1490190;1466863297;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yeah, but i thought he had his ~own~ eth 1490191;1466863317;mircea_popescu;heh. 1490192;1466863387;thestringpuller;don't we need to pay for nice things? 1490193;1466863390;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160624/05351534808/judge-says-fbi-can-hack-computers-without-warrant-because-computer-users-get-hacked-all-time.shtml 1490194;1466863392;thestringpuller;monetize da logz 1490195;1466863399;mircea_popescu;ahahahahaha 1490196;1466863400;mircea_popescu;epic. 1490197;1466863412;mircea_popescu;you hear that ? judge says, hacking usg computers fair game. 1490198;1466863453;asciilifeform;it was always fair game. 1490199;1466863526;mircea_popescu;lol fags in the us army ruining us army proved unfounded ? 1490200;1466863532;mircea_popescu;moar private manning, plox. 1490201;1466863584;mircea_popescu;anyway asciilifeform , the usg.desperation should be palpable, if they're scraping the barrel so close to the wood they've dredged up curtis yarvin, even. 1490202;1466863691;mircea_popescu;anyway, nice idiotarian piece, most premises are respectable, every single conclusion is tendentiously false. 1490203;1466863706;mircea_popescu;i suppose in some circles this sort of thing is an achievement. 1490204;1466863834;phf;so i still have time to fix bot before asciilifeform releases own in six months to a year, right? 1490205;1466863844;mircea_popescu;hopefully :D 1490206;1466863850;mircea_popescu;what happened anyway ? 1490207;1466863939;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-25#1490109 << i'd almost consider moving to an independent texas. 1490208;1466863939;a111;Logged on 2016-06-25 03:18 trinque: http://www.inquisitr.com/3241149/texit-texas-nationalist-movement-calls-for-secession-from-united-states-following-historic-brexit-vote/ 1490209;1466863947;mircea_popescu;was ~the only part of the us that didn't stink of ustardism. 1490210;1466865881;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2016/the-internet-of-shit/ << check out the update, btw. 1490211;1466865896;mircea_popescu;most of them got shut down within 16 hours or somesuch. 1490212;1466865922;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yeah saw 1490213;1466865927;asciilifeform;and srsly? 1490214;1466865951;asciilifeform;then again sp4mz0rz treat ips like toilet paper 1490215;1466865962;asciilifeform;nothing is ever really killed.. 1490216;1466865986;mircea_popescu;what can i tell yea. 1490217;1466866002;mircea_popescu;i suspect most of this was voluntary, actually. it's good business for them to avoid anything with claws. 1490218;1466866008;mircea_popescu;i expect trilema is on a blacklist now. 1490219;1466866018;asciilifeform;likely. 1490220;1466866026;mircea_popescu;which, honestly, is EXACTLY how things should fucking work. 1490221;1466866063;mircea_popescu;there's absolutely nothing wrong with "police brutality", just as long as the brutalized are the losers. rape is actually right and proper, just as long as the only rape victims are poor women and their children, whatever sex or age. etcetera. 1490222;1466866084;mircea_popescu;no human claws, no human rights. 1490223;1466866135;asciilifeform;sanitation is still a thing. 1490224;1466866152;mircea_popescu;need i link to the spanish discussion ? 1490225;1466866161;mircea_popescu;sanitation is not for everyone. 1490226;1466866179;asciilifeform;i was just about to. 1490227;1466866206;asciilifeform;and the reason the good count de alba y yeltes was a nut, is that it dun work this way. 1490228;1466866224;asciilifeform;without sewer, kings die as well as slaves. 1490229;1466866254;asciilifeform;some things don't compartmentalize. 1490230;1466866255;mircea_popescu;the reason the good count failed (which has little to do with his being a nut) is that briefly, economic conditions dictated to pretend the worms are "all people". that brief bubble burst, meanwhile. 1490231;1466866277;mircea_popescu;history is back on its sanity track, rather than the exceptional "tail end of industrialism before robotics" moment. 1490232;1466866287;asciilifeform;sanitation dun scale down to 'boutique economy'. 1490233;1466866297;mircea_popescu;what do you mean ? 1490234;1466866335;asciilifeform;well, say mircea_popescu's castle has sanitary fixtures, but surrounding plebeville doesn't. 1490235;1466866340;mircea_popescu;ok. 1490236;1466866354;asciilifeform;he goes out to collect fucktoys, catches his death. 1490237;1466866354;mircea_popescu;(which is exactly how things are right now) 1490238;1466866359;mircea_popescu;catches nothing. 1490239;1466866368;mircea_popescu;i collected more fucktoys than you collected post parcels, here i am. 1490240;1466866389;asciilifeform;because this isn't what we have now. 1490241;1466866405;mircea_popescu;no, because the magical moment of "tail end of industrialism before robotics" are gone. 1490242;1466866412;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i'm surprised you haven't been to a burn-like festival. 1490243;1466866413;asciilifeform;he lives in a 20th c. - style town. with sewer. 1490244;1466866430;mircea_popescu;THEN it was a certain way. but then and then only, at no point prior and - if trhere's any mercy in the heavens - at no point ulterior. 1490245;1466866439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform first off, favelas don't have sewage 1490246;1466866452;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu hangs out in favelas?! 1490247;1466866455;mircea_popescu;i was too preoccupied otherwise to take pictures of street - with channel down middle, like 1600 spain! 1490248;1466866458;mircea_popescu;do you want to see it ? 1490249;1466866469;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform of course i do! what, where the fuck do you pick up fucktoys, huh ? 1490250;1466866470;asciilifeform;yes! 1490251;1466866478;asciilifeform;it sounds fascinating 1490252;1466866481;mircea_popescu;aite next i go ima try an' keep my mind on the road. 1490253;1466866486;asciilifeform;neato. 1490254;1466866493;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller why ? 1490255;1466866552;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what do i catch ? syphilis ? not that i ever did, but it's a quintuple shot of biseptol. tuberculosis ? lmao. you can't even catch tuberculosis, there's a "must be this poor to ride" that train. what, exactly ? lice is directly visible. 1490256;1466866585;mircea_popescu;other than pancreatic cancer, that one scythed lady which cost us both jobs and mcculler, there's ~nothing. and you don't catch that. 1490257;1466866607;asciilifeform;not established to my satisfaction. 1490258;1466866622;*;asciilifeform suspects that most cancers are viral 1490259;1466866630;mircea_popescu;eh. 1490260;1466866655;mircea_popescu;even if they were, it'd be more the fault of your mom not coming from a sufficiently slutty line of whores, to give you good immunity matrix, 1490261;1466866658;mircea_popescu;than anything else. 1490262;1466866663;asciilifeform;also resistant tb is a thing. 1490263;1466866674;mircea_popescu;you, personally, today, couldn't catch tb if you tried. 1490264;1466866688;asciilifeform;i fully expect to die of it in american jail. 1490265;1466866699;mircea_popescu;it is a disease of the dungeon dweller. 1490266;1466866702;mircea_popescu;aha 1490267;1466866776;mircea_popescu;anyway, the point here is : that for as long as "upper body strength" was the bottleneck limiting human civilisation, you had male citizenship. had females been advantaged by nature there, you'd have had female citizenship. they aren't, it's a cruel joke, watch slavegirls trying to build up muscle and weep sometime. 1490268;1466866819;mircea_popescu;THEN steam power rendered actual muscle irrelevant, but control wasn't good enough to supplant people. and so there was a brief period, almost a century in length, during which "humanity" ie, the ability to finely control complex mechanisms, was the basis of humanity. 1490269;1466866839;mircea_popescu;and so all the nonsense from the various exalted diet technichians, engels and carnegey and whatnot. 1490270;1466866856;mircea_popescu;but that period ended. and with it - all the momentary crap deluding itself with permanence. 1490271;1466866880;asciilifeform;ended srsly? where is the robot that picks tomato ? 1490272;1466866882;mircea_popescu;today control is even cheaper than power. and the basis for humanity is vested in a % of a %, rather than "men" or "everyone patient enough" 1490273;1466866890;mircea_popescu;you should visit farms sometime. 1490274;1466866894;asciilifeform;i did 1490275;1466866897;asciilifeform;no robot. 1490276;1466866915;mircea_popescu;apple orchards now are constructed for robot. ie, tree isn't even recognizable tree anymore, but this lengthy thread on a stick. 1490277;1466866938;mircea_popescu;best example though : cereal crops. are you aware it is today more productive to build them in the pillar system than in the traditional plowing system ? 1490278;1466866948;asciilifeform;we dun even ~have~ computer, really. any more than newcomen had engine. 1490279;1466866956;asciilifeform;we have cheap simulacra. 1490280;1466866977;mircea_popescu;EVEN IF you lose the difference between pi r^2 and 4r^2 1490281;1466866991;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is besides the point. i did not say "computer". i said control. 1490282;1466867001;asciilifeform;we dun have it. 1490283;1466867015;mircea_popescu;it is cheaper for you to install a camera and "image recognition" than to hire a guard ; and the results ARE BETTER. 1490284;1466867024;asciilifeform;but i would like to see the pillar thing. 1490285;1466867028;mircea_popescu;even as they don't work. but guard doesn't work even worse. 1490286;1466867032;mircea_popescu;which is the story of lee sedol. 1490287;1466867036;mircea_popescu;yes, the computer doesn't work. 1490288;1466867039;mircea_popescu;neither does the korean. 1490289;1466867054;asciilifeform;i still think the story of lee sedol is a story of match fraud. 1490290;1466867062;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's basically this crane that spins. the corners aren't cultivated, but the crane tends to the crop 100% 1490291;1466867081;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cheating is not forbidden. 1490292;1466867112;asciilifeform;this type of cheat is as old as the game. but it used to come with beheading when caught. 1490293;1466867124;mircea_popescu;and if you can't be caught, it's not a cheat. 1490294;1466867138;mircea_popescu;which is the problem here - not that they cheated or not. that they can't be caught. which they can't. end of story. 1490295;1466867139;asciilifeform;this might be where we disagree. 1490296;1466867152;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform maybe we disagree on terminology. 1490297;1466867172;asciilifeform;there 'is no proof, no witnesses' until one day there are. 1490298;1466867177;mircea_popescu;bluffing - is "cheating", to the noob. however, bluffing when the opponent can't afford to call, ie, doesn't have the resources to take advantage, is simply history. 1490299;1466867184;mircea_popescu;this is how hitler ended up "the bad". 1490300;1466867189;mircea_popescu;hey, who's gonna call the bluff ? 1490301;1466867234;mircea_popescu;and so that's the point there, not whether google did or did not create the item in question. but whether robotized control of little black discs is good enough to push out the human. that - they showed to be. 1490302;1466867266;asciilifeform;and by same token lysenko 'showed' the bourgeois weissmanists-morganists.. 1490303;1466867278;asciilifeform;fuck that. 1490304;1466867282;asciilifeform;truth is a rhing 1490305;1466867288;asciilifeform;thing. 1490306;1466867301;mircea_popescu;truth is a thing in engineering. it has ~no bearing on the affairs of mankind. do you know why ? 1490307;1466867307;asciilifeform;even if idiot thinks he killed ALL the witnesses. 1490308;1466867385;mircea_popescu;well, do you ? 1490309;1466867409;asciilifeform;i don't accept the premise. 1490310;1466867414;asciilifeform;so cannot answer. 1490311;1466867424;mircea_popescu;you can't accept the premise as a theoretical construct to examine ? 1490312;1466867451;asciilifeform;it dun fit in my gullet. 'sky is made of cheese' 1490313;1466867468;mircea_popescu;how's this different from "i don't accept the premise earth is not at center of world" ? 1490314;1466867473;mircea_popescu;religious thinking wtf. 1490315;1466867543;mircea_popescu;anyway, since we got the logs back, here's why : truth is but one. 1490316;1466867555;asciilifeform;hm? 1490317;1466867620;mircea_popescu;this is strategically disastrous for any living thing. imagine, cod taking "the correct route". this means -> scania. ouch. imagine person making rsa key, taking the "correct" key. ie what, everyone takes the same primes, because they're the largest primes that fit in the notation and so "best" and so "rational choice". it's exactly a matter of the "inverse of safety from numbers" thing we discussed recently. 1490318;1466867634;mircea_popescu;in negotiation, in any human endeavour, "rational" is predictable and predictable is death. 1490319;1466867680;*;asciilifeform is aware of kindergarten game theory and is not astonished 1490320;1466867681;mircea_popescu;hence stuff like specificity of diddling. hence all sorts of things. 1490321;1466867697;mircea_popescu;well, not astonished, but what's your model for it ? 1490322;1466867701;asciilifeform;meta-rational strategy is a thing 1490323;1466867706;asciilifeform;and can call rng. 1490324;1466867717;mircea_popescu;meta-rational is no more rational than complex numbers are. 1490325;1466867753;asciilifeform;but it is pointedly not same thing as organic monkey irrational. 1490326;1466867758;mircea_popescu;of course meta-rational is a thing. but sovereign reason is a very different thing from mere "reason" as peddled by the feminine usg & friends. 1490327;1466867770;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nobody was talking about that. 1490328;1466867785;mircea_popescu;irrational has plenty of space in it for many different things. 1490329;1466867818;asciilifeform;my concept of 'truth' includes ALL of modern game theory, just as it includes arithmetic . 1490330;1466867833;mircea_popescu;dues not. godel. 1490331;1466867857;asciilifeform;godel is irrelevant to anything that ever actually happens. 1490332;1466867867;asciilifeform;sadly, unprovably so. 1490333;1466867882;mircea_popescu;ha. your notion of truth is either not complete, or not formulable. you seem to favour the later, which is why you keep ending in trouble in discussions here. 1490334;1466867908;asciilifeform;(just like cantor incidentally, is irrelevant to any arithmetic calculation re physical world) 1490335;1466867912;mircea_popescu;but hark that once your notion of truth is unformulable you lost what tu quoque claimed is the basis for science, id est, reproducibility. 1490336;1466867967;*;asciilifeform straps on heavy gas mask 1490337;1466868036;asciilifeform;srsly, the 'winner decides history' is rank nonsense, it is quite difficult to eliminate all evidence. 1490338;1466868047;mircea_popescu;a pile of evidence doth not a history make. 1490339;1466868070;mircea_popescu;link this to schwarz's evidence. what history ? 1490340;1466868105;mircea_popescu;paradigm secretion is an act of the endocrine gland that is called "brain". and it works in science, with the eternal and irrepudiable evidence of nature right in front of eyes. 1490341;1466868114;asciilifeform;dun matter for how long lysenkoists rule. they're still full of shit. 1490342;1466868127;mircea_popescu;live things are full of shit. this is what the terms mean. 1490343;1466868141;mircea_popescu;when he's dead, he'll destraighten or how that went. 1490344;1466868200;asciilifeform;interestingly, dead folk are just as dangerous to lysenkoist 'science' as live ones - where is majorana's field theory ? 1490345;1466868211;asciilifeform;buried in cement 1490346;1466868234;mircea_popescu;well, you switched terms. the living are fulla shit. 1490347;1466868244;asciilifeform;elaborate? 1490348;1466868313;mircea_popescu;we were discussing how "X is full of shit", but that X took values from a field of AGENTS, which is to say the people to whom history has meaning. and it was observed that the grave is the only cure for their shit contents. then you moved to talking about Y, but Y are no longer X, instead they are taken from a field of non-agents, historical memories. 1490349;1466868320;mircea_popescu;X and Y can't be interchanged freely. 1490350;1466868358;asciilifeform;justify the cut made where it was ? 1490351;1466868389;mircea_popescu;because the shit contents is due, as we discussed, to the imperatives of the flesh. if you're an agent and you wanna survive which means you wanna survive and are an agent, you're stuck with the shit. 1490352;1466868410;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, what majorana or minorana said or didn't say, inasmuch as it's true, has little to do with anything but that - its truth. 1490353;1466868417;asciilifeform;ah as in mr mold etc 1490354;1466868448;mircea_popescu;i guess so. plenty of "lysenkoist" dudes were as convinced of the entire shitstack as yarvin is convinced the usg will survive. 1490355;1466868459;mircea_popescu;nevertheless... gotta placate the cunt he's chained to. 1490356;1466868489;asciilifeform;having read nearly whole corpus of the works, i am not wholly convinced that any sizable number did. 1490357;1466868497;mircea_popescu;(and i don't specifically mean his wife, here. i mean everything, the demands "not getting facebook account banned" or w/e, and paying taxes, and not running red lights or pissing on cop's shoes etc. the divine cunt.) 1490358;1466868516;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform indeed. quite possibly lysenko himself made it up as he went, like trad. curt buffoon. 1490359;1466868535;mircea_popescu;ie, put on the spot, got in "the zone", sprouted some thing, audience clapped, the end. 1490360;1466868541;asciilifeform;this is imho quite likely 1490361;1466868646;asciilifeform;but yeah i see where mircea_popescu is going 1490362;1466868681;*;mircea_popescu declines any credit or responsibility for the matter. for one thing, ancient observations, for the other, not my fault they hold. 1490363;1466869456;mircea_popescu;(amusingly enough, the best source re that "ancient observations" is probably ~= patristics. the substance of the eternal soul, the nature of sin, all that good stuff. for all its trite-ification in the hands of the same sort of people that also created family-friendly shakespeare, it is a very powerful philosophical item. fact remains agency is an imposition upon the gnosis, which is why intelligent people dun wanna be polit 1490364;1466869457;mircea_popescu;icians, and also why they created the jwz fantasy.) 1490365;1466869609;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: whatever happened to the hard fork proposal you made? 1490366;1466869618;thestringpuller;i read through the threads and discussion fizzled out 1490367;1466869654;thestringpuller;is the spirit of such a proposal still on the table even if the design isn't complete? 1490368;1466869756;mircea_popescu;what do you mean "happened". 1490369;1466869764;mircea_popescu;nothing happened, it's there. 1490370;1466869923;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 builds this week completed, 2x for each distro - still running another Arch one right now 1490371;1466869923;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1490372;1466869924;mircea_popescu;(by "it" above i mean "original sin") 1490373;1466872857;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: for my own purposes / as backup, wrote myself a real shitty and simplistic log viewer thingie just now: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/ - may be useful as backup etc. 1490374;1466872881;Framedragger;http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today always points to today (UTC time) 1490375;1466872882;mircea_popescu;cool! 1490376;1466872892;mircea_popescu;always good to have things to build on just in case. 1490377;1466872939;Framedragger;i think connection to bouncer on that host (which is where the logs come from) is rather stable, so good for redundancy and whatnot 1490378;1466872947;Framedragger;*from bouncer 1490379;1466873014;asciilifeform;Framedragger: neato. 1490380;1466873114;mod6;shinohai: good work! 1490381;1466874447;deedbot;[Trilema] Brexit, Grexit, Departugal, Italeave, Czechout, Finish, Oustria, Latervia, Byegium... - http://trilema.com/2016/brexit-grexit-departugal-italeave-czechout-finish-oustria-latervia-byegium/ 1490382;1466874803;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'the things you have to eat get scarier and scarier.' << scarcer ?? 1490383;1466874835;asciilifeform;or hm 1490384;1466874894;mircea_popescu;no, scarier. 1490385;1466874906;asciilifeform;yeah i see now. 1490386;1466875414;mircea_popescu;and in other school bus news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/f714f0906016efe084a3e67f1ce39657/tumblr_npdk74m0e01u5c65zo3_500.gif & http://66.media.tumblr.com/554c052f81e26ec7ce6ffff5d609577d/tumblr_npdk74m0e01u5c65zo4_500.gif 1490387;1466875513;mircea_popescu;oh, and to play a little "guess the argentine" : "To learn English you must begin by thrusting the jaw forward, almost clenching the teeth, and practically immbilizing the lips. In this way the English produce the series of unpleasant little mews of which their language consists." 1490388;1466878438;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “You’re dressed nice” - http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/25/youre-dressed-nice/ 1490389;1466879776;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: orlov. 1490390;1466879779;asciilifeform;he said ~same thing. 1490391;1466879797;mircea_popescu;heh. he copied ortega y gasset ? 1490392;1466879887;asciilifeform;apparently 1490393;1466879892;mircea_popescu;aww. 1490394;1466879900;asciilifeform;but i suspect that pretty much all orcs learning the language had same thought 1490395;1466879916;asciilifeform;'what do these poor folks have in their mouths, to make this sound' 1490396;1466879917;mircea_popescu;can't say it ever bothered me. 1490397;1466879938;mircea_popescu;as long as there's no clicking involved, i'm linguistislutty. 1490398;1466879940;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu aint a proper orc 1490399;1466879949;mircea_popescu;how so ?! 1490400;1466879949;asciilifeform;he speaks roman 1490401;1466879956;mircea_popescu;hm 1490402;1466879966;asciilifeform;aha. 1490403;1466879976;asciilifeform;civvus romanus!111 1490404;1466879996;asciilifeform;even if the ducks did get loaded off the trucks (tm) 1490405;1466880017;mircea_popescu;heh. i also hear about five shades between each vowel to the desperation of native english speakers. "what do you mean you can distinguish between x and y!" "of course you can!" "say it" "x, y" "it's the same thing!" 1490406;1466880061;asciilifeform;ready for china then? 1490407;1466880068;mircea_popescu;meh. 1490408;1466880720;asciilifeform;in other oldz, https://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/misc/6502-mul.html 1490409;1466880845;mircea_popescu;$up Corsets 1490410;1466880845;deedbot;Corsets voiced for 30 minutes. 1490411;1466880855;Corsets;Hello? 1490412;1466880862;mircea_popescu;hi there. what brings you here ? 1490413;1466880862;Corsets;I'm here from Reddit 1490414;1466880870;mircea_popescu;o.O 1490415;1466880892;Corsets;I got a message offering compensation for a custom topless shot; I'm interested in the details 1490416;1466880916;mircea_popescu;oh you mean http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ? 1490417;1466880990;Corsets;That precisely 1490418;1466881013;mircea_popescu;cool. so post your bitcoin addy, go write ac38270d on your tits, take a pic and post it. you know, like all those other girls. 1490419;1466881076;Corsets;Two questions. 1- what's a bitcoin addy? I'm a noob, sorry. I'm assuming it's an account. 1490420;1466881084;mircea_popescu;well, you never heard of bitcoin ? 1490421;1466881109;Corsets;2- is it alright if I cover the top half of my face with something? I 1490422;1466881120;Corsets;I've heard of Bitcoin. I don't k ow much about it 1490423;1466881148;mircea_popescu;well ok, it's like this online currency that governments can't confiscate, unlike papyal. so everyone with half a brain uses it to pay for stuff. 1490424;1466881159;Corsets;Actually, pardon, I have a third question. What is this, exactly? I've never seen a webpage like this before. 1490425;1466881166;mircea_popescu;you mean what, my blog ? 1490426;1466881232;Corsets;Okay so I'd need to make some kind of bitcoins account then? Yeah, I guess I meant your blog. more precisely, I haven't seen anyone make that kind of offer/request and then just post the pics on their blog 1490427;1466881244;Corsets;And tbh I don't understand the numbers. 1490428;1466881254;mircea_popescu;yeah well, i'm weird. anyway - yes, make yourself a bitcoin wallet. 1490429;1466881273;mircea_popescu;it's a good thing to have anyway, you never know when you need it. 1490430;1466881291;Corsets;alright. 1490431;1466881295;mircea_popescu;and which numbers don't you understand ? 1490432;1466881424;Corsets;The ones we write on our tits 1490433;1466881432;mircea_popescu;ah, it's just a sort of idstring. 1490434;1466881441;mircea_popescu;* Corsets (ac38270d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.172.56.) has joined #trilema 1490435;1466881567;Corsets;The wallet's downloading. I don't have a lot of space 1490436;1466881587;Corsets;May I ask why we're writing ID strings on our chests? 1490437;1466881589;mircea_popescu;o, if you're making a desktop one it'll take a while. chain's ~120 GB these days. 1490438;1466881595;mircea_popescu;possibly better for you to make a website one. 1490439;1466881626;mircea_popescu;Corsets well it's only once per person you know. otherwise i'd be bankrupt, billionaire or no billionaire. 1490440;1466881775;Corsets;It's on my phone as an app. I just used coinspace. 1490441;1466881797;Corsets;I had to delete another one; it's downloading now, albeit slowly. 1490442;1466881801;mircea_popescu;i dunno what it is, specifically, but an app prolly fits. 1490443;1466881813;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine anyone would actually try to fit the chain on anyone's phone. 1490444;1466881983;Corsets;I take it I should make a website one soon then 1490445;1466881996;mircea_popescu;nah, the app/website ones are the same thing. 1490446;1466882011;mircea_popescu;there's also a version you can run on your own desktop or server. pro version, as it were. 1490447;1466882020;mircea_popescu;basically ~= running your own bank 1490448;1466882068;mircea_popescu;Corsets what do you do for a living anyway ? 1490449;1466882301;Corsets;I am currently selling the odd adult video or photo set and applying for retail jobs 1490450;1466882315;Corsets;Might get a campus job when school starts again 1490451;1466882326;mircea_popescu;sounds like a student huh. 1490452;1466882339;mircea_popescu;alright, so what do you study ? 1490453;1466882393;Corsets;Psychology, linguistics, anthropology. 1490454;1466882400;mircea_popescu;ha! nice. 1490455;1466882433;mircea_popescu;not much money in it though, thinking about it. 1490456;1466882447;mircea_popescu;maybe with the government, i guess. 1490457;1466882500;Corsets;I'm less interested in the money and more interested in the work 1490458;1466882511;Corsets;I might come back for other stuff later, idk. 1490459;1466882525;mircea_popescu;aha. hey, my degree is also anthropology. 1490460;1466882534;mircea_popescu;there's worse fates. 1490461;1466882616;Corsets;True true 1490462;1466882652;Corsets;Okay so 1490463;1466882654;mircea_popescu;well, philosophy/anthropology technically, but anyway. 1490464;1466882656;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's pet to asciilifeform : 'he's treating gurlz as people, just like you, yer both fools' 1490465;1466882678;mircea_popescu;$up Corsets 1490466;1466882678;deedbot;Corsets voiced for 30 minutes. 1490467;1466882698;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform she's a little troll isn't she. 1490468;1466882711;Corsets;Do I need to show my face? Or can I cover my eyes with something? 1490469;1466882740;mircea_popescu;Corsets well yes you gotta show your face, so it can't be duped later see. 1490470;1466882785;Corsets;I'm a little worried about future employers finding my face and my boobs on a blog on the Internet 1490471;1466882785;mircea_popescu;what, they retaliate for toplessness where you live ? 1490472;1466882800;mircea_popescu;hm. 1490473;1466882803;Corsets;Kinda yeah 1490474;1466882816;Corsets;There's a pretty big stigma against sex work 1490475;1466882842;mircea_popescu;if this is sex work, it then follows matchsticks are meteors. 1490476;1466882882;Corsets;I'd agree. But my views are probably not my future employers' views 1490477;1466882921;mircea_popescu;there's always that possibility yeah. 1490478;1466882949;Corsets;Where would I need to upload? Just upload to a hosting site and send it? 1490479;1466882955;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1490480;1466883034;Corsets;Okay. If I need to show my face, let me put on some makeup. 1490481;1466883040;mircea_popescu;by all means. 1490482;1466883446;mircea_popescu;$up Corsets 1490483;1466883446;deedbot;Corsets voiced for 30 minutes. 1490484;1466883455;Corsets;Sorry. Timed out I guess 1490485;1466883459;mircea_popescu;incidentally, do you have a pgp sig ? you can just register it here and self-voice 1490486;1466883493;Corsets;I don't even know what that is 1490487;1466883523;mircea_popescu;pretty good privacy, it's an asymmetric crypto scheme. allows you to keep secrets from, say, the nsa. and also to maintain a solid identity - unlike, say, usg identity papers. 1490488;1466883571;Corsets;That's certainly interesting. I don't know that I do anything illegal enough to hide from the NSA 1490489;1466883583;mircea_popescu;well, not yet at any rate. 1490490;1466883588;mircea_popescu;the definition's not exactly fixed. 1490491;1466883769;Corsets;You know, you could stretch this and say it's an art project 1490492;1466883779;mircea_popescu;but it IS an art project. 1490493;1466883799;Corsets;oh? 1490494;1466883809;Corsets;How so? 1490495;1466883816;mircea_popescu;how not ? 1490496;1466883829;Corsets;Good answer 1490497;1466883837;mircea_popescu;lol 1490498;1466883837;Corsets;Is lipstick okay? Or no lipstick 1490499;1466883847;mircea_popescu;hey, it's your hot body and you can do what you want 1490500;1466883854;mircea_popescu;skip school and kill people, whatever, it's cool... 1490501;1466884198;mircea_popescu;$up Corsets 1490502;1466884198;deedbot;Corsets voiced for 30 minutes. 1490503;1466884200;Corsets;Nah, I do that on Tuesdays 1490504;1466884212;Corsets;Sorry. Guess that took longer than I thought 1490505;1466884212;mircea_popescu;what's your internet made out of, wet noodles ? 1490506;1466884227;Corsets;Oh man, that's an insult to wet noodles 1490507;1466884235;mircea_popescu;lol 1490508;1466884254;mircea_popescu;argentina-style noodles. worst thing ever. 1490509;1466884259;Corsets;Would you mind giving me the code again? Wet noodlenet erased it 1490510;1466884269;Corsets;Really? Well now I have to try them 1490511;1466884278;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-25#1490418 1490512;1466884278;a111;Logged on 2016-06-25 18:56 mircea_popescu: cool. so post your bitcoin addy, go write ac38270d on your tits, take a pic and post it. you know, like all those other girls. 1490513;1466884524;mircea_popescu;uh. 1490514;1466884536;shinohai;>.> 1490515;1466884695;Corsets;The girl who didn't show her face, did she still get paid? 1490516;1466884719;Corsets;Also, the writing isn't quite symmetrical. Is that okay? 1490517;1466884739;mircea_popescu;it's okay, and i dun recall, but the past is not dispositive. future girl that dun show isn't getting paid. 1490518;1466884753;Corsets;Hm. Okay 1490519;1466884757;Corsets;Photo shortly 1490520;1466884759;mircea_popescu;shinohai hey patrol an' make sure you up suspect sounding chicks like above, who knows 1490521;1466884763;mircea_popescu;redditcaust or something. 1490522;1466884975;Corsets;I am confused by that last bit 1490523;1466885000;shinohai;mircea_popescu: I can't up deedbot hates me :( 1490524;1466885013;shinohai;$up adlai 1490525;1466885013;deedbot;shinohai may not $up adlai 1490526;1466885030;Corsets;I have the photo 1490527;1466885078;Corsets;Do you want me to just drop it here? 1490528;1466885095;mircea_popescu;Corsets yes, along with your address. 1490529;1466885099;mircea_popescu;shinohai oh right damn 1490530;1466885114;mircea_popescu;Corsets last bit wasn't at you, it was at him. 1490531;1466885306;mircea_popescu;Corsets (bitcoin address i mean. 1blabla something a long string like that) 1490532;1466885322;shinohai;A lo mejor algun dia, Herr Popescu 1490533;1466885558;mircea_popescu;$up Noodlenet 1490534;1466885558;deedbot;Noodlenet voiced for 30 minutes. 1490535;1466885571;mircea_popescu;$up Corsets 1490536;1466885571;deedbot;Corsets voiced for 30 minutes. 1490537;1466885572;mircea_popescu;lmap 1490538;1466885595;Corsets;Noodles must be made out of potato flour 1490539;1466885600;Corsets;1LLp9xAVrmFDSesLoLANh8EBmhPaSSfyoM 1490540;1466885603;Corsets;Address 1490541;1466885622;Corsets;http://m.imgur.com/2CedO0y 1490542;1466885624;Corsets;Pic 1490543;1466885640;Corsets;Is this picture okay? I feel like I look kinda weird in it, but it was the best one I could get 1490544;1466885650;mircea_popescu;o hey check out the pretty blondy. 1490545;1466885667;mircea_popescu;Corsets yeah, get your dime in a minute. 1490546;1466885677;Corsets;Thanks 1490547;1466885733;mircea_popescu;an' seriously look into getting a pgp key an' join the crowd. lotta cool stuff going on here, most of which entirely unrelated to your chosen profession. 1490548;1466885781;asciilifeform;wats with the hand ?! 1490549;1466885786;Corsets;I'll look into it 1490550;1466885791;Corsets;Hand? 1490551;1466885795;mircea_popescu;learning cuneiform ? 1490552;1466885800;asciilifeform;knife fighter? 1490553;1466885806;mircea_popescu;o wait, is that cutting ? 1490554;1466885818;Corsets;Blood fetish ;) 1490555;1466885907;mircea_popescu;o wait, corsets, fetish, you're also into bdsm therefore... 1490556;1466885929;Corsets;I mean, bdsm doesn't always involve blades or blood 1490557;1466885934;Corsets;Just the fun kind lol 1490558;1466885935;mircea_popescu;of course not. 1490559;1466885950;mircea_popescu;well, so come over ba, i'll buy you some bad noodles. 1490560;1466885981;Corsets;I can probably get a pic with the scars out of shot if you'd prefer 1490561;1466885985;mircea_popescu;tx d4d88240d9720fca299235f0ad112eb6955edcd25c3c03172100b1107a63ea4a << there you go. 1490562;1466886042;Corsets;What's that? 1490563;1466886054;mircea_popescu;that's the transaction identifier. you should be 10 bitcents richer 1490564;1466886123;Corsets;Thanks~ pleasure doin' business 1490565;1466886133;mircea_popescu;enjoy! 1490566;1466886162;Framedragger;Corsets: nice! :) 1490567;1466886443;shinohai;And mircea_popescu adds another to teh collection. 1490568;1466886486;mircea_popescu;whoever dies with the most collections wins. 1490569;1466887169;mircea_popescu;anyway, ima go visit the favela sluts for no reason other than taking asciilifeform 's pictures, honest, i swear. ima bbl, coupla hours ; hold any online hos down and occupied till i return! 1490570;1466888077;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> o hey check out the pretty blondy. << yah cute 1490571;1466895982;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform it's basically this crane that spins. the corners aren't cultivated, but the crane tends to the crop 100% << It's an irrigation scheme. Around here where rain is still counted upon no circles 1490572;1466896006;mircea_popescu;it started as an irigation scheme. 1490573;1466896020;mircea_popescu;the dark secret is that investment in your part of the world is a no-no 1490574;1466896027;mircea_popescu;sort-of like kirgiztan in the su. 1490575;1466897673;deedbot;[Trilema] No Se Fia - http://trilema.com/2016/no-se-fia/ 1490576;1466897715;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ^ annnnd BingoBoingo chgeck out the fupa jesus. 1490577;1466897734;BingoBoingo;Holy shit 1490578;1466897767;BingoBoingo;Anyways modern combine follows any path you plot into its gps. Once its set you just sit in chair, watch tv, and nap 1490579;1466898035;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-25#1490571 << i looked for anything at all re robo-orchard, found kuka-style rigged demo. it dun exist anywhere in practice, not in jp, nowhere. 1490580;1466898035;a111;Logged on 2016-06-25 23:06 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform it's basically this crane that spins. the corners aren't cultivated, but the crane tends to the crop 100% << It's an irrigation scheme. Around here where rain is still counted upon no circles 1490581;1466898092;mircea_popescu;what can i tell ye, google is ~useless ? 1490582;1466898163;asciilifeform;link plox ? 1490583;1466898168;mircea_popescu;to what ? 1490584;1466898181;asciilifeform;to some evidence that subj device exists. 1490585;1466898202;mircea_popescu;hm. 1490586;1466898205;asciilifeform;somebody makes, sells? 1490587;1466898237;mircea_popescu;which device specifically, the cereal round thing ? 1490588;1466898258;asciilifeform;i was asking after the apple harvester. but them also. 1490589;1466898299;mircea_popescu;it's this scheme to grow apple trees against a trellis 1490590;1466898303;mircea_popescu;it dun look like a tree at all. 1490591;1466898398;asciilifeform;i entirely believe that it is physically possible. but where is it done? and who sells the robot 1490592;1466898412;mircea_popescu;i'm not that up to speed ;/ 1490593;1466898461;asciilifeform;if anybody else is able to turn up this ufo, plz link. 1490594;1466898488;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-25#1490575 << that '16th c spanish sewer' looks like storm ditch. we have them here. 1490595;1466898488;a111;Logged on 2016-06-25 23:34 deedbot: [Trilema] No Se Fia - http://trilema.com/2016/no-se-fia/ 1490596;1466898516;asciilifeform;and the whole 'favela' looks nicer than most of baltimore. 1490597;1466898525;mircea_popescu;lol! 1490598;1466898532;mircea_popescu;the people are certainly very pleasant. 1490599;1466898618;mircea_popescu;$google rotary cultivation for cereal production 1490600;1466898619;deedbot;http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016719879390020P << Ploughing and rotary cultivation for cereal production in a long-term ... | https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/2207e/ << Bulletin #2207, Growing Organic Cereal Grains in New England ... | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/016719879390021G << Ploughing and rotary cultivation for cereal production in a long-term ... 1490601;1466898649;mircea_popescu;"rotavator" 1490602;1466898669;mircea_popescu;mmm then again that may be the usual item hm 1490603;1466898738;asciilifeform;it is the usual item 1490604;1466898759;mircea_popescu;well, i'm not a buyer of farm implements and so i have no ready way to do this. 1490605;1466898770;mircea_popescu;i guess i'll just yield teh point, though... 1490606;1466898785;asciilifeform;if this ufo turns up, plz link. 1490607;1466898792;mircea_popescu;aite 1490608;1466898793;*;asciilifeform very interested. 1490609;1466898810;mircea_popescu;why, you planning a farm ? 1490610;1466898848;mircea_popescu;anyway, the idea is/was that rather than have tractor/combine drive to land etc, you just put pillar in middle, it does everything by spinning over the ground. you lose some land on the corners, but it's compensated by the massive savings on energy. 1490611;1466898932;asciilifeform;seems like gravity would work against you? 1490612;1466898946;asciilifeform;(what keeps pillar of soil intact?) 1490613;1466898948;mircea_popescu;nah, you still have a wheelish thing 1490614;1466898955;mircea_popescu;pillar of soil ? 1490615;1466898965;asciilifeform;what am i missing 1490616;1466898981;mircea_popescu;it's just normal land, you build the pilar on it, acts as a turning point for this long arm 1490617;1466899008;asciilifeform;like beckman's lab robot? but larger..? 1490618;1466899014;mircea_popescu;something like that yeah. 1490619;1466899026;mircea_popescu;and it can irrigate, treat (including at VERY narrow intervals, like hourly) etc. 1490620;1466899049;mircea_popescu;basically does all the work you normally have to drive a tractor for, which is what, a dozen passes a year. 1490621;1466899109;mircea_popescu;you're stuck paying 10x as much in capital goods, and end up saving 80% or so in energy costs. which in most stable farmland is a great deal. 1490622;1466899150;asciilifeform;iirc robo-tractors (self-driving) are already sop in usa 1490623;1466899164;mircea_popescu;yeah but they still have to drive THERE. 1490624;1466899171;asciilifeform;tru 1490625;1466899171;mircea_popescu;and tractors are shit for fuel economy 1490626;1466899189;asciilifeform;also tru 1490627;1466905145;Framedragger;does anyone know, is this the source of deedbot, or at least the origin? https://github.com/bitrecruiter/deedBot/blob/master/deedBot.php 1490628;1466905148;Framedragger;such php :p 1490629;1466905267;Framedragger;(hm, not the current deedbot at any rate) 1490630;1466905446;Framedragger;yuuup http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-30#815498 (bot source includes link to this) 1490631;1466905446;a111;Logged on 2014-08-30 01:52 mircea_popescu: MolokoDesk http://pastebin.com/iuk6rard 1490632;1466905575;Framedragger;..well i wrote this turd http://log.mkj.lt/ in quick php too because fuck it (i'll find time to write http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-13#1481401 which for some reason i want to do) 1490633;1466905575;a111;Logged on 2016-06-13 01:00 Framedragger should write some kind of simple thingie which takes (1) keyword and (2) timestamp pairs as intervals, and produces a kind of wiki page for all given keywords. (2) can be amended later as needed. so that there'd be a page for gossipd without much effort at all 1490634;1466905621;mod6;huh. i thought it was a lisp deal 1490635;1466905711;Framedragger;some other stuff is written in lisp afaiui. but maybe deedbot rewritten in lisp since then? 1490636;1466912438;mircea_popescu;$up Etherael 1490637;1466912438;deedbot;Etherael voiced for 30 minutes. 1490638;1466912459;mircea_popescu;Framedragger that's an earlier attempt at deedbot. it didn't take. 1490639;1466912489;mircea_popescu;did by a different set. search for hmmm, 1490640;1466912496;mircea_popescu;actually, search for deedbot, go way early. 1490641;1466912602;Etherael;Hello, thanks for voice, I read your blog after the ethereum debacle, found it interesting, thought I would come here and listen for some time. 1490642;1466912625;mircea_popescu;ah alrighty. 1490643;1466912636;mircea_popescu;consider registering with deedbot also. 1490644;1466912850;Etherael;Done, thanks. 1490645;1466913564;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: k, gotcha, thanks. 1490646;1466913641;mircea_popescu;$up dum 1490647;1466913641;deedbot;dum voiced for 30 minutes. 1490648;1466913643;mircea_popescu;$up Dumnezeu 1490649;1466913643;deedbot;Dumnezeu voiced for 30 minutes. 1490650;1466913703;Framedragger;also, did the "frontendy" part of irc log block highlights - e.g., "latest tits happening": http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160625/from:327/to:490#327 - i know this is obscure-ish and not important, but eh 1490651;1466913720;Dumnezeu;pace tie 1490652;1466913742;mircea_popescu;Framedragger o hey nice. archive.is style or homebrew ? 1490653;1466913751;mircea_popescu;who're you Dumnezeu ? 1490654;1466913774;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: homebrew :p 1490655;1466913788;Framedragger;what style is archive.is style? 1490656;1466913792;mircea_popescu;well let's test if this works better than that. asciilifeform you see it correctly ? 1490657;1466913814;mircea_popescu;Framedragger guy had this js that to me looked really good, but which apparently doesn't look consistent through browsers. 1490658;1466913822;Framedragger;look it's an afternoon php hack, no js on purpose tho 1490659;1466913823;mircea_popescu;(deployed on trilema atm, can read / chec kit) 1490660;1466913831;Framedragger;aha i see 1490661;1466913832;mircea_popescu;ah so i can't arbitrarily-select ? 1490662;1466913841;mircea_popescu;yeah ok, diff ting. 1490663;1466913849;Framedragger;ahh. well, you can, but by clicking multiple times 1490664;1466913851;mircea_popescu;you can just select a chunk of trilema it'll give you an url id 1490665;1466913865;Framedragger;ah. yeah i've seen that. dang, should have thought of that 1490666;1466913868;Framedragger;that's pretty leet 1490667;1466913882;mircea_popescu;it's leet yeah but not so easy to do well. because #browsers 1490668;1466913907;Framedragger;this thing - you can select a timestamp first time, it'll reload anchored and with from: set; then when you select another timestamp, it'll add to: to the url, resulting in a range with proper permalink'y url 1490669;1466913914;Framedragger;yeah.. 1490670;1466913919;Dumnezeu; imparatul 1490671;1466913925;mircea_popescu;not a bad way to go about it where it works. 1490672;1466913994;mircea_popescu;"my thrift store lingerie budget". holy SHIT. 1490673;1466914002;Framedragger;(as in, if you start from http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today and click a couple of times you'll end up with a range. not too user-friendly, i totally forgot about a js'y no-reload option heh) 1490674;1466914674;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: i sorta like the idea of avoiding js here if only because that way backend actually gets to know what is select, and can do things about it (including being able to assign a label to that block, to be stored elsewhere (later)); those '#' anchors are not sent to server. buut arbitrary realtime selection is pretty neat, i'll check it later.. 1490675;1466914686;mircea_popescu;i like the idea of avoiding js also. 1490676;1466914688;Framedragger;what is selected* 1490677;1466914717;mircea_popescu;just, you have the advantage of implicit tokenization by line. text doesn't really have this. 1490678;1466914728;Framedragger;with irc logs it's easy as selection is rather 'discrete' (one line separate from another). in blog, it's a bunch of text, so more difficult 1490679;1466914731;mircea_popescu;though in honesty i suppose propper html should auto-tokenize by "sentence" 1490680;1466914738;mircea_popescu;except of course it is NOT actually semantic web. 1490681;1466914744;Framedragger;yeah.. :/ 1490682;1466914745;mircea_popescu;Framedragger yeh exactly. 1490683;1466914798;mircea_popescu;i have no fucking idea how the people who dreamed up the hypertext failed to realise the value and importance of referencing SPECIFIC PORTIONS specifically, 1490684;1466914801;mircea_popescu;but then again - here we are. 1490685;1466914894;mircea_popescu;i guess their teachers never went "i think therefore i am", but always quoted "meditationes de prima philosophia by that guy looking like a frog ; somewhere in there" 1490686;1466914957;mircea_popescu;"you mean in discours de la methode?" "no, and don't be vulgar." 1490687;1466915072;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: heh. yeah, fuck the web, truly. 1490688;1466915073;Framedragger;never read discourse on the method, does it take his circular "method" to the next level there? :p 1490689;1466915085;Framedragger;he does look like a frog tho 1490690;1466915101;mircea_popescu;nah, it's earlier. 1490691;1466915120;Framedragger;ah. actually i should know this; right. 1490692;1466918385;mod6;ugh 1490693;1466918484;mod6;%h 1490694;1466918485;tb0t;<%a|%add> "" "" [ante] | <%e|%edit> "" "" [ante] | <%r|%remove> | <%p|%print> | <%pp|%print_projects> | <%pc|%print_codes> 1490695;1466918555;mod6;sorry for the disruption. running fine, wanted to get the logging redirected as it should. 1490696;1466927081;*;mircea_popescu waves @tb0t 1490697;1466943962;Framedragger;@help 1490698;1466944029;Framedragger;(if there was to be one more bot around these parts, i assume having a prefix char for it be "@" would be fine - i think it should be fine.. this can be changed of course) 1490699;1466953426;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490656 << the ~log~ highlights always worked on my boxes, used no js 1490700;1466953426;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 04:03 mircea_popescu: well let's test if this works better than that. asciilifeform you see it correctly ? 1490701;1466953547;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490683 << ted nelson did !! 1490702;1466953547;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 04:19 mircea_popescu: i have no fucking idea how the people who dreamed up the hypertext failed to realise the value and importance of referencing SPECIFIC PORTIONS specifically, 1490703;1466953559;asciilifeform;$s transclusion 1490704;1466953559;a111;3 results for "transclusion", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=transclusion 1490705;1466953584;asciilifeform;it was the modern fucktards who shat on his original scheme. 1490706;1466953588;asciilifeform;html etc. 1490707;1466953941;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://pastebin.com/raw/WPAmqkW8 (copy - http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/29c0d630-bdd5-4548-b4a8-82e99762f20b ) -- pretty lulzy, re cia mole in tor, supposedly confesses - possibly qntrable 1490708;1466953941;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1490709;1466954140;shinohai;https://www.rt.com/news/347693-russia-scientology-offices-raids/ 1490710;1466954191;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2016/06/tim-draper-wotnonperson-still-loves-theranos-picked-up-an-ether-habit/ << The cover for fuelling Buterin's waterfall 1490711;1466954298;deedbot;[Qntra] Tim Draper (WOT:nonperson) Still Loves Theranos, Picked Up An Ether Habit - http://qntra.net/2016/06/tim-draper-wotnonperson-still-loves-theranos-picked-up-an-ether-habit/ 1490712;1466954335;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lel 1490713;1466954349;BingoBoingo;"official cover" 1490714;1466954769;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/29c0d630-bdd5-4548-b4a8-82e99762f20b/?raw=true << moar readable form 1490715;1466954977;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i assume source is unknown? only asking cause i'm curious, having had some relation to tor 1490716;1466955004;asciilifeform;i have nfi re original src or authenticity. 1490717;1466955011;asciilifeform;as usual. 1490718;1466955018;Framedragger;kk. 1490719;1466955080;asciilifeform;it is plausible imho. the piece of shit thrashes, cries 'discrimination against veterans', spouts 'i was only following orders' rubbish, etc 1490720;1466955140;asciilifeform;prolly a controlled burn, 'see, we found our one fly, now we're clean!11111' etc 1490721;1466955167;Framedragger;nope 1490722;1466955173;Framedragger;but really fucking rofl @ the cia guy 1490723;1466955184;Framedragger;asciilifeform: you don't know those devs, so fuck off 1490724;1466955194;Framedragger;reallly interesting and lulzy nonetheless 1490725;1466955215;asciilifeform;waiwut 1490726;1466955226;Framedragger;"prolly a controlled burn" 1490727;1466955243;asciilifeform;Framedragger hasn't been reading logz has he. 1490728;1466955263;asciilifeform;tor is a usg operation. 1490729;1466955283;Framedragger;i have, and i've had back and forth with mp on his blog long ago, that conversation he likes to quote, but there is nothing material 1490730;1466955287;asciilifeform;anyone inside who doesn't know - is a useful idiot, my condolences. 1490731;1466955320;asciilifeform;the 'nothing material' is horseshit. 1490732;1466955327;Framedragger;if you mean that > 50% of funding comes from usg and that it was initially funded by navy research lab, yes 1490733;1466955345;asciilifeform;that all the folks who relied on tor are in american prisons now, is fucking evidence enough. 1490734;1466955345;Framedragger;if you mean that it's *likely* fucked, yes 1490735;1466955358;Framedragger;nigga please, that aint true at all 1490736;1466955363;asciilifeform;the charade is over. 1490737;1466955411;asciilifeform;we also know about the cmu operation. 1490738;1466955418;asciilifeform;you can't unhappen it. 1490739;1466955425;Framedragger;sure. look, i'm not saying that anyone of import should use tor 1490740;1466955443;Framedragger;original design explicitly excluded global passive adversaries anyway 1490741;1466955482;asciilifeform;'oh it was designed to fuck you, printed right on the box' ? 1490742;1466955484;asciilifeform;mno. 1490743;1466955508;asciilifeform;i am not an alzheimers patient and remember very well. all of it. 1490744;1466955518;Framedragger;but to suggest that folk from within are in on it, as in usg agents whatnot, is bull. i know that in terms of effects there may not be much of a difference, but whenever you say "prolly controlled burn by those idiots", i want to smack you because those friends are not dumb at all. 1490745;1466955533;asciilifeform;agents xor useful idiots. 1490746;1466955541;Framedragger;sometimes, not all of the times 1490747;1466955542;asciilifeform;no others. 1490748;1466955609;asciilifeform;Framedragger: the only thing for useful idiots to do, to possibly reclaim some dignity, is to repent. publicly. 1490749;1466955633;asciilifeform;they - when tor fucked sr folks raw until their guts fell out - did no such thing. 1490750;1466955647;asciilifeform;which upgrades them to usg stoolies in my book. 1490751;1466955669;BingoBoingo;re: useful idiots, marjuana doesn't always do the paranoia thing. See: Amir Taki and other trusting fellows 1490752;1466955730;shinohai;22:31 < ioerror> Tor is compromised. <<< lulz. When wasn't it? 1490753;1466955754;Framedragger;21:17 < helix> I think it was incredibly selfish of you to join tor knowing this would utterly fuck us PR-wise 1490754;1466955754;Framedragger;yeah no shit >.< 1490755;1466955825;Framedragger;asciilifeform: you do know that tor never promised absolute anonymity etc etc, and says you have to maintain good opsec, tor is not enough etc. 1490756;1466955846;asciilifeform;this is a dodge. 1490757;1466955880;asciilifeform;the folks who used ~any~ tor, with whatever other opsec, are now rotting in auschwitzes 1490758;1466955904;Framedragger;did you ever run a god damn tor browser? you prolly didnt because usg. it has banners and warnings all over. what else can one do. they're transparent about the bugs (incl upstream firefox) etc. not saying that i'd use tor for important things now. 1490759;1466955915;Framedragger;wut? snowden used tor 1490760;1466955944;Framedragger;what the fuck does that mean, even. plenty of journalists reporting on actual shit use tor all the time 1490761;1466955980;asciilifeform;Framedragger: you will convince no one here. And are destroying own credibility. 1490762;1466955981;Framedragger;inb4 mp's "those journos are unimportant niggers" 1490763;1466955988;asciilifeform;yes they are. 1490764;1466955997;Framedragger;i don't give a fuck about "own credibility", lol. i'm here because it's stimulating. 1490765;1466956024;Framedragger;see i have friends outside this irc, too 1490766;1466956029;Framedragger;tyvm 1490767;1466956039;*;Framedragger cools off and goes for coffee 1490768;1466956114;BingoBoingo; wut? snowden used tor << Not as single thing and as soon as what he was doing became known his situation became precarious 1490769;1466956136;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490759 <<< also is in exile and US Prison awaits. 1490770;1466956136;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:45 Framedragger: wut? snowden used tor 1490771;1466956234;Framedragger;non sequitur as far as tor's use is concerned. he came out himself about him being the leaker. this breaks the anonymity. 1490772;1466956386;BingoBoingo;But problems started before coming out, or did you not see Citizen4 and pay attention to "has problems" timeline? 1490773;1466956422;Framedragger;BingoBoingo: in fairness, i'd have to recall, and you may have a point here - i am not sure. 1490774;1466956511;BingoBoingo;film requires careful reading and a bit of gas mask anytime the rat wizard Greenvald speaks 1490775;1466956661;BingoBoingo;In other news, from the department of just buy a fucking generator already: https://archive.is/uS5Gx "cordless table saw" 1490776;1466956907;shinohai;60V batteries lol 1490777;1466957568;Framedragger;>> Have you ever killed someone? 1490778;1466957569;Framedragger;> THat is an incredibly rude question to ask a vet 1490779;1466957669;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Seriously. It's jsut lots of 3.6 volt batteries 1490780;1466957826;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490698 << nah @ is no good because semantic. make it !~ an' from now on i think we'll be moving all bots to !X ie two character init sequence. 1490781;1466957827;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 12:27 Framedragger: (if there was to be one more bot around these parts, i assume having a prefix char for it be "@" would be fine - i think it should be fine.. this can be changed of course) 1490782;1466957831;mircea_popescu;space's getting crowded. 1490783;1466957895;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: k, gotcha 1490784;1466957896;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490701 << this is tru. 1490785;1466957896;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:05 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490683 << ted nelson did !! 1490786;1466958049;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490707 << ~the only value of that thing is to show fucking derps don't have a weblog. "and where's the kitchen table ?" "in our house we don't do kitchen tables." "so what do you do ?" "well if we're hungry there's that trough" "oic." 1490787;1466958049;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:12 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://pastebin.com/raw/WPAmqkW8 (copy - http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/29c0d630-bdd5-4548-b4a8-82e99762f20b ) -- pretty lulzy, re cia mole in tor, supposedly confesses - possibly qntrable 1490788;1466958352;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/shhh/ 1490789;1466958392;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1490790;1466958517;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490726 << they're tools, no question about it. 1490791;1466958517;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:33 Framedragger: "prolly a controlled burn" 1490792;1466958589;mircea_popescu;whether some are actually imbeciles and, kakobrekla-y, "really really believe" in their idiocy is not a point of interest. between the gestapo man who did it because sadist, and would have done it for free or even paid to have the job, and the gestapo man who did it for the money there's no difference on the gallows. 1490793;1466958643;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490732 << "mp saying so" is actually material. bs the derps in question publish hardly meets any conceivable definition of materiality that i can see. 1490794;1466958643;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:35 Framedragger: if you mean that > 50% of funding comes from usg and that it was initially funded by navy research lab, yes 1490795;1466958718;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490744 << it doesn't matter if the whore has accepted she's a whore in her "inner soul where she is writing her own story". she IS a whore. this is not in her hand, not anymore than she being "female" is in her hand. i decide this, not her, and she can't touch it if she stands on her head. 1490796;1466958718;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:38 Framedragger: but to suggest that folk from within are in on it, as in usg agents whatnot, is bull. i know that in terms of effects there may not be much of a difference, but whenever you say "prolly controlled burn by those idiots", i want to smack you because those friends are not dumb at all. 1490797;1466958823;mircea_popescu;i understand there's this anglosaxon tradition of "pronouncing a man's name like he himself does" come out of the bizarre happenstance that all of england decided to drop historical pronounciation and follow the airs of random whore history has forgot to mention just about the time they realised it'd be a good idea to mark down how the language works. 1490798;1466958843;mircea_popescu;and obviously this has expanded cancerously and out of all proportion in the past coupla decades to "anything". 1490799;1466958873;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, it's not a thing. she's not female because she says she's female, nor does she become male if she says she's male now, nor is her name jane because she calls herself jane. 1490800;1466959410;mircea_popescu;anywya. your definition of dumb is not useful, because being smart is no particular defense against being dumb. i can readily grant that they're smart, in the sense of trained monkey : give it a fiddle and watch in amazement. but without the fiddle it's just a monkey, and just like the horse that can count to five is a remarkable horse, not a remarkable matematician - these friends of yours are particularly bright idiots, if 1490801;1466959411;mircea_popescu;you wish, but still idiots. 1490802;1466959452;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490748 << yeah, the churches are so full of repentant whores. 1490803;1466959452;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:40 asciilifeform: Framedragger: the only thing for useful idiots to do, to possibly reclaim some dignity, is to repent. publicly. 1490804;1466959462;mircea_popescu;the only strange thing is that they never seem to be 19, and almost always 39. 1490805;1466959515;mircea_popescu;kinda destroys the value proposition of the whole thing. im sure that just as soon as the delusion dries up, and their bubble finally gets punctured, be it because we finally smash the fed presses, or for any other reason, they'll find it within themselves that the need to eat exceeds the disinclination to not repent. 1490806;1466959519;mircea_popescu;hurr durr an' what's that do. 1490807;1466959582;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490752 << well, you have the advantage of reading trilema ; the rest of the world has the advantage of "community science" and "being skeptical". so to them, very much news. 1490808;1466959582;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:42 shinohai: 22:31 < ioerror> Tor is compromised. <<< lulz. When wasn't it? 1490809;1466959646;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490758 << for one thing, i know for the fact he ran nodes (to find the holes your friends PUT IN). so no, and no, and really nao. 1490810;1466959646;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:45 Framedragger: did you ever run a god damn tor browser? you prolly didnt because usg. it has banners and warnings all over. what else can one do. they're transparent about the bugs (incl upstream firefox) etc. not saying that i'd use tor for important things now. 1490811;1466959680;mircea_popescu;and what they can do is build it correctly, rather than "build it brokenly and pretend it's correctly because that's what nsa needs of us" 1490812;1466959752;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490778 << lol. why, because the run from responsibility is so deep ? 1490813;1466959752;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 16:12 Framedragger: > THat is an incredibly rude question to ask a vet 1490814;1466959757;mircea_popescu;i've killed people. what now ? 1490815;1466959969;mircea_popescu;$up Dumnezeu 1490816;1466959970;deedbot;Dumnezeu voiced for 30 minutes. 1490817;1466960684;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1490818;1466960690;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 454.923, vol: 6471.44620425 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 447.4162224, vol: 5157.02485 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 475.02, vol: 0.5 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 461.27003, vol: 59832.75340000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 425.115, vol: 12.63806581 | Volume-weighted last average: 459.689477982 1490819;1466960734;mircea_popescu;lol dude you and your obscure pula currencies. 1490820;1466960739;mircea_popescu;i was like wtf, really ? 1490821;1466960899;BingoBoingo;seriously 1490822;1466960929;BingoBoingo;But break up island can pretend currency too 1490823;1466960950;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency rmb 1490824;1466960958;gribble;BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4107.63, vol: 59466.69610000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4107.63 1490825;1466961234;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490812 << just fyi this was me quoting the cia dude, i was lol'ing that he literally said "THat is an incredibly rude question to ask a vet" - but yeh 1490826;1466961235;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 16:49 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490778 << lol. why, because the run from responsibility is so deep ? 1490827;1466961254;Framedragger;re. other stuff, i'm not exactly on the opposite side of the fence, i suppose, so eh! 1490828;1466961750;mircea_popescu;ikr, wtf, if you're not at peace with killing wtf are you doing playing soldier for 1490829;1466961755;mircea_popescu;not like there's a draft on 1490830;1466961766;mircea_popescu;"oh, i just wanted to [get college monyz]" 1490831;1466961772;mircea_popescu;schmucks. 1490832;1466961820;Framedragger;can't even be a proper soldier. 1490833;1466961887;mircea_popescu;it's what i see here. can't be a god damned waitress, gotta do waitressing "ironically" like she's seen in clerks, because otherwise WHAT COULD HAPPEN! 1490834;1466961905;mircea_popescu;can't be a soldier, can't be a father, can't be an anything for reals, just tryin' ta bla bla bla. 1490835;1466961909;mircea_popescu;a sickening display. 1490836;1466962116;mircea_popescu;in other non-news nobody cares about, awstats (apache log processing tool) now crashes silently on trilema. because, i am certain, derpage of the nature of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-21#1486235 1490837;1466962117;a111;Logged on 2016-06-21 15:22 mircea_popescu: and in other lulz : wordpress interface dies if one tries to publish a 10mb text article with "unknown error". apparently this has never happened before. 1490838;1466962141;mircea_popescu;"we have all these plastic knives and cardboard shoes. don't walk in them. best civilisation." 1490839;1466962436;Framedragger;o, ahahahha. 1490840;1466962444;Framedragger;ridiculous :D 1490841;1466962708;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1490842;1466962710;gribble;Current Blocks: 418090 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 1237 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 3 hours, 18 minutes, and 56 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1490843;1466963952;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490809 << aha, it is in the logz 1490844;1466963952;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 16:47 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490758 << for one thing, i know for the fact he ran nodes (to find the holes your friends PUT IN). so no, and no, and really nao. 1490845;1466964044;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490811 << it is not clear that there is such a thing as 'correct tor' that is still recognizably similar (i.e. real-time) 1490846;1466964044;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 16:48 mircea_popescu: and what they can do is build it correctly, rather than "build it brokenly and pretend it's correctly because that's what nsa needs of us" 1490847;1466964078;asciilifeform;nor is the centralized 'directory' nonsense anything but pure usgtronics 1490848;1466964101;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's also not clear there's such a thing as "perpetuum mobile" that is still recognizable. this is no license to sell "state of the art perpetuum mobili" 1490849;1466964110;asciilifeform;aha 1490850;1466964126;asciilifeform;i was reacting to 'build it correctly' 1490851;1466964152;mircea_popescu;would you prefer "build correctly the it" ? which is how a sane language would say it, but english gotta homogenize everything. 1490852;1466964154;asciilifeform;you ~can~ build ~something else~ correctly. 1490853;1466964227;mircea_popescu;anyway, as to the punctual objection, yes very much directory should be dht. 1490854;1466964230;deedbot;[Qntra] IRS Scraps PIN System Amid Continued "Hacks" - http://qntra.net/2016/06/irs-scraps-pin-system-amid-continued-hacks/ 1490855;1466964231;BingoBoingo;^ related 1490856;1466964239;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wot. 1490857;1466964243;mircea_popescu;right. 1490858;1466964255;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490833 << it is part of the 'escape' fantasy. 1490859;1466964255;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 17:24 mircea_popescu: it's what i see here. can't be a god damned waitress, gotta do waitressing "ironically" like she's seen in clerks, because otherwise WHAT COULD HAPPEN! 1490860;1466964261;asciilifeform;as described by tlp 1490861;1466964273;shinohai;Moar in tor lulz >>> https://twitter.com/hackerfantastic/status/747109994055766016 1490862;1466964280;mircea_popescu;myeah. hopelessness would really help a lot of people. 1490863;1466964294;asciilifeform;'perhaps NEXT YEAR!111 i can stop gassing jews and my real life will start' 1490864;1466964549;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490800 << they Just Want To!11 (tm) (r) 1490865;1466964549;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 16:43 mircea_popescu: anywya. your definition of dumb is not useful, because being smart is no particular defense against being dumb. i can readily grant that they're smart, in the sense of trained monkey : give it a fiddle and watch in amazement. but without the fiddle it's just a monkey, and just like the horse that can count to five is a remarkable horse, not a remarkable matematician - these friends of yours are particularly 1490866;1466964605;asciilifeform;see also huxley's 'improved means towards deteriorated ends' 1490867;1466964610;mircea_popescu;who could have predicted just how powerful an analytical tool that random encounter on a blog's comment page would turn out to be. 1490868;1466964617;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform haha EXACTLY. 1490869;1466964638;mircea_popescu;this, i propose, is what ALWAYS happens when ANY consideration is given to purpose rather than remaining entirely grounded in cause. 1490870;1466964657;mircea_popescu;errors travel back down and grind down not your results, but ~your capacity for having any results~. 1490871;1466964702;asciilifeform;it is standard transform from beast of the forest to best of the field. 1490872;1466965227;mircea_popescu;seen in systems engineering with disastrous results. 1490873;1466965247;mircea_popescu;"why is this line of code here ?" "because we want to..." "bitch, nobody cares, WHY is it here!" 1490874;1466965252;asciilifeform;*beast of the field 1490875;1466965261;mircea_popescu;your goals don't fucking enter into it. quo warranto! 1490876;1466967441;deedbot;[Trilema] How I convinced some jailbirds I'm more demented than they could ever hope to be. - http://trilema.com/2016/how-i-convinced-some-jailbirds-im-more-demented-than-they-could-ever-hope-to-be/ 1490877;1466972221;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-25#1490596 << that may be, but the point was the sewage ditch in the middle of the [obviously pedestrian by default] thoroughway, typical for the medieval town. 1490878;1466972221;a111;Logged on 2016-06-25 23:48 asciilifeform: and the whole 'favela' looks nicer than most of baltimore. 1490879;1466973092;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/0aba33567459e7e3ed7b0970f991a9a6/tumblr_nq576pVTiw1t3kg4lo1_1280.jpg 1490880;1466976485;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: moar lulz: http://freedomoutpost.com/sandy-hook-lead-investigator-maj-william-podgorski-dies-suddenly 1490881;1466978569;shinohai;http://archive.is/UpMYP <<< it's a konspiracy!!!! 1490882;1466985151;mircea_popescu;heh 1490883;1466985409;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform these people with the ads. there's two google shits AND a popup overlay wtf already. 1490884;1466985592;mircea_popescu;;;later tell King_Rex please fix your connection. 1490885;1466985592;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1490886;1466985598;mircea_popescu;;;later tell pabl0 please fix your connection. 1490887;1466985598;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1490888;1466985691;mircea_popescu;da fuck 1490889;1466985814;asciilifeform;wat 1490890;1466985819;mircea_popescu;i have nfi wtf this is. 1490891;1466985823;asciilifeform;fleanode. 1490892;1466985850;mircea_popescu;so apparently whenever i set flags on a luser, it devoices everyone. 1490893;1466985926;asciilifeform;weird. 1490894;1466986014;shinohai;>.> 1490895;1466986039;mircea_popescu;apparently you're supposed to say /mode #trilema +b *!*pablo___@ rather than /msg chanserv FLAGS #trilema *!*pablo___@ +b 1490896;1466986072;mircea_popescu;anyway, this squarely counts as a maintenance item that cost more than not bothering i guess. 1490897;1466988157;mats;mircea_popescu: what can i do to bring the courts-circus project to a close? 1490898;1466988207;mats;thing's still in limbo, i just remembered 1490899;1466988222;phf;ask not what tmsr can do for you 1490900;1466988384;mircea_popescu;no he has a point, lemme see what was with it. 1490901;1466988418;mats;also, anyone remember pj? 1490902;1466988426;phf;i'm just making noise 1490903;1466988453;mats;three years now and nobody has filled her shoes as far as i know 1490904;1466988457;mircea_popescu;ah i remember, you had a solid list but then it turned out there's a bunch of ther judges. 1490905;1466988464;phf;i remember first seeing that speech on a pirated encarta copy i bought in moscow metro pirate shop 1490906;1466988468;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-114841 1490907;1466988490;mircea_popescu;which pj ? 1490908;1466988513;mats;'pamela johnson', groklaw person 1490909;1466988551;mircea_popescu;mats the major problem is how the fuck does one get an ~actual~ list of all these schmucks. 1490910;1466988592;mats;http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-114900 is my response to hanbot's query about those judges 1490911;1466988613;mats;hanbot was gonna look at it but got caught up in some trb thing 1490912;1466988616;mircea_popescu;no i saw, she threw up some names and you added them, it's very good work. but the point is... are there more ? 1490913;1466988625;mircea_popescu;where did they come from hanbot ? 1490914;1466988629;mircea_popescu;you got alist or something ? 1490915;1466988727;hanbot;yeah mats def did solid work on that thing. dubious if it's complete, dubious how close the measuring could get. mircea_popescu as i recall i googled for related terms, specifically avoiding lists 1490916;1466988742;mircea_popescu;gah 1490917;1466988750;mats;my source of truth was nubbins list, which was based on some judgepedia thing 1490918;1466988777;mats;anyways i'll go back and double check 1490919;1466988792;mircea_popescu;well what the fuck do i do here, the guy has a reasonable stand, but i mean... is this country so orcish it publishes no such thing as a god damned judges list ? 1490920;1466988816;mircea_popescu;it boggles the mind ; they want to issue id to livestock, you can't get a list of "magistrates" ? 1490921;1466988865;mircea_popescu;mats if you manage to dig out some sort of you know, official publication listing them that'd be golden. 1490922;1466988869;phf;probably don't want people to start "making lists" 1490923;1466988894;mircea_popescu;phf not how "democracy" etc works now is it. of course people make lists, they gotta be afraid. very, very afraid. 1490924;1466988903;mircea_popescu;not like I'm gonna be afraid of fucking bureaucrats now wtf. 1490925;1466988930;mircea_popescu;anyway - this is what it was, we had a list of unclear provenance, mats processed it well, then more names were found, and it became a question of, well, gotta make a complete proper list. 1490926;1466989247;mircea_popescu;and in other mews, http://66.media.tumblr.com/f53198b7fe4af57b04275b92aa31aa50/tumblr_mkqb30ar5Z1s9hv2no1_500.gif 1490927;1466989355;hanbot;well worst comes to worst, could be done county by county, seems they all have a list, independently. 1490928;1466989420;hanbot;just over 3k of 'em. 1490929;1466989444;mircea_popescu;uh 1490930;1466989452;mircea_popescu;wait, each county has at least one magistrate in it ? 1490931;1466989487;mircea_popescu;our list is, iirc, ~30 long 1490932;1466989524;mircea_popescu;hanbot mind picking random county for a quick test ? 1490933;1466989595;hanbot;nah can't be one or more per county, gotta be district (94). anyway, sure. 1490934;1466989644;mircea_popescu;so then what's counties to do with all this ? 1490935;1466989748;hanbot;nothing outside my brainfart. ;/ 1490936;1466989757;hanbot;anyway, by district 1490937;1466989783;hanbot;northern california for instance yields http://www.cand.uscourts.gov/judges , total of three, and lemme see 1490938;1466989819;mats;http://www.fjc.gov/history/home.nsf/page/export.html 1490939;1466989896;mircea_popescu;if it is the case that 94 districts average between 2 and 3, then it's quite possible that we have ~all or at least most of the list, considering the pretty draconinc age restricons involved. 1490940;1466989898;mats;the csv looks broken though... 1490941;1466989923;mircea_popescu;mats those seem to be proper judges tho, we're looking for the glorified police station detectives aka "magistrate" judges. 1490942;1466989980;hanbot;2/3 in nocal for instance definitely don't belong, very unlikely on the third 1490943;1466989997;mats;there's a field for 'Bankruptcy and Magistrate service' 1490944;1466990014;hanbot;mircea_popescu would you like all districts or some sample (how many?) checked? 1490945;1466990025;mats;this is a really shit way to organize data 1490946;1466990038;mircea_popescu;hanbot how did you get 3 ? i see 1 + 2 + 2 + 6 = 11 1490947;1466990073;mircea_popescu;o wait, + 2 more. 1490948;1466990075;hanbot;wtf, two distinct groups of em?! why? oh courthouses. ffs, sec. 1490949;1466990076;hanbot;lol 1490950;1466990085;mircea_popescu;there's 13 on that page (eureka courthouse + visiting judge) 1490951;1466990112;hanbot;yeah i'll take a look. 1490952;1466990128;mircea_popescu;mats but allow me to quote, "· The large number of blank fields in most records is to accommodate those judges who have been appointed to multiple judicial positions in the federal courts. This makes the data easier to drop into a spreadsheet program. " 1490953;1466990135;mircea_popescu;clearly, these people understand things as well as matters. 1490954;1466990216;mircea_popescu;anyway, if northern california is the outlier it usually is, we could judge this list to be maybe 3-500 total ? somewhere there, as a guesstimate. 1490955;1466990396;hanbot;all eleven are disqualified. 1490956;1466990403;hanbot;thirteen. motherfucker. 1490957;1466990418;mircea_popescu;o ? but liek details ? 1490958;1466990489;mats;so according to Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 2.09, all judges are magistrates, along with mayors of incorporated cities 1490959;1466990503;*;mats smashes keyboard 1490960;1466990505;mircea_popescu;no that's a different item 1490961;1466990512;mircea_popescu;it probably deals with pensions etc. 1490962;1466990531;mircea_popescu;mere synonimy my dear mats hold on to your sanity :) 1490963;1466990576;hanbot;twelve appointed after 1993. no info found on the chief, spero's appt date. 1490964;1466990588;mircea_popescu;ah ok. 1490965;1466990665;mats;i got a feeling the list is in the csv, just gotta massage it a bit... 1490966;1466990673;mircea_popescu;possible. 1490967;1466990682;mircea_popescu;spotcheck for the 13 enumerated nocal ones ? 1490968;1466990687;asciilifeform;these here judges aren't in 'plum book', are they ? 1490969;1466990702;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform thye might be 1490970;1466990727;asciilifeform;https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/GPO-PLUMBOOK-2012/content-detail.html 1490971;1466990731;mats;some magistrates are appointed by the senate, so could be i believe 1490972;1466990736;mircea_popescu;http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/CR/htm/CR.2.htm << lists some crap. but does http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/CR/htm/ list the index, like with sane people ? NO! WHY WOULD IT!!1 1490973;1466990978;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 1490974;1466990979;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 633.6, Best ask: 633.85, Bid-ask spread: 0.25000, Last trade: 633.6, 24 hour volume: 48833.73014852, 24 hour low: 614.33, 24 hour high: 667.2, 24 hour vwap: None 1490975;1466990988;mircea_popescu;;;calc 26.77796860 * 633.6 1490976;1466990988;gribble;16966.520905 1490977;1466990995;mircea_popescu;nb. 1490978;1466991322;hanbot;fwiw, here's a couple more: northern ny: 7 mag. judges, all disqualified by appt. date. northern tx: 9 mag. judges, 1 qualifies and is not on list (Clinton Averitte), 7 disqualified by appt. date, 1 no appt. date found. 1490979;1466991342;mircea_popescu;he wasn't appointed, he was just born there. 1490980;1466991348;mircea_popescu;the mess in the paperwork i swear... 1490981;1466991592;mircea_popescu;here's a tidbit asciilifeform will no doubt appreciate : "Turn Self in Program Under this program you may turn yourself in without posting a bond. You are required to br ing 25.00 non refundable fee for each warrant." 1490982;1466991624;asciilifeform;this is glorious 1490983;1466991627;asciilifeform;where is it 1490984;1466991654;asciilifeform;and what can you turn yourself in for ? and is there discount if multiple crimes ? 1490985;1466991698;mircea_popescu;no discount! 1490986;1466991703;asciilifeform;eh. 1490987;1466991707;mircea_popescu;but some warrants don't even qualify! 1490988;1466991719;mircea_popescu;anyway, minnehaha county sheriff information. 1490989;1466991724;asciilifeform;l0l 1490990;1466991740;phf;voluntary impalement, bring own stake 1490991;1466991763;mircea_popescu;phf nah, because a) must be "proper" ie "standard" and b) they already sold out the headcount to a private company 1490992;1466991770;mircea_popescu;so bring $195. in cash. 1490993;1466993228;hanbot; the mess in the paperwork i swear... << and that lack of data via northern tx's listing, the best i've seen so far, all other judges have year of appointment and the holy grail, year of birth (inconceivable!), but this Hal R. Ray guy, absolutely nothing. google him, ditto, buncha mugs with the same last name. i suppose he was signed up this morning. 1490994;1466993251;mircea_popescu;maybe he's the secret agent magistrate judge 1490995;1466993256;mircea_popescu;tum- tu-tum- tududududm 1490996;1466993337;BingoBoingo;Who has a $2 pipe wrench soaking in vinegar? This guy! 1490997;1466993375;hanbot;so you know, someone who needs to know this stuff for their job fails, which means someone further down the line idem, no wonder no sense comes out of anything touching the atrocity. 1490998;1466993416;hanbot;and wtf kind of name is Hal R. Ray, even. 1490999;1466993448;mircea_popescu;check it out he absolutely doesn't exist. 1491000;1466993476;phf;BingoBoingo: why vinegar? 1491001;1466993502;BingoBoingo;phf: To remove the rust and leave a black oxide finish in its place. 1491002;1466993509;phf;aah 1491003;1466993529;*;phf soaks things in gasoline 1491004;1466993536;phf;but i guess that'll remove the finish 1491005;1466993565;BingoBoingo;Well gasoline won't leave an oxide after it breaks through the rust to actual steel 1491006;1466993583;mircea_popescu;he has a kid hal r ray jr who's in phi delta phi, u texas at fort worth 1491007;1466993908;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what's wrong with naval jelly 1491008;1466993954;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It's hot and I'd have to get in the car to get it. Pipe wrench merely required happy accident of walking past driveway sale. 1491009;1466994767;*;asciilifeform re-read the alba y yeltes mega-piece for umpteenth time, blames mircea_popescu 1491010;1466994784;asciilifeform;did you folx know that the man wrote 3111117 B00KZ!! 1491011;1466994792;asciilifeform;i would like to read'em 1491012;1466994801;asciilifeform;but they seem to exist in 1 copy each, at the national lib in madrid. 1491013;1466994835;asciilifeform;( he wrote 2, 1 about 'the atom', other - about how The Answer Lies in the Sewers (tm) (r) ) 1491014;1466994881;asciilifeform;( which piece ? https://core.ac.uk/display/199266 << it ) 1491015;1466995208;mircea_popescu;that display is so shitty im not surprised it's on a uk website. 1491016;1466995223;asciilifeform;i posted decrufted ver eons ago 1491017;1466995229;asciilifeform;need a new one ? 1491018;1466995240;mircea_popescu;nah, jus' sayin' 1491019;1466995248;asciilifeform;(it appears to be the closest thing to a biography of the man in any language i can think of) 1491020;1466995273;asciilifeform;do i have to go in person to madrid to get his auto-bio ? 1491021;1466995283;asciilifeform;anyone who has a tip - let's have it. 1491022;1466995293;asciilifeform;( do we have a man near madrid ? ) 1491023;1466995329;mircea_popescu;in other news, five fat old ugly women left the british labour "shadow cabinet" 1491024;1466995336;mircea_popescu;dramaz. 1491025;1466995347;asciilifeform;to be replaced immediately with young, thin, pretty ones ? 1491026;1466995358;mircea_popescu;socialists don't have pretty womenz. 1491027;1466995384;asciilifeform;they dun have plenty of things 1491028;1466995386;asciilifeform;can import. 1491029;1466995444;BingoBoingo;lazy reportage http://www.breitbart.com/california/2016/06/26/sacramento-stabbings-violence-clash-national-socialists-anti-fascists/ 1491030;1466995711;mircea_popescu;"anti fascists" being a bunch of obnoxious libertards abusing the naivite of this generation's punks. 1491031;1466995875;BingoBoingo;Eh I thought they were just tards who wanted to belong to something. 1491032;1466995943;mircea_popescu;most of them. but it's possibly the subculture most visibly infested by niggers 1491033;1466995969;mircea_popescu;"lgbt" is 2/3 to 4/5ths niggers by mass, the actual people with an actual sexual preference are lost among the aspirants to eating off the treasury. 1491034;1466996007;mircea_popescu;the antifa bs is more in the early stage, 10 to 20 confused kiddies who just want to crack a skull to one "manipulator" derp. 1491035;1466996096;asciilifeform;hey this described ~whole 20th c., blackshirts and all. 1491036;1466999773;BingoBoingo;Part 1 of 5 http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4679 1491037;1466999901;BingoBoingo;$up naughtygirl 1491038;1466999901;deedbot;naughtygirl voiced for 30 minutes. 1491039;1466999916;naughtygirl;hello 1491040;1467000005;BingoBoingo;hello, all of our Romanian millionaires are busy at the moment. if you stick around one will be with you shortly 1491041;1467000048;BingoBoingo;$help 1491042;1467000048;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1491043;1467000060;phf;no i don't want yo number no i don't wanna give you mine 1491044;1467000073;BingoBoingo;^ in the interim you are welcome to register a public key so that you may voice yourself 1491045;1467001504;mircea_popescu;naughtygirl you here for the tits ? 1491046;1467001633;BingoBoingo;$up _FeltPen 1491047;1467001633;deedbot;_FeltPen voiced for 30 minutes. 1491048;1467001644;_FeltPen;Thanks! 1491049;1467001982;BingoBoingo;$up naughtygirl 1491050;1467001982;deedbot;naughtygirl voiced for 30 minutes. 1491051;1467001993;naughtygirl;hey 1491052;1467002006;naughtygirl;so how can i get paid for being a slut? 1491053;1467002084;_FeltPen;oO 1491054;1467002089;mircea_popescu;naughtygirl ah, write hmm 1491055;1467002106;mircea_popescu;write b4b7323f on your tits, take pic. 1491056;1467002119;naughtygirl;https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewild/comments/4pr8gn/f_bend_me_over_and_use_me_like_a_slut/ 1491057;1467002126;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo btw, that sacramento thing... weimar republic through and through. 1491058;1467002148;mircea_popescu;next the commies are going to make a "revolutionary army", various right wingers various sb/sa/blabla, 1491059;1467002169;mircea_popescu;then they burn the black people. for being ~12% of the population and "corrupting the youth through their control of media". 1491060;1467002179;mircea_popescu;not to mention you know, drinking baby blood or w/e. 1491061;1467002236;BingoBoingo;$s purple drank 1491062;1467002237;a111;9 results for "purple drank", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=purple%20drank 1491063;1467002249;BingoBoingo;srsly everything! 1491064;1467002260;mircea_popescu;heh 1491065;1467002327;mircea_popescu;meanwhile at band camp, http://66.media.tumblr.com/33fbd6f499ffc0a02e0ba50b7b207850/tumblr_o0kukyZSTg1t4kskho1_1280.jpg 1491066;1467002361;trinque;changed $up rules such that L2 can up visitors. 1491067;1467002388;mircea_popescu;win. 1491068;1467002396;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "until they IRS gave them a PIN." < 1491069;1467002439;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd 1491070;1467002848;naughtygirl;http://i.imgur.com/aGK34uU.jpg 1491071;1467002860;naughtygirl;http://i.imgur.com/XQuu48W.jpg 1491072;1467002883;mircea_popescu;naughtygirl you'll have to put your head in there. take the other girls for a model. 1491073;1467002913;naughtygirl;i dont really want to show my face 1491074;1467002942;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you. 1491075;1467002955;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490744 << no man you miss the point entirely 1491076;1467002955;a111;Logged on 2016-06-26 15:38 Framedragger: but to suggest that folk from within are in on it, as in usg agents whatnot, is bull. i know that in terms of effects there may not be much of a difference, but whenever you say "prolly controlled burn by those idiots", i want to smack you because those friends are not dumb at all. 1491077;1467002975;ben_vulpes;some non-wot nignogs claim to have written some 'privacy' 'software' 1491078;1467003019;ben_vulpes;mk well they can show up here where we coordinate the /actual fight against statists/ and answer a whole lot of questions 1491079;1467003092;naughtygirl;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/d6gfmim-s.jpg 1491080;1467003098;naughtygirl;that girl didnt show her face 1491081;1467003099;ben_vulpes;and until they have a representative in the forum full-time, they are each and every one gestapo, regardless of how many 'phreedom phighter' claims they make, or their handlers make on their behalf. 1491082;1467003130;ben_vulpes;naughtygirl: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-25#1490517 1491083;1467003130;a111;Logged on 2016-06-25 19:58 mircea_popescu: it's okay, and i dun recall, but the past is not dispositive. future girl that dun show isn't getting paid. 1491084;1467003185;mircea_popescu;o look ben_vulpes beat me to it. 1491085;1467003679;mircea_popescu;hard to let go huh. 1491086;1467025846;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1491087;1467025891;shinohai;y u so slow gribble 1491088;1467025919;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 638.15, vol: 8858.20564152 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 618.997, vol: 7516.92288 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 638.73, vol: 56253.70796753 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 640.545, vol: 1497.28084907 | Volume-weighted last average: 636.696281803 1491089;1467030911;thestringpuller;holy shit is the pound really worth less than euro? 1491090;1467030926;thestringpuller;nvm they are both plummeting. wtf 1491091;1467033234;phf;i'm not quite grokking how this was an unexpected outcome. prices drop because of smaller things and this was a massive price signal. from my naive perspective you have a bunch of people saying "eu sucks" and "britain has standalone economy" both assertions need to be explored and nobody particularly wants to explore them 1491092;1467033253;phf;*wanted to 1491093;1467035499;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1491094;1467035501;gribble;Current Blocks: 418218 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 1109 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 57 minutes, and 38 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1491095;1467036538;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 979342349029617653 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Alex Nicoll ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/E0E519C7D7913CDB68D1FEF058D2C524BB3C9BAFDB87A0A31F8975D9987456D2 1491096;1467036560;asciilifeform;zzzzap 1491097;1467036563;asciilifeform;cert l0l 1491098;1467036602;asciilifeform;flipolade, naturally. 1491099;1467036614;asciilifeform;but didja know, CERT folk attract high-energy particles ? 1491100;1467036781;thestringpuller;i thought that was CERN 1491101;1467036881;adlai;they generate them 1491102;1467037093;*;asciilifeform wonders when we find the first polonium'd schmuck via his flipolade. 1491103;1467037263;asciilifeform;;;later tell Framedragger interestingly, not one of your ssh mods has popped yet, despite the historic 0.1% popping rate claimed in previous experiments (we're about 170,000 in) 1491104;1467037264;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1491105;1467037319;asciilifeform;sks circa may is 3799663/4265572 in. 1491106;1467038345;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1606/1606.05915.pdf >>> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/12fe3f69-0ae2-4a96-8cb4-b0f6b33bd490 << from the tel aviv rsa key lifting folks. 1491107;1467038441;asciilifeform;just say no to software-controlled fans. 1491108;1467038470;*;asciilifeform doesn't use them, because he can't stand noise transitions. 1491109;1467038853;trinque;adlai: you alive? 1491110;1467038880;*;trinque pokes adlai with walking stick 1491111;1467039408;BingoBoingo;trinque: He may be back in LSD rehab? 1491112;1467039436;BingoBoingo;Or if in Asylum he may have made mistake of talking about us and is being "cured" 1491113;1467039996;trinque;$up _FeltPen 1491114;1467040037;trinque;hmm 1491115;1467040119;trinque;odd.. the bot's not saying anything back on any command. all that was changed was an if conditional inside the $up command. 1491116;1467040125;trinque;$key trinque 1491117;1467040148;deedbot;_FeltPen voiced for 30 minutes. 1491118;1467040165;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/deb12c5e-7bfc-4b11-a031-d452935080a3/ 1491119;1467040193;trinque;box isn't overloaded. I'm gonna give freenode the points for that one. 1491120;1467040201;_FeltPen;thx! 1491121;1467040220;_FeltPen;can i register for WOT in this channel or do I need to do that in bitcoin-assets? 1491122;1467040228;trinque;no, here. 1491123;1467040230;trinque;$help 1491124;1467040230;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1491125;1467040233;trinque;_FeltPen: ^ 1491126;1467040263;trinque;make sure you have the nick you want first. 1491127;1467040338;_FeltPen;thx, trinque 1491128;1467040530;_FeltPen;$register _FeltPen A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24AB 1491129;1467040531;deedbot;Import failed for _FeltPen. 1491130;1467040555;trinque;I'm sorry; docs are wrong. You only need the fingerprint 1491131;1467040575;_FeltPen;ok, so eliminate ref to nick? 1491132;1467040599;trinque;correct 1491133;1467040601;_FeltPen;$register A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24AB 1491134;1467040602;deedbot;Import failed for A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24AB. 1491135;1467040609;_FeltPen;ha 1491136;1467040616;trinque;is your key on sks? 1491137;1467040640;_FeltPen;yeah, i believe so. will check later - no biggie. thanks for help. 1491138;1467040648;trinque;I can't recv-key that over here. 1491139;1467040781;_FeltPen;its there, but i just added it again. will try to register again. 1491140;1467040795;_FeltPen;$register A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24AB 1491141;1467040796;deedbot;Import failed for A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24AB. 1491142;1467040831;trinque;that seems like it's missing two bytes 1491143;1467040864;trinque;er one byte 1491144;1467040885;_FeltPen;oh, dang it. will have to wait until later then. 1491145;1467040939;trinque;you're just missing a B6 at end :p 1491146;1467040955;trinque;embiggen your terminal 1491147;1467041015;_FeltPen;$register A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24ABB6 1491148;1467041019;deedbot;A7C8CC92707C479FF0BB80BE549A82E9DF24ABB6 registered as _FeltPen. 1491149;1467041024;_FeltPen;woot 1491150;1467041146;trinque;docs fixed, and welcome. 1491151;1467041222;_FeltPen;Thanks again. 1491152;1467041400;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Where the sun’s up past 10:00pm. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/27/where-the-suns-up-past-1000pm/ 1491153;1467043380;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491091 << "Polls can be this wrong because a thin sliver "at the top", The Delusionals, have an investment in reality turning a certain way. So they falsify. " 1491154;1467043380;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 13:13 phf: i'm not quite grokking how this was an unexpected outcome. prices drop because of smaller things and this was a massive price signal. from my naive perspective you have a bunch of people saying "eu sucks" and "britain has standalone economy" both assertions need to be explored and nobody particularly wants to explore them 1491155;1467043420;mircea_popescu;you know the hipster chick that went down the ghetto road by her lonesome in nothing but six inch heels one fine late summer evening ? 1491156;1467043431;mircea_popescu;INEXPLICABLY things were done to her THAT COULDNT HAVE BEEN EXPECTED. 1491157;1467043443;phf;victim blaming! 1491158;1467043455;mircea_popescu;for the delusionists in question, the "couldn't have been expected" and "inexplicably" part of their narrative are actually more important than the events themselves. 1491159;1467043474;mircea_popescu;all they really wish to do is to scream as loudly as they can, permanently, that. 1491160;1467043587;mircea_popescu;in any case, it's not some sort of rational process. it's merely "the secret" played straight. if they will it enough it'll matter. 1491161;1467043632;phf;man, i'm starting to understand why nero was playing that fiddle 1491162;1467043654;asciilifeform;^ 1491163;1467043657;mircea_popescu;aha. heroic figure, the more you think of it. 1491164;1467043676;mircea_popescu;"he made his horse a senator" <=> "stated his horse would make a finer senator than most of them" 1491165;1467043683;mircea_popescu;etc. 1491166;1467043742;asciilifeform;'caligula imperator si-a facut calul senator' (tm) (r) !1111 1491167;1467043847;mircea_popescu;wait, nero wasn't racist ? 1491168;1467044169;BingoBoingo;Nero held the race of Horses in high esteem 1491169;1467044341;asciilifeform;perhaps his h0rs3 was a houyhnhnm ! 1491170;1467044398;mircea_popescu;i'm pretending the way you say "equum consulem declarare non erubuit" in english is "racist". 1491171;1467044597;phf;it is certainly a fine troll and a strong way to make your point, still it gets lost in the echo chamber 1491172;1467044638;asciilifeform;aaactually there is also a theory that it got lost in the echo chamber of suetonius, who was quite possibly his era's equivalent of, e.g., michael moore 1491173;1467044660;asciilifeform;(or more accurately - howard zinn) 1491174;1467044741;mircea_popescu;well, agrippina biography - lost ; that lost, this lost... who's to know. 1491175;1467044908;mircea_popescu;(the sauce for the quote is juvenal, adrien valois, seigneur de la mare edition) 1491176;1467044927;mircea_popescu;lest anyone goes blind seeking the impossible. 1491177;1467045039;phf;so, i just learned that historia is produced by an istor or widstor, i.e. a wise man or a person who knows/sees, i.e. the one who вид-ит 1491178;1467045056;mircea_popescu;so it is! 1491179;1467045189;phf;interesting how the first few syllables get lost with time, "vedas" and "story" both pointing in the same direction 1491180;1467045280;mircea_popescu;romanian to this day uses "a invedera" as part of common please (to bring to the court, to put in the record). so the change isn't either that new or that central. 1491181;1467045284;BingoBoingo;from the mines https://i.imgur.com/IS7GswEr.png 1491182;1467045287;mircea_popescu;common pleas* 1491183;1467045326;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: what is this rubbish 1491184;1467045356;mircea_popescu;i thought hairspray was a fag interest musical. 1491185;1467045360;mircea_popescu;they made a movie ? 1491186;1467045360;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Exactly that. 1491187;1467045369;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: With John Travolta! 1491188;1467045383;mircea_popescu;heh ok. 1491189;1467045392;BingoBoingo;John Travolta was the fat tranny, for srs 1491190;1467045397;mircea_popescu;hahaha what! 1491191;1467045472;BingoBoingo;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairspray_%282007_film%29 << from pediwiko 1491192;1467045473;mircea_popescu;i might have to see this now. 1491193;1467045530;BingoBoingo;"John Travolta as Edna Turnblad, Tracy's mother and agent, an agoraphobe ashamed of her obesity. Travolta's casting as Edna continues the tradition of having a man in drag portray the character, going back to the original 1988 film, which featured drag queen Divine as Edna and at Hairspray's Broadway version, which featured Harvey Fierstein as Edna.[10] Executives at New Line Cinema originally expected the part to be filled by an actor a 1491194;1467045530;BingoBoingo;ccustomed to playing comic roles, tossing around names such as Robin Williams, Steve Martin, and Tom Hanks.[10] However, Travolta was aggressively sought after by producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron for this role because he had starred as Danny Zuko in Grease, the second most successful movie musical to date, beaten only by Mamma Mia!." 1491195;1467045588;mircea_popescu;uh. grease was a "movie musical" > 1491196;1467045597;mircea_popescu;i thought it was a derpy "teenage interest" thing. 1491197;1467045598;BingoBoingo;And this is the butter huffer who spewed the froth asciilifeform astutely identified as "rubbish" https://archive.is/zjHuF 1491198;1467045631;BingoBoingo;Hey, an AR-15 is a "Modern Sporting Rifle" 1491199;1467045653;BingoBoingo;Never underestimate the time spent by labelmakers 1491200;1467045660;mircea_popescu;she looks almost exactly like this chick at the bdsm club. 1491201;1467045722;BingoBoingo;Which one? 1491202;1467045740;mircea_popescu;the one you linked 1491203;1467045912;BingoBoingo;In mean which chick at the BDSM club? 1491204;1467045961;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The Producers. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/27/the-producers/ 1491205;1467046124;phf;huh, i kind of want to see the original with Divine now 1491206;1467046208;phf;debbie harry as the antagonist 1491207;1467046412;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491200 << holy shit yet 1491208;1467046412;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 16:41 mircea_popescu: she looks almost exactly like this chick at the bdsm club. 1491209;1467046413;asciilifeform;*yes 1491210;1467046416;asciilifeform;the one mircea_popescu showed me ! 1491211;1467046422;asciilifeform;( augustina or something, was her name ) 1491212;1467046819;mircea_popescu;ha! 1491213;1467046904;BingoBoingo;Well, what else can one expect of a failed Actrauce (-auce is the way to gender job titles mayo) 1491214;1467046951;deedbot;[Qntra] US Polling: Third Party Candidate Takes From Clinton - http://qntra.net/2016/06/us-polling-third-party-candidate-takes-from-clinton/ 1491215;1467046976;mircea_popescu;o right, tacitus on community consensus : omnium consensu capax imperii nisi imperasset. 1491216;1467047056;BingoBoingo;$up felipelalli 1491217;1467047056;deedbot;felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes. 1491218;1467047116;mircea_popescu;ie "everyone agreed he's capable to empire until he actually did." 1491219;1467047496;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: you might find interesting: apparently baltimore has thousands of 5-30k houses, in various stages of ruin 1491220;1467047496;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491092 << i'd be very much to see exactly what uk economy consists of, altogether. 1491221;1467047496;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 13:14 phf: *wanted to 1491222;1467047518;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: london barristers buyin' and sellin' mircea_popescu's lawsuits ? 1491223;1467047526;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Seriously these things exist and you don't even have to travel far! 1491224;1467047533;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and this is "independent" ? 1491225;1467047548;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491103 << i was meditating upon the same wonder. wtf is this. 1491226;1467047549;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 14:21 asciilifeform: ;;later tell Framedragger interestingly, not one of your ssh mods has popped yet, despite the historic 0.1% popping rate claimed in previous experiments (we're about 170,000 in) 1491227;1467047558;asciilifeform;every tinpot dictator with his own printolade printer thinks 'independent' 1491228;1467047585;mircea_popescu;but that is an independent politics, not an independent economy. 1491229;1467047599;mircea_popescu;the ur example of this being charles, emperor of the nonsunsetting-empire. 1491230;1467047607;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i genuinely have nfi. but a little more of this and i'ma start verifying the keyz, possibly Framedragger was mitm'd when he scanned. or fucked up in some other way. 1491231;1467047631;asciilifeform;(though almost any imaginable mistake would result in MORE-phuctorable mods, vs less) 1491232;1467047658;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1491233;1467047679;asciilifeform;well consider the behaviours of random nums, or flipolade, etc. 1491234;1467047682;mircea_popescu;i dun think the butterfly collection warrants any action yet, but it is pretty stranger. 1491235;1467047692;asciilifeform;srsly NOT ONE popped to date. 1491236;1467047701;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, you know, wtf, "flipped bits" except in the one most likely fucking spot it never happens ? 1491237;1467047713;mircea_popescu;ftr, 0 out of 200k is just about consistent with a TRUE rate of "random bit flippage". 1491238;1467047740;asciilifeform;the historic ~0.1% popping rate of ssh keys has nothing to do with flips, and everything to do with embedded gadgets with no rng 1491239;1467047745;asciilifeform;(e.g., chinese routers) 1491240;1467047770;asciilifeform;somehow i am being asked to believe that the first 170,000 of Framedragger's samples contained 0 of this. 1491241;1467047789;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and these embedded gadgets do not exist on ssh ? 1491242;1467047806;asciilifeform;they exist on nearly every consumer line. 1491243;1467047813;asciilifeform;but somehow not in the 170,000 samples. 1491244;1467047819;mircea_popescu;well, give it time, we see. 1491245;1467047837;asciilifeform;perhaps they are sorted by ip, and thus far we've done only mitsubishi's ip blok or sumthing. 1491246;1467047863;mircea_popescu;oh and in other mews, i give you the peacock tail! http://67.media.tumblr.com/c3bf23bc0126e2abc63617477522c9d0/tumblr_o2tvnzL6Ze1v2ot9zo1_1280.jpg 1491247;1467047881;asciilifeform;holy shit wut 1491248;1467047886;asciilifeform;or rather, ~how~ 1491249;1467047893;mircea_popescu;it's elastic. 1491250;1467048030;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: they all require heavy terraforming. 1491251;1467048041;asciilifeform;and are in lafond-zone 1491252;1467048048;asciilifeform;but go, load up. 1491253;1467048067;mircea_popescu;ftr, contrary to what whiteboys think, "lafond zone" is much better zone than drycunt zone. 1491254;1467048077;asciilifeform;depends for wat 1491255;1467048079;mircea_popescu;murder rate of what, 50 per 100k ? still means ~nothing practical. 1491256;1467048083;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for having a good time. 1491257;1467048087;asciilifeform;i have friends living there. it isn't so great time. 1491258;1467048091;asciilifeform;but CHEAP!11111111 1491259;1467048092;mircea_popescu;how so ? 1491260;1467048101;mircea_popescu;i bet you they never go out to hang with the locals ? 1491261;1467048107;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they are locals. 1491262;1467048119;mircea_popescu;so then not so great how ? 1491263;1467048123;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: substantial costs in car windows alone 1491264;1467048128;phf;well, if you have a cause, by up a whole block, put a fence around it, reinforce windows, have a nice workshop space or whatever. as long as nobody's bicycling in you're solid 1491265;1467048133;asciilifeform;(idiots smash first, look for valuables later) 1491266;1467048154;mircea_popescu;phf this is a monopoly trade. if you're not in the right lawyer club you'll end up in the middle of a scandal. 1491267;1467048156;phf;i know people who did that in detroit before for a hackerspace, but with motorcycles 1491268;1467048158;asciilifeform;phf: if this were +ev, speculators would have done it. 1491269;1467048160;mircea_popescu;best be prepared to shoot the president if it comes to it. 1491270;1467048162;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has it ^^^^ 1491271;1467048168;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it is ev, just, not for everyone. 1491272;1467048184;asciilifeform;and not for the others either, apparently 1491273;1467048192;mircea_popescu;lafond correctly shows that the whole "race riots" is just demographic rearrangement after some dudes decided to reclaim 1920s buildings downtown 1491274;1467048193;asciilifeform;judging by the 0 uptake among the dirigible dwellers. 1491275;1467048204;phf;asciilifeform: speculators sell in to markets, some things just don't have easily identifiable markets 1491276;1467048205;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why would i work for the us ? 1491277;1467048223;mircea_popescu;one needs a sort of patriotic dweller to engage in this sort of thing. 1491278;1467048232;asciilifeform;and they've run out, apparently. 1491279;1467048252;asciilifeform;anyway asciilifeform will not be building baltimore fort. 1491280;1467048257;mircea_popescu;phf maybe particular pufferfish may get away with it if small and exceptional. 1491281;1467048264;mircea_popescu;but as a for-profit thing, you need your own army. 1491282;1467048301;asciilifeform;i would buy one for a workshop but it'll get emptied as soon as i drive off. 1491283;1467048329;asciilifeform;if i wanted to give my gear to scrap iron thieves, i could do it FOR PHREE, without paying 10k for the container 1491284;1467048334;mircea_popescu;emplace automated machine guns, shoot on movement. 1491285;1467048339;BingoBoingo;Whatever happened to "Every pet a rifleman"? 1491286;1467048343;mircea_popescu;be the next "black lives matter" dude. 1491287;1467048347;asciilifeform;will need automated atomic bombs 1491288;1467048351;asciilifeform;for when they come. 1491289;1467048357;phf;mircea_popescu: oh i agree, but i'm not telling other pufferfish how to do things, i'm talking from my school :> i'm not even saying it's somehow special. it's just very cheap to put a workspace area in ghetto if the people working it are basically ok with manual labour, "community building" all that jazz 1491290;1467048363;mircea_popescu;nah, jackals are essentially cowardly. 1491291;1467048377;asciilifeform;if i wanted to replay waco, could also do it for free, without buying any real estate. 1491292;1467048378;mircea_popescu;phf and are mostly men. 1491293;1467048394;mircea_popescu;you go, put a "designer etsy girl" community in ghetoo. take pix. 1491294;1467048439;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform correct response to waco buildup is thermobaric not atomic bomb. 1491295;1467048450;phf;etsy designer girls have downtown coworking spaces for $100/mo/person 1491296;1467048458;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: flechette mortar rounds. 1491297;1467048471;mircea_popescu;that's actually kinda cheap 1491298;1467048487;mircea_popescu;are downtown blowjobs like $15 or something ? 1491299;1467048487;phf;for a chair? 1491300;1467048488;asciilifeform;everything's is cheap to the folks who already have it. and $maxint for those who don't. 1491301;1467048519;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, they do have it. work a day, get a grand or so. who ever heard of this, rent < 1 day's honest work ? 1491302;1467048530;phf;that's not for a room, that's essentially "club membership" 1491303;1467048535;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which they 1491304;1467048540;mircea_popescu;ah like a gym, but w/o fat shaming ? 1491305;1467048560;asciilifeform;or is this on mircea_popescu's ammonia-breathing planet 1491306;1467048584;BingoBoingo; everything's is cheap to the folks who already have it. and $maxint for those who don't. << I did not have a pipe wrench yesterday morning and yet $2 got me one before bed time on the same day. 1491307;1467048632;phf;yeah, basically. you get a floor of a building, put a bunch of tables, a few "closed door" closets for people who are willing to pay $400/mo, a printer, a coffeemaker, and then you charge people $100/mo to have a place to sit and chat all day 1491308;1467048633;mircea_popescu;oh incidentally, all this has stimulated me, ima go write a follow-up to http://trilema.com/2013/nobody-could-have-foreseen-their-using-a-plane-like-a-rocket/ 1491309;1467048649;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: be sure to include heat-seeking quadcopters 1491310;1467048649;mircea_popescu;phf ok this sounds like a great racket actually. 1491311;1467048656;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah it's biological. 1491312;1467048660;asciilifeform;snore 1491313;1467048677;mircea_popescu;hater! 1491314;1467048718;phf;this is a spinoff from ycombinator, where you're not paying for tangibles, like "such much space", but instead an opportunity to connect, blah blah blah 1491315;1467048732;asciilifeform;phf: i've been seeing ads for this nonsense in d.c. 1491316;1467048746;*;asciilifeform bbl, off to get teeth drilled sans anaesthesia 1491317;1467048811;phf;1776 is the biggest one, they have daily talks on how to succeed as a woman ceo, workshops on how to learn ruby. probably a good subject for a blog post, a tour of 1776 on an average day.. 1491318;1467048857;phf;i'm not even exaggerating to pander, the whole thing is a parody of itself 1491319;1467048937;mircea_popescu;phf very good, i'd check it. 1491320;1467048971;phf;everybody's talking about how they are going to be bought, who got bought, who has an opportunity to get bought. we have our support team there, because they are in their 20s, need external stimulation, etc. but on the flip side they periodically come back with grandiose plans "for the company" 1491321;1467049111;phf;one guy (support) got it in his head that he's going to open a london branch of the company, he regularly arranges meetings with random uk business representatives to discuss along these lines. i heard he had some kind of meeting with richard branson as part of a small select group, etc. etc. mind you this has long been shot down by the owners as utterly insane and shut the fuck up. doesn't deter him. 1491322;1467049172;phf;it's like they are cooking in the 1776 delusion soup, completely detached from reality 1491323;1467049301;phf;that's definitely not the types i would want anywhere near a baltimore ghetto workshop. not only are they useless, they are also going to do something stupid, get shot or raped and next thing you know we're in the middle of scandal 1491324;1467049318;mircea_popescu;lmao 1491325;1467049378;BingoBoingo;I think it would be good for their morale 1491326;1467049403;mircea_popescu;phf well, depends if you're looking to monetize the scandal. 1491327;1467049417;BingoBoingo;If they can't leave their hug bubble because James Lafond presents, then they get to build up all the delusion still hotter 1491328;1467049433;mircea_popescu;ironically, you'd be in a dark cone of immunity because the derps can't quite argue that YOU are responsible by putting kids in harm's way, because they can't say black people are the harm. 1491329;1467049436;mircea_popescu;so ... who knows. 1491330;1467049462;mircea_popescu;go there and compassionately offer them rape kits, or something. 1491331;1467049518;BingoBoingo;Who knows, maybe startup culture has a tin pest sort of effect on the hood? 1491332;1467049578;BingoBoingo;Gangs obsessing over their London and Rotterdam expansions and whatnot 1491333;1467050394;phf;pretty sure The Wire made fun of the whole "gangs trying to play white people games" 1491334;1467050441;trinque;I recall a hilarious "board meeting" in an episode, I think. 1491335;1467050455;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo should be lulzy in any case lol. 1491336;1467050468;mircea_popescu;phf this'd be that in reverse neh ? 1491337;1467050640;phf;oh that was in response to BingoBoingo's idea 1491338;1467050675;mircea_popescu;theoretically the millions upon millions of pointless white kids that tear down the universities each year and the nation's finances would utterly dilute the hood into meaninglessness. 1491339;1467050683;mircea_popescu;in practice, they're much too passive to matter. 1491340;1467050727;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: uh. white kids who move to the hood tend to "gentrify" it... 1491341;1467050749;mircea_popescu;nah, not to gentrify. they're not gentry. just, to scumiffy in a different direction. 1491342;1467050786;thestringpuller;oh. i don't even know if those white kids could even AFFORD to live in the hood. 1491343;1467050801;thestringpuller;that's why they move back home with mommy and daddy rent free 1491344;1467050818;mircea_popescu;well, slumlord phf buy the place for them, then charges them 100 a month for a dildo to sit on 1491345;1467050843;thestringpuller;i think you're accurately describing brooklyn 1491346;1467050921;mircea_popescu;lol 1491347;1467050925;mircea_popescu;word huh 1491348;1467051131;shinohai;Afternoon #trilema folks 1491349;1467051307;phf;so i've lived on the gentrification line before and it's never "white kids", they move in when after the whole thing is named "gentrification" and by then there's already a whole foods in the works. gentrification is brought about by utter misfit john waters crowd, and they prime the area for couple of years by throwing parties and making things happen, large portion of them is gay and otherwise insane. 1491350;1467051379;phf;once landlords or developers are involved the area has long been considered "interesting" by suburban types and "done" by the gentrification avant guard 1491351;1467051465;trinque;that happened in montrose, area of inner-loop houston 1491352;1467051470;trinque;"the gayborhood" 1491353;1467051473;phf;you get a balmore workshop not because it's a conan thing to do, but because you're insane and need to paint astral vaginas whether or not there's market for it, and you can afford to pay $90/mo (sometimes late) for your apartment and $100/mo (mostly late) for your studio 1491354;1467051566;phf;yeah, the non space eventually actualizes into a named thing, and it can be "hipsters" like what happened to brooklyn or "gays" like what happened to dupont circle 1491355;1467051677;phf;the insane borderline chick that was my radar for these things wanted to move to williamsburg in 2002 or so cause that's where here friends were, by 2005 they had awesome parties there, by 2008 everybody knew they had awesome parties there, by 2012 the rent started to climb, by 2014 yuppies moving in, 2015 it's a joke that everyone's in on 1491356;1467051692;deedbot;[Trilema] Nobody could have foreseen their using a woman as a weapon - http://trilema.com/2016/nobody-could-have-foreseen-their-using-a-woman-as-a-weapon/ 1491357;1467052187;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/XIJ 1491358;1467052187;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1491359;1467052292;mircea_popescu;phf this is true. 1491360;1467052317;mircea_popescu;one of the better known example being 1950s greenwich village 1491361;1467052346;mircea_popescu;(note the importance of the gay army in taking land from savages - today as 3000 years ago) 1491362;1467052415;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai 1491363;1467052653;deedbot;[Qntra] Google CEO Social Media Account Hacked - http://qntra.net/2016/06/google-ceo-social-media-account-hacked/ 1491364;1467052819;mircea_popescu;possibly the lulziest "dedicated copywriter" result i've seen to date : http://theacneproject.com/does-accutane-work-for-acne/ 1491365;1467052829;mircea_popescu;check it out BingoBoingo , a new AA cult is born! 1491366;1467052923;BingoBoingo;These things happen from time to time 1491367;1467053038;BingoBoingo;!up _FeltPen pls to just register already 1491368;1467053039;gribble;Error: "up" is not a valid command. 1491369;1467053054;BingoBoingo;$up _FeltPen ^ 1491370;1467053055;deedbot;_FeltPen voiced for 30 minutes. 1491371;1467053068;phf;saw it happen in fishtown, http://articles.philly.com/2016-02-19/news/70734651_1_fishtown-kensington-community-development-corp-johnny-brenda the place was amazing 10 years ago. dead, cheap, bunch of weirdos living there. there was a bookstore, called "germ", that would invite these totally insane performers. their book selection was ufo, nazi, conspiracy theories and right hand magick. they had like a hitler telegram on sale for $2k, it closed ab 1491372;1467053068;phf;out 5 years ago. now i can't go there without getting the anger shakes, it's a fucking millenial central. i got into a fight at johnny brenda's (mentioned in the article) a year ago, and everybody backed down, which made me even madder. fuck that place 1491373;1467053070;_FeltPen;Thanks! 1491374;1467053156;thestringpuller;lol. millennials tend to be pussies 1491375;1467053193;thestringpuller;i really hate my generation. but better for me cause it's not much competition for anything 1491376;1467053202;thestringpuller;although that's not a good thing... 1491377;1467053233;phf;http://articles.philly.com/2011-01-28/news/27054197_1_book-lovers-rare-books-alien-life 1491378;1467053248;_FeltPen;@thestringpuller - I feel you, nobody likes competing against a wet paper bag. 1491379;1467053320;phf;http://io9.gizmodo.com/346257/germ-books-in-philly-is-post-apocalyptic-pleasure 1491380;1467054019;mircea_popescu;phf so who did you get into a fight with then! 1491381;1467054033;phf;exactly :( 1491382;1467054051;mircea_popescu;heh 1491383;1467054067;*;mircea_popescu takes some solace in the notion that his sad personal history is not his alone. 1491384;1467057412;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2016/nobody-could-have-foreseen-their-using-a-woman-as-a-weapon/#comment-117840 1491385;1467057412;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1491386;1467058272;shinohai;http://archive.is/tiY2j <<< segwit stole our block propagation idea! LOL 1491387;1467058880;asciilifeform;snore 1491388;1467058977;shinohai;asciilifeform is such a wonderfully easy person to make snore. I'll bet he never needs Ambien. 1491389;1467059001;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491328 << this dun work. the buggers have an infinite capacity for doublethink and unprincipled-exception. 1491390;1467059001;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 17:43 mircea_popescu: ironically, you'd be in a dark cone of immunity because the derps can't quite argue that YOU are responsible by putting kids in harm's way, because they can't say black people are the harm. 1491391;1467059163;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491350 << approximately the role lichens play in nature 1491392;1467059163;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 18:16 phf: once landlords or developers are involved the area has long been considered "interesting" by suburban types and "done" by the gentrification avant guard 1491393;1467059208;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491353 << you can't get so much as a doghouse for this price, even in bmore 1491394;1467059208;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 18:17 phf: you get a balmore workshop not because it's a conan thing to do, but because you're insane and need to paint astral vaginas whether or not there's market for it, and you can afford to pay $90/mo (sometimes late) for your apartment and $100/mo (mostly late) for your studio 1491395;1467059219;asciilifeform;unless there are 7 of you per flat 1491396;1467059251;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491361 << they work as lichens because they have (typically) no kidz, and don't give rat's arse about 'school district' 1491397;1467059251;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 18:32 mircea_popescu: (note the importance of the gay army in taking land from savages - today as 3000 years ago) 1491398;1467059353;asciilifeform;from phf's link, commentz: '...it's nice that run down neighborhoods get a face lift, and I love craft beer and good food and coffee as much as the next guy (er, gal)-but what happened to the factories and the people that used to work in them? Their lives were largely destroyed by "free trade" and deindustrialization. We were once a producer society, and we were an economically and culturally healthier country (and medically). Now we 1491399;1467059353;asciilifeform; are a consumer society, the bright store fronts and restaurants blinding people from seeing the general decay of the nation. Unless there's a revival of production and real technological progress, we are doomed...' 1491400;1467059385;asciilifeform;related, from same rag: http://articles.philly.com/2016-06-20/news/73881409_1_murder-suicide-medical-examiner-john-sheridan 1491401;1467059402;asciilifeform;'Instead of a murder-suicide carried out by John Sheridan, as the prosecutor concluded, Baden found that the CEO of Cooper Health System and his wife, a retired teacher, more likely were preyed upon by a man who killed them and then set a fire to destroy the evidence.' 1491402;1467059415;asciilifeform;what did 'cooper health system' sell ? 1491403;1467059491;phf;asciilifeform: last industries closed in fishtown in 88 or so, or right around the financial market crash 1491404;1467059512;phf;the whole Robocop, japanese are taking over american industry and economy time 1491405;1467059629;asciilifeform;the beginning of the end of the last happytime aha. 1491406;1467059681;BingoBoingo;phf: Japanese were not in Robocop, but Robocop 3 1491407;1467059945;deedbot;[Qntra] Tim Swanson Misunderstanda Reality Again - http://qntra.net/2016/06/tim-swanson-misunderstanda-reality-again/ 1491408;1467059951;BingoBoingo;title fxd 1491409;1467060612;phf;asciilifeform: in unrelated news check out this hack job http://web.mit.edu/6.933/www/Symbolics.pdf 1491410;1467060640;asciilifeform;phf: ancient 1491411;1467060652;asciilifeform;$s failure of heterogeneous engineering 1491412;1467060653;a111;2 results for "failure of heterogeneous engineering", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=failure%20of%20heterogeneous%20engineering 1491413;1467060669;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-17#1373898 1491414;1467060669;a111;Logged on 2016-01-17 02:25 asciilifeform: right now best we have was 'symbolics, the failure of heterogeneous engineering' (by some chick?) 1491415;1467060676;asciilifeform;and possibly other threads that aren't found by search box 1491416;1467060753;phf;i skimmed it and realized just how badly researched, but ideologically framed it is 1491417;1467060897;asciilifeform;imho there was no possible way for smbx to survive the end of reagan presidency by very long. 1491418;1467060950;mircea_popescu;shinohai well, kinda what tmsr is for. 1491419;1467060977;asciilifeform;phf: smbx was a creature of megalomaniacal empire, like the su 'Рокот' rocket. 1491420;1467061002;asciilifeform;(whose launcher stood so tall that a man cannot be photographed in the same frame as it and still be visible) 1491421;1467061032;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491398 <<->> http://66.media.tumblr.com/ec60ffcf9c7527607b8db7089e0dea50/tumblr_o2jk96zPKi1u0i0qzo1_400.gif 1491422;1467061032;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 20:29 asciilifeform: from phf's link, commentz: '...it's nice that run down neighborhoods get a face lift, and I love craft beer and good food and coffee as much as the next guy (er, gal)-but what happened to the factories and the people that used to work in them? Their lives were largely destroyed by "free trade" and deindustrialization. We were once a producer society, and we were an economically and culturally healthier countr 1491423;1467061037;asciilifeform;раскат rather 1491424;1467061066;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l! is that borat ?! 1491425;1467061074;mircea_popescu;naaa 1491426;1467061153;asciilifeform;but yeah, '50s were great' 'ah? then why did weevils eat them' 1491427;1467061191;mircea_popescu;because the people of the 50s "wanted their kids to live a better life" 1491428;1467061195;mircea_popescu;stupidest fucking idea ever. 1491429;1467061220;mircea_popescu;but speaking of japanese robocop, http://67.media.tumblr.com/0d5afb925baf894cb47c10c93c8b31d8/tumblr_nkelflLgZA1tgdz6ro1_1280.png 1491430;1467061237;asciilifeform;l0l!!! 1491431;1467061263;asciilifeform;this is best ever. 1491432;1467061315;*;asciilifeform takes off hat. 1491433;1467061317;phf;well, that's an opinion. a proper exploration of this subject would answer questions like what was revenue sources, what were the expenses, and then go backwards from there, figuring out where and how those were compromised or failed to correct. smbx burned through something like 10mil 80s cash in 2 years. and they burned through them by being locked into real estate, that lost value post crash. so can explore how the internal culture contributed 1491434;1467061317;phf;to bubbling debt, etc. not saying that either of us could do it in a few sentences, but that's what i would expect from proper paper on the subject. real estate is not even mentioned in the above hack job 1491435;1467061371;asciilifeform;phf: that the market consisted ~100% of usg, and that it stopped buying, and the commitments smbx was locked into spending-wise remained, and bankrupted it - is not mega-seekrit. 1491436;1467061468;phf;asciilifeform: not at all 100% usg, that's why there was the west coast symbolics media lab, also government didn't stop buying, the contracts were bringing revenue well into the endof90s (i mean still do, but now it's life support peanuts) 1491437;1467061485;asciilifeform;it was peanuts in '90s also. 1491438;1467061493;asciilifeform;there were no massive rollouts. 1491439;1467061504;asciilifeform;afaik amex was the ONLY major 100% non-usgtronic customer. 1491440;1467061534;asciilifeform;media lab == usg. 1491441;1467061543;phf;(hollywood) 1491442;1467061558;asciilifeform;ah 'framethrower' 1491443;1467061563;asciilifeform;sgi swallowed that market. 1491444;1467061568;asciilifeform;(then promptly died) 1491445;1467061600;asciilifeform;iirc google lives in the old sgi campus. 1491446;1467061606;phf;fwiw we're saying same thing, but a paper doesn't need to reveal some major secrets to be worthwhile, ~this~ particular paper takes a tired and ideologically aligned "it's them eggheads and their lisp that did it" 1491447;1467061662;asciilifeform;you don't need courage to kick a dead lion. 1491448;1467061667;phf;^ 1491449;1467061743;shinohai;Speaking of lisp, asciilifeform has officially made me a shiva believer. 1491450;1467061749;asciilifeform;waiwat 1491451;1467061751;shinohai;I love this :D 1491452;1467061762;phf;asciilifeform: you brought this on yourself :D 1491453;1467061789;asciilifeform;the hindu god ?! 1491454;1467061804;*;asciilifeform cannot offer advice on placating shiva, you must call experts 1491455;1467061813;shinohai;No, shiva the trb addition. >.> 1491456;1467061818;shinohai;KALI MA! 1491457;1467061825;asciilifeform;iirc it dun do anything interesting yet. 1491458;1467061862;asciilifeform;and various folks ( mircea_popescu ? ) pointed out that it is 2000 ln of unaudited crud, that ought not be used in battlefield 1491459;1467061873;asciilifeform;then again it is 1) unaudited crud that predates bitcoin 1491460;1467061884;asciilifeform;2) never touches input from outside world if properly operated. 1491461;1467061896;shinohai;No but I see the benefits of having rpc commands use it, as I would love to see those commands separated from daemon 1491462;1467061911;asciilifeform;3) is theoretically r4rs compliant and can be reimplemented without rewriting payload code or replaces with another r4rs-compliant scheme at some future point. 1491463;1467061948;asciilifeform;*replaced 1491464;1467061977;asciilifeform;brief overview: i had it lying around because was trying to make a mempool debugger at one time. 1491465;1467061982;phf;i drove past a mother kali temple somewhere in laurel, md yesterday 1491466;1467061989;asciilifeform;cleaned up, released (as pedigree chain from original tinyscheme) 1491467;1467062003;asciilifeform;then somebody ( mircea_popescu ? ) suggested that it could be used to replace the idiot json rpc. 1491468;1467062006;asciilifeform;then nothing happened. 1491469;1467062009;asciilifeform;we are here <--- 1491470;1467062029;asciilifeform;phf: lel! was it full of Thugs? 1491471;1467062145;phf;they had a different spelling of it (i vaguely suspect on account of indiana jones movie), "kala, divine mother temple" it took me a while to get it 1491472;1467062178;phf;http://kalitemplewashington.org 1491473;1467062261;shinohai;But I liked the temple of doom. I could get behind religions like that. 1491474;1467062298;BingoBoingo;Buy Baltimore ruin and make temple! 1491475;1467062354;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.zillow.com/homes/for_sale/Baltimore-MD/3523_rid/0-25000_price/0-88_mp/pricea_sort/39.313,-76.570641,39.273593,-76.593129_rect/15_zm/0_mmm << i have nfi whether scamz, etc. 1491476;1467062424;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well part scam sometimes because derps will want "back property tax" 1491477;1467062427;phf;asciilifeform: girl says "nooo" 1491478;1467062436;asciilifeform;noo what 1491479;1467062469;phf;north of patterson park is likely to be exactly that cheap because you definitely don't want to go there 1491480;1467062544;BingoBoingo;phf: Why not? 1491481;1467062583;*;asciilifeform is simply REALLY TIRED of paying rent. 1491482;1467062585;phf;baltimore st actually stays rough pretty much all the way downtown (which is club area), but it's ok to walk after dark around E/W switch 1491483;1467062635;asciilifeform;it does appear that you can't get fiber in most of these. which is the real deal-killer for me. 1491484;1467062754;phf;BingoBoingo: it's one of those the wire style areas 1491485;1467062761;BingoBoingo;ah 1491486;1467062785;mircea_popescu;so the actually very competent ron havana club anejo 7yo has been reviewed by the producer, who decided it has flavours of vanilla, chocolate, cocoa, dried fruits and "spices". 1491487;1467062793;mircea_popescu;they apparently forgot AND EVERYTHING NICE!!1 1491488;1467062845;mircea_popescu;anyway, usage suggestion : fill whiskey glass with good raisins, add rum to the top, leave for an hour. then take the raisins for apple pie, drink the remainder while chatting on irc. 1491489;1467062872;BingoBoingo;$b 3 1491490;1467062890;BingoBoingo;$s $b 1491491;1467062890;a111;33 results for "$b", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=$b 1491492;1467062905;mircea_popescu;phf real estate is the traditional siren song that sinks a certain type of empire builder head. 1491493;1467062987;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491436 << i think there's some merit to this view. usg wasn't nearly as important as asciilifeform thinks it even in the 80s. 1491494;1467062987;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 21:04 phf: asciilifeform: not at all 100% usg, that's why there was the west coast symbolics media lab, also government didn't stop buying, the contracts were bringing revenue well into the endof90s (i mean still do, but now it's life support peanuts) 1491495;1467063012;mircea_popescu;better managed symbolics could have done much better than it ended up doing. 1491496;1467063039;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was important ~for symbolics~ 1491497;1467063059;mircea_popescu;by (poor) choice rather than by lack of choice. 1491498;1467063067;asciilifeform;pretty much everybody else bought the cheaper suns when they became available. and ran cruddy sun lisps on'em, etc. 1491499;1467063076;mircea_popescu;~ 1491500;1467063086;asciilifeform;it is not clear that smbx would be famous and interesting today if they had transformed themselves into a sun earlier. 1491501;1467063098;asciilifeform;(and lived) 1491502;1467063131;phf;they did transform themselves into sun, ivory machines and macivory boards specifically 1491503;1467063146;jurov;asciilifeform: wiring the all the rest of C code to shiva would have to be redone if replacing with some other cheme, no? 1491504;1467063148;asciilifeform;too little / too late 1491505;1467063158;asciilifeform;jurov: not really 1491506;1467063170;phf;well, too late precisely because obligations 1491507;1467063173;asciilifeform;plus how much of it is there - a dozen lines ? 1491508;1467063190;asciilifeform;basic idea of 'this lisp func calls this here c func' is same regardless 1491509;1467063204;asciilifeform;you could prolly replace it with, e.g., SIOD, without breaking a sweat 1491510;1467063210;asciilifeform;(or your own scheme) 1491511;1467063214;jurov;currently, dozen lines. but target is to have much more functions accessible, no? 1491512;1467063255;jurov;*many more 1491513;1467063258;asciilifeform;yes but the glue is the only part that might vary. 1491514;1467063366;jurov;i am willing to bet the glue will be bigger than the tinyscheme itself 1491515;1467063376;asciilifeform;for fucks sake 1491516;1467063378;asciilifeform;it isn't 1491517;1467063379;asciilifeform;go, read. 1491518;1467063397;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491446 << there doubtlessly is a large helping of that. bad management by engineers who imagined they can manage for reasons unknown. http://trilema.com/2014/fred-quimby-and-ancient-evils/ rather applies. 1491519;1467063397;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 21:06 phf: fwiw we're saying same thing, but a paper doesn't need to reveal some major secrets to be worthwhile, ~this~ particular paper takes a tired and ideologically aligned "it's them eggheads and their lisp that did it" 1491520;1467063411;asciilifeform;(or if you're thinking of theoretically complete replacement for the rpc - it wouldn't have to be re-written, with correct dozen lines of glue) 1491521;1467063428;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: noftsker wasn't really an engineer 1491522;1467063436;asciilifeform;(stallman hated him for it, even) 1491523;1467063499;mircea_popescu;https://fat.gfycat.com/UnequaledSeveralIndianelephant.webm << POA or w/e it's called 1491524;1467063541;asciilifeform;wat 1491525;1467063571;mircea_popescu;you know, the really cool alpha dudes 1491526;1467063623;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491481 << o wow, gonna start your street tough career ? 1491527;1467063623;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 21:23 asciilifeform is simply REALLY TIRED of paying rent. 1491528;1467063636;asciilifeform;if i can get fiber there!11111 1491529;1467063789;mircea_popescu;ak-fiber 1491530;1467063842;asciilifeform;fiberlessness is actually pestilential even in 'rich' baltimore. 1491531;1467063864;asciilifeform;(for complicated political reasons local telco monopoly didn't rollout) 1491532;1467063869;mircea_popescu;impotence is the mother of chemistry or how did that adage go ? 1491533;1467063884;asciilifeform;l0l 1491534;1467063891;mircea_popescu;go to fiberless ghetto, build your own point to point network 1491535;1467063898;asciilifeform;with whom ? 1491536;1467063900;asciilifeform;the monkeys ? 1491537;1467063909;mircea_popescu;i dunno, drones. 1491538;1467063913;asciilifeform;go to north pole, build network with polar bears. 1491539;1467063917;asciilifeform;better ROI. 1491540;1467063921;mircea_popescu;but sure, give out free iuds with wifi. 1491541;1467063946;phf;microwave towers 1491542;1467063969;phf;pay locals to defend them with AKs :> 1491543;1467063982;mircea_popescu;lol 1491544;1467063992;mircea_popescu;mad maxcii lifeform 1491545;1467064018;phf;periodically no internet because one of towers got overrun, $1k worth of equipment stollen, defenders all shot up 1491546;1467064030;mircea_popescu;redundancy! sqrt n / 2 1491547;1467064034;phf;have to grab own ak go reclaim tower: exercise 1491548;1467064045;asciilifeform;'lose the other army! or lose yourself!11111' 1491549;1467064052;mircea_popescu;eh, nah. usg only has strike units. give it 18 hours, can reclaim passively. 1491550;1467064093;*;asciilifeform actually wrote to some of the sellers... 1491551;1467064116;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're going to go into real estate biz ? 1491552;1467064122;asciilifeform;nah 1491553;1467064125;asciilifeform;what made you think this. 1491554;1467064130;mircea_popescu;to quote the immortal foca, "boooo... o sa iasa un dezastru." 1491555;1467064134;mircea_popescu;well.. sellers of what ? 1491556;1467064151;asciilifeform;sellers of derelicts that are a few $k of new carpet away from habitability. 1491557;1467064185;mircea_popescu;looky : if you own real estate you're in the real estate biz. just like if you're married, you're in the pimp biz. you may suck at it something fierce, but that dun matter. 1491558;1467064206;mircea_popescu;there isn't a "special" situation where you're a pimp but that's ok because you're not really a pimp. 1491559;1467064217;asciilifeform;ok in that sense yes 1491560;1467064230;asciilifeform;and if i buy a car i am in car biz ? 1491561;1467064242;asciilifeform;a new pocket knife - in cutlery biz ? 1491562;1467064248;thestringpuller;how is marriage the pimp biz? 1491563;1467064278;mircea_popescu;got a woman in the house ? she can run with your monyz ? 1491564;1467064282;mircea_popescu;how NOT 1491565;1467064365;phf;probably a controversial point because never interacted with those other pimps 1491566;1467064442;mircea_popescu;yeah well, ignorance of the law is no defense. 1491567;1467064521;phf;the one that i knew wasn't really running it movie back of hand style (or i guess it wasn't like this special thing, "where's my money bitch"). money brought was income and "he takes care of me" etc 1491568;1467064547;mircea_popescu;it's a domestic arrangement, what. 1491569;1467064548;phf;in fact it took me a while to grok what's going on 1491570;1467064565;mircea_popescu;really, in some cultures it's the default domestic arrangement. 1491571;1467064646;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you buy a car you are in the car biz, yes. which is why car salesmen rape you so badly. 1491572;1467064678;asciilifeform;i thought 'in biz' were, roughly, if you intended to make money reselling 1491573;1467064686;mircea_popescu;your intention don'[t matter jack shit. 1491574;1467064690;asciilifeform;or - if i buy icecream - i am in icecream biz ? 1491575;1467064695;mircea_popescu;what, and you're in the army if you intend to kill people ? 1491576;1467064713;asciilifeform;i cross the road, i am in paving biz ? 1491577;1467064730;asciilifeform;this is a defensible pov but not quite what anybody expects. 1491578;1467064741;mircea_popescu;what anybody expects also dun enter into it. 1491579;1467064756;mircea_popescu;yes, sanity is very intolerant of consumerism ethos and "division of labour" understood without any understanding. 1491580;1467064759;asciilifeform;then yes 1491581;1467064771;asciilifeform;but it smacks of 'elephant is simply a very heavy type of fly' 1491582;1467064791;mircea_popescu;only because you're addicted to the consumerist mindset. 1491583;1467064803;mircea_popescu;there is no "elephant" as a categorically different item 1491584;1467064810;mircea_popescu;wasp is a very heavy type of gnat. 1491585;1467064952;asciilifeform;http://photos2.zillowstatic.com/p_f/ISdov0lm5hhpd71000000000.jpg << holy fuq 1491586;1467064961;asciilifeform;HOW ^ 1491587;1467064979;mircea_popescu;what ? 1491588;1467064983;asciilifeform;that sink 1491589;1467064998;trinque;somebody probably kicked it 1491590;1467065010;asciilifeform;plausible. 1491591;1467065023;mircea_popescu;just crappy pressboard what 1491592;1467065186;BingoBoingo;Typical "remain" voter https://i.sli.mg/UQarGZ.png 1491593;1467065212;mircea_popescu;lol uk industry is finally exporting some primo butthurt huh 1491594;1467065232;BingoBoingo;4 srs 1491595;1467065247;BingoBoingo;And now Italeave starts 1491596;1467065256;asciilifeform;lol i got call back.. 1491597;1467065267;BingoBoingo;Oh 1491598;1467065303;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo obese fuck "who's always been" never in his life felt so "ashamed" as when the life support got a little threatened ? 1491599;1467065313;mircea_popescu;what happened to being ashamed for being a fat fuck ffs. 1491600;1467065322;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491563 << ah, i thought pimping mean putting said woman to work 1491601;1467065322;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 21:51 mircea_popescu: got a woman in the house ? she can run with your monyz ? 1491602;1467065332;BingoBoingo;Who knows? Anyways I think it identified as femayo 1491603;1467065336;thestringpuller;but i guess you gotta do that too 1491604;1467065346;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller whether you tolerate the whores working a lot or a little dun enter into this tho. 1491605;1467065374;mircea_popescu;god damned. let's ban avoid so that we can then do the same inept join part bullshit. 1491606;1467065399;phf;Typical "remain" voter https://i.sli.mg/UQarGZ.png << this gotta be a joke 1491607;1467065472;asciilifeform;'lego is hard for fat children to play with' << tr0l0l0l 1491608;1467065477;asciilifeform;forfuxxsake 1491609;1467065493;asciilifeform;or wat, you will tell me this EXISTS ?? 1491610;1467065556;*;asciilifeform will be touring baltimoralalabad and kandamore in the flesh 1491611;1467065627;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what are the remoras even DOING here 1491612;1467065631;asciilifeform;i always wondered. 1491613;1467065637;phf;righton 1491614;1467065650;mircea_popescu;who where ? 1491615;1467065665;asciilifeform;pablo___ et al. 1491616;1467065669;shinohai;So it is the fault of the leavers this probablr hamplanet can't get 4,000 calories a day BingoBoingo ? 1491617;1467065676;mircea_popescu;heard there's a party ? 1491618;1467065695;asciilifeform;'hi i heard there is a party, let me stand in the corner and snort the alcohol fume plox' 1491619;1467065704;mircea_popescu;there's this deeply ingrained expectation of "participating" without participation. 1491620;1467065709;asciilifeform;i dun get it. 1491621;1467065714;mircea_popescu;like - school, government, commerce, politics, footbal - you name it. 1491622;1467065717;mircea_popescu;jwzism 1491623;1467065733;trinque;http://www.vice.com/read/actual-cuckolds-are-pissed-off-at-the-far-right-using-cuck-as-an-insult << teh infinilulz 1491624;1467065745;trinque;"Behind every good woman is a devoted cuck." 1491625;1467065763;mircea_popescu;trinque wait, they got linguistically cuckolded by their own patronym, fucking around with right wingers without their approval ? 1491626;1467065772;mircea_popescu;the cuckocalypse! 1491627;1467065803;trinque;ahahaha 1491628;1467065809;BingoBoingo;shinohai: apparently 1491629;1467065829;mircea_popescu;buyt anyway - i approve. cuck SHOULD mean libertard. 1491630;1467065834;mircea_popescu;shorter word, more descriptive. 1491631;1467065851;asciilifeform;we came from the cucks, who came from the trucks... 1491632;1467065863;mircea_popescu;lol 1491633;1467065920;mircea_popescu;ahahaha "alpha cucks out there". 1491634;1467065937;mircea_popescu;bullshit. if anyone knows what shit means "in the scene" it'd be me, and yes cuck means inferior. 1491635;1467065956;mircea_popescu;conventionally, not ALWAYS to be treated as inferior, but that's more a flavour thing than anything else. 1491636;1467065968;asciilifeform;wtf is an alpha cuck !! 1491637;1467065983;mircea_popescu;libertardism. "lalala i can't hear you and words are salad ingredients" 1491638;1467065983;phf;best pidor among the girls 1491639;1467066020;asciilifeform;l0l: the sp4mz0rz pushing the derelict houses called me back and offered to consolidate the tour, they actually thought i wanted to buy ~all~ of them.. 1491640;1467066030;mircea_popescu;it is a sensible assumption. 1491641;1467066034;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would you do it otherwise. 1491642;1467066046;phf;you know, when there's a new опущенный alpha cuck is the one who shows him the ropes 1491643;1467066058;asciilifeform;head pidor by the latrine 1491644;1467066060;mircea_popescu;this is what alpha bitch means in the brothel. 1491645;1467066107;phf;"how many blocks would are you interested in purchasing?" 1491646;1467066173;mircea_popescu;this bizarro libertard thing where "not using words in the way we'd prefer them used" = "not using words right" 1491647;1467066181;mircea_popescu;wtf else, putin doesn't understand how the world works ? 1491648;1467066185;asciilifeform;i am interested in subj mainly as an experimental test of some of my assumptions 1491649;1467066198;asciilifeform;(the derelicts, not the cuckolds) 1491650;1467066213;BingoBoingo;Carry on the experiment, become 31337 slumlord! 1491651;1467066226;mircea_popescu;for srs. 1491652;1467066227;BingoBoingo;Play Sid Meyer's civilization IRL! 1491653;1467066237;asciilifeform;i figure, 'war is interested in you' and will come here eventually 1491654;1467066241;mircea_popescu;then when i finally visit the collapsed empire, i have where to guest stay. 1491655;1467066242;asciilifeform;so may as well go to it on own schedule. 1491656;1467066253;*;mircea_popescu always preferred living with pimps over dope dealers, thugs and etc. 1491657;1467066330;mircea_popescu;who could ever have predicted alf is SO DEDICATED to his new country, he'll build jamestown on the misipipi before leaving. 1491658;1467066343;asciilifeform;lelz 1491659;1467066348;asciilifeform;prolly not 1491660;1467066358;asciilifeform;merely gedankenexperiment currently. 1491661;1467066369;BingoBoingo;When does alf get Mosin for pet? 1491662;1467066372;asciilifeform;not sure if i got enough gold dubloons 1491663;1467066388;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fully covered in this dept. 1491664;1467066389;mircea_popescu;yeah what's the girl say about all this ? itching to alpha bitch ? 1491665;1467066399;asciilifeform;girl smells the moneyz. 1491666;1467066431;BingoBoingo;Every pet a rifleman! 1491667;1467066439;mircea_popescu;win 1491668;1467066443;asciilifeform;riflefman. 1491669;1467066493;asciilifeform;as i said, this is kinda like that time i wanted to launch a satellite. 1491670;1467066513;asciilifeform;or fly a suitcase to buenos aires on own propellant. 1491671;1467066516;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, it's not. tens of thousands of sub-parity IQ dudes do this on a regular basis. 1491672;1467066516;BingoBoingo;Except this you can do 1491673;1467066533;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: enculturated folk. 1491674;1467066534;phf;can just imagine asciilifeform going through an "apocalypse now" transformation. "where you from, willard?" 1491675;1467066545;asciilifeform;'smell of napalm' ! 1491676;1467066546;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform culture's a lie. 1491677;1467066566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i lived in a ~hole for 20 yrs. 1491678;1467066573;asciilifeform;this has permanent effects. 1491679;1467066580;mircea_popescu;so did most respectable people. think about it for a second. 1491680;1467066597;asciilifeform;not mircea_popescu ! 1491681;1467066607;asciilifeform;he strangled the 2 snakes they put in his crib etc. 1491682;1467066631;mircea_popescu;carmine persico ruled the colombos for 40 years, of which 36 in jail. 1491683;1467066645;asciilifeform;it matters ~which~ 20y 1491684;1467066658;asciilifeform;if yer first 20 - different affair than last 20 1491685;1467066661;mircea_popescu;doubtful anything matters in any serious sense. 1491686;1467066697;asciilifeform;where does mircea_popescu think we get homo redditicus ? 1491687;1467066702;asciilifeform;holy shit 1491688;1467066720;asciilifeform;$up pabl0 1491689;1467066721;deedbot;pabl0 voiced for 30 minutes. 1491690;1467066723;asciilifeform;pabl0: speak 1491691;1467066734;mircea_popescu;lmao 1491692;1467066785;asciilifeform;reminds me, i gotta change the uv lamp in bugzapper. 1491693;1467066936;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Don't forget to change the bait or you'll zap everything but mosquitos! 1491694;1467067241;mircea_popescu;and in other interior decorating tricks and tips, http://66.media.tumblr.com/fd46f28c89435fe3f09fdc215e8698f4/tumblr_o2dbxxfVvY1uycyh2o1_1280.jpg 1491695;1467070852;mircea_popescu;sooo, ethereum "soft fork" due to go in, about 60 hours left. i hope everyone's ready for the lulzpocalypse 1491696;1467071024;*;shinohai puts popcorn on his shopping list. 1491697;1467071073;mircea_popescu;(one of the lulziest parts - they made their criteria be < cost. in non-scamcoin-head terms, this is not unlike making a soft fork dependent on mempool being < x.) 1491698;1467071170;mircea_popescu;ethereum being "smart", it's not just mempool, but also cpupool. and the "soft fork" being essentially a "enumerate badness" attempt, you still gotta check and make sure tx isn't on the verboten list. which computation you do for free, because you believe in mit, socialism and buterin. 1491699;1467071215;mircea_popescu;cold equations be damn' cold. 1491700;1467072015;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which is why imho you oughta have made the 'bad' addr list a few GB. 1491701;1467072022;asciilifeform;not a few hundred bytes. 1491702;1467072704;mircea_popescu;hm ? which ? 1491703;1467072714;asciilifeform;the list of verboten eth addrs 1491704;1467072730;asciilifeform;or hm iirc there was some timelock thing 1491705;1467072733;mircea_popescu;but then the problem'd have been obvious ? 1491706;1467072770;asciilifeform;which 1491707;1467072778;mircea_popescu;the above discussed 1491708;1467072795;asciilifeform;not really problem if each node only has to verify tx against list of length 1 1491709;1467072800;mircea_popescu;they wouldn't have discoverd it exists week-and-a-half after "having a solution" and buolding consensus etc 1491710;1467072809;mircea_popescu;mmm. if only. 1491711;1467072843;asciilifeform;what am i missing 1491712;1467072897;mircea_popescu;tx can be pretty cpu intensive. 1491713;1467072927;asciilifeform;yeah but how much more cpu intensive can ONE verboten-addr make it 1491714;1467072933;mircea_popescu;hugely so. 1491715;1467072940;mircea_popescu;all you need is one 1491716;1467072942;*;mircea_popescu sings 1491717;1467072956;asciilifeform;isn't it a constant-time op ? 1491718;1467072968;mircea_popescu;nope. 1491719;1467073002;mircea_popescu;i don't think you fully appreciate just how braindamaged this "laughing gas of the future" actually is. 1491720;1467073023;asciilifeform;in bitcoin, it would be: if (addr == eviladdr) return fuckyou 1491721;1467073029;asciilifeform;approximately. 1491722;1467073545;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/68bd5d9a-3dac-49f6-9c36-d2a98a459a65/?raw=true << moar miscellaneous lulz 1491723;1467073582;asciilifeform;^ yes it's ~that~ dingleberry 1491724;1467073653;mircea_popescu;" Things are probably going to get worse before they get better." << ahahahaha. 1491725;1467073660;asciilifeform;'It's tempting to wonder if there's some cointelpro-style attack going on. Realistically, we likely do have the attention of governments who are well-funded to attack us. But first, this really doesn't look like a cointelpro op. The complaints come from people both inside and outside the Tor community, and I know some of them. And second, in this case it really doesn't matter. It's no excuse for not taking responsibility for our acti 1491726;1467073660;asciilifeform;ons. Tor, and our broader freedom movement, are about communities, and about how we want to interact with each other. Let's handle this situation as an example of how we want to do it right.' 1491727;1467073664;mircea_popescu;"we won't bury the corpse until nsa provides a new trough" 1491728;1467073664;asciilifeform;^ gold 1491729;1467073680;mircea_popescu;fucking derps. 1491730;1467073701;mircea_popescu;usg agent wondering if the actual people fighting the usg are a "cointelpro style" "attack" ? 1491731;1467073709;mircea_popescu;fuck these idiots with hot pokers already omfg. 1491732;1467073722;mircea_popescu;Framedragger is this one of those guys you're friends with, then ? 1491733;1467073723;asciilifeform;insurgency theatre. 1491734;1467073773;asciilifeform;btw ~every american outfit bigger than a hot dog stand has an in-house 'shari'. 1491735;1467073782;asciilifeform;(politruk) 1491736;1467073799;mircea_popescu;i know, they constantly try to wander in here also. 1491737;1467073809;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1491738;1467073853;mircea_popescu;anyway, this paste is a point-by-point example of sinful, evil behaviour. 1491739;1467073869;mircea_popescu;there is nothing dingledine can ever do that can redeem him, because the manner in which he thinks is beyond salvation. 1491740;1467073878;mircea_popescu;he must be killed, publicly, and the carcass left to rot where it fell. 1491741;1467074474;phf;ikea sells chairs and chair covers for those chairs. can buy covers in uk, etc. but not in u.s. fancy that 1491742;1467077261;BingoBoingo;Milestones in pipe wrench ownership #2: When loosening a slip fitting the pipe decides to tear instead 1491743;1467077326;BingoBoingo;#1 was boring, involved successfully removing burst frost free sillcock 1491744;1467077639;mod6;where did June go? 1491745;1467077645;mod6;sheesh 1491746;1467078434;BingoBoingo;June isn't over until it is over 1491747;1467078667;mod6;well. lol, it's almost over. 1491748;1467078676;mod6;time for me to work on the SoBA already! 1491749;1467078968;mircea_popescu;where did all teh junes go... loong time passing... 1491750;1467079174;mod6;indeed 1491751;1467079573;mircea_popescu;phf it's probably the "fire retardant" retardation 1491752;1467082170;BingoBoingo;Prolly US flame retardant vs EU carcinogen regulations 1491753;1467082602;mod6;trinqueis there a way to update this URL so it doesn't contain spaces? i.e.: http://wiki.deedbot.org/The%20Real%20Bitcoin 1491754;1467082626;mod6;or shinohai ^ ? 1491755;1467082717;mircea_popescu;yeah use underscores or something 1491756;1467082755;mod6;damnit. the spacebar on this thing is getting toast. 1491757;1467082773;mod6;trinque ^ up a few lines :] 1491758;1467084226;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491739 << same dingledine as officially represents nsa in tor 1491759;1467084226;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 00:31 mircea_popescu: there is nothing dingledine can ever do that can redeem him, because the manner in which he thinks is beyond salvation. 1491760;1467084247;asciilifeform;$s dingledine 1491761;1467084248;a111;7 results for "dingledine", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=dingledine 1491762;1467084744;mod6;<+asciilifeform> (though almost any imaginable mistake would result in MORE-phuctorable mods, vs less) << yeah this seems odd. 1491763;1467084751;asciilifeform;doesn't it. 1491764;1467084823;mod6;mircea_popescu: btw, did you want me to change tb0t to use '!' instead of '%'? 1491765;1467084826;trinque;http://www.nsf.gov/cise/cns/watch/images/dingledine.jpg << he looks catholic 1491766;1467084829;trinque;like the child-fucking kind 1491767;1467084844;asciilifeform;l0l! 1491768;1467084856;mod6;he has a van that says 'free candy' 1491769;1467084886;asciilifeform;mod6: this is not even wholly improbable. recall the selection criteria for dingledinity 1491770;1467084891;asciilifeform;(e.g., brock pierce) 1491771;1467084961;mod6;ya 1491772;1467085055;trinque;mod6: wiki is the code that runs cliki.net 1491773;1467085092;trinque;it uses the page title verbatim in the URL 1491774;1467085126;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: i lived in a ~hole for 20 yrs. << you can come live in my basement if you're tired of paying rent. i've even got a garden. :] 1491775;1467085137;trinque;sometime I could hack another field onto it; I'm not certain I like the thing (or wikis) 1491776;1467085153;asciilifeform;mod6: i need 4 walls. 1491777;1467085159;asciilifeform;whole box. 1491778;1467085160;trinque;they're really a response to "tards can't into html" 1491779;1467085165;trinque;but we must include them 1491780;1467085168;mod6;its got 4 walls! 1491781;1467085174;trinque;cancerous fagtech 1491782;1467085177;mod6;you think i live in a teepee? 1491783;1467085186;asciilifeform;i mean 4 walls not shared with anybody. 1491784;1467085194;mod6;ahh lol fair enough. 1491785;1467085221;mod6;offer stands if you ever get sick of the the 202 1491786;1467085241;asciilifeform;lolk 1491787;1467085298;mod6;<+trinque> it uses the page title verbatim in the URL << ok i think I can just have shinohai change the page title then, thx! 1491788;1467085314;mod6; <+trinque> sometime I could hack another field onto it; I'm not certain I like the thing (or wikis) << I don't love wikis either, but we need a place for quick docs. 1491789;1467085320;mod6;so it works for the time being. 1491790;1467085429;asciilifeform;mod6: that thread wasn't even about living conditions, but about being a hermit 1491791;1467085476;asciilifeform;trinque, mod6, et al: wikis work when folks actually bother editing.. 1491792;1467085500;trinque;I don't see how it's better than html shat in a folder somewhere 1491793;1467085516;asciilifeform;how to edit ? folks get shell on the box ? 1491794;1467085586;trinque;if they are in my wot, sure 1491795;1467085606;asciilifeform;neato 1491796;1467085671;phf;i have that cockli box by the way. i'm probably going to spin up an instance on it, but if anybody wants to attempt that task, feel free to take over 1491797;1467085752;phf;(trb instance) 1491798;1467086248;mircea_popescu;mod6 leave it for now, i'll bitch when 1491799;1467086304;mircea_popescu;trinque tbh, i think wikis are a (braindamaged, dysfunctional, uncomprehending) response to the html-is-broken / transclusion issue discussed yest and etc. 1491800;1467086315;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: that thread wasn't even about living conditions, but about being a hermit << saw that. figured, "hey, i've got a crypt he can live in if he wants..." 1491801;1467086326;mircea_popescu;there's a serious problem with digital handling of text, as we have it atm. 1491802;1467086328;mod6;mircea_popescu: ok just holler. 1491803;1467086361;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sorta what the first article on my blog was about. 1491804;1467086370;mod6;phf: cockli? 1491805;1467086398;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was where i started - text. and from that ended up in 'computing is braindamaged beyond repair' 1491806;1467086411;mircea_popescu;yeah, it's vaguely inhuman, this. the scholar in me is constantly opressed by various shits. 1. "oh we don;t alphabet - pdf" 2. "oh you can't reference text snippet" 3. "oh we forget, what was this ? linkrot ?" and i think there's more 1491807;1467086416;mircea_popescu;none of this is acceptable, intellectually. 1491808;1467086441;mircea_popescu;incidentally why the fuck is the web not native latex. 1491809;1467086455;mircea_popescu;seriously, this is allowed, "graphics" that aren't svg and text that's not tex ?! 1491810;1467086456;asciilifeform;latex doesn't survive ill-forming any better than html. 1491811;1467086478;mircea_popescu;hardly an argument 1491812;1467086504;phf;mod6: there was a hosting provider guy behind the domain cock.li, was interviewed by mp, was selling a vps box access 1491813;1467086509;asciilifeform;likewise i have a TB+ of scans here. these can exist as bitmap and naught else. 1491814;1467086526;mod6;phf: ah oh yeah. 1491815;1467086530;asciilifeform;(fancy bitmap, with wavelet compression, but certainly not vector graphic) 1491816;1467086540;mircea_popescu;scans as bitmaps are ~in the situation of wine as stum. 1491817;1467086551;asciilifeform;as what? 1491818;1467086562;mircea_popescu;stum. the sweet juice of grapes. 1491819;1467086586;asciilifeform;ain't nobody gonna ocr TB of ru diagrammed b00kz. 1491820;1467086601;asciilifeform;(ocr, contrary to what you've been misinformed, doesn't actually work) 1491821;1467086603;mircea_popescu;that's another thing, must have MUCH BETTER ocr. 1491822;1467086612;mircea_popescu;google has the patience to fuck with go, hasn't the patience to fix ocr ? 1491823;1467086625;mircea_popescu;ocr is really a good fit for the markov chains as ai they do 1491824;1467086644;asciilifeform;incidentally djvu compressor is 'too good' and makes ocr quite a bit more difficult - it sometimes INTRODUCES typos 1491825;1467086651;asciilifeform;by transforming 'similar' letter into another. 1491826;1467086655;mircea_popescu;tsk 1491827;1467086672;asciilifeform;this is annoying but the 100x mass saving pays off. 1491828;1467086690;mircea_popescu;i had an issue with an ocr that was TOO informed, kept creating single glyph fl and other wonders. 1491829;1467086699;asciilifeform;(thing is per se almost like ocr in terms of sheer bowel-loosening turd-shedding) 1491830;1467086713;asciilifeform;yes! quite like this. 1491831;1467086729;asciilifeform;anyway ocr for mathematics is ~hopeless. 1491832;1467086737;mircea_popescu;more hopeless than ai for go ? 1491833;1467086741;mircea_popescu;i do not think so. 1491834;1467086745;asciilifeform;even for FICTION it is 99.99% accurate which is to say SHIT 1491835;1467086758;asciilifeform;(a turd on every 8th page on avg.) 1491836;1467086774;mircea_popescu;there's really no reason a 100% accuracy over 1mb text ocr can't be had today. 1491837;1467086797;mircea_popescu;self-trained, goes back and fixes typos. 1491838;1467086815;asciilifeform;problem is that 'fix' is not always mechanically evident, even. 1491839;1467086883;mircea_popescu;how do you mean ? 1491840;1467086904;asciilifeform;think about the kind of persistend turd that one gets with ocr 1491841;1467086915;asciilifeform;e.g., 'modern'-->'modem' 1491842;1467086928;asciilifeform;proggy has nfi that shakespeare didn't mention modems. 1491843;1467086933;mircea_popescu;o, really, it doesn't ? 1491844;1467086935;mircea_popescu;think again. 1491845;1467086949;asciilifeform;if yours does, it is because you tweaked it 1491846;1467086950;mircea_popescu;if proggy has no fucking idea modems don't go with macbeth a) it's not trained and b) everyone involved is fired. 1491847;1467086956;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform self-trained. 1491848;1467086960;asciilifeform;self how 1491849;1467086968;mircea_popescu;"hm, i wonder how come these guys keep speaking about modems in non-modem context". 1491850;1467086985;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform self-trained like the markov nonsense works. 1491851;1467086995;asciilifeform;it works except when it doesn't. 1491852;1467086999;mircea_popescu;makes ten trillion parameters, sets them all to 0, then sets more and more to values 1491853;1467087007;mircea_popescu;it works except where people don't bother. 1491854;1467087030;asciilifeform;realize that when you have more than a little meat sweat mixed in, you are no longer discussing a computer program 1491855;1467087038;asciilifeform;but a machine-assisted meat slave. 1491856;1467087055;mircea_popescu;mno. 1491857;1467087060;mircea_popescu;and stop with the romanticisms already. 1491858;1467087074;asciilifeform;no srsly nobody's gonna proofread a TB of ocr. 1491859;1467087082;asciilifeform;there is elementarily not enough qualified meat alive. 1491860;1467087101;mircea_popescu;trained statistical model for ocr, either markov or whatever. 1491861;1467087120;mircea_popescu;same principle as in machine translation, search engines, etc. 1491862;1467087128;asciilifeform;none of which work especially well 1491863;1467087138;mircea_popescu;they work a lot the fuck better than dumb ocr present currently. 1491864;1467087205;asciilifeform;my contention is not that it is physically impossible to improve on extant ocr 1491865;1467087227;asciilifeform;but that no one will improve on it to the point where i can throw out the original TB and be ~certain~ of no irrevocable loss. 1491866;1467087235;asciilifeform;without proofreading. 1491867;1467087236;mircea_popescu;phf incidentally, how interested are you in the unholy art of probabilistic models ? it occurs to me that making a proper ocr would be a most respectable task, but not really for everyone. 1491868;1467087254;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so you read it once. 1491869;1467087266;mircea_popescu;there's worse fates to library text than being read once. 1491870;1467087279;asciilifeform;doing this correctly is ~same amount of work as manually ocring. 1491871;1467087329;mircea_popescu;no, it isn't. 1491872;1467087346;asciilifeform;i can apparently tell that mircea_popescu has never tried it 1491873;1467087347;mircea_popescu;when you have to correct on average 1 error per book, which is where i expect this can be taken, it's just a breeze. 1491874;1467087363;mircea_popescu;tried what ? 1491875;1467087377;asciilifeform;correcting several MB of ocr text against original. 1491876;1467087392;mircea_popescu;what's this to do with your defense of dumb ocr ? 1491877;1467087401;asciilifeform;l0l defense 1491878;1467087414;asciilifeform;simply that any improvement i expect to see will not be qualitative. 1491879;1467087417;mircea_popescu;there doesn't exist currently any ocr package that uses a proper statistical model, and is self-trained on the text, and on all text. 1491880;1467087424;asciilifeform;(would love to be proven wrong) 1491881;1467087433;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 1 error per 500 pages or less. how's that. 1491882;1467087434;asciilifeform;.. all text ?? 1491883;1467087446;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so long as it isn't in an equation, ever 1491884;1467087448;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. "all text it's ever seen" 1491885;1467087462;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform equations, chemical formulas, everything you can note down. 1491886;1467087484;mircea_popescu;i was stuck publishing a pdf in my latest article because fuck me there's no sane ocr ;/ 1491887;1467087499;asciilifeform;how do you intent to apply a statistical model to an element which NEVER recurrs ?? 1491888;1467087512;asciilifeform;*intend 1491889;1467087517;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform all elements recur ; all elements are made of parts which recur. 1491890;1467087523;asciilifeform;parts yes 1491891;1467087551;mircea_popescu;properly made model can learn rules of chemistry from reading chemistry books, 1491892;1467087554;mircea_popescu;will correct your formulas. 1491893;1467087568;asciilifeform;now we have lenat's 'cyc' failed ai. 1491894;1467087574;mircea_popescu;THIS is what competent (not great. competent, patient, insistent) programmers + 20nm process means. that we can have this in a box. 1491895;1467087575;asciilifeform;'learn rules of chemistry' l0l 1491896;1467087578;asciilifeform;wake me up when. 1491897;1467087584;mircea_popescu;that we don't have this in a box is simply because nobody wants to do any work. 1491898;1467087592;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sedol lost. 1491899;1467087593;asciilifeform;and lenat didn't is because he lacked sufficient jolt cola ? or why 1491900;1467087600;mircea_popescu;yes. 1491901;1467087667;asciilifeform;granted this is why i even wanted computer 1491902;1467087678;asciilifeform;but it is waste of time to attempt it prior to having one 1491903;1467087682;asciilifeform;(we don't, of yet.) 1491904;1467087687;mircea_popescu;anyway - this is a correct wiki. a proper notation engine backed by a self-training, probabilistic model of language. 1491905;1467087799;asciilifeform;incidentally it is interesting to recall that at one point ai game player folks were interested in heuristic generators and the like - mechanisms that were ~applicable across domains~ 1491906;1467087825;asciilifeform;but none of these worked worth a tinker's damn and not a single chesstron written by actual chess players ever won a serious tourney 1491907;1467087856;asciilifeform;instead what we got was ~extremely~ specialized slightly-refined brute force. 1491908;1467087891;mircea_popescu;this is what's contemplated here exactly. 1491909;1467087907;phf;i believe that was described in the "Sussman attains enlightenment" 1491910;1467087912;mircea_popescu;use the fact that the machine as is, runnign whatever crap it runs, can still do millions of cycles a second, and can store billions and trillions of bytes. 1491911;1467087980;asciilifeform;'here's a REALLY BIG HAMMER. now go whack that mountain until a city comes out' 1491912;1467087981;mircea_popescu;ftr, i wouldn't take cyc for anything other than a fine guide of what not to do. 1491913;1467088064;phf;i like the idea of using hidden markov models on ocr-ed text 1491914;1467088066;asciilifeform;imho cyc is what the schmuck blew rest of his life on after 'eurisko' was confiscated for national seeek00000rity 1491915;1467088115;mircea_popescu;phf there's two (or perhaps three) aspects here. one is, that it should first pass through the entire item (book or w/e), to adjust itself, and then go once more through it, on the basis of that, and then again. similar to how "page rank" works, once the result is stable it thinks it's done. 1491916;1467088121;asciilifeform;it was his 'blackphone'. 1491917;1467088137;mircea_popescu;the other is, that it should keep context of "this text" ; separately context of "everything i ever saw in this language" and yet separately "everything i ever saw". 1491918;1467088166;mircea_popescu;now 2 and 3 are iffy, for instance english-chemistry vs english-genre-fiction and english-trilema may be a more practical split than english vs french. 1491919;1467088192;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite so. it's palpably an elephant cemetery. won't do anything ever, because it's done by an ocd clean person. 1491920;1467088199;mircea_popescu;if you've noticed, all valuable engineering comes out of filth. 1491921;1467088216;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how's it to test a b00k containing a SINGLE instance of the canonical 'my sister, do you still recall как Ельцин бился мордой в пол ?' 1491922;1467088238;mircea_popescu;phf and the third is that it absolutely should not make any concession to the finite nature of the universe. three billion trillion parameters ? OK! 1491923;1467088254;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform english-russian 1491924;1467088272;asciilifeform;i'll sleep a bit while mircea_popescu sets the trillion parameters 1491925;1467088278;asciilifeform;wakemeupplox 1491926;1467088287;mircea_popescu;that's what electronics ARE FOR. 1491927;1467088362;mircea_popescu;anyway. some sort of pcfg. 1491928;1467088372;asciilifeform;now we know that mircea_popescu doesn't need warez - his hdd has a knob that turns whole thing into an adder, and he simply cycles through the states until he gets a disk with the desired 1333333337 w4r3z on it. 1491929;1467088406;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's easier for me, i wrote it all anyway! 1491930;1467088511;asciilifeform;http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/create.htm << obligatory. 1491931;1467088674;mircea_popescu;sedol lost. 1491932;1467088693;mircea_popescu;sedol lost to a machine that doesn't even know what beans are. 1491933;1467088701;asciilifeform;taking for a moment the assumption that sedol ~actually~ lost -- 1491934;1467088712;asciilifeform;he lost in a game where evaluation function fits in a few lines of c. 1491935;1467088739;mircea_popescu;nobody can look at a go set and give you a position value. nobody. 1491936;1467088752;mircea_popescu;even chess is dubious. go - forget it. 1491937;1467088752;asciilifeform;um 1491938;1467088766;*;asciilifeform bangs head on desk 1491939;1467088786;asciilifeform;yes there is ~no position function when there are 3 stones on the board. 1491940;1467088792;asciilifeform;when 100 - most certainly is. 1491941;1467088805;asciilifeform;bridging the gap is where the monte carlo thing came in. 1491942;1467088818;mircea_popescu;the machine played dead reckoning not some sort of absolute evaluation of the eternal positions 1491943;1467088840;asciilifeform;aha. but reckoning dun work without a position function. 1491944;1467088853;mircea_popescu;deltas, not absolute values. 1491945;1467088870;asciilifeform;in any adult game - same 1491946;1467088871;mircea_popescu;"Dead reckoning dun work without gps". see, this is why cyc fails. this mindset. 1491947;1467088938;asciilifeform;dead reckoning dun work without some notion of where you are going ! 1491948;1467088948;asciilifeform;or what 'motion' is. 1491949;1467088974;mircea_popescu;this is a tenuous view, historically. 1491950;1467089004;mircea_popescu;"some notion" carries no water ; definitely early navigation was bereft of either understanding motion or destination. 1491951;1467089020;asciilifeform;and it - largely - didn't work. 1491952;1467089037;asciilifeform;the 'great navigators' navigated by everett's device. 1491953;1467089044;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it largely did work, out of thousands of tries a few successes. machine has space for many thousands. 1491954;1467089050;asciilifeform;(we don't remember the names of the dead in the water folk) 1491955;1467089080;mircea_popescu;(#$implies (#$and (#$isa ?OBJ ?SUBSET) (#$genls ?SUBSET ?SUPERSET)) (#$isa ?OBJ ?SUPERSET)) << wouldja look at this inept shit. 1491956;1467089087;asciilifeform;you still need a mechanizable notion of 'succeed' 1491957;1467089092;mircea_popescu;seriously, they're going to put the rules in by hand arbitrarily and expect the machine to do something with that ? 1491958;1467089093;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1491959;1467089098;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no. 1491960;1467089114;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what were you looking at ? 1491961;1467089118;mircea_popescu;you do not. and more improtantly : you need no human anything in there. you wanna succeed in your own terms, go, succeed. 1491962;1467089121;mircea_popescu;machine does its own thing 1491963;1467089124;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cycstupidity. 1491964;1467089127;asciilifeform;ah 1491965;1467089138;asciilifeform;vs eurisko, which actually came up with fresh heuristics. 1491966;1467089143;asciilifeform;and needed ~no hand-holding. 1491967;1467089155;mircea_popescu;distinctly reminescent of 9yo me writing "utility programs" consisting of pre-selected arbitrary aditions and their results. 1491968;1467089165;mircea_popescu;apparently only some people outgrow being 9, and lenat isn't one of them. 1491969;1467089177;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how does this happen to people! 1491970;1467089184;asciilifeform;(who wants to read ? we had whole thread, where i FOIA'd everything lenat ever publicly did on taxpayer dollars, and posted here) 1491971;1467089193;mircea_popescu;i recall this. 1491972;1467089203;asciilifeform;some pretty interesting material in there, actually. 1491973;1467089218;asciilifeform;esp. re 'self-checking' mechanisms. 1491974;1467089226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-26#845518 1491975;1467089226;a111;Logged on 2014-09-26 01:04 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: try: http://loper-os.org/pub/lenat-leaks.tar.gz.torrent 1491976;1467089240;asciilifeform;it was then mirrored by kako and for all i know is still up. 1491977;1467089249;mircea_popescu;yeah, agreed, unlike cyc bs, that is a credible starting point 1491978;1467089249;asciilifeform;prolly needs new home. 1491979;1467089276;asciilifeform;doubly so given how yudkowsky campaigns to have anyone trying this, killed 1491980;1467089317;midnightmagic;not still up :( 1491981;1467089347;mircea_popescu;all the weird shit you care about... 1491982;1467089419;asciilifeform;midnightmagic: one min 1491983;1467089424;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: What? Killed? 1491984;1467089441;midnightmagic;Oh, you mean he goes a little batty. 1491985;1467089511;asciilifeform;http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/lenat-leaks.tar.gz 1491986;1467089514;asciilifeform;^ enjoy 1491987;1467089520;midnightmagic;Much obliged. 1491988;1467089523;mircea_popescu;lol the greatness of machinery. 1491989;1467089533;asciilifeform;43d0f9aeb9e0d1d7a4a89754feb3cfbd487768c16fa3ef986512e91f25fb96f6e1b500e813d8655239e9970cc0b72e32dea6ad95617a8f3ef3ac1761f1be012c 1491990;1467089557;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: Again, thanks. Too few people care about that.. :( 1491991;1467089584;asciilifeform;some of the material appeared elsewhere, but not - afaik - the juicy bits re 'rll' 1491992;1467089600;asciilifeform;the actual implementation language and mechanism 1491993;1467089668;asciilifeform;see MANIFEST.TXT. 1491994;1467089700;mircea_popescu;phf anyway, it's a very reasonable way to waste one's life. it can live on a server(s), connect via chatbot, solicit payment which'll work once trinque gets it added to deedbot... it's an actual biznis. 1491995;1467089967;asciilifeform;why lenat dropped eurisko and burned the rest of his life on idiocy is the $64k question 1491996;1467089978;asciilifeform;in which possibly lie the answers to 1,001 riddles elsewhere. 1491997;1467090075;asciilifeform;(one - not very sexy answer - is that it was a fraud. source was published nowhere, nor anyone other than lenat exposed to it afaik) 1491998;1467090087;asciilifeform;another - nsa confiscation. 1491999;1467090186;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-01#473009 << prev thread 1492000;1467090186;a111;Logged on 2014-02-01 21:28 asciilifeform: dollars to doughnuts that lenat did not write eurisko. 1492001;1467090257;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-26#845694 << yet moar 1492002;1467090257;a111;Logged on 2014-09-26 03:11 asciilifeform: there are two versions of the lenat story 1492003;1467090766;mircea_popescu;maybe 1492004;1467090786;mircea_popescu;then again it's rather common for people to do something smart early and then be shockingly stolidly dumb for the rest of their lives. 1492005;1467090847;asciilifeform;not like this. 1492006;1467090852;mircea_popescu;sure. 1492007;1467090862;asciilifeform;he had the next step ready-made. 1492008;1467108100;Framedragger;asciilifeform: re. keys - interesting. i don't think i was mitm'd, 13 machines and all, not that it's not possible or anything, and the machines were on the same provider, so, lol, of course possible in principle. but specific mitm's which give working unique keys? hm. but, interesting, i don't have an answer here. 1492009;1467108109;Framedragger; i'm prolly mostly afk / travelling this week but would be interested to discuss. 1492010;1467108141;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491732 << which nickname was that? :) nvm i guess 1492011;1467108141;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 00:28 mircea_popescu: Framedragger is this one of those guys you're friends with, then ? 1492012;1467108188;Framedragger;asciilifeform: maybe i did fuck up in some very unique way. don't know. oh and the ip addresses are in random order, so there's that 1492013;1467108236;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491238 << i too expected gadgets with shitty rng. any source for that 0.1% figure? 1492014;1467108236;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 17:15 asciilifeform: the historic ~0.1% popping rate of ssh keys has nothing to do with flips, and everything to do with embedded gadgets with no rng 1492015;1467108314;Framedragger;asciilifeform: but have you considered that there are fewer implementations for ssh (and the better part of the ssh servers in the wild run openssh), and more implementations for all kinds of broken pgp? so it may simply be less likely to spot a badly generated ssh key. 1492016;1467108367;Framedragger;asciilifeform: but cross-checking makes sense, say if you do ssh-keyscan for a small randomized sample, nothing bad can come out of it. let me know if you want scriptz 1492017;1467113438;thestringpuller;;;seen mod6 1492018;1467113438;gribble;mod6 was last seen in #trilema 7 hours, 28 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: phf: ah oh yeah. 1492019;1467113497;thestringpuller;https://forum.bitcoin.com/pools/a-bitcoin-com-mining-pool-t8999.html << why did our pool never get off the ground? 1492020;1467114017;jurov;lol i was then prolly mitm'd too.. aside from ~10 cases of obvious corruption (openssh won't even read them) i did not find any key with factor in 10000primes.txt 1492021;1467114293;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ^ 1492022;1467114464;jurov;Framedragger, imo we should mix few interesting failures into the data. otherwise we risk getting kicked out from tmsr :D 1492023;1467114717;Framedragger;and maybe make sure some of those ip addresses are in /24's which also house chinese bitcoin miners ;) 1492024;1467114751;jurov;or NSA 1492025;1467114812;Framedragger;or labour union websites but that may just cause a stroke and best to avoid stress induced fatalities 1492026;1467117958;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491796 <<< If this is actual need phf I would have no problem at all maintaining. 1492027;1467117958;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 03:47 phf: i have that cockli box by the way. i'm probably going to spin up an instance on it, but if anybody wants to attempt that task, feel free to take over 1492028;1467118175;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492019 <<< bwahahaha A Riger Verified pool that will cause bigger blocks to be mined since he can't get anyone to do it xD 1492029;1467118175;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 11:31 thestringpuller: https://forum.bitcoin.com/pools/a-bitcoin-com-mining-pool-t8999.html << why did our pool never get off the ground? 1492030;1467119657;thestringpuller;if it's possible to mine and validate against TRB... 1492031;1467121181;mats;because mining has -ev outcomes for virtually all participants without some kinda competitive advantage 1492032;1467123251;thestringpuller;mats: well from a financial perspective, not a political perspective. at the very least bribe miners to vote one way or the other... 1492033;1467123317;mats;so you've moved the goalpost from 'our pool' to 'bribe miners' 1492034;1467123435;shinohai;We got a Roger Ver in the making here! 1492035;1467123442;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/45c39efb-967b-4c3b-9c6a-b9d2dff8afeb/?raw=true (re the tor thing) 1492036;1467123443;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1492037;1467123617;mats;anyway, i think its premature to assume we need to influence miners one way or the other 1492038;1467123715;mats;as i understand it, the heterogeneity of clients in the wild naturally prefers the status quo 1492039;1467124756;mircea_popescu;so apparently reddit has selected for this large-ish population of chicks that want to post selfies "anonymously". because they're THAt desperate for male attention and THAT incapable of handling male presence. 1492040;1467124767;mircea_popescu;nuts, teh "technology" an' its effects on the herd. 1492041;1467124877;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no patience to read, but by now, "at MIT" is damning. 1492042;1467124949;mircea_popescu;anyway. yes dingledine & other sleepers (reilly, whatever) push for chasteen and whoever the fuck else to "be hired", because that's how their job goes. 1492043;1467125007;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492008 << it seems rather improbable. 1492044;1467125007;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 10:01 Framedragger: asciilifeform: re. keys - interesting. i don't think i was mitm'd, 13 machines and all, not that it's not possible or anything, and the machines were on the same provider, so, lol, of course possible in principle. but specific mitm's which give working unique keys? hm. but, interesting, i don't have an answer here. 1492045;1467125023;thestringpuller;mats: nah. if it's truly believed miners are well enough gripped by the balls, it's not a big deal. 1492046;1467125031;thestringpuller;shinohai: Them is fighting words... 1492047;1467125045;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492015 << i wonder if this is true, even. 1492048;1467125045;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 10:05 Framedragger: asciilifeform: but have you considered that there are fewer implementations for ssh (and the better part of the ssh servers in the wild run openssh), and more implementations for all kinds of broken pgp? so it may simply be less likely to spot a badly generated ssh key. 1492049;1467125142;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492022 << bwahahaha 1492050;1467125142;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 11:47 jurov: Framedragger, imo we should mix few interesting failures into the data. otherwise we risk getting kicked out from tmsr :D 1492051;1467125237;mircea_popescu;comrades, your production of failures per hectare is insufficient! comrade kosygin is displeased! 1492052;1467125371;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'd be curious to see where all the rng-less home routers etc. went 1492053;1467125394;mircea_popescu;possibly same garbage dump cisco went 1492054;1467125437;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2016/06/firing-elites_28.html 1492055;1467125464;asciilifeform;' If they don’t want to see their country overrun by illegal migrants (note that having had you country destroyed by NATO does not qualify you for political asylum) then they are called racist and bigoted. If they fail to grasp some of the finer points of EU’s bureaucratic governance (because, frankly, who would want to waste time on all that nonsense?) then they are called ignorant and misguided. And, most importantly, if there 1492056;1467125464;asciilifeform;is a financial crash (which was inevitable in any case; see “Ponzi scheme” above) then that is blamed on their bad choices at the polls.' 1492057;1467125523;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for the record, i just tried to ssh to a few known home routers. no answer. try it yourself. 1492058;1467125554;mircea_popescu;i suppose isps filter incoming for the domestic space (not out of any safety concern, just, to not sell a useful service, which is anathema in usian style economy) 1492059;1467125556;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most units of recent vintage have the port closed 1492060;1467125583;mircea_popescu;so then your q has pretty good answers. 1492061;1467125593;Framedragger;i would like to scan the whole /0 0:65535 range some time though, i'm sure there'd be quite a few ssh servers lurking behind strange ports, and quite a lot of them could be old embedded gadgets. just speculation tho 1492062;1467125606;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492032 << let's also bribe the cockroaches in the kitchen to 'vote' to leave ? 1492063;1467125606;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:14 thestringpuller: mats: well from a financial perspective, not a political perspective. at the very least bribe miners to vote one way or the other... 1492064;1467125617;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i personally doubt it. 1492065;1467125639;Framedragger;http://internetcensus2012.bitbucket.org/ suggests there's more of fridge on the internet than there should be 1492066;1467125641;Framedragger;but yeh dunno about ssh 1492067;1467125676;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: if you call punching someone in the dick when they get out of control a bribe...sure 1492068;1467125745;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: what specifically did you have in mind ? 1492069;1467125817;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492041 << linked mainly for the last line: 'settled out of court' 1492070;1467125817;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:41 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no patience to read, but by now, "at MIT" is damning. 1492071;1467125879;mircea_popescu;Framedragger what i'm more and more discovering is that the legends about the internet and the facts about the network (not just the internet, network in general) are very much at odds. consider a few examples : L1 : "many eyes means better code" ; R1 : "many eyes means bikeshed effect" | L2 : "Bitcoin has many nodes" ; R2 "yeah, like less than 50." | L3 : "there's many weak consumer grade boxes out there" ; R3 : "maybe in 19 1492072;1467125880;mircea_popescu;96." | L4 : "there's no rsa collisions in the wild" ; R4 : "if you don't count the 300 or so phuctor found" and on and on and on it goes in this vein. at this point i do not expect any "common sense" held truth about any network to be any closer to reality than what miss america thinks on the subject. 1492073;1467125941;asciilifeform;eh we're still waiting for ~proper~ rsa collision 1492074;1467125966;mircea_popescu;what is and what is not ; what can or can not be done ; how things should be done etc experimentally benefits little from importing reasonable_expectations.h 1492075;1467125991;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you'll still be waiting for "proper" anything and everything. heck, we're still waiting for proper asciilifeform . 1492076;1467125997;asciilifeform;lel 1492077;1467126002;mircea_popescu;well ? sad but tru! 1492078;1467126096;asciilifeform; R2 "yeah, like less than 50." << it bothers me that i actually have NO IDEA how many 1492079;1467126108;asciilifeform;(there is ~no mechanical way to count) 1492080;1467126128;mircea_popescu;best thing you can have about a large UNSPECIFIED construct is a guess. 1492081;1467126131;asciilifeform;for all i know, mine are the only working ones presently 1492082;1467126164;asciilifeform;(this would be sad) 1492083;1467126168;mircea_popescu;after the shocking revelations earlier this year, that really many things which seemed actually hosted properly (ie, own box etc) and on this basis assumed independent were really THE SAME ONE ITEM, i think even the 50 figure is generous. 1492084;1467126206;mircea_popescu;the fact remains it's trivial to run gluster/galera on 5000 boxes and have what appears 5000 independent nodes that neverthelss have all the solidity of a puppet install. 1492085;1467126231;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492029 << because nobody actually did it. 1492086;1467126231;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 12:49 a111: Logged on 2016-06-28 11:31 thestringpuller: https://forum.bitcoin.com/pools/a-bitcoin-com-mining-pool-t8999.html << why did our pool never get off the ground? 1492087;1467126233;asciilifeform;incidentally! 1492088;1467126252;asciilifeform;anybody consider experiment where clusters of nodez with similar latency / uptime patterns are illuminated ? 1492089;1467126257;mircea_popescu;yes. 1492090;1467126273;asciilifeform;care to share output ? 1492091;1467126290;mircea_popescu;mno. 1492092;1467126303;asciilifeform;but not hard to guess what it looked like. 1492093;1467126314;mircea_popescu;it didn't look terribly good. for bitcoin. 1492094;1467126323;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1492095;1467126342;mircea_popescu;but, factually, there COULD be other reasons behind it. such as you know, hosts offer centos 7 prestamped on dedicated boxes, and so therefore, everyone runs centos 7 1492096;1467126345;mircea_popescu;that sort of thing. 1492097;1467126368;asciilifeform;that wouldn't create chorus of 'all these 5,000 nominally distinct nodes down for 20 minutes' 1492098;1467126430;mircea_popescu;anyway. the existential, fundamental, first and foremost threat to bitcoin is emerging to be, the essentially centralizing nature of the modern human. slave's born to live in empire, so if there's a lot of slaves, there'll be an empire. once nero died it wasn't a case of "ah fucking finally, now we can go back to republic". no, it was "WE MUST HAS EMPEROR! EVEN GALBA!" 1492099;1467126446;mircea_popescu;so : they have the option to be varied in hardware. not only they don't take it : they AMPLY eschew it. 1492100;1467126452;asciilifeform;the other interesting spice in the mix is that some unknown number of nodez are 'dark' 1492101;1467126457;mircea_popescu;they have the option to spurn bullshit. they don't, they seek bullshit. 1492102;1467126462;asciilifeform;i.e. plugged in solely to each other via ssh tunnels etc 1492103;1467126468;mircea_popescu;see something as "benign" as http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492039 1492104;1467126469;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:39 mircea_popescu: so apparently reddit has selected for this large-ish population of chicks that want to post selfies "anonymously". because they're THAt desperate for male attention and THAT incapable of handling male presence. 1492105;1467126480;asciilifeform;with some unknown number on periphery being public 'leaf' nodes. 1492106;1467126484;mircea_popescu;oh, "the state attacks the family" no dude. the state moves in a vacuum you made. 1492107;1467126508;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm not certain that anyone PRESENTLY has the real option to 'be varied in hardware' 1492108;1467126514;asciilifeform;but this could be same as your example above 1492109;1467126516;asciilifeform;they HAD the option 1492110;1467126517;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this exists, obv. as much as a backup chain store is "dark node" after all. 1492111;1467126547;asciilifeform;'when DEC Alpha existed, did you motherfuckers buy?? no?? have fun' 1492112;1467126554;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform point being, idiots are idiots, and if their favourite idiocy is denied in bitcoin, they reddit desperately until they find a doge/ripple/ether replacement. 1492113;1467126571;mircea_popescu;in short : salvation can not come from the mass of people. the mass of people is here for one thing only, and that is to supply holocaust fuel. 1492114;1467126589;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492039 << interestingly. most millennial girls find guys creepy. cuz honestly, what sane female would be attracted to a redditor? 1492115;1467126590;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:39 mircea_popescu: so apparently reddit has selected for this large-ish population of chicks that want to post selfies "anonymously". because they're THAt desperate for male attention and THAT incapable of handling male presence. 1492116;1467126591;mircea_popescu;ie, "they want consensus". 1492117;1467126621;thestringpuller;everytime I hang out wiht my female friends and ask them about guys, its usually how creepy they are. 1492118;1467126630;thestringpuller;it's a plague 1492119;1467126636;trinque;they're saying weak 1492120;1467126637;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller has little to do with redditor per se, they find everything creepy for the reason and in the way pig finds everything too tall. 1492121;1467126655;mircea_popescu;trinque no, they're saying "i got all the food i could possibly need and this clicker thing. wut ?" 1492122;1467126658;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: as dan mocsny pointed out, 'creepy' is a word which largely means 'unattractive but not yet castrated' 1492123;1467126674;trinque;his female friends must suck then. 1492124;1467126676;mircea_popescu;you should see the local herps. "i like staying home and netflix". 1492125;1467126686;thestringpuller;exactly. but unattractive in the way of "get the fuck away from me I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last man on earth" 1492126;1467126688;mircea_popescu;and the shit they netflix isn't even fit for in-flight entertainment, admittedly a low bar. 1492127;1467126715;mircea_popescu;trinque no, because sucking is gross. 1492128;1467126721;trinque;lol 1492129;1467126732;mircea_popescu;the temptation to vegetate is great. absent a driver, plants will plant. 1492130;1467126745;asciilifeform;^ i utterly fail to grasp 1492131;1467126752;thestringpuller;trinque: no. most of my female friends prefer "actual guys" you know the ones who don't live at home in their mom's basement jerking off to girls on reddit all day. 1492132;1467126755;asciilifeform;where is this temptation 1492133;1467126779;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and it's not even fucking inborn, it's TRAINED! whip "lazy" girl that got to 20 and never achieved anything, she becomes in a year or two as self-driven and capable as you'd like it. 1492134;1467126790;mircea_popescu;take any girl, stick her in the "modern democracy" box, she becomes fat. 1492135;1467126829;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492031 << there is this. 1492136;1467126829;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 13:39 mats: because mining has -ev outcomes for virtually all participants without some kinda competitive advantage 1492137;1467126898;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492032 << the problem with this approach is that bribing is for losers. i for instance never bribed anyone, THEY BRIBED ME! because what the fuck is this, i'm going to pay derpy mayor/judge/whatever ? how about he buys his wife from me each year for the love of fuck! 1492138;1467126898;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:14 thestringpuller: mats: well from a financial perspective, not a political perspective. at the very least bribe miners to vote one way or the other... 1492139;1467126926;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492038 << an iffy point best left undisturbed. 1492140;1467126926;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:21 mats: as i understand it, the heterogeneity of clients in the wild naturally prefers the status quo 1492141;1467126981;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yea, i'm sure they do, until "real guys" say "bitch, get in there and make sandwiches" at which point "real guys are too hard and redditards are too soft and i'ma spend five hours on the phone with my "friend" ie exactly equivalent part." 1492142;1467127028;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fwiw, thorough walk of my nodes' traffic suggested 95%+ prb (until i put in malleus) 1492143;1467127058;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You forget today's American girl happiy makes a sandwich, but can't hold itself together enough to make it to the next room with out eating the sandwich (repeat x5 times) 1492144;1467127069;mircea_popescu;lmao 1492145;1467127077;mircea_popescu;this reminds me of the joke with the alchie. you know it ? 1492146;1467127120;Framedragger;tell it already 1492147;1467127126;mircea_popescu;(meanwhile back at the party house, A : http://67.media.tumblr.com/d73cd8b9c93c23df097d4183fe3463a7/tumblr_mu0mciNBEN1qg7xwvo2_400.gif B : http://66.media.tumblr.com/a7ba4153b4f7dd56c8c6272f7074819b/tumblr_mu0mciNBEN1qg7xwvo3_400.gif ) 1492148;1467127148;mircea_popescu;lol ok ok! so alchie takes a bad fall while drunk, gets huge bruise on forehead. 1492149;1467127160;mircea_popescu;doc says "eh, it'll be ok, rub some alcohol on it". 1492150;1467127180;mircea_popescu;three days later alchie calls doc office in a passion. "doc, wtf do i do, i can't lift alcohol above my mouth." 1492151;1467127201;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: depends on if said guy has "bitch dependency" syndrome or not. 1492152;1467127208;mircea_popescu;howssat ? 1492153;1467127243;thestringpuller;A disease that leaves a person addicted and dependent to a bitch. If that bitch decides to leave him/her, that person becomes an emotional train wreck and does nothing but lay around and mope. In worst cases, that said person would think he/she is in an R&B music video- something worse than self-mutilation. 1492154;1467127249;thestringpuller;The only cure for Chronic Bitch Dependency is learning how to control the bitch and make her behave- hit the bitch if she doesn't do what you say until you achieved desired results. 1492155;1467127256;mircea_popescu;oh. but wait, this is good, because victim ticket. 1492156;1467127276;mircea_popescu;sit around, write bad poetry while torturing a guitar, do a lot of pot, be all you know, "sad" an' whatnot. 1492157;1467127287;thestringpuller;Meanwhile Usher runs off with your wife. 1492158;1467127289;mircea_popescu;what, there's no bullying so nobody's gonna fuck your shit up for being a loser and admitting it. 1492159;1467127298;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller even better! 1492160;1467127307;mircea_popescu;now not only you don't have to put up with her, but it's POOR YOU!!11 1492161;1467127314;asciilifeform;usher, as in 'the house of ' ??! 1492162;1467127330;mircea_popescu;no, as in the 11 or 95 yo that lets people in cinema hall 1492163;1467127346;asciilifeform;no, no, http://www.eapoe.org/works/tales/usherf.htm << him 1492164;1467127353;BingoBoingo;Usher's a sort of Tyrone who sings 1492165;1467127377;thestringpuller;^- yea. 1492166;1467127378;mircea_popescu;ahahahah check it out, black community came full circle! from usher to usher! one century of revolutionary progress. 1492167;1467127392;mircea_popescu;(where revolutionary means what it in fact means - what the earth does around the sun is a revolution) 1492168;1467127439;thestringpuller;one day Bieber will run off with your wife, but then again I guess that's the point you were making with shitty American girls. 1492169;1467127442;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo check it out, the top hit is about how he wore a don't trump america jacket. 1492170;1467127474;mircea_popescu;i'm sure this'll lose trump some votes in the 12% black + 4% lgbtdskfhkejrhdfg community, and gain him some in the 78% white and pissed group. 1492171;1467127477;mircea_popescu;good deal! 1492172;1467127500;asciilifeform;+111% cuck voatez 1492173;1467127505;BingoBoingo;For serious 1492174;1467127533;mircea_popescu;crisis of representativity, this is it. when people are so confused about what they stand for and whom they stand before, they end up achieving counter-intentional results. 1492175;1467127545;mircea_popescu;and, in classical theory, crisis of representativity is always resolved through open warfare. 1492176;1467127580;mircea_popescu;from the two kids in schoolyard ("ce ma, te crezi smecher ???") to the empire falling apart or uk/argentina going to war notwithstanding the disaster it is for both, crisis of representativity -> conflict. 1492177;1467127711;mircea_popescu;and obviously enough, jewish groups trying to boycott german goods in the 1930s us is tghe exact equivalent of obscure rapper dude saying things about trump to an audience of obscure wanna-be rapper, wanna-be gay, wanna-be mit etc dudes. 1492178;1467128110;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492068 << No specifics just a solution to push "The Prequisite" through. 1492179;1467128110;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:55 asciilifeform: thestringpuller: what specifically did you have in mind ? 1492180;1467128174;thestringpuller;i imagine though best case scenario, power rangers takes mod6's patches and merges it into prb 1492181;1467128187;asciilifeform;ugh wat 1492182;1467128204;shinohai;(-__-) 1492183;1467128221;thestringpuller;worst case* yay for doing 5mn things at once 1492184;1467128223;thestringpuller;:P 1492185;1467128228;asciilifeform;anything other than unconditional capitulation to trb, == prb. 1492186;1467128243;thestringpuller;yes. hence NOT DESIRABLE 1492187;1467128262;thestringpuller;mining pool, not desirable. etc. etc. 1492188;1467128398;mircea_popescu;uh. 1492189;1467128404;mircea_popescu;what're you on about thestringpuller ? 1492190;1467128428;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-05#1422535 << this thread. 1492191;1467128428;a111;Logged on 2016-03-05 15:15 mircea_popescu: i suppose IF the july many-fork time comes and trb has nothing to offer then it might as well close. 1492192;1467128467;mircea_popescu;alright, what about it ? 1492193;1467128511;thestringpuller;I don't see a good scenario where TRB could deploy a fork i.e. "the prequisite". 1492194;1467128529;mircea_popescu;you're confusing things. everyone but us deploys a fork. 1492195;1467128555;mircea_popescu;o noes, guyse, why is eth dropping ? i thought they fixed it! 1492196;1467128583;thestringpuller;so who deploys "the prequisite"? 1492197;1467128583;mircea_popescu;$up drizztdourden 1492198;1467128584;deedbot;drizztdourden voiced for 30 minutes. 1492199;1467128605;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller anyone who feels like it. 1492200;1467128632;thestringpuller;aha. 1492201;1467128663;mircea_popescu;these two are not specifically related, they're separate items. 1492202;1467128702;mircea_popescu;item A is a discussion of what at the time was a possible outcome, something of the kind of "if we don't fortify these walls and enemy army comes over, we're fucked". this has been muchly degraded meanwhile, principally by "well, every march lord on their path has harried the fuck out of them, and so not much of an army left". 1492203;1467128734;mircea_popescu;item B is a discussion of peace, ie, what's the absolute minimal required basis for an agreement. 1492204;1467128762;mircea_popescu;necessarily, in order for such an agreement to be had, "everyone" must deploy "the prerequisite". 1492205;1467128766;mircea_popescu;make sense ? 1492206;1467128803;thestringpuller;Aha. "peace" is the part I didn't understand. "the prequisite" is a treaty, not a war proclamation. 1492207;1467128819;mircea_popescu;"there can be no fork unless it includes this". 1492208;1467128843;deedbot;[Qntra] How The Tor Project Pays And Pays CIA Agents From Their USG.Navy Coffers - http://qntra.net/2016/06/how-the-tor-project-pays-and-pays-cia-agents-from-their-usg-navy-coffers/ 1492209;1467128846;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, random derp on twitter, "Can anyone point me to a summary of solidity exploits and common patterns to avoid them?". really bitch, you want the COMMON solution ? common fucking MADE the exploits! holy shit. 1492210;1467128853;shinohai;This was covered in trilema article, no? 1492211;1467128856;thestringpuller;aha. then mats comment makes more sense. ty. 1492212;1467128866;mircea_popescu;shinohai i would have thought so. 1492213;1467128871;asciilifeform;'common patterns to avoid them' << gold 1492214;1467128879;asciilifeform;^ the mental process of homo phpicus exposed 1492215;1467128887;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Common is also a black man who sings, but he acts more. Far less Tyrone than Usher though. 1492216;1467128898;mircea_popescu;"David Chasteen hired a law firm and that members of the list should have no contact with David Chasteen or discussions about him." << what the fuck is this crap ? 1492217;1467128916;mircea_popescu;dude, i'll discuss whoever i please. ESPECIALLY some usg tool that meanwhile took posturing lessosn. 1492218;1467128917;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Employment law FTW 1492219;1467128924;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo fuck that. 1492220;1467128937;mircea_popescu;my right to mock the shit out of idiots is fundamental and can not be abridged. 1492221;1467128939;BingoBoingo;Well tese aren't quality outlaws 1492222;1467128949;mircea_popescu;no, they just wanted to. 1492223;1467128981;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "i gave at the common office, mr exploit, pls don't fuck me." 1492224;1467129000;mircea_popescu;see ? slave empire IS BUILT BY SLAVES. 1492225;1467129010;asciilifeform;not by martians, no. 1492226;1467129012;mircea_popescu;the only error there is to imagine "against their will". no dude, literally, it is built by the slaves. 1492227;1467129024;mircea_popescu;they, out of their own idiocy, FORCE otherwise employable folk to be their massah. 1492228;1467129108;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sometime btw, someone should undertake the job of finding the number of the exploit. you know, do with the maths or system theory or something, like that lisp thing. 1492229;1467129122;asciilifeform;l0lwut 1492230;1467129125;mircea_popescu;then everyone can have the number of the exploit embroidered on their underwear and there'll be no more exploits. 1492231;1467129132;asciilifeform;right after i calculate the number of their pubic lice. 1492232;1467129143;mircea_popescu;(btw, best if it comes out small. say up to three digits. two best.) 1492233;1467129150;asciilifeform;$s how many bugs 1492234;1467129150;a111;5 results for "how many bugs", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=how%20many%20bugs 1492235;1467129173;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a nononon, this isn't a count. this is THE NUMBER OF! you know how they say "i got their number" ? like that! 1492236;1467129174;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-04-29#650474 1492237;1467129174;a111;Logged on 2014-04-29 22:56 asciilifeform: dijkstra once read a lecture, and exclaimed 'how many bugs shall we tolerate?!' one wag stands up - '3!' 1492238;1467129182;mircea_popescu;it's not that there's 666 devils. it's that 666 is THE NUMBER OF! 1492239;1467129188;asciilifeform;The Number Of 1492240;1467129190;mircea_popescu;now you know it, nothing bad can happen from there. 1492241;1467129194;asciilifeform;(of... those who Just Wanted ?) 1492242;1467129206;*;asciilifeform has a book on his shelf, titled THE OF 1492243;1467129214;asciilifeform;(faded print, i fuhget what it was originally) 1492244;1467129226;mircea_popescu;it's the number of! say if we knew 97 is the number of solidity exploits, then solidity would finally be solid. 1492245;1467129234;asciilifeform;i'ma consult 'the of'. 1492246;1467129238;mircea_popescu;plox ty. 1492247;1467129251;mircea_popescu;also not too much math squigglies they make sally's head hurt. 1492248;1467129255;asciilifeform;it tells me 'a if an' 1492249;1467129262;mircea_popescu;and break state of the art pdf converters 1492250;1467129267;asciilifeform;aha!11 1492251;1467129357;mircea_popescu;lol wait, putin now wants russia to become "blockchain leader" ??? https://www.znak.com/2016-06-27/o_samom_glavnom_seychas_biznes_ombudsmen_pri_prezidente_putine_lider_partii_rosta_boris_titov << is this a thing ? 1492252;1467129374;asciilifeform;wat 1492253;1467129385;mircea_popescu;i can't even. 1492254;1467129453;asciilifeform;i see nothing about blockchains etc 1492255;1467129491;mircea_popescu;mmmm 1492256;1467129538;asciilifeform;it's a lengthy mega-snore, re politico who wants to implement equivalent of american fdic, reduce tax, etc. 1492257;1467129567;asciilifeform;ok THERE it is 1492258;1467129573;mircea_popescu;yeh. 1492259;1467129579;asciilifeform;'Например, мы будем поддерживать идею, что Россия должна стать лидером в мире в области блокчейна. Значение его не меньше по важности, чем создание интернета. Если мы сегодня привлечем к себе все основные технологии и инвесторов в области б 1492260;1467129579;asciilifeform;локчейна (саморегулируемая система транзакций, функционирующая без центральных банков — прим. ред.) и криптовалют, у нас есть все и географические, и людские ресурсы выйти в передовые страны мира не только в этой области, но и в целом.' 1492261;1467129581;asciilifeform;snoar. 1492262;1467129596;mircea_popescu;seems altogether just a "ms office shanonizer" job, they got stuff from the internets and copy-pasted it into a "government official blabla" 1492263;1467129599;asciilifeform;aha. 1492264;1467129602;mircea_popescu;which is how 99% of tyhat crud is made ? 1492265;1467129605;asciilifeform;snoromatic. 1492266;1467129611;mircea_popescu;myeah k. 1492267;1467129658;mircea_popescu;anyway. if anyone's following the lulzdrama : ethereum people realise their "fix" ie softfork will in fact be defeated, want hard fork nao. 1492268;1467129667;mircea_popescu;"consensus is building" :D 1492269;1467129698;mircea_popescu;"all of humanity is counting on us to deliver" (~nobody on reddit) 1492270;1467129700;asciilifeform;where does this lulzdrama even live ? 1492271;1467129743;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the original fuckups, ie, slock.it, is a "company" of the web sort that runs some shitty proprietary irc. so there's that. then there's reddit, twitter, livejournal, facebook 1492272;1467129750;mircea_popescu;etc etc. where bugs live, these bugs live. 1492273;1467129765;asciilifeform;livejournal?! 1492274;1467129775;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4q9ewf/ethereums_dao_wars_soft_fork_is_a_potential_dos/d4r8060 << sauce for given quote 1492275;1467129904;asciilifeform;http://hackingdistributed.com/2016/06/28/ethereum-soft-fork-dos-vector << parent link, explains what mircea_popescu was suggesting last night ? 1492276;1467129913;mircea_popescu;myeah 1492277;1467129925;mircea_popescu;well, what they understood of it at any rate. i take no responsibility for the shitheads. 1492278;1467129957;asciilifeform;couldn't they walk a script for the verboten addr ~before~ running it ? or does the shitlang allow dynamic generation of addrs and you ~must~ run 1492279;1467129993;mircea_popescu;lol 1492280;1467129998;phf;oh look russia is doing nanotechnology^Wblockchain 1492281;1467130000;mircea_popescu;what are you, from the future ? 1492282;1467130015;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492262 1492283;1467130015;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 15:59 mircea_popescu: seems altogether just a "ms office shanonizer" job, they got stuff from the internets and copy-pasted it into a "government official blabla" 1492284;1467130019;asciilifeform;nanoblockchology!11111 1492285;1467130020;shinohai;http://futurism.com/protein-uncovered-that-stops-arteries-from-clogging/ <<< Hail the U of Missouri BingoBoingo !!! 1492286;1467130022;mircea_popescu;THEY WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT! 1492287;1467130038;mircea_popescu;mit, whatever. so they go around, copy/paste code from expert sex change, and that's it. 1492288;1467130052;mircea_popescu;phf word! 1492289;1467130149;phf;hmm i wonder what's english equivalent for распил. i think the word is as apropos, but just doesn't exist 1492290;1467130171;asciilifeform;i looked for a good translation for ages phf 1492291;1467130180;asciilifeform;normally i just say 'sawmilling' 1492292;1467130286;phf;multitran gives some definitions, that are not too bad, but different for different contexts 1492293;1467130309;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo btw what was the intended reference for tyrone ? 1492294;1467130335;*;phf brb 1492295;1467130397;asciilifeform;phf: in usa they sometimes speak of 'porkbarreling' but it is imho not quite same thing. 1492296;1467130424;mircea_popescu;re raspil, is this a sort of ro "fumat" as in "s-a baut tot, s-a fumat tot" 1492297;1467130439;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Gets all dey white wymenz 1492298;1467130444;mircea_popescu;aha 1492299;1467130505;trinque;well now I gotta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxnN05vOuSM 1492300;1467130546;mircea_popescu;word! 1492301;1467130632;mircea_popescu;dawg they're great. iron maiden ftw. 1492302;1467130662;*;asciilifeform just took delivery of 50 years (400 pounds) of 'scientific american' 1492303;1467130672;asciilifeform;up to the 1998 shitocalypse 1492304;1467130676;mircea_popescu;cold winter prognosised ? 1492305;1467130679;mircea_popescu;ah 1492306;1467130686;asciilifeform;lel 1492307;1467130741;mircea_popescu;"Additionally, planners had to aggregate many types of goods and inputs into a single material balance because it was impossible to create an individual balance for each of the approximately 24 million items produced and consumed in the USSR." << ftr, this is actually actively pursued by yellen & co. 1492308;1467130757;mircea_popescu;because shannonizer meanwhile CAN make excel templates for 24mn items. in java! 1492309;1467130813;asciilifeform;weizenbaum (of 'eliza') predicted 100% of this in his 'computer power and human reason' 1492310;1467130829;mircea_popescu;(brought to you by the people who believe closing factories and making "transfer payments" to "workers" is a superior pareto alternative to soviet planned economy) 1492311;1467130833;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mhm. 1492312;1467130840;asciilifeform;namely, that welfare state would make use of the machine to produce vaguely-plausible nonsense in gargantuan quantities, in precisely this manner 1492313;1467130848;mircea_popescu;stupid doesn't just go away. it simply dresses in the sky of the day. 1492314;1467131328;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so you gonna photocopy the sa, for when phf has the tits svg'er ready ? 1492315;1467131346;asciilifeform;at some point 1492316;1467131364;asciilifeform;it was a 'buy now or wait another decade' thing 1492317;1467131369;mircea_popescu;myea 1492318;1467131390;mircea_popescu;if my collection of kvant taught me anything, it's definitely the best of all investments - paperwork of the old library. 1492319;1467131393;mircea_popescu;definitely beats art. 1492320;1467131400;asciilifeform;kvant was bowel-looseningly awesome 1492321;1467131406;mircea_popescu;aha 1492322;1467131408;asciilifeform;the american sci-am (to '90s) was similar 1492323;1467131413;asciilifeform;schematics for particle beam machines, etc. 1492324;1467131417;mircea_popescu;well... we were younger, then. 1492325;1467131455;asciilifeform;in late '90s it was purchased by a news conglomerate (i fuhget which) and turned into a rag 1492326;1467131471;asciilifeform;(many pretty pictures of pandas etc but no actual material for thinking folk) 1492327;1467131478;mircea_popescu;hey, this just means they were successful startup amirite ? 1492328;1467131481;mircea_popescu;sell to someone else! 1492329;1467131483;asciilifeform;ahahaha right 1492330;1467131724;shinohai;$s http://www.coindesk.com/presidential-candidate-hillary-clinton-pledges-support-blockchain-tech/ 1492331;1467131725;a111;1 results for "http://www.coindesk.com/presidential-candidate-hillary-clinton-pledges-support-blockchain-tech/", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.coindesk.com%2Fpresidential-candidate-hillary-clinton-pledges-support-blockchain-tech%2F 1492332;1467131741;asciilifeform;lemme guess, speech at mit ? 1492333;1467131759;mircea_popescu;lmao, as part of the democrats' "bitcoin is terrorist money" initiative ? 1492334;1467131781;mircea_popescu;"we'll support mit's hole-ridden ''blockchain'' instead!" 1492335;1467131805;mircea_popescu;anyway, asciilifeform, there you go : that's how they paid ~200mn to terrorists past two weeks. 1492336;1467131819;mircea_popescu;hopefully the woman gets elected, we turn that into a cool trillion. 1492337;1467132024;asciilifeform;with 5 working nodez lolk. 1492338;1467132065;asciilifeform;'Hard Fork: A hard fork would put a decisive end to the ongoing corewars game that is being played.' << lel somebody reads them l0gz 1492339;1467132693;BingoBoingo;Look he cured his obesity! https://archive.is/kDmQf 1492340;1467132779;shinohai;LO 1492341;1467132906;wyrdmantis;$up drizztdourden 1492342;1467132906;deedbot;drizztdourden voiced for 30 minutes. 1492343;1467132995;drizztdourden;hello everyone, my fellow wyrdmantis brought me here to try eulora 1492344;1467133034;shinohai;Welcome, hope you enjoy. 1492345;1467133076;trinque;drizztdourden: you'll have to ask mircea_popescu for an account 1492346;1467133123;drizztdourden;yes, thank you 1492347;1467133187;drizztdourden;mircea_popescu: i want to try eulora, thanks 1492348;1467133724;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1492349;1467133726;gribble;Current Blocks: 418389 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 938 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes, and 27 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1492350;1467133785;mircea_popescu;hi there drizztdourden 1492351;1467133790;mircea_popescu;$key drizztdourden 1492352;1467133797;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/e9c4c3fe-0d0b-4348-8512-75cbb10c4e02/ 1492353;1467133802;mircea_popescu;be a moment. 1492354;1467133850;drizztdourden;sure 1492355;1467133939;asciilifeform;in other non-nyooz, http://unqualified-reservations.blogspot.com/2016/04/coda.html 1492356;1467134077;asciilifeform;https://twitter.com/moldbug_ebooks << lel this exists 1492357;1467134226;mircea_popescu;drizztdourden http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/7dffa58b-67d5-4a11-9a4d-68bff768a047/ 1492358;1467134231;mircea_popescu;$rate drizztdourden 1 Euloran 1492359;1467134253;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/3342e645-676f-449a-83a5-20bbd8ef0d5e/ 1492360;1467134275;mircea_popescu;$v 5103B823052B00BC3F996775D13A928B72402A581CBCC639EFDA312E3E74A2E0 1492361;1467134276;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated drizztdourden 1 << Euloran 1492362;1467134312;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform top tweet, "your chains can only be broken by our patented AA method, join the cult now!" 1492363;1467134316;mircea_popescu;wtf is wrong with usians srsly. 1492364;1467134782;mircea_popescu;and in the daily trilema roulette, http://trilema.com/2014/a-practical-exercise-for-people-who-cant-afford-airfare/ 1492365;1467135150;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-23#1487874 << we're up 440k in the first score and 200k on the 2nd. is this still from recent sks dump being put in ? 1492366;1467135150;a111;Logged on 2016-06-23 12:38 a111: Logged on 2016-06-23 10:30 mircea_popescu: speaking of that, asciilifeform any idea how it's possible that Submissions: 3305302 Known Moduli: 2708380 Moduli Waiting for Test: 3677 ? shouldn't these add up ? 1492367;1467135335;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: current sks still has ~2 wks of juice in it 1492368;1467135380;asciilifeform;but yes, i will outline the algo, when you throw in a key, you get +1 'submissions', regardless of whether said key has moduli, and +M known moduli, where M is the number of rsa moduli in said pgp key. 1492369;1467135395;asciilifeform;'moduli waiting for test' are any moduli that have never yet been crunched 1492370;1467135405;asciilifeform;presently cruncher runs 1x every 4hrs. 1492371;1467135435;asciilifeform;(covering ALL moduli in the db, not merely 'queued') 1492372;1467135444;mircea_popescu;the point being that if there's less than 1 moduli known added for each ssh submission processed, we got a problem there. 1492373;1467135451;asciilifeform;1. 1492374;1467135466;asciilifeform;thus far no rejects in the logs. 1492375;1467135475;mircea_popescu;ah you watching it ? cool. 1492376;1467135481;asciilifeform;i have the thing scroll. 1492377;1467135497;asciilifeform;it is how i know anything at all. 1492378;1467135498;mircea_popescu;http://67.media.tumblr.com/0c49f3cf0ae644308babd5b13509d1e3/tumblr_na8aaagXtw1th1i2xo1_400.gif << brought to you by misppeal meddia. 1492379;1467135589;*;asciilifeform revels in the museum-quality sa issues, they are in airtight cellophanes 1492380;1467135604;mircea_popescu;nice! 1492381;1467135610;asciilifeform;most of'em anyway 1492382;1467135759;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo https://cryptome.org/2016/06/OPD-Pulse-Shooting-Log.pdf << lulzy, possibly qntrable 1492383;1467135759;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1492384;1467135760;thestringpuller;whoa. did I really just make 34% shorting ETH... 1492385;1467135897;trinque;lol, good work. 1492386;1467135898;asciilifeform;'PER WANDA FORD SHE ADV ANY MEDIA CALLS WE GET TO EMER01 6:40:13 1492387;1467135898;asciilifeform;TELL THEM TO REFER TO OUR TWITTER PAGE. THEY ARE EMER01 6:40:21 1492388;1467135898;asciilifeform;HOMELAND SECURITY 1097' 1492389;1467135901;asciilifeform;^ and other lulz. 1492390;1467135928;asciilifeform;complete with mysterious censored bits. 1492391;1467136050;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d521af7c-48ce-4a78-8e0a-75d4d4845906/?raw=true << somewhat readable depdf 1492392;1467136218;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The censored bits really detract from my motivation to do anything with it, but if someone else has the inclinations to do it... 1492393;1467136320;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: no big loss, for all i know - whole thing is disinfo 1492394;1467136336;BingoBoingo;Which is the other suspeicion 1492395;1467137819;mircea_popescu;and today in signs of patriarchy : me and girl dress to go out. i have 172 buttons. she has one. 1492396;1467137825;mircea_popescu;win. 1492397;1467138231;asciilifeform;lel 172?! mircea_popescu dressed as what, 17th c. hussar ? 1492398;1467138406;trinque;http://thesuiteworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/michael-hussar-michaelhussar-oil-canvas-painting-art.jpg << googled hussar for visual, got... 1492399;1467138797;shinohai;^ Satan in BingoBoingo 's personal hell. 1492400;1467138841;BingoBoingo;Nah, Satan's supposed to be your buddy, not a hambeast 1492401;1467139128;trinque;https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f4/36/2a/f4362a9c0e8650babb6aec4e64dc2656.jpg << I have another one for BingoBoingo 1492402;1467139169;BingoBoingo;Would not sign a contract with, disqualified from being the devil. 1492403;1467139741;mats;at least she can stand upright 1492404;1467140561;asciilifeform;urgh 1492405;1467141015;asciilifeform;in other lulz, i have nfi what this is : https://gist.github.com/rgov/c605161835a78ebea095fee9429c8c8a 1492406;1467141068;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/209287-romanuls-anascutprostan << wtf..? 1492407;1467141210;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: Are you the one managing the phuctor effort? 1492408;1467141219;midnightmagic;or looking after it or whatever? 1492409;1467141220;asciilifeform;midnightmagic: i wrote it, fwiw 1492410;1467141241;asciilifeform;( with generous support from mircea_popescu ) 1492411;1467141259;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: If you are interested in a copy of the SKS keyset as of.. I want to say mid-2012 or so (the same one that was used as evidence that Craig Wright backdated his keys) I can stuff it into an archive for you. 1492412;1467141388;asciilifeform;midnightmagic: i started with an only slightly younger sks 1492413;1467141402;asciilifeform;but it wouldn't hurt to have a historic copy. 1492414;1467141418;asciilifeform;for one thing, we could nail the question of whether the sks folk tell the truth in re 'nothing is ever removed' 1492415;1467141434;asciilifeform;(or rather, nail it in the negative, if evidence of such turns up. otherwise it stays open) 1492416;1467141452;midnightmagic;Okie doke. I originally downloaded a copy of it because I was having a discussion with some peeps about fingerprinting keys and preferences and bitsizes to see how unique various peoples' choices were, and then just never went anywhere with it. 1492417;1467141479;midnightmagic;asciilifeform: You can wget from a tor HS site? 1492418;1467141487;asciilifeform;not easily 1492419;1467141542;*;asciilifeform brb 1492420;1467141982;midnightmagic;Ah, okay, so the first one is dated Feb 19 2012. And I have another one here from Dec 6 2015. I'll zip up the 2012 one and post a URL and signature. 1492421;1467142619;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492150 << ahahaha nice one! never heard this 1492422;1467142619;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 15:19 mircea_popescu: three days later alchie calls doc office in a passion. "doc, wtf do i do, i can't lift alcohol above my mouth." 1492423;1467142654;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492071<< yeah i see your point, and incidentally agree here completely 1492424;1467142654;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 14:57 mircea_popescu: Framedragger what i'm more and more discovering is that the legends about the internet and the facts about the network (not just the internet, network in general) are very much at odds. consider a few examples : L1 : "many eyes means better code" ; R1 : "many eyes means bikeshed effect" | L2 : "Bitcoin has many nodes" ; R2 "yeah, like less than 50." | L3 : "there's many weak consumer grade boxes out there" ; 1492425;1467142704;Framedragger;those opinions and past rumours on the nets are sort of detrimental if anything to the experimental effort which is sorely needed in all areas here 1492426;1467142732;Framedragger;who would have thought 1492427;1467142744;Framedragger;(not me, apparently; need to work against that internalized bias some more) 1492428;1467142759;Framedragger;(bias to trust legendz) 1492429;1467142780;trinque;was just about to say, cartography > traveler's legends 1492430;1467142873;Framedragger;problem when world is big and you need to trust other cartographers, i guess 1492431;1467142901;trinque;use your WoT 1492432;1467142946;Framedragger;that's a start for sure. sometimes cartographers from far away lands not connected to your network of trust, i guess. but then perhaps no need to trust much about far away lands anyway 1492433;1467143368;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492083 << out of loop; soo, many awesome bitcoin nodes actually run on the same host? kinda hilarious / sad 1492434;1467143368;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 15:02 mircea_popescu: after the shocking revelations earlier this year, that really many things which seemed actually hosted properly (ie, own box etc) and on this basis assumed independent were really THE SAME ONE ITEM, i think even the 50 figure is generous. 1492435;1467143539;trinque;$s sybil 1492436;1467143540;a111;68 results for "sybil", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sybil 1492437;1467144535;BingoBoingo;Framedragger: See alf's AWS hammer 1492438;1467146198;BingoBoingo;$up linton_s_dawson1 1492439;1467146199;deedbot;linton_s_dawson1 voiced for 30 minutes. 1492440;1467148111;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492397 << yes! :D 1492441;1467148111;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 18:23 asciilifeform: lel 172?! mircea_popescu dressed as what, 17th c. hussar ? 1492442;1467148152;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492398 << see also alt spellyng, hussy-arr. http://66.media.tumblr.com/8f8a4e297b0bd1d6a3c698d2d9e2923f/tumblr_nz1hjgjn0q1v0vlh7o1_500.gif 1492443;1467148152;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 18:26 trinque: http://thesuiteworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/michael-hussar-michaelhussar-oil-canvas-painting-art.jpg << googled hussar for visual, got... 1492444;1467148241;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492406 << hm ? 1492445;1467148241;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 19:11 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: https://rstforums.com/forum/profile/209287-romanuls-anascutprostan << wtf..? 1492446;1467148330;wyrdmantis;mircea_popescu apparently i can't log in eulora 1492447;1467148340;mircea_popescu;lol dude... check out all the obscure venues where people discuss me knowingly. 1492448;1467148359;mircea_popescu;wyrdmantis server's up, what's teh problem ? 1492449;1467148547;BingoBoingo;Why you can't hire redditurds https://archive.is/re5Z0 1492450;1467148711;drizztdourden;mircea_popescu now he's online but i get always incorrect username or password 1492451;1467148724;drizztdourden;we are connected to the same router 1492452;1467148813;mircea_popescu;yeah well that doesn't work. 1492453;1467148848;shinohai;There's just not enough asylums in the US anymore fr these people. 1492454;1467148960;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492429 << the link is quite germane. even as late as 1800 romanian popular geography included "muscali cu coada", literally, moscow people had tails, like a cat. 1492455;1467148960;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 19:39 trinque: was just about to say, cartography > traveler's legends 1492456;1467149581;mircea_popescu;lol someone plugged the router cable ? 1492457;1467149776;shinohai;https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/747897783802277888 1492458;1467149938;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Dealing with idiot car buyers: A primer. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/28/dealing-with-idiot-car-buyers-a-primer/ 1492459;1467151658;shinohai;Ethereum: -11.73 % The DAO: -17.88 % 1492460;1467151700;mircea_popescu;no ? 1492461;1467151710;mircea_popescu;wasn't it fixed ? i thought THEY WERE COMING AFTER ME!!11 1492462;1467151742;shinohai;:D 1492463;1467151807;mircea_popescu;gonna leave https://archive.is/UlYmh for the posterities. 1492464;1467151860;asciilifeform;'I could not understand, this is a company who had a hard hit by a bug, yet they could able to hit again by a bug. Okey they have pressure on they back but this is a second market crush. I'm so sad to see this post.' 1492465;1467151862;asciilifeform;gold. 1492466;1467151869;mircea_popescu;gotta love it when the "solution" to the "solution" consists of PLEASE DONT RUN OUR CODE 1492467;1467151929;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492454 << 'dog men' appeared in atlas until when, 15th c ? 1492468;1467151929;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 21:22 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492429 << the link is quite germane. even as late as 1800 romanian popular geography included "muscali cu coada", literally, moscow people had tails, like a cat. 1492469;1467151946;mircea_popescu;"we are the premier engineer and science institution IN THE WORLD!" 1492470;1467151950;mircea_popescu;and could totally buy... an apple. 1492471;1467151960;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1492472;1467152395;mircea_popescu;and to round the lolz farm, " The code was open-sourced on March 3rd, so experts had almost two months to find vulnerabilities before it was deployed. It was also audited (at an alleged cost of $250k) by the same firm that audited geth before the frontier launch." (you remember, by the "dejavu" derps, that proud scion of bitcoin security of bitcoinica days. https://archive.is/yZ0ke ) 1492473;1467152627;mircea_popescu;and, of course, let's not forget historical posturing https://archive.is/iKC07 by the TRULY professional slock.it "all staer" team : simon jentzsch (founder & "ceo"), christoph jentzch (founder's relative & "CTO"), stephan tual (staph patient & coockoo), lefteris karapetsas, griff green, colm herbert, and the one, the only, dr! christian reitwiessner, the creator of stolidity! 1492474;1467152637;mircea_popescu;"CTO" & 1492475;1467152647;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/iKC07 1492476;1467152896;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492457 << so basically, as part of its ongoing cold war against insufficiently-pliable torvalds, the usg through its usg.twitter agency... repurposed what it claims to be "linus' account", ie, a voodoo doll they made for him. and this somehow is supposed to reflect on the man ? why, because we're all from the great nation of africa and ergo fucktarded in the brain ? 1492477;1467152896;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 21:36 shinohai: https://twitter.com/LinusTech/status/747897783802277888 1492478;1467160104;asciilifeform;in other lulz: http://www.seattletimes.com/business/microsoft/microsoft-draws-flak-for-pushing-windows-10-on-pc-users << somebody sued microshit and won 1492479;1467160158;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4qb4kz/this_is_intolerably_ridiculous_hard_fork_and_move/d4rr6t3 <<< naturally this guy gets downboats 1492480;1467160473;asciilifeform;what was it mircea_popescu said, 'never interrupt an enemy who is in the middle of fellating his nagant' 1492481;1467160488;shinohai;:) 1492482;1467162493;phf;"You can buy one or more Urbit stars for $256 - or, TODAY ONLY, only $205." 1492483;1467163632;phf;from https://sale.urbit.org 1492484;1467164441;mircea_popescu;it was nappy leon! 1492485;1467164483;mircea_popescu;they were playing bridge and someone was about to say 1nt with akj in 6 hearts. 1492486;1467164604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see, but his link is very informative. "how about you look before you leap ?" "STOP TALKING NONSENSE!!!!! NOBOSY CAN USE NOGGIN!!11!!ELEVEN WE ARE HERE TO BUILD CENTRALIZED DECENTRALIZATION!" 1492487;1467164631;mircea_popescu;"AND WE ALL R AGREES IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO!" 1492488;1467164645;mircea_popescu;if it blows up, you can always "hard fork"^H"pretend it never happened". 1492489;1467164667;mircea_popescu;"that's how life works" etc. 1492490;1467164754;mircea_popescu;anyway. #etherape right on schedule. 1492491;1467164777;mircea_popescu;hopefully hilary has enough money leftover from bill to pay for round two of lolz. 1492492;1467164851;mod6;#hardfork_timemachine 1492493;1467164918;mircea_popescu;phf is this for the people who bought battleships, islands, now they can buy asteroids, next alphabet letters... 1492494;1467164937;mircea_popescu;yarvin really should have his own breakfast cereal company. 1492495;1467164960;phf;yeah, it's that same game 1492496;1467164988;mircea_popescu;brb ima liquidate my doge profits buy some more scamtokens from usg tools! 1492497;1467164992;phf;but it's interesting to observe a "hip" version of it 1492498;1467165004;mircea_popescu;is it hiperer than the previous ? 1492499;1467165072;phf;there's a video of a guy doing a pitch, some nice fonts, stripe integration. it is now, it is happening 1492500;1467165084;mircea_popescu;heh stripe. 1492501;1467165086;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1492502;1467165088;phf;could be a yc project 1492503;1467165165;mircea_popescu;in other news, ethereumgear.com now advertises in google searches for me. because yeah, totally. 1492504;1467165534;phf;smart ads! 1492505;1467165596;mircea_popescu;totally smart. 1492506;1467165597;shinohai;Have a tshirt made with that pic of mircea_popescu in Egypt, but replace the pyramids with burning ethereum logos. 1492507;1467165674;phf;trilema store on cafe press 1492508;1467165721;mircea_popescu;better than bitdaytrade, this shit. 1492509;1467165722;phf;just pictures of all the "show your tits" girls on white t-shirts American Apparel style 1492510;1467165743;mircea_popescu;rarely has such large a collection of entirely inept shitheads been so utterly exposed. 1492511;1467165769;mircea_popescu;i mean, bitdaytrade rivals it for utter, but that was what, meni rosenfeld and a bunch of web freelancer pakis. 1492512;1467165776;phf;s/american apparel/supreme/ 1492513;1467165793;mircea_popescu;phf actually this isn't a terribru idea, make shirts with the numbered tits. 1492514;1467165815;phf;half way through i realized i wasn't just trolling 1492515;1467165822;mod6;<+shinohai> Have a tshirt made with that pic of mircea_popescu in Egypt, but replace the pyramids with burning ethereum logos. << the drawing of Mr. P. that was made a while back would be a good t-shirt. 1492516;1467165824;mircea_popescu;$google "i'll pay for your tits" 1492517;1467165824;deedbot;http://trilema.com/2014/06 << June 2014 on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. | http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-07-2014 << NEXT: 28-07-2014 | http://trilema.com/they-really-are-buttcoins-nao << They really are Buttcoins nao on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. 1492518;1467165867;shinohai;Yeah mod6 that *would* be great 1492519;1467165890;mircea_popescu;yeah, anyone wanna run a tmsr tshirts bidniss ? preferably someone who isn't a lazy math guy who pretends to lie to self and call it "downshifting" or w/e. 1492520;1467165962;phf;http://www.projectblitz.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1800x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/_/m/_mg_4285_copy.jpg 1492521;1467165964;phf;^ 1492522;1467165987;mircea_popescu;uh whassat ? 1492523;1467166013;phf;can just do it in this style, doesn't need to be a quality print. just a bunch of shirts with lowres tits 1492524;1467166032;mircea_popescu;you're from like the punk movement arent you. 1492525;1467166057;*;shinohai is nostalgic for those shirts from the 80's where the vinyl flaked off .... 1492526;1467166077;mircea_popescu;o fuck, that was THE best deal of 1992. 1492527;1467166142;mircea_popescu;buy thermotransfer crap in turkey, for like 10 bux a pile of 100, sell them for like ten bucks a pop. "advanced!" 1492528;1467166166;phf;"got some business going" 1492529;1467166207;mircea_popescu;sometimes i wonder how eeurope'd have looked today had the soviets managed to dredge on. 1492530;1467166311;*;asciilifeform had to look up 'downshifting' 1492531;1467166337;phf;$s downshifting 1492532;1467166337;a111;7 results for "downshifting", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=downshifting 1492533;1467166360;asciilifeform;and aha we dun have a nubsy no moar so no shirtz. 1492534;1467166363;mircea_popescu;$up meau` 1492535;1467166363;deedbot;meau` voiced for 30 minutes. 1492536;1467166482;mircea_popescu;in other news, brexit cost the robo-lizzard-hitler club ~2.1 trillion in notionals. 1492537;1467166495;mircea_popescu;ie, more than the 2008 crisis. 1492538;1467166521;asciilifeform;wtf does it mean to 'cost' the folks with the printing press something. 1492539;1467166527;asciilifeform;they still have same # of turkeys. 1492540;1467166531;mircea_popescu;yes yes. 1492541;1467166541;mircea_popescu;notionals are now slightly smaller than afore ? 1492542;1467166555;asciilifeform;that's called 'devaluation' neh? 1492543;1467166559;asciilifeform;like ruble 1492544;1467166579;mircea_popescu;more like de-posturation ? 1492545;1467166588;asciilifeform;~= 1492546;1467167035;mod6;;;bc,stats 1492547;1467167037;gribble;Current Blocks: 418439 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 888 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 22 hours, 4 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1492548;1467167226;mod6;wow. remember 1M? 1492549;1467167855;mod6;ok that was interesting. at some point tb0t got bounced out -- but it was *still* logging from here. 1492550;1467167858;mod6;o.O 1492551;1467167885;mod6;oh, it just got devoiced. 1492552;1467167887;mod6;ok 1492553;1467168048;mircea_popescu;wb. 1492554;1467171191;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/06/how-the-tor-project-pays-and-pays-cia-agents-from-their-usg-navy-coffers/#comment-62660 << lulzy 1492555;1467171309;BingoBoingo;Eh, that's just detail lulz 1492556;1467171490;asciilifeform;a q for BingoBoingo : 1492557;1467171502;asciilifeform;lafond mentions a map of bmore he annotated 1492558;1467171507;asciilifeform;where is it? 1492559;1467171528;BingoBoingo;I haven't seen it. Perhaps requires javascript? 1492560;1467171553;asciilifeform;alluded to in comments of http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4264 1492561;1467171560;BingoBoingo;Maybe ask him in comments for url? 1492562;1467171887;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2016/06/how-the-tor-project-pays-and-pays-cia-agents-from-their-usg-navy-coffers/#comment-62660 << check it out, qntra worthy of its own pinoy dept nao ? who could have predicted! 1492563;1467172458;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: found it, http://www.jameslafond.com/btg 1492564;1467172465;BingoBoingo;oh, ty 1492565;1467172593;mircea_popescu;"north and south ok, east and west bad, diagonals in between" 1492566;1467172866;asciilifeform;unsurprisingly the cheap boxes are in the free-fire zone 1492567;1467173079;mircea_popescu;rather than a bs "here's some colors because we're from the special needs kindergarten", could "the baltimore expert guy" instead provide a heatmap with all the murders, stabbings, whatnot ? could have a little card, date, people involved, etc. 1492568;1467173091;mircea_popescu;police still publishes these i imagine. day and half worth of intern's time. 1492569;1467173174;mircea_popescu;(yes, /me suspects he's ~mostly eating shit. baltimore homicide rate still the same 30ish / 100k it's anywhere else ; rape with violence the same 40, robbery the same 500, assault the same 500, etc.) 1492570;1467173224;mircea_popescu;now, it's true that baltimore was scoring ~400 homicides / 100k, which IS notable, though perhaps a tad short for what he's depicting. nevertheless - that was in the early 90s. 1492571;1467173226;asciilifeform;these are elsewhere 1492572;1467173243;asciilifeform;b00lcrap had one 1492573;1467173258;trinque;asciilifeform │ wtf does it mean to 'cost' the folks with the printing press something. << same as it cost whatever fake "elite" zimbabwe had, but more spectacularly? 1492574;1467173354;mircea_popescu;ftr, new york is also at ~30 homicides / 100k. 1492575;1467173498;mircea_popescu;trinque nah, zimbabwe borrows in dollars. 1492576;1467173594;trinque;his $turkeys are all assets that aren't 1492577;1467173756;trinque;they own the same number of lockheed martins and johnson and johnson's, and this is separate and untouchable, meanwhile the currency that flows through their veins evaporates? 1492578;1467173765;trinque;this is nonsense 1492579;1467173786;asciilifeform;the numbers are not so interesting 1492580;1467173796;asciilifeform;low on account of meat depletion. 1492581;1467173867;trinque;some of the people at the "top" of the US economy might survive just like some in the USSR did 1492582;1467173869;trinque;most wont 1492583;1467173914;trinque;or does some consumer products company somehow "pivot" to surviving a situation where consumers don't have money 1492584;1467173928;trinque;and if not, then the "wealth" of most of those lizards vanishes 1492585;1467173930;asciilifeform;trinque: you'd be surprised 1492586;1467173951;asciilifeform;~somebody~ always has money. 1492587;1467174097;trinque;gotta have trade volume to sustain a market 1492588;1467174107;trinque;you can't just have infinite turkeys and nothing moving 1492589;1467174257;trinque;wealth has both to do with what you have and also what you can get for it 1492590;1467174273;trinque;you've observed some things can't be had for any price depending on the configuration of the world at that time 1492591;1467174285;trinque;or at all, if the ask is a poorly formed question 1492592;1467174392;asciilifeform;http://crimebaltimore.com << but scam. the 'shootings' in particular -- they have these automated detectors, one cannot infer that ~somebody~ caught the bullet 1492593;1467174405;trinque;as their ability to wield economic activity in the world declines, they grow smaller and less powerful 1492594;1467174422;trinque;this is the fucking definition of power 1492595;1467175570;*;adlai waves 1492596;1467175580;trinque;ohey, you're alive 1492597;1467175585;trinque;how goes? 1492598;1467175596;adlai;live but krazy! 1492599;1467175652;adlai;it's worth taking antipsychotics for the amazing clarity you get once you stop taking them 1492600;1467175686;mats;i'm sorry to hear that 1492601;1467175729;adlai;i'm glad to have stopped! and have found again the motivation to bitcoin 1492602;1467175767;trinque;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDdzPzk-e-U << I've never heard a worse bunch of dickless cucks. 1492603;1467175777;adlai;it also helps that bitcoin has found the motivation to do the dance again, timed well with my asylum exit 1492604;1467175803;trinque;now try not frying yourself with acid or whatever 1492605;1467175825;trinque;or do, and explain to asciilifeform what can happen when you over-leverage yourself 1492606;1467175847;trinque;"but my true worth is denominated in the love of god!" 1492607;1467176040;adlai;my true worth, unlike my net worth, is denominated in TruCoin (tm) (c,) (r) (coming soon to an altcoin daemon near you!) 1492608;1467176191;*;adlai studies https://online-go.com/puzzle/2907 (HTML5 turd containing the first third of Cho Chikun's "Encyclopedia of Life & Death") 1492609;1467176259;adlai;if you're new at this - the whole point is to do the trial and error in your head. if the computer move surprises you, you have to hit reset and stare at the setup for another fifteen seconds 1492610;1467176264;trinque;this "EU parliament" room is terrible, looks like a shitty state college lecture hall 1492611;1467176280;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492578 << not so much nonsense. currency has a major future-looking function. 1492612;1467176280;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 04:16 trinque: this is nonsense 1492613;1467176385;mircea_popescu;this was true even in the old days of gold coins. consider the case of two neighbouring countries, each with the same exact mirror arrangements, same pop count, same 100 tons of gold total, circulating as 100mn 1gram pieces. 1492614;1467176385;trinque;if I had 40 billion turkey dollars and suddenly had to divest from USD denominated assets and companies that relied on consumer spending, where would I go? 1492615;1467176421;mircea_popescu;the half to the left gets attacked by the huns ; the half to the right has some derp discover the indies and goes into trade mode, florence style. 1492616;1467176452;mircea_popescu;now, the average coin piece in the left changes hands once a year. for safety. this means the circulation (ie, notional market, in the primitive sense this works then) is ~100mn pcs/year. 1492617;1467176471;mircea_popescu;meanwhile on the right, each coin piece changes hands once a week. for trade! thismeans the circulation is about 5bn pcs/year 1492618;1467176479;mircea_popescu;suddenly you can appreciate the macrofinance problems. 1492619;1467176535;mircea_popescu;when people get excited the "monetary mass" (which is not directly equivalent to the pedestrian notion of money) expands. when people flee to safety, it contracts. 1492620;1467176576;mircea_popescu;and all this happens without any sort of cheating needed or implied. 1492621;1467176597;trinque;yep. what I question is how a massive contraction, in a situation where it's *all* notional and wtf is actually valuable, would *not* harm lizard whoever. 1492622;1467176629;mircea_popescu;well, that's problematic, in no small part because of the traditional villain "ha-ha! it was my plan all along!" 1492623;1467176773;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492583 << actually that happened in the 90s. all the jam tomorrow "web as a business" "venture capital" bs is exactly that - pivoting to try and survive the situation where consumers don't have money. pretend data is valuable and someone cares, pretend advertising is a business, get people to "invest" in this nonsense, it's a thing. 1492624;1467176773;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 04:18 trinque: or does some consumer products company somehow "pivot" to surviving a situation where consumers don't have money 1492625;1467176792;trinque;yeah, pivoting towards death, not out of the way of it 1492626;1467176808;mircea_popescu;myeah. it's a thing looking just about ready to deflate worth a trn or two. 1492627;1467177319;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492599 << - >> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-15#1132722 1492628;1467177319;a111;Logged on 2015-05-15 04:41 mircea_popescu: there is that rabi and goats story, but no. 1492629;1467177319;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 04:47 adlai: it's worth taking antipsychotics for the amazing clarity you get once you stop taking them 1492630;1467177664;adlai;exactly this. the neuroleptic goat has its place alongside the tolerance break and other shirts of assorted hairyness 1492631;1467177901;mircea_popescu;"One cannot imagine Ethereum community doing nothing in response to an existential hack. Doing nothing would say we lack courage and we let thieves walk away with their loot. HF is a must now. The community is reaching a new consensus." 1492632;1467177914;mircea_popescu;ethereum community reads more and more like paycoin community. 1492633;1467177918;mircea_popescu;anyone remember paycoin ? 1492634;1467177956;mircea_popescu;anyway. existential hacks! 1492635;1467177958;adlai;honestly, why even bother with a fork at this point. just reset the testnet, call it "The Next Frontier" 1492636;1467177972;mircea_popescu;adlai forced mistakes ; long string thereof. 1492637;1467177989;adlai;this is the cheapest fix: reset the chain 1492638;1467178003;adlai;it's what testnet does whenever it gets too fucked 1492639;1467178018;adlai;and ethereum is a billion dollar testnet 1492640;1467178043;mircea_popescu;lol. "billion" dollar. currently usg self-trading on poloniex just about 99.999% 1492641;1467178096;adlai;sure. but this "usg" is still a bunch of smart muppets scamming the stupid muppets, money is changing hands 1492642;1467178124;mircea_popescu;nope, not really. pretty much one single party wash-trading. 1492643;1467178124;adlai;but i agree with you in the sense of "coin moves from stupid pocket to smart" 1492644;1467178150;mircea_popescu;the stupid consist of cents and dimes, sum to a thousand dollars if that. 1492645;1467178198;adlai;the truly stupid suddenly remember last week to forget their presale password. true story (not mine) 1492646;1467178223;adlai;but it reminded me of "anton_osika"! remember anton, kids? 1492647;1467178227;adlai;don't be anton. 1492648;1467179176;BingoBoingo;Nah anton forgot his contract with mp signing key 1492649;1467188090;adlai;misplacing a key and misremembering a password are the same class of fuckup 1492650;1467188347;*;adlai told his shrink, as an example of "delusions", about ''meta-#ba'' 1492651;1467188374;*;adlai told his #t, as an example of "truth" (Schemers Hate Him!), about ''shrink'' 1492652;1467191918;*;ben_vulpes went to procure a server today (8 cores! 3.33 ghz! 32 gb of ram! probably the heaviest individual slice of computronium i've ever hefted) to find that it was previously operated by a local company of some amount of repute. 1492653;1467191972;ben_vulpes;while picking delicately through the trash in the 2br housing lord only knows how many ops monkeys it came up that the machine was in no way deprovisioned. 1492654;1467192037;ben_vulpes;i am torn - on one hand, this is a marvelously spiffy box. on the other - what treasures might lie on those hdds?! 1492655;1467202164;thestringpuller;https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0075.mediawiki << The first of many AML/KYC improvements proposed by derps to add to bitcoin. 1492656;1467208901;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492654 >> << http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cff36f92-0107-4529-95d2-89ba47848a3a/?raw=true 1492657;1467208901;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 09:20 ben_vulpes: i am torn - on one hand, this is a marvelously spiffy box. on the other - what treasures might lie on those hdds?! 1492658;1467208901;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1492659;1467209139;shinohai;https://github.com/ethcore/parity/pull/1483/files The dao is still down -12.19 %. Here's a provisional hard fork to make it all better. 1492660;1467211749;asciilifeform;assert_eq!(a.code_hash().hex(), "af231e631776a517ca23125370d542873eca1fb4d613ed9b5d5335a46ae5b7eb"); << l0l! 1492661;1467212045;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492655 << gold!11 'permissioned payment' 1492662;1467212045;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 12:09 thestringpuller: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0075.mediawiki << The first of many AML/KYC improvements proposed by derps to add to bitcoin. 1492663;1467212055;asciilifeform;'slow paypal' 1492664;1467212594;deedbot;[Qntra] Microsoft Withdraws Paid Fitness App, Existing Users To Lose Access - http://qntra.net/2016/06/microsoft-withdraws-paid-fitness-app-existing-users-to-lose-access/ 1492665;1467213473;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492472 << to truly round up yesterday's derp list, one has to mention the dejavu "security" team (aptly named, seriously, we've seen this nonsense more than enough times before from the sort of posturing idiots without a wot presence) : akshay aggarwal, "a passionate entrepreneur", adam cecchetti, "ceo", michael eddington, "cto", see https://archive.is/JqJos 1492666;1467213473;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 22:19 mircea_popescu: and to round the lolz farm, " The code was open-sourced on March 3rd, so experts had almost two months to find vulnerabilities before it was deployed. It was also audited (at an alleged cost of $250k) by the same firm that audited geth before the frontier launch." (you remember, by the "dejavu" derps, that proud scion of bitcoin security of bitcoinica days. https://archive.is/yZ0ke ) 1492667;1467213532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: typically this 'audit for hire' crapolade is simply meat-powered 'lint' 1492668;1467213534;asciilifeform;(if that.) 1492669;1467213618;asciilifeform;strangely enough, afaik the only folks who can afford the Real Deal are - usg. but in this case they skimped ? go figure. 1492670;1467213653;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, ethereum itself is brought to you by ming chan, "an mit alumna", vitalik buterin, which you no doubt remember as an obscure bitcoin punk, jeffrey wilcke, bernd lapp ("bern lapp's background and experience in management experience spawns many years"), stefano bertolo, yessin schiegg, willioam mougayar, thomas greco (omise), and vladislav martynov. see https://archive.is/Se89j 1492671;1467213738;asciilifeform;'Stefano Bertolo is a civil servant advising the Foundation in a strictly personal capacity with the formal permission of his employer. ' << holy shit, srs? 1492672;1467213743;asciilifeform;right in the bio? 1492673;1467213748;mircea_popescu;and to not forget the various other usg tools with a more remote, disavowed involvement : gavin andresen, emin gun sirer, and a whole list of various derps who unilaterally claim involvement : amir chetrit, anthony di iorio, gavin woon, joseph lubin etc, 1492674;1467213853;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'Всіх панів до 'дної ями, Буржуїв за буржуями. Будем, будем бить! Будем, будем бить!' (tm) (r) (Павло Тичина) 1492675;1467213904;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the minj chick is the equivalent of the akshay aggarwal doofus. recall the fabulous case of the famous mr chowdhry http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-15#1324477 ? or the fascinating case of mr bharara http://qntra.net/2015/04/judge-preet-bhararas-brinkmanship-endangers-fair-trials/ ? or the betrayer shkreli ? 1492676;1467213904;a111;Logged on 2015-11-15 00:40 mircea_popescu: http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/faculty/finance/faculty/chowdhry << in case you're wondering what the vermin usg has created looks like. 1492677;1467213917;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/88eaf4d7-8a7b-4eb5-9864-7d07c84267d0/?raw=true 1492678;1467213918;mircea_popescu;it's an underclass of capons the empire is promoting, the equivalent of the roman libertus. 1492679;1467213989;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ah, snore. 1492680;1467213992;mircea_popescu;they're usually central/east asians for a good reason : the "government is all things" mentality is not commonly found outside of that shithole. there, it's part of the culture. 1492681;1467214018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i worked with these folks for many years. 1492682;1467214023;asciilifeform;it is precisely as mircea_popescu describes. 1492683;1467214041;mircea_popescu;aha. usually they start as http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491735 and advance from there. 1492684;1467214041;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 00:29 asciilifeform: (politruk) 1492685;1467214052;asciilifeform;though not this 1492686;1467214074;asciilifeform;at least in asciilifeform's experience, these folks are entirely disjoint with the 'sexism politruk' etc. business 1492687;1467214077;asciilifeform;strictly technical 1492688;1467214080;asciilifeform;tunnel vision to the max 1492689;1467214094;mircea_popescu;eh, the ones that start in engineering / actual work roles usually end up "managing" a project/team, not really selected for chen minjness. 1492690;1467214103;asciilifeform;aha them 1492691;1467214118;mircea_popescu;still the same substance. i entertain no distinction. 1492692;1467214144;mircea_popescu;so drone wants to be ant rather than bee. whoopee. still drone. 1492693;1467214299;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492644 << amusingly, judging by the comment count on the official announcement of the latest blunder ("for best results running our fix for the attack - please don't run it at all!"), even 1k total seems exaggerated. ethereum is dead as disco, will take at least 6 months to re-inflate. prolly more like 18. and i somehow doubt the "many years spanned by experience in experience" people have t 1492694;1467214299;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 05:29 mircea_popescu: the stupid consist of cents and dimes, sum to a thousand dollars if that. 1492695;1467214299;mircea_popescu;he attention span. 1492696;1467214309;mircea_popescu;so we'll be hit by a new raft of faces with bios and empty heads. 1492697;1467214329;asciilifeform;not as if there is any shortage of these. 1492698;1467214376;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491353 << can be had by the 100s for 100s. 1492699;1467214376;a111;Logged on 2016-06-27 18:17 phf: you get a balmore workshop not because it's a conan thing to do, but because you're insane and need to paint astral vaginas whether or not there's market for it, and you can afford to pay $90/mo (sometimes late) for your apartment and $100/mo (mostly late) for your studio 1492700;1467214461;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where ? 1492701;1467214480;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform same place you get the young whores. hipster part of town. 1492702;1467214513;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: free-standing box ? nope 1492703;1467214521;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1492704;1467214525;asciilifeform;or is this a 'seekrit evidence', 'your prices are not the real prices!1111' thing 1492705;1467214537;mircea_popescu;i think the convo might have spliced. what do you mean ? 1492706;1467214546;asciilifeform;the 'baltimore workshops' thread 1492707;1467214590;asciilifeform;a couple days ago i did experiment, 'what is the cheapest box one can buy title to in bmore, where the roof is intact and inside is not full of vermin and rubble' 1492708;1467214597;asciilifeform;it ended in a very interesting place, btw 1492709;1467214606;mircea_popescu;this is not what was contemplated at all, is it now. 1492710;1467214613;asciilifeform;a few dozen folks promising to return call, and 0 did. 1492711;1467214616;mircea_popescu;title ? none of these people ever had or wish to ever have title to anything. 1492712;1467214629;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i thought you were getting merged visits and stuff ? 1492713;1467214636;asciilifeform;was ~promised~ 1492714;1467214639;asciilifeform;see, difference. 1492715;1467214652;mircea_popescu;problem is they might have figured you're not in the demo. 1492716;1467214652;asciilifeform;five tonnes of promise, 0 gram of goodz. 1492717;1467214657;asciilifeform;aha!!! 1492718;1467214659;asciilifeform;was my thought. 1492719;1467214662;asciilifeform;and pet's 1492720;1467214663;mircea_popescu;which really, you aren't. 1492721;1467214670;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1492722;1467214682;mircea_popescu;so then what's all this to do with what we were discussing. 1492723;1467214696;asciilifeform;well real estate is supposedly this thing that you can buy with money 1492724;1467214703;asciilifeform;like so many tonnes of bauxite 1492725;1467214705;mircea_popescu;for some values of you and money. 1492726;1467214726;mircea_popescu;if the log scatters of discussions of my buys hasn't illuminated the matter yet lol. 1492727;1467214735;mircea_popescu;and you can't buy bauxite, either. 1492728;1467214747;asciilifeform;i beg to differ. 1492729;1467214760;asciilifeform;but yes some items are prolly only available by the megatonne. 1492730;1467214763;asciilifeform;(si fab etc.) 1492731;1467214766;mircea_popescu;not so : they'll ask where you want it delivered, you'll give a residential address, they'll drop the inquiry. 1492732;1467214776;mircea_popescu;no warehouse, no bauxite. 1492733;1467214786;asciilifeform;so i get them in my corp addr. 1492734;1467214790;asciilifeform;sop. 1492735;1467214809;mircea_popescu;people who do shipping know where proper loading docks are. you don't give them one of those, you don't trade. 1492736;1467214830;mircea_popescu;and forget stuff like bauxite. you can't have as much as a truckload of books delivered by printer. 1492737;1467214836;asciilifeform;i beg to differ. 1492738;1467214845;asciilifeform;but i see the general point. 1492739;1467214852;asciilifeform;can't take delivery of plutonium here, no. 1492740;1467214863;mircea_popescu;well, what can i tell you. if he uses proper truck is likely unionized, and if he is, he can't do it even if he wants to. 1492741;1467214906;asciilifeform;but to briefly return to thread, who the hell ARE they for 1492742;1467214914;mircea_popescu;they what ? 1492743;1467214920;asciilifeform;lafond's 'big mama' sure as fuck isn't buying 25k houses 1492744;1467214930;asciilifeform;she rents 'section 8'-compatible flat 1492745;1467214955;mircea_popescu;ah, the demo ? usually, russian immigrants, old white guys with a history of dealing with criminals for whatever reason (pond shop owner, public defender, etc) 1492746;1467214968;mircea_popescu;they buy the stuff, run the rookery, usually make a thin profit. 1492747;1467214968;shinohai;http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/29/misty-snow-and-misty-plowright-two-transgender-can/ <<< If they win, which restroom will they use? 1492748;1467214993;asciilifeform;and how did the banks know that i ain't sufficiently many of these things ? 1492749;1467215003;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think of it as the equivalent of mining for street power blockchain 1492750;1467215014;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform because you called them. 1492751;1467215041;mircea_popescu;if the question "who is this guy" forms, and the answer is not on a post-it on monitor, you're not in the demo. 1492752;1467215051;asciilifeform;so as i suspected, the front door is a sham 1492753;1467215061;mircea_popescu;what front door isn't ever a sham ? 1492754;1467215063;asciilifeform;and exists to satisfy some obscure bureaucratic tickbox 1492755;1467215079;mircea_popescu;no, it exists because walled off storefronts don't look good. 1492756;1467215089;asciilifeform;~= 1492757;1467215117;mircea_popescu;anyway. if you run one of these you run it because you want a steady supply of whores and thugs, not because you expect roi on the rents. 1492758;1467215134;mircea_popescu;and if you end up buying for the wrong reasons on the wrong expectations you'll have to be killed. 1492759;1467215147;mircea_popescu;so basically... thank the bank. saved your life, and saved the city a grease spot removal bill. 1492760;1467215180;mircea_popescu;banks never get any credit. 1492761;1467215187;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu might have a somewhat distorted picture of bmore. most of these boxes aren't mega-profitable dens of vice, but empty and full of rubble. 1492762;1467215196;mircea_popescu;so ? 1492763;1467215203;mircea_popescu;what, most hashes don't produce anything either. 1492764;1467215203;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: dead as disco << hey. hey. disco is kinda cool. daft punk's newest album is straight disco. 1492765;1467215217;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller everything comes back, it's the law of the zombie : it pops. 1492766;1467215276;thestringpuller;"A wise man once said that nothing really dies. It just comes back in a new form. Then he died. So, next time you see a lowly salamander, think twice before you step on it; it might be you." 1492767;1467215301;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform empty and full of rubble does wonders to keep hopes down (and hope, expectation of future, TRULY is the mind eater for usians. be hopeless, you win.) and officious intermeddlers at a distance sufficient to breed actual people with some frequency. 1492768;1467215325;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] From the scammer files: Anthony Di Iorio. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/29/from-the-scammer-files-anthony-di-iorio/ 1492769;1467215326;asciilifeform;this bizarro world where ghetto rats are 'actual people' is an interesting place. 1492770;1467215359;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the rats themselves, no. but actual people, you'll find there rather than in office parking lot, or at nsa building, or working the cubical. 1492771;1467215383;asciilifeform;this may be. 1492772;1467215447;mircea_popescu;usually easier to educate a willful person than trying to insuflate will into an educated person. 1492773;1467215567;asciilifeform;at any rate i'm still convinced that the electric fence must have a hole in it somewhere. 1492774;1467215580;asciilifeform;and if not - can carve one. 1492775;1467215590;mircea_popescu;well - this is not true generally, thinking about it. but for me, it is way the fuck easier. and i'd expect it'd be the same for everyone who a) is familiar with the environment, and by familiar we mean that, feels at home in the ghetto and is respected in prison ; b) is familiar with the categories of education. which is different from being educated, it requires mastership of the gnosis, that position where you wrote the bo 1492776;1467215590;mircea_popescu;ok. 1492777;1467215594;mircea_popescu;altogether a tall bar. 1492778;1467215609;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform methinks you're using the wrong tools for an ill defined purpose. 1492779;1467215621;asciilifeform;well all i got is the wrong tool 1492780;1467215633;mircea_popescu;start at the purpose. what are you trying to do again ? 1492781;1467215637;asciilifeform;0 rent. 1492782;1467215690;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-23#1382256 << 1492783;1467215690;a111;Logged on 2016-01-23 03:40 mircea_popescu: the people who don't care if they life or die either live or die. the people who do care - end up paying rent to the ones that live. 1492784;1467215704;asciilifeform;well yes 1492785;1467215704;mircea_popescu;there's exactly 1 way to 0 rent. 1492786;1467215713;asciilifeform;so experimented with upping them millimorts 1492787;1467215725;mircea_popescu;there isn't a "upping the milimorts". you gotta NOT CARE. 1492788;1467215732;mircea_popescu;what, you're gonna hedge it ? 1492789;1467215735;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1492790;1467215781;thestringpuller;so isn't it a bit odd that Slock.It is refusing to release the security audit of The DAO? It really looks as if this is straight up MtGox 2.0. Pretty sure someone inside slock.it hacked the DAO and got a huge payoff. 1492791;1467215801;thestringpuller;scammers never die. just return in different forms. 1492792;1467215820;mircea_popescu;certainly possible. class action suit ? :D 1492793;1467215822;mircea_popescu;ask teh reddit. 1492794;1467215827;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the 'not care' thing is a pretense - the folks who properly, full throttle 'not care' , ate nagant. 1492795;1467215834;mircea_popescu;not true, no. 1492796;1467215846;asciilifeform;or snackbar. 1492797;1467215862;mircea_popescu;or just you know, impregnate guard-strippers in "penitentiary" 1492798;1467215872;mircea_popescu;or whatever else. but in any case - collect all rents. 1492799;1467215916;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's picture is a thermodynamic equilibrium. where we lived in perhaps 17th c. 1492800;1467215925;asciilifeform;where i live is more of a wheat field 1492801;1467215941;asciilifeform;where quite a few unnatural things abound, on account of various technogenic disasters 1492802;1467215964;asciilifeform;it will eventually return to mircea_popescu's model, yes. 1492803;1467215968;mircea_popescu;the correct model is the correct model. before you may claim exception you must master the model. 1492804;1467215985;mircea_popescu;otherwise you're in the position of a schoolyard lout who seeks to absolve his ungrammatical "poetry" on the grounds that shakespeare. 1492805;1467215996;asciilifeform;did mircea_popescu train his army men on spartan bronze sword and 'testudo' ? 1492806;1467216008;asciilifeform;^ these ~are~ the 'ecologically sustainable' war, no? 1492807;1467216009;mircea_popescu;the model is not a matter of random implementation thereof. 1492808;1467216022;mircea_popescu;not particularly. there isn't any form that's perpetual. ideas are ; forms change. 1492809;1467216035;mircea_popescu;attempting formal immortality is a good definition of ustardism. 1492810;1467216047;mircea_popescu;their fundamental idea that "if i don't swear i'll go to heaven" is entirely built of this stupidium 1492811;1467216573;mircea_popescu;in practical terms, asciilifeform i'd say you'd be a lot more benefited by somehow retaining the loyalty and services of an old whore that knows how to negotiate rents ; than by trying to become warlord. 1492812;1467216602;asciilifeform;i want mechanism 1492813;1467216603;asciilifeform;not meat. 1492814;1467216619;mircea_popescu;then build my pdf ocr trained thing. 1492815;1467216631;mircea_popescu;there can never be mechanism here. 1492816;1467216656;asciilifeform;my profession is to mechanize the 'unmechanizable' 1492817;1467216669;asciilifeform;recall the cutting-apart thread 1492818;1467216679;mircea_popescu;the doctor's profession is to cure the curable, not the incurable, and not "the sick". 1492819;1467216700;mircea_popescu;understanding this first point is what even allows the doctor to be A DOCTOR, ie, professional. as opposed to amateur, ie, quack. 1492820;1467216722;asciilifeform;who gets to define 'curable' 1492821;1467216730;mircea_popescu;as long as you expect your profession to be what you say, you're necessarily an amateur, looking at magazine depictions of fthe profession in question 1492822;1467216736;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform curable is defined ex post facto. 1492823;1467216889;mircea_popescu;ie, if you manage to cure it, it was curable. otherwise, no. but note that the people who invent cures aren't PROPER doctors. 1492824;1467216898;asciilifeform;correct 1492825;1467216901;mircea_popescu;oft they manage to imbibe the professional trappings, but oft this also kills them\ 1492826;1467216909;asciilifeform;i have no aspirations to proper-doctoritude. 1492827;1467216911;mircea_popescu;if you're looking to invent cures, quacks are pretty good at it too. 1492828;1467216916;mircea_popescu;so then it's not your profession. 1492829;1467216928;asciilifeform;strictly speaking, mircea_popescu is right. 1492830;1467216982;asciilifeform;in related nyooz, i have Luby Transform working. 1492831;1467217027;asciilifeform;$s fountain code 1492832;1467217027;a111;6 results for "fountain code", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fountain%20code 1492833;1467217275;mats;i got around to sanitizing and interpreting the csv in http://www.fjc.gov/history/home.nsf/page/export.html 1492834;1467217314;mats;Wilson, Charles born 1954, U.S. Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida, 1990-1994 1492835;1467217324;mats;is the only eligible fella missing from my list 1492836;1467217419;mircea_popescu;o really ?! wow. 1492837;1467217435;mircea_popescu;what about the california guy hanbot found ? 1492838;1467217439;mircea_popescu;what was his name 1492839;1467217469;mircea_popescu;1 qualifies and is not on list (Clinton Averitte) 1492840;1467217575;mats;Clinton Averitte born 1948, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas 1987 - present 1492841;1467217599;mats;he'd have been 45 in 93 1492842;1467218297;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re the bmore thread, it appears to be a continuation of my childhood education, where i saw silver ruble coinz on occasion, but strictly glued to the asphalt with the recently imported cyanoacrylate 1492843;1467218365;asciilifeform;'if it were detachable, the last you passing by would have carried it off' 1492844;1467218827;mircea_popescu;mats oh i c! interesting how that came out then. 1492845;1467218845;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how's this relate you mean ? 1492846;1467218860;asciilifeform;related to quackery 1492847;1467218878;mircea_popescu;yeah but ? 1492848;1467218883;asciilifeform;nm 1492849;1467218912;asciilifeform;(it was crucial missing piece for gossipd) 1492850;1467218922;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1492851;1467219034;asciilifeform;transform arbitrary byte array B into generator of datagrams, where you can collect N in any order, and N weights <= 2B, to re-create B 1492852;1467219116;asciilifeform;satellite tv outfits use a somewhat more efficient - but ~considerably~ more complex - version of luby 1492853;1467219184;asciilifeform;alert reader will realize that this abolishes tcp. 1492854;1467219270;asciilifeform;(tcp, that massive barrel of liquishit, was designed before the discovery of luby code - or any of the subsequent 'fountain' algos) 1492855;1467219310;mircea_popescu;ah ah, luby 1492856;1467219325;asciilifeform;(and yes you can do blockchain over shortwave. after learning this algo, and not before) 1492857;1467220728;mircea_popescu;so it pains me to admit that i just invented the world's first vodka cocktail. 1492858;1467220745;mircea_popescu;"take a shot of every vodka in the house, pour in glass, stir. add twist of gin. serve." 1492859;1467221409;thestringpuller;hearn sold at $400 / btc >> http://i.imgur.com/Y2n6gbN.jpeg 1492860;1467221523;mircea_popescu;you know the various trollboxes are full of redditards with things to say. what's so special about this one. 1492861;1467221680;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492856 <<< this greatly interests shinohai 1492862;1467221680;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 16:55 asciilifeform: (and yes you can do blockchain over shortwave. after learning this algo, and not before) 1492863;1467222290;phf;there's two spooks discussing "good old times" couple of tables away from me at some empty diner in maryland 1492864;1467222416;trinque;phf: write something incomprehensible on a napkin and drop it in front of them as you leave 1492865;1467228348;deedbot;[Trilema] Alexa.com or the "measurable web" delusion. - http://trilema.com/2016/alexacom-or-the-measurable-web-delusion/ 1492866;1467228877;phf;there you go again, applying maths and stuff. graph! number! how hard is it to get?? 1492867;1467228884;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/alexacom-or-the-measurable-web-delusion/#comment-117862 1492868;1467229221;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform answer't. 1492869;1467229260;mircea_popescu;but since the answer's not that readily translatable, let's delve. "x de y" is a very common pattern of early childhoold romanian construction, so much so that it's a byword for infantilism. 1492870;1467229280;mircea_popescu;so blog de internet, "blog of internet", there's that. 1492871;1467229314;mircea_popescu;and "care este" is a typical form of uneducated ro usage, particularly favoured in the mudplains around bucharest. a sort of pop-philosophy turned verbal automatism. 1492872;1467229323;mircea_popescu;so therefore! yes i will! because yes i can! 1492873;1467229372;mircea_popescu;phf ikr! i lack the background and experience in management experience, is the problem. 1492874;1467229468;phf;the fact that you run shell scripts on your data basically disqualifies you from participating in management. you're supposed to leverage, that shell script is $500k initial investment ruby on rails project 1492875;1467229491;asciilifeform;l0l 1492876;1467229504;mircea_popescu;oh damn 1492877;1467229542;asciilifeform;'we do what we must, because we can!' (tm) (r) ('portal') 1492878;1467231055;mircea_popescu;anyway, the only possible conclusion is that ~nobody went to school. 1492879;1467231131;mircea_popescu;in somewhat other lulz, http://www.blockalerts.com/all/why-ethereum-needs-dumb-contracts/ 1492880;1467231234;ben_vulpes;phf: triggered 1492881;1467232212;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492851 << for any size b ? 1492882;1467232212;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 16:50 asciilifeform: transform arbitrary byte array B into generator of datagrams, where you can collect N in any order, and N weights <= 2B, to re-create B 1492883;1467232236;mircea_popescu;ie can we finally get rid of the concept of "packet" altogether ? 1492884;1467232322;mircea_popescu;and in news along the same lines, i give you the happy fucktoy! http://67.media.tumblr.com/beba5f40e4fd5dffb4ac36af1a322a74/tumblr_o1e33y8C5w1uc36mco1_500.gif 1492885;1467232546;shinohai;yummy 1492886;1467233085;shinohai;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CmI0i9dWYAIPwSy.jpg 1492887;1467233665;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492883 << very nearly. 1492888;1467233665;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 20:30 mircea_popescu: ie can we finally get rid of the concept of "packet" altogether ? 1492889;1467233749;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: or at least make it as relevant and interesting as ethernet frame is 1492890;1467233769;asciilifeform;(how many people can remember off the top of their head, how much ethernet frame weighs) 1492891;1467235065;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and yes for whatever size b 1492892;1467235159;asciilifeform;http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/425456/Your-Digital-Fountain << pictoral explanation, for kindergarten children 1492893;1467236867;phf;oooh oooh ooh 26! with 1500 or under payload 1492894;1467237041;hanbot;so in eulora marketing research i find colorado is a desert for cs --but plenty of "peace studies" majors, and even a "creativity engineering" 1492895;1467237094;asciilifeform;lel piss studies 1492896;1467237356;hanbot;offered online too, 'cause no doubt it's moar peaceful to do nothing in your pjs than to threaten others with the horrid visage of your presence. 1492897;1467237581;phf;asciilifeform: what's your luby transform code written in? 1492898;1467238265;mircea_popescu;lol peace studies 1492899;1467238269;mircea_popescu;$up rdponticelli 1492900;1467238270;deedbot;rdponticelli voiced for 30 minutes. 1492901;1467238323;mircea_popescu;shinohai lol nb. who made it ? 1492902;1467238333;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform win. 1492903;1467238349;shinohai;Some buttcoiner lol 1492904;1467238547;asciilifeform;phf: ada. 1492905;1467238550;*;asciilifeform brb 1492906;1467239511;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] The Power of Women - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/the-power-of-women/ 1492907;1467239511;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] The Last Thing I Needed - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/the-last-thing-i-needed/ 1492908;1467239698;mircea_popescu;"I found myself with a girl under each arm, a scotch in hand, dead center in the front of a crowd observing the fire dancing show taking place during the big Friday night finale of PorcFest XIII. Having ingested both MDMA and LSD1 earlier that evening, I imagined the scene took on a particularly mystical quality." 1492909;1467239713;mircea_popescu;while you're all dicking about, the trishop's doin' all the partying. 1492910;1467239755;danielpbarron;l0l 1492911;1467239780;trinque;check out buddy christ 1492912;1467239868;mircea_popescu;then he wonders what is porcfest about anymore. gee whiz, i dunno. 1492913;1467240323;mircea_popescu;in other cargo cunt lulz, http://insidemydirtyfilthymind.tumblr.com/post/113320480712/sex-doll-latex-lucy 1492914;1467240332;mircea_popescu;especially the part where he auscultates the pubis. 1492915;1467240624;pete_dushenski;$rated shinohai 1492916;1467240624;deedbot;pete_dushenski rated shinohai 1 at 3656830618 << retired, not a retard https://youtu.be/DDW4hTWbRYs?t=19m25s 1492917;1467240664;shinohai;There are many job opportunities in the US and of A. For men, construction worker, taxi driver or accountant. For woman, prostitute. 1492918;1467240670;pete_dushenski;$rate shinohai 2 trb tester+navigator 1492919;1467240677;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/1d9bc2ea-3571-4f41-b072-c3a4b9c26baa/ 1492920;1467240694;pete_dushenski;$v 3D5A596FBCBADA508CAE71C480CC1DCB0BE91708467ACD28C6B3F11717459A81 1492921;1467240694;deedbot;pete_dushenski updated rating of shinohai from 1 to 2 << trb tester+navigator 1492922;1467240713;shinohai;ty pete_dushenski and congrats on getting that patched ;) 1492923;1467240833;pete_dushenski;twas well overdue 1492924;1467240843;pete_dushenski;$rated funkenstein_ 1492925;1467240843;deedbot;pete_dushenski has not rated funkenstein_. 1492926;1467240872;pete_dushenski;$rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy 1492927;1467240879;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/41cdfdfa-d3ee-4489-bdfc-00016cc3afe4/ 1492928;1467240897;pete_dushenski;$v 1EF81341390F5BC1FAB1FF9FBF402422AD064B6C89A8525447DD95AF82455016 1492929;1467240897;deedbot;pete_dushenski rated funkenstein_ 2 << trb privkey patch guy 1492930;1467241265;shinohai;http://www.coinfox.info/news/5817-croatian-crypto-enthusiast-creates-ethereum-based-computer-game <<< It's like Civilization, but with ETHEREUM!!! 1492931;1467241374;pete_dushenski;it's like eulora but with no management 1492932;1467241400;pete_dushenski;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/06/28/researchers-have-found-that-war-has-a-remarkable-and-miraculous-effect/ << from the 'let's gear up for another bloodbath' files 1492933;1467241413;mircea_popescu;heh 1492934;1467241417;pete_dushenski;'violence is interested in you' (tm) (r) 1492935;1467241564;pete_dushenski;https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y60FUvYArHQ/V3NKW6Xcf0I/AAAAAAAAmlA/7RzX6L0Tvt8tkXkTkpVK1tgizTxfWsrZgCLcB/s1600/IMG_1483.JPG << fdr = 'apostle of lasting peace for all mankind' ? lol how could he be remembered as anything other than a wrecker ? a bank robber ? stalin's villainous left hand ? 1492936;1467241781;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492869 << lel. 'uber of molotov cocktails', 'apple of shingles vaccines', etc. 1492937;1467241781;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 19:41 mircea_popescu: but since the answer's not that readily translatable, let's delve. "x de y" is a very common pattern of early childhoold romanian construction, so much so that it's a byword for infantilism. 1492938;1467241794;pete_dushenski;how well the glove fits. 1492939;1467241859;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492670 << ofc i just had to mentioned that mougayar was never in the logs in last contravex. except now he is.. 1492940;1467241859;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 15:20 mircea_popescu: meanwhile, ethereum itself is brought to you by ming chan, "an mit alumna", vitalik buterin, which you no doubt remember as an obscure bitcoin punk, jeffrey wilcke, bernd lapp ("bern lapp's background and experience in management experience spawns many years"), stefano bertolo, yessin schiegg, willioam mougayar, thomas greco (omise), and vladislav martynov. see https://archive.is/Se89j 1492941;1467241867;pete_dushenski;mention* 1492942;1467241911;trinque;about time I updated ratings as well 1492943;1467241914;trinque;$v B9932C444FE727825F0F9CFF57E1C2BC611249B2FE007D7F6E9070A80F375B12 1492944;1467241914;deedbot;trinque updated rating of ben_vulpes from 3 to 4 1492945;1467241916;trinque;$v E460BA438FB164D60C9ADB4FF90FAEE2EC1620BE0A439460298B22B579600AF4 1492946;1467241916;deedbot;trinque updated rating of asciilifeform from 2 to 3 1492947;1467241918;trinque;$v BCB85C95E8DA4C1228931F516883AF0608661BEE36568880A6E8F01EC3D33AF4 1492948;1467241918;deedbot;trinque rated mircea_popescu 3 1492949;1467241920;trinque;$v C6BAB542E1BE1FFEA4911F70EA78E88EF062399D96BBC76038057C0CDF07BF34 1492950;1467241920;deedbot;trinque unrated gabriel_laddel. 1492951;1467241923;pete_dushenski;http://emiguel.econ.berkeley.edu/assets/miguel_research/76/Can-War-Foster-Cooperation_for_NBER.pdf << full paper from wapo link. from ' Journal of Economic Perspectives' 1492952;1467242030;trinque;$v 513A27BB2CB2497137BC6F625BF773585DAB79C8954AE40626ECC1861E02D19A 1492953;1467242030;deedbot;trinque rated shinohai 2 1492954;1467242077;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492527 << up there with burning music cds for kids w/o napster or cd burner for $20(!) when cd cost $1 1492955;1467242077;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 02:09 mircea_popescu: buy thermotransfer crap in turkey, for like 10 bux a pile of 100, sell them for like ten bucks a pop. "advanced!" 1492956;1467242090;pete_dushenski;circa 1999 1492957;1467242114;pete_dushenski;pretty much paid for my g3 tower 1492958;1467242124;trinque;$v 06F0495711D93A823310A408CEB7398420EABAC294A8351FABCC398F6B037C54 1492959;1467242124;deedbot;trinque rated mod6 2 1492960;1467242232;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492480 <--> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-12#1297004 1492961;1467242232;a111;Logged on 2015-10-12 15:02 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-10-2015#1296856 << china likes us start-up culture and its effects. "never interrupt enemy when making a mistake". traditionally you wouldn't have the gall to pointedly help him, either, but i think mr xi correctly inferred ustardian head too far up ass to even notice. 1492962;1467242232;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 00:34 asciilifeform: what was it mircea_popescu said, 'never interrupt an enemy who is in the middle of fellating his nagant' 1492963;1467242561;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2iYjI265rk << in other "we've made a huge tiny mistake", volkswagen "tdi settlement program" gears up. message from na ceo hinrich woebcken to dealers in video. what a putz. transparent scam to 'sell' new vw units through 'buybacks'. 1492964;1467242595;pete_dushenski;"we've made a huge tiny mistake" news* 1492965;1467242689;shinohai;What's with this eth/dao surge in price, did butterin float more usd into the mess? 1492966;1467242725;pete_dushenski;same fed bucks went into nyse as eth today 1492967;1467242740;pete_dushenski;ethexit fears ? what ethexit fears ? 1492968;1467242747;shinohai;>.< 1492969;1467242906;pete_dushenski;http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/social-security-administration/486410/ << my feefees! y u no make phree monzeez eeeezy peeezzy ??! 1492970;1467243287;mircea_popescu;should have social media administration also btw. 1492971;1467245492;asciilifeform;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492926 << realize that he's gone full bore kako since ? 1492972;1467245492;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 22:54 pete_dushenski: $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy 1492973;1467245493;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1492974;1467245710;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492935 << '40s was the time when agrarian shitholes had the choice - the ones that had a choice - of conversion to fascist industrial power, or to die. 1492975;1467245710;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 23:06 pete_dushenski: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y60FUvYArHQ/V3NKW6Xcf0I/AAAAAAAAmlA/7RzX6L0Tvt8tkXkTkpVK1tgizTxfWsrZgCLcB/s1600/IMG_1483.JPG << fdr = 'apostle of lasting peace for all mankind' ? lol how could he be remembered as anything other than a wrecker ? a bank robber ? stalin's villainous left hand ? 1492976;1467245844;asciilifeform;;;later tell trinque do we have any means for ~viewing~ ratings? btcalpha is ~dead (kakotronic) 1492977;1467245844;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1492978;1467245882;trinque;gave psql access to phf to that end 1492979;1467245892;asciilifeform;ah so in progress. 1492980;1467245906;trinque;afaik. phf, if not, lemme know and I'll whip something up 1492981;1467245989;*;shinohai misses btcalpha 1492982;1467246014;trinque;also btw, chars mangled to " in wot are fixed. 1492983;1467246018;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492482 << l0l! the 'battleships' (now 'galaxies') were for sale a few yrs back, even, when i sold mine 1492984;1467246019;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 01:08 phf: "You can buy one or more Urbit stars for $256 - or, TODAY ONLY, only $205." 1492985;1467246026;asciilifeform;'star' is 1/256th of 'galaxy' 1492986;1467246069;asciilifeform;but yes, even then mr mold was quite explicit about making the thing a 'usg-hypoallergenic' altcoin. 1492987;1467246076;asciilifeform;which is when i quit. 1492988;1467246096;asciilifeform;(my 'ship' didn't cost me anything, it was a prize for solving the original puzzle he posted) 1492989;1467247795;trinque;anyone happen to know the message rate limit on freenode? 1492990;1467248649;mod6;quick search doesn't show anything definitive. but you could always check in #freenode, trinque 1492991;1467248657;trinque;yeh I'll do that 1492992;1467250132;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492974 << this is actually true, as impolitic as it may seem today. 1492993;1467250132;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 00:15 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492935 << '40s was the time when agrarian shitholes had the choice - the ones that had a choice - of conversion to fascist industrial power, or to die. 1492994;1467250238;mircea_popescu;trinque iirc it was 1/s 1492995;1467250443;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/YA2 1492996;1467250443;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1492997;1467252805;BingoBoingo;Adventures in Pipe wrench ownership milestone #3 Disassembling everything to the wall, and debating whether or not to wake up reciprocating saw to open wall. 1492998;1467252868;deedbot;[Qntra] US Customs Seeks To Control Social Media Imports - http://qntra.net/2016/06/us-customs-seeks-to-control-social-media-imports/ 1492999;1467253023;shinohai;Did your vinegar bath help fix the yardsale wrench btw? 1493000;1467253047;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Amazingly. 1493001;1467253061;BingoBoingo;Wrench's bath has been interupted periodically though to work. 1493002;1467253083;BingoBoingo;Has nice African finish now 1493003;1467253156;shinohai;Nice. 1493004;1467253184;shinohai;I used to do the homebrew electrolysis thing to remove rust. 1493005;1467253215;BingoBoingo;Seriously though the power of this thing. With the occasional squirt of PB Blaster no fitting has failed to yeild to patience and pipe wrench. 1493006;1467253312;BingoBoingo;Wrench also has wood on handle wrapped in electrical tape 1493007;1467253318;BingoBoingo;bargain at any price 1493008;1467253468;shinohai;I rather like older tools, don't mod the maintenance. Most tools sold in stores locally are garbage. 1493009;1467253475;shinohai;*mind 1493010;1467253807;BingoBoingo;More seriously though fuck whoever though galvanized iron ought to be used for drains 1493011;1467254035;BingoBoingo;What would have been wrong with 1950's folk using nylon drain pipe while they waited for PVC to arrive? 1493012;1467254712;BingoBoingo;Oh, that's where danielpbarron was. He rediscovered girls. 1493013;1467255270;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1493014;1467255272;gribble;Current Blocks: 418595 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 732 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes, and 36 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1493015;1467255424;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492971 << for all the times i've heard the exclusively alfian term of art 'kakotronic', it's never quite registered. care to explain like i'm 5 ? 1493016;1467255424;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 00:11 asciilifeform: ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492926 << realize that he's gone full bore kako since ? 1493017;1467255444;pete_dushenski;though it's no mega-mystery that funkestein_ has always been an odd duck 1493018;1467255456;pete_dushenski;reading his blog for 2 seconds will tell you that much 1493019;1467255502;pete_dushenski;i'm also assuming that 'full bore kako' and 'kakotronic' are interchangeable here 1493020;1467255557;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492974 << that's definitely a consideration. worked for japan, germany, russia, us at least. maybe not italy and uk as much. 1493021;1467255557;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 00:15 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492935 << '40s was the time when agrarian shitholes had the choice - the ones that had a choice - of conversion to fascist industrial power, or to die. 1493022;1467255615;pete_dushenski;$unrate kakobrekla 1493023;1467255631;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/322f3ab0-4ae2-4de4-a5a1-272b3ae6d35c/ 1493024;1467255666;pete_dushenski;$v 97C4062F0E8DD46BAB1F32DD8EC73EEEF793458BA8FFE03DC91A46828490AA4B 1493025;1467255666;deedbot;pete_dushenski unrated kakobrekla. 1493026;1467255912;pete_dushenski;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-29/-tesla-solar-wants-to-be-the-apple-store-for-electricity << speaking of the infantile mindset. 1493027;1467255955;pete_dushenski;also, it would appear that musk's scammy usg-funded acquisition of one of his failed enterprises by his other failing enterprise missed the logs. 1493028;1467255988;pete_dushenski;tesla laid out plans to 'acquire' solarcity for $2.86 bn last week 1493029;1467256525;BingoBoingo;Eh, he's just trying to rockefeller the sun 1493030;1467256541;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski didn't work for italy because, in spite of rural shithole, nevertheless delusions of grandeur, and unwarranted impressions that "we've already smoked this joint". 1493031;1467256553;mircea_popescu;uk got ruined by bad money, spanish empire style. 1493032;1467256603;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: 'the verticals and the horizontals'!!1 1493033;1467256665;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: spanish empire style ? i'm ignorant of this style 1493034;1467256711;mircea_popescu;it's a style where you import gold by the galleon only to see rents go up and not much else. 1493035;1467256772;pete_dushenski;aha. san fran style 1493036;1467256786;pete_dushenski;arguably nyc idem 1493037;1467256795;mircea_popescu;money is a terrible curse. 1493038;1467256810;mircea_popescu;("if money's a curse, let god strike me down with it! and may i never recover.") 1493039;1467256810;pete_dushenski;seriously wtf is wrong with broadway atm. 'hamilton' ? really ??! 1493040;1467256818;pete_dushenski;tevye! 1493041;1467256826;BingoBoingo;Money's perfectly harmless until it gets spent 1493042;1467257285;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493015 << sitting in kako's chan and derping every day re 'mp is sc4mz0r!111' to anyone who'll listen 1493043;1467257285;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 02:57 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492971 << for all the times i've heard the exclusively alfian term of art 'kakotronic', it's never quite registered. care to explain like i'm 5 ? 1493044;1467257302;asciilifeform;see for yerself.. 1493045;1467257373;pete_dushenski;'hamilton', for those blissfully unaware, is this 'hip' new play written by some mexican queer about founding father alexander hamilton's rise to glory complete with more break dancing and rapped lyrics than you can throw a harlem globetrotter at 1493046;1467257385;pete_dushenski;it's won however many tonies 1493047;1467257432;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: right. i guess that pankakke and tat fit in similarly. 1493048;1467257438;*;asciilifeform is very aware. pet is a fan. 1493049;1467257463;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: tat didn't reappear again after creaming his pants initially 1493050;1467257464;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: pet has seen ? tix are running $1k per last i heard 1493051;1467257470;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: has seen, i sent her 1493052;1467257486;asciilifeform;(in the last week of original actors, 12-15k) 1493053;1467257493;pete_dushenski;well there's your dirigible money right there ;) 1493054;1467257494;asciilifeform;dun ask me why. 1493055;1467257502;asciilifeform;well no i didn't send her in last week, l0l 1493056;1467257531;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: does pet not have income for such frivolities ? 1493057;1467257538;asciilifeform;pet has 0 income 1493058;1467257542;asciilifeform;hence why it is called... 1493059;1467257543;asciilifeform;a pet. 1493060;1467257548;asciilifeform;like your cat and dog. 1493061;1467257565;pete_dushenski;legit pet. 1493062;1467257577;asciilifeform;aha. 1493063;1467257585;pete_dushenski;though dog, like child, can 'perform' in 'shows' for prizes 1493064;1467257592;pete_dushenski;if so desired 1493065;1467257593;asciilifeform;theoretically. 1493066;1467257736;asciilifeform;anyway iirc h was by a straight dude from puerto rico. fwiw. 1493067;1467257769;asciilifeform;and was perfectly fine broadway play, and hilarious, washington et al 'rapping' like hood ratz etc. 1493068;1467257812;mircea_popescu;break dancing ? seriously ? 1493069;1467257819;mircea_popescu;next they're gonna wear bell bottoms. 1493070;1467257865;asciilifeform;http://www.pbfcomics.com/209 << obligatory. 1493071;1467257903;mircea_popescu;wow i've never seen wget at 15.x gb of ram before. 1493072;1467257914;asciilifeform;waiwat?! 1493073;1467257920;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1493074;1467257927;asciilifeform;whatcha wgettin' 1493075;1467257935;mircea_popescu;reddit 1493076;1467258029;mircea_popescu;is it actually efficient re memory usage ? anyone know specifically ? 1493077;1467258090;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: so you saw the play with her ? 'sent' sounded like a solo recon mission 1493078;1467258131;asciilifeform;i only heard it. 1493079;1467258399;pete_dushenski;https://mobile.twitter.com/Lin_Manuel/status/724103242200821761 << 'straight' eh. miranda looks pretty queer to me. 1493080;1467258421;pete_dushenski;why mobile why ? 1493081;1467258660;mircea_popescu;lol you got gaydar installed ? 1493082;1467258774;pete_dushenski;it came standard with my arts school diploma 1493083;1467258834;trinque;$b 2 1493084;1467258866;trinque;gave it the old college try? 1493085;1467258999;pete_dushenski;try ? more like twink. 1493086;1467259081;pete_dushenski;though this was back in mittelschule 1493087;1467259198;pete_dushenski;ie. where i first took classes in english and was marked wrong on a geography test where i answered 'ouest' 1493088;1467259301;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493076 << it leaks 1493089;1467259301;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 03:40 mircea_popescu: is it actually efficient re memory usage ? anyone know specifically ? 1493090;1467259319;asciilifeform;most folks dun notice , given as it exits 1493091;1467259834;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency rmb 1493092;1467259844;gribble;BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4244.28, vol: 37972.96650000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4244.28 1493093;1467260434;phf;"A 10-year-old Girl Applied to the Paris Summer Innovation Fellowship (facebook.com)" 1493094;1467260497;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform myeah, im finding. 1493095;1467260499;asciilifeform;did she tear up old alarm clock using ruby on rails and get medal from obummer yet ? 1493096;1467260546;phf;“The streets of Paris are sad. I want to build a robot that will make them happy again. I’ve already starting learning how to code on Thymio robots, but I have trouble making it work. I want to join the program so the mentors can help me.” 1493097;1467260599;mircea_popescu;god 1493098;1467260626;phf;"Welcome aboard our spaceship, Eva. We’re very much looking forward to meeting you in person. 1493099;1467260626;phf;All the best from Paris, 1493100;1467260626;phf;Kat Borlongan 1493101;1467260628;phf;Founding Partner, Five by Five" 1493102;1467260692;phf;"A School Where the Students Hire Their Teachers (wbez.org)" 1493103;1467260721;asciilifeform;bhhhrrrlf 1493104;1467260770;phf;"Urbit Is Building a 'Virtual Galaxy' for Bitcoin Nodes (coindesk.com)" 1493105;1467260782;phf;"Are You an Awesome Product Designer? LeadGenius (YC S11) Is Hiring (lever.co)" 1493106;1467260885;phf;i have a bunch of sites blocked on my router, google's and facebook's ip ranges, reddit, hackernews, but sometimes i load them up in hidemyass to see how things are on the other side of the world 1493107;1467261036;asciilifeform;snoretronic 1493108;1467261073;pete_dushenski;more like lulztronic 1493109;1467261120;pete_dushenski;this, actually, is a useful heuristic : alf sees snore --> pete sees lulz 1493110;1467261156;asciilifeform;snulz. 1493111;1467261162;*;asciilifeform bbl 1493112;1467261215;phf;yeah, it's pretty funny for couple of minutes 1493113;1467261337;pete_dushenski;like most stand-up since 2000 1493114;1467261633;phf;a conversation about racism on lobste.rs "urwid crowdsale" thread is also quite piquant 1493115;1467261677;phf;"As a not-completely-cynical participant in a democratic society and a half-assed amateur philosopher, I’m about as turned off by Yarvin as I could be." 1493116;1467261684;phf;etc. 1493117;1467261691;mircea_popescu;aww. 1493118;1467261888;phf;"We built voice modulation to mask gender in technical interviews. Here’s what happened. Posted by user Aline Lerner" 1493119;1467261935;*;pete_dushenski feels himself becoming ryan gosling's character in 'the believer' 1493120;1467262048;phf;i'll spoil it for you, ""Contrary to what we expected, masking gender had no effect on interview performance" 1493121;1467262291;*;pete_dushenski to self-loathing slumber 1493122;1467263088;mircea_popescu;lol! 1493123;1467263773;trinque;IRC's rate-limiting is a bummer. 1493124;1467263797;trinque;I was going to add commands to dump inward and outward reputation for a given nick, but neh 1493125;1467263804;trinque;would take minutes for some of us 1493126;1467263856;trinque;I put the blame on us ending up with the idiotic web, REST APIs, and etc squarely on IRC having been designed by monkeys 1493127;1467263861;trinque;command line > * 1493128;1467263900;trinque;help us alfie-wan kenobi; you're our only hope 1493129;1467263941;mircea_popescu;trinque could just put it in wotpaste no ? 1493130;1467263951;trinque;yeah that's what I'm going to do instead 1493131;1467263955;phf;you kind of need to write a graph walker, and since you're doing it in sql, i don't even know how to make it not suck 1493132;1467264011;trinque;for gettrust I just join the same table twice 1493133;1467264037;trinque;can actually do it recursively using pgsql magic if I needed 1493134;1467264041;trinque;say you wanted Ln 1493135;1467264065;phf;i don't want to know! it's much nicer when the whole thing's in memory :> 1493136;1467264077;trinque;lol, I didn't say this was pretty sausage 1493137;1467264140;phf;i have a backlog of making bot pull from backup logger in case of disconnect, which is the last bit before auto-reconnecting-bot 1493138;1467264162;phf;and then i want to make search case-insensitive, which turned out to be iffy with boyermoore 1493139;1467264171;phf;and THEN i'm going to do wot 1493140;1467264194;phf;so if anyone wants to swoop in and implement it 1493141;1467267454;trinque;two new commands that dump sexp data: 1493142;1467267462;trinque;$ratings trinque 1493143;1467267463;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/99e38487-d0e7-4969-b403-bb603f33fa5c/ 1493144;1467267467;trinque;$reputation trinque 1493145;1467267472;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/c211411f-3cf2-47de-acdb-428a2d1529e3/ 1493146;1467268140;mircea_popescu;nb! 1493147;1467268153;trinque;phf: how do I get prin1 (or something more sensible) to barf an sexp with a euro symbol in it? 1493148;1467268166;trinque;it's bitching about that. after which I will have a $wot command that pastes the whole thing 1493149;1467268655;trinque;ah derp it's the paste uploader barfing. 1493150;1467268883;trinque;ben_vulpes: ey is there a max size of a paste? 1493151;1467268944;ben_vulpes;huh excellent q 1493152;1467268953;trinque;$reputation trinque 1493153;1467268953;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/60a8d53a-c603-4f7c-9b08-c6fa5a247612/ 1493154;1467268959;trinque;that works 1493155;1467268960;trinque;$wot 1493156;1467268978;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/ 1493157;1467268980;trinque;boom 1493158;1467269052;ben_vulpes;oblige with a skosh more detail? 1493159;1467269066;trinque;both use the same "throw this here paste at mr ben_vulpes" function 1493160;1467269070;trinque;just $wot is massive 1493161;1467269074;ben_vulpes;ah 1493162;1467269105;ben_vulpes;paste's logging is...primitive. 1493163;1467269150;ben_vulpes;intrigued to see what the response looks like. 1493164;1467269174;trinque;k lemme copy teh data down to dev box 1493165;1467269254;trinque;thing's like 2.5mb btw 1493166;1467269421;trinque;ben_vulpes: 413 Request Entity Too Large 1493167;1467269430;trinque;prolly a knob on your nginx or w/e 1493168;1467269441;trinque;then perhaps also whatever thinger is running your proggy 1493169;1467269475;trinque;yeh that came from nginx 1493170;1467269533;trinque;client_max_body_size 4M; 1493171;1467269536;trinque;that will be enough for a bit 1493172;1467271186;ben_vulpes;ty trinque will diddle 1493173;1467283193;jurov;http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/business/dealbook/bitcoin-china.html 1493174;1467283220;jurov;Mr. Wu and the other mining pool operators in China have often seemed somewhat surprised, and even unhappy, that their investments have given them decision-making power within the Bitcoin network. “Miners are the hardware guys. 1493175;1467283222;jurov;Why are you asking us about software?” is the line that Mr. Ng said he often hears from miners. 1493176;1467288205;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493057 << hopefully not one of those expensive pets. 1493177;1467288205;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 03:32 asciilifeform: pet has 0 income 1493178;1467289539;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/YKg Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 1493179;1467289539;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1493180;1467291013;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai 1493181;1467291060;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron hey listen, your latest posts inspired me, an' now i have a project for you. 1493182;1467291061;mircea_popescu;i want you to research the legal status of a registered church in the us, as well as the practicalities of registering one. this is a serious project, and i expect 100s of hours spent reading up on it. gpgram me about it. 1493183;1467291075;shinohai;ty BingoBoingo send donations for the designated shitting street to 1preetzHWEUfmGuW5ast5hMTJNYU1bmGo 1493184;1467291117;BingoBoingo;lol is that an actual address you have key 4? 1493185;1467291150;shinohai;lol yeah I actually was going to put it up on bitfunder but naturally got rejected. 1493186;1467291221;shinohai;I am seriously researching buying some cheap field in India for this purpose 1493187;1467291274;mircea_popescu;shinohai which purpose is this ? 1493188;1467291297;shinohai;For the purpose of getting a designated shitting street named after Preeeeeet. 1493189;1467291307;mircea_popescu;lmao 1493190;1467291401;deedbot;[Qntra] Preet Indicts Hondurans In Honduras - http://qntra.net/2016/06/preet-indicts-hondurans-in-honduras/ 1493191;1467291459;thestringpuller;bitfunder is still a thing? 1493192;1467291602;BingoBoingo;Is authentic? https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/29/2-million-person-terror-database-leaked-online/ 1493193;1467291662;asciilifeform;'Additionally, information is not available to the general public who may not be aware that they are on such a list, but whose bank accounts and business transactions may be cancelled without warning or recourse. Banks are not required by law to provide consumers with a reason for account closures, and World-Check has a binding secrecy clause for users of the service.' 1493194;1467291733;mircea_popescu;heh 1493195;1467291775;shinohai;BingoBoingo: s/handing/handed/g ? 1493196;1467291827;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1493197;1467291857;asciilifeform;not, afaik, actually leaked. 1493198;1467291868;asciilifeform;just dangled by some 'responsible' fuckhead. 1493199;1467291870;shinohai;In other news, r/btc is celebrating this morning imagining that angry miners will soon adopt Classic and usher in the fork. 1493200;1467291916;shinohai;http://archive.is/hiUW3 <<< archived 1493201;1467291938;thestringpuller;funny how it's just some random white d00d on 8btc 1493202;1467291961;shinohai;kek 1493203;1467292059;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493182 << this ~just might~ be one of those 'bmore real estate' animals, where, e.g., scientology gets away with it and laughs all the way to the bank, but 'peyote church' - doesn't 1493204;1467292059;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 12:51 mircea_popescu: i want you to research the legal status of a registered church in the us, as well as the practicalities of registering one. this is a serious project, and i expect 100s of hours spent reading up on it. gpgram me about it. 1493205;1467292137;asciilifeform;as evidence - obummer recently had the tax-exemption of a number of quite standard christian churches revoked, on account of their opposition to obummerism. beyond a little bit of bad press, nothing happened. 1493206;1467292197;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493176 << very cheap pet. but i sometimes get it pet treat 1493207;1467292197;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 12:03 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493057 << hopefully not one of those expensive pets. 1493208;1467292248;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493152 << neato. do we have 'rated' command, so the thing can be in the l0gz ? 1493209;1467292248;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 06:42 trinque: $reputation trinque 1493210;1467292263;shinohai;$rated trinque 1493211;1467292263;deedbot;shinohai rated trinque 2 at 2016/05/16 07:03:40 << http://wiki.deedbot.org/ 1493212;1467292270;asciilifeform;ah ok 1493213;1467292324;shinohai;trinque must have moved deedbot to new home, seems a bit more responsive of late. 1493214;1467292331;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493175 << 'we just wanted!111111' 1493215;1467292331;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 10:40 jurov: Why are you asking us about software?” is the line that Mr. Ng said he often hears from miners. 1493216;1467292362;asciilifeform;(^ folks who 'just want' are quite vulnerable to 'helpers' who will 'help us to do what we just want..' in return for 'small favour') 1493217;1467292440;mircea_popescu;shinohai soon, jam! 1493218;1467292458;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if that's true, we're exactly the gang for it. match made in heaven. 1493219;1467292481;mircea_popescu;$up reydev 1493220;1467292482;deedbot;reydev voiced for 30 minutes. 1493221;1467292687;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which true 1493222;1467292728;mircea_popescu;your comments re church. 1493223;1467292731;asciilifeform;ah 1493224;1467292777;asciilifeform;my observation was that mircea_popescu can indeed put 'pope' on his business card, right now!1111 - but to be ~untaxed~ pope in usgschwitz, you gotta be in favour with the current clitler 1493225;1467292785;reydev;hey this seems to be kind of the continuation of the #bitcoin-assets chan right? 1493226;1467292797;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1493227;1467292803;reydev;kudos if one of you guys was really behind the ether thing 1493228;1467292837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform let's see about that. either it's not the case, in which case we now have a us church, or it is the case, in which case we have yet another harpoon in the whale's back. 1493229;1467292838;reydev;strong 1493230;1467292864;reydev;guess ill be lurking some more 1493231;1467292866;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: worth a shot. will be good for a boatload of lulz in either case 1493232;1467292920;shinohai;Church of Subgenius is registered church, why not trilema? 1493233;1467292923;mircea_popescu;aha. besides, he's just the man to do it. 1493234;1467292933;reydev;by the way is the republic planning to ever have a standing army ^_^ 1493235;1467292941;mircea_popescu;shinohai kinda why i put this in the open, so people can come up with a good name maybe. 1493236;1467292963;mircea_popescu;reydev not unless it looks like the mage girls in your favourite mmorpg. 1493237;1467292988;reydev;seems like a missing piece to the puzzle tho... 1493238;1467293036;reydev;anyhow, ive nothing useful to add for now, ill do some catching up in the logs etc... 1493239;1467293087;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the basic usgology of this, https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/churches-religious-organizations/churches-defined 1493240;1467293098;mircea_popescu;http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6e9x1YxtB1rsdyc4o1_500.jpg << armor ftw. 1493241;1467293122;asciilifeform;there is also a bookcase-sized case law, i will leave it for danielpbarron 1493242;1467293130;mircea_popescu;aha. 1493243;1467293236;reydev;oh yeah, was a new WoT formed for this channel? 1493244;1467293249;mircea_popescu;deedbot oversees the wot. 1493245;1467293281;reydev;does this mean the stuff carried over from assets 1493246;1467293285;mircea_popescu;yeah 1493247;1467293303;reydev;k 1493248;1467293735;shinohai;Did you read these lulz asciilifeform ? http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-terrorism-fight-needs-silicon-valley-1467239710 1493249;1467293770;mircea_popescu;"the $(cause du jour) needs $(aspie 14% group sponsoring the article)" 1493250;1467293774;asciilifeform;shinohai: nope and it dun want to display here 1493251;1467293784;asciilifeform;'subscribe or sign in' 1493252;1467293809;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, you want me to gpgram you now or after? 1493253;1467293827;asciilifeform;shinohai: https://archive.is/jlIVZ loads 1493254;1467293847;shinohai;wsj has weak paywall. Google headline, then click result for paywall free experience. 1493255;1467293857;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron at any point. 1493256;1467293905;danielpbarron;kk 1493257;1467294517;shinohai;$up reydev 1493258;1467294517;deedbot;reydev voiced for 30 minutes. 1493259;1467295477;mod6;Mornin' 1493260;1467295548;*;shinohai waves at mod6 1493261;1467295580;reydev;so, where are the web of trust ratings stored by the way... as in, who controls the database 1493262;1467295590;thestringpuller;reydev: trinque does 1493263;1467295642;reydev;ok, so one has to trust trinque in a sense 1493264;1467295658;reydev;to trust the web 1493265;1467295735;mircea_popescu;aaand in other "vigourous copulation with children may result in ophisthotonus through splanchnic nerve cascade" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/6d2ca3ecd0f30aa7358d844c43ab12a5/tumblr_nj1rlaCrb91tv93bgo1_500.gif 1493266;1467295764;mircea_popescu;reydev yeah. one can also verify, for instance via 1493267;1467295775;mircea_popescu;$s "$rate" 1493268;1467295775;a111;75 results for "\"$rate\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22$rate%22 1493269;1467295846;thestringpuller;wind 9 1493270;1467295852;thestringpuller;fuck you irssi 1493271;1467296009;reydev;im kind of interested in the implementation details, is it something he slapped together himself or is it an open source thing by any chance 1493272;1467296190;thestringpuller;well you technically don't have to trust trinque. for the people you've rated, you can just ask them directly when you do gettrust about the rating in question. so if trinque did manipulate the ratings in someway, people using the web of trust correctly would eventually uncover "the errors" 1493273;1467296206;mircea_popescu;reydev he did in fact slap it together himself ; more generally "open source" in the general, github-y, "copy/paste me but don't ever read me!" sense is not much of a republican value. which isn't to say that you can't get at the code, but it is to say you can't expect to just find it online. if you got questions, ask teh lord in question. 1493274;1467296211;mircea_popescu;code is now personal! 1493275;1467296870;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: "copy/paste me but don't ever read me!" << *sigh* In fact this just happened today. Developer tells me, "Hey copy this snipped into the codebase from github". I respond with, "Have you read the code?" They tell me, "Nope. But it works!" So guess who is stuck reading the code... 1493276;1467296933;mircea_popescu;yeah well. the whole "open source/free software" delusion has gone long enough ; time to take it behind the bikeshed and put a bullet in its brain. leaving aside the entirely misguided communist nonsense of stallman, which is already discussed int he logs, look at what open source did for ethereum, since he mentioned it. 1493277;1467296964;mircea_popescu;NOBODY fucking read it. not even the two idiots writing it. then AFTER i publish on trilema, suddenly it's sexy, they get jealous of all the exposure and find various other holes. 1493278;1467296995;thestringpuller;Ironically, it'll be some Mt.Gox scandal arising from that when you find out one of the Slock.it developers was behind the heist. 1493279;1467297000;mircea_popescu;not one bothering to mention that hey, i got inspired by mp, and look, the prediction he made was in fact correct : there WERE more holes. which circumstance clears any possible objection to the whole process being jealousy driven. 1493280;1467297002;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: don't forget the inevitable next stage, where they develop the delusion of having found ~all~ of the possible ones 1493281;1467297025;mircea_popescu;well, this isn't going to go anywhere, open source is a method to bolt shut doors of stables after horses left. 1493282;1467297031;mircea_popescu;take openssh, EXACT same process. 1493283;1467297041;mircea_popescu;the value of open source is actually negative, it's a wealth destruction mechanism. 1493284;1467297062;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform obviously. because you know, "ethereum hole" is no longer google-trending. so therefore they must have. 1493285;1467297083;mircea_popescu;basically they've poured 100k a head in "college education" so that thousands of them together can replicate the brain of an amphibian. 1493286;1467297092;asciilifeform;i still say that source availability is a red herring here 1493287;1467297093;mircea_popescu;as long as light shines on it, it moves around. 1493288;1467297095;thestringpuller;the value of open source is actually negative << it didn't start off that way... the early 90's were an okay time... 1493289;1467297109;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller in this sense the first inch of any stake is pleasurable. 1493290;1467297133;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the error of os is that it predicates upon "anyone". 1493291;1467297138;asciilifeform;publication of a gnarly ball of cpp makes very little difference. 1493292;1467297147;mircea_popescu;what happens when you put "anyone" in your soup is you get a soup only "anyone" would ever eat, after the fashion he eats it. 1493293;1467297148;asciilifeform;it is ~impossible to ~actually understand~ it. 1493294;1467297177;asciilifeform;esp. if you include the 10,001km of library entrails. 1493295;1467297195;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: perhaps. but i think its as simple as "adding idiots to something good ruins it". usenet was similar... 1493296;1467297213;thestringpuller;AOL thought it was a good idea to open flood gates. voila usenet ruined over night. 1493297;1467297364;phf;thestringpuller: that's called stackoverflow development, and it's ~the~ way development is done now 1493298;1467297371;asciilifeform;all of this being said, if anyone expects me to run something on local box without publishing plausibly-readable source i can build it from, he is smoking dope. 1493299;1467297380;asciilifeform;it is ~minimal~ bar. 1493300;1467297395;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think on the lowest level complexity actually has a positive perceived value. "check out all the complex shit i <>". much like kids in the same age bracket / cultural space in africa laud themselves with their voodoo accomplishments. 1493301;1467297434;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-21#1349108 1493302;1467297434;a111;Logged on 2015-12-21 05:15 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349033 << 'programmers get off on complexity the way weight lifters get off on weight' 1493303;1467297478;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 1) nobody of the "background and experience in management experience spawns many years" derps running ethereum built from source, or COULD build from source. i've seen enough of those lolz in eulora to have a pretty close idea ; 2. nobody's asking you to run trinque's shit on your box, so there's a difference here. but 1 and 2 aside, absofuckinglutely wtf. this isn't about tivoization of code. 1493304;1467297489;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly so. 1493305;1467297511;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: well planeshift was pretty much written by people smoking dope while playing runescape... 1493306;1467297537;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well yes, wasn't speaking of trinque's item, or similar remotely-operated gadgets 1493307;1467297544;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller eulora build process is actually quite painless, and has ~nothing in common with trying to build planeshift, other than some dependencies. 1493308;1467297564;asciilifeform;but distinguishing 'if you want me to run this on my iron, let's have the source' from 'open sores movement' 1493309;1467297567;phf;thestringpuller: and requires extensive training to undo, for example i make sure all my devs have copies of the documentation for relevant code on their machines, and direct their attention to it whenever i can. you'd be surprised™ how many people don't even know where the docs for their framework etc. are 1493310;1467297573;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: the original gutting process was probably painful. 1493311;1467297601;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in any case, while the value of "bright young fellow wants to learn boyer-moore through checking out phf's code" is there ; i'm not about to push you to publish phuctor code for some vague fetishist love of foss. which i don't have. 1493312;1467297620;mircea_popescu;basically, these concerns previously glued together in o'reilly brand duct tape just came apart, and will have to be re-negotiated socially. 1493313;1467297652;asciilifeform;i posted all the interesting parts anyway 1493314;1467297670;mircea_popescu;discussing teh principle of the thing moar than the cases i exemplify with. 1493315;1467297678;asciilifeform;well yes. 1493316;1467297683;thestringpuller;phf: ah. stackoverflow development. That's a good phrase. devs tend to be lazy, so when something breaks and stackoverflow has a solution they put they put a bandaid over wounds that require stitches and eventually someone sane has to sit down and deturdify the mess. 1493317;1467297736;thestringpuller;"code review" sometimes help, but people will usually bypass code reviews to get something shipped more quickly. 1493318;1467297764;thestringpuller;it's just part of working with sewage I guess. :( 1493319;1467297950;phf;well, linus gave us a pretty good solution. sit on pull requests, and abuse people when they submit shit 1493320;1467298016;asciilifeform;phf: this works until accepting non-shit begins to resemble the process of extracting uranium from sea water 1493321;1467298025;phf;to some extent it's aligned with v model, the only thing that matters is the text of patch, you read it, and decide on whether you want to sign it or not 1493322;1467298066;phf;asciilifeform: it's always extracting uranium from sea water :D except through beatings you hopefully make a slightly smarter sea water that start bringing greater traces of uranium 1493323;1467298108;phf;obviously can't do this in a company with HR, wreckers, etc. 1493324;1467298146;asciilifeform;the beatings are really analogous to the fine adjustment knob on, e.g., microscope 1493325;1467298150;mircea_popescu;phf it's aligned alright. which is how linus now has a "psychopatic sexual behaviours", as per http://qntra.net/2016/06/how-the-tor-project-pays-and-pays-cia-agents-from-their-usg-navy-coffers/#comment-62663 1493326;1467298157;asciilifeform;no amount of beating will conjure into existence a sane cpu, for instance. 1493327;1467298171;phf;one dev told me he gets sweaty palms when submitting a pull request, and i'm like "good. gooood" 1493328;1467298192;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sufficient beating will conjure anything. experientia docent. 1493329;1467298214;phf;at least i no longer think that i should just send him to the farm 1493330;1467298238;asciilifeform;so this is how we learn that mircea_popescu had a horse. but then went to beat it into ferrari, still working 1493331;1467298268;phf;and the attitude went from "docs??" to "ha ha i guess reading documentation pays off ha ha" to "let me check the docs" 1493332;1467298310;mircea_popescu;heh. 1493333;1467298507;asciilifeform;https://bits-please.blogspot.com/2016/06/extracting-qualcomms-keymaster-keys.html << how to extract the usg master key in shitdroid 1493334;1467298541;asciilifeform;(less of a practical interest and more of a 'this never happened!111' item.) 1493335;1467298610;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493286 << the "to whom" here is the missing and essential item. 1493336;1467298610;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 14:31 asciilifeform: i still say that source availability is a red herring here 1493337;1467298658;asciilifeform;trinque: i was speaking of the missing 'freedom' from stallman's 'freedoms list' - '... to UNDERSTAND' 1493338;1467298669;asciilifeform;e.g., openssl source is 'available' to all, but understood by no one 1493339;1467298675;mircea_popescu;i don't see value in this. what, there's a universal right to understand ? 1493340;1467298681;asciilifeform;because the entire conceptual framework is defective. 1493341;1467298687;mircea_popescu;your cat now has the right to understand differential calculus. proceed. 1493342;1467298690;trinque;asciilifeform: yes 1493343;1467298708;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not cat, or random luser, but ~somebody somewhere~ 1493344;1467298717;trinque;"free to understand" for everyone is a ticket straight to cancerous chimeric hell 1493345;1467298726;mircea_popescu;what's this, meta-communism ? "not these people are equal, but some ideal people somewhere else" ? 1493346;1467298741;trinque;$gettrust reydev 1493347;1467298741;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1493348;1467298744;mircea_popescu;there's no freedom to understand anymore than there's a freedom to decide who fucks you. 1493349;1467298746;trinque;^ what determines whether I provide source 1493350;1467298776;mircea_popescu;and yes, understanding === being fucked ; the process is called "education" because "fucking" is too harsh apparently. 1493351;1467298861;asciilifeform;there is nothing educative about complexity cancer and the c machine. 1493352;1467298884;mircea_popescu;hm. 1493353;1467298890;asciilifeform;it is a pesilence, and has less redeeming value than the aids virus. 1493354;1467298898;asciilifeform;*pestilence 1493355;1467298912;mircea_popescu;i thought god taught through pestilences. 1493356;1467298926;asciilifeform;sure did. the students fell asleep in class tho. 1493357;1467298932;mircea_popescu;anyway. i'll concur with you saying that it's one lousy fuck, how about that. 1493358;1467298945;asciilifeform;lousy fuck with rode cone studded with razor wire. 1493359;1467298949;asciilifeform;*road cone 1493360;1467298951;mircea_popescu;consensus building! 1493361;1467298959;asciilifeform;mine's still in. 1493362;1467298966;mircea_popescu;ahahaha o god. 1493363;1467298976;mircea_popescu;now i have rum all over my desk wtf. why's that so funny 1493364;1467300198;phf;wouldn't this sort of statements of philosophical position (i don't know a better term) still be effective among the aristoi? there's that idea that u.s. constitution was written for the privileged classes, and that you had to a) be able to write b) own a pen c) own a piece of paper to participate in voting process. or would gpl still be a bad idea if was restricted to in-wot? 1493365;1467300253;asciilifeform;phf: i find myself agreeing with naggum - gpl was a weapon against microshit, and makes very little sense in any other context 1493366;1467300256;mircea_popescu;https://gfycat.com/SpiritedOpenBackswimmer << never before seen footage of slock.it & ethereum development, vetting, auditing and marketing process. 1493367;1467300289;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l!!11 1493368;1467300289;mircea_popescu;phf i don't see a problem with gpl per se, but i'm not going to enforce it myself. 1493369;1467300342;phf;asciilifeform: erm, yeah, i didn't mean gpl, i meant stallman's code freedoms 1493370;1467300376;phf;"four essential freedoms" 1493371;1467300389;mircea_popescu;phf i'm game for a full analysis of them if you care to state any. the problem broadly is that they're nonsense as-found. 1493372;1467300390;trinque;phf: my point above is that, if you asked me for sauce I'd provide it for reasons entirely other than philosophy 1493373;1467300418;trinque;it'd benefit me because you might improve the thing 1493374;1467300451;mircea_popescu;1. "this is the difference between" ; 2. "the fnargl is larger than a butter" ; 3. "any elements larger than the elements smaller than themselves are smaller than the larger elements of some other set." 1493375;1467300453;mircea_popescu;etc in this vein. 1493376;1467300541;mircea_popescu;the cheapest forinstance : it's not even proper to speak of "code" rather than text until and unless you've introduced a specific difference. which is a harder problem than it appears. "obviously" is not an answer. 1493377;1467300653;phf;- The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0). 1493378;1467300653;phf;- The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this. 1493379;1467300653;phf;- The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor (freedom 2). 1493380;1467300655;phf;- The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this. 1493381;1467300663;phf;(for teh record) 1493382;1467300752;trinque;there are so many false political assumptions embedded in them it's hard to pick a starting place 1493383;1467300782;mircea_popescu;take 0 : "agent has agency". i'm not willing to reduce that to this, not just because http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-30#998185 but in general, as a matter of sovereignity. if your ethereum works in this way, there's no "criminal thief" blabla. 1493384;1467300782;a111;Logged on 2015-01-30 05:51 mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums. 1493385;1467300804;asciilifeform;there was an entire mircea_popescu piece on subj 1493386;1467300808;asciilifeform;does anyone have the link ? 1493387;1467300813;mircea_popescu;which one ? 1493388;1467300832;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/the-v-manual-genesis << found it. 1493389;1467300844;mircea_popescu;ah 1493390;1467300883;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's more of a practical philosophy thing, but i see what you mean. 1493391;1467300898;asciilifeform;and for some reason i thought that the above was also the one where mircea_popescu had the bit re 'usg tries to claim the ability to delegate the right to use software, as the church claimed the right to delegate use of woman' 1493392;1467300900;asciilifeform;but it isn't 1493393;1467300902;phf;well, i'm trying to see if this could use this as a glue to tie V and stan's laws of sane computing 1493394;1467300953;phf;i'm not so much interested in "freedom" aspect of it, but as a way to construct a coherent position on tmsr computing 1493395;1467300965;mircea_popescu;phf i don't think stallman, for all his posturing, was muich in the philosophy department. seriously, ima have a special right to use code ? tell you what - have the inalienable freedom to use weapons, in any manner i deem fit, such as against the us president, and to use the penis, and plates of pasta, and napkin scribblings and anything else. 1493396;1467300967;asciilifeform;the only 'stallman law' that remains after you strip away ALL of the usgological 'rights' claptral is no 1 1493397;1467300973;asciilifeform;availability of source 1493398;1467300981;asciilifeform;which falls right back into the 'sane computing' list. 1493399;1467300993;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform except i don't see anyone has an implicit freedom allowing him to review other people's notes. 1493400;1467301004;asciilifeform;and let's once and for all distinguish 'source for phuctor' from 'source for grep' 1493401;1467301010;mircea_popescu;heck, nsa is what, an open sourcing program run on public funds ? 1493402;1467301045;mircea_popescu;phf can you point to a spot where it's incoherent ? 1493403;1467301092;trinque;neither software nor more generally communication operates on a flat topology; stallman's trying to cram communication into that flatland 1493404;1467301095;trinque;like every communist 1493405;1467301105;mircea_popescu;trinque hence the text comment above 1493406;1467301121;phf;trinque: that's not very interesting, you can rework gpl into wot graph quite trivially 1493407;1467301126;asciilifeform;trinque: fact remains, if you think i'm gonna run a binary, ANYONE's binary, for whatever reason, yer smoking dope. 1493408;1467301157;asciilifeform;i run other folks' binaries solely for purpose of reversing and exploitation. 1493409;1467301157;phf;as a spec to how a node within a wot graph is going to operate by default in relation to text 1493410;1467301161;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform would you accept data from certified source ? 1493411;1467301163;asciilifeform;and specifically to maximally fuck the author. 1493412;1467301166;trinque;phf: it's not WoT-tronic if I'm making decisions based on WoT and also this overarching religion about software 1493413;1467301189;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if said data is obfuscated against me, i regard it as an attack. 1493414;1467301204;mircea_popescu;besides the point. it's a random byte field you didn't make, and can't verify. 1493415;1467301211;mircea_popescu;unless you go out and do the measurements yourself. by hand ? 1493416;1467301227;asciilifeform;quite often i ~will~ do the measurements. by hand. 1493417;1467301241;mircea_popescu;sure, i run coherence checks on all data, such as recent trilema article is testament. 1493418;1467301251;asciilifeform;have found quite a few interesting bits this way. 1493419;1467301257;asciilifeform;'trust but verify' 1493420;1467301261;mircea_popescu;but point remains, binary is more insidious than readily observed. you can't reduce text to "code" nor can you reduce binary to "elf". 1493421;1467301270;asciilifeform;which is why i see deliberate obfuscation as an admission of guilt 1493422;1467301274;mircea_popescu;you load crapolade websites all the time ; and pdf meets your attack criteria. 1493423;1467301279;trinque;agreeing to a specific set of behavior within a category *forever* is slavery. 1493424;1467301284;asciilifeform;it is about ~intent~ 1493425;1467301289;mircea_popescu;there is no intent. 1493426;1467301290;asciilifeform;rather than mechanical identity. 1493427;1467301290;trinque;suitable for some, but I'm not going to sign it. 1493428;1467301303;asciilifeform;there sure as fuck is inferrable intent. 1493429;1467301314;mircea_popescu;you mean constructive intent. hardly an intentional category. 1493430;1467301331;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu will run a bitcoin client with 0 published source ? in anger ? 1493431;1467301333;asciilifeform;if not, why not ? 1493432;1467301340;mircea_popescu;(yes, we use constructive intent all the time, such as for instance in discussions of usg - the sort of thing where they end up responsible both ways.) 1493433;1467301355;phf;trinque: nah, not ~entire~ wot and not forever. but let's say i give you code under wotgpl, it means that the code has certain propagation properties within wot, and i don't have to negrate you if you abide by a certain set of pre-discussed rules 1493434;1467301380;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i supppse maybe as a black box item, i dunno. 1493435;1467301390;asciilifeform;what's a 'black box item' ? 1493436;1467301436;mircea_popescu;i dunno, meteorite fell from sky, seems to work a certain way, gotta look what it does now. 1493437;1467301469;asciilifeform;the way i see it, withholding source for a safety-critical mechanism like bitcoin client is a hostile act - unambiguously poisonous offering. 1493438;1467301472;*;mircea_popescu has spent more time than he cares to admit with crazy incomprehensible and perhaps fragmentary item. "what is it ?" "fuck me" 1493439;1467301491;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dealt with them for a living. 1493440;1467301492;mircea_popescu;"it's a religious artifact!" 1493441;1467301515;trinque;phf: I see software being "shared" in such a personal way that you should expect me to ask you directly whether I can give to my L1, whether I can post sauce on www, so on 1493442;1467301532;trinque;and then people can check the logs; maybe we signed a contract, maybe we just talked about it 1493443;1467301534;mircea_popescu;ftr that was the original, and working, shareware paradigm. 1493444;1467301538;asciilifeform;trinque: keep in mind that keeping secrets has a cost 1493445;1467301546;mircea_popescu;pre billy goates and his whiny self, people shared tapes. 1493446;1467301553;asciilifeform;trinque: and that it is not a reasonable thing to ask others to do without a good reason 1493447;1467301558;trinque;but I don't want to sign onto a talmudic interpretation of WoT-o-tronics, either generally or in this instance 1493448;1467301568;phf;trinque: see even your assumptions are different from asciilifeform's 1493449;1467301583;mircea_popescu;keeping secrets definitely has costs. 1493450;1467301608;mircea_popescu;it's why nsa fails so badly. all their budget goes to filling the barn, ~none to guarding the barn. 1493451;1467301627;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: opposite, really 1493452;1467301628;mircea_popescu;(also why police state is a self-limiting failure mode) 1493453;1467301659;trinque;these are broad socialist orgs 1493454;1467301672;trinque;I gave ben_vulpes an OS image a while back, asked that he use it internally only 1493455;1467301678;trinque;and I have 0% doubt that he will do that 1493456;1467301691;trinque;WoT works just fine 1493457;1467301752;mircea_popescu;trinque what if say his gf splits, steals his hdds, now it's online (because she accidentally publishes it through running open webserver os). now you negrate him ? 1493458;1467301770;mircea_popescu;what specific measures should he take in his relations with his gf, other than the current precautions so wife doesn't find out, to satisfy your needs ? 1493459;1467301781;trinque;it's a personal matter which would be evaluated in the context of our friendship 1493460;1467301788;trinque;and not generally with the jewish grandmothers 1493461;1467301788;asciilifeform;this is what means 'has a cost' 1493462;1467301799;mircea_popescu;thart may be, but economics is economics, so what should he do ? 1493463;1467301808;asciilifeform;it isn't simply about 'he's my chum, i will lend him my pistol, and i trust that he will only shoot coke cans' 1493464;1467301908;mircea_popescu;so in general, i expect the notion of "code secrecy" to be as nonsensical today as when stallman was a wee tyke getting started on other people's emacs. 1493465;1467301922;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, there's a difference between secrecy AS A STATE and code sharing AS A PROCESS. 1493466;1467301923;trinque;as is generally *enforcing* moral behavior 1493467;1467301927;mircea_popescu;wasn't my intention to discuss the former, really. 1493468;1467302007;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i can't find the one with "buy computing" like old dudes/church wanted to "buy women". darn. 1493469;1467302043;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm 1493470;1467302047;asciilifeform;^ it 1493471;1467302076;mircea_popescu;yes! ty! 1493472;1467302133;mircea_popescu;the book sez : "A parallel with human sexuality is not unwarranted here. At a past time when the ownership of female humans was the principal method to control capital formation and the political process, the same sort of dead hand fictions proposed that they in fact control the usage of women, that anyone owning a woman does so only as a sublicense from their sovereign ownership of all women, and may proceed only in furthera 1493473;1467302133;mircea_popescu;nce of the regulation they emitted as to how women may be used and may not be used and so on and so forth. Specifically excluded from all this - the woman in question. Particularly "criminal" at the time - using a woman in the manner she herself wishes to be used. 1493474;1467302133;mircea_popescu;Times have changed, women are now worthless, but computers aren't, and these same dead hand fictions propose anew : that they own all computers, that if you own a computer it's only a sublease from them, subject to furthering their regulations and so on and so forth. Specifically excluded from all this - what the code actually says and does. Particularly "criminal" - using a computer in the manner it itself allows to be used." 1493475;1467302149;asciilifeform;aha, it. 1493476;1467302179;mircea_popescu;goes so neatly with "the dao". 1493477;1467302193;mircea_popescu;the gall of these shitheads. how DARE THEY use fucking words other than "fdsjkhgwreifgiwiotghfegbvhwerg" to denote their vomit. 1493478;1467302211;asciilifeform;see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-21#885689 1493479;1467302211;a111;Logged on 2014-10-21 01:30 asciilifeform: 'As progressively dumber programmers build progressively more complex systems we will see more of this kind of attempt to paper over coding mistakes with lawyers, sanctions, policies, and laws. Hollywood and the RIAA are usually the most successful at getting the government to do their bidding. Thus I predict that one day Disney will have a Web site where you can buy access to any of their movies. Because 1493480;1467302362;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to phf 's thing : i frankly dun think rms/frf/etc are relevant here, not anymore than aunt molly's mole is relevant in a discussion of dermatology. 1493481;1467302382;mircea_popescu;yes, indisputably a mole happens on the skin ; yes indisputably aunt molly's mole did in fact occur. nevertheless, irrelevant anecdote of no further import. 1493482;1467302411;asciilifeform;i disagree - they are excellent examples - along with, e.g., mr mold - of failed autoappendectomies 1493483;1467302448;asciilifeform;rms is tragicomic precisely ~because~ he won't let go of fundamentally usgistic thinking 1493484;1467302456;mircea_popescu;sure, may have all sorts of other relevancies ; but not dispositive or even indicative re the theory of everything, or computing for that matter. 1493485;1467302483;asciilifeform;perhaps better analogy here is the astronomical epicycle. 1493486;1467302485;mircea_popescu;(when pursuing evidence, there's two kinds : indicative and dispositive. the latter is the sort that ends the inquiry ; the former is the sort that points to the way towards the latter.) 1493487;1467302507;asciilifeform;'kinetics proposes, thermodynamics disposes' (tm) (r) (uncle al) 1493488;1467302523;mircea_popescu;like that. 1493489;1467302600;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493483 << this is true. the thief who is terribly terribly sorry he got caught and not even a bit aware he was stealing. 1493490;1467302600;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 16:00 asciilifeform: rms is tragicomic precisely ~because~ he won't let go of fundamentally usgistic thinking 1493491;1467302612;mircea_popescu;basically, the american indian mentality. 1493492;1467302652;asciilifeform;sorta like the indian in mircea_popescu' skyscraper essay 1493493;1467302669;mircea_popescu;which one is that ? 1493494;1467302673;mircea_popescu;jesus i'm having a bad memory day. 1493495;1467302684;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2014/the-all-american-asshole-in-his-own-words-with-my-own-notes/#selection-3735.0-3747.1 1493496;1467302695;mircea_popescu;oh right right. 1493497;1467302708;*;asciilifeform has a good chunk of mircea_popescu's material loaded into head 1493498;1467302711;phf;hmm hmm 1493499;1467302737;mircea_popescu;and in other news, a rather accurate reproduction of historical copulation in hominids. http://67.media.tumblr.com/87baf88f11a9f99fd40aea78edce8729/tumblr_nyz5x4NpNl1u82s86o1_400.gif 1493500;1467302750;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so do i! but it dun always fire. 1493501;1467303076;mircea_popescu;phf for the record, a large part of the problem (seen in http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493382 say) is the very unreflexive manner of these derps writing. 1493502;1467303076;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 15:32 trinque: there are so many false political assumptions embedded in them it's hard to pick a starting place 1493503;1467303099;mircea_popescu;it's like a cow mewing or like a kitten braying, you can readily see going through their productions that they... felt, something, there. 1493504;1467303114;mircea_popescu;but they didn't then bother to go back, and check the terms, and check the relations, and cross-examine their production. 1493505;1467303128;mircea_popescu;they write like their disciples code, which is to say, breathless, first pass, never read. 1493506;1467303156;mircea_popescu;"did you as much as re-read this shit ?" "ain't nobody got time for that ??" 1493507;1467303173;mircea_popescu;and in the rare cases when they re-read, they re-read like they re-stroke the penis. to recognize, not to understand. 1493508;1467303205;mircea_popescu;this, needless to say, i hope, ISN'T HOW YOU FUCKING WRITE. code or anything else. 1493509;1467303811;asciilifeform;https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-miners-hardfork-according-circulating-rumors << lel 'corexit' 1493510;1467303854;asciilifeform;konseeeeensoooos!1111 1493511;1467303892;thestringpuller;oh man rumors of nukes launching. 1493512;1467303903;shinohai;"The above is unverified." meaning "Just a buncha r/btc derps spreading gossip" 1493513;1467303934;mircea_popescu;heh. 1493514;1467304034;mircea_popescu;lol, complete with "price jumps on rumours" bullshit ? 1493515;1467304068;mircea_popescu;check that out, it's golden : "It is not clear how developers will now react. To not give the ecosystem choice opens Bitcoin Core developers to criticism of centralized power where developers decide even political matters of increased capacity, increasing the risk of legal liability and threatening an open war with miners which, having the full support of almost all prominent bitcoin businesses, are likely to come out much st 1493516;1467304068;mircea_popescu;ronger." 1493517;1467304090;mircea_popescu;ie, "miner cartel got beaten to shit, withdrew temporarily, wants to have control over bitcoin! IT WAS PROMISED!!!!". 1493518;1467304093;asciilifeform;choice!1111 1493519;1467304106;asciilifeform;'i didn't shoot him in the head to kill, just gave his brains CHOICE OF WHERE TO GO!111' 1493520;1467304115;mircea_popescu;everything is twisted around. "ecosystem" ? ie, what, five derps with 200 socks each ? that's the ecosystem ? 1493521;1467304136;mircea_popescu;"it's not clear how bitcoin will react ?" fuck you. a) there's nothing to react to ; b) it's fucking clear how people react to nothing. 1493522;1467304149;mircea_popescu;so much wanna-be ism, so militant, so organised. 1493523;1467304150;mircea_popescu;so hopeless. 1493524;1467304237;mircea_popescu;anyway. summer of forks proceeding without much gas, one confused byzantine general moving chaotically around the field. 1493525;1467304239;mircea_popescu;mebbe next year. 1493526;1467304266;asciilifeform;i thought it was supposed to coincide with the halfocalypse 1493527;1467304276;mircea_popescu;all sorts of things were supposed. 1493528;1467304286;asciilifeform;would be the logical time, anyway 1493529;1467304432;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, zoolag has been blackholed for almost a day. 1493530;1467304441;asciilifeform;(this is not an all-time record but is noteworthy) 1493531;1467304469;asciilifeform;interesting method tho 1493532;1467304476;asciilifeform;flooded with TBs of nonstandard tx. 1493533;1467304776;ben_vulpes;gf walking with wot material is just as catastrophic as usg walking with wot material. 'walked' being only detail of note. 1493534;1467304803;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 'what three know, the pig knows' 1493535;1467304856;mod6; i fucking hate java btw 1493536;1467304865;mod6;just putting that out there 1493537;1467304876;ben_vulpes;but why mod6 1493538;1467304882;ben_vulpes;it's halfway between cpp and lisp! 1493539;1467304887;ben_vulpes;it even has 'lambdas' now! 1493540;1467304899;mod6;lol 1493541;1467304916;ben_vulpes;you should give swift a try 1493542;1467304920;mircea_popescu;you know, i'm mildly surprised webcam companies haven't built the arcade scroller irl yet. you could have this special obstacle course built, have the camhos try and complete it, people could pay to watch, bet on whether they manage or not... 1493543;1467304922;ben_vulpes;hysterical hodgepodge of a language. 1493544;1467304926;mircea_popescu;think pussy of persia. 1493545;1467304936;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: that was a /lot/ of setup. 1493546;1467304950;mircea_popescu;yes, that's my point :D 1493547;1467304998;ben_vulpes;miserable puns are made better with excessive setup. 'better' in the sense that your audience suffers more. 1493548;1467305011;mircea_popescu;the point was not the pun! 1493549;1467305025;phf;ninja warrior with tits sort of thing 1493550;1467305032;ben_vulpes;right 1493551;1467305037;ben_vulpes;starvation wages when 1493552;1467305041;mircea_popescu;well... anyone know debbie do anything, arguably christina applegate's best character ? 1493553;1467305049;mircea_popescu;from some very shitty "romantic comedy" 1493554;1467305080;mircea_popescu;$google "these bitches are disrespectin' an' that ain't right!" 1493555;1467305081;deedbot;No results. 1493556;1467305083;mircea_popescu;pfff. 1493557;1467305093;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GdHB6Ogzj0 1493558;1467305112;ben_vulpes;"i heard that if people bop you on your head, gold coins come out of your butt" ok i died 1493559;1467305144;ben_vulpes;in other OTHER OTHER news, i upgraded this laptop to 10.11 and now the second mini hdmi port doesn't work 1493560;1467305146;ben_vulpes;what 1493561;1467305148;ben_vulpes;the 1493562;1467305150;ben_vulpes;shit 1493563;1467305153;mircea_popescu;10.11 whats ? 1493564;1467305160;ben_vulpes;macos arcane versioning 1493565;1467305178;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493506 << oh god. this is my life. maybe I should ask asciilifeform how long until I succumb to radiation poisoning 1493566;1467305178;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 16:12 mircea_popescu: "did you as much as re-read this shit ?" "ain't nobody got time for that ??" 1493567;1467305183;phf;ben_vulpes: you knew what you were doing and you suffered the consequences 1493568;1467305190;ben_vulpes;phf: oh yes 1493569;1467305203;ben_vulpes;harder and more of it please 1493570;1467305359;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in argentina, https://imgur.com/jz5NJIL 1493571;1467305361;ben_vulpes;most expensive x11 terminal i ever seen. 1493572;1467305365;*;ben_vulpes grumbles 1493573;1467305378;ben_vulpes;assburgers lol 1493574;1467305428;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l what happened to 'dun post it on usgur!111' 1493575;1467305475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i specifically disclaim any relation to the crap. either part of it. 1493576;1467305493;mircea_popescu;"argentina has a night life", "romantic comedies", whatever the fuck, all of it belongs on imgur. 1493577;1467305500;mircea_popescu;im just sad i don't have a 9gag account. 1493578;1467305585;shinohai;"A William P. Tatem Elementary School teacher called police on June 16 after a third-grader said a fellow student made a racist comment about brownies" Good to know we are safe. 1493579;1467306683;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493559 << now install openbsd so BOTH ports can die!111 1493580;1467306683;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 16:45 ben_vulpes: in other OTHER OTHER news, i upgraded this laptop to 10.11 and now the second mini hdmi port doesn't work 1493581;1467306934;trinque;yes, but at least he'll have a new hoverboard with fans that never spin down 1493582;1467307038;asciilifeform;and eventually - anchor! 1493583;1467307150;mircea_popescu;for his battleship! 1493584;1467307183;asciilifeform;bottleship. 1493585;1467307471;asciilifeform;to briefly pick up yesterday's thread, 1493586;1467307494;asciilifeform;if anyone wondered why fountain (e.g., luby's) algo is not widely used, answer is... mega-unsurprise... patent trollage 1493587;1467307585;mircea_popescu;heh. 1493588;1467307585;asciilifeform;(luby himself opened up a troll shop, it seems) 1493589;1467307632;asciilifeform;so gossipd is posed to be the first live-fire open air rape of this usg directorate. 1493590;1467307643;asciilifeform;*poised 1493591;1467307689;mircea_popescu;mazel tov! 1493592;1467307700;*;trinque applauds 1493593;1467307701;ben_vulpes;ehehehehe wd 1493594;1467307719;mircea_popescu;$google Contessa Serbelloni Mazzanti Vien dal Mare 1493595;1467307720;deedbot;https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contessa_Serbelloni_Mazzanti_Vien_dal_Mare << Contessa Serbelloni Mazzanti Vien dal Mare - Wikipedia | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW2vRJDpUSE << Fantozzi, il varo della nave e la Contessa Serbelloni Mazzanti Vien ... | https://it-it.facebook.com/Contessa-Serbelloni-Mazzanti-Vien-dal-Mare-34674003339/ << Contessa Serbelloni Mazzanti Vien dal Mare 1493596;1467307735;mircea_popescu;2nd link. 1493597;1467307821;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5_TVKknof0 actually, not shot with potato. 1493598;1467307911;trinque;ahahaha 1493599;1467307938;trinque;I'm going to have to watch this 1493600;1467307972;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1493601;1467308044;asciilifeform;in other interesting finds, http://cs.gmu.edu/~sean/book/metaheuristics 1493602;1467308061;asciilifeform;^ actually well-written imho 1493603;1467308114;mircea_popescu;trinque "la furia homicida del purpurato" is certainly memorable :D 1493604;1467308149;asciilifeform;quite 1493605;1467308210;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform his definition of metaheuristic is disappointing :D 1493606;1467308540;mircea_popescu;and in other weird, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/b/b8/Riso_Amaro.jpg 1493607;1467308556;mircea_popescu;(she's being a mondina) 1493608;1467308560;asciilifeform;wat's this 1493609;1467308581;mircea_popescu;"Saluteremo il signor padrone per il male che ci ha fatto che ci ha sempre maltrattato fino all'ultimo momen' Saluteremo il signor padrone con la so' risera neta pochi soldi in la cassetta e i debit da pagar..." 1493610;1467308645;mircea_popescu;basically, every culture has a "women on sale" marketplace. the egyptians stick them in shops, if you got money to buy goods maybe you got money for an extra cowsy ? the italians of the pre-roosevelt era stuck them in this bizarre field job. 1493611;1467308659;mircea_popescu;women only, day farm labourers, doing ~nothing in the muds of rice paddies. 1493612;1467308713;mircea_popescu;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/e/e4/Mondine-Pontogliesi-e-meridionali-anni-50.jpg << realist picture (the other one's idealist, in that it's silvia mangano. 1493613;1467308738;mircea_popescu;(famous italian actress) 1493614;1467309217;phf;oh she played in death in venice, and weirdly enough in Dune (as the reverend mother) 1493615;1467309229;asciilifeform;oh hey! yes 1493616;1467309235;mircea_popescu;she was hot in the late 40s / 50s, and competent thereafter. 1493617;1467309260;mircea_popescu;but smoking hot, at that. 1493618;1467310229;thestringpuller;jihan wu, bout to lose a lot of money. 1493619;1467310750;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/YQe 1493620;1467310750;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1493621;1467310841;shinohai;Also in the run moar SSL department: https://www.computest.nl/blog/startencrypt-considered-harmful-today/ 1493622;1467312456;asciilifeform;$up yangwao 1493623;1467312456;deedbot;yangwao voiced for 30 minutes. 1493624;1467312463;yangwao;o/ 1493625;1467312468;asciilifeform;who might you be, yangwao ? 1493626;1467312555;yangwao;well. Holiday programmer who just found bad implementation in libsodium (a.k.a C implementation of NaCl) 1493627;1467312564;yangwao;nothing really special, just some daily memory leaks :D 1493628;1467312580;jurov;who made it? djb himself? 1493629;1467312580;asciilifeform;what's a holiday programmer ? 1493630;1467312668;yangwao;NaCl is ok (hope), I think, there just problems in libsodium, ehm this one https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium 1493631;1467312711;yangwao;and I might found another in JOSE, in X25519.. but looks its still in rfc draft thing 1493632;1467312735;*;yangwao https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-jose-cfrg-curves-02 1493633;1467312872;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1493634;1467312872;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1493635;1467312909;asciilifeform;how goes the lispificated gentoo gabriel_laddel ? 1493636;1467312950;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: terrible atm - cannot generate a initial ram filesystem that works correctly :/ 1493637;1467312973;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i suggest taking my buildroot configs as example 1493638;1467312984;asciilifeform;(they produce working initramfs, with bitcoin in it) 1493639;1467313149;gabriel_laddel;I looked into it previously, and it seemed that simply modifying the working initramfs I have now would be much faster - but no such luck yet. 1493640;1467313183;gabriel_laddel;I can unpack the thing, inspect & modify the tree, but when repacking it and writing it to the USB == kernel panic 1493641;1467313215;gabriel_laddel;Even unpacking and then repackaging it causes this - so must be that I have two versions of cpio installed or some nonsense.. 1493642;1467313227;asciilifeform;eventually gabriel_laddel will see the light. 1493643;1467313248;gabriel_laddel;the light being that the buildroot people already handled this for me? 1493644;1467313248;asciilifeform;which is: that the whole shebang must burn. 1493645;1467313261;asciilifeform;initramfs, cpio, the idiot kernel, the whole thing. 1493646;1467313269;asciilifeform;gcc. c. 1493647;1467313277;asciilifeform;all. of. it. 1493648;1467313282;gabriel_laddel;Oh yeah, I'm /very/ much on board with that. 1493649;1467313295;gabriel_laddel;Hence this whole project. 1493650;1467313326;asciilifeform;iirc gabriel_laddel's project was a kind of improved gentoo ? 1493651;1467313353;asciilifeform;(a potentially useful thing, but quite certainly not the demolition spoken of earlier) 1493652;1467313367;gabriel_laddel;gentoo with CLIM as the default graphics library, conkeror (emacs style browser) and a bunch of math goodies more or less 1493653;1467313390;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493626 << get in wot eh. 1493654;1467313390;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 18:49 yangwao: well. Holiday programmer who just found bad implementation in libsodium (a.k.a C implementation of NaCl) 1493655;1467313400;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: what are you using for a framebuffer ? 1493656;1467313409;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: X 1493657;1467313422;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: consider a headless x, where you have to connect from outside the box 1493658;1467313429;asciilifeform;can ditch the gpu crapolade then 1493659;1467313432;asciilifeform;symbolics-style. 1493660;1467313486;asciilifeform;(they imho had very much the right idea re separation of churc^H^H^H^H^Hcpu and sta^H^H^Hconsole 1493661;1467313487;asciilifeform;) 1493662;1467313526;asciilifeform;ideally it would be over a crossover Gb ethernet cable. 1493663;1467313551;phf;gabriel_laddel: have you looked at closure (the web browser), have you tried bringing it up to date, etc? 1493664;1467313568;gabriel_laddel;phf: I did - it requires more work than it is worth atm 1493665;1467313589;phf;gabriel_laddel: also have you looked at CLIM source code that i think allegro people have released 1493666;1467313606;mircea_popescu;altogether the attempt to make a "web browser" work seems educational (read : selffuckstick) than anything. we don't even want tcp to survive, let alone html, css or js. 1493667;1467313621;asciilifeform;phf: i dun recall anything franz released ever working properly with anything other than allegro 1493668;1467313628;gabriel_laddel;phf: glanced at it - why? 1493669;1467313638;phf;just curious if it's in a working state 1493670;1467313657;gabriel_laddel;nfi - it has a bunch of C, so I skipped it 1493671;1467313666;phf;i'm pretty sure that's the one with genera heritage, so as close to the mothership 1493672;1467313689;phf;they probably do x11 through ffi and other such things 1493673;1467313691;gabriel_laddel;I met the franz doods irl once. Cannot understand *why* they do what they do at all. 1493674;1467313708;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: iirc franz is 100% usg-powered now. 1493675;1467313712;asciilifeform;and has been for ~decade. 1493676;1467313736;phf;yeah, i'm surprised they weren't involved in, say, ITA 1493677;1467313745;asciilifeform;ita used clozure iirc 1493678;1467313750;phf;*was surprised when 1493679;1467313761;phf;ita used sbcl for their main product 1493680;1467313763;asciilifeform;~nobody wants to pay the runtime royalties. 1493681;1467313790;phf;and clozure for their experimental product, which i'm not sure if that ended up getting delivered. that was like a separate ticketing system for some canadian airline 1493682;1467313807;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-01#1334724 << re the acquisition of franz 1493683;1467313807;a111;Logged on 2015-12-01 19:10 ascii_field: but it is conceivable that xanalys was tired of paying for dev runtimes, which were expensive 1493684;1467313823;asciilifeform;phf: ah yes 1493685;1467313942;phf;i think nobody's ever tried making mcclim performant, and on top of that all this work was put into dodgy projects (like ttf and general prettification, not to mention that beach spent long time trying to make it render to html (!!!)) 1493686;1467313970;asciilifeform;instead of KILLING WITH FIRE the disgusting athena widgets 1493687;1467313970;phf;so i was curious if that allegro thing might be better in that respect, but i suspect it's one of those 20% rewrite, 80% patching projects 1493688;1467313983;*;asciilifeform loathes few gui proggies more than clim 1493689;1467314012;phf;i'm pretty sure athena in mcclim is not even real athena, but rather a simulation, because that was gui state of the art when mcclim started 1493690;1467314014;asciilifeform;it isn't even about 'pretty' 1493691;1467314027;asciilifeform;it is about how if i am cooking in a kitchen, there should be NO human shit in the sink 1493692;1467314030;asciilifeform;not negotiable. 1493693;1467314033;gabriel_laddel;you have some sort of problem with geometry? 1493694;1467314034;gabriel_laddel;or? 1493695;1467314047;asciilifeform;it simply stinks. 1493696;1467314081;gabriel_laddel;it just hands you geometry + some basic ways of abstracting it - what could possibly stink? 1493697;1467314083;gabriel_laddel;presentations? 1493698;1467314088;gabriel_laddel;streams? 1493699;1467314098;asciilifeform;all of it. slow and dog-ugly. 1493700;1467314108;asciilifeform;and makes my hands literally hurt (ignored mouse wheel, etc) 1493701;1467314266;phf;that sounds like TK problem. like out of the box tk is dog ugly and unpleasant to use, but you can get a designer (an actual one, not like "designer") play with geometries, color and fonts to make it look quite good. i think athena would've benefited from somebody who's not an autist looking at it 1493702;1467314303;asciilifeform;phf: there are fundamental problems, of playing well with platform's foundational ui 1493703;1467314317;asciilifeform;for instance, on mac, anything that doesn't DIRECTLY use the native api WILL look like shit 1493704;1467314322;phf;that's is an unsolvable problem. 1493705;1467314338;asciilifeform;whereas on my battlestation, i use ratpoison and a wall of lcd, and anything that spawns windows will look like shit 1493706;1467314373;phf;there's literally not a single system that solved this problem satisfyingly 1493707;1467314378;asciilifeform;likewise certain www sites i can't even load normally because they turn to soup given my screen geometry (i use strictly tall vertical displays) 1493708;1467314393;phf;even gkt/qt that came pretty close look like uncanny valley on mac 1493709;1467314400;asciilifeform;phf: it is important to determine what subset of the problem is even worth solving. 1493710;1467314498;gabriel_laddel;ftr, if you have funtoo / gentoo questions, angry_vincent on #funtoo is quite well versed in the idioms. 1493711;1467314544;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: ask him how it is acceptable to break everybody's box every six months. 1493712;1467314544;phf;i think that clim would benefit from removing all decorations and rolling it back to genera style thin and thick lines to at the very least get the baseline speed in place 1493713;1467314546;asciilifeform;motherfuckers. 1493714;1467314575;asciilifeform;phf: i could live with this. 1493715;1467314579;asciilifeform;but - no mouse wheel, no go. 1493716;1467314583;phf;then you make sure that default fonts and geometries make sense 1493717;1467314597;phf;with a designer 1493718;1467314610;asciilifeform;the other thing is that we are unfortunately stuck with something like ttf, because displays DO vary in density 1493719;1467314614;phf;yeah, solve problems like mouse wheel, and general awareness of what's available in x11 1493720;1467314619;asciilifeform;i have 3 different dpi in my array 1493721;1467314625;asciilifeform;by factor of FOUR 1493722;1467314640;phf;have 3 different fontsets, no way is ttf a solution 1493723;1467314664;asciilifeform;as soon as somebody supplies these - game. 1493724;1467314674;phf;not saying it's your responsibility, mcclim needs to solve that problem internally 1493725;1467314676;asciilifeform;(and if they dun have cyrillic, greek, etc. glyphs - no game.) 1493726;1467314759;phf;yeah, it's a hard problem unrelated to clim 1493727;1467314795;phf;like i'm not convinced that cyrillic, greek etc. should be implemented on cl's character level, as opposed to something like ccl's concept of Rune 1493728;1467314843;phf;"problem" is nobody's working on it 1493729;1467314854;asciilifeform;if they aren't on character level, what, i can't search, sort, etc. them ?? 1493730;1467314856;asciilifeform;fuck that. 1493731;1467314890;phf;why? 1493732;1467314894;asciilifeform;phf: serious folks are avoiding the serious problems because they CORRECTLY intuit that there is not a stable foundation on which to solve them. 1493733;1467314908;asciilifeform;i.e., that their blood will go to waste. 1493734;1467314912;phf;search and sort and the rest take :key 1493735;1467314958;phf;folks avoiding the serious problems because they are fat fucks with feelings, not because they correctly intuit :p 1493736;1467314960;asciilifeform;(what means 'wasted blood' ? see http://trilema.com/2014/what-interests-me-in-a-project for what i mean here. ) 1493737;1467314970;asciilifeform;phf: ~serious~ folks 1493738;1467314975;asciilifeform;not speaking of the vermin here. 1493739;1467314983;asciilifeform;but folks ~capable~ of solving serious problemz. 1493740;1467314986;phf;show me these serious folks 1493741;1467315006;phf;erm, gotta go 1493742;1467315007;*;phf brb 1493743;1467315128;asciilifeform;let's put it this way - recall my attempt at 'repairing gentoo' ? 1493744;1467315133;asciilifeform;or naggum's - of emacs ? 1493745;1467315156;asciilifeform;to suggest that a thinking man spend his life this way, is quite like 'why dontcha close the embrasure of this pillbox with your body' 1493746;1467315245;asciilifeform;there is 0 point to cleaning a barrel that is being shat into faster than anyone could possibly hope to clean it. 1493747;1467315270;asciilifeform;if anything, it is an act of evil, forestalls the inevitable field of rubble and gives false hope 1493748;1467315287;asciilifeform;( see also, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492767 ) 1493749;1467315287;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 15:48 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform empty and full of rubble does wonders to keep hopes down (and hope, expectation of future, TRULY is the mind eater for usians. be hopeless, you win.) and officious intermeddlers at a distance sufficient to breed actual people with some frequency. 1493750;1467315763;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493716 << sadly this is like "army boot size that make sense" 1493751;1467315763;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 19:23 phf: then you make sure that default fonts and geometries make sense 1493752;1467315863;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493735 << nah, really, look at tmsr and it's absurd levels of fully deficit spending. re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492874 1493753;1467315863;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 19:44 phf: the fact that you run shell scripts on your data basically disqualifies you from participating in management. you're supposed to leverage, that shell script is $500k initial investment ruby on rails project 1493754;1467315863;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 19:29 phf: folks avoiding the serious problems because they are fat fucks with feelings, not because they correctly intuit :p 1493755;1467315879;mircea_popescu;fact is, when as much as a vague hint of the flavour of the possibility of a stable base is presented, people go nuts working hands to bone to build it up 1493756;1467315883;mircea_popescu;i think he has it. no basis. 1493757;1467315923;mircea_popescu;the knowledge that your work shall be forever useful is not even in the same ballpark with the knowledge you can now buy six more lattes. 1493758;1467316774;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493750 << except that not! consider the quoted bit in http://www.loper-os.org/?p=309 1493759;1467316774;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 19:42 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493716 << sadly this is like "army boot size that make sense" 1493760;1467316798;asciilifeform;the 'army boot' quandry comes from having to standardize the glyph as a bitmap. 1493761;1467316851;asciilifeform;but in actuality a sane definition of a glyph is: program, which takes a point in a region of 2d plane and tells you if said point is darkened by said glyph. 1493762;1467316889;asciilifeform;and there are not so many of these, and necessary language is a quite limited subset of henderson's lisp 1493763;1467316926;asciilifeform;the beauty is that affine transforms , you get for free. 1493764;1467316929;asciilifeform;forever. 1493765;1467316941;asciilifeform;$s henderson 1493766;1467316942;a111;5 results for "henderson", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=henderson 1493767;1467317020;asciilifeform;(NOT, before anyone asks, turing-complete, for fuxsake) 1493768;1467317049;asciilifeform;just 'is this point black,' eats x, y. 1493769;1467317069;asciilifeform;(and X,Y bounding box.) 1493770;1467317125;asciilifeform;~in general~ whenever you find yourself solving 'army boot' problems, know that you are operating with broken abstractions. 1493771;1467317157;trinque;neat, sounds similar approach to a shader 1493772;1467317178;asciilifeform;in all cases the correct solution is liquid boot that the soldiers dip feet in. whenever technologically plausible! 1493773;1467317223;asciilifeform;trinque: but with NO special categories. ALL graphical objects on the machine must obey said formulation. 1493774;1467317242;asciilifeform;you thereby get composability. 1493775;1467317245;asciilifeform;sanely. 1493776;1467317289;asciilifeform;sorta what mircea_popescu was getting at, i suspect, when he mentioned svg. 1493777;1467317316;asciilifeform;(svg is a braindamaged monkey implementation of some of the above principles.) 1493778;1467317335;asciilifeform;the only, afaik, currently extant one 1493779;1467317359;asciilifeform;'postscript' was a much earlier attempt. 1493780;1467317496;asciilifeform;it is important to realize the full implications. 1493781;1467317551;asciilifeform;per the above scheme, 'glyph' is no longer a 'special' animal. 'mona lisa' can be a glyph, and so can a mandelbrot zoom generated for one particular occasion. 1493782;1467317573;asciilifeform;it is simply reduced to what it really is - simply a viewport blit. 1493783;1467317584;asciilifeform;instead of some systemwide magic. 1493784;1467317592;*;asciilifeform bbl 1493785;1467318307;asciilifeform;i will give another example! 1493786;1467318346;asciilifeform;the SANE way to transport audio is ALSO as a compactified lisp proggy, which takes time T and returns a rational multiplicand for the maximum DAC voltage to be present at that time ! 1493787;1467318358;asciilifeform;(for stereo, quadrangular, etc. recordings - you simply need 2+ of these!) 1493788;1467318366;asciilifeform;so, e.g., a sinusoid, will be a very short one 1493789;1467318372;asciilifeform;a hitler speech - longer 1493790;1467318395;asciilifeform;.. consisting of a multitude of Ts and Vs - or fewer, if you include a decompressor of one kind or another 1493791;1467318438;asciilifeform;(the correct way to include the decompressor is via v linkage. that is to say, a signed hash thereof, i.e. an index into a wotronic cryptographic global namespace.) 1493792;1467318466;trinque;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=309 << for teh log readers. 1493793;1467318474;asciilifeform;linked earlier 1493794;1467318480;trinque;ah right 1493795;1467318564;asciilifeform;the beauty is that you can impose hard limits on the evaluating environments for these 'programs', them being non-turingcomplete, and thus you can make mechanical hard pronouncements re their properties. 1493796;1467318583;asciilifeform;e.g., that 'will calculate arithmetical answer in C or fewer cycles, and no side effects' 1493797;1467318613;asciilifeform;at any rate, all of this is old hat to folks who read my www. 1493798;1467318663;asciilifeform;but, granted, it is VERY difficult to digest for folks still viewing the ~possible~ through the shit-glasses of the ~extant~. 1493799;1467318718;asciilifeform;e.g., 'fuck you i ain't running no PROGRAMS embedded in no stinkin' music file' 1493800;1467318775;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1493801;1467325804;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493768 << kinda slow neh ? but yes, i'm in agreement that glyps have no business being involved in programming, it's a display matter not more. 1493802;1467325804;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 20:04 asciilifeform: just 'is this point black,' eats x, y. 1493803;1467325817;mircea_popescu;the problem may also start where keyboards have to have shit printed on them through a legacy process. 1493804;1467325844;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493777 << yes. 1493805;1467325844;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 20:08 asciilifeform: (svg is a braindamaged monkey implementation of some of the above principles.) 1493806;1467325849;mircea_popescu;quite exactly. 1493807;1467325896;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493795 << aha word. 1493808;1467325896;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 20:29 asciilifeform: the beauty is that you can impose hard limits on the evaluating environments for these 'programs', them being non-turingcomplete, and thus you can make mechanical hard pronouncements re their properties. 1493809;1467325930;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493799 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493407 :D 1493810;1467325930;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 15:38 asciilifeform: trinque: fact remains, if you think i'm gonna run a binary, ANYONE's binary, for whatever reason, yer smoking dope. 1493811;1467325931;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 20:31 asciilifeform: e.g., 'fuck you i ain't running no PROGRAMS embedded in no stinkin' music file' 1493812;1467329447;phf;funny how a lot of these ideas have been explored, grokked and then promptly not accepted 1493813;1467329513;phf;for example NeWS was gui system that did exactly what asciilifeform described, using what they called display postscript 1493814;1467329548;phf;http://www.art.net/studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/lang/NeWS.html 1493815;1467329606;phf;or common lisp music which is a subset of common lisp to describe a wavelength generation/transformation/composition (i'm pretty sure it was used to do first computer FM synthesis) 1493816;1467329640;phf;(actually news and display postscript are not the same technology, but same idea) 1493817;1467329733;phf;http://www.art.net/studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/psiber/11.gif 1493818;1467330025;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493744 << i think of these projects in the same terms i think of "knowledge" in general. same way as there's no abstract scientific knowledge that's somehow "accessible" to "society", there isn't universal good value to naggum's emacs, but there would've been value in naggum's ~to me~ as a kind of abstract node in what i'm hoping is a graph of sane people. same way as "scientific knowledge" is only a kind of comm 1493819;1467330025;phf;unication happening across long periods of time and space among certain kind of individuals 1493820;1467330025;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 19:32 asciilifeform: or naggum's - of emacs ? 1493821;1467330121;phf;for example naggum specced out "LOCAL-TIME" concept in his "long painful history of time" paper, and it's an excellent solution. per your argument it's true that the actual communal implementation of local-time is a piece of shit. (if you've never read it, it's really horrible) 1493822;1467330177;adlai;CLM (DLed from https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/clm/ ) does not compile due to package definitions in wrong files... the joys of bitrot 1493823;1467330220;adlai;phf: have you had problems with local-time's functioning? 1493824;1467330232;phf;adlai: yes 1493825;1467330240;*;adlai has treated it as a black box of Just Fucking Works... what went wrong for you? 1493826;1467330277;phf;well, there was a bunch of things, so i'm just going to hand waive it, but one major issue is that it doesn't actually have a date, time, datetime separation 1493827;1467330297;phf;so 2016-01-01 will do very very wrong things depending on specific timezone combinations 1493828;1467330351;adlai;yeah, the abstraction would better be called "timestamp" 1493829;1467330379;phf;correct, but if it's timestamp then reader ~must~ fail on missing times, timezones 1493830;1467330399;adlai;but then it wouldn't be unix enough! 1493831;1467330402;phf;:D 1493832;1467330438;adlai;the unixification of common lisp is glorious to behold, like galaxies colliding 1493833;1467330439;phf;i got exposed to library as part of my attempt to revive cl-ledger, that actually doesn't need time component at all. as an accounting tool it almost entirely deals with dates (except in its timetracking functionality) 1493834;1467330479;phf;and of course, every single assumption ledger makes breaks, when you twiddle you machine's system timezone 1493835;1467330505;phf;lugm-time makes it very explicit that this is a wrong behavior 1493836;1467330510;trinque;that's heinous. 1493837;1467330568;trinque;makes me feel better that so far I've stuck with int representations of time in my CL programs 1493838;1467330584;trinque;get-universal-time and whatever the other one is, decode? 1493839;1467330615;phf;decode-universal-time, get-decoded-time 1493840;1467330633;adlai;local-time:timestamp-to-unix and its vice-versa give you this. i guess my use of local-time has been primarily to display timestamps readably 1493841;1467330640;adlai;and parse 1493842;1467330689;adlai;the number of bitcoin exchanges that give human-readable timestamps in API calls (because all API calls are done by hand and read by eye, right!?) is too damn high 1493843;1467330731;phf;well, problems start manifesting when you start doing math on your times, and asking for things like 2 years and 1 hour later, etc. 1493844;1467330764;phf;2 years from 2016-01-01 is totally different from 2016-01-01T00:00:00Z 1493845;1467330836;phf;amusingly where the underlying technology is super solid (because specced out by naggum) interface implementation is piece of shit, because written by kommmunitee 1493846;1467330852;phf;amusingly enough java, via joda-time, is one of the few solutions that get it right 1493847;1467331008;trinque;enterprise bureaucracy systems must have proper scheduling 1493848;1467331186;phf;asciilifeform: but to get back to my point, the fact that local-time as implemented by kommmuniti is shit doesn't have to affect ~me~. i know what the right way (or a better one) of doing things is, but if naggum didn't write his paper, i wouldn't. i thought that's kind of the WoT approach 1493849;1467331269;adlai;CLM is thoroughly bitrot ;_; 1493850;1467331273;phf;if naggum wrote his emacs, or at the very least started one, then i wouldn't be necessarily stuck without a text editor i could trust or work with (hemlock being a particularly bad implementation, and emacs corrupted beyond redemption, etc) 1493851;1467331330;phf;and even if the kommuniti picked it up and fucked it up we could've still had a "tmsr version -- last naggum release" baseline or whatever 1493852;1467331425;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-July/000226.html 1493853;1467331495;trinque;mod6: nice work on tb0t 1493854;1467331510;mod6;hey, thanks trinque o7 1493855;1467331738;mod6;Got the next number of days off here. Gonna try to hit the ground running here in July. 1493856;1467331744;mod6;:] 1493857;1467331839;*;trinque does not want to eventually say "if asciilifeform had built his computer" 1493858;1467331892;trinque;phf: isn't the reason he didn't that he was that car without fuel? 1493859;1467331952;trinque;my reaction to GPL earlier has to do with that. we're all lamenting the wreckage, and wasn't it precisely that too many morons got involved in the craft? 1493860;1467331989;trinque;how is a naggum supposed to do anything if software is free 1493861;1467331994;trinque;or if alf's computer is free 1493862;1467332055;trinque;I could see myself sharing technology with someone if I see that it benefits me in some way, or at large if it has some strategic benefit to me, and not otherwise in service to a philosophical code 1493863;1467332122;trinque;I don't lament that there isn't some opensource naggum editor out there; I lament that I can't spend 20k or w/e and buy an actual computer 1493864;1467332298;phf;you can lament over both, and work towards both goals 1493865;1467332362;phf;not that you have time of course :) 1493866;1467332364;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493812 << because gotta unify WHOLE BOX , instead of 'waaaaa it clashes with me Unix Way!111' 1493867;1467332364;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 23:30 phf: funny how a lot of these ideas have been explored, grokked and then promptly not accepted 1493868;1467332405;phf;asciilifeform: i'm not going to be a proxy gabriel! 1493869;1467332421;trinque;phf: there's bad economic technology at the root of the rotten tree of computing, is my meandering rant 1493870;1467332459;asciilifeform;trinque: unlike cpu etc, i have nfi what solution to your bit would even look like. 1493871;1467332468;trinque;me either. still a problem. 1493872;1467332476;asciilifeform;wholly martian problem. 1493873;1467332476;trinque;army's gotta eat 1493874;1467332514;asciilifeform;and since mircea_popescu is sleeping, i will have to barf in his place: 1493875;1467332533;asciilifeform;'only the WEAK eat!' 1493876;1467332537;trinque;l0l 1493877;1467332566;trinque;could very well be that computing is for the nephews of 2100s Lords. 1493878;1467332574;asciilifeform;'True Übermenschen with Will, live off the energy of the hatred of their contemptible worm enemies!!!!' 1493879;1467332598;phf;that sounds more lafond than mp ;) 1493880;1467332631;asciilifeform;i bet mircea_popescu at least makes coffee from hatred of enemies!11 1493881;1467332667;mircea_popescu;sooo... du has no sorting ? who the fuck! 1493882;1467332682;phf;oh shit, mp's back, act busy 1493883;1467332728;asciilifeform;du | sort ... 1493884;1467332730;mircea_popescu;lol 1493885;1467332744;mircea_popescu;yeah, why the fuck not, type pipes every time, cus it's so fucking hard to have a switch. 1493886;1467332748;asciilifeform;yoooooniks waaay! 1493887;1467332753;mircea_popescu;you know what, du has no reason to even list things other than by size 1493888;1467332769;asciilifeform;switches are heathen 1493889;1467332774;asciilifeform;pipe. 1493890;1467332774;mircea_popescu;i already put the u switch in the fucking name 1493891;1467332784;asciilifeform;lel 1493892;1467332787;mircea_popescu;next grep is going to need a switch to actually search 1493893;1467332793;mircea_popescu;it just thought maybe you want things piped through! 1493894;1467332806;mircea_popescu;fuycking windowstards. du -du -du -du. 1493895;1467332827;mircea_popescu;and then | du for good measure. because what it could possibly be needed for 1493896;1467332879;asciilifeform;du takes input?! 1493897;1467332915;phf;blood and tears of windows users 1493898;1467332957;asciilifeform;my car runs on that 1493899;1467332977;asciilifeform;nearly enough. 1493900;1467332981;mircea_popescu;in other news, backup process silently fails because move file > 4gb 1493901;1467332981;phf;so plan9 actually got rid of find. you're supposed to use `du|grep` for that 1493902;1467332986;mircea_popescu;BECAUSE WHY THE FUCK NOT 1493903;1467333010;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dun tell me you were backing up onto fat32 1493904;1467333028;mircea_popescu;nope. 1493905;1467333038;mircea_popescu;tb disks all around, plenty of space. 1493906;1467333041;asciilifeform;then wtf 1493907;1467333055;asciilifeform;ext2 ? 1493908;1467333059;mircea_popescu;but someone somewhere decided to go all http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-21#1486236 1493909;1467333059;a111;Logged on 2016-06-21 15:23 mircea_popescu: if the item in question is uploaded via ssh-mysql directly, phpmyadmin (common mysql interface) dies when trying to say "edit" the column, and wordpress itself fails to pipe the content to apache. 1493910;1467333071;asciilifeform;from what to what did mircea_popescu move the filez 1493911;1467333078;mircea_popescu;one box to another. 1493912;1467333087;*;trinque mistrusts anything other than rsync for this 1493913;1467333088;asciilifeform;yeah but which fs 1493914;1467333101;mircea_popescu;they're both the same ext dood. no fs involved. 1493915;1467333102;trinque;tried baculas and duplicities and all other manner of bullshit 1493916;1467333108;mircea_popescu;trinque just a pile of .sh 1493917;1467333147;trinque;ah, what a pain. 1493918;1467333171;mircea_popescu;aaanywya. 1493919;1467333291;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493815 << unremarkably, technology has short halflife among monkey tribe. 1493920;1467333291;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 23:33 phf: or common lisp music which is a subset of common lisp to describe a wavelength generation/transformation/composition (i'm pretty sure it was used to do first computer FM synthesis) 1493921;1467333307;mircea_popescu;you know what else was "explored, groked and then... '''not accepted'''" ? linen. 1493922;1467333310;mircea_popescu;felt for top hats. 1493923;1467333320;mircea_popescu;shoes for women that actually work. you know, to walk in. 1493924;1467333324;mircea_popescu;using your hands to cook. 1493925;1467333331;mircea_popescu;food made out of organic matter. 1493926;1467333394;adlai;amazingly enough software has a halflife even when at rest. CLM doesn't compile today. 1493927;1467333414;adlai;(and the bugs are literal bitrot. random # appears in between ', because it feels like it) 1493928;1467333416;mircea_popescu;but yes, you're entirely correct in that there's no such thing as "scientific knowledge", in the sense of a sort of secret football team in the sky that plays and wins for the average derp, once each day and twice on sunday. 1493929;1467333431;asciilifeform;adlai: could be just your copy ? 1493930;1467333448;adlai;try it. it's in walk.lisp. 1493931;1467333468;asciilifeform;last i tried, decade or so ago, it built... 1493932;1467333473;*;adlai ~just~ downloaded it fresh from www https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/clm/ 1493933;1467333479;asciilifeform;gotta dredge up the thing 1493934;1467333489;asciilifeform;perhaps i have the last clean copy.. 1493935;1467333518;phf;adlai: clm is not "compile all files without thinking" system 1493936;1467333537;mircea_popescu;the things people do once off drugs. 1493937;1467333541;asciilifeform;i bet there are stinking allegroisms in there 1493938;1467333544;adlai;then why does the .asd have one file, "all.lisp" 1493939;1467333549;phf;there aren't allegroisms in there 1493940;1467333562;phf;you don't load asd 1493941;1467333577;phf;all.lisp does some very specific things 1493942;1467333588;phf;and it will fail earlier then it has to touch walk.lisp (i'm pretty sure) 1493943;1467333589;adlai;mircea_popescu: amazingly, the last doctor i saw told me that i have two choices: take the meds, or don't... but tell people you're off them 1493944;1467333607;mircea_popescu;how come ? 1493945;1467333634;adlai;because he thinks i should never touch any drug ever. i didn't ask about coffee or glucose but myeah. 1493946;1467333661;*;adlai exaggerates slightly, but this doc is not a pill pusher, which is why i sought him out - confirmation bias ftw! 1493947;1467333663;phf;adlai: i think that bit is just typo, the '# switch, since that's essentially dead code for all practical purposes 1493948;1467333748;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493848 << yeah, doesn't affect you until you open a dentist's clinic and the customers "are confused". 1493949;1467333748;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 23:59 phf: asciilifeform: but to get back to my point, the fact that local-time as implemented by kommmuniti is shit doesn't have to affect ~me~. i know what the right way (or a better one) of doing things is, but if naggum didn't write his paper, i wouldn't. i thought that's kind of the WoT approach 1493950;1467333804;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1493851 << this is becoming quite the thing huh. 1493951;1467333804;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 00:02 phf: and even if the kommuniti picked it up and fucked it up we could've still had a "tmsr version -- last naggum release" baseline or whatever 1493952;1467333896;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1493859 << honestly, gpl, like everything else, started from the wrong premise. an expectation that "all people" WILL wreck your life, and everything you touch. all things, be they science, be they politics, be they family, love, art, whatever the fuck they be - are exactly that, a conversation between A SPECIAL KIND of people over whatever time and space expanses. nothing is open to the "com 1493953;1467333896;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 00:12 trinque: my reaction to GPL earlier has to do with that. we're all lamenting the wreckage, and wasn't it precisely that too many morons got involved in the craft? 1493954;1467333896;mircea_popescu;mon man". not one thing. 1493955;1467333931;mircea_popescu;the moment the bs with "everyone" and "anyone" and so on starts, the game's lost, all that's to be still established is the exact manner in which the fuck-up will manifest. but the fuck-up is already baked in at that early point. 1493956;1467333961;mircea_popescu;of course, as the legendary fool who's shown the moon and looks at the finger, people will then debate "what did it", in terms of, you know, if only we flavoured communism shit with THIS vanilla bean! 1493957;1467334008;trinque;$s remove trust 1493958;1467334008;a111;14 results for "remove trust", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=remove%20trust 1493959;1467334031;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1493863 << the concept of "free" as used here is unsound. there is such a thing as technological cost. linux is free, it can bash, derps whine about "firefox automation tools". hurr. 1493960;1467334032;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 00:15 trinque: I don't lament that there isn't some opensource naggum editor out there; I lament that I can't spend 20k or w/e and buy an actual computer 1493961;1467334067;mircea_popescu;the correct model i think is sex. sex is free, to the asker ; it goes for a song. but it depends which asker and what song. 1493962;1467334127;asciilifeform;'linux is free if yer time has 0 value!11' (tm) (r) 1493963;1467334134;mircea_popescu;but in other lulz, my first computer cost, in ppp, about 200k in today's usd. 1493964;1467334148;asciilifeform;the pdp . 1493965;1467334150;asciilifeform;. 1493966;1467334157;mircea_popescu;no, a 286 with a 14 inch display. 1493967;1467334162;asciilifeform;ah 1493968;1467334190;mircea_popescu;salaries at the time 2-4k or so rol/mo ; rol to usd ~100 ; machine cost like 1800 or so if memory serves. 1493969;1467334204;asciilifeform;my 'искра', 8086 made for tank, ~same 1493970;1467334292;asciilifeform;lulzily, iirc a smbx 36xx was about 100k american usd in late '80s 1493971;1467334328;mircea_popescu;the only difference between actual people and the us scumbags is that someone apparently told the latter they have a say. 1493972;1467334334;mircea_popescu;so then they gotta opine on things and matters. 1493973;1467334343;asciilifeform;about ~= twin engined airplane, or basic ferrari 1493974;1467334490;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1493962 << while that true, not applicable here. you should see what a standard office drone does with a large csv in his excel. 8 hour work day so as to avoid 20 minutes' worth of awk, and that includes the time reading docs. 1493975;1467334490;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 00:48 asciilifeform: 'linux is free if yer time has 0 value!11' (tm) (r) 1493976;1467334499;asciilifeform;incidentally, i should like to learn what became of, e.g., racal norsk's lispm. or the french one, whose name escapes me 1493977;1467334532;asciilifeform;the euro folk were poor, and their lispms yet costlier and fewer in number than in usa 1493978;1467334549;asciilifeform;to the point that ~0 afaik remain... 1493979;1467334605;phf;or got alan kay'd (guy owns connection machine) 1493980;1467334630;asciilifeform;a fellow i know bought one 1493981;1467334640;asciilifeform;it sat in his cellar for a decade 1493982;1467334650;adlai;reading SoTRB, lemme get this straight: it's impossible to download openssl without... openssl? 1493983;1467334654;asciilifeform;(he never found a lispm to drive it with) 1493984;1467334669;phf;does he still have it? 1493985;1467334682;asciilifeform;phf: nope, iirc his wife threw it 1493986;1467334695;phf;don't tell me things like that 1493987;1467334724;asciilifeform;lel 1493988;1467334734;phf;fwiw she threw out a rembrandt, since it could be sold for 10-20-30k? 1493989;1467334743;asciilifeform;complicated 1493990;1467334758;asciilifeform;recall my attempt at selling ordinary 3620? 1493991;1467334772;asciilifeform;picture the cost of moving a cm 1493992;1467334773;phf;yeah, you're refusing to sell it, is what it is :> 1493993;1467334803;asciilifeform;it is still for sale, lol 1493994;1467334815;phf;list it on ebay, say "buyer figures out shipping options", it'll got for 4-5k 1493995;1467334828;asciilifeform;but i ain't stuffing it in a box with the usual moneyback 1493996;1467334839;phf;yeah, nobody will expect you to 1493997;1467334847;asciilifeform;because death is ~100% 1493998;1467334867;asciilifeform;unless hand-carried, in which case it is maybe 30% 1493999;1467334885;phf;you know that people who do these kind of things understand the issue :) 1494000;1467334895;asciilifeform;yeah and they charge 5k 1494001;1467334899;mircea_popescu;gotta love these boxes doing 7MB/s tho. for srs. 3gb in 7 minutes ? sign me up 1494002;1467334908;phf;asciilifeform: your buyer will pay it, is my point 1494003;1467334931;mircea_popescu;adlai yeah. 1494004;1467334935;asciilifeform;and when it arrives dead? 1494005;1467334936;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1494006;1467334949;phf;asciilifeform: buyer will be very sad, recap it, test it, etc. 1494007;1467334974;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know there is such a thing in business as "FOB" 1494008;1467334974;phf;for example i bought an xl1201, it's been sitting at a friend's place in seattle for 8 months now, because it's waiting for me to go there in person and pick it up myself 1494009;1467334977;asciilifeform;most likely crt will pop 1494010;1467334992;asciilifeform;it used a custom tube by 'clinton', not replaceable 1494011;1467335018;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ? 1494012;1467335033;mircea_popescu;"free on board". come pick it up ; if you don't we throw it in the water. 1494013;1467335054;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that wouldn't net any real money 1494014;1467335073;mircea_popescu;how do you know what things would or wouldn't! 1494015;1467335098;asciilifeform;my only remaining interest in the thing is to net top dollarz 1494016;1467335117;phf;asciilifeform: if you're serious about selling it, i can make it happen. only reason i've not been pursuing this line, is because you're preemptively sabotaging the whole thing 1494017;1467335133;mircea_popescu;yes, but you're mixing things. (the item) is not = (the item) + (transport service for the item). you can't want "the item" to net you top dollars through sometyhing that's not the item. 1494018;1467335140;mircea_popescu;you wanna make money in logistics, get busy. 1494019;1467335148;mircea_popescu;you wanna make money selling item, sell item. 1494020;1467335175;asciilifeform;thing is still in my because i have 0 interest in working for min wage. 1494021;1467335193;asciilifeform;(which month of work to sell a few k$ box, is) 1494022;1467335205;adlai;btw, the way to get something sold is to pay a salesman commission. 1494023;1467335209;asciilifeform;*my kitchen 1494024;1467335218;mircea_popescu;there is such a thing as economic inefficiencies, yeah. 1494025;1467335233;mircea_popescu;adlai apparently they ran out of jews in washington. 1494026;1467335233;asciilifeform;adlai: i dun keep one on retainer, sadly 1494027;1467335234;adlai;last i checked, tmsr has an ex-salesman? or at least a blogger who blogs a lot about how to sell 1494028;1467335257;adlai;throwimabone! 1494029;1467335262;mircea_popescu;it'd be better to recruit a local than to make someone leave warm sunny canada! 1494030;1467335277;asciilifeform;aint got none in my meatwot. 1494031;1467335283;mircea_popescu;and as a general fucking principle : make girlfriends, yo, don't figure out how to all be buttbudies. 1494032;1467335284;asciilifeform;and aint trusting strangers. 1494033;1467335285;adlai;i don't think you sell a lispm door-to-door 1494034;1467335288;mircea_popescu;a republic in every town! 1494035;1467335308;phf;asciilifeform: last time we talked about i basically got an impression that you don't want to sell it, which has been reconfirmed by this conversation, which is unfortunate since there are people who would actually put it to good use. 1494036;1467335313;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform trust, what trust. trade with 'em, fuck 'em , and so following. 1494037;1467335314;adlai;how about you sell me a call on it 1494038;1467335318;asciilifeform;the box is on track to star in asciilifeform's peine forte et dure. 1494039;1467335319;mircea_popescu;nobody's saying to eatr with them, pray with them, etc. 1494040;1467335347;adlai;ie, you keep it, not for sale, and i pay rent 1494041;1467335367;adlai;phf outbids me and that's how markets are born 1494042;1467335398;mircea_popescu;o.O 1494043;1467335408;phf;adlai: i don't actually need it, i have an xl1201, which i bought after i realized asciilifeform is not going to sell his one. but i know at least 3 people that will pay recent ebay prices for it 1494044;1467335409;asciilifeform;anyway it can only be sold via wot, because buyer has to take my word that the thing isn't ~currently~ the pile of scrap it will almost certainly turn into when it moves. 1494045;1467335442;mircea_popescu;the buyer also has to shave her snatch and milk > 1 cup per teat. 1494046;1467335448;phf;^ 1494047;1467335465;mircea_popescu;and if any redheads show signs of getting pregnant for this purpose, it'll be no gingers. 1494048;1467335477;mircea_popescu;(which is understandable - you need a soul to lisp) 1494049;1467335480;*;adlai reminds that his plan fell through to to problems on his own end 1494050;1467335481;asciilifeform;basically the exercise isn't worth my time for what i am likely to expend in time and what can realistically sell for. 1494051;1467335501;adlai;specifically, people liking to pay usg taxes 1494052;1467335515;asciilifeform;if thing were worth 20k, then perhaps 1494053;1467335517;adlai;inb4 "those are not 'people'" 1494054;1467335517;mircea_popescu;phf you laugh at him all you want, but his mental process is sensible, or at least common. if you think about it, why exactly is it that most wives aren't being turned out as we speak ? 1494055;1467335522;mircea_popescu;EXACTLY this, illusory or real. 1494056;1467335541;phf;i'm not even laughing, i'm mostly pissed 1494057;1467335562;*;asciilifeform has a ~very~ acute perception of the value of his time 1494058;1467335572;asciilifeform;result of long stretch in butugychag 1494059;1467335584;adlai;would you be willing to show a non-technical (but intelligent) visitor that it works? 1494060;1467335593;asciilifeform;yes. 1494061;1467335606;asciilifeform;if in wot 1494062;1467335608;phf;his objections are bogus, even the time/money thing, and they go through the usual asciilifeform escalations. thing can be taken of his hands within a week, for $5k or so, with no effort on his part, besides "take it to the front porch when a man gets there" 1494063;1467335628;*;adlai has relatives close to alf 1494064;1467335671;asciilifeform;adlai: machine can be in silver spring, md, working, on a week's notice. 1494065;1467335685;*;adlai said maryland!? 1494066;1467335690;asciilifeform;aha. 1494067;1467335710;adlai;they don't have to visit your house, but i never said maryland 1494068;1467335719;asciilifeform;office. 1494069;1467335725;adlai;aha. 1494070;1467335746;mircea_popescu;phf yeah, but then he wouldn't have it anymore. 1494071;1467335759;*;adlai will get back on this issue, unless phf's meatwot beats his meatwot to the meatpunch 1494072;1467335770;asciilifeform;takin' bids.. 1494073;1467335785;asciilifeform;i have both old and new-type kbd. 1494074;1467335800;asciilifeform;old console, strictly, and 1 triax cable. 1494075;1467335820;asciilifeform;also buncha dud boards for various xl machines 1494076;1467335828;asciilifeform;and an empty tape drive chassis. 1494077;1467335830;phf;mircea_popescu: that's what i figured 1494078;1467335874;mats;Microsoft's 'Office 365' choked today 1494079;1467335892;asciilifeform;mats: how's that 1494080;1467335908;mats;work was not fun, i think virtually everyone with 365 was unable to send or receive external mail 1494081;1467335917;mircea_popescu;lmao 1494082;1467335923;mats;fucking cloud services 1494083;1467336006;mats;http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-office-365-email-outage-affecting-some-u-s-customers/ 1494084;1467336033;asciilifeform;run moar microshit!111 1494085;1467336110;asciilifeform;btw if i had phf 's xl, i wouldn't sell 1494086;1467336116;asciilifeform;xl is spiffy 1494087;1467336124;asciilifeform;takes scsi disks 1494088;1467336140;asciilifeform;and doesn't need console 1494089;1467336157;asciilifeform;(can x11 into it) 1494090;1467336174;asciilifeform;~indestructible. 1494091;1467336206;mircea_popescu;if you DID have it, you wouldn't sell the 3620. because great. 1494092;1467336228;asciilifeform;i had 3620 because poorfag 1494093;1467336325;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=51 << for anyone trying to follow thread 1494094;1467336446;asciilifeform;^ thing is about the size of pc fulltower, but weighs ~40kg, and console - similar 1494095;1467336521;asciilifeform;pulls ~= same wattage as a large vacuum cleaner, and sounds also very much like one when operating. 1494096;1467336672;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=52 , http://www.loper-os.org/?p=53 << console. 1494097;1467336799;phf;my first attempted motorcycle purchase went exactly like this. i show up, and the bike's fucking spiffy, a honda cafe racer conversion. i saw it on craigslist, research all the things, etc. etc. the conversation went something like "check out this thing that i did to this bike – ooh yeah it's cool, so i want to pick it up – yeah i replaced the pipe from this one to this other one - yeah i saw the original this is much better, so i want to pick 1494098;1467336799;phf; it up - oh and the seat is leather - very classy so i want to pick it up - anyway, maybe you should think about it - nah i want to pick it up - well give it a day or something - ... ok i'll pick it up tomorrow" haven't heard anything from the guy. 1494099;1467336823;asciilifeform;lel! 1494100;1467336832;asciilifeform;was it an 'ural' ?? 1494101;1467336846;asciilifeform;oh honda 1494102;1467336894;asciilifeform;anyway no riced pipes in this one. 1494103;1467338681;BingoBoingo;* adlai exaggerates slightly, but this doc is not a pill pusher, which is why i sought him out - confirmation bias ftw! << Or he wants a baseline adlai without lsd... 1494104;1467338692;mircea_popescu;phf imagine if brothels worked like that. 1494105;1467338848;mircea_popescu;and in other nerws, http://66.media.tumblr.com/377826a655939544e74b1ac5e5960e81/tumblr_ny5ec6IwnA1u5z1ezo1_400.gif 1494106;1467338883;mircea_popescu;"alpha cuck" 1494107;1467342059;BingoBoingo;deedbot: http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494108;1467342158;BingoBoingo;^ trinque 1494109;1467342350;BingoBoingo;how to deed nao? 1494110;1467342382;deedbot;[Qntra] Qntra (S.QNTR) June 2016 Report - http://qntra.net/2016/07/qntra-s-qntr-june-2016-report/ 1494111;1467342532;deedbot;[Qntra] Symantec Snake Oil Goes Rancid - http://qntra.net/2016/07/symantec-snake-oil-goes-rancid/ 1494112;1467342548;mircea_popescu;deedbot http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494113;1467342553;mircea_popescu;hm. 1494114;1467342605;BingoBoingo;Was that still the missing other deedbot- job? 1494115;1467342636;mircea_popescu;"to 6 Honduran policeman on Wednesday" << policemen 1494116;1467342649;mircea_popescu;trinque hey seriously, no way to deed ? since whenever ? 1494117;1467342683;mircea_popescu;" not one of the every other countries that likes cocaine too" << "not one of the other countries where they like cocaine too" 1494118;1467342755;BingoBoingo;fxd 1494119;1467342822;asciilifeform;in other 'news', this year's underhanded c contest is a lul: http://underhanded-c.org/#summary 1494120;1467342844;asciilifeform;'This year's challenge (detailed below) is a real-world problem in nuclear verification, sponsored by and designed in partnership with the Nuclear Threat Initiative (http://www.nti.org/), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to reduce the threat of ...' 1494121;1467342855;mircea_popescu;did they decide to make it about being nice to fat women instead ? 1494122;1467342886;asciilifeform;nah that's next year's!111 1494123;1467342893;mircea_popescu;"nonprofit, nonpartisan" sounds like it's a clinton-for-president thing 1494124;1467342920;BingoBoingo;Oh, mircea_popescu speaks 'Murican nao? 1494125;1467342933;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1494126;1467342955;asciilifeform;these are standard americanisms used by registered chur^H^H^H^Hnonprofits 1494127;1467342958;BingoBoingo;The whole decoding Clintonese 1494128;1467342976;mircea_popescu;mkay. 1494129;1467343045;BingoBoingo;Clintonese is a New York dialect that Pretends to be a hillbilly Arkansas tongue until it can use its husand like the first stage of a rocket for its own political career 1494130;1467343320;asciilifeform;incidentally, re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493235 - i suggest 'church of integrity' - loosely from hanbot's 'shall be delivered' 1494131;1467343320;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 13:22 mircea_popescu: shinohai kinda why i put this in the open, so people can come up with a good name maybe. 1494132;1467343346;trinque;it's $deed 1494133;1467343352;trinque;the thing does more than one command now 1494134;1467343355;mircea_popescu;church of x is a little dubious neh ? 1494135;1467343356;trinque;BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu ^ 1494136;1467343357;asciilifeform;ratin' folx - sacrament. 1494137;1467343362;trinque;$deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494138;1467343362;*;deedbot hands you a broomstick. 1494139;1467343362;mircea_popescu;trinque ah ah cool. 1494140;1467343362;BingoBoingo;$deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494141;1467343363;*;deedbot hands you a broomstick. 1494142;1467343365;trinque;aw crap 1494143;1467343367;trinque;lol 1494144;1467343368;mircea_popescu;kik 1494145;1467343370;mircea_popescu;$help 1494146;1467343370;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1494147;1467343384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: can always skip the 'church of' prefix. 1494148;1467343387;mircea_popescu;^ not in there! 1494149;1467343389;trinque;I'll make sure that one goes through, and $deed will work in a few min 1494150;1467343392;mircea_popescu;$feed 1494151;1467343393;trinque;yeah will update help too 1494152;1467343409;trinque;there aren't any feed commands; I just put them in the db 1494153;1467343417;mircea_popescu;kik 1494154;1467349689;BingoBoingo;$deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494155;1467349689;*;deedbot hands you a broomstick. 1494156;1467349725;trinque;I'm over here pulling at his guts 1494157;1467349730;trinque;I'll put that in 1494158;1467349770;trinque;BingoBoingo: is that the one from earlier? 1494159;1467349782;trinque;already went, but my node doesn't see it yet for some reason 1494160;1467349976;trinque;node's like 20 blocks behind because reasons 1494161;1467350344;BingoBoingo;yeah 1494162;1467350892;trinque;$deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494163;1467350929;deedbot;accepted: 1 1494164;1467350938;trinque;fxd 1494165;1467350976;BingoBoingo;ty 1494166;1467351084;trinque;$deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt 1494167;1467351109;deedbot;accepted: 1 1494168;1467351308;trinque;$help 1494169;1467351308;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1494170;1467351313;trinque;^ updated with $deed 1494171;1467351628;mircea_popescu;nice. 1494172;1467373100;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494170 <<< very cool 1494173;1467373100;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 05:35 trinque: ^ updated with $deed 1494174;1467375013;mircea_popescu;$up DaoSancho 1494175;1467375014;deedbot;DaoSancho voiced for 30 minutes. 1494176;1467375059;shinohai;Morning Senor Popescu how goes it? 1494177;1467375069;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1494178;1467375077;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 678.33, vol: 7829.46519718 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 662.014, vol: 10617.98838 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 679.93, vol: 46887.39888891 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 675.0, vol: 1.096 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 681.493448, vol: 43281.03350000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 680.0, vol: 2388.00600844 | Volume-weighted last average: 678.714472444 1494179;1467375143;mircea_popescu;not bad! 1494180;1467375200;mircea_popescu;how about yourself ? 1494181;1467375257;shinohai;Nice here, having some tea and watching sunrise. 1494182;1467375294;shinohai;I need to go out to store before all the 4th-of-July derps clog up the roads. 1494183;1467375380;mircea_popescu;im having rum and watching butts rise. altogether a wash! 1494184;1467375610;shinohai;Rum sounds like an excellent idea, may pick up a bottle later. 1494185;1467375639;mircea_popescu;havana club or no deal! 1494186;1467375708;thestringpuller;shinohai: no work for you today? 1494187;1467375738;thestringpuller;also shinohai how can you stand driving in your area? I was there during rush hour last night and think I had a minor stroke. 1494188;1467375742;shinohai;thestringpuller: I don't have a job other than trb/Qntra 1494189;1467375757;shinohai;Don't drive either, I use taxis :D 1494190;1467375764;thestringpuller;MUST BE NICE 1494191;1467375773;thestringpuller;:D 1494192;1467375805;shinohai;You too can sit at home all day if you allow an undocumented worker hit you with a forklift! 1494193;1467375924;shinohai;mircea_popescu: Which one are you drinking? I see like 7 types of Havana club for sale. 1494194;1467375930;shinohai;Añejo Especial looks yummy. 1494195;1467375939;thestringpuller;Oh wow! Sorry to hear that happened :( At least you can work on real stuff now? (Brighter side of darkness?) 1494196;1467375995;shinohai;There are worse fates. 1494197;1467376045;mircea_popescu;anejo 7yo prolly best. 1494198;1467376213;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. 1494199;1467376224;mircea_popescu;in which we find nano ignores the r / -fill= switch 1494200;1467376227;mircea_popescu;BECAUSE WHY THE FUCKNO 1494201;1467377093;thestringpuller;you're using nano? 1494202;1467377144;mircea_popescu;evidently 1494203;1467377453;thestringpuller;i always figured you'd use emacs. 1494204;1467378520;mircea_popescu;nah 1494205;1467379555;shinohai;He uses nah-no 1494206;1467379875;mircea_popescu;lol 1494207;1467379887;mircea_popescu;i also use vi! 1494208;1467379901;mircea_popescu;and sometimes i actually edit files straight from bash. 1494209;1467379902;*;shinohai adores vi 1494210;1467379989;shinohai;I dislike nano because I like having line #'s displayed 1494211;1467380015;mircea_popescu;doing some research in the bowels of trilema i fell upon http://trilema.com/2014/the-internet-race-gap/ "So to sum up : the average number of black people on the Internet is, on average, about 15% lower than the average numer of black people on the Internet as far as we can see - and it's probably even worse as far as we can't see." 1494212;1467380023;mircea_popescu;truly web measures are a measure of wonder. 1494213;1467380059;mircea_popescu;shinohai yeah, i don't always care. i like nano when it's a simple matter of "i know what i'm looking for, but approximately, so it's easier to ctrl-w and look at context than to grep string" 1494214;1467380081;mircea_popescu;and ctrl-c will give you position, which in my head beats line count. 1494215;1467380099;shinohai;cat -n :D 1494216;1467380141;mircea_popescu;yeah i guess. 1494217;1467381477;shinohai;lol Shaun Bridges possibly stole even more Bitcoin than the feebs originally stated. http://archive.is/DpFL6 1494218;1467381849;mircea_popescu;heh. 1494219;1467382708;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 177065872435 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Jonata Jose da Silva (Seguranca) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/320074624769C4288C4D85636555E72FA35CEF0F542A2481AF3BC98F17C1C6E3 1494220;1467382816;shinohai;John McAfee to start a hydroelectric Bitcoin mining operation, becomes target of Chinese mining cartels. 1494221;1467382908;mircea_popescu;was this in normal time ? 1494222;1467383040;shinohai;I wonder what happened to his "blockchain sekoority" venture. 1494223;1467383438;mircea_popescu;he prolly had breakfast and forgot all about it. 1494224;1467383446;mircea_popescu;very common occurence in senior citizen homes. 1494225;1467383567;shinohai;>.< 1494226;1467383626;mircea_popescu;also happens when they cross thresholds. 1494227;1467383657;mircea_popescu;which is why the sub-normals end up gathered around doorways. they approach a threshold, get all panicked, stop. then eventually they cross it, at which point - mindblank. 1494228;1467383679;mircea_popescu;most idiots take 15 minutes to clear two feet if you put any sort of arch, gate or door there. 1494229;1467383741;mircea_popescu;whoa asciilifeform that's A NEW ONE 1494230;1467383870;mircea_popescu;5 * 17 * 11353 * 183487 1494231;1467383985;asciilifeform;hm 1494232;1467384006;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: flipolade. 1494233;1467384014;asciilifeform;like the last dozen or so. 1494234;1467384066;mircea_popescu;aha. 1494235;1467384075;mircea_popescu;new flipolade tho ?> 1494236;1467384081;asciilifeform;new. 1494237;1467384089;asciilifeform;'According to an affidavit unsealed Thursday, the Justice Department learned in April 2015 that Bridges might have kept a private cryptographic key giving him access to a bitcoin wallet with the $700,000 in currency that the Silk Road task force had seized in 2014. The department urged the agency to move the funds elsewhere. “Unfortunately, the U.S. Secret Service did not do so and the funds were thereafter stolen, something the U. 1494238;1467384089;asciilifeform;S. Secret Service only discovered once it was ordered by a court to pay a portion of the seizure back to affected claimants,”...' << gold 1494239;1467384169;mircea_popescu;lol 1494240;1467384219;mircea_popescu;see ? http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493450 1494241;1467384219;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 15:46 mircea_popescu: it's why nsa fails so badly. all their budget goes to filling the barn, ~none to guarding the barn. 1494242;1467384383;phf;“A judge in Virginia rules that people should have no expectation of privacy on their home PCs because no connected computer "is immune from invasion."” 1494243;1467384459;mircea_popescu;heh 1494244;1467384469;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, was he hearing a rape case ? 1494245;1467384493;mircea_popescu;"females should have no expectation of control over the usage of their girly bits, because well.... oooobviously". 1494246;1467384524;mircea_popescu;if she's old enough to walk, she's not imune from ravishment, amirite. 1494247;1467384565;asciilifeform;phf: last week's nyooz 1494248;1467384588;phf;$s judge Virginia privacy 1494249;1467384589;a111;2 results for "judge Virginia privacy", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=judge%20Virginia%20privacy 1494250;1467384598;phf;huh! 1494251;1467384658;deedbot;[Trilema] Reddit, the derpage of the Internet - http://trilema.com/2016/reddit-the-derpage-of-the-internet/ 1494252;1467384934;mircea_popescu;hmm seems it decided to skip one 1494253;1467384955;mircea_popescu;anyway jurov shares added. 1494254;1467385047;shinohai;mircea_popescu, this may be one of my favourite Trilema posts evah. 1494255;1467385071;mircea_popescu;o, really ?! 1494256;1467385143;shinohai;lulzy. Much better than trolling x user with a downvote script. 1494257;1467385154;mircea_popescu;cool. 1494258;1467385176;mircea_popescu;well, spread the word lol. 1494259;1467385408;*;shinohai likes the crafty, rum-swigging mircea_popescu 1494260;1467385481;mircea_popescu;*thumbsup* 1494261;1467386194;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l! what's the signature of ? 1494262;1467386205;mircea_popescu;(note also you have no proof it was me! because the signature doesn't check out!) 1494263;1467386316;mircea_popescu;and in other social meda / let's watch snails fuck news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/81ebd498b74133dd0a57cb55e6901bc8/tumblr_o0dlr0D4Ee1rat4opo3_500.gif 1494264;1467386354;asciilifeform;^ this has got to be near-critical mass or sumthing 1494265;1467386369;asciilifeform;slotin holding them hemispheres apart with cock. 1494266;1467386674;mircea_popescu;lol 1494267;1467386692;mircea_popescu;woman is a superbly engineered piece of machinery ; can take incredible amts of abuse 1494268;1467386746;asciilifeform;i meant the cockz 1494269;1467386754;asciilifeform;they are packed rather tightly. 1494270;1467386802;asciilifeform;any tighter and they fuse. 1494271;1467386867;mircea_popescu;fusecock! 1494272;1467386881;asciilifeform;cuckfusion. 1494273;1467386897;phf;that's an oglaf strip right there 1494274;1467386930;mircea_popescu;http://deliciousnights.tumblr.com/post/136528012045/adriana-chechik-adriana-chechik-the-ultimate << the whole strip / sauce for the eager. 1494275;1467387627;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's the use of spamming reddit ? 1494276;1467387632;asciilifeform;srs q. 1494277;1467387666;shinohai;I dunno what mp's answer is, but FOR THE LULZ! 1494278;1467387670;mircea_popescu;we can't be spammed. web-anything "social media" or whatever you call the bullshit - can. this advantage must be a) kept sharp and b) driven through. 1494279;1467387702;asciilifeform;ah hm now i recall mircea_popescu had a piece about spamming derps to death 1494280;1467387739;mircea_popescu;diana_coman hanbot trinque phf bingoboingo mod6 danielpbarron asciilifeform davout jurov http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d38a9d86-a5a6-4597-86b6-6436d08597d1/?raw=true btw. 1494281;1467387774;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform perfectly fine way to win a war, don your scuba diving suit and drown the place. 1494282;1467387819;mircea_popescu;there's a humongo strategic difference between "no alternative exists" and "we don't like the alternative as it contradicts our ideology". bitcoin is the ur-example of how to drive this through. 1494283;1467387885;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i am quite familiar with this strategy, given as it was the u.s. army's unofficial doctrine for chemical warfare (eat butyrylcholinesterase 'bioscavenger' antidote, then release sarin) 1494284;1467387920;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but these considerations aside, looky : http://startupbros.com/cracking-reddit-how-to-get-thousands-of-visitors-to-your-campaign-with-reddit-marketing/ 1494285;1467387949;mircea_popescu;that reddit is not worth a dime alltogether is true ; yet there's an ample supply of these idiots who think otherwise. why not help them get their "traffics" ? 1494286;1467387981;asciilifeform;ok in that sense, yes. 1494287;1467388049;mircea_popescu;well i wasn't about to teach you how to cat, curl and sed was i. 1494288;1467388067;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494280 << dunno about other folx but i have a parachute packed for this. 1494289;1467388068;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 15:42 mircea_popescu: diana_coman hanbot trinque phf bingoboingo mod6 danielpbarron asciilifeform davout jurov http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d38a9d86-a5a6-4597-86b6-6436d08597d1/?raw=true btw. 1494290;1467388076;mircea_popescu;works. 1494291;1467388082;asciilifeform;several, in fact. 1494292;1467388177;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the article is in fact linked first thing in the piece, or did you have another in mind ? 1494293;1467388199;asciilifeform;the very same! i missed it. 1494294;1467388208;mircea_popescu;a kk then 1494295;1467389512;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494280 << done. 1494296;1467389512;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 15:42 mircea_popescu: diana_coman hanbot trinque phf bingoboingo mod6 danielpbarron asciilifeform davout jurov http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d38a9d86-a5a6-4597-86b6-6436d08597d1/?raw=true btw. 1494297;1467390183;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1494298;1467390183;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1494299;1467390238;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: have you ever considered becoming a glass blower? 1494300;1467390255;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i've worked glass. 1494301;1467390276;asciilifeform;but never anything serious or remarkable. 1494302;1467390300;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel is fond of glass ? 1494303;1467390331;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzyXMEpq4qw << mega-classic. 1494304;1467390338;gabriel_laddel;Not especially, but was brainstorming products to sell in SA (south america) that are a PITA to get into / create here in the USSA 1494305;1467390356;gabriel_laddel;I for one would like to be able to buy pyrex, and not the re-branded crap either. 1494306;1467390370;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: i had an idea re pyrex, a few yrs ago 1494307;1467390389;asciilifeform;simple pocket spectroscope that would let you distinguish shit-faux-pyrex from the real on, in a shop. 1494308;1467390395;asciilifeform;*real one 1494309;1467390432;phf;would make you millions with granola crowd 1494310;1467390435;asciilifeform;(the owners of the trademark are cashing in, in the familiar american style, by selling exploding junk glass instead) 1494311;1467390516;asciilifeform;http://nowiknow.com/the-war-against-pyrex << for n000bz. 1494312;1467390586;gabriel_laddel;http://mazepath.com/uncleal/neon2.htm 1494313;1467390594;gabriel_laddel;^ another fun thing to do in irl ba 1494314;1467390645;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: pyrex is ~4% boron by mass, ought to have absorption line there. 1494315;1467390649;asciilifeform;soda lime glass will not. 1494316;1467390654;asciilifeform;work it out yerself. 1494317;1467390661;gabriel_laddel;ty 1494318;1467390679;asciilifeform;and if you ask mircea_popescu it is difficult to get so much as a stapler in buenos aires 1494319;1467390700;asciilifeform;at least in quantity. 1494320;1467391099;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494307 <<< Clandestine meth producers would also appreciate. 1494321;1467391099;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:26 asciilifeform: simple pocket spectroscope that would let you distinguish shit-faux-pyrex from the real on, in a shop. 1494322;1467391136;asciilifeform;shinohai: why's that 1494323;1467391162;asciilifeform;proper labware - e.g., roundbottoms - are, afaik, still genuine borosilicate 1494324;1467391184;asciilifeform;incidentally before the invention of borosilicate glass, it was customary for chemists to blow their own labware. 1494325;1467391203;asciilifeform;(the high-temp variant needs an oxygen flame and is tricky to work) 1494326;1467391252;shinohai;asciilifeform I suppose to not have equipment send flying shards of glass and nasty chemiclas all into face 1494327;1467391311;asciilifeform;you don't even need glass! for meth. 1494328;1467391355;asciilifeform;the leuckart wallach reaction, or the grignard, or whatever other processes, work ok in stainless steel 1494329;1467391367;asciilifeform;(iirc they use old fire extinguishers for pressure vessel now) 1494330;1467391398;asciilifeform;i must point out, glass is seldom used in chemical industry proper 1494331;1467391405;asciilifeform;terrible material. 1494332;1467391453;shinohai;There was local "law-enforcement" advisory in the area once, asking citizens to report suspicious buyers of old glassware at yard sales. 1494333;1467391472;shinohai;Because totally gonna use that to make crystal instead of brownies. 1494334;1467391553;asciilifeform;in new york, you can (or at least once could) be imprisoned for 'unlicensed' beaker. 1494335;1467391561;asciilifeform;probably elsewhere. 1494336;1467391565;shinohai;O.o 1494337;1467391577;gabriel_laddel;$s what color are your atoms 1494338;1467391577;a111;1 results for "what color are your atoms", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=what%20color%20are%20your%20atoms 1494339;1467391667;gabriel_laddel;$seen brendafdez 1494340;1467391675;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-29#850232 << see also. 1494341;1467391675;a111;Logged on 2014-09-29 20:07 asciilifeform: owns beaker? terrorist. all that remains is for inquisitor to establish what naughty substance you were making (or intended to make - separate article in penal code) 1494342;1467391709;asciilifeform;in much of usa, it is easier to buy kalash than roundbottom flask. 1494343;1467391779;asciilifeform;(usg doesn't really, despite the pretense, much care re pea shooter) 1494344;1467391794;asciilifeform;go buy nitric acid. 1494345;1467391801;asciilifeform;and watch the paperworks. 1494346;1467392016;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1494347;1467392016;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1494348;1467394574;trinque;ey ben_vulpes, can I get you to crank that knob in nginx sometime today? 1494349;1467396263;ben_vulpes;$wot 1494350;1467396271;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/e66f8f4f-0602-41f0-810e-6cae9d40af05/ 1494351;1467396289;ben_vulpes;trinque: ^^ 1494352;1467396303;trinque;woo! 1494353;1467396305;trinque;ty 1494354;1467398098;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494134 << there's always minigod, neh? 1494355;1467398098;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 03:22 mircea_popescu: church of x is a little dubious neh ? 1494356;1467398129;asciilifeform;l0L!! 1494357;1467398130;asciilifeform;win. 1494358;1467398350;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, i finally found some properly greedy folk in bmore willing to show me some boxez 1494359;1467398709;phf;u $wot m8 1494360;1467398920;hanbot;asciilifeform didja learn their variety speak? or figure it's a fluke (i thought theory was wrong demo)? 1494361;1467399006;phf;probably just found somebody who has their shit sufficiently together to follow up on a sales lead without much prodding 1494362;1467399030;hanbot;inconceivable! 1494363;1467399079;asciilifeform;hanbot: greed trumps all. 1494364;1467399087;asciilifeform;nobody cares if yer a martian or whatever. 1494365;1467399636;davout;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494280 <<< done! 1494366;1467399636;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 15:42 mircea_popescu: diana_coman hanbot trinque phf bingoboingo mod6 danielpbarron asciilifeform davout jurov http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d38a9d86-a5a6-4597-86b6-6436d08597d1/?raw=true btw. 1494367;1467399653;davout;see #bitcoin-central 1494368;1467399905;phf;davout: too late, all the action is happening in #trilema-trinque 1494369;1467399938;davout;let's see 1494370;1467400818;mircea_popescu;lol 1494371;1467401120;jurov;trinque: what a stratagem! 1494372;1467401154;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-22#1487036 <<|>> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493199 1494373;1467401154;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 13:04 shinohai: In other news, r/btc is celebrating this morning imagining that angry miners will soon adopt Classic and usher in the fork. 1494374;1467401154;a111;Logged on 2016-06-22 16:02 ascii_deadfiber: i expect a shift of resources back to the 'corrode bitcoin' stratagem, vs the 'pump shitcoin' 1494375;1467401166;mircea_popescu;for teh records. 1494376;1467401184;shinohai;>.> 1494377;1467401199;mircea_popescu;jurov * Cannot join #trilema-jurov (Channel is invite only). << you're not too shabby yourself :D 1494378;1467401339;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494304 <<< ahahahaha. mno. 1494379;1467401339;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:25 gabriel_laddel: Not especially, but was brainstorming products to sell in SA (south america) that are a PITA to get into / create here in the USSA 1494380;1467401362;mircea_popescu;there's nothing the us can make that the thirld world needs and couldn't make. kinda why we're here in the first place, libertards ruined "the civilised world". 1494381;1467401396;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494309 << no because couldn't be transported and also minimum wage. 1494382;1467401397;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:27 phf: would make you millions with granola crowd 1494383;1467401546;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494313 << wait, i'm confused. you... live in buenos aires ? 1494384;1467401546;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:29 gabriel_laddel: ^ another fun thing to do in irl ba 1494385;1467401633;mircea_popescu;o holy shit the uncleal link. casimir effect ?! bejesus. 1494386;1467401645;mircea_popescu;anyone actually tried that ? 1494387;1467401875;mircea_popescu;"When a technology matures into a cash cow and then grows old, research into subtle undiscovered potentials abates in the name of cost-cutting. The neon sign has been common for a half-century and more. It is obvious that nothing remains to be discovered. There is no further technology to evolve, there are no new art forms to explore, there is no possible cross-fertilization with other disciplines" <<< al has an excellet poin 1494388;1467401876;mircea_popescu;t. it is not only, and not principally, and arguably barely at all the sin of inept us management that it drives the productive forces of its slave empire into dead ends. 1494389;1467401888;mircea_popescu;the true sin is that it pretends to seal off all sorts of good parts. 1494390;1467402462;mircea_popescu;for every "go to college" piece of bad math and general ineptitude (see http://trilema.com/2014/a-practical-exercise-for-people-who-cant-afford-airfare/ << btw, took me 5 minutes to fish this out, because apparently google filters out any searches related to airports, planes, etc from site:trilema.com type searches thank you tsa, you've clearly helped LOTS!) 1494391;1467402497;mircea_popescu;that cost the us 100 bucks, there's ten "this is a solved problem" idiocies that cost 100 mn each. 1494392;1467402501;mircea_popescu;$up plp 1494393;1467402501;deedbot;plp voiced for 30 minutes. 1494394;1467402504;mircea_popescu;$up spoonzy_ 1494395;1467402504;deedbot;spoonzy_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1494396;1467402916;mircea_popescu;and in other incredibly postmodern lulz : https://archive.is/zhCZf << postmodern art must be translated, so : fbi.gov has a banner roller just like any wanna-be "news site^Hmedia property" of the "mainsteam" variety. on this roller, because they apparently ran out of photographs or photography, in the age of the most abundant photographism, they have a picture of a lcd screen. that lcd screen depicts material originated from 1494397;1467402916;mircea_popescu;them, and not pleading in favour of their intelligence, organisational importance or general sanity : they captured some black chick that shat her unwanted baby in a toilet and flushed. THIS is a "top 10 fugitive". 1494398;1467402926;mircea_popescu;how to take usg seriously ? explain this to me. 1494399;1467403199;hanbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494318 << speaking of which, i went into a shoe repair shop here the other day for laces (which are not sold in shoe stores, mind you). they had one. not one pair, one shoelace. 1494400;1467403199;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:31 asciilifeform: and if you ask mircea_popescu it is difficult to get so much as a stapler in buenos aires 1494401;1467403209;mircea_popescu;ahahah what 1494402;1467403215;hanbot;the guy actually took out a second lace from a pair of shoes he was trying to sell and gave me that one to go with. 1494403;1467403255;mircea_popescu;if i were a younger, innocent verision of myself, like the quoted alf has the unspeakable advantage of being, i'd disbelieve this story. 1494404;1467403257;mircea_popescu;as it is... 1494405;1467403260;trinque;lol 1494406;1467403567;trinque;I guess now if you went in it'd read "from his pair of shoes he was trying to sell" 1494407;1467403584;mircea_popescu;ahahaha that's more like guatemala. 1494408;1467403645;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494310 << no because progress. tempered lime crapola is "just as good". PARETO SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE!!11 1494409;1467403645;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:27 asciilifeform: (the owners of the trademark are cashing in, in the familiar american style, by selling exploding junk glass instead) 1494410;1467403654;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the world works. 1494411;1467403707;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494324 << i had carbide-oxygen blowtorch, blew own glass for my private chemistry lab as a 12yo! 1494412;1467403707;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:39 asciilifeform: incidentally before the invention of borosilicate glass, it was customary for chemists to blow their own labware. 1494413;1467403729;mircea_popescu;borosilicate glass tubage of any diameter you wanted was ~40 cents per kg. 1494414;1467404537;ben_vulpes;o.O 1494415;1467404558;ben_vulpes;shitty products are a viable strategy when nobody remembers quality. 1494416;1467404589;ben_vulpes;quality is also expensive, and if the engineers not managed, can readily turn into an unbounded downside cost. 1494417;1467404742;jurov;i dunno wtf is this all about. here borosilicate glassware like this is cheaply and widely available, i use it every day, it's suitable even for open flame http://www.panvice.sk/kanvica-svatava-1-5-litra-simax.html 1494418;1467404780;jurov;even "defined by ISO 3585 stadard" 1494419;1467404850;jurov;i did break some, but always mechanically, never by heat/cold cycle 1494420;1467405288;shinohai;o/ jurov my coin.br account isn't reflecting monthly fees? Or do you add those manually? 1494421;1467405371;jurov;i did not do them yet 1494422;1467405388;shinohai;ah kk 1494423;1467405640;mircea_popescu;magic smoke! 1494424;1467405663;jurov;and apparently it's available in the US: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=SIMAX+glassware 1494425;1467405684;jurov;it's perhaps just brand blindness that borosilicate glass ==== pyrex 1494426;1467405716;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494332 << such enforcement. 1494427;1467405716;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 16:44 shinohai: There was local "law-enforcement" advisory in the area once, asking citizens to report suspicious buyers of old glassware at yard sales. 1494428;1467405809;mircea_popescu;jurov iirc it has an eukramic point, much like say carbon in steel. not just "some proportion", but a curve with some inflexion points. 1494429;1467405840;jurov;wut? 1494430;1467405870;mircea_popescu;jurov it's not just that it's "glass with borax in it", much like steel isn't just "iron with carbon in it" 1494431;1467405909;mircea_popescu;or if you mean the other thing, eu, good, krama, alloy. same linguistic principle as eutectic, (teksis = melting). 1494432;1467405920;jurov;SIMAX glass claims to comply to ISO 3585 standard for borosilicate glass, 1494433;1467405936;jurov;it's widely used here and I never heard it failed because of cold/heat 1494434;1467405946;mircea_popescu;a ok then. 1494435;1467405947;jurov;only mechanically broken 1494436;1467405990;jurov;so I think it's just some UStards latched on "pyrex" and are rightly milked by brand owner 1494437;1467406013;asciilifeform;at one point trademark at least strongly implied 'same thing your grandfather had' 1494438;1467406015;asciilifeform;today - not. 1494439;1467406018;asciilifeform;so: trust but verify. 1494440;1467406020;asciilifeform;spectroscope. 1494441;1467406040;asciilifeform;would put some fear of god back into the fuckers, if folks could test in 3sec. 1494442;1467406054;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494354 << lol actually "The MiniChurch" is not all bad. 1494443;1467406054;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 18:34 hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494134 << there's always minigod, neh? 1494444;1467406071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no it wouldn't. 1494445;1467406086;mircea_popescu;folks can test in 3 seconds "social media" site of "their choice" is neither , nor secure. 1494446;1467406093;mircea_popescu;fear of god undetected. 1494447;1467406103;asciilifeform;that's a designated cow stall 1494448;1467406106;asciilifeform;not same thing. 1494449;1467406110;asciilifeform;everybody uses glass. 1494450;1467406121;mircea_popescu;speaking of folks, here's a handy visual to explain the concept http://66.media.tumblr.com/e04a4eb96aecadff52219a05575fd1a8/tumblr_ng9qc75iM91shqa8eo1_400.gif 1494451;1467406126;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ahahah-HAHA! 1494452;1467406144;mircea_popescu;more women use king.com apps than any sort of glass vessel! 10:1! 1494453;1467406146;asciilifeform;dafuq is that, arse-mouth-system ? 1494454;1467406165;jurov;i dun see how spectroscope helps with "it-must-be-called-pyrex" 1494455;1467406192;asciilifeform;jurov: it helps with 'i walked in here to buy borosilicate kettle' 1494456;1467406209;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that is a chick contorting herself in an insane position so her own urine dribble falls in her own mouth while some standing guy is also pissing in her mouth. 1494457;1467406215;asciilifeform;which is now ~unavailable in usa, except in antique stores 1494458;1467406218;mircea_popescu;this would be an accurate depiction of "folks". 1494459;1467406256;jurov;well, ask for 'borosilicate kettle acc. to ISO standard'. and get some degree burns and sue them and get rich 1494460;1467406264;jurov;:) 1494461;1467406269;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i offer the knife whereby we cut them off, like defective siamese twin, from actual people. 1494462;1467406286;mircea_popescu;note how many of your knives run against glass. 1494463;1467406296;asciilifeform;there is always a correct knife. 1494464;1467406302;asciilifeform;it is a matter of finding it. 1494465;1467406302;mircea_popescu;thing about glass is - perfect material in low energy envelope. 1494466;1467406310;mircea_popescu;it's like forcefield made of god's own pee. 1494467;1467406385;mircea_popescu;so i posit to you that your problem is not even slightly a matter of "wrong knife", along the lines of, "if only i had hyfdrofluoric acid - could melt glass", but more of low energy. you wish to amass moar power not more knowledge, to dent teh pot. 1494468;1467406392;mircea_popescu;heresy, i know. but it's a square. 1494469;1467406421;asciilifeform;if you consider how one actually goes about cutting glass, it is an interesting analogy. 1494470;1467406433;mircea_popescu;yeah, not half bad. 1494471;1467406484;asciilifeform;at any rate, this is not simply a usaschwitz problem, if ANY of you buy chinese glass-anything, there ain't no boron in there. 1494472;1467406496;mircea_popescu;it's always a little disappointing when i hit the last lines of the logs ;/ 1494473;1467406501;asciilifeform;dealing with bugmen begins with trust-but-verify. 1494474;1467406520;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494360 << my bet would be that no, because easier :D 1494475;1467406520;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 18:48 hanbot: asciilifeform didja learn their variety speak? or figure it's a fluke (i thought theory was wrong demo)? 1494476;1467409663;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/since-what-you-do-all-day-is-jack-off-anyway/#comment-93555 << in other antique trilema lulz, check out what people didn't make a bitcoin for. 1494477;1467411894;BingoBoingo; borosilicate glass tubage of any diameter you wanted was ~40 cents per kg. << What about 8 meter borosilicate for Venusian culverts? 1494478;1467412001;mircea_popescu;lol 1494479;1467412008;mircea_popescu;nah, from 1/2mm to about 8cm iirc. 1494480;1467412095;BingoBoingo;So can't even make proper house to sewer pipe 1494481;1467412112;asciilifeform;from glass?! 1494482;1467412126;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: On Venus! 1494483;1467412971;mircea_popescu;what do you eat that your shits are 8 m across ?! 1494484;1467413241;asciilifeform;trains? 1494485;1467413660;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/Zhx 1494486;1467413660;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1494487;1467413789;jurov;Qntra shares distributed. 1494488;1467414602;shinohai;ty jurov 1494489;1467414845;jurov;there seems to be some snag with coinbr or mpex, as every month recently, looking into it 1494490;1467414955;shinohai;It's mpex I believe, 404 here. 1494491;1467414994;jurov;http://mpex.site/ works 1494492;1467415121;jurov;deedbot: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20160702/attachment.txt?sha1=bb9dab320ed2b6c070546085d4e673871180a6e9 1494493;1467416953;BingoBoingo;Rule #97 Every MPEx proxy is always inaccessible from some point at some time 1494494;1467417468;trinque;jurov: teh command is $deed 1494495;1467417481;trinque;$deed http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20160702/attachment.txt?sha1=bb9dab320ed2b6c070546085d4e673871180a6e9 1494496;1467417519;deedbot;accepted: 1 1494497;1467418038;jurov;trinque: thx 1494498;1467418068;trinque;yw 1494499;1467418110;jurov;shinohai: you can retry now, looks like the error was on my side 1494500;1467418146;shinohai;thx jurov. 1494501;1467418371;shinohai;It shows order went through manual but no receipt jurov 1494502;1467418620;mircea_popescu;sooo... cechens blew up ataturk airport huh 1494503;1467418815;BingoBoingo;If we try to cover all of these qntra is going to have to add a "weather" category for them 1494504;1467418829;BingoBoingo;But will consider doing so after cult meeting 1494505;1467418849;mircea_popescu;lol yeah, didn't mean for qntra. just mentioned it because it seems to me the "isis" figthers were ru special forces. 1494506;1467418886;BingoBoingo;I dunno I'm thinking about a "weather" category nao 1494507;1467420888;mircea_popescu;$up fiddlerwoaroof 1494508;1467420888;deedbot;fiddlerwoaroof voiced for 30 minutes. 1494509;1467422565;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494505 << is logic here 'the genuine article would Never!11' or what 1494510;1467422565;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 00:20 mircea_popescu: lol yeah, didn't mean for qntra. just mentioned it because it seems to me the "isis" figthers were ru special forces. 1494511;1467424602;mod6;The Most Serene Tabernacle || Tabernacle of La Serenissima 1494512;1467424614;mod6;my 0.00000002 1494513;1467424653;mod6;s/Tabernacle/Temple ? Anyway, just throwin it out there. 1494514;1467424663;shinohai;^ 1494515;1467424678;shinohai;also, here's how to enjoy cheap rum mircea_popescu http://i.imgur.com/GeHPuNb.jpg 1494516;1467424757;mod6;cute freckles 1494517;1467428397;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, just the guy's private history. bulgaria wouldn't extradite him a few years ago ; before that was wounded in daghestan but survived etc. 1494518;1467428440;mircea_popescu;shinohai meh, crappy rum crappy girl an wtf is with those ties. 1494519;1467428473;mircea_popescu;inb4 shinohai is all "how dare you dis my wife OMG VENDETTA" 1494520;1467428884;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/UCI_tickets.html#6 << what all would be encompassed by 'networking'? 1494521;1467429003;mircea_popescu;you mean 7 ? 1494522;1467429033;ben_vulpes;fml 1494523;1467429035;ben_vulpes;yes 1494524;1467429038;mircea_popescu;it must be capable to open a socket i think. 1494525;1467429197;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: speaking of uci, ever consider generalizing luby's algo to ~calculation~ ? 1494526;1467429204;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1494527;1467429206;ben_vulpes;and per 'storage', be able to read from that socket and write bytes to disk, for example 1494528;1467429215;mircea_popescu;it's really a draft of a spec as it is. 1494529;1467429224;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes read from and write to yes 1494530;1467429226;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that would close the triangle 1494531;1467429242;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it already takes carr of comms and storage... 1494532;1467429247;asciilifeform;*care 1494533;1467429248;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform either that or homomorphic encryption 1494534;1467429278;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't enough 1494535;1467429299;asciilifeform;chaos is bigger adversary here than any others 1494536;1467429328;asciilifeform;you gotta somehow abstract over the 1024 chickens pulling in random directions and dying periodically. 1494537;1467429354;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1494538;1467429358;mircea_popescu;this is true. 1494539;1467429508;ben_vulpes;how would someone in the wot interact with the uci; operation by operation over irc? shoop a script in uciasm for execution and billing upon completion? 1494540;1467429517;mircea_popescu;anyway, feel free to propose refinements, ima edit it. 1494541;1467429537;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i would expect there'd have to be a management language for this. 1494542;1467429540;ben_vulpes;i don't have a good enough model to propse anything yet, hence the questions 1494543;1467429549;mircea_popescu;ie, uci admin thing advertises what it does, gets an order. 1494544;1467429559;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: as i understand: by signing and broadcasting a message. 1494545;1467429572;ben_vulpes;"open socket to" 1494546;1467429579;mircea_popescu;it wouldn't necessarily be over irc, though irc IS rather resilient and we get the benefit of bootstrapping a major irc network if we bake it in 1494547;1467429602;ben_vulpes;"write 0xd3adb33f" 1494548;1467429606;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ideally it'd be more like "run this bash script" 1494549;1467429608;asciilifeform;whether nodes obey would depend on who signed. 1494550;1467429624;mircea_popescu;then uci responds with "script ran, results os and so, paqy here" 1494551;1467429692;mircea_popescu;not entirely sure bash it is the right way here ; but it does cheaply (in cognitive terms) expose the system for usage. which is why ssh runs into a bash shell. 1494552;1467429704;asciilifeform;there are 2 basic angles to approach uci : the standard botnet model, which appears to be what mircea_popescu is thinking of, where nodes are individual boxes running specific program that does fairly straightforward thing, 1494553;1467429710;asciilifeform;and the other one. 1494554;1467429737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm thinking a "independent nodes" sort of botnet, as opposed to the zombie windowze thing usually run 1494555;1467429785;asciilifeform;where a node receives encrypted 'rubbish' and does ?????, and sends various rubbish back, and adversary would have to capture 67% of nodes to have any clue re what. 1494556;1467429812;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the tor model is, other than its many implementation warts, fundamentally broken i think. 1494557;1467429833;asciilifeform;not thinking of it here 1494558;1467429855;mircea_popescu;anyway. uci is not gossipd. there is a good reason to implement gossipd OVER uci, but on the uci layer the thing shouldn't be concerned with this kind of security i don't thinl 1494559;1467429860;asciilifeform;this is in the homomorphic vein 1494560;1467429871;mircea_popescu;yeah but we don't have that cheat as of yet 1494561;1467429960;ben_vulpes;metered 'eval' 1494562;1467429976;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: very easy to botch, note 1494563;1467429988;asciilifeform;(consider etherfartgas) 1494564;1467430039;mircea_popescu;even if you just run top and count ram/cpu it's close enough 1494565;1467430077;asciilifeform;nontrivial on toy os 1494566;1467430083;ben_vulpes;huh 1494567;1467430171;mircea_popescu;bear in mind, we're not selling investors on this. cheap, broken, angry sample to iterate on is jus' fine. 1494568;1467430214;asciilifeform;btw there was a trojan bearing 'tinyscheme' 1494569;1467430216;ben_vulpes;noxious as it is, linux containerization and 'docker' in particular might be a good foundation for a 'cheap, angry' prototype 1494570;1467430220;asciilifeform;worked kinda like this... 1494571;1467430233;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ick, massive 1494572;1467430236;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes too many lines of code 1494573;1467430255;asciilifeform;you need maybe 100kB max. 1494574;1467430255;ben_vulpes;but the fun of hurting them with their own tools 1494575;1467430267;mircea_popescu;they know more holes in "their own tools" than you do. 1494576;1467430273;asciilifeform;^ 1494577;1467430277;mircea_popescu;silk road hurt the shit out of itself with "their own tools" 1494578;1467430280;ben_vulpes;note, not seriously advocating use of docker. 1494579;1467430285;mircea_popescu;i think it's time to bury that corpse, it smells. 1494580;1467430295;mircea_popescu;no i know, it's not on you ; just, the matter has to be discuss't. 1494581;1467430321;asciilifeform;anyway something simple, like a mips emulator, fits in 200ln of c, and can execute N cycles permitting B bytes of storage, etc. 1494582;1467430333;mircea_popescu;more along these lines i'm thinking. 1494583;1467430367;ben_vulpes;notquite 'bash' 1494584;1467430367;mircea_popescu;ie, some sort of arm/embeddable os approach 1494585;1467430372;mircea_popescu;notquite, no. 1494586;1467430383;asciilifeform;beauty is, 1494587;1467430389;asciilifeform;you can buildroot for it... 1494588;1467430404;mircea_popescu;aha 1494589;1467430406;asciilifeform;bam, os, bash, whatever. 1494590;1467430413;ben_vulpes;hang on wut 1494591;1467430416;ben_vulpes;like i'm five? 1494592;1467430438;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: victim ends up running something like a nintendo emu 1494593;1467430450;asciilifeform;but that has nic, disk, etc 1494594;1467430479;ben_vulpes;what does mean "bash, whatever" 1494595;1467430498;asciilifeform;if you emulate a cpu that gcc knows how to target, 1494596;1467430499;ben_vulpes;oh a buildroot that compiles a 'linux' to the nintendo emu arch? 1494597;1467430509;asciilifeform;you can build, e.g., linux, for it. 1494598;1467430514;asciilifeform;aha. 1494599;1467430562;asciilifeform;in 'idle' state, when the thing has no payload, it listens for a lubyfied turd signed with $key. 1494600;1467430569;asciilifeform;for years, if it has to. 1494601;1467430591;asciilifeform;when it pieces one together, and it passes sig - it runs. 1494602;1467430594;ben_vulpes;this'd be your proposed extension 1494603;1467430598;asciilifeform;for C cycles. 1494604;1467430602;asciilifeform;then stops. 1494605;1467430609;asciilifeform;and listens again, etc. 1494606;1467430619;ben_vulpes;where C is governed by? 1494607;1467430634;mircea_popescu;arbitrary set by box owner 1494608;1467430640;mircea_popescu;gordian solution to turing problem. 1494609;1467430667;asciilifeform;Min(box-c, turd-c) 1494610;1467430675;ben_vulpes;if the lubified turd came from the supervisor process C could come along with the 'script' 1494611;1467430694;mircea_popescu;script should prolly include a "needs C" 1494612;1467430698;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it dun matter where it comes from, so long as valid sig 1494613;1467430713;asciilifeform;maybe it comes from shortwave picked up in soundcard hiss. 1494614;1467430717;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if we do it like that will have to have expiration. 1494615;1467430720;asciilifeform;maybe on bbc. 1494616;1467430739;mircea_popescu;not the end of the world, 1700 business orders carried expiration. 1494617;1467430794;asciilifeform;at any rate, nothing precludes listening for new turd WHILE running current one. 1494618;1467430819;ben_vulpes;so then worker process would have to get involved in the billing loop? 1494619;1467430822;phf;so proposed solution is a subset of qemu with metering, etc? 1494620;1467430848;mircea_popescu;seems to be coallescing that way 1494621;1467430850;asciilifeform;phf: without the qemu crapola 1494622;1467430860;asciilifeform;emulate mips, or even oisc 1494623;1467430867;phf;well "qemu", a virtual machine of some sort 1494624;1467430876;asciilifeform;in that sense, yes 1494625;1467430918;ben_vulpes;i imagined that each installed worker process would listen for orders from only one key, which'd handle billing. 1494626;1467430927;ben_vulpes;or, read from tickets. 1494627;1467430934;mircea_popescu;at the other end of the spectrum, it can just be open bash and well, don't take code from people you don't trust. 1494628;1467430938;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the key emplaced on install. 1494629;1467430942;phf;notch's DCPU-16 1494630;1467430945;asciilifeform;permanent. 1494631;1467430964;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: aok. then not 'any key in wot' and bill afterwards 1494632;1467430967;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: open boxes are rubbish. 1494633;1467430973;asciilifeform;because syphilitic. 1494634;1467430979;mircea_popescu;in general yes. but wot-open is not open. 1494635;1467430996;asciilifeform;if you want wot-open, yer stuck with above algo. 1494636;1467431005;asciilifeform;and not ever 'just bash' 1494637;1467431018;mircea_popescu;anyway, this is a political choice mostly. if we do a "gentleman's agreement" and no code sorta thing, we end up strongly centralizing, army of lovers. 1494638;1467431036;mircea_popescu;if we do a "trust but verify" no agreement all code, we end up strongly decentralizing, but exposed to you know, thedao. 1494639;1467431066;asciilifeform;my understanding was that we are specifically protocolizing what was once customarily promise. 1494640;1467431083;ben_vulpes;what would 'no code' even mean? 1494641;1467431084;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform -V 1494642;1467431106;asciilifeform;aha, as in v. 1494643;1467431108;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that there's no specific check or test other than top | grep "ram" sorta thing. 1494644;1467431117;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, -V means, be verbose. put your idea in explicit form. 1494645;1467431158;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we aren't merely 'let's pool chumpnets between phriendz' here. 1494646;1467431170;mircea_popescu;why not ? 1494647;1467431183;asciilifeform;but rather mechanizing the process of harnessing chickens. 1494648;1467431215;mircea_popescu;i'm not saying that we are, but WHY NOT must be stated, and in such a way 107 iq guy in 2049 reading this understands exactly wtf. 1494649;1467431226;mircea_popescu;hence, -V. 1494650;1467431274;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for one thing, traditional bot-herding is a misery in 1,001 ways: intensely platform-specific, suffers various central points of failure, etc 1494651;1467431295;mircea_popescu;yeah, the platform specificity is a bitch. 1494652;1467431317;asciilifeform;which is why you want TINY emulated thing. 1494653;1467431318;mircea_popescu;the whole point of uci is for there to be no more platform in that sense. course, this seems an unlikely goal. 1494654;1467431330;asciilifeform;quite easy to do actually. 1494655;1467431356;asciilifeform;the p2p control is the one tricky bit 1494656;1467431370;phf;so a virtual machine with constraints, "jump to here, run at most 100 ticks, claim at most 100 heap" that's generated for the target with target platform and control key baked in during generation 1494657;1467431372;asciilifeform;most chumps live behind nat. 1494658;1467431388;asciilifeform;we sorta went over this in the pogo threads. 1494659;1467431402;asciilifeform;phf: correct. 1494660;1467431416;mircea_popescu;HOWEVER, it will create, if successful, a ready way to resolve http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492111 and such problems. 1494661;1467431416;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 15:09 asciilifeform: 'when DEC Alpha existed, did you motherfuckers buy?? no?? have fun' 1494662;1467431418;phf;then write your lisps or c compilers that would target the arch 1494663;1467431426;asciilifeform;aha. 1494664;1467431431;mircea_popescu;"is your dec alpha/toaster/bitcoin miner pluggable into uci ? cool, then it makes money. no ? it's broken fix it" 1494665;1467431446;mircea_popescu;main reason hardware is so centralizing today is exactly lack of this sort of marketplace, 1494666;1467431452;mircea_popescu;so it becomes "winner takes all" sorta tourney. 1494667;1467431490;mircea_popescu;fundamentally uci is a lateral pill for the hardware problem, oddly enough. 1494668;1467431504;phf;asciilifeform: that solution doesn't preclude fancy metering techniques, wot members own control hubs, talk to each other gossip style, and route tasks accordingly 1494669;1467431560;asciilifeform;you want a really small beast, that you can easily polymorph, stuff into roms, various appropriate places.. 1494670;1467431568;phf;hmm 1494671;1467431570;mircea_popescu;i certainly see the argument re SMALL. 1494672;1467431582;asciilifeform;the one tricky bit is the crypto 1494673;1467431599;mircea_popescu;the one tricky bit is that other one tricky bit. 1494674;1467431602;asciilifeform;what key is baked into individual instance? 1494675;1467431649;phf;per vm aes pair 1494676;1467431667;asciilifeform;wtf is aes pair?! 1494677;1467431730;phf;a symmetric-key algorithm is my point, say aes, since i don't know any better 1494678;1467431758;phf;but own key for each vm to vm pairing 1494679;1467431814;asciilifeform;symmetric crypto other than otp dun exist. 1494680;1467431833;asciilifeform;we demonstrated this in... march? 1494681;1467431888;asciilifeform;and anyway you can't use symmetric key that could be pulled from the binary by adversary to any useful end. 1494682;1467431983;phf;you will have that problem with any form of crypto. if your binary is compromised it's compromised (ignoring fancy techniques of avoiding compromise) 1494683;1467432003;asciilifeform;revealed pubkey is not a compromise. 1494684;1467432014;thestringpuller;isn't the point of V to prevent compromised binaries? 1494685;1467432019;asciilifeform;revealed symmetric key - game over 1494686;1467432021;phf;so is a symmetric key if you have unique symmetric key for each pairing 1494687;1467432036;phf;"but own key for each vm to vm pairing" 1494688;1467432038;asciilifeform;phf: and how do you accomplish this 1494689;1467432062;asciilifeform;for one thing, 'pairing' is undefined 1494690;1467432099;asciilifeform;nodes can have no meaningful identity other than pubkeys. 1494691;1467432119;asciilifeform;just like wot folks. 1494692;1467432147;phf;asciilifeform: same way as you do with wot folks. you state who you are, then prove it with a sig 1494693;1467432190;asciilifeform;thing is, anon randos don't and can't have 'whos' 1494694;1467432230;phf;well, that's going back to your "not a single byte" unless crypto 1494695;1467432278;phf;but that's unimplementable constraint. anon rando can send you a well crafted pubkey that is bogus, and you will only know it's bogus after you finished your read 1494696;1467432330;asciilifeform;the important thing is that usg's 1,000,000,001 emulated uci sybils should have no bearing on the workings of genuine nodez. 1494697;1467432350;asciilifeform;and - ideally - succumb to doing some useful work on their own as well. 1494698;1467432495;mircea_popescu;phf nothing wrong with whitelist access. 1494699;1467432506;mircea_popescu;you want contact to my uci interface, we agree in advance, and i whitelist your key. 1494700;1467432508;phf;in order to do that you need crypto where each individual byte in a stream carries enough information to make a decision there and then. so you send a byte packet and have a 1/256 change of going to next byte 1494701;1467432535;asciilifeform;but yes, the only topologies i know of for this are the traditional star, with 'signed by fuhrer - blob runs, no - not' or ... reimplementing bitcoin 1494702;1467432555;phf;otherwise you have to read the whole thing before you can make a decision whether or not whole thing is bogus 1494703;1467432569;asciilifeform;phf: reading is cheap. 1494704;1467432569;mircea_popescu;reimplementing bitcoin is not the end of the world anyway. the extant version is crap. 1494705;1467432598;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: reimplementing eth would be sad tho. 1494706;1467432604;mircea_popescu;definitely. 1494707;1467432621;asciilifeform;and certainly not 100kB of sad.. 1494708;1467432721;mircea_popescu;of course, if you read the java-esque nightmare that "solidity" is, reimplementing eth as a small emu thing would benefit it immensely. 1494709;1467432731;mircea_popescu;hard to do when there's nobody with a clue in "the team", obv. 1494710;1467432756;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the sewer rats cannot abide small, simple things 1494711;1467432766;mircea_popescu;or things that work. 1494712;1467432768;asciilifeform;where do you hide a nest in that?! 1494713;1467432773;phf;each slave vm gets a random int id and a symmetric key, master store int<->symmetric key in a binary tree. packet comes in , you get the symmetric key for int and use it to verify sig 1494714;1467432797;mircea_popescu;phf what's this symmetric key fixation ? 1494715;1467432804;asciilifeform;^ 1494716;1467432821;phf;mircea_popescu: it's actually pretty immaterial, public key crypto doesn't buy you anything in this case 1494717;1467432827;mircea_popescu;how do you reason 1494718;1467432831;mircea_popescu;-V motherfuckers! 1494719;1467432846;asciilifeform;phf: it buys you fuhrer-to-swarm broadcast 1494720;1467432863;asciilifeform;instead of 100000000 fuhrer-to-slave dispatches 1494721;1467432869;asciilifeform;srsly 1494722;1467432885;asciilifeform;so far this is kindergarten botronics 1494723;1467432892;mircea_popescu;fine example in the logs today ; http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494280 1494724;1467432892;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 15:42 mircea_popescu: diana_coman hanbot trinque phf bingoboingo mod6 danielpbarron asciilifeform davout jurov http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/d38a9d86-a5a6-4597-86b6-6436d08597d1/?raw=true btw. 1494725;1467432903;phf;asciilifeform: you're more attached to dismissing symmetric, then i am to preserving it 1494726;1467432903;mircea_popescu;this only exists because asym crypto. 1494727;1467432915;phf;but your original objections were not about broadcast! 1494728;1467432936;asciilifeform;phf: so they weren't. 1494729;1467432947;phf;so i'm just trying to understand better the original objections 1494730;1467432981;ben_vulpes;stantronics: never fight on one front when you can establish five 1494731;1467432988;asciilifeform;'why not eat broken glass?' '1) dun taste so good 2) ......' 1494732;1467433015;phf;why not eat broken glass 2) .... 1) dun taste so good 1494733;1467433019;phf;is the actual order of events 1494734;1467433050;phf;your thinking about 2) seems to be sloppy, but 1) is a ~point~, so no further discussion is required 1494735;1467433053;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes he's russian whadda ya want. 1494736;1467433067;mircea_popescu;phf it also happens to be my point :D 1494737;1467433073;ben_vulpes;trilema is as swampy as any russian battlefield 1494738;1467433075;ben_vulpes;and then as cold 1494739;1467433082;ben_vulpes;and then swampy again 1494740;1467433084;mircea_popescu;darn! 1494741;1467433101;asciilifeform;cold xor swamp 1494742;1467433109;ben_vulpes;it's a compliment! natural defenses abound. 1494743;1467433111;mircea_popescu;= oil 1494744;1467433167;ben_vulpes;so the security model is still completely up in the air then. 1494745;1467433179;mircea_popescu;pretty much 1494746;1467433224;phf;well, the point of the conversation seems to be for asciilifeform to make sure everyone knows that they are idiots :> 1494747;1467433236;asciilifeform;l0l 1494748;1467433246;mircea_popescu;lmao 1494749;1467433249;ben_vulpes;> kindergarten botronics 1494750;1467433276;asciilifeform;so far i also feel foolish because unable to come up with any serious improvement over traditional 20th c chumpnet. 1494751;1467433306;asciilifeform;where the magic privkey is central throne of failure. 1494752;1467433311;mircea_popescu;(which is how this works, when my disintersted luddite view humiliates him he lashes out) 1494753;1467433372;ben_vulpes;and is the harnessing chumpnet thing still design vision and not people with real hardware to lease? 1494754;1467433378;asciilifeform;thus far i can't offer anything but same stone knife and bear skin mircea_popescu offers. 1494755;1467433386;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes how do you mean ? 1494756;1467433459;ben_vulpes;proggy with advanced c/c discovery routines etc vs. much simpler thing one compiles and installs on boxes under ones physical control 1494757;1467433484;mircea_popescu;i dunno how to extract a sentence out of your last two lines. 1494758;1467433490;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: you already have that latter one 1494759;1467433496;asciilifeform;ssh 1494760;1467433519;ben_vulpes;the 'lovers army' 1494761;1467433526;asciilifeform;snore. 1494762;1467433531;ben_vulpes;army of lovers, w/e 1494763;1467433579;mircea_popescu;that's 4 now. 1494764;1467433610;mircea_popescu;everyone hates a verb ;/ 1494765;1467433708;asciilifeform;it is worth thinking about wtf the point of uci was 1494766;1467433760;mircea_popescu;there's no point in the sense of "this is what we're trying to accomplish". there's a few drivers ; and logically some likely outcomes. should i enumerate ? 1494767;1467433824;asciilifeform;'The goal of TMSR as far as computing is concerned is to deploy a cheap, effectual, networked computing interface that can not be disrupted significantly under any circumstances by any adversary for whatever reason.' 1494768;1467433835;asciilifeform;was there moar? 1494769;1467433861;mircea_popescu;that's a different (and much lower) level of the discussion. was that your target ? 1494770;1467433899;asciilifeform;i was wondering what we want it to do, that can later not be disrupted etc. 1494771;1467433908;asciilifeform;what the useful payload is. 1494772;1467433919;mircea_popescu;yeah, you're mixing teh levels. lemme rant for a while. 1494773;1467433928;*;asciilifeform tunes in 1494774;1467433937;*;ben_vulpes looks for davouts popcorn 1494775;1467434068;mircea_popescu;so, strategically, we (as in, humans, people, we) are confronted with an adversary (ie, socialist state, usg, aliens, the devil incarnate, pure evil, etc) that predicates its relevancy upon targeted computing denial (see http://trilema.com/2014/the-problem-of-enforcement/ ; and also http://trilema.com/2015/mika-epstein-aka-ipstenu-is-a-thoroughly-clueless-poser/ re the ddos "we won't fix" and so on ) 1494776;1467434127;mircea_popescu;practically, bitcoin has shown, and before that theoretical considerations have indicated and predicted, at various levels of abstraction, that computing will commodify. moreover, the adversary itself is creating an eth to this particular bitcoin - they call it "the cloud". 1494777;1467434149;mircea_popescu;from these it necessarily follows that tmsr must make a correct commodization interface for computing resources. 1494778;1467434174;mircea_popescu;that's one level. and it informs the practical definition of uci, an implementation thereof, as you quote it. 1494779;1467434227;asciilifeform;it remains possible that 'cloud' == 'rent out space inside your nose' , though. 1494780;1467434232;mircea_popescu;if correctly executed, this will result in sugar, spice and everything nice necessarily. not just denying the adversary the one pasture it truly needs ; but importantly http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494660 1494781;1467434232;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 03:50 mircea_popescu: HOWEVER, it will create, if successful, a ready way to resolve http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492111 and such problems. 1494782;1467434265;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it remains possible, yes. review your objection re "spamming reddit", which is exactly the same principle at work in a smaller snowglobe. their swarm of pinoy breed there, right ? pasture. 1494783;1467434307;asciilifeform;for one thing, no machines outside of my house can carry out the functions of 1 machine inside. various reasons - cryptohygiene, speed of light, reliability. 1494784;1467434323;asciilifeform;imho 'cloud' is ~crud. 1494785;1467434333;mircea_popescu;i am in general more than happy to go into "don't interrupt - mistake" mode, whenever i know this to be the case. 1494786;1467434341;mircea_popescu;here, i don't know this to be the case, moreover i suspect otherwise. 1494787;1467434365;mircea_popescu;(no, i've no proof, nor signature, etc etc) 1494788;1467434370;asciilifeform;lel 1494789;1467434375;mircea_popescu;for srsly. 1494790;1467434499;asciilifeform;1024 chickens cannot replace my ox, now or ever, for perfectly fundamental physical reasons. which does not mean that the chickens cannot propel some cart, somewhere, in approx correct direction. 1494791;1467434537;asciilifeform;but http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492111 is neither here nor there. 1494792;1467434537;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 15:09 asciilifeform: 'when DEC Alpha existed, did you motherfuckers buy?? no?? have fun' 1494793;1467434717;asciilifeform;it is also worth noting why chickens appear to work so well for the tard crowd 1494794;1467434744;asciilifeform;it is because their crud doesn't actually need to work! 1494795;1467434758;asciilifeform;aws lost the disk? no tears! 1494796;1467434784;asciilifeform;it isn't as if the random rubytardation was connected to a reactor that will melt down now. 1494797;1467434820;asciilifeform;more likely than not, the creator of the atrocity will even continue to get paid, while the crater smoulders 1494798;1467434831;asciilifeform;so nobody gives half a fuck. 1494799;1467434843;asciilifeform;not so for actual people. 1494800;1467434877;asciilifeform;who MUST get 4 when they 2+2, every single time, and within 1ns, hell or high water 1494801;1467434921;asciilifeform;or satellite loses orbit, reactor melts, privkey bits leak, cats fuck dogs, ragnarok. 1494802;1467434986;asciilifeform;'cloud' works for certain specific purposes, like ddos, where the malfeasance of any number of individual drones has 0 consequence. 1494803;1467435015;asciilifeform;anywhere else, it readily breaks down into barf 1494804;1467435066;asciilifeform;like rotting racoon on a hot summer road, it is ok dinner for ants, but not for us... 1494805;1467435246;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform consider the implications of what you are arguing. if your idea of "irreplaceable home box" stands, this necessarily reduces to fortresses, armies and dirigibles. a world which happens to exclude a lot of people 1494806;1467435250;mircea_popescu;first on the list, you. 1494807;1467435284;asciilifeform;do i need dirigible to have fork in my kitchen ? 1494808;1467435295;asciilifeform;fork is also not cloudizable. 1494809;1467435298;mircea_popescu;to have a fork obama can't confiscate ? yes. 1494810;1467435313;asciilifeform;obama can confiscate my liver. 1494811;1467435319;asciilifeform;not only fork. 1494812;1467435320;mircea_popescu;hence the problem. 1494813;1467435344;asciilifeform;not solvable by trying to outsource liver to 1024 chinese. 1494814;1467435359;mircea_popescu;this is an open matter. 1494815;1467435388;asciilifeform;if he homomorphic thing existed, i would be inclined to agree with mircea_popescu 1494816;1467435396;asciilifeform;but afaik it does not. 1494817;1467435409;asciilifeform;*the h 1494818;1467435545;asciilifeform;at any rate i was excluded from various things, like felt top hats, long ago, and will doubtless be excluded from other nice things, like forks and livers, in the future, but it does not follow that random rubbish now logically substitutes for the missing items. 1494819;1467435557;mircea_popescu;certainly not. 1494820;1467435624;mircea_popescu;in any case, the fork example is miserable. fork is commodity item and thus cloudized already. if obama steals your fork you go to chinese shitshop across street buy replacement. 1494821;1467435631;mircea_popescu;if you could only eat at versailles, you'd be fucked. 1494822;1467435634;thestringpuller;didn't realize daniel krawwisz was a brony...makes a lot of sense tho 1494823;1467435643;mircea_popescu;which is why louis tried to convince the idiots they can only TRULY eat at versailles. 1494824;1467435645;mircea_popescu;it worked! 1494825;1467435650;asciilifeform;cpu is cheaper to reproduce than steel fork. 1494826;1467435652;mircea_popescu;testement to just how fucking stupid people are. 1494827;1467435669;asciilifeform;it is really only a photograph. 1494828;1467435689;mircea_popescu;eh. this is not a discussion of metaphysics. 1494829;1467435708;asciilifeform;and 'can go across street and buy new one' != 'cloudized' ! 1494830;1467435714;asciilifeform;not same at all 1494831;1467435732;asciilifeform;the fork i eat with is physics 1494832;1467435736;asciilifeform;Lly local 1494833;1467435742;asciilifeform;physically local 1494834;1467435761;mircea_popescu; cpu is cheaper to reproduce than steel fork it is really only a photograph. eh. this is not a discussion of metaphysics. 1494835;1467435764;asciilifeform;and does not need to plug into a tap of forktronium from external world 1494836;1467435786;mircea_popescu;forget the fork, and generally what is this slop! 1494837;1467436004;asciilifeform;i dun find electrical communism, where i somehow need some derps across the town to add my own 2+2 and save the result, any more appealing than the other kinds. 1494838;1467436046;asciilifeform;all kolhoz is equally bovinizing. 1494839;1467436152;asciilifeform;it is bad enough that we use mains grid. 1494840;1467436174;asciilifeform;(and recall, sane folk dream of abolishing such thing, not cementing it) 1494841;1467436193;asciilifeform;$s pebble reactor 1494842;1467436194;a111;2 results for "pebble reactor", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pebble%20reactor 1494843;1467436260;mircea_popescu;methinks you're modeling this wrongly. 1494844;1467436280;mircea_popescu;that i have the option to fuck any woman in town does in no conceivable way reduce to me being married to every woman that ever lived. 1494845;1467436290;mircea_popescu;it is in fact the exact opposite thereof. anthropology attests to this point. 1494846;1467436316;asciilifeform;walk me through the connection ? 1494847;1467436327;mircea_popescu;there's no "you need some derps across town to add your own 2+2" ; but instead "from the fact that you added 2+2 eve can't discern where the fuck you did it" 1494848;1467436342;mircea_popescu;anonimity - not for the poor. but for the tools! 1494849;1467436367;asciilifeform;we dun have the tech for 'can't discern' 1494850;1467436380;asciilifeform;any of it. 1494851;1467436403;mircea_popescu;to an alarming degree, which passes for "normal" in the mind of derps like rms, because it's common and he's confused, computing IS ALREADY TIVOIZED 1494852;1467436418;mircea_popescu;there isn't much in common between computer and hammer. 1494853;1467436432;asciilifeform;elaborate? 1494854;1467436465;mircea_popescu;you can't convict without body BECAUSE the "this hammer points at you, mr alf" is a sham ; and known as such, and for a long time. 1494855;1467436485;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, most modern "law enforcement" by mass is "this computer points at you mr alf". which is rank nonsense, and must go away. 1494856;1467436521;asciilifeform;it will vanish with the muppet audience, and not before 1494857;1467436545;mircea_popescu;contrary to what democratic idiots like to think, and keep affirming, the beoble has exactly no impact on history. 1494858;1467436546;asciilifeform;'she floated, therefore witch' also 'worked'. 1494859;1467436588;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform understand the problem with the pretense : sword cuts both ways, before you know it, i'm using it to cut their heads. 1494860;1467436602;mircea_popescu;pretense isn't the problem here. 1494861;1467436612;asciilifeform;they never seem to run out of heads tho 1494862;1467436619;mircea_popescu;nor i. 1494863;1467436646;mircea_popescu;"i fuck my wife every morn and every evening, she's not yet run out of cunt". what if she had ?! 1494864;1467436673;asciilifeform;we had a cp thread iirc 1494865;1467436684;mircea_popescu;cp = ? 1494866;1467436734;asciilifeform;where i noted that 'jailed for child pr0nz' only EVER happens to folks who a) need to have problemz b) plebe meat to keep the blades greased 1494867;1467436749;mircea_popescu;point remains : the "we don't know which physical object maps to the logical object called " bit worked, even in the "look but don't touch" version displayed by tor. in fact - it was the bait in that trap. 1494868;1467436752;asciilifeform;and never, e.g., obummer 1494869;1467436764;mircea_popescu;now, time to make a day of it, and the bait a full wedding meal. 1494870;1467436793;asciilifeform;tor never worked tho 1494871;1467436808;mircea_popescu;tor never worked, but THE "we don't know which physical object maps to the logical object called " BIT did! 1494872;1467436816;mircea_popescu;EVEN omfg i gotta spell what i say out for you ? 1494873;1467436822;asciilifeform;except that hitler knew 1494874;1467436831;mircea_popescu;EVEN in the "look but don't touch" version displayed. ye ken ? 1494875;1467436839;asciilifeform;and all the folks who believed that he didn't, are ~dead now 1494876;1467436855;mircea_popescu;... 1494877;1467436862;asciilifeform;what does '.. but don't touch' mean? 1494878;1467436873;asciilifeform;i' clearly missing sumthing 1494879;1467436901;mircea_popescu;let's try a comparison, to clear this up. so : capacitive display, as seen in ipad, is inherently cool. the capacitive display would be the "can't phyisically identify box running server". 1494880;1467436926;mircea_popescu;now, the tor would be "ipad", except a peculiar sort that does not in fact work. 1494881;1467436942;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, people still line up to buy it, and go crazy about it, and on and on. EVEN THOUGH nobody actually got to take one home, 1494882;1467436950;mircea_popescu;but it was merely displayed, chinese mangos style. 1494883;1467436960;asciilifeform;perpetuum mobile ? 1494884;1467436961;mircea_popescu;the fact that the ipad as such doesn't exist and never worked 1494885;1467437012;mircea_popescu;has exactly no bearing on the fact that the capacitive display actually works, conceptually. 1494886;1467437038;mircea_popescu;this make sense nao ? 1494887;1467437058;asciilifeform;so posited. eeexcept in this case there was no display, no eternally turning wheel, but some dwarf hidden in the mechanism was turning a crank 1494888;1467437092;mircea_popescu;the fact that the purportedly observed behaviour, EVEN IF FAKED, still violates no physics laws is now out of the bag. 1494889;1467437099;mircea_popescu;the race is on to reproduce it without faking. 1494890;1467437103;asciilifeform;nobody actually invented the working thing tor purported to be. 1494891;1467437130;mircea_popescu;but the concept of "a method which does not allow mapping of physical resources to logical resources by third party" DOES work. 1494892;1467437138;asciilifeform;and yes, it is on. i personally watched usg blow ~50mil on homomorphicola, to 0 result. 1494893;1467437154;mircea_popescu;they're going about it wrong. as usual. 1494894;1467437157;asciilifeform;probably it spent 100x that if you count the black efforts also. 1494895;1467437167;mircea_popescu;the botnets are a lot closer to the result, in practice, than usg ever got. 1494896;1467437178;mircea_popescu;much like bitcoin etc etc. 1494897;1467437203;asciilifeform;they don't actually solve the problem. 1494898;1467437237;mircea_popescu;your notion of "actually solve the problem" oft shipwrecks on metaphysical shores. 1494899;1467437253;mircea_popescu;eating also "doesn't solve the problem". 1494900;1467437265;asciilifeform;bot nodes can and often do get successfully forensically raped and point straight to c&c throne, which, ditto 1494901;1467437276;mircea_popescu;dumbass topology. 1494902;1467437301;asciilifeform;it is forced by nat, to a large extent. 1494903;1467437302;mircea_popescu;the failure of single men to matter is not to be construed as saying anything about the abilities and capacities of hordes with herds in tow. 1494904;1467437350;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, that's the convenient excuse. it is forced by the fact that "botmaster" === "pimply idiot with no social insertion". 1494905;1467437360;mircea_popescu;ie, can't wot. 1494906;1467437380;asciilifeform;how does wot solve nat ? 1494907;1467437408;asciilifeform;as we have it, 99%+ of chump boxes can't get inbound ~anything. 1494908;1467437409;mircea_popescu;define "nat". 1494909;1467437417;asciilifeform;this forces a star topology. 1494910;1467437418;mircea_popescu;why do we care re chump boxes ? 1494911;1467437436;mircea_popescu;and star can mean many things. 1494912;1467437451;asciilifeform;because the number of voluntary boxes is 3? 1494913;1467437496;mircea_popescu;and you know this through massaging your prostate until a number squirts out ? 1494914;1467437514;asciilifeform;we dun even have 3 reliable trb nodez. 1494915;1467437524;asciilifeform;that's how. 1494916;1467437530;mircea_popescu;stop mixing shit against entropy flow. you don't give the first of a flying fuck about the number 3. you're wrtiting code, it may not contain magic numbers. 1494917;1467437563;asciilifeform;point being that 'lover army' sums to 0 if you want 'unattributable computing' etc. 1494918;1467437563;mircea_popescu;if it's right it's right and if it's wrong it's wrong. a statistical argument may not decide this. it'll be just as wrong with 3 billion and just as right with 0. 1494919;1467437574;mircea_popescu;that's not even a point. 1494920;1467437588;asciilifeform;it works with 100 rapees but not with 200 lovers. 1494921;1467437599;mircea_popescu;for it to be a point it'd have to be constructed out of things that may exist in the same sentence, which it isn't. 1494922;1467437608;asciilifeform;the involuntary participation is key. 1494923;1467437630;mircea_popescu;you've not defined "involuntary participation" in such a way as to put it in this soup and prove anything. 1494924;1467437636;mircea_popescu;go ahead, i'll listen. 1494925;1467437675;asciilifeform;per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494891 1494926;1467437675;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 05:25 mircea_popescu: but the concept of "a method which does not allow mapping of physical resources to logical resources by third party" DOES work. 1494927;1467437709;mircea_popescu; please make whole sentences. include the verbs, and the nouns, and so on. 1494928;1467437799;asciilifeform;unless i catastrophically misunderstand, the point of 'can't connect event with physical box' is to make usg inquisitions prohibitively expensive 1494929;1467437808;mircea_popescu;there is not a point in this sense. 1494930;1467437829;asciilifeform;i.e. they were not able to confiscate and search every box in ipv4 space to see which was sr 1494931;1467437851;asciilifeform;(if tor actually worked, they would have had to, or to give up) 1494932;1467437874;mircea_popescu;actually, i don't think our scheme necessarily allows to know WHICH it was even if you confiscate them all. 1494933;1467437877;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if not this, then what? 1494934;1467437886;mircea_popescu;heck, bitbet didn't keep logs. confiscate all you want. was it a timely enough confiscation ? 1494935;1467437901;asciilifeform;upstream had logs!111 1494936;1467437918;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can try and push the conversation in your "the purpose is X" scheme all you want ; it won't go there, because, again, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494929 1494937;1467437918;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 05:36 mircea_popescu: there is not a point in this sense. 1494938;1467437932;asciilifeform;the reasonable supposition is that all plaintext going a kilometre or longer outdoors is logged. 1494939;1467437953;mircea_popescu;that may be. 1494940;1467437971;asciilifeform;ergo 'bbet logged' 1494941;1467437975;mircea_popescu;mno. 1494942;1467437999;asciilifeform;now i'm lost 1494943;1467438012;mircea_popescu;"all things were preordained by god - ergo bbet logged". 1494944;1467438015;mircea_popescu;wtf is this. 1494945;1467438093;asciilifeform;y'know, my toilet doesn't log, but if flush a blended corpse down it, it is not so difficult to prove later, where it went. 1494946;1467438104;asciilifeform;same idea here, 1494947;1467438107;asciilifeform;. 1494948;1467438114;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494934 1494949;1467438114;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 05:38 mircea_popescu: heck, bitbet didn't keep logs. confiscate all you want. was it a timely enough confiscation ? 1494950;1467438117;mircea_popescu;~timely~ 1494951;1467438141;asciilifeform;this - possibly. 1494952;1467438162;mircea_popescu;so no, you fake your absolutes. flush blender corpse all you want ; maybe something can be proven later. but there's no guarantee. 1494953;1467438200;asciilifeform;for fuxxsake usg long ago dispensed with absolutes re evidential standards 1494954;1467438209;mircea_popescu;that has no bearing. 1494955;1467438218;mircea_popescu;i'm not about to import usg.retardation for any reason. 1494956;1467438218;asciilifeform;most cp convictions, say, are ~= witch trial 1494957;1467438222;mircea_popescu;so ? 1494958;1467438248;mircea_popescu;there isn't a purpose, how hard is this to grok ? 1494959;1467438252;asciilifeform;so who is the target of the obfuscatron ? malevolent martians? 1494960;1467438255;asciilifeform;not usg? 1494961;1467438256;mircea_popescu;whether it does x or does y is indifferent. 1494962;1467438262;mircea_popescu;there IS NO TARGET 1494963;1467438302;asciilifeform;'i have this pistol because IT IS HUGE mutherfackerz' 1494964;1467438312;mircea_popescu;i get it, you've lived a life dealing with people who want a certain thing to come out of babbage's machine. fine. 1494965;1467438325;mircea_popescu;i don't care what comes out of it. just as long as the process is correct, come what may will be fine. 1494966;1467438370;asciilifeform;but how do you build correct process pistol without some notion of target ? is it on land? under water? armoured? etc 1494967;1467438385;mircea_popescu;you build correct pistol. 1494968;1467438392;mircea_popescu;rather than merely adequate pistol. 1494969;1467438401;asciilifeform;correct takes 1494970;1467438421;asciilifeform;correct on land is not correct under water, and vice versa 1494971;1467438432;asciilifeform;(seen underwater kalash?) 1494972;1467438488;asciilifeform;and a chimera that tries to work in both land and water, is correct nowhere. 1494973;1467438524;mircea_popescu;lousy engineering. 1494974;1467438536;mircea_popescu;correctness here is dna, not a chunk of bent metal. 1494975;1467438582;mircea_popescu;and correct takes argument, yes, but in the form of... parents. like amoeba, like urmom, like v and like everything else built to last. 1494976;1467438587;asciilifeform;we laugh at usg's submarine-tankoplane. 1494977;1467438646;asciilifeform;it is very easy for undifferentiated, amorphous chunks of possibility to appear 'correct everywhere' 1494978;1467438678;mircea_popescu;notice that if there's something that ruined computing, it's the switch from "we're building computers" to "we would like the secretaries to typeset on these". 1494979;1467438682;asciilifeform;but in actual physical world, when it is time to shoot a frogman you do it with proper chunk of bent metal. 1494980;1467438691;asciilifeform;not with dna. 1494981;1467438694;mircea_popescu;maybe i do it with a ion gun, for all you know. 1494982;1467438699;mircea_popescu;maybe i shoot him with my penis. 1494983;1467438727;mircea_popescu;anyway. the physical metaphore for computing is shitty, and has definitely outlived its usefulness. 1494984;1467438777;asciilifeform;last i checked computing, like shooting, was still something we do on sadly physical and very limited contraptions. 1494985;1467438784;mircea_popescu;code is not things, which is why whether i;d download a car or not has no fucking bearing on that discussion. 1494986;1467438822;asciilifeform;the folks who try to mathematicize away the physicalities, end up urbiting. 1494987;1467438836;mircea_popescu;everyone swallowed the inept broken premises whole, to debate the end point. fucking hell. nevermind if you'd download a car or not. CODE IS NOT CARS! 1494988;1467438884;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and folks who want to know "what purpose" the program is supposed to serve end up writing openssh ; and fifty years later still wallow without proper crypto. 1494989;1467438942;mircea_popescu;the only difference being that folks who abstract end up urbiting only if idiots, and choose to do so ; whereas folks who think program is a car and internet a truck end up with openssh and junk-o-rama no matter what they want, or do, or even understand. 1494990;1467438952;mircea_popescu;they already lost their sanity when put cart before horse. 1494991;1467439044;asciilifeform;anyway i dun actually disagree with mircea_popescu re 'delocalized computing is spiffy'. simply must pointout that we ~don't have it~ and that all of the proposed mechanisms put us no closer to it. 1494992;1467439060;asciilifeform;it is quite like, e.g., tokamak for fusion. 1494993;1467439075;mircea_popescu;yeah well, it is my notion that the proposed scheme, while sinfully vague, is a better prototype for it than anything else available. 1494994;1467439083;mircea_popescu;but i do not propose it's usable as is by any means. 1494995;1467439099;asciilifeform;already largely implemented by classical botnets. 1494996;1467439116;asciilifeform;nobody's creaming his pants re prospect of comouting with them. 1494997;1467439127;asciilifeform;*computing 1494998;1467439139;mircea_popescu;i don't see much of a problem. 1494999;1467439168;asciilifeform;take simple example 1495000;1467439173;asciilifeform;the 8ball. 1495001;1467439198;asciilifeform;show me how to compute it on N boxes, some of which may be malign. 1495002;1467439386;asciilifeform;'seti@home' et al approach the problem by burning the lion's share of cycles on verification/duplication. 1495003;1467439400;asciilifeform;and still end up resorting to obfuscating the client 1495004;1467439408;asciilifeform;and other idiocies 1495005;1467439836;mircea_popescu;eh, that's not contemplated. your objection is like saying "bitcoin is not the solution because my hairdresser doens't take it". 1495006;1467439853;mircea_popescu;take the obvious example : the reddit thing. can i do it on n boxes, indiferently ? 1495007;1467439882;asciilifeform;it - yes 1495008;1467439895;mircea_popescu;and while i have no doubt seti@home are imbeciles, nevertheless the problem is well solved. voting etc. 1495009;1467439900;asciilifeform;i was addressing the 'replace my comp' aspect 1495010;1467439907;asciilifeform;mno. 1495011;1467439916;asciilifeform;something gotta count the votez 1495012;1467439917;mircea_popescu;"replacing your computer" takes time. 1495013;1467439922;mircea_popescu;cars replaced horses over a century. 1495014;1467439933;asciilifeform;beetles, note, did not. 1495015;1467439942;asciilifeform;why not!111 1495016;1467439954;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? 1495017;1467439963;asciilifeform;i bet 500kg of beetle is cheaper than horse 1495018;1467439972;asciilifeform;and less failure-prone 1495019;1467439989;mircea_popescu;how the everfuck is this germane. 1495020;1467439996;asciilifeform;entirely 1495021;1467440006;ben_vulpes;'1024 chickens' 1495022;1467440046;asciilifeform;now i must sleep a bit, expedition to the bmore epicentre tomorrow, but i will return to this. 1495023;1467440095;mircea_popescu;dude. i gave you an example of cars and horses to explain how TECHNOLOGY IS REPLACED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE FRUIT TREE UP 1495024;1467440127;mircea_popescu;you're not at liberty to freely migrate this into some crazy shit on a stick like we're doing free word association in the mental patient yard. 1495025;1467440163;mircea_popescu;obviously, X arbitrary usecase is going to be higher hanging fruit than Y. so what the fuck of it, this is always the case. 1495026;1467440190;mircea_popescu;i'm not required to show you a 1980s mercedes sedan in 1882 to explain why the fuck cars are a thing. 1495027;1467440222;asciilifeform;'replace asciilifeform's comp with 10,000 bots' != 'replace horse with car.' but == 'replace horse with 500kg of insect on strings' 1495028;1467440224;mircea_popescu;"trains will never work because are too loud" sort of nonsense. 1495029;1467440242;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're the only one discussing the replacing of your computer. 1495030;1467440302;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494805 << ? 1495031;1467440302;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 04:54 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform consider the implications of what you are arguing. if your idea of "irreplaceable home box" stands, this necessarily reduces to fortresses, armies and dirigibles. a world which happens to exclude a lot of people 1495032;1467440313;mircea_popescu;so ? 1495033;1467440338;mircea_popescu;this is neither here nor there, inconvenient as it may be, it has no more bearing on uci than it has on hypocaloric diets. 1495034;1467440359;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494780 << start of thread 1495035;1467440359;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 04:37 mircea_popescu: if correctly executed, this will result in sugar, spice and everything nice necessarily. not just denying the adversary the one pasture it truly needs ; but importantly http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1494660 1495036;1467440367;asciilifeform;'dec alpha' etc 1495037;1467440374;mircea_popescu;neither of these are "replace your computer". 1495038;1467440436;*;asciilifeform bbl, will soon fall down 1495039;1467440443;mircea_popescu;laters. 1495040;1467467279;asciilifeform;http://beyondnumbers.lvablog.com/2014/11/18/how-casinos-cheat-part-ii-heads-i-win-tails-you-lose << lulzy 1495041;1467467435;shinohai;https://github.com/bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org/issues/1325 1495042;1467467519;asciilifeform;p40gr3555555555!!!!!!!!!!! 1495043;1467467621;shinohai;Rewriting the whitepaper will fix everything. 1495044;1467467887;mircea_popescu;to continue yest's convo : 1495045;1467467925;mircea_popescu;the train example is very much illustrative. there is no purpose to trains! trains exist because of the following conversation : "hey, this steam engine is pretty neat, but is it always stationary ?" "i guess you could add a rail to it..." "hmmmm". 1495046;1467467963;mircea_popescu;that's it. it exists BECAUSE you could add a rail to a steam engine. it doesn't exist TO anything, for all anyone cares it could be to go to the moon or washington as well as better circle the wagons or hunt mountain goats. 1495047;1467468003;mircea_popescu;and in this context there exists a correctness, "what do we make the rail out of ?" "well, minimum mass of functional steam engine is 1 ton, so i guess something rigid enough ; but also can't be friable must be ductile. 1495048;1467468015;mircea_popescu;"oh so no cement, collected baby teeth, braided hay or glass then!" 1495049;1467468031;mircea_popescu;"no, gotta be metal" "silver ?" no, abundant" "then iron is the correct substance" "So it is!" 1495050;1467468082;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, considerations of "abstract thinkers" who are really metaphysicians, such as "will people be able to breathe ???" are not to be considered. if they are they live if they are not they die. nobody cares. whether leika comes back down or not is not a point of consideration in the soviet space programme. 1495051;1467468129;mircea_popescu;on the other hand, considerations of powers that wanna be, who really aren't, such as cixi wanting it to be "quiter than x" or hilary clinton wanting it to "not destroy usg because the us understood as usg was always great" will also not be considered. 1495052;1467468142;mircea_popescu;neither of these two form part of correctness ; the consideration of material strength above does. 1495053;1467468159;mircea_popescu;so no, no "correct for x". there is a "correct of y" and that's the whole of the law. 1495054;1467468520;mircea_popescu;( http://change.com/int/leika-2.html the dog in question, for they unfamiliar with 20th century history) 1495055;1467468739;mircea_popescu; http://time.com/3546215/laika-1957/ << also interested for idiotologists, because of the references to imbecile ustardian press of the 50s, and exact unchanged restatement half a century later. truly nothing has changed in our colonies on the indian plains. 1495056;1467468799;mircea_popescu;apparently a bare tits floor cleanner / anthropologist named jennifer latson actually believes what "the press at the time" said is a source of truth ; and worth the mention other than derisively. 1495057;1467468929;mircea_popescu;and speaking of jennifers : i can report partial data on a multi-year research project. of the "internet demographic" (under 30, poor, intelligent, educated, ambitious - the sort that supplies the seo experts, hackers, camwhores etc), 93% (of 2274) males and 2% (of 741) females actually heard of bitcoin. 1495058;1467468963;asciilifeform;they also heard of neutrino. 1495059;1467468976;mircea_popescu;women are by their nature stupid, there's no way to argue with the data. they'll do great on confucian-style government exams and nowhere else. especially nowhere it matters, such as you know, "the carpet has just been pulled from under clinton and it's not coming back, you know who pulled it ?" 1495060;1467468977;asciilifeform;how many can say anything actionable about either. 1495061;1467468992;mircea_popescu;ask a guy, "mircea popescu", ask a gal, "jennifer latson???" 1495062;1467469006;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you saying it doesn't matter ? 1495063;1467469020;mircea_popescu;~0, % or no %, can say anything actionable about either, or anything else. 1495064;1467469048;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: also, lajka 1495065;1467469060;mircea_popescu;yaya 1495066;1467469073;mircea_popescu;don't make me load my koi! 1495067;1467470197;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1495045 << can't resist this invitation: first railroads were horse-drawn 1495068;1467470197;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 13:58 mircea_popescu: the train example is very much illustrative. there is no purpose to trains! trains exist because of the following conversation : "hey, this steam engine is pretty neat, but is it always stationary ?" "i guess you could add a rail to it..." "hmmmm". 1495069;1467470218;asciilifeform;and had pretty obvious 'purpose' - 'wouldntcha like to go faster on this set of horse' 1495070;1467470222;asciilifeform;faster/longer. 1495071;1467470297;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1495072;1467470298;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1495073;1467470329;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494383 < not presently, because http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-18#1409864 1495074;1467470329;a111;Logged on 2016-02-18 22:21 gabriel_laddel: I have a few obligations to take care of here in the US first. 1495075;1467470329;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 19:32 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494313 << wait, i'm confused. you... live in buenos aires ? 1495076;1467470351;gabriel_laddel; What I had intended to say was: I'm on the hunt for products that are difficult to create in the ussa because of the supergay laws, or the interactions between the supergay laws and the situation in the field (ie, why one cannot make automated turrets to defend one's $100/month flat in the hood == the feds). 1495077;1467470433;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: Speaking of which, why is it so difficult to get 'stuff' into BA? If I wanted to ship in a bunch of computer parts and undercut the Uruguay competition (computers reportedly cost 2x what they do in the states because ??) the issues would be what exactly? 1495078;1467470474;gabriel_laddel;(am assuming I'd be able to ship in parts to BA, assemble them into machines and then take a ferry and sell in MTV) 1495079;1467470838;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1495076 << yer still thinking like a young fella, i.e. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-11#1465891 1495080;1467470838;a111;Logged on 2016-05-11 19:33 mircea_popescu: fwiw, young males that aren't entirely dumb go almost universally through this phase of "fantasy busienss" where they keep doing various coups in their heads, start a carwash then buy a shoestore with the proceeds then trade that in for a chain fo restaurants etc etc etc. 1495081;1467470838;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 14:39 gabriel_laddel: What I had intended to say was: I'm on the hunt for products that are difficult to create in the ussa because of the supergay laws, or the interactions between the supergay laws and the situation in the field (ie, why one cannot make automated turrets to defend one's $100/month flat in the hood == the feds). 1495082;1467470880;gabriel_laddel;I've already sold 'stuff' here in the states, and don't see how it could possibly be different in SA? 1495083;1467470890;asciilifeform;re the turrets 1495084;1467470910;asciilifeform;armanent business is a well-colonized thing, the power players know who they are. 1495085;1467470921;asciilifeform;and aren't welcoming randos. 1495086;1467470942;asciilifeform;(mega-unsurprise) 1495087;1467470967;gabriel_laddel;Oh oh, my point is more along the lines of - you can't cook mustard gas, use it on the hoodrats and then make use of the large industrial zone near oakland. 1495088;1467470974;gabriel_laddel;why not? feds. 1495089;1467470985;asciilifeform;hoodrats are the loyal servants of feds 1495090;1467470989;asciilifeform;$s anarchotyranny 1495091;1467470989;a111;6 results for "anarchotyranny", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=anarchotyranny 1495092;1467470993;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform horsedrawn /mule drawn mine rail is not railroad. 1495093;1467470997;gabriel_laddel;right. hence south america 1495094;1467471024;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: who would you like to gas in ~south~ america ? 1495095;1467471027;asciilifeform;i dun get it 1495096;1467471033;*;gabriel_laddel would like to live in Kr, but it is an ethnostate in which non-koreans cannot own anything. 1495097;1467471039;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fefeleaga!1111 1495098;1467471065;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel computers do not cost 2x, except hte locals are 2x as idiotic. the home shopping network demographic pays 20 bux for a plastic "earring organizer", but this is not because "plastic is expensive in the us". 1495099;1467471082;phf;hmm i think a111 returns message references in reverse order.. 1495100;1467471096;mircea_popescu;you could liberally do the ferry bit, but it wouldn't net you the (very cheap) ticket cost. 1495101;1467471105;asciilifeform;phf: it does 1495102;1467471136;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: I don't really want to gas anyone, but must be able to respond to threats in a reasonable manner 1495103;1467471142;gabriel_laddel;remeber the BA guy on a motorbike? 1495104;1467471154;asciilifeform;which 1495105;1467471158;mircea_popescu;back when they actually had capital controls in place i imported what must amount to one metric ton in us bills via ferry on montevideo. 1495106;1467471203;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel VERY, VERY different in SA. you have no fucking idea, and apparently you've not been following my field reports. these people are retarded. economically speaking, they're dumber than a gecko. 1495107;1467471207;gabriel_laddel;the video of a motorbike robbery from reddit a year or two ago 1495108;1467471225;mircea_popescu;you're ~20k words behind. 1495109;1467471249;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i still question that anybody with two legs, anywhere, is dumber than the folx here in good ol' phreeeeeeedomlande 1495110;1467471251;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: I've been reading the reports.. hence my interest. 1495111;1467471258;shinohai;http://archive.is/kx8Gj <<< I may be asshole, but I think ppl like this deserve to lose whatever sums of Bitcoin they had. 1495112;1467471269;asciilifeform;we have a literal meta-africa here 1495113;1467471275;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform economically ? did i tell you about the one time when i took over management of a grocery store for 10 minutes ? 1495114;1467471291;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: when the proprietor went for a smoke ? 1495115;1467471292;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iudb0amH0sY 1495116;1467471319;gabriel_laddel;^ anyways, if that occurs I'd like to be able to stuff a backpack full of explosives, let the guy run off with it and then detonate without being bothered by the feds 1495117;1467471332;mircea_popescu;shinohai gaw fallout innit ? the same fucktards who were importantly commenting on websites, rettardit, tardstalk, what have you and "feeling like a trader/investor/capitalist" for a year or so. 1495118;1467471360;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel incidentally, if you think that fucktard was "a threat", you have serious issues. 1495119;1467471364;shinohai;Yup, those same fucktards. Now "Please Fbeeeeeeeeeeeye save us!!!!!" 1495120;1467471394;mircea_popescu;for over half the encounter, he was wide the fuck open to a head-to-chin, and the fact that the croc totting ustard DIDNT lay him flat on his ass is an insult to humanity. 1495121;1467471411;mircea_popescu;shinohai because "it ain't right" because "normal people" with "families". 1495122;1467471436;gabriel_laddel;physically I am a twink, anyone trying to rob me with a gun is a threat 1495123;1467471447;gabriel_laddel;my ex-gf was/is stronger than I 1495124;1467471453;gabriel_laddel;(granted, she played sports etc) 1495125;1467471511;mircea_popescu;anyway. ba is safer than a retirement home. 1495126;1467471519;phf;that's a pretty funny video 1495127;1467471542;asciilifeform;did the robber get stabbed? hard to tell from the clip exactly what 1495128;1467471547;mircea_popescu;nah. 1495129;1467471563;gabriel_laddel;the 'victim' just rode away iirc? 1495130;1467471568;gabriel_laddel;and the guy failed to use the gun 1495131;1467471598;phf;who wants a dead american on their hands for couple a hundred bucks? 1495132;1467471599;gabriel_laddel;"did i tell you about the one time when i took over management of a grocery store for 10 minutes ?" < do tell 1495133;1467471695;asciilifeform;what's with robber who puts pistol ~back in pocket~ ?! 1495134;1467471734;mircea_popescu;incidentally : http://trilema.com/2016/mochila-o-muerte/ 1495135;1467471887;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel i was sick, recently. wanted supplies. idiots were running one single counter (of the two in the place) and the local women were doing their local womanly bullshit : bagfull of 100+ different 10gram items individually wrapped, to be paid with "credit card". so i asked the girl to call the manager over, and she was like "he's that way" and i was i dun give a shit, call him over. at which point some kid with aspi 1495136;1467471888;phf;mochila is like the guy who мочит 1495137;1467471888;mircea_popescu;rations decided he'd cut in and pretend he's the manager, so i asked him his name, at which point the entire fucking sky fell on his head. he didn't see that one coming, he honestly imagined he's going to be the anonymous responsible & in charge. 1495138;1467471894;asciilifeform;^^! 1495139;1467471897;*;asciilifeform falls down 1495140;1467471902;mircea_popescu;anyway, they opened the 2nd counter and i was out of there in five minutes. 1495141;1467471918;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's what being an argentine is like. 1495142;1467471954;gabriel_laddel;I spoke too soon re mustard gas in sa 1495143;1467472037;mircea_popescu;in general, the correct pattern of interaction with argentines, and i suspect south americans in general, is to talk loudly and carry a whip. 1495144;1467472064;mircea_popescu;they don't understand words, in the sense that the meaning may form but the idea that there's a relation between action and meaning is as foreign to them as tentacles are to mammal reproductory system. 1495145;1467472078;mircea_popescu;but it does get their attention, and the whip does the rest, provided you don't need them for any skilled purpose. 1495146;1467472083;mircea_popescu;they're entirely incapable of skilled labour. 1495147;1467472101;mircea_popescu;except cooking, but that's morel like ritualized activity than labour in any sense. 1495148;1467472112;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1495149;1467472113;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1495150;1467472176;phf;apparently mochila is backpack 1495151;1467472223;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to the issue : the flow was "ship to montevideo ferry to ba", but this changed recently, and likely to change more in the future. current president is usg tool and pretty firmly set on raping the locals 1495152;1467472231;mircea_popescu;which, incidentally, is an idea i love. these idiots should not exist. 1495153;1467472244;asciilifeform;'he wears his heart safety-pinned to his backpack, his backpack is all that he knows!' (tm) (r) 1495154;1467472253;mircea_popescu;phf yeah. "sacate la mochilla", which ll = y they mispronounce as sh because mountaineous gits, means "take off your backpack" 1495155;1467472311;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you'd prefer ted turner's latifundias to the current fauna ? 1495156;1467472315;mircea_popescu;yes, 1495157;1467472344;mircea_popescu;it is an absurd situation, to hate the usg and propose "independent people" are the solution, then look at what "soberania y patria bla bla" idiots make and decide you'd rather see a slave empire in its place. 1495158;1467472365;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, it's true. if the us napalmed this place into the ground i'd be the first to applaud. it's an insult to humanity. 1495159;1467472418;asciilifeform;so where can we visit actual-people-land ? 1495160;1467472433;mircea_popescu;nowhere that i know. 1495161;1467472433;asciilifeform;nazi colony in antarctica ? 1495162;1467472437;asciilifeform;lel 1495163;1467472437;gabriel_laddel;WoT enabled housing, block by block 1495164;1467472447;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: visit barriloche 1495165;1467472454;mircea_popescu;the choices are practically various sorts of socialism, and female-led argentina is WAY the fuck worse than female-led us. 1495166;1467472474;mircea_popescu;do you know old women here have the unmitigated gall to sit in cafes ? LIKE THEY WERE PEOPLE ?!?! 1495167;1467472480;asciilifeform;should i be scouting bmore digs for mircea_popescu, lel ? 1495168;1467472486;mircea_popescu;yes. 1495169;1467472492;asciilifeform;i'ma be lookin' at 2 boxes tonight 1495170;1467472511;asciilifeform;not quite diribigle-grade, but cheap!111111 1495171;1467472538;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you could get entire street for less than your diesel cost 1495172;1467472552;phf;"backpack or death". that's gotta be lamest gangsta motto i've heard. reminds me of the russian gop stop in the 90s, one tactic was "do you have (cellphone|money|magic the gathering card)?" and if you said no the next gambit always cracked me up "if i found them they will be mine?" like oh shit they're on to me 1495173;1467472555;gabriel_laddel;"visit barriloche" < ? 1495174;1467472577;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: german enclave 1495175;1467472581;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im thinking next stop will probably be us gangland conveniently placed close to large campus. 1495176;1467472587;mircea_popescu;loot, rape and pillage irl. 1495177;1467472589;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: jhu ! 1495178;1467472596;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: precisely where i will be visiting. 1495179;1467472609;mircea_popescu;aha 1495180;1467472609;asciilifeform;there are ~two~ large campusen in bmore 1495181;1467472619;asciilifeform;jhu (posh, private) and umbc (government) 1495182;1467472631;phf;mircea_popescu: south carolina state 1495183;1467472650;mircea_popescu;phf there's options, just, not sure the chicken's cooked yet. 1495184;1467472657;*;mircea_popescu likes his chicken cooked to death. 1495185;1467472669;asciilifeform;pretty sure that one's still cluckin' along 1495186;1467472686;phf;"A small university located in Orangeburg, SC where ghetto kids with low GPA's go so that they are able to say that they attended college. Drug and otherwise criminal activity on campus make the school experience here quite similar to living in the projects." 1495187;1467472693;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah, but i believe you to be the sort who would have also believed romanian state to exist in 1992. 1495188;1467472711;mircea_popescu;phf nah, that's no good. 1495189;1467472735;mircea_popescu;you want extensive gangland few miles away from large school where idiot middleclass / helimoms send their precious, isolated offspring. 1495190;1467472745;asciilifeform;that'd be jhu. 1495191;1467472765;phf;actually a lot of ivies qualify 1495192;1467472790;phf;upenn is north and south of projects, yale is new haven which is ghetto outside of yale perimeter 1495193;1467472791;mircea_popescu;aha. i am evidently not the only one with this plan. 1495194;1467472802;asciilifeform;http://www.jameslafond.com/btg << the blue zone in top center of lafond's map 1495195;1467472832;asciilifeform;yes, the jhu that has armed escorts from lecture hall to garage 1495196;1467472836;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: sorry, you want to live in/near ganglang why exactly? 1495197;1467472851;mircea_popescu;anyway. mass rape of, to quote, "many of the most beautiful Jewesses" is never an accident. everything conspires to get the lambs slaugthered. 1495198;1467472870;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel legal immunity. as they say in civ, "our words are backed with nuclear weapons". 1495199;1467472960;phf;i used to live in dodgy part of west philadelphia, and as i would make my way to civilization you'd start encountering campus police on patrol, which i realized is exactly like medieval sentries. these chubby, mostly ineffective guys and girls doing their rounds at 2am. "2 PAST MIIIDNIGHT. ALL IS SAFE" 1495200;1467473016;mircea_popescu;phf kinda why the black criminal world was so indignant over that trayvon martin thing. 1495201;1467473036;mircea_popescu;"bitch, you got a free pass because your white boy ass can't jump, an' now you go an' kill the homeboy ?!?!?!?" 1495202;1467473074;asciilifeform;same reason nazis were indignant over warsaw ghetto uprising 1495203;1467473080;mircea_popescu;quite so. 1495204;1467473082;asciilifeform;'bitch dontcha know yer job is to die and make soap' 1495205;1467473122;mircea_popescu;anyway. /me has always lived in ghetto. i can't fucking stand "gated communities" and in general the stench of fear. 1495206;1467473129;mircea_popescu;most of the girls can't either. 1495207;1467473150;asciilifeform;plenty of fear in lafond's redzone 1495208;1467473172;asciilifeform;some of them folk have iron doors that'd be the envy of any bank, etc 1495209;1467473218;asciilifeform;i dunno that i've ever been inside of a 'gated komyoonity' 1495210;1467473223;asciilifeform;does a u.s. army base count ? 1495211;1467473231;phf;girl was complaining in ghetto from time to time "man, i'm tired of these black guys hooting and hollering after me, nigga i'm just trying to make it to the store". so we moved to "safest city in united states" and she ~hates~ it. "men here smell of desperation, frankly i'm more terrified of them then i was of ghetto guys" 1495212;1467473262;gabriel_laddel;sorry, safest city in the us is? 1495213;1467473275;asciilifeform;..alcatraz? 1495214;1467473298;phf;gabriel_laddel: rockville, md. they had a crime here once, a black guy jaywalked. 1495215;1467473313;asciilifeform;lel i lived there for more than decade 1495216;1467473329;mircea_popescu;phf girl has a solid point., 1495217;1467473375;mircea_popescu;fucking buffallo, will stampede, nothing you can do. felides and canides have better shit to do than get themselves killed over bothering you. 1495218;1467473380;phf;they have city court, district court and state court, and a police building. i've not seen this many police cars patrollin in my life. even in russia 1495219;1467473405;asciilifeform;phf: somebody's gotta issue them parking ticketz!11 1495220;1467473422;asciilifeform;but yes, phf's description is spot on. 1495221;1467473434;asciilifeform;rockville is where the bureaucrat folk live. 1495222;1467473445;asciilifeform;where the 'red' metro line ends. 1495223;1467473463;phf;actually, saw some police cars rolling around recently, that were straight out of Half Life 2. fully black, matte, all angles tanks 1495224;1467473482;asciilifeform;phf: these were issued to all md police precincts some time after gulf war 2 1495225;1467473484;asciilifeform;for phree. 1495226;1467473506;asciilifeform;they are spiffy, i've been inside one, it is like lenin's little tank 1495227;1467473574;phf;something along these lines http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/content/kgo/images/cms/287477_1280x720.jpg 1495228;1467473590;asciilifeform;aha, them 1495229;1467473630;asciilifeform;see also http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-05#859183 1495230;1467473630;a111;Logged on 2014-10-05 03:25 asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/R4EbgZN 1495231;1467473966;mircea_popescu;pretty shitty. 1495232;1467473983;mircea_popescu;no mobility, deeply useless as police vehicle. that's an army truck. 1495233;1467474052;asciilifeform;it dun need mobility. plants down, then opens fire from turret. 1495234;1467474058;asciilifeform;siege engine. 1495235;1467474112;mircea_popescu;that is not police. 1495236;1467474138;asciilifeform;it's internal security, guardia civil, whatever. in usa they both, for historic accident, are called 'police'. 1495237;1467474149;mircea_popescu;ya but it also means they lost. 1495238;1467474175;mircea_popescu;ask nypd veteran from the days the city still ~worked, whether he'd like that for a cruiser 1495239;1467474182;mircea_popescu;or, for that matter, what it being the cruiser means. 1495240;1467474187;asciilifeform;how lost ? the apc is there in case the designated africas try to spill into the rockvilles. 1495241;1467474194;asciilifeform;to mow them zulus down. 1495242;1467474209;asciilifeform;but typically the armoured thing is not used as cruiser 1495243;1467474213;asciilifeform;it gets sent to 'situations' 1495244;1467474230;asciilifeform;where there are already 5-6 cruisers writhing impotently 1495245;1467474247;mircea_popescu;situations lol. such vocabulary even. 1495246;1467474254;asciilifeform;their terminology. 1495247;1467474269;mircea_popescu;ситуация :D 1495248;1467474273;asciilifeform;aha. 1495249;1467474343;mircea_popescu;aaaanywya. 1495250;1467478572;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i'm guessing zoolag is down? 1495251;1467478926;thestringpuller;$nodes 1495252;1467479397;mircea_popescu;$ex 1495253;1467479770;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1495250 << no? 1495254;1467479770;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 16:56 thestringpuller: asciilifeform: i'm guessing zoolag is down? 1495255;1467479784;asciilifeform;blackholed quite often though. 1495256;1467481298;thestringpuller; ??? that one right? 1495257;1467481374;shinohai;Im experiencing much the same with mine, after a while goes to zero connections and never reconnects unless I restart. 1495258;1467481560;thestringpuller;i can't connect to alf-node 1495259;1467481622;thestringpuller;did another restart. (i pinged the ip and it works?). so we'll see what happens. I'm just using -connect to do initial sync. 1495260;1467488207;mircea_popescu;no soup for you! come back with note from stalin! 1495261;1467488237;shinohai;>.< 1495262;1467488584;mircea_popescu;and in other wedding news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/59ea216b3448d34ae033dca13746ade7/tumblr_nqsgypF89E1rhw4clo1_500.gif 1495263;1467490013;mircea_popescu;$up xcfw748 1495264;1467490014;deedbot;xcfw748 voiced for 30 minutes. 1495265;1467490079;*;trinque makes a drive-by comment because otherwise busy drinking at pool with babes 1495266;1467490094;mircea_popescu;bits for tits trinque ! 1495267;1467490103;mircea_popescu;help teh faucet flow. 1495268;1467490104;trinque;asciilifeform: UCI is a replacement for AWS or "hosting" or "computing for hire" or whatever you like; comparing it to your beloved home "ox" is ridiculous 1495269;1467490133;xcfw748;greetings, i have some qntra css that BingoBoingo may be interested in 1495270;1467490134;*;trinque could not be more enthusiastic about joining the UCI conversation when he tires of beer and beauty, bbl! 1495271;1467490151;xcfw748;BingoBoingo this was very little css https://imgur.com/a/5gId0 1495272;1467490249;xcfw748;if you like it i can finish up what's in the @media query for mobile and send it over 1495273;1467490268;mircea_popescu;o look, now it looks more like trilema. 1495274;1467490277;xcfw748;if not, let me know where it falls short and i'll see what i can do 1495275;1467490289;shinohai;http://i.4cdn.org/b/1467483180671.webm <<< for those that like to warm it up before use. 1495276;1467490307;*;asciilifeform done with the ruinz, now off into generic bmore 1495277;1467490314;asciilifeform;pics later. 1495278;1467490334;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i should have sent you some "tits for bits" flyers to put up lolz! 1495279;1467490346;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo would luvvvv this place 1495280;1467490365;asciilifeform;all of his favourite creatures are here 1495281;1467490369;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1495262 << it was in teh log! 1495282;1467490369;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 19:43 mircea_popescu: and in other wedding news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/59ea216b3448d34ae033dca13746ade7/tumblr_nqsgypF89E1rhw4clo1_500.gif 1495283;1467490381;asciilifeform;scootymen, big mamaz, et al 1495284;1467490384;mircea_popescu;not EXACTLY, no! 1495285;1467490391;mircea_popescu;different shot was in log. 1495286;1467490422;*;asciilifeform bbl, off to see ww2 sub 1495287;1467490451;ben_vulpes;no wai 1495288;1467490787;mircea_popescu;lol. alf getting ahead of you in the seeing the world score ben_vulpes ? WHERE'S YOUR PORTLAND NAO, BISH ??? 1495289;1467490956;BingoBoingo;xcfw748: Your CSS has too much style. Looks very Wordpress 1495290;1467490962;ben_vulpes;re last shot 1495291;1467490965;ben_vulpes;we have our own sub tyvm 1495292;1467490969;ben_vulpes;'hunt for red october' 1495293;1467490992;ben_vulpes;ran around in it nearly yearly...for a while 1495294;1467491018;BingoBoingo;And what's with the black links? Are they links? 1495295;1467491039;BingoBoingo;And grey text, wtf? 1495296;1467491090;BingoBoingo;Admirable effort, but doesn't let default styling shine where it should. It's a bit too much 1495297;1467491181;xcfw748;BingoBoingo thanks for looking 1495298;1467491181;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ah ok then! 1495299;1467491195;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you two know each other ? 1495300;1467491216;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: no 1495301;1467491229;xcfw748;yes, the black links for post titles and sidebar story links are all links. readers are used to them being links by nature of their placement on the page 1495302;1467491253;xcfw748;the inline links are colored blue to distinguish from adjacent, non link text 1495303;1467491265;xcfw748;re: gray text, which gray text on the page offends? 1495304;1467491269;BingoBoingo;xcfw748: If you could post moble screenshots of both designs (full page) and you will see why Qntra CSS works. Also no, black text is never links. 1495305;1467491284;BingoBoingo;xcfw748: All of it. Text needs contrast. 1495306;1467491307;BingoBoingo;Why should eyes have to work any harder than the minimum. Let brain do the work, not eyes. 1495307;1467492085;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 experiment worked, but is only useful for already crafted tx's since there is no signrawtransaction capability yet. 1495308;1467492086;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1495309;1467492298;BingoBoingo;xcfw748: As we are strangers pls keep conversation in channel 1495310;1467492299;deedbot;[Trilema] Atti impuri all'italiana - http://trilema.com/2016/atti-impuri-allitaliana/ 1495311;1467492307;BingoBoingo;$up xcfw748 1495312;1467492307;deedbot;xcfw748 voiced for 30 minutes. 1495313;1467492324;xcfw748;BingoBoingo noted. is this a direction you would be interested in given some modifications? or is it not the right aesthetic for qntra? 1495314;1467492329;BingoBoingo;The problem is not the aesthetic, but the usability 1495315;1467492388;BingoBoingo;Mission #1 of currenct qntra design is to be maximally accessible independent of device, browser, or physical handicap 1495316;1467492467;xcfw748;this is a good mission 1495317;1467492476;xcfw748;i believe some adjustments can be made to address your concerns 1495318;1467492573;xcfw748;brb making adjustments 1495319;1467492590;BingoBoingo;But as qntra's been around a while now also gotta maintain brand identity, which means current color scheme 1495320;1467492619;BingoBoingo;And no specifying fonts, because what if people prefer to change their default font to their favorite? 1495321;1467492632;BingoBoingo;And so on tends to lead to the current theme staying the same. 1495322;1467492667;xcfw748;did not change the font specification from the current css 1495323;1467492670;BingoBoingo;BTW, have you ever read Qntra on Moble? 1495324;1467492682;xcfw748;yes, i appreciated when the @media query was added 1495325;1467492698;xcfw748;makes reading on phone much easier 1495326;1467492750;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1495319 <<< this I agree with. The current scheme is instantly identifiable as Qntra, beyond shadow of a doubt. 1495327;1467492750;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 20:49 BingoBoingo: But as qntra's been around a while now also gotta maintain brand identity, which means current color scheme 1495328;1467492948;mod6;shinohai: hey, thanks for checking that out. 1495329;1467492963;xcfw748;BingoBoingo shinohai agree completely. however, brands do evolve over time. i intended this to be an evolutionary update. perhaps went to far? 1495330;1467493024;shinohai;It certainly isn't my decision to make, ignore me. I am of the "if not broke, why fix?" camp 1495331;1467493062;shinohai;np mod6. signing raw tx's would have to be a 15 quintillion step process xD 1495332;1467493209;xcfw748;thanks for your time, if i get bored again i may take another pass keeping feedback in mind 1495333;1467493312;shinohai;>.> 1495334;1467494431;BingoBoingo;ty 1495335;1467494722;shinohai;? 1495336;1467494804;BingoBoingo;?? 1495337;1467498075;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-02#1495275 << jaysus she falls on the trough no less. 1495338;1467498075;a111;Logged on 2016-07-02 20:11 shinohai: http://i.4cdn.org/b/1467483180671.webm <<< for those that like to warm it up before use. 1495339;1467500046;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1495340;1467500048;gribble;Current Blocks: 419023 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 304 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 2 hours, 19 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1495341;1467502600;shinohai;http://archive.is/h9UtE <<< supernova to close their ethereum mining pool, because fuck the hard fork. 1495342;1467502603;shinohai;lulzy 1495343;1467503515;BingoBoingo;$up plp 1495344;1467503516;deedbot;plp voiced for 30 minutes. 1495345;1467508899;mats;so i looked at the remaining judge's case history (Charles Wilson) and he doesn't have any that meet the qualifications 1495346;1467508974;mircea_popescu;mats say leave a comment with link to the csv you used for source, and with your extracted set 1495347;1467508984;mircea_popescu;ima give it a week or something see if there's objections or anything ? 1495348;1467508989;mats;ok 1495349;1467509013;mircea_popescu;anyone else with an interest in paralegal work - now's your chance btw. 1495350;1467509099;mircea_popescu;shinohai kinda almost not really qntra item huh 1495351;1467509106;mircea_popescu;anyway, eth is going up up up i see. 1495352;1467509142;shinohai;I thought about it but they are a pretty small pool in terms of total net hash. 1495353;1467509152;*;asciilifeform baaaak 1495354;1467509152;*;mircea_popescu remembers fondly the times back... oh, was it like maybe two weeks ago ? when the victorious forces of derp bought their way out of the hole because hey, they got enough moneyz to bury me or something ? 1495355;1467509154;mircea_popescu;such good times. 1495356;1467509185;mircea_popescu;"For the other thing, rape’s no fun if the meat’s not at the very least squiggling and the #etherape’s no different." 1495357;1467509190;mircea_popescu;wb asciilifeform 1495358;1467509206;mircea_popescu;looking forward to your first loperos article as a real estate mog-owl. 1495359;1467509214;asciilifeform;i didn't buy any 1495360;1467509282;asciilifeform;reckoned up the cost of the missing parts, and it + base cost is > what i got. 1495361;1467509341;mircea_popescu;lol 1495362;1467509435;*;asciilifeform poorphag 1495363;1467509512;mircea_popescu;i'm curious what ending up paying 10x more to host servers than you pay to host women in a given month will do to your "i dun wanna rent" perspective. 1495364;1467509525;mircea_popescu;but in other news, the best pears ever got in season here, they're fabulous 1495365;1467509530;asciilifeform;mm 1495366;1467509554;*;mircea_popescu bought a coupla dozen, chopped them off, stuck in jars with clove, muskatnuss, a little alspice and about 3 bottles of cognac 1495367;1467509568;mircea_popescu;now i have an army of delicious jars 1495368;1467509579;asciilifeform;the locals were an interesting set of mental case 1495369;1467509598;asciilifeform;old white bloke on electric wheelchair going up, down, up, down, the street, all day long 1495370;1467509608;asciilifeform;buncha duded hanging around doing ~nothing 1495371;1467509616;asciilifeform;the whole lafond safari set in one place 1495372;1467509621;asciilifeform;*dudes 1495373;1467509679;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495363 << waiwut? 1495374;1467509679;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 01:31 mircea_popescu: i'm curious what ending up paying 10x more to host servers than you pay to host women in a given month will do to your "i dun wanna rent" perspective. 1495375;1467509703;mircea_popescu;in other news nobody cares about, ethereum komoonity turning ugly with "what if fork doesn't get consensus" and other anxieties. 1495376;1467509709;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what part ? 1495377;1467509734;asciilifeform;why would running a great many servers change my perspective ? 1495378;1467509786;mircea_popescu;i dunno, perspectives change. 1495379;1467509793;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495375 <<< I am watching the topic eagerly, just waiting for a good Qntra to emerge. 1495380;1467509793;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 01:35 mircea_popescu: in other news nobody cares about, ethereum komoonity turning ugly with "what if fork doesn't get consensus" and other anxieties. 1495381;1467509809;asciilifeform;as it is, i bleed megatonnes of money 1495382;1467509811;asciilifeform;and would like to not. 1495383;1467509815;asciilifeform;and dun see this changing. 1495384;1467509838;mircea_popescu;$1mn in rents ? 1495385;1467509872;asciilifeform;eventually. 1495386;1467509915;mircea_popescu;nice castle you got thar! 1495387;1467509934;asciilifeform;lel 1495388;1467509955;asciilifeform;the idea of paying ~0 is so alluring, it is like dividing by zero 1495389;1467509993;mircea_popescu;"Where Can I Find The Latest Update On The Path Forward? Its stressful here now on Reddit trying to navigate content with all the Trolls that have arrived lately trying to spread lies and FUD." 1495390;1467509999;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1495391;1467510001;asciilifeform;where is this 1495392;1467510003;mircea_popescu;awww! funny how these always go the same way. 1495393;1467510056;mircea_popescu;gaw veterans no doubt remember the same "1.oh we're taking over the world 2.no nevermind, tiny road bump ; 3. o wait we got a fix ; 4. crap the fix don't work but we'll pull together as a assburger community ; 5. omfg the trolls!!!!" 1495394;1467510088;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4qwdjq/where_can_i_find_the_latest_update_on_the_path/ << the irony self-crit of that title... 1495395;1467510106;mircea_popescu;but anyway, desperation mounts. kinda preview of hilary campaign come november. 1495396;1467510206;shinohai;tfw entire community is made up of trollz 1495397;1467510430;asciilifeform;https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4qwdjq/where_can_i_find_the_latest_update_on_the_path/d4x18b9 << lel 1495398;1467510509;BingoBoingo;Who ever knew there'd be a day when plumbing pressurized supply became easier than plumbing drain 1495399;1467510574;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. the chain of forced mistakes. 1495400;1467510617;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1495401;1467510623;mircea_popescu;usually begins with a http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-18#1484667 1495402;1467510623;a111;Logged on 2016-06-18 17:54 mircea_popescu: and when i finally croak ima go to saint peter an' say loudly an' clearly "what are you droning on about, old man, i didn't do nuttin'. ASK ANYONE!" 1495403;1467510624;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 702.75, vol: 5583.87470251 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 681.272, vol: 6102.92955 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 702.28, vol: 31902.94784956 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 676.0, vol: 0.22 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 710.417462, vol: 42318.61990000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 702.94, vol: 1270.97609253 | Volume-weighted last average: 704.79909141 1495404;1467510902;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What can't you fix in these houses that goes beyond two 100 ft rolls of PEX and crimping tools? 1495405;1467510946;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: missing floors, wall wiring, furnace, bathroom contents, entirety of kitchen, etc. 1495406;1467510961;asciilifeform;it isn't that all of this cannot be fixed, but that the cost adds up quickly. 1495407;1467510968;asciilifeform;tanstaafl (tm) (r). 1495408;1467511045;BingoBoingo;Floors nbd, wiring... who needs more than 3 outlets, furnace < fireplace 1495409;1467511054;BingoBoingo;ALso who needs more than one sink? 1495410;1467511059;asciilifeform;ugh 1495411;1467511080;BingoBoingo;What? Your hill and Kalash not comfy enough? 1495412;1467511113;asciilifeform;need dry and at 20c or so. 1495413;1467511175;BingoBoingo;Spend one outlet from your budget on dehumidifier, another on window AC for whichever room you choose to condition. 1495414;1467511187;mircea_popescu;"I am hoping there will be a hard fork and all is resolved soon so that we can go back to normal days with the excitement of watching and reading about all the innovation that is going on with Ethereum. Maybe /u/vbuterin if you have time." 1495415;1467511190;mircea_popescu;epic. 1495416;1467511220;mircea_popescu;and this filth, this scum, these apeish subhuman objects of scorn and derision aim to participate in things ? with people ? form communities ? have a voice ? 1495417;1467511227;mircea_popescu;holy shit on a stick NO. just NO. 1495418;1467511360;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Anyways if you use sharbites (even if you decide to use legacy copper theft bait) the entire spectrum of expenses incurred by the plumbing profession is eliminated on the water supply side 1495419;1467511381;mircea_popescu;if he has to build a kitchen that's 30-40k ezy. 1495420;1467511388;asciilifeform;^ 1495421;1467511418;BingoBoingo;Maybe if he wants some sort of decorator kitchen with appliances and bullshit 1495422;1467511432;BingoBoingo;What's wrong with white gas stove? 1495423;1467511569;mircea_popescu;eh, prolly starts with fixing the floor, an' the pipes and etc. 1495424;1467511586;mircea_popescu;the fact is, condemned property is usually more expensive to fix than greenfield development. 1495425;1467511592;asciilifeform;it wasn't condemned 1495426;1467511599;asciilifeform;new roof and approved by city for sale. 1495427;1467511610;asciilifeform;$16k. 1495428;1467511612;mircea_popescu;ah 1495429;1467511622;BingoBoingo;Are there termites y/n? 1495430;1467511630;asciilifeform;surprisingly, no visible vermin 1495431;1467511639;asciilifeform;possibly because no human habitation since '90s 1495432;1467511640;mircea_popescu;still, it's a profession. job like this undertook by innocent party can easily cost 10x more than commercial value. 1495433;1467511653;BingoBoingo;Stab any structural members with a screwdriver to be sure no vermin? 1495434;1467511732;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Still a profession of drains, but the push-to-connect fittings are pretty much it for anyone who can measure, cut, and deburr pipe. 1495435;1467511759;mircea_popescu;you'd be surprised. 1495436;1467511778;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/873d0b0e13.jpg << kitchen. (more pics later.) 1495437;1467511804;mircea_popescu;lol he moved off imgur 1495438;1467511804;asciilifeform;on the left hand side: sink trap, yes. 1495439;1467511818;asciilifeform;tired of the ad bar 1495440;1467511828;asciilifeform;but this crapola ain't ever going on my actual blog. 1495441;1467511836;mircea_popescu;why not? 1495442;1467511846;mircea_popescu;jesus 1495443;1467511852;asciilifeform;and i'm not wholly convinced that it isn't a waste of bandwidth, srsly 1495444;1467511895;BingoBoingo;does that drain convey water down? if yes the expensive part of your one sink is done! 1495445;1467511896;trinque;"this is not my real self" 1495446;1467511899;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/8744fd6ac2.jpg << bedroom. 1495447;1467511901;trinque;:D 1495448;1467511905;asciilifeform;trinque: my blog has an actual subj. 1495449;1467511919;trinque;just fucking around man 1495450;1467511919;mircea_popescu;this notion, "Blog has subj" is the fucking mind eater. 1495451;1467511923;mircea_popescu;it's ~YOUR~ blog. 1495452;1467511933;mircea_popescu;it's not "a sort of book". 1495453;1467511935;BingoBoingo;1 can of expanding foam, wall insulated 1495454;1467511955;trinque;"I the eater of computer worlds one day saw this shithole" .jpg 1495455;1467511963;trinque;nothing wrong with that 1495456;1467511981;mircea_popescu;trinque well, he does have more blog than you :D 1495457;1467511982;BingoBoingo;trinque: Also those articles are good for actual SEO 1495458;1467511989;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/874a35e17c.jpg << a craaaaaazi game of poaaaakah!!1 i lost it all!111ilost it all 1495459;1467512005;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/874a3eee3e.jpg << rrrrring. it's for you. 1495460;1467512017;asciilifeform;^ yes, hard-wired to the house. hence still in the rubble. 1495461;1467512020;trinque;mircea_popescu: yeah but. but! 1495462;1467512050;trinque;asciilifeform: this half demo'd? 1495463;1467512056;asciilifeform;nope. 1495464;1467512057;asciilifeform;new roof. 1495465;1467512065;trinque;o good. lol 1495466;1467512076;BingoBoingo;Sell phone on ebay, buy one GFCI outlet with proceeds 1495467;1467512081;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/874f207a2b.jpg << shitter. 1495468;1467512105;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/8751feb135.jpg << neighbour. 1495469;1467512116;BingoBoingo;Intact 1495470;1467512141;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/87542d9ea6.jpg << tub, with can of cat food. 1495471;1467512143;mats;mircea_popescu: submitted 1495472;1467512144;BingoBoingo;Your sign "I have less than him here, your move" 1495473;1467512164;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/8755d5b992.jpg << where they eat. 1495474;1467512177;mircea_popescu;ty mats 1495475;1467512199;trinque;ATM 15.0 ... wtf 1495476;1467512206;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/87582032d9.jpg << moar tuna than you will ever see in one place. 1495477;1467512247;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/875ad96a52.jpg << room-temperature meat thing. 1495478;1467512257;BingoBoingo;Y you no want to live with catfolk? 1495479;1467512303;asciilifeform;https://i.imgsafe.org/875dac0d89.jpg << gigantic castle-like thing on the horizon, with trees growing through the roof. 1495480;1467512306;asciilifeform;abandoned eons ago. 1495481;1467512336;mircea_popescu;88cents a can ? 1495482;1467512339;asciilifeform;aha. 1495483;1467512345;asciilifeform;anyway this ought to suffice as a general picture. 1495484;1467512353;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Why did you not tour Castle?! 1495485;1467512364;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: it wasn't for sale. 1495486;1467512373;asciilifeform;and prolly exceeds what my organs are worth, at any rate 1495487;1467512392;asciilifeform;perhaps it could be mircea_popescu's castle of doom 1495488;1467512394;mats;it appears judgepedia has a better idea of how many federal magistrates there are than the website of the Federal Judicial Center 1495489;1467512397;asciilifeform;has own crematorium even 1495490;1467512399;mircea_popescu;lol thestringpuller been a busy little blogger lately has he 1495491;1467512417;mircea_popescu;mats howso ? 1495492;1467512422;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: He's still not doing it every day, but is getting better at it. 1495493;1467512433;mircea_popescu;word. 1495494;1467512448;BingoBoingo;http://www.naturalhandyman.com/iip/infhomesale/infhomerehab.html 1495495;1467512483;mats;actually, never mind 1495496;1467512487;*;adlai misread "microwavable douche" <<< http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495477 1495497;1467512487;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:17 asciilifeform: https://i.imgsafe.org/875ad96a52.jpg << room-temperature meat thing. 1495498;1467512493;mats;i was looking at the wrong comment in the thread 1495499;1467513004;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: this thing was in the middle of ladond's red zone map 1495500;1467513040;asciilifeform;and pretty much everything he wrote, as far as i could discern, was true. 1495501;1467513065;asciilifeform;i especially liked this kind of motorcycle that the local orcs ride, it looks like it is made for a boy, their arses just nearly touch the ground ! 1495502;1467513077;asciilifeform;whole thing is maybe as tall as a chair's seat ! 1495503;1467513085;BingoBoingo;lol 1495504;1467513143;asciilifeform;they were tiny, truly, could fit in a car's boot 1495505;1467513189;asciilifeform;oddly enough there were many white folk 1495506;1467513196;asciilifeform;but they had a certain peculiar appearance about them 1495507;1467513204;asciilifeform;haggard, if you will 1495508;1467513216;asciilifeform;possibly moved from the 'trailer parks' to the cheap row houses 1495509;1467513351;mats;the nice thing about alf is that he's an equal opportunity racist 1495510;1467513425;*;asciilifeform hates everybody but the catfolk 1495511;1467513425;mats;i was just thinking about the bug men comment from earlier (no i don't take it personally) 1495512;1467513451;mats;people smell funny 1495513;1467513479;asciilifeform;funnily enough, i liked the orcs. 1495514;1467513486;asciilifeform;they did not bother me. 1495515;1467513489;asciilifeform;(why? i dunno) 1495516;1467513502;mats;do you dress like you're poor? 1495517;1467513518;asciilifeform;i dressed in ordinary civilian clothing. 1495518;1467513899;mats;on a different subject, i admit i have trouble imagining how to make uci useful 1495519;1467513987;trinque;orcs have no pretense to being something better 1495520;1467513998;trinque;everyone else in US.. does. 1495521;1467514002;mats;the plan is to run it on bare metal, isn't it? doesn't that end up being pretty expensive? 1495522;1467514028;trinque;same reason I don't mind rednecks 1495523;1467514095;mats;what kinda services are going to be involved that it'd be profitable to operate the infrastructure and build the code in the first place 1495524;1467514286;trinque;would anyone pay for a reliable way to ensure bitcoin txn are broadcast widely? 1495525;1467514299;trinque;that one seems obvious 1495526;1467514934;asciilifeform;http://www.jameslafond.com/btg/inspiration.jpg << house was ~at 'death' 1495527;1467516078;trinque;j/i 1495528;1467516081;trinque;aw crap. 1495529;1467516492;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495509 <<< ahahaha 1495530;1467516493;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:35 mats: the nice thing about alf is that he's an equal opportunity racist 1495531;1467516617;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495511 << hm, i parsed that in the sense of orwell's "bug men". you think he meant azns ? 1495532;1467516617;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:37 mats: i was just thinking about the bug men comment from earlier (no i don't take it personally) 1495533;1467516683;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495521 << not sure what you mean ? 1495534;1467516683;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:46 mats: the plan is to run it on bare metal, isn't it? doesn't that end up being pretty expensive? 1495535;1467516772;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-06#1190095 << these. 1495536;1467516772;a111;Logged on 2015-07-06 20:54 mircea_popescu: which is why no cows, no trees, everyone on tatamis 1495537;1467516784;asciilifeform;life as anthill. 1495538;1467516860;mircea_popescu;hm 1495539;1467517225;mircea_popescu;ftr : to force google to use the fucking sane index as opposed to "localized" and other bullshit, google.com/ncr 1495540;1467517364;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/ << in other ethereum news. the previous incarnation, that was going to "take over" 2013-2014, is so fucking hot right now a two week suck-up is front page news still. 1495541;1467518259;mod6;asciilifeform: yeah, that would have been quite the ambitious remodel to say the least. 1495542;1467522813;*;ben_vulpes will be attempting something like that next move in all likelihood 1495543;1467523457;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Are you in the camp of fixing putting in essentials and being cool with not doing everything at once, or are you in camp alf who want to turn ghetto dirigible into yet another suburan cookie cutter thing. 1495544;1467524652;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: my style of remodeling is to install the range and hood and for baby doll to apply finish and molding as nursing cooking laundry and meal planning afford time 1495545;1467524675;BingoBoingo;aha 1495546;1467524699;ben_vulpes;upper body work for those with upper body strength, finishing work for those who want things pretty. 1495547;1467525222;mircea_popescu;sounds like what made america great. 1495548;1467525383;BingoBoingo;No leaks in the plumbing, no arcs in the wiring, and you're good 1495549;1467525607;ben_vulpes;p. low bar 1495550;1467526526;BingoBoingo;High bar for camping tho 1495551;1467530798;deedbot;[Trilema] Why is that ? - http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-that/ 1495552;1467553997;mats;mircea_popescu: I was thinking of this http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-05#1477296 1495553;1467553997;a111;Logged on 2016-06-05 13:40 asciilifeform: 'civilization' yields bug-men and cn has 5000 yrs of practice, while white man is a n00b. 1495554;1467554171;mats;mircea_popescu: bare metal as in, a server intended for a single tenant, in contrast to 'cloud' 1495555;1467556361;trinque;mats: seems moar like you'd pay per request of whatever is offered through the UCI 1495556;1467556371;trinque;I'm thinking of it like "pay for access to API" 1495557;1467556404;trinque;whether that's me advocating what I want or describing what's been said 1495558;1467556406;*;trinque shrugs 1495559;1467557868;mircea_popescu;mats myeah. the european notion of china is still very much a sort of "empire of cockroach". absurd yet perennial. 1495560;1467557937;mircea_popescu;mats no, the unobvious part in all that is, i suppose for lack of vocal underlining, the owner. in the uci model, any individual piece of hardware has one owner, who makes it available through the uci, sets the prices, etc ; and some tenants. 1495561;1467557959;mircea_popescu;trinque no, it's pretty close, a sort of universal api for computers. 1495562;1467558022;asciilifeform;re china, lulzy : http://lithub.com/modern-china-is-so-crazy-it-needs-a-new-literary-genre 1495563;1467558050;asciilifeform;'Early in 2015, a department head at the National Development and Reform Commission was investigated for corruption. In his apartment they found more cash than they could count by hand. They got currency-counting machines so they could zip right through the counting, but they burned out four of the machines before they got a final tally, which was more than 200 million Renminbi, which is about 31 million US dollars.' 1495564;1467558059;asciilifeform;'Second example. Guo Boxiong is a retired general in the People’s Liberation Army. When Guo was investigated for corruption, they found so much cash in his home that they couldn’t even try to count it with a currency-counting machine. They had to weigh it by the ton. They needed a truck to haul it all away.' 1495565;1467558103;mats;should've bought some buttcoins 1495566;1467558104;asciilifeform;reminds me of mavrody's 'mmm' chumpatron 1495567;1467558111;asciilifeform;where they ran out of where to put the dough 1495568;1467558491;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495543 << insisting on working kitchen, so that i can eat food, and working climate machinery, so my five figs of b00kz dun rot, is 'suburban cookie cutter'? lolk. 1495569;1467558491;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 05:24 BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Are you in the camp of fixing putting in essentials and being cool with not doing everything at once, or are you in camp alf who want to turn ghetto dirigible into yet another suburan cookie cutter thing. 1495570;1467558684;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495502 << continuing re the motorcycles, after reading some moar lafond, i realized why i've never seen them elsewhere: they aren't street-legal in usa - no tags, no lights 1495571;1467558684;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:31 asciilifeform: whole thing is maybe as tall as a chair's seat ! 1495572;1467558779;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495542 << ben_vulpes could literally buy entire street in bmore for what he is almost certainly paying in the white man's land 1495573;1467558779;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 05:13 ben_vulpes will be attempting something like that next move in all likelihood 1495574;1467558806;phf;you get complete climate control with a combination of dehumidifier, window ac unit and an air purifier, which you can scale as needed. extra ac in bedroom, extra dehumidifier in bathroom, etc. 1495575;1467558850;phf;i suspect it's a dodgy proposition in the death area, because someone will definitely try and steal AC out of your window 1495576;1467558856;asciilifeform;this also. 1495577;1467558868;phf;(that's why you sometimes see cages shaped to window and ac) 1495578;1467558870;asciilifeform;but also that if you add it all up, it begins to resemble the cost of 'actual' house. 1495579;1467558888;asciilifeform;which makes the entire project wholly uninteresting. 1495580;1467558889;phf;well, i've added it all up, and it doesn't ever 1495581;1467558911;asciilifeform;for reference, 'actual house' in bmore is about 100k. 1495582;1467558931;asciilifeform;(of same type as the pictured one, but in working condition) 1495583;1467558946;phf;yes, and necessary parts for kitchen/climate control will run you 2-3k 1495584;1467558953;asciilifeform;LABOUR 1495585;1467558955;asciilifeform;not parts. 1495586;1467558977;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-that/#comment-117906 << i just produced a proper definition of slave empire! formal and all! 1495587;1467559149;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: link in the comment is broken 1495588;1467559161;mircea_popescu;fixing. 1495589;1467559233;mircea_popescu;thar 1495590;1467559246;asciilifeform;nope 1495591;1467559249;asciilifeform;still not clickable 1495592;1467559320;mircea_popescu;grh 1495593;1467559338;phf;asciilifeform: oh you're not thinking of installing those things yourself? 1495594;1467559342;mircea_popescu;did you reload the page or something ? i can click it. 1495595;1467559360;asciilifeform;reloaded. same. 1495596;1467559368;mircea_popescu;what the shit. 1495597;1467559392;phf;mircea_popescu: " http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492083 << out of loop; soo, many awesome bitcoin nodes actually run on the same host? kinda hilarious / sad 1495624;1467560410;mircea_popescu;trinque can has $seen ? 1495625;1467560516;mircea_popescu;or hm, prolly should properly ask of phf, actually. 1495626;1467561697;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495567 << regarding this from a purely engineering perspective, what better proof that government fucked up with the printer, than when there's more dough THAN WHERE TO PUT IT 1495627;1467561697;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 15:01 asciilifeform: where they ran out of where to put the dough 1495628;1467561726;mircea_popescu;now you know where Guo Boxiong's truckful comes from. it's a dropplet of the rain falling on all things from the comrade xi's fountain. 1495629;1467561751;asciilifeform;eh, the american variant (where sc4mz0rz stow imaginary printolade in faux 'havens', where their accounts get promptly zeroed out upon discovery) is scarcely an improvement 1495630;1467561781;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495574 << omg window ac units suck wtf. 1495631;1467561781;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 15:13 phf: you get complete climate control with a combination of dehumidifier, window ac unit and an air purifier, which you can scale as needed. extra ac in bedroom, extra dehumidifier in bathroom, etc. 1495632;1467561793;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it is an improvement for the trees! 1495633;1467561814;asciilifeform;window ac sucks mightily. but perhaps 1% of houses in bmore have modern central air. 1495634;1467561837;mircea_popescu;there's a space between "window ac" and "central air". you can get a proper split unit installed. 1495635;1467561843;asciilifeform;incidentally an ac buildout needs a licensed freonist in usa to be street-legal. 1495636;1467561864;asciilifeform;what's a split unit ? 1495637;1467561866;mircea_popescu;just thinking about "window ac", wtf is this "feel good" nonsense. it clearly doesn't solve the problem, it just what, gives you the impression of a cool breeze ? 1495638;1467561886;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a split unit is this thing where the compressor and hot phase sit outside, for instance on roof, and cold head inside. 1495639;1467561892;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: window ac is actual ac. just clunky. my first flat was inhabitable solely on account of one single window ac. 1495640;1467561904;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that ~is~ called central air, where i live. 1495641;1467561906;mircea_popescu;unlike central air, you move freon gas around rather than air. so no huge tubage. 1495642;1467561920;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, central air is when you have a huge tube and the conditioning happens entirely outside. 1495643;1467561933;asciilifeform;it NEVER happens 'entirely outside' ! wtf 1495644;1467561942;asciilifeform;only compressor ever lives outdoors. 1495645;1467561943;mircea_popescu;usually done for warehouses (originally, a thing from positive pressure clean rooms) 1495646;1467561964;mircea_popescu;but also done for condos here and there. 1495647;1467561977;asciilifeform;at any rate, ~any~ freon plumbing --> $$$$ 1495648;1467561984;mircea_popescu;sure. 1495649;1467561990;asciilifeform;hence window boxes, where the hot end hangs out and cold end blows in. 1495650;1467561998;asciilifeform;ruinously inefficient on account of their proximity. 1495651;1467562008;mircea_popescu;yep. and on account of wtf, window, srsly ? 1495652;1467562023;asciilifeform;yes window. the only usable opening. 1495653;1467562029;asciilifeform;and installable in 5 minutes. 1495654;1467562048;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, i dunno that i loathe anything us as much as THE MOTHERFUCKING WINDOWS. 1495655;1467562059;mircea_popescu;they have these tiny shits, more insult than window. and then IT ONLY OPENS HALFWAY. 1495656;1467562067;asciilifeform;there are perhaps 3 or 4 separate circles of hell in usa re windows. 1495657;1467562071;mircea_popescu;bitch, i grew up in a land where the window is an entire wall and it opens out all the way 1495658;1467562127;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: photo ? 1495659;1467562142;mircea_popescu;uh. 1495660;1467562282;mircea_popescu;i dunno, stuff like http://www.ferestrepvc.md/ro/blog/preturi-modele-la-ferestre-si-usi-termopan-pvc-metaloplast-in-rep-moldova-chisinau ? 1495661;1467562290;mircea_popescu;obviously not the historical window in question. 1495662;1467562300;asciilifeform;ah hm 1495663;1467562306;mircea_popescu;for one thing, they were wood rather than plastic frame then 1495664;1467562312;asciilifeform;in usa this also exists, typically doubles as the back door of a house. 1495665;1467562320;asciilifeform;favourite place for burglar. 1495666;1467562339;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform usually this is done for the 2 rooms (of 4) that have "a balcony" 1495667;1467562351;asciilifeform;aha, same here. 1495668;1467562356;mircea_popescu;it's a 20sqft slab whose main purpose is to allow the master bedroom to have proper windows. 1495669;1467562373;asciilifeform;quite typical in posh flats in usa. 1495670;1467562383;asciilifeform;quite impractical in ground-level dwelling. 1495671;1467562388;mircea_popescu;as opposed to http://www.crl-arch.com/Images/systems/us_alum/hurricane_resistant/iw8000/iw8000_hurricane_window_1.png inept bullshit. 1495672;1467562415;asciilifeform;^ these are sop pretty much everywhere there is a window. 1495673;1467562427;mircea_popescu;yes, and it makes me want to put the drink down and leave. 1495674;1467562430;mircea_popescu;we'll fuck in the park. 1495675;1467562432;asciilifeform;the glass is double-layered and there is typically inert gas inside. 1495676;1467562441;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform same for the ones i linked. of course. 1495677;1467562443;mircea_popescu;"termopan" 1495678;1467562483;asciilifeform;but yes, miniscule windows are mark of poverty, now just as in 16th c. 1495679;1467562501;asciilifeform;older american dwellings have titanic windows. 1495680;1467562505;mircea_popescu;ttp://calculator.fereastracora.ro/calcul-pret-termopan 1495681;1467562509;mircea_popescu;such poverty. 1495682;1467562654;*;mircea_popescu just did the calc, ~800 bucks for 3.55 x 2.0 meter window, 24mm float glass x2 with argon filling. 1495683;1467562667;asciilifeform;no, no 1495684;1467562670;asciilifeform;the thermal cost. 1495685;1467562677;asciilifeform;amortized over the life of the house. 1495686;1467562681;mircea_popescu;lower than concrete wall. 1495687;1467562692;asciilifeform;american house has no concrete wall 1495688;1467562693;mircea_popescu;this window insulates better than anything full brick or below. 1495689;1467562698;asciilifeform;it has hollow wooden thing with fiberglass. 1495690;1467562708;*;mircea_popescu shurgs so run a miner. 1495691;1467562728;asciilifeform;how does that help in the summertime ? 1495692;1467562738;asciilifeform;recall, shit-climate, cold winter, swamp summer 1495693;1467562748;asciilifeform;'white man was not meant to live here' 1495694;1467562754;mircea_popescu;for srs 1495695;1467562768;asciilifeform;ergo tiny portholes instead of windows. and the other joys. 1495696;1467562815;mircea_popescu;such, such were the joys. 1495697;1467562982;mircea_popescu;incidentally asciilifeform anyone bothered to run the "fire hazard cost" "amortized over lifetime of house" for the shitty wood-glass napalm mix ? 1495698;1467562994;mircea_popescu;or for that matter the disadvantage of porthole + neon light "for energy efficiency" ? 1495699;1467563017;asciilifeform;what do you think. 1495700;1467563019;mircea_popescu;since we're doing externalities, let's do the whole shebang, not like i'm a fucking redskin and the oh-so-clever ustard is going to get to count MY externalities and just mine. 1495701;1467563025;asciilifeform;incidentally the bmore house had massive skylights. 1495702;1467563033;mircea_popescu;so let's hear it, brick and termopan window vs vinyl siding and shit on a stick. 1495703;1467563035;asciilifeform;it was astonishing, no mains current, and ~whole place was lit!1 1495704;1467563045;asciilifeform;i was floored. 1495705;1467563051;mircea_popescu;will end up costing 100x more before i even get my sleeves pulled up. 1495706;1467563058;asciilifeform;i brought a miner's head lamp with me, and scarcely had to use it, except in the cellar. 1495707;1467563108;asciilifeform;nobody counts fire hazard costs. 1495708;1467563116;mircea_popescu;"nobody". the usg doesn't. i do. 1495709;1467563118;asciilifeform;poor schmuck burns down, another will come in his place. 1495710;1467563125;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the usg counts "corruption" against me. i don't. 1495711;1467563136;mircea_popescu;it's a war, after all. i count their "innocent victims" even as they count mine. 1495712;1467563159;asciilifeform;i was speaking from the pov of the gosplan folk who designed this crapolade 1495713;1467563163;asciilifeform;the cardboard houses and all. 1495714;1467563177;asciilifeform;and one of the appealing things re the bmore structures was that they were from a previous age 1495715;1467563185;asciilifeform;and actually made of things like brick and lath-n-plaster 1495716;1467563198;mircea_popescu;yep. kinda what's driving the entire resettling of the injuns. 1495717;1467563199;asciilifeform;built in 1920s at the latest. 1495718;1467563206;mircea_popescu;people want the houses of the grandfathers back, can't built them anymore. 1495719;1467563239;mircea_popescu;apparently, they want them back so bad, it's even worth destroying the police over it. 1495720;1467563280;mircea_popescu;(yes, the deep reason amored truck is "needed" is exactly this : moving the injuns around will require some caterpillaring.) 1495721;1467563299;asciilifeform;i saw 0 tanks in black bmore. 1495722;1467563306;asciilifeform;they are used to keep it out of the white cardboard. 1495723;1467563320;mircea_popescu;to slowly resettle it out of historic east coast districts. 1495724;1467563326;mircea_popescu;which they infested in the 60s/70s. 1495725;1467563349;asciilifeform;i dun see it. 1495726;1467563356;asciilifeform;nobody's squeezing those folk out. 1495727;1467563383;asciilifeform;though, interestingly, i did see a freshly-built block of cardboard condos right in the middle of the red zone. empty. 1495728;1467563389;asciilifeform;just like the ones near where i live. 1495729;1467563405;asciilifeform;they are built by the thousands as a straight scam of the banks on themselves. 1495730;1467563438;mircea_popescu;aha 1495731;1467564027;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495657 << i have that one, it's available here, but premium feature. the kind of stuff you see on those "rich people in new york apartments" photos 1495732;1467564027;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 16:07 mircea_popescu: bitch, i grew up in a land where the window is an entire wall and it opens out all the way 1495733;1467564065;phf;but have that at the expense of builtin "carpet" in bedroom 1495734;1467564085;phf;it seems like they can't quite get it right here 1495735;1467564385;*;ben_vulpes had that while attending uni. 8th floor, poured concrete building, enough ac to make nipples pop, gas fireplace but *electric range* 1495736;1467564395;ben_vulpes;they cannot get it right here. 1495737;1467564410;asciilifeform;fireplace?! 1495738;1467564418;ben_vulpes;(swimming pool! parking garage! 1100/mo for ~750 ft2 and 2 br and 1.5 bath!) 1495739;1467564435;*;asciilifeform at a loss for words 1495740;1467564440;ben_vulpes;'fireplace' 1495741;1467564448;ben_vulpes;$newbox has one too 1495742;1467564453;ben_vulpes;but also -- electric range. 1495743;1467564454;*;ben_vulpes wtfs 1495744;1467564518;mircea_popescu;phf builtin carpet is a misery anyway. 1495745;1467564537;mircea_popescu;parquet, area carpets, women with carpet beaters a few times a year. 1495746;1467564581;ben_vulpes;never vacuum the kilim 1495747;1467564606;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes electric range ? wtf is a range ? 1495748;1467564607;asciilifeform;american 'carpet' is a horror 1495749;1467564617;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 'stove' 1495750;1467564620;asciilifeform;the main perk of my current dwelling was its absence. 1495751;1467564640;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform irani imports, "persian carpets" in romania. the shit that was common middle class in my parents' house and is now untold luxury omfg. 1495752;1467564645;mircea_popescu;did we live through ww3 and nobody noticed ? 1495753;1467564655;*;ben_vulpes has several of these 1495754;1467564678;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes if memory serves, they cost ~2-3k a pop, which is to say about the same as a hundred vinyls or so. 1495755;1467564690;ben_vulpes;i get the ~40 yo ones, only ~1k 1495756;1467564690;mircea_popescu;~month's pay 1495757;1467564710;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes in dollars it'd have been maybe 30 lol. 1495758;1467564715;ben_vulpes;wat 1495759;1467564718;mircea_popescu;oya 1495760;1467564725;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re persian carpets, recall that we also had sturgeon caviar. 1495761;1467564730;mircea_popescu;aha. 1495762;1467564738;*;mircea_popescu didn't6 like it. 1495763;1467564749;asciilifeform;and that in usa it is roughly same, by mass, as eating pentium-iv's. 1495764;1467564754;mircea_popescu;aha 1495765;1467564755;*;asciilifeform like it 1495766;1467564798;mircea_popescu;well, kids taste 1495767;1467564810;mircea_popescu;i also hated eucalyptus 1495768;1467564876;asciilifeform;my point was that much of what was ordinary or even commonplace then, is scarce and precious now 1495769;1467564884;asciilifeform;as result of the march to ant-civilization. 1495770;1467564905;asciilifeform;from mircea_popescu's felt top hat to the bmore brick house. 1495771;1467564918;mircea_popescu;aha. 1495772;1467564924;phf;black caviar at local ru store is like $100 for couple of grams 1495773;1467564928;asciilifeform;aha. 1495774;1467564933;asciilifeform;from sturgeon caviar to cars made of actual iron 1495775;1467564946;asciilifeform;phf: i found it interesting that EVERY ru store in dc area stocks it 1495776;1467564955;asciilifeform;folks buy to celebrate something, remember old civilized times 1495777;1467564960;mircea_popescu;well, i imagine half their patrons are riggers. 1495778;1467564965;mircea_popescu;you know, like wiggers but russian 1495779;1467564970;phf;also i looked at the apartment in philadelphia that had wall window for the street side room, 14'' ceilings, hardwood floor everywhere. was built end of 19th century. and of course the rent goes exponential. instead of $1000 that was sop for the size, it was something like $2500 1495780;1467565022;mircea_popescu;phf but for the floors, this is actually what the smart "fixers" do. 1495781;1467565062;mircea_popescu;high end stuff such as oak (we didn't count oak parquet as anything. we did peach, and cherry, and nut tree for the up end) costs to put in 1/5 of what it gets priced in as. 1495782;1467565082;mircea_popescu;so they'd blow up a ceiling in the entryway to make the house "look" tall, and so on. 1495783;1467565369;BingoBoingo; what's a split unit ? << motel wall unit. Pretty good actually for previously unconditioned spaces. 1495784;1467565371;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495572 << which reminds me of this girl i knew back in romania, whose grandfather had bought her uncle an entire street as a 18yo present. 1495785;1467565371;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 15:12 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495542 << ben_vulpes could literally buy entire street in bmore for what he is almost certainly paying in the white man's land 1495786;1467565375;mircea_popescu;things... didn't go well for them. 1495787;1467565390;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo aha. 1495788;1467565419;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didn't go well how 1495789;1467565423;phf;makes sense, though i suspect particular house was untouched, or touched up anyway. reminded me of some of the golden youth moscow apartments, thick beams of hardwood floor, tiny rooms with high ceilings, certain way the place smells 1495790;1467565455;asciilifeform;the smell! some of the bmore houses have it 1495791;1467565462;asciilifeform;it was quite astonishing. 1495792;1467565474;asciilifeform;prolly comes from civilization-era construction material. 1495793;1467565520;asciilifeform;shit-age houses, just like shit-age b00kz, have 0 smell, or unpleasant faint petro smell. 1495794;1467565575;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, jews from bukovina. first pass, the nazis. 2nd pass, the russians 1495795;1467565579;mircea_popescu;then communism... 1495796;1467565616;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect you detect turpentine. 1495797;1467565645;mircea_popescu;(~distilled pine resin) 1495798;1467565728;asciilifeform;where? in the new houses ? 1495799;1467565743;BingoBoingo;A BingoBoingo aha. << Actually I was thinking mini-split. But yes "central air" in US residential use almost always means a split system. 1495800;1467565761;mircea_popescu;in the old. 1495801;1467565763;mircea_popescu;neh ? 1495802;1467565804;BingoBoingo;Anyways cutting a hole in brick to install mini-split in book room is nbd, just use a sawzall 1495803;1467565859;phf;tmsr's own S.GCON 1495804;1467565862;mircea_popescu;http://environmentalairsystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/100_0571.jpg << central air. here depicted, cheapskate marginal unit with flexible tubage. proper units have rigid tubes, do air purifying etc at intake point, force air through tubes. 1495805;1467565884;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo even easier in autoclaved cellular concrete, w/e they call it in anglolands 1495806;1467565894;BingoBoingo;AHA! 1495807;1467565902;mircea_popescu;can use tootpick 1495808;1467566044;asciilifeform;lel for a second i thought mircea_popescu dug up the photo of asciilifeform's attic posted last year !! 1495809;1467566052;asciilifeform;it looks almost exactly like this. 1495810;1467566056;mircea_popescu;lol na 1495811;1467566058;asciilifeform;$s from:asciilifeform attic 1495812;1467566058;a111;8 results for "from:asciilifeform attic", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20attic 1495813;1467566326;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495583 << i would like to see your calculation, because actual experience contradicts it something sad. 1495814;1467566326;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 15:15 phf: yes, and necessary parts for kitchen/climate control will run you 2-3k 1495815;1467566327;mircea_popescu;just proper fridge (1k at the very least) ; proper stove (about 500, fittings et all) ; dishwasher (another 500) touches your 2k. this includes no cabinets or other furniture, no retiling the walls, no holy shit expenses such as redoing the floor, fixing holes in walls or adding a section of roof etc. 1495816;1467566364;asciilifeform;nor rubbish removal 1495817;1467566369;mircea_popescu;and this is with free female labour to paint walls and scrub surfaces clean, and with paint, solvent and detergent included in the figures for the items (which alsoinclude transport etc) 1495818;1467566371;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have slaves. 1495819;1467566374;asciilifeform;not all of which can be done with own hands and simple equipment 1495820;1467566382;asciilifeform;do mircea_popescu's slaves have a duct cleaning machine handy ? 1495821;1467566398;mircea_popescu;last time i took over a place, ~50 girl-hours went into scrubbing surfaces. 1495822;1467566405;asciilifeform;it is typically a trailer-sized blower/vacuum 1495823;1467566412;asciilifeform;to remove rubbish from forced-air ducts 1495824;1467566415;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform as i said, "no holy shit expenses" 1495825;1467566432;asciilifeform;scrubbing surfaces is something one can do, if pressed, personally. 1495826;1467566433;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform cheapo scheme above, cheaper to replace the ducts. 1495827;1467566439;asciilifeform;l0l!!! 1495828;1467566440;asciilifeform;replace !? 1495829;1467566446;asciilifeform;tear up remaining walls, floors ? 1495830;1467566449;asciilifeform;havefun 1495831;1467566450;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if pressed enough, can do with own face! 1495832;1467566475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, depends. sometime "tear the whole shit down" is cheaper than fix. besides, if i'm going to pour concrete in my kitchen, i'd much rather pour the whole floor plane. 1495833;1467566480;asciilifeform;cheaper to dynamite the carcass and build new, than to replace plastered-in ducts. 1495834;1467566500;mircea_popescu;paster is fiddy bux the ton, neh ? 1495835;1467566501;asciilifeform;whole gedankenexperiment was predicated on 'fix carcass' 1495836;1467566508;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1495837;1467566510;asciilifeform;vs 'build house' 1495838;1467566545;ben_vulpes;'reanimate zombie' 1495839;1467566556;asciilifeform;the real estate agent, an old woman, send me long list of similar properties i could look at. 1495840;1467566560;mircea_popescu;anyway, "<mircea_popescu> asciilifeform cheapo scheme above, cheaper to replace the ducts." denotes that in the "central air" image i linked, the ducts exist in the attic as free standing tin foil. they're connected to a grate in the roof of rooms. 1495841;1467566562;asciilifeform;but i dunno if worth the bother. 1495842;1467566571;mircea_popescu;for THAT arrangement, new ducts will run you 3-400 bucks and you're done. 1495843;1467566573;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they are such in the place i live now. 1495844;1467566580;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but not the bmore house's. 1495845;1467566583;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1495846;1467566762;phf;mircea_popescu: my calculations assume that you're not trying to move into up to standards place upfront. mircea_popescu: i'm thinking how much it takes to put it in a survival mode. fridge, stove and window AC, then you spend the next year working over the place on weekends. i had a few friends who did it that way, ended up with high resale value places when the area inevitably gentrified 10 years later 1495847;1467566822;phf;of course you have to actually be poor to do it that way 1495848;1467566943;asciilifeform;and yer time has to be worth ~0 1495849;1467566951;asciilifeform;for it to even begin to resemble making financial sense. 1495850;1467566962;asciilifeform;(either that or you have to ~like~ shoveling shit) 1495851;1467566962;phf;some people like to go about that way as an avocation 1495852;1467566987;asciilifeform;i suppose, the same folks who build ships in bottles 1495853;1467567019;phf;my time is expensive, but it's non linear. i can't be hacking 24/7, or parsing information, sometimes i need to build things out of wood to let brain reset 1495854;1467567052;*;asciilifeform likewise 1495855;1467567057;asciilifeform;which is why i contemplated the bmore thing 1495856;1467567068;asciilifeform;i like the idea of slowly building 'dirigible' 1495857;1467567207;mircea_popescu;phf so your survival mode includes what, food spoliage ? eating frozen dinners ? 1495858;1467567247;phf;no no fridge, stove and window AC as absolute minimum 1495859;1467567256;mircea_popescu;aha 1495860;1467567319;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform like it or not, the time of about 1/4 of us female population IS worth 0. 1495861;1467567351;mircea_popescu;it's either "paiont and scrub this property" or else "go to school" / "look for a job" / ruin perfectly good food "cooking" and be bitchy about it. 1495862;1467567667;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you familiar with the house structure as a cultural item in the middle east ? 1495863;1467567679;asciilifeform;hm? 1495864;1467567682;asciilifeform;probably not ? 1495865;1467567697;mircea_popescu;see, to you, or in general to white people of the tribe that invented houses, a house is a thing, a definite item. 1495866;1467567717;mircea_popescu;but to this dubious race of the east, a house is not a definite item. instead, it is a tower. 1495867;1467567724;asciilifeform;lemme guess, it is more of jet fighter to them 1495868;1467567728;mircea_popescu;the land surface of this tower reflects the importance of the clan inhabiting it. 1495869;1467567730;asciilifeform;~nothing without crew 1495870;1467567739;mircea_popescu;the height reflects the family fertility. 1495871;1467567764;mircea_popescu;so, they do not have rooves, per se. just an unfinished floor, which has a foot or two of pillar reinforced concrete, with the rebar exposed. 1495872;1467567780;asciilifeform;ah yeah those 1495873;1467567782;mircea_popescu;should any of the girls manage to get knocked up, the family is drafted to pour more concrete, make another "roof" ie floor, and fill brick in between 1495874;1467567789;asciilifeform;worx great in latitude without snow. 1495875;1467567791;asciilifeform;or much rain. 1495876;1467567795;mircea_popescu;yup. ie, middle east. 1495877;1467567819;mircea_popescu;the thing being, that you walk around the item and know the social rank of the inhabitants, and then look up and see the sluttery of the X chromosome baked in. 1495878;1467567864;mircea_popescu;for the anthropologist, god damned fascinating, they're like a family-sized snail building its conch. 1495879;1467567969;asciilifeform;makes sense. 1495880;1467567997;mircea_popescu;the question to you is, are you building a dirigible in the white man sense or in the sand nigger sense ? 1495881;1467568009;asciilifeform;the former. 1495882;1467568015;asciilifeform;i have 0 use for the latter. 1495883;1467568070;mircea_popescu;not altogether clear this can be done http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495856 1495884;1467568070;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 17:31 asciilifeform: i like the idea of slowly building 'dirigible' 1495885;1467568081;asciilifeform;well that was my tentative conclusion. 1495886;1467568091;asciilifeform;possibly it can be done, but ~not~ on shoestring budget. 1495887;1467568103;mircea_popescu;well, not on shoestring meat, in any case. 1495888;1467568129;mircea_popescu;there's ONE thing the middle eastern guy has that white man can't replicate, and that is, a stable, and here i kid you not, a stable, of dozen+ pliable obedient females WITH offspring. 1495889;1467568136;asciilifeform;meatrobots. 1495890;1467568137;asciilifeform;aha 1495891;1467568154;mircea_popescu;the reason white man doesn't build the middle eastern tower may be whatever you wish it to be. 1495892;1467568161;mircea_popescu;but from HIS perspective, it's that you can't afford the tools. 1495893;1467568197;asciilifeform;crashed pilot on pacific island, eating caterpillars, also lacks meat robots. 1495894;1467568213;mircea_popescu;i guesd 1495895;1467568224;asciilifeform;asciilifeform's position is considerably closer to that, than to the egyptian paterfamilias. 1495896;1467568231;mircea_popescu;note that you're drowning in cunt, meanwhile. 1495897;1467568236;mircea_popescu;so no, not island. 1495898;1467568248;asciilifeform;'water water everywhere, and still the boards did shrink' 1495899;1467568256;mircea_popescu;cairo, for the record, is a city ~the size of california. 1495900;1467568262;mircea_popescu;no joke. and yes, built and run like this. 1495901;1467568565;asciilifeform;army of meat robots may as well be cern's particle accelerator as far as i'm concerned. 1495902;1467568574;asciilifeform;not available, not gonna be available, not worth considering 1495903;1467568601;asciilifeform;not even certain that i would know how to operate it if it ~were~. etc. 1495904;1467568692;BingoBoingo; whole gedankenexperiment was predicated on 'fix carcass' << White gase camp stove is $50 to $350. There, kitchen. 1495905;1467568702;asciilifeform;maybe BingoBoingo's kitchen. not mine. 1495906;1467568707;asciilifeform;mine bakes cakes, etc. 1495907;1467568740;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's exactly two ways to construct value into this world. one's to take the 1/4 * 350mn / 2 = 40 or so million currently useless refuse and turn them into women. even if you only manage a small %, it's still something. aka, uranium water filtering. 1495908;1467568783;mircea_popescu;the other's, in the words of that pawnbroker ( http://trilema.com/2015/the-pawnbroker/ ) jew, 1495909;1467568787;BingoBoingo; and yer time has to be worth ~0 << NO, it just has to be worth less than (tradeperson wage)/(2 or 3) 1495910;1467568808;mircea_popescu;"You people? Oh, let's see. Yeah. I see. I see, you... you want to learn the secret of our success, is that right? Alright I'll teach you. First of all you start off with a period of several thousand years, during which you have nothing to sustain you but a great bearded legend. Oh my friend you have no land to call your own, to grow food on or to hunt. You have nothing. You're never in one place long enough to have a geograp 1495911;1467568808;mircea_popescu;hy or an army or a land myth. All you have is a little brain. A little brain and a great bearded legend to sustain you and convince you that you are special, even in poverty. But this little brain, that's the real key you see. With this little brain you go out and you buy a piece of cloth and you cut that cloth in two and you go and sell it for a penny more than you paid for it. Then you run right out and buy another piece of 1495912;1467568811;mircea_popescu; cloth, cut it into three pieces and sell it for three pennies profit. But, my friend, during that time you must never succumb to buying an extra piece of bread for the table or a toy for a child, no. You must immediately run out and get yourself a still larger piece cloth and so you repeat this process over and over and suddenly you discover something. You have no longer any desire, any temptation to dig into the Earth to gr 1495913;1467568818;mircea_popescu;ow food or to gaze at a limitless land and call it your own, no, no. You just go on and on and on repeating this process over the centuries over and over and suddenly you make a grand discovery. You have a mercantile heritage! You are a merchant. You are known as a usurer, a man with secret resources, a witch, a pawnbroker, a sheenie, a makie and a kike! " 1495914;1467568823;mircea_popescu;the only question before you, mr alf-form, is : are you a jew ? 1495915;1467568862;asciilifeform;supposedly. 1495916;1467568871;mircea_popescu;well in that case. 1495917;1467568891;phf;:) 1495918;1467568926;mircea_popescu;film's definitely a must watch, in any case. 1495919;1467569026;mircea_popescu;$s makie maker 1495920;1467569027;a111;1 results for "makie maker", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=makie%20maker 1495921;1467569029;mircea_popescu;o i mean, 1495922;1467569032;mircea_popescu;$google makie maker 1495923;1467569035;deedbot;https://mymakie.com/makie/design/ << Makie Maker | Makies | https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/makies-fablab-design-create/id806174619?mt=8 << Makies FabLab: Design, Create & Style Doll Fashion Maker on the ... | https://mymakie.com/ << Makies - Create Your Own Doll! (US) 1495924;1467569041;mircea_popescu;apaprently, makie's fine! 1495925;1467569044;asciilifeform;dafuq 1495926;1467569060;mircea_popescu;it didn't luck out to be picked by the "identity politics" circus, so it's not an insult at all! fancy its luck. 1495927;1467569111;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, sand nigger is "intrinsically" insulting, dontchaknow. 1495928;1467569121;asciilifeform;anyway, asciilifeform is not a jew in the sense contemplated in the quote. this requires 'heritage' to stand on the shoulders off - uncles who will invest in your schemes, etc. -- but instead is more of crashed flyer. 1495929;1467569130;mircea_popescu;welllll then... 1495930;1467569133;asciilifeform;working with own hands. 1495931;1467569138;asciilifeform;(and 1 set of pet) 1495932;1467569141;mircea_popescu;so what, you're moses ? 1495933;1467569152;asciilifeform;whatchatalkingabout, moses had mega-meat-army 1495934;1467569159;mircea_popescu;only after. 1495935;1467569174;asciilifeform;before - it was army-in-being. 1495936;1467569185;mircea_popescu;seems to be the dream here - if i carve the right words into immutable functional space, mega meat army pops. 1495937;1467569202;asciilifeform;much more modestly. 1495938;1467569212;mircea_popescu;there are things upon which modesty is impossible. 1495939;1467569215;asciilifeform;testing hypothesis 'it is possible to build box to keep the rain out, with own hands and minimal expenditure' 1495940;1467569225;mircea_popescu;"modestly, m'lady, i just want my spunk coming out your nose, s'all." 1495941;1467569230;asciilifeform;y'know, the thing ~100% of our ancestors managed to do. 1495942;1467569240;mircea_popescu;no such wonder. 1495943;1467569246;mircea_popescu;no fucking ancestors built house for themselves. 1495944;1467569261;asciilifeform;plenty of folks did 1495945;1467569266;mircea_popescu;the ones like you, without uncle, fought hyena for cave. about as likely to "construct" cave as hyena. 1495946;1467569276;mircea_popescu;the ones like the jew, lived in house invested by uncle, see above re cairo. 1495947;1467569388;asciilifeform;at any rate, caterpillars are not find cuisine but that's what i'm gonna eat on this here island. 1495948;1467569392;asciilifeform;because what else. 1495949;1467569459;mircea_popescu;well, i'm nor one to ineptly suggest stuff. "Hey, you building house ? look into geodesic dome / $random crap!" because that's what i last read in Nature and i fancy myself a cultivated fellow. 1495950;1467569474;mircea_popescu;instead, i'm merely exploring the known, as found in this here endless library. 1495951;1467569483;mircea_popescu;perhaps it's useful, though i have no idea how it would be. 1495952;1467569486;mircea_popescu;that's your job. 1495953;1467569499;asciilifeform;hey i enjoyed experimental test for a change 1495954;1467569501;asciilifeform;vs armchair. 1495955;1467569521;mircea_popescu;you know what the next step is, right ? 1495956;1467569547;asciilifeform;hm? 1495957;1467569562;mircea_popescu;"bitch, get your ass to baltimore and don't come back until you've picked up a local." 1495958;1467569569;asciilifeform;ick 1495959;1467569583;mircea_popescu;this is why slavery doesn't work as an educational ploy without the whip. 1495960;1467569605;asciilifeform;why not send to fuck monkey in the zoo, also 1495961;1467569609;asciilifeform;and bear in the woods. 1495962;1467569622;asciilifeform;mega-project. 1495963;1467569646;mircea_popescu;it's not yours to question why. 1495964;1467569676;mircea_popescu;and importantly, pick up makes no specification re fuck. 1495965;1467569687;asciilifeform;wtf do i need the local fauna for. 1495966;1467569688;asciilifeform;srsly 1495967;1467569701;mircea_popescu;local fauna lives there, amirite ? 1495968;1467569717;asciilifeform;if you can call 'food depot' etc. living. 1495969;1467569722;mircea_popescu;do they or don't they ? 1495970;1467569726;asciilifeform;apparently 1495971;1467569740;mircea_popescu;and you wish to do the same. on your own terms, sure, but the point is - the same. 1495972;1467569755;mircea_popescu;gee whiz, what the fuck sense could it make to interact with the very subject of your interest! 1495973;1467569757;asciilifeform;when i go sailing i will be sure to also ask her to pick up some fish so we can learn from them how. 1495974;1467569763;mircea_popescu;aha. do so. 1495975;1467569767;mircea_popescu;da vinci also. 1495976;1467569773;asciilifeform;and learn to breathe water. 1495977;1467569774;asciilifeform;from them. 1495978;1467569786;asciilifeform;(notice i said 'go sailing' not 'build boat') 1495979;1467569817;asciilifeform;incidentally i factored in cost of NOT going to 'food depot' etc. and it is quite high. 1495980;1467569839;deedbot;[Qntra] US Plagued By Tainted Flour - http://qntra.net/2016/07/us-plagued-by-tainted-flour/ 1495981;1467569870;asciilifeform;^ quite pertinent !! 1495982;1467569883;mircea_popescu;yeah you'll need cellar etc. 1495983;1467569900;mircea_popescu;but - on the upside, teach girl to cure meats etc, loads of fun uber valuable skills. 1495984;1467569913;asciilifeform;potentially. 1495985;1467569917;asciilifeform;cellar was not very large tho. 1495986;1467569951;mircea_popescu;in principle a household should be capable to intake 500 lbs of freshly slaugthered pig and craft it into food supplies worth ~1 1/4 mn delicious calories 1495987;1467569953;asciilifeform;whole experiment went precisely like my 'what would it take to launch a satellite' thing. 1495988;1467569987;asciilifeform;... conclusion being, ~other~ folks, with serious economic weight behind them, can and do indeed launch sats. 1495989;1467569989;asciilifeform;poorfags - not. 1495990;1467570010;mircea_popescu;what capital figure did you come up with as ther threshold ? 1495991;1467570030;asciilifeform;i could say a number but it will be misleading, for same reason as the private jet thread 1495992;1467570039;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1495993;1467570047;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-21#1486041 << it 1495994;1467570047;a111;Logged on 2016-06-21 00:38 mircea_popescu: it's a "have a hundred slaves" machine. 1495995;1467570061;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-21#1486039 1495996;1467570061;a111;Logged on 2016-06-21 00:38 mircea_popescu: in the sense a luxury car is "100k" or a cellphone "1500". yeah, right, read the maintenance contracts. 1495997;1467570062;mircea_popescu;well, let's have it, worry about that after. 1495998;1467570097;asciilifeform;again, the number is potentially $maxint, depending on how much of civilization you gotta rebuild in order to even play 1495999;1467570111;asciilifeform;because it isn't available 'retail' 1496000;1467570115;mircea_popescu;your experiment will have to be re-done. 1496001;1467570123;asciilifeform;as per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492732 1496002;1467570123;a111;Logged on 2016-06-29 15:39 mircea_popescu: no warehouse, no bauxite. 1496003;1467570201;asciilifeform;so for instance, upon first look it appears that 20-30mil u.s. will get you a simple 'bent pipe' launched into orbit, but then you notice that you gotta be in 3 different wots that asciilifeform isn't in. 1496004;1467570204;asciilifeform;and so forth. 1496005;1467570220;asciilifeform;and the cost of ~getting~ in, even if physically possible, is not calculable in any straight manner. 1496006;1467570240;asciilifeform;(what is the cost of becoming a circus acrobat?) 1496007;1467570251;mircea_popescu;i'd say high six figures in actual, liquid capital, should be sufficient. that's ~1k btc atm. 1496008;1467570268;asciilifeform;high six figures + being mircea_popescu 1496009;1467570271;asciilifeform;probably would work 1496010;1467570277;asciilifeform;high six figures and being a rube ? 1496011;1467570283;asciilifeform;just makes a dead rube 1496012;1467570286;mircea_popescu;work that asshole! 1496013;1467570297;asciilifeform;just makes for sore arsehole, neh ? 1496014;1467570298;mircea_popescu;but yes, granted, the spot's not for everyone. 1496015;1467570326;asciilifeform;see, that was my contention, that the thing HAS NO COST 1496016;1467570332;asciilifeform;not in the sense those 88 cent cans of tuna have a cost. 1496017;1467570346;asciilifeform;you have to 'be someone' 1496018;1467570351;mircea_popescu;right. 1496019;1467570416;shinohai;http://archive.is/MdA2J <<< Obama dreams of being nubbins` when he leaves office. 1496020;1467570426;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo 1496021;1467570426;asciilifeform;note, quite a few folk have 1k btc, but no - afaik - launches. 1496022;1467570471;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform complex. pretty thin middle class in btc. people > 10k or <100 , broadly. 1496023;1467570521;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bear in mind, however, that ~ANY woman can be trained to, eg, http://66.media.tumblr.com/9e19e1efb34b4219d13570f08d85a19f/tumblr_nv091t4hkt1uwpmxro1_400.gif 1496024;1467570523;*;asciilifeform has no pertinent recent data and will take mircea_popescu's word fo rit 1496025;1467570543;mircea_popescu;it's deeply unclear to me the acrobat, rather than the stripped that comfortably dps, is at issue here. 1496026;1467570564;mircea_popescu;stripper* 1496027;1467570613;asciilifeform;and any house can be rebuilt 1496028;1467570614;mircea_popescu;in other words, i don't believe manhood to be much of an innate talent. there'\s good arguments for the position. 1496029;1467570620;asciilifeform;question is the labour. 1496030;1467570632;asciilifeform;not everybody is a born animal trainer. 1496031;1467570797;mircea_popescu;howevert yuou state it, manhood can't be much of a talent. 1496032;1467570833;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu likes to roll all manners of particular mircea_popescuinities into concept of 'manhood' 1496033;1467570846;asciilifeform;so, e.g., if you dun like taming scorpions, you ain't man 1496034;1467570847;asciilifeform;etc 1496035;1467570851;mircea_popescu;yes. who's to call me on it ? 1496036;1467570861;asciilifeform;the alert reader!111 1496037;1467570875;mircea_popescu;the alert man-reader or just merely reader ? 1496038;1467570888;asciilifeform;the alert martian-reader, hell. 1496039;1467570893;mircea_popescu;mno. no such wonder. 1496040;1467570897;asciilifeform;this isn't a sin peculiar to mircea_popescu either. 1496041;1467570916;mircea_popescu;so far we're working on whether it's, strictly speaking, a sin 1496042;1467570972;asciilifeform;only in the sense that a furniture store run by a giant is 'sinful' 1496043;1467570981;asciilifeform;selling chairs that ordinary man could put entire living room on 1496044;1467571002;*;mircea_popescu also defines the grammar of languages, eg. romanian. and then "alert reader" calls him on it, and mp says fuck you, language is codified by the languagemaker, the poet and the genius generally. which is me, not you. now fix those cookbooks and laundry lists you call "grammar books" 1496045;1467571027;asciilifeform;next phase is of course full-bore tolkien 1496046;1467571038;asciilifeform;where existing langs aren't even enough for the truly 1333333333337 1496047;1467571040;mircea_popescu;or late days gauss, of course. 1496048;1467571043;asciilifeform;aha. 1496049;1467571049;*;asciilifeform understands this quite well. 1496050;1467571083;asciilifeform;the arses, however, expand very slowly, to fit the chairs. 1496051;1467571097;asciilifeform;a good chunk of gauss hasn't even been typeset yet (!) 1496052;1467571361;mircea_popescu;aha 1496053;1467571450;asciilifeform;in other adventures, i made the mistake of trying to set up a 2nd bl0g, for rubbish 1496054;1467571465;asciilifeform;and realized that if i were starting first one today, would prolly have just given up. 1496055;1467571470;mircea_popescu;heh 1496056;1467571473;asciilifeform;there is NO public software worth considering. 1496057;1467571478;asciilifeform;it is all liquishit. 1496058;1467571495;asciilifeform;and normally you can even tell from 5 seconds! of looking at author's page. 1496059;1467571499;asciilifeform;without even READING 1496060;1467571502;asciilifeform;just watching the js turds flicker. 1496061;1467571575;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, trinque, BingoBoingo, et al ^^ anyone have a counter-example handy ? 1496062;1467571606;mircea_popescu;you can just use my wp neh ? 1496063;1467571612;asciilifeform;i fucking hate wp 1496064;1467571628;mircea_popescu;sure. but it ~works. 1496065;1467571632;mircea_popescu;no shit. 1496066;1467571654;asciilifeform;would really like to dispense with the db crapolade. 1496067;1467571666;asciilifeform;i dun need multiple concurrent editors or whatever other rubbish. 1496068;1467571670;asciilifeform;strictly files on disk plox. 1496069;1467571815;phf;asciilifeform: https://github.com/kingcons/coleslaw ? 1496070;1467571831;asciilifeform;'git for storage' ?!! 1496071;1467571846;asciilifeform;tr0l0l0l 1496072;1467571860;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform then just write straight html, what. 1496073;1467571866;mircea_popescu;you can do it, all i use are like 5-6 tags. 1496074;1467571878;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: too much sweat per rubbish photo. 1496075;1467571886;*;mircea_popescu confesses to being tempted by such a scheme many times past, because that way the headers would be historically accurate. 1496076;1467571906;asciilifeform;it is probably what i'll end up doing, but it crosses over the worth-doing threshhold to wrong side. 1496077;1467571931;mircea_popescu;you can tell a shit language (html) by the fact that as it matures it goes back where it started from : infancy. 1496078;1467571937;mircea_popescu;write markup by hand wtf barbarism is this 1496079;1467571944;asciilifeform;aha. 1496080;1467571958;mircea_popescu;on the upside you can prolly have emacs macro to properly handle image linkage if you have a fixed scheme 1496081;1467571964;mircea_popescu;for names i mean. 1496082;1467571973;asciilifeform;probably but this is again the bmore house 1496083;1467571985;asciilifeform;suddenly what seems like 'trivial' work, balloons into a lifetime of crud. 1496084;1467571989;mircea_popescu;aha. 1496085;1467571997;trinque;I tend to use static site generators 1496086;1467572001;mircea_popescu;i ftr am very happy with my frozen wp cube 1496087;1467572005;mircea_popescu;from this pov. 1496088;1467572014;phf;trinque: i suggested one, ascii couldn't get past first line 1496089;1467572022;trinque;so write one alf 1496090;1467572033;trinque;they're an afternoon tops 1496091;1467572037;asciilifeform;mno. 1496092;1467572041;asciilifeform;not if you want it to actually work. 1496093;1467572067;trinque;wtf is this "actually" 1496094;1467572070;asciilifeform;(e.g., spit rss for trinque's bot) 1496095;1467572079;mircea_popescu;alf admits he is shitty codewright ? 1496096;1467572093;asciilifeform;i dun even DO wwwtronics!11111 1496097;1467572099;asciilifeform;ferfuxsake 1496098;1467572101;mats;psh 1496099;1467572112;*;trinque hated on the wiki recently; maybe I'll write a CL html generator sometime soon 1496100;1467572120;trinque;I'll want one for bot doings soon anyway 1496101;1467572222;trinque;the idea of a "web framework" generating pages each request is insane, even on high-churn sites 1496102;1467572238;trinque;they do this, then "caching" gets involved 1496103;1467572245;trinque;cache on disk! in a file! 1496104;1467572252;asciilifeform;what i want is to generate them ONCE, when EDITED. 1496105;1467572255;asciilifeform;then serve up static. 1496106;1467572257;trinque;right!!! 1496107;1467572260;trinque;exactly that. 1496108;1467572260;phf;trinque: coleslaw is a static site generator written in cl 1496109;1467572260;mircea_popescu;trinque it's not as bad as it seems theoretically, on the grounds of apache being utter shit. 1496110;1467572262;asciilifeform;but 0 public examples. 1496111;1467572264;asciilifeform;0. 1496112;1467572270;phf;ffs 1496113;1467572276;asciilifeform;phf: git. so no go. 1496114;1467572279;asciilifeform;i want NO DEPS 1496115;1467572283;trinque;V ? 1496116;1467572286;asciilifeform;srsly what is so hard to understand. 1496117;1467572287;phf;asciilifeform: git is an optional deployment option 1496118;1467572288;mircea_popescu;lol. srsly. 1496119;1467572296;asciilifeform;and editor via wwwbrowser. 1496120;1467572314;trinque;my emacs is not in wwwbrowser! 1496121;1467572342;mircea_popescu;in entirely unrelated news : so yesterday because pears were exceptional, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495366 1496122;1467572342;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 01:32 mircea_popescu bought a coupla dozen, chopped them off, stuck in jars with clove, muskatnuss, a little alspice and about 3 bottles of cognac 1496123;1467572346;asciilifeform;a rubbish blog gotta be augmentable from devices other than battlestation 1496124;1467572362;mircea_popescu;today, tried the contents. pears delicious, the liquoir a bit strong. brewed fresh pot of coffee, added it in. OMFG best coffee ever. 1496125;1467572366;mircea_popescu;mpailey's! 1496126;1467572392;asciilifeform;sounds like mircea_popescu takes in more ethanol than water nao 1496127;1467572392;phf;wwwbrowser disqualifies coleslaw 1496128;1467572411;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bout the usual quart a week. 1496129;1467572441;asciilifeform;ah then normal adult man l0l 1496130;1467572463;BingoBoingo; strictly files on disk plox. << werc? 1496131;1467572469;mircea_popescu;anyway, to the topic : the lot of you've got to be insane to opine on the matter without actually trying the set-up i declare to be happy with, which also carries the endless millions of trilemawords, longer than any codeball ever written. 1496132;1467572472;mircea_popescu;but hey, that's just me. 1496133;1467572483;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ? 1496134;1467572487;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how much is normal per your book ? 1496135;1467572493;asciilifeform;about quart, lel 1496136;1467572503;mircea_popescu;aokthen! 1496137;1467572509;mircea_popescu;we're white, what. that's what it's for. 1496138;1467572516;asciilifeform;prettymuch. 1496139;1467572537;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: By the cat-v plan9 people 1496140;1467572562;phf;BingoBoingo: that one's missing browser integration 1496141;1467572567;BingoBoingo;lol 1496142;1467572575;mircea_popescu;wait, so no www, no non-www ? 1496143;1467572578;mircea_popescu;and no emacs ? 1496144;1467572584;mircea_popescu;what is this, "do what i dream" ? 1496145;1467572593;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496119 1496146;1467572593;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 18:58 asciilifeform: and editor via wwwbrowser. 1496147;1467572599;mircea_popescu;ah 1496148;1467572608;asciilifeform;AND it needs plan9!!!! 1496149;1467572611;phf;i'm not even sure why i'm participating in this conversation, y'all just ranting over each other :> 1496150;1467572623;*;phf goes to setup wordpress 1496151;1467572627;asciilifeform;i just downloaded, states quite clearly, that it runs strictly on plan9. 1496152;1467572639;mircea_popescu;phf gimme a sec ima package what i run. 1496153;1467572641;mircea_popescu;it's slightly modified. 1496154;1467572644;asciilifeform;oodles of shell crapolade in there. 1496155;1467572655;mircea_popescu;mostly for spamhandling purposes. 1496156;1467572828;phf;kk 1496157;1467572853;phf;by the way, what's wrong with current %seen? 1496158;1467572860;phf;%seen phf 1496159;1467572861;mircea_popescu;%seen naked sluts 1496160;1467572868;mircea_popescu;i dunno... you tell me ? 1496161;1467572895;phf;;;seen phf 1496162;1467572895;gribble;phf was last seen in #trilema 35 seconds ago: %seen phf 1496163;1467572912;mircea_popescu;heh 1496164;1467573081;phf;though could probably use same nick matches as that's used in from:, so that $seen ascii will return last of many ascii_field, ascii_orc, ascii_butugychag ... 1496165;1467573122;mircea_popescu;mhm 1496166;1467573218;asciilifeform;i looked at 'flatpress', and barfed, it is 1000s of lines 1496167;1467573219;asciilifeform;WHY 1496168;1467573221;asciilifeform;THE FUCK 1496169;1467573233;asciilifeform;does a motherfucking blog engine need to weigh 1000s of lines of ???. 1496170;1467573271;phf;presumably needed to "actually work" 1496171;1467573279;asciilifeform;retardation. 1496172;1467573299;asciilifeform;compare mass of, e.g., 'v' vs 'git'. 1496173;1467573304;asciilifeform;does v not actually-work ? 1496174;1467573330;phf;i dunno, nobody's actually using it 1496175;1467573353;*;asciilifeform uses. 1496176;1467573551;asciilifeform;i will note that, e.g., 'Doom', was under 50,000 lines ! 1496177;1467573650;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, phuctor has crunched all of sks circa may 2016. 1496178;1467573697;phf;so do i, but we don't send patches to each other. v needs a distribute team to put it through paces, but every time we do, we et lively philosophical conversations as to how it supposed to actually be used 1496179;1467573727;phf;*we end up with 1496180;1467573743;asciilifeform;phf: iirc it ended with mircea_popescu's pithy observation that perhaps folks should not even expect to be able to use other peoples' patches directly, but rather each maintain own tree 1496181;1467573759;asciilifeform;and hand-pollinate 1496182;1467573807;mircea_popescu;not quite. 1496183;1467573822;asciilifeform;this, however, is considerably more painful than it has to be, because wwwtronics is liquid shit 1496184;1467573838;mircea_popescu;the statement was that PEOPLE SHOULDN'\ EXPECT TO REUSE other people's patches in contexts not intended by those other people ; but instead hand pollinate. 1496185;1467573842;asciilifeform;for some reason you can't presently go 'gimme asciilifeform's latest patches' 1496186;1467573847;mircea_popescu;this says nothing re common trunk ; it's a discussion of #import idiocy. 1496187;1467573887;mircea_popescu;it's strictly a "yes, shit and myelin both go into body, but there's a membrane between them". 1496188;1467573960;asciilifeform;thread concerned merging. 1496189;1467573966;asciilifeform;ended with 'merging is for lamerz' 1496190;1467573992;asciilifeform;'Real Man merges by reading, then burning the telegram, and rewriting' 1496191;1467574037;asciilifeform;i did not come up with any serious objection. but it may yet be the case that this is a chair for giants. 1496192;1467574046;asciilifeform;as phf seems to suggest. 1496193;1467574059;asciilifeform;four-handed sword. 1496194;1467574079;mircea_popescu;it's just that i see a lot more compartments, separate, than is customary in "the profession"/"the biz". 1496195;1467574097;mircea_popescu;there's an inviolate margin between ideal-code and deployed-code for instance. which this crude notion of "merging" aims to breach. 1496196;1467574117;asciilifeform;how's that 1496197;1467574200;BingoBoingo; AND it needs plan9!!!! << It needs plan9 UTILITIES, available on any nixen 1496198;1467574399;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: realize, yer still talking about a WHOLE OS USERLAND 1496199;1467574409;asciilifeform;you don't get to not count it in the weight of the proggy. 1496200;1467574494;phf;only acceptable solution is 200 lines of ADA, that you can run on dos (equivalently baremetal) and needs www interface 1496201;1467574542;asciilifeform;wouldn't go this far, but ought to use the pieces already in the rubble 1496202;1467574555;asciilifeform;e.g., python, or whatever 1496203;1467574601;asciilifeform;'phuctor', say, is 600 ln of py and 200 of c. 1496204;1467574609;asciilifeform;and probably could be considerably smaller. 1496205;1467574620;mircea_popescu;phf http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wp-mptargz.gpg << it's all there ; run a grep over the files for "fill your own" to see what you need to add ; you'll also need a theme (goes in /wp-content ) and obviously a mysql db. 1496206;1467574630;mircea_popescu;let me know if you have trouble standing it up, i'll debug for free! 1496207;1467574637;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu, this might come in handy 1496208;1467574638;mircea_popescu;if anyone else wants it sure - jus' say. 1496209;1467574657;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's to his key. you want also ? 1496210;1467574675;asciilifeform;ah yes 1496211;1467574676;asciilifeform;plox. 1496212;1467574686;mircea_popescu;kk. anyone else ? save me an upload and speak nao ? 1496213;1467574773;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wp-mp-alftargz.gpg 1496214;1467574799;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu 1496215;1467574854;mircea_popescu;also - if anyone feels like undertaking maintenance for this, on like a V tree and everything, i wouldn't be at all against. 1496216;1467574882;mircea_popescu;for one thing - splendid entry level project to learn v without having to know wtf project 9 level arcana is. for the other - still some crud that could do with taking out etc. 1496217;1467574889;asciilifeform;it's got binaries 1496218;1467574892;mircea_popescu;fine apprentice job altogether. 1496219;1467574893;asciilifeform;so not v-able. 1496220;1467574898;asciilifeform;at least not in the whole. 1496221;1467574912;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a) which and b) why would binary be un-v-able i dun get it ? 1496222;1467574918;mircea_popescu;i could keep blockchain a 1496223;1467574920;asciilifeform;bitmaps. 1496224;1467574921;mircea_popescu;s a v item 1496225;1467574937;asciilifeform;gnudiff doesn't generate patches for bins. 1496226;1467574945;asciilifeform;so none of the extant vtrons are able to eat them. 1496227;1467574947;mircea_popescu;so ? translate them to chars like phf did for lisp. 1496228;1467574957;asciilifeform;yeah but this is not done in any extant vtron. 1496229;1467574966;asciilifeform;and it would result in gargantuan patches. 1496230;1467574968;mircea_popescu;as i said - still some crud that could do with taking out etc. 1496231;1467574972;mircea_popescu;nothing HARD tho. 1496232;1467574985;asciilifeform;i don't consider a project v-able unless it is 100% ascii text. 1496233;1467575008;mircea_popescu;everything is 100% ascii text. notwithstanding the damage iconoclasts of your tribe try to do to alphabet., 1496234;1467575021;mircea_popescu;oops i mean, iconophiles. 1496235;1467575027;asciilifeform;convertible-to: yes 1496236;1467575030;asciilifeform;~is~ : no. 1496237;1467575032;mircea_popescu;mno. 1496238;1467575039;asciilifeform;hex dump != source. 1496239;1467575047;mircea_popescu;us farmland is not "covertible" to cussack range. 1496240;1467575053;mircea_popescu;it IS cussack range temporarily converted to shitplain. 1496241;1467575136;asciilifeform;one of the few useful concepts we got from rms was 'source == form-preferable-for-modification' 1496242;1467575268;mircea_popescu;"preferable" doesn't mean anything. also bitmaps should be svg'd. 1496243;1467575283;asciilifeform;svg is liquishit 1496244;1467575292;mircea_popescu;PROPER svg'd. 1496245;1467575295;asciilifeform;dun exist. 1496246;1467575303;mircea_popescu;so make it. 1496247;1467575323;asciilifeform;there's 10,000 man-years of undone pyramid. 1496248;1467575334;mircea_popescu;sure. 1496249;1467575487;mircea_popescu;110408 total says wc -l. holy shit 100k loc omfg wtf bbq. 1496250;1467575525;mircea_popescu;anyway. most of the shit should be cut out with irons, there's room for maybe 2k lines there in like 3 files once one's done shaving the hairball. 1496251;1467575807;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how come all yer php has winblowz line endings ? 1496252;1467575978;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: also, what 'allow from' ought to be used in the .htaccess in your wp-includes/js dir ? 1496253;1467576435;asciilifeform;also phf mircea_popescu there are remaining trilemaisms in there 1496254;1467576439;asciilifeform;grep -i trilema 1496255;1467576444;asciilifeform;(easy to fix) 1496256;1467576599;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform whatever ips you use to admin it. 1496257;1467576606;asciilifeform;ahok 1496258;1467576653;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform possibly because original development by automattic was done on windoze ? nfi. 1496259;1467576684;asciilifeform;lel: '// special handle for idiots:' 1496260;1467576741;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the thing is damned flexible. 1496261;1467576778;*;asciilifeform about to test-fire mircea_popescu's thing 1496262;1467579587;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform does it wurk ? 1496263;1467579593;asciilifeform;not yet 1496264;1467579596;asciilifeform;fighting with db 1496265;1467581086;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wordpress barfs MOUNTAINS of 'deprecated: xxxxxxxxxx' 1496266;1467581092;asciilifeform;php crapolade. 1496267;1467581130;mircea_popescu;yup. 1496268;1467581140;asciilifeform;it fills MOST OF THE SCREEN 1496269;1467581144;mircea_popescu;i've been ignoring it ever since accidentally got upgraded. 1496270;1467581145;asciilifeform;unusable unless can be disabled. 1496271;1467581153;asciilifeform;holy fuck, ho w??? 1496272;1467581155;mircea_popescu;well yes. 1496273;1467581177;mircea_popescu;there's a setting in php.ini, "shut the fuck up". 1496274;1467581183;*;mircea_popescu is hazy on the details. 1496275;1467581200;mircea_popescu;iirc this was in log tho, one second. 1496276;1467581256;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-22#1350358 1496277;1467581256;a111;Logged on 2015-12-22 14:29 mircea_popescu replaces E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT that apparently GETS IGNORED ANYWAY with E_ERROR and fu. 1496278;1467581259;mircea_popescu;here we go. 1496279;1467581295;mircea_popescu;you want error_reporting=E_ERROR 1496280;1467581298;asciilifeform;where? 1496281;1467581329;mircea_popescu;php.ini 1496282;1467581533;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://67.media.tumblr.com/37905f5f3ad030995ecd4893d1589546/tumblr_nrc05kjNv61uy0bt6o1_500.gif << linked mostly for the amusing circumstance where the penis resembles a lengthy stick with a ballsac-bow at middle, and it's unclear to which of the two it's actually attached. such social commentary. 1496283;1467581571;mircea_popescu;"is the man fucking himself on the stick portruding from the woman's butt ? or is he contraiwise, impelling an attached probiscus into her hole ?" 1496284;1467581631;asciilifeform;hah i thought it was in a piano 1496285;1467581634;asciilifeform;but it is toilet and sink. 1496286;1467581643;mircea_popescu;lol 1496287;1467581661;mircea_popescu;the sturgeon eater, concerts on piano. 1496288;1467581668;mircea_popescu;the beans eater, concerts on ... organ. 1496289;1467582043;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the php thing worked, ty. 1496290;1467582140;asciilifeform;or hm, nope. 1496291;1467582141;asciilifeform;i still get barf. 1496292;1467582171;mircea_popescu;you restarted teh apache ? 1496293;1467582174;asciilifeform;aha 1496294;1467582183;mircea_popescu;quote some barf ? 1496295;1467582192;asciilifeform;Strict Standards: Declaration of Walker_Comment::end_el() should be compatible with Walker::end_el(&$output) in /home/public/wp-includes/comment-template.php on line 1282 1496296;1467582194;asciilifeform;and a bunch moar. 1496297;1467582197;asciilifeform;INSTEAD OF SITE 1496298;1467582205;mircea_popescu;it's not set correctly somehow. 1496299;1467582208;asciilifeform;(in wp admin panel - in addition to, on top of screen.) 1496300;1467582229;mircea_popescu;is it reading some other config file or somesuch ? 1496301;1467582233;asciilifeform;nope. 1496302;1467582235;asciilifeform;definitely it. 1496303;1467582235;mircea_popescu;hm. 1496304;1467582246;asciilifeform;THIS is the kind of idiocy i was hoping to avoid. 1496305;1467582257;asciilifeform;the 2 hrs spent fighting with db, that is WASTED work, also 1496306;1467582267;asciilifeform;because i did it before, years ago, and remembered 0 1496307;1467582267;mircea_popescu;make a call to phpinfo() grep for "display_errors". should e Off Off. 1496308;1467582286;mircea_popescu;eh it's not wasted, simmer down. we fix it okay ? 1496309;1467582313;asciilifeform;'display_errors => STDOUT => STDOUT' 1496310;1467582332;mircea_popescu;also 1496311;1467582333;mircea_popescu;error_append_string no value no value 1496312;1467582333;mircea_popescu;error_log /dev/null /dev/null 1496313;1467582333;mircea_popescu;error_prepend_string no value no value 1496314;1467582335;mircea_popescu;well so fix it! 1496315;1467582377;asciilifeform;fixed 1496316;1467582383;asciilifeform;i still get the strict_standards bullshit 1496317;1467582393;mircea_popescu;o.o nfi. 1496318;1467582449;asciilifeform;not only that, 1496319;1467582452;asciilifeform;but the site NEVER DISPLAYS 1496320;1467582457;asciilifeform;the control panel - does. site - no. 1496321;1467582460;mircea_popescu;did you get a theme ? 1496322;1467582460;asciilifeform;nor any page thereof. 1496323;1467582464;asciilifeform;no? 1496324;1467582472;asciilifeform;i thought mircea_popescu's tarball was complete ? 1496325;1467582479;mircea_popescu;that's what i said @phf. you'll need a theme. 1496326;1467582485;asciilifeform;oh forfuckssake. 1496327;1467582492;phf;hehehe 1496328;1467582496;mircea_popescu;well wtf you're gonna make a blog with my face on it ?!@ 1496329;1467582506;asciilifeform;lel 1496330;1467582520;asciilifeform;if i find out how to vanish the idiot barf, i can think about theme 1496331;1467582530;mircea_popescu;gimem a minute here, this is a little odd. 1496332;1467582541;mircea_popescu;but i have spun up half the php army, so something better come of it. 1496333;1467582787;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently this is not possible, to be in a situation where the right php.ini contains a display_errors off switch and yet the page barfs warnings. 1496334;1467582801;asciilifeform;for fucks sake. 1496335;1467582803;mircea_popescu;what php version you got thar ? 1496336;1467582873;asciilifeform;5.6.23 1496337;1467582959;asciilifeform;soo apparently 'error_reporting = 0' works. 1496338;1467582963;mircea_popescu;aha. 1496339;1467582966;asciilifeform;but silences ALL msgs. 1496340;1467582986;asciilifeform;and apparently now i have to write a motherfucking theme ?! 1496341;1467583002;mircea_popescu;well, alternatively download one :D 1496342;1467583011;asciilifeform;0 published good anything. 1496343;1467583013;asciilifeform;as usual. 1496344;1467583015;phf;ok, i got it going (i'll shuffle it elsewhere so don't bookmark it or nothing) 1496345;1467583022;mircea_popescu;$google wordpress themes 1496346;1467583023;deedbot;https://wordpress.org/themes/ << Featured — Free WordPress Themes | http://www.themecircle.net/ << • Wordpress Themes - Best WordPress Themes for 2016 | http://themeforest.net/category/wordpress << WordPress Themes from ThemeForest 1496347;1467583029;asciilifeform;GOOD 1496348;1467583030;asciilifeform;anythings. 1496349;1467583038;mircea_popescu;lol. 1496350;1467583046;asciilifeform;they all have half a meg of css etc. 1496351;1467583051;mircea_popescu;oh. 1496352;1467583055;asciilifeform;incl the crap on my 1st site 1496353;1467583068;mircea_popescu;you can prolly reuse THAT theme acvtuall. 1496354;1467583076;asciilifeform;it is horrid 1496355;1467583091;asciilifeform;i have to massage every single graphic to avoid spilling over 1496356;1467583092;mircea_popescu;well yes, but you're currently using it. 1496357;1467583096;mircea_popescu;uh. ouch. 1496358;1467583106;asciilifeform;yes, using, it, because never found any improved 1496359;1467583116;asciilifeform;nor have any idea how to perma-fix this idiocy 1496360;1467583117;mircea_popescu;oh btw, this auto-resizes images. i just upload whatever and it gives me 560xblabla fit for the page. 1496361;1467583131;asciilifeform;and what about when viewed on a 4000x6000 display ? 1496362;1467583135;asciilifeform;also 560px? 1496363;1467583147;mircea_popescu;hey, what can i tell you! 1496364;1467583154;asciilifeform;none of this shit WORKS 1496365;1467583200;mircea_popescu;phf it has a pretty powerful antispam mechanism. it spits on people who try to send pingbacks from other ips than the blog in question ; it quarantines people who try to add posts with links to anything other than your own blog ; and it auto-spams people it recognizes on the basis of the already marked as spam. 1496366;1467583220;mircea_popescu;which is why originally you'll get some spam quarantined, but after a while it goes away. i see ~1-2 pieces / week atm. 1496367;1467583229;mircea_popescu;but to get this benefit, mark spam as spam rather than delete it. 1496368;1467583231;mircea_popescu;that's about all. 1496369;1467583239;phf;kk 1496370;1467583242;phf;this is smooth 1496371;1467583247;*;phf has never seen wordpress 1496372;1467583255;mircea_popescu;old wordpress was pretty cool. 1496373;1467583336;asciilifeform;holy SHIT a theme called 'simple skeleton' is 400+KB. 1496374;1467583376;asciilifeform;nor does wordpress.org's directory let you sort by weight. 1496375;1467583381;asciilifeform;mega-unsurprise. 1496376;1467583550;phf;asciilifeform: 1496377;1467583628;asciilifeform;phf: i have that one, turns out, on old disk 1496378;1467583642;asciilifeform;but it lacks essentials, e.g., search box 1496379;1467583670;asciilifeform;this has been a VERY depressing exercise. 1496380;1467583700;asciilifeform;not even because bit rot; 1496381;1467583713;asciilifeform;but because the LAST time i did this, i had ~0 standards and didn't give a fuck 1496382;1467583715;asciilifeform;about ~anything. 1496383;1467583772;BingoBoingo; but it lacks essentials, e.g., search box << not an essential, jsut do qntra style archive page 1496384;1467583816;phf;asciilifeform: it's a widget you need to enable in settings 1496385;1467583818;phf;witness 1496386;1467584062;asciilifeform;where do the themes even go 1496387;1467584069;phf;toplevel 1496388;1467584080;asciilifeform;and with what chmod 1496389;1467584089;phf;wp-content goes into same folder as wp-content, wp-includes 1496390;1467584135;phf;same as your apache www-data 1496391;1467584142;asciilifeform;chmod 1496392;1467584144;asciilifeform;not chown 1496393;1467584211;phf;well, so far i have everything as rw r r, but i suspect to edit theme you'll need to either chown to apache's user, or chown to group and add rw rw r 1496394;1467584282;phf;pretty sure everything except wp-content/uploads can stay readonly 1496395;1467584295;asciilifeform;i don't even HAVE a wp-content 1496396;1467584302;phf;asciilifeform: i linked it for you 1496397;1467584310;phf; 1496398;1467584324;phf;you gotta engage with my blarg brah 1496399;1467584347;phf;i'm looking for those massive impressions 1496400;1467584353;asciilifeform;lel ty 1496401;1467584457;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, you can make theme as css light as you wish. heck, make it pure html barf. or for that matter, plaintext. 1496402;1467584483;mircea_popescu;also, trilema doesn't have search box either. wtf search box. 1496403;1467584485;asciilifeform;'strip away the marble until statue is left' 1496404;1467584492;asciilifeform;so easy!111 1496405;1467584637;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, merely formulating those standards precisely would be useful. why not. 1496406;1467584643;mircea_popescu;you could put it in a blog post. 1496407;1467584662;mircea_popescu;seeing how you'll have to come up with something EACH DAY, soon enough the broken state of the world becomes a revelry. 1496408;1467584715;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how to set upload dir path ? 1496409;1467584735;asciilifeform;doesn't seem to exist in the config 1496410;1467584750;asciilifeform;i created the default, but all uploads silently fail 1496411;1467584763;asciilifeform;(all failures will be silent, considering that i had to destroy the error printer) 1496412;1467584780;phf;asciilifeform: wp-admin/options-misc.php 1496413;1467584809;asciilifeform;i created the dir 1496414;1467584812;asciilifeform;NOTHING happens 1496415;1467584817;asciilifeform;it is writable. 1496416;1467584857;phf;well, you want to go to wp-admin/media-new.php, try and upload something, see if it lands in the dir? 1496417;1467584867;asciilifeform;it does not. 1496418;1467584870;mircea_popescu;phf can you upload an item ? 1496419;1467584890;phf;yeah, has a media uploaded file 1496420;1467584901;phf;it's like none of you read my blog! 1496421;1467584904;mircea_popescu;(incidentally, this, at least on my setup, very quick and easy "host this file" basis) 1496422;1467584918;mircea_popescu;phf word. 1496423;1467584941;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it needs structure, iirc it is something like /wp-content/uploads/2016/07/x 1496424;1467584965;mircea_popescu;so make that whole path and try again 1496425;1467584984;asciilifeform;it is supposed to mkdir'em 1496426;1467584987;mircea_popescu;it is yes. 1496427;1467584988;phf;fwiw i only created uploads, and it made the structure on its own, after i fixed permissions 1496428;1467584996;asciilifeform;what were your perms phf ? 1496429;1467585000;mircea_popescu;777! 1496430;1467585007;mircea_popescu;luckiest perms there are. 1496431;1467585013;phf;drwxrwxr-x 3 root www-data 4.0K Jul 3 17:59 uploads/ 1496432;1467585022;mircea_popescu;close enough lol 1496433;1467585031;phf;oh yeah, pretty much 1496434;1467585034;asciilifeform;worx, ty 1496435;1467585086;mircea_popescu;phf hey, you gotta fix the antispam bit, which prolly has a fixed path in it or something ? currently not letting me comment. 1496436;1467585112;phf;kk 1496437;1467585157;mircea_popescu;ahhh i know what it is. 1496438;1467585169;mircea_popescu;one second ima give you the fix. theme needs some salt for comment form to work. 1496439;1467585215;mircea_popescu;phf http://trilema.com/2009/trilema-anti-spam/ << see the part going "si respectiv in comments.php a temei," aka "in the comments.php file in your theme" 1496440;1467585275;asciilifeform;soooo turns out none of the current wp themes work with this wp. 1496441;1467585279;asciilifeform;only phf's. 1496442;1467585292;asciilifeform;blank screen 1496443;1467585311;phf;of course, current version is something like 4.8, mp's version is 2.7, 2009 vintage 1496444;1467585341;mircea_popescu;aha. 1496445;1467585355;asciilifeform;and of course not debuggable 1496446;1467585371;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is a blessing, of course. you want 2015 theme like you want karachi street whore. 1496447;1467585383;asciilifeform;i want the default theme like i want to hand-html. 1496448;1467585440;mircea_popescu;next time that guy comes in that was trying to fix qntra, i guess we get him to make you a special wp 2.7 theme to spec ? 1496449;1467585442;mircea_popescu;my treat. 1496450;1467585448;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is quite unclear to me what part of the rewrite rule is necessary for the spamatron 1496451;1467585461;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which rewrite rule you mean ? 1496452;1467585472;asciilifeform;aha 1496453;1467585519;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you want to debug, you can just make a 2nd install. can share db, even, it has this table-prefix scheme baked in. that one you can restrict to yourself and use for hacking upon. 1496454;1467585540;asciilifeform;ugh 1496455;1467585560;mircea_popescu;phf you'll also need a favicon.ico that's not a T lol 1496456;1467585580;phf;and a picture of myself on a camel 1496457;1467585602;mircea_popescu;well, at least barking at a camel's feet. 1496458;1467585635;mircea_popescu;phf 2008 vintage i'm pretty certain. 1496459;1467585678;asciilifeform;my comment thing dun work, aha. 1496460;1467585759;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform trhe idea is you want either both of the chunks linked or neither. currently you have only the top one (in wp-comments-post.php ) but not hte bottom one (in /wp-content/theme/comments.php ) 1496461;1467585814;asciilifeform;i dun get it, do i need the rewrites? and if so, which? what does 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} .t-1813 [OR]' ~do~ ? 1496462;1467585830;mircea_popescu;uh lemme see wtf is this 1496463;1467585882;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform where is this ?! 1496464;1467585891;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2009/trilema-anti-spam/#selection-57.1-57.41 1496465;1467585914;mircea_popescu;ah, can safely ignore that part. 1496466;1467585922;asciilifeform;well i get a blank page when commenting. 1496467;1467585926;asciilifeform;and 0 comments. 1496468;1467585954;asciilifeform;literally a 0 byte page. 1496469;1467585964;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2009/trilema-anti-spam/#selection-81.0-109.41 < section of interest. 1496470;1467586076;asciilifeform;i don't even HAVE a comments.php 1496471;1467586092;mircea_popescu;it's in ~your theme~. do you have one ? no ? WELL THEN! 1496472;1467586107;asciilifeform;ah that 1496473;1467586111;phf;asciilifeform: wp-content/themes/default/comments.php 1496474;1467586115;asciilifeform;holy shit, i have to manually massage every theme?! 1496475;1467586118;asciilifeform;to make commenting even WORK 1496476;1467586150;mircea_popescu;you could alternatively take the thing out of wp-comments-post.php ; all it does is it prevents serious spam operations from working 1496477;1467586158;asciilifeform;and live with spam ? 1496478;1467586161;mircea_popescu;way these work is, they collect form data once with spider, come back and spam it for years afterwards. 1496479;1467586172;mircea_popescu;it won't likely degrade the scheme enough for you to notice. 1496480;1467586203;mircea_popescu;ie, this specific bit is a load control measure more than actually spam-killing per se. 1496481;1467586228;asciilifeform;so what should be taken out then ? 1496482;1467586240;asciilifeform;$suffix .......... null; ? 1496483;1467586254;mircea_popescu;$suffix = substr(md5(date('Y-m-d')."salt.no,rly.salt."),0,6); to become $suffix = ""; 1496484;1467586292;asciilifeform;i still get a 0 byte page when commenting. 1496485;1467586315;mircea_popescu;of course. as you've no theme. neh ? 1496486;1467586322;asciilifeform;i HAVE a theme 1496487;1467586324;asciilifeform;the default. 1496488;1467586327;asciilifeform;that i got from phf. 1496489;1467586330;mircea_popescu;ah. 1496490;1467586344;asciilifeform;well, one of his 2 1496491;1467586345;asciilifeform;http://www.asciilifeform.com 1496492;1467586377;asciilifeform;(dns existed for eons, and there was an old and bitrotten thing there which is no moar) 1496493;1467586385;mircea_popescu;well, when this engages what it does is, "Looks like you tried to comment off a stale page. Reload the article, count to three and try again." 1496494;1467586397;asciilifeform;i get 0 anything 1496495;1467586405;asciilifeform;just empty. 1496496;1467586407;asciilifeform;no messages. 1496497;1467586482;phf;mircea_popescu: i think the anti-spam instructions are missing bit for comment_post_time 1496498;1467586518;mircea_popescu;tsk, i think you';re right phf! 1496499;1467586557;mircea_popescu;get the two hashes to line up, ima make a comment on article with update. it has been 7 years huh. 1496500;1467586666;mircea_popescu;" />

1496501;1467586692;asciilifeform;?? 1496502;1467586709;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he crafitily discovered there's a missing bit. 1496503;1467586727;phf;ok comments work 1496504;1467586748;mircea_popescu;so they do! 1496505;1467586793;mircea_popescu; :D 1496506;1467586816;mircea_popescu;phf also paginated comments are fucking stupid, take that shit out 1496507;1467586822;asciilifeform;anybody gonna say where this piece goes ? 1496508;1467586870;phf;one sec 1496509;1467586881;shinohai;responsive 1496510;1467587073;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the theme, same file, comments.php. part of the comment form, grep for "comment_post_ID" and put it under 1496511;1467587090;asciilifeform;so i can't actually use virginal themes ?? 1496512;1467587100;mircea_popescu;it's flood killer / antibot measure, otherwise you can actually get destroyed by botnet relaying the same comment over and over 100times/s. 1496513;1467587136;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not exactly, no. gotta fit them in trilema socket. 1496514;1467587235;asciilifeform;i found the barfatron: 1496515;1467587248;asciilifeform;wp-comments-post.php: ln 54 1496516;1467587248;mircea_popescu;re "paginated comments" : http://trilema.com/2011/concurs-de-injurat-blogari-editia-a-ii-a/ ~700, loads just fine. 1496517;1467587253;mircea_popescu;i wanna see the blog that gets more. 1496518;1467587260;asciilifeform;SELECT comment_ID FROM tril_comments ..... 1496519;1467587265;asciilifeform;what to do with that thing 1496520;1467587267;phf;mircea_popescu: i think that's just some default setting 1496521;1467587335;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform heh. should be SELECT comment_ID FROM $wpdb->comments 1496522;1467587470;mircea_popescu;oh no, i mean. should be : 1496523;1467587470;mircea_popescu;$myrows = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT comment_ID FROM '.$wpdb->prefix.'comments WHERE comment_author_IP = "'.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].'" and comment_approved = "spam";'); 1496524;1467587523;asciilifeform;is the thing ~supposed~ to send all comments to the mod queue ? 1496525;1467587525;asciilifeform;because mine does. 1496526;1467587626;asciilifeform;or hm, odd: 1496527;1467587630;asciilifeform;main page shows 0 comments 1496528;1467587636;asciilifeform;admin panel offers comment for moderation 1496529;1467587644;asciilifeform;but clicking on post reveals already approved comment 1496530;1467587647;asciilifeform;whole thing is broken 1496531;1467587655;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at first, yeah. 1496532;1467587700;mircea_popescu;wait, what ? 1496533;1467587707;asciilifeform;what i said 1496534;1467587714;asciilifeform;thing behaves inconsistently. 1496535;1467587726;mircea_popescu;i still can't send you a comment fwiw. 1496536;1467587753;asciilifeform;you cna 1496537;1467587754;asciilifeform;can 1496538;1467587762;asciilifeform;but it only displays if you click on the post 1496539;1467587786;mircea_popescu;ah look, it autapproved. 1496540;1467587795;mircea_popescu;now let's try some spam.\ 1496541;1467587812;asciilifeform;it doesn't actually work consistently 1496542;1467587817;asciilifeform;the admin panel offers me to mod comments 1496543;1467587824;asciilifeform;the overview root page shows 0 comments 1496544;1467587831;asciilifeform;clicking on post shows all attempted comments. 1496545;1467587839;asciilifeform;this thing is b0rk3d. 1496546;1467587850;mircea_popescu;nope, spam comment didn't make it through. 1496547;1467587851;mircea_popescu;dja see it ? 1496548;1467587888;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nope. 1496549;1467587899;mircea_popescu;cool then. 1496550;1467587908;asciilifeform;or huh i see it in spam queue. 1496551;1467587910;asciilifeform;where it belongs. 1496552;1467587910;mircea_popescu;should be in comments if you click on "Spam" aha. 1496553;1467587912;mircea_popescu;so there. 1496554;1467587947;phf;asciilifeform: i also made a patch, but sounds like you don't need it anymore 1496555;1467587997;mircea_popescu;nice job phf! 1496556;1467588016;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: all comments other than spam show up in 'pending' in mine. 1496557;1467588023;asciilifeform;and show as summing to 0 in root page. 1496558;1467588037;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there may be some issues with theme display for logged in admin. 1496559;1467588045;asciilifeform;nononon 1496560;1467588047;asciilifeform;NOT LOGGED IN 1496561;1467588056;mircea_popescu;then hm. i only see my test comment myslef 1496562;1467588075;asciilifeform;http://www.asciilifeform.com shows 0 comments. 1496563;1467588080;mircea_popescu;and also do me a favour and delete my spam comment ; now it doesn't let me comment anymoar :) 1496564;1467588082;asciilifeform;but if you click, they appear. 1496565;1467588088;asciilifeform;i'ma delete whole thhing prolly 1496566;1467588090;asciilifeform;it is ~useless 1496567;1467588091;mircea_popescu;click where ? 1496568;1467588095;asciilifeform;on the oly post 1496569;1467588097;asciilifeform;*only 1496570;1467588132;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/2lD84 << they do not ? 1496571;1467588148;asciilifeform;dafuq 1496572;1467588156;mircea_popescu;i dunno man, your blog :D 1496573;1467588162;mircea_popescu;WORX ON MY SYSTEMZ 1496574;1467588167;asciilifeform;http://www.asciilifeform.com/?p=1&cpage=1#comment-3 << ? 1496575;1467588169;asciilifeform;what do you get 1496576;1467588185;mircea_popescu;my test comment. 1496577;1467588193;mircea_popescu;no other comments on page. 1496578;1467588207;asciilifeform;notice it even prints 'no comments' 1496579;1467588238;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo Bundy ranch for sale http://listings.listhub.net/pages/MREANV/1116509 1496580;1467588238;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1496581;1467588297;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno ; seems to me like a theme issue. this isn't phf's theme, actually, is it ? 1496582;1467588340;asciilifeform;it is one of the 2 themes in his tarball 1496583;1467588348;mircea_popescu;well, it is evidently the broken one. 1496584;1467588408;asciilifeform;whole thing apparetly needs 1,001 hand-coded exceptions from sop in order to work. 1496585;1467588415;asciilifeform;none of which i am equipped to actually understand. 1496586;1467588437;mircea_popescu;shut up gentoo boy! unlike that pos, this actually works for a decade once settled down. and the settling down is a few hours not a few weeks. 1496587;1467588456;mircea_popescu;arguably more useful, also. 1496588;1467588457;asciilifeform;my other thing also works 1496589;1467588459;asciilifeform;and similarly 1496590;1467588466;asciilifeform;and is precisely what i was trying to avoid 1496591;1467588469;asciilifeform;when making 2nd www. 1496592;1467588483;asciilifeform;if i wanted massive 7yo pile of hand-tuned shit, i would just copy old site 1496593;1467588506;mircea_popescu;yeah vhell! gl avoiding computing in this life. 1496594;1467588511;mircea_popescu;maybe our children. if we had any. 1496595;1467588744;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how does the comments ending in displayed AND at the same time in 'pending' have anything to do with my theme ? 1496596;1467588809;mircea_popescu;there;'s no "displayed" though. there's All | Pending (4) | Approved | Spam (15,875) 1496597;1467588865;asciilifeform;hm they only display from the ip of the poster dont they. 1496598;1467588923;asciilifeform;so that answers my q 1496599;1467588928;asciilifeform;all comments seem to get queued 1496600;1467588930;asciilifeform;why ? 1496601;1467588990;mircea_popescu;well no, the spam one didn't get queued. 1496602;1467589015;mircea_popescu;but yes, dubious comments get queued, so you can approve them or not. once you approve some, the dubiousness evaluator gets better. 1496603;1467589023;mircea_popescu;you rarely have to approve the same person twice. 1496604;1467589041;mircea_popescu;gotta appreciate, you just made this, so everyone's yet a stranger. 1496605;1467589181;mircea_popescu;anyway, fi on trilema just now, i had to approve that Anonimescu;s fellow first comment ; as he never was seen before. his subsequent ones, i didn't need to touch. 1496606;1467589200;mircea_popescu;you can prolly fiddle with the knobs to make this work more to your liking, but in my experience it's ~perfect. 1496607;1467589295;phf;mircea_popescu: what's the point of wp-includes/js/.htaccess? 1496608;1467589344;asciilifeform;this thing is catastrophically broken 1496609;1467589350;asciilifeform;the spam counter shows '1' 1496610;1467589353;asciilifeform;but it isn't clickable 1496611;1467589354;asciilifeform;and i cannot zero it 1496612;1467589592;mircea_popescu;phf prolly to limit access to javascript ? 1496613;1467589640;mircea_popescu;seems more like a passive "bury this shit" measure than anything else. who's to trust js. 1496614;1467589654;mircea_popescu;anyway, ill be off to partay, tty darlings laters. 1496615;1467589663;asciilifeform;this shit dun work. 1496616;1467589838;asciilifeform;phf: does yours also show a non-zeroable spam counter ? 1496617;1467589854;phf;let me try it out 1496618;1467589858;phf;i'm fixing some warnings 1496619;1467589872;phf;i'm hacking on PHP with VIM, i feel so deliciously white trash 1496620;1467590123;phf;asciilifeform: you mind commenting on for me to try it out 1496621;1467590180;asciilifeform;posted 1496622;1467590182;asciilifeform;'awaiting mod' 1496623;1467590202;phf;ok i see it 1496624;1467590226;phf;i marked it as spam 1496625;1467590232;phf;it is now in spam 1496626;1467590235;asciilifeform;now reload panel 1496627;1467590238;asciilifeform;and see if spam is clickable 1496628;1467590239;asciilifeform;mine isn't. 1496629;1467590243;asciilifeform;i have an eternal spam. 1496630;1467590260;phf;like spam link? 1496631;1467590267;phf;Spam (1) thing in that top bar? 1496632;1467590271;asciilifeform;aha that one 1496633;1467590275;asciilifeform;not clickable in my panel. 1496634;1467590278;asciilifeform;even though it is a 1. 1496635;1467590279;phf;it's clickable 1496636;1467590291;asciilifeform;oh huh 1496637;1467590294;asciilifeform;the 1 is clickable 1496638;1467590298;asciilifeform;the 'spam' is not 1496639;1467590302;asciilifeform;unlike in my actual blog 1496640;1467590304;asciilifeform;motherfuckers. 1496641;1467590310;phf;that is ~odd~ 1496642;1467590366;phf;in fact i could send it to spam, and then approve and it appears where it's supposed to be 1496643;1467590376;asciilifeform;well at least thing is ~usable now. 1496644;1467590380;asciilifeform;with pig-ugly theme. 1496645;1467591059;asciilifeform;lel the domain suddenly stopped resolving. 1496646;1467591069;asciilifeform;phf: are you able to load ? 1496647;1467591093;phf;yes 1496648;1467591100;phf;can still see front page 1496649;1467591102;asciilifeform;hm 1496650;1467591102;asciilifeform;worx 1496651;1467591103;asciilifeform;now 1496652;1467596237;phf;mircea_popescu: it seems like you have some totally custom avatar logic on trilema? do you have patches for that? 1496653;1467598074;mircea_popescu;phf there's two main points of the split between mp-wp and automattic-wp. one is that i shot the akismet idiocy in the head (mp-wp antispam system works way the fuck better, and doesn't you know, run arbitrary code from the automattic equivalent of disqus, shambling abominable horror of untold proportions). 1496654;1467598092;mircea_popescu;the other is that instead of calling gravatar, it just puts out avatar.png from commenter's webpage. 1496655;1467598112;mircea_popescu;because gravatar thing is utter bullshit also. but i'm not terribly convinced this scheme's so great either. 1496656;1467598131;asciilifeform;fwiw my old site uses the ancient evils. 1496657;1467598136;asciilifeform;mostly works. 1496658;1467598137;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1496659;1467598151;phf;so it's /avatar.png or you go to top level domain? 1496660;1467598159;mircea_popescu;lemme look. 1496661;1467598216;mircea_popescu;phf o it parses the whole thing check this crazy out 1496662;1467598284;mircea_popescu;$url_parsed = parse_url($comment->comment_author_url); 1496663;1467598284;mircea_popescu;$url = "http://".$url_parsed["host"].$url_parsed["path"]; 1496664;1467598285;mircea_popescu;if ($comment->user_id==1) echo "",$comment->comment_author,"`s avatar"; else if ($url_parsed["host"].$url_parsed["path"] > "") echo "",$comment->comment_author,"`s avatar"); else echo ""; 1496666;1467598314;mircea_popescu;at the rate we're going, #trilema is going to end up in google for php queries huh. 1496667;1467598347;deedbot;[Qntra] Public Transit Bugged For Audio In US - http://qntra.net/2016/07/public-transit-bugged-for-audio-in-us/ 1496668;1467598360;phf;we're going to start getting random people with nonexistent english comprehension going "kind sir or madam please help wordpress plugin" 1496669;1467598494;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/07/public-transit-bugged-for-audio-in-us/#comment-63010 1496670;1467598622;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496637 << exactly the sort of theme "cleverness" 1496671;1467598622;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 23:58 asciilifeform: the 1 is clickable 1496672;1467598681;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496656 << your old site also has captcha for comments ; which has prevented me from commenting there for these many years. 1496673;1467598681;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 02:08 asciilifeform: fwiw my old site uses the ancient evils. 1496674;1467598695;phf;mircea_popescu: which file was the above lifted from? 1496675;1467598698;mircea_popescu;i have nfi how you imagine making a monkey out of the reader's acceptable or anything. 1496676;1467598766;mircea_popescu;phf same comments.php in my theme ; but in general wherever the theme outputs comments 1496677;1467598812;ben_vulpes;excellent scrollback 1496678;1467598815;ben_vulpes;toppest of kek 1496679;1467598819;mircea_popescu;lol 1496680;1467598835;phf;today on trilema we're regressing! 1496681;1467598835;ben_vulpes;'mircea_popescu and friends wordpressinate with mixed results' 1496682;1467598880;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes "what started as a channel dedicated to lisp and assorted snobbery totally devolved into apache and php club" 1496683;1467599032;ben_vulpes;#trilema goes slummin 1496684;1467599050;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/07/public-transit-bugged-for-audio-in-us/#comment-63011 1496685;1467599096;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: have you considered an org mode -> html export? 1496686;1467599264;mircea_popescu;and in other boobs, http://66.media.tumblr.com/f6ffd92ab7b75d2e2b325e7482edc21d/tumblr_nrx0wpcYNT1txs21yo3_500.gif 1496687;1467600154;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform o btw, got a gpgram for me ? 1496688;1467602393;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aaaalmost. tomorrow when i wake. 1496689;1467602397;deedbot;[Qntra] Latest Fork Noise Arrives On Schedule - http://qntra.net/2016/07/latest-fork-noise-arrives-on-schedule/ 1496690;1467602401;BingoBoingo;^ USG loves their 1980's branding tricks 1496691;1467602409;asciilifeform;blew most of today on these atrocities. 1496692;1467602442;mircea_popescu;works! 1496693;1467602454;mircea_popescu;lol nice bb 1496694;1467602483;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/nearly/ 1496695;1467602514;BingoBoingo;ty 1496696;1467602543;mircea_popescu;too much failed in one paragraph tho. "their beloved if irrelevant" ? 1496697;1467602629;BingoBoingo;aha 1496698;1467602707;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i got a thing from the realtor with bigger, thicker house, in what looks like perfect condition, for ~half the price of the ruin. picture in what kind of kandahar it must be 1496699;1467602719;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: fxd to "stillborn" 1496700;1467602731;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Very cool! 1496701;1467603057;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496689 <<< I liek BingoBoingo 1496702;1467603057;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 03:19 deedbot: [Qntra] Latest Fork Noise Arrives On Schedule - http://qntra.net/2016/07/latest-fork-noise-arrives-on-schedule/ 1496703;1467603071;BingoBoingo;ty 1496704;1467603678;BingoBoingo;100% upvoted! https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4r5ax7/another_attempt_to_socially_engineer_a_fork/ 1496705;1467604070;mircea_popescu;scam 1496706;1467604169;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496670 << theme doesn't work in control panel 1496707;1467604169;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 02:17 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496637 << exactly the sort of theme "cleverness" 1496708;1467604195;mircea_popescu;hm 1496709;1467604210;mircea_popescu;it must because my whole spam thing is clickable. 1496710;1467604266;asciilifeform;my 2.8.6 was also. 1496711;1467604276;asciilifeform;but the version mircea_popescu posted only has the digit clickable. 1496712;1467604278;asciilifeform;i have nfi. 1496713;1467604308;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496672 << it suxx mightily 1496714;1467604308;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 02:18 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496656 << your old site also has captcha for comments ; which has prevented me from commenting there for these many years. 1496715;1467604313;asciilifeform;but so does the whole shebang. 1496716;1467604319;asciilifeform;wordpress is loathesome. 1496717;1467604331;mircea_popescu;trilema is quite pleasant, on all scores. 1496718;1467604344;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496685 << no. because it is 1 step away from hand-churned html. 1496719;1467604344;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 02:24 ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: have you considered an org mode -> html export? 1496720;1467604366;asciilifeform;it is not physically impossible to make decent thing where one can post via www browser. 1496721;1467604368;asciilifeform;but no one has done it. 1496722;1467604457;mircea_popescu;trilema! omaygerd. 1496723;1467604462;mircea_popescu;you're such a hater you know. 1496724;1467604596;asciilifeform;wc -l wp-mp/** 1496725;1467604597;asciilifeform;... 1496726;1467604603;asciilifeform;7028 total 1496727;1467604622;asciilifeform;that's... 1496728;1467604625;asciilifeform;1/7th of a 'Doom' 1496729;1467604641;mircea_popescu;nobody spetn as much time playing doom as it'd take to read trilema. 1496730;1467604667;*;asciilifeform might have. 1496731;1467604770;mircea_popescu;no way you read that whole thing ?! 1496732;1467604781;asciilifeform;definitely not all the ro, yet. 1496733;1467604787;asciilifeform;pretty sure i got all the engl 1496734;1467604791;mircea_popescu;i was thinking 1496735;1467604799;mircea_popescu;well yeah but the ro is 5 years and the engl 2. 1496736;1467604803;asciilifeform;tru! 1496737;1467604820;mircea_popescu;and i think i was a lot more verbose back then, too. 1496738;1467604830;mircea_popescu;possibly higher snr tho, i guess. 1496739;1467604948;deedbot;[Qntra] First Anniversary of BIP 66 Clusterfuck - http://qntra.net/2016/07/first-anniversary-of-bip-66-clusterfuck/ 1496740;1467605229;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo good! 1496741;1467605411;BingoBoingo;ty 1496742;1467605434;mircea_popescu;" revealed to much lulz that many miners were using a simplified form of verification when they were selecting blocks to build off of which lead to splits when it turned out "soft" forks aren't so soft." << " revealed that many miners were using simplified (and dysfunctional) chain verification, to abundant lols and chain splits. Turns out "soft" forks aren't all that soft!" ? 1496743;1467605447;mircea_popescu;which led to*\ 1496744;1467605704;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1496745;1467605713;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495490 << I'm trying to blog everyday. It's hard, I'm not a writer by trade, although people keep cheering me on, so for the readers out there thanks for that. 1496746;1467605713;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:19 mircea_popescu: lol thestringpuller been a busy little blogger lately has he 1496747;1467605730;mircea_popescu;good for you. 1496748;1467605754;thestringpuller;it's kept me from davout follow up interview tho :( 1496749;1467608040;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1496750;1467608042;gribble;Current Blocks: 419208 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 119 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 19 hours, 41 minutes, and 47 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1496751;1467627782;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496653 << one major advantage of this, by the way, is that mp-wp comment count (references for eg in places like http://trilema.com/2016/why-is-that/#comment-117921 < ) is actually accurate, minus the 15k or so sample spam pieces there's >100k human comments on trilema ; akismet-based popular blogs, that on occasion reach six figures like trilema, also count every single spam piece they ever 1496752;1467627783;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 02:07 mircea_popescu: phf there's two main points of the split between mp-wp and automattic-wp. one is that i shot the akismet idiocy in the head (mp-wp antispam system works way the fuck better, and doesn't you know, run arbitrary code from the automattic equivalent of disqus, shambling abominable horror of untold proportions). 1496753;1467627783;mircea_popescu; receive in that total, meaning that out of 100k they rarely actually published as many as 1k comments. the rest's just spam. 1496754;1467627848;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496683 << i'm not even sure that's true, ftr. php is actually a fine language FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. hypertext preprocessor ffs! it's not even a language, as such! just a preprocessor, like an early scripting language. 1496755;1467627849;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 02:23 ben_vulpes: #trilema goes slummin 1496756;1467627885;mircea_popescu;its crowning achievement is, no doubt, the blog. this is what php exists to do, blog software. not, ironically, "forum" (ie, web-replacement bbs) software, which is what it's mostly used to do. 1496757;1467627918;mircea_popescu;that requires users and sessions, neither of which is php capable to handle at all. but notice that blogs DO NOT require users, nor do they need sessions. nor, for that matter, cookies. 1496758;1467628008;mircea_popescu;yet again there was a right thing to do (network of blogs) and a fucktardedly wrong thing to do (www-"forum") and the shithead community chose to do the wrong one. for obvious social reasons, it's way the fuck harder to write a blog than to "participate" in a "consensus". 1496759;1467628022;mircea_popescu;everywhere you turn with this already. a sickening display. 1496760;1467632345;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496215 << incidentally shinohai i dunno if you're looking to go into the coding side of things, but if so this may be just the thing for you ? 1496761;1467632345;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 19:40 mircea_popescu: also - if anyone feels like undertaking maintenance for this, on like a V tree and everything, i wouldn't be at all against. 1496762;1467633238;shinohai;mircea_popescu: you need someone to maintain a vanilla wp setup? 1496763;1467633255;mircea_popescu;more like, to fix wp into perfection. 1496764;1467633285;shinohai;To me that would mean stripping as much crud as humanly possible lol. 1496765;1467633311;mircea_popescu;exacly 1496766;1467633376;mircea_popescu;and make it v'd. anyway, more than willing to mentor you along, you wouldn't be stepping into abyss. 1496767;1467633440;shinohai;Sounds good to me, is that tar.gz mentioned in link still available? I will pull it down when I get back from town this afternoon. 1496768;1467633451;mircea_popescu;aha a sec. 1496769;1467633485;shinohai;Actually I can d/l now while having tea 1496770;1467633492;mircea_popescu;uling a sec. 1496771;1467633614;shinohai;kk 1496772;1467633739;mircea_popescu;shinohai http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wp-mptargz-shinohai.gpg 1496773;1467633762;shinohai;thx! 1496774;1467633769;mircea_popescu;step 0 would be to apply phf's patches and get it up. step 1 would be to get everything (not the theme, everything else) into one single file, and have it still work. 1496775;1467633779;mircea_popescu;that'll make the crud obvious and simplify the task of cleannup. 1496776;1467633791;mircea_popescu;once you get that you genesis it as a V tree, and then patching can begin. 1496777;1467633797;mircea_popescu;make sense ? 1496778;1467633861;shinohai;Yeah makes sense, sounds like a plan. 1496779;1467633867;mircea_popescu;cool! 1496780;1467633954;shinohai;Encrypted with wrong gpg key tho mircea_popescu 1496781;1467633964;shinohai;That's my old cruddy key 1496782;1467633967;mircea_popescu;uh 1496783;1467633970;mircea_popescu;$key shinohai 1496784;1467633987;mircea_popescu;oksec. 1496785;1467634007;mircea_popescu;hm 1496786;1467634008;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/82befb78-4b1d-4b8f-91f8-d469bdc05897/ 1496787;1467634022;BingoBoingo;lol triggurd http://qntra.net/2016/07/latest-fork-noise-arrives-on-schedule/#comment-63039 1496788;1467634063;shinohai;BingoBoingo: I probably get 4-5 nasty DM's a day on twitter calling me the same thing xD 1496789;1467634089;BingoBoingo;Oh, I don't get those, but also rarely visit twatter anymoar 1496790;1467634096;shinohai;I guess I should an hero because I believe scarcity in blocks is good. 1496791;1467634117;mircea_popescu;shinohai http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wp-mptargz-shinohai1.gpg 1496792;1467634121;shinohai;ty 1496793;1467634140;mircea_popescu;lulziest about this block thing is the derpy miners arguing against their interest on the basis of social media gargle. 1496794;1467634271;shinohai;I have a script that auto posts Qntra stories, and occasionally use twitter to troll. But I have less and less time for that anymore. 1496795;1467634335;shinohai;And that one worked fine mircea_popescu thx 1496796;1467634346;mircea_popescu;win. 1496797;1467634472;shinohai;So if I understand correctly, you want a single page, e.g. wordpress.php that does almost everything. 1496798;1467634534;mircea_popescu;everything except the theme stuff. that should be in theme.php 1496799;1467634545;mircea_popescu;(best import phf's basic theme so you can see shit works) 1496800;1467634624;shinohai;reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4r43ps/chinas_major_influence_over_bitcoin/d4yjy7t <<< Butterin "I can't fix Ethereum but this is how I would fix segwit" 1496801;1467634634;mircea_popescu;lmao. idiot. 1496802;1467636331;mircea_popescu;but anyway, asciilifeform 's prediction proceeding right on schedule. the "indepedndent" usg tool and "ethereum developer" finds time to discuss bitcoin as that "innovative project" burns to the ground. because truly it wasn't all about trying to fuck up bitcoin all along. nothing of the sort, ethereum was a serious effort by serious people with their own heads and etc. 1496803;1467636357;mircea_popescu;too bad the bad bitcoin wolf fucked it all up for them. 1496804;1467636365;mircea_popescu;poor innocent darlings. 1496805;1467636516;mircea_popescu;in other cvasi-lulz, ro whore, ex wife & baby's momma of ro footballer, discussing their split-up : "you can't make a whore into a housewife ; nor an athlete into a respectable man" 1496806;1467636667;shinohai;All whores must be kept on leash. 1496807;1467636784;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1496808;1467636809;mircea_popescu;the young ones, i guess. but in principle, the definition of a whore is exactly that : woman that's fine naked. 1496809;1467636824;mircea_popescu;sort-of like alf's dream, can parachute her with no resources on island, will be fine. 1496810;1467640265;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/f8acef87-2c1d-4a40-bee8-e0c46f343fca/?raw=true 1496811;1467640266;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1496812;1467640376;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu now that i think about it, there was another reboot other than the scheduled one. and it was outlined in the l0gz. so not quite 3m. 1496813;1467640376;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1496814;1467640441;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496802 << l0l aha. 1496815;1467640441;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 12:45 mircea_popescu: but anyway, asciilifeform 's prediction proceeding right on schedule. the "indepedndent" usg tool and "ethereum developer" finds time to discuss bitcoin as that "innovative project" burns to the ground. because truly it wasn't all about trying to fuck up bitcoin all along. nothing of the sort, ethereum was a serious effort by serious people with their own heads and etc. 1496816;1467640494;asciilifeform;ahahahaha this is gold: 1496817;1467640516;asciilifeform;buterin: 'Remove the signature from a transaction (ie. set the field to the empty string) before computing its hash for the purposes of future transactions consuming that UTXO [alternatively, I like the idea of adding new OP_CHECKSIG-like opcodes that do this so that this new transaction type can be made backward-compatible]' 1496818;1467640525;mircea_popescu;aha. 1496819;1467640528;mircea_popescu;riiight along 1496820;1467640602;mircea_popescu;anyway, swan's song. they know he's exposed ; gave up and are burning the asset. 1496821;1467640635;mircea_popescu;50-50 odds it's even the physical buterin, the guy with the misshapen skull, actually writing the item. 1496822;1467640645;asciilifeform;dunno that the folks at the printolade shop got the memo yet tho 1496823;1467640666;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you mean poloniex, it's been in wash trading mode for a week + 1496824;1467640683;mircea_popescu;it's "going down" in the hopes of capturing the occasional dizzy derp. not going too well. 1496825;1467640696;asciilifeform;sad mousetrap, stale cheese 1496826;1467640703;mircea_popescu;~nobody outside of mit & friends holds any tokens. 1496827;1467640764;asciilifeform;lel the linked nyt article is actually a massive ad for 'chainalysis', umpteenth attempt at taintatron 1496828;1467640777;mircea_popescu;nicely mirroring the situation a year+ ago, when i couldn't find any owners to borrow from for the life of me. 1496829;1467640820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform brontosaurus gotta graze. can has hay ? no ? can has grass ? no ? then can has hay ? no ? then can has grass ? no ? how about lettuce ? fern ? hay ? grass ? lettuce ? 1496830;1467640907;asciilifeform;l0lz 1496831;1467640915;asciilifeform;from same rag, hilarious, http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/04/nyregion/in-new-jersey-student-loan-program-even-death-may-not-bring-a-reprieve.html 1496832;1467640940;asciilifeform;'...after her son’s unsolved murder... “Please accept our condolences on your loss,” a letter from that agency, the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority, said. “After careful consideration of the information you provided, the authority has determined that your request does not meet the threshold for loan forgiveness. Monthly bill statements will continue to be sent to you.”' 1496833;1467640977;mircea_popescu;incidentally, re teh state of the bitcoin - lettuce not allow all the countless things we're doing distract. even if the summer of forks was defeated politically, so we blessfully didn't have to fight the battle on the technological field, mod6 still needs all the help he can get. 1496834;1467641002;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not remarkable, woman cosigned on a loan. this is the point of cosignature. 1496835;1467641017;asciilifeform;betcha the cow had nfi 1496836;1467641033;asciilifeform;though, ianal, does death == default in usa ? 1496837;1467641046;mircea_popescu;how would it ? 1496838;1467641052;asciilifeform;for purposes of cosigning 1496839;1467641069;mircea_popescu;default for the purposes of cosigning means the cosigner pays. 1496840;1467641096;mircea_popescu;that's what a guarantoor does : "give x this much, and if he won't pay, i will". it's an ancient institution, the piece of shakespeare i butchered revolves around it. 1496841;1467641103;asciilifeform;ok so 'if he won't pay' 1496842;1467641110;asciilifeform;(died, martians abducted, lost at sea, etc) 1496843;1467641110;mircea_popescu;well he ain't payin', is he now. 1496844;1467641132;asciilifeform;then makes sense. 1496845;1467641144;mircea_popescu;yeah. i mean sure, it's cowsy interest "human piece" etc. 1496846;1467641172;mircea_popescu;but as far as any possibility of working anything is concerned, there's nothing remarkable here. "i made my bed on highway, got run over". 1496847;1467641212;asciilifeform;appears to be a recurring theme in 'hyoooman interest' pieces from the volkischer beobachter 1496848;1467641242;mircea_popescu;aha 1496849;1467641263;mircea_popescu;"let's break things for stupid people". recurring theme of "modern democracy" altogether ; so much so it's obviously at the core of the stupidity involved. 1496850;1467641305;asciilifeform;civilizations that outlive their will to live, undergo this autolysis 1496851;1467641313;mircea_popescu;anyway, sane people, which is to say business people, take insurance in such a deal. whether the principal is a dumb kid or a warehouse, you insure against it's destruction specifically so you don'tend up in this "guarantor pays through no fault". 1496852;1467641315;asciilifeform;where 'why do we need baths? let's take apart for bricks' 1496853;1467641327;mircea_popescu;she was more than likely offered life insurance for the kid, declined it to save 25 bux a month or w/e 1496854;1467641375;mircea_popescu;that part, of course, needn't be mentioned, because "who cares more about sanity than '''people themselves''' is the bad thing mkay!" 1496855;1467641465;mircea_popescu;anyway, to bridge this to finance : this is the fundamental difference between shares and bonds. a bond is owed on irrespective of how the business does ; shares only fraction of what the business did. 1496856;1467641479;mircea_popescu;the woman is trying to convert bondholders on a lossy entreprise into shareholders, because of course she would. 1496857;1467641503;asciilifeform;well not the muppet per se 1496858;1467641506;mircea_popescu;reason scamcoins / forum scams always go the same way is, basically, this woman. stupid people are all stupid the same. 1496859;1467641508;asciilifeform;the muppetteer. 1496860;1467641521;asciilifeform;who did the crud lending in the first place 1496861;1467641523;mircea_popescu;who's who and how you reason in this model ? 1496862;1467641539;mircea_popescu;hey, business is business. the fool's never on the tender side of any bargain. 1496863;1467641552;asciilifeform;the folks who carried on the college racket, if the godz gave them half a brain, know that the money ain't coming back 1496864;1467641563;mircea_popescu;(business closes as acceptance of tender - so between a tenderer and an acceptor) 1496865;1467641577;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is not legitimately their concern in capitalismus. 1496866;1467641595;asciilifeform;it is being made 'illigitimately' their concern. 1496867;1467641608;mircea_popescu;notrly, taxpayer bails them out! 1496868;1467641617;asciilifeform;well yes. 1496869;1467641625;mircea_popescu;but yes, the whole thing's dead, we're debating which dead cell's at fault in the dead tissue. 1496870;1467641628;mircea_popescu;i dunno. necrosis ? korea ? 1496871;1467641633;asciilifeform;my understanding is that the details of who precisely will be bailed out, and who - haircut - are being worked. 1496872;1467641654;mircea_popescu;in fairness, once bailing begins, the details are forever being worked until everyone is dead. 1496873;1467641659;mircea_popescu;hence the end of my three emperors story. 1496874;1467641742;asciilifeform;somewhat related, the firms that broker the bmore shit houses all offer... mortgages! yes, on $10,000 house! pay fiddybux/mo forever!1111 1496875;1467641779;mircea_popescu;it's actually a good deal, there. 1496876;1467641786;mircea_popescu;just make sure it's not adjustable. 1496877;1467641874;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://github.com/henryboldi/felony ; https://github.com/henryboldi/felony/issues/11 1496878;1467641879;asciilifeform;^ there seems to be no end of these. 1496879;1467641955;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wasn't the Framedragger_ lot ~20mn keys ? 1496880;1467642078;mircea_popescu;and in other news, the pigs eat well tonight. http://67.media.tumblr.com/026a0d28b07c7bebd6c753af261b3f1e/tumblr_nyjpv7Xjyt1swadgjo1_1280.jpg 1496881;1467642204;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cannot easily count the whole lot, ls barfs 'argument list too long' 1496882;1467642212;asciilifeform;the unix way!11111111111 1496883;1467642449;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496754 << facebook ruined. they use so much PHP they invented HipHop a PHP compiler. Yes, they compile PHP code to C to make it run faster. 1496884;1467642449;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 10:24 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496683 << i'm not even sure that's true, ftr. php is actually a fine language FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE. hypertext preprocessor ffs! it's not even a language, as such! just a preprocessor, like an early scripting language. 1496885;1467642485;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: counted, 10609285 keys. 1496886;1467642506;thestringpuller;https://github.com/facebook/hhvm << yes this is a real thing. 1496887;1467642655;asciilifeform;$up gabriel_laddel 1496888;1467642656;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1496889;1467642703;gabriel_laddel;dija ask mod6 for a virtual tour of the property yet? 1496890;1467642714;asciilifeform;whatcha talking about gabriel_laddel 1496891;1467642784;mircea_popescu;hm. 1496892;1467642796;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491774 1496893;1467642797;a111;Logged on 2016-06-28 03:38 mod6: <+asciilifeform> mircea_popescu: i lived in a ~hole for 20 yrs. << you can come live in my basement if you're tired of paying rent. i've even got a garden. :] 1496894;1467642798;mircea_popescu;Framedragger_ do i misremember the count ? 1496895;1467642820;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform holy shit what is wrong with this crap. who. WHO!!!! can think ls may say that. 1496896;1467642821;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: you really gotta read the l0gz 1496897;1467642826;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ikr ? 1496898;1467642832;mircea_popescu;for fuck's sake. 1496899;1467642835;gabriel_laddel;oh I did, hence my asking 1496900;1467642851;mircea_popescu;why not you knwo, "an unspecified specification has eggoged. please retry to abort." 1496901;1467642876;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: the original 'hole' comment was about how i lived as ~hermit for long time. not about crappy flats (in which i also once lived, but no longer.) 1496902;1467642916;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: if I buy you a shed like the one in timasora, and mod6 installs it on his property, will you please just go live there and save money? 1496903;1467642936;asciilifeform;i dun want to live in a shed. or in some fella's basement. etc 1496904;1467642948;asciilifeform;i live in a house, with windows, sunlight, locking doors, and intend to continue living in houses. 1496905;1467642956;asciilifeform;this is hard concept for gabriel_laddel ? 1496906;1467642985;asciilifeform;'my truck eats too much petrol, i'ma look for a new truck' 'here have this bicycle!1111' 'but it won't carry cement' 'HAVE BICYCLE' 1496907;1467643020;gabriel_laddel;$s People generally wish to be rich for all sorts of reasons and mental constructions that scarcely survive the transformative process which becoming rich entails 1496908;1467643020;a111;0 results for "People generally wish to be rich for all sorts of reasons and mental constructions that scarcely survive the transformative process which becoming rich entails", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=People%20generally%20wish%20to%20be%20rich%20for%20all%20sorts%20of%20reasons%20and%20mental%20constructions%20that%20scarcely%20survive%20the%20transformative%20process%20which%20becoming%20rich%20entails 1496909;1467643051;asciilifeform;very few folks ~actually~ want to be rich. only 'not poor.' 1496910;1467643088;asciilifeform;(being rich, as an ongoing concern, is something quite like hard work. as mircea_popescu describes. not all that far from mixing cement.) 1496911;1467643316;mircea_popescu;honestly i can't complain. as the saying goes on shittycustomers.com, "it's easy if you know what you're doing". 1496912;1467643507;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-17#1484314 << confirmed. 1496913;1467643507;a111;Logged on 2016-06-17 20:36 Framedragger: asciilifeform: yeah so i'll prolly end up dumping 10M ssh keys on phuctor's ass, via its web interface. i wonder if phuctor can handle parallel requests, to a point :P i won't be an asshole about it. 1496914;1467643854;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: except that it was not via www interface 1496915;1467643858;asciilifeform;he send me giant tarball 1496916;1467643863;mircea_popescu;ya just meant the count 1496917;1467643865;asciilifeform;and it is being fed in, since. 1496918;1467643865;asciilifeform;aha. 1496919;1467644162;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: you can live in the guest house. it's like a shed but with windows, and a kitchen, and a bathroom. 1496920;1467644171;thestringpuller;but then again most people wouldn't call it a shed..... 1496921;1467644175;asciilifeform;why the FUCK would i want to do any such thing. 1496922;1467644257;gabriel_laddel;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-08#914604 1496923;1467644257;a111;Logged on 2014-11-08 01:50 mircea_popescu: dawg, just make those cardanos so we can sell em and that's it, let some other unfortunate soul extract himself with bountee. 1496924;1467644358;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: how does that plug in ? 1496925;1467644371;mircea_popescu;hey, wadda ya want! alf is ~still~ making his original gf from back when he was 15 a pasta dinner. he just had to go to college first, find another woman, and other details. 1496926;1467644401;*;mircea_popescu pictures 35yo woman waiting patiently for that damned pasta for the past ~20 years 1496927;1467644406;mircea_popescu;"it'd better be al fucking dente!" 1496928;1467644437;gabriel_laddel;Look, I don't have your personal ledger in front of me, but wouldn't paying ZERO in rent save you a lot, even if you only do it for a year and your pet has to go live with her mother? 1496929;1467644443;shinohai;After 35 years I'd wager it was as mushy as a virgin's vagina after a night in the mircea_popescu dungeon. 1496930;1467644448;asciilifeform;i don't eat charity, gabriel_laddel. 1496931;1467644457;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: sorry, what? 1496932;1467644462;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's not charity when between friends! 1496933;1467644490;asciilifeform;i don't ride bikes, live in cockroach flats, or do any of the 1,001 related young cocklet things 1496934;1467644497;mircea_popescu;shinohai virgins usually do poorly the first time in the dungeon. naive cunt petrifies readily. 1496935;1467644504;asciilifeform;this was gone over, in agonizing detail, in the thread with ben_vulpes's software co. 1496936;1467644526;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how are you going to make a boyfriend with that sort of attitude ?! 1496937;1467644536;asciilifeform;lel 1496938;1467644581;mircea_popescu;don't mind me, this convo reminded me of spirited not-yet-lawyeress many years ago. she, similarly, "i don't want your charity!" "fine, take your clothes off then and you'll have earned it." 1496939;1467644649;mircea_popescu;$up gabriel_laddel 1496940;1467644649;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1496941;1467644652;mircea_popescu;you still don't have a key ?! 1496942;1467644658;mircea_popescu;$gettrust deedbot gabriel_laddel 1496943;1467644658;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 2 by 2 connections. 1496944;1467644665;gabriel_laddel;nah, homeless atm and it is a bit of a pain to auth 1496945;1467644667;asciilifeform;yeah what happened to his key 1496946;1467644672;asciilifeform;homeless?! 1496947;1467644674;mircea_popescu;aqhahaha wait, what ? 1496948;1467644680;mircea_popescu;why don';t you live in your garden then ?! 1496949;1467644702;gabriel_laddel;because wtf, it isn't that difficult and somehow I manage to be fed + sleep indoors shave and whatnont? 1496950;1467644706;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: interested in baltimore ? 1496951;1467644707;*;mircea_popescu hadn't even seen the "and pet has to live with mother" part. EPIC. 1496952;1467644732;*;gabriel_laddel is currently shopping around for a USB drive that will hold all the masamune sources, as the current one is too small 1496953;1467644745;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: not even slightly 1496954;1467644760;mircea_popescu;in fairness, i sometimes do this, except never send pet to live with HER mother. i send her to live with the more sane female cousins of mine, learn the ropes of female sanity. 1496955;1467644778;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: it's mod6's garden, and not a garden, a basement 1496956;1467644792;gabriel_laddel;and alf has to pay exactly nothing 1496957;1467644810;mircea_popescu;and next year mod6 could come to alf's garden/basement. 1496958;1467644821;gabriel_laddel;then it wouldn't be charity. magic 1496959;1467644833;mircea_popescu;they could have like an itinerant seminar of luby transforms, functional analysis and convexity. 1496960;1467644882;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i could teach you php and you could make rent money on fiverr in no time. 1496961;1467644895;mircea_popescu;will need to talk to phf for css though, i never went to that class. 1496962;1467644980;gabriel_laddel;kek 1496963;1467644984;mircea_popescu;in other nuts, someone should totally write a universal program improver, which takes any legal code, unrolls all for loops and reimplements them as if clauses ; and unrolls all if clauses and reimplements them as for loops. 1496964;1467644996;mircea_popescu;sort of "fuck you, workplace" website. 1496965;1467645398;deedbot;[Trilema] No Such lAbs (S.NSA), June 2016 Statement - http://trilema.com/2016/no-such-labs-snsa-june-2016-statement/ 1496966;1467645435;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l! 1496967;1467645452;asciilifeform;there are 'obfuscators' for various langs etc. but afaik nothing quite so monstrous. 1496968;1467645467;asciilifeform;i predict that it would be a smash hit tho. 1496969;1467645486;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: whatcha got against dear old baltimoralalabad ? 1496970;1467645501;gabriel_laddel;asciilifeform: Can't stand orcs. 1496971;1467645599;asciilifeform;ah i wondered if maybe it was the rubble, or the godforsaken remoteness from anything worthwhile 1496972;1467645652;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel: but i did! determine! experimentally!111 that you dun have to be black to walk around bmore 1496973;1467645655;gabriel_laddel;Those are not really separable. 1496974;1467645657;asciilifeform;i was there, even took pet, nobody fired 1496975;1467645683;gabriel_laddel;lol 1496976;1467645705;gabriel_laddel;you can walk around the hood all you want while white 1496977;1467645728;gabriel_laddel;but must be willing to put up with having your stuff taken from time to time / "the knockout game" 1496978;1467645742;asciilifeform;the locals have own rhythm of life, mostly ignore martians; cars stop in the middle of streets, boys run out with 'cargo', deliver, run back; etc 1496979;1467645830;asciilifeform;i suppose if living there long enough, can catch a bullet, or jailed for bagging a protected species 1496980;1467645904;asciilifeform;but yes, my observations were of the amateur zoologist's, 'the bears did not bother me' sort. 1496981;1467646251;asciilifeform;l0l i also missed the 'mother' thing 1496982;1467646254;asciilifeform;lulzy 1496983;1467646272;asciilifeform;gabriel_laddel needs to have a stern talk with his dope supplier 1496984;1467646293;asciilifeform;who, i suspect, is skimping on recrystallization/purification. 1496985;1467646962;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform amusingly, it's necessarily machine-doable, and not even that hard. kinda low hanging fruit of evil. 1496986;1467646980;mircea_popescu;and yeah, imagine if applied on item 100k loc long. 1496987;1467646992;mircea_popescu;might make decent tshirt printage. 1496988;1467647000;asciilifeform;obfuscated c contest. 1496989;1467647009;mircea_popescu;more like omfg i can't take my eyes off your shirt. 1496990;1467647034;mircea_popescu;"she walks into a room and all anyone can think about is "...really ?!?!?!"" 1496991;1467647056;asciilifeform;if (999999999999999) break; 1496992;1467647061;asciilifeform;l0l 1496993;1467647086;asciilifeform;more humanly, if (x == 999999999999999) 1496994;1467647151;asciilifeform;this reminds me of another 'idea' of mine 1496995;1467647154;asciilifeform;'anti-lint' 1496996;1467647164;asciilifeform;introduces off-by-ones, use-after-frees, etc. joys. 1496997;1467647890;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> i was there, even took pet, nobody fired << lmao! 1496998;1467647899;mircea_popescu;the notions people get from reddit/msm/etc. 1496999;1467647913;mircea_popescu;40 deaths/100k per year. who the fuck's gonna waste a bullet on you specifically. 1497000;1467647933;asciilifeform;well to be fair not so many folks are standing in line to be 41st 1497001;1467647945;mircea_popescu;what, it's a carnival booth ? 1497002;1467647976;asciilifeform;nfi 1497003;1467647987;asciilifeform;but nobody even so much as spat in my face. 1497004;1467648001;mircea_popescu;wtf, it's black not gypsy ghetto. 1497005;1467648028;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496981 << dat abort on error parser! 1497006;1467648028;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 15:30 asciilifeform: l0l i also missed the 'mother' thing 1497007;1467648051;asciilifeform;but judging by what the locals (of all colours) were doing with their time, i cannot properly apprehend the mental zone they live in, and would need some strong dope to even visit it 1497008;1467648068;mircea_popescu;why ? 1497009;1467648078;asciilifeform;like that old man who rolled electric wheelchair up, down, up, down, the street, swinging his hat 1497010;1467648090;mircea_popescu;korea. 1497011;1467648097;phf;he was just having fun, man 1497012;1467648107;asciilifeform;or the regiment of black dudes standing in a circle, doing ~nothing, for hours 1497013;1467648107;mircea_popescu;what, where do you expect carl force iv ends up ? 1497014;1467648118;mircea_popescu;they were producing rap album. neeext. 1497015;1467648128;phf;asciilifeform: they are having their own trilema, of the appropriate level 1497016;1467648135;asciilifeform;phf: must be ! 1497017;1467648136;mircea_popescu;^ 1497018;1467648151;mircea_popescu;anyone follow along the culture clash in that last article comments section ? 1497019;1467648156;asciilifeform;me. 1497020;1467648169;asciilifeform;brain-melting. 1497021;1467648171;mircea_popescu;at some point it gets to where i don't even. 1497022;1467648190;asciilifeform;i couldn't even begin to even. 1497023;1467648190;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah, you put the prikoke in there ? 1497024;1467648195;asciilifeform;nah 1497025;1467648199;mircea_popescu;oh. hm. 1497026;1467648200;asciilifeform;just tuned in. 1497027;1467648209;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform maybe the solution is to odd. 1497028;1467648216;asciilifeform;yes! 1497029;1467648220;asciilifeform;incidentally i distinctly recall a ru ver of prikoke 1497030;1467648227;asciilifeform;but unable to turn it up in the l0gz 1497031;1467648294;mircea_popescu;neway, it's like sewing on old, sunbaked rag. the more you patch, the more it breaks. 1497032;1467648350;mircea_popescu;very reminescent of both the actual open sore repositories themselves, as well as that "nothing happener, sir" joke. 1497033;1467648353;mircea_popescu;you know it ? 1497034;1467648359;asciilifeform;hm? 1497035;1467648422;mircea_popescu;his lordship is called to london on urgent business ; leaves country house in hands of his chamberlain 1497036;1467648453;mircea_popescu;the next day calls, "is everything ok ? " "certainly sir, everything is in order" "so nothing happened ?" "well, sir, your little black dog. he died." 1497037;1467648459;mircea_popescu;"fifi ?! HOW ?" 1497038;1467648474;mircea_popescu;your triple crown purebreed stomped it down 1497039;1467648479;mircea_popescu;why was the horse running around ? 1497040;1467648490;mircea_popescu;we had to let the horses go when the roof was about to fall 1497041;1467648496;mircea_popescu;the roof to the stables ?! what ? 1497042;1467648501;mircea_popescu;yes, it caught fire from the house 1497043;1467648505;mircea_popescu;the house burned down ?! 1497044;1467648546;mircea_popescu;apparently a maid that was in the wake got horny as it often happens to young women at old people's funerals, while being vigurously used from behind turned over candlestick 1497045;1467648550;mircea_popescu;funeral ? what funeral ? 1497046;1467648562;mircea_popescu;that sorta thing. 1497047;1467648566;asciilifeform;http://a-pesni.org/drugije/markiza.htm << obligatory. 1497048;1467648576;asciilifeform;( i bet mircea_popescu knows the original fr version ) 1497049;1467648587;mircea_popescu;guy comes with just a small comment, turns out doesn't distinguish clauses, has no definitions and etc. 1497050;1467648683;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5WdpSPeQUE 1497051;1467648697;asciilifeform;^ it! ^ 1497052;1467648737;mircea_popescu;very popular in ro. dja recall the hruscov mis en scene ? 1497053;1467648752;asciilifeform;it is in the l0gz i think 1497054;1467648755;mircea_popescu;aha. 1497055;1467648758;asciilifeform;moscopol ? 1497056;1467648761;mircea_popescu;yup 1497057;1467648766;asciilifeform;then yes. 1497058;1467648914;mircea_popescu;it's a modern classic, very well constructed in counterpoint and a well fitted denouement 1497059;1467648919;mircea_popescu;musically pseaking. 1497060;1467648927;asciilifeform;quite. 1497061;1467648933;asciilifeform;i bet there is even chinese version somewhere. 1497062;1467649013;mircea_popescu;anyway ; the text is certainly ancient. 1497063;1467650521;phf;shinohai: i updated my patch 1497064;1467650638;asciilifeform;phf: 3133333333333337 macos 9 theme l0l 1497065;1467650648;phf;:D 1497066;1467650656;*;asciilifeform quite fond of it. 1497067;1467650817;ben_vulpes;aha that's just grand 1497068;1467650831;ben_vulpes;now those were some widgets. 1497069;1467650842;ben_vulpes;does anyone remember the sound effects?! 1497070;1467650847;asciilifeform;aha 1497071;1467650857;*;asciilifeform still runs emulator on occasion 1497072;1467650877;ben_vulpes;what fer 1497073;1467650883;asciilifeform;various. 1497074;1467650914;asciilifeform;e.g., http://www.loper-os.org/?p=658 1497075;1467650992;phf;the theme was maid on mac os 9. took some screenshots, photoshoped it to size of kubrick's elements (header, vertically repeated background, footer), s/jpg/png/ in right places 1497076;1467651009;asciilifeform;neato 1497077;1467651021;asciilifeform;i'ma msdos, prolly. 1497078;1467651032;asciilifeform;when i get a chance. 1497079;1467651125;phf;*made 1497080;1467651147;phf;morning coffee problem 1497081;1467651882;ben_vulpes;http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/07/the-secret-startup-saved-healthcare-gov-the-worst-website-in-america/397784/?single_page=true << http://www.govtech.com/civic/IT-Showdown-Tech-Giants-Face-Off-Against-18F.html << today on silly-con valley fanboi newzfeed: "obab saved software!" vs "corporations that actually own procurement in usg begin to unravel 'disruptions' to government software 1497082;1467651884;ben_vulpes;procurement" 1497083;1467651909;ben_vulpes;eg "how dare a few kids try to stick a pinwheel in our jetstream" 1497084;1467656204;danielpbarron;!up idontgetit 1497085;1467656204;gribble;Error: "up" is not a valid command. 1497086;1467656209;danielpbarron;$up idontgetit 1497087;1467656209;deedbot;idontgetit voiced for 30 minutes. 1497088;1467660706;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497063 <<< thx phf! Just got home, will review 1497089;1467660706;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 16:42 phf: shinohai: i updated my patch 1497090;1467660834;phf;shinohai: if you unpack mp's tarball, unpack wp-content into it, apply the patch, you should end up with a working instance 1497091;1467660861;shinohai;Ah ok cool. Is db required? 1497092;1467660906;phf;yeah, it requires LAMP 1497093;1467660967;phf;shinohai: i literally just copy paste commands out of https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu and https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-wordpress-on-ubuntu-14-04 into a fresh instance of dubuntu 1497094;1467660996;phf;*obamtu 1497095;1467661023;shinohai;Sweet, coincidentally I have a fresh lamp setup to test on. 1497096;1467662360;mircea_popescu;davout am i wrong in suspecting you comprehend most php of anyone here ? 1497097;1467662558;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497075 << dudewhat! 1497098;1467662558;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 16:49 phf: the theme was maid on mac os 9. took some screenshots, photoshoped it to size of kubrick's elements (header, vertically repeated background, footer), s/jpg/png/ in right places 1497099;1467662717;mircea_popescu;this is already winning holy shit. 1497100;1467662753;*;mircea_popescu 's plan, if this wasn't already transparently obvious, is to convert the ball into unviersal serenissima-to-www convertor, call it serenity or whatever and be done with it. 1497101;1467662760;mircea_popescu;plug a hole ben_vulpes trinque etc all felt so far. 1497102;1467664174;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496952 << dude this "fix computing" project is a deadly land, worth traveling if only because it's a good death (TM) (R) 1497103;1467664174;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 15:05 gabriel_laddel is currently shopping around for a USB drive that will hold all the masamune sources, as the current one is too small 1497104;1467664182;trinque;my old boss ended up homeless too! 1497105;1467664225;mircea_popescu;wasn't anyone living close to him btw ? how about you fucking give him a thumb drive and charge it to me, i'll buy you a salad or something next we eat together. 1497106;1467664379;ben_vulpes;trinque: finally? 1497107;1467664392;trinque;ben_vulpes: lost home *first* then office 1497108;1467664423;ben_vulpes;ho ho ho 1497109;1467664452;ben_vulpes;yeah i heard that the last vestiges have finally been absorbed by something marginally profitable recently 1497110;1467664463;ben_vulpes;lease expired or some such 1497111;1467664519;trinque;to each his own complicated art-project / suicide I guess 1497112;1467664543;trinque;gabriel_laddel: if you need a gentoo box to hack on I don't mind having such a thing on my network somewhere, provided you have a thing to get into it 1497113;1467664550;ben_vulpes;art: if it's not masturbation, it's suicide! 1497114;1467664558;trinque;por que no los dos? 1497115;1467664582;ben_vulpes;aha, auto-erotic artsphixiation 1497116;1467664598;trinque;bahaha 1497117;1467665298;asciilifeform;or we could chip in to buy the fella a balticastle 1497118;1467665356;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/07/04/lenovo_scrambling_to_get_a_fix_for_bios_vuln 1497119;1467665369;asciilifeform;and https://github.com/Cr4sh/ThinkPwn 1497120;1467665386;asciilifeform;x86 delenda est. 1497121;1467665554;asciilifeform;'...a UEFI bug that can be exploited to disable firmware write-protection... The company says the vulnerable System Management Mode software came from an upstream BIOS vendor – making it likely that other vendors getting BIOS software from the same outlet will also be vulnerable.' 1497122;1467665608;asciilifeform;gotta luuuuuuv software 'write protect.' 1497123;1467665618;asciilifeform;instead of, y'know, the wp leg present on EVERY FLASH ROM EVER MADE 1497124;1467665621;asciilifeform;but used ~never. 1497125;1467665624;shinohai;ghehehehehehe 1497126;1467665648;asciilifeform;in other nyooz from same rag, fmri finally burns, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/07/03/mri_software_bugs_could_upend_years_of_research 1497127;1467665675;asciilifeform;^ i'ma guess the number of retracted dissertations, withdrawn tenures, etc. will be the usual 1497128;1467665676;asciilifeform;0 1497129;1467665812;asciilifeform;in yet other lulz, from same, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/06/27/ballot_stuffing_ref_petition 1497130;1467665834;asciilifeform;'Reg reader Rob has uncovered evidence that a botnet (i.e. automated computer program rather than human) is stuffing the second referendum ballot. There are 2,371 signatures from The Vatican - a place that only has a population of 1,000,” Rob notes. Also the json data shows 2735 signatures from the Antarctic and 23,694 signatures from North Korea.” A blackhat hacker from Syria claimed responsibility for the “hack” which he cl 1497131;1467665834;asciilifeform;aimed he was doing in order to show “your democracies are a joke”. He also claimed to be “voting like crazy” on this petition.' 1497132;1467666009;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497117 asciilifeform not if he weighs less than his gf. 1497133;1467666009;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 20:48 asciilifeform: or we could chip in to buy the fella a balticastle 1497134;1467666054;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do you have "a software bug" disable WRITE PROTECTION OMFG 1497135;1467666144;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform love that "could". COULD upend, you see. whenever title contains a question mark, the implied question is always to be answered in the negative ; when title contains painful topic to lizard hittler, could can always be replaced by "certainly, but we'll pretend otherwise" 1497136;1467666166;asciilifeform;likethat. 1497137;1467666201;mircea_popescu;anyway. statistical "science" is much like chastity-belt chastity. 1497138;1467666219;mircea_popescu;an accidental byproduct of the lazy minority. 1497139;1467666256;asciilifeform;also love the 'bug' ( in actuality, thoroughly rotten conceptual fabric ) 1497140;1467666271;mircea_popescu;"The researchers used published fMRI results, and along the way they swipe the fMRI community for their “lamentable archiving and data-sharing practices” that prevent most of the discipline's body of work being re-analysed." don't wonder why. 1497141;1467666285;asciilifeform;but no, bug!11111, will be 'fixed', carry on. 1497142;1467666287;mircea_popescu;it's for the exact reason servers had to be broken in to get the "climate scientists'" data. 1497143;1467666307;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, their life, not yours or mine. 1497144;1467666345;*;mircea_popescu has been delighting in teaching very talented girl french! 1497145;1467666436;mircea_popescu;"So far more than 3.6 million people have signed up the petition on the parliament.uk website. Any petition with more than 100K votes is considered for debate in parliament, irrespective of its merits either way." << epic. 1497146;1467666461;mircea_popescu;anyone want the side project of introducing a petition to discuss whether the queen should be flogged naked at the gate of westminster abbey for being a nigger jewess ? 1497147;1467666472;mircea_popescu;put 100k votes on it, watch the fireworks. 1497148;1467666484;asciilifeform;nuffin will happen. 1497149;1467666501;asciilifeform;lizards follow rules when they feel like it. 1497150;1467666528;mircea_popescu;the uk prolly not relevant enough for anyone's time, but still, there it is. 1497151;1467666545;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wouldja stop with this "lalala i have my own hallucinated alt-reality plox partake" thing ? 1497152;1467666643;asciilifeform;hey nobody has to take my word for it. go, try, petition. 1497153;1467666657;asciilifeform;wake me up when queen flogged. 1497154;1467666732;mircea_popescu;lol. 1497155;1467666746;mircea_popescu;be that as it may, it's like very weaksauce trolling / a pretty cancerous forced meme by now 1497156;1467666926;asciilifeform;it is the sad reality of the wurkerz paradise where asciilifeform lives. 1497157;1467666973;asciilifeform;there was similar petition to fire obummer, here, it went to /dev/null. 1497158;1467666975;mircea_popescu;the problem here is that asciilifeform lives in a mostly self-created world. 1497159;1467666986;mircea_popescu;well, us doesn't have a rule that congress must discuss anything. 1497160;1467666999;asciilifeform;tru. 1497161;1467667033;mircea_popescu;da fuck cares whether queen gets flogged. there's much better looking, younger cunts with juicier tits lined up for the flogger, lizzie's not speshul. 1497162;1467667255;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, having the utterly irrelevant condo owner association meeting calling itself "the parliament" face the dilemma of either ignoring its own rule or else discussing whether queen should be flogged for being nigger jewess is exactly what a good blog article is made of. 1497163;1467667280;mircea_popescu;and also a fine comment on the state and aggregate value of the airstrip one economy : all it's good for, is to provide material for a blogger's article, in this manner. 1497164;1467667297;mircea_popescu;kinda sad end for the derps that irritated hitler, half a century later. 1497165;1467667314;asciilifeform;do we have a man in ol' blighty? 1497166;1467667326;asciilifeform;to do this deed 1497167;1467667338;mircea_popescu;does it matter where located ? 1497168;1467667345;asciilifeform;it might. 1497169;1467667355;*;mircea_popescu has nfi 1497170;1467667372;asciilifeform;prolly gotta rtfm 1497171;1467667383;mircea_popescu;myeah. well, that's what article research is all about. 1497172;1467667925;mircea_popescu;and speaking of the cancer that is killing, i give you boxxy! http://67.media.tumblr.com/54a213033482261ad155536f76c3e902/tumblr_nthdczE9Hh1upsme5o1_500.gif 1497173;1467668166;asciilifeform;l0l! 1497174;1467668226;BingoBoingo;$b 4 1497175;1467668373;BingoBoingo;A le https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4r5ax7/another_attempt_to_socially_engineer_a_fork/d4yhjnm 1497176;1467668390;BingoBoingo;Or in sane mode https://archive.is/ZoLUm 1497177;1467668422;mircea_popescu;lmao 1497178;1467668462;mircea_popescu;bonus points for the guy loathing self hating 1497179;1467668466;mircea_popescu;hopefully he's from la. 1497180;1467668533;BingoBoingo;More likely Ohio 1497181;1467668624;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo so basically give it another ~yearish and qntra's gonna be all that's left ? 1497182;1467668681;BingoBoingo;Likely. I mean Coindesk will likely continue as the stagnant thing it is, but eventually if they stand still in the swamp long enough malaria will get them. 1497183;1467668682;mircea_popescu;Dammi tempu ca ti perciu. 1497184;1467668854;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo how did that go, "a man can live in the evereglades, where a man can hide an' never be found an' have no fear of the bayin' hound 1497185;1467668869;mircea_popescu;but better keep movin' an' don't stand still - if the skeeters don't get you the gators will." 1497186;1467668871;BingoBoingo;AHA 1497187;1467668962;BingoBoingo;Anyways there's also Ver's thing continuing along on all the Pinoy SEO USG.MIT can afford 1497188;1467668986;mircea_popescu;which looks like ~five pounds fireworks' worth. 1497189;1467668990;mircea_popescu;ie, 50 bux 1497190;1467669170;BingoBoingo;Eh, google doesn't hate them on the generic query "bitcoin news" because both words are in their url. 1497191;1467669262;mircea_popescu;google has no fucking clue. 1497192;1467669371;BingoBoingo;Of course. Came out of USG.Stanford 1497193;1467669493;mircea_popescu;back when it came out it was almost tmsr-level of good. 1497194;1467669497;mircea_popescu;then they went stupid. 1497195;1467669572;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497189 <<< or the amount of money he went apeshit over when he accidentally refunded a customer too much once. 1497196;1467669572;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 21:49 mircea_popescu: ie, 50 bux 1497197;1467669999;mircea_popescu;wasn't that like 3 btc in 2014 or somesuch ? 1497198;1467670120;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494027 << i lollered! 1497199;1467670120;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 01:07 adlai: last i checked, tmsr has an ex-salesman? or at least a blogger who blogs a lot about how to sell 1497200;1467670147;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494025 << jewwwwot is best wot 1497201;1467670147;a111;Logged on 2016-07-01 01:07 mircea_popescu: adlai apparently they ran out of jews in washington. 1497202;1467670208;pete_dushenski;in fact, you can tell there aren't many jews in alberta either. peeps be comin to me to broker / source aaaaall their shit atm. 1497203;1467670245;pete_dushenski;apartments, cars, websites, bitcoins, and so on and so forth. 1497204;1467670292;pete_dushenski;humourously, this is exactly what the inept local government is currently employing hundreds of mba grad mungaloids to do : "connect assets" and "bridge the social networks" something something 1497205;1467670316;*;pete_dushenski just had his ears filled with so much such inept buzzwordery he can barely hear himself think 1497206;1467670333;mats;is there an up to date guide to rolling trb on pogo's little-endian armv5? 1497207;1467670372;mats;i tried to run dpb's script after reading it and it puked a small hill of errors 1497208;1467670427;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497172 << you know your tumblr feed's getting spicier when you can swear you've seen mp's randostrange before 1497209;1467670427;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 21:32 mircea_popescu: and speaking of the cancer that is killing, i give you boxxy! http://67.media.tumblr.com/54a213033482261ad155536f76c3e902/tumblr_nthdczE9Hh1upsme5o1_500.gif 1497210;1467670439;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497206 << my original recipe still worx and will always work. use a recent trb tho. 1497211;1467670439;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 22:12 mats: is there an up to date guide to rolling trb on pogo's little-endian armv5? 1497212;1467670558;mats;'auto.sh'? 1497213;1467670568;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497194 << one can eat only so much idiotmoney before the radiation damage is felt 1497214;1467670568;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 21:58 mircea_popescu: then they went stupid. 1497215;1467670585;mats;or are you referring to this http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-February/000050.html 1497216;1467670586;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497165 << Framedragger_ ? williamdunne ? 1497217;1467670586;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 21:21 asciilifeform: do we have a man in ol' blighty? 1497218;1467670620;shinohai;mats: Didja get pogo running? 1497219;1467670658;asciilifeform;mats: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-March/000076.html 1497220;1467670661;mats;yeah, need a bitcoind for it nao 1497221;1467670674;shinohai;awesum 1497222;1467670701;mats;then its off to cook off fireworks 1497223;1467670723;mats;ok thanks asciilifeform 1497224;1467670729;asciilifeform;np 1497225;1467672339;mircea_popescu;o hey, today is "make america great again" day huh ? 1497226;1467672346;mircea_popescu;happy fireworks peeps. 1497227;1467672434;pete_dushenski;damndest thing : i was actually whistling the star spangled banner to myself while making my 3-egger breakfast omelette, quite out of the blue, and only several hours later recalled that it was colonial 'victory' day down south 1497228;1467672443;asciilifeform;lel i'm about to go and see 1497229;1467672446;asciilifeform;like every year. 1497230;1467672641;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: last year this time i had an entire beach of canadians singing poorly but enthusiastically the same 1497231;1467672670;ben_vulpes;then they decided they needed to sing 'oh canada' to make amends to themselves 1497232;1467672702;pete_dushenski;did they know the words ? 1497233;1467672708;*;pete_dushenski doesn't 1497234;1467672715;pete_dushenski;maybe 80% 1497235;1467672758;BingoBoingo;Fat privilege http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2065094/Passenger-forced-stand-flight-seven-hours-400-POUND-man.html 1497236;1467672779;ben_vulpes;sadly, not really. 1497237;1467672787;ben_vulpes;double-sadly, it's not a particularly stirring anthem either. 1497238;1467672839;BingoBoingo;It's better with the third verse, the one PC censors keep cutting 1497239;1467672846;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: archive it? the jsbomination is strong with the daily mail 1497240;1467672865;BingoBoingo;Or jsut don't load the .js 1497241;1467672879;BingoBoingo;ANyways, baking https://archive.is/K37N3 1497242;1467673094;ben_vulpes;no js didn't work either! 1497243;1467673185;ben_vulpes;lol "their sensitivity level needs to change" 1497244;1467674651;BingoBoingo;$up xcfw748 1497245;1467674651;deedbot;xcfw748 voiced for 30 minutes. 1497246;1467674692;xcfw748;made some updates to qntra css. album includes updated desktop, sample of current/updated mobile https://imgur.com/a/j0yFS 1497247;1467674746;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] All the elements of the USSA prison-industrial complex, coming soon to a neighbourhood near you. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/04/all-the-elements-of-the-ussa-prison-industrial-complex-coming-soon-to-a-neighbourhood-near-you/ 1497248;1467674870;pete_dushenski;with that, it's off to go check out houses 1497249;1467674906;BingoBoingo;xcfw748: Not bad, but no compelling benefit either. Someone else here did express interest in themes, so Matbe hang around an they'll show up? 1497250;1467675203;xcfw748;BingoBoingo thanks. since the work is already done, it couldn't hurt to drop it in and get a free facelift. 1497251;1467675246;xcfw748;also have work already, not looking to take on projects, just interested in tidying up qntra since i read it fairly often 1497252;1467675269;BingoBoingo;Well, I don't know you well enough to run your code, which is obstacles 1497253;1467675297;xcfw748;bah, css is harmless 1497254;1467675406;BingoBoingo;But is browser harmless? 1497255;1467675523;xcfw748;i certainly don't know enough to answer that, but i could paste the css somewhere for you if you'd like to check it out 1497256;1467675537;BingoBoingo;couldn't hurt 1497257;1467675581;BingoBoingo;Anyways I think css wanter hinted at compennsation, but I am not certain 1497258;1467675654;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497253 <<< False, I can use css to do a pastejacking attack. 1497259;1467675654;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 23:34 xcfw748: bah, css is harmless 1497260;1467675675;xcfw748;BingoBoingo css http://pastebin.com/cxbcZgUX 1497261;1467675807;xcfw748;there were also some very minor updates to html http://pastebin.com/9m49WK6Y 1497262;1467675831;xcfw748;addition of some classnames on elements, removing the table in the header in favor of css positioning 1497263;1467676821;mats;https://blogs.securiteam.com/index.php/archives/2701 1497264;1467677394;mats;asciilifeform: this looks like its for pogo's os, i'm looking for instructions re: a deterministic build process for armv5 you refer to on the ml 1497265;1467677422;mats;er, for building trb. 1497266;1467677547;mats;crossdev makes me sad 1497267;1467678578;asciilifeform;mats: crossdev is how it goes 1497268;1467678599;asciilifeform;or were you thinking of building ~on~ pogo 1497269;1467678612;asciilifeform;^ lunacy 1497270;1467678695;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497263 << which is. why . NO net on build boxes!!! mircea_popescu . 1497271;1467678695;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 00:00 mats: https://blogs.securiteam.com/index.php/archives/2701 1497272;1467678707;asciilifeform;for srs. 1497273;1467679187;asciilifeform;$s portatronic 1497274;1467679187;a111;49 results for "portatronic", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=portatronic 1497275;1467679194;asciilifeform;mats: ^^ 1497276;1467679235;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-January/000033.html 1497277;1467679260;asciilifeform;but you needs the os, yes 1497278;1467680229;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497235 << and yet he STILL doesn't want to lose weight. 1497279;1467680229;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 22:52 BingoBoingo: Fat privilege http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2065094/Passenger-forced-stand-flight-seven-hours-400-POUND-man.html 1497280;1467680357;mircea_popescu;;;later tell xcfw748 consider making a proper theme for the wp shinohai's cooking, that'd be actually useful. also consider not doing this hit and run thing. 1497281;1467680357;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497282;1467681983;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/sKuQW#selection-1839.0-1826.4 << mp is a left winger, proof inside. 1497283;1467682105;shinohai;^ lo 1497284;1467682148;shinohai;Looks like I should have a clean start to a suitable server to experiment with wp on by in the morning. 1497285;1467682155;mircea_popescu;cool 1497286;1467682258;phf;mircea_popescu: i don't quite understand how that armored gpg support works :o 1497287;1467682270;mircea_popescu;phf some shitty wp installs fuck up eg -- 1497288;1467682274;mircea_popescu;but yours works fine. 1497289;1467682306;mircea_popescu;where "works" is defined as i can select and paste a gpg armored segment and gpg can process it. 1497290;1467682310;phf;well, there's a hack in comment.php, that wraps PGP messages in and that gets somehow rendered differently 1497291;1467682328;mircea_popescu;cool. 1497292;1467682338;mircea_popescu;didn't know if that was theme level or what. good that it made it in anyway. 1497293;1467682341;phf;but if i just post comment with foo that doesn't work 1497294;1467682346;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1497295;1467682365;phf;and the is not otherwise preserved anywhere 1497296;1467682369;*;phf us totally confused 1497297;1467682383;mircea_popescu;phf comments have a limited set of tags they may contain , code isn't among them. 1497298;1467682397;mircea_popescu;you can fiddle that knob, tho i don't right off recall where it is. 1497299;1467682423;mircea_popescu;(large part of why mp-wp is useful is exactly this : all knobs already set correctly, unroll and gtg.) 1497300;1467682435;mircea_popescu;ie, what asciilifeform said he wanted and then said he didn't get :D 1497301;1467682618;mircea_popescu;but in other system design news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/18ff10efb7ad1b21f377a989a7489826/tumblr_nwhj8r5Lxi1u921buo1_500.gif 1497302;1467683532;mircea_popescu;preserved for asciilifeform 's viewing pleasure : https://archive.is/ouyoS 1497303;1467683546;mircea_popescu;frozen IN PYTHON. with forward-declared symbols. 1497304;1467684091;phf;that code hack just seems to do ~something~, but it's not anything that i understand 1497305;1467684133;ben_vulpes;in other mortars: http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/.a/6a00d83451576d69e201b8d1fe4a9a970c-pi 1497306;1467686095;phf;oh that thing gets added and then immediately stripped, it's the function comment_text() that's patched 1497307;1467686790;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497303 << beyooond my puny brainz 1497308;1467686790;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 01:52 mircea_popescu: frozen IN PYTHON. with forward-declared symbols. 1497309;1467687765;adlai;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497200 << 'If you wish to examine a granfalloon, just remove the skin of a toy balloon.' - Bokonon 1497310;1467687765;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 22:09 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-01#1494025 << jewwwwot is best wot 1497311;1467687765;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497312;1467688298;mircea_popescu;is that a mortar actually ? 1497313;1467688300;mircea_popescu;sorriest shit 1497314;1467688602;asciilifeform;betcha the orcs occasionally really do mortar straight up. 1497315;1467688619;asciilifeform;new meaning to 'call fire on own position' aha. 1497316;1467690345;mircea_popescu;heh 1497317;1467710100;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1497318;1467710102;gribble;Current Blocks: 419376 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1967 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 weeks, 0 days, 8 hours, 35 minutes, and 2 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1497319;1467711475;deedbot;[Qntra] Bitcoin Network Difficulty Up ~1.88% With Subsidy Halving Days Away - http://qntra.net/2016/07/bitcoin-network-difficulty-up-1-88-with-subsidy-halving-days-away/ 1497320;1467714593;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: business partner of mine had a really good quote about millennial girls: "everyone decided to raise a fucking princess not a woman" 1497321;1467719157;jurov;Some illustration pic for qntra: https://i.redd.it/qvynswrwca7x.jpg 1497322;1467720028;BingoBoingo;ty jurov 1497323;1467720592;shinohai;^ priceless 1497324;1467721832;shinohai;Man php/mysql is a steaming pile of horseshit. 1497325;1467723331;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4rbypl/saving_thedao_by_breaking_the_split_mechanism/d4zuhcr <<< you shouldn't have told the world our shit was broken, now we might actually have to fix it. 1497326;1467723374;thestringpuller;lol php/mysql is what qntra runs on 1497327;1467723494;shinohai;I still hate it 1497328;1467723546;shinohai;Quite possibly it is this nasty box I am having to deal with, may try to obtain a Digital Ocean box later on this week 1497329;1467724918;asciilifeform;phf: l0gz down again ?? 1497330;1467725191;thestringpuller;oh noes 1497331;1467725205;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: is always first to notice. you must be reading logs most often. 1497332;1467725322;asciilifeform;i woke up, wat 1497333;1467725423;thestringpuller;i'm pretty sure you have logs directly inputted into your brain upon waking every morning 1497334;1467725951;jurov;thestringpuller: no he said just waken up. that means he reads log when sleeping 1497335;1467726008;thestringpuller;aha! 1497336;1467726083;jurov;if i did that, i'd get crazy, too 1497337;1467726354;phf;the trick is to just start waking up before asciilifeform 1497338;1467726421;thestringpuller;or hire a slave to be on-call 1497339;1467727289;deedbot;[Qntra] Suicide Bombers Strike Saudi Arabia - http://qntra.net/2016/07/suicide-bombers-strike-saudi-arabia/ 1497340;1467727742;BingoBoingo;In other news, Qntra now has a "Weather Category" to document notable instances of Aloha Snackbar http://qntra.net/category/weather/ 1497341;1467729168;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/10CM 1497342;1467729168;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497343;1467729452;shinohai;Also appears there are some eth users that are going to preserve old chain "Teh REALLY REAL ethereum" http://archive.is/Uf9nW 1497344;1467729485;BingoBoingo;ty 1497345;1467729689;BingoBoingo;shinohai: editing "troubled altcoin" to more accurate "flaming tire fire in a shitpit" 1497346;1467729742;shinohai;kk 1497347;1467730256;BingoBoingo;shinohai: let me know if other new lulz are acceptable 1497348;1467730313;shinohai;I'm sure they will be fine, I'm still at least another year away until I can rattle off lulz in the same manner. 1497349;1467730375;BingoBoingo;Well can't help time 1497350;1467730410;deedbot;[Qntra] Ether Huffers Continue Fall Into Depravity - http://qntra.net/2016/07/ether-huffers-continue-fall-into-depravity/ 1497351;1467731201;thestringpuller;Dat short sell tho 1497352;1467731218;thestringpuller;why did i even come to work today 1497353;1467731545;thestringpuller;;;calc 81690479 * 3.50 1497354;1467731546;gribble;285916676.5 1497355;1467731615;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/4rbff1/what_will_happen_to_exchange_trading_duringpost/ << wow this is interesting 1497356;1467731623;thestringpuller;so hardfork will result in doors being nailed shut 1497357;1467732129;shinohai;Well looks like Hillary dodged a bullet with the feebs 1497358;1467732601;asciilifeform;muppetshow, snore. 1497359;1467732639;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: only cares about his computer bretheren 1497360;1467732658;thestringpuller;pretty sure when the machines take over that calculator will remember how well asciilifeform took care of it 1497361;1467732672;asciilifeform;just not esp. excited about rigged matches. 1497362;1467732703;thestringpuller;even if its proof of scam? 1497363;1467732713;trinque;thing's well proved at this point. 1497364;1467732731;thestringpuller;so said the prosecution when pursuing OJ 1497365;1467732742;thestringpuller;glove don't fit, you must acquit 1497366;1467732742;asciilifeform;not every muppet knows that it is a muppet. 1497367;1467732765;asciilifeform;http://media.boreme.com/post_media/2005/kermit-visits-doctor.jpg << oblig. 1497368;1467732967;shinohai;I am convinced that asciilifeform is really just some sort of AI comprised of Elbrus chips. 1497369;1467734742;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller iirc that's in trilema somewhere :D 1497370;1467734822;deedbot;[Qntra] FBI Stooge Affirms Clinton Privilege - http://qntra.net/2016/07/fbi-stooge-affirms-clinton-privilege/ 1497371;1467734855;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497324 < 1497374;1467734927;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wut. 1497375;1467734955;BingoBoingo;? 1497376;1467734970;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497337 << this is how you train sluts. "there's one pair of panties in the entire house, whichever wakes up first gets them. 1497377;1467734970;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 13:45 phf: the trick is to just start waking up before asciilifeform 1497378;1467735001;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nobody read mysql what. it's automatically generated code on the basis of an old instance of lotus 1-2-3 1497379;1467735009;BingoBoingo;AHA 1497380;1467735086;shinohai;Nah, it was just setup woes on a remote Ubuntu server, which is getting replaced with Deb as we speak. Hopefully will go a bit smoother. 1497381;1467735156;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2016/07/ether-huffers-continue-fall-into-depravity/ <<< bwahahah 1497382;1467735211;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497356 << hey, gotta try and pickle the corpse somehow. 1497383;1467735211;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 15:13 thestringpuller: so hardfork will result in doors being nailed shut 1497384;1467735240;mircea_popescu;(this, incidentally, was the main and is now the ~only reason for the ethereum hard fork. give a plausible excuse as to why nobody's trading it) 1497385;1467735302;mircea_popescu;usg wants to save poloniex (ie, the owners, while somewhat tools, dun wanna be all-the-way tools) so you know, it'll just delist ethereum and that's that. 1497386;1467735352;mircea_popescu;ready to go for the next reiteration of "oh noes, a-guy-that-isn't-mp-i-can-tell-by-some-signapixels beat the shit out of our bitcoin weakening improvements, so now we're making a shitcoin alternative to take over". 1497387;1467735356;mircea_popescu;dat pendulum doth swing. 1497388;1467735454;mircea_popescu;this being the seal on the deal : "Also, be extra careful with leveraged positions. For example, if you have leveraged ETH long pre-fork, you may end up with TWO leveraged long positions of ETH1 and ETH2 post-fork, with each position value at only a fraction of pre-fork ETH." 1497389;1467736393;thestringpuller;I thought that poloniex exists entirely to allow whales to take money from altcoin scammers... 1497390;1467736821;asciilifeform;'In our system, the prosecutors make the decisions about whether charges are appropriate based on evidence the FBI has helped collect. Although we don’t normally make public our recommendations to the prosecutors, we frequently make recommendations and engage in productive conversations with prosecutors about what resolution may be appropriate, given the evidence. In this case, given the importance of the matter, I think unusual tr 1497391;1467736821;asciilifeform;ansparency is in order. Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a 1497392;1467736822;asciilifeform; person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past.' 1497393;1467736834;asciilifeform;(fbi dir. comey) 1497394;1467736847;asciilifeform;heil clitler. 1497395;1467736859;shinohai;o/ 1497396;1467736879;asciilifeform;what, genuinely thought she was prosecutable ? 1497397;1467736908;*;trinque factors reasonable considerations, comes up with "No." 1497398;1467736970;trinque;heh, so similar situations like Petraeus 1497399;1467736992;asciilifeform;'What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done competently, honestly, and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.' 1497400;1467737035;asciilifeform;I AM NOT A CROOK!!!11111 (tm) (r) 1497401;1467737101;asciilifeform;the man was telling the truth re 'no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case'. unless 'reasonable' can somehow include 'wants to be nailgunned' 1497402;1467737656;mircea_popescu;"whales" 1497403;1467737697;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform check it out, the clapham omnibus prosecutor! novel us doctrine! 1497404;1467737742;mircea_popescu;i thought "our system" was such that the prosecutor, aiming for political office in a decade, will pursue the most fantastic claims out of a misguided desire for publicity, and then cover up the various fabrications. you know, like mayor of new york and ex bhahara giuliani ? 1497405;1467737748;mircea_popescu;apparently they changed the system. 1497406;1467737801;asciilifeform;picture if sov prosecutor tried to indict brezhnev 1497407;1467737812;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497399 << check it out, he thinks himself mp! 1497408;1467737812;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 16:43 asciilifeform: 'What I can assure the American people is that this investigation was done competently, honestly, and independently. No outside influence of any kind was brought to bear.' 1497409;1467737824;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform isn't there that joke with the drunk driving ? 1497410;1467737833;mircea_popescu;"i dunno, but brejnev was driving him!" 1497411;1467738423;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1497412;1467738430;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 669.99, vol: 3056.57236577 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 656.653, vol: 5709.61319 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 671.19, vol: 19882.569183 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 620.0, vol: 0.10022058 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 676.3005, vol: 37154.05810000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 673.76, vol: 885.80969504 | Volume-weighted last average: 672.771656934 1497413;1467738577;phf;fe[nl]ix: precisely because of perf and profiling tools we're working on saving an SBCL core as ELF .o and create an executable with ld 1497414;1467738577;phf;fe[nl]ix: currently QPX cannot be effectively profiled and that sucks 1497415;1467738582;phf;asciilifeform: ^ 1497416;1467738604;phf;in case you're wondering who's driving the core of sbcl dev 1497417;1467738626;asciilifeform;it is still developed ?! 1497418;1467738667;phf;what is still developed? 1497419;1467738671;asciilifeform;sbcl 1497420;1467738711;phf;i thought ecl and sbcl are the only lisps that are in active development 1497421;1467738801;phf;unless you're saying that you've been running your own personal fork for years and is ignorant of any going ons around the platform 1497422;1467738834;asciilifeform;more or less 1497423;1467738847;asciilifeform;did i miss anything ? 1497424;1467738912;phf;not particularly, just the fact that sbcl development is now handled by google 1497425;1467739053;asciilifeform;sad 1497426;1467739123;thestringpuller;;;seen jurov 1497427;1467739124;gribble;jurov was last seen in #trilema 3 hours, 37 minutes, and 20 seconds ago: if i did that, i'd get crazy, too 1497428;1467739132;thestringpuller;$google slovenian time 1497429;1467739148;deedbot;http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/slovenia/ljubljana << Current Local Time in Ljubljana, Slovenia | http://www.sloveniatimes.com/ << The Slovenia Times - Daily News and Features from Slovenia ... | http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_SI.aspx << Current local time in Slovenia 1497430;1467739175;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: iirc he is in slovakia, but same time belt 1497431;1467739819;phf;"he's from somewhere near transylvania. he has this whole dracula-cowboy thing about him." 1497432;1467739934;jurov;wut 1497433;1467739983;deedbot;[Qntra] Novel Business Idea - http://qntra.net/2016/07/novel-business-idea/ 1497434;1467739987;jurov;i do live in carpathians, but near the more boring end :D 1497435;1467740684;BingoBoingo;Next qntra to hit deedbot is for alf 1497436;1467740703;deedbot;[Qntra] Counterpoint: Maybe Comey Didn't Want To "Crush His Own Throat" #ClintonPrivilege - http://qntra.net/2016/07/counterpoint-maybe-comey-didnt-want-to-crush-his-own-throat-clintonprivilege/ 1497437;1467740723;shinohai;BingoBoingo on a roll today 1497438;1467740748;BingoBoingo;A lot of things are coming together today 1497439;1467740957;thestringpuller;It's a good news day. 1497440;1467741111;asciilifeform;in not-quite-nyooz, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18880654/why-do-i-get-the-same-sequence-for-every-run-with-stdrandom-device-with-mingw 1497441;1467741862;shinohai;http://archive.is/Hp5ZQ <<< this subreddit has potential. 1497442;1467742100;trinque;"Will fuck my father for 2 minutes and upload video for $50 USD in bitcoin." << slut either has an old boyfriend, or would've fucked her dad for $0 1497443;1467742112;trinque;I call shenanigans. 1497444;1467742688;shinohai;xD 1497445;1467743120;ben_vulpes;http://cruisingwithgunhead.tumblr.com/post/146941117989/new-aesthetic-via-this-guy-irl-on-twitter << nobody could have predicted their using the optic nerve as a weapon 1497446;1467745064;BingoBoingo;Also look what place is capable of upboating more than reddit: https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/comments/1152197/5713439 1497447;1467745084;asciilifeform;$s arkencide 1497448;1467745084;a111;1 results for "arkencide", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=arkencide 1497449;1467745114;deedbot;[Qntra] CoinJoin Not A Privacy Tool After All - http://qntra.net/2016/07/coinjoin-not-a-privacy-tool-after-all/ 1497450;1467745130;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: lol 1497451;1467745187;asciilifeform;https://groups.google.com/forum/message/raw?msg=alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater/qBVPNvLPjxw/L18xF9cmS7EJ 1497452;1467745233;asciilifeform;Official Truth re same: http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/bodycount.asp 1497453;1467745240;BingoBoingo;More R-kensaw https://i.sli.mg/dXBJxR.png 1497454;1467745373;BingoBoingo;Request: pls to let me know if I left any qntra posts about spree killings out of the "weather" category http://qntra.net/category/weather/ 1497455;1467745479;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://qntra.net/2016/07/suicide-bombers-strike-saudi-arabia/#comment-63127 1497456;1467745479;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497457;1467747297;BingoBoingo;8======D ~~~~o O-; 1497458;1467747751;wyrdmantis;$key mod6 1497459;1467747753;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/f8f3ac91-5161-41eb-85fb-6e3d5d38ba2e/ 1497460;1467747870;wyrdmantis;$key asciilifeform 1497461;1467747878;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/003c8703-b24a-42dd-9ddc-a74536efcc25/ 1497462;1467748321;asciilifeform;;;later tell mod6 the link in trb.foundation STILL POINTS TO BITCOIN-ASSETS WIKI 1497463;1467748323;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497464;1467748975;asciilifeform;soooo it appears that we do not have ~any~ recipe posted for building vtronic trb ? 1497465;1467748979;asciilifeform;or did i misplace. 1497466;1467749184;wyrdmantis;i need it very much because i'm n00b 1497467;1467749409;jurov;wyrdmantis: you need to get stator and press the sources in directory where stator expects them 1497468;1467749432;asciilifeform;stator is obsolete 1497469;1467749434;asciilifeform;use rotor. 1497470;1467749453;asciilifeform;(builds with musl, instead of glibc) 1497471;1467750180;*;wyrdmantis groans 1497472;1467750220;asciilifeform;wyrdmantis: your best bet is to wait for mod6 to wake up, iirc he had a draft of a recipe somewhere 1497473;1467750258;wyrdmantis;ok, thanks asciilifeform 1497474;1467750625;trinque;$s http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99995.sh 1497475;1467750625;a111;7 results for "http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99995.sh", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdeedbot.org%2Fbuild-bitcoind-V99995.sh 1497476;1467750632;trinque;wyrdmantis: ^ afaik that's the latest build script. 1497477;1467750690;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-15#1482967 1497478;1467750690;a111;Logged on 2016-06-15 00:24 mod6: so looks like openssl did change to https, and if you want to build with 'http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-V99995.sh', for the time being simply update the script by changing line 63 from: 1497479;1467751904;wyrdmantis;trinque thanks, i'm trying to follow this > http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin 1497480;1467751910;wyrdmantis;with no luck 1497481;1467751961;trinque;"no luck" is a terrible bug report!!!111! 1497482;1467751969;wyrdmantis;it keep saying: Impossible to verify the sig: No public key 1497483;1467751981;wyrdmantis;Lol 1497484;1467751985;trinque;it's telling you the truth 1497485;1467752033;wyrdmantis;i know that between the two he is right and i'm wrong 1497486;1467752034;jurov;wyrdmantis: you're supposed to gather the pubkeys yourself 1497487;1467752059;wyrdmantis;i've followed the guide literally 1497488;1467752087;trinque;wyrdmantis: it assumes you know how to operate gpg 1497489;1467752107;trinque;go find the key it's asking for and import that 1497490;1467752157;jurov;and it assumes you know how to operate bash, too (to get more helpful information about failure, add set -x to the script) 1497491;1467752968;ben_vulpes;buildroot sig? 1497492;1467753232;BingoBoingo;$uo TheFactory7 1497493;1467753307;BingoBoingo;$up TheFactory7 1497494;1467753308;deedbot;TheFactory7 voiced for 30 minutes. 1497495;1467753586;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 the link in trb.foundation STILL POINTS TO BITCOIN-ASSETS WIKI << Is this necessary? 1497496;1467753592;mod6;o.O 1497497;1467753597;mod6;I know it still points there. 1497498;1467753684;mod6;As soon as we have a wiki page @ deedbot that doesn't have spaces in the URL, will change them. 1497499;1467753695;TheFactory7;did you see netki raising money and working on know your customer aml integration on wallets? 1497500;1467753704;mod6;shinohai, trinque ^ can someone please help me out with this? or do I not need an account to make the change? 1497501;1467753784;mod6;;;later tell wyrdmantis Yea, you need to gather the wot keys manually, this is by design. Please stop back in if you need more assistance. 1497502;1467753784;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497503;1467753807;asciilifeform;mod6: wyrdmantis showed up asking for handbook, and i had nfi what to give him. 1497504;1467753865;asciilifeform;TheFactory7: did you see, somewhere in rural china a pig is eating shit ? even as we speak ? 1497505;1467753874;shinohai;hue 1497506;1467753887;trinque;shinohai: you gonna swap them to dash or somethin? 1497507;1467753889;shinohai;mod6: I could try to change it to underscores maybe 1497508;1467753895;trinque;dash plspls 1497509;1467753900;shinohai;ok dashes 1497510;1467753919;*;trinque offers again to just give ssh access to a dir somewhere over wiki 1497511;1467753922;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/10IU <<< test messages per your last instructions 1497512;1467753923;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497513;1467753926;mod6;shinohai: please, please. 1497514;1467753930;mod6;asciilifeform: calm down. 1497515;1467753945;mod6;everything that is required to do for anyone is in wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin 1497516;1467753947;trinque;asciilifeform likes to pretend he is sgt ru.mil!1!11! 1497517;1467753970;mod6;it says: "Put the pubkeys of people you trust in there as name1.asc, name2.asc etc" 1497518;1467753980;asciilifeform;mod6: i was damn sure there was a draft cookbook but i slept through it, and it was not yet posted to trb www. 1497519;1467753999;asciilifeform;mod6: but i guess i dreamed it 1497520;1467754029;BingoBoingo;shinohai: better, but SHA512 instead of SHA256 1497521;1467754049;mod6;There is some extensive documentation to my V. Indeed, and we aspired to make the build recipie as simple as possible for the whole orchastra. So DPB (?) wrote it up and posted it at the previously linked place. 1497522;1467754057;shinohai;Oh shit, my bad. 1497523;1467754058;mod6;I will not relink any new article until it is a sane url. 1497524;1467754112;TheFactory7;asciilifeform: no need to go to china for that 1497525;1467754137;asciilifeform;TheFactory7: point being, i have nfi why anyone here would care whether some derp somewhere implemented usg's kyc 1497526;1467754169;asciilifeform;i could be wrong. 1497527;1467754396;mod6;<+mod6> it says: "Put the pubkeys of people you trust in there as name1.asc, name2.asc etc" << perhaps a parenthitical needs to be added to this that says: (This is a manual process.) 1497528;1467755606;mod6;$up wyrdmantis 1497529;1467755621;deedbot;wyrdmantis voiced for 30 minutes. 1497530;1467755667;shinohai;trinque: links at top of wiki still non-functional for me as well 1497531;1467755753;shinohai;Also, doesn't appear once article is made that I can change title, unless I am missing something. 1497532;1467755797;mod6;Thanks for checking that otu 1497533;1467755825;shinohai;Meaning I guess that I will have to redo the whole shebang, sorry guise 1497534;1467755841;mod6;no sweat either way. 1497535;1467755865;mod6;maybe trinque has a way around this; may be best to see what he says first before you rework the whole shebang 1497536;1467756063;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4738 1497537;1467756212;shinohai;`Dindustan` 1497538;1467756442;BingoBoingo;What, they dindu it? 1497539;1467756786;trinque;mod6: shinohai: we might want to switch to a better wiki if we're talking about a redo 1497540;1467756810;trinque;if that thing doesn't have article name editing I'd have to add it, and I'd rather not end up developing cliki 1497541;1467756811;mod6;yeah, alternatively i might just stand one up for the foundation 1497542;1467756818;trinque;cliki seems like it sucks 1497543;1467756825;mod6;and, i think we're just gonna change course here on that page "The Real Bitcoin" 1497544;1467756834;mod6;we'll just get the HTML and post it right to the foundation instead. 1497545;1467756837;mod6;problem solved. 1497546;1467756839;trinque;I'm for that 1497547;1467756906;jurov;O.o and how can be a wiki so slow? 1497548;1467756968;trinque;eh it's just on a busy box 1497549;1467756992;mod6;asciilifeform: can you confirm/deny that this list is up to date: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin/nodes ? 1497550;1467757028;asciilifeform;it is horribly out of date. 1497551;1467757031;asciilifeform;zoolag = 1497552;1467757042;trinque;mod6: << deedbot 1497553;1467757047;asciilifeform;incitatus is long dead 1497554;1467757059;mod6;trinque: is that the deedbot trb ip then? 1497555;1467757060;asciilifeform;bucephalus is dead until the next time i can get to it, which won't be for ages 1497556;1467757066;trinque;mod6: yeah 1497557;1467757083;asciilifeform;'mine' is mircea_popescu's box and it doesn't ping and hasn't in eons 1497558;1467757087;asciilifeform;and i have nfi what he did with it 1497559;1467757107;asciilifeform;'coracle' belongs to ben_vulpes and also hasn't worked in eons 1497560;1467757114;asciilifeform;this rounds out the list. 1497561;1467757223;asciilifeform;$up Joshua-I 1497562;1467757223;deedbot;Joshua-I voiced for 30 minutes. 1497563;1467757237;mod6;i've got one that isn't public facing, but maybe i'll open it up 1497564;1467757254;mod6;not right this second, but soon 1497565;1467757526;Joshua-I;Hey I'm friends with Gabe. 1497566;1467757555;Joshua-I;Haven't read all the logs yet, but I'm getting around to it 1497567;1467757570;asciilifeform;Joshua-I: have pgp key ? 1497568;1467757582;Joshua-I;Yeah I reg'd it 1497569;1467757589;asciilifeform;go ahead and test 1497570;1467757618;Joshua-I;Not rated so I can't up myself yet 1497571;1467757821;asciilifeform;$rate Joshua-I 1 new blood. 1497572;1467757823;mod6;ok so the Foundation homepage has been updated with a new link -- the page is stored locally. 1497573;1467757834;Joshua-I;Thank you very much 1497574;1467757837;mod6;http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html 1497575;1467757843;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/6da027a3-9d45-405c-8c63-4803a02bbae4/ 1497576;1467757862;mod6;In the next day or so, I'll get a full list of trusted nodes still up and update the page with that as well. 1497577;1467757874;asciilifeform;$v D9B383045782564C09497E8D018408F4A7BA94601C7C1FC750C7C8372CF7936A 1497578;1467757874;deedbot;asciilifeform rated Joshua-I 1 << new blood. 1497579;1467758114;mod6;alright. 1497580;1467758143;mod6;i just added a trusted nodes page with: deedbot's, zoolag's and pete d's ips: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html 1497581;1467758150;mod6;this is now linked from the home page as well. 1497582;1467758154;mod6;hope this helps. 1497583;1467758187;mod6;All: Let me know if you have a fully sync'd node (and you're in my WoT) and would like to be in this list. Thanks in advance. 1497584;1467758450;*;asciilifeform cringes at reference to 'trusted' ips. 1497585;1467758733;mod6;what would you hvae me change in either of the pages? 1497586;1467760175;shinohai;I simply put "When adding nodes, ask for a signed list of IP addresses from somebody in your WoT. " in the how-to to avoid the "trusted" thing. 1497587;1467762224;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497413 << does this make sense ? 1497588;1467762224;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 17:09 phf: fe[nl]ix: precisely because of perf and profiling tools we're working on saving an SBCL core as ELF .o and create an executable with ld 1497589;1467762396;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497441 << easy enough to check. 1497590;1467762396;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 18:04 shinohai: http://archive.is/Hp5ZQ <<< this subreddit has potential. 1497591;1467762507;shinohai;mircea_popescu: the collectalldrugs "girl" refused my request to come here and show tits. 1497592;1467762578;mircea_popescu;heh 1497593;1467762606;mircea_popescu;oh, did you submit the thing 1497594;1467762858;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497498 << the problem is that currently foreigners aiming to become citizens have no clear path to follow. this hasta be resolved, there must be a well maintained page somewhere they can find and follow. 1497595;1467762858;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 21:21 mod6: As soon as we have a wiki page @ deedbot that doesn't have spaces in the URL, will change them. 1497596;1467762986;mircea_popescu;mod6 oh, nm, it's in http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin ? kay then. 1497597;1467763084;mircea_popescu;$help 1497598;1467763084;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1497599;1467763562;mircea_popescu;that should hold us for a while then. 1497600;1467763911;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497549 << is not. missing ; etc. 1497601;1467763911;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 22:16 mod6: asciilifeform: can you confirm/deny that this list is up to date: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin/nodes ? 1497602;1467764005;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497586 << his problems is that ips aren't that strong an identification. nothing can be done about it for now, so whatevs. 1497603;1467764005;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 23:09 shinohai: I simply put "When adding nodes, ask for a signed list of IP addresses from somebody in your WoT. " in the how-to to avoid the "trusted" thing. 1497604;1467764065;shinohai;This is limitation of tcp/ip unfortunately. 1497605;1467764069;mircea_popescu;myea 1497606;1467764125;Joshua-I;Cool! So voicing myself worked. Sorry about leaving abruptly earlier: my free wifi time was up just as I logged in here 1497607;1467764186;mircea_popescu;welcome 1497608;1467764207;Joshua-I;Anyway, executive summary is I do web development typically 1497609;1467764219;Joshua-I;Ty mircea 1497610;1467764229;Joshua-I;And I've been hanging out with Gabe 1497611;1467764236;mircea_popescu;what's a gabe ? 1497612;1467764295;Joshua-I;http://gabriel-laddel.github.io/ <-- him 1497613;1467764509;asciilifeform;'http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin to become a citizen.' << this is open invitation to kako to emplace goatse 1497614;1467764556;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497586 << mno. there is no mitm countermeasure because bitcoin nodes have no identity. 1497615;1467764556;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 23:09 shinohai: I simply put "When adding nodes, ask for a signed list of IP addresses from somebody in your WoT. " in the how-to to avoid the "trusted" thing. 1497616;1467764558;trinque;mod6 │ http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html 1497617;1467764575;asciilifeform;trinque: neato 1497618;1467764609;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497604 << of naked tcp, aha. 1497619;1467764609;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 00:14 shinohai: This is limitation of tcp/ip unfortunately. 1497620;1467764654;Joshua-I;Mmm excellent 1497621;1467764666;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu try as i might, i can't get the comment-staleness thing to work 1497622;1467764667;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497623;1467764763;trinque;mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki 1497624;1467764781;asciilifeform;has anyone other than phf gotten it to work 100% ? 1497625;1467764801;trinque;I see value in keeping old tutorials available as historical items, for one 1497626;1467764802;asciilifeform;(complete with enabling all antispam, etc) 1497627;1467764821;shinohai;Working on it asciilifeform ... I just haven't had a decent box to run it all on 1497628;1467764873;asciilifeform;even after adding the necessary hooks to the comments.php from particular theme, and the resulting html follows the pattern seen on mircea_popescu's site, i still get 'stale' error 1497629;1467764887;asciilifeform;when submitting comment. 1497630;1467764908;asciilifeform;unless whole antispam mechanism is commented out, which defeats the whole purpose of using mircea_popescu's item 1497631;1467764961;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/07/ether-huffers-continue-fall-into-depravity/#comment-63145 1497632;1467765025;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: https://cryptome.org/2016-info/hillary-protection/hillary-protection-2016.htm << possibly entertaining, clitler's guards 1497633;1467765217;Joshua-I;Guess I'll set up that trusted node stuff in a vm 1497634;1467765236;Joshua-I;bbl going for dinner 1497635;1467765921;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform got a better link ? 1497636;1467765938;asciilifeform;for which 1497637;1467765953;mircea_popescu;the goatse 1497638;1467765955;asciilifeform;trb? trinque made one 1497639;1467765959;asciilifeform;see l0gz from last hour 1497640;1467765981;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1497641;1467766022;mircea_popescu;now then. what coment staleness ? 1497642;1467766091;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497623 << might be worth a shot 1497643;1467766091;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 00:26 trinque: mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki 1497644;1467766112;asciilifeform;'Looks like you tried to comment off a stale page. Reload the article, count to three and try again.' << that one. 1497645;1467766131;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497630 << notrly the whole purpose, but a good chunk sure. 1497646;1467766131;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 00:28 asciilifeform: unless whole antispam mechanism is commented out, which defeats the whole purpose of using mircea_popescu's item 1497647;1467766136;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform link me to your instlal again what was it ? 1497648;1467766151;asciilifeform;asciilifeform.com 1497649;1467766212;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're missing comment_post_time 1497650;1467766214;mircea_popescu;$comment_post_time 1497651;1467766217;mircea_popescu;$s comment_post_time 1497652;1467766217;a111;5 results for "comment_post_time", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=comment_post_time 1497653;1467766241;asciilifeform;ah hm 1497654;1467766280;asciilifeform;where does it go 1497655;1467766398;mircea_popescu;either lift it from his patch or else put it in the theme comments under comment_post_ID 1497656;1467766408;asciilifeform;and yeah it worx, ty 1497657;1467766412;mircea_popescu;win. 1497658;1467766449;asciilifeform;except hm 1497659;1467766454;mircea_popescu;and you've got A LOT of things built in, not just "antispam". you got admin hardening ; gpg comments ; auto-spam tagging, ddos protection, anti-trackback flood and etc. 1497660;1467766462;asciilifeform;does login persist by ip ? 1497661;1467766481;asciilifeform;why does commenting inside fresh browser instance end up 'admin' 1497662;1467766485;mircea_popescu;only admin login should exist ; works by cookie 1497663;1467766544;asciilifeform;hm dun seem to actually work 1497664;1467766547;asciilifeform;other than as logged in user 1497665;1467766549;asciilifeform;try it 1497666;1467766571;asciilifeform;it goes to mod queue 1497667;1467766576;asciilifeform;but with 0 feedback to commenter 1497668;1467766587;asciilifeform;just pops right back up at the form with empty contents 1497669;1467766827;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so add feedback if you want feedback. 1497670;1467766853;mircea_popescu;trilema has a info bit above the comment box instead. 1497671;1467766870;asciilifeform;i have genuinely nfi how and where. 1497672;1467766944;asciilifeform;there is a built-in 'if comment_approved' thing in the themes 1497673;1467766952;asciilifeform;but for some reason the flag is not present ? 1497674;1467766967;asciilifeform;this is particular to wp-mp 1497675;1467766987;mircea_popescu;lol that's not claled "it dun work" now is it. for instance, if youy;d like your current "Your email is never published nor shared. Required fields are marked *" to read like my "If this is your first comment, it will wait to be approved. This usually takes a few hours. Subsequent comments are not delayed." then grep for the first string replace with 2nd string. 1497676;1467767010;mircea_popescu;"if comment_approved" can't be a flag at post time. 1497677;1467767013;asciilifeform;in STOCK wp, it is ! 1497678;1467767017;asciilifeform;for fucks sake 1497679;1467767039;asciilifeform;hitting 'submit' to be presented with the original page and blank form and NO indication of what happened, is nonsense 1497680;1467767043;mircea_popescu;b 1497681;1467767044;mircea_popescu;b 1497682;1467767045;asciilifeform;and this is not what happens on trilema 1497683;1467767061;mircea_popescu;damn. how would the machinery know at the time someone hits submit whether you'l lapprove it later or not ? 1497684;1467767070;asciilifeform;it knows that it is in the mod queue 1497685;1467767076;asciilifeform;vs immediately-approved 1497686;1467767103;mircea_popescu;ok, so you want it to do a "your comment is awaiting moderation" thing ? 1497687;1467767106;asciilifeform;aha 1497688;1467767122;asciilifeform;most of the themes appear to already have the hook 1497689;1467767127;mircea_popescu;guess what : trilema does this 1497690;1467767136;mircea_popescu;(try, see) 1497691;1467767204;asciilifeform;test (Your comment is awaiting moderation) 1497692;1467767208;mircea_popescu;aha. 1497693;1467767213;asciilifeform;so, how ?? 1497694;1467767222;mircea_popescu;teh... normal way ? 1497695;1467767230;mircea_popescu;iirc phf's install does it also. 1497696;1467767331;asciilifeform;it does 1497697;1467767334;asciilifeform;but he never published his theme 1497698;1467767338;asciilifeform;so i have nfi how ! 1497699;1467767344;asciilifeform;default theme does no such thing 1497700;1467767387;mircea_popescu;i thought he was using teh default. 1497701;1467767393;asciilifeform;apparently not 1497702;1467767402;mircea_popescu;weird shit. 1497703;1467767422;mircea_popescu;grep for the string what you got there ? 1497704;1467767472;asciilifeform;it is in wp-includes/comment-template.php 1497705;1467767482;mircea_popescu;no, in comments.php 1497706;1467767490;asciilifeform;not in the default theme ! 1497707;1467767501;mircea_popescu;well possibly because it doesn't support this. 1497708;1467767503;asciilifeform;the only place in mp tarball that has it 1497709;1467767508;mircea_popescu;obviously. if the text not there you ain't getting it. 1497710;1467767508;asciilifeform;is the template. 1497711;1467767515;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform mp tarball does not include a theme. 1497712;1467767516;asciilifeform;my theme has it ! 1497713;1467767521;mircea_popescu;dude... 1497714;1467767522;asciilifeform;yes i know 1497715;1467767532;mircea_popescu;comment_approved == '0') : ?>(Your comment is awaiting moderation) << in comments.php, where you want it posted. 1497716;1467767542;asciilifeform;comment_approved == '0') : ?> 1497717;1467767545;asciilifeform;yes. 1497718;1467767546;asciilifeform;there it is. 1497719;1467767549;asciilifeform;and 0 effect. 1497720;1467767565;mircea_popescu;weird. 1497721;1467767580;mircea_popescu;wtf is "php _e" ? 1497722;1467767601;asciilifeform;how the hell would i know 1497723;1467767618;mircea_popescu;apparently your interpreter doesn't either. 1497724;1467767629;mircea_popescu;nfi what _e function is, myself. 1497725;1467767629;asciilifeform;https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/_e << appears to be a thing..? 1497726;1467767641;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah. a thing introduced after 2008 1497727;1467767656;mircea_popescu;stick to echo. 1497728;1467767680;asciilifeform;my php has it 1497729;1467767691;asciilifeform;or, e.g., 'Post a Comment' would likewise fail to appear. 1497730;1467767700;asciilifeform;and numerous other strings similarly encrudded in the theme. 1497731;1467767708;asciilifeform;so this isn't it. 1497732;1467767731;shinohai;php _e <<< that is a wordpress turd that makes it display in multiple languages iirc 1497733;1467767739;trinque;yeah but the span doesn't appear either 1497734;1467767746;trinque;in teh html sauce 1497735;1467767798;asciilifeform;waiwut 1497736;1467767827;asciilifeform;


Post a Comment

1497737;1467767835;asciilifeform;so i dun see the problem ? 1497738;1467767880;trinque;if _e were emitting empty string that'd be one thing 1497739;1467767895;trinque;but the span around it doesn't show up in the source on the next page after POST 1497740;1467767955;trinque;asciilifeform: maybe
in that template somewhere 1497741;1467767960;trinque;or whatever it was, it's been a while 1497742;1467768167;asciilifeform;trinque: and this will tell me what ? 1497743;1467768190;trinque;print_r will dump the contents of that var into the template 1497744;1467768390;asciilifeform;trinque: i have nfi where. 1497745;1467768437;asciilifeform;or why i should be spending time emplacing 1,001 printf debuggeries 1497746;1467768447;asciilifeform;when this thing apparently WORKS in mircea_popescu's unpublished original. 1497747;1467768495;asciilifeform;i confess that i have not found this exercise to be either pleasant, or educational, or productive. 1497748;1467768508;asciilifeform;it is about as much fun as reading cobol. 1497749;1467768512;trinque;ahaha 1497750;1467768639;trinque;there is always "not to be" 1497751;1467768708;asciilifeform;phf apparently knows enough to replicate working setup without the missing pieces and without using the pig-ugly default theme. 1497752;1467768710;asciilifeform;i - do not. 1497753;1467768870;asciilifeform;i will become a php monkey shortly after i learn to run the deep fryers at mickeydee's. 1497754;1467768923;asciilifeform;how the fuck do folks put up with a thing with no debugger ? 1497755;1467769065;trinque;it's an overgrown templating language that came of needing to turn db queries into html and not much else 1497756;1467769075;trinque;written by some guy that needed to make a website one time 1497757;1467769211;trinque;even if you had your debugger it wouldn't be meaningfully attached to the browser 1497758;1467769227;trinque;sure there's skewer and whatever other *awful* madness I've dipped my dick into now and again 1497759;1467769239;asciilifeform;even half a debugger, that meaningfully steps through the process of shitting out the html, would be useful 1497760;1467769263;trinque;runs afoul of your "no, whole earth must burn" though 1497761;1467769271;asciilifeform;it must. 1497762;1467769279;trinque;I agree 100% 1497763;1467769438;trinque;and hell, you want a proper blog^H^H^H^H command line interface to a bunch of articles gimmeh teh gossipd 1497764;1467769442;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497752 << yeah. you're also infinitely more expensive to support. i'm guessing maybe this is just not for you ? 1497765;1467769442;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 01:31 asciilifeform: i - do not. 1497766;1467769452;mircea_popescu;no idea how that'd be possibru in computing, but somehow apparently. 1497767;1467769474;asciilifeform;it is quite possible, this cobol is ~entirely foreign to me. 1497768;1467769479;mircea_popescu;but yes, trinque has it : html crap is by definition undebuggable. 1497769;1467769494;asciilifeform;back when i set up original www, i used a heathen shitpress with as much as could be removed. 1497770;1467769499;asciilifeform;and the result ~worked. 1497771;1467769503;asciilifeform;and left it at that. 1497772;1467769516;asciilifeform;this was in 2007. 1497773;1467769577;mircea_popescu;well so copy it over or w/e. 1497774;1467769586;asciilifeform;i don't want to akismet any moar ! 1497775;1467769598;mircea_popescu;ah. well, maybe let it be give it another try once shinohai produced a version. 1497776;1467769603;trinque;then bite the dowel and put the print_r in 1497777;1467769608;asciilifeform;i'ma install it trb-style 1497778;1467769616;asciilifeform;which is to say, once somebody shares a COMPLETE package 1497779;1467769641;asciilifeform;without 'now re-invent this wheel i didn't feel like posting' 1497780;1467769657;shinohai;TIL php may possibly be asciilifeform 's kryptonite 1497781;1467769658;mircea_popescu;... 1497782;1467769668;asciilifeform;shinohai: i always despised wwwtronics and made no secret of it. 1497783;1467769688;shinohai;:D 1497784;1467769705;trinque;god I think I have surrogate indigestion 1497785;1467769756;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ironically, if your original is from 2007, mp-wp should work with your theme out of the box. 1497786;1467769758;mircea_popescu;maybe try that. 1497787;1467769793;asciilifeform;i specifically wanted a new site, independent of old and producing no down time when tweaked 1497788;1467769805;asciilifeform;and i dun like me old theme either 1497789;1467769817;asciilifeform;it sux quite mightily, as discussed in original thread 1497790;1467769822;asciilifeform;(mutilated images) 1497791;1467769832;mircea_popescu;ah. 1497792;1467769833;asciilifeform;was trying for clean start here. 1497793;1467769836;mircea_popescu;well then find a theme that doesn't suck. 1497794;1467769840;asciilifeform;i did ! 1497795;1467769844;mircea_popescu;"fails to do what i want with queued comments" = sucks. 1497796;1467769845;asciilifeform;and it run work with mp-wp 1497797;1467769851;asciilifeform;though it was written for 2.x ! 1497798;1467769855;asciilifeform;*dun work 1497799;1467769857;mircea_popescu;mno. you found a theme that sucks. find a theme that doesn't suck 1497800;1467769862;asciilifeform;where?! 1497801;1467769865;mircea_popescu;where "does exactly what i want" = not sucks 1497802;1467769866;asciilifeform;i tried dozens 1497803;1467769868;mircea_popescu;well that i dunno. 1497804;1467769870;asciilifeform;they all suck. 1497805;1467769870;mircea_popescu;hm. 1497806;1467769878;asciilifeform;so answer seems to be 'write theme' 1497807;1467769881;mircea_popescu;this complaint i heard befoar. 1497808;1467769884;asciilifeform;which phf is qualified to do, and i am not. 1497809;1467769892;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, eventually serenity is gonna produce one i think. 1497810;1467769902;asciilifeform;then i will use, and say 'thank you' 1497811;1467769910;mircea_popescu;cool. not emergency anyway. 1497812;1467769920;mircea_popescu;but odds are you'll say "this doesn't work". 1497813;1467769922;asciilifeform;but i'm a bit sad that there is no place to put the submarine pics. 1497814;1467769924;asciilifeform;they were spiffy. 1497815;1467770029;mircea_popescu;incidentally, if any web / css / designer people wants to do something useful, an old amiga/dos style theme for the tmsr wp would be apparently mucho appreciated. 1497816;1467770045;asciilifeform;muchly so. 1497817;1467770056;asciilifeform;or even simply a plain text, minimal bytemass sort of thing. 1497818;1467770115;asciilifeform;i dun so much care that it 'looks like commodore64' but it really ought to fit in the address space of one. 1497819;1467770120;asciilifeform;simply matter of principle. 1497820;1467770133;asciilifeform;200kB css is loathesome. 1497821;1467770349;Joshua-I;Interesting. I'll look at some c64 UIs to get a feel 1497822;1467770751;Joshua-I;This is neat: https://wordpress.org/themes/commodore/ 1497823;1467770760;Joshua-I;demo: http://unitednetworksonline.com/themes/commodore/ 1497824;1467770778;asciilifeform;i had no doubt that this exists. 1497825;1467770795;asciilifeform;but i'd rather just have a <64kB thing. 1497826;1467770812;asciilifeform;that i could read + understand. 1497827;1467770834;Joshua-I;Like css wise right 1497828;1467770851;asciilifeform;whole mass minus payload. 1497829;1467770869;asciilifeform;and ditto on server side. 1497830;1467770931;Joshua-I;Wondering if that's even possible with wp 1497831;1467772692;BingoBoingo;Joshua-I: You obviously haven't seen qntra theme 1497832;1467772716;Joshua-I;Yeah I did a quick check and the answer is yes 1497833;1467772750;Joshua-I;I have seen it just though jquery was built right in there, since I've never seen wp without it 1497834;1467772760;Joshua-I;thought* 1497835;1467772808;BingoBoingo;And no, qntra theme has not yet been tested with mp-wp. Runs own wp fork. 1497836;1467772836;BingoBoingo;Which is still different from thedrinkingrecord.com wp fork. 1497837;1467774030;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/Kv9GOVZ.png 1497838;1467774658;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1497839;1467774663;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 677.03, vol: 3280.11410402 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 659.208, vol: 5607.44156 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 677.82, vol: 18782.23503567 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 600.0, vol: 1.12022058 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 684.36845, vol: 36156.96860000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 679.98, vol: 1004.31958923 | Volume-weighted last average: 679.854440681 1497840;1467775079;Joshua-I;Should I read the logs most recent to least recent or the other way around 1497841;1467775608;BingoBoingo;Prolly best to read the last monthe first and then jump back to 2013 1497842;1467775637;BingoBoingo;Just want the most recent month to put history into context 1497843;1467775723;Joshua-I;Hm ok thanks 1497844;1467775801;BingoBoingo;Or mebbe start in January 2016 and read to no and then do 2015, 2014, and 2013 1497845;1467775810;BingoBoingo;Lots of ways to break it up. 1497846;1467775860;BingoBoingo;But hanbot's 6 month quote was from 3 years ago so I assume best to to just read ONLY six months of logz and be like "I r Bitcoin nao" 1497847;1467776127;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497830 << make sure you're working off the correct version. 1497848;1467776127;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 02:08 Joshua-I: Wondering if that's even possible with wp 1497849;1467776248;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497840 << logs stretch out to 2012. at this point prolly best approach is to put word of your interest in search, read the results and the references. 1497850;1467776248;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 03:17 Joshua-I: Should I read the logs most recent to least recent or the other way around 1497851;1467776458;mircea_popescu;and in udder baltimore news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/8231ba173d2c6988fdf7d67788c7cd54/tumblr_nd97jtht0E1tgqup7o1_400.gif 1497852;1467777004;Joshua-I;I have some guddens for sure 1497853;1467781258;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/54eb7a21-11fa-420b-b775-1c3744ff6f98/ 1497854;1467781266;Joshua-I;I suggest writing a bible 1497855;1467781290;Joshua-I;Perhaps with a question on graph theory in the front cover 1497856;1467781304;deedbot;Bad URL or network outage. 1497857;1467781347;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b862fdb3-600c-4ecc-abad-be0cb03b83e8/?raw=true 1497858;1467781358;mircea_popescu;Joshua-I you mean like trilema ? 1497859;1467781364;deedbot;accepted: 1 1497860;1467781371;mircea_popescu;$deed http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/54eb7a21-11fa-420b-b775-1c3744ff6f98/?raw=true 1497861;1467781389;Joshua-I;Well they would be isomorphic I'm sure 1497862;1467781394;deedbot;accepted: 1 1497863;1467781399;Joshua-I;But at least it'd all be in one link 1497864;1467781403;Joshua-I;;) 1497865;1467781567;mircea_popescu;you realise trilema is however many million words. 1497866;1467781592;Joshua-I;Well I'm sure you can cut some of the posts 1497867;1467781595;mircea_popescu;i forget the figure, but in any case the only way one could be tricked into even starting is by creating the false impression that it's approachable through cutting it up into articles 1497868;1467781706;BingoBoingo;A ponder http://qntra.net/2016/07/coinjoin-not-a-privacy-tool-after-all/#comment-63157 1497869;1467782114;mircea_popescu;worth a chuckle 1497870;1467782247;mats;http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/07/littoral-combat-ship-congress-navy-pentagon-400-million-pork-214009 1497871;1467782284;mircea_popescu;heh 1497872;1467782367;mircea_popescu;400mn PER ITEM. 10bn or w/e all told. 1497873;1467782577;mircea_popescu;"The House bill, for example, includes $1.5 billion for an unrequested modern “amphibious” warship for dual land and sea missions, $400 million for four unrequested C-40 aircraft to carry cargo and commanders, and $1 billion worth of unrequested National Guard equipment, a perennial pork-barrel favorite, the Taxpayers for Common Sense report said. " << so basically, 1`000`000 smartphones. 1497874;1467782583;mircea_popescu;are there even 1mn people in the natl guard ? 1497875;1467782792;mircea_popescu;$up gabriel_laddel 1497876;1467782792;deedbot;gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes. 1497877;1467782895;gabriel_laddel;Message to future noobs. I spent, on several occasions, multiple days (3-5) doing nothing but reading trilema.com, logs & loper-os to catch up - there is no "hack" to get up to speed. 1497878;1467782918;gabriel_laddel;mircea_popescu: also, you'll be pleased to note that a flash drive of the appropriate size is being shipped to me on thursday 1497879;1467782921;mats;~1.4mn 1497880;1467782932;mircea_popescu;gabriel_laddel cool deal! 1497881;1467782937;mats;most of which are geriatric fucks 1497882;1467782950;mats;or fatties. 1497883;1467782964;mircea_popescu;mats i bet they could break up a mini-rave. 1497884;1467783000;mircea_popescu;i wonder what uss forth worth would fetch if they gave up the pretense it's a "warship" and just auctioned it off in singapore. 1497885;1467783002;mats;apparently 'walking profile' is a thing (you can walk at a brisk pace instead of running your 2mi in ~15mins) 1497886;1467783017;mats;for the physical fitness test. 1497887;1467783019;mircea_popescu;prolly a better deal than trying to tow it back to maryland or w/e it is they've been trying to do and not managing since january. 1497888;1467783048;mircea_popescu;mats o hey, i qualified today! walked about six miles or so, bout 50 mins 1497889;1467783148;mats;in seriousness, i think its pretty reasonable to keep skilled but physically unfit people 1497890;1467783168;gabriel_laddel;wtf else are you going to do? 1497891;1467783168;mircea_popescu;why ? 1497892;1467783172;mats;and on the whole most of the guardsmen i've ever seen are more fit than the typical cop 1497893;1467783220;mircea_popescu;wtf is the point of having 1.4mn natl guard when all you can ever conceivably use is maybe 20-50k ? 1497894;1467783237;mats;well, they have institutional knowledge over however many 20-30-40 years in .mil and you'll throw it away because they're fat? 1497895;1467783252;mircea_popescu;even that's far fetched, us management capacities bottom out around 1-2k people or so, as seen in both wtc and katrina theatres. 1497896;1467783257;mircea_popescu;anything past that's just chaos. 1497897;1467783279;mircea_popescu;mats "institutional knowledge", explain this to me ? they're gonna put the fire out with mess hall jokes ? 1497898;1467783344;deedbot;[Trilema] MiniGame (S.MG), June 2016 Statement - http://trilema.com/2016/minigame-smg-june-2016-statement/ 1497899;1467783475;mircea_popescu;but leaving that part aside, anyone overweight to the point of impaired mobility is seriously lacking in basic reasoning skills ; i have a hard time buying the theory they're of average intelligence. they probably score slightly above the "can't learn to read and write" and slightly below the "can't learn to drive" camps of retards. 1497900;1467783501;mats;decades of networks, relationships, first-hand knowledge of why things work a particular way, management experience, ... 1497901;1467783635;mircea_popescu;ugh. 1497902;1467783668;mircea_popescu;i suppose the difference is in the concept of what's the mission for this unit. i'm thinking "national guard is for the government to have who to call when it needs a sudden influx of unskilled labour". 1497903;1467783670;mircea_popescu;what's yours ? 1497904;1467783847;mats;well, us national guard has been doing a lot of warfighting recently. 1497905;1467783921;mircea_popescu;true, but this isn't supporting your view, is it ? 1497906;1467783939;mircea_popescu;last thing anyone wants is more fucks you couldn't carry in a warzone. 1497907;1467784245;mircea_popescu;institutional knowledge~= "nur um zu lernen, wie man messer und gabel halt!" in untergang-german. 1497908;1467784309;mats;i dunno that it is so grievous a sin for a pilot aged 61 to be unable to run 2 miles in 20 minutes 1497909;1467784346;mircea_popescu;well, here's the thing : it's not a grevious sin for a 61yo man to not be able to get it up. it is at the very least bizarre for him to be in the cast of a porno movie. 1497910;1467784346;mats;or, even, 41, infantrymen are held to a different standard 1497911;1467784349;mircea_popescu;same idea. 1497912;1467784416;mats;the old guys know where the bodies are buried, whaddya want from me already 1497913;1467784480;mircea_popescu;eh, nothing, nothing, by all means. the youth movement, the old man movement, the fat guy movement, the bla bla, give them all uniforms and hold parades. 1497914;1467784511;mats;lol 1497915;1467784635;mircea_popescu;mats ftr, i've yet to know a man who was in shape throughout his life - some sane athletics in college, not the us crapolade, some hiking or whatever as an adult, who actually couldn't run 10 km/h for 20 minutes. 1497916;1467784654;mircea_popescu;moreover, if it were the case, cardiologist (who didn't prescribe lipitor either) would be on his case about it every visit. 1497917;1467784694;mircea_popescu;sure, performance decays with age, but not that much and not that soon. different for women, granted, they cork out, but whatevs. 1497918;1467786399;mircea_popescu;and in other mahogany bomber news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/b8575a2801c3806f56a118a0f1e4cad2/tumblr_nxaig5ZjB81qb42qto2_1280.jpg 1497919;1467787217;Joshua-I;Somehow all this war talk is putting me in the mood for music 1497920;1467787840;Joshua-I;In other realization news: http://www.ebbits.net/strip/2014.06.18 1497921;1467788106;mircea_popescu;trippy. 1497922;1467806560;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497753 <> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-09#1094155 1497923;1467806560;a111;Logged on 2015-04-09 20:44 mircea_popescu: ascii_field the difference between smart and stupid is that smart can be stupid, but stupid can't be smart. that's it. 1497924;1467806560;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 01:34 asciilifeform: i will become a php monkey shortly after i learn to run the deep fryers at mickeydee's. 1497925;1467806700;phf;debugger is there, just don't listen to mp and carpet disable it, i've not actually ever touched php before, "knows enough" _literally_ copy pasted commands out of LAMP setup tutorial, etc. 1497926;1467807673;mircea_popescu;phf in fairness i disable it because mine works. 1497927;1467807721;mircea_popescu;trinque http://deedbot.org/ << latest deeds not up ? 1497928;1467807773;mircea_popescu;"Hi, My name is Rupa and I am from very reputed India based Mobile Application Development Company. Our Company conceives, develops and manages high quality applications for mobiles. WE DEVELOP CHART TOPPING MOBILE APPS with world class UI & UX for businesses to whom mobile is equally important as web." << if anyone needs her number. 1497929;1467808455;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/10W7 <<< now with crispier hash 1497930;1467808456;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497931;1467811466;pete_dushenski;"You are right, it's actually easier to create a new identity in the "bitcoin" world than in the "fiat" world." << lolk. except in fiat you can move to next town, next county, next state, next country, next continent, and never run into the same burned and turned peers again. not so in bitcoin. 1497932;1467811499;shinohai;I was shocked at the amount of comments that article generated pete_dushenski 1497933;1467811501;pete_dushenski;the surveillance state has ~nothing on bitcoin in terms of tracking identity 1497934;1467811514;shinohai;Also https://twitter.com/Beautyon_/status/750676033720946689 1497935;1467811531;mircea_popescu;shinohai qntra going mainstream eh. 1497936;1467811580;pete_dushenski;not even two years on eh 1497937;1467811600;mircea_popescu;guess not! 1497938;1467811663;shinohai;To me, prime example of "We'll make our own WoT, with blackjack and hookers!!!!" 1497939;1467811667;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497455 << reepliyed 1497940;1467811667;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 19:04 BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://qntra.net/2016/07/suicide-bombers-strike-saudi-arabia/#comment-63127 1497941;1467811701;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-05#1497580 << in which i find out that 'laocoon' was napping and 4k blocks behind o.O 1497942;1467811701;a111;Logged on 2016-07-05 22:35 mod6: i just added a trusted nodes page with: deedbot's, zoolag's and pete d's ips: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html 1497943;1467811761;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. two times already i put that joke with the servant girl playing the head in the haystack game with the local boys only for her mistress to ask if she might join and for the reassuring retort that sure, the husband often does. 1497944;1467811763;mircea_popescu;AND I CANT FIND IT 1497945;1467811772;mircea_popescu;what, i recount it a third time now ? bloody hell... 1497946;1467811913;pete_dushenski;https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/jul/04/do-cows-get-seasick-rotterdam-floating-dairy-farm-netherlands << speaking of milkshakes 1497947;1467811926;mircea_popescu;lol 1497948;1467811999;pete_dushenski;http://67.media.tumblr.com/bfc77913f9666e730204683a2a805958/tumblr_o8r86bfJq31sfrezlo1_250.gif << idem ;) 1497949;1467812082;mircea_popescu;kinda the main problem with fixed tits. 1497950;1467812126;mircea_popescu;vigurous fucking is bad enough for large girls, but if they're fixed the silicone has different dynamic properties from the tissue, can end up with internal bruising and whatnot. 1497951;1467812154;*;shinohai prefers natural titties any day. 1497952;1467812178;mircea_popescu;http://66.media.tumblr.com/b90dab8c98836b1a119487a01e49d9f4/tumblr_ncieqxftES1req2vuo1_500.gif << just as long as there's enough of them, amirite. 1497953;1467812235;shinohai;http://66.media.tumblr.com/cdd243d1859f05f6f42ec45eb3c0f59a/tumblr_mk0rtf8BA91ryvi3lo1_500.jpg 1497954;1467812413;pete_dushenski;https://66.media.tumblr.com/edb8b4b5d7fd85b22e7134492a5341e3/tumblr_o8r84tdIjK1sfrezlo1_500.gif << 4real 1497955;1467812522;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, anyone be a darling put http://trilema.com/2016/on-beatings/ into whichever reddit it is whit the wyminz ? something chromosome ? 1497956;1467812627;shinohai;twoxchromosones. 1497957;1467812649;shinohai;They make it a frivkin default sub so you auto subscribe when you join 1497958;1467812668;mircea_popescu;lol 1497959;1467812724;shinohai;I misspelled chromosomes lol 1497960;1467812728;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ 1497961;1467812776;mircea_popescu;aha 1497962;1467812812;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/4rijd5/on_beatings/ <<< done 1497963;1467812968;shinohai;Naturally I expect to be banned and punched full of pitchfork holes within the hour. 1497964;1467813012;mircea_popescu;sorry about that. 1497965;1467813055;shinohai;Meh I love ruffling their feathers in that sub. Literally takes a minute to make 3 new accounts there. 1497966;1467813057;mircea_popescu;but this is a bidniss idea... pitchfork hole porn... for feministas 1497967;1467813209;mircea_popescu;oh and speaking of untranslatable trilema, 1497968;1467813215;mircea_popescu;;;later tell gabriel_radio http://trilema.com/2011/fututul-cu-repetitie/ yo :D 1497969;1467813215;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1497970;1467813294;thestringpuller;bitnodes won't display these nodes now>> http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html but they are def pingable from my nodes 1497971;1467813327;mircea_popescu;heh. da fuck do they know anyway. 1497972;1467813350;shinohai;thestringpuller: It's because we are evil and controlled by @21 1497973;1467813373;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: except mine. 1497974;1467813379;shinohai;*bitnodes is controlled by @21 1497975;1467813407;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski: which one is yours? 1497976;1467813408;shinohai;Change your version string to "21co Bitnode" and see how fast it makes top of list 1497977;1467813422;thestringpuller; << that guy right? 1497978;1467813427;pete_dushenski;yup 1497979;1467813427;mircea_popescu;lol. "21co Bitnode fucks goats" is version ? 1497980;1467813436;pete_dushenski;ha! 1497981;1467813472;deedbot;[Trilema] On beatings - http://trilema.com/2016/on-beatings/ 1497982;1467813498;thestringpuller;wow bitnodes is terrible you have to directly hit the api to get the update info. the search function is completely broke 1497983;1467813512;thestringpuller;what is with these turds they keep dressing up in suits and ties 1497984;1467813514;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiBa4-5YCIA&FEATURE=related << in case you ever wanted your credit card to point you towards mecca 1497985;1467813572;shinohai;VC money hard at work thestringpuller !\ 1497986;1467813609;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i don't think they ever maintained that page past the original pr round for it 1497987;1467813703;shinohai;https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/750690874191851521 <<< neither will his ego 1497988;1467813774;thestringpuller;"VC money hard at work" << VC money has become the new tax payer dollars being "hard at work" 1497989;1467813797;shinohai;indeed. 1497990;1467813936;shinohai;I guess Balaji Srinivasan gave up on his threat to sue me for defamation. Doesn't want to waste any precious fundz. 1497991;1467814015;thestringpuller;no bitcoin company that took fiat investment amounted to anything 1497992;1467814049;mircea_popescu;who ? 1497993;1467814083;thestringpuller;it's like how sasha grey wanted to be actual star, not just porn star 1497994;1467814187;shinohai;lol 1497995;1467814193;mircea_popescu;o she did ? 1497996;1467814196;mircea_popescu;what'd she make ? 1497997;1467814268;*;asciilifeform reads 'vc', automatically thinks 'viet cong' 1497998;1467814395;mircea_popescu;http://67.media.tumblr.com/86823d9a14b3294ac6051791f2462e24/tumblr_nu1i0yOjGs1ucu78yo1_500.gif << vc ie "very clean" :D 1497999;1467814477;mircea_popescu;lol roger ver is still around ? the self-mining comedy goldmine! 1498000;1467814646;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497963 << seems not, check it out https://archive.is/gyoX1 1498001;1467814646;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 13:49 shinohai: Naturally I expect to be banned and punched full of pitchfork holes within the hour. 1498002;1467814649;mircea_popescu;100% UPBOAT 1498003;1467814667;shinohai;Mods are asleep :D 1498004;1467814695;mircea_popescu;kik @ the "content rules" thingee. 1498005;1467814701;mircea_popescu;ODIOUS INFLUXES!!! 1498006;1467814708;mircea_popescu;i guess womenz know all about this topic ? 1498007;1467814730;asciilifeform;'socket no message in first 60 seconds, 1 0' << this has really gone on long enough. 1498008;1467815203;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497925 << phf wrote working theme from scratch by cutting and pasting ?! 1498009;1467815203;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 12:05 phf: debugger is there, just don't listen to mp and carpet disable it, i've not actually ever touched php before, "knows enough" _literally_ copy pasted commands out of LAMP setup tutorial, etc. 1498010;1467815219;mircea_popescu;i'd expect so ? 1498011;1467815230;mircea_popescu;ftm, iirc he said so. 1498012;1467815265;asciilifeform;turns out his cutter and paster beats mine. 1498013;1467815335;mircea_popescu;well, you're more dedicated to deciding stuff doesn't work as widely as it'd guarantee to unworking stuff makes it in. this is suicidal for web-anything. 1498014;1467815346;mircea_popescu;no unworking stuff* 1498015;1467815376;asciilifeform;i have a ratchet 1498016;1467815376;mircea_popescu;in other news, security consultants make terrible stand-up comedians. 1498017;1467815394;shinohai;"IWF ... has provided a database of bitcoin addresses associated with sexual abuse to the startup. Elliptic" http://archive.is/CmZNi 1498018;1467815395;asciilifeform;if x worked to level l, ever, in my entire experience, then if if works to < l, then 'it dun work'. 1498019;1467815405;asciilifeform;which is right and proper. 1498020;1467815414;mircea_popescu;no argument. 1498021;1467815460;mircea_popescu;imagine that wonder if you will, guy in black suit goes up on stage, eyes dart around nervously, then he proceeds... "Hey, ever heard about the... hey! HEY MR! Yes you in the 2nd row. What's that in your jacket ???" 1498022;1467815584;mircea_popescu;shinohai what the ? 1498023;1467815601;mircea_popescu;someone tell @pete_rizzo_ THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ILLICIT BITCOIN USE 1498024;1467815617;mircea_popescu;and if there is, i'ma say what. not fucking usg, or for that matter pete rizzo. 1498025;1467815632;mircea_popescu;derps. 1498026;1467815663;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/05/14/first-largest-bestest-ever-in-the-us/ << pete rizzo history 1498027;1467815723;pete_dushenski;hm thought there was more on him in that one. must be confusing him for another coindesktard 1498028;1467815728;mircea_popescu;so small, so dumb, and already has a history ? 1498029;1467815766;shinohai;I wonder how they obtained said db of addresses. Did owners sign messages saying "I use this Bitcoin addy to make sexually abusive purchases" ? 1498030;1467815768;mircea_popescu;anyone know the joke with the ceausescu visiting the queen ? 1498031;1467815780;*;pete_dushenski wants to hear it 1498032;1467815785;mircea_popescu;shinohai same way they obtain anything else : scratched ass, smelled finger. 1498033;1467815791;shinohai;lol 1498034;1467815833;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski ceausescu visits queen. the respective delegations are introduced : on the english side, Lord Peppytoe, Lord Muskrat, Lord Fuckhorse and Lord Vomitoss 1498035;1467815869;mircea_popescu;on the romanian side, andrei popescu, ion popescu, nicolae popescu, gheorghe popescu and a shock : the 26 yo mihai popescu, lost in this sea of 50 to 60 yos. 1498036;1467815873;mircea_popescu;a gasp from the audience 1498037;1467815878;mircea_popescu;"so young and deja popescu!" 1498038;1467815987;pete_dushenski;lol. took me a minute! 1498039;1467816043;mircea_popescu;english humor, like english weather, rite ? if you don't like, give it a minute. 1498040;1467816044;pete_dushenski;"BitPay’s market cap of $160M is 106,667 BTC, which is a shit-ton for a company that doesn’t publish its financials, but still less than 11% of the big bad MPEx." << from last linked contravex. lol different times eh. 1498041;1467816078;thestringpuller;BitPay's market cap is a lot less than that 1498042;1467816083;mircea_popescu;i guess so huh. isn't bitpay the thing that failed to close financing last year and is probably going to go for a few mn this year ? 1498043;1467816083;thestringpuller;unless they are getting money under the table 1498044;1467816115;thestringpuller;from what i've been told the insurance claim on the phished coins is going to fall through so they'll have to write it off as an expense and hope one day they get a tax credit when they make actual money 1498045;1467816143;thestringpuller;they are barely treading water, and are hiring interns for cheap instead of real staff cause they are running out of funds 1498046;1467816152;thestringpuller;(also notice the aggressive push to charge for their services) 1498047;1467816286;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: "bitpay the thing that failed to close financing" << If they can increase the block size they might get some more money ;) But at this point wouldn't the leadership have to publicly perform seppekku to make them at all trustworthy? 1498048;1467816312;mircea_popescu;apropos the nothing : here's how you find the "unseen votes" value on reddit = x = vote_count * (1- implied downvote %) / (printed upvote % - implied downvote %). 1498049;1467816343;mircea_popescu;so, should an article have "3 votes, 81% upvoted", x = 3*19/62 = ~1. therefore of the total 5 votes, one was against 1498050;1467816369;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller only marginally been watching 1498051;1467816741;shinohai;Hey it has survived one hour with only 1 downboat, I'm pretty impressed. 1498052;1467817093;thestringpuller;https://twitter.com/Excellion/status/750009401591816192 << i have to admit this guy does get some lulz from me 1498053;1467817162;asciilifeform;the 'physical btc' crapolade never gets old, does it 1498054;1467817216;thestringpuller;i think he engraved that into the blockheader... 1498055;1467817222;thestringpuller;i dunno tho. 1498056;1467817254;asciilifeform;linked item is a physical toy. 1498057;1467817261;asciilifeform;http://store.btcc.com/products/2016-n-series-bitcoin-block-with-forever-engraving 1498058;1467817272;thestringpuller;It's loaded with the coinbase from a mined block. 1498059;1467817285;thestringpuller;And whatever you engrave I think you can have put in the coinheader 1498060;1467817287;thestringpuller;you pay up front 1498061;1467817408;thestringpuller;Sauce "Optionally, you can order your Bitcoin Block with a personalized Forever™ message. With Forever™, your personalized message will be both permanently engraved on the global bitcoin blockchain and laser etched onto your Bitcoin Block." 1498062;1467817425;thestringpuller;Mow has one that says, "Bitcoin has failed" - Mike Hearn 1498063;1467817441;asciilifeform;i dun care if it is made of gold, shitanium, hitler's skull, etc.; my take on folks selling envelopes which may or may not contain a funded privkey, and may or may not contain the ONLY extant copy thereof, remains same. 1498064;1467817478;asciilifeform;dollars to doughnuts, all existing 'physical btc' have backup privkeys somewhere. 1498065;1467817517;asciilifeform;and as usd sinks, the temptation to ~use~ them, for whatever lost soul has them in possession, will exponentially up. 1498066;1467817524;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: https://btc.blockr.io/address/info/1F5xqnvL9DPdF64FGarNTDLxYBuQQfPx2E << the first bitcoin i ever bought. 1498067;1467817532;thestringpuller;minted by casascius 1498068;1467817578;asciilifeform;what of it ? 1498069;1467817621;thestringpuller;The likelihood of a duplicate key existing is linked to casascius web of trust 1498070;1467817624;thestringpuller;speaking of 1498071;1467817641;thestringpuller;$rated casascius 1498072;1467817641;deedbot;thestringpuller rated casascius 2 at 2014/06/22 13:45:58 << never met him never talked to him. after buying my first bitcoins, I turned one into a Casascius coin. Haven't opened, maybe never will. He is the hero Bitcoin needs. 1498073;1467817691;thestringpuller;will neg rate if I look at pub address can't use key. or if i crack open coin and can't sweep key. 1498074;1467817850;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: this is a 'protocol vs promise' issue. 1498075;1467817871;asciilifeform;when you transact with btc the way it was built to be transacted with, the problem does not exist. 1498076;1467817897;asciilifeform;when you trade plastic, titanium, whatever, toys, that may-or-may-not-contain-valid-and-only-privkey-for-x-btc, you expose yourself. 1498077;1467817908;asciilifeform;in entirely, imho, unnecessary way. 1498078;1467817929;asciilifeform;the exchange value of the toy ought to be LESS than of naked coin, not more. 1498079;1467817942;asciilifeform;(but ~by how much~ less, is unquantifiable, as the risk is.) 1498080;1467817973;asciilifeform;it is quite unclear to me why ~promise~ needed to be re-introduced to where there was perfectly working ~protocol~. 1498081;1467818119;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1497927 << anyone see tx 3b25814dbf1ff4982ccc1e0a44fed01f53e36a1350ec2ac2aeb15ba8c625fa70 which spent to 12zsNY4cHrwc39WqHZd3seSWudgbztF9Bp 1498082;1467818119;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 12:22 mircea_popescu: trinque http://deedbot.org/ << latest deeds not up ? 1498083;1467818126;asciilifeform;when you pop the coin, 25 years later, and it turns out to contain 0, 1498084;1467818127;trinque;my node seems to think it sent it 1498085;1467818130;asciilifeform;you will NOT know why. 1498086;1467818149;asciilifeform;for all you know, it could have been a burglar who broke in 10 years earlier, and read the key using the device i described here. 1498087;1467818175;asciilifeform;or it could have been nsa backdoor in the machine where the keys were genned 1498088;1467818177;asciilifeform;or, or, or. 1498089;1467818203;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: or aliens could have read the private key from the psionic thoughts of the person creating the keys when they abducted him in the middle of kansas 1498090;1467818235;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: in so far as you, user of 'physical coin', will be concerned, it may as well have been martians, yes. 1498091;1467818242;asciilifeform;for all of the recourse you will have. 1498092;1467818269;asciilifeform;the 'physical coin' is a fundamentally, definitionally bezzlatronic device 1498093;1467818281;asciilifeform;because it creates the necessary conditions for bezzle, but without any upside 1498094;1467818291;asciilifeform;galbraith's original bezzle 1498095;1467818324;asciilifeform;y'know, that one, 'Embezzlement, Galbraith observed, has the property that “weeks, months, or years elapse between the commission of the crime and its discovery. This is the period, incidentally, when the embezzler has his gain and the man who has been embezzled feels no loss. There is a net increase in psychic wealth.” Galbraith described that increase in wealth as “the bezzle.”' 1498096;1467818391;shinohai;thestringpuller: You ever seen my friend Mitchell's collection? 1498097;1467818574;thestringpuller;shinohai: i don't think so. i've only seen smickles' collection 1498098;1467818580;asciilifeform;is everyone here familiar with standard vs iterated prisoner's dilemma ? 1498099;1467818605;asciilifeform;iterated pd has a nash equilibrium, 'tit for tat' 1498100;1467818610;asciilifeform;what we know as 'you fuck me, i negrate' 1498101;1467818623;asciilifeform;STANDARD, single-shot prisoner's dilemma, has EXACTLY ONE SANE STRATEGY: 1498102;1467818626;asciilifeform;'defect'. 1498103;1467818640;asciilifeform;i posit that 'physical bitcoin' is a ~single shot~ prisoner's dilemma. 1498104;1467818674;asciilifeform;and that a substantial fraction, perhaps ALL, of minters, kept backups. 1498105;1467818683;shinohai;thestringpuller: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1261680.0 1498106;1467818686;asciilifeform;correctly supposing that folks will wait for years, decades, to open the package 1498107;1467818707;asciilifeform;and they can cash out when btc is worth $maxint but before most of the chumps scratch that hologram. 1498108;1467818836;thestringpuller;yes, and this is why we have wot 1498109;1467818844;thestringpuller;"minter x negrate" 1498110;1467818844;asciilifeform;sigh. 1498111;1467818849;asciilifeform;wot ONLY WORKS FOR ITERATED PD 1498112;1467818853;asciilifeform;srsly this is hard concept ? 1498113;1467818858;thestringpuller;I get what you're saying, but this is why "don't spend more than can afford to lose" 1498114;1467818881;asciilifeform;'only strategy is defect' means: 'spend 0 because you are quite likely to lose ALL' 1498115;1467818893;asciilifeform;it is a thing with 0 up-side, like putting arm into bear trap 1498116;1467818917;thestringpuller;well when casascius scams me you can be the first to "I told you so" 1498117;1467818925;asciilifeform;in bezzlandia at least they have the decency to make government bond, which is what 'physical coin' fundamentally resembles, worth more than the sticker price, at least nominally 1498118;1467818959;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: you won't be able to pin it on casascius. it'll be blamed on 'hack', or even crypto break, or even on your house having been broken into once at some point with 'nothing stolen' 1498119;1467819030;asciilifeform;or it will be blamed on you, and the cheap and readily available, by that time, device for reading key through the paper sticker, will create the necessary confusion re who the 'real sc4mz0r' is, in the eyes of others 1498120;1467819155;asciilifeform;'physical btc' is fundamentally, physically, a bad idea, like trying to build an airplane that runs on hay and oats. 1498121;1467819167;asciilifeform;and steered with reins. 1498122;1467819205;asciilifeform;precisely the kind of fundamental bad idea that leads to 'no one could have predicted!1111' (tm) (r). 1498123;1467819232;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-17#1374612 << where is the line drawn between bezzle, and the former? 1498124;1467819232;a111;Logged on 2016-01-17 21:13 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: it works by ben_vulpes, sultan of brunei, and king of saud, sending each other pgpgrams with signed chits of how many tonnes of plutonium each owes the other. 1498125;1467819268;thestringpuller;that is when does my invoice to sultan of brunei become "physical btc" 1498126;1467819273;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: that they play iterated dilemma. their settlements don't take decades. 1498127;1467819328;thestringpuller;so threshold is settlement time? what is greatest amount of time still acceptable for settlement? 1498128;1467819342;asciilifeform;not 'unknown # of years or possibly never' 1498129;1467819345;asciilifeform;that's for sure. 1498130;1467819790;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes https://au.pinterest.com/karafern << yer pet posted photos? spiffy log cabin 1498131;1467819791;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1498132;1467820061;asciilifeform;(i have nfi why folks send me this stuff.) 1498133;1467820264;asciilifeform;incidentally thestringpuller notice what happens when settlement ~is~ 'unknown number of decades.' you get vaults full of tungsten gold. 1498134;1467820416;mircea_popescu;incidentally : someone writing a tex processor for serenity (ex mp-wp) themes that shinohai can then just import as a standard would be pretty epic. 1498135;1467820431;mircea_popescu;imagine alf, proper web rendering! no more need of pdfs, ever! 1498136;1467820431;asciilifeform;it'd be mondo heavy 1498137;1467820437;asciilifeform;can you even picture, the mass 1498138;1467820438;mircea_popescu;so ? 1498139;1467820441;asciilifeform;so no. 1498140;1467820446;mircea_popescu;i'd use it. 1498141;1467820448;asciilifeform;no 300MB turds in my browser, plox. 1498142;1467820460;asciilifeform;processor to bitmap, would be another matter 1498143;1467820464;asciilifeform;(server side) 1498144;1467820470;asciilifeform;and iirc this exists... is called... tex! 1498145;1467820470;mircea_popescu;well yes ? 1498146;1467820479;thestringpuller;imagemagick 1498147;1467820481;mircea_popescu;it's not written in php afaik. 1498148;1467820503;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: aha. "Well settle when we feel like it. for tungsten bars" so what you have described is the process in which you could put tungsten into bitcoin bars 1498149;1467820506;trinque;so how is it that my node thinks 3b25814dbf1ff4982ccc1e0a44fed01f53e36a1350ec2ac2aeb15ba8c625fa70 is in block 419551 ? 1498150;1467820511;trinque;this is strange 1498151;1467820514;shinohai;convert all images to base64 ftw 1498152;1467820520;thestringpuller;interestingly that all these require the user to voluntarily be scammed 1498153;1467820540;mircea_popescu;trinque i has nfi, all i know is i put deeds in, wanted to add them to s.mg report, can't add because no link! 1498154;1467820546;trinque;yeah well, bitcoin! 1498155;1467820548;trinque;lol 1498156;1467820562;mircea_popescu;shinohai fucks up caching, watch your bw go from 2-8tb to 10-20 pb 1498157;1467820563;trinque;I am wedged at 419554 too 1498158;1467820563;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: twist is that 'physical btc' can be tungstened ~remotely~ at ~any time~ 1498159;1467820579;mircea_popescu;trinque i see 570 1498160;1467820594;shinohai;mircea_popescu: forgot the /s which doesn't readily translate 1498161;1467820614;mircea_popescu;lol 1498162;1467820633;mircea_popescu;nah, the ability to write a+b/(c+d)^3 and have it painted it out in the article is something. 1498163;1467820659;asciilifeform;i thought mircea_popescu hated 2d notations!1111 1498164;1467820672;mircea_popescu;i like abilities. 1498165;1467820710;mircea_popescu;besides, normalized proper notation goes into alt tag anyway. 1498166;1467820711;asciilifeform;anyway 'mathml' was supposed to have been a thing. 1498167;1467820718;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1498168;1467820719;asciilifeform;and even existed for a spell, and was then abolished 1498169;1467820722;asciilifeform;i have nfi why. 1498170;1467820739;asciilifeform;iirc google's implementation was the only one, and turned out so buggy that they axed it. 1498171;1467820762;mircea_popescu;i'm currently wondering if sex in alf household is something pet always initiates, and has to fight through a barrage of "this won't work and has already been done but it went away" first! 1498172;1467820785;asciilifeform;lel 1498173;1467820824;asciilifeform;or in mircea_popescu household, is slaving over php substituted for sex, because it is just as fun to do for the 1,000,001st time ? 1498174;1467820848;mircea_popescu;actually, i mostly teach the girls to compute via bash 1498175;1467820888;mircea_popescu;picture kat with learning hat on and nothing else. "how was that thing that output a file ?" "cat" "yes master ?" "cat!" eyes me intensely. 1498176;1467820918;mircea_popescu;"cat with a c!" "ohhh" 1498177;1467821041;shinohai;Pretty sure I got shadowbanned from r/twoxchromosomes. Post no longer appears in /new 1498178;1467821048;mircea_popescu;awww 1498179;1467821072;mircea_popescu;well if you weren't such a sperglord... 1498180;1467821138;shinohai;Indeed. 1498181;1467821151;mircea_popescu;wonder what the self.justification is 1498182;1467821202;mircea_popescu;"your submission is so exciting is not interesting and so offensive it fails to actually say anything we disagree with" 1498183;1467821340;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498052 << why is its/it's so hard neways. 1498184;1467821340;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 14:58 thestringpuller: https://twitter.com/Excellion/status/750009401591816192 << i have to admit this guy does get some lulz from me 1498185;1467821368;trinque;now it claims this transaction is in block 419560 !! 1498186;1467821389;shinohai;We need BIGGER BLOCKS TO FIX THIS 1498187;1467821412;mircea_popescu;cuz if the blocks were bigger it wouldn't matter which one it was in amirite ? 1498188;1467821425;trinque;it's just saying whichever block the node is currently on 1498189;1467821425;mircea_popescu;also no signatures plox, they are triggering and unequitable to poor black women 1498190;1467821449;trinque;"n-no really, it's in this block this time, I swear" 1498191;1467821470;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498080 << people enjoy promise, it's a fundamental part of human sexual behaviour. 1498192;1467821470;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 15:12 asciilifeform: it is quite unclear to me why ~promise~ needed to be re-introduced to where there was perfectly working ~protocol~. 1498193;1467821498;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-05#1463317 << obligatory 1498194;1467821498;a111;Logged on 2016-05-05 13:03 asciilifeform: the thermodynamic 'taboo against the coincidence' is described in, oddly enough, winnie pooh! '"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.' 1498195;1467821537;asciilifeform;people enjoy plenty of bad habits. 1498196;1467821546;mircea_popescu;aha. 1498197;1467821547;asciilifeform;eat enough honey, and you end up in BingoBoingo's pics. 1498198;1467821556;mircea_popescu;trinque i see no such tx. 1498199;1467821609;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you recall the "bitcoin gem" "gold bar" etc ponzi ? 1498200;1467821617;asciilifeform;aha 1498201;1467821626;asciilifeform;it was like ~every other ponzi, iirc 1498202;1467821638;asciilifeform;(i know of it solely from l0gz and mircea_popescu's recollection) 1498203;1467821638;trinque;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/2db8bf37-64c1-4198-891c-2d9684c41a18/ 1498204;1467821640;trinque;sseems like a bug 1498205;1467821644;mircea_popescu;same EXACT thing, with the negligible difference that nubbins-likes like this scam and don't like that scam 1498206;1467821647;mircea_popescu;also sexual reasons. 1498207;1467821668;mircea_popescu;trinque highs ? 1498208;1467821683;trinque;running with -lows 1498209;1467821703;mircea_popescu;get the raw rather than unpacked plox ? 1498210;1467821709;trinque;hm it says 0 confirmations 1498211;1467821720;trinque;so perhaps bitcoin just lies and says "current block" in that field when unconfirmed 1498212;1467822498;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: curious, which sexual reasons 1498213;1467822507;asciilifeform;would lead a nubbins to prefer one 'gold' brick to other. 1498214;1467822576;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the terms of http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/#comment-117957 it is "more like car". 1498215;1467822598;mircea_popescu;there's a difference between millenial style perv, who jacks it to webcams, and john waters era perv, who jacks it to used stockings. 1498216;1467822774;mircea_popescu;not a difference in terms of perversion, of course, neither's workable, or real, or etc. but there's a difference in terms of practice, if cable company delivers a box of used stockings instead of modem it'll hear no end of reddit mentions. 1498217;1467823024;mircea_popescu;similarly, apparently there's a difference between "owning" a "bitcoin gem" that exists chiefly as a succession of forum posts ; and "owning" a "physical bitcoin" that exists chiefly as a succession of gpg-signed promises. 1498218;1467823059;mircea_popescu;i can readily see this difference, myself : the later's perhaps a useful toy to get idiots to formally behave sanely. it is oft misplaced, like the hope that if you daily dress a pig in clean underwear, it'll turn into a price. 1498219;1467823085;mircea_popescu;the original nubbins' failure to matter is a fine example in exactly this vein - you can't take the pig out of the pig just because you want another prince. 1498220;1467823108;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, children play with toy guns rather than functional rifles. 1498221;1467823146;asciilifeform;it sorta makes sense 1498222;1467823173;asciilifeform;esp now that i recall the 'physical gold' folks' reaction to bitcoin 1498223;1467823188;mircea_popescu;there's also the important consideration of "conversation piece". this is entirely a hermetic concept to anyone living outside of the anglosphere, which is to say sanely inserted in a functioning social fabric. 1498224;1467823211;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, the anglotards have taken the puritanism to such absurd degree they can't talk to each other unless at least vaguely going through the motions of selling something 1498225;1467823228;mircea_popescu;because obviously any other sort of talk is impure! SATAN! 1498226;1467823230;asciilifeform;sorta how racoon submerges his food, because 'must fish' 1498227;1467823235;asciilifeform;even in the zoo. 1498228;1467823236;mircea_popescu;so... you gotta have a token in hand 1498229;1467823242;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite so! 1498230;1467823372;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498101 << and it's two. stick for females ; defect for males. 1498231;1467823372;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 15:23 asciilifeform: STANDARD, single-shot prisoner's dilemma, has EXACTLY ONE SANE STRATEGY: 1498232;1467823381;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as "one shot" in nature. the genes also speak. 1498233;1467823467;asciilifeform;fact is, at some point those backup keyz will be worth more than whatever decades-old reputation the retired casascius etc folk had. 1498234;1467823478;asciilifeform;at which point - bang. 1498235;1467823489;mircea_popescu;fact is, there's more masochists than sadists, and always will be. 1498236;1467823496;asciilifeform;(and the unexistence of the backup can never, in principle, be demonstrated.) 1498237;1467823523;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: esp if you count the sadomasochists!111 1498238;1467823551;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing, not anymore than "faggotsbians" 1498239;1467823605;asciilifeform;the stickerz in mircea_popescu's club lied to me!1111 1498240;1467823612;mircea_popescu;stickers lie. 1498241;1467823623;*;asciilifeform has monumentally nfi 1498242;1467823632;mircea_popescu;wait, what stickers ? 1498243;1467823685;asciilifeform;they had these stickers with, something like, 'sadist', 'masochist', 'both' 1498244;1467823697;mircea_popescu;mno. dominant, sub, switch. 1498245;1467823706;mircea_popescu;that's a social behaviour. 1498246;1467823707;asciilifeform;so what, then, is switch ? 1498247;1467823747;mircea_popescu;the sadism/masochism thing deals with pain ; the dom/sub thing deals with behaviour. they're not really the same thing. 1498248;1467823777;mircea_popescu;imagine you go to a mcdonalds and sort the staff in : tall or short ; respectively management, labour or both. 1498249;1467823851;mircea_popescu;there's some relation between tall and management, but if it is it's a statistical rather than a deductive link. 1498250;1467823920;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498130 << omaygerd, pinterest! the bag is out of the kat! TROLL NAO 1498251;1467823920;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 15:43 asciilifeform: ;;later tell ben_vulpes https://au.pinterest.com/karafern << yer pet posted photos? spiffy log cabin 1498252;1467823944;asciilifeform;apparently ben_vulpes's woman is a movie star!111 1498253;1467823947;ben_vulpes;yeesh 1498254;1467823954;mircea_popescu;no ? what's she been in ? 1498255;1467823968;asciilifeform;http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5211871 1498256;1467823972;ben_vulpes;leave my bird alone 1498257;1467823975;mircea_popescu;jesus pinterest is a pos, seriously, "log in with facebook" ? what the shit 1498258;1467823982;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it's a perfectly respectable job!1111 1498259;1467824000;ben_vulpes;so is running a household. 1498260;1467824007;asciilifeform;aha 1498261;1467824025;asciilifeform;i have pet stationed 100% there 1498262;1467824032;mircea_popescu;pageant girl ?! 1498263;1467824037;asciilifeform;nfi 1498264;1467824049;asciilifeform;some indy film, i suppose? 1498265;1467824067;mircea_popescu;dude the made-up names srsly... Director: Benjamin Ross Lyerly Writers: Byron Diffenderffer, Maria Martin gimme a break 1498266;1467824084;mircea_popescu;Viscount Porphirous McPuffin whynot 1498267;1467824097;*;asciilifeform has monumentally nfi. maybe whole thing was cia front. 1498268;1467824110;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform shelved in 2012. 1498269;1467824126;asciilifeform;anyway ben_vulpes's son is also panda, like pete's !11 1498270;1467824159;ben_vulpes;i am the mole 1498271;1467824162;ben_vulpes;also panda? 1498272;1467824169;mircea_popescu;"dead not dancing" apparently also made "pet world". i guess we look there for alf's ? 1498273;1467824173;asciilifeform;l0l! 1498274;1467824177;*;asciilifeform looks into 'pet world' 1498275;1467824195;asciilifeform;'The suspicious death of a pet snake puts a chokehold on a loving father.' 1498276;1467824199;mircea_popescu;The suspicious death of a pet snake puts a chokehold on a loving father. Director: Jake Eide Writers: Jocelyn Eide (story), Jocelyn Eide 1498277;1467824203;mircea_popescu;holy shit portland. 1498278;1467824229;mircea_popescu;in other news, this camille collard chick's hawt. she single ben_vulpes ? 1498279;1467824237;*;ben_vulpes preens in the retardation rays 1498280;1467824254;ben_vulpes;aaah 1498281;1467824257;ben_vulpes;maybe? 1498282;1467824259;mircea_popescu;what, you don't know her ? EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYONE IN TINYTOWN OREGONZ! 1498283;1467824265;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes ask 'er for me ? 1498284;1467824274;ben_vulpes;no, i'm trying to think about if she mentioned any sort of so last time she was over 1498285;1467824277;mircea_popescu;"hey, this asshole from irc wants to know if you're single" 1498286;1467824301;mircea_popescu;there's your conversation piece right there, should be enough for a wine bottle's worth 1498287;1467824309;ben_vulpes;like which babe was that? the one who is in la now or the one coming back from la or the one who won't shut up about how miserable the guys in la and portland are? 1498288;1467824324;mircea_popescu;hopefully teh 2nd. 1498289;1467824339;mircea_popescu;by which i mean 3rd or w/e. 1498290;1467824404;mircea_popescu;incidentally, for all the naive engineering types who despise make-up and other feminine arts : 1498291;1467824409;mircea_popescu;with http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNDI4Mjg4OTQ0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTc1MDgwNjE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,665,1000_AL_.jpg 1498292;1467824410;mircea_popescu;without http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ0MzExMTQyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjIyMTkyMjE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,660,1000_AL_.jpg 1498293;1467824435;asciilifeform;they are both With!1111 1498294;1467824435;asciilifeform;SCAM 1498295;1467824451;mircea_popescu;shut up and bitcoin gem. 1498296;1467824456;asciilifeform;lel 1498297;1467824460;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha housepersoning ok that's fucking cute. 1498298;1467824501;mircea_popescu;but listen ben_vulpes why's the tiny icon the picture of the redhead kissing some other guy ? 1498299;1467824633;ben_vulpes;why's that photo of me kissing some other girl is what i want to know 1498300;1467824662;mircea_popescu;wait, bro! DYEL! 1498301;1467824695;mircea_popescu;and in other "dear viagra internet pharmacies, plox spam mr vulpes, here's proof :" news, https://twitter.com/Zimthaus/status/743549622010798080 1498302;1467824813;asciilifeform;dafuq is that 1498303;1467824831;*;mircea_popescu has deeply nfi!!11 1498304;1467825246;mircea_popescu;" The B and I, we are grownups with a child and a business. We had a soul-digging nonfight because he flicked water on my face with a straw." << dawg who knew stalking people's sm (social media!) is such juicy gossip material! 1498305;1467825644;danielpbarron;http://www.ebbits.net/strip/2010.08.23 << lol 1498306;1467825881;ben_vulpes;> and then he popped the straw 1498307;1467825884;ben_vulpes;oh lol i remember that 1498308;1467825892;ben_vulpes;"but it was so loud!" 1498309;1467825897;ben_vulpes;"dude this is not an issue." 1498310;1467825901;asciilifeform;waiwut 1498311;1467825932;mircea_popescu;anyway ben_vulpes chick's pretty cool, mazel tov. 1498312;1467826356;ben_vulpes;and you're just seeing the public stuffs. 1498313;1467826603;mircea_popescu;by definition lol. 1498314;1467826640;mircea_popescu;meanwhile in other essay and literary criticism news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/693a6828c61b02d082a0d4570b7ad068/tumblr_n0ssuaUbnk1re2958o1_500.gif 1498315;1467827360;ben_vulpes;socialist tax nyooz: http://business.financialpost.com/personal-finance/mortgages-real-estate/ontario-tried-a-speculation-tax-on-property-and-the-market-collapsed-overnight 1498316;1467827466;mircea_popescu;heh 1498317;1467827515;ben_vulpes;"like your town the way it is? raise property taxes until people stop moving there." 1498318;1467827552;shinohai;http://archive.is/ktmDF <<< top kek 1498319;1467827618;shinohai;"the few reddit communities that haven’t yet contracted cancer." 1498320;1467829367;mircea_popescu;yeah, totally dudes will stick around to bro online if there were no womenz to pull the ponytails of. 1498321;1467831116;asciilifeform;in other non-nyooz, apparently this exists, http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/housing/sfh/reo/goodn/gnndabot 1498322;1467831128;asciilifeform;'Law enforcement officers, pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade teachers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians can contribute to community revitalization while becoming homeowners through HUD's Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program. HUD offers a substantial incentive in the form of a discount of 50% from the list price of the home. In return you must commit to live in the property for 36 months as your sole residence.' 1498323;1467831602;mircea_popescu;so you can buy 15 houses as a teacher fgor 50% off over your career ? 1498324;1467831610;asciilifeform;nah apparently you gotta live in it 1498325;1467831613;mircea_popescu;not a bad plan altogether, romania has something similar with firstyhome buyers 1498326;1467831616;asciilifeform;so 1 at a time. 1498327;1467831620;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yea but only 3 years 1498328;1467831623;asciilifeform;aha. 1498329;1467831929;asciilifeform;the moar interesting aspect imho is ~which~ civil servants they arbitrarily picked as proxy for 'won't deal dope' or whatever it is. 1498330;1467831945;asciilifeform;not postmen, not patent clerks, but police, firemen, etc 1498331;1467831947;mircea_popescu;i doubt that's what it is. 1498332;1467831954;asciilifeform;why not postman 1498333;1467831956;mircea_popescu;they prolly justwent through "which govt items are understaffed" 1498334;1467831963;mircea_popescu;cuz he's mobile so not a problem. 1498335;1467831985;asciilifeform;ah hm. 1498336;1467831989;mircea_popescu;if teacher has to commute ON TOP of dealing with the fucktarded spawn of contemporary america, she's just as likely going to turn tricks in las vegas or homeperson 1498337;1467832012;mircea_popescu;and while whores and housewives are fine and dandy, there's a sharply limited demand. 1498338;1467832022;mircea_popescu;whereas for teacher, i know of no time or place where there were enough 1498339;1467832049;asciilifeform;in urban usa, their attrition rate is a wonder to behold 1498340;1467832059;mircea_popescu;myea 1498341;1467832080;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-23#1488802 << xcode takes what appears to be 1/16th of a second to switch between text files 1498342;1467832080;a111;Logged on 2016-06-23 21:53 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-23#1488618 << this i can see. 1498343;1467832083;ben_vulpes;what the fuck. 1498344;1467832196;asciilifeform;l0l xcode 1498345;1467832212;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: y'know, you don't have to use it, to build for the pnohe 1498346;1467832216;asciilifeform;just the compiler. 1498347;1467832231;asciilifeform;(do you even have to use crapple's compiler ?) 1498348;1467832401;asciilifeform;also i don't have palpable eval delays in sbcl, what the fuq 1498349;1467832405;asciilifeform;not now, not ever 1498350;1467832422;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: granted 1498351;1467832434;ben_vulpes;each of us to his own entomology 1498352;1467832448;ben_vulpes;rest assured i will be wrapping emacs around ios dev this week. 1498353;1467832460;ben_vulpes;first i want to see what this "world class ide" looks like 1498354;1467832465;ben_vulpes;"intellisense!!1" 1498355;1467832474;ben_vulpes;breaks 95% of the time. 1498356;1467832479;ben_vulpes;"you just don't know how to use it!" 1498357;1467832519;ben_vulpes;nevermind that it doesn't do *anything* for api discovery. utility seems limited to fuzzy method name completion. 1498358;1467832653;mircea_popescu;in other news, romanian nuclear activities thing went "bankrupt" last month. 1498359;1467832691;mircea_popescu;for all the derps derping about the ill effects of russian colonisation, us colonisation turned romania from this place which produced heavy water to the degree france was sucking its cock cca 1996 to ... well... 1498360;1467833392;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: iirc 'intellisense' was microshit's thing 1498361;1467833417;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: same thing happened to bulgaria, in even shorter time 1498362;1467833440;asciilifeform;last i recall, they fitted 'general electric' fuel rods to the 1 remaining sov reactor, it is a pop waiting to happen 1498363;1467833458;asciilifeform;and they, too, transformed from (agricultural) exporter, to mournful shithole 1498364;1467833588;mircea_popescu;myeah. well, "the community" agreed it "wants in nato and eu" amirite ? 1498365;1467833590;mircea_popescu;fuck 'em. 1498366;1467833598;*;mircea_popescu has never particularly liked romanians to begin with. 1498367;1467833604;asciilifeform;$s leather seats 1498368;1467833604;a111;2 results for "leather seats", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=leather%20seats 1498369;1467833621;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-04#544127 1498370;1467833621;a111;Logged on 2014-03-04 01:25 asciilifeform: russian derper: 'if we'd let the jerries win, we'd be riding in mercedes benz now!' 1498371;1467833628;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-04#544129 1498372;1467833628;a111;Logged on 2014-03-04 01:25 asciilifeform: counter-derper: 'as the leather seats' 1498373;1467833650;asciilifeform;no orc ever 'rides' in the 'friendly' west except as a leather seat. 1498374;1467833657;asciilifeform;or lampshade. 1498375;1467833684;asciilifeform;(in capacity as a man? possibly. as orcish traitor? leather strictly.) 1498376;1467833684;mircea_popescu;well in that conflict the ro were on the other side. 1498377;1467833799;asciilifeform;iirc gandi seriously considered bending over for japan 1498378;1467833804;asciilifeform;just to get out of british 1498379;1467833815;asciilifeform;prolly would have gone quite like this. 1498380;1467833838;asciilifeform;'i'ma run off from the plantation, to this other plantation' 1498381;1467835918;deedbot;[Qntra] Avid Life Media Under FTC Investigation - http://qntra.net/2016/07/avid-life-media-under-ftc-investigation/ 1498382;1467837538;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] On The Beating of Wives - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/on-the-beating-of-wives/ 1498383;1467839439;danielpbarron;$v B811163A583707E067A7877E2738DBC36D831F1BAEF833938D2397E4DB76DD86 1498384;1467839439;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of juliatourianski_ from 3 to 5 << good friend, bath house manager, and one of the coolest people met at porcfest 1498385;1467839569;danielpbarron;$v 64AFF0FB954348F8DEED5E811DDF80C9D810AC357F7B9FA855FCD8A89EDDB75B 1498386;1467839569;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of rassah from 1 to -1 << met at pocfest, says he lost his key, sorry for your loss 1498387;1467839852;danielpbarron;$v E9C52A359EE9E4E6F48713FE4A0298A5A150F2CCCDF28DCDF3C10C46B07FAE65 1498388;1467839852;deedbot;danielpbarron updated rating of birdman from 5 to 6 << good friend for many years, euloran, poker enthusiast 1498389;1467840652;mircea_popescu;o how is juliatourianski_ 1498390;1467840957;danielpbarron;doing very well, got a kid now with some blockstream guy who I also met at porcfest this year 1498391;1467841324;mircea_popescu;o hey. 1498392;1467841444;Joshua-I;Half wishing there was a trilema podcast for workouts 1498393;1467841493;shinohai;You don't have slave girls that read trilema to you during workouts? 1498394;1467841543;Joshua-I;I'm against slavery 1498395;1467841582;Joshua-I;But I could notionally hire a task rabbit to do it for me 1498396;1467841775;Joshua-I;For now I will settle with my usual youtubing 1498397;1467842203;mircea_popescu;you could put it through a screen reader 1498398;1467842220;mircea_popescu;the romanian section is guaranteed to entertain. 1498399;1467842270;Joshua-I;That's my backup plan 1498400;1467842309;mircea_popescu;anyway, the problem is - trilema is kinda too reference ladden, moar like balanced tree. podcast stuff works best if linear. 1498401;1467842397;jurov;using.trilema.for.workouts. my brain timed out at this. 1498402;1467842404;Joshua-I;True enough but even without references it would be good for mental indexing 1498403;1467842414;mircea_popescu;why, it's just about heavy enough... 1498404;1467845444;Joshua-I;Is there a directory of current projects / enterprises floating around somewhere? 1498405;1467845518;trinque;$s tbot 1498406;1467845519;a111;20 results for "tbot", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tbot 1498407;1467845522;trinque;Joshua-I: ^ 1498408;1467845648;trinque;mircea_popescu: that transaction from earlier finally went through 1498409;1467845661;*;trinque looks in his intertubes for clogs 1498410;1467845717;trinque;http://deedbot.org/bundle-419596.txt << 1498411;1467845983;Joshua-I;Uh huh 1498412;1467846108;Joshua-I;Fucking christ 1498413;1467846121;Joshua-I;One of those links must have been an exploit or something 1498414;1467846907;mod6;<+trinque> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/2db8bf37-64c1-4198-891c-2d9684c41a18/ <+trinque> sseems like a bug << yeah, i was watching this all day; was eventually included in 419`596 1498415;1467846929;mod6;so, not sure why exactly the delay. but, seems all good. 1498416;1467846955;mod6;<+jurov> using.trilema.for.workouts. my brain timed out at this. << haha 1498417;1467846991;mod6;<+trinque> I am wedged at 419554 too << did your trb continue on then too? 1498418;1467847067;shinohai;My trb node drops connections one by one every few hours and needs restart to connect. I'm way behind. 1498419;1467847085;mod6;<+trinque> mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki << perhaps. i was hoping that with wiki (which, I admin, is not ideal) people could help out a bit more easily - as opposed to a blog or wp thing. 1498420;1467847116;mod6;this is what i've got: 1498421;1467847117;mod6;"blocks" : 419610, 1498422;1467847134;mod6;seems up to speed. 1498423;1467847141;trinque;mod6: yeah I know have 419608 1498424;1467847144;trinque;*now 1498425;1467847168;mod6;ok trinque, good to hear. 1498426;1467847179;shinohai;;;blocks 1498427;1467847180;gribble;419610 1498428;1467847184;shinohai;heh 1498429;1467847217;trinque;Joshua-I: what exploit? 1498430;1467847405;mod6;<+Joshua-I> Is there a directory of current projects / enterprises floating around somewhere? << http://thebitcoin.foundation/tickets/ 1498431;1467848188;Joshua-I;Was trolling through the trimela outbound links and headfucking.net basically redirected to some bad js / exploit that runs your cpu hard 1498432;1467848222;shinohai;LOL 1498433;1467848283;trinque;>clicked on headfucking.net, expected gentle. 1498434;1467848544;Joshua-I;Works fine using lynx 1498435;1467848762;Joshua-I;Looks like it's on the serve side looking at the source 1498436;1467849005;Joshua-I;That was sort of mildly interesting 1498437;1467849319;ben_vulpes;huh 1498438;1467849323;ben_vulpes;thanks pankkake 1498439;1467849875;Joshua-I;I must have read at least 12ish trilemas today but mainly only gleaned that me and mp share similar views about the ending to True Romance 1498440;1467851403;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: I've wanted to go to porcfest, cause it's in new england, but I dunno how it'd vibe with me. I like burns, so I'd figure I'd like it. Dunno tho. 1498441;1467851544;shinohai;I was going to go to the Xday fest, but didn't feel like driving to Ohio 1498442;1467851664;thestringpuller;lol church of the subgenius... 1498443;1467851681;shinohai;Praise be to "Bob" 1498444;1467851687;thestringpuller;3rd time i've heard that come up in topic in my life this week 1498445;1467852163;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498404 << it's not very self-serve tho 1498446;1467852163;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 22:50 Joshua-I: Is there a directory of current projects / enterprises floating around somewhere? 1498447;1467852273;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498408 >> yup, i see it. not so bad after all, fiat deed system takes week+ 1498448;1467852273;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 22:54 trinque: mircea_popescu: that transaction from earlier finally went through 1498449;1467852411;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498418 << fwiw i don';t see this behaviour ; however i have perhaps the most egregious example of "permanently behind" node : "blocks" : 414720 1498450;1467852411;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 23:17 shinohai: My trb node drops connections one by one every few hours and needs restart to connect. I'm way behind. 1498451;1467852418;danielpbarron;thestringpuller, you should absolutely go, especially since you know me :D 1498452;1467852435;mircea_popescu;i thought the porcfest already was. is it coming up instead ? 1498453;1467852446;danielpbarron;it was, but it's every year 1498454;1467852471;mircea_popescu;ah yea 1498455;1467852476;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498419 << this is a point 1498456;1467852476;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 23:18 mod6: <+trinque> mod6: hey maybe the mircea_popescutronic wordpress is a better way to post TRB tutorials/updates than wiki << perhaps. i was hoping that with wiki (which, I admin, is not ideal) people could help out a bit more easily - as opposed to a blog or wp thing. 1498457;1467852534;mircea_popescu;of course, you still have to give them access, which reduces to the same thing. in the end, all these are php, wiki ~= blog ~= forum etc. what are they gonna do different, you know ? 1498458;1467852590;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498439 << it's a start! 1498459;1467852590;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 00:04 Joshua-I: I must have read at least 12ish trilemas today but mainly only gleaned that me and mp share similar views about the ending to True Romance 1498460;1467853907;mircea_popescu;meanwhile i fished out vintage "classic" and "default" themes : http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/classic-themestar.gz 1498461;1467853922;mircea_popescu;if anyone wanted. 1498462;1467854651;asciilifeform;neato, ty mircea_popescu 1498463;1467854742;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498449 << if you can be bothered to dig in log, see: was it stuck for eons there, or simply behind-by-n ? 1498464;1467854742;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 00:46 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498418 << fwiw i don';t see this behaviour ; however i have perhaps the most egregious example of "permanently behind" node : "blocks" : 414720 1498465;1467854789;asciilifeform;btw mircea_popescu that's a misnamed tar.gz 1498466;1467855394;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform behind by n, ish 1498467;1467855408;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wordpress is windowsy : auto-renaems things so they have a single dot in them 1498468;1467855415;mircea_popescu;because THERES A LIMIT OF DOTS! 1498469;1467860939;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> of course, you still have to give them access, which reduces to the same thing. in the end, all these are php, wiki ~= blog ~= forum etc. what are they gonna do different, you know ? << yeah, true. 1498470;1467860992;mircea_popescu;anyway, if it works dun fix it. 1498471;1467861556;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498467 << ick 1498472;1467861556;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 01:36 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform wordpress is windowsy : auto-renaems things so they have a single dot in them 1498473;1467861571;asciilifeform;remind me why we're keeping this thing alive..? 1498474;1467864498;asciilifeform;;;later tell mod6 http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html << is missing dulap, the single most robust trb node i know of 1498475;1467864499;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1498476;1467864730;trinque;asciilifeform: what's your uptime? 1498477;1467864913;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498476 << dulap's? 1498478;1467864913;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 04:12 trinque: asciilifeform: what's your uptime? 1498479;1467864944;mod6;asciilifeform: what's the ip? 1498480;1467864950;asciilifeform;a few min's downtime since december 1498481;1467864967;asciilifeform;it is the current ip of nosuchlabs.com 1498482;1467864973;mod6;ok thanks. 1498483;1467864989;trinque;nice. deedbot's been up around 104 days. 1498484;1467865012;trinque;and however long before that reboot 1498485;1467865031;asciilifeform;dulap had 1 unscheduled reset, still unexplained, and 1 scheduled, in end of may 1498486;1467866805;mod6;ok updated. 1498487;1467867242;asciilifeform;neato. 1498488;1467878042;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/wSW29 1498489;1467882424;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1498490;1467882432;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 646.15, vol: 7761.42734891 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 640.0, vol: 5568.62817 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 644.32, vol: 40969.70975322 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 551.0, vol: 7.59 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 646.23169, vol: 40976.80990000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 645.001, vol: 1572.02214638 | Volume-weighted last average: 645.030787264 1498491;1467889873;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498473 << same EXACT reason we're keeping bitcoin alive. the imbecile fucktards that lived before us failed so fucking hard all they left us was this rotten gojineata. patching the holes in it so we have somewhere to get out of the rain while we build proper house. 1498492;1467889873;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 03:19 asciilifeform: remind me why we're keeping this thing alive..? 1498493;1467889903;mircea_popescu;if everyone's mother and father were better people, we'd have better options. as it is, we got what we got. 1498494;1467889924;*;shinohai applauds 1498495;1467890187;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, "fute-o nahoi la gadcaia în gojineață și nu govițăi pe aici". from https://forum.md/ru/913246 1498496;1467890192;mircea_popescu;rusophones might appreciate lol. 1498497;1467892022;mircea_popescu;shinohai speaking of that idiocy, certainly a prime candidate for a fix. nfi who thought that's cool. 1498498;1467892167;thestringpuller;It's like 1498499;1467892167;thestringpuller;life is a party that's never gonna end, and, and you're not hosting that 1498500;1467892167;thestringpuller;party, you're there, so you can, you know take a-take a dump on the coats, and 1498501;1467892167;thestringpuller;you know, you can leave your beer bottle in the toilet if you want, it doesn't 1498502;1467892172;thestringpuller;matter, it's not your house! OK, we're just here to have a good time. 1498503;1467892175;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498483 mine are up 38 days, up 127 days respectively. 1498504;1467892175;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 04:16 trinque: nice. deedbot's been up around 104 days. 1498505;1467892183;thestringpuller;Wow how did that quote get chopped up :( 1498506;1467892398;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498497 <<< werd. Still waiting on my box to go live so I can get to experimenting. 1498507;1467892398;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 11:47 mircea_popescu: shinohai speaking of that idiocy, certainly a prime candidate for a fix. nfi who thought that's cool. 1498508;1467893011;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, top authors by sales in ru, 2012 : 1. Daria Donțova – 2877,9 mii de exemplare 2. Iulia Șilova – 2078,1 mii de exemplare 3. Tatiana Ustinova – 1447,6 mii de exemplare 4. Arthur Conan Doyle – 1256,7 mii de exemplare 5. Tatiana Poleakova – 1022,1 mii de exemplare. 1498509;1467893038;mircea_popescu;4 women and a long dead old guy. all pulp. 1498510;1467897697;mats;http://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/07/06/silent-circle-blackphone-losses-layoffs-geekphone-lawsuit 1498511;1467897741;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498509 << what did mircea_popescu expect to see in a bestseller list? euclid? 1498512;1467897741;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 12:03 mircea_popescu: 4 women and a long dead old guy. all pulp. 1498513;1467897748;asciilifeform;the american list is very similar except that pigs will fly in orbit before an out-of-copyright conan doyle etc is permitted to appear there. 1498514;1467897755;asciilifeform;(not that these folks, with attention span of a gold fish, and to whom ~1900~ vintage english is foreign language, even like conan doyle) 1498515;1467897784;*;shinohai loves Conan Doyle, has a whole sheld of them. 1498516;1467897789;shinohai;*shelf 1498517;1467897792;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't like conan doyle either. 1498518;1467897798;asciilifeform;well i do. 1498519;1467897799;asciilifeform;so there. 1498520;1467897812;asciilifeform;and yes it is pulp. good, ~old~ pulp. 1498521;1467897812;mircea_popescu;lol ok! 1498522;1467897825;asciilifeform;'Sorry Privacy Lovers, The Blackphone Is Flirting With Failure' << l0l1!!! 1498523;1467897839;mircea_popescu;o wait, ethereum is a shitcoin therefore bitcoin something something ? 1498524;1467897859;asciilifeform;'we dun need no water let the motherfucker burn!' (tm) (r) 1498525;1467897885;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, my point was more along the lines of - books being dead. grant as much, than when the majority of practitioners in a field are female, that field is therefore dead. 1498526;1467897930;mats;i knew asciilifeform would enjoy that 1498527;1467897935;asciilifeform;when's the last time there was an intellectually significant b00k on a bestseller list? in whatever country 1498528;1467897945;mircea_popescu;hey, tucker max made it in the us 1498529;1467897950;asciilifeform;mats: i'd enjoy moar if i could get the link to load on me box 1498530;1467897958;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/705sF << ok, finally. 1498531;1467898001;asciilifeform;holy shit, they hired their own slockit ?! 1498532;1467898002;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that last time is early 1900s if memory serves. huxley made it 1498533;1467898013;asciilifeform;the huxley who died in '30s ? 1498534;1467898021;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1498535;1467898024;asciilifeform;l0l 1498536;1467898041;mircea_popescu;don't dis, doyle also died in 1930 1498537;1467898051;asciilifeform;aha. 1498538;1467898099;asciilifeform;'All of the gory details come from court documents related to a fight with former partner Geeksphone, which has filed a legal complaint in New York state court over a disputed $5 million payment. Geeksphone, the Spanish company that helped build the original Blackphone, says it’s owed the money from the $30 million sale of shares in the pair’s Blackphone SA joint venture...' 1498539;1467898171;asciilifeform;'Silent Circle already lost some of its key personnel in recent months. Cryptography luminary and co-founder Jon Callas departed for Apple in May and in June, CEO and President Bill Conner resigned, with Neiderman stepping in as interim chief. Co-founder Phil Zimmerman, best-known as the creator of encrypted messaging protocol PGP, remains on-board, living in the firm’s adopted home town of Geneva.' 1498540;1467898185;asciilifeform;lel, all but the main rat, have left the sinking shitship 1498541;1467898489;asciilifeform;and gotta love 'privacy! dead!' 1498542;1467898498;asciilifeform;how bitcoin died, when bitcoin ceo was nailgunned. 1498543;1467898501;asciilifeform;quite similar. 1498544;1467898519;asciilifeform;(or was it when bitcoin-jesus was nailed to cross??) 1498545;1467898606;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498532 << lel i misread as 1990s, and the thing was failing to pass checksum in my head so direly, i re-read six times before 'aha' 1498546;1467898606;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 13:26 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that last time is early 1900s if memory serves. huxley made it 1498547;1467898661;mircea_popescu;lol 1498548;1467898810;asciilifeform;re earlier, i never quite grasped why every 'classy' diddled crypto peddler has to move to geneva. just because nsa-operated crypto AG corp. is there ? 1498549;1467898839;asciilifeform;is it 'dog whistle'? are these folks not even ~trying~ to fool anyone ? 1498550;1467898867;asciilifeform;didn't they even move hearn to geneva ? 1498551;1467898882;mircea_popescu;if memory serves. 1498552;1467898888;asciilifeform;so what gives. 1498553;1467898901;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform prolly they have some oversized office leftover from the glory days of the fulda gap 1498554;1467898918;mircea_popescu;gotta economize. 1498555;1467898926;asciilifeform;iirc classical nsa has its entire euro research arm there. 1498556;1467898944;mircea_popescu;(you'd think this ridiculous, until you review the documents and notice over half us deployments of any kind are determined by what money is available) 1498557;1467898952;asciilifeform;but why anyone trying to convincingly push crypto-whatevers would even SET FOOT in geneva, boggles my mind 1498558;1467898968;asciilifeform;what happened to... ~plausible~ sc4mz0r1ng 1498559;1467898974;mircea_popescu;marketing. 1498560;1467898984;asciilifeform;it would be quite like... 1498561;1467898994;asciilifeform;... a genuine pharma co. basing itself in nigeria, say. 1498562;1467899050;mircea_popescu;i could see this. 1498563;1467899296;asciilifeform;the 'slockitization' pattern, where american derps are incapable of building ANYTHING on their own, and hire 'ethiopes' to do the heavy lifting, then sprinkle whatever rubbish on top, is interestingly apparent 1498564;1467899304;asciilifeform;and quite like how mircea_popescu described it, long ago 1498565;1467899351;mircea_popescu;ethiopes would be one thing. they keep hiring sarmatians. 1498566;1467899374;asciilifeform;they can hire martians, same result 1498567;1467899374;mircea_popescu;a sort of reverse-manhattan-purchase, where the empire ~imagines~ it is buying something ; whereas the tribes accept the tribute, AND rape the women. 1498568;1467899384;asciilifeform;ah that. yes. 1498569;1467899401;mircea_popescu;been ongoing in the middle east for a while, now they're gonna give money to the iranians because no longer happy with the dudes they fed prior. 1498570;1467899417;mircea_popescu;such choice on this cow, which house on the street to be milked at tonight. 1498571;1467899579;asciilifeform;the 'in-house' portions are usually written by in-house sarmatians, also 1498572;1467899598;asciilifeform;consider the gaggle of asian grad students responsible for whatever portions of ethereum actually were written. 1498573;1467899720;mircea_popescu;aha. 1498574;1467899747;mircea_popescu;they were very hurt, by the way, to find out they're hated, and with a burning hatred, for participating, by the apparent hot core of coolness of the very people they thought they were emulating. 1498575;1467899787;mircea_popescu;the situation is EXACTLY like in http://trilema.com/2011/nuovo-cinema-paradiso/ 1498576;1467899790;mircea_popescu;you ever saw that film ? 1498577;1467899839;mircea_popescu;o damn, wrong one. the old one wtf was it 1498578;1467899893;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/luomo-delle-stele/ << there we go. that one, tornatore's film. 1498579;1467900556;asciilifeform;not sure i get it ? 1498580;1467900862;mircea_popescu;rome (ie, TMSR) is a famous center of culture and shining lights. because it is, but because of me not because of hussein bahamas. 1498581;1467900879;mircea_popescu;the peasants (ie, here, azns) aim to go to you know, THAT place. 1498582;1467900904;mircea_popescu;unscrupulous swindler (ie, usg) promises the latter that he's representative of the former, meanwhile he doesn't even have film in the "camera". 1498583;1467900967;mircea_popescu;this swindle is supposed to work in the sense that corriere della sera (ie, trilema) doesn't make it to castellamare in shitlandia. 1498584;1467900995;mircea_popescu;but when it does, the peasants (ie, same azns) are quite distraught to discover that what they did with the swindler not only DIDN'T get them any closer to their intended destination, 1498585;1467901003;mircea_popescu;but in point of fact constitutes an absolute bar to ever getting there. 1498586;1467901195;thestringpuller;;;ud luchini 1498587;1467901196;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 1498588;1467901966;asciilifeform;$up covertress 1498589;1467901967;deedbot;covertress voiced for 30 minutes. 1498590;1467901977;asciilifeform;covertress: who might you be ? 1498591;1467901996;asciilifeform;a coverer of tresses ? 1498592;1467902211;covertress;thx for the invite. just lurking. :) 1498593;1467902245;covertress;covertress means female spy... but, I'm no spy. am head of Krypton, KR 1498594;1467902254;covertress;doing to ETH what you all are doing to BTC 1498595;1467902255;covertress;:) 1498596;1467902289;danielpbarron;o.O 1498597;1467902306;covertress;O.o 1498598;1467902322;asciilifeform;what were we 'doing to btc' again? 1498599;1467902331;covertress;for irc purists, we're on #kryptoncoin also on slack: http://slack.krypton.rocks 1498600;1467902344;covertress;you're making it better, of course 1498601;1467902362;danielpbarron;aren't you afraid that by the time you snip out all the shit from eth there won't be just an empty file? 1498602;1467902369;covertress;lol 1498603;1467902371;shinohai;kek 1498604;1467902379;covertress;there is that possiblity 1498605;1467902388;covertress;GO needs scrapping 1498606;1467902416;covertress;I'm at ground zero here, looking for volunteer devs 1498607;1467902422;danielpbarron;well get in the WoT then 1498608;1467902436;covertress;idk what that is 1498609;1467902440;danielpbarron;$help 1498610;1467902440;deedbot;http://deedbot.org/help.html 1498611;1467902467;mircea_popescu;wait. what ? 1498612;1467902501;mircea_popescu;covertress how familiar are you with the technical matters involved ? 1498613;1467902523;covertress;not much, I've been awol from IT for 15 years... just getting back in 1498614;1467902531;danielpbarron;l0l 1498615;1467902533;covertress;:) 1498616;1467902542;covertress;but, ppl are really nice, holding my hand 1498617;1467902565;*;danielpbarron suspects this is a gag 1498618;1467902565;covertress;think they like to watch me fall on my face a lot. lol 1498619;1467902579;covertress;nah, follow me on LI. I'm serious. 1498620;1467902601;mats;so you're what, PR? 1498621;1467902607;covertress;mostly 1498622;1467902614;covertress;noob founder 1498623;1467902616;covertress;:) 1498624;1467902641;mircea_popescu;covertress noob founder in the sense you've not founded anything else before ? 1498625;1467902648;covertress;I have industry connects, mad networking skills and no money. lol 1498626;1467902654;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: re porcfest. Do you attend any other similar events? Maybe not like porcfest? But like burning man type stuff? 1498627;1467902656;shinohai;covertress: were you amongst those LI people here? http://qntra.net/2016/05/linkedin-dump-leaked/ 1498628;1467902656;covertress;correct. nothing before. 1498629;1467902685;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498625 << does this sentence stand in your eyes ? "i've great tits, wonderful body, nice face and no suitors." 1498630;1467902685;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 14:44 covertress: I have industry connects, mad networking skills and no money. lol 1498631;1467902704;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: I really love the survival aspect of events like that, and just existing. Porcfest sounds like it takes it a step further with sessions and panels or what not... 1498632;1467902713;covertress;I just joined LI about 3 weeks ago. 1498633;1467902723;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yeah, it'll take it the first step once they actually hunt something. 1498634;1467902730;mircea_popescu;covertress sorry, what's li ? 1498635;1467902733;shinohai;Now with moar sekoority! 1498636;1467902735;covertress;LinkedIn 1498637;1467902738;*;thestringpuller was really intrigued by danielpbarron 's blog entry on the matter 1498638;1467902754;mircea_popescu;ok, so you've been out of it 15 years doing what, raising a coupla kids ? what were you doing before that ? 1498639;1467902759;covertress;https://www.linkedin.com/in/covertress-061817114 1498640;1467902762;covertress;this is me^ 1498641;1467902776;danielpbarron;thestringpuller, nope just the one, and the panels sucked. I only 'attended' the few that were just cover for me to get assassination intel/kills 1498642;1467902800;covertress;I took time off from IT to explore other lives... was deckhand on historic schooner, 1st mate on PT boat, therapist, rest mgr. etc 1498643;1467902809;thestringpuller;covertress: LOL you've met nick black!!!111 1498644;1467902811;covertress;no kids :P 1498645;1467902819;covertress;who's nick black? 1498646;1467902829;covertress;Gavin? 1498647;1467902831;covertress;lol 1498648;1467902839;thestringpuller;nah. he's in your network indirectly. 1498649;1467902851;covertress;link me 1498650;1467902852;thestringpuller;but he's an old mentor of mine. 1498651;1467902877;thestringpuller;https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickblackatl 1498652;1467902879;covertress;Most of bitcoin and blockchain c-level exec are in my network ;) 1498653;1467902885;mircea_popescu;covertress well, your attitude's lovely and all, but unfortunately a) you've bit on something you can't actually swallow and b) i see no direct way to explain this to you in such a way it'd make sense, owing to your complete lack of even vaguely related experience. what'd i build on ? 1498654;1467902911;mircea_popescu;you know what a hypercube is ? 1498655;1467902918;covertress;thx! just sent him connect request :) 1498656;1467902958;covertress;mircea_popescu: I get that a lot. but, no one knows how determined I am. :) 1498657;1467902966;mats;lol 1498658;1467902974;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1498659;1467902976;shinohai;You get hypercubes a lot? 1498660;1467902983;mircea_popescu;lol. 1498661;1467902993;mats;fun fact, ethereum is a scam 1498662;1467903000;mats;good luck with that 1498663;1467903016;mircea_popescu;anyway, the situation here is that you're a restaurant manager doing ok, and one day a guy walks in and convinces you to go into business to open your own chain of restaurants built inside tessaract buildings. 1498664;1467903026;covertress;lol 1498665;1467903036;mats;btc history repeats on small intervals, 'ripple' and 'stellar' were ethereum before ethereum, etc... 1498666;1467903040;mircea_popescu;fact is... you're now fucked. it's not trivial to explain to restaurant manager why abstract 4 dimensional figures can not be built down the street. 1498667;1467903075;covertress;if you all think ETH is a scam, then I think I found the right room :) 1498668;1467903081;thestringpuller;mats: unfortunately, it seems the trend has revealed more people like to spend time hyping things up rather than actually building something useful for customers. 1498669;1467903101;shinohai;thestringpuller: eg, "cryptocurrency" 1498670;1467903129;thestringpuller;"blockchain" "internet of things" "easy money" "get rich quick" "work from home 2 hours a day" 1498671;1467903151;shinohai;Banks HATE him! 1498672;1467903182;trinque;https://youtu.be/KpvAR5KqkBQ << parable on determination 1498673;1467903187;covertress;I met so many companies at Concensus who are convinced they need blockchain because it's the latest thing (internet 2.0 in their minds) but, they have no idea how to implement 1498674;1467903233;mats;thats a clue you're in a room full of dunces 1498675;1467903236;mircea_popescu;so how long have you been doing the "being excited online" + "going to conventions" bit ? 1498676;1467903251;covertress;lol 1498677;1467903260;mircea_popescu;mats i recall the last time i was in a roomfull of engineers who decided they needed concrete but didn't know how to pour it. we were about seven, playing on riverside. 1498678;1467903298;mats;i'm sure these were just mbas 1498679;1467903311;mats;but i concede thats hopeful 1498680;1467903315;covertress;then explain the obscene amounts of money being thrown at blockchain tech 1498681;1467903316;mircea_popescu;well... also don't underestimate their determination. 1498682;1467903327;covertress;don't you want some? 1498683;1467903336;mats;want what? 1498684;1467903337;shinohai;my sides 1498685;1467903347;mircea_popescu;covertress a) it's not actual money and b) a dying empire bleeds money. they spent some on the taliban, too. 1498686;1467903380;mircea_popescu;if you find the time to read the log, the whole turkey dollars thing's discussed periodically. even recently re the linkedin "billion" sale. 1498687;1467903421;covertress;ok, now we're just getting into a semantic debate. 1498688;1467903451;covertress;I'll be back... going to play with my little project now. nice chatting with you all. :) 1498689;1467903502;mircea_popescu;for that matter, see http://trilema.com/2013/bitcoin-prices-bitcoin-inflexibility/ ; fact is you're playing today in a novel written years ago, among others by yours truly. see the part that starts with "yet another one of them". 1498690;1467903834;mircea_popescu;$up webbyz 1498691;1467903835;deedbot;webbyz voiced for 30 minutes. 1498692;1467903838;webbyz;O.o 1498693;1467905762;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: If consumers revolt against an obfuscated enemy, what ends up happening to the consumer overall? 1498694;1467905777;thestringpuller;I've found that Bitcoin is also anti-consumerist... 1498695;1467905798;mircea_popescu;i dunno. if a bunch of blondies decide to inspect the abandoned house in the middle of the night, what usually happens to them ? 1498696;1467905801;shinohai;Death to capitalism! 1498697;1467905801;mircea_popescu;other than the screaming, i mean. 1498698;1467905816;thestringpuller;i mean yes. but the "future of the consumer" seems nonexistent. 1498699;1467905820;mircea_popescu;quite. 1498700;1467905825;thestringpuller;that is the consumer goes extinct. 1498701;1467905850;shinohai;You say that like it's a bad thing. 1498702;1467905931;thestringpuller;Not at all. It just seems there is no room at all for consumerism, if you use Bitcoin correctly. 1498703;1467906002;thestringpuller;As chappelle once said, "You can't just choke all your problems away. It takes hard work." 1498704;1467906026;*;trinque thanks covertress for today's lesson on money printing and malinvestment 1498705;1467906072;shinohai;For only $19.95 trinque I can sell you money tree! 1498706;1467906141;thestringpuller;Consumers rely on blind trust based on recent observations. That is they want to deposit money in black box X, to retrieve Y. If black box fails their expectations, its because they didn't perform their due diligence in researching the black box. 1498707;1467906339;trinque;http://krypton.rocks/ << oh christ, it's an alt-eth 1498708;1467906683;mircea_popescu;superman logo i hope ? 1498709;1467906768;thestringpuller;oh man what an insult to superman 1498710;1467906812;thestringpuller;you know cause if you know anything about krypton, jal-el superman's dad, told the great kryptonian cousuel "the world is going to end and we can prevent it" and they were all like "Um no. You're insane". 1498711;1467906830;thestringpuller;Well he sends kal-el (superman) to earth, cause krypton goes boom cause people didn't listen. 1498712;1467907372;phf;death to videodrome! long live the new flesh! 1498713;1467907421;mircea_popescu;well, all i know on the topic is that "krypton" is a superman thing 1498714;1467907463;mircea_popescu;in more news in the same vein, http://www.confessionpost.com/12103/my-wife-is-finally-turning-tricks 1498715;1467907522;shinohai;^ he just wanted to be cucked. 1498716;1467908056;deedbot;[Trilema] тошно - http://trilema.com/2016/%d1%82%d0%be%d1%88%d0%bd%d0%be/ 1498717;1467908445;*;phf test 1498718;1467908487;mats;covertress: you should direct your efforts to something more productive than trying to jam your hands in a money printer not meant for you 1498719;1467908516;mircea_popescu;wait... isn't that the female imperative ? 1498720;1467908922;mircea_popescu;"First launched on 31 August 2012 at Bali Strait, 63M Carbon Fibre Composite Trimaran Fast Missile Boat (Indonesian: Kapal Cepat Rudal [KCR]) named KRI Klewang (625) - a traditional Indonesian single edge sword, was the first stealth trimaran of the Indonesian Navy built by North Sea Boats at Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. This ship combined a number of existing advance technologies into a single, unique platform; a wave-p 1498721;1467908922;mircea_popescu;iercer trimaran hull from, constructed exclusively of infused vinylester carbon fibre cored sandwich materials for all structural elements, with external "stealth" geometry and features intended to reduce detection. The KRI Klewang (625) caught fire because of an electrical short-circuit in the engine room during a maintenance period on September 28, 2012 and was a total loss." 1498722;1467908949;mircea_popescu;basically, ustards came up with this genius idea of "build warship on form of amateur raft", everyone's copying it now. 1498723;1467908955;mircea_popescu;thanks god the technologies were so advanced. 1498724;1467908977;mircea_popescu;maybe next they build a cherry bomb shaped aircraft carrier. complete with the fuse. 1498725;1467909314;mircea_popescu;anyway. this entire idiocy started with the triton in the late 90s. british engineering. 1498726;1467909670;ben_vulpes;> car bon fibre cored sandwich materials for all structural elements 1498727;1467909673;ben_vulpes;> electrical fire 1498728;1467909700;ben_vulpes;i'm going to be someone tried to ground to the frame. 1498729;1467909740;ben_vulpes;or or or lazily clipped something to the frame figuring "hey, it's plastic-y, should be insulative." 1498730;1467909771;ben_vulpes;anyways, shame about the brits. they once made wonders like the black arrow. 1498731;1467910094;mircea_popescu;the 60s are a long way away. 1498732;1467910137;mircea_popescu;but no, how'd ground to frame short it ? carbon fibre's a dielectric 1498733;1467910250;mircea_popescu;http://www.nature.com/articles/srep14927 << nb article on the topic, actually. 1498734;1467910353;ben_vulpes;well randomly distributed means that there's not quite as much surface area of c/c in the matrix 1498735;1467910378;ben_vulpes;whereas sheet cf is simply high resistance once you scratch through the epoxy and touch some carbon 1498736;1467910390;ben_vulpes;heats up, catches fire. 1498737;1467910410;mircea_popescu;but for this you'd need a closed circuit... 1498738;1467910424;mircea_popescu;hm 1498739;1467910440;mircea_popescu;you know, that'd be pretty lulzy if that's how it went down. 1498740;1467910516;ben_vulpes;sure. does imply a closed circuit. eg someone else doing the same thing elsewhere 1498741;1467910533;ben_vulpes;i forget the specific details of what caused the fire i saw. 1498742;1467910543;ben_vulpes;but the core element was "cf is a resistor it turns out!" 1498743;1467910555;mircea_popescu;the insanity of going to war in something mom croched for you however.... the mind boggles. 1498744;1467910566;ben_vulpes;to the mechanical engineer, an insulator is just a resistor with a high ohmic value. 1498745;1467910577;ben_vulpes;that is before he lights the cf panels aflame with current. 1498746;1467910585;mircea_popescu;lol 1498747;1467910619;ben_vulpes;not actually a fence i pissed on myself. 1498748;1467910738;ben_vulpes;anyways, subject of isotropically distributed CF, i don't think we've don "carbon fiber forging" or more accurately described "injection-molded CF": http://www.quantumcomposites.com/pdf/papers/2011-ASC-montreal-forged-suspens.pdf 1498749;1467910820;mircea_popescu;holy shit. til puskin was part african. 1498750;1467910848;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, descended from 'arap' - fella given to peter I as slave, but whom he ennobled instead 1498751;1467910853;mircea_popescu;aha. 1498752;1467910864;asciilifeform;this is quite well known to ru schoolchildren 1498753;1467910870;mircea_popescu;is this the roman buttseks or just peter weird ? 1498754;1467910892;asciilifeform;afaik - the weird 1498755;1467910901;mircea_popescu;peter was pretty weird. 1498756;1467910916;mircea_popescu;lucky him he didn't live these days, what a fine hitler icon they could have cut out of his hide. 1498757;1467910929;asciilifeform;he'd make book covers from ~their~ hides. 1498758;1467910931;asciilifeform;all of them. 1498759;1467910951;mircea_popescu;nah. he wouldn't understand how carbon fiber catamaran "warships" work. 1498760;1467910989;asciilifeform;would prolly go from musket to graser beam in a year. 1498761;1467911027;mircea_popescu;nah, he'd be friends with bahamas. "oh look, clever guy ALSO built capital in middle of swamp" 1498762;1467911219;asciilifeform;peter1 had an actual ~reason~ 1498763;1467911228;asciilifeform;unlike the british imbeciles 1498764;1467911238;mircea_popescu;i suspect so did the colonists. "make it shitty so nobody wants to be there" 1498765;1467911254;asciilifeform;it is not difficult to determine why they build d.c. in swamp 1498766;1467911259;mircea_popescu;early us history is deeply against everything the us ended up. 1498767;1467911268;asciilifeform;it was for same reason as building aerosubmarinebullzdozers for $trillion 1498768;1467911273;mircea_popescu;ie, the original idea was much more a la tmsr than a la usg. 1498769;1467911286;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how you reason ? 1498770;1467911292;asciilifeform;washington owned a swamp. 1498771;1467911301;asciilifeform;and not much else. 1498772;1467911303;asciilifeform;sold it for $$$$$ 1498773;1467911327;asciilifeform;(he married into his lands) 1498774;1467911374;mircea_popescu;i thought he was with teh fairfaxen 1498775;1467911407;asciilifeform;he was 1498776;1467911495;mircea_popescu;hm. 1498777;1467911671;mircea_popescu;anyway, stupid idea to allow the feds their own land. 1498778;1467911695;mircea_popescu;one pennsylvania mutiny each decade'd have kept the cancer in check. 1498779;1467911704;asciilifeform;incidentally, the embryo of modern usg was already quite discernible in shay's rebellion and whiskey rebellion 1498780;1467911715;asciilifeform;(washington's life !) 1498781;1467911801;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, the summa of the thing being that they (stupidly) decided to give the feds ten mile square ; the northerners wanted it in a big city, the slave interest down south. eventuyally hamilton managed to trade the south undertaking a share of the northern foreign debt in exchange for putting the capital down by virgina. 1498782;1467911808;mircea_popescu;dun seem washington has much into all of this, does it ? 1498783;1467911835;asciilifeform;iirc he had to do with the ten mile square being give in the first place. 1498784;1467911838;asciilifeform;and was reimbursed. 1498785;1467911847;mircea_popescu;hm. 1498786;1467911869;mircea_popescu;course as president he'd chose where it went. 1498787;1467912176;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/%d1%82%d0%be%d1%88%d0%bd%d0%be/#comment-117977 1498788;1467912361;mircea_popescu;aaanswert. 1498789;1467912423;asciilifeform;http://a1.a4w.ro/assets/vacantalamare/2013/05/20/image_galleries/63/vara-aduce-reprezentari-surprinzatoare-ale-imaginii-idealului-feminin-gusturile-nu-se-discuta.jpg << lol, stabilopod ! 1498790;1467912441;mircea_popescu;lol. so it is! 1498791;1467912458;mircea_popescu;my #1 wonderment leaving the country, incidentally, was that ~nobody uses these. 1498792;1467912474;mircea_popescu;it was an utter shock, they're so cheap and effectual i fully expected EVERY shoreline EVERYWHERE is protected by them 1498793;1467912506;asciilifeform;answrd (contains very gnarly link, went to mod queue) 1498794;1467912647;asciilifeform;http://www.rbc.ru/politics/01/06/2016/574e178d9a794737a9662fe0?from=newsfeed << pilot program started june 1, in october - expands to residents of eastern ru; in feb 2017 - all citizens of ru. 1498795;1467912655;mircea_popescu;gotta be citizen egh 1498796;1467912672;asciilifeform;there was some other thing where if you signed up for the above, they'd make you citizen. 1498797;1467912688;mircea_popescu;i want to be a ru citizen just about as much as i want to be an us citizen. 1498798;1467912702;asciilifeform;i suspect that mircea_popescu is not the target audience. 1498799;1467912710;asciilifeform;(though i have nfi who is.) 1498800;1467912710;mircea_popescu;likely not. 1498801;1467912738;mircea_popescu;in general "get free land" sorta deal is you know, a jew-targetted thing. also how china started its rise. 1498802;1467912764;asciilifeform;strangely, the jews massively and collectively turned down uruguay and argentina during ww2 1498803;1467912766;mircea_popescu;also, a hectare ? wtf is that. we're talking by the dc, 10kmsq. 1498804;1467912785;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i can see why ; locals are ~goats. 1498805;1467912796;asciilifeform;why would that make a difference ? 1498806;1467912803;asciilifeform;esp when you're being gassed 1498807;1467912821;asciilifeform;nowhere is it written that you gotta interface with the locals 1498808;1467912823;mircea_popescu;plenty of people would rather die. 1498809;1467912825;asciilifeform;the german exiles didn't 1498810;1467912826;mircea_popescu;heh. 1498811;1467912842;mircea_popescu;it is written in teh torah, "you gotta interface with the locals." 1498812;1467912895;asciilifeform;dunno, it also has 'put them infidels to the sword' 1498813;1467912975;mircea_popescu;05.07.2016 Подано более двух тысяч заявок на получение «дальневосточного гектара» << lol. 1498814;1467913005;asciilifeform;what, mircea_popescu thought there would be a million takers ? 1498815;1467913009;mircea_popescu;ahahaha "grow open field strawberries. initial investment 1mn rubles" 1498816;1467913036;mircea_popescu;14k ? wtf do you buy for 14k in far east ? 1498817;1467913071;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform holy shit the jewish region's in there! 1498818;1467913077;mircea_popescu;i got it right, straight by amur etc. 1498819;1467913077;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: perhaps it will add some wtf to the mix if i add that these are ~virgin~ lands, with no communications (not even, in most places, any mains current or plumbing) 1498820;1467913092;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform guessed as much. 1498821;1467913097;asciilifeform;the most you can expect is something like a road, somewhere nearby. 1498822;1467913108;shinohai;https://twitter.com/Bitstamp/status/751105138341900288 "Windows Defender is reporting False Positives due to our DDOS CDN mitigation settings. " 1498823;1467913108;mircea_popescu;so what, take 14k usd, go to eritrea, buy 700 women and 700 donkeys ? 1498824;1467913126;asciilifeform;nah, eritrea has proper comms 1498825;1467913132;mircea_popescu;magadan too 1498826;1467913135;asciilifeform;and not big enough, at any rate, to be too far from a place that does 1498827;1467913160;asciilifeform;afaik most of the parcels are not near magadan 1498828;1467913166;mircea_popescu;anyway, the deal'd only be interesting if it came with renounciation of ru sovereignity claims. 1498829;1467913180;asciilifeform;this is also a thing, unofficially, but you gotta be chinese to play. 1498830;1467913181;mircea_popescu;"buy enough land - get your own autonomous oblast" would be a decent deal. 1498831;1467913189;asciilifeform;they have at least 1 going. 1498832;1467913189;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so i hear. 1498833;1467913222;mircea_popescu;note the deeply pernicious nature of fiat pretenders. they'll yield, BUT ONLY TO ANOTHER ONE. 1498834;1467913237;mircea_popescu;how exactly do they expect to not be massacred like the jews, when they behave exactly like the massacred jews ? 1498835;1467913253;asciilifeform;'the art of not being governed' had a lengthy and imho quite pointed discussion of this. 1498836;1467913266;asciilifeform;all statists are in many important ways part of same octopus. 1498837;1467913283;mircea_popescu;aha 1498838;1467913287;asciilifeform;consider the usgtronic popular term 'failed state' 1498839;1467913293;asciilifeform;typically it refers to pockets of actual freedom. 1498840;1467913295;mircea_popescu;"we failed to state it" 1498841;1467913297;asciilifeform;aha. 1498842;1467913323;asciilifeform;'failed state' is about hillary not daring to land there and derp on a podium. 1498843;1467913330;mircea_popescu;quite so. 1498844;1467913330;asciilifeform;not about sanitation, or whatever else practical thing. 1498845;1467913368;mircea_popescu;much like "corruption". when derps destroy ro nuclear agency, it's fine. when derps organize booing of hilary's podium, OMAYGERD CORRUPT OFFICIALS 1498846;1467913423;asciilifeform;or, elementarily, afghani, then iraqi, then libyan, then syrian, terrorists are usg-sponsored 'rebels' so long as they are setting the desired kind of controlledchaos fires. 1498847;1467913432;asciilifeform;and after that - again 'terrorists' 1498848;1467913434;asciilifeform;etc. 1498849;1467913639;mircea_popescu;lmao til alecsandri (romanian poet) hated pushkin also! 1498850;1467913649;mircea_popescu;apparently there's a lot of bad blood there. i had nfi. 1498851;1467913687;mircea_popescu;"Fiind mai negru ca ţiganii ce-ai tot cerşit la noi cu anii, tu, cel primit cu dor de sus nici bogdaproste nu ne-ai spus. Cu dar de pâine şi de sare, cu vin din beciul nostru mare te-am ospătat. Iar tu în zori râzând, te-ai scîrnăvit în flori. Apoi prin codri de milenii ai tot umblat de dragul lelii. Ei, vezi atunci? Pun mâna-n foc: tu n-ai fost cal arab, ci porc!" 1498852;1467913819;mircea_popescu;~ darker than the gypsies (slaves, at the time), you spent years begging around here, you, well received yet failed to profer as much as thanks. we fed you bread and salt (i dunno, it's a romanian thing) and wine from our ample cave, but when the morn came you took a shit in the flowerbed, laughing. then through thousand year old forests walked to no apparent benefit (literally, for love of the ho), and so there you see : no 1498853;1467913819;mircea_popescu;purebreed, but pig you are. 1498854;1467913944;mircea_popescu;talented fellow, this, managed to get everyone pissed off. 1498855;1467913991;asciilifeform;he had some pretty good trollage 1498856;1467914009;mircea_popescu;anyway, the moldavians are apparently pissed because he said the boo boo about chisinau. 1498857;1467914033;asciilifeform;the 'pig' remark was, i suspect, an answer to his thing that was in the spirit of http://www.contravex.com/2015/11/08/it-takes-more-than-time-it-takes-generations 1498858;1467914034;mircea_popescu;not that a) i can even for a second imagine it wasn't entirely merited nor b) reached at any point the level of my disdain for argentinians. 1498859;1467914079;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno, really. it's a pot calling kettle black situation, neither side of this debate is in much position to claim cultural ancientitude. 1498860;1467914190;mircea_popescu;moldavia is no transilvania much like the philippines are no japan. 1498861;1467914220;mircea_popescu;god damned thing was created centuries ago. by the fucking maramures people, the rough equivalent of being the darian colony, founded by the scots. 1498862;1467914274;mircea_popescu;darien* 1498863;1467914989;mircea_popescu;here's something for the historian in alf! there's ancient statement of the principle, recorded in 1970 milwaukee journal : "You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The word is divided in two. The Russians and the Americans, no one else. What are we? Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the government is NATO, behind NATO is the US. You can't fight us, we are Americans." 1498864;1467914994;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/r4dbW 1498865;1467915017;mircea_popescu;spoken by greek military junta man to political prisoners. 1498866;1467915079;mircea_popescu;amusingly, ended ~exactly same way the argentinian right wing military experiment ended : with the loss of an island 1498867;1467915344;asciilifeform;from same page: '"First," he said, "because it is not fit that I should sit as a judge and nobody to be hanged; secondly, you must be hanged because you have a damned hanging look; thirdly, you must be hanged because I am hungry. There's a law for ye, ye dog. Take him away.' 1498868;1467915359;mircea_popescu;lol 1498869;1467915418;mircea_popescu;ironically - democratic greece is a fucking eyesore when compared to "tyrannyzed" greece. 1498870;1467915435;asciilifeform;what's the practical difference ? 1498871;1467915439;asciilifeform;orc shithole then as now. 1498872;1467915455;mircea_popescu;yeah, but at least the "common man" got beaten regularly. 1498873;1467915463;mircea_popescu;catering to the common man is the capital fucking crime. 1498874;1467915474;asciilifeform;but what was the palpable difference ? 1498875;1467915476;asciilifeform;cheaper bauxite ? 1498876;1467915480;mircea_popescu;purely aesthetic. 1498877;1467915483;mircea_popescu;i'm a man of taste. 1498878;1467915486;asciilifeform;lolk 1498879;1467915519;mircea_popescu;here's the thing : bronco riding is a time-dependent event. do it for too short intervals, the bronco gets the idea it's tough. 1498880;1467915526;mircea_popescu;once started, must be ridden to death. literally. 1498881;1467915539;mircea_popescu;whereas all these shitty attempts - not a decade in greece, not a decade in argentina etc. bullcrap. 1498882;1467915555;mircea_popescu;twenty years and 10% or more civillian casualties. THEN you'll see the difference 1498883;1467915564;asciilifeform;dunno, made for a germany of capons 1498884;1467915566;mircea_popescu;otherwise, it's just gonna be typical "democratic" drivel. 1498885;1467915577;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but that was teh intended effect neh ? 1498886;1467915593;asciilifeform;or, not so anxious to move to modern ru? where they did 1000+ years 1498887;1467915622;mircea_popescu;the bronco-country comparison breaks down 1498888;1467915626;mircea_popescu;who could have predictered. 1498889;1467915641;asciilifeform;perhaps i'm missing some detail. 1498890;1467915646;mircea_popescu;(o btw, greece resigned from eu around this time) 1498891;1467915649;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform perhaps i am! 1498892;1467915661;asciilifeform;waiwut?! 1498893;1467915663;asciilifeform;just now? 1498894;1467915667;asciilifeform;grexit?! 1498895;1467915674;asciilifeform;brekekekekexit koaxit koaxit!1111111 1498896;1467915689;mircea_popescu;nana, then. 1498897;1467915692;mircea_popescu;during junta years. 1498898;1467915698;asciilifeform;hm. 1498899;1467915750;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/fetlife-the-meat-market/#comment-117980 << looks like went in wrong thread ? 1498900;1467915752;mircea_popescu;it's quite in-fucking-credible, to compare newsprint of 1970 to 2016. 1498901;1467915780;mircea_popescu;heh i had the wrong page up. 1498902;1467916936;thestringpuller;"Quite funny that a random altcoin exchange like poloniex is far more profitable than a company that has raised more than 100 million USD." << in coinbase "we need more money plz" news. 1498903;1467917134;mircea_popescu;lol, they cautiously avoided noticing this while mpex was publicly traded, NOW it's a point of discussion ? color me flattered, what. 1498904;1467917174;asciilifeform;#1 rule of derpatronics - dun EVER mention mpex 1498905;1467917179;asciilifeform;in whatever context. 1498906;1467917194;asciilifeform;next you'll wonder why forbes et al dun cite qntra. 1498907;1467917225;asciilifeform;if you unmention it long and vigorously enough, it'll unhappen!111 1498908;1467917227;asciilifeform;or sumthinglikethat. 1498909;1467918471;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498902 <<< sauce? 1498910;1467918471;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 18:42 thestringpuller: "Quite funny that a random altcoin exchange like poloniex is far more profitable than a company that has raised more than 100 million USD." << in coinbase "we need more money plz" news. 1498911;1467918817;mircea_popescu;unhappenstance! 1498912;1467919384;mircea_popescu;and now in the lulz of all time, argentine government pays youtube to advertise to argentinians about how 200 years ago they gained their independence "y lo es muy bueno" 1498913;1467919391;mircea_popescu;luati o muie bai, independentii pulii. 1498914;1467919433;shinohai;http://archive.is/inUi1 <<< this must be Qntra'd! The lulz 1498915;1467919459;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha 1498916;1467919487;mircea_popescu;stupidest shit ever 1498917;1467919593;shinohai;"Freud suggested that the project's success or failure would be determined by the impact on those receiving welfare payments." which will be zero, I'm certain. 1498918;1467919642;mircea_popescu;in the general sense, bitcoin taking over everything mainstream is unavoidable ; in the same general sense, various fiat pretenders etc doing most of the work involved for entirely no benefit is also how things work. 1498919;1467919644;mircea_popescu;so... cheers. 1498920;1467919686;shinohai;I kinda thought Bitcoin is supposed to *destroy* the welfare state, not perpetuate it. 1498921;1467919822;trinque;poison kills well before the ratio of poison to person is 1 1498922;1467919835;trinque;look at 'em imitate; it's cute! 1498923;1467920443;phf;test 1498924;1467920926;mircea_popescu;wtf is with phf lol 1498925;1467920948;mircea_popescu;shinohai well, while the fiats last, they get to play. 1498926;1467920964;phf;i'm tired of asciilifeform's abuse, i'm getting log recovery squared away 1498927;1467920974;phf;squared out? 1498928;1467920978;phf;something like that 1498929;1467921156;mircea_popescu;cool deal. 1498930;1467924319;ben_vulpes;phf: you square 1498931;1467925077;mats;;;ticker --market all 1498932;1467925084;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 618.0, vol: 12077.46820124 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 604.559, vol: 11371.05227 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 618.7, vol: 68145.21388952 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 595.0, vol: 6.69 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 619.367936, vol: 48181.48080000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 617.87, vol: 2779.5680272 | Volume-weighted last average: 617.721224152 1498933;1467925126;mats;;;ticker 1498934;1467925128;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 619.09, Best ask: 619.94, Bid-ask spread: 0.85000, Last trade: 619.0, 24 hour volume: 68146.85134638, 24 hour low: 610.1, 24 hour high: 682.0, 24 hour vwap: None 1498935;1467929527;pete_dushenski;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/06/many-americans-will-tell-you-having-kids-made-them-happier-theyre-probably-lying/ << ben_vulpes might have a foxy actress cum houseperson and a panda to call his own, but that doesn't make him happy!!elevan 1498936;1467929603;pete_dushenski;blame the septagenarian struggle to lead the lemmings off the cliff or mordor's highest peak. or just blame potato science 'experts' spouting off about whatever the fuck happiness is in the first place. 1498937;1467929694;pete_dushenski;"In 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated that a middle-income American family is likely to spend $234,900 to raise a child born in 2011 to age 17. If the kid goes to college, that figure may double." << though half a mil on a sjw you couldn't bring yourself to kill would suck the life force out of a sultan. 1498938;1467929791;pete_dushenski; "The good news, the researchers say, is that there is nothing inevitable about the parental happiness gap. And there may be some relatively achievable solutions for improving the happiness of American parents – like subsidizing childcare, or expanding access to paid vacation and sick leave." << moar socialism is the problem, researchers say. the solution ? even moarrrr! 1498939;1467929872;pete_dushenski;right points at left saying "those solutions worked in the past, but times are different and they'd never work THIS TIME". left points at right saying "your solutions have never worked and will never work because the only thing that's changed is the colour of your smelly socks" 1498940;1467930023;pete_dushenski;http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-was-your-smartphone-made-nobody-really-knows-1467832310 << in similar 'it's not whether we're effective but what's on the inside that counts' nyooz 1498941;1467930031;pete_dushenski;$s fairphone 1498942;1467930031;a111;1 results for "fairphone", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fairphone 1498943;1467930069;pete_dushenski;huh. coulda sworn it was in here before. not the first i've heard of it but ah well. 1498944;1467930166;pete_dushenski;looks like the last pre-halving broomstick is right on schedule 1498945;1467930343;pete_dushenski;http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2016/07/yuval_levin_on_1.html << not a bad episode for the armchair anthropologist log reader. the girl and i took away different key messages (her : pure individualism leads to ruin, i : pure mega-statalism leads to ruin), but it was full of reasonably well-articulated arguments from inside the american echo chamber 1498946;1467930361;pete_dushenski;of course, it would be given that russ roberts and yuval levin are both jooz. 1498947;1467930552;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498271 <--> http://www.contravex.com/2016/05/23/wrip-wrap/ 1498948;1467930552;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 16:56 ben_vulpes: also panda? 1498949;1467930591;pete_dushenski;$up luke-jr 1498950;1467930591;deedbot;luke-jr voiced for 30 minutes. 1498951;1467930746;pete_dushenski;in other titties, bitbet2 is finally ratcheting up their fee to 2% come august 1498952;1467931044;pete_dushenski;and goddam frenchies beating ze germans. wtf was that about ? colour me unimpressed with the negroes in blue who only won because the crowds and refs won it for them 1498953;1467931101;BingoBoingo; blame the septagenarian struggle to lead the lemmings off the cliff or mordor's highest peak. or just blame potato science 'experts' spouting off about whatever the fuck happiness is in the first place. << Or give in and get a set of potato nails 1498954;1467931139;BingoBoingo;$up Chicago Your city is a shithole 1498955;1467931140;deedbot;Chicago voiced for 30 minutes. 1498956;1467931162;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: stan would beg to differ. 1498957;1467931181;trinque;ignoring unused arguments; it's a feature! 1498958;1467931205;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Because Stan is used to the captital swamp region. Compared to that Chicago is likely paradise. 1498959;1467931303;pete_dushenski;i think a wet cardboard box would be paradise compared to dc 1498960;1467931345;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5clBF38sqqw << "you people" 1498961;1467931361;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: DC is a swamp so wet box could very well be in DC 1498962;1467931530;pete_dushenski;are potato nails that uncommon for bbq(ing) parents ? 1498963;1467931561;pete_dushenski;seems like a sane way to cook the inside of the tater so it's not mushy and gross but wdik 1498964;1467931581;*;pete_dushenski doesn't like baked potatoes, can't stand mashed potatoes 1498965;1467931771;ben_vulpes;oh yeah 1498966;1467931778;ben_vulpes;mine has an own 1498967;1467931779;ben_vulpes;owl* 1498968;1467931811;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: bitbet 'twas in the log! 1498969;1467931812;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=05-07-2016#1451869 1498970;1467931817;ben_vulpes;*a* log, at least. 1498971;1467931848;pete_dushenski;ahahahaha dude... why would i be reading b-a logs ? 1498972;1467931862;pete_dushenski;and a log is not THE log 1498973;1467931886;pete_dushenski;i get that it's like 13sec of reading per day, but still. 1498974;1467931917;ben_vulpes;causes not purposes 1498975;1467931946;ben_vulpes;because kakobrekla takes such dreeeeeamy pictures 1498976;1467932054;pete_dushenski;lol to each there own 1498977;1467932059;pete_dushenski;their* 1498978;1467932121;pete_dushenski;there's no their they're! 1498979;1467932374;shinohai;Yup thought I'd never catch up on those #b-a lawgz lately 1498980;1467933506;Joshua-I;Serious lag on deedbot for a min 1498981;1467933770;BingoBoingo;Still faster than a fiat notary public 1498982;1467933908;pete_dushenski;only because notary publics have nfi what lisp is 1498983;1467934068;BingoBoingo;Sure they do. It's what counsin Sal(ly) picked up when zhe was on the swim team and show choir. 1498984;1467934069;Joshua-I;True BingoBoingo last time I had to do that it was at least 15mins signing the thing not to mention the pointless talk before hand 1498985;1467934220;trinque;deedbot is responding for me in about 1sec 1498986;1467934244;mircea_popescu;$deed hellokitty 1498987;1467934253;deedbot;Bad URL or network outage. 1498988;1467934277;mircea_popescu;10 seconds 1498989;1467934288;trinque;$key trinque 1498990;1467934290;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/40787e16-7358-482d-833c-367a429ca03e/ 1498991;1467934299;trinque;depends on what ya command 1498992;1467934308;mircea_popescu;trinque :D just trolling you a little 1498993;1467934315;mircea_popescu;(i imagine this was a network timeout mostly) 1498994;1467934338;trinque;halp internet bully 1498995;1467934342;mircea_popescu;lol 1498996;1467934506;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform asnwer't! 1498997;1467934537;pete_dushenski;http://www.nature.com/articles/srep27608 << in other 'why u so big' related matters 1498998;1467934620;pete_dushenski;"Microscopic investigation suggests the possibility that the tip of the hyper-elongated penis is softer than the rest of it, and our numerical model confirms that this type of distribution of stiffness gradient aids in faster propulsion than other types. This result indicates that previously ignored physical properties of genital materials are of crucial importance in evolutionary studies of genitalia." < 1498999;1467934620;pete_dushenski;< taaaaake it!! 1499000;1467934665;mircea_popescu;heh 1499001;1467934774;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498935 << more like a case of "ustards telling you something enmasse, they're DEFINITELY lying. much better odds they are saying it for some meta reason (such as, they read it in the latest cookbook, is the way to make friends out of plywood and influenza people) than for the direct. 1499002;1467934774;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 22:12 pete_dushenski: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/06/many-americans-will-tell-you-having-kids-made-them-happier-theyre-probably-lying/ << ben_vulpes might have a foxy actress cum houseperson and a panda to call his own, but that doesn't make him happy!!elevan 1499003;1467934779;mircea_popescu;a nation of liars, as it were. 1499004;1467934798;mircea_popescu;well... technically speaking word magicians, but the difference's negligible. 1499005;1467934886;pete_dushenski;lying to themselves first, infecting each other with rabies second. 1499006;1467934916;mircea_popescu;dap 1499007;1467934946;pete_dushenski;so of course, "don't beat them, they're people too" persists. it's self-perpetuum-immobile! 1499008;1467934948;mircea_popescu;potato science is right 1499009;1467934999;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498937 << note that they conveniently left out the last year. as per multiple reports, THAT is the capper. 1499010;1467934999;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 22:14 pete_dushenski: "In 2012, the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated that a middle-income American family is likely to spend $234,900 to raise a child born in 2011 to age 17. If the kid goes to college, that figure may double." << though half a mil on a sjw you couldn't bring yourself to kill would suck the life force out of a sultan. 1499011;1467935025;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/08/why-government-funded-research-is-totally-fucking-borked/ << 'potato science' ref for log readers 1499012;1467935048;mircea_popescu;shinohai / BingoBoingo "improve it's security" 1499013;1467935127;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: 'we'd share more recent data but it's an electionocution year and we're busy making bonfires out of our research' 1499014;1467935209;pete_dushenski;after 2012, it's just write down the highest number our impoverished bureaucrats can count to and go with that. 1499015;1467935225;pete_dushenski;no money for 'studies' 1499016;1467935867;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: ty, fxd. Pls to check 1499017;1467935948;pete_dushenski;https://security.googleblog.com/2016/07/experimenting-with-post-quantum.html << in still other 'your tax dollars at work' snooze 1499018;1467936010;pete_dushenski;"Today we're announcing an experiment in Chrome where a small fraction of connections between desktop Chrome and Google's servers will use a post-quantum key-exchange algorithm in addition to the elliptic-curve key-exchange algorithm that would typically be used. By adding a post-quantum algorithm on top of the existing one, we are able to experiment without affecting user security. The post-quantum algor 1499019;1467936010;pete_dushenski;ithm might turn out to be breakable even with today's computers, in which case the elliptic-curve algorithm will still provide the best security that today’s technology can offer." << l0l!!! 1499020;1467936066;pete_dushenski;'we're trying to break the broken to see if the more broken is really more broken or if we should stick with our current broken.' 1499021;1467936553;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo lol 1499022;1467936618;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski this entire "post quantum" thing reminds one sorely of the "post-ozone-layer" and "post-year-2k-bug" lolpocalypses. 1499023;1467936701;pete_dushenski;then ima start selling 'back-up crypto generators' with no return policies for $2k a pop 1499024;1467936713;pete_dushenski;then we'll see who's a kulak! 1499025;1467936724;mircea_popescu;heh 1499026;1467936730;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498940 << pretty lulzy. 'transparent' in the manner of 'organic food' (see l0gz) - in strictly the carefully-selected useless ways 1499027;1467936730;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 22:20 pete_dushenski: http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-was-your-smartphone-made-nobody-really-knows-1467832310 << in similar 'it's not whether we're effective but what's on the inside that counts' nyooz 1499028;1467936750;asciilifeform;'here, learn where the ~metals~ (supposedly) come from. but don't ask about how they are arranged, terrorist.' 1499029;1467936813;asciilifeform;meanwhile someone is laughing all the way to the bank, selling raw materials for 2-3x their normal price by affixing 'fair trade' shiny sticker. previously this only worked for food, and only in a few locales, in usa, where folks temporarily have more money than sense 1499030;1467936873;Joshua-I;What's the opinion on pgp smart cards / yubikey around here 1499031;1467936874;pete_dushenski;same phenomenon is also seen in building materials, actually increasingly so 1499032;1467936875;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the "restrict mining market" thing, as experimented by crown jool debeers, is a major schtick because of its implications for oil, russia and in general. remember how just about when independent countries gathered enough technological mommentum to build exportable lightbulbs, the item "had to be upgraded" ? 1499033;1467936876;asciilifeform;'What really makes Fairphone different is its marketing of radical transparency. For the first time, I’m thinking about what’s inside my phone, where it came from and who touched it before I did. ' 1499034;1467936885;asciilifeform;'know' 1499035;1467936891;asciilifeform;Joshua-I: see logs 1499036;1467936895;mircea_popescu;that's the whole principle - you can not do things by yourself! this is swedish socialism and "we" gotta be! 1499037;1467936922;pete_dushenski;mommyntum 1499038;1467936925;Joshua-I;asciilifeform: sorry, I really need to habituate that 1499039;1467937054;asciilifeform;Joshua-I: main problem is that it is a single-chip item that is not in any meaningful way inspectable. 1499040;1467937082;asciilifeform;(unless you own an electron microscope and have a few year's worth of free time. in which case you can inspect YOUR PARTICULAR example.) 1499041;1467937152;mircea_popescu;there's abundant objections to the damned things. 1499042;1467937184;mircea_popescu;"o look, the cookie model is bullshit, so they fixed it by making a dongle. cuz we all know dongles work, atari proved it!" 1499043;1467937215;asciilifeform;there are other problems, but the logz seem to be missing the main thread, so i will summarize a few: it is physically impossible to fit a serious rng in the thing, regardless of how constructed; the pc knows that a dedicated crypto hardware item is connected, and if attacker controls it he can sign/decrypt whatever the hell he wants with your card; and a bunch more. 1499044;1467937218;Joshua-I;Yeah obviously 1499045;1467937231;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498964 << mashed potatoes are the devil's own spawn. 1499046;1467937231;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 22:46 pete_dushenski doesn't like baked potatoes, can't stand mashed potatoes 1499047;1467937251;Joshua-I;In combination with wot I don't think it's half bad though 1499048;1467937291;mircea_popescu;combination how ? 1499049;1467937329;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: amen. shit's right up there with gravy and... that's it really. top two 'normally' ingested poisons : mashed potatoes and gravy. fucking incredible that they're oft eaten together. 1499050;1467937332;Joshua-I;Well if you're staunchly against having offices then it's crap, but if you're not it certainly works better than paper id 1499051;1467937342;mircea_popescu;do you count worchestershire as gravy ? 1499052;1467937350;pete_dushenski;nope 1499053;1467937357;mircea_popescu;aok then. 1499054;1467937377;mircea_popescu;Joshua-I you mean wgat, like access control cards sorta application ? 1499055;1467937408;Joshua-I;Yea 1499056;1467937443;mircea_popescu;god i hate those things. from an institutional perspective - all anyone has to do to open all your doors is cut the power. from an individual perspective fuck me i'm not going in the rat maze. 1499057;1467937451;asciilifeform;phun phakt: not ONE door access card maker in usa, afaik, uses crypto of any kind whatsoever. 1499058;1467937459;asciilifeform;all hardcoded string. 1499059;1467937466;asciilifeform;i suspect that it is shadow-mandated somehow. 1499060;1467937467;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: 'gravy' is really leftover cooking fat (from baking) mixed with corn starch and 'seasoning' 1499061;1467937472;mircea_popescu;possibly the most usg-tronic item in existence today. i'd rather have doberman patrols. 1499062;1467937491;Joshua-I;Cut the power? It'd have to be very poorly designed for that to work 1499063;1467937493;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: cutting the power, in any sane place, does not open the locks 1499064;1467937500;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski it can be many things. chet made some pretty epic gravy. you're right in that it's rendered fat as the fat base ; with a starch. this is how all sauces are made. 1499065;1467937502;Joshua-I;I hope they don't make elevators lmao 1499066;1467937511;asciilifeform;all doors in usa must be openable ~from inside~ per fire code; but other than that, nope 1499067;1467937528;mircea_popescu;Joshua-I think about it, it's either fail deadly or fail safe. if there's no power it can either lock or unlock. which do you pick ? 1499068;1467937530;mircea_popescu;unlock is the safer. 1499069;1467937552;asciilifeform;it dun 'unlock', it stays locked (from outside) and openable (mechanically, press the fire bar) from inside. 1499070;1467937566;asciilifeform;of all the problems with electric locks, this is not one ! 1499071;1467937572;Joshua-I;If you need it that safe lock is reasonable, if you don't then what do you care 1499072;1467937578;mircea_popescu;yeah well, i've seen the item i describe! 1499073;1467937586;mircea_popescu;alcatel building in timisoara, had the exact problem when power went out. 1499074;1467937587;Joshua-I;You can just as easily bust down a door 1499075;1467937593;asciilifeform;l0l! 1499076;1467937595;Joshua-I;Get insurance etc 1499077;1467937596;mircea_popescu;and they're AN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATICS SHOP! 1499078;1467937599;asciilifeform;must be very special euro fire code 1499079;1467937611;asciilifeform;Join Moar EU. 1499080;1467937628;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you. i dun think it's sensible, but seen with own eyes hard to go away. 1499081;1467937673;asciilifeform;i worked in a corp where the doors were run by a winblows ME box. 1499082;1467937681;asciilifeform;running continuously since 1990s. 1499083;1467937686;asciilifeform;hidden in a closet. 1499084;1467937707;Joshua-I;This place is somehow more addictive and habit forming than twitter 1499085;1467937733;Joshua-I;It's like a stimulating predicate logic twitter 1499086;1467937777;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1499009 << you mean, the year they stopped bothering to cook up the numbers ? 1499087;1467937777;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 23:43 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498937 << note that they conveniently left out the last year. as per multiple reports, THAT is the capper. 1499088;1467937789;mircea_popescu;lol 1499089;1467937824;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no i mean from 17yo to 18yo when dudes want car and bitches need prom dress + abortion. 1499090;1467937828;asciilifeform;but yes, this is not the first 'news' article that cites stats circa 2012 or earlier 1499091;1467937846;asciilifeform;i was looking at baltimore crime data and it more or less tapers off around that time 1499092;1467937851;asciilifeform;unless i missed something 1499093;1467937858;asciilifeform;ah hm 1499094;1467937925;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498984 << back in romania i had to spend ~2 hours each year signing the yearly reports of corps. i am not kidding, a literal two hours. thousands of signatures. 1499095;1467937925;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 23:27 Joshua-I: True BingoBoingo last time I had to do that it was at least 15mins signing the thing not to mention the pointless talk before hand 1499096;1467937927;asciilifeform;the most conveniently left out figure is the cost of participation in the college racket 1499097;1467937935;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform word. 1499098;1467937982;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: article vaguely alluded to post-sec bezzletron with 'figure can double' 1499099;1467937986;asciilifeform;partly because it isn't even a price, but a cut of whatever net worth the family might have 1499100;1467937995;mircea_popescu;that's not going to "count" as a cost because... well, corruption, racism, etcetera. 1499101;1467938017;asciilifeform;aha. 1499102;1467938025;asciilifeform;when leech drinks, that is not a cost, that is 'business as usual.' 1499103;1467938029;asciilifeform;and shuddup terrorist. 1499104;1467938031;asciilifeform;etc. 1499105;1467938042;mircea_popescu;where was that article... 1499106;1467938519;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1499107;1467938521;gribble;Current Blocks: 419755 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1588 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 14 hours, 11 minutes, and 23 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1499108;1467938554;*;pete_dushenski off for an evening ride. 1499109;1467938639;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/a-practical-exercise-for-people-who-cant-afford-airfare/ 1499110;1467938642;mircea_popescu;there we go! 1499111;1467939795;hanbot;and introducing a troo luminary of the illinois school system, mchenry county college, which offers a "Geek Technology" program: http://www.mchenry.edu/geektech/ 1499112;1467939816;hanbot;only $3.5k! 1499113;1467939872;phf;maaan, i read that as "greek technology" and got really excited 1499114;1467939903;mircea_popescu;ahahaha\ 1499115;1467939925;mircea_popescu;phf meanwhile dead cluj ethnologist had a superb "wood technology" class. 1499116;1467939942;mircea_popescu;because yes, before carnegie, world ran on wood. 1499117;1467940020;BingoBoingo;hanbot: lol, greater chicagoland area 1499118;1467940562;mircea_popescu;and in other sack news, http://65.media.tumblr.com/1170ad4ec6e63d7a1cee4225f942fb40/tumblr_n7mvt6mmXL1tx2lkpo1_1280.jpg 1499119;1467940631;Joshua-I;You must have an interesting tumblr my man 1499120;1467940648;BingoBoingo;hanbot: You know you could prolly qntra that program up. 1499121;1467940835;phf;there used to be a generation of 70s anthropologists in u.s. who read gary snyder and did things with their hands, they would teach all these interesting retro technology classes. they are mostly gone now, i've managed to catch their last wave and got a distinct feel from them "kids these days fucking suck" 1499122;1467941000;phf;there was a guy at local community college who taught "shelters of the world" class, which started with "build a log cabin for a grade" some time in the 80s and ended with "design shelter on paper, bring me something, i will make curve" 1499123;1467941123;hanbot;BingoBoingo not a bad idea. how 'bout i keep it and its wretched brothers aside as i go and write a roundup thingie when done? to go with the "peace studies" one and whatever other horrors await. 1499124;1467941170;BingoBoingo;hanbot: Works. Bonus lulz if you come up with new expansions for common .edu acronyms. 1499125;1467941174;hanbot;shelters of the world! i'd take a yurt class fo' sho' 1499126;1467941288;BingoBoingo;I mean seriously the people derping about STEM, access, and MOOC have to be actually taking about something other than what they say those things expand to 1499127;1467941360;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, fleanode is really turning to shit. 1499128;1467941427;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Nah, it is exactly as shitty as last week. Just happens to have aimnus'd at you at the moment. 1499129;1467941519;asciilifeform;mno. 1499130;1467941525;asciilifeform;2 disconnects in <2 days 1499131;1467941532;asciilifeform;normally i got for a quarter with 0. 1499132;1467941602;BingoBoingo;Right, freenode has aimed its anus at you, hence you getting the shit. Phenomenon colloquially known as aimnus. 1499133;1467941719;BingoBoingo;Aimnus is prerequisite for shitting with intent 1499134;1467941793;phf;hanbot: guy really knew his shelters tho, but from a certain kind perspective. spent some time building geodesic domes with lloyd kahn, traveled places to ethnograph or try and join builds, including mongolia for yurts 1499135;1467941865;phf;a lifetime of very specialized knowledge to share with a bunch of no child left behind cases 1499136;1467942166;mircea_popescu;so a limbo champion walks into a bar... 1499137;1467942199;mircea_popescu;phf aha. was even more pronounced in eurolands. 1499138;1467942206;BingoBoingo;And he lost his title? 1499139;1467942210;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo :) 1499140;1467942254;phf;thanks, BingoBoingo, i'd be sitting there waiting for the rest of the joke otherwise 1499141;1467942260;mircea_popescu;>D 1499142;1467942275;mircea_popescu;s'the problem phf, your alf-made interpreter barfs on unterminated data ? :D 1499143;1467942298;BingoBoingo;Yeah, had to make sure joke was closed for alf. 1499144;1467942306;BingoBoingo;)))))))))))))))))) 1499145;1467942310;BingoBoingo;^ Just in case 1499146;1467942325;mircea_popescu;one day all the trolage is going to come back to bite us. 1499147;1467942328;asciilifeform;(. 1499148;1467942350;phf;when asciilifeform will finally find +ev way to go postal 1499149;1467942383;mircea_popescu;let's do a cinematic culture test! 1499150;1467942390;mircea_popescu;http://66.media.tumblr.com/f16c8cb89f75bf1274bac0fb3aee0689/tumblr_nvgkmunt4o1roh230o1_400.gif << place the scene. 1499151;1467942502;mircea_popescu;hm ? hm ? :D 1499152;1467942534;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i had my fair share of them the oast few weeks 1499153;1467942556;mod6;hm. i got nothin. 1499154;1467942558;*;mod6 failed 1499155;1467942626;mircea_popescu;F IN CINEMA CULTURE! 1499156;1467942627;hanbot;mircea_popescu that's that irreversible thing neh? 1499157;1467942631;mircea_popescu;darn. 1499158;1467942646;mircea_popescu;yes, monica belucci's longest rape scene (she does one per movie, it's in her contract) 1499159;1467942647;mod6;<+covertress> don't you want some? <+shinohai> my sides << omg yes. lol. 1499160;1467942662;mircea_popescu;A in CINEMA CULTURE hanbot ! 1499161;1467942698;shinohai;so many mixed reactions there mod6 1499162;1467942714;ben_vulpes;'twas in a trilema post recently 1499163;1467942732;ben_vulpes;rape scene, french flim, something something the girl 1499164;1467942739;mod6;i lul'd earlier when i read that thread shinohai. funny stuff. 1499165;1467942763;mod6;one per movie. what a gal. 1499166;1467942779;mircea_popescu;i suspect she's not quite together. 1499167;1467942801;mircea_popescu;but in other headfucking.net news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/17c94b60081a797c24faa5be296473c9/tumblr_mflc8zFSsZ1s1vwalo1_400.gif 1499168;1467942821;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes oh was it ? i forget. 1499169;1467942891;mod6;nb 1499170;1467942995;ben_vulpes;wasn't it? 1499171;1467943161;shinohai;mod6 well anything eth related usually leads to lulz 1499172;1467943167;mod6;indeed 1499173;1467943234;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: i am surprised that it does not come with jsxploits 1499174;1467943287;phf;the lady is clearly special 1499175;1467943325;ben_vulpes;$rated pankkake 1499176;1467943326;deedbot;ben_vulpes has not rated pankkake. 1499177;1467943360;ben_vulpes;what'll it take? 1499178;1467943396;ben_vulpes;Joshua-I: btw, d'you plan to negrate pankkake for the malicious js? 1499179;1467943417;ben_vulpes;or is that a thing that consumers have cum to buttsecks 1499180;1467943483;Joshua-I;Was it deliberate? 1499181;1467943602;ben_vulpes;'twas hosted at zher domain 1499182;1467943616;ben_vulpes;pick either malice or incompetence 1499183;1467943621;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: what'd it do, exactly ? 1499184;1467943628;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: ask Joshua-I 1499185;1467943914;Joshua-I;Well I'm not willing to bother running it again, but from what I can deduce it checks whether you're running certain browsers then fucks your browser accordingly with nasty js 1499186;1467943967;Joshua-I;If you go with a browser like lynx the redirect never happens 1499187;1467943973;Joshua-I;But if you use chrome it does 1499188;1467943983;Joshua-I;So I think it might be a kind of obtuse joke 1499189;1467944669;BingoBoingo;Perhap a browser miner? 1499190;1467944756;deedbot;[Qntra] Days Of Rain Set Corn Crop Up For Strong Finish - http://qntra.net/2016/07/days-of-rain-set-corn-crop-up-for-strong-finish/ 1499191;1467945364;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499183 << crapcoin mining, i would hope! 1499192;1467945364;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 02:07 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: what'd it do, exactly ? 1499193;1467945377;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4741 1499194;1467945434;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499174 << there's no school like highschool! 1499195;1467945434;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 02:01 phf: the lady is clearly special 1499196;1467945722;mircea_popescu;check it out, there's a worldofcorn.com website for BingoBoingo 's pleasure. 2015 us avg yield was 168.4 bushels / acre for a total 13.6 bn bushels. corn is about 400 calories / lb, there's 56 lb per bushel of shelled corn, thus therefore 1499197;1467945733;mircea_popescu;;;calc 13.6 * 56 * 400 1499198;1467945734;gribble;304640 1499199;1467945747;mircea_popescu;about 300 trn corn calories produced in 2015. 1499200;1467945770;BingoBoingo;seriously 1499201;1467945781;mircea_popescu;comes just a shade under 1mn / capita / year, which is to say 2.8k calories. 1499202;1467945809;mircea_popescu;a day i mean 1499203;1467945874;BingoBoingo;And that's just the corn 1499204;1467945957;mircea_popescu;"just the corn" = all soda ; all mcdonalds/etc hamburgers ; all sauce, icecream etc. 1499205;1467945966;mircea_popescu;the corn is everything. 1499206;1467946037;mircea_popescu;but anyway, corn output doubled since the 80s/90s. it can't be said agro tech hasn't improved. 1499207;1467946071;mod6;i like the corn related stories on qntra 1499208;1467946079;mod6;s/stories/articles/ 1499209;1467946093;mircea_popescu;i keep hoping the great cornholio shows up in comment section one day 1499210;1467946106;mod6;:D 1499211;1467946126;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKP-bVViPX8 < for millenials. 1499212;1467946141;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: You forget the soy-corn and the wheat-corn and the... 1499213;1467946146;mircea_popescu;tru 1499214;1467946165;BingoBoingo;Not to mention the imported corn 1499215;1467946182;mircea_popescu;iirc mostly imported as ethaline 1499216;1467946200;BingoBoingo;Also imported as bulk grain 1499217;1467946320;BingoBoingo;mod6: ty 1499218;1467946342;BingoBoingo;Qntra tries to cover all the buttcorns and all the altcorns 1499219;1467946535;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4740 1499220;1467946878;mats;i never understood the humor in 'beavis and butt-head' 1499221;1467946889;phf;;;age mats 1499222;1467946889;gribble;Error: "age" is not a valid command. 1499223;1467946899;phf;we need this 1499224;1467946906;mats;and apparently mike judge plans to bring it back 1499225;1467946919;mats;mid 20s, phf. 1499226;1467946921;mircea_popescu;i dun think it's the age. might well be a cultural thing. they're pretty white. 1499227;1467946953;mircea_popescu;mats ~nobody finds it funny that didn't know 5`000 various idiots that, if brancusi'd, end up beavis and butthead. 1499228;1467946955;mircea_popescu;it's modern art. 1499229;1467946995;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i'm all set for a second expedition! this weekend. 1499230;1467946997;mats;"brancusi'd"? 1499231;1467947000;mircea_popescu;the difference between the 70s born shitheads and the millenials being that back in the 70s http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499121 and therefore there was someone to mock them 1499232;1467947000;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 01:20 phf: there used to be a generation of 70s anthropologists in u.s. who read gary snyder and did things with their hands, they would teach all these interesting retro technology classes. they are mostly gone now, i've managed to catch their last wave and got a distinct feel from them "kids these days fucking suck" 1499233;1467947022;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Good luck and godspeed. May you get castle alfstein yet! 1499234;1467947034;mircea_popescu;mats https://nydla.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/domnisoara-pogani.jpg << it's a style. 1499235;1467947069;mats;wtf am i looking at 1499236;1467947089;mircea_popescu;a head. 1499237;1467947092;phf;i bring peeeace 1499238;1467947097;mod6;<+mats> and apparently mike judge plans to bring it back << there was a new season that he created a year or two ago 1499239;1467947109;mod6;I think it was just one season. was funny tho 1499240;1467947142;mats;the eyeball protrusions, is that supposed to mean something? 1499241;1467947161;asciilifeform;'We sellin' scramble, coke en smack, keep them junkies commin' back.' << l0l 1499242;1467947182;mod6;umm guess it wasn't a year or two, more like 5. lol. 2011. 1499243;1467947186;mats;i dunno man. the vast majority of all art i have ever seen exhibited in museums and galleries or whut not do absolutely nothing for me 1499244;1467947196;mircea_popescu;mats not sure how familiar with art history & theory you are, but anyway, the point is let's call it "essentialisation", ie, a very deep stylisation of form. 1499245;1467947219;mats;no endorphins moving around, no sense of the thing inspires a sense of awe or beauty in me, i literally don't feel anything 1499246;1467947226;mats;not sure if i'm broken or the art. 1499247;1467947233;mircea_popescu;you've been lied to. 1499248;1467947245;mircea_popescu;it's not sex, to produce endorphins. it's used condoms. 1499249;1467947278;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/bizarre-graffiti-fires-and-other-vandalism-target-st-louis-churches/article_dd45a33c-b23f-53bb-aea2-370617575e34.html 1499250;1467947294;mircea_popescu;the expectation art would "move you" is a late revival of idiotic victorian-romantic notions whereby women, mentally stunted by their gender and therefore incapable of comprehending art, nevertheless "felt it" somehow, ovary-magically. 1499251;1467947322;mircea_popescu;that this rank nonsense of obvious source still survives is nothing if not a testament to the ignorant, parochial ustardian society. 1499252;1467947390;mats;i just dun find myself capable of looking at most pieces for more than a dozen seconds or so 1499253;1467947394;mats;insta boredom 1499254;1467947409;mircea_popescu;think in terms of "disjointed lines from tmsr logs" 1499255;1467947419;mircea_popescu;it WOULD be fucking boring ; without knowledge of the history etc. 1499256;1467947435;mircea_popescu;which is why people teach the upper class kids these things ; the rest dun has teh time. 1499257;1467947436;mats;so i need an art history education 1499258;1467947450;mircea_popescu;wouldn't go as far as need ; but this is what it's for if you have it. 1499259;1467947459;mats;imma put that... at the bottom of the bucket list 1499260;1467947485;mircea_popescu;much like pole dancing, it's not something to pick up late in life anyway. 1499261;1467947576;*;asciilifeform has secret vice - luvvvz various artz, spent good chunk of chicago trip in the gallery 1499262;1467948010;Joshua-I;Not much for aesthetics are we 1499263;1467948035;Joshua-I;Yet still sexually attracted to things I imagine 1499264;1467948362;Joshua-I;Art is the most supreme, most divine of instructions 1499265;1467948392;Joshua-I;Easily fulfilling the requirements of sense and intellect simultaneously 1499266;1467948473;Joshua-I;And so just as easily perpetuates itself 1499267;1467948706;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/07/days-of-rain-set-corn-crop-up-for-strong-finish/#comment-63363 1499268;1467949206;BingoBoingo;227 blocks till halving 1499269;1467949314;Joshua-I;Think the gettin' will be good post-halving 1499270;1467949421;BingoBoingo;Only for tose strong in hodl 1499271;1467949520;mircea_popescu;wtf video-embed what is wrong with people. 1499272;1467949533;asciilifeform;it dun load here. 1499273;1467949854;BingoBoingo;or here 1499274;1467950178;Joshua-I;I've found it.. the one important trilema post: http://trilema.com/2014/what-interests-me-in-a-project/ ;P 1499275;1467950199;trinque;check this guy out.. the one 1499276;1467950402;BingoBoingo;Nah, if there is only one it is this treatise on money http://trilema.com/they-really-are-buttcoins-nao 1499277;1467950657;Joshua-I;Now the last mystery to uncover is the use of comic sans 1499278;1467950663;Joshua-I;What could it possibly mean? 1499279;1467950765;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/07/days-of-rain-set-corn-crop-up-for-strong-finish/#comment-63371 << lelz 1499280;1467950950;trinque;holy shit, his name is Trendy 1499281;1467951253;trinque;ah. that's supposedly Pirateat40 1499282;1467951383;mod6;sniper fire in dallas 1499283;1467951404;trinque;gf was saying some cops got shot? 1499284;1467951420;mod6;im hearing 11 shot, 4 dead. 1499285;1467951430;mod6;atm 1499286;1467951450;trinque;http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Protests-in-Dallas-Over-Alton-Sterling-Death-385784431.html 1499287;1467951452;trinque;yep 1499288;1467951508;asciilifeform;mod6: obligatory, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-15#1483090 1499289;1467951508;a111;Logged on 2016-06-15 20:49 asciilifeform: no word re the american snipers in bucharest '89, or moscow '93, or venezuela '02, ...., ... 1499290;1467951611;asciilifeform;monkeys dun snipe. 1499291;1467951663;trinque;hey, maybe they're gonna have a revival of allah snackbar, #blacklivesmatter edition 1499292;1467951825;trinque;http://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/dallas-protest-shooting/490451/ << reporting that the suspects have threatened a bombing 1499293;1467951944;trinque;https://twitter.com/FOX4/status/751236933125156864/video/1 1499294;1467951953;asciilifeform;likewise oblig: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-02#1259456 1499295;1467951953;a111;Logged on 2015-09-02 04:15 asciilifeform: the discreditation of local police apparatus, for its eventual demolition and replacement by unified fed gendarmerie, is going on schedule. 1499296;1467952003;trinque;seems moar like useful idiots than conspirators 1499297;1467952032;trinque;we'll see how the number of shooters dwindles though 1499298;1467952930;mircea_popescu;"Y'all keep mentioning WOT, but do you actually run a keyserver with a published trust graph accessible via any sort of standardized protocol?" << sick burn trinque 1499299;1467953011;mircea_popescu;$gettrust BingoBoingo 1499300;1467953011;deedbot;L1: 4, L2: 39 by 27 connections. 1499301;1467953108;mircea_popescu;"Because I mean WOT is not too revolutionary when it is just another name for a bunch of peoples' non-interoperable personal black books between which information can be exchanged only by explicitly manual means." << da fuck, "your working thing's no good!" 1499302;1467953115;mircea_popescu;seriously, this nonsense is still supposed to work ? 1499303;1467953131;mircea_popescu;what am i going to hear next, that the people of libya want "freedom" ? 1499304;1467953177;asciilifeform;lel, fella wants an 'istrustworthy(x)' 1499305;1467953220;mircea_popescu;seems more like fella wants a "nice fort you boys built, time now for us all to agree house is better" sort of thing. 1499306;1467953280;mircea_popescu;apparently one of the direct, entrenched results of no woman being pimpslapped for talking out of order in anyone's personal memory is a whole lot of those "that's nice dear, now come to bed" sorta vomits. 1499307;1467953312;asciilifeform;yeah but - ~which~, here, bed? 1499308;1467953328;mircea_popescu;he has a list, freenet, whatever. 1499309;1467953342;asciilifeform;afaik long dead 1499310;1467953371;asciilifeform;(and, when alive, java) 1499311;1467953424;mircea_popescu;anyway, i gotta admit the "democracy" drivel is nothing if not incredibly flexible. can be spread on bread as "science not cults!!11", can be spread on bread as "say no to silly (orly?) power games and ~~~sycophancy~~~" because if you call male independence the bad word it'll totally stick, men are really just a bunch of women that deeply care about labels like that. can obviously be spread as "the people of libya want the fr 1499312;1467953425;mircea_popescu;eedom to give us all their shit for free, and romania really didn't need a nuclear activities agency", 1499313;1467953425;mod6;heh freenet 1499314;1467953428;mircea_popescu;can be cut any way you please. 1499315;1467953448;mircea_popescu;this is the typical characteristic of cults and quacks, of course, but who's to notice THAT. 1499316;1467953493;mircea_popescu;the one universal socket wrench, ointment and single idea anyone could ever need! DEMOCRACY! 1499317;1467953595;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: do you recall the lithuanian butthurt of half a decade or so ago ? 1499318;1467953662;asciilifeform;when joined nato and told that their '13333347' 'werewolf brigades' or wtf nazi claptrap was unneeded and they would be working as nurses strictly in nato army, should there even be any lithuanians left on day 2 of war ? 1499319;1467953684;asciilifeform;this re ro nuclear. 1499320;1467953766;asciilifeform;tiny countries who bend over for nee owner and think that they still get to decide anything, remind me of the familiar 'yappy dogs' old women keep 1499321;1467953777;asciilifeform;*new owner 1499322;1467956804;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this may well work from the "public good" interest, but what exactly does it do for lithuania ? 1499323;1467956813;mircea_popescu;"there can be no such thing as lithuania" "yawell." 1499324;1467956866;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499264 << you seen http://trilema.com/2013/what-is-art/ ? 1499325;1467956866;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 03:26 Joshua-I: Art is the most supreme, most divine of instructions 1499326;1467957240;mircea_popescu;and in other "50 years of" news, http://filthygifs.tumblr.com/post/130267399248/ganguponher-ah-yes-dp-the-great-american 1499327;1467957272;mircea_popescu;the ridoinculous half-afro-and-mustache look of the 70s and wtf-is-with-sunglasses-indoors 80s/90s 1499328;1467957301;mircea_popescu;otherwise, lightbulbs were apparently invented sometime in 2010 1499329;1467957451;Joshua-I;I rewatched True Romance the other day (thanks to you) and now I must have those rad sunglasses Clarence wears at some point 1499330;1467957510;mircea_popescu;ie elvis' ? 1499331;1467957521;Joshua-I;Did he actually wear that variant? 1499332;1467957525;mircea_popescu;iirc 1499333;1467957539;mircea_popescu;https://www.amazon.co.uk/Romance-Elvis-Style-Sunglasses-Gradient/dp/B00B1P1WB4 << 19.99 1499334;1467957589;Joshua-I;Amazin' 1499335;1467958125;Joshua-I;I see no mention of ancient art in your post, what's up with that? 1499336;1467958150;mircea_popescu;also re tiny : ro is 15% of ru or somesuch ; ru is 35% or so of eu or somesuch. tiny country is monaco, diff story. otherwise, germany's a third of brazil and saudi arabia a 15% of pakistan naimean ? 1499337;1467958184;mircea_popescu;Joshua-I nor of modern, for that matter. it's time-invariant, yes ? 1499338;1467958408;Joshua-I;Well I'd say it touches on a few more things than merely being some political indirection 1499339;1467958447;Joshua-I;Those noble types did like to impress each other and feel an exclusivity in their interpretations of art 1499340;1467958776;Joshua-I;They didn't just permit it, but were studied in it, which in the cases of their private residences and gardens suggests the opposite of what you suggest at the end there 1499341;1467976492;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/11Cj 1499342;1467976492;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1499343;1467980457;mircea_popescu;;;later tell Joshua-I how do you know this ? 1499344;1467980457;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1499345;1467980943;thestringpuller;How do you turn an advertising business into a ponzi scheme? 1499346;1467980953;thestringpuller;https://forum.bitcoin.com/topic6275.html?sid=e2e55101bd60af0fed7b713bad60910c << quite easily it seems 1499347;1467981044;shinohai;"Spamming blockchains is our bidness!" 1499348;1467981080;thestringpuller;reminds me of cointelegraphs obviously false conversion rate 1499349;1467981169;BingoBoingo;If I'm not mistaken qntra has a small if not entirely different kind of conversion rate 1499350;1467981243;thestringpuller;It had a high click through rate for advertisements 1499351;1467981251;thestringpuller;but no actual conversions 1499352;1467981263;thestringpuller;(iirc from the namworld campaign with coinroll or what not) 1499353;1467981299;thestringpuller;although i think the campaign was yanked prematurely @_@ 1499354;1467981332;mircea_popescu;from experience, "hacking" delivers infinitely better results than "advertising". ie you're better off raping the site than paying the site. 1499355;1467981459;mircea_popescu;kinda in line with the diy ethos of the rest of computing. you want to be secure ? you're better off taking out the holes than "hiring a team of experts". whatever you want - take it, don't ask. 1499356;1467981482;thestringpuller;the lets poke wordpress sites until one of them gives and then post a bunch of spam backlinks 1499357;1467981487;thestringpuller;campaign 1499358;1467981493;mircea_popescu;you can ask the ethereum huffers to be fucking sane already until you fall over. but #etherape and a few short weeks later they've all woken up. 1499359;1467981545;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller http://trilema.com/2014/o-hai-let-me-wanna-be/ << already done 1499360;1467981560;mircea_popescu;trilema has many 1000s of backlinks from derpy wordpressen 1499361;1467981733;thestringpuller;advertising is generally bastardized. analytics and metrics are useful (sometimes). depends on if you care about the market reaction or not. 1499362;1467981777;mircea_popescu;useful in the sense playing candy crush is useful. gives you something to do in the subte. 1499363;1467981779;thestringpuller;given bitcoin is anti-consumer, marketing doesn't have an immediate value because any sane business should not care about what the consumer thinks 1499364;1467981838;mircea_popescu;there is scarce relation between "web metrics and online analytics" and marketing. 1499365;1467981838;thestringpuller;more like useful in the sense of new local restaurant trying to target the most loyal customers 1499366;1467981850;mircea_popescu;~the same relation as between playing candy crush and cooking. 1499367;1467981862;thestringpuller;"most potential loyal" customer 1499368;1467981878;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller there a) is no such thing as loyal customers and b) no conceivable reason restaurant would care. which is why they don't even bother to keep lists. 1499369;1467981898;mircea_popescu;back in the old country, reservations worked like so : unknown plebe could get "reservation", only valid if none of the important people showed up. 1499370;1467981906;mircea_popescu;i never made a reservation, never waited for a table. 1499371;1467981919;mircea_popescu;us restaurants don't work like this - consequently, loyalty is impossible. 1499372;1467981970;mircea_popescu;clubs DO work like this, in the larger towns. but the lists are maintained by a loose network of associated strippers/whores/pr girls, who do the promotion footwork. 1499373;1467981971;thestringpuller;Aha. I was talking more about the pub-esque "regulars". You know the drunk who spends 2k a month on booze. 1499374;1467981998;mircea_popescu;that guy picks his pub not by "closest to home" but by facebook ? rly ? 1499375;1467982004;thestringpuller;Yea. I used to work that scene. Honestly the club scene in america is very much turning into "the pimp scene" or maybe it always was taht. 1499376;1467982040;mircea_popescu;nah. the way this works is you open a 10k seater club, have 50-100 girls to go to all the CEO types in that city, tell them "if you agree to come to X club this weekend i'll take all my clothes off and you can fingerfuck me right here on yoru desk" 1499377;1467982065;mircea_popescu;that gives you a steady stream of those in the 100s, and then all the aspie schmucks pay to get in and rub... elbows. 1499378;1467982073;shinohai;^ life advice here ppl 1499379;1467982092;thestringpuller;That's how the higher end clubs operate. The ones that have ~actual~ vip rooms. 1499380;1467982099;mircea_popescu;right. 1499381;1467982127;thestringpuller;The plebs for college students usually is just "get as many girls here as possible to attract frat dudes to buy them drinks" 1499382;1467982143;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller club scene is fundamentally pimp scene. it'd better be, the alternative is what, highschool cafeteria + prep talks ? 1499383;1467982160;thestringpuller;So all the "advertisement" is in relation to 1) showing guys there are hot girls there 2) getting hot girls there 1499384;1467982161;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller yeah, that's the obnoxious part about us college towns. 1499385;1467982186;mircea_popescu;and the problem with this theory is that us media, unlike everyone else who's sane, won't carry nudity. 1499386;1467982204;thestringpuller;Yea. The college club scene is very akin to herding. Actually similar to high school. 1499387;1467982210;mircea_popescu;it's one thing to put a 50 ft tall poster of a nude woman kissing a campari olive on a drab gray wall across from the campus enclosure. 1499388;1467982221;mircea_popescu;it's another to "tastefully" derp in the us. 1499389;1467982253;thestringpuller;My girlfriend would very much hates that about the US. 1499390;1467982262;thestringpuller;Ah s/would// 1499391;1467982264;mircea_popescu;o look at that, activision bought king.com back in feb. guess what - "blizzard family". world of warcraft and candy crush, same thing! 1499392;1467982266;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1499393;1467982288;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller if she would where's her titpic! :D 1499394;1467982312;thestringpuller;Hmm. I'll ask her about that. 1499395;1467982337;thestringpuller;oh wow activision is going the EA route. 1499396;1467982354;thestringpuller;Like when EA bought PopCap cause Plants vs Zombies could be remade 4mn times like the sims and still sell. 1499397;1467982373;thestringpuller;and this is why the current game I'm playing is 20 years old... 1499398;1467982410;mircea_popescu;oh and the OTHER obnoxious thing about us college towns is they fucking puke. 1499399;1467982420;mircea_popescu;jesus christ when did that become socially acceptable. 1499400;1467982524;thestringpuller;Funny story. My last semester in school, I was walking to my goto pub. These chicks are crossing the street right? One of them pukes on the light post. Her friends help her stand a little. Then after the light changes she continues walking as if nothing ever happened. 1499401;1467982568;thestringpuller;Another good one is as a freshman, one of my friends lived in a dorm with a lot of sorority pledges. So when she was getting up for her 8am class, she'd see girls stumble in go to the toilets. Puke. Put on makeup, and go to class... 1499402;1467982591;mircea_popescu;should be a misdemeanor, "you puke in public you spend that night in jail. no judge, no exceptions." 1499403;1467982644;thestringpuller;Man thinking about all the parties I've been to where there was some girl puking her brains out in her "night gear" (the kinda clothes you wear to work the corner), crying their eyes out with someone annoyed holding their hair back. 1499404;1467982645;mircea_popescu;o hey look at that, ethereum actually up 2.5%. 1499405;1467982647;mircea_popescu;good investment. 1499406;1467982711;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller women, too, because fucking equalitards omit to mention to girls how they really can't keep up with dudes. 1499407;1467982736;mircea_popescu;sure nadja can keep up with me, but that's only because i suck ; she can't keep up with boris from her hometown. 1499408;1467983076;*;mircea_popescu lolz at the shitcoins. bitcoin cap 10bn, yest trade 1/4 bn (2.5%) ; ethereum "cap" 800mn, yest trade 11mn (1.2%) ; ripple "cap" 250mn (hey, recall when it was 1bn+, above ethereum ?), yest trade 500k (0.2%). 1499409;1467983079;mircea_popescu;a pattern emerges. 1499410;1467983213;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1499411;1467983214;gribble;Current Blocks: 419833 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1510 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 51 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1499412;1467983232;BingoBoingo;167 blocks till halving 1499413;1467983242;mircea_popescu;dun dun dun 1499414;1467983406;deedbot;[Qntra] Theranos CEO To Be Banned From Operating Lab - http://qntra.net/2016/07/theranos-ceo-to-be-banned-from-operating-lab/ 1499415;1467984216;deedbot;[Qntra] Water Charity Maximizes Their Marketing On Paypal's Venmo - http://qntra.net/2016/07/water-charity-maximizes-their-marketing-on-paypals-venmo/ 1499416;1467984301;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i dun get it, doesn't paypal charge like a buck or so fixed fee ? 1499417;1467984633;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: iirc there is a 'micropaypal' service, where they do not. 1499418;1467984705;BingoBoingo;Yeah and microchangetippal has social media integrations 1499419;1467984827;shinohai;Venmo always seemed = to changtip to me 1499420;1467984849;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499336 << if war were fought by straight meatsack headcount, this would be interesting observation. 1499421;1467984849;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 06:09 mircea_popescu: also re tiny : ro is 15% of ru or somesuch ; ru is 35% or so of eu or somesuch. tiny country is monaco, diff story. otherwise, germany's a third of brazil and saudi arabia a 15% of pakistan naimean ? 1499422;1467984871;BingoBoingo;venmo is basically a tool that puts a 1 cent price tag on spamming the shit out of anyone with a venmo coin client 1499423;1467984892;shinohai;kek 1499424;1467984911;shinohai;I forgot to tweet it at victoria 1499425;1467984914;shinohai;lol 1499426;1467984989;shinohai;i was thinking of writing a piece on welfarecoin, but it is in recycle bin atm 1499427;1467984997;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my point exactly. 1499428;1467985025;mircea_popescu;ru didn't stand up so well to ro army for most of war. 1499429;1467985032;mircea_popescu;pick any one of them. 1499430;1467985065;asciilifeform;i only recall 1 where there was a proper ro army 1499431;1467985093;mircea_popescu;which one is that ? 1499432;1467985098;asciilifeform;ww2 1499433;1467985124;mircea_popescu;mno, there's also that little one in the 1880s when tarevich wrote desperately to plox come to turkey and save our asses we're dying here. 1499434;1467985145;BingoBoingo;And what about Vlad's? 1499435;1467985156;mircea_popescu;and in ww1, there was proper ro army alright. there wasn't proper ru army, though, lenin's idea was to a) abandon the allies front and b) go "wee wee please don't beat us up mr european powers sir" 1499436;1467985172;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo eh, pre 1800s the russians hadn't yet been invented in europe. was all polish. 1499437;1467985191;BingoBoingo;ic 1499438;1467985206;mircea_popescu;kinda went both ways, between the suceava and krakow courts. 1499439;1467985214;mircea_popescu;i think the poles prolly won by point count. 1499440;1467985233;mircea_popescu;course... there IS that epic tale of sobieski's siege of piatra neamt, anyone know it ? 1499441;1467985257;mircea_popescu;(aka kreuzburg an der bistritz) 1499442;1467985264;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: napoleon's army was demolished by poles?! 1499443;1467985269;asciilifeform;wat 1499444;1467985274;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform winter isn't an army. 1499445;1467985283;BingoBoingo;$b 3 1499446;1467985298;asciilifeform;winter is an area denial system. 1499447;1467985299;shinohai;lol 1499448;1467985312;asciilifeform;sorta like saying 'minefield isn't an army' 1499449;1467985330;mircea_popescu;quite so ya 1499450;1467985340;mircea_popescu;we were after all discussing headcounts not geographical features. 1499451;1467985353;asciilifeform;actually i was thinking of geographical features. 1499452;1467985364;mircea_popescu;in that sense russland uber alles, uber alles in der welt wtf 1499453;1467985365;asciilifeform;(though for modern wars, minerals are of more interest than climate) 1499454;1467985369;mircea_popescu;~only barren place left. 1499455;1467985412;asciilifeform;you still gotta somebody ~there~ to mine the molybdenum, etc. 1499456;1467985478;mircea_popescu;hence the "2k people signed up for deportation" lulz yest. 1499457;1467985482;asciilifeform;likewise the locals gotta have some desire to fight for your crown, rather than for their local chieftain, (or even redditing instead) 1499458;1467985501;mircea_popescu;nah, local chieftain fighters will ALWAYS destroy darius. 1499459;1467985508;mircea_popescu;best way, fight for local chieftain. 1499460;1467985534;asciilifeform;this is a point. 1499461;1467985698;mircea_popescu;in fact thinking about it - the ro-ru bad blood starts with the revolutionary derps deserting the front. cela ne se fait pas. 1499462;1467985719;asciilifeform;what business did ru have on that front ? 1499463;1467985728;mircea_popescu;prior to that - very friendly. after that, and especially owing to stalin's low birth behaviours, hallucinating ownership over ro gold and ro bukovina, it went downhill. 1499464;1467985733;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform they were there weren't they ? 1499465;1467985750;mircea_popescu;nobody asks you to come, but once you're there you leave once the show's done. 1499466;1467985781;asciilifeform;or when the idiot who put you there gets his rightful bullet, along with his whole family 1499467;1467985795;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1499468;1467985799;mircea_popescu;that's teh problem. 1499469;1467985819;mircea_popescu;point in case : if parents of useless redditard shoot him, they STILL owe on his college debt 1499470;1467985821;mircea_popescu;was in logs recently. 1499471;1467985857;asciilifeform;only because they haven't the firepower to make the dun-owe-no-moar stick. 1499472;1467985918;asciilifeform;and at any rate it is not very good example, didn't we learn that derp's mother was co-borrowing ? 1499473;1467985935;asciilifeform;you borrow, buy a horse, the horse dies, you still owe 1499474;1467985944;asciilifeform;ww1 is somewhat different case, the ~you~ died 1499475;1467985953;asciilifeform;and your horse goes where it wants. 1499476;1467986060;mircea_popescu;notrly how this works. if they were so high and mighty, should have shot him BEFORE he committed ~the country~ 1499477;1467986074;mircea_popescu;once he did, it's committed, he did it as the legitimate representative at the time, his shit no matter how dumb is binding. 1499478;1467986094;asciilifeform;sorta how revolutions work tho - none of the dumb shit is binding. 1499479;1467986103;asciilifeform;unzip, piss, on debt, commitments, etc. of old king. 1499480;1467986108;mircea_popescu;otherwise this quickly becomes the greek argument, "we borrowed and spent but shouldn't have to repay because hey, new government!" 1499481;1467986129;asciilifeform;entente invaded, got arse handed to them. 1499482;1467986142;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly why i don't argue for "make america great again" but "burn it all down" 1499483;1467986149;asciilifeform;it would be interesting to see greeks invaded. 1499484;1467986165;mircea_popescu;hardly interesting. there's what, 10mn of them ? on a peninsula ? 1499485;1467986167;mircea_popescu;carnage. 1499486;1467986245;asciilifeform;greeks could still make a noteworthy mess - they have ships, perhaps could get hold of a few nukes, demolish eu ports 1499487;1467986256;mircea_popescu;ahaha ships. 1499488;1467986271;mircea_popescu;lol. you know how many unneeded ships there are today ? 1499489;1467986284;asciilifeform;i wasn't speaking of tonnage as such 1499490;1467986299;mircea_popescu;internet demolished books, then printing. cable caries many million mile-tons of substitute goods per second 1499491;1467986303;asciilifeform;but ships that move routinely, under various flags but gr ownership 1499492;1467986317;mircea_popescu;notrly greek in that sense. onassis is greek like i'm romanian. 1499493;1467986333;mircea_popescu;ie, something for the other greeks/romanians etc to ASPIRE to. 1499494;1467986361;mircea_popescu;certainly not a sort of meal ticket for the accursed lot. 1499495;1467986409;asciilifeform;one of the mega-mysteries in my mind re gr is wtf was the logic behind inviting them into eu in the first place 1499496;1467986421;mircea_popescu;you familiar with my theory ? 1499497;1467986428;asciilifeform;about the brits ? 1499498;1467986431;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1499499;1467986442;mircea_popescu;i see no other possible explanation. 1499500;1467986485;asciilifeform;turks are nato-aligned but were not drawn into eu 1499501;1467986489;mircea_popescu;country's basically the equivalent of shannen doherty. was hot briefly in its youth, by now it's a great way to pour money down the drain. 1499502;1467986537;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform eu has a small penis. greeks are 10mn, turks 80. not to go into details of how lazy pretentious people fit much better, or into how they're also not much of a threat. 1499503;1467986599;asciilifeform;in that light, makes sense 1499504;1467986610;asciilifeform;they picked worthless lap dog instead of rottweiler 1499505;1467986624;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding they really needed the rotweiller ; and much better deal anyway 1499506;1467986644;asciilifeform;but omfg11!11111 the ~teeth~!!!1111 1499507;1467986651;mircea_popescu;but hey, "the eu is not so much a conglomerate with a very small penis as an agglomeration with a particularly large clit" 1499508;1467986696;mircea_popescu;and in other news, https://i.imgur.com/SDrJZ6n.jpg 1499509;1467986724;mircea_popescu;beetle therein depicted made it to 1yo! gets party butt-hat. 1499510;1467986732;asciilifeform;l0l! 1499511;1467986740;mircea_popescu;and aniversary banana slicecake 1499512;1467986750;asciilifeform;is that a kabuto-mushi ? 1499513;1467986775;mircea_popescu;seens wrong legs for that. 1499514;1467986787;asciilifeform;they do. 1499515;1467986806;mircea_popescu;seems more some sort of locanus 1499516;1467986809;mircea_popescu;lucanus* 1499517;1467987038;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499404 << what happened with the fork ? 1499518;1467987038;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 12:57 mircea_popescu: o hey look at that, ethereum actually up 2.5%. 1499519;1467987045;*;asciilifeform has not followed subj in real time 1499520;1467987056;mircea_popescu;they've got a solution 1499521;1467987076;mircea_popescu;i dunno, drama fountain, we kinda covered the basics, they just rehash, shanonize and markov the same stuff endlessly. 1499522;1467987113;asciilifeform;yeah but at some point they gotta pull trigger, no ? 1499523;1467987132;asciilifeform;(or not to pull, but at any rate to decide) 1499524;1467987133;mircea_popescu;i don';t recall when that was, they had like a week maybe ? 1499525;1467987140;asciilifeform;that was a week ago? 1499526;1467987146;mircea_popescu;nah two weeks a week ago 1499527;1467987159;*;mircea_popescu shuffles through reports to bottom of pile 1499528;1467987245;mircea_popescu;atm all hopes pinned on microsoft-sponsored "devcon" for the scamcoin. basically, mit can either get another usg agency involved or they're dropping it, they lost all they were gonna lose on it already. 1499529;1467987283;mircea_popescu;"This is why I love Ethereum. The main net is live for less than a year, yet tthis is the third big convention. " to quote the locals. 1499530;1467987461;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/vOYow << should be sufficient lulz to bridge you over for another week. 1499531;1467987484;mircea_popescu;gotta economize on the lulz, comedy goldmine running out of gold. 1499532;1467987524;asciilifeform;'One thing a lot of pro-fork people don't realize is that they're basically encouraging a very damaging form of speculation on the value of ETH. Because a hard fork promises to return ETH at a rate of < 100 DAO per ETH, it encourages people to buy up large amounts of DAO tokens at their current rates (> 100 DAO per ETH), and then actively advocate for the fork to happen. Last time I checked, this guarantees them a profit of > 30% (in 1499533;1467987524;asciilifeform; ETH, not necessarily BTC or fiat). The irony is it's the pro-fork people who tend to be the loudest voices calling their opponents "shills."' 1499534;1467987525;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1499535;1467987528;*;asciilifeform falls down. 1499536;1467987533;mircea_popescu;aww 1499537;1467987680;mircea_popescu;and speaking of purely academitarded wankatrons, "Glen Weyl has uploaded a new version of his paper, Quadratic Voting (written with Steven Lalley), to SSRN, which now includes the completed proofs. Quadratic voting is the most important idea for law and public policy that has emerged from economics in (at least) the last ten years. 1499538;1467987680;mircea_popescu;Quadratic voting is a procedure that a group of people can use to jointly choose a collective good for themselves. Each person can buy votes for or against a proposal by paying into a fund the square of the number of votes that he or she buys. The money is then returned to voters on a per capita basis. Weyl and Lalley prove that the collective decision rapidly approximates efficiency as the number of voters increases. By cont 1499539;1467987680;mircea_popescu;rast, no extant voting procedure is efficient. " 1499540;1467987685;mircea_popescu;sauce https://archive.is/sXWXH 1499541;1467987709;mircea_popescu;think about it alfie, if i want to buy a thousand votes i'm going to say so and pay a million, rather than talk to a thousand derps and pay them a cent each. 1499542;1467987786;mircea_popescu;it's like infants were locked in a tower somewhere and asked to imagine how the world could be. 1499543;1467987796;asciilifeform;sorta what happened, neh ? 1499544;1467987827;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1499545;1467987835;mircea_popescu;"One of the more interesting long-term practical benefits of the technology and concept behind decentralized autonomous organizations is that DAOs allow us to very quickly prototype and experiment with an aspect of our social interactions that is so far arguably falling behind our rapid advancements in information and social technology elsewhere: organizational governance. " << apud buterin, 2014. 1499546;1467987842;asciilifeform;also a case of 'cost paid by mircea_popescu to talk to a thousand derps to get their pennies is not a cost because we say so and shuddup terrorist' 1499547;1467987862;mircea_popescu;you know... it's social interaction that fell behind their redittardedly advancing technologee 1499548;1467987889;mircea_popescu;notrly teh other way around. 1499549;1467987934;mircea_popescu;but whatever, i have no expectation to explain to ustards that a classics education always beats a stem education. not in this life. the contrary nonsense's been derped too much, and they've never seen anyone with a classical education anyway. 1499550;1467988021;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: a classics education always beats a stem << this doesn't get undergrad children jobs in the US. interesting though, that having gotten a stem education, i feel extremely deprived of not having studied as many classics 1499551;1467988048;asciilifeform;you ~can't get either kind in usa 1499552;1467988080;thestringpuller;you can't get "marketing" STEM degree in USA. that is degree is more of advertisement for self, that bears no real meaning. 1499553;1467988087;asciilifeform;but you ~can~ pay 200k usd to derp about the great zimbabwe for 4 (5? 6?) years. 1499554;1467988104;thestringpuller;the actual education even if considered "top class" results in MIT graduates unable to light a bulb with battery + wire 1499555;1467988115;mircea_popescu;alf has it. you can not, for any sum of money, acquire a classics education in the english language today. 1499556;1467988123;mircea_popescu;was marginally possible in the 80s, but no more. 1499557;1467988152;asciilifeform;actual education, in usa, to the extent it can be had, is done by skipping class and hanging out among the dusty tomes, and illicit experiments in your cellar. 1499558;1467988153;thestringpuller;This is why an advisor with good intentions usually pushes students "with potential" to study abroad. 1499559;1467988162;thestringpuller;And usually why they get huge tuition cuts if they do. 1499560;1467988182;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can't really experiment with the other kind however ; an tomes lie. not by design but in effect. 1499561;1467988203;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: i've never met a 'study abroad' type in usa who wasn't prestige-farming 'future student leaders!111' apparatchik candidate 1499562;1467988206;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller not sure where that abroad would be. damascus maybe. 1499563;1467988211;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: illicit experiments in your cellar. << What about a good teacher? Is the teacher extinct from a scholarly perspective. 1499564;1467988230;mircea_popescu;there is no us citizen alive today who is qualified to as much as teach latin. 1499565;1467988232;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: do you recall the professor brin thread ? 1499566;1467988245;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: not sure where that abroad would be. << the ones I would trust with money usually studied in China. 1499567;1467988256;mircea_popescu;i have nfi about china. who knows, maybe. 1499568;1467988266;mircea_popescu;though their classics give me hives. 1499569;1467988287;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i can't seem to find it in search 1499570;1467988293;thestringpuller;$professor brin 1499571;1467988297;mircea_popescu;lol 1499572;1467988300;thestringpuller;$search professor brin 1499573;1467988308;mircea_popescu;$s brin the elder 1499574;1467988308;a111;5 results for "brin the elder", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=brin%20the%20elder 1499575;1467988319;thestringpuller;aha ty mircea_popescu 1499576;1467988364;asciilifeform;i suspect that the good teachers have been driven into drink, and retirement 1499577;1467988397;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499568 << how's that ? 1499578;1467988397;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 14:31 mircea_popescu: though their classics give me hives. 1499579;1467988499;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: so the fate full nodes are facing, is a similar fate good teachers face? 1499580;1467988521;thestringpuller;They are useful, but are not rewarded for their usefulness...how is this sustainable? 1499581;1467988581;asciilifeform;what does 'useful' mean in the absence of the raw material to work with ? 1499582;1467988606;thestringpuller;so lack of "useful students" is the sole problem? 1499583;1467988623;mircea_popescu;fucking "take moar oestrogen" confucius & "wanna hear our inept teenage boyish oneupmanships" zeo-dan derps. 1499584;1467988627;asciilifeform;what other problem could there possibly be? 1499585;1467988643;mircea_popescu;i mean zen-dao, whatevers 1499586;1467988662;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the marginal refuse of the west picked up the derpiest chinese material 1499587;1467988665;asciilifeform;mega-surprise ? 1499588;1467988688;mircea_popescu;what can i say. perhaps. 1499589;1467988701;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: the same rationale behind why there is no "sane computer" thread. i.e. dumbness is institutionalized. so wouldn't useless students be merely a symptom of this? 1499590;1467988701;asciilifeform;this is why i was sad to see spandrel drummed out, he was potentially a window into the other things. 1499591;1467988704;mircea_popescu;nobody can know everything an' i dun know azns. 1499592;1467988712;mircea_popescu;he got drummed out ? 1499593;1467988718;asciilifeform;not precisely 1499594;1467988725;asciilifeform;but i'm not certain i would come back if i were him 1499595;1467988732;mircea_popescu;iirc it was more a case of "hey, i'm here to promote ; oh you're not really an audience ? ok, ima go promote down the street" 1499596;1467988743;mircea_popescu;which is fine and all, i mean waste of his life but what's that to me. 1499597;1467988752;mircea_popescu;(though you'd think he'd fucking know better if he were that window - neh ?) 1499598;1467988768;asciilifeform;translators are often humble folk. 1499599;1467988809;mircea_popescu;good translators ? without exception they're major actors in one, often both cultures. 1499600;1467988818;mircea_popescu;that's what translator means. 1499601;1467988818;asciilifeform;well we haven't any of those. 1499602;1467988825;mircea_popescu;and so my ignorance continues. 1499603;1467988893;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: re 'institutional' - every other year or so i visit the headquarters of the dept i graduated from, on foot, just because i live nearby and why the hell not. but lately it is almost a challenge to avoid barfing 1499604;1467988911;asciilifeform;at this point, folks with actual interest in the subject would last five seconds in the school. 1499605;1467989035;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i wonder how much he makes out of selling books in 2016 for the love of lols. 1499606;1467989133;mircea_popescu;i could think of a more ridoinculous proposition but not readily. 1499607;1467989457;mircea_popescu;anyway, to formalize this, i figure there's people who're looking to take ; and people who're looking to give themselves away asciilifeform . tmsr is entirely and to some degree by design inadherent to the former. it may, maybe, work for short intervals, but not too likely, and certainly less likely over time. this results in a lot of butthurt, calling it a cult, whatever. 1499608;1467989494;mircea_popescu;but the invisible line that unites curtis yarvin, that "lesswrong" derp, spandrell fellow, the restaurant manager chick yesterday, and on and on an endless list of these, is specifically that they welded the head shut. 1499609;1467989504;mircea_popescu;"this is the code i'ma run, see how much of the world i can despoil on its basis" 1499610;1467989537;mircea_popescu;it's infantile, sure, and moreover they're pretty miserable at it. nevertheless, it's what they're doing, and there's no outside flippable switch to get them out of it. 1499611;1467989546;mircea_popescu;time, or more likely, the grave will straighten out this hunchback. 1499612;1467989621;mircea_popescu;and of course it's perfectly understandable, the whore has a whore's personality not because she's an evil harpy shrew but because it's the only way to survive at the bottom of the shit ocean : batten the damned hatches. 1499613;1467989675;mircea_popescu;somewhat relatedly, most people don't figure they have ANY authority. therein included, the authority to decide what to do with themselves at any point (gotta be in school in half hour! shiot im late for job interview! omg office hours!) or for that matter what to believe. 1499614;1467989704;mircea_popescu;these can't possibly participate in any sort of forum where actual people intercourse, simply because they've not what with. 1499615;1467990430;mircea_popescu;and in other rotherham lulz, https://www.rt.com/news/349784-german-migrants-assault-lie/ 1499616;1467990461;mircea_popescu;some derpy chick by the name selin goren got raped by a bunch of arab immigrants, liked it, reported to police that she was robbed by a group of german men. 1499617;1467990749;mircea_popescu;oh also, http://www.nationalisti.ro/2016/07/sri-decis-sfarsit-sa-ne-spuna-la-digi-care-e-faza-cu-tancurile-americane-bai-frate-cu-300-de-tancuri-faci-razboi-nu-exercitii-militare/ << us armor moving through romania towards ukraine ; 500-1k pieces spotted, mostly heavy. 1499618;1467990762;trinque;"politically expedient" she says 1499619;1467990768;trinque;damn that's some honesty 1499620;1467990768;mircea_popescu;who ? 1499621;1467990773;trinque;the raped chick 1499622;1467990777;mircea_popescu;oh the german derp. myeah. 1499623;1467990785;mircea_popescu;hey, she knows how it goes. 1499624;1467990797;mircea_popescu;"rape" is a matter of who, not a matter of what. 1499625;1467990854;trinque;fascinates me how the ancient instincts wear whichever "politically expedient" mask is available in the times 1499626;1467990901;mircea_popescu;similarly fascinating, how women grew hair on head throughout the roman empire, showed up on coins with currently fashionable hairdo nevertheless ; or how they've had two tits and a slit for millenia yet always dressed in period dress everywherw! 1499627;1467990917;trinque;lol 1499628;1467991065;mircea_popescu;http://lucianisar.com/uncategorized/bnr-si-aurul-la-londra-cat-sa-iasa-de-o-ciunga/ << romania ships ~60 tons of gold to london. you know, for safekeeping. lolz. 1499629;1467991067;mircea_popescu;idiots. 1499630;1467991169;mircea_popescu;(it's something like a coupla billion worth, ie just enough to bridge britain through the brexit) 1499631;1467991238;deedbot;[Qntra] Dallas "Black Lives Matter" Sniper Killed In Drone Bombing - http://qntra.net/2016/07/dallas-black-lives-matter-sniper-killed-in-drone-bombing/ 1499632;1467991247;mircea_popescu;is this first in us ? 1499633;1467991410;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/07/dallas-black-lives-matter-sniper-killed-in-drone-bombing/#comment-63414 1499634;1467991579;asciilifeform;lel 'spanish gold' never ends 1499635;1467991647;mircea_popescu;heh 1499636;1467991680;*;mircea_popescu is out of the loop, no idea what bnr might have gotten out of the deal. 1499637;1467991691;mircea_popescu;but the notion of helping the fucktarded brits is anathema, jesus f christ. 1499638;1467991723;asciilifeform;hey it isn't ro gold no moar, it is nato (usg) gold. 1499639;1467991753;asciilifeform;just as ro railroad is this thing that exists mainly to move nato tanks. 1499640;1467991767;asciilifeform;(otherwise would go to the same place as ro nuke institute) 1499641;1467991828;asciilifeform;'He added that while robots aren't typically designed to be armed — they're used for observation or dismantling purposes — law enforcement could decide to use bomb robots when officers are in immediate danger.' 1499642;1467991844;asciilifeform;afaik no u.s. police precinct Officially issues frags. 1499643;1467991861;mircea_popescu;heh 1499644;1467991895;asciilifeform;then again, last month we learned that they issue demo charges. 1499645;1467991903;asciilifeform;(how many popped in orlando - five ?) 1499646;1467991924;mircea_popescu;you mean the ones the terrorist blew up ? 1499647;1467991938;asciilifeform;lel 1499648;1467992026;asciilifeform;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cm2TgDEW8AIOQus.jpg:large << purported bot. 1499649;1467992156;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Is that a different one than your shotgun bot from the South St Louis standoff? 1499650;1467992166;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: looks rather different 1499651;1467992184;BingoBoingo;Ah 1499652;1467992203;asciilifeform;http://www.popsci.com/police-used-bomb-disposal-robot-to-kill-dallas-shooting-suspect?src=SOC&dom=tw << according to volkischer beobachter, the machine includes bomblets for setting off suspected bomb 1499653;1467992273;asciilifeform;http://www.northropgrumman.com/Capabilities/Remotec/Products/Pages/F6B.aspx << vendor. 1499654;1467992285;asciilifeform;'Dual accessory mounts on arm allow simultaneous, multiple weapon/sensor deployment.' 1499655;1467992301;asciilifeform;general-purpose killbot. 1499656;1467992331;mircea_popescu;looks pretty cheaply made, al/composite. more of the same "we can attack very well and defend nothing at all" technologees ? 1499657;1467992336;asciilifeform;oblig: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-26#1072975 1499658;1467992336;a111;Logged on 2015-03-26 20:42 asciilifeform: expect this kind of policing to become sop 1499659;1467992342;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-26#1072976 1499660;1467992342;a111;Logged on 2015-03-26 20:42 asciilifeform: that is, heavily-armoured box shows up with puppeteer, who controls (via radio or fiber) several deathbots 1499661;1467992348;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-03-26#1072977 . 1499662;1467992348;a111;Logged on 2015-03-26 20:43 asciilifeform: one to break doors, gates; one to threaten bystanders, if any, with 'accidental' fire; one to shoot; and perhaps one with a cage that arrestee -might- be permitted to surrender into, if the bot's voice-recognition system works and if orders included a possible live capture 1499663;1467992444;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how much difference would it make if it were made of the finest titanium ? 1499664;1467992458;asciilifeform;thing is not a tank, is a disposable unmanned toy 1499665;1467992475;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://www.historia.ro/sites/default/files/styles/article_main_image/public/3_233.jpg << fashion at the time being to dress the chicks in "popular costume". because hey, womenz, and what woman doesn't love to be secretly humiliated. 1499666;1467992498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in virtually all encounters, the "toy" costs more than the intended victims. 1499667;1467992515;asciilifeform;this is nearly always true 1499668;1467992523;mircea_popescu;moreover your own quote says "heavily armoured" 1499669;1467992524;asciilifeform;very few folks in usa are 'worth' the bullet 1499670;1467992531;mircea_popescu;that shit's rv-plane level armored. 1499671;1467992535;asciilifeform;idea is to 'discourage the others' 1499672;1467992550;mircea_popescu;by spending more than they're worth ? 1499673;1467992562;mircea_popescu;brb gonna shoot ants with molasses. it'll show em! 1499674;1467992584;asciilifeform;there is no organized resistance in usa. 1499675;1467992593;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1499676;1467992603;asciilifeform;(masses of idiots, herded by provocateurs, notwithstanding) 1499677;1467992620;asciilifeform;and against disorganized bulls, robot worx great. 1499678;1467992632;asciilifeform;cheaper than half dozen dead cops. 1499679;1467992638;mircea_popescu;this will continue for as long as there exists no -ev peons in the us. for as long as the govt can pay and pay and pay, it works. 1499680;1467992645;mircea_popescu;once people gotta forage their own food, things change. 1499681;1467992716;mircea_popescu;for now, there's 60tons of ro gold. like you know, during trajan, exactly. 1499682;1467992728;asciilifeform;for so long as http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495476 continues, 'business as usual' 1499683;1467992728;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 02:16 asciilifeform: https://i.imgsafe.org/87582032d9.jpg << moar tuna than you will ever see in one place. 1499684;1467992730;mircea_popescu;except... there's not another 60, not that another 60 would be enough next time. 1499685;1467992745;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you should look at ocean population data sometime. 1499686;1467992751;mircea_popescu;i do not believe any of your children will ever eat fish. 1499687;1467992774;asciilifeform;dunno that most folks in usa ever eat ~oceanic~ fish even now. 1499688;1467992787;asciilifeform;they eat ~tasteless vat-grown. 1499689;1467992789;mircea_popescu;river tuna ? 1499690;1467992811;asciilifeform;tuna might be the last wild-caught thing. 1499691;1467992821;asciilifeform;how much heavy metal, by now, per kg ? 1499692;1467992821;mircea_popescu;but it was the example! 1499693;1467992823;mircea_popescu;also, sardine. 1499694;1467992830;mircea_popescu;not that much, shockingly. 1499695;1467992844;mircea_popescu;i mean, more than in 1016, but not as much as projected in 1976 1499696;1467992926;mircea_popescu;anyway. the untold story of the us "we can't defend, we attack" thing is evident in the history of medieval castle warfare. at the time, war was heavily defensive, there was ~no effectual way to attack whatsoever. 1499697;1467992954;mircea_popescu;so building a castle was ~the only practical way to prepare for war. except as the kings successfuly found out, a defensive item defends whoever's there, not whoever built it. 1499698;1467992989;mircea_popescu;usg nightmare scenario is exactly this, highly defensive "everything's a fortress and with gun ports" bourgeois restructuring of the town. 1499699;1467993016;mircea_popescu;which is why if you build, build on reinforced concrete not on fucking vinyl etc. 1499700;1467993068;asciilifeform;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/01/police_robot_burns_down_house/?mt=1467993035014 << somehow i missed this gem. 1499701;1467993118;BingoBoingo;In other news all is right with the world again as I have new cordless drill. 1499702;1467993128;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: lol cordless 1499703;1467993135;asciilifeform;i thought BingoBoingo was moving to 19th c. hand tools 1499704;1467993140;asciilifeform;(or at least 'hole hawg') 1499705;1467993149;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Also have corded and the hand powered kind of cordless 1499706;1467993170;BingoBoingo;But li-ion has its place by being convenient 1499707;1467993201;BingoBoingo;Do wish for adapter to cord it to lead acid battery terminal though. 1499708;1467993214;BingoBoingo;Perhaps will solicit several months after halving 1499709;1467993249;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where in usa, exactly, are folks building 'highly defensive "everything's a fortress and with gun ports" bourgeois restructuring' ? 1499710;1467993272;mircea_popescu;nowhere today, no. i was discussing the baricadable paris of 1700/1800 1499711;1467993283;BingoBoingo;Anyways new drill's chicom makers were sufficiently polite so as to let me be the one to break in the motor's brushes. Was very sparky out of the box, tamer now. 1499712;1467993295;asciilifeform;which, notably, was effective lesson to future 'beoble's republics' as to how not to build city. 1499713;1467993301;mircea_popescu;aha. 1499714;1467993309;asciilifeform;EVERY major city today is defined by the turning radius of a tank. 1499715;1467993338;asciilifeform;it is one of those 'libraries' that ~every~ state #includes. 1499716;1467993345;mircea_popescu;anyway, the problem with defensive means is that they empower the individual. state wants offensive means, and if possible to fight all wars against strictly offensive forces. 1499717;1467993373;asciilifeform;recall the land mines thread ? 1499718;1467993381;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, a model republican city built specifically on anti-socialist-state principles would be interesting 1499719;1467993384;asciilifeform;why do you suppose the 'internashinl komyoooooniti' campaigns against mines ? 1499720;1467993389;asciilifeform;they are the poor man's soldier. 1499721;1467993393;mircea_popescu;pity tmsr doesn't currently include an architect. 1499722;1467993402;asciilifeform;or a nuke deterrent. 1499723;1467993402;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1499724;1467993410;BingoBoingo;IN defensive news StL and apparently other deparments today began mandating wearing of their kevlar vests, optional before 1499725;1467993436;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform note that they only campaign against mines ON LAND 1499726;1467993439;mircea_popescu;in the sea they're fine. 1499727;1467993463;asciilifeform;a crypto-toggled mine would be a fine thing. 1499728;1467993494;asciilifeform;'in my wot? go, walk.' 1499729;1467993561;mircea_popescu;anyway ; the us "survivalist" folks have the right idea, even if they don't understand the higher level considerations necessarily. "if you're going to build, build a bunker" 1499730;1467993578;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i was kinda thinking, back in 2013, that who knows by 2020 nsa could be making that. 1499731;1467993584;mircea_popescu;by now... i don't hope i'll live to see it. 1499732;1467993693;asciilifeform;it is a pretty obvious, imho, idea. 1499733;1467993703;asciilifeform;the next me will make it, or the third, or fourth. 1499734;1467993764;asciilifeform;i will point out the possibly non-obvious aspect, here, for future reference: 1499735;1467993769;asciilifeform;you don't want a radio receiver in them. 1499736;1467993784;asciilifeform;it is the obvious, screaming way to do the crypto comms, but entirely and catastrophically wrong. 1499737;1467993797;asciilifeform;if you have radio, receiver can be overloaded and fried 1499738;1467993811;asciilifeform;and at any rate, cannot be shielded and will thus be pickable up with nonlinear junction detector. 1499739;1467993818;asciilifeform;you want ~acoustic~ control. 1499740;1467993826;asciilifeform;as in sonobuoys. 1499741;1467993851;asciilifeform;only gotta send a few kB, and who gives a fuck if it takes half an hour. 1499742;1467993905;asciilifeform;transmit using 'thumper', as seen in 'dune' (and every pipe-laying crew on earth) 1499743;1467993979;asciilifeform;the main difficulty is, in getting the mechanism to be 100% reliable. 1499744;1467993990;asciilifeform;because if it isn't, or if enemy can somehow compromise its reliability... 1499745;1467994001;trinque;yeah, I don't see a great way of confirming back that it's disarmed 1499746;1467994005;asciilifeform;it is the obvious reason why - afaik - no modern army fields crypto mines. 1499747;1467994073;asciilifeform;they, however, WILL work, for a medieval-style 'no you are not precious snowflake and guess what, your grenade during training has 5% chance of killing you and stfu' army. 1499748;1467994077;asciilifeform;of the near future. 1499749;1467994089;asciilifeform;so crypto mine has 5% chance of not hearing disarm signal. so wat. 1499750;1467994110;asciilifeform;e.g., many ww2 engagements, had substantially > than that friendly fire casualty rate. 1499751;1467994146;asciilifeform;so stalin loses 5% of men on his own cryptofield, but hitler loses 95. 1499752;1467994176;asciilifeform;so the search for mythical '100% reliable' mine is a distration. and a useful one, because it keeps usg from deploying the thing. 1499753;1467994184;trinque;any signaling of "off" gives up the position of the mines 1499754;1467994194;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg 1499755;1467994249;trinque;suppose you could spread out antenna in the dirt though, such that it's imprecise 1499756;1467994249;asciilifeform;mines with acoustic sensors could do many spiffy things. such as... ~encircling~ the enemy. 1499757;1467994260;asciilifeform;(let him pass in, but not out, of cauldron) 1499758;1467994273;asciilifeform;trinque: no antennae. see above. 1499759;1467994274;trinque;or have a preference for large prey, yep 1499760;1467994285;asciilifeform;'large prey' was already baked in ww2, tank mines 1499761;1467994290;asciilifeform;low-tech thing. 1499762;1467994311;asciilifeform;there are already mines that let N tanks pass before triggering, it is very old idea. 1499763;1467994322;mircea_popescu;incidentally, speaking of "keeps us from exploring", isn't it funny how abandoned special concretes are today ? the VERY related field of special ceramics gets all the love. because obviously, the earlier linked robot. 1499764;1467994327;*;asciilifeform long-time aficionado of subj 1499765;1467994338;mircea_popescu;but think for a moment... what'd a nylon mesh do for concrete ? what'd graphite strucutre ? etc. 1499766;1467994344;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: or even pykrete. 1499767;1467994353;asciilifeform;scarcely gets cheaper than pykrete. 1499768;1467994362;mircea_popescu;considering what the current ships are like, pykrete's a much better alternative. 1499769;1467994363;asciilifeform;(virtually indestructible) 1499770;1467994409;asciilifeform;when i first learned of pykrete, i had the obvious idea 1499771;1467994439;asciilifeform;(that you could 'print' it underwater, using a moving print head, liquid N2 jet and pipe for water/sawdust slurry) 1499772;1467994452;asciilifeform;instant boat. 1499773;1467994456;asciilifeform;or fort. etc 1499774;1467994465;mircea_popescu;we leave this for ben_vulpes 's robot miner army. 1499775;1467994482;asciilifeform;the inevitable n-th army. 1499776;1467994608;asciilifeform;'Нас много, всех не перевешаете.' (tm) (r) 1499777;1467994651;asciilifeform;to round off the thread, 1499778;1467994658;asciilifeform;one obvious way to have crypto-mines with NO comms, 1499779;1467994665;asciilifeform;is timed gaps. 1499780;1467994681;asciilifeform;if you have the key, you know which half hour the field is passable in, per week. 1499781;1467994686;asciilifeform;if not - not. 1499782;1467994696;mircea_popescu;t&e delivers same result 1499783;1467994706;asciilifeform;t&e ? 1499784;1467994711;mircea_popescu;trial and error 1499785;1467994730;asciilifeform;you mean, mine-clearing using prisoners (or sheep etc) ? 1499786;1467994733;asciilifeform;worx on all mines 1499787;1467994753;asciilifeform;nothing you can do about it. 1499788;1467994777;asciilifeform;(definitionally - mine can only go off once...) 1499789;1467994819;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, not a very good scheme. 1499790;1467994827;asciilifeform;as to what's to keep enemy from using up 1 captive to test - this is what the 'encircle' program is for. 1499791;1467994836;asciilifeform;none go off until the field senses 10,001 foot steps. 1499792;1467994847;asciilifeform;'entry is a buck, exit - costs 2.' (tm) 1499793;1467994892;asciilifeform;scheme has obvious down sides but i can see cases where it wins. 1499794;1467994906;mircea_popescu;well sure, everything has cases where it wins. 1499795;1467995058;asciilifeform;'President Barack Obama, who was in Warsaw for a NATO meeting, said the U.S. was "horrified" by the "vicious, callous and despicable attack."' << gold. 1499796;1467995071;mircea_popescu;in texas ?! 1499797;1467995085;mircea_popescu;i thought he had to order drone strikes 1499798;1467995094;asciilifeform;nope 1499799;1467995102;asciilifeform;only against camel-fuckers 1499800;1467995114;mircea_popescu;that great-again is getting better and better! 1499801;1467995147;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo proposed alternative terminology for the us : "The Great Great-Again", GGA. 1499802;1467995170;asciilifeform;http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2016_27/1611836/ss-160708-dallas-police-shooting-04_40853e7282ab7e261e2f1662efde0027.nbcnews-ux-1024-900.jpg << great again ! 1499803;1467995198;asciilifeform;http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2016_27/1611816/ss-160708-dallas-police-shooting-08_40853e7282ab7e261e2f1662efde0027.nbcnews-ux-1024-900.jpg << love the face 1499804;1467995203;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I'll let you do a piece to introduce the term. Need to be very clear on applications so context is needed. 1499805;1467995296;asciilifeform;and the inevitable: '"When people are armed with powerful weapons, unfortunately it makes attacks like these more deadly and tragic," Obama told a press conference during a trip to Poland. "In the days ahead we're going to have to consider those realities."' (obummer) 1499806;1467995475;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo maybe we let it mature a little first. 1499807;1467995496;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how about taking away ALL weapons from ALL usg-paid ANYONE. 1499808;1467995501;mircea_popescu;no more us army, no more us police, nothing. 1499809;1467995524;mircea_popescu;"if you work for the government, in any capacity, you're slave not a citizen. pick up a shovel and make yourself useful. bitch." 1499810;1467995562;asciilifeform;lel go an' take. 1499811;1467995572;mircea_popescu;i imagine that's what he meant to say, right ? it'd clearly make "attacks like these" much less deadly. 1499812;1467995572;asciilifeform;'how about taking away all weapons from wehrmacht' 1499813;1467995611;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform last i checked they still buy them with dollars. those can be taken anyway from them as well as from anyone. 1499814;1467995611;asciilifeform;just as usg corruption ain't 'corruption', usg weapons are... 'peace sticks' or somesuch. 1499815;1467995623;mircea_popescu;heh. in their dreamzzz. 1499816;1467995625;asciilifeform;they dun 'buy' any more than hitler did. 1499817;1467995685;asciilifeform;i heard that things might be a little different on mircea_popescu's planet, but on the one where i live, it is usg who does the givin' and the takin'. 1499818;1467995720;mircea_popescu;and in some households the woman is doing the talkin'. 1499819;1467995760;asciilifeform;what can i say, wake me up when mircea_popescu shows up to disarm the ss. 1499820;1467995768;mircea_popescu;you plan to sleep till then ? 1499821;1467995813;asciilifeform;not exactly. but do wake me up !111 1499822;1467995823;mircea_popescu;kay >) 1499823;1467995844;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo maybe we let it mature a little first. << Prolly for the best. Meme'ing isn't drilling, there's no room to play with 12 volts of conveniece because unlike drill needs to last. 1499824;1467995934;BingoBoingo;Anyways, the made in USA vs china problem in a nutshell http://toolguyd.com/empire-e2g-e70-level/ 1499825;1467995963;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: speaking of workshops, i finally scored a (smallish) cnc mill. but it will need new motor. 1499826;1467995969;BingoBoingo;;tldr "Made in USA" to the extent in continues does so for feels in weird 1499827;1467995972;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Sweet 1499828;1467996009;asciilifeform;dafuq is 'true blue liquid' ?? 1499829;1467996074;BingoBoingo;Basically level solution, but different color because branding. 1499830;1467996080;asciilifeform;lol 1499831;1467996090;BingoBoingo;Or perhaps different alcohol 1499832;1467996101;asciilifeform;and it matters because...? 1499833;1467996130;BingoBoingo;Because made in USA because if made in China factories would sell "brand's" products without letting brand know. 1499834;1467996144;asciilifeform;i have a sledge hammer. it is 'made in usa!11' 1499835;1467996146;BingoBoingo;This is a form of weird known as "trade dress" 1499836;1467996150;BingoBoingo;lol 1499837;1467996150;asciilifeform;approx the tech level available here 1499838;1467996157;asciilifeform;for less than golden toilet price, anyway. 1499839;1467996190;asciilifeform;if you want so much as a radio made in usa, you have to buy from grumman and it will cost its weight in pu. 1499840;1467996194;BingoBoingo;Hey my rubber hose circa this week also made in USA. Slightly higher tech 1499841;1467996211;asciilifeform;probably made from corn. 1499842;1467996213;asciilifeform;somehow. 1499843;1467996265;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'trade dress' << do you recall the incident where fluke corp. had a party of chinese voltmeters confiscated and burned at a customs checkpoint ? FOR BEING YELLOW ?? 1499844;1467996266;BingoBoingo;Maybe corn has a latex in the stalk? 1499845;1467996276;BingoBoingo;lol yeah 1499846;1467996300;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-03-22#574779 << see also. 1499847;1467996300;a111;Logged on 2014-03-22 17:53 asciilifeform: the next day, they 'apologized' by... supplying a crate of free fluke meters to the victim 1499848;1467996366;BingoBoingo;Not that power tools this is actually less issue because TTI makes nearly everything and is chicom. 1499849;1467996414;BingoBoingo;Well, stanley black and decker company has problems prolly, but... exist now as ghostly AMD to TTI's intel 1499850;1467996440;BingoBoingo;(german concerns like festool dun count because "apple-icized" 1499851;1467996502;asciilifeform;https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/751424255934361602 << lel. we've seen this play before. 1499852;1467996575;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the interesting bit is that i routinely see all-iron, heavy, electric drills etc. at yard sales, circa 1940s-50s. they still work. 1499853;1467996584;asciilifeform;and will still work in 2050s if kept reasonably oiled. 1499854;1467996592;asciilifeform;forget about the chinese rubbish. 1499855;1467996621;asciilifeform;if you learn to rebuild motor windings, yer grandchildrenz will drill with the same drill. 1499856;1467996668;asciilifeform;just like partizans fighting ukrs are using ww2 weapons now. 1499857;1467996670;asciilifeform;they work. 1499858;1467996681;asciilifeform;(there are even reports of 'maxim' from ww1! in use.) 1499859;1467996690;asciilifeform;take care of yours toolz, they will take care of you. 1499860;1467996840;asciilifeform;http://www.woodworkingtalk.com/attachments/f12/3138-old-power-tool-recommendations-b-ddrill.jpg << example. 1499861;1467996842;asciilifeform;0 plastic. 1499862;1467996868;asciilifeform;^ much more convenient grip than modern examples. why was it abandoned ? 1499863;1467996881;asciilifeform;spade handle points the thing more or less where you point your hand. 1499864;1467996913;asciilifeform;and that motor! easily 1/2 horse. 1499865;1467996995;asciilifeform;i am still waiting for some satisfactory answer re why this went away. 1499866;1467997295;mircea_popescu;i think i had one of those 1499867;1467997308;asciilifeform;everybody had one of these. 1499868;1467997309;asciilifeform;at some point. 1499869;1467997316;asciilifeform;ru folks still, i suspect, have theirs 1499870;1467997321;mircea_popescu;complete with imbibed-textile power cord 1499871;1467997324;asciilifeform;aha. 1499872;1467997327;mircea_popescu;no plastics that'd work at that time 1499873;1467997328;asciilifeform;what other cord in '40s!1! 1499874;1467997331;mircea_popescu;so it was basically tarred linen 1499875;1467997354;asciilifeform;just as in edison's time. 1499876;1467997369;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform honestly it looks like one of those items where they make 1mn of each part then send in the gurlz to fish for matching sets. 1499877;1467997391;asciilifeform;tolerance is not so low that you cannot match arbitrary set. 1499878;1467997410;mircea_popescu;guess not. 1499879;1467997413;mircea_popescu;louder engine maybe 1499880;1467997413;asciilifeform;these are not american rifles. 1499881;1467997426;asciilifeform;where you have to match to 0.1% or whatever. 1499882;1467997479;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i really hate drills that don't apply the brake when i release the trigger 1499883;1467997493;asciilifeform;brake?! 1499884;1467997507;ben_vulpes;stops the drill action? 1499885;1467997512;*;ben_vulpes has nfi how it actually works 1499886;1467997530;asciilifeform;probably disconnects the motor winding from mains, and shorts it 1499887;1467997533;asciilifeform;but why would i want this. 1499888;1467997577;ben_vulpes;to avoid driving the screw too far into whatever. 1499889;1467997592;ben_vulpes;wide wide world of materials. 1499890;1467997593;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes drives screws with a drill?! 1499891;1467997606;ben_vulpes;my drill does both quite handily. 1499892;1467997616;ben_vulpes;2006 18V ryobi. 1499893;1467997618;asciilifeform;does your hammer also drive screws, ben_vulpes ? 1499894;1467997634;asciilifeform;how about rifle ? you have screw-driver bayonet attachment ? 1499895;1467997641;ben_vulpes;let me say then that my screw gun drills holes. 1499896;1467997652;ben_vulpes;i also have one of the 40s monsters! 1499897;1467997658;ben_vulpes;just infrequently used. 1499898;1467997682;ben_vulpes;excellent for sinking a million holes. less useful for sinking holes and immediately filling them with screws. 1499899;1467997779;mircea_popescu;he has a point ; 1940s tools not nearly as flexible. 1499900;1467997799;asciilifeform;'flexible' is for the birds. use the tool for the job. 1499901;1467997806;ben_vulpes;flexible can be fragile 1499902;1467997820;asciilifeform;drill for drilling, screw gun for screwing, etc 1499903;1467997821;ben_vulpes;stuff and nonsense. tool is electrical motor and electricity. 1499904;1467997827;mircea_popescu;flexbile can be fragile. then again your skin's not made of treebark. 1499905;1467997844;ben_vulpes;and the job is sometimes not simply sinking holes. 1499906;1467997886;mircea_popescu;kinda looking forward to the obvious application of usg drone depicted supra 1499907;1467997894;asciilifeform;1940s works, built by inflexible people with inflexible toolz, are still standing. and quite valuable. 1499908;1467997903;mircea_popescu;which is the garage bot. follows you around and does things. like make holes. with the right tool for job. 1499909;1467997914;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: neither you nor i live in their works. 1499910;1467997925;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: because valuable. 1499911;1467997930;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The Bitcoin Life Insurance policy. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/08/the-bitcoin-life-insurance-policy/ 1499912;1467997941;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, i bet, lives in their worx. 1499913;1467997982;ben_vulpes;part of my job is not accidentally ripping the vinyl apart with 1940s tools 1499914;1467997995;asciilifeform;vinyl?! 1499915;1467997999;ben_vulpes;because then hole in rental environmental envelope, pissed off landlord, and no shelf! 1499916;1467998006;ben_vulpes;metaphorical vinyl! 1499917;1467998013;ben_vulpes;i'm not living in my domes yet. 1499918;1467998042;asciilifeform;i thought ben_vulpes finally bought log cabin 1499919;1467998051;ben_vulpes;rented, vinyl cabin in forest. 1499920;1467998054;asciilifeform;ah 1499921;1467998059;ben_vulpes;vinyl, perhaps a bit mean-spirited. 1499922;1467998062;asciilifeform;i suppose that's why it looks so clean 1499923;1467998065;asciilifeform;in the woman's pic 1499924;1467998077;ben_vulpes;it is a lovely little cottage. 1499925;1467998086;ben_vulpes;the pinterests? i don't think any of that is oc 1499926;1467998107;asciilifeform;there was some log cabin thing. 1499927;1467998134;ben_vulpes;not mine, and the ancestral mountain home is not 'log' either. 1499928;1467998459;BingoBoingo; and will still work in 2050s if kept reasonably oiled. << But sometime you just gotta go places disposable makes sense. Like outside. If disposable can go outside no reason to risk srs machine. 1499929;1467998479;mats;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2520753/Chinese-boyfriend-jumped-death-girlfriend-insisted-going-clothes-shop.html 1499930;1467998548;BingoBoingo; brake?! << common now in disposables. Also common: screwdriving clutch 1499931;1467998581;asciilifeform;screw gun, with 25:1 gearing, needs no stinkin' brake 1499932;1467998605;asciilifeform;mats: darwinalicious. 1499933;1467998633;*;BingoBoingo supposes asciilifeform is unfamiliar with "cordless impact driver (distinct from hammer drill). 1499934;1467998664;mats;i chuckled for about thirty seconds 1499935;1467998712;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there was a thread about it 1499936;1467998716;asciilifeform;but no, i dun have one 1499937;1467998927;BingoBoingo;Seems to be the specialized tool for driving lag bolts atm. 1499938;1467999049;BingoBoingo;$google oscillating multitool 1499939;1467999050;deedbot;http://www.homedepot.com/b/Tools-Hardware-Power-Tools-Power-Multi-Tools-Oscillating-Tools/N-5yc1vZc2b2 << Oscillating Tools - Power Multi Tools - Power Tools - The Home Depot | http://www.popularmechanics.com/home/interior-projects/how-to/g1763/the-best-oscillating-tools-we-put-9-to-the-test/ << The Best Oscillating Tools: We Put 9 to the Test | http://www.woodmagazine.com/woodworking-tools/reviews/more/oscillating-multi-tools << Tool review: Oscillating 1499940;1467999079;asciilifeform;http://pics2.ds-static.com/prodimg/169035/300.jpg << oscillating multi-tool. 1499941;1467999121;BingoBoingo;lol 1499942;1467999132;BingoBoingo;$up lru 1499943;1467999133;deedbot;lru voiced for 30 minutes. 1499944;1467999150;asciilifeform;who might you be, lru ? 1499945;1467999165;*;BingoBoingo doesn't know why that get dubbed "multitool" and still more versatile reciprocating saw doesn't 1499946;1467999191;asciilifeform;https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--T_jqeJWb--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18iyzhe2e0lndpng.png << reciprocating multi-tool. 1499947;1467999208;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Indeed very versatile 1499948;1467999224;BingoBoingo;Shame the despot doesn't yet stock fucking blades for them. 1499949;1467999237;asciilifeform;btw i recall a report of an idiot who made one of these ~with the saw blade in~ 1499950;1467999242;asciilifeform;it sawed through. 1499951;1467999270;BingoBoingo;Yes 1499952;1467999287;BingoBoingo;But not like rectovaginal fistula is a rare thing 1499953;1467999303;mircea_popescu;i never saw one. 1499954;1467999326;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu, we now learn, doesn't fuck african chix with botched declitorations. 1499955;1467999348;mircea_popescu;that doesn't normally yield perineum perforation does it ? 1499956;1467999354;asciilifeform;iirc it does 1499957;1467999356;asciilifeform;when they birth 1499958;1467999359;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Tis a problem mostly related to birthing 1499959;1467999369;asciilifeform;the ones that got stapled shut earlier 1499960;1467999416;mircea_popescu;ah. 1499961;1467999423;mircea_popescu;no, i've not had children! 1499962;1467999426;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu had spiffy essay at one point re how places that REALLY can't afford high birth rate, mutilate chix 1499963;1467999460;asciilifeform;(when calories are so scarce that they can't even afford birth-and-throw-to-the-snakes birthcontrol) 1499964;1467999567;asciilifeform;http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-joe-walsh-twitter-dallas-tweet-20160708-story.html << moar lulz. 1499965;1467999589;asciilifeform;'Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh declared "This is now war" and called for President Barack Obama to "watch out" in a Twitter post reacting to the Dallas shooting that killed five police officers and injured seven. "This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you," he wrote in the tweet, which has since been deleted.' 1499966;1467999625;BingoBoingo;I believe the term being bandied around is "RAHOWA" 1499967;1467999653;asciilifeform;'"There's a war against our cops in this country, and I think Obama has fed that war and Black Lives Matter has fed that war. ... Obama's words and the deeds of Black Lives Matter have gotten cops in this country killed."' 1499968;1467999668;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: wats that 1499969;1467999669;mircea_popescu;where was that mp line saying black people are going to end up in death camps, purely demographic reasons ? 1499970;1467999685;BingoBoingo;$google RAHOWA 1499971;1467999685;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahowa_(band) << Rahowa (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=RAHOWA << Urban Dictionary: RAHOWA | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RaHoWa << RaHoWa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1499972;1467999689;asciilifeform;it would have to be atzlan's death camps. 1499973;1467999704;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform weimar republic liked jews ; didn't help them. 1499974;1467999705;asciilifeform;because sure as hell won't be ones run by white folk. 1499975;1467999709;mircea_popescu;oya. 1499976;1467999721;BingoBoingo;$google Ben Klassen 1499977;1467999722;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Klassen << Ben Klassen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggnACwSIXPs << Ben Klassen PM on Race & Reason - Part 1 of 3 - YouTube | http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Ben_Klassen << Ben Klassen - Metapedia 1499978;1467999742;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1499979;1467999744;gribble;Current Blocks: 419860 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1483 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 5 hours, 27 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1499980;1467999744;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's a foregone conclusion at this point. most dangerous place in the world for black person is the continental us. 1499981;1467999747;mircea_popescu;gotta get out. 1499982;1467999751;asciilifeform;'In addition to his religious and political work, Klassen was an electrical engineer and was the inventor of a wall-mounted electric can-opener.' << lulzy 1499983;1467999760;BingoBoingo;140 blocks left till halving 1499984;1467999793;BingoBoingo; asciilifeform it's a foregone conclusion at this point. most dangerous place in the world for black person is the continental us. << cc: thestringpuller 1499985;1467999807;mircea_popescu;poor guy heh. 1499986;1467999864;BingoBoingo;srsly 1499987;1467999950;BingoBoingo;But yeah this collective responsibility business seems to be primed to turn back around. 1499988;1467999967;mircea_popescu;"jews got all the media", recall that one ? 1499989;1467999978;BingoBoingo;mebbe? 1499990;1467999978;mircea_popescu;"jews are fundamentally cowardly and organically insolent", recall ? 1499991;1467999990;BingoBoingo;hmmm... 1499992;1467999992;mircea_popescu;"jews are libidinous beasts!!11 fuxing our womenz!!1" 1499993;1467999994;mircea_popescu;etc etc 1499994;1468000007;BingoBoingo;is this a new thing? 1499995;1468000018;mircea_popescu;no, it's the same old thing. the birth of a scapegoat. 1499996;1468000027;mircea_popescu;make america great again! 1499997;1468000032;*;BingoBoingo confused about libidinous jew stereotype 1499998;1468000108;asciilifeform;;;halfreward 1499999;1468000109;gribble;Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Sat Jul 9 17:07:52 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 23 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds. 1500000;1468000166;mircea_popescu;http://henrymakow.com/upload_images/Fat-Evil-Jew-Seduces-a-Good-German-Woman-with-his-Material-Wares.jpg << no shortage of the stuff. 1500001;1468000219;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-22#1487592 << for aficionados. 1500002;1468000219;a111;Logged on 2016-06-22 22:46 asciilifeform: http://www.pzg.biz/poster_poison_mushroom.htm << for n00bz. 1500003;1468000405;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Sure that's a jew hat thing and not a hamplanet hate thing? 1500004;1468000511;deedbot;[Trilema] O hey, is it November yet ? - http://trilema.com/2016/o-hey-is-it-november-yet/ 1500005;1468000565;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo there's lots of these http://blacksimpregnatewhites.tumblr.com/ type fantasies ; mostly entirely run by white dudes. 1500006;1468000598;BingoBoingo;Oh yeah, but seriously Jews? The people so brow beaten by their women? 1500007;1468000613;BingoBoingo;I thought their stereotype was more as a sort of castrati 1500008;1468000613;mircea_popescu;hey, there's absolutely no limit to what may figure in a fantasy. 1500009;1468000644;mircea_popescu;the average german dude in 1936 believed jews to be in general fucking teenaged german girls by the boatload much like you believe black dudes have big cocks 1500010;1468000686;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you think this because the lafond image (niggers=cowards) prevailed by virtue of you know, the gas chambers. but historically it was not a widely held view. 1500011;1468003799;mod6;<@deedbot> [Trilema] O hey, is it November yet ? - http://trilema.com/2016/o-hey-is-it-november-yet/ << :D the likeness! 1500012;1468006660;mircea_popescu;is it ? 1500013;1468006667;mircea_popescu;i was worried maybe i'm hallucinating it 1500014;1468007461;mircea_popescu;in other "argentines are retards" lulz, here's a challenge for anyone : find a list of buenos aires highschools online. anywhere, in any language. 1500015;1468007525;mircea_popescu;wikipedia has a meagre dozen, ie, abour 2%. "paginas amarillas" like 9. buenosaires.gob.ar a derpy page with large fonts and nice graphics, nothing useful. (in line with the entire government here, they're basically made by apple, 0 substance, harsh colors, foot tall fonts. smartphone sites.) 1500016;1468007590;mircea_popescu;but if you do actually have the intel and get this together, you discover that a) more than half are "religious" ; b) none actually meet the academic level of a ghetto highschool in fucking maryland and so on and so forth. 1500017;1468007607;mircea_popescu;how anyone thinks of this place as above somaliland is entirely beyond me, and strictly a matter of racism. 1500018;1468007621;mircea_popescu;guess what : argentine niggers aren't any better just because they happen to be white-toned. 1500019;1468007931;phf;BingoBoingo: ha! that's because you entered the stereotype conversation at the closing end 1500020;1468008024;phf;i was actually kind of surprised by the castrati thing, and blame new york jews and their documented ideology on non violence on the shift 1500021;1468008032;phf;*of 1500022;1468008127;phf;but back in old world, jews for all practical purposes niggers. jews were affiliated with both banking world and criminal world 1500023;1468008267;phf;ostap bender, a very popular character in su, was an odessan jew, and a "farsovshik" i.e. a huckster 1500024;1468008279;phf;half the criminals in movies and books were jews 1500025;1468008300;mircea_popescu;right. 1500026;1468008320;mircea_popescu;demography doth not lie. be the 11-12% minority, get murdered. it's really that simple. 1500027;1468008330;phf;largest surviving mafia organization from before zar times is odessan mafia (which is where briton beach crowd is from, incorrectly called "russian mafia"), which was exclusively jewish 1500028;1468008359;mircea_popescu;ny mafia was originally also jewish. recruits dried out cca 1950ish, with italians flooding in. 1500029;1468008395;phf;yeah, ny mafia is odessa mafia, only recently, i.e. post 90s did you start getting an influx of "eastern promises" russians 1500030;1468008401;mircea_popescu;phf ro "farsor" (farce-actor), ~same meaning. 1500031;1468008409;mircea_popescu;o you saw that film ? 1500032;1468008412;mircea_popescu;not bad huh. 1500033;1468008470;phf;oh that's what americans ask me all the time "so ugh you saw eastern promises?" 1500034;1468008503;mircea_popescu;lol 1500035;1468008536;mircea_popescu;damn, now i know what i should have said re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-25#1471912 ! http://trilema.com/2015/a-modern-lovestory-ioan-niculaie-diana-guresoaie/ 1500036;1468008536;a111;Logged on 2016-05-25 20:45 vc: I can't tell if you're serious or not 1500037;1468008555;phf;i was mostly disappointed that they didn't play up traditional su mafia things. we have our own omerta! where's the songs? where's the slang? seems like a lot of wasted opportunity. all we got is a "carefully researched" tattoos 1500038;1468008578;asciilifeform;^^ 1500039;1468008583;mircea_popescu;phf too much material. us-audience film is a 2kb affair. 1500040;1468008588;mircea_popescu;amiga version! 1500041;1468008594;asciilifeform;l0l! 1500042;1468008619;asciilifeform;american films about su/ru are weird. 1500043;1468008627;asciilifeform;for instance, the iconic tub o'shit 'red october' 1500044;1468008638;asciilifeform;they felt it necessary to MAKE UP a naval anthem 1500045;1468008645;mircea_popescu;the fact that they at fucking least got the tattoos ~right (and no, it's absolutely not out of place that a bunch of dudes in suits gather on fine leather upholstery to drink aged cognac while one of them takes apart a sorry set of 1920 shaver turned into tattoo machine and proceeds.) 1500046;1468008649;asciilifeform;using someone who learned the language from... a dictionary? 1500047;1468008651;asciilifeform;must be 1500048;1468008660;asciilifeform;(see the intro title credits to the film, it is there) 1500049;1468008706;mircea_popescu;but yes, as a narrative it barely holds together in a thousand places. still, ahead of class. 1500050;1468008712;asciilifeform;or try another american film, 'beautiful mind', about crazy mathematician john nash 1500051;1468008719;mircea_popescu;that thing was offensive 1500052;1468008725;asciilifeform;they had his hallucinated ru enemies, speak... fuck knows what 1500053;1468008730;mircea_popescu;they should stick to forrest gump ; touchy feely nobody on a stick works better. 1500054;1468008734;asciilifeform;some language made up on the spot 1500055;1468008756;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i saw a 'forrest gump'-themed restaurant in bmore. 1500056;1468008771;phf;american movies don't do geniuses very well, unless it's "odd" characters, like the aviator 1500057;1468008771;mircea_popescu;in the sense that what, all the wait staff was retarded ? 1500058;1468008774;mircea_popescu;i see these here daily. 1500059;1468008778;asciilifeform;i did not go in. 1500060;1468008781;asciilifeform;maybe tomorrow, will go in. 1500061;1468008799;mircea_popescu;wtf was that much better film, with the rape victim ukr ? 1500062;1468008804;mircea_popescu;i don't think it ever saw us wide release 1500063;1468008822;asciilifeform;i have nfi 1500064;1468008825;asciilifeform;dun recall such a thing 1500065;1468008866;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/la-sconosciuta << there we go 1500066;1468008869;mircea_popescu;either of you saw it ? 1500067;1468008885;*;asciilifeform has not 1500068;1468008886;mircea_popescu;much more "western slav" (ie, serb) mafia than eastern slav, but anyway. altogether better film. 1500069;1468008918;phf;i have not seen it either 1500070;1468008931;mircea_popescu;well im curious what you think! 1500071;1468009044;phf;looks fun 1500072;1468009090;mircea_popescu;phf about the same period, whole world was trying to do "romanian realism" with mixed results. 1500073;1468009234;phf;they don't have enough bratki for that 1500074;1468009263;phf;su prison system managed to preserve and cook up a special kind of culture 1500075;1468009324;mircea_popescu;http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/la-et-mn-cannes-romania-new-wave-movies-mungiu-puiu-20160525-snap-story.html << re "ro realism". 1500076;1468009370;mircea_popescu;~all mentioned titles are worth watching, i'd say. 1500077;1468009925;phf;"Mysterious death of software pioneer Ian Murdock ruled suicide ☶ money.cnn.com" 1500078;1468009988;asciilifeform;☶ ?? 1500079;1468010003;asciilifeform;tangram is in uniturd nao?! 1500080;1468010024;asciilifeform;or what was it 1500081;1468010025;asciilifeform;iching 1500082;1468010038;asciilifeform;holy shit 1500083;1468010067;asciilifeform;䷀䷁䷂䷃䷄䷅䷆䷇䷈䷉䷊䷋䷌䷍䷎䷏. 1500084;1468010123;phf;asciilifeform: lobste.rs uses iching symbols for some unknown internal reasons which i don't have inclination of investigating. somewhere on par with calling a currency "etherium" and a corporation "dao". way to corner those timeless symbols gaiz 1500085;1468010127;asciilifeform;'The autopsy records also note his body was covered in bruises -- on his chest, abdomen, back, arms and legs.' << much suicide. surprised that no nailgun holes. 1500086;1468010182;asciilifeform;'Officers said Murdock banged his own head against the metal cage inside the police car. ' 1500087;1468010188;phf;"the victim proceeded to repeatedly trip and fall on knife 37 times" 1500088;1468010334;asciilifeform;from same rag, http://money.cnn.com/2016/07/07/technology/philando-castile-tech-workers-calling-in-black/index.html?iid=ob_article_footer 1500089;1468010360;asciilifeform;'Calling in black is essentially an excuse for a day of self care, wrote Slack engineer Erica Baker in a Medium post called "Processing." The move comes in the wake of the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two black men who died at the hands of police officers just this week. Their deaths aren't anomalies by any stretch: Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and Tamir Rice are just a few of the names that have made headlines in the 1500090;1468010360;asciilifeform; past few years. "Today I will give myself the space to grieve for Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and every other black person that has been executed and all those that will be executed by the police, until we finally say enough is enough and put an end to the terrorism that we call modern day policing," ' 1500091;1468010436;phf;"если луиса корвалана не отпустят — я завтра на работу не выйду" 1500092;1468010498;asciilifeform;l0l 1500093;1468010526;BingoBoingo;http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/police-body-found-in-piedmont-park-a-suicide-victi/nrtJq/ 1500094;1468010533;mircea_popescu;ahahah 1500095;1468010544;mircea_popescu;clearly needed. THIS is needed. the finger is not. fucking i-ching. 1500096;1468010550;mircea_popescu;next they're going to put a mahjongg set 1500097;1468010570;phf;mircea_popescu: boy do i have news for you 1500098;1468010580;mircea_popescu;no fucking way 1500099;1468010582;BingoBoingo;"The case of a black man found hanging from a tree in Piedmont Park has been referred to the FBI, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said. 1500100;1468010582;BingoBoingo;Reed’s statement was issued Thursday afternoon, hours after social media users expressed outrage about the Atlanta Police Department’s contention the scene was consistent with a suicide. An autopsy has not been performed." 1500101;1468010590;mircea_popescu;away, evil one. do not bespoil my youthful innocence. 1500102;1468010630;phf;Mahjong Tiles Range: 1F000–1F02F 1500103;1468010672;phf; 1500104;1468010679;asciilifeform;^ doesn't display on my box 1500105;1468010688;mircea_popescu;or in his log 1500106;1468010690;mircea_popescu;but i see it fine. 1500107;1468010694;asciilifeform;i-ching, you-ching, we all ching for i-ching. 1500108;1468010711;phf;oh interesting, it's straight up missing from log 1500109;1468010729;mircea_popescu;no it's not. phf:  1500110;1468010749;phf;true, but corrupted 1500111;1468010756;asciilifeform;i see a subscripted '4' 1500112;1468010759;mircea_popescu;yeah, that's what i'm saying. 1500113;1468010810;BingoBoingo;;;later tell thestringpuller Pleases consider Brazil 1500114;1468010810;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1500115;1468010817;phf;http://glyf.org/tmp/mahjong.png 1500116;1468010829;mircea_popescu;nevermind! 1500117;1468010896;phf;well, i have some font on my system that kicks in for most obscure characters (i think i wanted it for apl unicode), never the less log loses some unicode bits 1500118;1468013106;BingoBoingo;Who knew the "weather" tag on qntra would get so much use so soon? 1500119;1468013174;deedbot;[Qntra] Multiple Ambush Attacks On Police Officers Today - http://qntra.net/2016/07/multiple-ambush-attacks-on-police-officers-today/ 1500120;1468014409;mircea_popescu;are we waking alf up re police getting butchered or not yet ? 1500121;1468014435;asciilifeform;$s gendarmerie 1500122;1468014435;a111;35 results for "gendarmerie", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=gendarmerie 1500123;1468014442;asciilifeform;which waking up. 1500124;1468014446;asciilifeform;plan is pretty obvious. 1500125;1468014522;asciilifeform;if a white army tries to retake and hold streets in bmore, you can bet your arse the feds will show up. and will defend their beloved pets. 1500126;1468014578;asciilifeform;on the other had, white cops trying to keep usa from rhodesiating, ~will~ be butchered, yes. 1500127;1468014601;asciilifeform;to the enthusiastic applause of harvaryalebridge et al. 1500128;1468014613;trinque;do you really think every black dude with an assault rifle is working for lizard hitler? 1500129;1468014621;trinque;they're just pissed dawg 1500130;1468014624;trinque;fuck da po-lice 1500131;1468014634;asciilifeform;trinque: didja ever read rezun's piece re sov-funded terrorists ? 1500132;1468014667;trinque;I haven't. 1500133;1468014677;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i recall vaguely some debates cca 2013, prior to the gendarmerie fallback, with me saying the us police is going to get butchered and you saying wake me up when. 1500134;1468014683;mircea_popescu;too vague to bother digging for it though 1500135;1468014705;asciilifeform;'The GRU's tactics toward terrorists are simple: never give them any orders, never tell them what to do. They are destroying Western civilisation: they know how to do it, the argument goes, so let them get on with it unfettered by petty supervision. Among them there are idealists ready to die for their own ideas. So let them die for them. The most important thing is to preserve their illusion that they are completely free and indepen 1500136;1468014705;asciilifeform;dent.' 1500137;1468014705;mircea_popescu;but i will say this "hey, getting beaten into a pulp WAS THE PLAN ALL ALONG" only goes so far 1500138;1468014710;asciilifeform;( http://militera.lib.ru/research/suvorov6/08.html ) 1500139;1468014721;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: feds were not, and are not, getting beaten into a pulp. 1500140;1468014736;mircea_popescu;incidentally, you know what splitting is ? 1500141;1468014740;asciilifeform;local cops - yes. because they are in the way. 1500142;1468014742;asciilifeform;hm? 1500143;1468014748;mircea_popescu;splitting. 1500144;1468014756;asciilifeform;nfi? 1500145;1468014803;mircea_popescu;splitting is a term from psychology, denoting a tendency (seen mostly in borderline cases, but a variant is central to narcissists of both types also) to resolve contrasts through alternating pure views. 1500146;1468014834;mircea_popescu;in the most typical case, the teenager's mother is PERFECT ALL GOOD, when she satisfies whatever impulse currently holds the attention of the kid ; and EVIL ALL BAD when she frustrates idem 1500147;1468014836;asciilifeform;where's the alternation ? 1500148;1468014845;asciilifeform;shoe dun fit. 1500149;1468014849;mircea_popescu;splitting is common in adolescents, and supposedly healthy to a degree. 1500150;1468014853;mircea_popescu;hey, i was just asking! 1500151;1468014861;asciilifeform;lel 1500152;1468014871;mircea_popescu;tis an interesting concept. 1500153;1468014897;asciilifeform;i'll wear the shoe from the swift thread, though, sure. 1500154;1468014933;mircea_popescu;you'll notice that the simple solution to any unpleasant event is to divide the object into a good and a bad side, yes ? 1500155;1468014942;mircea_popescu;what makes you think there exists a difference between "feds" and "local police" ? 1500156;1468015087;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite different items in 1,001 ways. 1500157;1468015107;asciilifeform;different jurisdictions, command structure, philosophy, equipment, even recruitment methods 1500158;1468015116;mircea_popescu;well you know, your hand and your skull are quite different items in 1001 ways, but the argument "the bad hand hit you" might at most convince a pitbull 1500159;1468015121;mircea_popescu;or i guess an orthodox muslim. 1500160;1468015170;asciilifeform;never said 'local is GOOD!111' 1500161;1468015189;asciilifeform;just that it is not a reliable part of the octopus. and is being brought into line. 1500162;1468015190;mircea_popescu;but ? independent ? 1500163;1468015199;mircea_popescu;how does this work, i thought nothing was indepenent ? 1500164;1468015202;asciilifeform;let's rather say: not wholly dependent. 1500165;1468015205;mircea_popescu;turns out there's an island right in heart of mordor ? 1500166;1468015222;mircea_popescu;well then... if local police can be inconvenient, then lizard hittler is quite vulnerable ? and there could be... other problems it could have ? 1500167;1468015243;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498863 << they all live atop the same printing press, yes ? what difference ? 1500168;1468015243;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 18:09 mircea_popescu: here's something for the historian in alf! there's ancient statement of the principle, recorded in 1970 milwaukee journal : "You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The word is divided in two. The Russians and the Americans, no one else. What are we? Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the government is NATO, behind NATO is the US. You can't fight us, we are Americans." 1500169;1468015264;mircea_popescu;same nato behind nypd and fbi, neh ? 1500170;1468015328;asciilifeform;my fingers are in that sense same as my toes 1500171;1468015342;asciilifeform;but in practice, they are not interchangeable. 1500172;1468015352;mircea_popescu;i would propose that the surgeon drawing a distinction between toe gangrene and finger gangrene is a dubious surgeon indeed. 1500173;1468015426;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1500174;1468015432;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 657.0, vol: 7162.71362242 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 640.208, vol: 6605.9657 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 658.77, vol: 35220.83013158 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 610.0, vol: 2.96446983 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 658.55049, vol: 28023.11570000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 666.0, vol: 1777.32808492 | Volume-weighted last average: 657.136048733 1500175;1468015503;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1500176;1468015505;gribble;Current Blocks: 419884 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1459 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 1 hour, 29 minutes, and 22 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1500177;1468015519;BingoBoingo;116 blocks left 1500178;1468015569;shinohai;>.> 1500179;1468017345;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “What is this magical key to success you smart people have?” - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/08/what-is-this-magical-key-to-success-you-smart-people-have/ 1500180;1468018154;BingoBoingo;$up God 1500181;1468018154;deedbot;God voiced for 30 minutes. 1500182;1468018274;God;What’s your favorite story from the bible? 1500183;1468018351;God;What do you all think of Mormons? 1500184;1468019025;trinque;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-police-idUSKCN0ZN0MF << wahhahaha, "acted alone" 1500185;1468019028;trinque;asciilifeform: I tip my hat 1500186;1468019052;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1499297 1500187;1468019052;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 04:27 trinque: we'll see how the number of shooters dwindles though 1500188;1468019186;trinque;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-police-gunman-idUSKCN0ZO2JO << rather, this one 1500189;1468023080;danielpbarron;$up hodgepodger 1500190;1468023081;deedbot;hodgepodger voiced for 30 minutes. 1500191;1468023183;asciilifeform;trinque: l0l! 1500192;1468023187;asciilifeform;just like the sandy hook scam 1500193;1468023191;asciilifeform;and buncha others. 1500194;1468023217;asciilifeform;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-markets-bitcoin-mining-idUSKCN0ZO2CW << from same rag. 1500195;1468023225;asciilifeform;'Bitcoin 'miners' face fight for survival as new supply halves' 1500196;1468023440;asciilifeform;'Dallas Police Chief David Brown called the incident "a well-planned, well-thought-out, evil tragedy," adding, "We are determined to not let this person steal this democracy from us."' << lel! 1500197;1468023445;asciilifeform;interesting phrasing. 1500198;1468024088;mircea_popescu;trinque well, homebrew stuff isn't an ~international~ terrorist organisation so all's good. 1500199;1468026564;asciilifeform;http://www.wellaware1.com/castile << moar lulz. 1500200;1468028197;mircea_popescu;uh. blood is all sorts of colors. 1500201;1468028299;mircea_popescu;wtf is this crazy shit stick on all sides of video anyway. 1500202;1468029091;asciilifeform;nfi 1500203;1468030605;shinohai;reportedly, coinbase has a bug that is making high numbers of "vaults" in user accounts lol 1500204;1468030882;asciilifeform;waiwut 1500205;1468031047;shinohai;http://archive.is/rNiol 1500206;1468031075;asciilifeform;what do these actually do ? 1500207;1468031231;mircea_popescu;someone fucking with their db ? 1500208;1468031275;shinohai;or they just have a new "feature" 1500209;1468031562;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1500179 << this thing just melted my brainz. some schmuck crying because he could not become a... health inspector! and pete_dushenski advising him on how to cry less 1500210;1468031562;a111;Logged on 2016-07-08 22:35 deedbot: [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “What is this magical key to success you smart people have?” - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/08/what-is-this-magical-key-to-success-you-smart-people-have/ 1500211;1468034177;mircea_popescu;nuttin wrong with that, is thar! 1500212;1468034179;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: There are worse things to cry over. 1500213;1468035588;phf;spilled milk for one 1500214;1468039392;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1500215;1468039394;gribble;Current Blocks: 419926 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1417 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 13 hours, 47 minutes, and 1 second | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1500216;1468039406;BingoBoingo;74 left 1500217;1468048868;ben_vulpes;;;halfreward 1500218;1468048868;gribble;Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Sat Jul 9 16:40:32 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 9 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds. 1500219;1468066090;Framedragger;rehi 1500220;1468066209;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1496894 << yeah so just to clarify, there were ca. 20M hosts 'up', and ca. 10M ssh keys extracted from those 20M online candidates 1500221;1468066209;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 14:33 mircea_popescu: Framedragger_ do i misremember the count ? 1500222;1468066238;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497216 << o/ 1500223;1468066238;a111;Logged on 2016-07-04 22:16 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-04#1497165 << Framedragger_ ? williamdunne ? 1500224;1468066265;Framedragger;in other news, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-08/brexit-turns-bitcoin-into-an-unlikely-haven-currency-chart 1500225;1468067727;shinohai;wb Framedragger 1500226;1468067817;Framedragger;thx shinohai. it's nice to get away from teh PC for a while 1500227;1468067869;shinohai;agreed. I'm gonna go to Virginia beach w/ gf for a holiday but gotta wait until August. 1500228;1468067971;Framedragger;sounds nice. yeah i spent time by the baltic sea etc, was warm enough to swim, good times 1500229;1468068034;*;shinohai likes anywhere with a coast. 1500230;1468068043;Framedragger;yeah, same! 1500231;1468069138;*;mircea_popescu waves 1500232;1468069156;mircea_popescu;$up PumpBTC 1500233;1468069157;deedbot;PumpBTC voiced for 30 minutes. 1500234;1468069260;shinohai;oh hiya mp 1500235;1468069304;mircea_popescu;;) 1500236;1468069329;shinohai;Happy anarchy in the us day! 1500237;1468069339;mircea_popescu;o it is ? 1500238;1468069345;PumpBTC;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkyI4faxrJE 1500239;1468069349;PumpBTC;lesson of the day 1500240;1468069438;Framedragger;;;bc,stats 1500241;1468069440;gribble;Current Blocks: 419973 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1370 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 18 hours, 51 minutes, and 25 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1500242;1468069458;Framedragger;;;halfreward 1500243;1468069458;gribble;Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Sat Jul 9 17:33:42 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 4 hours, 30 minutes, and 0 seconds. 1500244;1468069579;Framedragger;..so no truly-broken keys from the ssh keyset yet, i take it! :) 1500245;1468069755;shinohai;phuctor rss feed broken again :/ 1500246;1468069783;mircea_popescu;apparently not 1500247;1468069864;shinohai;it appears my request just timed out is all. 1500248;1468070060;shinohai;fuckin dao up 19.22% 1500249;1468070073;mircea_popescu;lol they fixed it ? 1500250;1468070101;shinohai;The DAO 2.0 - Flaming tire in a shitpit, now with corn! 1500251;1468070249;PumpBTC;dao has like 95% of it issuance with 5 people 1500252;1468070282;PumpBTC;hey mircea how is argentina? you get scammed by doug casey into going to that wretched shithole? 1500253;1468070291;shinohai;http://archive.is/yHDFa 'Bitcoin Jesus' Roger Ver was hospitalized after being found ranting incoherently on a Tokyo street corner, wearing only a soiled toga-like garment.' 1500254;1468070341;mircea_popescu;nah. 1500255;1468070363;mircea_popescu;see http://trilema.com/2014/so-the-dollar-vigilante-scam-ring-is-going-to-jail/ 1500256;1468070470;shinohai;But they have a Bitcoin embassy! 1500257;1468070500;mircea_popescu;im sure they do. 1500258;1468070523;mircea_popescu;there's a picture i took in egypt of a dhl sign in the middle of the sandy nowhere. i'm too lazy to dig it up, consider i linked it 1500259;1468070524;PumpBTC;you heading back to gypsyland or staying in argentina 1500260;1468070546;mircea_popescu;what's gypsyland and who are you again ? 1500261;1468070554;PumpBTC;romania 1500262;1468070560;mircea_popescu;heh 1500263;1468070570;mircea_popescu;gypsy folk have no land, ye schmuck. 1500264;1468070577;PumpBTC;tru 1500265;1468070583;mircea_popescu;kinda the fuckin' point. 1500266;1468070865;*;Framedragger waves hey mircea_popescu, how are things and how's the weather on your end? it's supposed to be, like, winter over there, right? 1500267;1468070889;mircea_popescu;girl wears my underwear "as an experiment" ; then gets her period "unexpectedly". i am now throwing out blood stained boxers wtf. 1500268;1468070900;Framedragger;hahaha 1500269;1468070903;mircea_popescu;Framedragger ~12 celsius. it never gets to be winter. 1500270;1468070905;Framedragger;sorry for your loss 1500271;1468070925;mircea_popescu;yeah ima have to buy more, they keep getting in accidents. 1500272;1468070931;Framedragger;i guess that's supposed to be winter-y in that context 1500273;1468071085;mircea_popescu;Framedragger the locals go around all wrapped up and keep shivering and shit, it's pretty ridoinculous. 1500274;1468071126;mircea_popescu;i can't not think "there's something deeply wrong with her cunt" whenever i see young women being all cold and shit with the sweet warm breeze outside > 10 degrees. 1500275;1468071132;mircea_popescu;"turn on the engine, yo!" 1500276;1468071436;Framedragger;heh. i am reminded of stories of refugees in sweden making most serious and sincere complaints about how unbelievably cold it is. at that time iirc it wasn't even winter proper, *and* it's not "cold" in sweden.... 1500277;1468071487;mircea_popescu;heh. 1500278;1468071491;mircea_popescu;quite. 1500279;1468071548;mircea_popescu;i have burned in my memory this scene, me visiting the baltic sometime in september, and the sky was fucking ladden and the breeze cutting and meh, i was totally opressed. meanwhile, pantlegs pulled up, sauntering around in the wake, these tweeny girls, redder than boiled lobster in color. 1500280;1468071553;mircea_popescu;they couldn't care less. 1500281;1468071646;Framedragger;:). 1500282;1468072653;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500267 << lel that makes 2 of us. 1500283;1468072653;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 13:28 mircea_popescu: girl wears my underwear "as an experiment" ; then gets her period "unexpectedly". i am now throwing out blood stained boxers wtf. 1500284;1468072733;mircea_popescu;say no to domestic experimentation! let's make america great again! 1500285;1468072817;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform did yours propose "just because it's bloody doesn't mean you have to throw it out" also ? 1500286;1468073577;asciilifeform;aha. 1500287;1468073659;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, i'm about to do 2nd expedition to bmore. 1500288;1468074346;mircea_popescu;got your blog up and ready to go ? :D 1500289;1468074409;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500226 << no it's not. it's miserable i tell you. miserable! 1500290;1468074409;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 12:36 Framedragger: thx shinohai. it's nice to get away from teh PC for a while 1500291;1468074438;shinohai;i still have a small device to read lawgz with 1500292;1468074470;mircea_popescu;ah. i hate the small shits. 1500293;1468074601;*;phf is looking forward to asciilifeform's baltimore pics 1500294;1468074662;thestringpuller;;;seen jurov 1500295;1468074662;gribble;jurov was last seen in #trilema 2 days, 16 hours, 31 minutes, and 3 seconds ago: using.trilema.for.workouts. my brain timed out at this. 1500296;1468074750;thestringpuller;he must be hanging with da hippiez. no h8. 1500297;1468074759;thestringpuller;happy halvening day TMSR 1500298;1468074803;thestringpuller;I can't believe it's been 4 years already. Damn, we gettin' old ya'll. 1500299;1468074816;thestringpuller;;;seen smickles 1500300;1468074816;gribble;smickles was last seen in #trilema 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 8 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: $s moon 1500301;1468074974;phf;$up vc 1500302;1468074974;deedbot;vc voiced for 30 minutes. 1500303;1468076282;Framedragger;vc reminds me, i'll re-do the port 22 ipv4 probe on his cockful box :p 1500304;1468077222;Framedragger;hm, box.cock.li seems to be down, and ssh host key on vc's vps seems to have changed :/ hrmph. 1500305;1468077246;Framedragger;oh it's back up 1500306;1468077269;Framedragger;(my mistake) 1500307;1468077317;shinohai;which box do you have Framedragger ? 1500308;1468077380;*;shinohai wants to run a cock.li trb node 1500309;1468077548;shinohai; I long for the day he opens the box.nigge.rs domain 1500310;1468077739;BingoBoingo;12 blocks left! 1500311;1468077788;Framedragger;shinohai: 1GB Memory, 30GB SSD Storage, 1TB Bandwidth 1500312;1468077805;Framedragger;$10/mo 1500313;1468077826;shinohai;i'd probably need$20/mo or better plan for node purposes. 1500314;1468078234;Framedragger;shinohai: yeah, you probably would. if there's an occasion for that tho, i'd go for it. or maybe tmsr can fund one, however it works 1500315;1468078273;shinohai;no space available currently doe :/ 1500316;1468078367;Framedragger;ah. when vc's around maybe he can be queried re this :) 1500317;1468078509;BingoBoingo;In other news, a Tornado hit Metropolis. Another candidate for Alfugee settlement, just not as cheap or black as Cairo. Also has Casino nao. 1500318;1468078513;BingoBoingo;http://www.wpsdlocal6.com/story/32388841/metropolis-without-power-after-ef-1-tornado-straight-line-winds 1500319;1468079583;mats;dun dun dun 1500320;1468079685;BingoBoingo;It's ok though because apparently Superman lives there as he's 'Murican and there's no where else named Metropolis in the US. 1500321;1468079722;*;BingoBoingo doesn't know if they ever gave him super carpentry skills so he could... rebuild 1500322;1468082080;mod6;"blocks" : 419996, 1500323;1468082108;mod6;<+thestringpuller> happy halvening day TMSR << salud! 1500324;1468082232;mod6;i got 419997 nao 1500325;1468082591;ben_vulpes;419999 1500326;1468082612;mod6;yup, just got that too. nice. 1500327;1468082852;ben_vulpes;419999 1500328;1468082854;ben_vulpes;derp 1500329;1468082870;mod6;there it is! 420`000 1500330;1468082870;ben_vulpes;420001 1500331;1468082886;ben_vulpes;happy new era 1500332;1468082907;mod6;I snuck in this tx to The Bitcoin Foundation 1500333;1468082909;mod6;33943c10527486f6913bf5041e12d7994bfa84f54c1cc6668c0556e6d6f68175 1500334;1468082910;ben_vulpes;mod6: i'm seeing 420`001, are you? 1500335;1468082926;mod6;yup, got 420,001 1500336;1468082968;ben_vulpes;word 1500337;1468082984;ben_vulpes;those two came in kinda quickly. 1500338;1468082986;ben_vulpes;conspiraci! 1500339;1468083162;mod6;reward on 420`000 with fees is 13.07569681 1500340;1468083209;mod6;reward on 420`001 with fees is 12.51263172 1500341;1468083245;mod6;:] 1500342;1468083306;Framedragger;nice one, cheers everyone :) 1500343;1468083341;mod6;salud Framedragger 1500344;1468083478;Framedragger;(some nice dump and pump BTCUSD volume it seems; curious how the price moves in the hours/days to come) 1500345;1468083518;mod6;yeah 1500346;1468083555;Framedragger;(i guess the speculation-based pump happened long time ago? though i didn't follow much) 1500347;1468083575;mod6;last time, there seemed like there a small percent bump to the upside. but then after a while, price moved signifigantly. 1500348;1468083587;mod6;i'd have to look at a chart.. 1500349;1468083596;Framedragger;yeah 1500350;1468084056;mod6;Yeah, looking at some bitcoincharts ... last time the blockreward halved @ 210000 it was 2012.11.28 1500351;1468084148;mod6;fun to look back on that stuff. 1500352;1468084176;Framedragger;absolutely; will try to do the same later today, just out of curiosity. interesting indeed 1500353;1468084329;mircea_popescu;420001 ftw :D 1500354;1468084338;mod6;hai 1500355;1468084380;mircea_popescu;"bitcoin doomed because block reward too small to carry littoral combat sheep." 1500356;1468084447;mod6;i've got 420`002 nao 1500357;1468084473;mod6;13.37096670 reward 1500358;1468084502;mircea_popescu;a more decent 5-10% sort of fee vs subsidy composition. 1500359;1468084520;mod6;420`003 nao too 1500360;1468084531;mircea_popescu;let's not forget that all the hype, buzz and derpage isn't worth a cupfula warm piss ; this thing has to sustain itself ON FEES. 1500361;1468084543;mircea_popescu;yup here too mod6 1500362;1468084557;mod6;32`124.16849594 transacted on 420`002 1500363;1468084595;mod6;reward on 420`003 was 12.80146071 1500364;1468084633;mod6;to total transacted was 9455.53208374 on 420`003 1500365;1468084652;mod6;i'll pipe down a bit now. just watchin' :] 1500366;1468084731;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> let's not forget that all the hype, buzz and derpage isn't worth a cupfula warm piss ; this thing has to sustain itself ON FEES. << yup! 1500367;1468084995;mod6;420`004 1500368;1468085006;mircea_popescu;are you a little excited ? :D 1500369;1468085019;mod6;yeah! 1500370;1468085024;mircea_popescu;mebbe jot down a qntra piece. you know, 30 years from now you can frame it and hang in your office 1500371;1468085068;mod6;yeah, I can try to throw a short one together here in the next little bit. 1500372;1468085496;BingoBoingo; (some nice dump and pump BTCUSD volume it seems; curious how the price moves in the hours/days to come) << Watch not days, but months 1500373;1468085530;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/07/the-bitcoin-block-reward-has-halved-a-second-time/ << mod6 Welcome to pls build on this 1500374;1468085703;deedbot;[Qntra] The Bitcoin Block Reward Has Halved A Second Time - http://qntra.net/2016/07/the-bitcoin-block-reward-has-halved-a-second-time/ 1500375;1468087039;mod6;ah, ok, figured you'd have something going already :] 1500376;1468087058;BingoBoingo;But a member of the foundation building on it would be well appreciated 1500377;1468087097;mod6;That's a nice write up. 1500378;1468087107;mod6;I'll see what I can do here... 1500379;1468088350;mod6;420`007 1500380;1468089040;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency rmb 1500381;1468089050;gribble;BTCChina BTCRMB last: 4288.26, vol: 34304.41400000 | Volume-weighted last average: 4288.26 1500382;1468089181;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1500383;1468089185;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 640.9, vol: 6546.49317421 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 630.002, vol: 6144.21205 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 642.06, vol: 47295.65943226 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 664.66, vol: 1.86461374 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 641.069455, vol: 34367.42050000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 640.22, vol: 2026.17388379 | Volume-weighted last average: 640.82108033 1500384;1468090731;mod6;;;halfreward 1500385;1468090732;gribble;Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Tue Jul 7 01:18:15 2020 UTC | Time remaining: 3 years, 51 weeks, 6 days, 6 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds. 1500386;1468091459;mats;http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_133276.htm?selectedLocale=en 1500387;1468091821;mats;>we have decided to enhance our military presence in the eastern part of the Alliance. With four battalions here in Poland, as well as Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on a rotational basis. 1500388;1468091903;BingoBoingo;ty mod6 1500389;1468091974;deedbot;[Qntra] Bitcoin Foundation Chair On Bitcoin's Second Halving - http://qntra.net/2016/07/bitcoin-foundation-chair-on-bitcoins-second-halving/ 1500390;1468092265;BingoBoingo;$up vc 1500391;1468092265;deedbot;vc voiced for 30 minutes. 1500392;1468092796;mod6;Hey, thanks for posting BingoBoingo! 1500393;1468092823;mod6;also, thanks for linking your article too. 1500394;1468093382;mircea_popescu;mats coupla batallions in constanta and somewhere around the carpathian bend 1500395;1468093575;mircea_popescu;mats also of interest : http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-118020 1500396;1468093657;mats;folks seem terrified of ru aggression 1500397;1468093692;mats;there have been rumblings of .fi and .se joining nato for a little while now 1500398;1468093905;mats;;;seen nubbins` 1500399;1468093905;gribble;I have not seen nubbins`. 1500400;1468093975;mircea_popescu;mats well, the implosion of ukraine pretty much convinced everyone there's no future for the ... you know, "peaceful, independent country" a la frace in the 1800s. 1500401;1468093978;mircea_popescu;looking for a new model. 1500402;1468094011;mats;four battalions is a weak attempt at reassuring the baltics 1500403;1468094062;mircea_popescu;one battalion is barely adequate to police the base at constanta. 1500404;1468094072;mircea_popescu;but hey... the empire's outta juice. 1500405;1468094379;mats;idk how to reach nubbins so as far as i'm concerned hanbot is the only other participant 1500406;1468094448;mircea_popescu;do your best as they say. 1500407;1468094548;mircea_popescu;incidentally, here's an ~actual~ bit of post-bitcoin governance being tried out etc. with institutions and mechanisms and whatnot. of course, the usual fucktards, the nullities that spent a million words discussing "the dao" and "futublabla" and so on will never EVER mention it. 1500408;1468094563;mircea_popescu;salt to the snail, real things to the fetish-only ustard and so on. 1500409;1468094608;mircea_popescu;but the matter is in itself important, "how to reward collective effort ?" "i dunno, have the INDIVIDUALS composing the collective submit plans, and pick the fairest of a selected set ?" 1500410;1468094626;mircea_popescu;because no, there isn't such a thing as a collective, it's a circumstance not a thing. 1500411;1468094633;mircea_popescu;aaanyway. 1500412;1468094674;mircea_popescu;please bury me with a pickaxe, i have a few things to say to FUCKING EVERYONE from plato to the current pope 1500413;1468094682;mircea_popescu;and it's the sort of thing best explained with the pickaxe to the skull. 1500414;1468095045;mats;his contribution was minimal anyway 1500415;1468095095;mats;the Africk cases he posted aren't relevant because that judge doesn't meet the requirements - too old - and the list of magistrates in the other comment, while mostly complete (its missing Wilson), it also has many judges that don't meet the requirements 1500416;1468095799;mats;i submit that hanbot should be rewarded with 4btc and i receive the remainder of the pool 1500417;1468095907;mats;if nubbins shows up in the next sixty days and identifies with the key stored in deedbot, ill give him 0.5btc for his efforts 1500418;1468095920;mats;do you think this is equitable, hanbot 1500419;1468096357;BingoBoingo;$up summerverbose 1500420;1468096357;deedbot;summerverbose voiced for 30 minutes. 1500421;1468096363;BingoBoingo;Hello ms verbose 1500422;1468096580;summerverbose;sup to all my dudez :) 1500423;1468096913;summerverbose;so, I'm a wot:nonperson but just wanted to say, been an avid follower of QNTRA and trilema for a number of years and have spent the last 3 years of my life building on Bitcoin 1500424;1468096954;summerverbose;that's all for now, maybe I'll have something to contribute textually later but have a great weekend to all. 1500425;1468096955;shinohai;nifty 1500426;1468096962;mats;what does building on bitcoin mean exactly 1500427;1468096992;summerverbose;somewhere inbetween Dooglus and Brian Armstrong 1500428;1468097095;trinque;read trilema and qntra for years, don't want to register in wot? 1500429;1468097099;trinque;wat 1500430;1468097136;shinohai;lol Brian Armstrong. 1500431;1468097167;BingoBoingo;summerverbose: perhaps begin by registering a key? 1500432;1468097211;summerverbose;I had generally preferred to keep my identity fluid 1500433;1468097221;mats;lol 1500434;1468097221;summerverbose;but on this special day, perhaps I will take the plunge .. need to push a few commits first :) 1500435;1468097237;trinque;summerverbose: building what on bitcoin? 1500436;1468097265;summerverbose;services for the public good basically 1500437;1468097557;BingoBoingo;The fluid identity thing tends to be a handicap in the long run no matter what your impression of the short term benefits are 1500438;1468097557;shinohai;$define `public good` 1500439;1468097708;summerverbose;I write software for a non-VC-funded company that expands Bitcoin accessibility around the world 1500440;1468097739;summerverbose;which I believe, based on my current pay grade, qualifies as public good :) 1500441;1468097793;mats;i can't follow this logic 1500442;1468097830;summerverbose;I spend my weekends working on Bitcoin 1500443;1468097846;summerverbose;or as my grandmother would say, "doing Bitcoin" 1500444;1468097888;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mod6 Did you plant anything today to commemorate the halving? 1500445;1468097888;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1500446;1468098138;shinohai;Happy Halvenin' BingoBoingo 1500447;1468098152;BingoBoingo;ty shinohai you plant anything today? 1500448;1468098181;shinohai;I watered my bonsai does that count? 1500449;1468098194;shinohai;$up summerverbose 1500450;1468098194;deedbot;summerverbose voiced for 30 minutes. 1500451;1468098300;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Sure. I put in a thornless blackberry. Finally doing a cazalla and putting in an edible. 1500452;1468098347;shinohai;I have tomatoes and peppers already ala mod6 1500453;1468098355;shinohai;green onions 1500454;1468098538;BingoBoingo;I figued thornless blackberry would be appropriate because require serious cutting every two years 1500455;1468098549;BingoBoingo;And protection from birds when fruiting 1500456;1468098556;BingoBoingo;and other assorted vigilance 1500457;1468098594;mod6;BingoBoingo: ah, thanks for the q. No, didn't plant anything. Raised up my lettuce (romaine), it's over 36" tall now. Watered everything. Zucchini's are getting big. Tomatoes are still green but coming along... 1500458;1468098605;mod6;Everything else is getting there too. 1500459;1468098612;BingoBoingo;sweet! 1500460;1468098615;shinohai;oh noes i'll never learn what that worthwhile Bitcoin project was. 1500461;1468098670;trinque;summerverbose │ I write software for a non-VC-funded company that expands Bitcoin accessibility around the world << that is not a sentence that sentences 1500462;1468098682;trinque;define thy terms! 1500463;1468098684;*;trinque aways 1500464;1468098710;mod6;<+shinohai> I have tomatoes and peppers already ala mod6 << last year I did bell peppers and habaneros. Only the habaneros did alright. This year made room for Eggplant, Pumpkins, Watermelon, Red/Green Cabbage, Cucumbers (large & small), and Broccoli. 1500465;1468098763;mod6;It's a neat hobby kinda. Helps me to get outside and think a bit. 1500466;1468099093;mircea_popescu;mats but plox to submit a comment there. 1500467;1468099146;shinohai;nice 1500468;1468099208;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500448 << ahahaha ooookay. 1500469;1468099208;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 21:03 shinohai: I watered my bonsai does that count? 1500470;1468099246;mircea_popescu;in other non-news, along halvening day today is also argentina independence day. inexplicably, they celebrate this - roughly like the acneic woman celebrating nodule day. 1500471;1468099311;shinohai;http://archive.is/gjq8i <<< lulzy the delusions of this guy 1500472;1468099483;mod6;here's a couple of pics taken a few weeks ago of my one lettuce box (also has some cabbage in there): http://i.imgsafe.org/16b49a49dc.jpg http://i.imgsafe.org/16b908a468.jpg 1500473;1468099549;mod6;heheh `nodule day' 1500474;1468099667;mod6;crap, think i somehow linked the same pic 2x. derp 1500475;1468099814;mod6;http://i.imgsafe.org/16cdf7c239.jpg 1500476;1468099816;mod6;there we go 1500477;1468099829;BingoBoingo;very nice lumber mod6 1500478;1468099841;mod6;haha. yeah, she's old. 1500479;1468099885;mod6;i'll show off some of the other stuff once it's gets a bit farther along 1500480;1468099910;mod6;i've been eating fresh garden salad tho lately. oh boy, so good. 1500481;1468100337;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> shinohai: Sure. I put in a thornless blackberry. Finally doing a cazalla and putting in an edible. << in the background of that first pic, i've got raspberries (red and black). been eatin 3-5 per day. 1500482;1468100348;BingoBoingo;Awesome 1500483;1468100385;mod6;my blueberries haven't grown very much in the last year or two tho. they're only like 1' high. so... maybe some day? i might have them in a bad place though. about 50% shade. 1500484;1468100400;BingoBoingo;Blueberries are tricky 1500485;1468100441;mod6;yeah, seems that way. 1500486;1468100451;BingoBoingo;Very finicky things. 1500487;1468100533;mod6;Next year I think im going to build potato boxes. 1500488;1468100570;mod6;And perhaps Mr. P.'s suggested lean-to so I can start from seeds. 1500489;1468100586;mod6;We'll see if I can get it together. Heheh. 1500490;1468101293;BingoBoingo;mod6: Prolly ought to do asparagus mound since the payoff takes so long 1500491;1468101682;mats;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-118021 1500492;1468102170;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500491 <<< nice work O.o 1500493;1468102170;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 22:01 mats: mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-118021 1500494;1468102322;mats;thanks 1500495;1468102447;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 10783613970442413934143578906158089830375140508817221044708965087575877867311152108386754333184784039689570945854780881166021712179361227812154341718049279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs. 1500496;1468102856;mats;o 1500497;1468102906;shinohai;how did your pogotron finally wind up? 1500498;1468102958;BingoBoingo;Sweet, an SSH pooped 1500499;1468103018;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 10783613970442413934143578906158089830375140508817221044708965087575877867311152108386754333184784039689570945854780881166021712179361227812154341718049279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1500500;1468103018;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 10783613970442413934143578906158089830375140508817221044708965087575877867311152108386754333184784039689570945854780881166021712179361227812154341718049279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs. 1500501;1468103021;mats;work in progress 1500502;1468103036;shinohai;>.> 1500503;1468103101;shinohai;same here really, i have had this thing for so long now, with ssd. but no way to build binary in an easy fashion 1500504;1468103734;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1500505;1468103736;gribble;Current Blocks: 420037 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1306 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 18 hours, 21 minutes, and 44 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1500506;1468103884;mod6;<+BingoBoingo> mod6: Prolly ought to do asparagus mound since the payoff takes so long << this is a solid idea 1500507;1468103899;mod6;mats: thanks for putting that list together. 1500508;1468104942;trinque;neat, looks like 3rd and 4th ssh keys popping 1500509;1468105839;mircea_popescu;oooo now we're cooking 1500510;1468105843;mircea_popescu;IT FOUND ONE! 1500511;1468105848;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ^ 1500512;1468105865;mircea_popescu;trinque proper collision it'd seem 1500513;1468105884;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/qxDPo1.png 1500514;1468105903;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/tsCI9N.png 1500515;1468105916;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1500516;1468105921;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 650.85, vol: 6250.12672999 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 635.277, vol: 6054.62609 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 651.03, vol: 47691.78769001 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 664.66, vol: 1.86461374 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 652.0592, vol: 35991.14700000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 653.969, vol: 1946.9215939 | Volume-weighted last average: 650.481542007 1500517;1468105961;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo oh, he doesn't "owe me health", i owe him "not letting idiots die, because civilised society" 1500518;1468105963;mircea_popescu;fatlogic 1500519;1468105994;BingoBoingo;Zhe prolly doesn't even know the halvening happened. 1500520;1468106097;mircea_popescu;o wait, bitcoin is any-fat isn't it 1500521;1468106101;mircea_popescu;because it keeps halving 1500522;1468106294;BingoBoingo;lol 1500523;1468106339;shinohai;Who was the mayogenderfluid thing that's bigger than Brian Armstrong here earlier? 1500524;1468106505;mircea_popescu;wait wut ? 1500525;1468106524;BingoBoingo;http://www.realultimatepower.net/index4.htm 1500526;1468106773;mircea_popescu;is this maddox' cousin ? 1500527;1468106799;BingoBoingo;yeah, that old one 1500528;1468108432;mod6;the hate mail is awesome 1500529;1468108735;BingoBoingo;$up vexare 1500530;1468108736;deedbot;vexare voiced for 30 minutes. 1500531;1468108806;vexare;lurking 1500532;1468109011;mod6;I haven't been to this site in years, still cracks me up. "Robert Hamburger has a black belt in Street Fighter 2 and a second degree black belt in Mortal Kombat 1-3." 1500533;1468109496;mircea_popescu;ah this was with the ninjas forced meme 1500534;1468109656;BingoBoingo;yeah 1500535;1468109668;*;asciilifeform back from monkeyland 1500536;1468109730;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500500 << no good. cuts off url 1500537;1468109730;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 22:23 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 10783613970442413934143578906158089830375140508817221044708965087575877867311152108386754333184784039689570945854780881166021712179361227812154341718049279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs. 1500538;1468109845;asciilifeform;they're all on frontier dsl. 1500539;1468109848;asciilifeform;prolly modem. 1500540;1468109857;asciilifeform;snore. 1500541;1468110063;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500397 << 'nato will happily fight russia to the last finnish soldier.' -- putin 1500542;1468110063;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 19:48 mats: there have been rumblings of .fi and .se joining nato for a little while now 1500543;1468110162;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D0AC0C30BC34D89A0030FEE5CF3B72AAD12A5CA8957EAE53A26562A2707AC0BD 1500544;1468110171;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/883B06E873C07E5B89D390661892DF1B8A06B6026A6BBB63475B2E6002AE1E11 1500545;1468110176;asciilifeform;^ for anyone who wants the keyz. 1500546;1468110199;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo ^ qntra ? 1500547;1468110225;BingoBoingo;gringing it 1500548;1468110398;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500503 << rotor builds armv5 binary and it is THREE MOTHERFUCKING LINES to change in the build script WTF11111 1500549;1468110398;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 22:25 shinohai: same here really, i have had this thing for so long now, with ssd. but no way to build binary in an easy fashion 1500550;1468110522;trinque;corollary to read teh logz is read the sauce! 1500551;1468110532;*;trinque goes to get drunk on margaritas 1500552;1468110542;trinque;happy halvening! 1500553;1468110583;asciilifeform;'Why the DAO robber could very well return the ETH on July 14th' << pass the lsd. 1500554;1468110609;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500439 << pass moar lsd. 1500555;1468110609;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 20:55 summerverbose: I write software for a non-VC-funded company that expands Bitcoin accessibility around the world 1500556;1468110633;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500440 << did somebody leave a hatch open or wat, though which folks without elementary trace element of a clue wander in 1500557;1468110633;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 20:55 summerverbose: which I believe, based on my current pay grade, qualifies as public good :) 1500558;1468110643;asciilifeform;where do they come from ? 1500559;1468110647;asciilifeform;what are they looking for here. 1500560;1468110689;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500330 << this is approx as exciting as new year day. 1500561;1468110689;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 16:47 ben_vulpes: 420001 1500562;1468110901;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500558 << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-26#1416370 1500563;1468110901;a111;Logged on 2016-02-26 22:57 phf: ^- http://buttersafe.com/comics/2008-10-23-Detour.jpg 1500564;1468110901;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:30 asciilifeform: where do they come from ? 1500565;1468110956;asciilifeform;must be. 1500566;1468111555;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500317 << and i need tornados for....? 1500567;1468111555;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 15:35 BingoBoingo: In other news, a Tornado hit Metropolis. Another candidate for Alfugee settlement, just not as cheap or black as Cairo. Also has Casino nao. 1500568;1468111688;BingoBoingo;Why don't you need tornados? Live a little! 1500569;1468111744;asciilifeform;why not i simply take all of my possessions and put in a pyre, pour petrol, light 1500570;1468111750;asciilifeform;cheaper than moving 1500571;1468111765;asciilifeform;and waiting to be tornadoes in il or burgled in bmore 1500572;1468111904;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4761 1500573;1468111957;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=4759 1500574;1468111973;asciilifeform;meanwhile, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/senior-official-at-washington-think-tank-fatally-stabbed-in-baltimore-park/2016/07/09/01e478c6-45fd-11e6-88d0-6adee48be8bc_story.html 1500575;1468112003;asciilifeform;'A 59-year-old woman who was a senior official at a Washington think-tank was fatally stabbed in Baltimore’s Roland Park neighborhood as she was walking her dogs Friday night, police said.' 1500576;1468112023;asciilifeform;'Macauley was the vice president for research and a senior fellow with Resources for the Future in Washington. She first joined the organization in 1993. She was an adjunct economics professor at Johns Hopkins University for nearly 20 years.' 1500577;1468112031;asciilifeform;problemz! 1500578;1468112084;asciilifeform;'Macauley published dozens of journal articles on science and policy and received numerous awards for her work, she also testified before Congress 10 times, according to her curriculum vitae.' 1500579;1468112124;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ^ BLUE zone incidentally. 1500580;1468112151;BingoBoingo;lol 1500581;1468112467;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if you feel like it, try and ferret out what macauley might have done to earn havingproblemz. 1500582;1468112483;asciilifeform;could make for neato qntra piece. 1500583;1468112503;BingoBoingo;I may have to 1500584;1468113527;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500540 << omaigerd they're something! 1500585;1468113527;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:17 asciilifeform: snore. 1500586;1468113596;asciilifeform;anybody wanna do the deed ? ( take that key, log in , see ... ) 1500587;1468113965;mircea_popescu;heh 1500588;1468113977;mircea_popescu;and omg this coffee's fabulous 1500589;1468114004;*;mircea_popescu bought 1kg of costa rica ; kenya and sumatra. is having a taste off. jesus christ they're wunderbar. 1500590;1468114200;*;asciilifeform still has not found the mythical wholly unburned coffee in usaschwitz 1500591;1468114282;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500553 << it's the atlantic, gawker & rest of "mainstream" in their own minds crapolade. 1. "an event happened, here's what i was doing at that exact time : {picking my nose|wiping drool off chin|clicking through pictures of redditards / stuff cats wrote} ; 2. "here's why X real entity that doesn't give a shit about us ~might very well~ do Y thing that's only relevant in our context". 1500592;1468114282;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:29 asciilifeform: 'Why the DAO robber could very well return the ETH on July 14th' << pass the lsd. 1500593;1468114296;mircea_popescu;that's fucking it, 99.x% of the whole shebang and the rest consists of typographical errors. 1500594;1468114372;mircea_popescu;some venues also publish "scientific research", but it's very much 2 : "here's what [known to be broken] statistical models said about [dubious, low sample] data : Y item only meaningful in our context may correlate to Z item only meaningful in our context!" 1500595;1468114403;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i vaguely regret not finding this shop earlier, would have ladden the lot of you with real coffee. 1500596;1468114419;mircea_popescu;it is in fact so good womandom voluntarily switched from filter to cooking by hand. 1500597;1468114432;asciilifeform;i gotta fill a suitcase with that, on next tour 1500598;1468114451;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500559 << shut up and take it bitch, you're famous now. 1500599;1468114451;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:30 asciilifeform: what are they looking for here. 1500600;1468114458;asciilifeform;lel 1500601;1468114786;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500569 << tornado hits for >9000 WIND damage, not FIRE damage. jeez. learn your pokemons! 1500602;1468114786;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:49 asciilifeform: why not i simply take all of my possessions and put in a pyre, pour petrol, light 1500603;1468114819;asciilifeform;dun care which of the four alchemical elements, end is the same. 1500604;1468114858;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500575 << let me guess, this is really the washington-thinktank-gendarmerie plan getting rid of those pesky washington-local-thinktanks ? plan proceeding according to plan ? 1500605;1468114858;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:53 asciilifeform: 'A 59-year-old woman who was a senior official at a Washington think-tank was fatally stabbed in Baltimore’s Roland Park neighborhood as she was walking her dogs Friday night, police said.' 1500606;1468114872;asciilifeform;i got nuffin 1500607;1468114884;*;mircea_popescu grinz 1500608;1468114894;asciilifeform;spent all day in mothefucking open air zoo 1500609;1468114903;asciilifeform;out a bumper 1500610;1468114912;mircea_popescu;what's out a bumper ? 1500611;1468114914;asciilifeform;bought 0 houses. 1500612;1468114921;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: car. 1500613;1468114938;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry... you... lost a bumper that was attached to your car previously ? 1500614;1468114973;asciilifeform;still attached, but nearing end of useful life 1500615;1468114974;mircea_popescu;jesus they must be mixing some pretty strong cockroach powder in the smack these days, idiots stole the bumper instead of the wheels ? 1500616;1468114978;mircea_popescu;ah 1500617;1468114981;asciilifeform;long snorestory 1500618;1468114985;mircea_popescu;k nm 1500619;1468114998;*;BingoBoingo wants to here Snorey 1500620;1468115004;asciilifeform;folx in monkeylandia drive like maniacs etc 1500621;1468115009;BingoBoingo;AHA 1500622;1468115058;mircea_popescu;hey, just because you don't drive well is no excuse to oppress teh muslim brotherhood! 1500623;1468115068;asciilifeform;evidently 1500624;1468115080;deedbot;[Qntra] Phuctor Finds RSA Collision In SSH Key Dump - http://qntra.net/2016/07/phuctor-finds-rsa-collision-in-ssh-key-dump/ 1500625;1468115090;asciilifeform;more interestingly, policeman refused to create paperworx 1500626;1468115091;mircea_popescu;they can follow sixteen bodies moving in arbitrary directions on the basis of the FIFTH derivative of velocity! so nyah. 1500627;1468115111;asciilifeform;asked 'which one of you shot? nobody? get outta me face' 1500628;1468115190;asciilifeform;'greek chorus' of angry white hobos, both sexes, raged, woman to cop: 'no wonder folks shoot you lot!111' 1500629;1468115216;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/security/comments/4s3ef3/phuctor_finds_rsa_collision_in_ssh_key_dump/ 1500630;1468115221;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500581 << how about, usg lost the capacity to protect its underbelly ; http://btcbase.org/log/2014-08-16#798049 and other flondor discussions, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-24#1211091 etc. 1500631;1468115221;a111;Logged on 2015-07-24 00:19 mircea_popescu: and i'll say this to assuage your doubts : i am the man who said "you are not safe, for we know where you live". a year and change later, reality has borne my saying : the entire usg employee list, leaked. etc. 1500632;1468115221;a111;Logged on 2014-08-16 02:38 mircea_popescu: in short : your notion that sitting with the usg is safe and joining the rebels is dangerous is fundamentally broken. sitting with the usg is safe except if the rebels get the upper hand. 1500633;1468115221;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 01:01 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if you feel like it, try and ferret out what macauley might have done to earn havingproblemz. 1500634;1468115241;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: neato, ty 1500635;1468115248;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: yw 1500636;1468115277;BingoBoingo;Sorry for your loss [bumper,prolly actually just bumper cover] 1500637;1468115323;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno that it ever much cared re underbelly, intern chix in dc have a certain popescuation rate for many years now 1500638;1468115336;mircea_popescu;59 yo. senior. congress coolie. 1500639;1468115343;mircea_popescu;very underbelly. 1500640;1468115358;asciilifeform;i'd still like to know how it earned the spot of honour 1500641;1468115364;asciilifeform;of a good knife 1500642;1468115367;BingoBoingo;Related the seekrit is out https://www.reddit.com/r/security/comments/4s1279/pok%C3%A9mon_go/ 1500643;1468115373;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "while working of a dump " << working off ? on ? 1500644;1468115395;BingoBoingo;ty fxd to on 1500645;1468115448;mircea_popescu;"suggesting that they may correspond to shitty DSL modems" << which may translate to shitty DSL modems 1500646;1468115530;mircea_popescu;a man reportedly called 911 and when a police officer arrive at the << arrived 1500647;1468115566;mircea_popescu;that peace in our time thing fucking delivers. 1500648;1468115578;BingoBoingo;ty, fxd all 1500649;1468115581;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1500650;1468115665;BingoBoingo;Because whose it is it nao 1500651;1468122660;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500560 << unmentioned point is that 000 went by so fast i saw 001 instead when watching 1500652;1468122660;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:31 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500330 << this is approx as exciting as new year day. 1500653;1468123426;mod6;i was able to get that 0.001 to the foundation into 420`000 :] 1500654;1468123445;mod6;trb 1500655;1468124494;mircea_popescu;wd 1500656;1468124712;mircea_popescu;and in other sporting news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/4c97af0cb1fb835cc74215ee148a40d7/tumblr_nes7haFmxI1tmpumko1_500.jpg 1500657;1468125211;hanbot;http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-118023 << mats mircea_popescu & anyone else following the courts circus awarding thingie. 1500658;1468125312;mircea_popescu;that's a new one 1500659;1468125364;mod6;right? 1500660;1468125522;hanbot;well it *is* halving day 1500661;1468125531;mod6;haha 1500662;1468126111;BingoBoingo;The best jokes have a price 1500663;1468147642;shinohai; 01:01 +BingoBoingo AH, what would halving day be without a netsplit! << the reason there isn't a "the northrop derpmann of toasters" is just that happenstance. << There totally is. I will totally make a stealth toaster for anyone who brings pays 2.5 billion USD per unit straight from the printer. 1500685;1468163528;BingoBoingo;Offer valid through October 2016 1500686;1468163551;mircea_popescu;isn't it supposed to ding when your stealthoast is ready ? 1500687;1468163563;BingoBoingo;Ding isn't very stealthy 1500688;1468163569;mircea_popescu;ikr. 1500689;1468163766;BingoBoingo;Also can't expose it to sunlight or heat lest stealth material start breaking down. 1500690;1468163848;mircea_popescu;so it's for hunting spherical vacuum chickens ?| 1500691;1468163896;BingoBoingo;Nah, its for toasting. Just not around Serbs (they'll shoot it down) 1500692;1468164050;BingoBoingo;Determining what it will toast though is another 5 billion USD in development fees paid in advance. 1500693;1468164221;mircea_popescu;lol 1500694;1468164703;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500678 << heh you make it sound as though pete is buyer numba one of imaginary bitcoinz 1500695;1468164703;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 14:56 shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500427 <<< so great are the lulz that they compare themselves to BArmstrong, who can't sell pretend Bitcoin to Pete. 1500696;1468164736;shinohai;i was just ribbing pete for being Canadian 1500697;1468164765;shinohai;No one wants Bryancoinz 1500698;1468165017;asciilifeform;$s BArmstrong 1500699;1468165017;a111;3 results for "BArmstrong", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=BArmstrong 1500700;1468165029;asciilifeform;who the hell was that 1500701;1468165146;mircea_popescu;you know what a barn is right ? 1500702;1468165159;mircea_popescu;barm similar, measure of bogon radioactivity. 1500703;1468165171;asciilifeform;l0l! 1500704;1468165181;mircea_popescu;hence the english "are you barmy ?" 1500705;1468165183;asciilifeform;bogon cross-section!111 1500706;1468165223;asciilifeform;(for n00bz: 'barn' 1500707;1468165226;asciilifeform; is unit of area 1500708;1468165234;mircea_popescu;10 ^ -28 sqm 1500709;1468165244;asciilifeform;originates with manhattan project, and american expression 'ya can't hit the broad side of a barn') 1500710;1468165313;deedbot;[Qntra] Derp Summit At Bretton Woods Begins Today - http://qntra.net/2016/07/derp-summit-at-bretton-woods-begins-today/ 1500711;1468165428;asciilifeform;'This collaboration will produce a model for bitcoin and blockchain-based companies that also addresses the concerns of regulatory entities.' << l0l!! 1500712;1468165488;mircea_popescu;right. amusing how they carefully omit the only thing that matters in that sentence, the expression "YET ANOTHER" right before "model". 1500713;1468165498;mircea_popescu;but by all means, keep pretendin' you're in control, twerps. 1500714;1468165564;asciilifeform;but hey! this time they will use the magic of the magic forest!111 1500715;1468165600;BingoBoingo;ANd they will all sit in a circlejerk and ski the dicks next to them 1500716;1468165653;mircea_popescu;ah okthen. 1500717;1468165665;mircea_popescu;that is totally not like how it went before. 1500718;1468165701;BingoBoingo;Well that's how 1944 Bretton Woods work, through the bond created by touching all those other people's dicks. 1500719;1468165731;BingoBoingo;Either that or Hitler really did get all the Jews 1500720;1468165806;BingoBoingo;Or all the mercantile ones leaving just the depressing entertainer ones 1500721;1468165807;mircea_popescu;he got the good ones 1500722;1468165840;mircea_popescu;that's the fucking scary thing there - he got all the good jews, leaving some shitty jews to fill the void. it's ~exactly what the usg did to the us : killed the competent mobsters, now there's inexplicable problems. 1500723;1468165898;mircea_popescu;in similar autoimmune-disorders-that-destroyed-countries, stalin wiped the russian mob ; inexplicably hruscev couldn't get the economy going, not ever again. 1500724;1468165899;mircea_popescu;life. 1500725;1468169161;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1500726;1468169163;gribble;Current Blocks: 420158 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1185 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 15 hours, 29 minutes, and 1 second | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1500727;1468169266;shinohai;"I've made 4 sales, but one was to myself" http://archive.is/IsqUn 1500728;1468169326;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is open bazaar "a young platform" ffs. 1500729;1468169339;mircea_popescu;it's been around almost as long as "colored coins", which incidentally, where the fuck did those go. 1500730;1468169347;mircea_popescu;don't tell me these idiocies DO actually die eventually. 1500731;1468169697;BingoBoingo;They die in the same sense a dandelion "dies" when you pull it up with your hands. There's going to be a bit of herproot left and it may take a while, but it will return. 1500732;1468169770;mircea_popescu;wunderbar. 1500733;1468169878;BingoBoingo;Gotta remember idiocy lives in the dirt 1500734;1468170018;BingoBoingo;If you cant see it at the moment it just hasn't gathered enough Nitardgen and phosboorous to attempt another surfacing yet 1500735;1468170107;mircea_popescu;barmy. 1500736;1468170250;BingoBoingo;Also like dandelions if you spray them with enough triclopyr to injur but not kill them, they will exhibit neoteny when they resurface. 1500737;1468172215;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/07/pokemon-go-ushers-in-new-phase-of-smartphone-surveillance/#comment-63652 1500738;1468172335;deedbot;[Qntra] "Pokemon Go" Ushers In New Phase Of Smartphone Surveillance - http://qntra.net/2016/07/pokemon-go-ushers-in-new-phase-of-smartphone-surveillance/ 1500739;1468172349;shinohai;heh 1500740;1468173303;shinohai;;;later tell trinque is there available a dump of deedbot wot? thanks in advance. 1500741;1468173303;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1500742;1468173365;ben_vulpes;cute little love notes in 420000 1500743;1468173500;trinque;$wot 1500744;1468173508;deedbot;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/4eae0503-b4bc-4312-a142-e88385da67e8/ 1500745;1468173508;trinque;shinohai: ^ 1500746;1468173537;shinohai;ty! 1500747;1468173703;mircea_popescu;that shit's so cool, you know ? 1500748;1468173714;mircea_popescu;"hey, is there obscure item x ?" "$obscure-x" 1500749;1468173716;mircea_popescu;smokin'. 1500750;1468174533;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500372 << yeah ok, good point.. 1500751;1468174533;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 17:31 BingoBoingo: (some nice dump and pump BTCUSD volume it seems; curious how the price moves in the hours/days to come) << Watch not days, but months 1500752;1468174676;deedbot;[Trilema] Eulorangement - http://trilema.com/2016/eulorangement/ 1500753;1468175845;mircea_popescu;$rated Framedragger 1500754;1468175845;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated Framedragger 1 at 2016/05/18 09:29:41 << old timer 1500755;1468175856;mircea_popescu;$rated Framedragger 2 Le ssh! 1500756;1468175857;*;deedbot hands you a broomstick. 1500757;1468175860;mircea_popescu;$rate Framedragger 2 Le ssh! 1500758;1468175862;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/b61b2d3a-51e3-4fb7-b2b1-ae0f1032679b/ 1500759;1468175863;mircea_popescu;hater! 1500760;1468175920;mircea_popescu;$v A34333A25A35DF2F9D5C6EB387554A65366294DDB7CCB01DEB4FB053DEA66D36 1500761;1468175921;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of Framedragger from 1 to 2 << Le ssh! 1500762;1468176127;Framedragger;heheh, cheers 1500763;1468176242;*;Framedragger unsure how to rate mp, so will wait for the time being. "smart guy, runs things, unsure whether instrumentally delusional or i'm just failing to cognize fully" 1500764;1468176259;Framedragger;"or both" 1500765;1468176330;*;mircea_popescu plans to keep this dilemma going. 1500766;1468176415;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2016/06/tim-swanson-misunderstanda-reality-again/ << is that a memoranda of misunderstanda ? 1500767;1468176436;mircea_popescu;hawk "it's" immitation... 1500768;1468176439;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I mispelled the title initially, so url is mispelled forever even with title fixd 1500769;1468176447;mircea_popescu;you can also fix the url. 1500770;1468176458;mircea_popescu;wp (at least, mp-wp) will forever 304 the old requests to the new 1500771;1468176492;BingoBoingo;Ah, but url integritit is important 1500772;1468176494;mircea_popescu;i recently blew up a trilema title, someone pointed this out in the log, you can check the thing working there. 1500773;1468176498;mircea_popescu;aite. 1500774;1468176539;BingoBoingo;And anyways there's prolly a joke in ther that would be hampered if url was fxd 1500775;1468180763;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500536 << yeah, hm. suggestions? a non-ad-hoc solution would be to make deedbot split its irc lines as needed i suppose; or for this particular case, not to mention the comment in the gpg key if it's too long, or to truncate it; or to consider shorter gpg comments for these ssh keys in the future i guess.. 1500776;1468180763;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 00:15 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500500 << no good. cuts off url 1500777;1468180837;mircea_popescu;trinque how hard would it be for deedbot to put a \n before any url if the message would be cut in the url otherwise ? 1500778;1468181218;deedbot;[Qntra] WAPO: Major US Socialist Party To Deploy Electoral Nuclear Option In Desperation - http://qntra.net/2016/07/wapo-major-us-socialist-party-to-deploy-electoral-nuclear-option-in-desperation/ 1500779;1468181433;ben_vulpes;no link to the wapost? 1500780;1468181448;ben_vulpes;ah no, it's archived. my b 1500781;1468181472;BingoBoingo;Yeah, why would I link directly to zher 1500782;1468181527;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/indoorfun/ 1500783;1468181589;shinohai;---END OGLAFBOT MSG--- 1500784;1468181634;BingoBoingo;lol 1500785;1468181708;shinohai;Qntra should have a Sunday comics section 1500786;1468181755;jurov;re:oglaf - what does mircea_popescu do with the skulls? 1500787;1468181769;asciilifeform;i always picture ashtray 1500788;1468181772;asciilifeform;like stalin did. 1500789;1468182041;mircea_popescu;isn't that what hitler said ? "what stalin did" ? 1500790;1468182066;mircea_popescu;and in other highschool news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/6becb08236dc42fd03aba43304f8027d/tumblr_nr2yxmUYjH1r4hgvyo1_400.gif 1500791;1468182527;asciilifeform;i dun recall hitler sayin' much in his ashtray form. 1500792;1468183108;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] My Favorite EBBITS - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/my-favorite-ebbits/ 1500793;1468183550;BingoBoingo;In nearly forgoten news, qntra is now at 1301 poasts 1500794;1468183589;*;asciilifeform switched 'can haz box?' exploration from bmore monkey zoo to woods, log cabins, etc. 1500795;1468183616;BingoBoingo;Ah, congrats 1500796;1468183638;asciilifeform;doubt it will come to any useful result, but worth the periodic try. 1500797;1468183816;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quote in der untergang, "alle hoheren offiziere liquidieren zu lassen, wie stalin!!!1" 1500798;1468183853;asciilifeform;l0lk 1500799;1468183884;jurov;no mention of Hirndeckel disposition? 1500800;1468183923;mircea_popescu;no mention. 1500801;1468183943;mircea_popescu;tho it is recorded most polish can be found at katyn 1500802;1468183963;asciilifeform;phun phakt: there is a titanic katyn memorial thing in bmore 1500803;1468183974;mircea_popescu;classically. modernly, where did they scatter that plane ? smolensk was it ? 1500804;1468183995;asciilifeform;the one with the drunken, belligerent president ? 1500805;1468183999;asciilifeform;or which 1500806;1468184014;asciilifeform;(in pl circles, incident often referred to as 'katyn II') 1500807;1468184015;mircea_popescu;president, most of the general staff, natl bank president, ex president, etc 1500808;1468184049;asciilifeform;aha, putin's bad-weather rayz. 1500809;1468184052;asciilifeform;great weapon. 1500810;1468184519;mircea_popescu;i dunno man. seemed at the time and still seems today like polish suicide. 1500811;1468185568;BingoBoingo;I'd rather my polish have a bit more grit than that. 1500812;1468186058;jurov;http://imgur.com/I2GsQGE just saw today :) 1500813;1468186167;jurov;"homoimperium" sounds like something i'd want to move in 1500814;1468187051;danielpbarron;;;later tell mircea_popescu gpg-gram : http://danielpbarron.com/church.asc.txt 1500815;1468187052;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1500816;1468188246;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron good work. so the practical question here is, would you be personally interested in running a us tmsr church ? 1500817;1468188564;mircea_popescu;jurov lol why are they dressed in gay suits ?! 1500818;1468188567;danielpbarron;not if i have to seriously worship a false god or something. Or lie about worshipping one. If I have full control of the doctrine and what is taught (strictly The Bible, specifically as it is interpreted by Darwin Fish on atruechurch.info) then I might be interested 1500819;1468188621;shinohai;but conjuring demons is fun. 1500820;1468188622;mircea_popescu;well, on one hand certainly one can't have a church worshipping a false god ; as far as practice goes you can't have full control of the doctrine cuz it being a church, it has to have a metaphysical component. 1500821;1468188754;danielpbarron;in the sense that God causes everything, nobody has "full control" over anything, but I mean my control vs yours or anyone in here -- say if you wanted me to teach something that contradicted The Bible 1500822;1468188901;mircea_popescu;well... nothing right can contradict rigthness, all right things are one. so in principle they shouldn't. 1500823;1468188906;jurov;you can always use the simulation loophole, like "even some atheists say that we live in simulated universe, so it's likely God saved cycles and really started the sim for 6400 years ago, and other things Bible says likewise" 1500824;1468188923;shinohai;if elected as leader danielpbarron, do we have to worry about you using tmsr funds to build a giant ark, or anything of that sort? :D 1500825;1468188960;mircea_popescu;but more practically : at issue is the theological consideration of whether [so far mostly unstated] tmsr.theological-doctrine actually does or does not contradict the form of christianity you were importing there 1500826;1468188967;mircea_popescu;(with which i'm personally not too familiar) 1500827;1468188991;mircea_popescu;exploring this a little will certainly be beneficial, if for no other reason then because it'll force statement of the foregoing 1500828;1468189066;danielpbarron;shinohai, God promised us that He would never again destroy the world with a flood (Genesis 9:11) so no ark is necessary 1500829;1468189086;*;mircea_popescu feels pretty flooded in buterins. 1500830;1468189131;mircea_popescu;arguable i guess if it's actually destroying the world or just making it smell bad 1500831;1468189143;shinohai;perfect rebuttal (and actual biblical logic!) danielpbarron 1500832;1468189213;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron theology aside for a moment, there's three major components in my mind here. 1500833;1468189234;danielpbarron;my form of Chistianity does not forbid: drinking, drugs, gambling, slavery -- but it does forbid: adultery (taking another man's wife), murder (unjustified killing), homosexuality (sorry jurov), fornication (probably the biggest sticking point) 1500834;1468189254;mircea_popescu;one is that, well, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-03#1359593 1500835;1468189254;a111;Logged on 2016-01-03 13:08 mircea_popescu: but seriously - a dozen kegs is what ? nothing, for the finance almighty republic. get a dozen sluts to shirtoff with the kegs, it's a go. 1500836;1468189276;mircea_popescu;next time something like that blows up, i'd much rather there's a whole church apparatus ready to go, rather than having to fish random people from portland for the purpose. 1500837;1468189307;mircea_popescu;another is that, well, its a much better way to hold real estate than anything alf came up with to date. since he's decided he's not moving because he's ax-crazy or something, this is the logical next step 1500838;1468189332;mircea_popescu;having a nice party house somewhere, free if you're in the wot sort of thing, can't hurt anyone. 1500839;1468189357;mircea_popescu;and thirdly - you go to porcfest, right ? next time, you can go properly, set up a donation and ecumenic drive. 1500840;1468189362;danielpbarron;heh 1500841;1468189379;mircea_popescu;so, sensible it is. whether it's workable or not hopefully can be resolved. 1500842;1468189475;Framedragger;jurov: heh. bible as a list of optimisation heuristics for simulating the 'verse 1500843;1468189491;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron back to theology : it's one thing to forbid, it's another thing to enforce. does it also forbid, say, sitting in a room with "known fornicators" for instace ? up to a point it'll be their sin - their problem. 1500844;1468189514;jurov;Framedragger: yeah, the fornication takes up most of teh precious cycles 1500845;1468189527;danielpbarron;not for a time, but it's not ok to "have fellowship" with known sinners 1500846;1468189537;mircea_popescu;how are they to be helped then ? 1500847;1468189542;mircea_popescu;obviously teaching is fellowship. 1500848;1468189546;Framedragger;jurov: clearly. too much irreducible qualia, or sth 1500849;1468189559;danielpbarron;and yeah, obviously I'm not gonna enforce the death penalty for adultery and whatnot, just teach that it is wrong etc.. 1500850;1468189613;danielpbarron;I can't pray with known unbelievers. Teaching is ok. 1500851;1468189653;mircea_popescu;i suspect much more serious sticking points will come the other way. specifically, i suspect tmsr to be a larger intellectual force than whosoever darwin fish is, as a temporal rather than spiritual matter. consequently, the sticking point will not be inferences from him limiting us, but inferences from us driving him up the wall. for instance, obvious possible sticking point being that in tmsr doctrine, it is a sin to engage 1500852;1468189654;mircea_popescu; in "group" charity. 1500853;1468189688;danielpbarron;Darwin invites criticism via email -- see his contact page :D 1500854;1468189717;*;asciilifeform tunes in, takes in this very promising lulfest 1500855;1468189723;mircea_popescu;well, but i mean what exactly is the relation there. does it matter to the symbol "a true church" what the person "darwin fish" says ? where exactly is your loyalty there or how does this work ? 1500856;1468189746;*;mircea_popescu personally couldn't give less of a crap about the entire thing other than it being in danielpbarron 's wot. 1500857;1468189748;danielpbarron;I agree with his interpretation, and have met him and his family in person 1500858;1468189769;mircea_popescu;so if he tomorrow says white people must paint their skin black, do you follow or schism or what ?! 1500859;1468189843;danielpbarron;I'd compare what he said to what The Bible says (i'm sure he'd cite chapter and verse) and if I didn't think it checked out I'd challenge him on it 1500860;1468189853;mircea_popescu;so is your agreement to the interpretation the turning stone ? 1500861;1468189870;danielpbarron;yeah, we must agree or else one or both of us is on our way to hell 1500862;1468189882;mircea_popescu;suppose you figured out, entirely correctly as far as you can tell, and otherwise irreducibly in any manner, that indeed white people must paint black. and he says that's ridiculous. what do you do now, give it up ? give him up ? 1500863;1468189930;danielpbarron;I'm not against changing my mind -- even recently thought I had to repent of something, although it turns out to have been a bit premature 1500864;1468189963;mircea_popescu;so in the end, we've very little to work on here. do you figure this fellow could be enticed to show up here sometime ? 1500865;1468190008;mircea_popescu;and meanwhile - all teh wot peoples, please do consider the matter to the outreach of your abilities. were there a tmsr theology, what'd it say and what'd it look like ? what wouldn't it say and what would it not look like ? and why and wherefore. 1500866;1468190032;mircea_popescu;for that matter - CAN there even be such a thing. 1500867;1468190064;mircea_popescu;traditionally this matter is approached by naming "a commission" but we're blessed with numbers low enough to have direct archy! 1500868;1468190065;danielpbarron;heh, really hard to say. I haven't been keeping in contact with him at all. Come to think of it I'd want to ask him ahead of time if he thinks registering a church with the USG is against the Word or not (he's not a big fan of USG -- prolly a plus) 1500869;1468190119;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron at the very least the devil can't testify. who cares what the usg thinks you've done, nobody's liable to ask it, nor may it likely acquire a voice without losing itself. 1500870;1468190190;mircea_popescu;(this is yet another, if rather central, reason why plea bargains are so powerful, and http://trilema.com/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ ) : i couldn't give less of a shit what usg SAYS you did or didn't do or whatever. but if you say it yourself, well... 1500871;1468190257;danielpbarron;I used that to my advantage in getting a traffic ticket dropped recently: the cop tried to get me to show remorse, I said nothing, prosecutor threw it out 1500872;1468190407;mircea_popescu;heh 1500873;1468192273;jurov;For one, i'd like to see aliens and Our Lady Eris in tmsr belief system. but sadly i don't think that would work. 1500874;1468192772;BingoBoingo;Gotta have the struggle between the reptilians and avians in there. 1500875;1468193062;BingoBoingo;prolly best told through the eternal war between ants and termites as a metaphor 1500876;1468194292;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500777 << not hard; I'll do that 1500877;1468194292;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 20:00 mircea_popescu: trinque how hard would it be for deedbot to put a \n before any url if the message would be cut in the url otherwise ? 1500878;1468194329;trinque;and generally let it do multiple messages for any that would otherwise truncate 1500879;1468194918;mircea_popescu;eh aliens. for the same money you can worship pacific islanders. 1500880;1468194944;mircea_popescu;trinque well... kinda iffy if they get too long 1500881;1468196422;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500837 << eh wat? i'd totally move. just depends where. 1500882;1468196422;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 22:21 mircea_popescu: another is that, well, its a much better way to hold real estate than anything alf came up with to date. since he's decided he's not moving because he's ax-crazy or something, this is the logical next step 1500883;1468196457;asciilifeform;and would work as shaman, also, if there is opening. 1500884;1468196501;*;asciilifeform dun presently own a working chukcha mouth harp, would have to make one. 1500885;1468196603;mircea_popescu;well, maybe an ocarina or something. 1500886;1468196643;asciilifeform;also worx. 1500887;1468196649;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it occurs to me that, as per earlier discussion re anthropology etc, "it's a religious artefact!!!" best covers most of the things you make anyway 1500888;1468196668;asciilifeform;sure does. 1500889;1468196678;asciilifeform;why do you think i introduce myself to folks as 'i work as shaman' 1500890;1468196694;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwi4kBX3Wmo << related. 1500891;1468196926;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj6qJ0prBk4 << more, imho, illustrative. 1500892;1468197142;*;phf owns a chukcha mouth harp, can lend asciilifeform 1500893;1468197247;phf;i feel like there was a ru fad on those things, kind of like indian flutes or whatever stateside 1500894;1468197827;mircea_popescu;sounds more like homebrew libertards 1500895;1468197837;mircea_popescu;"oh, why can't we all get along, look, mouth harps!" 1500896;1468197905;mircea_popescu;but fwiw, they have them in the ozarks, slovakia, you name it. 1500897;1468198836;shinohai;http://archive.is/uZzZO 1500898;1468199796;phf;mircea_popescu: i think that's an american take. in 90s russia mouth harps distinctly meant "these kicks are nothing, some people out there in chuchka land or whatever have been getting some serious kicks for a while now" 1500899;1468199975;phf;it was part of the whole influx of alternative knowledge that was pretty inaccessible during su (or in any case was a thing for select few), so some people got into zen, others mouth harps and muhomors 1500900;1468200909;asciilifeform;as illustrated for n00bs in iconic film 'generation p' 1500901;1468201313;shinohai;ya leave two guys from Alabama alone in a forest http://archive.is/f5fdT 1500902;1468201712;mircea_popescu;phf yeah but it's been meaning the same in au bush and ozark rural communities and etc. 1500903;1468201745;mircea_popescu;and yes, "countercultural" of the 70s/80s connections, you name it. 1500904;1468202027;mircea_popescu;shinohai not bad lol, was it you ? 1500905;1468202132;shinohai;not i, but came in my snapshillbot feed 1500906;1468202142;mircea_popescu;-10 too. 1500907;1468202152;mircea_popescu;by now r/btc is a pretty decent inverse signal i imagine 1500908;1468202719;mircea_popescu;fun fact : the poles are responsible for two out of the total of two cfit accidents since the introduction of egpws. 1500909;1468202852;mircea_popescu;(the 2010 smolensk plowing experiment being preceded by a 2008 similar incident at home, which only killed a bunch of military people and resulted in five firings etc.) 1500910;1468205059;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha wait, hilary is going to legalize ganja because of trump ? 1500911;1468205169;mircea_popescu; BingoBoingo "people thought they were for voting for when" wtf ? 1500912;1468205389;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500910 << mno. ~promise~ to : wholly different thing. incidentally it was part of obummer's platform also. just as 'ufo disclosure' was part of carter's (yes) 1500913;1468205389;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 02:44 mircea_popescu: ahahahaha wait, hilary is going to legalize ganja because of trump ? 1500914;1468205416;asciilifeform;usg promises are worth slightly less than farts. 1500915;1468205596;mircea_popescu;well, the more "read my lips : no new taxes" element of hussein bahamas' platform was "closing guantanamo ; getting out of iraq" etc. 1500916;1468206574;mircea_popescu;and in other scary fupa news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/8e1458303aa661c09bf0695d9d9b876b/tumblr_ns0aexd2jj1tsophbo5_400.gif 1500917;1468208541;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo "people thought they were for voting for when" wtf ? << cleaner. Choom gang was a meme from Bahamas pot smoking days 1500918;1468208626;BingoBoingo; ahahahaha wait, hilary is going to legalize ganja because of trump ? << yes 1500919;1468208656;BingoBoingo;Not necessarily Trump, but the people who were supposed to split Trump's base are splitting hers 1500920;1468210660;Joshua-I;mircea_popescu: a very good example of this behaviour is the construction of English gardens in the 17-19th centuries abouts when they were most popular 1500921;1468210783;Joshua-I;They frequently used allusions to other works only other nobles would know 1500922;1468210796;Joshua-I;;;bc,convert usd 1500923;1468210797;gribble;1 BTC = 654.97 USD = 654.97 usd 1500924;1468210801;Joshua-I;Neat 1500925;1468212452;Joshua-I;;;bcstats 1500926;1468212454;gribble;Current Blocks: 420224 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 1119 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 12 hours, 14 minutes, and 29 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1500927;1468214180;Joshua-I;I think we should all take a moment to appreciate the classic: http://jerkcity.com 1500928;1468214433;mats;this is not good 1500929;1468214573;mats;there is nothing redeeming about it 1500930;1468214932;Joshua-I;It has its moments 1500931;1468215231;Joshua-I;Also mentionable as the comic that linked to ebbits 1500932;1468238875;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo woman is crumbling ; coincidentally (of course) it all started just about when mp heard about the bullshit dem party scamcoin ideas. 1500933;1468238899;mircea_popescu;;;later tell Joshua-I which this ? 1500934;1468238899;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1500935;1468238903;mircea_popescu;$up drowngodx 1500936;1468238903;deedbot;drowngodx voiced for 30 minutes. 1500937;1468238907;BingoBoingo;No. She was never together. 1500938;1468238913;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo also tru. 1500939;1468238917;mircea_popescu;but hey, alf had notions :D 1500940;1468238966;BingoBoingo;Incidently if the anybody but Trump thing had worked, the FBI press conference thing would have likely been the end of her run. 1500941;1468238979;mircea_popescu;myeah 1500942;1468238979;BingoBoingo;Or so people say. 1500943;1468238993;BingoBoingo;nevermind that it apparently couldn't have worked this year 1500944;1468239012;mircea_popescu;that poor woman. have you seen her as a young derp ? quite fuckable. 1500945;1468239022;mircea_popescu;but instead of joining a master's dungeon and being a happy slave, 1500946;1468239036;mircea_popescu;she had to go into "politics" and well... she sure as fuck got a heaping helping of democratic rape. 1500947;1468239047;mircea_popescu;first, gotta lie about bill. now, gotta lie about a candidacy SHE DIDNT EVEN WANT. 1500948;1468239084;mircea_popescu;hilary should really be a very informative example for all teenaged girls today : NOTHING slavery inflicts upon you is quite as bad as what "being a successful" mainstream derp does to you. 1500949;1468239097;mircea_popescu;better rope burn than radiation burn. remember that. 1500950;1468239643;deedbot;[Qntra] Further Violence In United States Over The Weekend - http://qntra.net/2016/07/further-violence-in-united-states-over-the-weekend/ 1500951;1468239752;thestringpuller;Wayward Pines 1500952;1468239831;BingoBoingo;One linlk in there just didn't want to archive. 1500953;1468239926;mircea_popescu;"Meanwhile Tyler Gebhard (WOT:nonperson) invaded the home of a police officer in Lakeshire, an upscale suburb in south west St Louis County, Missouri." <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-22#1106480 1500954;1468239926;a111;Logged on 2015-04-22 03:04 ben_vulpes: "we know where you live" (tm) 1500955;1468239973;deedbot;[Trilema] "There is no such thing as rape", one of countless practical exercises. - http://trilema.com/2016/there-is-no-such-thing-as-rape-one-of-countless-practical-exercises/ 1500956;1468240027;mircea_popescu;"If you are white, no positive, active role is left to you. Either you accommodate yourself to the unreasonable, or you play out your life in some futile back alley. You are doomed to this by the disgraceful history of your kind. Maybe it's fair, maybe it's not, but it is the way things are." << from another schmuck with a nobel prize. 1500957;1468240071;BingoBoingo;Which schmuck? 1500958;1468240095;mircea_popescu;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._M._Coetzee 1500959;1468240164;BingoBoingo;FUcking hypocrit. Where's his back alley box? 1500960;1468240176;mircea_popescu;"inarguably the most celebrated and decorated living English-language author", supposedly. a ridiculous notion. 1500961;1468240238;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo australia. 1500962;1468240284;mircea_popescu;anyway, there's many dozens of ~equivalent pulp, british classically educated scribes of "nice" and correct dribblets of fiction. 1500963;1468240312;mircea_popescu;the swedes just picked this one because cock hungry. 1500964;1468241310;BingoBoingo;Oh here's Zr. Coetzee https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CnEFZurW8AAEVhA.jpg 1500965;1468241327;mircea_popescu;ahahaah theo tait thinks jessica haines is "much too pretty" for lucy. http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/showering-with-panties-on.jpg << this woman. she's too pretty. 1500966;1468241338;mircea_popescu;she's dog ugly, wtf is wrong with people. 1500967;1468241559;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500964 << that's just beautiful. modern art 1500968;1468241559;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 12:48 BingoBoingo: Oh here's Zr. Coetzee https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CnEFZurW8AAEVhA.jpg 1500969;1468241620;mircea_popescu;lol. 1500970;1468241634;mircea_popescu;he got a penis somewhere under there or is just "talkin' in general" ? 1500971;1468241677;BingoBoingo;No way to tell 1500972;1468241751;phf;"oh. my. god. you haven't heard? we're aaall hating white people right now. it's so hot. it's fresh. it's happening." 1500973;1468241861;mircea_popescu;wait, i thought a fuck was a good thing 1500974;1468241969;mircea_popescu;fun fact : ru sosloviye (the official social segregation in power throughout most of the period ru was worth the mention, intellectually) distinguished white and black sub classes of the cleric class. 1500975;1468242577;phf;i think catholics have that one too 1500976;1468242664;phf;black being the more hardcore one, i think in russia it was celibacy, and in catholicism being a member of a monk order 1500977;1468242969;mircea_popescu;yeah monks/clerics sorta thing 1500978;1468243012;BingoBoingo;Anyways thinking back to the church thing, hard for tmsr to have a church without it being a proper church meaning a basement for AA, NA, etc meetings 1500979;1468243035;mircea_popescu;sure. i don't see why it wouldn't. once it gets a basement at least. 1500980;1468243088;BingoBoingo;I thought there were theological problems with the thing before re: Darwin Fish 1500981;1468243122;mircea_popescu;well, there's theological problems with everything. i'm for instance not terribly keen on the whole "higher power" stuff. 1500982;1468243234;BingoBoingo;"of your understanding" offers a lot of freedom. Bitcoin likely qualifies as does WoT 1500983;1468243245;mircea_popescu;i guess so. 1500984;1468243273;mircea_popescu;but this is my point : there's theological problems with everything. "and often in life, just as there are problems, there are just as often solutions" 1500985;1468243299;BingoBoingo;ah 1500986;1468243409;mircea_popescu;(yes i just quoted the seinfeld rabi. go me.) 1500987;1468243640;BingoBoingo;brb 1500988;1468243869;mircea_popescu;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/350.org << i suspect the number of things which exist strictly in wikipedia and the feverish brains of libertard delusionists by now exceeds the number of things that actually exist. 1500989;1468243907;mircea_popescu;seriously, you put up a website on $1/month hosting, got some kids to pose for a picture sometime in 2010 and had the cointelegraph of whichever market run an article or two ? 1500990;1468243941;mircea_popescu;iiincredibru. i have old shoes with more of an ontic claim. 1500991;1468244018;mircea_popescu;it's not JUST that websites masquerading as "business" and purporting to sell for "billions" notwithstanding they wouldn't gather bids worth 80 btc in an open market a la linkedin, watsap and so on. 1500992;1468244057;mircea_popescu;for each one of these, there's like a billion posturing shits ~nobody knows about carefully recorded by unemployed ditch diggers etc. 1500993;1468244372;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500978 << heh not if i'm involved. like I mentioned months ago: AA is a false religion. I will have no part of it. 1500994;1468244372;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 13:16 BingoBoingo: Anyways thinking back to the church thing, hard for tmsr to have a church without it being a proper church meaning a basement for AA, NA, etc meetings 1500995;1468244393;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so people trying to kick the habit can't come to your thing ? 1500996;1468244415;danielpbarron;you kick the habit when you believe The Bible. Christ is the only cure. You do not need some other asshole's book 1500997;1468244446;mircea_popescu;the logs aren't in teh bible are they. 1500998;1468244463;danielpbarron;the logs don't save either 1500999;1468244477;mircea_popescu;and if they did ? 1501000;1468244497;danielpbarron;then the logs would be the Bible then i guess 1501001;1468244505;mircea_popescu;hm. 1501002;1468244590;danielpbarron;just like i wouldn't put on a church service preaching the saving grace of the logs, I won't put on a service about how AA saves 1501003;1468244622;mircea_popescu;but these are different concerns. i dunno how it runs, but i don't think there's customarily some guy in the church extolling aa is there ? 1501004;1468244662;mircea_popescu;tho to be honest, my idea of a proper tmsr church would have a strip club / dungeon in the basement rather than a bunch of dudes talking. 1501005;1468244667;mircea_popescu;then again that's just me. 1501006;1468244669;danielpbarron;it's not unlike inviting a muslim to the church to teach islam.. 1501007;1468244685;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron we do invite/allow various derps to preach their derp here all the time... 1501008;1468244694;danielpbarron;well this isn't a church 1501009;1468244702;mircea_popescu;i thought it was a cult. 1501010;1468244736;danielpbarron;it may be -- I don't necessarily have a problem with cults so long as they aren't worshipping a false god 1501011;1468244775;mircea_popescu;i wonder if you can have a church that worships no god at all. 1501012;1468244790;thestringpuller;hmm. 1501013;1468244804;danielpbarron;that is a contradiction, at least according to the US legal definition -- a church is literally a "place of worship" 1501014;1468244818;thestringpuller;can you worship nothing? 1501015;1468244819;danielpbarron;and we are all gods, so no matter who you worship.. 1501016;1468244824;thestringpuller;isn't that kinda what taoist do? 1501017;1468244827;thestringpuller;the just "exist" 1501018;1468244832;mircea_popescu;hm. 1501019;1468244832;thestringpuller;which is their worship 1501020;1468244856;*;danielpbarron used to be a taoist 1501021;1468244895;danielpbarron;taoism is a kind of self worship if anything 1501022;1468244900;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron well yes, but the q is whether "to worship" is necessarily transitive. is it like "i fuck", with an agent needed and implied if not given explicitly, or is it like "it rains", whereby there's no need for someone to be raining specifically, "it" does. 1501023;1468244944;danielpbarron;yes I think in order to worship you need to have someone to worship 1501024;1468244949;mircea_popescu;and also, can we have the holy texts written in either classical latin or greek ? that way nobody'll understand them. 1501025;1468244974;danielpbarron;Darwin would still :p 1501026;1468244987;danielpbarron;(he reads greek, aramaic, and hebrew) 1501027;1468244989;mircea_popescu;well, ~nobody 1501028;1468245004;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron speaking of the jews, is that a false god also ? 1501029;1468245029;danielpbarron;modern judaism is a false religion -- Jesus Christ is the God of the old testament 1501030;1468245041;mircea_popescu;well "modern judaism", who cares. 1501031;1468245041;danielpbarron;Christians are the true Jews 1501032;1468245045;mircea_popescu;the question is, the god of the torah. 1501033;1468245094;danielpbarron;you mean the old testament? same God as new testament 1501034;1468245095;thestringpuller;danielpbarron: i though taoism was more about worshipping all that exist. like "the universe is great, and good." 1501035;1468245109;thestringpuller;"worship of the universe" 1501036;1468245113;danielpbarron;thestringpuller, I thought of it like "I am the universe looking at itself from within itself" 1501037;1468245125;thestringpuller;i dunno i'm not a theology expert but i'll look more into it! 1501038;1468245139;thestringpuller;cause that stuff interests me a ton 1501039;1468245148;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i see his point, fwiw. it's very infantile "i am great!", so infantile it hasn't even reached the point of individuadion where 2yo goes "and you're not me" 1501040;1468246875;asciilifeform;meanwhile... http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-2380_en.htm 1501041;1468246916;asciilifeform;'The Commission has today adopted a proposal to further reinforce EU rules on anti-money laundering to counter terrorist financing and increase transparency about who really owns companies and trusts.... Tackling terrorist financing risks linked to virtual currencies: to prevent misuse of virtual currencies for money laundering and terrorist financing purposes, the Commission proposes to bring virtual currency exchange platforms and 1501042;1468246916;asciilifeform;custodian wallet providers under the scope of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive. These entities will have to apply customer due diligence controls when exchanging virtual for real currencies, ending the anonymity associated with such exchanges' 1501043;1468246958;mircea_popescu;they mean us rules ? 1501044;1468246974;asciilifeform;reich rules. 1501045;1468247000;mircea_popescu;who the fuck trades bitcoin on the fiat websites anyway. 1501046;1468247055;asciilifeform;atomized folk with nobody to otc with ? 1501047;1468247147;mircea_popescu;i guess so. 1501048;1468247171;thestringpuller;i'm almost certain they lose that data often 1501049;1468247196;thestringpuller;When I used to use coinbase it'd ask me like every month to re-verify or some-shit. 1501050;1468247255;thestringpuller;But honestly, capital controls are poor money laundering deterrents. I think all it does is creates higher demand for money laundering as a service. 1501051;1468247560;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500956 << tr0l0l0l 1501052;1468247560;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 12:27 mircea_popescu: "If you are white, no positive, active role is left to you. Either you accommodate yourself to the unreasonable, or you play out your life in some futile back alley. You are doomed to this by the disgraceful history of your kind. Maybe it's fair, maybe it's not, but it is the way things are." << from another schmuck with a nobel prize. 1501053;1468247609;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500953 << a policeman lives in 'upscale' something or other?! and lemme guess, this was reported as 'police brutality' ? 1501054;1468247609;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 12:25 mircea_popescu: "Meanwhile Tyler Gebhard (WOT:nonperson) invaded the home of a police officer in Lakeshire, an upscale suburb in south west St Louis County, Missouri." <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-22#1106480 1501055;1468247721;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller no, it's the misguided belief that hassling people constantly "weeds out" fake accounts. ie, you might get your hands on ONE power bill or w/e, but not a stream of them. 1501056;1468247748;mircea_popescu;also forces you to keep addresses and whatnot current so they can work their inept "big data" bullshit and randomly flag accounts because "risk factors" 1501057;1468247758;mircea_popescu;in a system designed by windows heads and examined by no one ever. 1501058;1468247779;asciilifeform;pioneered by mtgox. 1501059;1468247824;mircea_popescu;of that typical "social media scientific study" flavour, "one guy shot his wife ; previously he had owned a chevy truck and he moved only to addresses with an odd street number; consequently all people who opwn a chevy truck and a history of odd street number inhabitation are suspect" 1501060;1468247844;mircea_popescu;"do you live next to any suspect people ? take the survey!" 1501061;1468247887;mircea_popescu;"other activities you could involve yourself into, periphrastic to the actual nonsense in question, so as to give it the appearance of substance! buy scientific study mugs! do you fucking love science ? watch the podcast blablabla blaBLA BLA BLA" 1501062;1468247896;mircea_popescu;ceasslessly neverendingly like the female chorus of yore. 1501063;1468247931;mircea_popescu;"this is our life" myeah, i can see that. 1501064;1468247941;thestringpuller;https://magoo.github.io/Blockchain-Graveyard/ << mircea_popescu someone followed up on the drama timeline from 2012 1501065;1468247955;mircea_popescu;name's vaguely familiar. 1501066;1468247988;thestringpuller;he didn't put the total loss though just the vulnerability type form the incident 1501067;1468248023;*;mircea_popescu is kinda too disinterested to check out github anything. 1501068;1468248048;asciilifeform;it's a static www hosted, for no reason i can discern, on shithub. 1501069;1468248075;thestringpuller;people too lazy to set up on blogs. 1501070;1468248100;thestringpuller;https://magoo.github.io/Blockchain-Graveyard/advice/ << LOL it's a whole website thing 1501071;1468248114;thestringpuller;with borderling plagarized hanbot content 1501072;1468248136;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm being webracist. i wouldn't go to listen to a band with a myspace page either. 1501073;1468248159;thestringpuller;you wouldn't watch a tv show on youtube? 1501074;1468248184;mircea_popescu;what's your idea of watch ? i don't think i sat through a whole tv show at any point in my lyf. 1501075;1468248599;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and the lulziest part of it all being that the "disgraceful" history consists of ... what exactly ? teaching the various fucktards how to not injure themselves eating ? 1501076;1468248609;mircea_popescu;desmond tutu was a fucking anglican bishop. what disgraceful ? 1501077;1468248611;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1501078;1468249007;asciilifeform;there is an entire parallel universe these folks inhabit, where european played roughly the same role as the neck crab parasite in heinlein's story 1501079;1468249014;asciilifeform;and many other marvels, quite opaque to the uninitiated. 1501080;1468249212;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: how many episodes of seinfeld you got under your belt? 1501081;1468249649;mircea_popescu;ah, that counts huh. 1501082;1468249651;mircea_popescu;i saw em all. 1501083;1468249685;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ridoinculous outright. but whatever, nobody cares what the maid thinks her history and contribution to the household is. 1501084;1468249711;shinohai;No soup for you! 1501085;1468249722;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501053 << they'd better, considering that if someone broke through YOUR door and you came out shooting they'd want to try you for murder. 1501086;1468249722;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 14:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500953 << a policeman lives in 'upscale' something or other?! and lemme guess, this was reported as 'police brutality' ? 1501087;1468249768;mircea_popescu;for that matter, as being a "police officer" is the one ustard nobility class they recognize, i wonder how many derps are "police officers" in name only. seems like a pretty decent deal, sign up with the pd dept, show up an hour a month or so, in exchange get weapon and shoot whoever. 1501088;1468249776;mircea_popescu;worth maybe a cool mil or two wouldn't you say ? 1501089;1468249947;mircea_popescu;i guess the drawback is you gotta paint your car like a circus act 1501090;1468249955;mircea_popescu;then again, get sirens. maybe a wash. 1501091;1468250053;shinohai;http://archive.is/kqfuG <<< forge orders, collect pay in prison 1501092;1468250061;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dunno that we have this kind of 'policeman' quite yet. 1501093;1468250066;asciilifeform;sounds more like an orc thing. 1501094;1468250095;asciilifeform;what we ~do~ have is 'private security' schmucks who take the train (!) home from work with ~empty~ holster every night. 1501095;1468250102;asciilifeform;i saw 1,001 of these. 1501096;1468250115;mircea_popescu;eh that's for the birds. 1501097;1468250124;asciilifeform;minimum wage. 1501098;1468250154;mircea_popescu;yeah they figure amply in the "ex bf employment" on slave personal history sheets. 1501099;1468250188;mircea_popescu;"i guess he wanted to be cool and tried as best he could" sorta fellows. 1501100;1468250193;asciilifeform;phun phakt, when i worked at a u.s. army base, it was guarded ENTIRELY by these. 1501101;1468250200;asciilifeform;(why not grunts? nobody knew) 1501102;1468250217;mats;too expensive 1501103;1468250222;asciilifeform;grunts, expensive?! 1501104;1468250228;mats;grunts are too expensive for a lot of things 1501105;1468250233;asciilifeform;they are ~already~ employed, no? why not put them at the door? 1501106;1468250239;asciilifeform;like, you know, in every other country ? 1501107;1468250241;mats;well yes, if you run the math they cost more than civilian slave 1501108;1468250256;mats;because billets exist 1501109;1468250308;asciilifeform;certainly they cost more than a civilian who gets $7/hr and no pensions etc. 1501110;1468250320;asciilifeform;but army has, at any given time, certain contingent of grunts 1501111;1468250328;asciilifeform;what do they do with their time, instead of guarding posts ? 1501112;1468250355;mircea_popescu;incidentally, the reason this "private security" minimum wage derp only exists in ustarded lands is quite simply that in sane societies it's essentially an invitation to violence. 1501113;1468250370;mircea_popescu;kids that'd be perfectly behaved otherwise will sucker punch the runt in uniform. for THAT reason 1501114;1468250376;mircea_popescu;and in my view are quite right in so doing. 1501115;1468250384;mats;practicing small unit tactics i presume, asciilifeform 1501116;1468250413;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform see, the trick is that if you don't give the "legionnaire" enough amusement he won't wanna join. 1501117;1468250429;asciilifeform;which is why conscription. 1501118;1468250430;mircea_popescu;exactly like late "republic" army, they petitioned successfully to have the imposition of carring the heavy helmet removed 1501119;1468250436;mircea_popescu;the lorica went long ago. 1501120;1468250446;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform conscription ?! who the fuck do you know that got conscripted. 1501121;1468250456;mircea_popescu;"you will sit here a year and do what we tell you or else you get shot, bitch" ? 1501122;1468250467;asciilifeform;sop in ru, kr, fi, etc 1501123;1468250471;asciilifeform;prolly most of planet. 1501124;1468250472;mircea_popescu;heh 1501125;1468250500;asciilifeform;'you will guard this door' 'what's in there' 'you're not to know, or you'd steal it yerself' 1501126;1468250581;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we had one of the blue-uniform minimum wage folk blow his own brainz out during work hours, right at the gate 1501127;1468250590;mircea_popescu;unsurprisingly. 1501128;1468250595;mircea_popescu;it's really the right thing to do, for them. 1501129;1468250604;asciilifeform;prolly it was the one interesting thing he could think of to do in his situation. 1501130;1468250608;mircea_popescu;hence all the http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500956 talk. 1501131;1468250608;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 12:27 mircea_popescu: "If you are white, no positive, active role is left to you. Either you accommodate yourself to the unreasonable, or you play out your life in some futile back alley. You are doomed to this by the disgraceful history of your kind. Maybe it's fair, maybe it's not, but it is the way things are." << from another schmuck with a nobel prize. 1501132;1468250617;asciilifeform;not 1 of these was white. 1501133;1468250626;mircea_popescu;obviously, thy misunderstand wtf is going on. white has nothing to do with it, history idem 1501134;1468250640;mircea_popescu;but the loser opting out is by far the best solution, for him and for the world. 1501135;1468250657;asciilifeform;'winners' feel like guarding doors themselves ? 1501136;1468250666;asciilifeform;or whatever other scutwork 1501137;1468250670;mircea_popescu;winners that need doors guarded haven't won yet. 1501138;1468250675;mircea_popescu;i won once, and can tell you, never bothered to. 1501139;1468250687;mircea_popescu;also, http://trilema.com/2011/spargatorii-si-curva/ 1501140;1468250766;mircea_popescu;and judging by the mussolini-cuccia exchange, it's not a unique experience either. 1501141;1468250959;asciilifeform;wasn't speaking of mircea_popescu's personal door, but of the doors to the 1,000,001 resources in the tall pyramid of things he eats. 1501142;1468250971;mircea_popescu;obviously pyramid can't be that tall. 1501143;1468250971;asciilifeform;from nuts and bolts, to wines, to nukes 1501144;1468250987;mircea_popescu;whether this is a drawback or not remains undecided. 1501145;1468251031;asciilifeform;recall the incidents with the stolen servers ? 1501146;1468251043;mircea_popescu;epic case of "haven't won yet" 1501147;1468251063;asciilifeform;in ideal picture, 'nobody would dare', as curtis lemay answered when told to put out his cigar lest he set off the fuel depot 1501148;1468251066;mircea_popescu;you'll know it's not the case anymore once no one wants to as much as touch them. 1501149;1468251076;mircea_popescu;you know, like no one wants to arrest 17yo female black shoplifter. 1501150;1468251091;asciilifeform;eh i've been to the courthouse 1501151;1468251097;asciilifeform;there was a queue of 1,001 of them. 1501152;1468251120;asciilifeform;it isn't a case of 'nobody'd dare' but of 'can't swat every fly' 1501153;1468251120;mircea_popescu;i was discussing the future propaganda not as much the actual reality underneath. 1501154;1468251125;asciilifeform;ah hm. 1501155;1468251135;mircea_popescu;you know, when 17 yo black female is to be gangraped because "her kind" had, decades prior "won" 1501156;1468251136;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The League of Nations, The United Nations, and the myth of collective security. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/11/the-league-of-nations-the-united-nations-and-the-myth-of-collective-security/ 1501157;1468251491;asciilifeform;^ 'Ban Ki-moon publicly acknowledged Thursday that he removed the Saudi-led coalition currently bombing Yemen from a blacklist of child killers — 72 hours after it was published — due to a financial threat to defund United Nations programs.' << lel 1501158;1468251502;mircea_popescu;lol 1501159;1468251537;mircea_popescu;"only a rapist if he's poor" 1501160;1468251557;asciilifeform;dan mocsny had, iirc, almost literally this phrase. 1501161;1468251571;mircea_popescu;it's not exactly novel 1501162;1468251579;asciilifeform;sorta how the japanese shinto mathepriests had the calculus. 1501163;1468251744;asciilifeform;re: the church thread: 1501164;1468251779;asciilifeform;my boss and cellmate, at godforsaken rupturefarms, was a licensed priest with something called 'universal life church' 1501165;1468251788;asciilifeform;to qualify, he... paid fiddybux. 1501166;1468251805;asciilifeform;it is solidly registered as church in usa! with 0 theology, etc. 1501167;1468251805;asciilifeform;BUT 1501168;1468251807;mircea_popescu;aha 1501169;1468251813;asciilifeform;this is sorta like asking 'how hard is it to build a bridge' 1501170;1468251822;mircea_popescu;quite. 1501171;1468251824;asciilifeform;if it is a decorative arch, that NOBODY will ever walk on - not hard. 1501172;1468251830;asciilifeform;if foot bridge - takes a little effort 1501173;1468251837;asciilifeform;if you want to move column of tanks! harder. 1501174;1468251841;asciilifeform;same with churches. 1501175;1468251858;asciilifeform;'universal life church' is the decorative bridge. 1501176;1468251861;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, all bridges worth the mention started as foot bridges 1501177;1468251867;asciilifeform;'priests' can officiate at weddings, funerals. 1501178;1468251870;asciilifeform;afaik that's it. 1501179;1468251884;mircea_popescu;like, the bronze gate, the rickety reeds construction spanning the actual golden gate :D 1501180;1468252210;mircea_popescu;speaking of lemay, prosecuting hussein bahamas for warcrimes when ? 1501181;1468252259;mircea_popescu;the drawback of all the "youngest blabla" is that you'll prolly live to hang. unlike 70yo hilary & friends 1501182;1468252283;mircea_popescu;$google hilary 1501183;1468252284;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_(name) << Hilary (name) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | http://www.hilaryseatwell.com/ << Hilary's | Allergen Free Foods | Eating Well Made Easy | http://hilaryhahn.com/ << Hilary Hahn 1501184;1468252307;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, all i see is hilary duff, with a smattering of hilary hahn, whatever that is. my google ain't heard of clinton. 1501185;1468252437;mircea_popescu;(seriously, woman was born in 47. she will be 70 by the time trump's inauguration rolls around. what soviets these libertards, they replicate the same system irrespective of what they say, with the same results.) 1501186;1468252492;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501180 << right after kissinger. 1501187;1468252492;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 15:50 mircea_popescu: speaking of lemay, prosecuting hussein bahamas for warcrimes when ? 1501188;1468252503;mircea_popescu;i'm definitely going to push for it. 1501189;1468252506;asciilifeform;and zbigniew brzezinski. 1501190;1468252512;mircea_popescu;kissinger, i see no problem with. 1501191;1468252601;asciilifeform;how different from obummer ? 1501192;1468252888;asciilifeform;http://fpif.org/bernies-broadsides-kissinger-werent-even-half << lulzi piece re clitler & kissinger 1501193;1468253113;asciilifeform;and afaik, liberasty aside, k really did create a good chunk of the 20th c. usg-branded corpse pile. what sense it even makes to discuss 'war criminals' without his picture on it ? 1501194;1468253135;asciilifeform;(not wholly communist corpses, either - kissinger arguably created pol pot et al) 1501195;1468253177;asciilifeform;quite the example from mircea_popescu's article where 'butcher who MOSTLY kills cows' 1501196;1468253281;asciilifeform;i still find it curious, that somebody bothered to kidnap and hang eichmann, but not kissinger. 1501197;1468253558;asciilifeform;meanwhile, 'More than 600,000 of the 1.8 million votes in last week’s New York Democratic primary were cast and counted on voting machines belonging to an “election services” company with a long criminal history and a rap sheet an arm long. Today it’s called Dominion Voting Systems. In last week’s primary in New York, Dominion controlled one-third of all votes cast in the state ... The company controls roughly the same perc 1501198;1468253558;asciilifeform;entage nationwide; one of every three votes cast in America.' 1501199;1468253564;asciilifeform;http://www.madcowprod.com/2016/04/28/election-company-in-ny-primary-has-arm-long-rap-sheet 1501200;1468253582;asciilifeform;so ^ new 'diebold', just like there is no longer a 'blackwater' but some ??? (i have nfi what the latest name is.) 1501201;1468253607;asciilifeform;sc4mz0rz have changed names like shirts, since folks invented names. 1501202;1468253636;Framedragger;asciilifeform: re. k, true that. and what with my home country being a usg bitch, i recall my high school's history teacher (who also was its director) being basically in love with kissinger, quoting him left and right and openly admiring him - incl. his person, i think. wonder if he still does the same. ah, good times.. 1501203;1468253734;asciilifeform;mastermind of shining victories!1111, e.g., usa in vietnam. that modern derps, incl. obummer, still struggle to equal. 1501204;1468253921;asciilifeform;'But what Louis Wolfson will always be remembered for is bribing the only Supreme Court Justice ever forced to resign in disgrace, “Dishonest Abe” Fortas. Fortas began taking bribes from Wolfson, in 1969, at a time when Wolfson had already been convicted of securities manipulation.' << lulzy 1501205;1468253935;asciilifeform;'only new thing is the history you didn't know' 1501206;1468254131;asciilifeform;meanwhile, 1501207;1468254135;asciilifeform;in other non-nyooz, http://plasma.pics/flawed-second-ligo-gravitational-wave-discovery 1501208;1468254150;asciilifeform;'So basically the LIGO team is admitting to publishing a manipulated final result and no real exact means for anyone outside of the LIGO project to duplicate it. It also appears the team tried to bolster and perhaps even justify their reporting of this highly questionable second event by including a third one they had previously dismissed.' 1501209;1468254187;asciilifeform;see also, relatedly, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-19#1484877 1501210;1468254187;a111;Logged on 2016-06-19 03:45 asciilifeform: which is to say, the tokamak folks are about as interested in desktop, $1000 fusion (of ~whatever temperatures~) as the maths dept at your uni is interested in elementary proof of fermat, or the software 'industry' - in 'fits in head', etc. 1501211;1468254195;asciilifeform;'big machine physics' is 100% usgola. 1501212;1468254204;asciilifeform;FUNDAMENTALLY. 1501213;1468254240;asciilifeform;ALL of the incentives are perverse. 1501214;1468254245;asciilifeform;from beginning to end. 1501215;1468254262;asciilifeform;took $maxint? built giant machine? now you'd better justify. 1501216;1468254270;asciilifeform;and torture the data until it 'talks.' 1501217;1468254284;asciilifeform;or lose yer professorship/moneys/life. 1501218;1468254374;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-14#921352 << see also x2. 1501219;1468254374;a111;Logged on 2014-11-14 05:47 asciilifeform: where, for no reason that has ever been publicly explained, laser-initiated fusion is diddled 1501220;1468254522;asciilifeform;the 'cernification' of physics is encouraged at every level. 1501221;1468254545;asciilifeform;fundamental reason being, a gigantic machine employs and merit-washes 1,000,001 mediocrities 1501222;1468254579;asciilifeform;which is why you can get usg or eurounion to cough up $B for a crackpot machine, but not $1M for you to sit in a chalet in the alps and schrodingerate 1501223;1468254643;asciilifeform;gigantic particle accelerators, etc. are only distantly about experimentation and actual data, and primarily about scrubbing out the primacy of the exceptional individual, from physics, one of the last strongholds to fall. 1501224;1468254661;asciilifeform;$s adelberger 1501225;1468254661;a111;20 results for "adelberger", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=adelberger 1501226;1468254664;asciilifeform;^ typical case. 1501227;1468254695;asciilifeform;>> http://btcbase.org/log/2014-07-27#772706 1501228;1468254695;a111;Logged on 2014-07-27 19:05 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in 2010 i concocted a variant of the test that could be carried out for approx. 50k USD, from scratch. schwartz answered that, in his estimation, the test would work to spec, but results would not be accepted by the field unless carried out on one of the two existing eotvos balances. one - adelberger's, one - chicom. 1501229;1468254736;asciilifeform;in the forest, there once died a caterpillar; 1501230;1468254748;asciilifeform;the ants took a vote. it was decided that it shall be eaten by ants. 1501231;1468254760;asciilifeform;then came bird and ate it anyway. 1501232;1468254767;asciilifeform;but in physics forest, there is no bird. 1501233;1468254775;asciilifeform;at least none such that is not subject to ant vote. 1501234;1468254972;asciilifeform;the fuckers learned from the millikan case. 1501235;1468254992;asciilifeform;'don't measure electron charge, somebody might refute. measure instead only things that can be measured solely with $B machine.' 1501236;1468255084;asciilifeform;ww2, and the mega-state : killed physics. 1501237;1468255100;asciilifeform;not 'shortage of low-hanging fruit' or 'increasing complexity' or any other idiot derp fiction. 1501238;1468255136;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kissinger is in my (very extended) wot. bahamas is a libertard. 1501239;1468255141;mircea_popescu;this is the mother of all difference. 1501240;1468255170;asciilifeform;i suppose clitler is then in mircea_popescu's ever-slightly-extended wot ? 1501241;1468255174;mircea_popescu;understand : the crime is never to have done so-and-so concrete item ; but to have done it WHILE DRESSED IN THE WRONG SHIRT. 1501242;1468255205;asciilifeform;does it matter what shirt a habitual setter of forest fires wears ? 1501243;1468255210;mircea_popescu;and no, teh hitlers i mean clintons also democrats. 1501244;1468255210;asciilifeform;them fires still burnin'. 1501245;1468255220;mircea_popescu;this is politics not engineering. 1501246;1468255233;mircea_popescu;shirt matters a whole lot and not much matters besides. 1501247;1468255263;asciilifeform;mega-hero, creator of vietnam war (for whom was it mega-victory?), of khmer rouge, and 101 other marvels 1501248;1468255272;mircea_popescu;what's next, you're going to petition quake maker to give you trowel and paint brush, you want to be in quake teams only to paint the walls ? 1501249;1468255296;asciilifeform;waiwut 1501250;1468255345;mircea_popescu;in quake, the shirt is all that matters. much like on japanese field of battle, the flag on the little bamboo stick jutting out from your belt. 1501251;1468255375;asciilifeform;y'know, in every army in the world, fella who is a liability to whatever he touches, quietly catches bullet from own side 1501252;1468255378;asciilifeform;except, apparently, in usg 1501253;1468255386;mircea_popescu;for instance, my objection to the khmer rouge was their being commies, not their butchering a billion idiots per se. 1501254;1468255413;mircea_popescu;the khmer blacks/green/whatever i dun have a problem with. 1501255;1468255414;asciilifeform;butchered ~everybody worth having around, iirc 1501256;1468255419;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1501257;1468255420;asciilifeform;and left the dross. 1501258;1468255428;mircea_popescu;better that than putting them in "colleges" 1501259;1468255450;mircea_popescu;obviously, wrong shirt, wrong choices. 1501260;1468255547;asciilifeform;the popular portrayal of war crime is perverse: it is not cruel to ~the dead~, killing folx ain't such a cruel thing to do ~to them~, vs some of the alternatives. it is atrocity against the ~surviving~ 1501261;1468255595;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501193 <<< body count is not the criteria per se. not everything that walks belongs alive. zombies are to be killed. 1501262;1468255595;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:05 asciilifeform: and afaik, liberasty aside, k really did create a good chunk of the 20th c. usg-branded corpse pile. what sense it even makes to discuss 'war criminals' without his picture on it ? 1501263;1468255628;asciilifeform;mr k left us with considerably ~more~, not fewer, zombies walkin' around. 1501264;1468255630;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the popular portrayal of war crime isn't actually all that deep. it's simply "THE BIG THING", which is what the herd needs/wants. 1501265;1468255633;mircea_popescu;before that it was "treason" 1501266;1468255686;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he, like we, lived in a zombie wave time. you also "left more broken code than you found". so now you're a code criminal ? 1501267;1468255686;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501087 << they have that. that's how you get a concealed carry permit (or just generally more gun rights) in strict jurisdictions. you donate money to some sherif in flyover states, go on the books as deputy, can now legally cary a gun in the city of new york, etc. 1501268;1468255686;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 15:09 mircea_popescu: for that matter, as being a "police officer" is the one ustard nobility class they recognize, i wonder how many derps are "police officers" in name only. seems like a pretty decent deal, sign up with the pd dept, show up an hour a month or so, in exchange get weapon and shoot whoever. 1501269;1468255709;mircea_popescu;phf not a bad plan. 1501270;1468255713;mircea_popescu;how much ? 1501271;1468255725;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is like asking 'how much for a senator' 1501272;1468255731;asciilifeform;for ted turner, $50k 1501273;1468255733;asciilifeform;for mircea_popescu - $maxint 1501274;1468255734;mircea_popescu;i don't need to ask that, i know >D 1501275;1468255741;mircea_popescu;whence am i a senator ?! 1501276;1468255756;asciilifeform;how much a senator costs 1501277;1468255771;asciilifeform;if i walk in with 50k, i get -50k and jail 1501278;1468255775;asciilifeform;if turner - he gets volume discount. 1501279;1468255784;mircea_popescu;hahahaha nah. 1501280;1468255794;mircea_popescu;i'm not sure that was the case even in the 50s. 1501281;1468255811;phf;mircea_popescu: i suspect you can get it for 30k or so, enough for "new conference room" or whatever 1501282;1468255817;mircea_popescu;also, us reps/senators are shockingly cheap. most third world shitholes more expensive. 1501283;1468255826;asciilifeform;plenty of folk in usa got 50k in sofa cushions. but senators not bid up much. 1501284;1468255837;mircea_popescu;plenty of folk in the us are derps. 1501285;1468255840;mircea_popescu;this is the crux of the issue. 1501286;1468255851;asciilifeform;what can i say, go buy all of'em 1501287;1468255858;asciilifeform;decorate living room, or wahtever. 1501288;1468255871;mircea_popescu;eh, you never buy all the whores. drives price up for no benefit. 1501289;1468255871;asciilifeform;make'em dig latrines. 1501290;1468255878;mircea_popescu;let em gouge each others eyes out, is right and proper. 1501291;1468255997;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501203 << actually, he got a nobel prize for ENDING that ; also came up with the "gender war" quote. 1501292;1468255997;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:15 asciilifeform: mastermind of shining victories!1111, e.g., usa in vietnam. that modern derps, incl. obummer, still struggle to equal. 1501293;1468255998;asciilifeform;phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501267 << nominally who-is-a-deputy is public record, neh? could make a list of these, like mats made of faux judges ? 1501294;1468255998;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:48 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501087 << they have that. that's how you get a concealed carry permit (or just generally more gun rights) in strict jurisdictions. you donate money to some sherif in flyover states, go on the books as deputy, can now legally cary a gun in the city of new york, etc. 1501295;1468256017;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform doubtlessly. 1501296;1468256033;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'peace nobel' was crock of shit from day 0. 1501297;1468256054;asciilifeform;and the man had ~= to do with 'ending the war' as keitel with ending ww2. 1501298;1468256063;mircea_popescu;hitchens was also a derp, from day 0. what now. 1501299;1468256072;asciilifeform;surely. 1501300;1468256088;asciilifeform;i dun see any serious factual counter-argument to 'kissinger was two-legged disaster' 1501301;1468256113;mircea_popescu;so you're basically bringing an argument of incompetence ? 1501302;1468256117;asciilifeform;aha! 1501303;1468256137;asciilifeform;incompetence on the scale of hitler's. 1501304;1468256140;mircea_popescu;but this is an irrelevant consideration. bahamas is dumb as rocks, but will not hang for being dumb. 1501305;1468256178;mircea_popescu;ftr i don't see the war crimes case against hitler either. i can see it against tony blair, or the current derp, or the german lapdog what's her name. 1501306;1468256178;asciilifeform;dumb but harmless is one thing. dumb but climbs into cockpit of bulldozer and smashes whole city - other. 1501307;1468256185;mircea_popescu;not so. 1501308;1468256189;asciilifeform;and all of the folks who enable the man - ditto. 1501309;1468256204;mircea_popescu;war crimes are the legal, legitimate behaviours of people we don't like. 1501310;1468256215;mircea_popescu;WHAT they did, HOW they did it, what it came to etc don't enter into it. 1501311;1468256222;mircea_popescu;don't like him, hang him. war criminal. 1501312;1468256253;mircea_popescu;lemay, since mentioned, fully understood this. iirc he made a comment that if the us lost the war, he'd have fully expected being hanged for war crimes. 1501313;1468256268;asciilifeform;fella has much to do with the gnarly pest control situation we're in presently. 1501314;1468256289;mircea_popescu;how so ? 1501315;1468256311;phf;asciilifeform: i don't see a problem with people doing it that way. that solution came up when i was trying to figure out how to get a concealed cary in DC. but i suspect your problem is going to be not just finding everyone on the books in various smalltowns, TX, but also discovering their real current home address 1501316;1468256353;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: made anticommunism ~synonymous with wholesale usg-sponsored butchery. 1501317;1468256363;asciilifeform;for a whole generation. 1501318;1468256382;asciilifeform;phf: pretty sure concealed-carry-in-dc requires election to congress. 1501319;1468256386;mircea_popescu;this is kinda too subtle a point. 1501320;1468256400;asciilifeform;phf: but if you discover otherwise, wake me up plox!11 1501321;1468256408;asciilifeform;ditto in maryland 1501322;1468256484;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wasn't he the guy that came up with the detente with the soviets ? 1501323;1468256505;phf;asciilifeform: nah, there are options. i know security guys that have concealed caries in DC, you have to demonstrate that you've been repeatedly assaulted (or i assume if you're going through agency) that you're in immediate danger of assault, etc. a random mall derp's not going to get it, but a freelance security can 1501324;1468256539;phf;well, *knew. i'm not sure how things might've changed in 10 years 1501325;1468256540;asciilifeform;cash van folk get permit, ~valid strictly during working hours~ 1501326;1468256548;asciilifeform;this is not interesting to most people. 1501327;1468256563;mircea_popescu;i think you two gotta differentiate "gun as nobility mark" from "gun as tool of labour" 1501328;1468256567;asciilifeform;hence the 'empty holster' people on trains i mentioned earlier 1501329;1468256570;mircea_popescu;keep mixing these to endless discursive results. 1501330;1468256574;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu gets it! 1501331;1468256606;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform his point, that you may well obtain a courtesy earldom from minor german prince and have france court respect this stands. 1501332;1468256606;asciilifeform;the 'tool of labour' thing ! hitler: 'people who wish to work with small arms are invited to join the ss' 1501333;1468256617;phf;ok, ok, sherifs are allowed to conceal cary in DC, hence the approach above 1501334;1468256618;mircea_popescu;it has happened historically. just because you're not the sort to do it doesn't mean it';s not done. 1501335;1468256639;trinque;kissinger more or less did detente, also worked on opening the relationship with the chicoms 1501336;1468256651;trinque;could've saved the planet 1501337;1468256655;mircea_popescu;trinque i have nfi where his hatred comes from, but anyway. 1501338;1468256665;mircea_popescu;i do suspect its that idiot hitchens entirely. 1501339;1468256667;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not only is it done for 'courtesy earls', but pretty much anybody who is not jailable can carry whatever he wants, 'maxim' machine gun if he likes, wherever in usa. 1501340;1468256691;asciilifeform;nobody is ever searching peter thiel's pockets for illicit pistol 1501341;1468256694;asciilifeform;much less taking him to a court. 1501342;1468256697;mircea_popescu;oh, recall the case of the saudi that "fell" on a naked 17yo girl whose friend was spending the night ? 1501343;1468256700;asciilifeform;aha. 1501344;1468256701;asciilifeform;same idea. 1501345;1468256739;mircea_popescu;but talking about "got x to y", hitchens is fine example : got "atheist" to mean "idiot liberal". ffs. 1501346;1468256746;asciilifeform;md law, for those interested: 'Federal and Maryland State or local law enforcement officers generally are exempt from the permit requirement. However, sheriffs and their deputies are exempted only while on active assignment engaged in law enforcement and only with respect to handguns which they are duly authorized to wear, carry or transport as part of their official equipment. Law enforcement officers from other states are exempt on 1501347;1468256746;asciilifeform;ly while on official business.' 1501348;1468256749;mircea_popescu;and they keep doing this, too, if anyone's curtis yarvin's model, hitchens 1501349;1468256760;mircea_popescu;find legitimate single issue, attach THE WHOLE RAFT of libertardism to it. 1501350;1468256768;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this,yes 1501351;1468256772;mircea_popescu;then "people" who are stupid enough to stay atomized "can pick". 1501352;1468256791;mircea_popescu;"would you like to import full_libertardism() through the venue of atheism, or what exact tiny topic ?" 1501353;1468256811;mircea_popescu;reminiscent of how usg.software works. "so, you want openssh and utf-fonts via which package again ?" 1501354;1468256886;phf;asciilifeform: there's a wide range of socially clued people from mircea_popescu to asciilifeform. you don't have to go all maxint to assume that something will fly 1501355;1468256909;mircea_popescu;but splitting! 1501356;1468256963;asciilifeform;i have no doubt that the nomenklatura who can get away with peccadillo like carrying pistol, is quite large. 1501357;1468256986;asciilifeform;(getting away with USING it against a holy slum bunny is another matter) 1501358;1468257023;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501212 << neah. 1501359;1468257023;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:23 asciilifeform: FUNDAMENTALLY. 1501360;1468257108;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501221 << the fundamental reason being, that the forest has been hunted bare, then cut down. this idealistic "i shall make physics discovery without refined tools" yields exactly sovietisms a la "aggregated water" and "Lysenko's hardy winter crops" 1501361;1468257108;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:29 asciilifeform: fundamental reason being, a gigantic machine employs and merit-washes 1,000,001 mediocrities 1501362;1468257130;asciilifeform;this is the lie the mediocrities want to sell. 1501363;1468257133;asciilifeform;it is just that - lie. 1501364;1468257146;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501222 << if you can't get your own mn, YOU MAY NOT "SCHROEDINGERATE" 1501365;1468257146;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:29 asciilifeform: which is why you can get usg or eurounion to cough up $B for a crackpot machine, but not $1M for you to sit in a chalet in the alps and schrodingerate 1501366;1468257153;asciilifeform;schrodinger's age was ended by the war, not by 'out of low-hanging fruit.' 1501367;1468257175;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: point being that it didn't cost a million in his day. 1501368;1468257185;mircea_popescu;mno. the wet dream of every kid with a superman delusion that was recast into "science genius" rather than shed is that hey, he shall FIGHT CRIME ^H^H^H i mean DISCOVER SCIENCE. 1501369;1468257196;asciilifeform;there is delusion and there is also the real thing. 1501370;1468257196;mircea_popescu;with his underwear worn over spandex unisuit! UP UP AND AWAE! 1501371;1468257212;asciilifeform;kid points finger, 'bang-bang!' but actual pistols also exist. 1501372;1468257215;asciilifeform;just not in his toybox. 1501373;1468257220;mircea_popescu;not in the hands of kid. 1501374;1468257224;asciilifeform;aha. 1501375;1468257236;mircea_popescu;"i need someone ELSE to GIVE me a million" is the very definition of a kid. 1501376;1468257271;asciilifeform;this, yes. but keep in mind where it comes from. 1501377;1468257278;mircea_popescu;what, kissinger ? 1501378;1468257280;asciilifeform;nobody builds particle accelerator with own lunch money. 1501379;1468257289;mircea_popescu;uh. 1501380;1468257298;asciilifeform;the whole field now consists of 'gimme' artists. 1501381;1468257305;asciilifeform;any wonder that the aspirants are same ? 1501382;1468257315;mircea_popescu;is your entire objection to be reduced to "for shame the eu billions went to a comission, they should have just given the moneyt directly as personal gifts to science heros"? 1501383;1468257322;asciilifeform;every lab i worked in, the chief spent ~90% of his time, doing guess what ? 1501384;1468257326;asciilifeform;writing grantolade applications. 1501385;1468257331;mircea_popescu;aha. 1501386;1468257342;mircea_popescu;but that bureaucratic nonsense has nothing to do with the damned tools. 1501387;1468257349;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: neh, they should not have 'given the money to me!11111' but NOT GIVEN OUT BARRELS OF PRINTOLADE 1501388;1468257357;asciilifeform;it is destructive. 1501389;1468257359;asciilifeform;to anything it touches. 1501390;1468257359;mircea_popescu;i'm sure people had to sign all sorts of spurious crap in order to give themselves a nice tan in the berylium bed. 1501391;1468257370;mircea_popescu;such is life, but the berylium bed is STILL required if you're gonna use a reflector. 1501392;1468257393;asciilifeform;maxwell et al made do with no more tools than i have here where i sit. 1501393;1468257404;asciilifeform;and i don't buy ANY of the 'low-hanging fruit' gargle. 1501394;1468257410;mircea_popescu;so let's separate the matter of the actual physical tool that is the cern cyclotron from the presumed bureaucratic nonsense built around it. 1501395;1468257417;asciilifeform;i dun think they are separable. 1501396;1468257419;mircea_popescu;because i now suspect i was always talking of the former part and you of the latter. 1501397;1468257421;asciilifeform;as demonstrated by the ligo link 1501398;1468257425;mircea_popescu;heh 1501399;1468257426;asciilifeform;and the fusion thread we had in 2014 1501400;1468257430;mircea_popescu;the tool still exists. 1501401;1468257443;asciilifeform;the f-35 tank also exists. 1501402;1468257443;mircea_popescu;the fundamental property of ... property, as a construct, is that it is ALWAYS separable from the real estate. 1501403;1468257449;mircea_popescu;land will be land with inca or without inca. 1501404;1468257459;asciilifeform;is f-35 separable in any meaningful way from its makers ? 1501405;1468257474;mircea_popescu;if any parts are, they will be. 1501406;1468257475;asciilifeform;it is not land, but a statue of idiot emperor, with little wings. 1501407;1468257484;mircea_popescu;this is not so. 1501408;1468257485;asciilifeform;worth ~= its weight in scrap iron. 1501409;1468257500;mircea_popescu;it's a cyclotron dude. so much a technical item as your toaster. 1501410;1468257514;mircea_popescu;arguably, also "worth ~= weight in scrap" for that matter. 1501411;1468257539;mircea_popescu;but we're not discussing here some sort of novel or unknown item. it's a cyclotron, like 1000s of others extant, only as large as a us state. 1501412;1468257545;asciilifeform;realize that from where i sit, it is not possible by any means whatsoever to distinguish whether the particles actually fly, or whole echafaudage is == to 'n-rays' machine. 1501413;1468257551;mircea_popescu;understandably, it cost a little more than what a us state is worth. 1501414;1468257560;asciilifeform;perhaps last WORKING cyclotron was made in landau's time. 1501415;1468257568;mircea_popescu;it is also not possible from where you sit to distinguish if your spleen is red or green in color. 1501416;1468257596;asciilifeform;quite possible! 1501417;1468257606;asciilifeform;when i live-blog seppuku, i promise to mention it! 1501418;1468257606;mircea_popescu;well also quite not so cogent a consideration. 1501419;1468257772;asciilifeform;at any rate, particle accelerator per se exists, i have demonstrable items right here that there is no other known means of making. question concerns GIGANTIC particle accelerator, or gravity wave telescope, or other item, where output is ~not replicable~ by anyone who lacks access to ~that very same~ instrument 1501420;1468257791;mircea_popescu;well, unless you make an even larger one, eventually. 1501421;1468257802;mircea_popescu;kinda the fucking point of "first item of its kind" is to see what happens, neh ? 1501422;1468257813;mircea_popescu;recall all the idiot "popular press" going on about how "it'll end teh world!!11" ? 1501423;1468257823;asciilifeform;except that, post-sov-collapse, there is never a WHOLLY DIFFERENT set of people to verify the first. 1501424;1468257836;asciilifeform;and so we get 'climate science.' 1501425;1468257861;mircea_popescu;there is no option here. the eu has a budget, which it has taxed. it has to be spent. if it's not spent, recession, and much like a car that has been accelerated to the point where it either continues, or crashes horribly, they have to keep going. if recession, the whole "modern democracy" nonsense comes unglued. 1501426;1468257886;mircea_popescu;what will they spend on ? upkeeping roads ? "social justice" ? building really REALLY large cyclotron much better option than anything the us did with its set of printolade in the same interval. 1501427;1468257894;asciilifeform;just as true today as for pharaonic egypt and its pyramids. 1501428;1468257896;mircea_popescu;it's really the ~equiv of space race, half century later. 1501429;1468257906;mircea_popescu;go, replicate moon landing. 1501430;1468257916;asciilifeform;space vehicles were a comparatively harmless waste 1501431;1468257922;asciilifeform;because did not demolish any existing useful field. 1501432;1468257932;mircea_popescu;wtf "existing useful field" 1501433;1468257943;mircea_popescu;they demolished! all the people moongazing! 1501434;1468257944;asciilifeform;schrodinger-era physics. 1501435;1468257954;mircea_popescu;shroedinger-era physics didn't work. 1501436;1468257961;asciilifeform;works great, right here on my desk. 1501437;1468257961;mircea_popescu;this is like saying kissinger demolished nixon era politics. 1501438;1468257972;mircea_popescu;gtfo. the sluts at home and the limp dicks at the bar demolished it. 1501439;1468257984;mircea_popescu;"1950s are alive in my house" "aren't you bored ?" 1501440;1468257990;asciilifeform;schwarts vs adelberger. qed. 1501441;1468257996;asciilifeform;*schwartz 1501442;1468258005;mircea_popescu;i fail to see the relation. 1501443;1468258010;asciilifeform;adelbergerization is an evil. 1501444;1468258016;mircea_popescu;the ~relation~. 1501445;1468258026;mircea_popescu;what, schwartz got named in schroedinger's testament or what is it. 1501446;1468258044;asciilifeform;adelberger: 'you ain't doing physics unless i give you a few hours on this here machine. and i ain't gonna.' 1501447;1468258084;mircea_popescu;i'm sure for every machiavelli that did find ink and paper, a hundred didn't. this has very little to do with anything. 1501448;1468258094;mircea_popescu;again and for the last time - being poor disqualifies one ~from humanity~. 1501449;1468258104;mircea_popescu;want to be a person, get teh monyz first. then YOUR SON can be a person in your stead. 1501450;1468258112;mircea_popescu;you don't just person because you felt persony that day. 1501451;1468258149;asciilifeform;you also dun just person because your father left behind a bag of dubloons for you to drink through. 1501452;1468258193;mircea_popescu;certainly not. 1501453;1468258221;mircea_popescu;you sex through finding a warm, wet hole to stick penis into. no, penis on its own not sufficient. no, hole by itself dun work. etc. 1501454;1468258239;asciilifeform;fwiw i personally have never met anyone worth talking to who inherited anything bigger than a library. but then again i prolly dun count as 'person' in mircea_popescu's radar. 1501455;1468258255;trinque;asciilifeform: doesn't address the "whence the damned money" 1501456;1468258258;trinque;just pleads it not so 1501457;1468258265;mircea_popescu;isn't this the same "color of my spleen and i can't see who landed on the moon on my own desk" argument ? 1501458;1468258269;asciilifeform;trinque: waiwut 1501459;1468258279;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on the contrary, i can ping the corner mirror from here. 1501460;1468258288;asciilifeform;moon is terrible example, for that reason. 1501461;1468258296;mircea_popescu;trinque the issue that people are miserable at educating their children is not really much of an excuse. stop sucking at it! 1501462;1468258355;trinque;right. entirely separate consideration from whether a physicist needs fuel to do his physics 1501463;1468258396;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bacon was born rich. no good ? de broglie was actually a duke. etc. 1501464;1468258407;asciilifeform;lord kelvin, et al 1501465;1468258410;mircea_popescu;there's plenty of successful cases, not as many as one'd want, i guess, but hey. 1501466;1468258419;asciilifeform;asciilifeform simply never met these folk ! 1501467;1468258423;asciilifeform;didn't say they never lived. 1501468;1468258440;mircea_popescu;so then it IS a parochial argument to ignorance, "but mp, i can't see my spleen!" 1501469;1468258447;asciilifeform;they don't live today. 1501470;1468258458;mircea_popescu;de broglie died in like the 90s 1501471;1468258459;asciilifeform;or show me the fella who built a 'ligo' with own billion. 1501472;1468258461;mircea_popescu;what do you mean "today" 1501473;1468258486;trinque;which is why politics in the broadest sense is a more fundamental human problem than "physics" 1501474;1468258489;trinque;asciilifeform: ^ 1501475;1468258492;asciilifeform;de broglie did his work with pen & paper. in early 1900s. 1501476;1468258496;asciilifeform;dun matter when he died. 1501477;1468258498;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform guess why the fuck. 1501478;1468258511;mircea_popescu;all the work one could do pen and paper was done by 1925/1930. 1501479;1468258519;asciilifeform;this is where i disagree with mircea_popescu . 1501480;1468258523;asciilifeform;wholly. 1501481;1468258523;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1501482;1468258530;mircea_popescu;don't let me keep you from it. 1501483;1468258550;asciilifeform;dunno why mircea_popescu was inclined to bite this particular cathedral hook 1501484;1468258551;mircea_popescu;the fact remains de broglie is an instructive example. i'd imagine he'd have said something AT SOME POINT neh ? 1501485;1468258563;asciilifeform;said what ? 1501486;1468258572;asciilifeform;'stop, idiots, physics is dying' ? 1501487;1468258574;mircea_popescu;"here's this new pen and paper invention" 1501488;1468258587;asciilifeform;a theorist's productive life is ~over at 40. 1501489;1468258591;asciilifeform;what is he supposed to say. 1501490;1468258609;mircea_popescu;hahaha bullshit. 1501491;1468258614;mircea_popescu;now THAT is rank nonsense. 1501492;1468258654;asciilifeform;emphasis on the ~. there are 45 y.o. theorists worth mention, just as there may have been 45 y.o. whores who were fuckable, or gymnasts still winning gold 1501493;1468258664;mircea_popescu;gymnasts, no. 1501494;1468258666;asciilifeform;but not where the smart money bets. 1501495;1468258684;mircea_popescu;anyway, i kinda tire of this "here's random boyish nonsense i just pulled from ass, plox consider it seriously" affair. we shall resume later! 1501496;1468258700;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu pulled not from arse ? 1501497;1468258707;asciilifeform;or pulled from his papal, sainted arse ? 1501498;1468258739;asciilifeform;i make generous use of my arse. 1501499;1468258743;asciilifeform;so that is not the point of disagreement. 1501500;1468258786;asciilifeform;but it entertains me to no end to learn that mircea_popescu buys into usgificated centralized faux-physics. 1501501;1468258787;mircea_popescu;https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/Bzgz2jor9cn_WQDk3LvoRJT-mfSAF8C4eMCxBJJn_eZmBfSlJGRKO_MYRWFB8hAyorawr7SakiPiPJms5a-ZM1zxHN-MoHVrCahPnfupaIIg6K0jsIXpPcXKwA << these utter fucktards with their "statistics" and assorted pseudoscience bullshit. 1501502;1468258801;mircea_popescu;"oh, look how discrepant the data we manipulated to look exactly this way is!" 1501503;1468258815;mircea_popescu;i wonder, if they continued with the same increments all the way to 100mn, would it look the same way ? 1501504;1468258841;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ~noise. nobody counts, or could count, the mexicans, or the dope dealers, et al. 1501505;1468258855;mircea_popescu;5k, 10k, 15k, 250k and over. o look, there's more in this "250k or over" than in the average 5k increment! could it be because it contains i dunno, 111`864 increments ? 1501506;1468258867;asciilifeform;i don't even have any reason to think that the chart accurately depicts the ~tax-paying~ folk. 1501507;1468258896;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the conversation flew as "alf: X NONSENSE STATEMENT!!!! PROBLEM ?" "mp: history doth not support" reiteraded numerous times. eventually it tires. 1501508;1468258913;asciilifeform;(incidentally, not only dope peddler, but peter thiel, flies on $maxing planes that are somehow not 'in his income' etc.) 1501509;1468258917;asciilifeform;*maxint 1501510;1468258923;mircea_popescu;well yeah. 1501511;1468258937;mircea_popescu;iirc came up in some discussion re why buffett wants higher taxes 1501512;1468258939;mircea_popescu;something with grain 1501513;1468258948;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has not 1 but 2 spiffy articles re same. 1501514;1468258982;asciilifeform;and lel, is 2011-vintage chart circulating as 'current' ? 1501515;1468258989;mircea_popescu;anyway. dunno that the us is a significant actor in physics, or in general any science these days. they withdrew to "engineering" in the 70s, and then moved on to wtf they do now, "Social sciences", gave the engineering to the azns. 1501516;1468258991;asciilifeform;didn't we just have a thread re this phenomenon ? 1501517;1468259000;mircea_popescu;but be that as it may - physics as a romantic endeavour is, and has been over. 1501518;1468259011;mircea_popescu;i'm not even the first to observe this, by a good century. 1501519;1468259018;asciilifeform;over as pretty much anything but a money sink. 1501520;1468259051;mircea_popescu;just like computing in the sense of "ima hack my cpu together out of sawdust" is gone ; physics will require forevermore rather expensive tools. 1501521;1468259078;asciilifeform;until, just as with cpu, it will be done with cheap tools - or not at all. 1501522;1468259091;asciilifeform;collapse reaper cometh. 1501523;1468259117;mircea_popescu;in point of fact we're flat against a tall stair, and so i don't expect much either way. 1501524;1468259190;mircea_popescu;(of all the perverse reasons to consider the whole adventure is a set-up, such as, look how convenient that it so happens water is a) universal solvent ; b) very high caloric capacity - life'd be not quite possible without either, nor is there good reason for them to match up, not anymore than for the euler equation at any rate : the science progression is one of the best 1501525;1468259208;mircea_popescu;seriously, it "just so happened" that the next thing to discover was within reach ? EVERY time ? get fucked already. 1501526;1468259224;mircea_popescu;eventually this stair that was "accidentally made" by "rocks falling" will show a step that's you know, higher than 6 inches tall. 1501527;1468259233;mircea_popescu;like say 75 billion kilometers tall. random numbers, right ? 1501528;1468259239;mircea_popescu;) 1501529;1468259249;asciilifeform;kelvin thought same thing and was full of shit. 1501530;1468259255;mircea_popescu;so he did. 1501531;1468259261;asciilifeform;but it is very easy to say 'tall stair!' when ~you personally~ don't see over the fence. 1501532;1468259268;asciilifeform;it tends to annoy the folks who do see. 1501533;1468259272;mircea_popescu;i admit to being a very short physicist, theoretical or otherwise. 1501534;1468259286;asciilifeform;schwartz had a very plausible recipe for room-temperature supercon, for instance. 1501535;1468259295;asciilifeform;published, to 0 effect. 1501536;1468259316;asciilifeform;it is not enough for the fence to 'not be too tall' 1501537;1468259322;asciilifeform;climber also has to not be a quadriplegic. 1501538;1468259332;mircea_popescu;none of this is interesting. unless you personally are looking for supercon, for some sort of reason, what diff does it make ? 1501539;1468259361;asciilifeform;makes considerable difference to ~every aspect of engineering. 1501540;1468259368;*;mircea_popescu shrugs 1501541;1468259370;asciilifeform;from pocket-sized mri scanner to blaster pistol. 1501542;1468259371;mircea_popescu;fuck or get off the pig. 1501543;1468259404;asciilifeform;mile-long queue to even get on the pig. or at least what original thread was. 1501544;1468259427;mircea_popescu;no, no. you want to talk about neglected science being both valid and useful, there's only one way to do this : do. 1501545;1468259432;mircea_popescu;if you ain't doin', you mayn't talk. 1501546;1468259457;asciilifeform;sorta what i said to him about my 50k-usd eotvos tester variant. 1501547;1468259464;asciilifeform;still can't fathom why fella didn't listen. 1501548;1468259466;mircea_popescu;this being the main problem with "idea people", theoretical physicists or otherwise. "oh, i see over the fence" "get lost" 1501549;1468259476;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i can. 1501550;1468259511;asciilifeform;at the time i even had access to the necessary calorimeter. so it would not have even been the 50k. 1501551;1468259529;asciilifeform;he even had the benzyl crystals mostly grown. 1501552;1468259548;asciilifeform;i have no fucking idea what the man's problem was. 1501553;1468259571;asciilifeform;... perhaps ~some~ idea, see the adelberger thread, he wanted a formal capitulation from the enemy, and knew that he would never get it 1501554;1468259575;mircea_popescu;there's more to that "adolescent business fantasy" than just that, money. there's also an "imaginary womenz and sexings" thing ; there's also a "great ideas in my great idea binder" etc. 1501555;1468259619;mircea_popescu;they all without exception stem from inflated vanity, which is to say a contradiction between the individual's own sense of worth and the apparent or discerned valuation by "society", somehow defined. 1501556;1468259631;asciilifeform;there is the mass of idiot neurotypicals and there are the folks with actual ideas. 1501557;1468259633;mircea_popescu;this, obviously, is easy for adolescents to do. but people all ages have or can develop vanity issues. 1501558;1468259657;mircea_popescu;and consequently, it becomes less a matter of "how my cryustals grow" and more a mattrer of "let's have coffee and gossip about that asshole who's the reason i can't do all the good things for humanatee". 1501559;1468259685;mircea_popescu;the word doesn't exist in english, but it's a "filosofie a ratarii", a fuckup's mindset. 1501560;1468259700;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu can laugh at schwartz for being the sort of fool who lands in the mousetrap where adelbergers matter to begin with; 1501561;1468259708;mircea_popescu;not what i did. 1501562;1468259719;asciilifeform;but you gotta remember that fella is old enough that it was not yet a mousetrap when he made the commitment. 1501563;1468259720;mircea_popescu;i am not even discussing the schwartz fellow at all, i dun really know him. 1501564;1468259737;asciilifeform;well this re 'let's have coffee and gossip about that asshole who's the reason i can't do all the good things' 1501565;1468259737;mircea_popescu;what i'm discussing is your very bizarre stance whereby "the hero is prevented from saving world by park maid". 1501566;1468259745;mircea_popescu;this is, by itself, nonsense. 1501567;1468259761;asciilifeform;vavilov was successfully prevented from doing much of anything again by lysenko. 1501568;1468259766;asciilifeform;was he 'gossiping idiot' ? 1501569;1468259772;asciilifeform;what, exactly, was vavilov's mistake ? 1501570;1468259780;asciilifeform;picked wrong place to be born ? 1501571;1468259809;mircea_popescu;i give ~no thought to this entire "prevented from doing", much like the typically female "you made me do" dun enter into my thoughts. 1501572;1468259818;mircea_popescu;so i'm not really the right guy to ask about them things. 1501573;1468259831;asciilifeform;he had vavilov killed 1501574;1468259848;asciilifeform;(because orcs are simple folk and this was the easiest thing to do) 1501575;1468259861;mircea_popescu;or maybe because he was fucking his wife. 1501576;1468259893;asciilifeform;'where they cut off yer lips, 'cause they don't like yer smile!111' -- disney's 'aladin' 1501577;1468259942;mircea_popescu;anyway. soviet crazies, what can i tell you, and why should i care. 1501578;1468260007;asciilifeform;because they did not vanish, no. 1501579;1468260038;mircea_popescu;looky, the question is a) entirely unrelated to the discussion and b) not substantially different from "what should the senior washington official stabbed to death have done". 1501580;1468260045;mircea_popescu;she should have fucking fought, and won. 1501581;1468260064;asciilifeform;or should have dealt dope instead of running for office ? 1501582;1468260068;asciilifeform;multiple answers possible 1501583;1468260071;mircea_popescu;alternatively, she should stop whining about being dead. 1501584;1468260074;mircea_popescu;either one, but not any third. 1501585;1468260264;*;trinque imagines a rat who can smell the cheese, gets stuck in a dead end of the maze adjacent, never goes around the other way, starves. 1501586;1468260287;asciilifeform;trinque: if martians lift you by your tail and put you in large enough maze, you will also starve. 1501587;1468260308;asciilifeform;it need not even be very large. 1501588;1468260331;mircea_popescu;funny, i routinely explore mazes as part of playing online games. 1501589;1468260342;asciilifeform;i recently read some allegation, of unknown veracity, that a beggar in peru chewed (why? i dunno) on a tube of superglue, and consequently starved. 1501590;1468260345;mircea_popescu;you'd be surprised what a coupla hours' worth of left hand rule can do to many acres worth of tight maze 1501591;1468260360;trinque;asciilifeform: I'm just paraphrasing you from other threads, CPU^H^H^Hphysics might be hundreds of years from here. 1501592;1468260366;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: rat, afaik, has not yet invented righthandrule. 1501593;1468260373;asciilifeform;'step too tall' for him. 1501594;1468260375;mircea_popescu;but you said martians and trinque. 1501595;1468260397;asciilifeform;well clearly it will have to be n-dimensional maze for him. 1501596;1468260408;mircea_popescu;... 1501597;1468260429;asciilifeform;go generalize right-hand rule to n dimensions. 1501598;1468260465;asciilifeform;(i bet martin gardner had this as a puzzle in his column, but unfortunately my 100kg of old sciam are not searchable...) 1501599;1468260948;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D60710F34429805CA983E018B19C9D0400E3978C6A4F97721303D362A1E9 1501600;1468260948;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 93717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F97816E68FFBD245AD39F3509A34B16D8F193D91A6125903354AB4CB38 1501601;1468260959;asciilifeform;bang! 1501602;1468261072;asciilifeform;lel, these urls are cut off. 1501603;1468261148;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F97816E68FFBD245AD39F3509A34B16D8F193D91A6125903354AB4CB383548F3 1501604;1468261148;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9D60710F34429805CA983E018B19C9D0400E3978C6A4F97721303D362A1E9941 1501605;1468261232;asciilifeform;'Total Play Telecomunicaciones'. Mexico, Morelos, Tlalnepantla. 1501606;1468261244;trinque;yep, I'm gonna do something about that. ssh ones are a bit long. 1501607;1468261344;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo feel free to fix the links in my original comment 1501608;1468261344;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1501609;1468262052;shinohai;$later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/12Ml 1501610;1468262067;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/12Ml 1501611;1468262067;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1501612;1468262073;shinohai;grr 1501613;1468262304;Framedragger;trinque: re. "ssh ones are a bit long." << yeah you're right, need to shorten them.. 1501614;1468262344;Framedragger;and while on topic, there'll be another tarball soon asciilifeform - considerably smaller, but still > 1M 1501615;1468262442;Framedragger;from rescan of ipv4, from 'untainted' ip addresses. the ">1M" is due not only to rescan itself, but also because i had excluded ipv4 ranges for hetzner which had been sending tons of abuse complaintz. i can handle those complaints now. but i had forgotten about exclusion of hetzner ssh hosts. the new tarball will fix this (it won't include any old ssh keys, only new ones). 1501616;1468262502;Framedragger;(i.e. i had originally planned to re-scan those hetzner ranges and include them in the original tarball, but ended up postponing that.) 1501617;1468262690;Framedragger;will be interesting to later also look how many of the originally-online nodes were down in this new rescan, and how many new ones appeared (i.e. when hetzner ranges are removed). 1501618;1468262696;Framedragger;look at* 1501619;1468262951;Framedragger;the excluded ranges for anyone curious: (the ones before "# temporary" are default for masscan, based on ipv4 reserved ranges from IANA) 1501620;1468263066;mircea_popescu;you prolly shoul scan reserved ranges also, if routable 1501621;1468263723;mircea_popescu;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/Seal_of_the_United_States_Strategic_Command.svg << this has got to be the world's worst kludge of a visual design. 1501622;1468263760;mircea_popescu;seriously, olive branch ? by people who never saw an olive tree or what. 1501623;1468263783;mircea_popescu;leaving aside how it doesn't respect ohm's law (as restated for RED lightnings) 1501624;1468264158;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500694 << i'm probably top 3 in the west, but there's not really that many people in the saskabushian and surrounding prairies 1501625;1468264158;a111;Logged on 2016-07-10 15:31 ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500678 << heh you make it sound as though pete is buyer numba one of imaginary bitcoinz 1501626;1468264174;pete_dushenski;nevermind ones that know wtf a bit con is 1501627;1468264198;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-09#1500209 << it's called a mitzvah. wut. 1501628;1468264198;a111;Logged on 2016-07-09 02:32 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-08#1500179 << this thing just melted my brainz. some schmuck crying because he could not become a... health inspector! and pete_dushenski advising him on how to cry less 1501629;1468264283;pete_dushenski;http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-monks-free-lobsters-1.3672032 << speaking of misguided mitzvot (but aren't they all ?) 1501630;1468264413;pete_dushenski;"Before releasing the lobsters, the monks held a 20-minute ceremony with a prayer and chant to the Buddha of compassion. Dan said you don't have to have a ceremony or be a Buddhist to practice compassion to be nicer to all the living beings around you and try to think from their point of view." << be nice to the other crabs in the bucket mkay 1501631;1468264495;mircea_popescu;the principal thinker from "their point of view" is the hunter. 1501632;1468264607;pete_dushenski;only until they were saved by the will of buddha snackbar 1501633;1468264654;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501003 << Typically all the church does is rent out the basement 1501634;1468264654;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 13:43 mircea_popescu: but these are different concerns. i dunno how it runs, but i don't think there's customarily some guy in the church extolling aa is there ? 1501635;1468264655;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500991 << /me would pay admission to watch bidding war in davout's webpage comments 1501636;1468264655;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 13:33 mircea_popescu: it's not JUST that websites masquerading as "business" and purporting to sell for "billions" notwithstanding they wouldn't gather bids worth 80 btc in an open market a la linkedin, watsap and so on. 1501637;1468264753;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501013 << what the shit kind of bearing on any conversation of consequence could us 'legal' definition have ? 1501638;1468264753;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 13:46 danielpbarron: that is a contradiction, at least according to the US legal definition -- a church is literally a "place of worship" 1501639;1468264780;mircea_popescu;you missed the part where he was doing some research. 1501640;1468264833;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501031 << no, that'd be the moslems. newest is bestest is truest! or else oldest. middle doesn't really factor, nor can it. 1501641;1468264833;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 13:50 danielpbarron: Christians are the true Jews 1501642;1468264868;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: no, i caught that part. just didn't see the bearing. 1501643;1468264900;mircea_popescu;... 1501644;1468264913;pete_dushenski;us legal defination can say that all potatoes must be mashed in churches, but how would this be enforced ? 1501645;1468264930;mircea_popescu;cuz you're trying to make a church to that spec ? 1501646;1468264933;trinque;I don't see how this lock has any bearing on breaking into this house 1501647;1468264943;pete_dushenski;it has window! 1501648;1468264994;trinque;name the window then 1501649;1468265015;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501011 <-- doesn't contradict because 'place of worship' definition because doesn't necessitate worship of 'god' 1501650;1468265015;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 13:46 mircea_popescu: i wonder if you can have a church that worships no god at all. 1501651;1468265034;pete_dushenski;can worship love, neh ? 1501652;1468265043;pete_dushenski;other abstraction ? 1501653;1468265060;pete_dushenski;'togetherness', etc. 1501654;1468265061;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501171 << Have same cert. Actual cost is nil. 1501655;1468265061;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 15:43 asciilifeform: if it is a decorative arch, that NOBODY will ever walk on - not hard. 1501656;1468265150;asciilifeform;it is very easy to make church with no godz, no doctrine, no history, etc. so long as you just want to wear a pope hat and hang certificate on wall 1501657;1468265166;asciilifeform;if you want to actually buy seven figs of tax-free real estate, etc. - different matter. 1501658;1468265175;trinque;see: scientology 1501659;1468265194;asciilifeform;as witnessed by the half dozen perfectly-conventional protestant churches whose licenses were yanked by obummer. 1501660;1468265208;asciilifeform;trinque: scientology was sui generis. 1501661;1468265231;asciilifeform;and is famous for successfully infiltrating fbi, rather than getting its ducks in a line legalistically. 1501662;1468265259;trinque;how's that unique; that seems to be the only road towards "actual church" that works 1501663;1468265278;asciilifeform;unique in being the sole 20th c. example. 1501664;1468265286;trinque;yeah because hard, but that's the road 1501665;1468265430;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501122 << ...singapore, switzerland, israel... 1501666;1468265430;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 15:21 asciilifeform: sop in ru, kr, fi, etc 1501667;1468265451;pete_dushenski;actually it's semi-surprisingly there aren't any singaporeans in the wot afaik 1501668;1468265455;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: aha. it is the contractor army that is unusual. 1501669;1468265471;pete_dushenski;(deedbot l2 wot, that is) 1501670;1468265490;pete_dushenski;then again, big space, how'd one know (or care) 1501671;1468265528;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: polaks even gearing up atm. integrating weekender 'paratrooper' divisions into general army 1501672;1468265733;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501208 <--> https://bitbet.us/bet/1223/gravitational-waves-will-be-found-by-ligo-before/ << recall! 1501673;1468265733;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:22 asciilifeform: 'So basically the LIGO team is admitting to publishing a manipulated final result and no real exact means for anyone outside of the LIGO project to duplicate it. It also appears the team tried to bolster and perhaps even justify their reporting of this highly questionable second event by including a third one they had previously dismissed.' 1501674;1468265983;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501241 << 'Why, then, ’tis none to you, for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. To me it is a prison.' (hamlet) (tm) (r) 1501675;1468265983;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 16:39 mircea_popescu: understand : the crime is never to have done so-and-so concrete item ; but to have done it WHILE DRESSED IN THE WRONG SHIRT. 1501676;1468266333;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501651 << http://www.atruechurch.info/godislove.html 1501677;1468266333;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:23 pete_dushenski: can worship love, neh ? 1501678;1468266354;pete_dushenski;http://e360.yale.edu/feature/insect_numbers_declining_why_it_matters/3012/#.V4ODWx4LMi0.twitter << gogogadget monocultural farming! fucking travesty the likes of which we have no conceivable way of measuring the consequences of. 1501679;1468266390;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: worx 1501680;1468266402;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501640 << http://www.atruechurch.info/quran.html 1501681;1468266402;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:20 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501031 << no, that'd be the moslems. newest is bestest is truest! or else oldest. middle doesn't really factor, nor can it. 1501682;1468266444;danielpbarron;plus, I'd love to see you get a muslim to say he's a jew 1501683;1468266565;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: not like i'd expect you to agree. more just tossing around armchair analysis. at the end of the day, most men want to die in the religion of their fathers. 1501684;1468266580;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: ha, ya that'll never happen eh 1501685;1468266641;pete_dushenski;moslem more likely to admit that he's a kiddie diddler like his prophet than a despicable hebe 1501686;1468266670;pete_dushenski;youngest wife of mohammed was what, 7 ? 9yo ? 1501687;1468266701;pete_dushenski;aha. 'aisha'. 9yo she was. 1501688;1468266974;pete_dushenski;bbias 1501689;1468267006;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: urls fxd 1501690;1468267011;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo . 1501691;1468267052;asciilifeform;can remove the now-useless comments. 1501692;1468267247;BingoBoingo;I'll keep 1501693;1468267275;BingoBoingo;May have been linked to, no way to tell 1501694;1468267520;deedbot;[Qntra] Activity On ChangeTip Today - http://qntra.net/2016/07/activity-on-changetip-today/ 1501695;1468267633;shinohai;thx BingoBoingo i didn't think it'd make it xD 1501696;1468267763;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: both changetip links point to same qntra comment 1501697;1468267803;shinohai;o/ pete_dushenski 1501698;1468267804;BingoBoingo;Amazing how that works 1501699;1468267834;BingoBoingo;That comment is the definitive explanation of the problem 1501700;1468267858;pete_dushenski;'it is the beginning, it is the end. it is the sunrise, it is the sunset' 1501701;1468267880;BingoBoingo;It failed to step 1 1501702;1468267909;pete_dushenski;2-steppin' ain't easy 1501703;1468268039;pete_dushenski;https://www.rt.com/uk/350687-urine-powered-phone-charger/ << 'Yes wee can! Pee-powered phone charger provides 3hrs call time' << obutthurt's legacy in a nutshell 1501704;1468268156;asciilifeform;'microbial fuel cell' << lel 1501705;1468268187;pete_dushenski;can only be proven on $bn machine! ;/ 1501706;1468268207;asciilifeform;photovoltaic wasn't bad enough re joules-to-manufacture-vs-joules-lifetime-yield ratio, let's also make fuel cell, using whole bottom half of period table 1501707;1468268224;asciilifeform;*periodic 1501708;1468268334;pete_dushenski;incl. einsteinium, halfnium, tmsrium. 1501709;1468268389;jurov;let's make cell powered by prayer to tmsr designated deity 1501710;1468268432;asciilifeform;eh we have those now 1501711;1468268445;asciilifeform;if jurov's has run low, he needs a new sacrifice 1501712;1468268451;asciilifeform;(it runs on the dripping fat) 1501713;1468268587;pete_dushenski;and it's all gravy 1501714;1468269152;pete_dushenski;http://www.downvids.net/cute-tot-learns-to-spell-and-read-845614.html << in other 'teaching kids letters but not words' news 1501715;1468269181;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501659 << yeah seriously, what was wrong with them ? too white ? 1501716;1468269181;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:26 asciilifeform: as witnessed by the half dozen perfectly-conventional protestant churches whose licenses were yanked by obummer. 1501717;1468269337;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501676 << what's with all the focus on jesus with this guy anyway ? i don't recall exactly where he actually said jesus when meaning god, but in any case god is certainly fucking proud. he says so! 1501718;1468269337;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:45 danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501651 << http://www.atruechurch.info/godislove.html 1501719;1468269378;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501682 << much like geting a mormon to admit john smith was an invidious peasant who lifted what he could from the bible. 1501720;1468269378;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:47 danielpbarron: plus, I'd love to see you get a muslim to say he's a jew 1501721;1468269416;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501687 a) marriage there doesn't mean what you think it does (it's a welfare-for-women arrangement) ; b) they didn't consumate it till much later. 1501722;1468269416;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:51 pete_dushenski: aha. 'aisha'. 9yo she was. 1501723;1468269446;pete_dushenski;o. 1501724;1468269475;pete_dushenski;in that case uncle mo isn't a kiddie diddler ? 1501725;1468269493;mircea_popescu;follow the logic : women are not allowed productive outlets. therefore, they're either supported or starve. if you don't want her to starve, you'll support her. to support her she has to live in your house, this isn't a dhl land. for a woman to live in your house, she'd better be married to you. therefore... 1501726;1468269541;mircea_popescu;that said, plenty of notable people in history were born out of women that never experienced menarche. it happens. 1501727;1468269549;pete_dushenski;i see that. thus, girl's father pays ~me~ to take her off his hands 1501728;1468269576;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501715 << supposedly 'took party side' 1501729;1468269576;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:33 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501659 << yeah seriously, what was wrong with them ? too white ? 1501730;1468269578;asciilifeform;verboten. 1501731;1468269586;mircea_popescu;heh. 1501732;1468269590;asciilifeform;and yes, too white!111 1501733;1468269596;mircea_popescu;his outrage of a fucktarded friend is ok tho, what was his name 1501734;1468269607;mircea_popescu;the crazy obama's pastor fellow 1501735;1468269626;mircea_popescu;jeremiah wright 1501736;1468269626;pete_dushenski;jessie jackson ? 1501737;1468269652;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501726 << still sop in india 1501738;1468269652;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:39 mircea_popescu: that said, plenty of notable people in history were born out of women that never experienced menarche. it happens. 1501739;1468269656;asciilifeform;~nobody whines. 1501740;1468269917;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501706 << but it works "on your pee". the bottle's just a hidden externality! hidden in plain sight! 1501741;1468269917;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:16 asciilifeform: photovoltaic wasn't bad enough re joules-to-manufacture-vs-joules-lifetime-yield ratio, let's also make fuel cell, using whole bottom half of period table 1501742;1468269939;mircea_popescu;that's the important part, fucking urea solution, recast as "your pee!!!". not the rest. that. 1501743;1468269945;mircea_popescu;well done ustard, you've contributed! YOUR PEE! 1501744;1468269973;pete_dushenski;this is, ftr, volkswagen's 'advanced' diesel cleaning tech - urea injection 1501745;1468269974;*;mircea_popescu adds line to his absent social media profiles, "i can't be bothered to re-read this, and besides it's running on my piss anyway" 1501746;1468270018;pete_dushenski;has been for ~decade. the 'non-advanced' ones w/o piss tanks in trunk were the ones that needed to cheat nox emissions standards 1501747;1468270050;pete_dushenski;had every vw been outfitted with 'the people's pee', no nox problem. the irony! 1501748;1468270318;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1501749;1468270323;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 647.97, vol: 2836.62149298 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 638.16, vol: 5101.70109 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 649.55, vol: 14101.096444 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 595.0, vol: 2.22526438 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 649.665705, vol: 22658.86020000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 649.94, vol: 821.92739316 | Volume-weighted last average: 648.237035644 1501750;1468271402;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501683 << actually my parents are atheists 1501751;1468271402;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:49 pete_dushenski: danielpbarron: not like i'd expect you to agree. more just tossing around armchair analysis. at the end of the day, most men want to die in the religion of their fathers. 1501752;1468271444;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501715 << actually, from my reading of the official documentation, you can be denied simply for being "too similar" to other existing churches 1501753;1468271444;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:33 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501659 << yeah seriously, what was wrong with them ? too white ? 1501754;1468271495;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501717 << Jesus is God.. 1501755;1468271495;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:35 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501676 << what's with all the focus on jesus with this guy anyway ? i don't recall exactly where he actually said jesus when meaning god, but in any case god is certainly fucking proud. he says so! 1501756;1468271548;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: were your parents' parents atheists as well ? 1501757;1468271693;danielpbarron;my dad's mom was a christian scientist and is therefor probably in hell now, her husband didn't practice anything that i'm aware of, and on my mom's side they were probably run-of-the-mill false christians of some sort, but whatever it was it didn't play a big role 1501758;1468271822;trinque;"christian science" entertains the shit out of me 1501759;1468271846;trinque;dares call itself that, based primarily on voodoo quackery 1501760;1468271884;trinque;"hm, that word science is going places; maybe we should hitch a ride!" 1501761;1468271918;danielpbarron;right, it is neither christian nor science, and it was founded by a woman 1501762;1468272002;pete_dushenski;like theranos! 1501763;1468272019;pete_dushenski;actually the similarities are striking. 1501764;1468272235;shinohai;I want a deity that's a cross between hanbot and La Santa Muerte. 1501765;1468272256;danielpbarron;well hanbot and I are the only faithful Eulorans heh heh 1501766;1468272328;shinohai;I walked around in circles for 3 days in Eulora. I'm probably dead or something now 1501767;1468272340;trinque;I am happy to be the God of any that require one. Please send your 10% tithe to deedbot's address. 1501768;1468272368;trinque;hell I'll make it 9%, undercut those other gods 1501769;1468272376;shinohai;* 1501770;1468272377;danielpbarron;shinohai, there is no death yet 1501771;1468272411;shinohai;Oh mircea_popescu is still looking for perfect death ? 1501772;1468272419;danielpbarron;my character "dies" hundreds of times daily 1501773;1468272465;danielpbarron;there can't be death before there is marriage, as we are supposed to pass on our assets to next of kin 1501774;1468272548;pete_dushenski;leave assets to church 1501775;1468272563;shinohai;or to cats 1501776;1468272568;danielpbarron;can't do that either, so far the only discovered skill in the 'faith' line is 'sacrifice' 1501777;1468272603;danielpbarron;if you got stuff to give, I can douse it in wine and burn it on an altar for ya though :D 1501778;1468272616;pete_dushenski;shinohai: nah they'd just blow it on catnip and balls of yarn 1501779;1468272627;pete_dushenski;at least churches build... churches 1501780;1468272951;danielpbarron;on a related note : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga-l_n91kYI 1501781;1468273189;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501752 << i dun think we're at risk. 1501782;1468273189;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 21:10 danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501715 << actually, from my reading of the official documentation, you can be denied simply for being "too similar" to other existing churches 1501783;1468273619;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501746 << iirc it was discovered that they all cheat, and the piss tank was a deliberate smoke'n'mirror sham. 1501784;1468273619;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:46 pete_dushenski: has been for ~decade. the 'non-advanced' ones w/o piss tanks in trunk were the ones that needed to cheat nox emissions standards 1501785;1468273623;asciilifeform;is in the l0gz, somewhere. 1501786;1468273792;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501649 << if this were trivial, every idiot would declare his house 'church of mammon' and pay 0 tax. 1501787;1468273792;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 19:23 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501011 <-- doesn't contradict because 'place of worship' definition because doesn't necessitate worship of 'god' 1501788;1468273795;trinque;this was the whole VW "scandal", that their combustion engines don't fart rainbows 1501789;1468274404;asciilifeform;;;later tell mod6 'curl -s http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz' << weren't we gonna stop doing this ? 1501790;1468274405;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1501791;1468274436;asciilifeform;and especially 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost' 1501792;1468274438;asciilifeform;srsly, wtf 1501793;1468274689;asciilifeform;ahahahaha, speaking of sheriffs and deputies, http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/11/at-least-four-people-reported-shot-at-michigan-courthouse.html 1501794;1468274698;asciilifeform;'Two court bailiffs were killed and a police officer shot Monday inside a southwestern Michigan courthouse when an inmate broke loose and got his hands on a deputy's gun, officials said.' 1501795;1468274731;asciilifeform;'A Berrien County Commissioner told WBND that a man who was on his way to jail took a gun off a deputy and started opening fire.' 1501796;1468274789;asciilifeform;see also treblinka uprising. 1501797;1468274846;asciilifeform;'The courthouse is located about 50 miles west of Kalamazoo, where an Uber driver killed six people in a shooting spree earlier this year.' << lel, did we miss this gem ? 1501798;1468274937;trinque;they happen so often who can keep up 1501799;1468275051;asciilifeform;related, lulzy, http://www.americanjail.org 1501800;1468275082;asciilifeform;'The American Jail Association (AJA) is the leading industry organization exclusively focused on supporting the professionals who staff and operate our nation's jails.' 1501801;1468275104;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Qntra just recently got a weather category and Uber driver seems to have been boring 1501802;1468275136;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2015/06/23/its-not-your-family-holding-you-back-its-your-shepherdlessness/ << treblinka 1501803;1468275228;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: looking into it, you mighta been right about the adblue scam. the 2.0l engines were the first to be called out for cheating emissions tests and they don't have the piss tanks, but the 3.0l engines were later called out and they ~did~ 1501804;1468275313;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i was thinking of 'the young woman who, in the undressing room of Crematorium II at Auschwitz-Birkenau grabbed an SS officer’s pistol and shot two guards, killing one of them before herself being killed' 1501805;1468275316;asciilifeform;specifically. 1501806;1468275352;pete_dushenski;more than one instance eh 1501807;1468275533;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Perhaps write a qntra? It's been a while. 1501808;1468275595;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/20/us/kalamazoo-michigan-shooting-hearing << lulzy 1501809;1468275600;asciilifeform;re earlier. 1501810;1468275611;BingoBoingo;oh 1501811;1468275649;asciilifeform;http://abcnews.go.com/Health/teen-injured-uber-driver-shooting-im-warrior-princess/story?id=38648276 << related, and hilarious 1501812;1468275656;asciilifeform;'A Michigan teenager says she feels like a "warrior princess" after surviving a mass shooting that left her critically injured.' 1501813;1468275667;asciilifeform;WARRIOR PRINCESS!!!111111 1501814;1468275669;asciilifeform;priceless 1501815;1468275797;pete_dushenski;https://www.wired.com/2016/07/tesla-co-founder-making-electric-garbage-trucks-jet-tech-not/ << ok this actually makes a fair bit of sense. i can't be the only one who's doodled their 'dream garbage truck' on the inside cover of their notebook after being woken up at 6am to the sounds of bin clanging and diesel engine revving 1501816;1468275861;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: you're hearing the hydraulics 1501817;1468275891;pete_dushenski;that too 1501818;1468275943;pete_dushenski;the engines aren't quiet though. but probably the most egregious noise polluters are the bins themselves 1501819;1468275969;pete_dushenski;the swinging metal half-hatches bang and clang like there's no tomorrow 1501820;1468276065;asciilifeform;garbage truck will sound quite the same whether powered by diesel, fusor, or virgin tears. 1501821;1468276118;BingoBoingo;What does fusor sound like when idling? 1501822;1468276130;pete_dushenski;then 'tesla co-founder' doesn't actually address the problem that needed addressing. i guess we should be awed and surprised. 1501823;1468278785;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/PokemonGoNSFW/ 1501824;1468278976;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501752 << that's certainly not a risk we run. 1501825;1468278976;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 21:10 danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501715 << actually, from my reading of the official documentation, you can be denied simply for being "too similar" to other existing churches 1501826;1468279001;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron what do you mean "jesus is god". when did the entire son of god thing go away ? 1501827;1468279007;mircea_popescu;no more trinity, etc ? 1501828;1468279423;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501764 << you mean to cross mpoe-pr and catrina calavera ? just crossing one is bad enough, but both ?!?! 1501829;1468279423;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 21:23 shinohai: I want a deity that's a cross between hanbot and La Santa Muerte. 1501830;1468279504;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501793 << awww. 1501831;1468279504;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 22:04 asciilifeform: ahahahaha, speaking of sheriffs and deputies, http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/07/11/at-least-four-people-reported-shot-at-michigan-courthouse.html 1501832;1468279586;mircea_popescu;"we need prayers". you don't need fucking prayers, you need to go the fuck away already. 1501833;1468279728;mircea_popescu;in all fairness the garbage service here is pretty quiet. 1501834;1468280036;mircea_popescu;who the fuck linked that codepink crap 1501835;1468280044;danielpbarron;the Son of God is God: He is His own father. 1501836;1468280100;danielpbarron;and yeah I hate the "pray for X" only after a tragedy. All of a sudden everyone is religious when on any other day they don't give a shit 1501837;1468280101;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seriously, "Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the peace group CODEPINK and the human rights organization Global Exchange. She is the author of eight books, including " bla bla ? 1501838;1468280131;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron reading through that love page you linked, the guy's pretty innovative. 1501839;1468280161;mircea_popescu;it's certainly replete with heresy, apostasy an' error from both catholic and orthodox povs. 1501840;1468280202;danielpbarron;well he claims that the catholic church is a false one. ditto 'orthodox' 1501841;1468280217;mircea_popescu;kinda what innovative means here yeah. 1501842;1468280218;danielpbarron;there's a page for that one too 1501843;1468280599;mircea_popescu;btw, anyone knows teh sweet lolz of "operation eagle claw" ? "delta force" inaugural mission into comedy golds 1501844;1468280792;pete_dushenski;do tell ? 1501845;1468280813;mats;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxkfCdoU_90 1501846;1468280814;mircea_popescu;nah this'll have to be independent study, too thick for chat. 1501847;1468280848;mircea_popescu;3 hits ? 1501848;1468280858;mats;vidya of ru Mi-35M helicopter being shot down 1501849;1468280880;mats;looks like they deployed countermeasures 1501850;1468280881;mircea_popescu;what a beast of a machine. 1501851;1468280896;mircea_popescu;three shoulder fired rockets was it ? only went down once it lost the tail 1501852;1468280929;mircea_popescu;mats ah is the first two lights some sort of chaff ? 1501853;1468280951;mats;i think so, but i don't know a lot about aircraft 1501854;1468280982;mircea_popescu;me either. i thought the actually guided rockets are laser seeking anyway. 1501855;1468282704;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501837 << i dug it out more or less randomly 1501856;1468282704;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 23:35 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform seriously, "Medea Benjamin is the co-founder of the peace group CODEPINK and the human rights organization Global Exchange. She is the author of eight books, including " bla bla ? 1501857;1468282743;asciilifeform;the reds appear to be the ~only folk who even remember kissinger. ~everybody else has, evidently, the memory span of a goldfish 1501858;1468282892;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501845 << very recent american rocket. 1501859;1468282892;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 23:46 mats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxkfCdoU_90 1501860;1468282904;asciilifeform;supplied to usg's beloved pets, free of charge. 1501861;1468282907;asciilifeform;just like in afghan. 1501862;1468283065;asciilifeform;in other gut-busting lulz, https://mic.com/articles/144228/echoes-exposed-the-secret-symbol-neo-nazis-use-to-target-jews-online 1501863;1468283081;asciilifeform;'In the early days of the social web, putting someone's name in multiple parentheses was meant to give that person a cute virtual hug. Today, it's something far more sinister. Neo-Nazis, anti-Semites and white nationalists have begun using three sets of parentheses encasing a Jewish surname — for instance, (((Fleishman))) — to identify and target Jews for harassment on blogs and major social media sites like Twitter. As one white 1501864;1468283081;asciilifeform; supremacist tweeted, "It's closed captioning for the Jew-blind."' 1501865;1468283127;asciilifeform;'The symbol comes from right-wing blog the Right Stuff, whose podcast The Daily Shoah featured a segment called "Merchant Minute" that gave Jewish names a cartoonish "echo" sound effect when uttered. The "parenthesis meme," as Right Stuff editors call it, is a visual pun. In Right Stuff propaganda, you'll often read that Jewish names "echo." According to the blog's lexicon page, "all Jewish surnames echo throughout history." In other 1501866;1468283127;asciilifeform; words, the supposed damage caused by Jewish people reverberates from decade to decade.' 1501867;1468283202;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 'curl -s http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz' << weren't we gonna stop doing this ? << didja read the SoBA? 1501868;1468283211;asciilifeform;mod6: aha? 1501869;1468283222;mod6;I have a new V99994 in testing as I type this. 1501870;1468283235;mod6;and I worked on the makefile thing over the weekend. i'm getting there. 1501871;1468283237;asciilifeform;now for the gold, 'How have these trolls been able to hide harassment in plain sight? Partially because the ((())) symbol is difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary users to search for... If you try to search for "(((Last Name)))," Twitter's search engine strips the results of the parentheses' 1501872;1468283242;asciilifeform;mod6: neato. 1501873;1468283252;mod6;so, trust me, as soon as I have something, you'll be the first to know. 1501874;1468283260;asciilifeform;cool 1501875;1468283279;asciilifeform;'Twitter needs better tools to curb hate speech' << the crescendo, in linked turd. 1501876;1468283303;asciilifeform;wait till the derp learns that you can't parse parens with regexp... 1501877;1468283332;asciilifeform;'Twitter declined to address why the symbol is unsearchable on its platform, if a hate-speech filter would detect it or if the company plans to categorize the symbol as hate speech at all.' 1501878;1468284137;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501867 <<< has been tirelessly tested, yet! 1501879;1468284137;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 00:26 mod6: <+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 'curl -s http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz' << weren't we gonna stop doing this ? << didja read the SoBA? 1501880;1468284208;mod6;shinohai: im also running the new V99994 build script with the updated openssl url now actually. as well, the makeflies (the original ones from trinque) work as long as it contains the updates that I put in for the lastest versoin of V. 1501881;1468284255;mod6;I'm currently in the process of V-ifiying these now. Which actually, passed one test just fine. 1501882;1468284307;mod6;It's a bit circular though. 1501883;1468284353;shinohai;oooh nice 1501884;1468284415;mod6;One would have to either, pull down /just the makefiles/ and build .. OR pull V, sync against the mirror (or place patches in by hand), then press, then build the pressed dir (which also pulls patches depending on what is set in the makefiles themselves) 1501885;1468284499;mod6;the latter would build the full orchastra, and i believe (although haven't tried yet) you can simply place boost, openssl, and bdb in the 'shit' directory by hand to avoid downloading of deps from a remote site. 1501886;1468284511;mod6;same with V iirc. anyway, gotta check that part out a bit more. 1501887;1468284600;mod6;anyway, it could be arragned both ways: 1. we hand out a bundle of makefiles - you make, you get a bitcoind. 2. you get V, you press your own thing, then you make the makefiles as you wish. 1501888;1468284988;mod6;either way, a bit more work to do here. 1501889;1468284993;mod6;but off to a good start. 1501890;1468286944;pete_dushenski;"The Russian Government has passed a new law that mandates that every provider must log all Russian internet traffic for up to a year. We believe that due to the enforcement regime surrounding this new law, some of our Russian Servers (RU) were recently seized by Russian Authorities, without notice or any type of due process. We think it’s because we are the most outspoken and only verified no-log VPN p 1501891;1468286944;pete_dushenski;rovider." << from pia. and with that, adieu! 1501892;1468287978;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly, "pokemon go" is missing the /core fucking pokemon interaction/ 1501893;1468287988;ben_vulpes;eg wandering about and encountering pokemon and trainers to battle 1501894;1468287992;ben_vulpes;what the ever loving f 1501895;1468288445;mod6;so just built V99994 build script on gentoo, werks good. 1501896;1468288612;mod6;building via makefiles from pressed wild makefile.vpatch ... so far so good... 1501897;1468288707;trinque;sweet! 1501898;1468288889;trinque;ben_vulpes: that "game" serves two functions, cameras and mics on everywhere, and taking the state's pets for a walk. if it's pokemans, it's the n64 "snap" variety, but shittier. 1501899;1468288993;mod6;trinque: yeah! 1501900;1468289014;mod6;build is running now. looking good. will update again in here when that build completes. 1501901;1468290547;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501890 << hey, orcs are poor, they dun have a centralized bureau of packet log 1501902;1468290547;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 01:29 pete_dushenski: "The Russian Government has passed a new law that mandates that every provider must log all Russian internet traffic for up to a year. We believe that due to the enforcement regime surrounding this new law, some of our Russian Servers (RU) were recently seized by Russian Authorities, without notice or any type of due process. We think it’s because we are the most outspoken and only verified no-log VPN p 1501903;1468290660;asciilifeform;'verified no-log VPN' << lul 1501904;1468290672;asciilifeform;'verified', one is left to wonder, by whom? pope ? 1501905;1468290740;ben_vulpes;trinque: nah, it's to get the millenials looking at something other than how easily cops are killed when they step out in public 1501906;1468290759;ben_vulpes;"augmented reality" my left fucking testicle. 1501907;1468290770;ben_vulpes;it overlays a shitty 3d pokemodel over the video input 1501908;1468290802;ben_vulpes;trinque: the *other* thing it's good for is harvesting "all-permission" google federated logins 1501909;1468290816;ben_vulpes;yes, the thing wants 700 on users google accounts 1501910;1468291749;mats;lol, somebody in ##security claims PIA is running Apache 2.2.22 on an outdated linux box 1501911;1468291843;asciilifeform;dafuq, again, is 'pia' 1501912;1468291844;asciilifeform;? 1501913;1468291868;asciilifeform;and - why to care ? 1501914;1468291904;asciilifeform;to me, 'pia' is still that weird i/o chip in the commodore-64. 1501915;1468292086;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: did i wake up in '90s, or wat, why suddenly the interest in 'pokemon' 1501916;1468292100;asciilifeform;because game with camera? these existed 5 yrs ago. 1501917;1468292132;asciilifeform;i would ask, 'slow news weeks', ?, but it wasn't... 1501918;1468292184;asciilifeform;9 out of 10 times when i am puzzled like this, i dig in and learn that... apparently folks read reddit. or equiv. 1501919;1468292190;asciilifeform;my mind boggles. 1501920;1468292418;ben_vulpes;tis only psyops. 1501921;1468292470;asciilifeform;perhaps BingoBoingo could open an 'aa' for thinking folk who find themselves redditing. 1501922;1468292473;ben_vulpes;millenials need something to do on their ipnohes other than read clickbait about cop killan 1501923;1468292478;ben_vulpes;and no, not reddit. 1501924;1468292503;asciilifeform;even vodka is improvement over reddit. 1501925;1468292515;asciilifeform;more folks ought to consider it. 1501926;1468292520;ben_vulpes;4/6 of the officefolk came in jabbering about it 1501927;1468292525;asciilifeform;ugh 1501928;1468292533;ben_vulpes;then went wandering around the cemetary 'capturing' pokemon 1501929;1468292537;asciilifeform;grown men ? 1501930;1468292537;ben_vulpes;needless to say, everyone's fired. 1501931;1468292557;ben_vulpes;lol, asciilifeform imagines i work with adults 1501932;1468292563;asciilifeform;i have nfi who ben_vulpes works with 1501933;1468292567;asciilifeform;perhaps sheep, i dunno 1501934;1468292576;ben_vulpes;even more lulzily, asciilifeform implies /me/ to be a grown man 1501935;1468292623;ben_vulpes;$google peter pan syndrome 1501936;1468292629;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Pan_Syndrome << Peter Pan Syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kristen-houghton/the-peter-pan-syndrome_b_6127308.html << Peter Pan Syndrome | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puer_aeternus << Puer aeternus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1501937;1468292636;ben_vulpes;and some girls 1501938;1468292645;asciilifeform;can peter pan all you like, but i had distinct impression that pokemon was a thing among ~very young~ chillunz 1501939;1468292659;asciilifeform;but apparently not ? 1501940;1468292676;ben_vulpes;well i installed it to see how much of the 'pokemon red' experience was replicated 1501941;1468292689;asciilifeform;what was 'pokemon red' ? 1501942;1468292716;asciilifeform;(the current one is some other colour?) 1501943;1468292778;ben_vulpes;teh first! 1501944;1468292784;ben_vulpes;there were many others. 1501945;1468292905;ben_vulpes;this one is 'pokemon go' 1501946;1468292911;ben_vulpes;as in 'go, get stabbed' i guess 1501947;1468292921;ben_vulpes;http://www.oregonlive.com/forest-grove/index.ssf/2016/07/forest_grove_police_log_15.html << see july 10 1501948;1468292996;asciilifeform;speaking of which, i'm still waiting for the inevitable orc vs. police gamez. 1501949;1468293043;ben_vulpes;'human readable'! 1501950;1468293083;asciilifeform;'A man stole a slab of ribs from a local market. The suspected rib-thief from the prior day was found, also in possession of meth and a stolen bicycle (but no ribs). During the arrest, the man allegedly head butted and dented the arresting officer's car.' 1501951;1468293131;asciilifeform;'Police received a call that a man was sitting by a tree and staring suspiciously at a local bank. The man was trying to get out of the rain.' 1501952;1468293196;asciilifeform;ah found it. 1501953;1468293246;ben_vulpes;classic portland lols 1501954;1468293253;*;ben_vulpes off to walk rent and baby to landlords 1501955;1468293257;ben_vulpes;ideally will leave both there 1501956;1468293948;mats;asciilifeform: PIA is this thing enormously popular with redditors 1501957;1468293974;mats;which also takes buttcoins and i see nao that they've sponsored buttcointalk 1501958;1468296154;mats;also, what makes you think it was a usg rocket? 1501959;1468296309;mats;plenty of manpads to be had from assad's looted depots 1501960;1468298368;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “Never, by God, I say, For my misdeed shall kinsmen hear the blame” - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/11/never-by-god-i-say-for-my-misdeed-shall-kinsmen-hear-the-blame/ 1501961;1468299474;mod6;build with makefiles worked fine. 1501962;1468299486;mod6;more to come... 1501963;1468299497;mod6;(hopefully tomorrow) 1501964;1468309048;BingoBoingo; ben_vulpes: did i wake up in '90s, or wat, why suddenly the interest in 'pokemon' << Surveillance tool for smartpnoHe 1501965;1468313796;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/12YR 1501966;1468313797;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1501967;1468314207;shinohai;Oh i forgot to add "Sorry for your loss" at the end. 1501968;1468314242;deedbot;[Qntra] Antminer Flaw Allows Machine Takeover - http://qntra.net/2016/07/antminer-flaw-allows-machine-takeover/ 1501969;1468315585;jurov;http://qntra.net/2016/07/activity-on-changetip-today/ << trinque looks like deedbot skipped this 1501970;1468315661;jurov;and btw, it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better 1501971;1468316206;shinohai;Perhaps I was lampooning the state of Bitcoin at large. 1501972;1468318095;*;jurov throws some peanuts at shinohai 1501973;1468324379;thestringpuller;missed you jurov ! 1501974;1468324383;thestringpuller;how was your weekend? 1501975;1468324399;jurov;fine, was at a festival 1501976;1468324581;jurov;how did you know i'm with hippies? 1501977;1468324587;thestringpuller;jurov: it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better << i guess this is what happens when options aren't an option, and the listed businesses take decades to monetize. 1501978;1468324637;thestringpuller;jurov: I think you told me about a hippie fest you went to back in 2014. Sent me pics. Kind of like a bonfire burn but less effigy-ish. 1501979;1468325477;jurov;http://gizmodo.com/amazons-new-offices-will-contain-literal-jungle-1783441931 lol, took "billion monkeys" too literally 1501980;1468327764;shinohai;http://archive.is/mYLLJ <<< "You may have noticed that the DAO is empty again." 1501981;1468328591;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1327 1501982;1468328592;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1501983;1468332732;trinque;jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501694 << didn't skip it 1501984;1468332732;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 20:05 deedbot: [Qntra] Activity On ChangeTip Today - http://qntra.net/2016/07/activity-on-changetip-today/ 1501985;1468336364;trinque;http://qz.com/724166/nordic-politicians-are-debating-making-school-mandatory-for-old-people/ << nordic cucks taking socialist neoteny to an obvious next step 1501986;1468336412;trinque;Hell, why don't they just keep them institutionalized throughout life? I'm sure I'm the first to think of this. 1501987;1468336859;trinque;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-11/facebook-sued-for-1b-for-alleged-hamas-use-of-medium-for-terror << in other lol, the tortatron decides Facebook something something Hamas, give us a billion 1501988;1468337251;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501857 << i remember! 1501989;1468337251;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 00:19 asciilifeform: the reds appear to be the ~only folk who even remember kissinger. ~everybody else has, evidently, the memory span of a goldfish 1501990;1468337302;mircea_popescu;seems more a case of "the reds are the only ones that remember a version of kissinger i approve of", which is fine and all, but... i've yet to see correct history in the heads of reds. so that might be a... RED flag right there. 1501991;1468337339;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501858 << do tell me how do you know that ?! 1501992;1468337339;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 00:21 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501845 << very recent american rocket. 1501993;1468337426;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501871 << are we going to do (((tmsr))) from now on for various relevant items ? like you know ((((v)))) 1501994;1468337426;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 00:27 asciilifeform: now for the gold, 'How have these trolls been able to hide harassment in plain sight? Partially because the ((())) symbol is difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary users to search for... If you try to search for "(((Last Name)))," Twitter's search engine strips the results of the parentheses' 1501995;1468337433;mircea_popescu;it's pretty idiotic, but then again kinda lulzy... 1501996;1468337471;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501876 << this is impossible for them to learn. i've in time discovered regexp is absolutely the pons asinorum of computing. 1501997;1468337471;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 00:28 asciilifeform: wait till the derp learns that you can't parse parens with regexp... 1501998;1468337485;mircea_popescu;it separates the excel user from the windows/perl programmer! 1501999;1468337545;mircea_popescu;and in other news, "Hello viewer am here to share my testimony on how I finally join the Illuminati hood and became rich, I tried all my possible best to become a member of the hood but I was scam several times" 1502000;1468337552;mircea_popescu;teh illuminati hood, brother. 1502001;1468337562;mats;respect 1502002;1468337635;mircea_popescu;the world as reflected in the eyes of these mammals. so alien, so shocking. 1502003;1468337793;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501905 << i really dun buy either theory. to me seems much lighter than that : finally ugc that could conceivably work, why spend money for background art for your game (most expensive, least impact) when you could just use luser's own (MASSIVE, NEVER reviewed) collection of snaps and perhaps even get a little residual value out of whatever value they may carry with him. 1502004;1468337793;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 02:32 ben_vulpes: trinque: nah, it's to get the millenials looking at something other than how easily cops are killed when they step out in public 1502005;1468337827;mircea_popescu;gotta remember, these "mass" items only aim to get a few cents out of each user, or somesuch. it is conceivable that they unlock a dime of value out of each derp's picture "collection", from which they can then extract two fiddy 1502006;1468337893;mircea_popescu;i can't see it as anything other than 1) phone cos keep pushing "snap everything", "capture the moment" blabla so 2) people take loads of pictures which 3) are never used for anything because they suck and who cares. 1502007;1468337919;mircea_popescu;lest that anyone notices 3, how about some derivative usage or something. pre this game, "i got the biggest pic collection" said nobody ever. now, it's almost a point. 1502008;1468338030;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501916 << this one was advertised. 1502009;1468338030;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 02:55 asciilifeform: because game with camera? these existed 5 yrs ago. 1502010;1468338122;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501923 << girl got in trouble over reddit bs, upon examination source turned out as "popurl". elder rose one eyebrow, "are you going to ban social media?" 1502011;1468338122;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 03:01 ben_vulpes: and no, not reddit. 1502012;1468338146;mircea_popescu;elder knows. no, i'm not going to ban social media ; but do not expect there's any difference. from wikipedia to 9gag, they are all exactly the same thing, same material, same stuff. 1502013;1468338301;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501925 << vodka blows ; you want tuica. plum distillate, not fucking grainz. and 52% not fucking 70 proof wtf is that bs. 1502014;1468338301;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 03:01 asciilifeform: more folks ought to consider it. 1502015;1468338371;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501930 << lmao, methinks B as the galz call him will mature into a fine Bezos over the years. 1502016;1468338371;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 03:02 ben_vulpes: needless to say, everyone's fired. 1502017;1468338507;mircea_popescu;from http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501947 "Two dancers claimed they were being poisoned by a regular customer at the club. Officers were informed by medical staff that there were no signs of poison and their symptoms may be caused by their diet." 1502018;1468338507;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 03:08 ben_vulpes: http://www.oregonlive.com/forest-grove/index.ssf/2016/07/forest_grove_police_log_15.html << see july 10 1502019;1468338538;mircea_popescu;"poisoned" as in, the crazed bitches decided dude's slipping them roofies. because too much time spent on pokemedia. 1502020;1468338567;mircea_popescu;"A caller reported seeing a person in a rabbit costume oddly walking around. Police located the individual who was trying out a homemade wolf/dragon costume." o man these are fucking great :D 1502021;1468338695;mircea_popescu;"Guests at a local hotel requested police check on suspicious banging and thumping noises from an adjacent room. Officers found another guest who was simply unpacking." << people visiting portland should be fucking stabbed. seriously just how fucking bored do you need to be. 1502022;1468338773;mircea_popescu;"Police responded to a call about a child who was acting out, kicking holes in walls and punching doors." << everyone FROM portland should also be stabbed. in the eye! 1502023;1468338790;mircea_popescu;what the fuck, the place for which cement is named, now has kids kicking holes in "walls" ? 1502024;1468338800;mircea_popescu;god smote sodomah for less, dudes! 1502025;1468338966;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501956 << ok but what does it do ? 1502026;1468338966;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 03:25 mats: asciilifeform: PIA is this thing enormously popular with redditors 1502027;1468339051;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2016/07/antminer-flaw-allows-machine-takeover << ok this was pretty lulzy 1502028;1468339109;mats;its a vpn service 1502029;1468339156;mircea_popescu;ah ok 1502030;1468339267;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501970 << you mean, coinbr. mpex is not part of this discussion, it's the changetip's bitcoin. so... get crackin' ? 1502031;1468339267;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 09:27 jurov: and btw, it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better 1502032;1468339388;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501981 << the power of shitcoins : much like bitcoin makes everyone a bitcoiner, be they usg.nsa or whatever else, just so scamcoin makes everyone a scammer. they may start as "white hat" or "robin hood" or whatever, but in the end the dark nature of the item compels them. 1502033;1468339388;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 13:03 shinohai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/1327 1502034;1468339530;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501986 << not a bad idea anyway! sets the stage nicely for http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/ 1502035;1468339530;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 15:13 trinque: Hell, why don't they just keep them institutionalized throughout life? I'm sure I'm the first to think of this. 1502036;1468339605;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501987 << they could pay ... well, "pay" 25 bn for ~worthless watsapp to reallocate fiatola to favored son ; why shouldn't they pay i mean "pay" 1bn for ~worthless legal clai mto reallocate fiatola to the OTHER favoured son ? what, you mean the other favored son isn't favored ? 1502037;1468339605;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 15:20 trinque: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-11/facebook-sued-for-1b-for-alleged-hamas-use-of-medium-for-terror << in other lol, the tortatron decides Facebook something something Hamas, give us a billion 1502038;1468339962;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501827 holy trinity, holy virgin mary, etc. are constructs made on various councils "by komyoonity" 1502039;1468339962;a111;Logged on 2016-07-11 23:16 mircea_popescu: no more trinity, etc ? 1502040;1468340097;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501990 << let's have the s333333kr1t, lovable kissinger ? can haz article ? 1502041;1468340097;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 15:28 mircea_popescu: seems more a case of "the reds are the only ones that remember a version of kissinger i approve of", which is fine and all, but... i've yet to see correct history in the heads of reds. so that might be a... RED flag right there. 1502042;1468340141;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502030 isee, mpex isn't part of the discussion anymore 1502043;1468340141;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 16:01 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501970 << you mean, coinbr. mpex is not part of this discussion, it's the changetip's bitcoin. so... get crackin' ? 1502044;1468340145;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501991 << conjecture. the multiple flashes are reminiscent of recent ru 'igla', the one with dual warhead. and smart money would bet that this is not a ru rocket. ergo.. 1502045;1468340145;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 15:28 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501858 << do tell me how do you know that ?! 1502046;1468340187;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501996 << it is kindergarten-level discrete maths.. 1502047;1468340187;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 15:31 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501876 << this is impossible for them to learn. i've in time discovered regexp is absolutely the pons asinorum of computing. 1502048;1468340260;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502013 << to every man, his native vodka. 1502049;1468340260;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 15:45 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501925 << vodka blows ; you want tuica. plum distillate, not fucking grainz. and 52% not fucking 70 proof wtf is that bs. 1502050;1468340414;asciilifeform;'It is not a huge problem for the very well-educated. But with a rising pension age, people approaching 60-65 years—who still have 5–10 years more on the labour market—they should have the opportunity to refresh their skills seriously. And as a new mandatory right.' 1502051;1468340419;asciilifeform;MANDATORY RIGHT!!11111111 1502052;1468340421;asciilifeform;gold. 1502053;1468340529;deedbot;[Qntra] DAO Is Empty Again - http://qntra.net/2016/07/dao-is-empty-again/ 1502054;1468340541;BingoBoingo; http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501871 << are we going to do (((tmsr))) from now on for various relevant items ? like you know ((((v)))) << Can't do this on Qntra because footnotes 1502055;1468340541;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 00:27 asciilifeform: now for the gold, 'How have these trolls been able to hide harassment in plain sight? Partially because the ((())) symbol is difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary users to search for... If you try to search for "(((Last Name)))," Twitter's search engine strips the results of the parentheses' 1502056;1468340663;Framedragger;so husserl's bracketing technique in phenomenology is used for signaling online harassment targets in sociul meedia. world is truly a place of wonder 1502057;1468340791;BingoBoingo;Framedragger: You know that French Jew Husserl was the king antisemite. Why else did he spend so much time working on Heidegger! 1502058;1468340844;Framedragger;literal lol :D 1502059;1468340853;asciilifeform;any caltrop thrown under the wheels of the auto-censor idiots, is happy news. 1502060;1468343341;ben_vulpes;http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2016/07/how_puerto_rico_beat_the_hedge_funds.html << obab gets to claim victory, kicks can down road for successors. ¡sorpresa! 1502061;1468343480;ben_vulpes;http://lisapopescu.tumblr.com/post/147288700147/lisa-is-back-and-keeping-it-panda-chic << also, panda! 1502062;1468343506;*;ben_vulpes to investigate how apple has broken his whitelabeling toolchain. again. still. now. 1502063;1468343533;asciilifeform;re the idiocy from last night, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2016/07/12/holocaust-museum-to-visitors-please-stop-catching-pokemon-here 1502064;1468343573;asciilifeform;'One image circulating online appears to show a player encountering an unsettling digital critter inside the museum: a Pokémon called Koffing that emits poisonous gas floating by a sign for the museum's Helena Rubinstein Auditorium. The auditorium shows the testimonials of Jews who survived the gas chambers.' 1502065;1468343764;BingoBoingo;$b 2 win 1502066;1468343848;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: The correct term for this is viral marketing 1502067;1468343856;asciilifeform;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2016/07/12/yale-dishwasher-resigns-after-smashing-racist-very-degrading-stained-glass-window/?tid=pm_pop_b << from same fishwrap, lulzy 1502068;1468343877;asciilifeform;'A black Yale University dishwasher has resigned after he smashed a stained-glass window that depicted slaves picking cotton. ... Menafee, the former dishwasher, holds a degree in mass communications from Virginia Union University, a historically black college in Richmond, according to the Independent.' 1502069;1468343929;thestringpuller;"Funny thing when you pay people with promises. If you make them wait long enough and they die the next generation can be scammed again" << why is this true :( 1502070;1468344027;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Look at this mixed race group of robberz! http://gizmodo.com/armed-robbers-used-pokemon-go-to-find-9-victims-1783416898 1502071;1468344041;BingoBoingo;One white, One Black, one Other! 1502072;1468344046;BingoBoingo;Diversity!!!! 1502073;1468344256;thestringpuller;classic desperation. too bad the mobile market killed gaming. too many fuckers playing candy crush. 1502074;1468344259;BingoBoingo;$up felipelalli 1502075;1468344260;deedbot;felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes. 1502076;1468344352;felipelalli;hi BingoBoingo! 1502077;1468344502;BingoBoingo;hi felipelalli How are the Olympics? 1502078;1468344664;felipelalli;BingoBoingo: I'm totally out of it. :) I hate Rio, to be honest. 1502079;1468344695;BingoBoingo;Ah yeah shitting into the bay sound like its kind of the Chicago of Brazil 1502080;1468344790;deedbot;[Qntra] Shots Fired At D.C. Police Oficers - http://qntra.net/2016/07/shots-fired-at-d-c-police-oficers/ 1502081;1468344826;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501892 << had it for a day; uninstalled. agreed. besides obvious data mining scheme, the game itself fucking sucks. I'd rather play original on 90's gameboy brick (still have it to this day, and it works!) 1502082;1468344826;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 01:46 ben_vulpes: unrelatedly, "pokemon go" is missing the /core fucking pokemon interaction/ 1502083;1468344831;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502038 << well, mary is more the result of common folk wanna worship a woman. the triune doctrine definitely top down sort of nonsense forced upon the masses because of abstract needs of the thinking man. 1502084;1468344831;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 16:12 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1501827 holy trinity, holy virgin mary, etc. are constructs made on various councils "by komyoonity" 1502085;1468344857;mircea_popescu;but yes, xtian doctrine is the result of many many years of negotiation, often expensive - as in the case of enricus dandolo say 1502086;1468344918;BingoBoingo;lobbes: Incidentally "classic" poke-a-mans would be useful for developing a rudimentary sneakernet. 1502087;1468344938;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502040 << i dunno about lovable part ; but inquiry as to what exactly is the problem with him produced nothing, so... i'ma just let that sit. 1502088;1468344938;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 16:14 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501990 << let's have the s333333kr1t, lovable kissinger ? can haz article ? 1502089;1468344984;mircea_popescu;discussion went something like "i never heard of who was architect of nixon historical visit to china ; i have heard that kissinger is at fault for vietnam (never heard that he got nobel prize for ending that war)" "well, read less codepizd or w/e you're reading" 1502090;1468345091;asciilifeform;after digging in, i'm sold 1502091;1468345100;mircea_popescu;re the helicopter/rocket, it's by now established that the heli fired flares. 1502092;1468345107;asciilifeform;then nfi. 1502093;1468345125;mircea_popescu;ie, what happened was, rocket locked, launched, heli got "incoming" alert, fired a pair of flares, rocket actually missed it but got the tail anyway 1502094;1468345126;thestringpuller;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502086 << dunno. cables were annoying as fuck. and even with wi-fi not even cazalla got a chance to play X or Y with me. 1502095;1468345126;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 17:35 BingoBoingo: lobbes: Incidentally "classic" poke-a-mans would be useful for developing a rudimentary sneakernet. 1502096;1468345131;mircea_popescu;fluke/accident sort of downing 1502097;1468345168;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: cables are necessary for actual data transfer 1502098;1468345190;BingoBoingo;Hey, Zbigniew Brzezinski still makes morning television appearances 1502099;1468345274;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: I really hated the original gameboy transfer mechanism when wireless became a thing. Easier to battle and trade with your friends between classrooms. 1502100;1468345294;mircea_popescu;re regexp : yes, kindergarten level but TOO MANY OF COMPLEX 1502101;1468345310;mircea_popescu;plus recursion 1502102;1468345370;mircea_popescu;recursion is prolly the core of the pons ; tbh much more than "iq <100" vs "iq > 100" traditionally translated as "college man" vs "common man" or w/e ; "comprehends recursion" is much better a divide. 1502103;1468345402;asciilifeform;iirc hofstadter had a very similar thought. 1502104;1468345440;mircea_popescu;yeah i claim no discovery. 1502105;1468345485;mircea_popescu;recall the ancient discussion with cads re his girlfriend and her "intuition" about the diagonal proof ? 1502106;1468345490;mircea_popescu;SAME fucking recursion being the problem. 1502107;1468345508;felipelalli;Speaking of "outdoor game", any of you guys play geocaching? 1502108;1468345521;mircea_popescu;i don't even have a smartphone. 1502109;1468345529;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i can't seem to turn it up in the l0gz 1502110;1468345541;mircea_popescu;lemme fish it out 1502111;1468345593;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/squares-do-morals-a-porno/#footnote_9_49613 << apparently only survives in trilema record. 1502112;1468345601;mircea_popescu;hey phf you getting the historical log added to search ? 1502113;1468345610;felipelalli;mircea_popescu: do you own a Nokia 6120? 1502114;1468345622;mircea_popescu;now i gotta look 1502115;1468345655;mircea_popescu;samsung gt 1502116;1468345681;mircea_popescu;uh no. samsung e1200 1502117;1468345762;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502056 << this is what you get for sending ustards to college. they "adapt" what they read to the "practical needs" in their environment. problem ? 1502118;1468345762;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 16:24 Framedragger: so husserl's bracketing technique in phenomenology is used for signaling online harassment targets in sociul meedia. world is truly a place of wonder 1502119;1468345859;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502060 <<< argentina will be FUCKING THRILLED. 1502120;1468345859;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 17:09 ben_vulpes: http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2016/07/how_puerto_rico_beat_the_hedge_funds.html << obab gets to claim victory, kicks can down road for successors. ¡sorpresa! 1502121;1468346036;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502061 << baby's first heroin od ? 1502122;1468346036;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 17:11 ben_vulpes: http://lisapopescu.tumblr.com/post/147288700147/lisa-is-back-and-keeping-it-panda-chic << also, panda! 1502123;1468346179;phf;mircea_popescu: yah, it's not forgotten. i wrote a parser for it, but need to go make sure that negative ids work everywhere 1502124;1468346222;mircea_popescu;kk 1502125;1468346250;mircea_popescu;so the pokemon robbers robbed the robbees of what, their pokemon phones ? 1502126;1468346278;mircea_popescu;none of this is much helped in respectability by the fact that a common ro language insult for idiotic younger kids / small brothers etc is "ba, pokemonilor", ie, you pokemons. 1502127;1468346304;mircea_popescu;possibly because of ben_vulpes and his pokemon red being just about the right age... twenty years ago or so ? 1502128;1468346316;BingoBoingo;Yeah 1502129;1468346325;BingoBoingo;I think just about 20 years now 1502130;1468346341;mircea_popescu;why hate rio felipelalli ? 1502131;1468346359;BingoBoingo;But what the diverse gang of three did was apparently use the app to find pokemon hotspot and rob distracted derps 1502132;1468346363;BingoBoingo;$up felipelalli 1502133;1468346363;deedbot;felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes. 1502134;1468346477;felipelalli;mircea_popescu: it's like a big slum, and it is too dangerous. 1502135;1468346496;mircea_popescu;eh who cares. how about the cunts ? the booze ? 1502136;1468346501;mircea_popescu;what are we now, middle class ? 1502137;1468346562;felipelalli;mircea_popescu: well, if you can survive, the cunts are good there, for sure! lol 1502138;1468346582;mircea_popescu;obviously a few million people do manage to survive amirite :) 1502139;1468346654;felipelalli;it's not so bad like that, I'm a little paranoid! But you mix the paranoia + some violence and... 1502140;1468346676;felipelalli;I hate when I have to go there, I try to avoid aways. 1502141;1468346678;mircea_popescu;http://www.world-wide-whore.com/2009/09/06/brazil-and-safety/ in other lulz 1502142;1468346811;felipelalli;Rio is to me like another planet. It really worth to know one day. It's different. 1502143;1468346812;asciilifeform;^ mochila o muerte!!!11 1502144;1468346872;felipelalli;BingoBoingo: what is the best state of US to live? 1502145;1468346889;BingoBoingo;felipelalli: Wyoming, still has Allodial title to the land 1502146;1468346931;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: whatcha been smoking 1502147;1468346939;asciilifeform;aint no such thing as allodial title in usaschwitz 1502148;1468346944;asciilifeform;or any other 'civilized' place. 1502149;1468346958;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: There is in Wyoming for right price. It's why the Cheneys are there 1502150;1468346970;BingoBoingo;Or at least the closest thing to it 1502151;1468346979;asciilifeform;with enfangthief ?! 1502152;1468347011;BingoBoingo;What, worse fates exists 1502153;1468347068;felipelalli;what is "allodial", sorry my ignorance. 1502154;1468347101;thestringpuller;when you actually own the land 1502155;1468347102;BingoBoingo;felipelalli: You don't lost the land if you don't pay property taxes. Actual definition includes further rights beyond that. 1502156;1468347122;thestringpuller;"Many Americans have not come to the realization that their homes, businesses, and properties are collateral on the federal debt, even if you have the deed and it’s paid for, in FULL! If the federal government defaults on its interest obligation, the private World Bankers automatically become the new "Land Lords" of every home, business, and property in the United States. 1502157;1468347156;felipelalli;wow, sounds good. 1502158;1468347157;BingoBoingo;Wyoming fails too on reasons like EPA can tell you not to do stuff on land 1502159;1468347175;thestringpuller;I'm certain if bankers wanted land they just hire guys with guns to take it from you 1502160;1468347187;thestringpuller;in situation of "massive default" 1502161;1468347442;asciilifeform;as often is the case with title wankage, search yields gold: http://individualsovereignty.blogspot.com/2013/09/allodial-title.html 1502162;1468347467;asciilifeform;containing known scam: 1502163;1468347469;asciilifeform;'The vehicle title that you may hold is not a full, paramount title unless you have the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO) of the vehicle...and that is held by the State. You are not allowed to possess it. [In almost all cases, new car dealers automatically submit MCOs to the State...unless you insist that it be given to you.] As soon as you "register" your vehicle, if you have an MCO, you must submit it to the State. ' 1502164;1468347479;asciilifeform;http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/MCOs.htm << for n00bz. 1502165;1468347489;thestringpuller;in situation of "massive default" 1502166;1468347503;asciilifeform;the 'sovereign citizen' crapolade from mircea_popescu's article re same. 1502167;1468347573;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: if usaschwitz were purchased, invaded, ceded to, occupied by, malevolent martians, very few people would notice a difference. 1502168;1468347629;asciilifeform;http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/deadissues.htm << overall very interesting site from a mircea_popescutronic perspective. 1502169;1468347839;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: there is not, cannot be, any such thing as actual allodial title in any country you're likely to visit, and anyone who informed you to the contrary is selling something. 1502170;1468347997;thestringpuller;^- http://freedomforallseasons.org/AllodialLandPatentReports/DO%20YOU%20HAVE%20ALLODIAL%20TITLE%20ON%20YOUR%20PROPERTY_html.htm << hey he's selling a book for 40 bucks 1502171;1468348006;thestringpuller;For more information on The History, 1502172;1468348006;thestringpuller;Supreme Court Decision and how to obtain 1502173;1468348006;thestringpuller;your Land Patent, "CLICK HERE" 1502174;1468348006;thestringpuller;for and Order Form to send with a 1502175;1468348011;thestringpuller;UGH 1502176;1468348015;thestringpuller;i hate you irssi 1502177;1468348015;asciilifeform;american law is sufficiently complicated, but - more importantly - arbitrary in its application, that there exists an entire subculture of sc4mz0rz peddling 'legal miracle cures' to idiots 1502178;1468348025;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu do you have the link to your series re: same handy ? 1502179;1468348054;thestringpuller;"Did someone touch you the wrong way at work? Sue them!!!! For $9.99" 1502180;1468348066;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: nah, that's free 1502181;1468348395;BingoBoingo;$up felipelalli 1502182;1468348395;deedbot;felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes. 1502183;1468348429;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: If person asks "What creature shits most delicious turds" I'm still prolly going to offer coffee bean civet. 1502184;1468348864;*;jurov offers honey 1502185;1468348919;BingoBoingo;ty 1502186;1468349377;BingoBoingo;https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wT3W_8_2--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/zgeapifsxfq2s8ly9fts.png 1502187;1468349798;jurov;what, sanders ceded? 1502188;1468349866;BingoBoingo;yeah 1502189;1468349870;trinque;went and licked the boot too 1502190;1468349912;BingoBoingo;Ceded and endorsed Hillary because she endorsed marijuana legalization. Also did not want to get Vince Fostered. 1502191;1468350582;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which, the "Galt's gulch" thing ? 1502192;1468350790;trinque;http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2016/Jul/ << decent wp lulz for, I assume, non-republican wp 1502193;1468350827;jurov;http://www.geek.com/news/russian-secret-service-graduates-break-the-first-rule-of-being-secret-agents-1660538/ "in soviet russia..." 1502194;1468351248;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1502195;1468351252;mircea_popescu;idiots 1502196;1468351272;deedbot;[Qntra] Theresa May British PM After No One Else Wants Job Following #Brexit Vote - http://qntra.net/2016/07/theresa-may-british-pm-after-no-one-else-wants-job-following-brexit-vote/ 1502197;1468351567;mircea_popescu;lol at "let's not bash our guy he did his best" 1502198;1468351577;mircea_popescu;how the fuck endorsing the patent loser is "doing his best" i have nfi. 1502199;1468351703;BingoBoingo;Well, gotta pretense 1502200;1468351901;asciilifeform;https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/07/12/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-has-crossed-way-way-over-the-line/?tid=hybrid_collaborative_3_na << relatdd. 1502201;1468351932;asciilifeform;'Supreme Court justices don’t — at least until now — take public stands on presidential or other elections. One reason is that they are barred from doing so by the federal code of judicial conduct...' 1502202;1468352224;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1502203;1468352234;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1502204;1468352238;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 667.19, vol: 4036.05349094 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 657.0, vol: 6101.42213 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 671.1, vol: 23832.70352268 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 650.0, vol: 3.33776031 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 667.6686, vol: 24355.71790000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 672.99, vol: 865.07018419 | Volume-weighted last average: 667.994622283 1502205;1468352247;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 511.750008, vol: 4035.38171498 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 501.8515656, vol: 6101.42213 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 497.64, vol: 3.33776031 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 510.164518, vol: 24357.64700000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 523.997, vol: 16.71387004 | Volume-weighted last average: 508.885826993 1502206;1468352558;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1502207;1468352560;gribble;Current Blocks: 420461 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 882 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1502208;1468352622;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502193 << 1) hire buncha stage extras 2) dress'em in uniforms 3) parade 's33333kr1t agentz!111' 'illicitly' 4) ??? 5) profit!111 1502209;1468352622;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 19:13 jurov: http://www.geek.com/news/russian-secret-service-graduates-break-the-first-rule-of-being-secret-agents-1660538/ "in soviet russia..." 1502210;1468352678;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502191 << mno, the 'sovereign citizen' thing 1502211;1468352678;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 19:09 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which, the "Galt's gulch" thing ? 1502212;1468353159;mircea_popescu;what else was in it ? somehow it's nto triggering memory. 1502213;1468353205;asciilifeform;'nuisance litigants' 1502214;1468353232;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/ ? 1502215;1468353248;asciilifeform;yes! 1502216;1468353251;mircea_popescu;ah k. 1502217;1468353253;asciilifeform;possibly elsewhere also. 1502218;1468353363;mircea_popescu;lol @ginsburg. she's only there to be a president's whore, who's anyone kidding. 1502219;1468353444;mircea_popescu;curious if they'll exclude her now. lol. 1502220;1468353454;asciilifeform;a great many folks who are in a position to enthrone clitler, by whatever means, regardless of what winblowz CE buttons the sheeple click on in the voting booths, will be doing their thing. 1502221;1468353488;asciilifeform;and they will make it look entirely legit, to whatever naked eye. 1502222;1468355484;mircea_popescu;heh. 1502223;1468355504;mircea_popescu;if anyone other than you actually had any faith in this theory, they wouldn't be quite this desperate now would they. 1502224;1468355652;mircea_popescu;anyway, lovely verbiage "crisis of american democracy" = "guy we don't like massacring bureaucracy on the basis of popular vote" 1502225;1468355659;mircea_popescu;what the FUCK did you think "democracy" means ye gits ? 1502226;1468355675;mircea_popescu;"someone i nthe sky giving us moneyz for sitting on ass and derping importantly" ? that's not fucking democracy, but the opposite thereof. 1502227;1468355716;mircea_popescu;"oh i know, we've created a sort of monarchy without a king, basically just the court and nobody there to behead us - we'll call it democracy. if anyone inquires into the matter we can always add modern in front and it'll be all good!" 1502228;1468355814;mircea_popescu;in other news, wikipedia delivers : "United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is an armed forces sub-unified command subordinate to United States Strategic Command. The command is located in Fort Meade, Maryland, and centralizes command of cyberspace operations, organizes existing cyber resources and synchronizes defense of U.S. military networks. The text "9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a", which is located in the command's 1502229;1468355815;mircea_popescu;emblem, is the MD5 hash of their mission statement." 1502230;1468355821;mircea_popescu;seems perfectly adequate an emblem for a calender. 1502231;1468355904;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it is the field-grunt arm of nsa. traditionally headed by same stuffed shirt as the better-known one. 1502232;1468355929;asciilifeform;in old world parlance : signal corps. 1502233;1468355951;mircea_popescu;sure. but lulz be lulz. 1502234;1468358597;shinohai;$later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/139r 1502235;1468360527;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/the-darkening/ << on reread, this is actually fine dribblet of tmsr-church mythology. 1502236;1468360886;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: consider continuing the tale? it was spiffy 1502237;1468360899;mircea_popescu;it had like 5-6 bits iirc ? 1502238;1468360925;asciilifeform;4 iirc 1502239;1468360939;mircea_popescu;the problem is i kinda dunn owhat i want to do with it. 1502240;1468360986;asciilifeform;'the epic war between bug and boot' is a short story, indeed 1502241;1468360988;mircea_popescu;i took it as far as actually having to make a decision, and is stuck now. do i introduce a hero ? do i make it what ? 1502242;1468360990;mircea_popescu;time shall tell 1502243;1468360997;mircea_popescu;aha. 1502244;1468361018;mircea_popescu;basically, i perceive i've basically wrote myth, and simply do not wish to degrade it into narrative 1502245;1468361028;mircea_popescu;so unless i figure out how myth may continue, it's stuck there. 1502246;1468361065;mircea_popescu;but i sure as fuck am not putting American Squarejaws and his Love Interest in there 1502247;1468361076;asciilifeform;i'd put in a fall: 1502248;1468361118;asciilifeform;one of the dogmen falls into disgrace and decides that he could bugger all of the bubblefolk at once, if only he 'jacks in' himself 1502249;1468361129;asciilifeform;(to borrow gibsonism) 1502250;1468361129;mircea_popescu;nah, you now got a hero 1502251;1468361132;mircea_popescu;and of the worst kind 1502252;1468361137;mircea_popescu;a traitor hero. meh. 1502253;1468361226;mircea_popescu;i suppose god might make an appearance. but i dun wish to commit to shape. 1502254;1468361263;mircea_popescu;whatever you put in, is now in, not just for the parts you intended but for all the parts it might have. 1502255;1468361324;deedbot;[Trilema] The "crisis" of "democracy" - http://trilema.com/2016/the-crisis-of-democracy/ 1502256;1468368556;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Hic pietatis honos? - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/12/hic-pietatis-honos/ 1502257;1468372532;mircea_popescu;http://bucksurdu.com/blog/ << in other news. 1502258;1468377992;Joshua-I;You out there fam 1502259;1468380235;trinque;no relation. 1502260;1468381631;Joshua-I;Evidently 1502261;1468382718;*;mircea_popescu wonders at this novel tendency of us military types to call traditional warfare "kinetic". 1502262;1468382755;mircea_popescu;what the fuck are these people thinking ? they're seeing themselves as some sort of 17th century naval artillery dudes, firing kugels at one another ? there's nothing kinetic about weapons in use today, they're all thermic. 1502263;1468382767;mircea_popescu;even the fucking nukes are thermic weapons. what kinetic ? 1502264;1468383010;Joshua-I;rail guns? lol 1502265;1468383026;mircea_popescu;firing what, greatcoat buttons ? 1502266;1468383028;Joshua-I;Pretty kinetic until they're not 1502267;1468383058;mircea_popescu;kinetic usually denotes macroscopic moving items not fucking ions 1502268;1468383138;Joshua-I;def. macro? 1502269;1468383154;mircea_popescu;well you know, large enough to not have to apply qm. 1502270;1468383177;mircea_popescu;in fairness i guess they are researching rail guns to fire bullet-like items 1502271;1468383786;mats;it sounds kewl 1502272;1468383814;mircea_popescu;i guess that's as good a reason as any 1502273;1468383838;mircea_popescu;has the added benefit that it makes me think they have no fucking idea what they're talking about. 1502274;1468383852;mats;i wonder about the feasibility of railgun-assisted orbital launches 1502275;1468383866;mircea_popescu;mats you're not the first. that thing's been a solution in search of a problem since ~1916. 1502276;1468383882;mircea_popescu;it dun work worth a shit, electromagnetism is a self-limiting disease so to speak, but hey. 1502277;1468383944;ben_vulpes;not to mention the accelerations involved make it more or less entirely impractical for anything other than raw materials. 1502278;1468383955;mircea_popescu;100g and over was it ? 1502279;1468383969;ben_vulpes;at that point, you may as well save on fab and engineering costs and submerge a hydrogen gun right under the water 1502280;1468383979;mats;being able to hurl a rock at enormous speeds over the horizon seems like a useful capability 1502281;1468383980;mircea_popescu;anyway, iirc us navy launched a breadbox sized item at about 10km/s or somesuch. cost a little more than a littoral com-sunkship. 1502282;1468383985;ben_vulpes;bonus, you can point the latter. not so much for either the cannon or railgun. 1502283;1468384002;ben_vulpes;mats: sure, but how do rockets not solve this better and more cheaply 1502284;1468384002;mats;its a solution to certain tactical problems, but none in the civilian arena 1502285;1468384012;mircea_popescu;none in the physical area, more like it. 1502286;1468384040;ben_vulpes;the *single best bet* on orbital advances in my lifetime is the mach-5 airbreather. 1502287;1468384075;mircea_popescu;not much air in useful orbit is there ? 1502288;1468384081;mats;ben_vulpes: well, they tend to be unguided 1502289;1468384103;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: once it leaves compressible atmo, it cuts over to internal o2 supply fed directly into the *same* combustion chambers. 1502290;1468384118;ben_vulpes;ssto 1502291;1468384126;mats;but idk anything about rocketry, so i'll stop here 1502292;1468384136;ben_vulpes;mats: why would one want an unguided projectile? 1502293;1468384141;mircea_popescu;sounds like some pretty intense engineering required. 1502294;1468384146;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: and how. 1502295;1468384178;ben_vulpes;the only new part of the whole system is the precooler to take air at mach5 and cool it without frosting everything over. 1502296;1468384190;mats;i suppose the real advantage would be the raw kinetic energy being delivered 1502297;1468384208;ben_vulpes; /maybe/ 1502298;1468384211;ben_vulpes;drag is proportional to v^2 1502299;1468384217;mats;i wonder how useful it is as a bunker buster 1502300;1468384228;ben_vulpes;the further away your target is, the less useful the railgun and the more useful the classic icbm. 1502301;1468384237;ben_vulpes;ramjet if you want to stay low. 1502302;1468384253;ben_vulpes;(less useful because a) drag losses and b) accuracy) 1502303;1468384294;ben_vulpes;but like cold fusion, railguns keep usg contractors in the procurement pipeline. 1502304;1468384294;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502295 << this is just about not happening. mass conserves, water is stable. whatcha gonna do, add urea, make lsd in flight ? 1502305;1468384294;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 04:29 ben_vulpes: the only new part of the whole system is the precooler to take air at mach5 and cool it without frosting everything over. 1502306;1468384337;ben_vulpes;add glycol, drop the freezing point. 1502307;1468384342;mats;you've got him now, he's going to talk about rockets for hours 1502308;1468384368;mircea_popescu;mats it's very hard to beat plain and simple fire-air bombs. you gotta put electricity through coils to make the projectile go magnetically, electricity which you got from a combustion generator in the first place.you're about five transforms away, might as well just put the same gasoline in a bottle and throw it at the enemy. 1502309;1468384403;asciilifeform;iirc attraction of railgun was : shooting at ~incoming~ rockets etc 1502310;1468384429;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's a simple problem of mass conservation though. if your compression factor is 1:10, say, and you burn 1 ton of fuel, you then therefore get a cubic kilometer worth of air, which will contain a ton and a half of water, what do you do with it. it doesn't burn, it doesn't go away. nowwut. 1502311;1468384432;ben_vulpes;mats: rude 1502312;1468384436;asciilifeform;but go, aim 1502313;1468384446;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's pretty insane seeing how rocket can maneuver. 1502314;1468384471;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: turns to steam helps with isp 1502315;1468384479;ben_vulpes;srsly this is kindergarten rocket chem 1502316;1468384489;ben_vulpes;see also peroxide motors 1502317;1468384495;mircea_popescu;i never heard of an aspiring rocket. 1502318;1468384508;ben_vulpes;"horatio" 1502319;1468384509;asciilifeform;ramjet? 1502320;1468384511;mircea_popescu;nor for that matter of a water-oxidizer mix 1502321;1468384521;ben_vulpes;no silly it's not /water-oxidiser/ 1502322;1468384533;ben_vulpes;it's internal h2 plus ambient air 1502323;1468384534;mircea_popescu;$google horatio the rocket 1502324;1468384535;deedbot;http://www.iwhistory.org.uk/rockets/ << John Dennett: Isle of Wight Rocket Man | http://www.csifiles.com/reviews/csi/no_mans_land.shtml << CSI Files - CSI: Miami--'No Man's Land' | http://www.horatiotodds.com/dining/ << Dining — Horatio Todd's 1502325;1468384544;ben_vulpes;$google more things under heaven and earth 1502326;1468384545;deedbot;http://www.shakespeare-online.com/quickquotes/quickquotehamletdreamt.html << There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio | http://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/there-more-things-heaven-earth-horatio << There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio - Shakespeare ... | https://www.quora.com/Shakespeare-once-said-There-are-more-things-in-heaven-and-earth-Horatio-than-are-dreamt-of-in-your-philosophy-How-should-skeptics-best-address-this-ques 1502327;1468384559;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yes yes. the comparison of the engine to the rocket is flawed. because the rocket doesn't aspire [random gunk] from atmosphere. 1502328;1468384580;mircea_popescu;atmosphere contains water. this is a problem, because mass. 1502329;1468384598;ben_vulpes;mass in rocket exhaust is a /good thing/ ffs. 1502330;1468384604;asciilifeform;the n2 is also not good for much 1502331;1468384610;mircea_popescu;yes, if you get it to go there. yes. 1502332;1468384622;ben_vulpes;the only reason is because von braun was a savage. 1502333;1468384627;mircea_popescu;but your problem was that it dun wanna go, it wanna freeze over your assemblages 1502334;1468384644;ben_vulpes;it wants to freeze over the intercooler hooked to the h2. 1502335;1468384663;ben_vulpes;keep it from doing that, you have cold, high pressure ambient gas you can dump into a steady state reaction chamber. 1502336;1468384680;mircea_popescu;werll for that money, keep gas from growing fat after marriage, you got desktop cold fusion. 1502337;1468384682;ben_vulpes;and so long as there is o2, it *will* burn. 1502338;1468384814;ben_vulpes;so, keep water from precipitating out of the gas coming in, cool it rapidly by dumping the heat into the h2, react h2 and o2 (and yes, some h2o), you have an air-breathing rocket that (yes, nominally) can operate in atmosphere with out consuming onboard o2 all the way up to mach 5. 1502339;1468384829;ben_vulpes;leave atmo, cut over to internal fuel supply. 1502340;1468384833;mircea_popescu;it's a fine theory, now show me the item. 1502341;1468384845;ben_vulpes;if it works (and what, the brits can't do anything, clearly), it's the only improvement with legs over the classic rocket. 1502342;1468384887;mircea_popescu;i'll grant that it has more chances of being useful than the coil gun ; which isn't saying much. 1502343;1468384894;ben_vulpes;that's all i'm saying. 1502344;1468384901;mircea_popescu;:))) 1502345;1468384905;ben_vulpes;high stair! 1502346;1468384923;mircea_popescu;btw, you folks know teh epic bill cosby series on parenting ? 1502347;1468384935;ben_vulpes;"chocolate cake!" 1502348;1468384940;mircea_popescu;right. 1502349;1468384948;mircea_popescu;chocolate cake and braindamage. 1502350;1468385033;mircea_popescu;also in the news http://www.engrish.com/wp-content/uploads//2015/12/once-it-eats.jpg 1502351;1468385158;ben_vulpes;what, for the novice parents, is the braindamage in cosby's routine? 1502352;1468385180;*;ben_vulpes has not heard the thing since his youth. on vinyl! 1502353;1468385224;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502308 << to put numbers on this : as it recently came out in debate with alf, diesel generators get ~40% efficiency if large enough (closer to my guess than yours! ha-HA!) ; depending on the coil design the resulting electricity will be transferred to projectile somewhere around 1 to 5% efficiency. to go higher air-cored assemblages are excluded because of the high reluctance of the damned 1502354;1468385224;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 04:32 mircea_popescu: mats it's very hard to beat plain and simple fire-air bombs. you gotta put electricity through coils to make the projectile go magnetically, electricity which you got from a combustion generator in the first place.you're about five transforms away, might as well just put the same gasoline in a bottle and throw it at the enemy. 1502355;1468385225;mircea_popescu;thing - and proper cored items are way the fuck too expensive to be destroyed over three firings. 1502356;1468385272;mircea_popescu;by and large for every 100 J worth of gas you're putting in, you're getting out ~1J of ~muzzle velocity~. then as ben_vulpes pointed out correctly you lose most of this to air friction (longer range ? MUCH MORE FRICTION!), so you deliver maybe 1kJ or 2 per MJ expended. 1502357;1468385295;mircea_popescu;if you just dump the fuel on enemy, you get 500x bang for the buck. eventually you cook him, through whatever bunker. it's why there's no bunkers in the sun. 1502358;1468385316;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes he says the words, "because kids have brain damage". 1502359;1468385374;ben_vulpes;aha yes! 1502360;1468385385;ben_vulpes;"it's BRAIN DAMAGE!!!1" 1502361;1468385395;mircea_popescu;aha. 1502362;1468385396;mats;there is the benefit of a nuclear reactor driving the gun 1502363;1468385404;mats;i see your point though 1502364;1468385426;mircea_popescu;oh and the caper : obviously the coil is a lc oscillator. the remainder 95 to 99% energy doesn't simply disappear. it COMES BACK in the circuit. going... the other way. 1502365;1468385451;mircea_popescu;mats yeah, in a post-oil world all sorts of things might make more sense. 1502366;1468385505;mats;what do you mean by post-oil 1502367;1468385513;mats;something better or scarcity? 1502368;1468385514;mircea_popescu;as in, if there's no oil. 1502369;1468385529;mircea_popescu;eh, there's not ever going to be something better. 1502370;1468385567;mircea_popescu;much like the current "something better" wall materials kids kick holes into aren't better than brick and concrete. even if some claim otherwise. 1502371;1468385756;mircea_popescu;but otherwise - i have here this battery, contained in a thin PET cover, ready to do ~1,2 MJ at my command. go, construct battery, compressed coil, box of covenant or lavey's teeth assemblage that can do a mj and fit in a gallon. 1502372;1468385784;mircea_popescu;we'll discuss stability afterwards, as a sign of me not thinking i'll have to. 1502373;1468386004;Joshua-I;this? 1502374;1468386029;mircea_popescu;it's just a bucket of gasoline. 1502375;1468386137;Joshua-I;Must be a big bucket 1502376;1468386201;mircea_popescu;one gallon. 1502377;1468386203;Joshua-I;Spoke too soon v. surprised 1502378;1468386212;ben_vulpes;gasoline's like 40 Mj/kg 1502379;1468386230;mircea_popescu;lol like 5 trillion!11 1502380;1468386264;ben_vulpes;today we learn that mircea_popescu has tiny bukkits 1502381;1468386274;mircea_popescu;it's a puke bucket. 1502382;1468386280;ben_vulpes;ha! 1502383;1468386283;Joshua-I;Puke in MJ plz 1502384;1468386284;mircea_popescu;i have many types of buckets. 1502385;1468386299;ben_vulpes;i witnesesd a feller at burning man receive the moniker of 'princess buckets' one time. 1502386;1468386307;mircea_popescu;i even have a 6 ounce, two-man bukkake bukket. 1502387;1468386324;Joshua-I;Two man? Sounds too intimate 1502388;1468386335;ben_vulpes;i strolled out of my tent at ~9a to him drinking directly from the bottle. said, "i'm drunk! what do you think about that?" "psh, you're nowhere near drunk" 1502389;1468386339;mircea_popescu;well, a one man bukkake's just called "i don't want kids" neh ? 1502390;1468386364;ben_vulpes;two more hours of that, i leave to go toodle around on vehicles on the desert. come back, he's asleep on the couch, head deep in five gallons of orange. 1502391;1468386374;mircea_popescu;ew 1502392;1468386381;ben_vulpes;pulls his head out, whines plaintively, "may i have another bucket please?" 1502393;1468386382;Joshua-I;Orange? 1502394;1468386388;ben_vulpes;"another bucket?! what are you a princess?" 1502395;1468386389;Joshua-I;Oh 1502396;1468386391;ben_vulpes;"PRINCESS BUCKETS!" 1502397;1468386395;mircea_popescu;lmao 1502398;1468386399;Joshua-I;My brain is wacked out tn lol 1502399;1468386405;mircea_popescu;this sounds just like the shittier fraternity on campus. 1502400;1468386425;ben_vulpes;Joshua-I: i did not know that tungsten was psychoactive 1502401;1468386444;mircea_popescu;one man's tonite's another man's wolfram 1502402;1468386445;ben_vulpes;i didn't *make* him drink 1502403;1468386461;ben_vulpes;i just told him he wasn't drunk yet. 1502404;1468386476;mircea_popescu;tort law of portland begs to differ! 1502405;1468386477;mats;you devil you 1502406;1468386482;Joshua-I;Well it sounds pretty tame for burning man 1502407;1468386502;ben_vulpes;Joshua-I: well yes, i'm sharing it. 1502408;1468386555;mats;mircea_popescu: on the matter of post-oil, i do wonder what the world would look like in 10, 100 years after cold fusion 1502409;1468386582;mats;i'm not gonna volunteer, but i think humans wanna get off this rock and thats not a terrible idea 1502410;1468386585;mircea_popescu;prolly every cavortess or w/e her name was living in hypercube houses 1502411;1468386594;Joshua-I;I hope it looks even more ridiculous than it does now 1502412;1468386610;Joshua-I;Absurdist capitalism will dominate! 1502413;1468386614;mircea_popescu;doing post-quantum computing reddit. 1502414;1468386658;mats;your pessimism is refreshing 1502415;1468386684;mircea_popescu;it's not pessimism just because i didn't vote for change! 1502416;1468386701;mats;alright alright 1502417;1468386707;mircea_popescu;anyway, i'm off to bed. take it lezzy. 1502418;1468386713;Joshua-I;peace 1502419;1468386718;mats;good idea 1502420;1468386746;Joshua-I;I will return to ebbits and curry 1502421;1468386799;Joshua-I;http://www.ebbits.net/strip/2013.01.28 1502422;1468389113;BingoBoingo;"Taylor appeared at an arraignment Monday in St. Louis County Circuit Court, telling Judge Joseph Dueker that he wanted to represent himself “pro per.” The legal term to represent oneself is “pro se.” Dueker told him he didn’t know what “pro per” meant and gave Taylor until July 27 to decide how he will be represented." 1502423;1468389682;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 230213975110617197067377 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Stephen Domorod III (Stephen at Domorod dot Org) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CD894142C4313393598D2A7B35E2A61D9CD4C6ACC0214D508203C9CDA8A65195 1502424;1468407741;mircea_popescu;this guy links the most retarded comics... 1502425;1468407764;shinohai;lel 1502426;1468407776;shinohai;I just don't get ebbits 1502427;1468407852;mircea_popescu;you mean other than "i want to make a comic and don't perceive i should invest into drawing or writing skills, whoever loves me loves for me!" ? 1502428;1468407888;mircea_popescu;it's the comic equivalent of a fat ugly woman that doesn't wash or ever shut up. 1502429;1468408035;shinohai;http://shop.heavymetal.com/shm/images/278.jpg 1502430;1468408971;mircea_popescu;i guess 1502431;1468409274;mircea_popescu;mats hanbot http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-118065 cheers! 1502432;1468409286;mircea_popescu;$rated mats 1502433;1468409286;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated mats 2 at 2015/04/07 21:29:49 << http://trilema.com/2013/so-whos-running-the-courts-circus/#comment-113478 ; helping people get pogos, stuff. 1502434;1468409295;mircea_popescu;coo. 1502435;1468410272;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502117 << myeah, maybe it's not even that much of a problem; just, lame.. 1502436;1468410272;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 17:49 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502056 << this is what you get for sending ustards to college. they "adapt" what they read to the "practical needs" in their environment. problem ? 1502437;1468410287;mircea_popescu;quite lame. 1502438;1468410366;mircea_popescu;btw you looking into teh v ? 1502439;1468410423;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: not yet, and that's due to lack of time, and generally lazy vibes over the summer (a festival or two, reading books etc) i know i should take a careful look at v, and i dun want to botch it, hence terribly slow with it 1502440;1468410451;mircea_popescu;no prob. just didn't want for you to get teh idea i just said that to give you busywork or somesuch. the thing's actually important. 1502441;1468410483;shinohai;V'ify all the things 1502442;1468410487;Framedragger;this may sound like bait, but.... could you not just use signed commits in git, and enforce use of those commits, and use `git blame`? is the argument against this the usual "git is a shitload of code, best to start anew [and also without existing political associations re. github etc.]", or sth more than that? 1502443;1468410498;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: yeah, acknowledged 1502444;1468410503;mircea_popescu;shinohai for srs, your wp eventually gets a v mode! 1502445;1468410544;Framedragger;^ but re my q, i should first understand v... 1502446;1468410585;mircea_popescu;Framedragger as to your words, the political association of git is at best with linus & the linux folk, i dun see what it has to do with github anymore than sunsets have to do with bad photography. but as to the actual issue : on one hand there's a ton of code there ; on the other there's absent functionality. 1502447;1468410625;mircea_popescu;in such a situation we sometimes decide to hammer a source into usability (such as, bitcoin, eulora, etc). but just as often decide to write de novo. how exactly this decision is made is not exactly specified. 1502448;1468410632;Framedragger;regarding the association: previously i got the impression that you thought git and github are now being confused and hence best to get rid of git and start anew anyway. maybe wrong impression 1502449;1468410644;shinohai;Don't worry, v and t make github obsolete 1502450;1468410646;mircea_popescu;link ? 1502451;1468410666;*;mircea_popescu is always keen to discuss later interpretations of what he actually said at some point. 1502452;1468410700;Framedragger;how do i search for multiple words associated by OR, not AND? $s works for this but btcbase's search doesn't, right? 1502453;1468410705;mircea_popescu;it proved to be hands down the #1 most productive learning technique in the harem over the years. i expect it works universally. 1502454;1468410722;mircea_popescu;Framedragger "" gives literal matches, otherwise words are or'd together. 1502455;1468410731;Framedragger;aok 1502456;1468410743;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fuck+mother << mircea_popescu: "fuck your mother" 1502457;1468410761;Framedragger;searchin' 1502458;1468410966;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/eaa45c186f01e7a30c279a9234dff8a7/tumblr_nq3j82wF251sw3gf6o3_500.gif 1502459;1468410983;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-20#1469423 fwiw but it's now much. i'm now convinced i had originally misinterpreted. at that point i was assuming that you had basically thrown out git in your mind as useless as it had been tainted with too strong an association with github. if that even makes sense. 1502460;1468410983;a111;Logged on 2016-05-20 15:53 mircea_popescu: Framedragger actually, the process of creating github and then confusing git for github, aka embrace and extinguish / "rms-ing" is also amply discussed in teh logs :) 1502461;1468410999;mircea_popescu;:) 1502462;1468411027;mircea_popescu;makes perfect sense, which is why the process of searching etc is worthwhile. 1502463;1468411087;Framedragger;for shizzle 1502464;1468411139;mircea_popescu;trilema's even worse, there i have the time to elaborately bait people. here i'm stuck with much shorter intervals. 1502465;1468411243;Framedragger;heh, yeah, i see what you mean. trilema allows for more elaborate.. structures 1502466;1468411261;mircea_popescu;interpretation being just about the only art worth the time. 1502467;1468411347;deedbot;[Trilema] The humiliation intensifies - http://trilema.com/2016/the-humiliation-intensifies/ 1502468;1468411382;Framedragger;heh. i listened to a weirdo almost-atonal musical piece yesterday by a friend who's doing sonology / electronic music (yeah such precise terms, i know). it was fkin great, lots of effort but worth it methinks. but then, the point is that this also counts as 'interpretation', possibly 1502469;1468411425;Framedragger;'cause you do have to really follow and think about the concepts used in the thing if you want to enjoy it beyond the superficial-level "wow such pretty noise" 1502470;1468411435;Framedragger;and prolly retink them laters as you relisten etc 1502471;1468414702;mircea_popescu;yeah. just, i'm generally too lazy for non-verbal arts. 1502472;1468419080;danielpbarron;$up Bigbootycutefeet 1502473;1468419080;deedbot;Bigbootycutefeet voiced for 30 minutes. 1502474;1468422576;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502371 << sorta why 'future with fusion' would still include synthetic liquid fuels (made, however inefficiently, from atmospheric co2 and h2 from water) 1502475;1468422576;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 04:55 mircea_popescu: but otherwise - i have here this battery, contained in a thin PET cover, ready to do ~1,2 MJ at my command. go, construct battery, compressed coil, box of covenant or lavey's teeth assemblage that can do a mj and fit in a gallon. 1502476;1468422678;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502423 << mirrored crud 1502477;1468422678;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 06:01 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 230213975110617197067377 divides RSA Moduli belonging to 'Stephen Domorod III (Stephen at Domorod dot Org) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/CD894142C4313393598D2A7B35E2A61D9CD4C6ACC0214D508203C9CDA8A65195 1502478;1468422750;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502442 << the resemblance to git is wholly superficial. this probably deserves an article.. 1502479;1468422750;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 11:48 Framedragger: this may sound like bait, but.... could you not just use signed commits in git, and enforce use of those commits, and use `git blame`? is the argument against this the usual "git is a shitload of code, best to start anew [and also without existing political associations re. github etc.]", or sth more than that? 1502480;1468422960;asciilifeform;Framedragger et al: consider, there is no concept of a 'repo' in v. nor of pulling, nor pushing, nor merging. in fact the thing (as properly implemented) doesn't make any use of network at all. 1502481;1468422979;asciilifeform;it is entirely up to the operator how to go about getting v patches onto his box. 1502482;1468422998;asciilifeform;can write them himself, or send via carrier pigeon, if he likes 1502483;1468423082;asciilifeform;nor does the thing force a particular type of crypto signature - any program that functions similarly to pgp, generating a detached signature, can be used. 1502484;1468423172;asciilifeform;the 'let's use git without central repo, and pass around signed diffs' thing was suggested ages ago, and i wrote v specifically to shoot it in the head; because signed standard diffs, that can be applied 'fuzzily', are evil. v diffs contain hash-on-entry and hash-on-exit, and if either doesn't match, it is a no go. 1502485;1468423176;asciilifeform;this is quite deliberate. 1502486;1468423248;asciilifeform;consider: you wouldn't sign a contract that has convenient blank pages for the counterparty to add whatever the fuck he wants into , later 1502487;1468423310;asciilifeform;;;later tell Framedragger http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2016/02/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system.html << ben_vulpes wrote a spiffy intro to v. 1502488;1468423310;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1502489;1468424010;Framedragger;thanks asciilifeform 1502490;1468424083;Framedragger;watching linux kernel dev be managed with v may, i imagine, be a sight of entertainment, but then something tells me alf et al. are against such monolithic codebases in the first place 1502491;1468424092;asciilifeform;not only this, 1502492;1468424103;asciilifeform;but i am against code bases of that scale, for any reason whatsoever 1502493;1468424117;asciilifeform;it is idiocy, just like the idea of a continent-sized office building is 1502494;1468424141;asciilifeform;there is no actual problem that warrants a system of that complexity. 1502495;1468424181;asciilifeform;it is purely a product of sloth, vanity, and deliberate вредительство. 1502496;1468424227;Framedragger;so in the case of an os kernel, you'd just make sure to break down the source into codebase modules so to speak? 1502497;1468424256;asciilifeform;linux is already largely broken into modules. that is not the problem. 1502498;1468424265;asciilifeform;the problem is that there is more than ~10,000 lines of it. 1502499;1468424266;asciilifeform;PERIOD. 1502500;1468424276;Framedragger;i guess the fact that you need to arrive at a single kernel executable file does not hinder this (cf. all those exokernel projects, not that exokernel architecture is the right approach) 1502501;1468424289;Framedragger;riiiight 1502502;1468424293;asciilifeform;and most of it is only there because of hardware idiocy. 1502503;1468424304;asciilifeform;(why do 1,001 sound cards need to exist?) 1502504;1468424311;Framedragger;linus chose to do the whole 'driver is part of kernel' thing, yeah. 1502505;1468424335;Framedragger;well, it's hard to disagree, on second thought. 1502506;1468424335;asciilifeform;on x86, or any other platform with dma, all drivers are 'part of the kernel' whether honestly stated or not. 1502507;1468424359;Framedragger;i mean, why not maintain them separately etc 1502508;1468424359;asciilifeform;which is to say, i can overwrite any byte in physical ram from within a driver. 1502509;1468424364;Framedragger;sure 1502510;1468424371;asciilifeform;because they are all part of the kernel. 1502511;1468424374;asciilifeform;because idiot iron. 1502512;1468424385;Framedragger;ring0 enuf for everyone 1502513;1468424437;asciilifeform;rings have 0 to do with it. in pc arch, every device on the bus can issue dma cycles and clobber ram. 1502514;1468424465;Framedragger;ah, right i see what you mean 1502515;1468424473;Framedragger;hmh i guess they can... 1502516;1468424480;Framedragger;admirable architecture, that 1502517;1468424527;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502353 << efficiency has 0 to do with it! calculate, for lulz, the efficiency of making gunpowder and then launching a projectile with it. (it is in single-digit %, at best.) big fat whoop that the gunpowder-making happens on land. the real reason for railgun is illustrated by the failure of the german Hochdruckpumpe cannon. 1502518;1468424527;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 04:47 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502308 << to put numbers on this : as it recently came out in debate with alf, diesel generators get ~40% efficiency if large enough (closer to my guess than yours! ha-HA!) ; depending on the coil design the resulting electricity will be transferred to projectile somewhere around 1 to 5% efficiency. to go higher air-cored assemblages are excluded because of the high reluctance of the damned 1502519;1468424527;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1502520;1468424852;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu unlike any type of cannon, railgun imposes no limit on projectile energy. that is the whole reason for it. 1502521;1468424853;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1502522;1468425280;mats;mircea_popescu, mod6: thanks for your contribution to the courts project! 1502523;1468425493;mod6;o7 1502524;1468425702;shinohai;o/ mod6 1502525;1468425864;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502490 << actually im sure linus would fucking love it, and ~the only reason he's not forcing it is that he doesn't grok it exists. 1502526;1468425864;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 15:34 Framedragger: watching linux kernel dev be managed with v may, i imagine, be a sight of entertainment, but then something tells me alf et al. are against such monolithic codebases in the first place 1502527;1468425873;mircea_popescu;and the fuckwit parade will consider it tantamount to the bad touch. 1502528;1468425931;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502503 << for the ~same reason 10`001 "approaches to interpreting the wot graph" must exist. 1502529;1468425931;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 15:38 asciilifeform: (why do 1,001 sound cards need to exist?) 1502530;1468426037;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502520 << eh, in "theory", which is to say "in the peculiar fictitious narrative some people jack off to". the limiting factor for both is drag, and it ain't going away. "oh but what if we're shooting spherical chickens in a vacuum" "you're still better off with a rocket stfu". 1502531;1468426037;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 15:47 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu unlike any type of cannon, railgun imposes no limit on projectile energy. that is the whole reason for it. 1502532;1468426058;mircea_popescu;which is why nukes are rockets rather than bullets, be those bullets accelerated chemically, magnetically or whichever other way. 1502533;1468426085;mircea_popescu;that's the only projectile of unlimited energy : a rocket. because it slides under the door of air friction. 1502534;1468426106;asciilifeform;actually it is because of the Hochdruckpumpe problem (ain't no barrel thick enough for icbm 'bullet') but also limit on g-force for complicated mechanism like nuke. 1502535;1468426118;asciilifeform;and rocket is every bit as subject to drag as bullet. 1502536;1468426125;mircea_popescu;phh. 1502537;1468426133;mircea_popescu;just because they couldn't in 1920 doesn't mean they can't today. 1502538;1468426151;asciilifeform;more so, because it large, carries fuel. 1502539;1468426161;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not every bit, no. because drag goes up ^1/3 with mass and ^3 with speed. 1502540;1468426167;mircea_popescu;so you're better off hiding the energy in mass than in speed. 1502541;1468426171;mircea_popescu;hence rocket rather than bullet. 1502542;1468426215;asciilifeform;bullet is cheap. hence the lure. 1502543;1468426224;asciilifeform;fire 1,001 for cost of 1 rocket. 1502544;1468426225;mircea_popescu;sure. much like chinese shoes are cheap. 1502545;1468426226;mircea_popescu;same lure. 1502546;1468426255;asciilifeform;from pov of usg, rocket suffers from ww2 torpedo problem: 1502547;1468426273;asciilifeform;most targets (e.g., sampans) weren't worth a torpedo. 1502548;1468426300;mircea_popescu;if it's not worth hitting with a ~$1k rocket, it's sure as fuck not worth hitting with a ~200k railgun shot. 1502549;1468426315;asciilifeform;200k?! 1502550;1468426316;mircea_popescu;but, in all war, the cost of ammo is mostly a cost of opportunity. 1502551;1468426330;mircea_popescu;90% of it goes into "getting a guy there to do it" and 1% or so into "cartridge price tag" 1502552;1468426400;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. they are insanely expensive. you're thinking "oh, it's like a gun, hence railgun". no, it's not. your gun fires a magazine, then needs cleaning, then fires another and will do 10k cycles or more. the rail gun fires one thing, needs servicing, and will do maybe 3 ? 5 ? 12 ? 1502553;1468426424;asciilifeform;half the point was, no barrel, no cleaning, etc 1502554;1468426426;mircea_popescu;then the capacitors need replacing, the diodes are burned out and the whole thing's gunked over. 1502555;1468426433;mircea_popescu;more cleanning than with normal rifle. 1502556;1468426448;asciilifeform;but in usg implementation, even ordinary rifle, recall, needs 50x the servicing anybody would expect. 1502557;1468426455;mircea_popescu;rifle gets residue from the propellant. rail gun is magnetic, gets all residue from environment, also creates new residue out of solids. 1502558;1468426971;asciilifeform;afaik there are no ferrous metals in the prototype, nor do there need to be 1502559;1468427091;asciilifeform;but http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502551 is a point, and it is why folks can't resist the desire to build gigantic cannons - expands the circle of 'there to do it' 1502560;1468427091;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 16:12 mircea_popescu: 90% of it goes into "getting a guy there to do it" and 1% or so into "cartridge price tag" 1502561;1468427093;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502525 << hmm ok.. even his workflow wouldn't differ much now that i think of it.. he reviews patches sent via email etc. and he sure as fuck uses his wot fiercely. so, yeah.. 1502562;1468427093;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 16:04 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502490 << actually im sure linus would fucking love it, and ~the only reason he's not forcing it is that he doesn't grok it exists. 1502563;1468429665;Framedragger;oh the sweet naivete and woes of internet's ephemeral aspects: has anyone (re)read the bitcoin foundations declaration of independence recently? http://thebitcoin.foundation/declaration.txt that link tied to taxation of bitcoin profits does not work anymore, for example. i guess the declaration's main matter was in spirit anyway 1502564;1468430136;trinque;Framedragger: myup, deeds.bitcoin-assets.com no longer points to deedbot.org 1502565;1468430350;Framedragger;yeah i know (http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=26-06-2016#1451011) 1502566;1468431938;mircea_popescu;Framedragger quite. 1502567;1468431970;mircea_popescu;http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/9ULZPc7yeZ9fQEA1aZ73H6mcv1s2C4gYFAbNTb5urovj << bwahahah 1502568;1468432039;mircea_popescu;possibly it was http://deedbot.org/deed-2014-11-02-20-47-08.txt ? 1502569;1468433848;jurov;no it's not, tresurer contract was separate deed 1502570;1468433918;mircea_popescu;oh right was the contract 1502571;1468433925;jurov;iirc it was in first deedbot incarnation and i had to pester the deeds.b-a second deedbot incarnation to reupload it 1502572;1468433944;jurov;we are now at fourth deedbot or such? 1502573;1468434014;mircea_popescu;http://deedbot.org/deed-2014-11-03-22-31-27.txt ? 1502574;1468434116;trinque;jurov remembers nothing except maybe having complained about something or other, and it being very bothersome. 1502575;1468434118;trinque;lol 1502576;1468434138;jurov;trinque yes that sounds right 1502577;1468434162;jurov;and yes, deed-2014-11-03-22-31-27.txt is it 1502578;1468434393;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i have moar ssh keys for ya: (diff from that 10M bunch, i.e. only new ones) 920M file, 1.82M new ssh keys. 1502579;1468434472;Framedragger;this concludes the ipv4 ssh key scan (the new keys are due to re-scan + the previously-excluded hetzner hosting ip ranges). i may rescan in a couple of weeks or a month to see how many new etc (and in general it would be a good and interesting exercise, etc.) some kind of writeup will follow...eventually 1502580;1468434532;*;Framedragger off to town 1502581;1468434795;Framedragger;(oh, and 1. will sign a checksum at some point (soon); and 2. the tarball contains three compressed files which expand into three dirs, with ~600k files per dir; one file = one openpgp key, same as last time) 1502582;1468434896;mircea_popescu;http://deedbot.org/deed-2014-11-08-18-41-54.txt << other tyhings i found 1502583;1468434942;mod6;yeah. 1502584;1468435010;ben_vulpes;2014 1502585;1468435012;ben_vulpes;dag 1502586;1468435018;mircea_popescu;oya. 1502587;1468435034;mircea_popescu;imagine, 2nd anniversary of independence coming up soonish 1502588;1468435042;mod6;not far off! 1502589;1468435070;ben_vulpes;awkwardly far from all astronomical cycle dates. 1502590;1468435127;Framedragger;asciilifeform: and signature (updated checksums file to include the new ssh_openpgp_all_2016-06-20.tar): 1502591;1468435148;Framedragger;*to include the new ssh_openpgp_diff_2016-07-13.tar is what i meant 1502592;1468435377;mod6;This year, the anniversary of the declaration is on Election Day in the US. lol. We should go and stand in places and read this outloud like they used to do after the signing in 1776. 1502593;1468435413;mircea_popescu;sure. know of any art spaces with hot chicks ? 1502594;1468435414;ben_vulpes;notbad mod6 1502595;1468435458;mod6;There's maybe a few congregating spots dedicated to art, et. al. here where I'm at. Probably in most places. 1502596;1468435474;mod6;Hot chicks? If one is lucky. 1502597;1468435491;mircea_popescu;so pick one and go do a poetry reading 1502598;1468435518;mod6;Not a bad idea. 1502599;1468435910;shinohai;Hear Ye, Hear Ye 1502600;1468435981;mod6;^ 1502601;1468446564;mircea_popescu;speaking of rockets etc, we ever do http://outerzone.co.uk/latest/plan_thumbs.asp ? 1502602;1468447132;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: neato. old-school drawings 1502603;1468447178;asciilifeform;reminds me of ancient 'machine guns of the world' 133337 w4r3z rar, with scanz of old ink prints for same 1502604;1468447362;phf;that is awesome 1502605;1468447424;phf;we've been building kites with my girlfriend, i might pick up one of those plans for next project 1502606;1468447437;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 471a2ce942966a575f00d310ed4a0be4f5f58f57d6d56caaa4bf55d7ea7e72f3f79c36f88fd84bd6f72198b5a841fb8f568c7679940d85d3030afe1fb022d0ec bitcoind 1502607;1468447437;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1502608;1468447481;asciilifeform;shinohai: you are unlikely to get bitwise-repeatable binary: gcc embeds turds 1502609;1468447588;phf;asciilifeform: which reminds me, is that at linker level or assembler? because i wanted to try generating intermediate S files, and if that's where turds are, perhaps stripping them programmatically 1502610;1468447601;asciilifeform;iirc linker. 1502611;1468447639;shinohai;force of habit. anyway, it built. twice 1502612;1468447671;asciilifeform;possibly a properly-built rotor will give same turdwise output on all boxes. 1502613;1468447885;phf;right getting identical environment as far as gcc is concerned 1502614;1468453858;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha, serious collection too. 1502615;1468453960;mircea_popescu;phf many of them not really much work beyond "cylindrical kite". light wood structure + wax paper. 1502616;1468455603;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://www.deepdotweb.com/2016/07/13/new-partnership-aims-to-put-an-end-to-child-porn-related-bitcoin-use 1502617;1468455620;mircea_popescu;still with this ? 1502618;1468455623;asciilifeform;'Recently, the IWF provided Elliptic a database of bitcoin addresses that they identified with child porn. With this information, Elliptic can identify those illegal activities on the blockchain (bitcoin’s public ledger of transactions). James Smith, CEO of Elliptic said this regarding their involvement: “This is the first time anybody has started identifying these crimes in bitcoin and flagging them up in a system like ours. Thi 1502619;1468455624;asciilifeform;s is a great step … towards our goal of getting rid of any sort of illicit activity in bitcoin.”' 1502620;1468455631;asciilifeform;apparently it never runs out !1111 1502621;1468455650;mircea_popescu;it's not even worth dignifying with a mixing campaign. 1502622;1468455666;asciilifeform;presumably there is a pile of payola available to favoured sons, in this particular flavour. 1502623;1468455693;mircea_popescu;me has had plan drawn up to include small donation to verboten list in all txn processed for what, 3years now ? as anti-this pill. 1502624;1468455705;mircea_popescu;has yet to actually justify deployment. 1502625;1468455725;asciilifeform;find list, fire away, why not 1502626;1468455772;mircea_popescu;and in other "venture capital backed entrepreneurial ideas re bitcoin aka blockchain technologees + their respective lamestream media coverage" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/fdc9fa6c79e206b6caa9c8f1715cb2e8/tumblr_njzceuR9H71tonrdjo10_r1_500.gif 1502627;1468455799;asciilifeform;if the blacklist peddlers have half a brain, they distribute the thing as hashes 1502628;1468455801;asciilifeform;but hell knows. 1502629;1468455821;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's relatively few addresses actually in use, you can crack their hash in a minute or two. 1502630;1468455833;asciilifeform;tru. 1502631;1468455846;mircea_popescu;if they had half a brain they'd give up the pretense and go learn how to do plumbing or something useful more alligned with their intellectual capabilities. 1502632;1468455854;mircea_popescu;clearly, they do not have even that half a brain. 1502633;1468455862;asciilifeform;it's a 'tin woman' 1502634;1468455892;asciilifeform;'i have a fine portrait of the pharaoh machined from pure shitanium' 'have $1m' 1502635;1468455935;asciilifeform;and, quite possibly, they envision it turning into $100m when 'made mandatory for legit exchanges' etc 1502636;1468455987;mircea_popescu;sure, sure, and then microsoft can buy it for a trillion and then etcetera. 1502637;1468456027;mircea_popescu;if not for hope, how would the jam-tomorrow socialism exist. 1502638;1468456066;asciilifeform;hoap. 1502639;1468456076;mircea_popescu;hoap & jew soap. 1502640;1468458582;mircea_popescu;june 15th : "nato runs massive baltic exercise, with little russian meddling" ; july 6th : "putin's military buildup in the baltic stokes invasion fears". 1502641;1468458600;mircea_popescu;teh lady doth protest too much, when the fuck did the "modern democracies" bloc turn into such a fucking lapdog ? 1502642;1468458610;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1502643;1468458612;gribble;Current Blocks: 420625 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 718 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 5 days, 15 hours, 41 minutes, and 6 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1502644;1468458628;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1502645;1468458641;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 656.26, vol: 6512.33113135 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 645.002, vol: 4973.66621 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 655.49, vol: 17213.09171584 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 654.59771, vol: 23276.70420000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 655.92, vol: 929.06917542 | Volume-weighted last average: 654.213758389 1502646;1468459029;BingoBoingo;So, surveying the neighborhood after the latest round of wind thinned the tree canopy was in the right place and time to see powerline arc and catch fire 1502647;1468459181;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502631 << But drain/waste/vent side. Dun want those monkeys playing with natural gas and I'll do my own supply side tyvm. 1502648;1468459181;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 00:24 mircea_popescu: if they had half a brain they'd give up the pretense and go learn how to do plumbing or something useful more alligned with their intellectual capabilities. 1502649;1468459195;mircea_popescu;sure. 1502650;1468459396;BingoBoingo;I find it disturbing how many "people" out in the wild have no idea that natural gas piping is a subset of plumbing 1502651;1468460153;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/pRwfQ 1502652;1468460331;mod6;shinohai: hey thanks for giving that a try! 1502653;1468460380;mod6;so last week buildroot's site was down (for about a day) and currently the dang sourceforge site doesn't seem to be allowing curl to grab the boost lib. 1502654;1468460413;mod6;trinque was nice enough to host all four of the deps that we require on deedbot.org; openssl, bdb, boost, and buildroot. 1502655;1468460447;mod6;So I've updated the forthcoming V99994 to pull these from deedbot.org as opposed to their respective places out in the tubes. 1502656;1468460487;mod6;If anyone wants to test this along with us, let me know. Will provide you a link. Want to ensure that it works well before we deedbot the new build script. 1502657;1468460530;mod6;As far as the Makefiles are concerned, we're having good success there (other than the remote sites for the deps), and will probably be making the same deedbot.org updates to that as well. 1502658;1468460532;shinohai;built thrice mod6 Deb, gentoo, and Arch 1502659;1468460545;mod6;great work! i build mine on gentoo, and seemed to work good this AM. 1502660;1468460555;mod6;or maybe that was lastnight. either way. 1502661;1468460558;mod6;65 1502662;1468460562;mod6;^5 1502663;1468460605;mod6;Will provide further updates on the makefiles project as I have them. Stay tuned. 1502664;1468460608;mod6;Salud! 1502665;1468460770;shinohai;if my router dies ill b back online whenever i whip comcast into shape. 1502666;1468461156;mod6;give 'em hell 1502667;1468461525;mircea_popescu;mod6 did you check/sign the copies ? 1502668;1468461586;mod6;they are not signed at this time. the build script in its current form, will pull the dep from deedbot.org and check the SHA512 against what is hardcoded into the script. if it matches, we continue, if not we die. 1502669;1468461619;mod6;I could create a clearsigned manifest that could reside on deedbot.org that could be also pulled down, verified and used. 1502670;1468461627;mircea_popescu;hm 1502671;1468461664;mircea_popescu;yeah what i;m thinking is, since this "we gotta import crap" thing is going to continue, might as well put some sort of deed process into it 1502672;1468461688;mod6;I'm a bit hesitant to "sign" a file outright that I don't have carnal knowledge of -- say openssl - at least without a disclaimer that says "I am only confirming the SHA512 of this artifact is ABCDEF1234... This does not mean that I have read that code and it ``fits in head''." 1502673;1468461707;mircea_popescu;hence why it'd be a deed rather than a v diff. 1502674;1468461711;mod6;So was thinking a clearsigned manifest could do the trick there. 1502675;1468461751;mod6;So, a clearsigned manifest that holds the URL and the SHA512 that I attest is correct then, deedbotted? 1502676;1468461752;mircea_popescu;yeah, it would in this instance, but it'll become unmanageable in short order. because it's not just one such item 1502677;1468461806;mircea_popescu;what i'm thinking is : the binary/payload in question, base64'd, deedbotted, and the build script modified to take an optional parameter to "allow deedbot import from known signatures" and then it can have a $ifdef for "buildoot"="deedbot.soandso" 1502678;1468461829;mircea_popescu;and it knows that if the flag is on, it goes to where deed so and so is and checks it, debases it, unzips it etc. 1502679;1468461840;mircea_popescu;make any sense ? 1502680;1468461866;mircea_popescu;could have a standard disclaimer up top, have it ignore #s or w/e. 1502681;1468461894;mod6;one caveat here, I want this to be the last release of the build script -- so I don't wanna do any heavy lifting here. Would rather put such effort into the makefiles instead. 1502682;1468461915;mircea_popescu;makefiles also works yes. i'm thinking more in the mid term than for the next version necessarily. 1502683;1468461925;mod6;Makefiles will also solve alf's complaint about "shouldn't pull these from the web at all." 1502684;1468461932;mircea_popescu;at least this'd allow some basis for proper management of this mess, rather than current adhocness 1502685;1468462000;mircea_popescu;(i'm not saying you're making a mess, i'm just saying - we're stuck with all this grandfathered in bullshit, such as boost, openssh, who the fuck knows what else even. qt ffs.) 1502686;1468462004;BingoBoingo;From the mines, a respite https://i.imgur.com/OrGKuRv.jpg 1502687;1468462023;mod6;mircea_popescu: yeah, for sure. i reading though the above here... 1502688;1468462033;mod6;i think you have the same idea as i've been pondering... 1502689;1468462047;mod6;let me see if I can make sense of it and say it back: 1502690;1468462050;mircea_popescu;aha! 1502691;1468462057;mircea_popescu;well it's just sense i say1 1502692;1468462074;mod6;we make base64 encodings of the artifacts. we deedbot those, they are signed. 1502693;1468462093;mircea_popescu;right 1502694;1468462142;mod6;a person wants to build, presumably with the makefiles, but could be a build script... they pass the builder a flag that says "get these deps for me automatically", at which time, it'll go and fetch the deed(s) and verify them, decode them, and place them in the correct place and continue building. 1502695;1468462157;mod6;Or not, and they place the deps in there by hand, on their own. Then continue building. 1502696;1468462158;mircea_popescu;only if signed by people you trust the sigs of 1502697;1468462177;mod6;Ok, so .wot directory is required here. 1502698;1468462180;mircea_popescu;ya 1502699;1468462185;mircea_popescu;since we got it, use it neh ? 1502700;1468462215;mod6;Yeah, it certainly has to be there. 1502701;1468462230;mod6;for the buildscript and the makefiles. so that makes sense. 1502702;1468462295;mod6;trinque: is there a max length for deeds? (just curious about the above ^, some of these might be mightly large) 1502703;1468462325;mircea_popescu;an you put a number on that ? 1502704;1468462338;mod6;mircea_popescu: thanks for your input here, its high time that we get away from the adhoc nature of this build process. 1502705;1468462354;mod6;sure, lemme see here... 1502706;1468462358;mircea_popescu;slowly but wsurely you know ? 1502707;1468462368;mircea_popescu;mod6 specifically, iirc it's tens of mb not gb. amirite ? 1502708;1468462437;mircea_popescu;and in other ethedao news, today toelik butt-erin releases DA CONE! https://media.giphy.com/media/hYXKE2SGWmYIU/giphy.gif 1502709;1468462511;mod6;$ wc -l boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.base64 1502710;1468462512;mod6;954767 boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.base64 1502711;1468462531;mod6;$ du -sh boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.base64 1502712;1468462531;mod6;71M boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2.base64 1502713;1468462549;mod6;$ du -sh boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 1502714;1468462550;mod6;52M boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 1502715;1468462566;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 specifically, iirc it's tens of mb not gb. amirite ? << Yes, Sir. 1502716;1468462797;mod6;So hopefully that'll be just fine. 1502717;1468462939;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> at least this'd allow some basis for proper management of this mess, rather than current adhocness << the nice part about the makefiles and your preposed solution is that we would finally have a solution in place for all of this. 1502718;1468462941;mircea_popescu;ya not the end of the world. pretty big though. see what trinqwue says 1502719;1468462948;mircea_popescu;mod6 aha 1502720;1468462991;mod6;it really has been like herding cats to get all of the build infrastructure into place. 1502721;1468463006;mircea_popescu;i bet 1502722;1468463016;mod6;it'll be nice to be able to move forward from this part. 1502723;1468463019;mircea_popescu;but hoenstly seems to be actually coming together 1502724;1468463051;mod6;it is. slowly, but surely. 1502725;1468463066;mod6;which isn't a bad thing; i'd rather do it slow & careful, than fast and reckless. 1502726;1468463079;mircea_popescu;ya 1502727;1468463093;mod6;building up tons of technical debt that I (or someone) has to fix eventually anyway. 1502728;1468463125;mod6;let's fast-forward for a minute and pretend that your solution is implemented. 1502729;1468463134;mod6;and the makefiles are complete. 1502730;1468463166;mircea_popescu;ok 1502731;1468463183;mod6;this really leaves one last question that has to be thought through before we move on; Do we place the makefiles into trb's tree, or do we place them in their own tree? I've thought about this quite a bit. And there are tradeoffs to both. 1502732;1468463244;mircea_popescu;it seems to me they should be in trb tree. which tradeoffs do you see ? 1502733;1468463259;mod6;The one staring me in the face is this: If we place them in trb's tree, we'll be adding vpatch after vpatch to the source base to update the makefiles as they require to be updated. Having them in their own tree could elimiate cruft in trb. 1502734;1468463289;mod6;The thing is, they /are/ really a part of trb itself. 1502735;1468463312;mircea_popescu;this isn't properly called cruft tho. 1502736;1468463324;mod6;true, not actual cruft no, just changes. 1502737;1468463326;mircea_popescu;if item x, whatever it may be, can only be used to do Y then it belongs in Y's tree 1502738;1468463341;mircea_popescu;1 thing, 1 tree. 1502739;1468463388;mod6;I started there for sure. Once I actually did this, it works, no problem with that. Was just trying to think, "what will the tree look like in 10 years, 20 years?" 1502740;1468463425;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502685 << what has mircea_popescu been smoking?? there is no qt in trb 1502741;1468463425;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 02:06 mircea_popescu: (i'm not saying you're making a mess, i'm just saying - we're stuck with all this grandfathered in bullshit, such as boost, openssh, who the fuck knows what else even. qt ffs.) 1502742;1468463439;mod6;Anyway, got some time to mull it over. :] 1502743;1468463440;mircea_popescu;eventually people will build management trees on top of this. much like phf's "make deedbot lines print out gray". 1502744;1468463447;asciilifeform;the deps are strictly: 1) gcc 2) some libc (musl works ok) 3) boost 4) openssl 5) bdb. 1502745;1468463449;mod6;I tend to agree, overall though. It should belong with trb. 1502746;1468463449;mircea_popescu;"make makefile changes print out blue" or w/e 1502747;1468463456;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform just sayin'! 1502748;1468463463;mircea_popescu;at some point, there actually was, iirc 1502749;1468463470;mircea_popescu;or was it the xwidgets w/e that thing is called ? 1502750;1468463473;asciilifeform;before the great cleansing 1502751;1468463483;mircea_popescu;i was making a point omaigerd. 1502752;1468463506;asciilifeform;my point was that we actually have a handle on ~all~ the deps 1502753;1468463509;asciilifeform;in the sense of enumeration. 1502754;1468463539;mircea_popescu;yes, we do. 1502755;1468463619;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502694 << i'd make the downloader, if there must be one, a separate script. 1502756;1468463619;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 02:09 mod6: a person wants to build, presumably with the makefiles, but could be a build script... they pass the builder a flag that says "get these deps for me automatically", at which time, it'll go and fetch the deed(s) and verify them, decode them, and place them in the correct place and continue building. 1502757;1468463622;asciilifeform;sign that. 1502758;1468463640;asciilifeform;this 'here are the turds' thing are not something that ought to become habit. 1502759;1468463653;mircea_popescu;meh. becomes opaque. 1502760;1468463665;mircea_popescu;"oh, it's the downloader". 1502761;1468463697;mod6;i can see this both ways too. i still wrestle with the whole "V Mirror" thing too. 1502762;1468463714;mod6;its the difference between "easy" and "manual". 1502763;1468463726;asciilifeform;it was the 'sign tarballs of liquishit' thing that led me to http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1545 1502764;1468463733;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1502765;1468463735;mod6;mechanically checked and verified, but something i wrestle with none the less. 1502766;1468463763;mircea_popescu;look, we can't not sign the things - these asswipes KEEP CHANGING THEM 1502767;1468463769;mircea_popescu;that's why i want them stored in deedbot and sealed up. 1502768;1468463791;mod6;I do tend to favor that, as opposed to signing my own death warrant. 1502769;1468463824;asciilifeform;pretty sure i signed a set of rotor dep hashes a while back. 1502770;1468463850;asciilifeform;possibly even deedbotted - though i have not been able to turn up the link 1502771;1468463858;mod6;As far as the "V Mirror" thing, that I know alf hates, I move forward on the basis that one doesn't have to use it, even though it is there. This may not be ideal, but it's bridge between both "easy" and "manual" 1502772;1468463866;mod6;A compromise. 1502773;1468463871;asciilifeform;there is a reason i dun like it 1502774;1468463902;mircea_popescu;mod6 which v mirror thing is this ? 1502775;1468463912;asciilifeform;my position is that the customary degree of automagic: 'auto-fetch latest widget from central repo!11' - is not something that ought to be kept. 1502776;1468463920;mod6;Yes, you believe that one should read and verify these vpatches on their own, place them in by what they say, and who wrote them. Instead of getting a big ball of wax automatically. 1502777;1468463928;asciilifeform;it is a psychologically-destructive habit 1502778;1468463970;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform gotta cut the branches in the proper order lest you break your teeth. 1502779;1468463971;mod6;I tend to agree with you -- but i believe that the entire thing reduces to a "downloader script" outside of V if I remove the mirrors part. 1502780;1468463980;asciilifeform;and in many cases, in particular the one now contemplated, is wholly unnecessary: fetching the trb deps is a once-per-machine thing 1502781;1468463988;asciilifeform;there is NO reason to download them on every build 1502782;1468463996;asciilifeform;you do it when you buy a new disk. that's it. 1502783;1468463997;mod6;So i feel like it's one or the other. People need a way to press one button and build -- not everyone is clued. 1502784;1468464002;asciilifeform;and ideally, from ~your other disk~ 1502785;1468464004;asciilifeform;not from the net. 1502786;1468464010;mircea_popescu;this is a point - script should prolly check for local cache first 1502787;1468464015;asciilifeform;aha. 1502788;1468464027;mircea_popescu;"we only need what wed don't have" 1502789;1468464059;mod6;Yeah, the makefiles will do this. It'll check the "shit" folder and what not, and look. If there continue, if not, halt. UNLESS, the -go-get-the-shit flag is passed in the invocation. 1502790;1468464090;mod6;Then it'll continue with Mr. P.'s perscription above. 1502791;1468464104;mircea_popescu;works. 1502792;1468464177;mod6;To me, this seems to satisfy the requirements we've been kicking around for a while. 1502793;1468464183;mod6;asciilifeform: agreed? 1502794;1468464191;mircea_popescu;yeah definite progress here. 1502795;1468464202;mircea_popescu;the fence is quasi complete 1502796;1468464212;asciilifeform;definitely improvement over 'calls curl on my box with no nic' 1502797;1468464224;mod6;fair enough, Sir. 1502798;1468464244;asciilifeform;also i have this notion that we already had this, in some draft version, and i lost it. 1502799;1468464250;mod6;Thanks for both of your input this evening. 1502800;1468464254;mircea_popescu;shoulda deedbotted it 1502801;1468464259;mircea_popescu;since you're too poor to have blog 1502802;1468464260;mircea_popescu;:D 1502803;1468464267;asciilifeform;l0l aha 1502804;1468464270;mod6;asciilifeform: i believe that perhaps your stator script did something of the like. 1502805;1468464276;mod6;or rotor? i'd have to look. 1502806;1468464285;asciilifeform;nah, it just expected them to be there 1502807;1468464293;asciilifeform;i never had auto-loader of anything iirc. 1502808;1468464315;mod6;oh thats right, it just expected you to do this manually. which i automated. 1502809;1468464317;mod6;got it. 1502810;1468464323;mod6;'tis been a while. 1502811;1468464357;mod6;Anyway, this is great! I aught to write this up and put this into the ticket notes. 1502812;1468464385;mircea_popescu;*thumbsup* 1502813;1468465190;mod6;%h 1502814;1468465191;tb0t;<%a|%add> "" "" [ante] | <%e|%edit> "" "" [ante] | <%r|%remove> | <%p|%print> | <%pp|%print_projects> | <%pc|%print_codes> 1502815;1468465210;mod6;%p trb 12 1502816;1468465212;tb0t;Project: trb, ID: 12, Type: F, Subject: Makefiles for building full orchastra, Antecedents: , Notes: 1502817;1468465246;mod6;%e trb 12 F "Makefiles for building full orchastra" "http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502667" 1502818;1468465246;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 01:58 mircea_popescu: mod6 did you check/sign the copies ? 1502819;1468465260;mod6;%p trb 12 1502820;1468465261;tb0t;Project: trb, ID: 12, Type: F, Subject: Makefiles for building full orchastra, Antecedents: , Notes: 1502821;1468465336;mod6;dafaq 1502822;1468465517;mod6;%p trb 12 1502823;1468465518;tb0t;Project: trb, ID: 12, Type: F, Subject: Makefiles for building full orchastra, Antecedents: , Notes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502667 1502824;1468465518;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 01:58 mircea_popescu: mod6 did you check/sign the copies ? 1502825;1468465530;mod6;weird. i'll have to look into that. 1502826;1468467702;deedbot;[Qntra] Windows Print Spooler Vulnerability Spent 20 Years Unaddressed - http://qntra.net/2016/07/windows-print-spooler-vulnerability-spent-20-years-unaddressed/ 1502827;1468467942;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Modernists: Fixing self-made problems since 1964. And before. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/13/modernists-fixing-self-made-problems-since-1964-and-before/ 1502828;1468468994;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502702 << only as imposed by resource constraints. If the deps don't make it through the process I'll be at the keyboard tomorrow and will help make it happen. 1502829;1468468994;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 02:11 mod6: trinque: is there a max length for deeds? (just curious about the above ^, some of these might be mightly large) 1502830;1468469075;trinque;mp's gnupg made it through, was a couple megs 1502831;1468469095;trinque;what's an order of magnitude or two ?! 1502832;1468469199;*;trinque afk 1502833;1468472983;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] KidPoker - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/13/kidpoker/ 1502834;1468494269;shinohai;;;later tell http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502771 <<< remember i told you i did a test rum where i replaced V's mirror w/ my localhost deps and it still builds as expected. 1502835;1468494269;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 02:37 mod6: As far as the "V Mirror" thing, that I know alf hates, I move forward on the basis that one doesn't have to use it, even though it is there. This may not be ideal, but it's bridge between both "easy" and "manual" 1502836;1468494270;gribble;Error: That is an invalid IRC nick. Please check your input. 1502837;1468494288;shinohai;;;later tell mod6 http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502771 <<< remember i told you i did a test rum where i replaced V's mirror w/ my localhost deps and it still builds as expected. 1502838;1468494288;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 02:37 mod6: As far as the "V Mirror" thing, that I know alf hates, I move forward on the basis that one doesn't have to use it, even though it is there. This may not be ideal, but it's bridge between both "easy" and "manual" 1502839;1468494288;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1502840;1468494301;shinohai;gm #trilema, sorry 4 spam 1502841;1468501481;mircea_popescu;https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/trilema << for the record, kiwiirc seems much better solution than freenode's webchat. we should prolly switch to using this as web-side connection. 1502842;1468501486;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ^ 1502843;1468501767;shinohai;kiwi has sexy cli version that is easy on eyes. 1502844;1468502505;mircea_popescu;freenode put in that pos google captcha at some point 1502845;1468502691;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The security implications of Pokemon Go. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/14/the-security-implications-of-pokemon-go/ 1502846;1468502928;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: there's no captcha for the kiwiirc webchat thing only if your ip request is quite unique etc. if you e.g. go from tor (*ducks*) then you get presented with the lovely cloudflare captcha where you have to solve shit for multiple times until you pass. but at least no default captcha i guess 1502847;1468503043;Framedragger;ah, actually freenode blocks connection eventually anyway since tor node in dnsbl and whatnot, so that's not a good argument anyway i guess 1502848;1468503314;shinohai;freenode make you use the dreaded sasl connection for tor 1502849;1468503329;Framedragger;kiwiirc is pretty, yeah! 1502850;1468503973;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I've never used it, but ok 1502851;1468504121;BingoBoingo;qntra about and contact pages changed over 1502852;1468504211;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502851 <<< hey looks good 1502853;1468504211;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 13:48 BingoBoingo: qntra about and contact pages changed over 1502854;1468505442;mircea_popescu;Framedragger honestly, that it supports tor seems to me a counter argument to using anything. 1502855;1468505449;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo cool. 1502856;1468505729;BingoBoingo;brb, gotta get bar and chain oil 1502857;1468511303;deedbot;[Trilema] It is a "no brainer"! - http://trilema.com/2016/it-is-a-no-brainer/ 1502858;1468511563;mircea_popescu;and in other artist's studio news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/ff0632038cc637b901f130fc624d758f/tumblr_n7ai7iixeM1r2sy0fo1_500.gif 1502859;1468511594;asciilifeform;l0ltr0n 1502860;1468511617;mircea_popescu;no it's totally how it goes! 1502861;1468511630;mircea_popescu;ask anyone from the art school freshman class. 1502862;1468511736;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502841 << what was wrong with the old chat ? 1502863;1468511736;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 13:04 mircea_popescu: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/trilema << for the record, kiwiirc seems much better solution than freenode's webchat. we should prolly switch to using this as web-side connection. 1502864;1468511742;mircea_popescu;google captcha. 1502865;1468511753;asciilifeform;new one has no such ? 1502866;1468511758;mircea_popescu;not that i've seen. 1502867;1468511774;asciilifeform;also chat thing is a bunch of js, what's to keep us from hosting same, sans captcha etc. ? 1502868;1468511796;mircea_popescu;~nothing. 1502869;1468511821;mircea_popescu;if anyone wants the project, can be (probably SHOULD be) implemented as pure html, just a form. 1502870;1468511838;mircea_popescu;person wants to update the page, they have buttons just like anyone else. 1502871;1468511847;asciilifeform;how would you implement irc client in 1502872;1468511851;asciilifeform;'pure html' ? 1502873;1468511867;mircea_popescu;the chat line is a submit form, goes to chat bot. 1502874;1468511873;mircea_popescu;the rest is a static page. 1502875;1468511875;asciilifeform;so all connections happen on server side ? 1502876;1468511878;mircea_popescu;reloads on browser reload. 1502877;1468511878;mircea_popescu;yes 1502878;1468511897;asciilifeform;fleanode will ban it. 1502879;1468511899;shinohai;this looks rich http://archive.is/Q260I 1502880;1468511901;mircea_popescu;nope. 1502881;1468511911;trilema-webchat;my client #62 says : "hi folks how are you" 1502882;1468511921;trilema-webchat;my client #17 says : "i am the real dao attacker" 1502883;1468511933;asciilifeform;they'll ban the ip, and come up with some idiot excuse 1502884;1468511939;asciilifeform;or just silently drop packets etc. 1502885;1468511943;mircea_popescu;what sense does what you're saying make ? 1502886;1468511968;asciilifeform;the same sense the behaviour of my trb node's upstream makes. 1502887;1468511983;mircea_popescu;yes but it is verboten to engineer on the basis of nonsense. 1502888;1468511993;mircea_popescu;you may not make predictions on the basis of not understood behaviour! 1502889;1468511997;asciilifeform;this is like forbidding ship builder to consider water. 1502890;1468512006;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1502891;1468512008;asciilifeform;or spacecraft - vacuum. 1502892;1468512019;mircea_popescu;no, it is forbiding him to consider REMOTE CONTROLLED water. 1502893;1468512023;mircea_popescu;ie, "personalized waves" 1502894;1468512037;asciilifeform;and a depth charge is...? 1502895;1468512052;mircea_popescu;note that irrespective of the merits of the personalized waves theory, this forbidance is nevertheless productive. 1502896;1468512090;mircea_popescu;it makes the shipwright a shipwright rather than a strange sort of shaman. 1502897;1468512095;asciilifeform;at any rate, the web message box is a useful thing, and in fact the only way for heathens to talk into gossipd transmitter in the future. 1502898;1468512099;asciilifeform;so it will have to happen. 1502899;1468512126;mircea_popescu;yeah. dunno who'd be looking for something like that to do, lessee... 1502900;1468512136;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes ? 1502901;1468512139;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes how about running a bot ? 1502902;1468512140;mircea_popescu;ha! 1502903;1468515048;ben_vulpes;hm? 1502904;1468515051;ben_vulpes;oh 1502905;1468515079;*;ben_vulpes reads thread 1502906;1468515528;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes may be entertained to learn that asciilifeform finally has cnc machine. 1502907;1468515553;asciilifeform;ancient thing, needs new steppers, but otherwise clean. 1502908;1468515581;asciilifeform;even came with isa (yes) card for dos (yes) box to drive the old steppers (dead) 1502909;1468515733;trinque;asciilifeform: neat, have a particular project you're going to mill? 1502910;1468515792;asciilifeform;trinque: a number of back-burner items. 1502911;1468515903;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: entertained and excited! 1502912;1468515915;ben_vulpes;trinque: did you ever deed deedbot's source? 1502913;1468515929;trinque;nope 1502914;1468515956;trinque;not opposed but haven't 1502915;1468516005;trinque;lemme work on cleaving the commands from the botstuff and then I can give ya the sauce if you want it 1502916;1468516036;trinque;er actually I posted an older version at some point didn't I? 1502917;1468516118;*;ben_vulpes has a fuzzy memory, is on the road though and not disposed to dig it up 1502918;1468516153;trinque;old anyway, I'll let ya know when, and it'll be in the form of a signed vpatch 1502919;1468516161;ben_vulpes;trinque: lowers the energy barrier for me to do the thing mircea_popescu and asciilifeform were talking about 1502920;1468516170;*;ben_vulpes not particularly disposed to write an irc bot either 1502921;1468516180;asciilifeform;iirc he posted it a while ago 1502922;1468516186;asciilifeform;as a paste 1502923;1468516205;asciilifeform;but i have nfi how many bugs ago it was. 1502924;1468516207;ben_vulpes;i probably have it on disk somewhere 1502925;1468516244;ben_vulpes;but yes, old. 1502926;1468518146;Apocalyptic;would anyone here be interested in https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1545613 ? 1502927;1468518445;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] Who saw this wonder? - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/who-saw-this-wonder/ 1502928;1468518726;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: 'Updated the price to 100 USD. It's really not a complicated task, everything is outlined in the paper. An average C++ programmer knowing operator overloading should be able to do it in 2-3 hours.' << ahahahahaha 1502929;1468518734;*;asciilifeform falls down. 1502930;1468518822;jurov;i'm wondering how this is ever a $100 project, too 1502931;1468518832;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: well ok I may have underestimated the time 1502932;1468518861;ben_vulpes;why do you want this, Apocalyptic ? 1502933;1468518874;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: depending on whether you want to implement a useful sat-solver, it could easily take years. 1502934;1468518886;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: I don't want a solver 1502935;1468518905;Apocalyptic;I just want the problem as a CNF file 1502936;1468518942;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: i assume you read the original 'satcoin' paper ? 1502937;1468518949;asciilifeform;$s satcoin 1502938;1468518949;a111;19 results for "satcoin", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=satcoin 1502939;1468518995;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2013-11-04#368163 << thread. 1502940;1468518995;a111;Logged on 2013-11-04 16:00 asciilifeform: satcoin: http://jheusser.github.io/2013/02/03/satcoin.html 1502941;1468519060;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: oh, interesting 1502942;1468519076;Apocalyptic;ben_vulpes: fun 1502943;1468519092;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: the idea's been kicking around for a long time. 1502944;1468519096;Apocalyptic;jurov: well i'm all ears as to why it isn't 1502945;1468519127;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: I assure you I don't plan to apply this to bitcoin mining, even though It did cross my mind to just try how it would fare in comparison 1502946;1468519149;asciilifeform;it is the obvious application, along with pw cracking 1502947;1468519169;Apocalyptic;indeed 1502948;1468519236;jurov;Apocalyptic: have you actually read that pdf? 1502949;1468519251;Apocalyptic;jurov: the one I linked in that post ? yes 1502950;1468519264;jurov;to cite: "We tried several standard approaches for computing the cnf equivalent of the formula H, but all of them failed even for relatively small message lengths" 1502951;1468519288;jurov;which is exactly the task what you want to be doen for $100, I understand? 1502952;1468519300;Apocalyptic;jurov: they managed to do it eventually 1502953;1468519335;Apocalyptic;see the paragraph I'm referring to, and they even posted benchmark results as graph for collision resistance and preimage problems 1502954;1468519357;Apocalyptic;so I guess they had something running and didn't pull them out of their ass 1502955;1468519358;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: you linked a very different paper! about md5 1502956;1468519377;asciilifeform;or is that the one you want cnf for 1502957;1468519384;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: the approach is hash-agnostic 1502958;1468519411;Apocalyptic;if you have a prog to build the cnf for md5, you can build it for any similarly based hash function 1502959;1468519473;jurov;did this jovanovic actually publish it? 1502960;1468519487;Apocalyptic;publish what ? 1502961;1468519525;Apocalyptic;I should maybe mention that I actually mailed these scientists, and they replied! 1502962;1468519535;Apocalyptic;Saying they no longer have the code, as it's been 10 years 1502963;1468519608;jurov;operator overloading will get you some list "operator X was called on some values Y,Z, result is R" at best 1502964;1468519650;jurov;but that is easy. producing a code to correctly convert that to cnf is the problem 1502965;1468520213;Apocalyptic;from the satcoin pape: "The implementation of the above program generates a large CNF formula with about 250'000 variables and 850'000 clauses." I wonder how much lower these numbers would be for a single iteration of sha256 1502966;1468520245;Apocalyptic;jurov: afaik that part is explained in the paper too 1502967;1468520402;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: quite likely, higher. 1502968;1468520653;*;trinque caught up on logs 1502969;1468520666;trinque;ben_vulpes: yeah, I'll get you bot source soon 1502970;1468520737;trinque;ben_vulpes: you'll be happy to know the thing both writes messages to a table and reads messages to send from an outbound table 1502971;1468520797;trinque;so the chat page will involve perhaps 1 select, 1 insert 1502972;1468520798;ben_vulpes;that *does* sound nifty. 1502973;1468520806;ben_vulpes;hoho 1502974;1468520809;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: higher number of variables and clauses ? how does that even make sense ? 1502975;1468520824;ben_vulpes;trinque: no rush, i've got other irons in the fire that still need pounding. 1502976;1468520838;asciilifeform;Apocalyptic: sha2 has more moving parts, neh ? 1502977;1468520849;trinque;ben_vulpes: yeh I want to make it tidy enough to share 1502978;1468520870;ben_vulpes;subject only of pounding: https://www.amazon.com/Pokebutt-Go-Pounded-Em-All-ebook/dp/B01IAGH4VI/ 1502979;1468520891;ben_vulpes;chuck tingle makes me want to write an erotica shannonizer 1502980;1468520893;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: the figure is for sha256(sha256()) 1502981;1468520911;ben_vulpes;use sales as feedback 1502982;1468520911;Apocalyptic;and i'm comparing to a single iteration of sha256()... so less moving parts 1502983;1468520925;asciilifeform;then possibly 1502984;1468520944;asciilifeform;but my advice, before you 'won't somebody do this for $100' to try it yourself 1502985;1468520954;asciilifeform;and see if it's an hour's of undergrad work, or not. 1502986;1468521000;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: actually reading the satcoin link you provided I don't think it's a worthy endeavour to explore anymore 1502987;1468521022;Apocalyptic;as for try it yourself, I believe my time is better spent elsewhere 1502988;1468521223;Apocalyptic;maybe it could be done for a heavily round-reduced sha2 1502989;1468521340;jurov;it certainly has been done. and surely they converted the algorithm by hand, instead of crude C++ hacking. 1502990;1468521440;Apocalyptic;for the lulz, the Angell guy that signed up sent me, I kid you not, a copy/pasted code of a public github repo which consisted of a SAT-solver that doesn't even build 1502991;1468521469;asciilifeform;big fat surprise - you pretend to pay, folks pretend to work. 1502992;1468521482;Apocalyptic;scrapped the headers/copyrights from the files, and ad "using namespace Apocalyptic;", r, rewriting half of the prototype functions with my nick 1502993;1468521498;asciilifeform;this is not a $100 job, nor a job for forum-dwelling pond scum 1502994;1468521506;Apocalyptic;asciilifeform: I figured 1502995;1468521536;deedbot;[Qntra] Mark Karpelès Released on Bail - http://qntra.net/2016/07/mark-karpeles-released-on-bail/ 1502996;1468524093;asciilifeform;http://ktla.com/2016/06/20/pennsylvania-man-impregnated-girl-gifted-to-him-when-she-was-14-criminal-complaint << lel, harem usa-style 1502997;1468524121;asciilifeform;'In a related case, authorities nearly 100 miles away in Lancaster County arrested the parents of the 18-year-old, with police saying the couple had “gifted” their daughter to Kaplan for helping them out of financial difficulties. She was 14 when her first child was conceived, the criminal complaint said.' 1502998;1468524234;jurov;https://thefreeonline.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/berliners-defy-massive-siege-by-police-defending-rigaer-94-and-autonomous-revolution-from-market-gentrification/ meanwhile in berlin 1502999;1468524294;asciilifeform;jurov: i am failing to discern what the protest was against 1503000;1468524302;asciilifeform;from linked article 1503001;1468524313;jurov;squatters vs. police 1503002;1468524325;asciilifeform;ah 1503003;1468524354;asciilifeform;in other nyooz from earlier rag, u.s. fbi gives up on finding the famous cooper: http://ktla.com/2016/07/12/d-b-cooper-45-years-after-infamous-skyjacking-fbi-closes-case-on-200000-unsolved-mystery 1503004;1468524372;asciilifeform;(fella who held a plane for ransom in '71, and jumped from parachute) 1503005;1468526083;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1503006;1468526085;gribble;Current Blocks: 420734 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 609 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 11 hours, 28 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1503007;1468526089;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1503008;1468526095;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 661.82, vol: 2903.22443424 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 649.74, vol: 5259.33044 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 660.94, vol: 20850.12588235 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 626.0, vol: 0.03043283 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 659.715056, vol: 25880.81880000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 661.45, vol: 1115.81782495 | Volume-weighted last average: 659.378042634 1503009;1468526098;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1503010;1468526106;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 496.298818, vol: 2903.22443424 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 487.240026, vol: 5259.33044 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 469.4374, vol: 0.03043283 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 498.31418, vol: 25880.81880000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 505.0, vol: 82.78044979 | Volume-weighted last average: 496.452234169 1503011;1468526907;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502928 << the expression is "this is easy if you know what you're doing". rather typical for web "frelancing" crud. 1503012;1468526907;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 17:52 asciilifeform: Apocalyptic: 'Updated the price to 100 USD. It's really not a complicated task, everything is outlined in the paper. An average C++ programmer knowing operator overloading should be able to do it in 2-3 hours.' << ahahahahaha 1503013;1468526958;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502931 << if in the future you manage to not overestimate tardstalk.org i'll be ever so grateful to you. 1503014;1468526958;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 17:53 Apocalyptic: asciilifeform: well ok I may have underestimated the time 1503015;1468526987;mircea_popescu;$rated Apocalyptic 1503016;1468526988;deedbot;mircea_popescu rated Apocalyptic 2 at 2014/10/31 17:01:32 << ex-x-bt.com 1503017;1468527016;mircea_popescu;$rate Apocalyptic -1 ex tmsr, currently tardstalk. apparently sense sometimes fails to take. 1503018;1468527018;deedbot;Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/0cda5120-2ee0-4e87-8b6b-2facad54a624/ 1503019;1468527042;mircea_popescu;$v 51B4D0A4E9B9E4963AFD3063A5F7DD49A3D71C6F6DC7AF3A0C98539A02CE468E 1503020;1468527043;deedbot;mircea_popescu updated rating of Apocalyptic from 2 to -1 << ex tmsr, currently tardstalk. apparently sense sometimes fails to take. 1503021;1468527235;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu: hey, indeed I tremendously overestimated tardstalk 1503022;1468527243;mircea_popescu;happens. 1503023;1468527277;Apocalyptic;but hey it was been educational, at least I know I won't ever be going there to get work done 1503024;1468527285;mircea_popescu;or here. 1503025;1468527711;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502997 << how much of this is genuine amish weird and how much of this is cheap sensationalism pulled out of the ass by soviet state in its fight to flatten any curl of independence in its perceived domains is probably never getting established. 1503026;1468527711;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 19:22 asciilifeform: 'In a related case, authorities nearly 100 miles away in Lancaster County arrested the parents of the 18-year-old, with police saying the couple had “gifted” their daughter to Kaplan for helping them out of financial difficulties. She was 14 when her first child was conceived, the criminal complaint said.' 1503027;1468527770;Apocalyptic;funny how this experience makes me persona non grata 1503028;1468527795;shinohai;tardstalk looks like Filipinos came in and took a giant sig-spam shit everywhere. 1503029;1468527802;shinohai;Can't find anything there. 1503030;1468527809;mircea_popescu;well... because they did. 1503031;1468527810;Apocalyptic;shinohai: can't agree more 1503032;1468527838;Apocalyptic;I haven't been there in ages, most posts are pure non-sense to increase post counts for signature campaigns 1503033;1468527859;mircea_popescu;Apocalyptic you can plead ignorance all you want. lalala check me out, i'm going to pretend like this doesn't exist and here's tardstalk, seriously. then if you get whacked for it play the victim ? get fucked already, this isn't how it's played. 1503034;1468527868;mircea_popescu;now stfu before i feel the need to also silence your dumb ass. 1503035;1468527870;Apocalyptic;mircea_popescu: I'm not pleading ignorance 1503036;1468528034;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502999 << "this place should not be used by group X but by group Y according to the who-has-more-euros() function results" "fuck you, you just print the euros, they don't reflect any substantive relation". 1503037;1468528034;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 19:24 asciilifeform: jurov: i am failing to discern what the protest was against 1503038;1468528037;mircea_popescu;that's the protest. 1503039;1468529777;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: suddenly it makes sense. we have these here. 1503040;1468529872;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1503025 << devil knows! hence link. 1503041;1468529872;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 20:21 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502997 << how much of this is genuine amish weird and how much of this is cheap sensationalism pulled out of the ass by soviet state in its fight to flatten any curl of independence in its perceived domains is probably never getting established. 1503042;1468530340;mircea_popescu;i can't even say i don't sympathise with the hipsters. 1503043;1468530362;mircea_popescu;they do have a point, euros can stand as no basis for resource allocation ; and the euro legal system has absolutely no business intervening in this sort of dispute. 1503044;1468530378;mircea_popescu;their lot is abstract nonsense, let them pass judgement on the pressing matter of how many angles fit on a pinhead and such. 1503045;1468530392;asciilifeform;so how to settle dispute? gladiators ? 1503046;1468530398;mircea_popescu;any other way. 1503047;1468530403;mircea_popescu;currently, apparently, yes. gladiators. 1503048;1468530425;asciilifeform;the money printin' folk can print a truckload, hire moar gladiator. 1503049;1468530429;asciilifeform;problem is not thus solved. 1503050;1468530430;mircea_popescu;"hire" 1503051;1468530437;mircea_popescu;the other side can deficit spend JUST as well. 1503052;1468530446;mircea_popescu;it's all ideological motivated, in the same way to the exact same end. 1503053;1468530450;asciilifeform;what will it spend? old candy wrappers ? 1503054;1468530456;mircea_popescu;words. 1503055;1468530490;mircea_popescu;euro fishwrapping paper buys you soda ; candy wrappers buy you cunt. seems the other side's better backed actually., 1503056;1468530510;asciilifeform;'The ‘filthy anti-system’ extremists in the neighbourhood are defending their coop culture, free schools and kindergartens, their anti property speculation, shared living experiments, anti patriarchy, music, art, bar and cafe collectives, refugee welcome initiatives, anti war and climate saving politics and degrowth movements……. etc' 1503057;1468530537;mircea_popescu;aha. 1503058;1468530550;mircea_popescu;strictly boils down to "easy cunt" 1503059;1468530618;mircea_popescu;and yes, i readily agree with you and in effigy with "sensible people" of a generation that died with chet - that all this is barbaric nonsense, and wtf is wrong with people! 1503060;1468530632;mircea_popescu;socialism. it ruined the currency, now there's no way to avoid societal disorder. so yes, gladiators. 1503061;1468530722;asciilifeform;the sad part is that they're one-armed gladiators. e.g., burning police cars, rather than shooting politicians or latifundistas etc 1503062;1468530798;mircea_popescu;why would you expect they'd do anything but burning police cars ? 1503063;1468530819;asciilifeform;precisely, i wouldn't expect. 1503064;1468530827;mircea_popescu;they, contrary to the "anti patriarchy" verbiage, are very deeply male. will attach responsibility (correctly) to the closest link, entire. rather than womanly go around looking for "implications" 1503065;1468530832;mircea_popescu;you're too civilised for your own good, here. 1503066;1468530847;asciilifeform;wake me up when police run out of cars, to burn. 1503067;1468530852;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no no. not "why would you expect them to be smart". "why would you expect smart people to do the dumb thing" 1503068;1468530863;mircea_popescu;that's entirely an irrelevant point. 1503069;1468530865;asciilifeform;stomping individual ants is dumb. 1503070;1468530872;mircea_popescu;to you. 1503071;1468530874;asciilifeform;anthill can birth them faster than you can stomp. 1503072;1468530881;mircea_popescu;than YOU can stomp. 1503073;1468530893;asciilifeform;than anybody but a million-man army could stomp. 1503074;1468530899;trinque;so then. 1503075;1468530900;mircea_popescu;this is a million man army. 1503076;1468530905;asciilifeform;armies shoot. 1503077;1468530911;mircea_popescu;armies win. 1503078;1468530925;mircea_popescu;not the form, you sickly infected soul you. NOT THE FORM. 1503079;1468530946;asciilifeform;hooligans sum to 0, whether jacqueries in 1100 or window-busting 'antifa' reds now. 1503080;1468530974;mircea_popescu;this statement has nothing to do with reality and no power over it. all it does is, it identifies the speaker. identifies him as a roman. 1503081;1468531009;mircea_popescu;specifically important word, and do consider 1503082;1468531013;mircea_popescu;$google mai bine huligan decit activist 1503083;1468531014;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golaniad << Golaniad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkI42zPuH7w << Imnul golanilor | http://cuvintecelebre.ro/mai-bine-mort-decat-comunist/ << Mai bine mort, decât... Imnul Golanilor, citat de Cristian Pațurcă 1503084;1468531089;asciilifeform;looks like a maidanism/tiananmenism, colourful revolution attempt ? 1503085;1468531105;mircea_popescu;relatively complicated. 1503086;1468531129;mircea_popescu;but, whatever the historical underlying, the point stands. your chocie is hooligan or aparatchick, pick. 1503087;1468531162;mircea_popescu;aparat-CHICK, funnily enough. may be the one time translation improves the text. 1503088;1468531164;asciilifeform;well from pov of apparat, the opposition is naturally 'dirty hooligan' 1503089;1468531173;mircea_popescu;and vice-versa. 1503090;1468531176;asciilifeform;but i was speaking of the disorganization/aimlessness/anomie 1503091;1468531191;mircea_popescu;this is a matter of you not a matter of it. both order and disorder are subjective reactions. 1503092;1468531199;mircea_popescu;there's no such thing as "order" in physical reality. 1503093;1468531201;asciilifeform;consider spanish civil war 1503094;1468531205;mircea_popescu;alright 1503095;1468531211;asciilifeform;why republicans lost ? 1503096;1468531224;mircea_popescu;who knows these things, and what's to lose. 1503097;1468531242;asciilifeform;it isn't as if it were a nuke war, we have plenty of evidence re why 1503098;1468531251;mircea_popescu;you don't think nsa lost, or usg lost, or any of the imperial heavenly legions ever lost. 1503099;1468531257;mircea_popescu;why should the republicans have lost ? 1503100;1468531260;asciilifeform;lost - spain, their skins, etc. lost it all. 1503101;1468531276;mircea_popescu;heh. everyone eventually loses his skin. what, hruschev lost ? 1503102;1468531279;mircea_popescu;sure, he's dead. 1503103;1468531298;*;asciilifeform straps on gas mask 1503104;1468531311;mircea_popescu;$google eugene ionesco "golan academician" 1503105;1468531312;deedbot;No results. 1503106;1468531320;mircea_popescu;oobviously. 1503107;1468531670;asciilifeform;soviet sphere quite certainly did not fall because su (or ro, or any) police ran out of cars to burn. but because gorbachev wanted his flat in manhattan. 1503108;1468531716;asciilifeform;beast was devoured by much larger, stronger beast, and not by some mythical 'victory of the beoble' 1503109;1468531775;asciilifeform;we do not yet have a modern example of roman-style collapse to work with. 1503110;1468532069;asciilifeform;possibly rhodesia ? 1503111;1468532138;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/13P6 1503112;1468532139;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1503113;1468532637;BingoBoingo;ty 1503114;1468534427;phf;$s "megaprocessor" 1503115;1468534427;a111;3 results for "\"megaprocessor\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22megaprocessor%22 1503116;1468534979;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] Play To Lose - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/play-to-lose/ 1503117;1468535631;BingoBoingo;Oh apparently truck > Assault rifle! 1503118;1468535690;trinque;inb4 snackbar 1503119;1468535698;mats;aloha! 1503120;1468535832;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1503121;1468535838;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 659.22, vol: 2605.84355433 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 645.6, vol: 5338.74366 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 660.08, vol: 21362.55703792 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 626.0, vol: 0.03043283 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 657.937808, vol: 26130.99380000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 662.773, vol: 1161.41813037 | Volume-weighted last average: 657.740813699 1503122;1468536630;deedbot;[Qntra] Bastille Day Truck Attack In Nice, France - http://qntra.net/2016/07/bastille-day-truck-attack-in-nice-france/ 1503123;1468537076;ben_vulpes;danielpbarron: doesn't /affect/ gameplay 1503124;1468537181;danielpbarron;fxt, ty 1503125;1468537761;ben_vulpes;interesting gedankenexperiment 1503126;1468537767;ben_vulpes;(yw) 1503127;1468538773;mod6;werd up 1503128;1468538823;mod6; http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502771 <<< remember i told you i did a test rum where i replaced V's mirror w/ mlocalhost deps and it still builds as expected. << oh yeah, forgot about that! 1503129;1468538823;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 02:37 mod6: As far as the "V Mirror" thing, that I know alf hates, I move forward on the basis that one doesn't have to use it, even though it is there. This may not be ideal, but it's bridge between both "easy" and "manual" 1503130;1468539613;trinque;BingoBoingo: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/14/truck-crashes-into-crowd-at-bastille-day-celebrations-in-nice2/ << 73 reported here 1503131;1468539690;BingoBoingo;trinque: Updated 1503132;1468539757;trinque;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/14/91-year-old-woman-fills-in-crossword-at-museum---only-to-discove/ << in other newsworthy 1503133;1468539759;trinque;lol 1503134;1468540035;mod6;haha 1503135;1468543842;BingoBoingo;So even though the weather has been objectively worse here this week than last, I have observed a sharp increase in the number of transmayos walking and biking outside while glued to their smartphones. 1503136;1468543917;BingoBoingo;“Pokemon Go to the Polls" - Clitler July 14th, 2016 1503137;1468544016;BingoBoingo;Possibly of alf interest, the snackbar truck https://archive.is/ftFPL 1503138;1468544272;trinque;BingoBoingo: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/bastille-day-crash-live-updates-8424850 << video here. the event's already social media porn for both isis and... what's the other side, cuckistan? 1503139;1468544289;trinque;seems both love it equally 1503140;1468544293;BingoBoingo;trinque: Why only two sides? 1503141;1468544344;trinque;which others do you see? 1503142;1468544362;trinque;I see a european ass in the air and a brown guy having the time of his life 1503143;1468544403;BingoBoingo;Well, https://i.imgur.com/jI5ccLN.jpg for example 1503144;1468544426;BingoBoingo;And in obvious headlines http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/being-obese-can-kill-you-study-finds-n609601 1503145;1468544458;trinque;woah, is that stray toilet paper in uh... "front" ? 1503146;1468544542;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1503107 << this is rank nonsense on the level of "cred intr-unul dumnezeu, tatal atottiitorul". go, believe. 1503147;1468544542;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 21:27 asciilifeform: soviet sphere quite certainly did not fall because su (or ro, or any) police ran out of cars to burn. but because gorbachev wanted his flat in manhattan. 1503148;1468544547;mircea_popescu;it dun do nuttin. 1503149;1468544552;BingoBoingo;Who knows? But it would probably enjoy the brown guy who would not be having the time of his life. 1503150;1468544565;mircea_popescu;soviets fell because ran out of cars. i was there when they did. i will be there when these re-soviets will. 1503151;1468545058;mircea_popescu;(Πιστεύομεν εἰς ἕνα Θεόν, Πατέρα, Παντοκράτορα for teh curious.) 1503152;1468547059;mircea_popescu;aaand in random ancient trilema roll, http://trilema.com/2009/a-fost-odata-cand-romania-a-avut-dreptate/ 1503153;1468547539;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/ftEoWvp.jpg 1503154;1468547545;BingoBoingo;^Not fat 1503155;1468547561;mircea_popescu;good call. 1503156;1468547569;mircea_popescu;quit school now. 1503157;1468547692;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1503158;1468547748;BingoBoingo;Also related church bsns https://i.imgur.com/YIl9HWk.jpg 1503159;1468548974;BingoBoingo;http://whdh.com/news/pokemon-go-player-discovers-body-in-nashua/ < Body #2 1503160;1468551330;mircea_popescu;i actually lived there! 1503161;1468553137;BingoBoingo;What a coinidence the next generation of smartphone surveillance would direct users to places mircea_popescu lived! 1503162;1468553545;mircea_popescu;lol 1503163;1468555085;mats;http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2016/07/12/US-troops-head-to-Iraq-ahead-of-Mosul-fight-.html 1503164;1468555387;mats;i look forward to reading about the ensuing power struggle after IS gets squashed 1503165;1468555428;mats;and then the subsequent IS resurgence 1503166;1468558146;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2016/07/mark-karpeles-released-on-bail/#comment-64116 1503167;1468562662;ben_vulpes;> 560 additional troops 1503168;1468562696;ben_vulpes;> assist iraqi troops 1503169;1468562700;ben_vulpes;> IS gets squashed 1503170;1468565050;mats;not sure if you've been following, but they've lost a lot of territory recently 1503171;1468565067;mats;~40% according to some 1503172;1468565209;mats;and they don't have planes 1503173;1468565290;mats;i expect coalition forces to succeed 1503174;1468565294;mats;eventually 1503175;1468566516;shinohai;here i thought i was the only person with insomnia in trilema 1503176;1468566722;shinohai;;;bc,stats 1503177;1468566725;gribble;Current Blocks: 420788 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 555 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 3 hours, 24 minutes, and 10 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1503178;1468571339;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/13Yf 1503179;1468571340;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1503180;1468577794;Framedragger;lolwut, Apocalyptic was wrong by deciding to play in the wrong sandbox? Ok. 1503181;1468578701;Framedragger;regarding LAMP stacks and blog software: static site generators are there for a reason. significantly smaller codebases and attack surfaces cf. wordpress. just sayin'. 1503182;1468578782;Framedragger;ah, this was suggested, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1496088 etc. 1503183;1468578782;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 18:53 phf: trinque: i suggested one, ascii couldn't get past first line 1503184;1468583757;jurov;Framedragger: how do you do comments with static generator? *bleh* gravatar? 1503185;1468583962;Framedragger;jurov: that, of course, is a problem. but surely "everything dynamic or everything static & no comments" is a false dichotomy? could you not have an html form which POSTs to a separate dynamic handler which is only responsible for comments? a "current comments" static html page is generated upon every new approved comment, etc. 1503186;1468584016;Framedragger;(maybe i just described a spec that i should one day implement, heh) 1503187;1468584053;Framedragger;i'm amused that it's hard to find something like this, i.e. static generator _and_ a comment handler component 1503188;1468584056;jurov;and then you want to remove some spam and edit "current comments" file in place? 1503189;1468584109;Framedragger;each comment saved as separate file, to be removed etc using normal system tools; any modifcation under tree triggers static content regeneration 1503190;1468584116;Framedragger;not saying that it'd be wisiwyg-pretty 1503191;1468584132;Framedragger;*wysiwyg 1503192;1468584246;jurov;and then you decide you want to store metadata for comments, that means moar files or some gnarly file format :) 1503193;1468584386;Framedragger;sure, it *may* descend into madness, you're right! 1503194;1468584465;Framedragger;i guess the only way to convince people would be to present a working PoC with working spam mitigation, hm. 1503195;1468584611;Framedragger;but at this point im more interested to try my hand at 'p2p/federated content system', a la mp's e2e encrypted generalized forum idea, whatever this resolves to in the particular. 1503196;1468585330;jurov;one step at a time, i guess 1503197;1468591832;BingoBoingo;Framedragger: When I find one that seems to have this it draws the not unimportant criticism that it requires the whole Plan 9 userspace 1503198;1468592144;deedbot;[Qntra] Steem Hacked - http://qntra.net/2016/07/steem-hacked/ 1503199;1468593228;asciilifeform;'Welcome to the Blockchain! Your voice is worth something' << this has got to be a parody 1503200;1468593289;BingoBoingo;More on the new surveillance revolution "This app [poke-a-man Go] did in 24 hours what Michelle Obama couldn’t do in eight years. It gets kids off the couch and moving." 1503201;1468594103;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503172 << bbbuut barbarians always defeat rome!1111 1503202;1468594103;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 06:46 mats: and they don't have planes 1503203;1468594571;BingoBoingo;I'm not sure they *need* the Levant if they have France 1503204;1468601567;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “Suppose we have an exchange that, due to resource limitations, is limited to 5 decimal places for orders”, or how Kraken is scamming to stay solvent. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/15/suppose-we-have-an-exchange-that-due-to-resource-limitations-is-limited-to-5-decimal-places-for-orders-or-how-kraken-is-scamming-to-stay-solvent/ 1503205;1468602717;mircea_popescu;lol "bitcoin as a real" derps 1503206;1468602810;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503173 << looks like they had some sort of falling out or w/e, not too clear. 1503207;1468602810;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 06:48 mats: i expect coalition forces to succeed 1503208;1468602862;mircea_popescu;but imo odds are yet another replacement group will show up. the notion of coallition success is ridiculous, the arabs are just wearing them down, exact same way they did to the french in north africa a century ago. 1503209;1468602950;mircea_popescu;aand in other news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irhlNJdqqbs 1503210;1468602960;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incidentally, when digging into eth etc in light of 'turing-complete!111 programmable!1111' scamatronics, i was somewhat surprised that they did not add the flourish of 'algebraic coin' 1503211;1468602966;asciilifeform;'you have sqrt(2) eth!' 1503212;1468602985;mircea_popescu;because they don't even VAGUELY understand wtf they're doing 1503213;1468602999;mircea_popescu;you understand this ? it's not the case of a person making design decisions on some basis leading to some results. 1503214;1468603021;asciilifeform;didn't they round up an entire circus of academics etc ? 1503215;1468603026;mircea_popescu;it's the case amoeba in an agar fell upon some grains of sugar and are now taking their approximate shape, as perceived by amoebic senses 1503216;1468603037;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that apparently doesn't at all help. 1503217;1468603044;mircea_popescu;who knew "academic" == "shannonizer" 1503218;1468603114;asciilifeform;or possibly this is rather like complaining that cargo cult straw airplane lacks real hydraulics 1503219;1468603127;asciilifeform;it's a sham, for fooling illiterate natives, what hydraulics. 1503220;1468603160;mircea_popescu;yeah, but the main problem is that the african/pacific islander notion of "water" precludes hydraulics for a number of solidly good reasons a few derivations prior. 1503221;1468603174;asciilifeform;this also. 1503222;1468603177;mircea_popescu;all these in the spirit of cixi's too loud train : "water abhors metal recipients" 1503223;1468603188;mircea_popescu;well fuck you jack, you're not making ceramic hydraqulics. 1503224;1468603223;asciilifeform;or kruger/slocum. 1503225;1468603237;mircea_popescu;examples abound. 1503226;1468603287;asciilifeform;at any rate, i expect 'must evaluate expression with unknowns to learn how much shitcoin you really have' will one day appear. 1503227;1468603325;asciilifeform;it is an almost inevitable thing, per the familiar chumpatronic model (consider fiatola 'middle class' fella trying to evaluate his net worth, sitting in a pile of bezzles of 1,001 types) 1503228;1468603331;mircea_popescu;it's already here : raise your shitcoin holdings to whatever power you feel like and then multiply the result by zero to find out how much value you're holding. 1503229;1468603340;asciilifeform;matchbox computer ! 1503230;1468603348;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, it happens another place. ipad games! 1503231;1468603371;mircea_popescu;the ~only successful ipad mmorpgs consist of exactly this : make 500 minigames loosely bunched together in a "daily activity meter" list of rewards, 1503232;1468603382;mircea_popescu;produce 500 different coins that are inexchangeable 1503233;1468603392;mircea_popescu;people have "fun" through sheer confusion. plus they're never done playing. 1503234;1468603412;asciilifeform;i dun see the fun there. 1503235;1468603412;mircea_popescu;"your poverty is so complicated you can literally never finish evaluating just how poor you are." 1503236;1468603421;mircea_popescu;yeah well you're not in the demo. 1503237;1468603433;asciilifeform;i'm not exactly outside the demo, but still dun see.. 1503238;1468603483;mircea_popescu;you are not in the demo even vaguely. ipad games are for millenials. kids of a very peculiar plato's cave upbringing. kids that never killed an animal with their own hands ; that never ran until they lost balance, that never fought with the boys or pulled the girl's hair an' skirts. 1503239;1468603488;mircea_popescu;it's a thing, you're not it. 1503240;1468603613;asciilifeform;i tried many times, these games, and the lack of keyboard and mouse ruins it all 1503241;1468603633;asciilifeform;the strange thing is, a ~pen~ would work quite well for lucas arts / sierra / etc. adventures 1503242;1468603637;asciilifeform;but where are the pen machines ! 1503243;1468603640;asciilifeform;they sorta vanished 1503244;1468603655;mircea_popescu;that stylus crap ? stupid idea srsly. 1503245;1468603658;asciilifeform;nono 1503246;1468603661;asciilifeform;the wacom radio pen 1503247;1468603664;asciilifeform;not the pressure pen idiocy 1503248;1468603666;mircea_popescu;ah 1503249;1468603675;mircea_popescu;it may be to complex. 1503250;1468603676;asciilifeform;i picked up an old 'dell' at a junk store not long ago, that had built-in wacom-esque pen, and tried using it 1503251;1468603681;asciilifeform;but it goes out of alignment in minutes 1503252;1468603700;asciilifeform;i have nfi if this was so when it was new, and hence why the thing can only be seen in junk shops, or otherwise. 1503253;1468603718;asciilifeform;if you think about it, wacom has ridiculously tight tolerances 1503254;1468603740;asciilifeform;probably even needs thermal compensation, if you want the pixels-to-pen-nib relation to stay just-so 1503255;1468603767;asciilifeform;this is a shame, because i ~like~ pens 1503256;1468603774;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503180 << let it be said that if you wander into the courthouse one day and staple an invitation to your hipster fair / recruitment drive on the judge's face he'll whack you once and if that doesn't do it you'll spend the next month in county jail thinking things through. it's a thing, there's a hierarchy in realia, which obviously isn't obligatory to dreamers - up until the dog comes. 1503257;1468603774;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 10:16 Framedragger: lolwut, Apocalyptic was wrong by deciding to play in the wrong sandbox? Ok. 1503258;1468603811;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it may be a quantum problem actually. 1503259;1468603852;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: dunno about it being a deep problem, wacom sells a $couple-of-k display unit with warrantied alignment 1503260;1468603857;asciilifeform;but i never had it, cannot comment. 1503261;1468603862;mircea_popescu;me either. 1503262;1468603886;asciilifeform;admittedly i want this for cad, rather than sierra gamez. 1503263;1468603897;asciilifeform;but not badly enough. 1503264;1468604089;asciilifeform;http://www.wacom.com/en-us/products/pen-displays << vendor of subj. 1503265;1468604117;asciilifeform;apparently there is now 7 types of this thing, since i last saw (decade or so ago.) 1503266;1468604182;asciilifeform;if anybody reading this has used one of them gadgets, plz write in. 1503267;1468604187;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503181 << yeah this is tru. of course nothing keeps one from having wp output static pages also. 1503268;1468604187;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 10:31 Framedragger: regarding LAMP stacks and blog software: static site generators are there for a reason. significantly smaller codebases and attack surfaces cf. wordpress. just sayin'. 1503269;1468604246;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503184 << can STILL use the pure html form method discussed http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1502869 re chat bot. 1503270;1468604246;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 15:57 mircea_popescu: if anyone wants the project, can be (probably SHOULD be) implemented as pure html, just a form. 1503271;1468604246;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 11:55 jurov: Framedragger: how do you do comments with static generator? *bleh* gravatar? 1503272;1468604269;mircea_popescu;dubious if it's worth the hassle, which is ~why i never seriously pursued it. 1503273;1468604954;asciilifeform;long ago, i tried my hand at 'sane blogging engine' and barfed; simply can't stand wwwtronic idiocy, e.g,. 'logging in', 'browser state', https crapolade tower, css, etc. 1503274;1468604970;asciilifeform;it is fundamentally evil. 1503275;1468604985;asciilifeform;and creaks at the seams, no matter what you do. 1503276;1468606089;asciilifeform;re: earlier thread: i'm a little surprised that nobody (afaik) has combined the sensing antennae of 'wacom'-like apparatus into the lcd pixel addressing lines themselves. 1503277;1468606095;asciilifeform;this would handily eliminate alignment as a thing. 1503278;1468606711;asciilifeform;in other 'yesterday's nobel is tomorrow's homework' nyooz, http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2016/07/14/cloudflare-we-have-a-problem 1503279;1468606913;asciilifeform;and re: last night's 'keep on truckin'!' >> 'An eyewitness to the attack described the driver as "a young guy, very focused on what he was doing." "He didn't looking angry," John Lambert told CBC News. "He wasn't screaming or shouting. He was just … focusing on the job."' ( http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/nice-truck-bastille-day-1.3680294 ) 1503280;1468607056;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/15/suppose-we-have-an-exchange-that-due-to-resource-limitations-is-limited-to-5-decimal-places-for-orders-or-how-kraken-is-scamming-to-stay-solvent/#comment-48487 cheers. 1503281;1468607094;asciilifeform;lolk 1503282;1468607196;pete_dushenski;this daylight theft wrapped up as 'transparencee' caters directly to teh aspie crowd, the kind who fancies himself genre savvy without really being so. the victim of 'taught controversy', if you will. 1503283;1468607234;trinque;yup, it's about farming "consensus" 1503284;1468607255;trinque;or BingoBoingo's "the debate was had" 1503285;1468607300;pete_dushenski;http://pathology.wustl.edu/~corbolab/Corbo_publications/Kram_2010.pdf << in related hyperuniformity news 1503286;1468607371;pete_dushenski;trinque: exactly 1503287;1468607611;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503203 << coalition can use levant to blackmail taleb into making all swans white and, by extension, all blacks safe from harassment. ITS SUREFIRE!!1 1503288;1468607611;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 14:56 BingoBoingo: I'm not sure they *need* the Levant if they have France 1503289;1468607634;pete_dushenski;or 'no brainer' as is the fashion 1503290;1468607671;pete_dushenski;http://trilema.com/2013/how-to-live-to-be-rich/#comment-118078 << speaking of the fashion, don't be too harsh u guise!! jeez why can't everyone just take a chill pill 1503291;1468607964;pete_dushenski;http://fox13now.com/2016/07/14/car-bomb-explosion-kills-one-in-southeast-nevada/ << in which nevada looks increasingly like baghdad after the fall. 1503292;1468608161;pete_dushenski;https://www.engadget.com/2016/07/14/nintendos-classic-mini-is-a-tiny-nes-with-30-games/ << whattheshitthisiscoolgimmegimmegimmeonenownownowiwantitrightfuckingnow. ok i can wait until nov 11 but for $60 how not ? 1503293;1468608323;asciilifeform;http://www.lccentral.com/2016/07/13/explosion-in-panaca << already censored. 1503294;1468608449;diana_coman;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503266 <- I *tried* to use a small wacom tablet & pen thing and it was quite atrocious really 1503295;1468608449;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 17:36 asciilifeform: if anybody reading this has used one of them gadgets, plz write in. 1503296;1468608490;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: "no car bombs, no evil, no bad things here! best republic of freedom and fries ever invented is weee" 1503297;1468608520;diana_coman;it *can* be used if one needs to in the sense that yes, one can get some job done with it, but otherwise control is rather poor, have to scroll/move hand awkwardly to cover all the screen, pen is not even very comfortable to use/grip (at least not for my hand) etc 1503298;1468608586;asciilifeform;diana_coman: what kind of bits were you moving ? 1503299;1468608601;diana_coman;this was however a tablet so not a display in itself 1503300;1468608636;diana_coman;asciilifeform, hm? 1503301;1468608653;asciilifeform;what sort of work 1503302;1468608674;danielpbarron;i have a broken toshiba portege m200 that had a decent pen/touchscreen thing, but that was with winbl0wz and I can't imagine it would be easy to get that working on a linux 1503303;1468608688;pete_dushenski;http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2016/07/mike-pences-economic-voting-record.html << trump 1503304;1468608694;pete_dushenski;*trump's running mate 1503305;1468608702;asciilifeform;http://gdb.rferl.org/00A4B9E5-4339-4FA0-BA7A-EFF79340731B_w974_n_s.jpg << occupied france. 1503306;1468608704;pete_dushenski;"mike pences" 1503307;1468608721;asciilifeform;Hände hoch!!!1111 1503308;1468608736;diana_coman;ah, I just played around a bit with it kind of tried all sorts from some basic drawing to handwriting (it was supposedly to be useful for some remote discussions kind of stuff) to mouse replacement 1503309;1468608758;diana_coman;at least this worked with linux, must add 1503310;1468608765;*;pete_dushenski has friends in france atm. figures that they haven't called from nth republican prison yet is a good sign. 1503311;1468608799;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it is possible to read the raw numbers from the pen, in linux, yes - even tilt angles. but afaik there is no proggy that usefully eats them. 1503312;1468608806;asciilifeform;you can move cursor, and that's ~it. 1503313;1468608874;shinohai;http://archive.is/MuKCl <<< gearing up for next classic push 1503314;1468608895;diana_coman;asciilifeform, quite 1503315;1468608926;asciilifeform;diana_coman: i do, e.g., cad, and would like to be able to, say, rotate a part by pinning it with a pen, and turning the pen. but this does not, afaik, exist. 1503316;1468608932;asciilifeform;and i know of no particular reason why not. 1503317;1468608982;asciilifeform;shinohai: contingent of fresh shills? i did say, they will never run out 1503318;1468609083;asciilifeform;'Making non-mining full nodes “fork-tolerant” by decoupling them from the miners with respect to the prevailing block size limit. There is no need for ordinary node owners to upgrade as and when miners do, or accept a risky “flag day” event. Bitcoin Unlimited already has fork-tolerant nodes via BUIP001 where non-mining nodes always track the longest Proof-of-Work chain, and are agnostic to block version resizing flags.' << l0 1503319;1468609083;asciilifeform;l!! 1503320;1468609106;asciilifeform;'we won't anally roger you, but we will insert this painless road cone, in advance, and you will not even feel it when it is replaced with cock' 1503321;1468609156;asciilifeform;'Adoption of Xtreme Thinblocks (Xthin) such that all implementations have interoperable fast block propagation. Results from recent testing involving nodes both inside and outside Mainland China indicates that blocks up to 20MB are manageable for the network.' << 'crock of shit will collapse overnight if clients actually try to validate mega-blox, so forget about it' 1503322;1468609161;diana_coman;hm, as far as I know it should be able to pin the part/shape based on position+pressure and then I don't see indeed why wouldn't it be able to react to turning the pen - maybe it's a precision thing? 1503323;1468609169;asciilifeform;'validation is for distrustful terrorists' 1503324;1468609222;asciilifeform;diana_coman: it is a trivial technical problem, that will likely never be solved, because there is no open cad proggy worth a sparrow's fart. 1503325;1468609302;asciilifeform;likewise there is no open drawing proggy worth half a sparrow's fart 1503326;1468609342;asciilifeform;(anyone who brings up gimp immediately reveals himself as someone who never drew anything more complex than 'rageface') 1503327;1468609371;asciilifeform;even 'deluxe paint II' for amiga (!) beats the shit out of gimp. 1503328;1468609654;pete_dushenski;" SW in particular has a number of strong benefits but also alters fundamental code that underpins billions of dollars in value. For this reason we have sympathy with the proposal that it be implemented in Litecoin first. After a period of 6 to 12 months SW could then be applied to Bitcoin, incorporating any lessons learned." << why not experiment with eth ? dao ? c-ripple even ? digging up ltc corpse is 1503329;1468609654;pete_dushenski;like clinton digging up corpse of confucius in justifying centralised mega-bureaucracy 1503330;1468609711;shinohai;Because if we don't do it to Bitcoin, we lost the war and our upboats meant NOTHING!!!! 1503331;1468609746;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: recall that usg sits on top of egyptian pyramid - sized heap of fpga. why not, then, hijack an old, familiar scrypt-based altcoin, and proclaim 'see, YES WE CAN!111' etc 1503332;1468609754;asciilifeform;hence ltc. 1503333;1468609760;pete_dushenski;shinohai: gotta love the '6-12 months' bit too. so vague, so comminuteee oriented, so 'when the feeling strikes' 1503334;1468609785;shinohai;^^ 1503335;1468609819;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: is it clear to you that usg has edge with scrypt over chicoms ? 1503336;1468609859;*;diana_coman is not much into graphics but has heard more of Inkscape than Gimp 1503337;1468609861;asciilifeform;ask the fella with the intel and s33333r111t evidence, not me 1503338;1468609883;asciilifeform;diana_coman: inkscape is almost usable 1503339;1468609892;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: mp didn't make egyptian fpga claim!!1 1503340;1468609931;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: xilinx and altera make $B+ of them / yr and they aren't going into tv sets etc. 1503341;1468609960;asciilifeform;usg is ~sole buyer, everybody else - rounding error. 1503342;1468609984;asciilifeform;i have nfi for what they are used, for all i know they glue them into a throne for hitler to sit in. 1503343;1468610010;pete_dushenski;hard to believe that brokeback usg is spending $bn on anything useful just to store in industrial warehouse until majick ltc day cometh 1503344;1468610017;asciilifeform;not stored, no 1503345;1468610018;asciilifeform;powered. 1503346;1468610026;pete_dushenski;lol! 1503347;1468610032;pete_dushenski;what, mining ltc then ? 1503348;1468610039;asciilifeform;after the demise of cray, the old machines were decommissioned, and replaced with ??? 1503349;1468610064;asciilifeform;(we know that ??? eats plenty of mains current, and requires titanic coolers, just like the old crays; and likewise that it does not consist wholly of stock x86 boxes.) 1503350;1468610068;pete_dushenski;so pardon my ignorance but what were crays used for back when they were used ? 1503351;1468610077;asciilifeform;cryptoanalysis. 1503352;1468610151;pete_dushenski;i hesitate to ask what usg understands 'cryptoanalysis' to mean in practical terms because it's hard to fathom that it can either think or act on such terms, but... 1503353;1468610228;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: the usg that promulgates diddled ciphers which are then breakable with array of fpga, and the usg that puts my mail into the box across the street, are not same entity. 1503354;1468610229;pete_dushenski;o hey xilinx has market cap of $12 bn aka 1/30th of facebook. 1503355;1468610260;pete_dushenski;looks like it's pretty obvious where their marketing efforts are going atm eh 1503356;1468610281;pete_dushenski;$s metansa 1503357;1468610282;a111;7 results for "metansa", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=metansa 1503358;1468610301;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: i'm aware of this ancient thread. aha 1503359;1468610341;pete_dushenski;pretty much reduces to dan's 'invisible visible god' yknow 1503360;1468610407;trinque;that the thing is politically inept does not reduce to "never did anything ever" 1503361;1468610415;trinque;however politically expedient 1503362;1468610443;danielpbarron;Dan is not a nickname for Daniel. The former came way before the latter. Dan was a son of Jacob (Israel), Daniel was a prophet who came generations later 1503363;1468610496;pete_dushenski;trinque: 'never' and 'ever' are long timeframes, granted. but where do you draw the line ? 1503364;1468610593;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: well, dan isn't a nickname for daniel.... except it is. that different people are better known by one or the other doesn't change the fact that 'king dick the lionheart' is perfectly valid 1503365;1468610617;pete_dushenski;...if you're in the position to name things 1503366;1468610629;trinque;"usg" is not a cohesive whole 1503367;1468610638;*;danielpbarron goes by Daniel 1503368;1468610658;pete_dushenski;noted. 1503369;1468610665;trinque;the part which breaks cryptography for insider trading and such isn't necessarily the same which ham-handedly lights the middle east on fire 1503370;1468610702;trinque;one of the interesting parts of the coming disintegration of the federal govt is getting to see what gangs exist within 1503371;1468610746;pete_dushenski;to be sure, parts aren't the same because http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1502227 1503372;1468610746;a111;Logged on 2016-07-12 20:35 mircea_popescu: "oh i know, we've created a sort of monarchy without a king, basically just the court and nobody there to behead us - we'll call it democracy. if anyone inquires into the matter we can always add modern in front and it'll be all good!" 1503373;1468610767;trinque;aha 1503374;1468610809;pete_dushenski;but them not being the same and the possibility of one being effective are differing considerations 1503375;1468610836;pete_dushenski;they can both be different and useless. so why isn't this the case ? 1503376;1468610858;trinque;"sucks because usg" is blunt and useless analysis 1503377;1468610868;trinque;"usg" launched a saturn v once 1503378;1468610889;trinque;I criticize "USG" as a category; it barely defines anything 1503379;1468610892;pete_dushenski;blunt, yes. useless, far from it. it's a highly efficient heuristic 1503380;1468611008;trinque;yes, because this is how the allies beat the nazis, by parroting "nazis can't do anything anyway" 1503381;1468611095;trinque;these nazis certainly *can* break various forms of "SSL", to pick something at random 1503382;1468611188;pete_dushenski;which is why they want the internet to be 'safe' by using exactly that broken technology. sure. but this is like the hunter who only visits the zoo. can you still call him an effective hunter ? 1503383;1468611234;trinque;this is precisely mircea_popescu's and asciilifeform's conversation (yesterday?) about the definition of an army 1503384;1468611271;pete_dushenski;i can see it. 1503385;1468611289;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-14#1503077 1503386;1468611289;a111;Logged on 2016-07-14 21:15 mircea_popescu: armies win. 1503387;1468611310;trinque;so, while I loathe the creature, while it still sits there, it is *literally* still effective. 1503388;1468611317;pete_dushenski;right. and usg... doesn't win. 1503389;1468611323;trinque;... 1503390;1468611339;trinque;if wishes were.. or however the thing goes 1503391;1468611345;pete_dushenski;it wins self-made 'wars' as per http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/13/modernists-fixing-self-made-problems-since-1964-and-before/ 1503392;1468611382;trinque;$s from:asciilifeform cribbed 1503393;1468611382;a111;19 results for "from:asciilifeform cribbed", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20cribbed 1503394;1468611394;trinque;there is no god in the sky handing out flags for bad form 1503395;1468611399;pete_dushenski;you can only say that usg is 'literally' effective if you degrade the definition of effective to the point where it's what petrocheese is to french brie 1503396;1468611439;pete_dushenski;ie. not the high watermark so much as a tenuously related shadow of the thing itself 1503397;1468611476;trinque;and yet it sits there, and you do not. 1503398;1468611544;pete_dushenski;and yet i sit here, and usg does not. 1503399;1468611550;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503273 << in principle you don't want logging for browser ; just to identify the owner. this is not so unlike the concept of root. otherwise - logins are mostly a "forum" ie, www-bbs item 1503400;1468611550;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 17:49 asciilifeform: long ago, i tried my hand at 'sane blogging engine' and barfed; simply can't stand wwwtronic idiocy, e.g,. 'logging in', 'browser state', https crapolade tower, css, etc. 1503401;1468611566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and admin how ? 1503402;1468611577;asciilifeform;(enter new ps0ts, mod comments, etc) 1503403;1468611582;mircea_popescu;you also don't as a matter of principle need or want https. you might notice trilema redirects you to http 1503404;1468611596;mircea_popescu;as to css, whatevs. isn't actually needed. 1503405;1468611600;trinque;pete_dushenski: the world can not both be befouled by socialism and socialism be ineffective *at creating the products of socialism* 1503406;1468611614;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you need ONE magic login is what i mean, not infinity logins. 1503407;1468611627;asciilifeform;1 is not any easier than 1,001 1503408;1468611637;asciilifeform;it pulls in the whole shitstack 1503409;1468611665;mircea_popescu;not the way it works on mp-wp, not really. 1503410;1468611700;pete_dushenski;trinque: possibly. digesting. bbiab. 1503411;1468611705;asciilifeform;from my reading of the src, mp-wp does not materially differ from stock wp in this respect 1503412;1468611708;trinque;pete_dushenski: cheers 1503413;1468611730;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503282 << note that usg.crap is always "rape as marital bliss", "bankruptcy as wealth" etc etc. 1503414;1468611730;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 18:26 pete_dushenski: this daylight theft wrapped up as 'transparencee' caters directly to teh aspie crowd, the kind who fancies himself genre savvy without really being so. the victim of 'taught controversy', if you will. 1503415;1468611758;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it does - login is chiefly by-ip. even if the "cookies" nonsense has not been excised. 1503416;1468611769;asciilifeform;this does 0 against mitm. 1503417;1468611798;mircea_popescu;sure sure, let someone mitm your blog. dumbest use ever. 1503418;1468611820;asciilifeform;not any dumber than mitming my trb node. 1503419;1468611829;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503284 << yeah, also a large piece of the dumbsenal. "this shouldn't be discussed because it already was" "when and by whom ?" "don't ask so many questions" 1503420;1468611829;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 18:27 trinque: or BingoBoingo's "the debate was had" 1503421;1468612524;asciilifeform;speaking of which, i'd still like to know where bock got all of those pubkeys that aren't in sks. 1503422;1468612534;asciilifeform;(a coupla dozen unaccounted for) 1503423;1468612557;asciilifeform;and what, precisely, kept him from having exact superset of sks, for that matter, i got quite a few which he did not. 1503424;1468612614;asciilifeform;in all likelihood, the crock of shit was concocted with the aim of making us waste some cycles attempting to answer said q's. 1503425;1468614130;trinque;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/15/turkey-low-flying-jets-and-gunfire-heard-in-ankara1/ 1503426;1468614777;trinque;BingoBoingo: ^ maybe moar weather 1503427;1468615097;pete_dushenski;http://www.gizmag.com/tap-strap-wearable-bluetooth-keyboard/43337/ << speaking of styluses and alt-input devices, i give you this abomination. 1503428;1468615146;pete_dushenski;trinque: gotta love 'illegal attempt' to seize power. well ya, no shit. what fucking legal attempts to seize power could there possibly be ? 1503429;1468615167;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: snore, for same reason as the laser keyboard of 10 yrs ago 1503430;1468615170;asciilifeform;or the touch screen idiocy 1503431;1468615197;pete_dushenski;or palm pilot 'script' twenty years ago 1503432;1468615200;asciilifeform;without a mechanical dampener, it is same as banging against the wall. 1503433;1468615215;asciilifeform;folks with a propensity for this, used to be put in padded cell 1503434;1468615220;asciilifeform;so they do not damage themselves. 1503435;1468615227;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: palm pilot script was useful. 1503436;1468615261;asciilifeform;it was a reasonable simulacrum of handwriting, for short inputs, rather than a futile banging of your fingers against unresponsive surface 1503437;1468615263;phf;pete_dushenski: compared to shit that came out since palm pilot script was amazing 1503438;1468615267;asciilifeform;^ 1503439;1468615279;pete_dushenski;aha. i had one as a kid. it was very spiffy toy. 1503440;1468615289;asciilifeform;i still miss the thing 1503441;1468615300;phf;it's funny how back then was like "well, this is not quite there, but i'm sure they'll work out kinks in the future" 1503442;1468615301;asciilifeform;and every so often toy with the idea of getting one and cleaning it up 1503443;1468615309;asciilifeform;phf: aha! 1503444;1468615347;phf;and now people buy newtons and apples on ebay because available personal organizers are awful 1503445;1468615354;asciilifeform;yes! 1503446;1468615358;phf;newtons and palms rather 1503447;1468615371;asciilifeform;but every time i look at newton, i recall why it died, thing fits in ~no pocket. 1503448;1468615395;pete_dushenski;same as iphone 6 'plus' 1503449;1468615400;pete_dushenski;or samsung 'note' 1503450;1468615407;pete_dushenski;meant for purse, not pocket 1503451;1468615430;asciilifeform;not even every purse. 1503452;1468615461;pete_dushenski;http://www.technobuffalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/palm_v.jpg << one i had. 'v' :P 1503453;1468615478;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i had several, ending with that one. 1503454;1468615489;asciilifeform;it even had rechargeable battery ! 1503455;1468615505;phf;i couldn't afford pro level palm, had to use "visor" 1503456;1468615506;pete_dushenski;it was a bit too geek chic for artsy school but i enjoyed it. 1503457;1468615516;asciilifeform;the thing was nearly perfect for reading plain text. 1503458;1468615541;asciilifeform;was good for very little else, but the screen was amazing 1503459;1468615552;asciilifeform;pure b&w, with backlight, but quite readable without 1503460;1468615558;asciilifeform;try and find this today. at ANY price point. 1503461;1468615669;phf;i use a psion as an organizer, and i still can't get used to the fact that it looks ~good~ in direct sunlight. like it's some amazing novel technology 1503462;1468615670;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: have you tried sony 'digital paper' ? 1503463;1468615681;pete_dushenski;http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1179696-REG/sony_dpts1_digital_paper_system.html << it 1503464;1468615710;phf;pete_dushenski: we've had this in logs :> it runs some form of windows ce 1503465;1468615711;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: looks like 'kindle' but with SLIGHTLY higher res 1503466;1468615718;asciilifeform;why would i pay 700 for this?? 1503467;1468615759;pete_dushenski;phf: aha! missed the 'ce' bit 1503468;1468615772;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: because 'any price point' includes 700 1503469;1468615779;asciilifeform;but NOT WHAT I ASKED FOR 1503470;1468615841;asciilifeform;i've been reading plain text off epaper for years now. but only because it is IMPOSSIBLE to get device with decent b&w reflective lcd. 1503471;1468615861;asciilifeform;i ~like~ lcd, and its crisp edges, epaper is fuzzy, like badly tuned old crt 1503472;1468615881;asciilifeform;and has no way to optionally backlight, as it is not transparent 1503473;1468615900;asciilifeform;(latest 'kindle' has a frontlight, but it is not same thing, but more like what old electronic wristwatches had) 1503474;1468615934;pete_dushenski;holy cromoly that's some lightning outside. this must be the rainiest summer in memory. every afternoon with the wet stuff! 1503475;1468615956;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: ya, just saw that 'digital paper' isn't backlit 1503476;1468615974;asciilifeform;the other abominable thing about epaper is the refresh rate 1503477;1468615985;asciilifeform;it redraws, slowly, visibly to the naked eye 1503478;1468615991;asciilifeform;forget about, e.g., scrolling. 1503479;1468615999;pete_dushenski;like etch-a-sketch aha 1503480;1468616010;asciilifeform;and before anyone asks, yes i have the latest example made. 1503481;1468616023;asciilifeform;it is 5% faster, big fat fucking deal 1503482;1468616034;asciilifeform;not a replacement for lcd. 1503483;1468616103;asciilifeform;i can even tell you what is in store for epaper aficionados: the thing will be colourized, and the original b&w version will be taken off the market; just as with lcd; the colour version will be blurrier and less suitable for text, but WATCH LOLCATS YOU TERRORIST 1503484;1468616114;trinque;webbyz: 1503485;1468616117;trinque;ah rap 1503486;1468616119;trinque;*crap 1503487;1468616177;phf;i was really happy with the old keyboard kindle, it had free internet, and was just generally a very promising oldfag device. hardware keyboard, promising screen, ~lighter than any versions since~, had a bunch of linux hacks including a terminal. i ported a zork interpreter to it. and of course amazon doesn't care about oldfag market, so kindles went downhill fast since 1503488;1468616190;asciilifeform;phf: i still have that one ('dx') 1503489;1468616245;asciilifeform;and a more recent unit, with frontlight, which i gave to pet, i could not abide the lack of mechanical switches 1503490;1468616249;pete_dushenski;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/13/one-striking-chart-shows-why-pharma-companies-are-fighting-legal-marijuana/ << in which we see that clitler hates big pharma, wants to bring back us agro via weed. 1503491;1468616277;phf;yeah, i have a dx too, i also have two or three small keyboard ones, but they break easily (i broke like 4 or 5) with they way i use them anyway, and since the kindle direction is clearly dodgy i just don't feel like doing anything with them 1503492;1468616349;asciilifeform;epaper is a disappointment, imho; there was some promising tech in 'static lcd' (which draws 0 current when holding image) while retaining the speed/crispness; but afaik it died. 1503493;1468616464;asciilifeform;a decade or so ago, there was an outfit ('pixel qi') that purported to sell sunlight-viewable displays, they were, iirc, well-received, but also died. 1503494;1468616490;asciilifeform;i guess modern konsooomer is expected to sit in a cave, like a mole, and not try to use machinery in the sun 1503495;1468616509;trinque;I researched those this week; pixel qi sold to an outfit that seems to be sitting on the patents 1503496;1468616526;*;pete_dushenski expects pokemon go to revolutionise sun limitations of screens 1503497;1468616533;trinque;http://www.tripuso.com/ 1503498;1468616544;trinque;apparently still manufacturing 1503499;1468616547;phf;or just crank up the backlight burning through battery until next recharge 1503500;1468616590;asciilifeform;trinque: manufacturing for whom ? 1503501;1468616608;asciilifeform;trinque: where can anything containing 'pixel qi' be bought ? 1503502;1468616631;asciilifeform;i'ma guess it now services usg (e.g., 'general dynamics' army laptops) solely. 1503503;1468616703;trinque;I just called them actually, asking pricing and so on. 1503504;1468616712;trinque;that Tripuso bought Pixel Qi's tech 1503505;1468616718;trinque;got voicemail 1503506;1468616741;asciilifeform;mega-unsurprise. 1503507;1468616865;asciilifeform;trinque: even if you could buy the panel (they do appear on, e.g., ebay, regularly) -- where do you intend to put it ? 1503508;1468616908;asciilifeform;thing doesn't take anything like a vga or dvi input. 1503509;1468616955;asciilifeform;you could try to locate one of the laptops they worked with (qi was sold as an after-market add-on thing) but they weren't much to write home about. 1503510;1468616967;pete_dushenski;http://qntra.net/2015/11/clinton-found-a-turkey/#comment-64209 << aha. 1503511;1468616997;pete_dushenski;https://bitbet.us/bet/1230/turkey-land-area-to-shrink-in-2016/ << also. 1503512;1468617082;trinque;asciilifeform: I've seen them wired up to controller boards that speak vga/hdmi around the net 1503513;1468617111;asciilifeform;trinque: have fun carrying board and desktop around... 1503514;1468617162;asciilifeform;my point was that the thing will fit in no recent portable gadget. 1503515;1468617184;asciilifeform;and this is not a problem with qi specifically, but with konsoomer crapolade in general. 1503516;1468617194;trinque;asciilifeform: https://www.adafruit.com/product/1303 << this isn't that big. 1503517;1468617202;asciilifeform;no 2 'tablets' , afaik, have interchangeable lcd. 1503518;1468617219;asciilifeform;trinque: bigger than a palm V !! 1503519;1468617224;asciilifeform;and betcha it wants 12v 1503520;1468617231;asciilifeform;where will you get it ? 1503521;1468617378;asciilifeform;pretty much all amateur attempts at portable computer are comically clunky. 1503522;1468617382;asciilifeform;i know of 0 exceptions. 1503523;1468617386;trinque;I'm not launching a product here, lol 1503524;1468617425;trinque;looks like a neat toy 1503525;1468617428;asciilifeform;even as a one-of-a-kind handmade thing 1503526;1468617437;asciilifeform;nobody, afaik, has done anything of the kind. 1503527;1468617476;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8MDCIlOEk << obligatory. 1503528;1468617631;asciilifeform;anyway, exotic lcd aside, i would HAPPILY buy a device with newton's lcd but modern (lightweight) micro inside. 1503529;1468617637;asciilifeform;but no such thing exists or is ever likely to. 1503530;1468617667;pete_dushenski;https://bugcrowd.com/fca << megal0lotron. if anyone thought apocalyptic's work offers were insulting low, they haven't seen fiat chrysler's yet. 1503531;1468617678;asciilifeform;because lolcats dun look so hot on a 480x320 lcd. 1503532;1468618464;phf;hehe, that teardown is amusing 1503533;1468619130;shinohai;I found a bug, car is pos made in America. Send bounty plox. 1503534;1468619431;pete_dushenski;lol toyota camry is 'made in america' and isn't fit for the poubelle. NICE TRY. 1503535;1468619522;pete_dushenski;a whole host of mercs ~are~ made in us of a, however, and yes, are little more than very expensive and equally disposable smartph0nes 1503536;1468619560;pete_dushenski;bmws idem. 1503537;1468619726;shinohai;The lolz, "Germany has denied Erdogan permission to land his plane." 1503538;1468619857;pete_dushenski;long gone are the days of von moltke and the close ties between prussia and the ottomans eh 1503539;1468619876;shinohai;So it appears, 1503540;1468619881;shinohai;lol 1503541;1468619994;pete_dushenski;(helmuth von moltke 'westernised' the ottoman army in the 1830s) 1503542;1468620191;shinohai;Well army has declared coup, so let's see how well this little drama plays out. 1503543;1468620209;shinohai;Erogdan "I'm still in charge folks, I can tweet!" 1503544;1468620216;pete_dushenski;apparently that little rain storm was worse than i thought... chunks of the city are w/o power... http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/roads-flooding-in-edmonton-after-epic-thunderstorm-1.3681796 << "epic!" 1503545;1468620357;pete_dushenski;https://twitter.com/KentMGlobal/status/753996788638494720 << in other local news, you might not be interested in isis tactics, but isis tactics are interested in you. 1503546;1468620385;pete_dushenski;s/isis/buddhist monk worx too 1503547;1468621118;shinohai;http://archive.is/GgzK6 <<< dao 2.0 I guess will be engineered by *surprise!* a startup 1503548;1468621756;trinque;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cnb6CbtXEAItLeI.jpg << ah how hilariously humiliating. 1503549;1468621884;phf;trinque: where's that from? 1503550;1468621920;asciilifeform;clearly tr deeesperately wants into eu!1111 1503551;1468621969;trinque;phf: https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/jul/15/turkey-coup-attempt-military-gunfire-ankara 1503552;1468622029;asciilifeform;phf: in the logz already 1503553;1468622086;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503293 << yeah waht was there ? 1503554;1468622086;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 18:45 asciilifeform: http://www.lccentral.com/2016/07/13/explosion-in-panaca << already censored. 1503555;1468622134;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: all i could find is 'sheriff concludes that only bomber died' and 'attempted revenge on boss' 1503556;1468622135;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503313 << lulzy bs. 1503557;1468622135;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 18:54 shinohai: http://archive.is/MuKCl <<< gearing up for next classic push 1503558;1468622144;mircea_popescu;who the fuck is "andrew clifford" again ? 1503559;1468622170;asciilifeform;they called up the tardreservez? 1503560;1468622185;shinohai;Obviously he is someone that thinks "open letters" to the "komoooonuity" will work. 1503561;1468622191;mircea_popescu;oh this is hysterical lmao. 1503562;1468622258;mircea_popescu;bitco.in › ... › Bitcoin Protocol › Bitcoin Unlimited 11 ian. 2016 - BUIP011: Andrew Clifford for President Submitted 12/01/2016 I think that a lot of people will know my posts from bitcointalk, reddit, and now the 1503563;1468622266;mircea_popescu;meanwhile beleeted, but you can imagine. 1503564;1468622345;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno if you recall buterin's humble beginnings as a "bitcoin magazine" gofer ? 1503565;1468622372;asciilifeform;nope 1503566;1468622372;mircea_popescu;back when the circle of derps thought they not only have some power in bitcoin, but outright control it ? 2011ish or so ? 1503567;1468622380;mircea_popescu;ah, lotta lulz buried in there. 1503568;1468622387;asciilifeform;but i'd be the last to know 1503569;1468622400;mircea_popescu;anyway. he started exactly like this other schmuck. 1503570;1468622432;asciilifeform;not having a staff of latrine divers, nor esp. inclined myself, i tend to be a little behind on such tidbits 1503571;1468622507;asciilifeform;but yes, every servant of evil has some rock he once crawled out under from 1503572;1468622519;mircea_popescu;makes sense. 1503573;1468622609;asciilifeform;i suppose old muppet tore, new one is being readied. 1503574;1468622651;mircea_popescu;anyway. /me vaguely considers leaving the derp a "stop posturing ; read the required material", but whatevs. 1503575;1468622868;mircea_popescu; http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503327 << just because you have wild, entirely unsuported in practice expectations of a gui, and just because you don't know how to / want to script it, doesn't mean the tool doesn't work. 1503576;1468622868;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 19:02 asciilifeform: even 'deluxe paint II' for amiga (!) beats the shit out of gimp. 1503577;1468622876;mircea_popescu;it WILL take scheme. stop whining. 1503578;1468622964;asciilifeform;'want a glass of beer..? here's a pile of hydrogen, go, fuse' 1503579;1468622970;mircea_popescu; http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503331 << this is a nice theory, but afaik it was exactly never verified in practice. it's altogether improbable the excel secret agents are actually capable of managing the farm / applying it to any definite purpose. 1503580;1468622970;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 19:09 asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: recall that usg sits on top of egyptian pyramid - sized heap of fpga. why not, then, hijack an old, familiar scrypt-based altcoin, and proclaim 'see, YES WE CAN!111' etc 1503581;1468622980;mircea_popescu;so yes, sits on top of pile ; much like a dog on pile of bricks. 1503582;1468622985;mircea_popescu;it ain't building any dams anytime soon. 1503583;1468623000;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ya well. 1503584;1468623021;mircea_popescu;i tell you, when i wanted specific effect i wrote it out, works fine to this day. 1503585;1468623024;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: most likely, pile sits around busting aes. 1503586;1468623031;mircea_popescu;busting my foot. 1503587;1468623053;asciilifeform;hey that's what it was built for. 1503588;1468623068;asciilifeform;like des prior. 1503589;1468623069;mircea_popescu;and littoral combat ship was built for being fast agile stealth. 1503590;1468623080;mircea_popescu;it manages instead to be lulzy. 1503591;1468623136;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503351 << more like glorified word processingf for navy cocksockets. 1503592;1468623136;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 19:14 asciilifeform: cryptoanalysis. 1503593;1468623194;mats;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503530 << paying anything close to a reasonable sum for a bug would be devastatingly uneconomical for most software shops 1503594;1468623194;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 21:21 pete_dushenski: https://bugcrowd.com/fca << megal0lotron. if anyone thought apocalyptic's work offers were insulting low, they haven't seen fiat chrysler's yet. 1503595;1468623230;mats;its really for folks looking to pad their resume 1503596;1468623241;*;mircea_popescu recalls the defective lock analogy. 1503597;1468623280;asciilifeform;and if yet not aryan enough, they'll simply swallow the goodz and pay 0 1503598;1468623304;asciilifeform;*you're 1503599;1468623334;mats;speaking from experience? 1503600;1468623343;asciilifeform;(or,more often, tell you to piss off) 1503601;1468623358;asciilifeform;mats: possibly 1503602;1468623413;asciilifeform;and on top of this, nobody knows what 'market price' of bug is 1503603;1468623479;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503378 << this is an emerging problem. yet recall http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-07#1498863 1503604;1468623479;a111;Logged on 2016-07-07 18:09 mircea_popescu: here's something for the historian in alf! there's ancient statement of the principle, recorded in 1970 milwaukee journal : "You make yourself ridiculous by thinking you can do anything. The word is divided in two. The Russians and the Americans, no one else. What are we? Americans. Behind me there is the government, behind the government is NATO, behind NATO is the US. You can't fight us, we are Americans." 1503605;1468623479;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 19:28 trinque: I criticize "USG" as a category; it barely defines anything 1503606;1468623530;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform his observation is well grounded though. the maximum that can be extracted from victim is necessarily below the total damage the bug inflicts. which is why it's always better to sell to enemy of victim. which is why market is complex. 1503607;1468623552;asciilifeform;aha! 1503608;1468623590;mircea_popescu;"how much would you pay me for information that prevents destruction of $1mn worth of materiel ?" us army : "3% of total damage as evaluated by us" ru army, in general "150% of maximal damage" and on the day before invasion, up to 1mn% of same. 1503609;1468623602;mircea_popescu;time sensitive, context sensitive, for which reasons very much not a market. 1503610;1468623605;mircea_popescu;anti-integrable. 1503611;1468623630;asciilifeform;not to mention that 'save you from doom' entails uncertainty and ergo lemon market, whereas 'pay me to kill x' is immediately evaluatable 1503612;1468623682;mircea_popescu;anyway - i wonder at what point of turning the vice around its ballsac, usg finally relents, admits that it is way the fuck cheaper and therefore better to be friends with the smart people, throws idiots to the dogs. so we get license to capture humanities majors from horseback on campus, and they get the default immunity they like to pretend they currently have. 1503613;1468623697;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. quite. different path to same problem. 1503614;1468623813;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dun see that capitulation as a possibility. 1503615;1468623832;mircea_popescu;everything is a possibility that wasn't visible as one. the only things that never happen are the perceived alternatives. 1503616;1468623852;mircea_popescu;which is why in highschool interest tv dramas, the 2nd choice never gets laid. it's either the main or the dark horse. 1503617;1468623876;asciilifeform;the whole statist orchestra depends on plugging whatever possible exits, at all cost 1503618;1468623884;mircea_popescu;not really, no. 1503619;1468623892;trinque;and scientology couldn't possibly infiltrate and seize tax exempt status. 1503620;1468623894;mircea_popescu;can just as well exist as "fascist" version of socialism. 1503621;1468623907;trinque;the "government" isn't a thing independent of the people in it, which should be obvious 1503622;1468623914;trinque;but seems to always be considered as leviathan 1503623;1468623949;trinque;and trump couldn't possibly "republican" and so on 1503624;1468623949;mircea_popescu;and as its survival is actually its only paramount value (recall george costanza in the fire scene ? "without leaders we'd all be lost! i had to survive" - life as supreme value perversely translates to, perpetuation of socialism state at expense of all life), it WILL at some point spontaneously recrystalize from "modern democracy" socialism to national socialism. 1503625;1468623964;mircea_popescu;not a question of if, even. a question of how much stress required before it pops. 1503626;1468624016;mircea_popescu;and similarly re concentration camps. whenever you have socialism in power, you eventually DO get the camps. this isn't open to discussion. 1503627;1468624091;asciilifeform;y'know, warehousing folks prior to gassing is optional 1503628;1468624099;asciilifeform;can gas in real time. 1503629;1468624107;mircea_popescu;yes, but the camps are a different thing. 1503630;1468624141;mircea_popescu;i wish to buy caged "modern feminist" by the pound. eventually, usg WILL sell this product to me. 1503631;1468624204;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnfbhdELQLA << modern democracy socialism (bald, with glasses) reaches recrystalization point, becomes national socialsm spontaneously. 1503632;1468624263;asciilifeform;lel, by pound? mircea_popescu has some hungry pirannhas or wat. 1503633;1468624301;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe compost, maybe the lu zhi treatment... 1503634;1468624321;asciilifeform;'human pig' ? 1503635;1468624340;mircea_popescu;$google concubine qi 1503636;1468624341;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consort_Qi << Consort Qi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/the-demonization-of-empress-wu-20743091/ << The Demonization of Empress Wu | History | Smithsonian | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empress_L%C3%BC_Zhi << Empress Lü Zhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1503637;1468624361;asciilifeform;aha - human pig 1503638;1468624368;mircea_popescu;aha. 1503639;1468624438;mircea_popescu;gotta spend the bitcoin wealth on something. the worthy is always a good choice. 1503640;1468624545;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503421 << they omitted publishing this. or, if memory serves, the actual factors ? 1503641;1468624545;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 19:55 asciilifeform: speaking of which, i'd still like to know where bock got all of those pubkeys that aren't in sks. 1503642;1468624586;mircea_popescu;occam proposes "they were just made up". wanted to make his list look "complete" thus it had to be longer ; failed to realise phuctor is AN ACTUAL THING rather than the drawing of a thing, and so will find some more still. 1503643;1468624616;mircea_popescu;so moved on to phase 2 of the usg.asset cycle, where he's now dormant and periodically fed contribution vomit. 1503644;1468624716;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503425 <<-->> http://qntra.net/2015/11/clinton-found-a-turkey/ 1503645;1468624716;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 20:22 trinque: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/15/turkey-low-flying-jets-and-gunfire-heard-in-ankara1/ 1503646;1468624848;phf;"Google deletes artist’s blog, a decade of his work (fusion.net)" 1503647;1468624919;phf;"Why Did American Cats Get Blamed for So Many Divorces? (atlasobscura.com)" 1503648;1468625079;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503451 << meant for well used snatch! 1503649;1468625079;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 20:43 asciilifeform: not even every purse. 1503650;1468625123;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503461 << i use a number of persons. works way the fuck better than any electronic gizmo ever invented. 1503651;1468625123;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 20:47 phf: i use a psion as an organizer, and i still can't get used to the fact that it looks ~good~ in direct sunlight. like it's some amazing novel technology 1503652;1468625160;mircea_popescu;i can't imagine why the fuck anyone would use the toy shits. if your affairs CAN be organized by the machine, you don't have affairs complex enough to require outside help. stop wasting your time with the thing and work teh noggin. 1503653;1468625275;phf;i have hard time keeping track of when i have various appointments, so i use an external "agenda" app. i'd be as well served by a paper calendar 1503654;1468625317;mircea_popescu;or else by a hardcore "if i can't remember you, we have no meeting" 1503655;1468625329;mircea_popescu;"wear a funny hat next time" 1503656;1468625411;mircea_popescu;anyway, i guess it's funny to the outside observer, but here's me doing a complete reversal re the book discussion. there really isn't any way to make the 2cm thick, a6 agenda fit in silicon. 1503657;1468625414;mircea_popescu;that thing is a thing. 1503658;1468625472;mircea_popescu;if you're young / poor / just starting out, you need the paper thing. if you're large enough, the next step is, assistant(s). there's just no way little pocket beeper figures in this line that my mind groks. 1503659;1468625620;mircea_popescu;about the only argument would be "well, that stuff is dangerous, and electronic version can have a proper unbreakable lock put on it". this'd weigh a lot more if YOU COULD ACTUALLY GET CRYPTO ONES! 1503660;1468625713;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503490 << we see no such thing. she's (by which we mean, the system people that manhandled her into running for them) entirely desperate, going to lose spectacularly in november, willing to try literally everything. if i could show her 1mn trump votes in half dozen states, she'd write numbers on her tits for us here. 1503661;1468625713;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 20:57 pete_dushenski: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/13/one-striking-chart-shows-why-pharma-companies-are-fighting-legal-marijuana/ << in which we see that clitler hates big pharma, wants to bring back us agro via weed. 1503662;1468625802;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503502 << seems like a safe bet yeah. 1503663;1468625802;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 21:03 asciilifeform: i'ma guess it now services usg (e.g., 'general dynamics' army laptops) solely. 1503664;1468625869;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503511 << heh, interesting bet turns out. 1503665;1468625869;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 21:09 pete_dushenski: https://bitbet.us/bet/1230/turkey-land-area-to-shrink-in-2016/ << also. 1503666;1468625884;phf;mircea_popescu: but psion has a handy busy view http://www.geek.com/hwswrev/psion/busyview/busyview1.jpg :) 1503667;1468625913;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1503668;1468625963;mircea_popescu;i'm not saying its a bad thing-that-it-is. just... you know the item i'm talking about ? 1503669;1468625973;mircea_popescu;you gotta, it was in ru in the 90s just as well as in ro and so on. 1503670;1468626001;phf;is it one of those with the "leather" outside and the rings? 1503671;1468626011;mircea_popescu;rings - optional. leather, mandatory. 1503672;1468626050;mircea_popescu;a-page-a-day sort of items ; you can take all sorts of not-readily-verbalizable notes in there. it's essentially the year's doodle collection, i have no idea how you'd alphabetize that. 1503673;1468626059;phf;yeah, those were actually handy. i used to keep agenda in a "moleskine" year planner, but those get ratty 6 months in 1503674;1468626075;*;mircea_popescu has had to arbiter more disputes that entirely hinged on a quickly scrawled set of three lines with dots on them than he cares to remember. 1503675;1468626167;mircea_popescu;thanks fucking god gpg doesn't clearsign such nonsense. 1503676;1468626246;phf;this position is at odds with your "no notes unless i can grep through them" somewhere in the logs. i don't know if i would necessarily care to grep through an agenda, but i somehow have more useful notes on paper, than i have on machine, despite trying very hard to computerize 1503677;1468626390;mircea_popescu;it's a separation of jobs thing. i fail to mentally divorce the point of "organizer" from entirely unverbalized, doodlery. getting an "organizer" is not, to my mind, unlike getting a cock holder made out of lego bricks. 1503678;1468626401;mircea_popescu;dude... wet, soft, fleshy things go in there. lego bricks are for something else. 1503679;1468626432;mircea_popescu;granted this may just as well be me being patently insane. 1503680;1468626444;mircea_popescu;one should not try to wear another's insanity. 1503681;1468626473;mircea_popescu;and in unrelated news, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ba-17-5.jpg 1503682;1468626481;phf;fwiw it's not any more insane than carrying a psion 5mx around 1503683;1468626533;mircea_popescu;phf there's a very substantial difference between THESE notes, ie, business planning and whatever they are, daily minutia ; and the notes there contemplated, which are subject of science, and entirely useless if not verbalized. 1503684;1468626574;mircea_popescu;you may call both notes, but they're entirely unrelated items. i want excellent records of any experiment i ever run ; but not of any flirting. 1503685;1468626656;phf;hmm 1503686;1468626690;mircea_popescu;not that i'd ever or have ever typed on anything but a proper fucking desktop keyboard. even the laptop is annoying to me because off spacing. 1503687;1468626988;phf;it also ties into your point that one must keep a blog 1503688;1468627006;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503538 << long gone are the days of germany being any sort of Preußen. 1503689;1468627006;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 21:57 pete_dushenski: long gone are the days of von moltke and the close ties between prussia and the ottomans eh 1503690;1468627029;phf;sometimes i feel, or rather i know, that i "learned" all these time saving techniques before i had time to save, and now i must unlearn them, because they ended up wasting a lot of time 1503691;1468627040;mircea_popescu;today it's more a sort of metastasized south tirol / bulgaria. whatever-her-name german chick fine representative of the eastern values and mentalities prevalent. 1503692;1468627054;mircea_popescu;phf i would expect this is a fair assessment. 1503693;1468627080;mircea_popescu;nothing's overdone by "civilised" folk more than "preparing" youth for "life". it does get nuts in spots. 1503694;1468627287;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503543 << note that assad survived in a much smaller country with a much weaker record. erdogan literally MADE turkey. it's hard to explain to outsiders, but let's just say under his rule turkey changed from being ~pennsylvania to ~texas. 1503695;1468627287;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 22:03 shinohai: Erogdan "I'm still in charge folks, I can tweet!" 1503696;1468627373;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503547 << o look, official mouthpiece now talking of "the dao's demise" ? aww, they seem to have forgotten some parts. again. 1503697;1468627373;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 22:18 shinohai: http://archive.is/GgzK6 <<< dao 2.0 I guess will be engineered by *surprise!* a startup 1503698;1468627390;mircea_popescu;what, this "demise" "just happened" ? 1503699;1468627683;lobbes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503490 << indeed. the whole "pledge to de-schedule" thing is meaningless, as well. Even if happened, it would have ~0 effect on the legal status of the stuff. 1503700;1468627683;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 20:57 pete_dushenski: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/13/one-striking-chart-shows-why-pharma-companies-are-fighting-legal-marijuana/ << in which we see that clitler hates big pharma, wants to bring back us agro via weed. 1503701;1468627696;lobbes;oops wrong link 1503702;1468627717;lobbes;same thread. close enough 1503703;1468627866;shinohai;Steem took a nosedive since news of hackz, down -14.96 % 1503704;1468627893;shinohai;Buttrex is having a field day no doubt. 1503705;1468627935;mircea_popescu;which is that one ? 1503706;1468627962;shinohai;Steem is the "get paid to reddit" coin 1503707;1468627967;mircea_popescu;ah ok 1503708;1468627987;mircea_popescu;what happened to the previous incarnation of this scam - perpetuated by conde nast itself ? 1503709;1468627989;mircea_popescu;"reddit notes" ? 1503710;1468628020;*;shinohai imagines Ryan X Charles going nuclear because idea stolen 1503711;1468628033;mircea_popescu;don't tell me it "Changed the world" for a few seasons only to quietly and permanently go away 1503712;1468628047;mircea_popescu;just like colored coins, ripple, ethereum, etcetereum 1503713;1468628152;mircea_popescu;lobbes the hipsters are supposed to go "well she's trying so nobody should criticize zer" 1503714;1468628157;shinohai;But steem is different! What people say has value! Something, blockchains. 1503715;1468628170;mircea_popescu;incidentally, is clinton female ? 1503716;1468628615;mircea_popescu;"The Solution To No Problems Back in 2011, when I ran AnonNews.org, I had to cope with frequent DDoS attacks - not all that surprising, given that it was a very popular news site and community for Anonymous, which was seeing the peak of its media coverage at the time. In 2011, however, it was pretty much impossible to get working DDoS mitigation for less than $100 a month, and that was simply not a budget I had to spend on it 1503717;1468628616;mircea_popescu;." 1503718;1468628620;*;mircea_popescu completely loses interest. 1503719;1468628637;mircea_popescu;seriously, $100 is not "a budget". don't be poor. 1503720;1468629926;mats;brutal 1503721;1468630055;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-16#1503716 <<< heh I read this, guy goes from bashing ClodFlare to recommending LetEncrypt in record time. 1503722;1468630055;a111;Logged on 2016-07-16 00:23 mircea_popescu: "The Solution To No Problems Back in 2011, when I ran AnonNews.org, I had to cope with frequent DDoS attacks - not all that surprising, given that it was a very popular news site and community for Anonymous, which was seeing the peak of its media coverage at the time. In 2011, however, it was pretty much impossible to get working DDoS mitigation for less than $100 a month, and that was simply not a budget I had to spend on it 1503723;1468630751;mircea_popescu;not that cloudflare is anything but ridoinculous steaming shitpile. 1503724;1468630784;shinohai;Hence my intentional misspelling of cloud to clod 1503725;1468630825;mircea_popescu;lol 1503726;1468630831;mircea_popescu;i missed that. 1503727;1468631475;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform & other interested parties : turkish usg nonsense firmly quashed, screenshot "mainstream" news sites if you wanna lulz art them later. 1503728;1468631483;mircea_popescu;will be deleting the "news reports" no doubt in the coming hours. 1503729;1468632033;phf;well, clinton was first "black" present, clitler is going to be first "female" president 1503730;1468632819;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNH0bmYT7os << sexist air conditioning 1503731;1468632925;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: waiwut 1503732;1468632929;asciilifeform;which nonsense 1503733;1468632930;asciilifeform;which news 1503734;1468633144;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503640 << published factors, but not where the fuck he got the pubkeys 1503735;1468633144;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 23:15 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503421 << they omitted publishing this. or, if memory serves, the actual factors ? 1503736;1468633145;asciilifeform;claimed sks. 1503737;1468633172;asciilifeform;but only posted the moduli, and none of the other data 1503738;1468633216;phf;it just needs to look sufficiently authoritative and complicated so reader is both reassured and doesn't want to perform due diligence 1503739;1468633337;asciilifeform;thing wasn't even pushed that hard. 1503740;1468633376;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503681 << i went with ben_vulpes and chetty and fed these parrots. 1503741;1468633376;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 23:47 mircea_popescu: and in unrelated news, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ba-17-5.jpg 1503742;1468633396;asciilifeform;i still have nfi which, precisely, parrot, these are. 1503743;1468633476;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503652 << i use, for the most part, my head. but my schedule is not very complicated. 1503744;1468633476;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 23:26 mircea_popescu: i can't imagine why the fuck anyone would use the toy shits. if your affairs CAN be organized by the machine, you don't have affairs complex enough to require outside help. stop wasting your time with the thing and work teh noggin. 1503745;1468633493;asciilifeform;my interest in '90s pocket gadgets has nothing to do with calendars. 1503746;1468633515;asciilifeform;and everything to do with reading b00kz 1503747;1468633555;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503686 << early '90s laptops had almost-civilized keyboards 1503748;1468633555;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 23:51 mircea_popescu: not that i'd ever or have ever typed on anything but a proper fucking desktop keyboard. even the laptop is annoying to me because off spacing. 1503749;1468633559;asciilifeform;at least geometrically speaking. 1503750;1468633604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform turkish "coup" 1503751;1468633608;phf;i particularly dig ibm's butterfly keyboard 1503752;1468633626;asciilifeform;phf: shame it only came with 486 1503753;1468633635;mircea_popescu;phf has it really. 1503754;1468633643;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what, hoax ? 1503755;1468633691;mircea_popescu;hanno boeck ( http://trilema.com/2016/psa-hanno-bock-still-a-deceitful-shitbag/ ) definitely hoax. turkish "coup", not hoax - major usg.dos success. as far as those go these days. 1503756;1468633702;phf;enough for doom and serial terminal :) 1503757;1468633709;mircea_popescu;call it "we got rid of assad" v2.0 with block chain technologies. 1503758;1468633734;asciilifeform;latest word is, they blew up tr parliament ? 1503759;1468633736;asciilifeform;or sumthing. 1503760;1468633740;mircea_popescu;heh nah. 1503761;1468633749;mircea_popescu;last word is, turkey kinda collectively shrugged. 1503762;1468633776;mircea_popescu;anglo derps keep pushing their usual "the embattled president" and "the military/{insert collective nouns}" etc. 1503763;1468633906;asciilifeform;why would usg wish to dethrone erdogan ? did he threaten to leave nato, or wat 1503764;1468633959;mircea_popescu;he made peace with putin ~3 days ago. 1503765;1468633975;*;asciilifeform slept through this. 1503766;1468633976;mircea_popescu;this is what hillary & friends at state perceived as their "nuclear option". 1503767;1468633981;mircea_popescu;it's ridoinculously fizzlefull. 1503768;1468634143;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform had an agreement over closing nato out of black sea sometime tues. 1503769;1468634177;asciilifeform;l0l! incl ro ? 1503770;1468634186;mircea_popescu;quite possibly. 1503771;1468634231;mircea_popescu;constanta is no match for ru ports ; and turkey holds the straits. strategically the position of nato in black sea is much worse than its generally tenuous standing on land in europe. 1503772;1468634301;mircea_popescu;anyway. romania will probably swing. ~nobody that i heard from likes the westerners anymoar. 1503773;1468634345;mircea_popescu;https://nastase.wordpress.com/2016/07/13/receptie-de-ramas-bun-la-ambasada-rusiei/ << ex pm. retirement of ru ambassador party. 1503774;1468634575;asciilifeform;lel, who's the old fella in mircea_popescu's avatar pic 1503775;1468634605;asciilifeform;or is this some other mircea_popescu 1503776;1468634616;asciilifeform;'not shakespeare, but man of the same name!' (tm) (r) 1503777;1468634708;phf;hah https://mipopescu.wordpress.com/ 1503778;1468635017;mats; hue 1503779;1468635178;mircea_popescu;random dude. 1503780;1468635204;mircea_popescu;it ~is~ a pretty common name, after all. 1503781;1468635556;mircea_popescu;http://www.sfatulbatranilor.ro/archive/index.php/t-5200.html << for the lulz-inclined. 1503782;1468635563;mircea_popescu;basically, old people being active on the internets. 1503783;1468635590;mircea_popescu;count the aol.com s, the yahoo.com s and be amazed. 1503784;1468635641;mircea_popescu; << 1503785;1468635672;mircea_popescu;Cepaliga@CkickNet.ro << that, for instance, is misspelled (clicknet.ro). leaving aside the FUCKING CAPITALIZATION - someone typed that shit by hand. off, no doubt, paper. 1503786;1468635877;phf;perhaps from their a6 agenda 1503787;1468635894;mircea_popescu;aceste cuvinte care ne doare. 1503788;1468635916;phf;hehe 1503789;1468635971;mircea_popescu;(romanian version of canard enchaine, immensely popular in the 90s, so much so that everyone who was anyone read each and every edition, had a permanent column by that name, approx "these words which do hurt us" in broken romanian.) 1503790;1468635994;mircea_popescu;did ru space have something like this ? 1503791;1468636167;phf;in a sense that it's a catch phrase from media that everyone is familiar with, yes, but i'm blanking on print media, i was not sufficiently someone back then 1503792;1468636190;asciilifeform;my archaeological work turned up no such thing. 1503793;1468636269;phf;i feel like that's more of a su thing, 90s in russia were handheld camera times, so it was more likely someone will start own tv station or try and get a spot on a fringe one like 2x2 1503794;1468636298;mircea_popescu;heh. this was an epic newspaper. perhaps the only actually good newspaper i ever personally witnessed. live, functional, the genuine article. 1503795;1468636306;mircea_popescu;lemme fish out perhaps their glory moment 1503796;1468636352;mircea_popescu;omfg. 1503797;1468636353;phf;only thing that comes to mind is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_eXile, i still have a couple of print editions on shelves somewhere 1503798;1468636356;mircea_popescu;all image hits ARE FROM TRILEMA 1503799;1468636358;mircea_popescu;god help us. 1503800;1468636366;mircea_popescu;what is even the fucking point jesus 1503801;1468636491;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/indescriptibila-academie-catafailencu/#comment-53513 << ran "O sarma sa taiem ; foame-i lu bitu' Ion" ie, let's cut a sarmali (trad ro dish for various events), uncle Ion [iliescu, the ducks from trucks president] is hungry. it is entirely homophonous with "aux armes citoyens, formez vos bataillons". the thing was for 14th of july. 1503802;1468636502;mircea_popescu;people were laughing on the street. i still recall the day. 1503803;1468636637;phf;cheeky 1503804;1468637323;BingoBoingo;"There are fewer Pokemon Go locations in black neighborhoods, but why? " 1503805;1468637758;BingoBoingo;Please archive.is Turkey lulz everybody! 1503806;1468637911;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO0g09LfbNQ 1503807;1468638357;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1503808;1468638360;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1503809;1468638361;gribble;Current Blocks: 420910 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 433 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 23 hours, 40 minutes, and 8 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1503810;1468638364;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 665.97, vol: 3199.79889177 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 652.51, vol: 3709.45646 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 667.63, vol: 9251.34602891 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 659.99, vol: 0.5 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 663.67048, vol: 22557.90880000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 667.779, vol: 1085.95988498 | Volume-weighted last average: 663.847579096 1503811;1468650287;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i got some. 1503812;1468650363;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/0ceAu https://archive.is/DGTdd https://archive.is/CEecw 1503813;1468654153;felipelalli;guys, have you seen this? https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-batsbzx-2016-30/batsbzx201630-2.htm 1503814;1468654167;felipelalli;this guy is from my city, unfortunately, what a shame. 1503815;1468654196;felipelalli;I'd love to see something about this on Qntra.net, WOT:nonperson hahah :D 1503816;1468655114;adlai;ask not what your qntra can read to you; ask what you can write for your qntra 1503817;1468659438;BingoBoingo;$b 1 1503818;1468674073;mircea_popescu;;;later tell felipelalli so a) write it and b) stop leaving, this is intended for permanent residence not hit-and-run actions. 1503819;1468674073;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1503820;1468674222;mircea_popescu;and in other wtf, anglos write naTion and noTion but nevertheless say naSHion and noSHion. because NOT ONLY do they have the romanian t, and s, which they don't bother to write down, but they also do the t, -> s, conversion like a buncha southern idiot plainsdwellers. romanian also spells nation and notion, but reads it like orcs one removed, natzion, notzion. fucking welchers do it like orcs twice removed, sh directly. 1503821;1468674300;shinohai;;;later tell felipelalli I will write something up, but will require a donation of 0.05 BTC to my "get off my ass on a weekend" fund. 1503822;1468674301;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1503823;1468674426;mircea_popescu;(similarly argentines don't read ll/y properly, but as sh instead. hence /saˈkate la moˈʧiʃa/ instead of the god given /saˈkate la moˈʧiʎa/.) 1503824;1468674656;mircea_popescu;and as phf can no doubt tell you, only orcs vocalize /ʎ/ as /ʃ/. and the worst kind, too. 1503825;1468677745;thestringpuller;$s steemit 1503826;1468677745;a111;2 results for "steemit", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=steemit 1503827;1468681561;mod6;mornin' o/ 1503828;1468681605;asciilifeform;'morning mod6 1503829;1468681613;mod6;how goes? 1503830;1468681623;asciilifeform;waking up. 1503831;1468681639;mod6;ya me too 1503832;1468681846;mod6;random roll on trilema landed me ohttp://trilema.com/2013/do-you-know-who-knows-everything-about-power-bitcoin-people/ 1503833;1468681855;mod6;bah 1503834;1468681858;mod6;http://trilema.com/2013/do-you-know-who-knows-everything-about-power-bitcoin-people/ 1503835;1468681876;mod6;kinda weird reading stuff you wrote 3 years ago. :] 1503836;1468681965;mod6;by 'you', i mean me. 1503837;1468682628;mircea_popescu;wait, you wrote it ? 1503838;1468682664;mircea_popescu;ah teh convo. hehe 1503839;1468683668;deedbot;[Trilema] Cargo cults, a case study. - http://trilema.com/2016/cargo-cults-a-case-study/ 1503840;1468683716;mircea_popescu;$up oama 1503841;1468683716;deedbot;oama voiced for 30 minutes. 1503842;1468683725;oama;hola 1503843;1468683734;mircea_popescu;are you here for the http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ ? :D 1503844;1468683742;mats;haro 1503845;1468683753;oama;lol, n-am mai citit trilema de-un car de ani așa că nu știu ce și cum 1503846;1468683772;mircea_popescu;english bish! 1503847;1468683797;oama;dadice? 1503848;1468683805;oama;ie canal internațional? 1503849;1468683813;mircea_popescu;aha. 1503850;1468683836;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-16#1503848 1503851;1468683836;a111;Logged on 2016-07-16 15:43 oama: ie canal internațional? 1503852;1468683849;oama;ugh 1503853;1468683893;mircea_popescu;they do speak english in thailand amirite 1503854;1468683973;oama;they speak thaiglish. which is like a totally different language 1503855;1468683990;mircea_popescu;you should hear pinoy chix engage in their version of english. 1503856;1468684099;oama;I wouldn't laugh! my english isn't the best out there so... 1503857;1468684105;oama;better than thaiglish though 1503858;1468684783;shinohai;Is that a genuine case made of *plastic* on that thing mircea_popescu ? 1503859;1468684819;shinohai;"COLOCAR MAS DE UN METRO DE OBJETOS COMBUSTIBLE" <<< i kinda consider most plastic combustible 1503860;1468684856;mircea_popescu;it is, yes. 1503861;1468684898;mircea_popescu;cheap vinyl too. 1503862;1468684920;mircea_popescu;not like you couldn't have proper thermoplastics if you wanted to. the old item foot for instance is quite resistent to heat. 1503863;1468684980;shinohai;Ihave seen a few space heaters here with thermoplastic cases, but they seem reasonably robust. 1503864;1468684999;mircea_popescu;well nobody forces you to use the wrong plastic for your application, you know. 1503865;1468685021;shinohai;Look t the money we saved! 1503866;1468685025;mircea_popescu;clearly. 1503867;1468685052;mircea_popescu;anyway. the item is made locally principally because i suspect it'd be illegal to ship internationally. 1503868;1468685070;mircea_popescu;accidental protectionism. 1503869;1468685241;shinohai;I am glad to own an actual "estufa" made of cast iron, which cheerfully warms the house with a log or three. 1503870;1468686280;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no siliconoil radiators in ar ? 1503871;1468686304;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: e.g., http://i.stack.imgur.com/kY2st.jpg 1503872;1468687177;mircea_popescu;nope. 1503873;1468687205;mircea_popescu;"mineral oil", afaik. 1503874;1468687270;mircea_popescu;and yes, that's the correct solution if for entirely incomprehensible reason you absolutely must have electric space heater : submerge resistors in thermically heavy oil, ie, re-do the circulating water radiator under the new design constraints. 1503875;1468687359;BingoBoingo;The trendy option here is electric heating element set under flooring in thinset mortar 1503876;1468687447;BingoBoingo;low voltage of course 1503877;1468688679;deedbot;[Qntra] Turkey Cooks - http://qntra.net/2016/07/turkey-cooks/ 1503878;1468693116;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/vytn8 1503879;1468694448;mircea_popescu;yeah, will eventually be bitcoin miner 1503880;1468694463;BingoBoingo;naturally 1503881;1468694485;BingoBoingo;Of course then will be placed in something more durable than thinset 1503882;1468697318;mats;https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/4d/2a/control-flow-enforcement-technology-preview.pdf 1503883;1468697797;mats;http://www.stripes.com/army-looks-to-deactivate-long-range-surveillance-companies-1.419337 wat 1503884;1468697878;mircea_popescu;outsourcing to russia ? 1503885;1468698022;mats;? 1503886;1468698053;mircea_popescu;long range surveillance 1503887;1468698067;mats;outsourcing to drones 1503888;1468698185;mats;drones have eaten LRS missions and has been threatening CAS for longer 1503889;1468698207;mats;this presumption of air dominance is not clever 1503890;1468698343;mats;LRRS* 1503891;1468699801;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-16#1503882 << i've been waiting for this idiocy for ages 1503892;1468699801;a111;Logged on 2016-07-16 19:28 mats: https://software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/4d/2a/control-flow-enforcement-technology-preview.pdf 1503893;1468699839;asciilifeform;dedicated control stack! not overflowable Because We Said So!11111 1503894;1468699851;asciilifeform;like ethertardium. 1503895;1468699873;asciilifeform;make winblowz safe for demoooooceacy! 1503896;1468700146;mats;i read that with a thick slavic accent 1503897;1468700200;mats;are you a stereotype, asciilifeform 1503898;1468700207;mats;i need to verify my mental model 1503899;1468700603;phf;"Intel is pushing a neat technique that could block malware infections on computers at the processor level." kek 1503900;1468700791;phf;on a totally unrelated note, for keeping in logs, http://www.powerclinicinc.com/ handy service that repairs arbitrary power supplies 1503901;1468700979;phf;asciilifeform: that also seems to break setjmp/longjmp? not to mention various lisps and mls that abuse ret/call for compilation techniques 1503902;1468702036;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-16#1503901 << no shit 1503903;1468702036;a111;Logged on 2016-07-16 20:29 phf: asciilifeform: that also seems to break setjmp/longjmp? not to mention various lisps and mls that abuse ret/call for compilation techniques 1503904;1468702068;asciilifeform;like DEP, will have to kill it to run any serious proggy 1503905;1468702108;asciilifeform;but think, the sheer, monumental, militant pissing idiocy of the idea 1503906;1468702140;asciilifeform;'we'll make people use a nonaddrrssable stack! for own good!111' 1503907;1468703153;jurov;"Intel is pushing a neat technique that could push malware infections on computers at the processor level." 1503908;1468703173;jurov;^ i read it such at first 1503909;1468703350;shinohai;potato/potahto 1503910;1468707566;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1503911;1468707571;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 662.3, vol: 1656.61728646 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 650.102, vol: 2821.19342 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 663.9, vol: 6341.89184461 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 635.06, vol: 2.0596204 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 662.321088, vol: 19759.18960000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 664.2, vol: 465.7574177 | Volume-weighted last average: 661.558524521 1503912;1468708394;mod6;;;bc,stats 1503913;1468708395;gribble;Current Blocks: 421045 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 298 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 21 hours, 33 minutes, and 14 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1503914;1468708559;shinohai;o/ evening mod6 1503915;1468709302;mircea_popescu;mats> this presumption of air dominance is not clever << and even if it held, the drone bs is just lazy thinking. 1503916;1468709312;mircea_popescu;but whatever, let em shoot spherical chickens. 1503917;1468709421;mircea_popescu;phf> "Intel is pushing a neat technique that could block malware infections on computers at the processor level." kek << because that's TOTALLY where they should be blocked. check it out, intel found the solution to badly written "dao" : HARD FORK!!1 1503918;1468713940;mircea_popescu;and in other boobs, http://66.media.tumblr.com/53d72e5773e1bb86c7442bbd7630b69a/tumblr_n7dg8l3q821rbii5ro1_500.gif 1503919;1468714440;mod6;how goes it shinohai 1503920;1468714916;shinohai;I'm just sitting here licking my dick, how 'bout you? 1503921;1468715372;mod6;haha. at a bbq 1503922;1468715506;mod6;i added a link to the tickets dir on the foundation website. 1503923;1468715525;mod6;must have forgotten to do that last month 1503924;1468716195;shinohai;nice. was going to do the bbq thing myself this weekend but got canceled 1503925;1468716273;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: why not use a spaceball? 1503926;1468716305;ben_vulpes;re http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-15#1503262 1503927;1468716305;a111;Logged on 2016-07-15 17:31 asciilifeform: admittedly i want this for cad, rather than sierra gamez. 1503928;1468716369;ben_vulpes;it is very well integrated with the major cad packages. 1503929;1468716401;ben_vulpes;(it is a 6-dof input device) 1503930;1468716435;ben_vulpes;my asciilifeform emulator says "because wasted time switching between mouse and spaceball!" 1503931;1468716899;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1503930 << spaceball is not a precision instrument, i have one,it is only good for camera angle movement 1503932;1468716899;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 00:47 ben_vulpes: my asciilifeform emulator says "because wasted time switching between mouse and spaceball!" 1503933;1468716924;ben_vulpes;what do you need the precision for? 1503934;1468716942;asciilifeform;what is ben_vulpes drinking? 1503935;1468716952;asciilifeform;it must be stronger than mine 1503936;1468716955;ben_vulpes;i never ever used anything but geometric constraints when designing parts. 1503937;1468716993;asciilifeform;i work in 2d on mm scale and move, rotate 1503938;1468717013;asciilifeform;smt. 1503939;1468717031;mircea_popescu;actually a proper, accelerometer based, precision instrument (glove ?) as described here seems a required item, thinking about it. 1503940;1468717038;mircea_popescu;nfi why it doesn't exist. 1503941;1468717042;ben_vulpes;i still have nfi why you'd design in any way but parametrically. 1503942;1468717114;ben_vulpes;"artisanally hand-carved pcbs!" 1503943;1468717582;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1503942 << circuit is netlist, but part placement is not meaningfully automatable. 1503944;1468717582;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 00:58 ben_vulpes: "artisanally hand-carved pcbs!" 1503945;1468717589;asciilifeform;np-complete. 1503946;1468717604;asciilifeform;try it yourself. 1503947;1468717671;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1503939 << gloves suck donkey cock, for same reason as laser keyboard etc. -- no mechanical resistance, no damper. 1503948;1468717671;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 00:57 mircea_popescu: actually a proper, accelerometer based, precision instrument (glove ?) as described here seems a required item, thinking about it. 1503949;1468717679;asciilifeform;try it yerself. 1503950;1468717888;*;ben_vulpes smacks self 1503951;1468717891;ben_vulpes;okay yeah that makes sense. 1503952;1468717952;*;asciilifeform just saw a play about mary toft, the 'rabbit birthing woman' 1503953;1468717976;asciilifeform;she is in the logz somewhere. 1720s. 1503954;1468718014;asciilifeform;also the malbec in dc is made from used tyres, it must be 1503955;1468718052;asciilifeform;but the nixon impersonator!! he was pure genius. 1503956;1468718706;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: where does the malbec claim to be from? 1503957;1468720023;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: ar 1503958;1468723445;mircea_popescu;jesus this place is pitiful 1503959;1468723455;*;mircea_popescu just walked out of "entertainment". 1503960;1468723507;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform think of "glove" in the sense of, a cubic foot heavy box you stick hand into, move around 1503961;1468723511;mircea_popescu;silicon oil!| 1503962;1468723562;mircea_popescu;if properly made, can have mechanical resistence actually be meaningful (magnetic transmission) 1503963;1468727833;BingoBoingo;"One spot that is getting more foot traffic than usual is the Jefferson County Jail, which is apparently an official in-game Pokestop, a place where players can gather items and catch Pokemon. One observer recalls seeing players staring at their phones as they walked around the jail's parking lot." http://www.riverfronttimes.com/artsblog/2016/07/14/pokemon-are-popping-up-in-strange-places-around-st-louis 1503964;1468727844;BingoBoingo;^ Apparently jail not surveilled enough 1503965;1468728132;BingoBoingo;In other lulz "A third metro-east facility was also cited in June for a nonlethal paperwork violation. Midwest Rehabilitation and Respiratory Center, a 180-bed intermediate and skilled care facility at 727 N. 17th St. in Belleville, was cited with a class A violation and fined $25,000 for failure to have an emergency evacuation plan in place for bariatric patients weighing more than 1,000 pounds. Midwest has requested a hearing, which wi 1503966;1468728132;BingoBoingo;ll be July 20." 1503967;1468729765;mircea_popescu;bwahaha 1503968;1468729785;mircea_popescu;does "we take them out back and shoot them if there's any sort of an emergency" count as a plan ? 1503969;1468732614;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1503960 >>>>>>> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=35 1503970;1468732614;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 02:45 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform think of "glove" in the sense of, a cubic foot heavy box you stick hand into, move around 1503971;1468732658;asciilifeform;i suspect that ~everybody though of this item at one point. 1503972;1468732667;asciilifeform;*thought 1503973;1468760890;mircea_popescu;aha 1503974;1468760951;*;mircea_popescu now wonders if idea is result of asciilifeform article sitting latent in memory, "forgotten" ; or if genuine case of "the obvious is obvious to all lookers". 1503975;1468763501;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1503976;1468763506;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 666.27, vol: 1267.76723697 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 655.0, vol: 2626.68428 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 671.68, vol: 9729.28598569 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 650.0, vol: 5.65147028 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 666.592168, vol: 20367.56190000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 670.459, vol: 435.30186567 | Volume-weighted last average: 667.17978689 1503977;1468764485;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1503965 << incidentally, a 'volkswagen'-worth of fat mass is quite the fire hazard 1503978;1468764485;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 04:02 BingoBoingo: In other lulz "A third metro-east facility was also cited in June for a nonlethal paperwork violation. Midwest Rehabilitation and Respiratory Center, a 180-bed intermediate and skilled care facility at 727 N. 17th St. in Belleville, was cited with a class A violation and fined $25,000 for failure to have an emergency evacuation plan in place for bariatric patients weighing more than 1,000 pounds. Midwest has requested a hearing, which wi 1503979;1468764520;asciilifeform;if you kept equivalent barrel of petrol indoors, fire inspector would tear you 2nd arse 1503980;1468764647;mircea_popescu;aha. 1503981;1468764667;mircea_popescu;they seriously should be fined, monthly, per pound. 1503982;1468764689;mircea_popescu;from bmi 30 onwards, each lb of fat carries the same excise as 1 ton of gasoline. 1503983;1468764781;Framedragger;more ethereum lols - https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4t82uq/replay_attack_redux_ef_devs_confirm_the_issue_is/ - so da developers are set on hard forking, but it is super unclear who's gonna support what. etherfolk are startled at the unthinkable possibility of two chains resulting from this mess. whoddathought. quality entertainment! 1503984;1468765155;shinohai;f2pool announced earlier they will not mine on HF so it promises to be lulzy 1503985;1468765235;Framedragger;and some exchanges will add 'ETHC' (classic non-HF ethereum) pairs. popcorn will be consumed 1503986;1468765300;*;shinohai buys popcorn shares 1503987;1468765360;mircea_popescu;it is pretty good. 1503988;1468766115;mircea_popescu;$google site:btcbase.org/log/ buttseks 1503989;1468766130;deedbot;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-07 << 2016-05-07 1503990;1468766363;asciilifeform;re earlier thread, the operetta is not on www, but there is a mary toft 'fan' site... https://theawl.com/how-to-give-birth-to-a-rabbit-18d158f78fcf#.u7n183jgd 1503991;1468766378;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this article of yours is an outrage. 1503992;1468766391;asciilifeform;which 1503993;1468766392;mircea_popescu;i'm pretty sure i never read it before ; seriously, "neolythic speech patterns" ? 1503994;1468766426;asciilifeform;it was written under substances 1503995;1468766437;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform does she actually shove live rabbit up her snatch behind the curtain and then squeezes it out on stage ? 1503996;1468766460;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i was hoping, but.. nope. SCAM 1503997;1468766467;mircea_popescu;total scam. 1503998;1468766489;mircea_popescu;why are they so fucking... whatever they are. womanly. boring. 1503999;1468766520;asciilifeform;anyway the original incident was mighty lulzy, and quite reminiscent of modern scamatronics, and produced a great many caricatures, songs, etc at the time 1504000;1468766522;mircea_popescu;rabbit costs twenty bucks, get a young one. learning to hold it in for ten minutes is a day's entertainment. go out on stage, pop the thing, let it jump around (place carrots strategically prior). 1504001;1468766528;mircea_popescu;now that's postmodern theatre. 1504002;1468766582;asciilifeform;even the original toft never figured out how to get a live one in, and keep it alive 1504003;1468766602;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incidentally, re temperature : this is trivial for the box! there's this "weapon" idiocy of a beam which heats water in skin. not too practical as deployed, but perfectly usable in box - low latency. 1504004;1468766613;asciilifeform;aha 1504005;1468766631;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what ?! put it in butt first. its nose actually protrudes 1/8 inch through opening 1504006;1468766636;asciilifeform;not very aimable though, at best you end up with the pain box from 'dune' 1504007;1468766651;mircea_popescu;you don't do it that strongly. 1504008;1468766671;mircea_popescu;the notio nthat "my palm" or "top of my hand" is touching "warm" is obtainable i'd say. 1504009;1468766678;asciilifeform;this, yes 1504010;1468766712;asciilifeform;btw mircea_popescu could, if so inclined, carry out the rabbit experiment using one of his pets, and tell how it went. 1504011;1468766762;phf;we host a vaudeville at burning man, we have a girl stop by every year, who does a striptease and then extracts objects of various complexity out of her snatch. mostly ribbons and eggs. i think there was one of those plastic chickens one time.. 1504012;1468766836;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what experiment is necessary ? https://aos.iacpublishinglabs.com/question/aq/700px-394px/long-baby-rabbits-stay-mother_c2bade73e49e674b.jpg vs https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71vHuqY2cpL._SX522_.jpg 1504013;1468766873;asciilifeform;the beast writhes, neh? 1504014;1468766873;mircea_popescu;phf there's this blondy that has an epic stripping/magic act, same principle. i wonder if it's the same one. 1504015;1468766882;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, warm, tight, goes to sleep. 1504016;1468766939;deedbot;[Trilema] Return to Paradise - http://trilema.com/2016/return-to-paradise/ 1504017;1468767089;phf;it could be, girl's a blond, and the act is well rehearsed and improves from year to year, so i wouldn't be surprised if she does it elsewhere too 1504018;1468767153;mircea_popescu;moreover, if female is unable to control a two ounce rabbit with her pubococcygneus she's in desperate fuycking need of kegel workouts. 1504019;1468767172;mircea_popescu;who's we, and what do i have to do to get you to host it in ba ? 1504020;1468767459;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform anyway, your design is flawed because "Your appendages are, in fact, resting on thin air, supported by arm-length gloves assembled from (ferrofluid? muscle wire?) microcells that can shift in position, stiffness, angle, temperature.". that's no good - they should rest in gel not thin air. 1504021;1468767463;mircea_popescu;what's in the gel . welll. 1504022;1468767489;mircea_popescu;but the important point is to allow gradient. so it would be a continuous medium not a border thing 1504023;1468767587;asciilifeform;http://special.lib.gla.ac.uk/exhibns/month/aug2009.html << the original lultronium, neatly collected by uni of glasgow 1504024;1468767704;phf;it's a loose knit group of european burners, but i'm not sure something like that can be taken outside burning man easily. we just provide the venue (i.e. build it out of home depot scaffolding and random junk) and people are welcome to come perform. but it's been going on for a while and the venue vibe is consistent from year to year, that some decent performers find it every year. the girl with the vagina, couple of operatic singers, guys with u 1504025;1468767704;phf;kuleles 1504026;1468767809;phf;i'll ask her next time if she does that stuff in default world, i never thought to ask 1504027;1468767819;mircea_popescu;phf do me a favour and inquire with whoever's in charge what it'd take for them to do a show in buenos aires ? 1504028;1468767860;mircea_popescu;this idiocy has to be dissolved somehow. 1504029;1468767941;asciilifeform;p.t. barnum жил, жив, будет жить! 1504030;1468767976;mircea_popescu;not to say that there's anything wrong with ukulele or whatever else - but i perceive the snatch act is something the argentards wouldn't readily manage to digest. by which term we mean, of course, "reinterpret through the lens of their imbecility and thus render meaningless" 1504031;1468768050;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yesterday i stormed out of a PACKED VENUE ("teatro cubo") where a "urban shock" dance troupe was going to perform. 1504032;1468768064;asciilifeform;was a snore? 1504033;1468768068;mircea_popescu;the seating was arranged in layers, like on a stadium. the dancing was to happen on a fucking university stage. 1504034;1468768087;mircea_popescu;i'm not going to entertain these inept values. 1504035;1468768106;mircea_popescu;i go watch women dance their ass off, i'm sitting at tables talking with friends and having drinks. 1504036;1468768107;mircea_popescu;what the shit. 1504037;1468768152;phf;you hafta respect the arts, see, what are you some kind of philistine 1504038;1468768161;mircea_popescu;NO! 1504039;1468768169;mircea_popescu;fucking fuck omfg you're giving me liver spots 1504040;1468768196;*;phf cackles 1504041;1468768213;mircea_popescu;it is unmoglich! as the gent said 1504042;1468768218;asciilifeform;the toft thing was also on a flat stage in some rathole theatre 1504043;1468768224;asciilifeform;3 blokes and 1 chick 1504044;1468768239;asciilifeform;and a rock band thing 1504045;1468768244;mircea_popescu;[unter diesen umstanden zu fuhren]. which, of course, is EXACTLY what the shitheads want. 1504046;1468768269;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform rathole theatre means dudes in overcoats with old streetwalkers blowing them discreetely. 1504047;1468768289;asciilifeform;probably had these in the back. 1504048;1468768292;mircea_popescu;that may be, but this was a bunch of student vagrant chicks who own one pair of underwear and somehow spent 250 pesos to be there. 1504049;1468768298;mircea_popescu;(this is a fortune, for argentines) 1504050;1468768312;asciilifeform;that is, what, fiddubux? 1504051;1468768316;mircea_popescu;literally, it looked like history of art 101 in wessex community college. 1504052;1468768321;mircea_popescu;nah, like 12. 1504053;1468768329;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, like 18. 1504054;1468768342;asciilifeform;lel, these folks live on what, spare change from the pavement? 1504055;1468768346;mircea_popescu;yes. 1504056;1468768349;mircea_popescu;empanadas, 10 peso each. 1504057;1468768386;mircea_popescu;but! they are rich in prospects! recursos! dreams hopes aspirations and human rights! soberania! gargle generally. 1504058;1468768408;mircea_popescu;just, if you press them, they can not produce a six dollar bill out of their pockets ; and purchases over 20 dollars DEFINITELY go on the credit card. 1504059;1468768425;asciilifeform;they have credit?! 1504060;1468768432;*;mircea_popescu in shop, friday - bought two pairs of pants, because liked them. total came to 2k, which is imo very reasonable for corduroy pants. 1504061;1468768458;mircea_popescu;elder gent in front of me, dressed like uni professor / actor / whatever, put a 750 peso (~60 dollar) purchase ON AN INSTALLMENT PLAN! 1504062;1468768503;mircea_popescu;took him more to go through that than it took me to pick the store pick the pants decide i'm buying and how many. he was there when i came in, he would have been there for an hour had i not rudely interrupted his soberania & derechos humanos. 1504063;1468768527;asciilifeform;hey, when i worked at the godforsaken shithole with the homomorphic crud, nearby there was a furniture shop where you could buy a $30 lamp on layaway. 1504064;1468768545;asciilifeform;various poor black folk, did, i saw alive. 1504065;1468768548;mircea_popescu;yes, but not at the same time dress like a professor. or, for that matter, by a fifty year old white male. 1504066;1468768558;mircea_popescu;exactly my point. it's unseemly. 1504067;1468768579;mircea_popescu;if you're a beggar, at fifty, no nothing, first of all you have no business going in a shop ; and second of all you have no business wearing shoes. 1504068;1468768603;mircea_popescu;it is fraud, essentially, he goes about the town pretending he';s a person. he's not a person, he's barely qualified to be a canary. 1504069;1468768646;asciilifeform;interestingly, i used to encounter regularly bums in (threadbare) nice suits 1504070;1468768661;asciilifeform;usually around university 1504071;1468768670;phf;presumably only suit 1504072;1468768672;asciilifeform;man has 1 suit. 1504073;1468768674;asciilifeform;aha. 1504074;1468768723;mircea_popescu;then they do these movement patters, like decerebrated chickens. and you wonder wtf happened here, this fine looking gentleman of a respectable age hasn't mastered the basics requisites of a 12 yo ? 1504075;1468768728;mircea_popescu;but HE IS THAT 12 YO! 1504076;1468768730;asciilifeform;once i saw police pulling one kicking, screaming, off a bus, he had hungarian accent 1504077;1468768736;mircea_popescu;they just conspired to dress him wrongly for who he is! 1504078;1468768748;asciilifeform;i immediately thought 'erdos, motherfuckers' 1504079;1468768763;mircea_popescu;see, don't do that. 1504080;1468769268;mircea_popescu;absolutely run of the mill mitm attack - you credit erdos' ip, which results in a market for "erdos-like ips" which people buy FOR THE REASON that they ARE NOT erdos ; but wish nevertheless to get your packets sent over as if they were. 1504081;1468769283;asciilifeform;except nobody buys. 1504082;1468769302;mircea_popescu;he DID get the suit, somehow, yes ? 1504083;1468769319;mircea_popescu;bought. for money or sexual favours ; or through fraud obtain'd matters not. 1504084;1468769321;asciilifeform;usg will pay generous pensions to 'piss christ' artists, 'sjw', lafond's hood rats, and other vermin, but ~not a penny for mathematics 1504085;1468769334;asciilifeform;presumably the man had the suit because at one point he was in work 1504086;1468769369;mircea_popescu;and presumably he had a @goodpeople.org email address because at some point was good people. 1504087;1468769373;asciilifeform;who knows where he worked. perhaps same place i did. 1504088;1468769382;thestringpuller;shinohai: roger ver gettin' exposed for censorship! 1504089;1468769416;shinohai;lol, well it's not censorship when we do it! (tm) 1504090;1468769457;thestringpuller;I'm going to write it up 4 lulz. 1504091;1468769466;mircea_popescu;it'll be a sad day for unintentional comedy when that muppet finally has enough of being milked for lulz and crawls back into whatever hole he came from. 1504092;1468769510;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so you disagree with the mitm diagnosis ? 1504093;1468769511;shinohai;pffft ... Roger Ver will go broke trying to vindicate his bigger blocks vision for Bitcoin. 1504094;1468769511;asciilifeform;speaking of roger ver and fireworks, http://abcnews.go.com/US/traces-tatp-explosive-identified-central-park-blast-police/story?id=40601654 1504095;1468769539;mircea_popescu;shinohai he can't go broke anymore, so there is that. 1504096;1468769550;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i neither agree nor disagree, i did not know for a fact whether the fella on the bus was 'math bum' or not. simply that the thought came to me, 'erdos' 1504097;1468769558;mircea_popescu;aite. 1504098;1468769638;mircea_popescu;re the "we found traces of tatp" i wonder how big the market in "misdirecting chemicals" is by now. "use this additive, will make police think you used Y agent". 1504099;1468769646;mircea_popescu;it's been huge in the luxury/perfume market for a while now. 1504100;1468769659;asciilifeform;dunno, tatp is genuinely popular 1504101;1468769666;asciilifeform;on account of requiring ~0 effort. 1504102;1468769675;mircea_popescu;sure. still, stray thought. 1504103;1468769684;asciilifeform;and 0 nitrogen, so not picked up by electronic sensors at airports etc 1504104;1468769689;asciilifeform;nor dog. 1504105;1468769752;asciilifeform;goes off, as ~everyone probably knows by now, on its own, when it feels like it, but this is a minor detail to room temperature iq 'l33337 jihad d00dz' 1504106;1468769784;mircea_popescu;hey, i made nitrocellulose in my kiddy lab, the "unstable as all fuck" thing was a bonus 1504107;1468769792;asciilifeform;they really ought to make it as a bipartite thing 1504108;1468769798;asciilifeform;the way usg did nerve gases 1504109;1468769819;asciilifeform;(2 glass flasks in the shell, mix on site when broken) 1504110;1468769826;mircea_popescu;(very easy to make - pour high grade nitric acid on paper cuttings) 1504111;1468769841;asciilifeform;aha, which is why it is easier to score cocaine in usa than nitric acid 1504112;1468769846;mircea_popescu;heh 1504113;1468769855;mircea_popescu;i had a quart bottle. 1504114;1468769857;mircea_popescu;98% 1504115;1468769891;asciilifeform;it, and others, were quite gettable in sov world 1504116;1468769898;mircea_popescu;aha 1504117;1468769904;mircea_popescu;had a quart bottle of ether, also. 1504118;1468769934;mircea_popescu;(every time i mention this in english - people either assume or else inquire if i huffed it. no i didn't fucking huff it wtf.) 1504119;1468769941;asciilifeform;when i tell usian folk about my elder brother's chemistry youth, they 'bluescreen', it 'dun compute' 1504120;1468769971;asciilifeform;'whaddayamean, in Oppressive Orc Country you could do what we could not?! blasphemy' 1504121;1468769977;mircea_popescu;heh. 1504122;1468770020;mircea_popescu;famously, gun cotton was actually discovered by guy who accidentally poured a bottle of nitric acid on table. 1504123;1468770026;mircea_popescu;talk about "manufactured scarcity" 1504124;1468770476;phf;friend was talking about 4 of july, how the freedom loving rednecks were launching fireworks, despite all kinds of restrictions on distribution. and i was like the fuck you talking about, fireworks are easily available in any quantity and size over the counter everywhere else 1504125;1468770559;phf;girl still has wide eyed memories of me buying $300 worth of fireworks at some random store in moscows, and launching all of them in snow, in residential area, literally in front of my grandmother's apartment building 1504126;1468770600;mircea_popescu;well, residential area in moscow was made of concrete, not vinyl. 1504127;1468770677;mircea_popescu;and in other "abstinence only" news : http://66.media.tumblr.com/69482bc152ff14641c3abb8e879109a4/tumblr_nmrk0q4mJc1rgvmo2o1_500.gif 1504128;1468770701;mircea_popescu;i wonder why the fuck they've not yet come up with the concept of "well, young kids can only have sex in difficult positions". natural limitation! 1504129;1468771264;thestringpuller;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/2ZFV6T0.txt 1504130;1468771264;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1504131;1468771420;shinohai;http://archive.is/Zn2cr <<< NeoBee "we gonna pay all you guys back, we promise frfr this time." 1504132;1468773017;Framedragger;;;seen maqp 1504133;1468773018;gribble;I have not seen maqp. 1504134;1468773057;Framedragger;that's too bad 1504135;1468773274;asciilifeform;$s from:maqp 1504136;1468773274;a111;132 results for "from:maqp", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Amaqp 1504137;1468773296;asciilifeform;Framedragger: he appeared in #b-a pre-schism 1504138;1468773319;asciilifeform;was good for a number of lulz 1504139;1468773346;Framedragger;yeah just finished reading everything 1504140;1468773359;Framedragger;imho more than just lulz. but agree re 'hopelessly alone' comment 1504141;1468773430;Framedragger;incidentally prolly just grokked the main point of gossipd, i.e. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-07#1399507 + http://btcbase.org/log/2016-02-07#1399508 1504142;1468773430;a111;Logged on 2016-02-07 23:57 mircea_popescu: complete anonimity between peers more than one node removed ; complete secrecy outside of the node group ; no integrity or authenticity outside of the wot trust. 1504143;1468773430;a111;Logged on 2016-02-07 23:56 maqp: so a secure communication system with no anonymity between peers, no secrecy, no integrity and no authenticity unless all peers are trustworthy 1504144;1468773480;Framedragger;a111 quoted in reversed order, argh. 1504145;1468773724;Framedragger;his blog https://maqp3d.wordpress.com/ 1504146;1468773801;asciilifeform;looks like a snore thus far 1504147;1468773926;Framedragger;it's quite alright without being too unique/revolutionary. e.g. https://maqp3d.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/whatsapp-vs-textsecure-a-closer-look-at-axolotl/ 1504148;1468773946;asciilifeform;this is precisely the definitional snore. 1504149;1468773983;Framedragger;well, let me recall if perhaps i had the same first impression when encountering your blog ca. 2010 1504150;1468773997;Framedragger;hm honestly, maybe i didn't :) 1504151;1468774055;Framedragger;it was probably the about page where you ranted about how you were sitting in $lecture thinking about a generic associative notation system etc etc, and realizing it's a slippery slope to hell and you need to implement a lisp machine 1504152;1468774060;Framedragger;so, fair enough 1504153;1468774087;Framedragger;(the impression was "crazy smart guy") 1504154;1468774100;asciilifeform;this is very much not my impression of linked item though. 1504155;1468774106;Framedragger;that i agree with 1504156;1468774120;asciilifeform;srsly, 'whatsapp' ?! i will give half a fuck about 'whatsapp' right after i go to shanghai and learn the best ways of cooking gutter oil. 1504157;1468774122;Framedragger;doesn't have to be. but, sure, we all have limited time under the sun, so 1504158;1468774196;asciilifeform;fella's obsession with photoisolator (e.g., https://maqp3d.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/tfc-cev ) is also cargocultist. 1504159;1468774200;Framedragger;asciilifeform: what would you recommend for secure IM right now? 1504160;1468774214;Framedragger;(i do realize i'm invoking a tu quoque of sorts) 1504161;1468774215;asciilifeform;Framedragger: pgp. drop the 'I'. 1504162;1468774247;asciilifeform;and, if endpoints know one another in the flesh, otp. 1504163;1468774262;Framedragger;difficult to organize coups without the 'I'. the (shitty shitty) turkey coup used whatsapp incidentally 1504164;1468774291;Framedragger;no pfs either 1504165;1468774305;ben_vulpes;Framedragger: do pray tell how wars were fought without pre 1980? 1504166;1468774308;asciilifeform;it used what nuland orderted it to use. 1504167;1468774310;asciilifeform;*ordered 1504168;1468774339;asciilifeform;as for 'real time', there is this marvelous device known as... a clock 1504169;1468774348;asciilifeform;'attack at quarter past noon' 1504170;1468774357;Framedragger;asciilifeform: actually with pgp you'll just end up trusting your much dreaded aes256 since openpgp will do the whole 'session' thing as you know 1504171;1468774370;Framedragger;i suppose so. 1504172;1468774399;Framedragger;(well, all implementations of openpgp anyway ^ ) 1504173;1468774409;Framedragger;ben_vulpes: war != coup but ok 1504174;1468774423;asciilifeform;Framedragger: pgp is a sad, duct-tape-laden thing, as discussed on plenty of occasions in the logz. but the proliferation of psyop 'alternatives' casts it in a surprisingly good light. 1504175;1468774511;asciilifeform;let's pick on one particular maqpism: 1504176;1468774513;asciilifeform;'TFC-CEV is a high assurance encrypted messaging system that operates on top of existing IM clients. The free and open source software is used in conjunction with free hardware to protect users from passive eavesdropping, active MITM attacks and remote CNE practised by organized crime and state-level adversaries.' 1504177;1468774526;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i see your point. but to me "just trust in pfs for both {rsa-4096, aes-256}" still sounds pretty crazy 1504178;1468774572;Framedragger;asciilifeform: (maqp had mentioned that tpc-cev may be outdated, mind. just fyi) 1504179;1468774585;asciilifeform;the problem is quite intrinsic 1504180;1468774588;asciilifeform;you do not see it ? 1504181;1468774607;Framedragger;"on top of"? but hence his whole airgap thing 1504182;1468774614;Framedragger;"free hardware" 1504183;1468774615;Framedragger;sure 1504184;1468774617;asciilifeform;i will point with finger then: '...messaging system that operates on top of existing IM clients. The free and open source software is used in conjunction with free hardware...' 1504185;1468774632;asciilifeform;'existing IM clients' 'open source software' 'free hardware' 1504186;1468774644;Framedragger;asciilifeform: yes i saw it: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504181 1504187;1468774644;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 16:56 Framedragger: "on top of"? but hence his whole airgap thing 1504188;1468774662;asciilifeform;the airgap thing is a cargo cult. sorta like proposing to prevent ALL disease by washing hands. 1504189;1468774686;Framedragger;the whole unidirectional diode thing is nonetheless cute, if not truly original or anything 1504190;1468774726;asciilifeform;it is an ancient idea, and not useless, but does absolutely nothing vs protocol-level holes, which are pestilential in 'existing IM clients', as is i think known to ~everyone 1504191;1468774739;asciilifeform;and for quite fundamental reasons, having to do with the C machine 1504192;1468774753;asciilifeform;and with 'open source software' stack as a culture. 1504193;1468774767;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i guess you have little patience for spotting potentially hopeful people, and bringing them up to speed on $ideology / teaching them / etc. which is absolutely understandable, afaiic. 1504194;1468774786;asciilifeform;fella showed up here, was offered the light, vanished. 1504195;1468774796;asciilifeform;like Apocalyptic earlier. 1504196;1468774801;asciilifeform;and many other folks. 1504197;1468774806;Framedragger;'the light' 1504198;1468774813;asciilifeform;yes. got problem ? 1504199;1468774822;ben_vulpes;the light must be sought, it cannot be brought. 1504200;1468774833;Framedragger;my echochamber saturation is nearing 100% but not yet there ;) 1504201;1468774834;ben_vulpes;student comes, submits, fights for each scrap of knowledge. 1504202;1468774875;Framedragger;s/afaiic/afaiac/ 1504203;1468774895;ben_vulpes;this is not mircea_popescu's harem where basic mathematics are beaten into slavegirls. 1504204;1468774895;asciilifeform;'hopeful' folks are a dime a dozen. 1504205;1468774897;ben_vulpes;$s hoplite 1504206;1468774897;a111;1 results for "hoplite", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=hoplite 1504207;1468774908;ben_vulpes;wat 1504208;1468774932;ben_vulpes;huh. "hoplite brings his own armor" anyways. 1504209;1468774942;asciilifeform;whereas folks willing to contemplate 'throw away openssl et al' are uncommon, and 'throw away von neumann machine' rarer still. 1504210;1468774959;asciilifeform;the 'hope' thing per se is worth ~0. 1504211;1468774976;asciilifeform;every maggot in every pile of festering offal has 'hope'. 1504212;1468775026;Framedragger;(well to be true, 'throw away openssl' has been seriously contemplated by any a folk recently, i would wager a guess. but perhaps much less so with the latter, sure.) 1504213;1468775036;Framedragger;*many 1504214;1468775072;asciilifeform;contemplated strictly here. and nowhere else. because, while various folks made noises about 'throw away openssl', 100% of heathens are dead-set on re-creating the very same culture that resulted in it. 1504215;1468775144;asciilifeform;the entire subject, of software as a cultural product, as opposed to a disembodied thing floating unanchored in possibility-space, is discussed ~nowhere else. 1504216;1468775209;Framedragger;sure, open source culture is mostly a pile of crap, with little to no reflection on the culture *itself*, hard to disagree with you here. 1504217;1468775305;asciilifeform;one key ingredient of the antidote to 'everything resembles openssl' is http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502498 1504218;1468775305;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 15:37 asciilifeform: the problem is that there is more than ~10,000 lines of it. 1504219;1468775310;asciilifeform;and more generally, 1504220;1468775313;asciilifeform;$s fits in head 1504221;1468775313;a111;80 results for "fits in head", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fits%20in%20head 1504222;1468775394;Framedragger;sure. 1504223;1468775402;asciilifeform;other ingredients include vtronics (every line has a sworn and cryptoauthenticated author), 1504224;1468775452;asciilifeform;merciless lustration of 'dreppers', 1504225;1468775465;asciilifeform;but, most importantly, the replacement of the foundations. 1504226;1468775491;asciilifeform;the c-machine is an idiot foundation, which inevitably breeds the pests we are familiar with. 1504227;1468775504;Framedragger;$s c-machine 1504228;1468775505;a111;31 results for "c-machine", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=c-machine 1504229;1468775561;Framedragger;c-machine as in von neumann machine 1504230;1468775563;Framedragger;? 1504231;1468775578;asciilifeform;c machine is mainly about untagged words. 1504232;1468775587;asciilifeform;and unbounded arrays. 1504233;1468775590;Framedragger;ah, ah 1504234;1468775614;Framedragger;teh ritchie-machine 1504235;1468775644;asciilifeform;and, secondarily, about the proliferation and endless half-hearted reimplementation of essentials like allocators, gc, bignumatron, for the lack of standard hardware-provided faculties 1504236;1468775677;asciilifeform;this is a broad subject and i will not attempt to further summarize here, i have an entire www devoted to it. 1504237;1468775679;Framedragger;(incidentally K&R (as everyone here of course knows) included shitloads of hurtful idiosyncrasies and plain mistakes, not that this would be unexpected - just lulzy.) 1504238;1468775689;asciilifeform;there is almost 9 years of material. 1504239;1468775724;Framedragger;asciilifeform: sure, i've read some of it, and will read more. i recall the general source of frustration, 'the whole stack is shit' etc 1504240;1468775753;asciilifeform;stack is shit on a ~conceptual~ rather than ~implementation~ level. 1504241;1468775761;Framedragger;sure. 1504242;1468775955;asciilifeform;Framedragger: didja read by any chance mircea_popescu's recent piece on argentine space-heaters ? 1504243;1468775965;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/cargo-cults-a-case-study << 1504244;1468776001;asciilifeform;anywhere other than ~equator, a block of flats without a boiler, plumbing, and radiators, is quite analogous to the c-machine 1504245;1468776062;asciilifeform;where instead of a hardwarized and guaranteed-correct array allocator, bignumatron, etc., there are 10,001 tiny ad-hoc pieces of shit, like the little space heaters, melting carpets, starting fires when you so much as blink 1504246;1468776186;asciilifeform;the c-machine pointer mechanism, and its non-boundchecked array access in general, is quite similar to mains wiring prior to the invention of the fuse, where mains socket has nfi that it oughtn't source 300 amps and melt itself, igniting the entire wall 1504247;1468776420;asciilifeform;the standard argument in favour of c-machine, 'transistors have a cost', holds 0 water: the modern cpu is nothing like pdp11, and has plenty of transistors wasted on idiot epicycles to paper over the retardation, e.g., page table, tlb cache, etc 1504248;1468776441;asciilifeform;not to mention various and sundry 'seeek00000rity mitigations', e.g., the intel idiocy discussed yesterday 1504249;1468776451;asciilifeform;anything but ACTUAL solution to the ACTUAL problem 1504250;1468776493;asciilifeform;(because this would leave no room for microshit, or anything like the 'sek000rity industry', or the idiot face of 'software industry' in general, to exist) 1504251;1468776534;asciilifeform;software would be a thing that is written, for particular application, once, and still used, bitwise-verbatim, 50 years later. 1504252;1468776578;asciilifeform;(incidentally there is the occasional oasis where this is actually the case, there are banks that have been running same mainframe for generations, why do you suppose they are not eager to move to pc ? to microshit ?) 1504253;1468776712;asciilifeform;the ~STABILITY~ implied in an alt-world where software ~actually works correctly~ is Ur-terrifying to the typical maggot, whether of the microshit or 'open sores' variety 1504254;1468776805;asciilifeform;http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3241270848355795@naggum.no.html << see also. 1504255;1468776863;asciilifeform;'In all likelihood, there was no change at all to the labor-intensiveness, but the labor was more "fun" for a certain class of people. Now, industrious retards can be a horrible thing. Over a number of years, close to a decade, Perl accreted bits and pieces from programming languages and became usable in lieu of a programming language by people who lacked the mental wherewithall to do programming. Tinkerers, repairers, handymen, th 1504256;1468776863;asciilifeform;e auto mechanics of the IT industry, all flocked to Perl because they could tinker so well with it with no required knowledge or skills. Thus was "programmering performed by tinkerers" born as a concept, and the tinker toys of the unskilled became better and better.' 1504257;1468777154;asciilifeform;systems which are designed by actual designers, and actually work, do not breed 'perls'. or 'web2.0 libraries'. or any of it. 1504258;1468777207;asciilifeform;these items, including most of what a modern-day programmer is familiar with, are not part of a healthy ecosystem, any more than the various fungi growing on an aids patient are normal parts of human body. 1504259;1468777343;asciilifeform;virtually all of the technological 'growth' since late '80s, is precisely of this kind. 1504260;1468777385;asciilifeform;even the much-hyped 'cheaper cpu cycle' happened only so that it could be eaten up by successive new layers of microshit. and for ~no other reason. 1504261;1468777572;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, lulzy usgtronic scam: http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-fake-biofuel-factory 1504262;1468777573;jurov;I think it was just because IBM thought it's good idea 1504263;1468777592;jurov;Perhaps if IBM sold lisp machines... 1504264;1468777656;asciilifeform;ibm never quite made the conceptual transition from 'calculator' to 'computer' 1504265;1468778273;asciilifeform;in other 'news', this schmuck is still in business, apparently : http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-cody-wilson-ghost-gunner-ar-15 1504266;1468778295;asciilifeform;it is difficult to catalogue all of the idiocies, 1504267;1468778349;asciilifeform;e.g., why make the complex ar15 receiver, when one could design a much simpler stamped (or waterjet-cut, etc) item that would take the same barrels; 1504268;1468778384;asciilifeform;or why wilson is convinced that usg will not answer simply by changing the rules so that ~barrel~, rather than magazine holder, is regulated; 1504269;1468778403;asciilifeform;or why he collects megabux of donation simply to give to lawyers; 1504270;1468778419;asciilifeform;or, even, 'But if Wilson wins, he says, Defense Distributed has plenty of material it’s never been able to share—a backlog of homespun, open source weapon innovations, ready to upload.' 1504271;1468778421;asciilifeform;wtf... 1504272;1468778437;asciilifeform;'anarchist' won't upload his 13333337 w4r3z unless usg gives green light... 1504273;1468778503;asciilifeform;this is a very typical, incidentally, 'hopeful' fella as per Framedragger's http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504193 1504274;1468778503;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 16:59 Framedragger: asciilifeform: i guess you have little patience for spotting potentially hopeful people, and bringing them up to speed on $ideology / teaching them / etc. which is absolutely understandable, afaiic. 1504275;1468778522;asciilifeform;full of 'hope and change' but 0 perspective outside of his peculiar tunnel vision 1504276;1468778584;asciilifeform;'i will sell machine that makes banned rifle part X' but no contemplation of 'so they'll ban part Y which my machine cannot make', or 'why not design a Z which can be made by hand' etc. 1504277;1468778728;asciilifeform;for the record, the only direction with real promise in small arms field is 'gyrojet', where the rifled and tempered barrel is unnecessary, given a self-rotating projectile, small and quite easily-made rocket 1504278;1468778752;asciilifeform;wake me up when wilson sells machine that craps out ~these~. 1504279;1468778793;asciilifeform;http://14544-presscdn-0-64.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/GyroJetCartridge.jpg << subj 1504280;1468778866;asciilifeform;not apparent in the photo: the angle of the jet holes. (the actual brilliant hack there.) 1504281;1468778966;asciilifeform;somehow i suspect that we will never run out of material for the 'idiot engineers and their tunnel vision' eternal thread... 1504282;1468780163;mircea_popescu;o.O what happened here! 1504283;1468780232;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mostly, asciilifeform's wrath bit was set 1504284;1468780251;mircea_popescu;oic 1504285;1468780351;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504156 << it's the unfortunate side effect of the bezzlar washing process, that the naive / youthful fixate on the intermediate steps as if they were actual things. 1504286;1468780351;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 16:48 asciilifeform: srsly, 'whatsapp' ?! i will give half a fuck about 'whatsapp' right after i go to shanghai and learn the best ways of cooking gutter oil. 1504287;1468780370;asciilifeform;theme of entire thread. 1504288;1468780383;mircea_popescu;usually a stay in an actual wealth management business cures this nonsense. what do you mean "what does corporation XYZ do ?! are you insane ? it doesn't DO anything, it's a fucking notational convention." 1504289;1468780417;asciilifeform;about as achievable for most folks as a stint in the reactor business. 1504290;1468780427;asciilifeform;(and would have similar consequences if achieved) 1504291;1468780430;mircea_popescu;yawell 1504292;1468782898;asciilifeform;http://www.pcworld.com/article/249951/computers/if-it-aint-broke-dont-fix-it-ancient-computers-in-use-today.html << some lulz re earlier. 1504293;1468782913;asciilifeform;'Sparkler Filters of Conroe, Texas, prides itself on being a leader in the world of chemical process filtration. If you buy an automatic nutsche filter from them, though, they’ll enter your transaction on a “computer” that dates from 1948.' 1504294;1468783044;asciilifeform;'Stanley Quayle, a computer emulation consultant, has seen contractors desperate to find the parts they need. "I have a prospective customer supporting a U.S. missile defense system that is buying parts on eBay," says Quayle. "Any parts they do find are as old or older than their system," meaning they’re sometimes no more reliable than the pieces they replace.' 1504295;1468783299;asciilifeform;or, more recently, http://www.cnbc.com/2016/05/25/us-military-uses-8-inch-floppy-disks-to-coordinate-nuclear-force-operations.html 1504296;1468783343;asciilifeform;^ one in a series of many similar lulticles, which neglect to mention the inconvenient fact that folks use mechanical tabulators, vaxen, 8-inch floppies, SOLELY BECAUSE the available alternatives are microshit and drepper 1504297;1468783558;asciilifeform;the message, loud and clear, to 'software industry', from the greybears who are the only thing that presently stands between the 'civilized' world and zimbabwe, is: 'kindly die in a fire, nobody needs yer 'progress'.' 1504298;1468783569;asciilifeform;*greybeards 1504299;1468785010;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/baton-rouge-police-shooting-leaves-8438367 1504300;1468785019;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: ^^ 1504301;1468785524;asciilifeform;'Mr Vancel said the men were shooting at each other before the officers arrived. "This was not a 'come at police' situation they weren't targeting the police at first - I don't assume so - because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed up and it turned into a gun battle," he added.' << lel 1504302;1468786520;shinohai;http://archive.is/CYkMj <<< moar tor fallout 1504303;1468786796;asciilifeform;shinohai: is there context for this ? 1504304;1468786806;asciilifeform;or is it more of a general-purpose 'you suck' 1504305;1468786973;shinohai;more general purpose suckage 1504306;1468787928;asciilifeform;shinohai: there was phrase 'recent events' 1504307;1468788485;deedbot;[Qntra] Roger VER-ified Censorship Free Paradise Censors - http://qntra.net/2016/07/roger-ver-ified-censorship-free-paradise-censors/ 1504308;1468788840;BingoBoingo;"Marines Playing Pokémon Go Help Catch Attempted Murder Suspect" << It marches on 1504309;1468789137;shinohai;O.o 1504310;1468789537;BingoBoingo;ty ben_vulpes 1504311;1468789905;mircea_popescu;and in other "hey honey, how goes it" news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/fd46726f11506a7ecb04bd6fe059f35d/tumblr_nlyj3yCmk41uojv1ho1_400.gif 1504312;1468789930;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504244 << ah, i didn't yet, and ha, i see the connection.. 1504313;1468789930;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:20 asciilifeform: anywhere other than ~equator, a block of flats without a boiler, plumbing, and radiators, is quite analogous to the c-machine 1504314;1468789940;Framedragger;heh. 1504315;1468789971;Framedragger;(^ http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504242) 1504316;1468789971;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:19 asciilifeform: Framedragger: didja read by any chance mircea_popescu's recent piece on argentine space-heaters ? 1504317;1468790059;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504246 (and onwards) g'point. there's so much pipelining stuff going on in x86 these days that the whole "we can't afford to do bounds checking" needs to be revisited, ~yesterday.. 1504318;1468790059;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:23 asciilifeform: the c-machine pointer mechanism, and its non-boundchecked array access in general, is quite similar to mains wiring prior to the invention of the fuse, where mains socket has nfi that it oughtn't source 300 amps and melt itself, igniting the entire wall 1504319;1468790088;Framedragger;the whole ragerant is appreciated, too 1504320;1468790187;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504255 << s/perl/{javascript, lookihaveagithubprofile}/ etc for "modern days", yeah... 1504321;1468790187;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:34 asciilifeform: 'In all likelihood, there was no change at all to the labor-intensiveness, but the labor was more "fun" for a certain class of people. Now, industrious retards can be a horrible thing. Over a number of years, close to a decade, Perl accreted bits and pieces from programming languages and became usable in lieu of a programming language by people who lacked the mental wherewithall to do programming. Tinkerers, repairers, handymen, th 1504322;1468790195;mircea_popescu;this guy is so zen... 1504323;1468790219;Framedragger;maybe there's harmony of mind on the other end of the rage scale, too.. 1504324;1468790244;mircea_popescu;hehe ya think ? 1504325;1468790274;Framedragger;hey i'm young and new! 1504326;1468790352;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504260 << this i can relate to 100%. the fact that there is any lag between me clicking on button and the button responding is an unending, continuous insult to my face. 3bn cycles down the drain 1504327;1468790352;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:43 asciilifeform: even the much-hyped 'cheaper cpu cycle' happened only so that it could be eaten up by successive new layers of microshit. and for ~no other reason. 1504328;1468790435;deedbot;[Qntra] Three Baton Rouge Officers Killed In Ambush - http://qntra.net/2016/07/three-baton-rouge-officers-killed-in-ambush/ 1504329;1468790687;BingoBoingo;Framedragger: Hole Hawg doesn't have any delay... 1504330;1468790763;BingoBoingo;If Especially adventurous can also use 2nd man on "cheater bar" so that you won't be only casualty if drill bit binds with material 1504331;1468790886;Framedragger;BingoBoingo: true that. or are you implying that delay is sometimes a good thing? (sure is - now if only the user had a choice in the matter of a predictable delay!) but, yeah; it adds to the insult, methinks 1504332;1468790985;BingoBoingo;Utility of delay depends on what you are doing. If you want to counter beastly machine torque with man and a length of pipe, you're going to need some warning. 1504333;1468791027;Framedragger;for sure 1504334;1468791041;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504326 <<<< http://www.loper-os.org/?p=300 1504335;1468791041;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 21:19 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504260 << this i can relate to 100%. the fact that there is any lag between me clicking on button and the button responding is an unending, continuous insult to my face. 3bn cycles down the drain 1504336;1468791046;BingoBoingo;Note that even "toy" cordless dispasable drill can torque enough to mess with soft tissue in wrist 1504337;1468791330;Framedragger;asciilifeform: yeah nice, /thread. 1504338;1468791330;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ...sooo, you're certain it'd be pointless to attempt a small sane kernel for *existing* intel and/or arm madness? (i assume the answer is "yes", but just to be certain..) 1504339;1468791373;mircea_popescu;it would not be madness. 1504340;1468791408;asciilifeform;not pointless, but important to understand that result will eventually be the same pile of shit as everyone else's pile of shit. 1504341;1468791415;asciilifeform;because the hardware does NOT support sanity. 1504342;1468791439;asciilifeform;even the kind of sanity that was extant on x86 circa '90s. 1504343;1468791443;Framedragger;hrm. 1504344;1468791467;asciilifeform;(see one thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502503 ) 1504345;1468791467;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 15:38 asciilifeform: (why do 1,001 sound cards need to exist?) 1504346;1468791477;Framedragger;asciilifeform: do you think arm is by now a pit of hell, too? it *is* much more RISKy after all, designs clearer and well documented (iirc?) etc 1504347;1468791507;mircea_popescu;i don't dispute his conclusion - result will likely be pile of shit. nevertheless, the process is important. 1504348;1468791509;asciilifeform;because 1) even more of a monoculture than x86 - ALL extant arms use licensed opaque chip library blob, 1504349;1468791512;Framedragger;such project potential for tmsr after all! (of course redundancy is bad) 1504350;1468791518;mircea_popescu;it is safe to say the result of a life dedicated to science will idem be "pile of shit" 1504351;1468791520;asciilifeform;2) NO EXTANT ARM has anything like documented i/o 1504352;1468791520;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: good point 1504353;1468791523;asciilifeform;as in, gpu, etc 1504354;1468791549;Framedragger;hm, ok, right. 1504355;1468791571;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that is not necessarily a germane point. no extant arm requires you to NOT write your fucking own. 1504356;1468791581;asciilifeform;worse yet, there are at least a dozen incompatible arms. 1504357;1468791600;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: chip without i/o is ~useless. 1504358;1468791653;asciilifeform;and even very humble iotrons are undocumented. last year i did an experiment, tried to find a NIC that is 1) still in production 2) has NO MAGIC BLOBS ANYWHERE. result: 0 1504359;1468791695;asciilifeform;they ALL have turing-complete thing inside, and update (typically nonpersistent, but not always) blobs inside the vendor's binary drivers. 1504360;1468791696;Framedragger;(firmware situation and things like wifi cards are atrocious indeed, it seems) 1504361;1468791701;mircea_popescu;fpga your own tho. 1504362;1468791705;asciilifeform;on what?! 1504363;1468791710;asciilifeform;there IS NOT AN FPGA 1504364;1468791712;mircea_popescu;IN PRINCIPLE 1504365;1468791714;mircea_popescu;mwahahaha! 1504366;1468791714;Framedragger;asciilifeform: including the ones in the mobile phones, of course - yay!!1 1504367;1468791749;mircea_popescu;anyway. while the situation is dire, no contest - the solution will be of the nature of a SOLUTION. ie, applying solvent. 1504368;1468791757;mircea_popescu;there's no possible contest on that point, either. 1504369;1468791782;mircea_popescu;not doing because "You can't do" is how 15yo virgins end up 25 yo virgins. the fucking point is to go ask the girl that'"d never say yes" 1504370;1468791795;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504350 << ....so the signing of the contract with large megacorp in my future 50s is the faustian contract with the devil?? (well... minus the "all the knowledge in the world"... and minus the girls, too) 1504371;1468791795;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 21:38 mircea_popescu: it is safe to say the result of a life dedicated to science will idem be "pile of shit" 1504372;1468791815;mircea_popescu;Framedragger the only guarantee life comes with is that it will have been wasted. 1504373;1468791829;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: a good thing to remember, hm! 1504374;1468791878;asciilifeform;there is waste, and then there is waste: to ask gurl out is one thing, to persist in fucking a hole in a tree and praying to odin to turn it into a girl, unlike the last 9,999 times the hole was fucked, is quite another. 1504375;1468791889;asciilifeform;and in some cases the two situations are readily distinguishable to naked eye. 1504376;1468791892;asciilifeform;x86 os is the latter. 1504377;1468791895;mircea_popescu;depends. the latter makes a better story for burning man. 1504378;1468791905;mircea_popescu;jesus check out my epic joke code! 1504379;1468791937;Framedragger;asciilifeform: re turing-complete blobs in hardware, i recall http://redmine.replicant.us/projects/replicant/wiki/SamsungGalaxyBackdoor oh the wonder - you can have your "like android but moar open source omg" OS all you like, your mobile operator can still fuck you any time of day any day 1504380;1468791978;mircea_popescu;Framedragger historically, location contracts come with a key for the actual owner. 1504381;1468791989;mircea_popescu;this idea of "my machine" has serious problems when you're discussing a phone 1504382;1468791991;asciilifeform;writing 'open' whatevers for a machine where a closed radio has dma to the whole bus, is a laugh 1504383;1468791994;mircea_popescu;soviet phones were owned by state corp, say. 1504384;1468792005;asciilifeform;ditto 'open' os for a pc where closed gpu has dma. 1504385;1468792014;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1504386;1468792015;asciilifeform;the whole dma thing is a riot. 1504387;1468792039;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform imagine for a second such a thing as a proper controlled-by-owner-computer phone existed. 1504388;1468792046;mircea_popescu;what now ? how do you get carrier to... carry it ? 1504389;1468792062;asciilifeform;and yes, phone belongs to the carrier, in the sense that anyone found selling phonez which do unsanctioned things, and not necessarily limited to interfering with neighbour's phone (say, proper crypto) will Have Problems very quickly. 1504390;1468792063;mircea_popescu;a phone is, definitionally, NOT a computer. nor can it be, and arguably should not be. 1504391;1468792096;mircea_popescu;the derpage of people pretending to do their copmputing on "smart" phones is, to my eyes, way the fuck more ridiculous than the attempt to you know, make a "small kernel" 1504392;1468792114;mircea_popescu;nobody burns them down, so i suppose there's lots of space for ridiculous on the street. 1504393;1468792136;asciilifeform;well, phone can be coaxed into reading www, email, etc. 1504394;1468792140;mircea_popescu;so ? 1504395;1468792142;Framedragger;..and yet allegedly smart cs d00dz want to speak to me about anonymous publishing on the internets (yes i know, quite oxymoronic) with these little shits in their pockets 1504396;1468792147;asciilifeform;so this bloats expectations. 1504397;1468792148;mircea_popescu;sheep can be coaxed into bleating in tune. is this an orchestra now ? 1504398;1468792154;mircea_popescu;remarkable sheep. NOT remarkable musician. 1504399;1468792157;asciilifeform;aha. 1504400;1468792183;Framedragger;insulting as fuck 1504401;1468792183;asciilifeform;lel, 'anonymous' on a device that relies on accurate positional fix to even work at all. 1504402;1468792190;mircea_popescu;^ 1504403;1468792204;asciilifeform;(and this is applicable to all variants, 'smart' and 'unsmart' etc) 1504404;1468792222;mircea_popescu;see, the fetishism thing again. it "could" be so therefore ~= is. 1504405;1468792230;mircea_popescu;these idiots built their entire minds on this broken equation. 1504406;1468792240;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504382 << this is actually a well-compressed rebuttal which shall be employed in the future. 1504407;1468792240;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 21:46 asciilifeform: writing 'open' whatevers for a machine where a closed radio has dma to the whole bus, is a laugh 1504408;1468792247;mircea_popescu;the dao "could work" so therefore FUTURE OF CURRENCIEH OMAIGERD 1504409;1468792248;mircea_popescu;etc etc. 1504410;1468792256;asciilifeform;Framedragger: you can save astonishing piles of mental cpu cycles, time, sweat, by ignoring the obvious imbeciles, e.g., 'anon on phone' 1504411;1468792263;asciilifeform;this is a heuristic you can take straight to the bank. 1504412;1468792271;mircea_popescu;bank won't take it. 1504413;1468792276;asciilifeform;the other bank. 1504414;1468792283;asciilifeform;the one with arbolito or whichever. 1504415;1468792287;Framedragger;hehe 1504416;1468792296;Framedragger;asciilifeform: good point, i should know better 1504417;1468792454;asciilifeform;re: small kernel, recall the retro unix thread, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-23#1488603 1504418;1468792454;a111;Logged on 2016-06-23 18:53 asciilifeform: kinda how i boot up that cute x86 systemv and then notice that it is PALPABLY slow on modern pentium because it lacks ANY disk cache etc. 1504419;1468792470;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504161 << reading the line above, i was going to ask, "can you explain the case for secure + instant" ? 1504420;1468792470;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 16:50 asciilifeform: Framedragger: pgp. drop the 'I'. 1504421;1468792480;asciilifeform;it is a sort of inverse of the parable with the rabbi who tells schmuck to 'put in the goat and the sheep, in your house, then slowly expel them' 1504422;1468792495;mircea_popescu;this isn't just a happenstance. while it's probably not deliberately constructed, it's nevertheless a CONSTRUCT. ie, part of a culture, which depends on it. 1504423;1468792504;asciilifeform;as soon as you start putting in the missing pieces to make the system actually usable in practice (e.g., no 15 second delay on 'ls' command) you end up with... linux. 1504424;1468792506;deedbot;[Trilema] Sa ne bem siropul si sa ne cunoastem hip-hopul - http://trilema.com/2016/sa-ne-bem-siropul-si-sa-ne-cunoastem-hip-hopul/ 1504425;1468792508;asciilifeform;complete with driver babel. 1504426;1468792516;mircea_popescu;the notion that you WANT "instant" messaging is simply begging the question - you thereby and therefore DO NOT want secure, or workable, or sane. 1504427;1468792534;mircea_popescu;much like asking "how do you make working social security" skews the discussion into nonsense. 1504428;1468792595;mircea_popescu;there's a lot of these strands of cocktopus stuck in each and every pie. how do you have "democratic" syria ? turns out that you don't - you either have "democratic" yet-another-flyover-state ; or else syria. 1504429;1468792610;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1504430;1468792667;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504163 << and coups organized by people who don't know each other (to the degree that they actually use facebook.whatever)... fail. though the department of state idiocy in turkey was not even accomplished enough to merit the name of failure, properly speaking. 1504431;1468792667;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 16:51 Framedragger: difficult to organize coups without the 'I'. the (shitty shitty) turkey coup used whatsapp incidentally 1504432;1468792777;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: sure, i see your point regarding implicit assumptions in "instant messaging" etc.; but on a technical point, they allow for pfs through 'session secrets' without having a bunch of pre-computed keys (unknown status of distaste @ these terms here) 1504433;1468792808;mircea_popescu;it is not clear that otp actually works ; it is almost certain nothing else in the "pfs" gargle does. 1504434;1468792828;mircea_popescu;i think we broached this before ; anyway - perfect forward secrecy is not a trivial matter. 1504435;1468792840;mircea_popescu;otr* i mean. 1504436;1468792848;Framedragger;re otr, okay, it's not definite, sure. 1504437;1468792851;Framedragger;and, yeah 1504438;1468792871;Framedragger;well, i'll want near-instant-something anyway. perhaps i'm spoiled by teh culture around me (not facebook etc, but more like, well, irc) 1504439;1468792880;mircea_popescu;my evaluation of it was "rewrite" rather than "import" fwiw. but unlike tor, i have no beef with it as of yet. 1504440;1468792888;Framedragger;right. 1504441;1468792893;Framedragger;(good to know) 1504442;1468792939;mircea_popescu;this is insanity, though. suppose tomorrow you decide to implement say http://trilema.com/2013/nobody-could-have-foreseen-their-using-a-plane-like-a-rocket/ 1504443;1468792952;Framedragger;but it was nice to understand where "gossip" comes from in gossipd: it's all about *not* providing any authenticity of source (beyond "this is coming from my wot") 1504444;1468792964;mircea_popescu;so you have it all, the warehouses bought, the parts delivered, drones are assembled and ready to. for whatever reason you need to syncronize this. and whaty you will do is... 1504445;1468792973;mircea_popescu;"everyone tune in #trilema and listen for me saying go" ? 1504446;1468792975;mircea_popescu;why the fuck. 1504447;1468793004;mircea_popescu;Framedragger aha, yeah. more than that : "this is coming from my wot IF YOU ARE IN IT. maybe i'm lying to you, fucker." 1504448;1468793028;Framedragger;yeah. 1504449;1468793060;Framedragger;which is a fresh perspective for sure, regarding 'infosec' etc 1504450;1468793113;mircea_popescu;generally, tmsr stuff is very powerfully innovative exactly for this reason : that it utterly rejects ~very well selected~ priors commonly shared by "community consensus". it's a bunch of people that "can't spell properly", but not for lack of knowing grammar. 1504451;1468793119;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: re. need for synchronization, different needs for different cases? (also, near-instantaneous doesn't imply synchronous or even "with retained order" (not under all interpretations anyway)) 1504452;1468793183;mircea_popescu;my point there is that you are confusing two incompatible things : the market and the general staff. there is exactly no overlap between these structurally dijunct items ; and entities that tried to use the same for both (example - classical polish-lithuanian commonwealth) failed miserably FOR THIS REASON. 1504453;1468793184;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: this, incidentally and admittedly, is probably why i'm reading logz and half-lurking and all that, to be honest with you 1504454;1468793206;mircea_popescu;whart we do here would suffer from delay ; but would not benefit from encryption. shit, there's a log anyway. 1504455;1468793210;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: ah. right, sure ok 1504456;1468793230;mircea_popescu;what they do in the war room does not benefit from "near instantaenous". contrary to what the ustards in that position think. 1504457;1468793231;Framedragger;(agree with examples too) 1504458;1468793251;mircea_popescu;you know that bit of history ? definitely worth reading, the fall of the republic of both nations. 1504459;1468793281;mircea_popescu;in its heyday, arguably the dominant power in europe. 1504460;1468793294;Framedragger;i know to some extent but not well enough, and i'd need to find credible sources (what we've been fed in high school re this is no good, teh lithuanian perspective etc etc) 1504461;1468793298;Framedragger;sure 1504462;1468793355;Framedragger;(i've read afterwards but honestly it's still shit) 1504463;1468793372;mircea_popescu;myeah. well... read the source material. fortunately the fellows were literate, and recorded in latin. 1504464;1468793393;mircea_popescu;i dunno, maybe it's opaque without a lot of other bits not directly obvious to me ; but until i hear better i'll continue to believe it directly works. 1504465;1468793477;mircea_popescu;(and as a general rule, never read a summary unless you own the producer.) 1504466;1468793528;Framedragger;the latter seems hard on a practical level, even if very admirable. maybe it's a rationalization of my laziness, though 1504467;1468793544;mircea_popescu;Framedragger btw, since we're on this : you know the story of sobieski and his siege of piatra neamt ? 1504468;1468793591;BingoBoingo; soviet phones were owned by state corp, say. << Many phones still owned by descendants of original AT&T still collect rent 1504469;1468793600;mircea_popescu;aha. 1504470;1468793720;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: no! 1504471;1468793734;mircea_popescu;haha. ok, ima produce an english version of the official romanian story thereof. 1504472;1468793754;mircea_popescu;come back, one hour! 1504473;1468793772;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: hey - cool. 1504474;1468793806;Framedragger;(re. latin, thanks / agree, though my latin would only be good for spotting some grammar/syntax errors in modern latin, heh. but yeah...) 1504475;1468794098;*;Framedragger off to bed for the time being tho. laters. 1504476;1468795607;BingoBoingo;$up Sinclair_ 1504477;1468795607;deedbot;Sinclair_ voiced for 30 minutes. 1504478;1468799374;shinohai;bash <(curl https://get.parity.io -Lk) "Use our simple one line installer!" 1504479;1468800356;mircea_popescu;ahaha for srs ? 1504480;1468800551;shinohai;No gpg signature, nor offer to review source in sight. 1504481;1468801228;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504433 << holy shit, not this again ?! 1504482;1468801228;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 22:00 mircea_popescu: it is not clear that otp actually works ; it is almost certain nothing else in the "pfs" gargle does. 1504483;1468801239;asciilifeform;otp is the ~only~ thing that ~provably~ worx. 1504484;1468801250;mircea_popescu;OTR! 1504485;1468801268;asciilifeform;hey i read the 'p' that was actually there, lel 1504486;1468801275;mircea_popescu;what can i tell you :) 1504487;1468801289;asciilifeform;otr is a sad sack of crumbled brick, yes. 1504488;1468801353;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1504489;1468801559;asciilifeform;are there even any extant 'otr' that don't pull in gtk, truetype, ..., etc. ? 1504490;1468801577;asciilifeform;and that don't figure in every 20th or so 0day bulletin ? 1504491;1468801721;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504426 << at the risk of repeating ancient thread: real-time comms are ~costly~. because they leak bits that you may not wish leaked. 1504492;1468801721;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 21:55 mircea_popescu: the notion that you WANT "instant" messaging is simply begging the question - you thereby and therefore DO NOT want secure, or workable, or sane. 1504493;1468801754;asciilifeform;it is known to me, for instance, that usg is presently spending stupendous sums on 'biometric' profiling of typing pattern, for as many victims as possible. 1504494;1468801764;asciilifeform;why would you want to leak keypress timings if it can be avoided ? 1504495;1468801769;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no. 1504496;1468801794;asciilifeform;which no 1504497;1468801806;mircea_popescu;otr w/o the mandatory imperial shitstack. 1504498;1468801811;asciilifeform;aha. 1504499;1468801967;asciilifeform;(why profile typing rhythms? plenty of reasons - pull passphrases from audio bugs - incl. ordinary phones, pierce layers of faux-anonymity, etc.) 1504500;1468802637;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu re: http://trilema.com/2016/sobieski-si-romanii , didja ever see mega-film 'ogniem i mieczem' ? 1504501;1468802637;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1504502;1468802672;asciilifeform;(it was a 3-parter, took ~40 years to make whole thing...) 1504503;1468802690;mircea_popescu;nope. 1504504;1468802749;asciilifeform;it is almost synonymous in my head with rzeczpospolita and the period. 1504505;1468802756;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1504506;1468802769;deedbot;[Trilema] Sobieski si romanii - http://trilema.com/2016/sobieski-si-romanii/ 1504507;1468802837;*;mircea_popescu adds to list. 1504508;1468802887;*;asciilifeform whistles the impalement theme from 'ogniem i mieczem'... 1504509;1468803328;shinohai;$s http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2016/Jul/51 1504510;1468803328;a111;1 results for "http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2016/Jul/51", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fseclists.org%2Ffulldisclosure%2F2016%2FJul%2F51 1504511;1468803348;*;mircea_popescu ended up reading ancient gravestones from that translation, get a load of this : 1504512;1468803388;mircea_popescu;"in a dumnezeirei carte e scris ca omul se desparte de tot ce-i e mai drag pe lume, dar sfinta carte spune-anume ca despartirea nu-i pe vecie, ca revedere-o sa mai fie. nu-ti spun adio, la revedere! la revedere-n alte sfere!" 1504513;1468803427;asciilifeform;shinohai: lulzy, and typical 1504514;1468803469;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: who was this 1504515;1468803494;mircea_popescu;leon negruzzi, dead 1890 1504516;1468803502;mircea_popescu;ie, this is his epitaph. 1504517;1468803525;asciilifeform;neato 1504518;1468803536;asciilifeform;(it was very obviously epitaph, but i had nfi whose) 1504519;1468803540;mircea_popescu;it's not bad! and afik, never written down before! 1504520;1468803553;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform guy was a poet/novelist mostly. 1504521;1468803606;asciilifeform;'...all the grain needed to support a village fits in a hole so small you won't likely find it in a week of searching. A week you don't have.' << this led to many lulz during ru time of troubles in 1920s 1504522;1468803613;mircea_popescu;oya. 1504523;1468803622;asciilifeform;'продразверстка' 1504524;1468803647;mircea_popescu;first i read that as "prophylaxia" 1504525;1468803707;asciilifeform;lel 1504526;1468807332;thestringpuller;shinohai: http://qntra.net/2016/07/steem-hacked/#comment-64481 << turns out it is "accidental ponzi" from mass adoption. conclusion: if all top posters pull their earnings price goes to 0 and everyone loses. 1504527;1468808621;asciilifeform;wtf is an 'accidental ponzi' ? 1504528;1468808834;hanbot;asciilifeform it's when they don't deliberately tent their fingers with evil glee (or alternatively, pet a sleeping cat from comfortable armchair) afore launching Plans to Set the Werld on Fire. 1504529;1468808861;asciilifeform;l0lk 1504530;1468810890;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504212 << perversely, what has been contemplated was not throwing it out but "what if i made one myself!" 1504531;1468810890;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:03 Framedragger: (well to be true, 'throw away openssl' has been seriously contemplated by any a folk recently, i would wager a guess. but perhaps much less so with the latter, sure.) 1504532;1468810922;mircea_popescu;sorta like "revolution was contemplated before" ; "yes, but not in the sense of beheading the king ~AND REPLACING IT WITH NO OTHER KING!~" 1504533;1468811142;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504216 << isn't this kinda strange ? the sum total of their reflectivity is inept bullshit a la "how many women" etc. this is generally the halmark of stupid people, n'est pas. 1504534;1468811142;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:06 Framedragger: sure, open source culture is mostly a pile of crap, with little to no reflection on the culture *itself*, hard to disagree with you here. 1504535;1468811227;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504226 << you know for the record i'm altogether unclear on this point. 1504536;1468811227;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:11 asciilifeform: the c-machine is an idiot foundation, which inevitably breeds the pests we are familiar with. 1504537;1468811362;mircea_popescu;not necessarily because i'm proposing "data" ie, "here's a meaningless, unstructured pile" or "gotta do your sorting in software because we're too busy doing three level caching and besides, not like sorting is a solved problem" are workable technological choices. 1504538;1468811401;mircea_popescu;but altogether the argument seems to me something like "stick shift vehicle will always end in a crash". 1504539;1468811456;asciilifeform;large, e.g., mining trucks, had auto gearboxes as soon as it was practical... even in su 1504540;1468811466;asciilifeform;for approximately this reason. 1504541;1468811472;mircea_popescu;there's large trucks, even now, with clutch. 1504542;1468811491;asciilifeform;speaking of massive off-road things 1504543;1468811492;mircea_popescu;DOUBLE clutch, mind you. 1504544;1468811622;asciilifeform;i call this notion 'correct C fallacy'. as in, 'if yer hands dun grow from yer arse, you can write Correct C!!' 1504545;1468811764;asciilifeform;which is a fallacy because... correct-c still is not conducive to fits-in-head; is not readily distinguishable by naked eye from underhanded-c; cannot provide rational guarantees of handling error conditions mid-way; and 10,001 other defects that don't look like defects to folks who grew up with crippled systems 1504546;1468812164;mircea_popescu;from the other direction : while i wouldn't throw away better machines if someone offered some - nobody does. 1504547;1468812221;asciilifeform;the wartime expedient is to... emulate the bettermachine. 1504548;1468812229;mircea_popescu;consider the practical, smaller example of blog software. you ... can;t use it ; i can. 1504549;1468812235;asciilifeform;this can be done, within limits. 1504550;1468818483;BingoBoingo;c machine http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/my-int-is-too-big 1504551;1468818846;BingoBoingo;https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/thumb/c/ca/Pokemon_go_tips.jpg/400px-Pokemon_go_tips.jpg 1504552;1468840538;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504528 <<< best definition ever. 1504553;1468840538;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 02:27 hanbot: asciilifeform it's when they don't deliberately tent their fingers with evil glee (or alternatively, pet a sleeping cat from comfortable armchair) afore launching Plans to Set the Werld on Fire. 1504554;1468840908;mircea_popescu;and in other boobs, http://66.media.tumblr.com/13534c9f65c51506b534af2f2612b143/tumblr_nmnauuD7wf1tmg9jco1_1280.jpg 1504555;1468840983;shinohai;Well, every office needs one. Or 7. 1504556;1468841049;mircea_popescu;sorta like it's the job of the chick playing the cleric to go under the table once the raid's done ? 1504557;1468841122;shinohai;>.< 1504558;1468841135;mircea_popescu;from teh office slut biweekly : http://66.media.tumblr.com/0f4e3d3d6e4c616c934fd7b315738f50/tumblr_nkta07rDx11s8rwvgo1_r1_400.gif 1504559;1468841176;shinohai;Is this what a board meeting of tmsr would look like? 1504560;1468841181;mircea_popescu;incidentally, weird that the capon population doesn't come up with this, you know ? there should be The Office Slut, a magazine, depicting and discussing items of juvenile interest. 1504561;1468841185;mircea_popescu;naw. 1504562;1468841199;mircea_popescu;this is a broad meeting not a board meeting. 1504563;1468841224;mircea_popescu;"this is melissa, she'll be our sexcretary today" 1504564;1468841335;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504550 << nice find bb 1504565;1468841335;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 05:08 BingoBoingo: c machine http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/my-int-is-too-big 1504566;1468841457;mircea_popescu;especially his discussion of kqueue and the hashtable/array duality + fd_getfile workings strictly indicates a) he's an idiot ; b) that http://trilema.com/2016/cargo-cults-a-case-study/ 's "This is what cargo cultism is, you see : memetic stupidity, inescapable for the aculturated. Even if they try. Especially if they try." is exactly right and, sadly, c) that alf is exactly correct : we can't have computers as a continuation 1504567;1468841457;mircea_popescu; of the current shit. 1504568;1468841499;mircea_popescu;i don't agree with his illuministic/humanitarian blaming of the hardware, i believe we can't have computers until and unless impaling every single derp currently involved in computing in any capacity, but this looks like a dispute for the ages. 1504569;1468842079;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/150k 1504570;1468842079;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1504571;1468843399;shinohai;http://trilema.com/2016/to-the-dao-and-the-ethereum-community-fuck-you/#comment-117699 <<< bwahaha this guy actually asked you to cryptocat mircea_popescu ? LOLOL 1504572;1468843425;shinohai;Always got to have a shitty app/ 1504573;1468843476;mircea_popescu;i dunno wtf is with them. 1504574;1468844255;thestringpuller;shinohai: Steem bubble may pop soon. Accidental ponzis never last long. 1504575;1468844315;thestringpuller;Not enough BTC capital providing bid depth compared to market cap. Feel bad for makeup girl who "earned $20k". Probably would have made more showing her tits here. 1504576;1468844384;shinohai;I fully expect every scamcoin I write about to vaporize in an amazing flash of bright white light someday. 1504577;1468844720;deedbot;[Trilema] His dumb is too thick - http://trilema.com/2016/his-dumb-is-too-thick/ 1504578;1468844845;Framedragger;damn mircea_popescu, your wordspersec rate is good. (and i'm yet to read the siege story!) 1504579;1468845417;Framedragger;(i mean, what with translation and everything) 1504580;1468845438;Framedragger;(typo, s/Semptember/September/ ) 1504581;1468845958;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: re "Your name is enough cannon, Highness, said Pototki." << (just curious: is the wordplay present in romanian, too?) 1504582;1468846998;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: great story, much appreciate 1504583;1468847041;Framedragger;so the iablonovski fellow was the same who had advised against the siege, and who insisted on the jagers' bravery and terms of surrender afterwards 1504584;1468847139;Framedragger;...but yeah. the last para is a kind of foreshadowing i imagine, skeleton of a giant and all. such a strong image, incl of what's to come for them... 1504585;1468848221;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504568 << the impalement is inescapable. i simply object to the notion of sparing the hardware they built - it is every bit as insidiously and infectiously idiotic as all of their software creations. 1504586;1468848221;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 11:31 mircea_popescu: i don't agree with his illuministic/humanitarian blaming of the hardware, i believe we can't have computers until and unless impaling every single derp currently involved in computing in any capacity, but this looks like a dispute for the ages. 1504587;1468848990;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504584 << (just realized the 'giant' refers to the fortress itself. but works just as well) 1504588;1468848990;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 13:05 Framedragger: ...but yeah. the last para is a kind of foreshadowing i imagine, skeleton of a giant and all. such a strong image, incl of what's to come for them... 1504589;1468849603;jurov;http://www.darpa.mil/program/cyber-grand-challenge << just to see alf frothing ;) 1504590;1468849607;jurov;"Cyber Grand Challenge: a competition that seeks to create automatic defensive systems capable of reasoning about flaws, formulating patches and deploying them on a network in real time." 1504591;1468849686;shinohai;Maybe there could be a dapp for that. 1504592;1468850074;asciilifeform;jurov: know that, if i had not escaped from rupturefarms, i would be sent there. 1504593;1468850221;asciilifeform;jurov: i ended up in a delegation to an even lamer darpa thing, at one point, it was lysenko-level crapolade 1504594;1468850242;asciilifeform;chronicled, i think, in the l0gz, somewhere 1504595;1468850311;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-01#1474773 << thread. 1504596;1468850311;a111;Logged on 2016-06-01 17:49 asciilifeform: btw when i went down into the snakepit with several dozen renowned 'cryptographers' earlier this year, i asked a few folks about this. 1504597;1468851592;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1E3E9002C721814E2C39E9F4BD4B5016523A5ADD56F7C40A0563637241CE 1504598;1468851592;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/203F16439790F93F40EDE8B6DDC2D70A8576C55FDB4E41ECD2480E4DB243AB1 1504599;1468851636;asciilifeform;moar mexican dsl. 1504600;1468851658;shinohai;Estamos seguros! 1504601;1468851697;asciilifeform;$s sodamigo 1504602;1468851698;a111;1 results for "sodamigo", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=sodamigo 1504603;1468851715;mircea_popescu;Framedragger ty. 1504604;1468852221;shinohai;I DM'd Stephan Tual on twitter to ask why he blocked me. Reply was that "you write fabricated information on The Dao and I believe you to be in league with mircea_popescu". 1504605;1468852224;shinohai;lol 1504606;1468852734;thestringpuller;Stephen Tual doesn't like mircea_popescu ?!? 1504607;1468852748;mircea_popescu;who's that again ? 1504608;1468852755;mircea_popescu;Framedragger wordplay not present ; note that this is a work of fiction - for instance the "killing of the commander of artillery" actually happened during a siege by mahomed 2. apud giovanni maria angiolello, Venetian banker to the sultan : "Era il resto di Suzava con fossi et palanche circondata, le case et chiese erano di legname coperte di scandole, solamente un castello v'era fabricato di pietra et calcina, a coste, et d 1504609;1468852755;mircea_popescu;i fuora della terra, il quale si teneva, et era fornito, ma perche le vettovarie erano venute a manco, non si stette a perder tempo, et ritornato il campo per un'altra via, venissemo ad un forte castello, posto in monte, nel quale si trovava esser li prigioni del Turco, che furono presi l'anno avanti supra inverno, quando fu rotto Soliman Bassa, et fatta esperienza de haver detta fortezza, vi furono piantate sette bocche di b 1504610;1468852756;mircea_popescu;ombarde, et per otto giorni si fece pruovi di haverla, si ruppero due di quelle bombarde, et quelli ch'erano nella fortezza non volsero mai haver parlamento, et tutti si difendevano con l'artegliarie et non si curavano di noi." 1504611;1468852813;shinohai;He's the fatso from the slock.it team. 1504612;1468852829;mircea_popescu;i can't quote the item for lacking a title ; romanian copies are curated and collected by ioan ursu as "historia turchesca 1300-1514), editura academiei romane, 1910 - where it's found at page 91 and urm. 1504613;1468852871;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller http://trilema.com/the-life-and-times-of-one-phil-daian-aspiring-nigger-apprentice-cocksucker might have something to do with it. 1504614;1468852900;thestringpuller;Slock.it adding more problems to the p2p market. I asked someone once, "What keeps people from just stealing your bike once the slock is unlocked?" "Uh I dunno. We never got that far." 1504615;1468852948;mircea_popescu;(i only bother with the reference because it's a very convenient example of many thousands extant that "nobody knows about".) 1504616;1468853049;thestringpuller;Anyone else notice a trend that altcoins with high BTC trade volume tend to go accidental ponzi? 1504617;1468853065;mircea_popescu;there;s a group of pumpers working them. 1504618;1468853088;thestringpuller;i think only LTC has some liquidity on the bid side... 1504619;1468853141;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/his-dumb-is-too-thick/#comment-118124 1504620;1468853170;thestringpuller;I also just realized Steem copied Qntra's model. Have BTC investors, pay for content creators to create content. 1504621;1468853184;thestringpuller;Just Steem is ponzi-fying it, while Qntra actually works... 1504622;1468853365;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504585 << on that statement of it we can prolly fall to agreement. 1504623;1468853365;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 13:23 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504568 << the impalement is inescapable. i simply object to the notion of sparing the hardware they built - it is every bit as insidiously and infectiously idiotic as all of their software creations. 1504624;1468853432;asciilifeform;see earlier comment. all roads to sanity lead to some variant of lisp machine. 1504625;1468853483;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504597 << a) beautiful to see phuctor work as gcd proper, innit ? and b) wtf is with these broken ssh keys, they're all used on narrow ip spaces. third case today it's xx.xx.xx.yy vs xx.xx.xx.zz sort of thing ? 1504626;1468853483;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 14:19 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/1E3E9002C721814E2C39E9F4BD4B5016523A5ADD56F7C40A0563637241CE 1504627;1468853496;mircea_popescu;isn't this proof positive of DELIBERATE broken ssh key generation ? ie, context-dependent ? 1504628;1468853498;asciilifeform;and, more generally speaking, AGGRESSIVE debabelization - BURN the 10,001 video boards, we need ONE; BURN the 10,001 allocators - we need ONE, in silicon; etc 1504629;1468853552;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504604 << i lolled. 1504630;1468853552;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 14:30 shinohai: I DM'd Stephan Tual on twitter to ask why he blocked me. Reply was that "you write fabricated information on The Dao and I believe you to be in league with mircea_popescu". 1504631;1468853587;mircea_popescu;can you imagine all the dudebro biscuit eating going around in poorly lit, unventilated basements while chanting my name and pretending the bit of plastic up their butt is really my penis ? 1504632;1468853751;mircea_popescu;$up reydev 1504633;1468853751;deedbot;reydev voiced for 30 minutes. 1504634;1468853835;reydev;good day all 1504635;1468853841;*;mircea_popescu waves 1504636;1468853883;reydev;just wanted to leave this here for whatever its worth http://www.weboftrust.info/ 1504637;1468853913;mircea_popescu;is this your production ? 1504638;1468853917;reydev;not at all 1504639;1468853922;asciilifeform;'The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. It’s a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP. But some use it as a term to include self-sovereign identity authentication & verification, certificate validation, and reputation assessment, while the vibrant blockchain community is also drawing new attention to the concept we aim to reboot it.' 1504640;1468853922;asciilifeform; << l0l!! 1504641;1468853931;asciilifeform;REBOOT IT!!111111 1504642;1468853931;mircea_popescu;any conceivable reason we'd care ? 1504643;1468853955;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for as long as they have the sense to stay out of the reach of the fortress that sunk teh ether-dao, they'll be fine. 1504644;1468853956;asciilifeform;VIBRANT BLOCKCHAIN KOMMOOYYYYOOOOONITYY!11 1504645;1468853966;mircea_popescu;for any value of fine that reduces to "flail meaninglessly among themselves" 1504646;1468853976;shinohai;reboot = using 99 cent rattle can of paint to change colour? 1504647;1468853983;mircea_popescu;aha. 1504648;1468853994;asciilifeform;shinohai: nah, own liquishit, sprayed directly 1504649;1468854001;mircea_popescu;imagine, some fucktards are going to have "the greaters impact" on "self-sovereign identity" 1504650;1468854021;mircea_popescu;the only impact they'll have on anything is if i decide to use their skulls to remodel a wall. then they'll impact alright, and even temporarily color things. 1504651;1468854036;reydev;hmm 1504652;1468854082;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504648 <<<< this makes for better slogan "You can have your WoT in any color you like, as long as it's brown." 1504653;1468854082;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 14:59 asciilifeform: shinohai: nah, own liquishit, sprayed directly 1504654;1468854106;mircea_popescu;ahahaha, christopher allen "principal architect at blockstream" 1504655;1468854107;mircea_popescu;mmkay. 1504656;1468854159;mircea_popescu;not even "bunch of illiterate kids reinventing the world without bothering to check up the dictionary first", but the usual case of "imbeciles still jacking off to the notion VC can stand up to MP". 1504657;1468854232;mircea_popescu;anyway, archived as https://archive.is/SiBb5 and https://archive.is/8ffqQ just in case someone wants the names for whatever kill list later on 1504658;1468854240;mircea_popescu;reydev thanks for reporting. 1504659;1468854442;reydev;while i'm up, can i ask wrt qntra, is it meant to be non-profit? as in, is the idea that shareholders are like sponsors? 1504660;1468854513;thestringpuller;qntra has ways to monetize beyond having consumers paying shareholders 1504661;1468854570;mircea_popescu;reydev why non profit ? it's currently worth more than gawker. 1504662;1468854573;mircea_popescu;seems rather profitable. 1504663;1468854585;thestringpuller;^- not for shareholders (yet) 1504664;1468854631;mircea_popescu;how not ? you own a share of x item that's worth a lot. 1504665;1468854661;mircea_popescu;reydev anyway, nothing keeping you from joining... the web of trust. you'll likely be able to self voice, at least unless/until you go militantly stupid. 1504666;1468854671;reydev;im already in it 1504667;1468854678;reydev;have it all set up 1504668;1468854683;reydev;im just not at the computer 1504669;1468854725;mircea_popescu;$gettrust assbot reydev 1504670;1468854725;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections. 1504671;1468854728;mircea_popescu;ah cool. 1504672;1468854862;reydev;anyhow, i dont see the revenue model for qntra if there is any, is there something to read about it? 1504673;1468855134;mircea_popescu;if qntra sells to... i dunno, who hasn't bought anything in a while, apple say ? for a perfectly market-reasonable hundred billion dollars, then a shareholder that bought however many shares for however many bitcents will receive however many hundreds of millions of dollars. 1504674;1468855162;mircea_popescu;that's the revenue model of EVERYTHING else, why'd you go "i don't see the qntra revenue model" ? do you go around saying "i don't see the linkedin revenue model" ? 1504675;1468855168;mircea_popescu;because i expect you should. 1504676;1468855204;asciilifeform;who, i wonder, would continue to write for qntra after this hypothetical crapocalypse ? 1504677;1468855223;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform seeing how it comes with 1 bitcent = 100mn dollars, i would expect EVERYONE. 1504678;1468855224;asciilifeform;(and why would, e.g., crapple, buy it? other than to kill) 1504679;1468855254;mircea_popescu;think : who's raping who here ? the game is not "does usg rape us or doesn't it". it's "have raped it yet ?" not binary but unary, only one final state available. 1504680;1468855261;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, it buys it so WE kill it. 1504681;1468855270;asciilifeform;ah, berlin '45 1504682;1468855277;asciilifeform;long way off. 1504683;1468855296;reydev;i doubt most of these social media sites will ever be profitable? except indeed for the ones issuing the shares 1504684;1468855298;asciilifeform;i dun even own a chronoscope powerful enough to see this. 1504685;1468855309;mircea_popescu;what's the russian expression, карниз ? :D 1504686;1468855320;mircea_popescu;reydev so is linkedin profitable ? 1504687;1468855329;reydev;i doubt it 1504688;1468855334;mircea_popescu;but for the shareholders ? 1504689;1468855341;reydev;probably big time yeah 1504690;1468855352;mircea_popescu;no media item in the history of items was ever profitable in the aluminum siding sense of profitability. 1504691;1468855362;mircea_popescu;chiefly because... they're not in the business of turning out aluminum siding. 1504692;1468855381;reydev;well youve given me something to ponder 1504693;1468855394;mircea_popescu;you're welcome 1504694;1468855461;reydev;:) 1504695;1468856108;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504253 << this ties in somehow with the typically murican expectation of "Social mobility", but the implications are yet murky. 1504696;1468856108;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:31 asciilifeform: the ~STABILITY~ implied in an alt-world where software ~actually works correctly~ is Ur-terrifying to the typical maggot, whether of the microshit or 'open sores' variety 1504697;1468856134;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: chumps are almost biologically drawn to 'musical chairs' game 1504698;1468856144;mircea_popescu;aha. 1504699;1468856146;asciilifeform;'IMAWINNNNNNERRR!!' 1504700;1468856159;mircea_popescu;a fool's game, all sound and fury, signifying nothing. 1504701;1468856305;asciilifeform;it is almost as if they all heard napoleon's 'in every private's rucksack there is a feldmarshal's baton' 1504702;1468856346;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504265 << i suspect by now the "3d printed gun" is moreover useful ; afaik work is underway to the typically ustarded pivot of "we're not forbidding weapons - only working ones ; you can still have 3d printed plastic shit! it'll be just as good as the real thing for what you do with it anyway, which is to say jack off". 1504703;1468856346;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 17:57 asciilifeform: in other 'news', this schmuck is still in business, apparently : http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2016-cody-wilson-ghost-gunner-ar-15 1504704;1468856392;asciilifeform;it so happens that i was reading the docs for his mill machine just now, https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0206/7642/files/GG2_Manual.pdf?4483922796295118618 1504705;1468856404;asciilifeform;it is a fairly ordinary, and very cheaply made, cnc grinder thing 1504706;1468856414;mircea_popescu;i was thinking, looks adequate and no more. 1504707;1468856420;mircea_popescu;not sure worth the 1500, but anyway. 1504708;1468856420;asciilifeform;and, interestingly, won't even make the 'receiver' from aluminum billet, you need a '80% complete' one 1504709;1468856427;asciilifeform;to start from 1504710;1468856430;mircea_popescu;heh 1504711;1468856432;asciilifeform;they are - currently - openly sold in usa 1504712;1468856444;asciilifeform;just like the barrels, clockwork, bolts, etc 1504713;1468856449;asciilifeform;but this could change at the drop of a hat 1504714;1468856464;mircea_popescu;bloomberg piece includes the official ideological discussion of trump, check that out. 1504715;1468856479;asciilifeform;http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0401/8057/products/80_percent_lower_raw_lower_fire_and_safe_1024x1024.jpg?v=1430669926 << subj 1504716;1468856487;mircea_popescu;by now an idiot familiar to soviet journos is well at work in the "mainstream" media. his job ? stick talking points into unrelated items. 1504717;1468856507;mircea_popescu;he tells himself this is a stepping stone to a carrier as congress gofer - where he'll suck his boss' cock and do the same thing to "laws" 1504718;1468856518;mircea_popescu;or whatever you call the multi-folio piles of maculature that place produces. 1504719;1468856520;asciilifeform;(notice, ~all of the tricky metalwork: threading, horizontal drilling - is done) 1504720;1468856583;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504269 <<< guess. heh. 1504721;1468856583;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 18:00 asciilifeform: or why he collects megabux of donation simply to give to lawyers; 1504722;1468856798;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504301 << just the fact that "they were not attacking police deliberately" is now part of the list of factoids aparartchick has to insert into articles is indicative of just how fucking petrified teh usg is. 1504723;1468856798;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 19:58 asciilifeform: 'Mr Vancel said the men were shooting at each other before the officers arrived. "This was not a 'come at police' situation they weren't targeting the police at first - I don't assume so - because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed up and it turned into a gun battle," he added.' << lel 1504724;1468857041;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504707 << think for a minute. 1500 (about ~triple the cost of making the mill yourself from surplus partz) AND NOW BE ON THE LIST 1504725;1468857041;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 15:40 mircea_popescu: not sure worth the 1500, but anyway. 1504726;1468857055;mircea_popescu;but maybe you like being on lists. 1504727;1468857068;asciilifeform;can get on list for phreee. 1504728;1468857071;asciilifeform;why pay. 1504729;1468857085;mircea_popescu;some people prefer to pay, what can i tell ye. 1504730;1468857325;asciilifeform;'has a machinable area of 8.25″ x 2.95″ x 2.35″, optimized for machining AR-15 and AR-10 receivers' << mega-l0l 1504731;1468857334;asciilifeform;~useless for pretty much anything else... 1504732;1468857363;mircea_popescu;so if i'm going to make like... three ? receivers, why buy this cuisinart for 1500 when i could just buy 3 guns and a six ounce bag from tyrone ? 1504733;1468857383;asciilifeform;recall, it cannot even make ONE from billet 1504734;1468857391;asciilifeform;you still have to order the 'eightypercent' from some vendor 1504735;1468857395;asciilifeform;and get on THAT list also. 1504736;1468857408;mircea_popescu;can you even get what you call "billet", but really is special alloy for rifle parts ? 1504737;1468857431;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ar(m16) 'receiver' is not a pressurized part, it just holds the mag and the trigger clockwork 1504738;1468857438;asciilifeform;folks have made them from wood, etc. 1504739;1468857457;asciilifeform;the traditional item is made of ordinary aluminum. 1504740;1468857462;mircea_popescu;yes, sure. if i was selling a rifle, and it had a wooden reciever, would you buy it ? 1504741;1468857468;mircea_popescu;how about house with cardboard roof ? 1504742;1468857480;asciilifeform;not unless there were no proper ones to be had. 1504743;1468857485;mircea_popescu;how about wife, slightly used, slightly overweight ? 1504744;1468857492;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1504745;1468857504;jurov;you can't cast the 80% there receiver yourself? 1504746;1468857507;mircea_popescu;so i should pay 1500 in new capital outlay to produce replacements for... roadkill ?! 1504747;1468857515;asciilifeform;jurov: can't cast the thread 1504748;1468857526;asciilifeform;jurov: the thing starts life as a casting, yes, though. 1504749;1468857531;mircea_popescu;jurov from aluminum ?! with what, a 300 amp house wiring arrangement ? 1504750;1468857532;jurov;oh it can't machine the thread? 1504751;1468857539;asciilifeform;jurov: nope. 1504752;1468857549;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: folks cast aluminum in jungle conditions all the time, it is not so hard. 1504753;1468857554;asciilifeform;easier, really, than the machining. 1504754;1468857571;jurov;mircea_popescu prolly confused casting and smelting 1504755;1468857600;mircea_popescu;well i was going a little further up the tree. 1504756;1468857606;asciilifeform;e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHD10DjxM1g 1504757;1468857607;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes but it'll get bubbly. 1504758;1468857656;mircea_popescu;what's aluminium, like silver et all, < 1k ? 1504759;1468857662;mircea_popescu;melting temperature i mean 1504760;1468857674;asciilifeform;~700c 1504761;1468857677;mircea_popescu;660 yeah 1504762;1468857766;mircea_popescu;o check it out, tor finally going to meet ripple in that happy space over the horizon ? 1504763;1468857769;mircea_popescu;good fucking riddance. 1504764;1468857782;asciilifeform;lel if only 1504765;1468857810;mircea_popescu;"Tonga will be permanently shut down and all associated crytographic keys destroyed on 2016-08-31. This should give the Tor developers ample time to stand up a substitute. I will terminate the chron job we set up so many years ago at that time that copies over the descriptors." << if there were a bitbet i'd put a little on "there will not be a replacement in time" 1504766;1468857811;asciilifeform;one particular monkey got tired and handed off the master index box to other 1504767;1468857895;*;asciilifeform has long wondered: whether tmsr will have a new bitbet 1504768;1468857909;asciilifeform;it was a handy thing 1504769;1468857927;mats;on the subject, anyone for some ad hoc btcusd options? 1504770;1468857970;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, officially-in-universe, all sorts of things happening for ripple also. to quote, "FXCH Ltd. clears first Blockchain-settled institutional Spot-FX trades", "Ripple named one of top 5 fintechs by Fortune Mazagine" etc etc. 1504771;1468857976;mircea_popescu;mats what'd you use as a price signal ? 1504772;1468857993;mats;bitstamp :( 1504773;1468857997;mircea_popescu;mno. 1504774;1468858021;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it will be an interesting anal piercing moment for the tor aficionados - EVERYBODY gets to 'upgrade' 1504775;1468858029;asciilifeform;(the directory server is hardcoded in, iirc) 1504776;1468858030;mircea_popescu;aww. 1504777;1468858049;asciilifeform;this includes the exit operators. 1504778;1468858066;jurov;mats: you want just speculation or delivery? 1504779;1468858067;mircea_popescu;good thing you can't use timings and other side channels to unmaks them when such a thing happens. 1504780;1468858123;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'unmask', turns out, isn't nearly 'user-friendly' enough for nsa, they would also like arbitrary ram r/w into the chumpers 1504781;1468858134;asciilifeform;ergo 'upgrade!1111 nao!11' 1504782;1468858139;mircea_popescu;heh 1504783;1468858181;mircea_popescu;so is anyone going to actually bother a) factoring the ssh keys found weak ; b) go own the machines, copy over their ssh agent ; c) hack it apart see wtf caused the collisions ? 1504784;1468858183;asciilifeform;we had this thread: unmasking is only effective when there IS somebody interesting to unmask. at other times, you gotta emplace that cocaine into the toilet tank. 1504785;1468858193;mircea_popescu;you can be on the same list and don't even have to spend 1500 dubaloos. 1504786;1468858196;mats;jurov: speculation 1504787;1468858212;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: pretty clear to the naked eye. dsl modem. 1504788;1468858223;mircea_popescu;how did it manage to collide ? 1504789;1468858232;asciilifeform;factory-baked ssh key 1504790;1468858237;asciilifeform;these turn up regularly. 1504791;1468858245;mircea_popescu;but it's not the same key. 1504792;1468858259;mircea_popescu;if it's factory baked, how come the collisions only happen in C blocks ? 1504793;1468858273;asciilifeform;$s 100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949 1504794;1468858273;a111;4 results for "100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949 1504795;1468858301;mircea_popescu;o wait it's the same factor actually innit. 1504796;1468858311;mircea_popescu;no it's not. 1504797;1468858313;mircea_popescu;look here : 1504798;1468858317;asciilifeform;i see it 1504799;1468858352;mircea_popescu;100967258343792882586359465099964743874115772336452279964534591772453169488949 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ; ; 1504800;1468858373;mircea_popescu;3717621124200192314145705948137075738570941668159058108077267463226172347789 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ; 1504801;1468858405;mircea_popescu;10783613970442413934143578906158089830375140508817221044708965087575877867311152108386754333184784039689570945854780881166021712179361227812154341718049279 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ; 1504802;1468858428;mircea_popescu;so we have THREE pairs, all on the same /18, and with different large factors. 1504803;1468858460;asciilifeform;almost as interesting is the number of boxes with DUPLICATE keys 1504804;1468858479;mircea_popescu;this seems to me not a case of "key baked in dsl modem" ; but a case of "someone is running software which can be made to create deliberately weak keys in certain deployment contexts" 1504805;1468858516;mircea_popescu;i would say as a matter of policy we should immediately hijack, copy and completely wipe these boxes. 1504806;1468858581;jurov;you need to mitm someone logging in, no? 1504807;1468858595;jurov;and i have nfi how to mitm some box in mexico 1504808;1468858647;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1504809;1468858666;asciilifeform;$ curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/dupes | grep -c -i "framedragger" 1504810;1468858666;asciilifeform;200981 1504811;1468858670;asciilifeform;^ holy shit ^ 1504812;1468858676;mircea_popescu;heh. 1504813;1468858681;asciilifeform;i slept through this. 1504814;1468858685;mircea_popescu;wtf is this anyway, people decide to use a single key on all their boxes ? 1504815;1468858689;asciilifeform;'decide' 1504816;1468858690;asciilifeform;'their boxes' 1504817;1468858695;mircea_popescu;heh. 1504818;1468858711;mircea_popescu;i'm guessing phuctor is right on schedule : just about time for yet another paper, a month after the prev a month after the prev etc. 1504819;1468858717;mircea_popescu;plox to write it, i'm not gonna. 1504820;1468858731;asciilifeform;thing hasn't even eaten first parcel of the sshkeyz 1504821;1468858738;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1504822;1468858743;asciilifeform;683600/815805 1504823;1468858751;mircea_popescu;let's give Framedragger a courtesy ping seeing how it's all his data. 1504824;1468858762;mats;how many ssh keys in phuctor now? 1504825;1468858770;mircea_popescu;638k 1504826;1468858775;mircea_popescu;683k* 1504827;1468858776;asciilifeform;phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/stats 1504828;1468858790;asciilifeform;and yes 1504829;1468858792;mats;that includes unprocessed? 1504830;1468858806;asciilifeform;mats: every single thing gets processed every 4h 1504831;1468858809;mircea_popescu;no, about 10mn ssh keys, total 1504832;1468858809;asciilifeform;again, and again 1504833;1468858833;mats;ok 1504834;1468858842;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/phuctored << gotta do something about that page. 1504835;1468858873;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what, specifically 1504836;1468858877;asciilifeform;i kept it a 1pager so i can grep 1504837;1468858889;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/3BAE60DEFC1A4CF00D95455C8C27D08F0B7F770A80EBB11FAAD24306BAAB8DB7 << check it out. 1504838;1468858927;asciilifeform;or, worse still, http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/FFE44716565274B160E764BAF3DAB84843CF87F35D08FF722A9CA560B547E607 1504839;1468858945;asciilifeform;(the dupes page is a rogue's gallery of these.) 1504840;1468858972;mircea_popescu;it's a 550kb page! 1504841;1468858977;mircea_popescu;miles long. 1504842;1468858979;asciilifeform;my current hypothesis is that enemy was a little more clever than reported by the bocks, and divided dupe keys into equivalence classes 1504843;1468858992;mircea_popescu;if you want a csv version, why not make that. if you're making a html version, should have pages. 1504844;1468859019;mircea_popescu;this "middle of the road" thing is bad for both usecases : when you grep it you waste bw on html crud ; meanwhile browsing luser is stuck. 1504845;1468859046;asciilifeform;it is painful but: i kept the proggy short, and it is - afaik - bug-free. 1504846;1468859055;asciilifeform;as soon as i add this'n'that, it will turn into whorepress. 1504847;1468859067;mircea_popescu;don't worry, sucking cock doesn't make you a whore! 1504848;1468859116;asciilifeform;at some point i will add paged-by-default and 'view-all' link for grep 1504849;1468859132;asciilifeform;but doing just about anything to this beast is a misery bordering on self-appendectomy 1504850;1468859200;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F2723B28577B087DB5E15C378870963A69E67E5BFD9A06EA88E7D8ABF4F5E29C << nuttery. 1504851;1468859223;mircea_popescu;aite! 1504852;1468859241;mircea_popescu;why misery tho ? you wrote it neh ? 1504853;1468859244;asciilifeform;i should like to hear the 'innocent', boeckian explanation for the tall piles of dupolade. 1504854;1468859256;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: wwwtronics is a misery. 1504855;1468859294;mircea_popescu;dude dat link.... 1504856;1468859296;mircea_popescu;wtf is this. 1504857;1468859313;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5C4F4981D4A37A5C961765FAB5CF1F30774125DEF35E37AA648EC5B015A4F094 << have another. 1504858;1468859320;asciilifeform;tall piles of dupe keys. 1504859;1468859333;mircea_popescu;60+ instances of different ips using same key ? 1504860;1468859335;asciilifeform;typically from a single /16. 1504861;1468859340;asciilifeform;aha. 1504862;1468859341;mircea_popescu;this must be some sort of gateway arrangement. 1504863;1468859367;mircea_popescu;alternatively, nobody could foresee the terrorists will use ssh keys as rsa unifying underlying, so they're entirely unprepared for any of this 1504864;1468859373;mircea_popescu;in which case, it definitely should be pushed. 1504865;1468859389;asciilifeform;there isn't much further to push the dupe thing, other than cataloguing the champs 1504866;1468859394;asciilifeform;and printing in moar convenient format 1504867;1468859413;asciilifeform;'modulus M : 1,001 ips: ...' etc 1504868;1468859418;mircea_popescu;aha. 1504869;1468859432;mircea_popescu;well, at least it offers a hierarchy of "in which order to factor keys" 1504870;1468859446;mircea_popescu;this afaik didn't exist on the open nets afore. 1504871;1468859485;asciilifeform;it is a valid point: there is no physical way to distinguish 'all connected to same box' from 'boxes with dupe key' 1504872;1468859492;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the one important thing you should add is "search by ip" 1504873;1468859516;asciilifeform;could search by generic string, but it'll be slow. 1504874;1468859521;asciilifeform;'ip' is not a field in my db !! 1504875;1468859524;asciilifeform;we went over this. 1504876;1468859530;asciilifeform;having ANY new fields would make the thing 100x more complex. 1504877;1468859539;asciilifeform;use grep. 1504878;1468859548;mircea_popescu;at the very least you could make another page, "ips by factors found" 1504879;1468859554;mircea_popescu;then people can search in that. 1504880;1468859555;asciilifeform;this, yes. 1504881;1468859558;mircea_popescu;aha. 1504882;1468859560;asciilifeform;it'll be batch-generated. 1504883;1468859580;asciilifeform;so far we have... 8 ? 1504884;1468859590;asciilifeform;$s ssh-rsa key from 1504885;1468859591;a111;11 results for "ssh-rsa key from", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ssh-rsa%20key%20from 1504886;1468859688;asciilifeform;consider now this case: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/1de0673a-143e-4062-b1f0-3d414525f7f9/ 1504887;1468859691;asciilifeform;there are plenty of these. 1504888;1468859714;asciilifeform;does not reflect 'same network' scenario. 1504889;1468859728;asciilifeform;speaking of all of this, did anybody ever crawl the tor exit pubkeys ? 1504890;1468860002;asciilifeform;aaaaaaaaandd.... 1504891;1468860003;asciilifeform;we have... 1504892;1468860005;asciilifeform;a winner: 1504893;1468860006;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/edd4ff91-9ae8-422c-9138-d3d89bee597e 1504894;1468860041;trinque;huh, wotpaste wont resolve over here; I shit thee not 1504895;1468860048;asciilifeform;curl -s http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/edd4ff91-9ae8-422c-9138-d3d89bee597e/?raw=true | grep -c -i "ssh-rsa" 1504896;1468860050;asciilifeform;162 1504897;1468860057;asciilifeform;instances of same modulus 1504898;1468860060;asciilifeform;ALL OVER the net. 1504899;1468860069;trinque;there it went 1504900;1468860115;asciilifeform;note, all of this is from not even one complete parcel from Framedragger . 1504901;1468860168;trinque;heh, found NSA's "cloud hosting" 1504902;1468860216;asciilifeform;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/bba8b759-dc4b-4df6-9085-e49bc2804527 << aaand another. 1504903;1468860222;asciilifeform;who wants more, can dig with own hands, for now. 1504904;1468860233;asciilifeform;there are hundreds of these clusters. 1504905;1468860407;asciilifeform;'nobody could have predicted!' that this will turn up! 1504906;1468860561;jurov;heh, whois times out 1504907;1468861012;asciilifeform;curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/sadmods | grep -c -i "exponent 1 is not prime" 1504908;1468861013;asciilifeform;10 1504909;1468861018;asciilifeform;TEN! 1504910;1468861441;jurov;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/sadmods causes firefox-47 to spin for several minutes and then render garbage 1504911;1468861459;asciilifeform;400MB jurov 1504912;1468861496;jurov;Still. It's just a simple table without js. 1504913;1468861642;asciilifeform;sooooo, at the risk of cluttering l0gz, we have the ten winnerz: 1504914;1468861652;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7CA14A17798D7F706E0BD77572FA640F291B511A0ADD2D420B6C1B09D31B31BE 1504915;1468861652;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/DECFE58CD976219B387AF29CC2F2B298696C16350D12E824FF717E1B1E907A80 1504916;1468861652;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D6B243A14ED577EDF6A06E339742398A60E2795E56A9679E474EA4F56CEE2FCF 1504917;1468861652;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F9E5715A35D36CFAD74E5D259A294DFEF977991D0BEA58C729179642DD9C308E 1504918;1468861652;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/5A89906DB67B9331B3B10889DF97F72CCF986B351A8E8D3953777EC6C3B06FAE 1504919;1468861653;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/A2FF671C530DFA823E42782B1C8AF9874CF263653B3517DC3EB4FD602DABBF64 1504920;1468861655;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EF6F4A716C4514B5E99F16717207BB9FA823A385CEBBAD4D00D242D9C566D522 1504921;1468861657;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/7EA5B03B4FD8AC88BD9D59C9389EA8E678620391CC5366E3D99417383F77609D 1504922;1468861659;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/F84EBD729CF6AFCFAE6C26A422025F4BA4279B0C4D92251C6D49F147545AA056 1504923;1468861661;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/69420B90B8B1C02C8C0E3F9F591801396FE97A6C87714A63D64C25EA47B5B88E 1504924;1468861663;asciilifeform;to date ^ exp=1 ^ 1504925;1468861710;asciilifeform;i'd love to learn what these folks had in common, other than the obvious misfortune. 1504926;1468861774;jurov;and it's questionable why export it as html, when browser can't be used and we have to grep it anyway? 1504927;1468861798;asciilifeform;jurov: because there is one proggy. 1504928;1468861801;asciilifeform;is this so hard to grasp. 1504929;1468861805;asciilifeform;there are not TWO 1504930;1468861825;asciilifeform;same garden hose, for cake batter and for kerosene, i dun have a second. 1504931;1468861899;jurov;:) 1504932;1468861938;asciilifeform;http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/69420B90B8B1C02C8C0E3F9F591801396FE97A6C87714A63D64C25EA47B5B88E << this last one is interesting. 'usaa' is a bank. 1504933;1468862022;asciilifeform;the others are ~all~ 1024-bit ancient keyz. 1504934;1468862508;asciilifeform;some moar lulz, 1504935;1468862509;asciilifeform;grep -i "not prime" [sadmods] | sort | uniq > sads 1504936;1468862518;asciilifeform;^^^^ http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/78112214-f938-42e4-b55a-451d46cba369 1504937;1468862600;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504774 << ftr, there's a consensus mechanism, so it's not "everything works or everything's broken" 1504938;1468862600;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:07 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it will be an interesting anal piercing moment for the tor aficionados - EVERYBODY gets to 'upgrade' 1504939;1468862606;Framedragger;but, yeah, hardcoded, yew 1504940;1468862963;Framedragger;hmm (reading backlog on ip address correlations) "this should be plotted". interesting 1504941;1468863042;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504823 << *evil laugh from castle* 1504942;1468863042;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:19 mircea_popescu: let's give Framedragger a courtesy ping seeing how it's all his data. 1504943;1468863162;Framedragger;asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hey i may be up for setting up some kind of searchable thing with everything dumped into postgres. not sure how much worth vs. time, but could be useful as these stats grow 1504944;1468863195;Framedragger;also remember http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502578 1504945;1468863195;a111;Logged on 2016-07-13 18:26 Framedragger: asciilifeform: i have moar ssh keys for ya: (diff from that 10M bunch, i.e. only new ones) 920M file, 1.82M new ssh keys. 1504946;1468863205;asciilifeform;oh ya 1504947;1468863216;Framedragger;'cause you know it's not enough :D 1504948;1468863287;Framedragger;shasum at 1504949;1468863360;asciilifeform;ty Framedragger . 1504950;1468863484;asciilifeform;Framedragger: do you still have the raw mods somewhere ? 1504951;1468863498;asciilifeform;it would not take long to snarf them up and 2d plot by ip 1504952;1468863546;asciilifeform;(a mod with 2 or more ips gets a colour; plot each ip on the traditional 2d grid, and connect with line of that colour.) 1504953;1468863601;asciilifeform;you do not need any of the phuctor logic for this 1504954;1468863615;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504911 << lord have mercy 1504955;1468863615;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:04 asciilifeform: 400MB jurov 1504956;1468863618;Framedragger;we need teh api 1504957;1468863658;asciilifeform;Framedragger: not only would an api take up more complexity than phuctor at present in its entirety, but the thing barely keeps up as it is. 1504958;1468863662;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504950 << you mean mods in the e,N,IP format? yes and they should be on the web, one sec 1504959;1468863662;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:38 asciilifeform: Framedragger: do you still have the raw mods somewhere ? 1504960;1468863700;Framedragger;asciilifeform: i implied that i'd be interested to maybe write an api; if everything's in postgres properly indexed, should be fine. hey i'm a masochist, all the better for tmsr!!1 1504961;1468863721;Framedragger;(i mean i'd mirror the thing, or something) 1504962;1468863736;Framedragger;so your original wwwtronic thing would be preserved; i understand and appreciate its elegance 1504963;1468863749;asciilifeform;i dun see how it could be mirrored without substantial redesign. 1504964;1468863757;Framedragger;asciilifeform: original 10M e,N,IP: 1504965;1468863807;Framedragger;and e,N,IP for the additional 1.82M key ball is in the (file at top, directories under contain the openpgp'd versions). hope this makes sense, it's a bit ad hoc 1504966;1468863820;asciilifeform;neato 1504967;1468863838;Framedragger;thought it may come in handy for da analysis 1504968;1468863862;Framedragger;asciilifeform: yeah i dunno if it can be mirrored. won't rush anyway.. 1504969;1468863874;asciilifeform;in principle, anything can be ~anythinged. 1504970;1468863919;asciilifeform;in practice, that thing grinds ~100+ queries / sec. 24/7 1504971;1468863923;asciilifeform;and they aren't consolidatable. 1504972;1468863936;asciilifeform;and it lives on ONE box, not a cluster or wtf. 1504973;1468863949;asciilifeform;and whole thing is a couplaehundredlines. 1504974;1468864193;Framedragger;asciilifeform: well you wouldnt be you if it were otherwise i suppose! 1504975;1468864193;Framedragger;neat as fuck 1504976;1468864194;asciilifeform;phuctor is heavily bound by disk i/o. 1504977;1468864212;asciilifeform;and there is really no cure for this. 1504978;1468864226;Framedragger;does the box have ssd? 1504979;1468864228;asciilifeform;(if it were a commercial thing, it would probably live on a large farm) 1504980;1468864233;asciilifeform;Framedragger: not iirc. 1504981;1468864273;asciilifeform;it has a tremendous qty of ram, without which whole experiment would be quite impossible 1504982;1468864299;Framedragger;..cause you need to keep the eight-ball in memory, right? 1504983;1468864319;asciilifeform;actually no 1504984;1468864330;asciilifeform;eightball is an afterthought really 1504985;1468864340;asciilifeform;the remainder-tree (see bernstein's paper) 1504986;1468864363;asciilifeform;box also hosts the only (afaik) 'five nines'-reliable trb node. 1504987;1468864392;asciilifeform;(uses about 3-5% of ram) 1504988;1468864477;Framedragger;(ah, need to read that damn paper finally) 1504989;1468864487;asciilifeform;linked from faq. 1504990;1468864520;Framedragger;yeah it's in my guilty-unread-pdf-pile heh. 1504991;1468864578;trinque;ahem. 1504992;1468864587;trinque;only reliable trb node eh? 1504993;1468864633;asciilifeform;trinque: the only one i know of that runs continuously without blackhole or other hiccup. 1504994;1468864745;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504926 << in truth, use a sane browser like lynx :) 1504995;1468864745;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:09 jurov: and it's questionable why export it as html, when browser can't be used and we have to grep it anyway? 1504996;1468864748;Framedragger;works that way 1504997;1468864909;jurov;you actually tried lynx? as we are speaking, it claims to read 30MB, at 340KiB/sec, and the keeps getting down 1504998;1468864941;Framedragger;some time ago. could have been elinks. and yeah i recall it being slow 1504999;1468864971;jurov;*the speed keeps 1505000;1468864985;Framedragger;bottleneck on phuctor's end 1505001;1468865007;jurov;mnope. it's reading from hdd 1505002;1468865016;Framedragger;ah. should have checked. well damn 1505003;1468865020;asciilifeform;from db jurov 1505004;1468865032;asciilifeform;which is an order of magnitude slower than simply 'from hd' 1505005;1468865048;Framedragger;jurov: oh you mean it as counterargument, it reading from hdd on phuctor. i thought, from local hdd 1505006;1468865058;Framedragger;hm 1505007;1468865059;jurov;sigh, no 1505008;1468865070;jurov;i saved sadmods.html to *my* hdd 1505009;1468865086;jurov;and ran lynx sadmods.html 1505010;1468865092;asciilifeform;at a certain point i'ma have to make it a batch thing 1505011;1468865100;asciilifeform;namely, all of the .html will be generated nightly. 1505012;1468865102;asciilifeform;staticly. 1505013;1468865117;Framedragger;understood. well, so it is. i do recall being able to full text search decently once it loaded. but, okay, browsers suck 1505014;1468865137;Framedragger;asciilifeform: yeah that'd be pretty.. sane 1505015;1468865186;asciilifeform;thing has cache right now but it is good for 10 min. / page. 1505016;1468865188;jurov;if alf did csv, he could just keep appending to the static file 1505017;1468865194;trinque;asciilifeform: RSS too? 1505018;1468865210;asciilifeform;jurov: understand, there has to be a db, because ALL mods get bernsteined against ALL mods AND the 8ball. 1505019;1468865214;asciilifeform;EVERY 4 HRS. 1505020;1468865220;asciilifeform;trinque: sure 1505021;1468865228;trinque;I don't mind either way 1505022;1468865241;jurov;asciilifeform: i did not say you have to abandon db! 1505023;1468865247;trinque;but if that'll be nightly, I expect there'll be big farts of RSS at phuctor-o'clock 1505024;1468865251;asciilifeform;well i ain't appending to anything 1505025;1468865292;asciilifeform;problem is, phuctor unfortunately cannot be made 100% static 1505026;1468865304;asciilifeform;because this would entail a page for EVERY key and fp 1505027;1468865319;asciilifeform;i know of no file system that would not choke. 1505028;1468865332;jurov;but that does not mean you have to completely regenerate all html from scratch every time 1505029;1468865333;asciilifeform;nor am i interested in waiting for months for the conversion. 1505030;1468865348;asciilifeform;jurov: it does if i want a zero chance of corruption. 1505031;1468865355;asciilifeform;this is the v state thread all over again. 1505032;1468865364;asciilifeform;if you want ZERO corruption, you gotta regen ALL state. 1505033;1468865366;asciilifeform;EVERY time. 1505034;1468865375;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505027 << well the rfc4880-formatted keys are already in one-file-per-key, in truth 1505035;1468865375;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 18:08 asciilifeform: i know of no file system that would not choke. 1505036;1468865382;asciilifeform;they are not. 1505037;1468865387;asciilifeform;they live in db. 1505038;1468865415;asciilifeform;in old ver of phuctor they lived on fs; 1505039;1468865419;Framedragger;i meant that i supplied them to you as one key in one file. but yeah kk 1505040;1468865421;asciilifeform;this made backups unmanageably slow. 1505041;1468865429;*;Framedragger bike ride before sunset 1505042;1468865435;asciilifeform;goodnight Framedragger 1505043;1468865439;Framedragger;asciilifeform: fair enough 1505044;1468865457;Framedragger;eh i may be back, shit's too interesting :D 1505045;1468865461;asciilifeform;lolk 1505046;1468865519;asciilifeform;'moral' of this thread is - phuctor stretches the limits of disk, fs, db, various shoddy duct tape that makes up modern kompyooooting shitsoup 1505047;1468865587;asciilifeform;of cpu also, but the box is well-equipped in that respect 1505048;1468865589;asciilifeform;(16 cpu) 1505049;1468865610;asciilifeform;bernstein's also is, what was once called 'embarrassingly parallel' 1505050;1468865651;asciilifeform;*algo is 1505051;1468865719;trinque;http://serverfault.com/questions/6711/filesystem-for-millions-of-small-files/732832#732832 << cracks me up 1505052;1468865734;trinque;"If you don't care about write integrity, it's great." 1505053;1468865737;asciilifeform;afaik reiser is the champ. 1505054;1468865738;asciilifeform;still. 1505055;1468865741;trinque;yep 1505056;1468865767;trinque;I was sharing the lulz; db makes sense 1505057;1468865790;asciilifeform;it is also miserably slow and sequentially-blocking. 1505058;1468865933;asciilifeform;i'll admit that i've wondered for a while, what the ft meade version of phuctor looks like. 1505059;1468865996;asciilifeform;probably custom db, clusterized, etc. 1505060;1468866002;asciilifeform;with whole galley of interns to massage it. 1505061;1468866062;asciilifeform;consider, rsa keys vacuumed up worldwide since... first clinton term 1505062;1468867448;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505059 << are you using postgres? if so, advice from someone who has run a (hopefully) decent www+db thing with > 100 GiB of data in postgres: follow https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server or equivalent for your db (but i'll swear behind postgres any day). this is normal practice, mind you, not "hax0ring for nosql immigrants" 1505063;1468867448;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 18:19 asciilifeform: probably custom db, clusterized, etc. 1505064;1468867471;asciilifeform;Framedragger: it is reasonably tuned. 1505065;1468867484;Framedragger;asciilifeform: postgres defaults are fucking stupid. `shared_buffers`, an important thing when doing sorting, is 32 MiB at default 1505066;1468867486;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ah ok 1505067;1468867503;asciilifeform;and atm nothing is sorted. 1505068;1468867513;asciilifeform;(other than rss) 1505069;1468867529;Framedragger;okay, but there are other things; but if it's tuned then fair enough 1505070;1468867633;Framedragger;effective_cache_size e.g. could be set to 75% of total system memory. otherwise - don't want to presume - but it may end up paging the fuck out out of the disk. or other things.. 1505071;1468867658;asciilifeform;i need the memory for the gcd. 1505072;1468867685;Framedragger;ah it's a separate thing, right right. sorry i'm rambling without knowing / forgetting internals 1505073;1468867700;asciilifeform;aha separate proggy. 1505074;1468867709;asciilifeform;in straight c. 1505075;1468867718;Framedragger;asciilifeform: just curious, is all that beefy server memory actually being used? by either djb gcd or db? 1505076;1468867734;asciilifeform;during a run - most of it. 1505077;1468867747;Framedragger;cool stuff 1505078;1468867991;Framedragger;(hm, i'll go thru the ip clustering discussion again tomorrow or thereabouts, interesting stuff and interesting speculation how this came to be. need to find time to do some actual anal-sis and graphing....) 1505079;1468868096;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504806 << unless someone here has access to some important backbone nodez.. :/ 1505080;1468868096;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:16 jurov: you need to mitm someone logging in, no? 1505081;1468868183;Framedragger;logging in and resetting boxes via cracked *client* ssh keys could be a thing, though! keys are already retrieved i take it :) http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-20#1485892 1505082;1468868183;a111;Logged on 2016-06-20 20:38 mircea_popescu: recall, jurov parsed all of github, produced a pile of keys and the convertor code 1505083;1468868336;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504809 << just fyi the new 1.82M ssh key diff won't have that keyword in there, as i've shortened the comment string, as per various grumblings re this. 1505084;1468868336;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:17 asciilifeform: $ curl -s http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/dupes | grep -c -i "framedragger" 1505085;1468868336;Framedragger;example: (ssh-rsa key from (12 July 2016 extraction)) 1505086;1468869197;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504886 << Known Shared Factors: 1, Self (Ok, for now!). so it's just the same key seen from multiple internet-facing machines. 1505087;1468869197;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:34 asciilifeform: consider now this case: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/1de0673a-143e-4062-b1f0-3d414525f7f9/ 1505088;1468869227;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: buncha machines, NOT on same subnet. 1505089;1468869233;asciilifeform;and more of these, later, in l0gz. 1505090;1468869240;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1505091;1468869256;mircea_popescu;possibly found something like a nsa something or the other, a botnet / spamnet etc. 1505092;1468869269;asciilifeform;a whole gallery of same. 1505093;1468869351;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504906 << i see http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/154d6211-de43-4d97-bc53-8eef366b1d5c/ 1505094;1468869351;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:49 jurov: heh, whois times out 1505095;1468869388;jurov;yep, now it works 1505096;1468869440;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504926 << see http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504843 1505097;1468869440;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 16:23 mircea_popescu: if you want a csv version, why not make that. if you're making a html version, should have pages. 1505098;1468869440;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:09 jurov: and it's questionable why export it as html, when browser can't be used and we have to grep it anyway? 1505099;1468869499;jurov;mircea_popescu: see later in the log, apparently appended csv would enable corruption O.o 1505100;1468869547;mircea_popescu;i'm thinking the way this will end up is to separate the data processing ; data acquisition ; and data dissemination. evidently people good at any of these aren't good at the others, and have incredibly elaborate excuses for maintaining the situation that likely aren't worth cutting through. 1505101;1468869558;mircea_popescu;sort-of what's been happening with the wot, for instance, anyway. 1505102;1468869638;mircea_popescu;i guess some work poured into a semblance of unified dissemination interface is unavoidable, hence the shinohai wp project. 1505103;1468869664;asciilifeform;processing and dissemination are not always separable. 1505104;1468869675;asciilifeform;i would say that in the case of phuctor, they are not. 1505105;1468869687;mircea_popescu;well the alternative is me flying over to washington with a rubber hose and pounding you into loving www. 1505106;1468869706;mircea_popescu;anyway. why would you say they are not ? 1505107;1468869775;asciilifeform;for instance, one of my 'wish list' features is to have separate exhibits for different kinds of braindamage - mirror, nonprime e, etc 1505108;1468869806;asciilifeform;and to have the ability to introduce new ones quickly. 1505109;1468869811;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504937 << in practice a "consensus mechanism" as seen to work among angloderps guarantees everything's broken all the time, but they don't feel too bad about it. 1505110;1468869811;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:23 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504774 << ftr, there's a consensus mechanism, so it's not "everything works or everything's broken" 1505111;1468869841;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so ? you push out csv's ; someone displays them. 1505112;1468869853;asciilifeform;GB-sized csv ? 1505113;1468869856;mircea_popescu;yes. 1505114;1468869866;asciilifeform;so we lose the realtime display. 1505115;1468869881;mircea_popescu;trilema serves many many terrabites each month. what's a gigabyte. 1505116;1468869925;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm sorry, were you saying "i am a flaming retard right now, so what i'm proposing is moving gb of crud around for no other purpose than to communicate a kb of information" ? i interpreted it to mean "what if i actually have 1 gb of information, can i pass that ?" 1505117;1468870019;asciilifeform;i dun like state. 1505118;1468870035;mircea_popescu;at some point you will have to like something ; lest something decides to like you. 1505119;1468870081;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu et al are invited to make an actual list of urgent missing knobs 1505120;1468870083;mircea_popescu;anyway ; the borders are fluid, the "data dissemination" part can just live as a "this is the official tmsr web package ; install it like so ; it's maintained by these people ; it does these things we want exactly right and no more" 1505121;1468870102;BingoBoingo;Doesn't like vermin, also doesn't like organo phosphates. Dilemmas. 1505122;1468870104;mircea_popescu;it doesn't automatically have to be "send your data to X guy who runs the official data-dump server" 1505123;1468870176;mircea_popescu;for instance, it'd evident we want : a) csv, for to grep ; b) tmsr-html, which is NOT html, and not just because it does not allow js ; c) tmsr-svg, which i'm going to pretend is svg, because gnarly. somewhere inbetween b and c a latex fits in as previously discussed in logs. 1505124;1468870186;asciilifeform;the ~sane way to do wwwtronics would be a thing that would, when given a db made with particular constraints, cleanly present it wwwtronically. 1505125;1468870191;mircea_popescu;there's prolly room for rss or somesuch also. 1505126;1468870197;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly. 1505127;1468870203;asciilifeform;without my or anybody else having to sit there and write a table shitter 1505128;1468870226;asciilifeform;for some reason we went for 25 years and no such thing ever appeared... 1505129;1468870236;mircea_popescu;this only partially solves the www problem though. servers have to be lovingly helped to stay up over ddos etc crapolade ; why the fuck does apache not work properly etc etc. but these we can abstract for now i hope. 1505130;1468870250;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "we". some idiots went , weren't us and it shows. 1505131;1468870261;asciilifeform;so far every rock i turn over has 10,000,001 worms under it. 1505132;1468870272;asciilifeform;i doubt that apache will fare any differently. 1505133;1468870276;mircea_popescu;ya well. anyway, this is kind-of the direction i was dreaming for the wp thing. 1505134;1468870285;mircea_popescu;you know what the name comes from right ? 1505135;1468870291;mircea_popescu;shit's patchy. 1505136;1468870294;asciilifeform;lel 1505137;1468870386;mircea_popescu;anyway. in practice there's also nginx, which i doubt is any better ; and i don't foresee our writing of a web server right nao. 1505138;1468870410;asciilifeform;it is probably the ~least~ complicated piece, actually. 1505139;1468870416;asciilifeform;www server doesn't do much. 1505140;1468870451;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504940 << basically you can start your own nsa on this basis ; prolly get better results by the end of the year than the original. 1505141;1468870451;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:29 Framedragger: hmm (reading backlog on ip address correlations) "this should be plotted". interesting 1505142;1468870469;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you want to write a web server now ?! 1505143;1468870509;asciilifeform;well i've no reasonable os to plant it in, that would justify it 1505144;1468870521;asciilifeform;but i'm not averse to doing the chore when it comes time. 1505145;1468870601;mircea_popescu;myeah. but it's modular anyway, so. until such a time, we just need a hm. either php or lisp i guess. or maybe hammer the extant python-whatcha call it into shape. 1505146;1468870605;trinque;openbsd's httpd doesn't look like that much src to read, while we're still in c-machine hell. 1505147;1468870635;trinque;plenty of lisp tools there too; I've used hunchentoot plenty 1505148;1468870639;asciilifeform;afaik the lisp folks here are all using hunchentoot 1505149;1468870640;asciilifeform;aha 1505150;1468870655;asciilifeform;http://weitz.de/hunchentoot 1505151;1468870671;trinque;the missing tool here sounds like a generic reporting engine that speaks SQL and farts graphs, CSV 1505152;1468870672;mircea_popescu;certainly less wrong with openbsd than... fucking red hat or w/e. 1505153;1468870687;mircea_popescu;trinque the largest conundrum is the tex and sql end ; but that can also wait. 1505154;1468870689;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm not convinced of this 1505155;1468870705;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i've not yet succeeded in setting up a 100% de-drepperized openbsd. 1505156;1468870707;deedbot;[Qntra] EthereumClassic Emerges! - http://qntra.net/2016/07/ethereumclassic-emerges/ 1505157;1468870707;asciilifeform;unlike gentoo. 1505158;1468870708;mircea_popescu;if you build alf a web tool that looks and feels like whatever apple doohickey he fell in love with as a kid, he'll love you long time. 1505159;1468870719;asciilifeform;it pulls in the crud and lacks anything like 'USE' flags to kill it 1505160;1468870723;trinque;I have need for the reporting thing myself anyway 1505161;1468870737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform honestly i was thinking just pick one, clean it and repackage it. 1505162;1468870737;trinque;it's generally useful for goddamned every web app that ever webbed 1505163;1468870764;mircea_popescu;trinque you wanna try this wonder ? 1505164;1468870809;mircea_popescu;shit, among all this actual productive work i nearly missed the lulz explosion on qntra. 1505165;1468870874;trinque;yeah I can take a crack at it. sounds like something that has a list of SQL views, list of kinds of output. you pair those up, allow filtering on fields (particularly time) 1505166;1468870898;mircea_popescu;this'd be my thinking ya 1505167;1468870917;deedbot;[Qntra] Arizona Deputies Refused Service By Taco Bell Employee - http://qntra.net/2016/07/arizona-deputies-refused-service-by-taco-bell-employee/ 1505168;1468870952;asciilifeform;'the meaning DAO's contract' --> 'the meaning of DAO's contract' ?? 1505169;1468870957;asciilifeform;shinohai ^ 1505170;1468870981;mircea_popescu;trinque incidentally, i suspect the entire website model is dumb as presented. currently, under pressure from ustards/business majors/other unwelcome masses, a website is a collection of webpages that is very similar to how a tv show is a collection of tv frames. MAYBE they'll let the user have a tivo, but that's at the most. 1505171;1468871012;shinohai;ty asciilifeform 1505172;1468871019;mircea_popescu;whreas the fucking internet is not made to be a cable tv substitute omfg. website should mean that the user can do a bunch of shit, according to what he may need, some of which not necessarily foreseen by author. 1505173;1468871026;BingoBoingo; 'the meaning DAO's contract' --> 'the meaning of DAO's contract' ?? << fxd 1505174;1468871026;mircea_popescu;so yes, very much a "view over db" sort of thing. 1505175;1468871054;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i will note that this was theoretically the promise of ~every 'framework' ever published, but each and every single one cancerously deviated from it 1505176;1468871057;trinque;mircea_popescu: yep, thing could let trusted folks write queries 1505177;1468871064;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no argument. 1505178;1468871091;mircea_popescu;trinque basically, it should be conceptualized not as a "this is a sheet i printed this and that on" but more like "what'd you like in your plate here ?" 1505179;1468871100;trinque;certainly so. 1505180;1468871118;mircea_popescu;which is why trilema, or qntra, have, say, a FUCKING ARCHIVE PAGE 1505181;1468871137;mircea_popescu;but the "media properties", from "one side" to "the other same side" of "the spectrum" ... do not. 1505182;1468871145;mircea_popescu;a tiny example, but indicative of the conceptual difference. 1505183;1468871146;trinque;I confess to having already written parts of the thing. 1505184;1468871150;mircea_popescu;ha! 1505185;1468871151;trinque;:D 1505186;1468871229;mircea_popescu;in short : the web is very, very broken - but most of the breakage isn't even in the software. yes apache sucks and wtf is js even. 1505187;1468871256;mircea_popescu;the big problem is that lazy thinkers and "hopefuls" of all stripes have made it into their comfortable home. this can't fucking stand. 1505188;1468871273;asciilifeform;this is almost the c machine thread again. 1505189;1468871282;asciilifeform;even if you expel the vermin, the medium is still verminiferous. 1505190;1468871291;asciilifeform;browser is profoundly brain-damaged by design. 1505191;1468871314;trinque;it can be used as no more sophisticated a thing than a cmdline tool that shits text 1505192;1468871319;trinque;*the output thereof 1505193;1468871339;asciilifeform;trinque: which it ? 1505194;1468871353;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform once there exist as many as five proper pages, you can have a proper browser. 1505195;1468871367;mircea_popescu;trinque i was more thinking lynx but yea 1505196;1468871393;trinque;lynx shall work 1505197;1468871397;asciilifeform;anyone ever tempted to revive gopher ? 1505198;1468871406;mircea_popescu;notrly. 1505199;1468871410;mircea_popescu;imo gopher sucked. 1505200;1468871439;asciilifeform;in some ways it was closer to the hypothetical item in this thread than any variant of www. 1505201;1468871457;trinque;in either case, the thing can be written such that www is not a large part of what it is 1505202;1468871461;mircea_popescu;and a goat is closer to a young woman than any old whore - it's tighter down there. 1505203;1468871464;trinque;relatedly I'm about to drop a vpatch for cmdbot 1505204;1468871469;trinque;which is the core of deedbot 1505205;1468871472;mircea_popescu;win. 1505206;1468871485;trinque;thing's written such that it would hop atop gossipd and provide commands just as easily 1505207;1468871516;mircea_popescu;splendid. 1505208;1468871521;trinque;one part eats IRC and writes to postgresql, sends pg_notify to connected db clients that there are new rows; another listens for new rows in an outbox table to write to the chan 1505209;1468871530;trinque;services attach to db 1505210;1468871570;mircea_popescu;going back to history for a minute here - at first there was the text internet ; and then as bw and hdds grew up and people could have gifs of samatha fox's snatch rather than ascii art of same, they all rushed to... basically, this shitfest of netscape, internet exploder etc. 1505211;1468871582;mircea_popescu;time to take that shit back, just because "it has images" is no excuse for the existence of say firefox. 1505212;1468871595;mircea_popescu;or outright atrocities like chrome. 1505213;1468871621;mircea_popescu;trinque what is this, python ? 1505214;1468871629;trinque;common lisp 1505215;1468871649;mircea_popescu;ah 1505216;1468871664;mircea_popescu;i didn't realise lisp is practically useful. 1505217;1468871721;mircea_popescu;and in other "hope for the hopefuls" news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/56c2e25b663d2159e09edaadb9191b8e/tumblr_nb24e741rw1qc2yxpo1_1280.jpg 1505218;1468871721;trinque;cmdbot is 232 lines of the stuff, can ghost nick, reconnect properly 1505219;1468871802;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504976 << you know i can prolly arrange something for this... what part of i/o ? seeking or what ? 1505220;1468871802;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:49 asciilifeform: phuctor is heavily bound by disk i/o. 1505221;1468871807;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505151 << possibly this can be hacked up by putting data into postgres, and then allowing read-only sql access via one of them web-access-to-your-db things. 1505222;1468871807;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 19:37 trinque: the missing tool here sounds like a generic reporting engine that speaks SQL and farts graphs, CSV 1505223;1468871807;Framedragger;but i, too, am interested in taking a stab at a sane implementation, fwiw! 1505224;1468871838;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: ssd would help much on that machine i'd suspect, if it's really i/o bound, as simplistic as it sounds 1505225;1468871844;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: seeking. but really i'd rather optimize the proggy than add to the (already gigantic) recurring cost. 1505226;1468871866;asciilifeform;my best thought so far is the nightly static html thing. 1505227;1468871869;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in principle i could get a bank of 4 ssd's in a raid which should make it faster-than-ram 1505228;1468871917;asciilifeform;the more i think about it, the more the static thing seems like the correct pill. 1505229;1468871919;Framedragger;won't be fast than ram, what are you smoking :) 1505230;1468871921;mircea_popescu;anyway, if you make a proper profiling sometime we can go through it and see. but, you're right wrt squeezing the software first if it can be squeezed. 1505231;1468871940;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i'm smoking drives :D 1505232;1468871950;Framedragger;then.. plz continue :D 1505233;1468872052;Framedragger;re sane web, there were semi-decent attempts which have made use of. for example, declare db model in python file, make $framework produce a working api over that model, incl implementing all the http methods corresponding to operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) 1505234;1468872063;mircea_popescu;Framedragger for the sake of argument : ddr3 does say 2k cycles and latency is about 10 ; proper ssd does what, 100k iops on a 4k block ? 1505235;1468872089;Framedragger;dunno but numbers make sense to me 1505236;1468872103;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ~1 order of magnitude diff. 1505237;1468872108;trinque;Framedragger: those completely suck. 1505238;1468872118;trinque;the structure is already in the database catalog 1505239;1468872122;trinque;why duplicate it 1505240;1468872128;asciilifeform;^ 1505241;1468872128;Framedragger;trinque: well.. eventually they do once you stretch them 1505242;1468872129;mircea_popescu;so then your ram can do 200 iops and a quad ssd raid can do about 300k. ie, 10^3 moar :D 1505243;1468872156;Framedragger;... "something is not right" 1505244;1468872169;mircea_popescu;{:=))) 1505245;1468872182;Framedragger;trinque: you can *declare* your catalog in said py file, and make $framework build db for you; etc.; but sure, it's still shitty 1505246;1468872189;trinque;so then why do it? 1505247;1468872191;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it doesn't matter what you hang off pci, there is a ~10x variance of front-side vs back-side bus 1505248;1468872206;Framedragger;trinque: saves lots of time, for one, and quite a bit of redundancy. don't need to manually implement api endpoints etc 1505249;1468872261;shinohai;http://archive.is/62oC4 <<< tor replacement supposedly being researched by, ait for it, MIT! 1505250;1468872280;asciilifeform;Framedragger: this may very well turn out to be an ai-complete program, because most gigantic db have various optimizations for speed, that do not map in a straightforward way to display. 1505251;1468872285;trinque;the right way to build this is to have a table which points to a view name, an output type, some field mappings from the outputs of the view to the parameters of the output type 1505252;1468872295;trinque;wtf is complicated about that 1505253;1468872297;trinque;AI my foot 1505254;1468872308;asciilifeform;i was specifically speaking of schema design. 1505255;1468872311;trinque;you write a view and plug it into one of a few data shitters 1505256;1468872322;asciilifeform;now this, yes. 1505257;1468872342;*;Framedragger hoodwinked by mp's cycles vs iops 1505258;1468872366;mircea_popescu;shinohai mitrosoft. 1505259;1468872377;mircea_popescu;for spanish speakers the difference is negligible. 1505260;1468872383;Framedragger;asciilifeform: true that 1505261;1468872387;trinque;Framedragger: django et al are enemies of the republic 1505262;1468872393;asciilifeform;'MIT researchers devise a secure anonymity network that’s 10x faster than Tor' << FASTER!11111 so that you can broadcast your keystroke timings!! 1505263;1468872400;shinohai;I love how hispanics here say "Meeeeecrosoft" 1505264;1468872405;asciilifeform;(per http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504493 ) 1505265;1468872405;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 00:29 asciilifeform: it is known to me, for instance, that usg is presently spending stupendous sums on 'biometric' profiling of typing pattern, for as many victims as possible. 1505266;1468872406;Framedragger;trinque: so many enemies.. flask, too? 1505267;1468872416;mircea_popescu;no iirc they used flask. 1505268;1468872448;trinque;Framedragger: no harm in duplicating effort if it's instructive; go head 1505269;1468872451;Framedragger;wait, who did? confused 1505270;1468872464;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: ^ 1505271;1468872472;mircea_popescu;wasn't phuctor display flask based ? 1505272;1468872478;mircea_popescu;$s flask 1505273;1468872479;a111;29 results for "flask", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=flask 1505274;1468872490;trinque;every $framework poorly duplicates information and functionality already in a proper db 1505275;1468872528;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: ah! flask is useful and quick to prototype on, fwiw 1505276;1468872553;Framedragger;trinque: no but i agree and won't argue the opposite! 1505277;1468872580;asciilifeform;aha, i used it 1505278;1468872592;trinque;poor ben_vulpes is gonna be in for a triggering when he catches up on logs 1505279;1468872601;asciilifeform;was sorta stuck with it, because the rfc4880 parser was a python lib, and i did not have time to write one from scratch. 1505280;1468872606;asciilifeform;so it pulled in the whole shebang. 1505281;1468872612;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504997 << lulzy, this. 1505282;1468872612;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 18:01 jurov: you actually tried lynx? as we are speaking, it claims to read 30MB, at 340KiB/sec, and the keeps getting down 1505283;1468872791;shinohai;"TheDAO and HF have already led to a lot of learning, bug fixes, additional research and development of contracts and platform, consensus building, and user education. So the Ethereum platform is already more valuable than before." 1505284;1468872801;shinohai;The logic of these folks. 1505285;1468872830;mircea_popescu;ahaha are these the slock.it imbeciles still trying to dodge the obvious "we suck, and we lied about it, and it blew up in our face, and we destroyed your trust and we will now go die quietly" ? 1505286;1468872862;mircea_popescu;the one thing a true blue american really abhors is any form of responsibility. 1505287;1468872897;shinohai;It is title of top rated post on r/ethereum atm: http://archive.is/uWjtJ 1505288;1468872928;shinohai;It's like a colossal shit that won't flush. 1505289;1468873013;trinque;http://btcbase.org/log/2015-08-24#1250825 1505290;1468873013;a111;Logged on 2015-08-24 21:16 asciilifeform: nor my toilet can accomodate 10,000 shits per day 1505291;1468873016;mircea_popescu;well in fairness - it did flush, which is how it ended up on reddit. you're the one gone plumbing. 1505292;1468873027;trinque;the things my mind indexes 1505293;1468873096;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505058 << http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-15#923781 1505294;1468873096;a111;Logged on 2014-11-15 15:55 pete_dushenski: "the crews that maintain the nation’s 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles had only a single wrench that could attach the nuclear warheads. “They started FedExing the one tool” to three bases spread across the country" 1505295;1468873096;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 18:18 asciilifeform: i'll admit that i've wondered for a while, what the ft meade version of phuctor looks like. 1505296;1468873231;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505197 << (i was prolly too young to ever properly try it in the wild but fwiw it rang a bell to me multiple times when looking at tmsr discussions, yeah. not that it's time to revive it or anything i guess) 1505297;1468873231;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 19:49 asciilifeform: anyone ever tempted to revive gopher ? 1505298;1468873274;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2014-11-15#923781 << dafuq 1505299;1468873274;a111;Logged on 2014-11-15 15:55 pete_dushenski: "the crews that maintain the nation’s 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles had only a single wrench that could attach the nuclear warheads. “They started FedExing the one tool” to three bases spread across the country" 1505300;1468873299;mircea_popescu;chet self-diagnosed her rare eyesight condition over gopher at a time medical science was done off paper 1505301;1468873339;Framedragger;not bad at all. 1505302;1468873396;mircea_popescu;mid 90s, the web was a different place then. 1505303;1468873443;mircea_popescu;anyway, iirc it got killed by some derpy university trying to charge people ? 1505304;1468873447;Framedragger;so i hear, hm. including bulletin boards full of phreakers from australia and all that, i suppose 1505305;1468873490;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if that were enough, gif would have died 1505306;1468873498;asciilifeform;it was really killed by 'i want graphical snatch' 1505307;1468873499;mircea_popescu;it did die, hence jpg 1505308;1468873510;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505268 << realistically i'll prolly end up waiting to see what you come up with, to steal good ideas off of you :) ; meanwhile i'll be scripting something more generic, vaporware-y, and less productive (something something federated e2e encrypted forum thing) 1505309;1468873510;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 20:07 trinque: Framedragger: no harm in duplicating effort if it's instructive; go head 1505310;1468873511;mircea_popescu;you could see images via gopher ; i have. 1505311;1468873523;asciilifeform;iirc not inline with text? 1505312;1468873525;mircea_popescu;half the medical papers consisted of scans of photos. 1505313;1468873529;mircea_popescu;no, separate document. 1505314;1468873533;asciilifeform;so then. 1505315;1468873533;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: university trying to charge people? interesting. 1505316;1468873539;mircea_popescu;who jacks off to tits INLINE WITH TEXT ?!?! 1505317;1468873547;Framedragger;heh. 1505318;1468873552;mircea_popescu;afaik trilema is the ONLY place in the history of englush text that does this. 1505319;1468873574;trinque;Framedragger: sounds like you're headed for a cool billion in vc 1505320;1468873585;Framedragger;i'll be sure to use mongodb, at scale 1505321;1468873648;Framedragger;mircea_popescu: maybe only place having pr0n pics intermixed with latin and greek, say; which is something 1505322;1468873657;mircea_popescu;anyway, one good thing gopher had that's still sorely missed was, you'd query someone's org and get their email. 1505323;1468873669;mircea_popescu;this at a time email was a very different beast also. 1505324;1468873711;Framedragger;yeah i have this stupid nostalgia for things of that kind even though i haven't experienced them myself >.< 1505325;1468873746;mircea_popescu;anyway ; it's not a case of "omg gopher was so great". to get an idea, think "navigate web through excel spreadsheet" 1505326;1468873757;asciilifeform;it was almost a glorified ftp. 1505327;1468873779;mircea_popescu;it was fundamentally flawed, among other things, by a structure externality. 1505328;1468873794;asciilifeform;the reason to remember it is - to recall that html-style 'payload can be anything and arbitrarily grungy' retardation is not the only way. 1505329;1468873817;mircea_popescu;(ie, it relied on you having a mental map of structure which it wouldn't render, or not render well. without it, it was unusable, which is why the illiterate couldn't use it well, didn't like to use it at all, and the "free form" html prevailed) 1505330;1468873839;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it is the only way if you're going to have people with 0 in common use your thing. 1505331;1468873844;Framedragger;asciilifeform: so as an example of "given [directory/file] structure, allow sane access" 1505332;1468874382;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504951 + http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504952 << ah missed this in logs on first read. for the 2d plot, did you mean ip against moduli for the axes? 1505333;1468874382;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:39 asciilifeform: (a mod with 2 or more ips gets a colour; plot each ip on the traditional 2d grid, and connect with line of that colour.) 1505334;1468874382;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 17:38 asciilifeform: it would not take long to snarf them up and 2d plot by ip 1505335;1468874420;asciilifeform;no. 1505336;1468874423;asciilifeform;i meant this kind, 1505337;1468874424;asciilifeform;https://ant.isi.edu/address/it.37.all.16-subnet_stats.3px-per-point.annotated.png 1505338;1468874447;Framedragger;ah, hilbert curve 1505339;1468874449;asciilifeform;every modulus that turns up at more than 1 addr, gets a colour (which colour? use 4colourmaptheorem) 1505340;1468874458;Framedragger;(i mean that's what it is right?) 1505341;1468874459;asciilifeform;the rest, described earlier. 1505342;1468874504;Framedragger;asciilifeform: aha! hey might as well start with this, sounds good - thanks for the idea 1505343;1468874562;Framedragger;asciilifeform: "connect with line" you meant actually drawing lines to show clusters, right? sorry for slowness - off to bed soon 1505344;1468876485;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1505343 << aha. 1505345;1468876485;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 20:42 Framedragger: asciilifeform: "connect with line" you meant actually drawing lines to show clusters, right? sorry for slowness - off to bed soon 1505346;1468877724;Framedragger;asciilifeform: ty, cheers 1505347;1468877724;Framedragger;jurov: elinks loads it fine on ssd but search doesn't work (~works, but notrly). i think i used lynx when looking up stuff on phuctor tho. oh well. :/ 1505348;1468881406;shinohai;http://archive.is/RiRfl "We still reserve the right to act against the voting result in case there are security issues identified in the hard fork code or the pool will end up on the non-winning chain". 1505349;1468881683;mircea_popescu;"your buttons are not connected to anything in particular - please push them at will!" 1505350;1468882435;mircea_popescu;and in other homemade spaceship news, http://67.media.tumblr.com/b98c7d3b963b8365c786c382be4f6b25/tumblr_nlmu53Wilr1u25ct8o2_1280.jpg 1505351;1468882815;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://cryptome.org/2016/07/cloudflare-de-anons-tor.htm 1505352;1468885540;mircea_popescu;actually, nsa is that incompetent, but that's besides the point. 1505353;1468885566;mircea_popescu;the psychopathology around "anonymity" is kinda facinating to watch. 1505354;1468887847;mod6;<+shinohai> It's like a colossal shit that won't flush. << haha 1505355;1468895590;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1505356;1468895592;gribble;Current Blocks: 421364 | Current Difficulty: 2.1349250110751337E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 423359 | Next Difficulty In: 1995 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 6 days, 9 hours, 20 minutes, and 32 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1505357;1468895888;BingoBoingo;WWE https://images.encyclopediadramatica.se/7/77/PokemonGo-WWEGym.png 1505358;1468896424;deedbot;[Qntra] First Difficulty Adjustment After Halving: Very Slight Increase - http://qntra.net/2016/07/first-difficulty-adjustment-after-halving-very-slight-increase/ 1505359;1468925893;jurov;http://imgur.com/a/KSjaJ 1505360;1468925918;jurov;"Masha Market - Everything for health - Tea, Vodka, Books" 1505361;1468930230;thestringpuller;"I've noticed a trend with these guys. They're too dumb to even know they are clowns. Well I guess they're focused on the present and not the future. Money counts for these guys. He's nothing but a banker selling btc." and has reply >> "Dunning–Kruger effect" It's odd reading comments like that on reddit. 1505362;1468930244;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4tj82o/hes_back_with_stupid_tweets_now_comparing_the/d5hrewa << for those wanting to follow the brain damage. 1505363;1468930569;thestringpuller;Also they are nailing the doors shut on Ether tomorrow until "clear winner": "As a Poloniex customer, you do not need to do anything. The migration will occur automatically, and your full balance of Ethereum will be transferred to the winning chain. Keep in mind that as we near the fork, we will be temporarily disabling deposits and withdrawals in preparation for the migration process. Trading will continue to operate as normal during 1505364;1468930639;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504193 << there is no $ideology per se ; tmsr is principally characterized by lack of ideology. everyone else has one, however, and they're often patently insane and amazingly complex. 1505365;1468930639;mircea_popescu;(take for instance the "independent" demo as described in http://trilema.com/2016/please-stop-using-dns-already-and-other-considerations/#footnote_6_65060 and more generally by Ballas. it's well over 100k loi, most of which are involved with covering up the fact that there's any ideology at work in the first place) 1505366;1468930696;mircea_popescu;so the way deculturation works is, derp comes to tmsr, makes statements, which belie assumptions, which are explicitly stated BY someone in tmsr for the first time in derp's experience, and then rejected explicitly. sometimes a cause is presented, but this is not particularly "better" than none being offered. the burden is on the derp ANYWAY. 1505367;1468930729;mircea_popescu;obviously, most derps are, owing to fundamental genetic insufficiency, unable to handle the plain statement of their assumptions. these, we call cattle. 1505368;1468930783;mircea_popescu;a few of them, recently called the "hopefuls" but otherwise simply the incarnation of evil, are capable of handling the statement of their assumptions, but are unwilling to separate themselves from what "they want", which is usually stupid but that's not something they're prepared to face. 1505369;1468930819;mircea_popescu;this is always and everywhere personal failure, sometimes a forced mistake (like the female's universal "wanting kids to survive", which is stupid but nevertheless part of her ample array of genital curses) 1505370;1468930856;mircea_popescu;something that may appear as a subcase but i believe is not (not that the dispute is all that relevant) and in any case is more numerous is the jwz : the fellow that "just wants to" keep right on being lazy. 1505371;1468930886;mircea_popescu;laziness is a natural want, and unavoidable. (no, wanting your children to survive is not natural, but perverse, and a major part of what makes kant's timber crooked.) 1505372;1468930993;mircea_popescu;so to sum up, the process is more like washing than anything else. gunk removal. 1505373;1468931094;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller and if there's two chains surviving, customer gets one poloniex gets to keep the other ? 1505374;1468931115;mircea_popescu;not that it's much of a concern, there's exactly ONE customer doing eth on poloniex. but as a theoretical thing. 1505375;1468931730;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: "In addition, for those interested in keeping their tokens from the losing blockchain as a keepsake, we will support a one-time withdrawal of the deprecated tokens, provided that the losing chain is still functional when you attempt a withdrawal. Specific instructions on how to access your tokens on the old chain to follow." 1505376;1468931753;thestringpuller;If shit really hits the fan with the hardfork, the doors are nailed shut indefinitely. 1505377;1468931774;thestringpuller;Its like setting off a nuke to kill a mouse... 1505378;1468932037;thestringpuller;shinohai: they added steem to poloniex. shit is bubbling. i wish there was enough liquidity to go short. this is the ultimate bubble. 1505379;1468934466;asciilifeform;l0gz dead 1505380;1468935298;jurov;logs were prolly decultured 1505381;1468935794;mircea_popescu; thestringpuller ah i cv 1505382;1468935809;mircea_popescu;o darn there's no... 1505383;1468935821;*;mircea_popescu sees in the scrollback that the fact of there being no log has already been mentioned :D 1505384;1468935923;mircea_popescu;anyway, the code || ideology parallel should be pretty obvious. yes people run other [from their wot] people's text, but this is neither obligatory nor particularly encouraged. on the contrary, with ideology as with code as with "wot maintenance best practices" and as with any other text, heterogeny is the key to victory. 1505385;1468936569;mircea_popescu;unrelatedly, since i apparently fell in a barrel of reading old history, fellow describing "the cruelty" of mehmed 2 : "for some books stolen from his secretary he punished an entire village to be moved to asia ; for a stolen watermelon he took the life of a suspected janissary, and he did not back down from killing with his own hand the most adored being in the harem, who had shackled him with her exceptional beauty to the p 1505386;1468936569;mircea_popescu;oint of forgetting his duties as head of state." 1505387;1468936600;mircea_popescu;this item is not found in anglo historiography apparently. 1505388;1468936895;asciilifeform;hey, ibrahim drowned whole fucking harem 1505389;1468936909;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1505390;1468936935;mircea_popescu;but the principle of the thing. "if you love her set her free" apparently means something else in ottoman turkish. 1505391;1468936963;asciilifeform;i bet he saw it as little different from modern bloke throwing out his pack of cigs 'tryin' to quit' 1505392;1468936964;*;mircea_popescu would have simply sold the girl, but then again /me is no turk. 1505393;1468936976;mircea_popescu;i bet he did. 1505394;1468937007;asciilifeform;iirc they never, for some reason, surplussed the gurlz 1505395;1468937008;shinohai;Logged 7-19-2016 08:39 +thestringpuller shinohai: they added steem to poloniex. shit is bubbling. i wish there was enough liquidity to go short. this is the ultimate bubble. <<> http://quidnon.blogspot.com/2016/07/on-women-boats-and-plumbing.html 1505431;1468942029;asciilifeform;(for the impatient, last section, grep for 'blow the tanks') 1505432;1468942049;webbyz;$up iKant 1505433;1468942049;deedbot;webbyz may not $up iKant 1505434;1468942064;mircea_popescu;$up iKant 1505435;1468942064;deedbot;iKant voiced for 30 minutes. 1505436;1468942080;webbyz;$up deedbot 1505437;1468942080;deedbot;webbyz may not $up deedbot 1505438;1468942096;*;mircea_popescu never likes the results, but perseveres reading orlov linked material. 1505439;1468942122;webbyz;go $up yourself 1505440;1468942201;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno about his nonsense. every (admittedly, large, expensive) boat i've been in had detachable pannels. you first take the shit OFF, then fuck with the pipes gauges etc in the normal manner. yes it takes 3x as long as if you were doing house plumbing, but that's about it. 1505441;1468942211;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's boats were pleasure boats for rich folk. 1505442;1468942223;asciilifeform;not houses for orlov. 1505443;1468942239;mircea_popescu;~townhouse on water, so to speak. 1505444;1468942263;asciilifeform;'quidnon' is orlov's crackpot design, it will, he wrote, be published as plans on www, and sold as diy kit. 1505445;1468942315;asciilifeform;has a number of unusual design features for self-sufficiency (flotation arch for uncapsizing, sub-style water tanks for emergency buoyancy, as described in linked piece, etc) 1505446;1468942336;mircea_popescu;tbh i think it may rather be a matter of agwe 1505447;1468942349;asciilifeform;what's agwe ? 1505448;1468942354;mircea_popescu;engineering took a sharp turn to sanity sometime in the 80s wrt to this sort of "vacuum spherical chicken" issue. 1505449;1468942359;mircea_popescu;age* 1505450;1468942399;asciilifeform;hm? 1505451;1468942443;mircea_popescu;to quote : "Boat plumbing systems are virtually never designed with ease of maintenance in mind; mostly they are an afterthought, not so much engineered as crammed together in any space that’s available. A very common problem is that working on them requires the use of tools—screwdrivers, channel locks, sockets with ratchets—but there is no room to wield these tools in the normal manner, and just about every operation r 1505452;1468942443;mircea_popescu;equires one to become a contortionist. Another common problem is lack of space for both the arm (with which to work on things) and the head (with which to look at what you are doing), meaning that much of the work has to do be done “by Braille.” 1505453;1468942459;mircea_popescu;this sounds very much like an item made pre 1980 than post 1990. 1505454;1468942476;asciilifeform;also size. 1505455;1468942493;asciilifeform;he sails strictly sailboats, and strictly ones which fit in a standard american slip 1505456;1468942515;asciilifeform;and lives in them, with wife and son even, and there is not much extra space. 1505457;1468942563;asciilifeform;from past orlov&boat threads, iirc mircea_popescu sailed titanic diesels. 1505458;1468942577;asciilifeform;might account for some of the 'wtf' factor. 1505459;1468942611;mircea_popescu;i also sailed proper sailboats ; which have no plumbing. under discussion here, both from the introduction of the article you quote, and from his "live in boat" general outlook, are pointedly NOT sailboats. 1505460;1468942613;asciilifeform;an orlovian boat is a machine strictly smaller than a refrigerator truck. 1505461;1468942622;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes but did you attempt to ~live~ in them. 1505462;1468942631;mircea_popescu;no, because they aren't made for this purpose. 1505463;1468942637;mircea_popescu;have you attempted to live in computer case ? 1505464;1468942649;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: all of mr o's materials presume 'live in boat' means sailboat. 1505465;1468942653;mircea_popescu;i also never attempted to live in my shoes, or judge shoes by how "livable in" they are. 1505466;1468942670;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well, that's nonsense, no saving it. fuck, sailboat with plumbing ? wut ? 1505467;1468942678;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they are not made for this purpose, but he is attempting to design one which is.. 1505468;1468942742;asciilifeform;and whole point of engineering is to convert 'that's nonsense' into 'grudgingly sense', powered by certain amount of money and elbow grease. consider space capsule. 1505469;1468942750;asciilifeform;man lives in vacuum? 'nonsense!' 1505470;1468942756;asciilifeform;but if you must - you can. 1505471;1468942794;mircea_popescu;see, a sailboat, ie, the thing you run sail and rigging championships etc with ? that thing has no generator, because it's heavy. most have no engine either, except where legally required on occasion, and the presence of engine is disdained universally. etc. 1505472;1468942805;asciilifeform;imho orlov is making a mistake though - he ought to be designing a submarine. 1505473;1468942812;mircea_popescu;nuclear one at that. 1505474;1468942817;asciilifeform;... which cannot capsize, and is difficult to detect for pirate 1505475;1468942834;asciilifeform;(of either amateur or usgistic variety) 1505476;1468942885;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: your sailboats, again, are a 'race horse' luxurywank item, not a practical instrument 1505477;1468942889;mircea_popescu;best i can discern from the unexpected in this latest convo, he's trying to do something that makes no sense for the market, a sort of ostrich-camel of epic proportions. 1505478;1468942893;mircea_popescu;but w/e, maybe he's special. 1505479;1468942898;asciilifeform;i am interested in his ostrichcamel. 1505480;1468942916;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is no "practical instrument" that is the unworkable cross between a hammer and a screwdriver. 1505481;1468942979;mircea_popescu;you may be interested ; but the market for "sailboat" is composed of people who already own say a race horse, or sponsor a speed racing team etc ; they're ready to spend by the million. 1505482;1468942985;asciilifeform;not this one. 1505483;1468942998;asciilifeform;this is rather like that ibm fella who wrote 'there is a market for five computers' 1505484;1468943000;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the market for "boathouse" is composed of people who already own townhouse in large town ; also prepared to spend by the million. 1505485;1468943002;asciilifeform;in, when was it, '52 ? 1505486;1468943006;phf;sailboat != boat with sail 1505487;1468943024;mircea_popescu;phf i have nfi what any of the terms mean as used, for the record. we're in plebeconfusionland. 1505488;1468943042;asciilifeform;it is quite conceivable that there is item, which is recognizably a computer, but not one of the items for which ibm correctly assessed a market sized 5 units in '52. 1505489;1468943077;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's 'sailboat' is a racing yacht. orlov's is a (mostly) wind-powered antisocial survival capsule. 1505490;1468943088;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the ibm example isn't so good. the sort of phenomena that were conquered to produce the 1k chickens 1950-1990 are very fucking different from the sort of phenomena the boat has to encounter, 1505491;1468943089;asciilifeform;which is why i follow the subj. 1505492;1468943094;mircea_popescu;and which has not produced any sort of improvement EVER! 1505493;1468943110;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: plastics happened. 1505494;1468943113;mircea_popescu;for the record, the hull design style of the vikings STILL IS! to this day! the best, fastest and so on. 1505495;1468943128;mircea_popescu;plastics ain't that big a deal. 1505496;1468943153;asciilifeform;even the yacht folks are using fiberglass/epoxy. 1505497;1468943156;asciilifeform;so yes, deal. 1505498;1468943178;asciilifeform;a boat is no longer definitionally 10,001 planks. 1505499;1468943180;mircea_popescu;the improvement plastics and composites (current generation, EXPENSIVE!) offer over selected historical wood is marginal, if at all present. 1505500;1468943194;mircea_popescu;nothing like the advantage doped silicone offers over old galene/lead whatevers. 1505501;1468943218;asciilifeform;again the 'expensive' thing is rather like observing that f-16 parts are costly. yes, because golden toilet buyers. compare instead with mig. 1505502;1468943218;mircea_popescu;people use plastic because cheaper plastic is cheaper than cheap wood, and there better. 1505503;1468943224;asciilifeform;or better yet, sopwith. 1505504;1468943230;mircea_popescu;expensive wood is not a case of "hey, x team can never win, cedar lol" 1505505;1468943284;asciilifeform;iirc no one ever even ~tried~ the 'optimize for cost, survival boat' design prior. 1505506;1468943319;asciilifeform;i suspect that mircea_popescu pisses on 'quidnon' for reasons which have nothing to do with hydrodynamics or metallurgy 1505507;1468943333;phf;nah, there was that other guy who built a computerized nomadic boat house (i think he started with a computerized recumbent bike in the 80s) and unlike orlol he actually documented his process very extensively 1505508;1468943342;asciilifeform;but rather that he is revolted by the concept of antisocial capsule per se 1505509;1468943382;trinque;sounds like resigning to die, but then not having the dignity to eat the bullet 1505510;1468943383;asciilifeform;phf: what was 'boat house' in context ? afaik the phrase usually refers to a fragile river barge thing, rather than machine to survive north atlantic 1505511;1468943399;phf;asciilifeform: the latter 1505512;1468943401;phf;http://microship.com/ 1505513;1468943409;asciilifeform;phf: interesting 1505514;1468943428;asciilifeform;phf: ok not so interesting. it's a giant diesel thing 1505515;1468943437;asciilifeform;full of $maxint tech 1505516;1468943459;phf;well, it has both sail and diesel 1505517;1468943464;asciilifeform;about as practical, for a non-mircea_popescu, as a space station, to own. 1505518;1468943503;phf;and the problem he was trying to solve is a lot closer to what you want to achieve, i.e. put lab on water, rather than recreate the lifestyle of late 6th century pirate nomads or whatever 1505519;1468943514;phf;with corresponding required capital investment 1505520;1468943523;trinque;if you've reached the point where the world has beaten you back to being willing to live in a shipping container, why live? 1505521;1468943565;trinque;this guy's got a lab, what, to continue taking part in the same world he can't stand? 1505522;1468943581;phf;trinque: wut 1505523;1468943588;trinque;exactly what I said. 1505524;1468943590;thestringpuller;trinque: http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-KU141_blackl_G_20151015224318.jpg << not if your shipping container looks like this on the inside 1505525;1468943630;asciilifeform;trinque: there is a great deal to be said for living in a shipping container 1505526;1468943653;asciilifeform;i would happily move into one RIGHT NOW if it meant that i could start accumulating escape money.. 1505527;1468943661;phf;trinque: it's techno nomad, it's a thing. microship guy doesn't really try to solve same problem as orlol, it's all different people with personal interests and agendas that don't necessarily compose into a single stereotype 1505528;1468943668;asciilifeform;so long as it were a container AT SEA and not in a bum park 1505529;1468943673;asciilifeform;AWAY FROM PEOPLE 1505530;1468943675;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505505 << this is a ridiculous notion ; for one thing, polynesia got colonized prior to the age of sail. 1505531;1468943675;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:48 asciilifeform: iirc no one ever even ~tried~ the 'optimize for cost, survival boat' design prior. 1505532;1468943688;asciilifeform;no one in industrial age. fine. 1505533;1468943705;asciilifeform;may as well bring up crashed pilots building rafts, optimizing for cost.. 1505534;1468943709;mircea_popescu;far be itfrom me to insult your boyish dream of independence ; but let it be said that boats are boats and have been so for a long time now. 1505535;1468943725;asciilifeform;and arithmetic is arithmetic and what is this steam computer nonsense. 1505536;1468943731;asciilifeform;long division will be same forever!111 1505537;1468943751;mircea_popescu;for that matter, recorded performance in both the time of venice owning the mediteranean and of portuguese empire in south china sea is not currently met by "performant" plastic boats. 1505538;1468943756;asciilifeform;foolish dreams of mechanical arithmetizers notwithstanding!11 1505539;1468943785;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform look, there's nothing wrong with this principle in principle, but electric performance and hydrodynamic performance are not the same thing 1505540;1468943799;mircea_popescu;look at tables of materials, comparing say young modulus and resistivity. 1505541;1468943810;mircea_popescu;different phenomena, with the former much narrower for good physical reasons. 1505542;1468943832;mircea_popescu;yes, wood makes a very poor cpu ; lead sulphide better ; silicone-germanium mix even better. 1505543;1468943845;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: consider pykrete. 1505544;1468943847;mircea_popescu;yet! wood makes fine boat ; some plastics cheaper, some composites somewhat better much more expensive. that's it. 1505545;1468943852;mircea_popescu;what of pykrete ? 1505546;1468943859;asciilifeform;it is a qualitative jump, in cost AND repairability, and i have nfi why orlov ignored it. 1505547;1468943865;mircea_popescu;it isn't, no. 1505548;1468943886;asciilifeform;eh you get a hull for so long as you can score a few kg of sawdust every month. 1505549;1468943890;asciilifeform;this imho is a win. 1505550;1468943893;mircea_popescu;it just seems so, until and unless you try to ... you know, emplace a cannon on it. "shit, it slides!!" 1505551;1468943898;asciilifeform;ah no. 1505552;1468943902;mircea_popescu;ah well then. 1505553;1468943904;asciilifeform;there was a test vessel, worked great. 1505554;1468943907;asciilifeform;no slide. 1505555;1468943910;trinque;phf: there's a contradiction in someone that just wants to techmology, doesn't want to have to talk to anyone. Technology is a social enterprise; if social conditions are that bad, there are problems more fundamental than "can't have real computer" and such. 1505556;1468943915;asciilifeform;you can anchor bolts in it, like in cement. 1505557;1468943925;asciilifeform;and it surfaces ok. 1505558;1468943939;asciilifeform;trinque: 'talk to anyone' i am happy to do. but a SELECTABLE 'anyone'. 1505559;1468943945;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you can calculate the energy cannon firings release per firing. that goes into melting your platform. 1505560;1468943948;asciilifeform;pointedly not 'neighbours in trailer park' 1505561;1468943951;trinque;asciilifeform: you can select now 1505562;1468943955;phf;trinque: you're making assumptions about these other people from what asciilifeform is saying 1505563;1468943971;asciilifeform;trinque: i pay the equivalent of a nice car every year for this selection. 1505564;1468943981;trinque;phf: mostly speaking to that, yes. this guy with the $maxint boat probably spends plenty of time off it too 1505565;1468944014;asciilifeform;trinque: i would prefer to select simply by moving my house into international water and submerging. 1505566;1468944029;phf;even orlol made a point a few times that he boats not because end of world, but because it's in his nomadic nature. that's distinctly not what asciilifeform is trying to do 1505567;1468944050;trinque;could make sense. I'm a city creature. 1505568;1468944067;asciilifeform;actually orlov did at one point say that he would be happy to live in a land truck but it is too easily accessible by enemies 1505569;1468944068;phf;trinque: like this picture is more representative http://microship.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Move-House-bike-tent-1024x710.jpg :> 1505570;1468944069;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505489 << it is a very naive view to "Antisocial" that you will ... find a daddy to enforce the limits for you. God ocean has better shit to do, just like yahveh has better shit to do. 1505571;1468944070;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:44 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's 'sailboat' is a racing yacht. orlov's is a (mostly) wind-powered antisocial survival capsule. 1505572;1468944092;mircea_popescu;this is in no substantial way different from the "Reisistance through culture" of the soviet "intellectuals" aka schmucks. 1505573;1468944094;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu simply doesn't grok the depth of asciilifeform's misanthropy. 1505574;1468944115;mircea_popescu;no, has nothing to do with you. we're discussing boats not your person hiar. 1505575;1468944131;asciilifeform;that was simply answer to 'why interest in subj' 1505576;1468944149;mircea_popescu;no matter how sad you are, hair's not gonna jump off the scissors and back on your head ; no matter how emo you are, ocean still won't suddenly become a space allocator working as you want it to. 1505577;1468944166;asciilifeform;this however is an engineering question 1505578;1468944171;mircea_popescu;not really, no. 1505579;1468944173;asciilifeform;just as 'can man live on mars' is. 1505580;1468944193;mircea_popescu;"can man live on mars" is engineering question ; "can man live on mars to escape lost love" is not. 1505581;1468944198;mircea_popescu;yours is of the later kind. 1505582;1468944222;asciilifeform;it is a textbook 'cutting apart' item: what does yacht cost if you cut away all of the dirigible crapolade 1505583;1468944239;asciilifeform;(rare woods, racing optimizations, lack of plumbing, etc) 1505584;1468944252;phf;i think ascii would benefit best from building Nautilus. spacious, has lab, has pet, mostly as away from humans as possible, can defend itself from government and pirates. an entirely imaginary device 1505585;1468944253;mircea_popescu;and the answer is that "yacht" only exists in mind of people too poor to have experience with the matter ; and otherwise it's a number of discrete items you're invited to pick amongst. 1505586;1468944284;mircea_popescu;phf wait, did nemo actually have fucktoy on board ?! 1505587;1468944300;mircea_popescu;i musta slept through this. 1505588;1468944306;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i actually poked nose into the subj, so not entirely innocent of 'yacht is 1,01 types of machine' concept 1505589;1468944318;phf;well, it was victorian equivalent of fucktoy, mostly just lots of talking and showing off :> 1505590;1468944320;mircea_popescu;did you poke nose in the sense of actually spending any sort of time on water ? 1505591;1468944325;asciilifeform;where would i ? 1505592;1468944331;asciilifeform;i did not spend any time on mars, either 1505593;1468944332;mircea_popescu;cuz the idea that you'd want to, in preference of, say, prison, is entirely shocking to me. 1505594;1468944339;asciilifeform;I HATE PEOPLE 1505595;1468944341;asciilifeform;this is hard concept ? 1505596;1468944353;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform prison is right there with monastery. no people. 1505597;1468944360;asciilifeform;which prison is that ? 1505598;1468944366;mircea_popescu;phf i have no recolection of this. testament to my interest in female anything aged 12, when i read jules verne. 1505599;1468944384;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform any serious one. and if they put you in general population, slit a throat or two, you'll get solitary and be happy. 1505600;1468944460;phf;mircea_popescu: huh, i checked the plot and i was wrong, i was convinced that the protagonist was a lady 1505601;1468944473;asciilifeform;'prisoner held incommunicado' is not same as 'i choose when i want to people and when not to' 1505602;1468944477;mircea_popescu;o.O 1505603;1468944487;mircea_popescu;you flatter yourself as to your choices on the sea. 1505604;1468944496;mircea_popescu;there's a reason greeks call it the master of things. 1505605;1468944528;asciilifeform;they did not have subs. 1505606;1468944529;mircea_popescu;only land lubber could conceivably have this notion of the sea, as a sort of commodified milk in carton in fridge. 1505607;1468944530;mircea_popescu;it ain't. 1505608;1468944533;asciilifeform;which laugh at storms and rocks. 1505609;1468944539;mircea_popescu;the greeks ? ironically, thye did ya! 1505610;1468944549;asciilifeform;waiwut 1505611;1468944553;mircea_popescu;toy subs, like the toy steam engine 1505612;1468944570;asciilifeform;iirc barrel sub was a 17th c. item. 1505613;1468944579;asciilifeform;no confirmed examples prior. 1505614;1468944586;mircea_popescu;afaik 3bc, pearl hunting item 1505615;1468944592;asciilifeform;diving bell? not sub! 1505616;1468944593;asciilifeform;omfg 1505617;1468944599;asciilifeform;go weather a storm in a diving bell. 1505618;1468944605;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1505619;1468944605;asciilifeform;and sail back home in it. 1505620;1468944714;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505506 << what'd they be ? 1505621;1468944715;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:48 asciilifeform: i suspect that mircea_popescu pisses on 'quidnon' for reasons which have nothing to do with hydrodynamics or metallurgy 1505622;1468944739;asciilifeform;well, this, http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505593 etc. 1505623;1468944739;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 16:05 mircea_popescu: cuz the idea that you'd want to, in preference of, say, prison, is entirely shocking to me. 1505624;1468944754;mircea_popescu;no, that's an unrelated item. 1505625;1468944754;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu doesn't even conceptualize the problem i'd like solved as being a problem. 1505626;1468944767;asciilifeform;he sees it as a 'how can i make green a prime number' or the like. 1505627;1468944797;mircea_popescu;no, no. on one hand, i see your approach to be fundamentally flawed, for lack of experience. this is a practical consideration. on the other hand, i suspect the flaw may not be accidental, but proceed from psychogenic cause, which is unclear to me. 1505628;1468944806;asciilifeform;incidentally i see 'quidnon' as a terrible design, and have no expectation that i will ever set foot in one. 1505629;1468944819;mircea_popescu;wait, that's actually the name of something ? 1505630;1468944823;asciilifeform;his machine, aha 1505631;1468944828;mircea_popescu;ah ok. 1505632;1468944854;mircea_popescu;anyway, it's not a matter of how to make green a prime number. it's more of a matter of "how to make cryptographic rng work from a seed". 1505633;1468944871;mircea_popescu;there's fundamental breakage underlying this being "conceptualized" as a problem in the first place. 1505634;1468944882;asciilifeform;i dun see the link. 1505635;1468944900;asciilifeform;as i picture it, 'orlov's boat' is simply a lower-tech variation of the theme of 'mars dome' 1505636;1468944912;asciilifeform;which may or may not be possible, but strictly for physical reasons 1505637;1468944915;mircea_popescu;the theme of "mars dome" is a fiction trope. 1505638;1468944943;mircea_popescu;hence the obvious connection to the adventures of captain nemo, as retold by verne. 1505639;1468944978;asciilifeform;there is a distinction between the ~physically~ and ~economically~ impossible machine. 1505640;1468944986;asciilifeform;the former is a waste of mental cycles 1505641;1468944989;asciilifeform;the latter - is not necessarily. 1505642;1468944991;mircea_popescu;if we'll colonize, it'll likely be venus before mars, and it'll likely be through planetary scale atmospheric intervention rather than "domes" wtf be those. 1505643;1468945010;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the transport vessel is a special case of 'dome' 1505644;1468945014;asciilifeform;for this purpose. 1505645;1468945025;mircea_popescu;fiction may contain the emotions of the author, as a point for his compatriots to fixate on and navigate what otherwise is endless, meaningless, the sea of representation. 1505646;1468945030;mircea_popescu;technology doth not flow this way. 1505647;1468945056;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the transport vessel is a case of dome much in the way spontaneous healing of aids is a case of divine grace. 1505648;1468945059;mircea_popescu;sure, if you want it to. 1505649;1468945077;asciilifeform;in the abstract sense of 'box in which i can weld myself in and survive for Y years' 1505650;1468945087;asciilifeform;against vacuum, meteorites 1505651;1468945105;mircea_popescu;this isn't really how transport vessels work, except for a subset of young males. 1505652;1468945121;asciilifeform;let's take a living example, the nuke sub 1505653;1468945125;mircea_popescu;ok. 1505654;1468945142;asciilifeform;patrol is about 3 mo. long, for largely psychiatric reasons (they COULD store moar phood, but do not) 1505655;1468945151;asciilifeform;overhaul is a ~yearly thing. 1505656;1468945152;asciilifeform;(iirc) 1505657;1468945155;mircea_popescu;see ? 1505658;1468945159;mircea_popescu;you got your answer right htere. 1505659;1468945164;asciilifeform;so next question is, can improve this ? 1505660;1468945184;asciilifeform;how much of the $maxint machine do you ~need~ if you don't need to launch nukes ? etc 1505661;1468945190;mircea_popescu;the nuke sub is exactly an item with no utility or human interest, built under the PRETEXT of a "nuclear war", which is another fiction trope with not much real anchorage (as discussed in some trilema article). 1505662;1468945197;mircea_popescu;upon practice, it turns out that... people dun wanna be there. 1505663;1468945201;mircea_popescu;which is why my q re prison. 1505664;1468945209;asciilifeform;people dun wanna be in a tank either. 1505665;1468945218;mircea_popescu;"but i do" ? 1505666;1468945230;asciilifeform;as a boy i very much wanted to. 1505667;1468945234;mircea_popescu;hence my point. 1505668;1468945243;mircea_popescu;go, sail a little, get teh gargauni out ? 1505669;1468945262;mircea_popescu;you wouldn't want TO LIVE IN YOUR FUCKING CAR, communitng forever for the rest of your life, yes ? 1505670;1468945269;asciilifeform;not that i couldn't arrange it, but that it would not be accurate picture of ~purpose-designed~ capsule 1505671;1468945273;mircea_popescu;EVEN IF i fucking armored it and added a thermoplonjon thing. 1505672;1468945286;asciilifeform;i would happily live in a truck if the truck could be teleported into a parallel space with 0 people by push of a button. 1505673;1468945310;asciilifeform;(yes this is not what you get in a boat, but it is a kind of mathematical ideal) 1505674;1468945320;mircea_popescu;alternatively, "accepta-l pe gusti in viata ta" 1505675;1468945323;mircea_popescu;you know that one ? 1505676;1468945329;asciilifeform;nein 1505677;1468945379;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ql0xDyJuZU << 1505678;1468945402;mircea_popescu;(they're lost in space, the histrion takes a shit, which flies towards the foil ; "accept Gusti in your life!") 1505679;1468945427;asciilifeform;i must confess, this is a hard nut 1505680;1468945456;mircea_popescu;"i swear it came out by itself! i didn't even push! it has a mind of its own! let's call him gusti!" 1505681;1468945493;asciilifeform;still not obvious, perhaps i'm thick 1505682;1468945514;mircea_popescu;"look how it leaves... like a child his house.... go gusti! follow your dreams! you too could, one day, be president!" 1505683;1468945535;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform women shit shits into the world, which follow their dreams and could one day be president. accept gusti in your life! 1505684;1468945710;asciilifeform;is this simply variation on familiar mircea_popescu program 'i am demigod and if somebody has a motivation i don't grasp, they are inconsequential sea slug and stfu' ? 1505685;1468945722;mircea_popescu;well, i suppose it could be. 1505686;1468945727;asciilifeform;fair'nuff. 1505687;1468945761;mircea_popescu;but to my eyes, it;s more a case of "i want impossible item" "why ?" "because of strange notion" "Wouldn't it be cheaper to..." "fu demigod, it is true humanity to do the impossible ; takes demigod to accept the obvious!" 1505688;1468945780;mircea_popescu;which is not necessarily a mistaken view. 1505689;1468945840;asciilifeform;the last time we had this thread we got a, imho, more interesting mircea_popescuine: 'boat is wrong problem because you are trying to make being poor and powerless work, if yer poor yer job is to die' 1505690;1468945856;mircea_popescu;i'm not entirely sure this is that different from that. 1505691;1468945868;asciilifeform;well it was a philosophical rather than technical counter. 1505692;1468945883;asciilifeform;'no, mr bond, we expect you to die!111' 1505693;1468945912;mircea_popescu;there was a technical counter there, as here ; it was abandoned upon your surrender. what was left were there as here "philosophical" let's say items, which lacking any proper substance can continue indefinitely. 1505694;1468945934;asciilifeform;i see the hypothetical machine as a pill against 'if yer poor you gotta live near other poor folks' 1505695;1468945959;mircea_popescu;(proper there meaning "of its own" not "correct") 1505696;1468945966;asciilifeform;which is the fundamental problem with live-in trucks etc. 1505697;1468945980;mircea_popescu;why do you think it is a fundamental problem with only SOME things is beyond me. 1505698;1468945988;mircea_popescu;seems more wilful self-hypnosis than anything. 1505699;1468946010;asciilifeform;elaborate plox? 1505700;1468946014;mircea_popescu;if you're poor your only hope of survival is the swarm. this is a point of fact, and why peasants and hunters flocked to town to be poor there. 1505701;1468946027;mircea_popescu;this is the definition of poverty, nude and rude : incapable of surviving on own. 1505702;1468946047;asciilifeform;not how american push west worked. 1505703;1468946054;mircea_popescu;quite how it worked, yes. 1505704;1468946061;asciilifeform;plenty of 'poor and we will live four days' journey from the next poor' 1505705;1468946084;mircea_popescu;demographically, rather than as a work of fiction, the push west was a push towards the highly concentrated san francisco. 1505706;1468946096;asciilifeform;granted these were households, with plenty of disposable human torpedoes, not lone wolf. but still. 1505707;1468946105;mircea_popescu;"still" ? what fucking still! 1505708;1468946115;mircea_popescu;do we revisit the egyptian household thread from last week ? 1505709;1468946160;asciilifeform;egyptian swarm is great for the mass of humanity. folks with 0 theorems. 1505710;1468946169;mircea_popescu;i guess ima have to dig the link now. 1505711;1468946203;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495888 1505712;1468946203;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 17:48 mircea_popescu: there's ONE thing the middle eastern guy has that white man can't replicate, and that is, a stable, and here i kid you not, a stable, of dozen+ pliable obedient females WITH offspring. 1505713;1468946207;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-03#1495878 1505714;1468946207;a111;Logged on 2016-07-03 17:44 mircea_popescu: for the anthropologist, god damned fascinating, they're like a family-sized snail building its conch. 1505715;1468946212;mircea_popescu;aha 1505716;1468946238;asciilifeform;no denying that it is a powerful thing. 1505717;1468946258;mircea_popescu;but you just denied 1505718;1468946261;asciilifeform;question is, folks who dun have it, or dun want it, ought to eat their pistol immediately ? or there are other ways to live. 1505719;1468946267;mircea_popescu;you said "but still". that's denial. and worse - a disawoved denial. 1505720;1468946274;mircea_popescu;of such substance sufferance is always made. 1505721;1468946320;asciilifeform;well then let's concretize: no, i personally have 0 interest in being part of a mormon family. and yes, it means i live until first broken leg. maybe this is acceptable tradeoff from my pov. 1505722;1468946327;mircea_popescu;oregon trail consisted of ? man and woman and grown children and the grown women's boyfriends and and and and a dog@! 1505723;1468946359;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if it is or if it isn't is your choice to make ; but don't go around showing me your holy amulets that prevent leg breaking. 1505724;1468946365;asciilifeform;no amulet. 1505725;1468946376;asciilifeform;but the question of 'how long can last' is an engineering question. 1505726;1468946380;asciilifeform;not philosophical. 1505727;1468946381;mircea_popescu;"quinine" or we it was called 1505728;1468946391;asciilifeform;lel 1505729;1468946405;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1505730;1468946476;asciilifeform;this was my sole objection to mircea_popescu's position - he mixes technical (you can NEVER make this machine work economically) with philosophical (trying to ~formulate~, not to mention ~solve~, this problem is MADNESS!111) objection. 1505731;1468946504;asciilifeform;and quite likely mircea_popescu is right re the technical side. 1505732;1468946516;asciilifeform;but i say they are worth considering separately. 1505733;1468946534;asciilifeform;because technical breakthroughs occasionally do happen. 1505734;1468946547;mircea_popescu;i don't think trying to formulate it is madness ; i do think that the orlov formulation is ridiculous at best. 1505735;1468946569;asciilifeform;if anything, he is blinded by... his experience aboard actual boats! 1505736;1468946580;mircea_popescu;actually, further - i think that attempts to solve it on those lines will cost the attempter his life and sanity for no benefit. in other words - i say orlov is a scammer. 1505737;1468946581;asciilifeform;just as differential engine was not built by an arithmetizer-girl. 1505738;1468946598;asciilifeform;shouldn't a scammer have some money on occasion ? 1505739;1468946610;asciilifeform;'charlatan' is perhaps better adj ? 1505740;1468946632;mircea_popescu;i'm not directing this at him. he is whatever, i dun care. but from YOUR perspective, he works practically as a scammer. you know how donner party ended up in the spot where they ate each other ? 1505741;1468946640;asciilifeform;aha. 1505742;1468946642;mircea_popescu;they followed the guidance of some derp. that derp. 1505743;1468946692;mircea_popescu;and yes, the derp was broadly correct, itwas "in that general direction" and so forth. but omfg patch of salt! 1505744;1468946724;asciilifeform;so what would a sane approach to 'i wish to live with the company of other bipeds being wholly SELECTABLE', if not boat ? or mircea_popescu sees entire question as nuttery. 1505745;1468946734;mircea_popescu;money. 1505746;1468946751;asciilifeform;money is involved in any case: boat isn't free 1505747;1468946755;mircea_popescu;this is ~the only function of money. 1505748;1468946762;asciilifeform;but what is the minimal money necessary? and what to build with it ? 1505749;1468946771;asciilifeform;if answer is 'large egyptian family', not interested. 1505750;1468946775;asciilifeform;it doesn't solve the problem ! 1505751;1468946821;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform asking "What is the minimal money necessary" is like asking "what is the minimum current draw of useful appliance". it depends neh ? for the money orlov already spent on his pretense (boat, authorship, whatever), egyptian native could have lived entire life happily in the circumstance of "the company of other bipeds being wholly SELECTABLE". 1505752;1468946855;mircea_popescu;i say this on the basis of actual experience, not as a matter of "i imagine boats sometime when i'm frustrated" 1505753;1468946867;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu must have very different notion of 'selectable' if it has room for an orc anthill 1505754;1468946875;mircea_popescu;you have nfi what egypt is! 1505755;1468946878;mircea_popescu;it sits atop a desert. 1505756;1468946890;*;asciilifeform owns a map... 1505757;1468946905;*;mircea_popescu visited sufi, was admitted, first person to be admitted in ~decade. 1505758;1468946964;*;mircea_popescu also visited coptic monastery ; we were the first visitors since summer. 1505759;1468947015;asciilifeform;^ now this, interesting! 1505760;1468947019;asciilifeform;are they all dead today / 1505761;1468947020;asciilifeform;? 1505762;1468947027;mircea_popescu;i have no way to know. 1505763;1468947040;asciilifeform;i suppose it would not be high quality monastery if we had a way to know... 1505764;1468947043;mircea_popescu;they were not on any map ; owing perhaps to the happenstance egyptians generally dunno wtf map is, but perhaps not just. 1505765;1468947071;asciilifeform;incidentally monasteries are a weaker, land-based special case of the thing i am interested in. 1505766;1468947076;mircea_popescu;anyway, also visited (danish iirc ?) archeological camp, abandoned since 1986. 1505767;1468947090;mircea_popescu;there's tons of these. you could go live in a fucking tomb and probably die of natural causes before they'd even find out. 1505768;1468947101;mircea_popescu;the cairo museum is overflowing with items stacked 5 deep. 1505769;1468947108;mircea_popescu;etc etc. 1505770;1468947191;asciilifeform;if you run a genset near that tomb, quite likely someone will take an interest at some point, no ? 1505771;1468947204;mircea_popescu;not likely. 1505772;1468947208;mircea_popescu;but the sand will cover your intake. 1505773;1468947212;asciilifeform;yes, if you want to live like a bear, in a hole, it can even be done in a u.s. national park. people have. 1505774;1468947224;asciilifeform;(iirc record holder was: ~35 years!) 1505775;1468947235;mircea_popescu;$s man can live and never be found 1505776;1468947236;a111;1 results for "man can live and never be found", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=man%20can%20live%20and%20never%20be%20found 1505777;1468947238;asciilifeform;but even he was eventually spotted by tourists - plume of smoke. 1505778;1468947256;mircea_popescu;hence it comes down to money. not random amulet, be it boat, dome or kryptonite. 1505779;1468947260;mircea_popescu;money and that's it. 1505780;1468947279;asciilifeform;this begs the question. yes, you need money. just as you need rocket to get to mars. but ~how much~ and what vector. 1505781;1468947293;mircea_popescu;and understand - this is the fundamental boyishness here. "father, how should i be a powerful lord ?" "have many friends" "i'll just build a strong castle" 1505782;1468947318;asciilifeform;naturally 'powerful lord' immediately botches the question 1505783;1468947321;mircea_popescu;heh. 1505784;1468947324;asciilifeform;the actual question is 'how do i be left alone' 1505785;1468947328;asciilifeform;not 'be powerful lord' 1505786;1468947337;mircea_popescu;the only definition of "powerful lord" is "he who can exclude others". 1505787;1468947340;asciilifeform;'be powerful' is not an answer, it is an answer to a different problem. 1505788;1468947357;mircea_popescu;there is EXACTLY no other ; and the main issue of the war of troy was, "who the fuck does agamemnon think he is!" 1505789;1468947369;mircea_popescu;a change from, "who the fuck does this priam think he is" 1505790;1468947411;asciilifeform;if the problem is posed as 'can i build a castle in which i can successfully stow a stolen princess every time', then yes, answer is 'be powerful' 1505791;1468947417;asciilifeform;but if more modest constraint ? 1505792;1468947419;mircea_popescu;the momeny you've defined your aim as "to exclude others", you have therefore and inseparably defined your goal as "i wish to be powerful lord" 1505793;1468947451;mircea_popescu;and yes, it comes with the gunk - once you are powerful lord for yourself, you gotta also select others for which to be, or else make enemies. 1505794;1468947460;asciilifeform;actually this is reminiscent of the aerodynamic problem which nailed dirigibles: 1505795;1468947463;mircea_popescu;so you'll store your apparata ; plus three princesses and some stolen fenders. 1505796;1468947487;mircea_popescu;or hubcaps or w/e the nigglets steal thgese days. 1505797;1468947494;asciilifeform;thing is a sail. wind pushes it off course, and also down (crash.) and fuel is exhausted. can try to counter this by building larger engines, but then need bigger lifting envelope, and you get... moar sail. 1505798;1468947502;asciilifeform;and so on until you're entirely hosed. 1505799;1468947505;mircea_popescu;aha. 1505800;1468947516;asciilifeform;so it is not clear that 'be a great king' is optimal solution to 'be left alone' 1505801;1468947524;asciilifeform;great king attracts great usurpers. 1505802;1468947528;mircea_popescu;hence my observation that the problem is psychogenic in nature. 1505803;1468947535;asciilifeform;possibly answer is, be small king. 1505804;1468947538;asciilifeform;far away. 1505805;1468947544;mircea_popescu;whenever you end up with a problem which has no real roots, you therefore have a problem which... has no real roots. 1505806;1468947556;asciilifeform;all problems are ultimately psychogenic. 1505807;1468947559;mircea_popescu;mno. 1505808;1468947560;asciilifeform;no man, no problem (tm) (r) 1505809;1468947574;mircea_popescu;that's a different thing. all non-problems are non-psychogenic. 1505810;1468947587;mircea_popescu;anyway. problems, like f(x)=some polynomial, either have or don't have real roots. 1505811;1468947599;mircea_popescu;if they do, are solvable in practice. if they don't, you're advised to fix your head. 1505812;1468947610;asciilifeform;i agree. 1505813;1468947619;asciilifeform;but do not see it demonstrated here that problem i posed has 0 roots. 1505814;1468947633;mircea_popescu;well, what can i tell ya. 1505815;1468947689;*;asciilifeform pictures remembering this thread one day as the decks are awash and the end nears 1505816;1468947712;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> possibly answer is, be small king. far away <<< this is quite lulzy, you know. "i want a center of a circle that's squarer and closer to the margin" 1505817;1468947731;asciilifeform;hey, recall the sphere thread ? 1505818;1468947736;mircea_popescu;which ? 1505819;1468947743;mircea_popescu;we do lots of platonic objects. 1505820;1468947765;asciilifeform;al schwartz's proof that n-dimensional sphere has more and more of its volume closer and closer to the surface as N approaches infinity 1505821;1468947782;asciilifeform;the 'extremist solutions' essay 1505822;1468947785;mircea_popescu;afaik this is 1700s tech but ok. 1505823;1468947794;mircea_popescu;i dun recall that essay ? do link then. 1505824;1468947798;asciilifeform;hmm 1505825;1468947916;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505509 << you familiar with the famous vlad tepes vs mehmed 2 encounter ? 1505826;1468947916;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:49 trinque: sounds like resigning to die, but then not having the dignity to eat the bullet 1505827;1468947943;asciilifeform;( http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/sphere.htm is all i could find, but the meat of the discussion was in a now-lost usenet post... ) 1505828;1468947950;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hm ? 1505829;1468948019;mircea_popescu;you know, sultan ordered "an army as strong as the one which took constantinople" be assembled to deal with this guy once and for all. after not doing so well for a long time eventually cornered him against a mountain, where vlad told his men that neither capture nor death of famine beign fitting of warriors, how about we go into their camp and fucking rape them. 1505830;1468948025;mircea_popescu;which they famously did. 1505831;1468948080;mircea_popescu;sultan lost it, ran off, etc. 1505832;1468948093;asciilifeform;hey, worked for stalin, later. 1505833;1468948133;asciilifeform;but it makes generous use of everett's device. outside of a few 'sexy' cases, we don't get to hear from the dead armies. 1505834;1468948143;asciilifeform;who charged into meat grinder to 0 result. 1505835;1468948168;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505518 << strangely enough, none of the kids playing history (with the abundance their forefathers so imprudently assured them) realise that "hey, things are linked, a boat like this means i gotta sleep with a schmitar under pillow!" 1505836;1468948168;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:51 phf: and the problem he was trying to solve is a lot closer to what you want to achieve, i.e. put lab on water, rather than recreate the lifestyle of late 6th century pirate nomads or whatever 1505837;1468948188;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in the man's own words, "he who thinks of death best not follow me" 1505838;1468948212;asciilifeform;imho we can skip the menschkeit 'everett's device is the only working device' mega-thread, subj is amply worked in the l0gz... 1505839;1468948231;mircea_popescu;note that i was talking to his thing! 1505840;1468948250;asciilifeform;lolk 1505841;1468948366;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505521 << generally people that do labwork "for the world" aren't worth much scientifically ; the ones that do science dun usually care what the wofld does. 1505842;1468948366;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:52 trinque: this guy's got a lab, what, to continue taking part in the same world he can't stand? 1505843;1468948397;asciilifeform;^ aha. see the 'coffin notebook' thread. 1505844;1468948405;asciilifeform;many folks dun even lift a finger to publish the goodz. 1505845;1468948416;asciilifeform;because pearls,swine.etc 1505846;1468948522;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505527 << depends how high up you scale. to me they do - as stated, people with large inheritance trying to pretend. a sort of niccolo da canal, say. 1505847;1468948522;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:54 phf: trinque: it's techno nomad, it's a thing. microship guy doesn't really try to solve same problem as orlol, it's all different people with personal interests and agendas that don't necessarily compose into a single stereotype 1505848;1468948575;trinque;mircea_popescu: science is still a matter of conversation with others 1505849;1468948578;trinque;wasn't saying "for" but "how" 1505850;1468948585;mircea_popescu;(1469 captain general of venetian navy, no naval experience, guy being a lawyer and orator at papal court. chose to pretend like he knew his shit, cost venice its head eventually.) 1505851;1468948586;trinque;guy in a monastery still writes letters 1505852;1468948598;mircea_popescu;surely some do. 1505853;1468948834;mircea_popescu;depends tho, some parts of science are nonconversational. it's a mixed bag. 1505854;1468948846;mircea_popescu;perhaps tycho brache / keppler is the best example of this duality. 1505855;1468948863;mircea_popescu;brache was, famously, so incapable of social intercourse he couldn't leave a banquet and died of a busted bladder. 1505856;1468948940;asciilifeform;who chopped off his nose, then ? 1505857;1468948959;asciilifeform;iirc he was a social butterfly, just a somewhat loose cannon while at it 1505858;1468949231;trinque;I suspect people who can't find *anyone* to tolerate of a sort of gabriel_laddelism, i.e. if I stay up for 48hrs on tab cola I can rewrite gentoo portage fastrrrr 1505859;1468949250;trinque;but then, asciilifeform could gossipd from his water-tomb I'm sure, so there's that. 1505860;1468949299;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505780 <<< the answer is also obvious enough. a PERCENTAGE of the total money calculated on the basis of integration. these days, 50%, hence the bitcoin mining process. 1505861;1468949299;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 16:54 asciilifeform: this begs the question. yes, you need money. just as you need rocket to get to mars. but ~how much~ and what vector. 1505862;1468949363;mircea_popescu;but the % varies - at the heyday of the empire, during trajan, burebista's 200+ tons of gold were not enough ; centuries later, a few % of that sufficed for an entire dynasty of paleologai 1505863;1468949364;asciilifeform;picture mircea_popescu were asked to design a bridge. 'just part 50% of the moon's mass right ~here~...' 1505864;1468949366;asciilifeform;*park 1505865;1468949385;mircea_popescu;"if my answers scare you, time to stop asking scary questions" 1505866;1468949426;asciilifeform;it isn't 'scares', but more of the british admiral's answer to 'what shall we do about uboats?' -- 'boil the ocean' 1505867;1468949428;mircea_popescu;otherwise, in common terms the problem is solved : 4 room floating apt can be had used in good condition for a coupla mil. 1505868;1468949432;asciilifeform;not esp. interesting from pov of solutions. 1505869;1468949447;mircea_popescu;work the stoicks a summer, buy boat. 1505870;1468949458;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is like that fella ( mthreat ?) who bought a mig 1505871;1468949481;asciilifeform;it isn't 'coupla mil', it is 'coupla mil' plus 'own 100 slaves' plus 'lifetime of diesel and $1000 plumbing fittings' 1505872;1468949532;mircea_popescu;actually he bought a jet not a mig ; it was a few hundred not mil ; and it's not a terribru investment. 1505873;1468949535;asciilifeform;nor will it be repairable at sea, or survive north atlantic storms. 1505874;1468949546;mircea_popescu;depends how much he flies it. but good engines, like good everythging - no longe rmade 1505875;1468949549;asciilifeform;on what planet is it ~investment~ ? 1505876;1468949556;asciilifeform;sov engines were good for ~200 hours. 1505877;1468949560;asciilifeform;after that, thrown out. 1505878;1468949566;mircea_popescu;on the planet where the guy he bought it from paid 15% what it cost in 2014 1505879;1468949572;asciilifeform;ah as museum piece. 1505880;1468949574;asciilifeform;then - yes. 1505881;1468949579;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but BEFORE those 200 hours. 1505882;1468949591;asciilifeform;~flying~ the investatron would be nuts. 1505883;1468949595;mircea_popescu;well yes. 1505884;1468949600;mircea_popescu;fucking the painting, also. 1505885;1468949605;asciilifeform;you wouldn't FIRE a 17th c. musket. 1505886;1468949614;mircea_popescu;or for that matter the 16yo slave girl. 1505887;1468949641;asciilifeform;so - either investment, or fly. pick. 1505888;1468949690;mircea_popescu;aha. 1505889;1468949700;asciilifeform;at any rate, a machine-for-being-comfortably-poor that costs 2mil, if it were to exist, would be a solid answer to my equation. but the diesel pleasure boat is pointedly not it. 1505890;1468949716;mircea_popescu;anyway ; floating apartment is not much worse for maintenance than car. 1505891;1468949730;asciilifeform;if you don't live at sea. 1505892;1468949739;asciilifeform;in port, it is an expensive kind of camper truck, yes. 1505893;1468949741;mircea_popescu;yeah. in port it's iffier. 1505894;1468949783;mircea_popescu;"pointedly not it", chiefly because you're trying the oldest trick in the poorfag's book, which is to say to NAME his target according to the conventions of trade, but to secretly expect it to satisfy his metaphysical expectations. 1505895;1468949785;asciilifeform;incidentally i've learned that many folks in american east coast live in boats, but do it 100% in the marina. as a kind of enforced-whiteness trailer park. 1505896;1468949797;mircea_popescu;which is why it's always cheaper for merchant to cater to old dutchess than to young upstart wife. 1505897;1468949810;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: expand ? 1505898;1468949835;mircea_popescu;it pointedly does everything you openly admit you want ; and fails to do all the things you want but disawov, such as "it should be a grownup for me". 1505899;1468949846;mircea_popescu;so you know, "pointedly is not". 1505900;1468949862;asciilifeform;i can spell out the missing piece (thought it was obvious) 1505901;1468949873;asciilifeform;the recurring costs, and recurring dependencies on shore, are idiotically high 1505902;1468949902;asciilifeform;ergo it is simply a small flat that happens to - temporarily - float. not a machine for surviving 2000km from nearest man. 1505903;1468949910;asciilifeform;for a year. 1505904;1468949910;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/15qy 1505905;1468949910;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1505906;1468949989;mircea_popescu;well, figure out what you eat in a year ; plus all the things you might want but won't eventually eat. 1505907;1468950002;mircea_popescu;suddenly your item is not a mere boat but a fucking battleship. 1505908;1468950015;asciilifeform;about size of 2 refrigerator trucks. 1505909;1468950020;asciilifeform;i did the arithmetic. 1505910;1468950032;asciilifeform;would look quite like that museum sub. 1505911;1468950034;mircea_popescu;fresh water, at a gallon a day per head, means if you're actually alone a deux, 4 tons just that. 1505912;1468950041;asciilifeform;water is distilled, wtf. 1505913;1468950042;mircea_popescu;i suppose you could not wash for an entire year, a la rms... 1505914;1468950059;asciilifeform;even the sub didn't CARRY fresh water, srsly 1505915;1468950064;mircea_popescu;heh. 1505916;1468950079;mircea_popescu;your sail will power a seawater processing plant now ? 1505917;1468950084;asciilifeform;the ultimate constraint is energy, aha 1505918;1468950087;mircea_popescu;those things are no smaller than X size for a reason. 1505919;1468950101;mircea_popescu;you ever tasted ocean-desalinated water btw ? 1505920;1468950102;asciilifeform;how long photo panel lives for, how many fit on deck, what can you get from windmills, etc. 1505921;1468950105;mircea_popescu;i wouldn't drink that. not for a year. 1505922;1468950135;asciilifeform;submariners - drank. 1505923;1468950183;asciilifeform;if it's any consolation, likely none of us would qualify as submariners, most blokes alive today are too tall for ww2 sub 1505924;1468950208;asciilifeform;i am not a tall fella but i did not fit in the cot in that museum-sub (it was largely unguarded and you could play with the contents) 1505925;1468950210;asciilifeform;pet - fit. 1505926;1468950237;mircea_popescu;so you'll drink piss just so as to not have to listen to the neighbours fuck ? 1505927;1468950270;asciilifeform;well, more that i am willing to ask 'how ~much~ piss would i need to drink so that...' 1505928;1468950303;mats;and then you get to enjoy hot racking with the crew 1505929;1468950306;mircea_popescu;365 days of a gallon each. coupla tons. 1505930;1468950319;asciilifeform;mats: in last thread, we did 'how much of a crew is needed with modern mechanisms' 1505931;1468950322;mircea_popescu;mats his sub has no crew. just his pet robot! 1505932;1468950331;asciilifeform;lel 1505933;1468950334;mats;like sitting on a freshly warm toilet seat, with less ick factor 1505934;1468950335;mircea_popescu;anyway. ima go do things. with people. 1505935;1468950354;mircea_popescu;mats i like that! 1505936;1468950359;asciilifeform;have fun mircea_popescu 1505937;1468950363;mircea_popescu;course, it's always my womenz that warmed it, might be a factor. 1505938;1468950377;asciilifeform;( did mircea_popescu ever build that mega-toilet ??) 1505939;1468950380;mats;it's a fleeting, intimate moment with a stranger, in my case 1505940;1468950477;mats;asciilifeform: I read the thread but didn't see a number, what did you arrive at? 1505941;1468950535;asciilifeform;mats: i never determined a hard minimum. but will note that most of the folk on a ww2 sub did things that would be mechanical/reasonably automatic today. 1505942;1468950566;asciilifeform;(turning valves, etc.) 1505943;1468950626;mats;so, over or under ten? 1505944;1468950671;asciilifeform;ideally ~= 2. 1505945;1468950696;asciilifeform;but don't conflate the war machine and the survival capsule from thread. 1505946;1468950703;asciilifeform;wholly different domains. 1505947;1468950717;asciilifeform;how big of a crew does mats's house have ? 1505948;1468950808;trinque;I admit I was googling solar yachts only yesterday 1505949;1468950818;trinque;seems like if you're wiling to go about 7-10kts there are a few 1505950;1468950853;asciilifeform;trinque: you will find that the machines are not designed for permanent life aboard, or to survive winters. 1505951;1468950855;asciilifeform;ergo the thread. 1505952;1468950964;thestringpuller;so i'm using suds with python. i'm looking at the package maintanence and the mailing list. anyhow when an opensource project dies, can you just be like "i'm forking this and doing it" 1505953;1468951022;asciilifeform;...sure ? 1505954;1468951028;asciilifeform;or what, old maintainer will carbomb you ? 1505955;1468951043;BingoBoingo;Nothing wrong with shipping container as concrete pouring mold, especially since you can tie rebar in there too. http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505520 1505956;1468951043;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:52 trinque: if you've reached the point where the world has beaten you back to being willing to live in a shipping container, why live? 1505957;1468951053;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: gavin has not yet showed up at my house with kalash 1505958;1468951056;asciilifeform;fwiw. 1505959;1468951070;thestringpuller;fair point. 1505960;1468951078;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: land fortresses ~dunwork. 1505961;1468951115;asciilifeform;(i suppose they do, if you're chingis khan, or mircea_popescu , etc. but not for the contemplated poorfag use case.) 1505962;1468951404;mats;asciilifeform: two 1505963;1468951682;phf;i'd live on a sub, if it had those 1970s stage set rooms with giant windows through which you can observe underwater marine life, but which you can also close if you're being attacked by the establishment 1505964;1468951686;asciilifeform;i will add that my interest in subj is not limited to the sea, but to all other environments which are hostile to 'normalpeoplewithfamilies' (as depicted in mircea_popescu's articles) yet have plenty of room to be 'lost' inside, and quite habitable with some amount of technological help 1505965;1468951697;asciilifeform;phf: aha! 1505966;1468951734;trinque;gonna have to build rapture 1505967;1468951737;trinque;I'd live there 1505968;1468951740;asciilifeform;waiwut 1505969;1468951754;trinque;undersea city in Bioshock 1505970;1468951775;asciilifeform;a city is quite the opposite of subj, no ? 1505971;1468951776;asciilifeform;definitionally. 1505972;1468951789;phf;too libertarian for my taste, proud people of short stature standing tall 1505973;1468951801;trinque;> plenty of room to be 'lost' inside 1505974;1468951813;trinque;lol, mystical item indeed 1505975;1468951816;asciilifeform;trinque: a city is, by definition, what i'd like to avoid. 1505976;1468951855;trinque;that was probaby *my* escapist fantasy leaking in 1505977;1468951861;trinque;less shipping crate and more crypto-babylon 1505978;1468951888;asciilifeform;the problem i was futilely stabbing away at is 'how to be independent of homo homini lupus est' 1505979;1468951913;asciilifeform;there is 1 historic solution, as mircea_popescu like to point out, 'be chingis khan', 10,001 slaves, armies, castles. 1505980;1468951976;trinque;phf: sure sure, just the physical thing without the Rand 1505981;1468951978;asciilifeform;there may be other solution. 1505982;1468952017;asciilifeform;trinque: i played the game, it had about the same relationship to rand as 'Der Giftpilz' has to judaism. 1505983;1468952027;asciilifeform;$s der giftpilz 1505984;1468952028;a111;1 results for "der giftpilz", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=der%20giftpilz 1505985;1468952034;asciilifeform;$s Der Giftpilz 1505986;1468952035;a111;3 results for "Der Giftpilz", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=Der%20Giftpilz 1505987;1468952397;phf;asciilifeform: have you read hakim bey's "pirate utopias"? 1505988;1468952417;asciilifeform;nope 1505989;1468952463;shinohai;http://animatedviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/sea202002.jpg <<< or you can make a sealab 1505990;1468952493;asciilifeform;shinohai: why not orbitlab. probably cheaper. 1505991;1468952502;asciilifeform;plenty of mockable nonsolutions to choose from. 1505992;1468952546;phf;or find some underwater grotto on one of less inhabited greek islands, seal it, etc. 1505993;1468952547;shinohai;We already have orbitlab up there 1505994;1468952554;*;phf prefers james bond solutions 1505995;1468952561;trinque;no good, sealab blows up once an episode. 1505996;1468952681;phf;asciilifeform: it's a totally speculative exploration of north african pirate city states during the age of exploration http://hermetic.com/bey/pirate-utopias/ it might appeal to your romantic nature 1505997;1468952696;*;asciilifeform puts on list. 1505998;1468952932;ben_vulpes;trinque: not triggered, but definitely amused. 1505999;1468953124;ben_vulpes;when the problem domains are simple, the solution proposed appears to work. in reality, as *tard mgmt demands more features, flexibility, reports, etc, the complexity of maintaining and extending under the frameworkreich becomes more and more costly, a thing not necessarily apparent to anyone who hasn't suffered the saga or who doesn't think in terms of complexity minimization from the get-go. 1506000;1468953147;ben_vulpes;i believe that you're familiar with this? 1506001;1468953591;jurov;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505520 << actually this might not be so bad idea. i.e. "internodal transport nomad" 1506002;1468953591;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 15:52 trinque: if you've reached the point where the world has beaten you back to being willing to live in a shipping container, why live? 1506003;1468954097;mats;http://www.snbforums.com/threads/unable-to-update-firmware-from-asus-380-3264-to-merlin.32786 "To comply with regulatory amendments, we have modified our certification rule to ensure better firmware quality. This version is not compatible with all previously released ASUS firmware and uncertified third party firmware. Please check our official websites for 1506004;1468954097;mats;the certified firmware." 1506005;1468954116;mats;zing 1506006;1468954379;asciilifeform;'ASUS are co-working with developers such as Merlin and DDWRT to make sure 3rd party firmwares power are the same as ASUS firmware and obey the regulations. ' << lel. 1506007;1468954382;asciilifeform;reflash with probes. 1506008;1468954386;asciilifeform;piss on'em. 1506009;1468954486;asciilifeform;but yes, none of this has anything to do with spectrum politeness and everything to do with 'them terrorists install non-usgificated firmware, handbuilt bsds even, this has got to stop' 1506010;1468954507;asciilifeform;just like what microshit is in the process of achieving with pc. 1506011;1468954514;asciilifeform;'boot signed bootloader' etc. 1506012;1468954518;asciilifeform;'for yer own good.' 1506013;1468954559;asciilifeform;mats: and the pigfuckers certainly don't want you and i turning the wifi chip into mesh network etc. 1506014;1468954575;asciilifeform;various gaping holes of 'nobody could have foreseen!' are being plugged. 1506015;1468954593;phf;WIFI is so that you can talk between your WINDOWS 10 PC and your COMCAST ROUTER, duh 1506016;1468954598;asciilifeform;aha!111 1506017;1468954610;mats;let em try to stop, its an excellent expenditure of funds 1506018;1468954630;mats;.cn is happy to churn em out all the same, no? 1506019;1468954631;asciilifeform;costs them ~0. 1506020;1468954640;asciilifeform;cn will churn out STRICTLY what can be sold to the chumps and no more. 1506021;1468954683;asciilifeform;incidentally cn co. 'baofeng' happily sells 'piss all over the spectrum' radio sets in usa. 1506022;1468954685;asciilifeform;nobody bans. 1506023;1468954694;asciilifeform;so the router thing is quite certainly not about spectrum policing. 1506024;1468954721;asciilifeform;(baofeng is a short-range VOICE radio, though, and hence politically inconsequential.) 1506025;1468954932;mats;i recall the issue being about power transmission 1506026;1468954943;asciilifeform;the issue is about control. 1506027;1468955123;mats;i'm reading the document and it doesn't explicitly say anything about the firmware 1506028;1468955144;mats;>An applicant must describe the overall security measures and systems that ensure that: 1. only properly authenticated software is loaded and operating the device; and 2. the device is not easily modified to operate with RF parameters outside of the authorization. 1506029;1468955159;asciilifeform;1 is it. 1506030;1468955164;asciilifeform;what's so hard to see ? 1506031;1468955209;mats;1 is so ridiculously vague that it doesn't mean anything to me 1506032;1468955221;asciilifeform;'device may only be sold if 1) it is broken in the ways we demand 2) user cannot fix it' 1506033;1468955221;mats;authenticated by who? 1506034;1468955232;asciilifeform;by usg. 1506035;1468955264;mats;seems to me manufacturers are taking a generous interpretation to this in order to accelerate obsolescence 1506036;1468955274;mats;i don't see the tendril at work here 1506037;1468955307;mats;same old profit seeking motives. 1506038;1468955314;asciilifeform;they could have done the 'signed firmware' thing in 1990s. 1506039;1468955315;asciilifeform;tivo did. 1506040;1468955321;asciilifeform;routers - did not. 1506041;1468955327;asciilifeform;so 'profit motive' my arse. 1506042;1468955346;asciilifeform;wide-open wrt54g sold more than all other put together. 1506043;1468955417;mats;fuck that thing. took me almost an entire day to reflash, first go around 1506044;1468955433;asciilifeform;but it... WORKED. 1506045;1468955442;mats;too many revisions, and i don't think wrt54gl was available then 1506046;1468955442;asciilifeform;there are still wrt54g in use. 1506047;1468955460;asciilifeform;'gl' was simply when they added the snipped upper 2MB of ram back in 1506048;1468955467;asciilifeform;temporarily 1506049;1468955470;asciilifeform;as 'extra cost' 1506050;1468955484;asciilifeform;'here, you can have usable box again!111 for 2x the cost! be happy' 1506051;1468955522;asciilifeform;('g' was sold, for its last few years of life, with insufficient ram to run any extant linux) 1506052;1468955557;asciilifeform;at any rate, don't expect usg to surrender in their war against general-purpose radio. 1506053;1468955619;asciilifeform;cheap universal digital radio drives snooping costs to astronomical heights, and threatens to de-emphasize centralized telco antennae 1506054;1468955625;asciilifeform;quite the nightmare to statist mind. 1506055;1468955698;pete_dushenski;"If you work at Goldman Sachs in New York City and you want to tie up a woman and then have sex with her, there’s a good chance you’ll first have to speak to Rita. She’ll insist on calling your office, speaking to the switchboard operator, and being patched through to your desk. Then she will want to check out your profile on the company website and LinkedIn. She’ll demand you send her message fro 1506056;1468955698;pete_dushenski;m your work email, and require a scan of either your passport or driver’s license. And you will comply." << y u no pgp rita ? 1506057;1468955702;mats;looks like i read the old ver of the doc. see https://apps.fcc.gov/kdb/GetAttachment.html?id=zXtrctoj6zH7oNEOO6De6g%3D%3D&desc=594280%20D02%20U-NII%20Device%20Security%20v01r03&tracking_number=39498 for the new one if you wanna read 1506058;1468955722;pete_dushenski;"“I am looking to weed out police and crazies,” she said. She estimates that only one in four potential customers ultimately passes. Those who do win some time with a professional escort/dominatrix, but it comes at a hefty price: Each hour can cost up to $800, and Rita’s cut is 30%." << steep! 1506059;1468955755;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: sounds suspiciously cheap 1506060;1468955773;pete_dushenski;alf has cross-shopped in this market ? 1506061;1468955794;mats;dunno that you can buy an hour's stay in a shoebox for $800 in nyc 1506062;1468955795;asciilifeform;can't say that i have. simply that 800/h is not titanically selective of customers. 1506063;1468955807;asciilifeform;i suppose the difference is being covered by the mandatory blackmail material 1506064;1468955813;asciilifeform;as described in pete_dushenski's quote. 1506065;1468955879;pete_dushenski;if it's only once or twice a month, a guess it's not that steep. and probably no more than a dinner for two at iron chef's resto in manhattan... 1506066;1468955897;BingoBoingo;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505672 << submarine/boat can't promise this anymore. Niantic will put a poke-a-man stop near your nowhere and orcs follow. 1506067;1468955897;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 16:21 asciilifeform: i would happily live in a truck if the truck could be teleported into a parallel space with 0 people by push of a button. 1506068;1468955898;pete_dushenski;bobby flay, that's the one i was thinking of 1506069;1468955899;deedbot;[Qntra] Coinbase's Brian Armstrong Huffs The Ethereum Hardfork Jenkem - http://qntra.net/2016/07/coinbases-brian-armstrong-huffs-the-ethereum-hardfork-jenkem/ 1506070;1468955902;asciilifeform;anyway folks who run idiot traps (which is what this is) are a necessary part of ecosystem 1506071;1468955909;asciilifeform;like vultures 1506072;1468955940;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: wake me up when there are pokemonists in north atlantic. 1506073;1468955941;pete_dushenski;isn't symbiosis beautiful ? 1506074;1468955997;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: based on observations in the wild, if they were told to go there they would. 1506075;1468956006;asciilifeform;on what? 1506076;1468956045;pete_dushenski;http://99percentinvisible.org/article/ghost-boxes-reusing-abandoned-big-box-superstores-across-america/ << reimagining post-box-store 'murica. life goes on, even with brittle vinyl bones. 1506077;1468956115;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i always picture them as being reused for gulags. 1506078;1468956125;asciilifeform;a la 'superdome' 1506079;1468956131;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What and how are immaterial, likely will be solved for them. 1506080;1468956141;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505363 << same as kraken et al. as per http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/15/suppose-we-have-an-exchange-that-due-to-resource-limitations-is-limited-to-5-decimal-places-for-orders-or-how-kraken-is-scamming-to-stay-solvent/ << fleecing chumps... nothing to see here tewowist (israeli accent) 1506081;1468956141;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 12:16 thestringpuller: Also they are nailing the doors shut on Ether tomorrow until "clear winner": "As a Poloniex customer, you do not need to do anything. The migration will occur automatically, and your full balance of Ethereum will be transferred to the winning chain. Keep in mind that as we near the fork, we will be temporarily disabling deposits and withdrawals in preparation for the migration process. Trading will continue 1506082;1468956218;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: walls are kinda thin and flimsy for that purpose. the orcs with 'strong retard' muscle will bust through those barriers like a steam train through a sheet of tin foil. 1506083;1468956295;pete_dushenski;"In Austin, Minnesota, another Kmart was turned into offices for Hormel, as well as a giant Spam Museum." << lol! 1506084;1468956338;*;pete_dushenski could never understand his father's interest in spam. perhaps curio, perhaps rekindling of some memory, but it was always in house. 1506085;1468956417;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i just had a crate of lafonde b00kz come in. these have got to be the worst-formatted and least dense printed matter i have ever purchased. 1506086;1468956429;asciilifeform;for fucks sake, what does he use, ms 'wordpad' ?! 1506087;1468956458;BingoBoingo;Srsly? He seems to put most of the book content on blog. 1506088;1468956475;asciilifeform;i have nfi 1506089;1468956479;BingoBoingo;huh 1506090;1468956492;asciilifeform;good chunk of the text does look familiar, yes. 1506091;1468956787;BingoBoingo;I kinda though his formula was most text on blog, book offers a bit of extra. 1506092;1468957132;BingoBoingo;Anyways Orlov's plumbing problem is that when making the boat it should have been a primary rather than secondary consideration. Also wtf, hoses? Rigid copper seems like it would be much better for that application if boar design allowed for sanely routing pipes. 1506093;1468957177;asciilifeform;why the fuck would you want rigid pipes on a boat. 1506094;1468957225;asciilifeform;i mean, for water, this isn't reactor coolant 1506095;1468957228;BingoBoingo;because they have just enough flex to not break and because unlike hoses do not break just because time passed. 1506096;1468957252;asciilifeform;not all hose is made of shit y'know 1506097;1468957258;asciilifeform;or exposed to light. 1506098;1468957272;BingoBoingo;Of course, but even nice hoses abrade when movement happens. 1506099;1468957295;asciilifeform;abrade, e.g., this, http://www.titeflex.com/industrial/products/PTFE 1506100;1468957296;BingoBoingo;Even the mega psi hot water hoses 1506101;1468957297;asciilifeform;good luck. 1506102;1468957321;BingoBoingo;AHA, but Orlov makes a point of NOT using that. 1506103;1468957336;BingoBoingo;And hell PEX "hose" also likely would work. 1506104;1468957339;asciilifeform;yes he has the weird hipster 'let's use only junkyard parts' thing going 1506105;1468957347;asciilifeform;dun ask me. 1506106;1468957382;asciilifeform;there is, imho, something there, old garden hoses are likely to remain available longer and wider than teflon 1506107;1468957388;BingoBoingo;PEX is nice because you can supply every fixture from single manifold without fittings between manifold and fixture. 1506108;1468957448;BingoBoingo;Old garden hoses though, especially the less common 3/4" are wear items even when situated in positions where wear seems unlikely. 1506109;1468957450;asciilifeform;rodents eat pex. 1506110;1468957461;BingoBoingo;How do rodents get on boat? 1506111;1468957466;asciilifeform;and it dies in sunlight. 1506112;1468957468;asciilifeform;i'll skip pex. 1506113;1468957485;BingoBoingo;Yes, PEX has problems when not buried in wall. 1506114;1468957493;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: same way they get into every boat ever ? 1506115;1468957500;asciilifeform;or house. 1506116;1468957555;asciilifeform;pex really seems like one of those plastics specially-designed for american chumps, to annihilate the intrinsic advantages of using plastic 1506117;1468957581;asciilifeform;so as to require frequent maintenance 1506118;1468957596;BingoBoingo;But anyways Rigid copper is king because easy to work with 1506119;1468957611;asciilifeform;easy on land 1506120;1468957617;asciilifeform;where there is ample space to swing a torch 1506121;1468957623;asciilifeform;and you are not surrounded with flammable decking 1506122;1468957644;BingoBoingo;On boat you can have big bag of "sharkbites" and skip torch. 1506123;1468957657;asciilifeform;lemme guess, equiv. of duct tape ? 1506124;1468957658;asciilifeform;nothx. 1506125;1468957662;jurov;duct tape everything! 1506126;1468957701;BingoBoingo;sharkbites is this brass encased o-ring push to connect deal. rather handy 1506127;1468957755;*;asciilifeform makes note to self not to buy boatz from BingoBoingo 1506128;1468957756;BingoBoingo;those, tubing cutter, crescent wrench, channel locks, and emery cloth offers minimal space plumbing toolkit 1506129;1468957780;BingoBoingo;Well when initially building boat do solder connections when you have the space to do so. 1506130;1468957798;BingoBoingo;At sea cut pipe and sharkbite in new 1506131;1468957917;BingoBoingo;tubing cutter that demands more than 1-1/2" swing radius sucks 1506132;1468958026;asciilifeform;phun phakt: american (and probably other) ww2 subs had lathes on board. 1506133;1468958045;BingoBoingo;Well how else do you thread pipe? 1506134;1468958139;asciilifeform;http://www.gettyimages.com/pictures/an-image-of-a-metal-lathe-on-the-captured-german-u505-news-photo-181424737 << germany, also. 1506135;1468958143;asciilifeform;quite likely, everyone. 1506136;1468958258;asciilifeform;lel u.s. navy, 'During the past six months, our surveyors have uncovered a number of submarines not complying with a requirement for a chip shield on the lathe or drill press. To aid the fleet in a decision process for procuring a solution, I found three of numerous possible companies which supply equipment...' 1506137;1468958268;asciilifeform;( http://www.public.navy.mil/navsafecen/Documents/afloat/Submarines/FLASH/FLASH_2011/2011_Jul-Sep_Web.pdf ) 1506138;1468958271;BingoBoingo;Submarine without lathe is likely impossible 1506139;1468958462;asciilifeform;https://ctmprojectsblog.wordpress.com/2014/09/12/hawaii-pearl-harbor-machine-shops << moar picturesque examples 1506140;1468958554;asciilifeform;i should like to know what it was they typically cut. 1506141;1468958579;asciilifeform;lengths of pipe, as per BingoBoingo, is one likely item, but this pointedly does not require a whole lathe 1506142;1468958585;asciilifeform;(pipe cutter/threader would suffice) 1506143;1468958591;asciilifeform;and certainly not a mill. 1506144;1468958611;BingoBoingo;fittings! 1506145;1468958658;asciilifeform;doubt it was the only thing; consider how many spare fittings would fit in the machine shop hall. 1506146;1468958663;asciilifeform;(in place of the toolz) 1506147;1468958714;BingoBoingo;One can not imagine all possible fittings that might be required in underwater plumbing. 1506148;1468958766;BingoBoingo;Also how does one make a valve with just a threader? 1506149;1468958858;Framedragger;$s ipython 1506150;1468958858;a111;2 results for "ipython", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=ipython 1506151;1468958862;Framedragger;$s jupyter 1506152;1468958862;a111;1 results for "jupyter", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=jupyter 1506153;1468958961;Framedragger;wonder what tmsr thinks of ipython notebooks. basically you go to website and are presented with python interpreter, and a ready-made list of commands for graphing, doing stats etc. thinking of doing one of these for some initial ssh keyset analysis. nothing too serious at all 1506154;1468958989;Framedragger;presumably said website would have the raw data as a module or somesuch 1506155;1468959265;trinque;no one will stop you from using the tools you like. we've already got cl, python, perl, shell script, et al, floating around various places 1506156;1468959283;ben_vulpes;people will bitch about ths js. 1506157;1468959332;Framedragger;thought, maybe there's some elephant-in-the-room reason for avoiding it :p 1506158;1468959345;trinque;well, python's a shitty language. 1506159;1468959387;Framedragger;as a sworn lisper (well presumably) trinque, what do you make of haskell, out of curiosity? 1506160;1468959422;trinque;plenty of that in the logs 1506161;1468959429;trinque;$s from:asciilifeform haskell 1506162;1468959429;a111;18 results for "from:asciilifeform haskell", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=from%3Aasciilifeform%20haskell 1506163;1468959436;ben_vulpes;lol and even more in teh other logs 1506164;1468959439;Framedragger;heh, thanks 1506165;1468959442;ben_vulpes;binding arbitration 1506166;1468959446;ben_vulpes;where 1506167;1468959448;ben_vulpes;did that come from? 1506168;1468959480;trinque;ben_vulpes' pastinator strikes again? 1506169;1468959491;ben_vulpes;ah! 1506170;1468959493;ben_vulpes;no, weechat 1506171;1468959501;ben_vulpes;previous line in some other buffer or what? 1506172;1468959517;*;ben_vulpes not involved in any sort of binding arbitration 1506173;1468959654;Framedragger;ben_vulpes' subconscious is tapping into his tty 1506174;1468959688;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: probably has better binding arbitrartion jokes than i in any case 1506175;1468960399;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506153 << single-user computing in a wwwtron is braindamaged. 1506176;1468960399;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 20:09 Framedragger: wonder what tmsr thinks of ipython notebooks. basically you go to website and are presented with python interpreter, and a ready-made list of commands for graphing, doing stats etc. thinking of doing one of these for some initial ssh keyset analysis. nothing too serious at all 1506177;1468960407;asciilifeform;picture 'sorry you can't use grep, www.grep.com is down' 1506178;1468960464;asciilifeform;at any rate, the thing 'ipython', 'sage', etc. imitate, is 'mathematica', which is a close-source turd but at least it WORKS and WILL WORK FOREVER on my internet-less machine. 1506179;1468960478;asciilifeform;i have a ~7 y.o. version, it runs fine. 1506180;1468960488;asciilifeform;*closed 1506181;1468960521;deedbot;[Ossasepia] Cetatea Neamtului - http://www.dianacoman.com/2016/07/19/cetatea-neamtului/ 1506182;1468960724;phf;ipython is a handy python repl thing, but i think it was some people's first repl, so it turned into reinvention of clim presentations. problem is it's entirely useless without third party libraries for any kind of large scale data analysis, because core python is limited. where's the landscape of python scientific libraries is a constantly changing mess. 1506183;1468960764;asciilifeform;i suffered the misfortune, at rupturefarms, of maintaining a 'sage' thing, it was agony 1506184;1468960770;Joshua-I;afaik ipython has a similar api to a lot of stats / machine learning suites 1506185;1468960774;asciilifeform;~80% glue-with-c code by weight 1506186;1468960788;asciilifeform;(because you gotta 'lapack' etc) 1506187;1468960820;asciilifeform;heterogeneous computing is liquishit. 1506188;1468960849;Joshua-I;I'm doing this program online that uses it. Gets the job done 1506189;1468960862;asciilifeform;whereas sanity - is possible. (e.g., on lispm you could use a lisp data structure in a fortran proggy and vice-versa, with 0 glue.) 1506190;1468960874;Joshua-I;I might not use it for more specific analysis tho 1506191;1468960875;trinque;yes, and yet phuctor www is python 1506192;1468960885;asciilifeform;trinque: on linux, no less 1506193;1468960896;asciilifeform;trinque: it was made 'junkyard wars' style, out of readily-available crud. 1506194;1468960908;asciilifeform;in, i should add, great haste. 1506195;1468960919;trinque;sure, I'm not criticizing it 1506196;1468960939;trinque;some things benefit from expediency and we as yet lack the republican computing platform 1506197;1468960946;asciilifeform;there is plenty to criticize. but it had gone with 'sane engineering all the way down' you would be waiting for it still. 1506198;1468960957;trinque;no quarrel here 1506199;1468960967;phf;Joshua-I: i don't know what "same api" means, in this case. ipython is an enhanced ~repl~, but the code that you write with it constantly changes, because can't just load data set into a python array. need to use numpy, etc. 1506200;1468960983;trinque;tbot here is perl, trb builder is either sh or Makefile 1506201;1468960987;asciilifeform;phuctor in python ought to be seen in the same light as the bamboo stakes smeared in shit the vietnamese defended their country with 1506202;1468960990;asciilifeform;not good weapon 1506203;1468960993;asciilifeform;but it is what they had. 1506204;1468961032;trinque;aha, so guy might as well do some work as long as he knows he is not making statements about how computing is to be done. 1506205;1468961040;asciilifeform;(i will remind n00bs, also, that the part of phuctor which actually phuctors is a pure c proggy.) 1506206;1468961051;trinque;that said wtf is wrong with the lisp repl for a "notebook" 1506207;1468961054;asciilifeform;no graphics? 1506208;1468961057;trinque;gabriel_laddel was supposed to be building just this 1506209;1468961059;trinque;clim rather 1506210;1468961061;phf;you look at ipython code now, read tutorials and you think to yourself "oh this makes sense, it is nice", but over the course of 5 years scientific computing with python went through 3 or 4 different suits. that's an unreasonable amount of cognitive overhead, considering that mathematica now supports all the same primitives that mathemaica in '95 did 1506211;1468961066;asciilifeform;clim is a misery. 1506212;1468961070;Joshua-I;trinque: he still is 1506213;1468961085;Joshua-I;trinque: it's pretty impressive to see in person 1506214;1468961103;asciilifeform;phf: aha! 1506215;1468961103;trinque;I do not benefit from tales of secondhand wonder !!!1!! 1506216;1468961106;trinque;lol 1506217;1468961117;Joshua-I;phf: eh I might be over abstracting because I tend to just jump from concept to api so I can get something done sooner rather than later 1506218;1468961124;asciilifeform;* a111 has quit (Quit: ...) << phf ...? 1506219;1468961127;phf;saw it 1506220;1468961131;Joshua-I;Like some arbitrary mapping of math -> programming api 1506221;1468961134;Joshua-I;Mentally 1506222;1468961153;phf;Joshua-I: you make it sound like being sloppy with your tools is a good thing :) 1506223;1468961166;Joshua-I;phf: it is if you want the goods 1506224;1468961215;phf;Joshua-I: sure, that's why i use intellij for work, but i will not talk up the virtues of intellij like it's a good thing, which is what you're doing 1506225;1468961257;phf;somehow the separation between the two is totally alien concept to a lot of people who run into tmsr machine. "i eat shit, therefore it's good for everyone". we too sometimes eat shit, but we have good sense to know that it might not be the best thing 1506226;1468961280;Joshua-I;phf: ok? so what 1506227;1468961351;Joshua-I;phf: it's not like consistency and rigor are foreign concepts to me just adding in some comments on the other side of the conversation 1506228;1468961386;phf;Joshua-I: you didn't understand what i said, and i have neither interest nor time to explain myself 1506229;1468961404;Joshua-I;phf: ok cool 1506230;1468961451;trinque;$gettrust deedbot Joshua-I 1506231;1468961451;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 1 by 1 connections. 1506232;1468961746;Joshua-I;trinque: I'd advise seeing it for yourself as it may be the only way to convince you 1506233;1468961755;Joshua-I;trinque: my powers are quite limited as you can see here 1506234;1468961830;asciilifeform;phf: re python: in my view, if you EVER end up breaking a language in such a way that 20 y.o. code cannot run, not only was your lang broken to begin with, but YOUR HEAD was. 1506235;1468961840;asciilifeform;and ought to be milking hogs, not designing systems 1506236;1468961880;asciilifeform;but naturally crapolade built ~by~ and ~for~ disposable young cocklets, does not ~have~ a concept of '20 year old code i wish to run today' 1506237;1468962077;jurov;is there any language capable of running 20yo code? 1506238;1468962087;asciilifeform;common lisp. 1506239;1468962096;asciilifeform;ada. 1506240;1468962098;asciilifeform;fortran. 1506241;1468962105;asciilifeform;languages with MOTHERFUCKING ACTUAL STANDARDS 1506242;1468962113;asciilifeform;and multi-vendor implementations. 1506243;1468962127;asciilifeform;(yes most folks programmin' today have never seen, smelled, touched, such a thing.) 1506244;1468962135;asciilifeform;forth, incidentally, also. 1506245;1468962147;jurov;java! 1506246;1468962147;asciilifeform;(ansi) scheme. 1506247;1468962154;asciilifeform;lel multivendor java?! 1506248;1468962178;jurov;ibm ships own jvm, too 1506249;1468962222;phf;pascal, less so than above languages, but still more so than even C, since it has a standard notion of pascal machine. C can do 20 year old code, but within some narrow scope of posix, or more like "unix" 1506250;1468962289;jurov;re: common lisp - i'm curious, is there any 20y code still worthwhile to run now? 1506251;1468962303;asciilifeform;jurov: yes. e.g., macsyma. 1506252;1468962316;asciilifeform;parts of which pre-date common lisp and are almost half a century old. 1506253;1468962320;asciilifeform;STILL unbeatable 1506254;1468962357;asciilifeform;phf: c 'portability' is a laugh, considering the tight coupling with cpu 1506255;1468962378;asciilifeform;(a good chunk of historic c succumbs to endianism, word size, etc. idiocy) 1506256;1468962391;asciilifeform;even before you get to os/libs crapolade. 1506257;1468962501;deedbot;[Qntra] US Department of "Defense" Switches To iPhone - http://qntra.net/2016/07/us-department-of-defense-switches-to-iphone/ 1506258;1468962513;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506248 << in past life, when i gave half a shit, EVERY single proggy i tried to run on ibm jvm, barfed. 1506259;1468962513;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 21:02 jurov: ibm ships own jvm, too 1506260;1468962525;asciilifeform;there was NEVER a usable multivendorization of java. 1506261;1468962541;asciilifeform;nor was it ever seriously 'cross-platform' 1506262;1468962570;asciilifeform;nor was there ever a hard standard. 1506263;1468962581;jurov;i dunno, i had a life as java developer, ibm jvm was superior on linux and ran both eclipse and our project fine 1506264;1468962614;jurov;but we disgress, thanks for examples! 1506265;1468962629;asciilifeform;well you wrote ~for~ it 1506266;1468962640;asciilifeform;so yes, jurov's code ran on it, because written for it, mega-surprise. 1506267;1468962651;asciilifeform;i was speaking of commercial proggies written for sun's. 1506268;1468962666;jurov;lol i was the only dude on the team with the setup 1506269;1468962673;jurov;since i was sysadmin hybrid 1506270;1468962677;asciilifeform;was there a gui ? 1506271;1468962680;jurov;everyone else was oracle+win 1506272;1468962687;jurov;yes, there was a gui 1506273;1468962695;asciilifeform;(iirc items with plain std i/o worked on all jvm) 1506274;1468962723;asciilifeform;at any rate, the existence of even the POSSIBILITY of a program which ran on one, but not another, is what i was speaking of 1506275;1468962742;asciilifeform;this is quite impossible in a properly-specified multivendor environment. 1506276;1468962759;jurov;eh, i run into this with common lisp all the time 1506277;1468962763;asciilifeform;'Android would freeze unexpectedly, especially when trying to watch aerial feeds of unmanned drones, the source said.' 1506278;1468962766;asciilifeform;lel 1506279;1468962787;asciilifeform;jurov: this is because the standard was incomplete, and it is nearly impossible to write a program today wholly using only the standard. 1506280;1468962799;asciilifeform;(it omitted, e.g., sockets) 1506281;1468962809;asciilifeform;'what if yer system doesn't have sockets' 1506282;1468962895;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/oGZR6 << in other lulz. 'Marines Will Soon Need to Know How to Shoot a Moving Target, Because That Wasn't a Thing Before.' 1506283;1468962932;jurov;well, after light usage i found bugs in core functionality in ecl, like it ignored *TRACE-OUTPUT* 1506284;1468962943;asciilifeform;bugs - exist. 1506285;1468962947;jurov;so i'm rather sceptical about whole affair 1506286;1468962949;asciilifeform;sometimes even deliberate idiocies. 1506287;1468962963;asciilifeform;iirc there were versions of allegro which ignored case sensitivity toggle. 1506288;1468963010;asciilifeform;the unfortunate bit is that standards-compliance costs money. 1506289;1468963012;asciilifeform;serious money. 1506290;1468963026;asciilifeform;and it is not sufficient to ~have~ the money, you must also ~withhold~ it from the non-compliant vendors. 1506291;1468963046;asciilifeform;(which is why microshit lusers pay and pay and still get 'embrace & extinguish' implementations of everything) 1506292;1468963117;asciilifeform;if i go to a shop and buy a vacuum cleaner and the mains plug fits in NO socket, i will never buy from said vendor again. 1506293;1468963130;asciilifeform;for whatever jwz reason, this is NOT how folks have been treating programming languages 1506294;1468963133;asciilifeform;and so they get, what they get. 1506295;1468963159;asciilifeform;(they get to, e.g., buy a million adapters from one broken misstandard to another) 1506296;1468963172;asciilifeform;and a tall pile of things which MUST burn. 1506297;1468963439;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506175 << oh sure, i agree; but it may work for a limited case, as a quick thing; not as a proper stats platform or whatever, god forbid! 1506298;1468963439;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 20:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506153 << single-user computing in a wwwtron is braindamaged. 1506299;1468963442;*;jurov offers to asciilifeform classical vacuum cleaner with edison screw plug 1506300;1468963558;asciilifeform;jurov saw such a thing?! 1506301;1468963565;asciilifeform;where? 1506302;1468963597;jurov;it was obsoleted 1506303;1468963603;asciilifeform;mno? 1506304;1468963611;asciilifeform;i have edison screw light bulbs all over the house ? 1506305;1468963624;jurov;it was *the* standard at some time 1506306;1468963626;asciilifeform;for semi-permanent connections it is still unbeatable 1506307;1468963638;asciilifeform;but i have never seen an applicance made with said plug. 1506308;1468963665;asciilifeform;afaik it was only ever 'the' standard for lights. 1506309;1468963750;asciilifeform;or, hm, apparently in usa toasters etc with light-bulb cones were once common. 1506310;1468963761;jurov;i remember seeing electrical irons with it 1506311;1468963781;asciilifeform;but regardless, jurov has no case here, because if i want to plug in such a toaster today, i can easily do so without spending so much as one extra penny. 1506312;1468963789;asciilifeform;because the socket was ~not~ actually done away with. 1506313;1468964335;mircea_popescu;$up Joshua-I 1506314;1468964335;deedbot;Joshua-I voiced for 30 minutes. 1506315;1468964346;asciilifeform;how was meatspace mircea_popescu ? 1506316;1468964357;mircea_popescu;not bad. very nice spring here. 1506317;1468964361;asciilifeform;neato 1506318;1468964390;asciilifeform;winter is a month or so long ? 1506319;1468964450;mircea_popescu;well, if you count it going to like 5 celsius ONE NIGHT and otherwise being a very balmy lower tens thing winter, 1506320;1468964460;mircea_popescu;then it lasts approx march-jul 1506321;1468964473;Joshua-I;Do you care for winter? 1506322;1468964481;mircea_popescu;sure. 1506323;1468964527;Joshua-I;So do you miss longer, colder winters? 1506324;1468964557;mircea_popescu;looky, if i missed everything i cared for and don't currently have it'd be an endless funeral+wake over here. 1506325;1468964644;asciilifeform;what, other than proper euro winter, did mircea_popescu not fit in his suitcase ? 1506326;1468964708;mircea_popescu;it never rains in egypt. that was nice. not in suitcase. it never gets hot in northern transylvania. also. i dun have either bosphorus or golden horn. the list is long 1506327;1468964740;mircea_popescu;every time i leave someplace there's a bunch of girly tears left behind, you know ? 1506328;1468964751;asciilifeform;i've wondered on occasion why mircea_popescu did not settle among the turks. 1506329;1468964772;mircea_popescu;why the turks specifically ? 1506330;1468964782;asciilifeform;many positive things re the turks in mircea_popescu's works. 1506331;1468964795;Joshua-I;How distant is it for you now? 1506332;1468964796;asciilifeform;almost enough to make me contemplate. 1506333;1468964830;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not a bad place. of course, these days... Joshua-I sorry wut ? 1506334;1468964877;mircea_popescu;but if one is going to live in a large human anthill, byzantium prolly a better choice than more modern atrocities. 1506335;1468964908;Joshua-I;Just wondering if you still yearn at all for the winter 1506336;1468964935;mircea_popescu;im not one for yearning! 1506337;1468964959;mircea_popescu;(funny enough, winter in romanian is iarna ; reads almost exactly like english "yearn") 1506338;1468964961;Joshua-I;I'm definitely projecting then :) 1506339;1468964996;mircea_popescu;Joshua-I what's your favourite girl look like ? 1506340;1468965033;*;asciilifeform misses one season - spring - which is about two weeks long here. defined as the season where one can go outdoors without either frost or mosquitoes 1506341;1468965048;Joshua-I;I have broad taste in that area. Let me think on it a minute 1506342;1468965076;mircea_popescu;by that criteria buenos aires spring is about 10 months long. 1506343;1468965085;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i guesses as much. 1506344;1468965088;asciilifeform;*guessed 1506345;1468965096;mircea_popescu;did you actually encounter a mosquito while here ? 1506346;1468965106;asciilifeform;1, i think, but it was not able to bite through my skin for some reason. 1506347;1468965125;mircea_popescu;it is the strangest thing, i used to think mosquito is the sort of beast that either doesn't exist or else is abundant 1506348;1468965130;asciilifeform;reminiscent of various yarns where 'cannot eat the alien food because wrong protein chirality' 1506349;1468965131;mircea_popescu;but here somehow they exist and are rare. 1506350;1468965160;asciilifeform;possibly they exist steadily in one particular spot in the city 1506351;1468965167;asciilifeform;and diffuse out with great difficulty. 1506352;1468965168;mircea_popescu;well yes, the subway. 1506353;1468965170;mircea_popescu;but even there... 1506354;1468965217;mircea_popescu;i imagined they must be spraying, but then again i never saw either flight or land crew doing in. 1506355;1468965219;mircea_popescu;it* 1506356;1468965271;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505938 << the tub shitter ? neah. 1506357;1468965271;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 17:46 asciilifeform: ( did mircea_popescu ever build that mega-toilet ??) 1506358;1468965285;asciilifeform;i still picture it as looking like 'cray-II' 1506359;1468965300;mircea_popescu;lol. 1506360;1468965321;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505943 << it's likely fully automated sub could be had ; possibly for the cost of a decade or two of his life. 1506361;1468965322;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 17:50 mats: so, over or under ten? 1506362;1468965331;mircea_popescu;i'm also certain it wouldn't be worth having ; but that's a different story. 1506363;1468965425;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505950 << most ships aren't intended to survive "winter" if your idea of "survive winter" is anything like http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-VH9Oq9YArEk/TyAUen8cFaI/AAAAAAAABdU/QoPr6It9QQ4/s1600/IcebreakerYamal.jpg 1506364;1468965425;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 17:54 asciilifeform: trinque: you will find that the machines are not designed for permanent life aboard, or to survive winters. 1506365;1468965499;asciilifeform;well perhaps not arctic, but in the general case survive in 'die of hypothermia in half hour' water which fills a good chunk of the planet for much of the year 1506366;1468965531;asciilifeform;this entails some insulation in the hull (orlov retrofitted ordinary boat with this, there are pics on his www) and a heat source. 1506367;1468965536;mircea_popescu;if your idea of winter is "no ice floating", then most ships will survive such. 1506368;1468965556;asciilifeform;well the fiberglass yacht he started with had troubles. hence the retrofit. 1506369;1468965573;asciilifeform;(it had terrible problems with condensation) 1506370;1468965579;mircea_popescu;heh. 1506371;1468965589;mircea_popescu;funny. wood doesn't. 1506372;1468965649;mircea_popescu;(yes, i'm pretty much convinced that IF you actually wanted to do what is here contemplated, a wooden structure is the best choice.) 1506373;1468965663;asciilifeform;wood isn't much good for dives. 1506374;1468965675;mircea_popescu;what dives ?! 1506375;1468965693;asciilifeform;well in the sub variant. 1506376;1468965701;mircea_popescu;oh nm. 1506377;1468965780;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505963 << you know 5 minutes of nature channel footage come distilled out of about two weeks of filming around. 1506378;1468965780;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:08 phf: i'd live on a sub, if it had those 1970s stage set rooms with giant windows through which you can observe underwater marine life, but which you can also close if you're being attacked by the establishment 1506379;1468965786;mircea_popescu;the sea ain't what it usead to be. 1506380;1468965852;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505978 << well, technically the solution to your problem is "become a lich", and will be offered in eulora. 1506381;1468965852;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:11 asciilifeform: the problem i was futilely stabbing away at is 'how to be independent of homo homini lupus est' 1506382;1468965868;asciilifeform;lel 1506383;1468966021;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505981 << but this thing where "build in environment with large cost" is not a solution, because the enemy incurs the cost only when visiting whereas you incur the cost permanently. so this is, strategically, a nonstarter, whether the medium is mars or ocean or w/e. 1506384;1468966021;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:12 asciilifeform: there may be other solution. 1506385;1468966049;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it works against low-effort vermin. 1506386;1468966068;asciilifeform;sorta like the answer to mice, rats, roaches, is to live where there is winter and turn off the heat on occasion. 1506387;1468966091;mircea_popescu;i'm not gonna rehash the logic behind http://trilema.com/2014/so-the-dollar-vigilante-scam-ring-is-going-to-jail/ but the discussion of the merits of that project should prolly be read by any would-be sovereigns of this particular bent. 1506388;1468966094;asciilifeform;granted it does not work if you're captain kidd and whole navy is after yer arse. 1506389;1468966111;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i have never heard of anyone practicing that solution nor would i think too much of their head tbh. 1506390;1468966127;asciilifeform;probably because it is not achievable at present tech level. 1506391;1468966134;asciilifeform;(or, at least, economically) 1506392;1468966142;asciilifeform;i dun know of anybody camping out in orbit to save on rent either. 1506393;1468966181;mircea_popescu;accepta-l pe gusti in viata ta! 1506394;1468966193;asciilifeform;lel 1506395;1468966226;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505996 << for the record, these "pirate states" are much more proper states than hm, how shall we put this. anyone know the story of the barbarossa turkish fambly ? 1506396;1468966226;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:24 phf: asciilifeform: it's a totally speculative exploration of north african pirate city states during the age of exploration http://hermetic.com/bey/pirate-utopias/ it might appeal to your romantic nature 1506397;1468966240;asciilifeform;the one where 'why do you molest the seas ?' 1506398;1468966273;mircea_popescu;no, no, 1506399;1468966278;mircea_popescu;$google hayredin barbarossa 1506400;1468966279;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayreddin_Barbarossa << Hayreddin Barbarossa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Hayreddin_Barbarossa << Hayreddin Barbarossa - Final Fantasy Wiki - Wikia | https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khairuddin_Barbarossa << Khairuddin Barbarossa - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia ... 1506401;1468966298;asciilifeform;ah him 1506402;1468966303;pete_dushenski;barbarossa was ottoman's go-to guy on the seas ya ? 1506403;1468966308;pete_dushenski;but was venetian iirc ? 1506404;1468966312;mircea_popescu;spanish tried to attack him on land, etc a whole conundrum 1506405;1468966326;asciilifeform;not the least bit venetian iirc 1506406;1468966335;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski this fellow is original'\s younger brother nd no, they were ottomans. 1506407;1468966346;mircea_popescu;well, lesbians, technically, but who's cuntin'. 1506408;1468966396;mircea_popescu;anyway, point being they were "pirates" in the sense erdogan is "embattled". a matter of the foreign press and no more. 1506409;1468966418;asciilifeform;noshit.jpg: who is 'pirate' and who is 'armed tax collector' is a pov question. 1506410;1468966451;pete_dushenski;aha. barbs supplanted venetians (and i spanish) on the mediterranean... that's right. 1506411;1468966467;mircea_popescu;that is one point ; the point im making however is that they weren't pirates in the sense you're not a penis. part of what they did, of fucking course, given the geography. but they were otherwise just as much a normal country as say albania. 1506412;1468966509;asciilifeform;but yes barbarossa was the ottoman naval penis 1506413;1468966517;asciilifeform;says ~as much on his tomb 1506414;1468966530;mircea_popescu;the original - perhaps. the one im discussing here, very much a normal pasha. who happened to have a port in his lands. 1506415;1468966588;*;pete_dushenski just received email with marketing photos from winnipeg architect with sha1 checksum(!). not sha512 but still highly unexpected. 1506416;1468966588;asciilifeform;even modern-day somali pirates have a story about how they are merely collecting back-rent for usurped fishing rights. 1506417;1468966658;mircea_popescu;to take the matter home, you could say nelson was a pirate rather than a lord ; or better yet that kelvin was a scientist rather than a lord. but these people principally did the thing in question ; whereas the african states principally did subsistence farming and small manufacture. 1506418;1468966659;pete_dushenski;speaking of somali pirates, the recent 'captain philips' film with tom hanks was the most pallid agitprop in that direction 1506419;1468966667;mircea_popescu;they weren't pirate states in the way florence or venice were. 1506420;1468966684;*;pete_dushenski admittedly did not watch film, just remembers release 1506421;1468966768;asciilifeform;per my (admittedly nonexpert) understanding, piracy is an artifact of abundant, unprotected merchant shipping, and tends to quickly get multiplied by 0 when it becomes a palpable problem 1506422;1468966830;mircea_popescu;well... 1506423;1468966855;mircea_popescu;the other way to put it is that piracy is what happens when people who don't want to think about the sea decide to think themselves cooler than their neighbours who do like to think about the sea. 1506424;1468966879;mircea_popescu;it's a fundamental mechanism of putting the inept but uppity in place. 1506425;1468966887;asciilifeform;british, spanish, etc. 'thought about the sea' plenty 1506426;1468966898;asciilifeform;but yes, it is a result of 'we Just Want To move cargo' 1506427;1468966902;asciilifeform;'cannon? what cannon' 1506428;1468966918;mircea_popescu;"british" doesn't exist here. albion was a failed state bought wholesale by the dutch who then used it as naval stage base. 1506429;1468966927;mircea_popescu;spanish did not. portuguese did, and they built an empire out of it. 1506430;1468966941;mircea_popescu;but for the spanish, atlantic was "fly over zone", and as you say, they'd have loved to "separate it". 1506431;1468966949;asciilifeform;i can see it. 1506432;1468966970;mircea_popescu;symptomatically, the spanish solution was "make larger ship" 1506433;1468966978;mircea_popescu;this is always what the idiot does in this situation. 1506434;1468966997;asciilifeform;sorta why the largest, juiciest, wrecks to salvage even today... 1506435;1468966999;asciilifeform;are spanish. 1506436;1468967026;mircea_popescu;(obviously, king mircarlos the 5th would have simply ordered one man rowboats be made and sent every man in one to go to fucking galapagos and return. but then again...) 1506437;1468967047;asciilifeform;i did wonder, as a boy, reading about such, what did these folks have instead of brains, that their answer to 'pirates sink 20%' was 'put Moar Silver on MEGA-BOAT' 1506438;1468967071;mircea_popescu;they misperceived the sea, much like you do, much like people who don't sail generally, as a "empty" space. 1506439;1468967082;mircea_popescu;in that context it's "logical". 1506440;1468967164;asciilifeform;i never saw it as 'empty' 1506441;1468967173;asciilifeform;but as 'fewer pirates than here on dry land' 1506442;1468967199;mircea_popescu;dynamic equilibrium. wherever you take your bleeding husk, piranhas follow. 1506443;1468967200;mircea_popescu;stop bleeding. 1506444;1468967404;asciilifeform;elaborate ? 1506445;1468967427;asciilifeform;i can see, possibly, that if mass of office plankton were somehow place in boats, yes, there would be harvesting thereof. 1506446;1468967432;asciilifeform;but mass was not under contemplation. 1506447;1468967435;mircea_popescu;if the sheep found a way to graze on rafts, the wolves would ride around in speedboats. 1506448;1468967443;asciilifeform;this, yes. 1506449;1468967458;asciilifeform;hence why i have 0 interest in 'mass konsooomerized houseboat' concept. 1506450;1468967472;mircea_popescu;mass has ~nothing to do with it though. YOU are the target, personally. for as long as you're the sort that wants to be a king without a crown, there's going to be a preditor chasing you around. 1506451;1468967480;asciilifeform;needs to be difficult, rare, and healthily dangerous. 1506452;1468967507;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not every tank contains pirannhas. consider the old american south 1506453;1468967520;asciilifeform;poor whites lived ~wholly unmolested and untaxed by the rulers. 1506454;1468967530;asciilifeform;because nobody needed them, or the land they occupied, for anything whatsoever. 1506455;1468967532;mircea_popescu;you think every white man going there became the master of the what, indians ? negroes ? 1506456;1468967543;asciilifeform;no, but master of own acre. 1506457;1468967548;mircea_popescu;you have any idea how many white women lived their days as the junior slave in indian fambly, after their husband was dispatched ? 1506458;1468967554;asciilifeform;(which was no good for cotton or tobacco, and ergo uninteresting to the powerz) 1506459;1468967577;asciilifeform;we may be thinking of different periods. 1506460;1468967592;mircea_popescu;looky : every time you find this imaginary space where thermodynamics doesn't apply, it's not that you've found a space where thermodynamics doesn't apply as much as you've deluded yourself in some manner to ignore some obvious wrinkle. 1506461;1468967603;asciilifeform;~0 indians in the geography in question after andrew jackson bugsprayed them. 1506462;1468967644;asciilifeform;thermodynamics always applies. eventually. 1506463;1468967646;asciilifeform;heat death etc. 1506464;1468967649;mircea_popescu;i'm sorry, you're discussing a slice of time worth ~two decades ? 1506465;1468967653;asciilifeform;correct. 1506466;1468967661;asciilifeform;3-4. 1506467;1468967661;mircea_popescu;you do not see the problem with this ? 1506468;1468967676;asciilifeform;should i ? 1506469;1468967705;asciilifeform;may as well ask why i would consider a boat that 'only' can last for two decades. 1506470;1468967706;mircea_popescu;let's restate. "i would be very comfortable in a chair that was built just like this collapsing assemblage between seconds 1.3 and 1.45 of the fall". 1506471;1468967736;asciilifeform;seconds, sure. decades ? i dunno that i personally have two decades left. 1506472;1468967743;mircea_popescu;jackson was president 30-38, civil war started 60. you gotta be shitting me. 1506473;1468967758;asciilifeform;good things dun last. 1506474;1468967768;mircea_popescu;things that dun last WEREN'T THINGS IN THE FIRST PLACE! 1506475;1468967797;mircea_popescu;fucking definition of "figment of your imagination" : "that shit ain't gonna last" 1506476;1468967808;asciilifeform;well then the only 'thing' is empty space. everything else (even proton may decay...) dun last. 1506477;1468967827;mircea_popescu;the only thing is you outgrowing the silly shell. 1506478;1468967827;asciilifeform;$s great slow kings 1506479;1468967828;a111;3 results for "great slow kings", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=great%20slow%20kings 1506480;1468967830;asciilifeform;^ oblig. 1506481;1468967887;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506001 << customs will love ya. 1506482;1468967887;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:39 jurov: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505520 << actually this might not be so bad idea. i.e. "internodal transport nomad" 1506483;1468967947;diana_coman;heh, quite interesting the 2 decades thing in light of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506234 1506484;1468967947;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 20:57 asciilifeform: phf: re python: in my view, if you EVER end up breaking a language in such a way that 20 y.o. code cannot run, not only was your lang broken to begin with, but YOUR HEAD was. 1506485;1468967982;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506013 << now this, for sure. it's actually identified as "strategic threat", imagine that. "people communicating outside of our stick fingers! TERRORISM!!!" 1506486;1468967982;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:55 asciilifeform: mats: and the pigfuckers certainly don't want you and i turning the wifi chip into mesh network etc. 1506487;1468968004;mircea_popescu;diana_coman your hawk eye, m'lady! 1506488;1468968014;mircea_popescu;imagine the sort of crack shot she is with a rifle. 1506489;1468968054;asciilifeform;diana_coman, mircea_popescu : this is an interesting question, with a depressing answer - common lisp standard is nearing, arguably, it's 'lincoln war' moment, because the necessary general-purpose computer is growing thin on the ground. 1506490;1468968127;asciilifeform;story interlude: i bought a ~35 y.o. cnc mill recently. 1506491;1468968137;asciilifeform;replaced stepper motors with modern ones, using original screws 1506492;1468968143;asciilifeform;... fit perfectly. 1506493;1468968145;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2016/sobieski-si-romanii/#comment-118140 << check it out, teh beauty of pingbacks. 1506494;1468968149;asciilifeform;this kind of thing is ~entirely unremarkable to any literate person. 1506495;1468968155;asciilifeform;but really it is quite a thing. 1506496;1468968158;asciilifeform;the 20th c. stability thing, with its attendant luxuries, e.g., industrial standards, is likely a historic fluke. 1506497;1468968176;asciilifeform;and needs a certain 'height of tower' which is unlikely to stick around for much longer imho. 1506498;1468968194;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno man, i one day visited prechristian syria, went to bed with woman, appendage fit perfectly. 1506499;1468968197;mircea_popescu;vacuum seal & all! 1506500;1468968224;asciilifeform;lel and i bet when you stabbed her angry husband, the blade also fit perfectly in the hole it made 1506501;1468968228;asciilifeform;mega-surprise. 1506502;1468968231;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1506503;1468968238;asciilifeform;this kind of fit is not so hard. 1506504;1468968243;mircea_popescu;ahahahahaha 1506505;1468968246;mircea_popescu;oookay. 1506506;1468968447;mircea_popescu;diana_coman lol what a mess. a) wasn't built by teutons ; b) cantemir the elder was king, not stephen omfg. 1506507;1468968472;diana_coman;I read it that that was precisely the point, lol 1506508;1468968479;mircea_popescu;yeah lol. 1506509;1468968500;mircea_popescu;pity cosbuc didn't write travestys and librettos for burlesque/revue. 1506510;1468968545;mircea_popescu;"nu stim drumul, ca ne-am duce" ahahaha epic. 1506511;1468968565;diana_coman;truth be told I did not realise it but it might be better to add to the notes probably, to make this clear 1506512;1468968580;mircea_popescu;mebbe 1506513;1468968598;diana_coman;then again, how far does this clear thing go in the end 1506514;1468969738;pete_dushenski;https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601063/teslas-cheaper-model-3-could-strain-charging-infrastructure/ << more bad news for futurists sponsored by gov-decreed vizions. 1506515;1468969768;pete_dushenski;"I typically pay $5 to $10 to charge up. Every single station has been, for years, mediocre to terrible. The stations are often broken due to software or hardware problems, and remain out of service for weeks. Competition among electric car drivers for these public charging stations is fierce and intensifying. It’s practically impossible for me to find an open charging station during the day." 1506516;1468969788;pete_dushenski;sounds like a dream! 1506517;1468970043;pete_dushenski;next thing you know an autonomous car will drive a trunkfull of c4 into the white house 1506518;1468970351;mircea_popescu;new can of wasabi, dear god 1506519;1468970354;mircea_popescu;it always gets me. 1506520;1468970426;mats;ima pirate, arr 1506521;1468970449;mats;i v much enjoy reading about the 'golden age of piracy' 1506522;1468970468;mircea_popescu;any good shit ? 1506523;1468970538;mats;i'm reading through these now http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505996 1506524;1468970538;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 18:24 phf: asciilifeform: it's a totally speculative exploration of north african pirate city states during the age of exploration http://hermetic.com/bey/pirate-utopias/ it might appeal to your romantic nature 1506525;1468970559;mats;oh wait, these are fictional huh 1506526;1468970627;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/sobieski-si-romanii/#selection-693.0-709.26 << fyi italics start here and aren't closed so they continue throughout the remainder of the footnotes. 1506527;1468970727;mats;anyway, other stuff includes 'Under the Black Flag' by Cordingly, Johnson's 'A General History of the Pyrates', and 'Empire of Blue Water' by Talty 1506528;1468970730;mircea_popescu;diana_coman most likely plaesi, other side of mountain from piatra neamt. 1506529;1468970738;mats;i put a bookmark in the last one and forgot to pick it up again, i'm now reminded to do so 1506530;1468970755;mats;it deals with the v early period where Henry Morgan was busily sacking cities 1506531;1468970787;mircea_popescu;a ty pete_dushenski 1506532;1468970823;pete_dushenski;de nada 1506533;1468970900;*;BingoBoingo wonders what Dr. Foreskin is up to these days 1506534;1468971078;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506053 << the latest point being the important point. 1506535;1468971078;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 19:13 asciilifeform: cheap universal digital radio drives snooping costs to astronomical heights, and threatens to de-emphasize centralized telco antennae 1506536;1468971092;pete_dushenski;another q for tmsr : any recommendations for linux-cpanel webhosts that don't roll over to social engineering attempts ? 1506537;1468971098;mircea_popescu;for all the effort so far wasted into creating said antennae in bitcoin ; it'd be lulzy if they just lose the extant ones in telecom 1506538;1468971141;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski maybe try thr cock.li fellow ? 1506539;1468971143;mircea_popescu;vc < 1506540;1468971232;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506058 << dominatrix getting tied up ? wtf is this nonsense anyway. 1506541;1468971232;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 19:15 pete_dushenski: "“I am looking to weed out police and crazies,” she said. She estimates that only one in four potential customers ultimately passes. Those who do win some time with a professional escort/dominatrix, but it comes at a hefty price: Each hour can cost up to $800, and Rita’s cut is 30%." << steep! 1506542;1468971301;pete_dushenski;;;seen vc 1506543;1468971302;gribble;vc was last seen in #trilema 5 weeks, 2 days, 4 hours, 45 minutes, and 51 seconds ago: Framedragger: I'm cool with port scans, neither me nor my parent host cares 1506544;1468971379;pete_dushenski;has anyone here used cock.li ? please to share experience if so 1506545;1468971461;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506127 << lol. he sounds like the man to build an ark tho. 1506546;1468971461;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 19:49 asciilifeform makes note to self not to buy boatz from BingoBoingo 1506547;1468971540;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506153 << what's the advantage i dun get it ? 1506548;1468971540;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 20:09 Framedragger: wonder what tmsr thinks of ipython notebooks. basically you go to website and are presented with python interpreter, and a ready-made list of commands for graphing, doing stats etc. thinking of doing one of these for some initial ssh keyset analysis. nothing too serious at all 1506549;1468971704;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: What is an ark but a boat that is actually plumbed and wired like a structure and not some duct taped sea gypsy trailer? 1506550;1468971736;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506210 << i have no idea why "scientific computing" on the c machine would use anything but c slowly mutating into asm, but then again that's me. 1506551;1468971736;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 20:44 phf: you look at ipython code now, read tutorials and you think to yourself "oh this makes sense, it is nice", but over the course of 5 years scientific computing with python went through 3 or 4 different suits. that's an unreasonable amount of cognitive overhead, considering that mathematica now supports all the same primitives that mathemaica in '95 did 1506552;1468971747;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo quite exactly ; spoken like a true noah. 1506553;1468971764;BingoBoingo;40 PSI to the showerhead or bust! 1506554;1468971776;BingoBoingo;like most hoses would eventually 1506555;1468971954;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506249 << 20 year only takes us to 96, which isn't really that far behind. i'd wager about 50% of c code currently doing anything useful was written in the 90s. 1506556;1468971954;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 21:03 phf: pascal, less so than above languages, but still more so than even C, since it has a standard notion of pascal machine. C can do 20 year old code, but within some narrow scope of posix, or more like "unix" 1506557;1468971999;BingoBoingo;Anyways the best land ark is probably going to be one of the many urban brick former Roman Catholic churches on the real estate market. Amenable to fortification. 1506558;1468972016;BingoBoingo;Also walled courtyard 1506559;1468972121;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506550 << slow scripting langs are used for non-speedcritical portions for the same reason the ~entire program~ is not in asm. 1506560;1468972121;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:42 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506210 << i have no idea why "scientific computing" on the c machine would use anything but c slowly mutating into asm, but then again that's me. 1506561;1468972147;mircea_popescu;aha 1506562;1468972170;asciilifeform;likewise 'scientific computing' is many things to many people - it is not always 'trillion long divisions before tuesday' 1506563;1468972220;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506555 << this is not only accurate, but it is closer to 90% in my experience than 50. 1506564;1468972220;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:45 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506249 << 20 year only takes us to 96, which isn't really that far behind. i'd wager about 50% of c code currently doing anything useful was written in the 90s. 1506565;1468972251;mircea_popescu;but the coupla projects of scientific computing i observed, the phases were readily distinguishable : 1. people are excited, they loudly choose "best" hot new stuff, pass along napkin sketches ; 2. the super-duper shit runs into more wrinkles than it's worth, kids are all depresed. at this point the project either dies or management intervenes, gets wizard, wizard takes a weeklong look at it, decides "on the basis of consider 1506566;1468972251;mircea_popescu;ations etc" c is the right tool. strangely, the matter is always considered properly and in context, yet the result always the same. 1506567;1468972268;asciilifeform;if you subtract obvious drepperisms, 'comment commits' by genderfucks, etc. - you end up with circa-'90s mass every time. 1506568;1468972281;mircea_popescu;at this point, project either delivers and is done or takes on life of own. if takes on life, then 3. more wizards are added, they slowly asm-ify the loops, inside out. 1506569;1468972311;mircea_popescu;ten-ish years in the thing's about 1/3 push pop ret 1506570;1468972329;asciilifeform;this was egregiously true in '90s game console market. 1506571;1468972341;mircea_popescu;also , yes. gaming console really very much like science. 1506572;1468972344;asciilifeform;(which is not 'scientific' in the usual sense but plenty of tight physics code) 1506573;1468972355;mircea_popescu;exactly. not "scientific" but now do all this maths. 1506574;1468972366;asciilifeform;my brother spent most of the '90s hand-massaging the 3dtronz. 1506575;1468972393;asciilifeform;sega, in particular, shipped some mighty weird hardware. 1506576;1468972465;*;mircea_popescu recalls reading a twenty five line of ret once, throwing hands up, leaving the matter to others. 1506577;1468972517;asciilifeform;lel that does not sound like a trick of the competent 1506578;1468972520;asciilifeform;but a fudge of the inept 1506579;1468972526;asciilifeform;something like a nop sled in reverse 1506580;1468972537;mircea_popescu;figuring out which was the case was not something i wanted to get involved in. 1506581;1468972538;asciilifeform;'i have no idea where i will land so i wanna ret' 1506582;1468972564;mircea_popescu;"probably stupid, possibly not, and we're dealing with highly selected folks. fuck." 1506583;1468972568;asciilifeform;there are machines where ret (or similar) takes an operand, and you can make a jump table that way 1506584;1468972578;mircea_popescu;well yes. ret 1506585;1468972585;asciilifeform;e.g., pic16xxx 1506586;1468972602;asciilifeform;(in fact retlw is the ~only~ way to refer to data in rom on that machine) 1506587;1468972610;mircea_popescu;iirc ret 2 just moves stack pointer 2 words. 1506588;1468972618;asciilifeform;on pc aha 1506589;1468972634;asciilifeform;http://x86.renejeschke.de/html/file_module_x86_id_280.html 1506590;1468972714;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506537 << if i want to send a packet to my next door neighbour, and it has to go through a station 3km away, it is idiocy 1506591;1468972714;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:31 mircea_popescu: for all the effort so far wasted into creating said antennae in bitcoin ; it'd be lulzy if they just lose the extant ones in telecom 1506592;1468972722;asciilifeform;and yet this is what we have on 100% of planet. 1506593;1468972728;asciilifeform;(with possible exception of '90s romania) 1506594;1468972744;mircea_popescu;~nobody wants to send packet to next door neigbour 1506595;1468972753;mircea_popescu;on average distance is, iirc, to the tune of 1k miles. 1506596;1468972771;asciilifeform;aaaactually i send quite a few packetz a few km back'n'forth. 1506597;1468972788;asciilifeform;and have, for decades. 1506598;1468972797;mircea_popescu;sure, and your neighbour sends them to china. aaanyway. 1506599;1468972819;asciilifeform;merely pointing out that the centralized chokepoints are not physically necessary. 1506600;1468972831;asciilifeform;and that the star topology of telecom - is enforced. 1506601;1468972835;asciilifeform;rather than naturally occuring. 1506602;1468972847;mircea_popescu;it is not directly obvious, nor a foregone conclusion, if a reimplementation of today's telecom as mesh network would be less expensive in terms of used bw. 1506603;1468972885;asciilifeform;in the case of 'sheeple' tuning in to bbc/fox noose/etc. -- doubtlessly MORE expensive. 1506604;1468972903;asciilifeform;so there is ~0 financial pressure in that direction. 1506605;1468972907;mircea_popescu;well, comparisons are comparisons. take today's internet, gendankenexperiment as mesh, measure. 1506606;1468972924;asciilifeform;today's internet - 'madness'. 1990 internet - nearly ~was~ a mesh. 1506607;1468972926;asciilifeform;just not radio. 1506608;1468972957;mircea_popescu;well... 1506609;1468972964;asciilifeform;~tomorrow's~ internet is http://www.loper-os.org/?p=208 . 1506610;1468973016;asciilifeform;but i for one have 0 interest in preserving the 'internet is a cheaper way to broadcast bbc' thing. 1506611;1468973032;asciilifeform;those folks ought to be watching tv. 1506612;1468973032;mircea_popescu;so how are people going to read trilema ? 1506613;1468973042;asciilifeform;via gossipd. 1506614;1468973053;asciilifeform;which incidentally is also how they will know that they are in fact reading trilema. 1506615;1468973055;asciilifeform;and not usgilema. 1506616;1468973078;asciilifeform;(at present time they have no such assurance) 1506617;1468973101;mircea_popescu;ya well. 1506618;1468973175;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506536 << pray tell pete_dushenski , for what do you need the cpanel abortion ? 1506619;1468973175;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:31 pete_dushenski: another q for tmsr : any recommendations for linux-cpanel webhosts that don't roll over to social engineering attempts ? 1506620;1468973217;asciilifeform;i tried to use it once, it reminded me of those keyboards they widely sold to 'INTERNET!1111' lusers of the '90s, with 'pizza' and 'beer order' buttons 1506621;1468973231;asciilifeform;'press for mooosik store' 1506622;1468973235;asciilifeform;'press for lolcat' 1506623;1468973285;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506517 << usg has been maniacally afraid of this kind of thing for decades, to the point that not only wh, but semi-abandoned army reserve shithole not far from where i live, is surrounded by 'bollard' barriers, spikes, etc. 1506624;1468973285;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:14 pete_dushenski: next thing you know an autonomous car will drive a trunkfull of c4 into the white house 1506625;1468973316;asciilifeform;or see pictures of a u.s. embassy build in past 20y, just about anywhere. 1506626;1468973318;asciilifeform;same idea. 1506627;1468973339;asciilifeform;they ~know~ that they are a blight, and that folks will try to deal with'em. 1506628;1468973350;asciilifeform;in whatever way their piddling orc tech permits. 1506629;1468973387;asciilifeform;the bollard is ~quintessentially~ american, in my mind, the way the onion dome is ~quintessentially~ russian in typical anglo head. 1506630;1468973431;mircea_popescu;anyway, garden hose not even a bad idea for the intended junkyard flatbottom. exactly for reason of "people throw out a mile of punctured once garden hose" 1506631;1468973434;asciilifeform;http://americanconcrete.com/commercial/barriers/Jersey-Barrier.jpg << subj. 1506632;1468973444;mircea_popescu;i cut mine, but then again i was the only one on the street. 1506633;1468973484;asciilifeform;mine's got what must be metres of tape on it. 1506634;1468973789;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: cpanel is useful for lazy idjits like me to ban ips, make back-ups, check traffic figs, and so on and so forth. it might not be lynx-friendly but i'm also unpersuaded that it's 'evil that must burn tonight'. 1506635;1468973826;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: America's love of Bollards is a British import. 1506636;1468973874;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: it makes for an exceedingly painful time doing anything for which there is not a ready button. 1506637;1468973888;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: it'll be interesting to see what lengths usg will go to stop trunkfull of c4 in... quadcopter. straps lazer cannons to top of bollard perhaps. 1506638;1468973899;mats;thats stupid 1506639;1468973910;mats;why not mortar? 1506640;1468973911;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: quadcopter that can lift so much as a frag, is rarity. 1506641;1468973928;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: esp. if you want any kind of range. 1506642;1468973953;pete_dushenski;ya, 10lbs seems to be about tops for quadcopter payload eh 1506643;1468973956;asciilifeform;(if one were to blow up today, the circle in which police would know to look for the operator, is not large.) 1506644;1468973992;mats;'dji phantom 4' can barely lift 1.8kg 1506645;1468974000;mats;will fall over in a reasonable wind 1506646;1468974005;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: if working remotely from car, that circle expands considerably. and quickly. 1506647;1468974013;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: remotely over what ? 1506648;1468974015;asciilifeform;own satellite ? 1506649;1468974032;pete_dushenski;mats: see kittyhawk 1506650;1468974035;mats;and the thing costs ~1k 1506651;1468974044;asciilifeform;has pete_dushenski flown even a toy quadcopter? any idea of the kind of 'ping time' you need to actually keep the thing upright ? 1506652;1468974064;pete_dushenski;mats: $4.5k for that one. 1506653;1468974070;mats;1.8kg of c4 is a decent payload, yes, but again why not mortar? 1506654;1468974076;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: /me has not. friends have plently. 1506655;1468974083;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: get thee to a toy store 1506656;1468974086;mats;flight time isn't going to be more than 4-5 mins, if you're lucky 1506657;1468974125;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: or friend's house! 1506658;1468974125;asciilifeform;mats: aha, hence http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506643 . 1506659;1468974125;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:19 asciilifeform: (if one were to blow up today, the circle in which police would know to look for the operator, is not large.) 1506660;1468974195;pete_dushenski;speaking of other shit that sounds more practical than it is, http://www.gizmag.com/golf-cart-jetpack/44413/ 1506661;1468974197;asciilifeform;cheap unmanned guyfawkestrons are nothing new, consider http://militera.lib.ru/research/suvorov6/15.html , written in late '70s. 1506662;1468974213;asciilifeform;'On 12 August, at 0558 local time, a van comes to a halt on the vast empty parking lot in front of a supermarket in Washington. Three men open the doors of the van, roll out the fuselage of a light aircraft and attach its wings. A minute later its motor bursts into life. The plane takes off and disappears into the sky. It has no pilot. It is controlled by radio with the aid of very simple instruments, only slightly more complicated t 1506663;1468974213;asciilifeform;han those used by model aircraft enthusiasts. The plane climbs to about 200 metres and immediately begins to descend in the direction of the White House. A minute later a mighty explosion shakes the capital of the United States. The screaming of sirens on police cars, fire engines and ambulances fills the city.' 1506664;1468974254;asciilifeform;no high tech involved. 1506665;1468974274;asciilifeform;if anyone genuinely cared, these would be a regular thing already. 1506666;1468974281;asciilifeform;like car bombs were in ireland. 1506667;1468974292;mats;use the ol' taliban trick. emplace mortar tube, rig with dry ice mechanism that fires when it dissipates enough so you're not around to get hosed by arty fire guided by a 'Boomerang' fire locator 1506668;1468974341;asciilifeform;the irish had an interesting mortar, made wholly from old compressed gas bottles 1506669;1468974347;asciilifeform;also self-timed. 1506670;1468974357;asciilifeform;it is an old field, worked to death. 1506671;1468974367;mats;fwiw, i hear the boomerang is shit in the field 1506672;1468974379;mats;folks turn em off, usually, because of false positives 1506673;1468974394;asciilifeform;mats: even baltimore police dept. uses similar item. 1506674;1468974396;asciilifeform;it is cheap. 1506675;1468974401;mats;and orcs pop off rounds for virtually any reason anyway, so why bother 1506676;1468974404;asciilifeform;they have'em permanently mounted on light poles. 1506677;1468974468;mats;pete_dushenski has a few things to learn about insurgency 1506678;1468974483;asciilifeform;vendor's www: 'Boomerang pinpoints the shooter’s location of incoming small arms fire. Boomerang uses passive acoustic detection and computer-based signal processing to locate a shooter in less than a second.' 1506679;1468974486;asciilifeform;30 m ?!! 1506680;1468974497;asciilifeform;worse than i thought, even. 1506681;1468974503;mats;quadcopter is just ludicrously expensive to use for payload delivery unfortunately 1506682;1468974523;asciilifeform;mats: fighters in donbass are using toy choppers to deliver frags, with mixed results 1506683;1468974540;mats;and can be owned over the air if they're not autonomous 1506684;1468974554;asciilifeform;aha, or simply jammed 1506685;1468974568;mats;betcha WH has jammers that'll force your toy into wutever preprogrammed path you had 1506686;1468974571;asciilifeform;incidentally you can detect a convoy of usg brass from miles away by the loud jammers. 1506687;1468974572;mats;rite 1506688;1468974588;asciilifeform;no prizes what this suggests to folks building usg-seeking machinery. 1506689;1468974659;asciilifeform;incidentally http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506685 is another reason behind http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506052 1506690;1468974659;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 19:12 asciilifeform: at any rate, don't expect usg to surrender in their war against general-purpose radio. 1506691;1468974659;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:29 mats: betcha WH has jammers that'll force your toy into wutever preprogrammed path you had 1506692;1468974876;mats;i don't remember the name of the system, but i think there is integration between 'paladin' arty and 'boomerang' 1506693;1468974885;asciilifeform;i will note that usg ~is~ sufficiently frightened of toy flying machines, that they were entirely banned in washington d.c. 1506694;1468974889;asciilifeform;and even surrounding towns 1506695;1468974919;asciilifeform;there is an ongoing lawsuit re the legality of said ban (it was administrative, rather than act of congress), if diametric is awake he might clarify 1506696;1468974923;asciilifeform;but meanwhile - ban 1506697;1468974925;mats;have heard some tales about amateur insurgents getting stomped ~2s after launching mortar 1506698;1468974931;asciilifeform;there are even street signs, with crossed-out toy chopper. 1506699;1468974944;mats;because 'paladin' immediately returns fire. squish. 1506700;1468974982;asciilifeform;mats: this is sorta the appeal of munitions that don't travel in straight lines or simple parabola or whatever other geometric figure 1506701;1468974993;asciilifeform;e.g., toy flyers. 1506702;1468974994;mats;kinda neat. /wants his own automated orc stomping sentry gun 1506703;1468975114;asciilifeform;picture a frag that, launched, spends a week or so hopping between treetops until it is told (via whatever custom radio) that your position is nearby, at which point it simply falls on you. 1506704;1468975134;asciilifeform;or it simply finds you based on the jammer output. 1506705;1468975209;asciilifeform;or, in a city, a mine could spend years or decades buried in pavement, waiting for 'customer' 1506706;1468975215;asciilifeform;plenty of possibilities with modern tech. 1506707;1468975225;mats;sounds over-engineered 1506708;1468975240;asciilifeform;depends on who is trying to do in whom, neh ? 1506709;1468975245;asciilifeform;is icbm also 'overengineered' ? 1506710;1468975250;mats;following jammer doesn't enable maximum casualties 1506711;1468975264;asciilifeform;in the contemplated picture, you need precisely 1 casualty. 1506712;1468975267;mats;you gonna bomb their transmitter? 1506713;1468975323;asciilifeform;iirc the recent custom is to have one in ~every truck. 1506714;1468975328;mats;they're usually located on top of the vehicle, so thats better than e.g. manhole cover but not by a lot 1506715;1468975359;asciilifeform;not even necessary to explode, there are other uses, to the opponent, for knowing exactly where the convoy is 1506716;1468975359;mats;i wonder if usg limos have v-hull 1506717;1468975402;asciilifeform;the one commonly seen, does not. 1506718;1468975485;mats;well i'm much enjoying going through the mental exercise of attacking a convoy 1506719;1468975508;asciilifeform;usg brass are quite well defended against the expected adversary: plebes with pea shooters, bricks, etc. 1506720;1468975531;asciilifeform;folks with actual resources do not go around hunting'em for the same reason the typical hunter does not go to shoot the lion in the zoo. 1506721;1468975648;asciilifeform;or, more presely, cow in the farm. 1506722;1468975651;asciilifeform;*precisely 1506723;1468975663;asciilifeform;the cow is already where the farmer wants it. 1506724;1468975677;mats;if it was easy, folks would go there instead of massacring cinemagoers 1506725;1468975682;asciilifeform;aha. 1506726;1468975691;asciilifeform;so it is kept just short of easy. 1506727;1468975731;asciilifeform;contrary to popular belief, not very much is spent on it. 1506728;1468975742;asciilifeform;if the monkey dies, what will happen ? he will be replaced with identical monkey. 1506729;1468975748;asciilifeform;there is no shortage of monkeys in the trees. 1506730;1468975898;asciilifeform;the actual function of the black limos, ss jeeps, etc. is roughly same as roman lictors: 1506731;1468975915;asciilifeform;to showcase the dominance of the throne 1506732;1468975938;asciilifeform;which is why they kick folks out of restaurants when dick cheney or his latest incarnation drives by, etc. 1506733;1468975942;asciilifeform;nothing to do with mad bomberz. 1506734;1468975964;asciilifeform;everything to do with transfixed slack-jawed sheeple aaahing over the 'majesty' 1506735;1468976385;asciilifeform;fact is, there ARE NO phreeedom phighterz in usaschwitz. which is why they conscript the occasional illiterate orc immigrant to play 't3rr0r111st!111' on tv. 1506736;1468976447;asciilifeform;folks raised without a warm place to shit, much less trust fund, with ~correct picture of self-worth and ready to meet with allah at age 17, are a natural resource like any other. and it simply does not grow in north america. 1506737;1468976449;asciilifeform;presently. 1506738;1468976457;mats;thats not true at all 1506739;1468976469;mats;there are many domestic terrorists living out a sentence in a fed clink 1506740;1468976478;asciilifeform;see the part with 'played on tv' 1506741;1468976488;asciilifeform;the new york death ray fella, being the prime example. 1506742;1468976497;mats;lots in florence, co, and terra haute, in 1506743;1468976500;asciilifeform;he, and a few hundred similar great artistes, are in the clinks. 1506744;1468976524;asciilifeform;their production is one of the missions of the 'national security' industry. 1506745;1468976533;asciilifeform;$s new york death ray 1506746;1468976534;a111;15 results for "new york death ray", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=new%20york%20death%20ray 1506747;1468976537;mats;i dunno whats with you and arbitrarily removing agency from wutevers in discussion 1506748;1468976578;asciilifeform;imbeciles who cannot spell own name, or describe what kind of ray they will supposedly shoot from the raygun that nice totally-not-fbi-provocateur sold them in back alley, are not agents. 1506749;1468976580;asciilifeform;they have no agency 1506750;1468976584;mats;its fundamentally unknowable, sure, how many gru assets are in a clink, yes 1506751;1468976584;asciilifeform;any more than a sea slug has. 1506752;1468976600;asciilifeform;mats: i know of at least 1, he was traded recently, name escapes me 1506753;1468976613;asciilifeform;was betrayed by typical 1990s 'colonel with apartment in florida' 1506754;1468976665;mats;theres a lot more convicted artistes in us than cuba 1506755;1468976690;asciilifeform;more than in zimbabwe also, what of it ? 1506756;1468976690;mats;~500 iirc 1506757;1468976701;mats;i'm specifically referring to folks interned at gitmo 1506758;1468976739;asciilifeform;last i heard gitmo was a warehouse for inconvenient pow, rather than domestic whatevers. 1506759;1468976776;asciilifeform;(though i have fundamentally nfi who is ACTUALLY kept there, for all i know it is folks who used pgp key that had too many bitz) 1506760;1468976782;mats;not sure exactly how it gets decided, but flip side, Zacarias Moussaoui is serving his sentence in florence rather than gitmo 1506761;1468976794;asciilifeform;possibly because was picked up in usa ? 1506762;1468976801;asciilifeform;or do i have him mixed with another 1506763;1468976833;mats;yes, they found him with 747 manuals 1506764;1468976874;mats;tsarnaev and reid are also at florence 1506765;1468976889;asciilifeform;if he had been found in afghan, would have been shot on the cheap, but instead was used as feedstock for the quite important 'we caught a domestic вредитель !1111' ritual. 1506766;1468976967;asciilifeform;the key here is that these folk dun occur naturally in the necessary numbers. hence, they are created. 1506767;1468976999;asciilifeform;as per http://btcbase.org/log/2014-04-13#623044 . 1506768;1468976999;a111;Logged on 2014-04-13 22:27 asciilifeform: the 'a) wanna buy strela? b) fuck off c) really, dontcha? b) ok sure c) off to jail' thing has been going so long that it doesn't even make national news every time now. 1506769;1468977124;asciilifeform;provocateurs are dirt-cheap. we even had one here, http://btcbase.org/log/2015-12-08#1338891 1506770;1468977124;a111;Logged on 2015-12-08 15:31 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338844 << every word of this is applicable in its entirety to modern stoolies and provocateurs, e.g., 'the_scourge' from last year 1506771;1468977129;mats;not sure i agree. there's a massacre every day of the year now 1506772;1468977144;asciilifeform;^ the_scourge tried to get ~me~ interested in 'military resistance to usg' 1506773;1468977156;asciilifeform;along with boatload of shit crypto 1506774;1468977159;mats;oh, i apologize for bringing him in here then 1506775;1468977168;asciilifeform;i do wonder where you found him. 1506776;1468977209;mats;random guy in a chan i idle in 1506777;1468977231;asciilifeform;must be great place. 1506778;1468977241;asciilifeform;has he tried to sell you a death ray yet ? 1506779;1468977252;mats;haven't seen the nick in a few years, i tried my hand at bringing folks into the fold, didn't work out 1506780;1468977291;asciilifeform;the thing that i found shocking was... the sheer ham-fistedness. 1506781;1468977318;asciilifeform;if i were his handler, and read, as i would read, the log, i would have sacked him. 1506782;1468977325;asciilifeform;demoted, to junior dogcatcher. 1506783;1468977331;mats;we had some pms but they are so utterly unremarkable idk what was even said 1506784;1468977336;asciilifeform;ditto ninjashitgun. 1506785;1468977346;asciilifeform;and buncha other dopes whose names escape me. 1506786;1468977349;asciilifeform;same snore every time. 1506787;1468977364;mats;i really gotta stop deleting my pm archives 1506788;1468977380;mats;ninjashogun tried some shenanigans also 1506789;1468977405;asciilifeform;he was entertainingly stupid, but only from the (to me) novelty 1506790;1468977416;mats;and whined to me about having his good naem tarnished on hacka nyooz 1506791;1468977429;asciilifeform;entertaining-stupid is a self-limiting thing. eventually it turns into simply stupid. 1506792;1468977503;asciilifeform;it was a very strange experience, like having a contract killer sent for you who worked his whole life in a slaughterhouse and literally expects you to behave EXACTLY like cow, to simply walk up to where he has the ~stationary~ stun hammer 1506793;1468977526;asciilifeform;and get indignant and flustered if you for some reason do not. 1506794;1468977586;mats;i get the sense that he was really just out to make money, to sucker an engineer into slaving for him 1506795;1468977614;asciilifeform;the choice of subject matter, in that case, was quite peculiar. 1506796;1468977627;mats;just one of 1,000 dummies i've met from the valley 1506797;1468977649;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506653 << well, he didn't live in israel, i guess. anyway, mats has it, mortar is by far the cheapest. 1506798;1468977649;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:21 mats: 1.8kg of c4 is a decent payload, yes, but again why not mortar? 1506799;1468977666;mircea_popescu;no good answer to it, either. 1506800;1468977751;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506666 << irish is a nation. american is not. 1506801;1468977751;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:24 asciilifeform: like car bombs were in ireland. 1506802;1468977787;asciilifeform;iraq not a nation either 1506803;1468977791;asciilifeform;but did ok. 1506804;1468977802;asciilifeform;with respect to irishing. 1506805;1468977803;mats;don't remember if i mentioned this, but a friend of mine that works at cisco says their calea team is expanding the scope of their work beyond what's in the letter of the law 1506806;1468977809;mats;thought that was interesting. 1506807;1468977840;asciilifeform;mats: the 'letter of the law' was interpreted as 'anally inspect every arse on planet' for decades now. 1506808;1468977842;asciilifeform;so not nyooz. 1506809;1468977867;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506682 << ~the only use for the thing is to get it into the airvent of something. 1506810;1468977867;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:28 asciilifeform: mats: fighters in donbass are using toy choppers to deliver frags, with mixed results 1506811;1468977872;asciilifeform;consider the act for which, supposedly, nixon was deposed. can you picture president impeached for tapping phones today ? 1506812;1468977916;mircea_popescu;well, the-woman-that-won't-make-it walked from very similar to nixon's case, so... 1506813;1468977928;mats;there were several charges involved 1506814;1468978044;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506693 << this is more a case of independent powerful career woman hear me roar being petrified someone cares enough to photograph her in the shower. 1506815;1468978044;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:34 asciilifeform: i will note that usg ~is~ sufficiently frightened of toy flying machines, that they were entirely banned in washington d.c. 1506816;1468978061;mircea_popescu;this is just about the most self-flattering nonsense ever, but hey. 1506817;1468978107;asciilifeform;it is a theatrical number, intended to goad would-be 'shoe bomb hopefuls' to the dead end of flying toys from toystore 1506818;1468978149;asciilifeform;'the treasure is where they put the 'treasure!' sign' -- ~every imbecile ever 1506819;1468978196;asciilifeform;mats: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/history/johnson/rnimparticles.htm << which of these is the current monkey not guilty of ? 1506820;1468978198;asciilifeform;or the last one ? 1506821;1468978215;asciilifeform;or the one prior ? 1506822;1468978233;mats;afaik bush and obama didn't go so far as to send thieves into rnc hq 1506823;1468978240;asciilifeform;they didn't need to. 1506824;1468978249;asciilifeform;why send thief, when you have key logs, audio, whatever. 1506825;1468978333;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506724 << this is kinda dubious. note that people light up gay bars and cineplexes rather than geriatric homes, etc. if they actually wanted maximal body count they'd do the local hospital, but they're not exactly being rational. 1506826;1468978333;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:47 mats: if it was easy, folks would go there instead of massacring cinemagoers 1506827;1468978380;asciilifeform;nobody optimized for bodies, or they would torch crowded clubs etc. 1506828;1468978405;mircea_popescu;not even clear wtf they're optimizing for. 1506829;1468978425;asciilifeform;for playing out a script helpfully written for them by their masters. 1506830;1468978455;asciilifeform;that involves, e.g., ~random fire from small-caliber pea shooters, rather than, say, blown bridges 1506831;1468978479;asciilifeform;for details see tlp. 1506832;1468978488;asciilifeform;supposing he had not snipped his articles re same. 1506833;1468978493;asciilifeform;(i have not recently checked.) 1506834;1468978510;mats;https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lLqHi2f7Ti8/V4bBCyl-P_I/AAAAAAAAoLk/juwG59mwZ10mIyHd_OBOhLwQVBt44VkPwCLcB/s1600/EmployRecessionJun2016.PNG interesting 1506835;1468978593;mircea_popescu;mats if that figure wasn't coming straight out of an ass, the table might be more interesting. 1506836;1468978597;asciilifeform;^ 1506837;1468978610;mircea_popescu;but as it is, entirely meaningless to put those on same map, they're not in any sense the same thing 1506838;1468978610;mats;http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2016/07/update-scariest-jobs-chart-ever.html 1506839;1468978661;asciilifeform;mats: usg 'employment' figures make 'climate science' look honest. 1506840;1468978668;asciilifeform;they have ~0 connection to reality. 1506841;1468978711;mats;beyond the confusion of unemployed and folks who've given up - can you elaborate? 1506842;1468978721;mircea_popescu;i suppose look into how the data is defined and collected one day when run out of other online entertainment. 1506843;1468978779;mircea_popescu;nowadays "unemployed" = "number of people who jump through X Y and Z hoops more recently than 2 weeks ago and for not a longer total interval than 11 weeks , and also who aren't in any of these 58 excluded categories. such as "white"." 1506844;1468978781;asciilifeform;mats: one obvious example - a great many folks never figure in the score at all, because they are 'contractor' 1506845;1468978791;mircea_popescu;im exagerating, but not by so very much. 1506846;1468978800;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform also "disabled" 1506847;1468978801;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is approximately correct. 1506848;1468978820;asciilifeform;quite likely not 1 in 10 laid off folk, ever appear in the 'unemployed' column. 1506849;1468978826;asciilifeform;for any length of time whatsoever. 1506850;1468978837;asciilifeform;in entire life. 1506851;1468978870;asciilifeform;old folks, for instance, forced into an early 'catfood diet' retirement, do not 1506852;1468978874;asciilifeform;because their count as 'retiree' 1506853;1468978890;asciilifeform;when kicked out for being 65 y.o. 1506854;1468978909;mircea_popescu;to obtain correct unemployment figure in these circumstances, do (count of all tax returns paying more than 0.4 * 10.5 * 8 * 320 in tax) / (us population as per census). 1506855;1468978924;mircea_popescu;you'll get a shocking 40%ish which happens to also be correct. 1506856;1468978945;mircea_popescu;the majority of the us population is not currently employed ; nor has any prospects of ever being employed. 1506857;1468978947;asciilifeform;lafonde's 'dindus', unsurprisingly, also do not count as 'unemployed' 1506858;1468978971;asciilifeform;perhaps half of that number ever had so much a ~thought~ of being employed. 1506859;1468980138;mats;what are these? 0.4 * 10.5 * 8 * 320 1506860;1468983525;BingoBoingo;$s the_scourge 1506861;1468983526;a111;199 results for "the_scourge", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=the_scourge 1506862;1468983571;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the choicest lulz were in pm 1506863;1468983580;asciilifeform;as with the earlier ninjaimbecile 1506864;1468987650;ben_vulpes;`http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506634 << incidentally, renders servers nigh-unusable for other purposes. 1506865;1468987650;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 00:16 pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: cpanel is useful for lazy idjits like me to ban ips, make back-ups, check traffic figs, and so on and so forth. it might not be lynx-friendly but i'm also unpersuaded that it's 'evil that must burn tonight'. 1506866;1468987663;ben_vulpes;go, try to remove cpanel from a machine. 1506867;1468987665;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aha! 1506868;1468987676;asciilifeform;i tried, failed, had to ask for whole thing to be thermonuked and reformatted. 1506869;1468987717;ben_vulpes;i recall this, had my own near identical experience lol 1506870;1468987891;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506790 << ahaha and myself as well 1506871;1468987892;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 01:16 mats: and whined to me about having his good naem tarnished on hacka nyooz 1506872;1468987904;*;ben_vulpes waves to the forever-tarnished robert viragh 1506873;1468989389;mircea_popescu;mats 40% tax on 10.5 dollars an hour 8 hours a day for a year's workdays 1506874;1468997520;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The actual unemployment rate in the USA. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/20/the-actual-unemployment-rate-in-the-usa/ 1506875;1469007230;thestringpuller;charlie shrem is out of jail 1506876;1469009382;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506875 <<< maybe he can show Roger Ver all the new tricks he learned in the Pen, give him first reacharound 1506877;1469009382;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 09:33 thestringpuller: charlie shrem is out of jail 1506878;1469011537;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506547 << well, it's a cheap, dirty, and very quick way of getting repl with $whatever-data-of-interest, functions for graphical plotting, data analysis etc at your fingertips. it's very easy to experiment with data, *save everything and share stuff*. some papers are drafted this way afaik. for example: http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/urls/gist.github.com/wesm/4757075/raw/a72d3450ad4924d0e74fb57c9f62d1d895e 1506879;1469011537;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:39 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506153 << what's the advantage i dun get it ? 1506880;1469011550;Framedragger;or http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/masinoa/machine_learning/blob/master/04_Neural_Networks.ipynb 1506881;1469011553;Framedragger;or http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jrjohansson/scientific-python-lectures/blob/master/Lecture-4-Matplotlib.ipynb 1506882;1469011569;Framedragger;but i'm not trying to be a big advocate of $x here, mind 1506883;1469011634;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506544 << i've a $10 vps, no complaints, i did the initial ipv4 probing off of that. didn't run any i/o etc benchmarks tho. any particular questions (i can run some benchmark if you want) 1506884;1469011634;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:36 pete_dushenski: has anyone here used cock.li ? please to share experience if so 1506885;1469012012;Framedragger;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505364 << okay; but deciding not to use $tool because it's used by $enemy bloody well sounds like one to me. sure, you can call this a set of (very) useful heuristics. but if this sophistry is accepted, then any ideology is a set of heuristics (usually but not always very bad ones, but the latter is a separate point). ftr though, i'm not saying that sometimes there aren't good reasons for avoiding somet 1506886;1469012012;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 12:17 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504193 << there is no $ideology per se ; tmsr is principally characterized by lack of ideology. everyone else has one, however, and they're often patently insane and amazingly complex. 1506887;1469012034;Framedragger;hing like the devil avoids the cross; e.g. the recent chinese wifi shit discussion; *any mobile ever, in existence*; etc. :) 1506888;1469017266;mircea_popescu;Framedragger i dun get it, do you have to first upload your data ? 1506889;1469017386;mircea_popescu;every computer (well, except for windows and apple i guess ? but they're not computers) has a repl built in as some sort of bash. in most cases you also have both perl and python out of the box. how could it possibly be faster to first upload a chunk of data to some webserver somewhere ? 1506890;1469017427;mircea_popescu;not to mention that you almost always also have, or can easily get a db, and after an import you can then sql repl. 1506891;1469018182;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/15Gd 1506892;1469018183;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1506893;1469018436;deedbot;[Trilema] To be happy. - http://trilema.com/2016/to-be-happy/ 1506894;1469018909;BingoBoingo;ty 1506895;1469019156;deedbot;[Qntra] Poor Wi-Fi Hygeine Snags Data At RNC - http://qntra.net/2016/07/poor-wi-fi-hygeine-snags-data-at-rnc/ 1506896;1469019441;shinohai;thx BB 1506897;1469019453;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/rudiments/ 1506898;1469019580;asciilifeform;'“I vote Trump! free Internet”. Approximately 1.6 Gb's of data was exposed, with the report stating that 68.3% of users had their identities or other sensitive information exposed upon connection. Nearly 25% of the users browsed porn sites, while only a little over 5% used the connections to play Pokemon Go' << such brilliance!111 1506899;1469019673;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506885 << Framedragger point to actual instance of this ? in the logz ? 1506900;1469019673;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 10:53 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505364 << okay; but deciding not to use $tool because it's used by $enemy bloody well sounds like one to me. sure, you can call this a set of (very) useful heuristics. but if this sophistry is accepted, then any ideology is a set of heuristics (usually but not always very bad ones, but the latter is a separate point). ftr though, i'm not saying that sometimes there aren't goo 1506901;1469019765;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506875 << surprised he hasn't yet shown up here to offer cheeeeeap death ray! 1506902;1469019765;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 09:33 thestringpuller: charlie shrem is out of jail 1506903;1469019781;asciilifeform;(iirc he did, right before the jail) 1506904;1469020038;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506889 << he wanted a repl that can shit graphics. which is something that to this very day is ~monopoly of a gargantuan closed commercial item, 'mathematica'. except that most 'i want a graphical repl' folks don't know this, and think that their imitations (which are roughly what glbse was to mpex) are the real thing. 1506905;1469020038;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 12:23 mircea_popescu: every computer (well, except for windows and apple i guess ? but they're not computers) has a repl built in as some sort of bash. in most cases you also have both perl and python out of the box. how could it possibly be faster to first upload a chunk of data to some webserver somewhere ? 1506906;1469021260;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform kinda why we want a proper tex/svg wwwthing. 1506907;1469022137;mircea_popescu;anyway, google also has some sort of api where you GET it data and it sends back a graph. i recall bitbet using it. 1506908;1469022799;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506907 << that's not a repl; that's crapola, a la http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506177 1506909;1469022799;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 20:33 asciilifeform: picture 'sorry you can't use grep, www.grep.com is down' 1506910;1469022799;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 13:42 mircea_popescu: anyway, google also has some sort of api where you GET it data and it sends back a graph. i recall bitbet using it. 1506911;1469022808;mircea_popescu;myea 1506912;1469022828;mircea_popescu;still, read-evaluate-print :D 1506913;1469022942;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506906 << the funny thing is, this was made, in 1980s, at considerable expense, it was called 'NeWS' 1506914;1469022943;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 13:27 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform kinda why we want a proper tex/svg wwwthing. 1506915;1469022973;asciilifeform;but it suffered from the crippling limitations of the c-machine, and withered away. 1506916;1469022996;asciilifeform;(likewise, '80s hardware was not quite up to the task of the rendering) 1506917;1469023025;asciilifeform;the simpler, braindead x11, survived. 1506918;1469023064;asciilifeform;http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?NetworkExtensibleWindowSystem << moar. 1506919;1469023147;asciilifeform;http://www.art.net/Studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/lang/NeWS.html << lulzier still 1506920;1469023165;asciilifeform;'Fri, 5 Feb 88... The astonishing baroqueness of X is the greatest threat to the general sucess of UNIX to have come along since System V hit the streets. If you try to give an X system to a real human being, not a computer hacker masquerading as a normal person, they will croak. If X doesn't instantly burn out their eyes and brain, causing them to throw their UNIX box out the nearest high window, it will drive them straight into the 1506921;1469023165;asciilifeform; arms of the Macintosh II. With the toolbox under AUX, all the windowy programs on the MacII will have a clear, understable, and universal user interface. With other alternatives, we face the very real prospect of each window (program) having a different user interface. That, friends, will be the death of UNIX. ' 1506922;1469023643;asciilifeform;http://www.art.net/Studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/images/smegmas.gif 1506923;1469023663;asciilifeform;and http://www.art.net/Studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/images/pizzatool.gif . 1506924;1469024094;mircea_popescu;i'd think the 2nd item is more relevant here/ 1506925;1469024215;jurov;imo TeX is quite bad example for this, it's not designed for realtime rendering, depends on several passes for layout 1506926;1469024235;asciilifeform;jurov: it is ill-designed in 1,001 ways. 1506927;1469024271;asciilifeform;was very much a crude and desperate hack. knuth suffered from idiot typesetters who 'what's one exponent more or less' 1506928;1469024306;asciilifeform;human typesetters ~had~ to be expelled from mathematics. 1506929;1469024322;asciilifeform;and so they were. but at the cost of having this other pile of shit. 1506930;1469024334;mircea_popescu;jurov multipass is no good for real time ? 1506931;1469024347;mircea_popescu;also, the idea isn't to "realtime" ; the idea is to take user input and spit out html i think 1506932;1469024351;asciilifeform;ew 1506933;1469024355;mircea_popescu;what ? 1506934;1469024365;asciilifeform;fuck html. 1506935;1469024369;asciilifeform;and the browser. 1506936;1469024372;mircea_popescu;fine. in plai ntext. 1506937;1469024382;mircea_popescu;the idea being that the server does not serve the result of the process directly. 1506938;1469024397;asciilifeform;i thought the idea was 'sane gui' 1506939;1469024405;mircea_popescu;(author types shit in) -> (blog processes it into form) -> (server serves form) 1506940;1469024409;mircea_popescu;mno. 1506941;1469024412;asciilifeform;a concept which pointedly has no room for half-second delays after every keystroke 1506942;1469024424;jurov;mircea_popescu: ever used proggy that was redrawing everything after every keystroke? 1506943;1469024430;mircea_popescu;i don't want any guy at all. even now i by hand rather than clicking the fucking buttons 1506944;1469024447;asciilifeform;'gui' is not equivalent in meaning to 'microshit word' 1506945;1469024453;mircea_popescu;i want to have alphabetic notation. such as : graph-this-so-and-so,1,1,4,this.csv 1506946;1469024473;mircea_popescu;i have no problem with typing ::sum:: either or w/e 1506947;1469024485;mircea_popescu;and i absolutely do not have alf's mental issue where i can't think of math in words. 1506948;1469024531;asciilifeform;original thread which led us here concerned... charts 1506949;1469024541;mircea_popescu;yes. exactly. 1506950;1469024542;asciilifeform;go and represent the duplicated-sshkeys thing in.. words. 1506951;1469024563;mircea_popescu;and ftr, auto-repl is for the dogs. i want proper repl : string evaluated when I say, either by clicking the preview button or typing enter or w/e. 1506952;1469024571;mircea_popescu;fuck that stupid ass google auto-search as you type idiocty 1506953;1469024590;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you want to publish something you can't say in words you're part of the problem. 1506954;1469024634;asciilifeform;this is lunacy. 1506955;1469024644;asciilifeform;do we have to do the mega-thread again? 1506956;1469024651;asciilifeform;or can just say we did. 'see l0gz.' 1506957;1469024704;mircea_popescu;omfg what the fuck do you think "fits in head" means. 1506958;1469024715;mircea_popescu;you can see logs all you fucking want, they're all WORDS. 1506959;1469024717;asciilifeform;i sorta wonder how mircea_popescu draws the line at 'this much notation is enough.' i.e., why he does not demand that phuctor stats be spelled out in whole words rather than using arabic digits. 1506960;1469024727;asciilifeform;is it because this set of chars happened to exist on underwood typewriter ? 1506961;1469024736;mircea_popescu;i have no idea what your parents did to you people, but this is unseemly. first fucking task of the urchin in an intellectual household is to learn how to put his shit in words. 1506962;1469024759;mircea_popescu;3 yos point "dat!!!" but 5yo is expected to be able to say "the item resting atop the history of fucking in the roman empire please, what is it?" 1506963;1469024784;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: fits-in-head means that i get to huffmanize TO THE MAX 1506964;1469024802;asciilifeform;which means, yes, integral signs, matrices, tensors, whatever notation i define ~for the occasion~ even. 1506965;1469024803;mircea_popescu;if you can't say what it is, you have no fucking idea what it is, and it's not currently fit in your head. 1506966;1469024822;mircea_popescu;the criteria is any notation i choose, not any notation you choose. 1506967;1469024826;asciilifeform;i can say. and, if it isn't likely to be in the reader's huffman dictionary already - do say. 1506968;1469024842;mircea_popescu;much like kids or bureaucrats aren't to be allowed to decide how to measure their performance. 1506969;1469024846;asciilifeform;sorta what literacy means - to have the huffman table in your head. 1506970;1469024857;mircea_popescu;so then what's the problem. 1506971;1469024859;asciilifeform;if you cannot read integral, you are not literate. 1506972;1469024861;mircea_popescu;make the machine make it. 1506973;1469024875;asciilifeform;would mircea_popescu also say that machine should transliterate the greek texts for you ? 1506974;1469024879;mircea_popescu;yes. 1506975;1469024886;mircea_popescu;russian, certainly 1506976;1469024891;asciilifeform;'midnight commander' does. 1506977;1469024893;mircea_popescu;(and most of my russian is in latin alphabet, ftr) 1506978;1469024895;asciilifeform;(srsly) 1506979;1469024925;asciilifeform;it will actually crap out translit when you hit f3 ('view file') if the terminal doesn't have cyrillic. 1506980;1469024933;asciilifeform;the only proggy i've ever encountered which did. 1506981;1469024946;mircea_popescu;cuz properly made. 1506982;1469024953;asciilifeform;at any rate i have 0 problem with this. 1506983;1469024962;asciilifeform;what i do have a problem with is 'stop using integral signs, spell it out' 1506984;1469024975;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's machine can turn it into sanskrit if he likes. 1506985;1469024980;mircea_popescu;so i guess you can have a fat 8 lines of buttons in the mp-wp thing ; and i'll continue to type tags in directly. 1506986;1469024990;asciilifeform;lel who said i wanted buttons ? 1506987;1469025021;mircea_popescu;meanwhile : i want a tag to turn numbers into images ; which i arbitrarily call svg ; and i want a tag to turn strings into scientific notation (which does not JUST mean math, i want chemistry also.) 1506988;1469025036;mircea_popescu;which i arbitrarily call tex. 1506989;1469025041;asciilifeform;how does the thing on pediwikia work ? 1506990;1469025046;asciilifeform;they seem to have something like it 1506991;1469025052;mircea_popescu;they import images. 1506992;1469025059;asciilifeform;yes but iirc they get generated. 1506993;1469025063;mircea_popescu;no idea. 1506994;1469025072;mircea_popescu;but knowing the thing, they're probably stolen. 1506995;1469025073;asciilifeform;and if you have the old mathtex plugin thing, they do not 1506996;1469025096;asciilifeform;(machine w/out the plugin is painful to use if you ever try to copy/paste, you end up getting bitmaps) 1506997;1469025115;mircea_popescu;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/2-Propanol.svg 1506998;1469025132;asciilifeform;see, if i can't ~paste~ the equation from the viewer into my algebratron, and evaluate it, the system is broken. 1506999;1469025150;mircea_popescu;::2-propanol:: should yield that. 1507000;1469025157;mircea_popescu;evidently, it doesn't. 1507001;1469025195;asciilifeform;will mircea_popescu barf when a boojum turns up in the massive iupac rule set this imports ? 1507002;1469025213;mircea_popescu;i have no problem with the author replacing iupac. 1507003;1469025214;asciilifeform;before laughing, consider, iupac gold standard program HUNG when fed chiralane for the first time. 1507004;1469025232;asciilifeform;textbooks, i shit thee not, had to be junked 1507005;1469025235;mircea_popescu;just as long as i can use it, i'm happy. 1507006;1469025238;asciilifeform;(most weren't, simply ignored the news) 1507007;1469025280;mircea_popescu;i'm even amenable to saying ::oc/C-COH-C:: 1507008;1469025294;asciilifeform;how do i benzol ring ? 1507009;1469025334;mircea_popescu;i dunno, ::oc/C-C-C*-C-C-C=/ ? 1507010;1469025334;asciilifeform;(incidentally does mircea_popescu do his organic chem without filthy heathen 2d drawings ? as words ? ) 1507011;1469025340;mircea_popescu;yes. 1507012;1469025351;asciilifeform;what's the / do ? 1507013;1469025354;mircea_popescu;i find that especially in organic chemistry the drawings are counterproductive. 1507014;1469025373;asciilifeform;has mircea_popescu ever actually done an organic synthesis ? in anger ? 1507015;1469025378;mircea_popescu;"from organic chemistry take an item that is with carbons linked like so, where * can be anything ie free radical and = at the end links back to origin" 1507016;1469025384;asciilifeform;of an item that wasn't in the book 1507017;1469025384;mircea_popescu;ad hoc nonsense, but to illustrate the point. 1507018;1469025386;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. 1507019;1469025402;mircea_popescu;and i knew i failed within minutes specifiucally because not using the fucking pictures. 1507020;1469025430;asciilifeform;y'know, the buggers actually ARE 3d (arguably 3.5d) ~physical objects~ 1507021;1469025441;mircea_popescu;but your brain doesn't beenfit from this. 1507022;1469025444;asciilifeform;chemistry-in-words makes about the same amount of sense as cad in words. 1507023;1469025458;mircea_popescu;your head works principally when its tendency to disregard natural complexity is well supported. 1507024;1469025480;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i used to pick architects by the criterion : "nice plan, now tell it to me". 1507025;1469025488;mircea_popescu;most all of them reached for the paper, which i wouldn't give back. 1507026;1469025501;mircea_popescu;you'd be surprised how much you find about an architect with this simple process. 1507027;1469025508;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu should have asked 'tell it to the builders instead of showing paper' 1507028;1469025517;mircea_popescu;that sadly happens anyway. 1507029;1469025535;mircea_popescu;but the point is : literacy is a skill not a blessing. does this architect know how to present the tree IN PROPERLY SORTED ORDER ? 1507030;1469025544;mircea_popescu;if not, why not and what does this say about his mental organisation. 1507031;1469025550;asciilifeform;this is not actually hard to do if you have the item in your head. 1507032;1469025555;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1507033;1469025559;asciilifeform;just as, close your eyes and describe your house to a stranger 1507034;1469025564;asciilifeform;you can do it in ~arbitrary detail 1507035;1469025568;mircea_popescu;and if you don't, i'm not underwriting the eventual wreck. 1507036;1469025580;asciilifeform;but this is NOT the most convenient format for ~editing~ (transforming, etc) the thing. 1507037;1469025596;mircea_popescu;it may not be the most convenient format for doodling, 1507038;1469025599;mircea_popescu;doodles are. 1507039;1469025601;asciilifeform;there is a reason why most folks play chess with a board vs with telephone 1507040;1469025609;asciilifeform;(though many do, i have) 1507041;1469025611;mircea_popescu;but then again stop fucking pushingyour doodles on other people. they are the exact equivalent of used condoms. 1507042;1469025615;mircea_popescu;i do not want them. nobody does. 1507043;1469025635;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: find me a chemist - a practicing, professional organiker - who will not barf at this suggestion. 1507044;1469025661;asciilifeform;or an architect who will agree to design a building ~wholly~ by putting words, sentences, to paper. 1507045;1469025674;asciilifeform;or machinist who will accept an essay in lieu of a drawing. 1507046;1469025675;mircea_popescu;find me a computer programmer - a practicing, professional wwwtronicist, who will not barf at v. 1507047;1469025685;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i found, what, six? seven ? 1507048;1469025688;asciilifeform;they are here. 1507049;1469025693;mircea_popescu;all the machining i ever had done was presented in essay form. 1507050;1469025702;mircea_popescu;scandalous, i know. 1507051;1469025715;asciilifeform;what was it ? 'cut me a rod 10cm in length and 3 in diameter' ? 1507052;1469025718;asciilifeform;that ain't machining. 1507053;1469025723;mircea_popescu;bout a paragraph's worth, but still. 1507054;1469025732;asciilifeform;go and describe kalash bolt in words 1507055;1469025735;asciilifeform;and have it machined. 1507056;1469025748;mircea_popescu;for the sake of why not, i will. 1507057;1469025754;asciilifeform;i would love to see result ! 1507058;1469025759;mircea_popescu;gimme 5 minutes. 1507059;1469025773;mircea_popescu;gotta locate a drawing on THIS USELESS INTERNET 1507060;1469025777;asciilifeform;possibly bad experiment, because machinist will cheat 1507061;1469025786;asciilifeform;he will pull the ubiquitous drawing once he realizes what you described. 1507062;1469025788;thestringpuller;the ethereum hard fork is making the VER-ified crowd go wild. 1507063;1469025790;asciilifeform;and cut from that. 1507064;1469025796;thestringpuller;incoming bitcoin hard fork FUD 1507065;1469025798;thestringpuller;and drama 1507066;1469025807;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: link ? 1507067;1469025816;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform already disawoved ? fine. 1507068;1469025820;mircea_popescu;i won't bother then. 1507069;1469025820;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: please don't assume that folks read reddit unprompted. i don't 1507070;1469025845;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: not necessarily - it is worthwhile experiment 1507071;1469025857;asciilifeform;but i would like to read the essay first 1507072;1469025862;*;mircea_popescu goes back to finishng his article. 1507073;1469025868;asciilifeform;it should not mention the purpose of the part. 1507074;1469025887;asciilifeform;(if mircea_popescu dun feel like doing this experiment, perhaps another mechanically-literate fella ? ben_vulpes ?) 1507075;1469025899;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i don't like posting reddit links as not to infect the channel 1507076;1469025930;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: again, if you ~mention~ a thing that is happening solely on reddit, it is just the same as linking 1507077;1469025934;asciilifeform;may as well link 1507078;1469025936;thestringpuller;but since you asked nicely: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4tr8ir/now_its_bitcoins_turn_eths_hard_fork_was_a/ 1507079;1469025941;asciilifeform;because i sure as fuck ain't going ~looking~ for it 1507080;1469025943;asciilifeform;ty thestringpuller . 1507081;1469025951;thestringpuller;that's 1 of many 1507082;1469025966;asciilifeform;lulzy 1507083;1469025969;asciilifeform;they fired already ? 1507084;1469026017;asciilifeform;and, what, traditional-eth vanished immediately ? 1507085;1469026033;asciilifeform;no one bothered to set off 'difficulty bomb' ? etc 1507086;1469026095;thestringpuller;nope. it was all staged to act as fud to get Bitcoin to hardfork while creating FED-chain. 1507087;1469026121;thestringpuller;Never though Ethereum would become more scandalous than paycoin. 1507088;1469026807;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you realise you're about the only reader ver actually has ? 1507089;1469027143;phf;Framedragger: re ipython you could probably avoid all the discussions about right and wrong by simply doing and then presenting the result 1507090;1469027158;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: Reading involves comprehension. I merely glance over it for lulz. I invest more focus on reading my comic books than Ver. 1507091;1469027210;mircea_popescu;phf word. 1507092;1469027239;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller rotate the lolcow ? preferably towards something with tits ? 1507093;1469027271;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well no one bothered to actually hold any of the tokens, either, so... 1507094;1469027319;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i used to read amanda b johnson. But she is more for the children I think. 1507095;1469027337;mircea_popescu;$google amanda b johnson 1507096;1469027338;deedbot;https://twitter.com/thedailydecrypt << The Daily Decrypt (@TheDailyDecrypt) | Twitter | http://cointelegraph.com/authors/amanda_b._johnson << Amanda B. Johnson | https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/amanda-billyrock-is-amanda-b-johnson-of-the-daily-decrypt-t6027.html << Re: Amanda Billyrock is Amanda B. Johnson of The Daily Decrypt 1507097;1469027339;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nobody no one ? not even on the battleship mircea_popescurora ? 1507098;1469027422;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform eh what do i care what they do. the idea here is "o look, a scamcoin nobody holds managed to hardfork. this is about as relevant to bitcoin as guy soiling his pants and then washing them in the sink. I AM ROVER GER AND I THINK ITS TIME FOR BITCOIN TO! " 1507099;1469027452;asciilifeform;why bother with the etherape thing only to release the mouse, still alive and well, from the mousetrap later ? 1507100;1469027453;asciilifeform;i dun get it 1507101;1469027609;shinohai;Mouse is dead, just doesn't know it yet. 1507102;1469027623;phf;"i'm not dead yet" 1507103;1469027680;asciilifeform;i suppose we can add it to the very very long list of items which are supposedly 'dead' but continue to live, spraying out ecological poison left and right that will take eons to clean up 1507104;1469027741;mircea_popescu;wait, ~I~ should clean up ? what am i, someone's wife ? 1507105;1469027755;asciilifeform;didn't say that anybody in particular ought to clean up. 1507106;1469027766;asciilifeform;but am surprised that whoever took the bother of raping dao, did not follow through. 1507107;1469027774;mircea_popescu;the boat issue goes way the fuck deeper than you realise. 1507108;1469027784;asciilifeform;hm? 1507109;1469027785;mircea_popescu;you're wide open, in a security sense, because of this notion of cleanliness. 1507110;1469027823;mircea_popescu;who in his right mind would close a hole in teh mit budget ? by all means, let them succeed and keep on succeeding, like they've won the war in the middle east. 1507111;1469027867;asciilifeform;by not firing the control shot, dao raper allowed mit to close own hole. 1507112;1469028000;thestringpuller;phf: "i'm not dead yet" << "i'm still alive"? 1507113;1469028078;phf;thestringpuller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPatfgoNBRo 1507114;1469028108;mircea_popescu;damn, i thought it was the black knight always triumphs. 1507115;1469028218;deedbot;[Trilema] Were I... - http://trilema.com/2016/were-i/ 1507116;1469029078;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506567 << i've been going through that exercise with code recently, where the original developer abandoned the project and there's a new maintainer. the exercise is to see how much of it is gendered pronouns. not surprisingly in many cases for every 1 bug fixed, there's a dozen entirely inconsequential commits. file shuffles, renames, code removals, README copyright updates, that sort of stuff. it's like nobody's 1507117;1469029078;phf; writing code anymore 1507118;1469029078;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:51 asciilifeform: if you subtract obvious drepperisms, 'comment commits' by genderfucks, etc. - you end up with circa-'90s mass every time. 1507119;1469029109;asciilifeform;but 'I HAZ MILLION COMMITZ!121111' 1507120;1469029119;asciilifeform;mega-cv, such hireable, etc. 1507121;1469029120;phf;github streak 1507122;1469029136;asciilifeform;and if you dun hire, 'DISCRIMINATION!1111' 1507123;1469029155;asciilifeform;recall the 'flycheck' thread ? 1507124;1469029164;asciilifeform;often there is ~whole project~ which consists of gendercommit. 1507125;1469029172;asciilifeform;as in, it NEVER had the slightest legitimate reason to exist. 1507126;1469029173;phf;"contributor to X, Y and Z, wasn't hired because obviously your organization is -ist" 1507127;1469029174;asciilifeform;any of it. 1507128;1469029200;asciilifeform;'to examine a granfalloon, remove the skin of a toy balloon' (tm) (r) (vonnegut) 1507129;1469029283;phf;i saw one of those operators in action yesterday, rme of clozure cl is doing "open office hours" on irc, and They come. "why are you using ccldoc instead of BIG PACKAGE NAME??? i want to change docs to BIG PACKAGE NAME for increased adoption" "why are there stale useless files? i want to remove them to improve maintainability" etc. 1507130;1469029337;asciilifeform;lel 1507131;1469029408;phf;so i push back on the guy, rme says "let's change subject", within minutes guy goes "it's late here i gotta go to sleep" 1507132;1469029437;asciilifeform;i dun get why more folks won't declare total war. 1507133;1469029447;asciilifeform;what does rme (who i know nothing of..) have to lose ? 1507134;1469029462;asciilifeform;why 'change subject' 1507135;1469029468;asciilifeform;why not 'die in a fire, scum' 1507136;1469029575;phf;perhaps they don't see it as an existential threat 1507137;1469029607;asciilifeform;decade ago - i could even see 1507138;1469029616;asciilifeform;but today - one would have to be clinically stupid 1507139;1469029662;asciilifeform;count, merely, the software packages that CANNOT BE USED today, that worked fine decade ago 1507140;1469029677;asciilifeform;(xpdf...) 1507141;1469029735;phf;well, they don't realize anything changed. decade ago a newbie was younger version of you, today with some chance a newbie might still be a younger version of you, but much more likely it's a person who never knew you had to wash hands after bathroom there purely to turn everything that you've built to shit 1507142;1469029800;phf;also culture was gutted. it was acceptable to be an asshole a decade ago, now flaming someone on irc is equivalent of voting for trump. 1507143;1469029803;asciilifeform;or xmms ! 1507144;1469029829;asciilifeform;or consider the contortions you must go through, to build geda 1507145;1469029842;asciilifeform;or 1,001 other once-commonplace breads and butters of linux world 1507146;1469029898;phf;progress! 1507147;1469030148;phf;it's kind of funny that xmms got "replaced" with various itunes clones. i had at various points a very large partially pirated, partially salvaged, partially ripped collection of music and i'm convinced that there's nothing better than an fs level folder structure for managing music. 1507148;1469030167;asciilifeform;^ 1507149;1469030176;asciilifeform;i've been using command-line players ever since. 1507150;1469030185;asciilifeform;not fun, but no real alternative. 1507151;1469030202;asciilifeform;FUCK 'metadata in file', 'libraries', etc. 1507152;1469030258;asciilifeform;the muppets who 'i Just Want just like itunes...' must be expelled from civilized computing. 1507153;1469030274;asciilifeform;its continuation as whatever going concern is incompatible with their presence 1507154;1469030275;phf;"oh your carefully annotated rip of late 80s punk tape of misc artists is all different artists. let me helpfully spawn a folder per track for you. a cover art scan? kek!" 1507155;1469030289;asciilifeform;just as you cannot have a theatre that is also a dairy farm 1507156;1469030525;phf;there was a pleasant notion of ownership with xmms, your playlist becomes an organic thing with a state, with most listened artists at the top, sequences organically created that align with your personal feel for harmony, etc. without bringing that whole aspy ocd file management into the equation. can't really do it with cli. 1507157;1469030632;asciilifeform;aha, all i get is bash history 1507158;1469030641;asciilifeform;sorta like going from 'bic' lighter to flint. 1507159;1469030650;asciilifeform;yes, can haz fire... 1507160;1469030651;asciilifeform;but. 1507161;1469030795;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507132 ~same reason folks don't get laid. 1507162;1469030795;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 15:43 asciilifeform: i dun get why more folks won't declare total war. 1507163;1469030811;asciilifeform;not same. total war, you can declare.. alone. 1507164;1469030812;mircea_popescu;the space between not getting laid and noticing you're not getting laid is short. the space from the noticing to the fixing however... 1507165;1469030814;phf;i have friends who still swear by winamp 1507166;1469030819;asciilifeform;l0l 1507167;1469030822;asciilifeform;and win95 to go with it ? 1507168;1469030823;mircea_popescu;i still swear by winamp! 1507169;1469030852;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: on what do you run it? 'wine' ? 1507170;1469030859;mircea_popescu;runs on os X! 1507171;1469030865;asciilifeform;lel srsly? 1507172;1469030868;mircea_popescu;oya. 1507173;1469030884;asciilifeform;http://www.winamp.com << whatddayaknow 1507174;1469030888;mircea_popescu;one of my secret lulz, for all the extra holes apple gets in here, nobody goes "stfu winamp" 1507175;1469030901;asciilifeform;and since when did mircea_popescu keep a crappletron in his fleet 1507176;1469030907;asciilifeform;then again he probably has a vax also. 1507177;1469030908;mircea_popescu;i keep gurlz! 1507178;1469030949;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1507179;1469031017;phf;asciilifeform: you can get winamps of some vintage that still run on recent windows machines 1507180;1469031039;asciilifeform;i've historically kept crapple boxen around for various occasions (commercial proggies for which no substitute exists, etc) 1507181;1469031069;mircea_popescu;winamp is prolly the best example of niche owner. 1507182;1469031078;asciilifeform;ida is ~the~ example 1507183;1469031081;mircea_popescu;for as long as this "music library" thing was a thing, winamp was the thing for it. 1507184;1469031082;trinque;runs great on wine too; I ran it there longer than on winderz 1507185;1469031102;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wait, we're counting proprietary shits now ? 1507186;1469031103;trinque;2.x vintage 1507187;1469031116;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we're counting 'niche owners' 1507188;1469031128;mircea_popescu;well then most of them will be "tivo software owns tivo niche" 1507189;1469031139;mircea_popescu;the idea is, others could have ; haven't. 1507190;1469031144;asciilifeform;ida is the example of 'sole inhabitant of niche' 1507191;1469031163;mircea_popescu;not a niche, more like a cranny. 1507192;1469031248;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: used by pretty much 100% of reversers, auditors, etc. for whatever cpu ever manufactured. 1507193;1469031250;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507141 << this "newbie was an earlier version of you" never fucking happened in reality. it was just the fashionable hash for the pipe the wikipedia-generation idiots were smoking. 1507194;1469031250;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 15:48 phf: well, they don't realize anything changed. decade ago a newbie was younger version of you, today with some chance a newbie might still be a younger version of you, but much more likely it's a person who never knew you had to wash hands after bathroom there purely to turn everything that you've built to shit 1507195;1469031259;asciilifeform;ditto 0day hunters, etc. 1507196;1469031285;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in dispute is not the ownership part, but the niche part. it's not a niche! 1507197;1469031294;asciilifeform;i have nfi what, then, is a niche. 1507198;1469031307;asciilifeform;reversing is just as much a functional niche as 'music play' 1507199;1469031314;asciilifeform;or 'drawing proggy' 1507200;1469031317;mircea_popescu;hm. 1507201;1469031323;mircea_popescu;ok fine! 1507202;1469031342;mircea_popescu;mr "oh i'll never run someone's binary give me my ida!" 1507203;1469031352;asciilifeform;hey i run virii 1507204;1469031358;asciilifeform;used to do it, for a living, even. 1507205;1469031363;asciilifeform;have entire room of machines devoted to same. 1507206;1469031383;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493407 1507207;1469031383;a111;Logged on 2016-06-30 15:38 asciilifeform: trinque: fact remains, if you think i'm gonna run a binary, ANYONE's binary, for whatever reason, yer smoking dope. 1507208;1469031392;mircea_popescu;now what ? negrate for scam ??? 1507209;1469031401;asciilifeform;'run' here shorthand for 'on battlestation' 1507210;1469031408;asciilifeform;picture i were to run a pesticide shop 1507211;1469031420;asciilifeform;does it mean i eat chrorophos for breakfast ? 1507212;1469031425;asciilifeform;*chlorophos 1507213;1469031436;mircea_popescu;hey, i'm not the one sprouting spurious absolutes, which is why i'm not the one with this problem. what picture. 1507214;1469031443;*;trinque lols 1507215;1469031491;asciilifeform;i suppose my assumption that ~everyone~ has distinct 'circles of hell' for running proggies, is baseless 1507216;1469031506;asciilifeform;so consider it explained. 1507217;1469031516;asciilifeform;different machines, for different purposes, on different lans, etc. 1507218;1469031528;mircea_popescu;well no, but your assumption that you making a general statement will be taken as made rather than modified ad-hoc is not only unwarranted, but actually contrary to your declared preference. 1507219;1469031532;mircea_popescu;what, you're talking ascii ? 1507220;1469031540;mircea_popescu;"everyone is welcome to substitute it randomly" ? 1507221;1469031559;asciilifeform;neh simply forgot to explain that i 'redefined number 2' 1507222;1469031571;asciilifeform;so - here you go, 'run' does not mean 'run all in one pot' 1507223;1469031576;mircea_popescu;which is culpable, seeing how the entire argument there hinged on the definition of number 2. 1507224;1469031588;asciilifeform;just like i take a shit, you should not assume that i did it in same room i sleep and eat in. 1507225;1469031590;mircea_popescu;it's one thing to do this like i do it on trilema ; but it's another to do it in the face of contention. 1507226;1469031593;asciilifeform;even if it turns out that most folks do. 1507227;1469031600;asciilifeform;(why? nfi, maybe they are in jail) 1507228;1469031601;mircea_popescu;the latter is how ambitious if incompetent lawyers lose 90% of the cases they lose. 1507229;1469031646;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has a point here, but i did consider 'run' to have been explained eons ago, when i publicly described my profession. 1507230;1469031674;mircea_popescu;check out all the unexpected trouble one can stir up out of entirely left field dao. 1507231;1469031683;asciilifeform;lel 1507232;1469031741;asciilifeform;incidentally i might not even ~know~ all of the assumptions which some luser somewhere might read into the text. mircea_popescu reminds me that most of'em probably think 'he has 1 computer, and 1 lan' 1507233;1469031743;asciilifeform;but what else? 1507234;1469031749;asciilifeform;i might not even be able to catalogue what else. 1507235;1469031790;asciilifeform;this would require a dedicated anthropological dig 1507236;1469031796;asciilifeform;by qualified specialist. 1507237;1469031803;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507203 <<< what are `virii` ? 1507238;1469031803;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 16:15 asciilifeform: hey i run virii 1507239;1469031826;asciilifeform;shinohai: malware in the general case. 1507240;1469031833;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, they keep thinking "mp has one suit", so why not. 1507241;1469031837;asciilifeform;shinohai: e.g., 'cryptolocker' 1507242;1469031855;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: lulzy, even i have >1 1507243;1469031887;mircea_popescu;you're "men with jobs, jerry! and secretaries!" whereas average http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507131 has one stale pizza box and one pizza stained tshirt. 1507244;1469031887;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 15:43 phf: so i push back on the guy, rme says "let's change subject", within minutes guy goes "it's late here i gotta go to sleep" 1507245;1469031895;trinque;there's a pragmatic distinction here between "this is a statement of holy truth" and "this shovel is currently doubling as guillotine in a pinch" 1507246;1469031898;shinohai;Kind of imagined you meant plural of viruses there. 1507247;1469031904;trinque;nothing wrong with that; I was saying the same yesterday 1507248;1469031909;asciilifeform;shinohai: 1 per box at a time.. 1507249;1469031958;trinque;worth probably also giving n00bs the holy truth beating and leaving redefining english to shakespeare 1507250;1469031984;mircea_popescu;trinque the thing is that you're perfectly allowed to use your own, consistent definitions, even if they may contradict "the common sense" ; provided that a) they are consistent ~and stable enough so as not to change by context~ and b) you're capable of expliciting them on request and this will not contradict previous construction. ie - you may have any graph you wish (chiefly because anyone does anyway, "community consensus" 1507251;1469031985;mircea_popescu; is not a thing, no matter what it pretends), but it must have no cycles in it. 1507252;1469031987;mircea_popescu;of neither kind. 1507253;1469031991;asciilifeform;trinque: no redefinitions involved. i run'em. what's the problem. 1507254;1469032018;trinque;mircea_popescu: I see it 1507255;1469032029;asciilifeform;y'know, hobo wears a shirt. mircea_popescu wears a shirt. etc. no contradictions involved. 1507256;1469032043;mircea_popescu;(cycle kind 1 : when your definitions can be forced into a cycle by changing contexts ; cycle kind 2 : when your definitions can be forced into a cycle by changing spot in time) 1507257;1469032059;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform my shirt was weaved out of virgin tears tho! 1507258;1469032064;asciilifeform;rule #1 of vtronics: no cyclez!1111111 1507259;1469032068;mircea_popescu;aha. 1507260;1469032083;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know ? it's actuallty much huger than originally realised ; v is actually a model of knowledge in the general sense. 1507261;1469032103;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja know: if you forbid cycles, mark'n'sweek garbage collection works ? 1507262;1469032109;asciilifeform;this has implications beyond gc. 1507263;1469032113;mircea_popescu;which is by itself an achievement which dwarfs the accomplishments of the entire current genewration of anthropologists and kinda takes my breath away. 1507264;1469032115;asciilifeform;*sweep 1507265;1469032120;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1507266;1469032133;mircea_popescu;i think we're sitting on a poorly understood oilpatch. 1507267;1469032133;asciilifeform;anyway it is a good knife, now folks must pick it up, cut. 1507268;1469032148;asciilifeform;it is not the sword from norse saga, won't fight by itself. 1507269;1469032192;mircea_popescu;trinque anyway, trilema is a foremost example of "i have my set of defintions and you likely don't know what they are ; nor will likely figure it out through a whole article - shit's too fine." 1507270;1469032198;mircea_popescu;drives people up the walls. 1507271;1469032269;mircea_popescu;part of the problem is obviously that english is a language spoken by idiots, and it shows. but this isn't a large part and certainly not the largest part - i was doing the same thing in romanian. arguably much worse - people don't realise romanian is ALSO mostly spoken by idiots. 1507272;1469032335;mircea_popescu;anyway. fucking javascript of a language if i ever saw one, this english thing. how do you people live ? 1507273;1469032349;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: never forget, it is a commercial pidgin 1507274;1469032357;asciilifeform;not a language, really, hasn't been in eons. 1507275;1469032385;mircea_popescu;how do i humorously say "male whore" as in, "curv", which is the never-seen but PERFECTLY GRAMMATICAL masculine of curva, whore ? 1507276;1469032397;asciilifeform;'puto' ! 1507277;1469032401;mircea_popescu;aha lol. 1507278;1469032422;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and yes but it drives stupidity such as chomsky's rank nonsense about "what is gramatical". if you recall that recently linked essay. 1507279;1469032423;asciilifeform;i guess anglicization might be 'he-whore' 1507280;1469032432;asciilifeform;no worse than 'she-wolf' 1507281;1469032445;asciilifeform;ilsa, she-wolf of auschwitz!111 1507282;1469032448;mircea_popescu;i'd rather use hoare - hor if forced to do something with it. 1507283;1469032473;mircea_popescu;$google blutjunge verfuhrerinnen 1507284;1469032474;deedbot;http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066852/ << Blutjunge Verführerinnen (1971) - IMDb | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rgTKczaris << Blutjunge Verfuhrerinnen 197 - YouTube | http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068298/ << Blutjunge Verführerinnen 3. Teil (1972) - IMDb 1507285;1469032482;asciilifeform;aha, it. 1507286;1469032497;asciilifeform;'misleaderess' 1507287;1469032500;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/blutjunge-verfuhrerinnen/ < for the rophone. 1507288;1469032624;PeterL;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507007 << are you familliar with the SMILES system of notation? 1507289;1469032624;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 14:34 mircea_popescu: i'm even amenable to saying ::oc/C-COH-C:: 1507290;1469032632;mircea_popescu;PeterL not very. 1507291;1469032637;PeterL;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplified_molecular-input_line-entry_system 1507292;1469032646;mircea_popescu;but mind, i wasn't seriously proposing this be used ; just ad-hoc showing that it can be. 1507293;1469032659;asciilifeform;PeterL: aha, i had this! in chemgroup's 'MOE' 1507294;1469032678;asciilifeform;PeterL: which i programmed for, every day, for years, long ago. 1507295;1469032687;mircea_popescu;PeterL it's kinda what i was doing pedestrianly. 1507296;1469032712;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it's ~only use is to key in structures from journals, and to keep'em in db 1507297;1469032716;PeterL;I only use it by drawing the structure and having it generate the SMILES, which can be, E.G. pasted into another program 1507298;1469032719;asciilifeform;it is not meant for human consumption!1111 1507299;1469032725;asciilifeform;aha, PeterL has it. 1507300;1469032746;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform fu you're not to speak for humans! PeterL sure, and most people only write html by clicking on buttons. but i like to type my shit out. 1507301;1469032748;asciilifeform;and yes you can close rings, etc. but it rapidly turns into a regexp-like monster. 1507302;1469032767;PeterL;its like trying to see a picture by looking at the bit values, works better if you have a program draw it out for you 1507303;1469032772;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you wilfully ignore the benefit this exercise has for thinking. 1507304;1469032776;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my point was that everyone who worked in chemistry in any capacity since '90s or so, has used it, but no one works WITH it on paper or in head ! 1507305;1469032801;mircea_popescu;PeterL depends man. if i am involved in a process of trying to understand something, which may take many hours to many months, that i am saved five minutes for a typing out is not necessarily useful. 1507306;1469032811;mircea_popescu;maybe i'm using that as a thinking support. which i usually am. 1507307;1469032813;asciilifeform;PeterL: you may have missed mega-thread earlier , where mircea_popescu suggested that the pictures are unnecessary because the textual representation is possible. 1507308;1469032833;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i am willing to state that the reason nobody discovered anything interesting since the 90s or so is because they haven't. 1507309;1469032875;asciilifeform;wake me up when there is any support for this hypothesis. 1507310;1469032902;mircea_popescu;obviously, if you'e looking at a picture of snatch, catlols etc, best to scroll through. if you are trying to decide if there is or is not a nuclear base there ; a cancer cell there, etc 1507311;1469032908;mircea_popescu;you WILL look at the fucking bit values 1507312;1469032909;asciilifeform;overall i agree with 'folks dumbly copy, paste, dun think things through' 1507313;1469032911;mircea_popescu;you will, or you're no good. 1507314;1469032935;asciilifeform;you will look at the ~relevant~ zoom level. 1507315;1469032954;mircea_popescu;no, because bullshit interpolation is no good. 1507316;1469032960;asciilifeform;rather than at protons of cancer cell, because you get the notion that they differ from regular protons in your garden. 1507317;1469032980;mircea_popescu;they do. they're the protons of the cancer cell. 1507318;1469032992;mircea_popescu;the world was built on logos. deal with it. 1507319;1469033001;mircea_popescu;fucking inept wanna-be demiurge of drawing shit omg. 1507320;1469033020;PeterL;protons differ, that is how NMR/MRI works 1507321;1469033026;mircea_popescu;$google "fiat lux, zise cu gura plina, si pe loc se si facu lumina" 1507322;1469033026;deedbot;No results. 1507323;1469033030;mircea_popescu;pff. 1507324;1469033062;asciilifeform;PeterL: they differ like the letters on my keyboard differ from yours. 1507325;1469033084;PeterL;isn't your keyboard cyrilic? 1507326;1469033087;asciilifeform;no? 1507327;1469033094;*;asciilifeform never in his entire life owned a non-latin kbd 1507328;1469033102;asciilifeform;though... i might have a japanese one somewhere. 1507329;1469033106;PeterL;nevermind, was supposed to be joke 1507330;1469033106;asciilifeform;pretty sure i do. 1507331;1469033119;asciilifeform;PeterL: phf i think might have a genuine cyrillic kbd somewhere 1507332;1469033133;asciilifeform;i haven't even ~seen~ one since '92 or so 1507333;1469033152;asciilifeform;PeterL: most orc folk use transliteratrons of one kind or another. 1507334;1469033259;PeterL;OK, but still, there are differing protons. Not all are the same, just like not all keys on the keyboard are the same, is that the metaphor you were going for? 1507335;1469033278;asciilifeform;if you heat the thing to 5000K and they come out, they will be same as any other proton. 1507336;1469033290;PeterL;yes, so? 1507337;1469033293;asciilifeform;so they are same. 1507338;1469033308;PeterL;they have the potential to be the same, right now they are different 1507339;1469033323;asciilifeform;the idempotence of items like electron is whole basis of chemistry. 1507340;1469033336;asciilifeform;they are not different, just emplaced differently. 1507341;1469033339;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> if you heat the thing to 5000K and they come out << dude... gohead cancer to 500k. wtf is with you. 1507342;1469033351;PeterL;what does that have to do with graphical/alphabetic notations? 1507343;1469033351;asciilifeform;discussing idempotence of the parts. 1507344;1469033365;mircea_popescu;but you're discussing something that is entirely unrelated to what we were discussing. 1507345;1469033366;asciilifeform;PeterL: the zoom levels item. 1507346;1469033367;mircea_popescu;this is not discusing! 1507347;1469033389;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu's assertion that 'you ought to take the benzyl ring and look at the bits of the jpeg' 1507348;1469033455;asciilifeform;granted, it is difficult to avoid doing this, mentally, on occasion - when dealing with, e.g., vsepr 1507349;1469033460;mircea_popescu;what i said was that a) ultimately all data is in point of fact data, and unless you're fucking around you will wish to look at the data ; b) that "Saving time" is only useful to people in a hurry ; and people thinking are seldomly in a hurry. rather than play with a desk weight while i try to comprehend x item, i might as well longhand its structure. 1507350;1469033495;asciilifeform;'the data' is not strictly defined, nor the instrument with which to look productively - raster display, or teletype, or play it through the sound card (i sometimes do...) 1507351;1469033509;mircea_popescu;and, to all unstubborn engineers and others present : when encountering a difficult problem, do try and EXPLAIN IT. in writing. 1507352;1469033513;asciilifeform;i've experimented with playing protein structures, yes, through sound card. 1507353;1469033522;mircea_popescu;it's the fundamental reason "correspondence" even exists as a thing in science. 1507354;1469033532;mircea_popescu;language makes people smarter. 1507355;1469033573;asciilifeform;~correct abstraction~ makes people smarter. 1507356;1469033579;asciilifeform;sometimes, it is a custom language. 1507357;1469033596;asciilifeform;sometimes - plastic motherfucking models. 1507358;1469033601;asciilifeform;(nobody ever beat these for chem) 1507359;1469033603;asciilifeform;NOBODY. 1507360;1469033606;mircea_popescu;it's also a large part of why i even bother with trilema, otherwise i could just put up a page consisting of http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/penis.jpg 1507361;1469033646;asciilifeform;l0l 1507362;1469039189;phf;i think i might've had a cyrillic keyboard at some point. fwiw they are usually dual labeled, e.g. on Q you're also going to have a smaller Й somewhere on the side 1507363;1469039274;phf;i haven't seen one of those since russia though. or maybe i brought it with my old computer, but strange i probably would've kept it. 1507364;1469039474;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506525 << it's not fiction, the facts are sourced, the interpretation that bey puts on them is his own though and i feel like he often stretches it to keep the narrative consistent with the "utopias" part of his premise 1507365;1469039475;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:22 mats: oh wait, these are fictional huh 1507366;1469041217;mircea_popescu;guy's some brit though neh ? 1507367;1469041993;thestringpuller;i have a puzzle for http developers 1507368;1469042007;thestringpuller;so i copy a raw http request from soapui, i put it into the raw section of postman 1507369;1469042026;thestringpuller;SOAPUI gets the correct response, postman causes 500 error 1507370;1469042219;jurov;what's soapui and psotman? 1507371;1469042290;jurov;it can be caused by millionc possible things 1507372;1469044484;mircea_popescu;put wireshark on, see what the difference is. 1507373;1469044549;mircea_popescu;alternatively, send telnet/curl raw like sane ppl. wtf is postman. 1507374;1469044552;trinque;teh parallel with "look at the data!!" from earlier vs "UI" as styled high-level API 1507375;1469044561;mircea_popescu;ikr? 1507376;1469044580;mircea_popescu;and teh parallel with http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506568 1507377;1469044580;a111;Logged on 2016-07-19 23:51 mircea_popescu: at this point, project either delivers and is done or takes on life of own. if takes on life, then 3. more wizards are added, they slowly asm-ify the loops, inside out. 1507378;1469044587;mircea_popescu;sooner or later all abstraction melts away. 1507379;1469044794;mircea_popescu;oh and speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-18#1504500 : so i was scammed into watching A TV SHOW. not substantially different from "pride and prejudice"/random televisa production. lotta spurious "interpersonal relations" shots without much logic interspersed with meaningless "warfare" shots without much logic. 1507380;1469044794;a111;Logged on 2016-07-18 00:43 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu re: http://trilema.com/2016/sobieski-si-romanii , didja ever see mega-film 'ogniem i mieczem' ? 1507381;1469044884;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: did you even see same thing i saw ? 1507382;1469044898;asciilifeform;it was a 3-parter - iirc part 1 made in '90s, 2 - '80s, 3 - '70s (yes) 1507383;1469044955;mircea_popescu;4 parts, with a deeply inept izabella scorupco 1507384;1469044976;asciilifeform;4?! 1507385;1469044985;mircea_popescu;yeah. well i only managed to get through ~1.5 1507386;1469044999;mircea_popescu;fucking bond extras thinking themselves actresses wtf is this. 1507387;1469045070;mircea_popescu;what did you like anyway, the costumes ? 1507388;1469045077;asciilifeform;http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064785 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072021 and http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0128378 . that makes 3 1507389;1469045079;asciilifeform;what was 4 ? 1507390;1469045093;mircea_popescu;ugh. i guess ima go look now. 1507391;1469045192;mircea_popescu;4th starts wqith scene of ilsa in shot with the bizarro "witch" woman (typical televisa shot, both face the camera, because totally this is how people interact) ; ends with balcony scene of the obnoxious derp + ilsa wedding. 1507392;1469045212;asciilifeform;yeah but wtf was 4th? when filmed ? can haz imdb ? 1507393;1469045215;mircea_popescu;wtf was with that guy, there's a montage worth a good 10 minutes of him gurning meaninglessly at the [mostly burning] scenery 1507394;1469045229;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect it might have just been re-cut for convenience ? 1507395;1469045234;asciilifeform;this is possible. 1507396;1469045236;mircea_popescu;ie, they made it into 4 parts. 1507397;1469045253;asciilifeform;so which of these did mircea_popescu see 1.5 of ? 1507398;1469045253;mircea_popescu;tho it starts and ends with credits, so im guessing prolly stolen from some polish tv ? 1507399;1469045259;mircea_popescu;1 and ~2 1507400;1469045268;asciilifeform;ah. 1507401;1469045274;mircea_popescu;i managed to crawl up to the part where the weird woman reads auspices in water wheel. 1507402;1469045277;asciilifeform;the older chunks are better. 1507403;1469045307;asciilifeform;at any rate if mircea_popescu knows of better film about rzeczpospolita, let's have it. 1507404;1469045309;mircea_popescu;but this is in no sense a film 1507405;1469045315;mircea_popescu;it's a tv show. like the price is right and jeopardy. 1507406;1469045348;asciilifeform;y'mean in 20 min chunks with 15m of ads ? 1507407;1469045349;asciilifeform;mno. 1507408;1469045361;asciilifeform;it was - film. 1507409;1469045383;mircea_popescu;i mean it's vignettes of no internal sense, designed to appeal to the emotional brain of middle aged women, strewn together by no glue other than the happenstance of having been so presented. 1507410;1469045393;mircea_popescu;like porn, exactly. except without the redeeming value of cunt. 1507411;1469045404;asciilifeform;i'm not actually sure who it was for. i liked because - weird enough. 1507412;1469045405;mircea_popescu;i suppose "rzeczpospolita" may substitute for the perverse ? 1507413;1469045418;mircea_popescu;anyways. ima just mark down that you really liked the hats an' move on. 1507414;1469045425;asciilifeform;i liked the stakes. 1507415;1469045435;mircea_popescu;same difference. 1507416;1469045439;asciilifeform;lolk. 1507417;1469045459;mircea_popescu;fetishism, you understand me ? "i like this book because of the way capital letters are drawn at beginning of paragraph" 1507418;1469045579;asciilifeform;fair'nuff 1507419;1469045772;mircea_popescu;one of the very best offerings in comparative cinematography, btw, is imo http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1422122/ ; a collection of 5 or so shorts - coupla of which made by exceptional directors, which shows ; the rest made by inept derps (hanno hofer worst of the lot), and they look exactly like "someone filmed 80 30second ad clips and spliced them together) 1507420;1469045795;mircea_popescu;if i ran a culture of cinema phd programme i'd spend a few hours with that thing. 1507421;1469048560;shinohai;mircea_popescu: re: wordpress so is there a better way to do all this than the lamp behemoth ? 1507422;1469048693;shinohai;smeday 1507423;1469049770;trinque;gonna need an OS, web server, db, programming language neh? 1507424;1469049866;trinque;shinohai: https://wiki.debian.org/WordPress 1507425;1469049904;trinque;minus the part where you install the wordpress apt package 1507426;1469049980;trinque;apt-cache showpkg wordpress << should give ya list of packages you'll need 1507427;1469050423;shinohai;thx trinque 1507428;1469050660;shinohai;http://archive.is/YwpPu <<< this is just autism, plain and simple. 1507429;1469050779;mircea_popescu;shinohai in theory. in practice, no. 1507430;1469050849;mircea_popescu;in any case, we're way the fuck better off with you putting in the medium-skilled 100s of hours to get this working ; and then gradually improving on that basis - than to wait for someone to put in the 10`000s of hours of very highly qualified work to replace lamp&all. 1507431;1469050903;mircea_popescu;and no, it's not autism, they're hatching the cornel derp as "expert" for teh future. 1507432;1469050932;mircea_popescu;shit dun work, but it's all they know how to do, so it's all they're doing. "should be good enough". 1507433;1469051001;mircea_popescu;and in other coindesk & "mainstream" media matters news, http://65.media.tumblr.com/ea9bfe6523f04b7fa3660d3bd034b83c/tumblr_njzygprU981tme9oio1_1280.jpg 1507434;1469051474;danielpbarron;and in other channels news >> Clash> I spoof my phone's location to manipulate Pokemon Go. << nifty idea huh? I don't know the game well enough but it sounds like someone could rile up a lot of feathers if they took this concept to the extreme 1507435;1469051589;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/15Om 1507436;1469051590;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1507437;1469051608;thestringpuller;oh no! 1507438;1469051877;thestringpuller;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/15On 1507439;1469051877;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1507440;1469052045;trinque;danielpbarron: cell phone's still a radio beacon at a particular place even if it's lying to whatever API 1507441;1469052072;trinque;$s stingray 1507442;1469052072;a111;11 results for "stingray", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=stingray 1507443;1469052782;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron not really that hard to do afaik 1507444;1469053212;pete_dushenski;http://www.lse.ac.uk/economicHistory/workingPapers/2016/WP249.pdf << "The results indicate that scientists, engineers or technicians were not well-represented among the British great inventors, and their contributions remained unspecialized until very late in the nineteenth century. For developing countries today, the implications are that costly investments in specialized human capital resources might be 1507445;1469053212;pete_dushenski; less important than incentives for creativity, flexibility, and the ability to make incremental adjustments that can transform existing technologies into inventions that are appropriate for prevailing domestic conditions." << basically get the govn't out of the way and que sera sera, the meat will be what it'll be. 1507446;1469053502;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506866 << i guess i don't subscribe to the theory of server scarcity. at least not any more than the theory of global food scarcity. if server only does one thing for one man, so be it. 1507447;1469053502;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 04:07 ben_vulpes: go, try to remove cpanel from a machine. 1507448;1469053561;ben_vulpes;feel free to boil shit in gutter oil in your own kitchen. 1507449;1469053579;ben_vulpes;just ain't kosher. 1507450;1469053595;ben_vulpes;and whoever said scarce, or anything like that. 1507451;1469053600;ben_vulpes;os reinstalls are trivial. 1507452;1469053607;ben_vulpes;should one care to. 1507453;1469053612;ben_vulpes;idem server purchases. 1507454;1469053647;pete_dushenski;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506883 << cheers. i'll let you know if i come up with any more questions about cock.li 1507455;1469053647;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 10:47 Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1506544 << i've a $10 vps, no complaints, i did the initial ipv4 probing off of that. didn't run any i/o etc benchmarks tho. any particular questions (i can run some benchmark if you want) 1507456;1469053650;ben_vulpes;"nah it's fine, i'll just have the shit-cooking kitchen *over there*" 1507457;1469053700;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: i'm still not sure i see the angle but it's probably fair to blame my own ignorance on the subject 1507458;1469053733;ben_vulpes;looks like you 'just want to' server stats from here. 1507459;1469053733;*;pete_dushenski isn't chef, still sous sous sous sous chef 1507460;1469053836;pete_dushenski;i've had no issues with cpanel in the past, nor is 'cpanel doesn't unglue without reformatting' a cause to abandon it in my book 1507461;1469053842;ben_vulpes;tools you might consider instead, fail2ban, iptables, apache mod_status 1507462;1469053851;ben_vulpes;should you give a shit 1507463;1469053868;ben_vulpes;i mean yeah, it's a microwave, to continue the cooking metaphor. 1507464;1469053877;pete_dushenski;^ 1507465;1469053888;ben_vulpes;rattles water molecules, makes $thing hot 1507466;1469053908;*;pete_dushenski is fond of the micro onde 1507467;1469053936;ben_vulpes;i have a live in chef for food, and my own two hands for servers. 1507468;1469053962;ben_vulpes;jus ribbin ya 1507469;1469053979;pete_dushenski;lolk 1507470;1469054005;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozDDYcyrCNE << ever hear of letterkenny, pete_dushenski ? 1507471;1469054025;pete_dushenski;i'm content with a few hot meals a week, the rest, i scavenge. makes the hot meals all the better. 1507472;1469054050;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: hm nope. 1507473;1469054065;*;pete_dushenski watching 1507474;1469054070;*;ben_vulpes watches again 1507475;1469054129;pete_dushenski;btw mazel tov on the new pad, ben_vulpes 1507476;1469054196;ben_vulpes;ty, that's just money though 1507477;1469054204;ben_vulpes;fence was the actually onerous thing. 1507478;1469054245;pete_dushenski;ha, that vid is priceless. 1507479;1469054261;ben_vulpes;here there's another good one with the hockey players 1507480;1469054277;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rSBmOgpcDE 1507481;1469054284;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: whaddya mean 'that's just money' ? you did buy house for little vulpes fam, no ? 1507482;1469054296;ben_vulpes;nono, america es un pais pobre 1507483;1469054303;ben_vulpes;but the rent and the move etc are just money 1507484;1469054332;pete_dushenski;lol america can be pobre without you being pobre 1507485;1469054359;pete_dushenski;i've been looking high and low for a decent house rental 1507486;1469054377;ben_vulpes;i moved out of the city! 1507487;1469054380;ben_vulpes;that's the best part 1507488;1469054383;pete_dushenski;it just... isn't the culture here. pickings are slim as shit. 1507489;1469054394;pete_dushenski;how far out ? 1507490;1469054394;ben_vulpes;i saw a few vancouver rentals this weekend 1507491;1469054397;ben_vulpes;blech 1507492;1469054412;ben_vulpes;8.3 ish miles from the office 1507493;1469054426;ben_vulpes;35 minute ride in and out 1507494;1469054435;ben_vulpes;85%+ of it on dedicated bike routes 1507495;1469054450;ben_vulpes;and by dedicated i mean physically segregated and no stopping. 1507496;1469054457;ben_vulpes;'springwater corridor' etc 1507497;1469054471;ben_vulpes;quite idyllic, and far enough out that people whose egos are tied up in 1507498;1469054478;ben_vulpes;'living in portland' aren't interested 1507499;1469054491;ben_vulpes;plus the american flags and crosses and big pickups tend to scare the hipsters away. 1507500;1469054541;pete_dushenski;sounds... lovely. 1507501;1469054552;ben_vulpes;no sidewalks. 1507502;1469054565;ben_vulpes;i did not envision living in a neighborhood without sidewalks. 1507503;1469054566;pete_dushenski;and you can cycle year round neh ? 1507504;1469054577;ben_vulpes;i mean raingear's a thing 1507505;1469054596;ben_vulpes;kinda obligatory in the summer for commuters due to the wacky climate dynamics in the area. 1507506;1469054606;ben_vulpes;"most likely won't rain" every day 1507507;1469054619;ben_vulpes;*even* in the summer. 1507508;1469054660;pete_dushenski;http://monroenews.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2014/02/16/Outdoors_Fat_Bikes_Gorc_t670.jpg?b3f6a5d7692ccc373d56e40cf708e3fa67d9af9d << this is what winter riding looks like 'round these parts. 1507509;1469054680;ben_vulpes;haw 1507510;1469054683;pete_dushenski;i'm halfway considering 'fat tire' cycle even 1507511;1469054744;ben_vulpes;give this town two inches of snow and you get https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCoxOReXlHI 1507512;1469054759;ben_vulpes;happens pretty reliably once every other winter or so 1507513;1469054770;pete_dushenski;in other news no one here can use, i'm brokering a rather minty 1991 porsche 964/911 carrera 4 coupe manual if anyone's in the air-cooled market. 1507514;1469054799;*;ben_vulpes has enough cars, salivating over pickups and haustrucks these days 1507515;1469054811;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: lol mega skillz on display. like 'stars on ice' 1507516;1469054819;ben_vulpes;town of derps. 1507517;1469054844;ben_vulpes;and they think they only behave that way /on ice/ 1507518;1469054906;pete_dushenski;http://bringatrailer.com/listing/1947-mercury-79m-woody-wagon/ << betcha you could make a darling house outta this girl 1507519;1469055014;pete_dushenski;http://trilema.com/2013/whore-strat/ << ok now this is just flat-out impressive. from whence such a display of creativity and courage ? 1507520;1469055063;ben_vulpes;idly considering acquiring several old trailers, rehabing them with ladybird and renting them out 1507521;1469055113;ben_vulpes;in large part to avoid showing taxable incomes 1507522;1469055124;pete_dushenski;not a bad strat. 1507523;1469056543;thestringpuller;the 90's are alive in portlant 1507524;1469056547;thestringpuller;portland* 1507525;1469056631;ben_vulpes;never died 1507526;1469056791;BingoBoingo;. 1507527;1469057086;BingoBoingo;People who plead aren't news because not people 1507528;1469057120;BingoBoingo;also thestringpuller when did shinohai let you on his dpastey thing? 1507529;1469057154;shinohai;did you tell me you didn't like that pastebin and I forgot ? 1507530;1469057223;BingoBoingo;Oh it was your piece? 1507531;1469057247;BingoBoingo;But yeah 1507532;1469057252;BingoBoingo;pastebin is the suck 1507533;1469057267;BingoBoingo;Oh, no thestringpuller's sig 1507534;1469057287;BingoBoingo;But yeah you're the only person to use it and then thestringpuller gets an invite before I do? 1507535;1469057450;shinohai;i mean, no invite really needed just curl lol 1507536;1469057472;BingoBoingo;oh, ic 1507537;1469057482;shinohai;cat article.asc | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io 1507538;1469057507;BingoBoingo;oh, ic 1507539;1469057550;shinohai;wordpress makes wiki articles look kinda nice 1507540;1469057750;thestringpuller;SUre 1507541;1469057819;thestringpuller;yea. ix.is is good for qntra writers. just make script to dump gpg turd into ix.is and then i can just dump that to irc 1507542;1469058352;phf;zhttp://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507246 << it's a term of art from the 90s, back when malware carried exclusively destructive payload, but since then particular broken latin form morphed into oldfag leet speak for "malware" 1507543;1469058352;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 16:24 shinohai: Kind of imagined you meant plural of viruses there. 1507544;1469058415;phf;pretty sure most 90s script kiddies at some point cracked latin dictionary and went "waitaminute" followed immediately by "well, what the hell, that's kind of cool on its own" 1507545;1469058486;shinohai;ah kk 1507546;1469058829;thestringpuller;drop the spike! 1507547;1469060233;phf;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/07/kickasstorrents-alleged-founder-artem-vaulin-arrested-in-poland/ 1507548;1469060287;phf;sux 1507549;1469060291;BingoBoingo;yeah 1507550;1469060747;deedbot;[Qntra] Alleged Hero Arrested - http://qntra.net/2016/07/alleged-hero-arrested/ 1507551;1469061086;shinohai;btw pete_dushenski cheers for `blacked.com` 1507552;1469061117;pete_dushenski;heh 1507553;1469061171;pete_dushenski;"specifically the one who though Mark Karpelès did it." << thought. 1507554;1469061471;mircea_popescu;dang... thisis going to be >1k lines a day isn't it. 1507555;1469061502;BingoBoingo;fxd 1507556;1469061649;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507445 << hence alf's etc "bombmaking in your garage" complaint6. 1507557;1469061649;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 22:20 pete_dushenski: less important than incentives for creativity, flexibility, and the ability to make incremental adjustments that can transform existing technologies into inventions that are appropriate for prevailing domestic conditions." << basically get the govn't out of the way and que sera sera, the meat will be what it'll be. 1507558;1469061673;mircea_popescu;they have a point. when i cant get a bottle of nitric acid to carelessly spill on table, there's not going to be any inventions. 1507559;1469061778;pete_dushenski;kudos to B. Zorina Khan for the enlightened perspective. hey, maybe (s)he's even a log reader. 1507560;1469061781;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507458 << ftr, awstats or w/e you're using is just a python script, you can get it standalone. 1507561;1469061781;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 22:28 ben_vulpes: looks like you 'just want to' server stats from here. 1507562;1469061824;pete_dushenski;aha. 1507563;1469061862;ben_vulpes;the entire point i apparently failed to make. 1507564;1469061901;mircea_popescu;alternatively, phpmyadmin is also just a script you can get standalone. tho in generall it's a case of "people haven't actually ever tried to cli mysql because nobody ever told them they could" 1507565;1469061917;ben_vulpes;repl up 1507566;1469061924;ben_vulpes;getcher hands dirty 1507567;1469061930;ben_vulpes;and put that motherfuckin browser down, kid 1507568;1469061935;*;mircea_popescu still recalls the utter "holy shit" face of chick when shown this magic 1507569;1469061940;mircea_popescu;I DONT ACTUALLY NEED THE WEB ?!?!?! 1507570;1469061944;ben_vulpes;no. 1507571;1469061946;ben_vulpes;no, you don't. 1507572;1469061951;*;ben_vulpes has seen this face. 1507573;1469061958;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1507574;1469061963;ben_vulpes;so well 1507575;1469061980;mircea_popescu;"of fucking course you can paste sql results into grep. it's called a pipe. and alternatively... you could just write your sql correctly" 1507576;1469061983;mircea_popescu;*face* 1507577;1469062004;ben_vulpes;psql will even shit csvs 1507578;1469062009;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: ^^ 1507579;1469062013;mircea_popescu;:D 1507580;1469062128;ben_vulpes;tooootally tangentially and not at all related to anything else, would there be any reason to store merkleroots, block/txn hashes as integers vs byte arrays? 1507581;1469062145;mircea_popescu;should be a fucking data type. 1507582;1469062154;ben_vulpes;what, "hash" as its own data type? 1507583;1469062163;mircea_popescu;merkle root as its own data type 1507584;1469062222;ben_vulpes;well the mr is a hash of hashes, no? doesn't have much structure to it. 1507585;1469062230;ben_vulpes;the tree, though... 1507586;1469062249;mircea_popescu;right, right. merkle TREE as its own data type. 1507587;1469062256;ben_vulpes;yeah, yeah. 1507588;1469062270;mircea_popescu;i suppose unrelated to your q so nm. 1507589;1469062272;ben_vulpes;my question is about data in the blockchain. eg merkle roots, block/txn hashes. 1507590;1469062283;ben_vulpes;don't disagree! just...not relevant. 1507591;1469062290;mircea_popescu;ya 1507592;1469062408;ben_vulpes;anyways, very interested on notions about tradeoffs of byte arrays vs. massive integers 1507593;1469062474;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507470 << the only good one of this was the one with the southern womenz. i have nfi why everyone thought they could do a version of their own. 1507594;1469062474;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 22:33 ben_vulpes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozDDYcyrCNE << ever hear of letterkenny, pete_dushenski ? 1507595;1469062475;mircea_popescu;they can't. 1507596;1469062503;mircea_popescu;was this in the logs ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUFL2GT1-2g 1507597;1469062590;ben_vulpes;yes 1507598;1469062663;ben_vulpes;that's not nearly southern women as it is "women who live in suburbia in the south of usgistan" 1507599;1469062666;phf;ben_vulpes: if you're talking lisp, there's no reason not to store those values as numbers 1507600;1469062687;ben_vulpes;phf: talking postgres, actually. 1507601;1469062690;phf;ben_vulpes: in fact reading a hash becomes (parse-integer ... :base 16) 1507602;1469062719;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507493 << what do you ride, goats ? 1507603;1469062720;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 22:40 ben_vulpes: 35 minute ride in and out 1507604;1469062734;ben_vulpes;phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-04#1186243 1507605;1469062734;a111;Logged on 2015-07-04 00:48 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: could do an even shorter/sweeter bidirectional (!) version with 'binary-types' ( http://www.cliki.net/binary-types ) 1507606;1469062770;hanbot;mircea_popescu everyone in ben_vulpes 'land smokes pot. you do know how potsmokers drive, do you? 1507607;1469062782;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: a bicycle. 1507608;1469062794;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/test-de-americana/#comment-118152 << check it out, dude fucking nailed it! 1507609;1469062802;mircea_popescu;hanbot ahahaha zing. 1507610;1469062810;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes bro do you even pedal. 1507611;1469062825;mod6;heheh 1507612;1469062827;ben_vulpes;so hard bro 1507613;1469062828;ben_vulpes;so hard 1507614;1469062838;mircea_popescu;lol 1507615;1469062848;ben_vulpes;TARTS OFF 1507616;1469062850;ben_vulpes;LET'S GO 1507617;1469062863;mircea_popescu;#trilema. best testosterone. also almonds. 1507618;1469062880;phf;ben_vulpes: well, binary types are unrelated to the issue though. binary types you declare your struct, you still want to decide yourself what goes in the struct. treating hashes as numbers makes sense if you're going full lisp, i.e. you're actually going to do math with those numbers (which is at the end of the day their whole purpose), unless it's not actually a hash but a bit mask or a xor'd something or other 1507619;1469062929;mircea_popescu;phf his question is not really formulated. "best" what, "least likely to be fucked up by the c compiler" ? 1507620;1469062964;ben_vulpes;ftr i do an average 24.6 km/h for thirty five minutes. 1507621;1469062986;mircea_popescu;i walk faster than that! backwards! 1507622;1469062995;ben_vulpes;nonsense! 1507623;1469063004;ben_vulpes;get out of here with your sticks and magic numbers 1507624;1469063007;mircea_popescu;i walk about 14-14.5. 1507625;1469063054;mircea_popescu;no joek. 1507626;1469063091;ben_vulpes;that stroll we took in ba never cracked ten 1507627;1469063109;mircea_popescu;tru. can't properly walk with womenz present. 1507628;1469063113;ben_vulpes;ho ho ho 1507629;1469063123;ben_vulpes;said the ostrich 1507630;1469063125;mircea_popescu;do you do 24.6km/h with teh woman ? 1507631;1469063139;hanbot;by getting her some combat bootz. 1507632;1469063151;ben_vulpes;girl dun bike 1507633;1469063173;mircea_popescu;hanbot nah, human female is built to not be fast enough. 1507634;1469063184;ben_vulpes;can't be sent out for infrastructure on a bike 1507635;1469063186;mircea_popescu;but for this bit, we'd be extinct. 1507636;1469063192;ben_vulpes;nobody can be sent out for infrastructure on a bike. 1507637;1469063209;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes sorry wut ? sent what ? 1507638;1469063212;*;hanbot has a small aneurysm 1507639;1469063232;ben_vulpes;phf: i'd like to stick these values into postgres, not hold them in memory in a lisp process. 1507640;1469063241;ben_vulpes;hence the question of 'integer vs. byte array' 1507641;1469063242;mircea_popescu;hanbot it's an anthopological fact. if woman could outran man the species would not be here. 1507642;1469063269;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: 'could' doesn't explain why whole cities stood still on the plain for slaughter and rape by the mongols 1507643;1469063270;hanbot;species shmechiesh 1507644;1469063280;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507508 << ok those kinda rule. redneck bikes! 1507645;1469063280;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 22:44 pete_dushenski: http://monroenews.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2014/02/16/Outdoors_Fat_Bikes_Gorc_t670.jpg?b3f6a5d7692ccc373d56e40cf708e3fa67d9af9d << this is what winter riding looks like 'round these parts. 1507646;1469063309;mircea_popescu;you can always tell an anthropologist by that womenz and bikers are in a confederacy against him! 1507647;1469063365;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: will have to send me a bottle of whatever he's enjoying tonight 1507648;1469063374;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha ahahaha omfg that "o noes snow" vid is priceless 1507649;1469063379;mircea_popescu;it's like cats driving 1507650;1469063470;pete_dushenski;"redneck bikes!" << rich rednecks too. og 'fat bikes' were >$5k until the last year or two when clunkier steel $2k models starting hitting stores. 1507651;1469063484;pete_dushenski;s/started/starting 1507652;1469063571;pete_dushenski;which i guess basically describes albertans in a nutshell : a buncha rich rednecks 1507653;1469063614;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: semi-relatedly, the delicas are migrating south 1507654;1469063615;pete_dushenski;"culture ? what culture ? imma wear my cowboy boots to the opera goshdarnit!" 1507655;1469063662;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: delicas ? 1507656;1469063669;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1507519 << no one knows. from her mommy ? 1507657;1469063670;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 22:50 pete_dushenski: http://trilema.com/2013/whore-strat/ << ok now this is just flat-out impressive. from whence such a display of creativity and courage ? 1507658;1469063671;ben_vulpes;$g delica 1507659;1469063697;pete_dushenski;;;ud delica 1507660;1469063698;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 1507661;1469063705;ben_vulpes;coulda sworn that was a thing 1507662;1469063719;ben_vulpes;mitsu adventurewagons 1507663;1469063726;ben_vulpes;anyways, client has arrived for dinner 1507664;1469063730;ben_vulpes;adieu 1507665;1469063733;pete_dushenski;celica is the toyota sporty car... 1507666;1469063750;ben_vulpes;https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1a/45/bd/1a45bd0b88ba0870b0d4ff42c9ab3b5c.jpg 1507667;1469063756;ben_vulpes;;;ud lmgtfy 1507668;1469063757;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 1507669;1469063772;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: aha! we've had those for a coon's age. 15yo import laws baby. suck it. 1507670;1469063782;pete_dushenski;anyways, cheerio 1507671;1469064281;shinohai;$gettrust webbyz 1507672;1469064281;deedbot;L1: 0, L2: 0 by 0 connections. 1507673;1469064367;phf;ben_vulpes: well, fwiw that question doesn't quite make sense from postgresql perspective either :) since your actual choice is to store decoded byte array in a BYTEA, decoded number in NUMERIC or original hash in CHAR. integer won't fit an entire hash, since it's 4 bytes. 1507674;1469064375;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: that's a hell of a mommy. 1507675;1469064796;phf;ben_vulpes: but i'm just being pedantic 1507676;1469064807;phf;well, now kat.cr is down too.. 1507677;1469065214;phf;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-20#1506980 << emacs has (standard-display-cyrillic-translit "Russian"), which i remember being enabled on the dos build of emacs 1507678;1469065214;a111;Logged on 2016-07-20 14:28 asciilifeform: the only proggy i've ever encountered which did. 1507679;1469069051;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507676 :( yup 1507680;1469069051;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 01:33 phf: well, now kat.cr is down too.. 1507681;1469070771;pete_dushenski;https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/MeredithStatement.pdf << you can't resign from usg.trump just because you're illiterate and didn't do your job (resignation letter from speechwriterlady who not-so-lightly lifted bits from usg.michelle and gave them to usg.melania) 1507682;1469072126;pete_dushenski;sorry, not resignation letter, just statement about resignation letter. 1507683;1469073093;mircea_popescu;the us election drama intensifies ? 1507684;1469073267;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: the mastermind behind 14 seasons of 'the apprentice' always provideth the lulz 1507685;1469073290;Joshua-I;Pretty much the same intensity it has been this whole time 1507686;1469073359;mircea_popescu;maybe gets better as winter comes. 1507687;1469073415;Joshua-I;Well it's all going down in November 1507688;1469073422;Joshua-I;Maybe someone will shoot him in the face 1507689;1469073425;Joshua-I;lul 1507690;1469073428;pete_dushenski;i thought august was supposed to be the 'hot month' 1507691;1469073432;pete_dushenski;in general. 1507692;1469073571;mircea_popescu;maybe trump comes out as a transsexual. 1507693;1469073597;Joshua-I;but why 1507694;1469073731;pete_dushenski;because no true scotsman has hands that small. 1507695;1469073756;Joshua-I;they must have some advantage 1507696;1469074174;Joshua-I;What news outlets do you folks read anyhow 1507697;1469075957;ben_vulpes;qntra, mostly 1507698;1469075966;ben_vulpes;a hand-curated selection of rss feeds 1507699;1469075971;ben_vulpes;oh gcaptain 1507700;1469075981;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly hoooooly shit the retardation on display in #django 1507701;1469075995;ben_vulpes;"where are the docs installed with ancient djangos in virtualenvs?" 1507702;1469075997;ben_vulpes;"what?" 1507703;1469076005;ben_vulpes;"documentation. you know. as what readthedocs is generated from." 1507704;1469076009;ben_vulpes;"oh. have you tried readthedocs?" 1507705;1469076036;ben_vulpes;"yes. eric holscher in his infinite wisdom removed documentation for 1.3.5" 1507706;1469076042;ben_vulpes;"oh. you should probably upgrade." 1507707;1469076048;ben_vulpes;"mno. not worth the cost." 1507708;1469076052;ben_vulpes;"oh. have you installed dash?" 1507709;1469076065;ben_vulpes;"why the everloving fuck would i install 500 mb of webkit for shit that should have been packaged with the source?" 1507710;1469076081;ben_vulpes;"haha but why aren't you upgrading?" 1507711;1469076133;ben_vulpes;phf: i know, i meant 'integer' in the abstract, with numeric as the concrete implementation that i'd use. 1507712;1469076179;ben_vulpes;CHAR[] didn't make much sense to me, because a hash isn't instrinsically a set of characters, except insofar as a byte array can be seen as a set of characters, but which characters... 1507713;1469076238;ben_vulpes;but it lends the benefit of "oh, derps asked about 1b1tc01n34t3r" 1507714;1469076246;ben_vulpes;without having to cast said to a NUMERIC 1507715;1469076278;ben_vulpes;galls me on some level to think about a hash, which i concieve of as an integer, as a byte array or a set of chars. 1507716;1469077012;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes a prime example of why "helpers" aren't helpful 1507717;1469077079;mircea_popescu;and ftr, the c notion of "char" is exactly equal to the notion of byte. the thing uses words and chars. 1507718;1469077098;mircea_popescu;i guess they call the words "int" and the bytes "char" 1507719;1469077109;*;ben_vulpes is stupidly proud to actually understand this now 1507720;1469077158;phf;ben_vulpes: you might benefit from sticking byte array into CHAR[] unless i'm misremembering psql constraints on what kind of chars can go there. because bytea is going to have a 4 byte overhead, numeric an 8 byte overhead 1507721;1469077222;ben_vulpes;my worry is precisely those constraints. "only ascii chars? utf-8 monstrosities?" 1507722;1469077245;phf;also bytea is a varchar, afair you can't put a size constraint on it, so scanning over a column of varchars has some kind of overhead 1507723;1469077267;phf;err, similar to varchar, not literally a varchar 1507724;1469077293;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you understand that there's no difference between an "utf-8 character" and a number of ascii characters yes 1507725;1469077331;ben_vulpes;that i have also learned recently! 1507726;1469077344;ben_vulpes;albeit recently =~ last 3 years 1507727;1469077346;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507577 << how didja think i got the, e.g., 'list of e==1 winnerz' etc out. 1507728;1469077346;mircea_popescu;variable too, 1-4 or some shit 1507729;1469077347;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 00:46 ben_vulpes: psql will even shit csvs 1507730;1469077358;*;ben_vulpes shrugs 1507731;1469077370;ben_vulpes;you were bitching about csvs! how'm i to know what you do and do not know. 1507732;1469077392;phf;same way you're supposed to know he has more than one machine 1507733;1469077394;*;phf ducks 1507734;1469077400;ben_vulpes;get OUT 1507735;1469077410;ben_vulpes;:P 1507736;1469077436;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i was barfing at the idea that phuctor is cleanly sliceable into a piece that lives on my box and sends csv to somebody else. very much own thing, from own thread.. 1507737;1469077464;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://66.media.tumblr.com/392c689f0615d3929368a267e63a6652/tumblr_miotjkNWhp1s0hrh7o2_1280.jpg 1507738;1469077487;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507564 << i'm beginning to see where mircea_popescu got his notions about 'gui is for lamerz' 1507739;1469077487;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 00:45 mircea_popescu: alternatively, phpmyadmin is also just a script you can get standalone. tho in generall it's a case of "people haven't actually ever tried to cli mysql because nobody ever told them they could" 1507740;1469077514;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: did you nuke the 'read only pg user' notion? 1507741;1469077522;mircea_popescu;guy was for lamerz since before www was invented. 1507742;1469077533;ben_vulpes;> ynterface 1507743;1469077555;asciilifeform;gui was for lamers since lamers were issued - by mistake - computer. 1507744;1469077564;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: waiwat 1507745;1469077587;mircea_popescu;even the fucktardation of "resizable windows". you know i never used that stupid shit ? 1507746;1469077595;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: 'guy' 1507747;1469077601;mircea_popescu;if i wanted multiple viewports i'd have bought more screens. 1507748;1469077615;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, i have 1 per 1507749;1469077646;mircea_popescu;so yes, "gui" is for lamerz. there's no point in having a fucking button to click on like im serving mcfucksticks. there's no need to "shade" the "part of the window that shows you how to move it" 1507750;1469077647;mircea_popescu;etfc. 1507751;1469077661;ben_vulpes;i fight this daily on osx. 1507752;1469077665;ben_vulpes;have three monitors. 1507753;1469077675;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: again these 'are' gui in the same sense php tapeworm is 'programmer' 1507754;1469077687;ben_vulpes;1 usefully allocated to emacs, another to term, laptop screen shows kandinksy, rockets, turbines, etc on shuffle. 1507755;1469077707;mircea_popescu;yeah well your warm saltine box that moves around molecule designs in a hologralcd is not yet on sale. 1507756;1469077719;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes has entire machine to run screensaver?! 1507757;1469077722;asciilifeform;rich fella 1507758;1469077735;ben_vulpes;1 machine for three displays 1507759;1469077739;ben_vulpes;pais pobre 1507760;1469077775;ben_vulpes;and it is heinous apple box, and so there is no unified way to split, shuffle, collapse. 1507761;1469077806;ben_vulpes;i am at the very least lucky that emacs will eat CMD- 1507762;1469077821;asciilifeform;the depressing thing about the crapple lappy (and i think i have the one ben_vulpes has, the maxint one) is that it makes me pine for a few square metres of its lcd 1507763;1469077827;ben_vulpes;$s mjolnir 1507764;1469077828;a111;1 results for "mjolnir", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=mjolnir 1507765;1469077830;asciilifeform;but afaik no one sells it 1507766;1469077844;ben_vulpes;https://github.com/sdegutis/mjolnir << relatedly 1507767;1469077859;asciilifeform;can only be had in idiot 15in chunk 1507768;1469077869;ben_vulpes;it is rather nice. 1507769;1469077890;ben_vulpes;but much like growing fond of fine wines, this is a habit best not acquired. 1507770;1469077908;asciilifeform;would be much more useful if it were 10x bigger and pluggable into real comp 1507771;1469077919;asciilifeform;i would buy it. 1507772;1469077925;ben_vulpes;sure, but how'd they justify the markup on the shitboxen otherwise 1507773;1469077939;ben_vulpes;(4k!) 1507774;1469077984;asciilifeform;the other frustrating thing is that it points the wrong way. 1507775;1469078055;ben_vulpes;you're just going to have to wait for flexible displays, asciilifeform. 1507776;1469078067;asciilifeform;what would that do ? 1507777;1469078077;asciilifeform;lcd that sags? nothx 1507778;1469078079;ben_vulpes;are you not talking about a tall, instead of wide display? 1507779;1469078092;asciilifeform;aha 1507780;1469078108;ben_vulpes;which, if you'll let me finish omfg!, would suck in myriad other ways i can't wait to hear you bitch about 1507781;1469078125;asciilifeform;though idiot 'widescreen' is painful everywhichway, turn it, and it aint wide enough 1507782;1469078135;asciilifeform;use horizontally - not tall. 1507783;1469078145;ben_vulpes;anyways, laptop is not a workstation, we've done this thread. 1507784;1469078158;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i run 4 vertical displays 1507785;1469078173;asciilifeform;tell me how 'would suck' ? 1507786;1469078188;ben_vulpes;because how are you going to cram a tall display into the portable formfactor? 1507787;1469078195;ben_vulpes;i personally want a display that detaches. 1507788;1469078204;ben_vulpes;tiny little compute box. kb. monitor. 1507789;1469078237;ben_vulpes;and all on a 6-axis arm with other 6-axis arms mounted on a ball that follows me around positioning the monitor and kb just perfectly ergonomically. 1507790;1469078239;asciilifeform;what's to keep lappy from being rectangular in other way? 1507791;1469078242;ben_vulpes;so not laptop or even possible. 1507792;1469078292;asciilifeform;cue mircea_popescu 'all computers are portable!1111 mount on flatbed truck' 1507793;1469078295;ben_vulpes;naught but the economic pressures that drive laptop producers to make their wares with the fewest number of atoms possible to satisfy the cowsies. 1507794;1469078320;ben_vulpes;because shitboxen and not workstations! 1507795;1469078340;ben_vulpes;lithium ion laptop battery! eight hours of battery life, predicated on your only draining it twice! 1507796;1469078438;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507681 << wake me up when somebody without a speechwriter / ghostwriter runs. 1507797;1469078438;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 03:12 pete_dushenski: https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/MeredithStatement.pdf << you can't resign from usg.trump just because you're illiterate and didn't do your job (resignation letter from speechwriterlady who not-so-lightly lifted bits from usg.michelle and gave them to usg.melania) 1507798;1469078446;asciilifeform;for even city dogcatcher. 1507799;1469078481;asciilifeform;srsly when 'speechwriter' became a thing, it was already high time to say 'enough' 1507800;1469078505;ben_vulpes;this was i think before you were born. 1507801;1469078527;asciilifeform;before fdr even. 1507802;1469078615;ben_vulpes;subject of fdr, yarvin is peddling epubs of moldbuggery on the 'kindle store' 1507803;1469078659;asciilifeform;lulzy, moldbuggery blogspot has pdf (?) vers of it all fer phree 1507804;1469078671;ben_vulpes;go, read on kindle 1507805;1469078679;ben_vulpes;or any other e-ink thinger 1507806;1469078679;asciilifeform;i think this is largely a begging cup 1507807;1469078691;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i had them loaded there for years. 1507808;1469078693;ben_vulpes;do not underestimate the laziness of americans. 1507809;1469078704;asciilifeform;whole set. 1507810;1469078716;ben_vulpes;the pdf or hand-wgot set? 1507811;1469078723;asciilifeform;pdf 1507812;1469078734;ben_vulpes;nowai! 1507813;1469078738;asciilifeform;some rando collected it 1507814;1469078738;ben_vulpes;they fit legibly? 1507815;1469078743;asciilifeform;aha 1507816;1469078746;ben_vulpes;gracious 1507817;1469078748;ben_vulpes;how surprising 1507818;1469078777;asciilifeform;well trick is to use 'dx' or other machine with reasonably a4-like screen 1507819;1469078817;ben_vulpes;aha. 1507820;1469078822;asciilifeform;(if you like epaper, get 'dx' before it is entirely extinct) 1507821;1469078825;ben_vulpes;i've wanted one of those for a while. 1507822;1469078853;ben_vulpes;200 usd lol 1507823;1469078864;asciilifeform;was 500 new 1507824;1469078874;asciilifeform;whatever 1507825;1469078895;ben_vulpes;800 'new in box' on ebay 1507826;1469078900;asciilifeform;lel 1507827;1469078917;asciilifeform;it went out of print. permanently. 1507828;1469078923;ben_vulpes;http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kindle-DX-Free-3G-9-7-E-Ink-Display-/371688173634?hash=item568a577042:g:KjUAAOSw0fhXjouV 1507829;1469078925;ben_vulpes;noshit 1507830;1469078929;asciilifeform;now they only make the 'fits in purse' shits. 1507831;1469079072;ben_vulpes;i have one of the v2s, iirc. fits in back pocket of ~all jeans. 1507832;1469079082;ben_vulpes;i have *sat* on the thing to *zero* effect. 1507833;1469079096;ben_vulpes;this was back when i considered it disposable and not a treasure, mind you. 1507834;1469079122;asciilifeform;quite useless for nonreflowing b00kz. 1507835;1469079181;ben_vulpes;i did not begin to collect those until quite recently. 1507836;1469079579;ben_vulpes;http://theindependent.sg/smrt-secretly-shipping-35-prc-made-trains-back-to-china-for-repairs/ << i don't even 1507837;1469080060;pete_dushenski;http://theindependent.sg/minister-shanmugam-shames-his-resident-online/ << more from same rag. singapore win, or why small states cap effectively cap out ~7mn denizens. 1507838;1469093691;thestringpuller;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/15Yj 1507839;1469093692;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1507840;1469094894;thestringpuller;wow buterin underestimated the ethclassic community 1507841;1469094906;thestringpuller;they are willing to ride or die. that's actually kind of refreshing 1507842;1469095495;shinohai;how cute 1507843;1469104057;Framedragger;shinohai: re qntra on KAT, wasn't it authorities in poland, not ukraine? 1507844;1469104102;Framedragger;"On Wednesday, law enforcement in Poland arrested the alleged owner of the site, 30 year-old Artem Vaulin of Ukraine." 1507845;1469104102;shinohai;Yes I meant to start the sentence with "Polish" to clarify that. 1507846;1469104130;Framedragger;(so just to be clear it's not ukrainian prosecutors) 1507847;1469104194;shinohai;yes i need tohave BingoBoingo change that if he will thanx 1507848;1469104218;shinohai;But he will end up in US, in usascwitz prison 1507849;1469104254;Framedragger;agree, no real diff, `postsoviet block -> usa` streamlined process yay 1507850;1469106281;shinohai;http://archive.is/TeyV5 <<< lulzy 1507851;1469106564;thestringpuller;So the kickass torrent raid was partially made possible by Coinbase? 1507852;1469108670;phf;http://www.macrumors.com/2016/07/21/apple-helped-identify-kickasstorrents-owner/ 1507853;1469108685;phf;"The key piece of evidence that led authorities to Vaulin appeared to come when Apple handed over his personal details after investigators matched an IP address used to log in to the KAT Facebook page with one linked to an iTunes purchase." 1507854;1469108705;phf;well, more specifically "Records provided by Apple showed that tirm@me.com conducted an iTunes transaction using IP Address on or about July 31, 2015. The same IP Address was used on the same day to login into the KAT Facebook." 1507855;1469109082;asciilifeform;lulzy. Use Moar Arsebook, Buy Moar Payware 1507856;1469109101;asciilifeform;srsly 13333333337 w4r3z meister BUYING itunes crapolade ??! 1507857;1469109316;phf;you understimate the amount of fun those little devices provide :> ukranian guy in poland raking estimated 16 mil in ad revenue, i'm sure he had bitches and bling, rather than you know live in a safe bunker and infosec all day 1507858;1469109401;phf;but just a reminder, he violated 5th crack commandment "never sell no crack where you rest at" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85YIezL8Q9A 1507859;1469109561;mircea_popescu;you know, from my personal experience this "estimated" is exactly like "silk road did an estimated billion dollar drug trade". 1507860;1469109577;mircea_popescu;i have personally chased the "Estimated ad revenue" of such people, for years. it never came through. 1507861;1469109617;mircea_popescu;this is no actual proof, of course, "somewhere in the sky there may be". but from 100s of actually checked cases, every one turned to be an outright lie. 1507862;1469109660;mircea_popescu;meanwhile irl, silk road can't dispose of a kg of coke for 3 weeks over xmas ; and the "ad revenue guy" can't pay for his coffee. 1507863;1469109709;phf;or to quote The Guard "street value. you boys always go on about street value. i don't know which street you buying your coke at, because it's not the same street i'm buying my coke at" 1507864;1469109772;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i_XfgdNUUk 1507865;1469109814;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2010/bani-pe-blog/ << echoes of that same research made it even to trilema. 1507866;1469109852;mircea_popescu;there's actually a lot of valuable data re eeuropean "advertising market" there as a result of me running a large intel project on the topic at the time. 1507867;1469110007;mircea_popescu;but no need to reference my materia obscura. take gigaom. on the basis of "internet knowledge" would you have said he certainly makes "more from ads than ukr polish guy" ? yes. did he ? no. turns out he made less from advertising than freelaqncer makes from fixing python code. 1507868;1469110023;mircea_popescu;take gawker. really, "billion pageviews a year" ? where is it ? 1507869;1469110045;mircea_popescu;qntra made more than gawker at any point of their respective existence. 1507870;1469110345;thestringpuller;making moey off page views is so 1998 1507871;1469110369;phf;we had a thread about advertisement i think copule of times 1507872;1469110653;phf;irs claims that he was selling direct, so i don't know how that translates into money at all, it's probably all fixed bid. if he was doing google now and they didn't immediately kick him off the network, etc. he'd probably be pulling more than 5k but of course not "16mil", which is not enough to pay entire gawker staff, but enough to cover his server costs, etc. 1507873;1469111616;thestringpuller;i hate apache so much 1507874;1469112564;mircea_popescu;and if he weren't and instead did http://trilema.com/2014/askfm-laid-bare-or-whats-half-a-million-uniques-to-you/ he'd be pulling more. which isn't to say 16mn either, but the problem with "advertising" is that it being all fraud, the logical move is to buy the cheaper fortune teller, which is NEVER going to be "publisher". 1507875;1469112798;mircea_popescu;"clicked traffic" as the thing is called in the [porn] biz being about 500k to the bitcoin last i looked, sometime last year. meaning the entire yearly value of the global "online advertising" market is equivalent to a few bitcoin blocks, meaning in turn that a choice to occupy yourself with that thing is equivalent to a deliberate choice not to matter. nttawwt. 1507876;1469114176;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507789 << possibly because you never design computer in whole life. you look at fine desktop, think it need crazy shit stick on all sides of unit. you have disease of american capitalist, change thing that is fine for no reason except to look different from comrade. you put cheap rubber of chinese slave factory in keyboard, you put bad crt of mexican drug empire on other side, you put propel 1507877;1469114176;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 05:17 ben_vulpes: and all on a 6-axis arm with other 6-axis arms mounted on a ball that follows me around positioning the monitor and kb just perfectly ergonomically. 1507878;1469114176;mircea_popescu;ler on hat so are like american cartoon guy dexter boy genius. maybe you put sex dildo on bottom to fuck wife with, as explains oglaf here : http://oglaf.com/obituator/ 1507879;1469114245;*;asciilifeform just enthroned the 'model f', 0-rubber gigantic keyboard, 4kg or so of mainly steel, that he's been restoring slowly since april 1507880;1469114289;asciilifeform;http://sandy55.fc2web.com/keyboard/6110344/front_1v.jpg << this type. 1507881;1469114334;asciilifeform;also, bonus, emits ~0 rf. 1507882;1469114345;mircea_popescu;no ? 1507883;1469114360;asciilifeform;(there are no electrical switches in the thing. you can actually take a piss in it and it'll work.) 1507884;1469114401;mircea_popescu;i thought it was capacitive ? 1507885;1469114404;asciilifeform;for good measure i coated the plastic (only the top surface is plastic, the rest - 3mm steel, 3 layers thereof) in thick nickel paint 1507886;1469114423;asciilifeform;it is capacitative. but operates on ~variations~ in capacitance. 1507887;1469114429;mircea_popescu;so if you piss in it... 1507888;1469114459;asciilifeform;when piss leaks out the bottom, it will equilibrate and continue working. 1507889;1469114471;mircea_popescu;ahahaha ok 1507890;1469114564;asciilifeform;https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/animation-final-black-2.gif 1507891;1469114567;asciilifeform;^ actuator. 1507892;1469114610;asciilifeform;all of the parts (piston, which is a standard 'model m' key), spring (standard model m spring, still made), cylinder (removable individually) and flapper (ditto) are standalone 1507893;1469114641;asciilifeform;they were originally rated for 20 million cycles each at minimum. 1507894;1469114652;asciilifeform;afaik there is no known case of even 1 wearing out. 1507895;1469114696;asciilifeform;if anyone wants one of these things, you can wait a decade for it to show up on 'ebay' or the like, as i did, or you can get the modern reproduction, that someone actually makes, but be aware that it is a castrato (66 key) thing. 1507896;1469114700;asciilifeform;the original has 122. 1507897;1469114709;*;asciilifeform bbl, meat 1507898;1469114969;mircea_popescu;"in america is type from arsenal of name arsenal. is funny name to me. is like american cheese of name american cheese." ahh this guy is fucking epic. 1507899;1469115045;phf;oh i didn't realize there was a whole series of these 1507900;1469115055;mircea_popescu;oya. 1507901;1469115128;mircea_popescu;btw asciilifeform : above, I TYPED!!11, by hand, the whole fucking lengthy thing. 1507902;1469115140;mircea_popescu;i did this gladly, and i consider myself well gained from the exercise. 1507903;1469115152;mircea_popescu;there's worse things i could be doing with my time than handcopying teh masters. 1507904;1469115246;phf;asciilifeform: there seems to be a significant lack of modifier keys 1507905;1469115321;phf;the extra row of function keys looks nice though 1507906;1469115351;mircea_popescu;i will confess i almost never use the fs and rarely if at all the modifiers. 1507907;1469115358;mircea_popescu;i suppose this makes me bad conscript. 1507908;1469115406;ben_vulpes;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507876 << haw haw haw but so kidding 1507909;1469115406;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 15:16 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507789 << possibly because you never design computer in whole life. you look at fine desktop, think it need crazy shit stick on all sides of unit. you have disease of american capitalist, change thing that is fine for no reason except to look different from comrade. you put cheap rubber of chinese slave factory in keyboard, you put bad crt of mexican drug empire on other si 1507910;1469115410;phf;that is probably why your hands are still on excellent shape :> 1507911;1469115443;mircea_popescu;phf most people who spent as much as i have with computers a) wear glasses b) have various complicated nerve and tendon damage, esp wrist, elbow etc. 1507912;1469115450;mircea_popescu;i'm fine. i credit my literacy for both! 1507913;1469116279;phf;you also rely on very deliberate, minimal tooling. i could for example use nano to write short python scripts, but i need intellij to wrestle with large codebases, and "professional" programmer tools have notoriously bad ergonomics. emacs is notorious for giving its users rsi, etc. but i agree, it can all be remedied with literacy 1507914;1469116283;phf;i think naggum had a quote about it 1507915;1469116346;phf;" Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test. Do you remap 1507916;1469116346;phf; your keyboard or the Emacs keybindings before the chords and sequences it 1507917;1469116346;phf; comes with by default have wreaked havoc with your hands? If you do not 1507918;1469116346;phf; do anything to make Emacs more convenient for yourself, you may not have 1507919;1469116350;phf; the prerequisite aptitude to use it productive. 1507920;1469116353;phf; 1507921;1469116576;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507799 << you know what THEIR explanation for the speechwriter is, yes ? 1507922;1469116576;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 05:21 asciilifeform: srsly when 'speechwriter' became a thing, it was already high time to say 'enough' 1507923;1469116600;mircea_popescu;phf that final blank line really makes it :D 1507924;1469116643;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507921 << nfi 1507925;1469116643;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 15:56 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507799 << you know what THEIR explanation for the speechwriter is, yes ? 1507926;1469116657;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507915 << see l0gz, we had thread wholly about naggum's kbd 1507927;1469116657;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 15:52 phf: " Emacs actually comes with a builting Emacs Aptitude Test. Do you remap 1507928;1469116684;mircea_popescu;but in fairness, i would say i rely on a very specific sort of literacy. i have people do things for me! you lot, all of you, are the modern equivalent of a barony that is neverthelss being run by the ox-baron personally, by hand. because in the future we have this strange species of ox-man that "can". of sorts, really, only 80% of the can, but hey, who cares about broken fingers and other appednages as a result. HEAR THE OXM 1507929;1469116685;mircea_popescu;AN CAN!!11 1507930;1469116693;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507904 << understand, ALL of the original driver electronics were removed, controller is mine, any key can be whatever i like. i have the middle of the arrows as a meta. 1507931;1469116693;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 15:34 phf: asciilifeform: there seems to be a significant lack of modifier keys 1507932;1469116753;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes, but not because you don't know. you're intelligent enough to know, and by rights should know. it's just that the stupid overrider in your brain overrides the brain. it's like so : "we need the speechwriters and ghostwriters to translate our symbols into the plaintext of they without proper huffman tables" 1507933;1469116761;mircea_popescu;what do you say to that, ye master of naivite! 1507934;1469116791;asciilifeform;what i do know is that actual people who lived in the actual-people-age did no such thing. 1507935;1469116806;mircea_popescu;because.they.were.literate. 1507936;1469116809;asciilifeform;aha 1507937;1469116815;mircea_popescu;which means a thing, specific and apparently unknown today. 1507938;1469116839;mircea_popescu;and they also became literate through a means, also specific and also apparently "unknown" today, in the "nfi" sense of "unknown" above. 1507939;1469116847;mircea_popescu;that method is "write the fucking thing out", aka "paint the snow" 1507940;1469116848;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507911 << fwiw i destroyed my eyes with b00kz, the old-fashioned way, before i got to spend any serious time with machinery 1507941;1469116848;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 15:37 mircea_popescu: phf most people who spent as much as i have with computers a) wear glasses b) have various complicated nerve and tendon damage, esp wrist, elbow etc. 1507942;1469116863;mircea_popescu;there is also that yeah. 1507943;1469116878;asciilifeform;but to this day i have no weird nerve or carpal or whateverthefucks, because, perhaps, i am not a monkey, and do not bang the keyboard all day long 1507944;1469116891;asciilifeform;0 to do with how the keys are arranged. 1507945;1469116906;mircea_popescu;yes, you do. you and me both, we've been pumping out 50k+ lines a year for years now right here. 1507946;1469116916;mircea_popescu;that's more than a writer writes, were it the good sort that actually does write. 1507947;1469116919;asciilifeform;very low duty cycle tho 1507948;1469116920;asciilifeform;srsly 1507949;1469116932;asciilifeform;set up yer box to actually count the strokes, it is not so hard 1507950;1469116950;mircea_popescu;aha. because you're copying me rather than copying the idiots with their "programmer's claw" in doing it. if you wrote 50k lines of code a year you'd have it too. 1507951;1469116985;mircea_popescu;"meta-alt-fuckyourmother" ? really ? i am not pushing that! 1507952;1469116991;mircea_popescu;"but the symbols!" 1507953;1469116993;mircea_popescu;fuck 'em. 1507954;1469117008;asciilifeform;notice, i like programmablekeys. 1507955;1469117034;mircea_popescu;sure, and every other palleative conceivable, outside of the correct "if it doesn't fit in 27 it needn't be said." 1507956;1469117123;asciilifeform;dun forget, i do things with the box other than talking. 1507957;1469117127;asciilifeform;on occasion... 1507958;1469117146;mircea_popescu;sin and vanity! 1507959;1469117317;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/modelf.jpg << my current layout. 1507960;1469117379;asciilifeform;the weird 'lock' key is a ctrl. (i was unable to source a correctly-shaped cntrl to go there, and did not feel like sweating over it at any rate) 1507961;1469117485;phf;yeah, i see you replaced ctrl and alt keys from elsewhere (and a bunch of others obviously) 1507962;1469117495;asciilifeform;the ~sound~ of this thing is difficult to describe, every key is quite satisfing 'schpling', like dry-firing kalash 1507963;1469117503;asciilifeform;quite unlike the more common 'm' 1507964;1469117535;asciilifeform;phf: aha, i killed an 'm' for many of them 1507965;1469117780;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507898 << this was a thing of beauty but i lost the link... 1507966;1469117780;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 15:29 mircea_popescu: "in america is type from arsenal of name arsenal. is funny name to me. is like american cheese of name american cheese." ahh this guy is fucking epic. 1507967;1469117782;asciilifeform;anyone has ? 1507968;1469118119;phf;i'm reading http://www.m1-garand-rifle.com/ivan-chesnokov.php 1507969;1469118945;asciilifeform;there! it is. 1507970;1469118947;asciilifeform;ty phf . 1507971;1469119041;asciilifeform;l0l plastic sks 1507972;1469119164;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://cryptome.org/2016/07/steal-billion.pdf ( http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/65d50596-716e-4090-a86b-86785a92aaa4 ) 1507973;1469119231;asciilifeform;'At approximately 3:14 p.m., Deutsche Bank transmitted to RBS Coutts a SWIFT payment order requesting that $700 million be credited to an account at RBS Coutts. The SWIFT message did not identify the owner of the RBS Coutts account, but the account number listed on the SWIFT as the recipient of the $700 million wire transfer was the number of the Good Star Account.' 1507974;1469119263;asciilifeform;brain-melting. 1507975;1469119329;mats;https://theintercept.com/2016/07/21/edward-snowdens-new-research-aims-to-keep-smartphones-from-betraying-their-owners bunnie and snowden collaborate 1507976;1469119404;asciilifeform;'the goal of Snowden and Huang’s research, according to their post, is to “provide field-ready tools that enable a reporter to observe and investigate the status of the phone’s radios directly and independently of the phone’s native hardware.” In other words, they want to build an entirely separate tiny computer that users can attach to a smartphone to alert them if it’s being dishonest about its radio emissions.' << and 1507977;1469119405;asciilifeform;this will work with phone-home-to-crapple-updatebox how ? 1507978;1469119417;asciilifeform;'your phone just downloaded a 200MB turd' 1507979;1469119433;mats;i don't see how this could be workable either 1507980;1469119462;asciilifeform;it isn't a wholly idiotic idea when applied to something you actually think you have a grasp of (e.g., the packets going into and out of your battlestation) 1507981;1469119470;asciilifeform;and in fact practiced by pretty much every literate person 1507982;1469119477;asciilifeform;( mircea_popescu had an essay re same ) 1507983;1469119503;asciilifeform;but for closed brick that eats and shits 100s of MB of ??? every day, quite useless. 1507984;1469119555;asciilifeform;gotta love the tunnel-visioned elaborate crapolade these folks offer instead of very basic sanities 1507985;1469119577;asciilifeform;let's encrypt the space inside our nostrils with free ssl certs!111 1507986;1469119589;asciilifeform;alert if my toilet is flushing without authorization. 1507987;1469119590;asciilifeform;etc 1507988;1469119609;mats;i dun understand how this'd prevent exfil when the user eventually turns on the radio to use it 1507989;1469119627;mats;am i missing something or what 1507990;1469119640;asciilifeform;mats: we are dealing with a psychiatric, not technical, artifact. 1507991;1469119655;asciilifeform;like a hand-crafted napoleon bicorn lovingly stitched from asylum bedsheets 1507992;1469119713;asciilifeform;relatedly, 'SURE, IS ONLY YUGOSLAV COPY TYPE BUT IS STILL PROUD DESIGN OF SERGEI SIMONOV. THIS IS LIKE SENDING HIM BIRTHDAY CARD WITH SEVERED OFF THUMB OF DAUGHTER IN ENVELOPE. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERGEI! I PISS ON ALL YOU CREATE!" LARGE MOUND FORMS OVER SIMONOV'S GRAVE BY CONSTANT TUMBLING OF HIS ANGRY CORPSE. IS FAULT OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU. ' 1507993;1469119978;asciilifeform;'YOU NOTICE AND AVOID BARREL IF HAS POCKMARKS LIKE ASS OF FAT GIRL.' 1507994;1469119989;asciilifeform;gold. 1507995;1469120074;mats;lol what 1507996;1469120088;asciilifeform;mats: phf link earlier 1507997;1469120091;asciilifeform;classic lultron 1507998;1469121781;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1507975 << "when management with a reputation for brilliance tackles a business with a reputation for bad economics, it is the reputation of the business that remains intact." 1507999;1469121781;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 16:42 mats: https://theintercept.com/2016/07/21/edward-snowdens-new-research-aims-to-keep-smartphones-from-betraying-their-owners bunnie and snowden collaborate 1508000;1469122123;mircea_popescu;"AK-47: Crude and inaccurate bullet thrower designed by and for illiterate peasants. Chambered in a caliber that manages to cut the ballistics of a proper .30-caliber battle rifle in half without passing on any weight savings to the grunt. Ergonomics only suitable for Russian midgets. Archaic cable trigger spring, crummy sights, no sight radius to speak of, no bolt hold-open device, and a clumsy safety. Favorite infantry 1508001;1469122126;mircea_popescu;rifle of Middle Eastern goat herders, guys named Abdullah, and backwoods militia types who like the fact that it shoots cheap ammo and has ballistics like their familiar .30-30." <<< amusingly, these are actually quite good points. 1508002;1469122237;ben_vulpes;dude when did bunnie go full retard 1508003;1469122260;mircea_popescu;some point between now and whenever decided not to join tmsr ? 1508004;1469122292;ben_vulpes;"current tastes and preferences of reporters" 1508005;1469122307;ben_vulpes;bitch you will buy a three hundred dollar ancient craptop from the bazaar and learn2gpg 1508006;1469122333;mircea_popescu;first, i will crack all your fingers in the piano. THEN you MAY be allowed to buy ancient laptop and learn to gpg, MAYBE. 1508007;1469122349;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508002 << when he decided to become a reddit celebrity ? 1508008;1469122349;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 17:30 ben_vulpes: dude when did bunnie go full retard 1508009;1469122354;mircea_popescu;all this focus on the wrong sort of ergonomics. 1508010;1469122366;asciilifeform;or an mit darling? 1508011;1469122369;asciilifeform;or, or. 1508012;1469122370;mircea_popescu;there is NOTHING WRONG with tool killing SOME OF the lusers. wrong is when the tool hurts the lusers it didn't kill. 1508013;1469122430;ben_vulpes;"but i can't let go of the ipnohe, it's got my email and facebookz!" 1508014;1469122445;mircea_popescu;"your job is called being a whore, forget the journacrap" 1508015;1469122447;ben_vulpes;are you seriously going to drag a player piano out the airplane when jumping behind enemy lines 1508016;1469122461;asciilifeform;and wtf, first time i hear the complaint about the spring 1508017;1469122465;asciilifeform;srsly wat 1508018;1469122472;mircea_popescu;well part of derp's problem is that to her stupid head there exists no enemies 1508019;1469122565;asciilifeform;aaand no bold holdopen for same reason phuctor has no api. 1508020;1469122572;asciilifeform;*bolt 1508021;1469122598;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a lot of the guy's complaints are in the direction of "this is too heavy too hard too etc" reminiscent of "beautiful one tries to go to war" 1508022;1469122631;asciilifeform;phun phakt: for every conceivable heresy re kalash, american 'ricers' will happily sell you an aftermarket kit , to idiotate to yer heart's delight 1508023;1469122673;asciilifeform;from weird spring, to titanium (brittle!) firing pin, to iphoniferous sight running ios 1508024;1469122698;mircea_popescu;amusingly i've yet to meet someone who could use sights correctly. 1508025;1469122704;asciilifeform;'devil finds work for idle hands' 1508026;1469122711;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: waiwut 1508027;1469122720;mircea_popescu;(no, it's not that you can do it ONCE, after prepping for 10 minutes. it is that you do it every time in .6 seconds. that's correctly. it'\s a fucking rifle.) 1508028;1469122731;asciilifeform;well yes? 1508029;1469122748;mircea_popescu;"no need cuz i has scope see" 1508030;1469122756;asciilifeform;what scope on kalash 1508031;1469122763;mircea_popescu;you've not been keeping up. 1508032;1469122767;asciilifeform;it is not a sniper weapon 1508033;1469122787;mircea_popescu;they even make 2.5x scopes. "soo... what's this do ?" "IT SCOPES!!!1" 1508034;1469122823;asciilifeform;i could even see an argument for, e.g., laser, if there were any place to put it 1508035;1469122832;mircea_popescu;i couldn't. 1508036;1469122842;mircea_popescu;"my rifle doesn't work in the fog" "oh you're one of those, are you" 1508037;1469122874;asciilifeform;from pov of 'risk homeostasis' it is bad idea, yes. 1508038;1469122881;mircea_popescu;anyway, go watch people use their sighted item, score them for corectness, be amazed. 1508039;1469122906;asciilifeform;because psychology: result is never 'normal rifle but even +9999 accuracy on a clear day' 1508040;1469122918;asciilifeform;but instead 'sarge, too much fog, i cant shoot' 1508041;1469122925;mircea_popescu;fucking training sargents don't pass. then people wonder why it takes 3mn rounds/kill. 99% it's not the fucking hardware 1508042;1469122961;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: unfair stat, it is disingenuous to count suppressive fire in the total 'to kill' 1508043;1469122968;mircea_popescu;o it is ? 1508044;1469122993;asciilifeform;well yes, if yer firing to keep enemy pinned so you can shell him properly 1508045;1469123023;mircea_popescu;guess what, it's unfair to count http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-21#1379603 "defensive allocation" into the heap! 1508046;1469123023;a111;Logged on 2016-01-21 13:29 asciilifeform: 'if i make it what i think is the right size, it crashes!111' 1508047;1469123033;mircea_popescu;why the fuck not, let's redefine a cultural notion of fairness unbased on reality. 1508048;1469123050;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is a '1shot1kill' sort of fella , i get it 1508049;1469123061;mircea_popescu;no, i'm not. but if you fire the round you've fired the round. 1508050;1469123074;mircea_popescu;there's no "i fired it but it dun count because isis and shiva" 1508051;1469123114;asciilifeform;suppressive fire is how we even got these cheap 'inaccurate bullet tossers' to begin with. 1508052;1469123125;mircea_popescu;worst fucking habit of grunts, that even half-competent trainer is permanently at war with, is "fire when out of ideas". 1508053;1469123129;asciilifeform;if you dun believe in suppressivefire, the correct rifle is a mosin. 1508054;1469123134;mircea_popescu;also how units fail to achieve veteran status., 1508055;1469123243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there's suppressive fire directed at pinning down the enemy ; and then there's suppressive fire directed at silencing that little voice in own head going "you're such a fucking idiot..." 1508056;1469123257;asciilifeform;this is curable. 1508057;1469123265;asciilifeform;hunchback-style. 1508058;1469123282;asciilifeform;idiot runs out of ammo and dies. 1508059;1469123359;mircea_popescu;hence "units that don't make it to veteran status" 1508060;1469123369;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508006 << is this a reference? i should much like to know where 1508061;1469123369;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 17:32 mircea_popescu: first, i will crack all your fingers in the piano. THEN you MAY be allowed to buy ancient laptop and learn to gpg, MAYBE. 1508062;1469123375;asciilifeform;it sounds delicious 1508063;1469123380;mircea_popescu;i just came up with it. 1508064;1469123384;asciilifeform;ah 1508065;1469123485;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508021 << go to a gallery sometime and pick up m16, it feels cheap, light, like a toy 1508066;1469123485;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 17:36 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform a lot of the guy's complaints are in the direction of "this is too heavy too hard too etc" reminiscent of "beautiful one tries to go to war" 1508067;1469123519;asciilifeform;even american grunts in vietnam made wisecracks about 'you can tell, it's Mattell' 1508068;1469123524;mircea_popescu;lol 1508069;1469123530;asciilifeform;(large toy maker at the time) 1508070;1469123550;mircea_popescu;barbie, rite ? 1508071;1469123558;asciilifeform;aha 1508072;1469123566;asciilifeform;but also toy soldiers 1508073;1469123572;asciilifeform;hence the rhyme 1508074;1469123623;asciilifeform;but IT HAS GOOD API!1111 1508075;1469123654;asciilifeform;(quite seriously, whole thing is covered in rack to which can Hang Shit Off) 1508076;1469123673;asciilifeform;all but the barrel 1508077;1469123734;mircea_popescu;skulls of enemy ? 1508078;1469123743;shinohai;$s http://archive.is/jbjvv 1508079;1469123744;a111;1 results for "http://archive.is/jbjvv", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=http%3A%2F%2Farchive.is%2Fjbjvv 1508080;1469124168;asciilifeform;shinohai: lulzy 1508081;1469124203;asciilifeform;to what addr would they move it? the unknown one, engraved inside his eyelid? 1508082;1469124275;asciilifeform;yes, this is supposed to be a tr0l0l, but still poorly thought through. 1508083;1469124318;mats;what is hard about zeroing a scope?! 1508084;1469124370;asciilifeform;mats: that scope makes 0 sense on a weapon designed for use at musketry range ? 1508085;1469124416;mats;scope is great for close quarters combat you know 1508086;1469124438;mats;dun need to put your chin to align dot to chest 1508087;1469124439;asciilifeform;mats has a pair of eyes in his groin ? 1508088;1469124446;mats;there are different kinds of scope 1508089;1469124472;asciilifeform;with the exception of laser, they all require eyes to be approx level with the glass, neh? 1508090;1469124480;mats;no 1508091;1469124505;asciilifeform;link to example ? 1508092;1469124567;asciilifeform;show me scope that helps in, e.g., this position, http://xn----7sbfkccucpkracijq8iofobm.xn--p1ai/images/stories/nauka/sniper/sniper-izgotovka-k-strelbe-navskidku-6.jpg 1508093;1469124592;asciilifeform;or, better yet, http://www.nastavleniya.ru/AKM/akm/akm50.jpg 1508094;1469124640;mats;I forget if it's the acog or eotech 1508095;1469124663;asciilifeform;eotech makes a thing that comes with eyes you can implant in your ballsack ? 1508096;1469124663;asciilifeform;or wat 1508097;1469124681;asciilifeform;it wasn't in the catalogue i read... 1508098;1469124701;mats;there is more than one rifle ready position 1508099;1469124719;asciilifeform;sure 1508100;1469124735;mats;I was trained to use low ready when breaching, it's close enough to align dot against enemy two meters away 1508101;1469124755;asciilifeform;this is what, barrel at chest level ? 1508102;1469124765;*;asciilifeform can picture it. 1508103;1469124803;mats;http://www.tactical.dk/images/lowready.jpg 1508104;1469124805;asciilifeform;mats: i always wondered, what keeps the mirrors, prisms, etc in that $700 box from whanging out of alignment after 1000 shots 1508105;1469124950;mats;no idea 1508106;1469124995;mats;I got an acog and it was garbage 1508107;1469125014;asciilifeform;what do they actually issue ? 1508108;1469125019;asciilifeform;or does each grunt buy whatever 1508109;1469125044;mats;unit dependent, if they're with a unit that has resources they usually go for eotechs afaik 1508110;1469125114;mats;nah it has nsn, supply sgt orders them 1508111;1469127367;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i would expect "mommentum allignment". ie, engineer the parts so that sudden acceleration moves them all equally. 1508112;1469127417;mircea_popescu;much like temperature range mechanical resistance is obtained through "thermic allignment" ie, put items that dilate/contract same together. 1508113;1469127709;asciilifeform;that this is the abstract 'how' - yes. but achieved ? 1508114;1469127751;asciilifeform;and how much sense does it make to gild this lily for infantryman (vs sniper) ? 1508115;1469128117;mircea_popescu;"ceramics"! 1508116;1469128195;asciilifeform;psychoceramics. 1508117;1469128276;mircea_popescu;lol 1508118;1469128303;mircea_popescu;no but seriously, i expect polished leaded glass encased in composite material of same density. 1508119;1469128359;asciilifeform;thing is, it is not only about inertia, but also shock wave 1508120;1469128386;asciilifeform;unless you can also conjure up materials with ~same speed of sound~, there will be refraction 1508121;1469128390;asciilifeform;and tearing 1508122;1469128464;mircea_popescu;conjure, conjure. 1508123;1469129105;asciilifeform;in other lulz, apparently folx do occasionally read asciilifeform's site, http://gematom.blogspot.kr/2016/01/nsa-godsurgefluxbabbitt.html 1508124;1469129117;asciilifeform;^ spoiler: he never found one 1508125;1469129121;asciilifeform;but tried. 1508126;1469129198;asciilifeform;^ one useful find, he turned up some boxes where the connector is on ~under~ side of mb, and difficult to inspect 1508127;1469129473;asciilifeform;fella claims to be ~66 y.o., which makes him my oldest (known) reader. 1508128;1469129491;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform for all the jacking off and cumbiscuit eating, that thing is just a stupid "oh, jtags, can you make a windows program that keeps flashing them ???" 1508129;1469129500;mircea_popescu;about 1.5/10 on the scale of things. 1508130;1469129567;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mno, not what jtag is for 1508131;1469129587;asciilifeform;it gets you start/stop cpu and arbitrary bus cycles 1508132;1469129606;asciilifeform;y'know, factory test plug. 1508133;1469129612;mircea_popescu;yes. deliberately. this is as much an "exploit" as stealing electricity from the pole is "fighting the man". 1508134;1469129616;mircea_popescu;ghetto level nigger bs. 1508135;1469129619;asciilifeform;what to ~do~ with it, is up to the user's imagination ! 1508136;1469129638;asciilifeform;it isn't 'exploit', that was idiot media spin, it is simply a handy place to plant a widget. 1508137;1469129671;asciilifeform;(and its existence was, apparently, quite surprising to the monkeys, who never once gave a thought to subj of how mb is tested at factory) 1508138;1469129749;asciilifeform;at any rate, and as i wrote long ago, imho soldered-in 'bugs' are quite obsolete - there is built-in hole in ~everything made for eons now. 1508139;1469129755;mircea_popescu;pretty fucking distant from the "magical computing owning rays" the meta-nsa afficionados keep pretending. 1508140;1469129777;asciilifeform;(and in what there is not, can be replaced in the post for a physically-indistinguishable version that does) 1508141;1469129869;asciilifeform;incidentally, ~every piece of silicon on the board has a debug port of some form, the cpu jtag thing is simply the handiest one, and the closest to being in some form documented. 1508142;1469129882;asciilifeform;(southbridge, for instance, has - own. gpu - own. etc) 1508143;1469129882;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1508144;1469129902;mircea_popescu;basically, the "remove symbols table" tech hasn't reached hardware. 1508145;1469129939;asciilifeform;it would not be so hard to implement, just put antifuse link in the relevant circuit 1508146;1469129942;asciilifeform;done testing ? blow. 1508147;1469129957;mircea_popescu;or just take the whole thing out for production. 1508148;1469129965;asciilifeform;problem is that , as with nearly every aspect of vlsi, the described function is ~promise~ not protocol. 1508149;1469129974;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: mno, you cannot take it out. because then cannot test the unit. 1508150;1469129986;mircea_popescu;test the design ; produce units. 1508151;1469129995;asciilifeform;there is such a thing as % yield. 1508152;1469130003;mircea_popescu;there is such a thing as replacement policy. 1508153;1469130005;deedbot;[Qntra] HSBC Executive Arrested For Inside Trading - http://qntra.net/2016/07/hsbc-executive-arrested-for-inside-trading/ 1508154;1469130005;asciilifeform;if you dun test the chipz before soldering'em down, you go broke. 1508155;1469130025;ben_vulpes;moreover there is quality binning to be done. 1508156;1469130026;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you USED TO go broke. in you know, 1976. 1508157;1469130033;asciilifeform;you go broke today 1508158;1469130033;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes aha. bs. 1508159;1469130035;asciilifeform;and 100 yrs from now. 1508160;1469130041;asciilifeform;when you solder 1 dud to 99 working components you paid for. 1508161;1469130046;asciilifeform;on same board. 1508162;1469130051;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform don't make me package your 100 years from now separately. 1508163;1469130056;asciilifeform;lel 1508164;1469130079;asciilifeform;fact is, you dun test ~everything~ that can be tested before it costs you perfectly working and costly rest-of-the-box, you go broke. 1508165;1469130098;asciilifeform;but there is such a thing as antifuse. 1508166;1469130105;asciilifeform;can make 'we tested, we're done nao.' 1508167;1469130108;asciilifeform;afaik no one does. 1508168;1469130203;mircea_popescu;wouldja stop clinking to the supid idea ? antifuse my arse. 1508169;1469130210;mircea_popescu;do.not.put.item.in. 1508170;1469130251;asciilifeform;i will listen to this nonsense after mircea_popescu has a plane built according to this philosophy and flies in it. 1508171;1469130266;asciilifeform;let's test whole thing!1111 1508172;1469130268;asciilifeform;why test parts! 1508173;1469130275;mircea_popescu;if that's when you listen, the fact that you listen or don't listen no longer matters. 1508174;1469130331;asciilifeform;it is nonsense, what can i say. and the folks who build machine this way, will come to grief. 1508175;1469130334;mircea_popescu;prototyping dongles don't belong in production item. full fucking stop and enough of the "oh but mah convenience" talk. 1508176;1469130344;mircea_popescu;the folks who don't will hang. 1508177;1469130404;asciilifeform;until silicon can be made piecewise, like a printer page, rather than photographically by the million copies, we are stuck with it. (and antifuse costs 0 and eliminates problem, so i have nfi what mircea_popescu is smoking) 1508178;1469130423;mircea_popescu;;;calc .999 ** 100 1508179;1469130423;gribble;0.904792147114 1508180;1469130425;deedbot;[Trilema] Tangerine - http://trilema.com/2016/tangerine/ 1508181;1469130437;asciilifeform;thing is, computer rides on 'promise', not protocol, because there is no way of inspecting the dies. 1508182;1469130438;asciilifeform;none. 1508183;1469130447;asciilifeform;hence a method of printing one-offs MUST be discovered. 1508184;1469130455;mircea_popescu;if you have 100 components, you end up having to throw out so many motherboards of this fascinating imaginary type taking 100 chips that you increase price by 10% 1508185;1469130456;mircea_popescu;whopdedoo 1508186;1469130459;asciilifeform;until then, we are in a state of sin regardless of how. 1508187;1469130510;mircea_popescu;this isn't the fucking 70s to have single-nine chip process. 1508188;1469130519;asciilifeform;this is one of the reasons i wrote 'must have fpga, with quartz window'. you can inspect a ~regular~ geometric structure far more easily than any other kind 1508189;1469130532;asciilifeform;(can even use ~analogue~ optical comparator! ever seen one? they used to exist in machine shops.) 1508190;1469130587;asciilifeform;at any rate, until this, whether or not chip maker listens to mircea_popescu and omits test circuit or not, the buyer CANNOT verify 1508191;1469130597;*;mircea_popescu is smoking the "fuck you, you have no rights, engineer is not a person" blend, of the same exact make as seen in debate over "oh but proper V hurts mah self-importance of codrwriter" 1508192;1469130598;asciilifeform;that's the real boojum, and not only of this, but of all other questions re chip. 1508193;1469130667;mircea_popescu;sure. but while that is a practical problem, this is a mental bug. 1508194;1469130681;mircea_popescu;"oh, it is ok to leave tags on the clothes". no, it's not. fuck you. 1508195;1469130685;asciilifeform;it is 1920s and armies are interested in aviation! except for mircea_popescu's army. he instead ordered all conscripts who can't jump 10,000 metres in the air and stay up by flapping their wings, shot ! 1508196;1469130690;asciilifeform;mega-airplane. 1508197;1469130695;asciilifeform;sometimes there are actual constraints... 1508198;1469130706;mircea_popescu;they woudn't dare. 1508199;1469130709;asciilifeform;aha! 1508200;1469130719;*;asciilifeform ~likes~ this approach. but it has limitations. 1508201;1469130720;mircea_popescu;you've seen the calculation of actual constraints above. 1508202;1469130735;mircea_popescu;if your chip process doesn't yield three nines you get the choice of jumping 10k feet in the air or being shit. 1508203;1469130738;mircea_popescu;shot* 1508204;1469130740;mircea_popescu;same difference. 1508205;1469130747;asciilifeform;incidentally 1508206;1469130752;asciilifeform;i bet the chinese dun test no moar. 1508207;1469130760;asciilifeform;judging by what i get in the crates here. 1508208;1469130769;asciilifeform;so i suspect they are already following mircea_popescu's tip. 1508209;1469130794;asciilifeform;the defective transistors no longer 'packaged separately for your convenience esteemed sir' 1508210;1469130794;mircea_popescu;because it's not actually worth testing. 1508211;1469130803;mircea_popescu;this is an unavoidable next stop on the rail that begins with "not worth repairing" 1508212;1469130819;asciilifeform;likely. 1508213;1469130831;asciilifeform;it won't be pretty. 1508214;1469130839;asciilifeform;picture, you assemble machine and have WHOLLY NFI why it dun go. 1508215;1469130847;asciilifeform;now it is O(N^2) process to learn why. 1508216;1469130850;mircea_popescu;oh, you mean like presently ? 1508217;1469130851;asciilifeform;and you need duplicates of ALL parts. 1508218;1469130863;asciilifeform;it will be like building computer in su 1508219;1469130868;asciilifeform;you needs bins of ALL parts etc. 1508220;1469130872;mircea_popescu;out of t parts 1508221;1469130873;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu probably saw how it was done. 1508222;1469130878;mircea_popescu;sure. 1508223;1469130887;mircea_popescu;funny thing is - they didn't even have the sense to USE TWO BINS 1508224;1469130894;mircea_popescu;they'd just put the shit back in. 1508225;1469130899;asciilifeform;where my father worked they had always 3 bins. 1508226;1469130900;mircea_popescu;"who knows, maybe later it changes its mind" 1508227;1469130919;mircea_popescu;so production always followed a downward trend. 1508228;1469130921;asciilifeform;1 - 'army' 2 - 'konsoomer' 3 - 'hobbyist & school' 1508229;1469130937;asciilifeform;1 - 'works' 2- 'sometimes works' 3 - ~dun work 1508230;1469131485;shinohai;http://archive.is/6ajKY <<< get it while it's hot asciilifeform, yer own private island! 1508231;1469132109;jurov;they auction it in bitcoins??? 1508232;1469132145;asciilifeform;'own' 1508233;1469132355;shinohai;would be nice if not partitioned 1508234;1469132407;phf;would be nice if there was anything good about that sale 1508235;1469132476;phf;mircea_popescu: do you have a link handy to your mirrors of disappeared tlp articles? 1508236;1469132566;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508234 << aha! pure redditola. 1508237;1469132566;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 20:20 phf: would be nice if there was anything good about that sale 1508238;1469132583;asciilifeform;i want my 20 seconds back. 1508239;1469132876;phf;maybe if dpr came through with the church papers 1508240;1469132886;phf;*dpb 1508241;1469133121;asciilifeform;lel 1508242;1469133577;mircea_popescu;phf um, iirc i only kept one, the one with the minimum income thing. you want that ? 1508243;1469133591;phf;yes please 1508244;1469133637;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2011/terifiantul-oribilul-adevar-despre-venitul-suplimentar-asigurat/ < first link. 1508245;1469133664;phf;thanks 1508246;1469133782;shinohai;http://archive.is/IRvva "Why Ethereum Succeeded and Bitcoin failed" 1508247;1469133813;mircea_popescu;bwhahahaha 1508248;1469133826;mircea_popescu;see asciilifeform ? they do, because they must. 1508249;1469133878;mircea_popescu;they can't of their own power say "we learned this was a stupid idea and will not be pursuing it any further." it's there, they must keep pouring money in the sand. 1508250;1469133902;mircea_popescu;the only thing that nobody could have predicted being the obvious future. 1508251;1469134053;phf;asciilifeform: you happen to have a djvu archive of теxника-молодежи? 1508252;1469134085;mircea_popescu;lol phf is preparing to take a shit. 1508253;1469134123;phf;last moment preparations before leaving to my home planet 1508254;1469134301;mircea_popescu;"This is how I know that anyone who says, "If only I could live in Mad Men time where you could pinch a girl's ass and not get in trouble for it" is going to be way disappointed if a TARDIS shows up, because they wouldn't pinch them back then, either, not because they are afraid of trouble but because they are afraid of girls. Exhibit A: you know what a TARDIS is." << guy rocks lol 1508255;1469134552;phf;in other bunnie news http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=4782 "Why I’m Suing the US Government" 1508256;1469134641;ben_vulpes;you're not suing the government, moron, you're suing usg.disney 1508257;1469134659;shinohai;https://torrentfreak.com/can-kickasstorrents-make-a-comeback-160721/ <<< naturally coinbase blows whistle 1508258;1469134661;ben_vulpes;"please to the pretty please to do what i want instead of what your masters demand? puweaze?" 1508259;1469134702;ben_vulpes;shinohai: naturally. 1508260;1469134717;ben_vulpes;part and parcel of financial license in the states. 1508261;1469135198;shinohai;:/ 1508262;1469135403;phf;there's now canonical clip to play at the yet another demise of an excellent pirate site, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY258ILfYmE 1508263;1469135631;asciilifeform;phf: i dun have, but they do: http://flibusta.is/a/29774 1508264;1469135645;asciilifeform;(re: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508251 ) 1508265;1469135645;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 20:47 phf: asciilifeform: you happen to have a djvu archive of теxника-молодежи? 1508266;1469135849;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508246 << lulzy: 'The deadlock between competing corners of the Bitcoin community when it comes to hard forking, in contrast, spells doom for the currency, according to Tual. “As long as that’s true, Bitcoin will never evolve, and it will die, because what doesn't evolve dies.”' << 'we've failed to stick in the proboscis and so let's declare it dead, neverhappened' 1508267;1469135849;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 20:43 shinohai: http://archive.is/IRvva "Why Ethereum Succeeded and Bitcoin failed" 1508268;1469136028;asciilifeform;EVOLVE!!11 install web20! with round corners! on winblowz 10! 1508269;1469136040;asciilifeform;on MOBILE! CLOUD! 1508270;1469136046;asciilifeform;with 10GB blocks. 1508271;1469136056;asciilifeform;'or be left behind, die' 1508272;1469136132;asciilifeform;'Finally, and crucially, the investigators issued a warrant directed at the Canadian webhost of KickassTorrents. This was one of the biggest scores as it provided them with full copies of KAT’s hard drives, including the email server. “I observed […] that they were all running the same Linux Gentoo operating system, and that they contained files with user information, SSH access logs, and other information, ' << use moar nato h 1508273;1469136133;asciilifeform;osts, keep moar logz 1508274;1469136203;asciilifeform;run moar warez-as-get-rich ops, keep moar fiatola bank accounts filled thereby 1508275;1469136204;asciilifeform;etc. 1508276;1469136266;asciilifeform;ftr i have 0 sympathy for folks who ~sell~ warez. i dun care if they are eaten by usg, or by crocodiles, or martians. 1508277;1469136270;asciilifeform;good riddance. 1508278;1469136331;shinohai;lol 1508279;1469136413;phf;asciilifeform: kat didn't sell warez 1508280;1469136420;asciilifeform;why did he have money then ? 1508281;1469136424;phf;ads 1508282;1469136428;phf;was in logs 1508283;1469136432;*;asciilifeform digs 1508284;1469136448;asciilifeform;~same thing. 1508285;1469136449;phf;kat was an honest successor to thepiratebay 1508286;1469136452;asciilifeform;tried to GET RICH off warez. 1508287;1469136456;asciilifeform;this is a sin. 1508288;1469136463;phf;oh pish posh 1508289;1469136479;asciilifeform;for good reason: it promotes exactly the kind of centralization that warez addresses the evil of. 1508290;1469136568;phf;guy was a one man torrent operation provided oldfags and lusers alike with quality prods, it seems entirely petty to focus on his ad revenue, and ties squarely into usg narrative of "he made millions!!!" 1508291;1469136624;asciilifeform;from what i can tell, fella thought himself Too Good for wot, and for 100% btc op 1508292;1469136631;asciilifeform;so reaps what he sowed. 1508293;1469136653;phf;in fact kat was only place that, if you visited without adblock, would tell you to use one 1508294;1469136664;asciilifeform;lel i had no idea. never used. 1508295;1469136730;asciilifeform;it isn't that i particularly loathe this particular schmuck, but his fate is not astonishing, any more than the fate of a gay dude who 'barebacks' every night with randos at the 'bath-house', dies of aids 1508296;1469136735;asciilifeform;'nobody could have predicted' 1508297;1469136761;danielpbarron;in vaguely related news, http://i.imgur.com/9OwuXzQ.png 1508298;1469136761;asciilifeform;and srsly, 13333337 'undergrounding' from poland, the mecca of nato-fellating shitholes ? 1508299;1469136786;phf;his fate is not astonishing, but only because man chose to throw himself on bayonet 1508300;1469136787;asciilifeform;danielpbarron: what's this ? 1508301;1469136826;danielpbarron;comment on porn site superimposed over stock nature photography 1508302;1469136856;asciilifeform;i meant, what is the pictured item ? 1508303;1469136890;danielpbarron;i'd also like to know, but if i had to guess, it looks like a cave that is located under a body of water that is draining into it from above, as seen from within the cave 1508304;1469136921;asciilifeform;cave with transparent walls?! 1508305;1469136930;danielpbarron;maybe ice 1508306;1469136937;asciilifeform;possibly 1508307;1469136944;danielpbarron;ah now i see that is snow in the forground 1508308;1469136985;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508255 << gold: 'Our recent generation of Makers, hackers, and entrepreneurs have developed under the shadow of Section 1201... Our children deserve better. I can no longer stand by as a passive witness to this situation. I was born into a 1201-free world, and our future generations deserve that same freedom of thought and expression. I am but one instrument in a large orchestra performing the symph 1508309;1469136986;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 20:55 phf: in other bunnie news http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?p=4782 "Why I’m Suing the US Government" 1508310;1469136986;asciilifeform;ony for freedom...' 1508311;1469136999;asciilifeform;holy fuck, the 'law-abiding' schmuckdom on display 1508312;1469137010;asciilifeform;like that imbecile from earlier thread, 1508313;1469137027;ben_vulpes;https://youtu.be/xbuvcQrAOSk?t=213 << re pyrex thread 1508314;1469137028;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-17#1504269 1508315;1469137028;a111;Logged on 2016-07-17 18:00 asciilifeform: or why he collects megabux of donation simply to give to lawyers; 1508316;1469137071;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: lel 1508317;1469137094;asciilifeform;pseudopyrex ftw. 1508318;1469137214;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508266 <<< the incredible cheek of the usg scum. 1508319;1469137214;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 21:17 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508246 << lulzy: 'The deadlock between competing corners of the Bitcoin community when it comes to hard forking, in contrast, spells doom for the currency, according to Tual. “As long as that’s true, Bitcoin will never evolve, and it will die, because what doesn't evolve dies.”' << 'we've failed to stick in the proboscis and so let's declare it dead, neverhappened' 1508320;1469137222;mircea_popescu;what does idiot do, next month after blowing up own penis ? 1508321;1469137235;mircea_popescu;opine about the competent. in faux superior tones. 1508322;1469137241;asciilifeform;tries to convince everyone to remove theirs also ? 1508323;1469137255;asciilifeform;then he can be 'whole' 1508324;1469137264;mircea_popescu;the presumption everyone's illiterate in the anglosphere is so fucking strong... 1508325;1469137273;asciilifeform;'you have 1 computer' 1508326;1469137313;asciilifeform;or what was it, they asked mircea_popescu, 'where do you WURK' 1508327;1469137321;asciilifeform;un minimo respeto!11 1508328;1469137390;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508276 << why ? 1508329;1469137390;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 21:24 asciilifeform: ftr i have 0 sympathy for folks who ~sell~ warez. i dun care if they are eaten by usg, or by crocodiles, or martians. 1508330;1469137415;mircea_popescu;it is a crime to allow stupid people keep their money. 1508331;1469137465;asciilifeform;from this pov, usg did a godly thing 1508332;1469137467;asciilifeform;filleting the idiot 1508333;1469137483;mircea_popescu;usg may not do good no matter what it does. 1508334;1469137485;asciilifeform;just as he, earlier, devoured others 1508335;1469137496;mircea_popescu;this is what it means to be enemy - it doesn't get as much license as to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508296 1508336;1469137496;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 21:32 asciilifeform: 'nobody could have predicted' 1508337;1469137523;mircea_popescu;if hitler built schools in ukraina, they were still fascist schools ; torn down. 1508338;1469137528;mircea_popescu;usg, no different. 1508339;1469137536;asciilifeform;i can see this pov, i might not want crocodiles around, but there are still folks who can end up in a crock and i will not shed tear for them, even as we shoot the crock 1508340;1469137586;phf;asciilifeform was hating even before knew the details, so perhaps it's useless to look for reasons 1508341;1469137617;mircea_popescu;i dun personally give much of a shit, for exactly the "Wasn't in wot, isn't a person, can't be buried" reason. 1508342;1469137625;mircea_popescu;but this is a minor point. 1508343;1469137646;asciilifeform;phf: when somebody fattens himself and then, through sheer african idiocy, feeds the beast his own flesh, he is guilty of feeding the beast. 1508344;1469137675;asciilifeform;were it not for these folks, where would usg even get any bitcoin to dump. 1508345;1469137711;mircea_popescu;wtf is "1201" 1508346;1469137740;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: some provision of whichever incarnation of dmca, forbidding reversing etc 1508347;1469137740;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform exactly same place it gets them now. folks more than ready to believe, wish to believe, that "poloniex" exists, is trading etc, 1508348;1469137748;mircea_popescu;heh mkay. 1508349;1469137884;mircea_popescu;anyway, whatever, suing the government. what's the problem, let them have fun. 1508350;1469137941;mircea_popescu;ftr, i'm going to negrate anyone giving interviews to this "jordan pearson" shithead. 1508351;1469137954;asciilifeform;which one was that ? 1508352;1469137964;mircea_popescu;motherboard nigglet. 1508353;1469138023;ben_vulpes;hoho whyssat? 1508354;1469138024;mircea_popescu;though honestly, the whole "vice empire" is very much the same sort of redundant object. 1508355;1469138032;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes link being in today's log. 1508356;1469138051;asciilifeform;i suspect that m5 bolts will fly forth from my arse before they show up here, regardless. 1508357;1469138073;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: not to motherboard though? 1508358;1469138281;ben_vulpes;http://archive.is/IRvva << this archive.is business does *not* make for neatly greppable things. 1508359;1469138322;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: not only this, but, the fella who runs archive.is is... not in my wot 1508360;1469138328;ben_vulpes;aha 1508361;1469138345;asciilifeform;(iirc he was somebody mircea_popescu knew from somewhere, but - nevertheless heathen.) 1508362;1469138362;asciilifeform;at some point archive.is ~will~ go down without being rebootable. 1508363;1469138371;ben_vulpes;i have a hateful noise machine upon which i intend to install gigablast eventually. 1508364;1469138388;ben_vulpes;there are other irons to hammer in the meantime, thouhg. 1508365;1469138389;asciilifeform;it might be a good time to parse all the archive.is links out of the l0gz and cache. 1508366;1469138389;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the problem with shit in trilema is that people go "lalala nobody cares" and then five years later they're begging for a reprise. kinda too lazy to go digging for the various comments of smartasses of the sort. 1508367;1469138397;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes what's a "motherboard" you know ? 1508368;1469138417;ben_vulpes;it's that thing the nsa jacks into 1508369;1469138448;mircea_popescu;jus' saying, i take such a dim view of branding i'm not even willing to consider projects ; merely the people doing them. 1508370;1469138470;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so keep a copy ? 1508371;1469138492;mircea_popescu;also s/reprise/reprieve/ but anyway. 1508372;1469138519;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i tend to collect copies, yes. but this is not a systematic thing, and won't be for so long as it has to be manually cranked. 1508373;1469138543;mircea_popescu;so make a downloadatron. 1508374;1469138563;mircea_popescu;not like archive.is doesn't present you with downloadable copy, preprocessed, if you're too lazy to make own html deturdifier. 1508375;1469138563;asciilifeform;recall the wget -m thread ? 1508376;1469138570;asciilifeform;somewhat gnarlier than it appears, this. 1508377;1469138605;mircea_popescu; https://archive.is/download/ia3zY.zip < 1508378;1469138616;mircea_popescu;works on any page. 1508379;1469138625;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: many of the more egregious turds, have runtime-genned-by-js crapolade 1508380;1469138634;mircea_popescu;it is rendered, free of charge. 1508381;1469138638;asciilifeform;works while archive.is exists ! 1508382;1469138649;asciilifeform;what is needed is a standalone works-forever. 1508383;1469138667;mircea_popescu;did your objection change from "this free service doing a very good job won't last forever" to "my abilities to make copies it also provides won't last after it goes away" ? 1508384;1469138671;mircea_popescu;wtf you want over here! 1508385;1469138684;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: is there an existing widget that emulates a 'typical' wwwtron and allows dump of the rendered material ? 1508386;1469138691;mircea_popescu;when it "goes away" you will still have all the copies you made. 1508387;1469138697;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is so 1508388;1469138733;mircea_popescu;and IF it goes away, and that happens BEFORE www goes away, which is the fucking plan in the first place ; THEN maybe we worry about this, neh ? 1508389;1469138736;asciilifeform;but - leverage. i fucking hate solving problems in a way that still leaves me to put out fire when the thing inevitably catches fire. 1508390;1469138751;mircea_popescu;we don't have a survival plan for www in the first place! 1508391;1469138796;asciilifeform;recall how dejanews, and then google-groups, went to /dev/null ? 1508392;1469138816;mircea_popescu;this being a large part of why i'm not impressed with, eg, schwartz ; or naggum ; etc. 1508393;1469138818;asciilifeform;'oh we dun need to archive, google archived' 1508394;1469138829;mircea_popescu;if your thing dies, this says you're not worth my time. 1508395;1469138844;mircea_popescu;it literally is RETROACTIVE dis-existentiation. 1508396;1469138846;asciilifeform;the greeks were 'dead' for a while i recall. 1508397;1469138848;asciilifeform;until undeaded. 1508398;1469138852;mircea_popescu;sure. 1508399;1469138873;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, keep a blog, keep it well backed up, so that if phf asks, you can link him 1508400;1469138893;mircea_popescu;there is no way out of this. inept, infantile bitching about how "php is too hard for me" and "archive.is might not survive" etc is just so much wasted breath. 1508401;1469138945;asciilifeform;all of mircea_popescu's quite valid criticisms of, e.g., 'imgur', apply to archive.is. 1508402;1469138964;mircea_popescu;there pointedly isn't some "god of the rolls" that this is to be offloaded to. if you can't be arsed to save the .zip files after someone did all the fucking hard work you don't even know how to do nor can motivate self to even attempt in the first place, there's exactly no value you have to save. 1508403;1469138976;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform https://archive.is/download/ia3zY.zip < 1508404;1469138985;danielpbarron;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508359 << I was thinking this too. If people are gonna archive links that's fine but it's better to paste the original link in the logs -- I can always paste it into achive.is myself if it happens to dissapear 1508405;1469138985;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 21:58 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: not only this, but, the fella who runs archive.is is... not in my wot 1508406;1469139042;mircea_popescu;i suppose one thing we could do is change how a111 works so that on every outbout link posted here it a) makes an archive.is copy of thje page ; b) downloads the corresponding zip 1508407;1469139052;asciilifeform;waitasec 1508408;1469139056;asciilifeform;holy shit mircea_popescu what's in that thing 1508409;1469139061;mircea_popescu;in what thing ? 1508410;1469139064;asciilifeform;the zip 1508411;1469139071;mircea_popescu;the... page 1508412;1469139075;mircea_popescu;should be a trilema. neh ? 1508413;1469139079;asciilifeform;no. 1508414;1469139081;asciilifeform;go, see. 1508415;1469139082;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1508416;1469139101;asciilifeform;go and unzip it. 1508417;1469139150;mircea_popescu;yes ? 1508418;1469139155;asciilifeform;and? 1508419;1469139156;mircea_popescu;html file + 2 images ; a trilema 1508420;1469139210;asciilifeform;not what i get 1508421;1469139235;asciilifeform;i get a 128k binary turd. 1508422;1469139247;mircea_popescu;e162a9f7cef30be7d517a6a0103863ddedeea0597f11134e7952bbb28462ece45b570926d9cc42a1088bea8dd3a0e4eeb741a72a9c831799b06bd3a9041496cd /home/mircea/Downloads/ia3zY.zip 1508423;1469139256;asciilifeform;with a and then 128k of ???. 1508424;1469139274;trinque;lolwat 1508425;1469139277;mircea_popescu;does the hash match ? 1508426;1469139279;trinque;I got teh trilema 1508427;1469139289;asciilifeform;d7f9bc94bb14f5cd596b08d63760f9d6c609ec8165a5cb699ed9d3a5d873bc4ea111373323408f9af1ad3402a08ede01929e7bfe808c583045a1e83c1f564ac1 ia3zY.zip 1508428;1469139292;asciilifeform;(sha512) 1508429;1469139293;mircea_popescu;o.O 1508430;1469139295;asciilifeform;aha. 1508431;1469139313;mats;the suspense builds 1508432;1469139320;mircea_popescu;32748 bytes ? 1508433;1469139324;asciilifeform;i load it again and... 1508434;1469139324;asciilifeform;SAME 1508435;1469139334;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the zip ? 1508436;1469139340;mircea_popescu;yes 1508437;1469139355;asciilifeform;131259 every time. 1508438;1469139356;trinque;sign a hex dump and deedbot! 1508439;1469139371;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the zip you download, is it 32748 long ? if shorter, maybe incomplete transfer ? 1508440;1469139376;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: LONGER 1508441;1469139383;asciilifeform;131259 > 32748. 1508442;1469139390;phf;fwiw i'm getting a different shasum 512 from either of you 1508443;1469139396;mircea_popescu;weird shit. 1508444;1469139400;asciilifeform;loooovely thing, archive.is 1508445;1469139414;mircea_popescu;well ima paste the b64 sec 1508446;1469139439;asciilifeform;incidentally!!! 1508447;1469139444;asciilifeform;i get a DIFFERENT 128k every time 1508448;1469139446;asciilifeform;i download it. 1508449;1469139454;asciilifeform;other than the header. 1508450;1469139481;asciilifeform;possibly, polymorphic bomb, will be interesting to reverse 1508451;1469139481;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/c7194633-56f8-40eb-950d-b39e64a24632/ 1508452;1469139549;asciilifeform;my 1: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/5006dcaa-e6a3-4d39-96ac-0bf42106849d/ 1508453;1469139565;asciilifeform;my 2: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/6b803d1b-3f00-414a-8c79-b95409804268 1508454;1469139573;asciilifeform;have phun folx. 1508455;1469139605;asciilifeform;d7f9bc94bb14f5cd596b08d63760f9d6c609ec8165a5cb699ed9d3a5d873bc4ea111373323408f9af1ad3402a08ede01929e7bfe808c583045a1e83c1f564ac1 and b8f9876e782c1f4681607404632ce5d11514ce5e3caeb0dead6f0110c39aa1c83feeb1f8ad009f26fd7ea70c9331933aa0f06fb497b1fe0148b45f76d3a97800 respectively. 1508456;1469139625;asciilifeform;131259 bytes long each. 1508457;1469139822;asciilifeform;effect confirmed on both curl and wget. 1508458;1469139825;asciilifeform;of various version. 1508459;1469139882;asciilifeform;wholly different contents every time, OTHER than zip headers. 1508460;1469139897;mircea_popescu;pretty bizarre. 1508461;1469139901;asciilifeform;isnnit. 1508462;1469139976;mircea_popescu;i get different hashes every time also ; but they're all legit zip archives. 1508463;1469139980;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: zip unpacks great. 1508464;1469139995;asciilifeform;but neither it, nor the contents, appear to have any relation whatsoever to any of my 3. 1508465;1469140075;asciilifeform;the string 'jpg', for instance, occurs in none of my 3. 1508466;1469140085;asciilifeform;(not in payload, or headers - where it belongs) 1508467;1469140099;asciilifeform;dump'em out, see. 1508468;1469140140;asciilifeform;phf: post a few shots of yours plox 1508469;1469140149;asciilifeform;and anybody else tuned in, ditto. 1508470;1469140149;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is actually a zip bug. 1508471;1469140161;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: demonstrate ? 1508472;1469140179;mircea_popescu;i was able to reproduce teh "weird binary with html tags" by running cli zip 3.0 1508473;1469140188;asciilifeform;on what ? 1508474;1469140195;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's 32k zip unpacks great 1508475;1469140195;mircea_popescu;on ubuntu. 1508476;1469140198;asciilifeform;and has the expected contents 1508477;1469140211;asciilifeform;the 3 128k shots - contain ??? ~with a valid zip header~ 1508478;1469140222;asciilifeform;that unpacks to... SAME bitwise ??? but sans zip header. 1508479;1469140236;asciilifeform;and has NOTHING in common with the jpegs or html in mircea_popescu's 32k zip 1508480;1469140250;asciilifeform;but, i suspect, is payload for some overflowed buffer in winzip or the like. 1508481;1469140257;mircea_popescu;http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/94037a82-84af-4210-895e-a2393bcbf3c3/ << like so 1508482;1469140279;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what's this 1508483;1469140301;mircea_popescu;that';s what manglemess zip makes of the dld. 1508484;1469140395;asciilifeform;what was the input for this ? 1508485;1469140407;asciilifeform;(you zipped an x? what was x) 1508486;1469140418;asciilifeform;and is it same if you do it again ? 1508487;1469140427;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i unzipped the result of curling the url. 1508488;1469140431;mircea_popescu;nope. 1508489;1469140502;mircea_popescu;basically looks like some versions of zip fuck up the directory structure, extract it as a flat file. 1508490;1469140534;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and your zip was 32k and mine 128k because ?? 1508491;1469140577;mircea_popescu;no idea ; i always get the same size. 1508492;1469140585;asciilifeform;me too. 1508493;1469140586;asciilifeform;128k. 1508494;1469140609;mircea_popescu;odd. 1508495;1469140616;asciilifeform;i am speaking of the raw download 1508496;1469140627;asciilifeform;if you unzip ANY of them, you get IDENTICAL file minus zip header. 1508497;1469140652;asciilifeform;(which is to say, a length ??? binturd with NO symptoms of it being packed jpeg or html from mircea_popescu's zip) 1508498;1469140669;asciilifeform;(identical to the incoming zip, not to each other) 1508499;1469140719;mircea_popescu;well, fortunate that this oddity should pick the reverser among us to bless. 1508500;1469140774;mircea_popescu;anyway - from what i see old cli zip does take the (correct sized, 32kb) file and spit it out as a single file of binary crap, instead of as a directory of 3 files of which one a html and two jpgs 1508501;1469140791;asciilifeform;yes, i get same ! 1508502;1469140794;asciilifeform;when using mircea_popescu's zip 1508503;1469140800;asciilifeform;which never comes out if i download. 1508504;1469140891;*;asciilifeform will take in the full joys of the blessing when he comes back from meat. 1508505;1469140894;*;asciilifeform bbl - meat. 1508506;1469141478;mircea_popescu;ftr, i get different hashes for the dlded zip file, but identical contents for the extracted index.html (ie, diff reports no diff.) 1508507;1469142660;phf;instead of investigating this mysterious zip, i spent time reading jordan pearson's twitter. he's special, he's like the worst parody of a 2016 American Nerd 1508508;1469142796;phf;http://motherboard-images.vice.com/authors/no-id/1459351347926622.jpg 1508509;1469142841;phf;"why do white people charge so much for sandwiches" 1508510;1469142849;ben_vulpes;> tinder social 1508511;1469142853;ben_vulpes;wutdat 1508512;1469142874;ben_vulpes;tinder, by the way, makes a hilarious appearance in the first 2 episodes of letterkenny 1508513;1469142889;ben_vulpes;which features a character mircea_popescu may find amusing, the slut with an entire rural town wrapped around her finger 1508514;1469142898;ben_vulpes;"oh, that's why you appreciate me charlie?" 1508515;1469142913;ben_vulpes;"oh, hey, hi ground. look at you! how are you doing today eh?" 1508516;1469143639;phf;asciilifeform: thanks for the flibusta link 1508517;1469144450;phf;first time i see sli.mg in the wild, oddly enough on a pdp-11 ebay listing http://www.ebay.com/itm/Digital-PDP-11-20-with-KT11-B-Paging-Option-/201624309371 1508518;1469144477;phf;(can be yours for like 10k or so, at 2k right now) 1508519;1469148835;asciilifeform;phf: https://sli.mg/a/iDZnCf (via your link) quite a thing of beauty. 1508520;1469148872;asciilifeform;https://i.sli.mg/M9tf78.jpg << mega-relay! 1508521;1469148977;asciilifeform;i wish to move to the planet where ~that~ : https://i.sli.mg/ikoT6o.jpg is how one is introduced to 'the computer' 1508522;1469148992;asciilifeform;and where 'the computer' is what we see in this www. 1508523;1469149003;asciilifeform;recommended prOn, to all here. 1508524;1469149072;asciilifeform;https://i.sli.mg/BzdQZa.jpg << motherfucking firmware ON PAPER TAPE, you can READ it 1508525;1469149135;asciilifeform;whole lost WORLD of sanity. 1508526;1469149278;asciilifeform;phf: log dead? 1508527;1469149625;asciilifeform;trbbot? 1508528;1469149630;asciilifeform;what did i miss? 1508529;1469149720;shinohai;nothing yet, i decided to have a bot sit in here and lawg since a111 dies so much 1508530;1469149735;*;shinohai looks at phf >.> 1508531;1469149758;phf;hmm, yeah will fix 1508532;1469149784;phf;it basically just disconnects and doesn't reconnect. provides for some diversion 1508533;1469160054;mats;acog was great for observation the few times I used it -- better for officers 1508534;1469160205;mats;never got to try an eotech, my unit wasn't high speed enough 1508535;1469163960;BingoBoingo; then he can be 'whole' << This actually is a thing. There is 0 lower bound to idiocy. 1508536;1469164711;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/v7bIi2.png << Do not allow near pdp-11 1508537;1469168815;BingoBoingo;Phun Phact: The "Tree" that grew in Brooklyn was a monster https://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/fact/aial1.htm 1508538;1469170127;mats;fwiw, i don't believe the radio in the iphone has dma 1508539;1469170153;mats;based on some teardowns it appears the ram is in package with main cpu 1508540;1469170324;mats;and based on wut an acquaintance is saying (my knowledge of hw is shallow), it'd be impractical to route the bus to the radio 1508541;1469170363;mats;spi would be the ticket 1508542;1469182908;deedbot;[Qntra] "Crypto Coin Wallet Card" Physical Bitcoins Were A Scam - http://qntra.net/2016/07/crypto-coin-wallet-card-physical-bitcoins-were-a-scam/ 1508543;1469183203;thestringpuller;;;later tell http://ix.io/16ii 1508544;1469183203;gribble;(later tell ) -- Tells the next time is in seen. can contain wildcard characters, and the first matching nick will be given the note. 1508545;1469183210;thestringpuller;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/16ii 1508546;1469183210;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508547;1469183388;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 137972329524511332350345179383063459057793945315652236507421970261693564137960901996512996894145017061621733082256131959567147919618864056303833940191201933702773123828501529555162679467570574922517240202085909763410593682514212885621835760530191733699371777165518298737890131320837158206796655415064708441863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for P 1508548;1469183775;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller: up, edited, ty 1508549;1469183869;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 137972329524511332350345179383063459057793945315652236507421970261693564137960901996512996894145017061621733082256131959567147919618864056303833940191201933702773123828501529555162679467570574922517240202085909763410593682514212885621835760530191733699371777165518298737890131320837158206796655415064708441863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for P 1508550;1469183869;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 137972329524511332350345179383063459057793945315652236507421970261693564137960901996512996894145017061621733082256131959567147919618864056303833940191201933702773123828501529555162679467570574922517240202085909763410593682514212885621835760530191733699371777165518298737890131320837158206796655415064708441863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for P 1508551;1469183869;deedbot;[Qntra] Coinbase Embraces Ether As Venture Continues Running On Fumes - http://qntra.net/2016/07/coinbase-embraces-ether-as-venture-continues-running-on-fumes/ 1508552;1469184282;shinohai;gm #trilema 1508553;1469185443;BingoBoingo;morning 1508554;1469185669;deedbot;[Qntra] Trendon Shavers Sentenced - http://qntra.net/2016/07/trendon-shavers-sentenced/ 1508555;1469186113;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/16iR 1508556;1469186114;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508557;1469186577;BingoBoingo;ty 1508558;1469186639;shinohai;o/ 1508559;1469186659;deedbot;[Qntra] Seafile Cloud Storage Forks - http://qntra.net/2016/07/seafile-cloud-storage-forks/ 1508560;1469189030;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1508561;1469189031;gribble;Current Blocks: 421829 | Current Difficulty: 2.1349250110751337E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 423359 | Next Difficulty In: 1530 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 1 hour, 34 minutes, and 44 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1508562;1469189035;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1508563;1469189042;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 660.04, vol: 3042.50109346 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 653.301, vol: 3899.55499 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 661.0, vol: 10753.59667482 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 660.913106, vol: 88673.86230000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 660.236, vol: 959.85557494 | Volume-weighted last average: 660.614438891 1508564;1469189815;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508507 << the problem with americans, by which we denote obscure people from the colonies with no history or identity of their own, is that if something becomes desirable they'll just copy it. "as best they can", "with locally sourced items". hence the mormon shredding of the hebrew texts and jordan pearson. 1508565;1469189815;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 23:11 phf: instead of investigating this mysterious zip, i spent time reading jordan pearson's twitter. he's special, he's like the worst parody of a 2016 American Nerd 1508566;1469189852;mircea_popescu;$up ghtdak 1508567;1469189852;deedbot;ghtdak voiced for 30 minutes. 1508568;1469189874;mircea_popescu;of course, it cuts both ways. some people like the indigent simplicity (see, eg, babbage). 1508569;1469189891;mircea_popescu;it all depends if there exists a superior power (france, england, etc) for them to copy or not. 1508570;1469189938;mircea_popescu;in a very important sense, "don't blame the parrots if the sermon's bad" 1508571;1469190044;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508508 << how about it phf, see the merit of having a111 archive.is every link it sees, downloading the zip and then presenting a [cached] [saved] pair of links after the line ? 1508572;1469190044;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 23:13 phf: http://motherboard-images.vice.com/authors/no-id/1459351347926622.jpg 1508573;1469190127;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-21#1508513 << the very wooden acting kinda ruins it for me. why can't these people just you know, write their story ? gotta do it for camera, but that's hard and they have no camera faces nor acting talent. 1508574;1469190127;a111;Logged on 2016-07-21 23:14 ben_vulpes: which features a character mircea_popescu may find amusing, the slut with an entire rural town wrapped around her finger 1508575;1469190158;mircea_popescu;there's this misperception that "people wouldn't read, they prefer to watch video". it's a misperception for many reasons, but obvious here : those people AREN'T WATCHING VIDEO, EITHER. 1508576;1469190194;mircea_popescu;yes they show a marked preference to drooling in front of flickering monitor than empty book. but this is like saying cats prefer the christian science monitor over the new yorker. to what, to piss on ? 1508577;1469190257;mircea_popescu;if ye got a story to tell and ye can't draw, don't make a "stick figure cartoon", write it. if ye got a story to tell and ye can't act, don't make a youtube of it. WRITE IT. 1508578;1469190282;mircea_popescu;fcking basic literacy vs all the ustardians hellbent on being so fucking emospecial they need "symbols" and other illiterate obscura to "express themselves". 1508579;1469190300;mircea_popescu;guess what - whenever the problem of expression seems to be resolvable by chucking the alphabet, the problem's not of expression. 1508580;1469190571;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508521 << i don't. "copyright dec blabla 1970" ruins it for me. 1508581;1469190571;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 00:56 asciilifeform: i wish to move to the planet where ~that~ : https://i.sli.mg/ikoT6o.jpg is how one is introduced to 'the computer' 1508582;1469190641;thestringpuller;Oh God. I can't stop the huffing. 1508583;1469190658;thestringpuller;I told someone this mornign as they walked in "Do not huff any ether no matter how compelling" 1508584;1469190684;thestringpuller;Coworker is like "Are these cheap like when bitcoin was cheap? How much are these ether tokens?" Me: "I just said not to huff the ether!!!!!" 1508585;1469190722;mircea_popescu;apparently they take what you say as an inverses signal. 1508586;1469190789;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508541 << the dma thing is mostly a sufferance of the desktop designs yea 1508587;1469190789;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 06:48 mats: fwiw, i don't believe the radio in the iphone has dma 1508588;1469190821;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "it will be forking it's code" 1508589;1469190934;mircea_popescu;also paging shinohai. repeat after me, you! "it's raining, it's entertaining, its butt's lost retaining". 1508590;1469191009;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508583 << the sov version had no such 1508591;1469191009;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 12:29 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508521 << i don't. "copyright dec blabla 1970" ruins it for me. 1508592;1469191022;asciilifeform;srsly focusing on the dust spec on the pr0n gurl 1508593;1469191075;mircea_popescu;it's what i do/did. 1508594;1469191078;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508589 << this is false, ~all recent embedded boxes also have it. esp. 1508595;1469191079;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 12:33 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508541 << the dma thing is mostly a sufferance of the desktop designs yea 1508596;1469191094;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508544 << mno. spi tops out at 1-2MB/s. 1508597;1469191094;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 06:52 mats: spi would be the ticket 1508598;1469191098;*;mircea_popescu remembers this epic one time when dude filmed half a set with a cum dribble on his lens. 1508599;1469191103;asciilifeform;lel 1508600;1469191111;mircea_popescu;wtf is that you moron! 1508601;1469191120;mircea_popescu;that's...uh.... mmmm.... 1508602;1469191152;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you think the iphone yet exists that has 1mb worth of data anyone'd care to exfiltrate ?! 1508603;1469191161;shinohai;lulzy mircea_popescu http://qntra.net/2016/07/seafile-cloud-storage-forks/#comment-64913 1508604;1469191163;mircea_popescu;or what, they're importing 800mb of gui for the rootkit ? 1508605;1469191166;thestringpuller;$s why is dma bad 1508606;1469191166;a111;1 results for "why is dma bad", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=why%20is%20dma%20bad 1508607;1469191173;mircea_popescu;shinohai :[ 1508608;1469191176;mircea_popescu;:p i mean 1508609;1469191180;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: thread was about how the radio is connected to cpu. 1508610;1469191207;asciilifeform;it is not difficult to infer how it is NOT connected, because you can pick up the device and measure top bandwidth quite easily with bare hands 1508611;1469191207;mircea_popescu;yes. but for the purpose of owning it no ? 1508612;1469191218;asciilifeform;for the purpose of ~how is it connected??~ 1508613;1469191230;mircea_popescu;aok. 1508614;1469191240;mircea_popescu;i thought the idea was someone will hack into your thing via radio. 1508615;1469191248;asciilifeform;(which in turn is interesting because ~is it on the same bus as other periphs~) 1508616;1469191274;asciilifeform;e.g., what privileges does the radio have, to put in software parlance 1508617;1469191293;asciilifeform;what can you do to the rest of the box from it 1508618;1469191341;asciilifeform;;;later tell trinque what happened here ? http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508550 <<>> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508553 ? this is not the first time, either. i checked my rss feed, it does not shit out dupes. 1508619;1469191343;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 10:37 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 137972329524511332350345179383063459057793945315652236507421970261693564137960901996512996894145017061621733082256131959567147919618864056303833940191201933702773123828501529555162679467570574922517240202085909763410593682514212885621835760530191733699371777165518298737890131320837158206796655415064708441863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from 94.141.15 1508620;1469191343;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 10:29 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 137972329524511332350345179383063459057793945315652236507421970261693564137960901996512996894145017061621733082256131959567147919618864056303833940191201933702773123828501529555162679467570574922517240202085909763410593682514212885621835760530191733699371777165518298737890131320837158206796655415064708441863 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from 94.141.15 1508621;1469191343;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508622;1469191361;asciilifeform;incidentally this is the first, iirc, long factor sshkey collision to pop. 1508623;1469191385;asciilifeform; and 1508624;1469191398;mircea_popescu;what, the others were short ? 1508625;1469191399;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo "it will be forking it's code" << fxd 1508626;1469191408;mircea_popescu;ty. 1508627;1469191413;asciilifeform;'University of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz' 1508628;1469191417;asciilifeform;poland. 1508629;1469191440;asciilifeform;jesce polska nie zginela! 1508630;1469191443;mircea_popescu;lol. 1508631;1469191461;mircea_popescu;someone plox write the fellows a nice email, explain what happened and ask them to send a copy of the item that generated keys ? 1508632;1469191491;asciilifeform;sounds like a job for mircea_popescu ? 1508633;1469191510;asciilifeform;(to date, nobody answered when asciilifeform wrote. perhaps he lives under a curse) 1508634;1469191520;mircea_popescu;why for me! so we keep having these "how do build dirigible" threads weekly, while we patently ignore what the fellow who built the trope name has to say about the process ? 1508635;1469191540;asciilifeform;only so that possibly somebody answers this time!11 1508636;1469191562;mircea_popescu;we don't give a shit if they do or don't. 1508637;1469191570;asciilifeform;then why bother ? 1508638;1469191578;mircea_popescu;we're here to develop the tmsr human resources, not to get some derps not in wot to eat their fucking peas. 1508639;1469191626;mircea_popescu;how do you say parusski "ridicarea continua a nivelului politic si ideologic" ? 1508640;1469191716;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: re earlier, these factors are 1024 bt long. the longest ssh popped prior, had 512b-long factor. 1508641;1469191721;mircea_popescu;obv if i fucking google it, trilema is like the only source. motherfucker already. here. http://trilema.com/2011/propuneri-de-masuri-pentru-imbunatațirea-activitații-politico-ideologice-de-educare-marxist-leninista-a-membrilor-de-partid-a-tuturor-oamenilor-muncii-comentate/ 1508642;1469191727;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ah ok. 1508643;1469191980;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508545 << i suggest link to the thread ? or if somebody ( mircea_popescu ? ) ever had an article-length exposition of subj -- to that. 1508644;1469191980;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 10:21 deedbot: [Qntra] "Crypto Coin Wallet Card" Physical Bitcoins Were A Scam - http://qntra.net/2016/07/crypto-coin-wallet-card-physical-bitcoins-were-a-scam/ 1508645;1469191980;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508646;1469191990;asciilifeform;but afaik it was ever in just that one thread. here. 1508647;1469192049;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-06#1498063 << thread. 1508648;1469192049;a111;Logged on 2016-07-06 15:04 asciilifeform: i dun care if it is made of gold, shitanium, hitler's skull, etc.; my take on folks selling envelopes which may or may not contain a funded privkey, and may or may not contain the ONLY extant copy thereof, remains same. 1508649;1469192050;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508650;1469192051;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1508651;1469192219;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i was thinking of that exact thread when i read the news. prophetic huh? 1508652;1469192224;mircea_popescu;now i'm reading source material of ro 1960s censorship ("raport de analiza muncii", 3rd/4th q, 1961). guess what ? all the censors are women. andreescu elena, miroiu, takacs margareta (they had hungarians to read the hu stuff lol), "vas a. & pop c.", etc etc. fucking dozen+, all womens. 1508653;1469192228;mircea_popescu;how the fyuck does this work. 1508654;1469192232;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: 'who could have foreseen!' 1508655;1469192266;asciilifeform;but srsly i wonder if there is ANY discussion of 'the fella who generated the keys may have copies and you will NEVER prove the contrary' in, e.g., tardstalk, wherever. 1508656;1469192276;asciilifeform;any of the places this crapolade was pushed. 1508657;1469192294;mircea_popescu;well they speak a different language. 1508658;1469192336;asciilifeform;waiwut 1508659;1469192647;asciilifeform;'Either that company was running a scam (and I do not actually accuse them of that) or they were retaining backup copies of the private keys they generated (which they never should have done) and they were stolen by either a hacker or an employee.' 1508660;1469192651;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1508661;1469192672;asciilifeform;'i opened the money-promise box and it had 0, but i do not accuse the vendor of scam' 1508662;1469192680;asciilifeform;dafuq. 1508663;1469192807;asciilifeform;'physical btc' is one of those items that is FRACTALLY a bad idea. with disaster waiting at EVERY possible junction. 1508664;1469192824;asciilifeform;leeeeet's pass a box with privkey around, round, round, and pray that nobody peeks in 1508665;1469192854;mircea_popescu;dawg. you're seriously spending your time sifting through tardstalk to support a minor point of dubiously more value than the cost of a log line ? 1508666;1469192863;asciilifeform;i followed the qntra link, that's it. 1508667;1469192878;mircea_popescu;a) hire a girl to do this. pay minimum wage, see how much you actually care to do it ; b) built a pdp already, or what was it you were building ? 1508668;1469192880;asciilifeform;already maxed dosimeter. 1508669;1469192923;*;asciilifeform wonders if 'physical btc' is largely a stale and dead scam, or still lively somewhere. 1508670;1469192933;mircea_popescu;no such thing as a stale scam. 1508671;1469192937;asciilifeform;point. 1508672;1469192950;mircea_popescu;since the birth of the city, they've only had maybe 3 or 4 scams altogether. 1508673;1469192975;asciilifeform;fiatola was printed in china before euro folk climbed down from the trees, or what it was. 1508674;1469195517;asciilifeform;so, via this heathen pit, http://www.whoismcafee.com/the-travel-guide : 'Dr. McAfee, I have spent the past thirty years perfecting an unbreakable encryption algorithm. My algorithm is not just unbreakable for all practical purposes it is theoretically unbreakable. The advent of quantum computers will not change this. The mathematics confirming my claim is indisputable. You no doubt have sufficient knowledge of mathematics and program 1508675;1469195517;asciilifeform;ming to understand my design. I will be happy to send you a copy of my patent application so you can evaluate the veracity of my claims if you will sign a notarized non-disclosure agreement.' 1508676;1469195561;asciilifeform;this kind of circus is one of the thing i miss about usenet 1508677;1469195575;asciilifeform;sci.crypt crackpots were every bit as entertaining as the sci.physics ones 1508678;1469195641;mircea_popescu;ahahaha who the fuck figures mcafee no doubt has a clue of maths ? 1508679;1469195660;asciilifeform;'unbreakable cryptographers!' clearly 1508680;1469195662;asciilifeform;who else. 1508681;1469195764;mircea_popescu;me finds http://www.infobae.com/2015/12/05/1774628-el-gran-mito-que-la-argentina-es-un-pais-rico/ where his quote re plowing fly is given as "unknown author", writes to the bulat derp to point out the author's known, since ~1850 or so. guess what happens next ? 1508682;1469195869;asciilifeform;absolutely nothing ? 1508683;1469195887;mircea_popescu;nah, host aspmx.l.google.com [] SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:: 552-5.2.2 The email account that you tried to reach is over quota. 1508684;1469195903;mircea_popescu;the idiots use google mail ; who said google mail has infinite space ? 1508685;1469195918;asciilifeform;holy fuq 1508686;1469195945;asciilifeform;current quote for free accts is... ~15GB 1508687;1469195951;mircea_popescu;this incidentally is so fucking typical of this shithole it bleeds. they have THE MARKINGS of everything. if you don't look too closely, tomas bulat seems just like an ordinary derp ; has an email and a picture and everything. 1508688;1469195962;mircea_popescu;but he ISNT one. he's an orc masquerading as one, and at the first touch the masquerade crumbles. 1508689;1469195982;asciilifeform;what's the diff b/w 'ordinary derp' and orc 1508690;1469196005;mircea_popescu;same thing, throughout. buenos aires has a night life, god help you if you try to go out. it has shops, god help you if you try to you know, find the most common industrial product in deployment over the whole country (ie, the heating element from http://trilema.com/2016/cargo-cults-a-case-study/ ) 1508691;1469196012;asciilifeform;the 'human' can afford real leather 'business planner' through no fault of his own, just because the money pipe going through ~his~ back yard drips moar than the orc's 1508692;1469196020;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform ordinary derp has ipad ; orc has paper cutout painted like ipad. 1508693;1469196022;asciilifeform;the egyptian from mircea_popescu's article - stuck with faux leather 1508694;1469196030;asciilifeform;ah yes. 1508695;1469196054;asciilifeform;both really belong with a mud brick shaped like ipad 1508696;1469196072;asciilifeform;but one savage found a geologist's flashlight in the woods, and the other - not 1508697;1469196094;mircea_popescu;quite so. 1508698;1469196289;asciilifeform;'Each Google Apps for Work user can store up to 30 GB of content for free (compared to 15 GB with Google Apps free edition or individual consumer accounts). This storage is shared between Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Photos. If you’re approaching the limit or if you've run out of storage, you can purchase additional storage or reduce your storage usage.' 1508699;1469196312;asciilifeform;fella prolly overfilled his pr0n box. 1508700;1469196323;mircea_popescu;and i presume it filters spam to some degree. hopefuly to such degree that an account last used dec 2015 isn't overrun by 30gb worth of spam in 6 months. 1508701;1469196334;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: experimentally, they aren't. 1508702;1469196358;asciilifeform;( recall why folks end up on gmail to begin with ) 1508703;1469196409;asciilifeform;gmail is a very characteristically american chumpatron - 'we will fart and fart and encourage others, and then sell you bottle of clean air' 1508704;1469196428;mircea_popescu;moreover, if it were "derp overfilled his pronbox", you'd expect this problem to resolve over time. i'll bet you whatever it will not. 1508705;1469196444;asciilifeform;well if abandoned it will never be cleaned, neh ? 1508706;1469196450;mircea_popescu;so, so reminescent of "eudemocracia.org" ie http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-in-argentina-exactly-nothing-to-do-with-the-derps/#selection-197.0-197.39 1508707;1469196450;asciilifeform;(until garbage collected) 1508708;1469196472;deedbot;[Trilema] Views through a lens - http://trilema.com/2016/views-through-a-lens/ 1508709;1469196481;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's not even abandoned. it's "abandoned", in the sense your pet cat "has abandoned" its copy of the master and marguerita. 1508710;1469196489;mircea_popescu;hurr durr, wasn't its thing to abandon in the first place. 1508711;1469196537;mircea_popescu;meanwhile i bought "industria argentina" male underwear which, while spoiling the same amount of cotton as a normal pair ; nevertheless HAS NO RUBBER BAND. 1508712;1469196551;asciilifeform;holy fuq, is that a bismarck's cross on the anvil ?! 1508713;1469196566;mircea_popescu;i have never before seen such nonsense, not even in the depths of romanian 80s poverty, where they actually have unyielding band for the underwear omfg. 1508714;1469196578;mircea_popescu;went straight into bin, where i'd like to put this population wholesale. 1508715;1469196579;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha. 1508716;1469196599;mod6;that would drive me crazy. 1508717;1469196609;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where was the anvil ? 1508718;1469196620;mircea_popescu;PAPER GOODS shop. 1508719;1469196654;shinohai;http://archive.is/4mmml <<< the new generation of burner phones! 1508720;1469196721;asciilifeform;shinohai: lulzy. see the electric meters in arizona thread from a while back, for similar item. 1508721;1469196736;asciilifeform;i can't wait for pay-as-you-go water and sewer. 1508722;1469196764;asciilifeform;and pay toilets where you gotta put in credit card for a set of shutters in the toilet to open. 1508723;1469196787;shinohai;i remember pay stalls in some areas of nyc 1508724;1469196796;shinohai;25 cents to open stall door 1508725;1469196798;asciilifeform;that's old hat 1508726;1469196805;asciilifeform;gotta EVOLVE!1111 1508727;1469196807;asciilifeform;to next level. 1508728;1469196816;shinohai;bitcoin qr on stall door. 1508729;1469196825;asciilifeform;shutters, i tell ya. 1508730;1469196834;phf;1btc enter, 2btc leave 1508731;1469196849;asciilifeform;the only notch to go to after that will be chastity belt that physically prevents bladder from emptying until paid. 1508732;1469196907;asciilifeform;;;google Вход рубль, выход — два 1508733;1469196907;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 1508734;1469196912;asciilifeform;$google Вход рубль, выход — два 1508735;1469196912;*;deedbot hands you a broomstick. 1508736;1469196916;asciilifeform;eh. 1508737;1469196963;shinohai; $google Вход рубль, выход — два 1508738;1469196966;shinohai;10:14 @TRS80` 1508739;1469196968;shinohai;shinohai: Виктор Суворов — Викицитатник: ; аквариум вход рубль , выход два - YouTube: ; Вход - рубль , выход - два - 1508740;1469196970;shinohai;Психология (1 more message) 1508741;1469196973;shinohai;10:14 +shinohai $more 1508742;1469196974;shinohai;10:14 @TRS80` shinohai: и бизнес - RIN.ru: 1508743;1469196986;asciilifeform;hm 1508744;1469196990;asciilifeform;why the space ? 1508745;1469197005;shinohai;i copied from another buffer 1508746;1469197021;asciilifeform;yes but why did it fire this time, and not before 1508747;1469197036;asciilifeform;or what happened here 1508748;1469197066;shinohai;^ that was results from my gribbletron 1508749;1469197074;asciilifeform;ah 1508750;1469197433;asciilifeform;re 'pay as you go', the favoured variant appears to be http://btcbase.org/log/2015-09-25#1285945 - flavoured. 1508751;1469197433;a111;Logged on 2015-09-25 23:24 punkman: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPsb_D2WoAAse4i.jpg:large 1508752;1469197666;asciilifeform;obligatory oldie: http://wearcam.org/seatsale 1508753;1469197730;asciilifeform;http://wearcam.org/seatsale/patent << pure gold. e.g., 'Fig. 4 illustrates the back door of a free dwelling or a low cost housing project, where the door has a magnetic safety lock for preventing children from accidentally running out into the backyard and being killed or injured by land mines that have not yet been de-activated by sliding a credit card into the door frame to purchase yard privileges.' 1508754;1469197820;asciilifeform;'FIG. 4 provides the solution to the problem of homelessness by providing free housing or low cost housing to anyone who wants it. Free houses are given away or loaned subject to certain Terms and Conditions. For example, the houses have surveillance and safety systems built in, and the Terms and Conditions include not tampering with these devices. Homeless persons can trade their privacy and autonomy for housing in which they become 1508755;1469197820;asciilifeform; experimental subjects of various monitoring devices, or in which they view advertisements in their houses, or agree to consume only certain products, or to abide by brand loyalties. Additionally, these homes may be provided with certain safety features, such as a magnetic lock 490 that prevents occupants from leaving the home without meeting certain conditions, such as safety and sobriety.' 1508756;1469197835;asciilifeform;one of the best tr0l0l0lz i've seen in eons. whole thing recommended. 1508757;1469198071;shinohai;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://imgur.com/a/VSdan 1508758;1469198072;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508759;1469198133;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Pretty sure that's a dupe 1508760;1469198187;shinohai;searched for "morning ass" 1508761;1469198196;*;shinohai *shudders* 1508762;1469198341;BingoBoingo;lol 1508763;1469198402;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BFzt1AdCQAEYZ1h.jpg:large 1508764;1469198447;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu asciilifeform link added 1508765;1469198690;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: neato. 1508766;1469198708;BingoBoingo;https://reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/4tzjxr/why_does_the_dao_contract_have_38434_eth_in_it/?st=iqx42fo1&sh=857d0b96 1508767;1469198713;BingoBoingo;^ Gasmasks on 1508768;1469199136;mircea_popescu;lmao so comcast is finally installing cable. 1508769;1469199199;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: whaddayamean? comcast is one of the regional cable monopolies in usa. 1508770;1469199207;asciilifeform;has been, for ages. 1508771;1469199247;mircea_popescu;yes. and the deal described (~80 one time to install including the ~30 bux monthly fee + further 30 day reloads whenever you feel like and no contract or "credit checks" is how cable fucking works. it's what was installed in Romania starting 1993. 1508772;1469199260;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what they did prior. but if not this - not a cable company. sorry. 1508773;1469199271;asciilifeform;what they did prior was almost this. 1508774;1469199281;mircea_popescu;so prior tyhey were almost cable company. 1508775;1469199298;asciilifeform;except, for reasons unknown to me, they would extend the customer 30 days of credit (he'd get service then get 1st bill 30d later.) 1508776;1469199308;asciilifeform;ditto telco. etc 1508777;1469199336;asciilifeform;now that i think about it, the reason was obvious - get him to cough up dough for extras 1508778;1469199341;asciilifeform;('pay per view', etc) 1508779;1469199353;asciilifeform;whereas now chumper will have to pre-load the acct. 1508780;1469199378;mircea_popescu;the usg.corp bakes in usg.credit much like tmsr.everything bakes in tmsr.wot and for the same exact, purely political, reasons. 1508781;1469199392;asciilifeform;american mobile telcos have, by and large, already switched to the prepaid model. 1508782;1469199393;mircea_popescu;they don't want a world with us in it just like we don't want a world with them in it. 1508783;1469199405;mircea_popescu;well yes, because we're winning the war of worlds, but anyway. 1508784;1469199452;asciilifeform;i suspect that the logic was purely practical - the customers are no longer, by and large, creditworthy. 1508785;1469199485;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508757 << mp\s ancient idea, "have housing free for 20yo female students provided they never dress indoors". it made a decent penny. 1508786;1469199485;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 14:30 asciilifeform: 'FIG. 4 provides the solution to the problem of homelessness by providing free housing or low cost housing to anyone who wants it. Free houses are given away or loaned subject to certain Terms and Conditions. For example, the houses have surveillance and safety systems built in, and the Terms and Conditions include not tampering with these devices. Homeless persons can trade their privacy and autonomy for hou 1508787;1469199511;mircea_popescu;then it got mainstreamized into "reality tv" or someshit, a whole franchise. 1508788;1469199562;asciilifeform;sounds like some seriously overpriced naked chix pix 1508789;1469199574;asciilifeform;(even if locale with very low rents) 1508790;1469199584;mircea_popescu;at the time (mid 90s, ro) it wasn't in any sense overpriced. 1508791;1469199595;asciilifeform;what did it cost to house 1 specimen ? 1508792;1469199613;mircea_popescu;bout a hundred per head. you don't house them solo. 1508793;1469199619;asciilifeform;well yes 1508794;1469199634;mircea_popescu;you house them in conditions slightly better than they house themselves, which is 6 heads to the 3room apt. 1508795;1469199641;asciilifeform;hundred what? usd ? 1508796;1469199657;mircea_popescu;myeah. under that, really. food included. 1508797;1469199658;asciilifeform;i wouldn't pay 100 usd/mo for pictures of chick 1508798;1469199677;mircea_popescu;well you wouldn't do all sorts of things, principally because and since you'rfe not in the business of doing them. 1508799;1469199694;mircea_popescu;i have nfi why you'd pay, for, eg, cnc mill. but whatevs. 1508800;1469199716;asciilifeform;i can only assume that mircea_popescu found someone who will pay 100+epsilon for it. 1508801;1469199731;mircea_popescu;at the time sets cost ~2k per model. 1508802;1469199743;mircea_popescu;sets you understand, ~hour-and-half. 1508803;1469199779;asciilifeform;i never understood what was so great about professionally-produced pr0nz. 1508804;1469199793;*;asciilifeform philistine. 1508805;1469199801;mircea_popescu;that freerange female is ~idiot. 1508806;1469199821;asciilifeform;does she need to be brilliant to display her bits ? 1508807;1469199853;mircea_popescu;people who have contact with a lot of them break through the "o, she's an idiot, how endearing" phase of single-mating-male and become deeply irritated by even a faint hint of the well described idiocies. think of it much like how immune cascade/anaphilactic shock works. 1508808;1469199866;*;asciilifeform can picture it. 1508809;1469199872;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yes. see http://trilema.com/2011/oricine-poate-sa/ 1508810;1469199911;mircea_popescu;showing off is more of a skill than being a feminism professor. it takes more work, and it is a more respectable accomplishment. 1508811;1469199983;mircea_popescu;point in case : http://67.media.tumblr.com/6b3c86cf8995a714a1271f8a05d0f330/tumblr_nldoi2Hklx1uox454o1_500.gif << she, and ANY OTHER ONE LIKE HER, could blather endlessly about nonsense, just as well quality wise as ANY us female professor of nonsense. nevertheless, NO us female professor of nonsense could do that scene. maybe if she can afford to pay me a million to train her for eighteen weeks. but even then it's dubious. 1508812;1469199992;mircea_popescu;for which reason, whore > "career woman". 1508813;1469200036;shinohai;lol i am just now seeing where someone sent 38k ETH to the dao 1508814;1469200036;asciilifeform;i suppose i'm roughly in the position of the quasi-deaf artillerist who goes to a mozart concerto. 1508815;1469200037;mircea_popescu;now, i never understood the appeal of dressing cows in "business suits" and pretending like they're speaking when they moo. but then again i'm not in the business of running the us empire of pretense. 1508816;1469200045;asciilifeform;i dun even grasp the appeal of pr0n with cocks in it. 1508817;1469200049;asciilifeform;it is insta-turnoff. 1508818;1469200072;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform adding that to your anal illustrative inclination, i get the idea maybe you should try it! 1508819;1469200079;asciilifeform;try which ? 1508820;1469200086;mircea_popescu;try homo. 1508821;1469200098;asciilifeform;it just doesn't appeal. can't help it. 1508822;1469200107;mircea_popescu;okthen. 1508823;1469200110;asciilifeform;i will try it shortly after i dine on broken glass, nuts, bolts. 1508824;1469200207;mircea_popescu;but all this aside, the "reality tv" put a half dozen 20yos in a house and film the drama bs made a billion easy. 1508825;1469200222;mircea_popescu;when you're dealing with welfare state consumers, money's both weird and easy. 1508826;1469200347;mircea_popescu;$google bridalplasty 1508827;1469200348;deedbot;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridalplasty << Bridalplasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gR2s6G_-3c << Bridalplasty Episode 1 (Part 1/4) - YouTube | http://www.ew.com/article/2010/11/28/bridalplasty-series-premiere-recap << 'Bridalplasty': 15 Things That Made Me Die Inside | EW.com 1508828;1469200367;mircea_popescu;srsly, they had this. "womenz compete to win wedding and plastic surgery" 1508829;1469200370;mircea_popescu;$up Sinclair6 1508830;1469200370;deedbot;Sinclair6 voiced for 30 minutes. 1508831;1469200491;Sinclair6;hi sir! 1508832;1469200495;mircea_popescu;hola 1508833;1469200531;Sinclair6;just in the process of booting up my systems after a thunder and lighting storm 1508834;1469200533;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508808 << if you don't like scylla, you can always go die from charybdis - bite the bullet and only fuck the maths dept chix, even though their makeup is wrong etc. 1508835;1469200533;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 15:03 mircea_popescu: that freerange female is ~idiot. 1508836;1469200551;mircea_popescu;i'd rather fuck dudes. 1508837;1469200565;asciilifeform;hey it worx for jurov 1508838;1469200601;mircea_popescu;i thought he didn't like it ; worked about as well as any os he ever used, any software package ; any box of breakfast cereal etc. 1508839;1469200632;asciilifeform;lel 1508840;1469200646;mircea_popescu;ftr, there's a tv franchise called "sit down, shut up". it never caught on. 1508841;1469201472;shinohai;https://twitter.com/el33th4xor/status/756509426375352320 <<< butterin looks like he needs to get back to his coffin before sunrise in this photo. 1508842;1469202171;asciilifeform;in other 'news', let's a quick experiment: https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/4u3car/we_scan_whole_ipv4_space_and_publicly_break_weak << does the unhappenatron still have unhappenatronium fuel rods left ? or not. 1508843;1469202322;asciilifeform;dropped it also in the other major heathen pit, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12144168 . 1508844;1469202427;mircea_popescu;would have worked better as blog post, but gl. 1508845;1469202452;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if nothing else, good test of my cachetronics. 1508846;1469202461;asciilifeform;nice burst of traffic. 1508847;1469202993;asciilifeform;ok mircea_popescu this is precious, i cannot resist: 1508848;1469202994;asciilifeform; - - [22/Jul/2016:15:54:57 +0000] "GET /gpgkey/50840391E5677882196999C9AE77F3177E6CBF8D35FB4F1FEF848CFADF9088B1 HTTP/1.1" 200 3425 "" 1508849;1469202999;asciilifeform;^ Northrop Grumman Co. 1508850;1469203009;asciilifeform;(ip) 1508851;1469203017;mircea_popescu;blog article already. 1508852;1469203034;mircea_popescu;you're dicking around on tardstalk etc anyway, might as fucking well sit down and write something that'll be useful later. 1508853;1469203036;asciilifeform;there is almost enough material for article just in above. 1508854;1469203042;mircea_popescu;quite. 1508855;1469203074;asciilifeform;now granted i cannot prove that 'blockpage.cgi' is their censorware monkey's panel... 1508856;1469203077;asciilifeform;but whatever. 1508857;1469203153;asciilifeform;http://www.websense.com/support/article/kbarticle/How-Can-I-Get-More-Information-About-My-Policy-From-the-Block-Page << done. 1508858;1469203156;asciilifeform;'websense' filter. 1508859;1469203161;asciilifeform;so - yes - it was. 1508860;1469203183;asciilifeform;'For custom block pages where the more information link is not available, edit the URL in the address bar to access the hidden view source information. For example, you will see an URL similar to the following for all your custom block pages. http://:15871/cgi-bin/blockpage.cgi?ws-session=687865868 ' 1508861;1469203347;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ever grep own logs for 'blockpage.cgi' ? might be good for a cheap lul. 1508862;1469203367;asciilifeform;'Banned In 66 Countries!1111' 1508863;1469203777;mircea_popescu;cat 'trilema.com-Jun-2016' | grep -c "blockpage.cgi" \ 0 \ wc -l /trilema.com-Jun-2016 \ 8739195 /trilema.com-Jun-2016 1508864;1469203778;mircea_popescu;mno. 1508865;1469203789;asciilifeform;oh well. 1508866;1469204010;mircea_popescu;traffics! 1508867;1469205227;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: here ya go : http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1662 1508868;1469205346;mircea_popescu;;;later tell gabriel_radio http://trilema.com/2011/imi-cer-scuze-dar-mi-am-uitat/ there you go, try that :D 1508869;1469205346;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508870;1469205354;deedbot;[Loper OS] Tears of the Phucked. - http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1662 1508871;1469205396;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not a bad start! 1508872;1469205432;asciilifeform;i have no doubt that mircea_popescu , if he were inclined, could have written a whole b00k about said item. but all i had was this. 1508873;1469205459;mircea_popescu;gotta start ; then gotta keep going. through which process one achieves the bookwriting. 1508874;1469205582;mod6;asciilifeform: lol nice 1508875;1469205860;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'reject: low quality' (reddit) -- win. 1508876;1469205880;asciilifeform;took less than 1 hour. 1508877;1469205921;asciilifeform;perhaps if it had a lolcat ! or concerned the snorting of ethertardium ! 1508878;1469205935;asciilifeform;or Relevant and Evolving!!!11 1508879;1469206032;mircea_popescu;well, alternatively could have had article explaining things rather than just bareback link to data 1508880;1469206053;mircea_popescu;think of the consumer like it were a woman - you don't just go plug her, right ? 1508881;1469206109;asciilifeform;there is a faq 1508882;1469206115;asciilifeform;how many times does one write same explanation ? 1508883;1469206190;asciilifeform;i can't speak for others, but if in 2012 someone had shown me a suspected cracking of rsa key in the wild, i would have squeezed stones until i learned how it was done 1508884;1469206194;deedbot;[Trilema] Petty private satisfactions - http://trilema.com/2016/petty-private-satisfactions/ 1508885;1469206201;asciilifeform;even if there were no convenient explanation served on a silver plate. 1508886;1469206276;mircea_popescu;well yes, but that's you not reddit. 1508887;1469206302;asciilifeform;it's ~people~ 1508888;1469206308;asciilifeform;but then there are also livestock, apparently. 1508889;1469206311;asciilifeform;with net connections. 1508890;1469206399;mircea_popescu;soberania! 1508891;1469206885;deedbot;[Daniel P. Barron] It’s somewhat clunky - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/its-somewhat-clunky/ 1508892;1469207004;asciilifeform;lel seems like danielpbarron's pig did not enjoy the fucking any more than mine 1508893;1469207018;asciilifeform;grunted, sprayed mud, shit. 1508894;1469207097;danielpbarron;lol 1508895;1469207205;mircea_popescu;ahgahaha seriously, they want 2kb keys ? 1508896;1469207269;*;asciilifeform stuck with a 2kb for eons now 1508897;1469207355;asciilifeform;when generating it, i had the figure cached in head from 1990s, '2048, slow but strong!111' 1508898;1469207373;mircea_popescu;hehe 1508899;1469207380;mircea_popescu;anywya. not teh end of the world. 1508900;1469208969;mircea_popescu;;;later tell gabrielradio sau vezi si pe la diana daca te tin curelele : http://www.dianacoman.com/blog/2011/09/29/curbarea-sursei-trilematice/ 1508901;1469208969;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1508902;1469209315;mircea_popescu;this may be the best thing written in that language that year ; and possibly the hardest thing to translate from trilema. notwithstanding that it's not even found there. 1508903;1469210196;mircea_popescu;and in other ornithological references for shinohai , http://67.media.tumblr.com/7fe98f72db7911383ba81b3ddf863e7b/tumblr_nhg4rorKGe1s0h0cio1_400.gif 1508904;1469210287;shinohai;O.o 1508905;1469211435;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: "sorry fork, your loss" << actually had me lollin 1508906;1469212664;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmlilIwUPXU << world's greatest army's procurement pipeline in action 1508907;1469216638;mircea_popescu;in other news, peeled bitter orange (proper peeled, everything off, harem style) in an old fashioned glass, covered with vermouth. 1508908;1469216641;mircea_popescu;aa would hit again. 1508909;1469217108;shinohai;nice i just got in, broke down and bough some muscadine wine for tonite xD 1508910;1469217259;thestringpuller;shinohai: you ever hear of raging burrito? 1508911;1469217791;shinohai;yeah 1508912;1469217817;shinohai;u there? 1508913;1469225159;deedbot;[Trilema] Bucuresti Non Stop - http://trilema.com/2016/bucuresti-non-stop/ 1508914;1469230158;mircea_popescu;$up from heh 1508915;1469230158;deedbot;from voiced for 30 minutes. 1508916;1469230174;mircea_popescu;how the fuck do they do it, it's like the luser is wired, genetically predisposed to luserdom. 1508917;1469230415;BingoBoingo; BingoBoingo: "sorry fork, your loss" << actually had me lollin << ty. shinohai's piece muh edit 1508918;1469230618;BingoBoingo;$up Sinclair6 1508919;1469230618;deedbot;Sinclair6 voiced for 30 minutes. 1508920;1469230648;BingoBoingo;Anyways the greatest lulz of the etherum fork business is that really it seems like they softforked theft, not hardforked 1508921;1469230684;BingoBoingo;theft of course referring to the forking which was a theft from legitimate DAO contract DAO'er 1508922;1469230692;BingoBoingo;*DOA'er 1508923;1469233533;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/BrVvd << teh "vc" derps found their sty and are self-reportedly happy. 1508924;1469233726;shinohai;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508921 <<< miami lawyer guy may show up in chat in the morning to poke 1508925;1469233726;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 23:38 BingoBoingo: theft of course referring to the forking which was a theft from legitimate DAO contract DAO'er 1508926;1469238408;mircea_popescu;in other "vc powered securitits" lulz : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJVwSrzOUlE wants you to sign into shittle to "confirm your age". https://www.youtube.com/v/yJVwSrzOUlE does not. 1508927;1469240467;mod6;1`120 of s.mg traded 1508928;1469240477;mod6;i miss the ticker 1508929;1469240496;mircea_popescu;prolly should put it back in huh 1508930;1469240497;mod6;maybe i'll make a new one? 1508931;1469240523;mircea_popescu;sure. 1508932;1469240534;mircea_popescu;you still have the bitotter thing ? 1508933;1469240555;mod6;i've got a few irons in the fire currently... but let's revisit this in a week or two after I get some more work done with the build stuff. 1508934;1469240561;mircea_popescu;sure. 1508935;1469240562;mod6;yeah, bitotter stuff is still laying around. 1508936;1469240623;mod6;btw, this is awesome: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/views-through-a-lens-1.jpg 1508937;1469240642;mircea_popescu;in other news, did bitgo just suffer a breach ? 1508938;1469241073;mircea_popescu;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-22#1508816 << only now it dawns on me you prolly meant the fingretrapped chick ? how the fuck are you going to judge her performance without the cock stuffing ? it's like proposing to buy a car in a closed bag wtf. you do go for drive tests neh ? same thing here, the fucking point is that random derp can't fingertrap worth a shit. 1508939;1469241073;a111;Logged on 2016-07-22 15:07 asciilifeform: i dun even grasp the appeal of pr0n with cocks in it. 1508940;1469257928;deedbot;[» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] End of Days. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/07/23/end-of-days/ 1508941;1469270081;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12821434770207124962218342772669979580034410699894792217009678098194556802269429235901909465304384529740402801239415068853092063888103297243254641064047113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1508942;1469270081;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12821434770207124962218342772669979580034410699894792217009678098194556802269429235901909465304384529740402801239415068853092063888103297243254641064047113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1508943;1469270081;deedbot;[Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12821434770207124962218342772669979580034410699894792217009678098194556802269429235901909465304384529740402801239415068853092063888103297243254641064047113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) ; ' - http://phuctor.nosuchla 1508944;1469276077;mats;sick every day carry http://imgur.com/gallery/8vu2a 1508945;1469285415;deedbot;[Trilema] Fred Wilson is an idiot, and other things - http://trilema.com/2016/fred-wilson-is-an-idiot-and-other-things/ 1508946;1469287669;mircea_popescu;rochester ny eh ? 1508947;1469288188;mircea_popescu;$up interviewee 1508948;1469288188;deedbot;interviewee voiced for 30 minutes. 1508949;1469288199;shinohai;o/ interviewee 1508950;1469288209;interviewee;hi Shinohai 1508951;1469288227;shinohai;and you are Drew I presume? 1508952;1469288230;interviewee;you betcha. 1508953;1469288260;shinohai;kk ... so ... the dao. You believe the "dao attacker' has a legal claim here? 1508954;1469288267;interviewee;here's the analysis 1508955;1469288298;interviewee;when determining whether any party has the ability to invoke the power of the legal system to determine a dispute, you must first determine the party's respective legal rights 1508956;1469288308;interviewee;that is to say, who has what rights/powers/responsibilities/burdens 1508957;1469288326;shinohai;i follow 1508958;1469288334;interviewee;(caveat- i do US law only, because i don't know any other legal system) 1508959;1469288346;interviewee;there are 3 or 4 analytic inflection points here 1508960;1469288356;interviewee;1. is there any contract relationship and if so, what does it say everyone can and can't do? 1508961;1469288378;interviewee;2. if there is no contract relationship, is there any conventionally recognized "ownership" right to any of the ETH/DAOt out there 1508962;1469288394;shinohai;hasn't it been established that the dao *didn't specifically prohibit this behavior* ? 1508963;1469288398;interviewee;3. if no contract and no "ownership" then can anyone get anything usign the legal system? 1508964;1469288419;interviewee;4. if we accept the law is code premise, then is what the exploiter did actually a violation of any others' rights? 1508965;1469288441;interviewee;as to your q, TheDao was evidently premised as code = law 1508966;1469288456;interviewee;however, flying in the face of that declaration were layer after layer of lawyer language 1508967;1469288471;interviewee;you have the comments in the actual .sol files as to warranties and incorp. of the gnu license 1508968;1469288477;shinohai;mircea_popescu, et all any questions for possible qntra? 1508969;1469288496;interviewee;you have the readme.md file in the git for the slockit code that had all sorts of interesting/strange declarations/disclaimers 1508970;1469288515;interviewee;then you have the conflicting mess of declarations in the daohub.org page 1508971;1469288537;interviewee;whcih of course was ambigiuous as to its ownership for a while- so it was unclear what "disclaimers" actually came from "TheDao" 1508972;1469288546;interviewee;and who was authorized to discllaim for TheDao 1508973;1469288557;mircea_popescu;shinohai well, what is your interest here ? 1508974;1469288561;mircea_popescu;interviewee are you a lawyer ? 1508975;1469288587;interviewee;complicating this of course is the fact that an investor/DaoT holder could actually buy in without seeing any of those disclaimers b/c the buy in was actually just a ETH transaction 1508976;1469288590;interviewee;yes, i am a lawyer. 1508977;1469288596;mircea_popescu;well, specifically ? 1508978;1469288598;interviewee;however, none fo this is legal advice- just my persaonl analysis 1508979;1469288599;shinohai;i was just curious as to the legal standing of the dao from US perspective 1508980;1469288613;shinohai;hypothetically of course 1508981;1469288615;interviewee;so, it's unclear if any of those disclaimer actually mean anythign or nothing 1508982;1469288622;interviewee;so, here's my personal take 1508983;1469288632;mircea_popescu;the actual legal standing is not established. it's one of those things that are a huge pile of nonsense a judge will have to cut through. 1508984;1469288642;interviewee;there are repeated express disclaimers of contract rights/creation 1508985;1469288643;mircea_popescu;financially, it's toxic, for this reason. nobody sane will get involved in it, which is the point. 1508986;1469288653;interviewee;a judge will probably infer some contractual relationships 1508987;1469288656;interviewee;based on conduct 1508988;1469288663;interviewee;hi Mircea_popescu 1508989;1469288667;mircea_popescu;us judges are notorious for poor judgement and arbitrary rulings. 1508990;1469288669;mircea_popescu;ello. 1508991;1469288677;interviewee;i enjoyed your blog that you pushed out right after the attack. 1508992;1469288706;mircea_popescu;interviewee the question to you is still, concretely, which lawyer are you ? otherwise the situation here is indistinguishable from "bored redditor clicked a webirc link" 1508993;1469288730;interviewee;what do you mean "which lawyer am i ?" 1508994;1469288741;interviewee;who am i IRL? 1508995;1469288764;interviewee;US Judges do a really good job considering the system they have to deal with 1508996;1469288776;shinohai;http://www.bergersingerman.com/ 1508997;1469288794;interviewee;http://www.bergersingerman.com/people/andrew-m-hinkes 1508998;1469288802;mircea_popescu;aha! cool. 1508999;1469288811;interviewee;that's me friends 1509000;1469288814;mircea_popescu;do consider making a pgp key and registering it with deedbot 1509001;1469288838;interviewee;mircea_popescu i'll check it out 1509002;1469288841;interviewee;so, back to the analysis 1509003;1469288843;interviewee;the point is this 1509004;1469288850;interviewee;if code = law and code permitted action 1509005;1469288852;mircea_popescu;next q being, are you actually trying to position yourself to litigate this, or just blogging about it ? 1509006;1469288869;interviewee;then entirely plausible that permitted action provides title 1509007;1469288877;interviewee;and then the unilateral fork deprives rights. 1509008;1469288882;interviewee;to litigate it is very complex 1509009;1469288885;interviewee;b/c of standing 1509010;1469288896;interviewee;it would be a HELL of a lot of f un 1509011;1469288904;interviewee;but a longshot for a vairiety of reasons 1509012;1469288914;mircea_popescu;standing only comes at proceeding time. litigation starts with filing. 1509013;1469288925;interviewee;any ahole can file anything 1509014;1469288927;mircea_popescu;wouldn't be the first time someone files something that's then dismissed. 1509015;1469288928;mircea_popescu;quite. 1509016;1469288932;*;BingoBoingo popcorns 1509017;1469288935;interviewee;getting service and past a motion to dismiss is what i'm talkign about 1509018;1469288946;mircea_popescu;service is not so hard - you sue mit. 1509019;1469288949;mircea_popescu;they've got money. 1509020;1469288958;interviewee;then you open the box and deal with the endless array of new law to make 1509021;1469288959;BingoBoingo;I thought it was U Maryland 1509022;1469288969;interviewee;how do you coerce a blockchain with a court order? 1509023;1469288972;mircea_popescu;motion to dismiss you worry about after they reject early settlement. if they do. 1509024;1469288986;mircea_popescu;interviewee you can't be this naive. "a blockchain" ? you sue mit, the hedge fund. 1509025;1469288992;mircea_popescu;tortious interference &all. 1509026;1469289010;interviewee;so you want cash damages not to reverse the fork 1509027;1469289025;mircea_popescu;no, actually, im in the business of destroying the us. 1509028;1469289041;interviewee;so is about 1/2 of the voters in the US so you're in good company 1509029;1469289045;interviewee;*are 1509030;1469289048;mircea_popescu;also, there's exactly no difference between cash damages and reversing the fork. 1509031;1469289055;interviewee;one is MUCH easier to get 1509032;1469289062;mircea_popescu;they're both the same thing. 1509033;1469289084;mircea_popescu;ie, even if the judge orders "to reverse the fork" the only practical implementation is a liquidation in cash. 1509034;1469289087;interviewee;are you a lawyer, mircea? 1509035;1469289101;mircea_popescu;mno. 1509036;1469289113;interviewee;from my analysis of the toolbox available to lawyers, it is much easier to get a judgment and levy on conventional assets than to try to compel actors to change code. 1509037;1469289127;interviewee;esp. non party actors 1509038;1469289138;mircea_popescu;no argument there. all i'm saying is that even if the latter were ordered, it'd still not work. 1509039;1469289154;interviewee;the collateral damage tot he platform caused by a public suit would be breathtaking 1509040;1469289178;mircea_popescu;shinohai this means that the derps are in the worst case of all : all the damage of their "hard fork" is now baked in but nevertheless none of the things they hoped it would achieve were achieved. 1509041;1469289185;mircea_popescu;interviewee which is the point. 1509042;1469289197;interviewee;understood. 1509043;1469289215;interviewee;so yes, i think there's a credible arguement that the exploiter just lost rights. 1509044;1469289218;shinohai;it's already dead, but this is poking it with stick 1509045;1469289221;mircea_popescu;~anyone holding as much as a farthing "worth" of ethereum presently has overhead the possible claim here discussed, with its treble damages and whatnot. 1509046;1469289224;interviewee;and a shit load of hurdles to cross 1509047;1469289225;shinohai;to see what spills out? 1509048;1469289259;interviewee;so, i'm enjoying this quite a great deal 1509049;1469289278;mircea_popescu;and if mit doesn't distance itself from it post haste, it's definitely open to a tort, which... you know, judge awards a billion, of which 0.1% mit's responsibility. so they have TO PAY THRE WHOLE BILLION 1509050;1469289278;BingoBoingo;One can not decathalon to Olympus without jumping over some hurdles. 1509051;1469289281;mircea_popescu;us tort law is a wonder. 1509052;1469289318;interviewee;could be 1509053;1469289320;interviewee;or not. 1509054;1469289321;interviewee;unclear. 1509055;1469289340;interviewee;you have to remember the gatekeeper here is likely to be a +60yr old conservative christian white male 1509056;1469289355;interviewee;statistically, anyway, among US judges 1509057;1469289358;mircea_popescu;there is no gatekeeper. damages are jury awards. 1509058;1469289373;interviewee;respectfully you get to the jury at the end and there's a lot to do before the end. 1509059;1469289382;mircea_popescu;anyway, no way mit senior counsel ever allows this anywhere near a trial ; which is why it's fine settle fodder if you're looking to feed yourself. 1509060;1469289419;interviewee;ok, perhaps i am as naive as shinohai suggests, but where's the claim against MIT? 1509061;1469289438;interviewee;did they write any part of the slock.it code or solidity or ethereum? 1509062;1469289439;mircea_popescu;tortious interference. they provided the office space where the decision was made and allegedly "forced the participants to decide" 1509063;1469289456;mircea_popescu;the allegation has to be established by trier of fact, ie, jury. 1509064;1469289462;interviewee;what's the factual basis for the "forced the participants to decide"? 1509065;1469289470;mircea_popescu;they decided. 1509066;1469289479;interviewee;try again. 1509067;1469289486;interviewee;facts, not post-execution observations. 1509068;1469289492;interviewee;are there facts out there? 1509069;1469289500;mircea_popescu;not going to. the factual matter will have to be established somehow. you allege they did, they allege they didn't. so it's a dispute. 1509070;1469289531;interviewee;Rule 11- can't just sling shit and hope for the best 1509071;1469289532;mircea_popescu;in point of fact, ethereum happened in the mit media lab. 1509072;1469289534;mircea_popescu;that's ~enough. 1509073;1469289540;mircea_popescu;they did own the premises. 1509074;1469289543;interviewee;vitalik & crew built it there? 1509075;1469289549;mircea_popescu;yes. 1509076;1469289555;shinohai;of course they didn't, fork chain so this never, ever happened 1509077;1469289568;mircea_popescu;not really how it works shinohai :p 1509078;1469289572;shinohai;ikr 1509079;1469289592;interviewee;if you sign a contract for delivery of 50 tons of charcoal while sitting at the restaurant and the other party breaches 2 years later, you think you have a claim against the restaurant? 1509080;1469289625;mircea_popescu;but this is not a restaurant. if you decide to break into the democratic convention while sitting in nixon's white house, guess what. 1509081;1469289629;BingoBoingo;If the restaurant offered grant money to people selling charcoal chain mebbe? 1509082;1469289640;interviewee;there are lots of lawyers who would "just" want to file this to make their name 1509083;1469289645;mircea_popescu;yup. 1509084;1469289658;interviewee;a serious claim by a serious party with actual rights and i'm 100000000% down 1509085;1469289668;mircea_popescu;this is one of those million-dollar-opportunities, which i hear are getting rarer and rarer in an ever more crowded lawyer market. 1509086;1469289680;interviewee;yes and no. 1509087;1469289684;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1509088;1469289695;interviewee;they are out there but they are increasingly being regulated/legislated out 1509089;1469289699;interviewee;agree this may be a fun one 1509090;1469289705;mircea_popescu;anyway. there is no such thing as "actual rights" here, nor even as much as title. nobody has title to any cryptocurrency. 1509091;1469289717;interviewee;you have contingent claims and claims of control. 1509092;1469289732;mircea_popescu;sure, but that's possession not title. 1509093;1469289744;interviewee;there is no govt actor using police power to enforce like the fancy colored linen i used to buy my coffee this am 1509094;1469289753;interviewee;you can sue to enforce any part of yoru property rights 1509095;1469289757;interviewee;including posessory 1509096;1469289764;interviewee;in conversion, you don't lose legal title, just posessory 1509097;1469289771;mircea_popescu;sure, i don't mean "title to sue" i mean title as in property 1509098;1469289772;interviewee;conversion = civil version of theft 1509099;1469289774;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1509100;1469289794;interviewee;if you stole my stradivarious, i'd not lose title just posession 1509101;1469289798;interviewee;and you bet i'd sue your ass 1509102;1469289813;mircea_popescu;sure. 1509103;1469289817;mircea_popescu;(stradivarius) 1509104;1469289819;interviewee;even tho title stays with me 1509105;1469289830;interviewee;(i can't spell for shit) 1509106;1469289842;interviewee;even if you want to call it "right to control" 1509107;1469289843;interviewee;same diff 1509108;1469289850;mircea_popescu;aha. 1509109;1469289904;interviewee;so, i gave a talk about this at NYU 3 days before the exploiter did his/her/their thing 1509110;1469289911;interviewee;and presented a draft academic paper on it 1509111;1469289924;interviewee;and guessed right about many of the things that would or would not happen 1509112;1469289957;interviewee;including that there would be efforts to roll back 1509113;1469289965;interviewee;that would show that ETH is run by a cabal 1509114;1469289982;interviewee;but big picture 1509115;1469289986;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1509116;1469289991;interviewee;since the right are unsettled 1509117;1469290001;interviewee;and everyone was told they'd get what they get from hitting buttons 1509118;1469290018;shinohai;$up interviewee 1509119;1469290018;deedbot;interviewee voiced for 30 minutes. 1509120;1469290024;mircea_popescu;oh, right, there's also a whole pile of claims re insider trading, manipulation etc over the "price" of "ethereum" at kraken and poloniex. 1509121;1469290032;mircea_popescu;but those some later time. 1509122;1469290033;interviewee;sure, if you have standing to bring them 1509123;1469290041;interviewee;remember- you're getting past your gatekeeper 1509124;1469290046;interviewee;to reach the threat of the jury 1509125;1469290057;interviewee;and remmeber pubic stake holder impacts 1509126;1469290074;mircea_popescu;so far i'm just pointing and laughing at the sec. 1509127;1469290087;interviewee;sec is paying a lot of attention IMO 1509128;1469290091;interviewee;based on MO only 1509129;1469290106;interviewee;do not be surprised to see enw rules soon 1509130;1469290108;interviewee;*enw 1509131;1469290110;interviewee;fuck me. new 1509132;1469290111;mircea_popescu;if they paid attention when they should have they'd have busted pirate when i said to in 2012, not waited for years on the case. 1509133;1469290120;interviewee;easier to act in US 1509134;1469290123;mircea_popescu;their mistaken politico hope that "it'll end bitcoin" will require blood to wash off. 1509135;1469290124;interviewee;than out. 1509136;1469290136;interviewee;btc is probably not going anywhere 1509137;1469290146;interviewee;so, they just have to live with their new reality. 1509138;1469290162;mircea_popescu;heh. bitcoin is going to the following place : i'll be electing the us president long after nobody remembers what an us dollar used to be. 1509139;1469290198;interviewee;you and many smart people think so 1509140;1469290216;mircea_popescu;he does sound like a lawyer doesn't he :) 1509141;1469290232;interviewee;i'm trying to continue to learn, watch the fireworks, and help out where i can. 1509142;1469290245;interviewee;hey! i'm a lawyer who used to be tech. go easy on me. 1509143;1469290250;mircea_popescu;seriously, get a pgp and $register it 1509144;1469290268;interviewee;seriously, i'll check it out. 1509145;1469290285;mircea_popescu;alrighty. 1509146;1469290295;interviewee;so, as far as this front goes 1509147;1469290317;interviewee;i'm doing some more of the conferences to try to teach peopel to not make dao messes again 1509148;1469290324;interviewee;doing some academic and poppy writing 1509149;1469290344;*;mircea_popescu is curious what mr hinkes will think once he gets through the logs to the bitbet receivership process. 1509150;1469290354;mircea_popescu;interviewee you got a blog ? 1509151;1469290383;interviewee;and trying to work on some materials that will be used to guide businesses that want to play with smart contracts to keep them from blowing their own heads off DaoStyle 1509152;1469290389;interviewee;with some people at MSFT 1509153;1469290409;interviewee;blog is in process. my stuff is blasted across various sites 1509154;1469290419;interviewee;you have my name- google away 1509155;1469290419;mircea_popescu;yeah, get a blog, it's the smart move. 1509156;1469290444;interviewee;you'll probably agree with some of my stuff, which is cool. you'll probably disagree with some of my stuff which is cool too 1509157;1469290469;interviewee;i'm easy to find if anyone wants to 1509158;1469290475;mircea_popescu;anyway - since crypto governance interests you : bitbet was a reasonably productive bitcoin crop that split up over disputes inside management, was declared insolvent, had syndic appointed, was liquidated and the whole process was closed. it was a) an ad-hoc process and b) done within 6 weeks. 1509159;1469290479;mircea_popescu;prolly an informative case study. 1509160;1469290525;interviewee;in what jursidiction? 1509161;1469290525;shinohai;all without the benefit of flaming tires in a shitpit. 1509162;1469290532;mircea_popescu;tmsr. 1509163;1469290532;interviewee;lol. always preferred 1509164;1469290608;interviewee;i have rep'd a number of receivers 1509165;1469290623;interviewee;so the speed in whcih you can liquidate varies based on a number of factors 1509166;1469290631;mircea_popescu;certainly. 1509167;1469290633;interviewee;if you have cooperative parties, can go smooth and fast and cheap 1509168;1469290648;interviewee;if you have a party fighting (like one i am involved with atm) then its a mess 1509169;1469290648;mircea_popescu;i just said "over a dispute inside management" yes ? 1509170;1469290656;mircea_popescu;nightmare of nightmares in fiat world. 1509171;1469290665;interviewee;we're on day 4 of evidentiary hearings on a motion to dissolve 1509172;1469290668;mircea_popescu;closer to divorce proceeding than estate settlement 1509173;1469290681;interviewee;again, divorce can be a cheap one day affair or an attenuated mess 1509174;1469290709;mircea_popescu;something like in "war of the roses" :p 1509175;1469290716;mircea_popescu;you seen that one ? 1509176;1469290726;interviewee;sure. good flick 1509177;1469290731;mircea_popescu;aha. 1509178;1469290740;interviewee;anyway, i've rep'd receivers tht took over 9 digit scams 1509179;1469290748;interviewee;and rep'd trustees that took over ponzis 1509180;1469290753;interviewee;in the billions 1509181;1469290755;interviewee;so i know my way around 1509182;1469290758;interviewee;those circles 1509183;1469290779;interviewee;google a guy named scott rothstein 1509184;1469290783;mircea_popescu;what a crazy world, where idiots have billions to give to scammers. 1509185;1469290785;interviewee;we rep'd his trustee 1509186;1469290795;mircea_popescu;$google site:trilema.com scott rothstein 1509187;1469290795;deedbot;No results. 1509188;1469290800;mircea_popescu;eh get out google! 1509189;1469290813;interviewee;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_W._Rothstein 1509190;1469290831;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2010/un-model/ << 2010. i was following. 1509191;1469290868;mircea_popescu;guy was pretty epic, in fairness. teh roger stone quotes, nov vs july 2009 totally make the pie. 1509192;1469290881;interviewee;Kimmy is selling cars at a lexus dealer now. 1509193;1469290895;interviewee;he had hsi office across the street 1509194;1469290900;interviewee;*his 1509195;1469290921;mircea_popescu;how's debra & aimee doin' ? 1509196;1469290929;interviewee;i think still incarcerated 1509197;1469290930;interviewee;not sure 1509198;1469290935;mircea_popescu;aha. 1509199;1469290945;interviewee;greed gets the best of em 1509200;1469290964;mircea_popescu;no, was released 2014, pre -xmas 1509201;1469290978;interviewee;shit. i guess i'm not on their xmas card list. 1509202;1469291001;interviewee;shinohai, do you have any questions for me? 1509203;1469291039;shinohai;actually no, you summed up everything i wanted to know pretty well. 1509204;1469291064;shinohai;but i thank you for stopping in, this is a very interesting study 1509205;1469291082;*;mircea_popescu is kinda curious what qntra comes of this 1509206;1469291141;shinohai;I was curious what legal perspective in US was, thought it might end up as a Qntra 1509207;1469291146;shinohai;oh ^ 1509208;1469291159;mircea_popescu;:p 1509209;1469291178;interviewee;ok cool. 1509210;1469291202;interviewee;well, i'm around and happy to join you gents/ladies if other similar issues crop up, so Shinohai, don't be shy if you want to bend my ear. 1509211;1469291323;shinohai;thanks! same here, consider bringing a gpg key to deedbot 1509212;1469291355;shinohai;im sure this dao brouhaha will bring lulz for years to come 1509213;1469291377;interviewee;well, my phone has been ringing a lot 1509214;1469291385;interviewee;getting opps to go speak is good for visibility 1509215;1469291418;interviewee;and as long as people are going to play with these platforms, they might as well not shit it up like the Dao. 1509216;1469291483;shinohai;Good to see people that understand what utter shit these platforms are though. 1509217;1469291492;shinohai;i dont meet too many tbh 1509218;1469291613;interviewee;yea, its really concerning 1509219;1469291618;interviewee;because the hype cycle spins 1509220;1469291641;mircea_popescu;you should have seen the 2010-2011 interations of pointless&witless in action 1509221;1469291655;shinohai;its like some sort of ponzi kyklos 1509222;1469291660;interviewee;my boys with Bitcoin Uncensored just did a podcast with some VC guy who was remarkably honest in saying he doesnt know what a Blockchain is and just shills them b/c investors were told to buy them. 1509223;1469291693;shinohai;What color do you want that blockchain? 1509224;1469291714;shinohai;"mauve has the most ram" 1509225;1469291746;interviewee;lol 1509226;1469291771;interviewee;i am probably unpopular but i put somethign like this out there once and caught some shit for it 1509227;1469291796;interviewee;http://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/growth-strategies/2016/01/why-private-blockchains-will-not-replace-databases.html 1509228;1469291803;shinohai;someone has to stand up for immutability 1509229;1469292506;mircea_popescu;eh, nobody seriously aims to replace "dbs" 1509230;1469293456;mircea_popescu;and speaking of berger singerman, check out the urgent associate : http://www.bergersingerman.com/people/nicole-s-sohn 1509231;1469293485;mircea_popescu;no of counsel for her, she knows about hotels. 1509232;1469293849;mircea_popescu;and in other news, wifebeater breakfast. http://66.media.tumblr.com/5087aeddb007112f656fa399c5f6992d/tumblr_nkg8290G741tt1lr0o1_500.gif 1509233;1469294710;*;hanbot gets halfway through mircea_popescu's latest article, still has no cloo 1509234;1469294715;hanbot;who the fuck is fred wilson?! 1509235;1469294719;mircea_popescu;heh. 1509236;1469294766;mircea_popescu;he's the wife of the woman that thinks http://gothamgal.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/oysters-450x600.jpg some peak of elegance. notwithstanding the ax-hewn cutlery. 1509237;1469295341;hanbot;...somebody teach me something quick so i can overwrite that 1509238;1469295609;mircea_popescu;ok. this is adriana chechik : http://67.media.tumblr.com/3a1a3b9e1c42d8ba0f166e113b2fbaba/tumblr_niyd7s5Xvj1tkpgw6o3_r1_500.gif 1509239;1469295680;hanbot;what, both? 1509240;1469295694;mircea_popescu;lol 1509241;1469296020;phf;"gothamgal" 1509242;1469296123;phf;"The Women’s Entrepreneurs Festival" 1509243;1469296161;phf;"while I work hard, I also play hard." 1509244;1469296176;phf;"My husband is my best friend. When I take off all of these “hats”, my most important job is being a mom. We have three kids who are terrific people." 1509245;1469296191;mircea_popescu;hey, better a delusional "entrepreneur" than a common wino. housewife dun got so many options. 1509246;1469296233;mircea_popescu;hanbot hey, speaking of, wanna go for some oysters ? 1509247;1469296308;phf;i'd be envious, but after all the other argentina reports, i don't trust that experience to be any good 1509248;1469296309;*;phf ducks 1509249;1469296347;mircea_popescu;well there IS a river right here... 1509250;1469296356;hanbot;mircea_popescu do they look like adriana chechik? 1509251;1469296380;mircea_popescu;nono, the seafood. i mean... the mollusc. 1509252;1469296388;mircea_popescu;damn. 1509253;1469296393;phf;well, that's what i thought, but trust it to argentinians to fuck it up somehow. ship oysters from boston, because "american" or whatever else 1509254;1469296408;mircea_popescu;crassostrea or w/e it's called 1509255;1469296457;mircea_popescu;phf in fariness i had some pretty great oysters on boston wharf. 1509256;1469296473;hanbot;well the japanese pop here might make decent oysters, sureh 1509257;1469298380;mod6;oh hey, interesting log read this am. 1509258;1469299158;deedbot;[Qntra] Major Socialist Party Emails Free In Time For Convention - http://qntra.net/2016/07/major-socialist-party-emails-free-in-time-for-convention/ 1509259;1469299476;phf;%s foo 1509260;1469299477;*;asciilifeform takes in logz at beach 1509261;1469299499;phf;oh 1509262;1469299501;phf;$s foo 1509263;1469299502;a111;162 results for "foo", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=foo 1509264;1469299514;phf;$seen blah 1509265;1469299535;phf;;;seen yourmom 1509266;1469299536;gribble;I have not seen yourmom. 1509267;1469299591;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-23#1508943 << win 1509268;1469299592;a111;Logged on 2016-07-23 10:34 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12821434770207124962218342772669979580034410699894792217009678098194556802269429235901909465304384529740402801239415068853092063888103297243254641064047113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) 1509275;1469299779;asciilifeform;lel classy 1509276;1469299784;phf;:D 1509277;1469299799;asciilifeform;strictly 'people of lolmart' here 1509278;1469299866;phf;right, lewes vs ocean city is slightly skewed from fat 16 yeard olds to fat 60 yr olds, but it's not as much of shitshow 1509279;1469299890;asciilifeform;both here 1509280;1469299906;asciilifeform;and the obligatory tatooed chix also. 1509281;1469300979;asciilifeform;'In 2009 Rothstein resided at the Federal Detention Center, Miami in Downtown Miami,[15] but was later moved to an undisclosed location and his inmate number removed from the Federal Bureau of Prisons inmate locator webpage.' << is there a legal logic for this? 1509282;1469301022;asciilifeform;... or did hitler let him go, for a chunk of the change. 1509283;1469301056;asciilifeform;or shot , so he could not implicate untouchables. 1509284;1469301113;asciilifeform;'On September 8, 2011, U.S. District Judge James I. Cohn granted the government's motion to prohibit videotaping Rothstein during a scheduled deposition of him, citing “serious harm” and “security reasons that are unusual in nature.” The exact reasons for the judge's decision were sealed. ' 1509285;1469301117;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1509286;1469301346;mats;worried about getting murdered by the folks he stole from, perhaps? 1509287;1469301968;asciilifeform;mats: why would judge give half a fuck about this? 1509288;1469302049;mats;i can think of half a dozen reasons, all to do with publicity, subversion of justice, and embarrassing the court 1509289;1469302092;mats;i believe this sorta thing is common for high profile cases 1509290;1469302240;mats;;;google site:ponzitracker.com sealed indictment 1509291;1469302241;gribble;Error: We broke The Google! 1509292;1469302577;shinohai;;;later tell thestringpuller http://archive.is/oK8dV 1509293;1469302578;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1509294;1469302673;shinohai;mircea_popescu: wp isn't so bad once server is tweaked a little 1509295;1469303570;deedbot;[Qntra] Oklahomo Police Sniper Kills Child's Dog - http://qntra.net/2016/07/oklahomo-police-sniper-kills-childs-dog/ 1509296;1469306344;ben_vulpes;my insurance company politely declined to pay for the infant's herd immunity. 1509297;1469306356;ben_vulpes;despite it being mandated to make payments. 1509298;1469306367;ben_vulpes;despite my having to pay for it. 1509299;1469306376;ben_vulpes;grand fucking insu^H^H^H^Hgosplan 1509300;1469308144;asciilifeform;http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-23#1508941 << btw: usa, pennsylvania, 'frontier dsl' 1509301;1469308144;a111;Logged on 2016-07-23 10:34 deedbot: [Recent Phuctorings.] Phuctored: 12821434770207124962218342772669979580034410699894792217009678098194556802269429235901909465304384529740402801239415068853092063888103297243254641064047113 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt)