always was, there always will be 1528606;1472051588;mircea_popescu;diana_coman hip displasia also "always was, and always will be". 1528607;1472051599;mircea_popescu;sure. yet some dog lines get it 70% 1528608;1472051614;diana_coman;the only difference that I see and I was putting on the shoulders of culture is that at that time this kind of broken was acknowledged for what it was and used accordingly 1528609;1472051629;mircea_popescu;well that's pretty big a deal. 1528610;1472051651;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i disagree that rodger is a notably broken example of an american. 1528611;1472051660;asciilifeform;he was a rare ~cured~ american. 1528612;1472051661;diana_coman;or rather: at *this* time it isn't acknowledge nor used accordingly 1528613;1472051667;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he is a notably broken example of the human race. 1528614;1472051679;diana_coman;asciilifeform, I meant it as broken human, not broken american 1528615;1472051689;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, beat me to it, lol 1528616;1472051690;asciilifeform;all of the dysfunctions detailed in mircea_popescu's analysis, are ~typical~ of the folk here. 1528617;1472051706;mircea_popescu;superficially, perhaps. 1528618;1472051711;asciilifeform;rodger was a rare example of a sleeper ~waking up~. 1528619;1472051724;diana_coman;I suspect that is what asciilifeform prefers to consider 1528620;1472051731;asciilifeform;the rest of his 'dictionary speech' cohort are still ambling about. 1528621;1472051748;diana_coman;I would however put forward the fact that a 2 year old is perfectly capable of shooting someone with a pistol 1528622;1472051762;diana_coman;doesn't mean they woke up by doing it 1528623;1472051782;asciilifeform;diana_coman: from the article, it does not appear that the man picked up pistol and fired as a nonvolitional act of hindbrain 1528624;1472051812;diana_coman;also asciilifeform for all you know those who actually died did NOT do the "dictionary speech" while precisely those who survived did 1528625;1472051834;asciilifeform;for all i know, the dead were all expert acrobats. 1528626;1472051849;mircea_popescu;"behold, all engines have a cracked cylinder : they all sound ; and the diagnosis of the cracked cylinder was made by sound". 1528627;1472051852;mircea_popescu;this isn't... sound. 1528628;1472051853;mircea_popescu;\ 1528629;1472051855;asciilifeform;but the typical choice of victim is 'target-rich environment'. 1528630;1472051905;mircea_popescu;it'\s not clear he did that, no. 1528631;1472051913;mircea_popescu;seems in his case it was more of "emotional territory" 1528632;1472051916;asciilifeform;diana_coman: the 'dictionary speech' thing is 'normal' in usa. have you been here in the past decade or two ? visit some time. pick up a newspaper, or turn on a television set. talk to a stranger on the train. 1528633;1472051933;mircea_popescu;ie, like sioux killing rando mpeople because "he feels" that the towns streets are on "indioan land" 1528634;1472051949;diana_coman;I was only briefly in Boston some ..hmmm, 6-7 years ago 1528635;1472051977;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly, i suspect that is necessary stage in english evolution towards chinese. 1528636;1472051991;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: chinese pictograms did not come from mars, no. 1528637;1472051992;mircea_popescu;soon they'll start marking down the long copulative names with drawings 1528638;1472051995;asciilifeform;no shit, necessary. 1528639;1472052036;mircea_popescu;then we'll sit around and wonder idly why all the usians are uncreative and eat wheat 1528640;1472052036;asciilifeform;neal stephenson, in 'anathem', had a correct picture of cultural devolution into pictograms. 1528641;1472052039;diana_coman;that actually reinforces the point that by these standards a 2 year old who shoots someone (he found a new toy, pulled the trigger to see what) has equally woken up: chances are that they shoot dictionary speech people if that is the norm for people 1528642;1472052040;mircea_popescu;"maybe it's the wheat ?" 1528643;1472052076;thestringpuller;the interim is lame LOL acronym thingies 1528644;1472052087;thestringpuller;IIRC. WRT. BRB. 1528645;1472052091;asciilifeform;diana_coman: and if meteor falls on dense traffic in usa, chances are that it flattens dictionary speaker. 1528646;1472052099;diana_coman;so meteor woke up? 1528647;1472052102;asciilifeform;and no it does not follow that meteors have guidance systems that seek these out. 1528648;1472052113;diana_coman;so then in what sense exactly did the guy wake up? 1528649;1472052165;asciilifeform;when he understands (and , no - i did not have a debugger attached to his head, can only infer from the manifesto, that he ~understood~) that 'it is time' 1528650;1472052169;asciilifeform;then - he woke up. 1528651;1472052353;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: I must admit. Your Twitter polls actually make a person think before answering... 1528652;1472052448;asciilifeform;when a postalist buys his kalash and begins to happily whistle as he cleans it every morning and thinks of how he will cull the diseases mass, he need not be consciously aware of why, but his behaviour is as healthy and necessary, civilizationally, as a nursing mother's. 1528653;1472052455;asciilifeform;*diseased 1528654;1472052501;asciilifeform;'running amock' is a thing even among rats packet into a box. 1528655;1472052505;asciilifeform;even certain insects will do it. 1528656;1472052528;asciilifeform;there are no postalists in places with sane population density, and sane degrees of millimortage/diem. 1528657;1472052571;asciilifeform;*packed 1528658;1472052873;asciilifeform;$s debeaking 1528659;1472052873;a111;1 result for "debeaking", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=debeaking 1528660;1472052883;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-19#1279182 1528661;1472052883;a111;Logged on 2015-09-19 02:42 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-09-2015#1278941 << this is the EXACT same basic thing as debeaking (ask a poultry farmer) 1528662;1472052920;asciilifeform;even chickens, when packed into cages, begin to behave ~correctly~, they cannot kill the farmer, but can try to thin the biomass that is choking off their movement and air. 1528663;1472052929;asciilifeform;so modern american farm - saws off, yes, their beaks. 1528664;1472052977;asciilifeform;same thing is done to people in 'civilized' world. 1528665;1472053014;asciilifeform;which is why the butthurt after a postal is inevitably about the pistol, or whatever ~beak~ the apoptoting chicken happened to use. 1528666;1472053029;asciilifeform;'oh noez we forgot to saw this one off correctly, need better saw' 1528667;1472053062;diana_coman;from out here the butthurt re pistol/guns seems an entirely american thing really 1528668;1472053095;asciilifeform;in china, they are stuck with meat cleaver 1528669;1472053107;asciilifeform;(recently a mega-hero nailed a room full with one) 1528670;1472053113;asciilifeform;but principle is the same. 1528671;1472053132;asciilifeform;at no point will any Official organ suggest that problem is 'packing chickens 5 to a cage', rather than the beak/cleaver. 1528672;1472053160;diana_coman;as I said: "could have been done" has nothing to do with putting away the pistol/guns and all to do with finding the right place for the guy, be that 10m in the ground, "jar" or whatever else 1528673;1472053185;asciilifeform;10m in ground is right place for ~everyone~ eventually. 1528674;1472053187;asciilifeform;question is when. 1528675;1472053195;asciilifeform;for some folks, it is at age 5. 1528676;1472053205;asciilifeform;others - 15. 1528677;1472053205;asciilifeform;etc 1528678;1472053224;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has article where 'supernumerary children who failed to find their infant graves' 1528679;1472053306;diana_coman;true that; my thought there was informed by the fact that a 2 years old can be happily kept occupied with perfectly-adequate stuff IF someone points them to it; on the other hand if left on their own, they will ~always find a destructive thing to do 1528680;1472053362;asciilifeform;diana_coman: statistical effect - most of the objects in your house that the 2yo could break, are not kept for this purpose 1528681;1472053369;asciilifeform;so 'loose cannon' 1528682;1472053410;diana_coman;it's not about objects that could break 1528683;1472053465;asciilifeform;the 'destructive' exists only in the parent's eyes 1528684;1472053468;diana_coman;the 2yo himself basically is the main thing that "could break" 1528685;1472053492;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528656 << this is entirely untrue. 1528686;1472053492;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 15:28 asciilifeform: there are no postalists in places with sane population density, and sane degrees of millimortage/diem. 1528687;1472053498;mircea_popescu;they're just not as visible. 1528688;1472053502;diana_coman;what I mean is that they will inevitably take on something that is bound to end quite badly for themselves first of all 1528689;1472053515;diana_coman;because they can't evaluate really AND they are frail at the end of the day 1528690;1472053533;mircea_popescu;not that this crumbles the whole debeaking line. 1528691;1472053573;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: from sov criminalistic records, the typical picture is 'grandfather kills family with axe', or 'mother drowns children', but no, afaik, 'village idiot axes dozen in town hall' 1528692;1472053605;mircea_popescu;plenty of such recorded in eg us wild west. 1528693;1472053616;asciilifeform;but 'grandfather' scenario is not a postal. 1528694;1472053631;asciilifeform;it is, (and i think the correct engl. criminalistic term) 'a domestic'. 1528695;1472053681;asciilifeform;postal, in the true rodgerian, or harris&klebold-ian, sense, is specifically 'supernumerary child' thinning the biomass. 1528696;1472053751;shinohai;Thinning of biomass currently underway at American University in Kabul, stay tuned. 1528697;1472053909;mircea_popescu;well looky : the practical definition and the theoretical definition have no good reason to match. 1528698;1472053920;mircea_popescu;"this is a nail" "this is what i deem a nail" 1528699;1472053924;mircea_popescu;entirely unrelated items 1528700;1472053979;asciilifeform;the rodgers, having been taught rudimentary literacy, left sufficient record to establish themselves as a meaningful equivalence class 1528701;1472054007;asciilifeform;that includes harris & klebold, but not, say, capt. aguilera (of 'problem in the sewers' spanish civil war fame) who killed his family 1528702;1472054056;mircea_popescu;it's not entirely evident meaning works in the way you wish it to. 1528703;1472054065;mircea_popescu;they also left record declaring themselves "supreme gentlemen" 1528704;1472054085;mircea_popescu;which is a ridiculous thing for a mixed blood burgher from the colonies to even aspire to, let alone pretend to. 1528705;1472054102;asciilifeform;not going from the declared 'i am'-s, but from the record of soulless life. 1528706;1472054116;mircea_popescu;not all virgins are the same virgin in the way all whores are the same whore. 1528707;1472054130;mircea_popescu;similarly not all functions that return nil are equal in the way all functions that return 4 are equal 1528708;1472054158;asciilifeform;but there is a great deal of similarity between ~all 40+ y.o. male virgins 1528709;1472054172;mircea_popescu;how do we know this ? 1528710;1472054177;mircea_popescu;"they look the same to me" 1528711;1472054193;asciilifeform;sorta how we know that folks who cannot tie own shoes, are quite similar. 1528712;1472054256;mircea_popescu;this analogy may well not hold. 1528713;1472054259;mircea_popescu;budhist monk, also virgin. 1528714;1472054266;mircea_popescu;some live as long as to reach 40. 1528715;1472054271;asciilifeform;virgin, on reflection, is wrong word here. 1528716;1472054277;asciilifeform;i will have to introduce an americanism, 1528717;1472054280;asciilifeform;'invcel'. 1528718;1472054289;mircea_popescu;it is not clear this symbol has a meaning. 1528719;1472054309;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu never met such ? 1528720;1472054320;mircea_popescu;well one can never meet symbols. 1528721;1472054338;mircea_popescu;but if i start walking around the beatitudes a l'abbe de notre dame de courants d'air, i'll let you know. 1528722;1472054392;asciilifeform;'leprosy' is also a symbol, and has a meaning. 1528723;1472054404;mircea_popescu;sure ; that one does. 1528724;1472054408;asciilifeform;(though, interestingly, modern epidemiologists do not all agree that we know today what leprosy was!11) 1528725;1472054410;mircea_popescu;in this sense, mp is also a man, and he has women. 1528726;1472054412;mircea_popescu;so therefore no virgins. 1528727;1472054453;mircea_popescu;(which, incidentally, is a major cornerstone of all religious faith. which is why it's important that jesus "also man") 1528728;1472054518;mircea_popescu;also, in its dubious definition as scrawled by hands evidently more fit and more used to farm work, "invcel" seems to rather resemble "invpoor", as for instance in africa, or its colonies in the us. 1528729;1472054525;mircea_popescu;rakim, the invpoor. 1528730;1472054569;mircea_popescu;it's altogether not clear, for a very basic instance, that "voluntary" is contemplated to mean anything other than "i didn't give my permission for this". 1528731;1472054605;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the only clear thing it means is 'not monk, did not take vows of celibacy' 1528732;1472054620;mircea_popescu;monks, especially in the feminine, often don't do it voluntarily. 1528733;1472054657;asciilifeform;tru! 1528734;1472054697;*;asciilifeform has intel gap wide enough to drive a train into, re who becomes monk ~today~ 1528735;1472054704;mircea_popescu;or historically. 1528736;1472054717;asciilifeform;historically i have a reasonably detailed picture. 1528737;1472054718;mircea_popescu;but i'll give you a sole example : 1528738;1472054725;mircea_popescu;$google "de ma voi scula pre multi am sa popesc si eu" 1528739;1472054727;deedbot;https://capitalismpepaine.com/2012/07/30/de-ma-voi-scula-pre-multi-am-sa-popesc-si-eu/ << De mă voi scula, pre mulți am să popesc și eu! – Capitalism pe pâine | http://www.costachenegruzzi.eu/opere.php << Costache Negruzzi - Opere | http://www.prosti.ro/perle-bacalaureat-3-0.htm << PERLE BACALAUREAT Pagina 1 - Prosti.ro - BACALAUREAT 1528740;1472054764;mircea_popescu;^ arguably romania's most famous monk, alexandru lapusneanu 1528741;1472054790;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: would you say 'name of the rose' is a reasonable portrait of 'who monks' ? 1528742;1472054796;mircea_popescu;(ie, "should i get out of here, i'll monk a few people myself!") 1528743;1472054802;mircea_popescu;no, we shall not. 1528744;1472054825;mircea_popescu;it's not a bad novel. stendhal's rouge&noir is also. there's more. and the east has its own. 1528745;1472054829;asciilifeform;(iirc it featured 5 or 6 'reasons' for ending up as one) 1528746;1472055281;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu https://lwn.net/Articles/696561 << moar fruit from the nailgunned-murdock tree 1528747;1472055281;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1528748;1472055293;asciilifeform;'Debian to shift to a modern GnuPG' 1528749;1472055300;asciilifeform;^ notably, aug. the 10th 1528750;1472055314;asciilifeform;MODERN!111111 1528751;1472055331;asciilifeform;'For end users, the switch to the new branch will likely only be noticeable in a few situations—and perhaps only if one is looking carefully. For instance, the gpg-agent process will prompt the user for the passphrase to unlock a key, rather than the gpg process, but the workflow itself will not be altered otherwise. Users who have existing keyrings on their machines will have those keyrings automatically updated to the new storage 1528752;1472055331;asciilifeform; format the first time that they run GnuPG modern but, again, the transition is transparent enough that it is not likely to be noticed.' 1528753;1472055344;asciilifeform;^ 'you will be raped with plenty of lubrication, will hardly notice!' 1528754;1472055418;mircea_popescu;hey, more power to them 1528755;1472055431;mircea_popescu;but yes, the lines are certainly solidifying under republican pressure. 1528756;1472055443;phf;which actually makes no sense, since gnupg 1.4 is designed explecitly for use in the kind of situations debian is using it. i.e. low level infrastructural verification 1528757;1472055489;mircea_popescu;right. 1528758;1472055533;phf;if you were to take all the marketing materials at face value, gpg1 is for backend work, gpg2 is client facing, for user emails and such. 1528759;1472055545;mircea_popescu;used to be at any rate. 1528760;1472055556;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/tS7S2 << meanwhile in the genius pi;t 1528761;1472055559;asciilifeform;*pit 1528762;1472055589;phf;ahaha 1528763;1472055681;mircea_popescu;who's that ? 1528764;1472055691;asciilifeform;dunno that this question has an answer. 1528765;1472055701;asciilifeform;incidentally i dun recall gpg2 having own keyring format. 1528766;1472055716;mircea_popescu;and in further "this is thoroughly disgusting" news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m672xbFZgd1qfbxavo1_400.gif 1528767;1472055722;*;asciilifeform is a reformed ex-gpg2 user, and had no conversion work to do when moved 1528768;1472055726;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform now it does. 1528769;1472055735;mircea_popescu;gotta make it more like prb wallet! 1528770;1472055749;shinohai;I came mircea_popescu ! 1528771;1472055760;mircea_popescu;lol 1528772;1472055949;phf;i had some mild success with a script around gpg where on each run it would create a db in tmp/, import all keys from ~/wot ~/systemkeys ~/randomkeys etc., then run the op against that tmp db, and finally remove the db 1528773;1472055964;asciilifeform;phf: it is how my vtron worked. 1528774;1472055973;phf;right, exactly 1528775;1472055977;asciilifeform;and is the only way to get ~sane behaviour out of gpg. 1528776;1472055997;asciilifeform;(a sane pgptron would operate ONLY on what state is given on the command line !) 1528777;1472056006;phf;as my unix teacher used to say "i had this idea, i read it in ..." 1528778;1472056019;mircea_popescu;lol 1528779;1472056025;asciilifeform;'keychains' are a work of evil. 1528780;1472056037;mircea_popescu;hey, some ideas are hard enough to possess even if explained to you, rather than having to find on own. 1528781;1472056052;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but notice the astounding design similarity with "bitcoin wallet" 1528782;1472056058;mircea_popescu;EXACTLY the same broken choices. 1528783;1472056071;mircea_popescu;ie, elliot rodger a lot more common than previously thought. 1528784;1472056116;asciilifeform;hey, think of how often shamanic pharmacopeia involves... shit. 1528785;1472056124;asciilifeform;because it stinks, ergo CLEARLY POWERFUL 1528786;1472056134;asciilifeform;ditto binary turds silently morphing, storing state. 1528787;1472056156;asciilifeform;some idiocies are powerful attractors. 1528788;1472056183;trinque;importantly morphing, storing state in each its own unique snowflake of format 1528789;1472056210;trinque;o hey look ma, made my own windows registry, but only for this one proggie 1528790;1472056243;asciilifeform;trinque: more importantly, a precise description of why 'i stored x, y, z, and binary is now B ~BECAUSE~...' would be book-length. 1528791;1472056250;asciilifeform;and largely full of arbitrary rubbish. 1528792;1472056256;trinque;aha, back to unicode 1528793;1472056286;asciilifeform;https://sweet32.info << moar crypto lulz. 1528794;1472056322;asciilifeform;'It is well-known in the cryptographic community that a short block size makes a block cipher vulnerable to birthday attacks, even if the are no cryptographic attacks against the block cipher itself. We observe that such attacks have now become practical for the common usage of 64-bit block ciphers in popular protocols like TLS and OpenVPN. Still, such ciphers are widely enabled on the Internet. Blowfish is currently the default ciph 1528795;1472056322;asciilifeform;er in OpenVPN, and Triple-DES is supported by nearly all HTTPS web servers, and currently used for roughly 1-2% of HTTPS connections between mainstream browsers and web servers.' 1528796;1472056339;asciilifeform;'that is not dead which can eternal lie' (tm) (r) 1528797;1472056348;asciilifeform;... apparently includes DES. 1528798;1472056424;asciilifeform;$up Sonnentanz 1528799;1472056425;deedbot;Sonnentanz voiced for 30 minutes. 1528800;1472056431;asciilifeform;Sonnentanz: hello? 1528801;1472056884;mircea_popescu;trinque quite exactly, windows registry per-app. 1528802;1472056937;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's reasons we don't condone des. this'd be one of them. 1528803;1472057326;phf;asciilifeform: i have this in my erc http://paste.lisp.org/display/324144 erc-lurker-state is internal hash that erc maintains on its own of people who have talked in the last 24h by default, people not in that list are considered lurkers. you can use erc-lurker-hide-list to hide certain messages from lurkers in my case JOIN/PART/QUIT, the extra erc-display-message advice is to send those message to server buffer instead of totally 1528804;1472057326;phf;hiding them. 1528805;1472057332;asciilifeform;symmetric ciphers have period, just like any other prng, nyooz at 11. 1528806;1472057334;phf;something to consider :> 1528807;1472057366;asciilifeform;phf: this is quite spiffy, but not yet enough to make me use erc. 1528808;1472057376;phf;oh, wait, what are you using? 1528809;1472057377;mircea_popescu;phf i don't want to hide anything. 1528810;1472057381;asciilifeform;^ 1528811;1472057390;asciilifeform;i strongly dislike client-side filters for anything. 1528812;1472057400;asciilifeform;ecological hygiene is the Right Thing. 1528813;1472057406;asciilifeform;not blindfolding of self. 1528814;1472057415;mircea_popescu;i also agree with the general point 1528815;1472057416;phf;it doesn't hide, it redirects it elsewhere. to places where i rarely ever read it.. 1528816;1472057430;mircea_popescu;... 1528817;1472057433;phf;ok ok 1528818;1472057469;mircea_popescu;shinohai was it that originally not posted in right place ? 1528819;1472057537;phf;it worked better when i had the patience to exist on large channels (#lisp for example), but now i'm checking erc-lurker-state it's the exhaustive list of all the people i even have on all of the channels 1528820;1472057638;mircea_popescu;heh. 1528821;1472057644;mircea_popescu;wait, lisp is large ?! 1528822;1472057648;mircea_popescu;join #lisp 1528823;1472057672;phf;450 according to /list #lisp 1528824;1472057679;mircea_popescu;ahaha look at that, my cloak outranks XachX's cloak 1528825;1472057720;phf;python is 1946, though it stopped being at all useful past 2005 or so 1528826;1472057739;mircea_popescu;remarkably quiet innit. 1528827;1472057764;shinohai;mircea_popescu: the eulora post? 1528828;1472057770;mircea_popescu;shinohai yea 1528829;1472057789;trinque;I have started lurking in #clim to see how gabriel_laddel's climwars are going. 1528830;1472057790;shinohai;Nah it's in the same place, just finally got some attention, I went back and bumped it a few times. 1528831;1472057806;mircea_popescu;i suppose the unwritten codex of the place is "nothing exists before the third bump" 1528832;1472057813;phf;#lisp? it has pockets of activity, but there's a decent level of signal inforcement 1528833;1472057822;mircea_popescu;enforcement ? 1528834;1472057839;phf;yes 1528835;1472057874;*;phf afk 1528836;1472058011;shinohai;Yeah tardstalk is a strange place, at least 5 PM's already calling this a scam before the Turkish guy showed up, so now blockchain proofs. 1528837;1472058020;asciilifeform;$up abrr 1528838;1472058020;deedbot;abrr voiced for 30 minutes. 1528839;1472058031;mircea_popescu;well i hope you're having fun. 1528840;1472058062;mircea_popescu;" pipping: I see. Femlisp seems good. I think femlisp, LLA, and GSLL meet my requirements. Do you have any idea how to compare the performance of various libraries, short of trying them all?" << ok, i must say i am deeply impressed with those snr enforcement measures :D 1528841;1472058064;*;mircea_popescu parts. 1528842;1472058090;asciilifeform;http://www.femlisp.org << ? 1528843;1472058095;mircea_popescu;yeah 1528844;1472058096;asciilifeform;'FEMLISP is a Common Lisp framework for solving partial differential equations with the help of the finite element method (FEM).' 1528845;1472058102;asciilifeform;what did mircea_popescu think it was ? 1528846;1472058109;trinque;(()) 1528847;1472058110;mircea_popescu;not my objection. 1528848;1472058130;mircea_popescu;"these women seem like they may be what i want to fuck. any way to know which i'd enjoy without actually fucking anything ?" 1528849;1472058137;asciilifeform;asker presumably wanted a crib sheet. i.e. benchmark. 1528850;1472058137;mircea_popescu;"dude, why are you at the brothel again ?" 1528851;1472058151;asciilifeform;'show me table of chicks ranked by kegel pressure in newton-metres' 1528852;1472058152;mircea_popescu;dude who wants benchmark and doesn't have own benchmark is a strange construction. 1528853;1472058174;abrr;hi i am here for 0.01 BTC bitcoin talk 1528854;1472058179;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-27#811154 << mircea_popescu see also. 1528855;1472058179;a111;Logged on 2014-08-27 01:00 asciilifeform: 'pardon my cynical twist, but what are you doing with that 20,000×20,000 double-precision floating point matrix you say you need to invert _today_? If you answer "nutt'n, I jus kinda wondered what it'd be like, you know", you should be very happy that I am most likely more than 3000 miles away from you, or I would come over and slap you hard.' 1528856;1472058189;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no ; question specifically was not "where is their loop execution time listed" 1528857;1472058205;mircea_popescu;aha, exactly that. 1528858;1472058212;asciilifeform;then yes. 1528859;1472058214;shinohai;mircea_popescu well i hope you're having fun. <<< least I could do in exchange for the #trilema girl 1528860;1472058225;mircea_popescu;wait, you actually ended up with her ? 1528861;1472058325;shinohai;we talk on phone every day now lol. 1528862;1472058419;abrr;what i must do for 0.01 BTC ? 1528863;1472058462;mircea_popescu;win. 1528864;1472058500;abrr;how? can you explain 1528865;1472058523;asciilifeform;abrr: are you here as part of mircea_popescu's 'pay for tits' program ? 1528866;1472058545;mircea_popescu;abrr i was talking to shinohai ; what you have to do is register your gpg key with deedbot and get the game client running. you got either of these ? 1528867;1472058558;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no that's 0.02 iirc. 1528868;1472058567;mircea_popescu;see ? in-band coding. 1528869;1472058571;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ah, i had this notion that it was discounted recently. 1528870;1472058579;mircea_popescu;yes ; from 0.1 1528871;1472058581;*;asciilifeform digs in log 1528872;1472058582;asciilifeform;ah yes. 1528873;1472058627;abrr;not yet 1528874;1472058654;mircea_popescu;aite. you running windows ? 1528875;1472058782;shinohai;lol 1528876;1472058806;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how do you stand the barn folk? what do they contribute to your game world ? 1528877;1472058829;mircea_popescu;labour 1528878;1472058847;mircea_popescu;just like irl. eulora is actually ~that~ successful simulation. 1528879;1472058855;asciilifeform;of what use is brute labour in a sim world ? 1528880;1472058869;shinohai;Same as owning slaves in real life. 1528881;1472058869;asciilifeform;count me as naive, but i gotta ask 1528882;1472058873;mircea_popescu;well specifically - low quality items. 1528883;1472058876;asciilifeform;shinohai: real life has dishes to wash. 1528884;1472058880;asciilifeform;and floors to mop. 1528885;1472058893;mircea_popescu;see asciilifeform if i dig up a flotsam claim, i get flotsam quality 250ish. when they do it, quality 9. 1528886;1472058902;shinohai;Which slave will happily or not-so-happily perform. 1528887;1472058943;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's the gain of having the 9 around ? makes the fella with the 250 feel extra-31333337 ? 1528888;1472059000;mircea_popescu;no ; it's a volume-vs-quality issue. sometimes i just need a lot of cruddy flotsam for a job ; it's wasteful to use hand carved 1700 bedposts for it, so to speak. 1528889;1472059062;asciilifeform;this is quite reminiscent of ~every little kid's question to father about movies, 'how come nobody shits' 1528890;1472059070;mircea_popescu;lol 1528891;1472059071;asciilifeform;in mircea_popescu's movie - turns out - yes, everyone must. 1528892;1472059075;asciilifeform;just like in life. 1528893;1472059076;mircea_popescu;aha! 1528894;1472059103;asciilifeform;and there, evidently, even must be folk who can do nothing but to take a shit. 1528895;1472059113;asciilifeform;just as in life. 1528896;1472059142;mircea_popescu;sure ; can acquire skillz. 1528897;1472059194;mircea_popescu;note that it's a very performant simulation. just like irl - "shit" is not "objectively" low value. you could, conceivably (60% shrimp world by mass) arrive in a situation where shit is in high demand ; meat not so much. 1528898;1472059223;mircea_popescu;because some people (me, daniel, diana, etc) are such perfectionists, we kinda debalanced the economy to where it atm has high need of you know, plain old noobs. 1528899;1472059232;*;asciilifeform can picture it. 1528900;1472059250;asciilifeform;(ever have toy 'biosphere globe' ?) 1528901;1472059272;mircea_popescu;nop 1528902;1472059277;mircea_popescu;always seemed stupid to me 1528903;1472059288;asciilifeform;it is instructive, to a kid 1528904;1472059292;asciilifeform;i never had one, only seen picture. 1528905;1472059298;asciilifeform;and know how it ends. 1528906;1472059303;mircea_popescu;aha. 1528907;1472059355;mircea_popescu;anyway, this wasn't deliberate part of the design. it's just that it apparently flows from the prime principles that design rests on and implements. 1528908;1472059374;asciilifeform;$up abrr 1528909;1472059374;deedbot;abrr voiced for 30 minutes. 1528910;1472059394;mircea_popescu;every other game company - makes design ; tests game. s.mg stuck making design, then trying to figure out what design is actually trying to do, so it can be tested p[roperly. 1528911;1472059401;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as i understand (and this is quite certainly not an expert view) most mmporg tried to use robotic 'npc' to fill this eco niche. 1528912;1472059422;mircea_popescu;which is a loud testament of their idiocy - much harder to do BOTH world AND AI at the same time. 1528913;1472059439;mircea_popescu;"oh your world won't work, demiurge" "no problem, i'll add ai to it" "idiot" 1528914;1472059457;asciilifeform;if anyone knew how to make 'npc rat' as clever as actual meat rat, games with robo-npc would be considerably more interesting ! 1528915;1472059462;mircea_popescu;quite. 1528916;1472059472;mircea_popescu;and this from someone who doesn't fwis even much care for rats. 1528917;1472059496;asciilifeform;well yes, deliberately picked it as example of humbly-clever opponent 1528918;1472059518;mircea_popescu;in a contest between man and rat i'll bet on rat. 1528919;1472059521;mircea_popescu;no fucking way you catch it. 1528920;1472059529;asciilifeform;and try catching 1,001 ! 1528921;1472059540;mircea_popescu;even 1 out of 1k is a high enough bar for most people. 1528922;1472060784;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-23#1528042 << confirming that people have the keys the internet says they have in person is also appealing 1528923;1472060784;a111;Logged on 2016-08-23 23:23 pete_dushenski: true, having whole gang together is rather appealing tho 1528924;1472060824;ben_vulpes;and if you missed the opportunity to batch it up in ars, it's probably worth the expense to do the rounds and collect 'em in person 1528925;1472061008;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i half-expect to hand out otp's at the next meat gathering. 1528926;1472061014;asciilifeform;in addition to whatever else. 1528927;1472061050;ben_vulpes;grand idea! 1528928;1472061076;ben_vulpes;what btw was the name of that cheapo usb sampler you linked forever ago? 1528929;1472061207;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: may have been 'bus pirate' 1528930;1472061265;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there are 1,001 of these, and iirc at this point can even be bought in the shops in most civilized cities. 1528931;1472061272;asciilifeform;20bux or so. 1528932;1472061286;asciilifeform;sold in same places as spools of wire, solder, etc. 1528933;1472061323;ben_vulpes;aye, ty 1528934;1472061364;*;ben_vulpes is not looking forward to the glorious blood sports of curating otpwads 1528935;1472061453;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i have a little bit of custom hardware for making this bearable, but this 'parachute' is not yet deployed in the field. 1528936;1472061511;ben_vulpes;one dongle per contact? 1528937;1472061523;asciilifeform;how else. 1528938;1472061534;*;ben_vulpes nods 1528939;1472061559;trinque;how does it differ from simply some storage stick (usb or w/e) with otp matter? 1528940;1472061569;ben_vulpes;instead of or different product from cardano? 1528941;1472061572;asciilifeform;trinque: you don't want otp to touch a pc. 1528942;1472061577;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: unrelated. 1528943;1472061606;asciilifeform;(different, unnamed device.) 1528944;1472061630;trinque;pollock, lol 1528945;1472061632;asciilifeform;the most difficult piece of an otp system is the 'ot' 1528946;1472061701;asciilifeform;but perhaps we already had this thread. 1528947;1472061718;asciilifeform;it is important to remember that otp is not a replacement for public key crypto. 1528948;1472061728;asciilifeform;an otpgram is intrinsically an affair between TWO people. 1528949;1472061739;asciilifeform;'harem', to use mircea_popescu's ontology, vs 'forum'. 1528950;1472061785;asciilifeform;(there are schemes for public signatures using an otp-like system - lamport's signatures - but they rely on the strength of a hash and do not have the absolute guarantee associated with an ordinary otptron.) 1528951;1472061875;mircea_popescu;ima bbl ; shinohai if moar noobs show up do pacify them for a few hours. 1528952;1472061888;asciilifeform;anyway, i only bring up subj because 'what are some things to do at meat meetups.' 1528953;1472061888;shinohai;will do 1528954;1472062014;asciilifeform;(most folks have not now and never will have any business using an otp. to use it without applying the required ~discipline~ - e.g., are you prepared to keep the pad with you at ALL times, in the shitter, etc. ? does more harm than good.) 1528955;1472062022;ben_vulpes;memorize everone's faces to sketch later for handlers 1528956;1472062060;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: pretty sure all the faces are on www . 1528957;1472062197;ben_vulpes;i can think of one that's not, anyways, 'tis a joke. 1528958;1472062220;ben_vulpes;ah no i'm wrong on that one 1528959;1472062339;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: i half-expect to hand out otp's at the next meat gathering. << werd. 1528960;1472062464;asciilifeform;otp also poses a number of 'konsooomer has come to expect' challenges to typical user. 1528961;1472062483;asciilifeform;e.g., are you willing to compose and read messages using something with the ergonomics of a pocket calculator ? 1528962;1472062493;asciilifeform;(recall, ancestors had to use pen and paper!) 1528963;1472062529;asciilifeform;if one really desires the 'absolute' aspect, there is, yes, a price. 1528964;1472062579;mod6;i'd prefer to an enigmatic pile of crap that is gnupg 1528965;1472062632;phf;asciilifeform: same problem with gnupg though, when you need to use it, you'd better be certain counterparty can opsec 1528966;1472062664;asciilifeform;phf: the thing is necessarily as strong as the weaker party, yes 1528967;1472062665;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1528968;1472062686;asciilifeform;in other news, fire is hot, and water - wet. 1528969;1472062742;ben_vulpes;life, hard. 1528970;1472062945;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528522 << "with any luck the most we can hope for is that they're tolerable company. if one's halfway qualified to be sent to more school, i'll consider myself lucky. and if we're unlucky, well, there's always the beach and teaching surfing." 1528971;1472062945;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 14:36 mircea_popescu: diana_coman i wish to meet the father that actually does this. 1528972;1472063164;ben_vulpes;reminds me of a conversation with the excavator operator the other day: "how'd you get your wife to let you buy a corvette?" "let?!" 1528973;1472063168;phf;well, that's not a noshit for every reader i suppose. if you gnupg with an incompetent person you might end up with things that you want explicitly hidden on record "beyond a reasonable doubt". shit if you gnupg with competent person you ought to think twice what to send, and if tradititional public premediated c&c is a better option 1528974;1472063220;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there's a working-class thing of 'hand wife the wages to keep it all from going to drink' 1528975;1472063237;asciilifeform;appears in wide array of places, from norway to japan 1528976;1472063268;thestringpuller;$s otp 1528977;1472063268;a111;783 results for "otp", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=otp 1528978;1472063271;asciilifeform;phf: the damage that can be wrought by folks whose hands grow out of arse, is staggering, and more so the more powerful the instrument. 1528979;1472063608;phf;if traditional american police (and not even special lizard hitler goons) were to raid your house right now, while you're at work, on a suggestion that you run a drug market, and confiscate every piece of electronics&c they could get their hands on, what is the chance that they will find your key? how much trust should i put in your answer? both are obviously rhetorical questions. presumably, if we were to gpg gram, you will have to 1528980;1472063608;phf;apply same heuristic to me 1528981;1472063629;asciilifeform;even supposing they find none 1528982;1472063637;asciilifeform;there is , today as in 1942, the coke machine. 1528983;1472063648;asciilifeform;works just same as in 1542, or 42. 1528984;1472063710;asciilifeform;the necessary level of discipline contains tools such as cyanide 1528985;1472063729;asciilifeform;or, my own 'trademark', to build systems that will survive one's own cokemachining and betrayal. 1528986;1472063746;asciilifeform;(for which the toolkit includes, e.g., 'fits-in-head') 1528987;1472063836;asciilifeform;there are also such things as 'canary', but they tend to 'cry wolf', like burglar alarms. 1528988;1472063864;asciilifeform;'oops i went on vacation and forgot' 'mmok' 1528989;1472063995;asciilifeform;historically successful partizan organizations assumed betrayal, blackmail, and torture, as facts of life, and routed around the damage on best-effort basis (e.g., cell compartmentalization.) 1528990;1472064068;asciilifeform;i fully expect to be killed at some point, and in such a way that usg gets some or all of my key material. 1528991;1472064084;asciilifeform;if this becomes obvious IMMEDIATELY when it happens, it means that i have done my work here CORRECTLY. 1528992;1472064368;asciilifeform;phf: do you remember the 'brainwallet' thread ? 1528993;1472064391;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: actually that's misconception that arose during the "everquest" era of bullshit 1528994;1472064401;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: ..? 1528995;1472064405;phf;asciilifeform: which one? 1528996;1472064424;asciilifeform;phf: where i argued that the ~only~ genuine advantage of a physical key is that it is possible to destroy the only copy 1528997;1472064431;phf;ah right 1528998;1472064437;thestringpuller;re: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528911 1528999;1472064437;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 17:23 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as i understand (and this is quite certainly not an expert view) most mmporg tried to use robotic 'npc' to fill this eco niche. 1529000;1472064506;asciilifeform;phf: and, granted, nobody is storing 1TB of otp inside his head. 1529001;1472064570;thestringpuller;game AI is pretty advance on most fronts, it's not trying "to be human". For instance being hunted in a stealth game. If they really wanted to, they could make the AI find you EVERY time. A game of hide and go seek that's impossible to win. So the in-between is this "puzzle-like" element. 1529002;1472064582;thestringpuller;See Hitman or Metal Gear for examples. 1529003;1472064608;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: ai that finds you because it ~knows where you are~ is not ai. 1529004;1472064622;phf;^ 1529005;1472064640;thestringpuller;i wasn't saying that. 1529006;1472064641;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: which is why games like civ1 had braindead computer opponent, and certain others - e.g., galciv - were famous for 'interesting ai' 1529007;1472064766;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: okay. so in game of hide and go seek in kojima's world. AI is like player but more liek child. It can see, it can hear, it can even smell. So if player is running in rain and footsteps appear, AI follows players trail. If AI hears suspicious noise in certain area it goes and "looks around". The thoroughness of its hunt is relative to difficulty. I was saying more if you want to go the "purist" route. You can make the hi 1529008;1472064790;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: message got cut ? 1529009;1472064797;thestringpuller;where? 1529010;1472064805;asciilifeform;'You can make the hi' 1529011;1472064807;phf;"You can make the hi" 1529012;1472064838;thestringpuller;hide and seek aspect nearly impossible. 1529013;1472064863;asciilifeform;ah. 1529014;1472064954;phf;the impossibility in this case is inverse relation to "knowing where you are", not to "ai". because making ai with limited sensors (like by say using same set of sensors as what you have) find you is a tricky problem 1529015;1472065014;phf;yes, you can make ai that can smell you all through the field, but then it's equivalent to "knowing where you are", and no ai is involved. it's simply a machine that can pinpoint a location based on small with p reliability 1529016;1472065021;thestringpuller;phf this is level design. 1529017;1472065026;phf;*smell 1529018;1472065032;thestringpuller;with sensors you can program the robots to find you every time 1529019;1472065038;thestringpuller;without knowing location of player 1529020;1472065056;phf;thestringpuller: you're speaking with authority from not knowing, and there's no point for me to continue this conversation 1529021;1472065086;phf;but if you actually believe that, there's a very lucrative Lockheed martin contract i can hook you up with 1529022;1472065127;thestringpuller;you're assuming the level is of infinite complexity, that is it exists like the natural world. That's not normally the case the level is deliberately designed so the rovers that are npcs glide along it like an amusement park ride. 1529023;1472067535;shinohai;http://archive.is/I0dX8 "why should the rest of the network be crippled because you have an irrational desire to validate every single Bitcoin transaction?" 1529024;1472067575;asciilifeform;ahahahahahahaha 1529025;1472067577;*;asciilifeform falls down. 1529026;1472068387;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1529027;1472068389;gribble;Current Blocks: 426702 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 689 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 17 hours, 15 minutes, and 36 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1529028;1472068393;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1529029;1472068399;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 579.21, vol: 2889.13844665 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 580.301, vol: 6945.43003 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 580.62, vol: 5184.79806465 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 579.66, vol: 4178.90697916 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 579.62931, vol: 62215.09570000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 581.87, vol: 501.38404931 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 579.62, vol: 920.88697208 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 580.3728, vol: (1 more message) 1529030;1472068573;BingoBoingo;;;more 1529031;1472068573;gribble;398533.46652 | Volume-weighted last average: 580.265285647 1529032;1472068639;shinohai;well BingoBoingo it looks as if our friend covertress got some Bittrex suppositories today. 1529033;1472068651;BingoBoingo;Oh? 1529034;1472068675;shinohai;51% attacked her coin, dumped on trex for 5.614718020889983 1529035;1472069303;asciilifeform;shinohai: lol, who did 1529036;1472069343;*;shinohai shrugs 1529037;1472069629;trinque;inb4 covertesscoin classic 1529038;1472069646;shinohai;xD 1529039;1472069824;*;asciilifeform recalls covertress's 'veeeeeery speshssul offer' for mircea_popescu . perhaps ~this~ was it. 1529040;1472069899;shinohai;Now can only hope very speshul offer includes a $3000+ bailout 1529041;1472069967;asciilifeform;hey, if it comes with some luscious flesh, someone might take.. 1529042;1472070185;shinohai;Certainly not my type of luscious flesh, but then again I prefer brunettes. 1529043;1472070329;wyrdmantis;lol shinohai who 51% attacked what coin? 1529044;1472070378;shinohai;`unknown entities` and coin was the Krypton-eth-clone 1529045;1472070508;wyrdmantis;my brain hurts 1529046;1472070541;shinohai;Ethereum tends to do that. 1529047;1472070700;wyrdmantis;the rabbit shithole run more deep than i thought 1529048;1472071697;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/the-woes-of-altcoin-or-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-cryptocurrencies << obligatory. 1529049;1472071837;shinohai;^____________^ 1529050;1472072232;wyrdmantis;and in other brain-hurts https://gendal.me/2016/08/24/corda-an-introduction/amp/ 1529051;1472072301;asciilifeform;^ complete with non-pasteable screenshit-of-pdf abstract. 1529052;1472072314;asciilifeform;a sure winner!11111 1529053;1472072349;asciilifeform;esp. with mike hearn! 1529054;1472072412;asciilifeform;BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY!111 1529055;1472072423;asciilifeform;kinda reminiscent of usg's incarnation of pgp. 1529056;1472072428;shinohai;blockHEAD tech 1529057;1472072443;asciilifeform;folks who've worked under the u.s. pentagon, will know what i am speaking of. 1529058;1472072456;asciilifeform;gnarly plugin for microshit (yes) 'outlook' (yes). 1529059;1472072487;asciilifeform;key (iirc 1024b) lives on dumbcard. 1529060;1472072513;asciilifeform;(which gets inserted into the comp every morning to log in, and no, the card does not light up when signing) 1529061;1472072599;asciilifeform;the hearnia strategy, 'we'll steal your thing and make idiot version and sell it to EVERYONE as the Real Thing' was tried, yes, with pgp. 1529062;1472072613;asciilifeform;let'em try also with bitcoin, why not. 1529063;1472072656;asciilifeform;(or, on a very distant planet, it was tried with 'clojure' vs common lisp.) 1529064;1472072676;asciilifeform;but for so long as there are folks who remember what the Real Deal looks like - idiot is left to bite own elbows with frustration. 1529065;1472073904;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu was this http://trilema.com/2011/epifania-cu-pedofilia piece ever translated ? 1529066;1472073905;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1529067;1472076480;asciilifeform;in other 'holy shit, this claptrap is still around' nonnews, http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/m-seeps.htm 1529068;1472076502;asciilifeform;(and they build things!111 -- http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/research/Vortrap.htm ) 1529069;1472076551;asciilifeform;the interesting part re ^ is that the depicted fixture will indeed separate water... but not into 'magic' and 'nonmagic', but... h2o and d2o. 1529070;1472076569;asciilifeform;wonder how much of what these schmucks are experiencing, is the effect of drinking heavywater. 1529071;1472076616;asciilifeform;there are few folks more 'batshit' than cargocultist who manages to build a ~working~ glider. 1529072;1472079487;wyrdmantis;asciilifeform is that zero point energy nonsense? 1529073;1472083908;asciilifeform;wyrdmantis: nope, it is even deeper 'magic water voodoo. as was fashionable in 1960s. 1529074;1472084137;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/UeHY6 << in other gpglulz. 1529075;1472084196;shinohai;Maybe he should just switch to keybase.io too 1529076;1472084234;asciilifeform;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/08/24/equation_group_exploit_expanded_to_target_cisco_924_asa_boxes << in yet other lulz. 1529077;1472084251;asciilifeform;'Hungary-based security consultancy SilentSignal has ported a public exploit to newer models of Cisco's Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA). .... The exploit was restricted to versions 8.4.(4) and earlier of ASA boxes and has now been expanded to 9.2.(4).' 1529078;1472084883;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform turns out wasn't tranbslated. 1529079;1472084966;*;asciilifeform often feels lame asking for a transl of a piece written in a reasonably european lang 1529080;1472084994;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528679 << not all the children are fit to live ; all the parents are liable to lie to themselves on this score. this impedance mismatch is the first and in plenty of approximations the only business of social science. 1529081;1472084994;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 15:41 diana_coman: true that; my thought there was informed by the fact that a 2 years old can be happily kept occupied with perfectly-adequate stuff IF someone points them to it; on the other hand if left on their own, they will ~always find a destructive thing to do 1529082;1472085011;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ima add it to list. but first i wanna finish the anhero niceguy. 1529083;1472085017;asciilifeform;no rush. 1529084;1472085266;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528952 << actually it's not altogether clear the "announced star pattern meet" is the best way to go. too much logistical difficulty involved in syncing people ; and in defending an agglomeration - for relatively little benefit. 1529085;1472085266;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 18:04 asciilifeform: anyway, i only bring up subj because 'what are some things to do at meat meetups.' 1529086;1472085279;mircea_popescu;makes much more sense to do it pairwise ; or at any rate p2pish 1529087;1472085287;mircea_popescu;decentralize conferences! 1529088;1472085288;asciilifeform;the old sages knew this. 1529089;1472085293;asciilifeform;ask lenin. 1529090;1472085350;mircea_popescu;let's say it was an early luxury we did for a time enjoy 1529091;1472085482;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528972 << there is, believe it or not, this large population of "kind bear" out there ; army, construciton etc full of them. entirely subbie to some rando woman, who half the time has no fucking clue / is just bitchy. 1529092;1472085482;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 18:26 ben_vulpes: reminds me of a conversation with the excavator operator the other day: "how'd you get your wife to let you buy a corvette?" "let?!" 1529093;1472085500;mircea_popescu;seems very much a "ustards do chivalry, like they saw in rome, france" 1529094;1472085573;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528973 << i don't understand how you think gpg works. explain this to me ? 1529095;1472085573;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 18:26 phf: well, that's not a noshit for every reader i suppose. if you gnupg with an incompetent person you might end up with things that you want explicitly hidden on record "beyond a reasonable doubt". shit if you gnupg with competent person you ought to think twice what to send, and if tradititional public premediated c&c is a better option 1529096;1472085645;asciilifeform;i read phf's thing as simply 'you are counting on other side not to simply lose the plaintext, and not to shoot out both of your feet by sending an intended signed ciphrogram in the clear' 1529097;1472085672;mircea_popescu;so what exactly is your interest if they lose the plaintext ? 1529098;1472085690;asciilifeform;lose as in 'reveal publicly' 1529099;1472085698;mircea_popescu;wait. are you conflating encryption and signing ? 1529100;1472085708;asciilifeform;well, not me 1529101;1472085721;mircea_popescu;so then what do i care that he is saying that i told him "x" ? 1529102;1472085803;asciilifeform;it is not uncommon to send a signed pgpgram. 1529103;1472085851;mircea_popescu;it is also not uncommon to prepare food after shitting without washing hands. 1529104;1472085867;mircea_popescu;what criteria is this, common. 1529105;1472085890;asciilifeform;habitually sending (and more importantly, acting on) unsigned pgpgrams has own set of risks. 1529106;1472085894;mircea_popescu;encryption and cryptographic signatures solve opposite problems : secrecy and publicity. 1529107;1472085904;asciilifeform;tru! 1529108;1472085984;mircea_popescu;but anyway, sure, "people have come to expect" all sorts of weird shit. 1529109;1472086033;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528993 << mno, lord british did it too. 1529110;1472086033;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 18:46 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: actually that's misconception that arose during the "everquest" era of bullshit 1529111;1472086037;mircea_popescu;worked just as badly. 1529112;1472086044;mircea_popescu;eve tried it too. worked just as badly. 1529113;1472086051;mircea_popescu;it's entirely perennial, no mmo ever escaped it. 1529114;1472086052;asciilifeform;such as for instance some of the folks here may have 'come to expect' ~not~ being deluged with crafted messages from third parties claiming to be from X 1529115;1472086070;asciilifeform;(notice, if the tale of znort is to be taken at face value, the only thing that kept his edifice from burning down was a pgp sig.) 1529116;1472086093;mircea_popescu;kinda what they're for. 1529117;1472086126;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1529001 << seeing through walls is not ai. 1529118;1472086126;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 18:49 thestringpuller: game AI is pretty advance on most fronts, it's not trying "to be human". For instance being hunted in a stealth game. If they really wanted to, they could make the AI find you EVERY time. A game of hide and go seek that's impossible to win. So the in-between is this "puzzle-like" element. 1529119;1472086141;mircea_popescu;imo the best ai any game ever displayed to date was pacman. 1529120;1472086166;mircea_popescu;not surpassed so far ; not likely to ever be (it also helps that... obviously) 1529121;1472086302;BingoBoingo;Classic Pac Man also has way to soundly defeat AI 1529122;1472086316;BingoBoingo;"blindspots" if I recall 1529123;1472086354;mircea_popescu;it is a solved problem. the only way you don't get killed if the implementation is, willingly or accidentally, bad. 1529124;1472086394;mircea_popescu;it's actually a reasonably interesting and very studied problem. 1529125;1472086508;mircea_popescu;(it's also not terribly fun to play over the age of about 12 or so, for this very reason. supaplex, which had dumber scissors (always left/right hand rule) AND allowd you to turn them around was much more interesting game (when scissors applied)) 1529126;1472086568;mircea_popescu;"better ai" is no improvement when it traduces in practice to "must play a game with known/computable solution" . 1529127;1472086901;BingoBoingo;In other NPC's https://archive.is/i8Ikm 1529128;1472087046;mircea_popescu;yeah ok this is pretty good ; reminds one of sa of its glory days. 1529129;1472087225;BingoBoingo;One can't Elliot Rodger all the nouns 1529130;1472087516;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529125 << it was glorious . 1529131;1472087516;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 00:55 mircea_popescu: (it's also not terribly fun to play over the age of about 12 or so, for this very reason. supaplex, which had dumber scissors (always left/right hand rule) AND allowd you to turn them around was much more interesting game (when scissors applied)) 1529132;1472087549;mircea_popescu;esp as a kid, the first time you figure out you CAN fucking turn them. because at first you know, kids are cowardly, they kinda lose control at the crucial moment. 1529133;1472087562;*;asciilifeform listens to music loop from supaplex in his head while reading this. 1529134;1472087564;mircea_popescu;genius game from this perspective ; in any discussion of "video games help kids" i always think of supaplex. 1529135;1472089966;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529117 << they don't see through walls in regards to smell. This was more a system designed by Kojima in MGS3 for dogs to follow a path of the player as he would drip "particles" into the ground the dog could track. 1529136;1472089966;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 00:48 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1529001 << seeing through walls is not ai. 1529137;1472090012;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller ai is ai, sensory advantages are sensory advantages. different categories. 1529138;1472090049;thestringpuller;Sure. But the notion of game AI "knowing the player's location" isn't really a thing these days. 1529139;1472090144;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529126 << probably why stealth games have the most "interesting" ai. It's a puzzle with many solutions. :P 1529140;1472090144;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 00:56 mircea_popescu: "better ai" is no improvement when it traduces in practice to "must play a game with known/computable solution" . 1529141;1472091497;mircea_popescu;possibly 1529142;1472091502;mircea_popescu;tbh i haven't played one since thief. 1529143;1472091543;asciilifeform;'the thinking man's Doom.' 1529144;1472091576;phf;mircea_popescu: you're totally right, i have no idea what i was thinking 1529145;1472091636;mircea_popescu;you know i clip these and store them in a large wooden chest. 1529146;1472091669;*;asciilifeform clips the other kind, and stores in very small brass chest. 1529147;1472091770;phf;so i shouldn't trust myself to run opsec either 1529148;1472091821;mircea_popescu;phf it helps if you THINK about it. 1529149;1472091841;mircea_popescu;as evidenced by the fact that once you stop to consider it, a minute's all it takes. 1529150;1472091888;mircea_popescu;("would you trust surgeon x to cut out your appendix ?" "it depends. would he be watching tv while doing it ?") 1529151;1472091955;mircea_popescu;i'm not even sure the case of breach was yet born when the problem truly was "nobody could have predicted". virtually all go "o hey, if we as much as gave a shit for seven straight seconds..." 1529152;1472092144;phf;well, it's a simon says game. "in step 27, sidestep 5 you pushed button A instead of B. game over" 1529153;1472092151;mircea_popescu;it is at that. 1529154;1472092180;mircea_popescu;you know the esprit de finesse / esprit de geometrie classification right ? 1529155;1472092185;phf;no 1529156;1472092216;mircea_popescu;turns out topic's been studied by eg, pascal, ever so long ago. 1529157;1472092222;phf;actually i think we had a thread about it 1529158;1472092261;mircea_popescu;can't recall if it was back on otc or no. 1529159;1472092711;phf;i think i'm actually misremembering, but i found pensées. "congratulations, your civilization has discovered: writing" 1529160;1472092745;asciilifeform;'...discovered: despotism!' (tm) (r) 1529161;1472092975;mircea_popescu;lol 1529162;1472094381;phf;stealth computer games are best suited for ai problems, because the algorithms fall under a very specific category of differential blind search games with mobile hider studied and analyzed since the 60s as part of differential games subfield of game theory (DoD likes to throw money at stuff like that, and the first treatment of subject is by a RAND corporation guy). there's no known optimal strategy for >2 node networks, but there are 1529163;1472094382;phf;interesting strategies (and since games are time dependant, hence differential, they are really algorithms) that you can easily implement by reading relevant papers. but to suggest that the solution is "wins every time" is a claim about the search space or claim about a game theoretical breakthrough. since thestringpuller said "well, they are very small levels" it's probably about node count. there are probably very impressive mixed 1529164;1472094383;phf;strategies that you can put in a bot. of course in offline computer game you're looking at repeated games where one player can learn and observe strategy and the other one can not, so in repeated search games the human player theoretically will always wins. (probably in online games it's still an arms race of recognizing the strategy and coding/tweaking the strategy) 1529165;1472094507;mircea_popescu;aha. 1529166;1472094636;mircea_popescu;there's other considerations in play. optimal strategies usually tend to be too stable to be "fun" ; so the designer is stuck with a pretty complex bag. 1529167;1472094678;mircea_popescu;(it stands to reason that if YOU are trying to find the enemy / rabbit / whatever you want to take stationary positions and watch ; yet people don't usually want to play a game against ai that does mostly this.) 1529168;1472094725;mircea_popescu;but in general, on the basis of the horrid ad&d of average gameplayer, computer should be capable of getting pretty close to "every time" just by... you know, not being a crazed teenager. 1529169;1472094745;mircea_popescu;kinda why it's so scandalous the arab teens are ripping uncle sam's overtrained, overfed volunteers a new hole. 1529170;1472094828;phf;hehe, actually ambush strategy is one of the reasons there's no known solutions for general networks, which must be a bummer for dod 1529171;1472094839;mircea_popescu;aha. 1529172;1472094859;mircea_popescu;of all the billions they wasted, this particular stuff is not the worst. 1529173;1472094901;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/after-years-of-rumours-coinbase-adds-litecoin-support-kind-of/ << Qntra - After Years Of Rumours Coinbase Adds Litecoin Support, Kind Of 1529174;1472094920;BingoBoingo;The power move in Civ 2 was to swiftly revolution your govt into Fundamentalism after getting the bomb and rushing your enemies with cheap fanatics. 1529175;1472094975;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo civ was very weak because it had a number of "rush". i could consistently win rushing the (large landmass) globe with cavalries. 1529176;1472094982;mircea_popescu;usually played the russians doing this :D 1529177;1472094988;mircea_popescu;(great spot with horses in the forests there for it.) 1529178;1472095009;mircea_popescu;then you could rush with knights. then you could rush with etc. 1529179;1472095057;BingoBoingo;AHA. The rules.txt file and sprite files were great introduction to "Computer Game is not opaque monolith" 1529180;1472095117;mircea_popescu;but the cavalry rushes were pretty sad affairs specifically because a) game ended cca 1k bc ; b) the score was otherwise unbeatable ; c) wtf srsly. 1529181;1472095152;mircea_popescu;experience shows it is exceedingly difficult to build 4X games that don't die thus (more recent players will know this as "zerging") 1529182;1472095188;mircea_popescu;dune 2 solved the problem by a) making the quads shit and b) overpowering the turrets AND c) forcing you to keep resetting your base through "levels". 1529183;1472095194;mircea_popescu;none of which is an honest solution. 1529184;1472095241;mircea_popescu;heroes 2/3 had much better solution through army dampening model (you DID NOT lose army!). at least imo. 1529185;1472095479;BingoBoingo;IRL has excellent solution of simply debuffing most units into uselessness 1529186;1472098795;phf;man, this story is going to give me nightmares, it's a nightmare in which i'm reading the story and can't get out 1529187;1472099035;phf;i thought there's a happy ending, but i made a mistake of googling the guy after part one 1529188;1472100109;mircea_popescu;aww. 1529189;1472100113;mircea_popescu;im just about to publish part three. 1529190;1472100131;mircea_popescu;so now you can't go to sleep. 1529191;1472100409;BingoBoingo;lol 1529192;1472100543;mircea_popescu;aaand it's on 1529193;1472100608;*;asciilifeform reads 1529194;1472101653;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-three/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Three. 1529195;1472101860;phf;i soon started to develop great envy 1529196;1472102063;mircea_popescu;at least your moon unit dweezildruid is level 60. 1529197;1472102863;mircea_popescu;holy shit, these people redefined the (rather common) name of Marcel! 1529198;1472102873;mircea_popescu;i had no idea Proust was "married celibate" 1529199;1472102955;mircea_popescu;the most shocking thing to me re anglospace is and remains the incredible textual productions of people who evidently master no references. it's an endless outpour of "music" from people who don't recognize any notes. 1529200;1472103744;BingoBoingo;"My parents shocked me with very horrible news. They were planning on sending me to Taft High School. Taft had five times as many students as Crespi, it was a public school, it had girls in it, and it had a bad reputation. I had never been so scared in my entire life. How could they do this to me, after knowing what I went through at Crespi? Taft High School would eat me alive and spit me out. I felt so betrayed by my parents." << AHA, I 1529201;1472103744;BingoBoingo; was waiting for his parents to give up on him! 1529202;1472104086;mircea_popescu;srsly. 1529203;1472104831;BingoBoingo;"This was the most horrible thing she could do to me, to take away my only source of joy left in the world." << lol nope. He still had a joy. Mebbe they should have sent him to drugs. 1529204;1472104942;mircea_popescu;it's so fucking weird - kid evidently comes from money. he didn't find a brothel ? a roach peddler ? nuttin' ? 1529205;1472105060;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1529206;1472105192;BingoBoingo;Anyways this explains why the lizard DEA made heroin trendy again. The drug kids with WoW thing backfired. 1529207;1472105198;BingoBoingo;$up indoor_jellyfish 1529208;1472105199;deedbot;indoor_jellyfish voiced for 30 minutes. 1529209;1472105279;indoor_jellyfish;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529204 < It's amazing (to me at least) that there is no mention of google anywhere in this whole story. He never spent a moment just clicking around on whatever looked interesting because "hey, what's this?" 1529210;1472105279;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 06:02 mircea_popescu: it's so fucking weird - kid evidently comes from money. he didn't find a brothel ? a roach peddler ? nuttin' ? 1529211;1472105644;BingoBoingo;If Elliot Rodger was poor and discovered google http://sonichu.com/cwcki/Chris 1529212;1472105828;indoor_jellyfish;The obsession with social status is bizzare. Are neighborhoods so clearly ordered good through bad? How much time did the adults in his life spend discussing this within earshot? 1529213;1472106050;BingoBoingo;Yes, neighborhoods are exactly that clearly ordered if one is the sort of defective that counts by primary colors and names building after their shape. 1529214;1472106188;indoor_jellyfish;"A large source of the incredible tedium of his prose is that where you see predicates and subjects with their determinants he just runs a mess of copulative constructions in pre-cut forms ; his idea of English phraseology is essentially a trainload of nouns." < a part-chinaman trying for hieroglyphs 1529215;1472108206;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529080 true; at the same time and funnily enough in this particular case, the parents of this guy actually called the police on him and apparently tried to get him out of the way -within the confines of what was acceptable- but essentially everybody else disagreed with the parents' own view that he wasn't fit to live among others as he was at the time. 1529216;1472108206;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 00:29 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528679 << not all the children are fit to live ; all the parents are liable to lie to themselves on this score. this impedance mismatch is the first and in plenty of approximations the only business of social science. 1529217;1472108224;diana_coman;culturally acceptable I mean there 1529218;1472108375;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/25/some-things-are-not-for-sale/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Some things are not for sale. 1529219;1472108629;mircea_popescu;diana_coman i guess so huh. 1529220;1472108671;mircea_popescu;indoor_jellyfish a lot of the stuff is pretty perplexing. 1529221;1472108671;mircea_popescu;$up t2yax 1529222;1472108671;deedbot;t2yax voiced for 30 minutes. 1529223;1472108671;mircea_popescu;$gettrust deedbot t2yax 1529224;1472108671;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections. 1529225;1472108672;mircea_popescu;t2yax you can voice yourself, just say $up to the bot 1529226;1472108840;t2yax;what trilema means ? 1529227;1472108877;mircea_popescu;now that's complicated. 1529228;1472109449;Framedragger;i always thought it was a play on 'dilemma'. something something hegelian triad 1529229;1472109512;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i need to dig out those banners, will ping you if/when this happens 1529230;1472109963;mircea_popescu;the naming of the thing is now hazed in the mists of history. 1529231;1472109967;mircea_popescu;alcohol was probably involved. 1529232;1472110166;Framedragger;"dialectics and alcohol" sounds like a great mix imho! 1529233;1472131882;shinohai;$up khaos49 1529234;1472131882;deedbot;khaos49 voiced for 30 minutes. 1529235;1472131888;shinohai;$key khaos49 1529236;1472131895;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/c0168b33-57ba-4ed5-aedf-e77e3d9291c1/ 1529237;1472132098;shinohai;;;later tell mircea_popescu new Eulora blood awaits your arrival. 1529238;1472132098;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1529239;1472132237;mircea_popescu;shinohai here i am 1529240;1472132272;shinohai;mircea_popescu: khaos49 has key, needs acct 1529241;1472132296;mircea_popescu;ooon it. 1529242;1472132299;mircea_popescu;$key khaos49 1529243;1472132301;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/11da4127-48da-46bb-9c5b-cf76c98cfd23/ 1529244;1472132446;*;shinohai wonders when mircea_popescu will offer him full-time staff position as curator of players and tits 1529245;1472132471;mircea_popescu;khaos49 http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/e3b37de0-9d62-40d7-8169-3056dd391446/ 1529246;1472132483;mircea_popescu;lol shinohai 1529247;1472132491;shinohai;^.^ 1529248;1472132622;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 success ... this is the coolest thing yet. 1529249;1472132622;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1529250;1472132632;mircea_popescu;im making some slag tro make some mining tools in a bit here ; you can have some if you want then you can either use them or sell them to noobs. 1529251;1472133206;mircea_popescu;$key pi2u 1529252;1472133209;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/9b821e13-623e-4a43-9251-6259d4bb998d/ 1529253;1472133307;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529232 << when i used to drink heavily back in philadelphia my собутыльники (literally "those who share bottles", a derisive way of saying that the thing we had in common was an excuse to drink) was a small group of european philosophy ph.d.-s from upenn program. those guys would habitually get blackout drunk, which they thought was most important skill of a philosopher. usually we'd end up at one of 1529254;1472133307;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 07:29 Framedragger: "dialectics and alcohol" sounds like a great mix imho! 1529255;1472133307;phf;their tiny apartments, and this polish guy piotr would sit me down and go "now look philip, this is not how you think. if debord was part of philosophical discourse, he'd know that blah blah blah has completely demolished his argument, let me tell you" and on and on and on 1529256;1472133440;mircea_popescu;the exact equivalent of these kids in romania would then have to wake up early because they had class with mp, who was ONE YEAR THEIR JUNIOR, and he'd flunk them all eventually, but they were too petrified of him anyway. 1529257;1472135747;BingoBoingo;phf: Amazing! When I was in a graduate philosophy program it was dominated by the same ethos!!! Also, there's always one or more polish students in philosophy program. 1529258;1472135844;diana_coman;mircea_popescu, that sounds then like an excellent class in waking up early, but with dubious results philosophy-wise :p 1529259;1472135875;mircea_popescu;it wasn't early, it was 10 to 12 wtf. 1529260;1472135950;diana_coman;oh, I thought they woke up early as in woke up at 6am to read for the class out of fear or something 1529261;1472135982;mircea_popescu;no, just, you know, "early" 1529262;1472136098;diana_coman;since we had classes starting usually at 8am if not 7:30 at uni on most days (they surely wouldn't have all fitted otherwise in a week/daytime if starting any later), I did not grasp the early concept correctly, lol 1529263;1472136121;diana_coman;my point though was that petrified people don't seem to be able to learn much while being statues 1529264;1472136334;mircea_popescu;this is because you also don't grasp the concept of "learning" correctly. there is no required participation of the fucking subject in learning actual matter, such as philosophy. if i were teaching them cooking i'd be interested in their own fucking contribution and whatever. but the point of philosophy is to shut the fuck up and LEARN. what "the text makes you think" and what "you feel about X" is entirely uninteresting, bec 1529265;1472136334;mircea_popescu;ause you're fucking there specifically because your thinker and feeler are absent, broken or in the best case filthy. 1529266;1472136441;mircea_popescu;the current us fashion of asking kids for "their opinion" is as good a proof as needed that there exist no qualified philosophy teachers in that country, for instance. 1529267;1472136456;shinohai;BingoBoingo just when you thought Pokemon Go couldn't do anymore damage: http://time.com/4465882/pokemon-go-driver-kills-pedestrian/ 1529268;1472136467;mircea_popescu;did he find shiny ? 1529269;1472136512;BingoBoingo;OMG Tragedy! Neckbeard kills endangered species! 1529270;1472136523;shinohai;lmao 1529271;1472136535;mircea_popescu;they should totally make an app which gives you "secret loot" when you butcher people. 1529272;1472136540;mircea_popescu;you know, just like wow. 1529273;1472136544;diana_coman;shutting up and learning != being petrified 1529274;1472136554;mircea_popescu;how ? 1529275;1472136575;diana_coman;being petrified shuts down entirely everything including hearing/learning, hence "statue" 1529276;1472136590;mircea_popescu;diana_coman in english, "petrified" denotes the situation of the mouse beset by snake, who can't move away ; not the situation of sodomites turned to salt by a vengeful god. 1529277;1472136627;mircea_popescu;(the snake is, for merit, the symbol of wisdom, by the way. specifically that in the mice's reaction to it, they bring to mind philosophy students in a half decent oxford class.) 1529278;1472136664;shinohai;If this were so, Southern US would contain more salt than the mines of Siberia, to hear evangelicals speak. 1529279;1472136686;mircea_popescu;besides, if you were god wouldn't you make them sald-shaped dicks ? 1529280;1472136706;mircea_popescu;what is this pillar nonfigurative nonsense. 1529281;1472136713;phf;BingoBoingo: the whole group was like a walking stereotype. a tall sickly looking polish guy with bowl haircut. an italian with unruly hair who was pretending to be an upper-class englishman. i don't think i've ever seen them sober, i suspect they were pretty dull otherwise 1529282;1472136775;BingoBoingo;phf: Kinda why I switched to Library School on a different campus. That and the "hold pattern for a decade and phd" thing lost its appeal. 1529283;1472136963;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529264 << nobody asks the maggot recruits 'what they feel' in maths lecture either, wtf 1529284;1472136963;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 14:45 mircea_popescu: this is because you also don't grasp the concept of "learning" correctly. there is no required participation of the fucking subject in learning actual matter, such as philosophy. if i were teaching them cooking i'd be interested in their own fucking contribution and whatever. but the point of philosophy is to shut the fuck up and LEARN. what "the text makes you think" and what "you feel about X" is entirely uninteresting, bec 1529285;1472137008;diana_coman;mouse just gets eaten though; snake can have lots of wisdom to impart to those who are fascinated by it, but those who go over into petrified are just its food 1529286;1472137015;mircea_popescu;"so mr elliot, do you think it's fair that bijective functions have to also be continuos to qualify ?" 1529287;1472137022;trinque;diana_coman was commenting on the biological fact that being permanently afraid shuts down memory retention 1529288;1472137026;trinque;which runs contrary to learning 1529289;1472137037;diana_coman;myeah, the what do you feel or even what do you think is just a bone to pick with current idiocy , nothing to do with what I was saying 1529290;1472137038;trinque;being afraid at useful times, sure 1529291;1472137067;phf;BingoBoingo: i have no idea what their endgame was, i think that they had some old fashioned notion of bad student, that they were committed to living out for as long their livers last. to be fair a "brilliant", but "misunderstood" alcoholic student is a european stereotype (it used to be mocked, but then there's a handful of books, where their genius is recognized type deal). i think u.s. philosophy majors carry alcoholism as a kind of 1529292;1472137067;phf;misguided dedication to old world tradition, trying to parrot french cafe culture, etc. 1529293;1472137083;trinque;but one can say that it is upon the student to nut-up and stop being afraid in the face of the snake 1529294;1472137090;trinque;not upon the snake to un-snake 1529295;1472137095;mircea_popescu;trinque petrified as you represent it and as it actually works are pretty disjunct. ask a proper rape victim - she'll recall EVERYTHING in great detail except what she did. because she did nothing. because petrified. 1529296;1472137114;mircea_popescu;she'll remember it for the entire rest of her life, long after she's forgotten the face of her first husband. 1529297;1472137120;mircea_popescu;that's education for you - via petrification. 1529298;1472137145;BingoBoingo;phf: At this point it seems all the Muricans want to be "The Hunter S. Thompson of" X 1529299;1472137267;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://duosear.ch/62f4b87384ac27526b61a77e8d08793c3d2d77e2/listing/b22edaeb1f0a1354673f1e50a1be49c9119c03c7 1529300;1472137439;trinque;mircea_popescu: hm, right. I'm describing a particular brand of neurotic american stress, not petrification. 1529301;1472137442;trinque;I see it. 1529302;1472137466;mircea_popescu;"if the victim perceives they have the luxury to shut down memory, they're evidently not petrified enough." 1529303;1472137530;*;asciilifeform pictures first day of mircea_popescu's lecture. n00bz walk in, find small road cone on each chair. 'no, gentlemen, these are glued on. have a seat.' 1529304;1472137545;mircea_popescu;(this also plays out in the harem, esp with mid-recent girls. she gets in trouble, then gets in trouble and catches the beating of her life for having forgotten what she got in trouble for.) 1529305;1472137575;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm not much of a prop comic myself. you're the one bringing little boards and probiscii and whatnot! 1529306;1472137584;asciilifeform;illustrative!1111 1529307;1472137597;mircea_popescu;:) 1529308;1472138743;BingoBoingo;brb 1529309;1472143609;asciilifeform;in other noose, https://archive.is/Yvhnf << world's largest dirigible, british (originally american) crashes. 1529310;1472143640;asciilifeform;on its 2nd flight, no less. 1529311;1472143660;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ 1529312;1472143684;asciilifeform;£25m, lel. 1529313;1472143720;asciilifeform;https://www.thrillist.com/news/nation/airlander-10-airship-looks-like-a-giant-butt-takes-flight-for-the-first-time << see also. 1529314;1472143890;phf;i'm glad TONY MEREVICK pictured here https://assets3.thrillist.com/v1/image/1757937/size/tl-author_web.jpg has an opinion about the shape of £25m flying machine 1529315;1472143902;asciilifeform;lol! 1529316;1472143924;asciilifeform;y'know, thing ~is~ a flying arse, even if donald duck were the one to point it out. 1529317;1472144007;phf;https://twitter.com/tonymerevick/status/401494704136937472 "Tony Merevick joined BuzzFeed as a reporter in the fall of 2013 to focus on national LGBT news. He is the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of Chicago Phoenix, an innovative LGBT news startup in the Midwest." about self "Cities News Editor @Thrillist. Formerly @BuzzFeedNews. Coffee, wine, and bourbon, please. Send tips to tony@thrillist.com" 1529318;1472144009;asciilifeform;and i suspect that there is a journatard bootcamp somewhere, where they make this haircut. why have i seen 1,001 turdmeisters with it..? 1529319;1472144047;mircea_popescu;lmao lgbt start-up 1529320;1472144052;mircea_popescu;is it viagra powered ? 1529321;1472144067;asciilifeform;spamiagra-powered. 1529322;1472144075;asciilifeform;(what ~is~ in spam viagra..?) 1529323;1472144115;*;asciilifeform vaguely recalls article from decade ago where some dude with an idle gc/ms setup actually ordered a coupla dozen spam viagras & tested, but lost link long ago 1529324;1472144290;phf;asciilifeform: donald duck had edge compared to all these clowns 1529325;1472144310;asciilifeform;in at least that there was only 1 of him 1529326;1472144321;asciilifeform;rather than 1 spread across 1,000,001 maggots 1529327;1472144517;mircea_popescu;donald duck had tons of edge, you kidding me ? 1529328;1472144528;mircea_popescu;easily the most ... advanced cartoon character of the classical era. 1529329;1472144558;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-YoY60BRsc here's him doing backup dancing for boyd rice 1529330;1472144563;mircea_popescu;up there with popeye (the drawn, not the filmed) 1529331;1472145674;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-four/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Four. 1529332;1472146120;ben_vulpes;https://blog.lookout.com/blog/2016/08/25/trident-pegasus/ << 0dayz burned 1529333;1472146267;phf;who would've thought that actual "cyberwarfare" would be exactly like those old cyberpunk games. "you have 1 iceBr34ker that you can deploy againt level3 nav agent v4, there's 15 of those agents, choose wisely" 1529334;1472146328;asciilifeform;phf: on the level of ft meade's 'star trek captain's chair' (one of the recent demented generals literally had one installed) - quite certainly. 1529335;1472146400;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'Unless, of course, the text is the product of an unrelated adult, whose involvement with the whole thing is not emotional nor personal, and who therefore simply forgot about that detail.' << sorta like the fire-proof, bomb-proof, smudge-proof passports invariably found on corpse of every 'dead terrorist' in usa. 1529336;1472150254;phf;ok, let's see 1529337;1472150311;phf;heh, well, this is promising "Error in function UNIX::SIGSEGV-HANDLER: Segmentation Violation at #xF7A94D06." 1529338;1472150443;asciilifeform;phf: is this a routine cmuclism ? 1529339;1472150448;asciilifeform;or genuine strange 1529340;1472150489;asciilifeform;phf: do you have a (safety 0) in there or wat 1529341;1472150493;asciilifeform;(ffi to c crapola ?) 1529342;1472150512;asciilifeform;(else how does one even ~get~ a sigsegv in a cl proggy..?) 1529343;1472150528;phf;i wouldn't be surprised if somebody sets safety 0, that's something that i should actually grep for, but i think it's gpgme that's doing it 1529344;1472150564;phf;i rebuilt the core from scratch since there was a handful of reload-breaking updates, and that's first thing i'm getting on load 1529345;1472150566;asciilifeform;is there a gpg segfault in /var/log/messages ? 1529346;1472150576;asciilifeform;(thing spawns gpg as process, neh ?) 1529347;1472150611;asciilifeform;perhaps phf struck gold ? 1529348;1472150627;phf;the mother lode! 1529349;1472150640;asciilifeform;can haz ? 1529350;1472150671;phf;(in-pankage ... 1529351;1472150743;asciilifeform;..? 1529352;1472150745;phf;asciilifeform: fwiw, cmucl has all kinds of nooks and crannies that i don't want to bring up on account of our recurring "why cmucl" conversation 1529353;1472150757;asciilifeform;sbcl also has 1529354;1472150788;phf;and the way i'm using it is non-traditional (or perhaps very traditional depending on how you look at it) 1529355;1472150794;asciilifeform;asciilifeform is specifically interested in the 'foo' in 'gpg --blah .... < foo' -> sigsegv 1529356;1472150855;phf;i figured, but i suspect it's a much more mundate explanation. nothing's change in gpg/gpgme setup from the previous core, so this must be something novel in the way cmucl is packing itself to a core file, or perhaps it's not reloading those foreign libs properly 1529357;1472150913;asciilifeform;i dun think i've ever sigsegv'd a pure-lisp process that didn't (safety 0) 1529358;1472150944;thestringpuller;https://steemit.com/story/@charlieshrem/a-geek-in-prison-a-life-series-by-charlie-shrem-preamble << So charlie shrem is 100% socialist now after going to club fed. 1529359;1472151089;phf;asciilifeform: it's ffi, C-GPGME-OP-VERIFY on asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig 1529360;1472151125;asciilifeform;phf: does your copy verify by hand ? 1529361;1472151138;phf;what do you mean? 1529362;1472151168;phf;you mean do i call out to a v? no, it ~is~ a v 1529363;1472151169;asciilifeform;same .vpatch.sig, vpatch, key --- what does gpg from command line output ? 1529364;1472151195;asciilifeform;when you attempt the thing the ffi does, but using bare hands 1529365;1472151211;phf;oh, it definitely works. i can load a previous core and that same set of patches passes 1529366;1472151255;shinohai;thestringpuller: and do you like how he is now unwittingly officially the face of their ponzi 1529367;1472151274;shinohai;It all seems too perfect. 1529368;1472151454;asciilifeform;https://sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=gavin+andresen << lulzy - the sheer number of obvious gag keys for gavin 1529369;1472151475;asciilifeform;now somebody oughta generate crapolade keys for the names which signed the 'non-gag' ones, and sign the gags, etc. 1529370;1472151476;asciilifeform;recurse. 1529371;1472151488;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu described this algo for reddit, easily applicable here. 1529372;1472152402;phf;asciilifeform: unfortunately nothing exciting, i had a stale gpgme ctx 1529373;1472152414;asciilifeform;lolk 1529374;1472153188;phf;hmm 1529375;1472153221;phf;ok, i'll fix that later 1529376;1472153233;phf;let's see if it syncs 1529377;1472153557;phf;test 1529378;1472153625;phf;ok. recovery code seems to be working, except for that changing host issue 1529379;1472154398;mats;I just noticed skype squatting on port 80, serving up a blank page 1529380;1472154404;mats;??? 1529381;1472154414;trinque;lol 1529382;1472154563;jurov;mats: no surprise, skype was originally p2p and using port 80 has an advantage there 1529383;1472155915;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/4081d4dc-d5c8-4ca5-808a-7bae8a13c05a/?raw=true << possibly of interest 1529384;1472155915;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1529385;1472162151;asciilifeform;'My laptop was getting slower and slower. It wasn’t a very powerful laptop, but it was the only computer I had to play WoW on. This was really frustrating me, because eventually it became so slow that it ruined my gaming experience. I kept pestering my mother and father to get me a faster laptop that was more efficient for gaming.' (from rodger part 4) 1529386;1472162186;asciilifeform;and here i thought this only 'happened' to old folks. 1529387;1472164598;mod6;<+shinohai> ;;later tell mod6 success ... this is the coolest thing yet. << nice! thanks for testing that :] 1529388;1472164644;mircea_popescu;o hai 1529389;1472164765;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu jailbroke adlai or wat. 1529390;1472164804;adlai;nah i just DIDN'T lose my key 1529391;1472164814;mircea_popescu;naah 1529392;1472164829;adlai;ok ok you're right, they twisted my toenails until i screamed my password 1529393;1472164901;mircea_popescu;i was talking to him! 1529394;1472164957;adlai;re: the revocation thread from a couple days ago: why not require/expect keys, ratings, and revocations to be at least deeded, or better yet, spammed into the chain itself? 1529395;1472165003;trinque;deeded requires signed, and if the right material is signed, doesn't need to be a deed. 1529396;1472165004;mircea_popescu;because it's ultimately nobody else's business. 1529397;1472165009;adlai;(rationale for spamming: it's not a lot of data, and adding a cost to the process gives the process a cost) 1529398;1472165042;adlai;wasn't the whole thread about the fact that there's no unquestionable ordering? 1529399;1472165064;asciilifeform;adlai: this is not the only problem with concept of 'revocation'. 1529400;1472165065;trinque;sure there is; hash of last signed rating 1529401;1472165085;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529385 << the very notion of gaming on a laptop... 1529402;1472165091;adlai;trinque: i think you're describing an imaginary system that doesn't actually exist in any of the existing wotbots/ 1529403;1472165149;mircea_popescu;the whole thread was about how key owner does NOT control the process in any shape or form. this is the logical equivalent of "the organism pumping blood through the tits does not control the tit pinching that goes on with the tits." 1529404;1472165179;asciilifeform;adlai: the entire notion of pubkeys posted publicly in a way that implies that strangers can take and use'em for something, is probably going away. 1529405;1472165182;mircea_popescu;pretense to the contrary has a cost ; and we're not gonna be paying it. 1529406;1472165272;*;adlai wonders whether this extends to the entire notion of s/pubkeys/ratings/, too 1529407;1472165285;asciilifeform;adlai: currently there is a very comical situation where chumps download a pubkey, from ?????, and then try to authenticate published material (found on mitmable www sites, naturally) ~TO~ it, rather than the reverse (found signed material, then determined matching pubkey) 1529408;1472165294;mircea_popescu;i thought at least re ratings it was obvious from original wot article. 1529409;1472165304;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> o hai << hey! also had some lulz reading part III of Rodger on the train. 1529410;1472165315;mircea_popescu;" However, this is something that Joe can evaluate by himself, without having any need for Moe, and without needing to ask him anything" << 1529411;1472165316;asciilifeform;(or worse yet, they encrypt a transmission ~to~ a key without any attempt at climbing to it in their actual wot) 1529412;1472165329;mircea_popescu;mod6 cheers :) 1529413;1472165364;mod6;There are so many gems. 1529414;1472165371;adlai;it is possible to trust (up to a certain minimal degree) keys encountered "in the wild" 1529415;1472165386;mod6;like this: "What the fuck is wrong with these people." << i mean right? 1529416;1472165387;mircea_popescu;it is possible to eat shit, as an individual. it is not possible to enact a shiteating diet. 1529417;1472165393;asciilifeform;adlai: must also point out, 'read signed document and then found matching pubkey' still conceivably leaves you behind a 'great firewall' where all pgp sigs visible match chairman mao's key perfectly 1529418;1472165395;mircea_popescu;don't confuse what one can do with what's to be done. 1529419;1472165415;mod6;An honest question to ponder for our times: "Why the fuck do US kids even go to school anymore ?" 1529420;1472165434;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1529421;1472165446;asciilifeform;mod6: same reason they went in 1900. to be kept out of labour market. 1529422;1472165453;asciilifeform;propping up wages. 1529423;1472165458;adlai;asciilifeform: true 1529424;1472165478;mircea_popescu;aha, the equivalent of the boarded up bank-house 1529425;1472165494;mod6;but! think of the alt! Sitting there playing wow while pumped full of antibiotics and just shitting in place for months at a time seems like it'd save on costs. 1529426;1472165495;mircea_popescu;"this cunt is not for sale - she has great future in front of her, going to college" 1529427;1472165508;mircea_popescu;"bitch... i'm not gonna pay more for her as she's older and dumber" 1529428;1472165509;*;trinque sees how wot ratings propagating over gossipd make more sense than anything taped together on this gossipd-less side of things 1529429;1472165535;adlai;mod6: reminds me of some article that tl;dred to "i should have procrastinated my phd for as long as possible, finishing it was a mistake" 1529430;1472165547;trinque;and in that case they hold only as much credence as your trust of peered nodes 1529431;1472165555;trinque;and order is when you saw it 1529432;1472165568;asciilifeform;trinque: current situation is more or less worst possible - one reads arbitrary, sig-less string from a remote box, in the clear. 1529433;1472165571;mircea_popescu;trinque it's really immersive, this new dream, huh. 1529434;1472165597;trinque;shapes so much behavior. 1529435;1472165599;adlai;so when do we officially acknowledge that the first attempt at addressing the gossipd RFC was a failure, and solicit a second? 1529436;1472165616;adlai;oh sorry, "there is no we, there is only V". so when do U ...? 1529437;1472165619;mircea_popescu;"we" ? 1529438;1472165623;asciilifeform;adlai: i can speak only for me. 1529439;1472165626;mircea_popescu;what've they been feeding you in the booby hatch ? 1529440;1472165628;asciilifeform;and iirc phf also had one. 1529441;1472165629;adlai;yeah i just corrected myself 1529442;1472165633;asciilifeform;and i forget who else. 1529443;1472165644;asciilifeform;nobody yet published, because various details remain to be worked. 1529444;1472165691;adlai;then maybe the RFC should be for a protocol, rather than an implementation? or at least, a reference implementation that ~nobody uses, like V 1529445;1472165712;*;adlai is not calling users of mod6-V "nobody", but just suggesting that "most" users, write their own 1529446;1472165714;mircea_popescu;what is this guy on about. 1529447;1472165722;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gossipd 1529448;1472165725;trinque;adlai: I use it. 1529449;1472165728;mircea_popescu;i dun think so. 1529450;1472165753;asciilifeform;adlai: i thought you were referring to my original v as 'reference' 1529451;1472165762;asciilifeform;in which case you would be almost correct, afaik no one but me uses it. 1529452;1472165769;mircea_popescu;motherfucker "corrected himself" in the sense of admitting his original idiocy has no possible subject ; and then gleefully proceeds to act as if he said something. 1529453;1472165800;trinque;also v.pl is to be valued by number of shithub stars 1529454;1472165804;mod6;<+trinque> adlai: I use it. << actually, this really was cool. 1529455;1472165826;asciilifeform;phf: log dead ? 1529456;1472165835;mod6;not only do people use it throught the build script directly, etc.. but trinque published his irc bot code with it. and that kinda blew my hair back. so thanks trinque! 1529457;1472165846;phf;asciilifeform: i'll look into it in an hour or so 1529458;1472165847;trinque;thank you; thing's great. 1529459;1472165848;mircea_popescu;mod6 was a pretty cool moment huh. 1529460;1472165856;mod6;ya, that was pretty awesome. 1529461;1472165859;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1529462;1472165861;adlai;asciilifeform: again, i stand corrected. maybe it's past my bedtime, if mircea_popescu hears 'glee' in my keystrokes. 1529463;1472165891;mircea_popescu;i think it is past your bedtime, yes. come back fresh tomorrow. 1529464;1472165912;adlai;ok time for one last bit of irony 1529465;1472165917;*;adlai waves goodnight to mircea_popescu 1529466;1472165925;mircea_popescu;lol 1529467;1472165972;mod6;this morning shinohai successfully tested the offline build script that i create (a slight varient from the original one). 1529468;1472165975;mod6;*created 1529469;1472165989;mod6;so that's pretty nifty. 1529470;1472165992;mircea_popescu;shinohai's been a busy little rabbit has he. 1529471;1472166002;mod6;yeah, done a ton of testing for me this month. 1529472;1472166026;mircea_popescu;in between laying pipe in colombia and helping noobs collect bitcents in eulora... 1529473;1472166052;mod6;I'm currently working on the makefile(s) that will replace the build scripts etc. but there's some elbow grease to put in there. 1529474;1472166062;mod6;nice! 1529475;1472166085;mod6;i heard they concluded some peace there just yesterday? 1529476;1472166129;mod6;anyway, will be looking forward to feeding deedbot the next 14 buildroot deps here shortly. the vetting process is on going but, so far, so good. 1529477;1472166146;mod6;busy month... 1529478;1472166226;mod6;hopefully by the end of the month we'll have fourteen new deedbot deps for buildroot placed, a new V99994 build script, and an offline build script. 1529479;1472166265;mod6;Work will continue on the makefile(s). Exciting stuff. 1529480;1472166304;mod6; 1529481;1472166466;mod6;Didn't mean to take over the chamber, sorry. lol. 1529482;1472166512;shinohai;Make benefit glorious serene republic 1529483;1472166586;shinohai;no the new build script is gonna be next step in v evolution to me 1529484;1472166592;shinohai;i like it 1529485;1472166592;asciilifeform;filtration system, a marvel to behooold!1111 (tm) (r) 1529486;1472166830;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/84FDD00AD2E5C818F1D9A7604EA5447CDA456A25B275975C62A2F1AEB4ED42C3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 126845615151026431976406479 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'SlowFax ; ' 1529487;1472166881;mod6;Tell your brother I said this thing was cool. 1529488;1472166894;asciilifeform;lolk 1529489;1472167436;asciilifeform;mirrorolade. 1529490;1472168607;mircea_popescu;mod6 sounds pretty solid. 1529491;1472169180;mircea_popescu;aaaand in other news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2bff28RN51rt8hgno1_500.gif 1529492;1472169525;shinohai;;;bc.stats 1529493;1472169525;gribble;Error: "bc.stats" is not a valid command. 1529494;1472169531;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1529495;1472169533;gribble;Current Blocks: 426861 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 530 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 4 hours, 9 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1529496;1472173805;phf;adlai: i think gossip spec is fine, just nobody took it to release. asciilifeform has significant changes to the spec, but if you ignore those you can still build a working implementation. in fact, unless you're ascii, i think it's better to ignore further discussion and just stick to what mp wrote. i also think it's one of those ideas you don't want nailed down at protocol level. mine for example slings gpg packets 1529497;1472173805;phf;https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4880#page-13 (section 4.) over tcp. i have an incremental packet parser that you can attach to tcp stream and it'll give you packet-by-packet on the other end. that's probably not the right solution for going to war though 1529498;1472174013;phf;i got bogged down in config files and other such minutia, but that's because i wrote it in c and i'm not yet at a level where i can produce elegant c solutions. i also used knuth's web, and since there aren't systems that support web/c syntax highlighting and indent the whole process was very much "grinding your own telescope lens by hand" 1529499;1472174138;mircea_popescu;back in the days trinque was called undata i made the point to him that merely because management is not apparent is a sign that management is extremely competent ; not an invitation to try and scare up some "management stone soup". 1529500;1472174154;mircea_popescu;apparently this is a very easy mistake to make ; understandably too, anglosphere management is da pits. 1529501;1472174355;trinque;heh, reading one's own old logs is a trip. 1529502;1472174610;trinque;relatedly, the mental compressor doth not always yield fruitful search terms. 1529503;1472174670;trinque;I remember the conversation clearly, aside from *any* of the phrasing whatsoever :p 1529504;1472174683;trinque;$up Sinclair6 1529505;1472174683;deedbot;Sinclair6 voiced for 30 minutes. 1529506;1472175239;mircea_popescu;ehehe 1529507;1472175250;trinque;oh oh! I found the other thing. 1529508;1472175289;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528203 << http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-21#1246517 1529509;1472175289;a111;Logged on 2016-08-24 02:10 trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-24#1528134 << http://btcbase.org/log/2015-06-22#1172563 << mentioned here but probably in reference to the logs sought 1529510;1472175289;a111;Logged on 2015-08-21 01:13 trinque: must've been some serious run-away dick selection in human history 1529511;1472175297;mircea_popescu;aha! tyvm! 1529512;1472175458;mircea_popescu;phf in practice, once tmsr-rsa is here, i'd expect to do exactly the "sling packets" thing 1529513;1472176372;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529499 << http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-30#904426 1529514;1472176372;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 01:15 mircea_popescu: back in the days trinque was called undata i made the point to him that merely because management is not apparent is a sign that management is extremely competent ; not an invitation to try and scare up some "management stone soup". 1529515;1472176372;a111;Logged on 2014-10-30 23:55 mircea_popescu: undata: if only there were some way to organize the efforts of a large number of people around projects <<< there is. you're watching it. just because leadership is not in your face doesn't necessarily mean leadership is absent and it's your time to shine. it may also mean leadership is extremely good at what it does. 1529516;1472176374;trinque;boom! 1529517;1472176401;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1529518;1472176417;mircea_popescu;your btclog-search-fu amazes 1529519;1472176948;phf;trinque: hey what's the current frequency that you send pings and timeout, 30 60? 1529520;1472177269;mircea_popescu;hm, anyone has a link handy to that epic steph kegels library public masturbation thing ? 1529521;1472177431;shinohai;only one i know is flash mircea_popescu, at yer own risk 1529522;1472177440;mircea_popescu;meh i'd rather gif. 1529523;1472177448;mircea_popescu;anyway, i guess i;ll just use a shitty fragment. 1529524;1472177493;shinohai;there was an mp4 of that somewhere but i dnt remember 1529525;1472177510;mircea_popescu;chick should be studied in school. 1529526;1472177523;shinohai;xD 1529527;1472177566;mircea_popescu;"this is what i mean by enthusiasm, bitch." 1529528;1472177584;trinque;phf: yep, those. 1529529;1472177660;phf;so essentially one ping goes out at 3, and then there's another 30 to get it back 1529530;1472177674;phf;that's what i had in my old bot implementation too 1529531;1472177677;shinohai;http://67.media.tumblr.com/67f370f1aaa6975792266175c87d5659/tumblr_o0gv3ahtqM1snhcz1o1_400.gif 1529532;1472177679;phf;*err at 30 1529533;1472177748;shinohai;bit of a voluptuous girl there mircea_popescu ! 1529534;1472177788;mircea_popescu;sure. 1529535;1472177839;mircea_popescu;phf you available to give peter l some pointers re osx build process in #eulora ? 1529536;1472177881;shinohai;http://archive.is/aFNhQ 1529537;1472177929;phf;mircea_popescu: oof, there aren't any. i've not updated the build scripts for the new version and it's not a "some pointers" kind of process 1529538;1472177937;mircea_popescu;shinohai does he speak american ? 1529539;1472177943;mircea_popescu;phf kk 1529540;1472177993;phf;i can put new urls into the build scripts and see if it still works (unlikely but who knows, if dev team hasn't touched build process might still be operational) 1529541;1472178133;phf;is this up to date http://www.eulorum.org/Ubuntu ? 1529542;1472178496;mircea_popescu;yeah 1529543;1472179269;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i got a puzzler: 1529544;1472179296;asciilifeform;from rodger pt. 4: 'You would think it strange that he has such intense feelings yet doesn't apply the obvious resolution available for them : go up to these betters, prostrate himself and beg them to accept him as their slave. He'll do anything, just as long as they use him. Why not ? ... what they should have been fucking saying were variations of the theme of, "take off your clothes, crawl to them on hands and knees and lick their 1529545;1472179296;asciilifeform; shoewear."' 1529546;1472179334;asciilifeform;how is this 'resolution' ? dude was, afaik, straight, not only preferred to eat a pistol rather than do any of this, but in fact ~did~ 1529547;1472179383;mircea_popescu;so ? 1529548;1472179406;asciilifeform;so what am i missing 1529549;1472179410;mircea_popescu;i dunno ? 1529550;1472179426;asciilifeform;why not likewise say 'the obvious resolution ... eating a pound of broken glass' 1529551;1472179465;mircea_popescu;"you have diabethes. the cure is to stop eating sweets." "i'm not stopping eating sweets." "then you will die." "i prefer to die." "fine, but just for the record - stopping with the sweets STILL is the cure for diabethes." 1529552;1472179482;asciilifeform;nah this here's aids, not diabetes. 1529553;1472179483;asciilifeform;no cure. 1529554;1472179489;mircea_popescu;unwarranted delusions of independence are his problem, entire. 1529555;1472179497;mircea_popescu;he's born a slave, like it or not. either fuck or get off the pig. 1529556;1472179500;asciilifeform;whole flavour of the piece, in my reading, is that this was a dude with no solution. 1529557;1472179504;mircea_popescu;that he got off the pig doesn't invalidate the fucking. 1529558;1472179537;mircea_popescu;there's a blessing for everything, my dear alf. 1529559;1472179538;asciilifeform;if he could have become some arbitrary thing that he was not, he would not have even ended up on this microscope slide in formalin. 1529560;1472179551;mircea_popescu;so ? 1529561;1472179574;asciilifeform;so he could have as 'easily' grown taller as learned to enjoy slaving. 1529562;1472179590;mircea_popescu;this is posited but not proven. 1529563;1472179614;asciilifeform;hard to ~prove~ a could-have about corpse, neh 1529564;1472179665;mircea_popescu;well... so then why do we care. 1529565;1472179744;asciilifeform;imho it is an interesting question - was rodger a terminal case. 1529566;1472179822;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's commentary suggested that there was some... 'place' for him, that he could have learned to live in 1529567;1472179842;mircea_popescu;not so. i don't believe he biologically had a complete set of mechanisms. there was nothign for him. 1529568;1472179858;asciilifeform;the 'ought to have learned to kiss shoes' thing suggested otherwise. 1529569;1472179861;asciilifeform;but ok. 1529570;1472179875;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, for another in his position but not with his condition, the solutions would have been plurious, from the prostration onwards. 1529571;1472179907;asciilifeform;how might one end up 'in his position but not with his condition' ? 1529572;1472179923;asciilifeform;i am having problem picturing this. 1529573;1472180022;mircea_popescu;now that i do not know. 1529574;1472180026;mircea_popescu;but bad parenting perhaps ? 1529575;1472180046;asciilifeform;this would put in the 'condition' neh? 1529576;1472180050;mircea_popescu;neh. 1529577;1472180060;mircea_popescu;bad parenting is mere nurture 1529578;1472180169;asciilifeform;bad parenting enlarges natural fissures, if you will, often to some quite impressive dr. mengele results. 1529579;1472180245;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1529580;1472180502;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu had written that rodgier ought to have ~been buggered~, or enslaved by arabs, or similar, i would have no dispute. but it is just as fantastic to posit schmuck going into pederasty willingly, as to picture him growing taller by effort of will 1529581;1472180551;mircea_popescu;this is posited but not proven. 1529582;1472180569;asciilifeform;esp. considering that his most grotesque, as far as i can see , defect, was precisely atrophied will. 1529583;1472180589;asciilifeform;(will, i am quite convinced, is an organ, no less so than memory) 1529584;1472180599;phf;well, guy was pathological, but perhaps the idea is that people with lesser manifestations of similar issues should considering serving 1529585;1472180696;phf;he couldn't talk to girls, ok, but he could talk to those same guys that he hated. 1529586;1472180769;asciilifeform;phf: but they did not, going by the telling, hate ~him~ 1529587;1472180770;mircea_popescu;so ? 1529588;1472180813;asciilifeform;duded don't really come equipped with this circuit that turns on, in dan mocsny's words, 'motorized statue' mode when within 100 metres of a rodgier 1529589;1472180815;asciilifeform;*dudes 1529590;1472180816;phf;asciilifeform: right, but if he recognized them as his betters, he could learn from them is my point, by talking to them, by "serving" them, etc. 1529591;1472180874;asciilifeform;possibly 1529592;1472180883;phf;instead he hated them, precisely because he thought that he's no worse. it's all through his narrative "girls dig cruel people" and all that stuff. the idea of, say, learning to become cruel (accepting his modality) somehow didn't really enter his mind 1529593;1472180905;asciilifeform;though it is not as if young boys are apt to take 'apprentices' 1529594;1472180933;asciilifeform;'hey gurlz, just ignore this short ugly dude following me around watching, he's my understudy' ? 1529595;1472180946;mircea_popescu;the notion that "he's no worse" is certainly the largest part of the problem. how the utter fuck is he no worse ? he's the absolute worst. 1529596;1472180959;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i actually did that. they did ignore. 1529597;1472180967;mircea_popescu;guy saw tits for the first time in lyf! 1529598;1472180982;BingoBoingo;;;later tell adlai You work step 1 yet? 1529599;1472180983;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1529600;1472180985;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: interesting! what became of apprentice ? 1529601;1472180989;mircea_popescu;nothing. 1529602;1472180995;mircea_popescu;and i did not say understudy ; i said dog. 1529603;1472181011;asciilifeform;as in the 4-legged kind ? 1529604;1472181017;mircea_popescu;well yeah. 1529605;1472181039;asciilifeform;try it with a human dog. 1529606;1472181046;mircea_popescu;huh ?! 1529607;1472181059;asciilifeform;well, a rodgier on a leash, or sumthing 1529608;1472181075;mircea_popescu;yes dawg. ugly, pockmarked, hunchback kid with poor hygiene habits. 1529609;1472181101;mircea_popescu;i told him to touch nothing and speak not a word lest i behead him ; girls wanted to know who's that and i said pay no mind whatsoever, i got a new dog. 1529610;1472181111;asciilifeform;ah so 2-legged. 1529611;1472181124;mircea_popescu;it did exactly nothing either way. 1529612;1472181145;asciilifeform;how did mr. dog merit this 'treat' ? 1529613;1472181169;mircea_popescu;i dun exactly recall ; something about whining about very rodgeresque matters within earshot. 1529614;1472181185;*;asciilifeform brb, food 1529615;1472181240;phf;mircea_popescu: i misplaced my eulora account, can i get a password reset? 1529616;1472181253;mircea_popescu;blrightht 1529617;1472181265;phf;it's for a good cause 1529618;1472181333;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/f991b68e-1bbf-445d-8765-df09d2e44285/ 1529619;1472181553;BingoBoingo; if mircea_popescu had written that rodgier ought to have ~been buggered~, or enslaved by arabs, or similar, i would have no dispute. but it is just as fantastic to posit schmuck going into pederasty willingly, as to picture him growing taller by effort of will << He probably would enthusiastically have embraced getting buggered if he was a level 70 chocolate elfhole while recieving buggery 1529620;1472181707;phf;it sort of works, http://glyf.org/tmp/eulora-2.png doesn't load any textures though. i'm going to push the update to the scripts, but i won't be able to look at it proper for another couple of weeks 1529621;1472181973;mircea_popescu;PeterL ^ if that helps. 1529622;1472182346;BingoBoingo;That's a pretty good looking horror game there 1529623;1472182492;phf;i think it might be failing to pick up eulora specific assets 1529624;1472182505;BingoBoingo;"I left around the beginning of August. This was my first time traveling alone, and I didn’t know what to expect. Father signed me up to have supervised travel assistance to help me along the way, otherwise I would get lost in the airport." << LOL Airport Special ED! 1529625;1472182706;mircea_popescu;oya. 1529626;1472182716;mircea_popescu;hey, some airports were designed by the mentally retarded 1529627;1472182722;mircea_popescu;de gaulle first on the fucking list 1529628;1472182937;BingoBoingo;I don't airport. 1529629;1472183364;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-five/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Five. 1529630;1472183591;phf;he's like an incredibly dull, millenial take on a gothic hero, a modern day maldoror 1529631;1472183873;BingoBoingo;phf: The pollsters say millenials are actually not fucking very much. Too much world of snapchat. 1529632;1472184087;PeterL;too busy staring at their phones to touch each other, no touching means no sex 1529633;1472184188;PeterL;what do you consider the age cutoff for millenials? Or is it a frame of mind rather than a specific age range? 1529634;1472184445;deedbot;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/he-has-an-unclean-spirit/ << Daniel P. Barron - He has an unclean spirit. 1529635;1472184575;BingoBoingo;No idea 1529636;1472186745;mircea_popescu;phf word. 1529637;1472186775;davout;my new address for those who'll want to visit http://i.imgur.com/fSyFNEM.jpg 1529638;1472188143;BingoBoingo;nice davout 1529639;1472188609;felipelalli;mircea_popescu: znc running in a fucking rubish vps. any problem please swear at me again. 1529640;1472202249;jurov;;;later tell PeterL run configure as: CFLAGS=-fexceptions CXXFLAGS=-fexceptions ./configure 1529641;1472202250;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1529642;1472202269;jurov;^ since there's no gribble in #eulora 1529643;1472215620;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529496 << just curious - does the gossip spec as it is place any trust in ip addresses? this iirc was one of the points criticized by asciilifeform, i would think it to be a valid one. sorry if this, too, was extensively discussed in the logs. 1529644;1472215620;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 01:10 phf: adlai: i think gossip spec is fine, just nobody took it to release. asciilifeform has significant changes to the spec, but if you ignore those you can still build a working implementation. in fact, unless you're ascii, i think it's better to ignore further discussion and just stick to what mp wrote. i also think it's one of those ideas you don't want nailed down at protocol level. mine for example slings gpg packets 1529645;1472215670;phf;it doesn't place any ~trust~ in ip addresses 1529646;1472215686;phf;asciilifeform's objections was that gossipd relies on ip addresses at all 1529647;1472215737;phf;the argument is that technology needs to be entirely routing agnostic, where's now you think in terms of (afair) mappings between keys and addresses 1529648;1472215741;Framedragger;that can be construed as trust, but yeah ok. 1529649;1472215750;phf;oh ffs 1529650;1472215818;Framedragger;i won't argue the point, sorry for any frustration caused. the thing i have in mind is probably not the "current spec" anyway! 1529651;1472215818;phf;it can be construed as trust if you don't anything beyond what i said, so i also said that there's no trust. of course that's only my interpretation and asciilifeform can provide his own 1529652;1472216019;Framedragger;..iirc one of the original ideas was to "pass around ip addresses" as things bound to some nick/identity; there is a trust component here; but i'm sure it's evolved since then, etc etc. 1529653;1472216057;phf;that's a pretty useless interpretation of trust 1529654;1472216151;phf;if i tell you "go to such and such place and then once you're there do another validation" you don't have to trust that "such and such place" is valid purely by being there 1529655;1472216205;Framedragger;..however, it is possible to get drowned in sibyl nodes. but, i get your point. 1529656;1472216679;phf;i don't think there's a solution to drowned in sibyl's in general. there's a cost to validating counterparty (which is continuous in case of gossipd, there's no "validate the ip, and then trust it" which is what i mean by "no trust in ip"), which can be exploited by attacker. 1529657;1472216993;Framedragger;true, good point of course. 1529658;1472217233;phf;come to think of it sybil is not the right word in this case, on application level there's no psuedonymity and you only talk to people in wot. on transport level an attacker can construct a valid looking (struct layout wise) pgp packet, which in my naive spec implementation is handed over to gnupg. now you have a bunch of potential attack vectors here, but assuming there's no memory attacks in gnupg, race conditions in gpgme, 1529659;1472217233;phf;etc. you're only dealing with cost of validation. (which could be brought down by having own crypto) 1529660;1472218460;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529651 << ~tcp~ is evil, and i will kill it with my own hands. at least in the sense where i killed, e.g., git. 1529661;1472218460;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 12:50 phf: it can be construed as trust if you don't anything beyond what i said, so i also said that there's no trust. of course that's only my interpretation and asciilifeform can provide his own 1529662;1472218483;asciilifeform;tcp is evil, fundamentally because it violates the 'NEVER something-for-nothing-to-all-comers-FUCKOFFRANDOS' principle. 1529663;1472218489;asciilifeform;hence the existence of such a thing as a syn flood. 1529664;1472218516;asciilifeform;it is ALSO evil because it sends anything whatsoever in the cleartext (sequence number, for instance, and RESET) 1529665;1472218529;asciilifeform;usg can reset any and all tcp connections whenever it feels like it. 1529666;1472218553;asciilifeform;as happens many times every day on our trb nodes. 1529667;1472218583;asciilifeform;it can also inject crapolade, into any tcp stream whatsoever. this is not a hypothetical, the actual mechanism that is actually used was recently discovered. 1529668;1472218625;asciilifeform;but it was ~always~ possible, from day1 of tcp, and this is evident to anyone with a copy of, e.g, richard stevens's 'tcp/ip illustrated'. 1529669;1472218638;asciilifeform;to kindergarten pupils. 1529670;1472218649;phf;yeah it's a shitty transport, that doesn't contradict anything i said though 1529671;1472218681;asciilifeform;the cost of validation in a single-packet-authenticating protocol where you crunch the numbers at line speed is effectively 0. 1529672;1472218783;asciilifeform;and there are no sybils, even as a theoretical item, in a correct gossiptron - every receiver knows exactly who (pubkey-wise) has any business transmitting to it, and rejects packet that is malformed, replayed, or signed with ANY other key, in constant time. 1529673;1472218795;phf;that's also what i said 1529674;1472218816;phf;but, without proper crypto cost of packet authentication is not 0 1529675;1472218822;asciilifeform;likewise a gossip node ought never to rely on a single entry point. and certainly not on a single ~published~ entry point. 1529676;1472218833;asciilifeform;phf: correct. 1529677;1472218836;phf;current spec doesn't do that 1529678;1472218893;asciilifeform;current spec is imho only worth something as a starting point. 1529679;1472218911;asciilifeform;(and i will point out that i started on my concept long before mircea_popescu wrote it.) 1529680;1472218947;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, as often happens, had correct idea, but was not aware of the sheer rot of the available building blocks. 1529681;1472218949;phf;well, since that's never been published we can't even have meaningful conversations about it :p 1529682;1472218986;asciilifeform;phf: the handful of interesting aspects (single-packet friend-or-foe, no tcp) were outlined here. 1529683;1472219009;phf;but that's a very minor detail of the spec! 1529684;1472219022;asciilifeform;i do not regard it as minor. 1529685;1472219045;asciilifeform;nor the 'order of packets does ~not matter' aspect. 1529686;1472219072;asciilifeform;(fuck sequence numbers. instead, 'raptor code'.) 1529687;1472219074;phf;which layer are we talking here? 1529688;1472219082;asciilifeform;bottom. 1529689;1472219100;asciilifeform;which - yes - matters, and no, cannot be replaced later. 1529690;1472219111;phf;so then it's not even about gossip, it's about "lets have a replacement for tcp" 1529691;1472219118;asciilifeform;it is about gossip. 1529692;1472219129;asciilifeform;as an only sane possible replacement for tcp. 1529693;1472219134;asciilifeform;these are not separable. 1529694;1472219180;phf;as a final product -- not, but as a teaching tool? 1529695;1472219206;asciilifeform;as a teaching tool, hearts and livers are separable. 1529696;1472219210;asciilifeform;in actual practice, not. 1529697;1472219216;phf;it's like you're now on the other side in the gabriel_laddel mcclim debate 1529698;1472219221;asciilifeform;mno. 1529699;1472219229;asciilifeform;i am on same side as i've been since '07 1529700;1472219232;asciilifeform;FOUNDATIONS FIRST 1529701;1472219239;asciilifeform;they matter. 1529702;1472219244;asciilifeform;and cannot be retro-corrected. 1529703;1472219258;phf;well, then you were arguing opposite point in the mcclim conversation 1529704;1472219264;asciilifeform;hm? 1529705;1472219266;asciilifeform;link ? 1529706;1472219404;asciilifeform;i dun even recall a debate. there was gabriel_laddel proposing to build hybrid of bulldog and rhino, 'lisp machine with linux', a mengelian atrocity with no future, because a foundation cannot be corrected any more than one can un-drop a baby. 1529707;1472219518;phf;different kind of foundations, mcclim clx backend. he was saying lets replace it wholesale with a framebuffer renderer. i was arguing that it's better to cleanup clx first that'll make framebuffer renderer easier. i misunderstood your position then. i thought you were agreeing, but i suppose your position was that there's no point in replacing x with lesser alternative at all 1529708;1472219635;phf;there needs to be a feature in logs where you only render a subset of nicks 1529709;1472219637;phf;.. 1529710;1472219672;thestringpuller;$s interlisp 1529711;1472219672;a111;9 results for "interlisp", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=interlisp 1529712;1472219784;phf;asciilifeform: ok i misundestood your position in mcclim debate 1529713;1472219809;phf;(i reread the log) 1529714;1472220217;asciilifeform;phf: my published positions re x11 concern the machines ~i presently use~ 1529715;1472220235;asciilifeform;i.e. i have 0 interest in 'like x11 but without network pipe' 1529716;1472220247;asciilifeform;and regard anyone who advocates it as a procrustes. 1529717;1472220292;phf;asciilifeform: we're in agreement on that one 1529718;1472220292;asciilifeform;a great many x11 proggies i use run on remote machines. and i have NO intention of partaking in the 'own one computer' horseshit. 1529719;1472220343;*;asciilifeform bbl, fixing some plumbing. 1529720;1472220899;mircea_popescu;jurov now there is : http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-08-26.log.html#t14:13:32 1529721;1472220923;phf;asciilifeform: going back to gossip conversation, my issue is that the gossip you talk about exists exclusively in your head, where's mp got a spec. there are aspects of gossip functionality that can be explored with current spec despite the underlying tcp transport. and like i said broken transport doesn't invalidate the application functionality. it will leak in practice through tcp shenanigans, but that's the nature of this 1529722;1472220923;phf;particular transport. never the less when the conversation about current spec comes in you are eager to point out how spec is useless. it's a significant effort to drone you out long enough to actually attempt the implementation, and since in my experience attempting the implementation is a significant step in grokking, i think you repeating the same point over and over again actually lowers overall snr. 1529723;1472220929;mircea_popescu;shinohai hook it into some api (preferably not bc.info) to do ;;tslb ;;bc,stats etc, it can replace gribble here. 1529724;1472220942;shinohai;iit already has this mircea_popescu 1529725;1472220950;mircea_popescu;demonstrate ? 1529726;1472221024;mircea_popescu;win. 1529727;1472221029;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: "The beta-males also wish to be alpha, but for whatever reason they are realistically incapable of it, so they must accept the role of trying to impregnate a female when she is fertile by keeping her away from an alpha-male." interesting perspective. 1529728;1472221044;mircea_popescu;shinohai join it plox 1529729;1472221060;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller where's that from ? 1529730;1472221122;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: Some chick ranting on Steemit. 1529731;1472221130;*;thestringpuller super bored in the coal mine today. 1529732;1472221145;shinohai;why do you even read that drivel ? 1529733;1472221147;shinohai;lol 1529734;1472221153;mircea_popescu;well, i imagine because chix 1529735;1472221168;shinohai;better chix on trilema 1529736;1472221174;shinohai;:D 1529737;1472221221;mircea_popescu;shinohai gotta register it ; -ChanServ- TRS80` is not registered. 1529738;1472221227;shinohai;mircea_popescu: it does not have gribble wot 1529739;1472221237;mircea_popescu;no i mean with nickserv 1529740;1472221258;mircea_popescu;i can't +V it otherwise 1529741;1472221272;shinohai;ok gimmie a bit to sign in, i never bothered to register it :/ 1529742;1472221276;mircea_popescu;no rush. 1529743;1472221295;thestringpuller;"I see the devolution of Western culture upon us because the males have been emasculated with a combination of societal enforcement of child support payments along with the absolute right of the female to divorce taking all the financial support while remaining promiscuous." << actually i have no idea what gender this person is, but makes great points. 1529744;1472221297;trinque;shinohai wrote an eval-bot for BASIC? 1529745;1472221301;trinque;:D 1529746;1472221313;shinohai;EXTENDED colour basic! :D 1529747;1472221329;trinque;aw yeah 1529748;1472221366;trinque;thestringpuller: that shit about "males *have been* emasculated" is nonsense 1529749;1472221406;trinque;exactly the perspective of this elliot guy 1529750;1472221412;trinque;damn, what a culturally relevant piece. 1529751;1472221524;mircea_popescu;trinque ironically, for a long time in [the very repressive, and otherwise bizarre] austro-hungarian society, little girls thought they were castrated. literally, that ancient trick of "i stole your nose" that amuses 3yos ; they thought someone took their penis, which is why they don't look like boys. 1529752;1472221537;trinque;lol! 1529753;1472221543;mircea_popescu;the subjective experience of loss and inadequacy is a huge underground ocean comprising most of the human bejaviour known as art. 1529754;1472221613;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller a "great point" in the sense of it being repeated a lot online. talk to a divorce lawyer sometime, this "absolute right to divorce" does not work that way in practice. 1529755;1472221668;mircea_popescu;for that matter, refer to recent republican record : rando whore divorcing businessman recently got less than 1% of his net worth, and then the judge ridiculed her and cut her loot by 2/3 on apeal. 1529756;1472221682;mircea_popescu;this, in the uk, by all accounts a worse shithole than the us. 1529757;1472221716;mircea_popescu;including because thousands of little queen's own cunts, aged six to sixteen, openly preferred to be manhandled by pakis rather than commune with english mainstream society. 1529758;1472221802;thestringpuller;First: "Eighteen years, eighteen years / She got one of your kids, got you for eighteen years / I know somebody paying child support for one of his kids / His baby mama car and crib is bigger than his" 1529759;1472221823;thestringpuller;Which is 90% of niggas who impregnate a gold digger no matter how much money they eventually make. 1529760;1472221840;thestringpuller;so: "Holla, "We want prenup! We want prenup!" (Yeah!)" 1529761;1472221852;trinque;qed 1529762;1472221871;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529630 << i confess the sufferances of young werther are always in my mind reading him. "why like this and not like that ?" 1529763;1472221871;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 03:53 phf: he's like an incredibly dull, millenial take on a gothic hero, a modern day maldoror 1529764;1472221892;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller black society is a bad model for just about anything. 1529765;1472221940;thestringpuller;oh i kno. unfortunately for america, it's "pop culture" like the sitcom now. teen pregnancies ain't just for black folk no mo' 1529766;1472221942;mircea_popescu;but the LYRICS they put out are unrelated in any case. you know literature generally lies, yes ? 1529767;1472221980;mircea_popescu;teen pregnancies were traditionally a white thing. this never ever changed ; except for the weirdo new york elliots (they prefer to call themselves liberals) who thought it did because they stopped looking briefly. 1529768;1472222002;thestringpuller;oh man i've been lied to my whole life! I still have my abstinence pledge too! 1529769;1472222004;mircea_popescu;go to alabama, find more 35 yo grandmothers than you can count. 1529770;1472222030;phf;mircea_popescu: did werther turn to evil? 1529771;1472222033;thestringpuller;"ur at greater risk lil' stringpuller cuz ur black" 1529772;1472222046;mircea_popescu;phf define evil 1529773;1472222058;mircea_popescu;he wrote faust. 1529774;1472222075;phf;as a gothic stance, "if society rejects me, i will now serve the utmost evil!" 1529775;1472222219;mircea_popescu;http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/2407/pg2407.txt << judge for self. it's tiny, iirc he wrote it in two weeks 1529776;1472222234;mircea_popescu;phf that's not what mr elliot said though. 1529777;1472222240;mircea_popescu;he has no conception of evil. 1529778;1472222305;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller check out teh institutional racisms. 1529779;1472222320;phf;i think that's the funny bit about roger whatshisname, he gets alienated from society and decides to become a scourge, but him and his definition of malice are so dull, it's like a parody of a gothic character 1529780;1472222328;mircea_popescu;"i'm not at greater risk because i'm black, i'm at greater risk because your mother's a whore." 1529781;1472222371;mircea_popescu;phf he doesn't even specifically want to become a scourge. he wants to "they should be punished" ; and "to become a dictator". essentially, like any good liberal/socialist, he JUST WANTS THE STATE TO. 1529782;1472222452;mircea_popescu;his mother should arrange him better playdates through whoring out to lucas or whoever's rich and give him money / hire hookers. 1529783;1472222491;mircea_popescu;(ironically, this arrangement has more historical exposure than everything that passes for "modern democracy". it's both how the ottoman empire worked ; as well as how the jews did middle east for five centuries.) 1529784;1472222519;mircea_popescu;ie, it is traditional, in the sense of "traditional marriage" traditional. 1529785;1472222669;mircea_popescu;phf also, let me register with you my displeasure at you abusing "gothic". it really dun mean what lj thinks it means. 1529786;1472222813;phf;i don't think i meant it in lj sense. i was thinking maldoror specifically, he said something like that in the first chapter 1529787;1472222856;mircea_popescu;de lautreamont calls himself "a gothich character" ? 1529788;1472222938;mircea_popescu;or are you just importing wikitardisms, "gothic genre" et all. 1529789;1472222969;phf;i get it 1529790;1472223003;mircea_popescu;no i shall insist, because it's fucking annoying. buncha losers. so what, walpole thinks it's ok to tongue in cheek "a gothic novel" ? at the time the word had a meaning, and yes it is a certain forlorn grandiosity et all. 1529791;1472223015;mircea_popescu;then the muricans come and take the joke literally. 1529792;1472223141;mircea_popescu;Фантастический мир русской романтической повести < there we go! teh russians even agree omg im so impressed. 1529793;1472223195;phf;oh ffs, you are right it is a wikipedism, since i was convinced that it was gothic genre in su school also 1529794;1472223216;mircea_popescu;keep teh faith pure brother! and guard from teh corruptors! 1529795;1472223267;phf;but but i didn't mean gothic straight here, i think that maldoror specifically is already a parody 1529796;1472223280;mircea_popescu;i dunno, wasn't the guy from like argentina ? 1529797;1472223286;mircea_popescu;they're incapable of parody. 1529798;1472223296;phf;yeah he grew up in africa maybe? 1529799;1472223326;phf;Uruguay according to wikipedia 1529800;1472223335;mircea_popescu;uh. 1529801;1472223348;mircea_popescu;this must be one of those cases where "borders changed so historical nationalities changed" 1529802;1472223360;mircea_popescu;wasn't he from like 1800 ? what fucking uruguay. 1529803;1472223467;phf;he was late 19th century 1529804;1472223560;mircea_popescu;ok now i gotta check this 1529805;1472223666;phf;well, i know that lautreamont didn't consider maldoror his serious novel (he died young though, so i think it was his only output, plus some poetry) and it was explicitly inspired by .. romantic literature of the time. considering how over the top nihilist it is, i assumed that it was a joke 1529806;1472223697;mircea_popescu;published 1868. banda oriental was buenos aires congress 1800-1815, kingdom of brazil 1915-1940, rosas till 49 (and check out the guerra grande btw alf, dude totally beat anglo-french coallition through exhaustion, forced them intio humiliatory peace treaty) and then brazil til 1900 or such 1529807;1472223777;mircea_popescu;"he was a romanian writer from vojvodina (a serb land) in the kingdom of hungary, part of the empire" sorta deal, i guess. 1529808;1472223937;phf;well, unless you mean that his childhood abroad is what made him, he was still a frenchman born in a consulate, and he went back to Paris when he was young 1529809;1472224041;mircea_popescu;hey, you said it! 1529810;1472224099;mircea_popescu;anyway, it was a lulzy situation, montevideo was "besieged" for like a decade, they (mostly foreign merchants) ended up calling out a foreign legion, garibaldi showed up... 1529811;1472224107;mircea_popescu;pretty good place to grow up i dun dispute. 1529812;1472224741;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529722 << nothing i wrote ought to discourage folks from pissing on the electric fence. 1529813;1472224741;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 14:15 phf: particular transport. never the less when the conversation about current spec comes in you are eager to point out how spec is useless. it's a significant effort to drone you out long enough to actually attempt the implementation, and since in my experience attempting the implementation is a significant step in grokking, i think you repeating the same point over and over again actually lowers overall snr. 1529814;1472224782;asciilifeform;but they ought not to complain when 'my tcp connections are blackholing' or 'someone derived my rsa privkey using known-ciphertext attacks' etc. 1529815;1472224837;asciilifeform;~everyone here, phf, asciilifeform, mircea_popescu, et al, has his own chamber of unreleased horrors. this is right and proper. 1529816;1472224884;asciilifeform;*chosen-ciphertext 1529817;1472224928;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529727 << afaik this is definitionally true, at least in the zoological world where the terms originated 1529818;1472224928;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 14:17 thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: "The beta-males also wish to be alpha, but for whatever reason they are realistically incapable of it, so they must accept the role of trying to impregnate a female when she is fertile by keeping her away from an alpha-male." interesting perspective. 1529819;1472224940;mircea_popescu;it is, yes. 1529820;1472225022;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529755 << and buffett pays ~0 tax, aha 1529821;1472225022;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 14:27 mircea_popescu: for that matter, refer to recent republican record : rando whore divorcing businessman recently got less than 1% of his net worth, and then the judge ridiculed her and cut her loot by 2/3 on apeal. 1529822;1472225032;asciilifeform;divorced engineers - live on catfood. 1529823;1472225040;asciilifeform;in usaschwitz. 1529824;1472225046;mircea_popescu;engineers have 0 business getting married. 1529825;1472225053;phf;asciilifeform: so far we don't have a complaining problem though 1529826;1472225076;asciilifeform;phf: ~no one every does, until it is far too late. 1529827;1472225094;asciilifeform;c lang, for instance, was a 'great thing', until it wasn't. 1529828;1472225107;asciilifeform;and we are living with pdp arch long past its expiration date. 1529829;1472225114;phf;but we don't even have an equivalent of "great thing until it wasn't" produced by tmsr 1529830;1472225143;asciilifeform;produced wholesale - no. gpg would probably be the closest to this, to date. 1529831;1472225154;asciilifeform;(not produced here, naturally, but reignited from ashes) 1529832;1472225211;phf;btw is it possible to chosen-ciphertext attack gpg if it were to sit on the wire? 1529833;1472225256;mircea_popescu;yes. 1529834;1472225258;asciilifeform;phf: if you're deciphering and putting result (in the 'yes' or 'fail' sense) somewhere enemy can see it - then eys. 1529835;1472225260;asciilifeform;*yes 1529836;1472225343;phf;well then 1529837;1472225346;mircea_popescu;which takes us to the conclusion of the dispute : yeah he's loud and awkward about it ; but there's genuine problems involved. 1529838;1472225351;mircea_popescu;such as this isn't really ready yet. 1529839;1472225486;phf;apparently it's even in the spec 1529840;1472225532;mircea_popescu;how did it go, "part of groking" or somesuch. i read this recently! 1529841;1472225558;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in heathendom: https://archive.is/g1hX0 1529842;1472225590;asciilifeform;^ tor org removed ENTIRE board except for the veteran nsa stooge 1529843;1472225610;mircea_popescu;lol 1529844;1472225616;mircea_popescu;all of them, rapists ? 1529845;1472225645;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/iLrq1 << more to the point 1529846;1472225763;phf;mircea_popescu: it is part of grokking. simply to understand where chose-ciphertext comes in into the whole system, rather than just reddit the conversation. i think we just had a thread about it. i vaguelly suspect the result for an observer is going to be a smug conviction about words 1529847;1472225782;mircea_popescu;phf no i know. my whole point was that it works as intended. 1529848;1472225838;phf;ah 1529849;1472225877;mircea_popescu;ie, you trying to work on it resulted in you being mildly annoyed by what you perceived as out of place comms, which upon actual investigation turned out to be different from what originally seemed to be, and in the process of examining difference important feature of shoreline became illuminated and so on. 1529850;1472226120;phf;oh damn it's prof katz, https://www.cs.umd.edu/~jkatz/papers/pgp-attack.pdf 1529851;1472226135;asciilifeform;phf: i reread that piece just a few days ago 1529852;1472226156;asciilifeform;it is not entirely related to subj but still interesting. 1529853;1472226186;phf;i took cmsc414 with him 1529854;1472226211;asciilifeform;i did also, but quit 2wks in, in disgust 1529855;1472226344;asciilifeform;ok finally found the thread where mircea_popescu prods me to remember chosen-ciphertext/timing attack, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-28#1332988 1529856;1472226344;a111;Logged on 2015-11-28 17:01 ascii_field: when folks start to attempt decryption of whatever piece of shit, just for the asking - then yes, acca 1529857;1472226372;asciilifeform;and where i go off to find some reference implementation of c-s, and discover, later, that none exists 1529858;1472226472;mircea_popescu;aha 1529859;1472226629;mircea_popescu;dude check out how smart i used to be in my youth. 1529860;1472226633;*;mircea_popescu likes reading old logs 1529861;1472226695;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/i-have-no-more-title-ideas-come-back-tomorrow/ << Trilema - I have no more title ideas. Come back tomorrow. 1529862;1472226805;mircea_popescu;aaand in other news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m28gtxXzMa1r3d8abo1_500.gif 1529863;1472226922;mircea_popescu;for the record, "The departing directors are Meredith Hoban Dunn, Ian Goldberg, Julius Mittenzwei, Rabbi Rob Thomas, Wendy Seltzer and two of Tor’s co-founders, Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson. Mr. Dingledine and Mr. Mathewson will remain as leaders of Tor’s technical research and development. 1529864;1472226922;mircea_popescu;Their successors include Matt Blaze, a widely known cryptographer and associate professor at the University of Pennsylvania; Cindy Cohn, Ms. Steele’s successor as executive director at the Electronic Frontier Foundation; Bruce Schneier, a security author and expert; Gabriella Coleman, an anthropologist at McGill University who writes about online activism; Linus Nordberg, a longtime internet and privacy activist; and Megan 1529865;1472226922;mircea_popescu;Price, executive director of the Human Rights Data Analysis Group." 1529866;1472226964;mircea_popescu;tor 2.0, the wives' club 1529867;1472226984;mircea_popescu;or how did they call this in ru ? where lenin's wife went, and all the other ambitious wives followed 1529868;1472227064;BingoBoingo; but we don't even have an equivalent of "great thing until it wasn't" produced by tmsr << BitBet follows, but was produced by TMSR blastocyst 1529869;1472227129;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529634 << well i used the article in which you show an inclination to evanghelism ; rather than the other one. 1529870;1472227129;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 04:07 deedbot: http://danielpbarron.com/2016/he-has-an-unclean-spirit/ << Daniel P. Barron - He has an unclean spirit. 1529871;1472227220;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529648 << so then does your ssh key exporter trust ips ? 1529872;1472227220;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 12:49 Framedragger: that can be construed as trust, but yeah ok. 1529873;1472227263;mircea_popescu;everyting "can be construed as trust" if one has this scalar notion of trust. "here is what body doing X thing reported its IP to be at the time it was doing the X thing" is a very different statement from "i expect to find my house at the corner of cunt street with shit creek" 1529874;1472227388;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529656 << this is correct ; there's no general solution to sybil problem ; this is not unrelated to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529170 1529875;1472227388;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 13:04 phf: i don't think there's a solution to drowned in sibyl's in general. there's a cost to validating counterparty (which is continuous in case of gossipd, there's no "validate the ip, and then trust it" which is what i mean by "no trust in ip"), which can be exploited by attacker. 1529876;1472227388;a111;Logged on 2016-08-25 03:13 phf: hehe, actually ambush strategy is one of the reasons there's no known solutions for general networks, which must be a bummer for dod 1529877;1472227561;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529659 << and timing attacks, of course. of all numerous kinds - suppose as a banal example that what i want to do is discern whether key X is yours or his. well, a simple solution would be to add a third i know is not involved, send the same thing to all three, and see which of the susperct two behaves like the third. 1529878;1472227561;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 13:13 phf: etc. you're only dealing with cost of validation. (which could be brought down by having own crypto) 1529879;1472227592;mircea_popescu;if - for instance, and do not reduce to merely this - 1 and 3 answer in 200ms and 2 answers in 600ms, i have my answer don't i. 1529880;1472228286;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/us-navy-project-tor-surrounded-by-drama-as-usg-reasserts-control/ << Qntra - US Navy Project "Tor" Surrounded By Drama As USG Reasserts Control 1529881;1472228350;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529679 << well, before mp published it, at any rate :) 1529882;1472228350;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 13:41 asciilifeform: (and i will point out that i started on my concept long before mircea_popescu wrote it.) 1529883;1472228380;phf;right timing attacks with gpg as backend i get. i assumed that attacker being able to discover topology is a given (with spec as written) 1529884;1472228432;mircea_popescu;how did you figure that ?! 1529885;1472228469;mircea_popescu;attacker is very free to discover any topology he likes, much in the way attacker is welcome to decipher otp message to anything he pleases. 1529886;1472228486;mircea_popescu;THIS is the important point of security. not "you can't", but "of course you can - which would you prefer" 1529887;1472228605;trinque;BingoBoingo: s/actual/actually/ 1529888;1472228648;BingoBoingo;ty trinque fxd 1529889;1472228865;BingoBoingo;Roundup Xtend 3 is going to be pretty full with all of the week's almost news. 1529890;1472228958;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529874 << the general solution is wot + nothing-to-allcomers. 1529891;1472228958;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 16:03 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529656 << this is correct ; there's no general solution to sybil problem ; this is not unrelated to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529170 1529892;1472228979;mircea_popescu;by definition this is a PARTICULAR solution 1529893;1472229010;asciilifeform;it is general in the sense where, if you include it, 'sybil' is no longer meaningful concept 1529894;1472229025;mircea_popescu;yes, but it cuts a chunk of the domain which is conveniently choseb 1529895;1472229044;mircea_popescu;it does promise to be a complete solution for its limited domain, i'll give you that. 1529896;1472229069;BingoBoingo;Win http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5092 1529897;1472229104;asciilifeform;why am i reading a chronicle of some dude cleaning his fridge, BingoBoingo ? 1529898;1472229153;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: For the exotic salt! And the absurdity of post-post-Modernity! 1529899;1472229255;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529877 << timing can be 'ceilinged' and it solves problem. but i am still chewing on the problem of enemy being able to determine who is speaking to whom by deriving the public keys. (this is trivial with rsa, and i've been working on answering the q of whether is is also true for c-s) 1529900;1472229255;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 16:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529659 << and timing attacks, of course. of all numerous kinds - suppose as a banal example that what i want to do is discern whether key X is yours or his. well, a simple solution would be to add a third i know is not involved, send the same thing to all three, and see which of the susperct two behaves like the third. 1529901;1472229274;asciilifeform;*it is 1529902;1472229286;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529708 << what, like a Ln sorta thing ?!?!?! :D 1529903;1472229311;asciilifeform;phf: are you changing the oil in the thing as we speak, or wat 1529904;1472229320;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the ceiling is a dirty hack. there's no practical way to guarantee it solves the problem. 1529905;1472229330;mircea_popescu;not that i'm against it. but it does not get classified as solution 1529906;1472229339;asciilifeform;solves the differential timing problem strictly. 1529907;1472229344;mircea_popescu;how ? 1529908;1472229354;mircea_popescu;suppose i can get a process to overrun the time ceiling. 1529909;1472229375;asciilifeform;then you catch the author of the code, hang him upside-down, and beat with a long bamboo pole. 1529910;1472229383;mircea_popescu;so it solved nothing, just a hack. 1529911;1472229392;asciilifeform;it solves if the hands do not grow from the arse. 1529912;1472229396;asciilifeform;just like any other proggy. 1529913;1472229400;asciilifeform;whether for univac or pc. 1529914;1472229408;mircea_popescu;if ceiling is absolute, if the program fails to produce output in interval, it'll have to put out error 1529915;1472229411;mircea_popescu;so you pay in error rate. 1529916;1472229440;mircea_popescu;and ARE STILL leaking bits, i measure your error rate now. 1529917;1472229445;asciilifeform;no errors. 1529918;1472229451;asciilifeform;algo takes C cycles. 1529919;1472229451;asciilifeform;period. 1529920;1472229453;mircea_popescu;so then how exactly is this supposed to work. 1529921;1472229456;mircea_popescu;uh. 1529922;1472229458;asciilifeform;no uh. 1529923;1472229464;asciilifeform;verifying a sig is not rocket surgery. 1529924;1472229477;asciilifeform;and can be placed in a limit of C cycles for n-bit rsa, say. 1529925;1472229484;asciilifeform;there are no magic cases. 1529926;1472229486;mircea_popescu;im starting to think your understanding of practical c is comic-book based. 1529927;1472229501;mircea_popescu;you at some point wrote a c program which, when compiled anywhere, resulted in the same COUNT of cpu cycles being used ? 1529928;1472229507;asciilifeform;my understanding is based in this exercise having been my profession. 1529929;1472229517;mircea_popescu;no fucking way dude, compiler will optimize who knows what 1529930;1472229523;mircea_popescu;then processor will cache who knows where 1529931;1472229531;mircea_popescu;this is from a different dimension. 1529932;1472229538;BingoBoingo;In other congressional cunt snot https://archive.is/apo81 1529933;1472229541;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on embedded cpu, with cache switched off, interrupts off - quite certainly, yes, known cycle count. 1529934;1472229552;mircea_popescu;even if written in straight asm, i doubt the time ceiling can be guaranteed in this manner 1529935;1472229572;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform uh. so now you're married to hardware ? why even do it software then, make gossipd a chip 1529936;1472229628;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my proposal included a device for gateway 'line rate crypto', recall. 1529937;1472229634;asciilifeform;but even on pc you can make a hard ceiling. 1529938;1472229645;mircea_popescu;you can maybe make a hard ceiling. 1529939;1472229657;mircea_popescu;anyway, a device would be neat, but i'm persuaded it won't be the first thing. 1529940;1472229658;asciilifeform;cache, incidentally, is controllable at least on amd. 1529941;1472229667;mircea_popescu;except the controls aren't controllable. 1529942;1472229694;BingoBoingo;"The sheriff’s office said deputies and Pinckneyville police officers received a call at 9:18 a.m. Saturday for reckless driving. Nine minutes later, officers tried to stop a blue 2016 Ford Hatchback, which failed to stop, the sheriff’s office said. An officer had to pull in front of the Ford to block it to force the vehicle to stop." 1529943;1472229747;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1529944;1472229768;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which is why you determine a ceiling (longest conceivable interval, assuming every single ram access is a cache miss, etc.) 1529945;1472229788;asciilifeform;and calculation ~never~ returns a result prior to interval elapsing. 1529946;1472229799;mircea_popescu;i must confess in all discussions of "time ceiling" i assumed clock-based cutoff not this hardcore "my asm runs in subspace" notion. 1529947;1472229810;asciilifeform;clock. 1529948;1472229822;asciilifeform;time := max(time it EVER took) 1529949;1472229823;mircea_popescu;and if you do it in this manner, then yes, it is theoretically possible that i make your program run for longer than the specified interval 1529950;1472229826;mircea_popescu;and then what do you do 1529951;1472229847;asciilifeform;if this happens, interval is bumped up. 1529952;1472229862;asciilifeform;if enemy can make it happen every second, programmer is a tard and ought to be fed to pigs. 1529953;1472229864;mircea_popescu;for... all implementations ? like, it happened to you so now gossipd-central updates my gossipd ? 1529954;1472229866;mircea_popescu;which is offline ? 1529955;1472229885;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the ceiling is necessarily machine-specific 1529956;1472229898;mircea_popescu;i thought the ceiling was the code! 1529957;1472229914;asciilifeform;(e.g., i cannot know the rate at which mircea_popescu's reactor control card throws interrupts, or how many cpu core he has to handle them with, etc.) 1529958;1472229941;mircea_popescu;are we convinced it's an ugly hack yet or ? 1529959;1472229965;asciilifeform;the job of the algo is to perform same count of 'ideal cpu, no cache, all instr take the cycle count printed in the book' instructions per sig verif. 1529960;1472230001;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: running safety-critical code on pc ~is~ a hack, and there is no way fully around it except to burn the pc. 1529961;1472230017;mircea_popescu;but at least it become evident from this discussion that we'll prolly bundle a performancer, ie something to benchmark key parts of the crypto lib on machines for the user's benefit. 1529962;1472230053;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you perchance have the link to the sov typewriter thread ? 1529963;1472230064;asciilifeform;where they countered differential power analysis 1529964;1472230077;asciilifeform;by making the machine draw same current regardless of what keys are pressed, or if any are 1529965;1472230079;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-20#1327989 ? 1529966;1472230079;a111;Logged on 2015-11-20 01:49 asciilifeform: like soviet typewriter fp. 1529967;1472230091;asciilifeform;nope 1529968;1472230098;asciilifeform;that's the 'fingerprint of how it types' thread 1529969;1472230106;asciilifeform;sop since 1920s 1529970;1472230109;asciilifeform;i was speaking of dpa. 1529971;1472230124;mircea_popescu;oh right, we had this with the german museum o' crypto 1529972;1472230128;asciilifeform;aha 1529973;1472230129;mircea_popescu;iirc even had pics of one 1529974;1472230156;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-02#1083802 1529975;1472230156;a111;Logged on 2015-04-02 03:54 asciilifeform: http://www.cryptomuseum.com/crypto/fialka/psu/tempest.htm#circuit << tries to prevent differential power analysis 1529976;1472230172;asciilifeform;THERE we go. 1529977;1472230173;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu . 1529978;1472230186;mircea_popescu;had you been spending time trying to dig this up ? 1529979;1472230187;asciilifeform;this is instructive example of what i was speaking of earlier. 1529980;1472230226;asciilifeform;i just wanted it plugged into this thread, and for some odd reason it did not turn up in my notes. 1529981;1472230253;mircea_popescu;took me all of 2 seconds, and i thought "funny how this works, where one man's stumped another man sees not the trouble" 1529982;1472230269;asciilifeform;happens rather often here, doesnit. 1529983;1472230280;mircea_popescu;apparently 1529984;1472230574;asciilifeform;one other point re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529877 is that divorcing from 'a node is an ip' entirely, makes this or any variant of this attack considerably more painful. with single-packet quanta, and raptor code (i.e. it does not matter whether mircea_popescu gets all of my packets in order, but only that he gets 10% of the packets i send in next second, in SOME order) his 'node' could consist of 15 machines in 6 continent 1529985;1472230574;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 16:06 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529659 << and timing attacks, of course. of all numerous kinds - suppose as a banal example that what i want to do is discern whether key X is yours or his. well, a simple solution would be to add a third i know is not involved, send the same thing to all three, and see which of the susperct two behaves like the third. 1529986;1472230574;asciilifeform;s, as can mine, and traffic between them cannot be grouped into 'a conversation between x and y' by third party. 1529987;1472230601;asciilifeform;because i can send raptorade split among 25 boxes, to his 15, in random order. 1529988;1472230655;asciilifeform;mpex proxies are a reasonably good analogy for this. 1529989;1472230705;asciilifeform;enemy's entire infrastructure has a premise baked in, that a 'conversation' is something that happens 'between ip a and b'. 1529990;1472230724;asciilifeform;pound the knife in it. 1529991;1472230859;asciilifeform;(this also makes for a clean transition to comms over shortwave, hijacked tv satellites, or whatever other twist the future holds where packets come with NO return address) 1529992;1472230866;asciilifeform;^ but we already, i think, did this thread. 1529993;1472231644;trinque;well. current mcclim project is run by inclusive shitgnomes. 1529994;1472231647;*;trinque parts #clim 1529995;1472231669;trinque;;;later tell gabriel_laddel good luck wringing something usable from those people; they're idiots. 1529996;1472231676;asciilifeform;trinque: got any good atrocity stories ? 1529997;1472231708;trinque;nothing even worth the mention. they're the types that cry for their mothers when an aggressive argument is brought. 1529998;1472231737;trinque;they banned gabriel_laddel for beating on some fucknut that thought ncurses clim ought to be a thing 1529999;1472231759;*;asciilifeform pictures a turbovision clim. 1530000;1472231764;asciilifeform;i'd actually like such a thing. 1530001;1472231765;asciilifeform;for dos. 1530002;1472231788;asciilifeform;80x25 motherfuckers. 1530003;1472231998;trinque;anything even remotely graphical would turn into libcacaesque garble, neh? 1530004;1472232001;trinque;or dropped 1530005;1472232060;trinque;sounds like it turns into the web browser "supports 9999 devices and browser versions" which has never actually been a thing 1530006;1472232062;asciilifeform;'turn into' how ? 1530007;1472232066;asciilifeform;via cosmic rayz ? 1530008;1472232094;asciilifeform;$s разруха 1530009;1472232094;a111;6 results for "разруха", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D1%80%D1%83%D1%85%D0%B0 1530010;1472232097;asciilifeform;^ see also. 1530011;1472232114;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no argument re no-ip-and-raptor scheme. the deeper point for me is that the advances happen so quickly and are so significant that it's yet early. 1530012;1472232122;trinque;asciilifeform: I have no idea what you're talking about 1530013;1472232136;trinque;clim is a graphical UI thinger; how does this map to an 80x25 character display 1530014;1472232164;asciilifeform;trinque: ever use turbovision proggies (e.g., borland cpp) 1530015;1472232175;asciilifeform;they had 'gui' made out of ansi chars. 1530016;1472232205;trinque;that's what I said: libcaca 1530017;1472232209;trinque;ansi-fier 1530018;1472232221;mircea_popescu;lol wait gabriel got banned ? 1530019;1472232249;trinque;aha 1530020;1472232250;asciilifeform;trinque: i specifically did not mean 'ansifier', as in your caca, or the infamous 'ascii starwars', but purposeful ansi-drawing. 1530021;1472232253;trinque;crossed the cultural streams! 1530022;1472232303;asciilifeform;http://www.bttr-software.de/freesoft/tree86.png << y'know, like-so. 1530023;1472232303;mircea_popescu;lmao that poor kid. 1530024;1472232332;mircea_popescu;has anyone a spare bedroom/garage/whatever willing to rent to me for a reasoble sum and park gabriel there for a few months ? 1530025;1472232360;asciilifeform;iirc he was also studying at stanford ? 1530026;1472232366;asciilifeform;don't they give'em barracks to live in? 1530027;1472232378;mircea_popescu;i have nfi 1530028;1472232396;asciilifeform;then again if he genuinely went broke, was probably booted 1530029;1472232424;trinque;maybe 2016 stanford is just this Slack you show up to 1530030;1472232431;mircea_popescu;i would expect. 1530031;1472232439;asciilifeform;(there are students panhandling for tuition at schools like uni of md, which doesn't cost a fifth of what stanford costs) 1530032;1472232465;asciilifeform;i also saw them in chicago 1530033;1472232470;asciilifeform;panhandling for art school money. 1530034;1472232475;BingoBoingo; has anyone a spare bedroom/garage/whatever willing to rent to me for a reasoble sum and park gabriel there for a few months ? << Parking him in my spider hole would be bad for my sobriety 1530035;1472232478;asciilifeform;it is now, apparently, a thing. 1530036;1472232482;mircea_popescu;i also saw them in every red light district 1530037;1472232500;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gurls are not real panhandlers. 1530038;1472232506;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they are more like your german shepherd. 1530039;1472232516;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo tghere is also that. ideally a married fellow, lest we end up making more gabriel laddels. 1530040;1472232543;asciilifeform;is ben_vulpes around ? 1530041;1472232544;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform panhandlers / butthandlers dichotomy ? 1530042;1472232551;asciilifeform;maybe he could fit him in his unabomber cabin. 1530043;1472232559;mats;lol 1530044;1472232569;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. 1530045;1472232637;thestringpuller;i have a motel room, but he'd have to work 1530046;1472232647;thestringpuller;and be initiated into a gang... 1530047;1472232649;mircea_popescu;you live in a motel ? 1530048;1472232659;thestringpuller;no i have a motel on lock...for...things... 1530049;1472232663;mircea_popescu;btw, if motel is motel, wtf is a ho-tel. 1530050;1472232681;thestringpuller;i can't afford ho-tels on lock. i'm no conrad hilton. 1530051;1472232744;asciilifeform;what's 'on lock' ? 1530052;1472232753;asciilifeform;is it like lawyer 'on retainer' ? 1530053;1472232780;asciilifeform;or is it empty carcass of motel, with a lock on it, and thestringpuller has the key. 1530054;1472232791;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: "lawyer on retainer" 1530055;1472232840;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: what is the point of such a thing ? 1530056;1472232844;trinque;thestringpuller: oh hey, did you want your blog in the rss list? 1530057;1472232879;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: as mircea_popescu said...ho bsns. 1530058;1472232885;asciilifeform;lolk 1530059;1472232887;thestringpuller;trinque: i'd be honored! 1530060;1472232950;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: but not so much ho bsns, as slave bsns. motel == office. with unpaid interns. think 1980's startup. 1530061;1472233014;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think of it as sewage filter. dunno if you've seen ossessione, but anyway : the street blows by all sorts, maybe some junk you'd like to hold on for a while. 1530062;1472233052;mircea_popescu;typical retirement for aged 2nd tier whores. they have just enough connections to make the whole thing work. 1530063;1472233057;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-in-wakanda/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Bitcoin in Wakanda 1530064;1472233057;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/the-coinbase-implosion-timer/ << Pull Your Own Strings - The Coinbase Implosion Timer 1530065;1472233057;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/bitcoin-wont-hardfork-any-time-soon/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Bitcoin Won’t Hardfork Any Time Soon 1530066;1472233057;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/06/outer-heaven/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Outer Heaven 1530067;1472233057;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/07/mass-adoption-as-a-ponzi-scheme/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Mass Adoption as a Ponzi Scheme 1530068;1472233057;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/07/consumers-revolt/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Consumers Revolt 1530069;1472233058;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/07/closing-the-loop/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Closing the Loop 1530070;1472233058;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/07/a-steeming-bubble/ << Pull Your Own Strings - A Steeming Bubble 1530071;1472233059;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/07/slockit-enables-scamming/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Slockit Enables Scamming 1530072;1472233059;deedbot;http://thestringpuller.com/2016/08/metcalfes-lie/ << Pull Your Own Strings - Metcalfe’s Lie 1530073;1472233082;trinque;lol, forgot about asciilifeform's requested max spew increase 1530074;1472233127;mircea_popescu;lol 1530075;1472233283;phf;asciilifeform: i don't know what that was, i'll have to read the log/code but probably sometime later tonight. fwiw it reconnects 1530076;1472233317;phf;it's running on a new irc code, unfortunately pretty close to me going away into desert, but hopefully today tomorrow i'll have time to debug it a bit 1530077;1472233359;thestringpuller;phf is going to burning man? 1530078;1472233404;phf;basically it's a choice between beta level code that is likely to do something stupid, but not as likely to completely die and stable code that doesn't know how to reconnect dying on wednesday while i'm away 1530079;1472233494;phf;thestringpuller: yes 1530080;1472233540;mircea_popescu;you lot are gonna take slutpics etc yes ? 1530081;1472234444;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/no-more-felony-stealing-charges-after-missouri-supreme-court-ruling/article_f7224f17-ff1a-53bd-9462-1235d3f636c6.html 1530082;1472234457;BingoBoingo;"The court ruled that because the law that defines stealing doesn’t include the value of property stolen as an element of the offense, prosecutors couldn’t charge the woman in the case with felony stealing." 1530083;1472234503;phf;hmm, there's no exceptions, bot's simply timing out. i wonder if i should put a reconnect throttle. i wouldn't be surprised if the ping is timing out, but a connection can still go through. so bot times out, then reconnects, then one ping goes through, another one times out, so bot disconnects again.. 1530084;1472234707;phf;or perhaps digitalocean is just shit 1530085;1472234723;asciilifeform;https://thehackerblog.com/floating-domains-taking-over-20k-digitalocean-domains-via-a-lax-domain-import-system/index.html << related. 1530086;1472234744;mircea_popescu;digitalocean is shit, for sure. 1530087;1472234797;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/dad3c494-6e89-4cd5-98a4-7d767786a855/?raw=true << in other recent lulz 1530088;1472234906;asciilifeform;or 'how shitgnomes suture their wounds' 1530089;1472234914;asciilifeform;didjaknow, 'gawker was about phreeeeeeedom' etc. 1530090;1472234972;mircea_popescu;lol. gawker is about freedom in the sense putin is about gay sex. 1530091;1472235093;asciilifeform;fleadom. 1530092;1472238268;thestringpuller;asciilifeform || RAGE_FLAG_1 1530093;1472238481;mircea_popescu;$key PeterL 1530094;1472238483;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/0ebf8203-fb4b-4f6b-886e-96d0480c9c82/ 1530095;1472241828;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1530024 << maybe. I'm about to start up my seasonal thing, which means I move in at work, leaving empty space where I currently reside. But that's a really big maybe seeing as how it's not my place and it's a very risky thing, letting someone move in. That aside, the timeframe is perfect. I will be away for more than a few months even 1530096;1472241828;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 17:25 mircea_popescu: has anyone a spare bedroom/garage/whatever willing to rent to me for a reasoble sum and park gabriel there for a few months ? 1530097;1472245111;asciilifeform;covertress: lemme guess, you've got a new Veeeery Speeeshul Private Offer!11111 Just For mircea_popescu . 1530098;1472245387;trinque;lel 1530099;1472248927;covertress;asciilifeform: if i do, you'll be the last to know 1530100;1472249021;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/26/dear-america-pull-up-your-pants-your-inadequacy-is-showing/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Dear America: Pull up your pants, your inadequacy is showing. 1530101;1472249120;asciilifeform;covertress: http://trilema.com/2014/a-short-compendium-of-stupid-things-you-should-never-say << useful reference. 1530102;1472249130;asciilifeform;#4 in particular. 1530103;1472249200;BingoBoingo;covertress: Lots of reading to catch up on. 1530104;1472249222;asciilifeform;it was written by the fella whose diesel-powered cock you were considering to encompass, covertress . i recommend reading attentively. 1530105;1472251054;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lovely thing for you - http://fusion.net/story/340171/how-nextdoor-reduced-racial-profiling << possibly qntrable. 1530106;1472251066;asciilifeform;New, Better hatefact filterz! 1530107;1472251093;asciilifeform;'He said Nextdoor has added “racial profiling” as a category for people who want to flag a conversation as inappropriate and that it has provided additional training on how to recognize toxic conversations about race to the volunteer “neighborhood leads” who are responsible for moderating discussions.' 1530108;1472251094;asciilifeform;gold. 1530109;1472251461;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: That's not news. That's sponsored content. 1530110;1472251497;BingoBoingo;How can a serivce have 100 kilousers when it doesn't even have two centiusers? 1530111;1472251509;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: noshit.jpg. but consider, SOMEONE was audience for this crapolade ! 1530112;1472251524;asciilifeform;to SOMEONE, this was supposed to read as an appealing! thing. 1530113;1472251646;BingoBoingo;If there were complaints though I'd expect them to actually have increased over the past two weeks as I've taken to walking around with athletic black girl to trigger fat white bitches into hopefully eating less. 1530114;1472251719;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: that strat works about as well as lonely white kids watching blacked.com in triggering crackers to get more hung. 1530115;1472251748;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: But this is IRL which haz moar pixels! 1530116;1472251766;BingoBoingo;And also pickup truck cuntry 1530117;1472251800;pete_dushenski;depends if you're wearing your spectacles or watching spectacles online 1530118;1472251815;pete_dushenski;distance matters. 1530119;1472251852;pete_dushenski;also, i dun need lessons in pickups! http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/24/a-trucking-good-time/ 1530120;1472251951;pete_dushenski;i may not have grown up in former su, but the arctic is its own kind of strange parallel universe requiring altogether mesmerising adaptations 1530121;1472251993;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: But do you know about lol mart 1530122;1472252006;pete_dushenski;speaking of which, cheers to mircea_popescu for the elliot chronicles! i loled many, many times 1530123;1472252010;mircea_popescu;shinohai make it answer to !~ plox 1530124;1472252025;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski aha. and only halfway yet! 1530125;1472252036;pete_dushenski;wait seriously ? 1530126;1472252043;pete_dushenski;that's... epic 1530127;1472252055;mircea_popescu;aha. 1530128;1472252106;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: best parts of series thus far, imo, are when parallels are drawns to ro of 70s/80s 1530129;1472252168;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1530099 << lol alf, you got a way with teh ladies, brings out the icy in 'em! 1530130;1472252168;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 22:02 covertress: asciilifeform: if i do, you'll be the last to know 1530131;1472252270;*;asciilifeform is simply not at all fond of ninjashotguns, ain't no seeekrit 1530132;1472252311;mircea_popescu;what's one to do with the other ? 1530133;1472252332;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529760 << incidentally, a prenup is entirely unnecessary with the advent of bitcoin. but i guess we can forgive kanye given the age of that particular tune. 1530134;1472252332;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 14:30 thestringpuller: so: "Holla, "We want prenup! We want prenup!" (Yeah!)" 1530135;1472252388;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: hm ? i mean the snowforts of giza and whatnot. 1530136;1472252392;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: in the anglo world, it is 'unnecessary' in the same way bleeding-as-medicine is. i.e. unless you are a lizard, judge will piss on your prenup. 1530137;1472252446;mircea_popescu;there is also that. 1530138;1472252495;asciilifeform;and the 'child support' thing is wholly separate from alimony and contracts have 0 effect. 1530139;1472252513;asciilifeform;(ianal, but the talmudic fiction is that it is 'a right of the child') 1530140;1472252534;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform technically it's quite sensible as it's deferred inheritance. 1530141;1472252535;pete_dushenski;lol 1530142;1472252541;mircea_popescu;us is one of those places which piss on testaments. 1530143;1472252547;mircea_popescu;ie, barbaric, as per roman law. 1530144;1472252553;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: entirely separate thing from that also. 1530145;1472252556;asciilifeform;at least on paper. 1530146;1472252558;mircea_popescu;nah. 1530147;1472252565;mircea_popescu;well, paper or no paper. 1530148;1472252586;mircea_popescu;but virtually any half-competent estate/tax attorney will explain to you it's fucking dumb to skimp on child support. 1530149;1472252614;asciilifeform;can 'half-competent' estate atty explain why billionaire owes moar of it than pauper ? 1530150;1472252641;asciilifeform;the fiction is that it has something to do with what it costs to grow a kid, but the reality does not at all resemble the fiction. 1530151;1472252660;asciilifeform;billionaire's sperm costs more to grow into adult, or wat. 1530152;1472252661;mircea_popescu;look : the entire profession of estate lawyer is this : "you want to transfer X sugar from A to B ; with ants eating as little as possible on the way. This is how you time-attack the ants :" 1530153;1472252670;pete_dushenski;greenspun, despite appearing to be happily married and fathering and what have you, is ~obsessed~ with alimony / child support / no fault divorce litigation in the states. he openly advocates that young ladies skip 'career' and instead have illegitimate children with lawyers, dentists, school principals, etc. 1530154;1472252679;mircea_popescu;ie, sooner or later you will want to transfer some money to these children. do it sooner rather than later, escape some tax burden 1530155;1472252692;asciilifeform;what if you do not. 1530156;1472252697;asciilifeform;or wish to transfer, CONDITIONALLY 1530157;1472252697;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski greenspun is also a bitter idiot. 1530158;1472252702;asciilifeform;y'know, like sane people 1530159;1472252713;mircea_popescu;you still do freebie peanuts. 1530160;1472252716;asciilifeform;and to kid, and not to some whore. 1530161;1472252729;mircea_popescu;and no, conditionally aka main morte is not like sane people. it's like very insane people. 1530162;1472252736;BingoBoingo; and to kid, and not to some whore. << Because of Classism. 1530163;1472252745;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't marry "some whore". 1530164;1472252759;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most collectors of child support in usa were never married. 1530165;1472252760;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: windows 10 (l)user. aha. 1530166;1472252774;mircea_popescu;where you got that statistic from lol 1530167;1472252871;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: marriage is ~extinct in usa. 1530168;1472252877;asciilifeform;esp. among the breeding class. 1530169;1472252883;asciilifeform;not mega-seekrit. 1530170;1472252887;mircea_popescu;whatevs. you don't associate with "some whore". 1530171;1472252894;mircea_popescu;we were talking rich people, not rotinculo. 1530172;1472252921;asciilifeform;'rich people' in the usual sense do not have this problem. 1530173;1472252929;asciilifeform;they can move money into inaccessible universes. 1530174;1472252941;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1530175;1472252963;BingoBoingo;More on that classist breeding http://www.kew.org/discover/blogs/kew-science/taming-savage-cabbage 1530176;1472252963;mircea_popescu;back to the topic : if you're rich, it's probably a bad idea for fiscal reasons to skimp on child support. 1530177;1472252982;pete_dushenski;i've heard of this 'blackholing money' thing. was all the rage circa 2007/8 1530178;1472252987;asciilifeform;incidentally in usa, child support is not a cheque to the child's mother 1530179;1472252988;asciilifeform;but to usg. 1530180;1472252993;asciilifeform;who then passes on ~80% of it. 1530181;1472253004;mircea_popescu;depends how you arrange it. dun have to be. 1530182;1472253004;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu surely knows this. 1530183;1472253021;mircea_popescu;but yes, they do try to eat as much as they can of anything. 1530184;1472253022;asciilifeform;if it is arranged via official channels, and is legally termed 'child support' - as in , was sued for - then it is. 1530185;1472253046;asciilifeform;if it is a 'silent understanding' in, e.g., amicable divorce - then no usg vig 1530186;1472253053;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's a whole array of settlements and structured etcs available. moreover, if you keep that money and kid inherits it, usg steals 60% not 20% 1530187;1472253059;asciilifeform;but interestingly the right to invoke the usg support mechanism ~cannot be signed away~ in usa. 1530188;1472253080;mircea_popescu;generally, socialist state eats out of societal disension. this is not going away. 1530189;1472253086;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you meritwash the kid and appoint him as director of the usual faux charity/corp/etc. usg gets 0. 1530190;1472253097;mircea_popescu;every time you fuck over your fellow man, an usg nigger and libertard jew cackle in glee. 1530191;1472253097;asciilifeform;which is what they typically do. 1530192;1472253134;asciilifeform;and yes, orlov put this point in book length, when you borrow money from banks instead of your blood clan, jew cackles, and coins ring in usg coffer, etc. 1530193;1472253151;asciilifeform;when you buy car from car co. instead of trading for barrel of rum from blood clan, jew cackles. etc. 1530194;1472253154;asciilifeform;star topology. 1530195;1472253207;mircea_popescu;aha 1530196;1472253213;mircea_popescu;well, blood, wot, whatever. 1530197;1472253230;mircea_popescu;but the overarching, important point is that "some whore" is by far your best ally, and sharpest instrument. 1530198;1472253238;mircea_popescu;stop hating them ; start training them. 1530199;1472253241;asciilifeform;if you run a sufficiently tight imperium in imperio, usg gets to bite its elbows and you can get away with pretty much anything, so long as the wall is tall enough. 1530200;1472253253;asciilifeform;just ask the mormons, nyc hassids, etc. 1530201;1472253276;asciilifeform;folks who do not fall into one of these clans, end up in the inca's star topology and get raped. 1530202;1472253331;pete_dushenski;or less publicised wots 1530203;1472253354;asciilifeform;and yes, if woman knows that your cousins hassan and ibrahim will douse her in petrol and light if she takes you to usg divorce court -- she probably won't. 1530204;1472253372;asciilifeform;mega-solution for the rest of us. 1530205;1472253421;pete_dushenski;what's this 'rest of us' thing ? 1530206;1472253435;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: strictly the set of folk who dun have a hassan and ibrahim. 1530207;1472253438;pete_dushenski;there's no solutions for everyone - not homogeneous group!1 1530208;1472253484;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: it's arguably a historically accidental set, this. 1530209;1472253506;asciilifeform;solution described works for some folks. 1530210;1472253513;asciilifeform;the others - can try to copy, or make own. 1530211;1472253547;pete_dushenski;perhaps like making own trojan though - need thousand years, not thousand days 1530212;1472253552;asciilifeform;but to copy it you need a reasonably self-contained tribal machine for settling disputes, otherwise devolves to a contest of who can invoke usg library calls to moar effect. 1530213;1472253568;asciilifeform;and eventually devolves to the usual 'star topology'. 1530214;1472253655;asciilifeform;the jews of old europe understood this, and - best as i know - NEVER invoked the goyish judicial system on whatever pretext, when dispute was wholly internal 1530215;1472253663;pete_dushenski;not like persians didn't try to make own hoplites, but inevitably ended up buying existing mercs because short-term it was the only practicable solution 1530216;1472253681;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: aha. no 'get' no leaving. 1530217;1472254194;pete_dushenski;https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3uauu8ss8YY/V7-qnTD7JyI/AAAAAAAAnGQ/WUQ121zzWegsEQ77pLVhy_4iS2zTDThSACLcB/s640/NGFT8iIu1r4ddooUcbYeP9eWY_XCjenfVugh0sQGf38.jpg << that's one way to use an old stadium (in osaka). cost-effective at least. /me wonders about property values in the interior 1530218;1472257318;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the problem with your view it's that it's so damned adversarial. 1530219;1472257331;mircea_popescu;you seriously imagine fear of retribution keeps my harem together ?! 1530220;1472257521;shinohai;well shit 1530221;1472257530;shinohai;!~ticker 1530222;1472257530;jhvh1;shinohai: Error: "~ticker" is not a valid command. 1530223;1472257540;shinohai;hrm 1530224;1472257553;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's harem is typical american marriahe the way my battlestation is typical amer pc. 1530225;1472257570;mircea_popescu;but the point remains. 1530226;1472257601;mircea_popescu;your computer still runs on electricity, not on molasses. 1530227;1472259241;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1529720 << lol, lobbesbot has had this for a few months btw. It is supybot pretty much, so all the favorites are there: later, seen, calc, etc 1530228;1472259241;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 14:14 mircea_popescu: jurov now there is : http://logs.minigame.bz/2016-08-26.log.html#t14:13:32 1530229;1472259256;lobbes;but now it is there twice :P 1530230;1472259314;lobbes;of course, if I finally got to adding search on the logs, maybe it'd be easier to find this out :/ 1530231;1472259858;mircea_popescu;and a help page hehe. 1530232;1472259928;shinohai;ahh nice 1530233;1472260325;lobbes;help page noted. I'll put it first in the queue 1530234;1472261008;mircea_popescu;cool. 1530235;1472263424;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530222 << ahahahaha teh blasphemiez! 1530236;1472263424;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 00:25 jhvh1: shinohai: Error: "~ticker" is not a valid command. 1530237;1472263480;*;shinohai did it for the glory of Baal of course 1530238;1472263528;ben_vulpes;sail hatin' 1530239;1472263552;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1530099 << epic butthurt 1530240;1472263552;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 22:02 covertress: asciilifeform: if i do, you'll be the last to know 1530241;1472264842;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-sex << oh hey. 1530242;1472265719;mircea_popescu;hello mr hawk lol 1530243;1472265736;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-sex/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Sex. 1530244;1472266230;mircea_popescu;and in other lulz, https://archive.is/uH9LM 1530245;1472266272;mircea_popescu;if all this guy's guides/howtos/whatever are like that, it's no wonder his clientele has issues. 1530246;1472273319;BingoBoingo;Starting to seem like the only thing that could have saved broken elliot would have been going all in on the booze. Not getting girls drunk, but getting himself black out drunk until he developed the alcoholism and his life became unmanageable for relateable reasons. 1530247;1472273351;BingoBoingo;Maybe he's get lucky and the B12 deficiency encephaly would break his brain into working 1530248;1472273459;BingoBoingo;"Both my friends James and Philip seem to be the weak, accepting type; whereas I am the fighter. I will never stand to be insulted, and I will eventually have my revenge against all those who insult me, no matter how long it takes." << Dude needed a real enemy 1530249;1472274554;BingoBoingo;"Somehow the thought that he could have just taken that [shiny new BMW, by the way] ride of his over to Burbank or something and picked up one (or two, or three) of the black girls that perenially prop the street lights waiting for something [such as private movie theatres in Malibu mansions] to happen never occurs. Hell is other people for some people ; but apparently sometimes hell is just the hole in one's own head." << "And through w 1530250;1472274554;BingoBoingo;orking these steps we shall find a new Freedom and a new happiness... We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us" (TM)(R) 1530251;1472275946;mircea_popescu;heh 1530252;1472276910;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530246 << iirc someone suggested dope earlier 1530253;1472276910;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 04:48 BingoBoingo: Starting to seem like the only thing that could have saved broken elliot would have been going all in on the booze. Not getting girls drunk, but getting himself black out drunk until he developed the alcoholism and his life became unmanageable for relateable reasons. 1530254;1472276957;asciilifeform;but! it generally #includes 1530255;1472276995;asciilifeform;so likely herr rodger was 'invsober'. 1530256;1472277027;asciilifeform;( except, of course, when drinking his 1985 mega-winez.. ) 1530257;1472277070;asciilifeform;now if dope were something one could download! then. 1530258;1472277122;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530249 << maybe did not care for black chix? 1530259;1472277122;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 05:09 BingoBoingo: "Somehow the thought that he could have just taken that [shiny new BMW, by the way] ride of his over to Burbank or something and picked up one (or two, or three) of the black girls that perenially prop the street lights waiting for something [such as private movie theatres in Malibu mansions] to happen never occurs. Hell is other people for some people ; but apparently sometimes hell is just the hole in one's own head." << "And through w 1530260;1472277343;asciilifeform;schmuck in bmw is just a schmuck in bmw, not a picker of chix, just as if asciilifeform were to put on a priceless 16th c. samurai armour, he would not thereby become a samurai. 1530261;1472277440;asciilifeform;(and in usa, bmw is not a rare or esp. precious item, this is not moscow circa '92, any idiot can max out his reddit card & 'own' one) 1530262;1472277458;asciilifeform;it is not a boeing, no. 1530263;1472304080;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah lol. me. 1530264;1472304092;mircea_popescu;cuz i had nfi there was anyone left in california who didn't ganja 1530265;1472304348;mircea_popescu;kid is a wonder to behold, he effortlessly succeeds at things virtually none of his compatriots ever do, such as killing people (note how many of the "i shot a buncha losers" types are actually first generation or further as opposed to malibu-beachouse-timesharing-lizzardkin) or keeping his nose clean (seriously, find someone in californa born 80s or prior who is not and will not smoke), and then is all bitter and butthurt o 1530266;1472304349;mircea_popescu;ver his "failure" (rather, deliberate avoidance) of cunt. 1530267;1472304373;mircea_popescu;sexuate copulation being, in ALL species, the absolute lowest bar conceivable. numeration is a higher achievement. 1530268;1472305011;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this hallucination of choice, "i am getting none and will tell you what i won't accept" is the universal symptom of elliot-idiocy not just in elliot, but in everyone. AFTER you get MORE than you can handle, THEN you can express preference. not before. never before. 1530269;1472305077;mircea_popescu;when it's a case that you're already fucking tanja, jennifer, rachel and the bubblebutt sisters, and this hottie cinema user begs you to let her come in with you and massage your feet while you watch the movie, and you're too exhausted to think that's a good idea, THEN you start thinking what you prefer, and ditch some of the crowd. 1530270;1472305108;mircea_popescu;when it's a case that your boss wants you to do overtime, his competitor wants you to move over and there's five headhunters heating your phone, THEN you consider it's time to ask for a raise. 1530271;1472305112;mircea_popescu;etcetera etcetera. 1530272;1472305139;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as "the preferences" of the virgin. virgins have no preferences. 1530273;1472307917;mircea_popescu;and in further historical trilema lulz, http://trilema.com/2009/eu-am-un-succes-nebun-la-femei/ 1530274;1472308264;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we did, iirc, have a crashed pilot thread 1530275;1472308275;asciilifeform;(re the ww2 folk who starved on account of refusing to eat insect) 1530276;1472308293;mircea_popescu;not what's called a preference. 1530277;1472308347;asciilifeform;how is that not 'preference' ? 1530278;1472308357;asciilifeform;ants are protein like any other... 1530279;1472308366;mircea_popescu;because preference, definitionally, is a choice between two or more present things. 1530280;1472308381;mircea_popescu;choice between one or fewer present things is not preference, but ideology/insanity/identity/whatever you wish to call it. 1530281;1472308391;asciilifeform;well they had two present things, insect protein, and death of starvation... picked the latter. 1530282;1472308400;mircea_popescu;death of starvation is not one present thing. 1530283;1472308424;mircea_popescu;if they ate dragonflies rather than wasps, they'd have had a preference for dragonflies and preferred dragonflies. 1530284;1472308439;mircea_popescu;if they won't eat the cockroach, they don't have a preference, they just gave up, or whatever. 1530285;1472308479;mircea_popescu;and you're way too liberal with this "oh, bigint ? sure i'll smush a string in there!" 1530286;1472308495;asciilifeform;waiwat 1530287;1472308497;mircea_popescu;how the hell did you end up with the idea death is ? fucking ancients knew proof to the contrary. 1530288;1472308508;mircea_popescu;if you didn't know geometry known in ancient greece you'd be worried. but this ? 1530289;1472308563;asciilifeform;folks of rational and upstanding character pick deaths all the time. instead of betrayal, instead of retreat, dishonour, etc. 1530290;1472308570;asciilifeform;what's the problem mircea_popescu has with this ? 1530291;1472308600;mircea_popescu;that whatever they pick, death isn't a present thing. 1530292;1472308637;asciilifeform;as far as i can see, this is a distinction without a difference 1530293;1472308663;mircea_popescu;this qualifies as insanity. wtf do you mean the realia-idealia is "distinction without a difference" ? 1530294;1472308684;mircea_popescu;exact fucking definition of derealisation, as in the psychosis symptom. "can't distinguish between things present and things in own head." 1530295;1472308697;asciilifeform;well i work with these for a living, what. 1530296;1472308708;asciilifeform;realia with idealia welded on, if you like. 1530297;1472308717;asciilifeform;(and vice-versa) 1530298;1472308759;mircea_popescu;the idea is to protect yourself from workplace injuries, not to embrace them. what is this, 1800s sulphur mine kids in sicily ? hunchback and sideways ? 1530299;1472308792;asciilifeform;fefelaga's blinded horse. 1530300;1472308800;mircea_popescu;trist. 1530301;1472308814;mircea_popescu;anyway : your death is never present to you, because for while you're here, it is not yet, and once it is, you are no more. 1530302;1472308885;asciilifeform;and what of this 'not present' thing ? 1530303;1472308890;asciilifeform;what practical diff it makes ? 1530304;1472309106;mircea_popescu;the practical difference it makes is that if you stuprum definitions the results are - by definition - undefined. just like when you smash buffers, what you get is a no-longer-working machine. irrespective of what "practical" difference it makes understood as "i still see tiled windows so all is well" 1530305;1472309155;asciilifeform;you gotta point out the absurdum yer reductio-ing this ad to. 1530306;1472309165;asciilifeform;i.e. the div by 0, or overflow, etc. 1530307;1472309178;mircea_popescu;going out of bounds is the exact equivalent in practice of the medieval notion of "losing communion with god". you're... lost. 1530308;1472309204;asciilifeform;if no crash, the bound was no bound. 1530309;1472309308;asciilifeform;that's the difference between mathematics and talmudism. 1530310;1472309357;asciilifeform;because i just pissed all over 'operating machinery on sabbath' prohibition, and guess what. 1530311;1472309362;asciilifeform;no crash. 1530312;1472309415;*;asciilifeform switches on emulated mircea_popescutron, who answers with the inevitable mussolini quote 1530313;1472309565;mircea_popescu;ahaha what! 1530314;1472309590;mircea_popescu;so wait, wait, if "nobody's key got compromised" then koch bug was no bug ? 1530315;1472309614;asciilifeform;well no, but to demonstrate the bug you gotta demonstrate the possibility. 1530316;1472309623;asciilifeform;'if planets align like-so, you get crater' 1530317;1472309631;mircea_popescu;nope. it is sufficient to demonstrate incorectness. 1530318;1472309637;asciilifeform;that's what incorrectness ~is~ 1530319;1472309643;mircea_popescu;nope. 1530320;1472309683;mircea_popescu;incorectness is "your array is 4 bytes and your malloc is 2 bytes", not "if you run this code you get crater" 1530321;1472309691;mircea_popescu;a deductive, not an inductive concern. 1530322;1472309705;mircea_popescu;which is why all the scorn for their inevitable "oh but this rarely if ev er happens". 1530323;1472309713;mircea_popescu;bitch, it dun care how often you tihnk it happens. 1530324;1472309728;asciilifeform;it is trivially demonstrated that advancing pointer by 4 bt when you alloced 2 will result in unexpected behaviour. 1530325;1472309730;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: probably not your foray, but asking for friend. what's the best way to debug "copy_from_user" without GDB (linux syscall)? 1530326;1472309734;asciilifeform;now demonstrate for the deaths thing. 1530327;1472309776;mircea_popescu;your calling induction "demonstration" and you pretending a nude call as to the future counts as either doth not actually change how reason works, you know. 1530328;1472309805;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's a nude call ? 1530329;1472309805;mircea_popescu;a) your nonsense above is no demonstration ; b) my http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530301 is. 1530330;1472309805;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 14:40 mircea_popescu: anyway : your death is never present to you, because for while you're here, it is not yet, and once it is, you are no more. 1530331;1472309829;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: it's a kernelism, debug the way sane people debug kernels, on emulator with gdb hose. 1530332;1472309861;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: and this sounds like a homework question. 1530333;1472309868;mircea_popescu;a nude call is a call that is not dressed. by parts : a call is an act of judgement, what's normally called "an expert call". when you produce through human heuristic a result that'd better be good enoughy because it's all there is. 1530334;1472309890;mircea_popescu;whether it's nude or dressed discusses the pacification of society. common man tends to be (through herd socialisation) ... "upset" by nudity. 1530335;1472309933;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what'd be an example of a 'dressed call' ? 1530336;1472309995;mircea_popescu;(btw since stuprum, stupeo was mentioned, let's point out to trinque that the ancient word for rape actually denotes the very benumbment in question.) 1530337;1472310020;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform most egregiously, "hussein had wmds!" 1530338;1472310053;asciilifeform;and what would nude variant of this look like ? 1530339;1472310064;mircea_popescu;"we gotta fuck up iraq" 1530340;1472310071;asciilifeform;ah ok. 1530341;1472310088;mircea_popescu;no, nude isn't a pejorative, it's not better to be dressed than naked. 1530342;1472310110;mircea_popescu;all calls should be as nude as possible. harem-like! 1530343;1472310150;asciilifeform;the problem with the greek pov, as re-told by mircea_popescu, is that folks are still stuck logically operating on own deaths all the time, whether they like to or not. 1530344;1472310158;mircea_popescu;this is not so. 1530345;1472310181;mircea_popescu;moreover, the fact that folk are "stuck" operating on windows/other tiling wm "all the time" is really no excuse to smash your stack, as in 1530346;1472310187;mircea_popescu;"if i make it what i think it should be it crashes" 1530347;1472310188;asciilifeform;and not even only when finally eating nagant, but when weighing millimortage of whatever act. 1530348;1472310218;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform omfg you're going to be an unwashed pop-statistician now too ?! 1530349;1472310238;asciilifeform;actuarial stat is a thing. 1530350;1472310240;mircea_popescu;look here : risk, as a statistical concern, and phenomenology, as a discrete history of the world, are entirely separate domains. 1530351;1472310241;asciilifeform;nobody cancelled it. 1530352;1472310271;mircea_popescu;it's one thing to say "most black people are uneployed". it is another thing to say "this man is unemmployed because black" 1530353;1472310299;asciilifeform;nothing i said imports this nonsense. 1530354;1472310307;asciilifeform;even if 10,000,001 derps connect them. 1530355;1472310328;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform both the "milimort" nonsense and the "operate on own deaths" nonsense do. and it's not coincidental, you evidently build this crap on top of itself. 1530356;1472310378;asciilifeform;say i have option of walking through 2 minefields. one with 1 booby per 10 sq. m., the other - per 20. 1530357;1472310383;mircea_popescu;ok 1530358;1472310395;asciilifeform;all else - same. 1530359;1472310406;asciilifeform;this, too, is 'millimort nonsense' ? 1530360;1472310415;mircea_popescu;this so far is merely a minefield. 1530361;1472310416;asciilifeform;or not? and if so where is the cut mircea_popescu draws. 1530362;1472310491;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'd guess you pivoted the definition. "milimort nonsense" refers to the ridiculous pretense that statistics discusses discrete events ; it is not a proposition that statistical aproaches to risk management are infeasible or their lingo inacceptable. 1530363;1472310498;asciilifeform;and incidentally i can readily see why mircea_popescu might barf at idea of millimort as applied to, e.g., road fatality 1530364;1472310523;mircea_popescu;i barf at the idea that you dicking around with a statistical model has allowed you to cogently discuss the actual events. 1530365;1472310534;mircea_popescu;"oh, i spend all my time counting milimorts so i know a lot about death" 1530366;1472310566;asciilifeform;idea is not 'know' but specifically reasoning about it in the mine field density sense. 1530367;1472310585;mircea_popescu;gtfo, by the same token elliot knows a lot about fucking ; and the exact-copies of him in charge of the circus act that in the us passes for finance now that the arabs have entirely decapitated it know a lot about bankruptcy 1530368;1472310599;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you aren't reasoning about IT. you're reasoning around it. 1530369;1472310650;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: not homework question. kid is entry level linux engineer and was like "this keeps returnngin full bytes. it won't copy" 1530370;1472310653;thestringpuller;don't stab the messenger! 1530371;1472310653;asciilifeform;the other observation re the greeks is that they did ~not~, by any indication, believe that a man who walks headfront into his death is necessarily acting illogically. 1530372;1472310662;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller don't be the messenger. kid can gpg like anyone else. 1530373;1472310682;*;thestringpuller is too nice 1530374;1472310682;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they didn't, nor do i, nor does anyone capable of thinking. 1530375;1472310693;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: https://hert.org/tinder-social-engineering-attack-fb239d8c4c34#.du83n7omm << not quite news, but still amusing 1530376;1472310696;asciilifeform;so how does this square up with the 'not present' item ? 1530377;1472310710;mircea_popescu;that it's present to you dun mean it's present to them. 1530378;1472310720;mircea_popescu;which is why "life" scarcely prepares one for leadership. 1530379;1472310810;mircea_popescu;also known as "i see dead people." 1530380;1472310873;asciilifeform;ability to usefully juggle idealia, and not only realia, is what distinguishes man from dog. 1530381;1472310883;asciilifeform;including the ideal of his own burning corpse, yes. 1530382;1472310905;mircea_popescu;usefully, as a byproduct of correctly. 1530383;1472310928;mircea_popescu;usefully at the destruction of correctly is pretty much the "western world" example. 1530384;1472310986;asciilifeform;i don't partake in the 'aristotelian' notion of correctness - 'do this because fella with a beard 3 metres long said it to be correct'. gotta show example of the kind of disaster one might arrive at via the incorrectness. 1530385;1472311027;asciilifeform;'fella thought that 1==2 and looky how long are his guts' 1530386;1472313456;mircea_popescu;the field is not "argument from authority" 1530387;1472313461;mircea_popescu;the field is not "argument from authority or argument from induction" 1530388;1472313468;mircea_popescu;the field is "deduction, or induction" 1530389;1472313498;mircea_popescu;no example is required to decide any dispute. the example is a teaching tool, not a reasoning tool. 1530390;1472315029;asciilifeform;incidentally, does mircea_popescu also object to manipulations on, e.g., complex numbers ? 1530391;1472315040;asciilifeform;just as much 'nonpresent idealia', neh ? 1530392;1472315168;mircea_popescu;what's "manipulation" to do with it ? if you claimed you sat down to have tea with some complex numbers, i'd point out the batshit insanity of that notion just like above, yes. 1530393;1472315216;asciilifeform;everybody who builds, e.g., 3phase motor, 'sits down for tea with complex numbers' 1530394;1472315222;mircea_popescu;this is not so. 1530395;1472315238;asciilifeform;plox to expand on this ? 1530396;1472315250;mircea_popescu;but i am starting to udnerstand why ~any math phd i ever encountered has major social function issues. 1530397;1472315272;asciilifeform;is it simply that engineer, at the end of the day, puts the complex nums back into their drawers ? 1530398;1472315289;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a man who is a plumber is not by this measure "a plague victim". yes, the man works in shit all day. but : he does the work in shit with shit tools, and then he presumably eats with eat tools. he doesn't mix the two. 1530399;1472315290;asciilifeform;rather than ask machinist to cut a complex length of steel 1530400;1472315325;mircea_popescu;there's a long history of playing fast and loose with domain before one arrives at this wretched state where he "prefers complex numbers". 1530401;1472315374;asciilifeform;i will not disagree that if engineer gets up from his desk and asks for a sqrt(-2)-metre long stick, he has problem. 1530402;1472315405;mircea_popescu;the notion that one "prefers death" is very similar to "cut me e length of rope" 1530403;1472315431;mircea_popescu;yes, "obvicously" what's "meant" is an approximation. then through practice that obvious goes away, much like rubber gloves one never changes or reviews, 1530404;1472315437;mircea_popescu;soon enough you're labsick and "i wonder why". 1530405;1472315445;mircea_popescu;why. because gotta keep work hygiene, is why! 1530406;1472315494;asciilifeform;typically 'prefer death', for soldier who won't retreat, or whoever, is simply a fallthrough case in a switch(), if you will 1530407;1472315503;asciilifeform;from refusal to take whatever else is on the table. 1530408;1472315518;mircea_popescu;yes, but it induces a whole slew of shit that then passes for thought. 1530409;1472315522;mircea_popescu;much like badly designed code, yes., 1530410;1472315525;asciilifeform;and i can even see where mircea_popescu makes the cut, 'this is not same as to prefer the death' 1530411;1472315529;asciilifeform;what i cannot yet see is why. 1530412;1472315558;mircea_popescu;you can't prefer among a set with cardinality less than two, that's why. sure, your identity may require you to not do x. this is fine, BUT IT IS ALSO NOT A PREFERENCE. it's your identity. 1530413;1472315591;mircea_popescu;the buddhist monk rescuing scorpion koan is directly linked here. 1530414;1472315645;asciilifeform;what's identity if not a set of deep habits 1530415;1472315665;asciilifeform;and doesn't mircea_popescu surgically operate on identities in his spare time every night ? 1530416;1472315672;mircea_popescu;if identity is in fact "a set of deep habits" then you are a woman in the greek sense of that term ; and moreover i have nfi why you wouldn't be happy in the inca state. 1530417;1472315705;mircea_popescu;i do, but to quote myself, "Grecii sunt scutul, nu sulita, ca de obicei exact altfel, exact invers, exact pe dos decat ne asteptam noi, in convingerea noastra ca i-am inteles. Si ca de obicei, au dreptate." 1530418;1472315707;asciilifeform;hey, pitch is a liquid. 1530419;1472315714;asciilifeform;dun mean you can go and pour a glass. 1530420;1472315750;asciilifeform;(glass, contrary to the mysteriously popular delusion, is ~not~ a liquid) 1530421;1472315756;mircea_popescu;but for everyone else, identity is a deductive result, which is why there can't be such a thing as "an example of you" 1530422;1472315777;asciilifeform;i was referring to identity in the psychiatric, rather than mathematical sense. 1530423;1472315782;mircea_popescu;me too. 1530424;1472315988;asciilifeform;i dunno that it even makes sense to attempt rigorous def of this 'identity', at least in any more detail than we define 'earth's crust' -- 'the layer we can drill without the drill melting' 1530425;1472316002;mircea_popescu;sure. 1530426;1472316070;mircea_popescu;which is why it takes man his entire life to find out who he is. 1530427;1472316087;asciilifeform;supposing he even does. 1530428;1472316166;mats;if there are any folks still looking to exit their s.nsa holdings, i would like to discuss buying your shares 1530429;1472316507;mats;and on a similar subject, do you folks suppose there'll delivery of cardanos this xmas? 1530430;1472319028;mod6;$orders 1530431;1472320398;*;shinohai imagines mats making keyserver tied to s.nsa 1530432;1472321826;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Lnusz << in other lulz 1530433;1472321837;asciilifeform;'GnuPG maintainer Werner Koch presented the Sunday keynote at GUADEC 2016 in Karlsruhe, Germany. He used the session to push back against the present trends in Internet architecture ... ' 1530434;1472321840;asciilifeform;yes, that koch. 1530435;1472322804;asciilifeform;mats: i would buy yours if i had in what to put. 1530436;1472322868;asciilifeform;( i do not have an mpex acct. ) 1530437;1472323378;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530431 << 'keyserver' is a fundamentally braindamaged concept. 1530438;1472323378;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 17:53 shinohai imagines mats making keyserver tied to s.nsa 1530439;1472323429;shinohai;mmm 1530440;1472323457;asciilifeform;emulated mircea_popescutron sayeth: 'nobody said that letting go of comfortable centralization would be easy.' 1530441;1472324662;mod6;<+mats> if there are any folks still looking to exit their s.nsa holdings, i would like to discuss buying your shares <+asciilifeform> mats: i would buy yours if i had in what to put. << looks like he's trying to buy, not sell. 1530442;1472324676;mod6;it'd be cool if we had or own TMSR orderbook. 1530443;1472324689;asciilifeform;well this is for when he buys and gets tired!111 1530444;1472324695;mod6;ah. 1530445;1472325671;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu https://archive.is/rrvO9 << vintage rodgerism lulz 1530446;1472325706;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski You would be pround to know I am now that asshole who brings his own oil to quick change place and tips the labor. 1530447;1472325716;mircea_popescu;ha! 1530448;1472325726;mircea_popescu;oh, next installment coming soonish too 1530449;1472325730;asciilifeform;i think gribble needs an oil change 1530450;1472325745;BingoBoingo;As plasticar approaches 200,000 miles I kinda wanna see if 300,000 is possibru 1530451;1472325752;mircea_popescu;gribble's unvoiced, plox to use shinohai s' thing 1530452;1472325759;asciilifeform;ah hm 1530453;1472325770;BingoBoingo;~later tell pete_dushenski You would be pround to know I am now that asshole who brings his own oil to quick change place and tips the labor. 1530454;1472325771;danielpbarron;!later tell asciilifeform it's jhvh1 now 1530455;1472325789;danielpbarron;!~list 1530456;1472325793;mircea_popescu;hm. 1530457;1472325797;danielpbarron;$list 1530458;1472325913;asciilifeform;moar recent völkischer beobachter lulz, https://archive.is/Y7pfH >> 'Federal agents searched the home of a former employee-turned-outspoken critic of the College Board, the standardized testing giant, as part of an investigation into the breach of hundreds of questions from the SAT college entrance exam.' 1530459;1472325927;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/08/us-navy-project-tor-surrounded-by-drama-as-usg-reasserts-control/#comment-68226 1530460;1472325938;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: interestingly, message came out of... gribble?! 1530461;1472326023;danielpbarron;the command character is still being sorted out i think, and ! also triggers gribble who apparently still takes orders even though muted 1530462;1472326029;asciilifeform;'Alfaro had contacted officials of seven state governments in recent months, accusing the College Board of making false claims about its tests when bidding for public contracts with the states. The College Board, he alleged, misled the states about the process it used to create questions for the new version of the SAT, resulting in an inferior exam. He also aired those allegations publicly, largely through postings on his LinkedIn ac 1530463;1472326029;asciilifeform;count. Lawyers for Alfaro could not be reached for comment. An FBI official confirmed that agents were present at Alfaro’s home in Maryland but declined to elaborate. College Board spokesman Zach Goldberg said the leak of test questions constituted a crime. “We are pleased that this crime is being pursued aggressively,” he said. He dismissed Alfaro’s criticisms of the SAT test-making process as “patently false.”' 1530464;1472327222;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-seven/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Seven. 1530465;1472328242;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/argentine-government-and-monsanto-approaching-peace-deal/ << Qntra - Argentine Government And Monsanto Approaching Peace Deal 1530466;1472328728;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/08/argentine-government-and-monsanto-approaching-peace-deal/#comment-68347 1530467;1472328815;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/08/argentine-government-and-monsanto-approaching-peace-deal/#comment-68349 1530468;1472329364;asciilifeform;in other lulz, invoking, md5 hash, using microshit winblowz api, apparently only saves ~half of the lines it takes to write the algo from scratch... 1530469;1472329408;asciilifeform;(and about 10x the memory footprint. COST, not save. aha.) 1530470;1472329599;mircea_popescu;which algo ? 1530471;1472329677;BingoBoingo;$s noose 1530472;1472329677;a111;59 results for "noose", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=noose 1530473;1472330234;mircea_popescu;and in other high performance piston engine news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1lu2vlkzs1qgnlnoo1_500.gif and did you know the worldwide cunt economy is 18.5 liters / 100km ? 1530474;1472331472;shinohai;> is command until I can apply lobbes fix 1530475;1472331472;jhvh1;shinohai: Error: "is" is not a valid command. 1530476;1472331485;shinohai;>bcstats 1530477;1472331487;jhvh1;shinohai: Current Blocks: 427118 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 273 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, 8 minutes, and 27 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1530478;1472331778;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530470 << md5 1530479;1472331778;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 20:26 mircea_popescu: which algo ? 1530480;1472332189;asciilifeform;http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/253976/what-happened-to-electrolytic-capacitors-in-the-21st-century << in other comedy 1530481;1472332219;asciilifeform;'We can sometimes see decades-old capacitors (such as ones made in the USSR) still working. They are bigger and heavier, but durable and not desiccating. Modern aluminium capacitors serve for about 11 years, if you are lucky, then become dry and quietly fail. I remember early 2000s devices where capacitors failed after 3–4 years of service, and not necessarily low-end devices (one example is E-TECH ICE-200 cable modem worth ∼ 240 1530482;1472332219;asciilifeform;rs became a commonplace, something uncharacteristic for 1980s.' 1530483;1472332716;asciilifeform;https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/womens-blog/2016/aug/27/why-chinese-women-dont-use-tampons << apparently this is nyoozworthy 1530484;1472332773;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-3-tmr/ << Qntra - Not Quite News Roundup Xtend 3 (TM)(R) 1530485;1472332956;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530468 << oh better still, it takes no fewer than THREE api calls, any or all of which MAY FAIL. 1530486;1472332956;a111;Logged on 2016-08-27 20:22 asciilifeform: in other lulz, invoking, md5 hash, using microshit winblowz api, apparently only saves ~half of the lines it takes to write the algo from scratch... 1530487;1472332962;asciilifeform;i shit thee not. 1530488;1472333090;asciilifeform;re the capacitors, the chinese story is a lie of omission, i've been swapping caps routinely in hardware made since 1990 or so. 1530489;1472333128;asciilifeform;the 'great plague of 2001' is factual but wholly incomplete picture. 1530490;1472333195;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's not newsworthy per se, it's the aparatchicks boiling and festering over some means of jumping ship 1530491;1472333206;BingoBoingo;"On weekend nights, I took a few shots from my vodka bottle and set out on walks around the town, desperately hoping that I would stumble across some opportunity to make friends. I often ended up sitting alone at some café, hoping girls would talk to me before I sobered up." << Doing it wrong. SHould have drank the whole bottle. 1530492;1472333208;mircea_popescu;it's clear to them survival depends on switching over to china - this boat they've managed to sunk. 1530493;1472333215;mircea_popescu;it's yet unclear to them that china already has its own class. 1530494;1472333243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the tampons?! how? 1530495;1472333277;mircea_popescu;no dude, the "feminism" 1530496;1472333592;asciilifeform;switch how? to move there? 1530497;1472333637;mircea_popescu;eh, how. in whichever way. 1530498;1472333638;asciilifeform;i cannot picture anyone, even anglotards, conceiving of such a thing. 1530499;1472333648;mircea_popescu;ideally, if the chinese govt would just give them money to keep doing what they're doing. 1530500;1472333653;asciilifeform;that boat sailed in the 1890s. 1530501;1472333656;mircea_popescu;i don't think you understand how this works. 1530502;1472333662;asciilifeform;possibly not 1530503;1472333699;asciilifeform;i could see'em positioning themselves as prospective gauleiters for chinese repo crew. 1530504;1472333738;asciilifeform;but in what imagined universe said crew might conceivably ~need~ these remoras for something, is beyond me 1530505;1472333761;mircea_popescu;you keep going on about the wrong angle of this. 1530506;1472333774;mircea_popescu;dude, who the fuck cares about all that ? not elliot. he cares about what he WANTS 1530507;1472333781;mircea_popescu;get it ? that. no more. nothing more. 1530508;1472333799;asciilifeform;well yes. but elliot at least showed up where there were gurlz. not in refrigerator store. 1530509;1472333805;mircea_popescu;absolutely nothing more at all not in the slightest bit ever, at all. 1530510;1472333823;mircea_popescu;he showed ~wherever he happened to anyway be going~. 1530511;1472333831;mircea_popescu;same with these other, lesser elliots and elliettes. 1530512;1472333845;asciilifeform;text contains multiple 'and then i went to this empty street because saw girl there once' 1530513;1472333852;mircea_popescu;they write "news" in theguardian about how the chinese should give them moar attentions, and a car. 1530514;1472333879;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but what he says he does and what he actually does are not so related. he only goes to the streets he'd be going. 1530515;1472333906;mircea_popescu;ie, theguardian. sure, "because we saw chinese people there once", if you prefer this because. and if you'd like another, he got others. what ain't changing is teh fucking guardian. 1530516;1472334053;BingoBoingo;"Their names were Ryan and Angel, and to my dismay they were of Hispanic race." << Gardening 101: to kill scale bugs use potassium soap, to kill fungi use copper soap, to kill Anglotards use sopapillas 1530517;1472334378;BingoBoingo;"James became deeply disturbed by my anger. I wished that he wasn’t disturbed. I wished he could be a friend that felt the same way about the world that I did. But he wasn’t that kind of person. He was a weakling." << Twu Wuv 1530518;1472334947;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5104 1530519;1472335270;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5103 1530520;1472335290;BingoBoingo;~ticker --market all 1530521;1472335333;BingoBoingo;>ticker --market all --currency rmb 1530522;1472335342;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 3790.93, vol: 73664.99830000 | Volume-weighted last average: 3790.93 1530523;1472335371;BingoBoingo;>ty jhvh1 ; 1530524;1472335371;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: "ty" is not a valid command. 1530525;1472335421;BingoBoingo;shinohai: You're missing a command. ">ty" should be answered with "You are very welcome Daddy" 1530526;1472335550;shinohai;lolz 1530527;1472335631;shinohai;>ty 1530528;1472335631;jhvh1;You are very welcome Daddy 1530529;1472335880;BingoBoingo;Very good 1530530;1472335901;shinohai;also haz an experimental >bash script 1530531;1472336091;shinohai;>bash 4 1530532;1472336091;jhvh1;Last 4 lines bashed and pending publication 1530533;1472341365;mircea_popescu;o hey 1530534;1472341384;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lmao sopapilla 1530535;1472341510;mircea_popescu;shinohai why does your bot sound like a submissive streetwalker ? 1530536;1472341742;shinohai;gotta learn that variety speak 1530537;1472342044;asciilifeform;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cq1ubhOXgAEUVA7.jpg:large << luuuuuuv bloatware!11111 1530538;1472342123;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/IKX4c << further dispatches from the bureau of wishful thinking 1530539;1472342273;asciilifeform;'The bigger problem for China is its workforce. Even though China is graduating far more than 1 million engineers every year, the quality of their education is so poor that they are not employable in technical professions. This was documented by my research teams at Duke and Harvard. ' << gold. 1530540;1472342606;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1530541;1472342623;mircea_popescu;i very much doubt there will be a signle employable engineer graduating from ivy league this year. 1530542;1472342635;asciilifeform;not so many a decade ago. 1530543;1472342665;mircea_popescu;community colleges still turn out the occasional useful bloke, but really, there's no comparison with china. 1530544;1472342707;mircea_popescu;>buttseks 1530545;1472342707;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Error: "buttseks" is not a valid command. 1530546;1472342737;mircea_popescu;>"" 1530547;1472342737;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Error: "" is not a valid command. 1530548;1472342744;mircea_popescu;>""" 1530549;1472342744;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Error: No closing quotation 1530550;1472342758;mircea_popescu;>\" 1530551;1472342758;jhvh1;mircea_popescu: Error: "\"" is not a valid command. 1530552;1472342822;asciilifeform;re chinese engineering, i had a float valve, of the usual type, in toilet - EXPLODE the other day 1530553;1472342827;asciilifeform;thing was <1y old. 1530554;1472342851;mircea_popescu;uh 1530555;1472342857;mircea_popescu;what was it filled with ? 1530556;1472342864;asciilifeform;filled ? 1530557;1472342889;asciilifeform;it's a float valve. it lives whatever pressure the water pipe supplies. 1530558;1472342974;mircea_popescu;oh i thought you meant the actual floating device 1530559;1472343017;asciilifeform;https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31knpB4IfKL._SY355_.jpg << this. 1530560;1472343031;asciilifeform;the plastic stem ruptured. 1530561;1472343041;asciilifeform;never seen anything of the kind before. 1530562;1472343081;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's knife (i also had this knife) or my saw from 2 wks ago, these made sense, the mechanical forces on the atrocious dried snot from which they were made, were formidable 1530563;1472343084;asciilifeform;but this - is a new thing. 1530564;1472343131;asciilifeform;i suspect that it actually... dissolved. 1530565;1472343238;mircea_popescu;heh 1530566;1472343262;asciilifeform;the wc in the flat i grew up in, back on other side of ocean, was 100+ years old. and had ORIGINAL float when i met it. grandfather - cleaned it. copper thing, ancient with patina, quite functional 1530567;1472343272;asciilifeform;i would bet that it is there still. 1530568;1472343329;asciilifeform;there is no reason for this part to wear out other than on ~geological~ time scale. 1530569;1472343560;mircea_popescu;just about. 1530570;1472344639;BingoBoingo;Did you try casting a replacement out of pewter? 1530571;1472344703;BingoBoingo;Possible that mebbe your local water system sucks and the pressure spiked to break the plastic. 1530572;1472344874;BingoBoingo;Occasionally neighborhoods in USia will experience much broken plasic and galvanized material when pressure goes from reasonable 40-90 psi to 140-240 psi. 1530573;1472344885;BingoBoingo;Welcome to post-Rhodesian infrastructure. 1530574;1472344951;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530570 << for valve?! 1530575;1472344951;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 00:37 BingoBoingo: Did you try casting a replacement out of pewter? 1530576;1472344978;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: yes. You don't drink out of toilet do you? Lead should be no concern. 1530577;1472345001;BingoBoingo;shape to fit with emery, cloth, and patience 1530578;1472345035;asciilifeform;aaaaha i'ma spend a month on a $5 part. suuuure. 1530579;1472345073;BingoBoingo;But if it were a capacitor! 1530580;1472345077;asciilifeform;(and shit in bucket while working, yes) 1530581;1472345101;asciilifeform;i dun make capacitors here, either, 1530582;1472345118;asciilifeform;life is not long enough to make own valves. 1530583;1472345172;asciilifeform;(betcha gabriel_laddel makes valves. and nails) 1530584;1472345191;asciilifeform;cuts, aha, own screws. 1530585;1472345229;hanbot;asciilifeform perhaps the mongoloids merely sealed your valve completely with their affronts to geometry. 1530586;1472345298;asciilifeform;waiwat 1530587;1472345390;*;asciilifeform does often wonder whether there exists a black market in old-new stock parts such as toilet valve. 1530588;1472345416;*;hanbot is having a fit of ignatius j. reilly-isms doubtlessly conjured up by the current trilema rodger telenovella 1530589;1472345419;asciilifeform;'pssst hey kid, wanna buy 100year float??' 1530590;1472345840;BingoBoingo;>bc,stats 1530591;1472345840;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: "bc,stats" is not a valid command. 1530592;1472345882;BingoBoingo;>bcstats 1530593;1472345883;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 427139 | Current Difficulty: 2.1737548275723764E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 427391 | Next Difficulty In: 252 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 19 hours, 12 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1530594;1472345887;BingoBoingo;>ty 1530595;1472345887;jhvh1;You are very welcome Daddy 1530596;1472350370;shinohai;>lazerkittens 1530597;1472350371;jhvh1;shinohai: Error: "lazerkittens" is not a valid command. 1530598;1472351711;shinohai;BingoBoingo: 1530599;1472351719;shinohai;>roundhouse 1530600;1472351719;jhvh1;And so I called the Roundhouse the Roundhouse 1530601;1472351732;BingoBoingo;> My Belongings 1530602;1472351733;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: "My" is not a valid command. 1530603;1472351741;BingoBoingo;>My Belongings 1530604;1472351741;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: "My" is not a valid command. 1530605;1472351751;shinohai;yeah ill change it to be error 1530606;1472351753;shinohai;:D 1530607;1472351771;BingoBoingo;>puppies 1530608;1472351771;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Error: "puppies" is not a valid command. 1530609;1472352064;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1530610;1472352064;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1530611;1472352068;asciilifeform;lemme guess, no key? 1530612;1472352089;BingoBoingo;Oh the lawgz 1530613;1472352199;gabriel_laddel;$s 1-5 months 1530614;1472352200;a111;1 result for "1-5 months", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=1-5%20months 1530615;1472352232;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530583 < I have nfi what this is supposed to mean? 1530616;1472352232;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 00:46 asciilifeform: (betcha gabriel_laddel makes valves. and nails) 1530617;1472352247;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: young folk with time on their hands. 1530618;1472352255;mircea_popescu;alf's humour is often hermetic. 1530619;1472352277;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: when you're a student and time is 'worth 0', you do things like making own lab instruments out of rubbish 1530620;1472352326;asciilifeform;'i want a waveform generator box, i could spend fiddybux on it instead of drink, or hey! neighbour threw out tape deck and...' 1530621;1472352674;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1530622;1472352674;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1530623;1472352736;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-26#1530024 < I'm flattered, thank you. 1530624;1472352736;a111;Logged on 2016-08-26 17:25 mircea_popescu: has anyone a spare bedroom/garage/whatever willing to rent to me for a reasoble sum and park gabriel there for a few months ? 1530625;1472352776;mircea_popescu;not much in the way of offers so far. 1530626;1472353250;BingoBoingo;If gabriel_laddel's stimulant habits didn't seem so threatening to the sobriety there might be an offer, but I doubt he'd approve of my rural spider hole. 1530627;1472357612;BingoBoingo;lhcathomeclassic.cern.ch now hosting pharma spam 1530628;1472357632;BingoBoingo;http://lhcathomeclassic.cern.ch/sixtrack/view_profile.php?userid=411624 1530629;1472357783;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/T2Dtv 1530630;1472357824;mircea_popescu;lol 1530631;1472358114;BingoBoingo;Found in Spamositoryium 1530632;1472359825;BingoBoingo;>tslb 1530633;1472359827;jhvh1;BingoBoingo: Time since last block: 22 minutes and 51 seconds 1530634;1472360594;asciilifeform;wtf is a 'jhvh' anyway?? 1530635;1472361319;BingoBoingo;A jew bot, obviously 1530636;1472361581;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-eight/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Eight. 1530637;1472361596;asciilifeform;oh hey. 1530638;1472362340;BingoBoingo;"I tried to ask him why he was overreacting about an argument we had two months previously, but he just glared at me coldly and told me to ”keep my proximity”. I was highly offended." << Shoulda stuck it in James' pooper when he had the chance 1530639;1472362630;BingoBoingo;In the decades that come applicants to join the TMSR subpeerage will be made to audition by authoring Elliot/James slashfic 1530640;1472363516;BingoBoingo;" I saw obnoxious slobs who dressed in basketball shorts and T-shirts walking with hot girls. And there I was, decked out in Armani, all by myself. It was preposterous!" << SHoulda dressed in carhart coveralls soaked in either mud or used oil 1530641;1472363577;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo totally. 1530642;1472363586;mircea_popescu;on both scores lmao 1530643;1472363762;BingoBoingo;Just think, if the late an hero only would have followed the path of other failed sk8er kids and went punk and heroin. 1530644;1472363774;mircea_popescu;or emo and gay. 1530645;1472363793;mircea_popescu;or obese and sjw. or or or. 1530646;1472363804;mircea_popescu;sunt atitea meserii frumoase... si trebuie-ncercate... 1530647;1472363861;mircea_popescu;but anyway, with this opportunistic opportunity i now found out one alexander ludwig exists. 1530648;1472363866;mircea_popescu;the people elliot envies, i swear... 1530649;1472363928;mircea_popescu;an entire generation of jennifers and joshes being "actors" and "successful" in these dubious e!-like productions... 1530650;1472364054;BingoBoingo;And this is how an aristocracy comes to necessarily be selected by GPG and IRC, the new one was too broken in its broken 1530651;1472364059;BingoBoingo;*old one 1530652;1472364134;mircea_popescu;just looking through the publicists going to town with this jennifer lawrence chick. she's... marginally not ugly. best that can be said about her. dudes got her into fucking forbes, "most influential woman" etc blablabla. reheheheally ? 1530653;1472364323;BingoBoingo;She's got an average face that is disproportionately chubby compared to the rest of her body. Perfect synergy of girls in the audience feel pretty and teenage boys can still get off to the leaked n00dz 1530654;1472364353;mircea_popescu;and both groups are idiotic enough to actually imagine this relates to power. 1530655;1472364370;BingoBoingo;The perfect post-pre-post modern leading teenage girl played by a late something 1530656;1472364388;mircea_popescu;a latte something. 1530657;1472364500;BingoBoingo;"a crowd of pathetic fans who reminded me of sheep cheered from the other side" << Aka hired from craigslist. Beats McDonalds where burgers actually are not flipped, but "cooked" on both sides at once. 1530658;1472364541;asciilifeform;'studio audience' 1530659;1472364555;asciilifeform;do they have the little bell? 1530660;1472364563;asciilifeform;the one stalin used 1530661;1472364575;mircea_popescu;they have a neon-buzzer assemblage. 1530662;1472364579;mircea_popescu;"CLAP NOW" 1530663;1472364592;asciilifeform;bell was for 'now can stop' 1530664;1472364605;mircea_popescu;though tbh, since there's bluetooth, i'd do it with butt bullets. 1530665;1472364617;asciilifeform;bzzzk. 1530666;1472364619;mircea_popescu;"while the bullet's buzzin', the hands are clappin'" 1530667;1472364725;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530649 << interesting imho detail, that i think mircea_popescu also noticed - at no point is mr. hero seen to envy chix 1530668;1472364725;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 05:58 mircea_popescu: an entire generation of jennifers and joshes being "actors" and "successful" in these dubious e!-like productions... 1530669;1472364746;mircea_popescu;obviously. it'd be like envying the toilet. 1530670;1472364768;asciilifeform;well it is, iirc, not uncommon symptom of terminal rodgeritis 1530671;1472364797;mircea_popescu;to quote that usg official, "what the azn wants are loose shoes, cheap lattes and a tight pussy to shit in" 1530672;1472364812;asciilifeform;and there are folks who envy toilet before they're through. 1530673;1472364816;mircea_popescu;his objection is that for some reason the toilet in his bathroom keeps overflowing, while it seems to work fine for everyone else. 1530674;1472364826;mircea_popescu;ftr, if this happened to you for a decade straight you'd be pissed off too. 1530675;1472364881;asciilifeform;esp if answer people gave were 'try shitting smaller' or similar 1530676;1472364886;mircea_popescu;srsly. 1530677;1472364899;asciilifeform;'dear sir pray tell how' 1530678;1472364906;mircea_popescu;the beauty of the guy's work is that it is, in fact, quite reasonable in its own terms. 1530679;1472364934;mircea_popescu;not to mention that impungning those terms is a much more difficult task than average vanilla derp intuits. 1530680;1472364952;asciilifeform;how's that 1530681;1472364974;mircea_popescu;that which lol 1530682;1472365004;asciilifeform;those terms 1530683;1472365021;mircea_popescu;so he says women are items ; and you say women are persons. how do you resolve this dispute ? "obviously" ? 1530684;1472365040;asciilifeform;in the arena, with retiarii 1530685;1472365047;asciilifeform;whereelse. 1530686;1472365050;mircea_popescu;he kinda won that neh ? 1530687;1472365108;asciilifeform;meh, what, 3 knifed and 3 / few 100s kills/shots? 1530688;1472365129;mircea_popescu;iirc retiarus was pitched against one secutor. 1530689;1472365154;asciilifeform;'win' 'd be if he, say, sarinated some lizard graduation, etc. 1530690;1472365181;mircea_popescu;well what sort of contest is this, where you get to decide the goalposts. 1530691;1472365257;mircea_popescu;suppose we run a simpler tiered system : people with his killcount or more may speak against him. seems a pretty reasonable implementation of your "in the arena, with retiarii" idea of adjudication. and he doesn't come out too bruised from it, either. 1530692;1472365266;asciilifeform;it is worth mentioning that i am a connoisseur of subj, since the performance of mssrs. harris & klebold, yet the showing of rodger was so lackluster that it slipped my attention entirely in '14 1530693;1472365287;asciilifeform;but mircea_popescu has point. 1530694;1472365301;asciilifeform;let odin et al judge. 1530695;1472365335;mircea_popescu;yeah, but this leaves a pretty serious hole for the rest of us, who you know, have pleasant relations with women and don't quite grok this "not person" immensity. 1530696;1472365349;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, enormity. 1530697;1472365380;BingoBoingo;engorgity 1530698;1472365382;asciilifeform;where's the hole? 1530699;1472365388;mircea_popescu;(enormity also means "monstruous nonsense", for the record. even if it's a secondary meaning forgotten on the web.) 1530700;1472365406;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is the meaning i learned in school 1530701;1472365417;asciilifeform;if it were 'forgotten' i missed the memo 1530702;1472365439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently it's "evil" now. whatevs. 1530703;1472365520;diana_coman;hmm, doesn't it break this view of his right at the core when he expects then items to "choose" him? 1530704;1472365549;mircea_popescu;diana_coman not more than the idea of the sword in the stone breaks old monarchy. 1530705;1472365582;asciilifeform;or sea for moses, etc. 1530706;1472365586;mircea_popescu;note that they don't get agency, he still knows how they ~should~ have chosen ; and the objection is they're malfunctioning in their alloted destiny. 1530707;1472365623;mircea_popescu;which explains the complete disinterest in any sort of inductive approach (which is also how he didn't end up one of those long term abduction rapists) 1530708;1472365632;diana_coman;ah, there is that indeed, he uses to choose in a certain way 1530709;1472365650;mircea_popescu;more like "recognize", like they were retina scanners that ceased working. 1530710;1472365675;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: abduction rape quite likely resembled actual work far too closely for herr rodger to take an interest. 1530711;1472365702;asciilifeform;picture the fella cleaning a cage.. 1530712;1472365708;mircea_popescu;maybe. my interpretation is that he took a very strict view of my earlier stand in our dispute re corectness. it was simply not possible for any sort of result to be obtained through example. 1530713;1472365729;mircea_popescu;his prison is entirely of a deductive nature. 1530714;1472365753;mircea_popescu;the process is evident throughout, "lottery exists, therefore it must have a winner. i am great, therefore i must win it." 1530715;1472365788;mircea_popescu;he may be the last case of an intellect genuinely baffled at the process of lottery. 1530716;1472365792;asciilifeform;this incidentally is not a necessary element. the other rodgers i know of, did not exhibit it. 1530717;1472365798;mircea_popescu;(this was insanely common in, say, middle ages) 1530718;1472365821;diana_coman;ftr what I find more mind boggling is the degree to which nobody around him actually has anything to do really and I mean first his parents; at least from his account all they do is to throw at him money above what he can in fact handle; in one view I could almost frame this as poor kid got thrown into a station so much above himself that the difference between what he *knows* he is worth (nothing) and what he has been forced t 1530719;1472365821;diana_coman;o "want" is too much to handle 1530720;1472365822;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not sure his equivalent has yet been produced by his country. he seems quite a brand apart. 1530721;1472365844;asciilifeform;it is common today. i personally witnessed a man having bought an entire crate of tickets. 1530722;1472365860;mircea_popescu;diana_coman you'll be pleased to find no doubt that the enitre population of that part of the world spends all its time doing exactly this : 1530723;1472365878;mircea_popescu;they take money that was thrown at them by idiot barbarians in foreign lands, and wisely expend it exactly thusly. 1530724;1472365900;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform was the man personally insulted when he didn't win ? the crate isn't the criteria here. 1530725;1472365909;asciilifeform;not afaik. 1530726;1472365914;asciilifeform;baffled - yes 1530727;1472365915;mircea_popescu;that's the clou. 1530728;1472365922;mircea_popescu;hm. 1530729;1472365933;asciilifeform;but It Was So Many! 1530730;1472365948;mircea_popescu;ah wrong bafflement. need something more like "how dares it!" 1530731;1472365971;asciilifeform;that'd be curtis lemay's 'it won't dare' 1530732;1472365982;mircea_popescu;quite that, yes. 1530733;1472365992;mircea_popescu;imo it's very close to what elliot's been doing. 1530734;1472365997;diana_coman;asciilifeform, the guy with the crate seems to miss the "but I was SO worthy, how did the winning ticket DARE to choose someone else" 1530735;1472366009;mircea_popescu;and very right and proper of a historical aristocrat, at that. like you know, the charge of whatever brigade. 1530736;1472366045;asciilifeform;everett smiles in his unmarked grave. 1530737;1472366062;mircea_popescu;one of, aha./ 1530738;1472366088;asciilifeform;iirc he had a daughter, who built & fired an everettron. 1530739;1472366104;asciilifeform;i always picture her as a great beauty. 1530740;1472366143;asciilifeform;(but in actuality afaik she was a hobo and probably won no beauty contest, but there is little record) 1530741;1472366239;diana_coman;still, there are in fact inconsistencies in elliot's narrative: one second he's fighting off those boys in the truck (even with a knife!) and the next second he flees because one (ONE) boy...shouted at him 1530742;1472366257;asciilifeform;diana_coman: 'unreliable narrator' 1530743;1472366262;diana_coman;and for all his supposed knife, all he does is to pour coffee or juice on people, I mean seriously 1530744;1472366267;asciilifeform;who even knows if knife incident happened. 1530745;1472366273;mircea_popescu;nah, this is how undisciplined boy behaves. he has about three seconds of bravery until norepinephrine is metabolised. 1530746;1472366275;diana_coman;myeah, doesn't sound likely 1530747;1472366287;asciilifeform;though he did stab a bunch of ??? in the end 1530748;1472366292;asciilifeform;so there's that. 1530749;1472366357;diana_coman;similarly one second he is supposedly totally and absolutely disgusted with his father (ftr I don't know who wouldn't by the sounds of it) and the next second he makes friends again because... he has been asked to by his nan 1530750;1472366391;mircea_popescu;actually, by and large men are very much like fizz in soda. which is why the practice of keeping reserves in military conflict. after the first wave, fresh fighters can utterly wreak havoc on the other side. 1530751;1472366479;mircea_popescu;diana_coman he sounds like he just wanted the money. 1530752;1472366534;diana_coman;he certainly wanted the money (well, any money) but to me he sounded more like he was in fact searching very much for someone to finally tell him what to do 1530753;1472366604;mircea_popescu;i dun see that. you mean, "what to do" as in, how to arrange the curl on forehead so girls finally behave properly ? 1530754;1472366693;diana_coman;well, that is what he would have answered if you asked him, certainly; but in practice it seems more like what to do: get back with daddy, go to that college etc 1530755;1472366704;diana_coman;he actually keeps saying he wants someone to take care of things, of him etc 1530756;1472366752;mircea_popescu;mayhap only a woman would see that in there. i can't readily discern what part is in the painting and what part is in the natural "i'll change him" eye of the beholderess. 1530757;1472366768;diana_coman;I don't think it has to do with changing him 1530758;1472366782;mircea_popescu;how then ? 1530759;1472366843;diana_coman;what change? he finds it too much to actually be in this nasty "unfair" world, he wants someone to make him a little bubble at least to keep it all away 1530760;1472366869;mircea_popescu;like a... harem of devoted slavegirls ? 1530761;1472366883;diana_coman;I suspect he would find *that* too much too 1530762;1472366899;diana_coman;more like his "happy" childhood days as he says it himself 1530763;1472366903;mircea_popescu;the minor tragedy of this major tragedy is that he would really have been very happy with james. 1530764;1472366922;mircea_popescu;there's such a great novel in there... 1530765;1472366962;diana_coman;he begs his mother to get married to a rich guy to ...save his (elliot's) life 1530766;1472367019;diana_coman;and he even directly says that she should put out with whatever because ..him; and she just...refuses; nothing else; wtf 1530767;1472367029;diana_coman;at 20 yo no less 1530768;1472367095;mircea_popescu;but you know this is how it worked, and still how it mostly works. 1530769;1472367112;mircea_popescu;woman'd better suck some rich dude's cock so her kids can get luscious brides. 1530770;1472367126;mircea_popescu;IT IS THE LEAST SHE CAN DO!!1 1530771;1472367135;diana_coman;I'm still waiting to get to his view of how they called the police/why 1530772;1472367141;diana_coman;quite curious how he sees that 1530773;1472367160;diana_coman;uhm, by the looks of it so that she can have a shit for a kid 1530774;1472367205;mircea_popescu;ya well 1530775;1472367260;mircea_popescu;male shyness is actually quite common, in all mammal species, and also with womans. if i had a satoshi for every historical case where the poor mother in law had to stick her worthless son's penis into some girl by hand, i wouldn't even be poor. 1530776;1472367279;mircea_popescu;womans / humans lol. 1530777;1472367349;diana_coman;yes, it is common; that still doesn't mean that they shouldn't be kicked to deal with it themselves; but clearly something to be started way before he was 20, there is that 1530778;1472367377;diana_coman;the womans race lol 1530779;1472367383;mircea_popescu;if you do that, they'll jsut gather in some cave / internet forum and bitch and whine about "hypergamy" 1530780;1472367395;mircea_popescu;ie, all the bitchez go to the same three dudes. FOR NO REASON 1530781;1472367421;mircea_popescu;"but your penis doesn't work" "LIFE IS SO CRUEL!!!" 1530782;1472367517;mircea_popescu;incidentally asciilifeform , is georgy gapon the first case of russian autoerotic asphyxiation ? 1530783;1472367775;diana_coman;bet in morroco he would have had all the caves to "gather" in and saved the shiny paint on that bmw 1530784;1472367813;mircea_popescu;yeah, very ridiculous that he left, it seems to me definite they'd have paired him forcibly. 1530785;1472367890;mircea_popescu;though it goes well with his complete disinterest in you know, a brothel. i suspect even if he had had a "hot sexy girlfriend", she wouldn't have necessarily known it. prolly more hand-in-handwalks than handjobs on his menu. 1530786;1472393111;thestringpuller;When did Pump and Dump become a viable business strategy? It's like 1990's albania up in here. 1530787;1472394249;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530786 << where is 'here' ? 1530788;1472394249;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 14:05 thestringpuller: When did Pump and Dump become a viable business strategy? It's like 1990's albania up in here. 1530789;1472394316;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530781 << there is no mention of nonworking cock in rodger.. 1530790;1472394316;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 06:57 mircea_popescu: "but your penis doesn't work" "LIFE IS SO CRUEL!!!" 1530791;1472394408;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530763 << rodger, by all indications, was straight 1530792;1472394408;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 06:48 mircea_popescu: the minor tragedy of this major tragedy is that he would really have been very happy with james. 1530793;1472394542;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform chiefly because he never had a chance to test it. 1530794;1472394558;mircea_popescu;azn kid, short for his age, anxious and shy. you wanna take bets ? 1530795;1472394608;mircea_popescu;the "life is so cruel, my penis is small" half billion males out there are merely slightly-better-elliot, what. 1530796;1472394783;mircea_popescu;anyway, straight ~to his detriment~, and th 1530797;1472394793;mircea_popescu;that's the most that can be said about it. 1530798;1472394807;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530782 << lol auto, like murdock 1530799;1472394807;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 06:58 mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform , is georgy gapon the first case of russian autoerotic asphyxiation ? 1530800;1472394859;mircea_popescu;extant snuff/porn he left seems to suggest it, visually. 1530801;1472394913;asciilifeform;lolwat, the bloated carcass?! 1530802;1472394929;asciilifeform;iirc they found him ~month later 1530803;1472395053;asciilifeform;and with rope burbs on hands, and broken nose 1530804;1472395058;asciilifeform;much auto. 1530805;1472395065;asciilifeform;*burns 1530806;1472395106;mircea_popescu;lemme fish this out 1530807;1472395231;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/StFmi 1530808;1472395331;asciilifeform;here, have even 'better' one, http://starosti.ru/article.php?id=2270 1530809;1472395386;mircea_popescu;well, drawing, but yes. that's the typical pose of autoerotic asphyxiation victim. 1530810;1472395434;asciilifeform;who break own noses all the time aha. 1530811;1472395441;mircea_popescu;aha. 1530812;1472395454;mircea_popescu;you understand, death is not instantaneous. takes years of practice. 1530813;1472395465;mircea_popescu;but in entirely unrelated news, i give you omaygawd girl : http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m060gsacfI1qgnlnoo1_500.gif 1530814;1472395476;mircea_popescu;"i've lost all control of my pelvic floor! what can happen!" 1530815;1472396260;asciilifeform;the kabuki face is lulzy 1530816;1472396287;asciilifeform;why do american gurlz put on entire can of eyebrow black. 1530817;1472396536;mircea_popescu;you should see the muslim girls. 1530818;1472396557;mircea_popescu;i once covered myself in such copios amounts of kohl off a single pretty moon of a face it took a week to take it all off. 1530819;1472396646;mircea_popescu;it's not so far removed from the experience of fucking an old, well used web printing press. 1530820;1472397177;*;asciilifeform enjoys rare pet who owns 0 paint 1530821;1472400500;mircea_popescu;not necessarily a bad habit, facepainting./ 1530822;1472403393;mircea_popescu;$up covertress 1530823;1472403393;deedbot;covertress voiced for 30 minutes. 1530824;1472403448;mircea_popescu;and how goes the entrepreneurship covertress ? 1530825;1472403544;shinohai;swimming in the corn porphyry no doubt 1530826;1472405929;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530625 << my theoretical aux dwelling unit is reserved for cute hippie chixx on baby duty 1530827;1472405929;a111;Logged on 2016-08-28 02:52 mircea_popescu: not much in the way of offers so far. 1530828;1472406006;mircea_popescu;what's baby duty, gestation ? 1530829;1472406059;ben_vulpes;holding, changing 1530830;1472406095;ben_vulpes;keeping ethernet cables away from tiny fangs 1530831;1472406181;mircea_popescu;ah 1530832;1472406235;mircea_popescu;"come... as you are... with tattoos or altogether bare... as a friend... as a friend. as an old enemy. 1530833;1472406245;mircea_popescu;take your time. hurry up. the choice is yours, but don't be latte..." 1530834;1472406409;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://arxiv.org/abs/1608.03430 1530835;1472406415;asciilifeform;'radio footprint'. 1530836;1472406542;mircea_popescu;"we can now measure how boring you are" 1530837;1472406832;*;covertress dances https://youtu.be/vabnZ9-ex7o 1530838;1472406861;covertress;ty for the music suggestion, mircea_popescu. happy sunday to you. 1530839;1472407025;covertress;i don't know if you've heard or care but, my network was attacked http://cryptohustle.com/krypton-recovers-from-a-new-type-of-51-network-attack 1530840;1472407136;covertress;i'm entertaining suggestions to prevent a recurrence. adding addl hashing power and/or forking to a POW/POS hybrid are my only solutions, atm. 1530841;1472407290;mircea_popescu;i heard. actually iirc alf pointed out to you teh reading material, as to the unsustainability of the thing. 1530842;1472407485;ben_vulpes;> affected blockchains may consider merging POS with POW 1530843;1472407486;jhvh1;ben_vulpes: Error: "affected" is not a valid command. 1530844;1472407525;ben_vulpes;is close angle really going to be jhvh1's command trigger? 1530845;1472407576;ben_vulpes;"POS with POW" << because we have no idea how any of this works, bolt the laser stabilizer to the side of your kalash to keep rando pakis from walking off with it" 1530846;1472407607;ben_vulpes;covertress: what did your dev team do to "resolve the problem"? 1530847;1472407609;shinohai;no ben_vulpes i have a fix per mircea_popescu 's suggestion !~ 1530848;1472407612;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: gotta love nontechnical, quasiliterate 'founders'. 1530849;1472407622;shinohai;but not yet deployed 1530850;1472407655;ben_vulpes;shinohai: groovy, good to hear 1530851;1472407679;asciilifeform;'captain to engine room, juice more powetronium to the stabililators!11111' 1530852;1472407686;covertress;ben_vulpes: we have no fix implemented, atm. bittrex and yobit wallets remain in maint. 1530853;1472407692;ben_vulpes;stabiloltorz 1530854;1472407719;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron lol at buttcoiners, "oh, look, bitcoin does exactly what mp said it likely will back in 2013, i wonder how come and what gives". 1530855;1472407720;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1530856;1472407723;ben_vulpes;covertress: y'see the parallels to 'woes of altcoin' yet? 1530857;1472407746;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> is close angle really going to be jhvh1's command trigger? < no. shinohai : fix it today or ima have to devoice it. 1530858;1472407822;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: relatedly, are you wearing +o in perpetuity now? 1530859;1472407872;mircea_popescu;cuz i left it on cuz it was going to be a one minute thing yesterday. damn it. 1530860;1472407918;asciilifeform;was there ever a logical reason to keep 'o' off when not actively firing ? 1530861;1472407923;asciilifeform;or simple tradition 1530862;1472407925;mircea_popescu;nope. 1530863;1472407936;mircea_popescu;just, my process didn't properly return ;/ 1530864;1472407963;mircea_popescu;+V gribble 1530865;1472408017;mircea_popescu;doh. 1530866;1472408022;ben_vulpes;wahahaha 1530867;1472408030;mircea_popescu;what the fuck was that even ;/ 1530868;1472408040;asciilifeform;what's 'ban on +V!*@*' do ? 1530869;1472408044;ben_vulpes;"you don't understand how irc works!!1" 1530870;1472408051;mircea_popescu;nothing that i can comprehend asciilifeform 1530871;1472408053;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i don't., 1530872;1472408069;ben_vulpes;(protip: it doesn't) 1530873;1472408077;ben_vulpes;at least the fleanode implementation. 1530874;1472408084;mircea_popescu;i had the command ready. meanwhile i fucking lost it. god damned bullshit. 1530875;1472408086;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, hm? to what is that in reference? 1530876;1472408095;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron some thing of yours on reddit. 1530877;1472408159;mircea_popescu;grrr. 1530878;1472408174;mircea_popescu;for the past fucking three minutes i've been trying to dig up how the fuck you do this. what a waste of evereyone's time. 1530879;1472408183;danielpbarron;how to do what? 1530880;1472408193;mircea_popescu;reverse the stupid shit i did yesterday with the new bot. 1530881;1472408226;danielpbarron;what, auto voice jhvh1 ? 1530882;1472408230;mircea_popescu;myeah 1530883;1472408274;danielpbarron;/msg chanserv flags #trilema jhvh1 -V 1530884;1472408278;danielpbarron;or something 1530885;1472408300;mircea_popescu;there, statu quo ante. 1530886;1472408314;mircea_popescu;thanks danielpbarron 1530887;1472408473;danielpbarron;yw 1530888;1472408602;danielpbarron;there's two decent subreddits I like to check out: /r/RATS and /r/watchpeopledie 1530889;1472408612;*;shinohai shrugs 1530890;1472408715;danielpbarron;also i'm subscribed to recieve updates from that captainspoogmeister guy who tells tales from fat camp 1530891;1472408746;danielpbarron;lol what? 1530892;1472410859;asciilifeform;phf around ? 1530893;1472411045;mircea_popescu;apparently they have interwebs at the burning man. 1530894;1472411114;ben_vulpes;only until the gate opens 1530895;1472411119;ben_vulpes;after that you gotta be in the borg's wot 1530896;1472412663;Framedragger;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/lubricant-dispencer-hyrdrochloric-acid-sydney-gay-club-aarows-man-charged-a7214151.html (filed under 'amusing') 1530897;1472412863;mircea_popescu;apparently i fucked up more things. 1530898;1472418648;BingoBoingo; i don't know if you've heard or care but, my network was attacked http://cryptohustle.com/krypton-recovers-from-a-new-type-of-51-network-attack << made it to qntra http://qntra.net/2016/08/not-quite-news-roundup-xtend-3-tmr/ 1530899;1472419080;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/cheekbones/ 1530900;1472419346;*;asciilifeform fought out-of-control 'green hell' vegetation all afternoon, wishes that BingoBoingo lived nearby, would pay him handsomely to clear the crud away 1530901;1472419391;BingoBoingo;Dd you spray first or cut first? Because if cut first you are doing it wrong. 1530902;1472419625;*;BingoBoingo would have advised spray with glyphosate/triclopyr mix today. Cut in two weeks, plant annual ryegrass next day, move before ryegrass dies in May 1530903;1472420203;BingoBoingo;for mircea_popescu http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=5113 1530904;1472421396;asciilifeform;seems like Framedragger's log is dead too ? 1530905;1472421418;asciilifeform;stopped at * mircea_popescu removes channel operator status from mircea_popescu 1530906;1472421494;asciilifeform;dafuq BingoBoingo. my front yard is not vietnam, you don't get to poison the trees 1530907;1472421548;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ah shit; it's actually not but it's probably a bug with utc and non-utc time. the latest is at http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829 - will fix. (hey it was a hasty shit for myself!) 1530908;1472421599;BingoBoingo;Then don't spray it on the trees. And if it gets on the trunk you can rinse it off. You are doing a folliar application. Not a basal application, for that you'r use the triclopyr that mixes with kerosene as a carrier oil. Not water! 1530909;1472421639;Framedragger;(ah. znc is not running in utc it seems, whereas that script is.) 1530910;1472421716;BingoBoingo;Triclopyr with water carrier though also likely sufficient for most green hells. Nice side effect of sparing desirable grasses and browning the bermudagrass weed. 1530911;1472422657;Framedragger;asciilifeform: fix'd. thanks for spotting 1530912;1472423448;covertress;BingoBoingo: thank you for the qntra :) 1530913;1472424188;BingoBoingo;covertress: It's the kind of news that tends to not lead to more news 1530914;1472424410;shinohai;made the not-quite-news roundup :D 1530915;1472424415;shinohai;lmao 1530916;1472424573;trinque;heh, qntra gives covercoin 0 more mentions til death. 1530917;1472424624;trinque;sad prognosis 1530918;1472424677;covertress;BingoBoingo: we'll see) 1530919;1472424726;BingoBoingo; made the not-quite-news roundup :D << Roundup Xtend (TM)(R)!!! 1530920;1472424747;shinohai;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPsC60eLpxE 1530921;1472424818;BingoBoingo;covertress: It's not really a recoverable thing. WOuld be more recoverable if reimbursement for lost coins was a challenge or better an impossibility. 1530922;1472425030;BingoBoingo;Rooshite on not dying while making a fortune. https://archive.is/FNUIz 1530923;1472425049;BingoBoingo;WTF is a gratitude list? Moral inventory is far more useful. 1530924;1472433034;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i must confess that i do not see the appeal of poisoning my hedges instead of trimming. 1530925;1472434702;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You should have referred to them as hedges. Instead you called them "green hell" and as you live in a swamp I assumed the worst. 1530926;1472435022;BingoBoingo;Something like vine honeysuckle, pokeweed, or ivy 1530927;1472435068;asciilifeform;these also. 1530928;1472435198;BingoBoingo;Well pokeweed demands and responds to glyphosate, or repeated applications of diquat. Other beg for triclopyric death, accelerated by snergy with glyphosate. 1530929;1472435678;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu didja ever have a piece re the albanian civil war ? 1530930;1472435678;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1530931;1472435697;mircea_popescu;we might've discussed it briefly in the logs, re caritas and the 3m scamz 1530932;1472435752;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-28#537327 << only mention, looks like 1530933;1472436056;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i dun see what's interesting in there ? 1530934;1472436111;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The "Mission Accomplished" banner? 1 down 199 to go! 1530935;1472436124;mircea_popescu;lol 1530936;1472436135;BingoBoingo;It's like bIraq all over again! 1530937;1472437393;BingoBoingo;Perhaps if USia can have Chiraq they can also have Iraqimore 1530938;1472438100;*;BingoBoingo awaits next installment of the Elliot we call Elliot 1530939;1472439001;mircea_popescu;should be a few hours 1530940;1472439016;mircea_popescu;but promises to be good. 1530941;1472440201;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/florida-appeals-espinoza-decision-floridas-status-at-stake/ << Qntra - Florida Appeals Espinoza Decision, Florida's Status At Stake! 1530942;1472440633;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/7nHWg << in vintage lulz. 1530943;1472440780;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/skZgw << related. 1530944;1472440803;asciilifeform;^ of interest to folks studying earliest cracks in the konsensooos reality of the international komyooonity. 1530945;1472440952;asciilifeform;http://www.cwporter.com/pal1.htm << subj itself, plain text. 1530946;1472441237;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1517915 << >> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-11#1518121 1530947;1472441273;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: now's the time 1530948;1472441437;trinque;deedbot's reliably connected. I am fine with just feeding phf logs if he wants. 1530949;1472441438;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/Xj6wY << further mind-bender re Radhabinod Pal . 1530950;1472441443;trinque;his viewer is great. 1530951;1472442000;asciilifeform;http://www.johndclare.net/league_of_nations6_news.htm << before 'brexit'... 1530952;1472442016;asciilifeform;'In objecting to proposed international control of Manchuria, he asked, "Would the American people agree to such control of the Panama Canal Zone; would the British permit it over Egypt?' 1530953;1472442076;asciilifeform;(yosuke matsuoka, another early bird unzipping and pissing on the komyoooonity) 1530954;1472442677;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: it'd have been done by now if i could have. 1530955;1472442739;asciilifeform;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today << Framedragger's log. 1530956;1472442743;asciilifeform;the only, afaik, still working one. 1530957;1472442992;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/28/congrats-daniel/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Congrats Daniel! 1530958;1472443635;*;BingoBoingo disappointed danielpbarron was not congratulated by pete 1530959;1472443690;mod6;lol, totally thought it was about dpb too 1530960;1472444717;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-nine << oh hey! 1530961;1472445062;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-nine/ << Trilema - The Story of Elliot Rodger. By Elliot Rodger. Adnotated. Part Nine. 1530962;1472445580;BingoBoingo;Aha, yeah. Everyone knows that a transmission is necessary for a functioning moral psychology to develop from engine. 1530963;1472446983;mircea_popescu;lol. i'm off to bed. discussions tomorro! 1530964;1472448089;BingoBoingo;"Imagine if he actually had sex, somehow, and thereby discovered that most young girls could comfortably fit his sex as well as a friend's. It wouldn't even be stretching. Then what!" << Then she demands his whole hand inside her and he hecomes Eliot Slippyfist, and James lives happily ever after. 1530965;1472464650;Framedragger;ctrl+f girl in http://abclocal.go.com/three/kabc/kabc/My-Twisted-World.pdf -> 540 matches 1530966;1472464666;Framedragger;ctrl+f virgin in http://abclocal.go.com/three/kabc/kabc/My-Twisted-World.pdf -> 70 1530967;1472464691;Framedragger;and (seems so far) zero comments about subject matter "studied" at "college" 1530968;1472464703;Framedragger;really, dafuq. 1530969;1472467465;Framedragger;oh btw, saturday night while walking around town (vilnius) with two other peeps i stumbled into a scene: 1530970;1472467491;Framedragger;kinda scrawny guy running not far from us, a cop chasing him from a distance. guy turns a corner, then suddenly stops, turns around, throws his hands in the air, and maybe thrice shouts clearly: "i'm sorry", "i yield". we wait. 1530971;1472467516;Framedragger;cop arrives, shouts something like (i think) "where's the watch?!!", there's maybe half a sec of a pause (guy's arms still in the air), then the guy is thrown onto the ground, cop takes out a device and tazes the fella who in turn bellows in pain. i start filming (but all too late as it is with these things). 1530972;1472467527;Framedragger;cop then asks for "reinforcement", we wait, another cop arrives, and they take the guy away, in handcuffs. 1530973;1472467542;Framedragger;we consider, then put a can of beer left in the bag somewhere in a corner just in case, and proceed to the police station to file a complaint because why the fuck not. 1530974;1472467576;Framedragger;arrive at small station which is nearby. a kind of kusturica scene unfolds: the victim of the robbery - or a friend of the victim, it was not ever clear as there was too much shouting and the guy was drunk - sits at a desk. three cops in the room. 1530975;1472467585;Framedragger;three of us enter and my friend asks the cop behind the counter whether it would be possible to get a complaint form and file a complaint regarding police behaviour / misuse of force. 1530976;1472467597;Framedragger;the cops react slowly and uncertainly; not so with the poor fella sitting and obviously overhearing. "dudes! you what - what the fuck now. i was *attacked*! five hundred euro watch! [something, etc.] and you want to *defend* this guy??" 1530977;1472467608;Framedragger;no we don't, this is a separate matter, [interjections with drunken shouts], the guy was arrested after all [interjections], the arrest was improper, etc. 1530978;1472467625;Framedragger;meanwhile the most senior cop is chatting with my friend who has trouble discerning words due to said shouting. at one point i hear "wasting our time" (of course). the youngest of the three cops there comes to us, says "men, thank you very much for your help", and kinda extends hands to push us away (but no physical contact). 1530979;1472467637;Framedragger;my friend continues to chat with the senior cop calmly. said cop asks "so did the guy really not resist [as in, maybe he did resist a bit]" - "no he really did not resist". ok. 1530980;1472467656;Framedragger;i recognize the middle of the three cops there who is (of course) the dude who did the tazing. he tells the shouting poor fella to calm down and that "they will change their mind when this happens to them". then grunts something and is dissatisfied obviously. 1530981;1472467675;Framedragger;meanwhile the fella in question starts saying "he was too *tame*", and (sic) "in soviet times the guy would have had it so much worse!!" (with glee, etc.) (i don't know, this is kinda kusturica-like to me) 1530982;1472467699;Framedragger;the fella then approaches us (and my friend in particular who is insisting on raising a complaint with the other cop), half a metre now maybe, and says "you take your watch off", "what are you thinking defending him", etc. the cops slowly react by gently pulling the fella away. not without a pause first 1530983;1472467722;Framedragger;finally the senior cop says that there is a procedure but ideally it should be raised with a neutral policeperson and he'd be "biased" here. he says this can be done online (and it indeed can). after some more back and fourth and with the fella still full of angst we decide to file the thing online and bid goodbye. 1530984;1472468397;Framedragger;;;later tell phf you may consider https://www.scaleway.com/pricing/ instead of digitalocean, or at least give it a try as one of them "bot mirrors" that you'd mentioned. there "BareMetal" (didn't try) and VPS (down below - works as advertised, no formal benchmarks tho). cheap. 1530985;1472468398;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1530986;1472468740;Framedragger;(they're part of online.net, their peering is decent (though i've not used them much) http://map.online.net/ ) 1530987;1472475932;*;mircea_popescu waves at Framedragger 1530988;1472475943;mircea_popescu;GET A BLOG, sinner. 1530989;1472475954;shinohai;lel 1530990;1472476009;mircea_popescu;:p 1530991;1472476197;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: i think i'm finally... about to... get the point :// 1530992;1472476260;mircea_popescu;lol. 1530993;1472476271;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, the story of poor covertress is something else. so the woman comes here to you know, interact with the republic on her own terms. because she's a woman and a person ("an officer and a gentleman"!) and therefore may even have her own terms. everyone may! what's this, rape ? 1530994;1472476271;mircea_popescu;then the republic proceeds to tell her the future. just like that, nude. but she's too busy keeping up the pretense of existence to notice this. besides, who's ready to interact with such ontologic monstrosities ? really, immediate access to fate, this is a thing ?! 1530995;1472476271;mircea_popescu;then her future comes to pass. and she's still too busy with the pretense to notice. because the one thing usianism does is give people something to be busy with. it's not particularly effectual at the direct effect, you know, doing something for them. but it is damned effective at KEEPING THEM BUSY so they don't notice. which is... just as good ? 1530996;1472476280;mircea_popescu;they're not, technically speaking, other lulz, but aaaaanyway. 1530997;1472476306;shinohai;señor popescu is lulzy on blogotron 1530998;1472476377;Framedragger;she does seem insist on some form of deliberate unconciousness huh. the words of the people telling her things just kinda wash away 1530999;1472476406;Framedragger;this particular type of lack of self awareness in a broader context of "where am i" really ties well with the elliott dude, i dunno, some kind of deeper similarity imo 1531000;1472476462;Framedragger;s/insist/to insist/ && s/unconciousness/unconsciousness/ i hate typos 1531001;1472476499;mircea_popescu;Framedragger there's really very little optionality involved. everyone has to approach everything on their own terms ~because that's all they have~. only god and anthropologists can approach things on THEIR own terms. 1531002;1472476593;mircea_popescu;take the general "entrepreneur", take paul biggar as a much better example. the kid is definitely intelligent. he wants to be an entrepreneur. which is a word, which has a meaning. he proceeds to usianize. this FAILS TO DELIVER, but a decade later he is STILL doing it. and apparently hasn't noticed ANYTHING about any of this. why not ? 1531003;1472476672;Framedragger;false belief in existence of optionality of how to approach things "on my own terms", i guess you could say? 1531004;1472476747;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1531005;1472476809;Framedragger;(in unrelated lol, a remittance solution / bank transfer service just emailed me with the words "Yeah! We’ve just sent your money!" in the subject line. i dunno, something about the tone resembling "fuck yah bro i just finished the vodka!!" doesn't inspire confidence) 1531006;1472476820;mircea_popescu;it's more than that. it's also a lengthy list of "technology". it goes like this : "to make the earth banana shaped, buy this and bury it in the desert. then the next full moon measure the parallax of neptune with this tool. then depending on that paralax go into any of these states...." and then there's an endless list of further instructions. 1531007;1472476831;mircea_popescu;basically they can keep busy forever and never notice they're not doing anyting. 1531008;1472476840;mircea_popescu;the usg invented the non-halting program. 1531009;1472476923;Framedragger;heh! usg is undecidable. and keeps giving its people tools to try more things 1531010;1472476932;mircea_popescu;yep 1531011;1472476936;mircea_popescu;and i can try to breach it any way i want. trilema is full of it. there's a "oh, you'e in online marketing ? here's how i got millions of ''clicks'' worth whatever you pay for them, free". mayn't notice. "can't say nigger ? here." mayn't!!11 "oh you think so and so about education/rape/whatever ?" MAYNT!!111 1531012;1472476962;mircea_popescu;there's at least two dozen articles on trilema of which any single one would be sufficient to end the world as it is among a thinking set. 1531013;1472476986;mircea_popescu;i have no idea how one can seriously bayesianize after http://trilema.com/2016/multivariate-calculus-for-experts/ for instance. 1531014;1472477020;Framedragger;trilema as tool to cause epilepsy in dogmatized "free democratic" people does seem to be a thing, hm 1531015;1472477022;mircea_popescu;BUT! the dissonance field is strong. safely keeps each egg slowly rotting by itself in its own wrapper. 1531016;1472477071;mircea_popescu;Framedragger watch that not one single luminary of the "modern democracy" derpage is going to engage the elliot story. there's at least a million of these "officer & gentleman" idiots who think themselves intellectuals and with something relevant to say, and you know, understanding of nature and society. 1531017;1472477083;mircea_popescu;but all that is predicated on never actually engaging the real problems, of course. 1531018;1472477177;mircea_popescu;ah da fuck, log is dead ? 1531019;1472477182;mircea_popescu;STILL ? 1531020;1472477190;shinohai;bwahahahaha 1531021;1472477190;mircea_popescu;so how am i going to read it and reference things now. 1531022;1472477198;*;shinohai jhvh1 lurks 1531023;1472477200;mircea_popescu;phf is out of the fucking band. 1531024;1472477207;mircea_popescu;shinohai you got it to !~ yet ? 1531025;1472477244;shinohai;no i decided to vacation too. mine bitched too much 1531026;1472477254;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1531027;1472477256;shinohai;lobbes wins on that count 1531028;1472477259;mircea_popescu;Framedragger did you have a working log thing ? 1531029;1472477261;trinque;before we go reimplementing bots the rest of our lives, remember that I published one that logs 1531030;1472477262;Framedragger;everyone's on fuckin vacation it seems 1531031;1472477301;trinque;writing $seen for it is trivial. 1531032;1472477303;mircea_popescu;i'm gonna have to fucking change all my references on trilema AGAIN ? what the fuck already. 1531033;1472477315;trinque;I'd prefer just feeding phf logs in some manner 1531034;1472477325;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: i have the web side of things, more or less, though it *was* a quick hack. http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today ; you can select ranges, too, like http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:15/to:26#15 1531035;1472477342;mircea_popescu;no dude no more of these quick hacks sorta-kinda-i'm not really involved bs. 1531036;1472477346;Framedragger;yeah giving phf logs from multiple places and having a mechanism for this would be nice 1531037;1472477348;mircea_popescu;wtf is wrong with you people. 1531038;1472477364;Framedragger;hey i wrote this for myself for when phf is out in his desert ;) 1531039;1472477393;mircea_popescu;naturam expellas v, tamen usque recurret. 1531040;1472477408;mircea_popescu;it is the nature of the boy "interested in computers" to no do anything useful with his hands, what. 1531041;1472477452;trinque;http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << speaking of v 1531042;1472477464;shinohai;pogotron is capable of hosting bot + serv logs 1531043;1472477467;trinque;I did not take this on because phf volunteered his thing. 1531044;1472477472;mircea_popescu;are you aware that this inane behaviour is why everything you don't like about the world ? this is why you don't get the same tax breaks as actual professionals. this is why the entire field is dominated by "management" that pisses on your heads. this is ALL OF IT, here. right fucking here. 1531045;1472477479;mircea_popescu;"oh i can't commit because what if i did!" 1531046;1472477530;mircea_popescu;trinque can ye get a www log thing that actually works ? 1531047;1472477552;trinque;yup. 1531048;1472477554;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: did you try mine though? the web side of thing. it *does* work, fwiw 1531049;1472477561;mircea_popescu;please do. i'd like to read Framedragger novella. 1531050;1472477596;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i won't try yours, because i just said i'm not interested in this "it works, no promises though" approach to anything. it's not a way to live. i'm not committing downstream to your napkin doodle. 1531051;1472477603;Framedragger;here it is "range-selected": http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:76/to:90#76 1531052;1472477638;Framedragger;god damn it. i shouldn't have said "hack". should have said "elegant in its simplicity". 'cause it's simple. and i do fix bug reports. o well 1531053;1472477646;mircea_popescu;well ? 1531054;1472477648;Framedragger;antiadvertised myself 1531055;1472477657;mircea_popescu;the point is, do you have any self-respect or don't you ? 1531056;1472477676;Framedragger;sure i do. 1531057;1472477699;mircea_popescu;alright, then i'ma inhibit trinque for the i dunno, fifth time and give your thing a try. 1531058;1472477706;*;mircea_popescu admires trinque for his mental resiliency. 1531059;1472477724;Framedragger;look, it sounds like an excuse, but i assumed that phf's btcbase will remain the canonical viewer. making extended effort at redundancy *is* sometimes inefficient, even if educational. 1531060;1472477756;mircea_popescu;i assumed so, but i've had it with this "oh, you can't process the logs when you have time to process the logs because logviewer software is made by argentina." 1531061;1472477770;Framedragger;fair enough. 1531062;1472477779;trinque;Framedragger: what are you using to feed it? 1531063;1472477792;Framedragger;trinque: znc (znc's logs) 1531064;1472477799;Framedragger;super simple. no db 1531065;1472477802;Framedragger;works, tho 1531066;1472477810;mircea_popescu;and if you lose connection ? 1531067;1472477824;Framedragger;znc autoreconnects. empirically tested 1531068;1472477832;mircea_popescu;god damned it, now i'm gonna have to fish out old logs for a yet another time ? grrr. 1531069;1472477857;trinque;I propose we get a domain going elsewhere which we cname to whichever current log viewer. 1531070;1472477869;trinque;logs.trilema.com ? 1531071;1472477890;Framedragger;but if people decide to actually use it then i should implement "previous day browser / buttons" asap because the current (choose from list of days) thing is really too simplistic. 1531072;1472477901;mircea_popescu;heh. yeah, see ? exactly what i said above : this is why management pisses on heads etc. because the only solution to unreliable knaves is centralism. 1531073;1472477909;asciilifeform; god damned it, now i'm gonna have to fish out old logs for a yet another time ? grrr. << the cure is that infrastructural items oughta be published. 1531074;1472477916;mircea_popescu;trinque published. 1531075;1472477917;asciilifeform;incl. old logz balls, viewer, etc. 1531076;1472477918;asciilifeform;aha. 1531077;1472477924;asciilifeform;trinque had the right idea all along. 1531078;1472477925;Framedragger;would be nice. talking of it, makes sense to put more CNAMEs under .trilema.com. 1531079;1472477931;mircea_popescu;the curse is that "software boys" dun like to read. 1531080;1472477940;mircea_popescu;Framedragger it makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever. 1531081;1472477958;mircea_popescu;if i was going to play with little plastic figurines i'd buy those! 1531082;1472477966;Framedragger;well, just as an alias system, no implied centralization? 1531083;1472477967;*;trinque admits the knaves growing up is the better case 1531084;1472477994;mircea_popescu;Framedragger the universal problem with the alias system is that no two identical things exist in this world. 1531085;1472478017;asciilifeform;if phf had published his thing, it ~might~ suddenly be conceivable that his eternal bug would be fixed. and at any rate a spare bot could be fired up on short notice. 1531086;1472478032;trinque;at any rate, I'm going to dedicate my time to peeling the wot mechanics into their own lisp system, such that I can publish that next, rather than log viewer. that is, provided Framedragger delivers. 1531087;1472478045;mircea_popescu;trinque sounds like a plan. 1531088;1472478087;Framedragger;okok, enough with the not-committing shit. i agree, and apologize for getting on people's nerves, possibly. i will extend the thing's features. complaints and requests welcome 1531089;1472478096;mircea_popescu;Framedragger does your url system follow the same structure as present log ? 1531090;1472478122;Framedragger;you mean permalinks to any given irc line? no. i don't know how phf's numbers work but can probably dig it out 1531091;1472478148;mircea_popescu;god damned it. so really, aliasing won't fucking work here no matter what. 1531092;1472478155;Framedragger;if it's a deterministic system and not based on some internal db id increment thing then it can and probably should be replicated. 1531093;1472478172;mircea_popescu;Framedragger ok, don't bother, i'll just re-redo the fucking references. and you'll have to re-redo them in the log itself also. but that'll be it. 1531094;1472478178;mircea_popescu;please make sure that this third is also last time. 1531095;1472478181;Framedragger;alright. 1531096;1472478247;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: wait, you mean rewriting references to log lines in your (e.g.) blog? understand, i didn't retrospectively import *past* logs into the viewer yet. (but i will, now.) 1531097;1472478288;mircea_popescu;yes that's what i mean. and yes. 1531098;1472478299;mircea_popescu;i'm not doing it THIS INSTANT, you got a week or w/e 1531099;1472478337;asciilifeform;how long is phf's vacation anyway 1531100;1472478366;mircea_popescu;odds are he's gonna check in about an hour to vacation-ruining news. WHCH SHOULD BE A FUCKING LESSON TO ALL!!11 1531101;1472478393;asciilifeform;perhaps this'll be enough to cure him of cmucl. 1531102;1472478411;Framedragger;too many parentheses!!! (*ducks*) 1531103;1472478429;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529352 , http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-25#1529356 1531104;1472478492;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: should i then proceed to implement the bot-part of the logs, too? if phf's bot part can be reused, then that's great, too. i guess i can investigate 1531105;1472478521;asciilifeform;cmucl is, as i now know, a stinking pile of shit, that pisses away the main upside of using common lisp in the first place: it reintroduces segfault 1531106;1472478527;Framedragger;or if phf wants to handle that part, or w/e 1531107;1472478539;trinque;god damned it 1531108;1472478542;mircea_popescu;Framedragger which bot part ? 1531109;1472478553;trinque;I FUCKING PUBLISHED A LOGGING BOT. 1531110;1472478560;asciilifeform;he did ^ 1531111;1472478566;asciilifeform;publish a log bot! 1531112;1472478568;*;mircea_popescu gives trinque more dakka 1531113;1472478582;trinque;dude lets just be the fucking republic of irc bots 1531114;1472478589;asciilifeform;http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis 1531115;1472478591;Framedragger;i mean, irc bot that *quotes* log lines. 1531116;1472478607;trinque;no shit huh? 1531117;1472478613;Framedragger;trinque: ah fuck, sorry, i'm used to my state explaining what there is in the world, i guess :// 1531118;1472478613;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/i-need-moar-dakka/ < there. 1531119;1472478632;trinque;ahaha 1531120;1472478762;trinque;Framedragger: so if you take a look at that there logbot... new logs are shat into postgresql. lines to be spoken by bot are read from another table. 1531121;1472478788;mircea_popescu;the most important point : and if you make changes to it, V THEM 1531122;1472478806;mircea_popescu;and don't even fucking "oh i'll v them later". the whole point of v is to teach you how to code like a sane person. 1531123;1472478849;trinque;right. in this case I challenge anyone to find a need for a second patch on those modules themselves, rather than creating a genesis vpatch for their own module which talks to the db in postgres. 1531124;1472478872;trinque;idea is that wotbot functions have a genesis vpatch, google whatever, its own v tree, so on 1531125;1472478875;trinque;they're completely decoupled 1531126;1472478892;trinque;so unless I made a mistake in ircbot (maybe I did) it's *done* 1531127;1472478895;trinque;logbot, idem 1531128;1472478974;mircea_popescu;the strong, quiet type. 1531129;1472479002;Framedragger;trinque: great, and that sounds like a very sane design. 1531130;1472479091;Framedragger;just ftr / in truth, when i mentioned "implementing the bot part", i only meant implementing the particular "cite irc lines etc" functionality on top; because the rest is done. in particular, the best solution (before checking out trinque's) seems to be limnoria, which is an updated and maintained extension of supybot (which gribble uses). 1531131;1472479119;Framedragger;limnoria is written in python. of course there is incentive for teh republic to use republic's own inventions, no doubt. 1531132;1472479133;mircea_popescu;there... isn't. 1531133;1472479133;trinque;there is no incentive for acting sanely here 1531134;1472479134;Framedragger;trinque: thanks and will take a look 1531135;1472479140;mircea_popescu;see line above re centralism. 1531136;1472479189;Framedragger;i mean a simpler thing: if people here trust each others' code more, that's a good thing, and *all other things being equal* (crucial assumption), that code should be preferred. no? 1531137;1472479233;mircea_popescu;but to the more general point, the system provides no incentives for acting sanely for any peculiar definition of sanity, and provides shocking, oversized downside for fucking up. this is exactly as it should be : sanity as an emergent behaviour out of defined limitations of the world. it is exactly opposite of how the empire tries to work, of course, and in the process turns everyone into a version of elliot. 1531138;1472479233;Framedragger;cf. other open sores stuff maintained by open sores people in no-one's wot here. 1531139;1472479236;trinque;no. trust because it's good code, then know who to blame for the good code 1531140;1472479247;trinque;or conversely 1531141;1472479260;trinque;and not trust then get your dick out and dive in blind 1531142;1472479280;Framedragger;right, sure, of course. 1531143;1472479302;Framedragger;aha, a different initial preference, and i see the danger in the converse - sure 1531144;1472479512;mircea_popescu;trinque you're defactoing postgress as data interface ? 1531145;1472479538;Framedragger;trinque: out of curiosity, have you tested how well ircbot reconnects to irc? i see there exists `ircbot-reconnect`. logbot itself only exports that symbol but does not seem to use it itself? 1531146;1472479597;Framedragger;(aha, the reconnect method gets called in a separate ping thread, it seems) 1531147;1472479618;trinque;mircea_popescu: for all my bot functions, yes. this is however why ircbot preceeds logbot. ircbot simply establishes and maintains connection, and one can attach to cl-irc hooks for whatever he wants. 1531148;1472479664;Framedragger;very nice design, from first looks 1531149;1472479680;trinque;Framedragger: when you deploy, disable the sbcl debugger and put it in runit, a process manager 1531150;1472479687;Framedragger;(scratch that comment about logbot, it's not supposed to use it itself) 1531151;1472479688;mircea_popescu;trinque i meant more as a philosophical point than necessarily in this implementation. 1531152;1472479699;mircea_popescu;we will have to have a dxi standard anyway.; 1531153;1472479706;trinque;yes, it's what I use for just about everything I build 1531154;1472479716;asciilifeform;it's the 1 remaining working sqltron. 1531155;1472479720;Framedragger;trinque: i'll test it, cool thanks. 1531156;1472479738;mircea_popescu;let's call this a de-facto postgres-as-republic-data-exchange-interface rfc. 1531157;1472479743;asciilifeform;it's postgres or 'let's now write our own db' 1531158;1472479745;Framedragger;asciilifeform: seconding that. the devs seem to know what they do, too (postgres-hackers is a nice ML) 1531159;1472479748;mircea_popescu;iirc it was vaguely discussed befoar. 1531160;1472479756;trinque;asciilifeform: aha 1531161;1472479766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform trilema uses mysql, of course. but i'm thinking migrating wp to postgres may actually be a good idea. 1531162;1472479795;Framedragger;does wp *finally* postgres? last i used it i had to use mysql :/ 1531163;1472479801;Framedragger;*finally* support, meant 1531164;1472479809;mircea_popescu;Framedragger there's a mp-wp ancient script thing shinohai was massaging. 1531165;1472479829;asciilifeform;Framedragger: i use wp, and have never used mysql, and don't intend to. 1531166;1472479833;Framedragger;ah! nice. 1531167;1472479865;mircea_popescu;all software names should start with my 1531168;1472479870;mircea_popescu;mycrosoft! 1531169;1472479923;asciilifeform;hey, mykotronx. 1531170;1472479982;Framedragger;god damn it. i wanted to check how limnoria does irc reconnect, and it starts out with a nice SupyReconnectingFactory(ReconnectingClientFactory, drivers.ServersMixin). which doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing, but is in sharp contrast to trinque's short code. lol. 1531171;1472479992;asciilifeform;(they made crypto iron for usg, incl. the infamous 'clipper'. but i always picture a malodorous alien mushroom) 1531172;1472480016;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:51/to:51#51 << o dude nice, so basically instead of a total index you do a day/and-index split so this way these log references will stay correct later too, once you import the past ? not bad. 1531173;1472480045;trinque;Framedragger: cultural superiority. 1531174;1472480056;Framedragger;ikr. 1531175;1472480065;*;trinque away for about an hour 1531176;1472480102;mircea_popescu;Framedragger oh, you gotta make search box yes ? 1531177;1472480121;Framedragger;^ regarding quoting log, so btw would anyone *else* appreciate being able to link to *multiple* lines of irc at once? because i really wanted that. you can click on different timestamps to create ranges. http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:49/to:51#49 1531178;1472480132;mircea_popescu;yeah it's not bad. 1531179;1472480142;trinque;Framedragger: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/textsearch.html << re: search 1531180;1472480145;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yes, very much so, and yes it's just been added to todo list... 1531181;1472480148;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "limp penis WITH collapsed" 1531182;1472480203;Framedragger;trinque: thanks :) (i've battled with search in postgres and screwing around with indices etc - but will prolly end up asking for advice at some point, cause, you know, i'm young) 1531183;1472480234;adlai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5105014b-a26e-4a5a-a4c4-4844ea9b9773/?raw=true 1531184;1472480235;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1531185;1472480302;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so japan is waking up to the realities of the current us posturers being wholly unrelated to truman, patton et all ? 1531186;1472480412;mircea_popescu;oh, and in other "small peni are no im-pediment" news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m07wjcn72W1qjjcgyo1_1280.jpg 1531187;1472480481;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where'd you get the 'unrelated' ? or the 'now' ? linked items were quite vintage 1531188;1472480520;asciilifeform;and anglo impudence - quite continuous for 200+ yrs 1531189;1472480527;asciilifeform;or what am i missing. 1531190;1472480534;mircea_popescu;as to first, i don't think anyone can seriously argue that present day us has anything to do with the historical item that won ww2. as to second, now is flexible, 5 years, 1531191;1472480674;asciilifeform;where'd you get the 'waking up' ? 1531192;1472480694;mircea_popescu;from who the pm was at the time, say. 1531193;1472480754;asciilifeform;yes, they put up a statue to r. pal. but usg did a pretty good castration job on the land of the rising sun. 1531194;1472480755;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: "Here" being the good 'ol USG and it's tentacles. Isn't the pop culture start up nothing but pump and dump? Founder talks up a big idea. Gets lots of money for it. Pumps up the bubble as big as possible then exits and lets bagholders deal with "profitibility" etc. << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-28#1530787 1531195;1472480773;thestringpuller;they essentially live off the hype... 1531196;1472480777;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: familiar with mircea_popescu's pill against pseudoscience ? 1531197;1472480792;mircea_popescu;(also, amusingly enough, the judge wore a british garb, and the withdrawing delegate made a speech replete with angloisms. really, it is japan's purpose to "contribute to human welfare" ? as london defines it ? idiots.) 1531198;1472480829;mircea_popescu;apparently the most expensive thing in this world is a brain. 1531199;1472480831;mircea_popescu;$up fromphuctor 1531200;1472480831;deedbot;fromphuctor voiced for 30 minutes. 1531201;1472480848;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://trilema.com/2014/how-to-deal-with-pseudoscience/#selection-83.145-83.200 << "the proper approach is not to proscribe, but to ignore." 1531202;1472480851;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they all wore british garbs and studied british legal tradition etc. but as i understand, r. pal was secretly sane. 1531203;1472480851;thestringpuller;? 1531204;1472480856;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: correct. 1531205;1472480875;thestringpuller;but you cannot deny pseudoscience can have ecological consequences... 1531206;1472480881;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no no, he was all corrupt, some kid looking like he fucks ostriches said so in some rag. 1531207;1472480884;thestringpuller;like leaking radiation casket 1531208;1472480885;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: there was titanic butthurt later, when his verdict came out 1531209;1472480924;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: 'off to the rector, we need to cement new sarcophagus' is quite separate item from 'oh noez looksy there are sc4mz0rz' 1531210;1472480954;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:71/to:71#71 << i dunno that most teen girlies have the sense to ask for a fisting. 1531211;1472481034;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:75/to:75#75 << no, literally, he has absolutely nothing to do with any academic anything whatsoever. back when i was going to [high]school it was considered a waste of your time, fit only for the marginally retarded, to spend your time tickling the tits instead of paying attention in class. 1531212;1472481056;mircea_popescu;yet this kid fails at the fail! he can't even do the thing you're not supposed to be doing because "it's easy, you'll do it later, got better things to do now" 1531213;1472481264;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:76/to:88#76 << eh he's right. you gotta beat up thieves what. 1531214;1472481346;mircea_popescu;i mean good for you for standing up to things and so on ; but in general seems the effort was misplaced. not like they killed the guy. there are two important strands : 1531215;1472481360;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo "limp penis WITH collapsed" << fck ty fxd 1531216;1472481393;mircea_popescu;one that submission ~shouldn't~ be encouraged. so what if he didn't resist ? fuck him. if you make a difference by "did he resist", the life lesson you teach thieves (ie, everyone poor, which is how this goes) is that submission is a valuable trait. then you get unfucked women and usg-style government. 1531217;1472481486;mircea_popescu;the other is that it is the job of the police to distribute violence. if you don't let them beat up thieves, and cover them in red tape, they'll just get frustrated ; that frustration will keep boiling and boiling and eventually you'll end up with the us situation, which is to say no real cops (a cop is always and everywhere a BEAT cop! that's police work. naught else.) and a bunch of derps hoping to be SWAT. and again you ge 1531218;1472481486;mircea_popescu;t usg-style government. 1531219;1472481518;mircea_popescu;you want neither of these, presumably, so the right move'd have been to cheer the policeman, and insulate him from his boss/derpy kids. ie, what the drunken guy did. 1531220;1472481548;mircea_popescu;the world is SO unfair, but often enough in practice experience unthinking beats naivite even should it be allied with all the wit in the world. 1531221;1472481732;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/slight-bump-in-bitcoin-network-difficulty/ << Qntra - Slight Bump In Bitcoin Network Difficulty 1531222;1472481817;BingoBoingo;"Do those buildings even lift ? " << No 1531223;1472482001;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: regarding first strand, no objection, in principle. that is, encouraging submission in itself my breed larger problems and usg-like structures. regarding latter, yeah i have a problem with cops as such. knowing that this will only solidify my "wannabe naive anarchist kid" image, i should point out that if we had a more responsible, (actually) individualist and conscious populace, there would be less need to defer violence 1531224;1472482007;Framedragger; the drunk dude would have tried to swing back, and neighbours would have come to help, and punch the thief. i do of course realize (or so i think) the *vast* naivete of this kind of frame of mind, but note that this is possible in some specific communities which take a piss on "global awareness projectz" and just function on a (very) limited geographical scale. 1531225;1472482186;Framedragger;besides, the cops as force decoupled from very shitty state != the cops as they currently exist. i don't trust the fucking state to manage them, and next time i write about how shit it is i don't want to expect a buncha these dudes to break in and "teach me a lesson in being putin spy by criticizing our great country". 1531226;1472482366;mircea_popescu;the notion that "x precondition would make violence less relevant" is exactly equivalent to saying "if we had more pious women we'd have less need to defer to fucking" 1531227;1472482375;mircea_popescu;dude, what ? it's not how it works! 1531228;1472482449;mircea_popescu;moreover, the neighbours do not come to punch people in the street because they have work to do. raising a militia was expensive even in 1700. today it's very fucking expensive. hence the police, ie, standing militia. 1531229;1472482516;mircea_popescu;and finally : your acts as described build towards that future. you HELPED the state gain larger control over the cops at that small preceinct. because now, whenever the state compes up with some dumb shit, the middle cop will be "we ain't gonna do this are we ?" and the older cop, thinking of you sad lot, will say "yeah we gotta, otherwise there'll be some ipad kids in here complaining". 1531230;1472482803;mircea_popescu;generally, thinking back to the whole "giant sitting in chair" discussion of supermarkets - the state always and everywhere tries to drive a wedge between you and its instrument. specifically, it tries to leverage the scale issue (see http://trilema.com/2009/de-ce-nu-mi-place-capitalismul/#selection-49.0-49.163 ) : you are many and impredictible ; its instruments could kill it. 1531231;1472482879;mircea_popescu;what the state always tries is to leverage the impredictability of you to befear its instruments. hence all the charade of "elections". they're not there for YOU to do anything. they're there because a) you're the sort of idiots who would think they're doing something when in fact you're brownian-motioning around and b) this sickening display strikes fear in the hearts of the pretorian guard. who could otherwise easily walk i 1531232;1472482879;mircea_popescu;n and hang the lizards by their guts one day. which they know - from bitter experience, this has happened before. 1531233;1472482927;mircea_popescu;therefore actual anarchism, in the sense of "anti-statism" is exactly not what you do (ie, act in the direction and on the rails the state provides to you for its own purposes), but exactly the opposite : insulate the instruments from the alleged power center. 1531234;1472482975;mircea_popescu;the behaviour is universally called "corruption" in the state-owned press. because they loathe it. but whenever you close an economic circle with the tools of the state against or in spite of the state, you win. which is why i always bribe trafic cops, and don't even live in places where people generally don't. 1531235;1472482977;mircea_popescu;those people are idiots. 1531236;1472483100;mircea_popescu;what you';re stuck doing in those places is what happened to eg poor lawsky, and others : you are stuck proving to the tools that their state can't protect them. which is why the mexican cartels spent a while beheading "high ranking police officials". 1531237;1472483107;mircea_popescu;or as alf put it, "discomfort the comfortable" 1531238;1472483181;mircea_popescu;note that much like the elections, the bribes themselves are a null value : yeah the average american is too fucked up in the head to bribe traffic cops. yet both in america and in india, the same % of gdp travels as bribes for traffic cops. except in india it is personal ; whereas the us derps JUST TAKE YOUR CASH. 1531239;1472483195;mircea_popescu;so : stop looking where the hand points, start looking at the hand's sleeves. 1531240;1472483344;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:341/to:342#341 << that's of course a good point - using state's own tools to bring more power to the state *is* lame, and not optimal... 1531241;1472483414;Framedragger;(gotta write that bot soon. which set of characters should trigger it btw, mircea_popescu ? shinohai uses / would use !~ as i see) 1531242;1472483480;Framedragger;$~ ? 1531243;1472483481;shinohai;gotta b sexy i guess 1531244;1472483621;mircea_popescu;no, !# 1531245;1472483637;Framedragger;kk. bbl. 1531246;1472483715;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re 'corruption', see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-05#546880 . 1531247;1472483760;mircea_popescu;Framedragger and have your friend read the log, presuming it's not just AFTNM. who knows, .lt anarchists get teh point afore others. 1531248;1472483817;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. which is why "terorrism", ie, blowing them up is the only way. in elliot terms, "they brought it upon themselves". 1531249;1472483955;asciilifeform;well, what does one do with folks who have no inclination to come to an understanding... 1531250;1472483988;asciilifeform;'we never surrender. banzai!1111' 'ok... why not' 1531251;1472484011;mircea_popescu;aha. 1531252;1472484027;mircea_popescu;the beatings will continue until morale improves. 1531253;1472484030;mircea_popescu;that's exactly it. 1531254;1472484054;BingoBoingo;"Well, technically, he might also be selling it to pay for the next keger where rando drunkards will act beligerently for no reason and generally lose their shit." << More probably it sits safely on the mantle of the party house as a trophy though the drunkards who keep it have no idea how much trophy it is 1531255;1472484075;mircea_popescu;aha. 1531256;1472484262;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/the-story-of-elliot-rodger-by-elliot-rodger-adnotated-part-eight/#comment-118715 << incidentally 1531257;1472484343;mircea_popescu;answert. 1531258;1472484568;BingoBoingo;"We somehow weren't reading the same text or somesuch, I don't seem to recall any bullying going on at Taft. Elliot is hereby docked one bullying claim." << Similarly he referred to his ass kicking as bullying when it was merely the result of little bitch drinking above his station. 1531259;1472484666;mircea_popescu;he got the "rape" game down pat, does he ? 1531260;1472484669;mircea_popescu;kid's a perfect libtard. 1531261;1472484674;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your old dwarf capo notwithstanding, the race is generally to the swift. 1531262;1472484737;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Seriously. If he had any potential as a drunk he would have initiated aggression by pissing on people, places, and things 1531263;1472484846;trinque;Framedragger ? trinque: thanks :) (i've battled with search in postgres and screwing around with indices etc - but will prolly end up asking for advice at some point, cause, you know, i'm young) << yes, do ask. 1531264;1472485290;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the romans studied this problem extensively. no, it's not. triarius rarely wins. 1531265;1472485347;mircea_popescu;the physical world is capped for speed and counted for energy. which is why the race is always to the cheap. 1531266;1472485412;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo if he could show his wee wee to people he wouldn't have the problem in the first place. 1531267;1472485425;BingoBoingo;That is a point. 1531268;1472485434;BingoBoingo;I call it the point. 1531269;1472485447;mircea_popescu;lmao 1531270;1472485469;mircea_popescu;but did you coin any expressions. 1531271;1472485478;asciilifeform;or INVENTION IDEAS!111 1531272;1472485495;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform recall the fabled watch i invented as a 3yo ? iirc was in the log somwehre. 1531273;1472485517;asciilifeform;which was this 1531274;1472485531;mircea_popescu;you know, when i asked my mom if when you invent something, do you also explain how it'd be made ? 1531275;1472485548;mircea_popescu;other than for that curl, i totally beat apple's watch by like 30 years. 1531276;1472485626;BingoBoingo; or INVENTION IDEAS!111 << An exhausted James tenderly holds Elliot's smell hand to his chest and tenderly babytalk to the appendage he calls Mr. Slippyfist. Elliot calls it the appendage. 1531277;1472485641;mircea_popescu;this is going to result in fanfic is it. 1531278;1472485653;BingoBoingo;Much fanfic. 1531279;1472485674;mircea_popescu;ok, fine. hereby is announced a 1 BTC prize for the best fanfic published on the blog of someone with a gpg key deedbot knows about. 1531280;1472485675;BingoBoingo;Fanfic will be the way to illustrate the log having been read. 1531281;1472485685;mircea_popescu;deadline haloween. 1531282;1472485730;BingoBoingo;NEWS!!!!! 1531283;1472485743;mod6;i like it 1531284;1472485746;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1531285;1472485747;mircea_popescu;cool 1531286;1472485797;asciilifeform;how it'd be made ? << 'triangular drills will drill all his square holes!' (tm) (r) 1531287;1472486140;mircea_popescu;incidentally, i'm pretty impressed with the readership. seriously, 200k words over a week ? that's like five books. 1531288;1472486143;mircea_popescu;$up thortron 1531289;1472486143;deedbot;thortron voiced for 30 minutes. 1531290;1472486814;asciilifeform;btw if mircea_popescu ever wants to do another 'hero' study, marvin heemeyer is every bit as interesting imho as joe stack. 1531291;1472486847;mircea_popescu;so you do it! 1531292;1472486870;asciilifeform;i do not, sadly, have mircea_popescu's entomological gifts. 1531293;1472486888;mircea_popescu;hm. 1531294;1472486889;asciilifeform;but i did recount the story in the l0gz at some point. 1531295;1472486894;asciilifeform;heemeyer was the 'killdozer' genius. 1531296;1472486902;mircea_popescu;how do you know this ? 1531297;1472486916;asciilifeform;know which ? 1531298;1472486927;mircea_popescu;the gifts part, obv. 1531299;1472486930;asciilifeform;heemeyer demolished most of a small town, and pretty much everyone there knew why. 1531300;1472486931;asciilifeform;ah 1531301;1472486944;asciilifeform;'can you play violin?' 'dunno, never tried!' 1531302;1472486965;mircea_popescu;lol 1531303;1472486988;mircea_popescu;the question was "are you gifted for playing violin" 1531304;1472487061;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/ANrvC << intro to subj 1531305;1472487093;asciilifeform;'Marvin Heemeyer was a professional welder living in the quiet Colorado town of Granby, just trying to make a living for himself running a small muffler repair shop. Unfortunately, he was also in the business of getting royally fucked over by everyone in town, ranging from the paperboy to the asshats in City Hall who wouldn't compromise with him on some crazy fucking wacky zoning issues he was trying to work out. Eventually, after 1531306;1472487093;asciilifeform;years of petitions, appeals and negotiations that proved about as fruitful as smashing his face into a cinderblock, the bastards at the Granby Zoning Commission basically told Marv that he could go fuck himself gently with a chainsaw. They were going to build a concrete plant adjacent to Heemeyer's muffler shop, cut off his business' sewer line, slap him with a bunch of increasingly-massive fines, and ultimately run his ass out of t 1531307;1472487094;asciilifeform;own on a fucking rail. But Marvin Heemeyer wasn't the sort of mewling pussy coward who was going to sit there and let a bunch of stuffed-suit bastards fuck him over like a little bitch. He was an insane badass motherfucker with an arc welder and a mad desire for vengeance at all costs, and he decided he wasn't going to take it anymore. Heemeyer paid his $2,500 fine to City Hall, scribbling the word "cowards" in the memo portion of 1531308;1472487099;asciilifeform;the check. Then he bought a massive bulldozer...' 1531309;1472487240;asciilifeform;i always found one particular detail interesting - usg had the thing cut apart into hundreds of pieces and scattered at scrapyards across the country. 1531310;1472487276;asciilifeform;why - i have nfi. from some ritualistic slug-salt Ur-fear, i suppose. 1531311;1472487282;mircea_popescu;maybe it was nuclear powered 1531312;1472487283;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/mircea-popescue-announces-fanfic-contest-with-1-bitcoin-prize/ << Qntra - Mircea Popescue Announces Fanfic Contest With 1 Bitcoin Prize 1531313;1472487294;mircea_popescu;o hey! 1531314;1472487306;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu sprouted a new letter in his name ? 1531315;1472487345;mircea_popescu;i suspect it's ancient tardstalk joke 1531316;1472487365;asciilifeform;gotta get to a doctor, get it looked at, because before long you might end up a mircea_popescuýëåêòðèôèêàöèÿ 1531317;1472487377;mircea_popescu;mircea popescueggog 1531318;1472487395;BingoBoingo;Fxd to remove ancient tardstalk joke from title 1531319;1472487396;asciilifeform;бНОПНЯ ВХРЮК? 1531320;1472487409;mircea_popescu;you're the fuckstisizer, motherfucker! 1531321;1472487473;asciilifeform;http://marvin-heemeyer.com/en << apparently this exists. 1531322;1472487533;asciilifeform;'"God built me for this job," Heemeyer said in the first recording made on April 13, 2004. He even said it was God's plan that he not be married or have family so that he could be in a position to carry out such an attack. "I think God will bless me to get the machine done, to drive it, to do the stuff that I have to do" he said. "God blessed me in advance for the task that I am about to undertake. It is my duty. God has asked me to 1531323;1472487534;asciilifeform;do this. It's a cross that I am going to carry and I'm carrying it in God's name," he said. Heemeyer's actions were apparently a political statement. In the audio tapes, he states "Because of your anger, because of your malice, because of your hate, you would not work with me. I am going to sacrifice my life, my miserable future that you gave me, to show you that what you did is wrong".' 1531324;1472487599;asciilifeform;and, more interestingly, 1531325;1472487601;asciilifeform;'Heemeyer took about a year and a half to prepare for his rampage. In notes found by investigators after the incident, Heemeyer wrote "It's interesting how I never got caught. This was a part-time project over a 1 1/2 year time period." In the notes, Heemeyer expressed surprise that three men who visited the shed last fall did not discover the bulldozer work, "especially with the 2,000 lb. lift fully exposed." "Somehow their vision w 1531326;1472487601;asciilifeform;as clouded," he wrote.' 1531327;1472487617;asciilifeform;moomoos have 0 imagination and ~0 ability to process unexpected input, turns out. 1531328;1472487636;mircea_popescu;quite. 1531329;1472487677;mircea_popescu;"At one point, the police put a gigantic piece of construction equipment out to block Heemeyer's path, but the Killdozer just fucking made that shit its bitch, tossing it aside and nearly flipping it on its back like a cheap hooker in the process." lol guy has at least one fan 1531330;1472487693;asciilifeform;has thousands of fans. 1531331;1472487698;asciilifeform;incl. much of the ru-speaking world. 1531332;1472487716;mircea_popescu;i guess we're letting him walk once we levelled washington dc ? 1531333;1472487725;asciilifeform;walk from grave ? 1531334;1472487734;mircea_popescu;ah too late for him ? 1531335;1472487741;asciilifeform;he ate a .357 1531336;1472487754;asciilifeform;and it took police an entire day to get the carcass out of the tank. 1531337;1472487778;mircea_popescu;ah look at that, thing died just like panthers did : dropped track. 1531338;1472487778;asciilifeform;(heemeyer was a welder and Knew What He Was Doing) 1531339;1472487805;asciilifeform;'на поле танки грохотали...' (tm) (r) 1531340;1472487856;asciilifeform;iirc they even tried gas, but the seals held up 1531341;1472487894;asciilifeform;he even had redundant cameras for the viewport 1531342;1472487907;BingoBoingo; ah too late for him ? << Apparently too late for many of the cool folk 1531343;1472487915;mircea_popescu;how it usually goes. 1531344;1472487936;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the only 'cool folk' among these i know to still remain alive is ol' ted kaczynski. 1531345;1472487980;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Likely because as math folk he knew to maximize hi cost to the enemy 1531346;1472487986;BingoBoingo;*his 1531347;1472487989;asciilifeform;and after 20+ yrs of usg solitary, probably he eats own fungi now. 1531348;1472488180;asciilifeform;and speaking of bulldozers, 1531349;1472488197;asciilifeform;self-driving killdozer is a much simpler mathematical problem than self-driving passenger auto. 1531350;1472488210;asciilifeform;it dun need to much care about traffic laws. 1531351;1472488213;mircea_popescu;sure.\ 1531352;1472488218;asciilifeform;just to find where the crunchable houses are. 1531353;1472488222;mircea_popescu;the tracks are the problem. 1531354;1472488228;asciilifeform;(not too tall to bury self in rubble, etc) 1531355;1472488234;mircea_popescu;make proper titanium alloy tracks and assemblages, you got somethingf. 1531356;1472488247;asciilifeform;the tracks are the problem. which is why to unleast 100 of'em. 1531357;1472488249;asciilifeform;*unleash 1531358;1472488263;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform proper approach is to drive at speed (well, track speed, 30mph or such) through column supports. 1531359;1472488267;mircea_popescu;building falls behind and after you left. 1531360;1472488293;mircea_popescu;also on head of anyone following, and blocking their access. 1531361;1472488410;mircea_popescu;in any case, as soviets found out in ww2 right after the germans found out in ww2, the modern town is a nightmare battlefield. 1531362;1472488433;mircea_popescu;the military equivalent of falling through a glass pane. it'll fuck you up. 1531363;1472488437;asciilifeform;it is not accidental that usg, much as ss previously, is obsessed with subj 1531364;1472488447;asciilifeform;and trains for it to the exclusion of pretty much all else 1531365;1472488454;mircea_popescu;aha 1531366;1472488547;BingoBoingo;If doing swarm may as well convert some forklifts into microdozers 1531367;1472488550;asciilifeform;(and picture if heemeyer had 20 yrs to build the machine, rather than 1 1/2. could've had multiple turrets, incl. anti-aircraft, ir lasers, etc) 1531368;1472488567;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no dude. if he had 20 years he'd have built nothing. 1531369;1472488577;asciilifeform;this also possible. 1531370;1472488579;mircea_popescu;anti-aircraft gimme a break. why not submarine jet. 1531371;1472488587;asciilifeform;perhaps there is a 'golden mean' lel. 1531372;1472488613;mircea_popescu;moreover, if your battlefield is ground+air, the weapon suddenly morphs from killdozer to rocket launcher field. 1531373;1472488614;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wasn't speaking of anything complicated, just something to prevent the routine police chopper from taking him out from above like sitting duck. 1531374;1472488656;mircea_popescu;this is, incidentally, also a part time project. buy one acre, dig it up, emplace guided rocket tubes. whenever ready, fire. 1531375;1472488669;asciilifeform;'strela-blok' 1531376;1472488672;mircea_popescu;quite. 1531377;1472488677;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-August/000230.html 1531378;1472488693;mircea_popescu;except you know, spaced half meter apart you can literally level san francisco. 1531379;1472488694;asciilifeform;mod6: neato! 1531380;1472488695;mod6;updated http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html 1531381;1472488706;mod6;more to come... 1531382;1472488711;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: guided rocket ? 1531383;1472488713;asciilifeform;guided how ? 1531384;1472488724;mircea_popescu;mod6 nice! 1531385;1472488737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at the distances involved, even radio works. 1531386;1472488779;asciilifeform;the palestinians have yet to level tel-aviv 1531387;1472488792;mircea_popescu;or seriously try to. 1531388;1472488808;asciilifeform;afaik they get respectable 'bang for the buck' neh ? 1531389;1472488812;asciilifeform;with handmade rockets 1531390;1472488832;mircea_popescu;the difference between man, such as heemeyer, and institution, such as "the palestinians", "the government" etc, is that the latter is dedicated to what it could do, and the preservation and expansion of that pretense. 1531391;1472488843;mircea_popescu;whereas man, especially if sane, is interested in doing not in canning the deeds. 1531392;1472488889;mircea_popescu;"the palestinians" don't want to level tel aviv anymore than temper tantrum child wants to stop breathing. they just like to pretend this want to get mommy-intl community to want to spring for a new bmw. 1531393;1472488923;asciilifeform;iirc palestine has the occasional 'fella with initiative', and the front advances until tel aviv figures out where he lives and drops a few tonnes of c4 on his head 1531394;1472488931;asciilifeform;rinse, repeat 1531395;1472488962;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/binutils-2.24.tar.bz2.asc 1531396;1472488970;mircea_popescu;yeah. and they "figure out" by "the palestinians" telling them. because the last thing they want is for someone who ACTUALLY DOES among their ranks 1531397;1472488981;mircea_popescu;mod6 this is great stuff yo! 1531398;1472488994;mod6;o7 1531399;1472489010;asciilifeform;perennial problem in partizan life. or 'kid throws the curve in class' etc. 1531400;1472489024;asciilifeform;mod6: this incl. the buildroot deps ? 1531401;1472489034;asciilifeform;and gcc ? or not yet 1531402;1472489034;*;trinque hears deedbot whirring 1531403;1472489222;mircea_popescu;not yet. 1531404;1472489235;mircea_popescu;the gcc in particular is a monstruous problem. 1531405;1472489250;asciilifeform;why? 1531406;1472489285;mircea_popescu;how do you bootstrap it, for one ? the knight issues, how do you handle those ? list is pretty long 1531407;1472489298;asciilifeform;gcc was originally built to be bootstrappable with non-gcc. 1531408;1472489301;asciilifeform;unsurprisingly. 1531409;1472489307;asciilifeform;but today it is non-trivial, yes. 1531410;1472489315;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: this incl. the buildroot deps ? << the 14 of 'em yeah 1531411;1472489317;mircea_popescu;and hillary clinton was originally a hot piece of ass. 1531412;1472489320;asciilifeform;(for one thing, it expects the usual megatonne of crapolade automake relies on) 1531413;1472489331;asciilifeform;motherfucking automake. 1531414;1472489407;asciilifeform;this is kinda why the 'aborigin linux' fella wanted to work from tcc. 1531415;1472489426;asciilifeform;(and why i suggested it, years ago, and probably buncha other folks also thought) 1531416;1472489444;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531417;1472489460;mircea_popescu;so you see, it's not even clear we want gcc. 1531418;1472489468;asciilifeform;problem in the trb case would be that trb is a cpp, and not c, proggy. 1531419;1472489469;mircea_popescu;this stone is not yet ripe for turning 1531420;1472489483;trinque;mod6: I'm stopping the bitcoind on that box; subsequent ones might be a bit quicker 1531421;1472489500;mod6;ok sounds good. 1531422;1472489501;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: presently the thing will not build with - afaik - anything else. 1531423;1472489506;mod6;sorry for the disruption. 1531424;1472489506;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1531425;1472489507;asciilifeform;nor is likely to any time soon. 1531426;1472489510;thestringpuller;logs dead? 1531427;1472489520;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: yes 1531428;1472489520;mircea_popescu;trinque you gonna roll mod6 's new build into deedbot ? 1531429;1472489536;mircea_popescu;thestring_lab http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/ 1531430;1472489550;thestringpuller;oh wow my laboratory IRC computer is still connected 1531431;1472489558;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2.asc 1531432;1472489621;trinque;mircea_popescu: aha, will keep running the latest trb 1531433;1472489624;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531434;1472489634;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/expat-2.1.0.tar.gz.asc 1531435;1472489634;asciilifeform;i've contemplated attempting an openwatcom build of trb. 1531436;1472489636;mircea_popescu;pretty cool cycle going huh! 1531437;1472489637;asciilifeform;but ars longa. 1531438;1472489654;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531439;1472489665;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/fakeroot_1.18.4.orig.tar.bz2.asc 1531440;1472489665;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:317/to:317#317 << sc4mzors can't unearth cement sarcophogus and go "herp derp whats in here" and cause ecological disaster? 1531441;1472489669;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the steppes of lulzistan, https://archive.is/pV0uv 1531442;1472489684;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531443;1472489689;asciilifeform;'The FBI is warning all states to tighten security measures related to their online election systems after hackers successfully infiltrated one state board of election and targeted another, ABC News has confirmed. “The FBI is requesting that states contact their Board of Elections and determine if any similar activity ...' 1531444;1472489698;mod6;here comes the whale 1531445;1472489701;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2.asc 1531446;1472489718;mircea_popescu;lmao. wait, what, the diebold machines come with a setting, like aks ? you set it on loose or tightened as fbi dictates ? 1531447;1472489725;mircea_popescu;what MEANING does this warning carry ? 1531448;1472489729;mircea_popescu;how is it actionable ? 1531449;1472489734;asciilifeform;how are they ever ? 1531450;1472489742;mircea_popescu;heh 1531451;1472489749;asciilifeform;the 'meaning' is 'we DISCUSSED this, stop talkin' about it, terrorists' 1531452;1472489754;mod6;rape or harder rape 1531453;1472489762;mircea_popescu;curious what trump does. 1531454;1472489799;mircea_popescu;oh oh "foreign actors" i see. 1531455;1472489812;mircea_popescu;the usg is on to us! 1531456;1472489814;asciilifeform;aha! red wreckerz!1111 1531457;1472489831;mircea_popescu;funnily enough, "we'll recognize mp's entry into cia factbook, but only so much" 1531458;1472489841;BingoBoingo;$s Sodini 1531459;1472489861;asciilifeform;http://www.northernsun.com/images/imagexlarge/4004.jpg << oblig. 1531460;1472490027;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: bot is dead. 1531461;1472490037;BingoBoingo;What isn't 1531462;1472490067;asciilifeform;and its owner went to week-long vacation to planet arrakis. 1531463;1472490104;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/29/but-height-is/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - …but height is. 1531464;1472491358;BingoBoingo;lol, Dad and Soumaya get their own wikipedia entries 1531465;1472491786;BingoBoingo;In other news Dale Launer who tried to tell Ellior how to get laid wrote "My Cousin Vinny" 1531466;1472491857;asciilifeform;lel, 'I first met [Rodger] when he was aged eight or nine and I could see then that there was something wrong with him. I'm not a psychologist, but looking back now he strikes me as someone who was broken from the moment of conception.' 1531467;1472492504;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531468;1472492529;asciilifeform;dafuq 1531469;1472492543;asciilifeform;an HOUR ?! 1531470;1472492649;shinohai;ty mod6 1531471;1472492654;shinohai;fer deed 1531472;1472493443;mod6;asciilifeform: was gcc ~ 116Mb 1531473;1472493454;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/gdb-7.8.2.tar.xz.asc 1531474;1472493486;mod6;my little host isn't very fast, either. which could be the main bottleneck. 1531475;1472493580;BingoBoingo;https://other-things-amanzi.blogspot.com/2009/08/tharrr-she-blows.html 1531476;1472493608;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: you'd fit right in on the playa 1531477;1472493630;*;thestringpuller imagines going to a burn with asciilifeform and him interacting with da hippies. 1531478;1472494123;BingoBoingo;Well, what goes better with sprats than LSD? 1531479;1472494329;thestringpuller;^ 1531480;1472494347;thestringpuller;you may even find the dope satoshi smoked before putting in magic numbers 1531481;1472494395;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531482;1472494439;thestringpuller;deedbot will have all da datas 1531483;1472494515;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/gmp-6.0.0a.tar.xz.asc 1531484;1472494575;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531485;1472494665;mod6;here's comes another 100mb whale 1531486;1472494668;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/linux-3.18.14.tar.xz.asc 1531487;1472495106;*;mircea_popescu pictures postapocalyptic man digging through rubble. "found anything ?" "i dunno... HOLY SHIT! THIS IS PART OF THE DEEDBOT! WERE RICH!" 1531488;1472495148;mod6;lol 1531489;1472495283;asciilifeform;mod6: why is kernel src in there ? 1531490;1472495287;asciilifeform;i dun recall rotor needing such. 1531491;1472495305;asciilifeform;(e.g., armtronic, full-orchestra - yes. but not rotor per se) 1531492;1472495314;mod6;it's ~probably~ not required long term, but it asks for this now. so without having to reconfigure a bunch of buildroot stuff, it goes in. 1531493;1472495333;mod6;"it asks for this" == buildroot. 1531494;1472495362;mod6;trinque pointed this out too about, eh, a month ago or so 1531495;1472495450;mircea_popescu;Framedragger also, alternately background lines, and a better font plox. or better yet : wipe that .pre-div { font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace; 1531496;1472495494;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so ima translate pedo article nao. 1531497;1472495508;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: neato! 1531498;1472495567;covertress;*the deedbot, my precious http://geekandsundry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TimeEnoughAtLast.jpg 1531499;1472495591;asciilifeform;lel, even i remember this. 1531500;1472495598;covertress;:) 1531501;1472495638;mircea_popescu;covertress by the way, do you write ? 1531502;1472495728;covertress;mircea_popescu: not very well and mostly for Hollywood https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dao-dead-long-live-blockchain-covertress-covertress?trk=mp-reader-card 1531503;1472495754;mircea_popescu;covertress there's of course http://qntra.net/2016/08/mircea-popescue-announces-fanfic-contest-with-1-bitcoin-prize/ 1531504;1472495798;covertress;mircea_popescu i've been asked to extend you a similar offer... to write for steemit xD 1531505;1472495840;mircea_popescu;which, ironically, is 50% or more of the advance a writer could at best hope to receive from is publisher. 1531506;1472495886;covertress;Halloween is an acceptable deadline 1531507;1472495925;covertress;as we'll have a chance to discuss first ;) 1531508;1472495985;*;mircea_popescu tries to remember when is this haloween thing anyway. 15nov ? 1531509;1472495996;mircea_popescu;oct 31st. kay. 1531510;1472495996;covertress;31-Oct 1531511;1472496186;thestringpuller;;;seen adlai 1531512;1472496186;gribble;adlai was last seen in #trilema 4 hours, 25 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5105014b-a26e-4a5a-a4c4-4844ea9b9773/?raw=true 1531513;1472496220;thestringpuller;;;later tell adlai thought of you the other day because the name "Adlai" appeared in futurama as a character. 1531514;1472496220;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1531515;1472496315;covertress;and the week before Halloween? fantasy fest, key west http://www.fantasyfest.com/schedule/ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy_Fest) 1531516;1472496323;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'Have you ever had occasion to see these obnoxious shits the moment there's shots fired, by the way ? I know of no better illustration of USian subhumanity than that fear. He's right : the moment he took the rifle out and started popping lightbulbs left and right, he was a God to them. Moreso than any god they ever knew or ever had' << fella had a pistol. and apparently his time at the gallery was largely wasted, hit 1531517;1472496323;asciilifeform;not 1 in 100 shot... 1531518;1472496362;mircea_popescu;lol 1531519;1472496371;mircea_popescu;the many ways in which insanity is self-limiting. 1531520;1472496391;mircea_popescu;the exact same sort of mental issues that make it impossible for him to walk up to a girl and say "hi!" also make it impossible for him to shoot to kill. 1531521;1472496398;asciilifeform;or gas, etc. 1531522;1472496460;asciilifeform;it is really rather funny, asciilifeform lost a very cushy usg research job years ago because there was never a second aum shinrikyo incident, and bureaucrats largely lost interest in antidotes... 1531523;1472496474;asciilifeform;nobody can be arsed. 1531524;1472496484;mircea_popescu;it's funny, this, most people^H^H libtards imagine you know, "guns kill people", like a sort of fucking djinn or something, on command. the animated, locomotive sword of 1001 nights. and they flatter themselves with this idea, you know, that if they took all the stops off and bought a gun and went to hunt people, they'd actually bag much 1531525;1472496501;asciilifeform;or even go to the gallery and 'bag' a few plates. 1531526;1472496522;mircea_popescu;meanwhile without specific training, you'll kill jack shit, and even with, 40 to 1 ? what's that. most survivors in ww2 got twice that. 1531527;1472496543;asciilifeform;it'd be one thing if fella touched his first pistol when killing a policeman and immediately going off to action 1531528;1472496567;asciilifeform;but he had eons to visit the shooting gallery and learn the answer to 'can i play violin? dunno never tried' 1531529;1472496568;covertress;why so many ppl speak of weapons and yet none post about personal accuracy? http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YGLQQZTHoU0/SHUU9H5eR3I/AAAAAAAADWA/0Y2Y4ptcTaM/s1600-h/Tight_group.jpg 1531530;1472496599;asciilifeform;covertress: thread is re a 'postalist' who, like ~all of them to date, could not hit 'broad side of a barn' 1531531;1472496600;covertress;*1000 yards 1531532;1472496601;mircea_popescu;aha. correct plate. 1531533;1472496730;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and i'd guess it was not 'mental issues', but the continuous thread in his life of not ever taking the sweat to get properly skilled at anything whatsoever. 1531534;1472496771;mircea_popescu;which is a mental issue. 1531535;1472496795;asciilifeform;schmuck could have bit down, went to trade school, learned to be a demolitionist; or become fire inspector, learn how to arson properly; or programmer, and ... 1531536;1472496846;mircea_popescu;i don't think you understand how the cruel world works. 1531537;1472496868;covertress;asciilifeform: people have forgotten the art of patience 1531538;1472496902;mircea_popescu;woman "is liberated" so she should get job, right ? she should be respected, right ? he's a liberal, don't forget. he thinks the girls should flock to him because he exists, and because he "never agreed to" they not flocking to him. and similarly buildings - once he decided they should fall down, THEY SHOULD FALL DOWN. 1531539;1472496918;mircea_popescu;do you understand how the cruel world and the beastly nature of reality bullied AND RAPED him ?! 1531540;1472496946;asciilifeform;'whatdayamean i gotta DIP'EM?!!111' 1531541;1472496952;mircea_popescu;this the mindset. not of elliot rodger, this is the mindset of a generation. 1531542;1472496975;covertress;many gens 1531543;1472496986;mircea_popescu;because she exists, therefore she has a voice. because she has a voice, therefore she has something to say. don't blame the victim! 1531544;1472497012;mircea_popescu;it's the land of dreams, where the normal have something to say -> therefore have a voice -> therefore exist is entirely reversed. 1531545;1472497042;covertress;*(The DAO) 1531546;1472497063;mircea_popescu;at least elliot had the excuse of biological malfunction. but all his "friends" and colleagues and congenerational derps simply emulate the same decerebrated state. in sofrware. 1531547;1472497086;mircea_popescu;software* 1531548;1472497101;covertress;I'd like my steak tartare 1531549;1472497130;*;danielpbarron waves at covertress 1531550;1472497145;*;covertress waves at danielpbarron 1531551;1472497204;danielpbarron;tell me about the art of patience 1531552;1472497312;mircea_popescu;it's simple : you get a girl, strip her naked, make her bend her bubble butt towards you, then you take a magic marker, write I on one half moon, C on the other 1531553;1472497316;mircea_popescu;and then you pat her butt. 1531554;1472497486;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531555;1472497542;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/m4-1.4.17.tar.xz.asc 1531556;1472497606;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531557;1472497766;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/mpc-1.0.3.tar.gz.asc 1531558;1472497779;pete_dushenski;what's the status on the logs ? phf ? 1531559;1472497792;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski: he's at burning man 1531560;1472497798;thestringpuller;check back after the temple burn 1531561;1472497807;pete_dushenski;lelz 1531562;1472497807;thestringpuller;or find him on da playa 1531563;1472497816;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531564;1472497882;pete_dushenski;i thought it was trinque on da playa ? jeez it's a full time job to keep track of all these various netizens 1531565;1472497917;pete_dushenski;musta been a bitch to run versailles. coralling cats it is. 1531566;1472497924;thestringpuller;;;seen trinque 1531567;1472497925;gribble;trinque was last seen in #trilema 2 hours, 18 minutes, and 23 seconds ago: mircea_popescu: aha, will keep running the latest trb 1531568;1472497943;thestringpuller;well he's missin all da fun, unless he's in chan on da playa 1531569;1472497968;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:76/to:90#76 1531570;1472498012;mircea_popescu;lol the upside of having done that elliot thing is that now every task seems tiny. "what, this article ? haha-it's done already!" 1531571;1472498015;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/mpfr-3.1.2.tar.xz.asc 1531572;1472498056;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531573;1472498073;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/musl-1.1.8.tar.gz.asc 1531574;1472498081;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: vilnius! 1531575;1472498116;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531576;1472498132;pete_dushenski;no kaunus, but not a bad place to spend time either. lovely french bookshop on the end of the main square. 1531577;1472498232;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/ncurses-5.9.tar.gz.asc 1531578;1472498326;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531579;1472498349;mod6;$deed http://mod6.net/buildroot-deeds/pkgconf-0.8.9.tar.bz2.asc 1531580;1472498596;deedbot;accepted: 1 1531581;1472498637;mod6;trinque: all done! Thanks again. :] 1531582;1472499976;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/the-pedoepiphany/ << Trilema - The Pedoepiphany 1531583;1472500551;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: there's no other way. except, perhaps, buying yoself a car jack and diy 1531584;1472500841;pete_dushenski;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160828/from:60/to:60#60 << because moar is better (tm). more protein in your protein bar, more diamonds on your ring, and on and on ad infinitum. that moar lines of code can't replace a competent cabbie is apparently discussion unbecoming of the 'civilised' set 1531585;1472501643;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: no kaunus, but not a bad place << my father, apparently, also liked kaunus. (he went to boot camp there.) 1531586;1472502335;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/the-pedoepiphany/#comment-118725 (queued) 1531587;1472502515;mircea_popescu;answer't 1531588;1472502634;asciilifeform;'Swiss authorities bellyache now about sky-rocketing losses in their financial services department caused by clients leaving en masse...no wonder: Switzerland has been turning clients in, selling records and giving tip-offs for ages to any "alarmed but trusted" party that asked; and third parties given records and tip-offs would typically share the loot with other third parties. Of course it was all about small fry, for none would da 1531589;1472502634;asciilifeform;re to mess with the untouchables.' 1531590;1472502660;asciilifeform;plenty of good bits. fella is in quite respectable, imho, political and intellectual gear 1531591;1472502681;mircea_popescu;aha 1531592;1472502683;asciilifeform;dunno what the problem was. the lack of rounded corners and css ? 1531593;1472502689;mircea_popescu;nope. 1531594;1472502803;pete_dushenski; http://talkingpointsmemo.com/polltracker/clintontrumpohiopoll << tied in ohaio 1531595;1472502847;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: neat. my father went to boot camp in... the swamps of ontario. 1531596;1472502871;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: they had a parachute school near kaunus. 1531597;1472502956;pete_dushenski;aha. parachute school in ontario as well. 1531598;1472502967;pete_dushenski;http://takimag.com/article/losing_games_taki/print 1531599;1472503080;pete_dushenski;http://takimag.com/article/hooked_on_a_high_jumper_taki/print << meant to link this one. octogenarians writing too many olympic related blergs 1531600;1472503135;pete_dushenski;"Why is it that grace and innocence make my knees go weak? I suppose it is because I have a view of the fairer sex more common in an era more romantic than the present. I feel more alive in the presence of beauty, but I also feel longing, both spiritual and physical. But beauty has been downgraded these past 50 years. Beautiful buildings are no longer built, just ugly, modern, so-called utilitarian ones, and 1531601;1472503137;pete_dushenski;I’m not sure about the last one. Boats are now extremely ungraceful and downright unshapely; they either look like insects or refrigerators on steroids. Once upon a time there was nothing more elegant or beautiful than sailing boats with overhangs on their bows and sterns. Now we have titanium trimarans that can do 50 knots and look like prehistoric ants. If you need to do 50, get a boat with an engine." 1531602;1472503139;pete_dushenski;<< win. 1531603;1472503237;pete_dushenski;"Qatar and Bahrain paid for foreigners to compete under their ludicrous flags and won two medals between them. Qatar and Bahrain are ugly places ruled by ugly people who think they can buy beauty. They cannot. Just because a lot of greedy Brits sold their beautiful old houses to them, the two sandy hellholes thought they could also buy Olympic glory. Most athletes are professionals nowadays, so they figured 1531604;1472503239;pete_dushenski;it would be easy. For once the good guys won. The hellholes will remain hellholes without Olympic glory, at least for another four years. That’s good enough for me." << can't have too much calling out of vain, vapid sandnigs. 1531605;1472503293;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: taki, just like mr mold, is a snore once you've tasted actual heresy. 1531606;1472503351;pete_dushenski;i'm a sucker for crotchety old coots. 1531607;1472503411;pete_dushenski;even greenspun's trollage has its appeal for me, if less so than taki even. 1531608;1472503492;pete_dushenski;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:65/to:65#65 << not ~everything~ is about tmsr y'know. how's that for heresy!1 1531609;1472503671;mircea_popescu;honeslty i was expecting the same thing. the fuck do i care about w/e that was, i can't even recall. some athlete ? 1531610;1472503720;pete_dushenski;musician 1531611;1472503759;mircea_popescu;mk. 1531612;1472506293;pete_dushenski;"Bien fait, Monsieur Gervais!" << title fxd. sorry for the mix-up dpb. 1531613;1472506388;pete_dushenski;http://archive.is/o2ppR#selection-939.0-939.776 << waterfall victim. btc for turbo-turkeys. kid traded 530 btc for... 2 bmw m3s 1531614;1472506456;pete_dushenski;bought 2k btc for ~$2k in 2010 though so not a complete maroon but that's still taking the 'great divestment' pretty far. 1531615;1472506899;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/emYsr << in other lulz 1531616;1472506963;asciilifeform;'Jessica, the social media manager, apparently cried when she found out I went to these meetings she wasn’t invited to.' 1531617;1472506995;asciilifeform;'Around this time, Bruce and I were sharing personal concerns and he confided in me that he had let Michael borrow $50,000 from his personal savings. Did you read that? A startup employee gave his life savings to our CEO. He wasn’t the only one. Another biz dev team bro who was crashing on the CEO’s couch, Bobby, apparently lent Michael five figures too. In disbelief, I asked why he needed money when he has $2M already committed 1531618;1472506995;asciilifeform;in the company. Bruce said that Michael had his offshore money tied up with the IRS because of unpaid taxes and essentially his assets were frozen until he went to court. ' 1531619;1472507000;asciilifeform;and various other wtf's. 1531620;1472507102;asciilifeform;'What you are seeing is a Photoshopped Google search image that was posed as a real Wells Fargo wire transfer sent to 17 employees via email by the CEO. ... Whoever photoshopped these documents has the intelligence of a 5th grader, but even worse is the person who thought this was a good idea. Think about it. The scam artist sat there and concocted this in his head instead of telling us the truth that the money wasn’t there. He the 1531621;1472507102;asciilifeform;n weighed the pros and cons and decided it was worth it. Then he took the time to Photoshop in each of his 17 employees’ names ...' 1531622;1472507107;pete_dushenski;"Michael, the CEO, introduced himself as the owner of a successful international mining business group, a millionaire investor, and a former JPMorgan analyst." << milliONEaire. the pic's on lastnight.com or whatever that was 1531623;1472507193;pete_dushenski;http://www.citylab.com/cityfixer/2016/08/school-attendance-washing-machines/496649/ << in other no es un pais pobre news. 1531624;1472507218;pete_dushenski;"When washers and dryers were added to 17 schools through a new program, attendance rates shot up. 1531625;1472507230;pete_dushenski;"It turned out that when students didn’t have clean clothes, they often stayed home from school out of embarrassment. " 1531626;1472507257;pete_dushenski;"Whirlpool says it will expand the program next year to at least 20 additional schools, including one in Baltimore and one in Nashville. Over 300 schools have expressed interest in the program. 1531627;1472507520;trinque;mod6 | trinque: all done! Thanks again. :] << awesome, I'll fire it back up. 1531628;1472507540;trinque;pete_dushenski: I am not at burning man, hate hippies too much. 1531629;1472507581;pete_dushenski;trinque: 'da beach' was cr in my head. you back from there ? 1531630;1472507626;asciilifeform;sooooo transformer on my street just exploded 1531631;1472507631;asciilifeform;hay mas futuro, aha. 1531632;1472507643;trinque;ah yes 1531633;1472507662;trinque;I'm back. 1531634;1472507663;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: shoulda built your own like nipponese audiophile 1531635;1472507673;pete_dushenski;trinque: sweet 1531636;1472507781;mod6;<+trinque> mod6 | trinque: all done! Thanks again. :] << awesome, I'll fire it back up. << cool! 1531637;1472507872;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i read the linked piece and do not understand what was interesting. kakobrekla also bought a car with btc. 1531638;1472507906;asciilifeform;had a buncha x, traded them for a y. big fat deal. 1531639;1472507983;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: one difference in this latest case would be fiat intermediary step AND TAXES PAID 1531640;1472508027;asciilifeform;i have nfi re elsewhere, but here in the land of the phreeee, if you have a car and it is seen on public streets, there will be tax questions 1531641;1472508031;pete_dushenski;also, kako didn't spend 1/4 of stash did he. 1531642;1472508038;asciilifeform;now how would i know. 1531643;1472508078;pete_dushenski;not saying you do, and maybe not reasonable to assume 1531644;1472508169;pete_dushenski;anyways, young are foolish. news at 11 1531645;1472508973;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: other points of linked m3icle: example of 'assets' into which 'great divestment' was beneficiary (others: ru bonds?), and also eg of btc sale beyond 'us marshalls' fraud - more than just using usgpuppet to move coinz from a-->b in exchange for ~chance~ at lizardposting 1531646;1472509115;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1iav 1531647;1472509115;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1531648;1472509151;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: lolwat, car as 'investment' ? 1531649;1472509165;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski went to argentina and drank the water, or wut 1531650;1472509247;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: please to show where i said 'investment' 1531651;1472509270;pete_dushenski;asset =! investment 1531652;1472509270;asciilifeform;'assets', but i have nfi. 1531653;1472509276;asciilifeform;lolk. 1531654;1472509291;pete_dushenski;your battlestation is a perfect example of this. 1531655;1472509354;pete_dushenski;namely in that even if it's an investment for ~you~, you also recognise that the market probably doesn't agree with your sentiment, nor could it, nor do you care if it does. 1531656;1472509371;asciilifeform;noshit. 1531657;1472509376;asciilifeform;like, e.g., suit, or eyeglasses. 1531658;1472509519;pete_dushenski;so bitcoin continues to stimulate the remnants of the us economy 1531659;1472509544;pete_dushenski;inb4 every country targets 'bitcoin tourism' for such influxes 1531660;1472509753;pete_dushenski;o hello a111 1531661;1472509843;shinohai;O.o 1531662;1472509852;covertress;o.O 1531663;1472510048;Framedragger;oh hey i think a111 resynced the missing log from today 1531664;1472510247;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: furthermore, 1/4 of net worth (net inheritance) on suits, shades, and whips is a poboy move if ever there was one. tis tres gauche given the kid's apparent class position. 1531665;1472510809;BingoBoingo;shinohai: ty 1531666;1472510871;shinohai;BingoBoingo: o7 1531667;1472510888;BingoBoingo;? 1531668;1472510897;shinohai;for article 1531669;1472511019;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/nothing-self-actualizes-zapchain/ << Qntra - Nothing Self Actualizes: Zapchain 1531670;1472511237;BingoBoingo;OH 1531671;1472511346;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: last point (for now): if you skim the comments you'll also notice the softening of libtard revulsion to wealth and an acceptance of their lowly station in life. before our very eyes we're seeing an increased appreciation for the 'my mother isn't your mother' reality. the libtard dream of 'every trainflake can do anything' is dissolving in broad daylight. it's pretty glorious. 1531672;1472511693;pete_dushenski;https://www.engadget.com/2016/08/29/dead-or-alive-vr-is-basically-sexual-assault-the-game/ << in other glories, "Apparently, 'no means no' doesn't apply to virtual reality. 1531673;1472511696;pete_dushenski;" 1531674;1472511711;pete_dushenski;the nerds are catching on. 1531675;1472511851;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: "not terribl educated" << y. 1531676;1472514022;pete_dushenski;http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-weekend-shootings-violence-police-homicide-391560381.html << someone ordered a turkish wedding in chitown huh. 1531677;1472514087;pete_dushenski;https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*AGKyR8YsQRwQ7st0G1QmTg.jpeg << in other middle easterery, i give you nassim taleb at age 21. looks like 37 tbh. 1531678;1472515205;pete_dushenski;fuck me it's getting cold already and it's not even sept. so much for global warming. 1531679;1472515263;mircea_popescu;"transactions in blockchain currency" lmao. yaya tryin' really hard over there, i get it, i get it. 1531680;1472515355;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:6/to:6#6 << seems these things are periodic enough. somehow people just dun wanna get suspicious of transactions in bezzlechain. 1531681;1472515532;mircea_popescu;in other mainstream media news, "Join the great illuminati fatality cult today, I am agent Smith,A fully Agent of this fatality,i" 1531682;1472516000;asciilifeform;FATALITY!111 (tm) (r) ('mortal combat') 1531683;1472516035;mod6;tomato platter spa treatment time 1531684;1472516135;asciilifeform;waiwat 1531685;1472516184;mod6;had some disks with bad bearings did: http://trilema.com/2014/spy-stuff/ 1531686;1472516194;mod6;s/did/doing 1531687;1472516211;asciilifeform;ah lol 1531688;1472516213;asciilifeform;it does 0 1531689;1472516233;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo's crematorium is better recipe, if you must. 1531690;1472516284;mod6;not sure if i saw that one. will follow up with a blowtorch 1531691;1472516364;mod6;and i had about 5lbs of (previously frozen) tomatoes from last year was itching to use. 1531692;1472516729;mod6;i suppose sanding the surfaces with the dremel would do the trick 1531693;1472517132;mircea_popescu;lol ketchup! 1531694;1472517448;mircea_popescu;lol reading this pim kim whatever thing is pretty amusing. crazed azn bitch is so fucking desperate to pretend she's in control, she "let" jessica go dontchaknow. honey, this experienced slaveowner sees right through you. 1531695;1472517494;mircea_popescu;bonus points, what got her mind blown wasn't the team of dorks with nary a clue, but that "no one had a whiteboard session". cuz gotta be chinese, what. 1531696;1472517505;mircea_popescu;they don't wash, fine, but she can't believe they don't own any ming hats! 1531697;1472518281;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-427443.txt 1531698;1472518397;trinque;mod6: ^ ding! 1531699;1472518480;*;pete_dushenski to feast 1531700;1472519039;mod6;trinque: nice! thanks :] 1531701;1472519125;mod6;i used a sanding block with low grit, grinded each face both directions real good. 1531702;1472519137;mod6;then blow torched 'em. 1531703;1472519928;mod6;holy smokes. lol, that's all of em in one shot 'eh trinque? 1531704;1472521724;mircea_popescu;best that way. 1531705;1472523050;trinque;mod6: yeah, that's why I stopped the presses for it 1531706;1472523055;trinque;one artifact 1531707;1472523093;mod6;that's pretty sweet 1531708;1472523324;mircea_popescu;"Earlier in the week I had taken screenshots of our Trello task board (Jessica was changing it around to make it look like I did nothing)" <<< ahahaha fucking idiot kids. "start-up", puts the motherloade of confidential/business matter on rando social media site. back at reality ranch, do that and you're fired, and you have to hire a lawyer. but in california idiot parade, they think it's about as standard as bottled water. 1531709;1472523547;mircea_popescu;and in other high performance engine news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzydthWKyq1qdleaio1_500.gif 1531710;1472524254;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1531711;1472524576;trinque;also, apparently the way to restart a111 is to give the www a good dicking? 1531712;1472524584;trinque;makes a sort of primal sense 1531713;1472524585;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1531714;1472524612;mircea_popescu;phf got a lot to learn about the practical side of these things it turns out. 1531715;1472524613;asciilifeform;apparently phf is running the thing not only on cmucl, but on 486..? 1531716;1472524621;asciilifeform;if i had to guess. 1531717;1472524627;mircea_popescu;more importantly, no cache of any kind ? 1531718;1472524678;asciilifeform;apparently. 1531719;1472524691;mircea_popescu;laugh all you want at the lamp shitstack, but you can't take down qtra via wget 1531720;1472524751;asciilifeform;you could if qntra were an irc bot that has to meet timing or get tossed 1531721;1472524802;trinque;I'm using 100k as limit 1531722;1472524844;trinque;it's not the transfer rate limit; it's whether connection stays open longer than ping/pong maybe. 1531723;1472526799;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron who's the pretty girl ? 1531724;1472529612;BingoBoingo; not sure if i saw that one. will follow up with a blowtorch << Give more time with the heat. 1531725;1472534119;mircea_popescu;to clarify mod6 : the boiling in tomato juice is a joke/throwback to the old days, when this was the way to dispose of flexible disks (esp the 5 inch ones), where the magnetic zone stands on some cheapo plastic. hard drives haven't used that style of platter for many years now, it's usually doped glass these days. boiling that doesn't do much of anything, but you can just crack the platters with a hammer/wrench whatever. 1531726;1472534214;mircea_popescu;the idea in both cases is that data storage depends on a very fixed relationship between geometry and magnetic substrate. breaking that (such as through boiling plastic, or cracking glass) is as good an approach as any "direct" method, and what's more stacks with any direct method. 1531727;1472534695;mod6;ah. 1531728;1472534738;mod6;thought there was something serious to the pH of the tomato sauce that would etch? the platters somewhat. 1531729;1472534755;mod6;regardless, thanks for pointing that out. 1531730;1472556307;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:606/to:606#606 << something like this? (default font, i'm not a fan of blitzy web69.0 fonts, either). i'll have some time to write the link citation part for the bot, as well as search, too. won't be today though 1531731;1472556356;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: and i'll implement these things even if phf's bot becomes more reliable or w/e, because, decentralization!1 1531732;1472558027;Framedragger;restarting machine which does the logging to double-check that things reconnect in case of power failure etc., too. 1531733;1472558912;Framedragger;[test new line in log] 1531734;1472558917;Framedragger;mkay. 1531735;1472559001;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1531726 << if enemy finds a small fragment of modern hdd... it may well have 100s of MB, quite readable 1531736;1472559001;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 05:16 mircea_popescu: the idea in both cases is that data storage depends on a very fixed relationship between geometry and magnetic substrate. breaking that (such as through boiling plastic, or cracking glass) is as good an approach as any "direct" method, and what's more stacks with any direct method. 1531737;1472559114;Framedragger;(final thing - sending SIGKILL and seeing what happens 1531738;1472562099;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1531739;1472562100;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1531740;1472562147;gabriel_laddel;jackdaniel just submitted a working hack around the last showstopping McCLIM bug. 1531741;1472562155;gabriel_laddel;This leaves 38 forms to be implemented, many of which are simply sitting in the (crappy) franz implementation 1531742;1472562164;gabriel_laddel;If anyone wants to be WAY ahead of the curve, now would be the time to update your websites stating that you offer CLIM support / build CLIM programs aor start a marketing campaign. 1531743;1472562186;gabriel_laddel;The tardstalks who put the "commercial support" section on the McCLIM website at the very end of a page for developers (lol: https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/involve) will probably take several months to organize. They don't english very well, and someone who does will have quite the advantage. 1531744;1472562854;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:143/to:143#143 << that's jus' fine. 1531745;1472562893;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:149/to:149#149 << eh, you're thinking of some meta-enemy that lives in a parallel universe where different laws apply. 1531746;1472563002;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:158/to:158#158 << it's not clear to me what "clim support" does for a website ; i am certainly not going to expend marketing resources on some item i don't own. this last bit is particularly pernicious, incidentally - is this clim thing even breaking the law ? why the fuck am i supposed to confuse a bunch of usg-tools for my own men ? 1531747;1472563043;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i parsed the sentence in same way at first 1531748;1472563082;asciilifeform;but it looks like gabriel_laddel was speaking of 'clim support' as a type of plumbing service, which presumably he offers. 1531749;1472563098;mircea_popescu;i suppose it's how this whole "online" thing worked for ever and ever : "corporate" creates a baited hook ; "consumer" mistakes baited hook for fish, gives his trust to google and his data to facebook. what am i, fucken retarded ?! 1531750;1472563108;asciilifeform;(why he posted this here, and immediately vanished, i do not know.) 1531751;1472563110;mircea_popescu;the odds of mistaking friend and foe to quite the degree should be evidently dismal. 1531752;1472563141;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't get it, so like, "electric car recharging" ? in the sense that i'd whitelabel it off him ? 1531753;1472563165;asciilifeform;nah, in the sense that someone, somewhere, would 'hey i need a climization of proggy, who shall i call...' 1531754;1472563219;mircea_popescu;and he calls me ? 1531755;1472563272;asciilifeform;well, spams. 1531756;1472563286;asciilifeform;'custom reactor vessels! cement poured while you wait! call (...' 1531757;1472563310;mircea_popescu;ok and then i call gabriel laddel ? 1531758;1472563317;asciilifeform;presumably. 1531759;1472563330;mircea_popescu;so how is this different from "in the sense that i'd whitelabel it off him ?" 1531760;1472563362;asciilifeform;do i understand the term correctly ? whitelabel is something one does with a turnkey (e.g., air compressor) item 1531761;1472563386;mircea_popescu;well generally, whitelabel is whenever one uses his own connections to market someone else's product as if it were his own. 1531762;1472563411;mircea_popescu;ie, what supermarkets do with those "supermarket brand" items ; or what everyone on the internet does with their "expertise" etc. 1531763;1472563423;asciilifeform;dunno if this is a very useful term re 'open sores support' business 1531764;1472563432;mircea_popescu;the famous "no pirate exposure" pirate-era scams were in fact pirate whitelabels, to allow people to pretend etc. 1531765;1472563440;asciilifeform;it isn't as if gabriel_laddel has to buy the clim from shanghai and bring it over by boat 1531766;1472563450;mircea_popescu;it's useful in that it puts in stark contrast the business-idiocy of the whole tower. 1531767;1472563462;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform presumably he has something of value acquired somehow. 1531768;1472563512;asciilifeform;by, presumably (i cannot support or undermine his claim, other than perhaps to point out that his 'business' appears to leave him homeless) studying ancient code and making sense thereof 1531769;1472563527;mircea_popescu;anyway, as a business strategy thing : throwing away 20k to see maybe a group of these "intelligent" retarded kids can get their shit together or not is one thing. oyu may do it or not, but if you do it it's because there's a definite cap on your exposure. even so - it'll be rare. 1531770;1472563541;mircea_popescu;the notion of acquiring for free unbounded exposure to some group of online retards is mindboggling. 1531771;1472563590;asciilifeform;where's the unbounded exposure ? 1531772;1472563610;mircea_popescu;whenever any sort of association is not clearly defined. such as for instance in marriage. 1531773;1472563621;asciilifeform;i meant in the software deal 1531774;1472563626;mircea_popescu;if it's "ill give you 20 btc", then that's your cap. if it's "we'll do..." then you're lost. 1531775;1472563648;asciilifeform;so, say rupture farms pays laddel to write'em a climtronic reactor control panel. 1531776;1472563650;mircea_popescu;everywhere. do you understand words ? they have meanings. you do not get to alter that, change domains, anything. everywhere means absolutely and without exception everywhere. 1531777;1472563650;asciilifeform;he writes, delivers. 1531778;1472563655;asciilifeform;deal is done..? 1531779;1472563660;mircea_popescu;THEY PAID. 1531780;1472563665;mircea_popescu;"i'll give you 20 btc" 1531781;1472563675;asciilifeform;aha? 1531782;1472563683;mircea_popescu;right. 1531783;1472563699;asciilifeform;where did he offer a 'marriage' in the 'we'll do... for all time' sense ? 1531784;1472563723;mircea_popescu;again : it's either x or non x. did he offer x ? 1531785;1472563802;mircea_popescu;i can't possibly comprehend why simple logic is so hard in practical application, but. unless he says "gimme 20 btc", what he says is "marry me". there are no possible, understand ~possible~ exceptions to this. 1531786;1472563836;asciilifeform;i assumed that if i were to call him up with a 'i need an x before next tuesday' he will say 'pay y btc' 1531787;1472563857;asciilifeform;rather than, say, 'it'll be 10btc/hr and i have nfi how long will take' 1531788;1472563858;mircea_popescu;does not matter. 1531789;1472563866;mircea_popescu;your assumptions are your worst fucking enemy. 1531790;1472563877;asciilifeform;also who the hell puts a price on a ???. 1531791;1472563886;asciilifeform;plumber does not advertise 'ANY problem fixed for 100$' 1531792;1472563904;mircea_popescu;"if you're not the customer you're the product" "oh yeah, i understand that now" "no you don't" "o look, i hadn't understood it". either you pay, or else you're getting married. these are the options. stop confusing yourself. 1531793;1472563948;asciilifeform;at any rate i have nfi what he charges. but the pitch looked like an ordinary plumbing ad. 1531794;1472563960;asciilifeform;vs 'marriage' 1531795;1472563963;mircea_popescu;the eternal male fantasy of the "free sex", "hook-up", whatever. this is how they use you to build the pyramids, you realise. 1531796;1472564018;asciilifeform;well yes, chump bait 1531797;1472564031;asciilifeform;but where is this re: subj ? 1531798;1472564044;mircea_popescu;what, you think the subject is special ? 1531799;1472564061;asciilifeform;not 'special' but - afaik - quite unconnected 1531800;1472564067;asciilifeform;where did laddel offer chump bait ? 1531801;1472564076;asciilifeform;(or, did he take another's ?) 1531802;1472564099;mircea_popescu;dude... do you bring the same arguments re thermodynamics ? "yeah, heat so and so, but this is unconnected" 1531803;1472564120;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is "unconnected" even mean, sovereign from physics laws ? 1531804;1472564144;asciilifeform;well until one properly boltzmanns and connected heat and motion rigorously, they are 'unconnected' for any useful purpose. 1531805;1472564154;asciilifeform;so connect plox 1531806;1472564170;Framedragger;OT: i don't suspect anyone's got any suggestions for a wordpress theme to use (minimalist, gonna be ~3 pages in total, no comment box) for showcasing a newly published (non-electronic) book? 1531807;1472564172;mircea_popescu;there is no "connect plox", and there is no "unconnected". they exist. that's it. 1531808;1472564203;mircea_popescu;Framedragger for a small thing like that which will stay small you're best served by spitting out html. 1531809;1472564215;mircea_popescu;wp theme is good spcifically if you want the same thing over many pages, comment box, post box etc. 1531810;1472564222;asciilifeform;what i meant was, mircea_popescu's observations about service industries and chumps are entirely, afaik, uncontroversially true, but i dun see how they connect to poor old gabriel_laddel's thing 1531811;1472564234;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform THEY HAVE UNIVERSAL DOMAIN 1531812;1472564241;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: you're probably right. problem is, site may need to be expanded later, and i hate re-doing work. but, you're probably right, in the end... 1531813;1472564244;mircea_popescu;jesus q. christ de la mancha! 1531814;1472564259;mircea_popescu;Framedragger then stop lying to yourself and draw the design spec correctly. 1531815;1472564271;Framedragger;>.< "okay" 1531816;1472564288;mircea_popescu;you lot have a lot in common with adolescent girls, you know this ? 1531817;1472564380;Framedragger;well my last gf turned out to be sorta-adolescent, so i'm using osmosis as excuse 1531818;1472564394;mircea_popescu;incidentally, you know that's how they get wet, right ? 1531819;1472564402;mircea_popescu;cunt osmosis, from blood plasma. 1531820;1472564412;Framedragger;ahh. thanks for the picture. guess you're right 1531821;1472564420;Framedragger;pretty cool 1531822;1472564438;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3199109843356887@naggum.net.html << inevitably comes to mind, re chump bait etc 1531823;1472564969;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in fairness : common lisp has managed to shackle an otherwise very intelligent, competent fellow to the position he scored so bad on his tests he got flunked. this is no small performance, seeing how universally reviled and properly bad solutions do not have the sort of problem. 1531824;1472564984;mircea_popescu;the republican experience with lisp to date is very sorry indeed. 1531825;1472564992;asciilifeform;and 1,000,001 before him. a sharp knife will do that. 1531826;1472565003;asciilifeform;sorta how 'colt led cowboys to their graves' 1531827;1472565018;mircea_popescu;a sharp knife will do that, yes. the cursed sword of japan also. 1531828;1472565064;asciilifeform;i will also point out (and i have entire, lol, www, devoted to subj) that lisp on x86 pc is a sword without a hilt. 1531829;1472565075;asciilifeform;just blade. you hold it with a towel. 1531830;1472565085;mircea_popescu;pretty good image, this. 1531831;1472565102;mircea_popescu;seems to fit experience exactly, also. 1531832;1472565198;asciilifeform;well, to date experience consists of phf, who uses the buggy cmucl for some peculiar sentimental reason; and of trinque, whose shit appears to work ~100% of the time. 1531833;1472565232;mircea_popescu;ah trinque was also on lisp huh. there is that. 1531834;1472565255;asciilifeform;and ben_vulpes also had something, but it is not firing on the battlefield atm afaik. 1531835;1472565276;asciilifeform;(he wrote a cl vtron and possibly other items) 1531836;1472565491;mircea_popescu;"the Mist plateau is famous for its thick fogs and beautiful women"... wouldn't you expect this not to be the case ? 1531837;1472565516;asciilifeform;i'm willing to bet that if phf's creation were sat down on a reasonably ~sane~ lisp system, e.g., sbcl, it would run stably. 1531838;1472565533;mircea_popescu;well maybe he publishes it and you can find out. 1531839;1472565663;asciilifeform;iirc he recently began to rewrite the whole thing. for much the same reason that i had to rewrite phuctor earlier this year. 1531840;1472565679;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to the original issue, what exactly is supposed to protect gabriel's present infatuation from being applebaum'd in the arbitrary future ? 1531841;1472565701;mircea_popescu;or what was that schmuck's name. 1531842;1472565751;mircea_popescu;(pro tip, if your idea is "but mp, tor was actually built by nsa, this thing is just built by some random poor people" you lose at life. what the fuck, the socialists observe propriety lines now ? the whole world was made by their hunchback of a god and gave to them as a gift dontchaknow.) 1531843;1472565832;asciilifeform;this is a mega-observation, and summarizes why i have 0 interest in involvement in non-tmsr 'open sores' ever again. 1531844;1472565851;asciilifeform;y'know how rms et al used to say 'publishing without gnu is same as working for microshit for free' ? 1531845;1472565854;asciilifeform;well, same idea. 1531846;1472567627;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, girl is sister of guy who i play poker with 1531847;1472567706;danielpbarron;gabriel should make his case to get listed on mpex 1531848;1472567826;asciilifeform;i'd recommend to him to first solve his house and food problems. 1531849;1472567861;asciilifeform;would you pay a man to build reactor if his toilet ~never works ? 1531850;1472568011;thestringpuller;depends on if he's a nuclear physicist pretending to be a plumber or vice versa. 1531851;1472568027;thestringpuller;nuclear engineer* 1531852;1472568052;asciilifeform;does not depend. 1531853;1472568054;asciilifeform;is invariant. 1531854;1472568090;thestringpuller;It was a joke :P 1531855;1472568094;thestringpuller;(not a good one) 1531856;1472568466;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i see it pretty much the same way. 1531857;1472568508;mircea_popescu;i have just about 0 interest in working for any of the various cans of usg soup. pre tmsr, i actually didn't work much if at all, and in retrospect i understand it's for this exact reason. 1531858;1472568567;asciilifeform;same reason, really, why slave labourer in birkenau would fuck off at the conveyor whenever he could. 1531859;1472568805;mircea_popescu;i dun think it ever took me more than a few days to pay for a month of costa rica or whatever, and this if i was particularly persuaded by the "don't eat from capitals" balabusta angle that month. 1531860;1472568856;mircea_popescu;in contrast, for the past SIX FUCKING YEARS i've been pulling 100 hour weeks like nobody's business. 1531861;1472568904;mircea_popescu;and if we count those hours at the 100k estimate, tmsr did more for increasing worldwide productivity than feminism. 1531862;1472568929;asciilifeform;'motivation from fear is a firecracker, from interest - a nuke' as the americans used to say 1531863;1472568945;mircea_popescu;aha 1531864;1472568993;mircea_popescu;what the fuck am i going to be afraid of. 1531865;1472569032;mircea_popescu;that's the other problem there. motivation of random retard - from fear, firecracker, from interest, nuke. when you go above 95 on the iq scale, what the everloving fuck are you going to put in your firecracker even. 1531866;1472569042;asciilifeform;saying originally referred to the comparatively laughable output of wage slaves, vs folk who do ~same thing out of actual interest 1531867;1472569045;mircea_popescu;there's two married exponentials at work here, and the 2nd's even more abrupt. 1531868;1472569151;asciilifeform;incidentally the traditional interpretation -- 'wage slave will exam-optimize and do the bare minimal job' is imho woefully incomplete: 1531869;1472569159;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron does sister of friend want to see buenos aires ? 1531870;1472569163;asciilifeform;the main problem with him is that he is not free to decide that the ~job per se~ is braindamaged 1531871;1472569167;asciilifeform;and to not do it at all. 1531872;1472569188;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i wouldn't trust his decision. that's the point : under 110 or so, you are well advised to not even think about making these sorts of calls. 1531873;1472569201;mircea_popescu;this of course comes with a corresponding responsibility of smart people to not be fucking retards, but hey. 1531874;1472569293;asciilifeform;wage worker, whether idiot or grandmaster, is still stuck 'only following orders.' 1531875;1472569312;mircea_popescu;wage worker grandmaster ? what's this, like engineering ? 1531876;1472569353;asciilifeform;yeah yeah on mircea_popescu's planet they dun have this, all smart folks sit in recliners and get hand-fed grapes by harembots while idiots labour 1531877;1472569375;mircea_popescu;look, it's not my fault that a) they misapplied the model and b) you bought into it. 1531878;1472569382;mircea_popescu;but this "wage working engineer" makes 0 sense. 1531879;1472569407;mircea_popescu;it only exists because of jwz training of smart kids, making them want to "cleave" brains and responsibility. 1531880;1472569554;asciilifeform;... who misapplied which model ? 1531881;1472569726;mircea_popescu;the whole capitalism / industrialism model works on the following principle : idiots (by which we mean virtually everyone) are overwhelmed by the complexity of reality, and so resort to societal heuristics. such as you know, "religion", or else "all girls" agreeing that sucking cock is gross in 9th grade and that only farmhands and mongoloids wouldn't do it in 12th grade. these heuristics are weak, and an intelligent guy can 1531882;1472569726;mircea_popescu;find a much better blueprint in circumscribed circumstances than the heuristic would provide (the circumstance has to always be limited because otherwise complexity explosion - which yields the principal problem of capitalism, ie disintergration (as the term of art)). 1531883;1472569772;mircea_popescu;now then. giving intelligent people a tool to break idiots from the social fold (ie, money) results in all sorts of minimums off the wealth-curve (very much like the schroedinger equation, this) being cut off, resulting in more money, resulting in more ships, resulting in conquering china. 1531884;1472569797;mircea_popescu;this is the whole premise of capitalism : dear retard, don;'t listen to what the priest says to do ; but listen to what the rich guy says to do. 1531885;1472569815;mircea_popescu;and hence all the "morals" debate of 1600s and 1700s. 1531886;1472569861;mircea_popescu;this model is built on some axioms. one of which is "dumb people". not smart people. the moment you turn around and try to apply it to engineers you plainly demonstrate you have absolutely no connection to the people who come up with this, but merely cargo cultist, following motions. 1531887;1472569885;asciilifeform;the setting has 0 connection to the people who came up with it also. 1531888;1472569898;asciilifeform;i.e. modern usd is not the pound sterling of 1700. 1531889;1472569907;thestringpuller;$s dma bad 1531890;1472569908;a111;2 results for "dma bad", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dma%20bad 1531891;1472569930;asciilifeform;and modern 'rich people' are, largely, dressed-up counterfeiters and their chums. 1531892;1472569945;mircea_popescu;which is why the guy gives the girl money in http://trilema.com/2014/the-romanian-language-for-other-people/ but he doesn't pay cristiana in http://trilema.com/2016/il-magnifico-cornuto/ 1531893;1472569957;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. 1531894;1472570064;asciilifeform;so why does it surprise mircea_popescu if folks won't follow a heuristic that was devised in a world which no longer exists ..? 1531895;1472570077;mircea_popescu;i dunno dude, does ancient greece still exist ? 1531896;1472570081;mircea_popescu;seems gcd worked just fine for us. 1531897;1472570100;asciilifeform;gcd still works because - fortunately - nobody cancelled, yet, the integers. 1531898;1472570112;mircea_popescu;nobody cancelled the wealth curve either, nor the ships and conquer china. 1531899;1472570117;mircea_popescu;these aren't cancellable. 1531900;1472570132;asciilifeform;they are cancellable in the same way surface deposits of copper were cancelled. 1531901;1472570140;mircea_popescu;nope. 1531902;1472570169;mircea_popescu;they are not cancellable at all ; not even in the same way plants are cancellable. 1531903;1472570224;asciilifeform;conquest in the old 'rape'n'pillage' sense may be good clean fun, but no longer economically +ev. 1531904;1472570232;mircea_popescu;conquer china wasn't that. 1531905;1472570304;asciilifeform;which, then 1531906;1472570323;asciilifeform;conquest in the 'now they'll work all day for half a bowl of rice and an opium cig' sense ? 1531907;1472570350;mircea_popescu;no, more in the sense of "now they'll either wear suits or come up with complicated arguments as to why they aren't, because either way they very deeply care". 1531908;1472570415;mircea_popescu;let's read together from http://trilema.com/2016/mochila-o-muerte/ : "many of the most beautiful Jewesses – adults and adolescents, some already naked and others in various states of undress – came out of the ghetto ~on their own volition~ and ~~~offered themselves~~~." 1531909;1472570447;mircea_popescu;history of china throughout the 1900s is exactly this : came out of ghetto, of own volition, and offered self. 1531910;1472570469;mircea_popescu;the experience is, of course, massively beneficial. moreover, it's also the only way. 1531911;1472570553;asciilifeform;i may be thick, but i do not see how this can be applied by engineer. 1531912;1472570572;mircea_popescu;well, there's also no rush. 1531913;1472570594;asciilifeform;engineer should be also a capitalist, ought to build ships for his own use instead of some jew's ? 1531914;1472570597;asciilifeform;easier said, than done 1531915;1472570628;asciilifeform;(in fact, i know of no case where it was done as pictured above. e.g., westinghouse, stopped being engineer quite certainly before becoming successful capitalist.) 1531916;1472570665;mircea_popescu;"i am an engineer" "good for you" "but i'm poor" "then you aren't an engineer ?" "no, i am, it's just... the environment i come from doesn't allow for engineers. this world is so unfair!" "so then... by coming from an environment that doesn't allow for an engineer, you...aren't one ?" "NO SEE, ENVIOUS RAGE! OTHER PEOPLE ARE IN HEAVEN AND I AM IN HELL!!" 1531917;1472570678;asciilifeform;'Немного обидно, что строят одни, А в море уходят другие.' (tm) (r) re: ship. 1531918;1472570684;mircea_popescu;tell you what, contrary to what russian speakers thought, soviet union contained no engineers, no teachers, naught else. just whores. 1531919;1472570701;mircea_popescu;some whores who knew they were whores, and some whores who wasted their life pretending they aren't whores. 1531920;1472570762;asciilifeform;dunno that industrial 'civilization' contains much else besides whores and their patrons. 1531921;1472570778;mircea_popescu;"modern democracy" shall we call it likely doesn't. 1531922;1472570861;asciilifeform;'i'm engineer' 'but you're poor, fuck off' 'i'ma doctor' 'you're poor, piss off' 'i'ma steel magnate' 'lockheed paid you in IOUs, buzz off' 'i'ma ...' 1531923;1472570894;mircea_popescu;heh. wait till you get into the "i'm an webentrepreneurdesignmarketing" like pim kim what's her face. 1531924;1472570895;asciilifeform;the 'real deals' live, largely, in imagination, now. 1531925;1472570909;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not so. etherape. 1531926;1472570924;mircea_popescu;the real deals walk the same information superhighway as everyone else. 1531927;1472570934;asciilifeform;'i'ma pirate.' 'finally, real pro' 1531928;1472570944;mircea_popescu;"oh but if i had a better car then definitely gf", sayz elliot. and i'm sure he's right hurr. 1531929;1472571020;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as ridiculous as it sounds, it's true. the world's upside down, i will not trust an "honest man" because, simply put, http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:256/to:256#256 1531930;1472571037;mircea_popescu;lawbreaker (unrepentant) at least provides personal history to back up his independence claim. 1531931;1472571136;asciilifeform;this is a consistent algo, and has history, but also obvious limitations. 1531932;1472571152;mircea_popescu;wasn't proposing it as an algo, mere eg. 1531933;1472571158;mircea_popescu;trust algos are a suspect field. 1531934;1472571165;asciilifeform;(e.g., actual pirates, had considerable problem recruiting and keeping medic. to the point that it became sop to capture one and let him go immediately when replacement is found.) 1531935;1472571193;mircea_popescu;which is pretty much how medicine entirely works now. 1531936;1472571199;asciilifeform;and when something cannot be plundered, one is stuck with what can be produced on a pirate ship. 1531937;1472571228;mircea_popescu;nah, they had ports throughout - the indian ocean for the portuguese ; the atlantic for the english. 1531938;1472571238;asciilifeform;while the fun lasted - yes. 1531939;1472571243;mircea_popescu;and honestly, if i lived in 1700 i'd have lived in pirate port 1531940;1472571250;mod6;nice 1531941;1472571251;mircea_popescu;it lasted more than london lasted, on average. 1531942;1472571259;asciilifeform;who wouldn't want to live in pirate port, lol 1531943;1472571275;mircea_popescu;many sorts of people. 1531944;1472571283;mod6;lot of trades 1531945;1472571292;asciilifeform;well for that matter i have trouble picturing a mircea_popescu circa 1700 anywhere other than on proper pirate ~ship~ 1531946;1472571305;mircea_popescu;why ? i'm not that great a fan of the sea. 1531947;1472571313;asciilifeform;hm. port, then. 1531948;1472571321;mircea_popescu;see ? :p 1531949;1472571443;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1531916 << to briefly revisit subj, i would happily buy a ticket to visit the planet where there are actual engineers, doctors, etc. 1531950;1472571443;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 15:24 mircea_popescu: "i am an engineer" "good for you" "but i'm poor" "then you aren't an engineer ?" "no, i am, it's just... the environment i come from doesn't allow for engineers. this world is so unfair!" "so then... by coming from an environment that doesn't allow for an engineer, you...aren't one ?" "NO SEE, ENVIOUS RAGE! OTHER PEOPLE ARE IN HEAVEN AND I AM IN HELL!!" 1531951;1472571447;asciilifeform;if only to visit. 1531952;1472571454;asciilifeform;and at least see what it looks like. 1531953;1472571503;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1531954;1472571515;mod6;the dr i went to see the other day had to be 350 lbs. 1531955;1472571524;mod6;was, M.D. 1531956;1472571540;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1531957;1472571551;mod6;she took this blood sample from a "spider bite" of some sort on my hip, dropped it on the floor. 1531958;1472571557;mod6;needless to say, I had to fetch it for her. 1531959;1472571570;asciilifeform;mod6: since when does doctor personally bleed anybody in usa 1531960;1472571577;asciilifeform;usually a flunkie does this 1531961;1472571582;mod6;anyway, she seemed at least smart enough to take the sample and perscibe some antibiotics. 1531962;1472571591;mod6;but hard to take such a person srsly. 1531963;1472571609;*;thestringpuller waits for BingoBoingo commentary 1531964;1472571615;mod6;asciilifeform: i dunno. she gingerly tried to bleed me. 1531965;1472571625;mod6;i was like, "don't be afraid to squeeze that thing hard." 1531966;1472571636;mod6;so, then she gave me 20% more. 1531967;1472571638;mod6;im like wtf. 1531968;1472571648;mod6;SQUEEZE THAT THING LADY 1531969;1472571721;mircea_popescu;lol mod6 been in teh marines 1531970;1472571752;mod6;lol, naw. just standard lumberjack/hockey player. 1531971;1472571756;mircea_popescu;"phlebotomist kit is this here submarine hatch. problem ?" 1531972;1472571765;mod6;i sure as hell didn't wanna have to go back there though for lack of a "good sample". 1531973;1472571862;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: when i toured a ww2 submarine museum-ship, i learned that on board there were steel plates, with matching holes, to bolt to the hatchways when doing a planned dive, in case the hatches leak. somehow i find it hard to picture modern american sailors doing any such thing. osha would have a fit. 1531974;1472571995;mircea_popescu;iirc they were pretty big on the whole compartimentalization thing. 1531975;1472572008;asciilifeform;the main hatchways. 1531976;1472572023;mircea_popescu;it's not a thoroughly unreasonable way to go about it, "what if we spring a leak ?" 1531977;1472572036;asciilifeform;(compartments, naturally, existed, as they still do on any war ship) 1531978;1472572042;mircea_popescu;"we close the door on it." "AA would sink again!" 1531979;1472572079;asciilifeform;fire is a greater fear than leak, today just as in 1700. 1531980;1472572084;mircea_popescu;yea 1531981;1472572178;asciilifeform;there were instructions for various scenarios of fire, perma-affixed to the walls, consoles, etc. in various spots around the ship. 1531982;1472572187;asciilifeform;and they all ended with 'if all other hope is lost, close compartment' 1531983;1472572200;mircea_popescu;aha 1531984;1472572253;mircea_popescu;also because oxygen has to be imported, so to speak, it's very efficient firefighting. how long can it burn ? well, while air lasts. 1531985;1472572322;asciilifeform;the flip side is that you have literally seconds to make the decision re what do do about the fire. 1531986;1472572326;asciilifeform;*to 1531987;1472572337;asciilifeform;while air lasts, aha. 1531988;1472573295;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, i'll ask her 1531989;1472574577;mircea_popescu;ah, man, that cold slow fire. 1531990;1472574726;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1531833 << there are two orthogonal items here. one is the sanity of the language, which begets the brevity Framedragger observed in my code. the second is whether the implementation of that language has been *used* widely enough to expose it to the great filter. 1531991;1472574726;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 13:53 mircea_popescu: ah trinque was also on lisp huh. there is that. 1531992;1472574757;trinque;it is apparent to me that sbcl has. 1531993;1472574809;trinque;but having said that, LAMP should not be idly tossed aside. it has seen the world. 1531994;1472575892;trinque;$up g_l 1531995;1472575892;deedbot;g_l voiced for 30 minutes. 1531996;1472575972;g_l;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1531840 < CLIM fits-in-head, and the final showstopping error (X11 related crap) has been reduced to a simple test case, and is in the process of being solved. 1531997;1472575972;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 14:01 mircea_popescu: anyway, back to the original issue, what exactly is supposed to protect gabriel's present infatuation from being applebaum'd in the arbitrary future ? 1531998;1472576015;asciilifeform;g_l: really now, fits in head, incl. the font engine crap etc. ? 1531999;1472576033;asciilifeform;or do we now arbitrarily get to cut a problem down to where all of the actual moving parts are somehow 'elsewhere' ? 1532000;1472576111;g_l;If you don't want the font engine crap, make a new font engine. This is very much doable by a single man. 1532001;1472576131;asciilifeform;not taking issue with this claim. 1532002;1472576148;asciilifeform;but 'fits in head, except for this massive part that presently fits in no head' is not same as 'fits in head' 1532003;1472576218;asciilifeform;more to the point, i would like to learn what it is that g_l did to clim, and why it had to be done 1532004;1472576221;asciilifeform;in rough terms 1532005;1472576234;asciilifeform;because i happen to know that clim was a thing, and worked, so to speak, before. 1532006;1472576280;asciilifeform;and, in so far as i can see, all of the things that set me to barf in the past - are still there. 1532007;1472576308;asciilifeform;soooo what is it that changed ? tabs are now spaces ? vice-versa ? what. 1532008;1472576352;g_l;asciilifeform: I bitched about the two showstopping errors and gas2serra stepped in and solved the first, and is in the process of solving the second. 1532009;1472576366;asciilifeform;showstopping how ? i built and ran a stock clim in 2007. 1532010;1472576396;g_l;You can trigger an error that kills the connection to the X server, forcing you to restart the whole lisp image. 1532011;1472576423;asciilifeform;trigger how ? 1532012;1472576423;g_l;The other was that text from one application would show up in another when running many applications. 1532013;1472576445;g_l;asciilifeform: https://github.com/robert-strandh/McCLIM/issues/55 1532014;1472576458;g_l;asciilifeform: the second to last post 1532015;1472576498;g_l;The "text ghosting" issue has been fixed. We (finally) have a quality test case for the final error. 1532016;1472576523;g_l;When fixed one can program entirely in CLIM. I've fixed up the debugger to eval in frame, added a 'reflective apropos' 1532017;1472576527;g_l;(the navigator) 1532018;1472576559;asciilifeform;sooo, can i, say, traverse from x,y coordinate on the screen, to the entire pyramid of objects which produced the pixel at x,y ? 1532019;1472576574;asciilifeform;without knowing anything about the output in advance 1532020;1472576598;g_l;Traverse how? 1532021;1472576610;g_l;Via an output-record (object that has been presented)? 1532022;1472576611;g_l;sure 1532023;1472576620;asciilifeform;via x,y 1532024;1472576622;asciilifeform;integers. 1532025;1472576647;g_l;yes, there is MAP-OVER-OUTPUT-RECORDS-OVERLAPPING-REGION or some such 1532026;1472576653;g_l;Though I have not used it. 1532027;1472576677;asciilifeform;so first i'd get a raw pixel, then - a thing defining a spline inside the glyph, then a glyph, then a character (in the lisp sense), then the routine which produced it.. 1532028;1472576706;g_l;Not yet. 1532029;1472576939;asciilifeform;sooooo, who recalls the 'ring signatures' thing? (e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-05#1422836 ) 1532030;1472576939;a111;Logged on 2016-03-05 19:28 fluffypony: stealth addresses provide unlinkability, ring signatures provide untraceability 1532031;1472576989;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/GtLj7 << turns out that fluffypony has been a busy, busy honeybee since leaving us. 1532032;1472577006;asciilifeform;working hard to set up usg honeypot with dear old roger ver. 1532033;1472577211;Framedragger;why the fuck is everything a honeypot to you. the technology is interesting for what it's worth. they're leveraging i2p which is interesting if not unquestionable. iirc fluffypony is the project lead list 1532034;1472577224;asciilifeform;read linked thread. 1532035;1472577225;Framedragger;in the * 1532036;1472577273;asciilifeform;and if that doesn't do the trick, consider when object is covered in a pound of flies, does it remain an open question whether it is good to eat ? 1532037;1472577290;asciilifeform;do you know of any constructive, salvageable item covered in roger vers ? 1532038;1472577300;Framedragger;linux? 1532039;1472577331;Framedragger;lol "bitcoin jesus". yea well. people flock, it's what they do 1532040;1472577346;asciilifeform;they aren't flocking to trb, or mpex, etc. 1532041;1472577348;asciilifeform;flies - to shit. 1532042;1472577351;Framedragger;not saying it's a very good signal 1532043;1472577356;davout;asciilifeform: if you see a lump of steel covered in flies, you brush the flies off and go use that steel for whatever it is you need steel for, no? 1532044;1472577398;asciilifeform;davout: i took an interest in fluffypony's thing a while back, and did not especially like what i found. 1532045;1472577451;asciilifeform;see linked thread. 1532046;1472577454;davout;yeah sure, but that's kind of different from saying 'sucks because roger ver'. ver probably used the bitcoin client before it was set in stone for trb 1532047;1472577464;davout;the linked article? 1532048;1472577483;asciilifeform;linked thread, at the head of this one. 1532049;1472577503;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1532029 << 1532050;1472577503;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 17:08 asciilifeform: sooooo, who recalls the 'ring signatures' thing? (e.g., http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-05#1422836 ) 1532051;1472577512;davout;danke schön 1532052;1472577527;Framedragger;asciilifeform: trb and mpex don't make themselves easy to be used by everyone. which YES is a great thing. but it's not because an angelic light shines upon them, repelling all evil. 1532053;1472577556;Framedragger;it's a design decision - a laudible one, sure 1532054;1472577576;Framedragger;bitcoin is used by bitcoin jesus, too 1532055;1472577589;asciilifeform;the funniest thing is that it is not! 1532056;1472577595;asciilifeform;and hasn't been since, well, 2012 or so. 1532057;1472577599;asciilifeform;prb is not bitcoin. 1532058;1472577604;Framedragger;right, right. 1532059;1472577607;Framedragger;afk for a bit 1532060;1472577673;asciilifeform;there is no magic light. 1532061;1472577698;asciilifeform;evil is repelled by determined hands, of actual people, pouring boiling oil every single motherfucking time on rogervers, gavins, AND the horses they ride in on. 1532062;1472577763;asciilifeform;AND, when practical, on the fleas on the horses. 1532063;1472577769;asciilifeform;and, when possible, on the baccilae on the fleas. etc. 1532064;1472577811;BingoBoingo; OT: i don't suspect anyone's got any suggestions for a wordpress theme to use (minimalist, gonna be ~3 pages in total, no comment box) for showcasing a newly published (non-electronic) book? << Toolbox! 1532065;1472577824;davout;i remember already reading this monero thread actually 1532066;1472577988;BingoBoingo; OT: i don't suspect anyone's got any suggestions for a wordpress theme to use (minimalist, gonna be ~3 pages in total, no comment box) for showcasing a newly published (non-electronic) book? << Toolbox. Just delete the comment boxes and other shit. Small theme so easy to fidn everything you want/need to delete. 1532067;1472578102;BingoBoingo; depends on if he's a nuclear physicist pretending to be a plumber or vice versa. << More plumbers lay hand on reactor parts than physicists 1532068;1472578112;BingoBoingo;Or engineers 1532069;1472578170;asciilifeform;davout: 'ring signatures' are not the promised 'invisibility cloak', but more of a smoke grenade. 1532070;1472578196;asciilifeform;quite analogous, in fact. obstructs friendly ('this tx is mine, i paid you, damnit') as well as enemy visibility. 1532071;1472578218;davout;the problem i have with monero is the bloat and uncapped block size, not really the crypto itself 1532072;1472578222;asciilifeform;and only for so long as the smoke hangs in the air (when there is in fact a set of keys-that-could-have-signed) 1532073;1472578230;asciilifeform;davout: the crud is incidental to the shitcoin 1532074;1472578239;asciilifeform;i was discussing whether there is any idea worth stealing in monero. 1532075;1472578250;asciilifeform;and, just as 6 mo. ago, i say that there is not. 1532076;1472578439;BingoBoingo; wage worker, whether idiot or grandmaster, is still stuck 'only following orders.' << /me suspects alf is far removed from actual reality of wage cattle herding on the ground. 1532077;1472578481;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fwiw, i've never been anything other than wage cattle 1532078;1472578495;asciilifeform;now, perhaps wage bull, rather than chicken, but still livestock. 1532079;1472578523;asciilifeform;ultimately all of the animals on a farm exist for same reason. 1532080;1472578648;asciilifeform;$up g_l 1532081;1472578648;deedbot;g_l voiced for 30 minutes. 1532082;1472578712;g_l;If anyone wants to do something easy and useful: drop into #clim and or #lisp and pester beach (robert strandh) to add bounties for implementing the remaining 38 CLIM forms and solving the last showstopping error. 1532083;1472578734;asciilifeform;g_l: why would randos 'pestering' move the thing in any direction ? 1532084;1472578748;g_l;he operates on an idiot "social consensus" algo 1532085;1472578764;asciilifeform;and any of the people here would want to get involved with this crock of shit WHY..? 1532086;1472578788;g_l;well, I got a (major) donor to pester him and suddenly all the talk of "backends" disappeared. 1532087;1472578815;asciilifeform;g_l: understand that your effort here is having quite the opposite of the intended effect. 1532088;1472578817;g_l;If you're not interested in CLIM, don't bother. I'm not here to convince you of its utility. 1532089;1472578834;asciilifeform;well i'd be potentially interested in a sane clim made by sane folk 1532090;1472578867;g_l;I don't know how you expect to get there without going through a complete CLX backend first. 1532091;1472578889;asciilifeform;well, let's say g_l (who i give benefit of doubt, he seems to have a head on his shoulders etc) writes one. 1532092;1472578912;asciilifeform;then - i will certainly try it, and say 'thank you' 1532093;1472578931;g_l;yofi 1532094;1472578940;g_l;for the rest of you lispers who have used and like CLIM, 1532095;1472578948;asciilifeform;but when g_l writes in that 'let's all bus in voters to the polls in shitsackistan' - i must confess, my ears sadly fall down. 1532096;1472578982;g_l;my bitching already took them (people working on CLIM, nyef, jackdaniel, gas2serra, etc) from "clim on the web, on the playstation, ncurses, gtk!" to "alrighty, let's finish CLX first", and they just need a little bit more of a push. Beach in particular, as he controls the funds 1532097;1472578986;asciilifeform;'Bill, deliver these good and fervant folk to the polls. And there will be a handsome price for each vote that goes Tammany's way.' -- http://trilema.com/2016/gangs-of-new-york/#selection-75.2-75.131 1532098;1472578987;BingoBoingo; but hard to take such a person srsly. << Because not a person but a hog. 1532099;1472579002;BingoBoingo;Oh, hamplanets thinks it can medicine! 1532100;1472579007;thestringpuller;^- and there it is 1532101;1472579008;thestringpuller;:D 1532102;1472579015;asciilifeform;'- You're a great one for the fighting Bill, I know, but you can't fight forever. - I can go down doing it. - And you will. - What did you say? - I said, you're turning you back on the future. - Not our future.' 1532103;1472579019;BingoBoingo;Doctor heal thyself motherfucker! 1532104;1472579089;*;g_l off to work.. 1532105;1472579092;asciilifeform;g_l: who is funding the thing ? 1532106;1472579093;asciilifeform;and why ? 1532107;1472579099;asciilifeform;eh. 1532108;1472579168;asciilifeform;$up g_l 1532109;1472579169;deedbot;g_l voiced for 30 minutes. 1532110;1472579172;g_l;https://salt.bountysource.com/teams/mcclim 1532111;1472579213;g_l;For the record: I totally underestimated the amount of support there was out there for a 100% CL GUI. 1532112;1472579424;asciilifeform;so why is that campaign run by some bozo, and not g_l ? 1532113;1472579434;asciilifeform;and what's to stop g_l from opening own 1532114;1472579445;g_l;because I'm homeless and have 3 closed bank accounts, money locked in paypal etc etc etc etc 1532115;1472579472;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: fwiw, i've never been anything other than wage cattle << Then yeah. You've been the wrong kind. 1532116;1472579482;g_l;They did it all on their own btw. I thought crowdfunding was a terrible idea. 1532117;1472579494;thestringpuller;g_l: Oh yea. If you are in southeast region I can prob fix the homeless problem temporarily. 1532118;1472579501;thestringpuller;no use in roaming the streets 1532119;1472579544;g_l;thestringpuller: being "homeless" in palo alto / atherton / sf / los altos / san jose is not the same thing as in the rest of the country. Am OK, just awful internet and other nonsense. 1532120;1472579588;BingoBoingo;>b 1 1532121;1472579769;g_l;thestringpuller: thank you though. Much appreciated. 1532122;1472579823;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://cbs12.com/news/local/vladimir-putin-arrested-at-publix << for you. 1532123;1472579842;BingoBoingo;lol 1532124;1472581463;BingoBoingo;$up umoguny 1532125;1472581464;deedbot;umoguny voiced for 30 minutes. 1532126;1472581838;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/us-third-party-candidates-ad-buy-spotted-in-the-wild/ << Qntra - US Third Party Candidate's Ad Buy Spotted In The Wild 1532127;1472582196;BingoBoingo;^ In bullish for Trump lulz 1532128;1472584616;Framedragger;BingoBoingo: ah! thanks for the suggestion. btw did you have any particular grievances with the supposed heir of Toolbox, _s? 1532129;1472584618;Framedragger;$s _s 1532130;1472584619;a111;3 results for "_s", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=_s 1532131;1472584631;BingoBoingo;I know nothing of it 1532132;1472584712;Framedragger;https://github.com/Automattic/_s/ - allegedly it's da modern super minimalist theme with minimal css that one is supposed to hack on. toolbox (marked as 'retired', which doesn't really mean that) on themes.wordpress.org links to _s 1532133;1472584815;BingoBoingo;Well, toolbox was retired because it was the final word on WP themes and they needed makework? What more is there to say on the subject? 1532134;1472584953;Framedragger;very possibly that's the reason, no disagreement here. it fucking does the job, and has no shitty m0dern gimmicks. 1532135;1472585779;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=869 1532136;1472586261;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i think i even mentioned it here, this b00k 1532137;1472586264;asciilifeform;$s nihil 1532138;1472586264;a111;3 results for "nihil", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=nihil 1532139;1472586270;BingoBoingo;Oh 1532140;1472586282;asciilifeform;or hm. 1532141;1472586285;asciilifeform;not in the l0gz... 1532142;1472587473;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1532143;1472587475;gribble;Current Blocks: 427571 | Current Difficulty: 2.2075590833037228E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 429407 | Next Difficulty In: 1836 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 18 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1532144;1472587479;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/update-on-some-forking-losers/ << Qntra - Update On Some Forking Losers 1532145;1472587480;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1532146;1472587486;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 575.0, vol: 4296.35174874 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 578.88, vol: 7062.93152 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 577.63, vol: 2813.19031732 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 575.05, vol: 4033.43006235 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 577.182232, vol: 72987.02760000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 575.97, vol: 839.15351553 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 576.68, vol: 1210.60809853 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 578.3536, vol: (1 more message) 1532147;1472587489;BingoBoingo;;;more 1532148;1472587489;gribble;448323.883 | Volume-weighted last average: 578.140197372 1532149;1472588176;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:326/to:326#326 < check out the � lol 1532150;1472588702;Framedragger;damn. www itself is utf-8 proper, but the source of the log (znc) reports that long hyphen as byte 0x96, for whatever reason. this then gets rendered as �. i think i won't dig into znc's mysteries as i'll be planning to move to a different log format anyway (everything to be stored in db for proper search, etc.) 1532151;1472588736;mircea_popescu;aite. 1532152;1472588753;Framedragger;– – – 1532153;1472588788;Framedragger;(..this one's fine) 1532154;1472588817;mircea_popescu;lemme fish out the original artefact 1532155;1472588828;Framedragger;oyeah that'd be helpful. but no hurries. 1532156;1472588856;mircea_popescu;– 1532157;1472588859;Framedragger;btcbase and log.b-a go back to the same date (26th april 2013) 1532158;1472588881;Framedragger;meaning, i won't be doing anything with the full logs (assuming that's what you mean by the artefact) today 1532159;1472588883;mircea_popescu;ha-HA! 1532160;1472588899;mircea_popescu;no, this is what i meant by artefact : – 1532161;1472588909;Framedragger;(btw btcbase's irc line IDs do start with 1, so i guess they are sorta deterministic) 1532162;1472588913;Framedragger;ah. 1532163;1472588928;mircea_popescu;–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1532164;1472588934;mircea_popescu;ahahaha. 1532165;1472588941;Framedragger;oh shit 1532166;1472588943;mircea_popescu;– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – v 1532167;1472588943;Framedragger;what 1532168;1472588970;mircea_popescu;Framedragger – – – mircea_popescu – 1532169;1472588970;Framedragger;? 1532170;1472588989;mircea_popescu;this is the weirdest shit. so all these display as dashes on my system : both yours, and mine. 1532171;1472588997;mircea_popescu;yours displays as dash in your log, mine does not. 1532172;1472589007;mircea_popescu;if i copy/paste yours into the log, it ALSO does not. 1532173;1472589020;asciilifeform;gotta love uniturds. 1532174;1472589025;mod6;woa 1532175;1472589091;Framedragger;no wait. wait wait. btcbase's log displays them as dashes. my irc client displays them as questionmarks. that original dash - i'd assumed it was a dash from btcbase's log, i now surmise. i get questionmark in irc 1532176;1472589122;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:576/to:576#576 << no, you get a dash 1532177;1472589146;Framedragger;no i copy pasted that from btcbase log, the dumb fella that i am 1532178;1472589157;mircea_popescu;and i copy/pasted it in turn. 1532179;1472589157;Framedragger;"(9:29:01 PM) mircea_popescu: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v" 1532180;1472589160;Framedragger;from irc log 1532181;1472589165;Framedragger;..fuck. 1532182;1472589173;mircea_popescu;the first is copied from my own quote, the second from your own quote. 1532183;1472589180;Framedragger;...i see. 1532184;1472589206;mircea_popescu;this is some wtf level voodoo here. i have nfi why they called it utf 1532185;1472589224;mircea_popescu;should have called it wtf. or i guess �tf 1532186;1472589236;Framedragger;does, uh, your irc client add a spurious byte just for kicks, or wtf. hm. i also know there are multiple long hyphens / shorter dashes in unicode, maybe some of them don't get recognized by these shit systems 1532187;1472589251;asciilifeform;бНОПНЯ ВХРЮК? (tm) (r) 1532188;1472589259;mircea_popescu;quite 1532189;1472589291;asciilifeform;('ВХРЮК' has to be appreciated on own level. picture if a pig could grunt in reverse gear.) 1532190;1472589299;mircea_popescu;lol 1532191;1472589299;Framedragger;yeah at least kirilica works. (though vi displays that as [23:34:11] бÐ<9d>Ð<9e>Ð<9f>Ð<9d>Я Ð<92>ХРЮÐ<9a>? (tm) (r) because why not) 1532192;1472589324;mircea_popescu;Framedragger you dunno the reference ? 1532193;1472589339;Framedragger;apparently not 1532194;1472589347;*;mircea_popescu lets alf do the honors. 1532195;1472589407;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%D0%B1%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%9F%D0%9D%D0%AF 1532196;1472589418;asciilifeform;hm, it's dead again isnnit. 1532197;1472589420;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:431/to:431#431 << this is a feature of x. 1532198;1472589439;Framedragger;(for logs, the joys that are unicode and utf-8 encoding, https://qntm.org/unicodings ) 1532199;1472589475;mircea_popescu;http://lurkmore.ru/ВХРЮК 1532200;1472589515;mircea_popescu;uh what was it 1532201;1472589532;mircea_popescu;http://lurkmore.to/%D0%91%D0%9D%D0%9E%D0%9F%D0%9D%D0%AF lol 1532202;1472589604;*;Framedragger (admits to barely be able to read .ru. can slowly articulate, and sometimes map to meanings) 1532203;1472589620;mircea_popescu;ah. well, this very similar problem the russkis had in the 90s. 1532204;1472589631;Framedragger;"ha" 1532205;1472589633;Framedragger;echo 'Вопрос' | iconv -t cp1251 | iconv -f koi8-r 1532206;1472589641;Framedragger;"koi8-r" ? 1532207;1472589667;Framedragger;aha, "issue", encoded in some grotesque way 1532208;1472589686;mircea_popescu;yeah 1532209;1472589733;Framedragger;КПРФ -> йопт HAHAHA 1532210;1472589738;Framedragger;pretty cool! 1532211;1472589760;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:450/to:450#450 << i don't think the guy personally has any voice into this whatsoever. see also http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:256/to:256#256 on this topic. basically, there's a very fat, dumb man walking around, and it tried to sit on a chair named eth which caught fire. the fat man still wants to sit, and monero is the one thing looking most like a chair available. it WILL si 1532212;1472589761;mircea_popescu;t, and rando "fluffypony" has no say in this matter. 1532213;1472589772;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do you know the joke with the menstruating she-bear and the animals in the forest ? 1532214;1472589784;asciilifeform;dun think so ? 1532215;1472589795;mircea_popescu;rabbit is very very sad, because bear is on period, and well... 1532216;1472589799;mircea_popescu;gotta use tampons, right ? 1532217;1472589810;mircea_popescu;a week later, owl is very very sad 1532218;1472589814;mircea_popescu;"wtf happened to you ?!" 1532219;1472589817;BingoBoingo;Since deedbot seems sleepy http://qntra.net/2016/08/us-third-party-candidates-ad-buy-spotted-in-the-wild/ http://qntra.net/2016/08/update-on-some-forking-losers/ 1532220;1472589823;mircea_popescu;"she thinks maxipads are the new rage" 1532221;1472589867;mircea_popescu;bloomberg was itching to say "forget bitcoin" no fucking matter what. 1532222;1472589893;mircea_popescu;and obviously, the worst thing that can happen to you is for your project to be leading the next sentence. but hey, the world is so cruel. 1532223;1472589912;trinque;BingoBoingo: it spouted them 1532224;1472589921;BingoBoingo;trinque: Did it? 1532225;1472589926;*;BingoBoingo must have missed 1532226;1472589939;trinque;20:04:39* @deedbot │ http://qntra.net/2016/08/update-on-some-forking-losers/ << Qntra - Update On Some Forking Losers 1532227;1472589989;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:462/to:462#462 << have you seen many lumps of steel covered in flies ? 1532228;1472589995;BingoBoingo;Oh, I didn't scroll up enough 1532229;1472590013;mircea_popescu;what, was it a cannonball someone shot into a warship made of solid fly wood ? 1532230;1472590185;BingoBoingo; http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:462/to:462#462 << have you seen many lumps of steel covered in flies ? << In commercial kitchen, yes! 1532231;1472590195;mircea_popescu;heh. 1532232;1472590224;mircea_popescu;anyway, "the technology" is rather uninteresting inasmuch as the project lead deliberately avoided presenting it to the republic, in spite of being invited to do so twice. 1532233;1472590232;mircea_popescu;so no, prima facie the guy knows the whole thing's dumb. 1532234;1472590323;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:471/to:471#471 << you think ? 1532235;1472590373;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: so it would seem that your irc client *may* be using Windows-1252, because 0x96 in Windows-1252 appears to be – (EN-DASH). but, i'm realllly not sure, because, encoding hell. moving on to other stuff... 1532236;1472590376;trinque;wtf next tier past "design decision" is imagined there? 1532237;1472590382;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:475/to:475#475 << amusingly he's exactly right, although he doesn't know why. bitcoin hasn't been used by roger ver since cca 2013ish because roger ver has been flat broke ever since then. so no practical need, for him. 1532238;1472590416;mircea_popescu;trinque i dunno, am exploring. 1532239;1472590468;Framedragger;yeah, well, i may be underestimating the importance of such a 'design decision', in truth. 1532240;1472590525;mircea_popescu;also, i never new before how much i loved the bot reading out the contents of log lines. 1532241;1472590530;mircea_popescu;knew* 1532242;1472590576;Framedragger;:/ 1532243;1472590586;mircea_popescu;don't stress out eh. 1532244;1472590588;Framedragger;education 1532245;1472590632;Framedragger;(yeah i need to finish off a website because i promised to a relative, foolishly, now i gather. because some dude's flying and they need it right nao!!1 and gave promise. such is life) 1532246;1472590648;Framedragger;flying in to give talk of book* 1532247;1472590708;mircea_popescu;lol. hey, you're young, but at least not homeless! could have it worse. 1532248;1472590730;Framedragger;indeed; not complaining too much 1532249;1472590765;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:491/to:491#491 << this is actually a very solid objection. the properties promised do not last, which is a very serious problem especially because it simultaneously caters to the idiocy of the webcrowd and to the strengths of the usg. 1532250;1472590774;Framedragger;(ah, i only now figured that g_l == gabriel laddel) 1532251;1472590816;mircea_popescu;let's not forget that the imbecile silk road guy actually told cops that "anyone could have sent him fake ids because there existrs silk road". the smoked out elliot rodger generation actually thinks this way. 1532252;1472590821;trinque;Framedragger: allegedly! 1532253;1472590836;trinque;could be some other homeless lispmonger 1532254;1472590876;Framedragger;such mass exile 1532255;1472590917;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:506/to:506#506 << i'm frankly curious what'll come of this. 1532256;1472590942;mircea_popescu;possibly the most precarious attempt to spin plates conceivable. 1532257;1472591025;Framedragger;(it's midnight in utc+3, so newest log is at http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today , just pointing this out, and yes things will be optimised laters) 1532258;1472591205;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:516/to:516#516 << you seriously don't see the precariousness of this ? if i tomorrow hire a stripper to go to their house and dance until they make it all be in a ruby gem in java, they'll do that, too ? 1532259;1472591721;mircea_popescu;oh look, a crowdsourcing thing. 1532260;1472591826;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:543/to:543#543 << lmao more of that same http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160830/from:645/to:645#645 eh ? fucking ITCHING, it's killing them. 1532261;1472591934;mircea_popescu;i guess it's pure happenstance there's no cbs headlines about "Hussein Bahamas the Gay Prostitute" and such. 1532262;1472591964;mircea_popescu;in more down to earth americana, https://archive.is/N4JvF - blondy kidnapped, gang-raped, murdered and fed to gators. pretty girl, too. 1532263;1472591997;asciilifeform;eh, fed to gators when already dead. 1532264;1472591998;asciilifeform;snore. 1532265;1472592163;mircea_popescu;well, sure. the more interesting aspect : pure usg fabrication. like the other two. 1532266;1472592201;asciilifeform;but neither more nor less so than any other usg prosecution. 1532267;1472592234;asciilifeform;the accusation is more fantastic than usual, sure. 1532268;1472592263;asciilifeform;but the relationship to physical facts is every bit as tenuous as in every other court process under the great inca. 1532269;1472597891;mod6;ok, so I have this offline build script ready to go. 1532270;1472597917;mod6;and I'm gonna put it out there shortly. but just got a long distance in a short a mount of time working on these makefiles today. 1532271;1472597926;mod6;so it might be moot, soon. 1532272;1472597962;mod6;i'm a bit conflicted; but it might still be some work until the makefiles are fully baked. 1532273;1472598210;mod6;oh, and with those turn of the century disks; after grinding them down with the sanding block -- they're like solid aluminum. so i cut them into tiny pieces with these: 1532274;1472598221;mod6;https://www.milwaukeetool.com/hand-tools/snips-and-scissors/48-22-4010 1532275;1472599496;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-August/000231.html 1532276;1472599542;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/BF36993206C52161E9B40D730F32C683E7B758528EDAAFD0B17C3E1B0CCE28F5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11292545407594175178676347015728407315964404798513500904475751592529893233021480868652014808334425655353317917185993496061664578037945011652939076832189037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragge 1532277;1472599542;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/0648EBDEEF3F210D6A081115BD29DC916FCC304D6839A0D142993D704EACB182 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11292545407594175178676347015728407315964404798513500904475751592529893233021480868652014808334425655353317917185993496061664578037945011652939076832189037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragge 1532278;1472599542;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2054966AF8F713AEA82E57F5ABF335459A69F7F4F5C78D872AF13A51E058FAB5 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11292545407594175178676347015728407315964404798513500904475751592529893233021480868652014808334425655353317917185993496061664578037945011652939076832189037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger 1532279;1472599542;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/58FA3607665FE6E88FEDDE7FE0C07F9E56D591CA9431E95899D57A5BA2D51EF3 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11292545407594175178676347015728407315964404798513500904475751592529893233021480868652014808334425655353317917185993496061664578037945011652939076832189037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1532280;1472599542;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D19454E9B6D21395452944451A4D50C0F7B5EABAB90D532FDF62F7A152856A66 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 11292545407594175178676347015728407315964404798513500904475751592529893233021480868652014808334425655353317917185993496061664578037945011652939076832189037 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on 1532281;1472599622;asciilifeform;much brazil. 1532282;1472599644;asciilifeform;and this is, ftr, the most blown away in 1 shot to date. 1532283;1472606774;mircea_popescu;$up ImHash 1532284;1472606775;deedbot;ImHash voiced for 30 minutes. 1532285;1472606832;mircea_popescu;so i watched that alphadog movie elliot kid was all infatuated with. 1532286;1472606841;ImHash;hi I'm from bitcoin talk 1532287;1472606856;mircea_popescu;jesus christ is it a steaming pile of shit (with bruce willis and sharon stone, incomprehensibly). but the screenplay reads like it was written by reddit. 1532288;1472606862;mircea_popescu;ImHash welcome ? 1532289;1472606990;ImHash;what's gpg key? 1532290;1472606999;mircea_popescu;$google gpg key 1532291;1472607000;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Privacy_Guard << GNU Privacy Guard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | https://www.gnupg.org/ << The GNU Privacy Guard | https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-gpg-key/ << Generating a new GPG key - User Documentation 1532292;1472607056;ImHash;lol I thought I could ask here :D 1532293;1472607784;mircea_popescu;and in somewhat other news, http://www.villa-salo.dk/calendar.shtml 1532294;1472608837;mircea_popescu;lol shinohai teh tardstalk folk are something else. "ok iam follow instruction your program". dude... buy a fucking period. 1532295;1472608854;mircea_popescu;the ^ above is running a "fund management program". got a little confused. 1532296;1472609149;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-30#1532275 << very, very neat mod6 . 1532297;1472609149;a111;Logged on 2016-08-30 23:24 mod6: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-August/000231.html 1532298;1472609161;asciilifeform;exactly the thing that was needed. 1532299;1472609332;mod6;it's about to be moot very soon i think :] 1532300;1472609347;asciilifeform;how's that 1532301;1472609362;mod6;makefiles. i just tested my changes with the deeds in place. works. 1532302;1472609386;mod6;needs some polishing, and an appropriate vpatch and such, but yeah, we're close. 1532303;1472609430;mod6;see, now, we have two different scripts; one to build while pulling items from the inet, and one for offline builds; the makefiles will combine these two capabilities. 1532304;1472609463;mod6;eitherway, works to bridge the gap until that part is complete. 1532305;1472609548;mircea_popescu;pretty cool. 1532306;1472609558;mod6;im super excited. 1532307;1472609590;asciilifeform;incidentally (and i have nfi whether this is obvious to people) the buildroot portion of rotor, the gcc build, etc. will be quite unnecessary on a box that is running a properly musltronic build built thereby already. 1532308;1472609591;trinque;deedbot is becoming a package repo of sorts. 1532309;1472609625;mircea_popescu;trinque somewhat unsurprising a major part of what we want notarized is computer code, in retospect. 1532310;1472609643;asciilifeform;it is the way it is because it was actually the only way to get a repeatable and musltronic binary built on a heathen box. 1532311;1472609660;asciilifeform;(i.e. a box where gcc was built on glibc) 1532312;1472609745;trinque;makefiles don't rebuild the buildroot step more than once, so a gentleman could emplace that just as with the deeds, after having built one 1532313;1472609745;asciilifeform;the up-side of rotorism is that you can build bitcoin for any cpu that your gcc knows about. 1532314;1472609782;asciilifeform;trinque: it is unwise to treat binaries as portable. 1532315;1472609791;trinque;nah, his own 1532316;1472609795;asciilifeform;or to memorialize them whenever there is any practical alternative. 1532317;1472609804;mircea_popescu;he did say "After the first time" 1532318;1472614156;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/643A139EF044F87F326F313092BDE22D60C79A81318BABB87AE5C142BC86B939 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; 1532319;1472614156;deedbot;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/839ABB69349BD78F784309DB89D871C3CA284C1EF0E060E1FF3A19BEB3882351 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) hey mod6 99994 test worked flawlessly for me tonight. also, my testbox seems healthy again, available for further whatevers. << hey! good deal, thanks for giving it a shot :] 1532346;1472625545;trinque;http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/homeland-eyes-special-declaration-to-take-charge-of-elections/article/2600592 << usg needs moar systemd! 1532347;1472631483;mircea_popescu;$key Robespierre_ 1532348;1472631670;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160831/from:89/to:89#89 << oh it did that ?! i had nfi lol, i just hacked urls. 1532349;1472631741;mircea_popescu;and what ~precisely~ do you mean with this "slashes are not for separating parameters" trinque ? like what, directories exist objectively ? no more trilema/year/name ? 1532350;1472631811;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes nothing to do with l2. i am a man of simple solutiona yes ; i am not a man of copy/pasting holy nonsense, no. 1532351;1472631944;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160831/from:95/to:95#95 << i love that lone red rhombus best. he so perfectly typifies the insane idiocy of "venture capital" backed "entrepreneur" culture in silly cons valley. 1532352;1472632013;mircea_popescu;" Even before the FBI identified new cyber attacks on two separate state election boards, the Department of Homeland Security began considering declaring the election a "critical infrastructure," giving it the same control over security it has over Wall Street and and the electric power grid." << consider the preposterousness embedded in here. really bitch, you have control over wallstreet ? 1532353;1472632284;mircea_popescu;trinque why does deedbot take so darn long ? 1532354;1472636753;Framedragger;ben_vulpes: regarding the latter point, i'm not sure about the anchor pointing to the last line in the range. i considered it, but if i give someone a link to a chunk of lines, makes sense for them to start reading from the top, no? however, best is probably to have small jump buttons/links to be able to jump to beginning/end of range. <- so i'll do that. 1532355;1472636899;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: ah, yeah, you're supposed to click around, otherwise it surely is too tedious! 1532356;1472637164;mircea_popescu;i like it just fine actually. 1532357;1472637184;mircea_popescu;right click on start line and if i want to make it a range i just edit a value. 1532358;1472637307;mircea_popescu;more generally Framedragger , nevermind the swamp of little shepainting bullshit, little buttons or whatever. first get the line reading bot going ; and the search. 1532359;1472637317;mircea_popescu;shedpainting* 1532360;1472637359;Framedragger;(i suppose it's better than the new web nonsense where "awesome devbro javascript" retains some info that is not part of the actual url, so you can't change shit and depend on the shitty js interface for navigating around..) 1532361;1472637373;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yep, those are priorities. mkay 1532362;1472637480;mircea_popescu;yes. the usg.web war on the url for the past decades has been nothing short of indicative. imbeciles are so butthurt about individual control, they can't fucking stand urls. gotta hide them! gotta destroy functionality! god fucking forbid the user is at some point in control of anything! 1532363;1472637511;mircea_popescu;"it'd be too confusing" 1532364;1472638608;mircea_popescu;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160831/from:95/to:95#95 << i'll leave you with the observation that of the two people i named to chair the bitcoin foundation years ago, one's been doing a lot of work and the other's been doing a lot of hurr. on the continuum between mod6 and pete_d you're ever sliding towards the end opposite to what i'd imagine you're aiming for, and at some point it'll become a matter of, "well, if he hasn't fi 1532365;1472638608;mircea_popescu;gured out what works and what doesn't in lo all these many years, he never is figuring it out." 1532366;1472640559;mircea_popescu;$up holgerkpedersen 1532367;1472640560;deedbot;holgerkpedersen voiced for 30 minutes. 1532368;1472640594;mircea_popescu;right. 1532369;1472641537;shinohai;gm mircea_popescu yes it seems there were 2 new Eulora ppl contacted me on bitcointalk overnight, but saw one made it here in logs. 1532370;1472641613;mircea_popescu;heya. the robespierre guy ? 1532371;1472641759;shinohai;There was a guy named ImHash and another using tardstalk handle `VladimirLenin` 1532372;1472641797;shinohai;The ImHash guy had the most atrocious spelling and grammar of any potential recruit I've met thus far. 1532373;1472641898;mircea_popescu;yeah, i think a lot of non-english speaking folk are reading that. 1532374;1472641899;mircea_popescu;$up mexxer 1532375;1472641899;deedbot;mexxer voiced for 30 minutes. 1532376;1472641981;shinohai;Takes all kinds. 1532377;1472641984;shinohai;I guess 1532378;1472642030;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1532379;1472642030;mexxer;Hola 1532380;1472642038;mircea_popescu;how goes mexxer 1532381;1472642125;mexxer;So following a post in bitcointalk.org and generated my GPG, How do I register it with IRC?"Sorry but I am a little new to this kind of things" 1532382;1472642170;shinohai;Windblowze or linux mexxer 1532383;1472642200;mexxer;Windblowze 1024 key 1532384;1472642314;mircea_popescu;uh. 1532385;1472642323;shinohai;ok, now just register key with deedbot by typing: $register 1532386;1472642326;shinohai;well lol 1532387;1472642334;mircea_popescu;he prolly tried to paste it in. 1532388;1472642349;shinohai;$upo mexxer 1532389;1472642354;shinohai;$up mexxer 1532390;1472642355;deedbot;mexxer voiced for 30 minutes. 1532391;1472642360;shinohai;mexxer: ok, now just register key with deedbot by typing: $register 1532392;1472642516;mircea_popescu;da fuck is he doing. 1532393;1472642524;mircea_popescu;$up VAodminnTer 1532394;1472642525;deedbot;VAodminnTer voiced for 30 minutes. 1532395;1472642541;VAodminnTer;Hi, Can I generate my PGP using this site? https://pgpkeygen.com/ 1532396;1472642547;mircea_popescu;no. 1532397;1472642562;VAodminnTer;what program can I use? 1532398;1472642576;mircea_popescu;if you're on windows, there's gpg2me 1532399;1472642591;VAodminnTer;Thanks! will do 1532400;1472642593;mircea_popescu;it's free and all. 1532401;1472642603;shinohai;Logged 07:22 +VAodminnTer Hi, Can I generate my PGP using this site? https://pgpkeygen.com/ <<< foflmao 1532402;1472642611;shinohai;*roflmao 1532403;1472642628;mircea_popescu;the advantages of this approach. we find out things about the internets. 1532404;1472642633;shinohai;sorry. please ignore my morth and continue. 1532405;1472642637;shinohai;*mirth 1532406;1472644219;mircea_popescu;$up sellbtctraderz 1532407;1472644219;deedbot;sellbtctraderz voiced for 30 minutes. 1532408;1472644221;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b46591b3-2fe5-4f08-9c60-92d8b9bd89a6/?raw=true 1532409;1472644245;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/f0bcc036-283d-4d1b-95e3-0dce4d912104/?raw=true 1532410;1472644254;deedbot;accepted: 1 1532411;1472644254;deedbot;accepted: 1 1532412;1472644271;mircea_popescu;$key shinohai 1532413;1472644274;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/958ef28a-f83e-4c32-b0cf-314b494093c2/ 1532414;1472644299;mircea_popescu;trinque hmm, turns out it's not slow - just silent if no key found. can has an "not found" thing plox ? 1532415;1472644308;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 that key is my correct one, I did switch pre-split from #b-a 1532416;1472644308;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1532417;1472645246;Framedragger;shinohai: "you will have to go into the IRC channel #eulora on Freenode - use https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/trilema" << did you mean https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/eulora ? 1532418;1472645269;shinohai;No 1532419;1472645274;shinohai;deedbot is *here* 1532420;1472645287;Framedragger;ah. well ok. i would get confused :p 1532421;1472645313;shinohai;lol 1532422;1472645329;Framedragger;prolly not worth them 0.01btc then :p 1532423;1472645339;Framedragger;"please sir 1532424;1472645339;Framedragger; i am not understand for this share" good stuff 1532425;1472645359;shinohai;I guess it is for noobs ... I just get amusement from watching all this. 1532426;1472645387;shinohai;And the inevitable "imma be rich" Filipinos that answer. 1532427;1472645465;Framedragger;purhcasing power differential mothafucka 1532428;1472645478;shinohai;hahaha 1532429;1472645553;Framedragger;i suppose 1532430;1472645567;Framedragger;whoops wrong window, sorry for spam, i am not understand 1532431;1472646545;mircea_popescu;it's a complicated problem. world is world, forum is forum. wut do ? 1532432;1472646897;shinohai;Maybe forum *is* the world heh? 1532433;1472646928;mircea_popescu;i dunno dude, a large part of what i like about #trilema is that it doesn't consist of above examples. 1532434;1472646933;asciilifeform;^ 1532435;1472646973;shinohai;lol 1532436;1472647015;mircea_popescu;it's just... kinda easy to forget just how many layers there are in "sexually unattractive" in practice. 1532437;1472647025;*;shinohai goes back and treads Trilema article on Rabbi teaching torah to the ewe. 1532438;1472647525;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/bundle-427662.txt 1532439;1472650240;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1532440;1472650242;gribble;Current Blocks: 427670 | Current Difficulty: 2.2075590833037228E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 429407 | Next Difficulty In: 1737 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1532441;1472650250;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1532442;1472650257;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 571.17, vol: 3892.35313070 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 576.101, vol: 6424.04856 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 575.4, vol: 2849.57571373 | GDAX BTCUSD last: 572.71, vol: 3938.57938954 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 575.171352, vol: 60891.86780000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 575.9, vol: 493.16155842 | Gemini BTCUSD last: 574.32, vol: 1055.18472391 | OKCoin BTCUSD last: 576.042606, vol: (1 more message) 1532443;1472650540;diana_coman;$key Robespierre_ 1532444;1472650950;BingoBoingo;;;more shinohai 1532445;1472650951;gribble;394991.236 | Volume-weighted last average: 575.85613344 1532446;1472650972;shinohai;Gotta have tht OKCoin volume 1532447;1472650989;asciilifeform;https://ico.iconomi.net << hot! nyooo! ethertronic chumpatron: 'ICONOMI provides an opportunity for investors looking for high profits, not possible in the old economy. With newly developed financial instruments, ICONOMI will drive new investors and fresh capital into decentralised economy.' 1532448;1472651015;asciilifeform;'Cutting edge security. No need to deal with complicated crypto-wallets or be afraid of losing your assets forever because you can’t find your private keys. We employ state-of-the-art security technology for you, with the storage of fiat and digital assets embedded into an Ethereum contract!' 1532449;1472651043;shinohai;`cutting-edge security` not seen in any other game of hot potato EVAH! 1532450;1472651168;asciilifeform;'To me, coding languages are aesthetic works. I am fond of protocols. My free time consists of purposeless walks and golf.' -- Tjasa Tolj. MARKETING ASSISTANT 1532451;1472651417;BingoBoingo;He calls them "and golf" 1532452;1472651474;asciilifeform;he? 1532453;1472651479;shinohai;Is his life just one purposeless walk to? Or is there a plan? 1532454;1472651486;shinohai;*too 1532455;1472651595;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Zhe? 1532456;1472651617;asciilifeform;i have nfi, but pictured item dun look like a dude 1532457;1472651670;BingoBoingo;Haven't looked, but why does it write like a cetain dude broken at conception? 1532458;1472652177;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lel, apparently ol' kako knows some of these folks, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-08-2016#1454709 1532459;1472655425;mod6;shinohai: ah, ok great. just wanted to make sure. 1532460;1472655440;shinohai;thx! ^.^ 1532461;1472656786;diana_coman;$key AllKindsOfBad 1532462;1472656789;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/d894c087-62f6-4d00-9c6b-7811430df415/ 1532463;1472657413;diana_coman;$key Robespierre_ 1532464;1472657420;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/7cf6f6e4-86b1-453c-9196-cb17700cb8f6/ 1532465;1472660785;mircea_popescu;nice. 1532466;1472662091;*;asciilifeform lelling over ancient mircea_popescu piece, where 'Putin este ceva intre obraznic si periculos, si intre noi fie vorba o tinta excelenta pentru un micut si elegant asasinat politic executat de unul dintre cele cite mai sunt, douazeci de servicii secrete romanesti.' 1532467;1472662154;mircea_popescu;aha. 1532468;1472662196;asciilifeform;and hey, usg dos reads trilema, that was the year they tried to 'colourize' moscow 1532469;1472662236;mircea_popescu;everybody reads trilema, including the local tards. i can spot them, too, i go to a cafe or w/e, there's this dude in a corner being all weird in the specific manner. 1532470;1472662236;asciilifeform;(which, one might suppose, also counter-reads trilema and it bounced right off..) 1532471;1472662255;asciilifeform;l0l! what's this look like ? 1532472;1472662280;mircea_popescu;you know, "omg i'm not looking looking" thing 1532473;1472662293;mod6; :D 1532474;1472662312;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ever chat'em up ? 1532475;1472662334;mircea_popescu;well actually maybe you don't know, wtf do i know. but anyway, there's a very peculiar thing people/kids do when the inconceivable happens ; like joe di maggio walks into dunkin donuts 1532476;1472662347;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform occasionally, when tits bolted on. 1532477;1472662398;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik typical cowman filters out 'inconceivable' stimuli. 'oh that's nuffin, that's a dude who ~looks like~ obummer' 1532478;1472662410;asciilifeform;'rifle? what rifle, that was a balloon pop' 1532479;1472662544;trinque;mircea_popescu │ you know, "omg i'm not looking looking" thing << afraid to look directly into the trilema, eh? 1532480;1472662554;trinque;and yep, gonna add some response mesages to herr deedbot 1532481;1472662567;mircea_popescu;well, especially when i take my head off, place it on the table, and feed it icecream on the shorter path 1532482;1472662580;*;asciilifeform falls down 1532483;1472662584;mircea_popescu;:D 1532484;1472662613;*;asciilifeform pictures mircea_popescu walking up to seekrit skvirrel and giving 'the stare', like felix dzerzhinsky supposedly did 1532485;1472662677;mircea_popescu;to quote, "oh no, i wouldn't do THAT. *pause* there MAY have been some instances... in THE PAST! but that's all ancient history now." 1532486;1472662831;asciilifeform;https://youtu.be/T9SeOrGni9s?t=31m00s << specifically the fictionalized zherzhinsky pictured here. 1532487;1472662850;asciilifeform;*dzerzhinsky 1532488;1472662884;mircea_popescu;zher zhinsky! 1532489;1472662948;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yup, guy's got a pretty good stare going. 1532490;1472662964;asciilifeform;legendary. 1532491;1472663259;mircea_popescu;lol this "purposeless walks and golf" bit is pretty shiny. deliberate parody ? 1532492;1472663279;asciilifeform;was my thought. but, seeing the rest - probably as real as it gets. 1532493;1472663321;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1532494;1472663351;mircea_popescu;i think ima save this though. "purposeless walks and golf". nb. 1532495;1472663995;asciilifeform;'As you might have noticed, I'm surrounded by guys, all of whom are enthusiastic about new technologies. They have managed to successfully transfer their excitement to me and have contaminated me with the same urge to discover the numerous possibilities that the crypto world has to offer.' << also great. 1532496;1472664072;mircea_popescu;such goldmine. "baby, just the tip!" applied to enthusiasms etc. 1532497;1472664082;asciilifeform;contaminated with urge ! 1532498;1472664109;mircea_popescu;to courge. to contaminate with scourge oops i mean. 1532499;1472664382;mircea_popescu;btw, since i mentioned http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160831/from:36/to:36#36 : it is directly evident why it's such a big deal for elliot kid. leaving aside all the insane preposterous nonsense worthy of a tucker max / wolf of wallstreet / suicide kings production : there's one sex scene, in which this kid (totally whitebread, goes to school and does his homework 15yo with no tattoos) is kidnapped by a bunch of derps, and then 1532500;1472664382;mircea_popescu;some models who in practice hang out with them (this almost never happens, even in california) lure/force him into a pool. it's not exactly ~against~ his wishes ; it's irrespective of them, which is the point - males, esp young, esp virgin, are very fucking shy, and i dunno that this even exists, act of male devirgination which is not out and out "rape" by the female. certainly not at a sane age for it (such as 15). 1532501;1472664382;mircea_popescu;but once is not enough : once in the pool, they blindfold him, and then the one twu wuv girl lures him over by whispering "polo" long after he's stoped saying "marco", which, again, is the point. 1532502;1472664403;mircea_popescu;elliot is right in figuring that he'd have perhaps functioned normally, or at least had a better chance at it, in this sort of context. 1532503;1472664432;mircea_popescu;and yes the world is ~so~ cruel : the better have it easier, and the crappier have it harder. because the world is not interested, to any degree, in survival of the everyone. 1532504;1472664443;mircea_popescu;it aims for the survival of the fittest and him only. 1532505;1472664455;asciilifeform;brick would also fly 'better' attached to jet booster 1532506;1472664461;asciilifeform;but who will attach it, and why..? 1532507;1472664464;mircea_popescu;which is exactly brick's point. 1532508;1472664505;mircea_popescu;it IS unfair, and it is also deeply antiequalitarian that the better kid of their year get free jet engine ; while the crummier kids get ankle weights. 1532509;1472664517;mircea_popescu;it happens to be exactly how it works, too, but hey. 1532510;1472664546;asciilifeform;where's the 'better' though ? 1532511;1472664564;mircea_popescu;in this case, amusingly enough, it's blood ties. 1532512;1472664571;asciilifeform;fortune is by definition random, neh ? 1532513;1472664572;mircea_popescu;the kid in the pool was there because of his family relations. 1532514;1472664587;mircea_popescu;fortune is by definition random when playing the powerball : you'll get half your money on average. 1532515;1472664636;mircea_popescu;fortune is deeply not random when discussing girls. joe rapes rachel and as a result rachel is tankful and joe has a new slave. moe tries to talk to sarah and is forced to waste 30 hours doing "sensitivity training" 1532516;1472664717;asciilifeform;same fortune as in powerball, only diff is that the respective tickets were bought by joe and moe's parents 1532517;1472664724;mircea_popescu;ironically, from this perspective the decision to drive to arizona to play lottery is even judicious. better odds than trying to play the pool party, at any rate. 1532518;1472664731;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is not so. 1532519;1472664757;mircea_popescu;if i believed my kids were going to be anything like me i'd even consider having some. 1532520;1472664776;asciilifeform;i did say 'same powerball' 1532521;1472664782;asciilifeform;rather than 'choose parents carefully' 1532522;1472664791;mircea_popescu;what do you mean, explicitly ? 1532523;1472664812;asciilifeform;well, joe is a hero, and moe is a zero, and this quite likely was apparent to a skilled eye when both just learned to walk, neh ? 1532524;1472664837;mircea_popescu;zeros are apparent. 1532525;1472664855;mircea_popescu;it's a field of "zero. likely zero. zero zero likely-meh. zero. zero zero zero. zero zero zero. zero zero zero. zero zero zero. zero zero zero. zero zero " 1532526;1472664882;mircea_popescu;you know, actually a lot like how google go "brain" looks. 1532527;1472664887;mircea_popescu;large field of zeros. 1532528;1472665052;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: so you have confidence in your ability to shape slavegurl into whatever form you please, then why not chitlin ? surely starting earlier has its advantages 1532529;1472665138;mircea_popescu;i have no such confidence. some girls are extremely good at shaping themselves into an extremely sharp tool in the right sort of context ; and the result is by very far much sharper than anything ever produced naturally, or through alternative means. 1532530;1472665140;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: iirc he doesn't lift random scum off the street to work on. 1532531;1472665154;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, it does not work for most women ; and i never tried nor would i be bothered to try on children. 1532532;1472665210;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: sure, but nor is fleisch und blut 'random scum off the street' 1532533;1472665216;asciilifeform;~=. 1532534;1472665218;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1532535;1472665250;mircea_popescu;i mean, i see the point to a certain degree, the street in practice DOES select, for the worst. but i think he just meant "crapshot" rather than proper, street scum. 1532536;1472665265;*;pete_dushenski sees that he's going to be defending biology now, it's so sure it's the wisest against two such opponents 1532537;1472665291;mircea_popescu;problem is biology has no intention of defending you. reversal to the mean is the controlling phenomenon there. 1532538;1472665307;asciilifeform;al 'uncle al' schwartz's father, for instance, was - iirc - a tailor, who never read a book cover to cover in his entire life. 1532539;1472665337;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu has it. 1532540;1472665364;mircea_popescu;if we are to learn anything from the history of the 2nd millennium, is that marrying performance and lineage is suicidal. so fucking costly a stupidity, in fact, as to sink monarchy, ie, the most perfect form of social organisation possible. 1532541;1472665368;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: granted, but sultan had whatever 200 pups, a couple were fit for higher life, so why not mp, sultan of tmsr ? too many castles needed to house them ? 1532542;1472665402;mircea_popescu;the model creates a very bloodthirsty litter. 1532543;1472665421;pete_dushenski;that'd be the point i imagine 1532544;1472665422;mircea_popescu;i'm not saying it is impossible. i'm just saying it's a pretty distant bridge. 1532545;1472665430;mircea_popescu;it would ? 1532546;1472665477;pete_dushenski;create tension, conflict, and competition in the brood, let winrar emerge therefrom 1532547;1472665501;pete_dushenski;have two kids ? god help the spoiled brats 1532548;1472665507;mircea_popescu;and who's gonna write the poems ? women only ? literature by females results in the collapse of the empire. 1532549;1472665511;pete_dushenski;i mean, look at me! 1532550;1472665615;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: winrar can write poems just fine. samurai seemed to at any rate 1532551;1472665694;mircea_popescu;actually matching the japanese gender split of literary production and japanese political situation over time is bound to be shockingly instructive. 1532552;1472665703;pete_dushenski;besides, what's life without a little risk, a little 'crapshot' now and again. 1532553;1472665735;pete_dushenski;maybe child is crapshot too far, but it's a matter of degrees 1532554;1472665776;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1532555;1472665798;asciilifeform;'hey come and play powerball with me, i haven't won yet but TOGETHER YES WE CAN!1111' 1532556;1472665798;*;pete_dushenski is prolly ex post rationalising, but how not. 1532557;1472665842;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: less powerball and more poker world series 1532558;1472665846;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's not exactly powerball though. 1532559;1472665868;asciilifeform;closer to the, e.g., state of maryland powerless ball, sure. 1532560;1472665884;mircea_popescu;simple criterion : you can not guarantee you will never get the number 7. you can guarantee you will not have mulatto kid. 1532561;1472665907;mircea_popescu;(amusingly, the reverse is impossible : black people ever so often end up with entirely white kid, because slavery.) 1532562;1472665978;asciilifeform;modern americans seem to have caught up with the reverse. 1532563;1472665989;mircea_popescu;howdja mean ? 1532564;1472666007;asciilifeform;with horns, how else. 1532565;1472666012;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1532566;1472666042;asciilifeform;'say hello to our new mulatto kid' horned husband: '...' 1532567;1472666048;mircea_popescu;oh lol 1532568;1472666085;mircea_popescu;not quite what i had in mind for a couple model here :p 1532569;1472666114;asciilifeform;at any rate, this is 'red herring.' nobody's insured against having kid who can't grasp recursion, or even do addition, etc. 1532570;1472666117;asciilifeform;or elliots. 1532571;1472666135;mircea_popescu;but you do have more control over the matter than over entropy source. 1532572;1472666140;mircea_popescu;so not exactly red herring. 1532573;1472666158;asciilifeform;the degree of control, so small as to rightfully count as 'homeopathic.' 1532574;1472666163;mircea_popescu;also there's a major problem with abstract criteria. i for instance don't grasp recursion. 1532575;1472666193;asciilifeform;somehow i knew that mircea_popescu could not resist pulling such rabbit out of his hat. 1532576;1472666199;mircea_popescu;tis true! 1532577;1472666210;mircea_popescu;recursion is hard, man. 1532578;1472666224;asciilifeform;lel this is the man who drew fractals by hand 1532579;1472666228;mircea_popescu;so ? 1532580;1472666232;mircea_popescu;THERE IS A LOT OF IT 1532581;1472666232;asciilifeform;(or did i dream about reading a trilema with this) 1532582;1472666287;*;asciilifeform does regularly read trilema in dreams, and wakes up and futilely searches for 'the one where he used piss as a lasing medium...' etc) 1532583;1472666295;mircea_popescu;i count self as perhaps middling student of recursion, as a soon to be 40yo. there's a lot to it, what do you want from me. 1532584;1472666346;mircea_popescu;lol asciilifeform you should prolly write those articles. 1532585;1472666350;mircea_popescu;i dream most of mine as it is. 1532586;1472666394;asciilifeform;eh it is different when you do things and then dream article about them, vs when you dream things and then dream article. 1532587;1472666416;asciilifeform;i prefer not to add cheap xerocopies of xerocopies to the world, enough of these as it is. 1532588;1472666421;mircea_popescu;the difference is in the dream! 1532589;1472666488;asciilifeform;though i did see a bizarre crackpot altcoin in dream last night 1532590;1472666510;mircea_popescu;anyway, this xerocopy argument, while at first convincing, readily recurses into a restatement of the children argument above ; but it is flawed because, as granma wittily observed, "cartile nu cer demincare" ; ie books need not be fed. 1532591;1472666543;asciilifeform;all i recall is that it had discrete (nondivisible!) coins, 1 per addr, and mined strictly by 'vanitying' the addrs into existence. 1532592;1472666568;mircea_popescu;iirc we discussed this in the logs. recall, the no-splittable coins ? 1532593;1472666573;asciilifeform;possibly? 1532594;1472666578;mircea_popescu;until the coinbase halves, you can only use 50 btc ; then 25 and 12.5 etc. 1532595;1472666611;*;pete_dushenski recalls this thread, goes to dig 1532596;1472666614;asciilifeform;ah no, not this. just 'when you discover an addr, which is not easy to do, it comes with 1 coin. which you can then send by ....' 1532597;1472666624;mircea_popescu;was part of a larger discussion cca 2015ish of the problem of unboundness in bitcoin. even as it stands currently - you can end up with 2100000000000000 discrete items to keep track of ? really ? 1532598;1472666658;*;mircea_popescu is too lazy to dig up the trilema piece holding exact figure (no, it's not this, a little lower) 1532599;1472666675;asciilifeform;eh that's sorta like 'using gold means 10^50 atoms in sea water to keep track of' 1532600;1472666696;mircea_popescu;how you figure ? 1532601;1472666711;asciilifeform;coin that is fragged beyond a certain point, is ~lost. 1532602;1472666716;mircea_popescu;why ? 1532603;1472666732;asciilifeform;for the reason stated earlier. 1532604;1472666744;mircea_popescu;consider for a second here : the year is i nthe future, the world is numerous planets, a single satoshi is worth trillions in today's money. literally, enough to buy a larger town. 1532605;1472666749;asciilifeform;'too many items, O(N)' 1532606;1472666766;mircea_popescu;most txn will be satoshi-sized then. 1532607;1472666784;mircea_popescu;and the cavallier "oh, we'll just introduce subdivisions" nonsense pushed by the prb folk utterly fails to consider the implications 1532608;1472666795;mircea_popescu;just as every other "expert" opinion they ever came up with to date. 1532609;1472666901;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2015/09/11/down-to-the-last-satoshi-now-with-bonus-poem/ << lol i even levitan'd it 1532610;1472666925;mircea_popescu;o hey. it was 2015. nice find pete_dushenski 1532611;1472667070;*;pete_dushenski doesn't want to appear ~too~ useful, lest ben_vulpes become overly attracted to this end of the continuum 1532612;1472667076;asciilifeform;lel 1532613;1472667081;mircea_popescu;lol 1532614;1472667103;asciilifeform;poor ben_vulpes , iirc he never even had time to run the rng i gave him during c3 1532615;1472667119;asciilifeform;probably busy washing shit off light bulbs. 1532616;1472667120;mircea_popescu;no, today has been the day of giving nice fellows a hard time, let him suffer. 1532617;1472667173;asciilifeform;re suffer, aha, i've been reading motherfucking microshit docs all day. 1532618;1472667180;asciilifeform;for sins in past life. 1532619;1472667211;mircea_popescu;aaand i'll bbs 1532620;1472667238;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: if only your father had died in kaunas parachuting like he was supposed to, you'd be free of such burdens. alas. 1532621;1472667257;asciilifeform;somethinglikethat 1532622;1472667582;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu colour me thick, but i still dun get why 'oh noez there'll be 2100000000000000 potentially-movable satoshis.' everybody still gets to sit down in 1MB block. so tx-ing will be eventually like what launching satellite to orbit is today - had better be worth the cost. but will still work quite the same. 1532623;1472667582;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1532624;1472667655;asciilifeform;so today there's what, 10,001 derps per minute who 'just want to' but cannot, and aren't worth even a bullet. 1532625;1472667662;asciilifeform;and tomorrow there will be 10,000,001. what of this. 1532626;1472667730;asciilifeform;the ~actual~ terminal instability in the thing is that the folks who eat the cost of disk (nodes) are not the folks who get tx fees (miners). 1532627;1472667768;asciilifeform;~this~ crack ~will~ eventually fissure. 1532628;1472667788;asciilifeform;long before any other 'too manies'. 1532629;1472667811;asciilifeform;but iirc mircea_popescu already has good piece re subj. 1532630;1472673062;deedbot;http://www.contravex.com/2016/08/31/death-to-procurement-professionals/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Death to “Procurement Professionals” 1532631;1472673117;*;pete_dushenski to shop for new bathroom vanities 1532632;1472673339;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Just shop for lumber and stone slabs. Teach the tot carpentry. 1532633;1472673717;BingoBoingo;apparently whatever derp developed >bitaps.com chose the wrong PR strategy and their block explorer et al are now instaspam'd 1532634;1472677814;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at the time part of the discussion was "making larger blocks". 1532635;1472677850;mircea_popescu;moreover, the important point is, "where are the true large edges of this item". 1532636;1472679593;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yes. 1532637;1472679625;asciilifeform;and the disk cost thing is one leg of what old mircea_popescu article called, iirc, 'responsibility collapse triangle' 1532638;1472684102;mircea_popescu;anyway, not like the problem isn't both well understood and well solved. 1532639;1472684109;mircea_popescu;we eventually migrate to sane bitcoin and that's that. 1532640;1472684194;deedbot;http://qntra.net/2016/08/once-darling-theranos-takes-a-beating-on-zika-test/ << Qntra - Once Darling Theranos Takes A Beating On Zika Test 1532641;1472684417;mircea_popescu;and in other monkey news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwy2nsFP5W1r7efkjo1_500.gif 1532642;1472685444;asciilifeform;lel what's she wearing ? 1532643;1472685447;asciilifeform;does that thing have a name ? 1532644;1472685633;mircea_popescu;yeah, it's a garter belt. 1532645;1472685675;shinohai;It's a pearl necklace asciilifeform :D 1532646;1472685693;mircea_popescu;no that's when you ejaculate on her collarbone. 1532647;1472685708;shinohai;Just give her a few minutes ... 1532648;1472687465;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2016/introducing-the-negro-mate/ << Trilema - Introducing the Negro Mate