1440678;1459171457;diana_coman;what's the logs address for this channel? 1440679;1459171516;mircea_popescu;hasn't come up yet ; trinque is working on it. 1440680;1459173943;mircea_popescu;hola asciilifeform 1440681;1459173952;asciilifeform;guten morgen mircea_popescu ! 1440682;1459173987;*;asciilifeform brb, moving earthly carcass 50km 1440683;1459174747;mircea_popescu;trinque hey can deedbot- id to nickserv ? 1440684;1459174758;PeterL;does this chan have a log? 1440685;1459174767;mircea_popescu;not yet. 1440686;1459174821;PeterL;are you going to use the same voicing model as #bitcoin-assets? 1440687;1459174828;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 1440688;1459174848;PeterL;I suppose detail will go up on trilema at some point? 1440689;1459174853;trinque;mircea_popescu: it's using a password with that nick, strange that it's not auth'd 1440690;1459174854;mircea_popescu;yep! 1440691;1459174866;mircea_popescu;trinque -ChanServ- deedbot- is not registered. 1440692;1459174875;trinque;hm. was at one point. 1440693;1459174905;trinque;next version will be using "deedbot", which is definitely registered 1440694;1459174911;mircea_popescu;cool. 1440695;1459175221;PeterL;are you going to start a new WoT or import the one from assbot? 1440696;1459175249;mircea_popescu;there's only one wot, however it may be published. 1440697;1459175640;danielpbarron;http://danielpbarron.com/2016/assassins-game/ 1440698;1459175800;mircea_popescu;what's "hunter's fire and ice" concession stand sell, menthol balms ? 1440699;1459175820;danielpbarron;sugary flavored ice water 1440700;1459175842;mircea_popescu;incidentally, how much is a bottle of champagne at porcfest ? 1440701;1459175866;mircea_popescu;(i don't mean frothwater/selzer ; i mean the genuine article) 1440702;1459175943;danielpbarron;maxint i guess, or free 1440703;1459175958;danielpbarron;you're "not allowed" to sell booze at porcfest 1440704;1459175965;mircea_popescu;what ?! 1440705;1459175974;danielpbarron;New Hampshire has draconian liquor laws 1440706;1459175981;danielpbarron;state owns all package stores 1440707;1459175989;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would anyone over the age of ~12 attend ?! 1440708;1459176006;danielpbarron;to get around this, the porcfest organizers sell VIP passes that grant access to a free booze tent 1440709;1459176012;mircea_popescu;weirdo fucking norse style parties, all drugs no alcohol ? 1440710;1459176028;danielpbarron;you can give away booze, and sell it on the down-low like you would weed or any other illegal drug 1440711;1459176029;mircea_popescu;well yeah, and what's the free booze, bud and everclear ? 1440712;1459176043;danielpbarron;i wouldn't know, I never got a vip pass because who cares anyway 1440713;1459176055;danielpbarron;i could just bring my own or get it free from friends 1440714;1459176060;mircea_popescu;so you're telling me no porcfest slut was ever champagne-bathed in the entire decade of this ? 1440715;1459176061;danielpbarron;if i was that much of a drinker 1440716;1459176074;danielpbarron;it may have happened but I haven't heard of it 1440717;1459176096;mircea_popescu;i've like... totally lost contact with teh kids today. I AM OLD NOW 1440718;1459176148;mircea_popescu;ftr if i click the pic i get a "page not found". is this intentional ? 1440719;1459176292;danielpbarron;huh 1440720;1459176322;mircea_popescu;in your article. click any picture. 1440721;1459176379;danielpbarron;the pistol one works, and shire dude 1440722;1459176390;danielpbarron;i guess it doesn't like me naming it assassin-0 1440723;1459176403;danielpbarron;will have to fix that, later; i gtg for now 1440724;1459176495;mircea_popescu;-4 one didn't work either. neways. 1440725;1459176671;*;asciilifeform back. 1440726;1459176820;mircea_popescu;you've not missed much. just me discovering that they do dry festivals now in puritanlandia 1440727;1459177032;asciilifeform;l0l TaT returns to #b-a 1440728;1459177088;mircea_popescu;gotta get a log of this place up soon, wtf are all the stalkers gonna do. 1440729;1459177132;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha what! danielpbarron scored twins at porcfest ? 1440730;1459177264;mircea_popescu;"PaulFest in 2012: a week-long thing in Florida leading up to the Republican National Convention in which last-minute rule changes to keep Ron Paul out were hastily voted into place; rule changes which are today responsible for the Trump phenomenon" << plox to detail this for me ? 1440731;1459177388;PeterL;in 2012 some Paul supporters thought they could co-opt the convention and push him through even though he lost the votes 1440732;1459177401;mircea_popescu;but why ? an' wherefore ? 1440733;1459177414;PeterL;the RNC changed the rules to make it so they couldn't do that 1440734;1459177434;PeterL;I don't see how the specific rules helped Trump 1440735;1459178091;BingoBoingo; well yeah, and what's the free booze, bud and everclear ? << Everyclear is expensive even when adjusted for alcohol content. The cheapest stuff goes by names like Crystal Palace, COuntry Club, and Gem Clear 1440736;1459178189;BingoBoingo; but why ? an' wherefore ? << It's how conventions worked routinely before 1970. They got the delegates and then made the rules. Now they just change the rules afterwards. 1440737;1459178301;BingoBoingo;In other news, Hearn can't quit maxwell https://archive.is/vGnHp 1440738;1459178304;mircea_popescu;but i mean, what was changed specifically ? 1440739;1459178338;PeterL;they made a rule saying to get nominated you need a majority of delegates from 8 states 1440740;1459178378;PeterL;so far, only Trump has met that threshold, so even if he doesn't get a majority of delegates he could still win 1440741;1459178414;PeterL;although, this rule could be changed at the start of the convention, it is not set in stone 1440742;1459178434;BingoBoingo;I don't keep track because of how many rules typically change just to smooth things out. See Thomson's "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail" 1440743;1459178476;PeterL;basically it is just another reason for a bunch of reporters to write blathering articles about the drama of the republican nomination race 1440744;1459178548;PeterL;and Americans like me who can't help ourselves eat this shit up and it earns them ad revenue from all the obnoxious ads on their websites 1440745;1459178760;asciilifeform;urgh, i scroll between two chans, and one is full of american election and the other - ThickAsThieves 1440746;1459178865;PeterL;you don't like thickAsThieves? 1440747;1459178915;asciilifeform;i find it odd that he returns immediately when mircea_popescu leaves 1440748;1459178929;asciilifeform;and seem to recall that TaT quit #b-a under somewhat questionable circumstances. 1440749;1459178938;PeterL;I wonder who else will return? 1440750;1459178997;phf;guy come strutting after his opponent leaves and starts talking tough? i don't know him, but that just spells loser 1440751;1459179142;asciilifeform;phf: i actually met TaT in meatspace, at mircea_popescu's c2. we sat in the airport together in the end. i got the impression that he was 'ok guy' but somewhat lacked... courage. 1440752;1459179168;asciilifeform;lives, iirc, under the heel of his wife (i could be mistaken, but did get this impression from the 4-5 h we spent together) 1440753;1459179217;mircea_popescu;PeterL obviously not set in stone. it could be changed so that your name can't start with d, also, it would seem ? 1440754;1459179261;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i dunno they were questionable, he said i dun recall what on trilema, i asked him quo warranto, he made himself scarce. 1440755;1459179268;mircea_popescu;apparently it's a very contondent question. 1440756;1459179277;asciilifeform;phf: the last thing i recall TaT doing is, mircea_popescu offered him a co-authorship on something or other, and TaT refused because afraid of gassing 1440757;1459179288;mircea_popescu;phf no idea what opposition would be. lemme dig up the comment i guess. 1440758;1459179304;PeterL;yeah, the people making these rules can do whatever they want, but I assume there are some reasonable people mixed in with the crazies who would stop such things 1440759;1459179318;mircea_popescu;PeterL this assumption is known as the memory hole effect. 1440760;1459179329;mircea_popescu;for the notable use in the case of newsprint 1440761;1459179348;PeterL;and if they go too far out their then they lose creditability and get kicked out of power 1440762;1459179357;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/waroflife-swol-october-2014-statement-closing/#comment-109561 << there. 1440763;1459179375;mircea_popescu;PeterL explain this to me. kicked out of power by whom and with whose army ? 1440764;1459179432;PeterL;well, publick sees party making absurd choices to shoehorn in particular candidate, reform-minded individuals take over party or else they just lose general elections to other party 1440765;1459179472;mircea_popescu;no fucking individual member of the public has even 1% of the intellectual werewithal to even consider the matter in the sense of putting all its disparate elements on the table ; let alone drive a sane conclusion from the mess. 1440766;1459179490;mircea_popescu;even if they did have such incredible intellects, it'd still take time, and the public is a wage slave, which means that no, not the fucking public. 1440767;1459179532;PeterL;like how boenher was doing things to force his will on the House of Reps, and a small subset of republicans forced him out of power 1440768;1459179580;mircea_popescu;i don't recall the specifics there, but wasn't it the case that leader of gop house sold out to obama, and for cheap, the gop trioed to throw him out, and failed, guy came back even to ensure his chosen successor stays ? 1440769;1459179590;PeterL;there are several ways power can be lost, so party officials at least have to give the appearance of being reasonable to hold thier power 1440770;1459179630;mircea_popescu;this is the wasp pretense. to my eyes a direct equivalent to nixon's delusioned in place "silent electorate". i don't think it ever held any water. 1440771;1459179639;mircea_popescu;was always a retrospective justification, no more. 1440772;1459179651;PeterL;GOP sold out to obama, he wa forced to step down, his chosen successor was flatly told no, so a different guy stepped forward to take power 1440773;1459179660;mircea_popescu;ah was it ? 1440774;1459179671;asciilifeform;y'know, as a boy, i was playing with other boyz in the yard and mentioned съезд кпсс , and they laughed. i learned lesson - for life. 1440775;1459179687;asciilifeform;and the american съезд кпсс is ~equally influential and interesting as the original. 1440776;1459179721;mircea_popescu;lol wait, seriously ? 1440777;1459179725;asciilifeform;aha. 1440778;1459179726;mircea_popescu;and you avoided beating ? 1440779;1459179740;asciilifeform;other kidz were too busy laughing. 1440780;1459179752;mircea_popescu;i am impressed with your negotiatiory skillz. 1440781;1459179918;asciilifeform;l0l 1440782;1459180161;BingoBoingo; urgh, i scroll between two chans, and one is full of american election and the other - ThickAsThieves << I think something about the details of the process contains electrolytes mircea_popescu needs to mix up his hatorade 1440783;1459180288;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i have nfi. i hope somebody gets some use out of it, because ftr i don't, i find it == as interesting as the sports crud. 1440784;1459180297;asciilifeform;and for same reason. 1440785;1459180326;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Seems you actually shelled out for a dosimeter with better alarm? 1440786;1459180350;PeterL;To me politics is much like sports, lots of people talk about it but their talking has no impact on the outcome 1440787;1459180363;asciilifeform;^ 1440788;1459180373;asciilifeform;nor does the outcome have any serious impact on reality. 1440789;1459180452;mircea_popescu;and in somewhat other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/1677c1f772478154b1f53b0d90e148d3/tumblr_mom5a2IkFe1ra163eo2_250.gif 1440790;1459180488;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but the construction is interesting, to the anthropologist. 1440791;1459180507;mircea_popescu;you may think less of me for it, but it ALSO follow the internal reasonings of the etsy chick, and of all sorts of other subcultures. 1440792;1459180516;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu is a pro entomologist. 1440793;1459180545;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: I may need one of those weathervanes 1440794;1459180560;asciilifeform;he extracts rare microvitamins from the chitinous carcasses and sells for their weight in diamond. 1440795;1459180624;mircea_popescu;for the record, his friends in the senate thought not much better of say strabon than the above. 1440796;1459180674;mircea_popescu; BingoBoingo to point to what ? 1440797;1459180721;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: To track the wind? 1440798;1459180750;mircea_popescu;i c! 1440799;1459180821;BingoBoingo;You know, make myself less dependent on "Big Weather" to get my meteorology 1440800;1459180832;mircea_popescu;anyway, for the curious student of political history, i'd gladly read a piece explaining the differences between the "denazification" as carried out by the allied control council from 1946 onwards ; and the various internal troubles of the eastern socialist party, whether you pick dekulakization, or de-trotskyfication, or great leap forward or w/e. 1440801;1459180862;mircea_popescu;even something as obvious as "settling the end date" will be interesting to reflect upon. 1440802;1459180904;asciilifeform;i thought the main diff was that the real brainz of the nazi machine got cia jobs 1440803;1459180907;asciilifeform;and not kolyma 1440804;1459180911;asciilifeform;or the noose 1440805;1459180923;mircea_popescu;"cia job" is not kolyma in what sense ? 1440806;1459180961;asciilifeform;strictly in the sense of mercedes instead of barracks and caviar instead of long pig ? 1440807;1459180975;mircea_popescu;and you trust these descriptions ? 1440808;1459180991;mircea_popescu;is "paetreus' caviar" too late a testing stone for the theory ? 1440809;1459181003;BingoBoingo;In other news, finally a human powered generator that isn't all cardio http://www.gravpower.org/ 1440810;1459181065;mircea_popescu;i don't get the "we use no consumables" claim if it uses springs. what are the springs ? 1440811;1459181098;BingoBoingo;consumables, but it is a rural folk invention 1440812;1459181114;asciilifeform;perhaps pneumatic springs ? 1440813;1459181127;mircea_popescu;eh, derps take the time to explain why they named their thing whatever they named it, but i see no equations anywhere. pass. 1440814;1459181220;asciilifeform;l0l that thing looks just like the 'stairmaster' gizmo they pumped medieval organs with 1440815;1459181233;asciilifeform;what exactly is new here ? 1440816;1459181245;asciilifeform;classic 'middle america!111 we invented bicycle!' 1440817;1459181253;mircea_popescu;that they named it "fukushima tower" 1440818;1459181260;mircea_popescu;because of the thing. you know. 1440819;1459181312;asciilifeform;lulzy 1440820;1459181522;asciilifeform;y'know, idiots who fell for 'renewable wind and solar economy!111' will as easily fall for human mule power station. 1440821;1459181529;asciilifeform;and it will be instructive. 1440822;1459181551;asciilifeform;(a reasonably-healthy, well-fed grown man can crank out 100W, 200 - in bursts. employ reddit!11) 1440823;1459181753;mircea_popescu;more than that even. i've personally climbed the stairwell going from valley of kings over the mountain into the queen's. took a few hours, but it's a good 150-200meters tall. that's a good 30-40 kwh 1440824;1459181794;asciilifeform;100 is minimum 1440825;1459181805;asciilifeform;a serious sportsman can put out 1hp! (for a spell) 1440826;1459181814;mircea_popescu;uh nm me, 150 × 10 × 80 ÷ 3600 = 33, but this'd be watts-hour not kw 1440827;1459181836;asciilifeform;aha l0l 1440828;1459181839;phf;it could make for a nice backup in a joey hess style household. guy lives off the grid, hacks by candlelight with his low power netbook, sometimes "i'll be out for the next few days, it's been gray out, so not enough juice in batteries", etc. 1440829;1459181881;mircea_popescu;actually - one man, one harem, one notebook china could do this. if you feed a dozen girls, their workouts will certainly power the book. 1440830;1459181909;mircea_popescu;i know i've more than once, while sitting by idly watching unbridled tits bounce, considered adding some cogs. 1440831;1459181984;phf;bored harem, 1440832;1459181997;phf;"bitch maybe if you generated some electricity or something" 1440833;1459182067;mircea_popescu;so how's the yellow revolution going ? is comrade xi yet ousted ? 1440834;1459182104;*;asciilifeform makes feeeaaature request: a chinese fella! 1440835;1459182109;mircea_popescu;yasrsly. 1440836;1459182135;asciilifeform;oh hey 1440837;1459182152;mats;herro 1440838;1459182156;mircea_popescu;no u 1440839;1459182322;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/03/hearn-cant-quit-maxwell-declares-maxwell-bitcoins-leader << l0ltr0n 1440840;1459182345;mircea_popescu;ajhahaha 1440841;1459182347;BingoBoingo;ty 1440842;1459182356;BingoBoingo;dayum alf beat me to the link 1440843;1459182408;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2016/03/hearn-cant-quit-maxwell-declares-maxwell-bitcoins-leader/#comment-49899 1440844;1459182410;phf;need dat deedbot to jump sheep 1440845;1459182442;trinque;one sec and I'll re-register his nick so he'll stay voiced 1440846;1459182465;phf;ohoh 1440847;1459182669;phf;asciilifeform: "He was known for inventing the ULI knot, a method for priming explosives using detonating cord. The Uli knot resembles a hangman knot and is the most effective way of priming C4 explosives, especially when underwater." 1440848;1459182672;mircea_popescu;(incidentally, re "communism good idea badly applied" - majority of germans agreed, after ww2. re their own form.) 1440849;1459182736;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: everybody thinks his own brand of failed lunacy is 'great idea, badly applied' 1440850;1459182744;asciilifeform;how else. 1440851;1459182745;mircea_popescu;only after though. 1440852;1459182759;mircea_popescu;strangely enough it's not badly applied till it blows the fuck up. 1440853;1459182764;asciilifeform;well sure, until dies, it's just 'great idea' 1440854;1459182782;mircea_popescu;"not yet applied", if one pushes the point. 1440855;1459182854;asciilifeform;phf: apparently originally a naval knot, http://alpnews.narod.ru/uzly/#20 1440856;1459182874;asciilifeform;(when was the last time somebody actually invented a usable knot...?) 1440857;1459183231;mircea_popescu;actually studying knots is historically the start of topology 1440858;1459183250;asciilifeform;aha 1440859;1459183281;mircea_popescu;trinque is trilemabot it ? 1440860;1459183289;trinque;it is not 1440861;1459183296;mircea_popescu;lol what is it ? 1440862;1459183299;trinque;nfi 1440863;1459183312;BingoBoingo;thestringpuller's? 1440864;1459183320;shinohai;trilemabot is me playing with a logbot 1440865;1459183329;mircea_popescu;a cool. 1440866;1459183346;BingoBoingo;Ah, I forget you two are neighbors 1440867;1459183519;pete_dushenski;'ello guvnahs 1440868;1459183523;mircea_popescu;hola 1440869;1459183600;pete_dushenski;how far away are we from having logs to peruse ? or are we to keep our irc clients open and on indefinitely 1440870;1459183620;PeterL;looks like shinohai is working on it 1440871;1459183627;mircea_popescu;i'd say about a day ? 1440872;1459183630;pete_dushenski;excellent 1440873;1459183658;pete_dushenski;;;later tell shinohai how comes the node tracker site ? 1440874;1459183659;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1440875;1459183704;pete_dushenski;;;later tell ben_vulpes then numbers are just the colours of your drapes! 1440876;1459183704;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1440877;1459183708;shinohai;hey pete_dushenski i havent done much to it unfortunately, just still running my vanilla trb node 1440878;1459183763;pete_dushenski;shinohai: well it'd be a neat service if you ever finished it up. fuck bitnodes.io 1440879;1459183878;shinohai;I wanted something a little nicer to look at that listed solely trb nodes. I know it is on wiki but ... 1440880;1459183938;PeterL;wiki does not self-update 1440881;1459183940;pete_dushenski;well there are trb nodes and there are nodes displaying version string 99999 1440882;1459183971;pete_dushenski;i think it'd be sweet to have a repository for viewing the latter 1440883;1459184080;trinque;that is not your name! 1440884;1459184088;mircea_popescu;lol 1440885;1459184194;trinque;^ looks to be auth'd with nickserv 1440886;1459184204;mircea_popescu;win. 1440887;1459184216;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: http://www.contravex.com/2016/03/27/the-underpriced-option/#comment-42428 1440888;1459185564;pete_dushenski;http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/03/serious-question-can-a-parrot-act-as-a-witness-in-court.html << computers are cheaper than women, but perhaps not cheaper than parrots 1440889;1459185669;pete_dushenski;http://nymag.com/scienceofus/2016/03/turns-out-blonde-ladies-are-the-smartest.html << from same rag, the reason why blondes have more fun : iq! (nice ex post facto mapping) 1440890;1459185977;PeterL;is there a plan to have an assbot style ticker in this chan as well? 1440891;1459186024;pete_dushenski;;;ticker 1440892;1459186025;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 424.02, Best ask: 424.18, Bid-ask spread: 0.16000, Last trade: 424.02, 24 hour volume: 14212.1274665, 24 hour low: 422.38, 24 hour high: 429.5, 24 hour vwap: None 1440893;1459186032;pete_dushenski;^works 1440894;1459186054;PeterL;I meant for S.MPOE trades etc 1440895;1459186269;pete_dushenski;ah good q 1440896;1459186516;trinque;if they're RSS can jam in the old deedbot- for now; if not I'll have to write something for the new one. 1440897;1459186594;mircea_popescu;eventually, yeah. 1440898;1459187935;pete_dushenski;will deedbot- be the new ratings/wot bot as well ? 1440899;1459187943;mircea_popescu;yeh 1440900;1459187959;pete_dushenski;nifty 1440901;1459188022;pete_dushenski;is mike_c going to be switching btcalpha over to deedbot- then ? or a new wotsite needed as well ? /me is a big fan of btcalpha... 1440902;1459188038;mircea_popescu;me2, he's not said much so far 1440903;1459188087;PeterL;why need to switch? why not show both? 1440904;1459191459;danielpbarron;PeterL, what is it you find so attractive about the other channel? 1440905;1459191523;PeterL;well, seems to be more people talking there 1440906;1459191597;PeterL;I have not yet been convinced there is a need to leave it 1440907;1459192221;danielpbarron;kinda like how there's lots of blood where the hole gets cut 1440908;1459192230;asciilifeform;PeterL: according to mircea_popescu, his machine polled a net of thousands of nodez, none of whom claimed to have heard of tx-a, before he transmitted the final tx of doom 1440909;1459192232;danielpbarron;next step is decay 1440910;1459192234;asciilifeform;fwiw i believe that he did the things he said he did. 1440911;1459192247;asciilifeform;fuck wrong chan 1440912;1459192247;asciilifeform;l0l 1440913;1459192259;mircea_popescu;i dun see teh problem, mike_c can run his thing whatever way he likes. 1440914;1459192270;*;asciilifeform splits terminal to avoid further lulz 1440915;1459192270;PeterL;see, happens already to post wrong chan! 1440916;1459192292;mircea_popescu;and this convinces you of what ? 1440917;1459192359;PeterL;who, me? 1440918;1459192442;mircea_popescu;yes you. "see, x" generally implies a "i believe y", not clear what that y'd be here. 1440919;1459192486;PeterL;well, in #b-a not long ago I said somebody was going to reply in the wrong chan, confuse everybody, couple hours later asciilifeform does 1440920;1459192531;mircea_popescu;a. s'okay, i only read one so won't likely be confused. 1440921;1459192712;PeterL;but it seems you are confused by conversation radomly popping into your chan from the other chan 1440922;1459192812;mircea_popescu;hopefully facebook isn't actually next, woe unto me i'll be assaulted by the internet's entire firehose. 1440923;1459192874;mircea_popescu;anyway, afaik i'm one of the very few if not the only irc user that actually only uses one channel - and even i use two these days, this and #eulora 1440924;1459192890;mircea_popescu;everyone's survival under the scheme seems entirely likely. 1440925;1459194090;mircea_popescu;in other news, kuomintang lost taiwan o.O 1440926;1459194266;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: waiwut 1440927;1459194280;mircea_popescu;35 seats, absolutely irrelevant opposition now. 1440928;1459194289;mircea_popescu;teh chinese are srsly competent. 1440929;1459194805;mircea_popescu;;;google chou tzu-yu 1440930;1459194805;gribble;Chou Tzu-yu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Singer's Apology for Waving Taiwan Flag Stirs Backlash of Its Own ...: ; Chou Tzuyu apology: Taiwanese K-pop singer forced to apologize ...: 1440931;1459196492;asciilifeform;taiwan is lulzy 1440932;1459196497;asciilifeform;usg's 'unsinkable carrier' 1440933;1459196506;asciilifeform;i used to work with a fella from there 1440934;1459196512;asciilifeform;he said 'nah nobody wants the fight" 1440935;1459196515;asciilifeform;' 1440936;1459196886;mircea_popescu;by and large from what i'm seeing china's plan is to simply use its gravitational pull. 1440937;1459196905;mircea_popescu;supposedly nobody "can have cause to be upset" when things happen through that ; it's simply natural. 1440938;1459196947;asciilifeform;aha sorta like albanians colonizing serbia via birthing 1440939;1459196952;mircea_popescu;in line with what appears to be the xi policy. he's gutted the bureaucracy, which obviously pissed off all the wanna-be 14%, as what he aims is very much in line with the mp definition of government ("may exist for as long as i don't see it") 1440940;1459196953;asciilifeform;or same in usa re mexico 1440941;1459196997;mircea_popescu;slighter, smaller government ; which necessarily means more of him and less of the "institutions" ; should be palatable, or at least easier to defend. 1440942;1459197008;mircea_popescu;some nonsense or other about how fish swim in water. 1440943;1459197094;asciilifeform;taiwan is a dr.mengele creation of usg, just as, e.g., israel, and i can't fathom how it could outlast the creator 1440944;1459197126;asciilifeform;the thermodynamic gradient at which it operates, is steep. 1440945;1459197136;mircea_popescu;the only concerning item is that the english nonsense of "hurt feelings" seems to become fashionable in chinese discourse. 1440946;1459197193;asciilifeform;waiwut 1440947;1459199087;phf;asciilifeform: you keep saying "this like spanish revolution" but i don't think anyone actually groks what that means, because so far #b-a is like a sociological study of mutiny 1440948;1459199378;pete_dushenski;i will say that it's on the quiet side in #trilema atm, but after glancing at the #b-a logs for 15 seconds, the noise gave me such a headache that i quickly forgave the selective speech and appreciated the tranquility here. i doubt i'm alone in this either. 1440949;1459199502;shinohai;You aren't pete_dushenski. It's witch-hunt city over there and I want no part of it. 1440950;1459199634;asciilifeform;shinohai must be reading a very different log than i 1440951;1459199669;pete_dushenski;'each man reads his own logs' (tm) 1440952;1459199681;shinohai;I last looked at logs this morning, so oh well. 1440953;1459199744;pete_dushenski;very much like how each man writes his own torah scroll. 1440954;1459199793;shinohai;heh 1440955;1459200467;trinque;phf: if you've got a log viewer nearly complete, do you want a postgresql db connection from me for it? I'll be collecting logs with the new deedbot. 1440956;1459200566;asciilifeform;trinque: will it search the old logz ? 1440957;1459200572;trinque;those will be imported yes 1440958;1459200577;asciilifeform;neato. 1440959;1459200613;mircea_popescu;so i tried to watch "the ballad of jack and rose". 1440960;1459200616;mircea_popescu;holy shit it's bad. 1440961;1459200683;mircea_popescu;for one thing, the enviroderps don't even realise just how tediously insufferable their propaganda is, i suspect. fucking jehova witnesses already. 1440962;1459200752;asciilifeform;from imdb, reminiscent of a different, fun film, 'hanna' 1440963;1459200764;asciilifeform;did mircea_popescu ever see ^ ? 1440964;1459200773;mircea_popescu;did not. ima put it on list then. 1440965;1459200781;asciilifeform;it's an oddity. 1440966;1459200804;asciilifeform;http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0993842 << it. 1440967;1459200845;mircea_popescu;but for the other thing, and more important i guess : it's strictly impossible by now to distinguish teenager daughter from wife in a film. not only because the fucking actresses represented as sexually powerful are so fucking neotenuous it's uncanny ; but also because of the retarded habit of giving women the same age all the fucking roles. they're all "29" ; and finally because fucking hell family relations in anglosphere... 1440968;1459200847;phf;trinque: yes! that would be handy. i just audited that postgresql common lisp driver (not the popular one, but the pure network pg one) 1440969;1459200854;mircea_popescu;why is teenage daughter calling her father "you" ? how is this proper ? 1440970;1459200858;mircea_popescu;if this is proper, why not fuck her ? 1440971;1459200880;phf;the reader is idiosyncratic, so i'll have to make it more palatable for general consumption 1440972;1459200888;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: their language br0k3 ~400y ago 1440973;1459200889;mircea_popescu;idiosyncratic how ? 1440974;1459200892;asciilifeform;not their fault!1111 1440975;1459200896;mircea_popescu;pfff! 1440976;1459200896;phf;http://glyf.org/h/b-a 1440977;1459200915;phf;well, like for example it adds spaces based on how much time passed between messages 1440978;1459200923;mircea_popescu;meh. 1440979;1459200933;asciilifeform;phf: what is this 1440980;1459200937;*;mircea_popescu hates scrolling 1440981;1459200940;asciilifeform;phf: i see b-a log with buncha white space 1440982;1459200942;asciilifeform;and nothing else 1440983;1459200964;phf;asciilifeform: it's an older version that i wrote a while ago and been using for reading 1440984;1459200972;mircea_popescu;you actually prefer it like that ? 1440985;1459200992;asciilifeform;i'd at least make the white intervals logarithmic 1440986;1459200994;phf;well, it makes more sense when conversation is very dense the way it usually is 1440987;1459200996;asciilifeform;because this is unbearable 1440988;1459201021;mircea_popescu;apparently every man does write his own torah huh. 1440989;1459201026;phf;you get nice little clusters of "conversation happens here" 1440990;1459201093;phf;there are flags that it takes that disables the behavior, and yeah "large chunks of space" is annoying and log would've been better if i wanted to go and fix it 1440991;1459201111;mircea_popescu;if we had an artist in attendance he could make you curlicues 1440992;1459201120;mircea_popescu;more elaborate by degrees. 1440993;1459201127;asciilifeform;l0l 1440994;1459201135;phf;have newer version that has fancy features, but i couldn't really roll it out for myself, since "download logs over http from kako's server" is not best strategy 1440995;1459201164;phf;now that's an idea 1440996;1459201177;asciilifeform;every man HAD BETTER be prepared to 'write own torah' - because gossipd. 1440997;1459201183;phf;generative vines that grow based on how much space there is 1440998;1459201190;asciilifeform;the concept of 'this here's the log' will not compute in gossipworld. 1440999;1459201196;asciilifeform;every node - his own log. 1441000;1459201204;asciilifeform;with slightly different people in it. 1441001;1459201234;mircea_popescu;phf> generative vines that grow based on how much space there is << word. 1441002;1459201241;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1441003;1459201245;gribble;Current Blocks: 404727 | Current Difficulty: 1.6549683511822635E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 405215 | Next Difficulty In: 488 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1441004;1459201256;asciilifeform;some folks might choose to make their gossip log public/httpized, sure. 1441005;1459201271;phf;asciilifeform: how's conversation links going to work? 1441006;1459201302;asciilifeform;phf: as described above. 1441007;1459201383;phf;oh i remembered what the flags are http://glyf.org/h/b-a?no-spacing&nick=asciilifeform 1441008;1459201397;asciilifeform;neato 1441009;1459201426;asciilifeform;lulzy log btw. 1441010;1459201441;pete_dushenski;tat makes it. 1441011;1459201451;asciilifeform;srsly what's that fella doin' there. 1441012;1459201525;pete_dushenski;more than a few of the starting line-up vacated the premises, giving the benchwarmers a fresh shot 1441013;1459201598;phf;kind of like a fellah who heard girl he fancies broke up, "hey, how's it going! yeah, i've just been in the neighborhood, oh you broke up? too bad.... so is there anyone on the horizon???" 1441014;1459201618;asciilifeform;aha. 1441015;1459201647;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i for one had nfi there ~was~ a 'bench' 1441016;1459201654;asciilifeform;or that TaT was sitting on it 1441017;1459201681;pete_dushenski;it's been a educational day in more sense than one then 1441018;1459201690;pete_dushenski;an* 1441019;1459201736;asciilifeform;but note, i did predict, classical b-a will die an immunocompromised death, without mircea_popescu's ddt spray 1441020;1459201859;asciilifeform;sorta like the old fantasy of every hooligan kid, 'what if teacher went away' 1441021;1459201881;pete_dushenski;aha. lord of the flies 1441022;1459202014;asciilifeform;now i could be wrong, perhaps it ~won't~ become a magnet for the vermin that were previously shot on sight 1441023;1459202121;phf;asciilifeform: that was the point of my inquiry 1441024;1459202215;asciilifeform;phf: aha, mine also. so far the data is discouraging - who the fuck, for example, is aegis ? 1441025;1459202238;pete_dushenski;inb4 all the 'joke' characters from last april fool's ~actually~ populate b-a. obligatory : http://trilema.com/2015/ok-ok-you-had-me-d/ 1441026;1459202266;asciilifeform;l0l! 1441027;1459205243;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform incredible, shoe reference in article even! 1441028;1459205332;danielpbarron;aegis is some guy i traded a bunch of cash in the mail with, and then flipped out over something i don't even recall what, but it was back when i was in otc 1441029;1459205350;mircea_popescu;anyway, for the curious minds among the new folks, let's run through that list. jared kenna for a while ran the 2nd largest btc/usd exchange. ran off with the piggy, started a real estate development with it, had the unmitigated audacity to try coming back into bitcoin, because hey, "community" is worth a bowl of soup a head. 1441030;1459205394;mircea_popescu;dproberts i imagine is to be the derpy guy with a "drugs market" that couldn't sell a bag of coke ; also ordered some "murders for highre". 1441031;1459205415;mircea_popescu;gavinandersen is the "experts agree" derp from last year. 1441032;1459205448;mircea_popescu;bitcoin_charlie is actually recently famous for the whole "this is what they don't tell you" thing. 1441033;1459205492;mircea_popescu;chaangnoi aka goat aka 1k other things is some derpy wanna-be living in thailand and for a while doing whatever dubious coolie business in and around glbse. mostly pirate-related scammerships. 1441034;1459205515;mircea_popescu;zhoutong is one of the people involved in the bitcoinica scam ; he was supposed to be some azn child genius. 1441035;1459205536;mircea_popescu;shtylman had an exchange that was "hacked", all sorts of ridiculous pretentious bs. wore a derpy hat ; was supposed to be some sort of white kid genius. 1441036;1459205555;mircea_popescu;aaand i tire of the derpage heh. 1441037;1459205656;mircea_popescu;phf> asciilifeform: how's conversation links going to work? << this is actually a rather complex problem. i suspect they well might not work at all. 1441038;1459205684;phf;i only just realized that.. 1441039;1459205694;mircea_popescu;i mean on a 80% sort of approach, sure, no problem 1441040;1459205704;mircea_popescu;but if you approach the matter fundamentally, it quickly balloons. 1441041;1459205784;deedbot-;[Ossasepia] When the Messenger Shoots Back - http://www.dianacoman.com/2016/03/28/when-the-messenger-shoots-back/ 1441042;1459205830;mircea_popescu;o.O 1441043;1459205834;*;mircea_popescu off to read this now. 1441044;1459206186;mircea_popescu;heh. 1441045;1459206250;ben_vulpes;RIDE NEVER ENDS RIDE NEVER ENDS RIDE NEVER ENDS 1441046;1459206833;phf;diana_coman: just to clarify, the framing was deliberate and part of a larger thread. when i started conversation kakobrekla and nubbins were both trigger happy and aggressive, the purpose of the entire thread was to figure out where they stand by softening their disposition. talking in terms of competency (worded as a hypothetical accusation to be weighted by a hypothetical court) has proven effective in the past in clarifying kakobrekla's thinki 1441047;1459206833;phf;ng, because anything stronger than that he bulks 1441048;1459206877;pete_dushenski;balks* 1441049;1459206886;phf;sick gains 1441050;1459206898;ben_vulpes;hail broseidon 1441051;1459206908;diana_coman;aha, thanks for the clarification phf ; I did follow the whole thread but I can't say I actually caught this intent of yours as such 1441052;1459206910;pete_dushenski;'ma, i'm out of proteen powdah!' 1441053;1459206972;diana_coman;kakobrekla is basically an unknown quantity to me, I must add 1441054;1459207204;ben_vulpes;i am fully torn between the poles of wanting to understand why mircea_popescu burned the coins to make the point, desperately wanting continuity with the logs-as-they-were, and recognizing the futility-cum-insubordination of a footsoldier asking anything 1441055;1459207307;ben_vulpes;but hey, we move the camp, dig more latrines. 1441056;1459207334;ben_vulpes;smoke more cigarettes, talk shit about cmdrs. 1441057;1459207396;diana_coman;fwiw continuity has never been, in my experience of anything, of the "as things were" variety 1441058;1459207439;pete_dushenski;https://youtu.be/Q5QJ9i_o5vo?t=1m37s << 'broteen powdah' reference 1441059;1459207520;ben_vulpes;diana_coman: "change is the only constant!" (d,tmr~). i've no desire for communiteh and happiness and being in a room where everyone gets along. but the logs were valuable in their own right, for as long as they had that continuity. 1441060;1459207603;diana_coman;sure, continuity is valuable, whenever it can be had 1441061;1459207641;ben_vulpes;"but if the cost of having continuity is to be shackled to dem000cracy (tm alf), i'll happily shed the continuity to be rid of the cows"? 1441062;1459207689;diana_coman;it's either that or shoot the cows, no? 1441063;1459207784;ben_vulpes;hard to say, as a cow 1441064;1459207832;diana_coman;and moreover I have to say that a bit earlier in b-a I had this uneasy feeling that people were patting one another on the back, maybe it was just me 1441065;1459207994;ben_vulpes;i'm entirely guilty of seeing something that my raven-eye finds shiny and reacting with "neat" or "nifty" or "cool" 1441066;1459208016;ben_vulpes;sometimes even with exclamation points! 1441067;1459208036;diana_coman;ah, no, I meant more of the rate-me-rate-you variety really 1441068;1459208088;phf;diana_coman: right, thread was for myself rather then others, and i found what i was looking for. i just couldn't keep dodging snark and "shit in soup" every other sentence, so had to make that detour 1441069;1459208094;phf;*THAN 1441070;1459208362;BingoBoingo;Going back to the Easter Sunday thread, Reddit tries home improvement https://archive.is/86cpZ 1441071;1459208378;trinque;ben_vulpes │ ... and recognizing the futility-cum-insubordination of a footsoldier asking anything << what foot soldier was this? All I saw was a Ricky from Trailer Park Boys impersonation shouting words he heard on terribly written TV about biznis 1441072;1459208396;trinque;and a bunch of #b-a oldfags not doing anything about it 1441073;1459208624;ben_vulpes;trinque: myself 1441074;1459208751;ben_vulpes;and as mircea_popescu has pointed out, courts' mandate descends from the king but may not bind him 1441075;1459209168;asciilifeform;http://www.dianacoman.com/2016/03/28/when-the-messenger-shoots-back/#comment-246 1441076;1459209179;*;trinque sees the king angle, and also the "anything in my hands is mine to do with, and who asked anyone else?" 1441077;1459209197;trinque;or what did the declaration I signed mean? 1441078;1459209227;asciilifeform;trinque: if mircea_popescu had been going for the 'fuck off, who asked anyone' angle, why would he have bothered to write the qntra piece re: miner collusion ? 1441079;1459209278;trinque;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=11-03-2016#1430385 1441080;1459209319;asciilifeform;trinque: aha, it is called fuhrerprinzip 1441081;1459209321;asciilifeform;and is a thing. 1441082;1459209342;asciilifeform;all effective undertakings - have it. 1441083;1459209410;ben_vulpes;eyyy trinque not that you're short of work or anything rn but hey, add 'titles' to the todo list? 1441084;1459209486;trinque;yaya sure 1441085;1459209600;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes there's really nothing wrong in asking anything. 1441086;1459209614;mircea_popescu;futile it may be ; but that's really up to teh asker. 1441087;1459209648;mircea_popescu;also, i see absolutely no reason why log continuity would be disrupted ?! 1441088;1459209667;ben_vulpes;when i asked, you said "none of you dickbags get off your asses and actually do anything, why would i ask of you one whit" 1441089;1459209677;mircea_popescu;wait, wut ? 1441090;1459209682;asciilifeform;i recall this. 1441091;1459209688;mircea_popescu;you'll hafta quote. 1441092;1459209712;*;ben_vulpes quotes, quotes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-03-2016#1426381 1441093;1459209718;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=14-03-2016#1432257 1441094;1459209771;phf;of snap it's a quote-off! two boys enter, one man leave! 1441095;1459209777;mircea_popescu;well now. alf's easily disposed of : bitbet did in fact go into such receivership ; i have little doubt ben_vulpes is doing things. so that's that. 1441096;1459209797;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes' is not easily disposed of. 1441097;1459209822;mircea_popescu;but there's a space between what your quote shows and what "futility-cum-insubordination of a footsoldier asking anything" means. 1441098;1459209911;mircea_popescu;(there's also a difference between asking admiral lord nelson what color are his flags ; or how his cannons work ; and asking him why he put the ships in a line ten apart. but this for another time.) 1441099;1459209981;ben_vulpes;i asked "why did you not bring this before the forum first?", and received "what, /you/ idiots?", from which i derive that i am not to expect answers, and if to not expect answer why ask? 1441100;1459210012;mircea_popescu;the fact of teh matter is that the forum's not there yet. 1441101;1459210037;ben_vulpes;nevertheless, ask i did, and answer of some sort i received. 1441102;1459210092;asciilifeform;when i asked re: the cartel, i got : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-03-2016#1432648 1441103;1459210116;asciilifeform;sorta like usg's 'classified due to Sources & Methods (tm)' form letter reply. 1441104;1459210150;mircea_popescu;there is an outstanding issue ; i dunno how much you actually still credit the (separate network - not miner cartel) theory. i dunno how to approach that to make it plain to you it holds no water. tho it necessarily doesn't. 1441105;1459210172;asciilifeform;i believe that mircea_popescu is a clever fella, and that, given the prior available to HIM, it 'necessarily doesn't' 1441106;1459210177;asciilifeform;but not with ~mine~ 1441107;1459210197;asciilifeform;from my perch it is not distinguishable from bush's 'weapons of mass destruction' thing 1441108;1459210208;mircea_popescu;i would expect it to be dissolvable on purely formal grounds, because the whole thing is nothing other and nothing more than a nominal attempt. but dunno why this isn't obvious.; 1441109;1459210211;mircea_popescu;so it'll have to wait. 1441110;1459210255;ben_vulpes;our very own pascalian wager 1441111;1459210273;mircea_popescu;as you know - the serbs, using very primitive technology, shot down an "invisible" fighter jet. 1441112;1459210274;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu thinks 'nominal attempt' - as in 'hasty justification because asciilifeform had indigestion and was inclined to harp on mircea_popescu for no good reason' ? 1441113;1459210282;asciilifeform;whereas i've modelled sybilatrons for ages. 1441114;1459210292;mircea_popescu;it ~could~ be argued that what they shot down was an ACTOR plane acting the part of being a fighter jet in a film about serbs. 1441115;1459210302;mircea_popescu;that saying would be in no way distinguishable from this other theory. 1441116;1459210311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no, no. 1441117;1459210347;mircea_popescu;just... you know... "how did actor plane end up in us controlled airspace ?" "well... they were in on it" "so it was a us plane" "uh no.. it was NOT REALLY." "mk ?" 1441118;1459210363;asciilifeform;better example, bear with me: 1441119;1459210375;mircea_popescu;so i will. 1441120;1459210408;asciilifeform;a top-of-the-line american jet is found with a clean fist-sized hole lengthwise, incl. pilot's arse. pieces reassembled, and everyone shits their pants in astonishment. 1441121;1459210416;asciilifeform;two theories dominate, 1441122;1459210417;mircea_popescu;(for the curious, the primitive technology was, dumbass plane shading microwave towers. same thing the germans used to fire their rocket plane munitions in ww2.) 1441123;1459210445;asciilifeform;one - ru prayed in new spiffy church and god interceded, carefully carved hole in plane and pilot's arse. 1441124;1459210455;asciilifeform;other - that ru had electron beam gun. 1441125;1459210463;asciilifeform;no hard proof of (a) or (b) 1441126;1459210472;asciilifeform;but i hold that (b) is more reasonable hypothesis ipso facto. 1441127;1459210476;mircea_popescu;identify the pairs in this example for my benefit cuz i dun see any relation ? 1441128;1459210480;asciilifeform;because ~weighs less~ 1441129;1459210491;asciilifeform;(a) is cartel, (b) - sybils. 1441130;1459210500;mircea_popescu;this is a very poor identification. 1441131;1459210536;asciilifeform;perhaps with respect to (a) 1441132;1459210565;asciilifeform;cartel of miners is something that plausibly may exist, as i said before. but i do not see it as the ~necessary hypothesis~ 1441133;1459210595;mircea_popescu;it seems to me any operative model for this dispute will have to be a) item that does something ; b) which would be restricted to members of a priviledged class ; c) which the item is purported not to be a member of ; d) while admitting the priviledged class was necessarily aware of the behaviour and tolerant of it. 1441134;1459210618;mircea_popescu;how c and d can both stand is a very curious thing indeed. 1441135;1459210640;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu has the time/patience, let's arithmetize 1441136;1459210650;mircea_popescu;i'm not going anywhere. 1441137;1459210678;asciilifeform;argument here is - if miners do not ~collectively~ countenance the sybil, it cannot operate ? 1441138;1459210721;mircea_popescu;not collectively, but unanimously. 1441139;1459210753;asciilifeform;aha 1441140;1459210768;mircea_popescu;to a measurable but in any case low tolerance. sure, 0.000001% hash won't matter. 1441141;1459210796;asciilifeform;this is the exact point where i disagreed, the last time we did this thread and were interrupted 1441142;1459210810;asciilifeform;sybil has the upper hand over miners 1441143;1459210819;asciilifeform;because miners do not generate tx 1441144;1459210828;mircea_popescu;miners do not need tx to get paid. 1441145;1459210840;mircea_popescu;currently they make 9x% of their money from stipend. 1441146;1459210846;asciilifeform;their margin is so pathologically narrow that the tx matter 1441147;1459210851;mircea_popescu;you understgand this "? yes sybil problems will be incredible once that goes away 1441148;1459210862;asciilifeform;aha, yes 1441149;1459210874;mircea_popescu;but for now, the miners yet have the upper hand, as long as that lasts. 1441150;1459210876;asciilifeform;but they are so threadbare, that a loss of 2-3% can mean death. 1441151;1459210879;asciilifeform;even now. 1441152;1459210883;mircea_popescu;not for the cartel. 1441153;1459210885;mircea_popescu;which is why there's one. 1441154;1459210906;mircea_popescu;yes, it's true that the naive view of bitcoin network rapidly collapses into your view, on the basis of your theory. 1441155;1459210912;asciilifeform;ftr the cartel exists unquestionably, the high-S derpage is proof of it 1441156;1459210918;asciilifeform;(why NO high-S miners?) 1441157;1459210918;mircea_popescu;in reality however it odes not - because it collapses into a state of even lower energy even faster. 1441158;1459210932;asciilifeform;hm? 1441159;1459210957;mircea_popescu;your idea with (indepoendent miners very threadbare + sybil) is much higher latent heat than the (miner cartel) situation. 1441160;1459210978;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i buy the miner cartel! if you recall, i walked into #b-a with miner cartel. 1441161;1459210981;mircea_popescu;it may get a run for its money 3-4-6 halvings down the road. maybe even one for each. 1441162;1459210982;asciilifeform;(to some laughter) 1441163;1459210999;asciilifeform;it ~is~ the low-energy state of the system 1441164;1459211010;mircea_popescu;at the time it was politically expedient to not admit the possibility ; even as it loomed. 1441165;1459211010;asciilifeform;(hamiltonian mechanics recommended to all in the audience, helps) 1441166;1459211020;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i grasped this. 1441167;1459211048;asciilifeform;it was a difficult time, smart folks were very difficult to persuade to give a damn re bitcoin 1441168;1459211066;mircea_popescu;smart folk are difficult to persuade to give a damn about anything other than onanism. 1441169;1459211070;mircea_popescu;it's the curse of humanity. 1441170;1459211072;asciilifeform;i walked the razor blade for a very long time, ended up very p0000r for it 1441171;1459211116;asciilifeform;if i had even so much as mined on the ~fpgas that i already owned~ when the thing began, i would be in neighbouring dirigible to mircea_popescu 1441172;1459211148;mircea_popescu;if this won't be enough instruction to be as slutty as you can as young as you can get your cunt wet... 1441173;1459211186;asciilifeform;generally it is not an interesting line of thought, it is on par with 'if i knew today's lottery number last week' 1441174;1459211201;mircea_popescu;not quite. one can be a whore today. time ticks away. 1441175;1459211210;asciilifeform;but i have less excuse than most, i followed the subject before it was a subject, had my own crackpot bitcoin, unpublished, a decade ago, etc. 1441176;1459211228;mircea_popescu;you ever read the sufferances of young werther btw ? 1441177;1459211232;asciilifeform;yes! 1441178;1459211247;mircea_popescu;and they think goethe was a genius 1441179;1459211247;asciilifeform;(spoiler re: above: blockchain as an exponentiated-primes product!111) 1441180;1459211249;mircea_popescu;da fuck did he know. 1441181;1459211349;asciilifeform;anyway i'm a (p0000r) whore today, fwiw. 1441182;1459211358;mircea_popescu;prosit. 1441183;1459211378;asciilifeform;hm 1441184;1459211674;asciilifeform;briefly back to thread, i credit miner cartel, as i did in the beginning, as the INEVITABLE consequence of satoshi IDIOCY 1441185;1459211694;asciilifeform;the whole design, like the infamous 'galloping gertie' dud bridge, leads to this. 1441186;1459211705;mircea_popescu;while the man wasn't the bright and fresh messiah we all would have no doubt preferred, 1441187;1459211710;mircea_popescu;i am not sure this one is on his hump. 1441188;1459211741;asciilifeform;how not ? 1441189;1459211751;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu himself teaches us that 'you are responsible for ALL questions on the exam' 1441190;1459211765;asciilifeform;satoshi ~could~ have invented mircea_popescu's hybrid pow/pos algo. 1441191;1459211766;mircea_popescu;sure, sure, 1441192;1459211773;mircea_popescu;but it is altogether unclear the problem can be at all FIXED. 1441193;1459211793;asciilifeform;i can see at least a dozen effective variants of fix. 1441194;1459211803;mircea_popescu;to fix what, the troubles you met ? 1441195;1459211813;mircea_popescu;troubles you met how, by following the blowups of the fix he did for the problems he did see ? 1441196;1459211815;asciilifeform;to fix the 'miners can selectively deny tx', for instance 1441197;1459211816;mircea_popescu;yay us , i guess. 1441198;1459211832;mircea_popescu;what can you tell me of the unknown unknowns ? 1441199;1459211834;asciilifeform;as well as 'idiots can mine without operating node' 1441200;1459211911;mircea_popescu;a very poor understanding of actual finance and actual economics, as much as it is the direct cause of floundering of the formerly great american empire ; is also directly evident at work in bitcoin and among the geeks. 1441201;1459211915;asciilifeform;a well-designed ~mathematical~ mechanism doesn't HAVE 'unknown unknowns.' it has PROOF where 'unless x,y,z ' (e.g., ecdsa break, or p==np) 'mechanism works such-n-such' 1441202;1459211926;mircea_popescu;gavin has nfi idea ; but generally - this stuff is hard, and the people who grok it damned few if extant at all. 1441203;1459211943;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform last i checked with the learned monks, they didn't even have a FUCKING CIPHER 1441204;1459211973;mircea_popescu;but that was so long ago perhaps the monastery has meanwhile been rebuilt upside down ? 1441205;1459211978;asciilifeform;l0l 1441206;1459212008;mircea_popescu;very good news indeed! 1441207;1459212072;mircea_popescu;anyway, alf : we share in teh ideals. lemme convict the man for wearing down the rails deliberately after i see the superconducting magnetorail in operation. 1441208;1459212148;mircea_popescu;anyway. i also recommend hamiltonians for they interested in becoming less dumb in finance & economy than the famous sheep of http://trilema.com/2010/rabinul-si-oaia/ 1441209;1459212157;asciilifeform;there's an engl ver 1441210;1459212168;asciilifeform;on trilema no less, iirc 1441211;1459212175;mircea_popescu;ah right you are. 1441212;1459212338;asciilifeform;i will give example, of the precious few 'gifts of the learned monks', 1441213;1459212354;asciilifeform;rsa is NOT publicly proven to be equivalent to Factoring in difficulty; 1441214;1459212374;asciilifeform;cramer-shoup ~is~ provably equivalent to diffie-hellman discrete log. 1441215;1459212383;mircea_popescu;no, really, their efforts and value are not for a second in question. but the bridge to absolute "a well designed mathematical mechanism" has not yet been made 1441216;1459212390;mircea_popescu;for that matter, the site's nto even picked as of yet. 1441217;1459212489;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-10-2014#856353 << possible starting point, but i misplace the mega-thread 1441218;1459212493;asciilifeform;'martian bank' 1441219;1459212572;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-04-2015#1100378 << possibly better 1441220;1459212578;mircea_popescu;anyway, ima be taking the sluts to a nude promenade, bbl. 1441221;1459212604;*;asciilifeform goes off for a scale model version of this 1441222;1459214195;trinque;if C-M-\ isn't a hair from C-M-Backspace... 1441223;1459214380;mod6;<+asciilifeform> now i could be wrong, perhaps it ~won't~ become a magnet for the vermin that were previously shot on sight << already is! 1441224;1459214407;asciilifeform;mod6: right now it's mainly kako, phf, and i 1441225;1459214463;asciilifeform;mod6: arithmetizing what the events of today would look like on a gossiptronic net. 1441226;1459214597;trinque;good evening mike_c 1441227;1459214605;mike_c;hello 1441228;1459214863;mod6;asciilifeform: not talking about now anyhow. 1441229;1459214900;mod6;anyway, re your ddt comment, seems to be an analog for "a hole where the night creeps in" 1441230;1459214908;mod6;mike to the c! 1441231;1459214913;mod6;what is up 1441232;1459214918;mike_c;hey :) good to see you 1441233;1459214926;asciilifeform;hey mike_c 1441234;1459214927;mod6;u too man 1441235;1459214928;asciilifeform;welcome to new planet. 1441236;1459214941;asciilifeform;mod6: much of today there was 'how large is this hole' 1441237;1459214955;mod6;mhmm. 1441238;1459214964;mike_c;not much up - I got my life settled a bit and came back and have been working my way through the shitstorm that hit around here. 1441239;1459214994;mod6;werd. glad you're catchin a break a bit. last we talked you were mighty swamped with stuff. 1441240;1459215005;mike_c;yeah, then it got worse 1441241;1459215008;mike_c;but now it's better. 1441242;1459215030;mod6;cool. 1441243;1459215070;mod6;not much changed around here; still got coinz, still got that drama 1441244;1459215073;mike_c;hehe 1441245;1459215128;mod6;alf and mp came up with a thing called 'V' 1441246;1459215156;mod6;speaking of which, i literally did jack fuck all this past month on trb 1441247;1459215192;mod6;lol, first SoBA to have literally no activity. i gotta grind hard in April i think. 1441248;1459215238;mod6;bunch of us have been learning scheme and Ada 1441249;1459215247;mod6;so that's been kinda cool. 1441250;1459215267;mod6;alf just sits back and laughs 1441251;1459215304;mod6;i'll catch up by the time im like 394 years old. 1441252;1459215314;mod6;he'll still be in kindergarden. 1441253;1459215336;mike_c;oh, wow. considering a rewrite? 1441254;1459215364;mod6;if its possible at all. 1441255;1459215378;mod6;btc has to work better than a 767 1441256;1459215400;mod6;but not sure if we can make it happen with breaking ourselves off into our own universe. 1441257;1459215407;mod6;could require a true hardfor 1441258;1459215410;mod6;k 1441259;1459215420;mike_c;yeah, hard to reproduce bug-for-bug in another language. 1441260;1459215428;mod6;bingo 1441261;1459215455;mod6;mp has some neato non-ada ideas surrounding sponges 1441262;1459215459;mod6;so we'll see. 1441263;1459215484;mike_c;heh, sponges. I've got a lot of log reading to do.. 1441264;1459215547;mod6;yah, there's a lot of stuff. trilema will probably get you caught up as a readers-digest 1441265;1459215650;mod6;no worries though, it'll be there. 1441266;1459219882;mircea_popescu;mike_c> but now it's better. << cool! 1441267;1459219995;mike_c;yes, baby is a bit bigger, and new job is settling in. life is manageable again (or will be once I've caught up on trilema + logs) 1441268;1459220016;mircea_popescu;mod6> bunch of us have been learning scheme and Ada << hey, time spent retooling the shop is still work 1441269;1459220040;mircea_popescu;hey, at least it's not boring! 1441270;1459220050;mike_c;srsly 1441271;1459220078;mircea_popescu;and as an added benefit i'm no longer the young man i used to be, doing 100+ articles/month like 2010 1441272;1459220078;asciilifeform;fwiw i have pretty close to a working bignumatron in ada. 1441273;1459220090;mircea_popescu;proper big ? 1441274;1459220091;asciilifeform;(but then again i have 'pretty close' to working postgres db in phuctor, so there) 1441275;1459220104;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what means proper-big 1441276;1459220112;asciilifeform;up to size of machine mem 1441277;1459220119;mircea_popescu;that. 1441278;1459220123;asciilifeform;then yes. 1441279;1459220135;mircea_popescu;nb. 1441280;1459220145;asciilifeform;ada memory alloc is an interesting item that deserves own conversation 1441281;1459220166;asciilifeform;it has allocation but NOT free ! (you can 'cheat' and re-enable it, but then your proggy is considered 'cursed') 1441282;1459220176;asciilifeform;students of the lang, e.g., mod6, prolly understand why 1441283;1459220187;mircea_popescu;so how do you deallocate ? 1441284;1459220190;mike_c;sounds like normal bitocin. allocate memory and don't free it. 1441285;1459220192;asciilifeform;you RECYCLE 1441286;1459220193;mircea_popescu;lol 1441287;1459220201;asciilifeform;as in, re-use the blocks sanely. 1441288;1459220212;mircea_popescu;tbh i like the new rested ny-steak&snark mike_c much better than the tired one! 1441289;1459220213;asciilifeform;and don't ever allocate a block you have no intention of re-using in its birth size. 1441290;1459220221;mike_c;;) 1441291;1459220241;asciilifeform;in essence ada demands that you make intelligent use of static blocks of ram 1441292;1459220244;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so i gotta write my own malloc every time 1441293;1459220253;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: only if you insist of 'writing c' 1441294;1459220258;asciilifeform;*insist on 1441295;1459220273;mircea_popescu;you know "me", i'm a coder. i'd do anything rather than think. 1441296;1459220274;asciilifeform;where buffers are born and die promiscuosly 1441297;1459220284;asciilifeform;l0l 1441298;1459220319;asciilifeform;for incorrigible c-smokers, it has a 'unchecked deallocation' thing that you can re-enable, at your peril. 1441299;1459220322;asciilifeform;then you can 'write c' aha. 1441300;1459220338;asciilifeform;but this defeats a good chunk of the purpose of using ada to begin with. 1441301;1459220357;asciilifeform;i will give example pertaining to bignum/crypto 1441302;1459220358;mircea_popescu;explain this to me. how do i write ada-bitcoin with variable-sized blocks ? 1441303;1459220381;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: by allocating the size of the largest possible block, for ALL block 1441304;1459220386;mircea_popescu;... 1441305;1459220391;asciilifeform;as in fact described by mircea_popescu in the bitcoin-fs thread. 1441306;1459220401;mircea_popescu;this defeats the whole purpose of VARIABLE sized blocks 1441307;1459220413;mircea_popescu;you're not about to tell me the block limit is actually part of ada, 1441308;1459220418;mircea_popescu;in the sense of, it being part of sanity. 1441309;1459220425;asciilifeform;ahahahahaha 1441310;1459220428;mircea_popescu;awww. 1441311;1459220436;mircea_popescu;but "i" talked to all these moorexperts! 1441312;1459220461;asciilifeform;i will point out that it is possible to build a physical machine that behaves as if it were possible to have multiple memories, and auto-defrags the space 1441313;1459220465;asciilifeform;but we have no such machine. 1441314;1459220471;asciilifeform;but who ~really~ needs one, can build. 1441315;1459220483;mircea_popescu;actually no. who really needs one, can't build. 1441316;1459220484;asciilifeform;(and he will pay the price of non- O(1) allocation.) 1441317;1459220493;mircea_popescu;who really needs to build a girlfriend, also can't. 1441318;1459220505;asciilifeform;well yes, fella falling from the empire state building is a bit occupied, too busy to build a chute. 1441319;1459220528;asciilifeform;it is the habit of idlers like asciilifeform to sit around knitting silk for NO FUKCING good reason11111 1441320;1459220544;*;asciilifeform brb, food 1441321;1459220554;mircea_popescu;he eats like an argentine now, at 1 am. 1441322;1459220795;mircea_popescu;i meant more in the sense of you'd have to be an idiot to need it, but neways. 1441323;1459222120;*;asciilifeform back 1441324;1459222179;asciilifeform;incidentally, did we ever do the 'bottomless ram' thread ? 1441325;1459222217;mircea_popescu;other than ring buffer ? 1441326;1459222223;asciilifeform;it is hypothetically possible, at least by napkin calculation, that one day memory device will be built , of usefully high capacity, that... wears out before you can ever fill it up 1441327;1459222235;mircea_popescu;oh that. in 2014. 1441328;1459222237;asciilifeform;where it doesn't actually make sense to erase. 1441329;1459222238;asciilifeform;l0l 1441330;1459222254;asciilifeform;and yeah i'm pretty sure we had it here. 1441331;1459222273;asciilifeform;so that's another way to have 'variable blox' 1441332;1459222280;asciilifeform;...never to reuse ram. 1441333;1459222282;mircea_popescu;it's of the nature of "it is possible, at least by napkin pullulation, that one day we have AI". 1441334;1459222287;mircea_popescu;i'll believe when i see it. 1441335;1459222298;asciilifeform;you can also approximate this horror using 'broken hearts' 1441336;1459222304;asciilifeform;they existed on some variants of lispm 1441337;1459222314;mircea_popescu;also ftr pullulation IS an english word. wtf is with these "spellcheckers" omfg 1441338;1459222318;asciilifeform;memory locations with magican n+1th bit set, which behave as transparent pointer 1441339;1459222329;mircea_popescu;what is the fucking point to have a tool that spells worse than the human. 1441340;1459222348;asciilifeform;pulullakin !111 1441341;1459222350;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-02-2015#1001619 << 1441342;1459222363;asciilifeform;( Logged on 20-03-2014 14:20:09; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'cum se suge pula' << can't help but associate this in my head with the finnish proverb, 'Pillu se on pulullakin' ) 1441343;1459222380;mircea_popescu;hehe 1441344;1459222400;mircea_popescu;have you spent the past week re-reading logs in integrum and doing head-xreferencing ? 1441345;1459222410;asciilifeform;past n yearz. 1441346;1459222499;asciilifeform;(to finish off the 'broken hearts' - they let you defrag a memory without actually moving anything.) 1441347;1459222519;asciilifeform;how to move ~the broken hearts themselves~ is an exercise for the reader... 1441348;1459222683;mircea_popescu;"how to get girl - first, get her sister. how to get sister - exercise etc" 1441349;1459222725;asciilifeform;aha. 1441350;1459222756;asciilifeform;(the answer, afaik, is that you 'moved them' by flipping the mains current.) 1441351;1459222756;mircea_popescu;did we ever say the finnish proverb is "even pigeon has a cunt" ? 1441352;1459222759;asciilifeform;aha. 1441353;1459222783;mircea_popescu;no bird actually has a cunt, but what do the finns know. 1441354;1459222790;asciilifeform;this was iirc plainly described in the original source 1441355;1459222795;mircea_popescu;incidentally, do you know how to fuck the bird in hand ? 1441356;1459222796;asciilifeform;and i suspect meant 'fuckable opening' 1441357;1459222823;asciilifeform;american legendary 19th c. folk hero davy crockett is said to have fucked whooping cranes. but he took off the head first. 1441358;1459222840;mircea_popescu;i never heard that one. 1441359;1459222856;asciilifeform;it is in an old b00k of sexpathology i have somewhere. 1441360;1459222862;asciilifeform;will dig out. 1441361;1459222890;mod6;haha, plz link if you find it. 1441362;1459222900;asciilifeform;mod6: will prolly have to scan 1st 1441363;1459222913;asciilifeform;english crud tends to not be on the net already 1441364;1459222939;mircea_popescu;i wonder how many fine jewish boys helped the ducks being fattened swallow their peas with the peanis. 1441365;1459222963;asciilifeform;i've never farmed ducks, are they typically debeaked ? 1441366;1459222976;mircea_popescu;there's this implement, keep it open. 1441367;1459222987;asciilifeform;aha the goose-feeding tool 1441368;1459222990;asciilifeform;the one with the crank. 1441369;1459222991;mircea_popescu;the animal's overfed to cirhosis over a few weeks, in the traditional process 1441370;1459223016;asciilifeform;i recall this, iirc you nail their legs to the floor also 1441371;1459223210;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, the immunocompromise thing was accurate, already folks who oughta know better, on old planet, asked me if i'd host a powerranger idiot repo 'for trb' 1441372;1459223232;asciilifeform;melted my brain right through the mouth, it did 1441373;1459223252;asciilifeform;funkenstein_ you oughta be ashamed. 1441374;1459223709;mod6;<+asciilifeform> as in, re-use the blocks sanely. << ok so we'd have to therefore keep a 'free list' - a list of objects/items that have been deleted and are "recycled" and may be used again or I suppose we could then call 'Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation' on an item in the free list to shink the list thereby reclaiming the memory. 1441375;1459223725;asciilifeform;mod6: correct 1441376;1459223735;asciilifeform;re: the latter, see thread from ~1h ago 1441377;1459223767;mod6;i think i was just trying to follow that thread in my own sense of it. 1441378;1459223779;mod6;i had to look it all up in the reference 1441379;1459223796;asciilifeform;(spoiler: ada aggressively promotes sanity, in particular here the item described by mircea_popescu roughly a year ago, which is that a program must occupy EXACTLY its maximal memory footprint at all times) 1441380;1459223990;asciilifeform;sorta how you budget for max-whatever for every category, so as never to have to say 'i cannot pay the electric bill' 1441381;1459224053;phf;fwiw lisp no consing strategy is same, i.e preallocate things 1441382;1459224059;asciilifeform;aha. 1441383;1459224072;asciilifeform;i wrote a good bit of this 1441384;1459224080;asciilifeform;the result, sadly, is distinctly 'un-lispy' 1441385;1459224149;phf;there's inherent divide between two strategies, anyone who claims bridging it is selling you something 1441386;1459224157;asciilifeform;quite ! 1441387;1459224175;asciilifeform;as i described in #b-a 1441388;1459224202;asciilifeform; there are precisely TWO known sane approaches to programming a computer. 1441389;1459224202;asciilifeform; max dynamism or max static. 1441390;1459224202;asciilifeform; in-betweens are for the birdz. 1441391;1459224233;mod6;ok, so ; new block is found. we serve the live block queue (size 64 blocks, oldest (height-wise) is in the front) and recycle the memory, appending it to the end of the free queue. we then serve the free-list queue, populate it with the data from the new block and append it to the live block list 1441392;1459224238;mod6;? 1441393;1459224266;asciilifeform;mod6: aha, essentially a traditional allocator with several distinct types of fixed-size blocks 1441394;1459224271;mod6;two wheels, this would keep the overall footprint the same throughout. 1441395;1459224279;asciilifeform;sorta how 'malloc' normally works anyway 1441396;1459224282;asciilifeform;under the hood. 1441397;1459224286;mod6;ah 1441398;1459224290;asciilifeform;except now you have to actually be conscious of it 1441399;1459224311;asciilifeform;rather than, to borrow mircea_popescu's old analogy, going about like idiot prole cow woman who 'falls pregnant whenever' 1441400;1459224324;mod6;heheh 1441401;1459224365;asciilifeform;the c/unix malloc, that pretends to give you arbitrary blocks of N bytes on demand in O(1), is a pernicious fraud. 1441402;1459224397;asciilifeform;and not because it has to be free()'d and 'no one can possibly', but because of fragging. 1441403;1459224516;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1441404;1459224687;mod6;aight, thx alf 1441405;1459225982;BingoBoingo;dat hedge https://i.imgur.com/FFFKjmI.jpg 1441406;1459226130;mod6;nice bush 1441407;1459255006;asciilifeform;industrial l0ltr0n1cs: http://www.dianacoman.com/2016/03/28/when-the-messenger-shoots-back/#comment-249 1441408;1459259169;phf;asciilifeform: https://github.com/cgwalters/git-evtag i know snore, but sort of follow up to recent git conversation 1441409;1459259779;mircea_popescu;;;google site:trilema.com "la tati ni-i greu" 1441410;1459259780;gribble;Cum se suge pula - ghid pentru juma' de sex oral on Trilema - A ...: 1441411;1459259785;mircea_popescu;lol. 1441412;1459259870;mircea_popescu;ro expression, literally "life's hard for all of us". really intraducible in its derisive superlative. 1441413;1459262425;asciilifeform;Mar 29 09:46:10 asciilifeform: https://github.com/cgwalters/git-evtag i know snore, but sort of follow up to recent git conversation << extreme sn0resportz 1441414;1459262456;asciilifeform;git in my mind is inextricably linked with things i want to get away from and never see again. 1441415;1459262483;asciilifeform;it is in same category as, e.g., office coffee 1441416;1459262905;mircea_popescu;what's wrong with office coffee ? 1441417;1459262969;deedbot-;[Trilema] La tati ni-i greu, or "The pervy Romanians - etnobotanical study" - http://trilema.com/2016/la-tati-ni-i-greu-or-the-pervy-romanians-etnobotanical-study/ 1441418;1459262980;davout;probably the 'office' part if i had to guess 1441419;1459262987;asciilifeform;well around here it comes from machine that takes plastic cartridges full of ??? and pisses out a dark and motor-oil-smelling fluid 1441420;1459263002;asciilifeform;there are a dozen types of shell, but the taste is always same 1441421;1459263013;asciilifeform;most american offices use these now because they NEVER need to be cleaned 1441422;1459263024;davout;ah yeah, american coffee... 1441423;1459263028;asciilifeform;the nozzle that pisses, is formed as part of the plastic cartridge when it ruptures 1441424;1459263030;phf;asciilifeform is like a study into usg foot soldier culture, sometimes i feel like he relishes in the role 1441425;1459263053;asciilifeform;phf: in prison one makes chess pieces from bread and piss, what else is there to do. 1441426;1459263074;mircea_popescu;oh that crap. 1441427;1459263076;asciilifeform;astonishing that i managed to get an irc terminal going here 1441428;1459263081;asciilifeform;it took some gymnastics 1441429;1459263094;asciilifeform;not because anyone censors the pipe, but because the pipe is so ~burpy~ 1441430;1459263099;mircea_popescu;"office coffee" could also be fresh burmese brew by fresh burmese tits! 1441431;1459263102;asciilifeform;disconnects sockets every 10m or so 1441432;1459263105;phf;my building has a coffee machine downstairs, that is loaded, daily by a mexican team, with fresh beans bought from a reasonable supplier. the coffee is passable, but perhaps sounds like mana from heaven compared to "kurig" ors 1441433;1459263119;*;asciilifeform envious 1441434;1459263188;asciilifeform;davout: this is not even what you probably think of as 'american coffee', this is a level down still 1441435;1459263223;asciilifeform;i think the machine ~exists~ in order to make the gasoline-smelling 'starbux' swill taste great in comparison 1441436;1459263224;mircea_popescu;phf you have to have costa rica coffee before you may speak of coffee. 1441437;1459263232;mircea_popescu;it's like... i don't even know. i have it imported here. 1441438;1459263234;asciilifeform;pretty much whole office treks across the town to get it 1441439;1459263238;asciilifeform;instead of drinking the machine. 1441440;1459263239;davout;in french we refer to american coffee as 'jus de chaussettes', aka 'sock juice' 1441441;1459263266;mircea_popescu;in romanian, we call sodas "apa de la spalatul bomboanelor" ie, bonbon bathwater. 1441442;1459263303;davout;that's actually pretty cute 1441443;1459263313;mircea_popescu;mhm! 1441444;1459263332;mircea_popescu;can almost picture a bonbon in a tiny tub, rubbing his back with a tiny brush... 1441445;1459263342;trinque;asciilifeform: gotta get yourself a french press for the desk 1441446;1459263352;mircea_popescu;does it have lasers in it ? 1441447;1459263363;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform can not buy any desk items lest they have lasers and no fans! 1441448;1459263376;trinque;it's silent at least !!11! 1441449;1459263377;phf;i briefly dated a jamaican girl in college whose grandfather had a coffee plantation, they sold most of it to roasters but roasted some for artisanal resale. i don't know if that was necessarily "best" coffee, but that's certainly not coffee i can forget 1441450;1459263380;asciilifeform;actually a few folks here have such things 1441451;1459263381;mircea_popescu;it's in the terms of his inheritance. 1441452;1459263382;asciilifeform;i can't be arsed. 1441453;1459263399;mircea_popescu;phf alrighty then! 1441454;1459263421;asciilifeform;but i'm beginning to appreciate the merits of the fancy cooking machines: while people use them, they can still count as 'work' 1441455;1459263425;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i know the feeling. i drink coffee like i smoke, a pot a month. but i am blessed with the company of oyung ladies that are crazy for the stuff, 1441456;1459263440;mircea_popescu;and so like the bum living in the city and benefiting of the subway even if it couldn't be built on HIS tax receipts, 1441457;1459263449;mircea_popescu;i'm a coffee coneisseur by ricochet. 1441458;1459263454;asciilifeform;l0l neato. 1441459;1459263473;asciilifeform;i bet mircea_popescu still has his caffeine receptors. 1441460;1459263491;mircea_popescu;i have all the everythings i started with! 1441461;1459263503;asciilifeform;aha, that's what i meant 1441462;1459263515;asciilifeform;vs my old burned out carcass. 1441463;1459263532;mircea_popescu;i still have my foreskin attached, also. i am untouched by worldly corruptions as a young babe! 1441464;1459263546;asciilifeform;they didn't detach those where i'm from 1441465;1459263547;asciilifeform;ever. 1441466;1459263578;mircea_popescu;i don't mean circumcision. i mean the split that usually happens in uncircumcised males once they get into their own and vigurously fuck a damsel. 1441467;1459263585;mircea_popescu;at least for the lower class folk that dun wear condoms! 1441468;1459263634;asciilifeform;split? 1441469;1459263646;asciilifeform;do these folks fuck lawn mowers or what 1441470;1459263650;asciilifeform;blenders? 1441471;1459263662;mircea_popescu;well, young women. a bad habit, but very anglo. 1441472;1459263733;mircea_popescu;;;google frenulum 1441473;1459263734;gribble;Frenulum of prepuce of penis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Frenulum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Frenulum of tongue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 1441474;1459263749;mircea_popescu;the penile anatomy is that the foreskin is connected to the glans by this skin fold. 1441475;1459263833;*;asciilifeform does not recall breaking such a part 1441476;1459263851;mircea_popescu;it bleeds copiously, so you'd recall. 1441477;1459263864;asciilifeform;but i suppose people are quite like chess pieces, in the sense of having plastic mold tabs 1441478;1459263875;mircea_popescu;ha. 1441479;1459263880;mircea_popescu;cunt.runs.on.perl! 1441480;1459263992;asciilifeform;somethinglikethat. 1441481;1459264259;asciilifeform;10:49 <+deedbot-> [Trilema] La tati ni-i greu, or "The pervy Romanians - etnobotanical study" - 1441482;1459264263;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2016/la-tati-ni-i-greu-or-the-pervy-romanians-etnobotanical-study/ < and seeing how that compares (as results ie money) to those of the other players << this'd work if we even had any sort of a valuating function! 1441635;1459269827;DianaComan;well, so far it's very crude: are you in the positive or in the negative? then again, for comparing god help us given all the sikriz 1441636;1459269855;DianaComan;aaaand made my wonderful, shiny, new samovar, ha 1441637;1459269860;mircea_popescu;wd! 1441638;1459269870;mircea_popescu;and how do i calculate if im in positive or negative ? 1441639;1459269888;DianaComan;you can calc all your networth, no? 1441640;1459269893;mircea_popescu;how ? 1441641;1459269899;DianaComan;uhm? base value? 1441642;1459269903;DianaComan;a pain, but still 1441643;1459269904;mircea_popescu;ha! 1441644;1459269911;mircea_popescu;so you trade me your storage for bv ? 1441645;1459269925;DianaComan;no, but I use my bv as a baseline 1441646;1459269932;mircea_popescu;but what calculation is this then ?! 1441647;1459269934;DianaComan;I can compare that way 1441648;1459269941;mircea_popescu;isn't it meaningless ? 1441649;1459269961;DianaComan;meaningless for what? 1441650;1459269968;DianaComan;do you mean that bv is now meaningless? 1441651;1459269995;mircea_popescu;well suppose you have 1mn and 1 have 1mn. then tomorrow, you have 100 dead molluscs q 150 and i have 100 bng recipes, q 150. 1441652;1459270001;mircea_popescu;who is + and who is - ? 1441653;1459270065;DianaComan;I don't get what you are on really; I said: to see if I am positive or negative, not even comparing to you, just very crude: today my eulora account is worth 1btc, tomorrow it is worth 1.5btc or 0.5btc 1441654;1459270070;DianaComan;very very crude 1441655;1459270080;mircea_popescu;as a "bottom bound" sorta thing, sure. 1441656;1459270085;DianaComan;that is all we have! 1441657;1459270092;mircea_popescu;i blame the devs! 1441658;1459270094;DianaComan;bottoms abound or something 1441659;1459270104;DianaComan;the devils, yeah :)) 1441660;1459270679;hanbot;lol 1441661;1459271856;phf;i guess stephenson is on seveneves kick right now, which was pretty torturous reading, but probably goes really well with swj crowd 1441662;1459272053;phf;https://sidechannels.cr.yp.to/qkd/holographic-20160326.pdf has been making rounds 1441663;1459272107;phf;"Is the security of quantum cryptography guaranteed by the laws of physics?" i have no expertise to make a comment on it though 1441664;1459273401;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1441665;1459273404;gribble;Current Blocks: 404860 | Current Difficulty: 1.6549683511822635E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 405215 | Next Difficulty In: 355 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes, and 51 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1441666;1459274285;asciilifeform;phf: seveneves was a misery 1441667;1459275008;phf;asciilifeform: guy had that sword simulation fiasco, perhaps he decided that perky nih bureaucrat types (with rigged tomboy/ethnic/... upbringing) are better future builders. could be worse, could've gone joss whedon altogether 1441668;1459276191;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as "quantum" cryptography. 1441669;1459276203;mircea_popescu;there's also no such thing as mathematical proof "by the law of physics". 1441670;1459276354;mircea_popescu;if the dumbass thing weren't a pdf, i might have made a trilema blast piece. which perhaps explains why it is pdf. 1441671;1459277376;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you didn't miss much 1441672;1459277392;mircea_popescu;surprise surprise! 1441673;1459277395;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'quantum crypto' is a marketing term for that thing where you serve up random bits for otp using 'entangled photons' 1441674;1459277422;mircea_popescu;uh 1441675;1459277431;mircea_popescu;so non-random bits ? 1441676;1459277447;asciilifeform;random bits. 1441677;1459277450;asciilifeform;but same on two ends. 1441678;1459277466;mircea_popescu;is there some theorem of the unicity of entanglement that i missed ? 1441679;1459277481;mircea_popescu;granted, i've not gone to school at the premier lightbulb lighting institution in the world. 1441680;1459277527;asciilifeform;http://www.nature.com/articles/srep20962 << summary. 1441681;1459277568;mircea_popescu;yes yes. lemme summarize the question. IF you can show that two particles are entangled, HOW do you show that you have ALL the entangled particles in your control, for an entangla-tuple. 1441682;1459277584;asciilifeform;you don't, it's a sc4m 1441683;1459277633;mircea_popescu;"experimental demonstration", for mercy. 1441684;1459277664;phf;http://paste.lisp.org/display/311819/raw <- for pdfless 1441685;1459277759;mircea_popescu;"entanglement is a key resource in the research field of quantum information" 1441686;1459277762;mircea_popescu;why do they keep doing this. 1441687;1459277790;pete_dushenski;is cheep cheep ? 1441688;1459277791;mircea_popescu;it's like fucking politicians "thinking". really, does "entanglement" have the STATUS of so and so ? 1441689;1459277820;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: human shannonizers 1441690;1459277821;mircea_popescu;"poor black mothers are a key resource in the public money spending field of social services" 1441691;1459277824;mircea_popescu;EXACTLY the same shit. 1441692;1459277860;mircea_popescu;and exactly continuing "shaka-maka is a major deity of great power" 1441693;1459277918;phf;used to be you get a little tick mark in red from your teacher for that sort of writing 1441694;1459277932;asciilifeform;phf: and later in life, from grant committee!1111 1441695;1459277936;mircea_popescu;yeah. over your skull. 1441696;1459277948;phf;asciilifeform: it's not a good kind of tick 1441697;1459277952;mircea_popescu;Abstract. It is often claimed that the security of theoretical quantum key distribution (QKD) is guaranteed by the laws of physics. However, this claim is content-free if the underlying definition of theoretical QKD is not actually compatible with the laws of physics. This paper observes that (1) the laws of physics pose serious obstacles to the security of QKD and (2) these laws are ignored in a 1441698;1459277952;mircea_popescu;ll QKD "security proofs". 1441699;1459277965;mircea_popescu;actually, the piece is by bernstein, and the abstract entirely vindicates me. 1441700;1459277977;phf;asciilifeform: somehow grant committee on the other hand eat dat shit up 1441701;1459278041;phf;hence post, paper is essentially "what you smoking" but written in academiceese 1441702;1459278096;mircea_popescu;phf yes, i am very happy with it. guy even includes a formal scheme of what the proof should look like, for the benefit of the titrated tykes. 1441703;1459278117;mircea_popescu;that is EXACTLY what it should motherfucking look like. assume l, assume p, therefore s. 1441704;1459278625;mircea_popescu;phf i'm very happy with the guy's statement, both in the fundamental rejection and in the discursive analysis of the claims aspects. more words may be added to beenfit peculiar idiots, but as it stands it contains the first 4k or so words one'd say on the topic. 1441705;1459278650;mircea_popescu;check it out alf, bernstein saved us some work! 1441706;1459278670;asciilifeform;as often happens. 1441707;1459278671;mircea_popescu;he works for the republic even as he doesn't know it. and the eu printing press is paying for it. wonder of wonders. 1441708;1459278707;asciilifeform;if mircea_popescu knew what pays for asciilifeform to work for republic, he'd toss his cookies 1441709;1459278785;mircea_popescu;lol are you publishing inept quyantum blabla pieces under a chinese pseudonym ? 1441710;1459278820;asciilifeform;not quite. 1441711;1459278834;mircea_popescu;at any rate : it is immensely more difficult to actually make a physical proof than the scheme detailed by bernstein immediately makes apparent. 1441712;1459278856;mircea_popescu;to best illustrate this, perhaps : there is nothing in newtonian mechanics that ACTUALLY precludes quantum mechanics. 1441713;1459278865;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, an array of learned gents THOUGHT SO. 1441714;1459278885;mircea_popescu;making negative statements on the basis of positively established physical laws is the hardest task available. 1441715;1459279125;mircea_popescu;pretty much the only such [class of] statement comes from the laws of thermodynamics (and their mirrors in other fields), which are some of the very few fortunate cases where an actual bound is offered (see, by the way, feynman's excellent introduction in all this, with the reversible and irreversible machines etc), and so negative statements can be had. 1441716;1459279174;mircea_popescu;even leaving aside that people are still enthusiastically building perpetuum-organ-pumpmobile to this very day ; what practical use are they ? 1441717;1459279230;mircea_popescu;by which i mean that a) all use is already in use - sure, an ant can't eat you, because of it - but you kinda already both know and use this and b) all uses not already in use are monstrously cataclysmic and temporally unapproachable. so the kelvin death, really ? oooo, neat, lemme make that into a doorlock! 1441718;1459279287;asciilifeform;waiwut 1441719;1459279304;mircea_popescu;where ? 1441720;1459279321;asciilifeform;last para 1441721;1459279338;mircea_popescu;ima need more than that! 1441722;1459279358;asciilifeform;'why an ant can't eat you... already in use' and 'kelvin death ... door lock' 1441723;1459279371;mircea_popescu;mk lemme restate. 1441724;1459279402;mircea_popescu;the already very limited class of negative statements one can derive from physical laws is very fundamental, which in praxis severely limits your chances to do something clever. 1441725;1459279496;asciilifeform;there is a broader class of 'soft' negatives, e.g., 'you can X but it will take the mass of whole galaxy times 10^100' or whatnot. 1441726;1459279506;mircea_popescu;that there is. 1441727;1459279535;mircea_popescu;historically though, those tend to collapse inconveniently. 1441728;1459279544;mircea_popescu;they're all basically "you can cross the ocean - it will take six months" 1441729;1459279549;asciilifeform;sorta how we have in algorithmics, 'you can X but exponential' 1441730;1459279930;mircea_popescu;and as far as the perversion of nature goes - quantum mechanics actually by its very own rules provides guarantees that it would not be observable by newtonian means. with the very isolated exception of "light through multiple mosquito nets", and fine problems in the perceived orbits of inner planets, there's really nothing to even measure about qm misbehaviour, for purely qm reasons! 1441731;1459280374;asciilifeform;lulzily, in other nooze, classic #b-a is undergoing a very corpselike decomposition, fauna nobody even knew existed are devouring the carcass 1441732;1459280434;pete_dushenski;the 'mp as b/t-cell' theory is holding water is it 1441733;1459280464;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i did warn. 1441734;1459280492;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: and generally he never even needed to ~do~ anything, in real time, to keep'em out 1441735;1459280508;PeterL;meh, a couple people poked their heads in, no more than any other time in #b-a, I don't see any corpse-munching yet 1441736;1459280509;pete_dushenski;maybe tmsr just needed a stepping stone between itself and reddit 1441737;1459280509;asciilifeform;it was rather like the effect of the smell of cat, on vermin 1441738;1459280532;asciilifeform;PeterL: TaT + a buncha very peculiar visitors 1441739;1459283028;phf;danielpbarron expressed some concern that the following part of yesterdays #b-a log was an accusation made by me against mircea_popescu. i don't see it, but perhaps i'm missing something? http://paste.lisp.org/display/311820/raw 1441740;1459283684;trinque;strikes me as more of an insult to alf's judgment really... 1441741;1459283702;asciilifeform;l0lwut 1441742;1459283766;trinque;I don't see the crazy myself, but perhaps "we're all mad here!" 1441743;1459283805;asciilifeform;'madness?! this is sparta!' 1441744;1459283833;mircea_popescu;im too lazy to click. 1441745;1459283837;DianaComan;phf: i'm just saying there was plenty of opportunities to speak up against crazy in the past, and i saw plenty of crazy and i just thought everyone else took it in strides, as part of the game. apparently not! <- at a stretch crazy might be seen as an insult I suppose 1441746;1459283889;DianaComan;anyway, it made me curious: what's the crazy that was plenty and seen but not really digested as it turned out? 1441747;1459283918;mircea_popescu;what's "crazy" ? and plox don't tell me "that which diverges from the consensus of average derps", if possible. 1441748;1459283925;asciilifeform;^ 1441749;1459284008;DianaComan;that's phf's line from the fragment 1441750;1459284035;phf;well, danielpbarron is a religious fundamentalist. things that he says have to be recoded from his frame to my frame. if there's particularly prolonged periods of inability to map frames on my part, i can go "well this is crazy" and dismiss it as not bring relevant to me or i can spend significantly more effort to recode 1441751;1459284051;phf;*not being 1441752;1459284053;mircea_popescu;so "whatever i don't understand is crazy" ? 1441753;1459284076;phf;hmm 1441754;1459284078;mircea_popescu;makes sense - my "crazyness" is the direct cause of about 99.x% of the times slavegirls get their hide recolored. 1441755;1459284089;asciilifeform;generally i in particular don't 'this is crazy' unless 'this' pattern-matches known types of insanity in my buffer 1441756;1459284090;mircea_popescu;which i suppose is exactly the common understanding on the topic also! 1441757;1459284102;phf;well, no 1441758;1459284102;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's "stupid" tho, neh ? 1441759;1459284111;asciilifeform;nah 1441760;1459284122;asciilifeform;'stupid' is separate classifier 1441761;1459284126;mircea_popescu;(yes, when i say X is stupid what i mean is, exactly the matching above, except not regexp) 1441762;1459284131;phf;i don't understand it and it matches my construct of other person's framing 1441763;1459284136;mircea_popescu;(regexp matching usually gets called ridiculous) 1441764;1459284147;mircea_popescu;phf ie, whenever they had an idea ? 1441765;1459284179;mircea_popescu;and while at it, what's "a religious fundamentalist" ? 1441766;1459284209;phf;if danielpbarron started discussing finer points of the bible, like, say, specific choices of food for lent, the entire thread is "crazy" 1441767;1459284218;mircea_popescu;ie uninteresting ? 1441768;1459284231;trinque;"made me unconfortable because $unspecified" 1441769;1459284240;mircea_popescu;what if i started discussing finer points of random minutia, which is 2/3 of what i do anyway ? 1441770;1459284242;danielpbarron;what is lent? some catholic thin? 1441771;1459284260;phf;there's no judgement involved in calling something crazy! 1441772;1459284269;mircea_popescu;none was implied, but the question still stands. 1441773;1459284274;asciilifeform;~= timecube. 1441774;1459284289;phf;danielpbarron: we have it in orthodox christianity. a period when you have to eat specific, reduced diet 1441775;1459284313;trinque;catholics say they gave up starbucks or something during 1441776;1459284314;danielpbarron;the Bible explicitely says to not forbid foods 1441777;1459284336;phf;i might find a discussion of lent dietary choices both interesting and not at all uncomfortable, but never the less they are "crazy" because the foundation is understood but not shared 1441778;1459284352;asciilifeform;^ 1441779;1459284355;mircea_popescu;are women definitionally crazy ? 1441780;1459284372;phf;by that definition yes! 1441781;1459284391;mircea_popescu;so then why would anyone protest crazy. 1441782;1459284392;DianaComan;hello, I'm Definitionally Crazy! :D 1441783;1459284396;mircea_popescu;lol 1441784;1459284401;mircea_popescu;not a bad nick, actually. 1441785;1459284425;DianaComan;not at all, no, I'll troll some with it irl 1441786;1459284432;phf;but so are most people, have specific set of priors that are non-sharable 1441787;1459284438;mircea_popescu;the crazy benefits of teh forum. 1441788;1459284447;mircea_popescu;phf that'd be the definition of the idiot. 1441789;1459284448;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: eh only when they're thinking with their coprocessor 1441790;1459284453;mircea_popescu;if any of your priors are private, you're an idiot. 1441791;1459284468;*;asciilifeform often asks pet, 'what does your female coprocessor say to ..X..' 1441792;1459284471;phf;mircea_popescu: non transferable perhaps 1441793;1459284476;mircea_popescu;what's that ? 1441794;1459284493;mircea_popescu;i meant private quite in the public/private dichotomy contempated re the defintion of republic/forum. 1441795;1459284503;mircea_popescu;roughly equivalent to "private method" sense in coding. 1441796;1459284528;phf;right, when i say non-sharable, i don't mean, can't be verbalized 1441797;1459284549;phf;but rather, are non-trivial to transfer 1441798;1459284549;asciilifeform;soooo how is mircea_popescu's seeekrit minercollusion tip not 'private prior' ? what am i missing. 1441799;1459284555;mircea_popescu;me either. public is anything that can be stated in such a way so that another can recognize his own in the statement ; private is what can not. 1441800;1459284568;asciilifeform;so it is about 'can be stated' vs 'acid trip' ? 1441801;1459284573;mircea_popescu;quite. 1441802;1459284573;asciilifeform;rather than revealed / secret ? 1441803;1459284623;phf;well, danielpbarron believes in god, i (for sake of conversation) don't. that's a non-transferable prior, though of course both can be transferred through various involved mechanisms. indoctrination, dialogues, sudden insight 1441804;1459284646;asciilifeform;..lsd 1441805;1459284655;trinque;nah, didn't see any gods in there myself. 1441806;1459284656;danielpbarron;the grace of God 1441807;1459284657;mircea_popescu;how is it non-transferrable on that grounds ? 1441808;1459284685;phf;mircea_popescu: i clarified it a bit with "non-trivial to transfer" 1441809;1459284689;mircea_popescu;i took a piss on a woman splayed in the backalleys of cairo. you did not. this is now not-transferrable ?! 1441810;1459284702;mircea_popescu;da fuck, you're not as slow as to not understand pissing, woman, backstreet or cairo./ 1441811;1459284749;phf;that's a prior that can be easier transferred, but only to an extent. i've not had that specific experience, perhaps there's some insight there that i'm missing beyond the obvious 1441812;1459284759;mircea_popescu;as opposed to every time ever ? 1441813;1459284763;phf;but in this case priors are pissing, woman and backstreet of cairo 1441814;1459284773;mircea_popescu;"<mircea_popescu> at any rate : it is immensely more difficult to actually make a physical proof than the scheme detailed by bernstein immediately makes apparent." 1441815;1459284782;mircea_popescu;and another example recently in the logs too, actually one each day. 1441816;1459284785;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform often asks pet, 'what does your female coprocessor say to ..X..' << not a bad line, this. 1441817;1459284791;asciilifeform;'I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.' (tm) (r) 1441818;1459284805;phf;mircea_popescu: i didn't understand that last question 1441819;1459284819;mircea_popescu;phf "to an extent" is always the case. 1441820;1459284831;mircea_popescu;even mathematics is not obvious in ALL its implications. 1441821;1459284839;phf;ahah 1441822;1459284843;asciilifeform;'obvious' is a term of art in mathematics. 1441823;1459284850;asciilifeform;unofficially. 1441824;1459284852;mircea_popescu;did he mean it like that ? 1441825;1459284887;mircea_popescu;but anyway, illustrations abound. from "the ratio of circumference to diameter" plouffe doesn't actually follow. 1441826;1459284891;phf;well, perhaps then transferability has some range values attached to it, "how much effort do i need to go through in order to grok" 1441827;1459284895;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, there it is. 1441828;1459284906;mircea_popescu;phf i hope you're not about to put magic numbers in the fucking code! 1441829;1459284912;asciilifeform;l0l! 1441830;1459284933;phf;mircea_popescu: laziness coefficient L 1441831;1459284942;asciilifeform;'obvious' obviously is similar to 'lightweight' (for whom? elephant? ant?) 1441832;1459284958;mircea_popescu;mno. obvious does have a rigurous definition. 1441833;1459284973;mircea_popescu;"accessible through purely deductive means = obvious ; requiring some inductive reasoning = unobvious" 1441834;1459285050;mircea_popescu;this definition was obtained through negotiation in class ; teacher had speech mania of saying "obvious", we protested, eventually the poor guy couldn't be needled into the ground with it so this solution was agreed upon and upheld by all parties. 1441835;1459285111;phf;hmm 1441836;1459285202;asciilifeform;ergo mircea_popescu's privkey is obvious !1111 1441837;1459285202;phf;hmm 1441838;1459285210;asciilifeform;hey, accessible via deductive means!1111111 1441839;1459285231;phf;well, with that framing my definition of crazy is reduced to "what's not in groupthink" 1441840;1459285293;phf;because it comes out to something like, if the outcome of inductive reasoning differs from my (??) existing conclusions, than the outcome is crazy 1441841;1459285446;asciilifeform;the thing about 'crazy' is that, like bacterial infection, in practice it comes in a handful of varieties. 1441842;1459285539;asciilifeform;so i rarely find myself arithmetizing 'is this fella TOO FAR in the phase space of priors' or the like. 1441843;1459285545;asciilifeform;it is rarely necessary. 1441844;1459286309;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how is it accessible deductively ? 1441845;1459286335;mircea_popescu;phf quite exactly. which is why i don't use the term nor think much of reasonings employing it as a rule. 1441846;1459286485;mircea_popescu;but in any case - "that's one crazy babe" is definitely complimentary. 1441847;1459286540;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: p and q are right there in that n 1441848;1459286547;asciilifeform;so... deducible 1441849;1459286551;asciilifeform;no induction required. 1441850;1459286556;mircea_popescu;this does not mean that it is deductively accessible. 1441851;1459286575;asciilifeform;why not ? 1441852;1459286583;mircea_popescu;it is INDUCTIVELY accessible, if you have the time to induce all the needed factors. which we knew. 1441853;1459286584;asciilifeform;just need a few thousand years of deductatron 1441854;1459286589;mircea_popescu;well, why not. show the syllogism. 1441855;1459286594;mircea_popescu;that's inductron my dear alf. 1441856;1459286615;asciilifeform;on what planet?! 1441857;1459286627;asciilifeform;what is being inducted in trial division / 1441858;1459286628;asciilifeform;? 1441859;1459286726;mircea_popescu;the 2nd lemma ? 1441860;1459286759;mircea_popescu;1 : "p and q are in this n" ; 2 : "if q is this" then therefore 3. "p is n/this" 1441861;1459286771;mircea_popescu;that's a deduction. you keep changing 2, that's your inductive job. 1441862;1459286786;*;asciilifeform tightens gas mask 1441863;1459286866;mircea_popescu;you're thinking mathematical induction, perhaps, which has nothing to see with the logical concept of induction. 1441864;1459286871;asciilifeform;aha! 1441865;1459286918;mircea_popescu;an ancient, and rather netwonian explanation of the difference is that deduction is all from god ; and induction from sensata. 1441866;1459286922;phf;i assume you're talking not about a mechanism, but rather thinking process, in which case mp's private key is "known". 1441867;1459286975;asciilifeform;aha, in the sense where one can write a proggy, which is guaranteed to terminate in finite number of cycles, and will disgorge it. 1441868;1459287009;mircea_popescu;that proggy is still an exericse in inductive reasoning. 1441869;1459289796;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1441870;1459289801;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 415.16, vol: 5917.61726372 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 414.015, vol: 6908.18434 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 415.83, vol: 23507.15126121 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 422.0, vol: 2.39 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 415.329677, vol: 40388.02040000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 416.0, vol: 1230.45436811 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 418.5909, vol: 27.43503207 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1441871;1459291846;BingoBoingo;;;more shinohai 1441872;1459291847;gribble;415.363085921 1441873;1459300139;asciilifeform;!s foo 1441874;1459300139;gribble;Error: "s" is not a valid command. 1441875;1459300144;asciilifeform;still nope, huh. 1441876;1459300161;asciilifeform;this planetoid has no atmosphere!11111 1441877;1459300725;phf;asciilifeform: soon. 1441878;1459301539;deedbot-;[Trilema] The Savages - http://trilema.com/2016/the-savages/ 1441879;1459302099;mircea_popescu;omaigerd grep teh local log 1441880;1459302106;mircea_popescu;didn't you say you wanted it to work like grep ? 1441881;1459302117;asciilifeform;this is what i normally do anyway 1441882;1459302122;asciilifeform;but can't ~link~ to this. 1441883;1459302271;mircea_popescu;ah yea. 1441884;1459302315;asciilifeform;for non-readers of old earthling #b-a , nyooz: cazalla +rated a buncha folks, said his goodbyes (he's become... a mineral prospector?) 1441885;1459302325;mircea_popescu;nowai ? 1441886;1459302350;phf;a very sensible decision 1441887;1459302356;asciilifeform;>> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-03-2016#1442174 << 1441888;1459302373;mircea_popescu;well, maybe he finds something. 1441889;1459304069;phf;what's our preferred gcc version? i'm having a brain malfunction 1441890;1459304323;phf;hmmm rotor script actually uses 4.9, for some reason i though it was frozen around 4.2-4.3 but maybe i'm confusing it with eulora 1441891;1459305893;mats;when he said he 'kitted out [his] detecting gear', i thought he bought a mounted MD/GPR thing for his vehicle 1441892;1459305906;mats;imagine my disappointment when the thing turns out to be handheld 1441893;1459306562;mircea_popescu;speaking of detecting gear, one of the best geek gotcha april fools thing would be to gift scam geiger counters to friends 1441894;1459306576;mircea_popescu;diddled so after an hour of fuctioning or so they go into detecting overdrive. 1441895;1459306782;punkman;even better, you gift them in christmans/newyears, have them be normal for 3 months 1441896;1459306810;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: The old civil defense detectors tend behave pretty erratically 1441897;1459306826;BingoBoingo;mats: I similarly share your detector disappointment 1441898;1459314255;phf;via b-a http://imgur.com/zbwyWip 1441899;1459314526;punkman;ah good find phf 1441900;1459315850;mats;mosul is not going well 1441901;1459315897;mats;iraqi army flees first mosul operation 1441902;1459315931;mats;history repeats itself -- iraqis are evidently clever enough to know they can't win 1441903;1459316009;trinque;http://dpaste.com/0RFY3HF.txt << getting there with deedbot 1441904;1459316050;mats;shit their pants and didn't even get inside city limits yet 1441905;1459316196;trinque;I need to clean some things up, probably swap sqlite for postgresql, then it's ready. 1441906;1459320984;mats;;;ticker --market btcchina 1441907;1459320986;gribble;BTCChina BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 412.597248, Best ask: 412.61568, Bid-ask spread: 0.01843, Last trade: 412.61568, 24 hour volume: 41688.53600000, 24 hour low: 406.1184, 24 hour high: 428.395008, 24 hour vwap: 416.896228521 1441908;1459335292;shinohai; 01:32 +trinque http://dpaste.com/0RFY3HF.txt << getting there with deedbot <<< Awesum :) 1441909;1459339238;thestringpuller;looks like the Uphold people /wind 2 1441910;1459339268;thestringpuller;looks like the Uphold people are speculating user funds. 1441911;1459339822;jurov;thestringpuller: so? every bank does, unless forbidden to 1441912;1459340097;thestringpuller;seems dangerous to speculate BTC deposits 1441913;1459340554;jurov;and subprime mortgages too. and... 1441914;1459343269;mircea_popescu;punkman yeah lol! 1441915;1459343297;mircea_popescu;mats i thought they won tikrit ?! 1441916;1459343346;mircea_popescu;omfg trinque like... TESTS shit ? this is an outrage. 1441917;1459343503;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller "Join the world's fastest growing platform for moving, converting​, transacting ​and holding any form of money or commodity.​ Instantly, securely and for free.​" << if someone actually takes that sort of thing seriously... 1441918;1459343526;mircea_popescu;neway, plox to qntra if you have juicy. 1441919;1459343997;mats;http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/03/29/iraq-armys-mosul-offensive-stalls-face-fierce-fighting-desertions/82372634 1441920;1459344034;mircea_popescu;aww 1441921;1459344050;mircea_popescu;"fierce fighting" being, you know, people who stood a post for half an hour amirite 1441922;1459344069;mats;they did retake tikrit, but that's not rly a win... just less of a loss 1441923;1459344077;mircea_popescu;aha. 1441924;1459344137;mircea_popescu;deedbot-> [Trilema] The Savages - http://trilema.com/2016/the-savages/ <<< incidentally, i'm really curious what peeps think iof this move. 1441925;1459344190;mircea_popescu;movie* 1441926;1459345721;shinohai;Anyone here having any luck on chan logs? I can log fine, but making them search-able has been futile for me thus far. 1441927;1459345761;mircea_popescu;whyssat ? 1441928;1459345793;mircea_popescu;jesus the headlines on usatoday, "17 yo michigan girl gets 10-20 years for plot to kill family"; "dad who murdered his kids to be executed wed" etc. 1441929;1459345858;mircea_popescu;"vanilla shortage - icecream prices to increase" ; "fast food workers share things you should avoid" 1441930;1459345866;mircea_popescu;it's fucking moscow over there wtf. 1441931;1459345889;mircea_popescu;"woman tried to arrange daddy-daughter tryst" 1441932;1459346102;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/Anehg 1441933;1459346121;mircea_popescu;("A Michigan woman was arrested after she expressed a willingness to have sex with a pair she thought was a father and underage daughter, police said.", obviously. gotta keep teh gestapo fed. publish or perish!) 1441934;1459346168;mircea_popescu;wait, that's a crime ? 1441935;1459346245;mircea_popescu;"The couple was identified by authorities after they contacted undercover federal agents online about assistance traveling to Syria." ; "pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a federal terrorism charge" 1441936;1459346247;mircea_popescu;lol these derps. 1441937;1459346261;mircea_popescu;by now the entire usg government is approximately a webforum. 1441938;1459346387;mircea_popescu;"identified more than 70,000 untested sexual assault kits in the custody of more than 1,000 law enforcement agencies in communities large and small, pointing to a national accumulation of untested kits that likely reaches well into the hundreds of thousands across the nation’s 18,000 law enforcement agencies." << and check it out, the us has more "law enforcement agencies" than there are people who give a shit whether it li 1441939;1459346387;mircea_popescu;ves or dies! 1441940;1459346551;deedbot-;[Trilema] How to best cultivate jealousy. - http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-best-cultivate-jealousy/ 1441941;1459346573;mircea_popescu; “I would never trust the legal system, frankly, to protect my family again,” Jeff Sikorski said. 1441942;1459346781;danielpbarron;PeterL, http://s.b-a.link/?q=deedbot+feeds+add 1441943;1459346801;danielpbarron;oh hah, now i did the wrong channel thing 1441944;1459346806;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/PiperWallet/comments/3vmig0/piper_paper_wallet_with_bip38_is_saying_wrong/ 1441945;1459346842;shinohai;tl;dr USer puts 43 BTC on a paper wallet he doesn't understand. 1441946;1459346899;mircea_popescu;mno. redditard claims he owns 43 btc and other things. 1441947;1459347023;shinohai;Thats an old post, wonder why it is just being posted to sfyl 1441948;1459347057;mircea_popescu;well, it regexp matches, neh ? 1441949;1459349960;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ' ... and check it out, the us has more "law enforcement agencies" than there are people who give a shit ' << 15 ~federal~ police agencies with powers of arrest alone! iirc. 1441950;1459350210;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/how-to-best-cultivate-jealousy/#comment-116889 1441951;1459350269;asciilifeform;Mar 30 10:07:22 tl;dr USer puts 43 BTC on a paper wallet he doesn't understand. << wtf is a 'piper wallet' ? 1441952;1459350322;shinohai;asciilifeform: unnecessarily complicated BTC: http://cryptographi.com/pages/what-is-piper 1441953;1459350388;danielpbarron;i actually have one of those things 1441954;1459350415;shinohai;Are they any good danielpbarron ? 1441955;1459350418;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ... "pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a federal terrorism charge" << recall, a few kidz were convicted after ~publicly speaking in favour of~ isis et al. 1441956;1459350421;danielpbarron;used to to make a bunch of 0.001 notes to hand out 1441957;1459350432;danielpbarron;it's alright as a novelty 1441958;1459350445;asciilifeform;l0l the thing with shitberry pi 1441959;1459350945;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform oya. 1441960;1459351003;PeterL;/join #freenode 1441961;1459351016;PeterL;bah 1441962;1459351099;mircea_popescu;onoes! allahu! 1441963;1459351117;mircea_popescu;in other "uphold" news, http://www.projectwonderful.com/img/uploads/pics/99067-1457483436.jpg 1441964;1459352133;asciilifeform;Mar 30 10:02:53 “I would never trust the legal system, frankly, to protect my family again,” Jeff Sikorski said. << l0l!! it is worth comparing usaschwitz inmate to, e.g., pashtun, or even eskimo. even lowliest savage has ~some~ means with which to bite back, avenge an affront. 1441965;1459352204;asciilifeform;but not in usaschwitz, where chickens and people alike have their beaks sawn off, so as not to damage the valuable meat. 1441966;1459352832;mircea_popescu;the means, they have. 1441967;1459352840;mircea_popescu;they're just scummy fucks is all. 1441968;1459353054;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: elaborate? 1441969;1459353400;asciilifeform;my understanding is that mircea_popescu sees the difference as a 'balls', 'blood & iron' matter of personal courage. whereas it is slightly gnarlier, pashtun has his family->clan->tribe healthy human thing going, eskimo likewise, usian - has the 'star topology' with the Great Inca at the center and ~nothing else~ but own sorry carcass. 1441970;1459353578;asciilifeform;solzhenitsyn's thing with 'if every man hit the arresting kgb agent with an axe' is not wholly mistaken, but consider, individual bee sting does not kill a bear. ~hive~ stings. 1441971;1459353755;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wouldja watch the savages movie ? then ima ellaborate on that basis. 1441972;1459353776;*;asciilifeform puts on list. 1441973;1459354701;mircea_popescu;and ftr - watched ~20 minutes of hanna, and hated it. 1441974;1459354766;asciilifeform;not mega-surprise. 1441975;1459354773;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: care to comment why barfed ? 1441976;1459354799;mircea_popescu;it's a remake of the 5th element, except the new mila jovovich (that eskimo looking chick that played suzi q, the rape victim) is not up to the dumb blonde par ; and without bruce willis the whole thing decays into incredible ineptitude. 1441977;1459354949;mircea_popescu;seriously, "saying it in italian" is how you make super-secret-agents ? 1441978;1459354950;mircea_popescu;fucking parochial ustardism, what's next, galleons are built through correctly making the sign of the corss, and starships through correctly reciting the sensitivity credo ? 1441979;1459354950;asciilifeform;it is sop, a cargo-cultist's film about aeronautics 1441980;1459354950;mircea_popescu;yeah, well, at least the other one was vaguely funny and vaguely sexy. 1441981;1459354950;asciilifeform;the unfortunate bit is that folks who actually build & fly planes, typically do not make film 1441982;1459354951;mircea_popescu;much like aeron flux, this film sins because a) the chick should have been naked about 50% of the film more, ie 50% instead of 0% ; 1441983;1459354951;mircea_popescu;and unlike there, they actually needed a waif someone could conceivably want to fuck, here. 1441984;1459354951;mircea_popescu;a lot less humourless tedium and unselfaware, unintentional self-irony critting would have also helped. 1441985;1459355028;mircea_popescu;who the fuck designs bases with open storm sewer into the desert ? what if it's a fucking rain, your base gets wet ? 1441986;1459355028;mircea_popescu;what if the chicken plant 20 miles down has an accident and sends a 7 foot tall chickenshitsludge tsunami ? does your base smell of chicken shit for the next three decades ? 1441987;1459355029;asciilifeform;next nyooz, at 11: ninjas did not wear black... 1441988;1459355029;mircea_popescu;no, they DID. 1441989;1459355029;asciilifeform;nor do drawn swords go 'schwink' 1441990;1459355034;mircea_popescu;there's a very good reason the character wears black. there is no fucking convention re the open storm sewer in the desert. 1441991;1459355041;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: they wore whatever blended in with the scenery (e.g., enemy uniform) 1441992;1459355054;mircea_popescu;sweet innocent girl sitting next to me watching the apcs storm past the sewer was like "don't they know where the sewer is ?" 1441993;1459355056;mircea_popescu;coursenot! 1441994;1459355069;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform but they wore black on stage because invisible. there's good reason for this! 1441995;1459355085;asciilifeform;kabuki convention 1441996;1459355097;asciilifeform;the 'escape through sewers' thing is similar. 1441997;1459355100;mircea_popescu;right. there's nothing wrong with artistic license ; or with artistic convention. 1441998;1459355106;mircea_popescu;there is something wrong with ustardianism. 1441999;1459355110;mircea_popescu;how is it similar! 1442000;1459355125;asciilifeform;'this here is an escape ...standard kabuki...' 1442001;1459355140;mircea_popescu;if you'\re going to use the typically new york sewer escape scense 1442002;1459355143;asciilifeform;'this fella is not seen ...standard kabuki with black...' 1442003;1459355143;mircea_popescu;PUT IT IN NEW YORK 1442004;1459355157;asciilifeform;ah yeah. 1442005;1459355159;mircea_popescu;well ? 1442006;1459355172;mircea_popescu;incontinent break of convention is the sign of ignorance. 1442007;1459355192;phf;asciilifeform: those dead bushido masters made drawn swords go "schwink" on video, but i assume that's an intentional skill 1442008;1459355215;mircea_popescu;super-mega-ultra-splendiferous fucking advanced computabase consists mostly of fucking tunnels and corridors going nofucking where. 1442009;1459355224;mircea_popescu;why, because that's what the imbecile making the movie saw in star wars ? 1442010;1459355235;mircea_popescu;no fucking research facility, let alone super-whatever base is designed like that! 1442011;1459355262;mircea_popescu;phf it can sound, depending how fast you go. 1442012;1459355270;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: as i understand, the original trope of 'fortress with many corridors going nowhere' has a root in history: anti-undermining tunnel systems from medieval times. largely undocumented (passed by word of mouth) and in some cases survived to 19th c., spawning the meme. 1442013;1459355295;mircea_popescu;it has no such root. castles were expensive, because of the stone. ~nobody built anything without a very good purpose. 1442014;1459355310;phf;well, it's also doom 1 map convention "if it looks cool and complicated and lets you run through it's a base" 1442015;1459355321;mircea_popescu;there were some tubes, used to throw rocks from very high parapets, later on 1442016;1459355331;mircea_popescu;(castle age is separated from cannon age by centuries, ftr.) 1442017;1459355340;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: anti-undermine tunnel grids EXISTED 1442018;1459355348;asciilifeform;and were in fact 'corridors to nowhere' 1442019;1459355369;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform sure. but as far as cultural impact goes, the catacombs (ie, burial site in old city) were much more important. 1442020;1459355381;mircea_popescu;heck, most of ladri de biciclete, a1950s film, takes part in the underground vaults of rome. 1442021;1459355395;asciilifeform;and in fact continued as a thing well into gunpowder age (undermining worked 10x better with kegs of powder than with ordinary dig-tunnel-with-wood-supports-then-burn-them method of old) 1442022;1459355410;mircea_popescu;or 100x even. 1442023;1459355420;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, depending on skill of sapper. 1442024;1459355432;asciilifeform;incidentally odessa catacombs continue to eat idiot american tourists. 1442025;1459355462;asciilifeform;legendarily, there is no map. 1442026;1459355492;asciilifeform;a fragment of an old kgb map did once surface, and, lulzily, had markings '10cm', '20cm', etc. old map keeper was asked: 'what are these? cm of water?' 1442027;1459355496;asciilifeform;he answered : 'air.' 1442028;1459355550;asciilifeform;incidentally odessa catacombs had no purpose in the usual sense. they were simply cavity from limestone quarry for the city above. 1442029;1459355553;mircea_popescu;aha. 1442030;1459355582;asciilifeform;just about every respectably old dwelling with a cellar was believed to have some hidden entrance into catacomb. 1442031;1459355602;mircea_popescu;so yes exceptions do exist. but the fact remains that the fucking reason you even take your base to the desert is to be free of this bs. 1442032;1459355612;mircea_popescu;i dunno if you ever played x-com interceptor, which was a splendid game 1442033;1459355617;asciilifeform;aha! 1442034;1459355619;asciilifeform;it rocked 1442035;1459355620;mircea_popescu;but imagine if the fucking base was full of corridors omfg! 1442036;1459355625;mircea_popescu;the hangars were bad enough on the defense. 1442037;1459355632;*;asciilifeform grasps the point 1442038;1459355656;mircea_popescu;it did rock. i once won an attack by the fucking muttons with he. 1442039;1459355662;mircea_popescu;you recall the white-and-red rectangle he ? 1442040;1459355669;asciilifeform;aha! 1442041;1459355671;phf;there was that "if i were an evil overlord thing i will and won't do" list, which ranted on that point 1442042;1459355672;mircea_popescu;ONE GUY survived. but i had 1k+ of the things, and god damned i used most. 1442043;1459355681;mircea_popescu;phf aha! 1442044;1459355721;mircea_popescu;phf think on just one thing : i also train women to be human. oft they get a task to talk to random people. they NEVER get a fucking task to memorize and recite random strings. 1442045;1459355736;mircea_popescu;there sits the chick, confronted with some vacationing kids, she has not the werewithal to ACCEPT their offer for a ride 1442046;1459355742;mircea_popescu;she just has a speech about her dog trudy. 1442047;1459355761;mircea_popescu;i cringe still, the fucking nonsensical horror. 1442048;1459355811;asciilifeform;the film is sorta like american ice cream. 1442049;1459355832;asciilifeform;i do not often eat ice cream, because it is made ~of dish detergent here. 1442050;1459355843;asciilifeform;but every so often i will eat it, because there is not another. 1442051;1459355853;phf;there are some good icecream places. go to franklin fountain in philadelphia for example 1442052;1459355860;mircea_popescu;hey, you wanted me to belabourate! 1442053;1459355864;asciilifeform;aha suuure i will drive 1000km to eat. 1442054;1459355868;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha 1442055;1459355895;phf;asciilifeform: we structure our lives very differently, so point taken 1442056;1459355927;asciilifeform;phf: on occasion i go to this cellar in old dc where a buncha turks make ~actual ice cream. 1442057;1459355941;asciilifeform;but generally i am not near it. 1442058;1459355957;PeterL;asciilifeform arn't you the one who is always complaining you can't move because you need "real food"? yet now you say you have none where you are? 1442059;1459355961;phf;asciilifeform: you know the name of that cellar? 1442060;1459355967;mircea_popescu;he eats butterfly-fed cats. 1442061;1459355971;mircea_popescu;who are you to judge. 1442062;1459355971;asciilifeform;PeterL: aaaactually i can't move because wurk 1442063;1459355992;asciilifeform;phf: i utterly forget the name, but it is on dupont 1442064;1459355999;mircea_popescu;i hope to one day live to see alf unable to leave because love. 1442065;1459356001;phf;i'll keep that in mind 1442066;1459356006;mircea_popescu;that'd complete teh infecta. 1442067;1459356222;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i think you might have me mixed with TaT 1442068;1459356227;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: my pet is 100% portable. 1442069;1459356287;asciilifeform;not even expensive. 1442070;1459356786;mircea_popescu;and in fairness food was always why you wanted TO move, 1442071;1459356786;mircea_popescu;but anyway, the infecta is the infecta! 1442072;1459356815;asciilifeform;food is just the most immediately palpable pleasure of going outside the jail. 1442073;1459356840;mircea_popescu;when i first left romania, "everyone" was pretty sure that ain't never happening. even had driver carry distraught damsel all the way to airport, 400 miles, and then carry her bawwing earthly coil back to cluj. 1442074;1459356842;phf;dc food is not very good 1442075;1459356860;mircea_popescu;but... all things can be fixed, and there's jewish butchers in new york and plenty of italians in boston and whatnot. 1442076;1459356898;asciilifeform;the new york butchers still serve chemically-addled cow, etc. 1442077;1459356917;phf;but i've said that before, there are places in u.s. where food is good verging on excellent. there are couple of places in dc (pasta mia in adams morgan, temari in rockville) that have good food, but they are far and few 1442078;1459356925;mircea_popescu;depends. as late as 2004 you could still get a decent steak cut, even in ny. 1442079;1459356953;mircea_popescu;i haven't really been following hence. 1442080;1459356956;asciilifeform;i believe it. 1442081;1459356964;phf;in philadelphia you can buy into a cow share and get a bunch of excellent steak for i suppose once in a year feast 1442082;1459356975;asciilifeform;like medieval peasant... 1442083;1459356982;asciilifeform;mega-pr0gr3ss! 1442084;1459356994;mircea_popescu;hey, you didn't want kings, you got no kings! 1442085;1459357002;asciilifeform;l0l 1442086;1459357006;*;asciilifeform has nothing against kingz 1442087;1459357009;mircea_popescu;a feast fit for the peasant's table! 1442088;1459357044;phf;of course, you can move to istanbul and have excellent kebab every day, but of course you'll have to work for usg expat style, since who else needs programmers 1442089;1459357047;mircea_popescu;incidentally, this is ~ how romanian village works. if poor, everyone raises pig, cuts for xmas, makes traditional preserves. 1442090;1459357059;mircea_popescu;if rich however, everyone raises pigs, cuts by arrangement, fresh meat 2-3 times a week 1442091;1459357097;mircea_popescu;village is one large wot, practically, once demand exceeds the pig, off its head goes. 1442092;1459357123;mircea_popescu;phf you ever been to istanbul ? 1442093;1459357129;phf;yes 1442094;1459357149;mircea_popescu;did you find that extraordinary kebab shop, 2 squares down from galata ? 1442095;1459357165;mircea_popescu;imo best in town. 1442096;1459357242;phf;there was two places within galata walking distance that we liked 1442097;1459357288;mircea_popescu;i ended up hitting it 2x every time i was by, something else that place. tiny shop too, 100 feet of corner or such. 1442098;1459357318;asciilifeform;lulzy how we are having this thread just as i am about to walk into shit city and eat shit 1442099;1459357319;phf;but my favorite was restaurant on bosphorus. it was intended to be upscale, so they had those middle eastern style stern servers all wearing white and failing at simple tasks, but the kebab was rich and juicy 1442100;1459357337;mircea_popescu;you don't mean the one where they display king carol ist of romania's approval, do you ? 1442101;1459357350;mircea_popescu;i think i still have teh pictures somewhere. 1442102;1459357372;*;asciilifeform implodes. 1442103;1459357372;mircea_popescu;for your peace of mind it was there a decade ago also, had a lulz with chetty at teh same pretense. 1442104;1459357383;phf;:) 1442105;1459357436;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, turkey is covered in the sad marks of the misfortune of being too close to romania. the old port to this day carries an inscription explaining how romanian inept handling of explosives burned the whole thing down. 1442106;1459357455;asciilifeform;l0l! 1442107;1459357463;phf;can see plenty of romanian swag at the kopkapi 1442108;1459357467;mircea_popescu;for srs. an as best anyone can discern, it really wasn't even intentional. 1442109;1459357485;mircea_popescu;phf a right, stefan' sword still there neh / 1442110;1459357499;mircea_popescu;roughly equivalent to "here's this shit we captured off fucking isis!" 1442111;1459357558;phf;haha, yes, it's there and it's exactly how i imagined it in person. very medieval christian soldier 1442112;1459357566;asciilifeform;somewhere in the 1,000,000,001 things-i-hate-about-usaschwitz is that it is a world with no past. 1442113;1459357569;asciilifeform;it is palpable. 1442114;1459357635;phf;asciilifeform: there's a good kebab place in vienna which is a 30 minute drive for me, but i still make the trip from time to time, it's worth it. the food is OK, but the atmosphere is very "faux upscale tehran" 1442115;1459357637;phf;http://www.shamshiry.com 1442116;1459357665;*;asciilifeform puts on list. 1442117;1459357797;mircea_popescu;and to make the story whole : odessa, also marks, misfortune. 1442118;1459357825;mircea_popescu;historically, romanian army conquered the city, derps as they are moved straight into the previous high command. which the soviets had mined. and the romanians didn't bother to check. so it blew up. 1442119;1459357837;mircea_popescu;antonescu got pissed off, rounded population, shot a bunch. because hurr. 1442120;1459357851;asciilifeform;as in kharkov. 1442121;1459357934;phf;in other news, http://glyf.org/tmp/logref.png 1442122;1459358005;asciilifeform;phf: how does this work 1442123;1459358011;mircea_popescu;what's with teh hands ? 1442124;1459358029;phf;up goes to previous entry, down goes to follow ups 1442125;1459358036;phf;err, referenced entry 1442126;1459358049;asciilifeform;neato! 1442127;1459358059;phf;up is superfluous really on account of there being a link, but down lets you see what was referenced later 1442128;1459358069;*;mircea_popescu pours himself a glass of popcorn, waits for phf to fully ensnare himself in the monstruous task he's contemplating. 1442129;1459358086;mircea_popescu;you understand you're trying to build ai, yes ? 1442130;1459358102;phf;well, would not be the first for a lisper 1442131;1459358123;mircea_popescu;do you speak farsi ? do you know that line with the candleflame ? 1442132;1459358133;mircea_popescu;("which one ? there's lots!" "aha.") 1442133;1459358145;phf;the hafes one about moth? 1442134;1459358161;phf;^ that one was easy guess on account of there being like many of those too 1442135;1459358202;phf;there's basically a generic annotation-tron, that walks in memory log entries (on account of the whole past b-a log neatly fitting into 130mb of ram) 1442136;1459358218;phf;and figures out if some worthwhile annotation can be produced 1442137;1459358257;asciilifeform;useful. 1442138;1459358261;asciilifeform;sorta like a 2-pass asm. 1442139;1459358336;phf;two types of references that are fairly easy to produce are back links (that's the one working) and << refs that aren't quite there yet 1442140;1459358373;mircea_popescu;im curious what shall come of this. 1442141;1459358413;phf;and then there's an entry point that takes specific log entry ids (or ranges), so can 1,10,50-100,900 and get them in the same format as above 1442142;1459358475;phf;so mix and match the basic components and you get a working foundation for xref 1442143;1459358542;trinque;damned cool. 1442144;1459358620;*;phf bbl 1442145;1459358959;thestringpuller;phf: turning the logs into genius.com? 1442146;1459358973;pete_dushenski;are logs live yet ? 1442147;1459359355;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: do you have a copy of yegge's "quality without a name" stashed somewhere? 1442148;1459359599;mircea_popescu;phf for my curiosity, will << be a reserved symbol ? to demonstrate to alf the value and importance of in-band control codes ? 1442149;1459359643;mircea_popescu;or are you actually building binary tree out of loglines, and will identify references that way. 1442150;1459361464;ben_vulpes;http://i.imgur.com/lQxpEJk.png 1442151;1459361481;ben_vulpes;^^ 256 bit 1442152;1459361486;ben_vulpes;https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d7/SelectronTube4096bit.jpg << 4096 1442153;1459362012;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: waiwut 1442154;1459362015;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: yegge ? 1442155;1459362558;ben_vulpes;mhm, steve yegge had a piece called "quality without a name", large part was how amazon used (heavily customized) emacs for customer support during the early years, and support staff hated everything that came afterwards 1442156;1459362687;asciilifeform;nfi. 1442157;1459363552;deedbot-;[Qntra] US Court Upholds Right To Feed Legal Profession - http://qntra.net/2016/03/us-court-upholds-right-to-feed-legal-profession/ 1442158;1459364152;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1442159;1459364155;gribble;Current Blocks: 405024 | Current Difficulty: 1.6549683511822635E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 405215 | Next Difficulty In: 191 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 4 hours, 17 minutes, and 46 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1442160;1459364160;mircea_popescu;oddy i recall this piece. 1442161;1459364316;BingoBoingo;In other reasons not to consort with random non-qntra journalists, Conde Nast writer serves process to fisherman trying to get compensated for lost time https://archive.is/kJi6R 1442162;1459364383;trinque;ben_vulpes: http://archive.is/20060403140224/http://www.cabochon.com/~stevey/blog-rants/tour-de-babel.html << original link is dead 1442163;1459364426;BingoBoingo;"She wanted the buoy," he recalled. "I said: 'There's been some damage done, due to the loss of days, and time,' and she said she's not authorized to relinquish any money. At that point, she said: 'Don't you know we're the US government?'" 1442164;1459364426;BingoBoingo;Sherer took that as a statement that the government can essentially do what it likes—a claim he found unbelievable. 1442165;1459364652;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2016/03/us-court-upholds-right-to-feed-legal-profession/#comment-50037 1442166;1459364741;ben_vulpes;aup that's the one trinque thanks 1442167;1459365267;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Aha 1442168;1459367973;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://macmint.superglobalmegacorp.com 1442169;1459367974;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1442170;1459372922;pete_dushenski;http://philipmaymin.com/papers/Philip%20Maymin%20and%20Zakhar%20Maymin%20-%20Any%20Regulation%20of%20Risk%20Increases%20Risk%20-%20FMPM%202012.pdf << 'Thus, we conclude that the effect of any objective rules for regulation will result both in more risk being taken by each individual bank, and by the risks taken by different banks to be more correlated with each other, resulting in a far more fragile financial system than 1442171;1459372922;pete_dushenski;d be the case otherwise. The only other option is to not regulate at all, and to not insure deposits. This would leave each bank, and its customers and depositors, with the ultimate responsibility of determining the appropriate risk capital. This option deserves greater consideration in light of the results of this paper.' 1442172;1459372937;pete_dushenski;^for the policy-minded 1442173;1459373054;pete_dushenski;in other news, i managed to [absent-mindedly] get a 0txfee tx broadcast, and am now waiting to see if any miners are going to snap it up. doesn't look like there are many 0txfees being incorporated into blocks atm, so i'm not holding my breath on a quickee 1442174;1459373088;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: now you gotta doublespend a couplea times!111 1442175;1459373094;pete_dushenski;i tried !! 1442176;1459373109;asciilifeform;and at least 1 from different addr. 1442177;1459373159;pete_dushenski;hm ? 1442178;1459373175;ben_vulpes;it's not a true double spend unless you spend...twice. 1442179;1459373177;ben_vulpes;tangentially relatedly, i've been trying to reconcile "designing a fork to heal the breach between miners and nodes" with "proceed from causes not towards purposes" 1442180;1459373195;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: actually we finally invented the Triple Spend ! 1442181;1459373208;ben_vulpes;"we", but aha 1442182;1459373225;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: when you doublespend at somebody you owe to already, and then insist on paying'em again (see the mega-thread where this was posited) 1442183;1459373226;ben_vulpes;quadruple if you count the second, right? 1442184;1459373233;pete_dushenski;"we the republic" 1442185;1459373248;ben_vulpes;what we, what republic. 1442186;1459373250;asciilifeform;aha you get quadspend if you 0fee when you're tripling... 1442187;1459373260;asciilifeform;N-spend! 1442188;1459373293;ben_vulpes;afaict there is mircea_popescu's court, some dismally jolly sappers digging tunnels, and some people emptying bedpans in their finery 1442189;1459373397;asciilifeform;17:26 <+ben_vulpes> tangentially relatedly, i've been trying to reconcile "designing a fork to heal the breach between miners and nodes" with "proceed from causes not towards purposes" << this is not a mega-conundrum. 1442190;1459373400;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: finally got the '1 from different addr'... and as fucking if! 1442191;1459373595;asciilifeform;https://bitbet.us/bet/1249/alphago-will-defeat-lee-sedol-overall-in-march/#c5909 << related new lulz 1442192;1459373625;asciilifeform;'If we withhold the same-address pending bets, the loss of 17.93766065 BTCs becomes 4.31574744 BTCs. Moreover, if we withhold the same-payer simultaneous bets (the three 2.00000000 BTC bets; 1G7VC(btc-700-apr), 16LZu(jeb-bush-rnom), 1H2YT(silver-19-apr)), the loss becomes 2.12225210 BTCs: [details snipped]' 1442193;1459373730;trinque;ben_vulpes: many things called themselves republic throughout history, but I don't see how there being a court precludes there being a republic. 1442194;1459373857;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: "it's gw bush's fault that obama sucks isis brown dong in the middle east and it's his ~brother's~ fault that bitbet is insolvent. dagnammin bushes RUINING ALL THE THINGS" 1442195;1459373943;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: and if you want an example of the use of "we" that actually makes no sense, see ascii's commenter bud 1442196;1459373975;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: if he had said 'you', would this scratch your itch ? 1442197;1459374039;pete_dushenski;to the extent that i have an itch, and to the extent that commenter bro is outside of wot, sure 1442198;1459374073;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: the arithmetic in the claim is VERIFIABLE. 1442199;1459374080;ben_vulpes;trinque: i'd expect at least a court and a forum 1442200;1459374090;ben_vulpes;subject of, why did mircea_popescu choose to stay on fleanode? 1442201;1459374092;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: what's the arithmetic have to do with anything ? 1442202;1459374166;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: if you don't care for the answer, i won't bother to try and convince you. i believe that we already had good thread about this in the old logz, with davout even (who is stuck with the actual surgery) 1442203;1459374167;pete_dushenski;kid on reddit has ideas about how the world ~should~ be and uses verifiable math to demonstrate that socialism is best -ism. this is the exact same, and equally inapplicable to davout's work. 1442204;1459374171;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i have nfi, ask him 1442205;1459374191;trinque;next step ought be gossipd neh? 1442206;1459374205;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: were you there for the mega-thread re: which of the two cuts actually is a socialist thing ? 1442207;1459374225;pete_dushenski;hm, don't recall atm 1442208;1459374258;pete_dushenski;bbias 1442209;1459374303;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: see if this rings a bell. there were two kinds of bettors on bbet. one that did not get double-paid. and one that 1) did 2) kept quite, kept the coin and possibly a 3) got double-paid, returned the coin. i am not aware of any (3) and kakobrekla stated that 3 was empty set. 1442210;1459374321;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: i argued that giving equal haircut to (1) and (2) is a communist idiocy. 1442211;1459374321;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo> "She wanted the buoy," he recalled. "I said: 'There's been some damage done, due to the loss of days, and time,' and she said she's not authorized to relinquish any money. At that point, she said: 'Don't you know we're the US government?'" <<< bwahahaha 1442212;1459374329;mircea_popescu;lovely, rly. 1442213;1459374356;asciilifeform;* kept quiet 1442214;1459374359;mircea_popescu;conde nast! of all people. 1442215;1459374518;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> afaict there is mircea_popescu's court, some dismally jolly sappers digging tunnels, and some people emptying bedpans in their finery << becauyse why, we're 5yos and the alternatives we perceive are either cartman's own "whatever, i do what i want" or otherwise "we live in a dictatorship!111" ? 1442216;1459374580;mircea_popescu;for the record : republic does not in any sense mean nor at any time did mean anything about individual liberty, and especially nothing about individual liberty to be a dumbass without consequence. 1442217;1459374600;BingoBoingo;And seriously. Kyle needs to stahp the speeches. 1442218;1459374604;mircea_popescu;it means something about structures of meaning, and that's about all. it doesn't even insist you don't go "lalala i cant' hear". 1442219;1459374734;mircea_popescu;trinque> next step ought be gossipd neh? <<< yes. but you know... no cipher yet even. 1442220;1459374758;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> subject of, why did mircea_popescu choose to stay on fleanode? << i chose nothing. i simply saw that teh republic chose to not make any usable susbitute yet, and so here we are. why do you ask ? 1442221;1459374769;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm testing a very preliminary cstron. 1442222;1459374790;mircea_popescu;hey, don't take this the wrong way, i understand why there isn't one, which is why ~i~ haven't said anything about it. 1442223;1459374792;asciilifeform;(this re cipher) 1442224;1459374798;mircea_popescu;but entertaining the humours of the youthful aspie 1442225;1459374803;mircea_popescu;which possibly stands for "aspirational" 1442226;1459374819;BingoBoingo;aspersational 1442227;1459374866;*;ben_vulpes is suitably entertained 1442228;1459374986;mircea_popescu;to force a comparison, the difference between a republic and all and sundry other group organizing patters is that the republic is a complete algebra (ie, elements, defined operations) whereas the rest is (necessarily, and provably so) just a dictionary (ie, list, array) of strings. 1442229;1459375011;mircea_popescu;that one can't find the string he's looking for in the algebra is, at most, an indictment of the one. 1442230;1459375036;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: everything is either a complete-algebra or a buluceala pit. 1442231;1459375042;mircea_popescu;doh. 1442232;1459375088;asciilifeform;hey apparently it wasn't obvious ? 1442233;1459375116;asciilifeform;(for n00bz - this is the protocol vs promise thing.) 1442234;1459375132;asciilifeform;(do we still have n00bz tuning in..?) 1442235;1459375227;*;trinque out for a while 1442236;1459375391;mircea_popescu;prolly loads and loads of "noobs", mostly of the purposefully deliberate quality, once website. 1442237;1459375551;mircea_popescu;at any rate : there's about as much room for democracy in a republic as there is for samples in formal logic. completely immiscible things. 1442238;1459375712;mircea_popescu;"For example, a different federal statute provides that title to property used to commit a crime (or otherwise “traceable” to a crime) passes to the Government at the instant the crime is planned or committed." <<< ahahaha check out the ancient escheat to the crown in cases of treason! 1442239;1459375722;mircea_popescu;lovely shitpit ye got over there roflmao. 1442240;1459375799;asciilifeform;this bit is well-known afaik 1442241;1459375803;asciilifeform;at least since the dpr thing 1442242;1459375867;asciilifeform;also ianal but there is probably more gnarl to it, otherwise usg would have to charge, e.g., dope peddler, with trespassing on usg property by occupying his house the day after the dope peddlin' , etc 1442243;1459375879;BingoBoingo;http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=bike_haters 1442244;1459375907;mircea_popescu;well, no, usg has no obligation to uphold the laws, somehow. 1442245;1459375918;mircea_popescu;if they get a power and don't use that power they don't hang for failure to use. 1442246;1459375921;mircea_popescu;so... they accumulate. 1442247;1459375922;ben_vulpes;b-b-but BingoBoingo "the columns of caaarz!" 1442248;1459376195;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i still can't fathom why bicycle is permitted but not horse. 1442249;1459376230;ben_vulpes;horse is only not in your particularly insane part of the states 1442250;1459376276;ben_vulpes;there are notorious questions on the or dl test about rider signalling. yes, /horse/ rider signalling. 1442251;1459376285;ben_vulpes;bikers are supposed to just get the fuck out of the way, sensibly. 1442252;1459376358;asciilifeform;where are the dedicated horse lanes!?!111111 1442253;1459376389;mircea_popescu;^ 1442254;1459376406;mircea_popescu;fuck that, the city is spending money to make bike depots, where's my hay station ? 1442255;1459376426;mircea_popescu;"oh, not enough people want it" wtf sort of argument is this. 1442256;1459376439;asciilifeform;^ 1442257;1459376468;ben_vulpes;not the right people 1442258;1459376484;ben_vulpes;only people biking in town are noisy impoverished children like myself 1442259;1459376494;mircea_popescu;aha 1442260;1459376517;ben_vulpes;horses are more expensive than a car what is this 1442261;1459376530;ben_vulpes;wake me when the us starts making roads out of something other than oil byproducts again 1442262;1459376545;mircea_popescu;how are horses fucking expensive ?! 1442263;1459376547;mircea_popescu;they eat hay. 1442264;1459376552;mircea_popescu;costs 0! grows by self! 1442265;1459376572;asciilifeform;grows in flower pot ? 1442266;1459376582;mircea_popescu;no, side of road :D 1442267;1459376582;asciilifeform;in the kitchen window ? 1442268;1459376624;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i've often wondered if the final de-horsing of major cities happened at the magic moment when tetraethyl lead made the roadside flora deadly enough. 1442269;1459376653;*;ben_vulpes mind-blow, horses are free what next houses? 1442270;1459376660;mircea_popescu;schmucky socialists, you know, always with their bs. "oh cars are bad because oil - bikes better" "horses even better!" "oh that's not fair because uses beast, bike uses your own ass". o i see how it is, the only thing they ACTUALLY hate is powerful people, as long as it results in a reduction of individual power they like anything it may be. 1442271;1459376662;ben_vulpes;"slaves build 'em!" 1442272;1459376681;ben_vulpes;hey i never said better 1442273;1459376688;mircea_popescu;i'm not arguing with you! 1442274;1459376697;mircea_popescu;i'm arguing with a composite of people i don't know. 1442275;1459376711;ben_vulpes;hay is for horses, not arguments 1442276;1459376734;*;ben_vulpes actually could, but prefers not to 1442277;1459376741;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ... the only thing they ACTUALLY hate is powerful people, as long as it results in a reduction of individual power they like anything 1442278;1459376745;asciilifeform;<< ilkka has essay 1442279;1459376746;asciilifeform;on this 1442280;1459376763;ben_vulpes;depreciation, maintenance, spine damage, vulnerability to other humans and their wrecking-ball-vehicles 1442281;1459376764;asciilifeform;was ~= this very same observation. 1442282;1459376775;asciilifeform;except, essay concerned plastic 1442283;1459376807;mircea_popescu;well unsurprising, the common substance of female whining is directly obvious to anyone who bitchslaps enough banshees. 1442284;1459376831;mircea_popescu;not some sort of grand arcana. 1442285;1459376940;mats;http://www.theverge.com/2016/3/30/11331014/microsoft-windows-linux-ubuntu-bash 1442286;1459376963;mats;>Microsoft is adding the Linux command line to Windows 10: Bash coming to Windows is huge news for developers, developers, developers 1442287;1459376980;ben_vulpes;welcome to...1970? 1442288;1459377003;*;ben_vulpes still waiting for integrated apple/ms/mobile linux 1442289;1459377034;mircea_popescu;so basically windows is turning into yet-another-systemd ? 1442290;1459377043;mats;i look forward to moar attack surface 1442291;1459377059;ben_vulpes;i thought systemd was modeled after windows 1442292;1459377069;mircea_popescu;iirc it was modeled after stupid. 1442293;1459377086;ben_vulpes;molded by stupid, from shit 1442294;1459377155;shinohai;+mats i look forward to moar attack surface <<< keks 1442295;1459377379;mircea_popescu;heh maddox doing typically maddox pieces in 2016 is so... weird. 1442296;1459377391;mircea_popescu;almost like some dude going on horseback from bufallo to albany 1442297;1459377487;mircea_popescu;coupla days' hard riding, but worth every minute! 1442298;1459377515;deedbot-;[fr.anco.is] Protected: BitBet receivership progress report #1 - http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-progress-report-1/ 1442299;1459377519;davout;argh, fail 1442300;1459377573;mircea_popescu;how long has it been even, like a week maybe ? 1442301;1459377592;mircea_popescu;a yeah just exactly. 1442302;1459377629;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: sorry, musta skimmed that bit of the old logs. but who's to say that bettors take any haircut at all ? 1442303;1459377643;ben_vulpes;y'all never stripped out the 2 weeks? 1442304;1459377685;mircea_popescu;iirc he took out the tm part. 1442305;1459377703;ben_vulpes;hahaha 1442306;1459377717;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: costs 0! grows by self! << there was an amusing bit in 'what i learned losing a million dollars' about how feller bought 'investment horse' and spent boatloads on medical bills before thing... croaked. 1442307;1459377741;mircea_popescu;o yea. 1442308;1459377754;mircea_popescu;it's insanity to try owning horses in shitlands. 1442309;1459377767;mircea_popescu;by and large, if you can't shoot it yourself, the land is shitland. 1442310;1459377784;pete_dushenski;you pretty much can't crash 'investment car' hard enough that you'd lose every penny you ever sunk into it. 1442311;1459377808;ben_vulpes;"this land is shit land, that land is shitland, from the trash of new york, to the smog of l.a......" 1442312;1459377815;mircea_popescu;just wait till you have an investment kid. 1442313;1459377828;pete_dushenski;but you can shoot car! just leave to rust in farmer's field. 1442314;1459377836;ben_vulpes;just send kid to public skool 1442315;1459377854;pete_dushenski;investment kid... does food count ? 1442316;1459377866;ben_vulpes;less of a shooting and more of a staking out for carrion birds though 1442317;1459377872;pete_dushenski;cuz i'm not sure i can even keep up with the amount this bam-bam eats. 1442318;1459377899;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: plugging his hole with the pastes? 1442319;1459377900;*;pete_dushenski might need fourth, fifth job. 1442320;1459377980;mircea_popescu;i thought you were a filthy kulak, what jerb. 1442321;1459377984;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: [blended] fruits, vegs, yogurt, crackers, formula. all steeply-priced organic, obv. 1442322;1459378029;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: ah but you see, i'm cheep. 1442323;1459378085;pete_dushenski;so i largely avoid expenses that i can't bill to a company in one manner or another. 1442324;1459378097;mircea_popescu;lol. i c. 1442325;1459378149;pete_dushenski;it's the poor farmer in me. 1442326;1459378165;pete_dushenski;'a penny saved is a penny earned' (tm) 1442327;1459378177;mircea_popescu;no, it's the not-poorfag in you. maybe some rubs off on these other louts! 1442328;1459378251;pete_dushenski;i don't think my lavishly publicised expenditures on eizos and lexuses are going to help that effort. 1442329;1459378260;mircea_popescu;i used to do the same thing, but meanwhile moved in a country where everyone pisses in the govt's face. (seriously, teh unions are actually putting up ads going "ganancia no es ingreso", ie, they don't have fucking income tax here) 1442330;1459378274;pete_dushenski;might be time to change the flavour of contravex to that of the mrmoustacheguy 1442331;1459378343;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to the horse and hay, mark twain has a funny bit about his caballine purchase in drought-struck nevada. 1442332;1459378344;pete_dushenski;reading 'titan' (mega-jdr bio) and longing for days of 3% income tax for $600-10k, 5% over $10k 1442333;1459378390;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: this is before it paid for nukes aha. 1442334;1459378390;pete_dushenski;can't bring myself to calculate how [much] rich[er] i'd be at such rates. 1442335;1459378397;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: afaik modern day champ is ru, at 15% flat. 1442336;1459378439;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: aha. ru also offers 9% on 5-year bonds. sign a nigga up! 1442337;1459378456;mircea_popescu;lmao 1442338;1459378466;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski can sign up as easily as anyone 1442339;1459378479;pete_dushenski;saxo bank. 50k euro min purchase. 1442340;1459378491;asciilifeform;i thought pete_dushenski was mega-l0ad3d 1442341;1459378494;asciilifeform;go, buy. 1442342;1459378502;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: only compared to you ;) 1442343;1459378534;mircea_popescu;sure sure, but alf can manufacture his own tanks. 1442344;1459378541;asciilifeform;veryveryslowly. 1442345;1459378555;pete_dushenski;now that Great Divestment is upon us, i am in fact considering ru bonds. 1442346;1459378582;pete_dushenski;how could i not ? 1442347;1459378602;mircea_popescu;russia exists out of the tolerance to poverty of its women and the rich subsoil. not much call for the latter in the much slower economy of the future. so rather than buying bonds... 1442348;1459378624;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the ukrs got the subsoil 1442349;1459378645;mircea_popescu;well the ukrs also got teh sluts, what's your point. 1442350;1459378675;pete_dushenski;rich subsoil makes sluts ? vice versa ? 1442351;1459378685;mircea_popescu;just fortunate fortuity. 1442352;1459378714;asciilifeform;we had, long ago, a mega-thread about the 'tolerance to poverty' thing 1442353;1459378728;asciilifeform;re how it is possibly ~the~ mega-nonrenewable resource 1442354;1459378735;mircea_popescu;did i tell the joke with the various women in various countries ? 1442355;1459378739;asciilifeform;hm? 1442356;1459378759;mircea_popescu;there's this sociological experiment underway, consisting of secluding a woman and a dozen men of different countries. 1442357;1459378771;mircea_popescu;after which, their reports are taken as to their experience. 1442358;1459378803;mircea_popescu;teh english rose : "oh, had a lovely time, went for long walks on the beach..." "but what about the men ?" "oh, i did see some gentlemen, but we weren't introduced." 1442359;1459378861;mircea_popescu;teh frenchwoman : "ah, it was fabulous, the first day i was the wife of pierre and jean-luc was my secret lover and autre-pierre was my autre-secret lover and then next day stephen was my husband but he didn't know i was secretly married to lucien and also..." 1442360;1459378876;mircea_popescu;finally they also ask teh russian how it went 1442361;1459378928;mircea_popescu;"oh my fucking god, fucking horrible. they started drinking with the dawn, spent all day gangraping me, then all night long these tedious endless meetings to draw the attention of the collective to immodest, unsoviet behaviours and identify & castigate the guilty" 1442362;1459378962;asciilifeform;l0l! 1442363;1459379006;*;asciilifeform bbl 1442364;1459389355;phf;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6q4n5TQnpA via jwz, an old interview with klf after they burned million pounds, for the amusement of #t-a 1442365;1459390182;asciilifeform;phf: lulzy 1442366;1459390222;asciilifeform;'we didn't burn any bread!' 1442367;1459390247;asciilifeform;gotta love the audience derps 1442368;1459390287;asciilifeform;what does someone need to have in place of a brain to be pissed at a fella torching a pile of fiatola? 1442369;1459390394;phf;it's like the whole thing agitates so many cockroaches in head, goes into complete overload 1442370;1459390403;asciilifeform;aha! 1442371;1459390460;asciilifeform;'sooo many poooor! why should they be allowed to....' L0l! 1442372;1459390495;asciilifeform;turns out poo000oorfolkz eat... paper. 1442373;1459390566;phf;but couldn't you give it to charity? 1442374;1459390577;asciilifeform;l0lity 1442375;1459390585;phf;they could eat it, or maybe shoes out of it or something 1442376;1459390609;asciilifeform;somewhere a poor fella is short on arsepaper!111 1442377;1459391822;deedbot-;[Daniel P. Barron] Achieving greater freedom in this finite doomed world. - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/achieving-greater-freedom-in-this-finite-doomed-world/ 1442378;1459392743;*;BingoBoingo needs to find a new therapist. Emacs just hasn't been cutting it since I sobered up. Anyone know a better chatbot for this. Preferably one I can run in emacs? 1442379;1459392800;danielpbarron;irssi 1442380;1459392867;BingoBoingo;WHat kind of advice does irssi dole out? 1442381;1459392902;phf;psychotherapy over irc, .5btc/hour 1442382;1459392905;BingoBoingo;That Tay character seems interesting, but I dun wanna run any microshit code or give it seekrits 1442383;1459392936;BingoBoingo;phf: I looking for something that runs locally 1442384;1459392986;danielpbarron;ah i misunderstood the query 1442385;1459393004;danielpbarron;make your own markov bot; those are kinda fun. Feed it your favorite texts and see what comes out 1442386;1459393022;danielpbarron;i used to have one that ran off supybot 1442387;1459393053;phf;BingoBoingo: did you read weizenbaum's "computer power and human reason", where his opening chapter is basically "people using eliza for actual therapy? my god, why!" 1442388;1459393110;BingoBoingo;phf: I haven't read it, but I don't see anything wrong with the idea 1442389;1459393130;phf;alf recommended it, but i haven't gotten through it yet 1442390;1459393145;asciilifeform;mega-b00k 1442391;1459393203;phf;well, weizenbaum's point is that "real therapy" relies on empathy, rather than random feedback loop, which is more like divination/insight techniques i might add 1442392;1459393245;BingoBoingo;Well, technically I'm looking for a sponsor more than a therapist 1442393;1459393249;phf;if you are looking for the latter, than i ching, tarot layouts, markov chains trained on philosophical and religious texts 1442394;1459393259;phf;oh i see 1442395;1459393336;BingoBoingo;So basically emacs therapist, but with occasionally cheesy quotes and a 12 step orientation 1442396;1459393389;phf;12 step bot, you could buy PAIP and learn to write one yourself, a cleaned up eliza version for common lisp is somewhere there in the later chapters 1442397;1459393392;*;danielpbarron used to be into the I Ching 1442398;1459393519;BingoBoingo;hmmm. I guess making one could be third/fourth or fifth job 1442399;1459394270;BingoBoingo;in other lols fuck the pretty flowers http://www.wbir.com/news/local/column-the-curse-of-the-bradford-pear/110189644 1442400;1459395905;mircea_popescu;phf eliza is clinically proved === therapist. 1442401;1459395935;mircea_popescu;there is no such thing as "real" therapy ; which is why unsurprisingly the charlatans are now predicating it on "empathy". 1442402;1459395943;mircea_popescu;500 years ago it'd have been divine grace, no doubt. 1442403;1459395975;mircea_popescu;(incidentally, the self-important ignorant derps are amusing au naturel, but for the historian of ideas even more so!) 1442404;1459396009;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron isn't that sorta witchcraft sinful ? 1442405;1459396026;danielpbarron;i burned my i ching books along with my yarrow stalks 1442406;1459396031;mircea_popescu;ah 1442407;1459396034;phf;mircea_popescu: i can't argue the substance, but in weizenbaum's case he was saying therapy requires empathy, where's therapists were talking up eliza 1442408;1459396074;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron these fucking derps with "the golden rule" already. /me turns the page. 1442409;1459396087;mircea_popescu;phf and he also defined the notion yes ? 1442410;1459396095;mircea_popescu;what is it, "cosubstantiality" ? "a soul" ? 1442411;1459396113;phf;his argument perhaps support what you're saying, because it's reduced to "i wrote this thing, and if you say this is therapy, then you are a waste of space" 1442412;1459396128;phf;i didn't get that far :) 1442413;1459396139;mircea_popescu;therapy is always a subjective endeavour. the "therapist" is ~the wallpaper. 1442414;1459396145;phf;i checked out when he went into a very tedious explanation of what a turing machine is 1442415;1459396151;mircea_popescu;which is why and how lacan was a psychoterapist, but not a scholar. 1442416;1459396206;danielpbarron;apparently there's even a "silver rule" which changes the "do unto" into "don't do unto" 1442417;1459396246;mircea_popescu;probably explains why the drones never seem to have any sex. 1442418;1459396260;mircea_popescu;"oh wait... i don't want anyone to fuck me... so... how about holding hands ?" 1442419;1459396323;phf;danielpbarron: this jason peirce guy is full of shit, he's talking about "early greek versions" like he's got insight trump into true meaning 1442420;1459396357;mircea_popescu;and by "early greek versions" of course he means some shoddy english commentary by some derp who in turn does not read classical greek. 1442421;1459396372;BingoBoingo;Oh hello whaack 1442422;1459396382;mircea_popescu;but hey, snatch intro scene made derpage on this theme fashionable among the crowd that'd later constitute the fight club electorate. 1442423;1459396391;danielpbarron;right, I don't mind going back to original greek if that's what's actually being done 1442424;1459396437;phf;so i checked p46, and 13:1 is missing, but 13:2 follows the translation that you give 1442425;1459396514;phf;antitasomenos ti eksusia ... feu diatatagi anfestiken 1442426;1459396570;phf;i.e opposition to power/leaders/nofuckingambiguityhere ... god's will opposes 1442427;1459396599;phf;that would be the oldest known copy of romans ~in general~ 1442428;1459396657;phf;(first line here http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?rgn1=apis_inv;q1=6238;size=20;c=apis;subview=detail;resnum=3;view=entry;lastview=thumbnail;cc=apis;entryid=x-3555;viewid=6238_32.TIF) 1442429;1459396678;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron even something like the vulgate (ie, jerome's ancient but otherwise very good latin version) would be useful 1442430;1459396699;mircea_popescu;at least latin is by and large understood, as compared to ancient obscure alexandrine greek 1442431;1459396742;BingoBoingo;!up whaack 1442432;1459396743;gribble;Error: "up" is not a valid command. 1442433;1459396764;BingoBoingo;deedbot-: up whaack 1442434;1459396836;mircea_popescu;(generally "original greek" refers to the septuagint, ie, the result of an effort that actually predates and likely likely caused christ, to translate the hebrew texts into greek. it was a committee affair sponsored by the ptolemaic autarchy in power in egypt.) 1442435;1459396890;mircea_popescu;but this text was set aside as obscure by scholars as early as five centuries later. 1442436;1459396959;phf;well, i think in this case it's an attempt to throw sand, like "other early scholarly texts i read that you idiots didn't have wholly different words in there" 1442437;1459396982;mircea_popescu;except the ridiculousness of such on the fucking internet... really ? 1442438;1459396989;mircea_popescu;you're gonna be the best read smartest dude out here ? fancy that! 1442439;1459397031;phf;it literally takes an hour of research to refute his claims 1442440;1459397062;mircea_popescu;anyway. there's little doubt, if nothing else for gm reasons, that the original #bible-a was rather anti-establishment ; and then got reshaped into something more tolerant once the wot involved ended up in power irl. 1442441;1459397066;mircea_popescu;ta-da. 1442442;1459398153;danielpbarron;that's generally my position: not thrilled about non-Bible establishment, but totally in favor of kingdom in which Biblical law is enforced 1442443;1459400002;phf;the savages is painful 1442444;1459407996;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-strange-origins-of-truecrypt-isiss-favored-encryption-tool << more truecrypt 1442445;1459425682;PeterL; ben_vulpes: i still can't fathom why bicycle is permitted but not horse. << horses leave piles of stinky shit lying everywhere, nobody wants their roads covered in shit 1442446;1459426098;shinohai;As opposed to stinking hipsters everywhere on bikes? 1442447;1459426881;PeterL;shinohai hipster don't shit in the road 1442448;1459426932;PeterL;danielpbarron do you read things like the gospel of thomas, or do you just stick with what is in the traditional bible? 1442449;1459428266;mircea_popescu;phf is it ? whyssat ? 1442450;1459429149;asciilifeform; asciilifeform: http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/the-strange-origins-of-truecrypt-isiss-favored-encryption-tool << more truecrypt <<<<< see the other logz. some derp did a 'newsweeksatoshi' re truecrypt (shat forth a 'thrilling!111' bio of some schmuck, and - without anything like evidence - tagged him with the authorship based on 'glove fits') 1442451;1459429218;mircea_popescu;hey, it's how the legal process works in the us 1442452;1459429228;mircea_popescu;why would the journashits use a diff process ? 1442453;1459429280;asciilifeform;absolutely no reason. 1442454;1459429304;asciilifeform;see also 'piltdown man', classic american paleontology. 1442455;1459429308;asciilifeform;same principle. 1442456;1459429332;asciilifeform;hey, monkey's arse can fit this dog's neck! let's sew them ! 1442457;1459429339;mircea_popescu;imagine leah's disconcert when teh republic pissed all over her face for JUSRT DOING HER JERB 1442458;1459429344;mircea_popescu;(which is exactly what the derp said, too) 1442459;1459429372;asciilifeform;aiiiy wazzzz oonly foolowing oorderz!!11111 1442460;1459429378;mircea_popescu;not even. 1442461;1459429384;mircea_popescu;"i was merely following along with the crowd" 1442462;1459429412;mircea_popescu;one of the best things to do after breaking up a strike/protest/other "democratic" bs is to isolater hte participants, beat the shit out of them and inquire wtf they thought they were doing there. 1442463;1459429434;asciilifeform;favourite pasttime in ru police station 1442464;1459429451;asciilifeform;may as well ask lone ant. 1442465;1459429459;mircea_popescu;which way it's going 1442466;1459429462;asciilifeform;aha. 1442467;1459429472;asciilifeform;speaking of vermin, 1442468;1459429475;asciilifeform;https://medium.com/mit-media-lab-digital-currency-initiative/announcing-a-900-000-bitcoin-developer-fund-6e8b7e8b0861 << lulz 1442469;1459429487;asciilifeform;^ tldr: 2-3 moar yearz of gavinatronics 1442470;1459429489;mircea_popescu;hurr. they hired diablo ? 1442471;1459429505;asciilifeform;sponsored by, e.g., nasdaq 1442472;1459429541;asciilifeform;'Do the developers physically work at MIT? 1442473;1459429542;asciilifeform;No. They are free (and welcome to!) work from MIT at any time, but they mostly work remotely.' 1442474;1459429553;asciilifeform;^ answers the old riddle, 'does gavin have to rot in an office' 1442475;1459429568;*;asciilifeform goes off to rot in office, bbl 1442476;1459429575;mircea_popescu;later. 1442477;1459430976;shinohai;+asciilifeform ^ answers the old riddle, 'does gavin have to rot in an office' <<< a cage is a cage still, isn't it? 1442478;1459430995;shinohai;whether in home office or standard one. 1442479;1459431116;mircea_popescu;he has his idiosyncratic criteria, which fit the events. and change with teh events. 1442480;1459433638;danielpbarron;PeterL> danielpbarron do you read things like the gospel of thomas << no. just the 66 books 1442481;1459433696;mircea_popescu;if only god had the common sense ot include a hash with the material. 1442482;1459433722;shinohai;^ 1442483;1459433726;shinohai;my sides 1442484;1459433762;shinohai;Aren't there kabbalists that look for such hashes in Scripture? 1442485;1459433780;mircea_popescu;i guess in a sense that's what they're doing yeah 1442486;1459433793;mod6;"BCD1 1442487;1459433795;mod6;" 1442488;1459434901;phf;mircea_popescu: it's very spot on, it's like everything that happens is a neurotic mannerism, "of course that's what she would say, of course that's what he would do", all the props fit too. painful, because i'm not in argentina and these people are way too familiar 1442489;1459434926;mircea_popescu;aha. 1442490;1459434940;mircea_popescu;these schmucks are no better, just different. 1442491;1459434953;mircea_popescu;of course... different is better to the weary. 1442492;1459435478;phf;i can also see why it would have a 7/10 rating, because it won't be seen as a satire, the characters are also the audience, words like "poignant" "reconnecting" "estranged" will be used, but of course there all kinds of things to nit pick for connoisseurs of independent movies which are better than hollywood, but are easy to apply npr-speak while completely missing the point, and the meta circularity makes my head heart. hence-- painful 1442493;1459435592;mircea_popescu;now tell me this. you familiar with the five stages of a narrative ? 1442494;1459435654;phf;sure 1442495;1459435665;mircea_popescu;ok, plox to identify the climax. 1442496;1459435687;phf;hmm 1442497;1459435928;phf;i thought it was somewhere around the dinner scene where they ask dad questions 1442498;1459435967;mircea_popescu;mno. 1442499;1459435983;mircea_popescu;whydja think so ? 1442500;1459436268;asciilifeform;Mar 31 09:31:56 he has his idiosyncratic criteria, which fit the events. and change with teh events. << this is unfounded. all i ever said on subj is 'gavin is exempt from arbeit macht frei, doesn't commute, doesn't punch clock'. turns out - true. (unless mircea_popescu has intel suggesting otherwise ?) 1442501;1459436363;phf;well, it's the end of any action on the part of characters, they are sort of agitated from their state by external factors, they act to the limit of their meagre abilities, and that's that. everything else is them settling back into their passivity as a result of that initial agitation 1442502;1459436373;mircea_popescu;phf what is the definition of climax ? 1442503;1459436383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform let's call it confounded and settle ? 1442504;1459436394;asciilifeform;l0l sure 1442505;1459436430;phf;mircea_popescu: the peak of plot? 1442506;1459436436;mircea_popescu;you call this a definition ? 1442507;1459436449;asciilifeform;at any rate one probably ought to regard 'gavin gets xxx for gavining' with the same salt as 'red army soldier gets x grams of chocolate in surrender camp' 1442508;1459436457;mircea_popescu;what's next, "the exciting bit" like changingminds.org ? 1442509;1459436468;mircea_popescu;holy shit is the internet braindead btw. fucking websites. 1442510;1459436489;danielpbarron;gavin can't say the things that i can say, and in that sense he is much less free than I am 1442511;1459436515;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron doesn't matter because lemonde.fr isn't going around pretending like what you say matters!!!1eleventeen 1442512;1459436574;danielpbarron;just like Obama can't be that powerful if he can't publicly have a harem 1442513;1459436619;mircea_popescu;phf "the singular act towards which all exposition leads and from which all conclusion follows". that's the classical climax. yes, modern and adultcontempo storytelling does not strictly follow classicism, just like they abandoned the unity of time and place. but the thing still is what it always was. 1442514;1459436635;mircea_popescu;this happens to be a very strictly classical narrative, much to its merit, and adding to its valor. so find it. 1442515;1459436724;phf;hmm 1442516;1459436885;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron> just like Obama can't be that powerful if he can't publicly have a harem << the excuse here would be that "he could if he wanted to - doesn't want to". 1442517;1459436964;mircea_popescu;phf anyway, take your time. mebbe alf watches it too and he can catch up with teh rest of the class! 1442518;1459436977;mircea_popescu;tmsr-chan now doing literary criticism master's degrees of all things. 1442519;1459436984;asciilifeform;i will watch it, atm busy having my fingernails pulled out and entrails unwound 1442520;1459436992;phf;yeah, seriously that part of my brain hasn't worked in 20 some years 1442521;1459437003;asciilifeform;then at the end of the day will put'em back in, rinse, repeat. 1442522;1459437041;mircea_popescu;phf hey, and you wanted to teach a computer how to do it! 1442523;1459437059;*;shinohai thinks asciilifeform believes himself the Russian Prometheus. 1442524;1459437060;asciilifeform;http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report << mega-4uct10n 1442525;1459437075;phf;it's emergent, neural nets will do it for me 1442526;1459437082;mircea_popescu;oh i see. 1442527;1459437085;mircea_popescu;fucking tin women everywhere. 1442528;1459437226;danielpbarron;yeah b.s. Every man would have a harem if he could 1442529;1459437301;danielpbarron;aww someone topped my denarius bid 1442530;1459437480;mircea_popescu;you think ? why ? 1442531;1459437515;mircea_popescu;fwis, nine tenths of everyone'd wear one of those penis shrinker thing and be kept in diapers by a crumb-like woman. 1442532;1459437555;asciilifeform;voluntarily?! 1442533;1459437561;mircea_popescu;quite. 1442534;1459437567;asciilifeform;share the lsd? 1442535;1459437570;*;danielpbarron wouldn't, ew. 1442536;1459437574;mircea_popescu;what, you've not noticed the neoteny trend ? 1442537;1459437589;asciilifeform;it is from the cage 1442538;1459437593;shinohai;;;google crumb-like woman 1442539;1459437593;gribble;No Girls Allowed!: Crumb and the Comix Counterculture | PopMatters: ; An Eye for the Ladies - NYTimes.com: ; Robert Crumb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 1442540;1459437597;asciilifeform;not from any decision on part of the dulapped 1442541;1459437598;mircea_popescu;ha-ha. cage my foot. 1442542;1459437601;mircea_popescu;the CAGE is FROM IT! 1442543;1459437607;mircea_popescu;what, you think the usg is a pos because aliens ? 1442544;1459437614;mircea_popescu;no dude. every place, the government it wants and earns. 1442545;1459437645;mircea_popescu;yes decision on part of dulapped. if you ever find an island of castrated males, you found an island of dudes who thought balls hang too heavy for comfort. 1442546;1459437645;asciilifeform;this - yes 1442547;1459437654;asciilifeform;but i pwersonally must've been put here from sins in past lives or what. 1442548;1459437675;mircea_popescu;hey, there's good arguments against moving to other place. your parents took you there neh ? 1442549;1459437696;mircea_popescu;do that to a child, he'll have to... wait for it... adapt to the new environment!!11 1442550;1459437710;mircea_popescu;odds are he won't find the popular girls sexy or even interesting, and so on. 1442551;1459437724;asciilifeform;aha, this is how i became asocial monster 1442552;1459437748;asciilifeform;by and large i find the local fauna repulsive. 1442553;1459437810;shinohai;I saw Vexual in the logs lmao 1442554;1459437946;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know, intelligence is an adaptive trait! 1442555;1459437973;asciilifeform;go, adapt to chimps in the zoo. 1442556;1459437992;trinque;the texan babes behave just fine. you're in hell. 1442557;1459438008;trinque;and apparently prefer it, lol 1442558;1459438009;mircea_popescu;if stuck in zoo i think i'd try to enjoy chimp cunt. 1442559;1459438017;asciilifeform;trinque: i gotta say, i envy your blindness. 1442560;1459438020;mircea_popescu;i wonder... just as muscular as chimp otherwise ? 1442561;1459438038;mircea_popescu;can she do the she-dolphin trick ? 1442562;1459438049;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i knew a buncha similar kidz who , yes, adapted to chimp cunt. 1442563;1459438064;mircea_popescu;(intromission in marine mammals doesn't work as in terrestrials. you'd prolly call it... milking.) 1442564;1459438069;trinque;poor alf thinks people put up with fat, stupid people of walmart everywhere on this continent 1442565;1459438083;asciilifeform;trinque: on the contrary, we have the other thing here. 1442566;1459438095;trinque;ah right, those fembots you mentioned? 1442567;1459438102;asciilifeform;aha 1442568;1459438108;asciilifeform;i've never actually seen the folks BingoBoingo links to 1442569;1459438113;asciilifeform;(in the flesh) 1442570;1459438159;mircea_popescu;fembots ?! 1442571;1459438164;asciilifeform;brb, the crypt0graph3rz are here 1442572;1459438167;mircea_popescu;just how long was i asleep! 1442573;1459438267;phf;ascii perhaps refers to strong dc culture of clubsluts and sorority girls 1442574;1459438282;trinque;he said something about the women having robot faces 1442575;1459438293;phf;right 1442576;1459438311;mircea_popescu;phf i dunno fucking comprehend the disdain affected (perhaps to the point of believing themselves) by intellectual folk re the pro sluts. 1442577;1459438317;mircea_popescu;srsly now. how can you not respect them! 1442578;1459438325;*;trinque shrugs 1442579;1459438356;phf;well, it's masked fear 1442580;1459438369;trinque;how is "I am signaling for cock as hard as I can" fear? 1442581;1459438379;mircea_popescu;"the culture of clubsluts and sorority girls" beats any other female culture so far out of the field it can't even be discussed, wtf. you can take one of those and make her a fat borderline sleeve in six weeks. try the fucking other way around 1442582;1459438383;mircea_popescu;"oh these shoes hurt!11" 1442583;1459438384;phf;on part of intellectual folk 1442584;1459438389;trinque;ah 1442585;1459438453;phf;i have nothing but warm feelings towards clubsluts, they made my mid 20s quite pleasant, before i left dc 1442586;1459438484;mircea_popescu;i'd much rather discuss the scrolls with them than with the others. 1442587;1459438490;phf;but i'm saying i grok what ascii is talking about, because there's strong sorority culture in dc 1442588;1459438503;mircea_popescu;generally, better a clever girl that thinks herself dumb than a dumb girl that thinks she must be clever. 1442589;1459438589;phf;fwiw there's plenty of clever girls in dc club scene, they are predominantly american,gwu,georgetown or else educated transplants, not to mention lots of foreigners 1442590;1459438598;mircea_popescu;trinque not even signalling for cock. anti-signalling for male fears > 9000. 1442591;1459438605;phf;it's just not the "easy" clever 1442592;1459438627;mircea_popescu;phf half the time it's not the schooled clever, which is just as well. 1442593;1459438940;mircea_popescu;local lulz here. tall blondy aspiring to be a stewardess wants to know where i work. "i don't work" "then what do you do ?" "whatever i feel like." she's thoroughly confused, enlists help. "how do i pay for things ??" "with money." "yes!!!". eventually girl that knows me rescues them, "oh, he's in finance". NOW they're satisfied! "omg you liar!11" 1442594;1459438950;mircea_popescu;because apparently work doesn't mean iho what i thought it would. 1442595;1459439004;mircea_popescu;it's not "what you do, whether you make any money or not, ie work", but "how do you get the money, whether you do anything or not, ie, social-proof". 1442596;1459439037;phf;i work in mergers and acquisitions 1442597;1459439054;trinque;heh, she met a quasi-mythical creature. an owner. 1442598;1459439111;mircea_popescu;trinque quite unheard of here. whole fucking place is a socialist wet dream, nobody owns anything. did i recount the lulz of the local gambling baron ? 1442599;1459439124;trinque;I don't recall. 1442600;1459439135;phf;i thought owners are always mercurial about their answers that sort of questions. i'm yet to see one who goes "yeah, i own companies" 1442601;1459439207;mircea_popescu;phf i met tons of guys that went "yeah baby i'm ap roducer" 1442602;1459439238;mircea_popescu;trinque ok, ima befoul the logs with this nonsense then. 1442603;1459439286;mircea_popescu;so, one cristobal lopez is one of the country's greatest "owners". originally, there was a gambling boat made by some spanish company, taking advantage of the unclear jurisdiction situation and the inept and slow workings of the ar courts. they invested 10mn and took home 100mn the first year. 1442604;1459439310;mircea_popescu;the local smartasses took over, and created "the largest agglomeration of slot machines in the world" in this circus tent on the grounds of the old hippodrome 1442605;1459439311;phf;well, exactly those guys are not producers 1442606;1459439332;mircea_popescu;the thing owes in taxes, if its own word is to be believed, about half a BILLION dollars for the past decade. 1442607;1459439343;mircea_popescu;during which decade it paid NOTHING. nor kept any sort of auditable books. 1442608;1459439361;mircea_popescu;the reason is, that there was some dispute between city and federal government as to who should be paid. and this derp went whatevers, and never paid anything. 1442609;1459439393;mircea_popescu;so now "his" media, which obviously was cristina-friendly, pissed off macri, who won. and so they're going to have a falling out and the thing is going to be "privatized" or somesuch. 1442610;1459439396;mircea_popescu;what owners ? 1442611;1459439482;mircea_popescu;the whole charade is, government borrows, spends and taxes, creates cardboard "businessmen" that exist principally to have what to hang whenever needed and vorwarts! 1442612;1459439502;trinque;heh, what a mess. 1442613;1459439511;mircea_popescu;4500 tragamonedas, fancy that. 1442614;1459439529;*;trinque went on a tirade to new lady friend yesterday about the complete lack of ownership in USistan. 1442615;1459439533;mircea_popescu;and the start and end of it all is, these atrocious fucktards, who think "sadly there's too many bars" and the whole surface of club in buenos aires would fit in one sane club in a sane place, 1442616;1459439542;mircea_popescu;nevertheless spent billions of dollars in the shitty slots. 1442617;1459439573;mircea_popescu;what horse races ? what anything ? all they want is the shitty slot machine, because there they can sit in their own stinky juices. 1442618;1459439579;mircea_popescu;no need to interact or anything. EASIEST!11 1442619;1459439622;mircea_popescu;that's the whole argentinian life. that's what derpy chick does : dreams about being stewardess, watches netflix and plays slots. 1442620;1459439647;mircea_popescu;parillada libre!!1 mate en el parque!!11 they're cheaper to keep than hens. 1442621;1459439662;mircea_popescu;i don't mean "than their weight in hens" even. headcount ffs. not even footcount. 1442622;1459440277;asciilifeform;11:31 <+mircea_popescu> phf i dunno fucking comprehend the disdain affected (perhaps to the point of believing themselves) by intellectual folk re the pro sluts. << nonono i just loathe the hump of the bell curve, sluts, no sluts, whatever 1442623;1459440304;asciilifeform;11:35 <+mircea_popescu> generally, better a clever girl that thinks herself dumb than a dumb girl that thinks she must be clever. << how about CLEVER girl that thinks itself clever 1442624;1459440305;mircea_popescu;aha. 1442625;1459440309;asciilifeform;huh?! 1442626;1459440314;mircea_popescu;was to first line. 1442627;1459440318;asciilifeform;'better be rich and healthy than poor and diseases' (tm) (r) 1442628;1459440322;mircea_popescu;i don't particularly like clever girl that thinks self clever, no. 1442629;1459440334;asciilifeform;mega-unsurprise 1442630;1459440343;mircea_popescu;clever woman that thinks self clever, sure. provided ACTUALLY IS. 1442631;1459440350;mircea_popescu;otherwise, prolly setting itself up to be shot. 1442632;1459440365;asciilifeform;no shit - provided ~actually is~ 1442633;1459440384;mircea_popescu;hey, i've made all sorts of beautiful things with clever women that were self-aware. 1442634;1459440393;mircea_popescu;purpose o' life. 1442635;1459440421;asciilifeform;11:36 <+phf> fwiw there's plenty of clever girls in dc club scene << ~definitionally~ not what i consider usable. 1442636;1459440442;mircea_popescu;how so ? 1442637;1459440443;phf;i don't grok, explain 1442638;1459440446;trinque;http://i.imgur.com/Fpm5ox2.jpg << I like girls that get shown Oglaf and give me one of these 2wks later. 1442639;1459440447;asciilifeform;because club scene. 1442640;1459440458;mircea_popescu;this made no sense alfie. 1442641;1459440464;trinque;not a human skull, but y'know, WIP!! 1442642;1459440466;mircea_popescu;you don't like truffles because underground also ? 1442643;1459440492;phf;don't like outside, because need to put on pants 1442644;1459440494;mircea_popescu;ahahah trinque wtf is that! 1442645;1459440503;asciilifeform;i'm allergic to the mass culture thing. 1442646;1459440509;mircea_popescu;how is this mass culture ?! 1442647;1459440511;trinque;fuckin skullberries! 1442648;1459440519;asciilifeform;proper gurl hangs out in maths library, among the theorems. 1442649;1459440523;asciilifeform;or similar. 1442650;1459440538;mircea_popescu;says who ? 1442651;1459440542;trinque;http://oglaf.com/upcycling/ 1442652;1459440546;asciilifeform;says ~only me. 1442653;1459440548;mircea_popescu;proper boy hangs around hunting camp, too. wtf is htis 1442654;1459440551;mircea_popescu;you get a pass, she doesn't ?! 1442655;1459440558;asciilifeform;who said i got pass. 1442656;1459440563;asciilifeform;i get nothing. 1442657;1459440569;mircea_popescu;so then wut ? 1442658;1459440574;asciilifeform;but it is well-specified nothing!111 1442659;1459440585;mircea_popescu;trinque great. is she got tits too ? :D 1442660;1459440604;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well specified is not in itself valuable. gotta be REASONED. 1442661;1459440605;trinque;nice tits, and A+++ booty 1442662;1459440610;mircea_popescu;anyone can make well specified! 1442663;1459440612;trinque;cooks like a champ too 1442664;1459440615;hanbot; proper gurl hangs out in maths library, among the theorems. << why can't she do both? 1442665;1459440620;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm allergic, what of it. just can't do the zoophilia thing, never could. 1442666;1459440622;mircea_popescu;trinque is she maing 0.1 btc ? 1442667;1459440643;trinque;heh doubtful. 1442668;1459440658;mircea_popescu;skullberries lol. 1442669;1459440669;phf;i guess the point is that asciilifeform doesn't like club sluts, wants his girls as math phds only. but periodically, and that was the issue, he sneaks in the idea that there's something deficient about girls that go to clubs, i.e. they are not clever or smart, they are animals, etc. 1442670;1459440681;asciilifeform;hanbot: the ones who do both, if even exist, are prolly all living in mircea_popescu's house already. 1442671;1459440688;mircea_popescu;he has an entire list of these that he keeps restating no matter what. 1442672;1459440696;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how would ytou know this ?! 1442673;1459440697;phf;asciilifeform: that is outright wrong 1442674;1459440703;mircea_popescu;i agree. 1442675;1459440726;asciilifeform;phf: not necessarily 'are animal', but 'smell of animal', trigger my personal allergy. 1442676;1459440735;asciilifeform;i only even mention it because came up, in thread. 1442677;1459440742;asciilifeform;there is no particularly good reason for anyone to give a shit. 1442678;1459440744;mircea_popescu;you understand how very fucking vulnerable this thing makes you ? 1442679;1459440744;phf;i.e. they smell of sweat because they were dancing? 1442680;1459440756;hanbot;heh asciilifeform or they're lonely af because men who'd be into 'em make all kinds of assumptions. 1442681;1459440760;mircea_popescu;if "smell of animal" matters, i bet you i can get you married with an utter imbecile just by exploiting "smells of library". 1442682;1459440762;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it just makes me a hermit, who keeps 1 pet, and not 3 etc. 1442683;1459440790;phf;mircea_popescu: it's a thing, look at recent usg "nerd culture" 1442684;1459440792;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this was attempted, i had the elementary nervous system to resist 1442685;1459440802;mircea_popescu;phf actually there's a very funny thing re that, girls never smell of earnest sweat. every place has a consensus-chosen chem barrier for that. 1442686;1459440804;asciilifeform;'smell of library' only works on poseur imbeciles. 1442687;1459440806;mircea_popescu;the "slut scent". 1442688;1459440827;trinque;asciilifeform: what's wrong with you teaching her math? 1442689;1459440835;trinque;I've at least taught every gf I've had to code. 1442690;1459440837;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so your resistence is chiefly based on, "nsa is incompetent, never got an actual intellect behind the effort to fuck up my miserable rng source" 1442691;1459440866;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: finally, meta-nsa !111 1442692;1459440870;mircea_popescu;lollers 1442693;1459440888;trinque;last one lisp even! 1442694;1459440893;asciilifeform;can haz the gassing for phree?? it was late! (like domino's pizza !) 1442695;1459440899;mircea_popescu;hey, i taught a girl how to lisp also. 1442696;1459440902;mircea_popescu;required for spanish. 1442697;1459440903;asciilifeform;i did also. 1442698;1459440920;asciilifeform;in 2 separate cases. 1442699;1459440926;phf;asciilifeform: i think we're saying that you're making familiar assumptions, that are not true, and that you're missing out from that, or at the very least are saying falsehoods. 1442700;1459440948;mircea_popescu;i don't credit the "missing out" angle, he can't possibly be missing what he's not missing. 1442701;1459440951;mircea_popescu;but falsehoods, yes. 1442702;1459440958;asciilifeform;phf: i'm allergic to 'female culture', shoes, piles of gaudy clothing idiocy, etc. what of it. 1442703;1459440964;mircea_popescu;why! 1442704;1459440971;asciilifeform;на вкус и цвет товарищей нет (tm) (r) 1442705;1459440973;trinque;asciilifeform: so you're a dude! 1442706;1459440975;trinque;lol, ignore it! 1442707;1459440984;trinque;and what's wrong with her looking nice? 1442708;1459440998;mircea_popescu;this is like despising cooking. it's a fucking seat in the academy, for rights! 1442709;1459441000;asciilifeform;trinque: because the robot suit is not 'nice' in my hindbrain. 1442710;1459441009;mircea_popescu;mr. duchemin occupies it. you know mr. duchemin ? 1442711;1459441065;asciilifeform;this is not 'cooking' (which i quite approve of) but room-temperature-cheese. 1442712;1459441070;phf;asciilifeform: sure, i don't take issue with your preferences, it's your trying to frame it in value terms that we share. oh club sluts are stupid, real smart girls only hang out at libraries where alf feels it safe to approach them 1442713;1459441094;mircea_popescu;it's outrageous, i don't think i ever saw an intelligent girl in a library. 1442714;1459441119;asciilifeform;wasn't trying to frame as prescription. describing own desires. not any more portable than mircea_popescu's golden shower thing 1442715;1459441120;mircea_popescu;unless you count http://yes-nude-in-public.tumblr.com/post/88464959395 1442716;1459441138;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform which ? 1442717;1459441178;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's 'pissed in the back alley of cairo' example 1442718;1459441183;mircea_popescu;oh. 1442719;1459441194;mircea_popescu;tis complicated ; but anyway. 1442720;1459441212;mircea_popescu;phf fwiw, i did personally see him in the nude and fuck whoever club, he didn't melt. 1442721;1459441218;asciilifeform;how did i even end up in this thread, this is the perfect example of mircea_popescu's 'gynaeceum material, dun work in forum' thing. 1442722;1459441221;mircea_popescu;never actually saw him in a library tho! 1442723;1459441242;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: l0l, it was hilarious, no one fucked in the club 1442724;1459441249;mircea_popescu;you possibly didn't look close enough. 1442725;1459441253;asciilifeform;it was like a sports bar with no tv 1442726;1459441257;asciilifeform;everyone started at ??? 1442727;1459441276;phf;mircea_popescu: you saw asciilifeform in the nude? now i too am confused by this thread 1442728;1459441283;trinque;ahahah 1442729;1459441295;mircea_popescu;personally i was rooting on davout taking the weirdo german chick home. or at least pistols at dawn with ben_vulpes ; something. but alas... 1442730;1459441296;asciilifeform;phf: parse ll(1) 1442731;1459441305;phf;presumably in this sort of setting http://glyf.org/socdarw.jpg 1442732;1459441305;mircea_popescu;phf nah, HE wasn't naked. it's not obligatory. 1442733;1459441337;phf;oh oh got it 1442734;1459441340;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu and i and buncha folks went to a club, nominally s&m-tronic, but ~nobody (as far as my naked eye could see) was naked 1442735;1459441405;asciilifeform;from my pov it was ~as much fun as standing in a rush hour train. 1442736;1459441415;mircea_popescu;hahaha! 1442737;1459441429;mircea_popescu;well, ok, but look at the benefits. you can now scare people with your personal history! 1442738;1459441484;asciilifeform;aha! actually the failed reddit thing, more so. some months ago i was fingered in some derp comment, ' mircea_popescu's demented lieutenant, in charge of argentinian bsdm....' or the like, i almost fell to the ground from my stake 1442739;1459441493;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 1442740;1459441506;mircea_popescu;see ? 1442741;1459441509;asciilifeform;aha! 1442742;1459441531;mircea_popescu;now we finally understand all those anal insertion and genital mutilation comments IN THEIR RIGHTFUL CONTEXT. 1442743;1459441561;asciilifeform;there we go. 1442744;1459441626;asciilifeform;hey in america this is how 'experts' usually develop 'reputation', by maybe walking past a warehouse that was a lab once in 1950s on a stroll etc. 1442745;1459441645;mircea_popescu;hanbot do you rtecall which te fuck this was btw ? i thought it was the subasta de esclavas thing, buncha naked girlies on sale 1442746;1459441654;asciilifeform;there were ! 1442747;1459441668;hanbot;ah yeah, but they were local-nekkid 1442748;1459441670;mircea_popescu;didn't you just say everyone was dressed! 1442749;1459441676;hanbot;pubis necessarily covered 1442750;1459441679;asciilifeform;aha 1442751;1459441681;mircea_popescu;hanbot was agustina topless or is that a diff one 1442752;1459441682;mircea_popescu;oh oh. 1442753;1459441684;asciilifeform;they were swimming-pool 'naked' 1442754;1459441694;hanbot;mircea_popescu she wasn't 1442755;1459441699;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know you could have just walked to any and asked to see her parts. 1442756;1459441722;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and after that, i could have walked to confectionary and asked to smell a good cake ! 1442757;1459441731;mircea_popescu;sure ? 1442758;1459441743;mircea_popescu;lick, also. not made of sugar. 1442759;1459441765;asciilifeform;unlike m. gandhi, i dun do the self-mortification thing 1442760;1459441782;mircea_popescu;how are you going to get your immunity up if you don't ingest enough viral load ? 1442761;1459441811;asciilifeform;eh setting foot in the virus pit was a good start imho. 1442762;1459441820;mircea_popescu;true. ever tried the subte also ? 1442763;1459441822;asciilifeform;if ever i end up there again i can even try without gas mask. 1442764;1459441822;mircea_popescu;yeah iirc. 1442765;1459441833;mircea_popescu;+9000 imunopoints, at a cost of a mere 1.5 milimorts. 1442766;1459441838;hanbot;subte is pretty cruel. 1442767;1459441849;mircea_popescu;hanbot i think chetty took them for a death spin or something. 1442768;1459441855;asciilifeform;subte i assume is their subway ? 1442769;1459441859;asciilifeform;i didn't get to it 1442770;1459441863;mircea_popescu;oh ? 1442771;1459441870;asciilifeform;was shuttered by the time ben_vulpes and i thought of it 1442772;1459441876;asciilifeform;so we walked across ~whole city 1442773;1459441880;asciilifeform;in one night 1442774;1459441887;mircea_popescu;possibly best collection of obscure pathogens in the world. whenever i go my eyes water. 1442775;1459441896;asciilifeform;i forget why, i think we had 1 bottle tooo many 1442776;1459441931;mircea_popescu;drinking by the bottle, going to pervy clubs, all the while pretending library is criteria! YOUR HIPOCRISY IS NAO EXPOSED! 1442777;1459441937;asciilifeform;speaking of subways, https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/2016/03/30/fba8ae0a-f688-11e5-9804-537defcc3cf6_story.html 1442778;1459441940;asciilifeform;l0l! 1442779;1459441949;asciilifeform;^ tldr - washington metro will close entire lines 1442780;1459441962;mircea_popescu;just you wait when alf-jr finds this and you have some 'splainin' to do. 1442781;1459442003;asciilifeform;l0ltr0n 1442782;1459442401;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> hey in america this is how 'experts' usually develop 'reputation', by maybe walking past a warehouse that was a lab once in 1950s on a stroll etc. <<< #trilema, with a collective pervy experience of > 50 years... 1442783;1459442501;phf;they are not touching red line, because there's where white people are at 1442784;1459442532;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1442785;1459442539;phf;ascii's link 1442786;1459442544;mircea_popescu;oh dc. heh. 1442787;1459442630;asciilifeform;aha, 'red' is how the bureaucrats get to/from their stakes, from/to the posh suburban mcmansions. 1442788;1459444116;asciilifeform;dispatch from planet earth (old #b-a) - i bid a few coinz for poor old bbet, and kako thinks i went off my sanity 1442789;1459444537;phf;perhaps kako is convinced that there's no possible future for bitbet post-receivership? 1442790;1459444545;asciilifeform;seems like it. 1442791;1459444554;asciilifeform;imho it could be repaired. 1442792;1459444566;asciilifeform;like old t-34 pulled from the swamps. 1442793;1459444592;asciilifeform;get the skeletons, bogwater, dirt out - engine will purr. 1442794;1459444803;phf;i left because conversation is dead and there's no attempt to revive it. it seems like the only shared thing between those left is hatred for mp, which is not particularly good community builder. last thing i saw was nubbins repeating the same point he made about 4 times now about MPEX trade volume 1442795;1459444833;asciilifeform;phf: presently it's kako and i re bbet auction 1442796;1459444844;asciilifeform;he's the only same fella left in old #b-a i think 1442797;1459444847;asciilifeform;*sane 1442798;1459445132;mircea_popescu;so what's the big deal. have fun running it. 1442799;1459445136;mircea_popescu;what exactly is broken anyway ? 1442800;1459445146;mircea_popescu;great way to learn how to be useful, imo. 1442801;1459445150;asciilifeform;afaik nothing but the reputation 1442802;1459445158;mircea_popescu;how exactly "the reputation" 1442803;1459445176;mircea_popescu;it got in trouble, was reorganized, works again. this is more reputation than apple has 1442804;1459445185;mircea_popescu;nothing in btc ever even came very vaguely close. 1442805;1459445186;asciilifeform;anyway i can't imagine mine is the winning bid, the thing is a valuable mechanism, surely worth a fat bag of coinz 1442806;1459445296;mircea_popescu;certainly a cheap answer to "who are you again". spend whatever to buy it, put in the time to keep it going, problem solved. 1442807;1459445317;mircea_popescu;arguably easier (or at least more accessible) work than slaving butt off to recreate ai like phf's been trying. 1442808;1459445380;asciilifeform;if i win the auction (l0l) i will make the pet operate it. 1442809;1459445418;mircea_popescu;also make her get a wot and speak in forum ? 1442810;1459445425;asciilifeform;ideally. 1442811;1459445430;mircea_popescu;not a bad move. 1442812;1459445514;mircea_popescu;phf wait ppls hate me nao ?! 1442813;1459445518;mircea_popescu;da fuck. 1442814;1459445639;mircea_popescu;hey trinque what's the eta on voicing deedbot- ? 1442815;1459445652;mircea_popescu;i suppose teh peanut gallery be getting antsy by now. 1442816;1459445923;trinque;later today or tomorrow, nearly done. 1442817;1459445952;mircea_popescu;a splendid. 1442818;1459446319;mircea_popescu;davout the thing you published misses a crucial element. there's a (or two) lists of addresses bitbet was to use, signed by me. got them ? 1442819;1459446395;phf;(davout shouldn't auction bids be signed?) 1442820;1459446530;*;asciilifeform reposted bid, signed 1442821;1459446545;asciilifeform;http://dpaste.com/39RP0EY.txt << dpaste, in case comment mangled 1442822;1459446685;danielpbarron;we never signed euloran bids 1442823;1459446701;danielpbarron;never went higher than 2 btc though 1442824;1459446708;asciilifeform;anyway i signed, because apparently nobody believes that i am this far gone into insanity 1442825;1459446783;shinohai;If only there was a BitBet to bet on who will win BB in auction. 1442826;1459446803;asciilifeform;l0l 1442827;1459447007;deedbot-;[Qntra] BitBet Reciever Opens Bidding For BitBet Assets - http://qntra.net/2016/03/bitbet-reciever-opens-bidding-for-bitbet-assets/ 1442828;1459447145;trinque;deedbot- http://dpaste.com/39RP0EY.txt 1442829;1459447168;deedbot-;rejected: 1 1442830;1459447174;trinque;lolwat 1442831;1459447186;trinque;perhaps I lack that key 1442832;1459447209;asciilifeform;newlines ? 1442833;1459447221;phf;*compute compute compute* REJECTED 1442834;1459447302;*;asciilifeform mutters malignantly about the idiocy of clearsigning and 'plain text' 1442835;1459447309;trinque;deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0046NBY.txt 1442836;1459447310;deedbot-;Bad URL or network outage. 1442837;1459447321;*;trinque head explodes 1442838;1459447348;asciilifeform;in-band!1111 1442839;1459447365;*;shinohai oils deedbot, makes tea. 1442840;1459447373;trinque;ahaha I copied wrong. 1442841;1459447421;trinque;deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1ECZJPA.txt 1442842;1459447422;deedbot-;rejected: 1 1442843;1459447447;asciilifeform;wut 1442844;1459447484;trinque;it's bitching about expired key on the server side 1442845;1459447486;trinque;could be it, dunno 1442846;1459447504;asciilifeform;so update the key. 1442847;1459447512;asciilifeform;my keys are renewed every year. 1442848;1459447530;asciilifeform;use the one in the wot. 1442849;1459447571;asciilifeform;(this thing where folks expect keys to never change, is lulzy, yes i get it, mircea_popescu gotta prevent mpex account resale, but it is dumb in any other context) 1442850;1459447948;shinohai;Now it just can't get moar white trash than this: http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2016/03/2nd_pickens_academy_teacher_ar.html 1442851;1459447970;trinque;deedbot- http://dpaste.com/39RP0EY.txt 1442852;1459447973;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1442853;1459447977;trinque;yep, was the key 1442854;1459448234;asciilifeform;trinque: neato 1442855;1459448443;asciilifeform;in other lulz, https://twitter.com/voidiss/status/715600531058724864 1442856;1459448458;deedbot-;[Qntra] Cloudflare Pressures Tor Developers and Users To Implement Identifiers - http://qntra.net/2016/03/cloudflare-pressures-tor-developers-and-users-to-implement-identifiers/ 1442857;1459448549;asciilifeform;'Prince suggests that the incidents of CAPTCHA-challenge could be reduced if Tor adopted a plugin that could send ‘a cryptographically secure but anonymous token to services like CloudFlare in order to verify that the request is not coming from an automated system’. Draft code for the plugin has been provided by CloudFlare on GitHub.' << l0l!! 1442858;1459448862;deedbot-;[Qntra] FBI Now Offering To Unlock iPhones Just Because It Can - http://qntra.net/2016/03/fbi-now-offering-to-unlock-iphones-just-because-it-can/ 1442859;1459448925;BingoBoingo;ty asciilifeform 1442860;1459449017;trinque;I assume they plan to beat Apple on the head with "your phones aren't as s3kur3 as you claim" until... something 1442861;1459449028;trinque;presumably bending over more obediently 1442862;1459449046;trinque;or simply publically normalizing overt collaboration with govt 1442863;1459449321;BingoBoingo;Prolly Just something Apple's going to use to speed adoption of iOSX 1442864;1459449624;BingoBoingo;Other lulz stumbled upon in researching these qntras https://archive.is/ziS0W 1442865;1459449817;mircea_popescu;shinohai> If only there was a BitBet to bet on who will win BB in auction. << bwahaha 1442866;1459449841;mircea_popescu;deedbot-> rejected: 1 >>> i lulzed heartily. 1442867;1459449893;mircea_popescu; (but it is dumb in any other context) << orly. because why, because "everyone" is held to UPDATE crypto material at hitler's beak an' call, through a poorly specified process ? 1442868;1459449903;mircea_popescu;pfff! i say! 1442869;1459449929;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: who said 'through poorly specified' 1442870;1459449933;mircea_popescu;and fuck fucking cloudflare. it m,ay not fucking exist. 1442871;1459449934;asciilifeform;what is wrong with 'new key signed with old.' 1442872;1459449951;mircea_popescu;this is not how key update actually works atm, is it. 1442873;1459449964;PeterL;what benefit does having new key offer? 1442874;1459449966;asciilifeform;hey i was not counting on the idiot sks update process 1442875;1459449967;mircea_popescu;and there's plenty wrong with new key signed with old. sign both with the same master. 1442876;1459449982;asciilifeform;and just recently mircea_popescu published a spare key ! 1442877;1459449999;asciilifeform;this was deedbotted 1442878;1459450001;mircea_popescu;so i did. none of this maps on the "update" process in any way extant. 1442879;1459450014;asciilifeform;and the instructions were, and i recall, 'if this one is used, old one is to be considered dead' 1442880;1459450015;mircea_popescu;it's more of a "end of b-a" thing than a "update" 1442881;1459450018;asciilifeform;nothing about same-masters in there. 1442882;1459450022;mircea_popescu;shit, even the word update is ignominous now. 1442883;1459450037;asciilifeform;l0l 1442884;1459450067;asciilifeform;14:46 <+mircea_popescu> it's more of a "end of b-a" thing than a "update" << waiwut 1442885;1459450082;mircea_popescu;can you ask a question with words in it! 1442886;1459450103;asciilifeform;how is it not an update mechanism ? 1442887;1459450117;mircea_popescu;because it isn't a mechanism at all. 1442888;1459450181;asciilifeform;well not 100% mechanical, it has meat in it. 1442889;1459450185;asciilifeform;as does most of life. 1442890;1459450206;mircea_popescu;it isn't a mechanism. 1442891;1459450206;asciilifeform;incidentally the 'same master' algo is catastrophically dangerous because it does not allow you to retire a broken ciphersystem COMPLETELY 1442892;1459450218;mircea_popescu;hey, chet managed. 1442893;1459450245;asciilifeform;it rsa is broken, the dead will 'walk.' 1442894;1459450264;mircea_popescu; if rsa is broken, we have an event of the nature of "end of b-a" not of the nature of "an update". 1442895;1459450272;mircea_popescu;and there's no "mechanism" involved in this. 1442896;1459450275;mircea_popescu;nor will there be. 1442897;1459450293;asciilifeform;only if no parachute. 1442898;1459450361;asciilifeform;incidentally ~gpg~ is broken NOW, i can make a fresh key with, e.g., mircea_popescu's fingerprint, for less than the cost of a bus. 1442899;1459450366;asciilifeform;(sha1 collision) 1442900;1459450376;asciilifeform;but this is not a cryptographic break. 1442901;1459450405;asciilifeform;(yet imho it is worth asking, what tmsr systems are affected by this fact?) 1442902;1459450444;mod6;we need a loggerthingy for #trilema 1442903;1459450454;*;asciilifeform also finds it interesting that enemy is not yet doing this to anyone, afaik. 'glass cannon' ? 1442904;1459450455;mod6;or is someone working on that? 1442905;1459450462;asciilifeform;mod6: iirc phf is 1442906;1459450465;mod6;aight 1442907;1459450466;mod6;thx 1442908;1459450586;asciilifeform;http://fr.anco.is/2016/bitbet-receivership-first-progress-report/ << holy fuck, is anyone else seeing spam in there ? 1442909;1459450623;asciilifeform;davout ^^^^ 1442910;1459450667;danielpbarron;yeah all numbers are getting turned into videos 1442911;1459450669;asciilifeform;http://archive.is/0G2Ue << snapshot with spamola 1442912;1459450672;asciilifeform;wtf 1442913;1459450691;danielpbarron;i thought that guy was adding it himself until i saw one in the middle of your signed bid 1442914;1459450814;PeterL;or did he just copy alf's signed comment and insert the junk inside? 1442915;1459450840;phf;that's only signed comment 1442916;1459450851;asciilifeform;davout's box 0wn3d ? 1442917;1459450870;PeterL;ah, nevermind 1442918;1459450887;phf;all coined transfered to malasia! 1442919;1459450896;PeterL;good thing you signed the bid, I guess 1442920;1459451000;asciilifeform;e.g., I bid


BTC on davout’s BBET auction.

1442923;1459451005;asciilifeform;forfuckssake. 1442924;1459451018;asciilifeform;why is davout hosting in googlecrapolade anyway. 1442925;1459451052;asciilifeform;or shitpress, etc 1442926;1459451059;*;asciilifeform mind boggles 1442927;1459451127;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu ^^^^ yer l00000vely in-band signalling at wurk !!11111 1442928;1459451168;asciilifeform;didja know, the string 405145 now means embed_spam_video() !111 1442929;1459451259;danielpbarron;all the numbers. the other guys' "my 2 cents" became "my