1334357;1448928902;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28027 @ 0.00050452 = 14.1402 BTC [-] {3} 1334358;1448928903;BingoBoingo;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/16KC5X6.txt 1334359;1448928904;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1l3AOrB ) 1334360;1448928905;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1334361;1448928949;deedbot-;[Qntra] Qntra (S.QNTR) November 2015 Report - http://qntra.net/2015/12/qntra-s-qntr-november-2015-report/ 1334362;1448929121;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/1HkClga.png 1334363;1448929122;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1l3BixR ) 1334364;1448930180;BingoBoingo;https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144891704016647&w=2 1334365;1448930182;assbot;'Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1l3DJRa ) 1334366;1448930402;BingoBoingo;Ponerty: "I am a one-trick pony; most of you are happy with my trick, so please 1334367;1448930402;BingoBoingo;don't start a fresh conversation asking me to develop more tricks." https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144892810720198&w=2 1334368;1448930404;assbot;'Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1NZ7sRM ) 1334369;1448930854;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33229 @ 0.00050094 = 16.6457 BTC [-] {3} 1334370;1448930915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3721 @ 0.00049768 = 1.8519 BTC [-] 1334371;1448931159;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00050016 = 4.5264 BTC [+] 1334372;1448931536;pete_dushenski;e-mail from private internet access : ""Dear Valued Customer, On November 17, we were privately notified of an IP address leak vulnerability affecting the port forwarding feature of our service. Essentially, anyone connecting to a forwarded port on any of our VPN gateways could have their real IP address leaked to an attacker specifically targeting a PIA user." 1334373;1448931584;pete_dushenski;" The vulnerability relies on the fact that a direct route exists between the VPN client and server. If the client accesses a forwarded port on the VPN server that is maliciously set up by an attacker, the client will use the direct route using the user's default route, bypassing the VPN entirely." 1334374;1448931702;pete_dushenski;"Protecting your privacy is our top priority and although exploiting this vulnerability is difficult and requires an attacker to specifically target you, we feel like we let you down with our initial response. Please accept our apologies, we are sorry." 1334375;1448931748;pete_dushenski;IT'S HUURD. DUN WORRY. BEE HAPPY. (tm) (r) 1334376;1448931795;pete_dushenski;not like vpn's are good for much but working around paywalls and geo-locationtardation anyways. 1334377;1448931980;trinque;that'll be my next retort to someone against guns. 1334378;1448931988;trinque;relax! it's only dangerous if it specifically targets you 1334379;1448932019;pete_dushenski;lol 1334380;1448932440;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12237 @ 0.00050819 = 6.2187 BTC [+] {3} 1334381;1448934713;pete_dushenski;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/12RG4YG.txt 1334382;1448934714;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtnNbU ) 1334383;1448934714;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1334384;1448934732;pete_dushenski;and with that, i'm gone with the wind ! ciao ! 1334385;1448935002;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13700 @ 0.00050338 = 6.8963 BTC [-] 1334386;1448935528;BingoBoingo;Update: "I was wrong. the CD revenue is far less. The cashier makes more." - Theo de Raadt 1334387;1448935551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21650 @ 0.00050783 = 10.9945 BTC [+] 1334388;1448936110;deedbot-;[Qntra] Italy Misses Terrorists Hits Gamers - http://qntra.net/2015/12/italy-misses-terrorists-hits-gamers/ 1334389;1448937393;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3uwpva/recent_sigop_attack_on_the_blockchain_or_advanced/ 1334390;1448937394;assbot;Recent "SigOp" "Attack" On The Blockchain Or Advanced Power Rangering : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Th3Sq7 ) 1334391;1448938357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6300 @ 0.00050906 = 3.2071 BTC [+] 1334392;1448938591;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000182.html 1334393;1448938592;assbot;[BTC-dev] The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ... ( http://bit.ly/1Th51xX ) 1334394;1448939432;ben_vulpes;https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion 1334395;1448939432;assbot;Quaternion - Wikipedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1IkYAti ) 1334396;1448939562;punkman;heh, I was just watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52t1CWVTrLE 1334397;1448939563;assbot;Parliamo Glasgow - Football Match - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1IkYPED ) 1334398;1448939577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2150 @ 0.00050783 = 1.0918 BTC [-] 1334399;1448939597;ben_vulpes;"The neutralitie o this airticle is disputit." 1334400;1448939601;ben_vulpes;^^ for mircea_popescu 1334401;1448939882;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48426 @ 0.00050753 = 24.5776 BTC [-] {2} 1334402;1448939943;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27353 @ 0.00051054 = 13.9648 BTC [+] {3} 1334403;1448940065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14521 @ 0.00051144 = 7.4266 BTC [+] 1334404;1448941215;punkman;so the ersatz EZTV guys now also working on ersatz YIFY 1334405;1448941237;punkman;https://yts.ag/ 1334406;1448941238;assbot;The Official Home of YIFY Movie Torrent Downloads - YTS ... ( http://bit.ly/1Il2lyG ) 1334407;1448941346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44649 @ 0.00051303 = 22.9063 BTC [+] {5} 1334408;1448943045;punkman;from the wild-mass-guessing department http://www.bitcoinfuturesguide.com/bitcoin-blog/arthur-hayes-of-bitmex-chinese-exchanges-are-operating-as-shadow-banks 1334409;1448943047;assbot;Arthur Hayes of BitMEX: Chinese Exchanges Are Operating As Shadow Banks - Bitcoin Markets Guide - Top BTC Futures Exchanges ... ( http://bit.ly/1Os3tSg ) 1334410;1448943083;punkman;" the safe deposits which pay 3-5% APY are not enough to cover the basic costs of the business. Thus, they must be investing in 10-20% higher yielding "Wealth Management Products"" 1334411;1448943290;BingoBoingo;Didn't YIFY sign their papers and settle with MPAA? 1334412;1448943302;punkman;who knows 1334413;1448943321;punkman;https://www.yahoo.com/news/greece-mobilises-over-cyberattack-threat-against-banks-144350820.html 1334414;1448943324;assbot;Greece mobilises over cyberattack threat against banks - Yahoo News ... ( http://bit.ly/1XDmCRN ) 1334415;1448943346;punkman;" a group named Armada Collective had demanded 700 btc" 1334416;1448943451;punkman;possibly same guys that hit ProtonMail 1334417;1448943837;ben_vulpes;ddos blackmail? 1334418;1448943841;punkman;ye 1334419;1448943865;punkman;greek papers are attributing as "Russian-backed Armada Collective" 1334420;1448943970;punkman;http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Thai-banks-receive-Bitcoin-threat-30271821.html 1334421;1448943973;assbot;Thai banks receive Bitcoin threat - The Nation ... ( http://bit.ly/1Os5w8W ) 1334422;1448944002;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes wait wut ? 1334423;1448944102;trinque;scottish ebonics has its own pediwikia 1334424;1448944176;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo you know i can spot your troll accoutns by a mile by now 1334425;1448944202;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Yeah, getting too obvious. 1334426;1448944241;BingoBoingo;Need to farm Carma in more varied subs, if to be serious engineer de social 1334427;1448944284;mircea_popescu;also gaelic might help youy 1334428;1448944336;mircea_popescu;in other news, mainstream media. http://49.media.tumblr.com/53f69186fe013329936ddb1ed04007be/tumblr_n1gsp8adHb1sxrdofo1_400.gif 1334429;1448944338;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Os68vs ) 1334430;1448944348;mircea_popescu;(depicted centrally, the main stream) 1334431;1448944357;ben_vulpes;'disputit'! 1334432;1448944440;punkman;"Blockchain, blockchain, blockchain! It’s not the bitcoin anymore, right? Right (probably.) Join me at Disrupt London where I’ll be talking to Steve Waterhouse of Pantera Capital, Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum, and Austin Hill of BlockSteam. If anyone can make sense of the blockchain vs. bitcoin argument, it’s these guys." 1334433;1448944466;ben_vulpes;terminal periods outside of parentheses please 1334434;1448944599;mircea_popescu;except there's no argument and who the fuck are these schmucks again ? 1334435;1448944670;ben_vulpes;"just write the way you speak!" 1334436;1448944907;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Turkey land area to shrink in 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1230/turkey-land-area-to-shrink-in-2016/#b3 1334437;1448945006;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26608 @ 0.00051259 = 13.639 BTC [-] {2} 1334438;1448945060;punkman;mircea_popescu: except there's no argument and who the fuck are these schmucks again ? << my caption for the gif 1334439;1448946409;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00051143 = 16.826 BTC [-] {2} 1334440;1448946503;ben_vulpes;http://contributor-covenant.org/ << dig the colors 1334441;1448946504;assbot;Contributor Covenant: A Code of Conduct for Open Source Projects ... ( http://bit.ly/1OBbfrc ) 1334442;1448946577;punkman;"We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or nationality." 1334443;1448946590;punkman;meh 1334444;1448946660;punkman;"This code of conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an individual is representing the project or its community." 1334445;1448946739;kakobrekla;speaking of con(f)s, at the 'Finance Magnates London Summit 2015' there was a single talk canceled due to 'unforeseen circumstances'; RECODING FINANCE – BLOCKCHAIN with Peter Randal, CEO of SETL 1334446;1448947202;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5283 @ 0.00050798 = 2.6837 BTC [-] 1334447;1448947333;punkman;https://www.artsjournal.com/aestheticgrounds/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Lee-Jaehyo.jpg 1334448;1448947336;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OBcE1c ) 1334449;1448947385;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35350 @ 0.00050742 = 17.9373 BTC [-] {2} 1334450;1448947451;ben_vulpes;"we develop at the source code level" 1334451;1448947455;ben_vulpes;ahahueehhueahehea 1334452;1448947482;ben_vulpes;they announced their plans guise 1334453;1448947492;ben_vulpes;in longdong in july 1334454;1448947497;ben_vulpes;https://setl.io/ 1334455;1448947499;assbot;SETL.io ... ( http://bit.ly/1OBcUNA ) 1334456;1448947558;ben_vulpes;love love love the not taken together at all in a million years set of headshots and bios scrolling by at lightspeed 1334457;1448947568;ben_vulpes;oh god the rounded corners and brand endorsement segment 1334458;1448947682;BingoBoingo;!up asciilifeform 1334459;1448947740;kakobrekla;lmao ben_vulpes 1334460;1448947752;kakobrekla;i admit i havent bothered checking it myself. 1334461;1448947874;ben_vulpes;!s eject sjw 1334462;1448947874;assbot;0 results for 'eject sjw' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=eject+sjw 1334463;1448947885;ben_vulpes;oh we haven't done this one yet? 1334464;1448947902;ben_vulpes;so let's start here: http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=6918 1334465;1448947907;assbot;Why Hackers Must Eject the SJWs ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtMogJ ) 1334466;1448947907;ben_vulpes;(raymond again) 1334467;1448947945;ben_vulpes;which i found 2 degrees from http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/38746.html 1334468;1448947948;assbot;mjg59 | What is hacker culture? ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtMsNx ) 1334469;1448947998;ben_vulpes;which linked https://medium.com/@coralineada/why-hackers-must-welcome-social-justice-advocates-1f8d7e216b00#.8rx7bzmnn and https://tim.dreamwidth.org/1986615.html 1334470;1448947999;assbot;Why Hackers Must Welcome Social Justice Advocates — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtMvZN ) 1334471;1448948001;assbot;tim | The Christians and the Pagans: Part 1 ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtMwg9 ) 1334472;1448948025;ben_vulpes;"lived experience" not mattering a whit in contributions 1334473;1448948031;ben_vulpes;but hey reasons i love this place 1334474;1448948067;ben_vulpes;"no listen, we're super inclusive. get yourself a gpg key, get in the wot, read the logs, submit a patch, and we'll talk about it." 1334475;1448948110;ben_vulpes;that this is too much trouble for anyone but a vanishingly tiny fraction of people is totally lost on the outside world. 1334476;1448948213;ben_vulpes;another hilarious thing is that apparently that medium author doesn't know how to make a hyperlink 1334477;1448948218;ben_vulpes;oh wait is that technical elitism? 1334478;1448948459;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Butt, butt... that medium page only uses 9 lines of something resembling html when you view source... 1334479;1448948702;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1539 1334480;1448948704;assbot;Loper OS » Yes, you can still get these. ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtNsB3 ) 1334481;1448948847;BingoBoingo;Nice 1334482;1448948859;punkman;arew those the uv-erasable eproms? 1334483;1448948862;asciilifeform;aha 1334484;1448948982;kakobrekla;neat, last time i saw those was in 286 or so 1334485;1448949136;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: note the giant blob of json in the middle 1334486;1448949155;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Sure, but does it count in lynx? 1334487;1448949182;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334432 << infamous sp4mz0rz, >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-09-2015#1265428 1334488;1448949182;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 04:34:00; punkman: "Blockchain, blockchain, blockchain! It’s not the bitcoin anymore, right? Right (probably.) Join me at Disrupt London where I’ll be talking to Steve Waterhouse of Pantera Capital, Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum, and Austin Hill of BlockSteam. If anyone can make sense of the blockchain vs. bitcoin argument, it’s these guys." 1334489;1448949182;assbot;Logged on 07-09-2015 18:10:40; trinque: ahaha I just got an e-mail from "pantera capital" addressed to [FirstName] inviting me to apply for funding. 1334490;1448949197;ben_vulpes;no no of course not 1334491;1448949249;ben_vulpes;but this is another undiscoverable entry in the great "mircea_popescu discovers how the kids are doing things today" saga 1334492;1448949310;asciilifeform;'When people criticise meritocracy, they're not criticising the concept of treating contributions based on their merit. They're criticising the idea that humans are sufficiently self-aware that they will be able to identify and reject every subconscious prejudice that will affect their treatment of others. ' << why in satan's green earth am i reading this ?? 1334493;1448949487;ben_vulpes;don't ruin the surprise, stan! 1334494;1448949528;asciilifeform;i'ma go a something-else-'in 1334495;1448949642;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18899 @ 0.00051364 = 9.7073 BTC [+] 1334496;1448949703;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2044 @ 0.00051383 = 1.0503 BTC [+] 1334497;1448950165;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform come back you didn't even get to "culturally diverse teams that work" http://merage.uci.edu/Resources/Documents/Culturally%20Diverse%20Teams%20that%20Work%20WEB.pdf 1334498;1448950167;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtPSjh ) 1334499;1448950168;ben_vulpes;it's a pdf 1334500;1448950172;ben_vulpes;you can't resist it 1334501;1448950313;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00051217 = 11.4726 BTC [-] {2} 1334502;1448951108;mircea_popescu;!up bitcoin066 1334503;1448951247;BingoBoingo;;;sleep 1334504;1448951248;gribble;Error: "sleep" is not a valid command. 1334505;1448951281;mircea_popescu;jesus fuck that esr page. 1334506;1448951322;mircea_popescu;500kb of text, 12 mb of html/js 1334507;1448951448;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes the shit you read. 1334508;1448951777;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19972 @ 0.00050393 = 10.0645 BTC [-] 1334509;1448951999;ben_vulpes;12mb!? 1334510;1448952008;ben_vulpes;oh i've got more 1334511;1448952012;ben_vulpes;http://tim.dreamwidth.org/1729358.html 1334512;1448952014;assbot;tim | Emotional Labor Day (Part 2) ... ( http://bit.ly/1l4ir5M ) 1334513;1448952061;ben_vulpes;"Many women are never raped, most women who are raped experience it only a handful of times, but in a sense it doesn't matter because the threats are constant, and women are trained to live in a state of hypervigilance of these threats" 1334514;1448952631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00050361 = 10.2736 BTC [-] {2} 1334515;1448952788;adlai;from a sufficiently detached cis-privileged cynicism, this reads as "the only thing you have to fear is fear itself" 1334516;1448953362;adlai;twas worth venturing thru the esr turd to emerge on the other side with "“Social Justice” has reached a sort of Poe’s Law singularity at which the behavior of trolls and true believers becomes indistinguishable even to each other" 1334517;1448953533;ben_vulpes;"when nothing more than a (privately administered) slap on the wrist was ever done to let everyone in the department know" << oh now they want public humiliation 1334518;1448953650;mircea_popescu;who has the authority to distribute "slaps on the wrist" again ? 1334519;1448953657;mircea_popescu;maybe i meet one of these schmucks some day. 1334520;1448953688;ben_vulpes;goes back to the moldbuggian "no authority *or* responsiblity in uni!" routine 1334521;1448953694;mircea_popescu;in all psychosis, the interesting parts are always "what the psychotic subject fails to notice" 1334522;1448953721;mircea_popescu;who exactly told random nobody that he's to be "slap wrists" ? "the beoble" ? 1334523;1448953774;mircea_popescu;"our critique of structurally established, historically stable hierarchies is to replace them with a half baked, ad hoc, buggy, half-reimplementation" "why ?" "because it's easier to write than to read." 1334524;1448954278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00050345 = 10.069 BTC [-] {2} 1334525;1448956474;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00050863 = 8.7993 BTC [+] 1334526;1448959768;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.00051468 = 9.6245 BTC [+] {4} 1334527;1448960683;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9232 @ 0.00051572 = 4.7611 BTC [+] {2} 1334528;1448961781;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00051636 = 5.68 BTC [+] {2} 1334529;1448961842;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5735 @ 0.0005171 = 2.9656 BTC [+] 1334530;1448961903;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25272 @ 0.00051734 = 13.0742 BTC [+] {2} 1334531;1448961964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13843 @ 0.00051774 = 7.1671 BTC [+] 1334532;1448962818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55750 @ 0.00052009 = 28.995 BTC [+] {5} 1334533;1448965442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00050844 = 11.084 BTC [-] {2} 1334534;1448966479;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32121 @ 0.00050958 = 16.3682 BTC [+] 1334535;1448966791;adlai;shame, even coinbrlive is a victim of dns tardation 1334536;1448966845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23563 @ 0.0005128 = 12.0831 BTC [+] {2} 1334537;1448968538;punkman;https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.arch.fpga/DDwLWc-hyyg 1334538;1448968538;assbot;Google Groupes ... ( http://bit.ly/1QRliM8 ) 1334539;1448968596;punkman;(1995) 1334540;1448969224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00050769 = 4.1631 BTC [-] 1334541;1448969604;shinohai;;;ticker --market-all 1334542;1448969604;gribble;(ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low|--avg|--vol] [--currency XXX] [--market |all]) -- Return pretty-printed ticker. Default market is Bitfinex. If one of the result options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). If '--currency XXX' option is given, returns ticker for that three-letter currency code. It is up to you to make sure the (1 more message) 1334543;1448969612;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1334544;1448969619;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 358.3, vol: 18948.64258114 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 355.3, vol: 15222.08396 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 357.26, vol: 47992.49139017 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 365.0, vol: 2.24926782 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 361.692267, vol: 90469.10830000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 359.49, vol: 382.13486625 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 363.23088, vol: 119.18017024 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1334545;1448970444;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7245 @ 0.00050941 = 3.6907 BTC [+] 1334546;1448971115;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36100 @ 0.0005124 = 18.4976 BTC [+] {2} 1334547;1448973189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00051238 = 13.6293 BTC [-] 1334548;1448974714;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9412 @ 0.00051108 = 4.8103 BTC [-] {2} 1334549;1448976117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32931 @ 0.00050425 = 16.6055 BTC [-] {3} 1334550;1448976239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.00050301 = 15.5933 BTC [-] 1334551;1448976300;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39300 @ 0.0005066 = 19.9094 BTC [+] {3} 1334552;1448978069;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24542 @ 0.00051304 = 12.591 BTC [+] 1334553;1448978130;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5108 @ 0.00051221 = 2.6164 BTC [-] 1334554;1448978496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20242 @ 0.00051221 = 10.3682 BTC [-] 1334555;1448979045;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35500 @ 0.00050261 = 17.8427 BTC [-] 1334556;1448979655;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7100 @ 0.0005014 = 3.5599 BTC [-] {2} 1334557;1448979660;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 1334558;1448979661;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 361.25, Best ask: 361.26, Bid-ask spread: 0.01000, Last trade: 361.26, 24 hour volume: 46993.1969887, 24 hour low: 353.1, 24 hour high: 380.49, 24 hour vwap: None 1334559;1448980265;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 34 @ 0.03131884 = 1.0648 BTC [-] 1334560;1448980267;mircea_popescu;and from the lulz dept, "Tome un blokium flex, pero se me corto de golpe el periodo, cosa no comn, dado que nunca tube problemas cn mi periodo que me puede haber ocurrido??" 1334561;1448980282;mircea_popescu;i dunno baybee.... maybe the pill embarassed you! 1334562;1448980707;mircea_popescu;back in college, http://www.okwu.edu/blog/2015/11/this-is-not-a-day-care-its-a-university/ 1334563;1448980708;assbot;This is Not a Day Care. It's a University! - Oklahoma Wesleyan University ... ( http://bit.ly/1O0Ifq1 ) 1334564;1448980897;mircea_popescu;closing with 1334565;1448980907;mircea_popescu;"Oklahoma Wesleyan is not a safe place, but rather, a place to learn: to learn that life isnt about you, but about others; that the bad feeling you have while listening to a sermon is called guilt; that the way to address it is to repent of everything thats wrong with you rather than blame others for everything thats wrong with them. This is a place where you will quickly learn that you need to grow up. 1334566;1448980907;mircea_popescu;This is not a day care. This is a university!" 1334567;1448980912;mircea_popescu;how old is this guy, 205 ? 1334568;1448981452;deedbot-;[Trilema] Good morning! - http://trilema.com/2015/good-morning/ 1334569;1448982034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10105 @ 0.00050611 = 5.1142 BTC [+] 1334570;1448982217;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31642 @ 0.00050104 = 15.8539 BTC [-] {2} 1334571;1448982919;shinohai;Good morning indeed. 1334572;1448982949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17600 @ 0.00050104 = 8.8183 BTC [-] 1334573;1448983315;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17575 @ 0.00051164 = 8.9921 BTC [+] {3} 1334574;1448983434;adlai;deedbot-: good morning 1334575;1448983458;adlai;"Bad URL or sunshine outage" 1334576;1448983520;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334537 << famous among aficionados. 'neocad' actually reversed the time's xilinx fpga line. 'had to die.' 1334577;1448983520;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 11:15:38; punkman: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.arch.fpga/DDwLWc-hyyg 1334578;1448983544;asciilifeform;(they had not yet, then, hit upon the strategy of simply moving things around on the die to make this kind of effort meaningless) 1334579;1448983605;asciilifeform;today reversing a xilinx chip is largely a waste of time, a good chunk of the functionality is in quite un-fpgaish special-purpose chunks which get reshuffled with each new model 1334580;1448983839;adlai;it's not a waste of time, it's a 'student project' 1334581;1448984155;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, qntra is got competrition! https://archive.is/iNmZ2 1334582;1448984156;assbot;[Hiring] Correspondent – native speaker – job @ CoinTelegraph.com Blockchain Media Outlet ... ( http://bit.ly/1HDktDS ) 1334583;1448984169;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24260 @ 0.000514 = 12.4696 BTC [+] {2} 1334584;1448984230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5990 @ 0.00051532 = 3.0868 BTC [+] 1334585;1448984474;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15468 @ 0.00051532 = 7.971 BTC [+] 1334586;1448985122;shinohai;"International team" lmao 1334587;1448987208;pete_dushenski;www.nytimes.com/2015/11/30/world/middleeast/predatory-islamic-state-wrings-money-from-those-it-rules.html << because only tewowists imposes taxes mkay ! 1334588;1448987233;pete_dushenski;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/30/world/middleeast/predatory-islamic-state-wrings-money-from-those-it-rules.html 1334589;1448987236;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1lVyhzQ ) 1334590;1448987419;pete_dushenski;http://journal.sjdm.org/15/15923a/jdm15923a.pdf << and the latest psychology research confirms what we all knew : shannonisers more readily fool the less intelligent/more religious minds. 1334591;1448987421;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1lVysv0 ) 1334592;1448987526;mircea_popescu;hahah predatory right ? unlike what,... the us ? 1334593;1448987545;mircea_popescu;let me know when there's "those it rules" so desperate at the wringing of money they fly planes into isis irs headquarters 1334594;1448987553;mircea_popescu;actually... let me know when there is an isis irs. 1334595;1448989110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11150 @ 0.00051532 = 5.7458 BTC [+] 1334596;1448989151;pete_dushenski;"“They fight in the morning and they tax in the afternoon,” said Louise Shelley, the director of the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center at George Mason University." << this is apparently incomprehensible to the american mind. "whaddya mean there's a time of day when they don't tax ?" 1334597;1448989183;mircea_popescu;check it out, usg has its own dedicated center. 1334598;1448989228;pete_dushenski;'trans' centre : needs renaming for moar fairness, less cis privilege 1334599;1448989317;pete_dushenski;"In Raqqa, the Syrian city that is now the de facto capital of the Islamic State, a department called Diwan al-Khadamat, or the Office of Services, sends officials through the city markets to collect a cleaning tax — 2,500 to 5,000 Syrian pounds, or about $7 to $14, per month depending on the size of the shop. Residents go to collection points to pay their monthly electricity and water bills, 800 Syrian pounds 1334600;1448989318;pete_dushenski;, or roughly $2.50 for electricity and 400 pounds, about $1.20, for water." << in which 'westerners' salivate over such meagre state imposition 1334601;1448989325;mircea_popescu;this pretense that say france is a country because holy usg says it's a country, while isis is not a country because louise shelley acts as if it weren't... 1334602;1448989334;mircea_popescu;da fuck has france got that isis doesn't. 1334603;1448989364;mircea_popescu;hey, check it out, isis charges about the same tax tmsr charges. 1334604;1448989385;pete_dushenski;terrorists are the future, i've been tellin ya 1334605;1448989445;pete_dushenski;"The Islamic State also demands a cut of the revenues earned by small businesses. “We either pay in olive oil or cash, it depends on the production,”" << altcoins accepted for taxes too !!!1 1334606;1448989473;pete_dushenski;i wish tmsr~ was that progressive... 1334607;1448989497;pete_dushenski;o hey can the tithe^3 be payed in eulora coppers ?? 1334608;1448989521;pete_dushenski;lol payed !! 1334609;1448989637;pete_dushenski;"Officials of the so-called caliphate dislike the term “tax,” preferring the Islamic term “zakat,” which refers to the alms Muslims are required to pay." << eerie similarity, neh. 1334610;1448989671;pete_dushenski;lmao 'soi-dissant caliphate' but not 'soi-dissant nation of england' ? 1334611;1448989843;pete_dushenski;"But in the long run, according to American officials, the surest way to significantly restrict the group’s finances will be to retake territory it controls, something that has been painstakingly slow so far, despite thousands of airstrikes." << waitwut airstrikes are hugely ineffective ? 1334612;1448989846;pete_dushenski;obligatory : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-11-2015#1330014 1334613;1448989846;assbot;Logged on 22-11-2015 23:43:08; mircea_popescu: here's a primer on airstrike efficiency : the brits did 7 (SEVEN!) mid-air refuellings for one of their rustbuckets to manage to drop ONE bomb on the one runway in the faulklands, "disabling" it 1334614;1448989964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00051515 = 3.1682 BTC [-] 1334615;1448990112;pete_dushenski;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/03/fashion/the-2016-pirelli-calendar-may-signal-a-cultural-shift.html << sadface. 1334616;1448990115;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1MUy4FX ) 1334617;1448990166;pete_dushenski;http://cdni.condenast.co.uk/1280x1920/o_r/pirelli-calendar-may-1986-vogue-22nov13-pirelli.jpg << 1986 edition of 'pirelli calendar' 1334618;1448990168;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MUyk7Z ) 1334619;1448990198;pete_dushenski;http://cdni.condenast.co.uk/1280x1920/a_c/2012_COVER-NATASHA.jpg << 2012... 1334620;1448990199;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MUyrjE ) 1334621;1448990209;pete_dushenski;ima bbl. 1334622;1448991794;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25786 @ 0.00051542 = 13.2906 BTC [+] {4} 1334623;1448991855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13814 @ 0.00051704 = 7.1424 BTC [+] {3} 1334624;1448991916;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00051735 = 6.5186 BTC [+] 1334625;1448991977;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14200 @ 0.00051368 = 7.2943 BTC [-] {4} 1334626;1448992544;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1334627;1448993251;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334599 << my (admittedly limited) understanding is that it runs on looted petro sold to turks, rather than taxes 1334628;1448993251;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 17:01:57; pete_dushenski: "In Raqqa, the Syrian city that is now the de facto capital of the Islamic State, a department called Diwan al-Khadamat, or the Office of Services, sends officials through the city markets to collect a cleaning tax — 2,500 to 5,000 Syrian pounds, or about $7 to $14, per month depending on the size of the shop. Residents go to collection points to pay their monthly electricity and water bills, 800 S 1334629;1448993380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42857 @ 0.00051735 = 22.1721 BTC [+] {3} 1334630;1448993390;ascii_field;from the l0ltr0ns: http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf >>>>> http://dpaste.com/02AW7SH.txt 1334631;1448993391;assbot;404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1N1Y401 ) 1334632;1448993393;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N1Y4gp ) 1334633;1448993446;ben_vulpes;http://jihadology.net/2015/10/12/the-archivist-unseen-documents-from-the-islamic-states-diwan-al-rikaz/ << relevant 1334634;1448993448;assbot;The Archivist: Unseen Documents from the Islamic State’s Diwan al-Rikaz | JIHADOLOGY ... ( http://bit.ly/1N1YhQH ) 1334635;1448993488;ascii_field;^ were they signed with isis pgp key ? 1334636;1448993512;*;ben_vulpes rolls eyes 1334637;1448993517;ascii_field;the one they made 100 american prisoners write in own blood on camera ? 1334638;1448993522;ascii_field;or this has not yet happened. 1334639;1448993535;*;adlai saw a great gif today, |S|S becomes a dollar and back again 1334640;1448993538;adlai;in a loop 1334641;1448993563;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12499 @ 0.00051772 = 6.471 BTC [+] 1334642;1448993592;ascii_field;'All antiquities, moved statues and unprocessed gold bullions are to be confiscated in the event that they are being passed through the border areas towards Turkey. And the confiscated goods are to be referred to the Diwan al-Rikaz office in the wilaya.... In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful ... The bearer of this document is permitted to procure equipment to search for gold and register it in the Diwan 1334643;1448993592;ascii_field;al-Rikaz in Wilayat Halab.' 1334644;1448993602;ben_vulpes;lmk when his lizardness does anything like that 1334645;1448993746;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31700 @ 0.00051258 = 16.2488 BTC [-] 1334646;1448993801;shinohai;!s http://www.coindesk.com/gaw-faces-ponzi-scheme-charges-from-sec/ 1334647;1448993802;assbot;SEC Charges GAW Miners CEO Josh Garza with Securities Fraud - CoinDesk ... ( http://bit.ly/1NowcXv ) 1334648;1448993804;assbot;0 results for 'http://www.coindesk.com/gaw-faces-ponzi-scheme-charges-from-sec/' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.coindesk.com%2Fgaw-faces-ponzi-scheme-charges-from-sec%2F 1334649;1448993858;ascii_field;from earlier lol: 1334650;1448993859;ascii_field;'Never during the cold war, nor in any of the subsequent US wars, did US companies have difficulty recruiting or retaining the hundreds of thousands of scientists and engineers engaged in building weapons systems. Universities like my own were happy to add their support; the University of California would, for decades, run the USA's nuclear weapons design laboratories. In nearly 20 years advising 1334651;1448993860;ascii_field;students at my university, I have observed that a wish for right livelihood almost never figures into the employment decisions of undergraduate computer science students. And this isn't unique to computer scientists: of the five most highly ranked websites I found on a Google search of deciding among job offers, not one suggests considering the institutional goals of the employer or the social worth of what they 1334652;1448993860;ascii_field;do.' 1334653;1448994109;ascii_field;'Of course it hasn't escaped the notice of intelligence agencies that the vast majority of the academic cryptographic community is unthreateningly engaged. In a declassified trip-report about Eurocrypt 1992, the NSA author opines, for example: 'There were no proposals of cryptosystems, no novel cryptanalysis of old designs, even very little on hardware design. I really don't see how things could have 1334654;1448994109;ascii_field;been better for our purposes.'' 1334655;1448994181;ascii_field;'The NSA's newsletter in which this report appears would never again mention that academic cryptographic community. Nor did any released Snowden-derived document discuss anything of our community. It's as though we progressed from a band of philosophers worth a few pages of snarky commentary to an assemblage too insignificant even for that.' 1334656;1448994186;ascii_field;awwwww poor buggers!! 1334657;1448994206;ascii_field;where were you imbeciles when we phuctored ? 1334658;1448994210;ascii_field;oh that's right 1334659;1448994246;ascii_field;...staring down own arseholes. 1334660;1448994379;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1334661;1448994456;ascii_field;moar golden turd nuggets: 1334662;1448994458;ascii_field;'In a 2012 newsletter column, NSA's SIGINT Philosopher, Jacob Weber, tells us his vision. After failing an NSA lie-detector test, he says: 'I found myself wishing that my life would be constantly and completely monitored. It might seem odd that a self-professed libertarian would wish an Orwellian dystopia on himself, but here was my rationale: If people knew a few things about me, I might seem 1334663;1448994458;ascii_field;suspicious. But if people knew everything about me, they'd see they had nothing to fear. This is the attitude I have brought to SIGINT work since then.'' 1334664;1448994561;ascii_field;lulzy and not entirely abysmal paper 1334665;1448994564;ascii_field;recommended. 1334666;1448994999;ascii_field;'Dan Bernstein speaks of interesting crypto and boring crypto. Interesting crypto is crypto that supports plenty of academic papers. Boring crypto is crypto that simply works, solidly resists attacks, [and] never needs any upgrades." Dan asks, in his typically flippant way, 'What will happen if the crypto users convince some crypto researchers to actually create boring crypto? No more 1334667;1448994999;ascii_field;real-world attacks. No more emergency upgrades. Limited audience for any minor attack improvements and for replacement crypto. This is an existential threat against future crypto research.' If this is boring crypto, I think we should go make some.' 1334668;1448995034;trinque;this is a particularly lulzy american myth, that one only seeks power/control out of fear 1334669;1448995152;ascii_field;trinque: typical bureaucrat folk seek only the holy trinity of mortgage, 'health,' and 'dental. 1334670;1448995153;ascii_field;' 1334671;1448995199;ascii_field;not really any different from, e.g., a bulldozerist 1334672;1448995214;ascii_field;who will just as readily move corpses as dirt, if paid 1334673;1448995342;ascii_field;'...there is now a mountain of work on secure-messaging, but it's unclear what most of it actually ~does.~' 1334674;1448995381;deedbot-;[Qntra] US Securities And Exchange Commission Indicts GAW Over Ponzi - http://qntra.net/2015/12/us-securities-and-exchange-commission-indicts-gaw-over-ponzi/ 1334675;1448995450;ascii_field;very lulzy paper, poor academitard has half a brain, more than most of his colleagues certainly; understands that he and the rest are PAID TO SPAM - but doesn't see whatever could be the reason why his field is largely dross... 1334676;1448995576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23357 @ 0.00051128 = 11.942 BTC [-] {4} 1334677;1448996186;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00051554 = 9.4086 BTC [+] {3} 1334678;1448996192;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1334679;1448996192;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CU7iDQPWwAEIQJI.jpg:large http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/group-resents-fat-people-shares-anti-gluttony-cards-article-1.2450325 1334680;1448996192;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImJX8R ) 1334681;1448996193;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImK04l ) 1334682;1448996202;ascii_field;meanwhile, far from the well-fed world of academitardia, 1334683;1448996205;ascii_field;https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144892124017990&w=2 1334684;1448996207;assbot;'Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImK18m ) 1334685;1448996239;BingoBoingo; 'Re: A branded USB stick as an alternative to the CD set?' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImK18m ) << I put in lawgs last night 1334686;1448996240;assbot;https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144892124017990&w=2 ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImK6sK ) 1334687;1448996244;ascii_field;aha 1334688;1448996262;ascii_field;'These days the CD revenue is about what a cashier at a store makes. It seems to keep shrinking, but I will try to keep doing it unless it nears zero; at which point the artwork will stop also.' 1334689;1448996303;BingoBoingo;!s ponerty 1334690;1448996304;assbot;1 results for 'ponerty' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=ponerty 1334691;1448996352;ascii_field;evidently the set of folks 'happy with the pony trick' does not include anybody with spare change. 1334692;1448996424;ascii_field;perhaps mircea_popescu oughta ask ben_vulpes to offer de raadt some wwwdev wurk. 1334693;1448996510;trinque;how bout sell openbsd as a fucking product, you communists 1334694;1448996523;trinque;give source too; it's a separate question 1334695;1448996525;ascii_field;trinque: care to describe for my enlightenment ? 1334696;1448996531;ascii_field;what means 'sell' ? 1334697;1448996541;ascii_field;does it entail forbidding redistribution and republication ? 1334698;1448996552;trinque;don't various lisp shops sell licenses but provide source? 1334699;1448996565;ascii_field;this was quite common at one point. 1334700;1448996571;trinque;so, that. 1334701;1448996573;ascii_field;mostly died out because NOBODY BUYS 1334702;1448996589;trinque;if the market doesn't want nice things they don't exist; that is a cultural problem 1334703;1448996599;ascii_field;and they did not 'sell the product', this is a mistaken perception, they sold ~support contracts~ 1334704;1448996616;ascii_field;with serious commitment on both sides of the signing table. 1334705;1448996663;ascii_field;http://ergoemacs.org/misc/xah_as_good_as_dead.html << another fella, relevant 1334706;1448996664;assbot;I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODj8fY ) 1334707;1448996682;jurov;!t m f.mpif 1334708;1448996682;assbot;These beans is shit. 1334709;1448996683;trinque;sounds like these things can't exist outside a WoT. 1334710;1448996686;ascii_field;not a de raadt, certainly, but somebody who, imho, was a net plus sorta fella 1334711;1448996694;ascii_field;rather than biodiesel candidate 1334712;1448996703;ascii_field;and yet, afaik, he's gone. 1334713;1448996718;jurov;kakobrekla: why? f.mpif did trade last month 1334714;1448996773;ascii_field;trinque: the serious commitment thing existed when there was a population of serious people doing serious things with one another, supported by an actual economy with serious money circulating 1334715;1448996816;trinque;certainly. 1334716;1448996853;ascii_field;incidentally, afaik the last lisp co. to actually offer the source code this way was lispworks, 1334717;1448996863;kakobrekla; jurov .ws is down 1334718;1448996867;ascii_field;which was acquired by xanalys, a usg surveillanceatronics co. 1334719;1448996913;ascii_field;who, likely, were simply tired of paying royalties on the runtime (yes!) 1334720;1448996921;ascii_field;and decided to simply devour the tool vendor 1334721;1448997001;ascii_field;aaaactually now that i recall it was franz who charged royalties 1334722;1448997006;ascii_field;not lispworks 1334723;1448997015;trinque;still alive eh? 1334724;1448997023;ascii_field;but it is conceivable that xanalys was tired of paying for dev runtimes, which were expensive 1334725;1448997055;ascii_field;the concept of ~paying for~ a programming system is - like it or not - unpalatable to most folks, incl. what remains of 'serious business' 1334726;1448997056;trinque;if lispworks was in such a weak position that one client could purchase them in this manner, good for both parties. 1334727;1448997081;ascii_field;my point was that it was in a weak position ~for a reason~ 1334728;1448997086;phf;re "sell services give away code", clozure associates (ccl people) recently laid off a bunch of their devs. including such heavyweights as rme and gbyers. presumably because like ascii said, nobody's buying 1334729;1448997105;trinque;this is not a problem that can be solved on the end of a lispworks 1334730;1448997111;ascii_field;even microshit gives away their compiler today 1334731;1448997150;phf;note that ccl is used internally by google now, after they acquired ITA. only way to get money out of goog is presumably acquihire 1334732;1448997153;ascii_field;trinque: back to openbsd, would you personally be willing to use an os with nonpublic source ? 1334733;1448997160;ascii_field;i would not. 1334734;1448997182;trinque;I would run something with source disclosed to me and those in my WoT 1334735;1448997188;trinque;and don't care about public 1334736;1448997218;ascii_field;trinque: my understanding is that qnx license includes (for a serious bag of dough) the source. 1334737;1448997222;ascii_field;go, buy. 1334738;1448997233;ascii_field;pretty spiffy commercial unix incidentally. 1334739;1448997251;ascii_field;(runs, or at least at one point ran, a few reactors) 1334740;1448997284;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8650 @ 0.0005176 = 4.4772 BTC [+] {3} 1334741;1448997288;trinque;Access to QNX source code is free, but commercial deployments of QNX Neutrino runtime components still require royalties, and commercial developers will continue to pay for QNX Momentics® development seats. However, noncommercial developers, academic faculty members, and qualified partners will be given access to QNX development tools and runtime products at no charge. 1334742;1448997289;phf;franz and lispworks both do source disclosure. i'm pretty sure the only way franz survives is by having ridiculously low overheads, combined with aggressive licensing policy about their technology, some of which doesn't have any equivalents in the open market. 1334743;1448997302;trinque;aside from the WoT aspect this is exactly what I proposed 1334744;1448997316;trinque;and how is qnx doing financially? 1334745;1448997325;BingoBoingo;Owned by Blackberry 1334746;1448997330;BingoBoingo;So... 1334747;1448997342;ascii_field;aha. 1334748;1448997354;ascii_field;NOBODY PAYS 1334749;1448997358;trinque;that was a purchase, correct? 1334750;1448997359;ascii_field;for motherfucking sunlight. 1334751;1448997362;trinque;how were they doing before 1334752;1448997366;trinque;it's not sunlight 1334753;1448997372;trinque;your USSR is showing 1334754;1448997393;ascii_field;i'm breathing unmetered public air, even 1334755;1448997397;ascii_field;comyooonizm!!!! 1334756;1448997407;trinque;nobody invented the fucking air 1334757;1448997437;ascii_field;wai wut i missed the memo, we're paying inventors for things now ? 1334758;1448997464;trinque;not them, but the companies that own them 1334759;1448997485;ascii_field;trinque: did you send your cheque to SCO yet ? 1334760;1448997492;ascii_field;for the linux ransom ? 1334761;1448997498;trinque;blackberry bought them to have something that *makes money* 1334762;1448997511;trinque;this is nonsense; people pay for technology every day 1334763;1448997523;trinque;that the software field was overrun by communists notwithstanding 1334764;1448997526;ascii_field;at any rate, i would not mind living in the 1980s world where serious folks bought support contracts for serious os, etc 1334765;1448997531;ascii_field;but i don't live there. 1334766;1448997537;jurov;kakobrekla: it will stay down forever, see http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=30-11-2015#1334078 1334767;1448997537;assbot;Logged on 30-11-2015 15:39:58; mircea_popescu: so : the new proxy list is http://mpex.biz/ ; http://mpex.co/ ; http://mpex.re/ ; http://mpex.site/ 1334768;1448997589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47150 @ 0.00052128 = 24.5784 BTC [+] {7} 1334769;1448997611;trinque;ascii_field: yep, what makes for a growing and healthy software industry may not be possible on this side of things. 1334770;1448997618;jurov;$proxies 1334771;1448997621;trinque;but I'm not going to base the definition of that on "microshit does X" 1334772;1448997633;trinque;whether we live in walmartia or not 1334773;1448997661;ascii_field;trinque: microshit, and the few and feeble weapons which have been built to put up some sort of fight against it, entirely demolished the 'healthy commercial software' thing 1334774;1448997683;ascii_field;i don't personally expect to live to see it come back in any recognizable form. 1334775;1448997769;BingoBoingo;http://www.markfickett.com/stuff/artPage.php?id=389 << Six sides good, more sides bad 1334776;1448997770;assbot;Mark Fickett | Art Stuff | Dice Roller ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImNG64 ) 1334777;1448997871;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: can't help but wonder how much he was ~actually~ testing his OCR's defects. 1334778;1448997874;ascii_field;rather than the dice 1334779;1448997917;BingoBoingo;Well, for that you test with single sided dice. 1334780;1448997942;trinque;!b 5 1334781;1448997944;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1W05EWQ.txt ) 1334782;1448998024;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1334783;1448998188;ascii_field;https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/fbis-suicide-letter-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-and-dangers-unchecked-surveillance << lulzy usgism 1334784;1448998190;assbot;FBI's "Suicide Letter" to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dangers of Unchecked Surveillance | Electronic Frontier Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImOTKV ) 1334785;1448998412;jurov;what about adding a debiasing mechanism to dice? it would measure the statistics and try to correct by moving internal weight around 1334786;1448998420;*;jurov runs to kixstarter 1334787;1448998436;ascii_field;don't forget to include gsm modem !!111 1334788;1448998517;jurov;rfid would be better fit ;D 1334789;1448998592;BingoBoingo;Fuck it, stick a dildo motor in the dice 1334790;1448998673;trinque;needs to be able to flash the firmware too; what if we shipped a bug 1334791;1448998761;adlai;soon enough, casinos are required to have debiasing dice, and put their data dumps in deedbot- 1334792;1448998771;adlai;because provable transparency 1334793;1448998776;adlai;er 'provably fair' 1334794;1448998816;BingoBoingo;six sided dice are fair enough. 20 is inherently unstable like their users. 1334795;1448998824;jurov;also, the dice must detect presence of mentally challenged persons and adjust accordingly 1334796;1448998881;adlai;but this is unfair, siliconkin telekinesis witches can fool the biasing circuits in their favor 1334797;1448998891;jurov;i'd like to see your one-sided dice. something like riemann surface comes to mind 1334798;1448998970;jurov;er... klein bottle 1334799;1448999059;BingoBoingo;One sided dice are used all the time at the poker table 1334800;1448999163;kakobrekla;jurov that line does not say 'it will stay down forever' 1334801;1448999195;jurov;okay i was overly dramatic. but .ws is not there, that's all 1334802;1448999296;kakobrekla;if its not coming back in a reasonable time i will change it. perhaps mp will clear this up. 1334803;1448999403;jurov;it relates nicely to yest discussion... everyone just comes here to dump their mind 1334804;1448999462;BingoBoingo;mind needs to shit too 1334805;1448999474;jurov;info like mpex proxies belongs to wiki or some other discoverable place. but ppl refuse to put it there 1334806;1448999724;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11457 @ 0.00052383 = 6.0015 BTC [+] {2} 1334807;1449000184;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1334808;1449000288;ascii_field;'Providing strong funding for FHE and iO provides risk-free political cover. It supports a storyline that cloud storage and computing is safe. It helps entrench favored values within the cryptographic community: speculative, theory-centric directions. And it helps keep harmless academics who could, if they got feisty, start to innovate in more sensitive directions.' 1334809;1449000343;ascii_field;^ this re: the 'homomorphic' claptrap 1334810;1449000575;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3AETZJP.txt 1334811;1449000576;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O1zZpY ) 1334812;1449000578;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1334813;1449000639;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6332 @ 0.00051664 = 3.2714 BTC [-] {2} 1334814;1449000664;jurov;it that why ussr/russia won't fund the real thing, either? 1334815;1449000686;ascii_field;jurov: which thing 1334816;1449000702;jurov;boring crypto 1334817;1449000734;ascii_field;jurov: su state of the art re: crypto, as far as i can tell, was ~deadly boring~ - good ol' vernam otp 1334818;1449000766;ascii_field;just as perfect (or 'unusable', take your pick) today as it was in 1918. 1334819;1449000912;ascii_field;i recently bought an interesting monograph re: sov crypto 1930s-1950s 1334820;1449000949;ascii_field;very interesting in the 'orc' perspective - military folk did not trust (largely correctly!) their cipher machines and remote communication in general. 1334821;1449001015;ascii_field;('serious' crypto was strictly otp in su lands, as it is today. field crypto was, often, 19th c.-style transposition derpery, relying largely on the very short useful life of the message to avoid being broken) 1334822;1449001026;adlai;jurov: 'live' charts are still dead 1334823;1449001109;jurov;aye 1334824;1449001124;ascii_field;adlai: re: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=29-11-2015#1333440 - wtf ?! 1334825;1449001124;assbot;Logged on 29-11-2015 14:46:13; adlai: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/181NDV6.txt 1334826;1449001127;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00051089 = 2.6822 BTC [-] {2} 1334827;1449001188;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00051089 = 6.4372 BTC [-] 1334828;1449001195;*;ascii_field is rather curious re: what adlai thinks he is doing 1334829;1449001203;trinque;what is that 1334830;1449001213;ascii_field;another pseudopgpgram 1334831;1449001224;ascii_field;evidently meant as a riddle for us 1334832;1449001250;adlai;base64 dont cut it now? 1334833;1449001256;adlai;damn 1334834;1449001274;adlai;maybe base58 next 1334835;1449001300;ascii_field;adlai: does this one tell us where the gold is buried ? 1334836;1449001312;ascii_field;because if so i might be willing to spend a little more time on it 1334837;1449001359;ascii_field;http://krebsonsecurity.com/2015/12/dhs-giving-firms-free-penetration-tests << from the l0lnet 1334838;1449001362;adlai;The Gold It's in the... https://youtu.be/aFD_WVKZ1dA 1334839;1449001363;assbot;jew gold - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1O1BJPY ) 1334840;1449001367;ascii_field;'...if you look at the recently discovered back door installs that happened during the Olympics under the guise of helping secure the system that this also provides pretty open access to corporations in the US for the same type of subterfuge. Free security scanning all for the low price of a well placed back door.' 1334841;1449001403;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334691 << i have been buying each cd set since 5.5 1334842;1449001403;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 18:59:12; ascii_field: evidently the set of folks 'happy with the pony trick' does not include anybody with spare change. 1334843;1449001421;ascii_field;danielpbarron: neato 1334844;1449001429;adlai;funny that you mention it, but cleartext actually does attempt rainbow triangulation 1334845;1449001493;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24968 @ 0.00051383 = 12.8293 BTC [+] 1334846;1449001594;ascii_field;BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, et al : does anyone else find that krebsonsecurity refuses to load from archive.is ? 1334847;1449001661;ascii_field;i suspect now that krebs has it iptable-banned 1334848;1449001675;ascii_field;and it would be interesting to learn what he has to say for himself. 1334849;1449001836;jurov;deedbot-: http://explo.yt/public/fmpif_201511.txt.asc 1334850;1449001837;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImXXiN ) 1334851;1449001838;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1334852;1449001845;jurov;deedbot-: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20151201/attachment_323deb4e48e875e9e4b0bed9c8b12befdd0c110d.txt 1334853;1449001846;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ImY0Lx ) 1334854;1449001847;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1334855;1449001920;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6010 @ 0.00052042 = 3.1277 BTC [+] 1334856;1449002181;adlai;!up thestringpuller 1334857;1449002225;thestringpuller;in regards to BIP 101 >> http://imgur.com/EzYzrNd 1334858;1449002293;adlai;http://dpaste.com/0YFMGDY.txt 1334859;1449002294;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O1DKvp ) 1334860;1449002296;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0YFMGDY.txt 1334861;1449002297;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O1DKvp ) 1334862;1449002298;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1334863;1449002307;adlai;!s vexual edition 1334864;1449002309;assbot;2 results for 'vexual edition' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=vexual+edition 1334865;1449002347;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46003 @ 0.00051345 = 23.6202 BTC [-] {6} 1334866;1449002427;ben_vulpes;adlai: what /are/ you doing? 1334867;1449002466;trinque;performance art eh? 1334868;1449002482;*;adlai is doing deeds, isn't that how they're supposed to verb? 1334869;1449002502;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1334870;1449002505;ascii_field;'HELP! he cried, but no one seemed to hear / "You just solve these equations, then you're free!"' << notbad.jpg 1334871;1449002524;adlai;!s theorems to prove 1334872;1449002528;assbot;8 results for 'theorems to prove' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=theorems+to+prove 1334873;1449002569;adlai;erdos (aside from being cis white male etc etc) also had the priviledge of /choice/ 1334874;1449002602;ascii_field;adlai: choice of what ? 1334875;1449002623;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334872 1334876;1449002623;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 20:42:08; assbot: 8 results for 'theorems to prove' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=theorems+to+prove 1334877;1449002642;ascii_field;choice... of theorems ? 1334878;1449002659;adlai;literally too, but that's not the point 1334879;1449002705;ascii_field;then of what ? 1334880;1449002714;adlai;jules (samueL jackson's char in pulp fiction) would've killed to walk like erdos 1334881;1449003019;punkman;there's another puzzle in the deeds with some future-gold. would buy you about a bag of coal right now. 1334882;1449003119;adlai;well deedbot pisses gold dust if you hold the sieve just right 1334883;1449003201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27643 @ 0.00050861 = 14.0595 BTC [-] {3} 1334884;1449003236;adlai;as does s.mpoe 1334885;1449003244;shinohai;adlai: anything will give you gold if you hold the sieve correctly. 1334886;1449003248;punkman;BingoBoingo: six sided dice are fair enough. 20 is inherently unstable like their users. << I wonder why nobody's selling loaded 20sided dice 1334887;1449003252;shinohai;^_____________^ 1334888;1449003345;trinque;adlai: enjoy your cheeseburger 1334889;1449003357;adlai;? 1334890;1449003370;adlai;not halal 1334891;1449003411;punkman;are edible gold flakes halal? 1334892;1449003492;trinque;adlai: I assume you have been verifying the deeds by picking up the dust 1334893;1449003534;adlai;some of them, yes. i deeded my tool itself, http://deedbot.org/deed-381528-1.txt 1334894;1449003534;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1In0o4S ) 1334895;1449003551;trinque;saw that, neato 1334896;1449003573;ascii_field;'Marginalized people also suffer some of the unintended consequences of dogmatic insistence on meritocratic principles of governance. Studies have show that organizational cultures that value meritocracy often result in greater inequality. People with "merit" are often excused for their bad behavior in public spaces based on the value of their technical contributions. Meritocracy also naively assumes a level playing 1334897;1449003573;ascii_field;field, in which everyone has access to the same resources, free time, and common life experiences to draw upon. These factors and more make contributing to open source a daunting prospect for many people, especially women and other underrepresented people. (For more critical analysis of meritocracy, refer to this entry on the Geek Feminism wiki.)' << from ben_vulpes's link 1334898;1449003590;shinohai;fukkin a adlai 1334899;1449003602;adlai;fukkin a. 1334900;1449003608;ascii_field;http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/code_of_conduct.txt << mircea_popescu will love this one 1334901;1449003609;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1In0w4o ) 1334902;1449003640;ascii_field;can hardly wait till this merges with what's left of gpl and turns into a 'viral license' or whatnot 1334903;1449003663;trinque;the inevitability of this is undeniable 1334904;1449003711;shinohai;as for halal ... lamb chops on the grille tonite 1334905;1449003756;*;mircea_popescu is actually not going to bother reading it. 1334906;1449003768;ascii_field;mircea_popescu just saved a good 10 secondz! 1334907;1449003772;mircea_popescu;;;google how to deal withg pseudoscience 1334908;1449003773;gribble;Distinguishing Science and Pseudoscience - Quackwatch: ; Examples of Pseudoscience: ; Pseudoscience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 1334909;1449003777;thestringpuller;adlai: referring to walk the earth? 1334910;1449003789;shinohai;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p212848xPzM <<< music to slaughter goats by 1334911;1449003790;assbot;Rootwater - Hava Nagila - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1O1Hcq3 ) 1334912;1449003815;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: however, the site had a handy list of derps who caved and signed the oath. 1334913;1449003865;mircea_popescu;quote it 1334914;1449003911;trinque;looks like a bunch of already irrelevant JS and Ruby garbage 1334915;1449003973;mircea_popescu;so then who cares. 1334916;1449004040;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_29130615/argentine-president-overrides-extradition-man-charged-denver-murder 1334917;1449004042;assbot;Argentine president overrides extradition of man charged in Denver murder - The Denver Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1In1i1q ) 1334918;1449004072;punkman;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/01/technology/in-a-global-market-for-hacking-talent-argentines-stand-out.html 1334919;1449004075;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1In1mxX ) 1334920;1449004137;mircea_popescu;bwahahaha 1334921;1449004165;mircea_popescu;and in a global market for picking cotton americans stand out. 1334922;1449004187;mircea_popescu;the ~5 or so people who can code weren't born here. the rest can't do change in their head. 1334923;1449004191;ben_vulpes;rates in ars are only ~20% below those in michigan, and that doesn't even start to include cost of doing business with argentines. 1334924;1449004224;mircea_popescu;slaves only. i have nfi what one'd have to have for skull filler to "do business" with argentines. 1334925;1449004250;ascii_field;Atom, AngularJS, angular-formly, Babel, Bundler, chef-rvm, Diaspora, Eclipse, Elixir, Exercism.io, GitLab, HaskellNow.org, Homebrew-Cask, Jekyll, Lotus, Mensa, Monsti CMS, Mozilla Webmaker, Rails, ROM, RSpec, ruby-community, RubyGems.org, RVM, Shoes, Spree, TinyMCE, Volt.rb' 1334926;1449004253;ben_vulpes;you'd probably pay them what they think they're worth 1334927;1449004269;ascii_field;^ i've only ever ~heard~, much less seen alive, a few of these 1334928;1449004275;ben_vulpes;anyways in "us becoming argentina" nyooz, today for the first time in my life a coffee shop failed to produce exact change 1334929;1449004298;ben_vulpes;note: not /haskell/ but /haskellnow.org/ 1334930;1449004299;mircea_popescu;ascii_field these are names ?! 1334931;1449004313;ben_vulpes;which hilariously does not resolve? 1334932;1449004334;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: software projects / orgs. i can't be arsed to produce the human names 1334933;1449004344;mircea_popescu;dude you gotta be kidding me, three fat chicks in colorado made up a bunch of strings and now you're quoting them at me ? 1334934;1449004354;trinque;everything I recognize in that list is a pile of useless shit 1334935;1449004359;jurov;adlai: coinbrlive is on, with bonus hacky multiple mpex proxies support to make everyone's eyes bleed moar 1334936;1449004366;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1334937;1449004374;ascii_field;trinque: as far as i can see, aha 1334938;1449004386;mircea_popescu;rubygems.org sounds like a sort of expert sexchange thing\ 1334939;1449004395;ben_vulpes;jurov: cool! any arbportunities across the proxies? 1334940;1449004403;mircea_popescu;ahahaha wut 1334941;1449004407;ben_vulpes;"rubygems is down, can't deploy today" 1334942;1449004412;ascii_field;and 'eclipse' is a kludgy text editor thing, i used it at uni once 1334943;1449004412;ben_vulpes;;) 1334944;1449004438;ascii_field;(and then again a few years ago, it was built into a proprietary software turd) 1334945;1449004441;ben_vulpes;java ide non? 1334946;1449004444;adlai;jurov: tyvm 1334947;1449004446;jurov;ben_vulpes: only if find out how to arbitrage clock time 1334948;1449004447;adlai;!up thestringpuller 1334949;1449004448;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: originally 1334950;1449004453;adlai;thestringpuller: yes 1334951;1449004472;ben_vulpes;jurov: i've got these quantum bitcoins that might work in arbing the proxies 1334952;1449004518;BingoBoingo; i suspect now that krebs has it iptable-banned << I've noticed a few other sites seem to offer archive.is null as well 1334953;1449004541;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes hysterical story : one of my sluts went to "free drama class" organised by some argentine. derp refused to give her the reading material claiming the first class is just a social call. 1334954;1449004565;mircea_popescu;who then proceeded to a) have them read some inept turdball he DIDNT HAVE COPIES OF and b) demand $300 from participants 1334955;1449004570;mircea_popescu;which the other derps ACTUALLY PAID 1334956;1449004589;jurov;hard us$ ?? 1334957;1449004591;ascii_field;'Argentina's president has blocked the extradition of a Denver fugitive who claims he was framed for murder because video he took of ground zero proves U.S. complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.' << lulzy 1334958;1449004592;mircea_popescu;bonus points, she doesn't wear panties and the thing involved a lot of bending over. 1334959;1449004596;mircea_popescu;jurov nah their shitty peso thing 1334960;1449004599;mircea_popescu;~20 bux 1334961;1449004605;jurov;aok 1334962;1449004621;mircea_popescu;which was the first time anyone in the dumb country ever saw someone else's cunt, seeing how, well... they don't do the cunt thing here. 1334963;1449004642;ben_vulpes;catholics. only good thing about catholics are catholic school girls. 1334964;1449004648;mircea_popescu;by and large, argentines aren't qualified to be mexicans. 1334965;1449004679;ben_vulpes;"oh, you're going to send your daughter to st. mary's? awesome! i knew a bunch of girls from there in HS." 1334966;1449004696;ascii_field;'Sonnenfeld called 911 dispatchers in the early morning of Jan. 1, 2002, a few months after the terror attacks, claiming that his wife had shot herself in the head. Denver police, believing the scene was staged, arrested Sonnenfeld that morning. But prosecutors in the office of former Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter, who later became governor, dismissed the charges several months later because of insufficient 1334967;1449004696;ascii_field;evidence at the time. The following year, murder charges were refiled ...' 1334968;1449004697;*;ben_vulpes lecherous grin 1334969;1449004701;mircea_popescu;"hackers" my foot. do you know how many people that are "bitcoin traders" EVEN KNOW what pgp is ? 1334970;1449004704;mircea_popescu;or don't run windows ? 1334971;1449004751;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes they do have problems being the only naked person in the room, at least for the first week or so. 1334972;1449004766;mircea_popescu;but otherwise, the advantage of imbecility : doesn't remember anything for too long. 1334973;1449004779;ben_vulpes;i wasn't playing those games at that age 1334974;1449004803;ascii_field;the way mircea_popescu describes his town, one could almost conclude he is in africa ? 1334975;1449004827;mircea_popescu;i am in africa, yes. 1334976;1449004854;*;ben_vulpes thinks 1334977;1449004862;ben_vulpes;tango lesson wasn't worth the twenty bucks either in retrospect. 1334978;1449004864;mircea_popescu;how else do you explain all the chinese swarming the place. 1334979;1449004871;ben_vulpes;shoulda just gone and humiliated myself at the milonga 1334980;1449004932;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i dunno why you'd even consider taking "lessons" from an outfit that has a) < 20 females and b) average age over 20. 1334981;1449004939;mircea_popescu;why the fuck, what is this, ged ? 1334982;1449004953;mircea_popescu;you wanna run a dancery, better beg rob or pay some women to be there. 1334983;1449004967;ben_vulpes;because i had limited time and was drinking with the asshats all the other days? 1334984;1449005006;*;ben_vulpes doesn't dance in places like that at home 1334985;1449005041;*;mircea_popescu vaguely considered opening a non-retarded club 1334986;1449005043;mircea_popescu;but meh. 1334987;1449005141;mircea_popescu;i can't be arsed to read a nyt piece. so what, the pirelli calendar can't compete with internet porn, is going to no longer display nudity ? 1334988;1449005153;mircea_popescu;totally cultural shift. ie, away from books. 1334989;1449005194;punkman;"EkoParty began as a small gathering of Argentine hackers who exchanged their discoveries over the web. Today, hundreds of Argentine hackers, ranging from 14 to 45 years old, line up around the block to show off their skills to executives from Silicon Valley start-ups like Synack, a security company, as well as more established consulting firms like Deloitte" 1334990;1449005326;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334657 << heh 1334991;1449005326;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 18:23:26; ascii_field: where were you imbeciles when we phuctored ? 1334992;1449005355;mircea_popescu;punkman right. they make a decent show of being whores, except they then want to be paid for status not for work. 1334993;1449005449;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334669 << adn what do you seek ? adventure and the thrill of the kill ? 1334994;1449005449;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 18:39:12; ascii_field: trinque: typical bureaucrat folk seek only the holy trinity of mortgage, 'health,' and 'dental. 1334995;1449005475;mircea_popescu;they don't seek "mortgage, health and dental". they seek to be "free to dedicate themselves to intellectual work, as they define it". 1334996;1449005510;ben_vulpes;i never got the dental 1334997;1449005516;ben_vulpes;what, do people not make friends with dentists? 1334998;1449005587;mircea_popescu;somehow all the hotties ended up in dentistry in romania 1334999;1449005603;mircea_popescu;i went for a checkup and never wanted to fucking leave cca 2013 1335000;1449005644;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334993 << i do sloth, avarice, wrath, and lust. 1335001;1449005644;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 21:30:49; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334669 << adn what do you seek ? adventure and the thrill of the kill ? 1335002;1449005667;mircea_popescu;... 1335003;1449005698;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334692 << no ty. he had his chance in 2013 or wehn was it, and shat all over the food dispenser. 1335004;1449005698;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 19:00:24; ascii_field: perhaps mircea_popescu oughta ask ben_vulpes to offer de raadt some wwwdev wurk. 1335005;1449005717;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: aha i recall now! 1335006;1449005731;ben_vulpes;dude wwwdev is a fraction of the throughput 1335007;1449005733;ascii_field;worse, iirc he permitted some monkey to shit in it in his place 1335008;1449005753;ben_vulpes;its like 80% tappy screens 1335009;1449005885;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334728 << the fundamental problem with all of this is the "open market" approach to things. 1335010;1449005885;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 19:11:26; phf: re "sell services give away code", clozure associates (ccl people) recently laid off a bunch of their devs. including such heavyweights as rme and gbyers. presumably because like ascii said, nobody's buying 1335011;1449005896;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would you sell access ? who are these schmucks that they may buy ? 1335012;1449005901;mircea_popescu;the chinese ain't selling jack. 1335013;1449005930;mircea_popescu;you don't sell. you cut a deal with ONE competitor in a field, and that's that. the rest all die because they can't deploy computers that work. 1335014;1449006100;ascii_field;--'hi, i'm selling computer that works.' --'does it run msoffice?' --'...' --[click] 1335015;1449006140;mircea_popescu;mno. 1335016;1449006177;mircea_popescu;advertisement : are you tired of wasting your time in queues at Shitty Supermarkets ? So move on to TMSR Supermarkets - their computer systems don't die every other hour for half an hour. 1335017;1449006179;mircea_popescu;that's it. 1335018;1449006189;ascii_field;presently i'm not convinced that any computer uses really... wants to live, all that much. wake me up when uranium centrifuge no longer runs winblowz, i might reconsider this theory 1335019;1449006189;mircea_popescu;you don't call SS and pitch them. 1335020;1449006194;mircea_popescu;and they call you and you hang up 1335021;1449006196;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1335022;1449006197;mircea_popescu;they can't have it for any price 1335023;1449006207;mircea_popescu;they sell the store to TMSR Supermarkets. at a discount. 1335024;1449006244;mircea_popescu;the notion of "things, for people" is broken. 1335025;1449006250;mircea_popescu;"good things ONLY for good people" 1335026;1449006277;mircea_popescu;and if you don't have them you're not a person and your death won't be prosecutable. and that's that. 1335027;1449006287;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: this is a logical picture, but how does vendor amortize the cost of producing the magic ? 1335028;1449006305;mircea_popescu;vendor does not amortize. 1335029;1449006315;ascii_field;vendor finds buried treasure instead ? 1335030;1449006318;ascii_field;am i thick? 1335031;1449006320;mircea_popescu;mnope. 1335032;1449006326;mircea_popescu;what's to amortize ? 1335033;1449006334;ascii_field;or will grocery store pay for fabbing si 1335034;1449006344;ascii_field;so it can have noncrashing checkouts 1335035;1449006357;mircea_popescu;in shares. 1335036;1449006428;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334802 << i have no idea why the namecheap redirect dfoesn't work and i dun really wanna go dig into it. 1335037;1449006428;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 19:48:16; kakobrekla: if its not coming back in a reasonable time i will change it. perhaps mp will clear this up. 1335038;1449006433;mircea_popescu;fucktards can't do anything right 1335039;1449006451;ascii_field;iirc the miner asic projects that did straight-and-honest shares - flopped; the scumbags who took preorders and mined with the machines for months, years - won. 1335040;1449006518;ascii_field;but i could be mistaken, wasn't fully awake for this mess 1335041;1449006548;mircea_popescu;ascii_field nah. the only one that won actually had shares (asicminer). the rest all flopped. especially the scumbags. 1335042;1449006580;ascii_field;wasn't it a 'permanent mining bond' scamatron ? 1335043;1449006586;kakobrekla;asicminer flopped as well. 1335044;1449006587;ben_vulpes;> dig into it 1335045;1449006613;ben_vulpes;p. good pun even if accidental 1335046;1449006666;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1335012 << the chinese are selling, to anyone who will buy, the one and only thing they have in abundance - coolie sweat 1335047;1449006666;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 21:38:21; mircea_popescu: the chinese ain't selling jack. 1335048;1449006688;ascii_field;(sometimes solidified into hardware) 1335049;1449006792;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1335022 << btw edison tried this with his film projector. it did not work. 1335050;1449006792;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 21:43:17; mircea_popescu: they can't have it for any price 1335051;1449006813;ascii_field;eventually the scum do what it takes to be rid of you and take your $tech by force 1335052;1449006824;ascii_field;or deception, or betrayal, etc. 1335053;1449007028;ascii_field;sorta a rehash of the 'intellectual property' wank. inanimate objects, once you're done making them, don't have a 'will' to propagate your intent, whatever it was, when you made them 1335054;1449007048;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla anyway, redirects re-added. i wouldn't reallty expect them to work, seeing how namecheap, but anyway. im not renewing .bz or .ws because the new registrar doesn't carry them 1335055;1449007060;ascii_field;american cpu is just as happy to be reverse-engineered by a ru schmuck as it is to calculate payroll for chrysler 1335056;1449007101;mircea_popescu;ascii_field define "it did not work" 1335057;1449007134;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: edison's heirs do not control film industry today 1335058;1449007139;mircea_popescu;fucktards can';t even be arsed to KNOW phuctor exists ? 1335059;1449007159;mircea_popescu;and the few and far between people who can actually do things are NOT going to want to be with us ? but prefer to serve the fuctard empire ? 1335060;1449007164;mircea_popescu;mk, this is a sight i wish to see. 1335061;1449007165;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: i'm pretty sure they ~knew~ of it. the ignorance was ~studied indifference~ 1335062;1449007185;mircea_popescu;looky : it's not JUST that i can't give less of a shit what the wash-popo writes 1335063;1449007194;mircea_popescu;it's not just that "how to deal with pseudoscience" 1335064;1449007203;mircea_popescu;it's that the whole fucking shebang of idiots can be safely ignored. 1335065;1449007213;mircea_popescu;all they'll do about it is whine. "oh this projector is not user friendly" 1335066;1449007222;mircea_popescu;o yeah ? tell your mother being ugly is no excuse to fuck drunks. 1335067;1449007242;*;ascii_field would much like to live on the planet where they can be safely ignored. yes, i hear it's a nice place, good climate, hot chixx 1335068;1449007245;mircea_popescu;sure, someone somewhere will "steal" it. and ? 1335069;1449007255;mircea_popescu;who're they gonna want to tell all about it ? me or president bahamas ? 1335070;1449007308;ascii_field;unfortunately the muppets aren't harmless 1335071;1449007318;ascii_field;as described in mircea_popescu's 'problem of too much money' mega-article 1335072;1449007320;mircea_popescu;they aren't harmless to you because you're addicted to your dental. 1335073;1449007324;mircea_popescu;carry on, but don't expect me to care. 1335074;1449007333;ascii_field;not speaking of my corpse here 1335075;1449007348;ascii_field;but of the muppets' collective ability to destroy entire fields by skewing incentives 1335076;1449007354;ascii_field;(e.g., go and buy sane cpu) 1335077;1449007368;mircea_popescu;no field was "destroyed" 1335078;1449007373;mircea_popescu;the sane cpu never existed. 1335079;1449007382;mircea_popescu;it has this in common with all the OTHER things thart were never made. 1335080;1449007388;mircea_popescu;their absence is the result of no destruction. 1335081;1449007391;ascii_field;aha because nobody, sane or otherwise, wants to pay the $1m/each. 1335082;1449007395;mircea_popescu;no. 1335083;1449007405;mircea_popescu;it doesn't exist. absence admits no cause. 1335084;1449007450;ascii_field;what is this aristotelian claptrap. i can readily describe the exact cause of, say, absence of icicle on the surface of the sun. 1335085;1449007463;*;ascii_field hurriedly straps on gas mask 1335086;1449007463;mircea_popescu;... 1335087;1449007489;jurov;http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/block/miscellaneous_symbols_and_pictographs/images.htm << while you have the mask 1335088;1449007490;assbot;Unicode Characters in the Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs Block ... ( http://bit.ly/1O1Q3Ia ) 1335089;1449007497;mircea_popescu;stick to explaining the absence of "real" enemies of usg as well as the absence of non-white swans. 1335090;1449007565;ascii_field;🌬 1335091;1449007573;ascii_field;^ does this actually display on anybody's terminal ? 1335092;1449007584;ascii_field;jurov: sc4m!!1111 1335093;1449007594;mircea_popescu;god damned it if i wanted 3pt cartouches i'd have learned egyptian 1335094;1449007595;jurov;yes, i see it fine 1335095;1449007624;jurov;mircea_popescu: what about submitting symbols for sexual positions 1335096;1449007626;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: pretty sure eg hieroglyphs ~are~ in unicode presently 1335097;1449007715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40900 @ 0.00050982 = 20.8516 BTC [-] {4} 1335098;1449007728;mircea_popescu;jurov what about it ? 1335099;1449007755;jurov;if you would at least review the list 1335100;1449007763;mircea_popescu;mneah. 1335101;1449007843;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334831 <<< ever sorted out the matchstick problem ? 1335102;1449007843;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 20:20:24; ascii_field: evidently meant as a riddle for us 1335103;1449007848;mircea_popescu;speaking of evidently a riddle. 1335104;1449007878;*;ascii_field will admit that he thinks about it with some regularity, but will not claim to have a correct solution 1335105;1449007915;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334846 << i dun think i ever read krebs' thing. 1335106;1449007915;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 20:26:34; ascii_field: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, et al : does anyone else find that krebsonsecurity refuses to load from archive.is ? 1335107;1449007937;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: though my brother laughed when i described it, but would not say moar 1335108;1449007939;*;mircea_popescu enjoys a good riddle, especially when he's on the right end of it. 1335109;1449007948;*;ascii_field likes riddles very much 1335110;1449007969;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: krebs is a spam zoologist 1335111;1449007982;ascii_field;with a great deal of 'mainstream media' exposure 1335112;1449007993;ascii_field;but not (afaik) an ~obvious~ tool. 1335113;1449008025;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1335114;1449008129;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Wash-a-by-baby. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/01/wash-a-by-baby/ 1335115;1449008318;jurov;;;later tell pete_dushenski is that ...err.. something visible in the third pic? 1335116;1449008318;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1335117;1449008397;jurov;nah, baby's leg 1335118;1449008479;pete_dushenski;omfg jurov don't scare me like that 1335119;1449008554;BingoBoingo;Early 2014. Bob Beck was the one to shit all over the opportunity http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1335003 1335120;1449008554;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 21:34:58; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334692 << no ty. he had his chance in 2013 or wehn was it, and shat all over the food dispenser. 1335121;1449008629;ascii_field;i'm a bit confused.... where did the $0.5M donated by microshit go ? 1335122;1449008640;ascii_field;lemme guess, a 'phoundation' 1335123;1449008647;ascii_field;that has nothing to do with the author? 1335124;1449008697;ascii_field;and was mircea_popescu's however-many btc for openbsd sent to the phoundation, or to de raadt ? 1335125;1449008711;*;ascii_field scours logs fruitlessly for the answer 1335126;1449008793;pete_dushenski;;;google site:trilema.com bob beck 1335127;1449008793;gribble;The public burning of Bob Beck on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; The sharp friar and the golden jew discuss your options on Trilema ...: ; What happens when you add a drop of sewage to a bottle of fine ...: that has nothing to do with the author? << Yes 1335129;1449008882;BingoBoingo;Foundation that pays for hackathons and such. Developer rent and food, no. 1335130;1449008893;pete_dushenski;"Yes, 20BTC would definately have you listed as a significant foundation contributor on our contributions page, assuming you wanted to be listed there." 1335131;1449009003;ascii_field;does openbsd have a ~meaningful~ existence apart from 'what de raadt does' ? 1335132;1449009083;ascii_field;or, to put the question differently, what do all the non-de-raadt folks whose rent and food ARE paid for by the donations, do for the project ? 1335133;1449009116;ascii_field;afaik - 'plowing flies' 1335134;1449009330;BingoBoingo;My impression is that Foundation pays pretty much anything that can be billed like power, conference hotels, conference food though it pointedly does not offer anyone $x as compensation in the name of not starving. 1335135;1449009374;ascii_field;all i can see is de raadt's 'almost about to work as cashier' thing 1335136;1449009381;BingoBoingo;Basically the hotels make rent and food from Foundation 1335137;1449009388;BingoBoingo; all i can see is de raadt's 'almost about to work as cashier' thing << YEs 1335138;1449009406;ascii_field;supposing he's telling the truth, this answers my question. 1335139;1449009408;ascii_field;plowing flies. 1335140;1449009422;BingoBoingo;plowing flied, "donors have come to expect" 1335141;1449009423;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10136 @ 0.00051371 = 5.207 BTC [+] {3} 1335142;1449009463;BingoBoingo;Microsoft will donate all the money in the world to OpenBSD so long as no penny goes to keep Deraadt alive 1335143;1449009520;ascii_field;this still leaves my other question, 1335144;1449009522;*;BingoBoingo supposes Deraadt could turn residence into "conference venue" host open ended hackathon, but then the charityrastas would be like "imprudent 1335145;1449009525;ascii_field;which one did mircea_popescu donate to ? 1335146;1449009531;trinque;fucktarded opensource foundations do not work, news at 11 1335147;1449009539;BingoBoingo;Ah\ 1335148;1449009540;trinque;why is openbsd special here? 1335149;1449009561;ascii_field;trinque: in no sense special, it is illustrative of a particular thing imho 1335150;1449009565;mircea_popescu; and was mircea_popescu's however-many btc for openbsd sent to the phoundation, or to de raadt ? << to whoever they wanted. what do i care. 1335151;1449009568;BingoBoingo; why is openbsd special here? << Still has dictator who works 1335152;1449009608;mircea_popescu; all i can see is de raadt's 'almost about to work as cashier' thing << and having EARNED it, too., 1335153;1449009609;trinque;dictator with no grain, eh? 1335154;1449009623;jurov;i'm curious how will thebitcoinfoundation fare up. so far looks like it will never ever spend anything :D 1335155;1449009639;mircea_popescu;as per http://trilema.com/2010/moment-de-visare/#selection-113.0-113.209 1335156;1449009640;assbot;Moment de visare on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ing08A ) 1335157;1449009650;ascii_field;jurov: i vaguely recall there were talks of you folks renting a box somewhere 1335158;1449009662;mircea_popescu;somehow a bunch of [mostly white] kids bought into this theory that "intelligence" as they define it is worth two shits. 1335159;1449009667;mircea_popescu;proceeded to ruin their lives accordingly. 1335160;1449009755;adlai;tbf doesn't have to spend anything to add value 1335161;1449009790;adlai;it's already performing a role as a little capacitor on the profit release valve 1335162;1449009832;ben_vulpes;muxed meatphork 1335163;1449009877;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1335164;1449009894;ascii_field;'Our Directors are: Ken Westerback, Toronto ON Daniel Boulet, Sherwood Park AB' << i don't see a de raadt 1335165;1449009900;ascii_field;was there one included in the past ? 1335166;1449009911;ascii_field;where did this thing even come from. 1335167;1449010023;mircea_popescu;it came from "i'm an imbecile and instead of doing good work i'll pretend like google and microshit is paying me" 1335168;1449010031;mircea_popescu;;;google son i am dissapoint 1335169;1449010032;gribble;Son, I Am Disappoint | Know Your Meme: ; Son.. I am Disappoint (song) - YouTube: ; I am disappoint - Encyclopedia Dramatica: 1335170;1449010033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19500 @ 0.00052314 = 10.2012 BTC [+] {3} 1335171;1449010036;mircea_popescu;except with different hats. 1335172;1449010135;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: for my education, describe what a smart de raadt would've done 1335173;1449010184;mircea_popescu;showed up, had a chat with mod6 as to how to work together. 1335174;1449010200;pete_dushenski;"Daniel Boulet, Sherwood Park AB" << heh. sherwood park is a suburb of edmonton. i should go throw eggs at this dude's house. 1335175;1449010216;mircea_popescu;imagine. fucktard has a once in a lifetime moment and not even the marginal intellectual curiosity of getting voiced. 1335176;1449010263;ascii_field;what's de raadt's day job anyway 1335177;1449010264;mircea_popescu;even hookers have more fucking intelligence than this. 1335178;1449010290;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334896 << no, these are intended. 1335179;1449010290;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 20:59:33; ascii_field: 'Marginalized people also suffer some of the unintended consequences of dogmatic insistence on meritocratic principles of governance. Studies have show that organizational cultures that value meritocracy often result in greater inequality. People with "merit" are often excused for their bad behavior in public spaces based on the value of their technical contributions. Meritocracy also naively assumes a 1335180;1449010330;mircea_popescu;the whole fucking point is to marginalize the worthless to death. this is what public spaces are : places where the worthless are made to feel their worthlessness. 1335181;1449010330;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: thinking about it, that turd simply has to be a troll job 1335182;1449010401;mircea_popescu;in less retarded news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/ab532f17c00a4804843916c828e034b0/tumblr_mxnu6juUr61qi0kbpo1_1280.jpg 1335183;1449010403;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YFOtmR ) 1335184;1449010423;BingoBoingo; what's de raadt's day job anyway << Trying not to cashier yet 1335185;1449010460;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16621 @ 0.00051665 = 8.5872 BTC [-] {2} 1335186;1449010466;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: i was (and still am) at a lost as to what, if anything, he has to do with the derps who took the money 1335187;1449010490;mircea_popescu;he allows them to parasitize. 1335188;1449010659;mircea_popescu;"According to the SECs civil complaint, Homero Joshua Garza and his companies, GAW Miners and ZenMiner, sold more than 10,000 "investment contracts representing shares in the profits they claimed would be generated from using their purported computing power to mine for virtual currency."" 1335189;1449010662;mircea_popescu;aka, he sold 10k shares. 1335190;1449010670;kakobrekla;!t m f.mpif 1335191;1449010670;assbot;[MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.000209 / 0.000209 / 0.000209 (30000 shares, 6.27 BTC) 1335192;1449010672;kakobrekla;jurov ^^ 1335193;1449010677;ben_vulpes;in other news, there is now a 'Chef' for mobile phones. 1335194;1449010680;mircea_popescu;win. 1335195;1449010684;ben_vulpes;has been for some time now. 1335196;1449010736;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: His crumbs largely consist of travel he could not otherwise undertake as miser to said "hackathons" it seems 1335197;1449010819;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: if this is really a worthy price to him for selling soul - he oughta hurry up and eat his nagant 1335198;1449010821;jurov;yup kakobrekla 1335199;1449010838;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Are Canadians allowed to have Nagants? 1335200;1449010846;ascii_field;let's ask pete_dushenski ? 1335201;1449010871;pete_dushenski;"Zuckerberg, 31, and Chan said they plan to give away 99 percent of their Facebook shares over their lifetimes to advance the initiative, which was formed as a limited liability company controlled by the two. It will begin by focusing on personalized learning, curing disease, Internet connectivity and community building." << hurry! quick like bunnies! while the shares are still worth even a dollar a piece! must! d0n4 1335202;1449010877;mircea_popescu;ascii_field is yours ? 1335203;1449010887;ascii_field;is my which 1335204;1449010891;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: BingoBoingo good q. lemme research. 1335205;1449010896;mircea_popescu;is THIS a worthy price for you to sell you soul. 1335206;1449010949;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: BingoBoingo looks like yes to nagant. 1335207;1449010964;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: what's the 'blue book' value of a soul with my mileage, anyway 1335208;1449010993;pete_dushenski;pretty sure shurikens are illegal here, but no reason for nagant not to be, i guess. 1335209;1449011025;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: 'nagant' in question is a 7-shot revolver, circa 1890s 1335210;1449011029;pete_dushenski;iirc nunchaku are also illegal here. 1335211;1449011045;jurov;as for eyebleeding hacks news, naive tx deallocation from bitcoind mempool indeed has little effect on RSS due to fragmentation. currently retrying with "libumem"... 1335212;1449011056;jurov;but in the end it's really got to be rewritten with fixed arrays. 1335213;1449011066;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski the truth behind that lol is that none of these schmucks, ie, "smart kids that made it", nor those other schmucks, ie inheritors that obama convocated to tell them how he's gonna spend their money, actually have what it takes. 1335214;1449011077;mircea_popescu;they're the pointlessly rich, they have absolutely nothing to say to the world, 1335215;1449011083;ascii_field;jurov: seems like you have replicated my experiment with same conclusion ? 1335216;1449011085;mircea_popescu;and so a lectern's the last thing they could use. 1335217;1449011161;ascii_field;jurov: and also this is imho an important result, and you really oughta post it to ml 1335218;1449011161;jurov;ascii_field: yes, except you did not write about the details 1335219;1449011183;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: 7-shot eh. how... unorthodox. aren't most 6 ? 1335220;1449011189;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: nagant - 7. 1335221;1449011197;jurov;everyone was like "alf said it's something with boost" 1335222;1449011204;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: nifty. 1335223;1449011232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19592 @ 0.00051357 = 10.0619 BTC [-] {2} 1335224;1449011237;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: guess so eh 1335225;1449011241;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: it had a strange and - afaik - unique - system where long-necked cartridge enclosed entire bullet, and cylinder moved against the barrel to form a gastight seal 1335226;1449011246;ascii_field;... could be silenced. 1335227;1449011341;mircea_popescu;jurov well so don't immitate him, post a proper thing. 1335228;1449011359;ascii_field;^ 1335229;1449011398;BingoBoingo;Erik goes Derple Down on the Herp https://archive.is/42esq 1335230;1449011400;assbot;Note from CEO Erik Voorhees: An Appeal for Zero-Conf | ShapeShift | The fastest way to swap cryptocurrencies. No account required. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Inlf8j ) 1335231;1449011453;pete_dushenski;!up thestringpuller 1335232;1449011502;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski: so what happens if you attack someone with nunchaku? 1335233;1449011511;ascii_field;holy fuck, there are still people discussing 'buying ice cream cone' and 'bitcoin' in same paragraph...! 1335234;1449011537;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00051357 = 4.5194 BTC [-] 1335235;1449011543;ascii_field;thestringpuller: presumably canada will throw an exception, it is impossible 1335236;1449011554;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: then jesus sheds a tear for your immorality 1335237;1449011581;*;thestringpuller imagines a terrorist attack in canada involving nunchaku and fake ninjas 1335238;1449011607;pete_dushenski;also, reading more re: prohibited weapons, brass knuckles are fucking illegal ! 1335239;1449011634;pete_dushenski;as per s. 84(1) of canadian criminal code 1335240;1449011650;jurov;yes, defo will post details 1335241;1449011680;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: this kinda thing goes back eons. nobody can ban 'walking on the street while being scum', so ban is for 'item scum is likely to have in his pockets' 1335242;1449011690;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: we entrap all potential terrorists before they can strike. see 'mounties stop cn rail attacks' 1335243;1449011701;ascii_field;cn ?! 1335244;1449011707;ascii_field;flying horses ? 1335245;1449011718;ascii_field;or meant 'ca' ? 1335246;1449011721;pete_dushenski;lol! canadian national 1335247;1449011724;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_field 1335248;1449011730;ascii_field;l0l 1335249;1449011842;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1335221 << i've historically had boost and std:: symlinked in my head 1335250;1449011842;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 23:06:37; jurov: everyone was like "alf said it's something with boost" 1335251;1449011871;ascii_field;because neither pile of shit is ~really~ part of the language (i realize that this has Officially changed. doesn't matter worth a shit in my head) 1335252;1449011910;ascii_field;borland turbo c++ 3.1 had no motherfucking 'map' !!1111 1335253;1449012025;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13875 @ 0.00051358 = 7.1259 BTC [+] 1335254;1449012042;ascii_field;http://earl.strain.at/static/tcpp30.png 1335255;1449012042;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YFRbsx ) 1335256;1449012048;ascii_field;^ for those who grew up on some other planet 1335257;1449012079;ascii_field;http://i.imgur.com/7CUm3BS.jpg << moar. 1335258;1449012080;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YFRiEm ) 1335259;1449012086;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2474 @ 0.00052385 = 1.296 BTC [+] {2} 1335260;1449012139;pete_dushenski;""The Big Short" should be required viewing for every mortgage and banking professional in America, and maybe every high school civics class, too. It is a direct, frontal assault on the bogus claim peddled by Wall Street and conservative media that poor people and irresponsible borrowers were to blame for the housing crash and the resulting chaos." << movie starring Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt, directed 1335261;1449012139;pete_dushenski;m McKay (anchorman). sounds like a comedy alright. 1335262;1449012202;jurov;i dunno, BOOST_FOREACH can be expanded quite easily, then only the serialization stuff remains, have not looked into that yet 1335263;1449012228;ben_vulpes;sez who, pete_dushenski? 1335264;1449012244;deedbot-;[Trilema] BitBet (S.BBET) November 2015 Statement - http://trilema.com/2015/bitbet-sbbet-november-2015-statement/ 1335265;1449012274;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: huffpo's ben hallman 1335266;1449012635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19716 @ 0.0005239 = 10.3292 BTC [+] {3} 1335267;1449012696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17884 @ 0.00052424 = 9.3755 BTC [+] {3} 1335268;1449012793;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1334998 << quite a few around here too. some respectably tall blondes even 1335269;1449012793;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 21:33:07; mircea_popescu: somehow all the hotties ended up in dentistry in romania 1335270;1449012853;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/norway-faces-bleak-year-offshore << no-dick system on the rocks 1335271;1449012854;assbot;Norway Faces Bleak Year Offshore - gCaptain ... ( http://bit.ly/1Inp8tW ) 1335272;1449014465;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00051958 = 6.6506 BTC [-] {2} 1335273;1449015868;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38404 @ 0.00052246 = 20.0646 BTC [+] {4} 1335274;1449018229;mircea_popescu;http://49.media.tumblr.com/0e5c806b064214158a05a3b82789b74d/tumblr_n7b42nUNPe1qhs0yco1_500.gif << gotta admit those ho-cut jeans are pretty cool. 1335275;1449018230;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEjYcm ) 1335276;1449018697;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/KdZRj7f.jpg 1335277;1449018698;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RkPjDn ) 1335278;1449018716;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/vD3grWb.jpg 1335279;1449018716;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RkPnDd ) 1335280;1449018744;*;asciilifeform wants to unsee 1335281;1449018755;asciilifeform;for fucks sake 1335282;1449018776;asciilifeform;at least mircea_popescu posts pics of ~perfectly healthy~ uninteresting organs 1335283;1449018880;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=01-12-2015#1335270 << poor ol' no-dicks getting bulldozered by the cheap petro (itself a usg-saudi project, last-ditch hitler's bunker bid to sink ru economy) 1335284;1449018880;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 23:34:13; ben_vulpes: https://gcaptain.com/norway-faces-bleak-year-offshore << no-dick system on the rocks 1335285;1449019035;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform wants to unsee << Your OCR works fine, but your dice are unlucky 1335286;1449019197;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: not sure there's a 'usg' side of the saudi project. 1335287;1449019217;pete_dushenski;seems like a straight survival play for the saudi monarchy 1335288;1449019282;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: how does cheapening help saud ? 1335289;1449019298;asciilifeform;if anything, it prolongs life of usg at the expense of pretty much everybody else 1335290;1449019326;pete_dushenski;cheapening doesn't help saud, maintaining revenue base helps saud 1335291;1449019333;asciilifeform;ah 1335292;1449019345;asciilifeform;what'd be wrong with a chinese revenue base 1335293;1449019345;asciilifeform;? 1335294;1449019360;pete_dushenski;decreased revenue would be death for saudis far sooner than for alberta, texas, etc. 1335295;1449019367;pete_dushenski;much more fragile 1335296;1449019395;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: what do the chinese have to do with this ? 1335297;1449019412;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: alternate market 1335298;1449019417;asciilifeform;(substitute for a dead usa) 1335299;1449019450;pete_dushenski;not sure i follow... 1335300;1449019482;pete_dushenski;china's part of the global market like everyone else 1335301;1449019508;pete_dushenski;their demand is part of the global demand, which is plateauing if not decreasing 1335302;1449019509;asciilifeform;was answer to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-12-2015#1335290 1335303;1449019509;assbot;Logged on 02-12-2015 01:22:06; pete_dushenski: cheapening doesn't help saud, maintaining revenue base helps saud 1335304;1449019582;asciilifeform;from my admittedly-limited but not entirely nonexistent meatwot intelligence - saud is not actually sovereign: all of the princelings speak english, a good chunk live in and never leave usa, park their moneys in nato. 1335305;1449019598;asciilifeform;muppet state. 1335306;1449019626;ben_vulpes;does your intel tell you how many of the kids can be trivially sacrificed? 1335307;1449019632;asciilifeform;mno. 1335308;1449019658;ben_vulpes;low oil prices do not *help* the states. 1335309;1449019663;asciilifeform;the time to sacrifice'em is ~before~ they inherit the various thrones and sub-thrones though. 1335310;1449019668;pete_dushenski;alas, i have to be off for the eve, cheers gents ! 1335311;1449019671;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it is strictly, strictly for nailing ru. 1335312;1449019684;ben_vulpes;saud vs ru? 1335313;1449019710;ben_vulpes;and decreased revenue death for saud before tejas? gimme a break. 1335314;1449019722;ben_vulpes;tejas already cannot afford infrastructure investment. 1335315;1449019955;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15706 @ 0.00051358 = 8.0663 BTC [-] {2} 1335316;1449020443;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00051413 = 5.0899 BTC [+] 1335317;1449021191;jurov;anyone with foundation node, can you check if it says most recent block 000000000000000009e3 is bastard (and 1 block before it)? 1335318;1449021221;jurov;restart fixed it, most likely just my memory corruption.. jus' asking 1335319;1449021692;jurov;https://www.darkwallet.is/bip16-17.html feels so weird to revisit this stuff years after 1335320;1449021693;assbot;The Truth behind BIP 16 and 17 | Bitcoin Media ... ( http://bit.ly/1OEqpfk ) 1335321;1449021818;jurov;(0.5.4 supports neither) 1335322;1449022184;asciilifeform;eh, just when i thought jurov had it licked 1335323;1449022273;jurov;i had what? 1335324;1449022282;asciilifeform;the tx deallocation thing 1335325;1449022325;mircea_popescu;not so, i once even posted a totally flat penis in between two acrylic boards 1335326;1449022338;asciilifeform;hm. 1335327;1449022342;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu winz again it seems. 1335328;1449022360;mircea_popescu;plus that mangled one that looked like a snail 1335329;1449022373;asciilifeform;uh 1335330;1449022379;*;asciilifeform now remembers this also. 1335331;1449022395;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41500 @ 0.00051358 = 21.3136 BTC [-] 1335332;1449022635;mircea_popescu; ben_vulpes: it is strictly, strictly for nailing ru. << no it's not dood. first off, it's for nailing the us. which it splendidly did, put obama's faint attempt at reindustrialization squarely in the air. 1335333;1449022658;mircea_popescu;but more broadly, it's a bid for survival. for as long as they still have oil reserves, the risk of oil no longer being used is much larger than the "loss" of selling it cheap. 1335334;1449022749;asciilifeform;once you subtract the eco-lysenkoist claptrap (e.g., 'renewable') - what's left is, what, fischer-tropsch? the fission machines that the west has forgotten how to build or maintain ? 1335335;1449022761;asciilifeform;so where is 'risk of not being used' in petro ? 1335336;1449022776;mircea_popescu;nuclear. 1335337;1449022866;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu should enjoy the low background of the southern hem. while it lasts then... 1335338;1449022872;mircea_popescu;if the decision is made to actually switch to electricity, with the few trn worth of industrial adjustments this would take, oil could in fact be a curio in two decades. 1335339;1449022897;mircea_popescu;no more truck haulage ; no more cars for the plebs - either tesla or bycicle 1335340;1449022905;*;asciilifeform has always wondered why, precisely, this never happens 1335341;1449022907;mircea_popescu;it's a definite possibility, one the nato spent 20 years+ at assembling 1335342;1449022921;mircea_popescu;currently it isn't happening because oil went to 20 and cut them at the knees 1335343;1449022947;mircea_popescu;oil is definitely one of those things that you either have the si fab or forget about it. 1335344;1449022955;mircea_popescu;so once it's gone, it's gone. 1335345;1449023050;mircea_popescu;strategically speasking, the decision to firesell it was unavoidable. which is why ru and sa are still best buttbudies 1335346;1449023110;mircea_popescu;ironically, the move would actually stand a decent chance at fixing the us. 1335347;1449023140;mircea_popescu;they can't actually maintain the road infrastructure. they could, perhaps, be able to run decent railroad instead. it's a degree of magnitude cheaper. 1335348;1449023288;asciilifeform;it blew me away when i learned that usa, home of the original mega-railroads, was today a rail-backwater like africa 1335349;1449023298;asciilifeform;hell, iirc india today has more active track than usa. 1335350;1449023585;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nato put some sweat into electro-catalytic synthesis of jet fuel, etc. but usa lives and dies by the 'plebes in cars' thing. and if there's been any serious push against this, it is a very well-kept secret 1335351;1449023656;asciilifeform;public transport here, esp. outside of the handful of mega-conurbations, is a joke. 1335352;1449025592;asciilifeform;'PSS is harder to implement because it uses randomness -- randomness is hard on many embedded systems like smart cards. The most proclaimed advantage of PSS is that it has a "security proof" with, apparently, a rather tight reduction (see this page for some references). Security proofs are not an easy subject; the proof for OAEP (the encryption padding which is like the "sister protocol" to PSS) was found out to be wrong by Sh 1335353;1449025592;asciilifeform;oup and then repaired again by Fujisaki, Okamoto, Pointcheval and Stern....' 1335354;1449025603;asciilifeform;forfuxxsake 1335355;1449026116;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10414 @ 0.00051358 = 5.3484 BTC [-] 1335356;1449026177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28378 @ 0.00051358 = 14.5744 BTC [-] 1335357;1449026238;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5631 @ 0.00051357 = 2.8919 BTC [-] {2} 1335358;1449027702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22331 @ 0.00051836 = 11.5755 BTC [+] {2} 1335359;1449029084;phf;kakobrekla: hey, so log entry #1314006 has a handful of newlines in the entry itself. what's the convention there? \n\t\t as line continuation? 1335360;1449029627;BingoBoingo;"On a personal "hate ramen noodles and tuna" level, I agree. But my good-for-project-good-for-the-world side says the OpenBSD Foundation is more effective at growing the contribution pie and in particular funding the hackathons where great work happens." - Theo De Raadt 1335361;1449030075;mircea_popescu;i rest. 1335362;1449030090;mircea_popescu;he could be alf word for word 1335363;1449030105;mircea_popescu;"this makes no sense but i'm going to be insane nevertheless - anything, anything just as long as i stay depersonalized kthx" 1335364;1449030508;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8843 @ 0.00051135 = 4.5219 BTC [-] {2} 1335365;1449030569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24414 @ 0.00050859 = 12.4167 BTC [-] {2} 1335366;1449031125;BingoBoingo;!up Duffer1 1335367;1449031214;Duffer1;am i the only one having probs lately w/ freenode? 1335368;1449031228;BingoBoingo;No everyone is/has problems 1335369;1449031886;trinque;Duffer1: see logs; ample discussion of ddos 1335370;1449031975;asciilifeform;mirce_popescu et al : if i ever dementia into the 'the hackathons where great work happens' level plz take me behind the shed & shoot. k thx 1335371;1449033070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18295 @ 0.00050855 = 9.3039 BTC [-] {2} 1335372;1449034412;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18850 @ 0.00051537 = 9.7147 BTC [+] 1335373;1449035327;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00050854 = 5.5939 BTC [-] {2} 1335374;1449036735;phf;kakobrekla: hey, uploaded log files are busted, title fetches done by assbot have extra newlines, that correspond to newlines in the title. here's affected entry ids, http://paste.lisp.org/display/163299 1335375;1449036735;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O2EQY3 ) 1335376;1449038855;punkman;phf, did you find my unicode horrors yet? 1335377;1449040336;punkman;http://henrycountyreport.com/blog/2015/12/01/leaked-documents-reveal-dothan-police-department-planted-drugs-on-young-black-men-for-years-district-attorney-doug-valeska-complicit/ 1335378;1449040337;assbot;Leaked Documents Reveal Dothan Police Department Planted Drugs on Young Black Men For Years, District Attorney Doug Valeska Complicit | The Henry County Report ... ( http://bit.ly/1N34BYe ) 1335379;1449040453;BingoBoingo;CIVIL WAR https://archive.is/BqlXA 1335380;1449040454;assbot;Illinois AG: DOJ should look at Chicago PD | MSNBC ... ( http://bit.ly/1N34KuA ) 1335381;1449040470;BingoBoingo;Illinois State vs. Chicago 1335382;1449046679;punkman;http://imgur.com/gallery/kSv4f 1335383;1449046680;assbot;Brazilian Fukushima - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nnrjtr ) 1335384;1449048137;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25779 @ 0.00051709 = 13.3301 BTC [+] {3} 1335385;1449048368;punkman;http://i.imgur.com/o9VtAlO.jpg 1335386;1449048368;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OwpfnW ) 1335387;1449048991;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13367 @ 0.00051839 = 6.9293 BTC [+] {3} 1335388;1449049784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00052075 = 5.8845 BTC [+] {2} 1335389;1449052590;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37100 @ 0.00052146 = 19.3462 BTC [+] {4} 1335390;1449055779;asciilifeform;http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2015/11/26/want-to-move-your-tank-battalion-to-take-on-a-threat-natos-got-a-form-for-that << from the lulzfarmz 1335391;1449055781;assbot;Want to move your tank battalion to take on a threat? NATO’s got a form for that. ... ( http://bit.ly/1YHm13Y ) 1335392;1449058751;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44886 @ 0.00052152 = 23.4089 BTC [+] {2} 1335393;1449059849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43792 @ 0.00051858 = 22.7097 BTC [-] {2} 1335394;1449061008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21874 @ 0.0005174 = 11.3176 BTC [-] {2} 1335395;1449062655;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20381 @ 0.00052152 = 10.6291 BTC [+] {2} 1335396;1449062903;asciilifeform;'By coming forward almost a decade later after these letters, this group of officers who witnessed drugs and weapons being planted and had the moral courage to bravely do the right thing are hoping the United States Department of Justice will intervene. The want a specially appointed federal prosecutor, from outside the state of Alabama....' 1335397;1449062908;asciilifeform;ahahahaha l0l 1335398;1449062913;asciilifeform;!s gendarmerie 1335399;1449062914;assbot;26 results for 'gendarmerie' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gendarmerie 1335400;1449062917;asciilifeform;on schedule. 1335401;1449062989;asciilifeform;and of course, known to every su schoolboy, the canonical: 'Изуверскими делами Он теперь известен всем - В диком штате Алабаме Страшный город Бирмингем....' (tm) (r) (mihalkov) 1335402;1449063092;asciilifeform;'Город гнева, город стона, / Где во тьме горят кресты, / Где ты будешь вне закона / На глазах у Вашингтона, / Если кожей черен ты!' 1335403;1449063101;asciilifeform;but the timez have a-changed. 1335404;1449064181;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10147 @ 0.00052428 = 5.3199 BTC [+] 1335405;1449066498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87500 @ 0.00052431 = 45.8771 BTC [+] {5} 1335406;1449067596;punkman;re: text steganography http://www.semantilog.org/biblingsteg/ 1335407;1449067597;assbot;the semantilog project ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rmyg3K ) 1335408;1449068144;jurov;http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article25161682.html china submarine steganography :DDD 1335409;1449068145;assbot;China may be trying to hide its submarines in the South China Sea | Miami Herald ... ( http://bit.ly/1YHRX8u ) 1335410;1449068190;punkman;https://archive.is/34zMO "That would mean investors are valuing Yahoo’s core business at less than zero if the Asian assets were spun out tax-free." 1335411;1449068192;assbot;Yahoo Board to Weigh Sale of Internet Business - WSJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1YHS4B0 ) 1335412;1449068738;mircea_popescu;el internete no funcciona!!1\ 1335413;1449068883;mircea_popescu;jurov qntra shares deposited. (including my batch. i have no idea why i had been doing the splitting, but anyway. no more.) 1335414;1449068986;jurov;so, i'm to push your shares somewhere, too? 1335415;1449068999;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8284 @ 0.00052433 = 4.3435 BTC [+] {2} 1335416;1449069015;mircea_popescu;yeah, to my kjey. 1335417;1449069027;mircea_popescu;6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452 1335418;1449069037;jurov;isee 1335419;1449069060;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30516 @ 0.00052434 = 16.0008 BTC [+] 1335420;1449069069;mircea_popescu;kthx 1335421;1449069275;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-12-2015#1335410 << this happens to be a correct valuation. 1335422;1449069275;assbot;Logged on 02-12-2015 14:56:30; punkman: https://archive.is/34zMO "That would mean investors are valuing Yahoo’s core business at less than zero if the Asian assets were spun out tax-free." 1335423;1449069323;mircea_popescu;What we want is like a military Schengen zone, the three-star U.S. general said, referring to the border-free travel regime adopted by most European Union countries. Right now refugees can move across Europe faster than military convoys. 1335424;1449069325;mircea_popescu;bwhgahaha. 1335425;1449069330;mircea_popescu;THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF EUROPE. 1335426;1449069340;mircea_popescu;since oh i dunno, the fucking concordat of worms. 1335427;1449069397;mircea_popescu;buncha outlier barbarians in temporary positions of power missing what civilisation is all about by the usual mile 1335428;1449069419;mircea_popescu;this schmuck, gengis khan, whadda hell's the difference. 1335429;1449069604;jurov;qntras distributed 1335430;1449069684;deedbot-;[Trilema] Qntra (S.QNTR) November 2015 Statement - http://trilema.com/2015/qntra-sqntr-november-2015-statement/ 1335431;1449070819;shinohai;well 1335432;1449071561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 158931 @ 0.00051912 = 82.5043 BTC [-] {5} 1335433;1449071866;shinohai;"a hub went boom" that sounds unfortunate. 1335434;1449071988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46950 @ 0.00051305 = 24.0877 BTC [-] {6} 1335435;1449074367;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18050 @ 0.00051582 = 9.3106 BTC [+] {2} 1335436;1449075160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 122303 @ 0.00051583 = 63.0876 BTC [+] 1335437;1449075520;lobbes;lol, dat net split 1335438;1449075800;shinohai;we lost assbot i think 1335439;1449077822;jurov;rr 1335440;1449078332;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71300 @ 0.00051506 = 36.7238 BTC [-] {4} 1335441;1449078759;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115600 @ 0.00050217 = 58.0509 BTC [-] {10} 1335442;1449078773;jurov;^ i should think of better way to check if still having voice 1335443;1449079693;punkman;https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c6b441_b8be85e11674493598fd5c9d6d0f6936.jpg_srz_600_463_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srz 1335444;1449079695;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1XHqykG ) 1335445;1449081138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53126 @ 0.00050963 = 27.0746 BTC [+] {3} 1335446;1449082181;thestringpuller;!t m s.mpoe 1335447;1449082181;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00050016 / 0.00051594 / 0.00052434 (1594682 shares, 822.77 BTC), 7D: 0.00049466 / 0.00050721 / 0.00052434 (6344107 shares, 3,217.80 BTC), 30D: 0.00048633 / 0.00052203 / 0.00057294 (50989976 shares, 26,618.69 BTC) 1335448;1449082189;thestringpuller;assbot: you okay? 1335449;1449082602;ben_vulpes;;;ping 1335450;1449082603;gribble;pong 1335451;1449082651;trinque;!up assbot 1335452;1449082655;trinque;lol 1335453;1449082780;thestringpuller;assbot must have been on wrong side of netsplit? 1335454;1449084408;deedbot-;[serialized delusions] Tragedy of web security - http://explo.yt/post/2015/12/02/Tragedy-of-web-security 1335455;1449084465;asciilifeform;'I can't believe no one ever thought of a way how browser can authenticate a session without giving out secrets to anyone, including javascript.' << pgp ? 1335456;1449084554;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5082 @ 0.0004998 = 2.54 BTC [-] {3} 1335457;1449084686;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: So. Got to page 3 of dragon book. 1335458;1449084694;asciilifeform;3?! 1335459;1449084696;thestringpuller;That's about as far as I can get before it looks egyptian to me. 1335460;1449084706;asciilifeform;oh ferfuxxsake 1335461;1449084748;asciilifeform;http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/agbkb/lehre/ccfl/Material/ALSUdragonbook.pdf << l337 w4r3z of 'dragon book' for anyone who doesn't have one and has nfi what we're on about 1335462;1449084752;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YIqraL ) 1335463;1449084805;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: if you're a complete n00b you might want to try one of andrew appel's schoolbooks 1335464;1449084831;asciilifeform;andrew w. appel, 'modern compiler implementation in X' where X is one of 3 or 4 different langs (different editions) 1335465;1449084851;asciilifeform;it also helps if you have something like an actual reason for doing any of this. 1335466;1449084867;thestringpuller;to become more skilled? 1335467;1449084871;thestringpuller;or is that not a good reason :( 1335468;1449084873;asciilifeform;skilled in what 1335469;1449084876;asciilifeform;writing compiler ? 1335470;1449084909;thestringpuller;skilled in fundamentals. 1335471;1449084946;thestringpuller;http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Compiler-Implementation-Andrew-Appel/dp/0521607655 << this looks neat 1335472;1449084963;asciilifeform;it's an ok book 1335473;1449084980;asciilifeform;best place to learn is still... by reading an actual compiler from 1980s or prior 1335474;1449085010;asciilifeform;(and writing own, similar.) 1335475;1449085037;asciilifeform;also arguably 'compiler' is two entirely separate disciplines, 1335476;1449085059;asciilifeform;front-endiana (parser, lexer, ast, et al) and back-endiana (code gen, peepholer, various optimizers) 1335477;1449085072;asciilifeform;they don't really have much to do with one another. 1335478;1449085088;asciilifeform;but tend to get equally shoddy treatment in school on account of being jammed into same course in one semester. 1335479;1449085121;asciilifeform;to see something like a quasi-readable and quasi-modern compiler, see f. bellard's 'tinycc' ( http://bellard.org/tcc/tcc-doc.html ) 1335480;1449085122;assbot;Tiny C Compiler Reference Documentation ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q171N1 ) 1335481;1449085182;thestringpuller;interesting 1335482;1449085192;thestringpuller;i'm learning a lot already. 1335483;1449086388;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Federal Reserve will raise interest rate at December FOMC meeting - http://bitbet.us/bet/1221/federal-reserve-will-raise-interest-rate-at-december/#b26 1335484;1449088386;jurov;asciilifeform: how many webdevs or even W3C dudes ever thought about pgp? 1335485;1449088454;jurov;and i don't ask even that, only for browser to manage session without possibility of js mucking in it 1335486;1449089180;shinohai;BingoBoingo: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/married-couple-so-fat-theyve-never-had-sex/news-story/8fe78659260e79be3806ef676cff4aa4 1335487;1449089181;assbot;Married couple too fat to have sex: Husband and wife to undergo weight loss surgery ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGFRro ) 1335488;1449089362;punkman;jurov, browsers do have client certificates 1335489;1449089463;punkman;and you can massage your GPG key into a client cert 1335490;1449089477;asciilifeform;ugh 1335491;1449089486;punkman;yeah it sucks 1335492;1449089507;asciilifeform;aaah yeaaaah sure, sslizing my rsa key makes me ah so hot&bothered 1335493;1449089513;asciilifeform;mno. 1335494;1449089617;trinque;browser needs to die. 1335495;1449089652;trinque;gimme the data and leave me to say what I'll do with it 1335496;1449089660;asciilifeform;'browser' is but one single pustule on a half-dead bubonic and leprous horror 1335497;1449089680;trinque;no argument here. 1335498;1449089767;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: stop hating on the world wide web 1335499;1449089773;thestringpuller;it's the best thing the internet has to offer! 1335500;1449089798;thestringpuller;now we can do everything in da javascript. the browser is da future! 1335501;1449089820;*;asciilifeform is still waiting for browser-in-js-in-browser 1335502;1449089830;asciilifeform;though there is a js x86 box emulator, yes 1335503;1449089831;punkman;asciilifeform: has been done 1335504;1449089832;asciilifeform;so there is hope. 1335505;1449089842;jurov;iirc they did arachne in js? 1335506;1449089856;punkman;not it, but relevant http://oldweb.today/ 1335507;1449089857;assbot;oldweb.today ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oybvt6 ) 1335508;1449089860;trinque;just compile webkit for emscripten 1335509;1449089881;asciilifeform;lulzy. 1335510;1449089906;asciilifeform;'Waiting for empty slot... At most 1756 user(s) ahead of you' 1335511;1449089913;asciilifeform;eh. 1335512;1449089931;trinque;http://s-macke.github.io/jor1k/demos/main.html?user=T9MZlHrF0x << killl meeee 1335513;1449089932;assbot;jor1k: OpenRISC OR1K Javascript Emulator Running Linux With Network Support ... ( http://bit.ly/1OybFk9 ) 1335514;1449089958;asciilifeform;http://bellard.org/jslinux << mega-classic 1335515;1449089958;assbot;Javascript PC Emulator ... ( http://bit.ly/1OybJjS ) 1335516;1449089959;asciilifeform;^ x86 1335517;1449089962;punkman;trinque: https://github.com/trevorlinton/webkit.js 1335518;1449089964;assbot;trevorlinton/webkit.js · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1OybJQT ) 1335519;1449089967;asciilifeform;boots linux. 1335520;1449090015;asciilifeform;(~why~ to do this, is an entirely other question, which i am unable to even begin to apprehend) 1335521;1449090612;thestringpuller;what 1335522;1449090613;thestringpuller;the 1335523;1449090617;thestringpuller;actual fuck 1335524;1449090632;thestringpuller;this linux in js comes with gcc? 1335525;1449090637;asciilifeform;afaik it was a 'we do what we must, because we can' sorta thing 1335526;1449090640;thestringpuller;dude I compiled a C program in javascript? 1335527;1449090645;thestringpuller;Why is this a thing? 1335528;1449090679;asciilifeform;other than as a demo of 'turing completeness' for schoolchildren, i can think of no actual use for this 1335529;1449090683;punkman;because now you can play Golden Axe in teh browser! https://archive.org/details/msdos_Golden_Axe_1990 1335530;1449090685;assbot;Golden Axe : SEGA Enterprises Ltd. : Free Streaming : Internet Archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1OydflW ) 1335531;1449090702;trinque;perversion is its own end for a deviant child 1335532;1449090726;asciilifeform;punkman: lulzy. somebody oughta make one for 'DERIVE' 1335533;1449090737;thestringpuller;i imagine trinque will buy his son a commodore 64 1335534;1449090880;trinque;I played with BASIC on DOS back in the day; I can think of worse gifts. 1335535;1449090933;asciilifeform;i can think of few better gifts - 1335536;1449090947;asciilifeform;unless you're of the mircea_popescu or orlov school of thought, in which case better gifts include horse and kalash 1335537;1449090965;asciilifeform;(or pirate ship, etc) 1335538;1449091005;punkman;why not both 1335539;1449091111;asciilifeform;possibly because http://www.i-deti.ru/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/uploaded_images/illyustracii_k_basn1_0.jpeg 1335540;1449091112;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyegdQ ) 1335541;1449091176;asciilifeform;http://preemnik2008.net/img/content/i1/1939.jpg << or for moar scientific treatment!!1 1335542;1449091177;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyeoKq ) 1335543;1449091187;asciilifeform;^ mircea_popescu prolly had this b00k 1335544;1449091214;punkman;is it a russian proverb or something? 1335545;1449091237;asciilifeform;fable 1335546;1449091270;asciilifeform;'swan, pike, and crayfish' 1335547;1449091282;asciilifeform;(ivan krylov, 1814) 1335548;1449091306;asciilifeform;https://ru.wikisource.org/wiki/%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8C,_%D0%A9%D1%83%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B8_%D0%A0%D0%B0%D0%BA_(%D0%9A%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2) << compl3337 t3x7 1335549;1449091307;assbot;Лебедь, Щука и Рак (Крылов) — Викитека ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGKeTs ) 1335550;1449091351;phf;https://russianuniverse.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/caricature-based-on-swan-pike-and-crawfish-fable.jpg 1335551;1449091352;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGKkul ) 1335552;1449091362;asciilifeform;ends: '... which one of them's at fault? / i cannot say! / but that old cart's / still there today!' -- approx. 1335553;1449091390;asciilifeform;phf: l0lzz 1335554;1449091411;phf;haha, that perelman illustration (re scientific take) 1335555;1449091417;asciilifeform;aha, mega-b000k 1335556;1449091427;punkman;one would certainly be tempted to use kalash as input device for current computars 1335557;1449091456;asciilifeform;https://www.eduspb.com/public/books/nauch_pop_uch/perelman_fizika1.pdf << l337 w4r3z 1335558;1449091460;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGKvWs ) 1335559;1449091469;asciilifeform;^ Яков Исидорович Перельман. 'Занимательная физика.' 1335560;1449091475;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5491 @ 0.00049546 = 2.7206 BTC [-] 1335561;1449091505;asciilifeform;punkman: quite! 1335562;1449091597;phf;also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=29-08-2015#1255220 1335563;1449091597;assbot;Logged on 29-08-2015 05:44:47; phf: (entire perelman archive in djvu http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/P/PEREL'MAN_Yakov_Isidorovich/_Perel'man_Ya.I..html, probably of interest only for ascii) 1335564;1449091606;asciilifeform;^ better 1335565;1449091618;asciilifeform;!s djvu 1335566;1449091619;assbot;33 results for 'djvu' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=djvu 1335567;1449091633;asciilifeform;(for anyone who does not know what subj. is, or why) 1335568;1449091719;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51577 @ 0.00049546 = 25.5543 BTC [-] 1335569;1449091780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35600 @ 0.00049751 = 17.7114 BTC [+] 1335570;1449091785;thestringpuller;!ticker m s.qntr 1335571;1449091785;assbot;[MPEX:S.QNTR] 1D: 0.00022489 / 0.00022659 / 0.00023 (3000 shares, 0.68 BTC), 7D: 0.00022489 / 0.00026036 / 0.0003002 (5543 shares, 1.44 BTC), 30D: 0.00022489 / 0.00026197 / 0.0003002 (8479 shares, 2.22 BTC) 1335572;1449091830;lobbes;http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/02/us/san-bernardino-shooting/index.html 1335573;1449091831;assbot;San Bernardino shooting: Suspects on the loose - CNN.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGLbuN ) 1335574;1449091963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103700 @ 0.0004935 = 51.176 BTC [-] {8} 1335575;1449091982;punkman;http://telecom.kz/en/news/view/18729 1335576;1449091984;assbot;Kazakhtelecom ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGLs14 ) 1335577;1449091994;asciilifeform;meanwhile, on headzoff.com.... http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/02/middleeast/isis-russian-beheading-claim 1335578;1449091995;assbot;ISIS video shows beheading of alleged Russian spy - CNN.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGLsOt ) 1335579;1449092061;asciilifeform;punkman: 'kazahstan!! greatest country in the world! all other countries are run by little gurlz!!11' (tm) (r) ('borat') 1335580;1449092084;asciilifeform;moar relevantly, 1335581;1449092109;asciilifeform;'national swimming pool!... ...filtration system, a marvel to behold! it removes eighty percent of hyooooman soooolid waaaaste!1111' 1335582;1449092124;thestringpuller;that's fucking gross 1335583;1449092136;thestringpuller;just stop peeing in the pool 1335584;1449092144;asciilifeform;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-17491344 << megaclassic 1335585;1449092145;assbot;Borat anthem stuns Kazakh gold medallist in Kuwait - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGLLZJ ) 1335586;1449092193;trinque;ahaha... wd to the troll responsible 1335587;1449092240;thestringpuller;https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/bitcoin-mining-pool-f-pool-discus-fish-maintains-bip-not-an-option-1449003767 << Coinbase CEO states, we have miner support; Chinese say fuck you. 1335588;1449092293;asciilifeform;aaaah yeah, i was wondering where the ph0rk w4rz folks went 1335589;1449092303;asciilifeform;evidently - still with us. 1335590;1449092366;thestringpuller;more of a cold war, that doesn't matter 1335591;1449092405;thestringpuller;since unlike the nuclear powers of the 60's; these people just have a fake "fork it now" button rather than an actual fork ICBM launcher 1335592;1449092907;BingoBoingo;"The most important function of any locking mechanism is deterrence." >> http://www.csoonline.com/article/3010200/physical-security/skip-the-picks-expert-uses-hammer-to-open-a-master-lock.html 1335593;1449092909;assbot;Skip the picks, expert uses hammer to open a Master Lock | CSO Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyhG06 ) 1335594;1449092927;asciilifeform;hammer << why not dynamite then. 1335595;1449092952;punkman;the one time I saw a locksmith work, it was hammer time 1335596;1449092961;asciilifeform;aah l0l apparently this is a 'bumping' demo. 1335597;1449092966;asciilifeform;bumping is ancient history. 1335598;1449092987;asciilifeform;(essentially random walk brute force attack for shitty pin tumbler locks) 1335599;1449093006;asciilifeform;a vibrating dildo, or electro-toothbrush, with needle taped on, works for this trick 1335600;1449093016;punkman;vibrating toothbrush (or dildo) works great for bumping 1335601;1449093020;BingoBoingo;Seriously the bullshit though. It's like FU, the most important job of the lock is sparking the thermite! 1335602;1449093026;punkman;lol 1335603;1449093030;jurov;http://hiddenlolcdn.com/i/53773.gif 1335604;1449093031;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyhUEG ) 1335605;1449093039;*;asciilifeform owns ~this~ hammer, l0l 1335606;1449093047;BingoBoingo;lol 1335607;1449093061;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60750 @ 0.00050586 = 30.731 BTC [+] 1335608;1449093115;asciilifeform;at any rate padlocks are really a ceremonial item 1335609;1449093143;asciilifeform;meant to signal that something was not merely left to be picked up and taken home by whoever 1335610;1449093147;punkman;so are door locks? 1335611;1449093154;asciilifeform;(ianal. ^ this may or may not mean anything in your jurisdiction) 1335612;1449093263;asciilifeform;if we lived in 18th c. britain, prior to the ban of security boobytraps, a frag would be an interesting item to build into a padlock 1335613;1449093298;asciilifeform;(what kind of trigger? use your imagination) 1335614;1449093331;asciilifeform;sadly they lacked modern brissant explosives. but think how picturesque. 1335615;1449093341;punkman;relevant game, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-01-2015#999995 1335616;1449093341;assbot;Logged on 31-01-2015 10:40:29; punkman: http://thecastledoctrine.net/buy.php 1335617;1449093507;trinque;this guy is a terrible narrator 1335618;1449093515;trinque;game looks fun 1335619;1449096218;thestringpuller;so conformal went full loco 1335620;1449096237;thestringpuller;btcd is going to pull in BIP-101 1335621;1449096257;asciilifeform;as if the shitlang weren't enough 1335622;1449096381;asciilifeform;while we're doing shitware, 1335623;1449096383;asciilifeform;https://code.google.com/p/google-compute-engine/issues/detail?id=87 << lulzy 1335624;1449096385;assbot;Issue 87 - google-compute-engine - UDP Packet Fragments cannot be reassembled - Google Compute Engine issue tracker - Google Project Hosting ... ( http://bit.ly/1lwKQkE ) 1335625;1449096397;asciilifeform;' Issue 87:UDP Packet Fragments cannot be reassembled' 1335626;1449096538;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20000 @ 0.00049394 = 9.8788 BTC [-] 1335627;1449096829;thestringpuller;Ah yes. I encountered this in our infrastructure (we use google cloud) 1335628;1449096922;thestringpuller;relevant discussion? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10578122 1335629;1449096943;*;asciilifeform is quite glad that he does not need this for anything nor ever will 1335630;1449096965;thestringpuller;cause fortunately you aren't a "web developer" 1335631;1449096969;thestringpuller;but I got bills to pay too 1335632;1449096989;ben_vulpes;I AM BECOME JAVASCRIPT 1335633;1449096991;ben_vulpes;KILLER OF THE MIND 1335634;1449097017;thestringpuller;ugh. it'd be funnier if it wasn't my life the past 3 years. 1335635;1449097018;*;asciilifeform has gone from the 'omfg how do i pay teh billz' to 'omfg which of these outfits should i sign with' in past week or so 1335636;1449097037;thestringpuller;even if i got multiple job offers I still got bills to pay in the meanwhile! 1335637;1449097051;asciilifeform;eh there are worse things than web dev 1335638;1449097060;thestringpuller;for instance? 1335639;1449097084;asciilifeform;idk, fellating syphilitic cocks flattened between mircea_popescu's plexiglass plank press plates, for a penny/hour ? 1335640;1449097098;asciilifeform;filleting kittenz for obamitler's table ? 1335641;1449097221;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: more reversing? 1335642;1449097260;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: some of those. also a shop where maths are done. 1335643;1449097371;asciilifeform;will prolly go with the latter, it has a '17-y.o-accessibility-factor' of close to 0 and thereby appealing 1335644;1449097434;thestringpuller;17 y/o's regularly enter your workspace as of now? 1335645;1449097472;asciilifeform;!s 17 y.o. 1335646;1449097473;assbot;15 results for '17 y.o.' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=17+y.o. 1335647;1449097504;asciilifeform;!s 19 y.o. 1335648;1449097504;assbot;18 results for '19 y.o.' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=19+y.o. 1335649;1449097507;asciilifeform;^ possibly more pertinent 1335650;1449097570;thestringpuller;i see. you poor bastard. 1335651;1449097577;thestringpuller;i know how much you hate teenagers. 1335652;1449097577;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: shorthand for software lemon markets as described by e. naggum 1335653;1449097649;asciilifeform;i don't have teenagers, or pensioners for that matter, 1335654;1449097686;asciilifeform;but have no desire to turn into an older, less 120hr/wk-capable, and less-enthusiastic version of the typical teenage wage slave. 1335655;1449097711;asciilifeform;(and i think this was in an old thread, so i won't waste space here elaborating) 1335656;1449097752;asciilifeform;*i don't hate 1335657;1449097920;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3v1qv5/488_btc_was_stolen_from_me_but_how/cxjrv0w?context=3 <<< priceless 1335658;1449097921;assbot;arkanoah comments on 4.88 BTC was stolen from me, BUT HOW?! ... ( http://bit.ly/1NIgc4A ) 1335659;1449097934;asciilifeform;l0l re wandering decimal point 1335660;1449097955;shinohai;"Did you download a pirated copy of fallout 4?" 1335661;1449097959;asciilifeform;and... RUN MOAR WINBLOWZ!1111 1335662;1449097962;shinohai;hue 1335663;1449097964;asciilifeform;imbeciles 1335664;1449098095;asciilifeform;from the commentz, 'Then keep your coins with Coinbase or Circle. They aren't fly-by-night orgs and unless you're %100 confident in your knowledge of how bitcoins move and are secured there is no reason to even try.' 1335665;1449098099;asciilifeform;ahahaha. 1335666;1449098139;shinohai;Such a collection of stellar advice. 1335667;1449098176;asciilifeform;such as 'People are going to use Windows or Apple operating systems when it comes to mainstream computing. And even if they didn't and we all went linux, there would still be targeting and hacks of this sort.' 1335668;1449098232;asciilifeform;one is left to wonder where these brilliant minds get coin in the first place 1335669;1449098245;ben_vulpes;they buy it, like anyone else lol 1335670;1449098309;*;asciilifeform would've guessed begging 1335671;1449098317;shinohai;Most likely on the aforementioned coinbase, dirty coins 1335672;1449098332;asciilifeform;dirty ? 1335673;1449098344;asciilifeform;dirty how, they went into somebody's arse ? 1335674;1449098365;shinohai;they track coins 1335675;1449098392;asciilifeform;ask mircea_popescu about 'tracking taint' some time, for bonus l0l 1335676;1449098411;asciilifeform;he had a spiffy article, whose name escapes me presently 1335677;1449098429;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5466 @ 0.00049393 = 2.6998 BTC [-] {2} 1335678;1449098454;shinohai;;;later tell mircea_popescu please point me to the above-mentioned article, thanx 1335679;1449098455;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1335680;1449098817;thestringpuller;Coinbase made an exchange cause they couldn't make money being a broker. 1335681;1449098834;thestringpuller;More using microscopes to hammer nails. 1335682;1449099434;danielpbarron;;;google site:trilema.com there is no such thing as bitcoin taint 1335683;1449099435;gribble;Guidance : There Is No Such Thing As Bitcoin Taint. - Mircea Popescu: ; O hai let me verify your identity! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; In defense of the troll on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: ; O hai let me verify your identity! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; February 2014 on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: 1335716;1449101829;mircea_popescu;there you go shinohai 1335717;1449101896;mircea_popescu;o damn, thanks danielpbarron 1335718;1449101903;mircea_popescu;i really should read these things whole 1335719;1449101941;*;shinohai is reading ... 1335720;1449102032;mircea_popescu;i dun understand wtf that kazakstan thing is supposed to be. who the fuck cares about their stupid ideas ? 1335721;1449102159;mircea_popescu;but in similar news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m488estYPE1robtkso1_250.gif 1335722;1449102160;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NIm4e6 ) 1335723;1449104008;hanbot;deedbot- http://thewhet.net/han/mpifpc4_112015.txt.asc 1335724;1449104011;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1335725;1449106816;thestringpuller;so many "stop DOoS services" 1335726;1449108494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103700 @ 0.00049029 = 50.8431 BTC [-] {7} 1335727;1449109224;asciilifeform;Racul, broasca şi o ştiucă ... Nu ştiu cine-i vinovat ... << mega-l0l! 1335728;1449109352;asciilifeform;'A man and a woman suspected of taking part in a shooting attack that killed 14 people and wounded 17 at a California social services agency on Wednesday died in a shootout with police...' << woah, woman ?! 1335729;1449109519;asciilifeform;http://s3.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20151202&t=2&i=1099382925&w=976&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=LYNXMPEBB118P << office plankton surrendering 1335730;1449109519;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HH9t8w ) 1335731;1449109575;asciilifeform;http://s4.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20151203&t=2&i=1099434363&w=976&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=LYNXMPEBB201V << achtung! polizei! 1335732;1449109577;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HH9v0k ) 1335733;1449109804;asciilifeform;!up CrazyTruthYakDDS 1335734;1449109851;asciilifeform;!up CrazyTruthYakDDS 1335735;1449110690;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51350 @ 0.00049411 = 25.3725 BTC [+] {3} 1335736;1449111775;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/08/concerns-for-the-toomim-brothers-mining/#comment-79870 1335737;1449111776;assbot;Concerns for the Toomim Brothers Mining | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyNLVy ) 1335738;1449111942;mircea_popescu;are these the self-important derps with the "attacks" etc ? 1335739;1449111947;BingoBoingo;Yes 1335740;1449111955;BingoBoingo;One of them 1335741;1449112018;BingoBoingo;The ones who hijacked testnet because that is all the hash they have 1335742;1449112020;mircea_popescu;aha 1335743;1449112024;mircea_popescu;!up CrazyTruthYakDDS 1335744;1449112028;mircea_popescu;orly. 1335745;1449112066;mircea_popescu;!up CrazyTruthYakDDS 1335746;1449112199;mircea_popescu;in other news, anyone identify the farm implement ? http://36.media.tumblr.com/f3845e1b7096099ea936616243aafea6/tumblr_n5xuy5BPIP1rbu5j3o10_1280.jpg 1335747;1449112200;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyOwOq ) 1335748;1449112412;BingoBoingo;That looks like a chicken coop, since it is so full of cocks 1335749;1449112503;mircea_popescu;i'd have taken "this is a ho" for partial credit. 1335750;1449112589;BingoBoingo;aw 1335751;1449112916;mircea_popescu;incidentally : is the us going to ban being sick in public places yet ? 1335752;1449112932;mircea_popescu;or is being sick in public okay, just like being fat in the subway is okay, 1335753;1449112957;BingoBoingo;I have no idea 1335754;1449112963;mircea_popescu;\but smoking is not, just like sitting like a man is not ok. because one's "intentional" and the other "intentional-once-removed" and so one correlates with the bad gender. 1335755;1449113004;mircea_popescu;supplementary visuals on the topical application of the topic at hand : http://49.media.tumblr.com/a0c663ae0594dfad869311398ff9e563/tumblr_mr3m0yKvGP1swo0q8o1_400.gif 1335756;1449113005;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyQ236 ) 1335757;1449114230;BingoBoingo;!up CrazyTruthYakDDS Seriously with a nick like that you gotta talk and not just lurk 1335758;1449114660;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335751 << i parked my car in a pool of vomit large enough (somehow) for two wheels 1335759;1449114660;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 03:21:56; mircea_popescu: incidentally : is the us going to ban being sick in public places yet ? 1335760;1449114668;asciilifeform;so legal or not - there it was. 1335761;1449114760;asciilifeform;re: the whole 'sit like a man' thing - damn near everyone takes up at least 1.5 seats on trains here - bag, briefcase, motherfucking newspaper 1335762;1449114841;asciilifeform;perfectly intentional, and i've never seen anyone ticketed or even reprimanded by the train cops 1335763;1449114918;asciilifeform;as for the astonishingly fat folks BingoBoingo is so fond of, i hardly ever see'em on trains - they, i surmise, haven't 'places to be', by and large 1335764;1449115046;trinque;I'd put my bag on the seat next to me in Portland every time. 1335765;1449115051;trinque;it was an anti-bum tactic. 1335766;1449115067;trinque;they're invariably covered in at least piss, but often shit as well 1335767;1449115205;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.000495 = 9.4545 BTC [+] {2} 1335768;1449115575;BingoBoingo;http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-S7sUO2O-uPw/VaxQK9oz5cI/AAAAAAAAFO4/1CqOPypZljs/s400/buttflute.jpg 1335769;1449115575;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Iq9FJo ) 1335770;1449117065;ben_vulpes;trinque: http://www.siscog.eu/upload/GESTAO-DE-LISTAS/News/PDF/eclm-2013-siscog-a-story-written-in-lisp-20130602.pdf 1335771;1449117067;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Iqc6M1 ) 1335772;1449117213;trinque;neato, looking. 1335773;1449117218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33278 @ 0.0005009 = 16.669 BTC [+] {4} 1335774;1449118061;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335770 << neato 1335775;1449118061;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 04:31:05; ben_vulpes: trinque: http://www.siscog.eu/upload/GESTAO-DE-LISTAS/News/PDF/eclm-2013-siscog-a-story-written-in-lisp-20130602.pdf 1335776;1449118077;asciilifeform;'kee' was, as i gather, brain-meltingly spiffy 1335777;1449118172;asciilifeform;used to be featured in pediwikia's 'orphaned softs' category, iirc no longer. 1335778;1449118246;asciilifeform;;;seen mats 1335779;1449118247;gribble;mats was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 5 days, 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 43 seconds ago: rolling off the cheeks of the slaves doncha know 1335780;1449121306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20600 @ 0.00050572 = 10.4178 BTC [+] {2} 1335781;1449127305;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mircea_popescu toominimium threw a loller in your direction http://qntra.net/2015/08/concerns-for-the-toomim-brothers-mining/#comment-79924 1335782;1449127306;assbot;Concerns for the Toomim Brothers Mining | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1XJ4je5 ) 1335783;1449127306;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1335784;1449127981;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.30000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/#b72 1335785;1449129053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33047 @ 0.00049357 = 16.311 BTC [-] {3} 1335786;1449129114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7086 @ 0.00048942 = 3.468 BTC [-] 1335787;1449133665;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: i'd have figured you'd have already seen that 1335788;1449135390;adlai;;;seen STRML 1335789;1449135390;gribble;STRML was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 44 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 20 minutes, and 4 seconds ago: I guess I live in the wrong city 1335790;1449139603;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=31-08-2015#1257257 and so does he 1335791;1449139603;assbot;Logged on 31-08-2015 16:33:12; mats: mpoe sleeps 1335792;1449139681;adlai;mpex is like frequent batch auctions, but in 1335793;1449139818;kakobrekla; Goldman Scamch : Bitcoin was just the opening act, with the Blockchain ready to take center stage. 1335794;1449139818;kakobrekla;The note comes soon after the bank filed a patent for a securities settlement platform based on SETLcoin, a new cryptocurrency. 1335795;1449140625;adlai;;;isup trading.engine 1335796;1449140627;gribble;trading.engine is down 1335797;1449140667;*;adlai rushes to patent provably fair batch auction randomization based on hash collisions 1335798;1449147994;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/#b73 1335799;1449152052;mircea_popescu;haha. 1335800;1449152094;mircea_popescu;center stage in the roadshow. anyway, they want war, they get war, let 'em explain to their wives the 2020s. 1335801;1449152113;mircea_popescu;"oh honey i don't understand what the world became" "that's because you dumb, motha. you made it." 1335802;1449152580;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo done. 1335803;1449153209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 203758 @ 0.00049296 = 100.4445 BTC [+] {9} 1335804;1449153248;adlai;good morning 1335805;1449153761;adlai;mircea_popescu should sell insurance against qntrification 1335806;1449153800;adlai;other bitcoin "news sites" offer paid coverage, qntra lets you pay to be ignored 1335807;1449153806;mircea_popescu;mno. 1335808;1449153813;adlai;hey it's a monetization avenue! :D 1335809;1449153832;adlai;"we will not mention your failures anywhere other than monthly statements" 1335810;1449153866;mircea_popescu;mno. 1335811;1449153872;trinque;just like CNN eh? 1335812;1449154014;adlai;mok. 1335813;1449154066;mircea_popescu;does anyone have the line where i tell asciilifeform or someone that their love of lisp is misplaced, because a) c was just as great before the horde got involved and b) if lisp were to become fashionable it'd be cpp in short order ? 1335814;1449154218;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=05-11-2015#1317881 << I believe there are several instances of this. 1335815;1449154218;assbot;Logged on 05-11-2015 23:05:31; mircea_popescu: and once they become popular, they will BE the sea of lisp shit. 1335816;1449154230;mircea_popescu;good enugh tyvm! 1335817;1449154235;trinque;yw 1335818;1449154664;mircea_popescu;ok this will be a kickass article. 1335819;1449154669;mircea_popescu;and you can all thank goldman sachs for it. 1335820;1449155385;shinohai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3NEH2ZA.txt 1335821;1449155389;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJt7n1 ) 1335822;1449155389;deedbot-;Bad URL or network outage. 1335823;1449155406;shinohai;>.> 1335824;1449155442;trinque;odd. 1335825;1449155472;shinohai;deedbot doesn't like me T_T 1335826;1449155503;trinque;shinohai: that is not signed 1335827;1449155524;shinohai;shit wrong one 1335828;1449156119;shinohai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/384SYR0.txt 1335829;1449156121;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TA2FLg ) 1335830;1449156123;deedbot-;rejected: 1 1335831;1449156130;shinohai;*sigh* 1335832;1449156321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34200 @ 0.00049162 = 16.8134 BTC [+] {2} 1335833;1449156382;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22900 @ 0.00049374 = 11.3066 BTC [+] {2} 1335834;1449156924;shinohai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0NMP5ZE.txt 1335835;1449156926;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJuUbx ) 1335836;1449156927;deedbot-;rejected: 1 1335837;1449156932;shinohai;grrrr 1335838;1449156984;trinque;those are both bad sigs. 1335839;1449157063;shinohai;same key i use in here .. hmm 1335840;1449157157;trinque;verify them on your end 1335841;1449157196;*;adlai sees 3NEH2ZA as not even signed, and 0NMP5ZE as bad sig 1335842;1449157229;adlai;deedbot-fs eta not even Two Weeks yet 1335843;1449157745;adlai;!s meth-lsd 1335844;1449157746;assbot;1 results for 'meth-lsd' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=meth-lsd 1335845;1449157752;adlai;mircea_popescu: there's that thread, too 1335846;1449159605;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/02/i-know-you-are-but-what-am-i/ 1335847;1449159607;assbot;“I know you are but what am I?” | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1lyBPHM ) 1335848;1449159615;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00049518 = 8.0219 BTC [+] {2} 1335849;1449159624;adlai;heh, people love special numbers don't they 1335850;1449159934;pete_dushenski;"lower barriers to entry for massage parlors makes the black market for prostitution larger, but also less risky. This is due to illegal prostitution buyers and suppliers switching to the quasi-legal sector, as well as quasi-legal sex workers facing a reduced wage premium for high-risk behavior. Consequently, the incidence of gonorrhea and rape falls in the general population." 1335851;1449159996;pete_dushenski;via https://docs.google.com/a/g.ucla.edu/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Zy51Y2xhLmVkdXxhbWFuZGEtbmd1eWVufGd4OjY2YjNjNzQ4NzEzMmEzNmY (amanda ngyyen's job market paper for her phd in economics) 1335852;1449159997;assbot;draft11.5.pdf ... ( http://bit.ly/1lyCDfR ) 1335853;1449160113;pete_dushenski;basically, "lower barriers to entry for apple orchards make the black market for orange orchards larger, thus rape and stds are reduced" 1335854;1449160217;adlai;pete_dushenski: doesn't your "trader's delight" article boil down to ballas's "they are successful at feeling like a trader" ? 1335855;1449160301;pete_dushenski;how so ? 1335856;1449160515;adlai;"if you're a human trader, there's really no place like it"... it's all about how it makes you feel 1335857;1449160540;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=26-06-2015#1178143 >>> loller. 1335858;1449160540;assbot;Logged on 26-06-2015 20:37:43; mircea_popescu: anyway this looks like it's going to be an epic b-a summer. phuctor delivered, eulora came, nodes are moving, apparently cardano as well, 1335859;1449160648;pete_dushenski;adlai: "MPEx, on the other hand, is a human-paced, even aristocratically-paced free market that leverages the latest encryption technology in a secure and intuitive-to-use manner that does away with HFT and eschews fiat" 1335860;1449160727;pete_dushenski;i guess the pace of trading is part of the 'feeling' but that alone is not what makes trading s.mpoe worthwhile. 1335861;1449160739;pete_dushenski;bbias (crying to tend to) 1335862;1449160742;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_field 1335863;1449160840;mircea_popescu;there was at some point some derp in here wanting us to believe he's "a jouirnalist", not wanting to get in the wot and wanting to ask some dumbass questions about phuctor that i briefly entertained. 1335864;1449160843;mircea_popescu;anyone recall specifics ? 1335865;1449160862;ascii_field;was it the imbecile who wanted his key (never specified!) removed ? 1335866;1449160902;mircea_popescu;nono 1335867;1449160909;mircea_popescu;wanted to "maybe write an article" 1335868;1449160915;ascii_field;!s from:fromphuctor 1335869;1449160916;assbot;47 results for 'from:fromphuctor' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Afromphuctor 1335870;1449160938;mircea_popescu;it's remarkable how little mark this whole pile leaves in the record. 1335871;1449160949;ascii_field;i actually do not recall such a thing 1335872;1449160957;ascii_field;perhaps this was 'fan mail' sent to mircea_popescu privately ? 1335873;1449160964;mircea_popescu;uh 1335874;1449160972;mircea_popescu;im pretty certain it was in here. 1335875;1449161022;trinque;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-06-2015#1152047 ? 1335876;1449161022;assbot;Logged on 03-06-2015 00:06:57; asciilifeform: alphonse23_: author of 'phuctor' speaking. you had questions ? 1335877;1449161028;mircea_popescu;no ?! 1335878;1449161055;mircea_popescu;nah this is just a user. 1335879;1449161064;ascii_field;aha no mention of journalisms 1335880;1449161064;mircea_popescu;no, the guy actually mentioend some fishrwap 1335881;1449161071;mircea_popescu;hm, maybe wirded ? 1335882;1449161187;punkman;https://github.com/CyberShadow/DFeed neat 1335883;1449161189;assbot;CyberShadow/DFeed · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1lbJ2hs ) 1335884;1449161279;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335813 << this isn't entirely wrong, but it is also not correct: it would be a very different sea - more like a small puddle of molten plutonium. (dynamic langs with everything-viewable and everything-debuggable sort of capability don't congeal into the familiar unix-like morass, but nobody cancelled idiots and ~purely logical~ bugs) 1335885;1449161279;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 14:47:46; mircea_popescu: does anyone have the line where i tell asciilifeform or someone that their love of lisp is misplaced, because a) c was just as great before the horde got involved and b) if lisp were to become fashionable it'd be cpp in short order ? 1335886;1449161321;mircea_popescu;it wasn't obvious c will congeal into the now familiar morass either. 1335887;1449161333;ascii_field;actually it was pretty obvious to herr dijkstra 1335888;1449161337;ascii_field;quite early on, too. 1335889;1449161346;mircea_popescu;and i'm dijkstra now ? 1335890;1449161359;mircea_popescu;"obvious to X only" is the definition of nonobvious. 1335891;1449161373;*;ascii_field ain't dijkstra either 1335892;1449161381;ascii_field;but fella made a quite convincing case, and wrote it down 1335893;1449161385;ascii_field;where i could get to it.. 1335894;1449161483;ascii_field;at any rate, i cannot possibly argue against the main idea here - that a horde of energetic, malignantly-stupid people can befunge literally ~anything~ 1335895;1449161674;ascii_field;theodor dalrymple (british) had a piece describing a scene he witnessed as a medic in liberia, where enraged orcs sawed the legs off, and carefully too massive shits into, a rare and very costly concert piano 1335896;1449161682;ascii_field;*took 1335897;1449161698;adlai;also Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is 1335898;1449161700;adlai; clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerves and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid and 1335899;1449161702;ascii_field;that this could happen, was not a defect of the piano. 1335900;1449161702;adlai; industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous." 1335901;1449161708;ascii_field;adlai: aha. 1335902;1449161997;adlai;someday you could study the comparative damage done by almost-lisps such as ruby 1335903;1449162013;*;adlai is not familiar enough with clojure to dismiss it as pseudo 1335904;1449162045;adlai;study probably boils down to "rails lol" 1335905;1449162066;punkman;how is ruby almost-lisp? 1335906;1449162146;punkman;granted, I've not read much ruby 1335907;1449162224;adlai;it doesn't rank well on the brick test, but gets almost perfect marks in pg's http://paulgraham.com/diff.html 1335908;1449162225;assbot;What Made Lisp Different ... ( http://bit.ly/1lbMSHb ) 1335909;1449162261;*;adlai chalks this up to the comparative truthiness of the two test 1335910;1449162278;deedbot-;[Trilema] B,TMSR~ and fundamental justice reform. - http://trilema.com/2015/btmsr-and-fundamental-justice-reform/ 1335911;1449162612;pete_dushenski;https://images.washingtonpost.com/?url=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2015/11/relationship_chart-1.gif&op=noop << so THAT'S what 'thrice removed' means 1335912;1449162613;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1lbOrFj ) 1335913;1449162963;pete_dushenski;http://fooledbyrandomness.com/minority.pdf << "If you are going to start a movement, make it intolerant of nonsense" ~herr taleb 1335914;1449163562;punkman;"B,TMSR~ and fundamental justice reform." << notbad 1335915;1449164795;adlai;we have naptime again... gentlemen, place your bets! 1335916;1449165081;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1335917;1449165088;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335910 << can haz ticketz to guillotinings in the public square yet ?? 1335918;1449165088;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 17:04:38; deedbot-: [Trilema] B,TMSR~ and fundamental justice reform. - http://trilema.com/2015/btmsr-and-fundamental-justice-reform/ 1335919;1449165185;ascii_field;;;later tell mircea_popescu your link in footnote iii is broken 1335920;1449165185;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1335921;1449165514;*;mircea_popescu looks 1335922;1449165532;mircea_popescu;define broken ? 1335923;1449165544;mircea_popescu;a faint disdain 1335924;1449165712;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski taleb will miss out on the only thing he didn'twant to miss out on this life. 1335925;1449165715;mircea_popescu;such is the sad curse. 1335926;1449166150;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: it pointed to a 'preview' (wordpressism) of the article 1335927;1449166185;mircea_popescu;odd. 1335928;1449166213;ascii_field;http://trilema.com/?p=64110&preview=true#selection-63.234-63.450 1335929;1449166214;assbot;B,TMSR~ and fundamental justice reform. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PAAcGI ) 1335930;1449166264;mircea_popescu;well whatever it was seems to have gone away o.O 1335931;1449166277;ascii_field;l0l ok 1335932;1449166320;ascii_field;'I came out of college with a faint disdain for both the teachers and the principle of the whole thing. This is natural. I also came out of college not owing anyone one red cent.' << funnily enough, same. 1335933;1449166367;ascii_field;(prolly like many other folks here) 1335934;1449166819;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/6pnkA << Fatshaming bad, prayershaming good 1335935;1449166820;assbot;Prayer-shaming isn’t about attacking prayer. It’s about calling out empty platitudes. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PACSUG ) 1335936;1449166920;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 1335937;1449166935;mircea_popescu;look who's talkign about empty platitudes! the united libertards party! 1335938;1449167025;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1335939;1449167033;BingoBoingo;seriously 1335940;1449167043;ascii_field;am i smoking crack or does mthreat's search 'from:' command ignore slash-me action lines ? 1335941;1449167045;BingoBoingo;It Hippo-crazy 1335942;1449167058;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Prolly both 1335943;1449167077;ascii_field;i think it accounts for a good measure of 'mysteriously not found' cases 1335944;1449167085;BingoBoingo;If you have to ask if you are smoking crack, you prolly are. 1335945;1449167099;ascii_field;;;later tell mthreat http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335940 1335946;1449167099;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 18:24:03; ascii_field: am i smoking crack or does mthreat's search 'from:' command ignore slash-me action lines ? 1335947;1449167099;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1335948;1449167100;ben_vulpes;* <2015-12-03 Thu> standup 1335949;1449167100;ben_vulpes; CLOCK: [2015-12-03 Thu 10:08]--[2015-12-03 Thu 10:14] => 0:06 1335950;1449167100;ben_vulpes;** jordan 1335951;1449167100;ben_vulpes;*** CS-754/5: plan information dynamism, get care dynamisn 1335952;1449167104;ben_vulpes;*** wrapping up 755 1335953;1449167107;ben_vulpes;*** need code review on 755 1335954;1449167111;ben_vulpes;*** will be jumping on the last ticket for this release: 753 1335955;1449167113;ascii_field;wawawat 1335956;1449167114;ben_vulpes;** ryan 1335957;1449167114;ben_vulpes;*** paired with Veen on saved filters, most UI elements are working 1335958;1449167118;ben_vulpes;*** pushing BR to staging 1335959;1449167121;ben_vulpes;** Q 1335960;1449167124;ben_vulpes;*** all apollo all day 1335961;1449167125;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: i think you're leaking bitz 1335962;1449167128;ben_vulpes;*** figured out what a fiscal year meant 1335963;1449167129;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: You're leaking 1335964;1449167130;ben_vulpes;*** knocked out a bunch of math 1335965;1449167133;ben_vulpes;*** set our second report up to import spreadsheets 1335966;1449167137;ben_vulpes;*** "going to take values from spreadsheets and put them into node" 1335967;1449167140;ben_vulpes;** Matthew 1335968;1449167144;ben_vulpes;*** WMG 1335969;1449167147;ben_vulpes;**** camera list view yesterday 1335970;1449167148;ben_vulpes;**** camera list view today 1335971;1449167151;ben_vulpes;** Amelia 1335972;1449167154;ben_vulpes;*** yesterday 1335973;1449167158;ben_vulpes;**** watchme grow meeting and comms 1335974;1449167158;*;ascii_field closes intake valve in mas 1335975;1449167158;ascii_field;k 1335976;1449167161;ben_vulpes;**** most of the afternoon going through the applicants and sending emails 1335977;1449167164;ben_vulpes;*** today 1335978;1449167167;ben_vulpes;**** continue sending emails 1335979;1449167170;ben_vulpes;shit. 1335980;1449167177;ben_vulpes;i'm leaking brains 1335981;1449167178;ben_vulpes;from this bullet hole in my head 1335982;1449167183;thestringpuller;when emacs goes wrong 1335983;1449167271;ascii_field;bonus l0lpo1nt5 if this was a stego'd privkey 1335984;1449167297;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335903 << super pseudo. 1335985;1449167297;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 17:00:13; *: adlai is not familiar enough with clojure to dismiss it as pseudo 1335986;1449167336;thestringpuller;ascii_field: I got to page 5 today of the dragon book 1335987;1449167347;thestringpuller;#progress 1335988;1449167359;ben_vulpes;thing about non-cl lisp-like things is that just the few tools that clojure provides are enough for me to get my hands around the neck of, say, the whole wwwstack 1335989;1449167375;ben_vulpes;but yeah the asbestos fibers on the insides of the gloves get into your blood and kill you 1335990;1449167426;mircea_popescu;jurov 1335991;1449167474;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: i still get flamez on my circa-2009 turd on subj (and the later sequel) 1335992;1449167489;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: for a while, it was in top handful of 'google' hits for 'clojure' 1335993;1449167513;*;ben_vulpes not surprised 1335994;1449167531;ascii_field;if not for this, i'd long ago have forgotten the thing even exists 1335995;1449167556;ben_vulpes;entirely unmentionable outside of the uranium mines. 1335996;1449167585;ascii_field;idk, i originally ran across it at a meeting of a hobbyist society devoted to the subject 1335997;1449167599;ascii_field;which i showed up to on a lark 1335998;1449167619;ascii_field;(it was held in the same dilapidated church as a 'hack space' thing i attended sporadically in those days) 1335999;1449168759;ben_vulpes;"the subject" << derplisps? 1336000;1449169618;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335935 << Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your F 1336001;1449169618;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 18:20:20; assbot: Prayer-shaming isn’t about attacking prayer. It’s about calling out empty platitudes. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PACSUG ) 1336002;1449169740;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: This is how it starts. Shame the people praying in public. Later they shame you for praying at all. 1336003;1449169799;danielpbarron;you wouldn't know if i've been praying, because when I do it, I do it secretly 1336004;1449169829;BingoBoingo;danielpbarron: What about Meta-NSA? 1336005;1449169846;BingoBoingo;Or roving bands of home invading SJWs 1336006;1449169847;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo that's a great movie idea. 1336007;1449169855;thestringpuller;NSA wiretapping prayers. 1336008;1449169877;danielpbarron;the world hates The Bible and its believers. There is nothing new here. 1336009;1449170070;thestringpuller;From Rome to US, nothing changes. 1336010;1449170084;thestringpuller;Except US has perverted christianity pretty hardcore. (Funny given the puritans and all) 1336011;1449170096;BingoBoingo;So did later Romans 1336012;1449170128;danielpbarron;there are none that do good. Not a single person. 1336013;1449170224;thestringpuller;The puritans were pretty radical as it is. I remember reading the crucible and thinking, "religious politics huh?" 1336014;1449171404;adlai;ben_vulpes: nice flood protection! 1336015;1449171712;ben_vulpes;adlai: thanks 1336016;1449172209;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: mah nigga. 1336017;1449173350;deedbot-;[Qntra] LA Proposal Attacks Prositution And Marital Harmony At Same Time - http://qntra.net/2015/12/la-proposal-attacks-prositution-and-marital-harmony-at-same-time/ 1336018;1449173429;BingoBoingo;http://chronicle.su/2015/11/24/new-subway-spokesperson-touts-strong-track-record-of-adult-only-pornography/ 1336019;1449173430;assbot;New Subway spokesperson touts strong track record of adult-only pornography | The Internet Chronicle ... ( http://bit.ly/1HIUxa0 ) 1336020;1449174987;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31986 @ 0.00048916 = 15.6463 BTC [-] {2} 1336021;1449175231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42500 @ 0.00049029 = 20.8373 BTC [+] 1336022;1449175414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31407 @ 0.00048748 = 15.3103 BTC [-] {3} 1336023;1449178159;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33800 @ 0.00049519 = 16.7374 BTC [+] {2} 1336024;1449179273;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1336025;1449179312;ascii_field;http://cyphyworks.com << lulzy flying machine maker, funded by - according to in-q-tel's 2014 tax report - by in-q-tel; the latter - a wholly cia-owned trust. 1336026;1449179314;assbot;CyPhy Works | Revolutionary Robots ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBqmnX ) 1336027;1449179339;ascii_field;and i could've sworn that we did 'fiber-tethered drone' idea ~right here~ in '13 ? 1336028;1449179494;ben_vulpes;tether always makes for fun dynamic control problem 1336029;1449179520;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: according to their ad, the tether plays out ~from the bot~ rather than the remote 1336030;1449179524;ascii_field;and is not under tension. 1336031;1449179542;ben_vulpes;it's under tension if only from gravity what is this 1336032;1449179549;ascii_field;motor, presumably 1336033;1449179555;ascii_field;shits as it flies. 1336034;1449179560;ben_vulpes;there will be a mass 1336035;1449179562;ben_vulpes;with inertia 1336036;1449179564;ben_vulpes;below the thing 1336037;1449179581;ascii_field;if it shits tether faster than it gains altitude, then plausible 1336038;1449179598;ben_vulpes;yeah have fun with that control system handling the adjustable length tether 1336039;1449179601;ben_vulpes;> wind 1336040;1449179605;ben_vulpes;> oscillations 1336041;1449179612;ascii_field;adjustable? 1336042;1449179617;ascii_field;no mention of eating, only shitting 1336043;1449179622;ascii_field;i imagine the thing is disposable 1336044;1449179629;ascii_field;but i did not buy one, so nfi. 1336045;1449179717;ascii_field;would also be interesting to learn how 'In the event of a power interruption or microfilament failure, the PARC vehicle has an on board backup battery that will allow the vehicle to safely and autonomously return to its launch site.' works. 1336046;1449179834;mircea_popescu;in principle you could make a pretty decent disposable teether out of these supposed advanced materials 1336047;1449179839;ascii_field;holy fuck: 1336048;1449179843;ascii_field;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1719668770/cyphy-lvl-1-drone-reinvented-for-performance-and-c << it was a kickstarter ?!!! 1336049;1449179845;assbot;CyPhy LVL 1 Drone: Reinvented for Performance and Control by CyPhy Works —Kickstarter ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBsyM8 ) 1336050;1449179845;mircea_popescu;something that works like conductive spidwer web ideallyu 1336051;1449179897;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: as far as i can tell (supposing the product actually exists) they power via laser, with control ethernet riding modulated on top 1336052;1449179963;ascii_field;http://www.forbes.com/sites/ryanmac/2015/10/13/drone-startup-cyphy-works-gets-22-million-boost-from-bessemer-venture-partners << now we know that one or more (likely all) of the shareholders are muppets controlled by in-q-tel 1336053;1449179964;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBt24R ) 1336054;1449179969;ascii_field;fwiw. 1336055;1449179980;mircea_popescu;eh, doing by-hand aml in b-a is a waste of time. 1336056;1449179990;ascii_field;and not like anybody gave a fuck 1336057;1449179996;mircea_popescu;the reason usg-* loves playing that game is that well, they got slush funds up the ying yang 1336058;1449179997;ascii_field;just an accidental phind. 1336059;1449179998;ben_vulpes;anti-money-laundering? 1336060;1449180001;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes 1336061;1449180009;mircea_popescu;yes. whenever usg spends money, it's engaging in fraud. 1336062;1449180015;mircea_popescu;eventually it'll have to rot in jail for it. 1336063;1449180019;ben_vulpes;power by laser << space elevator contests anyones? 1336064;1449180027;mircea_popescu;just... cheapert to ship it there wholesale than bother documenting the "oh, X partners!" 1336065;1449180035;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: cia owns a hedge fund called in-q-tel 1336066;1449180098;ascii_field;anyway wire-guided rockets are what, 1960s state-of-art. 1336067;1449180105;ascii_field;so no mega-splash here. 1336068;1449180113;mircea_popescu;more like 1960s state of "i blew out my own eye" 1336069;1449180117;mircea_popescu;people can't aim those for shit 1336070;1449180125;ascii_field;a skilled hand - aims. 1336071;1449180678;danielpbarron;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPsB7EeUEAQWVyt.jpg:large "looking for a co-founder" 1336072;1449180679;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OWU9pl ) 1336073;1449180938;mircea_popescu;clearly this newfangled "communication technoilogy" has made it so much easier to find and work with people. 1336074;1449181134;mircea_popescu;"i've assembled a small team" but looking desperately for any actual human. the small team is made out of Siri, his 5yo step-daughter and a fridge he named Fred. 1336075;1449181502;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1336076;1449181516;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: aahahahahaha! i once actually interviewed for a schmuck like that 1336077;1449181542;ascii_field;many years ago. he burned out of 'y combinator' and walked around, looking for a chump, in 'starbucks' restaurants, even 1336078;1449181610;mircea_popescu;a chump to do what ? nonsexually hang out with ? 1336079;1449181622;ascii_field;grunt out code with 1336080;1449181648;ascii_field;(i won't bother to describe ~for what~ here, it was deadly boring & lame) 1336081;1449181658;ascii_field;something to do with arrays of disks. 1336082;1449181663;trinque;you just lack passion 1336083;1449181668;ascii_field;aha. 1336084;1449182028;mircea_popescu;burnout 1336085;1449182107;ascii_field;oh and seems like cyphy uses ordinary wire, not optical filament 1336086;1449182117;ascii_field;i wonder if it enjoys a good few kV put in the line. 1336087;1449182144;ascii_field;(not hard to arrange in the field - use an igniter from electric cig lighter) 1336088;1449182154;brg444;hi! 1336089;1449182169;BingoBoingo;mega loller https://letsencrypt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/using.html#renewal 1336090;1449182170;assbot;User Guide — Let's Encrypt 0.2.0.dev0 documentation ... ( http://bit.ly/1TCc5G0 ) 1336091;1449182191;brg444;pray tell, how would anyone verify the status of a certain someone in the WoT, if reputation there exist 1336092;1449182211;BingoBoingo;brg444: You ask people about the person? 1336093;1449182251;brg444;so I can't ask assbot? 1336094;1449182273;BingoBoingo;Well you could do that too 1336095;1449182276;brg444;I'm asking because of this https://bitcoinism.liberty.me/scaling-bitcoin-to-its-first-billion-users-and-beyond-2/ 1336096;1449182278;assbot;Scaling Bitcoin to Its First Billion Users and Beyond - Justus Ranvier - Liberty.me ... ( http://bit.ly/1TCcqZu ) 1336097;1449182285;BingoBoingo;It depends on what you mean by "verify" 1336098;1449182294;brg444;and the one by the name of justusranvier 1336099;1449182295;brg444;right 1336100;1449182334;BingoBoingo;Oh yeah he's kinda headed full derp 1336101;1449182340;brg444;in relation with other users? I remember Mircea posting a list of wot relations somewhere? 1336102;1449182361;ascii_field;brg444: http://btcalpha.com 1336103;1449182362;assbot;Btc Alpha - Analysis tools for bitcoin finance. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PBCncY ) 1336104;1449182368;ascii_field;^ mike_c's thing 1336105;1449182371;BingoBoingo;!http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/justusranvier/ 1336106;1449182376;BingoBoingo;Yes, run by mike_c 1336107;1449182404;brg444;ascii_field great! exactly what I was looking for 1336108;1449182496;mircea_popescu;!gettrust justusranvier 1336109;1449182499;assbot;Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user justusranvier: Level 1: -1, Level 2: -4 via 5 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=justusranvier | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/justusranvier/ 1336110;1449182503;brg444;when I first came up into Bitcoin he sounded sane but nowadays :/ from blog post "This means the most obvious way to lower the per-transaction cost is to simply process more transactions, thereby amortizing the fixed hashing cost across a wider pool." 1336111;1449182638;ascii_field;fixed?!! 1336112;1449182642;ascii_field;wat 1336113;1449182667;brg444;oh I see now. I thought had read about him on trilema, that OkStupid story was gold 1336114;1449182673;ascii_field;ever see those 'proofs' where you do something ungodly, e.g., div by 0, and in the end 1 == 2 ? 1336115;1449182704;ascii_field;kindergarten sort of thing 1336116;1449182706;brg444;magic! 1336117;1449182707;ascii_field;well, this'd be it 1336118;1449182815;brg444;Next, future Bitcoin "optimizations": Removal of transaction data from blocks - Blockchain pruning UTXO set commitments - Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) - Moore’s Law - Kryder’s Law - Nielsen’s Law - Yet-to-be-discovered improvements" 1336119;1449182833;brg444;missing "" 1336120;1449182906;mircea_popescu;lmao 1336121;1449182914;mircea_popescu;who're you anyway brg444 ? 1336122;1449182961;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/idiocy-without-borders-idiots-sans-frontieres/ << whenever i hear kickstarter mention can't help but think of this 1336123;1449182962;assbot;Idiocy without borders / Idiots sans frontieres on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1TCfapJ ) 1336124;1449182966;mircea_popescu;imo the definitive kickstarter story. 1336125;1449183037;brg444;mostly someone very curious.! in terms of the wot I'm afraid nobody. 1336126;1449183052;brg444;strongest tie I may have is with pete_dushenski as fellow canuck 1336127;1449183081;mircea_popescu;well that sarcasm line got me lulzing, maybe try and do something for qntra 1336128;1449183169;brg444;Working my way to it, eventually ;) but tbf my english is kinda broken in a way but it's getting there! 1336129;1449184603;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1336130;1449184609;ascii_field;from same turd earlier, 1336131;1449184671;ascii_field;'d-wave' (the 'quantum comp.' sc4mz0rz!!1), 'tyfone inc', 'mocana corp.', 'lms', and 'sionyx inc' were the top inqt subcontractors. 1336132;1449184677;ascii_field;in case anyone gives a shit. 1336133;1449184685;ascii_field;listed here in order. 1336134;1449184719;ascii_field;'tyfone' is a l0l, makes a kind of usgistic cardano 1336135;1449184842;*;ascii_field is now wondering if inqtel really told the truth, in their tax declaration, or if this orchestra of derpatronics is disinfo 1336136;1449184861;ascii_field;cia is higher in the food chain than the tax men 1336137;1449184869;ascii_field;can absolve the sins if necessary. 1336138;1449184896;ascii_field;d-wave in particular ~has~ to be disinfo, i've been half-convinced of this for years now 1336139;1449184928;ascii_field;its purpose, by this hypothesis, is to bedevil other folks working on shor's algo computer or any related item 1336140;1449184956;phf;see also scott aaronson's ongoing intermittent d-wave fights 1336141;1449184962;ascii_field;aha 1336142;1449184982;ascii_field;thing's an elaborate snake oil. 1336143;1449184991;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50300 @ 0.00049989 = 25.1445 BTC [+] 1336144;1449185100;phf;at my previous company we had a guy who used to work at lockheed, apparently they had a d-wave machine, and guy was tasked with encoding matrix reduction problems into the thing. he didn't really have anything interesting to say. you write code, send it to blackbox, results come out. 1336145;1449185134;punkman;does it run windows? 1336146;1449185145;phf;of course guy now does "fullstack" development instead (javascript, web) 1336147;1449185246;phf;probably runs windows, and an asic bought from some guy who used to sell bitcoin mining equipment 1336148;1449185273;punkman;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2015-12-02/why-china-s-millennials-are-happy-to-own-nothing 1336149;1449185274;assbot;Why China's Millennials Are Happy to Own Nothing - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1NKdgVd ) 1336150;1449185317;punkman;http://assets.bwbx.io/images/iHa7XbCmJfqw/v1/-1x-1.jpg "Tyler Xiong wears a teddy bear suit at his You+ pad, which he shares with three employees of his Bitcoin startup" 1336151;1449185318;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NKdlZ2 ) 1336152;1449185318;ascii_field;phf: world's most expensive pen-II ? 1336153;1449185345;*;ascii_field bbl 1336154;1449185418;deedbot-;[Trilema] MPIF (F.MPIF) October-November 2015 Statement - http://trilema.com/2015/mpif-fmpif-october-november-2015-statement/ 1336155;1449185439;wyrdmantis;Mood of tonight: https://youtu.be/LS-ErOKpO4E 1336156;1449185439;assbot;Nick Offerman's 'Yule Log' - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1NKdxYf ) 1336157;1449185634;punkman;mircea_popescu: the second table in last qntra statement kinda overflowed 1336158;1449185656;punkman;err, s.mg statement 1336159;1449186055;punkman;https://haobtc.com/ Xiong's startup, wallet that pays interest from mining profits 1336160;1449186058;assbot;好比特币--最好的比特币钱包 ... ( http://bit.ly/1NKegIR ) 1336161;1449186128;mircea_popescu;eh it depends on the font one has 1336162;1449186192;mircea_popescu;is d-wave that supposed producer of pre-tangled quarks that was going to do relevant computation ANYDAYNOW ? 1336163;1449186271;mircea_popescu; http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2015-12-02/here-s-some-words-about-why-you-will-never-have-anything-and-should-be-happy-given-the-option-is-to-have-nothing-and-be-unhappy-also-china-is-exotigood << ftfy. 1336164;1449186272;assbot;Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1lzNMgr ) 1336165;1449186275;mircea_popescu;buncha fucktards. 1336166;1449186349;mircea_popescu;didn't someone get a pop with lefthand tool ? 1336167;1449186408;mircea_popescu;oops. 1336168;1449186819;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform am i getting a s.nsa letter ? 1336169;1449187980;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67100 @ 0.00050041 = 33.5775 BTC [+] {4} 1336170;1449190177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43050 @ 0.00050573 = 21.7717 BTC [+] 1336171;1449190787;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9599 @ 0.00050573 = 4.8545 BTC [+] 1336172;1449190822;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yes! very shortly 1336173;1449190848;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57601 @ 0.00050574 = 29.1311 BTC [+] {2} 1336174;1449191946;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123750 @ 0.00049923 = 61.7797 BTC [-] {2} 1336175;1449192763;asciilifeform;re: dwave: obligatory turd - http://www.wired.com/2014/05/quantum-computing 1336176;1449192763;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RqIWOT ) 1336177;1449192787;asciilifeform;'he wasnt going to make it in academia. I never was able to find a place in science, he says. But he felt he had the bullheaded tenacity, honed by years of wrestling, to be an entrepreneur. I was good at putting together things that were really ambitious, without thinking they were impossible. At a time when lots of smart people argued that quantum computers could never work, he fell in love with the idea of not 1336178;1449192787;asciilifeform; only making one but selling it.' 1336179;1449192793;asciilifeform;just picture this fella. 1336180;1449193000;asciilifeform;sorta lulzy, he pawned a 1950s-style analogue calculator off as a 'quantum comp' 1336181;1449193017;asciilifeform;or did we do this vivisection here already ? 1336182;1449193096;asciilifeform;'Hes used the D-Wave to train image-recognizing algorithms for mobile phones that are more efficient than any before. He produced a car-recognition algorithm .... ' << even supposing any of this, 1336183;1449193106;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43000 @ 0.00050447 = 21.6922 BTC [+] 1336184;1449193111;asciilifeform;see mircea_popescu's dragonfly article based on my talk at conf-II. 1336185;1449193471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36752 @ 0.00049536 = 18.2055 BTC [-] {2} 1336186;1449193532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00049122 = 3.1438 BTC [-] 1336187;1449193654;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42648 @ 0.00049122 = 20.9496 BTC [-] 1336188;1449193898;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20250 @ 0.00050608 = 10.2481 BTC [+] {2} 1336189;1449194518;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: "SOPS"? 1336190;1449195214;brg444;^ben_vulpes http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/ ? 1336191;1449195215;assbot;The SOPS, or what might you expect from government clerks on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1XLGAtV ) 1336192;1449195972;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00049402 = 9.2876 BTC [-] 1336193;1449196399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92250 @ 0.00049842 = 45.9792 BTC [+] {2} 1336194;1449196582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59918 @ 0.00049871 = 29.8817 BTC [+] 1336195;1449197009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40360 @ 0.00049714 = 20.0646 BTC [-] {2} 1336196;1449197087;*;mircea_popescu is about to say something, sees the next line, nods. 1336197;1449197952;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/95d92a496f2b8a2dd68811c5ca08167a/tumblr_n3kam0uxWu1rv03nyo1_1270.jpg 1336198;1449197953;assbot;404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1TD9wDT ) 1336199;1449197956;mircea_popescu;heh 1336200;1449197959;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/95d92a496f2b8a2dd68811c5ca08167a/tumblr_n3kam0uxWu1rv03nyo1_1280.jpg 1336201;1449197960;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TD9xYc ) 1336202;1449198534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53350 @ 0.00050365 = 26.8697 BTC [+] 1336203;1449198961;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94450 @ 0.00050619 = 47.8096 BTC [+] 1336204;1449199327;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9400 @ 0.00050619 = 4.7582 BTC [+] 1336205;1449199693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99886 @ 0.00050645 = 50.5873 BTC [+] {4} 1336206;1449199909;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sent ! 1336207;1449199983;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: please confirm if first paragraph makes ~exact~ sense, it is imho quite important. 1336208;1449200120;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00050365 = 16.5701 BTC [-] 1336209;1449200852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29250 @ 0.00050907 = 14.8903 BTC [+] {3} 1336210;1449201055;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336197 << c3ns0r3d!!11111? 1336211;1449201055;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 02:59:12; mircea_popescu: and in other news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/95d92a496f2b8a2dd68811c5ca08167a/tumblr_n3kam0uxWu1rv03nyo1_1270.jpg 1336212;1449201188;BingoBoingo;http://dpaste.com/06TDE83.txt 1336213;1449201189;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/21Ab7zw ) 1336214;1449201461;BingoBoingo;http://www.acuteaday.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/pademelon-with-joey-in-pouch.jpg 1336215;1449201463;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N00MFw ) 1336216;1449201573;asciilifeform;moar inqtelism (circa 2012): http://www.digitalreasoning.com/uncommon-technology/answer-questions 1336217;1449201575;assbot;Uncommon Technology | Digital Reasoning ... ( http://bit.ly/1N00Wwt ) 1336218;1449201587;asciilifeform;'Who did they work with previously? Who might have shared information inappropriately or made a trade based on knowledge they shouldnt have used?' 1336219;1449201741;asciilifeform;http://witricity.com << another, circa 2013. ripping off poor old nick tesla 1336220;1449201742;assbot;WiTricity Corporation | Wireless Power Over Distance ... ( http://bit.ly/1N01mmu ) 1336221;1449201829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41004 @ 0.00050955 = 20.8936 BTC [+] {2} 1336222;1449201859;asciilifeform;aaaand an honest-to-goodness snake oil chumpatron, https://redseal.co/content/how-it-works 1336223;1449201861;assbot;How It Works | redseal.co ... ( http://bit.ly/1N01wKx ) 1336224;1449201968;asciilifeform;aaand this oddity, http://www.polymagnet.com 1336225;1449201969;assbot;Home - Correlated Magnetics ... ( http://bit.ly/1N01Fhl ) 1336226;1449202241;asciilifeform;^ apparently this is a commercial thing, can go, buy. 1336227;1449202262;asciilifeform;looks spiffy actually. used to be that you had to actually glue small ones together to get this effect. 1336228;1449202365;BingoBoingo;Would be interesting if the proceeds didn't go to CIA 1336229;1449202399;asciilifeform;still trying to grasp why they bought it 1336230;1449202402;asciilifeform;... limpet mines ? 1336231;1449202408;BingoBoingo;for laundry 1336232;1449202413;asciilifeform;http://www.magnetics.com/product.asp?ProductID=164 << complete with spam video 1336233;1449202416;assbot;Industrial Magnetics, Inc. - Polymagnet® Kits ... ( http://bit.ly/21AdUsp ) 1336234;1449202433;BingoBoingo;FEMA camps for dissident relocation don't pay for themselves 1336235;1449202454;phf;;;seen kakobrekla 1336236;1449202454;gribble;kakobrekla was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 17 hours, 23 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: The note comes soon after the bank filed a patent for a securities settlement platform based on SETLcoin, a new cryptocurrency. 1336237;1449202483;BingoBoingo;And can't appropriate money from congress for said camps until you've set the black helicopters free 1336238;1449202574;asciilifeform;https://www.lab41.org << yet another one of these. 1336239;1449202581;asciilifeform;imho i've listed the interesting ones. 1336240;1449202592;asciilifeform;(left out some schmucks who crawl twitter, etc) 1336241;1449202683;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105750 @ 0.00051142 = 54.0827 BTC [+] {4} 1336242;1449202744;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3475 @ 0.00051014 = 1.7727 BTC [-] {2} 1336243;1449202792;asciilifeform;https://try.lab41.org << mega-l0l 1336244;1449202801;asciilifeform;not even trying to hide the cribbed wwwdevcrud 1336245;1449202826;asciilifeform;i'd like to learn what kind of whiskey these folks drink themselves to sleep with every night 1336246;1449202829;asciilifeform;(and at their desks) 1336247;1449202922;BingoBoingo;Prolly Ten High or Old Crow 1336248;1449202936;BingoBoingo;Serious Value 1336249;1449203083;trinque;I don't mind bulleit 1336250;1449203107;BingoBoingo;trinque: Out of the price range at the necessary quantities consumed in this scenario 1336251;1449203135;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: not at kitten-reprocessing-plant pay scale 1336252;1449203468;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i would say it does. 1336253;1449203480;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: spiffy 1336254;1449203491;mircea_popescu;incidentally, ima publish a post-mortem report of the latest rent server attempt these coming days. 1336255;1449203503;*;asciilifeform looks forward to reading this 1336256;1449203628;mircea_popescu;omfg that's cute BingoBoingo 1336257;1449203651;BingoBoingo;Damn, that inch of height http://www.nyas.org/image.axd?id=d4aa338e-f305-4521-8822-b603cd76a9c7&t=634314620997800000 1336258;1449203652;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N04hf5 ) 1336259;1449203659;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27450 @ 0.00051166 = 14.0451 BTC [+] {2} 1336260;1449203659;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what are you like training for intelwork nao ? :D 1336261;1449203723;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i get spam from folks like these, so my curiosity was temporarily piqued. 1336262;1449203744;mircea_popescu;if it stays piqued long enouygh there's prolly a qntra in there. 1336263;1449203749;asciilifeform;they ask to buy my anal virginity, aha 1336264;1449203767;asciilifeform;i though qntra were for nyooooz 1336265;1449203772;asciilifeform;them there are oldz 1336266;1449203816;mircea_popescu;but in similar news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/c6d6af55f922ea0c34817181dfcf17ce/tumblr_mvfpg2r28I1qbn0f7o1_1280.jpg 1336267;1449203817;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N04wqr ) 1336268;1449203827;asciilifeform;^ aha! 1336269;1449203840;asciilifeform;'felching' ? 1336270;1449203845;BingoBoingo; them there are oldz << news can be olds if packed right 1336271;1449203870;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: feel phree to package any and all of my exhaust gas as you may see fit 1336272;1449203926;BingoBoingo;That would take time away from mining new exhaust gasses, and that's not the kind of spam I receive. 1336273;1449203932;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform is this from the crumb cartoon ? 1336274;1449203943;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: which 1336275;1449203965;mircea_popescu;random ustard sucking commie cum out of miss columbia ? 1336276;1449203974;asciilifeform;quite possib. 1336277;1449203992;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i actually toured one such godforsaken heathen pit this very morning 1336278;1449204020;asciilifeform;saw perhaps 101 things mircea_popescu wrote about that never made sense prior. 1336279;1449204053;BingoBoingo;Aha, this is why you spam is must be so much more interesting than mine 1336280;1449204070;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: i let it be known that i was looking for wurk, some weeks past 1336281;1449204089;asciilifeform;and thus cometh the spam-sea 1336282;1449204669;BingoBoingo;ic 1336283;1449205629;mircea_popescu;!rated gabrielradio 1336284;1449205629;assbot;You rated user gabrielradio on 14-Oct-2015, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Apprentice Trilema translator. 1336285;1449205644;mircea_popescu;!rate gabrielradio 2 Apprentice Trilema translator. 1336286;1449205644;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/27814f0bdea07cec 1336287;1449205703;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform like what ? 1336288;1449205728;mircea_popescu;and in other-saltmines news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/407f19fd35af1a589eb9a09d5cb6843e/tumblr_n17g3hc6QR1ssnq53o1_400.gif 1336289;1449205729;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O6XnCh ) 1336290;1449205780;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: such as desks that would easily fit in public toilet stalls, etc 1336291;1449205792;mircea_popescu;a 1336292;1449205827;asciilifeform;but neither this nor any of the other elements taken separately was the interesting bit 1336293;1449205856;asciilifeform;the interesting, if you will, bit, was the whole put-your-pistol-in-your-mouth-every-night banal deadly boredom of the entire shebang. 1336294;1449205898;mircea_popescu;civilisation is not for everyone. 1336295;1449205909;asciilifeform;quite. 1336296;1449206216;gabrielradio;THEREFORE, it is established that any Bitcoin company, or trader or merchant or other entity deriving a worldly profit from the otherworldly workings of Bitcoin, is to pay a tax in sum of 0.1% or a hundred thousand satoshi per full Bitcoin realised, into the coffers of the Bitcoin Foundation 1336297;1449206221;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19950 @ 0.00051014 = 10.1773 BTC [-] {2} 1336298;1449206227;gabrielradio;does one need to send this from an address known as his, so as to prove his satisfaction of the obligation? 1336299;1449206663;trinque;prove to whom? 1336300;1449206726;gabrielradio;to the foundation, i guess 1336301;1449206865;trinque;could make a deed of it. 1336302;1449206969;trinque;as several bitcoin bitcoin businesses already do. 1336303;1449206985;trinque;s/bitcoin// 1336304;1449206994;trinque;computer died mid-sentence :p 1336305;1449207380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82950 @ 0.00051064 = 42.3576 BTC [+] 1336306;1449209088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98900 @ 0.00051064 = 50.5023 BTC [+] 1336307;1449211589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 185400 @ 0.00050719 = 94.033 BTC [-] {7} 1336308;1449212016;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70777 @ 0.00051166 = 36.2138 BTC [+] {2} 1336309;1449213021;punkman;http://blog.regehr.org/archives/28 1336310;1449213025;assbot;Embedded in Academia : Nine ways to break your systems code using volatile ... ( http://bit.ly/1ToDV87 ) 1336311;1449213663;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52887 @ 0.00050661 = 26.7931 BTC [-] {2} 1336312;1449213785;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9750 @ 0.00050661 = 4.9394 BTC [-] {2} 1336313;1449215360;BingoBoingo;High Risk Arbitrage: https://archive.is/s57zr 1336314;1449215362;assbot;Just got arrested for buying stolen gift cards with Bitcoin and then re-selling them. I did not know they were stolen. BEING CHARGED WITH A FELONY!!! What do I do??? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q4z6mD ) 1336315;1449215400;punkman;"Over 6 months I bought about $30,000 worth of Starbucks gift cards for about $6,000." no shit sherlock 1336316;1449216046;punkman;http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/12/03/mt_etna_erupts_in_spectacular_volcanic_event.html 1336317;1449216047;assbot;Mt. Etna erupts in spectacular volcanic event. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q4zGAy ) 1336318;1449216115;punkman;http://www.nationalgeographic.it/images/2015/12/03/163808228-29f3488f-d73c-4648-b84b-4da012f42202.jpg 1336319;1449216116;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q4zHVi ) 1336320;1449216996;adlai;http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/technology/future_tense/2015/12/151203_FT_Mt-Etna.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg << "I'a Cthulhu! I'a S'ha-t'n!" 1336321;1449216997;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q4Aky6 ) 1336322;1449217079;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63676 @ 0.00050682 = 32.2723 BTC [+] {3} 1336323;1449217131;adlai;"Roman records from 122BC show a large eruption eruption... taxes were cancelled for 10 years to help locals rebuild" << again the capacitor knob 1336324;1449217506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94950 @ 0.00050332 = 47.7902 BTC [-] {6} 1336325;1449222569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25100 @ 0.00050517 = 12.6798 BTC [+] 1336326;1449222813;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87788 @ 0.00050517 = 44.3479 BTC [+] 1336327;1449223240;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55800 @ 0.00050517 = 28.1885 BTC [+] 1336328;1449224765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115300 @ 0.00050561 = 58.2968 BTC [+] {2} 1336329;1449225619;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 231209 @ 0.00050439 = 116.6195 BTC [-] {6} 1336330;1449226534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47962 @ 0.00050139 = 24.0477 BTC [-] {2} 1336331;1449227938;punkman;"Brian Snow, former director of Information Assurance for the NSA said it best at a conference in Greece recently: "I’m here to tell you that your cyber systems continue to function and serve you not due to the expertise of your security staff but solely due to the sufferance of your opponents"." 1336332;1449228021;mircea_popescu;brian snow quoting #b-a without attribution. 1336333;1449228035;mircea_popescu;what the fuck do they teach in "information assurance" class if they've not gotten to plagiarism yet! 1336334;1449228059;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86805 @ 0.0005084 = 44.1317 BTC [+] {4} 1336335;1449228084;mircea_popescu; to the foundation, i guess << trhe whole point is that it's voluntary. so you can do whatever you want. 1336336;1449228198;mircea_popescu;ahaha that redditard guy. "i did not know you were stolen your honoars!!!!" "were they discounted ?" "well yes, but this totally happens all the time" "with what ?" "with for instance... stolen cars, if people sell it to the chop shop... or if someone is selling something out of the trunk downtown ? or like... if it's you know, like we say on the street hot" "..." 1336337;1449228335;gabrielradio;"this obligation is a moral requirement, and outside of the opinion of the sovereign people it will not be enforced." 1336338;1449228369;gabrielradio;yes, but say someone in b-a inquires about your payments to the foundation 1336339;1449228453;mircea_popescu;well, jurov is teh treasurer. he might be amenable to making arrangements for you, if it's a significant sum. alternatively, you can use the forward secret method. 1336340;1449228472;mircea_popescu;(make deed today that "i will pay sum so and so to foundation address tomorrow", then pay tomorrow.) 1336341;1449228690;mircea_popescu;the adequacy of bitcoin is eerly evident in this context : "what happens if someone sees my secret and steals it ?" "well... i guess you can pay again." 1336342;1449228706;mircea_popescu;clearly this thing is not coming from anywhere we've seen before. 1336343;1449229523;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27062 @ 0.00050713 = 13.724 BTC [-] 1336344;1449230138;adlai;you can also sign from the input addresses 1336345;1449230744;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00050559 = 18.6057 BTC [-] 1336346;1449231231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92375 @ 0.00050122 = 46.3002 BTC [-] {6} 1336347;1449231536;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 128600 @ 0.00049955 = 64.2421 BTC [-] {7} 1336348;1449231597;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10581 @ 0.00050399 = 5.3327 BTC [+] {3} 1336349;1449232146;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40100 @ 0.00050659 = 20.3143 BTC [+] {3} 1336350;1449232756;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34362 @ 0.00049623 = 17.0515 BTC [-] {2} 1336351;1449233671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98450 @ 0.00050028 = 49.2526 BTC [+] {4} 1336352;1449235623;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48300 @ 0.00049428 = 23.8737 BTC [-] {2} 1336353;1449236538;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97800 @ 0.00049619 = 48.5274 BTC [+] {3} 1336354;1449237941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58807 @ 0.000496 = 29.1683 BTC [-] 1336355;1449238596;shinohai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3RQG97A.txt 1336356;1449238597;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/21BEUYG ) 1336357;1449238599;deedbot-;rejected: 1 1336358;1449238642;shinohai;god fucking dammit why can't I do this right? >.< 1336359;1449238705;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Federal Reserve will raise interest rate at December FOMC meeting - http://bitbet.us/bet/1221/federal-reserve-will-raise-interest-rate-at-december/#b27 1336360;1449238856;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79300 @ 0.00049623 = 39.351 BTC [+] {2} 1336361;1449239161;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47300 @ 0.00049425 = 23.378 BTC [-] {3} 1336362;1449239588;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75050 @ 0.00049591 = 37.218 BTC [+] {3} 1336363;1449240727;trinque;shinohai: just verify them on your end before trying to submit 1336364;1449240869;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56600 @ 0.00049824 = 28.2004 BTC [+] {2} 1336365;1449240876;asciilifeform;'even die hards like the charismatic chief research officer of anti virus firm FSecure (Mikko Hypponen) have to concede their utility (or lack thereof). In a recent post he wrote: "What this means is that all of us had missed detecting this malware for two years, or more. That's a spectacular failure for our company, and for the antivirus industry in general.. This story does not end with Flame. It's highly likely there are ot 1336366;1449240876;asciilifeform;her similar attacks already underway that we havn't detected yet. Put simply, attacks like these work.. Flame was a failure for the anti-virus industry. We really should have been able to do better. But we didn't. We were out of our league, in our own game."' << mega-l0l!! 1336367;1449240881;asciilifeform;Run Moar Winblowz!!111 1336368;1449240887;asciilifeform;Run Moar Antivirus! 1336369;1449240916;asciilifeform;Buy Moar Wintel. 1336370;1449241073;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336309 << mega-piece and every word of it is true. 1336371;1449241073;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 07:10:21; punkman: http://blog.regehr.org/archives/28 1336372;1449241106;asciilifeform;but compiler optimization retardation is not limited to the effects described therein 1336373;1449241126;asciilifeform;i have seen some truly astonishing idiocies. 1336374;1449241181;asciilifeform;(does anyone recall the very recent thread re: gcc optimizing away a certain kind of security check WHEN EXPLICITLY ASKED NOT TO ?) 1336375;1449241202;asciilifeform;and the snivelling little piece of shit who piped up to defend this ? 1336376;1449241218;asciilifeform;it wasn't drepper, or poettering, somebody unknown 1336377;1449241357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81000 @ 0.00049963 = 40.47 BTC [+] {2} 1336378;1449241540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38250 @ 0.00049416 = 18.9016 BTC [-] {4} 1336379;1449241845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46100 @ 0.00050012 = 23.0555 BTC [+] {2} 1336380;1449241942;asciilifeform;re: yesterday's 'd-wave' thread: i often wonder what would happen if somebody were to demonstrate a machine, costing fiddybux instead of fiddymillion, that has the exact same performance on the exact same problems using... ordinary op-amps 1336381;1449241961;asciilifeform;(demonstrating that 'd-wave' is simply a monstrously overpriced analogue calculator) 1336382;1449242002;asciilifeform;now, nobody will do this for sane commercial reasons because - afaik - nobody actually required these toy problems ~solved~ 1336383;1449242005;asciilifeform;quickly, or otherwise. 1336384;1449242089;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40230 @ 0.00050015 = 20.121 BTC [+] {3} 1336385;1449242126;asciilifeform;i also can't help but appreciate the sheer magnitude of the 'fud' surrounding 'd-wave' - as if there could be any doubt whatsoever that the box is a work of charlatanry (doesn't run shor's algo and break rsa? not quantum comp. QED.) 1336386;1449242794;thestringpuller;so much coinbase dick sucking everywhere 1336387;1449242832;shinohai;i saw that. One post about them on reddit got gilded x3 1336388;1449242952;mircea_popescu;what does that do ? 1336389;1449243083;thestringpuller;it means the redditards liked what you wrote so much, they bought you reddit gold. 1336390;1449243086;thestringpuller;3 times! 1336391;1449243108;mircea_popescu;which does... 1336392;1449243126;thestringpuller;nothing but state you spent money via reddit in their name. 1336393;1449243131;thestringpuller;which is redditarded. 1336394;1449243149;thestringpuller;to think redditnotes was almost a thing 1336395;1449243196;thestringpuller;and who the fuck is Steve Sokolowski? 1336396;1449243228;mircea_popescu;why are we redoing the flame thing ? it's not 2012 anymore, and srsly, "one of the most sophisticated, md5-hash based, windows-only piece of crapolade ever" ? 1336397;1449243492;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 113800 @ 0.00050556 = 57.5327 BTC [+] {2} 1336398;1449243980;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97631 @ 0.00050647 = 49.4472 BTC [+] {2} 1336399;1449244346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86400 @ 0.00049675 = 42.9192 BTC [-] {4} 1336400;1449244834;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17400 @ 0.00050743 = 8.8293 BTC [+] {4} 1336401;1449245681;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it was mentioned on account of having been found by same av co. as 'stuxnet', and likewise far away from the pwning site and long after the fact of. 1336402;1449245993;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99750 @ 0.00049411 = 49.2875 BTC [-] {2} 1336403;1449246481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67800 @ 0.00049411 = 33.5007 BTC [-] {4} 1336404;1449247265;shinohai;http://www.wbaltv.com/news/aberdeen-police-officer-shot-in-face/36792688 <<< took mircea_popescu 's advice 1336405;1449247266;assbot;Police: Suspect who shot Aberdeen police officer in face taken into custody | Maryland News - WBAL Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYV2Qe ) 1336406;1449247640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104500 @ 0.00049354 = 51.5749 BTC [-] {5} 1336407;1449247823;trinque;shinohai: somehow I'm doubtful boston's white thug population ever read anything 1336408;1449247934;trinque;meanwhile, http://www.whdh.com/story/30528690/multiple-bomb-threats-reported-across-massachusetts 1336409;1449247935;assbot;Multiple bomb threats reported across Massachusetts - 7News Boston WHDH-TV ... ( http://bit.ly/1YNLaKl ) 1336410;1449247962;trinque;shinohai: and whoops, that was maryland 1336411;1449248005;trinque;I guess that look is spreading 1336412;1449248245;pete_dushenski;didn't obama have some lulzy press conpherence quote after the recent california shootings (at the autistard clinic) along the lines of "these shooting are more and more frequent and we know we can't stop them but we sure wouldn't mind making them ~less frequent~" 1336413;1449248268;pete_dushenski;shootings* 1336414;1449248333;pete_dushenski;http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2015/12/03/is-the-new-zuckerberg-fake-charity-an-estate-tax-avoidance-scheme/ << no kidding. 1336415;1449248334;assbot;Philip Greenspun's Weblog » Is the new Zuckerberg fake charity an estate tax avoidance scheme? ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYXTIJ ) 1336416;1449248375;trinque;pete_dushenski: that guy started trying to spin a gun control narrative the day of 1336417;1449248412;pete_dushenski;greenspun ? 1336418;1449248421;trinque;nah, president bahamas 1336419;1449248443;pete_dushenski;lol o well that's sorta his job 1336420;1449248479;pete_dushenski;maintain monopoly on force so that the state may have some hope of social relevance 1336421;1449248531;pete_dushenski;https://www.jwz.org/blog/2015/11/keyboard-lossage-mouse-lossage-everything-is-terrible/ << i lollered when jwz comes around to admitting that 'everything was fine until i upgraded to mac osx 10.11 (el capitain)' 1336422;1449248533;assbot;jwz: Keyboard lossage, mouse lossage, everything is terrible ... ( http://bit.ly/1YNMop9 ) 1336423;1449248555;pete_dushenski;"i just expected it to work!" 1336424;1449248582;pete_dushenski;y'know, like osx did back on 10.6 and no later. 1336425;1449248631;trinque;"You know, when I first switched to MacOS from Linux, the fact that I was finally using an operating system that understood that tracking the mouse was the highest priority thing and that you could never, ever let that fall behind was one of the most refreshing things." << wtf kind of idiocy is this? 1336426;1449248678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55760 @ 0.00050011 = 27.8861 BTC [+] {2} 1336427;1449248744;trinque;if you want a realtime and preemptable kernel go have it 1336428;1449248860;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14722 @ 0.00050012 = 7.3628 BTC [+] 1336429;1449248917;trinque;as I understand it these preemption systems incur a great deal of additional complexity, and some wise folks might say keeping *that* to a minimum is of the greatest importance. 1336430;1449248980;mircea_popescu; shinohai: somehow I'm doubtful boston's white thug population ever read anything < 1336431;1449248982;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 148300 @ 0.00050822 = 75.369 BTC [+] {6} 1336432;1449249031;pete_dushenski;!s jwz 1336433;1449249032;assbot;42 results for 'jwz' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=jwz 1336434;1449249094;shinohai;lol 1336435;1449249188;shinohai;http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2015/12/03/Florida-womans-mystery-illness-traced-to-moldy-breast-implants/9591449165196/?spt=hs&or=on 1336436;1449249197;phf;on a console you want operator issued commands to have priority over everything else, i don't think this has anything to do with the kernel. there was a set of patches for linux that gave scheduling priority to x11, and generally was supposed to make system much more responsive from operator side of things. guy quit over "giant co server needs decide what goes into kernel, i'm done" 1336437;1449249226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42338 @ 0.00051017 = 21.5996 BTC [+] 1336438;1449249262;phf;i'm pretty sure it's one of stan's commandments of sane computing 1336439;1449249336;trinque;phf: input is handled via interrupt right? 1336440;1449249337;mircea_popescu;trinque i've not yet observed the mouse cursor lagging on any system that i can recall since mice became a thing. 1336441;1449249347;trinque;nor have I. 1336442;1449249370;mircea_popescu;i mean.... when is a desktop ever that loaded ? 1336443;1449249377;mircea_popescu;and what the everloving fuck would you do with the mouse on a server 1336444;1449249379;trinque;so if the OS is handling some other interrupt, it's not going to bother with the input interrupts until after 1336445;1449249393;trinque;I read this guy as saying it should drop everything and move the cursor 1336446;1449249412;mircea_popescu;maybe it should drop everything and "just make it work" 1336447;1449249415;phf;trinque: a combination of system calls and interrupts, but it's up to scheduler to decide what to do and when. "handling some other interrupt" is usually not the bottle neck 1336448;1449249459;mircea_popescu;afaik dumbass osen (such as windoze) end up looking choppy because they handle the swap poorly and the windows manager ends up conflicted with some higher priority item on "memory" access 1336449;1449249481;mircea_popescu;this shouldn't be a problem, except they're written by ustarded children, and so they expect everything all the time or else drop to the floor and cry 1336450;1449249494;phf;it's usually handling millions of other interrupts, and then the scheduler needs to decide "oh there's some mouse events, maybe i should prioritize them a bit" 1336451;1449249565;mircea_popescu;!up OZmaster 1336452;1449249576;trinque;phf: that makes sense 1336453;1449249580;mircea_popescu;phf i don'\t think this ever happened at the scheduler level. 1336454;1449249586;OZmaster;hi all 1336455;1449249600;mircea_popescu;it's usually the wm going "oh, i caqn't have X ? THEN I WILL WAIT WITH EVERYTHING!!1" 1336456;1449249622;mircea_popescu;can't update cursor position until i have a hash of all the 50000 icons i put in that folder. 1336457;1449249628;mircea_popescu;hi OZmaster 1336458;1449249630;mircea_popescu;who're you ? 1336459;1449249652;OZmaster;just a trader looking for some company 1336460;1449249657;mircea_popescu;ic 1336461;1449249690;OZmaster;hope its not against the rules :) 1336462;1449249714;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79120 @ 0.00051167 = 40.4833 BTC [+] 1336463;1449249728;pete_dushenski;;;google bitcoin-assets rules and regulations 1336464;1449249729;gribble;#bitcoin-assets rules and regulations on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; Bitcoin assets attract HNIs, companies | Business ... - Samachar: ; Is bitcoin legal? - CoinDesk: 1336465;1449249748;pete_dushenski;OZmaster: waddyou trade mostly ? 1336466;1449249750;mircea_popescu;"hnis" ?! 1336467;1449249755;mircea_popescu;will wonders never surcease. 1336468;1449249762;OZmaster;cable and BTC,,, some alts but not that many 1336469;1449249780;pete_dushenski;cable ? 1336470;1449249796;mircea_popescu;OZmaster get a pgp key reg in the wot while at it. 1336471;1449249812;pete_dushenski;!h 1336472;1449249812;assbot;http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot 1336473;1449249822;pete_dushenski;^ OZmaster 1336474;1449249857;OZmaster;reading 1336475;1449249868;OZmaster;cable? EUR/USD lulzzzz 1336476;1449249936;pete_dushenski;aha. 1336477;1449249941;kakobrekla;on bit4x? 1336478;1449249974;OZmaster;nah 1336479;1449249976;OZmaster;1b 1336480;1449249997;kakobrekla;too bad 1336481;1449250004;mircea_popescu;lol 1336482;1449250020;OZmaster;why? 1336483;1449250055;OZmaster;i mean why too bad ? 1336484;1449250062;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla runs bit4x. 1336485;1449250104;OZmaster;oh ic 1336486;1449250105;OZmaster;:D 1336487;1449250107;phf;kakobrekla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=02-12-2015#1335374 plx 1336488;1449250107;assbot;Logged on 02-12-2015 06:12:15; phf: kakobrekla: hey, uploaded log files are busted, title fetches done by assbot have extra newlines, that correspond to newlines in the title. here's affected entry ids, http://paste.lisp.org/display/163299 1336489;1449250116;kakobrekla;will look into it today 1336490;1449250120;phf;thanks! 1336491;1449250129;OZmaster;will make sure i register kakobrekla 1336492;1449250150;kakobrekla;im not twisting your arm or anything. 1336493;1449250168;OZmaster;never heard of it before i wanna check it out :D 1336494;1449250246;OZmaster;oh ic u run it through an app 1336495;1449250248;OZmaster;very nice 1336496;1449250261;mircea_popescu;if it doesn't work you can let us know here, we'll twist kako's arms over it for many years to come :D 1336497;1449250294;*;kakobrekla puts arms in pocket 1336498;1449250330;pete_dushenski;those are either giant pockets or very tiny arms 1336499;1449250356;kakobrekla;virtual arms 1336500;1449250391;pete_dushenski;aha like asciilifeform's shiva arms 1336501;1449250412;kakobrekla;yeah, only i dont have that many. 1336502;1449250446;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 214764 @ 0.00049726 = 106.7935 BTC [-] {5} 1336503;1449250453;pete_dushenski;next reincaration 1336504;1449250473;pete_dushenski;reincarNation* 1336505;1449250582;mircea_popescu;!up Presstrump 1336506;1449250608;OZmaster;EUR is nice today 1336507;1449250617;OZmaster;cool trades to catch 1336508;1449250622;Presstrump;hehe, thanks mircea_popescu ;) 1336509;1449250674;OZmaster;do you guys also mine BTC/alts? 1336510;1449250816;Presstrump;OZmaster, no, they pretty much talk about how everything BTC related is a scam. 1336511;1449250840;kakobrekla;is it not? 1336512;1449250845;OZmaster;lulz, well cant argue much there 1336513;1449250866;Presstrump;with the exception of MPEx, that is ;) 1336514;1449250869;pete_dushenski;OZmaster: there's not much in the way of btc miner representation amongst the regulars here. as for alts, the folks here are more likely to short them than mine them. 1336515;1449250887;mircea_popescu;most sane miners don't advertise this, either. 1336516;1449250910;pete_dushenski;^ 1336517;1449250954;OZmaster;i didnt mean as advertisement was just so a question 1336518;1449250985;OZmaster;mircea_popescu why u mean that they dont "advertise" it ? 1336519;1449250993;mircea_popescu;yeah. just saying, if someone's claiming to be a miner, odds are they're a scammer. 1336520;1449250996;OZmaster;is it dangerous to let people know one is mining? 1336521;1449251000;mircea_popescu;obviously. 1336522;1449251008;OZmaster;huh why? 1336523;1449251008;Presstrump;alts only exist to extract BTC from n00bs 1336524;1449251047;OZmaster;oh u surely mean all the cloudmining sites? 1336525;1449251055;mircea_popescu;mno, i mean actual miners. 1336526;1449251100;OZmaster;how could they "use" the term miner to scam something:S i'm totaly not folowing now 1336527;1449251192;mircea_popescu;ok, lets see if we can make sense of this. 1336528;1449251256;mircea_popescu;1. miners are key points of the bitcoin infrastructure. unlike traditional infrastructure such as the hoover dam or the pentagon, the miners do not have to be physically discernible. 1336529;1449251258;pete_dushenski;http://i.imgur.com/flgQkam.webm << hottie 1336530;1449251259;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJ8u2H ) 1336531;1449251276;mircea_popescu;the same exact incentives exist to attack all of these. consequently, there exists exactly no incentive for a miner to advertise ; and strong incentive not to. 1336532;1449251298;OZmaster;oh ic ic 1336533;1449251309;mircea_popescu;2. conversely, all confidence games are predicated on the same process : "is it called a confidence game because i'm supposed to give you my confidence ?" "no. because i give yo umine". 1336534;1449251347;mircea_popescu;so... yeah. all con men start by breaking a minor taboo of this sort. the widest known is the "make money" derp, who can't cease talking about how much money he made bla bla. 1336535;1449251365;mircea_popescu;has he ? besides the fucking point. talking about how much you make is his way of getting under your skin. 1336536;1449251388;OZmaster;i see what u mean now 1336537;1449251396;mircea_popescu;aite. 1336538;1449251453;pete_dushenski;!up OZmaster 1336539;1449251457;OZmaster;ty 1336540;1449251489;pete_dushenski;np 1336541;1449251569;OZmaster;well not to mention the cloudmineing sites then, ponzis 101 1336542;1449251571;OZmaster;each one ofem 1336543;1449251725;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/the-problem-with-pmbs-ie-perpetual-mining-bonds/ <<< exactly nothing has changed since 2012 but the name 1336544;1449251726;assbot;The problem with PMBs, ie "Perpetual Mining Bonds" on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJ9qUH ) 1336545;1449251739;mircea_popescu;scammers still trying to sell pmbs to redditards, with mixed success. 1336546;1449251881;deedbot-;[Trilema] Ever heard of Ion Iliescu ? - http://trilema.com/2015/ever-heard-of-ion-iliescu/ 1336547;1449251971;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65500 @ 0.00051012 = 33.4129 BTC [+] {2} 1336548;1449252064;OZmaster;yeh well i know they are, i got fked myself majourly by one 1336549;1449252143;ben_vulpes;"As part of the Affordable Care Act, the tax is intended to help fund expanded coverage for the uninsured and to contain health care spending by discouraging employers from offering overly generous benefits." << thou shalt not enjoy life 1336550;1449252160;ben_vulpes;"The so-called “Cadillac Tax” will be levied in 2018 on companies that offer the “richest” benefits." 1336551;1449252209;mircea_popescu;lmao 1336552;1449252231;mircea_popescu;everyone must have obamacare. EVERYONE. 1336553;1449252262;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/991545fd969b9cdc182581669453bfd6/tumblr_n1vtt6LUHV1rux8ebo1_400.gif 1336554;1449252262;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QZ6HhN ) 1336555;1449252290;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: lel. "badge engineering tax" 1336556;1449252742;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayPO0LMAnc4 << 'nigerian style' 1336557;1449252742;assbot;Adele's "HELLO'' cover by DAVID JONES DAVID - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJbewZ ) 1336558;1449253374;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28027 @ 0.00050393 = 14.1236 BTC [-] {2} 1336559;1449253426;kakobrekla;"It's like pre-Sumerian civilization," says Brad Cox, who wrote the software for Steve Jobs NeXT computer and is a professor at George Mason University. "The way we build software is in the hunter-gatherer stage." 1336560;1449253435;kakobrekla;John Munson, a software engineer and professor of computer science at the University of Idaho, is not quite so generous. "Cave art," he says. "It's primitive. We supposedly teach computer science. There's no science here at all." 1336561;1449253447;kakobrekla;unexpected honesty http://www.fastcompany.com/28121/they-write-right-stuff 1336562;1449253448;assbot;They Write the Right Stuff ... ( http://bit.ly/1QZ9yr5 ) 1336563;1449253529;kakobrekla;and for mp > For one thing, 12 of the 22 people in the room are women, many of them senior managers or senior technical staff. 1336564;1449253599;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1336565;1449253602;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336440 << routinely on my box 1336566;1449253602;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 17:15:37; mircea_popescu: trinque i've not yet observed the mouse cursor lagging on any system that i can recall since mice became a thing. 1336567;1449253618;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336442 << mine. for fucks sake. 1336568;1449253618;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 17:16:10; mircea_popescu: i mean.... when is a desktop ever that loaded ? 1336569;1449253663;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336445 << fuck the cursor. but THE KEYBOARD - yes. see also: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=215 1336570;1449253663;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 17:16:33; trinque: I read this guy as saying it should drop everything and move the cursor 1336571;1449253664;assbot;Loper OS » First Law of Sane Personal Computing ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJdAfi ) 1336572;1449253679;shinohai;https://blog.ethereum.org/2015/12/03/how-to-build-your-own-cryptocurrency/ << the successes in the software world, few as they are, are largely successes of EXTERMINATORS. << my view also. 1336587;1449256363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 165750 @ 0.00049238 = 81.612 BTC [-] {6} 1336588;1449256393;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1336589;1449256463;ascii_field;speaking of this, i dreamed last night that i was playing a pc game called 'plague', where you are - as printed on the crate - a fella trying to escape from plague, and score points also for containing the spread thereof in various ways 1336590;1449256698;ascii_field;when i woke up, thought that it would also be interesting if you could play 'as'... plague 1336591;1449256983;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: oh and it turns out that i'm a moron: https://www.iqt.org/portfolio 1336592;1449257315;ascii_field;and just when i thought that the snake oils couldn't get any more laughable, 1336593;1449257316;ascii_field;'PrivateEye enlists computer vision technology to actively protect computer or tablet screens against unauthorized viewers by detecting and alerting the user when an eavesdropper attempts to read the display.' 1336594;1449257356;ascii_field;( optiolabs.com ) 1336595;1449257394;ascii_field;'EYES WILL ROAM, BUT YOUR SENSITIVE DATA WON’T.' << actual motherfucking quote 1336596;1449257478;ascii_field;and yet moar lulzy, even, 1336597;1449257480;ascii_field;'Narrative Science is the leader in automated narrative generation for the enterprise. Powered by artificial intelligence, its Quill platform analyzes data from disparate sources, understands what is important, then automatically generates perfectly written narratives to convey meaning from the data for any intended consumer or business audience, at unlimited scale.' 1336598;1449257485;ascii_field;^ our filipinos! 1336599;1449257495;ascii_field;here they are. 1336600;1449257795;phf;mircea_popescu: in x11, wm is a separate process, so it should fall under usual scheduling rules. i.e. if it misbehaves, kernel will take control away from it 1336601;1449257827;phf;but if kernel treats your wm same way it treats apache server... 1336602;1449257919;ascii_field;http://www.sonitustechnologies.com << ye olde radio tooth 1336603;1449257921;assbot;SONITUS ... ( http://bit.ly/1m1SzaO ) 1336604;1449258150;liquidassets;danielpbarron can you give me spiritual reference for "god remembers" and "god forgets" 1336605;1449258178;ascii_field;http://zeuss.com/our-story << u.s. tax dollarz at wurk !1111 1336606;1449258179;assbot;Our Story | Zeuss ... ( http://bit.ly/1lCoPAP ) 1336607;1449258192;ascii_field;'PS. If you got this far you just read 818 words that I wrote late one night after midnight with a tired jack russell passed out in my lap. Thank you for being interested in what we are doing.' 1336608;1449258229;ascii_field;http://zeuss.com/zteam << compleat with chix 1336609;1449258230;assbot;Team | Zeuss ... ( http://bit.ly/1lCoXjT ) 1336610;1449258280;phf;!up ascii_field 1336611;1449258335;phf;hmm 1336612;1449258358;phf;!up ascii_field 1336613;1449258361;phf;ah 1336614;1449258506;mircea_popescu; ^ our filipinos! <<< exactly like the mechanical turk of yore, the faux ai scam is still with us. 1336615;1449258511;ascii_field;https://www.narrativescience.com/press-release-aml << glorious thing, re: same 1336616;1449258512;assbot;Press Release: AML Solution | Narrative Science ... ( http://bit.ly/1lCpBOu ) 1336617;1449258523;ascii_field;they peddle automated idiot usgistic boilerplate... 1336618;1449258541;mircea_popescu;and who the fuck is jack russell 1336619;1449258551;mircea_popescu;o don't tell me, let me guess. the guy's caniche 1336620;1449258597;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: it may be a dog 1336621;1449258632;mircea_popescu;if only the soviets had "technological innovators" such as these 1336622;1449258633;mircea_popescu;oh wait. 1336623;1449258635;mircea_popescu;they did. 1336624;1449258673;mircea_popescu;"CHICAGO, IL November 10, 2015 Narrative Science, the leader in advanced natural language generation for the enterprise, today announced the launch of Quill for Anti-Money Laundering (AML). According to recent research from KPMG, spending in North America to combat money-laundering activities has risen by 71 percent over the past three years and is predicted to keep increasing." 1336625;1449258699;mircea_popescu;lost in all of this bathwater, any actual money to wash. the us is about as poor as argentina. 1336626;1449258704;mircea_popescu;but whatever, hay mas futuro. 1336627;1449258752;ascii_field;recall that to the 'aml' folks, ~all~ money is american 1336628;1449258765;mircea_popescu;except they don't have any. 1336629;1449258778;ascii_field;the thieves' hands are of finite-length, yes. appetites - no. 1336630;1449258806;mircea_popescu;all the appetites in the world and five bitcets will buy them a cup of coffee 1336631;1449258809;mircea_popescu;if the shop's open. 1336632;1449258836;ascii_field;the idea was, nominally, appetite + bitcents + wunderwaffen 1336633;1449258925;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105900 @ 0.00049351 = 52.2627 BTC [+] {3} 1336634;1449258944;*;mircea_popescu is looking forward to when congress finally buys some "quill" to keep up with the "ever increasing needs" of the legislative process. 1336635;1449258964;mircea_popescu;a century of laws nobody read has really been long enough. time for laws nobody actually wrote. 1336636;1449258986;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18520 @ 0.00049472 = 9.1622 BTC [+] 1336637;1449259107;liquidassets;MP where's your quote on what a 'walk of shame' is? 1336638;1449259128;liquidassets;I need to get better at this searching thing...apologies 1336639;1449259138;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336604 << could you be more specific? there are many such references 1336640;1449259138;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 19:42:30; liquidassets: danielpbarron can you give me spiritual reference for "god remembers" and "god forgets" 1336641;1449259160;mircea_popescu;!s walk of shame from:mircea 1336642;1449259162;assbot;0 results for 'walk of shame from:mircea' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=walk+of+shame+from%3Amircea 1336643;1449259167;mircea_popescu;apparently, nowhere. 1336644;1449259187;liquidassets;danielpbarron you seem to quote the bible frequently, is this because you know it so well? or is there an easy reference/tool to use 1336645;1449259227;liquidassets;NO MP you said it about shame being a personal thing like guilt..or something. About the girl walking down the street feeling shame or not.. 1336646;1449259253;danielpbarron;a little of both. In order to use the easy reference I had to already have intimate knowledge of the text 1336647;1449259287;danielpbarron;i search on biblegateway sometimes for key words, although i don't like to actually link to that site since it's javascript nightmare garbage 1336648;1449259310;danielpbarron;and sometimes i do a google search for site:atruechurch.info whatever_keyword 1336649;1449259311;liquidassets;ugh....how do we save these texts...? 1336650;1449259405;mircea_popescu;"Its hard to overstate how bad an idea it is for a compiler to use strange heuristics about code structure to guess the developers intent." 1336651;1449259408;mircea_popescu;nigga...say wut ? 1336652;1449259416;mircea_popescu;this is ALL the compiler ever fucking does, are you kidding me ? 1336653;1449259444;liquidassets;that's why I need a link god dammit 1336654;1449259448;mircea_popescu;this "we labeled this function comprehension so now the program is comprehending" thing goes to the fucking core of things, it's like the only wife computer dorks ever had huh. 1336655;1449259470;thestringpuller;buddy of mine who isn't into bitcoin (but is into crypto) said this: hat's why I worry about "widespread bitcoin adoption" - read that as: banks/govs hijack 1336656;1449259472;liquidassets;I'm searching you 1336657;1449259475;thestringpuller;bitcoin 1336658;1449259506;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336372 << kinda why I can't really bring myself to study C/C++ 1336659;1449259506;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 14:58:26; asciilifeform: but compiler optimization retardation is not limited to the effects described therein 1336660;1449259595;liquidassets;thank you danielpbarron I haven't tried searching the bible but hopefully 12 years of vacation bible school are still good for something 1336661;1449259637;punkman;especially this part, "Volatile is of very limited usefulness on a machine that is out-of-order, multiprocessor, or both", SO WHY THE FUCK DOES ANYONE BOTHER 1336662;1449259680;thestringpuller;volatile keyword was very useful for interrupts on the Gameboy Advance 1336663;1449259804;thestringpuller;that's about my extent of use 1336664;1449259840;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51730 @ 0.00049511 = 25.612 BTC [+] {2} 1336665;1449259950;punkman;"Old gcc upgrade: Bug fixes, some speed, some intrinsics. New gcc upgrade: I AM THE LORD THY GCC AND I WILL BREAK YOUR SYSTEM. FEAR MY WRATH." 1336666;1449260084;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110600 @ 0.00049968 = 55.2646 BTC [+] {2} 1336667;1449260225;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1336668;1449260227;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336635 << yer too late, we have this already. except it's armies of intern gurlz, vs. shanninizers (gurlz are cheaper) 1336669;1449260227;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 19:56:04; mircea_popescu: a century of laws nobody read has really been long enough. time for laws nobody actually wrote. 1336670;1449260306;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336661 << 'cause you can't implement the os without ? 1336671;1449260306;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 20:07:17; punkman: especially this part, "Volatile is of very limited usefulness on a machine that is out-of-order, multiprocessor, or both", SO WHY THE FUCK DOES ANYONE BOTHER 1336672;1449260389;punkman;sad turtles all the way down 1336673;1449260514;ascii_field;liquishit all the way down. 1336674;1449260568;mircea_popescu;<ascii_field> we have this already. except it's armies of intern gurlz, vs. shanninizers (gurlz are cheaper) <<< you recall, i actually published the minutes of how this goes. 1336675;1449260580;ascii_field;hm? 1336676;1449260591;mircea_popescu;;;google Daphna Waxman 1336677;1449260591;gribble;SEC.gov | SEC Charges Three Firms With Violating Custody Rule: ; SEC Knocks on MPEx's Door, Popescu Doesn't Budge | Finance ...: ; SEC gets on the Bitcoin investigation bandwagon ... - Washington Post: (1 more message) 1336678;1449260598;ascii_field;ah, them 1336679;1449260616;mircea_popescu;awww, look at her! intern gurl hired to get people to talk to the phone people at her office, is now internets famous!Q 1336680;1449260621;ascii_field;the ones i was thinking of were the nameless chix who crapped out 'obamacare', which fills a book case, and similar 1336681;1449260646;ascii_field;by hand, in microshit 'word' 1336682;1449260649;mircea_popescu;there's no difference. 1336683;1449260657;ascii_field;not really, aha 1336684;1449260667;mircea_popescu;this one'd be equally nameless, if i weren't here to break the inane anon-government convention 1336685;1449260735;mircea_popescu;(have you ever noticed that nobody ever fucking publishes the names of the agentura ? if say a police officer is ever NAMED he's either in a fringe local paper in a red state or else accused of something. it's never "the swat team, composed of x y z and k" or so forth. ) 1336686;1449260755;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4250 @ 0.00049999 = 2.125 BTC [+] 1336687;1449261121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13987 @ 0.00050321 = 7.0384 BTC [+] 1336688;1449261426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41818 @ 0.00050342 = 21.052 BTC [+] {2} 1336689;1449262280;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95620 @ 0.0005015 = 47.9534 BTC [-] {2} 1336690;1449262844;mircea_popescu;ascii_field http://trilema.com/2015/no-such-labs-snsa-november-2015-statement/ 1336691;1449262845;assbot;No Such lAbs (S.NSA), November 2015 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IJzpeM ) 1336692;1449263012;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19930 @ 0.00049949 = 9.9548 BTC [-] 1336693;1449263073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61770 @ 0.00050559 = 31.2303 BTC [+] {2} 1336694;1449263561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109340 @ 0.00050622 = 55.3501 BTC [+] {3} 1336695;1449263806;deedbot-;[Trilema] No Such lAbs (S.NSA), November 2015 Statement - http://trilema.com/2015/no-such-labs-snsa-november-2015-statement/ 1336696;1449263988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43064 @ 0.00050557 = 21.7719 BTC [-] 1336697;1449264598;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 173100 @ 0.00049306 = 85.3487 BTC [-] {4} 1336698;1449265269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63400 @ 0.00049183 = 31.182 BTC [-] {3} 1336699;1449265696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 345778 @ 0.00049065 = 169.656 BTC [-] {9} 1336700;1449265757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5322 @ 0.00048728 = 2.5933 BTC [-] 1336701;1449266213;mircea_popescu;ascii_field "At some point I may do a similar surgical extraction for GPG 1.4.10s entropy gatherer, but this is a very different project." << i have nfi why you'd be including "software entropy generators". 1336702;1449266265;mircea_popescu;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/sov/3.jpg << notbad chocolates. 1336703;1449266267;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1lgfcIw ) 1336704;1449266581;mircea_popescu;(Sometimes I think that perhaps one of the best things I could do with my life is: find a gigantic pile of proprietary software that was a trade secret, and start handing out copies on a street corner so it wouldn't be a trade secret any more, and perhaps that would be a much more efficient way for me to give people new free software than actually writing it myself; but everyone is too cowardly to even take it.) 1336705;1449266602;mircea_popescu;start reading rms' side of the "how i [didn't really] invent emacs" for the lulz, stay for the glory. 1336706;1449266611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117217 @ 0.00048642 = 57.0167 BTC [-] {2} 1336707;1449266614;mircea_popescu;( http://www.free-soft.org/gpl_history/ for the curious) 1336708;1449266615;assbot;The History of the GNU General Public License ... ( http://bit.ly/1lggkfi ) 1336709;1449268380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73388 @ 0.00048909 = 35.8933 BTC [+] {2} 1336710;1449270088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 247371 @ 0.00048613 = 120.2545 BTC [-] {6} 1336711;1449270149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41300 @ 0.0004835 = 19.9686 BTC [-] {2} 1336712;1449270549;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/chess-grandmaster-from-shrewsbury-allegedly-paid-young-son-to-drink/article_fd58736b-3941-507c-8b73-a9e41378588f.html 1336713;1449270550;assbot;Chess grandmaster from Shrewsbury allegedly paid young son to drink wine : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1XHiwxz ) 1336714;1449270563;BingoBoingo;Win >> "Catlett said police have been unable to reach him since the charges were filed Monday." 1336715;1449271302;mod6;;;bc,stats 1336716;1449271306;gribble;Current Blocks: 386738 | Current Difficulty: 7.272278064254718E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 387071 | Next Difficulty In: 333 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 5 hours, 16 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1336717;1449271369;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85800 @ 0.00049283 = 42.2848 BTC [+] 1336718;1449271613;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52850 @ 0.0004931 = 26.0603 BTC [+] {2} 1336719;1449273443;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41000 @ 0.00049297 = 20.2118 BTC [-] 1336720;1449274419;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52700 @ 0.00049017 = 25.832 BTC [-] {2} 1336721;1449275700;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36000 @ 0.00049298 = 17.7473 BTC [+] {2} 1336722;1449277127;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336701 << who said we'd be ~using~ the extracted meat ?! 1336723;1449277127;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 21:56:53; mircea_popescu: ascii_field "At some point I may do a similar surgical extraction for GPG 1.4.10s entropy gatherer, but this is a very different project." << i have nfi why you'd be including "software entropy generators". 1336724;1449277195;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336685 << what next, publish 'names' of individual rats who spread the black plague ? 1336725;1449277195;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 20:25:35; mircea_popescu: (have you ever noticed that nobody ever fucking publishes the names of the agentura ? if say a police officer is ever NAMED he's either in a fringe local paper in a red state or else accused of something. it's never "the swat team, composed of x y z and k" or so forth. ) 1336726;1449277207;asciilifeform;names only make sense for things that are distinguishable and distinct 1336727;1449277260;asciilifeform;if tomorrow we learn that cockroaches have names, amongst themselves, should exterminators take roll call before spraying ? 1336728;1449277397;asciilifeform;not one of these people will ever be in wot, even if he lived for a hundred years; and if by some odd chance one did, it'd be under another spam name 1336729;1449277455;asciilifeform;but, interestingly, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336677 1336730;1449277455;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 20:23:11; gribble: SEC.gov | SEC Charges Three Firms With Violating Custody Rule: ; SEC Knocks on MPEx's Door, Popescu Doesn't Budge | Finance ...: ; SEC gets on the Bitcoin investigation bandwagon ... - Washington Post: (1 more message) 1336731;1449277465;asciilifeform;^ the first link actually has the names of the monkeys who participated 1336732;1449277475;asciilifeform;incl. daphne whoever 1336733;1449277556;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-12-2015#1336704 << was copyrightability of softs in usa still a disputed thing when rms wrote this ? 1336734;1449277556;assbot;Logged on 04-12-2015 22:03:01; mircea_popescu: (Sometimes I think that perhaps one of the best things I could do with my life is: find a gigantic pile of proprietary software that was a trade secret, and start handing out copies on a street corner so it wouldn't be a trade secret any more, and perhaps that would be a much more efficient way for me to give people new free software than actually writing it myself; but everyone is too cowardly to ev 1336735;1449277898;*;ben_vulpes applauds nsa missive 1336736;1449278689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00048687 = 6.0372 BTC [-] 1336737;1449280425;*;asciilifeform bday today. old. 1336738;1449280824;asciilifeform;lulzy: 1336739;1449280825;asciilifeform;#if 0 1336740;1449280826;asciilifeform;static void 1336741;1449280826;asciilifeform;stronger_key_check ( RSA_secret_key *skey ) 1336742;1449280831;asciilifeform;guess where. 1336743;1449280885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35200 @ 0.00049325 = 17.3624 BTC [+] 1336744;1449281188;punkman;gpg? 1336745;1449281202;punkman;happy bday asciilifeform 1336746;1449281227;asciilifeform;thx! 1336747;1449282037;mod6;happy birthday asciilifeform :] 1336748;1449282229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64209 @ 0.00048571 = 31.187 BTC [-] {3} 1336749;1449282288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63791 @ 0.00048131 = 30.7032 BTC [-] {4} 1336750;1449283081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27950 @ 0.00047983 = 13.4112 BTC [-] 1336751;1449284491;PeterL;Had baby #4 today. 1336752;1449284719;mod6;congrats PeterL 1336753;1449284727;PeterL;thanks 1336754;1449285443;asciilifeform;thx mod6 ! 1336755;1449285446;asciilifeform;congrats PeterL 1336756;1449285473;PeterL;and happy b-day to you. I guess it is a good day for a birthday 1336757;1449285522;asciilifeform;ty 1336758;1449286279;asciilifeform;moar lulz: 1336759;1449286281;asciilifeform;* a level of 0 this will not block and might not return anything 1336760;1449286281;asciilifeform;* with some entropy drivers, however the rndlinux driver will use 1336761;1449286281;asciilifeform;* /dev/urandom and return some stuff - Do not read to much as we 1336762;1449286281;asciilifeform;* want to be friendly to the scare system entropy resource. */ 1336763;1449286809;PeterL;what's this from? 1336764;1449286813;asciilifeform;gpg 1.4.10 1336765;1449286894;PeterL;what is it going to do with the entropy it creates? 1336766;1449286970;asciilifeform;key 1336767;1449286980;asciilifeform;(and a few other things) 1336768;1449287016;PeterL;does using "to" instead of "too" indicate something about the level of competence going into this? 1336769;1449287041;asciilifeform;PeterL: iirc current maintainer is a german 1336770;1449287049;PeterL;aha 1336771;1449287737;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform 1988 1336772;1449287750;mircea_popescu;but the important point is, "too cowardly to take them". 1336773;1449287779;mircea_popescu;these are the same people who collectively opted not to give gates dailyt whirlies when he started with HIS whiny bullshit (also in the 80s) 1336774;1449287795;mircea_popescu;these are the same people reacting to some "company" saying something vague AS IF IT MATTERED. 1336775;1449287900;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00048015 = 8.7387 BTC [+] 1336776;1449288909;BingoBoingo;Happy bday to alf and happy birthing day to peterl 1336777;1449288986;asciilifeform;ty BingoBoingo. 1336778;1449288990;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha that part made 0 sense 1336779;1449289042;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: and the infamous gates 'letter to hobbyists' was in '76 1336780;1449289043;PeterL;ty BingoBoingo 1336781;1449289123;PeterL;http://trilema.com/2015/the-pgp-w-mode/ << encrypter and decrypter are required to use the same file? how do you know which file to use? 1336782;1449289125;assbot;The PGP -w mode on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PUEQz6 ) 1336783;1449289191;mircea_popescu;alright, 76. 1336784;1449289193;asciilifeform;PeterL: stego is a symmetric thing 1336785;1449289216;asciilifeform;(afaik publickeyization of stego is an unsolved megapr0bl3m) 1336786;1449289250;PeterL;so wouldn't the enemy just need to know which file you are using, and then it is worthless? 1336787;1449289295;asciilifeform;PeterL: stego is not a substitute for crypto, but is 'part of a balanced diet' 1336788;1449289315;PeterL;aha 1336789;1449289352;PeterL;then does it need to be part of pgp? 1336790;1449289358;asciilifeform;not imho 1336791;1449289364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35201 @ 0.00049385 = 17.384 BTC [+] {3} 1336792;1449289367;mircea_popescu;PeterL the only way otp works is with prior agreement. as alf says, there's no known alternative ot this. 1336793;1449289395;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-12-2015#1336772 >> e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-09-2015#1257953 1336794;1449289395;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2015 03:55:50; mircea_popescu: but the important point is, "too cowardly to take them". 1336795;1449289395;assbot;Logged on 01-09-2015 02:05:20; asciilifeform: (freedos folks make a show of refusing to look at it) 1336796;1449289439;mircea_popescu;now, you can in practice have "prior agreement after the fact", to use the consecrated legal concept (ie, if someone tells you what to use after you got the file, but you "know" it's right because it decrypts to something meaningful). but this doesn't seem much of a variation. 1336797;1449289489;mircea_popescu;anyway. the hooks to use the tool any way you might want is a part of a well designed tool. this is why a hammer comes with the hook at the other end for pulling out nails, even for hammers you buy to only hurt your fingers with. 1336798;1449289509;mircea_popescu;the spec accounts for this, that there should be a hook there. otherwise i fully expect most people will just use the standard dictionary if they ever use the mode at all. 1336799;1449289510;asciilifeform;with anything like genuine otp, the 'prior after the fact' is really 'after the fact' plain and simple, 1336800;1449289517;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah. 1336801;1449289520;asciilifeform;given as the choice of pad can give you any plaintext you want. 1336802;1449289521;asciilifeform;aha 1336803;1449289530;asciilifeform;(up to length of ciphertext) 1336804;1449289533;*;BingoBoingo awaits magic future/past where electronics contact cleaner can be used on energized devices. 1336805;1449289545;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: clean with 'fluorinert' 1336806;1449289558;asciilifeform;then light up a benjie cigar. 1336807;1449289568;asciilifeform;full of human caviar. 1336808;1449289587;BingoBoingo;Some day 1336809;1449289612;*;BingoBoingo just sprayed a bunch of isohexane at car radio 1336810;1449289650;BingoBoingo;about to go outside again for round 2 1336811;1449289769;mircea_popescu;what are you trying to accomplish ? 1336812;1449289790;*;asciilifeform pictures BingoBoingo removing entrails of dead weasel from cassette slot 1336813;1449290003;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-12-2015#1336798 << in the olden days, prior to mechanical cryptoanalysis, thinking folk got pretty far with 'book cipher' 1336814;1449290003;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2015 04:25:09; mircea_popescu: the spec accounts for this, that there should be a hook there. otherwise i fully expect most people will just use the standard dictionary if they ever use the mode at all. 1336815;1449290003;mircea_popescu;alternatively, http://49.media.tumblr.com/8a02ea6d3e092c54ef106bfe3009a270/tumblr_n4idjpufOZ1smnwtfo1_400.gif 1336816;1449290004;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N2e7gj ) 1336817;1449290020;asciilifeform;james randi almost got nailed for $1M by using this in modern times 1336818;1449290050;asciilifeform;( see http://www.crypto.com/blog/psychic_cryptanalysis ) 1336819;1449290051;assbot;Matt Blaze: James Randi owes me a million dollars ... ( http://bit.ly/1N2e8AW ) 1336820;1449290052;mircea_popescu;i dun recall that one ? 1336821;1449290061;asciilifeform;^ linked 1336822;1449290159;mircea_popescu;After staring at this commitment string for a little while, we suspected (or, if you prefer, we had a divine inspiration) that the first 10 digits might represent the ISBN number of a published book. 1336823;1449290160;mircea_popescu;ahahaha ouch 1336824;1449290209;asciilifeform;see also the infamous 'ceiiinosssttuv' incident. 1336825;1449290216;asciilifeform;(re: pre-mechanical crypto) 1336826;1449290233;mircea_popescu;i can';t fucking believe randi actually went with homebrew crypto\ 1336827;1449290251;mircea_popescu;jesus christ how fucking unskeptical, anti-scientific must one be. 1336828;1449290266;mircea_popescu;see alfie, there is no hope for mankind. 1336829;1449290296;asciilifeform;mebbe he's a runaway 1336830;1449290301;asciilifeform;from 1790 1336831;1449290304;asciilifeform;or such. 1336832;1449290380;mircea_popescu;"nobody could have foreseen anyone else on the whole fucking planet having heard of isbn. it's just an industrial process after all!" 1336833;1449290401;mircea_popescu;then we derride youths that go around in chinese made tshirts saying they're unique. but the difference would be... 1336834;1449290409;mircea_popescu;wholly in favour of the youths. youth excuses a lot. 1336835;1449290542;BingoBoingo; what are you trying to accomplish ? << making control buttons work again after extended exposure to cigarette smoking 1336836;1449290559;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform pictures BingoBoingo removing entrails of dead weasel from cassette slot << Ghosts of cigarettes past 1336837;1449290570;PeterL;maybe try acetone? 1336838;1449290601;BingoBoingo;how long will it take for acetone to dry at 29F 1336839;1449290614;PeterL;a couple minutes? 1336840;1449290618;BingoBoingo;Ah 1336841;1449290636;PeterL;or turn the car on and run the heater a bit? 1336842;1449290636;*;BingoBoingo not taking radio apart, just spraying and waiting 1336843;1449290664;BingoBoingo;disconnected battery to keep radio/clock from energizing 1336844;1449290679;*;asciilifeform still has a circa-'80s 'tape drive cleaning' kit containing, among other items... a bottle of old-fashioned 'freon'. 1336845;1449290707;BingoBoingo;ah 1336846;1449290774;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: to be fair, he wasn't trying to encrypt, as such, but to ceiiinosssttuv. 1336847;1449290798;asciilifeform;(and, apparently, had never heard of, e.g., hash algo) 1336848;1449290907;PeterL;;;isup mpex.co 1336849;1449290911;gribble;mpex.co is down 1336850;1449290944;BingoBoingo;;;isup mpex.re 1336851;1449290948;gribble;mpex.re is down 1336852;1449290964;PeterL;;;isup mpex.biz 1336853;1449290967;gribble;mpex.biz is down 1336854;1449291072;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14458 @ 0.00049257 = 7.1216 BTC [-] 1336855;1449292195;punkman;https://archive.is/obkJA 1336856;1449292196;assbot;Prime Minister's Media Office: The Iraqi government calls on Turkey to respect good neighbourly relations and to withdraw immediately from the Iraqi territory ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q6mYl4 ) 1336857;1449299746;BingoBoingo;Car radio progress report: buttons are getting more responsive. Will likely finish the can on the radio some warmer night next week. 1336858;1449300823;deedbot-;[Qntra] United States Revives Export-Import Bank - http://qntra.net/2015/12/united-states-revives-export-import-bank/ 1336859;1449300866;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1336860;1449300869;gribble;Current Blocks: 386791 | Current Difficulty: 7.272278064254718E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 387071 | Next Difficulty In: 280 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, 40 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1336861;1449300940;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1336862;1449300946;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 371.78, vol: 10797.14834601 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 367.114, vol: 10133.70449 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 372.11, vol: 21207.30570728 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 375.0, vol: 4.91 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 380.414166, vol: 94465.59940000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 372.0, vol: 78.95869822 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 375.498, vol: 37.81766707 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1336863;1449301088;BingoBoingo;;;more 1336864;1449301089;gribble;377.452097124 1336865;1449301501;adlai;!t m s.mpoe 1336866;1449301501;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00047982 / 0.00049753 / 0.00051167 (5809483 shares, 2,890.43 BTC), 7D: 0.00047982 / 0.00050242 / 0.00052434 (12541485 shares, 6,301.14 BTC), 30D: 0.00047982 / 0.0005178 / 0.00057294 (57301369 shares, 29,670.98 BTC) 1336867;1449302296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6342 @ 0.00049257 = 3.1239 BTC [-] 1336868;1449308091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31200 @ 0.00049264 = 15.3704 BTC [+] {4} 1336869;1449309064;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 5.16358915 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/#b74 1336870;1449309921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18900 @ 0.00049445 = 9.3451 BTC [+] {4} 1336871;1449311629;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27700 @ 0.00049361 = 13.673 BTC [-] {2} 1336872;1449313825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44788 @ 0.00049469 = 22.1562 BTC [+] {3} 1336873;1449314557;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24197 @ 0.00049502 = 11.978 BTC [+] {3} 1336874;1449314618;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62753 @ 0.00048902 = 30.6875 BTC [-] {5} 1336875;1449314862;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27750 @ 0.00049636 = 13.774 BTC [+] 1336876;1449316265;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3971 @ 0.00048667 = 1.9326 BTC [-] 1336877;1449318949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18912 @ 0.00048802 = 9.2294 BTC [+] {2} 1336878;1449321999;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48500 @ 0.00049534 = 24.024 BTC [+] 1336879;1449324927;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10769 @ 0.00049635 = 5.3452 BTC [+] {4} 1336880;1449325720;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11899 @ 0.00049269 = 5.8625 BTC [-] {2} 1336881;1449326019;asciilifeform;;;seen nubbins` 1336882;1449326019;gribble;nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 weeks, 2 days, 12 hours, 34 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: autographs for only 5 tx fees 1336883;1449326044;asciilifeform;;;seen artifexd 1336884;1449326045;gribble;artifexd was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 32 weeks, 2 days, 16 hours, 16 minutes, and 55 seconds ago: I'm comfortable calling it a review. Not just of what it is but what it was and how it got to where it is. 1336885;1449326089;asciilifeform;;;seen mats 1336886;1449326089;gribble;mats was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 0 days, 11 hours, 1 minute, and 44 seconds ago: rolling off the cheeks of the slaves doncha know 1336887;1449326131;asciilifeform;;;seen mike_c 1336888;1449326131;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 1 day, 13 hours, 23 minutes, and 37 seconds ago: let's get that thing out the door and get alf some goddamn bitcoin already 1336889;1449326879;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45925 @ 0.00048853 = 22.4357 BTC [-] {5} 1336890;1449327123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00048483 = 9.0178 BTC [-] 1336891;1449327184;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79500 @ 0.00049677 = 39.4932 BTC [+] {2} 1336892;1449328343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.00048344 = 11.941 BTC [-] 1336893;1449330600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6044 @ 0.00048597 = 2.9372 BTC [+] {3} 1336894;1449330661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19118 @ 0.00048131 = 9.2017 BTC [-] 1336895;1449331454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9568 @ 0.00048131 = 4.6052 BTC [-] {2} 1336896;1449331515;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22200 @ 0.0004968 = 11.029 BTC [+] {4} 1336897;1449333992;nubbins`;never you mind about when i've been seen 1336898;1449334006;asciilifeform;l0l 1336899;1449334041;nubbins`;busy times at chez pink 8) 1336900;1449334058;nubbins`;shared w/ the heels: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1276940.0 1336901;1449334059;assbot;Limited edition art books ... ( http://bit.ly/1XJtkew ) 1336902;1449334067;adlai;we need you, who else will print the printable product? 1336903;1449334097;*;adlai hazards a guess that most anything c++ doesn't pass the "worth killing trees to print" test 1336904;1449334165;nubbins`;i don't think cotton dies when you pick it, and cotton paper is nicer 1336905;1449334317;nubbins`;anyway, to bind a 300-page book via this method would produce a wonderful lay-flat tome, and only take smth like 13 hours 1336906;1449334391;adlai;please refrain from moving goalposts in the direction of tolerating a shittierd turdatron :) 1336907;1449334514;*;adlai tries to refrain from wondering whether printability could be achieved faster thru "throw the first one away"ing 1336908;1449334644;asciilifeform;adlai: since i'm not certain whether i ever explained it, there were two particular reasons i wanted it printed: 1336909;1449334658;asciilifeform;1) because i don't especially like reading off a screen 1336910;1449334677;asciilifeform;2) to form a permanent, distributed, and unredactable record of classical bitcoinatron. 1336911;1449334731;adlai;would have more historic value to use THE classic bitcoinatron, with the benefit that this is something we can print today 1336912;1449334734;asciilifeform;incidentally, (1) only makes sense if not only the code is printed but with first-class concordance (EVERY token on EVERY page is margin-noted and said notes point to index of ALL occurrences) 1336913;1449334743;asciilifeform;adlai: nope 1336914;1449334758;asciilifeform;adlai: because it does not function on the network existing today. 1336915;1449334765;asciilifeform;and hence does not actually describe bitcoin. 1336916;1449334799;asciilifeform;adlai: 0.5.3 was chosen as starting point on account of being the oldest still-functioning artifact having no obvious catastrophic (exploitable) bugs. 1336917;1449334844;adlai;still, my wonder stands... you can build altturds, that will function on the network as deterministically as powerturd or phoundatiurd 1336918;1449334870;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20750 @ 0.00049111 = 10.1905 BTC [-] {3} 1336919;1449334917;asciilifeform;if it doesn't agree with the established blockchain to the last bit, it isn't bitcoin. 1336920;1449334948;asciilifeform;if it admits tx that 0.5.3 will not admit, it isn't bitcoin. 1336921;1449334949;asciilifeform;etc. 1336922;1449334984;asciilifeform;anybody trying to convince you of the opposite is after yer money. 1336923;1449335018;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1336924;1449335025;adlai;sure, but pre0.8 could disagree with itself nondeterministically... in this sense bitcoin didn't even exist 1336925;1449335026;nubbins`;i, also, am after yr money 1336926;1449335029;adlai;and may not exist today, with any client, either 1336927;1449335081;nubbins`;adlai it's totally possible that it may not be possible to build a working client w/o hardcoded exceptions to shit that nobody realizes is broken yet 1336928;1449335091;nubbins`;totally possible that it may not be possible wtf 1336929;1449335106;*;nubbins` kills self, rues not reading enough 1336930;1449335126;adlai;eh wot? 1336931;1449335154;adlai;you code by what you know today, and flail about trying to quantify unknown unknowns for risk hedging 1336932;1449335166;adlai;anything else is self-delusion 1336933;1449335200;nubbins`;!t m s.mg 1336934;1449335200;assbot;[MPEX:S.MG] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00011 / 0.00011016 / 0.000115 (59700 shares, 6.58 BTC) 1336935;1449335217;nubbins`;slim 1336936;1449335289;*;adlai wonders when tide rising out from s.mpoe will overflow elsewhere... could be a nice change! 1336937;1449335583;nubbins`;[13:13:30] -SaslServ- 3 failed logins since last login. 1336938;1449335583;nubbins`;[13:13:30] -SaslServ- Last failed attempt from: Nubbins!62717b9f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/kiwiirc.com/ip. on Nov 16 02:17:30 2015. 1336939;1449335585;nubbins`;lule 1336940;1449335599;*;nubbins` is popular 1336941;1449336029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34442 @ 0.00049495 = 17.0471 BTC [+] {2} 1336942;1449338042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17681 @ 0.00048412 = 8.5597 BTC [-] 1336943;1449338332;adlai;;;later tell mike_c still waiting for OP to deliver... http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=30-10-2015#1311985 1336944;1449338332;assbot;Logged on 30-10-2015 15:57:35; mike_c: ;;later tell adlai yeah, I don't see why not. I'll take a look at posting it somewhere. 1336945;1449338333;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1336946;1449339933;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31600 @ 0.00049095 = 15.514 BTC [+] 1336947;1449341946;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18500 @ 0.00048295 = 8.9346 BTC [-] {4} 1336948;1449342460;thestringpuller;;;seen mike_c 1336949;1449342461;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 1 day, 17 hours, 55 minutes, and 47 seconds ago: let's get that thing out the door and get alf some goddamn bitcoin already 1336950;1449342490;thestringpuller;oh hey nubbins` how was your summer 1336951;1449343532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27550 @ 0.00048131 = 13.2601 BTC [-] {2} 1336952;1449344569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30500 @ 0.00048131 = 14.68 BTC [-] 1336953;1449346033;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6850 @ 0.00048869 = 3.3475 BTC [+] 1336954;1449348170;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Selections from The American Review of Reviews, Edited by Albert Shaw, December 1924 - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/05/selections-from-the-american-review-of-reviews-edited-by-albert-shaw-december-1924/ 1336955;1449352722;BingoBoingo;2011 bitcoin problems 1336956;1449352723;BingoBoingo;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=19207.msg243604#msg243604 1336957;1449352724;assbot;How to delete a single transaction from wallet.dat? ... ( http://bit.ly/1N3Foiv ) 1336958;1449355001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14696 @ 0.00048494 = 7.1267 BTC [-] 1336959;1449355306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24300 @ 0.00048119 = 11.6929 BTC [-] {2} 1336960;1449355481;mircea_popescu;hhhola! 1336961;1449355745;BingoBoingo;morning 1336962;1449356762;mircea_popescu;how goes ? 1336963;1449357093;shinohai;muy mal 1336964;1449357114;mircea_popescu;how come ? 1336965;1449357197;shinohai;I'm sober tonight. Too lazy to go get booze. 1336966;1449357215;mircea_popescu;heh 1336967;1449357431;adlai;trading: driving + paid by the kilo for running over pedestrians 1336968;1449357618;kakobrekla;phf logs fixed re tabs and newlines 1336969;1449357654;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so if we don't plan to use it then it's not really much priority. 1336970;1449357783;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-12-2015#1336841 << not the brightest idea with a cloud of acetone in a closed space. 1336971;1449357783;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2015 04:43:56; PeterL: or turn the car on and run the heater a bit? 1336972;1449357823;mircea_popescu;;;isup mpex.re 1336973;1449357825;gribble;mpex.re is up 1336974;1449357829;mircea_popescu;weird. 1336975;1449357903;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-12-2015#1336897 << lol lurker 1st prize. how goes nubsy 1336976;1449357903;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2015 16:46:32; nubbins`: never you mind about when i've been seen 1336977;1449357980;mircea_popescu;hm was that book handmade by laser ? 1336978;1449358334;mircea_popescu;nubbins` for the record, there's no further work needed to run eulora on osx, phf got it going. 1336979;1449358560;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_field 1336980;1449358602;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-12-2015#1336969 << i dun like what i found ... at all 1336981;1449358602;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2015 23:20:54; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so if we don't plan to use it then it's not really much priority. 1336982;1449358621;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1336983;1449358637;ascii_field;rng is quite rotten 1336984;1449358652;ascii_field;primegen too 1336985;1449358670;ascii_field;no pollardrho trap 1336986;1449358689;mircea_popescu;how about FIRST WE HAVE A PRODUCT 1336987;1449358693;mircea_popescu;then we do open ended marketing 1336988;1449358708;ascii_field;aha ok 1336989;1449358710;pete_dushenski;"There is a signicant gender earnings gap in Denmark which persists when comparing men and women in the same occupation at the same firm. Many economists have run regressions to decompose the wage gap into whatever can be explained by observable differences between men 1336990;1449358710;pete_dushenski;and women and a residual. The residual is often attributed to discrimination [Altonji and Blank, 1999]. A less explored possibility is that women are being paid less than men because they are less productive for unobservable reasons. In this paper, I will describe how much (or little) of the difference in earnings for men and women can be explained by differences in their productivity. Studying private-sector 1336991;1449358710;pete_dushenski; workers in Denmark, I nd that about 12 percentage points of the 16 percent pay gap can be explained by productivity differences between men and women." << http://sites.northwestern.edu/ype202/files/2015/09/Download-Job-Market-Paper-PDF-2741r0z.pdf 1336992;1449358711;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N3OSu9 ) 1336993;1449358770;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: hatefactz 1336994;1449358826;pete_dushenski;by woman ! 1336995;1449358841;pete_dushenski;crabs in teh bucket 1336996;1449358884;ascii_field;they'll revoke her womanity 1336997;1449358938;ascii_field;she'll have to invert, disgorge a cock 1336998;1449358957;ascii_field;work a bloke's job 1336999;1449358961;pete_dushenski;http://sites.northwestern.edu/ype202/files/2015/09/DSC_0182-11fmlhv-e1443556919562.jpg << she doesn't have ~so~ much womanity to lose 1337000;1449358962;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q7zaSz ) 1337001;1449358995;pete_dushenski;already phd econ ~candidate~ 1337002;1449359032;ascii_field;perfectly honest dishonest wurk whatsyerprblem 1337003;1449359083;pete_dushenski;lol not my prob if she's hungry old maid 1337004;1449359121;ascii_field;imho thats a hot chik 1337005;1449359146;ascii_field;not bovine, for instance 1337006;1449359185;pete_dushenski;you and your american standards :P 1337007;1449359229;ascii_field;ftr we have pestilential bovinity here 1337008;1449359264;pete_dushenski;"this soup is fab! no flies!" 1337009;1449359275;ascii_field;aha! 1337010;1449359283;ascii_field;mega-delicacy 1337011;1449359284;pete_dushenski;i can see it 1337012;1449359317;*;pete_dushenski must be more spoiled than he knew 1337013;1449359390;adlai;damn hyperspec doesn't specify (butlast l 0) 1337014;1449359412;ascii_field;adlai: what do you need 1337015;1449359427;*;adlai must be spoiled as well, in his expectations of specification 1337016;1449360125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00048092 = 11.7825 BTC [-] 1337017;1449360156;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: btw happy belated ! 1337018;1449360207;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqxNbGvNamY << /me strongly suspects naomi brockwell would take 0.1 btc for a tit pic 1337019;1449360207;assbot;Lovesong for Satoshi Nakamoto Whitepaper (Taylor Swift: Everything Has Changed Parody) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1N3QUdU ) 1337020;1449360309;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00048048 = 5.2132 BTC [-] {2} 1337021;1449360422;adlai;http://trilema.com/2015/no-such-labs-snsa-november-2015-statement/#selection-495.0-495.55 < phf's work or do we already have parallel efforts underway? 1337022;1449360423;assbot;No Such lAbs (S.NSA), November 2015 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1N3RgRw ) 1337023;1449360857;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32116 @ 0.00048015 = 15.4205 BTC [-] {3} 1337024;1449361040;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37000 @ 0.0004828 = 17.8636 BTC [+] {2} 1337025;1449362565;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30600 @ 0.00048238 = 14.7608 BTC [-] {3} 1337026;1449362992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34300 @ 0.00048238 = 16.5456 BTC [-] 1337027;1449363236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5183 @ 0.00048238 = 2.5002 BTC [-] 1337028;1449364151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20750 @ 0.00048018 = 9.9637 BTC [-] {3} 1337029;1449364456;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32789 @ 0.00048603 = 15.9364 BTC [+] {4} 1337030;1449365371;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52050 @ 0.00047991 = 24.9793 BTC [-] {3} 1337031;1449365920;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23050 @ 0.00047982 = 11.0599 BTC [-] 1337032;1449366186;pete_dushenski;;;ticker 1337033;1449366187;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 398.42, Best ask: 398.47, Bid-ask spread: 0.05000, Last trade: 398.48, 24 hour volume: 55535.66938988, 24 hour low: 365.33, 24 hour high: 400.0, 24 hour vwap: None 1337034;1449367628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23616 @ 0.00048612 = 11.4802 BTC [+] 1337035;1449367933;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35818 @ 0.00048038 = 17.2063 BTC [-] {4} 1337036;1449369153;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00048497 = 8.2445 BTC [+] {2} 1337037;1449369418;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1337038;1449369425;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 390.28, vol: 18842.91189022 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 386.703, vol: 14863.35568 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 394.15, vol: 55391.19857917 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 388.0, vol: 5.94984421 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 406.86195, vol: 152053.09470000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 395.88, vol: 185.20019757 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 388.5588, vol: 53.38271545 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1337039;1449369434;BingoBoingo;;;more 1337040;1449369434;gribble;401.39649024 1337041;1449369453;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1337042;1449369459;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 258.248276, vol: 18842.56749022 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 255.9085048, vol: 14860.7519 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 256.7396, vol: 5.94984421 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 269.45523, vol: 152072.89320000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 237.688, vol: 90.6121527 | Bitcoin-Central BTCGBP last: 257.1114, vol: 53.38271545 | Volume-weighted last average: 267.217269426 1337043;1449369524;*;BingoBoingo tired of seeing duplicate malleated txen in wallet, rebuilding his play btc client to address 1337044;1449369885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00048156 = 13.5318 BTC [-] {2} 1337045;1449370434;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40612 @ 0.00048527 = 19.7078 BTC [+] {4} 1337046;1449370922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24600 @ 0.00048611 = 11.9583 BTC [+] {2} 1337047;1449371410;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46250 @ 0.00048634 = 22.4932 BTC [+] {3} 1337048;1449371471;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21364 @ 0.00048739 = 10.4126 BTC [+] 1337049;1449371654;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50037 @ 0.00048884 = 24.4601 BTC [+] {3} 1337050;1449372203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18189 @ 0.0004893 = 8.8999 BTC [+] 1337051;1449372731;deedbot-;[Trilema] MPEx (S.MPOE) October-November 2015 Statement - http://trilema.com/2015/mpex-smpoe-october-november-2015-statement/ 1337052;1449372874;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90700 @ 0.00049074 = 44.5101 BTC [+] {5} 1337053;1449373118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00048758 = 9.9466 BTC [-] {2} 1337054;1449373240;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89700 @ 0.00049457 = 44.3629 BTC [+] {6} 1337055;1449373447;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b3 1337056;1449373448;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b3 1337057;1449373448;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b3 1337058;1449373617;mircea_popescu;heh peeps be feelin' spunky now ? 1337059;1449373728;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7937 @ 0.00049453 = 3.9251 BTC [-] {2} 1337060;1449374134;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 3.06045144 BTC on 'No' - Cardano to Ship in 2015 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1100/cardano-to-ship-in-2015/#b17 1337061;1449374826;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42100 @ 0.00049577 = 20.8719 BTC [+] {2} 1337062;1449374948;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68874 @ 0.00049453 = 34.0603 BTC [-] {3} 1337063;1449376046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24027 @ 0.00049595 = 11.9162 BTC [+] {3} 1337064;1449376107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00049598 = 1.8847 BTC [+] 1337065;1449376534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17864 @ 0.00048758 = 8.7101 BTC [-] {2} 1337066;1449376595;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.00048709 = 3.093 BTC [-] 1337067;1449377627;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: "Stone: armine De Soto. You remember him?" << missing a letter, boss. 1337068;1449377912;pete_dushenski;heya mc 1337069;1449377918;mitch_callahan;hey pimp 1337070;1449377930;mitch_callahan;how goes it? 1337071;1449377949;mitch_callahan;im watching some Trump interviews, this is somethin' else. 1337072;1449377959;pete_dushenski;all calm on the western front here 1337073;1449377961;pete_dushenski;links ? 1337074;1449377980;mitch_callahan;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJqLAleEnKw lol, its Alex Jones, YouTube recommended it. 1337075;1449377982;assbot;Alex Jones & Donald Trump Bombshell Full Interview - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1jGSWWv ) 1337076;1449377999;pete_dushenski;(the ali g - trump interview is disappointing. trump knows bullshit when he sees it, walks out.) 1337077;1449378004;mitch_callahan;Interesting to see a presidential candidate on basically a Skype interview 1337078;1449378059;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.0004871 = 11.593 BTC [+] 1337079;1449378076;pete_dushenski;!s infowars 1337080;1449378077;assbot;17 results for 'infowars' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=infowars 1337081;1449378099;pete_dushenski;sort of an orlov character, isn't he ? 1337082;1449378102;pete_dushenski;jones ? 1337083;1449378164;pete_dushenski;or more of a keiser ? 1337084;1449378192;mitch_callahan;sorry I don't know Orlov. 1337085;1449378208;pete_dushenski;you know keiser ? 1337086;1449378215;mitch_callahan;Yea, never really got much from him, though 1337087;1449378224;mitch_callahan;Just talked too much IMO in a high pitched voice 1337088;1449378224;pete_dushenski;!s orlov 1337089;1449378224;assbot;260 results for 'orlov' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=orlov 1337090;1449378273;pete_dushenski;orlov mostly flows to b-a via the alfian-ruskie tunnel. 1337091;1449378311;pete_dushenski;mp's done a couple pieces on him too 1337092;1449378319;pete_dushenski;;;google site:trilema.com orlov 1337093;1449378319;gribble;February 2014 on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: ; Let's clarify some things on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: ; Agency and other notes on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: 1337094;1449378425;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6070 @ 0.00048709 = 2.9566 BTC [-] 1337095;1449378439;mitch_callahan;ha, more depths of trilema for me to read 10x 1337096;1449378476;mitch_callahan;is this Dmitry Orlov ? 1337097;1449378495;pete_dushenski;the one and only 1337098;1449378508;mitch_callahan;k, I'll watch some vids on this guy. 1337099;1449378526;mitch_callahan;man, I was at an event tonight, and for once I met someone who brought up bitcoin before me. 1337100;1449378532;mitch_callahan;was crazy refreshing. 1337101;1449378575;pete_dushenski;what'd your friend think of our little tech ? 1337102;1449378632;mitch_callahan;loves it. basically said in Canada we rely on oil, and real estate. oil is in the slumps, so Torontonians are now propping up poorer cities, like Hamilton, to keep the bubble going. 1337103;1449378689;mitch_callahan;but loves the btc, for again, obvious reasons, it's outside of our largest industries control, not inflatable, etc, etc. 1337104;1449378746;mitch_callahan;i just feel there is this huge generational gap. it doesn't matter what tech i talk about, but "boomers" or whatever will never comprehend most of it. 1337105;1449378842;pete_dushenski;the generational gap lies more in youth's fascination with the new and the aged man's acceptance of the status quo as what's (mostly) worked every day in his life thus far 1337106;1449378887;pete_dushenski;as well as "boomers" very strong desire to maintain, if not grow, the little patch of earth they've thus far claimed for themselves 1337107;1449378910;mitch_callahan;makes sense. i see "Tech savvy" older guys, even in the sense that these guys can program, eventually they reach a treshold, and dont move much from there. 1337108;1449378913;pete_dushenski;youth, to the extent that they have no patch of anything to call their own, are inclined to jump aboard any train promising any sort of future 1337109;1449378926;pete_dushenski;be it 'apps' or 'the frontier' or bitcoin. 1337110;1449379009;pete_dushenski;then there's the educational gap aka. learning curve. unattached youths have more time (if not money) to invest in sorting out what bitcoin's about 1337111;1449379047;pete_dushenski;once you've a family and a mid-level management position and a beer league hockey team and a church group, that's it. you're a gonner. 1337112;1449379090;mitch_callahan;ha 1337113;1449379094;pete_dushenski;the two hours a week you can wedge into understanding bitcoin means that it'll be a decade before you sort out which was is up in the whole shebang 1337114;1449379096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13240 @ 0.0004871 = 6.4492 BTC [+] 1337115;1449379155;mitch_callahan;yea, i can blame it on generation, but i meet people in businesses who could make obvious improvements utilizing a basic website, but they dont. i could blame generational gaps, but it's just lack of knowledge or willingness to learn. 1337116;1449379212;pete_dushenski;from their perspective, not caring about 'digital things' is the most efficient use of their time 1337117;1449379222;mitch_callahan;how does that make any sense ? 1337118;1449379223;pete_dushenski;they've never been raped by it, so what's to fear ? 1337119;1449379240;pete_dushenski;their time is better spent worrying about things that CAN rape them 1337120;1449379245;pete_dushenski;like not having customers 1337121;1449379254;mitch_callahan;lol I feel like they're being raped right now and they don't even see it 1337122;1449379264;pete_dushenski;or having employees flake off 1337123;1449379287;pete_dushenski;rape you can't feel and don't even know about is entirely useless from an educative perspective 1337124;1449379298;pete_dushenski;it's more theft than rape in that case 1337125;1449379342;mitch_callahan;man, but I think: what about all the lost customers from not changing? 1337126;1449379361;mitch_callahan;I know people arent fans of uber here, but its like taxi companies not thinking "hey, could we improve our experience?" 1337127;1449379463;pete_dushenski;well 1. uber isn't about the experience, it's about the medallions, and 2. who says there are lost customers from not changing your website from web 2.0 to web 1.0 ? 1337128;1449379481;mitch_callahan;its about people who havent gotten to web 1.0 1337129;1449379494;mitch_callahan;what do you mean about the medallions? 1337130;1449379862;ben_vulpes;mitch_callahan: the monopolies 1337131;1449379942;pete_dushenski;let's do one at a time, first: taxi medallions are essentially very expensive and carefully allocated driver's permits for cabbies. this permit can run $50k+++ in larger cities and gives the owner the right to operate a cab in that city. they're seen as an investment by the cabbies because they often appreciate in value, even to the point that they're based down from father-to-son in the way a feudal lord would' 1337132;1449379942;pete_dushenski;ve given his land to his kid. 1337133;1449380002;mitch_callahan;ahh yes, okay I know what you mean 1337134;1449380003;pete_dushenski;cabbies are therefore highly protective of these medallions, but are obviously been badly disrupted by uber et al., which allow anyone with any car to drive anyone anywhere anytime. 1337135;1449380041;pete_dushenski;as to the non-web 1.0-ites, what are these, farmers market stall operators ? since we're working with your experience, let's make it concrete, ya ? 1337136;1449380093;pete_dushenski;hell, in my experience, even farmers market stall operators have websites ! 1337137;1449380116;mitch_callahan;ha, yes some do for sure. 1337138;1449380154;mitch_callahan;but, you'd be surprised man. imagine companies in which the majority of their leads come from online, and they're not interested in making a mobile experience. consequently, their search engine ranking drops and their leads get cut in half. 1337139;1449380166;mitch_callahan;or the basics of getting a website so I can find you for "XYZ near me" 1337140;1449380186;mitch_callahan;about the medallions, i mean, for me, I dont care if you're a medallion driver, keep them on the road, just give me a better way to interface with them. 1337141;1449380208;mitch_callahan;id much rather an app which takes me 3 seconds, then calling, waiting, and explaining my location, then standing around hoping I catch them. 1337142;1449380240;mitch_callahan;funny enough tho, I had a guy "pick me up" and drive off, with me left on the side walk, a la ascii. 1337143;1449380245;mitch_callahan;but i was quickly refunded. 1337144;1449380316;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20630 @ 0.00048709 = 10.0487 BTC [-] 1337145;1449380349;pete_dushenski;do cab companies in t.o. not have decent apps ? 1337146;1449380365;mitch_callahan;we used to have Halo, but they left. 1337147;1449380370;mitch_callahan;the major company, Beck, made an app 1337148;1449380382;mitch_callahan;but all it was was a big button which called their operator, and it was business as usual 1337149;1449380384;*;pete_dushenski is pretty sure edm. has this, but no smarthph0ne so doesn't give two shits. 1337150;1449380423;pete_dushenski;weird man. 1337151;1449380428;mitch_callahan;just stupid 1337152;1449380434;mitch_callahan;i mean uber made the model, just copy it 1337153;1449380435;pete_dushenski;lazy fucking cab companies like that deserve to be shot in the stomach. 1337154;1449380451;mitch_callahan;i swear it's like they hired their "smart nephew" to make the app and he's clueless 1337155;1449380471;pete_dushenski;hakim. in bangalore. aha. 1337156;1449380483;mitch_callahan;lol exactly, and the design was made in paint. 1337157;1449380499;pete_dushenski;time to move back to civilisation then eh ? 1337158;1449380514;mitch_callahan;where would that be ? 1337159;1449380530;pete_dushenski;leave the fucktarded "real estate is our most thriving industry" torontonians for dead already 1337160;1449380535;mitch_callahan;lol 1337161;1449380538;pete_dushenski;i dunno, alberta's not bad. 1337162;1449380544;mitch_callahan;alberta is okay man 1337163;1449380569;pete_dushenski;hell, saskatoon's a pretty town, decent little economy 1337164;1449380573;mitch_callahan;i mean you mention it yourself.. culture barely has a breath 1337165;1449380580;mitch_callahan;edmonton is friendly, i like it there 1337166;1449380612;mitch_callahan;but toronto has a handful of things, i get along with most people and i can find anything I need 1337167;1449380616;mitch_callahan;mostly a numbers game I guess 1337168;1449380709;mitch_callahan;if I'm staying in Canada, it's going to be here 1337169;1449380760;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: lol are you serious medallions are inherited up there? 1337170;1449380848;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: dude, medallions are inherited in nyc 1337171;1449380873;pete_dushenski;land of the $1 mn + medallion 1337172;1449380929;ben_vulpes;private equity owns most of those 1337173;1449380958;ben_vulpes;cabbies sold 'em all for a shot at college 1337174;1449380979;pete_dushenski;http://nycitycab.com/Business/TaxiMedallionList.aspx << post-uber nyc medallions are $600-700k. most here sold by 'independents' 1337175;1449380981;assbot;NYC Taxi Medallions for sale List ... ( http://bit.ly/1OaZzcb ) 1337176;1449381037;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: smart play by the cabbies who sold in 2011 - 2013 1337177;1449381048;mitch_callahan;when I was in NYC last, I was told one guy took a massive bank loan and purchased a lot of those.. and leased them out. 1337178;1449381059;mitch_callahan;after uber, the value was cut in half, and he didn't want to pay his loan.. 1337179;1449381067;mitch_callahan;not sure his status now, but he was some "medallion kingpin" 1337180;1449381107;pete_dushenski;probably "panhandling kingpin" now :P 1337181;1449381127;mitch_callahan;ha close to it, using his last strings to lobby against uber 1337182;1449381164;mitch_callahan;shit i was using lyft when i was there, they had a $5 promo anywhere in the lower half of manhattan.. cant beat that. 1337183;1449381178;*;ben_vulpes is going off years-old hearsay anyways 1337184;1449381220;mitch_callahan;i just envision the future where uber is the mainstream, and it's gonna suck so much balls, we're waiting for the next thing. 1337185;1449381226;mitch_callahan;their surge pricing is such a pain in the ass 1337186;1449381234;mitch_callahan;thats when i take a normal taxi and i'm stoked 1337187;1449381260;ben_vulpes;mitch_callahan: you're not excited to own a fraction of a self-driving fleet? 1337188;1449381288;pete_dushenski;http://observer.com/2015/04/exclusive-leading-councilman-to-propose-taxi-bailout/ << maybe this was the joo who took out massive loan, saw values fall, AND THEN ASKED CITY COUNCIL FOR A BAILOUT ? 1337189;1449381290;assbot;EXCLUSIVE: Leading Councilman to Propose Taxi Bailout | Observer ... ( http://bit.ly/1OaZXHI ) 1337190;1449381297;pete_dushenski;Evgeny ‘Gene’ Freidman 1337191;1449381331;mitch_callahan;ben_vulpes - do you mean some Tesla's or some other fangled contraptions? 1337192;1449381333;ben_vulpes;funny how easily the medallion hustle was knocked over 1337193;1449381348;ben_vulpes;mitch_callahan: doesn't matter whose 1337194;1449381361;ben_vulpes;they will eventually have lower failure rates than humans 1337195;1449381370;mitch_callahan;i dont know enough about the technology to comment tbh 1337196;1449381393;mitch_callahan;from what I've seen from the tesla cars, it looks amazing 1337197;1449381393;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1337198;1449381393;pete_dushenski;lol it's a pipe-dream, the self-driving car, like colonising mars 1337199;1449381408;mitch_callahan;the current tech is pretty good. 1337200;1449381420;pete_dushenski;pretty good isn't good enough ! 1337201;1449381430;ben_vulpes;what is good enough? 1337202;1449381441;ben_vulpes;turns out, actuaries make that call. 1337203;1449381442;pete_dushenski;a human driver. 1337204;1449381448;pete_dushenski;is good enough. 1337205;1449381452;ben_vulpes;nope, whatever costs the insurance companies less. 1337206;1449381462;mitch_callahan;one sec lemme find the link 1337207;1449381479;mitch_callahan;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2geQ4hvvkNA 1337208;1449381480;assbot;TESLA AUTOPILOT ROCKS !! - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/21GdRvf ) 1337209;1449381480;ben_vulpes;mcdonaldsizing of driving. americans drive so poorly they need robots to help. 1337210;1449381493;mitch_callahan;i mean, this car gets over the air updates. that freaks me the fuck out. 1337211;1449381508;pete_dushenski;lol whatever insurance company thinks they're getting a deal by having some brogrammers handle situations "no one could've predicted" is going bust worse than aig circa 2007 1337212;1449381536;ben_vulpes;sure if you say so pete_dushenski 1337213;1449381551;ben_vulpes;faster than real time trajectory analysis sure aint a thing 1337214;1449381588;pete_dushenski;how are all those sensors going to work when your car's dirty, when it's snowing, when it's hailing, etc. 1337215;1449381624;ben_vulpes;how did humans ever drive with foggy windows indeed 1337216;1449381646;ben_vulpes;and while drinking even 1337217;1449381651;ben_vulpes;they'll hurt someone i tell you 1337218;1449381673;pete_dushenski;how well's your fancy little futuremobile going to drive when one sensor gets knocked out, along with the warning signal that it's knocked out, ever so conveniently, and it turns right into oncoming traffic ? 1337219;1449381707;ben_vulpes;just one? you don't want to propose a cascading failure? 1337220;1449381712;pete_dushenski;dude, the technology needed to make a self-driving car is not only incredibly complex, but super fragile 1337221;1449381722;mitch_callahan;like a human who's a little tired and had too many drinks? 1337222;1449381767;pete_dushenski;tired and drunk drivers are a thing, obviously, but isn't it incredible how few mistakes they make, even so ? 1337223;1449381780;mitch_callahan;they make few mistakes ? 1337224;1449381825;pete_dushenski;ok, show me the daily piles of bodies at the morgue from all the sleepyheads who didn't pull over for a coffee 1337225;1449381842;mitch_callahan;lol. likewise for tesla's driving themselves. 1337226;1449381867;mitch_callahan;the big thing that scares me with the tesla is those over air updates.. who knows what's coming through. 1337227;1449381890;ben_vulpes;perhaps if the world of 3 cars per american were to continue, there'd be an economic point to getting normies off the road. entire us interstate system is a ridiculous boondoggle that's going away, along with the mass-market car, and drivers who can't handle an ambush. 1337228;1449381906;pete_dushenski;mitch_callahan: nonsense. you can't compare a data set with quadrillions of driven miles to data sets with a million or two driven miles 1337229;1449381917;mitch_callahan;well then, time will tell. :) 1337230;1449381919;ben_vulpes;mitch_callahan: doctorow did a story where $badpeople took control of a robot car to kill the protagonists 1337231;1449381953;mitch_callahan;ben_vulpes, was that the twitter guys who highjacked the jeep cherokee ? 1337232;1449381958;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: who has the quadrillions of driven miles? 1337233;1449381963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25065 @ 0.00048667 = 12.1984 BTC [-] 1337234;1449381970;pete_dushenski;cars with human drivers. 1337235;1449381979;ben_vulpes;but each driver has a very limited number of hours. 1337236;1449381993;ben_vulpes;the bayesian driver has many orders of magnitude more. 1337237;1449381995;pete_dushenski;over a lifetime, they have plenty, across the generations idem 1337238;1449382012;ben_vulpes;generations of driving lol 1337239;1449382014;ben_vulpes;what like two 1337240;1449382042;ben_vulpes;one at 30mph and the other at 75 1337241;1449382043;pete_dushenski;i should say, 'cars with direct human drivers', as opposed to 'cars with indirect human drivers' (ie. self-driving) 1337242;1449382074;pete_dushenski;;;google qntra uconnect 1337243;1449382074;gribble;No matches found. 1337244;1449382099;pete_dushenski;the fuck... i wrote those guys up for a qntra, mitch_callahan 1337245;1449382122;pete_dushenski;http://qntra.net/2015/07/entertainment-system-vulnerability-turns-vehicles-into-hot-death/ 1337246;1449382123;assbot;"Entertainment System" Vulnerability Turns Vehicles Into Hot Death | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1NcYLV2 ) 1337247;1449382148;pete_dushenski;i blame bingo's title for google's suckness lol 1337248;1449382158;mitch_callahan;haha 1337249;1449382162;mitch_callahan;I think that's where I read about it 1337250;1449382169;mitch_callahan;qntra, the beautiful 1337251;1449382172;ben_vulpes;put more computers into thing 1337252;1449382174;ben_vulpes;things* 1337253;1449382185;ben_vulpes;make more shit lethal and wide open to script kiddies 1337254;1449382187;ben_vulpes;lezzgo 1337255;1449382237;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: anyways, the point stands that all the over-the-air updates and all the sensors and on-board computers in the world can't compete with the cheapness and robustness of meatrobots. 1337256;1449382262;pete_dushenski;http://trilema.com/2014/the-complexity-of-life-a-triad/ << this being the controlling point 1337257;1449382263;assbot;The complexity of life, a triad on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LZbV9r ) 1337258;1449382329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13487 @ 0.00048667 = 6.5637 BTC [-] 1337259;1449382406;ben_vulpes;yes yes 1337260;1449382415;mitch_callahan;that i will read. anyhow gents i need to roll. 1337261;1449382449;mitch_callahan;on a side note, ben_vulpes I landed on this teeny bopper rap group, and they reminded me of you (young gangsta white kid) 1337262;1449382450;mitch_callahan;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN61-4Iu598 1337263;1449382451;assbot;Kalin And Myles - Trampoline - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ob1s8B ) 1337264;1449382452;mitch_callahan;ciao 1337265;1449382569;pete_dushenski;now ~that's~ a stack of cute girls. 1337266;1449382594;pete_dushenski;(hm. do i want to go back to high school or something?) 1337267;1449382736;ben_vulpes;i just love this kind of music mitch_callahan how did you know 1337268;1449382769;ben_vulpes;https://vimeo.com/147767325 1337269;1449382770;assbot;RECRUITMENT 2016 on Vimeo ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ob1WM3 ) 1337270;1449382796;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: lmao. what you like and what mc sees you ~making~ are two different concerns. 1337271;1449382812;pete_dushenski;obviously, who could like that garbage ? 1337272;1449382869;pete_dushenski;but could one imagine ben v tearing it up alongside some hood yoof in a music video aimed at cool teens ? fo sho ! 1337273;1449382989;ben_vulpes;not nearly enough lazers and drugs 1337274;1449382995;ben_vulpes;cannot endorse 1337275;1449383098;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu4dsCtsocE << ben's scene ? 1337276;1449383099;assbot;EDC Las Vegas 2015 Official Trailer - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ob2ku1 ) 1337277;1449383122;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41500 @ 0.00048738 = 20.2263 BTC [+] {3} 1337278;1449383143;ben_vulpes;once upon a time maybe 1337279;1449383170;ben_vulpes;nowadays i just lie on the floor and enjoy the odd fifteen seconds alone in my head 1337280;1449383514;phf;edc is nice, it's where large burner groups bring their last year's installations, so they can fund shit for next year. if you don't feel like getting alcaline dust in all the things, it's a good option, but seriously, if you want a proper rave, go to outside of america 1337281;1449383543;ben_vulpes;indubitably 1337282;1449383610;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43132 @ 0.00048556 = 20.9432 BTC [-] {3} 1337283;1449383665;punkman;"Before we erase a memory, we take a backup, in case you regret it." / "And if not?" / "After twenty years, it is anonymised and may be sold." 1337284;1449383671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13918 @ 0.0004785 = 6.6598 BTC [-] {2} 1337285;1449383673;punkman;guten tag 1337286;1449383760;punkman;phf, does anyone even do proper raves anymore? 1337287;1449384512;pete_dushenski;;;later tell mircea_popescu "the judge became an exceedeed housewife" << with all this extra 'e' kicking around you could be a raver ! 1337288;1449384514;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1337289;1449384647;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39700 @ 0.0004785 = 18.9965 BTC [-] {2} 1337290;1449384837;phf;punkman: you means do kids still play music and get really really high? 1337291;1449385074;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17789 @ 0.00048768 = 8.6753 BTC [+] {2} 1337292;1449385080;adlai;punkman: in remote unreachable corners of the forest/desert? of course 1337293;1449385089;punkman;I'm thinking more underground parties at abandoned warehouses 1337294;1449385106;adlai;anywhere you can bribe the police to ignore 1337295;1449385108;punkman;otherwise, yeah Ibiza's still there 1337296;1449385147;adlai;poor pigs feel love to show up. what to do, they feel excluded, but ruin the lightshow fengshui 1337297;1449385156;*;pete_dushenski is irked when kids say 'ibitha' but not 'barthelona'. be moar consistent goddamit ! 1337298;1449385280;phf;punkman: those still happen in the ghetto mostly, so not so much abandoned, just really really cheap rent and little police presence. i don't know how it is in midwest, but i assume it's mostly lighting couches there for fun 1337299;1449385355;punkman;pete_dushenski: spanish lisping is complicated! 1337300;1449385431;pete_dushenski;much less catalan ! 1337301;1449385467;pete_dushenski;:P 1337302;1449386599;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21156 @ 0.00048883 = 10.3417 BTC [+] 1337303;1449386777;fluffypony;pete_dushenski: I agree 1337304;1449386820;fluffypony;Plus they sound like they're in Fawlty Towers the way they say it 1337305;1449386904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.000488 = 13.0296 BTC [-] {3} 1337306;1449387162;pete_dushenski;if the kids knew they were aping fawlty towers, i wouldn't be nearly as annoyed 1337307;1449387630;adlai;proof the UBI crowd are a buncha twerps: not once have they cited russell 1337308;1449387772;adlai;eg "the road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organised diminution of work" 1337309;1449388690;adlai;"Work, which [Russell] defines as moving bits of matter around at or near the surface of the earth, is not the aim of life. If it were, people would enjoy it. Yet, by and large, those who actually carry it out shun work whenever possible. It is those who tell others what to do who laud its virtues." 1337310;1449388917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46350 @ 0.00048575 = 22.5145 BTC [-] {4} 1337311;1449389557;*;adlai likes the concept, but idiocy rears its head when such grants invariably come from confiscation, sometimes even suggesting inflation as "a source of tax-free revenue for the government, which could help fund BIG" 1337312;1449389771;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41142 @ 0.00047836 = 19.6807 BTC [-] {3} 1337313;1449391078;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rve03u7oEvI 1337314;1449391079;assbot;Gangsta's Paradise - Vintage 1920's Al Capone Style Coolio Cover ft. Robyn Adele Anderson - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1HOjG3e ) 1337315;1449391372;adlai;lol https://github.com/Blockstream/contracthashtool/blob/master/contracthashtool.c#L250 1337316;1449391373;assbot;contracthashtool/contracthashtool.c at master · Blockstream/contracthashtool · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1lFSjhq ) 1337317;1449391845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.00047885 = 8.4038 BTC [+] 1337318;1449392150;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94100 @ 0.00047742 = 44.9252 BTC [-] {6} 1337319;1449392333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2600 @ 0.00047738 = 1.2412 BTC [-] {2} 1337320;1449392577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4557 @ 0.00047885 = 2.1821 BTC [+] 1337321;1449393431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39200 @ 0.00048068 = 18.8427 BTC [+] {2} 1337322;1449396054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00047901 = 7.3768 BTC [-] 1337323;1449396481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108950 @ 0.00047731 = 52.0029 BTC [-] {5} 1337324;1449396908;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33462 @ 0.00047958 = 16.0477 BTC [+] {2} 1337325;1449397457;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00047661 = 4.3133 BTC [-] {2} 1337326;1449399958;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48250 @ 0.00047652 = 22.9921 BTC [-] {4} 1337327;1449400263;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53100 @ 0.00047515 = 25.2305 BTC [-] {5} 1337328;1449401117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43050 @ 0.00047882 = 20.6132 BTC [+] {2} 1337329;1449401334;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.wyrdmantis.1:0eaf0c6d5cd41e12916a0b10e58308a7b8499fff865d4eea328ccdb56bbf90c9 1337330;1449401334;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for wyrdmantis with note: another one biteth the dutht 1337331;1449401343;adlai;fail. 1337332;1449401349;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.wyrdmantis.1:0eaf0c6d5cd41e12916a0b10e58308a7b8499fff865d4eea328ccdb56bbf90c9 1337333;1449401349;assbot;Invalid verfication string. 1337334;1449401369;adlai;ugh 1337335;1449401381;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.wyrdmantis.1:5cf8ed89399a5018ef6e8a22fd22e15181782aa04e7574e7881da18a3d21cd47 1337336;1449401381;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for wyrdmantis from 1 to 1 with note: http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=rate+1+lisp 1337337;1449401788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10093 @ 0.00047854 = 4.8299 BTC [-] 1337338;1449402154;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61200 @ 0.00047882 = 29.3038 BTC [+] {2} 1337339;1449402276;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00047883 = 7.3979 BTC [+] 1337340;1449402337;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48570 @ 0.00047899 = 23.2645 BTC [+] {3} 1337341;1449403008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29900 @ 0.00047928 = 14.3305 BTC [+] {3} 1337342;1449404289;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2605 @ 0.00047958 = 1.2493 BTC [+] {2} 1337343;1449404594;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37100 @ 0.00047812 = 17.7383 BTC [-] {5} 1337344;1449404838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00047747 = 3.0558 BTC [-] {2} 1337345;1449404960;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26200 @ 0.00047976 = 12.5697 BTC [+] {3} 1337346;1449405570;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37587 @ 0.00048079 = 18.0715 BTC [+] {3} 1337347;1449406546;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42023 @ 0.00048279 = 20.2883 BTC [+] {2} 1337348;1449407522;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37900 @ 0.00047719 = 18.0855 BTC [-] {3} 1337349;1449407583;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00047515 = 8.6477 BTC [-] 1337350;1449409291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00047854 = 8.6137 BTC [+] 1337351;1449409701;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337067 < fixed thx 1337352;1449409701;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 04:53:47; pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: "Stone: armine De Soto. You remember him?" << missing a letter, boss. 1337353;1449409807;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337076 << the whole substance of ali g interviews is made of two things. the lesser one is, libertards simply not understanding their dreamworld is not related to the actual world. the much better one however is libertard niggers fully aware of the difference, which is after all what they plan to feed on, but figuring they're so very fucking smart they'll be ok with this 1337354;1449409807;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 04:59:59; pete_dushenski: (the ali g - trump interview is disappointing. trump knows bullshit when he sees it, walks out.) 1337355;1449409808;mircea_popescu;guy, they got what it takes. 1337356;1449409923;mircea_popescu;this later sort is also the sort that tlp discusses, 1337357;1449409926;mircea_popescu; 1337360;1449410270;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337104 << and why would they bother ? no "tech" outside of winning ww2 could ever produce the sort of aberrant, abhorent spending on their dumbass. not cold fusion, not finding venus inhabited by a bunch of sultry sluts and caging the lot. 1337361;1449410270;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 05:12:26; mitch_callahan: i just feel there is this huge generational gap. it doesn't matter what tech i talk about, but "boomers" or whatever will never comprehend most of it. 1337362;1449410285;mircea_popescu;as far as generation shitheads is concerned, the world ain't enough. 1337363;1449410292;mircea_popescu;they just want to. 1337364;1449410686;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337127 << so it is. 1337365;1449410686;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 05:24:23; pete_dushenski: well 1. uber isn't about the experience, it's about the medallions, and 2. who says there are lost customers from not changing your website from web 2.0 to web 1.0 ? 1337366;1449410751;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337138 << trilema never made a "mobile experience" and you can't beat it for rankings. 1337367;1449410751;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 05:35:54; mitch_callahan: but, you'd be surprised man. imagine companies in which the majority of their leads come from online, and they're not interested in making a mobile experience. consequently, their search engine ranking drops and their leads get cut in half. 1337368;1449410854;mircea_popescu;https://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/ << ahahaha 6:1 is it ? 1337369;1449410855;assbot;BitBet - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 :: 17.94 B (15%) on Yes, 104.78 B (85%) on No | closing in 1 week 4 days | weight: 36`910 (100`000 to 20`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1Mc4SHV ) 1337370;1449410856;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 1337371;1449410857;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 394.01, Best ask: 394.27, Bid-ask spread: 0.26000, Last trade: 394.22, 24 hour volume: 63343.49794151, 24 hour low: 373.29, 24 hour high: 407.57, 24 hour vwap: None 1337372;1449410938;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19700 @ 0.0004791 = 9.4383 BTC [+] {2} 1337373;1449411003;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337200 << you don't understand the drivers involved. what will drive "self-driving" car adoption is not whether it objectively is better driven or not. nobody gives a shit about that. 1337374;1449411003;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 05:57:00; pete_dushenski: pretty good isn't good enough ! 1337375;1449411015;mircea_popescu;instead, what will drive it is the fact that if it isn't driven by humans, then there's no one to blame! 1337376;1449411027;mircea_popescu;and if you get run over you can sue the company!111 1337377;1449411069;mircea_popescu;this is the ideal morality for shithead generation : a) no ONE is to blame, and b) you ask "a representative of God himself" for "the whole world". 1337378;1449411082;mircea_popescu;the discussion of b is in http://trilema.com/2015/the-rainmaker/ 1337379;1449411083;assbot;The Rainmaker on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1m5bth9 ) 1337380;1449411290;mircea_popescu;the discussion of a is in the logs : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-12-2015#1335754 and before that http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=03-09-2015#1260466 1337381;1449411290;assbot;Logged on 03-12-2015 03:22:43; mircea_popescu: \but smoking is not, just like sitting like a man is not ok. because one's "intentional" and the other "intentional-once-removed" and so one correlates with the bad gender. 1337382;1449411290;assbot;Logged on 03-09-2015 00:58:40; mircea_popescu: mod6 amusingly enough, the itnernal logic of all this is that sitting lkike a man IS A BEHAVIOUR, see. up to you. whereas being fat like a woman is NOT to the same degree a behaviour. 1337383;1449412951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5405 @ 0.00047469 = 2.5657 BTC [-] {3} 1337384;1449413134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00047845 = 13.6358 BTC [+] {2} 1337385;1449413988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56600 @ 0.00047273 = 26.7565 BTC [-] {6} 1337386;1449414720;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34163 @ 0.00048062 = 16.4194 BTC [+] {4} 1337387;1449414901;mircea_popescu;!up rmoen 1337388;1449414964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 132837 @ 0.00048448 = 64.3569 BTC [+] {5} 1337389;1449415099;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337214 << better than visual, that's for sure. ultrasound and radar works fine even at times the planes can't actually fly/land 1337390;1449415099;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 05:59:48; pete_dushenski: how are all those sensors going to work when your car's dirty, when it's snowing, when it's hailing, etc. 1337391;1449415259;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337263 << i read "tamponade". 1337392;1449415259;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 06:14:11; assbot: Kalin And Myles - Trampoline - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ob1s8B ) 1337393;1449415264;mircea_popescu;da fuck, where's all the medical rap. 1337394;1449415272;mircea_popescu;great fucking words in that profession! 1337395;1449415395;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337287 <<< i actually produced a coupla, many moons ago. 1337396;1449415395;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 06:48:32; pete_dushenski: ;;later tell mircea_popescu "the judge became an exceedeed housewife" << with all this extra 'e' kicking around you could be a raver ! 1337397;1449415519;deedbot-;[Trilema] Gender politics and the war on will. - http://trilema.com/2015/gender-politics-and-the-war-on-will/ 1337398;1449415583;mircea_popescu;and speaking of self-driving, http://41.media.tumblr.com/d7d943b30432c7f340f3a43215afa463/tumblr_n2keo0cwYp1r38h27o1_1280.jpg 1337399;1449415584;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HOI1pt ) 1337400;1449415940;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00048619 = 3.6464 BTC [+] {2} 1337401;1449415988;nubbins`;mircea_popescu day at a time i suppose 1337402;1449416244;mircea_popescu;the lasting influence of argentina... now i want my breakfast sandwich ranchero 1337403;1449416367;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41585 @ 0.00048713 = 20.2573 BTC [+] {2} 1337404;1449416623;BingoBoingo;Had to get away that bad? 1337405;1449416672;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00048058 = 18.262 BTC [-] {5} 1337406;1449416683;mircea_popescu;hm? 1337407;1449416860;BingoBoingo;Last message gave me the impression you were already out of Argentina 1337408;1449417331;mircea_popescu;ah 1337409;1449417348;mircea_popescu;in other "out of" news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/ff07f22a93b50c2116d3ee3b3aec2bf4/tumblr_mrmhs13hiE1qjv9ywo1_1280.jpg 1337410;1449417349;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1jHWl7t ) 1337411;1449417953;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20950 @ 0.0004872 = 10.2068 BTC [+] {2} 1337412;1449418319;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17750 @ 0.0004872 = 8.6478 BTC [+] {2} 1337413;1449419051;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32411 @ 0.00048405 = 15.6885 BTC [-] {2} 1337414;1449419829;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1337415;1449420028;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.0004802 = 5.5703 BTC [-] {3} 1337416;1449420261;ascii_field;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2015/gender-politics-and-the-war-on-will/#comment-115991 1337417;1449420262;assbot;Gender politics and the war on will. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NzmYb4 ) 1337418;1449420262;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1337419;1449421187;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32685 @ 0.00048723 = 15.9251 BTC [+] {3} 1337420;1449422163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42700 @ 0.0004815 = 20.5601 BTC [-] {3} 1337421;1449422304;nubbins`;!up ascii_field 1337422;1449422590;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55500 @ 0.00047976 = 26.6267 BTC [-] {5} 1337423;1449422886;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 24.99980000 BTC on 'No' - Cardano to Ship in 2015 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1100/cardano-to-ship-in-2015/#b18 1337424;1449423088;nubbins`;chomp chomp 1337425;1449423200;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00047692 = 8.5369 BTC [-] {3} 1337426;1449423494;mitch_callahan;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337268 << uh oh, removed. 1337427;1449423494;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 06:19:29; ben_vulpes: https://vimeo.com/147767325 1337428;1449423591;mitch_callahan;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337366 << yes, but should there be a clone of Trilema, all other things equal, the mobile one will rank better. in this case, the person was selling a product, of which they were the first result. it didn't take long after "mobilegeddon" for them to move to page 2. i'm guessing they're on page 3 now. meanwhile, some guy who added some viewport tags takes the cake. 1337429;1449423591;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 14:05:51; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337138 << trilema never made a "mobile experience" and you can't beat it for rankings. 1337430;1449423677;mod6;asciilifeform ascii_field: I've built 'rotor+TEST2' while logging output via `script`. I was able to capture all of the required deps from the log. The only thing that was missing from the list was the hash (easily remidied) for the linux-kernel. But it interestingly wasn't output like the others. http://dpaste.com/2RWBT14.txt 1337431;1449423678;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IxXZoe ) 1337432;1449423736;mod6;I think this is a good start for a list of whats required for buildroot -- these packages are normally pulled down into 'buildroot-2015.05/dl/' 1337433;1449423811;BingoBoingo;mitch_callahan: What's wrong with "desktop experience" and "mobile experience" happening with the same page served to both users? 1337434;1449423827;mod6;Let me know if I'm missing anything here. Going to see if I can just change the package's .mk file so that it points to somewhere in the foundation's web directory to pull the packages, instead of where ever is specified. 1337435;1449423884;mod6;for instance: 1337436;1449423885;mod6;grep "_SITE" rotor/buildroot-2015.05/package/gmp/gmp.mk 1337437;1449423885;mod6;GMP_SITE = $(BR2_GNU_MIRROR)/gmp 1337438;1449423916;mitch_callahan;BingoBoingo - nothing wrong with same page being served, that's ideal. in this case, I knew the lack of a mobile layout would cause their rankings to go down, which it did. 1337439;1449423918;mod6;would change GMP_SITE = $(BITCOIN_FOUNDATION_MIRROR)/gmp or something... 1337440;1449424115;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22973 @ 0.00048254 = 11.0854 BTC [+] {2} 1337441;1449424725;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10605 @ 0.00048529 = 5.1465 BTC [+] 1337442;1449425101;mod6;some may notice another interesting thing about the buildroot package hashes (from the above dpaste): many of them differe on algo type. MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512 1337443;1449425123;mod6;... just throwing that out there. 1337444;1449425179;mircea_popescu;mitch_callahan not terribly sure of that theory. 1337445;1449425279;mircea_popescu;mod6 md5 eh ? 1337446;1449425294;mod6;yeah, im pretty sure that I ran into one that was MD5 1337447;1449425298;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1337448;1449425298;*;mod6 looks again 1337449;1449425301;gribble;Current Blocks: 387039 | Current Difficulty: 7.272278064254718E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 387071 | Next Difficulty In: 32 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 hours, 29 minutes, and 28 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1337450;1449425432;mod6;grep "busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2: OK" typescript 1337451;1449425432;mod6;busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2: OK (md5: 7925683d7dd105aabe9b6b618d48cc73) 1337452;1449425433;mod6;busybox-1.23.2.tar.bz2: OK (sha1: 7f37193cb249f27630e0b2a2c6c9bbb7b1d24c16) 1337453;1449425446;mod6;ah, that's right. busybox pacakge spit out both md5 and sha1 1337454;1449425478;mircea_popescu;busybox seems a prime target for tardification, btw. 1337455;1449425484;mod6;*nod* 1337456;1449425488;mircea_popescu;we should prolly keep snapshots. 1337457;1449425640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42050 @ 0.00048444 = 20.3707 BTC [-] 1337458;1449425721;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - BTC price to rise above PM price of 1oz of gold before Oct 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1235/btc-price-to-rise-above-pm-price-of/#b3 1337459;1449425807;mod6;I think I'm just being dense here, but let's talk about that for a second. Snapshots as in, we make our own busybox package from a previously unrolled/extracted package that we've verified? 1337460;1449425828;mod6;Or... what are the specifics there? 1337461;1449425847;mircea_popescu;consider the situation with the previous turdified victims. what'd happen to bitcoin if nobody had a 0.5 copy ? 1337462;1449425862;mircea_popescu;what'd be the use of pgp if nobody had an 1.x branch package ? 1337463;1449425872;mircea_popescu;same thing prolly coming to busybox 1337464;1449425938;mod6;so just keep/maintain a repository of these packages 1337465;1449425951;mircea_popescu;yeah, keep a known-good copy around 1337466;1449425958;mod6;aha. gotcha. 1337467;1449425973;*;mircea_popescu is not really using busybox so won't prolly have one in the future. 1337468;1449426035;mod6;So the current plan, subject to change, is that I'll get these packages, create a web-repository of them with clearsigned hash files and signature files that can and should be mirrored. 1337469;1449426063;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1337470;1449426084;mircea_popescu;i dunno, seeing how it keeps getting pulled into things maybe it's worth making an official busybox 1337471;1449426106;mod6;ahh. ok. 1337472;1449426135;mod6;yeah, we can certainly do that. i still sort of feel like bitcoin is going to get it's own OS. 1337473;1449426138;mircea_popescu;you're guaranteed to discover unsavory contents in all foss matter, exactly like asciilifeform found in gpg. 1337474;1449426147;mod6;*nod* 1337475;1449426203;mod6;further, if bitcoin does indeed get it's own os, we may not need to worry about busybox... but until then (which could be a while), yeah. 1337476;1449426221;mod6;*its 1337477;1449426249;mod6;good thoughts. i appreciate it. 1337478;1449426256;*;BingoBoingo just stumpled into a lollercoaster 1337479;1449426405;mircea_popescu;busybox is not terribad, unlike most everything else. 1337480;1449426677;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10540 @ 0.00048522 = 5.1142 BTC [+] {2} 1337481;1449426848;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1337482;1449426914;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337479 << actually it's pretty bad. the 'right thing' to do would be something like xv6, see http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-11-2015#1319336 1337483;1449426914;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 18:26:45; mircea_popescu: busybox is not terribad, unlike most everything else. 1337484;1449426914;assbot;Logged on 07-11-2015 21:06:34; asciilifeform: for anybody else who is considering an evening of playing with xv6, some notes: 1337485;1449426979;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337465 << i personally am not aware of a 'known good' version. 1337486;1449426979;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 18:19:11; mircea_popescu: yeah, keep a known-good copy around 1337487;1449427016;ascii_field;busybox is a long-time target for the tardray cannon on account of being used in virtually every single router or otherwise konsooomer-crud networking product on the planet 1337488;1449427030;BingoBoingo;"I'm watching it a bit time-delayed (streaming sucked,) but I think the guy that spoke after Peter Todd made a good point that some sort of moderate action is advisable simply to avoid the XT schism. I don't know how threatening XT actually is, but if just increasing the blocksize to 2 or 8MB now would avoid a split fork then that in itself might be a good enough reason to do so." -Social Engineer 1337489;1449427044;ascii_field;however i am also not aware of any usable immediate replacement for busybox. 1337490;1449427057;ascii_field;which makes it quite like every other example of this kind of thing we've dealt with. 1337491;1449427095;ascii_field;'increasing the blocksize to 2 or 8MB now would avoid a split fork' << wai wut??! 1337492;1449427104;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1337493;1449427112;BingoBoingo;It's social engineering weekend 1337494;1449427124;ascii_field;i mean, what kind of dope does one need to take for this to make even scam-sense ? 1337495;1449427140;ascii_field;(forget about actual sense) 1337496;1449427143;BingoBoingo;Honest idiots aren't this nonsensical. It must be agents of Socialism 1337497;1449427157;ascii_field;agents of dropped-as-a-baby 1337498;1449427213;punkman;don't the suckless folks have a replacement for busybox tools? 1337499;1449427226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41500 @ 0.00048602 = 20.1698 BTC [+] {2} 1337500;1449427295;ascii_field;punkman: not... exactly: 1337501;1449427297;ascii_field;http://git.2f30.org/sinit/about 1337502;1449427297;assbot;sinit - suckless init ... ( http://bit.ly/1lGKJ6b ) 1337503;1449427330;ascii_field;There are 3 signals that sinit will act on. SIGUSR1: powers off the machine. SIGINT: reboots the machine (or alternatively via ctrl-alt-del). SIGCHLD: reap children 1337504;1449427370;BingoBoingo; agents of dropped-as-a-baby << dropped as baby tends to lead to honest idiocy, not reimagineer how the world works wishdiocy 1337505;1449427388;ascii_field;it is 'replacement' in the same sense as a penny is a replacement for a 15 amp edison fuse 1337506;1449427409;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94000 @ 0.00048911 = 45.9763 BTC [+] {7} 1337507;1449427432;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: 'fork so that no fork' is honest idiocy in the sense that nobody could possibly begin to process the sentence as something like a proper lie, vs. simple babble 1337508;1449427452;ascii_field;certainly not without heavy dope 1337509;1449427510;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Flip that. It is targeted towards honest idiots who cannot parse it. Was not created by honest idiots, too targeted. 1337510;1449427569;ascii_field;what exactly is the point of targeting the dropped-as-baby crowd ? 1337511;1449427638;BingoBoingo;Building an XT that isn't XT movement. Dropped as baby crowd parrots targeted idiocy. Makes not dropped as baby people question whether world is worth saving much less living in. 1337512;1449427653;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50064 @ 0.00049029 = 24.5459 BTC [+] {4} 1337513;1449427697;BingoBoingo;Feeding the dropped as baby crowd greater, targeted idiocies is a form of suicide promotion 1337514;1449428446;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00048282 = 5.2145 BTC [-] {4} 1337515;1449428934;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00048539 = 7.3779 BTC [+] {2} 1337516;1449429056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00048446 = 2.4465 BTC [-] 1337517;1449429544;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19200 @ 0.0004854 = 9.3197 BTC [+] 1337518;1449429741;mod6;WARNING: no hash file for linux-3.18.14.tar.xz << ah, found this in that `script` log. 1337519;1449430520;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19871 @ 0.00048446 = 9.6267 BTC [-] 1337520;1449430642;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7700 @ 0.00048391 = 3.7261 BTC [-] {3} 1337521;1449430825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32509 @ 0.00048539 = 15.7795 BTC [+] {2} 1337522;1449432047;phf;kakobrekla: phf logs fixed re tabs and newlines << cool everything parses clean now 1337523;1449432078;kakobrekla;cool 1337524;1449432218;phf;adlai: http://trilema.com/2015/no-such-labs-snsa-november-2015-statement/#selection-495.0-495.55 < phf's work or do we already have parallel efforts underway? << parallel effort 1337525;1449432218;assbot;No Such lAbs (S.NSA), November 2015 Statement on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1N3RgRw ) 1337526;1449432228;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25229 @ 0.00048539 = 12.2459 BTC [+] {2} 1337527;1449432478;phf;it sounds like ascii knows exactly what he's doing where's i'm struggling with simply getting all the required elements together. i've gotten as far as reliably reading gpg packets from a tcp stream, but i still have too many open questions. i'm thinking that my attempt is entirely pointless, but i'll continue it as a learning exercise. i publish code in a week or two, so that all can learn how not to write c :) 1337528;1449432594;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00049021 = 5.6864 BTC [+] {2} 1337529;1449432899;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33100 @ 0.00049026 = 16.2276 BTC [+] {2} 1337530;1449433082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9014 @ 0.00048664 = 4.3866 BTC [-] {2} 1337531;1449433448;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32815 @ 0.00048506 = 15.9172 BTC [-] 1337532;1449433875;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37300 @ 0.00048676 = 18.1561 BTC [+] {4} 1337533;1449434363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36243 @ 0.00049056 = 17.7794 BTC [+] {2} 1337534;1449434855;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Star Wars Opening Weekend Box office over $175 million - http://bitbet.us/bet/1231/star-wars-opening-weekend-box-office-over-175/#b13 1337535;1449435278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11750 @ 0.00049077 = 5.7665 BTC [+] 1337536;1449435988;mod6;!up ben_vulpes 1337537;1449436620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28445 @ 0.00048349 = 13.7529 BTC [-] {3} 1337538;1449436986;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35440 @ 0.0004924 = 17.4507 BTC [+] {3} 1337539;1449437568;deedbot-;[Qntra] F2Pool Lashes Out When Called Out For SPV Mining - http://qntra.net/2015/12/f2pool-lashes-out-when-called-out-for-spv-mining/ 1337540;1449437596;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33650 @ 0.00048217 = 16.225 BTC [-] {2} 1337541;1449438023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47200 @ 0.00048242 = 22.7702 BTC [+] {4} 1337542;1449438328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27050 @ 0.00047897 = 12.9561 BTC [-] {3} 1337543;1449438389;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00049189 = 4.2303 BTC [+] {2} 1337544;1449440445;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00100000 BTC on 'Yes' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b47 1337545;1449440445;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 10.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jan 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1216/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jan-2016/#b75 1337546;1449441073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50400 @ 0.00049228 = 24.8109 BTC [+] {3} 1337547;1449441561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8650 @ 0.00048879 = 4.228 BTC [-] {2} 1337548;1449442564;mircea_popescu;in old news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/67bb839cd5febc1d0f47df7efc93faf9/tumblr_mr2e0m59Ox1sz40t4o1_1280.jpg 1337549;1449442565;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1m5PMO5 ) 1337550;1449442720;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00049104 = 6.138 BTC [+] {2} 1337551;1449443147;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12350 @ 0.00049104 = 6.0643 BTC [+] {2} 1337552;1449443658;mircea_popescu;[Sun Dec 06 03:13:33 2015] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/trilema/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, referer: /wp-content/themes/churchope/lib/downloadlink.php?file=../../../../wp-config.php 1337553;1449443659;mircea_popescu;[Sun Dec 06 03:13:05 2015] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/trilema/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, referer: /wp-content/themes/echelon/lib/scripts/dl-skin.php 1337554;1449443659;mircea_popescu;[Sun Dec 06 03:11:28 2015] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/trilema/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, referer: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php 1337555;1449443660;mircea_popescu;[Sun Dec 06 03:11:12 2015] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/trilema/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, referer: / 1337556;1449443666;mircea_popescu;if the kids weren't so fucking smart what'd become of the world! 1337557;1449444611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14100 @ 0.00049104 = 6.9237 BTC [+] {2} 1337558;1449444643;mircea_popescu;somewhat relevant to the mobile and google discussion, http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/#comment-115994 1337559;1449444644;assbot;Holy shit! Technical Analysis is real! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qpy3fB ) 1337560;1449444794;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4026 @ 0.00049104 = 1.9769 BTC [+] 1337561;1449445038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29350 @ 0.00048879 = 14.346 BTC [-] 1337562;1449445258;mircea_popescu;and something for petey... http://40.media.tumblr.com/e9757a9deb4f50a25d868f26f4c3ab1d/tumblr_mvec3nySMa1s6dk4zo1_1280.jpg 1337563;1449445259;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IObjzz ) 1337564;1449445282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00048447 = 8.3813 BTC [-] {3} 1337565;1449446197;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44400 @ 0.0004914 = 21.8182 BTC [+] {3} 1337566;1449446868;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57245 @ 0.00049253 = 28.1949 BTC [+] {4} 1337567;1449447173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10197 @ 0.00049304 = 5.0275 BTC [+] {2} 1337568;1449447184;liquidassets;On the perfect ponzi, "you kinda complete the loop and bring it all the way down to the purchase" - Josh Garza 1337569;1449447661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14050 @ 0.00048445 = 6.8065 BTC [-] {2} 1337570;1449448286;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/new-york-times-gun-control-1.3352528 1337571;1449448287;assbot;Rare New York Times front-page editorial urging gun control draws praise, ire - Trending - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1YSQxYQ ) 1337572;1449448288;nubbins`;lewell 1337573;1449448296;nubbins`;"Conservative blogger shows his anger over article by shooting bullets into it" 1337574;1449448304;nubbins`;^ ! 1337575;1449448393;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26739 @ 0.00047996 = 12.8337 BTC [-] 1337576;1449452053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98800 @ 0.00048347 = 47.7668 BTC [+] {2} 1337577;1449452236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109900 @ 0.00048501 = 53.3026 BTC [+] {2} 1337578;1449452663;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44821 @ 0.00047789 = 21.4195 BTC [-] {2} 1337579;1449453029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5263 @ 0.00047789 = 2.5151 BTC [-] {2} 1337580;1449453090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21487 @ 0.00047788 = 10.2682 BTC [-] 1337581;1449453578;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51009 @ 0.00048697 = 24.8399 BTC [+] {3} 1337582;1449454371;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55200 @ 0.00048754 = 26.9122 BTC [+] {4} 1337583;1449455591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30414 @ 0.00048517 = 14.756 BTC [-] {2} 1337584;1449456750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51600 @ 0.00048179 = 24.8604 BTC [-] {2} 1337585;1449458494;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/r4owdc2.png << the mantises i was talking about a coupla days ago 1337586;1449458495;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NQ98Tx ) 1337587;1449458501;BingoBoingo;Who needs signatures when you have "witnesses" https://archive.is/kkGjj 1337588;1449458503;assbot;multiple new BIP proposals coming up on day 2 of scaling bitcoin HK : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1NQ99a0 ) 1337589;1449458703;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski Were you still writing up something on the Tesla emissions scandal? 1337590;1449458704;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1337591;1449458796;BingoBoingo;!up sinner- 1337592;1449458808;herbijudlestoids;hello hello hello 1337593;1449458820;herbijudlestoids;i was in the neighbourhood and thought id drop in 1337594;1449458841;herbijudlestoids;hows life, assets! 1337595;1449458917;ben_vulpes;heya herbi 1337596;1449458918;BingoBoingo;Life is not as bad as your connection 1337597;1449458922;ben_vulpes;lolk 1337598;1449458935;ben_vulpes;what is this neighborhood anyways 1337599;1449458996;phf;franky fingers says those transactions are fine, capiche 1337600;1449459289;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/dis-rumption.jpg << bwahaha the stuff that's on trilema. 1337601;1449459290;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NQapKe ) 1337602;1449459291;mircea_popescu;i get lost in there. 1337603;1449459316;mircea_popescu;started looking for an article which essentially consists of a picture of a derpy kid in a very messy room (includes an oirange traffic cone) with various "busioness" and "internet tough guy" captions 1337604;1449459321;mircea_popescu;anyone recall what the fuck i titled it ? 1337605;1449459352;ben_vulpes;even vexual remembers herbi 1337606;1449459631;BingoBoingo;;;google trilema traffic cone internet tough guy 1337607;1449459632;gribble;MIT: 1337608;1449459782;danielpbarron;price per american press" 1337609;1449459811;mircea_popescu;heh 1337610;1449459823;danielpbarron;prometheus including haught holy horrors see below 1337611;1449459902;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron saywut ? 1337612;1449459955;danielpbarron;from that vocabulary.txt 1337613;1449459966;mircea_popescu;aj 1337614;1449459978;ben_vulpes;more stego'd private keys 1337615;1449461081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125650 @ 0.00047674 = 59.9024 BTC [-] {9} 1337616;1449463216;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51000 @ 0.0004866 = 24.8166 BTC [+] {4} 1337617;1449464174;deedbot-;[Trilema] Internoc24 LLC aka internoc24.com is a scam, or how Milan & Dragan Slatjovic stole ~700 euro from me. - http://trilema.com/2015/internoc24-llc-aka-internoc24com-is-a-scam-or-how-milan-dragan-slatjovic-stole-700-euro-from-me/ 1337618;1449464934;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1337619;1449465025;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337617 << now iirc mircea_popescu was trying out firms specializing in 'bulletproof' l337 sp4mz0r hosting. so i for one am not the least bit surprised that they kept his money 1337620;1449465025;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 04:56:14; deedbot-: [Trilema] Internoc24 LLC aka internoc24.com is a scam, or how Milan & Dragan Slatjovic stole ~700 euro from me. - http://trilema.com/2015/internoc24-llc-aka-internoc24com-is-a-scam-or-how-milan-dragan-slatjovic-stole-700-euro-from-me/ 1337621;1449465041;ascii_field;not that there is any alternative to this, mind you 1337622;1449465055;ascii_field;(if i knew of one, i'd have a motherfucking box) 1337623;1449465107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31642 @ 0.00047766 = 15.1141 BTC [-] {2} 1337624;1449465468;BingoBoingo;http://www.stripes.com/brutality-of-1994-panama-fight-still-resonates-with-u-s-troops-1.162729?localLinksEnabled=false 1337625;1449465472;assbot;Brutality of 1994 Panama fight still resonates with U.S. troops - Stripes ... ( http://bit.ly/1XO6FO0 ) 1337626;1449465519;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wut ? 1337627;1449465663;mircea_popescu;lmao. us soldiers "were just trying to get college loans and dental", didn't sign up to actually fight. 1337628;1449465676;mircea_popescu;and WHAT IS THIS BULLYING! VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER! 1337629;1449466388;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70705 @ 0.0004831 = 34.1576 BTC [+] {2} 1337630;1449467120;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62100 @ 0.00048685 = 30.2334 BTC [+] {2} 1337631;1449467181;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107900 @ 0.00048833 = 52.6908 BTC [+] {4} 1337632;1449468477;BingoBoingo;"Less than half of Amerines platoon was healthy enough to participate, but this time they were armed with shotguns and tear gas, and they moved in at 3 a.m. Things went off without a hitch." << For the record this is now US policia SOP 1337633;1449469779;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b4 1337634;1449469780;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b5 1337635;1449469780;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b7 1337636;1449471185;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337617 << must run cloudflares!!! my sides 1337637;1449471185;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 04:56:14; deedbot-: [Trilema] Internoc24 LLC aka internoc24.com is a scam, or how Milan & Dragan Slatjovic stole ~700 euro from me. - http://trilema.com/2015/internoc24-llc-aka-internoc24com-is-a-scam-or-how-milan-dragan-slatjovic-stole-700-euro-from-me/ 1337638;1449471512;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17034 @ 0.00048974 = 8.3422 BTC [+] {2} 1337639;1449472488;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15742 @ 0.0004881 = 7.6837 BTC [-] {2} 1337640;1449472549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42014 @ 0.00048748 = 20.481 BTC [-] {2} 1337641;1449473033;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski ty, and how do you plan to prepare Saddam for Canadian Winter? 1337642;1449473033;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1337643;1449473054;BingoBoingo;How do the Fender Flags handle in the snow? 1337644;1449473071;deedbot-;[Qntra] Tesla Mimicks VW In Own Nitrous Oxide Scandal - http://qntra.net/2015/12/tesla-mimicks-vw-in-own-nitrous-oxide-scandal/ 1337645;1449473779;punkman;"We implement segregated witness right now, soon. What we do is discount the witness data by 75% for block size. So this enables us to say we allow 4x as many signatures in the chain. What this normally corresponds to, with a difficult transaction load, this is around 75% capacity increase for transactions that choose to use it. Another way of looking at it, is that we raise the block size 1337646;1449473780;punkman;to 4 MB for the witness part, but the non-witness has same size. The reason for doing the discount, last slide, the reason for doing this discount is that it disincentivizes UTXO impact. A signature that doesn't go into the UTXO set, can be pruned." 1337647;1449473794;punkman;they found the most shitgnomiferous solution, didn't they? 1337648;1449474211;punkman;http://qntra.net/2015/12/f2pool-lashes-out-when-called-out-for-spv-mining/ "This guy leaked our IP addresses to the public, I pm him kindly and begged him to remove them but he refused. If we ever got DDoSed due to his post, we have no choices but point our domains to his pool." 1337649;1449474212;assbot;F2Pool Lashes Out When Called Out For SPV Mining | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1R4qYCF ) 1337650;1449474215;punkman;ah the lulz 1337651;1449474393;BingoBoingo; they found the most shitgnomiferous solution, didn't they? << Yes 1337652;1449474422;BingoBoingo;punkman: I'm just happy Qntra already had a Discus Fish from an earlier story 1337653;1449474561;punkman;tried their livestream yesterday, audio must have been recorded through $1 microphone in someone's pocket 1337654;1449474670;BingoBoingo;Well last time they could afford a microphone was when they sold their BTC at $5 per and got out 1337655;1449474812;punkman;"President Obama's former Deputy Press Secretary joins BitFury as new Chief Communications Officer: "Why I believe in the Blockchain and Why You Should Too"" 1337656;1449474946;punkman;I thought bitfury hadn't yet joined the "Blockchain" derps 1337657;1449474970;punkman;!s bitfury 1337658;1449474971;assbot;315 results for 'bitfury' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bitfury 1337659;1449475050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55242 @ 0.00048287 = 26.6747 BTC [-] {3} 1337660;1449475105;punkman;"Imagine a world where people can send money as easily as we send emails" << yeah sending email is such a joy these days 1337661;1449475111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75208 @ 0.00047948 = 36.0607 BTC [-] {4} 1337662;1449476209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52697 @ 0.00048367 = 25.488 BTC [+] {2} 1337663;1449476289;BingoBoingo;The internet's premier fitness community strikes again https://archive.is/Bq5aY 1337664;1449476290;assbot;Injecting HCG directly into penis for dick gains? (Study inside) : steroids ... ( http://bit.ly/1POUmNb ) 1337665;1449476758;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7712 @ 0.00048938 = 3.7741 BTC [+] 1337666;1449477057;punkman;http://i.imgur.com/cOMyJlu.jpg 1337667;1449477057;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1POWFQv ) 1337668;1449477074;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Desperately trying to put the “auto” back into automobile in a flaccid attempt to put the relevance back into motoring. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/07/desperately-trying-to-put-the-auto-back-into-automobile-in-a-flaccid-attempt-to-put-the-relevance-back-into-motoring/ 1337669;1449477551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20800 @ 0.00048942 = 10.1799 BTC [+] {5} 1337670;1449477962;punkman;"Visitors to the fair were reportedly confused by the stabbing, mistaking it for performance art. The area was quickly marked off with police tape, which some people seem to have thought was part of the installation." 1337671;1449477968;punkman;https://news.artnet.com/art-world/chaos-woman-brutally-stabbed-art-basel-miami-beach-386204 1337672;1449477968;assbot;Woman Stabbed at Art Basel in Miami Beach - artnet News ... ( http://bit.ly/1PP07dH ) 1337673;1449478344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49042 @ 0.000488 = 23.9325 BTC [-] {2} 1337674;1449478405;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15758 @ 0.00047913 = 7.5501 BTC [-] {2} 1337675;1449478531;davout;!up gmaxwell 1337676;1449478590;davout;!up gmaxwell 1337677;1449478657;gmaxwell;Mildly amusing: http://bitcoinocracy.com/arguments/bip101-is-better-than-bip100 I'm surprised that the 101 supporters have more than 1kbtc to their names. 1337678;1449478659;assbot;Bitcoinocracy — BIP101 is better than BIP100 ... ( http://bit.ly/1PP2A86 ) 1337679;1449478837;davout;gmaxwell: curious how that thing behaves when funds move from signing addresses 1337680;1449478852;BingoBoingo;gmaxwell: Well, you gotta figure if you have dollars and want to undermine bitcoin security at some point you're going to pick up some bitcoin. 1337681;1449478923;gmaxwell;davout: I think it's supposted to forget them but I think it doesn't currently, based on some of the traffic on its issue trackers. 1337682;1449478931;gmaxwell;as there is a bug for "background update" or something 1337683;1449478978;BingoBoingo;Anyways, it is still early in history. There can still be idiots out there with 4 digit BTC, though not too many. 1337684;1449479015;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49450 @ 0.00048998 = 24.2295 BTC [+] {2} 1337685;1449479035;davout;i know folks with 4-digit btc that also 'invested' in ethereum... 1337686;1449479061;BingoBoingo;Not to mention the "Industry" BIP 101 supporters who can sign with "other people's" BTC 1337687;1449479083;davout;well, if they have the keys... 1337688;1449479090;gmaxwell;Yea, I'm anticipating that one; though it would require them to figure out how to signmessage. :P 1337689;1449479104;gmaxwell;a lot of "industry" is using third party APIs to control their coins... 1337690;1449479124;davout;i doubt that 1337691;1449479134;gmaxwell;:( 1337692;1449479168;gmaxwell;I don't feel bad that you doubt it, I wouldn't have believed it if I'd not seen it myself. It does make a lot of things make more sense. 1337693;1449479226;BingoBoingo;Coinbase and ButtPay are still derping along with Other People's Money 1337694;1449479469;*;BingoBoingo still finding the "Jim Crow Signature Witness" thing extraordinarily disturbing 1337695;1449479505;gmaxwell;Ah, looks like main source of the pro 101 funds is satoshibones. 1337696;1449479753;fluffypony;[11:03:56] <+davout>i know folks with 4-digit btc that also 'invested' in ethereum... <- a fool and his money... 1337697;1449479892;gmaxwell;4-digit btc would have been like ...all of the ethereum presale, no? 1337698;1449479916;punkman;didn't they get like 30k btc? 1337699;1449479920;davout;i did not say 'all' 1337700;1449480003;gmaxwell;fluffypony: well, customers of a gambling site... probably the case most excusable to use customer funds to support 101. 1337701;1449480018;gmaxwell;(derps probably all support 101 too. :) ) 1337702;1449480034;fluffypony;lol 1337703;1449480431;punkman;100btc worth of ETH at launch, still worth 400btc now. wonder how this will turn out https://bitbet.us/bet/1199/the-eth-scam-wont-see-2016/ 1337704;1449480432;assbot;BitBet - The ETH scam won't see 2016 :: 73.96 B (34%) on Yes, 142.49 B (66%) on No | closed 5 days 9 hours ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1iDIjEg ) 1337705;1449480784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43600 @ 0.00048191 = 21.0113 BTC [-] {2} 1337706;1449481272;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16848 @ 0.00048191 = 8.1192 BTC [-] {2} 1337707;1449481368;punkman;http://www.openalpr.com/ 1337708;1449481369;assbot;OpenALPR - Automatic License Plate Recognition ... ( http://bit.ly/1TRXBC9 ) 1337709;1449483407;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86019 @ 0.00048297 = 41.5446 BTC [+] {2} 1337710;1449483481;punkman;http://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/advisory-156.html 1337711;1449483482;assbot;XSA-156 - Xen Security Advisories ... ( http://bit.ly/1m6wRmh ) 1337712;1449483773;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9336 @ 0.00048297 = 4.509 BTC [+] {2} 1337713;1449483834;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100020 @ 0.00047821 = 47.8306 BTC [-] {4} 1337714;1449484200;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5530 @ 0.00047618 = 2.6333 BTC [-] 1337715;1449484749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 132501 @ 0.00047974 = 63.566 BTC [-] 1337716;1449485054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26000 @ 0.0004826 = 12.5476 BTC [+] {2} 1337717;1449487189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14568 @ 0.00047974 = 6.9889 BTC [-] {2} 1337718;1449487494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90100 @ 0.00047814 = 43.0804 BTC [-] {3} 1337719;1449488165;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43532 @ 0.00047891 = 20.8479 BTC [+] 1337720;1449489080;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36197 @ 0.00047902 = 17.3391 BTC [+] {2} 1337721;1449490239;funkenstein_;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337681 <-- thanks for linking bitcoinocracy, it looks nice. 1337722;1449490239;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 09:02:03; gmaxwell: davout: I think it's supposted to forget them but I think it doesn't currently, based on some of the traffic on its issue trackers. 1337723;1449490281;funkenstein_;Unspent outputs should form the basis rather than addresses, so that coin is free to move without changing tally 1337724;1449490300;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27203 @ 0.00047866 = 13.021 BTC [-] 1337725;1449490323;funkenstein_;some more considerations if interested: http://frass.woodcoin.org/introducing-coin-vote/ 1337726;1449490324;assbot;Introducing Coin-Vote | Free your Frass ... ( http://bit.ly/1YTSxzZ ) 1337727;1449490910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110829 @ 0.00048469 = 53.7177 BTC [+] {4} 1337728;1449491764;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98373 @ 0.0004836 = 47.5732 BTC [-] {3} 1337729;1449492252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62700 @ 0.00048003 = 30.0979 BTC [-] 1337730;1449492618;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34746 @ 0.00048003 = 16.6791 BTC [-] 1337731;1449492801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63975 @ 0.00049051 = 31.3804 BTC [+] {4} 1337732;1449493106;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6342 @ 0.00048099 = 3.0504 BTC [-] {4} 1337733;1449493167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86180 @ 0.00047528 = 40.9596 BTC [-] {2} 1337734;1449493476;mircea_popescu;!up leftbase 1337735;1449493567;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://45.media.tumblr.com/22a6dd68d169cffdf6c6a32c07688e43/tumblr_mv00n8Ncmn1rcmfhmo1_500.gif 1337736;1449493567;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TSI7hj ) 1337737;1449494144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00047558 = 6.8008 BTC [+] 1337738;1449494237;nubbins`;so i had a darknet vendor try to scam me 1337739;1449494320;mircea_popescu;o ? 1337740;1449494332;mircea_popescu;did peterl's analysis service save you ? 1337741;1449494349;nubbins`;naw, a mod gave me my money back :/ 1337742;1449494360;nubbins`;mildly surprised at this 1337743;1449494396;nubbins`;maybe the first time i've had an escrowed deal fall apart 1337744;1449494430;mircea_popescu;he tried to scam you in spite of escrow ? 1337745;1449494450;nubbins`;seems inconceivable, but yes. 1337746;1449494461;mircea_popescu;they just get dumber and dumber, huh. 1337747;1449494470;nubbins`;pkg marked shipped nov 5th 1337748;1449494503;nubbins`;now, truthfully, i know why this happened 1337749;1449494522;nubbins`;there was a peak in btc price around nov 5, when i placed order 1337750;1449494553;nubbins`;vendor prob thought he'd get less $ than he deserved by the time money cleared escrow 1337751;1449494559;nubbins`;so he just never sent anything 1337752;1449494570;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99800 @ 0.00047891 = 47.7952 BTC [+] {4} 1337753;1449494581;mircea_popescu;and marked it shipped just in case he needs extra points with mod ? 1337754;1449494592;nubbins`;yep. 1337755;1449494612;nubbins`;mod ("OxyMonster", lel) was unimpressed 1337756;1449494618;mircea_popescu;o look, somebody got butthurt at trilema, and figured ddos totally is going to do something! this time! 1337757;1449494639;mircea_popescu;i wonder what could have it been! this time! 1337758;1449494951;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVlcAhsXIAAMCwj.jpg:large 1337759;1449494952;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TSNehs ) 1337760;1449495108;mircea_popescu;i see your bitchez and raise you a public servant. http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll98dyvViD1qeezkyo1_1280.png 1337761;1449495108;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1R4X01l ) 1337762;1449495178;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337644 << epic. lmao. 1337763;1449495178;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 07:24:31; deedbot-: [Qntra] Tesla Mimicks VW In Own Nitrous Oxide Scandal - http://qntra.net/2015/12/tesla-mimicks-vw-in-own-nitrous-oxide-scandal/ 1337764;1449495274;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337647 << it's very dubious this actually does anything above and beyond allowing a bunch of doofuses to claim they're doing things in an academia-convincing manner. 1337765;1449495274;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 07:36:34; punkman: they found the most shitgnomiferous solution, didn't they? 1337766;1449495300;mircea_popescu;haskell is a few steps down this road, and i hope the participants have fun. 1337767;1449495338;mircea_popescu;if you look at things, something like this was unavoidable. there's a lot of people who wish to "participate" in a very peculiar ustardian manner, which is why the peculiar ustarded flavour of academia was invented in the first place. 1337768;1449495346;mircea_popescu;nobody cancelled "the things stupid people do". 1337769;1449495440;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337660 << well, imagine! google owning it, and holding everyone at ransom over it! while lying about it, and random street-level derp having no fucking clue about it. 1337770;1449495440;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 07:58:25; punkman: "Imagine a world where people can send money as easily as we send emails" << yeah sending email is such a joy these days 1337771;1449495485;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22303 @ 0.00049074 = 10.945 BTC [+] {3} 1337772;1449495546;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38097 @ 0.00049091 = 18.7022 BTC [+] 1337773;1449495548;mircea_popescu;"I don't understand how there isn't more research into actual dick growth drugs. It seems like it would be profitable if condoned by the FDA." << it'd be totally profitable, but fda has nothing to do with it. 1337774;1449495558;mircea_popescu;imagine, if kfc sold penis-obesity burgers! 1337775;1449495692;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337689 << this is actually par for the course for every usg-powered outfit out there. 1337776;1449495692;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 09:05:04; gmaxwell: a lot of "industry" is using third party APIs to control their coins... 1337777;1449495714;mircea_popescu;they do this with their shares, why wouldn't do this with their other assets. the monster is what it is in all its parts, not just the tail. 1337778;1449495777;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337723 << that made absolutely no sense. 1337779;1449495777;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 12:11:21; funkenstein_: Unspent outputs should form the basis rather than addresses, so that coin is free to move without changing tally 1337780;1449495993;adlai;lets you print ballots for tx fees, incentivize gracious donations to block makers 1337781;1449496035;adlai;if we're gonna have an election, at least make it a spectacle worth watching! 1337782;1449496050;mircea_popescu;doh. so if i run a miner that has $days_left % of total hash output, i can freely vote an infinity of coins. because whatever, i just fill a block with an endless chain of votes and i'm going to eventually mine it into a block. 1337783;1449496120;adlai;you'd still have a finite proportion of the network, other miners could print votes for themselves, or just process transactions normally, business as usual, which still lets others print their own ballots 1337784;1449496152;adlai;fees race up as you fight over block space, price moons, democracy wins 1337785;1449496177;mircea_popescu;basically the only way this thing can pretend to exist is if nobody gives a shit, and for as long as nobody does. 1337786;1449496182;mircea_popescu;like so many other things "in" bitcoin. 1337787;1449496400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63400 @ 0.00049104 = 31.1319 BTC [+] {4} 1337788;1449496402;adlai;hmm i'd phrase it the other way around. if nobody gives a shit about "vote" results, nobody has incentive to attack it. if people pay attention to elections, they get attacked, but the attack makes it seem that more money cared - because it did 1337789;1449496452;mircea_popescu;yes. so the illusion that "this car made out of cardboard is road worthy" can be maintained for as long as nobody takes it on the road. 1337790;1449496570;adlai;ah, i don't think such elections will effect the decision-making process of people who understand the system. this doesn't prevent the fee-donating competition from occurring 1337791;1449496766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51052 @ 0.00049156 = 25.0951 BTC [+] {2} 1337792;1449497254;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2474 @ 0.00049248 = 1.2184 BTC [+] 1337793;1449497601;mircea_popescu;i suppose it is the duty of informed people to allow the uninformed to donate any resources they might unwarrantedly have acquired. 1337794;1449497606;mircea_popescu;reduces trouble potential down the road. 1337795;1449497620;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91052 @ 0.00048658 = 44.3041 BTC [-] {2} 1337796;1449497867;nubbins`;hmm i bought a bunch of shit at the homebrew shop yesterday, and one of the items rang in as $0.00 1337797;1449498402;nubbins`;man, the canadian dollar slipping to its lowest point since 2004 is really making the btc/cad exchange rate look good 1337798;1449498611;nubbins`;http://nation.foxnews.com/2015/12/06/judge-jeanine-get-gun-get-it-legally-learn-how-shoot-it-and-be-primed-use-it 1337799;1449498615;assbot;Judge Jeanine: 'Get A Gun. Get It Legally. Learn How To Shoot It And Be Primed To Use It' - Fox Nation ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBgI2v ) 1337800;1449498615;nubbins`;GEEEYE A GAUUAHN 1337801;1449498621;nubbins`;GEEYET IT LEEGULLY 1337802;1449498657;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15829 @ 0.00047464 = 7.5131 BTC [-] {3} 1337803;1449498710;nubbins`;death of a thousand lels 1337804;1449498718;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90671 @ 0.00047456 = 43.0288 BTC [-] 1337805;1449498982;nubbins`;i wonder what would've happened if the san bernardino goofs had gotten guns, gotten them legally, learned how to shoot them, and been primed to use them 1337806;1449498987;nubbins`;o wait 1337807;1449499067;nubbins`;also, the word "radicalized" has been media-ified into absurdity 1337808;1449499145;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55418 @ 0.00047857 = 26.5214 BTC [+] {2} 1337809;1449499328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79000 @ 0.00048214 = 38.0891 BTC [+] {2} 1337810;1449499429;fluffypony;https://www.reddit.com/r/shittyprogramming/comments/3v7mjy/pls_critique_my_code_style/ 1337811;1449499431;assbot;Pls critique my code style : shittyprogramming ... ( http://bit.ly/1N6oGPs ) 1337812;1449499642;nubbins`;lel 1337813;1449499670;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b9 1337814;1449499673;nubbins`;i had a coworker once that wrote a 500-line function for manipulating arrays 1337815;1449499702;nubbins`;her variable choices were "result1", "line3", "thisRow2" etc 1337816;1449500142;nubbins`;hey phf 1337817;1449500152;nubbins`;you did up the eulora homebrew tap? 1337818;1449500154;nubbins`;http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=G5SJpfek 1337819;1449500155;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1N6qvvZ ) 1337820;1449500824;thestringpuller;dat brew 1337821;1449500831;thestringpuller;i hate packaging things for mac 1337822;1449501070;thestringpuller;;;ticker 1337823;1449501071;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 399.61, Best ask: 399.84, Bid-ask spread: 0.23000, Last trade: 399.68, 24 hour volume: 38665.44974803, 24 hour low: 384.53, 24 hour high: 404.24, 24 hour vwap: None 1337824;1449501128;nubbins`;nod 1337825;1449501138;thestringpuller;jurov: apparently the transferwise CEO is anti-bitcoin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YZt-sEOi_w 1337826;1449501149;thestringpuller;or at least ill-informed 1337827;1449501276;nubbins`;think it was a git issue. progress 1337828;1449501339;nubbins`;checking whether the C++ compiler works... no 1337829;1449501340;nubbins`;lel nvm 1337830;1449501646;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89687 @ 0.00048215 = 43.2426 BTC [+] 1337831;1449501672;thestringpuller;;;isup qntra.net 1337832;1449501678;gribble;qntra.net is up 1337833;1449501681;thestringpuller;;;isup trilema.com 1337834;1449501686;gribble;trilema.com is up 1337835;1449501687;thestringpuller;Well not from this location 1337836;1449501703;nubbins`;nor this 1337837;1449503110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54500 @ 0.00048887 = 26.6434 BTC [+] {5} 1337838;1449503835;punkman;https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn28623-woman-who-has-never-felt-pain-experiences-it-for-the-first-time 1337839;1449503836;assbot;Woman who has never felt pain experiences it for the first time | New Scientist ... ( http://bit.ly/1NR9oSi ) 1337840;1449504249;nubbins`;not being able to feel pain is actually a fairly serious condition 1337841;1449504266;nubbins`;most people end up disfigured by late childhood 1337842;1449504757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42163 @ 0.00048924 = 20.6278 BTC [+] {2} 1337843;1449505306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26650 @ 0.00049083 = 13.0806 BTC [+] {2} 1337844;1449505314;phf;nubbins`: I have another bug report with 10.11, but this one's just odd. I'll check it out tonight 1337845;1449505329;nubbins`;phf which gcc you using? 1337846;1449505347;nubbins`;i've tried 4.9, 5.3; mp thinks maybe you targeted llvm? 1337847;1449505368;phf;llvm/clang 1337848;1449505374;nubbins`;lol k 1337849;1449505378;nubbins`;don't check out anything yet 1337850;1449505394;nubbins`;i symlinked gcc-4.9 to "gcc" ages ago, so it's trying to use that instead 1337851;1449505401;phf;aaah 1337852;1449505402;mircea_popescu;ha! 1337853;1449505418;mircea_popescu;btw phf you ever gonna log an' get your reward ? 1337854;1449505437;nubbins`;$ ls -la *gcc* 1337855;1449505437;nubbins`;lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 41 17 Mar 2015 gcc -> /usr/local/Cellar/gcc/4.9.2_1/bin/gcc-4.9 1337856;1449505437;nubbins`;lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 20 Sep 2014 llvm-gcc -> clang 1337857;1449505464;phf;but desc not working? that seems like some brew formula level issue 1337858;1449505499;nubbins`;http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=j9M1VSbX 1337859;1449505500;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IPMkvF ) 1337860;1449505567;nubbins`;trying again w clang 1337861;1449505611;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337656 << bitfury has looong since turned to the dark side, dating back at least 1.5 years to kikvadze's cnbc interview in which he advocated for removing 21 mn coin cap. http://www.contravex.com/2015/06/26/bitfury-and-private-property-in-the-land-of-the-free/ 1337862;1449505611;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 07:55:46; punkman: I thought bitfury hadn't yet joined the "Blockchain" derps 1337863;1449505612;assbot;BitFury and private property in the land of the free. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1IPMEdT ) 1337864;1449505612;nubbins`;ugh 1337865;1449505637;nubbins`;http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=TqaRdVv5 1337866;1449505638;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IA0GWm ) 1337867;1449505651;nubbins`;phf it seems like it's still not using llvm-clang but its own gcc-5.3 1337868;1449505699;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b5 1337869;1449505752;phf;hmm, its possible i forgot to remove custom gcc call out from cal3d formula, ill have to check once im in front of a real computer 1337870;1449505936;phf;or maybe it's picking up your gcc since you have it installed. homebrew compiler selection algo is all kinds of creative 1337871;1449506019;mircea_popescu;seems the likelier explanation. 1337872;1449506152;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-12-2015#1337562 << curves, glorious curves 1337873;1449506152;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 23:40:58; mircea_popescu: and something for petey... http://40.media.tumblr.com/e9757a9deb4f50a25d868f26f4c3ab1d/tumblr_mvec3nySMa1s6dk4zo1_1280.jpg 1337874;1449506171;mircea_popescu;curve means whore in romanian. 1337875;1449506186;nubbins`;phf yeah symlink city. i did brew remove on all gcc's 1337876;1449506223;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1337877;1449506231;nubbins`;there we go, woop 1337878;1449506239;mircea_popescu;o ? 1337879;1449506244;nubbins`;cal3d compiled 1337880;1449506256;nubbins`;(this was the step it was hanging on. not outta woods yet) 1337881;1449506256;mircea_popescu;that's almost always the bitch. 1337882;1449506259;nubbins`;yuh 1337883;1449506273;nubbins`;iirc cal3d was my hemorrhoid when i was trying to cobble a working osx install 1337884;1449506277;mircea_popescu;yaq 1337885;1449506279;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: i can see the connection to 'курва', but is there an etymological link to engl. 'cur' ? 1337886;1449506287;pete_dushenski;https://isitup.org/qntra.net 1337887;1449506292;assbot;Oh no! qntra.net is down. // isitup.org ... ( http://bit.ly/1IPNWpc ) 1337888;1449506320;nubbins`;latin curvus, bent 1337889;1449506320;mircea_popescu;it's almost certainly from slavonic "kuruva" 1337890;1449506329;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337641 << basically just proper bridgestone rubber on all four corners. 1337891;1449506329;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 07:23:53; BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski ty, and how do you plan to prepare Saddam for Canadian Winter? 1337892;1449506381;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: so i've always had a thing for slavonic whoors it seems ;) 1337893;1449506386;mircea_popescu;lol 1337894;1449506422;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, in ro cant the superlative accomplishment of thievery is being "old whore". 1337895;1449506448;*;pete_dushenski likes curvy women, yes, particularly those who elegantly put the 'broad' in broad 1337896;1449506473;pete_dushenski;i think it's compensatory for my lousy upper body frame 1337897;1449506492;nubbins`;oof this cs download is slooooow 1337898;1449506562;nubbins`;FTTD ruins you on patience, i tell ya 1337899;1449506601;nubbins`;fun story, installation guy says "do you want me to terminate the fibre at the pole, or inside the home? 1337900;1449506638;nubbins`;i say "is there an extra cost?" he says "nope" i say "lule, come on in, no need to take off yr boots" 1337901;1449506908;nubbins`;he warned that it's easy to damage the fibre where it enters the house 1337902;1449506912;nubbins`;"what happens if i cut it?" 1337903;1449506920;nubbins`;"we'll come out and fix it for free" 1337904;1449506947;pete_dushenski;http://www.sportsxm.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Hottest-Women-Track-Field.jpg << mmm... broad... 1337905;1449506950;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IA3F10 ) 1337906;1449507002;nubbins`;not curvy by any definition 1337907;1449507011;nubbins`;i think the word you seek is "fit" 1337908;1449507074;pete_dushenski;indeed, broad =! curvy, but rather signals the potential therefore once fillie is done being 'athlete' 1337909;1449507111;nubbins`;once they're done being fit 1337910;1449507116;pete_dushenski;correct 1337911;1449507118;nubbins`;o.O 1337912;1449507124;nubbins`;you're a strange man 1337913;1449507126;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/suicide-rate-alberta-increase-layoffs-1.3353662 1337914;1449507127;assbot;Suicide rate in Alberta jumps 30% in wake of mass oilpatch layoffs - Calgary - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IPPDD2 ) 1337915;1449507131;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337762 << :D 1337916;1449507131;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 13:32:58; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337644 << epic. lmao. 1337917;1449507154;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: omg. from 10 to 13. whatevershallbedone 1337918;1449507181;pete_dushenski;ok 252 to 327 1337919;1449507219;pete_dushenski;"If the trend continues, Alberta could be on track for 654 suicides this year." << and then next year, a thousand, and the year after that THE WHOLE PROVINCE WILL OFF ITSELF 1337920;1449507225;pete_dushenski;need moar bailouts. 1337921;1449507251;nubbins`;we have bailouts here now?! 1337922;1449507260;nubbins`;fuck the oil sands anyway 1337923;1449507294;nubbins`;the amount of drug addiction brought to NL by oil money is more staggering than the number of suicides in AB 1337924;1449507317;pete_dushenski;!s cheese addiction 1337925;1449507318;assbot;0 results for 'cheese addiction' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cheese+addiction 1337926;1449507353;pete_dushenski;hm, coulda sworn there was something in the logs about cheese being more addictive than crack. or was it cheesecake ? 1337927;1449507384;nubbins`;lol. and wiping your ass after taking a shit is more addictive than cheese 1337928;1449507413;nubbins`;there's a lesson in here about paying labourers $70k/yr 1337929;1449507440;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337927 << mega-observation 1337930;1449507440;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 16:56:24; nubbins`: lol. and wiping your ass after taking a shit is more addictive than cheese 1337931;1449507441;ascii_field;srsly. 1337932;1449507450;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: more like $170k, even $270k 1337933;1449507457;ascii_field;the ultimate addiction, imho, is not-having-meatbags-around 1337934;1449507458;nubbins`;pete_dushenski fair nuf 1337935;1449507468;nubbins`;either way 1337936;1449507475;nubbins`;you give these goofs bags of cash 1337937;1449507483;nubbins`;they go buy big trucks and big houses on credit 1337938;1449507489;nubbins`;oops lul the grease ran out 1337939;1449507494;nubbins`;wat do 1337940;1449507509;pete_dushenski;why a quarter-mn to some 23 yo newfie punk ? BECAUSE THE JOB SUCKS. and literally no one would do it for less 1337941;1449507513;ascii_field;nubbins`: we have legends of this kind of thing here, with lottery players 1337942;1449507542;nubbins`;pete_dushenski the smart newfies took that money and came home with most of it, bought houses etc outright 1337943;1449507556;pete_dushenski;which a chunk did, no doubt 1337944;1449507558;nubbins`;the stunned ones took out leases, blew their money on drugs and gasoline, and are now fucked 1337945;1449507574;pete_dushenski;the dumb ones were fucked to begin with 1337946;1449507576;nubbins`;unfortunately, they're fucked here, not in alberta 1337947;1449507586;pete_dushenski;who cares about dumb bois 1337948;1449507608;nubbins`;people who have to interact with them? 1337949;1449507614;ascii_field;^ 1337950;1449507642;nubbins`;i'd sooner interact with a dummy than with a coke-addicted dummy with $200k of personal debt 1337951;1449507643;pete_dushenski;there are ex 'rig pigs' working farmers market stalls here, nice kids. 1337952;1449507671;nubbins`;one of those dummies prob will not do a home invasion some day when he's broke, one prob will 1337953;1449507675;pete_dushenski;can't stay addicted to blow 4ever, at least not when broke, this too shall pass 1337954;1449507686;ascii_field;nubbins`: what's it take to land that work anyway 1337955;1449507688;nubbins`;pete_dushenski o.O you know what happens when addicts are broke, yes? 1337956;1449507696;pete_dushenski;you shoot them ? 1337957;1449507696;nubbins`;ascii_field year or two of trade school 1337958;1449507702;ascii_field;what's the catch ? 1337959;1449507707;ascii_field;gotta be in the union ? 1337960;1449507708;nubbins`;work sucks 1337961;1449507712;nubbins`;and obv union, sure 1337962;1449507714;ascii_field;all work sucks 1337963;1449507725;nubbins`;some work sucks more than other work 1337964;1449507738;nubbins`;physical labour 18 hours at a time particularly sucks 1337965;1449507753;ascii_field;how many people per square metre in a drill platform ? 1337966;1449507755;pete_dushenski;chain gangs are still a thing ? 1337967;1449507769;nubbins`;ascii_field no idea. too many 1337968;1449507777;ascii_field;ah these must be sea rigs 1337969;1449507784;nubbins`;nah mostly land 1337970;1449507792;ascii_field;then i have nfi what the problem is.. 1337971;1449507792;nubbins`;;;google alberta oil sands 1337972;1449507793;gribble;Athabasca oil sands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Alberta's Oil Sands Alberta's Clean Energy Future: ; Alberta Energy: Oil Sands: 1337973;1449507793;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-10-2015#1305612 << found. 1337974;1449507793;assbot;Logged on 22-10-2015 22:12:53; mircea_popescu: but in related news, http://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-cheese-addictive-drugs-20151022-story.html 1337975;1449507830;pete_dushenski;;;google contravex alberta oil sands 1337976;1449507830;gribble;Alberta Oil Sands Inc: ; Alberta's oilsands trade-off | Toronto Star: ; Go ahead Jim Prentice: raise taxes in Alberta and see if ... - Contravex: you shoot them ? << so trite 1337978;1449507852;pete_dushenski;so considerate of others ! 1337979;1449507872;nubbins`;so imaginaruim of dr dushenskuss 1337980;1449507889;pete_dushenski;guilty. 1337981;1449507898;nubbins`;lemme give a rundown 1337982;1449507911;nubbins`;dummies get high paying jobs up in AB 1337983;1449507919;nubbins`;plenty of $$, why not try some coke? 1337984;1449507926;nubbins`;come home, still addicted to coke 1337985;1449507933;nubbins`;this creates demand 1337986;1449507951;nubbins`;then coke dealers start multiplying 1337987;1449507960;nubbins`;then coke /users/ start multiplying 1337988;1449507977;nubbins`;then the money runs out (this happens not all at once) 1337989;1449507993;nubbins`;then the poorest, most addicted turn to theft, robbery, break-ins, etc 1337990;1449508030;nubbins`;then your city is suddenly full of broke addicts 1337991;1449508057;nubbins`;the smarter ones say "i can't get out of this on my own, i need help" 1337992;1449508059;nubbins`;!up ascii_field 1337993;1449508074;nubbins`;at which point they realize oh, there's a 6 month waitlist for help 1337994;1449508085;nubbins`;guess i'll hold up a convenience store instead 1337995;1449508100;ascii_field;and sometimes they find that there is no 'addiction clinic' for breaking addiction to space, clean air, hygiene, and cheese 1337996;1449508118;nubbins`;sure there is, it's called therapy 1337997;1449508122;nubbins`;comes in all shapes and sizes 1337998;1449508123;ascii_field;though i hear mircea_popescu has a broomstick therapy 1337999;1449508153;nubbins`;hmm big fire somewhere nearby 1338000;1449508154;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337929 << substances are substances, hygiene is hygiene 1338001;1449508154;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 16:57:20; ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337927 << mega-observation 1338002;1449508156;nubbins`;brb 1338003;1449508185;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: for the purpose of this thought, any particular thing you've grown to like but suddenly cannot afford, is 'addiction' 1338004;1449508207;pete_dushenski;not so. 1338005;1449508219;pete_dushenski;i don't go into withdrawal when forced to use leaves for tp. 1338006;1449508221;ascii_field;just as a small hole in your chest is a hole, whether made by bullet or meteorite 1338007;1449508250;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: afaik cocaine aficionados don't suffer from withdrawal in the usual sense 1338008;1449508256;pete_dushenski;i don't shiver and vomit and want to die from ass-wiping with plants as i would from morphine withdrawal 1338009;1449508291;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: i think you're right, which really makes you wonder about the 'addictiveness' of coke 1338010;1449508301;ascii_field;same as that of cheese 1338011;1449508305;ascii_field;or life-without-roommates 1338012;1449508307;pete_dushenski; bingo. 1338013;1449508309;ascii_field;or 10,001 other things. 1338014;1449508316;ascii_field;'this is not life' 1338015;1449508321;pete_dushenski;bingo to cheese... 1338016;1449508353;pete_dushenski;so idiots who wanna rampage because 'no money for cheese' shouldn't be shot ? 1338017;1449508362;nubbins`;"be shot" is trite 1338018;1449508363;ascii_field;why not ? 1338019;1449508371;pete_dushenski;what kind of civil society is this ?? 1338020;1449508379;nubbins`;in reality, the addicts who can't find/afford coke don't just stop using 1338021;1449508385;nubbins`;they just switch to prescription drugs. 1338022;1449508387;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: sent to gulag, fine 1338023;1449508396;nubbins`;there y'go, that's much less trite 1338024;1449508401;trinque;nubbins` is assuming a big, cozy socialist state to take care of them 1338025;1449508402;nubbins`;worthy of a serious conversation between adults 1338026;1449508404;ascii_field;'civil society' is just what remains after you fill the gulags 1338027;1449508406;pete_dushenski;a fiver for trying to hold up cheese shop 1338028;1449508409;nubbins`;trinque not so. 1338029;1449508414;trinque;given that he lives in one, this is reasonable 1338030;1449508416;trinque;oh? 1338031;1449508417;nubbins`;such a state does not exist 1338032;1449508453;nubbins`;if you want the government to help you, better not hold yr breath 1338033;1449508468;trinque;dole checks don't show up in canada anymore? 1338034;1449508476;trinque;I understand that they do here 1338035;1449508539;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65900 @ 0.00048205 = 31.7671 BTC [-] {2} 1338036;1449508546;nubbins`;wtf is a dole check gonna do? 1338037;1449508564;ascii_field;^ 1338038;1449508661;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00048205 = 7.1825 BTC [-] {2} 1338039;1449508712;nubbins`;dole is what, $400-smth a month here? 1338040;1449508722;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55866 @ 0.00048205 = 26.9302 BTC [-] 1338041;1449508727;nubbins`;should be just about enough to cover, oh, nothing at all 1338042;1449508728;*;pete_dushenski always reads 'checks' as 'inspections'. it's cheques goddamit ! 1338043;1449508752;nubbins`;maybe at one time you could live off dole 1338044;1449508768;nubbins`;but that was before all the cash-heavy oil workers came home & drove property values through the roof 1338045;1449508784;ascii_field;nubbins`: in 'dole countries', the thing is barely enough for scum-life. satan help you if you've tasted human living 1338046;1449508786;trinque;nubbins` │ the smarter ones say "i can't get out of this on my own, i need help" << >> nubbins` │ sure there is, it's called therapy 1338047;1449508792;trinque;this struck me as a socialist perspective. 1338048;1449508802;nubbins`;i didn't say free therapy 1338049;1449508803;trinque;as for the dole, there's always public housing too 1338050;1449508806;pete_dushenski;life's all about expectations 1338051;1449508811;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 4.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Federal Reserve will raise interest rate at December FOMC meeting - http://bitbet.us/bet/1221/federal-reserve-will-raise-interest-rate-at-december/#b28 1338052;1449508816;nubbins`;trinque public housing has a bigger waitlist than addictions help. 1338053;1449508831;nubbins`;also mostly goes to families vs individuals 1338054;1449508863;nubbins`;"but doesn't that encourage the destitute addicts to start queefing out kids?" yes it does. 1338055;1449508934;trinque;the question of what happens to these people only matters under economic and social circumstances which are advantageous to them. 1338056;1449508943;nubbins`;"but won't kids born to addict parents be fucked from the start and stay that way their whole lives?" yep 1338057;1449508943;trinque;I took pete_dushenski's "get shot" as "get fucked/who cares" 1338058;1449508952;nubbins`;lol 1338059;1449508955;nubbins`;ok. 1338060;1449508963;trinque;aside drug prohibition what are they going to do to make enough money to matter? 1338061;1449508968;nubbins`;so the "LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU" approach? 1338062;1449508972;trinque;aside living among them what do I care what they do to each other? 1338063;1449508980;trinque;yes, no "something must be done" about it 1338064;1449508983;nubbins`;you do live among them, ya fuckin dumbass. 1338065;1449508989;trinque;no, I do not 1338066;1449508996;ascii_field;!s Conde de Alba de Yeltes 1338067;1449508997;assbot;1 results for 'Conde de Alba de Yeltes' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=Conde+de+Alba+de+Yeltes 1338068;1449508998;nubbins`;oh, on what planet do you live? 1338069;1449509007;ascii_field;!s in the sewers 1338070;1449509008;assbot;23 results for 'in the sewers' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=in+the+sewers 1338071;1449509018;*;trinque looks out the window 1338072;1449509022;trinque;not a bum in sight 1338073;1449509035;nubbins`;well if you can't see any right now 1338074;1449509044;nubbins`;i guess there aren't any 1338075;1449509067;trinque;if there were no drug prohibition how would that economic process you described work, exactly? 1338076;1449509079;nubbins`;also, equating "drug addict" with "bum" is an exceptionally rudimentary understanding of the world 1338077;1449509082;ascii_field;the little trick is that when you're throwing away people, it helps to make sure that all or most of them actually are garbage 1338078;1449509084;trinque;prohibition drives the price through the roof, which allows the whole thing to sustain itself. 1338079;1449509091;ascii_field;otherwise you get a lenin eventually and get fucked. 1338080;1449509123;nubbins`;trinque if there were no drug prohibition, the world would be a better, safer place 1338081;1449509151;trinque;aside massive govt distortions of the market, stupid tends to die. 1338082;1449509158;trinque;drugs is a prime example 1338083;1449509161;trinque;*are 1338084;1449509178;pete_dushenski;http://www.bsomusic.org/media/728173/main-2015-2016-infographic_1150w.jpg << "Women composers make up less than 2% of all of the music performed." damn those americans are racialist. 1338085;1449509183;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFRziI ) 1338086;1449509183;nubbins`;treating drug abuse as crime is maybe the dumbest thing i can think of at the moment 1338087;1449509183;pete_dushenski;obama must intervene ! 1338088;1449509190;trinque;nubbins`: well certainly 1338089;1449509215;nubbins`;actually, ignoring drug abuse is pretty fuckin stupid too 1338090;1449509225;nubbins`;most govs do one or the other, or both at once 1338091;1449509242;trinque;I'd say "end prohibition" hits it head-on. 1338092;1449509253;trinque;weed prices for example in legalized states are falling all the time 1338093;1449509274;trinque;apply that to the harder stuff; profits subside and those pushing the dope go on to better things 1338094;1449509296;nubbins`;i pay about $250/month directly to criminal gangs 1338095;1449509302;nubbins`;because of prohibition 1338096;1449509319;trinque;spending far less on aspirin I'd imagine 1338097;1449509330;nubbins`;costco has pretty cheap aspirin 1338098;1449509346;nubbins`;now on top of that, you have the idiot cops running around 1338099;1449509352;nubbins`;busting dope pedlars 1338100;1449509368;nubbins`;essentially purchasing the drugs with your tax dollars, and not even using them afterward 1338101;1449509379;ascii_field;don't worry, weed-legalization will free up their hands to bust bitcoin aficionados 1338102;1449509399;nubbins`;seriously, there was a big bust here recently, i calculated that the cops paid something like $4 a gram for the weed they seized. 1338103;1449509445;nubbins`;if the shit was legal, purchasing that same gram would yield the gov $4+ in taxes 1338104;1449509455;nubbins`;but hey, what do i know 1338105;1449509584;nubbins`;it's not like all the black market soft drug money goes directly to hell's angels and vietnamese gangs, oh wait 1338106;1449509617;pete_dushenski;"There's about €3bn of London Club debt "trading" at 15 cents of par last time I checked. If you find Argentine bonds just not exotic enough" << everyone's an investor eh. p2p lending is da footoor ! 1338107;1449509618;nubbins`;it's not like buying prohibited dope helps keep coke dealers in business, oh wait 1338108;1449509687;nubbins`;anyway this is turning into generalized griping 1338109;1449509751;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: anyways, once the residual albertabux dry up, newfoundland will go back to being a 'service economy' or whatever it's been since the cod packed up and left. your housing prices will return to the incredibly affordable 'normal' you were used to, and all will be well again until the next time a canadian province has a resource boom and your industrious young men provide the necessary cannon fodder. 1338110;1449509785;pete_dushenski;speaking of resource booms, http://www.bdlive.co.za/business/mining/2015/12/07/de-beers-suspends-operations-at-canada-mine 1338111;1449509789;assbot;De Beers suspends operations at Canada mine | Mining | BDlive ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFTELw ) 1338112;1449509896;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_field 1338113;1449510443;nubbins`;economy, lol. 1338114;1449510448;nubbins`;you've obv never been here 1338115;1449510480;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337940 << riiight. 1338116;1449510480;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 16:58:29; pete_dushenski: why a quarter-mn to some 23 yo newfie punk ? BECAUSE THE JOB SUCKS. and literally no one would do it for less 1338117;1449510491;mircea_popescu;talk to teh syrian immigrants. 1338118;1449510496;mircea_popescu;that's what they did back home, anyway. 1338119;1449510546;nubbins`;pete_dushenski all the people whose houses are suddenly worth less than the outstanding mortgages would tend to disagree that "all will be well" 1338120;1449510552;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22608 @ 0.00048205 = 10.8982 BTC [-] {2} 1338121;1449510554;nubbins`;but hey 1338122;1449510573;nubbins`;don't let me get in the way of your over-9000 triteness 1338123;1449510586;nubbins`;8) 1338124;1449510591;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1337965 << if you're looking for something, manning expeditions to the north pole is more your alley. 1338125;1449510591;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 17:02:33; ascii_field: how many people per square metre in a drill platform ? 1338126;1449510599;mircea_popescu;the main thing is being able to sit by oneself for six months in the dark 1338127;1449510610;nubbins`;^ some can, some can't 1338128;1449510627;nubbins`;that's the other "high pay, shitty work" option for canadians: go up north 1338129;1449510670;nubbins`;i personally would not fare well above the treeline 1338130;1449510673;nubbins`;too barren 1338131;1449510677;nubbins`;super depressing 1338132;1449510707;mircea_popescu;great way to retire imo 1338133;1449510711;nubbins`;people do it 1338134;1449510714;mircea_popescu;way the fuck better than going to florida. 1338135;1449510723;nubbins`;also common for older folks who didn't plan so well for retirement. 1338136;1449510731;nubbins`;move up north for yr last 5 years in the workforce 1338137;1449510752;ascii_field;for eskimo-style retirement 1338138;1449510761;ascii_field;'i must step outside and may be a while' (tm) (r) 1338139;1449510774;nubbins`;gov literally pays you to live up there 1338140;1449510793;mircea_popescu;as opposed to where, in berlin ? 1338141;1449510802;mircea_popescu;gov literally pays you to live anywhere. 1338142;1449510804;nubbins`;as opposed to southern canada :D 1338143;1449510815;nubbins`;like, "you live north of 60, here is your nothern allowance" 1338144;1449510829;nubbins`;"use it to offset the insanely high cost of goods" 1338145;1449510857;nubbins`;http://i.huffpost.com/gen/638654/images/r-FEEDING-MY-FAMILY-large570.jpg 1338146;1449510858;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFXBzS ) 1338147;1449510860;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338005 << or coke. 1338148;1449510860;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 17:10:19; pete_dushenski: i don't go into withdrawal when forced to use leaves for tp. 1338149;1449510884;nubbins`;http://i.imgur.com/QZLbYKF.jpg 1338150;1449510884;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFXHHR ) 1338151;1449510935;nubbins`;http://www.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.2296283.1427290723!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_960/image.jpg 1338152;1449510937;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFXTa7 ) 1338153;1449510950;nubbins`;http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/content/images/pasta-pizza-prices.jpg 1338154;1449510950;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFXUe1 ) 1338155;1449510955;nubbins`;could keep going but shrug, you get the idea 1338156;1449510956;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338025 << i have no idea what your problem with shooting 'em is, but anyway. 1338157;1449510956;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 17:13:22; nubbins`: worthy of a serious conversation between adults 1338158;1449510969;nubbins`;mircea_popescu practical matters aside, nm 1338159;1449510981;mircea_popescu;i happen to agree : if you happen to be poor and happen to be loud, being shot is the correct policy. 1338160;1449510995;mircea_popescu;it's how i ran my town the only time i ever ran a town, and it's how i intend to run any town i ever run. 1338161;1449511003;nubbins`;lel 1338162;1449511040;mircea_popescu;shooting people certainly a lot more practical than "helping" people. 1338163;1449511057;mircea_popescu;seeing how i've seen shot people with mine own eyes, but helped people i am entirely unsure anyone ever saw. 1338164;1449511075;ascii_field;!s more persuasive than persuasion 1338165;1449511075;assbot;2 results for 'more persuasive than persuasion' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=more+persuasive+than+persuasion 1338166;1449511100;nubbins`;in fairness, if you'd seen more people helped you'd have seen less people shot 1338167;1449511117;mircea_popescu;this sounds like a worse outcome. 1338168;1449511136;nubbins`;depending on your parser 1338169;1449511160;mircea_popescu;but you know that trite happens to be a sort of banal, right ? 1338170;1449511167;mircea_popescu;the only trite thing these days is "helping". 1338171;1449511172;mircea_popescu;done to death. time for some fresh. 1338172;1449511223;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22800 @ 0.00048448 = 11.0461 BTC [+] {2} 1338173;1449511247;nubbins`;actually pretty much anything pete says falls under the category of trite, too 1338174;1449511267;nubbins`;he's like a mini-mp, but without the circuitous argument skills 1338175;1449511283;mircea_popescu;lol 1338176;1449511360;whaack;!rate funkenstein_: 2 met in the flesh, has a great blogpost "on chumponomics" 1338177;1449511360;assbot;funkenstein_: is not registered in WoT. 1338178;1449511367;nubbins`;and i guess the btc wealth 1338179;1449511376;nubbins`;not really sure what pete's pocketbook looks like 1338180;1449511387;ascii_field;like jupiter but without the mass ! 1338181;1449511391;nubbins`;AOOOOOO 1338182;1449511393;whaack;!rate funkenstein_ 2 met in the flesh, has a great blogpost "on chumponomics" 1338183;1449511393;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/786bebe599d1f35c 1338184;1449511401;mircea_popescu;whaack link to that ? 1338185;1449511409;mircea_popescu;nubbins` iirc he said when i asked him, lemme see 1338186;1449511412;whaack;frass.woodcoin.org/on-chumponomics/ 1338187;1449511415;nubbins`;12 years in catholic school, i'm done with mass 8) 1338188;1449511428;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=30-09-2015#1288808 1338189;1449511428;assbot;Logged on 30-09-2015 19:07:55; pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu property manager of a small, older commercial building that my father owns. 6 tenants, 100 occupants, fun little project. also manage two residential properties. also manage a small start-up in the construction materials space, we make the first/only/bestest fibreglass composite curtain wall framing. and then there's the little one. le petit monstre... 1338190;1449511429;nubbins`;woodcoin.org?! 1338191;1449511432;nubbins`;WHAT IS THIS 1338192;1449511454;mircea_popescu;this guy got an altcoin 1338193;1449511460;nubbins`;mircea_popescu so he "manages" a couple things for dad? 1338194;1449511460;mircea_popescu;iirc i bought some bitpennies' worth 1338195;1449511469;*;nubbins` puts more weight on pete's words going forward 1338196;1449511481;mircea_popescu;nubbins` for all you know it's a tax dodge 1338197;1449511483;*;mircea_popescu has no idea. 1338198;1449511485;whaack;It's been posted here before http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=04-05-2015#1119570 1338199;1449511485;assbot;Logged on 04-05-2015 16:58:27; assbot: On Chumponomics | Free your Frass ... ( http://bit.ly/1ES0xt8 ) 1338200;1449511491;nubbins`;for all i know it's all made up 1338201;1449511506;mircea_popescu;and you're a girl. 1338202;1449511515;trinque;nothing shameful about a family business. 1338203;1449511516;nubbins`;you've seen pictures of my body 1338204;1449511525;mircea_popescu;but for all i know... 1338205;1449511529;nubbins`;:D 1338206;1449511533;ascii_field;trinque: iirc he has a day job, as a health inspector, somewhere 1338207;1449511540;ascii_field;beyond this, i've nfi 1338208;1449511543;nubbins`;trinque nothing remarkable either 1338209;1449511549;mircea_popescu;orly ? why not ? 1338210;1449511573;nubbins`;same reason an inheritance is unremarkable 1338211;1449511579;mircea_popescu;this'd be a fine example of trite. 1338212;1449511586;mircea_popescu;an inheritance was unremarkable. WAS. three centuries ago. 1338213;1449511598;mircea_popescu;today, it's fucking remarkable. means about the same as a dog's pedigree 1338214;1449511602;nubbins`;heh 1338215;1449511603;mircea_popescu;and you wouldn't buy a dog without a pedigree. 1338216;1449511615;nubbins`;remarkable in the sense that saving for the future is remarkable 1338217;1449511626;nubbins`;unremarkable in the sense that any asshole can get a windfall 1338218;1449511635;mircea_popescu;"this guy was spawned by people together enough to actually own something. unlike everyone on the internet, who is here mostly because their mother thought being ugly is enough excuse to fuck drunks. 1338219;1449511640;mircea_popescu;mno. 1338220;1449511646;nubbins`;"pete's so amazing, his dad bequeathed him a suitcase of bills" 1338221;1449511646;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1338222;1449511661;mircea_popescu;all things equal i'd rather deal with someone who comes from sane parents. 1338223;1449511661;trinque;this is a poor person's notion of the wealthy. 1338224;1449511675;nubbins`;mircea_popescu lol my entire generation was spawned by people together enough to actually own something. and they're all fuckups 1338225;1449511689;mircea_popescu;i guess it depends on teh parser. 1338226;1449511692;nubbins`;8) 1338227;1449511700;nubbins`;so much does, hey? 1338228;1449511705;mircea_popescu;but i'm still gonna get you for that circuitous. 1338229;1449511715;nubbins`;gotta catch me first. 1338230;1449511727;nubbins`;this can be accomplished by either speeding up OR slowing down 1338231;1449511732;mircea_popescu;lol. 1338232;1449511756;nubbins`;don't look a gift painting in the brush 1338233;1449511777;nubbins`;^ parallel universes collapsed as i wrote that 1338234;1449511814;nubbins`;anyway 1338235;1449511831;nubbins`;there's a set of lifestyles that allow one to dick around on irc all day 1338236;1449511858;mircea_popescu;generally known as "non-bum ; non-blue collar" 1338237;1449511867;nubbins`;that's one half 1338238;1449511867;mircea_popescu;tho some people push the bum envelope pretty hard. 1338239;1449511871;nubbins`;the other half is "on welfare" 1338240;1449511915;nubbins`;consider that there are people active in here on a daily basis who are 100% supported by the state, and others who are 100% self-supporting 1338241;1449511936;nubbins`;if you don't work in tech, odds are you're one of the former 1338242;1449511996;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1338243;1449512002;ascii_field;some of even live in communist shitholes where tech and ~all else is state-supported 1338244;1449512015;mircea_popescu;tech, finance, governance, hey, do you count the usg plants as self-supported or state-supported ? 1338245;1449512043;mircea_popescu;check it out, nubbins` schematic thought naufraged once more on the circuitous beaches of irl. 1338246;1449512056;nubbins`;depends on the parser? 1338247;1449512067;mircea_popescu;lol 1338248;1449512096;mircea_popescu;ascii_field ironically, the "tech and all else is state supported" shithole mostly would be the bay area. 1338249;1449512108;nubbins`;if you're on a computer all day long and you don't /work/ at a computer all day long, chances are you're coasting. either on your own funds or someone else's 1338250;1449512115;mircea_popescu;with a little bit of portland and seattle etc. 1338251;1449512145;mircea_popescu;nubbins` im actually on three computers. one of which is mining magical dungbeetles. 1338252;1449512153;mircea_popescu;i consider that work. 1338253;1449512159;nubbins`;me too 1338254;1449512185;mircea_popescu;ironically, my virtual game character made more in november than 50% of earth's population, and most africans. 1338255;1449512191;nubbins`;now suppose instead of mining dung beetles, you're waiting for a tenant to say the radiator's busted in your dad's building 1338256;1449512195;*;pete_dushenski leaves for few minutes, only to discover that his dad is dead and bequeathed him some paper, that's he's mp-but-no-mp, that he didn't retire from health inspection, and that he's on welfare because not 'in tech'. 1338257;1449512208;pete_dushenski;you guys are wild ! 1338258;1449512217;nubbins`;i think your parser is broken 1338259;1449512223;pete_dushenski;:P 1338260;1449512236;nubbins`;mp-but-no-mp is generous 1338261;1449512238;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski ironically, nubbins` retired from tech to do artsy bs, and now has a sweet tooth for anyone daring not be in tech! 1338262;1449512247;ascii_field;pete_dushenski: hey one time i left for an hour and came back to discover that i suffer from depersonalization and am dog-who-identifies-as-cat 1338263;1449512266;nubbins`;really i retired from tech to stave off suicide later in life, but this is splitting hairs 1338264;1449512268;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: whole thing was 'generous'. twas the point ;/ 1338265;1449512270;mircea_popescu;in fairness, if i were a woman, and worked my ass off for kink.com throughout my teen years, and then retired to... start my own perfume line, 1338266;1449512283;mircea_popescu;i'd be pretty harsh to all these hussies daring to prance around in like clothes 1338267;1449512286;mircea_popescu;and where's all the cum ?! 1338268;1449512290;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: l0l! 1338269;1449512306;nubbins`;ascii_field i left for 7 weeks and nobody but you wondered about me ;( 1338270;1449512312;nubbins`;hurts.jpg 1338271;1449512319;pete_dushenski;i wondered! 1338272;1449512322;nubbins`;aw 1338273;1449512329;nubbins`;i've been making homebrew 1338274;1449512333;mircea_popescu;the interdweebs can be a harsh mistress! 1338275;1449512337;nubbins`;and published an art book 1338276;1449512345;nubbins`;hand-printed, hand-bound! 1338277;1449512358;ascii_field;eh nubbins` i thought of you!111 every time i papercutted on my ragged bitcoin printout binder 1338278;1449512359;mircea_popescu;nubbins` are you gonna get butthurt if i tell you the thing sucked ? 1338279;1449512373;nubbins`;not rly, i don't value yr opinion on art 1338280;1449512375;nubbins`;go ahead 1338281;1449512378;mircea_popescu;aite. 1338282;1449512412;pete_dushenski;bbl 1338283;1449512432;nubbins`;it's mostly a vehicle for advertising our skills at silkscreen printing 1338284;1449512437;nubbins`;content is mostly irrelevant 1338285;1449512440;mircea_popescu;ah 1338286;1449512471;nubbins`;one crazy fucker bought 5 copies 1338287;1449512477;nubbins`;nfi 1338288;1449512513;*;mircea_popescu doesn't recall the last time he actually saw a competent draughstman / painter / anything. 1338289;1449512524;nubbins`;i'm an exceptionally competent printer 1338290;1449512525;mircea_popescu;whole lotta doodlers. 1338291;1449512534;mircea_popescu;well printing's an industry not an art! 1338292;1449512537;nubbins`;yep 1338293;1449512543;nubbins`;i'm a technician more than anything 1338294;1449512550;nubbins`;BUT 1338295;1449512559;nubbins`;lemme find some close-up photos that will mean absolutely nothing to you 1338296;1449512559;mircea_popescu;actually The Story of Nubbins the Industrious would make a pretty decent book title. 1338297;1449512620;nubbins`;http://www.gigposters.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162215&page=2&p=2077517&viewfull=1#post2077517 1338298;1449512622;assbot;CMYK printing - very light and dark tones - Page 2 ... ( http://bit.ly/1lozNdW ) 1338299;1449512629;nubbins`;post #19 if you don't feel like waiting for the jump 1338300;1449512690;mircea_popescu;20s better 1338301;1449512694;mircea_popescu;anyway, yes, they're well printed. 1338302;1449512713;nubbins`;it requires a couple years of abject failure to truly appreciate, but tyvm 1338303;1449512716;mircea_popescu;were these made by hand ? 1338304;1449512718;nubbins`;yep 1338305;1449512734;nubbins`;mix our own inks from scratch too 1338306;1449512740;mircea_popescu;cuz i can see some laser markings 1338307;1449512761;mircea_popescu;do you have any pics of the chisels you used ? 1338308;1449512770;nubbins`;;/ 1338309;1449512780;mircea_popescu;aww i'm just kidding. 1338310;1449512782;mircea_popescu;that shit was too funny. 1338311;1449512813;nubbins`;http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51q1HA-zYAL._SX342_.jpg 1338312;1449512814;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TwfYMh ) 1338313;1449512826;nubbins`;ignore the watermark & url, these are my actual tools 1338314;1449512832;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1338315;1449512841;nubbins`;the mirror is for checking. 1338316;1449512854;mircea_popescu;"my factchecking mirror" 1338317;1449512882;nubbins`;gigposters forums are a wealth of info 1338318;1449512887;nubbins`;odd thing to say about a forum 1338319;1449512889;nubbins`;but hey 1338320;1449512904;mircea_popescu;actually unfashionable, prof driven forums are usually ok. 1338321;1449512934;mircea_popescu;the plague starts once bitcoin/experts sexchange/seo/mommy/ what have you default activities of those who really should have been shot in their teen years. 1338322;1449512942;nubbins`;heh 1338323;1449512970;nubbins`;gigposters has "premium membership" ($20/yr) and people get turbo shit-on if they ask too many questions w/o coughing up some funds 1338324;1449512977;nubbins`;oddly... it works. 1338325;1449512995;nubbins`;somewhat related, pix & video of me at work: http://www.gigposters.com/forums/showthread.php?t=162207 1338326;1449512996;assbot;Common printing problems and their solutions ... ( http://bit.ly/1TwgrOu ) 1338327;1449513188;*;nubbins` gives back to the commyoonity 1338328;1449513223;nubbins`;in fact, i feel deeply indebted to the place, as i essentially learned my trade there 1338329;1449513281;mircea_popescu;why not feel deeply indebted to the actual people that taught you ? 1338330;1449513310;*;mircea_popescu has ~0 anything for "the school", remembers some teachers. 1338331;1449513399;thestringpuller;Cuz football. Or I guess that's just the party schools. 1338332;1449513439;thestringpuller;I have found a correlation to alumni dedication and how "out of control" the partying is at said alma matar. 1338333;1449513581;mircea_popescu;i guess if the sluts were good i'd credit the school more than the individual sluts in question... maybe. 1338334;1449513581;nubbins`;mircea_popescu it's a schelling point, couldn't have found the actual people were it not for the venue 1338335;1449513587;mircea_popescu;so ? 1338336;1449513618;nubbins`;why not pledge fealty to mp instead of TMSRO~ 1338337;1449513661;mircea_popescu;this is exactly why the wot exists - to disinhabituate socialists from stealing from the people and giving to "the institution" so that lenin, stalin or whatever other nigger can then steal it. 1338338;1449513674;mircea_popescu;there is no tmsr outside of the nodes in the wot graph 1338339;1449513695;nubbins`;there is no gigposters forum outside of the knowledgeable who post there 1338340;1449513735;*;mircea_popescu is a little wary of this theory. zuckerberg thinks he owns facebook. 1338341;1449513737;mircea_popescu;what facebook ? 1338342;1449513741;nubbins`;what fb indeed. 1338343;1449513762;nubbins`;a different angle: what better way to encourage indebtedness to me? 1338344;1449513772;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1338345;1449513785;nubbins`;tons of noobs out there failing at screenprinting 1338346;1449513789;nubbins`;until they come across my posts 1338347;1449513807;nubbins`;(they still fail but at least know why) 1338348;1449513826;mircea_popescu;so what's the trouble with that ? 1338349;1449513833;nubbins`;no trouble at all 1338350;1449513843;mircea_popescu;remarkably, you do use your name :) 1338351;1449513846;nubbins`;:D 1338352;1449513852;mircea_popescu;some intuition of the whole thing doth exist. 1338353;1449513887;nubbins`;before i commit to this character, am i supposed to be able to change physical features? 1338354;1449513892;mircea_popescu;nah 1338355;1449513894;nubbins`;clicking things seems not to change avatar 1338356;1449513895;nubbins`;ah k 1338357;1449513897;mircea_popescu;o hey characters huh ? 1338358;1449513919;mircea_popescu;get foxy's bot while at it, it's very useful. 1338359;1449514199;nubbins`;the glow burns me ;/ 1338360;1449514220;mircea_popescu;haha 1338361;1449514233;mircea_popescu;find your way uphill, there's some tables there and a coupla animated fruitboxes 1338362;1449514237;mircea_popescu;ima be over in a minute. 1338363;1449514252;mircea_popescu;fix you up with some tools and assorted junk 1338364;1449514381;thestringpuller;WTF PEOPLE. Arguing "Bitcoin needs to be able to change and evolve" to back your opinion on hard forks is beyond fucktarded. 1338365;1449514410;thestringpuller;I srsly feel like Dave Chappelle up in this bitch. I want to believe people have potential to become actual human beings, but I guess I'm wrong. 1338366;1449514416;nubbins`;http://i.imgur.com/z32pjAb.png 1338367;1449514417;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Twk6fg ) 1338368;1449514424;nubbins`;i am in / why is everyone black 1338369;1449514448;thestringpuller;you're missing texture data 1338370;1449514476;thestringpuller;and the sky box 1338371;1449514508;kakobrekla;its called african american 1338372;1449514549;nubbins`;:/ 1338373;1449514592;mircea_popescu;lol. it's night time~! 1338374;1449514629;nubbins`;ooop there comes the sky! 1338375;1449514650;*;nubbins` total noob 1338376;1449515082;mircea_popescu;hola cristina 1338377;1449515091;mircea_popescu;btw nubbins` if you want a job i prolly got something for you :D 1338378;1449515122;nubbins`;you quite literally would prob have to walk me through it 1338379;1449515133;nubbins`;!up btcdrak 1338380;1449515136;nubbins`;!up Cristina 1338381;1449515158;Cristina;ahora si puedo ablar jeje 1338382;1449515176;Cristina;<+mircea_popescu> hola hola 1338383;1449515187;mircea_popescu;didja go to the slutwalk ? 1338384;1449515201;nubbins`;i may have to start out with basic things like "how to do anything besides walking around" 1338385;1449515236;mircea_popescu;well prolly should do that in #eulora, and also... don't you enjoy a mystery ? :D 1338386;1449515249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27080 @ 0.00048367 = 13.0978 BTC [-] {2} 1338387;1449515282;nubbins`;haha yep 1338388;1449515323;mircea_popescu;eulora has this very pronounced old style adventure quality to it, for the first few hours/days/weeks/we it takews you. 1338389;1449515358;Cristina;que tal todo por a qui? 1338390;1449515361;Cristina;mucho trabajo?? 1338391;1449515378;mircea_popescu;mno. 1338392;1449515920;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54450 @ 0.00048368 = 26.3364 BTC [+] 1338393;1449515981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49120 @ 0.00048205 = 23.6783 BTC [-] {2} 1338394;1449516347;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91003 @ 0.00048368 = 44.0163 BTC [+] 1338395;1449517030;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338114 << i'm agreeing with you dude, thus 'service economy' line. i know full well that nfld had jack all for an economy 15 years ago and will likely be back where it started 15 years hence. 1338396;1449517030;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 17:47:28; nubbins`: you've obv never been here 1338397;1449517047;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338117 << funny, syrians don't seem to much care for -40C 1338398;1449517047;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 17:48:11; mircea_popescu: talk to teh syrian immigrants. 1338399;1449517051;nubbins`;15 if we're lucky, 2 if not 1338400;1449517071;nubbins`;we sorta put all our eggs in the oil basket 1338401;1449517077;pete_dushenski;not sure why, but all the syrians who come to canada stay in big cities and stay the fuck away from fort mcmurray 1338402;1449517092;nubbins`;because fort mac is full of fuckin shitty rednecks? 1338403;1449517103;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: well, tbf, what other basket was there than oil ? 1338404;1449517108;nubbins`;and it costs $800/mo to rent a hammock in an unheated shed? 1338405;1449517148;nubbins`;pete_dushenski prudence woulda been putting the grease money into something else before it was too late 1338406;1449517155;*;pete_dushenski was landlord in fort mac during 'good times', knows. 1338407;1449517158;nubbins`;instead, we have muskrat falls 1338408;1449517183;nubbins`;massive boondoggle megaproject already billions over budget 1338409;1449517195;pete_dushenski;muskrat falls ? hydroelectric dam ? 1338410;1449517201;nubbins`;yeah 1338411;1449517205;nubbins`;eventually, anyway. 1338412;1449517217;nubbins`;power lines running from labrador across the strait to the island 1338413;1449517223;nubbins`;across the fucking long-range fucking mountains 1338414;1449517233;nubbins`;down thru NL and over the water to NS 1338415;1449517241;nubbins`;and then to american markets and beyond 1338416;1449517250;pete_dushenski;well, again, tbf, it's entirely in the nature of mega-projects to go over-budget and past 'expected' timeline for completion 1338417;1449517260;nubbins`;oh sure. 1338418;1449517271;pete_dushenski;pretty sure 95%+ of such projects have these same issues 1338419;1449517274;nubbins`;tbf, if it happens every time, maybe just bump up the numbers from the start 1338420;1449517284;mircea_popescu;i dunno, the last ice age didn't go over budget. 1338421;1449517293;nubbins`;"it's weird, we blow our snowclearing budget by january 5th every year" 1338422;1449517298;nubbins`;i dunno, maybe budget more? 1338423;1449517304;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: lol but voters can't handle the truth ! 1338424;1449517304;mircea_popescu;it's theft dude. 1338425;1449517313;mircea_popescu;"it's weird, the wevils eat our grain i na week" 1338426;1449517317;nubbins`;voters can't handle much 1338427;1449517317;mircea_popescu;"put more grain in there" 1338428;1449517318;mircea_popescu;logic. 1338429;1449517337;nubbins`;nl politics is weird 1338430;1449517346;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338119 << so... tell 'em to rent. what. "everyone should have house and make profit all teh timez" ? please. 1338431;1449517346;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 17:49:06; nubbins`: pete_dushenski all the people whose houses are suddenly worth less than the outstanding mortgages would tend to disagree that "all will be well" 1338432;1449517354;mircea_popescu;same exact thing happened to the athenian fucking fleet. 1338433;1449517355;nubbins`;heh. 1338434;1449517358;mircea_popescu;"it's weird, huh." 1338435;1449517368;nubbins`;"my house is worth 100k and i owe 200k" "so just rent" 1338436;1449517369;nubbins`;o.O 1338437;1449517391;pete_dushenski;what. declare bankruptcy, start over. 1338438;1449517401;pete_dushenski;or RENT IN THE FIRST PLACE 1338439;1449517408;nubbins`;yes, or rent in the first place 1338440;1449517422;pete_dushenski;wtf were you doing taking out massive loan when you didn't understand downside risk 1338441;1449517428;pete_dushenski;fuck you and your stupid mother. 1338442;1449517431;nubbins`;well, this, yes. 1338443;1449517441;nubbins`;but telling them to rent after the fact is gibberish 1338444;1449517473;pete_dushenski;ok, they should live on the street after the fact ;/ 1338445;1449517484;pete_dushenski;learn a fucking lesson 1338446;1449517487;pete_dushenski;and teach one to their kids 1338447;1449517493;nubbins`;tbf it's not a lesson unless they wanna sell 1338448;1449517505;pete_dushenski;"don't borrow a lot of money unless you're fucking rich" 1338449;1449517508;nubbins`;house worth 100k and you owe 200k? just keep living in it :P 1338450;1449517517;nubbins`;hope you saved yr oil money 1338451;1449517541;nubbins`;"don't borrow a lot of money unless you don't need to" is ok advice 1338452;1449517551;mircea_popescu;kinda the whole point of property being that solvent owners really don't give a shit what other parties think things be "worth". 1338453;1449517585;nubbins`;for someone like me, market value affects property tax, little else 1338454;1449517603;pete_dushenski;nubbins`: i feel sorry for the idjits paying down 200k mortgage for house that will only ever be worth 100k. why not light money on fire ? stay warm, enjoy the show ? 1338455;1449517604;nubbins`;so the mortgage goes up $50/mo. big whoop. 1338456;1449517616;nubbins`;pete_dushenski now you've got empathy?! 1338457;1449517622;pete_dushenski;pfff 1338458;1449517625;pete_dushenski;cynic 1338459;1449517628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16243 @ 0.00048205 = 7.8299 BTC [-] {2} 1338460;1449517634;nubbins`;yam what i yam 1338461;1449517674;nubbins`;i actually received a new property assessment in the mail last week 1338462;1449517676;pete_dushenski;so explain to me guy who keeps paying down 200k mortgage on 100k house. does he expect house to one day be worth 200k again ? 1338463;1449517713;nubbins`;pete_dushenski maybe, maybe not. either way, he's gonna spend $12k/year on living space 1338464;1449517730;nubbins`;whether that's paying off a too-high mortgage or paying off someone ELSE'S too-high mortgage is his choice 1338465;1449517755;nubbins`;i feel there's more value in one than the other, ymmv 1338466;1449517884;nubbins`;renting is fine if you wanna work forever 1338467;1449517907;nubbins`;if you'd rather work less as time goes on, well, maybe buy? 1338468;1449517957;nubbins`;put another way, let's say you rent for a year. at the end of the year, what do you have to show for it? 1338469;1449517969;pete_dushenski;ok, let's work the with 'maybe house will never again be worth 200k' condition. why not give 12k to landlord instead of bank ? will landlord not put that money to more practicable and local use, having a higher probability of bettering renter's station ? 1338470;1449517984;nubbins`;probably not, no. 1338471;1449518005;pete_dushenski;oh ? how do you figure ? 1338472;1449518030;pete_dushenski;because i'd see local landlord and caring more about my town than some bank in toronto 1338473;1449518044;pete_dushenski;s/and/as 1338474;1449518045;nubbins`;landlords don't give a red fuck about their towns 1338475;1449518048;nubbins`;in general 1338476;1449518069;nubbins`;besides, how's the landlord buying a new snowblower at Wal-Mart helping the local anything? 1338477;1449518078;pete_dushenski;well, you're a landlord aintcha, don't you care about your town ? 1338478;1449518098;nubbins`;log says i do, yep 1338479;1449518118;nubbins`;but i'm not building community spaces out of my profit either 1338480;1449518125;nubbins`;i'm spending it on my greedy self 1338481;1449518150;pete_dushenski;you're a small time landlord though, and even still i'm sure you don't buy much of anything at usg-megacorp-retail-centre 1338482;1449518161;nubbins`;agreed 1338483;1449518161;pete_dushenski;you probably buy local, neh ? 1338484;1449518164;nubbins`;i try! 1338485;1449518169;pete_dushenski;of course you do ! 1338486;1449518177;pete_dushenski;that's my point. 1338487;1449518205;pete_dushenski;that landlords, like yourself, like myself, give a shit about the places they live MORE than the banks from far-off lands. 1338488;1449518227;pete_dushenski;it's not binary, of course, just that we care ~more~ 1338489;1449518245;pete_dushenski;this, then, in turn benefits the tenants, our tenants 1338490;1449518248;nubbins`;on the whole, i disagree 1338491;1449518267;nubbins`;i buy local not because i'm a landlord but because i'm not an idiot 1338492;1449518280;nubbins`;most landlords spend all their money at big box stores 1338493;1449518295;nubbins`;where maybe 5-10 cents of every dollar they spend stays in the community 1338494;1449518297;nubbins`;MAYBE 1338495;1449518316;nubbins`;the rest goes to the waltons, or the irvings, or whomever 1338496;1449518345;nubbins`;most landlords around here are more properly called slumlords 1338497;1449518369;nubbins`;and they DGAF about their rentals 1338498;1449518480;nubbins`;or their tenants 1338499;1449518543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110402 @ 0.00048387 = 53.4202 BTC [+] {3} 1338500;1449518585;pete_dushenski;mkay. so maybe in halifax, the banks are the warm huggy people who care and the local slumlords and the jerkoffs. what do i know. 1338501;1449518846;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338212 << srs. 1338502;1449518846;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 18:06:26; mircea_popescu: an inheritance was unremarkable. WAS. three centuries ago. 1338503;1449518927;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338217 << in a sense, yes, those with sane and productive parents are indeed 'lottery winners', the key difference being that, unlike 6/49 winners, the 'lucky' kids have skills and blood-related mentors !!1 1338504;1449518927;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 18:07:06; nubbins`: unremarkable in the sense that any asshole can get a windfall 1338505;1449518986;nubbins`;halifax sux 1338506;1449518995;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338224 << the parents never owned anything. if you didn't pass it down, what the fuck did you do with it ? blow and hookerz ? 1338507;1449518995;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 18:07:55; nubbins`: mircea_popescu lol my entire generation was spawned by people together enough to actually own something. and they're all fuckups 1338508;1449519037;nubbins`;dude i'm 33, the parents are still living 1338509;1449519098;pete_dushenski;"boomer" parents fluked into a historical windfall ~themselves~, like y'know, actual lottery winners. that their kids didn't manage to hold onto a dime of it is par for the course. 1338510;1449519135;pete_dushenski;show me the "boomer echo" kid whose great-grandparents actually owned something and i'll show you a kid who's doing well for himself today. 1338511;1449519153;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38050 @ 0.00048384 = 18.4101 BTC [-] 1338512;1449519345;nubbins`;my great-grandparents floated over on the Empress of Ireland and lived in a canvas tent in Banff for 5 years 1338513;1449519371;nubbins`;before scrounging enough to build a more permanent home 1338514;1449519425;nubbins`;lotta keefes in the ground out west 1338515;1449519531;nubbins`;and i don't think there were many flukes or windfalls this far east 1338516;1449519885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44300 @ 0.00048205 = 21.3548 BTC [-] {2} 1338517;1449519916;pete_dushenski;definitely not as many windfalls in eastern canada as western canada, which is why obviously why some of our ancestors put up with the nightmarish cold and long winter nights :) 1338518;1449520735;pete_dushenski;https://archive.is/XqnL7 1338519;1449520737;assbot;Oh look, we’re back to “record” Chinese capital outflows | FT Alphaville ... ( http://bit.ly/1QrJmE3 ) 1338520;1449521044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64400 @ 0.00048104 = 30.979 BTC [-] {5} 1338521;1449521983;kakobrekla;http://techcrunch.com/2015/12/07/ibm-asks-women-in-tech-to-hack-the-hair-dryer-women-tweet-back-to-let-ibm-know-its-not-the-1950s/ 1338522;1449521984;assbot;IBM Asks Women In Tech To Hack Hair Dryers, Women Tweet Back To Tell IBM It’s Not The 1950s | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1SK0KTy ) 1338523;1449522059;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1338524;1449522064;ascii_field;http://techcrunch.com/2015/12/05/we-have-always-been-at-war-with-large-prime-numbers << l0ltr0n1c 1338525;1449522066;assbot;This War On Math Is Bullshit | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1SK10SI ) 1338526;1449523734;adlai;bahaha https://twitter.com/ClareFoges/status/668112043384393732 1338527;1449524765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105047 @ 0.00048292 = 50.7293 BTC [+] {2} 1338528;1449525131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87900 @ 0.00048012 = 42.2025 BTC [-] {4} 1338529;1449525552;pete_dushenski;@kav_p .@IBM Oh good gosh hack a hairdryer that'll make tech more easy for women to understand! Next time can we hack a delicious baked dinner? 1338530;1449525580;pete_dushenski;^ i don't see how cooking well is an undesirable skill, but apparently i can't begin to comprehend 'women in tech' 1338531;1449525729;thestringpuller;my desk mate is a woman in tech 1338532;1449525769;pete_dushenski;does she abhor cooking ? 1338533;1449525793;thestringpuller;yes 1338534;1449525815;pete_dushenski;then she's perfect for the job ! 1338535;1449525818;thestringpuller;I abhor cooking, only because I want immediate gratification when it comes to deliciousness. 1338536;1449525846;pete_dushenski;"http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1559720/000116840415000029/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml << airbnb now 'worth' $25 BEELEEON 1338537;1449525885;thestringpuller;How the fuck. 1338538;1449525907;thestringpuller;;;google "site:trilema.com lets have fund with paul graham" 1338539;1449525908;gribble;Let's have fun with Paul Graham on Trilema - A blog by Mircea ...: ; Ycombinator continues to suck, jointly and severally - Mircea Popescu: ; You know what gets no airplay ? Unflattering truth. on Trilema - A ...: >> http://dpaste.com/2GEKN5A.txt ) 1338737;1449556727;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSLvcZ ) 1338738;1449556728;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSLtlz ) 1338739;1449556765;asciilifeform;^ afaik this is the first public ray of light re: nsa in the sr affair 1338740;1449556779;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo et al ^ 1338741;1449556792;BingoBoingo;O.o 1338742;1449557994;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-12-2015#1335781 <; Chempol MPS Wins the 2009 Presidential Green Chemistry ...: ; Procter and Gamble Chemicals - Wikipedia, the free (1 more message) 1338793;1449563478;liquidassets;got it 1338794;1449563483;BingoBoingo;Oh, apparently there is an industrial marketing of Olestra already 1338795;1449564842;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00047968 = 8.7062 BTC [-] {3} 1338796;1449565197;BingoBoingo;;;ud Eflornithine 1338797;1449565198;gribble;Google found nothing. 1338798;1449565210;liquidassets;BingoBoingo what is the Astroglide substituting the tallow or the whey? 1338799;1449565227;BingoBoingo;the tallow 1338800;1449565257;punkman;http://nutwhey.com/collections/products lol 1338801;1449565260;assbot;Products – Nutwhey Inc ... ( http://bit.ly/1RBKdTt ) 1338802;1449565292;BingoBoingo;punkman: And yet who registered the better variant of the name 1338803;1449565351;punkman;/me is also working on a food shop 1338804;1449565369;liquidassets;my god the lulz suddenly overcommeth 1338805;1449565415;punkman;got the tests for the first olive batch yesterday, such disappoint 1338806;1449565462;BingoBoingo;cool 1338807;1449565485;punkman;might have to wait for next year 1338808;1449565513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44200 @ 0.0004793 = 21.1851 BTC [-] {3} 1338809;1449565641;punkman;BingoBoingo: how much does kilo of whey cost btw 1338810;1449565662;BingoBoingo;punkman: Depends where in the chain you buy it. 1338811;1449565889;BingoBoingo;If you go to Walmart a kilo of powder is right about $20, but can be had for more or less. 1338812;1449566196;punkman;olive oil doesn't go rancid like tallow btw 1338813;1449566271;BingoBoingo;I bet it can. Anyways right now I'm thinking about the low calorie version with Olestra/Sefnose/Astroglide as the lipid 1338814;1449566354;punkman;why not pure whey if you are going for low calories? 1338815;1449566383;BingoBoingo;Because expensive and lipids are needed to produce a nut butter consistency 1338816;1449566393;BingoBoingo;Prolly also add Theobromine for the habit forming 1338817;1449566415;liquidassets;oh god my side hurts 1338818;1449566594;liquidassets;ok ok, it doesn't actually contain any bromine, I suppose that's a good thing 1338819;1449566603;punkman;well you also get the bonus anal leakage with teh indiegestible lipids 1338820;1449566629;BingoBoingo;Seriously look a peanutbutter nutrition facts. Lipids out number protein by 2x even though advertised as source of protein. 1338821;1449566655;BingoBoingo; well you also get the bonus anal leakage with teh indiegestible lipids << It means at the gymp people will really think you are putting your all into your squats 1338822;1449566662;punkman;yes, that is why I don't buy peanutbutter, too tasty, too much fat 1338823;1449566712;punkman;I got the idea of pistachio butter stuck in my head last few weeks though 1338824;1449566778;BingoBoingo;Also gotta remember I'm not necessarily thinking about something I'd want to eat. I'm imagineering a product that could be marketed to great success and high margin 1338825;1449566845;punkman;I don't see the margins, unless you can get dirt cheap whey. maybe another source of protein. 1338826;1449566854;punkman;cockroach protein perhaps? 1338827;1449566912;BingoBoingo;Collagen, it's what people already use to pad their protein in testing now that they know doing that with melamine gets them caught when death follow 1338828;1449566915;BingoBoingo;s 1338829;1449566966;punkman;apparently snails only have 16g of protein in 100g serving 1338830;1449566989;BingoBoingo;Oh look whey does get cheaper http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/bulk-whey-protein-powder.html 1338831;1449566991;assbot;Bulk Whey Protein Powder, Bulk Whey Protein Powder Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1N8P5MI ) 1338832;1449567343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00047887 = 11.9239 BTC [-] {3} 1338833;1449567349;BingoBoingo;Honestly I dunno how an operation could dare call itself partial foods without getting the main ingredient from the shadiest looking supplier on ALiaba.com 1338834;1449568094;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/iip2Z << Are those buttplugs in the picture? 1338835;1449568241;punkman;needed after eating that olestra 1338836;1449568280;punkman;http://www.amazon.com/Haribo-Sugar-Free-Gummy-Bears/dp/B008JELLCA/#customerReviews 1338837;1449568282;assbot;Amazon.com : Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears 5LB Bag : Gummy Candy : Grocery & Gourmet Food ... ( http://bit.ly/1QsVfJS ) 1338838;1449568373;BingoBoingo;brb 1338839;1449570210;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00047756 = 4.7756 BTC [-] {2} 1338840;1449570332;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 567 @ 0.00282134 = 1.5997 BTC [-] {9} 1338841;1449571674;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95150 @ 0.00048445 = 46.0954 BTC [+] {4} 1338842;1449571902;punkman;just got some $150/kilo fish protein, but not pre-chewed 1338843;1449572223;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00047756 = 7.5454 BTC [-] {2} 1338844;1449572409;punkman;http://espionagehistoryarchive.com/2015/10/09/ivan-ilyin-vs-the-nkvd/ 1338845;1449572411;assbot;Ivan Ilyin vs. the NKVD | Espionage History Archive ... ( http://bit.ly/1ONji6s ) 1338846;1449573809;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46334 @ 0.00048879 = 22.6476 BTC [+] {4} 1338847;1449575639;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13287 @ 0.00047756 = 6.3453 BTC [-] {2} 1338848;1449575700;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15214 @ 0.00047736 = 7.2626 BTC [-] 1338849;1449575822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25608 @ 0.00048886 = 12.5187 BTC [+] {3} 1338850;1449576249;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63203 @ 0.00048974 = 30.953 BTC [+] {2} 1338851;1449576341;adlai;;;later tell bingoboingo http://dpaste.com/2XTGFNA 1338852;1449576343;assbot;dpaste: 2XTGFNA ... ( http://bit.ly/1ORmTi2 ) 1338853;1449576343;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1338854;1449578319;mircea_popescu;in lieu of good morning, http://41.media.tumblr.com/41d822d78facf0f09366bc77bda03093/tumblr_mpfi5pcu321rdn1byo1_1280.jpg 1338855;1449578321;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ONtVWV ) 1338856;1449578445;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63394 @ 0.00047639 = 30.2003 BTC [-] {3} 1338857;1449578466;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/0YGEX67 << how ya gonna compete ben_vulpes ? 1338858;1449578467;assbot;dpaste: 0YGEX67 ... ( http://bit.ly/1ONueAW ) 1338859;1449578554;jurov;on price, for sure! 1338860;1449578697;mircea_popescu;ah right 1338861;1449578750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21250 @ 0.00047528 = 10.0997 BTC [-] {2} 1338862;1449587168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40832 @ 0.0004813 = 19.6524 BTC [+] {4} 1338863;1449587479;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338710 << i dunno man, you're the missouri expert 1338864;1449587479;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 03:58:22; BingoBoingo: Something happened? 1338865;1449587534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00047778 = 5.0884 BTC [-] {2} 1338866;1449587586;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338730 << ahahaha epic fucking shit. 1338867;1449587586;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 06:00:01; deedbot-: [Qntra] RBG Black Rebel Sentenced For Tweeting Link And Boosting Website Traffic - http://qntra.net/2015/12/rbg-black-rebel-sentenced-for-tweeting-link-and-boosting-website-traffic/ 1338868;1449587742;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/2GEKN5A.txt << loller alright. 1338869;1449587744;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSLtlz ) 1338870;1449587750;mircea_popescu;"Shaun W. Bridges comes before the Court for sentencing on December 7, 2015, after 1338871;1449587751;mircea_popescu;having pled guilty to two charges relating to his theft of bitcoins. Although Mr. Bridgess 1338872;1449587751;mircea_popescu;advisory guidelines range suggests a term of imprisonment of 57 to 71 months, the factors set 1338873;1449587751;mircea_popescu;forth in 18 U.S.C. 3553(a) ( 3553(a)) suggest that a sentence no greater than 36 months 1338874;1449587751;mircea_popescu;would be appropriate in this case. In a case like this one, where the defendant, a first-time 1338875;1449587751;mircea_popescu;offender, has exhibited extraordinary remorse and commitment to his community, and the loss 1338876;1449587753;mircea_popescu;amount does not correspond to any benefit to the defendant, it is appropriate to consider a 1338877;1449587755;mircea_popescu;variance from the advisory guidelines. " 1338878;1449587773;mircea_popescu;the extraordinary remorse of the sherriff of notthingham once richard showed up is truely nothing short of extraordinary. 1338879;1449587809;mircea_popescu;"Mr. Bridges stands before this Court as a man of exceptional professional accomplishment. Prior to his national disgrace, he was widely respected and well-liked by his professional colleagues and in the community. This proceeding marks the final chapter of a profound tragedy, for Mr. Bridges, his family, and his friends and community and for the United States Secret Service, to which he devoted a large part of his 1338880;1449587809;mircea_popescu; professional life. " 1338881;1449587813;mircea_popescu;cheeeeck the shit out. 1338882;1449587837;mircea_popescu;" Mr. Bridges will be punished harshly: imprisonment and crippling financial obligations, not because of the amount still owed, but because of Mr. Bridges loss of potential livelihood." 1338883;1449587880;mircea_popescu;"A sentence of 36 months imprisonment sufficiently reflects the seriousness of the offense, and at the same time takes into consideration Mr. Bridges prior life of accomplishment, commitment, sacrifice, and integrity, and in particular the contributions he has made to the law enforcement community. " <<< and by this novel take on the law, how many babies is it ok for obama to kill ? what if he also eats the carca 1338884;1449587881;mircea_popescu;ss ? 1338885;1449587884;mircea_popescu;what if they're white and male ? 1338886;1449588392;mircea_popescu;ima qntra it, and part of the research is reading old logs, and in those old logs... http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-08-2013#205619 1338887;1449588392;assbot;Logged on 04-08-2013 17:51:59; mircea_popescu: unfortunately for the usg, bitcoin is much larger than the united states ever could have been 1338888;1449588484;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: judge gave him 71 1338889;1449588497;mircea_popescu;the memo is what interests me. 1338890;1449588507;asciilifeform;it was written by defense atty 1338891;1449588669;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338844 << every word of this is applicable in its entirety to modern stoolies and provocateurs, e.g., 'the_scourge' from last year 1338892;1449588669;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 11:00:09; punkman: http://espionagehistoryarchive.com/2015/10/09/ivan-ilyin-vs-the-nkvd/ 1338893;1449588767;asciilifeform;btw when i describe 'usg aryan' the picture meant is precisely the biography of herr bridges. 1338894;1449588775;asciilifeform;'pillar of the komyooooooniti' 1338895;1449588815;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24950 @ 0.00047743 = 11.9119 BTC [-] {3} 1338896;1449588843;asciilifeform;similar character, more well-known - robert hanssen 1338897;1449588844;trinque;the part about him keeping the money in his fidelity account *so that he could return it* is pure gold 1338898;1449588995;mircea_popescu;"The History and Characteristics of the Mr. Bridges " ftw. 1338899;1449589359;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bingoboingo http://dpaste.com/2QK05J5 for qntra consideration 1338900;1449589361;assbot;dpaste: 2QK05J5 ... ( http://bit.ly/1NfQkYk ) 1338901;1449589361;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1338902;1449589409;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform yeah but the problem is that the fiction in question only exists as a sales ploy. 1338903;1449589441;mircea_popescu;it gets dumb white kids to throw away their lives on nonsense (while - and this is the amusing part - sniggering at the black kids who throw away their lives ON LESS nonsens-y nonsense.) 1338904;1449589493;mircea_popescu;by any self-coherent measure you could ever come up with, it's way the fuck better to live your life in the hood than in the bridges. 1338905;1449589772;mircea_popescu;anyway, that ilyia piece is not half bad. (i always liked the guy, as he passes the silences test). let's take the first paragraph : 1338906;1449589774;mircea_popescu;"1) Why did you choose me for communicating your secret? Am I really your unconditional fellow-thinker who can be entrusted with a secret? To be your fellow-thinker, I should have known all your intimate plans against the emigration, plans you are professionally obligated to have. How and by what means will you prove to me that you are speaking with me now not as a professional provocateur from the NKVD, but as a patri 1338907;1449589774;mircea_popescu;ot thinking of the nation? What unity of thought is possible between us? Unity of thought presupposes firmness of belief from two directions. If we accept that my firmness of belief is proven by my past, then your firmness of belief perished forever in your activity as a provocateur. You already can never believe yourself. What conspiracy is possible in the absence of unity of thought and firmness of belief? Really onl 1338908;1449589776;mircea_popescu;y one mans [Judass] conspiracy against another Man" 1338909;1449589787;mircea_popescu;translates directly to a) you're not in the wot and b) you're a redditard. 1338910;1449589802;mircea_popescu;and yes, both of these are absolute bars to action. any kind of action whatsoever. 1338911;1449590462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00048199 = 6.0249 BTC [+] {2} 1338912;1449590655;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338766 << what the fucks sake ?! 1338913;1449590655;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 08:13:48; BingoBoingo: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1Z9ZTJ8.txt 1338914;1449590784;thestringpuller;xotika is on front page of reddit 1338915;1449590796;thestringpuller;will be a lucrative listing, can't wait for the IPO 1338916;1449590832;*;mircea_popescu waves @naphex 1338917;1449591131;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338902 << didja miss the part where the phiction was written by the man's own counsel ? 1338918;1449591131;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 15:43:29; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah but the problem is that the fiction in question only exists as a sales ploy. 1338919;1449591264;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338903 << as i understand, the usg bureaucracies are possibly the most 'multicoloured' of all usian orgs 1338920;1449591264;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 15:44:01; mircea_popescu: it gets dumb white kids to throw away their lives on nonsense (while - and this is the amusing part - sniggering at the black kids who throw away their lives ON LESS nonsens-y nonsense.) 1338921;1449591281;asciilifeform;esp. in the army. 1338922;1449591320;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "asciilifeform> btw when i describe 'usg aryan' the picture meant is precisely the biography of herr bridges." 1338923;1449591327;mircea_popescu;on your own declaration it'd seem it's written by you.\ 1338924;1449591331;asciilifeform;ah that 1338925;1449591341;asciilifeform;it isn't a picture of a flesh animal 1338926;1449591344;mircea_popescu;and white is a state of mind. 1338927;1449591353;asciilifeform;but of a stereotype, sorta like the archetypical ss aryan 1338928;1449591359;mircea_popescu;cowardly, out of shape, lost in fancies. 1338929;1449591394;asciilifeform;i suppose in 1890 white was a healthy thing, while black meant 'cowardly, dystrophic, lost in fancies' 1338930;1449591409;asciilifeform;the timez, they changez 1338931;1449591421;mircea_popescu;the very notion that "i dun wanna compete with the young" is symptomatic. really, you've somehow digested the situation where you can't compete with the kids at kids stuff and this isn't making you wantr to kill yourself ? 1338932;1449591543;mircea_popescu;but yeah, in 1890 white meant "billy, don't take your guns to town". 1338933;1449591566;mircea_popescu;how the fuck did that work, supposedly kids are much better at playing videogames than older ppls. cuz of the reflexes and shit, right ? 1338934;1449591609;asciilifeform;it works as greenspun described. 1338935;1449591639;mircea_popescu;which is this, the cichlid thing ? 1338936;1449591643;asciilifeform;aha! 1338937;1449591679;mircea_popescu;now maybe im slow, but i dun see hopw that relates. 1338938;1449591684;asciilifeform;it is entirely possible for an old (to a point) man to shoot better, take more physical punishment, run faster, even - than disposable cannon fodder. to a point. but the one thing that doesn't grow back is... WANTING TO. i.e. thinking that, in greenspun's words, 'the group is worth impressing' via suicidal stupidity 1338939;1449591694;mircea_popescu;quite. 1338940;1449591696;mircea_popescu;being white. 1338941;1449591709;mircea_popescu;being white is, by and large, "not wanting to be alive anymore". 1338942;1449591725;mircea_popescu;which chtonic inclination is both understandable with cultural age and certain to meet its satisfaction. 1338943;1449591745;asciilifeform;this'd be possibly the one place where everybody eventually gets what he wants. 1338944;1449591752;mircea_popescu;aha. 1338945;1449591780;mircea_popescu;anyway, greenspun in this interpretation embodies the affliction, in how he falsely if conveniently paints a will-to-live in the terms of "impressing the group" 1338946;1449591797;mircea_popescu;if you think the stotting buck is stotting "to impress the she-herd" you've spent a little too much time i nschool. 1338947;1449591812;mircea_popescu;yes, the behaviour has that effect. but the buck stotts because it can, not "so as to". 1338948;1449591813;asciilifeform;he is 'trying' in the same way bird 'tries' when sings 1338949;1449591828;asciilifeform;the 'purpose' thing is sprayed on by foolish people, yes. 1338950;1449591852;mircea_popescu;where's that french song 1338951;1449591910;mircea_popescu;y a-t-il un soir, un moment ou l'on se dit c'est plus pour moi 1338952;1449591925;mircea_popescu;tous les mots doux, les coups de sang... mais dans mes reves, j'y ai droit. 1338953;1449591941;mircea_popescu;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOEXcfsDl6E here we go 1338954;1449591942;assbot;Patricia Kaas - Il Me Dit Que Je Suis Belle - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1ICATN1 ) 1338955;1449591994;*;asciilifeform bbl 1338956;1449592231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24093 @ 0.00047648 = 11.4798 BTC [-] 1338957;1449595525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56197 @ 0.00048165 = 27.0673 BTC [+] {2} 1338958;1449595586;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27003 @ 0.00048237 = 13.0254 BTC [+] 1338959;1449597050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00047618 = 3.1904 BTC [-] 1338960;1449598331;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24900 @ 0.00047871 = 11.9199 BTC [+] {2} 1338961;1449599247;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVtSUpmW4AAtLkL.png:large 1338962;1449599248;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT1A05 ) 1338963;1449599455;punkman;from the geniuses over at http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12039206/National-Crime-Agency-to-review-350-cases-after-warrant-blunders.html 1338964;1449599455;assbot;National Crime Agency to review 350 cases after warrant blunders - Telegraph ... ( http://bit.ly/1HT21r6 ) 1338965;1449599733;punkman;"The way financial institutions file reports of suspicious transactions is in need of streamlining, the website Buzzfeed reported." ah check it out, buzzfeed getting the scoop on the telegraph 1338966;1449599909;mircea_popescu;heh 1338967;1449599978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14300 @ 0.00047651 = 6.8141 BTC [-] 1338968;1449600172;mircea_popescu;da fuck is a "National Crime Agency" anyway 1338969;1449600193;punkman;the british "fbi" or something, can't have been around long 1338970;1449600223;punkman;" became fully operational on 7 October 2013" right 1338971;1449600284;mircea_popescu;heh mkay. 1338972;1449600575;mircea_popescu;anyway, the geniuses have a point : it's either morloch or eloi, and the latter's the definition of crime. 1338973;1449601343;nubbins`;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338948 << incidentally, we publish a psychedelic-dipped book of common local birds; my favourite illustration is the Black Guillemot, who is quite obviously being as loud as he fucking can, simply because he's a bird and it feels good to do so 1338974;1449601343;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 16:23:33; asciilifeform: he is 'trying' in the same way bird 'tries' when sings 1338975;1449601347;nubbins`;http://i.imgur.com/0PTAM2y.jpg 1338976;1449601348;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJldUq ) 1338977;1449601394;nubbins`;i like his attitude 1338978;1449601493;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.50000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Star Wars Opening Weekend Box office over $175 million - http://bitbet.us/bet/1231/star-wars-opening-weekend-box-office-over-175/#b15 1338979;1449601584;mircea_popescu;fortunately they're not too big, else you couldn't hear a thjing on earth. 1338980;1449601612;mircea_popescu;also fortunately insects can't really afford the chemical costs of the only luminescence they got. 1338981;1449601733;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338863 << Ah that. College in small nowhere town near the exact middle of no where had a derpy shooting threat. 1338982;1449601733;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 15:11:19; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1338710 << i dunno man, you're the missouri expert 1338983;1449601737;mircea_popescu;maybe it sucks being a bird, with singing the unfortunate result of doomed attempts to scratch an overpowering itch one can't really touch 1338984;1449601852;nubbins`;hmm 1338985;1449601926;nubbins`;some more info: http://i.imgur.com/wnkIoPG.jpg 1338986;1449601927;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OObktA ) 1338987;1449601940;nubbins`;tbh i think they remember being dinosaurs, and they miss it. 1338988;1449602131;mircea_popescu;yeah, they remember being dinosaurs like i remember being lucy, the fatass african woman. 1338989;1449602233;mircea_popescu;in other lolnews, http://www.realitatea.net/sustinator-isis-retinut-la-craiova-este-acuzat-de-propaganda-jihadista_1845533.html << romanians have the same problems as the rest of the world! believe! 1338990;1449602234;assbot;Tânărul suspectat de propagandă jihadistă, reținut! Studia despre construcția unei bombe artizanale | REALITATEA .NET ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJnHSs ) 1338991;1449602235;nubbins`;dude, i remember that too! 1338992;1449602241;nubbins`;so weird, biology 1338993;1449602354;gabrielradio;mircea_popescu, radu @ piticigratis.com has a good piece about that 1338994;1449602398;mircea_popescu;it's actually where i got the link. 1338995;1449602418;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30404 @ 0.0004769 = 14.4997 BTC [+] {2} 1338996;1449602439;deedbot-;[Qntra] Bitcoin Difficulty Increases 8.77%, Pools Raise Concerns About Sanity - http://qntra.net/2015/12/bitcoin-difficulty-increases-8-77-pools-raise-concerns-about-sanity/ 1338997;1449602501;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> yeah, they remember being dinosaurs like i remember being lucy, the fatass african woman. << mp for someone who natively speaks a romance lang, you're not very romantic ;/ 1338998;1449602540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9429 @ 0.00047762 = 4.5035 BTC [+] 1338999;1449602560;mircea_popescu;"mp has functional genitalia, so he wouldn't be 'romantic'" << FIFY. 1339000;1449602723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78375 @ 0.0004832 = 37.8708 BTC [+] {2} 1339001;1449602830;deedbot-;[Qntra] Sound Money > Everything Else You Got - http://qntra.net/2015/12/sound-money-everything-else-you-got/ 1339002;1449602944;gabrielradio;http://bravenewcoin.com/news/new-hampshire-money-transmitter-rule-change-will-include-bitcoin-businesses/ << NY's bitlicense, now NH. any bets on the next one? 1339003;1449602947;assbot;New Hampshire money transmitter rule change will include bitcoin businesses » Brave New Coin ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOeQ7o ) 1339004;1449603278;nubbins`;https://bitcoinfoundation.org/bitcoin-foundation-board-meeting-minutes-10-20-15/ 1339005;1449603283;assbot;Bitcoin Foundation Board Meeting Minutes 10.20.15 | Bitcoin Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOfxNW ) 1339006;1449603283;nubbins`;ololol. 1339007;1449603309;nubbins`;Bruce also feels like there maybe some Foundation Bitcoin lost and floating around. Brock says there are some blockchain analytics companies, it may be worthwhile to have them look at the foundation wallets in case there is bitcoin missin 1339008;1449603314;*;mircea_popescu can 't be arsed to read that 1339009;1449603338;mircea_popescu;but feel free to package a selection of lulz for qntra. 1339010;1449603369;BingoBoingo;come on nubbins` everyone is doing it nao 1339011;1449603383;nubbins`;these meeting minutes are fucking pathetic 1339012;1449603419;nubbins`;such derp 1339013;1449603431;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/b3b9c245fbb6b210a01b47b0fdac517a/tumblr_mn2hagOiqr1ra9vkuo1_500.gif 1339014;1449603432;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJqWcN ) 1339015;1449603468;nubbins`;related, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZqq-zAkGy4 1339016;1449603469;assbot;Leonard Cohen - Master Song - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJr0JE ) 1339017;1449603487;BingoBoingo;Cutting edge tech: "Today, there is a B-52 pilot whose father and grandfather flew the plane." 1339018;1449603534;mircea_popescu;ahaha 1339019;1449603671;BingoBoingo;also https://thestack.com/world/2015/12/07/womans-car-hands-her-over-to-police-following-hit-and-run-crash/ 1339020;1449603672;assbot;Woman’s car hands her in following hit-and-run crash ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJrsYe ) 1339021;1449603736;nubbins`;lule 1339022;1449603777;punkman;so doctor in meatwot got hit by ransomware, asked if I want to take a look at infected box 1339023;1449603835;nubbins`;i was under the impression that kaspersky et al had snagged most of the decrypt keys? 1339024;1449603848;BingoBoingo;Didja ask him about his backups 1339025;1449603863;punkman;doesn't have backups, doesn't care about old patient files 1339026;1449603865;BingoBoingo; i was under the impression that kaspersky et al had snagged most of the decrypt keys? << For some pieces of ransomeware. 1339027;1449603878;nubbins`;doesn't care about medical records o.O 1339028;1449603886;nubbins`;GP or specialist? 1339029;1449603890;nubbins`;or TCM? 1339030;1449603899;nubbins`;(naturopath?!) 1339031;1449603951;punkman;specialist? dunno 1339032;1449603985;punkman;600eur ransom, apparently knows other people that got infected and aren't paying either 1339033;1449604006;mircea_popescu; i was under the impression that kaspersky et al had snagged most of the decrypt keys? << ha-ha. 1339034;1449604021;mircea_popescu;so you read something in the newspaper, in a field you understand, it falls apart like shit in the sun. 1339035;1449604028;mircea_popescu;THEN you read something else, AND YOU BELIEVE IT. 1339036;1449604044;mircea_popescu;and this has been laughed at for years here, yourself included, but nevertheless. 1339037;1449604064;nubbins`;tbh didn't really realize this was still a thing 1339038;1449604073;nubbins`;cut me some slack, i'm essentially a luddite these days 1339039;1449604082;mircea_popescu;what thing ever ceased being a thing! 1339040;1449604094;mircea_popescu;but i was mostly lulzing, not serious 1339041;1449604103;nubbins`;honest pay for honest work 1339042;1449604104;nubbins`;8) 1339043;1449604109;nubbins`;wait, rhetoric. sry. 1339044;1449604149;mircea_popescu;>D 1339045;1449604394;nubbins`;gross, daily mail did a story on twodogs. 1339046;1449604403;nubbins`;i hope this doesn't mean their readership is gonna end up here 1339047;1449604510;BingoBoingo;Fuck Yeah http://news.sciencemag.org/asiapacific/2015/12/japan-defends-scientific-value-new-plan-kill-333-minke-whales 1339048;1449604521;nubbins`;so it would appear that casascius has stopped responding to requests for PGP chains of custody 1339049;1449604534;*;nubbins` told doofuses to get em while they could, few listened 1339050;1449604952;mircea_popescu;heh. 1339051;1449604972;kakobrekla;are you still hustling cas coins? 1339052;1449604991;mircea_popescu;there goes that thing. one of the very few actual businesses btc-comunity stumbled on. 1339053;1449604998;nubbins`;more of a passive thing these days. i've been trying to get a full set of silvers with pgp docs 1339054;1449605008;nubbins`;right now i've got 4, missing 1, prob will never get it. 1339055;1449605015;kakobrekla;how much is the premium on kako-owned coins? 1339056;1449605027;*;nubbins` checks spreadsheet 1339057;1449605028;nubbins`;-5% 1339058;1449605032;mircea_popescu;o why! 1339059;1449605036;nubbins`;lel jk 1339060;1449605097;nubbins`;honestly baffled as to why nobody thought pedigree was important for something that's so easy to counterfeit 1339061;1449605112;nubbins`;just goes to show most old-timers are lucky goofs 1339062;1449605177;kakobrekla;lets put it out there; will sell kako-owned 1 cas buttcoin for 1.5 buttcoin 1339063;1449605189;mircea_popescu;you got the pedigree in question ? 1339064;1449605194;nubbins`;year? brass/silver? 1339065;1449605224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51400 @ 0.00048328 = 24.8406 BTC [+] 1339066;1449605240;kakobrekla;my wot > cas wot 1339067;1449605366;kakobrekla;brass, the year dunno. somewhere at the beginning of minting 1339068;1449605391;nubbins`;would prob buy it off you 1339069;1449605420;nubbins`;spelling error in holo? 1339070;1449605425;kakobrekla;nfi 1339071;1449605448;nubbins`;haha well check it out 1339072;1449605494;nubbins`;post a couple pix when you get a chance, as long as it hasn't been chewed by a dog i'll give you 1.5 for it 1339073;1449605634;mircea_popescu;in random lulz, 1339074;1449605635;mircea_popescu;"Why Ubuntu you ask? 1339075;1449605636;mircea_popescu;Not only is Ubuntu a great operating system, it's also very flexible and powerful enough to allow you to get up and running in no time! Note: Please restart your computer after every step. This will ensure everything is working correctly." 1339076;1449605723;nubbins`;hahaha 1339077;1449605725;nubbins`;EVERY STEP 1339078;1449605731;nubbins`;powerful enough! 1339079;1449605768;nubbins`;by this metric, a sketchbook and pencil is more powerful than any computer 1339080;1449605794;nubbins`;!s dolezal 1339081;1449605795;assbot;4 results for 'dolezal' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=dolezal 1339082;1449605811;nubbins`;http://thehardtimes.net/2015/06/16/rachel-dolezal-now-claiming-to-be-founding-member-of-bad-brains/ 1339083;1449605812;assbot;Rachel Dolezal Now Claiming to Be Founding Member of Bad Brains ... ( http://bit.ly/1YWVX4Z ) 1339084;1449605820;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu was right. this hard-fork thing forced hearn out of bitcoin 1339085;1449605826;thestringpuller;now everyone hates gavin 1339086;1449608091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00048456 = 12.3078 BTC [+] {3} 1339087;1449608402;BingoBoingo;Collision of two things http://notyourgoodfatty.com/a-trio-of-big-fat-failed-crowdfunded-projects-from-fat-acceptance/ 1339088;1449608404;assbot;A Trio of Big Fat Failed Crowdfunded Projects from Fat Acceptance - NotYourGoodFatty.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOv4xl ) 1339089;1449608497;BingoBoingo;And further Mizzou lulz https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/12/08/how-many-too-many-teaching-waivers-public-research-institution 1339090;1449608500;assbot;How many is too many teaching waivers at a public research institution? | Inside Higher Ed ... ( http://bit.ly/1OOvpQs ) 1339091;1449609494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 170828 @ 0.00047672 = 81.4371 BTC [-] {8} 1339092;1449610504;mircea_popescu;ok BingoBoingo that blog's kinda cool. 1339093;1449610554;mircea_popescu;"First of tall it doesnt talk that much money launch a website, Notyourgoodfatty.com was launched in a day for less than what Marilyn Wann probably pays for a single meal. Since July Ive posted nearly 30 articles but a pro activist cant manage to launch a simple website?" 1339094;1449610578;mircea_popescu;heh... i wonder if the person could be persuaded to do a "fatties and bitcoin" corner ? 1339095;1449611112;punkman;http://techcrunch.com/2015/12/08/mozilla-will-stop-developing-and-selling-firefox-os-smartphones/ 1339096;1449611113;assbot;Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Selling Firefox OS Smartphones | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1Na5VuI ) 1339097;1449611157;pete_dushenski;"Canada could theoretically follow the lead of other countries that have recently gone to negative interest rates in order to stimulate the economy, central bank governor Stephen Poloz told a business audience today after yet another drop in the loonie." << PLZ TO MOAR STIMULA7333 !!!1 1339098;1449611219;pete_dushenski;it starts out as 'a theory', spends a while being 'debated' in the press, and then is inevitably implemented, because how not ? have to DO something, neh ? 1339099;1449611246;punkman;actually had one of those phones, was worse than the crappiest of the crapdroids 1339100;1449611259;pete_dushenski;punkman: ios is only mob-os 1339101;1449611321;punkman;the symbian oldphones work fine 1339102;1449611372;pete_dushenski;;;later tell ben_vulpes this comment was at least half-ways pointed in your general direction http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/07/desperately-trying-to-put-the-auto-back-into-automobile-in-a-flaccid-attempt-to-put-the-relevance-back-into-motoring/#comment-37004 1339103;1449611373;assbot;Desperately trying to put the “auto” back into automobile in a flaccid attempt to put the relevance back into motoring. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1RCPFFw ) 1339104;1449611373;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1339105;1449611536;pete_dushenski;punkman: i always thought the nokia n95 was a nifty device, until 1st gen iphone appeared 1339106;1449611595;pete_dushenski;http://www.pcmag.com/slideshow/story/307321/the-10-best-symbian-phones-ever/1 << makes me nostalgic for the days when phones looked ~different~ from one another. there was no question at that time, to a connoisseur, what brand and model you were sporting. 1339107;1449611596;assbot;The 10 Best Symbian Phones Ever - Nokia N95 (April 2007) - Slideshow from PCMag.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1RCPUQY ) 1339108;1449611665;pete_dushenski;now, either i'm not paying so much attention anymore (likely hypothesis) or all the i-esque bricks look the same in much the same way that a kia looks like a bmw (also likely) 1339109;1449611868;pete_dushenski;"A day after setting a new 11-year low, the Canadian dollar sheds another half-cent and the TSX slides to a two-year low, as oil fails to rebound" << aaaand traveling just got a little more expensive. 1339110;1449611995;pete_dushenski;not to mention that funnelling bezzlars into btc is going to yield increasing less sound money 1339111;1449612474;pete_dushenski;on the flip side, flipping bitpennies around will yield more and more local value... soon : rent ! 1339112;1449612537;pete_dushenski;obligatory : http://www.contravex.com/2015/05/02/the-case-for-the-salvation-army-in-downtown-edmonton/#footnote_2_3431 1339113;1449612539;assbot;The case for the Salvation Army in downtown Edmonton. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1Na88WV ) 1339114;1449613642;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46764 @ 0.0004854 = 22.6992 BTC [+] {3} 1339115;1449614327;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b10 1339116;1449614525;pete_dushenski;http://www.wired.com/2015/12/bitcoins-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-probably-this-unknown-australian-genius/ 1339117;1449614526;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HTvxNo ) 1339118;1449614534;brg444;was just going to link this 1339119;1449614545;pete_dushenski;heh. too slow. 1339120;1449614566;brg444;I guess this is a better attempt at it than Newsweek :D 1339121;1449614600;brg444;still some odd things in there 1339122;1449614792;adlai;the beauty of bitcoin is that satoshi is a scammer, too 1339123;1449614960;BingoBoingo;!up bitstein 1339124;1449614981;mircea_popescu;good god, they're still doing the "we found satoshi" thing ? 1339125;1449615054;BingoBoingo;yup 1339126;1449615524;mircea_popescu;so out of touch. 1339127;1449615551;mircea_popescu;in other missing persons cases, http://41.media.tumblr.com/e7c060e54e2bae963e8f643b356ff0ab/tumblr_ml87hotMHj1rdn1byo1_1280.jpg 1339128;1449615553;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HTxnhi ) 1339129;1449615607;BingoBoingo;Awe, shame sign doesn't also say "for sale" or "free to a good home" 1339130;1449615628;mircea_popescu;well... you gopt as much photochop as wired 1339131;1449615695;BingoBoingo;busy atm ripping on next bahamas 1339132;1449615731;mircea_popescu;lol 1339133;1449615901;deedbot-;[Qntra] Trump Proposes "Closing Up the Internet" - http://qntra.net/2015/12/trump-proposes-closing-up-the-internet/ 1339134;1449615904;BingoBoingo;There it is 1339135;1449616045;mircea_popescu;what's with this guy and cloistering. 1339136;1449616049;mircea_popescu;does he have a wall on his penis ? 1339137;1449616083;mircea_popescu;"Overshadowed by a comment he made earlier on border policy bankruptcy artist, likely payment fraudster, and aspiring fiat politician Donald Trump has proposed" 1339138;1449616085;mircea_popescu;this doth not work. 1339139;1449616085;BingoBoingo;How are you so sure he still has a whole penis 1339140;1449616116;mircea_popescu;Bankruptcy artist, likely payment fraudster, and aspiring fiat politician Donald Trump overshadowed a previous comment by proposing 1339141;1449616116;mircea_popescu;? 1339142;1449616164;mircea_popescu;"We have kids that are watching the Internet" 1339143;1449616169;mircea_popescu;oh i see. 1339144;1449616170;BingoBoingo;fxd, differently. 1339145;1449616181;mircea_popescu;who the fuck, ivanka ? who has kids and what are they watching. 1339146;1449616231;BingoBoingo;It's hard to tell anymore. Does Chelsea Clitler have kids yet? 1339147;1449616309;mircea_popescu;this is the first time i actually read something by trump. i guess that shows about how much of a shit i give. nevertheless, it's almost as if they start with the same paste and then name it trump or stevens or whatever 1339148;1449616325;mircea_popescu;brb while i mixtape this shit. 1339149;1449616439;mircea_popescu;here, check it out 1339150;1449616440;mircea_popescu;The press has to be responsible; they're not being responsible. Ten movies streaming across that, that Internet, and what happens to your own personal Internet? We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet. I just the other day got an Internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday. We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people who really understand what's happening and maybe, 1339151;1449616440;mircea_popescu; in some ways, closing that Internet up in some ways. I got it yesterday. 1339152;1449616440;mircea_popescu;They want to deliver vast amounts of information over the Internet. And again, the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. Somebody will say, 'Oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes. These are foolish people, we have a lot of foolish people. And if you don't understand, those tubes can be filled and if they are filled, when you put your message in, it 1339153;1449616444;mircea_popescu;gets in line and it's going to be delayed by anyone that puts into that tube enormous amounts of material, enormous amounts of material. We've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they're recruiting by the thousands, they're leaving our country, and then when they come back, we take them back. 1339154;1449616448;mircea_popescu;can anyone even distinguish the seams ? 1339155;1449616558;pete_dushenski;trump seems to think that videos are terrorists. 1339156;1449616570;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24960 @ 0.00048541 = 12.1158 BTC [+] 1339157;1449616571;pete_dushenski;at least that's what i parsed. 1339158;1449616590;BingoBoingo;I think someone's a "dry drunk" 1339159;1449616757;BingoBoingo;Or maybe trump's pissed he ran out of caverject.. 1339160;1449617231;pete_dushenski;naturally, gawker has a "me too" piece : http://gizmodo.com/this-australian-says-he-and-his-dead-friend-invented-bi-1746958692?rev=1449615811696 1339161;1449617232;assbot;This Australian Says He and His Dead Friend Invented Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1HTArKt ) 1339162;1449617424;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16713 @ 0.00048496 = 8.1051 BTC [-] 1339163;1449617593;deedbot-;[Trilema] Mixtapin' dat shit - http://trilema.com/2015/mixtapin-dat-shit/ 1339164;1449617790;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12537 @ 0.00048496 = 6.0799 BTC [-] 1339165;1449618034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25250 @ 0.00048209 = 12.1728 BTC [-] {2} 1339166;1449618095;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00048555 = 4.8555 BTC [+] 1339167;1449618339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41841 @ 0.00048563 = 20.3192 BTC [+] 1339168;1449619124;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b11 1339169;1449619953;pete_dushenski;;;ticker 1339170;1449619954;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 417.05, Best ask: 417.41, Bid-ask spread: 0.36000, Last trade: 417.36, 24 hour volume: 33845.23189854, 24 hour low: 388.37, 24 hour high: 422.39, 24 hour vwap: None 1339171;1449620419;shinohai;https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/3123040 1339172;1449620420;assbot;Microsoft Security Advisory 3123040 ... ( http://bit.ly/1NakkXC ) 1339173;1449620718;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00048155 = 4.334 BTC [-] 1339174;1449621112;asciilifeform;l0l leak moar private keyz!!11 1339175;1449621348;BingoBoingo;shinohai: I'd appreciate it if when you find these thing you'd make a quick qntra of it. 1339176;1449621354;*;BingoBoingo goes to do exactly that 1339177;1449621610;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-12-2015#1339116 << again ?!! 1339178;1449621610;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 22:42:05; pete_dushenski: http://www.wired.com/2015/12/bitcoins-creator-satoshi-nakamoto-is-probably-this-unknown-australian-genius/ 1339179;1449621619;asciilifeform;to be fair, this is a bit classier 1339180;1449621660;asciilifeform;(almost edging on believable, if any of the 'leaked paperz' were actually available, and if there were any reason to believe in their authenticity) 1339181;1449621873;deedbot-;[Qntra] Microsoft Leaks XBox Live Private Key - http://qntra.net/2015/12/microsoft-leaks-xbox-live-private-key/ 1339182;1449621929;BingoBoingo;!up dbclk 1339183;1449622055;asciilifeform;'All of it could be an elaborate hoaxperhaps orchestrated by Wright himself. The unverified leaked documents could be faked in whole or in part. And most inexplicably of all, comparisons of different archived versions of the three smoking gun posts from Wrights blog show that he did edit all threeto insert evidence of his bitcoin history. The PGP key associated with Nakamotos email address and references to an upco 1339184;1449622055;asciilifeform;ming cryptocurrency paper and triple entry accounting were added sometime after 2013. Even the post noting bitcoins beta launch is questionable. While it was ostensibly posted in January 2009, it later seems to have been deleted and then undeletedor possibly even written for the first timesometime between October 2013 and June of 2014.' 1339185;1449622059;asciilifeform;^ from horse's mouth. 1339186;1449622074;asciilifeform;move the motherfucking coinz or shuddup. 1339187;1449622095;BingoBoingo;https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144960637518617&w=2 << "But we don't care about any of those people anymore. The NSA is the only bad guy worth caring about...." 1339188;1449622121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3501 @ 0.00048155 = 1.6859 BTC [-] 1339189;1449622291;asciilifeform;'The first of those supercomputers he named Sukuriputo OkaneJapanese for script money. Another, named Co1n, holds the title of the worlds most powerful privately owned supercomputer. As Wright told the Bitcoin Investors conference, hes applying that second machine towards the mysterious task of modeling Bitcoins scalability, and meanwhile building an even more powerful supercomputing cluster in Icela 1339190;1449622291;asciilifeform;nd because of its cheap geothermal power.' << aaaaand dingdingding we're done 1339191;1449622297;asciilifeform;that's quite enough. 1339192;1449622319;BingoBoingo;same thread: "Not as much as it would be if you checked out the www tree from CVS :-)" https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144961871622930&w=2 1339193;1449622367;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Yes, he absolutely can't be Satoshi N. because the isn't moving coins and want people ot think he is. 1339194;1449622409;asciilifeform;and if you add the detail where satoshi is only even theoretically interesting to anyone today because he could move coinz... 1339195;1449622421;shinohai;I prefer letting you have all teh glory BingoBoingo 1339196;1449622485;BingoBoingo;shinohai: Having ALL the glory is bad for my sobriety. I have to allow others to share in it. 1339197;1449622877;asciilifeform;http://www.gwern.net << not a bad site 1339198;1449622878;assbot;Essays - Gwern.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1IT1DDO ) 1339199;1449622966;asciilifeform;thought the whole thing stinks of yudkowskyism 1339200;1449622969;asciilifeform;*though 1339201;1449623029;BingoBoingo;Well gwern was a reddit darknets market guru, prolly knows what color 12 is 1339202;1449623341;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16950 @ 0.00047544 = 8.0587 BTC [-] 1339203;1449623402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13650 @ 0.00047527 = 6.4874 BTC [-] {2} 1339204;1449623805;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/C/CB_PUERTO_RICO_TWITTER_ARREST?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-12-08-13-40-26 1339205;1449623806;assbot;News from The Associated Press ... ( http://bit.ly/1HTL28d ) 1339206;1449623814;mircea_popescu;"Puerto Rican with 300 Twitter accounts accused of harassment" 1339207;1449623829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10766 @ 0.00047732 = 5.1388 BTC [+] 1339208;1449623942;mircea_popescu; ^ from horse's mouth. <<< guy's so painfully obvious it's scarcely worth the notice. 1339209;1449624106;mircea_popescu;"by Taboola Sponsored Links " da fuck, this nonsense model of "advertising" took over the dead media to the point it's even on ap now, but always a different name 1339210;1449624622;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5922 @ 0.00047732 = 2.8267 BTC [+] 1339211;1449624805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21854 @ 0.00047732 = 10.4314 BTC [+] 1339212;1449624846;asciilifeform;'Craig Wright is not modest. On the website of Panopticrypt, one of his many companies, Wright describes himself as certifiably the worlds foremost IT security expert.' 1339213;1449624858;asciilifeform;the one thing which i utterly fail to grasp is, 1339214;1449624875;asciilifeform;what in satan's green earth is the point of all of this claptrap. 1339215;1449624929;mircea_popescu;~same as watching oprah 1339216;1449624955;*;asciilifeform confesses that he has never seen it 1339217;1449625034;mircea_popescu;the fat black woman 1339218;1449625045;mircea_popescu;does a book of the month club or something. 1339219;1449625067;mircea_popescu;http://sharonleehughson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/avatar.jpg << why the hell do people do this ? 1339220;1449625069;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YXshot ) 1339221;1449625072;mircea_popescu;"oh, here's my inner wolverine!" 1339222;1449625288;asciilifeform;'Craig Wright had mined a lot of Bitcoins. Craig then took the Bitcoins and put them into a Seychelles Trust. A bit of it was also put into Singapore. This was run out of an entity from the UK. Craig had gotten approximately 1.1 million Bitcoins.' << on what planet does this make the most elementary kind of sense ?!! 1339223;1449625301;asciilifeform;'bitcoins and put them into a seychelles trust' 1339224;1449625305;asciilifeform;'into singapore' 1339225;1449625306;asciilifeform;wat 1339226;1449625338;mircea_popescu;you ever play risk ? 1339227;1449625342;asciilifeform;aha 1339228;1449625351;*;asciilifeform even played 'diplomacy' 1339229;1449625353;mircea_popescu;i never did, but gratia seinfeld... 1339230;1449625365;mircea_popescu;you see stan, craigh wright was a simple country boy, 1339231;1449625374;asciilifeform;cuntry boi 1339232;1449625385;mircea_popescu;one could say a cock-eyed optimist that got mixed up in the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue 1339233;1449625803;asciilifeform;wut 1339234;1449625908;mircea_popescu;well, it's an inside joke. but broadly speaking the idea is, that the fruit of "civilisation" is the sort of derp who has no ability ot interact with, and no actual interest in reality. 100% dedicated to labels. so... he put bitcoin "into singapore". 1339235;1449625955;mircea_popescu;there's no objective valuation of labels, or more properly said there can in principle exist no metric for the set of labels. and consequently, what difference does it make. 1339236;1449625961;asciilifeform;oughta've picked up a wholesome, harmless habit, like dope 1339237;1449625969;mircea_popescu;this is cheaper. 1339238;1449626043;asciilifeform;pretty expensive for the folks who insisted on playing the 'lose half yer money in 3 mo.' game with live-fire btc 1339239;1449626062;asciilifeform;meth prolly'dhavebeen cheaper 1339240;1449626067;mircea_popescu;it'd have been expensive if they were you. but they're them, and so... they just put it in singapore! 1339241;1449626144;*;asciilifeform reading the unsealed 'variety jones' indictment, and thinking about precisely this 1339242;1449626166;asciilifeform;which is to say, how it is difficult to escape the feeling that all of these schmucks are on trial for ~being stupid~ 1339243;1449626217;mircea_popescu;due process! 1339244;1449626220;mircea_popescu;die prozess! 1339245;1449626226;asciilifeform;e.g., 'During the same chat, VJ asked Ulbricht, in sum and substance, whether Ulbricht had disclosed to anyone in real life that he was involved in Silk Road: "IRL - is there anyone with a clue at all? Girlfriend, boyfriend, bunny you talk to, online buddy's who you've know for years? Gramma, priest, rabbi, stripper?" Ulbricht responded, "unfortunately yes. They are two, but they think I sold the site and got out. and they are 1339246;1449626226;asciilifeform; quite convinced of it." VJ replied, "good for that - when do they think you've sold?" and Ulbricht responded, "about a month ago." 3 Based on my training and experience, and my familiarity with this investigation, I believe that during this conversation, Ulbricht disclosed that he had told two people of his connection to Silk Road, but had lied to them by claiming that he had sold Silk Road to someone else.' 1339247;1449626268;mircea_popescu;"bunny you talk to" ?! 1339248;1449626284;*;asciilifeform has nfi what was meant by the stoolie 1339249;1449626297;mircea_popescu;i suspect the stoolie is a tucker max fan. 1339250;1449626377;mircea_popescu;https://myspace.com/tuckermax/mixes/classic-my-photos-377465/photo/105857810 << blondie there. 1339251;1449626438;jurov;;;isup mpex.biz 1339252;1449626440;gribble;mpex.biz is up 1339253;1449626452;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14856 @ 0.00048675 = 7.2312 BTC [+] 1339254;1449626456;jurov;http://www.isup.me/mpex.biz << gribble lies, as always 1339255;1449626458;assbot;Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up? ... ( http://bit.ly/1YXun7I ) 1339256;1449626467;mircea_popescu;jurov i see it. you don't ? 1339257;1449626485;jurov;me nor they don't 1339258;1449626486;mircea_popescu;"It's just you. http://mpex.biz is up" 1339259;1449626490;assbot;MPEx, the Bitcoin securities exchange. ... ( http://bit.ly/1YXupg3 ) 1339260;1449626512;jurov;they told me it's down 1339261;1449626515;mircea_popescu;^ for that matter. 1339262;1449626518;jurov;now i refresh it's up 1339263;1449626521;mircea_popescu;ah 1339264;1449626536;mircea_popescu;well... someone lies alright! on the internet. 1339265;1449626574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30451 @ 0.00048769 = 14.8506 BTC [+] {2} 1339266;1449626652;jurov;or someone's fucking with me 1339267;1449626736;jurov;what's the status of mpex submission by irc? fell into disrepair? 1339268;1449626819;mircea_popescu;sort-of 1339269;1449626825;mircea_popescu;iirc maintainer dropped off the map. 1339270;1449626843;kakobrekla;!mp ? 1339271;1449626843;assbot;Processing. 1339272;1449626845;assbot;Response: http://dpaste.com/22S5C9S.txt 1339273;1449626920;kakobrekla;is this not it? 1339274;1449626933;jurov;yes it is. 1339275;1449626971;*;kakobrekla still on the map afaik 1339276;1449627001;mircea_popescu;oh! 1339277;1449627009;mircea_popescu;my... head fell off teh map 1339278;1449627022;mircea_popescu;for some reason i was thinking fabianb's bot did it 1339279;1449627028;mircea_popescu;sorry kako 1339280;1449627046;kakobrekla;no worries 1339281;1449627184;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2350 @ 0.00048675 = 1.1439 BTC [-] 1339282;1449627741;mircea_popescu;"New book is out: MATE: Become The Man Women Want 1339283;1449627741;mircea_popescu;September 18, 2015 by Tucker Max 1339284;1449627741;mircea_popescu;I wrote a new book, and its out now. Butits not funny stories of getting drunk, hooking up and yelling curses at people (though its sort of related, a little). Its different than that. Its called Mate: Become the Man Women Want, and its the definitive guide that will help guys understand women and dating" 1339285;1449627744;mircea_popescu;ahaha check out this shit :D 1339286;1449628024;asciilifeform;holy fuck is there not 1 paragraph of text on the net without a uniturd or eleven in it. 1339287;1449628038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.0004877 = 7.73 BTC [+] 1339288;1449628056;asciilifeform;what was ever wrong with the "" the gods gave us, what. 1339289;1449628083;asciilifeform;try reading ze logz on an ascii terminal sometime. 1339290;1449628088;asciilifeform;yer in for a treat, yes. 1339291;1449628134;mircea_popescu;to be fair : all out text is fine, the trouble starts when we quote the morlocks 1339292;1449628138;mircea_popescu;who write on microshit terminals. 1339293;1449628152;asciilifeform;aha. 1339294;1449628161;asciilifeform;that must be the root of the contagion. 1339295;1449628168;asciilifeform;i can't recall anywhere else where it happens. 1339296;1449628207;asciilifeform;although... 1339297;1449628216;mircea_popescu;you mean shit like its neh ? 1339298;1449628219;asciilifeform;iirc a certain ver. of 'wordpress' also shat 'magical' quotez 1339299;1449628236;asciilifeform; 1339300;1449628270;asciilifeform;pretty sure that at least 1 of my ancient articles is thusly polluted. 1339301;1449628526;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30662 @ 0.0004877 = 14.9539 BTC [+] 1339302;1449628710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4900 @ 0.00048783 = 2.3904 BTC [+] 1339303;1449629441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00048783 = 5.3173 BTC [+] 1339304;1449630356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43600 @ 0.00047768 = 20.8268 BTC [-] {4} 1339305;1449630905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.0004768 = 5.96 BTC [-] 1339306;1449631332;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5458 @ 0.00047486 = 2.5918 BTC [-] 1339307;1449631539;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu, Naphex: are the xotika reports living at predictable urls? 1339308;1449631645;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=06-10-2015#1292987 << only gripe is with paying shareholder divs without paying tax 1339309;1449631645;assbot;Logged on 06-10-2015 19:36:34; mircea_popescu: https://xotika.tv/static/report06102015.html << speaking of which, plox to give the guy's numbers a good shakedown, because im considering listing xotika this month. 1339310;1449631684;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes they should, yeah 1339311;1449631749;ben_vulpes;also what constitutes expenditures? 1339312;1449631846;ben_vulpes;not that anyone cares, but things i'd like to see pre-ipo: 1339313;1449631851;ben_vulpes;- monthly reports 1339314;1449631874;ben_vulpes;- description of expenditures 1339315;1449631877;ben_vulpes;- tax payments 1339316;1449631912;ben_vulpes;find 1339317;1449631914;ben_vulpes;fin* 1339318;1449631925;ben_vulpes;not that i'm even going to look at the blockchain on the latter, but they should at least show up on the balance sheet, even if they are going directly into naphex' pocket 1339319;1449631946;mircea_popescu;that's actually kinda the idea. 1339320;1449631964;ben_vulpes;ofc but for logreaders. 1339321;1449631977;kakobrekla;i rather confused reading this statement but i may be thick 1339322;1449631981;kakobrekla;im* 1339323;1449631987;mircea_popescu;questions help. 1339324;1449632017;mircea_popescu;for me for instance it is quite informative that a reasonable timespan for public consultation is ~2 mo. 1339325;1449632043;*;mircea_popescu wonders if monthly reports aren't too frequent. 1339326;1449632080;kakobrekla;fees are taken on withdrawals? how much is that fee? 1339327;1449632083;ben_vulpes;monthly is an adequate frequency for inspecting operators commitment to the project. 1339328;1449632096;mircea_popescu;!up whiterock 1339329;1449632109;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes yeah, that's true. 1339330;1449632117;ben_vulpes;see davout and x.eur 1339331;1449632141;whiterock;!up 1339332;1449632154;ben_vulpes;too late, whiterock, mircea_popescu beat you to it. 1339333;1449632162;kakobrekla;what are these private investments? do those investors get same shares as (will be) on mpex? 1339334;1449632167;whiterock;haha thanks 1339335;1449632204;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla that's just the guy putting money in from his pocket. 1339336;1449632281;kakobrekla;dividends are 9 from 35? 1339337;1449632316;ben_vulpes;board can authorize divs of whatever size they want to? 1339338;1449632318;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1339339;1449632353;mircea_popescu;anyway, i dun recall what they charged, a few % but sliding scale 1339340;1449632370;kakobrekla;yeah these numbers dont make any sense to me still. 1339341;1449632393;mircea_popescu;somewhat unrelated, http://36.media.tumblr.com/1cc9a5d0cfe50e3ab506233f9f113a82/tumblr_mksvh7tuk11rl0d0yo1_1280.jpg 1339342;1449632394;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1m9vjrI ) 1339343;1449632397;whiterock;hi guys i cant back read the topi. if its ok, may i know what is being discussed? 1339344;1449632400;ben_vulpes;shareholder equity implies a previous investment round as well. 1339345;1449632407;ben_vulpes;whiterock: find the topic with /topic 1339346;1449632411;mircea_popescu;whiterock try the log eh. 1339347;1449632413;ben_vulpes;but that has nothing to do with the topic 1339348;1449632432;kakobrekla;> as fees are calculated on withdrawal >Dividend to shareholders9.6487 > Withdrawals*35.7354 > 1339349;1449632436;whiterock;oh great thanks 1339350;1449632437;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes no, it's an accumulator value. everything not otherwise accounted is shareholder equity. 1339351;1449632459;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla and where's the problem ? 1339352;1449632470;kakobrekla;9 btc on 35 btc ? 1339353;1449632505;ben_vulpes;aok 1339354;1449632507;mircea_popescu;they're not really related tho. so the site paid 35 btc in withdrawals (by performers) and 9 btc in dividends 1339355;1449632524;ben_vulpes;like i said kakobrekla the 'board' can pay whatever in divs apparently 1339356;1449632526;mircea_popescu;it can pay whatever it wants in dividends, up to its entire cash balance. 1339357;1449632529;kakobrekla;but site generates div from fees on withdrawals 1339358;1449632539;kakobrekla;aha 1339359;1449632541;mircea_popescu;no, it generates dividends on board say-so out of its cash 1339360;1449632559;mircea_popescu;just as long as they're paid fairly (ie, by share ownership proportion) they can be any arbitrary value between 0 and entreprise value 1339361;1449632564;kakobrekla;so he paid 9to himself if i understand this correctly? 1339362;1449632595;mircea_popescu;logically he put 23 in got 9 out, seems to me 1339363;1449632667;ben_vulpes;;;calc 23.8804/7.16412 1339364;1449632668;gribble;3.33333333333 1339365;1449632678;whiterock;is punkman around btw? 1339366;1449632681;ben_vulpes;;;calc 7.16412/23.8804 1339367;1449632681;gribble;0.3 1339368;1449632710;kakobrekla;and 'platform dev' ? is he charging the actual work needed with the site? 1339369;1449632716;ben_vulpes;30% depreciation in server value over four months and some days? 1339370;1449632723;ben_vulpes;aaa fractional months 1339371;1449632746;mircea_popescu;the one problem i see in there is that if there's 73 deposited and 35 withdrawn, the difference is unearned income, and improperly reported as shareholder equity. 1339372;1449632765;mircea_popescu;should really be under viewers i suppose. 1339373;1449632818;ben_vulpes;yeah also what is platform dev 1339374;1449632829;ben_vulpes;and why is that reported as an asset value increase 1339375;1449632852;*;whiterock slaps punkman around a bit with a large fishbot 1339376;1449632855;mircea_popescu;that i recall the discussion of. i asked if it has resale/license value, and he said yes. 1339377;1449632857;ben_vulpes;!down whiterock 1339378;1449632859;mircea_popescu;so in principle, it could be sold. 1339379;1449632871;ben_vulpes;some hand-wavey value of the software? 1339380;1449632885;mircea_popescu;i would expect it's a historical value of the software 1339381;1449632889;mircea_popescu;"this is what we spend developing it" 1339382;1449632908;ben_vulpes;i thought Naphex wrote it 1339383;1449632951;mircea_popescu;i thought it was a one man show originally too, but apparently there's at least another guy (this CoraCrisT fellow) doing something in between ceo and pr. 1339384;1449632956;mircea_popescu;and i guess more people. 1339385;1449632967;mircea_popescu;!up CoraCrisT 1339386;1449632968;ben_vulpes;also "software" should be depreciated on a goddamn 2 year schedule it rots so quickly. especially these single-page angular things; they're exceptionally more expensive to maintain as time goes on. 1339387;1449632972;mircea_popescu;!gettrust CoraCrisT 1339388;1449632975;assbot;Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user CoraCrisT: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=CoraCrisT | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/CoraCrisT/ 1339389;1449632995;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes afaik their major weakness is an inability to run in anything but chrome atm 1339390;1449633043;ben_vulpes;that has nothing to do with depreciation schedule. 1339391;1449633060;mircea_popescu;no, but it has a lot to do with future cost. 1339392;1449633073;ben_vulpes;and think what you will, constraining the operating environment to just chrome is a pretty sensible cost-reducing move. 1339393;1449633088;mircea_popescu;i didn't veto it or anything. 1339394;1449633092;mircea_popescu;jus' saying. 1339395;1449633145;ben_vulpes;you can make the consumers "come to expect" anything, unless mgmt insists pigheadedly on cross-browser support chasing "lift" or "conversion" or some such, chrome should be adequate. 1339396;1449633161;ben_vulpes;ofc this buys also the risk of google ripping the sheets out from under one. 1339397;1449633173;mircea_popescu;i dunno that anyone's downloading a browser to run your spunk app. 1339398;1449633187;mircea_popescu;moreover, unless google;'s paying for this, why the fuck am i dirving their dumbass product on my dime. 1339399;1449633189;ben_vulpes;everyone already has chrome, there is no "download". 1339400;1449633199;mircea_popescu;i don't know anyone running chrome. 1339401;1449633225;*;ben_vulpes rolls eyes 1339402;1449633234;mircea_popescu;o god damned it 1339403;1449633313;mircea_popescu;o.O 1339404;1449633316;mircea_popescu;i stand corrected. 1339405;1449633357;*;mircea_popescu looked in trilema's last month, it's actually mostly chrome. http://dpaste.com/2VEQBEC 1339406;1449633358;assbot;dpaste: 2VEQBEC ... ( http://bit.ly/1m9wpne ) 1339407;1449633501;mircea_popescu;so i guess there's a new microsoft huh. 1339408;1449633507;*;ben_vulpes nods 1339409;1449633513;mircea_popescu;sad. 1339410;1449633524;mircea_popescu;god forsaken species that never in its history produced anything but stupid. 1339411;1449633526;ben_vulpes;welcome, mircea_popescu, to the new new new new web 1339412;1449633548;mircea_popescu;"oh i know, we've never done the stupid thing THIS WAY before!" 1339413;1449633549;ben_vulpes;what was it before? 1339414;1449633553;ben_vulpes;lynx? 1339415;1449633562;mircea_popescu;"drop everything! there's another same-way to do the stupid!" 1339416;1449633634;*;ben_vulpes not a fan but a prisoner 1339417;1449633655;mircea_popescu;anyway. i'm off to bed. looking forward to part 2 of the xotika discussion once Naphex shows up. 1339418;1449634199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16300 @ 0.00047609 = 7.7603 BTC [+] {2} 1339419;1449635968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22700 @ 0.00047983 = 10.8921 BTC [+] {2} 1339420;1449636061;BingoBoingo; iirc a certain ver. of 'wordpress' also shat 'magical' quotez << All of them seem to force it unless suitably corrected 1339421;1449636639;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00048885 = 8.7504 BTC [+] {2} 1339422;1449636757;ben_vulpes;https://vimeo.com/147767325 << this is some epic horseshit 1339423;1449636758;assbot;VimeUhOh ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ob1WM3 ) 1339424;1449636784;ben_vulpes;gamma phi beta and kappa delta are abusing the DMCA to take down videos that portray them in ways in which they do not like. 1339425;1449636877;ben_vulpes;dear victoria valentine, she who studies/d film and made an entertaining video about cults and sororities, do drop me a line. 1339426;1449637085;ben_vulpes;;;later tell mitch_callahan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSTCGe4neOM found a backup 1339427;1449637086;assbot;RECRUITMENT 2016 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1YXHcPp ) 1339428;1449637086;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1339429;1449637122;ben_vulpes;also vimeo is a reprehensible operation who caves unconditionally to baseless dmca notices from SORORITIES 1339430;1449637124;ben_vulpes;what a buncha wimps. 1339431;1449638957;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22750 @ 0.00048976 = 11.142 BTC [+] {3} 1339432;1449639445;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8655 @ 0.00049013 = 4.2421 BTC [+] 1339433;1449639506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8045 @ 0.00049084 = 3.9488 BTC [+] 1339434;1449639628;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18400 @ 0.00048643 = 8.9503 BTC [-] 1339435;1449639689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00048379 = 4.3057 BTC [-] 1339436;1449640360;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22006 @ 0.00049084 = 10.8014 BTC [+] 1339437;1449640482;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8110 @ 0.00048379 = 3.9235 BTC [-] 1339438;1449641031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17550 @ 0.0004777 = 8.3836 BTC [-] {2} 1339439;1449641580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32500 @ 0.00047482 = 15.4317 BTC [-] {2} 1339440;1449642133;BingoBoingo;!up scoopbot_revived 1339441;1449642137;BingoBoingo;Oh shit scoopbot_revived 1339442;1449642585;liquidassets;These Usian Disney chicks keep using 'love' like it's this thing one gives to another to substitute for what one lacks, or a tool for filling a void or getting what one wants. Maybe the word they're actually looking for is cock! Do you cock me? Well sure I do baby. 1339443;1449642617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15450 @ 0.00047557 = 7.3476 BTC [+] {2} 1339444;1449642678;ben_vulpes;http://thetab.com/us/uconn/2015/12/07/exclusive-interview-artist-pissed-off-greek-life-1908 << victoria valentine actually went so far as to file a Fair Use doctrine appeal. doesn't appear that vimeo gives a shit, though. 1339445;1449642678;assbot;We spoke to the 'Cuse artist whose cult video pissed off Greek life ... ( http://bit.ly/1NhEddb ) 1339446;1449642800;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7790 @ 0.00048346 = 3.7662 BTC [+] 1339447;1449643227;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33250 @ 0.00047473 = 15.7848 BTC [-] {2} 1339448;1449643715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7365 @ 0.00047456 = 3.4951 BTC [-] 1339449;1449643776;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5135 @ 0.00047428 = 2.4354 BTC [-] 1339450;1449644635;BingoBoingo;!up btcdrak 1339451;1449646341;BingoBoingo;http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2015/12/04/shkrelis-chagas-maneuver << Also important to note Chagas is an emerging illness in the United States 1339452;1449646343;assbot;Shkreli’s Chagas Maneuver | In the Pipeline ... ( http://bit.ly/1NaOM44 ) 1339453;1449646704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00047509 = 7.3639 BTC [+] 1339454;1449648984;adlai;huh, so tradeblock.com (dynamic web2.0++ horrorshow, be warned) flags bitfinex as "operating unreliably", butt has no problem giving okcasino over 50% weighing in their price index 1339455;1449649182;punkman;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-bitcoin-exclusive-idUSKBN0TS0AB20151209 1339456;1449649183;assbot;Australian police raid Sydney home of reported bitcoin creator| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1lO2G2y ) 1339457;1449649385;punkman;where's cazalla with the scoop 1339458;1449649911;BingoBoingo;punkman: I just saw it. Writing up a note. 1339459;1449650724;punkman;raid supposedly not related to bitcoin, but obvious what would happen to the real satoshi 1339460;1449650781;punkman;maybe he's already in coke machine but doesn't remember teh keys 1339461;1449650853;punkman;adlai, did you try any of the chinese exchanges yet? 1339462;1449651132;adlai;mno 1339463;1449651381;adlai;it's reassuring that we've not had another gox-scale gox since gox... yet 1339464;1449651415;punkman;wait for it when price shoots up again 1339465;1449651614;adlai;meanwhilol, https://www.jwz.org/blog/2015/10/cons-conflict-resolved-at-last/ 1339466;1449651616;assbot;jwz: Cons conflict resolved at last ... ( http://bit.ly/1OSPuDz ) 1339467;1449651620;deedbot-;[Qntra] Craig Steven Wright Raided By Australian Police - http://qntra.net/2015/12/craig-steven-wright-raided-by-australian-police/ 1339468;1449651705;BingoBoingo;My first draft had the phrase "theft boners" 1339469;1449651712;adlai;(from comments) "Please add a "+1" button to each topic post. It doesn't have to and probably shouldn't do anything except maybe flash once if you push it." << reminds of the crosswalk impatience vents 1339470;1449651734;adlai;ransomware! 1339471;1449651750;adlai;who knew it'd reach meatspace 1339472;1449651762;BingoBoingo;I though ransomware started in meatspace 1339473;1449651787;*;adlai tends to forget the years Before Coin 1339474;1449652533;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVvZ-hnUsAAQfe4.png:large 1339475;1449652534;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OSQd7P ) 1339476;1449652592;adlai;reasonable people do themselves a disservice by stooping to the language of simpletons 1339477;1449652597;punkman;"anthropomorphic global warming" 1339478;1449652675;adlai;just phrase it as pinpointing the nature and inception of the anthropocene era, their eyes will glaze over and they'll back out of your territory instead of pretending to understand the issues 1339479;1449652692;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/6aMmQd.png 1339480;1449652693;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IE6QEI ) 1339481;1449652743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00047829 = 11.0963 BTC [+] 1339482;1449652928;punkman;-morhpic, -genic , who cares, the first few letters look right 1339483;1449653092;BingoBoingo;https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/712180 1339484;1449653094;assbot;HAES: "My bloodwork is perfect" edition. | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1IE7rX1 ) 1339485;1449653136;adlai;http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3w1s4i/should_we_rename_the_blockchain_craigs_list/ 1339486;1449653137;assbot;Should we rename the blockchain Craigs List? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1IE7wde ) 1339487;1449653344;BingoBoingo;http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2953749/Now-doctors-boy-12-gastric-band-Youngest-British-patient-extreme-weight-loss-surgery-experts-declare-child-obesity-parents-fault-new-TV-expos.html 1339488;1449653345;assbot;Now doctors give boy, 12, gastric band: Youngest ever British patient of extreme weight-loss surgery as experts declare child obesity IS parents' fault in new TV exposé  | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1OSQRCh ) 1339489;1449653446;BingoBoingo;https://imgur.com/Tv3cNqc << lol Wright really looks like a plant nao 1339490;1449653447;assbot;Blockchain Scale Tests by (alleged) Satoshi! 340 GB blocks, 568k transactions! - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1OSQW95 ) 1339491;1449653582;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/e17Ed 1339492;1449653583;assbot;dudetalking comments on Dr. Craig Steven Wright (alleged Satoshi, by Wired) on YouTube, from Bitcoin Investor Conference at Las Vegas ... ( http://bit.ly/1IE86I3 ) 1339493;1449654292;adlai;moderator: "Oh so it can then be taxed as a currency and a commodity, and [Dr CSW] said, 'neither'" << clearly has not signed the pledge of allegiance yet 1339494;1449654630;adlai;aha so at 20:37 cowboy hat cites jgarzik for an idea of softforking turing-complete opcodes... i'd like to see miners lemming their way along with that soft fork 1339495;1449654699;*;adlai wonders whether we'll first see a fork fail soft or hard 1339496;1449654904;adlai;https://twitter.com/BitcoinBelle/status/674365484029059072 (panel moderator, seems to have been the bait that fished out the good doctor) 1339497;1449654965;adlai;assbot choking on twitter? https://archive.is/oWetS 1339498;1449654966;assbot;DI$RUPTIV3 on Twitter: "You know that moment when you discover that someone you thought worthy proves himself to not be? #WeighedAndMeasuredAndFailed" ... ( http://bit.ly/1IEadeR ) 1339499;1449655741;adlai;"as a recovering government bureaucrat, i'll refrain from commenting things i know nothing about" ed moy wins the panel 1339500;1449655915;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13965 @ 0.00048172 = 6.7272 BTC [+] 1339501;1449656281;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18824 @ 0.00047784 = 8.9949 BTC [-] {3} 1339502;1449657501;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24067 @ 0.00048585 = 11.693 BTC [+] {2} 1339503;1449657562;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21321 @ 0.00048853 = 10.4159 BTC [+] {2} 1339504;1449657705;mircea_popescu; Australian police raid Sydney home of reported bitcoin creator << ahahaha WHAT\ 1339505;1449657806;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18485 @ 0.00049075 = 9.0715 BTC [+] 1339506;1449658177;mircea_popescu;punkman> "anthropomorphic global warming" << he means anthropogenic, but whatever. redditards. 1339507;1449658253;mircea_popescu; just phrase it as pinpointing the nature and inception of the anthropocene era, their eyes will glaze over and they'll back out of your territory instead of pretending to understand the issues <<< this is an exceptionally retarded approach to keeping idiots in check. it has a lengthy history of being deployed by "white" people ever before white people were invented, and it always failed. nevertheless, it's stil 1339508;1449658254;mircea_popescu;l with us like the belief god may change your coke to pepsi : because it's easy, and because it caters to the specific lacks and infirmities of the "white" mind. 1339509;1449658329;mircea_popescu; Should we rename the blockchain Craigs List? : Bitcoin ... << pretty much the core of why redditards are so lulzy. THEY are going to RENAME things ? like what, their imaginary gf ? isis ? 1339510;1449658381;fluffypony;mircea_popescu: pretty sure that was a joke 1339511;1449658415;mircea_popescu; https://imgur.com/Tv3cNqc << lol Wright really looks like a plant nao <<< ahahaa now i remember that muppet. intel turned him up sometime this autumn, total lulzfest. 1339512;1449658416;assbot;Blockchain Scale Tests by (alleged) Satoshi! 340 GB blocks, 568k transactions! - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1OSQW95 ) 1339513;1449658417;adlai;it doesn't keep them in check, the purpose is deflection 1339514;1449658427;mircea_popescu;basically keiser in his youth. 1339515;1449658508;mircea_popescu;fluffypony no, the "joke" is only there to make the idiocy pass. 1339516;1449658533;mircea_popescu;kinda how adolescents the world over do their dating. "hey, wanna go out with me ? no ? oh, i was only joking. ha-ha." 1339517;1449658539;mircea_popescu;funniest shit ever. 1339518;1449658578;mircea_popescu;"Who filed the claim? Gamma Phi Beta and Kappa Delta, two large national organizations of sisterly love, whose houses and members were featured in the video. This was highly suspect." 1339519;1449658616;mircea_popescu;yeah dude. totally fucking suspect, that you film on my premises without paying me and then don't get to benefit from the product. so suspect it almost makes me wonder why the fuck would i even bother owning shit. 1339520;1449658624;adlai;heh, ed moy's closing words boil down to "usg has no future in bitcoin beyond hoping to tax it" 1339521;1449658668;mircea_popescu;hey, that's exactly what the republic of china's government hopes in china are. har har. they'll tax the mainland off taiwan!" 1339522;1449658744;*;adlai can't believe he watched the entire panel, but it has the perfect blend of pseudoscience, technobabble, and hopium 1339523;1449658751;mircea_popescu;!up dbclk 1339524;1449658778;punkman;film on my premises without paying me << looked like he just used segments from sororities' own videos 1339525;1449658779;*;mircea_popescu just realised that what he should be doing with this time these days is interview isis derps. 1339526;1449658803;*;mircea_popescu realised immediatelyt thereafter with some sadness that he can't actually be arsed to go into the anthill and impose sense upon it. 1339527;1449658814;*;mircea_popescu sees the wisdom of asciilifeform now, to his chagrin. 1339528;1449658822;mircea_popescu;punkman right ? 1339529;1449659256;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://logs.minigame.bz/2015-12-09.log.html#t11:06:47 1339530;1449659257;assbot;#Eulora log for Wednesday, 2015-12-09 ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAuIcX ) 1339531;1449659492;mircea_popescu;that sciencemag bit is hysterical tho. idiots who buy into the whole "ip is needed for to creativity with!" hook line and sinker are displeased when it turns out "ip only exists for people to arb the process, and make money out of the money intended to support creativity". but it never occurs to them what the problem is. because hey, why should scientists be any better at thinking than random five year old, "dog bit me 1339532;1449659492;mircea_popescu;, dog's bad" 1339533;1449659509;mircea_popescu;it's not like their own unsufferable personalities ever bite them. it's just these damned dogs everywhere all the time! 1339534;1449659637;mircea_popescu;anyway, so the point of the "is random derp X ?" (no) article was so that reuters could run a piece saying "Australian police raided the Sydney home and office on Wednesday of a man named by Wired magazine as the probable creator of bitcoin and holder of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the cryptocurrency, Reuters witnesses said." 1339535;1449659651;mircea_popescu;which is great, i guess, if you're at that level of stupid, but otherwise would seem kinda damaging. 1339536;1449659665;mircea_popescu;i guess reuters, wired & all correctly judge that there's absolutely no brand value left in their shit and so why worry. 1339537;1449659737;mircea_popescu;in other news, would any of the brighter minds present explain the jwz piece to me ? i have the feeling he thinks he's being clever, but i lack the resources to comprehend the intricate minutia of his idiocy. 1339538;1449660509;mircea_popescu;https://www.jwz.org/blog/2008/03/most-positive-bignum/ << in his defense this is actually pretty lulzy. ESPECIALLY the microcode loop part. 1339539;1449660512;assbot;jwz: MOST-POSITIVE-BIGNUM ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAwvih ) 1339540;1449660551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.00048224 = 4.3884 BTC [-] 1339541;1449661093;fluffypony;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z2vU8M6CYI 1339542;1449661094;assbot;Beatles 3000 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAxqiz ) 1339543;1449661097;mircea_popescu;http://dreamsongs.com/ <<< how to be retarded. today, richard "i don't have a name and i was born without a face, here's some salmon background" gabriel. 1339544;1449661098;assbot;Dreamsongs ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAxnDA ) 1339545;1449661111;mircea_popescu;"i don't have a name and i was born without a face, here's some salmon background" evaluates to p-bignum. 1339546;1449661161;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18850 @ 0.00048196 = 9.0849 BTC [-] {2} 1339547;1449661374;mircea_popescu;http://www.sei.cmu.edu/splc2009/images/rgabriel.jpg << protip : almost no one outside of young women looks good smiling. STOP DOING IT. you're supposed to have a personality. have a fucking personality. 1339548;1449661375;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAxLSp ) 1339549;1449661690;mircea_popescu;http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2011/12/22/astrophysics/ << "Doing the math we can conclude it will take 1.7 x 10^17 years for our sun to generate the same amount of energy as the dietary value of one cubic light year of cheese." 1339550;1449661692;assbot;Astrophysics – blarg? ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qvn3xl ) 1339551;1449662041;adlai;"College is a place where a professor's lecture notes go straight to a student's lecture notes without passing through the brains of either" - Samuel L Clemens 1339552;1449662046;mircea_popescu;http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/C/CLIMATE_COUNTDOWN?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-12-08-15-02-36 << in more random lulz, Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace who helped draft the pope's June encyclical on global warming, said "If it gets to a stalemate or whatever, [...]". valley girls prevail. 1339553;1449662046;assbot;News from The Associated Press ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvnFmm ) 1339554;1449662049;mircea_popescu;or whatever. 1339555;1449662442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6113 @ 0.00048302 = 2.9527 BTC [+] 1339556;1449662770;adlai;http://roland.iwasno.net/lisp/datoura/datoura.html "set of data graphing lisp routines that generate postscript output. Generating postscript eliminates the need for X graphics libraries, but you must have a postscript viewer installed" 1339557;1449662770;assbot;datoura_homepage ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAzoiZ ) 1339558;1449662794;adlai;great for printing afictionados and headless arsonists 1339559;1449663357;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00047426 = 11.6194 BTC [-] {3} 1339560;1449663539;mircea_popescu;https://angel.co/syndicates << in other news, every proprietary scamsystem/kickstarter out there will be sooner or later building a bug-ridden, half-baked, ad-hoc implementation of the common wot. 1339561;1449663541;assbot;Syndicates - AngelList ... ( http://bit.ly/1TAAonn ) 1339562;1449663550;mircea_popescu;and pretend like they have no clue about it, too. "i just got this idea". 1339563;1449663570;mircea_popescu;all romanian literature, +- 2 or 3 people in the entire history, consists of translations and imports passed off as original. 1339564;1449663611;mircea_popescu;the crayfish, frog and pike story counts in romanian as "wholly original content by al donici", notwithstanding it's a plain as day translation of previous generation ru material. 1339565;1449663651;mircea_popescu;all "rock" throuyghout the 60s-90s is simply us music set to [bad] localised lyrics. and contemporary "rap" is just about the same. 1339566;1449663677;mircea_popescu;there's something very appealing to idiocy about this process of "invention" through kidnapping a princess and dragging her through the mud of one's orcish abode. 1339567;1449663798;adlai;leaving your mark on the world, like a pissing mutt, rather than breathing life into a new one 1339568;1449663831;mircea_popescu;what mark ? chagas is hardly a mark. 1339569;1449663895;adlai;https://imgur.com/snLplqq 1339570;1449663896;assbot;i made this little comic, hope you like it - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1OQhtFF ) 1339571;1449663994;mircea_popescu;then we wonder why cuckolding is the primary lifestyle of white pplz. 1339572;1449664029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17211 @ 0.00047826 = 8.2313 BTC [+] 1339573;1449664090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11039 @ 0.00047422 = 5.2349 BTC [-] 1339574;1449664211;mircea_popescu;http://25iq.com/2015/03/28/a-dozen-things-ive-learned-from-startup-l-jackson-about-venture-capital-investing-and-startups/ << quarterly review of the whole "start-up" gargle as amusing this quarter as the last, and the many before that. 1339575;1449664213;assbot;A Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Startup L. Jackson About Venture Capital Investing and Startups | 25iq ... ( http://bit.ly/1TABnDY ) 1339576;1449664227;mircea_popescu;"here's the things we want you to think : a) that you need us ; b) that you shouldn't look out for yourself". 1339577;1449664283;mircea_popescu;yeah, totally. what you want when doing a start-up is to "raise" a lot of money so you can pay the people who you "rose" it from rent so their real-estate sidelines do really well (in exactly the opposite fashion of what's preached here), while "not optimizing for your size of the pie". 1339578;1449664296;mircea_popescu;sounds like exactly what they told the indians, too. 1339579;1449664322;punkman;it does say 25 iq 1339580;1449664431;mircea_popescu;which happens to be exactly what's happening, too. indians "had" land, the nature of which they failed to understand, but it was the funciar good for good reason back then. 1339581;1449664448;mircea_popescu;these indians have time, the nature of which they also fail to understand, and well... it's the funciar good today. 1339582;1449664488;mircea_popescu;oh right, and i forgot, "c) there's a shortage of you suckers [and really, alot of money you can give right back to us is "chasing" this deal. totally.]" 1339583;1449664577;mircea_popescu;punkman so it does huh. except it's a weird thing, i've seen this lots in us-born slavegirls. woman could be well above 100 iq, think herself stupid, and indeed exhibit ~30-50 iq in selected fields. 1339584;1449664601;mircea_popescu;so well selected for the convenience&perpetuation of the stupidity she comes from, one can hardly believe it's not deliberately trained. 1339585;1449664637;mircea_popescu;but whatever, fight "patriarchy", not the incredibly unhealthy system that makes you be dumb in the few spots it handles you by so your smarts in the rest of the spectrum can be best sucked dry. 1339586;1449664790;mircea_popescu;average ustard is, i would guess, a 110 to 115 iq college graduate whose 110 to 115 iq is composed of 150+ iq in beating himself up, 25 iq in establishing relationships and so on and so forth. 1339587;1449664809;mircea_popescu;ethical idiocy, where ethical does not mean what esltards think it means, but merely "how to correctly live". 1339588;1449664952;mircea_popescu;this is actually indicative of the very fucking problem : ethics means, how to live. such as for instance, how to drive a fucking airplane i nthe tax office if you live in the us. that's ethics. meanwhile the carefully-debilitated ustards actually think ethics means the exact opposite of what ethics means. to them ethics is "the ways to inconvenience your life". 1339589;1449664955;mircea_popescu;iq 25 alright. 1339590;1449665250;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.00049028 = 4.9518 BTC [+] {2} 1339591;1449665311;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26100 @ 0.0004869 = 12.7081 BTC [-] 1339592;1449667629;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12050 @ 0.00047432 = 5.7156 BTC [-] {2} 1339593;1449668039;Naphex;o/ morning 1339594;1449668056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26000 @ 0.00047422 = 12.3297 BTC [-] 1339595;1449668910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24486 @ 0.00048524 = 11.8816 BTC [+] {3} 1339596;1449668971;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9914 @ 0.00049079 = 4.8657 BTC [+] 1339597;1449669093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00049079 = 4.1226 BTC [+] 1339598;1449670513;deedbot-;[Trilema] Etica Mircea - http://trilema.com/2015/etica-mircea/ 1339599;1449670528;mircea_popescu;rfc btw ^ 1339600;1449670705;nubbins`;!seen mitch_callahan 1339601;1449670711;*;nubbins` shrugs 1339602;1449670758;jurov;;;ticker --market bitcoincentral --currency eur 1339603;1449670759;gribble;Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 384.0, Best ask: 386.0, Bid-ask spread: 2.00000, Last trade: 386.0, 24 hour volume: 166.94604927, 24 hour low: 361.0, 24 hour high: 387.0, 24 hour vwap: 378.32201248 1339604;1449670771;jurov;!t m x.eur 1339605;1449670771;assbot;[MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00260363 / 0.00269875 / 0.00276803 (513 shares, 1.38 BTC), 7D: 0.00260363 / 0.00278366 / 0.00282306 (1652 shares, 4.60 BTC), 30D: 0.00260363 / 0.00308798 / 0.00343696 (6435 shares, 19.87 BTC) 1339606;1449670791;jurov;;;calc 1/0.00260363 1339607;1449670791;gribble;384.079151031 1339608;1449670800;jurov;mkay 1339609;1449671000;Naphex;ben_vulpes: i did write xotika and still do. I work with a graphic designer and frontend developer 1339610;1449671046;Naphex;CoraCrisT handless the bussiness side, and press and recruiting and a bunch of other stuff 1339611;1449671099;Naphex;ben_vulpes: xotika has a full rest-full API while the angular js is static html that just connects to the backends 1339612;1449671115;Naphex;the api is meant to be exported for all the other clients which we will be developing 1339613;1449671126;Naphex;like Android APPs for phones/tables and smarttv 1339614;1449671140;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b13 1339615;1449671413;shinohai;http://www.engadget.com/2015/12/09/pine-a64-64-bit-4k-maker-board/ <<< nifty 1339616;1449671414;assbot;PINE A64 is a $15, 'high-performance' take on the Raspberry Pi ... ( http://bit.ly/1M2ZcPb ) 1339617;1449671443;Naphex;ben_vulpes:and think what you will, constraining the operating environment to just chrome is a pretty sensible cost-reducing move. 1339618;1449671449;Naphex;<<< spot on 1339619;1449671530;Naphex;i only cover chrome for the most part, firefox got really left behind.. 1339620;1449671960;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11561 @ 0.00048596 = 5.6182 BTC [-] {2} 1339621;1449672405;punkman;".gnupg/random_seed. A file used to preserve the state of the internal random pool." any clue what this thing is? 1339622;1449672406;mircea_popescu;i discovered yest so did everyone, Naphex 1339623;1449672412;mircea_popescu;apparently chrome is taking over. 1339624;1449672429;mircea_popescu;punkman seed for the internal prng iirc 1339625;1449672453;mircea_popescu;and in random eulora stuff, http://dianacoman.com/Eulora/map1.script << check out the awks! 1339626;1449672454;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1M311LQ ) 1339627;1449672465;punkman;but why would I want to preserve this 1339628;1449672509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60205 @ 0.00049078 = 29.5474 BTC [+] {2} 1339629;1449672509;mircea_popescu;my guess is that it's more of a configuration thing than a preservation thing. 1339630;1449672814;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00049084 = 10.6512 BTC [+] 1339631;1449673377;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339629 << mno. preservation. 1339632;1449673377;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 14:48:29; mircea_popescu: my guess is that it's more of a configuration thing than a preservation thing. 1339633;1449673392;asciilifeform;gotta understand how, in a prng, the seed is the only genuine bit of entropy; 1339634;1449673413;mircea_popescu;aha. 1339635;1449673431;asciilifeform;and how, where the state consists of solely how long the thing has been churning, naturally it stows a turd 1339636;1449673448;asciilifeform;sorta how leporidae (e.g., rabbit) stores his half-digested food in edible turdlets 1339637;1449673484;asciilifeform;the design of gpg rng subsystem assumes extreme entropy-starvation. this is plain as daylight from 10 minutes of reading the src. 1339638;1449674304;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339615 << kickstarturd 1339639;1449674304;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 14:30:13; shinohai: http://www.engadget.com/2015/12/09/pine-a64-64-bit-4k-maker-board/ <<< nifty 1339640;1449674342;asciilifeform;' Oh, and it starts from just $15 and is available to "pre-order" via Kickstarter right now.' 1339641;1449674396;asciilifeform;'PINE A64 includes a quad-core ARM Cortex A53 1.2GHz processor, dual-core Mali 400 MP2 graphics..' << aaaaaand dingdingdingding we get to the requires-closed-driver-turd-just-to-run item 10 seconds in. 1339642;1449674411;asciilifeform;just like the samsung arm 'chromebook' gathering dust in my bookcase 1339643;1449674418;asciilifeform;will happily run 'linux' 1339644;1449674423;asciilifeform;but not, of course, linux. 1339645;1449674447;mircea_popescu;heh 1339646;1449674499;*;asciilifeform wondered for some time why anyone would market a gpu chipset named for african pisshole 1339647;1449674888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24750 @ 0.00048451 = 11.9916 BTC [-] {2} 1339648;1449675052;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://41.media.tumblr.com/107461376f815e227c81d6da9b7fce16/tumblr_ni02qz5D4W1td0y0yo1_1280.jpg 1339649;1449675053;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1REDYy5 ) 1339650;1449675258;shinohai;not so nifty then 1339651;1449675315;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28400 @ 0.00049086 = 13.9404 BTC [+] {3} 1339652;1449675978;deedbot-;[Trilema] Eulora as seen by Mircescu - http://trilema.com/2015/eulora-as-seen-by-mircescu/ 1339653;1449677546;mircea_popescu;and in other weird news, http://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2015/12/08/thousands-coffee-cans-wash-up-indialantic/76969680/ 1339654;1449677548;assbot;Coffee spill: Thousands of coffee cans wash up in Indialantic ... ( http://bit.ly/1lurGwk ) 1339655;1449677919;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339455 << brings to mind the 16th-17th. c. idiots who pushed themselves as 'great alchemists', ended up taken captive by some lord who wanted phr33333 g0ld, and eventually guzzled lead on the public scaffold for charlatanry 1339656;1449677919;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 08:19:42; punkman: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-bitcoin-exclusive-idUSKBN0TS0AB20151209 1339657;1449677961;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1339658;1449680256;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14311 @ 0.00048902 = 6.9984 BTC [-] {2} 1339659;1449680561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18984 @ 0.00049153 = 9.3312 BTC [+] {2} 1339660;1449681336;punkman;https://twitter.com/anildash/status/674569165429174272 1339661;1449681913;nubbins`;^ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL 1339662;1449682329;nubbins`;says he hasn't even listened to it yet 1339663;1449682334;*;nubbins` weeps with laughter 1339664;1449683611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23050 @ 0.00048968 = 11.2871 BTC [-] {3} 1339665;1449683794;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17071 @ 0.00049069 = 8.3766 BTC [+] {2} 1339666;1449684038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6450 @ 0.00048902 = 3.1542 BTC [-] {2} 1339667;1449684493;thestringpuller;nubbins`: as they say CREAM 1339668;1449684885;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/watch-tug-smashes-passenger-vessel-in-argentina << god bless the argentines 1339669;1449684888;assbot;WATCH: Tug Smashes Passenger Vessel in Argentina - gCaptain ... ( http://bit.ly/1lPqyD4 ) 1339670;1449684892;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26750 @ 0.0004859 = 12.9978 BTC [-] {4} 1339671;1449685943;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] In which Sam Biddle, Andy Cush, Andy Greenberg and Gwern Branwen fail to learn anything from the charred corpse of Leah McGrath Goodman, or how to tell if you’ve actually found Satoshi Nakamoto. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/09/in-which-sam-biddle-andy-cush-andy-greenberg-and-gwern-branwen-fail-to-learn-anything-from-the-charred- 1339672;1449686501;adlai;;;later tell pete_dushenski PGP signatures don't prove identities to people who don't trust the keys. repeated attempts to establish trust lines to satoshi's purported PGP key have failed 1339673;1449686501;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1339674;1449686686;BingoBoingo;Satoshi's speshul because as alf says "has to move coins" to inspire faith in identity correspondence 1339675;1449686712;adlai;the best and trust-minimalest "proof-of-satoshi" is the (unspendable!) genesis coinbase 1339676;1449686804;adlai;he could ECDSA sign a message saying "any further coinbases were mined by impostors, frauds, and early adopters, or all three simultaneously" 1339677;1449686848;adlai;but this is just my opinion, and i'm amoral for reasons of mental retardation 1339678;1449687149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00049163 = 9.1689 BTC [+] {3} 1339679;1449688657;jurov;http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35025814 some are picking up coffee cans, some the real stuff 1339680;1449688659;assbot;Austria boy finds euro banknotes in Danube in Vienna - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nc1a3K ) 1339681;1449688811;jurov;"i'm amoral for reasons of mental retardation" orly? 1339682;1449689012;*;adlai at least can still put two and two together 1339683;1449689589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31100 @ 0.00049183 = 15.2959 BTC [+] {4} 1339684;1449689693;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339477 << anthro..pogenic? 1339685;1449689693;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 09:16:37; punkman: "anthropomorphic global warming" 1339686;1449689711;*;ben_vulpes reads next line 1339687;1449689745;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339493 << did you? 1339688;1449689745;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 09:44:52; adlai: moderator: "Oh so it can then be taxed as a currency and a commodity, and [Dr CSW] said, 'neither'" << clearly has not signed the pledge of allegiance yet 1339689;1449689762;*;adlai subscribes to the pledge of "gimme eat" 1339690;1449689809;adlai;and if that's lost on you... well there are some classics that were written after marie lost her head 1339691;1449689881;*;adlai has paid more "tax" than he'll "owe" in the next ~year, barring persistent s.mpoe trader idiocy 1339692;1449689954;ben_vulpes;sooo bot thinger's not making any money because dumb opponents? 1339693;1449689956;adlai;so far i must say, the humans have been surprisingly efficient 1339694;1449689958;*;ben_vulpes is struggling to parse 1339695;1449689978;adlai;no, if opponents are too dumb, bot makes more money than i've paid tax to cover, and i pay some more tax. 1339696;1449690006;ben_vulpes;> barring 1339697;1449690007;ben_vulpes;aha 1339698;1449690015;adlai;but "the whole ['opponents' thing] is a false dichotomy" 1339699;1449690031;ben_vulpes;oh yes? 1339700;1449690100;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339611 << mircea_popescu hasn't made you make the "programmers spigot" plain-old-html view yet huh? 1339701;1449690100;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 14:24:59; Naphex: ben_vulpes: xotika has a full rest-full API while the angular js is static html that just connects to the backends 1339702;1449690159;adlai;positive-sum wonderlands do not involve carcass-treading; they are instead eaten in a feast, with portions rationed by participation; but "everybody has a share" 1339703;1449690269;jurov;ben_vulpes: mp is fine with api that can be accessed by curl (but dunno if xotika is the case) 1339704;1449690293;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2015#1323485 1339705;1449690293;assbot;Logged on 14-11-2015 02:25:48; mircea_popescu: seriously, let the dumbass tech kids get away with this stupid shit ? 1339706;1449690321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00048739 = 14.6704 BTC [-] {2} 1339707;1449690344;adlai;ben_vulpes: see, that guy just got a better price. i wouldn't call him an opponent. 1339708;1449690367;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339611 << implies it does, jurov 1339709;1449690367;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 14:24:59; Naphex: ben_vulpes: xotika has a full rest-full API while the angular js is static html that just connects to the backends 1339710;1449690373;ben_vulpes;i see adlai 1339711;1449690389;adlai;pls reread cited sections of 'congolese trading window' 1339712;1449690435;ben_vulpes;ah that 1339713;1449690809;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44946 @ 0.00048661 = 21.8712 BTC [-] {5} 1339714;1449690950;kakobrekla;spreading works, no also eating. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2015-12-03/how-dow-chemical-is-turning-sewage-into-a-refreshing-drink 1339715;1449690952;assbot;How Dow Chemical Is Turning Sewage Into a Refreshing Drink - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1lPKOEs ) 1339716;1449690990;ben_vulpes;asked a potential hire "what do you know or believe that few people agree with you on" 1339717;1449690995;ben_vulpes;"cork is the sustainable bottle-stopper" 1339718;1449691006;adlai;lol plastics 1339719;1449691014;adlai;sorry, 'plastics' 1339720;1449691028;ben_vulpes;then followed a long explanation of the horseshit dow is putting into screw-top wine bottles and synthetic corks 1339721;1449691082;ben_vulpes;adlai: out of curiosity what's the difference between 'plastic' and plastic? 1339722;1449691114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00048644 = 11.1881 BTC [-] {2} 1339723;1449691149;adlai;;;search one word ben plastics 1339724;1449691150;gribble;(search ) -- Searches for in the current configuration variables. 1339725;1449691159;adlai;;;google one word ben plastics 1339726;1449691160;gribble;The Graduate (1967) - Quotes - IMDb: ; The Graduate - Wikiquote: ; The Graduate "One Word: Plastics" - YouTube: 1339727;1449691277;adlai;ben_vulpes: tell your hopeful i'm stealing his cannswer 1339728;1449691316;*;adlai unearthed the "report" he wrote on the cork industry in 5th grade last night while throwing out old schoolwork 1339729;1449693422;jurov;!up Casper- 1339730;1449693635;nubbins`;yfw vexual is satoshi 1339731;1449693768;mircea_popescu;amusingly, there's actually a trilema about that derp. 1339732;1449693793;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/the-nigger-a-practical-exercise/ 1339733;1449693794;assbot;The nigger, a practical exercise. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1OiHJUu ) 1339734;1449693936;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes https://gcaptain.com/watch-tug-smashes-passenger-vessel-in-argentina << god bless the argentines << they're talented folk. just, not at anything that correlates with survival. 1339735;1449693938;assbot;WATCH: Tug Smashes Passenger Vessel in Argentina - gCaptain ... ( http://bit.ly/1lPqyD4 ) 1339736;1449693939;mircea_popescu;or with interesting. 1339737;1449694037;mircea_popescu;ok, ok 1339738;1449694045;mircea_popescu;!rated adlai 1339739;1449694045;assbot;You rated user adlai on 08-Nov-2015, with a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: As best as I can tell, the individual is either mentally retarded, or else expends significant mental power to emulate mental retardation.. 1339740;1449694050;mircea_popescu;!unrate adlai 1339741;1449694050;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/253aae5928c59d57 1339742;1449694108;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.unrate.adlai:7bf7b818136ae3748bea3f2745f74fd0cd5edd11bef55901d7fe407672638a2d 1339743;1449694108;assbot;Successfully unrated adlai 1339744;1449694536;mircea_popescu; << mircea_popescu hasn't made you make the "programmers spigot" plain-old-html view yet huh? << this is hate speech. 1339745;1449694667;mircea_popescu; ben_vulpes: tell your hopeful i'm stealing his cannswer << yeah, it's a very good can. 1339746;1449694669;mircea_popescu;just add string. 1339747;1449694713;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25909 @ 0.00049183 = 12.7428 BTC [+] {3} 1339748;1449695005;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1339749;1449695059;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339543 << r. gabriel was the 'worse is better' guy. 1339750;1449695059;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 11:38:17; mircea_popescu: http://dreamsongs.com/ <<< how to be retarded. today, richard "i don't have a name and i was born without a face, here's some salmon background" gabriel. 1339751;1449695076;ascii_field;i once tried to read his other shit, and barfed 1339752;1449695078;ascii_field;'poet' 1339753;1449695086;mircea_popescu;you don't really like ANY of the classics lispers do you. 1339754;1449695112;ascii_field;weinreb was ok before he went barmy and then died 1339755;1449695122;ascii_field;david moon was ok because he said nothing at all 1339756;1449695143;ascii_field;minsky wrote an entertaining b00k re: brain-as-multiorgan-system 1339757;1449695145;mircea_popescu;also not clearly from this planetg. 1339758;1449695176;mircea_popescu;minsky's probably the more advanced work on theoretical neurology to date. 1339759;1449695178;ascii_field;john mccarthy was spiffy all around 1339760;1449695182;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: aha 1339761;1449695206;mircea_popescu;now, granted that clinical neurology is still the vastly more important thing, but anyway. 1339762;1449695319;BingoBoingo;Not rly. 1339763;1449695335;ascii_field;https://cryptome.org/2015/12/xu-001.pdf <<<<>>>> http://dpaste.com/14E2BXY.txt < lulzy 1339764;1449695338;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OiKyoP ) 1339765;1449695339;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OiKwNu ) 1339766;1449695339;BingoBoingo;theoretical neurology much more practical 1339767;1449695359;mircea_popescu;unrelatedly, it occurs to me looking through tucker max's sad history past decade (random guy on the internet, thinks "he invented a literary genus" because wrote some bland, unoriginal "debauchery stories" ; burned out of that [the tucker max makes a movie in hollywood shit was pretty lulzy] then moved on to... being an investor! burned out of that, now writing advice books on how to be the perfect mate for some woman 1339768;1449695360;mircea_popescu;) that he's very much a son of his country and a man of his age. there is still a very strong vein of "guide literature" from wild west in us fiction writing to this date. 1339769;1449695383;mircea_popescu;it all really proceeds on the same great page of "i ain't got much lernin but i seen them buttes, here's how you too can get there!" 1339770;1449695392;ascii_field;recognizably aha 1339771;1449695402;mircea_popescu;very bizzare thing for civilised folk. 1339772;1449695413;mircea_popescu;i mean... this is what the village idiot would be in ro 1339773;1449695417;mircea_popescu;and ru for that matter. 1339774;1449695442;mircea_popescu;but these are places that've been continuously inhabited for a while, where the space of possibilities has been a little more explored. 1339775;1449695461;ascii_field;earlier link features a chinese fella on trial for supposedly pinching a priceless!11111 filesystem driver from ibm 1339776;1449695480;mircea_popescu;fancy that. those exist ? 1339777;1449695502;ascii_field;cloud!11111 1339778;1449695507;mircea_popescu;oic. 1339779;1449695514;ascii_field;and somehow a sting/entrapment op was in the mix, even 1339780;1449695529;ascii_field;classic usg, recommended reading for aficionados strictly. 1339781;1449695536;mircea_popescu;by now i suppose the prosecuting attorney will suspect the case may not seem like a "real" case w/o one. 1339782;1449695558;mircea_popescu;notwithstanding that the premier indicator of not-real-case is exactly "sting!!11" 1339783;1449695616;mircea_popescu;anywya, it bears pointing out, to round the "us www guide fiction" thread, that the donner party was the unfortunate result of that typically american literary genus, the wild west guide fiction. 1339784;1449695631;mircea_popescu;not EXACTLY a tall tale, like the canadians got. crazier. 1339785;1449695635;mircea_popescu;in the pathological sense of crazier. 1339786;1449695901;BingoBoingo;related http://www.slate.com/blogs/schooled/2015/12/09/rafe_esquith_famous_teacher_accused_of_sexual_misconduct_and_inappropriate.html 1339787;1449695902;assbot;Rafe Esquith, famous teacher, accused of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior in school by L.A. schools ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwIdel ) 1339788;1449695915;BingoBoingo;"perhaps the most decorated elementary-school teacher in the country, the only K-12 educator ever to receive the National Medal of the Artshas been accused of sexual misconduct in shocking documents released Tuesday by Los Angeles Unified School District." 1339789;1449695971;mircea_popescu;this is like being accused of "wrecking" in the other-us. 1339790;1449696011;mircea_popescu;you're guaranteed to get it, the higher accomplished you are. it correlates with your visibility because the point, from the niggers' perspective, is exactly to try and make it a thing by sticking it to people. 1339791;1449696028;mircea_popescu;in this sense, if there's ANYONE that appears above, then that's someone above lenin. which they can't have. and so... 1339792;1449696077;ascii_field;'c. 1339793;1449696077;ascii_field;UC-2 1339794;1449696077;ascii_field;asked. 1339795;1449696077;ascii_field;“Oh 1339796;1449696078;ascii_field;you 1339797;1449696079;ascii_field;do 1339798;1449696081;ascii_field;have 1339799;1449696082;mircea_popescu;... 1339800;1449696083;ascii_field;all 1339801;1449696085;ascii_field;the 1339802;1449696087;ascii_field;code’?” 1339803;1449696089;ascii_field;XU 1339804;1449696091;ascii_field;replied. 1339805;1449696093;ascii_field;“Yeah 1339806;1449696095;ascii_field;I 1339807;1449696097;ascii_field;have 1339808;1449696099;ascii_field;all 1339809;1449696101;ascii_field;the 1339810;1449696103;ascii_field;[Proprietary 1339811;1449696105;ascii_field;Softwarej 1339812;1449696147;mircea_popescu;dem buffers. 1339813;1449696177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26850 @ 0.00049211 = 13.2132 BTC [+] {2} 1339814;1449696223;mircea_popescu;!up ascii_field 1339815;1449696271;ascii_field;ty for cutting the wire in time. 1339816;1449696293;ascii_field;http://dpaste.com/2016J0Z.txt << the intended turdlet. 1339817;1449696294;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwISfN ) 1339818;1449696319;mircea_popescu;https://arenavc.com/2015/07/airbnb-my-1-billion-lesson/ << maybe interesting. since i'm going through all this idiocy, might as well. 1339819;1449696321;assbot;Airbnb, My $1 Billion Lesson - by Paige Craig ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwIVbF ) 1339820;1449696462;ascii_field;http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2015/12/gender_critical_trans_women_the_apostates_of_the_trans_rights_movement.html << from earlier fishwrap 1339821;1449696463;assbot;Gender critical trans women: The apostates of the trans rights movement. ... ( http://bit.ly/1OiMJbH ) 1339822;1449696523;mircea_popescu;yaya im sure. 1339823;1449696728;mircea_popescu;the funny skit in that paige craig piece being that if paul graham and his merry band of spammers & conmen hadn't "invested", the thing would be worth tgoday what it it;'s been worth throughout : four digits in someone's shitty excel. 1339824;1449696740;mircea_popescu;derp wants to think that hey, this is how i got bumped out of a great deal 1339825;1449696774;mircea_popescu;what happened in fact however's a lot closer to http://trilema.com/2014/you-cannot-fix-a-machine-by-just-power-cycling-it-with-no-understanding-of-what-is-going-wrong/#selection-195.0-201.188 1339826;1449696775;assbot;"You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong." on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwJDpi ) 1339827;1449696801;mircea_popescu;"Airbnb has of course gone on to execute exceptionally well and become what it is today." 1339828;1449696806;mircea_popescu;they executed... nothing. 1339829;1449696841;mircea_popescu;or if you will, they executed what groupon executed : a maddof in the background, in this case named graham, scammed some old ladies and wrote the details in a notebook bearing this title 1339830;1449696852;mircea_popescu;i suppose this matters to some, what the title is. 1339831;1449696925;mircea_popescu;yet the guy's own conclusion, in his own terms ? 1339832;1449696927;mircea_popescu;"Losing a deal like Airbnb can be painful. Great lessons came from the rejection at the very end, however. After getting the cold shoulder, I realized I needed to go out and build some valuable knowledge, needed a more robust network, and needed to craft my own brand as an investor. 1339833;1449696927;mircea_popescu;When I found Airbnb I was a nobody in the investing world, but I spent the next year afterward traveling around the US meeting founders and investors. I attended and hosted several dozen events and I talked to just about everybody in tech I could. I read voraciously and learned as much as possible from one-on-one conversations. I put in a full year of hard work before I did my next deal." 1339834;1449696934;mircea_popescu;30 iq part of brain engaged. 1339835;1449696977;mircea_popescu;i'm sure "building his brand as an investor" is going to do exactly what "building her brand as an relationship expert" did for tlp's fave gori lottlieb. or whatever it was. 1339836;1449697004;mircea_popescu;it's not like yc will be displaced by b-a, it's like his derpy www-persona has a chance and all that. 1339837;1449697013;mircea_popescu;wuuut evars. 1339838;1449697275;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00048644 = 8.3181 BTC [-] {2} 1339839;1449697319;mircea_popescu;heh. check this shit out "Not all investors are created equal. The winners are persistently the same relatively small groups of investors time after time. Success not only has positive signaling effects in attracting the factors that drive success, but also talent enhancing effects for the venture capitalists themselves." << now why exactly would this be ? successful sicentists aren't "always the same small group time 1339840;1449697320;mircea_popescu; after time". senators however are. 1339841;1449697330;BingoBoingo;http://journals.ama.org/doi/10.1509/jppm.14.020 1339842;1449697331;assbot;An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwKwht ) 1339843;1449697398;mircea_popescu;poor assbot 1339844;1449697444;shinohai;Here's some ass to cheer you up, assbot https://i.imgur.com/pk2nE7W.webm 1339845;1449697445;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwKNBa ) 1339846;1449697458;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2010/vladimir-oane-iz-meleonare/#selection-81.0-85.15 << if gabriel radio feels like translating ancient pieces on "venture capital" a la roumaine. 1339847;1449697459;assbot;Vladimir Oane iz Meleonare!!! on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwKOoD ) 1339848;1449697480;mircea_popescu;of course that shit exists. it's about as lulzy an affair as "romanian press" or whatever, "romanian secret services caught romanian isis agent" 1339849;1449697496;ascii_field;'soviet elephants are world's biggest elephants!111' 1339850;1449697504;mircea_popescu;im sure there's also a paris, kentucky vc scene. 1339851;1449697515;mircea_popescu;guys at the local bar, you know, watching shark tank on tv... 1339852;1449697558;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: mega-s33kr1t: not all usian software firms are in sv.. 1339853;1449697561;mircea_popescu;"La 27 de ani, Vladimir Oane a riscat şi a reuşit. În doi ani, a pus pe picioare o afacere prin care monitorizează diverse reţele şi oferă statistici marilor branduri. Contractele au început să curgă." <<< for the lulz. romanian "airbnb could buy all of russia" thing. 1339854;1449697576;mircea_popescu;ascii_field do not take the name of the dwwweb in vane! 1339855;1449697598;mircea_popescu;if it isn't in scamicon valley THEN ITS NOT REALLY TECHNOLOGY 1339856;1449697605;ascii_field;aaaha. 1339857;1449697608;mircea_popescu;if it were it'd spend its capital on aeron chairs. 1339858;1449697616;*;ascii_field has never even been there as a tourist. oughta go some day. 1339859;1449697617;mircea_popescu;like "real" technologies. 1339860;1449697619;ascii_field;before it drowns. 1339861;1449697632;mircea_popescu;from what i hear from the locals it used to be great 1339862;1449697642;mircea_popescu;back before all the midwestern carrie-bradshaw-wannabes showed up 1339863;1449697653;ascii_field;phun phakt: at the u.s. army derpery where i once worked, aerons were MANDATORY 1339864;1449697656;mircea_popescu;i guess just like new york in the 50s 1339865;1449697662;*;BingoBoingo hasn't been to Paris, Kentucky either 1339866;1449697666;ascii_field;and i had a forbidden cloth-backed chair that had to be hidden during inspections 1339867;1449697674;ascii_field;fire code, you see. 1339868;1449697721;mircea_popescu;heh 1339869;1449697727;mircea_popescu;i thought aerons are thread or some shit 1339870;1449697736;mircea_popescu;;;google paris, kentucky 1339871;1449697737;gribble;City of Paris - Home: ; Paris, Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ; Paris-Bourbon County Tourism: 1339872;1449697737;ascii_field;rubberized mesh 1339873;1449697744;mircea_popescu;now you have, BingoBoingo 1339874;1449697746;*;ascii_field turned down a few sv gigs recently 1339875;1449697749;BingoBoingo;lol 1339876;1449697764;mircea_popescu;oh i see, it wouldn't be "real" top quality if it weren't shit. 1339877;1449697795;ascii_field;it was actually ok, didn't fall apart like every chair i've ever owned at home 1339878;1449697802;ascii_field;(in 3+ yrs of arse time) 1339879;1449697829;ascii_field;and had reasonably good pneumatics, that didn't leak air 1339880;1449697845;ascii_field;iirc they're about 800 usd. 1339881;1449697890;ascii_field;sold by herman miller furniture co. 1339882;1449698136;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1339883;1449698286;nubbins`;for those who are interested in matters of pedigree, i just sold a casascius coin and the buyer paid an additional 1btc to have the pgp chain of custody extended 1339884;1449698297;nubbins`;i expect this to be the minimum going forward 1339885;1449698323;ascii_field;nubbins`: do you remember the thread where i described how to trivially rape such a coin ? 1339886;1449698373;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12950 @ 0.00049214 = 6.3732 BTC [+] {3} 1339887;1449698439;nubbins`;i recall a discussion in which it was posited that a device to read private key would be easy enough to make 1339888;1449698549;ascii_field;aha. 1339889;1449698594;nubbins`;the holo stickers for the 1btc silvers were too large for the space on the coin & tended to lift at the edges, making for very easy solvent insertion -- most stickers were then burned around the rim with a laser to make a fried-on messy ring that allowed the sticker to lay flatter and ostensibly would reveal tampering more easily (they still flaked, saw it with mine own) 1339890;1449698610;ascii_field;and you don't even need to remove the sticker. 1339891;1449698615;nubbins`;nope 1339892;1449698618;ascii_field;or physically alter the thing, or the coin, in any way. 1339893;1449698630;nubbins`;today, for the first time outside of casascius' blog, i see a photo of an un-lasered sticker in an auction on the gooftalk forum 1339894;1449698696;nubbins`;http://www.anony.ws/i/2015/12/09/PC090015.jpg 1339895;1449698697;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwMxu4 ) 1339896;1449698698;nubbins`;shadows, even! 1339897;1449698859;nubbins`;anyway, i figure counterfeits are a much more common issue going forward 1339898;1449698870;nubbins`;i've only seen poor quality ones in the wild so far 1339899;1449699105;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17215 @ 0.00048582 = 8.3634 BTC [-] {4} 1339900;1449699286;mircea_popescu; (they still flaked, saw it with mine own) << there's a reason thermosensors are made out of two different materials stuck to each other. that reason is that this problem of geometric affixing is INCREDIBLY hard. 1339901;1449699341;ascii_field;aha! 1339902;1449699347;ascii_field;check out glass-to-metal bonds sometime 1339903;1449699353;ascii_field;can spend a lifetime on just that. 1339904;1449699365;ascii_field;(was a mega-issue in vacuum valve manufacture) 1339905;1449699377;ascii_field;all of this will have to be re-discovered. 1339906;1449699419;ascii_field;j. strong's 'methods of experimental physics' covers the basics; the whole b00k is somewhere w4r3z3d in the logz. 1339907;1449699486;mircea_popescu;yup 1339908;1449699506;mircea_popescu;and temperature envelopes are always a thing 1339909;1449699516;mircea_popescu;you won't ever have a "for all temperatures" bond. 1339910;1449699540;mircea_popescu;(which is why the way to get chewing gum out of stuff is to deepfreeze the stuff) 1339911;1449699560;ascii_field;aha 1339912;1449699584;ascii_field;nor will you, other than at some considerable expense and choice of constrained envelope - have a linear one. 1339913;1449699879;BingoBoingo;http://gotnews.com/6065-2/ 1339914;1449699880;assbot;BREAKING: GotNews.com Editor-in-Chief Censored on Facebook For Discussing Muslim Terrorism - GotNews ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y39iGG ) 1339915;1449699959;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10774 @ 0.00048643 = 5.2408 BTC [-] 1339916;1449699984;BingoBoingo;http://www.openbsd.org/papers/hackfest2015-pledge/mgp00003.html 1339917;1449699985;assbot;MagicPoint presentation foils ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y39xl2 ) 1339918;1449699985;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1339919;1449699989;ascii_field;'Twitter is a natural monopoly. Outrageous Chuck Johnson is still banned after all this time. They're showing why they need to be regulated.' 1339920;1449699992;ascii_field;mega-l0l 1339921;1449699994;BingoBoingo;lol 1339922;1449700005;ascii_field;it's a public utility now!1111 1339923;1449700058;BingoBoingo;for srs 1339924;1449700346;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo what other is the purpose of facebook ? 1339925;1449700359;BingoBoingo;I have no idea 1339926;1449700370;mircea_popescu;sounds a lot like the story of the man upset that he went to the brothel, and they touched him in a sexually suggestive manner. 1339927;1449700395;mircea_popescu;in other news, trilema used to have a fb and a twitter where some webapp (that no doubt is a great success) dumped the rss 1339928;1449700405;mircea_popescu;i see the facebook feed's dead, but can't be arsed to look into it 1339929;1449700463;mircea_popescu;about me "i found my first security holes in 1987" sooo... she's 30 ? 1339930;1449700543;mircea_popescu;otherwise, who's chuck johnson and what's gotnews.com 1339931;1449700602;BingoBoingo;He's the derp who is somewhat aligned with weev 1339932;1449700613;mircea_popescu;https://arenavc.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/airbnb_2nd_budget.png << best lulz. srsly, this is why they need excel ? 1339933;1449700615;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3b36I ) 1339934;1449700618;ascii_field;http://www.openbsd.org/papers/hackfest2015-pledge/mgp00035.html << win 1339935;1449700619;assbot;MagicPoint presentation foils ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3b3na ) 1339936;1449700645;BingoBoingo;Johnson has occasonal moments of lucidity, but otherwise seems to largely have been caught up in the otherside of USG propaganda machine 1339937;1449700649;ascii_field;incidentally, how do folks actually pronounce 'airbnb' ? 1339938;1449700655;ascii_field;i always say 'airbnob' 1339939;1449700658;ascii_field;(as in door knob) 1339940;1449700676;mircea_popescu;http://gawker.com/what-is-chuck-johnson-and-why-the-web-s-worst-journal-1666834902 << gawker has a story on some twitter brigading or w/e. 1339941;1449700676;assbot;What Is Chuck Johnson, and Why? The Web’s Worst Journalist, Explained ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3b5vx ) 1339942;1449700683;mircea_popescu;still unsure why anyone'd give a shit. twitter ? wut ? 1339943;1449700723;mircea_popescu;ascii_field iirc they were something like averypoorlynamedbedandbreakfast.com originally 1339944;1449700728;mircea_popescu;could perhaps just read it out. 1339945;1449700965;mircea_popescu;"Its not just Johnsons attitude toward people of color whove been victimized by cops. Johnson in general likes to retaliate against certain individuals by publishing their personal information (a.k.a. doxxing). A recent example: After the New York Times published a copy of former Ferguson cop Darren Wilsons marriage certificate, and named the street on which he used to live, Johnson published the home addre 1339946;1449700965;mircea_popescu;ssesdown to the house and apartment numbersof the pair of reporters who authored the Times story. The headline read: Why Cant We Publish Addresses Of New York Times Reporters?" 1339947;1449700966;mircea_popescu;awwww. 1339948;1449700974;mircea_popescu;doubleplusbad. 1339949;1449701020;mircea_popescu;how to get the leahs all bothered up - take their online anonimity away. 1339950;1449701057;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30968 @ 0.0004924 = 15.2486 BTC [+] {4} 1339951;1449701065;ascii_field;i still don't get why they care 1339952;1449701076;ascii_field;what happens when the address is posted? dump trucks full of shit show up ? 1339953;1449701100;ascii_field;anyone with fiddybux can find out, e.g., where i live 1339954;1449701103;mircea_popescu;it's a mental issue. 1339955;1449701104;ascii_field;so far not even broken window. 1339956;1449701109;mircea_popescu;they don't want to be what they are. that's not their real self. 1339957;1449701142;mircea_popescu;you can readily verify this by, for instance, asking "rape" victim if she got wet during the events. 1339958;1449701143;ascii_field;and 'real self' is... what? napoleon ? 1339959;1449701156;mircea_popescu;the physical world BETRAYS THE SACRED DREAMS OF SOCIALISM 1339960;1449701194;mircea_popescu;"Far more noteworthy than any of Johnsons journalism stunts, however, is his intellectual pedigree. 1339961;1449701194;mircea_popescu;What do you mean? 1339962;1449701194;mircea_popescu;Johnsons isnt really a marginal or peripheral figure in mainstream conservatism" 1339963;1449701205;mircea_popescu;this bit is golden. 26 yo derp is a figure, of any kind ? 1339964;1449701208;mircea_popescu;what is this shit! 1339965;1449701355;ascii_field;if he were 46 - different 1339966;1449701356;ascii_field;? 1339967;1449701988;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1339968;1449702216;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16150 @ 0.00049246 = 7.9532 BTC [+] 1339969;1449702399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18902 @ 0.00049246 = 9.3085 BTC [+] 1339970;1449702521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68250 @ 0.0004838 = 33.0194 BTC [-] {7} 1339971;1449702660;BingoBoingo;Also in Australia http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/death-of-obese-daughter-spurs-heartbroken-parents-to-help-another-teenager/news-story/eb71cfcc0fbb1dd3e78ebb1798fd0ba2 1339972;1449702662;assbot;Eating disorders: Death of obese daughter spurs heartbroken parents to help another teenager ... ( http://bit.ly/1OROZeK ) 1339973;1449702679;BingoBoingo;254 kilograms 1339974;1449702736;mircea_popescu;some help. 1339975;1449703033;mircea_popescu;http://thefederalist.com/2015/07/01/sorry-chuck-todd-but-reporters-are-not-the-referees-of-politics/ << somewhat lulzy. 1339976;1449703034;assbot;Sorry, Chuck Todd, But Reporters Aren't The Referees Of Politics ... ( http://bit.ly/1ORPWDK ) 1339977;1449703375;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53799 @ 0.00049282 = 26.5132 BTC [+] {4} 1339978;1449703436;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7781 @ 0.00049375 = 3.8419 BTC [+] 1339979;1449704229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23700 @ 0.00048243 = 11.4336 BTC [-] 1339980;1449704418;BingoBoingo;!up BashCo 1339981;1449704438;BashCo;Thanks BingoBoingo. Hi folks. 1339982;1449704713;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 5.12854330 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b11 1339983;1449705632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8061 @ 0.00048243 = 3.8889 BTC [-] 1339984;1449708316;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44112 @ 0.00049274 = 21.7357 BTC [+] {3} 1339985;1449708340;nubbins`;there's a guy selling one of Carl Mark Force IV's business cards 1339986;1449708344;nubbins`;lewell 1339987;1449708359;asciilifeform;h0ly relic ? 1339988;1449708364;nubbins`;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1281571.0 1339989;1449708377;nubbins`;asciilifeform +1, it's even gilded. 1339990;1449708423;nubbins`;this is almost as impressive as my genesis-block copy of the times 1339991;1449709066;*;danielpbarron has a collection of business cards 1339992;1449709140;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu's card is neat 1339993;1449709225;nubbins`;my card is neat 1339994;1449709240;nubbins`;hand-printed on test print paper 1339995;1449709245;nubbins`;each one yooneek! 1339996;1449709349;asciilifeform;http://imgur.com/a/G0SsJ << l0ls from the st00ge 1339997;1449709349;assbot;Alleged Satoshi Twitter Posts - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1OU3xc4 ) 1339998;1449709414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18739 @ 0.00048243 = 9.0403 BTC [-] 1339999;1449709476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19611 @ 0.00048052 = 9.4235 BTC [-] {2} 1340000;1449709495;nubbins`;fuckin wanker 1340001;1449709502;nubbins`;we should try to get martin shkreli in here 1340002;1449709593;asciilifeform;meanwhile, the power rangerz declare that signature checking is to be done away with. ( https://news.bitcoin.com/segregated-witness-concept-turning-point-bitcoin ) 1340003;1449709594;assbot;The Segregated Witness Concept: A 'Turning Point' for Bitcoin? - Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HVFVnN ) 1340004;1449709603;asciilifeform;because... 1340005;1449709612;asciilifeform;because shuddup terror15t 1340006;1449709614;asciilifeform;or something. 1340007;1449709743;thestringpuller;it's gonna be ugly 1340008;1449709815;asciilifeform;imbeciles are free to spawn altcoinz, and even to trade in their genuine coin for them, no prob. 1340009;1449709829;BingoBoingo;Another one of these http://hackaday.com/2015/12/09/echo-of-the-bunnymen-how-amd-won-then-lost/ 1340010;1449709831;assbot;Echo of the Bunnymen: How AMD Won, Then Lost | Hackaday ... ( http://bit.ly/1OU425T ) 1340011;1449709874;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i wonder why everyone wants to spam the blockchain so badly 1340012;1449709887;thestringpuller;this whole notion of 7 billion people transacting daily seems...fucktarded 1340013;1449709893;asciilifeform;'From 2003 until 2006, Intel paid $1 Billion to Dell in exchange not to ship any computers using CPUs made by AMD. Intel held OEMs ransom, encouraging them to only ship Intel CPUs by way of volume discounts and threatening OEMs with low-priority during CPU shortages. Intel engaged in false advertising, and misrepresenting benchmark results. ' 1340014;1449709897;thestringpuller;I've sent 3 transactions this year alone. 1340015;1449709919;asciilifeform;^ intel & microshit, one is nothing without the other 1340016;1449709964;asciilifeform;'Intel does much more than just silicon. Hidden inside their design centers are the keepers of x86, and this includes the people who write the compilers for x86 processors.' << while there is in fact an intel compiler, the article is here revealed as catastrophically braindamaged 1340017;1449710022;asciilifeform;'Permanently disabling AMD CPUs through compiler optimizations ensured AMD would not quickly retake this market share.' << wtf 1340018;1449710026;asciilifeform;NOBODY USES INTEL'S COMPILER 1340019;1449710031;asciilifeform;except for a few fortranistas 1340020;1449710105;BingoBoingo;Prolly Red Hat built their GCC with Intel compiler 1340021;1449710121;thestringpuller;i didn't know anyone still used fortran 1340022;1449710140;BingoBoingo;Fortran is great for WWW backends 1340023;1449710141;nubbins`;o.O 1340024;1449710142;thestringpuller;i thought you had to be 50 or older to use it 1340025;1449710144;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: it remains ubiquitous in the number-cruncher community 1340026;1449710155;thestringpuller;yea if you have gray hair 1340027;1449710155;nubbins`;you see some bizarre shit in industry 1340028;1449710180;nubbins`;i worked at a company that does ~$1bn in annual revenue, all back-end is accessed via RPG IV 1340029;1449710193;nubbins`;("what's that?" exactly) 1340030;1449710226;thestringpuller;IBM RPG....i haven't heard that in a loooong time. 1340031;1449710244;nubbins`;still exists 1340032;1449710273;nubbins`;the company literally had to get a local college to offer a course in it, and they sent an employee over to teach it 1340033;1449710359;asciilifeform;the closest thing i know of to a 'puzzle' esolang that is actually used in industry is... 1340034;1449710360;asciilifeform;mumps. 1340035;1449710364;asciilifeform;as seen here, http://thedailywtf.com/articles/A_Case_of_the_MUMPS 1340036;1449710365;assbot;A Case of the MUMPS - The Daily WTF ... ( http://bit.ly/1OU4yRn ) 1340037;1449710404;thestringpuller;this is the only esolang I've used: http://esolangs.org/wiki/chef 1340038;1449710419;asciilifeform;'The primary design goal MUMPS was to create code that, once written, can never be maintained by anyone ever again. The syntax is somewhat reminiscent of FORTRAN and SNOBOL (no, not the toilet cleaner), only much, much worse. Ironically, being inflicted with mumps (the disease) is much more pleasant that actually working with MUMPS (the language). A more apt name for the language certainly would have been EXPLOSIVE-DIARRHEA; I 1340039;1449710419;asciilifeform;m sure they could have even worked SNOBOL (the language, or, heck, even the toilet cleaner) in there as well.' 1340040;1449710426;asciilifeform;^ not an entirely unfair description 1340041;1449710454;asciilifeform;but, interestingly, 1340042;1449710465;asciilifeform;around the time this article was written, i sat down and learned the language 1340043;1449710476;asciilifeform;(for a potential gig that never went through) 1340044;1449710482;asciilifeform;and found it to be quite a pleasant thing, in its own way 1340045;1449710483;nubbins`;"OPERATORS: No precedence, executed left to right, parenthesize as desired. 2+3*10 yields 50." 1340046;1449710488;asciilifeform;in the msdos-and-fuck-you way. 1340047;1449710660;nubbins`;poor bryan 1340048;1449712281;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41241 @ 0.00049391 = 20.3693 BTC [+] 1340049;1449712342;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7459 @ 0.00049414 = 3.6858 BTC [+] 1340050;1449713249;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> imbeciles are free to spawn altcoinz, and even to trade in their genuine coin for them, no prob. <<< kinda how socialism works. 1340051;1449713263;mircea_popescu;revolutionize the things, end up trading your vaginal virginity for a pair of jeans 1340052;1449713267;mircea_popescu;and teh anal, for some tp. 1340053;1449713330;mircea_popescu; NOBODY USES INTEL'S COMPILER << mediatards, whats they know. 1340054;1449713379;asciilifeform;it was ridiculous the first time the thing popped up 1340055;1449713385;asciilifeform;in, when... 2006 ? 1340056;1449713386;mircea_popescu; the company literally had to get a local college to offer a course in it, and they sent an employee over to teach it << this is how it should work, actually. all the OTHER courses should be discontinued, pretty much. 1340057;1449713422;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform something like that 1340058;1449713549;mircea_popescu; "OPERATORS: No precedence, executed left to right, parenthesize as desired. 2+3*10 yields 50." <<< imo this is the symptom of a badly written assembler or w/e the thing is. 1340059;1449713608;asciilifeform;hey strict ll(1) parser 1340060;1449713613;asciilifeform;simplicity! 1340061;1449713855;mircea_popescu;except by the time you're done with paranthesizing it's no longer simple. 1340062;1449713866;asciilifeform;what parenthesizing. 1340063;1449713867;mircea_popescu;in fact the reason precedence even exists is because it's a schelling point for lazy. 1340064;1449713869;asciilifeform;eat one by one. 1340065;1449713880;mircea_popescu;well suppose i don't want 2+3*10 to yield 50 1340066;1449713923;asciilifeform;rpn solves this. 1340067;1449714286;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1340068;1449714308;mircea_popescu;note that if they were sane they'd have said THAT. 1340069;1449714314;mircea_popescu;the fact that they don't makes me... a little wary. 1340070;1449714993;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency eur 1340071;1449714999;gribble;Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 376.670799, vol: 19128.54633847 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 378.431, vol: 115.7018 | CampBX BTCEUR last: 381.402, vol: 13.52976722 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 386.30358, vol: 240304.83800000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 376.70777, vol: 10647.775584 | Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR last: 384.89, vol: 172.91386498 | Volume-weighted last average: 385.23969499 1340072;1449715009;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1340073;1449715015;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 414.79, vol: 19128.54633847 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 412.147, vol: 15552.7705 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 417.1, vol: 47160.63996846 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 13.52976722 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 425.374866, vol: 240300.28560000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 412.7, vol: 289.42946321 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 423.76389, vol: 172.91386498 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1340074;1449715019;BingoBoingo;;;more 1340075;1449715019;gribble;422.887495447 1340076;1449716682;danielpbarron;!up nolanbugg 1340077;1449717544;danielpbarron;!v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.nolanbugg.9:10d6602305c3aa607c5f25a23d2e5d057b189cee4dc0cede030717ca67f1ae61 1340078;1449717545;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 9 for nolanbugg with note: childhood friend, known for 15+ years 1340079;1449717598;BingoBoingo;Welcome nolanbugg 1340080;1449717612;BingoBoingo;Quite an introduction 1340081;1449717710;nolanbugg;daniel insisted i join, it has been a long time since i have used irc 1340082;1449717721;nolanbugg;but it is good company to be in 1340083;1449717744;BingoBoingo;The only better time to join than now is the past. 1340084;1449717823;nolanbugg;yea, i take a long time to do anything but i feel like i have a feel for some of the personalities here, but i have plenty of catching up to do with the logs 1340085;1449718813;BingoBoingo;nolanbugg: !up yourself now 1340086;1449719192;mod6;;;bc,stats 1340087;1449719194;gribble;Current Blocks: 387589 | Current Difficulty: 7.910238090022598E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 389087 | Next Difficulty In: 1498 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, 33 minutes, and 51 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1340088;1449719237;mod6;Hey, took one guy a whole day to figure out the recipes go in the mind slot :D << lol! 1340089;1449719274;mod6;could have been longer even. can't remember. *blush* 1340090;1449722346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23150 @ 0.00049299 = 11.4127 BTC [-] 1340091;1449722956;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7840 @ 0.00049296 = 3.8648 BTC [-] 1340092;1449722986;deedbot-;[Qntra] Hoaxtoshi Has History Of Business Bad Blood - http://qntra.net/2015/12/hoaxtoshi-has-history-of-business-bad-blood/ 1340093;1449723727;BingoBoingo;"What is PC but verbal form of gentrification?" 1340094;1449724674;mircea_popescu;"helping the economy" ? 1340095;1449724687;mircea_popescu;how goes MobGod 1340096;1449724690;mircea_popescu;i mean mod6 1340097;1449724910;mod6;good! busy. 1340098;1449725043;mod6;got a fair chunk of a script to alter the buildroot .mk files working. 1340099;1449725075;mod6;hoping to test it with the required packages in a test dir on the foundation site this weekend. 1340100;1449725134;mod6;looking forward to that. 1340101;1449725282;mod6;g'night all! 1340102;1449725396;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40209 @ 0.00048756 = 19.6043 BTC [-] 1340103;1449725702;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 14.99980000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b12 1340104;1449727185;pete_dushenski;http://image.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/1512/09/kf_iphone_01.jpg <--> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVy3SwkWsAA0cHo.jpg 1340105;1449727187;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QgFdEk ) 1340106;1449727188;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QgFaZl ) 1340107;1449727292;pete_dushenski;"our phone is so epic that we had to rip off a chris bangle design from 20 years ago to just to allow it to function for an entire day without recharging! electric batteries are our future! (tm) (r)" 1340108;1449727437;pete_dushenski;"Saudi Arabia stood accused on Tuesday of trying to wreck the Paris climate summit in order to protect its future as one of the world’s largest oil producers." << wow. 'wreck' is so apt they had to use it twice. 1st su, 2nd us. now the only thing missing is a shiny red star in bahamas' (faux) fur hat and you'd swear you had deja vu. 1340109;1449727748;pete_dushenski;"A US supreme court justice has suggested that black students may benefit from the end of affirmative action admissions policies in US universities because many are “pushed ahead too fast” and should go to “lesser schools” instead." 1340110;1449727759;pete_dushenski;"The comments by Antonin Scalia came as conservatives on the court gave a sympathetic hearing to a white student who claims she was deprived of a place at the University of Texas due to her race." 1340111;1449727766;pete_dushenski;"Abigail Fisher graduated two years ago from Louisiana State University instead, but the court was warned that the number of minority students on US college campuses could “plummet” if her appeal against UT is successful – something Scalia suggested could be no bad thing." 1340112;1449727774;pete_dushenski;"“There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school, where they do well,” he said." 1340113;1449727820;pete_dushenski;"“I’m just not impressed by the fact that the University of Texas may have fewer [black students if the admissions policy changes]. Maybe it ought to have fewer. And maybe, when you take more, the number of blacks, really competent blacks, admitted to lesser schools, turns out to be less,” he added. “I don’t think it stands to reason that it’s a good thing for the University of Texas to admit as many 1340114;1449727820;pete_dushenski; blacks as possible.”" 1340115;1449727880;mircea_popescu;lol, "we accuse this guy of trying to survive. HES A WRECKER!" 1340116;1449727882;pete_dushenski;^in which scalia pulls the mask off bahamas' incompetent ruse. 1340117;1449727882;mircea_popescu;nuts. 1340118;1449727896;pete_dushenski;totally nuts 1340119;1449727920;pete_dushenski;"your future is the planet's future" 1340120;1449727987;mircea_popescu;anyway. the saudi's have russia's backing, which is what the whole oil glut and cutting bahamas down at the knees was all about. they did their part and the russkis can't afford to sell them out. nor does anyone exist who could make a decent offer, bahamas' is dead broke and the eu is a joke. 1340121;1449727995;pete_dushenski;"your children will survive von luft und liebe!" 1340122;1449728001;mircea_popescu;china's going to stick with them, disinterestedly, quietly. 1340123;1449728003;mircea_popescu;and that's that. 1340124;1449728059;mircea_popescu;the current meaning of the paris accord is, "the decaying west trying to parlay its unavoidable, certain industrial demise into some sort of international subsidies for itself" 1340125;1449728071;pete_dushenski;why can't ruskies afford to sell out saudis ? 1340126;1449728079;mircea_popescu;they'll get a little, but they'll get less than they would gladly take and WAY less than what they'd need to keep the charade going. 1340127;1449728108;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski because without saudis their whole southern flank collapses, and that's how they had a famine in leningrad last time. 1340128;1449728145;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b6 1340129;1449728146;pete_dushenski;saudis needed to keep baku burning ? 1340130;1449728156;mircea_popescu;that's unclear. 1340131;1449728176;pete_dushenski;aha 1340132;1449728228;mircea_popescu;anyway, they should have met in rome. 1340133;1449728247;mircea_popescu;that's traditionally where these grand adventures against abstractions predicated on a shortage of currency traditionally started 1340134;1449728252;mircea_popescu;back when they were called "the crusades" 1340135;1449728307;pete_dushenski;a millennia is too long of a historical recollection for idjits still using last century's slurs. 1340136;1449728341;mircea_popescu;we wish the dukes and counts the best of luck in aleppo, and we move on to more important matters. 1340137;1449728373;BingoBoingo;again 1340138;1449728443;BingoBoingo;Now in other news... It's the right thing to refer to segregated witness as "Jim Crow" for signatures? 1340139;1449728533;BingoBoingo;Or maybe more specifically "Jim Crow For Signatures On Blockchain" 1340140;1449728570;BingoBoingo;Thoughts on this phrasing before it enters the media cycle? 1340141;1449728985;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b12 1340142;1449729795;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b14 1340143;1449730166;pete_dushenski;http://motherboard.vice.com/read/satoshis-pgp-keys-are-probably-backdated-and-point-to-a-hoax << speaking of which, adlai 1340144;1449730168;assbot;Satoshi's PGP Keys Are Probably Backdated and Point to a Hoax | Motherboard ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGiEGw ) 1340145;1449730215;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12950 @ 0.00049299 = 6.3842 BTC [+] {2} 1340146;1449730237;pete_dushenski;nyooz at 11, wright's a lazy scammer. myth. busted. 1340147;1449730363;pete_dushenski;http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/philg/2015/12/08/obamas-speech-about-san-bernardino/ << notterribad. 1340148;1449730364;assbot;Philip Greenspun's Weblog » Obama’s speech about San Bernardino ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGiTl8 ) 1340149;1449730377;punkman;I don't think at this point you can ever have the "real" satoshi 1340150;1449730396;punkman;maybe you can have a believable one, but it can't be proven 1340151;1449730407;pete_dushenski;oh ? 1340152;1449730446;punkman;suppose Craig had whatever keys you want him to have. who's to say he didn't steal them sometime in the past 5 years 1340153;1449730629;pete_dushenski;i was about to saw that an alien invasion was more likely than satoshi leaving his privkeys open to any sort of theft, then i remember his affinity for dsa and winbloze... 1340154;1449730639;pete_dushenski;s/say/saw 1340155;1449730716;pete_dushenski;punkman: there are presumably questions that one could ask of any potential "satoshi" during an interrogation 1340156;1449730738;pete_dushenski;this would at least weed out the very poor actors who hadn't spent 2-3 years memorising minutiae 1340157;1449730872;BingoBoingo;This really doesn't look like the first time Hoaxtoshi has keep up a con for multiple years 1340158;1449730905;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1236/bitcoin-to-top-700-before-apr-2016/#b4 1340159;1449730935;punkman;pete_dushenski: sure, we can weed out the weak satoshis just by reading X lines of text they've written 1340160;1449731173;punkman;I certainly can't think of any question or piece of data that'd prove the satoshi. 1340161;1449731268;mircea_popescu;which is exactly what the man wanted, apparently. 1340162;1449731368;punkman;can't wait for a believable satoshi though, will be fun 1340163;1449731414;mircea_popescu;like the non-dumb politician, or the well read pundit, or so forth. 1340164;1449731555;mircea_popescu;but in more of the same news, http://41.media.tumblr.com/9e003947beacd65a21eed3227d66c17c/tumblr_n5sr97TCCA1qkgs0xo1_1280.jpg 1340165;1449731557;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGkxmz ) 1340166;1449731842;punkman;http://i.imgur.com/pfHdWCI.png 1340167;1449731842;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGkYxg ) 1340168;1449731863;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7591 @ 0.00048759 = 3.7013 BTC [-] 1340169;1449731923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17709 @ 0.00048725 = 8.6287 BTC [-] 1340170;1449732134;deedbot-;[Qntra] After XT Failure Gavin Andresen Supports Jim Crow For Signatures On The Blockchain - http://qntra.net/2015/12/after-xt-failure-gavin-andresen-supports-jim-crow-for-signatures-on-the-blockchain/ 1340171;1449732194;pete_dushenski;see, and here i was wondering what the fuck the shitgnomes were up to now. qntra to the rescue ! 1340172;1449732269;BingoBoingo;Thank you pete_dushenski for editting the editor 1340173;1449732313;pete_dushenski;np at all 1340174;1449732620;punkman;"disposable structure known as a "witness" that does not get committed to the blockchain" << sigs still stored in blockchain last time I looked 1340175;1449732655;pete_dushenski;i only edited grammar, i only edited grammar !!1 1340176;1449732708;*;pete_dushenski can't do all BingoBoingo's work ;/ 1340177;1449732711;BingoBoingo;punkman: Not with the new derp 1340178;1449732719;BingoBoingo;If implemented 1340179;1449732804;BingoBoingo;punkman: The entire point of this derpology is making more space for transactions by kicking signatures out of blocks 1340180;1449732993;punkman;what new derp? SPV/pruning/sig-check-skipping nodes exist already 1340181;1449733070;BingoBoingo;punkman: New derp is 1MB blocks that hold transactions of 1.7-4 MB blocks because no signatures in block. 1340182;1449733083;BingoBoingo;"Scalibility" 1340183;1449733094;BingoBoingo;Like lizards see 1340184;1449733104;punkman;the worst part is that new core nodes won't be sending witness data to old nodes 1340185;1449733174;BingoBoingo;https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-December/011936.html 1340186;1449733175;assbot;[bitcoin-dev] Not this again. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGmXlc ) 1340187;1449733191;punkman;lol 1340188;1449733228;pete_dushenski;"Nowadays I ask computer-science faculty candidates to explain their view on the ethical responsibilities of computer scientists. Some respond like a deer in headlights, unsure what such a question could even mean." << via http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf 1340189;1449733229;assbot;404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1N1Y401 ) 1340190;1449733248;pete_dushenski;^speaking of morals and ethics 1340191;1449733276;pete_dushenski;"The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work by Phillip Rogaway" 1340192;1449733324;pete_dushenski;the kid can seriously cite sources, i'll give him that. 1340193;1449733396;punkman;https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-December/011935.html 1340194;1449733397;assbot;[bitcoin-dev] Segregated Witness features wish list ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWxcwA ) 1340195;1449733439;deedbot-;[Qntra] Satoshi: Craig Steven Wright Not Me, We All Are Me - http://qntra.net/2015/12/satoshi-craig-steven-wright-not-me-we-all-are-me/ 1340196;1449733464;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: 'visTomail' 1340197;1449733481;BingoBoingo;ty fxd 1340198;1449734180;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35450 @ 0.00049299 = 17.4765 BTC [+] 1340199;1449734607;fluffypony;punkman I have an idea 1340200;1449734621;fluffypony;every time there's a new feature we just create a new separate chain 1340201;1449734632;fluffypony;and then in the old chain we just store pointers to data in the new chain 1340202;1449734643;fluffypony;no more hard forks ever, and you have thousands of useless zombie nodes 1340203;1449734754;BingoBoingo;That's basically what this Jim Crow thing is 1340204;1449734777;fluffypony;yup 1340205;1449734851;pete_dushenski;"Taleb’s tantrum is reprehensible, but at the end of the day it’s his own business whether he is willing to listen to actual experts. He does more harm by setting a bad example. He’s not just refusing to engage opposing opinions himself, he’s encouraging his readers and followers to do it too" 1340206;1449734936;pete_dushenski;"This isn’t just bad manners, it’s destructive. Taleb is intentionally tearing down the kind of back-and-forth conversations that are critical to helping laypeople (like himself) form educated opinions about the safety of GMOs and other scientific subjects. And he’s doing with ugly, personal insults that demonize the other side of the debate, just because it’s fun. It’s a terrible, foolish strategy." < 1340207;1449734937;pete_dushenski;< boohoo everyone should be a middle class conformist and comport themselves with only the flattest and shallowest mannerisms and phraseologies. 1340208;1449734949;pete_dushenski;http://violentmetaphors.com/2015/08/14/good-science-communication-means-never-calling-them-retard-even-if-youre-nassim-taleb/ 1340209;1449734950;assbot;Good science communication means never calling them “retard” – even if you’re Nassim Taleb – Violent metaphors ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWyPKC ) 1340210;1449735021;pete_dushenski;"By trying to disqualify everyone who disagrees with him from civilized debate, Taleb and those who follow his tactics merely disqualify themselves." << bwahaha who's disqualified again ? oh, that's right, it's 'the people', 'us', 'we', (women), etc. 1340211;1449735087;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1340212;1449735090;pete_dushenski;if you can't put your personal feelings to the side, you have no place in civilised discourse and debate. period. 1340213;1449735093;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 411.9, vol: 16099.86267219 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 409.923, vol: 12284.00268 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 413.37, vol: 39668.32493164 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 1.96139836 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 422.697093, vol: 125581.98560000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 414.10999, vol: 258.92544114 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 417.886, vol: 146.39836446 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 1340214;1449735094;BingoBoingo;;;more 1340215;1449735094;gribble;average: 419.070693236 1340216;1449735176;BingoBoingo;Invisibru https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3w6zdh/gavin_andresen_supports_jim_crow_for_signatures/ 1340217;1449735177;assbot;Gavin Andresen Supports Jim Crow For Signatures On The Blockchain : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWz2NT ) 1340218;1449735189;BingoBoingo;!up BashCo ^ 1340219;1449735356;pete_dushenski;from same fishcrap, https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3w48d8/p2pool_release_150_hardfork_upgrade_urgently/ 1340220;1449735357;assbot;P2Pool release 15.0 - HARDFORK - Upgrade URGENTLY required. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1NWOCAO ) 1340221;1449735385;BingoBoingo;Physics https://archive.is/ewr9L 1340222;1449735386;assbot;Praise be to the Higgs Broson, the swoliest particle known to man : swoleacceptance ... ( http://bit.ly/1NWOEst ) 1340223;1449735394;pete_dushenski;that btc miners would go to reddit for their latest news is pretty mindboggling 1340224;1449735427;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: You gotta realize P2P isn't the big miners 1340225;1449735464;pete_dushenski;that's a point. 1340226;1449735532;pete_dushenski;in other nyooz, eth below 0.002 and dropping. i think we've got a nail-biter on our hands ! 1340227;1449735559;BingoBoingo;lol https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10709402 1340228;1449735560;assbot;> Edit to add PS: Also what is Satoshi's original mail. I hope satoshi@vistomail... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1NWP0PK ) 1340229;1449735790;BingoBoingo;The only fitness question that mattershttps://archive.is/JOiuz 1340230;1449735805;*;pete_dushenski guesses : 10 chin-ups ? 1340231;1449735850;pete_dushenski;wtf is swoleacceptance ? 1340232;1449735934;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: It's basically body acceptance for people who don't suck. 1340233;1449736050;pete_dushenski;aha 'juice monkeys' 1340234;1449736106;*;pete_dushenski to bed. bon soir ! 1340235;1449736138;BingoBoingo;Swolepression is real https://i.imgur.com/hnEchw8.jpg 1340236;1449736140;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWA0tw ) 1340237;1449736361;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/YZfjT 1340238;1449736362;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWAct0 ) 1340239;1449736920;BingoBoingo;This is in contrast to: "We had one huge manlet of a kid in junior high. 14 years old probably 300+ pounds at about 5'4. We all hated the kid not just because he was fat and stunk like shit, he was a massive nerd and a complete prick. Some shitlord brought up the fact that he smells so bad because he probably can't fit in the shower, so we took a pink highlighter, not a permanent marker, and highlighted his arm to test the bathing 1340240;1449736920;BingoBoingo; theory. Fucking mark was on his arm for at least two weeks." 1340241;1449737221;BingoBoingo;!up Birdman 1340242;1449737635;Birdman;not sure if its because of the thread q difference now or what but the yield in my mining has been up between 5-10%, while my hit rate has gone from 70-80% to ~40% 1340243;1449737686;punkman;what is hit rate? 1340244;1449737763;Birdman;im sorry it wasn't meant for this channel 1340245;1449737774;punkman;aww 1340246;1449738246;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV1UJKWWoAEFJpl.jpg 1340247;1449738247;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q2s3uN ) 1340248;1449738816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46100 @ 0.00048725 = 22.4622 BTC [-] {2} 1340249;1449742964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16981 @ 0.00048725 = 8.274 BTC [-] 1340250;1449746380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23860 @ 0.00048602 = 11.5964 BTC [-] {2} 1340251;1449749447;jurov;http://bitcoin.sipa.be/speed-lin.png intel miners on? 1340252;1449749448;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1jPWp5e ) 1340253;1449749491;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23800 @ 0.00048367 = 11.5113 BTC [-] 1340254;1449749767;punkman;nice 1340255;1449749918;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48800 @ 0.00048336 = 23.588 BTC [-] {2} 1340256;1449751748;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19540 @ 0.00048493 = 9.4755 BTC [+] 1340257;1449752584;mircea_popescu;sooo... here's an idea for a consumer company : dropship nuts. 1340258;1449752610;mircea_popescu;have a website, with a selection of nut packages. some serving sizes of peanuts, pistachios, whatever. 1340259;1449752622;mircea_popescu;then allow user to specify an image file and an address 1340260;1449752633;mircea_popescu;print the image on the package and mail them over. 1340261;1449752642;mircea_popescu;call it Deez Nuts 1340262;1449752664;mircea_popescu;or w/e, Dee'z Nuts. have Dee the DD blondy your mascot, you can re-use all the godaddy advertising gimmicks. 1340263;1449752966;mircea_popescu;anyone wanna do it ? you need a few k sq ft of warehouse, somewhere where it's cheap (michigan ?), a coupla packaging machines, a plastic printer and a few workers, no prior skills required that's it. 50k for advertising 50k for the gear gets you wll going. buy the nuts in bulk for cents, sell the packs for dollars, you're looking at 99% margins. 1340264;1449753558;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo it's remarkable how plainly dedicated to wrecking bitcoin the usg agents are, huh. 1340265;1449753585;mircea_popescu;"oh, so you exposed us ? whatever, redditards still depend on usg for their daily survival, and are dumb anyway. so we'll just carry on, but this time without shame" 1340266;1449753616;mircea_popescu;anyway, nice write-up. 1340267;1449753689;mircea_popescu;mod6 perhaps an announcement that the bitcoin foundation maintains and will continue to maintain a real bitcoin client, notwithstanding continued attacks from well known usg agents on the core values of sound money ? 1340268;1449753797;punkman;http://i.imgur.com/mgByuTB.jpg 1340269;1449753797;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q2SPmM ) 1340270;1449753832;mircea_popescu;<punkman> the worst part is that new core nodes won't be sending witness data to old nodes <<< guess why. 1340271;1449753890;mircea_popescu;they want a fork. they failed to ghet the xt fork going, they're back to pretending like they're in after spending a year pretending like reddit/xtcoin was anything but outsourced philipinos. and now the pretense is that you know, whatever, nobody knows anything of the last year, nobody learned anythning, we'll just do... this. which is that. 1340272;1449753923;mircea_popescu;punkman no but this is with a z see 1340273;1449753953;mircea_popescu;anyway, the truth of the matter is that the usg-dole livers don't belong in bitcoin. not in any other sense than they CAN NOT be in bitcoin. simply impossible. 1340274;1449753958;mircea_popescu;so they'll find their way out, and good riddance. 1340275;1449754296;mircea_popescu;next time you feel the itch to "drive adoption", specially to poor/stupid people, think that giving a car to a guy living in a horsepulled cart doesn't help him. 1340276;1449754317;mircea_popescu;and it does create a mess for the people on the highway. 1340277;1449754858;mircea_popescu;midnightmagic http://qntra.net/2015/12/after-xt-failure-gavin-andresen-supports-jim-crow-for-signatures-on-the-blockchain/#comment-81695 << see ? why even bother. \ 1340278;1449754859;assbot;After XT Failure Gavin Andresen Supports Jim Crow For Signatures On The Blockchain | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1jQ8HdO ) 1340279;1449755543;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/0aLpT << lulz at the trezor/"bitcoin speculation" derp. seriously, "there exists consensus" ? tardstalk references ? le sigh already. 1340280;1449755543;assbot;[bitcoin-dev] Segregated Witness features wish list ... ( http://bit.ly/1jQafEG ) 1340281;1449755783;mircea_popescu;"Okay. So I am Pieter Wuille. I'll be talking about segregated witness for Bitcoin. Before I can explain this, I want to give some context. We all know how bitcoin transactions work. Every bitcoin transaction gets inputs, which refer to previous outputs being spent. Every input has the txid and the signature to prove that it is allowed, plus an amount and script in every output. What this presentation will mostly be ab 1340282;1449755783;mircea_popescu;out is the question of whether all of this data is equally important. 1340283;1449755783;mircea_popescu;In particular, we are going to be talking about signatures. It's important to realize here that signatures are really only needed for fully-validating nodes. As a light-weight client, you are not validating signatures, even though they are part of the transactions you still have to download them. If you are using a full-node that is syncing historical data, you don't actually validate all of the signatures in there. Cu 1340284;1449755786;mircea_popescu;rrently there is a mechanism in there using checkpoints, which we want to deprecate soon, but the result will still be that we're not validating all signatures from years ago in deep history." 1340285;1449755791;mircea_popescu;herp. and this isn't something that should be fixed, rite. 1340286;1449755798;mircea_popescu;no, it's "industry standard" eh ? 1340287;1449756050;mircea_popescu;!rate sipa -10 moved on to work on wrecking bitcoin. 1340288;1449756050;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/48186f880d4bcfc0 1340289;1449756095;mircea_popescu;!rate sipa -10 moved on to work on wrecking bitcoin. see https://archive.is/03a9R#selection-131.0-139.533 1340290;1449756095;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/c0eca0ff96891b90 1340291;1449756095;assbot;segregated-witness-and-its-impact-on-scalability ... ( http://bit.ly/1jQbB2q ) 1340292;1449756114;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.sipa.-10:1a26db89a81ce7908b35e80bcfc1c5db9088d9b331b2aee2d10218a41c226c5c 1340293;1449756114;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -10 for sipa with note: moved on to work on wrecking bitcoin. see https://archive.is/03a9R#selection-131.0-139.533 1340294;1449756124;mircea_popescu;;;eauth 1340295;1449756124;gribble;(eauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered a GPG key with the bot for this to work. You will be given a link to a page which contains a one time password encrypted with your key. Decrypt, and use the 'everify' command with it. Your passphrase will expire in 10 minutes. 1340296;1449756128;mircea_popescu;;;eauth mircea_popescu 1340297;1449756129;gribble;Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/8A736F0E2FB7B452 1340298;1449756140;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12036 @ 0.00048923 = 5.8884 BTC [+] {2} 1340299;1449756156;mircea_popescu;;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:feaed86ad30df427690c0e066ea0461853b2511a08790892239c341f 1340300;1449756157;gribble;You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452 1340301;1449756168;mircea_popescu;;;rate sipa -10 moved on to work on wrecking bitcoin. see https://archive.is/03a9R#selection-131.0-139.533 1340302;1449756169;assbot;segregated-witness-and-its-impact-on-scalability ... ( http://bit.ly/1jQbB2q ) 1340303;1449756169;gribble;Rating entry successful. Your rating of -10 for user sipa has been recorded. 1340304;1449756216;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing vermin for some reason this morning, check out https://archive.is/iMqlE 1340305;1449756217;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1jQc7NF ) 1340306;1449756242;mircea_popescu;scammers & usg agents decide the actual wot is kinda unfriendly to their ilk, "reboot" it. because yeah, totally, that's how it works. 1340307;1449756313;mircea_popescu;Christopher Allen Former CTO Certicom Co-Author TLS 1.0 ; Jon Callas Former CTO of PGP Now CTO Silent Circle ; Greg Maxwell Bitcoin Core Maintainer CTO Blockstream ; Peter Todd Bitcoin Core Contributor ; Greg Slepak OKTurtles and DNSChain ; Markus Sabadello OASIS XDI Internet Identity ; Vitalik Buterin Founder of Ethereum and Bitcoin Magazine ; F. Randall Farmer Author of "Building Web Reputation Systems" ; Pie 1340308;1449756313;mircea_popescu;ter Wuille Co-founder at Blockstream Bitcoin Core Developer ; Kiara Robles Creator of blockchainMe ; Juan Benet Creator of IPFS Founder of Protocol Labs ; Alex Leverington Core Developer Ethereum ; Tyler Close Access control thinker and implementer ; Ryan Shea Co-founder Onename ; Muneeb Ali Co-founder Onename ; Drummond Reed Co-Founder & CTO Respect Network ; Matthew Schutte Co-Founder at Collaborative Advanta 1340309;1449756315;mircea_popescu;ge ; Joseph Bonneau Applied Crypto Group ; Jude Nelson Syndicate Private Cloud Storage ; Michael Folkson Founder of RiskBazaar ; Noah Thorp Co-Founder Citizen Code ; Harlan T Wood Citizen Code Enlightened Structure ; Duke Dorje Citizen Code Formerly PGP ; Joel Dietz Citizen Code Founder of Swarm ; Patrick Deegan CTO of Personal BlackBox ; John Edge Cofounder & Chairman Identity2020 ; Justin Newton Netki Foun 1340310;1449756320;mircea_popescu;der and CEO ; Wayne Thayer VP of Security Products at GoDaddy 1340311;1449756322;mircea_popescu;^ kill list, for future convenience. 1340312;1449756633;shinohai;It's like whitewashing a fence! 1340313;1449756737;mircea_popescu;"The reason for this name is because signatures are not part of the transaction. They don't describe what the transaction is doing." herpitty derp, fancy that! 1340314;1449756784;mircea_popescu;"Wouldn't it be nice to just drop the signatures? The reason why we can't do this is because the signature is part of the transaction hash. If we would just drop the sig from the transaction, the block wouldn't validate, you wouldn't be able to prove an output spend came from that transaction, so that's not something we could do. But let's simplify the problem. What if we could redesign Bitcoin from scratch? What if yo 1340315;1449756784;mircea_popescu;u're designing an altcoin, there's really no reason why you would want to do this in Bitcoin. This is actually something we did in sidechain alpha." 1340316;1449756785;mircea_popescu;mmkay. 1340317;1449756800;mircea_popescu;"You would mark the signature data as special. You are indicated by green color on this slide. Everything but the green part goes into the hash of a transaction. The signature doesn't. It's just a piece of data that's still there, but we don't consider it part of the transaction. 1340318;1449756800;mircea_popescu;This redesign would allow you to drop this data." 1340319;1449756813;mircea_popescu;is there no honest man that ever worked for a university ? 1340320;1449756872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 120550 @ 0.00048362 = 58.3004 BTC [-] {7} 1340321;1449757067;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the strategy is to throw turds at bitcoin 'until one sticks.' there is a squad devoted to throwing large ones (e.g., xt, 'segregated' nonsense, etc) and another for smaller ones (weird and useless tx types, etc) 1340322;1449757124;mircea_popescu;aha 1340323;1449757130;mircea_popescu;well, i guess it's time for an article, what can i say. 1340324;1449757135;asciilifeform;the 'embrace & extinguish' busienss is tried&true usg vs linux 1340325;1449757142;asciilifeform;(notice, it largely... worked) 1340326;1449757156;mircea_popescu;no money in linux. 1340327;1449757182;asciilifeform;big money in continued microshitification though. 1340328;1449757371;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340306 << this is the umpteenth attempt, but - iirc - the only one thus far to reference the ~actual~ wot, in the 'embrace&extinguish' sense 1340329;1449757371;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 14:04:02; mircea_popescu: scammers & usg agents decide the actual wot is kinda unfriendly to their ilk, "reboot" it. because yeah, totally, that's how it works. 1340330;1449757389;asciilifeform;in the keybase vs actual-pgp sense 1340331;1449757395;mircea_popescu;aha 1340332;1449757562;asciilifeform;none of the idiot heresies are even in any sense new. 'multisig', for instance, is simply 1990s clinton key escrow, 'old wine in new bottle' 1340333;1449757752;mircea_popescu;aha 1340334;1449757762;mircea_popescu;a bottle made of tin foil. 1340335;1449758172;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340188 << it was discussed a week or so ago 1340336;1449758172;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 07:40:28; pete_dushenski: "Nowadays I ask computer-science faculty candidates to explain their view on the ethical responsibilities of computer scientists. Some respond like a deer in headlights, unsure what such a question could even mean." << via http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf 1340337;1449758199;asciilifeform;^ http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-12-2015#1334630 1340338;1449758199;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 18:09:50; ascii_field: from the l0ltr0ns: http://web.cs.ucdavis.edu/~rogaway/papers/moral-fn.pdf >>>>> http://dpaste.com/02AW7SH.txt 1340339;1449758252;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340227 << lulzy indeed: 'I feel that in the interest of disclosure I should inform you that I am one of the moderators of the bitcoin-dev mailing list and I approved that email. I regret it already.' (kanzure) 1340340;1449758252;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 08:19:19; BingoBoingo: lol https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10709402 1340341;1449758272;asciilifeform;now kanzure (hi! and whatcha still doing here) is an interesting fella. 1340342;1449758300;asciilifeform;made his richez young, and theoretically wants for nothing, but still was somehow tempted to join the usgification-of-bitcoin crowd. long ago. 1340343;1449758341;asciilifeform;perhaps they took his mother, or his dog, hostage, whatever. 1340344;1449758358;mircea_popescu;or perhaps he's amoral for reason of mental retardation. 1340345;1449758378;asciilifeform;if anybody gives a shit, walk into #bitcoin-wizards and ask him. 1340346;1449758400;asciilifeform;('wizards' is where they spend all day thinking of what shit-to-bolt-on-the-side-of-the-kalash) 1340347;1449758432;asciilifeform;!s bitcoin-wizards 1340348;1449758433;assbot;10 results for 'bitcoin-wizards' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bitcoin-wizards 1340349;1449758444;mircea_popescu;nothing wrong with that, really. 1340350;1449758465;asciilifeform;it is entertaining, and i occasionally read their logz for lulz 1340351;1449758467;mircea_popescu;i nten million bars all over the world a hundred million derps spend hours discussing what shit they'd stick to the sides of kardashian, also 1340352;1449758484;asciilifeform;these folks are fully convinced that they are 'the ~cerebral~ #bitcoin-assets' 1340353;1449758530;asciilifeform;and virtually the whole rogue's gallery of gavinistas etc. who were shown their latrine place here, have reappeared there. 1340354;1449758784;mircea_popescu;well... good for 'em neh ? 1340355;1449758788;mircea_popescu;tis a free world. 1340356;1449758885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 111000 @ 0.00047337 = 52.5441 BTC [-] {8} 1340357;1449758946;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52750 @ 0.00047252 = 24.9254 BTC [-] {2} 1340358;1449759135;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340251 << l0l, miner usgocalypse ? 1340359;1449759135;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 12:10:47; jurov: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/speed-lin.png intel miners on? 1340360;1449759269;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340273 << tell it to intel and the belching smokestacks of the 14nm fabs 1340361;1449759269;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 13:25:53; mircea_popescu: anyway, the truth of the matter is that the usg-dole livers don't belong in bitcoin. not in any other sense than they CAN NOT be in bitcoin. simply impossible. 1340362;1449759567;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 perhaps an announcement that the bitcoin foundation maintains and will continue to maintain a real bitcoin client, notwithstanding continued attacks from well known usg agents on the core values of sound money ? << sounds good, will write something up by EOD. 1340363;1449759574;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/1bjpD << some mild lulz (for entomologists strictly) 1340364;1449759575;assbot;I fear gwern has gone off the deep end on this one, situation is getting ridicul... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1lxi2sW ) 1340365;1449759755;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340160 << not especially hard to prove that a particular imbecile ~isn't~, however. e.g., sit him down and ask a few basic q's re: the src. 1340366;1449759755;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 07:06:13; punkman: I certainly can't think of any question or piece of data that'd prove the satoshi. 1340367;1449759784;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/theres-a-one-bitcoin-reward-for-the-death-of-pieter-wuille-details-below/ 1340368;1449759785;assbot;There's a one Bitcoin reward for the death of Pieter Wuille. Details below. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1lxiG9S ) 1340369;1449759795;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i guess you might enjoy. 1340370;1449759805;asciilifeform;this can even be conveniently done in a 'coke machine' setup, where a robotic instrument of torture discourages contrived malingering mistakes 1340371;1449759811;*;asciilifeform reads 1340372;1449760036;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how in satan's name does one produce 'verifiable death certificate' ? 1340373;1449760050;asciilifeform;afaik the historical gold standard is... the head 1340374;1449760051;mircea_popescu;never you mind. we're talking to idiots here. 1340375;1449760066;mircea_popescu;things aren't what they are, they're what the packaging says they are. 1340376;1449760068;mircea_popescu;and so... 1340377;1449760198;mircea_popescu;and yeah re the src point : /me would enjoy a show conssiting of alf crossexamining pretenders. 1340378;1449760208;*;asciilifeform would also enjoy. 1340379;1449760241;asciilifeform;and i can think of a buncha other folks here who could readily play the part of the fella with the hot soldering iron 1340380;1449760385;asciilifeform;'Nodes means "fully validating" nodes. The other version, the faux-nodes, the "not really nodes", the "I can't believe it's not a node" SPV nonsense are the ones that require the specification just like when an honest man meets a thief the honest man is Jim and the thief is Jeff the Thief - not the other fucking way around.' << gold 1340381;1449760387;*;asciilifeform fallz down 1340382;1449760572;mircea_popescu;it's hysterical tho, last year they were all "oh noes, moore's law, infinity resources, must make blocks infinitesize" 1340383;1449760588;mircea_popescu;this year they're all "oh noes, scarce resources, must replace blockchain with a napkin" 1340384;1449760594;mircea_popescu;da fuck already. 1340385;1449760675;mircea_popescu;why would you need to purge anything, i thought usgavin had consensused with a bunch of experts as to how there's plenty of room for everything. 1340386;1449760785;thestringpuller;i see mircea_popescu is not happy with PW's SW 1340387;1449760815;deedbot-;[Trilema] There's a one Bitcoin reward for the death of Pieter Wuille. Details below. - http://trilema.com/2015/theres-a-one-bitcoin-reward-for-the-death-of-pieter-wuille-details-below/ 1340388;1449761950;mircea_popescu;aww... experiencing a little bit o' ddos, somehow. back shortly. 1340389;1449763573;davout;mircea_popescu: "Valid Bitcoin addresses start with a "1"" <<< since when? 1340390;1449763704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00049299 = 3.4509 BTC [+] 1340391;1449764192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57300 @ 0.0004907 = 28.1171 BTC [-] {2} 1340392;1449764375;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7723 @ 0.0004907 = 3.7897 BTC [-] {2} 1340393;1449764677;mircea_popescu;davout since forever. 1340394;1449764680;mircea_popescu;what, it changed ? 1340395;1449765411;thestringpuller;yea you can put 3 in front of it 1340396;1449765414;thestringpuller;and it's a multisig!!!!!! 1340397;1449765439;mircea_popescu;never heard of it. 1340398;1449765446;thestringpuller;https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/List_of_address_prefixes << some sauce for you 1340399;1449765459;mircea_popescu;that's ok, i don't much read social media. 1340400;1449765496;thestringpuller;!b 2 1340401;1449765498;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/2HK5V9Q.txt ) 1340402;1449766266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.00048567 = 2.1855 BTC [-] {2} 1340403;1449766686;mircea_popescu;http://robert.ocallahan.org/2014/03/introducing-rr.html << for some obscure reason, rr joins the pile of all the other attempts at record/replay. along with mozilla itself. 1340404;1449766687;assbot;Well, I'm Back: Introducing rr ... ( http://bit.ly/1QhnmNt ) 1340405;1449766689;mircea_popescu;odd how this works. 1340406;1449767007;mircea_popescu;getting back to yest's lulzthread, https://hbr.org/2014/08/venture-capitalists-get-paid-well-to-lose-money 1340407;1449767008;assbot;Venture Capitalists Get Paid Well to Lose Money ... ( http://bit.ly/1QhnY5K ) 1340408;1449767016;mircea_popescu;"2013 had all the signs of being a comeback year for venture capital. Booming public equities and a recovered IPO market generated record portfolio company exits and distributions from VC funds. The industry realized its highest returns since the Internet boom. 1340409;1449767016;mircea_popescu;Yet 2013 annual industry performance data from Cambridge Associates shows that venture capital continues to underperform the S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell 2000." 1340410;1449767027;mircea_popescu;2015 has moar hype, less wealth. and 2016... 1340411;1449767144;mircea_popescu;"But the bigger problem and the real problem for investors is how little of a problem this persistent underperformance is for VCs themselves. LPs have created and perpetuate an industry of such structural economic misalignment that VCs can underperform and not only survive, but thrive." 1340412;1449767190;mircea_popescu;i fully expect the 2016 sv vc verbiage to be all about special pleading of the "employee contracts" sort seen this year. "we lose a lot of money but want you to somehow believe everything that exists is due us!" 1340413;1449767197;mircea_popescu;vapid housewife standard fare. 1340414;1449767345;mircea_popescu;VCs barely invest in their own funds. The market standard is for VCs to personally invest 1% of the fund size, and for investors to contribute the remaining 99%. << 1340415;1449767365;mircea_popescu;the best part is that this works out to a 50% discount for the first year. basically, they;re out there selling adjustable APR mortgages to suckers. 1340416;1449767369;mircea_popescu;and the [same] suckers are buying. 1340417;1449767545;mircea_popescu;!up ascii_field 1340418;1449767669;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6273 @ 0.00048751 = 3.0582 BTC [+] {2} 1340419;1449767715;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340202 << and nobody will ever notice or care, either. you've perhaps noticed the conferences get smaller and smaller and the attendance ever more obscure. 1340420;1449767715;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 08:04:03; fluffypony: no more hard forks ever, and you have thousands of useless zombie nodes 1340421;1449767720;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340403 << this is an ancient idea 1340422;1449767720;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 16:58:06; mircea_popescu: http://robert.ocallahan.org/2014/03/introducing-rr.html << for some obscure reason, rr joins the pile of all the other attempts at record/replay. along with mozilla itself. 1340423;1449767733;mircea_popescu;so it is. 1340424;1449767740;mircea_popescu;just discussing his observation it never went anywhere. 1340425;1449767753;ascii_field;the reason that nobody ever ~did it right~ - and not gdb, either - is the ridiculous qty of not only bandwidth, but FAST storage, required. 1340426;1449767781;ascii_field;gotta record every flipped bit of register, BUT ALSO OF RAM 1340427;1449767786;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340205 << from http://violentmetaphors.com/2015/08/14/good-science-communication-means-never-calling-them-retard-even-if-youre-nassim-taleb/ and do we actually know taleb's NOT reading b-a ? 1340428;1449767786;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 08:07:31; pete_dushenski: "Taleb’s tantrum is reprehensible, but at the end of the day it’s his own business whether he is willing to listen to actual experts. He does more harm by setting a bad example. He’s not just refusing to engage opposing opinions himself, he’s encouraging his readers and followers to do it too" 1340429;1449767788;assbot;Good science communication means never calling them “retard” – even if you’re Nassim Taleb – Violent metaphors ... ( http://bit.ly/1IWyPKC ) 1340430;1449767789;ascii_field;and satan help you if your program actually does any i/o. 1340431;1449767793;mircea_popescu;i wasn't aware they say retard on ws. 1340432;1449767819;ascii_field;herr taleb, iirc, is self-funded, says whatever the fuck he pleases 1340433;1449767862;mircea_popescu;"Taleb has been kicking up the dust lately on Facebook and Twitter, encouraging his readers to not even listen to people who disagree with his beliefs about GMOs." << apparently encouraging readers to not erven listen to people who know better than to buy in the "rape" narrative, or the "global warming" narrative is a-ok. the problems only start when power exists unalligned to the usg, then the means are VERY BAD!!11 1340434;1449768102;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340385 << everything but hat3sp33ch!1111 e.g. sigs 1340435;1449768102;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 15:17:55; mircea_popescu: why would you need to purge anything, i thought usgavin had consensused with a bunch of experts as to how there's plenty of room for everything. 1340436;1449768114;mircea_popescu;aok 1340437;1449768131;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1340438;1449768136;gribble;Current Blocks: 387713 | Current Difficulty: 7.910238090022598E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 389087 | Next Difficulty In: 1374 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 33 minutes, and 28 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1340439;1449768167;mircea_popescu;funny tho, so their target is "bitcoin community" < 6months old ? 1340440;1449768170;*;ascii_field sees the '7.91....' and immediately thinks 'pretty good!111' but then remember he isn't looking at 'ent' 1340441;1449768207;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340224 << actually p2p is all the tiny confuseled derps. 1340442;1449768207;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 08:17:07; BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: You gotta realize P2P isn't the big miners 1340443;1449768218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4110 @ 0.00049298 = 2.0261 BTC [+] {2} 1340444;1449768222;mircea_popescu;ascii_field lol 1340445;1449768230;mircea_popescu;it does say E! 1340446;1449768231;ascii_field;actually p2p is, for the most part, the botnetz 1340447;1449768249;*;ascii_field had no idea anyone still bothered 1340448;1449768368;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV1UJKWWoAEFJpl.jpg <<< ah, the leah goodman derp still involved in all this ? 1340449;1449768369;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q2s3uN ) 1340450;1449768373;mircea_popescu;wtf is wrong with people lmao. 1340451;1449768508;mircea_popescu;"So there are two possibilities here. One is that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto. The other is that Wright has been conducting an elaborate, year-long con to convince the world that he is Satoshi Nakamoto." mno... timmy boy. the third which is really the only one that matters, is that http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-12-2015#1339534 1340452;1449768508;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 11:13:57; mircea_popescu: anyway, so the point of the "is random derp X ?" (no) article was so that reuters could run a piece saying "Australian police raided the Sydney home and office on Wednesday of a man named by Wired magazine as the probable creator of bitcoin and holder of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of the cryptocurrency, Reuters witnesses said." 1340453;1449768584;mircea_popescu;and of course, so that tim lee/vox can say "If Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, he will instantly become the most prominent person in the Bitcoin world." 1340454;1449768626;mircea_popescu;im guessing if the "swj" update to bitcoin goes the same way the xt update goes, usg is going to discover that really, gavin has no objection to wearing a going to wear a satoshi costume permanently ? 1340455;1449768659;mircea_popescu;"oh, we discovered the real-real-real one, it's this derp, and as vox said, this now makes him the most important rite ?" 1340456;1449768668;ascii_field;the other enigma is, 1340457;1449768681;ascii_field;was it really so impossible to find a halfway-convincing actor ? 1340458;1449768686;ascii_field;e.g. somebody literate 1340459;1449768855;mircea_popescu;same thing as "properlly spelled spam" i guess. 1340460;1449768969;mircea_popescu;ascii_field http://nodes.p2pool.co/ < minefast.coincadence.com 78 TH/s ; elizium.name 22 TH/s ; xt.warp2pool.eu 18 TH/s ; galactica.geekgalaxy.com 15 TH/s ; cammello.agaland.it 9 TH/s ; 6 TH/s ; p2pool.science 4 TH/s ; 2 TH/s ; p2pool.servebeer.com1 TH/s 1340461;1449768970;assbot;P2Pool.co Node Scanner ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qhr9dS ) 1340462;1449769050;mircea_popescu;most of it is random "seo experts" front. 1340463;1449769148;mircea_popescu;PO Box 110211 Stamford, CT 06911-0211 United States. of http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/Scammers-Demand-Money-Threaten-to-Kill-Stamford-Residents-290678861.html fame. 1340464;1449769150;assbot;Scammers Demand Money, Threaten to Kill Stamford Residents | NBC Connecticut ... ( http://bit.ly/1QhrpcM ) 1340465;1449769157;HeySteve;mircea_popescu, do you really want Pieter Wuille's blood on your hands? 1340466;1449769191;mircea_popescu;say wut ? 1340467;1449769197;HeySteve;you've made your point but that's going too far 1340468;1449769243;mircea_popescu;you're one to judge this ? 1340469;1449769259;HeySteve;any sane person will make this judgement 1340470;1449769272;mircea_popescu;then any sane person will do something else with their time, i guess. 1340471;1449769298;HeySteve;this will only undermine opposition to SW 1340472;1449769310;mircea_popescu;you're one to judge this ? 1340473;1449769357;HeySteve;I might not be the best person to judge the technical issues. but to judge murder for hire? yes, why not 1340474;1449769372;HeySteve;I wish you would reconsider, this is madness 1340475;1449769472;mircea_popescu;tell you what : the oposition to xt was... me. that you or any other "sane persons" jumped on later on or not is relatively irrelevant. and, for that matter, the opposition to pirate was also me. and everything in between - me. meanwhile "sane persons" were busy with derping at me about how "mpoe-pr is unprofessional calling out the scam". 1340476;1449769490;mircea_popescu;so... you know. this is where you learn from what works. 1340477;1449769580;HeySteve;I hope you continue to oppose scammers and act for the conservation of "classic" bitcoin. but this is not the way to go about it. 1340478;1449769626;HeySteve;I mean really, putting out a hit? what if some desperate or crazy person takes you up on it, are you ready for the criminal charges? 1340479;1449769638;BingoBoingo; actually p2p is, for the most part, the botnetz << Not feasible anymore really. p2P diff is too high. Most seems to be 1-5 dedicated recent mining rigs, so home users. 1340480;1449769852;mircea_popescu;again. how would you know ? 1340481;1449769898;BingoBoingo;Just guessing by the range of hashrates reported. Also did the p2pool thing with ATC. 1340482;1449769904;mircea_popescu;not you lol, him 1340483;1449769925;mircea_popescu;guy knows the way to go about things he ain't doing, and wishes to inform the people actually doing it. 1340484;1449769933;HeySteve;I know evil bullshit when I see it. 1340485;1449769938;mircea_popescu;how ? 1340486;1449769966;mircea_popescu;do you basically grep for strings or is there more to it than that ? 1340487;1449770000;HeySteve;step 1 is not being a psychopath. try it sometime. 1340488;1449770011;mircea_popescu;right. 1340489;1449770033;mircea_popescu;here's the thing : the delusional notion that their lives aren't on the line is what makes people do most of the fucktarded shit they do. it certainly is the case with the power rangers. 1340490;1449770041;mircea_popescu;a little reality call never hurt anyone 1340491;1449770044;mircea_popescu;unpun unintended. 1340492;1449770061;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1340493;1449770079;ascii_field;wake me up when i can buy a ticket to the impalements. 1340494;1449770092;mircea_popescu;which those ? 1340495;1449770122;ascii_field;of 'power rangerz', et al 1340496;1449770129;mircea_popescu;ah ah i read implements. 1340497;1449770134;ascii_field;l0l 1340498;1449770171;mircea_popescu;in also lulzy news, the maryland-based righteous ddosing of trilema earlier was kinda weak and ineffectual, when compared to the standard angry economics driven ddosen we've seen over the years. 1340499;1449770181;mircea_popescu;i guess yet another field where the private sector has the public sector whupped. 1340500;1449770190;ascii_field;l0l md where 1340501;1449770197;ascii_field;the uni ? 1340502;1449770205;mircea_popescu;lemme fish the ips i banned 1340503;1449770265;HeySteve;well, I wash my hands of this place 1340504;1449770283;ascii_field;HeySteve: don't let the door hit you on the arse 1340505;1449770296;mircea_popescu;baltimore mostly. 1340506;1449770336;mircea_popescu;how exactly is the world supposed to work without "psychopaths". so asshole goes and does something outright evil, and we all what, chant to purge his "sw" out of bitcoin ? hold hands ? 1340507;1449770338;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: was it udp barf from konsoomer modems? 1340508;1449770345;mircea_popescu;keep sending him home baked pies ? 1340509;1449770373;mircea_popescu;ascii_field i've really not spent so much time looking into it, gb-and-a-half piddle from 10s of ips. 1340510;1449770387;ascii_field;likely it then 1340511;1449770424;mircea_popescu;!rated heysteve 1340512;1449770424;assbot;You rated user heysteve on 25-Oct-2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Fairer sex connoisseur. 1340513;1449770433;mircea_popescu;im trying to recall who this guy is/was. 1340514;1449770464;mircea_popescu;oh fuck, he's the guy with the sa rentals. right. 1340515;1449770472;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=23-10-2015#1306046 1340516;1449770472;assbot;Logged on 23-10-2015 14:24:36; HeySteve: as for the rest, mircea_popescu, you may dismiss everything that isn't Bitcoin 0.5 as a scam but I do not take this view without evidence 1340517;1449770508;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=23-10-2015#1306040 1340518;1449770508;assbot;Logged on 23-10-2015 13:56:49; HeySteve: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-10-2015#1305598 < scalable means up to 10,000 TPS, fast means ~5 second confirms, flexible means you can create all kinds of financial instruments (like integrating BANX or creating market-pegged assets) 1340519;1449770514;mircea_popescu;http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=heysteve+landlords more on point. 1340520;1449770514;assbot;4 results for 'heysteve landlords' - #bitcoin-assets search 1340521;1449770544;mircea_popescu;incidentally, why do people wish to add semantic content to bitcoin ? 1340522;1449770553;ascii_field;like waht? 1340523;1449770555;mircea_popescu;hasn't html/xml/sgml failed horribly enough ? 1340524;1449770558;mircea_popescu;like "scripts" 1340525;1449770577;ascii_field;same reason why add a 2kg telescope to kalash ? 1340526;1449770585;ascii_field;or a searchlight projector 1340527;1449770596;ascii_field;'BECAUSE K00L!!111' 1340528;1449770596;thestringpuller;kalash makes a good sniper rifle tho 1340529;1449770605;mircea_popescu;so no more unix philosophy, just... everything expands to read mail ? 1340530;1449770609;ascii_field;thestringpuller: wai wut 1340531;1449770627;mircea_popescu;assault-sniping. 1340532;1449770652;ascii_field;thestringpuller: if you live in usa you are not far from some place where you can rent a kalash and try 'snipe' at 100 metres into a plate 1340533;1449770662;ascii_field;go, try 1340534;1449770663;thestringpuller;^- i've done this 1340535;1449770667;thestringpuller;it's not so bad 1340536;1449770678;thestringpuller;not as good as a "real" sniper rifle 1340537;1449770684;ascii_field;aha. now try 500m which is what 'snipe' means in the civilized world 1340538;1449770686;mircea_popescu;much better than a water gun 1340539;1449770851;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340521 << now the other thing is: chumpatronic engineering 1340540;1449770851;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 18:02:24; mircea_popescu: incidentally, why do people wish to add semantic content to bitcoin ? 1340541;1449770875;ascii_field;in the specific sense of 'goldmansachsization' 1340542;1449770893;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340503 <<< A #b-a ragequit ? O.o 1340543;1449770893;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 17:57:45; HeySteve: well, I wash my hands of this place 1340544;1449770894;ascii_field;moar mechanical complexity, more room (or so they hope) for mechanized fraud 1340545;1449770927;mircea_popescu;except this approach handed their country to china on a silver plate. 1340546;1449770933;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would they still expect it to work 1340547;1449770936;mircea_popescu;no, nm. 1340548;1449770949;ascii_field;the fact never sank in 1340549;1449770954;thestringpuller;because ethereum is revolutionary and thus bitcoin needs to be moar like it 1340550;1449770961;ascii_field;because - largely - cn never came in and repossessed the whores & coke 1340551;1449770965;mircea_popescu;myeah. i had a mp sitting on my shoulder going "Doh" as i hit enter 1340552;1449771021;mircea_popescu;shinohai in fairness, wouldn't by any stretch be the first person we/i've driven to excuse themselves. 1340553;1449771039;ascii_field;what was the name of the treason guy 1340554;1449771046;ascii_field;!s treason 1340555;1449771047;assbot;40 results for 'treason' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=treason 1340556;1449771130;shinohai;Life is precarious, get over it ^^ 1340557;1449771160;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-01-2015#999266 1340558;1449771160;assbot;Logged on 31-01-2015 02:02:19; midnightmagic: dude. seriously plotting or fomenting the physical murder of the USG is sedition, insurrection, and various related crimes and there's no fucking way I'm interested in being associated with it just because I'm lurking in here. 1340559;1449771207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37950 @ 0.00049401 = 18.7477 BTC [-] {3} 1340560;1449771211;thestringpuller;yet ascii_field you are afraid to launder USG money? lol. 1340561;1449771240;mircea_popescu;lol that really stuck with you huh 1340562;1449771254;ascii_field;thestringpuller: in the same sense as i'm afraid to thermonuke davos 1340563;1449771261;ascii_field;(elementarily lack the means) 1340564;1449771283;thestringpuller;ic makes sense then. 1340565;1449771402;BingoBoingo; what was the name of the treason guy << midnightmagic 1340566;1449771430;ascii_field;and iirc there were moar 1340567;1449771454;BingoBoingo; aha. now try 500m which is what 'snipe' means in the civilized world << This is job for the other (Mosin) Nagant 1340568;1449771573;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 102800 @ 0.00049219 = 50.5971 BTC [-] {4} 1340569;1449771578;mircea_popescu;in less emotional-driven nonsense, 1340570;1449771580;mircea_popescu;"The Model is Confused and Misused. Frequently the same group that is arguing for more spending is the same one that owns the LTV calculation. (This is a mistake finance should monitor LTV). As a result, it is not uncommon for one to see shortcuts taken that allow for greater freedom. As an example, marketers often divide spend by total customers to calculate SAC rather than just those customers that were 1340571;1449771580;mircea_popescu;purchased. If you have organic customers, they shouldnt be included in the spend calculus. They would have arrived regardless of spend. Also, many people discount revenues rather than marginal cash contribution. It is critical to bundle all future variable costs of supporting the customer in order to fairly estimate the future contribution. As an example of the sloppiness that exists around the formula, 1340572;1449771581;mircea_popescu;consider this blog post (http://blog.kissmetrics.com/how-to-calculate-lifetime-value/) from KISS metrics, a company whose aim is to help you make smarter business decisions. Not only do they include a version of the model that specifically ignores future costs, but also they recommend taking an average of three different results, two of which are clearly flawed. This voodoo-math has no place as part of a multi-mi 1340573;1449771586;mircea_popescu;llion dollar marketing exercise." 1340574;1449771588;mircea_popescu;from http://abovethecrowd.com/2012/09/04/the-dangerous-seduction-of-the-lifetime-value-ltv-formula/ 1340575;1449771591;assbot;The Dangerous Seduction of the Lifetime Value (LTV) Formula | Above the Crowd | By Bill Gurley ... ( http://bit.ly/21SdtK0 ) 1340576;1449771604;mircea_popescu;"ltv" being one of the lulziest snakeoil products the marketing scambunch has been pushing down the throats of public cos 1340577;1449772124;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1340578;1449772136;ascii_field;;;later tell mod6 trb www still shows non-v patches ?! 1340579;1449772136;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1340580;1449772209;mircea_popescu;!up btcdrak 1340581;1449772245;btcdrak;mircea_popescu: what on earth are you up to? 1340582;1449772261;mircea_popescu;bothering people, apparently. 1340583;1449772301;btcdrak;mircea_popescu: I'm trying to divine if you are just trolling or dead serious. 1340584;1449772348;mircea_popescu;well... i signed it, didn't i ? what's more. 1340585;1449772351;mircea_popescu;why, you got the cert ? 1340586;1449772401;btcdrak;mircea_popescu: Well I'm done here. You're out of order. 1340587;1449772416;mircea_popescu;aite. 1340588;1449772426;btcdrak;please remove my gpg key from assbot 1340589;1449772427;*;mircea_popescu didn't even know he was in an order b4. 1340590;1449772437;btcdrak;you are an idiot 1340591;1449772443;ascii_field;!s gettrust btcdrak 1340592;1449772444;assbot;0 results for 'gettrust btcdrak' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gettrust+btcdrak 1340593;1449772447;ascii_field;!gettrust btcdrak 1340594;1449772447;assbot;ascii_field is not registered in WoT. 1340595;1449772451;ascii_field;l0l 1340596;1449772461;asciilifeform;!gettrust btcdrak 1340597;1449772461;assbot;Trust relationship from user asciilifeform to user btcdrak: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=asciilifeform&to=btcdrak | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/btcdrak/ 1340598;1449772476;mircea_popescu;all these people with the higher moral ground calling peeps names and shit. 1340599;1449772571;*;ascii_field has no idea we had so many of these 1340600;1449772611;ascii_field;what were the remoras even doing here. 1340601;1449772614;mircea_popescu;well, people gotta form their own opinions on things neh. 1340602;1449772790;mircea_popescu;in fairness, the emotional angle is really hard to get past. which is why the thing's so effective in the first place. 1340603;1449772807;ascii_field;wai wut 1340604;1449772816;mircea_popescu;which part ? 1340605;1449772820;ascii_field;emotional angle 1340606;1449772871;mircea_popescu;try screaming "YOU MAKE EXCELLENT PIE" at the top of your lungs @woman, see if she takes it as a compliment. 1340607;1449772894;mircea_popescu;!up dbclk 1340608;1449772904;shinohai;Well I never would have guessed two individuals would get their panties in a bunch in one day. 1340609;1449772944;mircea_popescu;life is the foremost value, yo! notwithstanding that the delusion of "freedom from consequence" is the fundamental corner stone of "creativity" as understood on the internets. 1340610;1449772946;mircea_popescu;deep issues. 1340611;1449773006;ascii_field;i thought it was 'any degree of scumhood is virtuous when it's in the service of usg, lie, cheat, kill, whatever' 1340612;1449773031;mircea_popescu;you keep thinking the usg a prime mover 1340613;1449773036;ascii_field;prime stator 1340614;1449773042;mircea_popescu;the usg is mere detritus resulting from malfunctioning metabolism 1340615;1449773060;mircea_popescu;nobody's glycemia gave them diabethes. 1340616;1449773093;ascii_field;neh it's rather more like the original aids victim 1340617;1449773104;ascii_field;the fella who wouldn't rest until he infected as many as he could 1340618;1449773116;mircea_popescu;in me eyes tis entirely passive. does what "teh people" "need". 1340619;1449773240;*;ascii_field always has, in back of head, suspicion that 'usg' is catastrophically misnamed, considering that the communicable disease in question goes back to at least voltaire 1340620;1449773402;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: 'Not only are they part of the transaction, not only are they an integral part of the transaction : they are the only actually needed part. What makes a transaction a transaction is the signature, nothing else. Everything else is like marketing : contributes to costs, not to revenue.' << here i will note that, if bitcoin used rsa sigs, the tx and the signature could be literally one and the same thing 1340621;1449773402;ascii_field;(with a very small amount of number-theoretical elbow grease) 1340622;1449773417;mircea_popescu;indeed. 1340623;1449773484;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: [malleability] 'This is a major problem, principally driven by the deliberately broken state of the FOSS' << btw it affects pgp (via the braindamaged pkcs1.5) to same extent 1340624;1449773493;mircea_popescu;it does. 1340625;1449773765;kakobrekla;ftr 'gettrust' takes second argument optionally 1340626;1449774196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28168 @ 0.00049441 = 13.9265 BTC [+] {4} 1340627;1449774890;mircea_popescu;nothing to see really. http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/btcdrak/ 1340628;1449774892;assbot;btcdrak WoT Overview - Btc Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1NexTFr ) 1340629;1449774928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41150 @ 0.00048811 = 20.0857 BTC [-] {5} 1340630;1449774954;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-08-2014#792159 etc. 1340631;1449774954;assbot;Logged on 12-08-2014 02:20:21; TimSwanson: That's not how debates work 1340632;1449775135;mircea_popescu;but in softer news, http://45.media.tumblr.com/ddbfb0f4b02fcab0975572149d01b09c/tumblr_mhp018OsvD1rm9y3no1_500.gif 1340633;1449775137;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NeybMK ) 1340634;1449776347;BingoBoingo;Damn, It's like people forget about Andreas whose ghost supports this thing. 1340635;1449776547;BingoBoingo;http://www.npr.org/sections/13.7/2014/06/19/323326424/a-fresh-cry-of-pain-fat-shaming-in-science << Win 1340636;1449776548;assbot;A Fresh Cry Of Pain: Fat-Shaming In Science : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR ... ( http://bit.ly/1NezWJI ) 1340637;1449776557;BingoBoingo;"She told me that her team did a lot of collaborative work in this lab, and she didn't need someone who was going to 'eat more than their fair share of the pizza, if you know what I mean.' " 1340638;1449776671;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/12/after-xt-failure-gavin-andresen-supports-jim-crow-for-signatures-on-the-blockchain/#comment-81778 1340639;1449776672;assbot;After XT Failure Gavin Andresen Supports Jim Crow For Signatures On The Blockchain | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1NeA77Q ) 1340640;1449777978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26000 @ 0.00048578 = 12.6303 BTC [-] {3} 1340641;1449780540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12822 @ 0.00049461 = 6.3419 BTC [+] 1340642;1449780939;thestringpuller;http://imgur.com/G7mNXUI << coinbase's exchange built from MTGox code. 1340643;1449781089;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24611 @ 0.00049156 = 12.0978 BTC [-] {2} 1340644;1449781821;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13341 @ 0.00049156 = 6.5579 BTC [-] {2} 1340645;1449783662;BingoBoingo;http://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=8461925&cid=51094567 1340646;1449783663;assbot;WordPress 4.4 Arrives - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/21SHqd3 ) 1340647;1449784413;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/9NAQg 1340648;1449784414;assbot;Okay, so I think I've figured out 'Dr' Craig White's end game in pretending to be Satoshi. : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/21SJxO4 ) 1340649;1449784419;BingoBoingo;!up tripleslash 1340650;1449784688;tripleslash;woo 1340651;1449784694;tripleslash;I haz voiceseses 1340652;1449784723;BingoBoingo;Are you going to ragequit the channel too? 1340653;1449784741;BingoBoingo;Seems to be trend today. Happened twice. 1340654;1449784905;shinohai;First time I had seen that happen, but I've only been here since June. 1340655;1449784921;shinohai;Twice in one day tho ... puritans. 1340656;1449784933;BingoBoingo;It seems to happen from time to time. 1340657;1449784988;shinohai;I guess this place isn't for everyone, :/ 1340658;1449785158;BingoBoingo;What place is? 1340659;1449785398;BingoBoingo;!up Duffer1 1340660;1449785753;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b14 1340661;1449785754;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b15 1340662;1449785754;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1236/bitcoin-to-top-700-before-apr-2016/#b9 1340663;1449786145;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.20000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b14 1340664;1449786750;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/8j3rYR.png 1340665;1449786751;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NeRhCq ) 1340666;1449787271;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3420 1340667;1449787272;assbot;JL: Riding the Lie ... ( http://bit.ly/1NeSgCz ) 1340668;1449787391;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1340669;1449787405;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: aka anarchotyranny / 'yi yi zhi yi'. 1340670;1449787413;BingoBoingo;lol 1340671;1449787417;BingoBoingo;yes 1340672;1449787537;BingoBoingo;!up SirArthur_2 1340673;1449787576;SirArthur_2;TY 1340674;1449787915;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.01279645 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $700 before Apr 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1236/bitcoin-to-top-700-before-apr-2016/#b10 1340675;1449788527;BingoBoingo;!up cazalla_ 1340676;1449788551;cazalla_;thanks, i'd log in properly but won't stay long 1340677;1449788725;cazalla_;asciilifeform, any idea if zed shaw knows his stuff? working through his learn python the hard way book past month or so, recommend any books once i'm done with this one (or anyone else for that matter) 1340678;1449788783;ascii_field;cazalla_: i'm entirely unfamiliar with this author 1340679;1449788808;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ << This guy 1340680;1449788810;assbot;Learn Python The Hard Way ... ( http://bit.ly/1NeUP7w ) 1340681;1449788845;cazalla_;yeah that guy, i actually bought a hard copy of the book though, been working on in it 1-2 hours each evening, trying to make a Legend of the Red Dragon mud type game meets bitcoin 1340682;1449788856;ascii_field;looks like a perfectly legit guide to py 1340683;1449788885;BingoBoingo;Even sticks to actual python 2 and not heretical 3 1340684;1449788907;punkman;I've read a couple of his learn X books, not bad 1340685;1449789136;punkman;http://programming-motherfucker.com/ 1340686;1449789137;assbot;Programming, Motherfucker - Do you speak it? ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rd6Q19 ) 1340687;1449789154;cazalla_;punkman, i'm finding it good and i'm on pace to actually finish it, but figured seeing i know little, might be best to ask he if what im learning has any value 1340688;1449789191;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/3wa9zf/butter_offers_1_btc_reward_for_the_death_of/ <<< top kek, mircea_popescu made buttcoin 1340689;1449789192;assbot;Butter offers 1 BTC reward for the death of Pieter Wuille (Buttcoin developer) : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rd6Y0C ) 1340690;1449789214;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1340691;1449791490;BingoBoingo;!up tcrypt 1340692;1449792923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8073 @ 0.00048567 = 3.9208 BTC [-] 1340693;1449792984;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33675 @ 0.00048223 = 16.2391 BTC [-] {2} 1340694;1449793167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20600 @ 0.00048223 = 9.9339 BTC [-] {2} 1340695;1449794096;mircea_popescu;!up xss 1340696;1449794104;mircea_popescu;;;later tell bitstein sure, why not. 1340697;1449794104;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1340698;1449794134;xss;buna mircea! ce mai faci 1340699;1449794144;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1340700;1449794148;mircea_popescu;who're you again ? 1340701;1449794161;xss;no1 1340702;1449794195;xss;just browsing the good ol' freenode 1340703;1449794266;mircea_popescu;alright. 1340704;1449794307;mircea_popescu;that exahash bet is interesting huh. 1340705;1449794309;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1340706;1449794312;gribble;Current Blocks: 387785 | Current Difficulty: 7.910238090022598E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 389087 | Next Difficulty In: 1302 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 0 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1340707;1449794444;mircea_popescu;;;nethash 1340708;1449794445;gribble;747455577.646 1340709;1449794507;mircea_popescu;seriously looks like 200+ phash added this week. 1340710;1449794532;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=10-12-2015#1340251 1340711;1449794532;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 12:10:47; jurov: http://bitcoin.sipa.be/speed-lin.png intel miners on? 1340712;1449794542;mircea_popescu;ha 1340713;1449794578;asciilifeform;miner usgocalypse, possibly 1340714;1449794649;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1340715;1449794711;mircea_popescu;or maybe someone really has it in for mpoe-pr, wants her to lose all bets. 1340716;1449794714;mircea_popescu;NO EXPENSE SPARED 1340717;1449794724;asciilifeform;what could possibly be more surprising than the most easily-predictable thing conceivable finally happening. 1340718;1449794779;mircea_popescu; yeah that guy, i actually bought a hard copy of the book though, been working on in it 1-2 hours each evening, trying to make a Legend of the Red Dragon mud type game meets bitcoin <<< ahahaha check out the guy that took a year off from btc biz :D 1340719;1449794796;*;asciilifeform pictures an obamahruschov banging shoe and declaiming that miners 'are rolling off our conveyors like sausages!1111 we will bury you' 1340720;1449794843;mircea_popescu;haha would be pretty good actually. 1340721;1449794903;mircea_popescu; top kek, mircea_popescu made buttcoin << eh, they've got a fascination with me ever since back when the subreddit was called somethingafwul 1340722;1449794946;mircea_popescu;"edmundedgar 6 points 1 hour ago Why weren't people like this around when they were designing CSS?" << also, buttcoin is about 50 iq points over bitcoin. 1340723;1449795046;mircea_popescu;ajhahahahaa omfg. 1340724;1449795060;mircea_popescu;"CountOneInterrupt 2 points 1 hour ago Gotta love that classy web design with a butt next to the name. It's our sister site!" << check it out! someone fucking got it! 1340725;1449795070;mircea_popescu;one of my more absconse private jokes to date! 1340726;1449795505;mircea_popescu;http://gothamgal.com/2015/07/recapping-a-round/ << a little more about yc and its miserable approach to investing. 1340727;1449795507;assbot;Recapping a round?? – Gotham Gal ... ( http://bit.ly/1IYAa3z ) 1340728;1449795790;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17850 @ 0.00048462 = 8.6505 BTC [+] {2} 1340729;1449797080;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbtle2wxjF1qbujxso1_1280.jpg 1340730;1449797080;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qzl4rN ) 1340731;1449797752;mod6;ok. let's see here... 1340732;1449797816;mod6; trb www still shows non-v patches ?! << ok so no, not yet. after ben and I sign everything for the release, we'll be updating the website. 1340733;1449797839;mod6;Thanks for the reminder though. 1340734;1449799329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00048223 = 15.6243 BTC [-] {2} 1340735;1449799451;asciilifeform;'That's when you see the toxicity of the overall startup culture is the root of the problem that lead to your investment situation, diversity issues, contract worker issues, etc. A culture that values above all else -- as one investor put it to me -- the unfair advantage. The thing you do / have / are that gives you a 10x leg up on everyone else. And that just makes people look for the fastest, easiest way to the most unfair a 1340736;1449799451;asciilifeform;dvantage they can get. Taking advantage of loopholes in laws, instead of doing what's right. Hiring people from your own network, instead of going beyond its narrow reach. And now, recapping a round, instead of honoring prior investments. That's the culture. And you *really* feel it in SF. You'd easily walk into a coffee shop there, and overhear this story about recapping a round being told with laughs and high-fives.' << from 1340737;1449799451;asciilifeform; ze commentz 1340738;1449800217;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340144 << lulzy. the sheer cheapness of the sham... 1340739;1449800217;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 06:49:28; assbot: Satoshi's PGP Keys Are Probably Backdated and Point to a Hoax | Motherboard ... ( http://bit.ly/1IGiEGw ) 1340740;1449800248;danielpbarron;aaaaand the trilema twatter account is suspended 1340741;1449800261;asciilifeform;wasn't that last year ? 1340742;1449800286;danielpbarron;that was mircea_popescu's personal account 1340743;1449800287;mod6;hi asciilifeform 1340744;1449800296;asciilifeform;good evening mod6 ! 1340745;1449800309;mod6;anyway, yeah, I'm looking forward to getting the website cleaned up and putting V up there with vpatches. 1340746;1449800315;asciilifeform;neato 1340747;1449800329;mod6;we're getting close. 1340748;1449800338;mod6;you wanna see my script I'm workin on? 1340749;1449800348;asciilifeform;sure 1340750;1449800375;mod6;(this by no means is finished, but interested to see what you think about the direction i'm taking) 1340751;1449800423;mod6;(this is only pasted for 1 week as it certainly isn't complete): http://dpaste.com/28ZBQRF.txt 1340752;1449800424;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IIvTXg ) 1340753;1449800466;asciilifeform;i think i see the point here 1340754;1449800490;mod6;so what I'm hoping to accomplish here is to alter the .mk files that accompany buildroot, so they pull the 3rd party reqs directly from the foundation site instead of wherever they currently point to. 1340755;1449800503;asciilifeform;but can't escape the feeling that the dependency orchestra is too broad for a buildroot linux to be meaningfully v-tight 1340756;1449800516;asciilifeform;(srsly, 'expat' ?) 1340757;1449800526;mod6;ikr 1340758;1449800608;mod6;im not sure this is the best way to handle this 1340759;1449800650;mod6;i think it'll work though. my rotor+v054 script would run this script after extracting the buildroot package 1340760;1449800666;asciilifeform;it will work, yes. just like my original wild buildroot worked. 1340761;1449800668;asciilifeform;that isn't the issue. 1340762;1449800691;mod6;i have one more bridge to cross yet, and I havent gotten that far yet; having a script of my own somehow check the sigs & hashes after the file xfrs are complete. 1340763;1449800790;mod6;i do see what you're saying in a sense I think. 1340764;1449800816;mod6;it's a tough pill to swallow to sign & rely on such garbage 1340765;1449800829;mod6;many wheels to reinvent. 1340766;1449801241;mod6;in the short term, is there a way to maybe do this better that I'm missing? 1340767;1449801381;asciilifeform;well 1340768;1449801392;asciilifeform;throwing out the userland entirely will simplify the build considerably. 1340769;1449801409;asciilifeform;(bitcoind as kernel module) 1340770;1449801588;asciilifeform;the thing is, imho classical bitcoind is a rickety life support affair regardless of how we cut it. 1340771;1449801602;mod6;im with you there. 1340772;1449801654;asciilifeform;and for so long as it is in use, it will be dragging along atrocious shitgnomicities. 1340773;1449801693;mod6;im of the persuasion that bitcoin should get it's own OS, eventually, when it can be built. 1340774;1449801733;asciilifeform;imho if the thing at the core is still the ridiculous cpp turd (complete with openssl, bdb) then the effort is wasted. 1340775;1449801890;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85085 @ 0.00048066 = 40.897 BTC [-] {4} 1340776;1449802134;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54150 @ 0.00047794 = 25.8805 BTC [-] {5} 1340777;1449802222;mod6;yeah getting rid of openssl is going to be, an adventure. not only does the crypto need to be implemented, a perfect backward compatibility needs to be maintained. 1340778;1449802423;mircea_popescu; ze commentz << honestly... a bunch of derps burned 2mn and want "to recoup their investment" aka http://trilema.com/2009/capitalism-si-naivitate/#selection-85.81-85.106 1340779;1449802424;assbot;Capitalism si naivitate. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdPa95 ) 1340780;1449802446;mircea_popescu;then they DIDN'T want to go in pro-rata on the new round. 1340781;1449802460;mircea_popescu;the us has really decayed lots and lots. 1340782;1449802614;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron> aaaaand the trilema twatter account is suspended <<< now i gotta go in the logs, see what all that does. 1340783;1449802846;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron so this entire MONTH trilema got exactly 3 clicks from twitter. 1340784;1449802850;mircea_popescu;and they were all spambots. 1340785;1449802872;mircea_popescu;i have nfi what they imagine they're doing, but more power to them and their clown car. 1340786;1449802939;danielpbarron;i'm a little surprised i didn't get suspended as well, for retwatting the offending .. uh.. 1340787;1449802943;mircea_popescu;mod6 a perfect backward compatibility <<< every month less perfect. 1340788;1449802960;mircea_popescu;the more inclined to break the protocol the power rangers become, the less important it is to actually maintain all the warts. 1340789;1449802972;mircea_popescu;so in a sense they're actually working for us, unintentionally, in their idiocy. 1340790;1449803013;mircea_popescu;pre hearn&fail-bip, the standard was pretty high. by now it's a lot easier to argue "hey, at least it's not as bad as THAT dumb shit" 1340791;1449803031;mircea_popescu;so they're earning us slack. not that it HAS to be used, obv. 1340792;1449803081;mod6;true. this is a good point. 1340793;1449803253;mod6;it'll just need some very deep examination and testing one way or another. 1340794;1449803273;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1340795;1449804227;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/BitcoinHelpDesk/status/675142769749438464 1340796;1449804269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43284 @ 0.00047964 = 20.7607 BTC [+] {2} 1340797;1449804894;asciilifeform;l0l, the andreas a. crud take 2x. 1340798;1449804898;asciilifeform;snore. 1340799;1449805033;ben_vulpes;mother 1340800;1449805034;ben_vulpes;fucking 1340801;1449805036;ben_vulpes;FLEANODE 1340802;1449805048;ben_vulpes;evening, gents. 1340803;1449805068;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes ! 1340804;1449805084;asciilifeform;howz life in the ipnohe brigades. 1340805;1449805096;ben_vulpes;oh, lulzy 1340806;1449805201;ben_vulpes;this week i'm actually preferring to hire "jr" people with broad programming experience (and varied backgrounds) for pressing into the ipnohe and andorp squads, theory being that broad experience with other humans and technologies trumps cheap labor and misguided enthusiasm 1340807;1449805225;asciilifeform;wai wut, it's a week-by-week turnover? 1340808;1449805230;asciilifeform;as in, stalingrad ?! 1340809;1449805246;ben_vulpes;that part's supposed to be entertaining 1340810;1449805251;ben_vulpes;not srs 1340811;1449805297;ben_vulpes;did midnightmagic ever show up to disavow mircea_popescu? 1340812;1449805315;danielpbarron;http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2015/12/10#l1449770808.0 1340813;1449805316;assbot;BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1IYSwBF ) 1340814;1449805317;asciilifeform;not today 1340815;1449805458;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-12-2015#1339102 << listen when you can speak cogently about "the bayesian method" and articulate how "millions upon millions" [of lines of code] betrays your complete lack of understanding on the topic of control systems we can revisit this 1340816;1449805458;assbot;Logged on 08-12-2015 21:49:32; pete_dushenski: ;;later tell ben_vulpes this comment was at least half-ways pointed in your general direction http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/07/desperately-trying-to-put-the-auto-back-into-automobile-in-a-flaccid-attempt-to-put-the-relevance-back-into-motoring/#comment-37004 1340817;1449805538;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: you never read the shaw lolz? 1340818;1449805546;ben_vulpes;;;google rails is a ghetto 1340819;1449805546;gribble;ZSFA -- Rails Is A Ghetto (2007-12-31) - cat -v harmful stuff - Cat-v.org: ; Where can I find Zed Shaw's original "Rails Is A Ghetto" essay ...: ; Zed Shaw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: 1340820;1449805554;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: nein 1340821;1449805573;asciilifeform;it is far from my home planet. 1340822;1449805686;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: hey boss, i keep meaning to ask you about the details of dataflow programming (vis a vis turning ascii files into computation), but i'm having trouble booking the like 3 hours of sit-down time it'd take to respond in a timely fashion 1340823;1449805706;asciilifeform;details? 1340824;1449805721;ben_vulpes;so it's arbitrarily parallelizable, right? 1340825;1449805724;asciilifeform;aha 1340826;1449805739;ben_vulpes;okay, do function definitions make sense in this paradigm? 1340827;1449805746;asciilifeform;sorta how you can flush your own toilet, and the outcome does not depend on the result of me flushing mine 1340828;1449805752;asciilifeform;sur 1340829;1449805752;asciilifeform;e 1340830;1449805793;ben_vulpes;so they'd have to be "pure" (to borrow a fp-ism) in order to serve the arbitrary parallelism definition? 1340831;1449805844;asciilifeform;the distinction b/w/ 'pure' and 'impure' fp presumes a von neumann processor 1340832;1449805862;asciilifeform;is my pushing a pencil on my desk, containing 11 pencils, 'pure' ? 1340833;1449805926;ben_vulpes;;;later tell Naphex yes yes but what about all of the much more difficult questions re statements and income and equity and depreciation and whatnot 1340834;1449805927;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1340835;1449805933;ben_vulpes;^^ unrelated 1340836;1449805964;ben_vulpes;okay asciilifeform another strike at the fortress of incomprehensibility then 1340837;1449805997;ben_vulpes;so i take the little proggy i've written--would i need to do anything special to it in order to take advantage of more m^2 of compute fabric? 1340838;1449806006;asciilifeform;depends? 1340839;1449806018;ben_vulpes;on what? 1340840;1449806025;asciilifeform;what you wrote ? 1340841;1449806066;ben_vulpes;so there must be constraints on the programmering style in order for an arbitrary program to be arbitrarily parallelizable 1340842;1449806189;ben_vulpes;this is probably horrendously wrong, but i currently imagine some 'main' program entrypoint with subsections that indicate their parallelizability. is this entirely wrong or correctably wrong? 1340843;1449806230;ben_vulpes;(and yes i understand why you don't want to talk to anyone polluted by vn about this thing) 1340844;1449806235;asciilifeform;sane language is not a set of 'meat' with annotations re: compiler hints, but one homogeneous thing. 1340845;1449806254;asciilifeform;and yes, there is a lengthy unlearning required to grasp this. 1340846;1449806269;asciilifeform;vn? 1340847;1449806342;ben_vulpes;von neumann. 1340848;1449806343;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32779 @ 0.00047747 = 15.651 BTC [-] {3} 1340849;1449806383;ben_vulpes;> one homogenous thing << in the same way that the cl compiler's available to user code? or some level higher? 1340850;1449806528;*;ben_vulpes would unlearn anything to be free of the shitstack 1340851;1449806708;ben_vulpes;that said, clojure's a good example of how even a shitty lisp is strong enough to wrap its tentacles around more or less the whole webshitstack and deliver a single cognitive environment for writing 'software' that stretches from the server to the browser 1340852;1449806984;ben_vulpes;it's not great but hey you're working in the browser 1340853;1449806998;*;ben_vulpes bbl 1340854;1449807009;mod6;hi ben_vulpes 1340855;1449808356;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.00047554 = 11.7458 BTC [-] {3} 1340856;1449809160;ben_vulpes;mod6: ack 1340857;1449810674;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36246 @ 0.00047771 = 17.3151 BTC [+] {4} 1340858;1449811230;BingoBoingo;From the mines: "Just once I want to get sent to deal with a pronoid schizophrenic. The guy who's convinced that everyone is out to help him. He believes the FBI is watching him with the intent of making him their new Director. Aliens are invading Earth so they can give him the secret to eternal life. He wears a tinfoil hat to absorb the rays being beamed at him by the CIA that make him smarter and happier." 1340859;1449811850;ben_vulpes;mominlol has a great story about having to be the big bad landlady so that the social workers could maintain the trust of her evictee 1340860;1449811861;ben_vulpes;in 1970 boston 1340861;1449814230;BingoBoingo;https://twitter.com/rabite/status/675080418941628416 1340862;1449814267;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bzt928QIEAINz1b.jpg 1340863;1449814268;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q5WRLl ) 1340864;1449814279;ben_vulpes;"I will personally come out to SF and make this all public and have a showdown" << aha do what now i'm sorry i ohohohahaha 1340865;1449814822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35600 @ 0.00047398 = 16.8737 BTC [-] {2} 1340866;1449815720;BingoBoingo;https://imgur.com/gallery/260BU 1340867;1449815721;assbot;Tess Holliday/Munster is a shitty person, and here's why. - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q5ZEnQ ) 1340868;1449816799;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340358 << usg miners mining under antpool and f2pool umbrellas ?? https://blockchain.info/pools?timespan=4days 1340869;1449816799;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 14:52:15; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340251 << l0l, miner usgocalypse ? 1340870;1449816800;assbot;Bitcoin Hashrate Distribution - Blockchain.info ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q61Rzz ) 1340871;1449816830;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: WHy wouldn't they? 1340872;1449816852;pete_dushenski;fees ? 1340873;1449816880;pete_dushenski;compare above chart with this one from 5 months ago : http://www.contravex.com/2015/06/26/bitfury-and-private-property-in-the-land-of-the-free/#footnote_1_4145 1340874;1449816883;assbot;BitFury and private property in the land of the free. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1Q62065 ) 1340875;1449816926;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Consider though the wisdom of USG miner propping up foreign pools that through serendipity introduce instability to the network 1340876;1449816983;pete_dushenski;'antpool' has gone from 15% to 26%, f2pool from 21% to 24%, btcchina from 12% to 14%, bitfury from 14% to 11% 1340877;1449817034;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: that's giving the usg a lot of credit on the 'wisdom' front, certainly more than they've warranted thus far. 1340878;1449817067;pete_dushenski;but mebbe 'wunderwaffen' is at work here ? 1340879;1449817074;BingoBoingo;This doesn't take wisdom. This only requires accidentaling and remembering all the way back to the ancient history of this July. 1340880;1449817097;BingoBoingo;Fuck, even Bitfury might have some hash at f2pool and antpool 1340881;1449817116;pete_dushenski;ya, those pie charts are pretty useless, tis true. 1340882;1449817539;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340654 << you missed pankkake (http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/04/lets-cut-to-the-chase-is-la-serenissima-a-cult/) and thickasthieves (http://trilema.com/2014/waroflife-swol-october-2014-statement-closing/#comment-109550), both of whom were far more active in b-a, whose lack of presence was actually noticeable (at least in daily log lines) and were each seemingly 1340883;1449817539;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 22:01:45; shinohai: First time I had seen that happen, but I've only been here since June. 1340884;1449817539;pete_dushenski;more intelligent to boot, and yet both of whom left in pretty fiery blazes, compared to btcdrak and heysteve who were both relatively quiet and relatively useless and whose lack of presence won't even be a blip on the radar. 1340885;1449817545;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $600 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1232/bitcoin-to-top-600-before-jul-2016/#b8 1340886;1449817641;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340704 << ikr :D 1340887;1449817641;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 00:38:27; mircea_popescu: that exahash bet is interesting huh. 1340888;1449817686;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340725 << too subtle for this crowd :P 1340889;1449817686;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 00:51:10; mircea_popescu: one of my more absconse private jokes to date! 1340890;1449817689;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54000 @ 0.00047718 = 25.7677 BTC [+] {4} 1340891;1449817998;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340815 << let's say we revisit this when your we've both eschewed meat-chauffeurs for robo-chauffeurs. deal ? 1340892;1449817998;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 03:44:18; ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=08-12-2015#1339102 << listen when you can speak cogently about "the bayesian method" and articulate how "millions upon millions" [of lines of code] betrays your complete lack of understanding on the topic of control systems we can revisit this 1340893;1449818062;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340387 << how jaded must i be that i didn't even bat an eyelash at this death warrant. 1340894;1449818062;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 15:20:15; deedbot-: [Trilema] There's a one Bitcoin reward for the death of Pieter Wuille. Details below. - http://trilema.com/2015/theres-a-one-bitcoin-reward-for-the-death-of-pieter-wuille-details-below/ 1340895;1449818087;pete_dushenski;seriously, it's totally fucking reasonable ! 1340896;1449818099;pete_dushenski;if a bit public, but hey, different strokes... 1340897;1449818124;pete_dushenski;some warrants are probably better served privately, some publicly 1340898;1449818128;pete_dushenski;this one, we'll see. 1340899;1449818151;pete_dushenski;but really, not that big a deal guys. 1340900;1449818273;pete_dushenski;the only reason that ex-kgb dudes a la putin and aliyev rule the roost today is because, after socialism "surprisingly" fell, they both a) had a strong wot, and b) were willing to kill when the time came. 1340901;1449818343;pete_dushenski;this isn't backyard cowboys and indians. your mom isn't calling you for dinner only for you to call back "just 5 more minutes mom! i have to catch this redskin!" 1340902;1449818420;pete_dushenski;wtf kind of war doesn't have the losers hung up for their crimes ? what is this, counter strike ? "oh, i'll just respawn and no big deal!" ?? 1340903;1449818499;pete_dushenski;don't think so. the digital arena changes some aspects of conflict, but not death. there's no avoiding physical death. 1340904;1449818733;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340427 << i can't claim to have any such information. for all i know, it's his morning paper 1340905;1449818733;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 17:16:26; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340205 << from http://violentmetaphors.com/2015/08/14/good-science-communication-means-never-calling-them-retard-even-if-youre-nassim-taleb/ and do we actually know taleb's NOT reading b-a ? 1340906;1449818758;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/04/08/the-new-morning-paper/ << hehe. actually mentions leah mcgrath goodman. o time machine, will your wonders never cease ? 1340907;1449818760;assbot;The New Morning Paper | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRhbcH ) 1340908;1449818829;pete_dushenski;speaking of time machines, i'm looking to have contravex printed into a book. anyone have any experience with http://www.blog2print.com/ ? 1340909;1449818832;assbot;blog2print | Turn your blog into a timeless treasure ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRhpjU ) 1340910;1449818851;pete_dushenski;other suggestions and experiences are welcome 1340911;1449818878;BingoBoingo;What, you aren't going to commision a sefer contravex? 1340912;1449818903;pete_dushenski;what am i, bitcoin rich ? 1340913;1449818955;BingoBoingo;I though you were both a man of the tribe and of style. 1340914;1449819034;pete_dushenski;speaking of which, happy 5th night of channukah !! 1340915;1449819078;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: don't let the contravex header fool you. 1340916;1449819115;BingoBoingo;Well, if that's a fraud you can drop the standard down to "ebay sefer" 1340917;1449819240;pete_dushenski;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-jewishvoters-idUSKBN0TT01K20151210 << speaking of dumb jooz. 1340918;1449819241;assbot;Trump's anti-Muslim plans scramble Republican appeals to Jewish voters| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1RHZ3I7 ) 1340919;1449819243;pete_dushenski;"“The Jewish community, collectively, has that institutional memory, and institutional scars from previous events in history where a group based solely on religion was persecuted,” said Lee Cowen, a Republican strategist, adding that Trump was damaging the party." 1340920;1449819257;pete_dushenski;'“They are very weary of somebody repeating the same kind of rhetoric but just changing the name of the religion.” " 1340921;1449819275;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00047358 = 3.0309 BTC [-] 1340922;1449819322;pete_dushenski;hey joopublican, where's your fucking head ? blending it and singing koombaya ain't gonna cut it. time to find a scapegoat that isn't you, neh ? 1340923;1449819332;pete_dushenski;s/it/in 1340924;1449819455;BingoBoingo;http://www.roadandtrack.com/new-cars/news/a27567/two-thirds-of-early-tesla-model-s/ 1340925;1449819455;assbot;Report: Two-Thirds of Early Tesla Model S Drivetrains May Fail At 60,000 Miles ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRiSGW ) 1340926;1449819602;pete_dushenski;waitwut ? you mean nihil fit ex nihilo and musk is just a bezzle-gobbling queen extraordinaire ?? no.... 1340927;1449819620;BingoBoingo;Turns out instead of throwing away $60k on a Tesla the actual envrionmentally friendly thing to do is spend $3k on a Saturn L-series in servicable condition 1340928;1449819651;pete_dushenski;or a serviceable merc ! 1340929;1449819684;pete_dushenski;what's more environmentally friendly than a car that's in the shop one day in 10 ? think of all the walking and bicycling ! 1340930;1449819732;BingoBoingo;lol 1340931;1449819782;BingoBoingo;But what happens when shopping carts and scooty puffs hit the side of the merc? Plastic body panels ftw 1340932;1449819914;pete_dushenski;well, steel's pretty tough. and no one in their right mind gives a shit about 25-year-old paint. 1340933;1449820210;BingoBoingo;What, I still care about 12 year old paint. 1340934;1449820263;pete_dushenski;of course you do, in the same way that most dudes care about 18 yo filles, and couldn't care less about 26 yo ones. 1340935;1449820270;pete_dushenski;36* 1340936;1449820316;pete_dushenski;double the age is less than half the shits given ! 1340937;1449820329;pete_dushenski;exponential decay. 1340938;1449820344;pete_dushenski;or at least non-linear. 1340939;1449820473;BingoBoingo;Well I'm prolly repainting the plastic wheel covers black this spring as a solution to the dilema of "just roll steelies" or find a set of used aluminium rims. 1340940;1449821166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21443 @ 0.00047223 = 10.126 BTC [-] {5} 1340941;1449821703;pete_dushenski;http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.02206v2.pdf << for 'quantum computing' enthusiasts in the crowd. 1340942;1449821707;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRnCfA ) 1340943;1449821724;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1340944;1449821730;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 427.5, vol: 10346.59141397 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 10447.25285 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 429.87, vol: 24843.01679647 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 400.0, vol: 0.1398 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 437.594049, vol: 101187.02640000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 425.74398, vol: 281.50954696 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 420.584247, vol: 58.43446254 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1340945;1449821736;BingoBoingo;;;more 1340946;1449821736;gribble;434.301991331 1340947;1449821886;pete_dushenski;http://roadstorome.moovellab.com/images/eu_rome_web@2x.jpg << all roads lead to rome. 1340948;1449821887;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXZa03 ) 1340949;1449821898;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52850 @ 0.00048221 = 25.4848 BTC [+] {2} 1340950;1449821908;pete_dushenski;all 486`713 of them. 1340951;1449822063;BingoBoingo;I can assure you that IL 127 while covering substantial distance does not. 1340952;1449822282;pete_dushenski;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV3rOTCWwAAakB-.jpg:large << so green that macri, vw hybrid ! 1340953;1449822283;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HXZAn9 ) 1340954;1449822456;pete_dushenski;"just three months after so much hype and so much love went into Mr. Colbert’s debut as the new host of Late Night, the former Comedy Central star has somehow fallen into 4th place where it matters most. In the all-important demo, he’s now being doubled up (and then some) by NBC’s Jimmy Fallon (outscored by 137 percent) and hasn’t beaten ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel in over a month. But here’s where CBS brass 1340955;1449822457;pete_dushenski;is likely doing a double-take: During the week of November 23-27, the 11:35 PM Late Show on CBS was beaten by Seth Meyers, who happens to be on one hour later (12:35 PM) on the Peacock." 1340956;1449822488;pete_dushenski;^it must suck to be a fake person who now has to pretend to be a real person. 1340957;1449822522;pete_dushenski;hey colbert, go back to being a metatard or something. 1340958;1449822563;BingoBoingo;http://epmonthly.com/article/praxbind-in-practice/ << lol replacing warfain with pradaxa means instead of simple vitamin k as an antidote you need an expensive ass monoclonal! 1340959;1449822565;assbot;Praxbind in Practice - Emergency Physicians Monthly ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRptkB ) 1340960;1449822567;pete_dushenski;but i guess that's what cbs gets for trying to appeal to redditards and gen xers. 1340961;1449822583;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: You mean people who don't really watch tv on tc 1340962;1449822586;BingoBoingo;*tv 1340963;1449822668;pete_dushenski;pretty much those ones, ya. 1340964;1449822674;BingoBoingo;"Patients are to be treated with 5 g of intravenous idarucizumab, which should be administered as two 50-ml bolus infusions, each containing 2.5 g of idarucizumab, no more than 15 minutes apart" << Damn. Whole entire fucking GRAMS of monoclonal antibody. 1340965;1449822826;BingoBoingo;"The U.S. price for the recommended 5 g dose of idarucizumab is $3500. This figure does not include the hospital charge to the patient" << This is how Obamacare really dies, because 5 grams of a monoclonal isn't selling for $3500 very long after approval. 1340966;1449822868;BingoBoingo;Every physician burned by Obamacare can keep warfarin for their self pays and pradaxa for medicaid. 1340967;1449822961;BingoBoingo;http://epmonthly.com/article/iv-acetaminophen-here-today-gone-tomorrow/ << Because this is how they cycle works. Cool treatment found, cool treatment priced out of niche. 1340968;1449822963;assbot;IV Acetaminophen: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - Emergency Physicians Monthly ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRqiKf ) 1340969;1449823058;BingoBoingo;"Not any more. It seems the manufacturer, as a result of its actions, has decided to effectively kill the use of their drug. At $35 a dose, nobody is going to use it in the ED and hospital pharmacy committees are going to sharply restrict the use of the IV version of the drug to the point of extinction. As well they should." << Note economics is only possible when there are alternatived like dilaudid. 1340970;1449823252;BingoBoingo;gavin@xtcoin.com >> http://qntra.net/2015/12/after-xt-failure-gavin-andresen-supports-jim-crow-for-signatures-on-the-blockchain/#comment-81924 1340971;1449823253;assbot;After XT Failure Gavin Andresen Supports Jim Crow For Signatures On The Blockchain | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1NRr0Hy ) 1340972;1449823317;adlai;a properly done segwit softfork could actually result in a blocksize decrease for the non-segwit blockchain 1340973;1449823451;adlai;turns voting for block size increases into betting that miners do full validation 1340974;1449823657;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b15 1340975;1449824887;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48413 @ 0.00048246 = 23.3573 BTC [+] {3} 1340976;1449826229;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00048431 = 3.6808 BTC [+] {2} 1340977;1449827388;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00047673 = 4.5766 BTC [-] {2} 1340978;1449829157;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15225 @ 0.00048432 = 7.3738 BTC [+] 1340979;1449829401;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30078 @ 0.00048293 = 14.5256 BTC [-] {2} 1340980;1449829462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4324 @ 0.00047673 = 2.0614 BTC [-] {2} 1340981;1449829683;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.btcdrak.-1:7a99b5604140240f3bde39aa74532602c1d089f1430d1b53f035e5bab5a945d7 1340982;1449829683;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for btcdrak with note: thinks order can be imposed upon bidirectional polycyclic graphs 1340983;1449829695;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.mircea_popescu.4:c65518def1d265e28d6b4bf39d6f03295e0761df783cca9065c4c6a6c639c74f 1340984;1449829696;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 4 for mircea_popescu with note: highly educational, taught me not to trust text, signed or otherwise 1340985;1449829878;adlai;too much energy is wasted by idiots equating read and print with eval 1340986;1449832744;adlai;and even more - by those that loop! 1340987;1449836172;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23600 @ 0.00048062 = 11.3426 BTC [+] {2} 1340988;1449840024;mircea_popescu;adlai dude. what ?! 1340989;1449840119;mircea_popescu;!up Edgan 1340990;1449840625;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74525 @ 0.00047984 = 35.7601 BTC [-] {3} 1340991;1449840856;mircea_popescu;loller who the fuck are those derps ? 1340992;1449840868;mircea_popescu;there exists exactly one billionaire involved in bitcoin, what the fuck are they smoking ? 1340993;1449841529;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/BitcoinHelpDeskhttps://twitter.com/BitcoinHelpDesk << o look, the derps made their own moiety. nice going on copying #b-a two years later lol. 1340994;1449841530;assbot;Twitter / ? ... ( http://bit.ly/1NKnItS ) 1340995;1449841538;mircea_popescu;somehow i'm willing to bet it's a dude tho. 1340996;1449841925;punkman;"I don't know MP. Can't inform. But I agree. Anything touches sipa, I'll contribute to ensure MP is gone." such threats 1340997;1449841968;punkman;https://twitter.com/breadwalletapp/status/659405765715738624 1340998;1449842034;mircea_popescu;o look at that, otc still exists. 1340999;1449842041;mircea_popescu;mmmkay. 1341000;1449842200;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340827 << except when it does. 1341001;1449842200;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 03:49:06; asciilifeform: sorta how you can flush your own toilet, and the outcome does not depend on the result of me flushing mine 1341002;1449842245;adlai;if everybody flushes their toilets at once, the tide goes out. you can't explain that. 1341003;1449842275;mircea_popescu;this example happens to get at the core of my misgivings about the model (which yes, is as seductive and great and promise-y as ben intuits, sure) : while the theoretical machine may have all the nice properties, 1341004;1449842307;mircea_popescu;the practical implementation promises from experience to create the undebuggable situation where the dumb blonde in 7a flushed her diafragm and now the results of your flushing will be a bathroom flood. 1341005;1449842341;mircea_popescu;"why did function flush return flood ???" "uh... it's not supposed to do that" "no shit" 1341006;1449842386;mircea_popescu;and whatever enthusiasm may tell you about this, there's a very fucking fundamental problem here. you don't get to control backflow and complex emergent behaviours just because you don't want to think about them 1341007;1449842399;mircea_popescu;which is why all plumbing is full of cockroaches and all sewage has rats nests. 1341008;1449842479;mircea_popescu;to comprehend how fundamental this all is, look at a leaky toilet sometime, or any flow on an incline. you should be able to observe regions moving UPSTREAM. "oh it's not supposed to do that" "said who ?" "newton". 1341009;1449842528;mircea_popescu;sure. ask t von karman. he knows. 1341010;1449842532;mircea_popescu;he asked fucking god! 1341011;1449842586;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340993 <<< the lulz "Anything touches sipa, I'll contribute to ensure MP is gone." 1341012;1449842586;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 13:45:29; mircea_popescu: https://twitter.com/BitcoinHelpDeskhttps://twitter.com/BitcoinHelpDesk << o look, the derps made their own moiety. nice going on copying #b-a two years later lol. 1341013;1449842656;mircea_popescu;conveniently omits to mention WHAT the fuck he'll contribute 1341014;1449842668;mircea_popescu;which makes me suspect it'll be "raising awareness" on his dozen-followers twitter. 1341015;1449842684;shinohai;I'm going to make a snarky remark. 1341016;1449842696;mircea_popescu;derps accusing me of "seeking attention", when i own their mother, in a fucking trasnparent ploy to seek attention. herpitty-derp. 1341017;1449843376;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340864 << womenz in tech. they think the dumbass shit works, because if there\'s nothing she's more affraid of than confronting the dumb blonde bitch in 11th grade, then CERTAINLY should she one day do it the fucking earth orbit will change. 1341018;1449843376;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 06:11:19; ben_vulpes: "I will personally come out to SF and make this all public and have a showdown" << aha do what now i'm sorry i ohohohahaha 1341019;1449843619;mircea_popescu;!up chmod755 1341020;1449844048;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340893 << it's easy when you're in a cult! 1341021;1449844048;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 07:14:22; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340387 << how jaded must i be that i didn't even bat an eyelash at this death warrant. 1341022;1449844346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9391 @ 0.00048062 = 4.5135 BTC [+] {2} 1341023;1449845062;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/CNsNN << pretty lulzy thinking tho. "how dares this mp guy act independently! this should not exist! i will call upon my liege lords to efface this abomination from the face of the earth - if not in reality then at least from the earth as i can see it. for it bothers me so." 1341024;1449845063;assbot;Bitcoin Assistant on Twitter: "@lopp @oleganza @qntra Jameson, did you see this? https://t.co/W1pu0x1G6b Popescu needs to be reported to local police." ... ( http://bit.ly/1NmI7l6 ) 1341025;1449845087;mircea_popescu;i guess if you took a vote among the domesticated ducks, they'd agree wild ducks must either be all shot or else a ceiling put over the village. 1341026;1449845117;adlai;lol 'local' 1341027;1449845149;adlai;whatever happened to interpol? TSA? AMA? 1341028;1449845247;mircea_popescu;ill tell you what happened 1341029;1449845274;adlai;i guess 'local police' in the average american locallity includes enough armored vehicles to get mistaken for authority 1341030;1449845284;mircea_popescu;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=553092.0 1341031;1449845285;assbot;MPEx owner in danger of being extradited to US to face charges ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y2533p ) 1341032;1449845301;mircea_popescu;they... expired. 1341033;1449845371;adlai;one of the nice things about living in a hellhole with discernible "bad guys" is that swatting just doesn't exist 1341034;1449845417;mircea_popescu;what hellhole is that ? israel ? 1341035;1449845425;adlai;V 1341036;1449845454;mircea_popescu;yeah but on the other hand the only place i was ever actually bombed in was jerusalem. 1341037;1449845458;adlai;what's the relevance of this BCT link? 1341038;1449845461;mircea_popescu;they missed me by two weeks in cairo 1341039;1449845480;mircea_popescu;adlai back in 2013 or w/e they were hoping for interpol / tsa / ama. it... fizzled 1341040;1449845486;mircea_popescu;now moved on to "local police!!" 1341041;1449845496;mircea_popescu;i suppose by 2018 it will be samuel l jackson and the lord our god. 1341042;1449845505;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59400 @ 0.00048573 = 28.8524 BTC [+] {5} 1341043;1449845512;adlai;;;google pray to george pesci 1341044;1449845513;gribble;Quote by George Carlin: “You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two ...: ; George Carlin on Religion and God - YouTube: ; Positive Atheism's Big List of George Carlin Quotations: 1341045;1449845517;mircea_popescu;chuck norris seems to have gone the way of the superman 1341046;1449845532;*;adlai lols at his thinko 1341047;1449845647;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341005 << i picked the analogy quite deliberately. because not only is digital electronics a simplified world riding on top of analogue, but the entire lumped-element model is likewise 'a lie' 1341048;1449845647;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 13:59:01; mircea_popescu: "why did function flush return flood ???" "uh... it's not supposed to do that" "no shit" 1341049;1449845672;mircea_popescu;aha. good pick. 1341050;1449845687;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341006 << buuuut we do have a very few abstractions that work. witness how you never have to debug your cpu 1341051;1449845687;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 13:59:46; mircea_popescu: and whatever enthusiasm may tell you about this, there's a very fucking fundamental problem here. you don't get to control backflow and complex emergent behaviours just because you don't want to think about them 1341052;1449845689;asciilifeform;'s alu 1341053;1449845702;mircea_popescu;the REASON i never have do debug my cpu, my very dear alf 1341054;1449845709;mircea_popescu;IS the reason you keep complaining about it. 1341055;1449845724;mircea_popescu;if FOSS had a hand in it, i'd buy 10k cpus every time i wanted to make a working station. 1341056;1449845739;mircea_popescu;like fucking kv-1 spare parts. 1341057;1449845763;asciilifeform;before usg is through, we WILL have sov-style disposable cpu. 1341058;1449845770;asciilifeform;witness the 'organic LED' panel. 1341059;1449845778;asciilifeform;it is good for roughly 5 yrs. of service. 1341060;1449845789;asciilifeform;(the elements have a half-life of sorts) 1341061;1449845851;mircea_popescu;maybe. not so convinced. /me got an old ipad for his game research a year ago. ipad 2. retina display. shit still works 100% no dead pixels no nothing. 1341062;1449845854;mircea_popescu;!up nickeem 1341063;1449845869;asciilifeform;no oled in ipad!! 1341064;1449845873;asciilifeform;yet. 1341065;1449845884;asciilifeform;so far it's mostly in korean turdroid items 1341066;1449845886;adlai;is the ipad still anything beyond a consumption endpoint for the Apple, Inc. store? 1341067;1449845897;mircea_popescu;nope. 1341068;1449845904;asciilifeform;adlai: it comes with a www browser. so sorta like a dumb terminal. 1341069;1449845911;mircea_popescu;well you could root it, obv, if oyu cared for a shitty pentium 2 in the house. 1341070;1449845918;mircea_popescu;but i mostly used it specifically to review the store. 1341071;1449845919;adlai;the debate is about bitcoin in c++ or cl, not js 1341072;1449845939;mircea_popescu;because hey, it's crapple universe, they have all the scholarly achievement of a dead congolese stray dog. 1341073;1449845963;mircea_popescu;not like you can read any sort of anything about it, either you do the experiments yourself or else fu you never know. 1341074;1449845966;mircea_popescu;!up dbclk 1341075;1449845967;*;adlai would vote for ada but wouldn't have any insider knowledge to make that a rational bet 1341076;1449846026;asciilifeform;adlai: it isn't a 'vote' subject, it's a somebody-giving-enough-of-a-shit one 1341077;1449846057;adlai;one competent bookie away from being a vote. 1341078;1449846077;asciilifeform;l0l 1341079;1449846101;adlai;cf "s.nsa delivers before op's bones turn into grey goo" 1341080;1449846155;adlai;the only econ that's "advertising" to is.you. 1341081;1449846189;*;asciilifeform lacks the correct lsd to process this 1341082;1449846209;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341025 << see the old logz re: gaddafi 1341083;1449846209;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 14:44:47; mircea_popescu: i guess if you took a vote among the domesticated ducks, they'd agree wild ducks must either be all shot or else a ceiling put over the village. 1341084;1449846248;mircea_popescu;holy shit... i've.... i've become gaddafi ?! 1341085;1449846255;mircea_popescu;busty nurses and wild hair ?! 1341086;1449846295;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-03-2014#573142 << starting there 1341087;1449846295;assbot;Logged on 21-03-2014 17:44:35; asciilifeform: 'When the glorious Muammar Kaddafi, in his blue bournouse, or in his uniform, appear on the telly, the domesticated inhabitant of the sanitaria jerks from fright. 'Monster,' 'terrorist,' 'evildoer,' public enemy number one - the media calls him, led by its disdain for all that is envigorating (and, on top of it all, foreign), and pushed by false information supplied by CIA... ...his very existence is 1341088;1449846302;adlai;asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=06-12-2015#1337423 could've bought hardware rather than hedgeware 1341089;1449846302;assbot;Logged on 06-12-2015 17:28:06; deedbot-: [BitBet Bets Bets] 24.99980000 BTC on 'No' - Cardano to Ship in 2015 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1100/cardano-to-ship-in-2015/#b18 1341090;1449846366;adlai;there's your lsd, let's hope christmas comes early on the next bet :) 1341091;1449846403;asciilifeform;adlai actually thought i had anything to do with the bet ? 1341092;1449846406;asciilifeform;lulzy 1341093;1449846431;asciilifeform;afaik not even my organs, and the rest of the meat cured as sausage, is worth 25 b. 1341094;1449846433;*;adlai said this? 1341095;1449846438;mircea_popescu;in other symbolic news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/c87e9924b8a8854437224d6719723d68/tumblr_mftuk9O1UC1rzf0y9o1_1280.jpg 1341096;1449846438;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y280AY ) 1341097;1449846514;adlai;generally the targets of advertisement have nothing "to do witch" its content, funding, placement, etc 1341098;1449846553;asciilifeform;adlai: have you considered starting a proper blog ? 1341099;1449846559;adlai;yes 1341100;1449846708;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341008 << to round this off, fortunately there is no straight analogue of this in solid state physics. but there is 1) the various forms of intrinsic noise and 2) the failures of the lumped element model as a whole 1341101;1449846708;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 14:01:19; mircea_popescu: to comprehend how fundamental this all is, look at a leaky toilet sometime, or any flow on an incline. you should be able to observe regions moving UPSTREAM. "oh it's not supposed to do that" "said who ?" "newton". 1341102;1449846742;asciilifeform;2 is a serious boojum to folks still trying to moore's law 1341103;1449846747;mircea_popescu;aha 1341104;1449846762;asciilifeform;as is 1 (which is the ultimate gravestone on said 'law') 1341105;1449846832;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341033 << afaik it exists strictly in usa 1341106;1449846832;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 14:49:31; adlai: one of the nice things about living in a hellhole with discernible "bad guys" is that swatting just doesn't exist 1341107;1449846855;*;adlai is open to suggestions of *sane* blogware 1341108;1449846886;adlai;but wouldn't you rather i write lisp instead of englith? 1341109;1449846919;asciilifeform;adlai: specifically, a lengthy and fully-formed thought, like what you were trying to describe earlier, belongs in a proper post 1341110;1449846957;adlai;but all the cool kids are whiping taters! 1341111;1449847030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16550 @ 0.00048807 = 8.0776 BTC [+] {3} 1341112;1449847091;trinque;adlai: best blogware is probably rolling something using cl-markup or the like. 1341113;1449847113;mircea_popescu;maybe ben_vulpes wants to share his flatfile thing 1341114;1449847121;mircea_popescu;wordpress can be used, requires extensive neutering 1341115;1449847142;asciilifeform;if you don't need the comments thing, best 'blogware' is prolly still... handwritten html 1341116;1449847142;*;mircea_popescu is amusing at the thought that the "fuck you, apparently gotta maintain an old version of everything one intends to use" did not start with bitcoin. but with wordpress. 1341117;1449847144;adlai;trinque: you're missing a "the product of", which excludes that from being an answer to the question as conceived in the author's mind :) 1341118;1449847170;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: afaik it began with gcc 1341119;1449847175;asciilifeform;at least here on ~my~ planet 1341120;1449847181;mircea_popescu;well was talking mine. 1341121;1449847190;trinque;adlai: finefine 1341122;1449847198;*;mircea_popescu 's interest in programming has been remote for many years, pre-btc 1341123;1449847207;adlai;last i checked, bitcoin restricts us to cohabiting the same planet... 1341124;1449847237;asciilifeform;adlai: restricts ~bitcoin users~, aha 1341125;1449847287;*;adlai finds alf reminiscent of the local crazy this-guy-must-be-a-plant who claims to only own 1.8 btc, for retirement 1341126;1449847300;adlai;although he lacks your way with silicon 1341127;1449847306;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1341128;1449847308;gribble;Current Blocks: {"blockcount":387880} | Current Difficulty: {"difficulty":79102380900.22598} | Next Difficulty At Block: None | Next Difficulty In: None blocks | Next Difficulty In About: None | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1341129;1449847315;adlai;bwaha 1341130;1449847321;mircea_popescu;o.O 1341131;1449847371;asciilifeform;div by 0 ? 1341132;1449847372;adlai;we're at an estimated 647 1341133;1449847449;asciilifeform;this is not the normal format, either 1341134;1449847451;asciilifeform;e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340438 1341135;1449847451;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 17:22:16; gribble: Current Blocks: 387713 | Current Difficulty: 7.910238090022598E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 389087 | Next Difficulty In: 1374 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 33 minutes, and 28 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1341136;1449847483;mircea_popescu;nanotube ^ seems gribble got the boo-boo. 1341137;1449847490;*;adlai was estimating short-term hashes-per-second, which is what's relevant for bitbet mods and addicts 1341138;1449847610;asciilifeform;;;nethash 1341139;1449847610;gribble;750033016.336 1341140;1449847628;adlai;O.o 1341141;1449847654;adlai;arrise, chinese chikkun! 1341142;1449847674;asciilifeform;usgineze 1341143;1449847697;adlai;it's all the peter pans staying forever 21 1341144;1449847755;adlai;warmblooded-humans-running-miners metric remains on "2TH/s, sitting on the table in front of me, gathering dust" 1341145;1449847841;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340897 << a private warrant ?! where are you from, louis' court ? 1341146;1449847841;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 07:15:24; pete_dushenski: some warrants are probably better served privately, some publicly 1341147;1449847896;*;adlai hopes for sipa's sake that bitcoin's fiat value remains lower than his paranoia threshhold 1341148;1449848010;adlai;now here's an interesting bet, albeit longer than any human (as opposed to econ) bookie to float: the size of pot which triggers the first assasination 1341149;1449848020;mircea_popescu;either that or that the value of bitcoin actually motivates him to start actually thinking about things, for the first time in his life. 1341150;1449848044;kakobrekla;http://bitcoin.sipa.be/speed-lin-10k.png < off the chart, literally 1341151;1449848045;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y2crfk ) 1341152;1449848076;mircea_popescu;this "nothing can ever happen" thing that everyone wants to bake in the axioms is exactly the castration limonov discusses. 1341153;1449848097;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla aha, one of the larger jumps in history. 1341154;1449848167;mircea_popescu;if the 2-3 day estimate actually gets supported, it will be the largest jump in hsitory. 1341155;1449848170;mircea_popescu;hay mas futuro! 1341156;1449848197;adlai;call me when it's over 4x :P 1341157;1449848225;mircea_popescu;lol. yeah, in relative terms its hard ot beat 2009-2010 1341158;1449848248;adlai;"we must hardfork the window-squaring to keep out the anarcho-communist enemy!" 1341159;1449848252;mircea_popescu;actusally more like 2009 and 2011 1341160;1449848255;mircea_popescu;2010 was kinda dead iirc. 1341161;1449848395;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340919 << holy shit they're doing it backwards. 1341162;1449848395;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 07:34:03; pete_dushenski: "“The Jewish community, collectively, has that institutional memory, and institutional scars from previous events in history where a group based solely on religion was persecuted,” said Lee Cowen, a Republican strategist, adding that Trump was damaging the party." 1341163;1449848401;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is wrong with these people! 1341164;1449848447;mircea_popescu;if they were after eastern european votes they'd be going "support a stronger usg because you as a group have the institutional memory to show what a great idea a soviet union is, and the scars to prove it!" 1341165;1449848449;mircea_popescu;fucktards. 1341166;1449848508;mircea_popescu;i have no fucking idea how the niggers can stand themselves. it sure as fuck galls me, and i don't even live there. here sits Lee Cowen, re-interpreting history for his fellow jews, according to what lenin said ? 1341167;1449848510;mircea_popescu;motherfucker... 1341168;1449848726;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340908 << i have no idea about the outfit in question, other than being quite obviously part of a venerable scam, so old it's even monographed by balzac. if you actually want to print your blog, get yourself latex, make it spit out printer files ; find a local printer with a web press, see what's the lowest they'll take in run overhead (should be 1-2k or so) and do a run. 1341169;1449848726;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 07:27:09; pete_dushenski: speaking of time machines, i'm looking to have contravex printed into a book. anyone have any experience with http://www.blog2print.com/ ? 1341170;1449848726;mircea_popescu; make sure you pick layflat binding. 1341171;1449848804;mircea_popescu;total waste of trees, but if you want to get the veblen good, get the actual fucking veblen good rather than some plastic mass market replacement. nobody of the old jews you're trying to impress is going to give a shit about your book ; they WILL however notice that your thing comes off a web press not a pod outfit, and that'll scare the everliving shit out of them. 1341172;1449848885;mircea_popescu;or at any rate, it's the sort of thing i've been doing to petrify the adults ever since i was about i dunno, 5. ymmv. 1341173;1449849253;mircea_popescu;!up chmod755 1341174;1449849326;nubbins`;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341100 <<< if i had to choose a singular event that fully kindled my nihilism, it would be studying nonlinear dynamics in depth 1341175;1449849326;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 15:11:48; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341008 << to round this off, fortunately there is no straight analogue of this in solid state physics. but there is 1) the various forms of intrinsic noise and 2) the failures of the lumped element model as a whole 1341176;1449849380;nubbins`;"my god, it's full of stars" but w/ little poop vortices or w/e instead 1341177;1449849531;mircea_popescu;StyleIncludesPrice (extra pages are $0.45) 1341178;1449849531;mircea_popescu;Softcover Book20 Pages$19.95 1341179;1449849531;mircea_popescu;Hardcover Book (laminated picture cover)20 Pages$34.95 1341180;1449849532;mircea_popescu;ahahaha omfg. 1341181;1449849554;mircea_popescu;Deluxe Book (cloth-bound cover w/dust jacket)20 Pages$39.95 1341182;1449849555;mircea_popescu;PDFUnlimited Pages$8.95 1341183;1449849562;mircea_popescu;shit sherlock... 1341184;1449849572;nubbins`;twenty pages 1341185;1449849588;nubbins`;i'd make a thousand copies for cheaper than that, and they'd be printed by hand 1341186;1449849598;nubbins`;TYL offset printing is expensive 1341187;1449849608;mircea_popescu;this isn't offset even. 1341188;1449849609;nubbins`;and 1-2k is not "quantity" 1341189;1449849615;nubbins`;o? 1341190;1449849620;nubbins`;digital print? zzz 1341191;1449849632;mircea_popescu;some random scam your favourite b-a resident drag up 1341192;1449849683;nubbins`;430-page limit! 1341193;1449849752;nubbins`;TBF there's nothing inherently wrong with digitally-printed books, if having the book stand the test of time isn't a requirement 1341194;1449849789;mircea_popescu;in this sense there's nothing wrong with having randi suckerberg sitting on a board of directors, 1341195;1449849797;mircea_popescu;if the board doing any useful work whatsoever isn't a requirement 1341196;1449849968;nubbins`;;) 1341197;1449849972;mircea_popescu;awww, colbert's not funny ?! who knew! 1341198;1449849977;nubbins`;fuck, print it on newspaper 1341199;1449849991;nubbins`;or blow yr wad: http://www.lumierepress.com/pages/making%20the%20book/chrono.html 1341200;1449849992;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NghiBo ) 1341201;1449850268;adlai;./ http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=11-12-2015#1341173 "am i doin dis rite", or "you keep using that !up, i'm not sure it means what you think it does" 1341202;1449850268;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 15:54:13; mircea_popescu: !up chmod755 1341203;1449850296;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340966 <<< you're pretty much exactly correct, i think. that's how it dies. 1341204;1449850296;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 08:34:28; BingoBoingo: Every physician burned by Obamacare can keep warfarin for their self pays and pradaxa for medicaid. 1341205;1449850315;mircea_popescu;same old "oh, you want to be the big man mr govt ? go chew out that yonder mountain!" 1341206;1449850349;adlai;nubbins`: in my chain, "digital print" means i can read it off a node 1341207;1449850352;mircea_popescu;adlai dude's been pming me. 1341208;1449850358;adlai;ah lol 1341209;1449850387;mircea_popescu;apparently the entire "you can't have private conversations with people you don't know" thing is just too hard for the average intuition. 1341210;1449850423;nubbins`;adlai traditionally in the art world, people like to refer to inkjet prints as "giclee" 1341211;1449850424;*;adlai has no idea what you're talking about, officah 1341212;1449850433;nubbins`;from the french, "to squirt jizz" 1341213;1449850446;nubbins`;because that's the worth of an inkjet print 1341214;1449850488;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340972 << and if it does, it ALSO turns bitcoin into a scam, for the off-chain people who [were led to] believe they are dealing in bitcoin while really all they got is bitcoin'. 1341215;1449850488;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 08:41:57; adlai: a properly done segwit softfork could actually result in a blocksize decrease for the non-segwit blockchain 1341216;1449850506;mircea_popescu;nubbins` no, giclee was an actual thing. back before the americans got involved. 1341217;1449850517;*;mircea_popescu used to do art photography, made and sold actual prints etc. 1341218;1449850525;nubbins`;yep and the actual thing was -- a fancy inkjet printer. 1341219;1449850528;nubbins`;full stop. 1341220;1449850531;mircea_popescu;not really, no. 1341221;1449850534;*;nubbins` nods 1341222;1449850536;nubbins`;really, yep 1341223;1449850537;mircea_popescu;in this sense, you're a fancy woman. 1341224;1449850542;nubbins`;lel 1341225;1449850548;nubbins`;i don't even have the same parts 1341226;1449850551;mircea_popescu;quite. 1341227;1449850558;mircea_popescu;hey, you got lungs and a liver, so... 1341228;1449850581;nubbins`;heh. 1341229;1449850596;nubbins`;but in total seriousness, giclee was originally meant to specifically refer to printouts from IRIS brand printers 1341230;1449850601;nubbins`;which were... inkjets. 1341231;1449850640;nubbins`;(micro piezo heads instead of shit "bubble jet" heads -- the spirit of IRIS lives on in Epson printers today) 1341232;1449850642;adlai;mircea_popescu: that's why you call it a segradoodled addroose, instead of bitcoin 1341233;1449850652;nubbins`;micro piezo = voltage-controlled ink density 1341234;1449850657;mircea_popescu;anyway. the machine used, an iris printer, uses fine glass rods under high pressure, which print continuously. 1341235;1449850660;adlai;the Sufficiently Smart Econ should be able to tell them apart 1341236;1449850669;mircea_popescu;there is SOME similarity with inkjet, exactly of the nature of nubbins` womanhood. 1341237;1449850673;adlai;humans are another story, but they're allowed to fend for themselves 1341238;1449850693;mircea_popescu;nubbins` right. you ever seen either the thing or its output ? 1341239;1449850744;mircea_popescu;the damned thing worked in the mhz, not the khz stuff epson piezo does 1341240;1449850762;mircea_popescu;(not that even so reduced it's visibly better than the other inkjets) 1341241;1449850764;nubbins`;now we're measuring intercourse by the speed of thrusts? 1341242;1449850805;mircea_popescu;no, we're measuring fine-ness by the... fine-ness! 1341243;1449850820;nubbins`;anyway you're correct, turns out IRIS printers use electrostatic too 1341244;1449850829;mircea_popescu;anyway. plenty of people who saw the item and its products actually blew the 100k or w/e it cost (ie, the cost of like a dozen houses in the us at the time) 1341245;1449850834;mircea_popescu;because it actually was that good. 1341246;1449850838;*;nubbins` nods 1341247;1449850857;nubbins`;have seen "authentic" giclees, they're a rare bird these days 1341248;1449850866;mircea_popescu;anyway. my abandoning the entire "art photography" thing is pretty much in step with iris' demise as a thing. 1341249;1449850869;nubbins`;iirc epson picked up the fine-art slack when IRIS declined 1341250;1449850877;mircea_popescu;nubbins` i do mean fresh tho 1341251;1449850887;mircea_popescu;the unfortunate thing with them is that 10 yr is not the same as 10 hr. 1341252;1449850889;adlai;ok, candidate #2: "I don't know what language it'll be in, but by the time trb prints a code, it'll be with sticks and stones" 1341253;1449850905;nubbins`;yeah 1341254;1449850912;nubbins`;ink longevity has come a long way since then too 1341255;1449850917;mircea_popescu;couirse we didn't really know this in the 90s 1341256;1449850930;mircea_popescu;imo the entire giclee thing is how we fdound out. 1341257;1449850960;*;nubbins` uses dye inks rather than pigments, (perhaps foolishly) choosing gamut over lightfastness 1341258;1449850974;mircea_popescu;yeah welll.... 1341259;1449850982;nubbins`;gamut and color accuracy over lightfastness, even. 1341260;1449850993;mircea_popescu;in honesty i don't think the sort of people still are made today, but you can't imagine the worldending chagrin and sadness of someone who truly loved a print 1341261;1449850995;nubbins`;but TBF the only things i actually digitally-print end up sandwiched between book covers 1341262;1449850995;mircea_popescu;which faded. 1341263;1449851008;nubbins`;mircea_popescu +1 1341264;1449851041;nubbins`;i occasionally silkscreen posters for outdoor usage; imagine my pride upon discovering, in late April, a poster I'd adhered to an outdoor pole in early november 1341265;1449851058;nubbins`;still immaculately vibrant after spending an entire Canadian winter outdoors 1341266;1449851077;nubbins`;and i mean the black was still JET fucking black. 1341267;1449851099;*;nubbins` has moved onto "automotive grade" urethane-based inks for fine art prints 1341268;1449851232;*;adlai has a foaf who nubbins`ed out of 'industrial design' into bending neon signs by hand 1341269;1449851266;nubbins`;ID will give you ED. smart fella 1341270;1449851294;*;nubbins` has never experienced such low cortisol levels as those he's consistently enjoyed since Feb 2013 1341271;1449851341;*;adlai got another followup to a job interview thread, and honestly doesn't know whether its worth picking up 1341272;1449851387;adlai;ultimately any 'dev wanted' posting answered these days devolves into blubbery faster than you can spell iojs 1341273;1449851436;nubbins`;"wanted: someone less stupid than me" 1341274;1449851461;nubbins`;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=214589.msg13216402#msg13216402 in which nubs emphasizes the importance of pedigree 1341275;1449851462;assbot;[WTB/WTS] Casascius Holo Error / Collectible Marketplace ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qj4ptQ ) 1341276;1449851524;*;adlai spends his play arms length away from a pedigree-free half-btc casascoin 1341277;1449851529;mircea_popescu; "wanted: someone less stupid than me" << no joke. 1341278;1449851545;adlai;it's fun to toss between palms but not good for much else 1341279;1449851588;nubbins`;i peeled a casascius coin once, fleeting sense of exhilaration 1341280;1449851610;thestringpuller;i haven't peeled teh casascius coin i bought int 2012 1341281;1449851628;nubbins`;tbh you're not missing much 1341282;1449851649;nubbins`;i only have like nine of these fuckers left 1341283;1449851656;mircea_popescu;in system design news, here's a good metaphore for os : http://40.media.tumblr.com/2d9ed53986ac1903da784fa9071c1495/tumblr_mftqw37zm61riedhko1_1280.jpg 1341284;1449851657;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qj4MVo ) 1341285;1449851659;*;nubbins` will likely sell 3-4 more and hoard remainder forever 1341286;1449851696;nubbins`;altho people buying privately-minted silver rounds for > 9000 is hard to resist 1341287;1449851863;nubbins`;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3wdq1s/as_a_journalist_its_harder_to_use_rbitcoin_for/ 1341288;1449851864;assbot;As a journalist, it's harder to use /r/bitcoin for story sources when the comment scores are hidden. I used to use the comments for additional information, but now I don't know which have been highly vetted, and which haven't. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1TFCwdq ) 1341289;1449851868;nubbins`;elelel. 1341290;1449851896;nubbins`;"as a journalist" (username the_daily_decrypt), i am 100% unable to categorize new information as "bullshit" or "worthy" 1341291;1449851987;*;adlai must lack the right lsd for comment scores to be hidden, or for that matter, matter 1341292;1449852025;adlai;if i had a cent for each time a new mod asked how to undisable downvotes in custom css, i wouldn't need to open my own quadlemma! 1341293;1449852047;trinque;you mean like... enable? 1341294;1449852107;adlai;many subreddits disable the downvote link using custom css, you can still downvote but Web 2.0 won't let you know 1341295;1449852138;nubbins`;lel 1341296;1449852159;nubbins`;srsly just style="visibility:hidden;"? 1341297;1449852171;nubbins`;platform of tomorrow! 1341298;1449852191;*;adlai never investigated far enough to tell, but the "use custom css" uncheckbox overcomes it 1341299;1449852193;trinque;ah the dissonance between "democracy works" and "don't judge me; we're all equal" 1341300;1449852209;*;trinque flies his buttered toast ship to the coffee pot 1341301;1449852230;adlai;just wait, someday they'll beg to buy ballots on the open market and nobody will take their tainted covenantcoins 1341302;1449852232;*;nubbins` flies his rolling hands to the girl scout cookies ship 1341303;1449852261;nubbins`;that whooshing is everyone except vexual missing the joke 1341304;1449852280;adlai;and how do you know he got it? 1341305;1449852289;nubbins`;satoshi doesn't miss much 1341306;1449852370;adlai;that whooshing is everyone except gwern getting the joke 1341307;1449852938;mircea_popescu; srsly just style="visibility:hidden;"? << you're out of line! 1341308;1449853057;fluffypony;adlai: you can disable subreddit styles, and mobile clients like Alien Blue ignore styling anyway 1341309;1449853069;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18115 @ 0.00048861 = 8.8512 BTC [+] {2} 1341310;1449853075;fluffypony;so I think it's more to "encourage unity" or something equally stupid 1341311;1449853082;adlai;did i say to leave the uncheck unboxed? 1341312;1449853141;*;fluffypony can't parse that sentence 1341313;1449853143;fluffypony;not enough wine 1341314;1449853149;adlai;!b 16 1341315;1449853151;assbot;Last 16 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0RYW9PA.txt ) 1341316;1449853192;mircea_popescu;https://twitter.com/max29x << random guy that's handspamming trilema. 1341317;1449853193;assbot;max (@max29x) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qj7aLL ) 1341318;1449853203;mircea_popescu;i guess selling bestiality must be hard given that... nobody cares. 1341319;1449853223;mircea_popescu;yet supposedly there's goldsteins out there making billions out of selling child porn, an item about as highly demanded as bestiality. 1341320;1449853242;mircea_popescu;the wonders of overgrown states. 1341321;1449853313;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50450 @ 0.00048109 = 24.271 BTC [-] {5} 1341322;1449854533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25307 @ 0.00047822 = 12.1023 BTC [-] {2} 1341323;1449855211;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1341324;1449855214;ascii_field;http://www.tvnewsinsider.com/story/fla-station-airs-vulgar-version-of-government-logo 1341325;1449855217;assbot;'Fla. station airs vulgar version of government logo' on TVNewsInsider ... ( http://bit.ly/1TFJy1O ) 1341326;1449855240;ascii_field;'WBBH-TV, the NBC affiliate in Ft. Myers, Fla. aired what it thought was the Department of Homeland Security seal but turned out to be a doctored image with a vulgar hidden meaning...' 1341327;1449855326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43900 @ 0.00047822 = 20.9939 BTC [-] {2} 1341328;1449855994;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341260 << was it uv ? 1341329;1449855994;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 16:23:13; mircea_popescu: in honesty i don't think the sort of people still are made today, but you can't imagine the worldending chagrin and sadness of someone who truly loved a print 1341330;1449856018;ascii_field;(if it was - then the decay rate was quite easy to test from day 1) 1341331;1449856099;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341272 << when ad mentions a programming lang - yes 1341332;1449856099;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 16:29:47; adlai: ultimately any 'dev wanted' posting answered these days devolves into blubbery faster than you can spell iojs 1341333;1449856150;adlai;anything identifiable enough to be mentioned in a job posting is probably also a dealbreaker for thinking brains 1341334;1449856507;ascii_field;'All the type at Lumiere Press is cast in lead on a 1950s Intertype machine model C-4. It is a wondrous machine whose precursor, the Linotype, was invented in 1886.' 1341335;1449856517;ascii_field;neato 1341336;1449856523;ascii_field;but why only 1 level of retro 1341337;1449856529;ascii_field;why not print on gutenberg press. 1341338;1449857447;nubbins`;!up ascii_field 1341339;1449857455;nubbins`;prob du8e8 t8o u8na8va8ila8bili8ty8 9)888 1341340;1449857465;nubbins`;aka the day nubs' 8 key stuck 1341341;1449857481;*;nubbins` spilled a coffee on macbook some months ago 1341342;1449857535;nubbins`;ascii_field i have a friend who's "into" religion (anthro style), has a reproduction of 1st edition gutenberg bible 1341343;1449857539;nubbins`;so, so, so many errors 1341344;1449857542;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Federal Reserve will raise interest rate at December FOMC meeting - http://bitbet.us/bet/1221/federal-reserve-will-raise-interest-rate-at-december/#b30 1341345;1449857558;nubbins`;blank pages, garbled type, erroneous symbols in margins, whole works 1341346;1449857589;*;nubbins` imagines that "so" works in finance and lurks in #b-a so computer can beep and bloop & make it appear like he's working 1341347;1449857992;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1341348;1449857996;ascii_field;https://www.rt.com/news/325593-fast-neutron-nuclear-reactor 1341349;1449857996;assbot;World’s most powerful fast neutron reactor starts supplying electricity to grid — RT News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYQCGd ) 1341350;1449858163;adlai;now that's a market to bet on 1341351;1449858546;adlai;consensus, made in china 1341352;1449858737;adlai;https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/190597?p=ws_hacked&rd=1 censorship, californicated 1341353;1449858737;assbot;"This site may be hacked" message - Search Help ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYRv1v ) 1341354;1449859046;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/littoral-combat-ships-mine-hunting-drones-cant-find-mines-pentagon-finds/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Gcaptain+%28gCaptain.com%29 1341355;1449859048;assbot;Littoral Combat Ships' Mine-Hunting Drones Can't Find Mines, Pentagon Finds - gCaptain ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYS4bK ) 1341356;1449859070;ben_vulpes;;;calc 864000000/54 1341357;1449859070;gribble;16000000 1341358;1449859154;adlai;more from the "expensive signals to fake" department: the S.MPOE inverse correlation with btcfiat continues to decrease 1341359;1449859963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37421 @ 0.00047807 = 17.8899 BTC [-] {3} 1341360;1449860519;mircea_popescu;in old icebox news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/973d6391b95bd5584e86b75c7eba02bb/tumblr_mgfjk2QT7z1r87wz9o1_1280.jpg 1341361;1449860520;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYUdEa ) 1341362;1449862098;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39972 @ 0.00048029 = 19.1982 BTC [+] {2} 1341363;1449862454;mircea_popescu;sooo nubbins` : just had blt ranchero with some absolutely splendid kimchi 1341364;1449862463;mircea_popescu;bought from korean fambly in b-a chinatown. 1341365;1449862500;mircea_popescu;other interesting things from chinatown : gran masala because wtf is this garam thing, and ciruelas bombom 1341366;1449862510;mircea_popescu;because whatever, sweet drops, woman's buns, same diff. 1341367;1449862662;nubbins`;i should make more kimchi 1341368;1449862684;nubbins`;only imported/canned available locally 1341369;1449862820;mircea_popescu;epic stuff. 1341370;1449862831;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29351 @ 0.00047794 = 14.028 BTC [-] 1341371;1449862915;mircea_popescu;in other lolz, https://blockchain.info/tx/85596cf32b2d6f0d09b21a565c0f69a6472e1055c6fcfa603ce5c8c067b45905?show_adv=true 1341372;1449862915;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 85596cf32b2d6f0d09b21a565c0f69a6472e1055c6fcfa603ce5c8c067b45905 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ue1KRa ) 1341373;1449862958;mircea_popescu;not even two cents' worth of opining ;/ 1341374;1449863325;mircea_popescu;in other news, million euro in jools stolen from high ticket store right across from hollande's office. 1341375;1449863498;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341371 <<< redditard spent his entire btc stash just to say that? 1341376;1449863498;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 19:41:55; mircea_popescu: in other lolz, https://blockchain.info/tx/85596cf32b2d6f0d09b21a565c0f69a6472e1055c6fcfa603ce5c8c067b45905?show_adv=true 1341377;1449863545;*;adlai is disappointed they didn't even take the time to use deeddust in the spray cannisters 1341378;1449864430;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1341379;1449864435;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341360 << holy shit is that a zil 1341380;1449864435;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 19:01:59; mircea_popescu: in old icebox news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/973d6391b95bd5584e86b75c7eba02bb/tumblr_mgfjk2QT7z1r87wz9o1_1280.jpg 1341381;1449865128;ascii_field;;;nethash 1341382;1449865128;gribble;733459348.999 1341383;1449865217;*;ascii_field wonders about the legendary inflection point where we start seeing airstrikes on miner positions 1341384;1449866245;adlai;that'd be a better backdrop to the end of fight club 1341385;1449866312;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1341386;1449866322;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1341387;1449866329;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 450.0, vol: 24395.95536187 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 441.998, vol: 17369.13253 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 453.1, vol: 59026.92197416 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 430.0, vol: 1.16258652 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 461.745, vol: 126519.11020000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 445.0, vol: 462.85897408 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 445.2559006, vol: 131.28067782 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1341388;1449866330;BingoBoingo;;;more 1341389;1449866330;gribble;456.700128229 1341390;1449866383;kakobrekla;ascii_field> https://www.rt.com/news/325593-fast-neutron-nuclear-reactor < https://cdn.rt.com/files/2015.12/original/566a999cc46188a81d8b4603.jpg , runs win xp 1341391;1449866384;assbot;World’s most powerful fast neutron reactor starts supplying electricity to grid — RT News ... ( http://bit.ly/1HYQCGd ) 1341392;1449866385;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1UefY4s ) 1341393;1449866408;ascii_field;kakobrekla: aha! 1341394;1449866413;ascii_field;surprised ? 1341395;1449866426;nubbins`;khaled mardam-bey is both satoshi and mp 1341396;1449866454;kakobrekla;i guess i am 1341397;1449866502;adlai;!s khaled mardam-bey 1341398;1449866503;assbot;0 results for 'khaled mardam-bey' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=khaled+mardam-bey 1341399;1449866602;nubbins`;part of my function here is to generate homework 1341400;1449866646;BingoBoingo;http://developers.slashdot.org/story/15/12/11/1915248/ted-cruz-wants-minimum-h-1b-wage-of-110000 1341401;1449866648;assbot;Ted Cruz Wants Minimum H-1B Wage of $110,000 - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1IKmq1N ) 1341402;1449866666;BingoBoingo;Must pay immigrunt moat 1341403;1449866682;danielpbarron;isn't that the mirc guy? 1341404;1449866702;nubbins`;ding ding ding 1341405;1449866716;adlai;what inverse blockheight does he piss from? 1341406;1449866755;ascii_field;l0l betcha he's a mega-realestate hodler 1341407;1449867295;shinohai;Saw this: https://twitter.com/eordano/status/675397298843701249 ,couldn't help but remember: http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-in-argentina-exactly-nothing-to-do-with-the-derps/ 1341408;1449867297;assbot;Bitcoin in Argentina : exactly nothing to do with the derps on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1eCTVVg ) 1341409;1449867946;mircea_popescu;ascii_field zil and thou shalt moroze! 1341410;1449867959;*;ascii_field falls down 1341411;1449867971;mircea_popescu;o look at that, 450! 1341412;1449868020;mircea_popescu;nuddin's hey i don't even use mirc! 1341413;1449868132;mircea_popescu;shinohai it's generally more productive to link derps to trilema than me to derps. 1341414;1449868561;BingoBoingo;So has it officially yet gone from feeling a lot like 2012 to feeling disturbingly like 2012? 1341415;1449868770;nubbins`;mIRCea_popescu 1341416;1449868778;nubbins`;likely story buddy 1341417;1449868861;mircea_popescu;damn 1341418;1449868880;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo bitcoin is for people with a 6mo memory. what is this 2012 you speak of. 1341419;1449868888;BingoBoingo;lol 1341420;1449868930;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1341421;1449868932;ascii_field;www.cryptool.org << would be interesting to see a non-retarded version of this (demo tool for students) 1341422;1449869007;ascii_field;http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-H-c6s8Dy4nY/VKbxi4SpGvI/AAAAAAAAAAw/aBH2R4cd0jI/s1600/CT2-Beta7b%2BBrute-force%2BKeySearcher.jpg << screenshit 1341423;1449869008;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1HZ6tEO ) 1341424;1449869085;ascii_field;http://www.limited-entropy.com << unrelated, pretty spiffy site 1341425;1449869086;assbot;Limited Entropy Dot Com ... ( http://bit.ly/1HZ6Dfm ) 1341426;1449870031;adlai;signs your OS may be ossifying into usgification: `git svn clone` conjures up KDE Wallet Manager on a separate machine's X display 1341427;1449870036;ascii_field;https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3wd59b/whats_the_dodgiest_thing_you_can_do_thats_not/cxvbcl5 << lulzy, 'robosigning' 1341428;1449870037;assbot;reddit.com: over 18? ... ( http://bit.ly/1HZ99lQ ) 1341429;1449870651;mircea_popescu;soo.... one thing to do if it's hot and you got a buncha spare girls : have them take cold shower by a 5 minute offset, towel off and then make out with pleasantly cool girl for five minutes 1341430;1449870654;mircea_popescu;during an hour +- 1341431;1449871742;mircea_popescu;if you happen to live in argentina you can also get the whole ensemble a la mode. 1341432;1449871755;mircea_popescu;and holy shit that alf link. "You can ask for the Buns of a different sandwich. Most people don't know that. Like get Big Mac buns on a mc double" 1341433;1449871773;mircea_popescu;check it out, the richest country on earth meets restaurants. "what do you mean, i can tell them what i want and they'll get it for me ?!?!?!" 1341434;1449872511;BingoBoingo;lol, as if I care >> "If you have any Add Blockers installed in your browser, you will not be able to see this page as was intended." 1341435;1449872842;BingoBoingo;Related: http://www.stltoday.com/news/ban-on-abortions-because-of-down-syndrome-diagnosis-proposed/article_c0b50a3e-4c2e-5c4d-9e7a-99c0b50c9f49.html 1341436;1449873102;mircea_popescu;derp. 1341437;1449873113;mircea_popescu;what about mandatory abortions for down syndrome. 1341438;1449873129;mircea_popescu;men can't smoke, women can spawn retards ? da fuck backwards world is this. 1341439;1449873182;BingoBoingo;Still related, why would anyone want to be the Uni's chancellor when they can coach? http://www.stltoday.com/sports/college/mizzou/eye-on-the-tigers/mizzou-sets-odom-s-salary-at-million/article_8b64c5de-139e-5918-8abf-c93bf3c0906b.html 1341440;1449873183;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1lUWtC0 ) 1341441;1449873205;BingoBoingo;"Odom, Mizzou's defensive coordinator this past season, will make a base salary of $450,000, plus a guaranteed non-salary compensation amount of $1,900,000, which covers four areas each paying $475,000: radio appearances, television appearances, apparel rights and public relations and stewardship appearances." 1341442;1449873246;BingoBoingo;Dat upward mobility: "Odom was making $625,000 as Missouri's defensive coordinator. Just four years ago the former Mizzou linebacker was making $200,000 as the Tigers' safeties coach." 1341443;1449873293;adlai;;;seen psztorc 1341444;1449873293;gribble;psztorc was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 11 weeks, 2 days, 17 hours, 13 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: Au revoir. 1341445;1449873405;BingoBoingo;Nao to lift mircea_popescu 's mood, police chase aborted http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/state-and-regional/missouri-trooper-injured-by-glass-fragments-during-chase/article_9cda1a09-cf12-5914-8f05-cf63fcb3ee26.html 1341446;1449874495;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/37FCBKF.txt 1341447;1449874496;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NLpc7j ) 1341448;1449874497;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1341449;1449874761;adlai;iirc psztorc is being disingenious to backopy, who closed shop due to rocketship ticket purchase, rather than bankrupcy 1341450;1449874832;*;danielpbarron is in favor of the death penalty for doctors and women who provide and seek abortions 1341451;1449874952;BingoBoingo;If anything more abortions would be a fine thing. It would just be nice if abortions didn't require finding clinics oriented towards correcting one's political health. 1341452;1449874970;*;adlai is in favor of death penalties for those who are in favor of warrants in all forms - arrest, execution, stock, etc. leads to a 'more polite society'... 1341453;1449874992;danielpbarron;aborted babies go to hell 1341454;1449875041;adlai;i'd rather have hell overrun by the cries of aborted "babies" than the anguish of wasted lives 1341455;1449875081;BingoBoingo;aborted babies chill in purgatory with their blade hands. 1341456;1449875090;danielpbarron;there is no purgatory 1341457;1449875128;BingoBoingo;Purgatory is where crossfitters go for being so close and yet so far from following the path of Broseidon. 1341458;1449875715;danielpbarron;I'm all for letting kids play outside and getting hurt, and even if that means the weak ones get killed. But to preemptively murder them, before they can even hurt themselves, and for the mother's convenience (when it is her due punishment to have pains in child bearing as per the fall in the garden of eden), is reprehensible. 1341459;1449875762;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48800 @ 0.0004824 = 23.5411 BTC [+] {3} 1341460;1449875874;danielpbarron;having to raise a child with down syndrome is not a waste of a life, especially in light of the fact that when fed a special diet these children can actually thrive 1341461;1449876060;danielpbarron;http://gotdownsyndrome.blogspot.com/ 1341462;1449876061;assbot;Got Down Syndrome's Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTxgP1 ) 1341463;1449876232;funkenstein_;danielpbarron, do condom users also go to "hell"? 1341464;1449876236;mircea_popescu;point remains, if you're going to "ban smoking" because "smoking is bad" you gotta ban down syndrome births. 1341465;1449876243;mircea_popescu;becuse.,.. you guessed it, "down syndrome is bad" 1341466;1449876276;danielpbarron;isn't down syndrome more like obesity, in that it is one step removed from whatever the bad thing is? 1341467;1449876285;danielpbarron;funkenstein_, no 1341468;1449876319;mircea_popescu;not really. it's a congenital defect. as fundamentally broken as it gets. 1341469;1449876369;danielpbarron;at any rate, it's not the choice of anyone that someone has the syndrome is it? 1341470;1449876384;funkenstein_;i guess there's no appeal to logic with fantasy locations transport systems then, surprise surprise 1341471;1449876410;danielpbarron;well I'm not part of the "every sperm is sacred" camp 1341472;1449876419;danielpbarron;not against masturbation either 1341473;1449876434;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron well depends how you construe choice. 1341474;1449876441;funkenstein_;how about menstruation? seems to get a bad rep around here 1341475;1449876452;mircea_popescu;but it must be pointed out that as many as 1/3 of all pregnancies are electively aborted by the woman anyway. 1341476;1449876463;mircea_popescu;there's dozens of different mechanisms which dictate spontaneous abortion. 1341477;1449876484;danielpbarron;funkenstein_, what about it? having sex during it should also be punished with execution but other than that.. 1341478;1449876490;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Doctor Zhivago - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/11/doctor-zhivago/ 1341479;1449876525;mircea_popescu;oral sex or generally ? 1341480;1449876534;danielpbarron;generally 1341481;1449876550;mircea_popescu;handjobs ? 1341482;1449876559;danielpbarron;lol 1341483;1449876569;funkenstein_;"should be punished" <-- lol 1341484;1449876571;mircea_popescu;can the woman rub one off if she's on the rag ? 1341485;1449876594;mircea_popescu;vaguely related http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/stefonknee-wolschtt-transgender-father-leaves-family-in-toronto-to-start-new-life-as-a-six-year-old-a6769051.html 1341486;1449876595;assbot;Transgender father Stefonknee Wolschtt leaves family in Toronto to start new life as six-year-old girl | Americas | News | The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTz36A ) 1341487;1449876656;danielpbarron;http://www.atruechurch.info/sexduringmenstruation.html >> You shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is in her customary impurity. (Leviticus 18:19) 1341488;1449876685;danielpbarron;so i guess that's sorta a no on hand stuff 1341489;1449876702;mircea_popescu;what if she suycks you off dressed ? 1341490;1449876727;funkenstein_;a tradition also practiced by amazonian cultures 1341491;1449876740;mircea_popescu;suppose you sit down to have a meal, there's this great broad at the other table, you seduce her and she sucks you off in the toilet. gotta ask if she's on her period first ? 1341492;1449876749;danielpbarron;can't you just get some head from one of your other wives? 1341493;1449876767;mircea_popescu;well sure you could, it's not a matter of need. 1341494;1449876792;BingoBoingo;What if you skip the wife label entirely and just keep concubines? 1341495;1449876798;mircea_popescu;technically speaking one could just sit down and shut up for the next 50 years. but that doesn't mean one should, necessarily. 1341496;1449876801;danielpbarron;a concubine is a slave wife 1341497;1449876821;mircea_popescu;what, everything is everything else ?! 1341498;1449876824;danielpbarron;in the "great broad" example, it sounds like some sort of adultery or fornication is taking place, or else you would marry her first 1341499;1449876842;mircea_popescu;hm 1341500;1449876848;mircea_popescu;suppose you mary the entire town first. 1341501;1449876930;mircea_popescu;also, the thing with harems is the chicks synchronize periods. 1341502;1449877069;adlai;this is how he tempts you, for he is jealous of your fleshy posessions from his vaporware cloud hosting 1341503;1449877138;danielpbarron;as someone with zero wives, I don't have much sympathy for the guy who has to take periodic break from sex on account of his whole harem menstruating simultaneously 1341504;1449877167;funkenstein_;https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12346483_10156252745655612_7687861402936937132_n.jpg?oh=6a63ecee0dadbdb0d1e57125b925f01b&oe=571FED44 1341505;1449877168;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTAzFW ) 1341506;1449877277;funkenstein_;danielpbarron, I'm an ordained minister i'd be happy to marry you remotely 1341507;1449877327;danielpbarron;ordained by who? 1341508;1449877354;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron well wait, it gotta be based on principle not how it makes you feel. 1341509;1449877364;funkenstein_;universal life church 1341510;1449877373;BingoBoingo;of Modesto California 1341511;1449877381;mircea_popescu;which one is that one funkenstein_ ? 1341512;1449877391;danielpbarron;mircea_popescu, it seems to me that the guy with the harem is probably the one tasked with setting the rules for the whole town. So that's that. 1341513;1449877393;BingoBoingo;funkenstein_: Gotta use that full name to make people know you are srs about it 1341514;1449877406;BingoBoingo;http://ulchq.org 1341515;1449877410;funkenstein_;BingoBoingo, thanks :) indeed 1341516;1449877412;deedbot-;[Qntra] Missouri Phone Purchases Put Police On Edge - http://qntra.net/2015/12/missouri-phone-purchases-put-police-on-edge/ 1341517;1449877429;*;mircea_popescu doesn't seem much problem with fucking bleeding woman. a) sex can lead to bleeding anyway and b) you're fucking hr in the ass, might as well. 1341518;1449877446;BingoBoingo;!b 1 1341519;1449877447;assbot;Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1WCD6S3.txt ) 1341520;1449877447;mircea_popescu;granted, eating her out during her period is fucking weird/ 1341521;1449877502;mircea_popescu;so blondy ditched your ass then danielpbarron ? 1341522;1449877506;danielpbarron;funkenstein_, probably a false church although I don't know that one in particular 1341523;1449877512;danielpbarron;lol what blondy? 1341524;1449877517;mircea_popescu;what was her name 1341525;1449877522;mircea_popescu;julia! 1341526;1449877530;mircea_popescu;do it to julia! 1341527;1449877563;danielpbarron;i guess so huh 1341528;1449877567;mircea_popescu;tsk tsk. 1341529;1449877573;*;danielpbarron shrugs 1341530;1449877660;mircea_popescu;in related news, http://40.media.tumblr.com/3505bee3e62cd01ca40c804cd23fe028/tumblr_mfl6mmnqAT1rfc12eo7_1280.jpg 1341531;1449877661;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTBINI ) 1341532;1449877991;BingoBoingo;https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/718251 1341533;1449877992;assbot;Sick of Fatties Saying Models Trigger EDs | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTCom6 ) 1341534;1449878137;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341460 << ahahahaha sure l0l 1341535;1449878137;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 23:17:54; danielpbarron: having to raise a child with down syndrome is not a waste of a life, especially in light of the fact that when fed a special diet these children can actually thrive 1341536;1449878153;asciilifeform;tard army! what makes amerikkkka great!11111 1341537;1449878214;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341478 << see also pelevin's riotously funny doctor gulago 1341538;1449878214;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 23:28:10; deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Doctor Zhivago - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/11/doctor-zhivago/ 1341539;1449878390;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341517 << the only practical issue is overlubrication, really 1341540;1449878390;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 23:43:49; *: mircea_popescu doesn't seem much problem with fucking bleeding woman. a) sex can lead to bleeding anyway and b) you're fucking hr in the ass, might as well. 1341541;1449878568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15502 @ 0.00048337 = 7.4932 BTC [+] {2} 1341542;1449878581;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/2015/12/missouri-phone-purchases-put-police-on-edge/#comment-82088 1341543;1449878581;assbot;Missouri Phone Purchases Put Police On Edge | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTDK08 ) 1341544;1449878581;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1341545;1449878746;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: http://qntra.net/2015/12/missouri-phone-purchases-put-police-on-edge/#comment-82090 1341546;1449878747;assbot;Missouri Phone Purchases Put Police On Edge | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTE8ff ) 1341547;1449878842;asciilifeform;if the implication of the nyooz piece is a 'gunpowder plot' involving propane bottles and gsm detonators, expect 'emergency powerz' in the near term 1341548;1449878850;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "blood is the best lubricant. well, other than tears" line of thought ? 1341549;1449878873;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha but there is such a thing as too much. ultimately the activity needs friction 1341550;1449878883;asciilifeform;or we'd all happily fuck thin air 1341551;1449878898;mircea_popescu;that's what the pubococcygeus is for! 1341552;1449878934;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18878 @ 0.00048337 = 9.1251 BTC [+] {2} 1341553;1449878960;asciilifeform;obligatory: http://www.theinfosphere.org/Kegelcizer 1341554;1449878961;assbot;Kegelcizer - The Infosphere, the Futurama Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1NLvnrX ) 1341555;1449879001;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i dun get it... so the news is that some people bought some phones in bunfuck ? 1341556;1449879009;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341452 << see also mega-shortstory, 'watchbird', r. sheckley 1341557;1449879009;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 23:02:50; *: adlai is in favor of death penalties for those who are in favor of warrants in all forms - arrest, execution, stock, etc. leads to a 'more polite society'... 1341558;1449879032;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: News is that + Police cared + Police push narrative cheap phnoes are untouchable 1341559;1449879037;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: by the crateful, in two sittings, by 'evil-looking men with foreign accents' 1341560;1449879117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48884 @ 0.00048272 = 23.5973 BTC [-] {3} 1341561;1449879128;mircea_popescu;i guess huh. 1341562;1449879151;asciilifeform;phun phakt: legendarily, the columbine incident involved a propane tank 1341563;1449879166;asciilifeform;but this is largely forgotten, because h & k were not clueful and failed to detonate 1341564;1449879202;asciilifeform;(if it had gone off, potentially ~no one would know~ who was the trigger man, and why, etc) 1341565;1449879206;mircea_popescu;i don't get this. propane tank has significantly lower potential than gasoline bucket. harder to handle. why bother. 1341566;1449879213;asciilifeform;fuel-air 1341567;1449879222;asciilifeform;good kinetics. 1341568;1449879224;mircea_popescu;this is disadvantageous. 1341569;1449879229;mircea_popescu;gasoline covers surfaces. 1341570;1449879234;mircea_popescu;air burning is a waste of fuel. 1341571;1449879237;asciilifeform;demolition is entirely a kinetics thing and not at all a thermodynamic thing 1341572;1449879250;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: But "Action Movie" says so 1341573;1449879264;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you're not demolishing anything with a propane tank. 1341574;1449879270;asciilifeform;(e.g., dynamite has considerably less joule/g vs petrol) 1341575;1449879288;asciilifeform;with solely a tank - no. 1341576;1449879315;mircea_popescu;now dump that much gasoline on the fake carpeting and set it ablaze. 1341577;1449879318;BingoBoingo;Propane tank thefts likely seriously not connected. Prolly just meth cooks. 1341578;1449879324;asciilifeform;!s happyland 1341579;1449879325;assbot;2 results for 'happyland' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=happyland 1341580;1449879332;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo wouldn't they just buy it ? 1341581;1449879338;mircea_popescu;meth cooking does make money, right ? 1341582;1449879344;mircea_popescu;it's not just a hobby for retards. 1341583;1449879346;BingoBoingo;Not when cooking for self 1341584;1449879358;BingoBoingo;Turrorists bought pnohes 1341585;1449879396;asciilifeform;phun phakt: meth was reinvented in su during 1980s. but there was more or less NO MARKET because folks were clueful and readily synthesized for personal use 1341586;1449879412;asciilifeform;from (at the time) readily available items 1341587;1449879423;adlai;asciilifeform: care to elaborate on http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com/?quote=406 ? 1341588;1449879425;assbot;#bitcoin-assets bash ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTGgnb ) 1341589;1449879492;asciilifeform;adlai: can start here, http://www.embedded.com/design/safety-and-security/4419247/Developing-secure-code-using-SPARK--Part-2---How-to-use-it 1341590;1449879493;assbot;Developing secure code using SPARK: Part 2 – How to use it | Embedded ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTGpah ) 1341591;1449879502;asciilifeform;just to get a taste. 1341592;1449879596;asciilifeform;adlai: http://www.adacore.com/knowledge/technical-papers/safe-secure << moar examples than you could possibly want (warning, pdf) 1341593;1449879597;assbot;Safe and Secure Software - An invitation to Ada 2005 | Technical Papers | Knowledge Center | AdaCore ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTGJWm ) 1341594;1449879662;mircea_popescu;!up amiller 1341595;1449879667;*;adlai dons gasmask 1341596;1449879731;mircea_popescu;in bathroom news, http://45.media.tumblr.com/02dd3bcf6021173f9927b38d126aada2/tumblr_meowu6E1a71rqttn1o1_500.gif 1341597;1449879732;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTH63c ) 1341598;1449879835;asciilifeform;adlai: http://cs.fit.edu/~ryan/ada/programs << mega-collection of examples 1341599;1449879836;assbot;Ada Programs ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTHkaB ) 1341600;1449879846;asciilifeform;in spiffy colour even. 1341601;1449880104;*;adlai can't find the specific example in the mega-collection of naggums, but he's looking for something other than toy examples... manuals are always welcome references, as are anecdotes that would be worth including in their margins 1341602;1449880130;asciilifeform;adlai: the ultimate non-toy example is... the compiler 1341603;1449880136;asciilifeform;(written in ada, yes) 1341604;1449880240;asciilifeform;this being said, the language is not a favourite among the open sores crowd and so you will not find a great many full-length megaprojects in public 1341605;1449880276;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59541 @ 0.00048187 = 28.691 BTC [-] {2} 1341606;1449880300;asciilifeform;aside from this, http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~mfeldman/ada-project-summary.html 1341607;1449880303;assbot;Who's Using Ada? ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTIvHd ) 1341608;1449880378;asciilifeform;adlai: if you want the manual, it can be had; be sure to get the 'rationale' document also 1341609;1449880389;asciilifeform;it comes with 'chapter & verse' concordance (like a bible) 1341610;1449880506;adlai;yes i've been looping through its tasking facility for months (years?) 1341611;1449881191;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45450 @ 0.00048482 = 22.0351 BTC [+] {4} 1341612;1449881532;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1173703.msg13210862#msg13210862 << cryptsy finally pulls the runner. 1341613;1449881534;assbot;CRYPTSY stopping withdraw locking accounts without notifying users! Class Action ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTLAH9 ) 1341614;1449881604;BingoBoingo;Oh shit. I gotta go to my meeting. If anyone wants to do this in the next 2 hours it would be appreciated. Otherwise I'll write something up after sobertime. 1341615;1449881740;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69750 @ 0.00047809 = 33.3468 BTC [-] {6} 1341616;1449881757;mircea_popescu;it's just cryptsy. 3/10 shits given, if that. 1341617;1449881804;BingoBoingo;Of course it's just one of those small lumpy constipation shits, but a win is a win. 1341618;1449881816;BingoBoingo;brb 1341619;1449882472;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33700 @ 0.00047702 = 16.0756 BTC [-] {3} 1341620;1449883082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57200 @ 0.00047702 = 27.2855 BTC [-] {2} 1341621;1449884485;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49153 @ 0.00047927 = 23.5576 BTC [+] {2} 1341622;1449885278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39051 @ 0.00047949 = 18.7246 BTC [+] {3} 1341623;1449885679;asciilifeform;http://foto-history.livejournal.com/8378510.html << historical interest, re: punishments. 1341624;1449885694;asciilifeform;(focus on asian flavours) 1341625;1449885766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 131550 @ 0.000477 = 62.7494 BTC [-] {7} 1341626;1449886071;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28450 @ 0.00048348 = 13.755 BTC [+] {2} 1341627;1449886095;shinohai;https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/16181/115662641.71/0_135a47_a6c4327c_orig.jpg <<< well that one is rather grim, assbot 1341628;1449886096;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3BpuO ) 1341629;1449886106;shinohai;* asciilifeform 1341630;1449886148;asciilifeform;shinohai: caption is, 'trophy' of dja-lama - a skin 'artistically' removed from a live kyrghyzian warrior 1341631;1449886195;asciilifeform;n00bs seem to think that isis et al are the first folks to partake in this kind of sport with modern cameras rolling, but this is not so. 1341632;1449886228;danielpbarron;from the crypty lulz >> Maybe also using other alts to withdraw your money could work but as I read many people discussed that some alts work, some other don't so I used the same way to get out as I got in via Doge. << rather than get outa dodge it's get out via doge! 1341633;1449886263;mircea_popescu;https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9168/115662641.71/0_135a2a_22176fb0_orig.jpg << nb. 1341634;1449886263;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nh62Vn ) 1341635;1449886284;asciilifeform;that one's famous 1341636;1449886293;asciilifeform;iirc - nanjing 1341637;1449886304;mircea_popescu;aha. great pic. 1341638;1449886312;asciilifeform;quite anatomically illustrative ! 1341639;1449886336;mircea_popescu;yup 1341640;1449886742;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45080 @ 0.0004819 = 21.7241 BTC [-] {2} 1341641;1449887901;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00048481 = 10.5689 BTC [+] {3} 1341642;1449888084;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115604 @ 0.00048685 = 56.2818 BTC [+] {3} 1341643;1449888149;adlai;anything more tangible than http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-06-2014#705346 regarding its validity for bitbet resolution? 1341644;1449888149;assbot;Logged on 06-06-2014 13:20:54; dub: bittrex looks ok, seems to be real people 1341645;1449888188;mircea_popescu;!s bittrex 1341646;1449888188;assbot;30 results for 'bittrex' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bittrex 1341647;1449888198;*;adlai saved you the other 29 1341648;1449888232;shinohai;lol buttrex 1341649;1449888256;mircea_popescu;seemz a lulsfest. 1341650;1449888275;asciilifeform;in other despatches from the dept.-of-things-i-had-no-idea-i-needed, http://www.alchemywebsite.com/bookshop/reading_texts_course.html 1341651;1449888276;assbot;Study Course on Reading alchemical texts ... ( http://bit.ly/1IKURFm ) 1341652;1449888285;mircea_popescu;* Loaded log from Fri Dec 12 02:17:53 2014 1341653;1449888286;mircea_popescu;heh! 1341654;1449888287;asciilifeform;'How to read alchemical texts An introductory study course for the perplexed' 1341655;1449888305;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hermeneutics is a thing yo. 1341656;1449888310;asciilifeform;aha! 1341657;1449888322;*;adlai retires to meditate on upon shorting in the age of crippled markets 1341658;1449888816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00048687 = 14.4114 BTC [+] 1341659;1449890030;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.luke-jr.10:0c6030d0625cf90570bf09dce24b99a56dfb5a99bdb26b22ab8cfd7695c05c55 1341660;1449890031;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for luke-jr from 10 to 10 with note: highly amusing, misunderestimatood architect of OP_CONSEQUENCEVERIFY 1341661;1449890062;danielpbarron;wtf 10 !? 1341662;1449890090;adlai;stopping to hurl threats at lemmings for long enough to watch them play in their own language does a world of good to your blood pressure 1341663;1449890133;adlai;anybody who cares to find out what that rating means can probably understand it from reviewing the background to all the !s drama 1341664;1449890291;danielpbarron;!rated Luke-Jr 1341665;1449890291;assbot;You rated user Luke-Jr on 16-Dec-2014, with a rating of -6, and supplied these additional notes: He tried to add blacklisting to bitcoin.. 1341666;1449890362;adlai;once y'all get over the dick measuring you'll realize that supporting larger vN blocks is the cheapest way to reduce vM block capacity, short of paying miners to generate empty blocks, or the existence of a free market for negative block space 1341667;1449890485;adlai;lol yes, another one of my ideas not worth self-censoring is a free market for provable tx censorship... basically anything that gets money a better megaphone to fund its own security 1341668;1449890534;adlai;or properly taglined, "a place for miners to sell the only good they're licensed to manufacture" 1341669;1449890600;danielpbarron;whatever that means, it still remains that bitcoin as it exists today is a giant ball of turd. The priority should be on deturdification before major rule changes, especially considering that no such changes are currently required to ensure its survival 1341670;1449890624;adlai;i didn't say pay the guy to break it 1341671;1449890807;mircea_popescu;adlai if you read carefully, nobody gave a shit at any point about what the congenitally retarded / ustards do in their bathroom. 1341672;1449890820;mircea_popescu;the slaps start flowing once they start talking out of it. 1341673;1449890829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37900 @ 0.00048063 = 18.2159 BTC [-] 1341674;1449890867;adlai;well, "you threw the wrong bitch out the window" 1341675;1449890877;mircea_popescu;impossible by definition. 1341676;1449890901;mircea_popescu;"beat your wife every day. if you don't know why, she does." 1341677;1449890917;*;adlai fails to understand how "let's softfork blabla blabla blabla anything" can be viewed as anything other than playing in the bathtub 1341678;1449890933;adlai;note that neither sipa nor Luke-Jr nor most anybody else is advocating for a hardfork. 1341679;1449890959;adlai;as far as i can tell, the only person who mentions hardforking segwit after this idea is your favorite costume artist 1341680;1449890993;adlai;softforks by definition are a bathtub game between miners and cautious experimenters 1341681;1449891015;adlai;let idiots lose their own money. jeez. i'm done with this topic, back to my usual bullshit 1341682;1449891195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33580 @ 0.00048051 = 16.1355 BTC [-] {2} 1341683;1449891416;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1341661 <<< my estimation exactly. 1341684;1449891416;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 03:14:22; danielpbarron: wtf 10 !? 1341685;1449891440;mircea_popescu;lol. 1341686;1449891466;shinohai;Wasn't it just last week he was considering doing work for the nvxim cult or whatever it's called? 1341687;1449891527;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.luke-jr.9:42a21f2c611b5b48d8b90a449d8fcdc30b99282e695ebe497f19d43b6c71106c 1341688;1449891528;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for luke-jr from 10 to 9 with note: still claims via solicited PM that he plans to break bitcoin someday 1341689;1449891648;shinohai;The usg would prlly like to have a chat with him then. 1341690;1449891861;adlai;yeah, i left a positive rating so they know he's good for it 1341691;1449892293;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28850 @ 0.00048002 = 13.8486 BTC [-] 1341692;1449892327;BingoBoingo;* adlai fails to understand how "let's softfork blabla blabla blabla anything" can be viewed as anything other than playing in the bathtub << The Jim Crow "soft phork" isn't anything near soft in the way previous ones have been. Would blocks still verify on actual bitcoind? Sure. Transactions? lol nope. 1341693;1449892398;adlai;lol you don't have to run code with real money to read it 1341694;1449892453;BingoBoingo;Read what? That there's a link to different data structure where actual signatures are? How the fuck does actual bitcoind get "witnesses" 1341695;1449892543;adlai;bitcoind gets steal-friendly witnesses, from bold experimenters who sacrifice their Bitcoin on the altars of the mine-verify greed-off 1341696;1449892576;adlai;if you'd prefer to stick to Bitcoin, your witnesses remain safe and sound in txins where for better or worse Our Prophet Satoshi intended them to be 1341697;1449892595;adlai;!s writtit 1341698;1449892596;assbot;1 results for 'writtit' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=writtit 1341699;1449892709;adlai;if you're not a party to testing tepid bathtub nucleation, then you're unable to steal the vJimCrow witnesses 1341700;1449892742;BingoBoingo;"Standards" https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144987773230417&w=2 1341701;1449892757;shinohai;I'm sorry, if the whole history isn't there then *it isn't bitcoin* 1341702;1449892818;*;adlai just ran out of tulip tokens for defending ideas he can neither long nor short, back to midwifing s.mpoe's self-identity crisis 1341703;1449892820;BingoBoingo;Look there somethings you can let the derps fart out in their bubble bath. Some things like this though actually run the risk of being taken seriously by the Chicoms. 1341704;1449892902;BingoBoingo;http://www.fdesouche.com/678995-maitrisons-sexuellement-les-petites-frontistes-decerebrees-engrossons-les-lobs-supprime-une-tribune 1341705;1449892905;assbot;«Maitrisons sexuellement les petites frontistes décérébrées" (Màj) - Fdesouche ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfY99F ) 1341706;1449893020;adlai;!s animals anyway 1341707;1449893020;assbot;3 results for 'animals anyway' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=animals+anyway 1341708;1449893088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26000 @ 0.00047893 = 12.4522 BTC [-] {2} 1341709;1449893352;*;adlai hates it when the market speaks to him in numbers... or loves it, for they sometimes tickle his whiskers 1341710;1449893499;adlai;;;seen live.coinbr.com 1341711;1449893499;gribble;I have not seen live.coinbr.com. 1341712;1449893545;adlai;dancing blind today 1341713;1449893576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26300 @ 0.00047893 = 12.5959 BTC [-] {2} 1341714;1449893903;BingoBoingo;"Based on their findings, Braverman and his coauthor, New York State Commissioner of Health Nirav Shah, M.D., say the BMI threshold for obesity, which now stands at 30, should be lowered to 24 for women and 28 for men." << http://www.cnn.com/2012/04/03/health/obesity-rates-maybe-worse/ 1341715;1449893904;assbot;Obesity rate may be worse than we think - CNN.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfZuNZ ) 1341716;1449894050;*;adlai is listening to: Ott - Live at Gnomelandia (55:13) 1341717;1449894144;adlai;meh. it's 'signals from bob' and confucius heraclitus s.plato etc etc 1341718;1449894163;trinque;adlai: I saw them live when they were Ott and the All Seeing I. 1341719;1449894175;*;adlai will see them do that same shit in ~14 hours 1341720;1449894183;trinque;was a good show 1341721;1449894184;adlai;in the meat. 1341722;1449894192;adlai;worth the credit card debt. 1341723;1449894211;*;adlai says so before he's even had to liquidate time or btc to repay 1341724;1449894235;adlai;where'd you see them trinque ? 1341725;1449894262;trinque;Portland, at a venue called Branx 1341726;1449894266;*;adlai notes to self that scripts[igs] are to be trusted as far as you can chuckem 1341727;1449894393;adlai;i'd deed something about passing a paper wallet to the asshole who plot twists by turning around and passing the fucking joint before the atom splits, but my hopes are not enough to collect the donation on that one 1341728;1449894415;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1341667 << how's this work 1341729;1449894415;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 03:21:25; adlai: lol yes, another one of my ideas not worth self-censoring is a free market for provable tx censorship... basically anything that gets money a better megaphone to fund its own security 1341730;1449894430;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49600 @ 0.00047879 = 23.748 BTC [-] {4} 1341731;1449894430;adlai;negative block space 1341732;1449894461;adlai;trivially verifiable, take your pick of extra shenanigans on top. it's worthless but idiots will pay for it. 1341733;1449894461;trinque;how is that distinct from the txspam "attacks" 1341734;1449894502;adlai;it increases revenue for miners that follow their free market boners, while providing a clearer signal of the hand that rubs them 1341735;1449894516;asciilifeform;i suspect that we'll be seeing some variant of this quite soon 1341736;1449894520;asciilifeform;on a usg scale 1341737;1449894556;adlai;quite possibly, i'm still waiting for luke to explain/publish his crafty draftings 1341738;1449894591;adlai;and/or issue a death warrant on me for trying to build a better mute button for our megaphone 1341739;1449894616;adlai;the magic of bitcoin is that you don't have to press either one of them, you can just shout until the button breaks of its own idiocy 1341740;1449894625;asciilifeform;'go ahead and transmit your tx to the free^H^H^H^Hterrorist world, but be prepared to wait two years for a confirmation. or you can send to u.s. fed miner and get in the next block.' 1341741;1449894645;asciilifeform;('legal transactions only') 1341742;1449894679;adlai;really, if it thinks such a scheme will pass, i invite the sexprs into my neural sandbox 1341743;1449894681;trinque;here comes danielpbarron to quote rev 13:16 1341744;1449894693;asciilifeform;did i miss a tray of lsd being passed around earlier. 1341745;1449894705;adlai;what tray, there were only two cubes :( 1341746;1449894712;trinque;probably ott's fault. 1341747;1449894721;adlai;perhaps, the market is known to precede itself 1341748;1449894823;*;adlai waits for marines to kick down some door, see you on the other side of the burlap sack 1341749;1449894861;asciilifeform;adlai: the 'free market for negative block space' follows trivially from the scheme discussed in the old thread, where miner optimizes for fee/byte 1341750;1449894879;asciilifeform;you can occupy as much space as you like by bidding up. 1341751;1449894901;asciilifeform;fill it with whatever. 1341752;1449894904;adlai;and there's no public way to politely request that hashpower babysitters bid down 1341753;1449894938;asciilifeform;'free market' doesn't come with a 'let's all chill and think and do we really want thermonukefest??' button 1341754;1449894940;adlai;beyond bitchering about relaying as though your nodeship can seed the clouds 1341755;1449895002;asciilifeform;if prisoner's dilemma somehow solved itself, you wouldn't need miners to begin with 1341756;1449895029;adlai;seriously though, i have logs better worth burning my carpal tunnels over, and they tend to come in parenthesized pairs 1341757;1449895062;adlai;(who knew neuron space could be so prosaically constrained!) 1341758;1449895141;asciilifeform;looks like Vexual's vacant chair is finally filled ? 1341759;1449895166;*;adlai at least tries, when picking lsd visions to distill into signed code, to look out for bitcoin's well-being 1341760;1449895253;*;adlai isn't sure what title Vexual's chair ever bore? 1341761;1449895307;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=05-10-2015#1292413 << i'd nominate pete himself for this one :P 1341762;1449895307;assbot;Logged on 05-10-2015 23:19:14; pete_dushenski: if so, there go all my crank theories, right out the window ! 1341763;1449895385;adlai;he at least seems to have bought his voice with money, whereas i seem so far to retain it because the wot finds what i say or do sufficiently profitable or funny 1341764;1449895422;asciilifeform;wai wut 1341765;1449895438;adlai;!gettrust 1341766;1449895438;assbot;You need to specify one (or two) nicks. 1341767;1449895448;adlai;ffs whatever happened to context 1341768;1449895464;*;adlai leaves it to the sufficiently motivated plumber 1341769;1449895465;asciilifeform;!gettrust pete_dushenski 1341770;1449895466;assbot;Trust relationship from user asciilifeform to user pete_dushenski: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 13 via 9 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=asciilifeform&to=pete_dushenski | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/pete_dushenski/ 1341771;1449895470;BingoBoingo;Wait adlai is this the vexual is satoshi theory? 1341772;1449895499;adlai;nah satoshi is some guy in #zennet who thinks i don't understand O(bullshit) 1341773;1449895596;*;adlai wanted to bitbet short puts on the AGRS altcoin, but it turns out to not even be more than TLS-signed bittrext 1341774;1449895645;adlai;the brains behind it spin a bullshit game that would make robert viragh proud 1341775;1449895647;*;BingoBoingo wonders if there is a 12 step group for LSD adlai can explore, remembers medically induced ibogaine hallucinations likely conntributed to Bill's spiritual experience 1341776;1449895664;adlai;nah bro haven't you heard, it's the self limiting drug 1341777;1449895682;asciilifeform;https://mises.org/library/ten-economic-blunders-history << lulzy, found by chance 1341778;1449895683;assbot;Ten Economic Blunders from History | Mises Daily ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3SJj9 ) 1341779;1449895744;adlai;http://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1005713 << possibly intriguing for any meth witches in the audience with a poor bullshit game 1341780;1449895747;assbot;PLOS Genetics: Hnrnph1 Is A Quantitative Trait Gene for Methamphetamine Sensitivity ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3SULk ) 1341781;1449896008;adlai;bwah 'The market, known as the Policy Analysis Market, or PAM, never got off the ground. Democrat politicians in the Senate uncovered the plan in July 2003 and it was dropped amid public outcry. Ron Wyden, a Democratic senator from Oregon, expressed the prevailing attitude when he said that "The idea of a federal betting parlour on atrocities and terrorism is ridiculous and it's grotesque."' 1341782;1449896027;asciilifeform;ahahaha the admiral poindexter thing 1341783;1449896083;*;adlai didn't realize the oft-mentioned godfather of predixhun markets was behind this 1341784;1449896199;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47150 @ 0.00048425 = 22.8324 BTC [+] {5} 1341785;1449896430;adlai;asciilifeform: while your room 101 may contain electric anthills (used to get tease out the bitcoin you don't 'own'), /me expects to get lazzaroed for association-by-homage with the 'coinjoin scammers' or somesuch 1341786;1449896706;asciilifeform;each of us will get an anthill 'entirely his own and fully adequate for him' (to borrow a mircea_popescuism) 1341787;1449896720;adlai;the best use of the such 1341788;1449896739;*;trinque expects to succumb to some pollution or diet related illness and die the usual way. 1341789;1449896756;adlai;dude carpal tunnel is terminal for brogrammers 1341790;1449896772;trinque;go lift weights. 1341791;1449896777;asciilifeform;them that die will be the lucky ones (tm) (r) (treasure island) 1341792;1449896806;adlai;unfortunately it costs less btc to keep another human alive than it does to kill yourself, and not even malthus could've foreseen this tragedy 1341793;1449896839;adlai;but call me when they're paying bitcoin for aborted stem cells 1341794;1449896844;trinque;how is that? 1341795;1449896855;trinque;obligatory borrowed gun, bought bullet reference. 1341796;1449896859;adlai;well the pay bitcoin-by-proxy for cumshots! 1341797;1449896877;*;adlai invokes http://www.thebricktestament.com/genesis/er_and_onan/gn38_09.html 1341798;1449896877;assbot;The Brick Testament ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y3UBIH ) 1341799;1449896992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33950 @ 0.00047855 = 16.2468 BTC [-] {2} 1341800;1449897008;adlai;there's something amazing about getting a whisker signal before assbot, and waiting to see which direction it guesses 1341801;1449897008;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1341802;1449897119;adlai;fwiw (more bullshit not worth deeding) i will pay all my personal profits to date to the L1 who provides the correct conjuring of their extraction from public ticker data 1341803;1449897196;adlai;it's worth a couple bitcents, wait a while and call me on this bullshit if i'm still around after we've given andreas rastapopoulous his two years 1341804;1449897247;adlai;obviously this payment is only owed if the proof is in a form acceptable to any and all future investors in my shinola distillery, usg ktulu or otherwise 1341805;1449897370;adlai;offer null and void for usg's L_n presence, its keys don't verify with the blessed rings 1341806;1449897541;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00048678 = 4.6731 BTC [+] {2} 1341807;1449897607;adlai;there's a lightning network pun in here but i'm too spent to kill the joke. nite, or morning, as the custom may dictate 1341808;1449897916;BingoBoingo; go lift weights. << Pin Tren for carpal tunnel. 1341809;1449897950;BingoBoingo;!up justanotheruser 1341810;1449898233;adlai;'The fictitious people in the zoo had a big board supposedly showing stock market quotations and com-modity prices along one wall of their habitat, and a news ticker, and a telephone that was supposedly connected to a brokerage on Earth. The creatures on Zircon-101 had told their captives that they had invested a million bitcoins for them back on Earth, and that it was up to the captives to manage it 1341811;1449898235;adlai;so that they would be fabulously wealthy when they were returned to Earth.' - more from kenny v 1341812;1449898464;*;adlai invites agents of all horsemen, not just USG, to make such proof worthless; not because he's too lazy to make it worthwhile himself, but because he just wants two coins to rub together 1341813;1449898483;adlai;some guy bought them off me once for a pittance by today's rates >_> 1341814;1449898541;adlai;'worthless' even if correctly produced, for the intentionally obtuse in the lurker gallery 1341815;1449898578;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40283 @ 0.00048692 = 19.6146 BTC [+] {3} 1341816;1449898640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34517 @ 0.00049056 = 16.9327 BTC [+] {2} 1341817;1449898883;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45280 @ 0.00048481 = 21.9522 BTC [-] {2} 1341818;1449899005;adlai;!up 4886 https://youtu.be/BDxjXWQ8oro (spoilers! he dies at the end) 1341819;1449899006;assbot;you're my GOD DAMN HERO.wmv - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mg5KFm ) 1341820;1449900070;adlai;more from the "whence D-wave's IPO paycheck" department, https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3wfmg2/satoshis_unmoved_coins_are_the_worlds_biggest/ 1341821;1449900072;assbot;Satoshi's unmoved coins are the world's biggest prize in quantum-decryption, the canary in bitcoin's quantum coalmine : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1On9trc ) 1341822;1449900093;adlai;"The day is quickly approaching where even if someone were to sign a message using Satoshi's known coin hoard addresses, we should think twice about whether this person actually is Satoshi or not" 1341823;1449900120;adlai;shut up and get in line for your trilema credits like a good boy, satoshi. your money is as good as anybody else's. 1341824;1449900157;*;adlai notes that his own leaked keys hardly budged 1341825;1449900188;adlai;so satoshi-minutes are worth somewhere between a deedbot and a bitcent 1341826;1449900539;adlai;;;ticker --market all 1341827;1449900545;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 410.47, vol: 43067.03987488 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 407.316, vol: 25074.7603 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 411.3, vol: 127788.60787139 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 452.0, vol: 5.81748064 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 415.241712, vol: 183926.44340000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 408.0, vol: 503.19544403 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 423.192010992, vol: 194.34333951 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1341828;1449900556;adlai;;;more 1341829;1449900557;gribble;412.850947599 1341830;1449900559;adlai;oops. 1341831;1449900634;adlai;pls winkledinks give me my time-btc back, i wish i'd dumped them at the parabolic fulcrum 1341832;1449901083;adlai;attention SPV devils, your v3 headers become newsworthy in roughly (exp 1) days 1341833;1449901118;*;adlai counts dots off http://bitcoin.sipa.be/ver-2k.png, sadly open source is quicker to kill than pay for itself 1341834;1449901119;assbot;404 - Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1Onb0gT ) 1341835;1449901198;adlai;bleh. one for the picture gallery: https://archive.is/Km6Xy 1341836;1449901198;assbot;ver-10k.png (1280x800 pixels) ... ( http://bit.ly/1Onb7t1 ) 1341837;1449902116;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72350 @ 0.00048962 = 35.424 BTC [+] {3} 1341838;1449902604;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24850 @ 0.00048373 = 12.0207 BTC [-] {5} 1341839;1449903031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6650 @ 0.0004906 = 3.2625 BTC [+] {2} 1341840;1449903885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3021 @ 0.000483 = 1.4591 BTC [-] 1341841;1449904007;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.000483 = 8.7423 BTC [-] 1341842;1449904289;mircea_popescu;i had no idea BingoBoingo is cajun enough to read french 1341843;1449904379;BingoBoingo;I don't read french. 1341844;1449904405;BingoBoingo;I violenced the text until it gave up its salient points. 1341845;1449904414;mircea_popescu;hahaha. what did you gather from the violation ? 1341846;1449904497;BingoBoingo;I gathered that French libertard liek rape more than MP. Seriously that brown people should rape all the FN women business is what Obama has to be thinking. 1341847;1449904530;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1341740 <<< not as easy as it sounds. 1341848;1449904530;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 04:30:25; asciilifeform: 'go ahead and transmit your tx to the free^H^H^H^Hterrorist world, but be prepared to wait two years for a confirmation. or you can send to u.s. fed miner and get in the next block.' 1341849;1449904533;BingoBoingo;Nordic system on crack. 1341850;1449904627;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo basically the french version of the redditard decided that right wing females appreciate macho men. further decided that all men are the same, and that includes him. further decided that hey, if they queue up to kneel for mp, why not for him. figured out that this is ridiculous, so instead of doing it wrote about it. everyone [that never does anything] got all excited about it, then realised it's meaningles 1341851;1449904628;mircea_popescu;s so decided to delete it because if deleted it's somehow protected from its meaninglessness. 1341852;1449904656;BingoBoingo;Ah 1341853;1449904663;mircea_popescu;as some derpy woman said, "congrats to the winners [which is everyone]" 1341854;1449904729;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform specifically : to guarantee your transactions are on average included the same day, you need control over ~0.5% of the network. 1341855;1449904763;mircea_popescu;to obtain similar performance to wires in this respect [delay only, not in all the others, you still get bitcoin, rather than usg-fiat moved around] you need a 0.2%ish of the network. 1341856;1449904769;mircea_popescu;interdiciton is hard. 1341857;1449904866;mircea_popescu;specifically to get your two years interdiction, usg needs to control 99.999% of the network, and admitting half an exahash was legit that requires they get a further 50 or so yotahashes. and that nobody else does anything. 1341858;1449904921;BingoBoingo;http://oglaf.com/spectrophilia/ 1341859;1449904922;assbot;Spectrophilia ... ( http://bit.ly/1No9cnW ) 1341860;1449905110;mircea_popescu;nb 1341861;1449905204;mircea_popescu;"The idea of a federal betting parlour on atrocities and terrorism is ridiculous and it's grotesque."' << so ? 1341862;1449905216;mircea_popescu;this is like saying "the pornstar is brunette and tall." mkay ? 1341863;1449905228;mircea_popescu;got anything at the actual topic ? 1341864;1449905369;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1341822 << lmao the philipino dept hard at work. no, the day isn't approaching, quickly or otherwise. 1341865;1449905369;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 06:01:33; adlai: "The day is quickly approaching where even if someone were to sign a message using Satoshi's known coin hoard addresses, we should think twice about whether this person actually is Satoshi or not" 1341866;1449905378;mircea_popescu;for one thing, "quickly" is a non-quantum concept. 1341867;1449905412;adlai;further on the "look what doesn't seem to have made logs yet" topic, the plaintext wripped from http://arxiv.org/abs/1011.0423 : http://dpaste.com/3F4D2G2.txt 1341868;1449905413;assbot;[1011.0423] A note comprising a negative resolution of the Efficient Market Hypothesis ... ( http://bit.ly/1NM4jZH ) 1341869;1449905415;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NM4jsv ) 1341870;1449905460;adlai;forget the businessman, clergy don't hold a candle to the nigerians 1341871;1449905532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58050 @ 0.00048246 = 28.0068 BTC [-] {3} 1341872;1449905611;adlai;seems to have stolen a leaf from the book of ,,seen herbijudlestoids 1341873;1449905635;adlai;fucking robots used to work, once 1341874;1449905710;adlai;if androids dream of dead ghosts masturbating, but no Tulip cluster simulate their moans, does that still constitute spectrofilia? 1341875;1449905746;BingoBoingo;Test all the children: "While the old ISAT test often saw as many as 95 percent of students meeting or exceeding standards, the highest-scoring school in St. Clair, Madison, Monroe or Clinton counties was Damiansville Elementary in Clinton County, with a proficiency score of 69.2 percent, and the lowest-performing school was Lovejoy Elementary in Brooklyn with a proficiency rate of zero." 1341876;1449905777;adlai;what was it testing, how to compile and `gpg --gen-keys` ? 1341877;1449905800;adlai;i hear you get least-positive-bignum points on the SAT for this 1341878;1449905806;BingoBoingo;Kommon Kore 1341879;1449905992;*;adlai has heard back from the latest incarnation of the Bcc funnel, this one with a request to cheatsheet https://chatsecure.org/blog/using-ed25519-public-keys-as-identifiers/ for the interview << more in the 'reinventing wot' dept 1341880;1449905993;assbot;Better XMPP Identifiers - Ed25519 Public Keys and .onions — ChatSecure ... ( http://bit.ly/1NM4UKQ ) 1341881;1449906045;mircea_popescu;anyway, the diocletian edict is a fine example. the problem isn't even economic there, it's purely political. "oh, we have a problem we don't know how to solve, here's some red tape" "tell you what - it's not worth the risk of dealing with your red tape AT ALL. see ya". "oh noes! who could have predicted!" 1341882;1449906046;adlai;crowdsourcing 'peer' review from hacker news, and they don't even pay shares by the wordcount! 1341883;1449906081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38550 @ 0.00048403 = 18.6594 BTC [+] {2} 1341884;1449906121;adlai;mircea_popescu: i really wish red tape will kill all the stupid ideas dreamt up tonight 1341885;1449906159;adlai;alas for i can't stuff the worst ones back into my tendons 1341886;1449906669;adlai;and from our new Arithmancy professors, http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2015/12/11/should-you-invest-in-bitcoin-10-arguments-in-favor-as-of-december-2015/ 1341887;1449906670;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NM5IPN ) 1341888;1449906725;adlai;"A comparison to gold suggests Bitcoin could be undervalued" don't go driving any nonsmall amounts, we may have to take your bullshit seriously as well! 1341889;1449906773;*;mircea_popescu prepares the 2016 version of the "stop buying" article. 1341890;1449906790;mircea_popescu;these idiots are all ready to fuck things over. "oh, it went up, buy buy buy!11" 1341891;1449906792;mircea_popescu;imbeciles. 1341892;1449906833;adlai;nah let them riff a little, it's their role in nature's "greedy algorithm" bullshit detector 1341893;1449906968;adlai;"More investors are taking it seriously and using it as a portfolio diversifier" go on, elaborate how billionaires hedge their penny stock exposure with hard currency 1341894;1449906978;adlai;next up they'll be telling you when and where to short mpex 1341895;1449907003;adlai;that'll be the "shut up and buy" signal, i guess 1341896;1449907301;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12850 @ 0.00048075 = 6.1776 BTC [-] {2} 1341897;1449907528;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-12-2015#1340346 << they don't bite my fisheye scopes and 'assault handles' either,.. https://botbot.me/freenode/bitcoin-wizards/2015-12-06/?msg=55542590&page=2 1341898;1449907528;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 14:40:00; asciilifeform: ('wizards' is where they spend all day thinking of what shit-to-bolt-on-the-side-of-the-kalash) 1341899;1449907529;assbot;IRC Logs for #bitcoin-wizards | BotBot.me [o__o] ... ( http://bit.ly/1NM6NXP ) 1341900;1449907657;adlai;in relevant news, if STRML or anybody else from bitMEX ever shows up, i'd love to eat their fee discounts on managing DPE risk 1341901;1449907694;mircea_popescu;!up STRML 1341902;1449907697;*;adlai has no idea how to valuate that risk but when did that ever stop idiots 1341903;1449907716;adlai;3.. 2... 1. 1341904;1449907756;*;adlai keeps poring over their arithmancy documentation 1341905;1449907834;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/66f289fd8e09567d8e0b462b7334d05e/tumblr_n87njjfmGi1qetydwo1_500.gif 1341906;1449907835;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NobVxC ) 1341907;1449909192;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31300 @ 0.00048855 = 15.2916 BTC [+] {4} 1341908;1449909987;adlai;mircea_popescu: where do you dredge up all this... and how come these sluts don't get to earn their bitcents too? 1341909;1449910038;mircea_popescu;the history folder, and because they're too old now. 1341910;1449910049;mircea_popescu;can't be 20 forever. 1341911;1449910051;adlai;superfish business model! targeted whoring based on reverse-image-crawling links to your own naked likeness 1341912;1449910089;*;adlai rushes to the trademark press 1341913;1449910107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.00049079 = 14.6255 BTC [+] {3} 1341914;1449910168;adlai;mircea_popescu: did i ever mention one of my meatspace drink buddies who denies that i quote anybody but him when referencing the "problem of too much money"? 1341915;1449910217;adlai;he's now gone parroting this on to other jooz, even in the same discussion as "so uh is it a good time to buy bitcoin maybe because it's regulated?" 1341916;1449910814;mircea_popescu;mkay ? 1341917;1449910856;*;adlai hopes somebody has a Plan around effigy-attributed trb vpatches, because i know enough C++ to swear myself fit to neither generate nor verify that bullshit 1341918;1449911022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42350 @ 0.0004872 = 20.6329 BTC [-] {4} 1341919;1449911075;punkman;/me was talking at some kind of computer/security/bitcoin workshop in dreamworld 1341920;1449911079;punkman;perhaps a sign 1341921;1449911102;punkman;mircea_popescu: what's the mpex referal fee now? 1341922;1449911140;mircea_popescu;punkman still 10 iirc. 1341923;1449911199;adlai;unfortunately my meatspace acquaintances, even the ones controlling enough btc to make them worth referring, think they know where and how to best invest it - themselves 1341924;1449911205;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55600 @ 0.0004848 = 26.9549 BTC [-] {3} 1341925;1449911269;punkman;adlai: you might be better off talking to people that don't have any btc yet 1341926;1449911333;adlai;they tend to either encourage me to keep playing around with my play-btc, or feign interest in the hope of nucleating a tradable price signal out of my sykobabble 1341927;1449911374;*;adlai is proud to report that his meatspace btcfiat signal remains peerlessly indistinguishable from monkeys at a typewriter 1341928;1449911388;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105072 @ 0.00048299 = 50.7487 BTC [-] {4} 1341929;1449911399;adlai;makes one feel comfortable in humanity / retardation / childishness / etc 1341930;1449911439;adlai;monkeys that make good bitbet payouts! but suck at timing anything asymmetric larger than a banknote or two 1341931;1449911515;*;adlai has a gist floating around that may be welcome (after some digestion) in bitbet.py, under the "betting both sides" department 1341932;1449911556;adlai;but the tool still needs a couple more trials before pressing blueprints 1341933;1449911616;adlai;;;seen mike_c 1341934;1449911616;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 weeks, 1 day, 8 hours, 1 minute, and 40 seconds ago: let's get that thing out the door and get alf some goddamn bitcoin already 1341935;1449911636;adlai;!search from:adlai ;;seen 1341936;1449911637;assbot;29 results for 'from:adlai ;;seen' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Aadlai+%3B%3Bseen 1341937;1449911650;adlai;ok that's all from the broken record department (for tonight, folks) 1341938;1449911652;adlai;!down adlai 1341939;1449912058;BingoBoingo;* mircea_popescu prepares the 2016 version of the "stop buying" article. << I knew it. 1341940;1449912250;BingoBoingo;* adlai is proud to report that his meatspace btcfiat signal remains peerlessly indistinguishable from monkeys at a typewriter << Meatspace linux signal is bullish 1341941;1449912642;BingoBoingo;Qntra called it https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV-Fee1UYAA96fL.png 1341942;1449912643;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NMbYHs ) 1341943;1449913462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36278 @ 0.00047922 = 17.3851 BTC [-] 1341944;1449914743;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22402 @ 0.00049093 = 10.9978 BTC [+] {3} 1341945;1449915109;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41218 @ 0.00048072 = 19.8143 BTC [-] {4} 1341946;1449915353;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00049107 = 5.4018 BTC [+] {2} 1341947;1449915963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56979 @ 0.00049251 = 28.0627 BTC [+] {5} 1341948;1449916146;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00047855 = 4.1634 BTC [-] {2} 1341949;1449916207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62500 @ 0.0004935 = 30.8438 BTC [+] {2} 1341950;1449916619;adlai;from the "dear usg, please send more clowns." department: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3why40/im_done_with_bitcoin_fees_are_too_high/cxwcftq 1341951;1449916620;assbot;knircky comments on I'm done with bitcoin. Fees are too high. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NonvZJ ) 1341952;1449916695;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43750 @ 0.00049455 = 21.6366 BTC [+] {5} 1341953;1449917427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41000 @ 0.00049497 = 20.2938 BTC [+] {3} 1341954;1449917549;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30834 @ 0.00049542 = 15.2758 BTC [+] 1341955;1449917610;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99075 @ 0.00049584 = 49.1253 BTC [+] {5} 1341956;1449917671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16450 @ 0.00048961 = 8.0541 BTC [-] 1341957;1449917732;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66897 @ 0.00047855 = 32.0136 BTC [-] {2} 1341958;1449917793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76314 @ 0.00047627 = 36.3461 BTC [-] {4} 1341959;1449917854;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35009 @ 0.00047464 = 16.6167 BTC [-] {2} 1341960;1449919257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23809 @ 0.00049602 = 11.8097 BTC [+] 1341961;1449919745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29191 @ 0.00049628 = 14.4869 BTC [+] 1341962;1449919806;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2759 @ 0.00049539 = 1.3668 BTC [-] 1341963;1449920233;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55769 @ 0.00049718 = 27.7272 BTC [+] {2} 1341964;1449920904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41241 @ 0.00049539 = 20.4304 BTC [-] 1341965;1449921148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41800 @ 0.00048048 = 20.0841 BTC [-] 1341966;1449921453;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32081 @ 0.00048001 = 15.3992 BTC [-] {2} 1341967;1449921514;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00048444 = 6.4188 BTC [+] 1341968;1449922551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46924 @ 0.00048014 = 22.5301 BTC [-] {5} 1341969;1449922612;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 134467 @ 0.00047402 = 63.74 BTC [-] {7} 1341970;1449923222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42752 @ 0.00047324 = 20.232 BTC [-] {2} 1341971;1449923832;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00048443 = 10.5121 BTC [+] {2} 1341972;1449925022;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> Qntra called it https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CV-Fee1UYAA96fL.png << bullshit story of all time. "oh i was hacked". the faux satoshi has everything in common with the fiat-based wanna-be bitcoin scammer. 1341973;1449925022;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NMbYHs ) 1341974;1449925235;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.0004796 = 3.0455 BTC [-] {2} 1341975;1449926639;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19988 @ 0.00047961 = 9.5864 BTC [+] 1341976;1449927676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33500 @ 0.00048444 = 16.2287 BTC [+] {2} 1341977;1449927694;mircea_popescu;in other news : how do you superimpose two images for the web, but exactly ? 1341978;1449927725;mircea_popescu;(i did find the answer, a half hour of labour later, and exactly in the "basic science upon the software" sense djikstra was discussing. and i'm betting you don't know either. pos html omfg.) 1341979;1449928896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65600 @ 0.00048444 = 31.7793 BTC [+] 1341980;1449929262;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15903 @ 0.00048464 = 7.7072 BTC [+] {2} 1341981;1449930485;deedbot-;[Trilema] Here's who doesn't belong in Bitcoin : you. - http://trilema.com/2015/heres-who-doesnt-belong-in-bitcoin-you/ 1341982;1449930543;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37550 @ 0.00048354 = 18.1569 BTC [-] 1341983;1449931031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73200 @ 0.00048077 = 35.1924 BTC [-] {4} 1341984;1449932196;mircea_popescu;!up stoon 1341985;1449932442;punkman;saw a flash of naked girl on last article but it disappeared 1341986;1449932505;mircea_popescu;hehe. 1341987;1449932556;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19050 @ 0.00048265 = 9.1945 BTC [+] 1341988;1449932739;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123352 @ 0.00048464 = 59.7813 BTC [+] {3} 1341989;1449933044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2250 @ 0.00048589 = 1.0933 BTC [+] 1341990;1449933128;trinque;mircea_popescu │ in other news : how do you superimpose two images for the web, but exactly ? << you put them both in a position: relative div, give the two images position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; 1341991;1449933135;trinque;... the shit that fills my head 1341992;1449933137;mircea_popescu;doesn't work. 1341993;1449933146;mircea_popescu;you can't have absolute coords. it's the web. 1341994;1449933179;trinque;that one makes it "absolute" "relative" to the parent div 1341995;1449933287;mircea_popescu;you still get padding. 1341996;1449933326;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341197 << at least it seems that colbert isn't quite so funny when libertards aren't watching him with the (almost assuredly) mistaken statistic in mind that "half of viewers don't even know he's kidding!" 1341997;1449933326;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 16:06:12; mircea_popescu: awww, colbert's not funny ?! who knew! 1341998;1449933331;punkman;there's probably two dozen ways to do that 1341999;1449933357;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2014/parody-is-not-there-for-you-cancerous-fags-to-try-and-hide-your-cancer-behind-it/ 1342000;1449933358;assbot;"Parody" is not there for you cancerous fags to try and hide your cancer behind it. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1T9xolV ) 1342001;1449933359;trinque;then comes the long recitation of the reset.css ritual to purify the browser. 1342002;1449933373;mircea_popescu;that said, he's squeezed more blood from that rock than anyone i know oif. 1342003;1449933386;mircea_popescu;trinque if you're curious, see how last trilema does it 1342004;1449933387;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: and colbert kicked the parody to the curb, leaving... not much. 1342005;1449933456;pete_dushenski;and colbert's up there with ali g and daniel tosh in the "lulzy interview that audience and interviewer understand but interviewee maybe not so much" game. 1342006;1449933474;trinque;now only the fellation of the state and hollywood remain. 1342007;1449933519;pete_dushenski;!s tosh.0 1342008;1449933520;assbot;1 results for 'tosh.0' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=tosh.0 1342009;1449933531;trinque;mircea_popescu: a yep, that works. 1342010;1449933561;pete_dushenski;well that's too bad, tosh.0 is pretty hilarious. 1342011;1449933564;trinque;giving up on the tags other than div alleviates a lot of the pain 1342012;1449933683;punkman;colbert had some pretty good bits over the years 1342013;1449933759;punkman;can't say I'll ever watch his new "serious" crap though 1342014;1449933817;pete_dushenski;punkman: looks like you're not alone. no one wants the ~actual~ stephen colbert, they want to see an overwrought fauxpublican. 1342015;1449933855;*;mircea_popescu would almost watch a best-of if curated by someone in the wot 1342016;1449933870;mircea_popescu;never really watched the guy outside of a few half minute snippets here and there. 1342017;1449933875;punkman;daniel tosh is pretty bad but I've only caught the odd youtube featuring him 1342018;1449933942;punkman;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_impact_of_The_Colbert_Report 1342019;1449933942;assbot;Cultural impact of The Colbert Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oo1v18 ) 1342020;1449934043;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tosh.0&lclk=long&filters=long << for anyone looking to check out full episodes of tosh.0 1342021;1449934044;assbot;tosh.0 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oo1KJr ) 1342022;1449934084;pete_dushenski;can't say i've watched daniel tosh's stand-up routine, but i'd have high expectations for it. 1342023;1449934447;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23950 @ 0.00048523 = 11.6213 BTC [-] 1342024;1449934633;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1341978 << that was sussman 1342025;1449934633;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 13:42:05; mircea_popescu: (i did find the answer, a half hour of labour later, and exactly in the "basic science upon the software" sense djikstra was discussing. and i'm betting you don't know either. pos html omfg.) 1342026;1449934645;mircea_popescu;ah right. 1342027;1449934661;mircea_popescu;amusingly enouj 1342028;1449934668;mircea_popescu;enough*, the answer is recursion. 1342029;1449934922;mircea_popescu;so wait. the wikipedia page on the "cultural impact" of some random network anchor dude consists of 'things named after him' such as obscure sports teams and various pets ; and a large chapter on "wikipedia references" ? 1342030;1449934930;mircea_popescu;what are these people on, their own jenkem ? 1342031;1449934948;asciilifeform;tlp's disease ? 1342032;1449934975;asciilifeform;'it is on the screen, ergo it matters even if it is nonsense' 1342033;1449935082;asciilifeform;;;nethash 1342034;1449935083;gribble;693923003.137 1342035;1449935107;asciilifeform;where'd it go..? 1342036;1449935111;mircea_popescu;aha. 1342037;1449935146;mircea_popescu;!s nethash 1342038;1449935147;assbot;510 results for 'nethash' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=nethash 1342039;1449935176;mircea_popescu;12:24:01gribble: 527455049.152 << less than month ago. 1342040;1449935180;pete_dushenski;50 petahash here, 50 there... what's a few hundred acres of mining farms between friends ? 1342041;1449935223;pete_dushenski;those cf-18s might not be able to hit the side of a barn in syria, but why not a stationary and defenseless mining farm in iceland ? 1342042;1449935259;shinohai;Happy Hannukah pete_dushenski o/ 1342043;1449935267;pete_dushenski;aha cheers !! 1342044;1449935314;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: there is no reason (aside from laziness and idiocy) for there to be any geographic concentrations of miners whatsoever 1342045;1449935376;asciilifeform;(largest power could easily occupy, e.g., 10,000 cheapo warehouse lofts in 300 cities) 1342046;1449935422;pete_dushenski;but really, a terahash is running ~1 btc atm (or was last month), which'd mean that 50k btc of ~just equipment~ is popping on and offline PER DAY. though the measurement problems inherent in ;;nethash may account for the majority of that... 1342047;1449935445;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: why do you imagine that the consumer prices have anything to do with the actual cost to a geopolitical player ? 1342048;1449935462;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: also aside from cheap leccy and fast net connection... 1342049;1449935472;asciilifeform;(what does it cost usg to order intel to bake 100,000 14nm asics ?) 1342050;1449935479;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: why did hitler need money ? 1342051;1449935518;asciilifeform;to buy swedish steel ? 1342052;1449935728;pete_dushenski;ok, and how many iphones does usg have to buy off china to pay the israelis for 100k asic chips ? 1342053;1449935753;asciilifeform;why import ? 1342054;1449935755;pete_dushenski;(israelis will do anything for iph0ne) 1342055;1449935822;asciilifeform;serious cpu is one of the very few remaining american monopolies. 1342056;1449935839;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: i guess if oregon doesn't mind "belching smokestacks" 1342057;1449935884;pete_dushenski;i thought there was no 'serious cpu' ;/ 1342058;1449935905;asciilifeform;'serious' being a relative thing 1342059;1449936058;pete_dushenski;ok you tell me what 100k 'serious cpus' cost 1342060;1449936091;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: obligatory thread: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-10-2015#1299184 1342061;1449936091;assbot;Logged on 15-10-2015 01:03:09; mircea_popescu: in the sense of, "put on provision slip, sign, costs nothing" 1342062;1449936277;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58450 @ 0.00048464 = 28.3272 BTC [-] {3} 1342063;1449936345;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: re-read. basically, no cost because nfi. 1342064;1449936410;pete_dushenski;from outside, there's no cost. from inside, 'dunno yet, but we'll try to reallocate some of our other budgetary items to accommodate asic production' 1342065;1449936435;pete_dushenski;basically, more zeros from one excel cell to another and voila ! chips. 1342066;1449936494;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1539 << obligatory illustration. where do you suppose these originally came from ? 1342067;1449936496;assbot;Loper OS » Yes, you can still get these. ... ( http://bit.ly/1XtNsB3 ) 1342068;1449936529;asciilifeform;somebody moved a magical pencil, and - bam - there were fewer rolls of tp to be had. but chips appeared, aha. 1342069;1449936568;asciilifeform;sorta like a hard drunk, or better yet, a costly dope addict - where does he get the coke money ? 1342070;1449936577;asciilifeform;answer: ~somewhere~ 1342071;1449936581;pete_dushenski;aha. anywhere. 1342072;1449937045;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: it isn't even a matter of 'we'll try to reallocate some of our other budgetary items' 1342073;1449937053;asciilifeform;they simply print the bezzlars, and hire. 1342074;1449937058;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1341623 << well that was edifying. /me needs more practice with this subject matter. total n00b. 1342075;1449937058;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 02:01:19; asciilifeform: http://foto-history.livejournal.com/8378510.html << historical interest, re: punishments. 1342076;1449937088;asciilifeform;the second half of this particular engine's cycle is, of course, repossessing the bezzlars so they do not circulate and spread chaos 1342077;1449937089;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: a luxury mr. z80-wisher-into-existence perhaps didn't have. 1342078;1449937104;asciilifeform;in su this was done with the state monopoly on liquor 1342079;1449937113;asciilifeform;in us - with rent bezzle 1342080;1449937180;*;pete_dushenski thought liquor was cheap in former su. 1342081;1449937217;pete_dushenski;or that moonshine in bathtub would suffice to extract one from said monopolu 1342082;1449937227;pete_dushenski;monopoly* 1342083;1449937229;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: folks certainly tried moonshining. 1342084;1449937245;asciilifeform;it was punished harshly. 1342085;1449937258;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: re: link, i have always found 'ling chi' interesting. by all indications, the condemned remained alive almost until the very end. this must have taken considerable skill on part of the executioner. 1342086;1449937326;pete_dushenski;no tv or even books to distract. why not be an artist at your craft ? 1342087;1449937345;asciilifeform;iirc the last known public ling chi was in 1907 1342088;1449937357;asciilifeform;but it was not very impressive, the condemned was doped with opium 1342089;1449937462;pete_dushenski;not impressive ? you shoulda been there !! 1342090;1449938107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61000 @ 0.00048613 = 29.6539 BTC [+] {3} 1342091;1449938171;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341537 << l0l. #3 hit on google/yandex is... #b-a logs ! 1342092;1449938171;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 23:56:54; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1341478 << see also pelevin's riotously funny doctor gulago 1342093;1449938534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56800 @ 0.00048233 = 27.3963 BTC [-] {2} 1342094;1449940974;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3150 @ 0.00048277 = 1.5207 BTC [+] 1342095;1449941462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19159 @ 0.00048771 = 9.344 BTC [+] {2} 1342096;1449941523;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13093 @ 0.00049065 = 6.4241 BTC [+] 1342097;1449942865;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37550 @ 0.00048277 = 18.128 BTC [-] 1342098;1449943171;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117650 @ 0.00048922 = 57.5567 BTC [+] {2} 1342099;1449943414;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62072 @ 0.00049721 = 30.8628 BTC [+] {3} 1342100;1449944585;mircea_popescu;interestinglyt enough, zjdx.lljs.gov.cn/bfdx/ is a spam link. 1342101;1449944592;mircea_popescu;wouldn't you expect gov.cn to be better policed ? 1342102;1449944700;mircea_popescu;and to round up alf's punishments thread, http://40.media.tumblr.com/33114042f5cc512a4a9bed80e09dcab5/tumblr_n7yzslf6rX1tpwtg5o1_1280.jpg 1342103;1449944701;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1SU8h2g ) 1342104;1449944777;mircea_popescu;or perhaps http://41.media.tumblr.com/1c26d63ffb682d64aa81d045315041b5/tumblr_n7z0fo9vkP1tpwtg5o1_1280.jpg 1342105;1449944778;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1SU8jXX ) 1342106;1449945976;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51750 @ 0.00049392 = 25.5604 BTC [-] {8} 1342107;1449946429;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: spiffy 1342108;1449946443;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1342101 << the giftz of winblowz 1342109;1449946443;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 18:23:12; mircea_popescu: wouldn't you expect gov.cn to be better policed ? 1342110;1449946480;asciilifeform;here in gringolandia spam is routinely sent from city, state, and esp. shithole .edu machines 1342111;1449946504;asciilifeform;and the only reason why spam from .gov/.mil is a rarity is the fascist filtering on the head end 1342112;1449946525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49995 @ 0.00048186 = 24.0906 BTC [-] {2} 1342113;1449946566;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1342114;1449947928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42550 @ 0.00048418 = 20.6019 BTC [+] 1342115;1449948050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00048898 = 16.0874 BTC [+] 1342116;1449948335;ben_vulpes;buenos carmen diaz 1342117;1449949545;BingoBoingo;lol http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/bitbob-and-silent-jay.gif 1342118;1449949547;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QlktLL ) 1342119;1449949697;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5550 @ 0.00048781 = 2.7073 BTC [-] 1342120;1449950038;BingoBoingo; wouldn't you expect gov.cn to be better policed ? << It's not. I've only seen spam links from there. 1342121;1449950124;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77796 @ 0.00048932 = 38.0671 BTC [+] {3} 1342122;1449950203;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1342123;1449950210;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 427.29, vol: 35881.57248004 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 423.918, vol: 19054.51633 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 427.05, vol: 120440.03392953 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 400.01, vol: 5.40583572 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 436.153644, vol: 187210.68040000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 424.16637, vol: 244.3823046 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 428.6869008, vol: 190.39897351 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 1342124;1449950211;BingoBoingo;;;more 1342125;1449950212;gribble;average: 431.602534787 1342126;1449950246;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28976 @ 0.00049691 = 14.3985 BTC [+] {2} 1342127;1449951039;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28578 @ 0.00049196 = 14.0592 BTC [-] {2} 1342128;1449951880;BingoBoingo;Also gov.ua is hosting spam domains nao 1342129;1449952058;mircea_popescu;well that i believe is the normal function of the ua government. 1342130;1449952174;BingoBoingo;aha 1342131;1449952259;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24524 @ 0.00048188 = 11.8176 BTC [-] 1342132;1449952320;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86776 @ 0.00048026 = 41.675 BTC [-] {5} 1342133;1449952607;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/109d1b9bb42bbcb593d3b31f098b7731/tumblr_mt0vel9QJd1szhixio1_400.gif 1342134;1449952608;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1SUiufd ) 1342135;1449952617;mircea_popescu;"how did you do ?" "i'm confident in my performance". 1342136;1449952625;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58650 @ 0.00047827 = 28.0505 BTC [-] 1342137;1449952930;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24777 @ 0.00048443 = 12.0027 BTC [+] 1342138;1449954455;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74245 @ 0.00048645 = 36.1165 BTC [+] {2} 1342139;1449955126;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00049832 = 14.9994 BTC [+] {2} 1342140;1449956346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69000 @ 0.00049184 = 33.937 BTC [-] {2} 1342141;1449956896;deedbot-;[Qntra] Generally Upward Price Volatility At fiat/Bitcoin Interfaces Continues - http://qntra.net/2015/12/generally-upward-price-volatility-at-fiatbitcoin-interfaces-continues/ 1342142;1449957261;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28720 @ 0.00049641 = 14.2569 BTC [+] {2} 1342143;1449959091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61774 @ 0.00049871 = 30.8073 BTC [+] {3} 1342144;1449959518;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11274 @ 0.00049278 = 5.5556 BTC [-] {2} 1342145;1449960433;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34350 @ 0.00050011 = 17.1788 BTC [+] {4} 1342146;1449960535;funkenstein_;adlai, some cubes to go with your cubes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsssqCMfUMY 1342147;1449960536;assbot;Rubik's Cube World Record 4.90 sec Lucas Etter Slow Motion - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1NNhY2B ) 1342148;1449961643;funkenstein_;what is it about evidence of vomit-inducing mental illness in primates that is "edifying" or "spiffy"? 1342149;1449961701;ben_vulpes;http://www.themorningnews.org/article/blues-on-wheels << "a writer becomes a carrier for the USPS out of a complete lack of options. what she discovers is that government jobs are actually miserable." ftfy 1342150;1449961702;assbot;Blues on Wheels - The Morning News ... ( http://bit.ly/1UiFYMb ) 1342151;1449961958;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16500 @ 0.00050064 = 8.2606 BTC [+] {3} 1342152;1449962736;mircea_popescu;funkenstein_ say wut ? 1342153;1449962812;mircea_popescu; heh i'm mcguyvering out in the field as i oversee my employee building spicy moss ordinaries << in eulora news, the cotton pickin' is real! 1342154;1449962856;funkenstein_;howdy :) i was just referencing some earlier channel comments on image links 1342155;1449962937;danielpbarron;hehe 1342156;1449962963;mircea_popescu;yeah butr i have no idea which 1342157;1449963219;mircea_popescu;in other news, the other heartbeat http://49.media.tumblr.com/b35f312ce1c4f79e55c98dc5e5be482c/tumblr_n1vdwuvl4P1t8bkhco1_500.gif 1342158;1449963220;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QlDu0H ) 1342159;1449963357;funkenstein_;"edifying" was pete on look heads come off, "spiffy" was ascii on look we can cause pain 1342160;1449963636;BingoBoingo;lol "no one goes postal anymore (they go, as my trainer said, high school, like Columbine instead)"\ 1342161;1449964630;BingoBoingo;https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/red_car.png 1342162;1449964631;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QlF4PY ) 1342163;1449964703;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24600 @ 0.00049278 = 12.1224 BTC [-] 1342164;1449966236;ben_vulpes;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1VFH9BV.txt 1342165;1449966240;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QlGXw3 ) 1342166;1449966240;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1342167;1449967631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42350 @ 0.00049229 = 20.8485 BTC [-] {3} 1342168;1449968363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64000 @ 0.00049186 = 31.479 BTC [-] {4} 1342169;1449968711;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/UYny6 1342170;1449968713;assbot;USB Typewriter ~ ... ( http://bit.ly/1OZVE4T ) 1342171;1449971477;ben_vulpes;tbqh every time i hear about what the wizards are up to it sounds like something from a parallel universe 1342172;1449971687;BingoBoingo;A parallel and inferior universe 1342173;1449972210;punkman;http://dpaste.com/1RW41ZS 1342174;1449972212;assbot;dpaste: 1RW41ZS ... ( http://bit.ly/1Uj1zns ) 1342175;1449973853;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61762 @ 0.00049289 = 30.4419 BTC [+] 1342176;1449973942;asciilifeform;punkman: pretty sure that's the intro to 'system shock' ! 1342177;1449973945;asciilifeform;mega-nostalgic. 1342178;1449973973;punkman;asciilifeform: from recent ghost in the shell actually 1342179;1449973978;asciilifeform;ah hm. 1342180;1449974020;punkman;http://36.media.tumblr.com/8d93ef8ebe612b4d83d176aec3754c0e/tumblr_ndjr2jS3Wt1qzasnzo1_1280.png 1342181;1449974021;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NipssY ) 1342182;1449974106;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-12-2015#1342149 << there's government jobs and then there's government jobs. 1342183;1449974106;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 23:08:21; ben_vulpes: http://www.themorningnews.org/article/blues-on-wheels << "a writer becomes a carrier for the USPS out of a complete lack of options. what she discovers is that government jobs are actually miserable." ftfy 1342184;1449974122;asciilifeform;in usa, post office and patent office have well-deserved horrid reputations for... actual work!11111 1342185;1449974158;asciilifeform;(these are - or rather, were until recently - the only cash-positive ministries other than irs (tax collectors) in usa.) 1342186;1449974177;punkman;can't wait for USPS to finally say "fuck it, we'll email this junk to you and burn it" 1342187;1449974187;BingoBoingo;Post Office so cash positive made to pay pensions 75 years in advance. 1342188;1449974198;asciilifeform;~until~ made to 1342189;1449974209;asciilifeform;after this - broke. 1342190;1449974228;asciilifeform;now - afaik - just 2 +ev ministries left. 1342191;1449974231;BingoBoingo;Right, but still doing. 1342192;1449974268;BingoBoingo;USPS delivered parts for the AmazingPlasticar over priority mail just fine. 1342193;1449974268;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1342194;1449974294;asciilifeform;my current postman routinely drops parcels at the wrong house. 1342195;1449974304;asciilifeform;bbbut he wears a pith helmet, and is thereby entertaining. 1342196;1449974311;asciilifeform;so there is something to be said in his favour. 1342197;1449974316;BingoBoingo;lol 1342198;1449974383;*;BingoBoingo hears postman's Grumman LLV when it reaches neigborhood, allows for mail to spend little stale time in box. 1342199;1449974401;asciilifeform;grumman ?!! 1342200;1449974402;asciilifeform;hellcat ? 1342201;1449974428;punkman;do any postmen ride bikes in US? 1342202;1449974439;asciilifeform;possibly 1342203;1449974442;asciilifeform;but not here. 1342204;1449974473;asciilifeform;' I drove to my next loop and sobbed aloud as I tried to shove thick magazines through thin, razor-sharp mail slots that made my fingers bleed. I kept crying, from exhaustion and frustration, as I walked through hedges and tree branches. When I finished and arrived at the station, my supervisor asked if I had been crying. I told her my allergies were terrible. Another carrier had already told me to never, ever show them what t 1342205;1449974473;asciilifeform;hey do to you.' << waat 1342206;1449974510;BingoBoingo; grumman ?!! << Post truck was sold by Grumman. 1342207;1449974582;BingoBoingo;Grumman llv is actually bastardized GovernmentMotors product based roughly on Chevy S10 1342208;1449974645;BingoBoingo;llv seems like it coul be fun to drive if it will take v8 swap 1342209;1449975195;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84050 @ 0.00049152 = 41.3123 BTC [-] {7} 1342210;1449975317;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11434 @ 0.0004912 = 5.6164 BTC [-] 1342211;1449975561;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17238 @ 0.00049289 = 8.4964 BTC [+] 1342212;1449976110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 307031 @ 0.0004901 = 150.4759 BTC [-] {7} 1342213;1449977147;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92900 @ 0.00049675 = 46.1481 BTC [+] {4} 1342214;1449977208;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7222 @ 0.00049863 = 3.6011 BTC [+] {2} 1342215;1449977391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48000 @ 0.00050004 = 24.0019 BTC [+] 1342216;1449977960;deedbot-;[Qntra] Gizmodo And Wired End Week Waffling On #Hoaxtoshi - http://qntra.net/2015/12/gizmodo-and-wired-end-week-waffling-on-hoaxtoshi/ 1342217;1449978123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46205 @ 0.00050013 = 23.1085 BTC [+] {3} 1342218;1449978733;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20080 @ 0.00050032 = 10.0464 BTC [+] 1342219;1449979160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60100 @ 0.00049915 = 29.9989 BTC [-] {2} 1342220;1449980502;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42900 @ 0.00050032 = 21.4637 BTC [+] 1342221;1449982506;punkman;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/13/world/europe/climate-change-accord-paris.html 1342222;1449982509;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1jVXcSi ) 1342223;1449982521;mircea_popescu;in more interesting news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/40bf9abd7b27c0bf70608040fb7e0c25/tumblr_mvdplrPEVx1qdxglyo1_400.gif 1342224;1449982522;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1jVXit0 ) 1342225;1449982537;punkman;"President Obama, who regards tackling climate change as a central element of his legacy, spoke of the deal in a televised address from the White House. “This agreement sends a powerful signal that the world is fully committed to a low-carbon future,”" 1342226;1449982654;mircea_popescu;legacy ? lolzk. 1342227;1449982669;mircea_popescu;what did carter regard as a central element of his legacy, i forget 1342228;1449982747;BingoBoingo;Hostage loss 1342229;1449982755;BingoBoingo;Or was it swamp rabbit 1342230;1449982769;mircea_popescu;musta been something 1342231;1449982777;mircea_popescu;other than "probably still a better option than dan quayle" 1342232;1449982943;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24950 @ 0.00050051 = 12.4877 BTC [+] {2} 1342233;1449982994;mircea_popescu;https://bitbet.us/bet/1100/cardano-to-ship-in-2015/#c5409 heh. 1342234;1449982995;assbot;BitBet - Cardano to Ship in 2015 :: 4.97 B (11%) on Yes, 38.3 B (89%) on No | closing in 3 days 18 hours | weight: 1`109 (100`000 to 1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y6qgZZ ) 1342235;1449984102;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41807 @ 0.00050112 = 20.9503 BTC [+] {4} 1342236;1449984163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39493 @ 0.00050221 = 19.8338 BTC [+] 1342237;1449984224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77000 @ 0.0004962 = 38.2074 BTC [-] {5} 1342238;1449984224;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CWBpWv4U4AA3g1p.mp4 the drone catcher 1342239;1449984224;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1jVZmRL ) 1342240;1449984357;punkman;https://twitter.com/Satoshi_N_/status/675834735327883264 1342241;1449984444;mircea_popescu;"Together, we've shown what's possible when the world stands as one," he said. << doom. the only thing possible when the bureaucrats unite is doom. 1342242;1449984469;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000184.html 1342243;1449984469;assbot;[BTC-dev] Regarding Transaction Signatures ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y6slVY ) 1342244;1449984562;*;mircea_popescu cheers. 1342245;1449984578;mod6;:] 1342246;1449984787;BingoBoingo;ty for news, brb upwriting 1342247;1449984808;mod6;thanks for writing 1342248;1449986237;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3901 @ 0.0005022 = 1.9591 BTC [+] {2} 1342249;1449986298;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35749 @ 0.00050239 = 17.9599 BTC [+] {3} 1342250;1449986467;deedbot-;[Qntra] Bitcoin Foundation Co-Chairs Issue Statement On Signatures In Blockchain - http://qntra.net/2015/12/bitcoin-foundation-co-chairs-issue-statement-on-signatures-in-blockchain/ 1342251;1449986542;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69500 @ 0.00049712 = 34.5498 BTC [-] {4} 1342252;1449987030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94600 @ 0.00049325 = 46.6615 BTC [-] {4} 1342253;1449988038;BingoBoingo;"i'd give you a life expectancy of an extra 72 hours" >> https://archive.is/7rXTw 1342254;1449988039;assbot;Combination of Anabolic Steroids, Amphetamines, Benzos, and PCP. Perfect combo for bodybuilding and euphoria or asking for a death sentence? : DarkNetMarkets ... ( http://bit.ly/1RL6Wwn ) 1342255;1449988602;ben_vulpes;sweet dreams, asciilifeform: https://openai.com/blog/introducing-openai/ 1342256;1449988603;assbot;OpenAI ... ( http://bit.ly/1TIQX0i ) 1342257;1449988710;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'that actual Bitcoin clients can the entire blockchain including transaction signatures during initial sync' ??? 1342258;1449988722;asciilifeform;--> 'can verify the' 1342259;1449988732;BingoBoingo;fck 1342260;1449988744;BingoBoingo;fxd 1342261;1449988767;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: snore 1342262;1449988785;asciilifeform;'Sam, Greg, Elon, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Peter Thiel, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Infosys, and YC Research are donating to support OpenAI. In total, these funders have committed $1 billion, although we expect to only spend a tiny fraction of this in the next few years.' << lulzy 1342263;1449988794;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 7.95260000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin block reward halving on or before 20 July 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1182/bitcoin-block-reward-halving-on-or-before-20/#b8 1342264;1449988808;asciilifeform;how many russia did they buy yet. 1342265;1449988855;asciilifeform;'We believe AI should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as is possible safely.' << interesting turn of phrase 1342266;1449988934;asciilifeform;l0ltr0nic. 1342267;1449989029;*;asciilifeform again sees '7.95260000' and thinks 'not bad...' then remembers it isn't a bits'o'entropy/bt figure 1342268;1449989048;asciilifeform;almost pavlovian reflex. 1342269;1449989093;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342233 << give that poor bony fella his preorder moneyz back. 1342270;1449989093;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 05:03:14; mircea_popescu: https://bitbet.us/bet/1100/cardano-to-ship-in-2015/#c5409 heh. 1342271;1449989093;BingoBoingo;lol 1342272;1449989137;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342223 << at last, proper pr0n 1342273;1449989137;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 04:55:21; mircea_popescu: in more interesting news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/40bf9abd7b27c0bf70608040fb7e0c25/tumblr_mvdplrPEVx1qdxglyo1_400.gif 1342274;1449989161;asciilifeform;just when i began to think that mircea_popescu doesn't even go in for that sort 1342275;1449989200;asciilifeform;one day i would like to read a cookbook published by mircea_popescu. which will show the foods not only as they are on the table, but as they are in the stomach, small intestine, large, and onward... 1342276;1449989229;asciilifeform;imho this is not any less or more appealing than pr0n with cockz in it. but to each, his own... 1342277;1449989304;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342238 << this has all of the hallmarks of a first-class rigged demo absurdity 1342278;1449989304;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 05:23:44; punkman: https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CWBpWv4U4AA3g1p.mp4 the drone catcher 1342279;1449989323;asciilifeform;(why would the smaller machine fall into the net dragged by the larger - slower - one ?) 1342280;1449989370;*;asciilifeform to avoid dying of laughter, takes a break. 1342281;1449989371;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1342282;1449989378;BingoBoingo;Awe, caught http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/two-charged-in-firing-upon-highway-patrol-officer/article_67e06004-6ae8-5975-a9c0-1539a6fa8049.html 1342283;1449989379;assbot;Two charged in firing upon Highway Patrol officer : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1RL8eHD ) 1342284;1449991733;punkman;http://www.roanoke-chowannewsherald.com/2015/12/08/woodland-rejects-solar-farm/ 1342285;1449991734;assbot;Woodland rejects solar farm | The Roanoke-Chowan News-Herald ... ( http://bit.ly/1IME1Gr ) 1342286;1449991736;punkman;"She is a retired Northampton science teacher and is concerned that photosynthesis, which depends upon sunlight, would not happen and would keep the plants from growing." 1342287;1449991744;punkman;"She also questioned the high number of cancer deaths in the area, saying no one could tell her that solar panels didn’t cause cancer." 1342288;1449992337;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57212 @ 0.0004921 = 28.154 BTC [-] {2} 1342289;1449993252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41188 @ 0.00049134 = 20.2373 BTC [-] 1342290;1449993374;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41750 @ 0.00049358 = 20.607 BTC [+] {2} 1342291;1449994228;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27102 @ 0.00049359 = 13.3773 BTC [+] 1342292;1449995268;BingoBoingo;punkman: win 1342293;1449995509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32780 @ 0.00049359 = 16.1799 BTC [+] 1342294;1449995997;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31738 @ 0.00049629 = 15.7513 BTC [+] {2} 1342295;1449996119;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17900 @ 0.00049629 = 8.8836 BTC [+] 1342296;1449996171;BingoBoingo;Apparently this is the LSD that pairs with Jim Crow https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki 1342297;1449996172;assbot;bips/bip-0112.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0hbKM ) 1342298;1449996236;BingoBoingo;Yet more OP_HODL types 1342299;1449997034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33506 @ 0.0004976 = 16.6726 BTC [+] {2} 1342300;1449997705;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8401 @ 0.00049847 = 4.1876 BTC [+] {2} 1342301;1449999108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69806 @ 0.00050052 = 34.9393 BTC [+] {2} 1342302;1449999718;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25350 @ 0.0005003 = 12.6826 BTC [-] {3} 1342303;1450000267;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45600 @ 0.00050131 = 22.8597 BTC [+] {2} 1342304;1450001304;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 119807 @ 0.00049906 = 59.7909 BTC [-] {6} 1342305;1450001670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67300 @ 0.00050192 = 33.7792 BTC [+] {4} 1342306;1450003866;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114512 @ 0.00049874 = 57.1117 BTC [-] {2} 1342307;1450004781;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6236 @ 0.00049847 = 3.1085 BTC [-] {2} 1342308;1450006062;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 141700 @ 0.00049712 = 70.4419 BTC [-] 1342309;1450007160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49882 @ 0.00049507 = 24.6951 BTC [-] {3} 1342310;1450007709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 313990 @ 0.0004986 = 156.5554 BTC [+] {4} 1342311;1450007770;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105510 @ 0.00050269 = 53.0388 BTC [+] {5} 1342312;1450008929;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 146138 @ 0.00050179 = 73.3306 BTC [-] {2} 1342313;1450011003;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109000 @ 0.00049398 = 53.8438 BTC [-] {4} 1342314;1450011747;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/7rXTw << typical 15yo doing the typical 15yo thing : put two-three stories together in a new combo, passes them off as "real" to adults to see what they say. 1342315;1450011748;assbot;Combination of Anabolic Steroids, Amphetamines, Benzos, and PCP. Perfect combo for bodybuilding and euphoria or asking for a death sentence? : DarkNetMarkets ... ( http://bit.ly/1RL6Wwn ) 1342316;1450011980;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342262 << this very strange stupid number games thing. "they've commited a billion they'd never pay and i'll do things i'm never actually doing". мы делаем вид что работаем а государство делает вид что платит нам зарплату for the new soviet generation. 1342317;1450011980;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 06:39:45; asciilifeform: 'Sam, Greg, Elon, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Peter Thiel, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Infosys, and YC Research are donating to support OpenAI. In total, these funders have committed $1 billion, although we expect to only spend a tiny fraction of this in the next few years.' << lulzy 1342318;1450012049;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342265 << what "individual fucking wills" ? 1342319;1450012049;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 06:40:55; asciilifeform: 'We believe AI should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as is possible safely.' << interesting turn of phrase 1342320;1450012223;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88435 @ 0.00050306 = 44.4881 BTC [+] {2} 1342321;1450012322;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342275 << your wish was granted, of course. years ago, of course. on trilema, bien sur. http://trilema.com/2012/sa-facem-un-test/ 1342322;1450012322;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 06:46:40; asciilifeform: one day i would like to read a cookbook published by mircea_popescu. which will show the foods not only as they are on the table, but as they are in the stomach, small intestine, large, and onward... 1342323;1450012323;assbot;Sa facem un test on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1lY02HG ) 1342324;1450012810;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342279 << and yet "nsa spies everything" 1342325;1450012810;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 06:48:43; asciilifeform: (why would the smaller machine fall into the net dragged by the larger - slower - one ?) 1342326;1450012830;mircea_popescu;they just never could have predicted. anything. 1342327;1450012865;mircea_popescu;but hey, don't look at the paris attack and say "lol, i guess we can dismantle all us secret services". say something else! anything else! how about "o noers, should be giving the slow, inept macfhine more $$$!" 1342328;1450012917;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342286 << imagine the ten thousand kids she "taught" "science" 1342329;1450012917;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 07:28:56; punkman: "She is a retired Northampton science teacher and is concerned that photosynthesis, which depends upon sunlight, would not happen and would keep the plants from growing." 1342330;1450012960;mircea_popescu;!s btcdrak 1342331;1450012961;assbot;150 results for 'btcdrak' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=btcdrak 1342332;1450012976;mircea_popescu;;;rated btcdrak 1342333;1450012976;gribble;You have not yet rated user btcdrak 1342334;1450013016;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 225600 @ 0.00050346 = 113.5806 BTC [+] {4} 1342335;1450013077;mircea_popescu;!rate btcdrak -1 it's one thing to have opinions. it's another to misrepresent yourself. next time you want to discuss the stupid shit you do, start with linking https://archive.is/760r4 rather than silently pretending you're not an idiot. 1342336;1450013077;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/7096629248af140f 1342337;1450013078;assbot;bips/bip-0112.mediawiki at master · bitcoin/bips · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1lY1ycT ) 1342338;1450013104;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.btcdrak.-1:3b1794d51d794b8eb613810c31577043169905c1c574df92747f302f9d11afab 1342339;1450013104;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for btcdrak from 1 to -1 with note: it's one thing to have opinions. it's another to misrepresent yourself. next time you want to discuss the stupid shit you do, start with linking https://archive.is/760r4 rather than silently pretending you're not an idiot. 1342340;1450013156;mircea_popescu;and seriously, see the part where the mp of this space says "This can not be emphasized enough : you can not be building any type of business on any sort of Gavinism, because they will not survive on the middle term. It's not just the Bitcoins, that you would have lost had I not murdered "XT". Everything - every hour you spend "developing" atop the crud USG agents try to stick in Bitcoin is a wasted hour, because the s 1342341;1450013156;mircea_popescu;tuff you build upon has the consistency of smoke and the life expectancy of... well, I was going to say ephemerides, but I guess we could just as well say Pieter Wuille.", because what mp says goes. 1342342;1450013555;mircea_popescu;and as the de-turdification process continue, expect more and more of these "highly principled" shitheads crawling out of the woodwork. because this is what ethics means to the present crop of retarded kids, it's just a word, and it ain't got jack shit to do with what one does. just as long as the pharisee does his ablutions right all's good. 1342343;1450013604;mircea_popescu;funny thing, apropos : pharisees used to be a nation. you know, like the ustards used to be a nation. today they only thing they're remembered for is their manner of living, they're a byword for hypocrisy and a delusional magical belief in empty ritual and naming things. 1342344;1450013870;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81100 @ 0.00049275 = 39.962 BTC [-] {2} 1342345;1450013965;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://45.media.tumblr.com/2a2a7a1318260e58231613c5ab9f00de/tumblr_mmmp2cj9bC1s4e6uzo1_500.gif 1342346;1450013966;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0cMtc ) 1342347;1450014846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 139900 @ 0.00050426 = 70.546 BTC [+] {2} 1342348;1450015133;mircea_popescu;aaand alf's shoe store. with pumps. http://36.media.tumblr.com/57266f0d42c32f71d1313339e21a47f7/tumblr_n1k5sh2qAg1qlne6uo1_1280.jpg 1342349;1450015134;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1lY6rTp ) 1342350;1450015334;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68828 @ 0.0005043 = 34.71 BTC [+] {2} 1342351;1450017042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61200 @ 0.00050315 = 30.7928 BTC [-] {2} 1342352;1450017530;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 215500 @ 0.00050551 = 108.9374 BTC [+] {8} 1342353;1450018933;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200600 @ 0.00050737 = 101.7784 BTC [+] {3} 1342354;1450019238;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 101500 @ 0.0005083 = 51.5925 BTC [+] 1342355;1450019909;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114800 @ 0.00050315 = 57.7616 BTC [-] 1342356;1450021129;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53225 @ 0.00050853 = 27.0665 BTC [+] {3} 1342357;1450021190;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115213 @ 0.00050985 = 58.7413 BTC [+] 1342358;1450021922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 177700 @ 0.0004999 = 88.8322 BTC [-] {5} 1342359;1450022498;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342296 <<< see also >>> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#920116 1342360;1450022498;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 08:42:51; BingoBoingo: Apparently this is the LSD that pairs with Jim Crow https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0112.mediawiki 1342361;1450022498;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 19:06:33; asciilifeform: bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element 1342362;1450022551;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342321 << quite. 1342363;1450022551;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 13:12:02; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342275 << your wish was granted, of course. years ago, of course. on trilema, bien sur. http://trilema.com/2012/sa-facem-un-test/ 1342364;1450022612;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342324 << we already know that nsa doesn't spy, in the usual sense. usg prefers sabotage. 1342365;1450022612;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 13:20:10; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342279 << and yet "nsa spies everything" 1342366;1450022625;asciilifeform;so that victim 'spies' on himself. 1342367;1450022662;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342327 << you mean the attack by the arab auxiliary arm of usg on the idiot euro auxiliary arm of usg ? 1342368;1450022662;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 13:21:05; mircea_popescu: but hey, don't look at the paris attack and say "lol, i guess we can dismantle all us secret services". say something else! anything else! how about "o noers, should be giving the slow, inept macfhine more $$$!" 1342369;1450022855;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342329 << makes EXACTLY the same amount of sense as the 'oh noez gmo!111' thing. 1342370;1450022855;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 13:21:57; assbot: Logged on 13-12-2015 07:28:56; punkman: "She is a retired Northampton science teacher and is concerned that photosynthesis, which depends upon sunlight, would not happen and would keep the plants from growing." 1342371;1450022972;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342348 << i must be the only fella alive who doesn't care a whit for the 'sexy shoe' thing 1342372;1450022972;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 13:58:53; mircea_popescu: aaand alf's shoe store. with pumps. http://36.media.tumblr.com/57266f0d42c32f71d1313339e21a47f7/tumblr_n1k5sh2qAg1qlne6uo1_1280.jpg 1342373;1450023083;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342316 << this describes virtually the whole 'office chair' half of usa ! 1342374;1450023083;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 13:06:20; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342262 << this very strange stupid number games thing. "they've commited a billion they'd never pay and i'll do things i'm never actually doing". мы делаем вид что работаем а государство делает вид что платит нам зарплату for the new soviet generation. 1342375;1450023360;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/facebook-sends-traffic11eleven/#comment-116042 << this shit's just too great. 1342376;1450023361;assbot;Facebook sends traffic!!11eleven on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NqzHJu ) 1342377;1450023367;mircea_popescu;anyone wanna join the illuminatarians ? 1342378;1450023386;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52971 @ 0.0004969 = 26.3213 BTC [-] {2} 1342379;1450023400;mircea_popescu;"rapper, BUSINESSMAN OR WOMAN, musical, sport, politician" << oddly, hacker's been omitted. 1342380;1450023497;mircea_popescu;in other news, successful talented businessman or woman rapper sport musical politician illustrated : http://45.media.tumblr.com/f97d70e2546f16755d1938224bbd6aa9/tumblr_mwka8svL5k1t0c5aso8_250.gif 1342381;1450023500;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y7nMun ) 1342382;1450023784;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dawg get the hell out with this "everything is an arm of the meta-hittite empire" 1342383;1450024179;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39300 @ 0.00049979 = 19.6417 BTC [+] {2} 1342384;1450024362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.0004969 = 2.9317 BTC [-] 1342385;1450024974;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what next, mujahedeen in afghan were not amerimuppets ? 1342386;1450025452;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1342387;1450025502;mircea_popescu;the fallacy here is that you wish to attribute action to "ownership" because this is a fundamental pillar of your otherwise broken "action is not the measure of phenomena". if only it were possible that the mujahedeen were "a puppet" then so many things you wish to be true would also perhaps be attainable. 1342388;1450025513;asciilifeform;muppet 1342389;1450025514;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, in afghanistan the only NOT puppets were the afghanis. 1342390;1450025515;asciilifeform;not puppet 1342391;1450025519;asciilifeform;important diff 1342392;1450025527;mircea_popescu;ru and su were the actual puppets in this discussion. 1342393;1450025534;mircea_popescu;and im not sure what the diff between m and p is here. 1342394;1450025571;asciilifeform;muppet can put on a good show of, e.g., biting the puppetteer 1342395;1450025571;mircea_popescu;but, to be perfectly clear, the man who goes to work hard so he can buy a diamond ring so he can "muppet" a woman into staying put for sex is not some sort of mastermind. 1342396;1450025574;mircea_popescu;he's some sort of muppet. 1342397;1450025582;asciilifeform;this - yes 1342398;1450025603;mircea_popescu;this is the relationship of actual active tribes with soi-dissant empires. 1342399;1450025609;mircea_popescu;the empire goes to get them diamond rings. 1342400;1450025646;mircea_popescu;and i would know, because this is what romania's been doing for about a millenium. 1342401;1450025652;mircea_popescu;course, not the same as greece's two, but nevertheless. 1342402;1450025722;asciilifeform;let's say usg had not supplied the goat fuckers with modern rockets, infinite ammo, food, etc. then what, precisely, would've distinguished them from the red indians ? 1342403;1450025739;asciilifeform;(who were also quite the set of 'active tribes') 1342404;1450025743;asciilifeform;or zulu, et al 1342405;1450025743;mircea_popescu;that red indians wanted to sit around and smoke peace pipe, whereby these guys wanted to rape your wife. 1342406;1450025770;mircea_popescu;heck, zulu are raping your wife as we speak. 1342407;1450025793;asciilifeform;iirc the peace pipe folks went to meet quetzalcoatl first. followed by the rape-the-wife ones. 1342408;1450025818;mircea_popescu;sure, back then white didn't yet mean castrated. 1342409;1450025901;mircea_popescu;or to bring the captive mouse back into all of this, whether it succeeds or not at chewing its way through plain steel and glass, and whether it has any chance at succeeding or not aren't considerations. it simply lacks any capacity of being my puppet, and for this reason it can't be, and that's that. 1342410;1450025913;mircea_popescu;it's, as the polite expression goes, "uncivilised". 1342411;1450025916;mircea_popescu;or rather, undomesticated. 1342412;1450025936;asciilifeform;brick is even better 'undomesticated', then! as there have been trained mice, but never brick. 1342413;1450025948;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 170100 @ 0.00049729 = 84.589 BTC [+] {4} 1342414;1450025948;mircea_popescu;quite. 1342415;1450025961;mircea_popescu;and it's a miserable state of affairs, when i say argentines are too dumb to live i mean exactly this : 1342416;1450025967;mircea_popescu;they're drastically incapable of making themselves useful. 1342417;1450025976;asciilifeform;but at least not domesticated ? 1342418;1450025994;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1342419;1450026010;mircea_popescu;what else is the job of human industry since forever, but to separate the wires. 1342420;1450026033;mircea_popescu;and so... we industriously retrain their youth. it's slow and unrewarding, but then again what else is the human condition, idem since forever. 1342421;1450026237;mircea_popescu;note how this also happens to be exactly the male expectations of females, generally. "she should be pliable to no one but me", which then gets repackaged in weird things like madonna/whore compelx by sick societies, which is how "slut" works : to indicate that she's exactly the antiwoman (ie, pliable to all but me) and so on and so forth. 1342422;1450026269;mircea_popescu;this is why dudes hang out with bitches (hey, she might not be pliable to me, but she sure as fuck ain't pliable to anyone else - so that's 50%. spreading, works.) 1342423;1450026288;asciilifeform;everybody wants an everything 'pliable to no one but me.' 'i want a meat edible to me but not flies.' 'grain for me but not mice.' 'unix box for me but not usg.' etc 1342424;1450026295;asciilifeform;that's pretty much what being alive means 1342425;1450026302;mircea_popescu;this is why anal sex being painful to teh woman is actually THE REASON it's practiced and so on 1342426;1450026307;asciilifeform;(e.g., why does cell have membrane? 'for meeeee!!!11') 1342427;1450026310;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform quite exactly. 1342428;1450026327;mircea_popescu;fractal reality, it really doesn't have that many tropes. 1342429;1450026377;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342422 << this goes way back, to legends of 'and he had a sword that no other bloke could even motherfucknig LIFT!11111' etc 1342430;1450026377;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 17:04:29; mircea_popescu: this is why dudes hang out with bitches (hey, she might not be pliable to me, but she sure as fuck ain't pliable to anyone else - so that's 50%. spreading, works.) 1342431;1450026384;mircea_popescu;quite. 1342432;1450026479;asciilifeform;on a not-unrelated note, i neglected the grounds for so long that an OAK actually grew INTO my front gate. 1342433;1450026501;asciilifeform;getting to be a bother. 1342434;1450026503;*;asciilifeform off to chop 1342435;1450026538;mircea_popescu;dun forget the salt. 1342436;1450026802;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6037 @ 0.0004969 = 2.9998 BTC [-] {2} 1342437;1450026863;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 334960 @ 0.00049305 = 165.152 BTC [-] {11} 1342438;1450027656;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 370100 @ 0.00049087 = 181.671 BTC [-] {6} 1342439;1450028022;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43215 @ 0.00049041 = 21.1931 BTC [-] {2} 1342440;1450028083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 138200 @ 0.00048984 = 67.6959 BTC [-] {4} 1342441;1450028385;mircea_popescu;and in other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbzxf95zkP1qza6yso1_500.gif 1342442;1450028385;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RiOJab ) 1342443;1450028937;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49250 @ 0.00049064 = 24.164 BTC [+] {2} 1342444;1450029547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 372078 @ 0.00048749 = 181.3843 BTC [-] {4} 1342445;1450030279;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 133477 @ 0.00048902 = 65.2729 BTC [+] {2} 1342446;1450031313;punkman;asciilifeform: [...] << makes EXACTLY the same amount of sense as the 'oh noez gmo!111' thing. << dunno, I'd rather not eat DowDuPont for breakfast 1342447;1450031413;punkman;not yet at least, not really opposed to gmo food in principle 1342448;1450032475;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37669 @ 0.00049064 = 18.4819 BTC [+] {2} 1342449;1450032536;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44935 @ 0.00049151 = 22.086 BTC [+] {3} 1342450;1450033329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109550 @ 0.00049273 = 53.9786 BTC [+] {4} 1342451;1450033724;punkman;so there's a Mr Sleeve in the neighborhood, and apparently he makes shirts 1342452;1450034089;mircea_popescu;http://onetruebee.tumblr.com/post/73820731136/ftm-slave-rubberonmyducky-this-out-of << lulziest shit i saw all day 1342453;1450034090;assbot;Fannishness and stuff. | ftm-slave: rubberonmyducky: This.   Out of... ... ( http://bit.ly/1RM02Hn ) 1342454;1450034096;mircea_popescu;"i hope nobody mistakes us for a straight couple" 1342455;1450034588;punkman;it's only bad if you "hope nobody thinks I'm gay" 1342456;1450034657;mircea_popescu;a right, forgot. 1342457;1450034671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19500 @ 0.00049547 = 9.6617 BTC [+] 1342458;1450034813;punkman;"In fact, I was (and am) a GOLD STAR GAY ie a gay man who's never had sex with a woman" except all these persons with vaginas 1342459;1450034892;mircea_popescu;the notion that teenager kid that beat up some fatty in his class needs therapy, but this nutjob with sirens and perimeter fence does not strikes me as outright self-parodic. 1342460;1450035063;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgwDhgwQkXU 1342461;1450035064;assbot;R&D VIDEO: 5515 STONE ISLAND ICE JACKET AW'011'012 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1RM1d9z ) 1342462;1450035525;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70450 @ 0.00049547 = 34.9059 BTC [+] 1342463;1450036257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40800 @ 0.00049508 = 20.1993 BTC [-] 1342464;1450036745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 351850 @ 0.00048585 = 170.9463 BTC [-] {6} 1342465;1450038819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 192050 @ 0.00049331 = 94.7402 BTC [+] {6} 1342466;1450039063;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 287600 @ 0.00048435 = 139.2991 BTC [-] {5} 1342467;1450039809;gabrielradio;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=09-12-2015#1339846 << http://dpaste.com/3FCFGJT#wrap 1342468;1450039809;assbot;Logged on 09-12-2015 21:44:18; mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/vladimir-oane-iz-meleonare/#selection-81.0-85.15 << if gabriel radio feels like translating ancient pieces on "venture capital" a la roumaine. 1342469;1450039810;assbot;dpaste: 3FCFGJT: Trilema - Vladimir Oane iz Meleonare!!!, by gabrielradio ... ( http://bit.ly/1TJK6ne ) 1342470;1450039978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71050 @ 0.00048399 = 34.3875 BTC [-] 1342471;1450041899;mircea_popescu;http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/22/hootsuite-buys-ubervu-to-add-analytics-to-its-enterprise-social-media-management-platform/ << apparently they ended up in a 2nd line acquihire last year 1342472;1450041900;assbot;HootSuite Buys UberVU To Expand Analytics On Its Social Media Management Platform | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1SW4YYt ) 1342473;1450041908;mircea_popescu;who the fuck gets acquihired by "hootsuite" 1342474;1450042553;whaack;BingoBoingo: http://dpaste.com/2PSYKB5 first qntra submission, let me know what you think. 1342475;1450042554;assbot;dpaste: 2PSYKB5 ... ( http://bit.ly/1I2aVCD ) 1342476;1450042807;*;BingoBoingo guesses he will have to do another draft of the Qntra style guide, "Bitcoin" gets capitalized. 1342477;1450043008;oglafbot;http://oglaf.com/bachelorprince/ 1342478;1450043009;assbot;The Bachelor Prince ... ( http://bit.ly/1SW6fPa ) 1342479;1450043028;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59050 @ 0.0004842 = 28.592 BTC [+] 1342480;1450043306;Bingoboingo;Oh whaack you actually sat in? 1342481;1450043445;whaack;BingoBoingo: yes 1342482;1450043486;Bingoboingo;cool, just got some light touches of editing so make sure to read it. 1342483;1450043538;deedbot-;[Qntra] The MIT Administration Infiltrates Bitcoin Projects - http://qntra.net/2015/12/the-mit-administration-infiltrates-bitcoin-projects/ 1342484;1450043727;whaack;BingoBoingo: looks great, thanks 1342485;1450043745;Bingoboingo;You're welcome. Thank you for submitting. 1342486;1450044115;whaack;BingoBoingo: At the time, this amounted to approximately .290 Bitcoins per student. With roughly 4,500 undergraduates, this was MIT's way of showing that they were in a position to easily let go of about 1,300 Bitcoins at the time. << I think the double "at the time" reads weird, but not too big a deal. 1342487;1450044152;Bingoboingo;fxd 1342488;1450044161;Bingoboingo;changed the second one to "then" 1342489;1450044345;whaack;cool 1342490;1450044717;ben_vulpes;whaack: get buschel in here? 1342491;1450044761;ben_vulpes;http://www.newmanboston.org/RelId/806683/ISvars/default/IB_Economics_Students_Meet_with_MIT_Bitcoin_Club_President.htm << ahahahaha 1342492;1450044762;assbot;The Newman School -> IB Economics Students Meet with MIT Bitcoin Club President ... ( http://bit.ly/220hgVK ) 1342493;1450044852;*;ben_vulpes still chuckling 1342494;1450044993;whaack;ben_vulpes: Sure I'll try. 1342495;1450045346;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 132450 @ 0.0004842 = 64.1323 BTC [+] 1342496;1450046444;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 143000 @ 0.000484 = 69.212 BTC [-] {4} 1342497;1450046871;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 133181 @ 0.00048332 = 64.369 BTC [-] {2} 1342498;1450046913;mircea_popescu;Bingoboingo you mean bi-tcion ? 1342499;1450047420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 129300 @ 0.00048284 = 62.4312 BTC [-] {3} 1342500;1450047490;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342473 << heh. that's the thing i use to manage my eulorian accounts. The stupid thing mangles my urls to chatlogs, I learned yesterday. Adds a '?' after a '#' 1342501;1450047490;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 21:25:08; mircea_popescu: who the fuck gets acquihired by "hootsuite" 1342502;1450047534;mircea_popescu;heh 1342503;1450047908;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56754 @ 0.00048436 = 27.4894 BTC [+] 1342504;1450047946;asciilifeform;;;later tell Bingoboingo 'The make a specify point of emphasizing' << ??! 1342505;1450047946;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1342506;1450048041;asciilifeform;'3 30-minute student-led presentations (in pairs) on Ethereum, Stellar Consensus, Stellar ... Proof-of-existence (IP, contracts, etc ...); MIT Certificates' << ahahaha l0ltr0n1c 1342507;1450048063;asciilifeform;wasn't 'stellar' some idiocy last seen in the defunct dead tree 'bitcoin magazine' ? 1342508;1450048105;asciilifeform;from their required reading: 'Why is Bitcoin forking' (mike hearn) 1342509;1450048123;ben_vulpes;;;later tell pete_dushenski are you taking this "no infants sleeping on their bellies" thing seriously? 1342510;1450048124;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1342511;1450048140;*;asciilifeform did not actually know how far gone the mit thing were 1342512;1450048162;ben_vulpes;the whole SIDS thing reeks of idiopathic "we don't know what's going on but here try these things so that you feel in control" 1342513;1450048203;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: there's always hrdy's hypothesis. 1342514;1450048221;asciilifeform;but don't expect to hear that one from the quacks 1342515;1450048307;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: well yes, that was the nucleating input 1342516;1450048350;ben_vulpes;i'm also expecting he-who-knows-all-about-raising-children-without-ever-having-had-any to chime in 1342517;1450048370;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: ever get company-mode working? 1342518;1450048388;mircea_popescu;omfg. 1342519;1450048394;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: got as far as actually building the llvm toolchain on one box 1342520;1450048406;asciilifeform;after that, went back to actual wurk and haven't really stopped for long enough to try any more 1342521;1450048481;*;ben_vulpes had to beat emacs into supporting ruby this week, company-mode served well 1342522;1450048501;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: c/cpp don't come with a handy repl 1342523;1450048506;asciilifeform;hence the difficulty. 1342524;1450048523;asciilifeform;(repl langs are more or less trivial to emacsize) 1342525;1450048565;asciilifeform;also it is mid-december and 23C here. 1342526;1450048598;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: wut!? 1342527;1450048727;*;asciilifeform has yet to encounter a reason to keep ruby installed anywhere 1342528;1450048794;asciilifeform;the one time i tried to use it, it reminded me unpleasantly of dylan 1342529;1450048806;asciilifeform;(and other, even more deservedly-obscure attempts at infixization of 'scheme') 1342530;1450048827;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform has yet to march in an army so hungry it's drawing lots for the pots apparently 1342531;1450048862;asciilifeform;what's hunger to do with the use of strange puzzle langs ? 1342532;1450048874;asciilifeform;or is ruby a 'salt mine lang' now 1342533;1450048927;asciilifeform;and ben_vulpes & co. are drawing lots for the pots now ?! 1342534;1450048930;asciilifeform;did i miss something..? 1342535;1450048930;ben_vulpes;the latter, and has been for many years. 1342536;1450048948;ben_vulpes;well no thats why you eat the mats when you find them 1342537;1450048949;ben_vulpes;er 1342538;1450048950;ben_vulpes;rats 1342539;1450048954;asciilifeform;l0l 1342540;1450048958;asciilifeform;;;seen mats 1342541;1450048958;gribble;mats was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 1 day, 19 hours, 49 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: rolling off the cheeks of the slaves doncha know 1342542;1450048976;asciilifeform;now where'd he go. 1342543;1450049023;*;asciilifeform ventures to guess that mats finally got that long-coveted job at his local kitten recycling plant. 1342544;1450049030;ben_vulpes;laird pete_dushenski chased him off with the +1 blog of intimidation 1342545;1450049157;ben_vulpes;class Base < Metal 1342546;1450049179;ben_vulpes;'clever' fucking developers and their miserable abstraction naming schemes 1342547;1450049223;asciilifeform;http://www.scots-titles.com/fake-lairds-lords/scots-lairds-and-lairdship-sellers-scams << lulzy and not entirely unrelated 1342548;1450049226;assbot;Fake Lairdship Sellers' Scams | Fake Scots Titles ... ( http://bit.ly/1miV1Kg ) 1342549;1450049236;asciilifeform;^ i recall the ads in 'scientific american' re: same. anybody ? 1342550;1450049252;asciilifeform;interestingly, there does not appear to be ANY record of them having existed, on the whole net. 1342551;1450049260;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-12-2015#1342541 <<< /me wonders what happened to mats as well. 1342552;1450049260;assbot;Logged on 13-12-2015 23:22:38; gribble: mats was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 4 weeks, 1 day, 19 hours, 49 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: rolling off the cheeks of the slaves doncha know 1342553;1450049795;asciilifeform;from the lulzy old b00k of the day/week/epoch club: 'The Art of Executive Protection' ( R.L. Oatman & Associates, Inc.) 1342554;1450049838;asciilifeform;it would be quite interesting to read a version of this book with the sign bit flipped 1342555;1450049854;asciilifeform;e.g. 'the art of executive elimination' 1342556;1450049887;asciilifeform;but somehow it is difficult to imagine this appearing in a dusty secondhand b00k sh0p near you. 1342557;1450049949;asciilifeform;oatman's business card fell out when i opened the thing. which is a new sp4mz0r record in my personal memory. 1342558;1450050348;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 338400 @ 0.00048292 = 163.4201 BTC [-] {6} 1342559;1450050836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 200370 @ 0.00048998 = 98.1773 BTC [+] {3} 1342560;1450051787;danielpbarron;wyrdmantis, you wanna do some work for me? 1342561;1450052061;danielpbarron;!v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.wyrdmantis.1:bebe7a3b61906a116b9857974849dc3fd8eaa05c66e4a00c846ea6259256873a 1342562;1450052061;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for wyrdmantis with note: fellow Eulorian; built some claims for me 1342563;1450052358;danielpbarron;!v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.diana_coman.2:dba3da3839fc0052905b86c13e166d8e514e01060515d64ae807a64bbfd5f948 1342564;1450052359;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for diana_coman from 1 to 2 with note: fellow Eulorian; gatherer of groceries, and builder of bots 1342565;1450052515;danielpbarron;!v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.mod6.3:d1c206a1729acdefd25b4029459ab6a63b1b97e5e668f64756a6685d396cbe97 1342566;1450052515;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for mod6 from 2 to 3 with note: fellow Eulorian; did some crafting for me 1342567;1450052622;Bingoboingo;fxd 1342568;1450052691;Bingoboingo;* asciilifeform did not actually know how far gone the mit thing were << Kinda why Qntra research requires not just wallowing with the eagles, but wallowing with pigs as well 1342569;1450052782;mircea_popescu;"MIT's hostile actions towards Bitcoin doesn't by any means stop there" << ungrammar 1342570;1450052803;danielpbarron;!v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.birdman.5:2669f7065e4491723bc9a9bb0ab68fc6848f175ccbe7ecebc44ea47f7a0779f4 1342571;1450052803;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for birdman from 3 to 5 with note: many years in my meat-wot; fellow Eulorian; greatest gatherer 1342572;1450052937;Bingoboingo;One of these days Qntra is going to have to find an editor which can Engligh. 1342573;1450053000;mircea_popescu;fir srs 1342574;1450053039;mircea_popescu;anyway, not bad whack 1342575;1450053113;Bingoboingo;brb 1342576;1450054505;*;asciilifeform can inglisch but has very full handz presently 1342577;1450054685;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2015/12/the-mit-administration-infiltrates-bitcoin-projects/#comment-82629 1342578;1450054686;assbot;The MIT Administration Infiltrates Bitcoin Projects | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nrdv1X ) 1342579;1450054923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70700 @ 0.00047986 = 33.9261 BTC [-] {3} 1342580;1450055266;mircea_popescu;aaaanswert 1342581;1450055278;asciilifeform;aaha yes 1342582;1450055655;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30500 @ 0.00048337 = 14.7428 BTC [+] {2} 1342583;1450056143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61539 @ 0.00048 = 29.5387 BTC [-] {2} 1342584;1450056204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12432 @ 0.0004773 = 5.9338 BTC [-] {4} 1342585;1450056393;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/4795/C-Standard-Allocator-An-Introduction-and-Implement << possibly relevant to the mega-pr0bl3m 1342586;1450056398;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1342587;1450056403;asciilifeform;^ and for anyone else with an interest in mega-pr0bl3m 1342588;1450056415;asciilifeform;(fragging in trb) 1342589;1450056467;asciilifeform;see also http://www.drdobbs.com/the-standard-librarian-what-are-allocato/184403759 1342590;1450056469;assbot;The Standard Librarian: What Are Allocators Good For? | Dr Dobb's ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y8vgNL ) 1342591;1450056559;mod6;thx for posting 1342592;1450056803;asciilifeform;http://www.drdobbs.com/cpp/improving-performance-with-custom-pool-a/184406243 << see also, from same. 1342593;1450056804;assbot;Improving Performance with Custom Pool Allocators for STL | Dr Dobb's ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y8vPr4 ) 1342594;1450056808;asciilifeform;^ more to the point 1342595;1450056918;asciilifeform;http://www.josuttis.com/cppcode/allocator.html << src from the b00k where i even saw this 1342596;1450056919;assbot;User-Defined Allocator ... ( http://bit.ly/1Y8w4Cv ) 1342597;1450057004;asciilifeform;one of you folks is gonna have to do this, y'know !! 1342598;1450058400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00048337 = 7.6856 BTC [+] {2} 1342599;1450059010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64200 @ 0.00048581 = 31.189 BTC [+] {3} 1342600;1450060596;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104668 @ 0.00048786 = 51.0633 BTC [+] {3} 1342601;1450060655;PeterL;so I was playing with the idea of http://trilema.com/2015/the-pgp-w-mode/ 1342602;1450060656;assbot;The PGP -w mode on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PUEQz6 ) 1342603;1450060710;PeterL;and I came up with http://btcscoop.com/steg/ 1342604;1450060711;assbot;Index of /steg ... ( http://bit.ly/1NOFrk0 ) 1342605;1450060747;PeterL;it would be nice if someone familliar with python could take a look at it? 1342606;1450060782;PeterL;and tell me how horrible it is? 1342607;1450060828;Bingoboingo;https://i.sli.mg/dNW0CJ.jpg 1342608;1450060829;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdPWyC ) 1342609;1450061482;Bingoboingo;https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/7022 1342610;1450061484;assbot;Change default block priority size to 0 by morcos · Pull Request #7022 · bitcoin/bitcoin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1NOGr7w ) 1342611;1450061542;asciilifeform;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/12/11/a-surprising-number-of-americans-endorse-violence-against-the-government-heres-why << mega-l0l 1342612;1450061544;assbot;A surprising number of Americans endorse violence against the government. Here’s why. - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1NOGv7h ) 1342613;1450061775;mircea_popescu;oh, the fishwrap got a spin to contribute ? 1342614;1450061781;mircea_popescu;BECAUSE.GOVERNMENT.SUCKS. d'oh. 1342615;1450061807;mircea_popescu;PeterL that's a miserable list. 1342616;1450061817;mircea_popescu;abaci !? 1342617;1450061819;PeterL;which list? 1342618;1450061833;PeterL;oh, the word list? 1342619;1450061853;nubbins`;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1288178.0 1342620;1450061854;assbot;[AUCTION] 2013 1/2-oz. silver Casascius .5 BTC piece ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdSBbx ) 1342621;1450061860;Bingoboingo;From same wrap https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2015/12/11/why-donors-demand-immediate-elections-after-unrest-in-developing-countries/?tid=article_nextstory 1342622;1450061862;assbot;Why donors demand immediate elections after unrest in developing countries - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1YdSzjZ ) 1342623;1450061870;nubbins`;in which a seller auctions a high-value coin without realizing how much it's worth 1342624;1450061875;Bingoboingo;!up referredbyqntra 1342625;1450061880;mircea_popescu;yeah the word list. 1342626;1450061882;mircea_popescu;!up renard_abroad 1342627;1450061887;mircea_popescu;no way. 1342628;1450061901;Bingoboingo;!up renard_abroad 1342629;1450061915;nubbins`;hi renard 1342630;1450061923;nubbins`;!up renard_abroad 1342631;1450061929;nubbins`;both of ya, useless 1342632;1450061929;renard_abroad;yet? 1342633;1450061935;PeterL;that could certainly use attention, the idea is to have several lists to choose from 1342634;1450061942;nubbins`;renard_abroad: yet. 1342635;1450061944;nubbins`;welcome 1342636;1450061955;renard_abroad;peterl: server barfs on config.py 1342637;1450062019;PeterL;hmm, i'll try to fix that, just a sec 1342638;1450062057;mircea_popescu;that is the idea, yes. but the other idea is that it's not safe to use more than a few hundred words because natural language usage does not normally distribute. 1342639;1450062057;renard_abroad;nbd just fyi 1342640;1450062169;renard_abroad;can it be any wordset or a specifically normally-distributed one? 1342641;1450062239;PeterL;ok, renamed and now it shows (if you want to run this, I think you need to make it .py again) 1342642;1450062275;PeterL;the idea is you use whatever dictionary you want, i included 3 1342643;1450062299;PeterL;but whoever decrypts it must then use the exact same list file 1342644;1450062358;renard_abroad;aha 1342645;1450062415;PeterL;the one problem i am still trying to fix is that it seems to ignore using a specified dictionary and always uses whatever defalt is in the config , I think i might have something wrong in the python logic 1342646;1450062484;mircea_popescu;sounds exactly like what teh nsa'd do. 1342647;1450062586;PeterL;mircea_popescu: it actually looks better when i use the short list i pulled out of my head, simple.dict, rather than the full list 1342648;1450062745;PeterL;Now rob circle rib sew south wind bit park you, welt chomp swing through. Hag bounce hack ha 1342649;1450062746;PeterL;rd light vale, acid. 1342650;1450062768;PeterL;Crenelate untwists pronating memorializes beclouds. Cellophane gush harmfully inferences bor 1342651;1450062768;PeterL;ons abeyance. 1342652;1450062792;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45450 @ 0.00048371 = 21.9846 BTC [-] {4} 1342653;1450062827;PeterL;two lines each for the same message, but with different lists 1342654;1450062938;mircea_popescu;notsobad. 1342655;1450062947;mircea_popescu;a grammarizer might help put the comma in better, but yeah. 1342656;1450062979;PeterL;well, randomly selected words will ignore grammar rules 1342657;1450063004;mircea_popescu;yeah. this is a topic for study, it's not even clear more grammar-ness is a good thing. 1342658;1450063219;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00048316 = 4.3726 BTC [-] 1342659;1450063397;asciilifeform;i confess that i still don't see the point of the exercise: 1342660;1450063400;asciilifeform;this is sad stego 1342661;1450063406;asciilifeform;easily detectable with naked eye. 1342662;1450063455;asciilifeform;and it grates on the nerves, even. esp. if you were on usenet in the late '90s and suffered through the 'hipcrime' crud 1342663;1450063508;PeterL;use the resulting words as first words in lines of a poem? 1342664;1450063542;asciilifeform;use however you like, but any public agreement re: precisely what to do kills the whole point of stego 1342665;1450063673;PeterL;asciilifeform: easily detectable with naked eye. << or does it just look like sapm? 1342666;1450063675;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1342638 << the solution to this is to use a corpus distilled from your own logz 1342667;1450063675;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 03:00:57; mircea_popescu: that is the idea, yes. but the other idea is that it's not safe to use more than a few hundred words because natural language usage does not normally distribute. 1342668;1450063732;PeterL;could be easy enough to specify a document and have it remove duplicates to generate a word list 1342669;1450063900;PeterL;would just require a couple more lines of code when opening the wordlist file 1342670;1450063927;asciilifeform;for the record, imho this is a disastrously bad idea 1342671;1450063938;mircea_popescu;yeah that'd never work. 1342672;1450063941;PeterL;why disasterous? 1342673;1450063945;asciilifeform;i for one am not looking forward to ~ever~ having to mentally filter this diarrhea out of conversation 1342674;1450063956;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform what conversation. 1342675;1450063967;asciilifeform;anywhere where naked eye might encounter it 1342676;1450064006;asciilifeform;(which presumably was the point of the proposal - make the enemy expend human labour to distinguish pgpgrams, rather than the present condition of being able to do so mechanically) 1342677;1450064029;PeterL;is it so much worse than a pgpgram output? 1342678;1450064071;asciilifeform;whole point is to blur the distinction between 'human text' and pgpgram, no ? 1342679;1450064078;PeterL;you don't have to look at it, just copy the file of text and point the program at it 1342680;1450064112;asciilifeform;can somebody (preferably mircea_popescu, whose idea this was) describe - roughly - the point of this ? 1342681;1450064154;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform so that it drowns out "conversation", ie, any plain channel stuff. 1342682;1450064175;mircea_popescu;step 1 : build perfect radsuit. step 2 : glass the place. 1342683;1450064187;asciilifeform;why even use a legacy system like irc then 1342684;1450064191;mircea_popescu;yet. 1342685;1450064197;mircea_popescu;i don't plan to use irc forever. 1342686;1450064215;mircea_popescu;and i expect gossipd to be undistinguishable for the phillipino/redditarded eye from current b-a log. 1342687;1450064243;asciilifeform;what's the point of the word salad when you have properly ciphered bits 1342688;1450064268;mircea_popescu;that it makes life impossible for the lesser people, who still depend on being able to chat without access to proper tools. 1342689;1450064280;Bingoboingo;Grammarizer needs to aspire to creating stego prose leik: "Bob's feet were a horror. Advanced stages of gout had swollen his feet which were covered in sores, growths, and hard scaly patches. I know this because Bob's shoes were improvised flip flops, clearly hand made. I can only imagine normal shoes don't come in sizes that would fit over the swollen sacs of disease that passed for his feet. I'm not sure how he walked on these s 1342690;1450064280;Bingoboingo;wollen growths, but they had to be painful." 1342691;1450064283;mircea_popescu;shit on the poor. it's a program. 1342692;1450064288;nubbins`;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1288536.0 1342693;1450064289;assbot;[WTS] Ultimate Bitcoin Collector's Pack -- RARE HIGH-TICKET ITEMS FOR SALE! ... ( http://bit.ly/1NOJXig ) 1342694;1450064293;nubbins`;now where'd i leave my milking gloves? 1342695;1450064302;mircea_popescu;you drink glove milk ?! 1342696;1450064304;nubbins`;do people wear gloves to milk? 1342697;1450064308;nubbins`;hmm 1342698;1450064309;mircea_popescu;yes. 1342699;1450064314;nubbins`;ok 1342700;1450064336;nubbins`;of note, there's a copy of the genesis block times in there 1342701;1450064370;Bingoboingo;lol, nubbins is cashing out and bro'ing down 1342702;1450064378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00048533 = 6.1152 BTC [+] 1342703;1450064378;nubbins`;gotta stey in whey 1342704;1450064384;mircea_popescu;lol 1342705;1450064406;nubbins`;some chump sold the newspaper to me for 0.25 btc 1342706;1450064416;nubbins`;maybe i'm the chump tho. we will see 1342707;1450064440;mircea_popescu;the bitcoin event horizon is such that anyone who buys is a chump on a long enough timeline. 1342708;1450064443;mircea_popescu;!up white 1342709;1450064451;Bingoboingo;!up white pawah 1342710;1450064456;Bingoboingo;*powah 1342711;1450064467;white;thanks 1342712;1450064477;nubbins`;mircea_popescu this is true 1342713;1450064491;white;is punkman around? 1342714;1450064501;nubbins`;that time i paid an average of 0.5 btc per jazz cigarette, for example 1342715;1450064529;mircea_popescu;that other time when you called blunts "jazz cigarettes" 1342716;1450064541;nubbins`;blunts are this whole other thing 1342717;1450064552;nubbins`;kinda gross really 1342718;1450064562;Bingoboingo;white: If he's not on nao he'll usually be on in the next few hours 1342719;1450064575;nubbins`;i've been big on spliffs lately 1342720;1450064583;white;ok thanks 1342721;1450064599;Bingoboingo;Really I thing -w mode stego should aspire to https://archive.is/plA29 1342722;1450064600;assbot;Tales from 35,000ft: Behind the Beetus Beast : fatpeoplestories ... ( http://bit.ly/1NOKqB6 ) 1342723;1450064624;nubbins`;Bingoboingo just curious, do you have body image issues 1342724;1450064628;*;Bingoboingo back in the day used to like blunts and spiffs 1342725;1450064684;Bingoboingo;nubbins`: Nah, at last not any more than any recovering alcoholic how last time on a dating site chose the "used up" body type at 24 1342726;1450064743;*;Bingoboingo actually found the "swoleacceptance" thing as an easy whey to farm reddit karma for the idiogeneering. 1342727;1450064756;nubbins`;heh 1342728;1450064766;nubbins`;used up! 1342729;1450064834;Bingoboingo;What can I say. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be the kinda man who drank whiskey and I grew up to be the kind of man who drank whiskey. 1342730;1450064907;nubbins`;i got a friend who's been through some times 1342731;1450064930;nubbins`;we're walking around the town one day, the worst type of stinky rotten bum comes up to him 1342732;1450064936;nubbins`;"buddy, you look the way i feel" 1342733;1450064941;nubbins`;shambles off 1342734;1450064953;nubbins`;O.O 1342735;1450065016;*;Bingoboingo realized he might have a problem when started leaving friends at the bar to chill with bums in the gutter. 1342736;1450065052;nubbins`;sometimes one needs to drink all the booze 1342737;1450065190;Bingoboingo;Yeah, but even going to 3-5 storytime sessions a week leaves me far more useful time in the day than a bottle does. That's really gotta be what scares Coindesk et al about qntra year 2. 1342738;1450065246;*;mircea_popescu claps. 1342739;1450065313;Bingoboingo;That an serious talk now. Throw a dollar in the basket to assuage your guilt about all the coffee you can drink in an hour? What beats that. 1342740;1450065430;Bingoboingo;Sure ben_vulpes et al would prolly shit on the coffee, but seriously not bad stuff for the middle west. 1342741;1450065476;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 212303 @ 0.00048491 = 102.9478 BTC [-] {4} 1342742;1450065958;mircea_popescu;oh is it microbrew ? 1342743;1450065967;mircea_popescu;i hear cascadia only permits microbrew. 1342744;1450066052;Bingoboingo;Usually when I see the cans it's Folgers or similar, brewed to extreme strength of caffeine. 1342745;1450066635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00048603 = 9.5262 BTC [+] {2} 1342746;1450066757;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 146350 @ 0.00048415 = 70.8554 BTC [-] {7} 1342747;1450067123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72850 @ 0.00048805 = 35.5544 BTC [+] {2} 1342748;1450067611;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62262 @ 0.00048024 = 29.9007 BTC [-] {2} 1342749;1450068038;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27400 @ 0.00048806 = 13.3728 BTC [+] 1342750;1450069624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38383 @ 0.00048009 = 18.4273 BTC [-] {4} 1342751;1450070112;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55100 @ 0.00047949 = 26.4199 BTC [-] {2} 1342752;1450070156;ben_vulpes;aye Bingoboingo i'll not shit on the coffee at bill's house 1342753;1450070165;Bingoboingo;lol 1342754;1450070187;ben_vulpes;i'm scared of qntra y2 too now 1342755;1450070269;punkman;oh man this shoulder/neck strain makes me want to murder puppies 1342756;1450070360;punkman;white: is punkman around? << next time tell him there's a log and he can type things for me to read later 1342757;1450070392;punkman;I don't know anyone from the philippines tho 1342758;1450070600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49681 @ 0.00048403 = 24.0471 BTC [+] {4} 1342759;1450071641;Bingoboingo;Oh, punkman isn't into the philipenis? 1342760;1450071820;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25970 @ 0.00048661 = 12.6373 BTC [+] {2} 1342761;1450071849;punkman;fun fact, "philipinesa" is a generic term for maid/cleaner in greek 1342762;1450071919;Bingoboingo;lol 1342763;1450072035;punkman;and "ukranesa" is another for slutty maids 1342764;1450072125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60150 @ 0.00047843 = 28.7776 BTC [-] {4} 1342765;1450072140;punkman;Bingoboingo: are capsicum/mint gels a scam? 1342766;1450072152;Bingoboingo;to use for what? 1342767;1450072215;punkman;aforementioned shouldner/neck strain 1342768;1450072280;Bingoboingo;Could work well. Would work better if you can find such a linament with an NSAID drug like salicyclate or naproxen in it. Or use two linaments. 1342769;1450072284;punkman;tried yesterday for first time, was an ok distraction for a while 1342770;1450072301;Bingoboingo;Well, that's kinda how these things work. 1342771;1450072308;punkman;waiting for pharmacy to open to get some topical nsaid gel 1342772;1450072315;punkman;if I can still move in an hour 1342773;1450072321;Bingoboingo;Not going to magically repair the strain, but can cover the pain. 1342774;1450072334;Bingoboingo;Just don't touch your dick until yours hands are clean. 1342775;1450072351;punkman;that'd be an even better distraction though 1342776;1450072406;Bingoboingo;Yeah, and you can use a lot more NSAID topically than you can orally. 1342777;1450072435;Bingoboingo;The good old tylenol/benadryl combo can be layered on top of everything else as well. 1342778;1450072613;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56400 @ 0.0004881 = 27.5288 BTC [+] {4} 1342779;1450072968;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YZXPs8uAB0 1342780;1450072969;assbot;Say My Name - Vintage '60s Soul Ballad Destiny's Child Cover ft. Joey Cook - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1RjtZPE ) 1342781;1450073101;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19966 @ 0.0004777 = 9.5378 BTC [-] {2} 1342782;1450073483;punkman;http://www.wtfpl.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/wtfpl-strip.jpg 1342783;1450073484;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Rjup8H ) 1342784;1450073609;Bingoboingo;lol 1342785;1450073706;Bingoboingo;http://www.wtfpl.net/faq/ << Actually seems too complicated 1342786;1450073706;assbot;Frequently Asked Questions ... ( http://bit.ly/1RjuA3P ) 1342787;1450074215;punkman;"€2000 fine, 30 day driver's license suspension, 60 days car registration license suspension and 5 SESO penalty points" << they really don't like radar detectors around here 1342788;1450074307;punkman;"many early "stealth" radar detectors were equipped with a radar-detector-detector-detector circuit, which shuts down the main radar receiver when the detector-detector's signal is detected, thus preventing detection" 1342789;1450074458;punkman;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/12/you-may-soon-need-a-licence-to-take-photos-of-that-classic-designer-chair-you-bought/ copylolz 1342790;1450074459;assbot;UK citizens may soon need licenses to photograph some stuff they already own | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1jXKRgo ) 1342791;1450074679;Bingoboingo;Police don't really like radar detectors anywhere. 1342792;1450074759;Bingoboingo;I am fortunate that Saturn plastic sedan really doesn't make such things necessary. Sure it does fine at freeway speeds, but nothing really beyond that. Also clean gray family sedan usually doesn't get much attention anyways. 1342793;1450075234;deedbot-;[Qntra] Guardian Malware Article Redirects To Malware - http://qntra.net/2015/12/guardian-malware-article-redirects-to-malware/ 1342794;1450075429;Bingoboingo;!up Terry4 1342795;1450075846;ben_vulpes;Bingoboingo: https://www.instagram.com/p/-SBwV1Mcr7/ 1342796;1450075849;assbot;Jon Call on Instagram: “#tbt my 1st #backflip March 2002. Self-taught. Compared to a recent one. #motivationmonday #transformationtuesday #throwbackthursday #gymnastics #tricking #gymmotivation #bodybuilding #weightraining #buildmuscle #fitness #plyometrics #whitemancanjump #outdoortraining #garag ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjjIX6 ) 1342797;1450075865;ben_vulpes;also what happened to your second b? 1342798;1450075892;Bingoboingo;ben_vulpes: I switched to oglafbot and forgot to capitalize it 1342799;1450075907;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71000 @ 0.00047735 = 33.8919 BTC [-] {5} 1342800;1450075947;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Also Instagram doesn't work. 1342801;1450075986;BingoBoingo;lol http://trilema.com/2015/facebook-sends-traffic11eleven/#comment-116042 1342802;1450075988;assbot;Facebook sends traffic!!11eleven on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NqzHJu ) 1342803;1450076019;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: you gotta see the swole life in action 1342804;1450076041;BingoBoingo;I can't from instagram though. Instagram is broken. 1342805;1450076058;punkman;I get empty page even with js enabled 1342806;1450076249;BingoBoingo;Actual image sites work leik https://i.imgur.com/II9MjM3.jpg 1342807;1450076249;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1SWzema ) 1342808;1450076603;ben_vulpes;y'all need better rad suits 1342809;1450076680;BingoBoingo;Seriously what Instagram is for the soul https://i.imgur.com/82BBrWd.jpg?1 1342810;1450076680;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1SWzxxa ) 1342811;1450076731;BingoBoingo;My rad suit is fine. Instragram working would mean my rad suit is not fine. 1342812;1450076989;BingoBoingo;Bullyproof windows and troll safe doors http://www.theonion.com/article/dementia-patients-family-keeps-ripping-her-away-id-52021 1342813;1450076990;assbot;Dementia Patient’s Family Keeps Ripping Her Away From Idyllic World Of 1950s - The Onion - America's Finest News Source ... ( http://bit.ly/1SWzMs0 ) 1342814;1450077310;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36500 @ 0.00048074 = 17.547 BTC [+] 1342815;1450077541;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1342816;1450077548;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 288.71943, vol: 10360.14430170 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 285.4731876, vol: 6534.40147 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 276.444, vol: 1.13878602 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 295.513057, vol: 102370.29150000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 287.965, vol: 0.83736814 | Bitcoin-Central BTCGBP last: 288.432788986, vol: 28.95502265 | Volume-weighted last average: 294.371184655 1342817;1450077565;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1342818;1450077571;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 438.65, vol: 10360.14430170 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 433.9, vol: 6534.40147 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 439.28, vol: 25036.28741881 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 1.13878602 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 448.960248, vol: 102368.35830000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 434.36001, vol: 31.95565143 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 438.269042978, vol: 28.95502265 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 1342819;1450077572;BingoBoingo;;;more 1342820;1450077572;gribble;average: 445.854206962 1342821;1450078164;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107100 @ 0.00047748 = 51.1381 BTC [-] {3} 1342822;1450078389;punkman;https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20151211005837/en/BitFury-Launch-Energy-Efficient-Immersion-Cooling-Data 1342823;1450078390;assbot;BitFury to Launch Energy Efficient Immersion Cooling Data Center | Business Wire ... ( http://bit.ly/1SWAJAz ) 1342824;1450078461;BingoBoingo;http://szabo.best.vwh.net/synch.html 1342825;1450078464;assbot;A Measure of Sacrifice ... ( http://bit.ly/1SWALsl ) 1342826;1450080360;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23633 @ 0.00048453 = 11.4509 BTC [+] {2} 1342827;1450080787;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31555 @ 0.00048802 = 15.3995 BTC [+] {2} 1342828;1450082617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98400 @ 0.00047879 = 47.1129 BTC [-] {8} 1342829;1450085819;deedbot-;[Qntra] Third Of Americans Not Opposed To Political Violence - http://qntra.net/2015/12/third-of-americans-not-opposed-to-political-violence/ 1342830;1450085939;BingoBoingo;^ for asciilifeform 1342831;1450086155;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12200 @ 0.00047543 = 5.8002 BTC [-] 1342832;1450086643;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23150 @ 0.00047543 = 11.0062 BTC [-] 1342833;1450087085;jurov;asciilifeform: thanks, custom allocators are surely an option 1342834;1450087122;jurov;but atm i explore the idea that problem is not the frag, but mixing persistent objects (CBlockIndex) and the mempool 1342835;1450087161;BingoBoingo;Safe for work and lyfe https://i.sli.mg/tdXNH0.png 1342836;1450087162;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yeqxoz ) 1342837;1450087167;jurov;which can be fixed nicely, but has to wait day or two for definitive result 1342838;1450087280;deedbot-;[Ossasepia] Foxybots v1.3 - http://www.dianacoman.com/2015/12/14/foxybots-v1-3/ 1342839;1450087680;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 101832 @ 0.00048632 = 49.5229 BTC [+] {5} 1342840;1450087744;BingoBoingo;very cool jurov 1342841;1450087844;BingoBoingo;;;isup trilema.com 1342842;1450087848;gribble;trilema.com is down 1342843;1450090242;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23811 @ 0.00048802 = 11.6202 BTC [+] 1342844;1450091523;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16411 @ 0.00048519 = 7.9625 BTC [-] 1342845;1450093963;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99053 @ 0.00047668 = 47.2166 BTC [-] {5} 1342846;1450094451;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34750 @ 0.00048418 = 16.8253 BTC [+] {2} 1342847;1450095488;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50950 @ 0.00048802 = 24.8646 BTC [+] {3} 1342848;1450096199;mircea_popescu;that's interesting jurov 1342849;1450096464;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43750 @ 0.00047542 = 20.7996 BTC [-] {4} 1342850;1450097100;mircea_popescu; and "ukranesa" is another for slutty maids << why one'd get any other kind of maid is beyond me. 1342851;1450097199;mircea_popescu; UK citizens may soon need licenses to photograph some stuff they already own <<< that shithole's going so fast down the drain... 1342852;1450097214;mircea_popescu;!up Terry4 1342853;1450097283;mircea_popescu; BitFury to Launch Energy Efficient Immersion Cooling Data Center <<< i thought they've been launching and prelaunching thios for over a year by now. 1342854;1450097344;mircea_popescu; ;;isup trilema.com << yeah not reachable atm. 1342855;1450097373;mircea_popescu;!up libertalis__ 1342856;1450097440;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25416 @ 0.00047542 = 12.0833 BTC [-] {2} 1342857;1450097597;mircea_popescu;that was quick... 1342858;1450097748;mircea_popescu;"Worse for the donors, they might even discover they prefer an absentee central government that doesn't centrally plan famine." 1342859;1450097759;mircea_popescu;im tellin' ya, bb is getting markedly better at qntra. 1342860;1450100612;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23450 @ 0.00047506 = 11.1402 BTC [-] 1342861;1450101527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51400 @ 0.00047656 = 24.4952 BTC [+] {5} 1342862;1450101591;*;jurov found himself studying c++ rebinding allocators... an unexpectedly nasty corner of c++ 1342863;1450101596;danielpbarron;http://m.chron.com/news/houston-texas/texas/article/Dallas-plumber-files-lawsuit-after-ISIS-was-seen-6695887.php >> Oberholtzer says that single photo ruined his life and business, therefore, he wants more than $1 million from the company he says disposed of the pickup, Autonation Ford Gulf Freeway in Houston. 1342864;1450101597;assbot;Texas City plumber files lawsuit after ISIS was seen using his old truck - Houston Chronicle ... ( http://bit.ly/1OrdydT ) 1342865;1450101664;mircea_popescu;oh but allow me to ftfy : * jurov found himself studying c++ ... an unexpectedly nasty corner of c++ << said everyone ever. 1342866;1450101739;adlai;!s fqa 1342867;1450101739;assbot;3 results for 'fqa' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=fqa 1342868;1450102503;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95137 @ 0.00047449 = 45.1416 BTC [-] {2} 1342869;1450102869;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89986 @ 0.00048041 = 43.2302 BTC [+] {2} 1342870;1450103032;jurov;i don't see any mention of rebinding stuff even there 1342871;1450103296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39400 @ 0.0004767 = 18.782 BTC [-] {2} 1342872;1450103845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32132 @ 0.00048662 = 15.6361 BTC [+] {2} 1342873;1450105309;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88300 @ 0.00048889 = 43.169 BTC [+] {4} 1342874;1450105615;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30100 @ 0.00048391 = 14.5657 BTC [-] 1342875;1450106102;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37400 @ 0.00048196 = 18.0253 BTC [-] 1342876;1450107200;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89550 @ 0.00048225 = 43.1855 BTC [+] {5} 1342877;1450107535;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1342788 << the only reason why a receiver could even be detectable from outside of the car is a leaking heterodyne - and NOT DOING THIS is ww2 (for fucks sake) state-of-the-art 1342878;1450107535;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 06:25:07; punkman: "many early "stealth" radar detectors were equipped with a radar-detector-detector-detector circuit, which shuts down the main radar receiver when the detector-detector's signal is detected, thus preventing detection" 1342879;1450107550;asciilifeform;ergo we can conclude that radar detector makers ~deliberately~ sell sabotaged product. 1342880;1450107603;asciilifeform;http://yosefk.com/c++fqa (via adlai) << long-time favourite of mine. and every word is true. 1342881;1450107604;assbot;C++ Frequently Questioned Answers ... ( http://bit.ly/1O4WXCn ) 1342882;1450107688;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62559 @ 0.00049104 = 30.719 BTC [+] 1342883;1450107702;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1342851 << intellectual property!!11111111 1342884;1450107702;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 12:46:39; mircea_popescu: UK citizens may soon need licenses to photograph some stuff they already own <<< that shithole's going so fast down the drain... 1342885;1450107749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24291 @ 0.00049104 = 11.9279 BTC [+] 1342886;1450109701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36850 @ 0.0004819 = 17.758 BTC [-] 1342887;1450110006;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23393 @ 0.00048923 = 11.4446 BTC [+] 1342888;1450111287;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40300 @ 0.00049038 = 19.7623 BTC [+] 1342889;1450111653;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20800 @ 0.00049104 = 10.2136 BTC [+] 1342890;1450112568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57700 @ 0.00049113 = 28.3382 BTC [+] {2} 1342891;1450112873;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98250 @ 0.00049196 = 48.3351 BTC [+] {3} 1342892;1450113544;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2800 @ 0.00049038 = 1.3731 BTC [-] 1342893;1450115679;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26959 @ 0.00048719 = 13.1342 BTC [-] {4} 1342894;1450116167;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5851 @ 0.00047973 = 2.8069 BTC [-] {2} 1342895;1450117387;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70100 @ 0.00049266 = 34.5355 BTC [+] {2} 1342896;1450118307;ben_vulpes;much lulz in that c++fqa 1342897;1450118668;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17200 @ 0.00049286 = 8.4772 BTC [+] 1342898;1450118822;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/lpg-tanker-navigator-europa-fire-houston-ship-channel/ << burn more alternative fuels! 1342899;1450118824;assbot;LPG Tanker Catches Fire in Houston Ship Channel - gCaptain ... ( http://bit.ly/1IQzwKJ ) 1342900;1450118970;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1342901;1450119014;asciilifeform;!up FUCK FLEANODE 1342902;1450119032;ben_vulpes;ahuea 1342903;1450119161;adlai;!up ascii_field 1342904;1450119180;adlai;huh 1342905;1450119225;adlai;!up ascii_field 1342906;1450119392;ascii_field;'The Coast Guard said the fire occurred as the ship was loading a cargo of liquid ethylene.' 1342907;1450119394;ascii_field;^ not fuel 1342908;1450119414;ascii_field;used for transporting fruit, american-style 1342909;1450119635;ben_vulpes;is ethylene that much more flammable than, say, propane or 'natural' gas? 1342910;1450119644;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34218 @ 0.00049289 = 16.8657 BTC [+] {3} 1342911;1450119675;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/Ethylene-LUMO-2D.png 1342912;1450119675;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IQBjzu ) 1342913;1450119689;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Propane-2D-flat.png 1342914;1450119690;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IQBkUf ) 1342915;1450119807;ben_vulpes;more carbons and hydrogens in the propane, ergo more flammable right? 1342916;1450119816;ascii_field;heavier 1342917;1450119828;*;ben_vulpes labors under an american ME education - "just enough to be useful" 1342918;1450119828;ascii_field;'flammable' is a complex thing 1342919;1450119838;ben_vulpes;ah 1342920;1450119839;ben_vulpes;yes 1342921;1450119869;ascii_field;(flash point; how likely it is to end up near a spark; how reacts) 1342922;1450119870;trinque;I've been discussing the problem of rejecting bad nodes (or having an affinity for nodes serving up good blocks/txns?) with ben_vulpes. ascii_field or mod6, perhaps you want to say something on the subj. 1342923;1450119872;ben_vulpes;okay so a lighter gas would be more likely to float up and mix with ambient o2 and ignite? 1342924;1450119881;ascii_field;aha. 1342925;1450119885;trinque;looks like the existing node scoring mechanism is a turd 1342926;1450119904;ascii_field;trinque: i will say that we can't even begin to consider 'bad nodes' because nodes today HAVE NO IDENTITY 1342927;1450119907;ben_vulpes;the question i bounced into #b-a is when it's acceptable for another node to relay a bastard block 1342928;1450119910;ascii_field;because no crypto and no auth !! 1342929;1450119911;ben_vulpes;yes yes ascii_field 1342930;1450119935;ascii_field;ben_vulpes: 'bastard block' is a subjective thing - it simply means that ~you~ in particular cannot find the antecedent for it 1342931;1450119944;trinque;ascii_field: we discussed this as well; even assuming a trusted gossipd net, there'd still be connections out to the unwashed nether world 1342932;1450119949;ascii_field;and the answer is: never 1342933;1450119955;ascii_field;because said block could be anything. 1342934;1450119993;ascii_field;trinque: a connection of the civilized world to the heathen world is necessarily a fortified outpost run by enthusiasts 1342935;1450120005;ascii_field;cannot be considered a reliable thing in any sense 1342936;1450120045;trinque;blocks/txns would not be originating inside wotnet for some time, correct? 1342937;1450120065;ascii_field;txns - occasionally; blocks - not afaik 1342938;1450120182;trinque;would it be reasonable to disconnect after some number of bastard blocks? 1342939;1450120211;ascii_field;the ~reasonable~ thing would be to NUKE the whole sync-from-one-at-a-time idiocy 1342940;1450120236;ascii_field;and on top of this, 1342941;1450120248;ascii_field;when your node is young, MOST of the blocks you get from ANYBODY are 'bastard' 1342942;1450120263;ascii_field;because of the sheer extent of the retardation of the sync mechanism as originally written 1342943;1450120643;BingoBoingo; ergo we can conclude that radar detector makers ~deliberately~ sell sabotaged product. << "planned obselecence" at least VASCAR is nekkid eye detectable 1342944;1450121780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39200 @ 0.00048631 = 19.0634 BTC [-] 1342945;1450122620;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1342939 << this this this, a million times this 1342946;1450122620;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 19:10:11; ascii_field: the ~reasonable~ thing would be to NUKE the whole sync-from-one-at-a-time idiocy 1342947;1450122860;ben_vulpes;still, steady state behavior deserves at least a little look. 1342948;1450123056;deedbot-;[Qntra] Miners Enforcing BIP 65: Plan for SPV Miner Forks - http://qntra.net/2015/12/miners-enforcing-bip-65-plan-for-spv-miner-forks/ 1342949;1450123152;BingoBoingo;!up chmod755 1342950;1450123793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 103050 @ 0.00049263 = 50.7655 BTC [+] {6} 1342951;1450124123;ben_vulpes;https://gcaptain.com/u-s-navys-new-lcs-towed-to-port-after-breaking-down-off-virginia << how is gcaptain such a gold mine? 1342952;1450124125;assbot;U.S. Navy's New LCS Towed to Port After Breaking Down Off Virginia - gCaptain ... ( http://bit.ly/1RkDnT3 ) 1342953;1450124403;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52628 @ 0.00048884 = 25.7267 BTC [-] 1342954;1450125318;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00048884 = 10.0212 BTC [-] 1342955;1450125745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82350 @ 0.00048613 = 40.0328 BTC [-] {2} 1342956;1450126188;BingoBoingo;https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=145012430522605&w=2 1342957;1450126281;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/legislation-targets-mizzou-football-team-strike/article_075aea21-6916-5bbe-8947-846d0fc8df71.html 1342958;1450126282;assbot;Legislation targets Mizzou football team strike : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1mklMxW ) 1342959;1450126322;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/entertainment/television/kansas-city-tv-crew-robbed-at-gunpoint-suspects-arrested/article_d0fdc00e-daf9-5525-b07b-4844090702e8.html 1342960;1450126323;assbot;Kansas City TV crew robbed at gunpoint; 3 suspects arrested : Entertainment ... ( http://bit.ly/1mklQxI ) 1342961;1450127029;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1342962;1450127037;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1342963;1450127042;ascii_field;hm. 1342964;1450127051;BingoBoingo;I think assbot blinked yesterday 1342965;1450127061;ascii_field;http://www.embraerds.com/english/content/combat/tucano_origin.asp << from the dept. of technocollapse & regression to old tech; prop fighters are... back?! 1342966;1450127065;assbot;Embraer Defesa & Segurança ... ( http://bit.ly/1jYOJgZ ) 1342967;1450127065;*;BingoBoingo had to reup 1342968;1450127095;BingoBoingo;lol 1342969;1450127143;BingoBoingo;back! 1342970;1450127323;ascii_field;;;isup trilema.com 1342971;1450127327;gribble;trilema.com is down 1342972;1450127395;ascii_field;https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=144994394111508&w=2 << lulz 1342973;1450127404;ascii_field;'My OpenBSD 5.7 CD arrived with a green label affixed to the shipping 1342974;1450127404;ascii_field;packaging that claimed it had been inspected by some U.S.A. customs 1342975;1450127404;ascii_field;department. It had actually been opened and resealed and the green label 1342976;1450127404;ascii_field;placed on it to inform me of said tampering.' 1342977;1450127412;thestringpuller;ascii_field: why does war never change? 1342978;1450127431;ascii_field;wut 1342979;1450127551;*;BingoBoingo waits for pete_dushenski to take Junkers Ju 88 out of cosmoline 1342980;1450127589;thestringpuller;"So seek peace. But prepare for war. Because war… war never changes." - ulysses s. grant 1342981;1450128001;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1342982;1450128008;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 445.8, vol: 13005.99259328 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 441.0, vol: 8894.14121 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 446.07, vol: 30103.41183115 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 0.8 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 457.1244, vol: 101308.37600000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 442.62, vol: 297.75261732 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 438.4212, vol: 75.05928953 | Volume-weighted last average: 453.030161813 1342983;1450128452;ascii_field;unrelatedly, 1342984;1450128454;ascii_field;http://www.hpmuseum.org/cgi-sys/cgiwrap/hpmuseum/archv021.cgi?read=237068 1342985;1450128456;assbot;shelf life time of a ROM, EEPROM, EPROM vs Mask Rom ... ( http://bit.ly/1jYQn2o ) 1342986;1450128479;ascii_field;'I think it's unlikely that it will be possible to keep any electronic equipment manufactured after the mid-1990s operating for more than 25-50 years, in part due to the floating gate problem (even in places you don't expect it, because *many* chips now contain flash memory even if you don't know about it)... ...50 years from now we'll probably still have a working PDP-1, but sadly not too many working HP-35 calculators.' 1342987;1450128668;BingoBoingo;fuck 1342988;1450128694;ascii_field;found the thread while looking for anything like actual longevity data on EPROMs 1342989;1450128740;BingoBoingo;Now we've got a fucking deadline 1342990;1450128906;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1342991;1450129105;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: wut 1342992;1450129150;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Unless we move to PDP-11 and don't solve this Bitcoin thing in 20 years we will be out of machines. 1342993;1450129160;BingoBoingo;Unless we start making fresh eeproms 1342994;1450129184;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: the decay in question is charge dissipation, rather than whole-chip fail 1342995;1450129198;ascii_field;the question is simply 'how long do the bits stay flipped' 1342996;1450129213;ascii_field;answer is, apparently, 'nobody actually ever knew' 1342997;1450129231;ascii_field;some 1980s devices still work. others - not 1342998;1450129267;ascii_field;typically in a piece of konsoomer crud, something else (e.g. electrolytic cap) blew and no one found out how long eprom could last 1342999;1450129283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98450 @ 0.00048616 = 47.8625 BTC [+] {2} 1343000;1450129305;ascii_field;but it would stand to reason that, if designing for ultra-long life, you might want to use multiple roms and a voting circuit... 1343001;1450129333;ascii_field;so i wanted to calculate, how many ? 1343002;1450129336;BingoBoingo;Still, bits unflipping on EEPROM seems... like a problem... Unless they can be reflipped... 1343003;1450129344;ascii_field;eprom 1343004;1450129357;BingoBoingo;oh 1343005;1450129365;ascii_field;(though same applies to eeprom in spades) 1343006;1450129589;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71851 @ 0.00048884 = 35.1236 BTC [+] 1343007;1450129710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42450 @ 0.00049098 = 20.8421 BTC [+] {2} 1343008;1450129793;BingoBoingo;fighter jet https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/Screech_Owl_named_Fod_found_on_USS_Harry_S._Truman_%28CVN_75%29.jpg 1343009;1450129794;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1jYS2oG ) 1343010;1450130390;BingoBoingo;turd eating gnomes https://phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=BUS1-In-Development 1343011;1450130392;assbot;BUS1: A New Linux Kernel IPC Bus Being Made By Systemd Developers - Phoronix ... ( http://bit.ly/1jYSZgu ) 1343012;1450130412;BingoBoingo;"BUS1 isn't being developed by just some unknown individuals, but systemd developer David Herrmann and Kay Sievers seem to be the lead (and only) developers working on it thus far." 1343013;1450130419;ascii_field;if at first the shit won't stick, throw, throw again ! 1343014;1450130515;BingoBoingo;At least this means KDBUS is now dead before merged 1343015;1450131044;jurov;pity. almost proposed adding dbus to reference client. 1343016;1450131267;BingoBoingo;lol 1343017;1450131274;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1343018;1450131592;*;BingoBoingo played with adding low-s signing to his bastard client seems to work. Prior to 0.9 Bitcoin used whatever S-came arrived at first. Then in run up to 0.9 even-S was tested. Then low-S settled upon. Malleating nodes making duplicate transactions appear in my history got to be a hassel. 1343019;1450131630;thestringpuller;read that as fellating nodes 1343020;1450131722;jurov;are pre-BIP-16 txs malleated too? 1343021;1450131754;jurov;(reference clients accepts only them, i did not look into this) 1343022;1450132213;BingoBoingo;Ones from address beginning wit 1 malleated, so... 1343023;1450132320;jurov;no, BIP-16 is widely applied to 1xxxxx addresses, too 1343024;1450132403;jurov;actually if you pay something with any recent wallet, reference client will reject the tx as malformed :) 1343025;1450132464;BingoBoingo;I started bastard wallet with 0.7-ish branch, so it can see some limited multisig, but... should be normal tx sent out 1343026;1450132490;BingoBoingo;This is something prolly ought to look into moar 1343027;1450132541;jurov;yep, part of it will either need to be backported or deprecated 1343028;1450132556;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1343024 << how recent? e.g., works happily with 0.8.6 even 1343029;1450132556;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 22:33:23; jurov: actually if you pay something with any recent wallet, reference client will reject the tx as malformed :) 1343030;1450132581;ascii_field;in either direction. 1343031;1450132599;jurov;don't know. electrum produces P2SH transactions, that's how i found out. 1343032;1450132619;ascii_field;would seem to be an argument in favour of throwing out electrum 1343033;1450132624;ascii_field;rather than the reference client. 1343034;1450132659;jurov;that's easy for you to say, you don't touch actual bitcoins 1343035;1450132701;BingoBoingo;hmmm 1343036;1450132704;*;ascii_field does - very occasionally - use bitcoin 1343037;1450132853;jurov;electrum should be easy to fix, that's not an issue. i'm just glad i won't have to decide this. 1343038;1450133178;jurov;!up ascii_field 1343039;1450133203;*;ascii_field tries to recall what electrum is for 1343040;1450133357;BingoBoingo;* ascii_field tries to recall what electrum is for << "lite" wallet that polls server. Might be useful "on the run" if have own server somewhere. 1343041;1450133410;jurov;if i have to go back to manage bloated wallet.dat, or write transactions by hand (since wallet.dat is scheduled for excision from therealbitcoin), i'll prolly increase withdraw fee to 0.2 again :D 1343042;1450133425;ascii_field;jurov: scheduled for excision ? 1343043;1450133432;ascii_field;IT'S A FUCKING REFERENCE CLIENT 1343044;1450133446;ascii_field;if it can't rebootstrap bitcoin on alpha centauri, IT'S NOT A REFERENCE 1343045;1450133451;ascii_field;ergo wallet stays. 1343046;1450133457;ascii_field;i thought we went through this ? 1343047;1450133485;jurov;yes we went thought this. with completely different memories, apparently. 1343048;1450133496;ascii_field;now splitting it into another proggy? sure 1343049;1450133527;ascii_field;iirc that's where the thread went. 1343050;1450133640;jurov;it will prolly end up easier to remove it completely that trying it to make standing on its own 1343051;1450133675;ascii_field;then you don't have pedigreed bitcoin. 1343052;1450133688;ascii_field;which afaik was the whole motherfuking point of trb 1343053;1450133806;jurov;whatever. i know my own hand is not steady enough for this surgery. 1343054;1450133852;ascii_field;the separation is a mighty gnarly job, aha 1343055;1450133874;ascii_field;esp. if you want sane behaviour (wallet-over-rs232) 1343056;1450133919;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77900 @ 0.00048877 = 38.0752 BTC [-] {3} 1343057;1450134030;ascii_field;oh, while jurov is awake, 1343058;1450134053;ascii_field;http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/keystore.cpp?v=asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected << or anything else other than the default - indices broken 1343059;1450134054;assbot;Satoshi asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected/src/keystore.cpp ... ( http://bit.ly/1I5sfqy ) 1343060;1450134081;ascii_field;e.g., http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/ident?v=asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected&_i=AddToMemoryPoolUnchecked is empty 1343061;1450134082;assbot;Satoshi asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected identifier search: AddToMemoryPoolUnchecked ... ( http://bit.ly/1I5sj9O ) 1343062;1450134104;jurov;ah,that. 1343063;1450134274;jurov;i broke something, must redo whole database 1343064;1450134580;BingoBoingo;https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/ThinkPad-X-Series-Laptops/Intel-AMT-how-to-disable-and-verify/td-p/661067 1343065;1450134583;assbot;Intel AMT-how to disable and verify - Lenovo Community ... ( http://bit.ly/1I5tl5q ) 1343066;1450134591;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1342915 << nah 1343067;1450134591;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 19:03:27; ben_vulpes: more carbons and hydrogens in the propane, ergo more flammable right? 1343068;1450134638;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1342925 << yeah, this has been the consensus here since we started looking at it. 1343069;1450134638;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 19:04:45; trinque: looks like the existing node scoring mechanism is a turd 1343070;1450134856;mircea_popescu;assbot:BUS1: A New Linux Kernel IPC Bus Being Made By Systemd Developers - Phoronix <<< ahahaha mkay. 1343071;1450134972;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1343041 << a transactionator - A SANE TRANSACTIONATOR is actually pretty high up in the "stuff to do" list. 1343072;1450134972;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 22:50:10; jurov: if i have to go back to manage bloated wallet.dat, or write transactions by hand (since wallet.dat is scheduled for excision from therealbitcoin), i'll prolly increase withdraw fee to 0.2 again :D 1343073;1450134985;mircea_popescu;i'd link to trilema but apparently it's a lean monday or something. 1343074;1450135414;jurov;asciilifeform: lxr fixed 1343075;1450135448;mircea_popescu;"This is C++ FQA Lite. C++ is a general-purpose programming language, not necessarily suitable for your special purpose." 1343076;1450135449;mircea_popescu;lol nb. 1343077;1450135473;jurov;which version is the -TEST2? asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option? 1343078;1450136427;jurov;https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/net-p2p/bitcoinxt-qt in gentoo? wow that's quick. 1343079;1450136428;assbot;net-p2p/bitcoinxt-qt – Gentoo Packages ... ( http://bit.ly/1MdRaTy ) 1343080;1450136664;mircea_popescu;gentoo's a fallen thing. 1343081;1450137129;mircea_popescu;But wait, there's more! C++ supports a wide variety of explicit and implicit type conversions, so now we have a nice set of rules describing the cartesian product of all those types, specifically, how conversion should be handled for each pair of types. For example, if your function accepts const std::vector& (which is supposed to mean "a reference to an immutable vector of pointers to immutable built-in s 1343082;1450137129;mircea_popescu;trings"), and I have a std::vector object ("a mutable vector of mutable built-in strings"), then I can't pass it to your function because the types aren't convertible. You have to admit that it doesn't make any sense, because your function guarantees that it won't change anything, and I guarantee that I don't even mind having anything changed, and still the C++ type system gets in the way and the only sane worka 1343083;1450137130;mircea_popescu;round is to copy the vector. And this is an extremely simple example - no virtual inheritance, no user-defined conversion operators, etc. 1343084;1450137133;mircea_popescu;not bad. 1343085;1450137367;mircea_popescu;At the bottom line, throw/catch are about as useful as longjmp/setjmp (BTW, the former typically runs faster, but it's mere existence makes the rest of the code run slower, which is almost never acknowledged by C++ aficionados). 1343086;1450137370;mircea_popescu;aha. lol. 1343087;1450137561;jurov;in same venue, happened upon new c++11 std::random features (http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2013/n3551.pdf) 1343088;1450137596;jurov;the're like, imminent heat death of universe preppers 1343089;1450137618;jurov;with their elaborate entropy management 1343090;1450137918;jurov;and the contrived examples...to roll 2 fair dice: static std::discrete_distribution<> /* follows 12 rows with histogram ennumerated as floats*/ 1343091;1450137959;mircea_popescu;lol 1343092;1450138173;mircea_popescu;well that was an instructive read 1343093;1450138369;mircea_popescu;"The economic tyranny of the late Roman Empire had left a devastated polity, a culture in Western Europe that had lost its knowledge of civilized commercial practice and accustomed to seeing government not as a source of any productive assistance to commerce, but only a destroyer of commerce from which commerce must hide. " 1343094;1450138370;mircea_popescu;heh. 1343095;1450139836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92266 @ 0.00049062 = 45.2675 BTC [+] {2} 1343096;1450141178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46499 @ 0.00048784 = 22.6841 BTC [-] {2} 1343097;1450141239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50039 @ 0.0004859 = 24.314 BTC [-] 1343098;1450141666;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46410 @ 0.00048589 = 22.5502 BTC [-] {2} 1343099;1450142215;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80400 @ 0.00048587 = 39.0639 BTC [-] 1343100;1450142898;mod6;<+jurov> which version is the -TEST2? asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option? << yeah. 1343101;1450144795;BingoBoingo;In other news disorderly conduct misdemeanor has been dismissed 1343102;1450144890;mircea_popescu;o.O 1343103;1450145020;BingoBoingo;Well, dismissed with leave, but that part should hopefully be resolved on Friday at court date. 1343104;1450145087;mircea_popescu;so you comin' over for drinks n hussies ? 1343105;1450145146;BingoBoingo;NExt conference is in 16 months? hopefully should have life put back together sufficiently by then. 1343106;1450145164;mircea_popescu;at teh earliest. 1343107;1450145257;BingoBoingo;Case ended with the compromise where I take a drug risk education course and they quit. Avoided the possibility of stupid/hostile judge at hearing/trial. 1343108;1450145326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44150 @ 0.00048588 = 21.4516 BTC [+] 1343109;1450145410;BingoBoingo;Not an ideal or maximally lulzworthy resolution, but at $150 to retain lawyer, $200 for hearing prep, and $120 for class hosted by private party St Clair County recieved 0 dollars. 1343110;1450145459;mircea_popescu;uh... why's drugs blabla involved in all this ? 1343111;1450145508;BingoBoingo;Because their default reflex is assume drugs/alcohol are involved in evil. 1343112;1450145529;BingoBoingo;Rest of the class was all in there for DUI 1343113;1450145568;BingoBoingo;It's retarded, but also a fiat matter 1343114;1450145603;trinque;.b #ub= 1343115;1450145816;BingoBoingo;Case only took 2.5 years of state's time though. 1343116;1450145866;mircea_popescu;heh 1343117;1450145896;mircea_popescu;i suppose next time you send the clerk over to do derpclass. 1343118;1450146041;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1343074 << neat! thx jurov 1343119;1450146041;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 23:23:34; jurov: asciilifeform: lxr fixed 1343120;1450146051;BingoBoingo;derpaclerk is busy whoring attention 1343121;1450146082;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1343080 << not unlike every single necessary thing elsewhere 1343122;1450146082;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 23:44:24; mircea_popescu: gentoo's a fallen thing. 1343123;1450146089;BingoBoingo;skoolgurl https://i.imgur.com/0XKMZtR.png 1343124;1450146090;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/223dE5l ) 1343125;1450146106;BingoBoingo;DOS 3 is still around 1343126;1450146110;mircea_popescu; French housewives were using recipes to make, along with food, glue, ink, and so on, marble grains for an hour-glass: 1343127;1450146110;mircea_popescu; 1343128;1450146110;mircea_popescu;"Take the grease which comes from the sawdust of marble when those great tombs of black marble be sawn, then boil it well in wine like a piece of meat and skim it, and then set it out to dry in the sun; and boil, skim and dry nine times; and thus it will be good." 1343129;1450146110;mircea_popescu;Such a recipe presumably creates grains of a size in a precise ratio to a standard hour-glass neck size, thus producing an accurate time. 1343130;1450146118;mircea_popescu;dude what the everloving fuck is wrong with szabo. 1343131;1450146122;mircea_popescu;he can't be this dumb. 1343132;1450146136;mircea_popescu;"The origin of the sandglass is quite obscure, but its accuracy relies on a precise ratio between the neck width and the grain diameter." 1343133;1450146145;asciilifeform;holy fuck 1343134;1450146151;BingoBoingo;perhaps he went adlai, knows what color 42 is 1343135;1450146153;mircea_popescu;first off! the construction of that last phrase is wrong. 1343136;1450146156;*;asciilifeform confesses that he did not read that far in 1343137;1450146170;mircea_popescu;second off : grain diameter ? what the holy shit ? he imagines they ground marble down to molecular size ? 1343138;1450146193;BingoBoingo;It's good to see someone faund the timekeeping lulz 1343139;1450146195;mircea_popescu;STANDARD neck size in 1394 ?! 1343140;1450146208;mircea_popescu;the russkis didn't have standard barrel size on theior fucking tanks by 1940 1343141;1450146248;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343090 << sadly, pheatures like this are pretty much always implemented with pseudorandom garbage. 1343142;1450146248;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 00:05:18; jurov: and the contrived examples...to roll 2 fair dice: static std::discrete_distribution<> /* follows 12 rows with histogram ennumerated as floats*/ 1343143;1450146277;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it is to me an almost guarantee by now that pedanticism in that context guarantees ineptitude of an epic scale 1343144;1450146283;mircea_popescu;i suppose the quotes above are apropos. 1343145;1450146283;asciilifeform;not only, 1343146;1450146323;asciilifeform;but what, compiler is going to insert an entropy gatherer in the build ? 1343147;1450146334;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would he think that the topic of origin and the topic of the origin of accuracy are related ? 1343148;1450146336;asciilifeform;or we expect stdlib to have it ? 1343149;1450146357;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform in fairness, if one uses a few casts and whatnot, the linker prolly has it. 1343150;1450146385;mircea_popescu;that's why you gotta write crypto in c++ 1343151;1450146399;asciilifeform;wai wut 1343152;1450146420;asciilifeform;only with lsd. 1343153;1450146427;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343101 << congrats BingoBoingo, is a free man now ?! 1343154;1450146427;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 01:59:55; BingoBoingo: In other news disorderly conduct misdemeanor has been dismissed 1343155;1450146444;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Ish. Still located in USia 1343156;1450146467;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: yeah but afaik nothing keeps you there now 1343157;1450146478;asciilifeform;could get on next boat. 1343158;1450146504;BingoBoingo;Might take a while to get to docks, so not next boat. Some boat though. 1343159;1450146526;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343105 << did i miss a thread ? no trilemaconf this year ? 1343160;1450146526;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 02:05:46; BingoBoingo: NExt conference is in 16 months? hopefully should have life put back together sufficiently by then. 1343161;1450146552;BingoBoingo;remember MP is shopping countries first 1343162;1450146572;asciilifeform;i vaguely recall that he did and then just went and got a bigger flat in b-a 1343163;1450146592;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i got some flats in romania, too. not so strictly related 1343164;1450146623;asciilifeform;well related in the sense of moar fun habitation 1343165;1450146684;mircea_popescu;"To improve the productivity of the time rate contract required two breakthroughs: the first, creating the conditions under which sacrifice is a better estimate of value than piece rate or other measurement alternative" 1343166;1450146696;mircea_popescu;jesus look at that, so he IS aware piece rate exists. 1343167;1450146747;mircea_popescu;this may be the most confused, anti-thought essay i've ever read. 1343168;1450146798;mircea_popescu;"The undesirability of servitude, from the point of view of the laborer at least, is obvious. Serfs and slaves faced brutal work conditions, floggings, starvation, very short life spans, and the inability to escape no matter how bad conditions got. " 1343169;1450146834;mircea_popescu;it's not fucking obvious. my slavegirls by a fat margin prefer slavery (which is not servitude just like whales are not fish), and work a lot better than any fucking employees anyone ever had. 1343170;1450146892;asciilifeform;aha but they're gurlz 1343171;1450146920;asciilifeform;and that's how spamodin made them 1343172;1450146932;mircea_popescu;pffff\ 1343173;1450146990;mircea_popescu;there are two kinds of fools in this world, the sort that thinks women are equal to men ; and the sort that thinks women are unequal to men in all things. 1343174;1450147052;asciilifeform;wasn't it mircea_popescu who just recently posted a spiffy piece re: herd animals and what sex the meat processing plant uses to fill a herd ? 1343175;1450147066;mircea_popescu;so he did. 1343176;1450147086;mircea_popescu;those herds do no work. 1343177;1450147096;asciilifeform;they do in cn 1343178;1450147110;asciilifeform;(and a few other 'meat + milk' systems) 1343179;1450147253;mircea_popescu;Thus second main drawback to piece rates is that they motivate the worker to put out more quantity at the expense of quality. This can be devastating. The tendency of communist countries to pay piece rates, rather than hourly rates, is one reason that, while the Soviet blocs quantity (and thus the most straightforward measurements of economic growth) was able to keep up with the West, quality did not (thus the 1343180;1450147253;mircea_popescu; contrast, for example, between the notoriously ugly and unreliable Trabant of East Germany and the BMWs, Mercedes, Audi and Volkswagens of West Germany). 1343181;1450147253;mircea_popescu; 1343182;1450147254;mircea_popescu;holy shit... 1343183;1450147260;mircea_popescu;i can't look away. 1343184;1450147302;asciilifeform;i love how everyone always goes straight to trabant and not to, say, the tech that STILL WORKS and that i CAN'T MOTHERFUKING BUY AT ANY PRICE in usa 1343185;1450147339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65537 @ 0.00048888 = 32.0397 BTC [+] {3} 1343186;1450147352;mircea_popescu;"everyone" 1343187;1450147361;asciilifeform;almost like every idiot anglo reads the SAME 3 'sovietologies' 1343188;1450147364;mircea_popescu;this guy reads like a paralogia fantastica 15yo gurl. 1343189;1450147365;asciilifeform;and parrots, parrots. 1343190;1450147533;mircea_popescu;for that matter, a) the trabant was not notoriously ugly. in fact, beats the beetle. 1343191;1450147541;mircea_popescu;b) does anyone have any fucking idea how cheap it was ? 1343192;1450147553;mircea_popescu;i wish to see the car the us manufactures out of ~300 bucks. 1343193;1450147631;mircea_popescu;had a god damned two-time engine worth what, 7 hp ? weed whacker level. 1343194;1450147858;BingoBoingo;Apparently 18 hp, riding lawnmower class! 1343195;1450148433;mircea_popescu;that's the later model. 1343196;1450148441;mircea_popescu;there were like 3. shit, they even had a sedan. 1343197;1450148449;mircea_popescu;it could fit i think two whole galons of shopping. 1343198;1450148521;BingoBoingo;lol 1343199;1450148556;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343192 << 300 doesn't even buy 20% of a single one of the mandatory 2+ 'airbags' 1343200;1450148556;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 02:45:53; mircea_popescu: i wish to see the car the us manufactures out of ~300 bucks. 1343201;1450148570;mircea_popescu;yeawell 1343202;1450148582;mircea_popescu;i hope i didn't get my off the cuff cast too far off. 1343203;1450148810;mircea_popescu;"Time-rate employment provides a major productivity improvement over servitude or (usually) piece rates." << amusingly, according to the soviets themselves, and the "golden age" romanians too, the main driver of sovieteconomy fail was the timewage. 1343204;1450148821;mircea_popescu;and the introduction of piece rate a magnificent americanism. 1343205;1450148864;asciilifeform;in india, they went further and applied the magnificent americanism to programmers 1343206;1450148886;asciilifeform;so that we can enjoy 10,001-line unrolled 'for' loops 1343207;1450148908;mircea_popescu;there is no closed form solution to humanity. 1343208;1450148910;mircea_popescu;thanks god. 1343209;1450149099;mircea_popescu;"Laborers were, even before the advent of the clock, commonly paid by the day. But how long is a day? It couldnt be just daylight hours; this makes for a longer workday than employer and employer might otherwise agree to, and in northern latitudes it varies quite substantially within a year. With the rather heterogeneous measures of time, employer could cheat the employee out of hours, or vice versa, unl 1343210;1450149099;mircea_popescu;ess they had a securely independent standard of time." 1343211;1450149122;mircea_popescu;except not, especially if they work for a whole year, which everyone prefers to do anyway seeing how winter's not summer. 1343212;1450149133;mircea_popescu;jesus i can't believe what i just read. 1343213;1450149153;mircea_popescu;how is this possible! szabo was an intelligent, well read, erudite fellow! 1343214;1450149230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10552 @ 0.00048586 = 5.1268 BTC [-] {2} 1343215;1450149234;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://36.media.tumblr.com/9e997955da9130e6f0b170c5e02b5746/tumblr_mjpgkiThLR1r8vafao1_1280.jpg 1343216;1450149235;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NtSRyf ) 1343217;1450149291;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48148 @ 0.00048581 = 23.3908 BTC [-] 1343218;1450149350;asciilifeform;http://www.uznai-pravdu.com/viewtopic.php?t=3574 << megalith rant re: cars in su and morals etc. 1343219;1450149352;assbot;Узнай-правду! (ru) • Просмотр темы - Почему Запорожец лучше Мерседеса? ... ( http://bit.ly/1NtT0BP ) 1343220;1450149354;asciilifeform;perhaps for mircea_popescu. 1343221;1450149362;*;asciilifeform can't be arsed to translate - long. 1343222;1450149372;*;mircea_popescu can't be arsed to read, was there. 1343223;1450149463;asciilifeform;''zaporozhets' cost 1,000 bottles of vodka.' 1343224;1450149487;mircea_popescu;and vodka was ~50 cents the bottle, at black market rate. 1343225;1450149490;mircea_popescu;checkj me out! 1343226;1450149835;nubbins`;asciilifeform http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=X0yDjbUP 1343227;1450149836;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YbL821 ) 1343228;1450149879;asciilifeform;nubbins`: neato, l0l 1343229;1450149901;nubbins`;thought the details seemed familiar, did some minor snooping 1343230;1450149990;asciilifeform;nubbins`: there are many curious things in those heathen lands. 1343231;1450150237;ben_vulpes;whoa, no bingoboingo?! 1343232;1450150251;ben_vulpes;;;later tell bingoboingo many congratulations 1343233;1450150252;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1343234;1450150324;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343159 << very much so, thread was on moving to cn, you expressed incredulity, no party this year 1343235;1450150324;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 02:28:46; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343105 << did i miss a thread ? no trilemaconf this year ? 1343236;1450150359;ben_vulpes;grand shame considering the wine and steak cost/quality curve in bsas 1343237;1450150373;asciilifeform;wake me up for ulan batur 1343238;1450150393;asciilifeform;or can haz norilsk ? 1343239;1450150471;ben_vulpes;what, we're doing novelty slums nao? 1343240;1450150488;*;ben_vulpes would still attend, miserable multiday train rides notwithstanding 1343241;1450150497;asciilifeform;iirc mircea_popescu likes slums 1343242;1450150506;ben_vulpes;uno minimo respeto por la serenissima 1343243;1450150560;*;ben_vulpes has fond memories of los cubanos en la grande manzana 1343244;1450150877;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72050 @ 0.00048748 = 35.1229 BTC [+] {3} 1343245;1450151124;*;ben_vulpes off to duct tape more open sores together 1343246;1450151146;ben_vulpes;;;8ball should i fry an egg for this hamncheese? 1343247;1450151147;gribble;The answer is a resounding no. 1343248;1450151152;ben_vulpes;easy peasy 1343249;1450151304;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00048482 = 14.69 BTC [-] {3} 1343250;1450151731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45100 @ 0.00048097 = 21.6917 BTC [-] {3} 1343251;1450151975;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30767 @ 0.00048963 = 15.0644 BTC [+] {2} 1343252;1450152020;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b16 1343253;1450152402;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76200 @ 0.0004903 = 37.3609 BTC [+] {2} 1343254;1450152438;asciilifeform;;;isup trilema.com 1343255;1450152442;gribble;trilema.com is down 1343256;1450152461;asciilifeform;another melted switch ? 1343257;1450152463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20050 @ 0.00048055 = 9.635 BTC [-] {3} 1343258;1450152480;ben_vulpes;first rule of ddos is dont talk about its impact on trilemma 1343259;1450152758;asciilifeform;lulzy climatocalypse here in mordor 1343260;1450152763;asciilifeform;i'mabout to switch on the ac 1343261;1450152775;asciilifeform;in, yes, middle of dec. 1343262;1450152951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28348 @ 0.00048052 = 13.6218 BTC [-] 1343263;1450152970;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343236 << incidentally, wtf is ben_vulpes still doing in usaschwitz ? 1343264;1450152970;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 03:32:39; ben_vulpes: grand shame considering the wine and steak cost/quality curve in bsas 1343265;1450152993;asciilifeform;could direct $firm from elsewhere, no ? 1343266;1450153021;asciilifeform;or does apple's compiler stop running when the southern cross is in the sky ? 1343267;1450153437;ben_vulpes;you remember those tacks? 1343268;1450153547;trinque;asciilifeform │ lulzy climatocalypse here in mordor << I'm in the woods in PA visiting; it's t-shirt weather. 1343269;1450153640;ben_vulpes;lemme put it this way: it's hard to run a global short on the shartupconomy without finding takers on the long side. 1343270;1450153683;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57600 @ 0.00049065 = 28.2614 BTC [+] 1343271;1450157221;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 168000 @ 0.00049381 = 82.9601 BTC [+] {6} 1343272;1450157648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66250 @ 0.0004945 = 32.7606 BTC [+] {3} 1343273;1450158075;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00049462 = 10.7333 BTC [+] {2} 1343274;1450158380;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26200 @ 0.00049062 = 12.8542 BTC [-] {3} 1343275;1450158990;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44750 @ 0.00048686 = 21.787 BTC [-] {2} 1343276;1450159600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4054 @ 0.00048686 = 1.9737 BTC [-] 1343277;1450160820;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21196 @ 0.00048299 = 10.2375 BTC [-] 1343278;1450161186;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21650 @ 0.00048668 = 10.5366 BTC [+] 1343279;1450161247;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 131172 @ 0.00048216 = 63.2459 BTC [-] {5} 1343280;1450162177;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-12-2015#1343134 << but this is no good, the questions are coded by smell 1343281;1450162177;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 02:22:31; BingoBoingo: perhaps he went adlai, knows what color 42 is 1343282;1450163861;punkman;http://fusion.net/story/244545/famous-and-broke-on-youtube-instagram-social-media/ for entomologists 1343283;1450163862;assbot;The sad economics of being famous on the internet | Fusion ... ( http://bit.ly/1SYCfCs ) 1343284;1450164561;adlai;some of the #bitcoin-cinephiles may enjoy Bridge of Spies (some may detest it as blatant promurican propaganda) 1343285;1450164595;adlai;either way it's good if you like watching Tom Hanks cry 1343286;1450164602;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33200 @ 0.00048049 = 15.9523 BTC [-] {2} 1343287;1450164968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104413 @ 0.00048715 = 50.8648 BTC [+] {3} 1343288;1450165012;adlai;!up nanasho 1343289;1450165429;nanasho;so, everything as usual today 1343290;1450165573;BingoBoingo;What do you mean by usual? 1343291;1450165617;punkman;bowel movements perhaps 1343292;1450165676;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343231 << Was offline dedicating my pipe to a test. Holy fuckballs does 0.11.2 suck at peer discovery and sig verification speed. 1343293;1450165676;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 03:30:37; ben_vulpes: whoa, no bingoboingo?! 1343294;1450165806;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-12-2015#1343031 << for non-multisig transactions? 1343295;1450165806;assbot;Logged on 14-12-2015 22:36:39; jurov: don't know. electrum produces P2SH transactions, that's how i found out. 1343296;1450165878;BingoBoingo;punkman: It's looking that way. 1343297;1450166054;punkman;that can't be right 1343298;1450166109;punkman;maybe trb doesn't like compressed pubkeys? 1343299;1450166604;BingoBoingo;http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/key.h 1343300;1450166605;assbot;Satoshi ... ( http://bit.ly/1SYG4HE ) 1343301;1450166676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 279150 @ 0.0004801 = 134.0199 BTC [-] {4} 1343302;1450166773;adlai;!s uncompressed 1343303;1450166773;assbot;5 results for 'uncompressed' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=uncompressed 1343304;1450166895;adlai;deeding to uncompressed addresses has the featurbugresult of requiring more satoshibytes to spend, for the same notarization cost 1343305;1450169421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104500 @ 0.00047853 = 50.0064 BTC [-] {6} 1343306;1450170702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50350 @ 0.00047766 = 24.0502 BTC [-] {3} 1343307;1450170885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115313 @ 0.00048359 = 55.7642 BTC [+] {2} 1343308;1450171933;deedbot-;[Qntra] Withdrawal Fees For Changetip Starting - http://qntra.net/2015/12/withdrawal-fees-for-changetip-starting/ 1343309;1450172052;adlai;not tagged Altcoins? :P 1343310;1450172211;BingoBoingo;lol, not this time 1343311;1450172222;BingoBoingo;Don't think changetip is even that anymore 1343312;1450172837;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59739 @ 0.00048118 = 28.7452 BTC [-] {2} 1343313;1450174667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83350 @ 0.00048379 = 40.3239 BTC [+] {2} 1343314;1450176009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96000 @ 0.0004871 = 46.7616 BTC [+] {3} 1343315;1450176268;BingoBoingo;Holy shit. danielpbarron is now a gurl on twitter. 1343316;1450178571;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100550 @ 0.00048326 = 48.5918 BTC [-] {3} 1343317;1450181133;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95338 @ 0.00047868 = 45.6364 BTC [-] {3} 1343318;1450181926;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21400 @ 0.00047853 = 10.2405 BTC [-] {2} 1343319;1450183350;danielpbarron;hah BingoBoingo, that's not my only account. You can share it with me if you want 1343320;1450183954;shinohai;https://twitter.com/btcdrak/status/676746106315874304 <<< btcdrak found his safe space 1343321;1450184000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42300 @ 0.00048548 = 20.5358 BTC [+] 1343322;1450184644;nubbins`;i forgot we were doing deeds here 1343323;1450184654;*;nubbins` pushed a deed to the bc yesterday of his own accord 1343324;1450184976;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30764 @ 0.00048455 = 14.9067 BTC [-] 1343325;1450185365;jurov;lmao http://www.dx.com/p/silicone-thin-face-anti-aging-massager-thin-wrinkles-chin-care-418985 1343326;1450185366;assbot;Silicone Thin Face Anti-aging Massager Thin Wrinkles Chin Care - Free Shipping - DealExtreme ... ( http://bit.ly/1Z9UqZF ) 1343327;1450185402;jurov;or http://www.dx.com/p/noble-2-minute-charming-smile-trainer-21150 1343328;1450185403;assbot;NOBLE 2-Minute Charming Smile Trainer - Free Shipping - DealExtreme ... ( http://bit.ly/1Z9Uvw8 ) 1343329;1450185586;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34841 @ 0.00048597 = 16.9317 BTC [+] {2} 1343330;1450186867;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41000 @ 0.00048625 = 19.9363 BTC [+] 1343331;1450187372;punkman;"crapjects" 1343332;1450188087;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80650 @ 0.00048455 = 39.079 BTC [-] 1343333;1450188697;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87200 @ 0.00048636 = 42.4106 BTC [+] {2} 1343334;1450189368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110300 @ 0.00048455 = 53.4459 BTC [-] 1343335;1450189504;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343236 << not like i've paid macri to deny visas to usians or anything. 1343336;1450189504;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 03:32:39; ben_vulpes: grand shame considering the wine and steak cost/quality curve in bsas 1343337;1450189563;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343256 << eh by now i can't even give a shit. 1343338;1450189563;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 04:07:41; asciilifeform: another melted switch ? 1343339;1450189580;mircea_popescu;anyone wants to read things, read them when they can. trilema's not a consumer good, the consumer's at trilema's convenience. 1343340;1450189591;mircea_popescu;and if the consumer doesn't like this situation, that's fine : buy a gun shoot your president. 1343341;1450189700;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343282 <<< oft repeated by yours truly, tho perhaps not really here. 1343342;1450189700;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 07:17:41; punkman: http://fusion.net/story/244545/famous-and-broke-on-youtube-instagram-social-media/ for entomologists 1343343;1450189717;mircea_popescu;was the #1 topic back in romanian-trilema days, due to the readership being primarily interested in it. 1343344;1450189894;mircea_popescu;all these "successes" would make more money in plain prostitution in 1995 than they do with their "successful" internet bullshits today. but hey, people would much rather "disbelieve" and carry on with their idiocy than stop and reconsider whether "women's issues" and "pop culture" are a decent use of their productive time. 1343345;1450189938;mircea_popescu;"Platforms like YouTube mirror the U.S. economys yawning wealth gap, and being a part of YouTubes middle class often means grappling daily with the cognitive dissonance of a full comments section and an empty wallet. Journalists kvell over stars like Swedish gamer Pewdiepie, whose net worth is around $12 million, or comedian Jenna Marbles, whos worth around $2.5 million. On the other extreme, fan-funding 1343346;1450189939;mircea_popescu; sites like Patreon (a Kickstarter-type site that allows for ongoing funding) are at the center of a communal movement to fund smaller YouTubers. But that definition gets blurry. Is someone with 50,000 subscribers worth supporting financially? How about 200,000? What if people assume youre too successful to need money, and youre too proud to tell them otherwise?" 1343347;1450189983;mircea_popescu;that's not the question. the question is why is mp worth a billion and kim kardashian worth 10 million. when did death threats > nice ass, by 3 degrees of magnitude ? is this allowed by Obama ? 1343348;1450190024;mircea_popescu;"Nobody knows all this better than me. Im 27 years old and have been building an online following for 10 years, beginning with a popular Livejournal I wrote in high school." << and yet the notion doesn't go through his head that maybe http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=09-09-2015#1267054 1343349;1450190024;assbot;Logged on 09-09-2015 02:12:06; assbot: Logged on 30-01-2015 05:51:36; mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums. 1343350;1450190041;mircea_popescu;and maybe a whole raft of "choices" he "made" by "himself" are the cause of his poverty, through the proxy of his indescribable stupidity. 1343351;1450190096;mircea_popescu;"The high highs and low lows leave me reeling. One week, I was stopped for photos six times while perusing comic books in downtown L.A. The next week, I sat faceless in a room of 40 people vying for a menial courier job. Ive walked a red carpet with $80 in my bank account. Popular YouTube musician Meghan Tonjes said she performed on Vidcons MainStage this year to screaming, crying fans without knowing whether she 1343352;1450190096;mircea_popescu;d be able to afford groceries." 1343353;1450190098;mircea_popescu;so much win. 1343354;1450190392;mircea_popescu;"She likened trying to get famous through social media to shelling out money for collegein each case, one suffers through hard work and zero-to-negative income in the hopes of a later payout. The difference, Beggs said, is that YouTube is more accessible because theres no admissions committee. The technical term for this is the Dunning Kruger effect, where unskilled individuals believe themselves to be more 1343355;1450190392;mircea_popescu; adept than they are." 1343356;1450190413;mircea_popescu;heh. and alf blames colleges. looky here alfie : without the college scams, these schmucks would go to youtube to be fleeced. 1343357;1450190427;mircea_popescu;because cow gotta be milked. otherwise, mastitis. it hurts. 1343358;1450190451;mircea_popescu;|Online culture has often placed emphasis on both social justice and purityor at the very least, humility.| >>> bwajhahjajaja 1343359;1450190456;mircea_popescu;mno, it hasn't. 1343360;1450190571;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343292 << you don;'t understand how the future works. 1343361;1450190571;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 07:47:56; BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343231 << Was offline dedicating my pipe to a test. Holy fuckballs does 0.11.2 suck at peer discovery and sig verification speed. 1343362;1450190680;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343292 << is that a portmanteau of "the internet i mean the wwweb" on one hand and "rejects" on the other ? or "projects" on the other ? 1343363;1450190680;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 07:47:56; BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343231 << Was offline dedicating my pipe to a test. Holy fuckballs does 0.11.2 suck at peer discovery and sig verification speed. 1343364;1450190710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 106094 @ 0.00048717 = 51.6858 BTC [+] {3} 1343365;1450191052;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "|Today social media spamming service Changetip in a bid to generate revenue from users is set to begin charging a one percent withdrawal fee." <<< you mean "In a bid to generate revenue the social media spamming service Changetip is set to begin charging a one percent withdrawal fee today. As people actually involved in Bitcoin might remember, the 1% fee exists as a Schelling point mostly due to BitBet's i 1343366;1450191052;mircea_popescu;ntroduction a few years ago. The trend where fiat-based Bitcoin parasites follow Bitcoin regulation enshrined by the most serene republic is encouraging as to their prospects. The trend where they fail to mention whom they're copying (and why) is perhaps dangerous to their userbase of poor confused nobodies, who have demonstr 1343367;1450191052;mircea_popescu;ated time and again that they don't really have the intellectual wherewithal to find their way out of the fiat paper bag. 1343368;1450191055;mircea_popescu;Always remember, dear fiat craptrepreneurs : sucking republican cock is a good start, but always remember to make eye contact! That's where your submission really sinks in, to everyone (and especially to your) benefit." ? 1343369;1450191701;mircea_popescu;;;isup trilema.com 1343370;1450191703;gribble;trilema.com is up 1343371;1450191707;mircea_popescu;mkay, so there we go. 1343372;1450192187;thestringpuller;"If every single person withdrew all their coins they would make less than $3500. This isn't a viable business model." 1343373;1450192477;jurov;s3fe sp3c3 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153860472073258&set=a.56668928257.65273.771733257&type=3&theater 1343374;1450192477;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QlULaa ) 1343375;1450192497;nubbins`;if every single person did any given action, stupid shit would happen. 1343376;1450192508;nubbins`;Life isn't a viable biznis model 1343377;1450192576;thestringpuller;;;calc 0.01 * 775 * 430 1343378;1450192576;gribble;3332.5 1343379;1450192588;nubbins`;"If the laws of probability completely broke down, this bad thing would happen to ur moniez" 1343380;1450192605;nubbins`;yeah, that's great, but I'm more concerned with the fact that all of london is trying to visit the zoo at the same time 1343381;1450192615;mircea_popescu;if every ustard < 40 did a honest day's work, china'd be so fucked. 1343382;1450192659;thestringpuller;except the US has terrible management these days 1343383;1450192662;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67300 @ 0.00048886 = 32.9003 BTC [+] {2} 1343384;1450192697;mircea_popescu;there is that. 1343385;1450192718;thestringpuller;blame the shepards not the sheep... 1343386;1450192784;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125550 @ 0.00049027 = 61.5534 BTC [+] {2} 1343387;1450193024;mircea_popescu;no, i'll blame the sheep. 1343388;1450193524;thestringpuller;more ruthless than suge knight on death row. 1343389;1450193540;nubbins`;the new and "untouchable" death row records 1343390;1450193559;nubbins`;i recall watching an interview with him once 1343391;1450193565;nubbins`;talking about vanilla ice, the rapper 1343392;1450193585;thestringpuller;"Hangin' out the window \ it bout to be a suge knight" 1343393;1450193585;nubbins`;he legitimately said "vanilla ice didn't write his debut album. nigga named chocolate wrote that album." 1343394;1450193600;mircea_popescu;in other news, the eyes are the windows of the soul. http://41.media.tumblr.com/2c7851d21c6393f5aa298deb90643da0/tumblr_mslu2895dT1s4pdvfo1_1280.jpg 1343395;1450193602;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1J9fS7P ) 1343396;1450193624;mircea_popescu;what's a suge knight 1343397;1450193669;nubbins`;a type of record executive 1343398;1450193672;nubbins`;http://dick-surgery.bandcamp.com/track/the-eyes-are-the-anus-of-the-face 1343399;1450193673;assbot;The Eyes are the Anus of the Face | Dick Surgery ... ( http://bit.ly/1J9g3Qx ) 1343400;1450193678;mircea_popescu;ha-ha 1343401;1450193683;nubbins`;my band ;( 1343402;1450193720;nubbins`;pretty terrible 1343403;1450193734;mircea_popescu;why would you be in a terrible band ? 1343404;1450193748;nubbins`;for the lulz and the free beer, obvs 1343405;1450193755;mircea_popescu;aok 1343406;1450193772;nubbins`;plus smacking drums is a great way to unwind 1343407;1450193837;thestringpuller;^^^trulyfe 1343408;1450194054;mircea_popescu;because of the leather amirite 1343409;1450194103;nubbins`;most heads are synthetic these days 1343410;1450194116;nubbins`;stool is leather but if you sit on it too long your dick falls asleep 1343411;1450194177;mircea_popescu;hm 1343412;1450194187;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109080 @ 0.00049048 = 53.5016 BTC [+] {3} 1343413;1450194351;thestringpuller;!gettrust phantomcircuit 1343414;1450194351;assbot;Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user phantomcircuit: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -5 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=thestringpuller&to=phantomcircuit | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/phantomcircuit/ 1343415;1450194377;thestringpuller;funny everytime i see these old derps names in -dev logs always has a negative L2 rating 1343416;1450194507;mircea_popescu;this because bitcoin is not like open sores. 1343417;1450194525;mircea_popescu;more like eyesores. 1343418;1450194624;thestringpuller;bitcoin does need more eyecandy 1343419;1450194839;shinohai;"whenever you interact with him god kills a kitten" <<< priceless 1343420;1450195651;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99264 @ 0.00048741 = 48.3823 BTC [-] 1343421;1450196264;jurov;;;ticker --currency eur 1343422;1450196266;gribble;Error: Failure to retrieve ticker. Try again later. 1343423;1450196276;jurov;;;ticker --currency eur --market bitcoincentral 1343424;1450196277;gribble;Bitcoin-Central BTCEUR ticker | Best bid: 407.6, Best ask: 407.6, Bid-ask spread: 0.00000, Last trade: 407.6, 24 hour volume: 53.70502554, 24 hour low: 399.0, 24 hour high: 410.0, 24 hour vwap: 404.84722866 1343425;1450197054;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71300 @ 0.00048644 = 34.6832 BTC [-] {2} 1343426;1450198213;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41352 @ 0.00048957 = 20.2447 BTC [+] {2} 1343427;1450198274;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51148 @ 0.00048572 = 24.8436 BTC [-] {2} 1343428;1450198640;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50200 @ 0.00048445 = 24.3194 BTC [-] {3} 1343429;1450198730;davout;mircea_popescu: pl0x to x.eur 1343430;1450198748;davout;jurov: paymium was victim of its own success this afternoon 1343431;1450198762;kakobrekla; what happened? 1343432;1450198787;jurov;big delivery requested? 1343433;1450198813;davout;hah no, large update 1343434;1450199190;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: i don't take the 'babies sleeping on stomachs' thing one way or another, though the 'sids' angle is covered here : http://www.contravex.com/2015/04/21/the-case-for-infanticide/#comment-21345 1343435;1450199191;assbot;The case for infanticide. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1mlWYWh ) 1343436;1450199367;pete_dushenski;http://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.03346v1.pdf << 'autonomous vehicles need experimental ethics : are we ready for utilitarian cars ?' << another one for ben_vulpes, mitch_callahan, et al. 1343437;1450199922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.00049064 = 8.8806 BTC [+] 1343438;1450200044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3450 @ 0.00048424 = 1.6706 BTC [-] {2} 1343439;1450200166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40000 @ 0.00048424 = 19.3696 BTC [-] 1343440;1450201321;pete_dushenski;"Multiculturalism leads to parallel societies and therefore remains a ‘life lie,’ ” or a sham, she said, before adding that Germany may be reaching its limits in terms of accepting more refugees. "The challenge is immense," she said. "We want and we will reduce the number of refugees noticeably." 1343441;1450201328;pete_dushenski;^angela merkel 1343442;1450201461;nubbins`;parallel societies! 1343443;1450201470;punkman;lol! 1343444;1450201483;nubbins`;wtf does that even mean 1343445;1450201490;nubbins`;some people have ham for dinner? 1343446;1450201514;punkman;I'm guessing they are starting to build favelas in germany 1343447;1450201519;nubbins`;"we want everyone to be homogenous, somehow, even though i'm fucking german and that didn't make sense even before this started happening" 1343448;1450201557;pete_dushenski;heh. bringing in a whackload of non-yurapeans into your country without also forcing them to submit to the rules and regulations of the dominant resident culture is asking to be mowed down. 1343449;1450201589;nubbins`;hey, in canada you still have to swear fealty to the queen. 1343450;1450201606;pete_dushenski;that and 5 bucks buys you coffee 1343451;1450201612;nubbins`;only at charbucks 1343452;1450201630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35400 @ 0.00049108 = 17.3842 BTC [+] {2} 1343453;1450201630;pete_dushenski;when's the last time you saw a new immigrant getting thumped on the head for not lifting his pinky while drinking tea ? 1343454;1450201747;nubbins`;commisariat house afternoon tea, july 21 2015, st johns nl 1343455;1450201751;nubbins`;just kidding 1343456;1450202783;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_field 1343457;1450202850;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 189200 @ 0.00048388 = 91.5501 BTC [-] {9} 1343458;1450202880;pete_dushenski;http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/fluechtlinge-angela-merkel-spricht-von-historischer-bewaehrungsprobe-fuer-europa-a-1067685.html 1343459;1450202881;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ou5E3o ) 1343460;1450202918;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343335 << it'd be lulzy to go to mircea_popesculand and throw a party and see if he shows up ! 1343461;1450202918;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 14:25:04; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343236 << not like i've paid macri to deny visas to usians or anything. 1343462;1450203021;mircea_popescu;considering the sad state of ba night life, it'd be a wonder if i didn't. 1343463;1450203031;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343339 << wonder if mircea_popescu is thinking of moving the thing to gossipnet when the latter is up 1343464;1450203031;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 14:26:20; mircea_popescu: anyone wants to read things, read them when they can. trilema's not a consumer good, the consumer's at trilema's convenience. 1343465;1450203038;mircea_popescu;yes. 1343466;1450203108;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343350 << she. the linked piece was, iirc, written by gurl 1343467;1450203108;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 14:34:01; mircea_popescu: and maybe a whole raft of "choices" he "made" by "himself" are the cause of his poverty, through the proxy of his indescribable stupidity. 1343468;1450203162;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343356 << actually having dedicated barns for the cows, with proper milking hardware, is the Right Thing 1343469;1450203162;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 14:40:13; mircea_popescu: heh. and alf blames colleges. looky here alfie : without the college scams, these schmucks would go to youtube to be fleeced. 1343470;1450203181;ascii_field;whereas having them in morning traffic (ask a fella from india. 'brake inspector!1111') is not. 1343471;1450203224;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343365 << i thought it was a wallet-dust/'coin taint track' usgtron 1343472;1450203224;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 14:50:52; mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "|Today social media spamming service Changetip in a bid to generate revenue from users is set to begin charging a one percent withdrawal fee." <<< you mean "In a bid to generate revenue the social media spamming service Changetip is set to begin charging a one percent withdrawal fee today. As people actually involved in Bitcoin might remember, the 1% fee exists as a Schelling point mostl 1343473;1450203291;nubbins`;you mean "in a bid to generate revenue, the social..." 1343474;1450203318;mircea_popescu;so i do. 1343475;1450203357;nubbins`;changetip, lel 1343476;1450203374;nubbins`;someone tried tipping me ten cents on reddit once for a comment they deemed insightful 1343477;1450203406;nubbins`;imagine interacting with other human beings and one of them hands you a dime when you say something 1343478;1450203415;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo no le gusta los commas 1343479;1450203432;ascii_field;nubbins`: a dime with a rope glued on 1343480;1450203438;nubbins`;now this social impossibility can be achieved electronically, through the wonders of the internet 1343481;1450203452;nubbins`;ascii_field a hollow dime with a ?? inside 1343482;1450203469;ascii_field;well... more like a dime with radio beacon glued on 1343483;1450203472;ascii_field;but anyway 1343484;1450203480;nubbins`;splitting hairs here 1343485;1450203496;nubbins`;i gotta go to fedex 1343486;1450203512;nubbins`;incidentally a jan 3 2009 copy of the times sells for 10btc 1343487;1450203514;nubbins`;or whatever 1343488;1450203593;ascii_field;;;later tell trinque https://scottlocklin.wordpress.com/2015/12/15/an-introduction-to-kerf << lulzy, reminds me of something you once described 1343489;1450203594;assbot;An introduction to Kerf | Locklin on science ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ou6YU0 ) 1343490;1450203594;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1343491;1450203831;ascii_field;https://cryptome.org/crypto-free.htm << lulzy 1343492;1450203833;assbot;International Cryptography Freedom ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ou7nG9 ) 1343493;1450203927;ascii_field;meanwhile, on other side of atlantic, http://futurezone.at/netzpolitik/snowden-dokumente-sind-noch-immer-toxisch/169.599.092 1343494;1450203928;assbot;"Snowden-Dokumente sind noch immer toxisch" - futurezone.at ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ou7y4g ) 1343495;1450204009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124792 @ 0.00048981 = 61.1244 BTC [+] 1343496;1450204045;mircea_popescu;ascii_field they have a point. as far as the slave^H^H^H^H^H german is concerned, reminders of the cock up his ass are unwelcome and "toxic" to his emotional well being or w/e 1343497;1450204079;mircea_popescu;iirc that ugly fat woman whatever her name is that rules his germans still hasn't obtained the slightest satisfaction for being gangraped by the ustards. 1343498;1450204087;ascii_field;speaking of mass rape, 1343499;1450204088;ascii_field;'We give special attention to whether an AV should save lives by sacrificing its owner, and provide insights into (i) the perceived morality of this self-sacrifice, (ii)the willingness to see this self-sacrifice being legally enforced, (iii) the expectations that AVs will be programmed to self-sacrifice, and (iv) the willingness to buy self-sacrificing AVs.' 1343500;1450204090;mircea_popescu;but hey, maybe one day germany improves enough to be russia. 1343501;1450204276;ascii_field;it is no surprise of any kind that usg is obsessed with 'automatic car'. 1343502;1450204294;nubbins`;just think of all the extra shit you could buy/eat while travelling 1343503;1450204332;nubbins`;struck a ped? better blame the mfg/gov 1343504;1450204335;ascii_field;not to mention the wonderful detours 1343505;1450204339;nubbins`;win/win scenario 1343506;1450204345;mircea_popescu;all this wankery. "oh, should it self-sacrifice ???" 1343507;1450204358;ascii_field;(everybody gets to go through the mw radar arch. and if you're flagged, your car will go straight to the crematorium) 1343508;1450204366;mircea_popescu;let's discuss things of import! to be prepared in case a windfaul reaches us, with a game-plan! to save africa! 1343509;1450204394;nubbins`;for whom the booth tolls! 1343510;1450204433;ascii_field;not to mention the low-tech beauty of 'self-driving car accident' as a means of removing troublesome folk 1343511;1450204453;mircea_popescu;ascii_field the problem with this is that nobody in the Housbroken universe actually owns a car. 1343512;1450204463;ascii_field;wawat 1343513;1450204465;mircea_popescu;seen that film btw ? pretty great indictment of ustardian/white youth 1343514;1450204486;pete_dushenski;ascii_field: owns as in outright, no outstanding loan. 1343515;1450204486;ascii_field;EVERYBODY in usaschwitz (with very few exceptions) spends a good chunk of the day in a car 1343516;1450204496;nubbins`;"wild tales" seemed a great indictment of modern argentina, mp might like it 1343517;1450204497;ascii_field;how the car is gotten - is another matter 1343518;1450204508;pete_dushenski;oddly, only the poorest 'own' car. ($500 beater) 1343519;1450204516;nubbins`;^ 1343520;1450204530;mircea_popescu;coupla 20something kids that anyone simply wants to see raped to death. they're the couch surfing, biking, "creative" minds of the tomorrow / "economies of scale of being youtube famous meaning not famous" 1343521;1450204543;nubbins`;general idea is to "buy" new car before old car is actually owned by you 1343522;1450204552;ascii_field;that marvel of precision engineering, the car that promptly falls apart after the last credit payment, is a fairly recent invention 1343523;1450204581;ascii_field;but sop for something like a decade now, yes 1343524;1450204611;nubbins`;mp you know the 20somethings are the antiheroes in that movie yes? 1343525;1450204621;nubbins`;i.e. the target audience is rooting for them and against mean old dad? 1343526;1450204624;nubbins`;!up ascii_field 1343527;1450204638;nubbins`;because why we gotta get a job man this sux 1343528;1450204639;mircea_popescu;nubbins` that's exactly my point. none of those schmucks has a car. 1343529;1450204650;nubbins`;well it's also a danny devito movie 1343530;1450204653;mircea_popescu;more importantly, none of those schmucks is the intellectual equal of "car ownership" 1343531;1450204657;mircea_popescu;forget owning their own women. 1343532;1450204679;nubbins`;which is literally the button right next to "big mac, upsize fries" on the big machine 1343533;1450204681;mircea_popescu;actually playing out a penitentiary inmate irl is a bar they have to prepare for. 1343534;1450204690;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: most u.s. folks have (in some sense which involves driving it) a car. of some description. 1343535;1450204697;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: waitwut THAT'S the hierarchy ? easier to own woman than car ? 1343536;1450204702;mircea_popescu;ascii_field you don't fuck teens alf. you have nfi what your country's like. 1343537;1450204710;nubbins`;heh 1343538;1450204711;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski mno ? 1343539;1450204716;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: fair enough 1343540;1450204725;*;pete_dushenski re-reads. 1343541;1450204749;pete_dushenski;got it. 1343542;1450204749;ascii_field;but where i live, i see even street beggars get into at least a toyota at the end of a long hard day shaking a cup of coins 1343543;1450204761;mircea_popescu;but none of these beggars are 22. 1343544;1450204764;nubbins`;street begging earns ok money 1343545;1450204783;mircea_popescu;the 22 yo beggars are "working hard" at "their social media presence" and don't have access to a car. 1343546;1450204785;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: aha. these tend to be old grizzled folk 1343547;1450204796;mircea_popescu;and so they're going to the crematorium anyway. 1343548;1450204802;deedbot-;[Trilema] Procedural Dungeon Generation for Eulora - http://trilema.com/2015/procedural-dungeon-generation-for-eulora/ 1343549;1450204809;ascii_field;the 'social media' maggots tend to gravitate to conurbations with good train service, etc 1343550;1450204813;mircea_popescu;just about the magical car you discuss may be at the earlierst delivered 1343551;1450204837;mircea_popescu;they simply tend to gravitate to places where their dismal means to life are sufficient to survive. "oh i couldn't live in kentucky" 1343552;1450204845;mircea_popescu;indeed you couldn't. baby turtles would eat you. 1343553;1450204877;ascii_field;kentucky is not a magical enclave of the economically +ev 1343554;1450204888;ascii_field;(afaik we don't have any such) 1343555;1450204895;nubbins`;in fairness, taping up a couple photocopies around the city isn't a great way to recruit specific talent 1343556;1450204896;mircea_popescu;no, but it is a magical enclave where you gotta be able to find your way out of a paper bag 1343557;1450204934;mircea_popescu;nubbins` a) couple HUNDRED ; b) if i taped up not a couple, a single "jeans and chewing gum" ad in soviet blok, i'd have needed the canadian mounties to keep order. 1343558;1450204954;mircea_popescu;that this shithole doesn't admit it's one step away from poland 1985 doesn't mean it isn't actually one step away from poland 1985 1343559;1450204958;ascii_field;but afaik it has an ordinary cross-section of ameri-bezzle. i.e. you can just as easily warm a chair at lockheed in kentucky as in dc. 1343560;1450204971;mircea_popescu;ascii_field none of these dudes get warm chairs of any kind. 1343561;1450205001;mircea_popescu;they're the leah goodmans of this world. the people you think are what they wish they were, while meanwhile they starve while thinking somehow they're too good for my ten bitcents. 1343562;1450205014;ascii_field;ah - them 1343563;1450205028;*;ascii_field doesn't spend much time around the certified economically-dead folk 1343564;1450205032;mircea_popescu;yes, them. most everyone that's white and under 30. them. 1343565;1450205098;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: well specific modelling talent is hard to recruit since it's in high demand. 1343566;1450205107;thestringpuller;particularly in this field. 1343567;1450205110;mircea_popescu;not here. 1343568;1450205136;mircea_popescu;argentina is about as economically dead as you'd expect of a soy & other cash crops exporter. 1343569;1450205148;nubbins`;wtf does argentina have to do with it? 1343570;1450205157;nubbins`;you're on the internet, not on the argentina 1343571;1450205157;mircea_popescu;nubbins` the ads were in argentina doh. 1343572;1450205162;mircea_popescu;... 1343573;1450205162;nubbins`;well yes 1343574;1450205165;nubbins`;that's the problem 1343575;1450205177;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: might ar be a candidate to become 'an india' - in the sense of coolie labour on warm chairs with keyboard ..? 1343576;1450205180;nubbins`;i know two argentinian artists. know where they live? 1343577;1450205181;mircea_popescu;so wait, let me get this straight. when i want ascii to move here he can't because HE needs meatwot. 1343578;1450205182;nubbins`;not argentina 1343579;1450205192;thestringpuller;But it's not really an economics problem. Game artists are borderline cultists...a game artist will work for free for say Nintendo just cause it's nintendo... 1343580;1450205196;mircea_popescu;when i want to hire the useless shitsacks perambulating in buenos aires, they don't need me. becuase... internet. 1343581;1450205211;mircea_popescu;let's play this game where I use the argument both ways and nobody uses the counter-argument both ways against me 1343582;1450205214;mircea_popescu;because I am the capitalist. 1343583;1450205222;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: laugh all you like, but i went & found a new gig the 'mainstream' way, sans meatwot 1343584;1450205223;nubbins`;you want to hire useless shitsacks? 1343585;1450205233;mircea_popescu;so ; ascii moves because internet ; argentine shitsacks are stuck because meatwot. 1343586;1450205236;mircea_popescu;not vice-fucking-versa. 1343587;1450205249;mircea_popescu;nubbins` i did advertise to argentines, right ? 1343588;1450205256;ascii_field;(but new gig is still a bezzlatronic thing that doesn't exist in ar) 1343589;1450205267;nubbins`;not really, you taped a bunch of flyers to outdoor walls. 1343590;1450205275;mircea_popescu;... 1343591;1450205283;mircea_popescu;you ever been here ? 1343592;1450205291;nubbins`;close 1343593;1450205293;nubbins`;but not 1343594;1450205308;mircea_popescu;yeah well, then on what basis to you propose to put forth subtlety-based arguments such as that ? 1343595;1450205319;mircea_popescu;for all you know the two are identical. in point of fact they are identical. 1343596;1450205335;nubbins`;on the basis that nobody anywhere in the world advertises for a position more involved than daycare in this manner 1343597;1450205349;ascii_field;also iirc mircea_popescu didn't hire people ? 1343598;1450205355;nubbins`;and while i've not lived many places, i've visited plenty 1343599;1450205370;nubbins`;talented people don't bother reading wheatpasted "help wanted" ads 1343600;1450205374;thestringpuller;I think mircea_popescu underestimates the amount of effort that goes into tayloring game art skills. 1343601;1450205394;nubbins`;that's how the penniless search for help 1343602;1450205416;mircea_popescu;ascii_field thestringpuller allow me to drag in the stalin and other people's fat thing. 1343603;1450205421;nubbins`; the simple fact that you advertised in that manner means nobody qualified is gonna bother reading to the contact info 1343604;1450205432;mircea_popescu;nubbins` again, how the fuck would ytou know ? 1343605;1450205453;nubbins`;because i'm a self-aware adult who lives in the world? 1343606;1450205456;mircea_popescu;don't tell me YOU're the one that's fucking argentine art school majors ? 1343607;1450205462;mircea_popescu;no, you aren't. 1343608;1450205465;nubbins`;but hey, it's not like you need my advice. you seem to have a good handle on advertising for all your ventures O.O 1343609;1450205490;mircea_popescu;the bar for "self-aware adult who lives in the world" is so fuycking high i don't think i'm necessarily there. 1343610;1450205511;nubbins`;MP punching a loaf of bread with a quarter ham: "these idiot ingredients don't make a good sandwich" 1343611;1450205524;mircea_popescu;you're an above-average canadina living in canada. readily granted, but the world is not canada. 1343612;1450205545;ascii_field;https://xkcd.com/180 << oblig 1343613;1450205546;assbot;xkcd: Canada ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmTDD3 ) 1343614;1450205551;nubbins`;in fairness i've only been to maybe a dozen countries 1343615;1450205559;mircea_popescu;in fairness. 1343616;1450205563;nubbins`;but nowhere approaches talent recruitment with this level of retardation 1343617;1450205572;mircea_popescu;"been to" is when you live there, with local women. 1343618;1450205576;mircea_popescu;tourist bs dun count for shit. 1343619;1450205584;nubbins`;but again, keep trying yr current approach 1343620;1450205588;nubbins`;it'll eventually work 1343621;1450205594;nubbins`;and if not, it's 100% because of everyone else 1343622;1450205600;mircea_popescu;heh. 1343623;1450205607;nubbins`;not because taping a flyer to a wall is the shittest way of doing what you're trying to do 1343624;1450205608;nubbins`;:D 1343625;1450205620;mircea_popescu;looky, you don't get to misrepresent what you hear on the basis of how stupid the parts of it that you understood seemed to you. 1343626;1450205643;nubbins`;you know mp is running out of patience when he gets to "looky" and "you don't get" 1343627;1450205657;ascii_field;can we do stalin and fat before mircea_popescu forgets why ? 1343628;1450205657;nubbins`;you don't get to pretend taping shit to a wall makes sense. 1343629;1450205676;nubbins`;"the people will notice it's not the turd it seems" 1343630;1450205680;nubbins`;uh huh 1343631;1450205691;mircea_popescu;taping shit to a wall has a longer history than canada. 1343632;1450205701;nubbins`;that's the qualifier now? 1343633;1450205703;mircea_popescu;not that that particular stupidity is too well related to the other stupidities. 1343634;1450205711;mircea_popescu;ascii_field sure. what about it ? 1343635;1450205715;nubbins`;usa has a longer history than canada, see where that's got em 1343636;1450205742;mircea_popescu;nubbins` this is where you notice that you said something dumb and realise that maybe the other things you said come from the same place. 1343637;1450205774;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343602 << maybe i'm thick, but not sure how it plugs in 1343638;1450205774;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 18:50:16; mircea_popescu: ascii_field thestringpuller allow me to drag in the stalin and other people's fat thing. 1343639;1450205777;nubbins`;hey, that's the next best thing to actually claiming that yr approach to recruitment makes sense 1343640;1450205814;nubbins`;remember when leah goodman chose dorian nakamoto because he was the only satoshi within driving distance? 1343641;1450205814;mircea_popescu;there exist people in this world who are economically worthless because they are argentines. giving them an opportunity to starve so as to work for me, a guy that isn't economically worthless for being argentine, is a -ev play for most and a +ev play for some. 1343642;1450205820;mircea_popescu;exactly the stalin approach. 1343643;1450205847;ascii_field;nubbins`: where i live, posters on telephone poles are pretty much exclusively for classical scams (ponzi, 'sell house quick', 'work to save the earth!111', etc) 1343644;1450205856;nubbins`;remember when you put up a bunch of flyers in b.a because it was the only city within driving distance? 1343645;1450205858;mircea_popescu;"ethereum" 1343646;1450205860;nubbins`;ascii_field mp doesn't realize this 1343647;1450205861;ascii_field;items which even the fishwrap would not print 1343648;1450205871;mircea_popescu;nubbins` ba is a city with more population than the whole country you live in omfg. 1343649;1450205873;nubbins`;despite being worldly 1343650;1450205876;ascii_field;but i do not think this is true in ba 1343651;1450205889;nubbins`;mircea_popescu so..? 1343652;1450205893;mircea_popescu;ascii_field whart do you mean not true in ba! all places are the same places! all peopel are really the same as nubbins! 1343653;1450205896;mircea_popescu;EVERYTHING IS THE SAME! 1343654;1450205918;nubbins`;i lived in seoul, 21mn people in metro area. know who's advertising on the poles? 1343655;1450205919;*;ascii_field saw a great many things on placards in ba 1343656;1450205920;mircea_popescu;sure makes thinking one "self aware of the world" a shithell of a heck easier. 1343657;1450205924;nubbins`;strip clubs and diet pills 1343658;1450205935;mircea_popescu;nubbins` seoul is a motherfucking rich place omfg. 1343659;1450205939;nubbins`;lule 1343660;1450205942;ascii_field;nubbins`: in ba, at least as far as my naked eye could see, it was mostly whores. 1343661;1450205943;nubbins`;is it? 1343662;1450205947;ascii_field;but (afaik) perfectly honest ones 1343663;1450205956;mircea_popescu;i don't think you actually understand how poor these people are. 1343664;1450205995;nubbins`;i don't think you actually understand how many people in seoul make a living picking grubs out of trees, boiling them, and selling them in little paper cups w/ a toothpick 1343665;1450206006;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/12/withdrawal-fees-for-changetip-starting/#comment-83042 << Mega lol, also article updated 1343666;1450206007;assbot;Withdrawal Fees For Changetip Starting | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1J9Rl2f ) 1343667;1450206016;mircea_popescu;why the fuck does that make a difference ? "because all people are people" ? 1343668;1450206018;nubbins`;it's a rich place like nyc is a rich place 1343669;1450206039;nubbins`;you're struggling to string a point together here 1343670;1450206044;mircea_popescu;the argument here isn't that some unrelated people are poor. the argument here is that the very fucking people in question don't have fifty pesos. 1343671;1450206046;nubbins`;what are you saying, the talent exists in b.a? 1343672;1450206048;ascii_field;'The Bitcoin community had a huge opportunity to help shape ChangeTip into something beautiful to use to help bitcoin adoption forward, and largely has allowed negativity to consume this possibility.' << l0ltr0nic 1343673;1450206075;mircea_popescu;nubbins` i am saying that if i rouded up all the 10k or so computer art majors in town and gave them the choice of paying me 100k in cash or dying in a fire 1343674;1450206079;mircea_popescu;they couldn't get the 100k together. 1343675;1450206098;nubbins`;and i am saying that you've gone the polar opposite of "rounding up all the 10k". 1343676;1450206105;mircea_popescu;... 1343677;1450206115;nubbins`;you've rounded up all the 0. 1343678;1450206123;mircea_popescu;and you know this because you feel things. 1343679;1450206138;nubbins`;i know this because nobody bothered reading your ads 1343680;1450206138;thestringpuller;don't think poor people are best adapted for working in 3DS Max/Maya given the time investment, plus the cost of the software. 1343681;1450206143;mircea_popescu;"no, i know this because i can fit explanations ex post facto as well as alf used to can" 1343682;1450206164;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller i don't want to work with people who pay "for software" in this sense anyway. 1343683;1450206164;ascii_field;thestringpuller: 'cost of the software' ?!!!! ya trying to make me die of laugh ? 1343684;1450206170;nubbins`;dat invention of hypotheticals as a retort 1343685;1450206203;nubbins`;posting flyers in b.a is about as sensible as posting a wanted at on derpstalk forum 1343686;1450206214;mircea_popescu;and you know this because... 1343687;1450206216;nubbins`;for reasons which i cannot begin to fathom, you seem to not equate these two things 1343688;1450206231;thestringpuller;oops meant cost of hardware to run said software* 1343689;1450206263;nubbins`;mp you know the opposite because, what? some random chick tells you "yeah this is how people find work here" 1343690;1450206274;nubbins`;thumbsup.svg 1343691;1450206278;mircea_popescu;this is besides the point. i am not held to justify what i do to you. 1343692;1450206287;nubbins`;no indeed, you're not. 1343693;1450206287;mircea_popescu;you wish to judge what i do, you'd god damned better have some footing to stand on. 1343694;1450206287;*;ascii_field digs in logz in mostly-futile search of what this whole thing was about 1343695;1450206309;ascii_field;mircea_popescu was trying to hire a level designer ? 1343696;1450206310;nubbins`;although since you've spent what, 20 minutes defending this foolishness 1343697;1450206325;nubbins`;it seems you do feel some urge to justify what you've done 1343698;1450206340;nubbins`;if for no other reason than to pull some strips of cloth over the naked lameness of it 1343699;1450206341;nubbins`;;/ 1343700;1450206356;mircea_popescu;mno. i just answer to random idiots derping on in here, because of a naive and perhaps misplaced notion that they'll learn something from the experience. 1343701;1450206377;*;ascii_field may have learned something 1343702;1450206391;nubbins`;well, the saying goes: "naive in one area means naive in no others" 1343703;1450206398;nubbins`;you're prob right about the flyers thing 1343704;1450206407;mircea_popescu;but i appreciate the "well since mom and dad filled the fridge clearly they have a responsibility to explai nto me why i should get a job". 1343705;1450206417;mircea_popescu;it's so wordly and self-aware it enarly burns. 1343706;1450206421;nubbins`;i think your analogy generator needs a tune-up 1343707;1450206466;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1343708;1450206481;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Came from @changetip.com email addy 1343709;1450206541;nubbins`;maybe when mp moves to ulaan baatar, he can write "eulorum.org help wanted" on the side of a camel and run it through town 1343710;1450206551;jurov;hahaha i for one did the effort of pulling game dev/artist to #eulora. he was very weirded out of whole situation and bailed out of the job, i had to compile stuff myself. i can't at all imagine him reacting to some pole-stuck pulp 1343711;1450206589;jurov;btw,he was indeed living in some hole near ukr border 1343712;1450206637;mircea_popescu; he was very weirded out of whole situation and bailed out of the job << can we has detail ? 1343713;1450206660;nubbins`;i've got a friend who did some 3d modelling & textures for the Ender's Game movie 1343714;1450206662;jurov;i did not get any further explanation 1343715;1450206707;jurov;other than "busy" 1343716;1450206759;asciilifeform;somebody +v ascii_field por favor, he can't reach the button 1343717;1450206763;adlai;!up asciilifeform 1343718;1450206765;adlai;!up ascii_field 1343719;1450206768;ascii_field;ty 1343720;1450206803;*;ascii_field finally noticed that trilema is back and that subj is a recent post, l0l 1343721;1450206816;nubbins`;:D 1343722;1450206823;nubbins`;feel free to re-read log 1343723;1450206851;nubbins`;offer comments on why flyers are retarded if you dare 1343724;1450206886;jurov;anyway. since bsas is million metropol, there surely are some "coworking" places where exactly such art derps usually concetrate 1343725;1450206887;*;ascii_field cannot answer this, but will say that he did not observe any 'help wanteds' for pr0gramm3rz in ba placards 1343726;1450206902;ascii_field;perhaps they have a trade publication where work is offered 1343727;1450206910;jurov;so i'd make a presentation at such place 1343728;1450206928;ascii_field;but i'll be the first to say that i have certifiably nfi how programmerz find work in b-a! 1343729;1450206935;ascii_field;or i'd be there now, forfucksake 1343730;1450206940;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/12/withdrawal-fees-for-changetip-starting/#comment-83184 1343731;1450206941;assbot;Withdrawal Fees For Changetip Starting | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmVV5h ) 1343732;1450206946;jurov;meeting them in flesh should overcome their problems with unusuallness or whatevs 1343733;1450206950;adlai;in other leddit news, "/r/BTC, a likbez": http://redd.it/3wy6z > 10m later: http://redd.it/3wy8zm > 1h later: http://redd.it/3wyihe > finally, http://redd.it/3wyqa0 (no need to read, just see the titles) 1343734;1450206952;assbot;reddit.com: page not found ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmVVCb ) 1343735;1450206954;assbot;Request to Roger Ver: Please remove btcdrak as a moderator. Anyone who upvotes this post is showing their agreement with this request. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmVVCf ) 1343736;1450206956;assbot;Let's offer Roger some alternative mod options! : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmVUhA ) 1343737;1450206958;assbot;I would like to become a moderator here : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmVUhG ) 1343738;1450207081;adlai;the whole subreddit infighting is almost too bizarre 1343739;1450207086;kakobrekla;lol 'this assrape is terrible!!' 'stfu you arent engaging positively!!' 1343740;1450207099;ascii_field;adlai: next do we get to learn about the infighting of rats in the new york sewer ? 1343741;1450207113;ascii_field;betcha there are first-class stories to be told. 1343742;1450207116;ascii_field;if only rats could speak. 1343743;1450207117;shinohai;http://archive.is/x5UP6 <<< bitcoin phoundation lolz 1343744;1450207118;assbot;I've just been forcibly removed from the Bitcoin Foundation board : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmW9ta ) 1343745;1450207134;*;adlai dashes off to register ratt.it 1343746;1450207161;ascii_field;shinohai: afaik the old corpse is just that - mit is the new phoundation 1343747;1450207200;adlai;lol, you have one try to guess where this leads... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=rattit 1343748;1450207201;assbot;Let me google that for you ... ( http://bit.ly/1RmWiwu ) 1343749;1450207207;thestringpuller;We all laugh at MIT until they create synths after the great war. 1343750;1450207236;mircea_popescu; i've got a friend who did some 3d modelling & textures for the Ender's Game movie << and the eulora splashscreen was done by jason juta (ie, the guy that did half the wizards of the coast franchise). and yes, i could employ him (at his very reasonable rates) to do the whole thing. 1343751;1450207251;mircea_popescu;i won't. because i'm not spending money that way, and i don't give a shit what the needs of whatever art derp are. 1343752;1450207261;mircea_popescu;he can starve to serve me and then i might consider him. before that he can get fucked. 1343753;1450207280;mircea_popescu;i need him like i need more hair. he needs me like he needs more food. 1343754;1450207299;*;ascii_field sometimes wonders if mircea_popescu does the 'nail in a coffin and float'em down the river as test of faith' thing also 1343755;1450207300;mircea_popescu;and none of this is going to be changed by discussing around the bush. 1343756;1450207395;mircea_popescu;ascii_field no, mircea_popescu simply does not give a shit. 1343757;1450207411;ascii_field;well inspired by the 'starve to serve me' thing 1343758;1450207467;ascii_field;but yeah, this whole thing is kinda replay of the old 'soviet vs roman army' thread, aha 1343759;1450207477;mircea_popescu; other than "busy" << mmmkay. 1343760;1450207508;jurov;actually now i remember he did not like any responsibility, like, gpg signing the releases 1343761;1450207533;mircea_popescu; offer comments on why flyers are retarded if you dare << besides the fucking point, really. i don't think they're not retarded. nevertheless, to the people who fail to take advantage of this, that failure is just another added failure. 1343762;1450207555;mircea_popescu;i understand "we"'d "all" love to be excused from the failures list, but that's not how it works. 1343763;1450207574;*;ascii_field also recalls the rental agency with btc private keys on placards thread 1343764;1450207586;mircea_popescu;jurov> anyway. since bsas is million metropol, there surely are some "coworking" places where exactly such art derps usually concetrate <<< yes but apparently they go in there thought the window not the door ; cant read in any case and anyway - too busy doing nothing to do soemthing useful 1343765;1450207609;mircea_popescu;particularly because how dares this asshole to discern between useful and useless in the vast world full of possibilities which shouldn't be discriminated against or someshit. 1343766;1450207629;mircea_popescu; perhaps they have a trade publication where work is offered <<< you're thinking europe. think kirgizstan. 1343767;1450207654;*;ascii_field thinks kirgizstan 1343768;1450207661;mircea_popescu; but i'll be the first to say that i have certifiably nfi how programmerz find work in b-a! << you mean webwork. what else ? 1343769;1450207666;ascii_field;and mircea_popescu still wonders how come i haven't moved ? 1343770;1450207704;mircea_popescu; meeting them in flesh should overcome their problems with unusuallness or whatevs << not from experience. meeting idiots in the flesh doesn't make them less idiotic, just puts them in a better position to waste your time. 1343771;1450207717;ascii_field;^^ 1343772;1450207763;jurov;well. so you want artist that is both not an idiot and reads pole pulp 1343773;1450207767;jurov;gl 1343774;1450207777;mircea_popescu;ascii_field again : i expect that all arguments work both sides for me and for me only. you, you don't need meatwot can go wherever. the argentine derp, can not use internet, may not leave country. 1343775;1450207780;mircea_popescu;not the other way around. 1343776;1450207786;mircea_popescu;jurov i don't want anything. 1343777;1450207793;mircea_popescu;this isn't about me selling. this is about me buying. 1343778;1450207896;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: possibly the hidden gotcha is that internet hasn't been invented yet on my planet. (i.e. folks offering the sort of work that i do, demand at least occasional physical chair parade) 1343779;1450207902;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1343780;1450207955;ascii_field;i could speculate re: ~why~ (short version: it's what usa has instead of a berlin wall - otherwise mass exodus of programmers etc. to cheapo banana republics) 1343781;1450208028;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1343782;1450208034;ascii_field;(another tricky bit is that one of the things employers pay folks for is ~not working for competitor~ and this is difficult to monitor without on-site chair) 1343783;1450208043;mircea_popescu;quite. 1343784;1450208050;mircea_popescu;this is probably a major factor, really. 1343785;1450208075;*;ascii_field has been pondering subj for many years 1343786;1450208134;ascii_field;but the most basic thing, afaik, is simple capital control 1343787;1450208156;mircea_popescu; shinohai: afaik the old corpse is just that - mit is the new phoundation <<< seems that way. 1343788;1450208162;ascii_field;(omfg they might take their bezzle dollars and bid up the cost of turkeys in shitholistan where we need'em cheap) 1343789;1450208279;ascii_field;the cheapness of turkeys/whores/petro/etc in shitholistans is a ~natural resource~, like any other thermodynamic gradient. and you don't get to ride the gradient just by asking, just like a random schmuck doesn't get to ride soviet plutonium just for asking. 1343790;1450208285;mircea_popescu;anyway, to the more general point here : i'm the only entity that can't be held hostage. "oh, we won't do X until you Y" works when I say it at others, not when others try it on me. you can't say "hey mp, you gotta do it like this", because the point isn't for me to get something done, the point is for me to change the way things are done in the first place. 1343791;1450208325;mircea_popescu;ascii_field quite. 1343792;1450208329;ascii_field;which is why i say 'mircea_popescu wake me up plz when you've transmuted the x to a y' 1343793;1450208339;mircea_popescu;which is why you gotta move. always go against the gradients/. 1343794;1450208366;mircea_popescu;ascii_field by the time that's done, my dear alf, everyone who's still asleep ain't never waking up again. 1343795;1450208371;mircea_popescu;that much you can take to the wallet. 1343796;1450208381;ascii_field;well i'd happily move if i were 1337 enough to take the gradient, rather than BE the fuel 1343797;1450208386;mircea_popescu;aha. 1343798;1450208392;mircea_popescu;that part makes sense. 1343799;1450208395;mircea_popescu;it's also annoying. 1343800;1450208408;ascii_field;see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=14-11-2015#1323880 1343801;1450208408;assbot;Logged on 14-11-2015 06:06:39; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2015#1323735 << i would happily move to the ar where mircea_popescu lives, but i will happily be shot in the head three times before i move to the ar where the argentines live. 1343802;1450208530;mircea_popescu;ascii_field the difference between "not work for competition" and "capital control" is inexistent - the us is a centrally controlled economy just like the su. and so, the soviets couldn't leave because "the state invested in their education", right ? 1343803;1450208546;ascii_field;aha precisely same mechanism 1343804;1450208561;ascii_field;'yer meat and you stay in this here fence' 1343805;1450208590;mircea_popescu;well, in order for the system to collapse it must be made to bleed. 1343806;1450208599;mircea_popescu;in order for it to bleed ions need to go against gradient. 1343807;1450208601;mircea_popescu;that's all. 1343808;1450208826;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1343809;1450208863;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343805 << for my education: what would such 'bleeding' look like ? 1343810;1450208863;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 19:43:10; mircea_popescu: well, in order for the system to collapse it must be made to bleed. 1343811;1450208892;ascii_field;(or, in other words, what precisely is it that said system could not afford to lose ?) 1343812;1450208896;mircea_popescu;every time i talk to one of my chinese bankers here, moving some dollar bits against peso bits, both the argentine government and the us government bleed a little. 1343813;1450208929;mircea_popescu;every time you leave the us, and continue to extract dollars from the us which however the usg can't tax, and spend them in kirgiztan, but so the kirgiztan also cant' tax, both bleed a little. 1343814;1450208951;mircea_popescu;every time you take a 19yo that'd have made someone a great wife and you make her a great whore, the system bleeds a little. 1343815;1450208952;ascii_field;eh there remain many megatonnes of fat to be trimmed from plebes like asciilifeform , ben_vulpes , et al before the usg ruling caste bleeds 1343816;1450208957;mircea_popescu;the more you live, the less life's left for them. 1343817;1450208959;mircea_popescu;so go, live. 1343818;1450208974;mircea_popescu;the rest doesn't really matter. 1343819;1450209035;mircea_popescu;everytime some derp is "offended" at who knows what offensiveness yet his offense rings impotent, the system dies a little. 1343820;1450209045;ascii_field;this looks quite like folks who explained their gold/watches/dollars bootleg ops in moscow as 'help sink the stinking su faster !111' 1343821;1450209051;mircea_popescu;aha. 1343822;1450209056;mircea_popescu;exactly what it was. 1343823;1450209070;*;ascii_field not convinced that the gnats killed the elephant 1343824;1450209089;mircea_popescu;every shot policeman, every dollar embezzled, witheld from the irs, every subpar item delivered to the usg, everything. 1343825;1450209109;mircea_popescu;they all add together and then one day, suddenly, the "old way of life" is an impossibility. 1343826;1450209121;mircea_popescu;and nobody knows which gnats killed the elephant. "it was just meant to be". 1343827;1450209125;mircea_popescu;historical imperative, as they say. 1343828;1450209127;*;ascii_field cannot deny that sufficiently many straws will break camel's back. but this might take a while. 1343829;1450209204;mircea_popescu;for as long as you're part of the solution, it taking a while is no detriment. 1343830;1450209219;mircea_popescu;this is in fact how you know that you're part of the solution. 1343831;1450209467;ascii_field;meanwhile, at the l0lfactory, 1343832;1450209469;ascii_field;'Which makes me suspicious, and I have no evidence, just an opinion that there seems to be a powerful force behind these guys like btcdrak, petertodd, etc., like perhaps that jdillon guy, who seems to be directing their actions. If you read some old leaks of jdillon chat with ptodd you can see that all/most of the stuff they are now publicly pushing were suggested by him, including the flexicap nonsense which gmax tried 1343833;1450209469;ascii_field;to suggest in the 2nd [censored] conference.' 1343834;1450209791;ascii_field;oh, unrelatedly, 1343835;1450209814;ascii_field;'A C++ module that generates maps procedurally is required for Eulora. In this first iteration, the idea of a "map" reduces to "a folded corridor 3 x 3 units in square section". Folding means that the corridor may curve however you please (provided it's continuous, contains no volumes smaller than 3x3 units and no inclines over 10%) and run into itself (not necessarily at right angles).' << this is in SWAG !!! 1343836;1450209819;ascii_field;classical algo 1343837;1450209852;mircea_popescu;do you mind ? 1343838;1450209987;ascii_field;actually i was wrong 1343839;1450210056;mircea_popescu;in other news, is this china or japan ? http://45.media.tumblr.com/80ef376080c40ec5dead4e874747a78d/tumblr_mppnqkoh091szyywjo1_250.gif 1343840;1450210058;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TO89BB ) 1343841;1450210145;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: it was in my personal collection. http://dpaste.com/0X9J5QN 1343842;1450210147;assbot;dpaste: 0X9J5QN ... ( http://bit.ly/1TO8e8v ) 1343843;1450210149;BingoBoingo;Cambodia? 1343844;1450210163;mircea_popescu;pr tjat/ 1343845;1450210168;mircea_popescu;or that* 1343846;1450210207;BingoBoingo;Cambodia seems like interesting place to consider relocation. May be a stalinist hell hole, but doesn't seems like that bad of one. 1343847;1450210258;mircea_popescu;jsut as along as oyu're a guy. 1343848;1450210273;ascii_field;!s brass pole in bangkok 1343849;1450210274;assbot;1 results for 'brass pole in bangkok' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=brass+pole+in+bangkok 1343850;1450210280;ascii_field;^ related 1343851;1450210354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44550 @ 0.00048425 = 21.5733 BTC [-] 1343852;1450210826;funkenstein_;greetings y'all 1343853;1450210880;funkenstein_;i thought every time you did anything which valued a fiat token, no matter what, it benefitted the counterfeitters thereof 1343854;1450210981;jurov;incl. wiping the ass? 1343855;1450211196;BingoBoingo;^ 1343856;1450211282;nubbins`;that's a nice way of putting it 1343857;1450211625;nubbins`;<+ascii_field> (another tricky bit is that one of the things employers pay folks for is ~not working for competitor~ and this is difficult to monitor without on-site chair) << not many other worker bees i came across in the trenches realized this, to their detriment 1343858;1450211932;nubbins`;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343790 << oh, i get it. so you're trying to bring job recruitment into the photocopy-taped-to-wall era 1343859;1450211932;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 19:38:05; mircea_popescu: anyway, to the more general point here : i'm the only entity that can't be held hostage. "oh, we won't do X until you Y" works when I say it at others, not when others try it on me. you can't say "hey mp, you gotta do it like this", because the point isn't for me to get something done, the point is for me to change the way things are done in the first place. 1343860;1450211941;nubbins`;when you put it like that, it makes more sense 1343861;1450211970;mircea_popescu;nubbins` wouldja stop trying to salvage the "i'm derpy from derpland and i know of things i've never seen because totallies" ? it's dead. 1343862;1450211976;nubbins`;be sure to tape all 4 sides so they're harder to rip down 1343863;1450212018;mircea_popescu;some other interesting datapoints : back in the 90s, cluj, a 400k ish inhabitant city, had three dedicated ad papers, printed weekly. together ~200 pages, for a yearly thoroughput in the 1mn ads range. so like 2.5 per capita. 1343864;1450212049;mircea_popescu;buenos aires, a thing worth 30x that many inhabitants, has no dedicated ad paper, and never detectably had. the thoroughput is negligible, as in not even 0.001 per capita. 1343865;1450212056;mircea_popescu;they also don't exist on craigslist or backpage. 1343866;1450212077;mircea_popescu;and in general... the point here is that argentines are retarded, in a very palpable, amply demonstrable sense. 1343867;1450212097;mircea_popescu;not that nubbins is in the poster printing business and in the self-loathing mental space, so he thinks posters are a bad idea. 1343868;1450212119;nubbins`;posters are a great idea for me, not so much for others 1343869;1450212125;mircea_popescu;right right. 1343870;1450212131;mircea_popescu;"real" posters. 1343871;1450212140;mircea_popescu;dja know enough about psychology to see what this all is or notrly ? 1343872;1450212146;nubbins`;well i don't print fake ones so yeah! 1343873;1450212167;BingoBoingo;https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/726645 1343874;1450212169;assbot;The US government is training kids to be fat | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1NnYtw2 ) 1343875;1450212195;nubbins`;you'd have had better luck giving the eulora flyers to 20yearohio and the bitcoin posters pasted up in b.a 1343876;1450212375;BingoBoingo;Ok, now I've stumbled into peak reddit https://archive.is/0JORi 1343877;1450212376;assbot;All the single ladies ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZaDH8i ) 1343878;1450212489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 128300 @ 0.00048398 = 62.0946 BTC [-] {3} 1343879;1450212492;mircea_popescu;"Later loss of virginity associated with significantly lower relationship dissatisfaction later on in life, higher educational attainment, and higher household income, but also lower likelihood of marriage and number of romantic relationships" 1343880;1450212497;mircea_popescu;sounds like they got the right idea. 1343881;1450212543;mircea_popescu;"Does anyone get positive feedback on their looks on the Internet but not irl?" heh. 1343882;1450212588;mircea_popescu;"I am a downer most of the time, I'm not outgoing, not funny, not talkative. The only thing I have is my average intelligence. Being depressed makes you not want to do anything. The medication I'm taking doesn't even make me feel better sometimes. I hate that when you're unattractive or below average you have to wield so many positive traits just to get someone to like you. Attractive people get to be mediocre." 1343883;1450212591;mircea_popescu;bwahgahaha! 1343884;1450212597;mircea_popescu;oh... i know... she should have the vote! 1343885;1450212605;BingoBoingo;"Last time I went I saw a few beautiful girls (something I'd never see close to at home) and it made me so extremely depressed that it ruined the whole trip (I went with family). It legitimately makes me depressed when I see super pretty girls like that; I just feel like a completely inferior subhuman. I'm ok with regular hot girls for some reason. I even had some hot friends in school. It's different when the girl is ethereally b 1343886;1450212605;BingoBoingo;eautiful. Some of them literally look photoshopped in person." 1343887;1450212631;mircea_popescu;why does she think feeling like a completely inferior subhuman is bad ? 1343888;1450212685;mircea_popescu;"I'm FA everywhere. When I lived in a big, glamorous city, I was too ugly and fat for anyone to even consider dating. Now that I'm in a smaller place, with lots of fat and/or unattractive people, I'm more highly educated than the vast majority of men, so I'm still FA." 1343889;1450212687;mircea_popescu;lol. 1343890;1450212697;mircea_popescu;she's too classy, and besides : these men don't even watch cheers! 1343891;1450212724;BingoBoingo;lol 1343892;1450212775;BingoBoingo;sanity "I have a kind of morbid curiosity. I subscribe to rateme, amisexy, uglyduckling, MUA, prettygirls, and so many more just to see how attractive some girls are and how they're treated by men. Seeing their perfect faces weirdly makes me feel more at peace with the world- like I know my place." 1343893;1450212778;mircea_popescu;wonder how many of the people there are kids having fun. 1343894;1450212784;BingoBoingo;hard to say 1343895;1450212795;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/LGBTForeverAlone/comments/3wlwam/being_a_trans_lesbianpansbian_who_is/ 1343896;1450212796;assbot;Being a trans lesbian/pansbian who is pre-transition and in the closet sucks. : LGBTForeverAlone ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZaEqGE ) 1343897;1450212812;mircea_popescu;what\sd a panspian ? she fucks ducks ? 1343898;1450212819;mircea_popescu;or just goats ? 1343899;1450212834;mircea_popescu;or is pan there from pan trogolodytes ? she fucks chimps ? 1343900;1450212874;BingoBoingo;Prolly groats 1343901;1450212902;mircea_popescu;now i gotta make an okcupid acct, see what the fatties are like. 1343902;1450212960;BingoBoingo;lol 1343903;1450212978;BingoBoingo;Gotta pick a location. 1343904;1450214026;thestringpuller;ascii_field: wrote his own implementation of a* ? 1343905;1450214624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123850 @ 0.00048247 = 59.7539 BTC [-] {5} 1343906;1450215051;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67850 @ 0.0004791 = 32.5069 BTC [-] 1343907;1450215902;shinohai;http://www.cryptogon.com/?p=47834 <<< hue 1343908;1450215968;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105100 @ 0.00048441 = 50.9115 BTC [+] {3} 1343909;1450216451;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1343910;1450216463;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 461.98, vol: 18883.48825688 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 456.932, vol: 13401.76953 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 464.99, vol: 38231.64640448 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 440.0, vol: 5.11919016 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 474.347448, vol: 108031.41440000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 454.0, vol: 94.42190499 | Volume-weighted last average: 469.719426707 1343911;1450218164;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44350 @ 0.0004791 = 21.2481 BTC [-] 1343912;1450218482;deedbot-;[Qntra] Corpse of Vessenes' Fundnation Expels Janssens From Board - http://qntra.net/2015/12/corpse-of-vessenes-fundnation-expels-janssens-from-board/ 1343913;1450218553;BingoBoingo;;;google mike hearn workout 1343914;1450218554;gribble;Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding 12-Week Training Program: ; Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding: The 12-Week Program: ; Mike O'Hearn's Power Bodybuilding : Chest - YouTube: (1 more message) 1343915;1450218572;BingoBoingo;^ Courtesy adventures in Google autocomplete 1343916;1450219140;mircea_popescu;so this okcupid thing has a thing where you answer premade questions (apparently there was a feature to add questions but they scuttled it silently, over time). leaving aside the questions are almost universally fucking dumb, 1343917;1450219174;mircea_popescu;it's lead me to discover that i really don't give a shit. you gotta specify what "answers you'll accept" and 90% i'm like... whatever. 1343918;1450219182;mircea_popescu;who the fuck cares what people think already. 1343919;1450219234;mircea_popescu;then the site bitches about how getting whatever as an answer doesn't help it select matches. what the fuck am i to do ?! care ?! 1343920;1450219283;BingoBoingo;The site bitches about everything. It's an IAC property. It's what they do. 1343921;1450219323;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52550 @ 0.0004854 = 25.5078 BTC [+] {3} 1343922;1450219470;BingoBoingo;MPtivation https://imgur.com/a/C29Ai 1343923;1450219472;assbot;Passive Aggressive Lying Buttersack - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1T0j5vL ) 1343924;1450219545;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/LIsBTJB.jpg 1343925;1450219546;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1T0j9vB ) 1343926;1450220207;BingoBoingo;http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/12051159/young-white-men-most-derided-group-in-britain-yougov.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter 1343927;1450220208;assbot;Young white men are the most derided group in Britain, study finds - Telegraph ... ( http://bit.ly/1T0k533 ) 1343928;1450220249;BingoBoingo;"They also have the joint worst score, with young black Caribbean men, for a belief that they are prone to drug-taking." 1343929;1450221519;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48342 @ 0.0004791 = 23.1607 BTC [-] {2} 1343930;1450221580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57458 @ 0.00047853 = 27.4954 BTC [-] {2} 1343931;1450222394;mircea_popescu;!up justanotheruser 1343932;1450222794;BingoBoingo;https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--x1eF1f0N--/zdxt0675ig1vpw2bavm5.jpg 1343933;1450222794;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OuVjEx ) 1343934;1450222932;BingoBoingo;Oh look, all the old people working on piggyback altcoins want forks nao https://twitter.com/SDLerner/status/676899213121310720 1343935;1450222993;mircea_popescu;heh. 1343936;1450223013;mircea_popescu;the irony being that bitcoin going to shit wouldn't resolve all the numerous problems all the shitcoins have 1343937;1450223025;mircea_popescu;it WOULD however resolve the only problem the shitheads involved ~perceive~ 1343938;1450223030;mircea_popescu;so very ustardian, their approach. 1343939;1450223120;BingoBoingo;Pissstream, nao rootstock, where do these fuckers end 1343940;1450224081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124689 @ 0.00047851 = 59.6649 BTC [-] {4} 1343941;1450228210;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/or6fO 1343942;1450228212;assbot;Sergio Lerner: "1) I'm finalizing a BIP: A new Efficient Compact SPV Proof scheme. A chain of 2016 hdrs can be compressed into 10 hdrs, proving 50% of work. / 2) This will be key piece for 2-way-peg system we (Rootstock) contribute to Bitcoin, via hard-fork. / 3) Yes, can also be soft-fork." : Bitco ... ( http://bit.ly/1QnQwei ) 1343943;1450228290;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72850 @ 0.00048184 = 35.102 BTC [+] {2} 1343944;1450228686;adlai;http://bit.ly/1QnQwei << archive.is/ception 1343945;1450228687;assbot;https://archive.is/or6fO ... ( http://bit.ly/1TOKj8T ) 1343946;1450228768;mircea_popescu;i suppose every nigger gotta add his own hardfork out there now, it's the new hip thing. you ain't nobody if you ain't hardforkin'! 1343947;1450228774;mircea_popescu;fucking monkeys. 1343948;1450228791;mircea_popescu;can't california just fall into the ocean already and spare me the rest of the popcult story ? 1343949;1450228812;mircea_popescu;i didn't care for proletcult either, and somehow i don't seem to be missing having missed out on that either. 1343950;1450229388;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69300 @ 0.00048015 = 33.2744 BTC [-] 1343951;1450229574;nubbins`;hardforks are the new altcoins 1343952;1450229600;nubbins`;i can't believe it's not bitcoin 1343953;1450229651;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting for the 'dekulakization' altcoins 1343954;1450229668;asciilifeform;i.e. 'bitcoin but i get to move satoshi's coin' etc 1343955;1450229702;mircea_popescu;you don;t properly grok how the ustardian mind works. you see, it's gotta be meta to be real. 1343956;1450229716;mircea_popescu;it can't be something pointful, meaningful, "i get to move satoshi's stash". 1343957;1450229724;mircea_popescu;it's gotta be some sort of useless, pointless derpage. 1343958;1450229759;asciilifeform;i suppose asylum contains both napoleon ~and~ the i'm-a-glass-of-water types 1343959;1450229776;asciilifeform;i can more readily grasp the napoleon, yes 1343960;1450229794;nubbins`;the i'm-a-glass-of-water requires salvia divinorum 1343961;1450229807;nubbins`;(cannot recommend the experience) 1343962;1450229830;mircea_popescu;lol 1343963;1450229858;nubbins`;now there's a weird drug 1343964;1450229871;nubbins`;hallucinogen that acts on opioid receptors 1343965;1450229876;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117000 @ 0.00048453 = 56.69 BTC [+] {6} 1343966;1450229876;asciilifeform;aha 1343967;1450229889;mircea_popescu;think of it in terms of, being a very mediocre, fat woman that was writing code. lotta goto's, the ocasional for-loop-by-hand, and no passing by reference. 1343968;1450229889;asciilifeform;funnily it is (or at least once was) entirely legal in usa 1343969;1450229909;mircea_popescu;the kids internalized the "what would it happen if EVERYONE did that" playground "adult" thinking, and now live by it. 1343970;1450229984;mircea_popescu;so they won't make an altcoin that makes YOU be able to do something, because "you" is undefined. instead... make an altcoin that "saves africa". that, ANYONE could do. 1343971;1450230046;mircea_popescu;and since anyone could do, everyone should do, so why aren't you. 1343972;1450230115;asciilifeform;i still cannot properly grasp what moves these folks 1343973;1450230202;mircea_popescu;same thing that moves the dust. 1343974;1450230214;mircea_popescu;a guy named brown. 1343975;1450230600;danielpbarron;nubbins`> the i'm-a-glass-of-water requires salvia divinorum << haha yes. I was once a wood floor in this regard 1343976;1450230823;TheNewDeal;where's the mpex tax code listed 1343977;1450230892;TheNewDeal;or the address for taxable income 1343978;1450230911;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal it's on the foundation page all listed nicely 1343979;1450230918;mircea_popescu;http://thebitcoin.foundation/ 1343980;1450230919;assbot;..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation ]::.. ... ( http://bit.ly/1JZPY9X ) 1343981;1450230961;TheNewDeal;i'm getting archived, is that ok? 1343982;1450231014;TheNewDeal;I believe I owe back taxes from my bets 1343983;1450231026;mircea_popescu;so go pay. 1343984;1450231046;TheNewDeal;I'm in fear of the address being hijacked 1343985;1450231055;mircea_popescu;there's a signed thing in there. 1343986;1450231218;TheNewDeal;can someone verify this transaction https://blockchain.info/tx/7dbfdd2f32899da5bbe73dbb6e749f98176f8a6ff02027c16e37fac7b3135163 1343987;1450231218;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 7dbfdd2f32899da5bbe73dbb6e749f98176f8a6ff02027c16e37fac7b3135163 ... ( http://bit.ly/1O7IMfU ) 1343988;1450231227;TheNewDeal;I believe they've unmugglized me 1343989;1450231254;mircea_popescu;uh. 1343990;1450231276;TheNewDeal;some wacky science occurred not too long after I made said transaction 1343991;1450231295;mircea_popescu;7dbfdd2f32899da5bbe73dbb6e749f98176f8a6ff02027c16e37fac7b3135163 is in 00000000000000000222de4462f77457d37d1b16f3c92688dc7087106f27fda0 / aa8ff7e8e554cdbf4b95b3b4b24e70246afdc6adee250fb51012914bcede3640 1343992;1450231305;mircea_popescu;what exactly do you mean ? 1343993;1450231331;TheNewDeal;brain experiments 1343994;1450231355;TheNewDeal;mass shifting of neural anatomy 1343995;1450231367;TheNewDeal;and I'm in fear of being asylumed in my home country 1343996;1450231391;mircea_popescu;... 1343997;1450231401;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 171650 @ 0.00047888 = 82.1998 BTC [-] {8} 1343998;1450231429;TheNewDeal;I'm stranded in central usia and I'm fearing some sort of sham court case apparating 1343999;1450231437;mircea_popescu;ok... 1344000;1450231450;mircea_popescu;so go to cancun ? 1344001;1450231541;TheNewDeal;like a test trip to see if they allow me to pass through the border? 1344002;1450231597;mircea_popescu;no, like a fuck you and your stupid shithole trip. 1344003;1450231634;TheNewDeal;I've got to see if they allow a tax payment, I can't find that address from the foundation website 1344004;1450231660;danielpbarron;TheNewDeal, 1FundZy7m7b8begbh9haCguKJcAdFopRJ9 1344005;1450231829;nubbins`;wat 1344006;1450231868;mircea_popescu;"i paid my taxes to these people that lol at you, problem ???" 1344007;1450231886;mircea_popescu;o look who's where. 1344008;1450231888;mircea_popescu;!up indiancandy1 1344009;1450231896;indiancandy1;MP 1344010;1450231898;mircea_popescu;how's whoring ? 1344011;1450231898;indiancandy1; my boo 1344012;1450231906;indiancandy1;the pussy aint 4 sale daddy 1344013;1450231915;mircea_popescu;aok 1344014;1450231951;indiancandy1;i want to get some softwares Rat, Ddos, Cookie stealer… 1344015;1450231952;indiancandy1;? 1344016;1450231957;mircea_popescu;haha what ? 1344017;1450231965;indiancandy1;u know anything 1344018;1450231973;mircea_popescu;what are you trying to do again ? 1344019;1450232011;indiancandy1;some hacking stuff 1344020;1450232014;indiancandy1;i wanna learn 1344021;1450232054;indiancandy1;right anyway 1344022;1450232060;indiancandy1;mp hows the btc market 1344023;1450232069;mircea_popescu;going up, apparently. 1344024;1450232092;indiancandy1;and ur other adventures? 1344025;1450232106;mircea_popescu;anyway, "hacking" is not a thing, it's the byproduct of knowing how to program computers. which you can learn, like anything else, provided you got the patience. 1344026;1450232187;indiancandy1;ur right 1344027;1450232190;TheNewDeal;I think they're unconvered some equipment from the mines 1344028;1450232239;TheNewDeal;they're trying to reverse this whole bitcoin economy 1344029;1450232275;indiancandy1;who 1344030;1450232285;TheNewDeal;the powers that be, the central control 1344031;1450232313;mircea_popescu;have you been doin' anything laterly TheNewDeal ? 1344032;1450232332;TheNewDeal;I have been struggling to stay afloat in the Usian ship 1344033;1450232421;TheNewDeal;I've been trying to go out to the bars and enjoy some music 1344034;1450232430;indiancandy1;thats good 1344035;1450232435;indiancandy1;its always good to get out 1344036;1450232440;indiancandy1;n enjoy outside world 1344037;1450232450;TheNewDeal;but I think they've got some sort of tracking program on me. Weaponry that can induce a false schizophrenia 1344038;1450232459;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal i mean, any psychotropics. 1344039;1450232474;TheNewDeal;thc, cbd 1344040;1450232490;TheNewDeal;but I think they've tried to slip me drugs to admit to crimes that haven't occurred 1344041;1450232505;mircea_popescu;yeah. they do that a lot. 1344042;1450232544;indiancandy1;thc is in wed 1344043;1450232545;indiancandy1;weed 1344044;1450232546;TheNewDeal;I need a break from this mess and I'm in fear they're trying to recruit me 1344045;1450232566;mircea_popescu;to slip people drugs to get them to admit to crimes that haven't occurred ? 1344046;1450232579;TheNewDeal;yes - it's all counterintuitive 1344047;1450232593;TheNewDeal;it's like the state machine tries to churn out criminals 1344048;1450232622;TheNewDeal;I'm trying to stay apolitical and it's backfiring. The state is becoming politically charged 1344049;1450232657;mircea_popescu;well... take it easy, don't fuck any goats... 1344050;1450232682;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46864 @ 0.00047725 = 22.3658 BTC [-] {2} 1344051;1450232682;TheNewDeal;did the tax payment go through? 1344052;1450232717;mircea_popescu;o.O 1344053;1450232724;mircea_popescu;check it out, teh republic got 10 btcs. 1344054;1450232726;danielpbarron;10 btc is 0.1% of your profits? 1344055;1450232744;mircea_popescu;he must've killed it with the bitbets. 1344056;1450232764;TheNewDeal;I'm in fear. 1344057;1450232770;indiancandy1;dont be 1344058;1450232774;indiancandy1;move to russia 1344059;1450232787;mircea_popescu;that's where you are ? 1344060;1450232793;TheNewDeal;I'm trying to get protection from people who can lend any help. I tried to send one to the mines 1344061;1450232809;indiancandy1;who me? 1344062;1450232814;mircea_popescu;yes you. 1344063;1450232821;indiancandy1;lol 1344064;1450232825;indiancandy1;london babe 1344065;1450232828;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal to the what ? 1344066;1450232833;TheNewDeal;the mines 1344067;1450232846;mircea_popescu;what mines ?! 1344068;1450232847;TheNewDeal;https://blockchain.info/tx/7dbfdd2f32899da5bbe73dbb6e749f98176f8a6ff02027c16e37fac7b3135163 1344069;1450232848;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 7dbfdd2f32899da5bbe73dbb6e749f98176f8a6ff02027c16e37fac7b3135163 ... ( http://bit.ly/1O7IMfU ) 1344070;1450232858;TheNewDeal;I looked up a miner from blockchain,info 1344071;1450232859;TheNewDeal;a big miner 1344072;1450232874;TheNewDeal;and now I think they're trying to make me look like a chinese spy or something 1344073;1450232901;mircea_popescu;... 1344074;1450232909;indiancandy1;this guy is on coke 1344075;1450232912;indiancandy1;sorry 1344076;1450232912;TheNewDeal;no coke 1344077;1450232915;TheNewDeal;cigarettes 1344078;1450232921;indiancandy1;why so para babe 1344079;1450232923;indiancandy1;relax 1344080;1450232924;mircea_popescu;you think someone's going to do what ? 1344081;1450232943;TheNewDeal;I think they're trying to criminalize me 1344082;1450232949;TheNewDeal;plant a crime on me 1344083;1450232955;mircea_popescu;the miner is ? 1344084;1450232967;TheNewDeal;I can't remember which one 1344085;1450232987;TheNewDeal;I searched for the top miners on organofcorti's website 1344086;1450233005;TheNewDeal;I sent it in a panicked state 1344087;1450233015;*;asciilifeform sees this nonsense, goes back to reading the lovingly detailed blueprints of t-34 he found 1344088;1450233033;indiancandy1;right mp i need some advice 1344089;1450233038;indiancandy1;i wanna finance a game 1344090;1450233049;indiancandy1;so when u launch ur games how do u choose 1344091;1450233057;indiancandy1;which ones to put money on 1344092;1450233060;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal eh, have some tea and relax. nobody gives a shit you went on some website and searched for shit from some other weebsite. 1344093;1450233081;mircea_popescu;indiancandy1 good team, good idea, it's complicated. 1344094;1450233083;TheNewDeal;the US tax law can't handle these transactions 1344095;1450233095;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344037 << invest in a motherfucking spectrum analyzer. 1344096;1450233095;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 02:20:50; TheNewDeal: but I think they've got some sort of tracking program on me. Weaponry that can induce a false schizophrenia 1344097;1450233097;asciilifeform;be the first. 1344098;1450233098;indiancandy1;do you outsorce 1344099;1450233098;TheNewDeal;I don't even know who I sent it to - that's basically unreportable 1344100;1450233109;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71000 @ 0.00047725 = 33.8848 BTC [-] 1344101;1450233121;mircea_popescu;indiancandy1 notrly. 1344102;1450233123;indiancandy1;outsource 1344103;1450233126;indiancandy1;u use argentina 1344104;1450233135;mircea_popescu;i use slave labour for the most part. 1344105;1450233161;indiancandy1;but what country 1344106;1450233180;hanbot;marlboro? 1344107;1450233198;mircea_popescu;wherever i happen to be. 1344108;1450233230;mircea_popescu;anyway, you wanna invest in a game, why not go play eulora. danielpbarron will show you the ropes if you show him yours. 1344109;1450233260;danielpbarron;I can pay you to work for me yes 1344110;1450233269;indiancandy1;i got no ropes babe 1344111;1450233270;indiancandy1;LOL 1344112;1450233276;indiancandy1;pay me 2 work 4 u 1344113;1450233278;indiancandy1;daniel 1344114;1450233279;indiancandy1;? 1344115;1450233293;mircea_popescu;he's been doing that, has a regular stable of noobs going from what i gather. 1344116;1450233297;mircea_popescu;pun intended. 1344117;1450233298;danielpbarron;you gotta get that key from Mr. Dunne though 1344118;1450233332;mircea_popescu;ahhh, homebaked muffins and iced milk coffee... 1344119;1450233336;indiancandy1;so does playing this game eaern 1344120;1450233379;danielpbarron;ranges from 300k to 2 mn per hour depending on the activity 1344121;1450233380;mircea_popescu;yes, you could get your very first bitcents 1344122;1450233411;mircea_popescu;danielpbarron wow no shit ? 2mn ? that's like... almost minimum wage ? 1344123;1450233421;danielpbarron;some things can be automated to run while your sleeping 1344124;1450233443;TheNewDeal;those are the tools i'm talking about 1344125;1450233449;TheNewDeal;fake sleeping tools 1344126;1450233450;danielpbarron;that's two orders of trilema credits heh 1344127;1450233459;mircea_popescu;i stand impressed. 1344128;1450233624;indiancandy1;2mn in pounds is what 1344129;1450233694;mircea_popescu;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1344130;1450233702;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 307.683435, vol: 16449.86999106 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 303.6027405, vol: 12728.35091 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 292.38, vol: 5.11919016 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 317.068096, vol: 105203.31740000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 307.325, vol: 12.28616566 | Bitcoin-Central BTCGBP last: 309.642805993, vol: 92.64349349 | Volume-weighted last average: 314.638931296 1344131;1450233706;mircea_popescu;like 6 quid. 1344132;1450233941;mircea_popescu;!rated TheNewDeal 1344133;1450233941;assbot;You have not rated TheNewDeal. 1344134;1450233964;mircea_popescu;!rate TheNewDeal 2 Put a decent chunk of change into the Bitcoin Foundation back when it wasn't fashionable yet. 1344135;1450233964;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/04cc996ebe31d5bf 1344136;1450233989;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.TheNewDeal.2:72f205feb029a54e96e08dbde50f07860dd069d6aa8b8021f0286fe3999b943a 1344137;1450233990;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 2 for TheNewDeal with note: Put a decent chunk of change into the Bitcoin Foundation back when it wasn't fashionable yet. 1344138;1450234160;TheNewDeal;I think they're going to Shrem me hard for this 1344139;1450234180;mircea_popescu;to shrem ? it's a verb now ? 1344140;1450234204;TheNewDeal;pour a drink out for TheNewDeal when you have a chance 1344141;1450234217;gabrielradio;TheNewDeal set up a dead man's switch 1344142;1450234258;TheNewDeal;I want to see them try to politicize this. I can see it coming and I want to see how they sell out the working man in 2016 1344143;1450234281;TheNewDeal;throw em in jail, lock away the key 1344144;1450234299;TheNewDeal;they think with their mind and send their money unannounced 1344145;1450234328;mircea_popescu;man... politicize what. 1344146;1450234341;TheNewDeal;the battle for money control 1344147;1450234373;TheNewDeal;it's behind all this actual rage pent up across the glove 1344148;1450234379;TheNewDeal;globe 1344149;1450234432;TheNewDeal;I'm locked down on state sponsored medications and they aren't doing a thing 1344150;1450234478;hanbot;TheNewDeal what medications exactly? 1344151;1450234487;TheNewDeal;risperdone and mirtazapine 1344152;1450234529;hanbot;how long've you been on em? 1344153;1450234533;mod6;TheNewDeal: hey, thanks! 1344154;1450234551;TheNewDeal;just a couple weeks. 1344155;1450234569;TheNewDeal;but it's impossible for me to get rid of eating and smoking nonstop 1344156;1450234789;hanbot;TheNewDeal take a walk in a park/forest/beach/etc. don't take your cigarettes. 1344157;1450235427;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33550 @ 0.00048476 = 16.2637 BTC [+] 1344158;1450235494;danielpbarron;deedbot- http://danielpbarron.com/tax-2015.asc.txt 1344159;1450235495;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OvnanU ) 1344160;1450235496;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1344161;1450236226;mod6;thx danielpbarron 1344162;1450236406;nubbins`;suggest a movie that isn't a piece of shit 1344163;1450236436;mod6;reservoir dogs ? 1344164;1450237623;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107950 @ 0.00048601 = 52.4648 BTC [+] {5} 1344165;1450238111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 148300 @ 0.00048718 = 72.2488 BTC [+] {2} 1344166;1450238904;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34800 @ 0.00048744 = 16.9629 BTC [+] 1344167;1450238990;BingoBoingo; but I think they've tried to slip me drugs to admit to crimes that haven't occurred << This was a big motivator in my decision to sobriety. Harder to CIA drug if not already intoxicated. 1344168;1450239204;BingoBoingo;TheNewDeal mirtazapine and weed is a hell of a combination 1344169;1450239697;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57150 @ 0.00048745 = 27.8578 BTC [+] {4} 1344170;1450239937;danielpbarron;!up morenoh149 1344171;1450240063;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 149350 @ 0.00048577 = 72.5497 BTC [-] {2} 1344172;1450240151;danielpbarron;!up morenoh149 1344173;1450240917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41593 @ 0.00048746 = 20.2749 BTC [+] 1344174;1450241021;morenoh149;why tho 1344175;1450241081;danielpbarron;ah, hello! 1344176;1450241135;morenoh149;!up chiral 1344177;1450241148;morenoh149;!up morenoh149 1344178;1450241220;morenoh149;danielpbarron: just killing time 1344179;1450241230;morenoh149;found this channel mentioned on an old hackernews thread 1344180;1450241248;danielpbarron;ah, which one was that ? 1344181;1450241283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7733 @ 0.00048746 = 3.7695 BTC [+] {2} 1344182;1450241323;morenoh149;somthing like `what are the best irc channels` 1344183;1450241344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 368067 @ 0.00049086 = 180.6694 BTC [+] {6} 1344184;1450241412;danielpbarron;what were some other ones mentioned? 1344185;1450241514;morenoh149;#cyberwizard 1344186;1450241520;morenoh149;##javascript 1344187;1450241532;danielpbarron;8/ 1344188;1450241583;morenoh149;well it's not efnet or dalnet 1344189;1450241586;TheNewDeal;morenoh a/s/l? 1344190;1450241590;morenoh149;it's gonna be programming related 1344191;1450241685;danielpbarron;it sounds almost like a joke to include this channel and ##javascript in the same list of "best channels" -- and cyberwizard is a nice cherry on top 1344192;1450241733;morenoh149;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8788532 1344193;1450241734;assbot;Good IRC channels | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1lOjtDl ) 1344194;1450242109;danielpbarron;!up morenoh149 1344195;1450242295;morenoh149;what is that? 1344196;1450242309;morenoh149;I have bitcoins. What do I do with them? 1344197;1450242338;trinque;you can send them to me if you like. 1344198;1450242406;danielpbarron;you can buy Eulora coppers with them 1344199;1450242439;morenoh149;anyone else in nyc? met a couple of ppl interested in finance and bitcoin this month 1344200;1450242440;ben_vulpes;lol ##javascript 1344201;1450242447;danielpbarron;i'm near nyc 1344202;1450242451;ben_vulpes;you met people interested in finance, morenoh149? 1344203;1450242457;ben_vulpes;in nyc of all places? 1344204;1450242474;morenoh149;yeah there was a bitcoin meetup over at solidX 1344205;1450242488;ben_vulpes;solidX being? 1344206;1450242531;morenoh149;a company 1344207;1450242578;ben_vulpes;looks like a website from here 1344208;1450242610;ben_vulpes;gallancy, since 2011 1344209;1450242619;ben_vulpes;daniel h gallancy, i mean to say 1344210;1450242630;ben_vulpes;dimitri nemirovsky, since 2013 1344211;1450242653;ben_vulpes;ivan brightly, is a blockchain subject matter expert having been involved as a core member of the bitcoin/blockchain community since 2012 1344212;1450242675;ben_vulpes;bryan reyhani has been in the space since 2013 having handled seminal legal work that garnered widespread media coverage. 1344213;1450242686;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 156500 @ 0.00048577 = 76.023 BTC [-] 1344214;1450242712;ben_vulpes;bob mcelrath contributed to numerous open source projects in the bitcoin space, including Bitcoin Core. 1344215;1450242723;ben_vulpes;and not a single one of them have i ever heard of. 1344216;1450242729;ben_vulpes;and who are you morenoh149? 1344217;1450242869;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114086 @ 0.00048604 = 55.4504 BTC [+] 1344218;1450242930;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57750 @ 0.00049181 = 28.402 BTC [+] {3} 1344219;1450243026;morenoh149;I write javascript mostly. I own a little bitcoin I bought off some asian guy 1344220;1450243634;ben_vulpes;that's not an answer to the question 1344221;1450244138;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343716 << oh i think i see what's going on here 1344222;1450244138;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 19:12:39; asciilifeform: somebody +v ascii_field por favor, he can't reach the button 1344223;1450244150;ben_vulpes;that is some specific diddling. 1344224;1450244333;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90100 @ 0.00049183 = 44.3139 BTC [+] {2} 1344225;1450244990;ben_vulpes;https://blockchain.info/tx/58262fa8436e0d35b73e43caef8c6e4d929507a3acb9d44e56b26b48251e30e8 << HODAMN 1344226;1450244991;assbot;Bitcoin Transaction 58262fa8436e0d35b73e43caef8c6e4d929507a3acb9d44e56b26b48251e30e8 ... ( http://bit.ly/1OvwEj9 ) 1344227;1450245032;BingoBoingo;I'm pretty sure yall definitely have more money than the Vessenes' Foundation nao 1344228;1450245081;*;ben_vulpes still has no idea what people think we're going to do with it 1344229;1450245093;ben_vulpes;buy a si fab in mod6's old age i imagine 1344230;1450245101;BingoBoingo;Eventually bury meganodes in concrete 1344231;1450245651;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski https://archive.is/L2CGe 1344232;1450245652;assbot;Eating the Bitcoin Cake — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1QLvep8 ) 1344233;1450245652;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1344234;1450246285;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105918 @ 0.00049057 = 51.9602 BTC [-] 1344235;1450246773;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 111564 @ 0.00049174 = 54.8605 BTC [+] {3} 1344236;1450248481;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 120800 @ 0.00048813 = 58.9661 BTC [-] {3} 1344237;1450248786;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86750 @ 0.00048766 = 42.3045 BTC [-] 1344238;1450248946;ben_vulpes;!up morenoh149 1344239;1450248961;*;ben_vulpes off 1344240;1450249396;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34900 @ 0.00049169 = 17.16 BTC [+] 1344241;1450250799;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2118 @ 0.00048766 = 1.0329 BTC [-] 1344242;1450251043;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82531 @ 0.00048772 = 40.252 BTC [+] {3} 1344243;1450252385;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60100 @ 0.00049054 = 29.4815 BTC [+] {2} 1344244;1450252873;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57700 @ 0.00048526 = 27.9995 BTC [-] 1344245;1450253849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 218946 @ 0.00049141 = 107.5923 BTC [+] {3} 1344246;1450254724;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] It’s not your outgoing US President’s fault he’s a dumb monkey, it’s affirmative action’s. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/16/its-not-your-outgoing-us-presidents-fault-hes-a-dumb-monkey-its-affirmative-actions/ 1344247;1450255130;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71950 @ 0.00049198 = 35.398 BTC [+] {3} 1344248;1450255435;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 164967 @ 0.00049207 = 81.1753 BTC [+] {2} 1344249;1450256106;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81800 @ 0.00049259 = 40.2939 BTC [+] {3} 1344250;1450257509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 162150 @ 0.00048505 = 78.6509 BTC [-] {3} 1344251;1450257631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 113100 @ 0.0004841 = 54.7517 BTC [-] {5} 1344252;1450259368;jurov;http://www.marketplace.org/2015/12/10/world/why-cant-china-make-good-ballpoint-pen 1344253;1450259369;assbot;Why can't China make a good ballpoint pen? | Marketplace.org ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZbtMiO ) 1344254;1450259379;jurov;First up was Qu Daokui, CEO of a robotics company. “If I close my eyes and try to think of a product that has Chinese characteristics and is recognized internationally,” stammered Qu, “I can’t think of one.” 1344255;1450260071;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17053 @ 0.00048379 = 8.2501 BTC [-] 1344256;1450260132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75797 @ 0.0004825 = 36.5721 BTC [-] {2} 1344257;1450260717;adlai;cf "bla bla space pen bla bla nasa money bla bla freezing boiling cosmic-ray-induced-degradation-of-premium-ink blabla. the russians used a pencil." 1344258;1450260810;adlai;ehehe of course there's a blog for that: http://therussiansusedapencil.com/post/175863624/the-pencil 1344259;1450260811;assbot;The Pencil - The Russians Used a Pencil ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZbvCjH ) 1344260;1450261169;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52404 @ 0.00048287 = 25.3043 BTC [+] 1344261;1450261186;davout;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343429 1344262;1450261186;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 16:58:50; davout: mircea_popescu: pl0x to x.eur 1344263;1450261230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37700 @ 0.00048589 = 18.3181 BTC [+] 1344264;1450261376;jurov;*sigh* in the quest to make sense of trb's memory allocations, i ended up at gates of openssl's CBigNum 1344265;1450261901;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76200 @ 0.00048939 = 37.2915 BTC [+] {3} 1344266;1450263121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124900 @ 0.00049071 = 61.2897 BTC [+] {2} 1344267;1450263182;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124650 @ 0.00048127 = 59.9903 BTC [-] {3} 1344268;1450263506;davout;jurov: dem gates of hell 1344269;1450263898;jurov;http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/bignum.h?v=asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option#0068 specifically, this appear to leak memory somehow 1344270;1450263899;assbot;Satoshi asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option/src/bignum.h ... ( http://bit.ly/1lP3cOw ) 1344271;1450263919;jurov;it goes against https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/crypto/BN_copy.html 1344272;1450263920;assbot;OpenSSL ... ( http://bit.ly/1lP3epI ) 1344273;1450263932;jurov;which says "dest should be a newly allocated BIGNUM obtained via a call to BN_new(). It should not have been used for other purposes or initialised in any way." 1344274;1450264126;punkman;it overloads the assignment operator? dear god 1344275;1450264224;jurov;yes. and the best thing? igprof says it's called from CBlock::AddToBlockIndex but i have no idea where exactly the fucking compiler implicitly added it 1344276;1450264236;punkman;actually it has custom fn for all operators 1344277;1450264585;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9020 @ 0.00049155 = 4.4338 BTC [+] 1344278;1450265073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88300 @ 0.00049335 = 43.5628 BTC [+] {3} 1344279;1450265249;punkman;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/millionaire-ehsan-abdulaziz-who-said-he-accidentally-tripped-and-penetrated-teen-is-cleared-of-rape-a6774946.html 1344280;1450265249;assbot;Ehsan Abdulaziz: Saudi millionaire who said he 'accidentally tripped and penetrated' teenage girl cleared of rape | Crime | News | The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jbxb8h ) 1344281;1450266403;punkman;http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-M84Sb4h6Jk4/UZziag65nbI/AAAAAAABVLw/QzR1vjFgEBA/s1600/ke7sFs9.jpg 1344282;1450266403;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jbyggc ) 1344283;1450266756;mircea_popescu;davout on it. 1344284;1450267002;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344203 <<< Vulpes Suave Sarcasm. The kind the pope uses. 1344285;1450267002;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 05:07:37; ben_vulpes: in nyc of all places? 1344286;1450267137;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344211 <<< https://twitter.com/twobitidiot/status/497449427460956161 being the... one guy that retweeted that selkis two bit idiot thing should count as " a blockchain subject matter expert having been involved as a core member of the bitcoin/blockchain community since 2012" wouldn't you say ? 1344287;1450267137;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 05:10:53; ben_vulpes: ivan brightly, is a blockchain subject matter expert having been involved as a core member of the bitcoin/blockchain community since 2012 1344288;1450267160;mircea_popescu;they're taking the "i've been part of the bitcoin through talking" to the next level : "in my head, i could have been talking abotu this in 2012 so why the hell not!" 1344289;1450267199;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes: bryan reyhani has been in the space since 2013 having handled seminal legal work that garnered widespread media coverage. <<< bwaghaghaga fuckuing epic. 1344290;1450267231;mircea_popescu;there is apparently OTHER seminal legal work in "The space" than my semen the sec chicklets guzzled. fancy that. 1344291;1450267244;mircea_popescu;next time ima be sure to spread the media coverage wider. 1344292;1450267279;mircea_popescu;this has been entertaining. 1344293;1450267408;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344227 << heh. it's an american thing, how could one not have more money than it ?! 1344294;1450267408;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 05:50:32; BingoBoingo: I'm pretty sure yall definitely have more money than the Vessenes' Foundation nao 1344295;1450267479;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344228 << fancy that! one government gets 0.1% voluntary tax and doesn't know what to do with it, the other gets 70%ish at gunpoint and thinks it needs so much more. 1344296;1450267479;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 05:51:21; *: ben_vulpes still has no idea what people think we're going to do with it 1344297;1450267513;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93044 @ 0.00049386 = 45.9507 BTC [+] {3} 1344298;1450267529;mircea_popescu;deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] << hey, maybe stick some more pete dushenski in there, pete_dushenski ? just in case tis not clear! 1344299;1450267635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.0004921 = 5.4131 BTC [-] {2} 1344300;1450267649;punkman;just reached the indiancandy and thnewdeal part of the logs, wtf 1344301;1450267798;mircea_popescu;tis a mystery. 1344302;1450267902;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344273 << nice find j. 1344303;1450267902;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 11:05:32; jurov: which says "dest should be a newly allocated BIGNUM obtained via a call to BN_new(). It should not have been used for other purposes or initialised in any way." 1344304;1450267992;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344280 <<< ahahaha check it out, the brits stick to rotherham! 1344305;1450267992;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 11:27:29; assbot: Ehsan Abdulaziz: Saudi millionaire who said he 'accidentally tripped and penetrated' teenage girl cleared of rape | Crime | News | The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jbxb8h ) 1344306;1450268000;mircea_popescu;should just move the fucking capital already, who needs the queen. 1344307;1450268184;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51350 @ 0.0004921 = 25.2693 BTC [-] {2} 1344308;1450268245;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7050 @ 0.00049151 = 3.4651 BTC [-] 1344309;1450268249;mircea_popescu;oh, the mystery clears : https://archive.is/pcaTg#selection-1583.0-1585.0 << the subject matter expert primarily exists in the xt. 1344310;1450268250;assbot;only-bigblocks branch code review - Google Groups ... ( http://bit.ly/1k2bb9e ) 1344311;1450269282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 129000 @ 0.000494 = 63.726 BTC [+] {3} 1344312;1450270053;punkman;!up justanotheruser 1344313;1450270258;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38561 @ 0.00049151 = 18.9531 BTC [-] {2} 1344314;1450270372;punkman;http://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h6141 1344315;1450270375;assbot;“Gunslinger’s gait”: a new cause of unilaterally reduced arm swing | The BMJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1O8larH ) 1344316;1450271112;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 161050 @ 0.00048848 = 78.6697 BTC [-] 1344317;1450271410;punkman;http://fortune.com/2015/12/15/cybersecurity-china-world-internet-conference/ 1344318;1450271411;assbot;Cybersecurity Won’t Be the Biggest Deal at China’s World Internet Conference - Fortune ... ( http://bit.ly/1O8miLS ) 1344319;1450271783;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35663 @ 0.00048622 = 17.3401 BTC [-] {2} 1344320;1450271862;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKS4NiuCdJY 1344321;1450271863;assbot;ΝΙΚΟΣ ΜΑΜΑΓΚΑΚΗΣ ΤΟ ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙ ΤΟΥ ΤΡΕΛΛΟΥ - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1O8mPxk ) 1344322;1450272149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 114600 @ 0.00048079 = 55.0985 BTC [-] {2} 1344323;1450272637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63502 @ 0.00048455 = 30.7699 BTC [+] 1344324;1450272702;punkman;https://www.cbinsights.com/blog/startup-failure-post-mortem/ 1344325;1450272708;assbot;146 Startup Failure Post-Mortems 1344326;1450272783;punkman;goldmine 1344327;1450272827;punkman;(why didn't assbot add a bit.ly to the title?) 1344328;1450273434;mircea_popescu;no idea. 1344329;1450273911;mircea_popescu;davout http://dpaste.com/1TD2Q8F 1344330;1450273913;assbot;dpaste: 1TD2Q8F ... ( http://bit.ly/1k2miid ) 1344331;1450273924;davout;mircea_popescu: danke schön 1344332;1450273958;mircea_popescu;getting the xeurs in momentarily. 1344333;1450274550;mircea_popescu;!up Peter_Geschel 1344334;1450274955;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22400 @ 0.00048455 = 10.8539 BTC [+] 1344335;1450275260;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 161337 @ 0.00047968 = 77.3901 BTC [-] {4} 1344336;1450275293;punkman;http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-35111363 1344337;1450275295;assbot;Facewatch 'thief recognition' CCTV on trial in UK stores - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1O8qs6v ) 1344338;1450275394;mircea_popescu;today like in athens 3k years ago, a good chunks of "thieves" are the merchant's own adolescent sons. 1344339;1450275614;deedbot-;[fr.anco.is] X.EUR December 16th statement - http://fr.anco.is/2015/x-eur-december-16th-statement/ 1344340;1450275704;davout;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/2PG8AP4.txt 1344341;1450275705;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O8qOdk ) 1344342;1450275705;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1344343;1450275870;assbot;[MPEX] [S.BBET] [PAID] 0.56897406 BTC to 5`000`000 shares, 11 satoshi per share 1344344;1450275902;mircea_popescu;deedbot- http://dpaste.com/2PRX75J.txt 1344345;1450275903;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZbX0hx ) 1344346;1450275904;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1344347;1450275992;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 124.03338301 BTC to 500`000`000 shares, 24 satoshi per share 1344348;1450276007;mircea_popescu;deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0YV070C.txt 1344349;1450276007;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZbXhB8 ) 1344350;1450276008;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1344351;1450276141;mircea_popescu;in other news, anyone wanna do a wire for me ? 1344352;1450276724;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105200 @ 0.00048154 = 50.658 BTC [+] 1344353;1450277151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62200 @ 0.00048154 = 29.9518 BTC [+] 1344354;1450278310;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 306884 @ 0.00047935 = 147.1048 BTC [-] {8} 1344355;1450278371;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 190216 @ 0.00047759 = 90.8453 BTC [-] {7} 1344356;1450278615;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 132700 @ 0.0004867 = 64.5851 BTC [+] {2} 1344357;1450279162;asciilifeform;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8794707 << somehow i missed this lul ? 1344358;1450279163;assbot;#bitcoin-assets on freenode is a good one with frequent discussion | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1mnYWpj ) 1344359;1450279234;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344269 << what's the clue for this ? ( is this wallet code ? it never once turned up in any of my leak tests ) 1344360;1450279234;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 11:04:58; jurov: http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/bignum.h?v=asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option#0068 specifically, this appear to leak memory somehow 1344361;1450279234;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1344362;1450279354;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344295 << having no expenses is great, aha 1344363;1450279354;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 12:04:39; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344228 << fancy that! one government gets 0.1% voluntary tax and doesn't know what to do with it, the other gets 70%ish at gunpoint and thinks it needs so much more. 1344364;1450279367;asciilifeform;everybody else would, if they could... 1344365;1450279400;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344324 << mega-l0l: 1344366;1450279400;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 13:31:42; punkman: https://www.cbinsights.com/blog/startup-failure-post-mortem/ 1344367;1450279404;asciilifeform;'There was no doubt about it: I had discovered The Next Big Thing. Like Edison and the lightbulb, like Gates and the pc operating system, I would launch a revolution that would transform society while bringing me wealth and fame. I was about to become the first person in America to sell condom key chains.' 1344368;1450279459;asciilifeform;interestingly, there are two or three 'adult' defunct corps in there (a biotech thing and i forget what else) 1344369;1450279562;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, 1344370;1450279568;asciilifeform;http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/12/15/windows_xp_royal_navy << Run Moar Winblowz !! 1344371;1450279569;assbot;Windows XP spotted on Royal Navy's spanking new aircraft carrier • The Register ... ( http://bit.ly/1k2ypMu ) 1344372;1450279591;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 379461 @ 0.00048578 = 184.3346 BTC [-] {4} 1344373;1450280459;nubbins`;time to smoke a jazz cigarette while taking a shower 1344374;1450280470;nubbins`;for those of you who have never, it's enjoyable 1344375;1450280725;jurov;asciilifeform: igprof shown several megabytes of LIVE_MEM for BN_copy called from operator= despite it's almost always used only temporary 1344376;1450280761;jurov;(that was after I eliminated some unrelated noise) 1344377;1450280869;nubbins`;jurov seems you're making some progress 1344378;1450280933;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1970 @ 0.00135351 = 2.6664 BTC [-] {5} 1344379;1450280935;jurov;hard to say. my style of work is more like throwing shit to wall than some systematic progress 1344380;1450281056;mircea_popescu; http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344295 << having no expenses is great, aha <<< hey, i don't recall teh mod6 / ben_vulpes writing in any checks that bounced, so... it covers 100% of its expenses! 1344381;1450281056;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 12:04:39; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344228 << fancy that! one government gets 0.1% voluntary tax and doesn't know what to do with it, the other gets 70%ish at gunpoint and thinks it needs so much more. 1344382;1450281069;jurov;putting outside of heap all permanent block-related data that won't ever get deallocated, looks like an improvement and do improve the baseline 1344383;1450281091;jurov;but if it helps with maintaining mempool remains to be seen 1344384;1450281130;jurov;and the code i ended up with is rather invasive :( 1344385;1450281145;mircea_popescu; jurov seems you're making some progress << ironically, the operator= nonsense was JUST linked in a basic piece about how c++ sucks that we've all read and yet it made nobody else click. 1344386;1450281181;jurov;are we getting rid of c++? yay! 1344387;1450281192;jurov;mircea_popescu: map is not the territory 1344388;1450281210;mircea_popescu;jurov quite. i recall reading that thing years ago, too. understood as nothing of it then as now, obviously. 1344389;1450281212;mircea_popescu;but hey, i like to read. 1344390;1450281306;nubbins`;if you like to read, you'll love irc 1344391;1450281328;mircea_popescu;i do, actually. this line-at-a-time business is almost perfect. 1344392;1450281421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79200 @ 0.00047692 = 37.7721 BTC [-] {4} 1344393;1450281599;mircea_popescu;in unrelated news : okcupid makes money in two ways that i can see. one is to sell you "A list" status, which brings no obvious benefits other than "browse invisibly". they advertise the shit out of it too, "you are browsing visibly". what the fuck sort of deranged ustardian would actually make an account of a site specifically dedicated to finding people and then wanting stealth! 1344394;1450281642;mircea_popescu;but anyway. i imagine it's making a decent penny for them, being exactly the fuctarded "sit by lakeside and carefully dip toe in" thing that today's women of both sexes obsess over. 1344395;1450281668;mircea_popescu;the other, and this is the lulzy part, is a "boost", where you pay them a buck or two and they "show your profile" to VERY MANY ppl!!1 1344396;1450281758;mircea_popescu;this is practically a straight advertising deal, and i have the numbers : out of the ~150-200k people onlione they claim perpetually, the 1-2 dollar thing buys you about 300 over an hour, so that's superficially 1.5-2 per thousand but i suspect might be as high as 10% given that obviously, not everyone actually pays any attention to them. 1344397;1450281782;mircea_popescu;as the boost takes about an hour, this caps the okcupid revenue from this line to somewhere around say 20 bux an hour ? which sounds just about right. 1344398;1450281814;mircea_popescu;on the other hand, of those 2-300 people, should you have the curiosity to include a link strategically in your profile, you might discover that exactly... 0%, as well as 0 per thousand actually click. 1344399;1450281850;mircea_popescu;on the basis of all the foregoing, i would say the market value of okcupid is definitely under 10 btc and perhaps over 1 btc. 1344400;1450281962;mircea_popescu;this puts the per-capita value of an ustard (that LTV thing discussed in some earlier links in log ) somewhere in the 1 to 10 cents. 1344401;1450282064;mircea_popescu;also, seeing how InterActiveCorp ( NASDAQ: IACI ) consists of at least 10% okcupid and claims total assets of 4bn, we can estimate the value of the bezzle! if 4k worth of okcupid is perhaps 10% of the business self-valued at 4bn, then every dollar a us corporation owns is worth ~0.001 cents of actual, honest to god, turkey-buying dollars and 0.999 cents of pure bezzle. 1344402;1450282100;mircea_popescu;numbers are probably not exact, but they are certainly & guaranteedly closer to reality than the bizarro view where "apple has 1 dollar means apple has 1 dollar". 1344403;1450282139;mircea_popescu;of only practical interest here, remember that for every $1000 added to your 401k, you can expect to buy about a cent;s worth of turkey at some point down the road. 1344404;1450282214;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85950 @ 0.00048002 = 41.2577 BTC [+] 1344405;1450282325;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344351 << sure. pgp-gram coordinates and details ? 1344406;1450282325;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 14:29:01; mircea_popescu: in other news, anyone wanna do a wire for me ? 1344407;1450282367;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski onesec. 1344408;1450282641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50950 @ 0.00047689 = 24.2975 BTC [-] 1344409;1450282702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 275700 @ 0.00047669 = 131.4234 BTC [-] {7} 1344410;1450282731;pete_dushenski;;;later tell BingoBoingo http://bringatrailer.com/2015/12/12/4wd-blues-28k-mile-1981-toyota-pick-up/ or http://bringatrailer.com/2015/12/15/5800-twin-turbo-302-1986-ford-f-150-sleeper/ for your usistan getaway vehicles :) 1344411;1450282733;assbot;4WD Blues: 28K Mile 1981 Toyota Pick-Up | Bring a Trailer ... ( http://bit.ly/1O67KGp ) 1344412;1450282734;assbot;$5800 Twin Turbo 302 1986 Ford F-150 Sleeper | Bring a Trailer ... ( http://bit.ly/1O67KWI ) 1344413;1450282734;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1344414;1450282779;mircea_popescu;ah, as per intel they actually bought okcupid for 50mn, so prolly should shed some zeros. 1344415;1450282786;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344298 << the key to successful marketing is repetition and persistence. and repetition ! 1344416;1450282786;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 12:05:29; mircea_popescu: deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] << hey, maybe stick some more pete dushenski in there, pete_dushenski ? just in case tis not clear! 1344417;1450282978;mircea_popescu;btw asciilifeform the same iac/spamcorp owns the princetown review, your favourite! 1344418;1450283007;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54750 @ 0.00047633 = 26.0791 BTC [-] {2} 1344419;1450283210;mircea_popescu;"Product: Pixable 1344420;1450283210;mircea_popescu;We achieved what we set out to do, even if the final result didnt end up with us becoming the next Buzzfeed. We never wanted to be the next Buzzfeed. We always wanted to be who we were, Pixable. And it was working. Unfortunately, circumstances [despite reaching 9.4M active users and 58M monthly video views] made it difficult to raise money and continue on." 1344421;1450283225;mircea_popescu;epic. "i am exactly who i wanted to be : a failure. unfortunately, this also means i die now. so long!" 1344422;1450283258;*;mircea_popescu looks forward to hearing this an awful lot in the coming years, out of http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343794 1344423;1450283258;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 19:39:26; mircea_popescu: ascii_field by the time that's done, my dear alf, everyone who's still asleep ain't never waking up again. 1344424;1450283281;pete_dushenski;"i don't want to succeed if it means i can't be ME ! what am i, some sort of sellout ?" 1344425;1450283316;mircea_popescu;right ? 1344426;1450283320;mircea_popescu;"Title: Bitcoin Reputation Startup Bonafide to Shut Down 1344427;1450283320;mircea_popescu;Product: Bonafide 1344428;1450283320;mircea_popescu;In the email, co-founders Karthik Balasubramanian and Brian Moyer stated their belief that the movement of investor interest away from consumer-facing applications for the technology was also a factor. Balasubramanian and Moyer wrote: While investment and activity continues to occur it is focused on private and alternate chains rather than bitcoin or other public chains where Bonafide operates. As a result, the c 1344429;1450283320;mircea_popescu;o-founders said they saw little chance that they would be able to generate revenue, pivot their product or secure additional funding." 1344430;1450283333;mircea_popescu;all the things nobody heard of from all the people nobody heard of. 1344431;1450283367;mircea_popescu;this is a little like being a chinese diplomat reviewing the records of this obscure tribe, meanwhile crushed, that apparently thought it had sent lots and lots of ambassadors, expeditions, generals, so forth. 1344432;1450283388;mircea_popescu;nobody in china ever saw their faces before the day they were locked in a hut and burned alive, but hey. THEY thought they were part of the conversation. 1344433;1450283413;pete_dushenski;and they have the fishwrap to prove it ! 1344434;1450283425;pete_dushenski;"look at all our media mentions ! 1344435;1450283427;pete_dushenski;" 1344436;1450283451;mircea_popescu;but anyway, there's going to be A LOT of busting kneecaps of uppity ustard "capitalists" who imagine they actually get to have a say and whatnot. 1344437;1450283469;pete_dushenski;this is actually an incredibly strong signal that the product in question is doomed, if their landing page says "as seen in nyt, good morning america, etc." 1344438;1450283476;mircea_popescu;alternative and private, seriously ? what, like your wife & daughter ? why are they chained in my closed then, if they're this private an' alternative ? 1344439;1450283480;mircea_popescu;i dun see any alternative there. 1344440;1450283513;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-12-2015#1343621 << this 'alternative' 1344441;1450283513;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 18:53:14; nubbins`: and if not, it's 100% because of everyone else 1344442;1450283528;mircea_popescu;Product: Dine In 1344443;1450283528;mircea_popescu;We knew acquisition was the best course of action, says [Evan] Graj. That eventually led to Dine In being approached in February by a major Internet company active in the online food space, and its my understanding that by April and significant legal fees later a sale had been agreed. Then at the eleventh hour the deal unexpectedly fell through, leaving the restaurant delivery startup high and dry 1344444;1450283529;mircea_popescu; and its unnamed acquirer a no-show. Adds Graj: They backed out leaving us with a huge legal bill both for Dine In and myself personally, a huge debt to note holders, and no VCs to turn to. A hard lesson to learn and one Ill be taking into my next venture. 1344445;1450283529;mircea_popescu;loller. 1344446;1450283546;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/heres-what-they-dont-tell-you-when-they-bring-you-those-papers-to-sign/ 1344447;1450283547;assbot;Here's what they don't tell you when they bring you those papers to sign on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1O6aNyh ) 1344448;1450283569;mircea_popescu;Product: Quirky 1344449;1450283569;mircea_popescu;Steering the ship handling all of the engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and retailing, even when youre taking 90 percent of the subsequent profits was ultimately too expensive of a proposition, especially in comparison to other, less-handholding-oriented start-ups. The reason why Kickstarter makes a ton of money is they dont have to do anything besides put up a website, Kaufman notes. 1344450;1450283604;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2015/03/06/signing-a-shoe-is-the-same-as-signing-the-papers/ << more lyrical, same vein. 1344451;1450283605;assbot;Signing a shoe is the same as signing the papers. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1O6b2cD ) 1344452;1450283618;mircea_popescu;Product: Selltag 1344453;1450283619;mircea_popescu;Escribano said that the companys main problem was user engagement and retention. In every marketplace you have the chicken-and-egg problem with buyers and sellers. We tried to capture them both organically and via paid marketing, but it wasnt enough. Getting sellers was somewhat easy, but buyers much more complicated 1344454;1450283690;nubbins`;you could fill the oceans with people who thought buyers would magically appear 1344455;1450283717;mircea_popescu;these are pretty epic. 1344456;1450283719;mircea_popescu;"Product: Zen99 1344457;1450283719;mircea_popescu;We had a user acquisition problem, and the best route involved a competitorThe best acquisition method I saw was tapping into an existing network of people who had filed 1099s: like Intuits hundreds of millions of tax returns, many with 1099 income. Unfortunately, Intuit released an identical competing product to us. Its not ideal when your best user acquisition strategy is partnering with a company who has a 1344458;1450283719;mircea_popescu;competing product." 1344459;1450283737;mircea_popescu;"oh, we were going to change the world on someone else's dime. what do you mean "wut" ?!?!?! WE ARE GENIUZ!" 1344460;1450283745;mircea_popescu;"Product: QBotix 1344461;1450283745;mircea_popescu;Each member of our now pared-down team knew exactly how much runway the company had remaining, the status of our strategic talks, and the acknowledged long odds we faced as a going concern. To their credit, they remained focused, productive and on-task until our final day a remarkable expression of dedication to the mission and to each other. Sadly, and in spite of the achievements, we simply ran out of time and ca 1344462;1450283745;mircea_popescu;sh to finish the job." 1344463;1450283795;mircea_popescu;any mention of "i suck as a manager" eerily absent. "i don't suck as a manager - i gave all the people who had no responsibility in the matter all the data about what a shit job i was doing. this means i wasn't doing a shit job! this is also how i went through school - i told my parents about all the Cs i got! this is actually better than getting As!" 1344464;1450283803;mircea_popescu;why are these people this fucking stupid ? 1344465;1450283804;nubbins`;we knew we'd run out of gas, but bobby steered and lisa worked the accelerator and we got as far down that road as we could. unfortunately we just couldn't pull over to the shoulder. 1344466;1450283844;mircea_popescu;this is like, fundamental abdication from humanity. these people aspire to be bugs. 1344467;1450283875;mircea_popescu;"Product: Vatler 1344468;1450283875;mircea_popescu;We started VATLER during the summer of 2014 as an on-demand valet service in San Francisco We received a phone call from the police department telling us that our permits had not been granted and they gave us a warning because we were operating illegally in most of our locationsIn 2 weeks, we lost major accounts and 30% of our revenue streams without any perspective of growth. We tried to make some restaurants p 1344469;1450283875;mircea_popescu;ay but it was just not working. Our model was no longer valid and were forced to cease operations in the city on September 7th." 1344470;1450283900;pete_dushenski;in other nyooz, "Spousal resemblance on educational attainment was very high in the early twentieth century, declined to an all-time low for young couples in the early 1950s, and has increased steadily since then. These trends broadly parallel the compression and expansion of socioeconomic inequality in the United States over the twentieth century. Additionally, educationally similar parents are more likely to h 1344471;1450283901;pete_dushenski;ave offspring who themselves marry within their own educational level." << thus, the true story behind the problem of idiot "boomers" is revealed : they thought they thought they could improve on history and stick it to their fuddy duddy parents all at the same time ! derp. 1344472;1450283913;nubbins`;vatler 1344473;1450283922;nubbins`;more like leller 1344474;1450283923;mircea_popescu;in the immortal words of seinfeld, "i give some guy the keys to my car because he's wearing a vest" 1344475;1450283949;mircea_popescu;this'd be an epic car theft ring, really. "kicstarter decentralized on demand carbon conscious valet service!" 1344476;1450283949;nubbins`;this is great, i'm gonna read these over some coffee 1344477;1450283993;mircea_popescu;"Product: Better 1344478;1450283993;mircea_popescu;Better had one of the best consumer user experiences out there but that isnt enough. " 1344479;1450284006;mircea_popescu;gotta love "out there". it's almost as good as "self-aware citizen of the nubbins" 1344480;1450284093;mircea_popescu;but hey... im sure they never said nigger and so how bad could it have been! out there! 1344481;1450284177;pete_dushenski;;;later tell BingoBoingo so chuck lee makes it an entire thousand words without sounding like a complete momo, only to finish with "P.S. I’m currently in favor of scaling Bitcoin via 2–4–8, SegWit, and LN." like, wtf. 1344482;1450284177;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1344483;1450284190;pete_dushenski;!gettrust charleslee 1344484;1450284190;assbot;charleslee is not registered in WoT. 1344485;1450284201;pete_dushenski;well, there'd be his problem. 1344486;1450284238;mircea_popescu;"Product: Circa 1344487;1450284238;mircea_popescu;Our ongoing plan was to monetize Circa News through the building of a strategy we had spent a long time developing but unfortunately we were unable to close a significant investment prior to becoming resource constrained." 1344488;1450284249;mircea_popescu;i have a dog that speaks like this. 1344489;1450284254;mircea_popescu;he's made out of pixels. 1344490;1450284308;mircea_popescu;also, apparently all the douchy "entrepreneurs" and serial failurerists are on medium. 1344491;1450284328;pete_dushenski;as is hearn, shock. 1344492;1450284386;mircea_popescu;"Unfortunately, having failed to execute on our original vision, we recently made the decision to wind down the company." 1344493;1450284391;mircea_popescu;wow, someone who went to school! 1344494;1450284407;mircea_popescu;vocational school, it's true, but a damn sight better than the whole rest of 'em nevertheless. 1344495;1450284426;mircea_popescu;https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*Bf3w_7sOPfgJHVnkWzn_ug.png << the us seriously looks more and more like soviet russia. 1344496;1450284427;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1lPTHyw ) 1344497;1450284451;pete_dushenski;train tracks... to nowhere ! 1344498;1450284452;mircea_popescu;i wonder what will i be taking in my travels for the waitresses and secretaries. tp and jeans like before ? batteries, maybe ? 1344499;1450284492;mircea_popescu;"UDesign allowed everyday people to generate their own uniquely beautiful patterns for made-to-order clothing and accessories, using mathematical simulations inspired by Complexity science and Chaos theory." 1344500;1450284514;pete_dushenski;butterflies choose your clothing size ! 1344501;1450284536;mircea_popescu;the fundamental problem here being that if your "mathematical simulations inspired by words" actually produce stuff people want to wear, then you don't need it to be an app, just build a factory ; on the other hand, if people have to design themselves, then you have the same old problem of UGC : people suck. 1344502;1450284552;mircea_popescu;check it out asciilifeform someone decided to solve the problem of ugc by adding... WHITENING! 1344503;1450284575;mircea_popescu;it not only made it impossible to immediately notice that people suck, but it also made it unobvious to gatekeepers that this is a dumb idea. 1344504;1450284593;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 231885 @ 0.00047964 = 111.2213 BTC [+] {4} 1344505;1450284595;mircea_popescu;incredibly enough, it STILL didn't work! yet nobody can ever tell him why! because IT WAS WHITENED!!! ha-ha! 1344506;1450284605;mircea_popescu;how can these people be this dumb. seriously. 1344507;1450284701;pete_dushenski;bbiab 1344508;1450284715;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53050 @ 0.00047633 = 25.2693 BTC [-] 1344509;1450284884;mircea_popescu;https://medium.com/@Santafebound/my-startup-failed-and-this-is-how-it-went-down-c9654d23c5be << notwithstanding the guy can't spell "its", not the worst piece. 1344510;1450284885;assbot;My startup failed, and this is how it went down… — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1lPVfIN ) 1344511;1450284914;punkman;"No one is in charge; it’s visibly decaying. Megatons of it, irrelevant, incapable of restoration, the walking dead…the House of Usher." 1344512;1450284921;mircea_popescu;" We spent way too much money. Ill tell you exactly how much we spent: 1344513;1450284921;mircea_popescu; $1000 on a conceptual promotional video for our brand. 1344514;1450284922;mircea_popescu; $2000 for a second promotional video for our app. 1344515;1450284922;mircea_popescu; $500 for promotional clothing for the models in our videos. 1344516;1450284922;mircea_popescu; $Another 50 per model for the 10 models in our videos." 1344517;1450284948;punkman;lol 1344518;1450284953;mircea_popescu;check it out, the guy spent way too much money. s.mg blew up more than that on online advertising for eulora mostly to give me material to write derisively abot "the industry" of online advertising. 1344519;1450284967;mircea_popescu;$50 a model, that's about what random internet ho gets for a titshot, and they still bitch about being face shy 1344520;1450285018;mircea_popescu;these are the people that can't be bothered to notice posters that cost more than their underwear. 1344521;1450285027;mircea_popescu;i don't mean what they're currently wearing, i mean all the underwear they ever used. 1344522;1450285046;mircea_popescu;"After $4000 spent, there was NO way, in light of the supposed attention to detail and effort we put into our videography, that this could not generate some kind of a media buzz, and in return, contribute to revenue growth" << loller. 1344523;1450285057;mircea_popescu;talk to the derps that spent 200mn and nobody ever heard of them. 1344524;1450285093;mircea_popescu;"The outcome? Based on subsequent actuarial, statistical, and financial analyses, we concluded that not a single dollar spent on videography amounted to a single dollar in revenue generated by those investments. In other words, every dollar we spent on videography and on models was, economically speaking, a complete and utter deadweight loss (photography actually proved to be very effective early on, and should we have 1344525;1450285093;mircea_popescu; invested in that we may have been better off. In retrospect, however, it was still difficult to say whether it would have saved us from our subsequent mistakes). 1344526;1450285093;mircea_popescu;So what was it? Did we just pick the wrong videographer? Did we pay too much for what was being offered? Should we have paid more for a more experienced videographer? Or significantly less for someone of equal calibre? Maybe our product just didnt need a video? I mean, were selling womens clothing and the items themselves are undoubtedly out there. Perhaps leveraging word of mouth would have proved just 1344527;1450285096;mircea_popescu;as effective?" 1344528;1450285099;mircea_popescu;someone can afford to do actuarial work on 4k. 1344529;1450285109;mircea_popescu;where the fuck do they hire those actuaries that work for 50 cents an hour ? 1344530;1450285194;mircea_popescu;"3) Overconfidence. Some of us are too confident about our abilities, and this causes us to take greater risks in our daily lives." << mno. some of you are overfed and underexposed to risk of violent death. that makes you be stupid, it's got nothing to do with "risk taking" bs. it has everything to do with erroneously positioning oneself in relation to the outside world and the great things in it. 1344531;1450285260;mircea_popescu;the notion that "uppity ustard talking out of line" is correctly represented as "fellow human taking on too much risk" is a core example of this problem, actually. what, we're all sitting at a table in mutual equality deciding how much to put down on red ? gtfo, you're not even allowed in the parking lot. 1344532;1450285325;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 89700 @ 0.00047621 = 42.716 BTC [-] {4} 1344533;1450285372;punkman;guy's new venture: http://www.suitshare.com/ 1344534;1450285374;assbot;Suit Share ... ( http://bit.ly/1lPXb4b ) 1344535;1450285397;punkman;yeah I totally want random derps used suit 1344536;1450285433;mircea_popescu;slutshare would be a better idea. 1344537;1450285443;mircea_popescu;"got a ho you're tired of ? see who'd want her." 1344538;1450285466;mircea_popescu;"the only apple app that celebrates women as items in trade" 1344539;1450285475;mircea_popescu;now THAT'd get some buzz. 1344540;1450286057;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 101300 @ 0.00048202 = 48.8286 BTC [+] {2} 1344541;1450287215;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1344542;1450287248;ascii_field;;;later tell jurov http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344384 << post it plz ? 1344543;1450287248;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 15:52:10; jurov: and the code i ended up with is rather invasive :( 1344544;1450287248;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1344545;1450287339;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344417 << p. review is an exam prep co. (a kind of 3-rd rate 'pepsi' to kaplan co., the mega-brand in that sector) and is not even connected with princeton uni., interestingly 1344546;1450287339;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 16:22:58; mircea_popescu: btw asciilifeform the same iac/spamcorp owns the princetown review, your favourite! 1344547;1450287357;mircea_popescu;aha 1344548;1450287383;ascii_field;i'm not sure why 'it is my favourite' other than the fact that i used to live on a street that had one such. it was quite dilapidated and possibly abandoned 1344549;1450287433;ascii_field;afaik, the only notable thing about 'princeton review' is that - at least in the past - they 'guaranteed higher score or your money back!' 1344550;1450287439;ascii_field;i do not know how this worked 1344551;1450287448;ascii_field;possibly an actuarial sort of gambit. 1344552;1450287471;mircea_popescu;!s princeton review 1344553;1450287471;assbot;0 results for 'princeton review' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=princeton+review 1344554;1450287474;mircea_popescu;hm 1344555;1450287481;mircea_popescu;i somehow thought you mentioned them once. 1344556;1450287493;ascii_field;the exams they prep folks for have since been made easier in the name of 'diversity' 1344557;1450287513;ascii_field;and now the prep corps are getting sad. 1344558;1450287582;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344421 << usa's gonna need a good reliable supply of wagner & cyanide.. 1344559;1450287582;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 16:27:05; mircea_popescu: epic. "i am exactly who i wanted to be : a failure. unfortunately, this also means i die now. so long!" 1344560;1450287634;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344426 << usg^H^H^Heloi lama sabachthani !!1111 1344561;1450287634;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 16:28:40; mircea_popescu: "Title: Bitcoin Reputation Startup Bonafide to Shut Down 1344562;1450287684;mircea_popescu;no you don't understand, they were going to sit themselves down in the middle of someone else's field and charge a toll! 1344563;1450287689;mircea_popescu;i should be less psychopathic! 1344564;1450287709;mircea_popescu;me. i should be. these fucktards who imagine the world exists like their stupid mother, just waiting for them to squeeze a tit a little are fine. 1344565;1450287723;ascii_field;!s axenic mouse 1344566;1450287724;assbot;2 results for 'axenic mouse' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=axenic+mouse 1344567;1450287746;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344452 << l0l! i misread as 'stalag' !! 1344568;1450287746;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 16:33:38; mircea_popescu: Product: Selltag 1344569;1450287750;mircea_popescu;incidentally, funny scene yest : /me turns a corner, openms door and goes in. because me is thirsty and place looks like a diner or soemthing. 1344570;1450287757;mircea_popescu;assistence sheepishly followsa. 1344571;1450287778;mircea_popescu;little does me know that the thing is a starbucks. little does me care, either. assistence is in disbelief over the wonder. mp in starbucks! 1344572;1450287808;mircea_popescu;so while the girls tried to expedite a TWELVE PERSON QUEUE at the SINGLE OPEN COUNTER in what the argentinian fucktards fraudulently misrepresent as a local instantiation of a usian chain 1344573;1450287813;ascii_field;hey they serve perfectly good piss 1344574;1450287818;mircea_popescu;(seriously, imagine this in an actual starbucks lmao!) 1344575;1450287826;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 260716 @ 0.00047592 = 124.08 BTC [-] {6} 1344576;1450287843;mircea_popescu;i watched a middle aged woman and two young men. they were seated at some table being the usual monkeys adolescents are today 1344577;1450287855;ascii_field;and the starbux i went to a few days ago looked exactly like this. 1344578;1450287867;mircea_popescu;and the woman was running back and forth bringing them shit and kneeling at that low coffee table so i could see her asscrack through her pants. 1344579;1450287893;mircea_popescu;and i was like... what the fuck is wrong with you woman! i have women to run around and serve me because i'm fucking special. 1344580;1450287907;mircea_popescu;why the fuck are you trying to cheat at life ? your two idiots aren't worth eating for fucks sake. 1344581;1450287941;mircea_popescu;but no, she gotta http://trilema.com/2012/tara-ca-un-hotel-sau-o-schimbare-de-perspectiva/#selection-61.245-69.360 1344582;1450287942;assbot;Tara ca un hotel, sau o schimbare de perspectiva on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1UA1lsf ) 1344583;1450288032;mircea_popescu;ascii_field they're skimping on service in the us too now ? 1344584;1450288039;ascii_field;aha 1344585;1450288047;ascii_field;whole-room queues, etc. 1344586;1450288053;mircea_popescu;ajhahaha what 1344587;1450288056;mircea_popescu;so how is it america ? 1344588;1450288071;ascii_field;idk i've never been to any of the other usas 1344589;1450288086;ascii_field;only this one 1344590;1450288143;mircea_popescu;even as late as 2004 queues were still reserved for subway and other subhumanities. 1344591;1450288164;*;ascii_field vaguely recalls that - yes 1344592;1450288182;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344498 << if going to west coast - ammo. (which, iirc, is hard to find there) 1344593;1450288182;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 16:47:32; mircea_popescu: i wonder what will i be taking in my travels for the waitresses and secretaries. tp and jeans like before ? batteries, maybe ? 1344594;1450288204;nubbins`;back when i drank the black piss from starbucks 1344595;1450288226;ascii_field;the mega-s33kr1t of starbucks is why it became popular 1344596;1450288232;nubbins`;i was surprised to discover that they teach the english menu to employees in non-english-speaking countries 1344597;1450288235;ascii_field;(prices helped to filter out untermenschen!) 1344598;1450288250;nubbins`;i.e. i walked into a starbucks in seoul and ordered my usual in english and they /made it/ 1344599;1450288263;mircea_popescu;english menu aka "venti" ? 1344600;1450288267;nubbins`;lel yes 1344601;1450288303;nubbins`;like you just say "5-shot venti caramel no-room americano" 1344602;1450288308;nubbins`;and it appears in yr hand 1344603;1450288317;mircea_popescu;anyway, in this particular case they didn't manage to close the sale in a minute or so, and so i walked out. 1344604;1450288318;nubbins`;entire menu: english words transliterated into korean alphabet 1344605;1450288333;*;mircea_popescu has spent less time waiting than most people spent having orgasms, afaict. 1344606;1450288392;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344279 << >> http://imgur.com/gallery/JZ3yjCD 1344607;1450288392;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 11:27:29; punkman: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/millionaire-ehsan-abdulaziz-who-said-he-accidentally-tripped-and-penetrated-teen-is-cleared-of-rape-a6774946.html 1344608;1450288393;assbot;Sex is not an accident - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1P8mHgn ) 1344609;1450288460;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344502 << wat?! 1344610;1450288460;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 16:49:12; mircea_popescu: check it out asciilifeform someone decided to solve the problem of ugc by adding... WHITENING! 1344611;1450288465;mircea_popescu;ascii_field depends if we're talking the lesser briton or the superior arab stock. 1344612;1450288499;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: i can only assume it was a straight case of 'hands off because foreign relations' thing 1344613;1450288513;mircea_popescu;nope. 1344614;1450288531;mircea_popescu;it was a case of "the best thing that can happen to a subhuman british citizen is being used for the pleasure of a superior muslin man" 1344615;1450288536;mircea_popescu;straight case alright. 1344616;1450288592;mircea_popescu;if i ever end up accused of rape in the crown's possessions i will point out that not being british myself, they shouldn't be as presumptious as all this. i'll tell them if i fucked them or not if i feel like it, no need to try and invent themselves merits scripturally. 1344617;1450288614;mircea_popescu;such honor is, after all, to be earned. 1344618;1450288667;ascii_field;if herr assange is any precedent, nato rape charge will at some point be sop for anyone even half-famous 1344619;1450288795;mircea_popescu;apparently not. 1344620;1450288844;mircea_popescu;only for the... peons. hm. need a word to brand the subhuman quality of white/english speaking/western world folk. 1344621;1450288860;mircea_popescu;rapemeat, maybe ? wews, just like jews but white ? 1344622;1450288930;mircea_popescu;im starting to understand that part of the reason people still stick around is that they don't have a ready reference for their inferiority as white people in the western world. 1344623;1450288980;mircea_popescu;there should be a word. maybe we reuse the old ottoman gyauri 1344624;1450289005;ascii_field;stick around ? 1344625;1450289019;nubbins`;y'know, not commit seppuku 1344626;1450289033;ascii_field;they're already slow-seppukuing 1344627;1450289046;ascii_field;i suppose if mircea_popescu wants to pass out wagner & cyanide, it'll go a little faster 1344628;1450289059;mircea_popescu;lo lthat was fast. 1344629;1450289061;mircea_popescu;!up ascii_field 1344630;1450289094;mircea_popescu;anyway, i suppose with any luck the alien invasion discovers cold fusion as an apple app or something. you never know, right ? hay mas futuro. 1344631;1450289107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104650 @ 0.00048464 = 50.7176 BTC [+] {3} 1344632;1450289163;mircea_popescu;trizantynes lol. 1344633;1450289189;ascii_field;holyfuq wat 1344634;1450289298;mircea_popescu;you know, bi+1 1344635;1450289400;ascii_field;aha 1344636;1450289461;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344533 << gotta be a gag 1344637;1450289461;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 17:02:52; punkman: guy's new venture: http://www.suitshare.com/ 1344638;1450289518;mircea_popescu;i don't think you understand how retarded adolescence works. 1344639;1450289549;ascii_field;aha 1344640;1450289595;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31899 @ 0.00047628 = 15.1929 BTC [-] {2} 1344641;1450289599;ascii_field;i only know how antisocial maths adolescence wurks 1344642;1450289611;ascii_field;mebbe close enough ? 1344643;1450289750;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344578 << oh and in case mircea_popescu did not know : american starbucks DOES NOT have table service of whatever kind 1344644;1450289750;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 17:44:27; mircea_popescu: and the woman was running back and forth bringing them shit and kneeling at that low coffee table so i could see her asscrack through her pants. 1344645;1450289751;ascii_field;ever. 1344646;1450289769;ascii_field;whether with ugly or pretty gurlz 1344647;1450289776;mircea_popescu;ascii_field neither did this one, but i have my own. 1344648;1450289780;mircea_popescu;i'm advanced like that. 1344649;1450289788;ascii_field;it will have an elephant if you bring yer own, too 1344650;1450289795;mircea_popescu;aha. 1344651;1450289797;ascii_field;nuthin wrhng witht hat 1344652;1450289799;ascii_field;aha 1344653;1450289815;mircea_popescu;speaking of, it's a little declase to not have one's own valet, don't we find ? 1344654;1450289826;mircea_popescu;not having owe's own horse i could see, on the grounds that, well... it;'s the town. 1344655;1450289837;mircea_popescu;but no valet ? what sort of a man's one supposed to be ? 1344656;1450289860;ascii_field;wasn't mircea_popescu explaining that there is a horde of usians without even own car now ? 1344657;1450289873;ascii_field;much less own driver 1344658;1450289892;mircea_popescu;no but was discussing men. 1344659;1450289911;mircea_popescu;i mean, i myself am a pervert, use females for the role. but this notwithstanding... 1344660;1450289924;mircea_popescu;seems a pretty minimal bar. 1344661;1450289941;ascii_field;minimal for what ? 1344662;1450289943;ascii_field;dirigible ? 1344663;1450289945;mircea_popescu;manhood. 1344664;1450289984;ascii_field;well i live on mouse planet with the other mice and so anything mircea_popescu tells us about the man planet, i'll prolly believe 1344665;1450290123;mircea_popescu;i am trying to introduce it on the basis of le logique~ 1344666;1450290146;ascii_field;bahahawat 1344667;1450290196;mircea_popescu;no ? 1344668;1450290204;ascii_field;'Yea, a trooper of the forces who has run his own six horses!' -- kipling 1344669;1450290230;mircea_popescu;whu! 1344670;1450290262;ascii_field;http://www.kiplingsociety.co.uk/poems_gentlemen.htm 1344671;1450290262;assbot;Poems - Gentlemen-rankers ... ( http://bit.ly/1O6yCWJ ) 1344672;1450290304;mircea_popescu;i know the poem, i'm just not following what you're saying here! 1344673;1450290324;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344654 << mainly re: this 1344674;1450290324;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 18:17:06; mircea_popescu: not having owe's own horse i could see, on the grounds that, well... it;'s the town. 1344675;1450290339;ascii_field;and whether 'serious man' ought to have own horse, and what is the equiv. today 1344676;1450290400;BingoBoingo; ;;later tell BingoBoingo so chuck lee makes it an entire thousand words without sounding like a complete momo, only to finish with "P.S. Im currently in favor of scaling Bitcoin via 248, SegWit, and LN." like, wtf. << But he also took the castle analogy from a contravex it seems 1344677;1450290436;mircea_popescu;yes but to run six horses is a diff story 1344678;1450290439;mircea_popescu;he didn't own those 1344679;1450290494;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: my understanding is that the fella in k's thing ~did~ (past tense) own them. and then descended into 'trooper' class, and wallows in self-pity 1344680;1450290514;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: aha. that. you know my writings better than i do lol 1344681;1450290603;mircea_popescu;oh 1344682;1450290606;mircea_popescu;perhaps huh. 1344683;1450290627;punkman;ascii_field: [...] http://imgur.com/gallery/JZ3yjCD << that's pretty great 1344684;1450290628;assbot;Sex is not an accident - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1P8mHgn ) 1344685;1450291588;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1344686;1450291593;ascii_field;http://www.dhs.gov/ntas/advisory/ntas_15_1216_0001 << from the u.s. ministry of luvv 1344687;1450291594;assbot;National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin - December 16, 2015 | Homeland Security ... ( http://bit.ly/227UMCo ) 1344688;1450291629;nubbins`;i like how they refer to the country as "the homeland" 1344689;1450291642;ascii_field;a bushism 1344690;1450291650;mircea_popescu;reminds me of a certain guy with a moustache 1344691;1450291656;mircea_popescu;vaterland!11 1344692;1450291673;ascii_field;отечество 1344693;1450291694;nubbins`;If You See Something Say Something™ used with permission of the NY Metropolitan Transportation Authority. 1344694;1450291695;mircea_popescu;aha 1344695;1450291696;ascii_field;it is only funny because usa is nobody's homeland 1344696;1450291707;ascii_field;'we must die for our hotel, soldiers!' 1344697;1450291709;mircea_popescu;it's actually everyone's not-homeland 1344698;1450291714;ascii_field;aha. 1344699;1450291728;mircea_popescu;everyone there is either a midwesterner or else "only here for a few years to make enough money to run off to argentina / send back home to laos" 1344700;1450291740;ascii_field;nubbins`: every other bus in d.c. region now has a HUGE 'see sumthing say sumthing' on it 1344701;1450291761;mircea_popescu;surprisingly, the end-of-life of a place which everyone uses as a mine is... being a garbage dump 1344702;1450291763;nubbins`;ostensibly not to be used to report gov idiocy / graft / wastage 1344703;1450291792;ascii_field;nubbins`: actually we had 'report welfare fraud!111' ads for a while 1344704;1450291813;nubbins`;in a sane world that would explicitly equate to reporting lazy gov workers 1344705;1450291852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 106100 @ 0.00048543 = 51.5041 BTC [+] 1344706;1450291860;ascii_field;nubbins` would like to see ~more vigorous~ usg workers ?! 1344707;1450291870;ascii_field;i think i'll pass 1344708;1450291926;ascii_field;from earlier lul, 'Bitcoin remittance startup 37coins closes its doors... At the time of our launch, few bitcoin services actively catered to the underbanked and unbanked. Fortunately that is no longer the case. There are now many amazing bitcoin companies like BitGive Foundation...' 1344709;1450291926;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1344710;1450291930;ascii_field;barfalicious 1344711;1450292003;ascii_field;and one of the dead adults, 1344712;1450292004;ascii_field;'In [Calxeda's] case, we moved faster than our customers could move. We moved with tech that wasn’t really ready for them – ie, with 32-bit when they wanted 64-bit. We moved when the operating-system environment was still being fleshed out – [Ubuntu Linux maker] Canonical is all right, but where is Red Hat? We were too early.' 1344713;1450292016;ascii_field;jurov ^ were these your arm boxes ? 1344714;1450292021;ascii_field;from last year 1344715;1450292035;nubbins`;oh that reminds me 1344716;1450292049;jurov;what? 1344717;1450292050;nubbins`;i signed up for this broadband speed test thing 1344718;1450292058;jurov;i did not put these online yet 1344719;1450292060;nubbins`;major ISPs have been getting flak for crappy speeds 1344720;1450292071;nubbins`;company sends me: an openwrt router 1344721;1450292292;BingoBoingo;!getrust coblee 1344722;1450292340;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31165 @ 0.00047925 = 14.9358 BTC [-] {2} 1344723;1450292346;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2014/06/17/why-its-over-for-litecoin/ << speaking of litecoin, just updated this old piece. 1344724;1450292347;assbot;Why It’s Over For Litecoin | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/227WNhV ) 1344725;1450292511;pete_dushenski;actually the comments in there are pretty golden, mainly because a couple of our old boys - pankkake and thickasthieves - make appearances. 1344726;1450292514;ascii_field;https://medium.com/inside-wattage/well-we-failed-77e795e16ecf#.m5g1hn28x << ahahahahah l0l! 1344727;1450292515;assbot;Well, We Failed. — Inside Wattage — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/227Xfgf ) 1344728;1450292552;ascii_field;'We wanted to make it so creating and selling hardware was as easy as writing and publishing a blog post. You shouldn’t need to be an electrical engineer or an industrial designer to create electronic devices. Nor should you have to worry about supply chain or distribution if you wanted to sell them. We believed it was possible to eliminate all of that complexity, so the average person could easily create highl 1344729;1450292552;ascii_field;y customized hardware without any electronics know-how, all within their browser. Of course, things didn’t exactly play out that way. But why?' 1344730;1450292764;ascii_field;'Brawker is a Bitcoin buying service enabling consumer to purchase products with bitcoin. Company (Dead / Inactive)' 1344731;1450292774;ascii_field;aww. 1344732;1450292917;ascii_field;the 'lumos' link is to a still-alive photovoltaic maker ! 1344733;1450292918;ascii_field;idiots 1344734;1450292953;ascii_field;doesn't seem to be connected with the 'home automation' derpery 1344735;1450292957;pete_dushenski;!v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.coblee.-1:c57c32e81236f7a81f09f6711e561f9d861427b6eb5fc8869081279a8fa95627 1344736;1450292957;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for coblee with note: plagiarist. shill. 1344737;1450293025;pete_dushenski;!v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.travispatron.-1:89ed5b6dd0be79f5f5046b2189526293c31f07ebf0f9459261dbd99851e1af5e 1344738;1450293025;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for travispatron with note: plagiarist. dunning-krugerand. 1344739;1450293499;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 156000 @ 0.00048448 = 75.5789 BTC [+] {4} 1344740;1450293892;punkman;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10746134 1344741;1450293893;assbot;Web development is in truly a sad state. Having worked on a larger Node project... | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1T25ww2 ) 1344742;1450293926;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 307439 @ 0.00048676 = 149.649 BTC [+] {3} 1344743;1450293937;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1344744;1450293952;ascii_field;punkman: and mircea_popescu is puzzled why i'd rather be shot in the head six times than do www wurk 1344745;1450293953;punkman;"I don't think most people run into this because most backend node programmers have moved to Go at this point" yeah because Go totally won't have dependency hell 1344746;1450293989;ascii_field;maggots luvvvv a fresh piece of meat 1344747;1450293996;ascii_field;but it doesn't stay fresh for long, no. 1344748;1450294128;punkman;example: https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/docker/daemon.go 1344749;1450294129;assbot;docker/daemon.go at master · docker/docker · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1T25V1u ) 1344750;1450294188;punkman;well bad example 1344751;1450294292;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51350 @ 0.00048806 = 25.0619 BTC [+] {2} 1344752;1450294658;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28318 @ 0.00048835 = 13.8291 BTC [+] 1344753;1450294728;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344585 << Last year was on a college campus where starbucks in student center had two tables and dedicated majority of floorspace for que 1344754;1450294728;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 17:47:27; ascii_field: whole-room queues, etc. 1344755;1450294830;pete_dushenski;this is sop for tim hortons in canada. 1344756;1450294864;pete_dushenski;50-100 meatpuppet line-ups 'normal' between classes and anywhere within walking distance of gov offices. 1344757;1450295085;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71000 @ 0.00048327 = 34.3122 BTC [-] {2} 1344758;1450295227;nubbins`;tim hortons drive-thrus routinely cause traffic jams here 1344759;1450295240;pete_dushenski;without philipinos (the actual, irl kind), these tim hortons operations would grind to a halt. 1344760;1450295249;nubbins`;like, drive-thru full, parking lot full, cars just blocking road w/ right-turn indicator on 1344761;1450295262;pete_dushenski;l0l 1344762;1450295266;nubbins`;i didn't think they used robusta 1344763;1450295268;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87079 @ 0.00048327 = 42.0827 BTC [-] 1344764;1450295288;nubbins`;timmy's a stone's throw from my house had to modify parking lot last year 1344765;1450295300;nubbins`;to make a drive-thru maze that would accomodate more cars 1344766;1450295308;nubbins`;still backs up onto road. 1344767;1450295332;nubbins`;and people still pull up behind the 5th car out in the road to get in the drive thru line 1344768;1450295373;nubbins`;in ford f350s and big suvs, neutral gear, gassing it to the redline 1344769;1450295393;nubbins`;telling people to shut up and drink their oil 1344770;1450295481;BingoBoingo;http://gomerblog.com/2015/12/screen-time-kids/ 1344771;1450295482;assbot;Unlimited screen time recommended by AAP during holidays for kids | GomerBlog ... ( http://bit.ly/1T27Y5z ) 1344772;1450295541;pete_dushenski;haha 1344773;1450295551;BingoBoingo; telling people to shut up and drink their oil << When plasticar was geared up in "Mad Max" mode with duct tape everywhere it was the mega trucks which offered it the widest berths. 1344774;1450295589;nubbins`;took up three parking spots too, no doubt 1344775;1450295627;BingoBoingo;Occasionally 1344776;1450295753;BingoBoingo;From the tard mines: "Among the strongest creations of Team Abrams, Kylo Ren is a kind of baby Darth Vader who throws tantrums in inky-black robes while wearing a leather-and-metal-head appliance that looks like a domination mask by way of the grille of a 1952 Chevy." -NYtimes 1344777;1450295866;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1344778;1450295878;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125400 @ 0.00048842 = 61.2479 BTC [+] {3} 1344779;1450295953;BingoBoingo;Also from mines: "Donald Trump, who claims to be the best on the military among the 2016 Presidential candidates because he is the best at everything, apparently has no idea what the nuclear triad is." 1344780;1450296400;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344744 << sauce ? 1344781;1450296400;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 19:25:52; ascii_field: punkman: and mircea_popescu is puzzled why i'd rather be shot in the head six times than do www wurk 1344782;1450296454;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344760 << nuts. 1344783;1450296454;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 19:47:29; nubbins`: like, drive-thru full, parking lot full, cars just blocking road w/ right-turn indicator on 1344784;1450296494;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344769 << this is what happens when you give poor people money. 1344785;1450296494;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 19:49:53; nubbins`: telling people to shut up and drink their oil 1344786;1450296635;mircea_popescu;The only thing you can do is npm shrinkwrap and never update your dependencies ever again << doh. 1344787;1450296671;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00048595 = 14.3355 BTC [-] {2} 1344788;1450296701;mircea_popescu;"The Node/JS ecosystems are experiencing a Cambrian explosion in technology, with all that implies. If you don't like it, don't worry. It probably won't take 20 million years this time to settle in on the "best" ways of doing things." 1344789;1450296703;mircea_popescu;ha-ha. 1344790;1450296705;mircea_popescu;mmmkay. 1344791;1450296726;mircea_popescu;"Hey man it was a fun jab, and try not to take things so seriously. It's hyperbole and it's part of who I am and how I get a statement across." 1344792;1450296733;mircea_popescu;dude that reddit... 1344793;1450296736;*;mircea_popescu backs away slowly. 1344794;1450296750;mircea_popescu;these derps "are" something now ? 1344795;1450297799;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1344796;1450297857;BingoBoingo;In the same way turds "are" something 1344797;1450297891;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56700 @ 0.00048617 = 27.5658 BTC [+] 1344798;1450298257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5364 @ 0.00048595 = 2.6066 BTC [-] 1344799;1450298270;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344779 << carefully playing pretend 1344800;1450298270;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 19:59:13; BingoBoingo: Also from mines: "Donald Trump, who claims to be the best on the military among the 2016 Presidential candidates because he is the best at everything, apparently has no idea what the nuclear triad is." 1344801;1450298274;ascii_field;a la bush II 1344802;1450298490;kakobrekla;!s Decred 1344803;1450298491;assbot;0 results for 'Decred' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=Decred 1344804;1450298501;kakobrekla;https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/bitcoin-developers-are-creating-a-new-digital-currency-called-decred/ 1344805;1450298502;assbot;Bitcoin Developers Are Creating a New Digital Currency Called Decred - CCN: Financial Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IV4NfO ) 1344806;1450298524;fluffypony;kakobrekla: that's a PR overstatement, it's the Conformal / btcd guys 1344807;1450298590;ascii_field;'A hybrid proof-of-work and proof-of-stake technology-based consensus system that will balance consensus between miners and voters... [buncha crud snipped] ... Bottom-up non-financial decision making through the Decred Assembly by community members contributing to the project through work and effort.' 1344808;1450298595;ascii_field;do we need to read more ? 1344809;1450298615;kakobrekla;you came further than i 1344810;1450298623;fluffypony;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1290358.0 1344811;1450298625;assbot;[ANN][DCR] Decred - Hybrid PoW/PoS | btcsuite Devs | Tons of New Features | Go ... ( http://bit.ly/1P7GVoD ) 1344812;1450298640;ascii_field;also i saw 'decred' and assumed it was something about ro's decret children 1344813;1450298692;kakobrekla;>Possible bitcoin implementation/compatibility due to the main contributors being those behind the development of btcsuite. > http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3461 1345076;1450307719;assbot;JL: ‘Your Opinion on A Black James Bond?’ ... ( http://bit.ly/1YitKIX ) 1345077;1450308264;BingoBoingo;!up ComplaintsDept 1345078;1450308311;punkman;assbot: Government announces end of currency controls, exchange rate unification << how's that even gonna work 1345079;1450308496;punkman;http://www.candyjapan.com/2015-year-in-review 1345080;1450308497;assbot;Candy Japan 2015 Year in Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1YiwfLx ) 1345081;1450308504;punkman;"I played cat-and-mouse with the fraudsters for a bit, adding various checks such as e-mail confirmation, IP bans etc. but it only took hours for the criminals to adapt to these. Eventually I just ragequit and switched off credit cards, going back to PayPal-only." 1345082;1450308811;punkman;if only one of the paypal wannabes could accept credit and pay out in bitcoin 1345083;1450310214;pete_dushenski;"Hard forking changes require that ultimately every participant in the system adopts the new rules. I find it immoral and dangerous to merge such a change without extremely widespread agreement. I am personally fine with a short-term small block size bump to kick the can down the road if that is what the ecosystem desires, but I can only agree with merging it in Core if I'm convinced that there is no strong oppositio 1345084;1450310214;pete_dushenski; it from others." ~wuille 1345085;1450310237;pete_dushenski;what could be a more convincing opposition than a death warrant, one wonders. 1345086;1450310300;pete_dushenski;though, yes, wuille only proposed 'soft fork', he clearly knows full well what he's up against. 1345087;1450310304;BingoBoingo;Well he still pushes jim crow as "uncontroversial" 1345088;1450310343;pete_dushenski;he's still dumb enough to think that he can squeek through this affair unscathed, but my god he's an oily eel. 1345089;1450310400;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: just like jim crow was in southern states ! "no one in this room doesn't agree!" 1345090;1450310449;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Related https://i.sli.mg/iNn80i.png 1345091;1450310450;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9aRCF ) 1345092;1450311219;BingoBoingo;Still more related: "I had the exact same problem with medium leggings - I'm 5'10" and 138lbs. 34-25-38 and should be a medium. When I got the leggings there was no tag indication front or back so I tried them on both ways. A large baggy pocket ballooned out in the front either way. A FUPA pouch? I cant wear them because they wont stay up, even with my bootie. :( Fat people privilege is being able to wear clothing front or back be 1345093;1450311219;BingoBoingo;cause you body is shaped like a stack of tires." 1345094;1450311994;punkman;lol 1345095;1450312116;punkman;http://highscalability.com/blog/2015/12/14/does-amp-counter-an-existential-threat-to-google.html 1345096;1450312117;assbot;Does AMP Counter an Existential Threat to Google? - High Scalability - ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9e9G2 ) 1345097;1450312199;punkman;can't make lightweight html pages, gotta do stupid shit instead 1345098;1450312590;punkman;Detritus R Us 1345099;1450312904;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345095 << very lulzy. at last, 'embrace & extinguish' for html... 1345100;1450312904;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 00:28:36; punkman: http://highscalability.com/blog/2015/12/14/does-amp-counter-an-existential-threat-to-google.html 1345101;1450312954;asciilifeform;'That Google approves the javascript in AMP is a tradeoff. You want the javascript to be minified, secure, compact, and standardized. But you also want new things in AMP and theres an open process for that.' <<< ahahahahaha 1345102;1450312974;asciilifeform;gotta love how this bomb is buried halfway into the turdocument 1345103;1450313000;punkman;yeah and js disabled means empty page, aka the blogspot experience 1345104;1450313013;asciilifeform;naturally 1345105;1450313027;asciilifeform;how else to deal with t3rr0r1stz who refuse to load ad crud 1345106;1450313037;punkman;I'll have to write a userscript to render with js disabled 1345107;1450313047;punkman;(ironic?) 1345108;1450313172;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Q7oCy9-yQ 1345109;1450313172;assbot;Autumn- A Night In June (1982) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9g51h ) 1345110;1450313428;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1345071 << how the fuck is the 'segregated' nonsense ~not~ a hardfork ? 1345111;1450313428;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 23:08:47; BingoBoingo: Ghost talk https://www.mail-archive.com/bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org/msg03049.html 1345112;1450313451;punkman;someone figured out it can be a "softfork", just don't send witness part to old nodez! 1345113;1450313625;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: "softfork" uses "anyone can spend" non-sense 1345114;1450313664;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: "soft" literally in the sense old nodes verify blocks and absolutely not a thing else. 1345115;1450313669;punkman;and that someone was Luke-Jr 1345116;1450313678;punkman;just ftr 1345117;1450313770;punkman;"This seemed like a hard problem. I personally dismissed this as a solution for a long time as something non-viable, until Luke-Jr discovered that it's possible to do this as a soft-fork. What we're going to do is inputs, we just deprecate the signature field inside of inputs. It's going to be an empty string from now on. Obviously, an empty signature is not going to be able to spend an 1345118;1450313770;punkman;actual output that requires a signature. Instead, the outputs do not push these scripts that we required to be satisfied, they would be encapsulated, it would be pushed as a piece of data. This allows us to, this effectively to every node, and every node not using this system, it's an ANYONECANSPEND. It's just an output that pushes data on the stack, the output doesn't do anything else. 1345119;1450313770;punkman;It's ANYONECANSPEND. In a soft-fork, we can add a new rule that restricts what's valid. We can add a rule like, whenever we see, we could say it's a new type of script that is able to instead of updating its inputs from the signature field, it takes it from the witness instead. The witness becomes a third part of the transaction in addition to the inputs and outputs of a transaction. For 1345120;1450313771;punkman;now it would only contain a signature." 1345121;1450313852;asciilifeform;if 'ANYONECANSPEND', what exactly prevents an uncastrated node from... spending it ? 1345122;1450314119;punkman;asciilifeform: it will only look like one 1345123;1450314204;trinque;lets drown this motherfucker in complexity then carve our names into the corpse. I'm told this is what glory is. 1345124;1450314290;asciilifeform;in other, not quite unrelated nyooz, the number of detectable nodez in the wild has been steadily dropping 1345125;1450314312;asciilifeform;(if i had to guess why - the extinction of hearn's riverz-of-meat crud) 1345126;1450315334;ben_vulpes;Jesse, 1345127;1450315335;ben_vulpes;Thank you for stopping by and meeting the team—we had a blast and hope you did as well. 1345128;1450315335;ben_vulpes;A huge part of the work that we do while building software is cultivating beautiful little trees of commits with Git. To that end, we want to resolve a concern on our end about getting you up to speed on our favorite version-controlatron (Git), and so we cooked up two exercises for you to work through over the next few weeks (see attached). 1345129;1450315335;ben_vulpes;We're looking for a really nice commit and merging history, so feel free to trash your working copies aggressively in pursuit of a nice finished product. 1345130;1450315338;ben_vulpes;Please reach out to me with any technical questions you have, any questions about how Git works or how to use it, or to review your progress and provide feedback. We take pairing and education seriously here, and are very happy to extend this support to you during this exercise. 1345131;1450315342;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1345078 << rather simply, currently they're raping the producers by taking their dollars in exchange for ~9 pesos each. meanwhile the open market rate for the dollar is about 15 pesos. 1345132;1450315342;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 23:25:11; punkman: assbot: Government announces end of currency controls, exchange rate unification << how's that even gonna work 1345133;1450315342;ben_vulpes;Should you demonstrate speed of self-education, willingness to reach out for support if you need it, and the ability and willingness to cultivate your own beautiful little commit-trees, we'll offer you a contracting position paying $30/hr. This rate affords us the luxury of budgeting training and study time for you. Our hope is that as you build familiarity with the ecosystems and projects, that you'll demonstrate productivity, mesh 1345134;1450315346;ben_vulpes;well with the team, and (should we extend an offer to transition from contractor to employee) ascend our internal talent ladder. 1345135;1450315349;ben_vulpes;If the notion appeals, let me know that you're game. It would be fantastic to get the git exercise wrapped up by Jan 1, and yourself into the office as soon as you can make it after your return from Indiana. 1345136;1450315352;ben_vulpes;Yours, 1345137;1450315353;mircea_popescu;if they take off currency controls, it's going to go to a 10 or something and that's that. 1345138;1450315367;asciilifeform;bahahawaaat 1345139;1450315373;mircea_popescu;;;later ben_vulpes you gotta learn how to use this buffer thing. 1345140;1450315374;gribble;Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "ben_vulpes" in it. Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin. 1345141;1450315401;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform notice he uses -tron now. prolly should charge ip. 1345142;1450315418;asciilifeform;l0l do we want to know what other atrocities i'm responsible for 1345143;1450315441;*;asciilifeform had a chat with a very old and long-ago last seen phriend, who threatened to use asciilifeformisms in a linguistics phd thesis 1345144;1450315461;ben_vulpes;jesus. 1345145;1450315483;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes is there the luxury of us educating you on matters of security in that ? 1345146;1450315496;*;ben_vulpes sighs 1345147;1450315497;asciilifeform;aaaha that could've been the launch codes ben_vulpes 1345148;1450315519;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344551 << first there is a faux test to set the bar low 1345149;1450315519;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 17:37:28; ascii_field: possibly an actuarial sort of gambit. 1345150;1450315525;mircea_popescu;see what webstack does to you ? 1345151;1450315532;mircea_popescu;this sort of thing is what made phantomcircuit derp famous. 1345152;1450315792;punkman;clients should not auto-post when you paste, gives you a chance to abort 1345153;1450315824;asciilifeform;punkman: there were line feeds in there 1345154;1450315839;punkman;still 1345155;1450315852;asciilifeform;live by 'unix philosophy', die by same 1345156;1450315868;punkman;no thanks :P 1345157;1450315987;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's trivial to have it set up properly. looky here : 1 1345158;1450315987;mircea_popescu;2 1345159;1450315987;mircea_popescu;3 1345160;1450315999;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1345161;1450316002;asciilifeform;!b 4 1345162;1450316002;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0HC01KB.txt ) 1345163;1450316008;mircea_popescu;contained \n, only went once i pressed enter at the end. 1345164;1450316018;asciilifeform;see, mine does same 1345165;1450316025;asciilifeform;but that's because my client is an x11 proggy 1345166;1450316029;asciilifeform;and gets 'enter' key out of band 1345167;1450316031;mod6;irssi saves 1345168;1450316033;asciilifeform;thinkaboutit 1345169;1450316035;mircea_popescu;actually displays it as 1\n2\n3 etc 1345170;1450316038;asciilifeform;aha same 1345171;1450316042;asciilifeform;and doesn't fire until key hit 1345172;1450316048;asciilifeform;but you can't do this in a console proggy 1345173;1450316057;asciilifeform;because yoooooooneeexfilosofyyy!! 1345174;1450316059;mircea_popescu;why not ? just \\n 1345175;1450316076;asciilifeform;and if that's in the paste ? 1345176;1450316103;mircea_popescu;then it gets displayed with one slash extra i guess. 1345177;1450316130;asciilifeform;not how paste works in console 1345178;1450316142;mircea_popescu;that may be, but i dun think it's a philosophy matter. 1345179;1450316151;asciilifeform;it's an in-band signalling sucks! matter. 1345180;1450316160;asciilifeform;just like the ill-fated turdatron 1345181;1450316167;mircea_popescu;all signalling happens ultimately in band. 1345182;1450316199;trinque;I don't use erc, but apparently there's erc-accidental-paste-threshold-seconds 1345183;1450316201;asciilifeform;'ultimately' all signalling is electroweak force, what of it 1345184;1450316207;mircea_popescu;i'm actually willing to bet that his buffer sat there quietly, only flew once he hit enter. 1345185;1450316209;asciilifeform;nobody gives half a dead rat re: ultimatelies. 1345186;1450316277;*;trinque closes his laptop obediently, told planes can't land otherwise. 1345187;1450316442;*;asciilifeform boggles mind at the starvation wages ben_vulpes pays his hirelings 1345188;1450316738;mircea_popescu;30 an hour ? it's scandalous. who the fuck pays code monkeys over minimum wage ?! 1345189;1450316762;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, the chicks should bag groceries and make ~10.5 and the dudes should dfick around with javascript and make more than 9 ?! 1345190;1450316774;mircea_popescu;bitches gotta stand for the whole day, yo! and get hit on by all the losers too! 1345191;1450316796;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i think if he pays less he will have to keep them chained in own house 1345192;1450316802;mircea_popescu;pfff. 1345193;1450316824;asciilifeform;30 is prolly the threshold for having them ambulatory, 'outpatient' 1345194;1450316829;mircea_popescu;i have no idea why and wherefore brogramer gets to make minimum wage. seriously now. 1345195;1450316838;mircea_popescu;he gets the same the lawnmowing 12 yos get. 1345196;1450316871;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform do you think you can find any full hour of "work" on say github actually justifiably worth minimum wage ? 1345197;1450316885;asciilifeform;actually yes. 1345198;1450316886;asciilifeform;mine. 1345199;1450316896;asciilifeform;https://github.com/asciilifeform 1345200;1450316897;assbot;asciilifeform (Stanislav Datskovskiy) · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1NqyrZ3 ) 1345201;1450316920;asciilifeform;there's maybe even 2 hour in there! 1345202;1450316933;mircea_popescu;... 1345203;1450316936;mircea_popescu;this is cheating. 1345204;1450316941;asciilifeform;ajhajaaa l0l 1345205;1450316962;asciilifeform;hey if mircea_popescu got to have a twatter 1345206;1450316999;mircea_popescu;are you going to argue to the merits or just gonna keep trying to squeak by on technicalities ? 1345207;1450317037;asciilifeform;but srsly, he's stuck paying them in actual money unless he wants to house'em. 1345208;1450317047;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, they're not worth actually paying money. 1345209;1450317053;asciilifeform;(unless ok with india, but then doesn't get to enjoy chair parade) 1345210;1450317072;asciilifeform;why even employ human compilers, is a question not for me but for ben_vulpes et al. 1345211;1450317087;*;asciilifeform does not use'em for anything, will not even tolerate in same room 1345212;1450317127;asciilifeform;lulzily, at a job interview i was actually asked to ~compile a c proggy by hand on paper 1345213;1450317128;asciilifeform;~ 1345214;1450317158;asciilifeform;'for cpu arch of your choosing' 1345215;1450317158;mircea_popescu;as what, llvm ? 1345216;1450317165;asciilifeform;i picked amd64 1345217;1450317219;asciilifeform;and this was by far the most trivial problem in the binder 1345218;1450317234;asciilifeform;everything else was a pretty good olympiad puzzler 1345219;1450317274;asciilifeform;of the 'identify which line makes this .c exploitable, and write the exploit here' 1345220;1450317634;punkman;in the interests of working with less wotless derps in 2016: You can rent punkman for $30/hr (can even get discounts if I like you), can operate git per your style guides, can't compile C with pen and paper. 1345221;1450317669;mircea_popescu;curious how this'll work out. 1345222;1450317675;mircea_popescu;!rated punkman 1345223;1450317675;assbot;You rated user punkman on 27-Nov-2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: Hangs around in #b-a. 1345224;1450317703;mircea_popescu;provided of course ben manages to not get himself fired from his own company over the buffer incident :D 1345225;1450317822;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform tell you what, one time i separated 863 teenaged females into 10 groups of 5 tons each within a 1% tolerance. the process consisted of me walking through the group and pointing. to my advantgage, they were lightly dressed. to my disadvantage it was night time. 1345226;1450317880;punkman;for plane/boat/rollercoaster ride? 1345227;1450317922;mircea_popescu;something like that. 1345228;1450318289;punkman;btw, super interested in Eulora map generator project, but c++ just makes me sad++ 1345229;1450318357;mircea_popescu;problem is the whole stack is in c++ and i'm not about to manage language interfaces. 1345230;1450318372;mircea_popescu;but if you want to rewrite cs in lisp... 1345231;1450318384;mircea_popescu;o wait, we can't run lisp irl. 1345232;1450318689;punkman;should I be looking at cs2.0 docs? 1345233;1450318781;mircea_popescu;nah there's a magical version frozen in time 1345234;1450318786;mircea_popescu;download the game, see in the deps. 1345235;1450318873;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: familiar with old game 'abuse' ? 1345236;1450318899;asciilifeform;http://lispgames.org/index.php/Abuse 1345237;1450318900;assbot;Abuse - Lisp Games Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1TR5Bm8 ) 1345238;1450318929;mircea_popescu;notrly my thing 1345239;1450318935;asciilifeform;now to be fair this was not commonlisp but a miniature thing created just for the game 1345240;1450318939;mircea_popescu;i was into high fantasy. really, still am, da fuck with all the sci fi crap 1345241;1450318939;asciilifeform;more like elisp. 1345242;1450318944;mircea_popescu;ahga. 1345243;1450318947;asciilifeform;this was a straight arcade game 1345244;1450318949;asciilifeform;scroller. 1345245;1450319038;asciilifeform;punkman: what do you do ? 1345246;1450319069;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345225 << this is neato. but what was this re: 1345247;1450319069;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 02:03:42; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform tell you what, one time i separated 863 teenaged females into 10 groups of 5 tons each within a 1% tolerance. the process consisted of me walking through the group and pointing. to my advantgage, they were lightly dressed. to my disadvantage it was night time. 1345248;1450319146;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345228 << i recently realized with horror that most of my dead tree library concerning programming is about cpp 1345249;1450319146;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 02:11:29; punkman: btw, super interested in Eulora map generator project, but c++ just makes me sad++ 1345250;1450319157;asciilifeform;(fine points and exquisite abuses thereof) 1345251;1450319162;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform since you've decided to discuss magic for some reason. as if THAT's what random derp making 30 an hour in portland is all about. 1345252;1450319177;mircea_popescu;he's gonna turn lead to cunt juice and animate pubic hairballs. 1345253;1450319203;asciilifeform;actually i'd love to know what that fella's job is 1345254;1450319212;asciilifeform;perhaps ben_vulpes will do another paste oops and we'll find out moar 1345255;1450319216;mircea_popescu;lmao 1345256;1450319234;*;asciilifeform searches logz for own 'oopsen' 1345257;1450319240;asciilifeform;iirc i dropped in a page of asm once 1345258;1450319243;asciilifeform;but i forget. 1345259;1450319280;asciilifeform;one time i threw in what must've been a whole b00k and then penaltykick 1345260;1450319291;asciilifeform;a few yrs back 1345261;1450319411;mircea_popescu;ie last week. 1345262;1450319439;asciilifeform;was thinking of the time i dropped a btc into the piggy 1345263;1450319465;mircea_popescu;a 1345264;1450319543;asciilifeform;speaking of cpp, alexandrescu's b00kz are spiffy 1345265;1450319561;asciilifeform;a noteworthy fella from ro other than mircea_popescu ! even 1345266;1450319611;mircea_popescu;there are numerous romanian coder fellows from the ro. 1345267;1450319622;asciilifeform;http://erdani.com << ha, looks like he has a site. 1345268;1450319624;assbot;Andrei Alexandrescu ... ( http://bit.ly/1RpLRZc ) 1345269;1450319638;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha but how many in my library. 1345270;1450319695;mircea_popescu;well that i dunno. 1345271;1450319703;asciilifeform;ftp://ftp.sbin.org/pub/doc/books/Addison_Wesley_-_Modern_C++_Design_Generic_Programming_and_Design_Patterns_Applied_Ebook-fly.pdf << l3337 w4r3z !!11 1345272;1450319742;asciilifeform;^ jurov might enjoy 1345273;1450320431;asciilifeform;phun phakt: 1345274;1450320437;asciilifeform;c permits negative array indices. 1345275;1450320467;asciilifeform;( aaand if you know why, you're prolly as ready for the glue factory as i am... ) 1345276;1450320467;punkman;asciilifeform: actually i'd love to know what that fella's job is << I do contract webwork, dataplumbing, (G)UIs, etc as it comes but it's a hassle dealing with derpclients. I also dabble in selling physical/digital products and maybe with some renewed effort and a few good people I'll make some shit stick. I don't really aspire to having a job. 1345277;1450320522;asciilifeform;punkman: neato. i can't picture a time or place where you'd be out of wurk 1345278;1450320887;asciilifeform;in other nyoooz, 1345279;1450320888;asciilifeform;http://hmarco.org/bugs/CVE-2015-8370-Grub2-authentication-bypass.html 1345280;1450320889;assbot;Back to 28: Grub2 Authentication Bypass 0-Day ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ym7R6t ) 1345281;1450320920;asciilifeform;'A vulnerability in Grub2 has been found. Versions from 1.98 (December, 2009) to 2.02 (December, 2015) are affected. The vulnerability can be exploited under certain circumstances, allowing local attackers to bypass any kind of authentication (plain or hashed passwords). And so, the attacker may take control of the computer.' 1345282;1450320945;asciilifeform;not all that interesting to a literate person, considering how it involves the 'can walk away with the machine' sort of enemy 1345283;1450320954;asciilifeform;but illustrative of the 'open sores' thing in general. 1345284;1450320985;asciilifeform;actually the above is conventional wisdom but might well be false: 1345285;1450320987;asciilifeform;consider this: 1345286;1450320996;asciilifeform;networked 'kvm' gadget is ubiquitous. 1345287;1450321001;asciilifeform;and can cycle mains power 1345288;1450321008;asciilifeform;what does enemy then see? grub... 1345289;1450321023;asciilifeform;and from this we learn MOTHERFUCKERS why dulap cycled mains... 1345290;1450321077;asciilifeform;NOTE how grub2 (specifically!) is the affected ver 1345291;1450321082;asciilifeform;i.e. the shitgnomatic grub 1345292;1450321091;asciilifeform;that comes with ALL mainstream linuxen 1345293;1450321463;mircea_popescu;aww shit mod6 only now i saw your whisper. listen, youj gotta talk to me here or in #eulora, i dun much read the ingame chat. 1345294;1450321467;mircea_popescu;too much craft spam you know ? 1345295;1450321698;mod6;ah 1345296;1450321703;mod6;np 1345297;1450322189;deedbot-;[Trilema] Be Cool, or the multilayered cake of things I don't give a shit about. - http://trilema.com/2015/be-cool-or-the-multilayered-cake-of-things-i-dont-give-a-shit-about/ 1345298;1450323985;BingoBoingo;AH, Mizzou http://trilema.com/2015/be-cool-or-the-multilayered-cake-of-things-i-dont-give-a-shit-about/#footnote_4_64323 1345299;1450323986;assbot;Be Cool, or the multilayered cake of things I don't give a shit about. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1P8iBmv ) 1345300;1450324033;asciilifeform;'Strictly the only difference between Argentina and Soviet Romania isn't that the Argentines "did it to themselves" while the Russkis did it to the poor Romanians (always there guarding the West from the barbarians so the French could build their cathedrals bla bla)' << l0l 1345301;1450324042;asciilifeform;they didn't do it, they just fell down and the cock went in 1345302;1450324230;asciilifeform;'...Just as long as the factories kept going up, it made no difference whatsoever they'd work for a different set of people than the set building them.... You know, "abstract principles" such as the notion that if you take half a million tons of grain's worth of labour out of some people to do something, that something they do at your behest will return them at the very least half a million tons of grain so they don't fucking 1345303;1450324231;asciilifeform; starve.' << how does this differ from mircea_popescu's classical prescription 'go shoot a policeman' ? 1345304;1450324259;asciilifeform;i see no particular diff b/w this and 'die for the motherland to build bright komyooonist fyootoor' 1345305;1450324311;asciilifeform;obligatory, 'i won't want to achieve immortality through my work; i want to achieve immortality through not dying' (woody allen) 1345306;1450324785;asciilifeform;meanwhile, from the ministry of idiocy, https://www.google.com/trends/story/2015_US 1345307;1450324787;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1P8jlrP ) 1345308;1450324858;BingoBoingo;Ah, glorious blank page 1345309;1450324892;BingoBoingo;Radsuit still wurkz 1345310;1450324914;asciilifeform;meanwhile, in the OTHER usa, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEhSF188x5k 1345311;1450324915;assbot;Концерт ансамбля "Моранбон" по случаю 81-летия КНА (25.04.13). - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1QqTlv3 ) 1345312;1450325598;nubbins`;the dress 1345313;1450325602;nubbins`;the world doubts its eyes 1345314;1450325815;BingoBoingo;"Interestingly, according to a recent Quora post by Code.org CEO Hadi Partovi, plans to have President Obama 'learn to code' a year earlier were torpedoed by the Healthcare.gov debacle. "We launched the first Hour of Code campaign, in 2013," explains Partovi. "We launched the first Hour of Code on the home page of Google, in every Apple Store, and we had convinced the President to issue a speech about computer science. But it was 1345315;1450325815;BingoBoingo;impossible to get the president to actually write any code that year the administration had just launched its Healthcare.gov website, and after the infamous technical failures, nobody wanted the visual of website failing while the President is learning to code."" 1345316;1450325823;BingoBoingo;lol 1345317;1450326194;asciilifeform;i prolly ought to have translated, it was a concert in honour of 81st anniversary of the korean people's army 1345318;1450326202;asciilifeform;(nk where else) 1345319;1450326212;asciilifeform;the REAL kr. 1345320;1450326654;asciilifeform;one of the very few remaining sovereign nations on planet3 1345321;1450326657;asciilifeform;possibly the only one. 1345322;1450326666;asciilifeform;possibly even mircea_popescu-proof. 1345323;1450326946;nubbins`;polident makes kimchi containers smell like mint kimchi 1345324;1450326974;asciilifeform;wats polident 1345325;1450326996;nubbins`;denture cleaner 1345326;1450327021;nubbins`;good at removing food stains/odors from plastic 1345327;1450327157;asciilifeform;nubbins`: didja ever go to nk? or only to the nato muppet kr ? 1345328;1450327171;nubbins`;i visited the dmz 1345329;1450327180;nubbins`;3-4 feet into nk is as far as they let you 1345330;1450327197;nubbins`;had a friend who visited "for real". seoul->beijing->pyongyang 1345331;1450327219;asciilifeform;anyway the nk to go to is prolly the pre-1980 one. which is approx. when the 'internashinal komyoooooniti' blockade started turning it into what it is now. 1345332;1450327225;kakobrekla;had? had he not returned? 1345333;1450327235;nubbins`;not from sk, at least 1345334;1450327257;asciilifeform;in the old dayz, nk was ~the~ industrial korea 1345335;1450327264;asciilifeform;and south k was a pisshole 1345336;1450327266;*;nubbins` had another friend who is now major-label rock star in sk o.O 1345337;1450327272;asciilifeform;slovakia? 1345338;1450327279;nubbins`;secondbest korea 1345339;1450327281;asciilifeform;ah 1345340;1450327353;asciilifeform;nk was a successful exporter of heavy machinery prior to usg proclaiming it excommunicated and anyone trading with it likewise excommunicated from the mother church 1345341;1450327406;asciilifeform;as a zone of genuine absence of lizard hitler in all of his manifestations, it was proclaimed 'must die' long ago. 1345342;1450327510;*;nubbins` visited seekrit tunnels that nk had dug towards seoul 1345343;1450327522;asciilifeform;incidentally, do you know why nk survived the destruction of su ? 1345344;1450327525;nubbins`;every now and then they find another one 1345345;1450327529;asciilifeform;because it's a motherfucking ETHNOSTATE 1345346;1450327540;asciilifeform;y'know, the kind of thing the lizards fought ww2 to exterminate 1345347;1450327574;nubbins`;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_(cultural) 1345348;1450327574;assbot;Han (cultural) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZdgiTP ) 1345349;1450327612;*;asciilifeform subscribes ! 1345350;1450327714;asciilifeform;'Han denotes a collective feeling of oppression and isolation in the face of insurmountable odds (the overcoming of which is beyond the nation's capabilities on its own). It connotes aspects of lament and unavenged injustice.' 1345351;1450327716;asciilifeform;mega-w0rd. 1345352;1450327774;nubbins`;this so succinctly matches my experience 1345353;1450327792;nubbins`;heavy han in sk 1345354;1450327837;nubbins`;"korea" in korean: hanguk 1345355;1450327902;nubbins`;shortened from daehan minguk, people's nation of great han 1345356;1450327915;nubbins`;dwell on that for a while 1345357;1450327945;*;asciilifeform mega-mental-hardon for this 1345358;1450328100;asciilifeform;'Han is sorrow caused by heavy suffering, injustice or persecution, a dull lingering ache in the soul. It is a blend of lifelong sorrow and resentment, neither more powerful than the other. Han is imbued with resignation, bitter acceptance and a grim determination to wait until vengeance can at last be achieved.' 1345359;1450330186;BingoBoingo;From the mines https://i.imgur.com/zRPrDaK.jpg Why even go on blast with a back that looks so "Do you even lift bro" 1345360;1450330187;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JdjGET ) 1345361;1450330357;BingoBoingo;!up Cory 1345362;1450333038;punkman;http://www.symbos.de/preview.htm spiffy OS for z80 1345363;1450333039;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Iaw8ur ) 1345364;1450336163;BingoBoingo;In other news Qntra has now passed the 300 more comments than posts mark. Had been flirting with this line, but now its happened. 1345365;1450336251;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/12/withdrawal-fees-for-changetip-starting/#comment-83586 1345366;1450336252;assbot;Withdrawal Fees For Changetip Starting | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/229kExL ) 1345367;1450339407;BingoBoingo;;;tslb 1345368;1450339410;gribble;Time since last block: 48 minutes and 9 seconds 1345369;1450339417;BingoBoingo;Cool 1345370;1450341691;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Legal pluralism as it relates to Bitcoin. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/17/legal-pluralism-as-it-relates-to-bitcoin/ 1345371;1450342477;deedbot-;[Qntra] Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service - http://qntra.net/2015/12/police-department-thanks-pedophile-officer-for-service/ 1345372;1450342994;BingoBoingo;!up rmoen 1345373;1450343605;BingoBoingo;Latest Qntra is recommended reading for #bitcoin-assets-parents 1345374;1450344960;BingoBoingo;!up Edgan 1345375;1450346018;jurov;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345275 << i've seen -1st element used as length of the array. dunno if that's the "why" answer, prolly gotta waterboard k&r 1345376;1450346018;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 02:47:47; asciilifeform: ( aaand if you know why, you're prolly as ready for the glue factory as i am... ) 1345377;1450346696;jurov;ben_vulpes: i'm using konversation, it always asks politely when pasting long/multiline text 1345378;1450355882;mircea_popescu; starve.' << how does this differ from mircea_popescu's classical prescription 'go shoot a policeman' ? <<< this question is indistinguishable from where i sit from asking "how does saying 'you see a girl you like ? go fuck her.' differ from saying 'you see a girl you like ? go raise her children by another man!". while i grant that there could in point of fact truthfully exist nooks and crannies in the 1345379;1450355882;mircea_popescu; space of existence from whence this difference is genuinely not visible, nevertheless it must be pointed out that their inhabitants are definitionally called troglodytes. 1345380;1450355903;mircea_popescu;now... does all that pass your parser or does it need breaking down ? 1345381;1450356819;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345315 << two things about this. one is that well... "we" didn't get jack shit. "we" are just the front for other things. or conversely : "we got first page in google and apple store and bla bla and it did exactly nothing". whichever way. 1345382;1450356819;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:16:55; BingoBoingo: impossible to get the president to actually write any code that year the administration had just launched its Healthcare.gov website, and after the infamous technical failures, nobody wanted the visual of website failing while the President is learning to code."" 1345383;1450356855;mircea_popescu;but the other : why the fuck NOT ? what is the big fucking problem with the president learning to code as some $10 dollar website the gubinmint paid 10 bn for is misbehjaving ? 1345384;1450356926;mircea_popescu;this is an incredible depth of rot in these heads by now, i am persuaded that what they PERCEIVE as the problem is that it's... get a hold of youself... it's NOT META ENOUGH. that's the fucking thing, these dickless, otaku imbeciles feel deeply threatened by the fact that a guy learning to do what his country generally sucks at is TOO REAL. 1345385;1450356987;mircea_popescu;"nobody wanted the visual of website failing while the President is learning to code BECAUSE what it might conceivably be seen to mean [by racists and wreckers] is that perhaps random bureaucrat should drop his droning and help put out the fire ? INCONCEIVABLE. he'll document the fire! on paper!" 1345386;1450357094;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345326 << ew. 1345387;1450357094;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:37:01; nubbins`: good at removing food stains/odors from plastic 1345388;1450357165;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345331 << is it ok if i have no more respect for the "sovereign nation" of some random, clueless bumbling imbecile than i have for the shit-and-vomit constructions of "respeto y derechos" ? 1345389;1450357165;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:40:19; asciilifeform: anyway the nk to go to is prolly the pre-1980 one. which is approx. when the 'internashinal komyoooooniti' blockade started turning it into what it is now. 1345390;1450357205;mircea_popescu;i guess they're sovereign, in that lord-of-the-flies sense. whatevs. 1345391;1450357336;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345340 << and i also don't buy into this narrative. soviet russia was also a middling successful economy up until... what, hruschev decided to bury you ? i guess. the fact of the matter is that there's a shelf life for all delusion, printed right on the box. seoul adapted, pyongyang did not adapt. yes, it's true that neither had the resoureces to force the adaptation of t 1345392;1450357336;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:42:33; asciilifeform: nk was a successful exporter of heavy machinery prior to usg proclaiming it excommunicated and anyone trading with it likewise excommunicated from the mother church 1345393;1450357336;mircea_popescu;he environment instead. pro tip : nobody has to date. 1345394;1450357435;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345345 << nothing to do with it, really. romania also ethnostate, didn't survive. checnya, not state at all (by your ukrainian standards, at any rate), survived just fine. so did isis, throughout, even before you called it that. 1345395;1450357435;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:45:29; asciilifeform: because it's a motherfucking ETHNOSTATE 1345396;1450357453;mircea_popescu;nk "survived" because derps composing nk are cowardly. just like the us "survives". 1345397;1450357501;mircea_popescu;actually the differences between these two are dwarved by the similarities. for one thing, they BOTH live or die at the pleasure of "teh celestial empire". 1345398;1450357518;mircea_popescu;which is turning out to be pretty tolerant, incidentally. but then again it's historically famous for that. 1345399;1450359539;mircea_popescu;in other news, chick on okcupid : "porque no me escribis en castellano, soy argentina" mp on okcupid : "It's not your fault you're Argentine. It is however your fault you're a dumbass. That's what I wanted to see, if you're just Argentine because your parents were dumb, or whether you are actually dumb yourself. Having established that point, a bon entendeur, salut." 1345400;1450359553;mircea_popescu;curious how long they take to BAN ME!111 omaigawds 1345401;1450359922;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345346 << eh this is nuts. who is the lizzard here, the anglos ? hitler ? both ? 1345402;1450359922;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:45:40; asciilifeform: y'know, the kind of thing the lizards fought ww2 to exterminate 1345403;1450360165;mircea_popescu;"Han or Haan[1] is a concept in Korean culture attributed as a unique Korean cultural trait which has resulted from Korea's frequent exposure to invasions by overwhelming foreign powers. " <<< unique my foot. burebista & decebalus fought the fucking romans for three centuries, eventually ended up pacified by three legions. then the principalities fought the turks for five-ish centuries, including the lulzy defeat of on 1345404;1450360165;mircea_popescu;e of the largest armies ever to visit europe, led by sinan pasha, a guy who lost his last teeth in the encounter. then got liberated by the russians. if we're not counting the occasional german, austrian, hungarian or polish commonwealth / cussack invasion, that's only "all the empires outside of china". 1345405;1450360444;adlai;!s mpoe sleeps 1345406;1450360445;assbot;2 results for 'mpoe sleeps' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=mpoe+sleeps 1345407;1450360671;mircea_popescu;adlai yeah, being worked on. 1345408;1450360984;*;adlai searched for 'fire burning, water flowing, people working', came up with https://archive.is/PBoSO instead 1345409;1450360985;assbot;Crypto Spy on Twitter: "Three things you can watch forever: fire, water and bitcoinwisdom." ... ( http://bit.ly/1k4zraH ) 1345410;1450361094;mircea_popescu;im pretty sure "being able to watch fire forever" is indicative of mental issues. 1345411;1450361124;mircea_popescu;"A search warrant to have that child taken to the hospital for injection with an erection inducing drug followed by photography was approved by a judge in that case." 1345412;1450361126;mircea_popescu;ahahaha what! 1345413;1450361247;mircea_popescu;"It turns out we underestimated the complexity of the project, and overestimated our ability to complete it on a limited budget should, closer to launch, any complications arise. We thought we could wing it with our existing coding experience (23 non-formal years of Java, Objective-C, and XML between the two of us)." 1345414;1450361249;mircea_popescu;motherfucker... 1345415;1450361256;mircea_popescu;xml is coding ?! 1345416;1450361282;mircea_popescu;"We shirked on paying for programming because we thought ourselves experts enough, and what ended up happening was that we spent everything we could have spent on polishing the product itself on marketing instead, under the assumption that we could finish whatever tasks remained effectively ourselves." 1345417;1450361286;mircea_popescu;^ this is also how they went throiugh college 1345418;1450361289;mircea_popescu;well... "college". 1345419;1450361409;mircea_popescu;"Instead of sucking it up, discounting our losses, and moving on, we did what every good economist should never, EVER do: we incorporated our sunk costs into our expected future outlays. We decided, on the basis of our spending, that what we should be doing is spending EVEN MORE on marketing." 1345420;1450361411;mircea_popescu;riiight ? lol. 1345421;1450361462;mircea_popescu;cue nubbins for a dose of "the reason advertising doesn't work is not that advertising doesn't work, is that you're not doing it right", because hey, everyone's gotta have a church and "always pay more for advertising" is as good as any other church. 1345422;1450362187;mircea_popescu;"Look, it wasnt that women didnt want custom clothing. Designer clothing by nature is custom, in a sense. The real problem was that while on average our users spent up to 7 minutes per session (insanely impressive I might add), they werent sure if they wanted to purchase the clothes that they spent all that time personalizing. We knew because we asked. We (creepily?) added almost all of our initial customers t 1345423;1450362187;mircea_popescu;o Facebook, and reached out to many more of our followers via Instagram. 1345424;1450362187;mircea_popescu;Perhaps if someone customized the clothing for them? Like a designer? But thats actually what UDesign would have been all about. By employing a naturally occurring genetic algorithm, spurned by the social interactions of users actively generating the plethora of patterns (some bad, some good, and some ugly) available on the edge of our very own little creative adjacent possible, to borrow the term from Amer 1345425;1450362190;mircea_popescu;ican theoretical biologist Stuart Kauffman, the community as a whole would actually converge upon a globally optimal mix of popular patterns, and hence, come full circle, the average user wouldnt have to spend time wondering if their personal creation was something theyd actually wear. Based on the seemingly automatically generated feedback from their community, theyd just know." 1345426;1450362195;mircea_popescu;aaaahahahaha 1345427;1450362197;mircea_popescu;o may god. 1345428;1450362207;mircea_popescu;see, when i say white westerners aspire to be dead, this is very pointedly, very exactly what i mean. 1345429;1450362320;mircea_popescu;"Product: Patterbuzz 1345430;1450362320;mircea_popescu;Everything was going good. But we always had one issue. We never had enough money in our bank. and This became the cause of our death. We ran out of money." 1345431;1450362325;mircea_popescu;yeah, i see how everything was going good. 1345432;1450362377;mircea_popescu;"Brawker lets you order anything with #bitcoins and save up to 20% anywhere online." 1345433;1450362390;mircea_popescu;all this inept shit nobody heard of good god. 1345434;1450362411;mircea_popescu;"However, our growth rate did not meet our expectations, and the service does not scale as we would have expected to." aka "trying to leech of bitcoin while doing the usual fiat bullshit doesn't work." 1345435;1450362428;mircea_popescu;oh btw Naphex ? midmonth ? 1345436;1450362655;mircea_popescu;"We had never used the existing home automation products in our homes. We were not experts in the IoT sector. When you have new at something, you give yourself the famous Dunning Kruger Pass on your decisions." 1345437;1450362657;mircea_popescu;lol 1345438;1450362754;mircea_popescu;"Let me back-track a few months to give you some background. In July, we started building smart internet connected switches that learn from user behavior and automate all the electronic appliances in a home. We felt that its a pity that our search results and news feed are personalized to us but our homes, where we spend most of our time, are not." 1345439;1450362777;mircea_popescu;and i feel it's a peety you folks manage to find 2k calories' worth of roadkill each day. 1345440;1450362905;mircea_popescu;"We built like crazy. Thats the thing about us engineers; if you give us something interesting to build, we will forget everything else and just build. Our first prototype, which automated lights, was ready in 45 days. The second prototype, which could automate lights, fans, ACs and water heaters was out in another month. This is really fast according to hardware standards." << i wish i could disagree. 1345441;1450363052;mircea_popescu;"here are the top 5 mistakes we made in Lumos and what we learnt from them. Mistake 1: We were neither experts nor target users of the product that we were building." << sigh. 1345442;1450363265;mircea_popescu;"Today. Eventually, we ended up leaving hardware and IoT as a sector and decided to work in the content sector (which we understand better)." 1345443;1450363266;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1345444;1450363270;mircea_popescu;oh this shit's so sweet. 1345445;1450363472;mircea_popescu;"As a consequence of #2, we didnt have a CTO who dedicated enough time to our product. For some months, we got away with a slideware, then with mockups and paper prototypes. For a while it was even fun. It felt like we are doing the proper thing, follwing the Lean Startup way of quickly building something (that is crappy), learning from it (unfortunately, many times not the proper thing) and adjusting (after a while 1345446;1450363472;mircea_popescu; we just went in circles). 1345447;1450363473;mircea_popescu;But around July I just couldnt take it anymore. I wanted a product. A real one. Not just a mockup. So what did I do? Instead of fully focusing on finding a CTO, or looking for other ways to get somebody creating the product, I decided to learn how to code and do it myself. Coding was on my bucket list anyhow, so I figured, this is the best opportunity to make it happen. So I took a 2 week crash course in Rails, and 1345448;1450363475;mircea_popescu;then spent 2 more weeks of creating the initial version of ratemyspeech.co." 1345449;1450363477;mircea_popescu;holy shit... 1345450;1450364230;shinohai;https://archive.is/s39lk <<< That didn't take long. 1345451;1450364232;assbot;I have removed btcdrak as mod. We owe you guys a huge apology. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1P92cOv ) 1345452;1450364379;mircea_popescu;aww. 1345453;1450364479;mircea_popescu;in other news, asciilifeform : i comissioned a server with 128gb (ecc) ram, on the understanding that they'll upgrade it to 256gb just as soon as they can get the sticks in the dc. will be passing you the coords later today, so phuctor can live again. 1345454;1450364496;mircea_popescu;this will also add a 0.7-.8 expense on the s.nsa books, but hey, whatchagonnado. 1345455;1450364584;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this is mighty spiffy 1345456;1450364639;asciilifeform;i take it that s.bisp has returned ? 1345457;1450364669;mircea_popescu;sort-of. 1345458;1450364812;mircea_popescu;how are we on the "can take a reboot" front ? 1345459;1450366375;punkman;http://qntra.net/2015/12/police-department-thanks-pedophile-officer-for-service/ << amazing, also to fix "Virgina police" 1345460;1450366375;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1345461;1450366375;assbot;Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1lT9aht ) 1345462;1450366424;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345326 << ew. <<< that's what you'd say after smelling the kimchi container 1345463;1450366424;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 04:37:01; nubbins`: good at removing food stains/odors from plastic 1345464;1450366621;nubbins`;<+mircea_popescu> in other news, chick on okcupid : "porque no me escribis en castellano << they say castellano in peru too, but if i'm not mistaken this is not universal in south america? 1345465;1450367232;punkman;http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2015-martin-shkreli-securities-fraud/ they should totally seize that wutang album now 1345466;1450367232;assbot;Martin Shkreli Arrested on Securities Fraud Charges ... ( http://bit.ly/1lTcU2g ) 1345467;1450367832;kakobrekla;>By age 26, they said, he got nine investors to place $3 million with him, began losing their money and covering it up. Within a year, his fund's account was down to $331. 1345468;1450367835;kakobrekla;not bad 1345469;1450367959;mircea_popescu;nubbins` no, it's only common in the more stupid lands. 1345470;1450367969;mircea_popescu;it's not spanish you know, they're speshul like that. 1345471;1450367995;mircea_popescu;punkman the fraud consisting of you know, "being-not-usg". 1345472;1450368000;mircea_popescu;if ever so vaguely. 1345473;1450368018;mircea_popescu;that the schmuck was dumb enough to actually reside within reach... 1345474;1450368077;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345458 << implemented a simple and brutal kludge described in earlier thread 1345475;1450368077;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 15:06:52; mircea_popescu: how are we on the "can take a reboot" front ? 1345476;1450368091;mircea_popescu;"Greebel, who worked at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP and served as lead outside counsel to Retrophin from 2012 to 2014, helped Shkreli in several schemes, prosecutors said." <<< the principal utility of Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP being to provide the US Dept of Inquisition with false witnesses for its numerous prosecutions. 1345477;1450368106;mircea_popescu;don't ever hire one of those schmucks, it's as good as signing a blank confession. 1345478;1450368312;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform http://dpaste.com/1JMRZYT 1345479;1450368313;assbot;dpaste: 1JMRZYT ... ( http://bit.ly/1lThFJc ) 1345480;1450371633;punkman;"If the government seizes the Wu-Tang album, does it run another auction, or just release it for free as part of our cultural patrimony?" 1345481;1450371868;mircea_popescu;"our cultural patrimony" ? 1345482;1450371900;mircea_popescu;it really galls these fucktards, the notion that there exists something that's not for them. 1345483;1450372322;mircea_popescu;"Product: Bitshuva What I didnt understand was, you charge not for how much work it is for you. You charge how much the service is worth." 1345484;1450372329;mircea_popescu;o i c! 1345485;1450372416;mircea_popescu;"I realized that many of the true money-making businesses in healthcare really arent about optimizing delivery of primary care. This is a longer discussion but I realized, essentially, that we had no customers because no one was really interested in the model we were pitching. Doctors want more patients, not an efficient office." 1345486;1450372430;mircea_popescu;and more patients are obtained through what, the power of prayer ? 1345487;1450372443;mircea_popescu;"Unfortunately we do not have the resources to fend off a large company like Twitter to maintain our mark which we believe whole heartedly is rightfully ours. Therefore, we have decided to shut down Twitpic." 1345488;1450372448;mircea_popescu;ahahaha oh they believe rightfully 1345489;1450372580;mircea_popescu;and still EVERYTHING is on medium. medium.com, home of the new retard. are you the sort of guy who learns that "you charge not for how much work it is for you, but for how much the service is worth" in your twenties ? are you ready to start your entrepreneurtardism with 2 week's ruby cramming ? are you a "content generator" with delusions of humanity ? MEDIUM IS WHERE ALL THE OTHER SIMILAR SCUM FOUND A HOME! 1345490;1450372607;mircea_popescu;"The Lead Up 1345491;1450372607;mircea_popescu;My sophomore year of college I was a neuroscience major and my plan was to unlock the secrets of the mind and universe. Then I realized that the path of grad school, professor, grants, and incremental research wouldnt be a great way to pursue this goal. At the same time, I read Paul Grahams essay on How to Start a Startup. I felt a strong sense of I could do this! and making a lot of money from a startup 1345492;1450372607;mircea_popescu; and using it to do something good would be a better way of pursuing my goals of doing something important. 1345493;1450372608;mircea_popescu;Throughout sophomore year I read all I could about startups, and about things like finance, marketing, strategy, economics, design, technology etc. The following summer I started learning some HTML, CSS, JS and PHP, but didnt make much progress (I also started a very early version of the website that Im writing this post about)." 1345494;1450372630;mircea_popescu;great, now you can be a neuroscience relationship expert! 1345495;1450372688;mircea_popescu;"things like finance, marketing, strategy, economics, design, technology etc.". ytou know, just like neuroscience is all about "things like neurons, axons, mielin etc", just so entrepreneurtardism is an unstructured soup of nothing in particular. 1345496;1450372689;mircea_popescu;god help us. 1345497;1450372836;mircea_popescu;"I spent 2 weeks cold calling college counselors saying, Hey Ive got free student reviews of Ivy League schools. Check it out, let me know what you think, and sign up here if you want to be notified when I get more schools. Almost all of them ignored me." 1345498;1450373239;mircea_popescu;"I overestimated peoples desire to help someone starting a startup and trying to do something good. This will probably sound naive, but I dont think it is. I thought that people would have some sort of respect for what Im doing and want to help out. For example, the high school guidance counselors I tried to contact, maybe the default is for them to operate in a bureaucratic way, but I had thought there was a 1345499;1450373239;mircea_popescu;decent chance that theyd think, Oh cool, look at this kid trying to start a startup, good for him! Hm, hes actually trying to do something that would be pretty useful. Let me check it out. 1345500;1450373239;mircea_popescu;And I when I asked people from my high school to answer questions and spread the word a bit, I thought that a bunch of them would have respect for what Im doing and want to help out. Almost no one did, which I found to be quite selfish of them. I dont think my initial expectations were too unreasonable given what I had known, but my beliefs have since been updated." 1345501;1450373251;mircea_popescu;he even has an explanatory link on "selfish"! how endearing. 1345502;1450373334;mircea_popescu;Feb 279 min read << ahahaha a 10 minute read on the fucking clock is 279 minutes according to what the fuck is this ? us college reading comprehension data ? 1345503;1450373488;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/u5LjB << the butttears piece in question (obviously what he links is his own verbiage, because what, we can't all be mp ?! why the hell not!). his idea is that people are assholes because they don't front what [appears to him as] a small cost to them in order to get him [what appears to him as] a larger benefit. 1345504;1450373489;assbot;My thoughts on Altruism — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1NzN2za ) 1345505;1450373560;mircea_popescu;something like "why wouldn't mom go turn tricks for an hour each weekend, it only costs her an hour's worth of tricks, like 50 bucks or so, and she could buy me WoW from the proceeds, at a value to me of OVER NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS!11". supposedly this is how it worked with that dumb whore of Adam Zerner's mother. shame on you mrs zerner, really. being ugly is no excuse to fuck drunks. behold the unfortunate results in 1345506;1450373561;mircea_popescu;adam! 1345507;1450373604;mircea_popescu;at any rate, the notion that people are actively interested in oppressing his dumb ass so that their world isn't littered with the byproducts of a trillion adam zerners running around does not even begin to occur. 1345508;1450373810;mircea_popescu;jesus that article. the amount of navelgrazing these nitwits will engage in baffles me. 1345509;1450373811;punkman;80% of the people are gonna spend 20 minutes on my stupid questions! 1345510;1450373863;mircea_popescu;never has math been so cruelly raped as it has been since the web 2,0 made these shits fashionable (lesswrong, medium, tedtalks, the "webayesian" approach to pseudoscience and so forth). 1345511;1450373893;mircea_popescu;"what do you mean the great equations don't apply to me ?! what, i'm like, not good enough to matter in this sense ?!?!?!" 1345512;1450373952;mircea_popescu;Background: Dinnr was an ad-hoc, same day ingredient delivery service. Select a recipe on our website, and we deliver everything you need to cook that recipe at home, all the items pre-measured with printed instructions. All you need at home is oil, salt and pepper and a reasonably equipped kitchen.) 1345513;1450373981;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would you not include pepper. i mean, leave aside all the other idiocies involved, why the FUCK would you not include the very few items that are already prepackaged for this and have been for 50 years. 1345514;1450373990;mircea_popescu;10k salt packs for a restaurant are like 60 bucks. 1345515;1450374072;mircea_popescu;"In those days, I spent 9 hours a day, 6 days a week, sitting in a cold warehouse in West Acton, hot air blowers creating 25 degree bubbles around parts of my body in an otherwise 1415 degree room. The large industrial fridges were empty. Long gone were the days I pre-stocked ingredients for faster order fulfillment. Now, when an order would come through, I would jump on my bike and buy fresh ingredients at a nearby 1345516;1450374072;mircea_popescu; superstore. After 15 months of operations, we had approximately one order per day, generating on average 26 in revenue and supposedly 30% in gross margin, but given the low volumes, we were losing money on every order." 1345517;1450374114;mircea_popescu;"Now, with the distance of a few months, it sounds positively crazy to run a business like this. But of course, one sticks to the guns because one has set out to make things happen and one has an obligation to investors. And then theres the adage of a winner never quits, tales of entrepreneur legends who lost all their money, got abandoned by family and friends, were so hungry that they ate cardboard, on 1345518;1450374114;mircea_popescu;ly to triumph in the end and build a global empire." 1345519;1450374122;mircea_popescu;uh this has never happened. who the fuck is he talking about ? 1345520;1450374252;mircea_popescu;This will be the number one lesson I will never forget and the absolute key to understanding Dinnr’s failure — we were not solving anyone’s problem. I should have found that out in my initial market research, especially in my 1–1 interviews. 1345521;1450374252;mircea_popescu;However, we committed the big mistake of presenting people with the idea and asking them if they liked it and would buy it. And when people said yes, WE thought they meant launch it and I will buy. In reality, they meant Im not entirely excluding the possibility that one day, when Ocado trucks run out of gas, supermarket doors get blocked by red-hot lava and restaurant waiters will, due to a mysterious leak 1345522;1450374252;mircea_popescu; of radioactive fumes emanating from commercial kitchen equipment, all be zombified and eat patrons brains, yes, in that case I might be tempted to purchase a trial product from you. Once. Then Ill take a risk with the zombies. 1345523;1450374284;mircea_popescu;kid's perhaps not so terrible as the usual medium fare, so https://archive.is/AfxqS 1345524;1450374284;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1k50bbd ) 1345525;1450374300;punkman;15 months of one order per day? 1345526;1450374338;mircea_popescu;and at this juncture i'd like to inquire with the esteemed audience whether they'd allocate the "not as terrible as medium average" to the datapoint that he had 10's of k's of pounds to blow on this (ie, rich is not as stupid as poor, ceteris paribus) or to the fact that he's british (ie, pureblood is not as stupid as mongrels, ceteris paribus). 1345527;1450374423;mircea_popescu;There never was a need for a service like ours in the UK in the segment that we picked (urban professionals, couples without kids or with one baby max). << ironically, the need does exist. argentina does one thing right, and that is they are FANATIC with deliveries. you can have ANYTHING delivered. i don't mean, walk into supermarket, order two pellets of mineral water and have the supermarket deliver it - you can do t 1345528;1450374423;mircea_popescu;hat in romania too. 1345529;1450374482;mircea_popescu;i mean... you can order magazines delivered by the little magazine stand. or flowers. ANY store, you walk in, you want delivery, they'll fucking deliver. 1345530;1450374485;mircea_popescu;now, doing this efficiently, effectually and at scale is way beyond the intellectual wherewithal of argentines, but nevertheless, the need is there. 1345531;1450374488;punkman;where are flowers not delivered even 1345532;1450374501;mircea_popescu;but not by a service specialized in this, i mean. 1345533;1450374518;mircea_popescu;a random two immigrant illegal stand here, will take orders. and walk them over. 1345534;1450374531;*;mircea_popescu is discussing teh culture. 1345535;1450374541;punkman;I even like the idea, I'd probably want to buy ingredients by the week 1345536;1450374618;mircea_popescu;i don't like the idea because i send the girls. picking good stuff is complex. but yes, if they could be trusted to do something other than the usual anglosphere "this is how supermarket gets rid of all the imminetly-rotten junk", then yeah. 1345537;1450374779;mircea_popescu;"You must never, ever, pitch the product to the customer and ask for their feedback. Instead, the conversation serves the purpose of ascertaining whether the lack of recipe diversity and frustration with takeaway food or ready meals is a big enough problem for which I offer a solution that they would pay for. To reach this conclusion, dont ask about their future intentions (would you buy this?), but do ask abo 1345538;1450374779;mircea_popescu;ut PAST behaviour: When was the last time they cooked something new? Do they dislike takeaway food? Do they feel bad about food wastage/spoilage? If so, what are they doing to minimize it? If nothing, its not a problem waiting for a solution." 1345539;1450374782;mircea_popescu;that much is good advice. 1345540;1450374795;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1345541;1450374797;mircea_popescu;never ask people as to their intentions. nobody cares, least of all themselves. 1345542;1450374824;mircea_popescu;"i intend to one day be a singer" is not how you get the fucking job. WHERE HAVE YOU SUNG BEFORE BITCH. that is it, that is all. 1345543;1450375023;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345526 << how does either of these work ? 1345544;1450375023;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 17:45:38; mircea_popescu: and at this juncture i'd like to inquire with the esteemed audience whether they'd allocate the "not as terrible as medium average" to the datapoint that he had 10's of k's of pounds to blow on this (ie, rich is not as stupid as poor, ceteris paribus) or to the fact that he's british (ie, pureblood is not as stupid as mongrels, ceteris paribus). 1345545;1450375043;ascii_field;(idiot can get money, in 1,001 ways; and didn't we do 'inferior brit stock' untermenschen last night ?) 1345546;1450375054;mircea_popescu;you gotta pick a heuristic, alfie. 1345547;1450375073;mircea_popescu;otherwise your brain becomes a "phd castle to be manned by 9k phds" 1345548;1450375082;mircea_popescu;you get a grand total of at most one. 1345549;1450375089;ascii_field;i'm just not seeing the predicate here ('above median') as being true 1345550;1450375097;mircea_popescu;ah. 1345551;1450375099;mircea_popescu;fair enuf. 1345552;1450375193;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345529 << i can get same-day delivery of, e.g., a box of five m3 nuts with matching bolts. BUT it has to be 'amazon' or costs $100 (vs $0) 1345553;1450375193;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 17:48:02; mircea_popescu: i mean... you can order magazines delivered by the little magazine stand. or flowers. ANY store, you walk in, you want delivery, they'll fucking deliver. 1345554;1450375221;mircea_popescu;ascii_field not quite the same thing. 1345555;1450375238;ascii_field;(why there exists an 'amazon' which does this for ~$0 is a mystery, but here it is) 1345556;1450375254;ascii_field;well yes, not quite the same thing! 1345557;1450375261;ascii_field;but it makes that other thing impossible 1345558;1450375267;ascii_field;(uncompetitive) 1345559;1450375272;mircea_popescu;aha. 1345560;1450375312;mircea_popescu;just another example of "revolutionized the world" being the worst outcome for the world. 1345561;1450375335;ascii_field;this is more like mircea_popescu's article with the giant arse sitting down in small chairs 1345562;1450375400;ascii_field;the interesting thing about 'amazon' is that no wallmartization is involved - it's the same items, delivered (typically) from 3rd parties, rather than specially-made egregious crud 1345563;1450375419;ascii_field;but somehow a. struck deals with all of the major shipping corps 1345564;1450375440;ascii_field;and blew up 'the curve' 1345565;1450375445;mircea_popescu;there isn't really that much difference. all this mentally deranged "we are changing the world" third reiteration of the quaker/puritan insanities tries hard and in selected idiots manages to cover up the simple fact that every situation where "our saviour the entrepreneur created value" can always be described in terms of "this leech is arbitraging the roof against the wall, either wayy we'll end up under rubble." 1345566;1450375457;ascii_field;to the point where i EXPECT a three dollar part to arrive sunday morning if ordered on friday night 1345567;1450375461;ascii_field;for ~$0 1345568;1450375506;mircea_popescu;ascii_field it just happens to be a very good loss leader. you know how casinos will give you free drinks for as long as you're playing ? 1345569;1450375518;ascii_field;the loss part is beyond dispute 1345570;1450375522;ascii_field;but what's it a leader ~for~ ? 1345571;1450375524;mircea_popescu;you can't run a bar by giving out free drinks. you CAN however, and if you have any sense you DO run a bar by giving away free tits. 1345572;1450375535;mircea_popescu;being the marketplace. 1345573;1450375550;trinque;bezos loves his razor-thin margins; there's a previous thread on this 1345574;1450375558;ascii_field;classically, 'dumping' is supposed to have a ??? and then a 'profit!111' 1345575;1450375563;ascii_field;i.e. the denoument 1345576;1450375564;mircea_popescu;this is not dumping. 1345577;1450375570;mircea_popescu;this is loss-leading. 1345578;1450375589;mircea_popescu;trinque he has a point, too. 1345579;1450375652;trinque;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-03-2015#1057689 1345580;1450375652;assbot;Logged on 19-03-2015 06:38:14; mircea_popescu: they make corpses. 1345581;1450375718;mircea_popescu;oh look at that, from back in the days ben_vulpes wasn't too ashamed of random mishap to show up in b-a ? :D 1345582;1450375724;mircea_popescu;tell him it's ok trinque, we had our lulz. 1345583;1450375755;ascii_field;l0l perhaps he's looking for a new irctron 1345584;1450375798;trinque;heh, he's probably off cracking the whip 1345585;1450375830;trinque;anyhow, we'll find out what he's up to on the next paste :D 1345586;1450375887;mircea_popescu;lol 1345587;1450375949;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: didja catch the turd last night re: grub2 ? 1345588;1450375949;ascii_field;seems to explain a few things. 1345589;1450375989;mircea_popescu;i saw it but i'm not persuaded it explains anything. what, exactly, someone can't just walk into the dc copy the server ? 1345590;1450376000;ascii_field;this is simpler and automatable 1345591;1450376004;ascii_field;(via diddled kvm box) 1345592;1450376022;ascii_field;resets, tries grub diddle via simulated keyboard, then proceeds 1345593;1450376040;ascii_field;unlike burglary, it scales and is pencilneck-friendly 1345594;1450376051;ascii_field;ergo quintessentially usgistic. 1345595;1450376052;mircea_popescu;if it worked, they wouldn't be doing it 50 times. 1345596;1450376066;ascii_field;many sploits are probabilistic 1345597;1450376067;mircea_popescu;i mean don't get me wrong, it's a theory, but that's about it. 1345598;1450376081;mircea_popescu;ascii_field if that were it the 50 times would take 1 minute. 1345599;1450376082;ascii_field;i know of some which actually require 50+ shots 1345600;1450376090;punkman;misconfiguration is not uncommon either 1345601;1450376090;ascii_field;say a shot requires a reset. 1345602;1450376095;punkman;(of attack tools) 1345603;1450376122;mircea_popescu;punkman more common than the alternative, actually. 1345604;1450376287;mircea_popescu;let's have some reverse-fun 1345605;1450376289;mircea_popescu;"If success is defined by creating awesome products, we created apps that have been downloaded 15 million times across iOS, Android, and the Mac App Store. If success is defined by people using the product, we still have over a quarter of a million users actively using our apps around the world. If success is defined by making money for the business, we put in our bank account $1 million in total revenue. If success is 1345606;1450376289;mircea_popescu; defined by having investors believe in your team, your business, and your product, we successfully raised capital from the top super angel and angel investor in Silicon Valley. We are the first company from Vietnam that got accepted to the most prestigious accelerator program in the world. From 90 countries around the world, our Whiteboard app won No. 1 in the Dragons Den Pitching Competition by the World Banks 1345607;1450376290;mircea_popescu;infoDev. We could list countless press and media coverage from all around the world. But here is what we could not do: we simply failed in creating a scalable business!" 1345608;1450376296;mircea_popescu;anyone guess what these successes did ? 1345609;1450376304;mircea_popescu;no googling. ima have breakfast then reveal. 1345610;1450377593;trinque;I'll wager it's a "take a picture of your whiteboard and d1g1t1z3 it" aka one bored afternoon's project. 1345611;1450377700;trinque;reframes it back to a rectangle, lets you Tag and Share (TM) etc. 1345612;1450377908;mircea_popescu;prety mu ch 1345613;1450377916;mircea_popescu;seems to be a "interface your messaging apps" app. 1345614;1450377927;mircea_popescu;the douche thinks this can be successful, in any sense. i rest. 1345615;1450379972;adlai;in other 'news', http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/proof121.gif 1345616;1450379974;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22b4R1n ) 1345617;1450380180;adlai;text at http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/#12 but it really shouldn't be necessary 1345618;1450380181;assbot;Pythagorean Theorem and its many proofs ... ( http://bit.ly/22b5sQz ) 1345619;1450382296;BingoBoingo;Look who went from blackmail to old fashioned scamming https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Rozal&sign=ANY&type=RECV 1345620;1450382297;assbot;Rating Details for User 'Rozal' ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvEAa5 ) 1345621;1450382365;BingoBoingo; curious how long they take to BAN ME!111 omaigawds << You aren't looking in Missouri or Ohio? I though you were doing Anthropology, or Whaleology. 1345622;1450382620;BingoBoingo; http://qntra.net/2015/12/police-department-thanks-pedophile-officer-for-service/ << amazing, also to fix "Virgina police" << fxd 1345623;1450382620;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1345624;1450382621;assbot;Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1lT9aht ) 1345625;1450382784;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1345626;1450382790;ascii_field;BingoBoingo et al: http://qntra.net/2015/12/police-department-thanks-pedophile-officer-for-service/#comment-83804 1345627;1450382791;assbot;Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvFzaq ) 1345628;1450382873;ascii_field;in other, glorious, lulz: https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/677550728529887232?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet 1345629;1450384002;shinohai;http://i.imgur.com/399G4lX.jpg 1345630;1450384003;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JeYTB3 ) 1345631;1450384111;punkman;https://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Rozal&sign=ANY&type=RECV << wasn't he the guy selling a lot of discounted starbacks cards? 1345632;1450384112;assbot;Rating Details for User 'Rozal' ... ( http://bit.ly/1QvEAa5 ) 1345633;1450384881;BingoBoingo;punkman: Haven't paid that much attention, but he's the one who tried to extort cazalla 1345634;1450384980;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1345635;1450384984;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2015/12/police-department-thanks-pedophile-officer-for-service/#comment-83806 1345636;1450384985;assbot;Police Department Thanks Pedophile Officer For Service | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1ObxqHH ) 1345637;1450385068;BingoBoingo;lol 1345638;1450385510;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345362 << mighty spiffy 1345639;1450385510;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 06:17:18; punkman: http://www.symbos.de/preview.htm spiffy OS for z80 1345640;1450385518;ascii_field;e.g., http://www.symbos.de/gfx/trex/trex-ebdemo.jpg 1345641;1450385519;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jf25fQ ) 1345642;1450385533;ascii_field;http://www.symbos.de/trex.htm << the rest of'em 1345643;1450385533;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jf27Ey ) 1345644;1450387451;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWdPZZ6VEAA6yUL.jpg:large 1345645;1450387451;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IX51mx ) 1345646;1450387889;BingoBoingo;lol 1345647;1450388486;pete_dushenski;"Boeing Co. fell after Delta Air Lines Inc. revealed it is purchasing a used 777 jetliner for $7.7 million, reviving concerns that plunging values for some wide-body models signal that the market is glutted." 1345648;1450388495;pete_dushenski;"New 777-200ERs sold for $170 million 10 years ago. Factory-fresh versions list for $277.3 million before the discounts that are customary in the industry." 1345649;1450388526;pete_dushenski;and here i was thinking that new cars were a raw deal... 1345650;1450388545;pete_dushenski;;;calc 7.7/277.3*100 1345651;1450388545;gribble;2.77677605481 1345652;1450388587;pete_dushenski;you want to talk about razor-thin margins ? forget amazon, try air travel. 1345653;1450388685;pete_dushenski;i was just comparing flights from edmonton to two different destinations for this winter, seattle and cancun, and found that flights were $500 per person regardless ! 1345654;1450388734;pete_dushenski;needless to say, it's an easy choice. 1345655;1450388772;*;pete_dushenski wonders if he'll run into mr. bitbetchamp aka thenewdeal down in mehico 1345656;1450388825;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345628 << harvard campus gop response isn't quite as funny >> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWc4KF5U8AA-hwF.png:large 1345657;1450388825;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 20:07:53; ascii_field: in other, glorious, lulz: https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/677550728529887232?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet 1345658;1450388826;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IX8tO7 ) 1345659;1450388857;pete_dushenski;but seriously, all that '^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet' shit breaks the url. 1345660;1450389407;trinque;pete_dushenski: re: title being doubled, it's that way in the title tag of your feed. 1345661;1450389426;trinque;probably due to some setting inside your blogotron 1345662;1450389788;BingoBoingo;https://i.sli.mg/i1LvVj.png 1345663;1450389789;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXaMk2 ) 1345664;1450389839;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1345665;1450389843;ascii_field;BingoBoingo: wat 1345666;1450389977;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Scammer got her actual "size" crowdsourced thanks to known size of laptop lid. That circus freak is basically the GAW miners of people incapable of reaching their genitals https://archive.is/BUeIH 1345667;1450389980;assbot;Tess Holliday Responds to Scamming Accusations : People.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXbg9U ) 1345668;1450390079;pete_dushenski;trinque: pretty sure you were right. tweaks made. we'll see how the next one goes :) 1345669;1450390178;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: Of course that fraud doesn't rise to Qntra levels until it issues an Altcoin to buy a scooty puff, or it can get a nickname like COD (short for cock and dog) mongler. 1345670;1450390233;BingoBoingo;Or maybe CONDO for COck aNd DOg mongler. I dunno how the FBI names these people 1345671;1450390247;ascii_field;dafuq is a 'scooty puff' 1345672;1450390252;ascii_field;and do i want to know 1345673;1450390312;BingoBoingo;ascii_field: THose things circus freaks ride around Walmart 1345674;1450390353;BingoBoingo;Scooty, because it's a "mobility" scooter, puff because of the scents 1345675;1450390353;ascii_field;ah 1345676;1450390418;pete_dushenski;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi6RLrJrjLQ << true american innovation at work. tv show pauses when you fall asleep via sock-embedded sensors. 1345677;1450390419;assbot;Netflix Socks - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oa7bLM ) 1345678;1450390554;trinque;pete_dushenski: http://contravex.com/rss << the first tag is the guy responsible. 1345679;1450390556;assbot;Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXcGBm ) 1345680;1450390573;pete_dushenski;mhm. it's been summarily beleeted. 1345681;1450390596;BingoBoingo;In other news it looks like the "Core" Bitcoin repository lost the only committer who resisted the Phorks! https://archive.is/B9WPE 1345682;1450390597;assbot;gmaxwell (/u/nullc) no longer a bitcoin committer on github : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXcP7T ) 1345683;1450390599;pete_dushenski;might take a while to show up, the intertubes are full of netflix 1345684;1450390632;*;trinque blows down his end of the tube, hears a nice tone 1345685;1450390652;pete_dushenski;http://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/articles/47755/dc-encyclopedia-of-2015-pandas-pot-pope/ << entemologist's guide to alf's neck of the woods 1345686;1450390654;assbot;The Encyclopedia of D.C. 2015: from pandas to pot to the pope, and everything in between - Washington City Paper ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXd0jq ) 1345687;1450390672;pete_dushenski;trinque: you and your digiridoo 1345688;1450390728;ascii_field;'Because we live in a landlocked territory, District residents’ interest is piqued by any mention of a beach...' << holy fuck, did someone pull up the drain cork on the potomac river or what 1345689;1450390733;ascii_field;landlocked ?! 1345690;1450390860;pete_dushenski;can the potomac fit cruise ship ? nimitz class ? 1345691;1450390888;ascii_field;mno 1345692;1450390912;ascii_field;only yachts 1345693;1450390963;BingoBoingo;Can on still swim potomac like early presidents, or do they absorb too many rads doing so 1345694;1450390996;pete_dushenski;i can see hong kong being 'landlocked' but unless dc is surrounded by mountain ranges that i don't know about, i'm not sure i see it either 1345695;1450391077;*;ascii_field doesn't spend much time in d.c. city limits proper 1345696;1450391082;pete_dushenski;http://andrewbatson.com/2015/12/17/tibets-potemkin-economy/ << tibetans are government leeches who are unable to produce anything of value, but that doesn't stop them from topping all the 'happiness' indeces time and time again. 1345697;1450391084;assbot;Tibet’s Potemkin economy | Andrew Batson's Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oa8Bpi ) 1345698;1450391137;ascii_field;tibet - originally a theocratic hellhole that makes medival catholicism look tolerant and economically +ev - is today a usg-maintained 'antichina' 1345699;1450391140;pete_dushenski;"Government spending accounts for 40% of Tibet’s GDP, while 10-15% is the more usual level for other provinces. In a cyclical sense this is beneficial, as Tibet is hardly feeling the current slowdown at all: it reported 9.8% real GDP growth for the first three quarters of 2015. But the reason they’re not feeling the slowdown is that they didn’t have a real economy to begin with. It’s a bunch of civil servants 1345700;1450391140;pete_dushenski;asa, some investment projects done with central government money, and, sadly, not much else." 1345701;1450391701;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWdDmNEWwAAbsiD.jpg 1345702;1450391702;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXf62O ) 1345703;1450391706;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1345704;1450392230;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: is that... real ? 1345705;1450392245;BingoBoingo;The ship shipping ship? 1345706;1450392251;pete_dushenski;ya 1345707;1450392251;BingoBoingo;Seems real. 1345708;1450392266;pete_dushenski;lol. then nuts ! 1345709;1450392303;adlai;sup dawg, i herd u liek boats 1345710;1450392390;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: I mean how else does Samsung get container boats from 2nd Korea to Shenzen? 1345711;1450392532;pete_dushenski;a naive observer would think that container boats would, y'know, travel under their own power between the factory and its first loading dock 1345712;1450392579;adlai;it's all about fuel economies of scale, haven't you read your grukman? 1345713;1450392583;pete_dushenski;next you're going to show me 777s strapped to the back of the spruce goose as it's delivered from oregon to dubai. 1345714;1450392633;adlai;fwiw treaded vehicles (military or otherwise) routinely get trucked to the scene 1345715;1450392659;BingoBoingo;Well, if the container ships are empty why would you burn fuel in all those motors capable of carrying loads instead of slowly floating them down on a pallet with one motor burning fuel 1345716;1450392749;BingoBoingo;It's not like 2nd Korea makes anything the Chicoms need other than more samsung boats to deliver Huawei and plasicrap 1345717;1450392752;pete_dushenski;adlai: because treaded vehicles are slow and thirsty, which, i guess container ships probably are too, at least compared to floating pallet. 1345718;1450392801;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: skoreans do make a decent kimchi 1345719;1450392823;pete_dushenski;and maybe some tv's that can be reverse-engineered 1345720;1450392844;pete_dushenski;though neither is likely to fill every single samsung container ship, i grant. 1345721;1450392846;BingoBoingo;China can't afford to have vegetables floated in. They gotta have rice and clenbuterol pork 1345722;1450392890;pete_dushenski;http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-34797017 << speaking of 2nd korea 1345723;1450392891;assbot;The employees shut inside coffins - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXho1R ) 1345724;1450392912;pete_dushenski;"South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, and workers often report feeling stressed. So in order to make people appreciate life, some companies are making employees take part in their own pretend funerals." << jenius ! 1345725;1450393664;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1345726;1450393977;ascii_field;http://media.bloomberg.com/bb/avfile/rjMmmf1jHzI0 (pdf) 1345727;1450393982;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXj5MJ ) 1345728;1450393990;ascii_field;https://i.imgur.com/0X5EBHb.jpg 1345729;1450393991;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXj6QP ) 1345730;1450394033;ascii_field;or nm, looks like this was in the logz! 1345731;1450394329;pete_dushenski;looks like shkreli's had his nose done at some point. and not particularly well either. 1345732;1450394351;ascii_field;'done' with fist ? 1345733;1450394354;ascii_field;at police station ? 1345734;1450394376;pete_dushenski;'done' usually means scalpel in usistan 1345735;1450394677;pete_dushenski;" Argentina's peso plunged more than 26.5 percent on Thursday, after the country's new government floated the currency as part of a slew of free-market reforms aimed at revitalizing the stagnant economy." 1345736;1450394732;ascii_field;meanwhile, 'socket no message in first 60 seconds, 0 1' between two boxes which i control 1345737;1450394736;ascii_field;pretty fascinating. 1345738;1450395779;jurov;https://theintercept.com/document/2015/12/17/government-cellphone-surveillance-catalogue/ to improve alf's sleep 1345739;1450395780;assbot;The Intercept ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9K5Iu ) 1345740;1450395923;pete_dushenski;based on alf's repeated references to gsm as 'toy crypto', i don't think he maintains any delusions about cell phone security 1345741;1450395943;pete_dushenski;and nor should anyone else who's done their 6 months 1345742;1450396117;BingoBoingo;Murican Poverty: "Big Mamma is your ideal customer. Yes, she might eat an entire rotisserie chicken while her children devour a box of snacks. But not only will I look the other way, Im willing to pay some retarded white guy $10 an hour to clean up her mess. She is the cash bomb. No customer, not Bill Gates or the Dyke Queen of West Germany spends as much money on retail food as Big Mamma. This is not calculated as a percentage 1345743;1450396117;BingoBoingo; of income, but in raw dollars." http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3467 1345744;1450396118;assbot;JL: Of Kings and Queens ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9KDOp ) 1345745;1450396278;BingoBoingo;"Not only does Big Mamma spend twice as much money as the next closest customer, but her dollar is an impulsive dollar, which nets the grocer four times the profit ofthe Korean or Hebrew dollar, for instance, and twice the profit as the Anglo or Hispanic dollar." 1345746;1450396291;BingoBoingo;^ From te department of cattle handling 1345747;1450396461;punkman;"I am currently retired, simply stocking perishable groceries overnight two or three nights per week to make writing possible." << is that how retired works? 1345748;1450396499;adlai;maybe it's the other kind, https://youtu.be/FLwD60hPK4I 1345749;1450396500;assbot;Borat: "He is retard?" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1lUFW1E ) 1345750;1450396545;BingoBoingo;punkman: Of course it is. USSA retired means You get 4 days a week off instead of just mebbe 2 1345751;1450398382;BingoBoingo;https://hackaday.com/2015/12/17/a-scam-of-galactic-proportions/ 1345752;1450398385;assbot;A Scam of Galactic Proportions | Hackaday 1345753;1450398400;BingoBoingo;"But the White House got its figures from this website which admits, after much public scrutiny that followed getting picked up by the White House, to have gotten the math wrong by a factor of one hundred! Were looking at much more like $8.1 quadrillion." 1345754;1450398539;BingoBoingo;!up harrymoreno 1345755;1450398683;pete_dushenski;lol 'factor of one hundred' is OVERestimate 1345756;1450398719;pete_dushenski;which'd be the strict inverse of sop for mega-projects a la death star 1345757;1450398737;pete_dushenski;or, y'know, a la real mega-projects 1345758;1450398753;BingoBoingo;Mebbe USG priced it with plans to actually take delivery, hence bezzle markup? 1345759;1450398756;pete_dushenski;eg. three gorges 1345760;1450398788;pete_dushenski;politicians don't think in terms of delivery, they think in terms of re-election and passing-the-buck 1345761;1450398808;pete_dushenski;bureaucrats idem 1345762;1450398923;pete_dushenski;for usg to think that way for death star would be like han solo, in the middle of a fire fight, sitting down to pen a phd thesis on whether or not he should pull the laser trigger 1345763;1450398968;*;pete_dushenski to dinner. cheers ! 1345764;1450399267;*;BingoBoingo thinks there is a difference between dam and "superweapon". Sure F-35 gets to be boondogle. Drones? Get delivered. 1345765;1450399408;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/hRMAQ0A.jpg?1 1345766;1450399409;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NABcVz ) 1345767;1450399488;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345740 << at this point even children in zimbabwe likely know that not only does usg record every phone call in nato reich, but has been doing so since hdd platter cost fell to where it was economically feasible. but the portable mitm gadgets are for something else 1345768;1450399488;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 23:45:23; pete_dushenski: based on alf's repeated references to gsm as 'toy crypto', i don't think he maintains any delusions about cell phone security 1345769;1450399550;asciilifeform;they are partly so that local police precincts can join the party, partly to administer off-the-record rootkit installations, and partly for usg to circumvent own red tape ('parallel construct') 1345770;1450399933;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345478 << you forgot something quite important in there... 1345771;1450399933;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 16:05:12; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://dpaste.com/1JMRZYT 1345772;1450399934;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1345773;1450400095;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345765 << defective pic. the chick is still shaped quite like a human woman 1345774;1450400095;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 00:43:28; BingoBoingo: https://i.imgur.com/hRMAQ0A.jpg?1 1345775;1450400138;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Photopaint, same one from https://i.sli.mg/i1LvVj.png 1345776;1450400139;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXaMk2 ) 1345777;1450400186;BingoBoingo;There is a rabbit hole, or mebbe gravity well to fall into 1345778;1450400218;asciilifeform;as i understand there is an inflection point where they can no longer walk much 1345779;1450400235;asciilifeform;and after that, fatten to death 1345780;1450400285;asciilifeform;according to dan mocsny's articles, normally there would be a feedback effect long before death where the afflicted would no longer be able to get food and would begin to grow thin 1345781;1450400302;asciilifeform;but on the other hand, if an 'enabler' turns up 1345782;1450400314;asciilifeform;and feeds/wipes arse/supplies money/etc 1345783;1450400319;asciilifeform;then disease progresses. 1345784;1450400355;asciilifeform;partly the role of 'enabler' is played by the cheap personal auto in usa 1345785;1450400424;BingoBoingo;This one is crashing into inflection point. 1345786;1450400622;asciilifeform;;;isup trilema.com 1345787;1450400626;gribble;trilema.com is down 1345788;1450400873;shinohai;http://www.kcci.com/news/sheriff-shoots-his-own-hand-rushed-to-er/37012186? ♭♪ "I shot the Sheriff ..." ♫ ♬ 1345789;1450400874;assbot;Sheriff shoots his own hand, rushed to ER | Local News - KCCI Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1NACWhv ) 1345790;1450400915;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey listen, is there a russian source for this http://poeziisiversuri.blogspot.com.ar/2012/06/poezia-ariciul-imparat-otilia-cazimir.html ? 1345791;1450400916;assbot;Poezii și versuri: Poezia Ariciul-împărat - Otilia Cazimir ... ( http://bit.ly/1NAD00V ) 1345792;1450400930;*;asciilifeform digs 1345793;1450401002;mircea_popescu;also http://dpaste.com/2832R4R lol 1345794;1450401003;assbot;dpaste: 2832R4R ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXtF6q ) 1345795;1450401025;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ty 1345796;1450401037;asciilifeform;and afaik there is no ru transl in public lit 1345797;1450401067;asciilifeform;or waitamin... 1345798;1450401134;asciilifeform;what's the vintage on that poem 1345799;1450401146;mircea_popescu;50s 1345800;1450401190;mircea_popescu;was mostly curious if she translated on the sly some previous ru text 1345801;1450401310;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: upon reading, seems almost certain. but i haven't the smoking gun in cache 1345802;1450401348;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 152475 @ 0.00048446 = 73.868 BTC [-] {6} 1345803;1450401364;mircea_popescu;hm. 1345804;1450401378;mircea_popescu;well if it occurs lemme know. 1345805;1450401409;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 935790 @ 0.00048945 = 458.0224 BTC [+] {26} 1345806;1450401410;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 1737 @ 0.00097238 = 1.689 BTC [-] {5} 1345807;1450401470;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 239400 @ 0.00049243 = 117.8877 BTC [+] {8} 1345808;1450401531;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 258401 @ 0.00048595 = 125.57 BTC [-] {5} 1345809;1450401592;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 145841 @ 0.00049381 = 72.0177 BTC [+] {5} 1345810;1450401648;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://pikabu.ru/story/iz_serii_quota_ktonibud_pomnitquot_och_mnogo_mata_598966 << closest thing i turned up 1345811;1450401648;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXuZGC ) 1345812;1450401653;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 221750 @ 0.00048435 = 107.4046 BTC [-] {6} 1345813;1450401655;asciilifeform;(variations on a theme) 1345814;1450401669;mircea_popescu;pikabu.ru hahaha 1345815;1450401683;asciilifeform;some n-chan knockoff 1345816;1450401690;asciilifeform;the poems are recited from '80s childhoods 1345817;1450401714;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85700 @ 0.00048871 = 41.8824 BTC [+] {4} 1345818;1450401747;mircea_popescu;kogo kogo, kosaya blyad hjaha not bad. 1345819;1450401749;mircea_popescu;but notrly. 1345820;1450401775;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 597830 @ 0.00048793 = 291.6992 BTC [-] {12} 1345821;1450401801;deedbot-;[Qntra] Fake Star Wars Torrents Already Popping Up On Trackers - http://qntra.net/2015/12/fake-star-wars-torrents-already-popping-up-on-trackers/ 1345822;1450401838;BingoBoingo;Also Know as Qntra tries clickbait even though we stopped counting clicks 1345823;1450401982;mircea_popescu;we're no longer cunting clicks ? 1345824;1450402012;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: btw it wurks, about to start the terraform 1345825;1450402026;mircea_popescu;enjoy. 1345826;1450402031;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu ! 1345827;1450402042;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Not since quantcast ate one too many leaded paint chips 1345828;1450402063;mircea_popescu;but that was counting! this is my lame cunting joke! 1345829;1450402092;BingoBoingo;Oh, yeah. We don't cunt clicks either. We click cunts. 1345830;1450402144;mircea_popescu;teh c-lick! 1345831;1450402349;BingoBoingo;ofc 1345832;1450402351;mircea_popescu;"implying mastery of people seems both inappropriate and ill-founded" ?! 1345833;1450402383;mircea_popescu;what the everloving fuck are they smoking over in the socialist republic of cambridge 1345834;1450402546;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345648 << the real problem there is simple : what with all the tsa "ensuring everyone's safety", the cost of capital goods in the field fell to reflect the utility drop of the whole industry. 1345835;1450402546;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 21:41:35; pete_dushenski: "New 777-200ERs sold for $170 million 10 years ago. Factory-fresh versions list for $277.3 million before the discounts that are customary in the industry." 1345836;1450402574;mircea_popescu;pre-tsa a dollar was worth a dollar, and an airship capable of taking a few hundred people across the atlantic was worth a coupla hundred million dollars. 1345837;1450402575;asciilifeform;boeings fly outside of usaschwitz though 1345838;1450402591;mircea_popescu;post-tsa, a dollar is worth ten cents, and same exact airship is worth... ten million. 1345839;1450402597;asciilifeform;ah well that yes 1345840;1450402602;mircea_popescu;that's a 99.5% drop of value in 20 years. 1345841;1450402619;mircea_popescu;just about par for the course for "government helped you" 1345842;1450402641;asciilifeform;i'd like to see what the floor is 1345843;1450402665;PeterL;so you can grab one to use as rocket? 1345844;1450402673;mircea_popescu;you have already seen the floor. a bunch of hungry people in ugly cheap suits moving flimsy paper around, with stamp ink shortages, as in moscow 1985 1345845;1450402673;asciilifeform;or as a house 1345846;1450402677;asciilifeform;(like one schmuck) 1345847;1450402688;mircea_popescu;or a bunch of hungry chinese "courtiers" doing exactly the same, pre-british invasion 1345848;1450402734;BingoBoingo;history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Mircea_Popescu 1345849;1450402734;assbot;Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Mircea Popescu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXwN2n ) 1345850;1450402762;PeterL;which book is it where Baba Yaga ends up living in an airplane? I think is was an Orson Scott Card thing? 1345851;1450402762;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ancient ? 1345852;1450402780;mircea_popescu;lol trivial. wut ? 1345853;1450402785;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: yes, that one. Because nevar forget. 1345854;1450402792;mircea_popescu;i've been in "every mainstream media" like they say. whatever the fuck that's worth. 1345855;1450402811;mircea_popescu;(nothing, but people keep going on about the success it denotes or something) 1345856;1450402818;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: 'never forget' has flipside - you're incrementing the buggers' refcounters 1345857;1450402829;asciilifeform;keeping odin's great garbagecollector from doing its wurk 1345858;1450402845;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wikipedia's finally getting garbage collected ? 1345859;1450402858;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: But don't we need to track how many pinecones to plant in order to grow stakes? 1345860;1450402859;asciilifeform;not at this rate ! 1345861;1450402906;mircea_popescu;heh 1345862;1450403014;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWc4KF5U8AA-hwF.png:large << wait, this self-parodic "Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion" thing actually exists ? 1345863;1450403015;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IX8tO7 ) 1345864;1450403022;mircea_popescu;just how dumb are the sjws ?! 1345865;1450403038;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: exists, see the graphic this one was parody of 1345866;1450403058;mircea_popescu;what does it do, weep whenever i say nigger ? 1345867;1450403067;asciilifeform;expels folks ? 1345868;1450403071;mircea_popescu;hahahaha what@! 1345869;1450403091;asciilifeform;well they do a 'here's a chance to recant' thing first iirc 1345870;1450403094;punkman;asciilifeform: i'd like to see what the floor is << http://assets.bwbx.io/images/iCqkkHL4zA6A/v2/-1x-1.jpg 1345871;1450403096;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXxnwT ) 1345872;1450403137;punkman;oh forgot 3 boeings in malaysia, fuck it I'll get new ones 1345873;1450403156;asciilifeform;punkman: that's not a floor. any more than the 7+ abandoned houses on my street are a housing price floor 1345874;1450403194;asciilifeform;(each and any one of them would still be 'worth' multiple 100K if anyone were to want to live there) 1345875;1450403207;asciilifeform;bezzlatron prevents price from falling past floor. 1345876;1450403318;mircea_popescu;so bizarre that "the people" would want to "occupy wall street" instead of citizen deed themselves into any vacant property. 1345877;1450403358;mircea_popescu;that would be revolutionary, and disrupting and whatnot : have a social media outlet where people can give themselves deeds for abandoned property, and everyone signs. 1345878;1450403373;BingoBoingo;Don't we have that already? 1345879;1450403384;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: no usg deed, no city hookups 1345880;1450403388;asciilifeform;dig latrine. 1345881;1450403408;asciilifeform;and wtf is a 'citizens deed' 1345882;1450403411;asciilifeform;no such animal in usa afaik 1345883;1450403422;asciilifeform;there are 'squatting laws' but they are written in such a way as to virtually NEVER apply 1345884;1450403424;mircea_popescu;what do you mean "no such animal" ? 1345885;1450403431;mircea_popescu;it just appeared. 1345886;1450403435;asciilifeform;aha then dig latrine 1345887;1450403457;PeterL;what are they gonna do, block your sewer? 1345888;1450403466;mircea_popescu;mno. because once an OVP movement shows up, the company either does the hookup or gets burned down. 1345889;1450403470;asciilifeform;also the local police appear rather quickly (city inspects specifically for signs of squat) 1345890;1450403473;asciilifeform;at least where i live. 1345891;1450403476;mircea_popescu;OVP!\ 1345892;1450403479;asciilifeform;watched it happen, even 1345893;1450403483;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52450 @ 0.00048334 = 25.3512 BTC [-] 1345894;1450403496;mircea_popescu;occupy vacant property. 1345895;1450403499;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Maybe you just need a worse neighborhood? 1345896;1450403510;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: ~i~ don't need this for anything. 1345897;1450403518;PeterL;my sister-in-law has squatters living across the street from her 1345898;1450403534;punkman;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Homes 1345899;1450403535;assbot;Occupy Homes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1k5IwA9 ) 1345900;1450403545;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: What about less drafty workshop? Or Farm? 1345901;1450403557;asciilifeform;punkman: looks more like a 'prevent foreclosure' thing 1345902;1450403566;asciilifeform;punkman: which is to say, defend the 'rights' of deadbeat 'buyers' 1345903;1450403587;punkman;tomato, tomato 1345904;1450403618;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: and what would make the workshop mine vs belonging to the fella with one more rifle on his side ? 1345905;1450403620;punkman;plenty of these movements in europe 1345906;1450403643;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: recall, i'm not mircea_popescu and do not have an army 1345907;1450403656;asciilifeform;i'm not even home much. 1345908;1450403667;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Well, time to start introducing larger stray cats. 1345909;1450403696;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski http://dpaste.com/2GDF3YB 1345910;1450403698;assbot;dpaste: 2GDF3YB ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyhts ) 1345911;1450403702;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform why is this discussion about you ? 1345912;1450403723;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it isn't, was answering subthread http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345900 1345913;1450403723;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 01:52:25; BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: What about less drafty workshop? Or Farm? 1345914;1450403736;mircea_popescu;punkman note the "concept squatting". they're specifically NOT doing the right thing. 1345915;1450403751;mircea_popescu;alf would suspect this is deliberate. maybe it is. maybe they're just as dumb as a box of rocks. 1345916;1450403758;asciilifeform;it sure as fuck was deliberate 1345917;1450403772;asciilifeform;i went to one of the posh parties the 'ows' useful idiots had among their own number 1345918;1450403776;asciilifeform;in the $maxint district of dc 1345919;1450403788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52700 @ 0.00048332 = 25.471 BTC [-] {2} 1345920;1450403791;asciilifeform;whole thing stank in no subtle way. 1345921;1450403794;mircea_popescu;at any rate, the idea isn't to " attempts to prevent the foreclosure of people's homes". for one thing, you don't try, you do. for the other thing, you take every bit of real property the bank "owns" away from the bank. 1345922;1450403800;mircea_popescu;fuck wallstreet, it's just a street. nobody cares. 1345923;1450403803;mircea_popescu;take their houses. 1345924;1450403814;punkman;http://planet.squat.net/ 1345925;1450403816;assbot;. .. … + * + ::: Okupa! ::: & ::: Squat! ::: – * – ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyrkm ) 1345926;1450403818;mircea_popescu;aha. 1345927;1450403827;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform he has a point when he says this is common in europe. it is. 1345928;1450403880;asciilifeform;aha recall kakobrekla's thread re: the burglar ? 1345929;1450403887;asciilifeform;the one with riiiighttzzzz!!111 1345930;1450403923;mircea_popescu;aha 1345931;1450403997;punkman;http://squatting-manual.squat.net/ and to go with that http://q13fox.com/2014/08/26/attorneys-squatters-in-vacant-homes-here-can-be-evicted/ 1345932;1450403998;assbot;How to squat ! | Many manuals for smooth and silent squatting ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyFYM ) 1345933;1450404000;assbot;Squatters getting tips on occupying vacant homes right off the Internet | Q13 FOX News ... ( http://bit.ly/1IXyFZ0 ) 1345934;1450404012;punkman;right off the internets! 1345935;1450404024;mircea_popescu;internet. not just for torrents. 1345936;1450404029;mircea_popescu;YOU WOULDN'T DOWNLOAD A HOUSE. 1345937;1450404037;asciilifeform;'i would if i could motherfuckerz' 1345938;1450404044;mircea_popescu;well... they got a manual. 1345939;1450404059;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345698 << is #b-a a theocratic hellhole by the same standard ? 1345940;1450404059;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 22:25:37; ascii_field: tibet - originally a theocratic hellhole that makes medival catholicism look tolerant and economically +ev - is today a usg-maintained 'antichina' 1345941;1450404059;punkman;sorted by country 1345942;1450404111;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i'm unaware of anybody stuck in a dungeon or starvation peonage in #ba 1345943;1450404121;mircea_popescu;that's funny. 1345944;1450404152;asciilifeform;'Its not surprising to me that people publish stuff on the Internet. Its surprising to me that people are reading that and assuming its true. The notion that you can just break into a house and pay a cable bill or two and somehow establish a right of ownership that is false, said Loeffler.' << lulzy, reminiscent of mircea_popescu's 'sovereign citizen' article 1345945;1450404171;mircea_popescu;how can a convention be false ? 1345946;1450404194;mircea_popescu;it's a fucking convention. the notion that you walk in and it's yours is neither falser nor truerer than the notion you say hi to a girl and she takes you to her place. 1345947;1450404199;asciilifeform;in the same way the 'sovereign citizen' thing 1345948;1450404209;asciilifeform;i.e. the sheriff gets a call and the tanks come out. 1345949;1450404213;mircea_popescu;yaya 1345950;1450404221;mircea_popescu;until they don't. 1345951;1450404225;asciilifeform;until. 1345952;1450404235;punkman;or maybe you come out with the tank first 1345953;1450404241;mircea_popescu;tanks are only useful if not used. they're the police equivalent of nuclear weapons. 1345954;1450404260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha, they make a point of trotting them out in parade even 1345955;1450404264;mircea_popescu;i dunno why everyone acts like this 300 old bit of wisdom (in french) is novel. 1345956;1450404264;asciilifeform;just like sov nukes 1345957;1450404265;mircea_popescu;!up renart 1345958;1450404272;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform obviously. 1345959;1450404275;ben_vulpes;!up renart 1345960;1450404283;renart;no need, mircea_popescu. 1345961;1450404294;renart;but thank you. 1345962;1450404303;mircea_popescu;what is this, socialism ? need ain't a consideration comrade. 1345963;1450404311;renart;ho ho ho 1345964;1450404336;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes you saw punkman's application ? 1345965;1450404377;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345714 << tracks are optimized for power. as opposed to speed. 1345966;1450404377;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 22:50:33; adlai: fwiw treaded vehicles (military or otherwise) routinely get trucked to the scene 1345967;1450404461;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345735 << i should probably comment a little on this, seeing how i very much doubt anyone outside of actually fxing banks knows what all this is. 1345968;1450404461;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 23:24:37; pete_dushenski: " Argentina's peso plunged more than 26.5 percent on Thursday, after the country's new government floated the currency as part of a slew of free-market reforms aimed at revitalizing the stagnant economy." 1345969;1450404517;mircea_popescu;so : argentina has many problems, economically, all of which reduce to "it's a country of 40mn useless douches, of which ~10 mn pretend to live like they saw in various imported tv shows, while the country is unfit to even export raw meat, so it lost those contracts and is now exporting soy" 1345970;1450404593;mircea_popescu;the government has for many years run it very badly. specifically, instead of borrowing in europe and then pumping those resources into development in the huge provinces (argentina is much larger than europe), it borrowed in europe, squandered most of it for supporting the pretense of dumbass, worthless middleaged women, and a tiny sliver on buying cheap food for poor people to turn out the vote. 1345971;1450404616;mircea_popescu;part and parcel of all this, a LOT of empty peso printing, creating immense piles of worthless pesos sloshing around. 1345972;1450404652;mircea_popescu;because the stupidity of a typical argentine is only matched by his pretentiousness, this worthless paper issue did not result in much devaluation of the currency 1345973;1450404685;mircea_popescu;instead, it mostly went into a game of real estate musical chairs. everyone in buenos aires is a lawyer though nobody practices , and everyone owns property, which they keep trading to each other at ridiculous valuations. 1345974;1450404742;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the contact points with the outside economy are controlled as well as they can be (they can't be - most of the local trade is in the hands of the chinese, who own the proud but stupid argentine. whenever i want to move dollars, or to dispose of any other actyual economic or poltiical matters, i talk to an asian person. no exceptions. i wouldn't break a date with han because macri called, sort of thing) 1345975;1450404770;mircea_popescu;now, the scam they had going was that they were paying the farmers 9 pesos to the dollar they got for the soy. because farmers are hostage, what are they gonna do, buy their own tanks ? 1345976;1450404779;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, the free rate in the black market was ~16. 1345977;1450404792;mircea_popescu;this means the farmers were paying 50% tax on top of all the other taxes. 1345978;1450404812;mircea_popescu;new government decided this nonsense can't caqrry on, and wants to liberalize the dollar. this, logically, would make the price drop. 1345979;1450404871;mircea_popescu;specifically : if say peasants sell 1bn dollars worth of soy, and get 9bn pesos for it ; whereas dumbass middle aged women spend 100mn dollars on shoes and perfumes because they don't wish to admit to me they're subhuman, for which they pay 1.5bn pesos, 1345980;1450404901;mircea_popescu;should the damned thing liberalize the new price would be 1.1 bn dollars matching 10.5bn pesos, or roughly speaking... 10. a 40% drop from it's black market rate of 16. 1345981;1450404920;mircea_popescu;this is why it's always a good idea to liberalize : the price on the black market ALWAYS drops as a result. 1345982;1450404970;mircea_popescu;(this was counterintuitive to the grunts doing money changing in the street, we had a good laugh over steaks about it, when discussing venezuela's plans to the same thing. after it played out they decided i was a god. because hey, why admit you were wrong when you could think the guy who's right is simply supernatural) 1345983;1450405001;mircea_popescu;NEVERTHELESS : in argentina, because of the immense real estate bezzle, and a 50 to 150 bn worth of inexistent real estate value that is looking to evaporate, 1345984;1450405020;mircea_popescu;i would estimate liberalization takes the peso to 25ish. that's 30% up not 40% down. 1345985;1450405026;mircea_popescu;taking questions. 1345986;1450405202;asciilifeform;!up gabriel_laddel 1345987;1450405277;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345983 << whatever happened to sov ruble-style devaluations ? 1345988;1450405277;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 02:16:41; mircea_popescu: NEVERTHELESS : in argentina, because of the immense real estate bezzle, and a 50 to 150 bn worth of inexistent real estate value that is looking to evaporate, 1345989;1450405290;mircea_popescu;the russkis are dumb, but not proud. 1345990;1450405296;asciilifeform;seems like just what the doctor ordered tho 1345991;1450405303;asciilifeform;snip a zero or two. 1345992;1450405325;mircea_popescu;it wouldn't do anything. the glut that has to unwind is rela estate, not cash. 1345993;1450405341;mircea_popescu;and it will unwind. it must, currently everyone here thinks themselves MUCHricher than they are. 1345994;1450405349;mircea_popescu;as a result they misperceive their incentives and lose out. 1345995;1450405352;mircea_popescu;see poster discussion yest. 1345996;1450405358;*;asciilifeform begins to grasp 1345997;1450405362;asciilifeform;they gotta starve 1345998;1450405370;asciilifeform;and sell the flats for a week's meal 1345999;1450405375;asciilifeform;a la 1992 1346000;1450405376;mircea_popescu;pretty much. 1346001;1450405385;mircea_popescu;except they won't starve. nor would it do anything, it doesn't help the proud 1346002;1450405398;asciilifeform;didn't help? rinse, repeat 1346003;1450405410;mircea_popescu;but when they discover they can't afford both underwear AND stockings, THAT is wqhen the stupid women running the show start getting open plam slapped across the diner table. 1346004;1450405417;asciilifeform;though didn't they have an episode in 2001 1346005;1450405418;mircea_popescu;which IS exactly what argentina needs. 1346006;1450405465;*;renart looks forward to buying flats in args for a weeks worth of local wages 1346007;1450405471;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hafta understand, it's not russia. it has no industry. AT ALL. it's one large farm. 1346008;1450405483;mircea_popescu;what hruschev wanted to make of ukraina IS actually what the brits made of argentina. 1346009;1450405492;mircea_popescu;where you from renart ? 1346010;1450405506;renart;run a whois on this nick yet? 1346011;1450405512;mircea_popescu;mnope 1346012;1450405544;renart;ah jesus i thought freenode's nick grouping actually worked 1346013;1450405564;ben_vulpes;c'est moi 1346014;1450405569;mircea_popescu;aok 1346015;1450405572;asciilifeform;renart: unlikely that anybody who uses word 'wage' to describe his money will afford so much as half a flat in ar 1346016;1450405574;asciilifeform;ever 1346017;1450405575;mircea_popescu;it's renard you know 1346018;1450405580;asciilifeform;american speculators will snap it up. 1346019;1450405589;asciilifeform;(folks with serious dough) 1346020;1450405607;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, you're behing the curve. the chinese will. 1346021;1450405610;renart;mircea_popescu: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTXC8dfkgaY40MW7HKL88rY8OZFkAj5S8ieEYNBR92OPANlaNB8 1346022;1450405610;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1T4YIO8 ) 1346023;1450405618;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61000 @ 0.00048672 = 29.6899 BTC [+] 1346024;1450405621;mircea_popescu;american speculators will get fucked in the ass, publicly, and write their senator to complain 1346025;1450405623;mircea_popescu;via change.org 1346026;1450405624;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha likely 1346027;1450405641;asciilifeform;but at any rate it won't be me or renart or any other wage worker 1346028;1450405655;mircea_popescu;it could be, if you lived here. 1346029;1450405664;renart;wage worker, huh? 1346030;1450405664;mircea_popescu;but otherwise... no. you ain't got an angle. 1346031;1450405672;asciilifeform;how does living there change the game ? 1346032;1450405690;asciilifeform;price tag is price tag 1346033;1450405697;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345742 << quite. 1346034;1450405697;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 23:48:37; BingoBoingo: Murican Poverty: "Big Mamma is your ideal customer. Yes, she might eat an entire rotisserie chicken while her children devour a box of snacks. But not only will I look the other way, Im willing to pay some retarded white guy $10 an hour to clean up her mess. She is the cash bomb. No customer, not Bill Gates or the Dyke Queen of West Germany spends as much money on retail food as Big Mamma. This is not 1346035;1450405714;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is no such thing as "a price tag". this is an ex-post-facto calculation. 1346036;1450405729;mircea_popescu;similarly, there is not such a thing as "what it takes TO bed beautiful women". 1346037;1450405741;asciilifeform;but i don't get how living there gives you an edge 1346038;1450405743;asciilifeform;when bidding 1346039;1450405761;asciilifeform;and in an anarchodegringolade, squatters would just take whatever 1346040;1450405789;BingoBoingo;Have to be there to be first with rifle on scene 1346041;1450405794;asciilifeform;platoon 1346042;1450405820;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> but i don't get how living there gives you an edge << obviously you never lived in new york. ask mike_c 1346043;1450405828;mircea_popescu;living there gives you an edge. 1346044;1450405866;asciilifeform;but an edge that is bigger than the financial edge chinese gov has over a usaschwitz peon ? 1346045;1450405894;mircea_popescu;of a different kind. 1346046;1450405930;mircea_popescu;"is a jagers unit more valuable than a cavalry unit ?" 1346047;1450405934;mircea_popescu;depends, yo. got anything to charge ? 1346048;1450405975;asciilifeform;the thing about living there is http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-12-2015#1343796 . it'd be spiffy except that i'm an instant candidate to ~join~ the folks selling their flats to buy food 1346049;1450405975;assbot;Logged on 15-12-2015 19:39:41; ascii_field: well i'd happily move if i were 1337 enough to take the gradient, rather than BE the fuel 1346050;1450406007;mircea_popescu;gotta build yerself a castle, mr wannabe margrave lord. 1346051;1450406010;asciilifeform;trying to inhabit a mircea_popescu gedankenexperiment is rather like trying to fly a martian ship with cockpit built for a man with seven arms 1346052;1450406020;mircea_popescu;ahbahaha 1346053;1450406040;mircea_popescu;no more shiva ? 1346054;1450406056;asciilifeform;shiva has many arms but they're only good at lifting massless things 1346055;1450406270;mircea_popescu;"Supermarkets cannot stay open in extensive urban ghettos for multiple reasons. It might also surprise you to know that supermarkets that do not embrace a catering/restaurant program [which is expensive] do not thrive in upscale locales. You might be able to keep the doors openbut forget a profit. People with money make their food purchases at restaurants. You didn't buy that stunning piece of plastic surgery to hav 1346056;1450406270;mircea_popescu;e her tits melt in the kitchen, did you?" <<< aaactually... yes, i did. 1346057;1450406285;mircea_popescu;but yeah, the supermarket model is on its way out - and thanks fucking god. it was stupid. 1346058;1450406333;mircea_popescu;"Basically, supermarkets just provide local jobs. The CEOs of grocery chains are among the lowest paid of their kind." << exactly. government clerks. 1346059;1450406368;asciilifeform;sov institutions are not any different by virtue of being lifted up and dropped on other side of atlantic 1346060;1450406495;mircea_popescu;"There is no requirement to buy ten, but raising retails from 89-cents to 10 for $10 increases sales from a case to a pallet on most items, when you have the right customer base..." << which reminds me of a point i wanted to make. yo ben_vulpes it's pretty dumb to offer grunt 30. offer 28.75. for one thing, it makes it look like real thought went into all that precision, and the sort of dickless imbecile he is will spe 1346061;1450406495;mircea_popescu;nd more time trying to figure out why than argue with you about it. 1346062;1450406515;mircea_popescu;the more important thing is the issue of [stupid] brains and thresholds. 30 is just above one, makes him feel like he's worth more. 1346063;1450406530;mircea_popescu;28.75 is just below one, makes him feel like he's fucking lucky to get there. 1346064;1450406574;mircea_popescu;moreover, if you raise 30 to 32 in negotiation, he'll deduce h's worth 100. 1346065;1450406590;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, if you go 28.75 to 29.45 he'll deduce he's lucky to get 15. 1346066;1450406634;mircea_popescu;and yes asciilifeform, part of why mp is not hiring is that mp despises how stupid people actually are, and can't seriously work with the sort of idiots. 1346067;1450406638;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hourly wage with >1 significant figure is declasse in usa 1346068;1450406649;mircea_popescu;pff. 1346069;1450406664;asciilifeform;just a piece of koooltooral trivia. 1346070;1450406677;mircea_popescu;unless classee IS PAYING YOU, like the fucking tsarist nobility was being paid by the fucking tsar to participate, 1346071;1450406681;mircea_popescu;nobody ain't got any time for it., 1346072;1450406705;asciilifeform;also if i had to guess, mr. 30 did not negotiate. 1346073;1450406710;asciilifeform;that class of folks typically doesn't dare. 1346074;1450406719;asciilifeform;just happy to eat. 1346075;1450406763;asciilifeform;and mircea_popescu aint' gotta hire anybody if he doesn't want to. but it ~is~ possible to hire nonstupid people 1346076;1450406785;mircea_popescu;no. it is not possible to hire nonstupid people. the very definition of hiring includes "i am too dumb to live" 1346077;1450406812;asciilifeform;ah i almost forgot that i were too dumb to live, eh 1346078;1450406815;asciilifeform;carry on 1346079;1450406817;mircea_popescu;all you can do with nonstupid people is partner, which is why this entire all-consuming "start-up culture" 1346080;1450406826;mircea_popescu;under all the dumbass kid crud, there's a good reason. 1346081;1450406865;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i'm certainly not hiring you wtf. that'd be sad. 1346082;1450406871;asciilifeform;ah no not mircea_popescu 1346083;1450406875;ben_vulpes;lol asciilifeform as pet 1346084;1450406880;ben_vulpes;what a sight 1346085;1450406880;mircea_popescu;fancy that. 1346086;1450406885;mircea_popescu;he'd have to wear the fancy hat, too. 1346087;1450406887;asciilifeform;just in abstract, i do wurk as a hired man 1346088;1450406906;asciilifeform;was hired quite recently by new $firm, start in ~week 1346089;1450406911;mircea_popescu;well hopefully you grow out of it. 1346090;1450406914;asciilifeform;aha. 1346091;1450406976;mircea_popescu;What is more, this lady has poor impulse control, exasperated by her once a month windfall, << exacerbated, exasperated, what the hells the difference! 1346092;1450406999;ben_vulpes;!up renart 1346093;1450407036;renart;mircea_popescu: i don't think http://www.theverge.com/2015/11/17/9750890/rdio-shutdown-pandora made it to your shartup postmortem list 1346094;1450407038;assbot;Why Rdio died | The Verge ... ( http://bit.ly/1T50DlZ ) 1346095;1450407038;*;asciilifeform will be doing some pretty odd work, involving maths 1346096;1450407056;mircea_popescu;possibly not, i only skimmed. 1346097;1450407088;asciilifeform;exasperbated >> masturabated from exasperation ? 1346098;1450407096;renart;frusturbation 1346099;1450407103;asciilifeform;...exasperated from masturbating? 1346100;1450407176;renart;exhausturbation <<using CO 1346101;1450407187;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo had a photo 1346102;1450407212;BingoBoingo;Which one? 1346103;1450407217;asciilifeform;the truck-fucker 1346104;1450407218;BingoBoingo;I had lots of photos 1346105;1450407221;BingoBoingo;Aha 1346106;1450407227;mircea_popescu;" Its secret: free on-demand streaming, supported by advertising. By contrast, Rdio required a paid subscription." 1346107;1450407233;mircea_popescu;why the fuck do they stick the "marketing" in there ? 1346108;1450407249;mircea_popescu;no marketing was involved. lizard king of ustardia threw the dart, picked one that gets the free shit for free 1346109;1450407257;mircea_popescu;everyone else gotta pay retail, and who;'s gonna pay retail ? 1346110;1450407283;asciilifeform;related, 'grooveshark' (similar) was in the corpse list 1346111;1450407289;punkman;http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/12/copyright-tribunal-slaps-pandora-with-20-percent-rate-increase/ 1346112;1450407290;assbot;Copyright tribunal slaps Pandora with 20 percent rate increase [Updated] | Ars Technica ... ( http://bit.ly/1T511Re ) 1346113;1450407290;asciilifeform;and iirc the owner offed himself 1346114;1450407301;asciilifeform;(or nailgunned, take yer pick) 1346115;1450407312;asciilifeform;!s grooveshark 1346116;1450407313;assbot;6 results for 'grooveshark' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=grooveshark 1346117;1450407317;mircea_popescu;da fuck is a "copyright tribunal" 1346118;1450407333;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2015/07/grooveshark-cofounder-dead-at-28/ 1346119;1450407334;assbot;Grooveshark Cofounder Dead at 28 | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1T5167r ) 1346120;1450407344;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is particularly a difficult industry for me because i never listen to the radio ; i never commute ; if i do i use a towncar and have live people to talk to ; etc. 1346121;1450407362;asciilifeform;(resembled 'pandora', but was ~searchable~ - just type in the name of whatever, song, band, etc. and it plays. no ads. no business model...) 1346122;1450407376;mircea_popescu;so ? 1346123;1450407381;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would i care. 1346124;1450407395;asciilifeform;no reason other than previous link being a similar thing 1346125;1450407412;mircea_popescu;yeah i know, i'm just deploring my own sad situation here. 1346126;1450407433;*;mircea_popescu perceives absolutely no value in any of these. last i had any interest, it was a winamp install. 20 years ago or so ? 1346127;1450407434;*;asciilifeform 's commute for past ~year consists 100% of http://www.radiozvezda.ru by weight 1346128;1450407436;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1T51d39 ) 1346129;1450407502;asciilifeform;^ mostly literature, history, militaria 1346130;1450407508;asciilifeform;~ru national~ station incidentally 1346131;1450407509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30677 @ 0.00048332 = 14.8268 BTC [-] 1346132;1450407516;asciilifeform;imagine such a thing in anglo world 1346133;1450407523;asciilifeform;last was what, bbc circa 1950s ? 1346134;1450407529;mircea_popescu;even 1980s 1346135;1450407534;asciilifeform;possib 1346136;1450407538;asciilifeform;bbc foreign service. 1346137;1450407540;asciilifeform;for ru listeners. 1346138;1450407551;asciilifeform;and probably not that either. 1346139;1450407635;mircea_popescu;"White female managers usually end up with nervous breakdowns and are not as effective as men, but are 100% loyal and never steal, ever. This is the backbone of any retail food staff, white chicks. Work her until she breaks and get another." 1346140;1450407644;mircea_popescu;this is a PARTICULARLY insightful piece from lafond guy huh. 1346141;1450407653;mircea_popescu;might be the most competent thing i read all week on the open wwwbs. 1346142;1450407769;mircea_popescu;"Black female managers are rarely effective and steal at 50%fully half of the ones I have worked with being confirmed thieves." << lioness hunting for the clan as opposed to the ball busting harpy gioving herself and everyone else aneurisms. makes sense, huh. 1346143;1450407899;mircea_popescu;"Women, white and black, who do not qualify for management, are usually not worth anything on the staff, and generally steal at about 20%, with lower paid working black girls less than half as likely to steal as their management counterparts, and white girls on staff infinitely more larcenous than the white girls in management. I wont even try and explain this, as it boggles my mind." it doesn't boggle my mind any. 1346144;1450407900;mircea_popescu;seems pretty obvious. 1346145;1450407936;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81450 @ 0.00048332 = 39.3664 BTC [-] 1346146;1450407996;mircea_popescu;i guess it boggles his mind because it makes a point he doesn't wish to hear. anyway, race has exactrly nothing to do with it : woman can either be my slave, out to carve your empire into the dust, or one of the empire's own aspirationally-vacuous wastes of flesh, brigading social media so that maybe it has some effect on reality. 1346147;1450409400;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52650 @ 0.00048332 = 25.4468 BTC [-] 1346148;1450410679;mircea_popescu;"Weve spent last few years building Wishberg as a default destination for users to share their wishes & discover more interesting wishes from people around the world - things to do, things to buy, travel, adventure, experiences and so much more. The journey has been beautiful, exhilarating, exciting with lots of learning for all of us." 1346149;1450410684;mircea_popescu;dude... get the fuck out already. 1346150;1450410702;mircea_popescu;you hung around shitty office space and derped on the internet. learned ~nothing. 1346151;1450411069;mircea_popescu;so intel reports that medium.com is headquartered at 760 market st, sf. just like "dropbox" and pretty much every other ycombinator scam / "entreprenize" to date. so therefore "why are all these derps with failed 'business ideas', 0 experience, 0 awareness, 0 clue on medium.com ?" "oh, because ycombinator told them to". 1346152;1450411072;mircea_popescu;#totallynotacult. 1346153;1450411169;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21880 @ 0.00048324 = 10.5733 BTC [-] {2} 1346154;1450411257;BingoBoingo;lol 1346155;1450411535;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66300 @ 0.00048496 = 32.1528 BTC [+] {2} 1346156;1450412023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30545 @ 0.00049129 = 15.0065 BTC [+] 1346157;1450412824;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yc is (or was until quite recently) an 'inpatient' cult 1346158;1450412861;asciilifeform;as in, not only did folks get $15k or whatever creditcard-level investment for, what, 20% cut, but had to ~live~ in the compound 1346159;1450413112;asciilifeform;attn kakobrekla et al: zoolag going down for maintenance, next ~8hr or so 1346160;1450413116;asciilifeform;starting now. 1346161;1450413225;mod6;thx for the heads up 1346162;1450413392;asciilifeform;also it had about 5GB free 1346163;1450413399;asciilifeform;and will need new ssd soon-ish. 1346164;1450413445;mod6;ah. cool. 1346165;1450413448;asciilifeform;currently functioning node is bucephalus, and also mircea_popescu's 1346166;1450413493;mod6;IPs on wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin/nodes are up-to-date right? 1346167;1450414747;ben_vulpes;!up renart 1346168;1450414781;renart;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-18/humans-are-slamming-into-driverless-cars-and-exposing-a-key-flaw 1346169;1450414782;assbot;Humans Are Slamming Into Driverless Cars and Exposing a Key Flaw - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfL05y ) 1346170;1450414782;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1346171;1450414791;renart;2x the human accident rate 1346172;1450414796;renart;it'll never come down, i tell you 1346173;1450414851;renart;just like ubuntu, totally adequate for 94% of use cases, and entirely inadequate for the remaining 6% 1346174;1450414868;renart;but you know your taleb and tail risk right? 1346175;1450414890;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00049201 = 8.9546 BTC [+] {2} 1346176;1450415003;renart;Google is working to make the vehicles more aggressive like humans << were it not for drag-induced inefficiencies this'd result in 80 MPH highways the typical "$500 dollar car" owner'd not be able to cope with, much less get insured to drive on 1346177;1450415105;danielpbarron;!up harrymoreno 1346178;1450415206;danielpbarron;with any luck they'll program those cars to move out of my way when i come up behind them in the passing lane 1346179;1450415541;BingoBoingo;http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2015/12/15/lets-see-the-red-stuff-or-the-green-stuff 1346180;1450415543;assbot;Let’s See: The Red Stuff or the Green Stuff? | In the Pipeline ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfLYic ) 1346181;1450415798;punkman;I've seen those 1346182;1450415955;punkman;http://www.wired.com/2015/12/big-tech-joins-big-banks-to-create-alternative-to-bitcoins-blockchain/ 1346183;1450415956;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Icw4KE ) 1346184;1450415967;punkman;"Overseen by the not-for-profit Linux Foundation" 1346185;1450415986;asciilifeform;ahahahahaha 1346186;1450416048;punkman;"“The current blockchain is a great design pattern,” says Jerry Cuomo, vice president and chief technology officer of IBM’s software group. “Now, how do we make that real for business?" 1346187;1450416049;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52600 @ 0.00049221 = 25.8902 BTC [+] 1346188;1450416141;asciilifeform;phreeeeee mark3t competition for candidacy to Offficial usgcoin (tm) (r) (c) !!111 1346189;1450416215;asciilifeform;see, everybody who expected that it'd be simply commissioned from 'lockheed' or similar, doesn't understand Phreeeeedom !1 1346190;1450416287;asciilifeform;btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter 'linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ? 1346191;1450416300;punkman;"Patrick Byrne has been worried that the big Wall Street banks would “circle the wagons,” creating tech that locks everyone else out. But because IBM’s new project is open source—because anyone can use it and contribute to it—he’s pleased. He believes in more than a single technology. He believes in a big idea. “I’m not wed to bitcoin’s blockchain,” he says. “I’m blockchain agnostic.” 1346192;1450416388;punkman;http://www.linuxfoundation.org/news-media/announcements/2015/12/linux-foundation-unites-industry-leaders-advance-blockchain 1346193;1450416389;assbot;Linux Foundation Unites Industry Leaders to Advance Blockchain Technology ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfMYCZ ) 1346194;1450416421;asciilifeform;'The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced a new collaborative effort to advance the popular blockchain technology. The project will develop an enterprise grade, open source distributed ledger framework and free developers to focus on building robust, industry-specific applications, platforms and hardware systems to support business transactions. Early commit 1346195;1450416421;asciilifeform;ments to this work come from Accenture, ANZ Bank, Cisco, CLS, Credits, Deutsche Brse, Digital Asset Holdings, DTCC, Fujitsu Limited, IC3, IBM, Intel, J.P. Morgan, London Stock Exchange Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), R3, State Street, SWIFT, VMware and Wells Fargo.' 1346196;1450416445;punkman;https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/blogs/gcuomo/entry/The_Force_of_Blockchain_Awakens?lang=en check out the cross promotion :P 1346197;1450416446;assbot;The Force Awakens (Into the wild BLUE yonder!) ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfN39A ) 1346198;1450416446;asciilifeform;lulzy, pretty much whole lizard committee 1346199;1450416602;trinque;"I’m blockchain agnostic." << Bitcoin doesn't know (or care) whether you exist either. 1346200;1450416646;danielpbarron;"There is no one blockchain to rule them all. There will be multiple implementations of the blockchain. And it will be a sin if they don't interoperate and work together." 1346201;1450416686;asciilifeform;'The Linux Foundation and Linux Standard Base are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.' << how the fuq does this work 1346202;1450416706;asciilifeform;i cannot help but conclude that torvalds could pull this plug any time he likes 1346203;1450416719;asciilifeform;and that his failure to do so - is complicity. 1346204;1450416942;BingoBoingo;Spoiler alert http://qntra.net/2015/12/fake-star-wars-torrents-already-popping-up-on-trackers/#comment-83881 1346205;1450416943;assbot;Fake Star Wars Torrents Already Popping Up On Trackers | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfNGQH ) 1346206;1450416952;punkman;OpenTransactions really missed out on selling to all these derps 1346207;1450416963;punkman;but they didn't have "blockchain" 1346208;1450416964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00049237 = 4.4313 BTC [+] {2} 1346209;1450417025;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59826 @ 0.00049248 = 29.4631 BTC [+] {2} 1346210;1450417086;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108049 @ 0.00049489 = 53.4724 BTC [+] {3} 1346211;1450417123;punkman;http://stashcrypto.com/how-it-works/ neat 1346212;1450417124;assbot;Stash · How it works ... ( http://bit.ly/1Icx813 ) 1346213;1450417174;asciilifeform;Users can store their funds securely in our innovative and unique multisig voting pools, enabling users to perform fast, low cost, off-blockchain transactions, without having to trust anyone to hold the money! With theft-proof funds and fraud-proof receipts, our platform is the only acceptable solution ...' << wai wat 1346214;1450417217;asciilifeform;the 'multi-sig' idiocy is clinton's key escrow plain and simple 1346215;1450417228;asciilifeform;yes, 'they can't spend your coin' but neither can you without usg's permission. 1346216;1450417277;asciilifeform;quite possibly, hitler is willing to settle for this. 1346217;1450417400;asciilifeform;and notice the implicit attempt to paint actual bitcoin as non-'theft-proof' and non-'fraud-proof' 1346218;1450417402;punkman;bitcoin vouchers will have their uses 1346219;1450417422;asciilifeform;dildo with razor blade rose embedded will have its uses 1346220;1450417443;trinque;speaking of clinton's day, the "ban that encryption stuff" grows to a dull roar lately in the media. 1346221;1450417478;*;trinque wonders if they can form sentences well enough in congress to actually write a law remotely related 1346222;1450417517;asciilifeform;trinque: this brought to you by the ministry-of-let'em-think-they-haven't-been-owned-yet 1346223;1450417580;trinque;I begin to believe they're just targeting the intelligent outright as a matter of.. what do you call it... full spectrum domination? 1346224;1450418123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15106 @ 0.00049529 = 7.4819 BTC [+] {2} 1346225;1450419528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77938 @ 0.00049205 = 38.3494 BTC [-] 1346226;1450421540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33207 @ 0.00049315 = 16.376 BTC [+] 1346227;1450421793;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1346228;1450421800;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 463.01, vol: 8536.50661148 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 456.349, vol: 7918.4791 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 463.54, vol: 17065.38512498 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 449.0, vol: 0.37 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 476.0152, vol: 82459.65750000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 464.0, vol: 62.90860505 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 444.503097, vol: 29.25204691 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1346229;1450421852;BingoBoingo;;;more 1346230;1450421852;gribble;471.868422202 1346231;1450422638;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51566 @ 0.00049315 = 25.4298 BTC [+] 1346232;1450423553;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99297 @ 0.00049556 = 49.2076 BTC [+] {3} 1346233;1450423614;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 160545 @ 0.00049588 = 79.6111 BTC [+] {4} 1346234;1450423675;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8820 @ 0.00049205 = 4.3399 BTC [-] 1346235;1450423736;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32280 @ 0.00048598 = 15.6874 BTC [-] {2} 1346236;1450424529;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12450 @ 0.00049462 = 6.158 BTC [+] 1346237;1450424712;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86934 @ 0.00049598 = 43.1175 BTC [+] 1346238;1450430507;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33550 @ 0.00049598 = 16.6401 BTC [+] 1346239;1450430751;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47700 @ 0.0004941 = 23.5686 BTC [-] {2} 1346240;1450430873;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70483 @ 0.00049598 = 34.9582 BTC [+] 1346241;1450431682;BingoBoingo;Aspies discuss real life https://archive.is/CqFQl 1346242;1450431683;assbot;Why do some players spawn with debuffs? : outside ... ( http://bit.ly/1MkGuCM ) 1346243;1450431896;BingoBoingo;"I wish the devs were as active as they were in beta. Things got out of hand one time and all active players, save two, were permabanned over the course of a 40 day ban spree. The two remaining players survived due to a workaround and built the community back up." 1346244;1450432093;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72050 @ 0.00049621 = 35.7519 BTC [+] {3} 1346245;1450432459;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22912 @ 0.00049369 = 11.3114 BTC [-] {2} 1346246;1450433274;punkman;http://spreadsheetsapp.com/img/stats.png 1346247;1450433276;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QwTSvb ) 1346248;1450435082;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22888 @ 0.0004875 = 11.1579 BTC [-] 1346249;1450435204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98000 @ 0.00049652 = 48.659 BTC [+] {4} 1346250;1450435570;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00049434 = 10.0845 BTC [-] 1346251;1450436973;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98150 @ 0.00049606 = 48.6883 BTC [+] {5} 1346252;1450437156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32332 @ 0.0004941 = 15.9752 BTC [-] 1346253;1450438925;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87227 @ 0.00049725 = 43.3736 BTC [+] 1346254;1450439230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84450 @ 0.00049734 = 42.0004 BTC [+] {3} 1346255;1450439352;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37200 @ 0.00049404 = 18.3783 BTC [-] {3} 1346256;1450442158;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33921 @ 0.00049398 = 16.7563 BTC [-] {2} 1346257;1450443073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73100 @ 0.00048789 = 35.6648 BTC [-] {3} 1346258;1450443415;mircea_popescu;!up DerpUnion 1346259;1450443462;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346158 << aha. i'm aware. 1346260;1450443462;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 04:27:41; asciilifeform: as in, not only did folks get $15k or whatever creditcard-level investment for, what, 20% cut, but had to ~live~ in the compound 1346261;1450443473;mircea_popescu;they're actually a pretty good study into "what not to do". 1346262;1450443526;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346169 << let me guess :that key flaw is that computers are chickenshits. 1346263;1450443526;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 04:59:42; assbot: Humans Are Slamming Into Driverless Cars and Exposing a Key Flaw - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1JfL05y ) 1346264;1450443751;mircea_popescu;heh check it out, i was exactly right. 1346265;1450443768;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346171 << no no you don't understand how government works. "it was never its fault". 1346266;1450443768;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 04:59:51; renart: 2x the human accident rate 1346267;1450443842;mircea_popescu;now we finally understand the deep driver behind the "it's ok to be fat in the subway, it's not ok to sit comfortably. eating doesn't cause obesity, it's genetic, notwithstanding no single "genetic" obese dude in all those auschwitz pics ; meanwhile smoking causes cancer, it's not genetic and it's especially not the sad result of all the crap industry puts in the tobacco and also mark twain didn't smoke two railcars' w 1346268;1450443842;mircea_popescu;orth over 80 years!" 1346269;1450443853;mircea_popescu;the real driver isn't that USG wants to favour women over men. 1346270;1450443878;mircea_popescu;the real driver is that the USG is much more adequate to governing robots than people. that women are more robot-like than men is just biological happenstance 1346271;1450443900;mircea_popescu;(if you have two genders and gender dysmorphisms, for any objective measure you'll have one gender closer and the other further, no matter what.) 1346272;1450444232;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346186 <<< bwahahaha. mmmkay. 1346273;1450444232;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:20:48; punkman: "“The current blockchain is a great design pattern,” says Jerry Cuomo, vice president and chief technology officer of IBM’s software group. “Now, how do we make that real for business?" 1346274;1450444246;mircea_popescu;YOU are not business, schmuckaroos. WE are business. you're a quaint historical accident. 1346275;1450444257;mircea_popescu;now get out of the way before you gotta bleed for it. 1346276;1450444278;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346190 << no. 1346277;1450444278;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:24:47; asciilifeform: btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter 'linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ? 1346278;1450444318;mircea_popescu;punkman: 1346279;1450444318;mircea_popescu;"Patrick Byrne has been worried that the big Wall Street banks would circle the wagons, creating tech that locks everyone else out. << ever since reading all about it on trilema hurr durr. 1346280;1450444328;mircea_popescu;all these original thinkers, it's a fascinating world. 1346281;1450444432;mircea_popescu;anyway, asciilifeform, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=28-11-2015#1332899 and for that matter http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-10-2015#1289556 1346282;1450444432;assbot;Logged on 28-11-2015 16:33:08; mircea_popescu: anyway, my data seems to suggest that the enemy will be pushing a fork before the decade's out. whether we at that time have a counterfork ready or not is pretty much what decides the fate of the free world. 1346283;1450444432;assbot;Logged on 01-10-2015 08:53:51; mircea_popescu: if this keeps up ima have to fork the pisschain. 1346284;1450444497;mircea_popescu;lo and behold, the log that nobody reads changes the world. it's not a matter of http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346189 ; it's a matter of "that asshole already said something, either we move now or we're fucked, at least if history is any guide. it is." 1346285;1450444497;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:23:35; asciilifeform: see, everybody who expected that it'd be simply commissioned from 'lockheed' or similar, doesn't understand Phreeeeedom !1 1346286;1450444512;mircea_popescu;and so now they gotta make this forced mistake. all the better. 1346287;1450444560;mircea_popescu;the war was getting expanded to "linux" anyway. fuck them and their stupid foundation, and torvalds can do exactly what sipa could have done : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=29-05-2015#1147837 1346288;1450444560;assbot;Logged on 29-05-2015 23:16:21; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell sipa if you want to join #b-a and actually work on bitcoin for a change, i'll rate you so you can voice. 1346289;1450444579;mircea_popescu;ditch the idiots and come here on his own fucking motor power. i'm not going to ask him anything, the most i might do is nod. 1346290;1450444605;mircea_popescu;time for the irresponsible, delusionally-secure "coders" to figure out they live in a world, and whether they're interested in this aspect or not is perfectly irrelevant. 1346291;1450444723;mircea_popescu;same exact deal as for that de raadt fellow, or that auerheimer fellow, or everyone else actually. 1346292;1450444963;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346203 << as far as the eventual tmsr freisler is concerned, absolutely it is. otherwise, it's just stupidity. "oh, nothing bad could ever happen to me i'm just researching". yeah, right. that is TOTALLY how it works. 1346293;1450444963;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:31:59; asciilifeform: and that his failure to do so - is complicity. 1346294;1450444964;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74200 @ 0.00048897 = 36.2816 BTC [+] {2} 1346295;1450445070;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346206 << open transactions was basically psychopathy spread on wonderbread. 1346296;1450445070;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:35:52; punkman: OpenTransactions really missed out on selling to all these derps 1346297;1450445147;*;mircea_popescu reviewed them in 2012. the answer was, come to think of it, very much like monero's. (oh hurr durr we're visionarily important and lalaal). so i decided to give them all the time they could possibly need to figure shit out and well... 1346298;1450445198;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346214 << myeah. 1346299;1450445198;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:40:17; asciilifeform: the 'multi-sig' idiocy is clinton's key escrow plain and simple 1346300;1450445269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2224 @ 0.00048898 = 1.0875 BTC [+] 1346301;1450445278;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346221 << seems the process they settled on is to write many thousands of pages, not as much on the theory that hey, eventually something in there will close (much like the random-wiring approach to making cpus), but moreover on the theory that then they can ACT as if it did, and you're welcome to challenge heh heh. 1346302;1450445278;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:44:38; *: trinque wonders if they can form sentences well enough in congress to actually write a law remotely related 1346303;1450445410;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346223 << this is exactly correct, by the way. either the recent lafond piece or else your own familiarity with the ghetto will readily inform you that police activity is not directed at preventing theft or damage, but simply at preventing the emergence of large or powerful organisations that might in any way or to any degree challenge the sovereignity of the usg itself. 1346304;1450445410;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 05:46:20; trinque: I begin to believe they're just targeting the intelligent outright as a matter of.. what do you call it... full spectrum domination? 1346305;1450445429;mircea_popescu;in this paradigm, it is not so important that there's mass theft or rape, just that there's no organized power behind it. 1346306;1450445452;mircea_popescu;obviouisly if there WERE such a power, the actual damage actual working people suffered would be minimal, but this is at no point a consideration. 1346307;1450445511;mircea_popescu;the same exact process used in "policing" the ghetto, at the taxpayer's expense but in the usg's own private benefit is also what the us military does abroad. the point isn't for iraq to functyion or not, the point is for there to not exist any gaddafi's. let the euros deal with the fallout, what, that's what the castrated suckers are there for anyway. 1346308;1450445584;mircea_popescu;between mob-run ny, which functions smoothly and is culturally relevant and ghetto-choked baltimore, which does not function and is culturally irrelevant, the usg will pick the second every time. 1346309;1450445663;mircea_popescu;and the chief instrument of this picking is "raising awareness". do you care that random IT offed another random IT ? no, because "hey, we only off each other". but maybe you should! if you were to care, how many wonderful things would become possible - none of which wonderful for you. 1346310;1450446112;mircea_popescu;"Although I would say that I am reasonably well connected, have many startup CEO friends, go to events and am regularly speaking to mentors, no one ever sat down with me and systematically challenged me about the Dinnr concept." 1346311;1450446118;mircea_popescu;bwahahah. so.then.why.bother. omfg. 1346312;1450446253;mircea_popescu;"I really would have needed a critic who said:" /me points out to Michal Bohanes that he has published no ready means of contact. not that it matters, you'll see your name in google next you look for it. anyway : next fucking time, ask #b-a. 1346313;1450446269;mircea_popescu;"oh, i've went to all the witch doctors i could find, none of them knew anything" "have you tried the hospital ?" "wut" 1346314;1450446312;mircea_popescu;https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/800/1*wPLU7gDCteixEADV8NuZwQ.png << if there's a cartoon that captures this place... 1346315;1450446313;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PddALi ) 1346316;1450446376;mircea_popescu;"Having such detailed feedback wouldnt require diving into the data, but having someone spend an hour stress-testing my thinking and assumptions would have been gold dust and could have prevented a lot of effort wasted. Im sure Id have gotten that had Dinnr been accepted into accelerator programmes such as Seedcamp, TechStars or Wayra. But absent a full-time co-founder, we werent eligible for the former two 1346317;1450446376;mircea_popescu; and narrowly missed the entry into the latter." 1346318;1450446436;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. "this stupid shit i did never works - clearly i must do more of it. surely if 5 grand worth of advertising is a waste, 5 mn is just the ticket. obviously every article in every "media outlet" i ever read that fell within my field of competence was below stupid, but clearly the way to inform oneself is to read more fishwraps." 1346319;1450446443;mircea_popescu;what the everloving fuck is wrong with people already. 1346320;1450446516;mircea_popescu;"No Deus ex Machina will come and challenge you in the right spots. This is why you got your own experience, both theoretical (those startup books DO help!) and practical for. You have to do it yourself." 1346321;1450446588;mircea_popescu;right-o. because the one thing we're truly committed to, beyond anything and everything else, is that there MUST NOT BE any god in the god damned machine. what if there were and he started spewing death warrants and whatnot! no, no, gimme lukewarm mediocrity as a prior and let's see how well i do! 1346322;1450447032;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346286 << from the linked turd looks rather more like an altcoin than a fork 1346323;1450447032;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 13:15:12; mircea_popescu: and so now they gotta make this forced mistake. all the better. 1346324;1450447055;asciilifeform;!s usgcoin 1346325;1450447056;assbot;6 results for 'usgcoin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=usgcoin 1346326;1450447084;asciilifeform;!s taxcoin 1346327;1450447084;assbot;7 results for 'taxcoin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=taxcoin 1346328;1450447099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74000 @ 0.00049512 = 36.6389 BTC [+] {3} 1346329;1450447162;mircea_popescu;it looks like trying to suck all the imbecile "talent" 1346330;1450447168;mircea_popescu;you know, the kind that can't leave "the country". 1346331;1450447202;mircea_popescu;it's stupid, but it's exactly in line with how usg is stupid, so no big surprises here. by all means, they should have 'em. 1346332;1450447244;*;mircea_popescu is vaguely pleased that the war of the worlds is actually played out in the central ideological core of those worlds in question. 1346333;1450447250;asciilifeform;not often do all the maggots come together to build one single maggot castle 1346334;1450447252;mircea_popescu;if i had a goal, this'd definitely have been it. 1346335;1450447270;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "fiecare pasare pre limba ei piere" being the romanian expression. 1346336;1450447275;mircea_popescu;"every bird dies in its own tongue" 1346337;1450447376;mircea_popescu;"For these and other such moments, for the opportunity of having worked with a fabulous team and dedicated investors, it was worth doing it all. 1346338;1450447376;mircea_popescu;Even those miserable moments in January 2014, cycling through the icy rain to buy a single lemon, returning back to the dank cold warehouse, staring at the Dinnr backend, waiting in vain for orders to arrive." 1346339;1450447377;mircea_popescu;heh. 1346340;1450447405;mircea_popescu;the destruction self-imposed blindness wreaks upon the lives of the wilfully blind is a pretty sad sight huh. 1346341;1450447497;asciilifeform;kakobrekla et al: zoolag is back. (at least until it exhausts its disk) 1346342;1450447504;kakobrekla; cool 1346343;1450447577;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CTxmkt5WEAEVVRc.jpg << herp. i'm taking bets. 1346344;1450447578;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pdg5gE ) 1346345;1450447583;asciilifeform;and iiiiinterestingly: 1346346;1450447611;asciilifeform;bitcoind oomkilled on bucephalus on Dec 17 23:13 (EST) 1346347;1450447627;asciilifeform;this was a box with 4GB. 88 days endurance total. 1346348;1450447633;asciilifeform;(contiguous) 1346349;1450447657;mircea_popescu;is this v-based or disused core ? 1346350;1450447660;asciilifeform;v 1346351;1450447672;asciilifeform;whythefuq would i core 1346352;1450447697;mircea_popescu;core never gets that far. not ever. 1346353;1450447720;*;mircea_popescu has set the goal at 30 days w/o oomkill on 16gb box, and even that took some engineering. 1346354;1450447793;asciilifeform;bucephalus is running v-(asciilifeform spearhead press)-stator 1346355;1450447807;asciilifeform;or hm, let me check to make sure 1346356;1450447820;asciilifeform;so technically yes and no 1346357;1450447837;asciilifeform;it is running same code, but built prior to first v release. 1346358;1450447844;mircea_popescu;hehe 1346359;1450447853;mircea_popescu;so maybe good opportunity to rebuild ? 1346360;1450447857;asciilifeform;aha 1346361;1450447981;asciilifeform;actually bucephalus for now will continue as is. dulap, on the other hand, will serve up fresh v+musl tonight. 1346362;1450448088;asciilifeform;it's been a year+ and we still leak motherfucking memory 1346363;1450448111;*;asciilifeform blows dust off alexandrescu 1346364;1450448426;mircea_popescu;did you ever find the time to look into jurov's BN_copy/operator= stuff ? 1346365;1450448493;mircea_popescu;!up magnus__ 1346366;1450448841;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. but so far not able to replicate his result 1346367;1450448850;mircea_popescu;me either ;/ 1346368;1450448856;asciilifeform;might help if jurov actually posted his methods 1346369;1450449027;liquidassets;To MP w/<3 https://youtu.be/bzJoNopvr_E 1346370;1450449027;assbot;Don Juan Matus -- The 4 natural enemies of a man of knowledge - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yq0OcP ) 1346371;1450449051;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66118 @ 0.00049537 = 32.7529 BTC [+] {2} 1346372;1450449056;mircea_popescu;is there a transcript ? 1346373;1450449085;mircea_popescu;"The dating continued a couple of times more: I was definitely attracted by the innovation of the product (mining and mapping networks of Web content)." 1346374;1450449090;mircea_popescu;holy shit the innovation... 1346375;1450449234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35400 @ 0.00049187 = 17.4122 BTC [-] {2} 1346376;1450449284;asciilifeform;https://cryptome.org/2015/12/cellphone-spy-equip.pdf << cryptome still alive ? and the document is misnamed, it is a long and lulzy spy radio / survey catalogue 1346377;1450449290;liquidassets;http://dpaste.com/1S99HCV 1346378;1450449291;assbot;dpaste: 1S99HCV: The 4 Natural Enemies of a Man of Knowledge, by liquidassets ... ( http://bit.ly/1PdkNLn ) 1346379;1450449293;asciilifeform;rather than just cellphone crud 1346380;1450449323;mircea_popescu;liquidassets bless you. lessee 1346381;1450449577;liquidassets;Wheels turning...The only lease I have that I'm aware of is to myself 1346382;1450449590;mircea_popescu;liquidassets very good. good enough to sign on, actually, even though I've not written it myself. 1346383;1450449591;mircea_popescu;who did ? 1346384;1450449636;liquidassets;The thing I linked? 1346385;1450449674;mircea_popescu;yes 1346386;1450449685;mircea_popescu;minor exceptions, such as "No. Once a man gives in he is through." << not so for a woman. 1346387;1450449688;liquidassets;Looks like Carlos Castaneda 1346388;1450449697;mircea_popescu;i c 1346389;1450449733;liquidassets;Not sure where I first found it/read it, it wasn't on the internet, but wasn't a book either... 1346390;1450449752;mircea_popescu;lol. what, was it in a dream ? 1346391;1450449758;liquidassets;Isn't that why you teach them though MP? 1346392;1450449765;liquidassets;teach//beat 1346393;1450449856;mircea_popescu;complicated. 1346394;1450449885;liquidassets;Wait,, searching for "No. Once a man gives in he is through" 1346395;1450449974;liquidassets;Stubborn creatures but I cannot blame them...dealing with bullshit their entire lives 1346396;1450450003;mircea_popescu;"One of the failures was clearly the will to spend all the money rather than to spend it wisely. " << ehehehe. 1346397;1450450004;liquidassets;And it really gets interesting when you move 'out of the bedroom' and into "real life" 1346398;1450450029;mircea_popescu;morpheus : there is no bedroom. 1346399;1450450075;mircea_popescu;"Barcelonas Mobile World Congress 2012: I remember seing nice pictures of nice cocktails and nice restaurants from the business developers; I remember seing lots of appointments with potential customers; I remember it ended up with no customer but a partnership; I still do not know the cost of the operation, even as a cofounder." awww. 1346400;1450450090;liquidassets;LOL did he say that?? If not I'd like to see THAT one 1346401;1450450116;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346305 << the corollary of this is that usg luuuvvvs mass theft and rape SO LONG AS it is carried out by disorganized 'brownian motion' monkeys 1346402;1450450116;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 13:30:29; mircea_popescu: in this paradigm, it is not so important that there's mass theft or rape, just that there's no organized power behind it. 1346403;1450450124;mircea_popescu;https://oncletom.io/2014/why-our-startup-failed/ < 1346404;1450450125;assbot;Why our startup failed — oncletom.io ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pdnyfv ) 1346405;1450450145;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i think the love and hate part are mixed in about even proportions 1346406;1450450161;mircea_popescu;(on occasion monkey rapes patty hearst into doe-eyed submission, for instance) 1346407;1450450164;asciilifeform;in much the same way as a hunter loves deer 1346408;1450450168;mircea_popescu;mno. 1346409;1450450170;liquidassets;But exactly was my point with her. She wanted it 'just in the bedroom' and eventually it got to be, well, what's this thought that your life DOESN"T reflect it... 1346410;1450450177;mircea_popescu;in muich the same way cancer patient loves cancer 1346411;1450450185;mircea_popescu;"hey, at least it's getting me morphine and all this attention" 1346412;1450450203;mircea_popescu;liquidassets what her is this ? 1346413;1450450237;mircea_popescu;"but it will necessarily kill you eventually" "yeah well... not today, buster" 1346414;1450450283;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346307 << this is brzezinski's controlled chaos (tm). but of course dates to the ancients. 1346415;1450450283;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 13:31:51; mircea_popescu: the same exact process used in "policing" the ghetto, at the taxpayer's expense but in the usg's own private benefit is also what the us military does abroad. the point isn't for iraq to functyion or not, the point is for there to not exist any gaddafi's. let the euros deal with the fallout, what, that's what the castrated suckers are there for anyway. 1346416;1450450305;mod6;<+asciilifeform> might help if jurov actually posted his methods << yes, please do. you're doing good work, many thanks. 1346417;1450450307;liquidassets;It's just a her now, a former. High maintenance, very hard to please..Constantly disappointed. 1346418;1450450311;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you will notice this is a desperation play (or, conversely, the result of decay) 1346419;1450450317;mircea_popescu;nobody ever does this intentionally. 1346420;1450450329;liquidassets;so I disappointed her, because that's what she was 1346421;1450450364;jurov;mod6 asciilifeform yes putting it together but it needs good writeup 1346422;1450450366;mircea_popescu;liquidassets bitchiness in females is an unerring honest signal that the male they're paired with is short testosterone. 1346423;1450450371;mircea_popescu;perhaps this yields true in humans too. 1346424;1450450377;asciilifeform;jurov: neato 1346425;1450450379;liquidassets;Yep, I see it 1346426;1450450411;liquidassets;I like to think that I'm blowing her mind right now 1346427;1450450464;jurov;http://www.explo.yt/memgraph-fs8.png ;) 1346428;1450450465;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PdoFvN ) 1346429;1450450537;mircea_popescu;jurov where's .yt again ? 1346430;1450450550;funkenstein_;14:30:56 mircea_popescu: is there a transcript ? <-- just so happens there is http://frass.woodcoin.org/the-four-enemies-of-knowledge/ 1346431;1450450551;assbot;The four enemies of knowledge | Free your Frass ... ( http://bit.ly/1PdoRew ) 1346432;1450450575;mircea_popescu;funkenstein_ neat. he produced a dpaste too. 1346433;1450450579;jurov;mircea_popescu:it's coupla french rocks in some ocean 1346434;1450450580;mircea_popescu;anyway, liked it a lot. 1346435;1450450602;mircea_popescu;jurov there's clearly something there, just, we aren't finding it is all. 1346436;1450450625;jurov;hehe 1346437;1450450637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77499 @ 0.00048882 = 37.8831 BTC [-] {2} 1346438;1450450793;mod6;<+jurov> mod6 asciilifeform yes putting it together but it needs good writeup << awesome, thx. 1346439;1450450818;mod6;<+jurov> http://www.explo.yt/memgraph-fs8.png ;) << aha! ok, yeah, looks like you're on the trail of something there. 1346440;1450450820;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PdoFvN ) 1346441;1450450879;asciilifeform;unfortunately, the graph does not say very much - a node plugged into a slow pipe will look quite like the green chart 1346442;1450450905;asciilifeform;the desired chart is where we get a ramp and an ~eternal~ mostly planar region 1346443;1450450916;asciilifeform;(tx pool is kept full) 1346444;1450450936;asciilifeform;full but not overflowing omg turds everywhere !111111 1346445;1450450942;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i suspect that a lot of the leaks are chained 1346446;1450450955;asciilifeform;i'm quite certain of this. 1346447;1450450958;mircea_popescu;if we manage to cut three chains we'll cut out twelve to seventeen different leak sources sorta thing 1346448;1450450981;asciilifeform;i did narrow it down to tx 1346449;1450450990;mircea_popescu;some of which aren't even permanent (ie, subtle sorts of bugs, that only leak 100kb every other six hours once maybe, sorta thing) 1346450;1450451005;asciilifeform;( http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000107.html ) 1346451;1450451005;assbot;[BTC-dev] Results of First 'Deterministic Sync' Experiment, With Memory Consumption Plots. ... ( http://bit.ly/1LKmuPH ) 1346452;1450451012;mircea_popescu;aha. 1346453;1450451033;mircea_popescu;in fairness tho, that node never sent txn (this is in the plan, eventually, to have a sort of dust-sender just to see what it does to memory) 1346454;1450451040;liquidassets;Thanks funkenstein_ I tried to dpaste it. the youtube must be an abridged version 1346455;1450451083;mircea_popescu;"We granted a lot of discounts to get customers on board. For the sake of signing new and more cyclic contracts afterwards. The contracts never happened." luller. 1346456;1450451100;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i see ~generating~ a tx as a job for a specially-crafted box running from ROM and powered down immediately after 1346457;1450451109;mircea_popescu;here's a hint : if the woman's not willing to suck your cock to impress you on the first date, she's not gonna be willing to suck it three years in. 1346458;1450451131;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the goal in that line wouldn't be the same "make better code", just, find any holes. 1346459;1450451135;mircea_popescu;you know, the grub2 variety. 1346460;1450451183;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: incidentally a good bit of the 'startup' nonsense makes more sense when you realize that they weren't trying to get legit customers at all, but further chumps^H^H^H^H^Hinvestors 1346461;1450451201;mircea_popescu;this is a hollow realisation. 1346462;1450451207;asciilifeform;who like, or at least were thought to like, faux contracts / 'partnerships' etc 1346463;1450451239;mircea_popescu;so the shaman isn't ordering the clouds to cover the sun and sprout forth rain, but instead is commanding the crows to stop eating the cloud seeds so the clouds may spring forth etc ? 1346464;1450451240;mircea_popescu;hurr. 1346465;1450451251;funkenstein_;liquidassets, if you have trouble finding any of the 10 books in the series let me know :) 1346466;1450451255;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha! 1346467;1450451272;asciilifeform;(only a psychiatrist could possibly care, but there it is) 1346468;1450451289;mircea_popescu;"Intelligence is caused by big feet; obesity by genetics" lol ima end up reading this blog huh. 1346469;1450451315;mircea_popescu;i thought large penii were caused by big feet 1346470;1450451343;funkenstein_;lol correlated i'll bet 1346471;1450451363;funkenstein_;saw you mention the genetic hurr durr earlier today :D 1346472;1450451369;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39459 @ 0.00048602 = 19.1779 BTC [-] {4} 1346473;1450451377;asciilifeform;strangely there are, afaik, no obese penii 1346474;1450451401;mircea_popescu;clearly you've never been a woman. 1346475;1450451421;asciilifeform;did not say 'excessive', but 'obese' as in fat 1346476;1450451440;mircea_popescu;here's a fun fact : about half the actual rapes (not hurr durr i'm on social media and bored) require a fourchette stitch. 1346477;1450451459;mircea_popescu;oh. as in fat what, fat deposits on the penis ?! 1346478;1450451463;asciilifeform;aha 1346479;1450451470;shinohai;finally on block 378213 1346480;1450451471;mircea_popescu;you'll get fatty liver before you get fatty penis. 1346481;1450451490;asciilifeform;shinohai: where 1346482;1450451513;shinohai;On my shitty node latest with mod6 's v 1346483;1450451552;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78409 @ 0.00049559 = 38.8587 BTC [+] {5} 1346484;1450451579;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: seems unsurprising, sorta like the scratches on the keyhole of a lock owned by a drunk 1346485;1450451595;asciilifeform;(as seen in one of the sherlock holmes tales) 1346486;1450451620;asciilifeform;this re: stitches 1346487;1450451744;mircea_popescu;no. it's that a lot of [actual] rapists have uncomfortably large penises, but also the oversexed traits to go with them 1346488;1450451770;mircea_popescu;which is why functioning brothels kill rape [actual rape]. 1346489;1450451782;mircea_popescu;but anyway, back to castrato issues : "Waiting for customers, waiting for customers to make a decision, hoping a customer will say yes, waiting for the customer to sign the check after saying yes is a very long process. During this time, your company has to pay for expenses, costs and salaries." <<< jesus christ these people. why the fuck would you think a start-up is even a business at all if those customers are doin 1346490;1450451782;mircea_popescu;g anything but begging you to take their money ? here's a simple rule of thumb : if your start-up is not in this position where someone somewhere perceives he can't afford NOT to pay you, it's not a start-up. it might be a business idea, perhaps, but it can not be a start-up. 1346491;1450451782;mircea_popescu;the difference being that businesses happen at the tip of a large pushing force, such as the airbnb scam pushed by paul graham-madoff, or such as "green energy" scam pushed by president bahamas-madoff. to be a start-up is exactly opposite to this, you're alone. 1346492;1450451923;asciilifeform;airbnb (and 'uber' etc) might fit both holes, in that they are gunning for an 'ebay' position - that of being 'the market' 1346493;1450451928;asciilifeform;the only market for x. 1346494;1450452032;mircea_popescu;in the sense that soviet soap was a start-up. "hey, it's this or not wash. what dove ?" 1346495;1450452043;asciilifeform;aha! 1346496;1450452045;asciilifeform;this or not-wash. 1346497;1450452066;mircea_popescu;yes, americans are poor and getting poorer. yes the Ministry of Packing Cattle Tighther has a solution. 1346498;1450452073;asciilifeform;(ftr there was nothing detectably wrong with sov soap) 1346499;1450452080;mircea_popescu;but that doesn't make it a start-up. 1346500;1450452086;mircea_popescu;just like "coinbase" is not a bitcoin corp. 1346501;1450452091;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform there is. bad ph. 1346502;1450452140;mircea_popescu;soviet soap (like cheap usian soap, for that matter) is a kind of detergent. this isn't what good soap is. 1346503;1450452207;asciilifeform;what is soap even for if not to be a mildly basic detergent. 1346504;1450452226;asciilifeform;and surfactant 1346505;1450452474;mircea_popescu;!up chupachup 1346506;1450452480;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform aha the later. 1346507;1450452499;mircea_popescu;a detergent works by chemically stripping fat. 1346508;1450452500;shinohai;Que chuoas chupachup 1346509;1450452505;mircea_popescu;this is undesirable incontact with skin. 1346510;1450452537;mircea_popescu;(mostly because the skin is not designed to protect its insides from osmotic processes driven by outside chemicals) 1346511;1450452833;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00049748 = 5.2733 BTC [+] 1346512;1450453016;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118650 @ 0.00048311 = 57.321 BTC [-] {7} 1346513;1450453099;liquidassets;We are all so young. Is there anyone here over 40? just curious 1346514;1450453293;mircea_popescu;there's the occasional 60yo. why do you care anyway ? 1346515;1450453371;liquidassets;Don't care really, I'd be impressed. Looking around I'd usually prefer most of them to just die already 1346516;1450453399;mircea_popescu; on that basis ?! 1346517;1450453414;liquidassets;On the basis that they're already mostly all dead anyway 1346518;1450453458;mircea_popescu;by this reasoning food is "motly shit already" anyway. 1346519;1450453495;liquidassets;I'd prefer to eat and not think of it as shit..? 1346520;1450453551;mircea_popescu;so there you go. 1346521;1450453553;Birdman;Well to be fair if the food had been sitting out a few days.. 1346522;1450453813;liquidassets;Previously my frustration has been with older men who think themselves a little too highly for my taste, have acquired the ability to navigate social circles/seem to have all the power, and see me as a punk kid 1346523;1450453840;mircea_popescu;for all you know they're exactly right. 1346524;1450453847;liquidassets;Maybe that's because I was/am 1346525;1450453866;liquidassets;yeah exactly.. 1346526;1450454030;liquidassets;But still, if you're an old, frustrated, white, male, American, who watches Fox News and considers yourself informed, and all the young cocks blah blah, back in my day, blah blah.. 1346527;1450454045;liquidassets;Fucking have your heart attach already 1346528;1450454107;Birdman;Some want respect for being alive longer than you, just dont give it where its not due. 1346529;1450454178;liquidassets;Birdman and this is where I think there's an actual generational difference, the younger doesn't just automatically give it 1346530;1450454191;liquidassets;Which frustrates the older 1346531;1450454220;trinque;do not take the circumstances under which you grew up as universal. 1346532;1450454238;Birdman;There is a difference between courtesy and respect, though. It might have been drilled into their heads that they deserve it, for some reason, and senses of entitlement are rampant. 1346533;1450454256;liquidassets;It's a theme trinque see Caprica 1346534;1450454290;Birdman;Yes, as far as America goes this is common. The fat slob brainwashee's who arent worth a damn would like to be held in high regards. 1346535;1450454379;liquidassets;I think Birdman that it's a natural thing to want respect as you get older, especially FROM the younger. Because most younger are worthless anyway and they never got respect from their peers either 1346536;1450454405;liquidassets;They being the older 1346537;1450454411;liquidassets;and their wives despise them 1346538;1450454564;Birdman;Natural as in most people will end up like that? I dont intend to grow into that situation. I cant speak for anything outside of my own experiences, but as the world with open arms accepts socialism, you can expect more unfounded entitlement. 1346539;1450454579;trinque;you are both conflating at least two things. 1346540;1450454622;trinque;on the one side, the moo-eyed demands of the walmart customer, and on the other, a male desire for power which - if he's worth a shit - will accumulate over his lifetime 1346541;1450454635;trinque;and if not, he'll still want it as he'd still want sex, even if he couldn't get any. 1346542;1450454637;trinque;and so wht? 1346543;1450454639;trinque;*what 1346544;1450455025;mircea_popescu;;;google site:tumblr.com go pussy free! 1346545;1450455026;gribble;PFWB Now a "New World Order Whiteboy": <http://pussfreewhiteboy.tumblr.com/>; Germangirl — limpwhitedick: White husbands go pussy free …the...: <http://whitegirllookingtobbc.tumblr.com/post/130393517887/limpwhitedick-white-husbands-go-pussy-free-the>; CensorDrone — cum-in-kleenex: Would you go pussy free for...: <http://censordrone.tumblr.com/post/124128375234/cum-in- (1 more message) 1346546;1450455141;mircea_popescu;http://yesbigwhitecocks.tumblr.com/ << amusingly enough... 1346547;1450455143;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OATjdQ ) 1346548;1450455299;Birdman;http://www.wired.com/2015/12/big-tech-joins-big-banks-to-create-alternative-to-bitcoins-blockchain/ << worth some laughs 1346549;1450455300;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Icw4KE ) 1346550;1450455311;mircea_popescu;really puts into perspective all the dumbass stevensons out there, doing srs bzns on teh interwebs. 1346551;1450455327;mircea_popescu;the internet became its own self-parody sometime in what, 1995 ? 1346552;1450455382;mircea_popescu;Birdman yeah they've been blaring it out of all horns for a coupla days now. it makes a stark contrast to how quiet they'll be about the end results of this yet-another GTO (glorious tikrit offensive). 1346553;1450455384;liquidassets;Birdman natural as in I felt it before when in a 'menial' job taken AFTER accomplishments I was proud of and some surecock comes waltzing in telling everyone how mommy and daddy OWN a grocery store back in Minnesota and so blah blah...And I let him get under my skin 1346554;1450455438;mircea_popescu;liquidassets there's something fundamentally wrong about those accomplishments. 1346555;1450455484;Birdman;If you are proud of your accomplishments you wont be threatened by anothers i guess. 1346556;1450455513;liquidassets;LOL yeah probably...never felt too proud about them, even though I "should" because of how they look 1346557;1450455513;mircea_popescu;more importantly, why the fuck would you be working a menial job if you've ever accomplished anything fo real ? 1346558;1450455519;Birdman;Does it upset you some people have a better start in the world? 1346559;1450455544;mircea_popescu;if it's cuz you feel like it, then minesotta richboy's rather funny. if he's not funny, then wtf accomplishments were they. 1346560;1450455566;liquidassets;For fun MP and because even though it was menial it still was going to be beneficial 1346561;1450455594;liquidassets;Birdman no not at all 1346562;1450455602;*;mircea_popescu knew a pimp that actually had a day job - working in a mall shoe store. 1346563;1450455671;mircea_popescu;apparently "yo bitch, wanna make some motherfuckin' money ?" works better on barefoot womenz. 1346564;1450455693;trinque;!b 2 1346565;1450455694;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3XPM0AC.txt ) 1346566;1450455704;liquidassets;health food grocery store by a college campus after graduation....most of my life has been about "PC" or at least the prospect of it.. 1346567;1450455717;mircea_popescu;what's pc ? 1346568;1450455728;Birdman;mircea_popescu politically correct 1346569;1450455730;liquidassets;pussy crushin 1346570;1450455736;mircea_popescu;heh. that worked well. 1346571;1450455761;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 66 @ 0.01999996 = 1.32 BTC [+] {3} 1346572;1450455783;liquidassets;lol 1346573;1450455862;mircea_popescu;what's "pussy crushing" anyway ? simply getting laid ? or some bizarre fetish i never heard about ? 1346574;1450455907;Birdman;all the pc sjws are the people so repugnant that they need to claim a moral ground against pointing out their flaws. 1346575;1450455975;Birdman;Just as all the feminists are on the unattracive side of the spectrum 1346576;1450455990;mircea_popescu;"any flaws were god-given ; any qualities are my own" is just another rewrapping of that stale old jeder nach seinen fahigkeiten, jedem nach seinen Bedurfnissen cumbiscuit. 1346577;1450456018;mircea_popescu;Birdman nonsense. i've fucked rather hawt feminists. 1346578;1450456080;mircea_popescu;in unrelated news : the grand total okcupid offering for "women < 30 > 1.70cm within the 15mn buenos aires conurbation active in the past day" is... half a dozen people. clearly okcupid's not doing advertising correctly amirite nubbins ? :D 1346579;1450456105;mircea_popescu;and no, there isn't a local equivalent. they're just primitive souls, computers = windows ; internet = facebook ; world = argentina etc scl. 1346580;1450456189;Birdman;Ehh maybe i mean misandrists then, feminazis. Or that you've accomplished an incredible feat. 1346581;1450456196;liquidassets;mircea_popescu see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGWKKI2ky8w 1346582;1450456196;assbot;We’re Being Victimized - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1OAUASi ) 1346583;1450456270;mircea_popescu;honestly, i've yet to meet a woman (not mayo-gendered abominations, i've really not met any nor do i intend to) that actually hated men. there's a very mean streak in women generally, but visible with the naked eye in just some, where they truly and irationally haet beta boys, for some definition of beta that may be at first confounding. 1346584;1450456291;mircea_popescu;but that unicorn, the woman that actually hates men, i've not encountered myself. 1346585;1450456372;mircea_popescu;(the counter doth actually exist - men that genuinely hate women. i suspect the driver is that men are, for some inexplicable reason, actually petrified of cunt. it seems innate.) 1346586;1450456376;Birdman;I guess the man hating isn't there, but you know, the crazy feminists who think a guy eyeing a hot girl is somehow violent and un just. They just know all too well that their sexuality is empowering, so those who lack it are intimidated. Sort of like the beta male crying for fairness with socialism or communism, but really just knows his weaknesses and cant compete in the true fair system. 1346587;1450456411;mircea_popescu;well attention seeking behaviours are the invisible glue that keeps society together n'est pas. 1346588;1450456414;trinque;Birdman: even that is "pay attention to me!" 1346589;1450456451;Birdman;Plot twist 1346590;1450456483;mircea_popescu;http://www.okcupid.com/profile/SharksAreRadical < cute 19yo, "I'll be living in Ottawa from January to May for a job, I know absolutely no one there and would love to have some friends." 1346591;1450456484;assbot;SharksAreRadical / 19 / Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | OkCupid ... ( http://bit.ly/1OAV0rO ) 1346592;1450456726;liquidassets;Birdman females are OBSESSED with who gets to sleep with who, it's one of their shows of power that some don't give up even after high school 1346593;1450456749;mircea_popescu;(in other news, okcupid's "ai" matching system is an utter useless pos. my own network creates usable hits with a 50% probability or better, by the 100s/day - and i didn't even KNOW i know chicks on okcupid in the first place. their crapolade made me click no about five hundred times in a row.) 1346594;1450456884;mircea_popescu;who knew that answering a bunch of pre-made questions nobody could care less about and then trying to mechanically "datamine" them isn't as good an approach as "hey, check out X, she's exactly right for you" 1346595;1450456904;shinohai;In today's two-scams-combine-to-become-one news: http://forklog.net/dogecoin-integrates-in-ethereum-for-application-in-smart-contracts/ 1346596;1450456905;assbot;Dogecoin Integrates in Ethereum for Application in Smart Contracts | ForkLog ... ( http://bit.ly/1OAVrSO ) 1346597;1450457044;mircea_popescu;"The promise is the following: a startup thinks it has an innovative solution. A startup thinks many other companies would pay for it. 1346598;1450457044;mircea_popescu;However these companies made their life without you, most probably for years." << the fundamental delusion of start-up-ers is that the market is free and efficient, and therefore there exist objective measures of worth. the sad reality of life in socialist states (ie, any state that acquires through any means any measure of control on 10% of the production of the citizens or more) is that the market's distorted, and wh 1346599;1450457044;mircea_popescu;atever exists is at best a paraeconomical concern surviving more on ideological fit than in satisfying objective measures. what, if "customers" are dissatisfied with the usg food or pills dispensaries they'll do what exactly ? 1346600;1450457066;mircea_popescu;shinohai they've been working doubletime to keep that thing afloat. pretty lulzy. 1346601;1450457111;mircea_popescu;"They will most likely not eat out of your hand if they can perceive you need them at first." << bwahahaha. they will not eat out of your hand if they perceive you need them ; and they will spend every dime they got to ignore you outright if they perceive you don't need them. so it goes. 1346602;1450457116;liquidassets;LOL shinohai that cancer of dogecoin is in full blown metastasis 1346603;1450457139;mircea_popescu;liquidassets just being "acquihired" into the other dying usgtron. 1346604;1450457181;shinohai;"Hey guys, let's rake all this shit into one pile." 1346605;1450457196;liquidassets;<heavy sigh> I'm not sure what my next move is 1346606;1450457215;mircea_popescu;find a girl outside the states and go live with her. 1346607;1450457245;liquidassets;Actually that's about a perfect answer as they come 1346608;1450457272;liquidassets;workin on an exit 1346609;1450457288;liquidassets;exit strategy i suppose 1346610;1450457351;liquidassets;but I am happy here too 1346611;1450457381;Birdman;Im in no position to get out either, ill see you at the camps liquidassets 1346612;1450457412;liquidassets;Birdman there's not going to be any camps 1346613;1450457416;liquidassets;not in our lifetime 1346614;1450457462;trinque;no one could've ever foreseen, eh? 1346615;1450457471;Birdman;Thing *seem* to be pretty bad, but ive only been around 20 years so I i see it all with that bias. Why do you say not in our lifetime? 1346616;1450457478;liquidassets;lol I can read the writing... 1346617;1450457491;trinque;don't worry about what is going to happen. you're not in a position to predict that. 1346618;1450457506;trinque;read your betters and improve your situation. 1346619;1450457509;liquidassets;Because it doesn't make sense; we are in such a unique position 1346620;1450457543;Birdman;The implementation of this central banking fiat debt cycle nonsense is so new to this world. What a century its been here? How long can it really last because we all know it cant. 1346621;1450457588;mircea_popescu;trinque in fairness, i only imagine there's gonna be camps for black ppls. 1346622;1450457589;liquidassets;trinque true, better not to worry about what is or is not, did I really need to put an IMO? 1346623;1450457598;mircea_popescu;!gettrust fghj 1346624;1450457601;assbot;Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user fghj: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=fghj | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/fghj/ 1346625;1450457638;Birdman;These are interesting times to be alive, that is for sure. And i have a bezzle bag so if i do somehow keep my imediate freedoms through the crash of fiat and rise of sound money my mouth will be fed. 1346626;1450457669;mircea_popescu;this is an interesting point. 1346627;1450457690;mircea_popescu;i suppose on a 20 to 50 year timeframe, it's drastically improbable anyone with a 1337 satoshi a day in income can possibly starve. 1346628;1450457704;liquidassets;Birdman I say not in our lifetime because from my point of view, we win, we already won, it's just the matter of convincing Alf of this fact 1346629;1450457712;Birdman;Though by the same logic, spending 20 USD would get me more bitcoin than the bezzle bag will ever in my lifetime 1346630;1450457742;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1337 * 365 * 50 / 100000000 * 450 1346631;1450457742;gribble;109.801125 1346632;1450457749;mircea_popescu;well... 1/5th of it, anyway 1346633;1450457768;liquidassets;Look the culture of 'government's place is to stay OUT of the way' runs deep within America 1346634;1450457840;liquidassets;Contemporary USAmerica, regardless of what it seems like we're going towards. What needs to happen is a little bit of pain 1346635;1450457863;liquidassets;pain and suffering as in, shit medical care, shit food, shit everything... 1346636;1450457896;liquidassets;USAsseters are in a very unique and interesting position 1346637;1450457924;liquidassets;But there's literally a dozen of us 1346638;1450457937;liquidassets;que PR 1346639;1450457981;mircea_popescu;!rate fghj 1 Euloran 1346640;1450457981;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/de3077e0b2eb9325 1346641;1450458003;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.fghj.1:246746d22bda218f56ad7831aea3f89cbf57b13c246dd41ca6d2c8b970e9abc3 1346642;1450458003;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for fghj with note: Euloran 1346643;1450458260;mircea_popescu;"I think we had too much hesitation in the decisions about what we were able to do and on the delivered product as well. 1346644;1450458260;mircea_popescu;I mean, who in the marketing industry is able to decode a 15K Web graph even if it contains loads of useful informations? And that was our number #1 feature. Now, I acknowledge the graph data was essential. We should have delivered them in an more effective and practical way: spreadsheets, data views (who are the influencers, how can I contact the websites owners, recommended keywords for Facebook/Twitter/newsletter 1346645;1450458260;mircea_popescu;s per group of users etc.). We should have sold a set of of lists with pictures, a few simplified maps and targeted howtos rather than an army-grade Web satellite radar with full control in your hands." << the conclusion we arrived at through spending 1mn euro is that people are stupid. 1346646;1450458389;Birdman;Ill tell you that for half the price 1346647;1450458420;mircea_popescu;in any case asciilifeform, thius is the primary driver for the stupidification of everything, and it's genuine. people are stupid. either you build your cash register as the mcdonals iconographic abomination, or they stick to doing it "by hand". like idiot argentine woman yest. i buy a carton of cigarettes, four litersd of milk and two lighters. she does the addition on paper. first she adds 80 + 260 + 18 but misplaces 1346648;1450458420;mircea_popescu; the 18 so it's 180 now, comes to 520. i point this out. she proceeds to add them again correctly this time, and comes to 488. i refuse this alt-arithmetic too. she does it once more, hands me 82 pesos in change for my 400. i refuse this once again, hand 40 pesos back to her and leave. 1346649;1450458436;mircea_popescu;is a proper fucking cash register better than this insanity ? well... that all depends now, dun' it. better FOR WHOM ? 1346650;1450458445;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30435 @ 0.00049364 = 15.0239 BTC [+] {2} 1346651;1450458453;mircea_popescu;a length of chain, a manger and the occasional stallion visit is actually better for her. 1346652;1450458481;mircea_popescu;but this notwithstanding, you don't need any sort of conspiracy to explain linux drift, or foss decay. 1346653;1450458548;mircea_popescu;just... people are dumb. that's it. that's all. you gonna make something they can use or not ? 1346654;1450458554;mircea_popescu;if you want users, you're making shit. end of fucking story. 1346655;1450458584;mircea_popescu;the notion that userbase is a metric has got to go, this is a not-negotiable prerequisite of a world that doesn't suck. 1346656;1450458614;mircea_popescu;course, such a world will, by and large, suck to live in. but, again, the question is, suck FOR WHOM ? 1346657;1450458619;mircea_popescu;and the answer is "fuck 'em". 1346658;1450459163;liquidassets;Exactly all of this MP 1346659;1450459177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00049365 = 5.3808 BTC [+] 1346660;1450459360;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54200 @ 0.00049365 = 26.7558 BTC [+] 1346661;1450459849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5904 @ 0.00049279 = 2.9094 BTC [-] 1346662;1450459970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9600 @ 0.00048492 = 4.6552 BTC [-] {2} 1346663;1450460099;mircea_popescu;!up ascii_field 1346664;1450460410;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346515 << go take vacation to syria or any other pesthole where most people are under 30 1346665;1450460410;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 15:42:51; liquidassets: Don't care really, I'd be impressed. Looking around I'd usually prefer most of them to just die already 1346666;1450460458;liquidassets;cool when we going? 1346667;1450460473;ascii_field;we?! 1346668;1450460484;liquidassets;JUST KIDDING SUPER READERS 1346669;1450460516;liquidassets;C4 Syria right? 1346670;1450460535;funkenstein_;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346578 <-- look, first complliment to porteos wherewithal i've seen in this channel 1346671;1450460535;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 16:28:00; mircea_popescu: in unrelated news : the grand total okcupid offering for "women < 30 > 1.70cm within the 15mn buenos aires conurbation active in the past day" is... half a dozen people. clearly okcupid's not doing advertising correctly amirite nubbins ? :D 1346672;1450460583;liquidassets;HE'S IN A JOKING MOOD TODAY ISN'T HE SUPER READERS? 1346673;1450460609;ascii_field;?? 1346674;1450460610;funkenstein_;ascii_field, congrats on gig changeup 1346675;1450460626;ascii_field;funkenstein_: i haven't started yet, only signed 1346676;1450460643;ascii_field;but ty funkenstein_ 1346677;1450460720;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346579 << quite like usa and afaik everywhere else 1346678;1450460720;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 16:28:25; mircea_popescu: and no, there isn't a local equivalent. they're just primitive souls, computers = windows ; internet = facebook ; world = argentina etc scl. 1346679;1450460737;ascii_field;(with various config values substituted in) 1346680;1450460771;liquidassets;;;gt Birdman 1346681;1450460771;gribble;(gt <item1> <item2>) -- Does a string comparison on <item1> and <item2>. Returns true if <item1> is greater than <item2>. 1346682;1450460792;liquidassets;!gettrust Birdman 1346683;1450460793;assbot;Trust relationship from user liquidassets to user Birdman: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=liquidassets&to=Birdman | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Birdman/ 1346684;1450460949;liquidassets;!rate Birdman -1 not very bright 1346685;1450460949;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/13843bbff8c05cdb 1346686;1450460974;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346648 << holy shit 1346687;1450460974;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 17:07:00; mircea_popescu: the 18 so it's 180 now, comes to 520. i point this out. she proceeds to add them again correctly this time, and comes to 488. i refuse this alt-arithmetic too. she does it once more, hands me 82 pesos in change for my 400. i refuse this once again, hand 40 pesos back to her and leave. 1346688;1450460981;ascii_field;i thought this only existed in usa 1346689;1450460984;mircea_popescu;mno. 1346690;1450461013;mircea_popescu;middle aged woman too, accomplished in fat (there's this certain rotundness of the respectable matron with prgeniture) 1346691;1450461015;liquidassets;!V assbot:liquidassets.rate.Birdman.-1:ecc064e4af8dd2388c436ac7e6dccf98c4290a91b7b335250808814313ade9f4 1346692;1450461015;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for Birdman with note: not very bright 1346693;1450461017;ascii_field;though it is largely extinct in usa, pretty much nobody even dares to arithmeticize by hand 1346694;1450461052;mircea_popescu;ascii_field my first thought upon encountering my first usians, as a 10 yo boy, was that "these people never went to school, did they ?" 1346695;1450461061;mircea_popescu;i had never met someone up to that point who didn't longhand. 1346696;1450461074;mircea_popescu;in fact, kids books specifically point out habarnam as "only capable of block printing" 1346697;1450461105;*;ascii_field never learned latin longhand on account of usa schooling 1346698;1450461109;mircea_popescu;https://habarnam.ro/aventurile+lui+habarnam/ << habarnam. readily recognized by the cultivated. 1346699;1450461110;assbot;Aventurile lui Habarnam și ale prietenilor săi ... ( http://bit.ly/1lX1BpO ) 1346700;1450461196;ascii_field;holy fuck mircea_popescu 1346701;1450461202;mircea_popescu;:) 1346702;1450461209;mircea_popescu;aha. 1346703;1450461211;ascii_field;you do know what that is, no 1346704;1450461215;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1346705;1450461225;ascii_field;'незнайка в солнечном городе' 1346706;1450461235;mircea_popescu;yup. great book too. it might be the best kids book ever written 1346707;1450461243;mircea_popescu;this and ushinski's "povestind copiilor" 1346708;1450461255;ascii_field;didja read 'незнайка на луне' ? 1346709;1450461279;ascii_field;'90s ru capitalism was built seemingly using that parody as a handbook 1346710;1450461289;mircea_popescu;http://img20.olx.ro/images_mercadorro/66505478_4_644x461_k-usinski-povestind-copiilor-edmalis-moscova-cu-ilustratii-sport-timp-liber-arta_rev012.jpg 1346711;1450461290;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RtIPTF ) 1346712;1450461319;mircea_popescu;haha no, i never read the sequel. 1346713;1450461323;ascii_field;mega-b00k 1346714;1450461333;ascii_field;possibly the lulziest children's economic-themed tale of all time 1346715;1450461340;ascii_field;complete with stock fraud 1346716;1450461353;mircea_popescu;it's kinda weird they wenbt with "habarnam" rather than "niznai" seeing how it's an actual bona fide ro world. 1346717;1450461356;mircea_popescu;word* 1346718;1450461488;funkenstein_;my second ordered for delivery today :) 1346719;1450461498;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1346720;1450461519;funkenstein_;well a translation "dunno and his friends" 1346721;1450461539;ascii_field;waitasec there is an english ver ?!! 1346722;1450461556;mircea_popescu;the original prose is very delicate, hopefully they preserved the thin porcelain quality. 1346723;1450461560;ascii_field;and was it transled by that one brit who did everything else 1346724;1450461565;mircea_popescu;lol 1346725;1450461568;ascii_field;(pelevin, strugatski brothers, etc) 1346726;1450461586;ascii_field;i think he even did volkov's mega-upgrade of 'wizard of oz' even 1346727;1450461773;ascii_field;;;isup trilema.com 1346728;1450461777;gribble;trilema.com is down 1346729;1450461781;mircea_popescu;gah 1346730;1450461799;mircea_popescu;dude i want a payment machanism that works on par with fucking hosting. 1346731;1450461804;mircea_popescu;that'd be great. 1346732;1450461815;mircea_popescu;then i could pay these schmucks in almostcoins. 1346733;1450461826;ascii_field;coins thrown with catapult 1346734;1450461828;ascii_field;over ocean. 1346735;1450461834;ascii_field;s0lv3d!!111 1346736;1450461852;ascii_field;call it 'icpm' 1346737;1450461859;ascii_field;(intercontinental payment missile) 1346738;1450461898;mircea_popescu;but the point is that they should only sometimes work. 1346739;1450461919;mircea_popescu;really, the only good equivalent is chocolate gold coins. 1346740;1450461922;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45611 @ 0.00048971 = 22.3362 BTC [+] {2} 1346741;1450461922;ascii_field;aha, will have radius of error, and a certain nonzero prob of explosion at launch 1346742;1450461929;mircea_popescu;"your kids ate some of your money. literally." 1346743;1450461949;mircea_popescu;how do you know you're stuck in the kindergarten ? 1346744;1450461963;mircea_popescu;chocolate coins would make sense as a means of payment. 1346745;1450462028;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1346746;1450462038;ascii_field;from the dept of l0ltr0nics: https://forums.juniper.net/t5/Security-Incident-Response/Important-Announcement-about-ScreenOS/ba-p/285554 1346747;1450462040;assbot;Important Announcement about ScreenOS® - J-Net Community ... ( http://bit.ly/1RtKiJK ) 1346748;1450462049;ascii_field;'During a recent internal code review, Juniper discovered unauthorized code in ScreenOS that could allow a knowledgeable attacker to gain administrative access to NetScreen® devices and to decrypt VPN connections.' 1346749;1450462117;mircea_popescu;haha 1346750;1450462127;mircea_popescu;da fuck is this "unauthorized code". 1346751;1450462155;ascii_field;from the rumour mill, a straight backdoor 1346752;1450462173;ascii_field;likely, nsa's 'FEEDTHROUGH' 1346753;1450462182;ascii_field;but not 'found', naturally, but burned. 1346754;1450462194;mircea_popescu;"during a recent random walk through the codebase in a desperate but doomed attempt to fix or at least paper over bugs we have no idea about to any degree, we discovered that our code repository is so broken half the shit in there wasn't even written by anyone we know. we'll keep pretending like we're a thing tho, because seriously, what the hells the difference anymore ? considering all the lies we've told to date, it 1346755;1450462194;mircea_popescu; really no longer matters. oh, btw : fuck you." 1346756;1450462220;ascii_field;http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=JSA10713&cat=SIRT_1&actp=LIST << moar 1346757;1450462222;assbot;Juniper Networks - 2015-12 Out of Cycle Security Bulletin: ScreenOS: Multiple Security issues with ScreenOS (CVE-2015-7755) - Knowledge Base ... ( http://bit.ly/1NtIVXy ) 1346758;1450462226;mircea_popescu;and then i'm the psychopath. 1346759;1450462236;mircea_popescu;these nuts are fine. 1346760;1450462288;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51336 @ 0.00049077 = 25.1942 BTC [+] {2} 1346761;1450462297;ascii_field;Run Moar Usgware 1346762;1450462344;ascii_field;'Juniper SIRT is not aware of any malicious exploitation of these vulnerabilities.' << aahaaaa 1346763;1450462345;ascii_field;glorious 1346764;1450462349;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69100 @ 0.00049398 = 34.134 BTC [+] 1346765;1450462362;ascii_field;the visibly-to-naked-eye pwned backbonez around the globe, apparently, do not count. 1346766;1450462388;mircea_popescu;well, it's trilema that's down, not change.org right ? 1346767;1450463691;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 133950 @ 0.00049674 = 66.5383 BTC [+] {3} 1346768;1450464353;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1346769;1450464380;ascii_field;mircea_popescu et al: who wants to recommend a reasonably-priced man-portable spectrum analyzer ? 1346770;1450464455;ascii_field;something that doesn't mostly pick up ~its own heterodyne~ 1346771;1450465399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66900 @ 0.00049427 = 33.0667 BTC [-] {2} 1346772;1450465414;mircea_popescu;these are rather contrary requests. 1346773;1450465422;ascii_field;probably. 1346774;1450465435;mircea_popescu;what was the thing you dragged over to conf ? 1346775;1450465453;ascii_field;that was an oscope/logicanalyzer combo 1346776;1450465459;ascii_field;a very chinese one 1346777;1450465469;ascii_field;'everybody' has it 1346778;1450465472;mircea_popescu;aha. 1346779;1450465481;ascii_field;(iirc kakobrekla fessed up to having that specific one, even, on his bench at home) 1346780;1450465536;ascii_field;incidentally, i never understood why a spectrum analyzer could not be a purely analogue affair 1346781;1450465539;ascii_field;and why it has to sweep 1346782;1450465557;ascii_field;why not simply a multitude of broad tuners attached to analogue lights. 1346783;1450465574;mircea_popescu;what if you want a light in between ? 1346784;1450465584;ascii_field;then you bring out the actual radio 1346785;1450465590;ascii_field;analyzer is for survey ! 1346786;1450465609;ascii_field;and there is no 'in between', the bands ought to overlap. 1346787;1450465614;mircea_popescu;then make your own, out of rhesistors 1346788;1450465617;mircea_popescu;read the heatmap lol 1346789;1450465689;ascii_field;with su shuttered, nobody optimizes this kind of tool for cheap+simple+effective 1346790;1450465726;ascii_field;market consists solely of usgistic (costs like a car) and chinese parody (yer an audiophile and cattle and stfu buy this turd) 1346791;1450465787;mircea_popescu;im still not sure what product you actually want. 1346792;1450465814;ascii_field;sumthing that identifies peaks, dc to daylight, at close range. 1346793;1450465846;mircea_popescu;and you propose to build this out of analog wide band tuners ? 1346794;1450465898;ascii_field;yes. 1346795;1450465905;ascii_field;imagine a 10x10 pixel camera. 1346796;1450465922;ascii_field;could you take a decent survey of still objects in a room with it? surely 1346797;1450465948;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56050 @ 0.00049748 = 27.8838 BTC [+] 1346798;1450465967;mircea_popescu;what ?! 1346799;1450465982;ascii_field;think. 1346800;1450465986;ascii_field;picture a one-pixel camera. 1346801;1450466008;ascii_field;supposing that you can orient it, it is simply a very slow means of taking a picture. 1346802;1450466015;ascii_field;original vidicon tube worked rather like this. 1346803;1450466120;mircea_popescu;ok... 1346804;1450466131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53700 @ 0.00049427 = 26.5423 BTC [-] 1346805;1450466199;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1346806;1450466204;ascii_field;the parallel with the decay of computing is actually a pretty close one 1346807;1450466233;ascii_field;modern digital spectrum analyzer is very complex, largely to fight own interference 1346808;1450466269;ascii_field;i often find it interesting to think about fields where this did NOT happen. 1346809;1450466292;mircea_popescu;looky : your idea of phenomena seems inspired by an alt-reality where computer programs run on repeatable, replayable abstract machines. 1346810;1450466293;ascii_field;mircea_popescu ever see, e.g., an old luger, or even maxim gun, taken apart ? 1346811;1450466302;mircea_popescu;this is not even the case for fucking computers, let alone random phenomena. 1346812;1450466316;mircea_popescu;if you're going to take "a very slow picture" with a one pixel camera, you'll end up measuring 42. 1346813;1450466333;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: wtf, i did it 1346814;1450466334;ascii_field;it works. 1346815;1450466343;ascii_field;i did specify 'inside a room' 1346816;1450466345;mircea_popescu;you did what ?! 1346817;1450466355;ascii_field;take a picture with a one-pixel camera 1346818;1450466358;mircea_popescu;can i see this picture ? 1346819;1450466381;ascii_field;i'd have to get it out of the vacuum cleaner 1346820;1450466385;mircea_popescu;... 1346821;1450466388;ascii_field;(consumer appliance with takes the pic every day) 1346822;1450466405;mircea_popescu;ok, let's indulge. was there a woman in your picture with legs lazily spread apart ? 1346823;1450466406;ascii_field;one of those things. has laser interferometer turret on top. 1346824;1450466421;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: nope. just doors and chair legs etc 1346825;1450466427;mircea_popescu;shitty camera. next question. 1346826;1450466551;ascii_field;http://h2hassociates.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/point-cloud-processing-CaptureMD11DS1.png << not mine. example 1346827;1450466553;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NtQyND ) 1346828;1450466583;ascii_field;http://opticks.org/confluence/plugins/viewsource/viewpagesrc.action?pageId=6652735 << moar 1346829;1450466585;assbot;View Source ... ( http://bit.ly/1NtQD49 ) 1346830;1450466595;mircea_popescu;the point here is that just like what people want to do with a camera (take pictures of woman) is not a good fit for your idea of a camera, just so what people want to do with sa is not a good fit for your idea of a sa. 1346831;1450466600;mircea_popescu;which is why it's not getting built. 1346832;1450466626;ascii_field;actually a top market niche for sa is 'bug sweep' and 'interference search' 1346833;1450466642;mircea_popescu;o look at this, eulora now has 7 perople online 1346834;1450467046;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67200 @ 0.00049748 = 33.4307 BTC [+] {2} 1346835;1450467499;liquidassets;To all current and prospective USAsseters out there, true greatness can ever rarely be punished, much less so in the US, which makes its history something to be proud of. Don't forget that 1346836;1450467593;*;ascii_field lacks the necessary lsd to parse this 1346837;1450467674;Birdman;^ danielpbarron 1346838;1450467694;danielpbarron;hahahaha <3 1346839;1450467808;liquidassets;When it hits you alf 1346840;1450468165;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc5jposAKS1r2cjkwo1_500.gif 1346841;1450468166;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NtSZjn ) 1346842;1450468317;liquidassets;For girl on girl, pretty hot got to say 1346843;1450468602;Birdman;yeah but its still dykeish 1346844;1450468643;Birdman;<liquidassets>For girl on girl, pretty hot got to say << implying most girl on girl isnt normally hot? 1346845;1450468675;liquidassets;amiwrong? 1346846;1450468817;Birdman;Ehh yeah, and besides two girls w/o strap on > two girls w/ strap on 1346847;1450468832;liquidassets;notrly 1346848;1450469393;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1346849;1450469406;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: did anybody ever bother to do the keyserver thing ? 1346850;1450469426;mircea_popescu;not afaik. 1346851;1450469806;adlai;;;bc,diff 1346852;1450469806;gribble;Error: "bc,diff" is not a valid command. 1346853;1450469833;adlai;;;bc,stats 1346854;1450469836;gribble;Current Blocks: 389090 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 2013 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1346855;1450469869;adlai;tidy little hop there :D 1346856;1450470035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84050 @ 0.00049723 = 41.7922 BTC [-] {3} 1346857;1450471314;mircea_popescu;anyway, while trilema's down, https://archive.is/ri2ta if anyone's desperate for the content. 1346858;1450471318;assbot;There's a one Bitcoin reward for the death of Pieter Wuille. Details below. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1IZeA4t ) 1346859;1450471928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35678 @ 0.00049748 = 17.7491 BTC [+] 1346860;1450471929;Birdman;I discussed with danielpbarron about how bitbet could be used to casually place hits on people 1346861;1450471989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11122 @ 0.00049773 = 5.5358 BTC [+] 1346862;1450472084;danielpbarron;yeah apparently that's against the rules it turns out >> Then, any bet to do with breaking the law (specifically, murder, but also arson, theft, general destruction and mayhem) is a BadBet and not allowed on BitBet. https://bitbet.us/faq/#22 1346863;1450472085;assbot;FAQ BitBet ... ( http://bit.ly/1IZfSwp ) 1346864;1450472416;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13550 @ 0.00049772 = 6.7441 BTC [-] {2} 1346865;1450472464;Birdman;what q you makin ? 1346866;1450473892;mircea_popescu;Birdman notrly. 1346867;1450473933;Birdman;hmm? 1346868;1450473948;mircea_popescu;or to be more precise : the only way it could be actually used makes it obvious it's being so used (same exact principle as for the pay for your tits thing : carve this hash in the guy's forehead or some shit), and it being obvious it's so being used makes it trivial for bitbet to disalow the bet in question. 1346869;1450473990;mircea_popescu;now obviously chair warmers all across the land have no fucking idea about anything and are happy to stay dumb, so random X may pretend whatever the fuck. but that's an entirely different matter. 1346870;1450474150;mircea_popescu;93 bn diff huh ? epic. 1346871;1450474765;mircea_popescu;"We thought that others would also be interested in such a feature for their website, that made it possible to sell print products from all their pictures. Therefore, we decided to build something more generic, that everyone else could use as well. The new service was called PiXnPaLs PhotoProducts, which helped publishers monetize their website by selling print products from images. We took care of payment, shipp 1346872;1450474765;mircea_popescu;ing and everything else. The publisher got paid a 20% commission." <<< put their dumbass widget on your site (so provide all the leads), use your own creatives (so provide all the work), be paid a 20% COMISSION. 1346873;1450474795;mircea_popescu;this is almost as horrible a deal as being a parent. 1346874;1450474917;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32814 @ 0.00049773 = 16.3325 BTC [+] 1346875;1450475306;mircea_popescu;http://links.net/vita/gamelayers/ << the guy's literate, at least, so maybe interesting 1346876;1450475308;assbot;A Story of GameLayers, Inc. ... ( http://bit.ly/1msfEDS ) 1346877;1450475466;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88500 @ 0.00049418 = 43.7349 BTC [-] {2} 1346878;1450476601;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/0684PPX.txt 1346879;1450476602;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mshBA7 ) 1346880;1450476639;Naphex;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-12-2015#1345434 <<< the statement should be issued sometime during this week, hopefully by 22; if that's what you're referring to 1346881;1450476639;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 14:26:51; mircea_popescu: "However, our growth rate did not meet our expectations, and the service does not scale as we would have expected to." aka "trying to leech of bitcoin while doing the usual fiat bullshit doesn't work." 1346882;1450476732;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346168 << wait so 'renart' is ben_vulpes ? if so, whose side are you on man ?! 1346883;1450476732;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 04:59:41; renart: ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-18/humans-are-slamming-into-driverless-cars-and-exposing-a-key-flaw 1346884;1450476771;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski thanks i'll see wtf this is. 1346885;1450476792;pete_dushenski;i thought ben_vulpes was all 'auto-auto-mobiles are the footoor because bayes' 1346886;1450476797;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: sounds good 1346887;1450476907;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345982 << haha oh monkey brain, your search for the guy who can precisely predict the millimetres of rain that will fall on your village next season never ceases. 1346888;1450476907;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 02:16:10; mircea_popescu: (this was counterintuitive to the grunts doing money changing in the street, we had a good laugh over steaks about it, when discussing venezuela's plans to the same thing. after it played out they decided i was a god. because hey, why admit you were wrong when you could think the guy who's right is simply supernatural) 1346889;1450476945;pete_dushenski;btw that whole currency discussion was edifying 1346890;1450476983;mircea_popescu;their idea was that hey, if official goes up, black market goers up THAT MUCH MORE 1346891;1450477124;pete_dushenski;when really, the artificial gap narrows 1346892;1450477187;pete_dushenski;http://www.nationalpost.com/m/wp/news/blog.html?b=news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/selling-bottled-lake-louise-air-started-as-a-joke-but-theres-actually-a-lot-of-demand&pubdate=2015-12-17 << local kids selling chinese something only we have. soon : one can of fresh mountain air for one amd fx tower with 64 gb ecc plox. 1346893;1450477188;assbot;We talked to the Albertans selling bottled air to China — and despite all indications to the contrary, it’s not a hoax ... ( http://bit.ly/1msiIQo ) 1346894;1450477627;BingoBoingo;http://it.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=8496187&cid=51144809 1346895;1450477629;assbot;Replacement For Mozilla Thunderbird? - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1OBmEVv ) 1346896;1450477735;BingoBoingo;Win >> "Guys, I think the Gopher people were right." 1346897;1450477833;BingoBoingo;adlai: Were you writing a note on this diff increase? 1346898;1450477909;Naphex;!up CoraCrisT 1346899;1450477914;Naphex;!rated CoraCrisT 1346900;1450477914;assbot;You rated user CoraCrisT on 30-Nov-2015, with a rating of 3, and supplied these additional notes: XOtika.tv CEO - Handles bussiness side, press, recruiting, marketing, hr, pr. 1346901;1450477942;CoraCrisT;hi folks 1346902;1450478442;mircea_popescu;ello 1346903;1450478491;CoraCrisT;ola mircea_popescu 1346904;1450478712;mircea_popescu;you up to date with the discussion re xotika ? 1346905;1450478812;CoraCrisT;yup 1346906;1450478833;CoraCrisT;i lurk around here for quite some time 1346907;1450478876;deedbot-;[Qntra] Substantial Bitcoin Difficulty Increase: 18.14% - http://qntra.net/2015/12/substantial-bitcoin-difficulty-increase-18-14/ 1346908;1450478878;CoraCrisT;also talked to Naphex about it. i stil need to see the actual contract 1346909;1450478882;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79600 @ 0.00049778 = 39.6233 BTC [+] {3} 1346910;1450478919;BingoBoingo;;;later tell adlai too late. If you want a beat you can't just mention diff increase in chan without dropping an encrypted dpaste full of qntra submission. 1346911;1450478919;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1346912;1450478970;BingoBoingo;;;later tell adlai But don't worry too much there could still be another diff increase this year 1346913;1450478970;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1346914;1450479048;CoraCrisT;i just need to study it a bit. won't take long tho 1346915;1450479179;BingoBoingo;;;isup qntra.net 1346916;1450479184;gribble;qntra.net is up 1346917;1450479218;CoraCrisT;also need to prepare the next statement.. while i get used to it 1346918;1450479405;Naphex;alright, i'm off too bed. gn 1346919;1450479461;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1346920;1450479467;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 463.03, vol: 12725.90320756 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 457.75, vol: 7984.02485 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 463.34, vol: 26644.00834379 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 395.0, vol: 9.14193304 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 474.891282, vol: 100559.51380000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 467.69074, vol: 94.54804574 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 466.27999131, vol: 117.13111446 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 1346921;1450479512;pete_dushenski;eth ticker 0.00196220 eth/btc (-5.51%) 1346922;1450479523;BingoBoingo;;;more 1346923;1450479523;gribble;average: 470.854442956 1346924;1450479532;CoraCrisT;!rate Naphex 10 most badass coder i ever worked with. his moral character & integrity are rock solid. 1346925;1450479532;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/6e69a4cb9d87138b 1346926;1450479566;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1346927;1450479569;gribble;Current Blocks: 389108 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 1995 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 19 hours, 18 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1346928;1450479607;CoraCrisT;!gt Naphex 1346929;1450479607;assbot;Trust relationship from user CoraCrisT to user Naphex: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=CoraCrisT&to=Naphex | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Naphex/ 1346930;1450479628;trinque;CoraCrisT: decrypt your otp there and provide with !v 1346931;1450479641;adlai;BingoBoingo: i'll be rooting for it... but i can't load qntra now, DNS is up to its usual reliability standards 1346932;1450479736;BingoBoingo;Yeah, something happened right after publish was hit 1346933;1450479780;adlai;!up CoraCrisT 1346934;1450479842;pete_dushenski;http://people.csail.mit.edu/ranjit/papers/poker.pdf << for those who can't round up enough fellahs for a home game. 1346935;1450479847;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QyDtGz ) 1346936;1450479860;pete_dushenski;"How to Use Bitcoin to Play Decentralized Poker" 1346937;1450479944;CoraCrisT;thank you 1346938;1450480165;CoraCrisT;!rated Naphex 1346939;1450480165;assbot;You rated user Naphex on 18-Dec-2015, with a rating of 10, and supplied these additional notes: most badass coder i ever worked with. his moral character & integrity are rock solid.. 1346940;1450480285;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45900 @ 0.00049795 = 22.8559 BTC [+] 1346941;1450481028;mircea_popescu;adlai BingoBoingo seems the very angry people managed to take the whole server down meanwhile. 1346942;1450481051;mircea_popescu;part of operation "we're not gonna admit it, but mp's wuille assassination really fucking irked us. god damn that assole". or something. 1346943;1450481059;adlai;anger leads to the false side of the dichotomy 1346944;1450481071;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1346945;1450481081;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: what does 'down' mean ? 1346946;1450481083;ascii_field;smoking crater ? 1346947;1450481103;mircea_popescu;lol i dunno, but nothing pings, so... 1346948;1450481337;mircea_popescu;anyway, i think ima bring up a nigger.trilema.net or somesuch. be a few. 1346949;1450481805;BingoBoingo;<mircea_popescu> adlai BingoBoingo seems the very angry people managed to take the whole server down meanwhile. << lol year two, but some things never change 1346950;1450482430;ascii_field;https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: << experimental programmable-versionstring patch is in test, and seen even here 1346951;1450482463;ascii_field;mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes, mod6, et al ^ 1346952;1450482466;pete_dushenski;lithuania ! 1346953;1450482476;ascii_field;what of it 1346954;1450482482;pete_dushenski;home of the fourth conference. 1346955;1450482488;pete_dushenski;maybeifwhen 1346956;1450482495;ascii_field;home of new dulap 1346957;1450482534;pete_dushenski;well, we can all go visit him, pet him on the head, make sure he's enjoying his cage. 1346958;1450482564;BingoBoingo;Interlude: "It's amazing to think that at 340lbs, I thought at 250 I'd be a waif. I should be able to dress like the guys in the Ambercrombie ads at 250! is something I would have thought one year ago." https://archive.is/bcz6R#selection-1637.0-1637.189 1346959;1450482564;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1346960;1450482566;assbot;The bittersweet reality of setting goals at 340lbs. : loseit ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeEXEQ ) 1346961;1450482599;BingoBoingo;Beautiful ascii_field 1346962;1450482606;ascii_field;in other lulz, 1346963;1450482607;ascii_field;http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR1200/RR1231/RAND_RR1231.pdf 1346964;1450482632;ascii_field;( http://dpaste.com/22G3KNQ ) 1346965;1450482635;assbot;dpaste: 22G3KNQ ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeF8jk ) 1346966;1450482652;ascii_field;hm defective paste 1346967;1450482696;ascii_field;nm, defective ocr 1346968;1450482706;ascii_field;it is what it is. (bombastic usg turd) 1346969;1450482719;pete_dushenski;lol, 'vc' was so badly abused, misused, tarred, and feathered by 'venture capitalists' aka ponzi artists that it's now taken to mean 'virtual currency' 1346970;1450482911;*;pete_dushenski off for a drink. 1346971;1450483508;mircea_popescu;nice asciilifeform 1346972;1450483520;BingoBoingo;Triggered https://i.sli.mg/yAQ9s3.jpg 1346973;1450483521;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OBtOsP ) 1346974;1450484071;punkman;https://www.deepdotweb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Non-animated1_aNu_22-July-15__300x250_01-orange.jpg 1346975;1450484072;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeIenC ) 1346976;1450484189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68340 @ 0.00049389 = 33.7524 BTC [-] {3} 1346977;1450484403;BingoBoingo;http://www.lawguru.com/legal-questions/illinois-criminal-law/son-walking-street-kick-container-616521661/ 1346978;1450484404;assbot;My son was walking down the street and | Legal Advice ... ( http://bit.ly/1OBuY7J ) 1346979;1450484579;mod6;<+ascii_field> https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: << experimental programmable-versionstring patch is in test, and seen even here << cool! 1346980;1450484580;assbot;Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeJp6j ) 1346981;1450484982;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16494 @ 0.00049211 = 8.1169 BTC [-] {3} 1346982;1450486276;BingoBoingo;http://www.bnd.com/news/local/article50335635.html#wgt=trending 1346983;1450486277;assbot;Retired East St. Louis police captain killed after gun accidentally discharges | Belleville News-Democrat ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeMLpY ) 1346984;1450486754;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWi19BRWcAU-6Hm.jpg 1346985;1450486755;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mduYUz ) 1346986;1450486934;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25467 @ 0.0004912 = 12.5094 BTC [-] {2} 1346987;1450486950;asciilifeform;achtung, panzers! 1346988;1450486957;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: 1346989;1450486958;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000185.html 1346990;1450486958;assbot;[BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY ) 1346991;1450486998;asciilifeform;;;jurov can we PLEASE have an end to filename munging?!! IT BREAKS V 1346992;1450486998;gribble;Error: "jurov" is not a valid command. 1346993;1450487002;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov can we PLEASE have an end to filename munging?!! IT BREAKS V 1346994;1450487002;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1346995;1450487788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27250 @ 0.00048627 = 13.2509 BTC [-] {2} 1346996;1450487824;asciilifeform;also interesting q: do all of these strings passed as returns ever get deallocated ? 1346997;1450487849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21250 @ 0.00049028 = 10.4185 BTC [+] 1346998;1450487861;asciilifeform;because unless std::string does something clever with refcounts, as far as i can see: they do not. 1346999;1450488313;asciilifeform;;;isup qntra.net 1347000;1450488318;gribble;qntra.net is up 1347001;1450488321;asciilifeform;hm 1347002;1450488326;asciilifeform;entirely dead here. 1347003;1450488326;kakobrekla;its not 1347004;1450488344;kakobrekla;i think ;;8ball might be more accurate than ;;isup 1347005;1450488350;asciilifeform;aha. 1347006;1450489245;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> because unless std::string does something clever with refcounts, as far as i can see: they do not. << they do not. 1347007;1450489258;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> entirely dead here. << didn't we already discuss this ? 1347008;1450489276;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: that was trilema. qntra was alive until a few hrs ago 1347009;1450489441;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346941 1347010;1450489441;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 23:23:48; mircea_popescu: adlai BingoBoingo seems the very angry people managed to take the whole server down meanwhile. 1347011;1450489445;mircea_popescu;you gotta read teh log 1347012;1450489452;asciilifeform;ah apparently 1347013;1450489458;*;asciilifeform reads 1347014;1450489473;mircea_popescu;anyway. apparently there's a limit on the count of simultaneously up services. whatevs. 1347015;1450489680;asciilifeform;incidentally, anybody ever succeed in getting a ~heap dump~ of a running trb ? 1347016;1450489837;asciilifeform;http://core-analyzer.sourceforge.net << possibly of interest 1347017;1450489838;assbot;Core Analyzer Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pc48Wx ) 1347018;1450489896;asciilifeform;'By searching the processs address space for all references directly or indirectly to a suspicious object, the tool helps to unveil the objects type and usage in a thorough and systematic way.' 1347019;1450489917;*;asciilifeform has not tried yet 1347020;1450489961;asciilifeform;https://fedorahosted.org/gdb-heap << similar 1347021;1450489963;assbot;gdb-heap ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pc4kVT ) 1347022;1450489968;asciilifeform;also have not tried. 1347023;1450489976;asciilifeform;was gonna write own this, and found these 1347024;1450490023;asciilifeform;nm gdb-heap is worthless 1347025;1450490027;asciilifeform;does not support cpp yet... 1347026;1450490052;asciilifeform;https://google-perftools.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/heapprofile.html << even they have one 1347027;1450490053;assbot;Google Heap Profiler ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pc4pJ8 ) 1347028;1450490716;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00049027 = 5.442 BTC [-] {2} 1347029;1450491221;mod6;<+asciilifeform> incidentally, anybody ever succeed in getting a ~heap dump~ of a running trb ? << thanks. 1347030;1450491256;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://core-analyzer.sourceforge.net << possibly of interest << for this 1347031;1450491257;assbot;Core Analyzer Home ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pc48Wx ) 1347032;1450493889;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 177067 @ 0.00049733 = 88.0607 BTC [+] {6} 1347033;1450494717;mod6;;;bc,stats 1347034;1450494720;gribble;Current Blocks: 389126 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 1977 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 4 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes, and 21 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1347035;1450495460;*;trinque looks forward to the day he can fiddle around with the concept of hypertext on a gossipd 1347036;1450495503;trinque;fuck this "oh the server is down" therefore I cannot access this information that was previously published by someone in my WoT 1347037;1450497569;mircea_popescu;enjoy the web. designed by idiots. 1347038;1450498564;BingoBoingo;What asciilifeform apparently misses in his corner of Murica https://i.sli.mg/gUPtot.jpg 1347039;1450498565;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NCEsjd ) 1347040;1450498585;BingoBoingo;scooty puff in the wild 1347041;1450499545;mircea_popescu;so i ended up the happy owner of the best ice tray i have ever seen in my life. it's exceptionally well made plastic. for one thing, it's properly flexible. for the other, it's actually hygroscopic. for yet another, the separators are actually TALL enough you get proper cubes made. it is a wonder of perfection which literally fills my life with joy. 1347042;1450499558;*;mircea_popescu can't remember the last time he has encountered a perfect product, but it wasn't this decade. 1347043;1450499569;mircea_popescu;but the true wtf of it all ? it's chinese. 1347044;1450499579;mircea_popescu;this is what "made in the usa" used to mean, 50 years ago. 1347045;1450499581;mircea_popescu;no longer. 1347046;1450500162;BingoBoingo;More keep popping up https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: 1347047;1450500163;assbot;Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeJp6j ) 1347048;1450501148;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38745 @ 0.00049816 = 19.3012 BTC [+] {2} 1347049;1450502612;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43200 @ 0.00049817 = 21.5209 BTC [+] 1347050;1450506316;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346625<<what is a bezzle bag? 1347051;1450506316;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 16:53:58; Birdman: These are interesting times to be alive, that is for sure. And i have a bezzle bag so if i do somehow keep my imediate freedoms through the crash of fiat and rise of sound money my mouth will be fed. 1347052;1450506457;liquidassets;nvm let's think it through 1347053;1450506542;liquidassets;I'm calling smart money has a significant % in cash 1347054;1450506565;punkman;it's a Eulora item 1347055;1450506591;liquidassets;I want to play.. 1347056;1450506620;BingoBoingo;http://it.slashdot.org/story/15/12/19/0048223/phantom-squad-hacking-group-claims-credit-for-three-hour-xbox-live-outage 1347057;1450506622;assbot;Phantom Squad Hacking Group Claims Credit For Three-Hour Xbox Live Outage - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1NuD5Fo ) 1347058;1450506647;punkman;"AND WE SHALL BE REMEMBERED BY OUR 3 HOUR DDOS" 1347059;1450506648;liquidassets;20-30% maybe on $1million in assets 1347060;1450506708;liquidassets;50% real estate, 20-30% bezzle 1347061;1450506748;punkman;best to skip the real estate if you onlyt have a million 1347062;1450506751;liquidassets;"crash of fiat" means what? 1347063;1450506772;liquidassets;1million equity punkman 1347064;1450506837;liquidassets;Crash of fiat, if you have an undergraduate in economics circa 2009, means hyperinflation 1347065;1450506841;punkman;crawsh of fiat means zimbabwe 1347066;1450506863;liquidassets;This is what they teach 1347067;1450506887;liquidassets;however, we are not in the weimar republic <<(not checking spelling or source) 1347068;1450506938;liquidassets;digital money, debt, and the war on cash aka 'the grunch of giants' has changed the game 1347069;1450506969;liquidassets;The rules of money 'change' every 40-50 years 1347070;1450506999;liquidassets;For about the last 20, the more debt you have, the better you're doing 1347071;1450507014;liquidassets;rich people use debt to acquire assets 1347072;1450507052;punkman;I quite like not being in debt 1347073;1450507056;liquidassets;assets are defined strictly as something that puts money in your pocket every month 1347074;1450507079;liquidassets;most people don't like debt punkman 1347075;1450507095;liquidassets;but the rules of money are such that you will be forced out of position....until bitcoin 1347076;1450507164;liquidassets;most people, and mexicans I work with, will buy a house with the little money they have, stack 9-12 members of extended families, and work their asses off to pay off a 30 year mortgage in less than 5 1347077;1450507189;liquidassets;most people just want to be comfortable and not have to worry so much 1347078;1450507348;liquidassets;My problem with the story of contemporary hyperinflation has always been my inability to find the mechanism 1347079;1450507394;liquidassets;I mean, it would seem that 'they' got really really good and keeping inflation down, or hiding it in other ways 1347080;1450507438;liquidassets;It's like 20s 20s 20s 20s everywhere a 20. Ok Maybe a 50....Oh well hold on, I can't really break 100 1347081;1450507472;punkman;well yes, as long as the megatons money you print doesn't really circulate 1347082;1450507507;liquidassets;right, as long as it's 'sanitized' to pull from MP 1347083;1450507573;liquidassets;I'm not sure I made a point out of all of this 1347084;1450507633;liquidassets;and its probably been said before, there's no real insight to it, but it's been swiming in my noodle for quite some time 1347085;1450507672;punkman;your name is liquid assets and you want 50% in real estate? 1347086;1450507689;liquidassets;I'm in real estate, so it's a little more liquid for me ;) 1347087;1450507805;liquidassets;And anyway, it could be for other people. Give me a few million to work with and I'm going to put that shit to work 1347088;1450507843;liquidassets;but seriously don't give me money, I"m not even close lawyer wise yet 1347089;1450507855;liquidassets;not one decent lawyer I can rightfully put in my wot 1347090;1450508110;liquidassets;In other news,, I haven't jerked off for 3 days, MP you got anything for me? 1347091;1450511702;BingoBoingo;liquidassets: https://i.imgur.com/av37kTT.jpg 1347092;1450511703;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MmOnYd ) 1347093;1450511762;liquidassets;God what the hell is she? 1347094;1450511804;punkman;is that a good wrist wrap? 1347095;1450511861;liquidassets;all taped and talcked up 1347096;1450511985;liquidassets;kung foo grip 1347097;1450512028;BingoBoingo;Can't rape her if she won't let you 1347098;1450512107;liquidassets;I'd much rather her rape me 1347099;1450512160;liquidassets;How tall you think she is? 5'10"? 1347100;1450512185;BingoBoingo;No idea, watch she ends up being 4'9" 1347101;1450512220;liquidassets;Her arms tho 1347102;1450512342;BingoBoingo;Oh, she's 5'2" https://archive.is/WZNVW 1347103;1450512344;assbot;Aly Raisman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1MmP8k0 ) 1347104;1450512379;liquidassets;really? wow very nice 1347105;1450512531;liquidassets;I was hoping for more rape potential 1347106;1450513104;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28250 @ 0.0004977 = 14.06 BTC [-] {2} 1347107;1450515278;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1347108;1450515284;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 463.69, vol: 8384.11943000 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 457.927, vol: 6082.05011 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 463.67, vol: 15744.1351917 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 450.0, vol: 11.44615614 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 474.636852, vol: 79431.05470000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 458.98001, vol: 90.79318023 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 458.5874, vol: 111.22856735 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1347109;1450515342;BingoBoingo;;;more 1347110;1450515342;gribble;471.272756216 1347111;1450515666;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54050 @ 0.00049833 = 26.9347 BTC [+] {3} 1347112;1450516006;BingoBoingo;http://wspa.com/2015/07/29/mom-arrested-after-child-unresponsive-in-feces-covered-home/ 1347113;1450516008;assbot;Child Found Unresponsive in Feces Covered Home in Gray Court ... ( http://bit.ly/1MmTyHV ) 1347114;1450516245;BingoBoingo;Correction, no country for old men after all: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/st-louis-man-who-shot-teen-charged-with-gun-crime/article_b9f3c5d9-75a7-54f5-ae96-5350d4acc58c.html 1347115;1450516246;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QzFbro ) 1347116;1450516733;punkman;http://static.squarespace.com/static/50231c92c4aa4cf8be9c49ee/t/50617509e4b0095aa0d4fcfc/1348564240025/4-1.jpg 1347117;1450516734;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MmUprV ) 1347118;1450516843;punkman;"Roberta Mancino is an Italian skydiver, BASE jumper, wingsuit flyer and international model. She has participated in more than 7,000 skydives and won several awards and world records. She has gone on four skydives while completely naked, and on five occasions her parachute did not open in mid-jump." 1347119;1450518001;BingoBoingo;Most upvoted thing I have seen on Reddit evar https://archive.is/d9m2n 1347120;1450518004;assbot;[Theory] Jar Jar Binks was a trained Force user, knowing Sith collaborator, and will play a central role in The Force Awakens : reddit.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QzHXgi ) 1347121;1450518289;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32555 @ 0.00048966 = 15.9409 BTC [-] {2} 1347122;1450519753;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64800 @ 0.00049842 = 32.2976 BTC [+] 1347123;1450520302;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64150 @ 0.00048935 = 31.3918 BTC [-] {2} 1347124;1450520607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24051 @ 0.00048817 = 11.741 BTC [-] {2} 1347125;1450521339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21500 @ 0.00048817 = 10.4957 BTC [-] 1347126;1450523779;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15293 @ 0.00049846 = 7.6229 BTC [+] {2} 1347127;1450524511;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.00049851 = 8.3251 BTC [+] {2} 1347128;1450525060;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62050 @ 0.00049901 = 30.9636 BTC [+] {2} 1347129;1450525426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 152861 @ 0.00049956 = 76.3632 BTC [+] {4} 1347130;1450525731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43300 @ 0.00049975 = 21.6392 BTC [+] {2} 1347131;1450527533;wywialm;hi, do you know anything about cjdns https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/blob/master/doc/Whitepaper.md 1347132;1450527534;assbot;cjdns/Whitepaper.md at master · cjdelisle/cjdns · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1PcH1v3 ) 1347133;1450528238;mircea_popescu;liquidassets> I want to play.. << so wgat;s keepin you ? 1347134;1450528328;punkman;wywialm: I looked at it recently, the code is not horrible, but I've yet to fully grasp the overall design of the thing 1347135;1450528342;mircea_popescu;punkman> I quite like not being in debt << as usual, retail is for suckers. consumer debt's just about the dumbest proposition i ever heard. nevertheless, nrl isn't that bad. 1347136;1450528363;punkman;nrl? 1347137;1450528375;mircea_popescu;(this isn't, as the retail bankers got the retail suckers to think, a case of "you can't takle anything other than my house". 1347138;1450528385;mircea_popescu;more practically, most business ventures are financed by a convertible note. 1347139;1450528416;mircea_popescu;this is the quintessential non recourse debt : x (company) owes to y, and all y can do if it's not happy with the repayment schedule is take some equity stake in x. 1347140;1450528538;wywialm;punkman, if you find out more, please let me know 1347141;1450528577;PeterL;"30. A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you’ll go." 1347142;1450528578;mircea_popescu;lol wikipedia "Thus, non-recourse debt is typically limited to 50% or 60% loan-to-value ratios," 1347143;1450528599;mircea_popescu;"we're a large collection of people who understand nothing of anything and here's what we think the world is". such an unique value proposition. 1347144;1450528615;mircea_popescu;!s cjdns 1347145;1450528616;assbot;17 results for 'cjdns' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cjdns 1347146;1450528619;mircea_popescu;wywialm ^ 1347147;1450528636;wywialm;ah, yes, thanks 1347148;1450528688;PeterL;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-12-2015#1345012 << I had those in one of my appartments in Lansing, they are nice because efficient and quiet, but not compatible with central air so the newer places don't have them 1347149;1450528688;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 22:49:14; pete_dushenski: ascii_field: http://p-fst1.pixstatic.com/506a33a6d9127e30fc001273._w.540_s.fit_.jpg << what i had in mind as 'covered' radiator 1347150;1450528834;PeterL;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347041 << what do you mean it is hygroscopic? 1347151;1450528834;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 04:32:25; mircea_popescu: so i ended up the happy owner of the best ice tray i have ever seen in my life. it's exceptionally well made plastic. for one thing, it's properly flexible. for the other, it's actually hygroscopic. for yet another, the separators are actually TALL enough you get proper cubes made. it is a wonder of perfection which literally fills my life with joy. 1347152;1450528847;mircea_popescu;fun fact : if your debtor disposes of a retail (ie, faux) non-recourse loan and you live in the us/other such shitholes, the government WILL WANT TO TAX the ammount lost. because you made a theoretical gain. 1347153;1450528893;mircea_popescu;suppose you buy a house, take a 100k loan from the bank on the understanding that if you don't pay they can have the house and that's it. suppose the market goes to shit, and you walk. suppose the bank takes your house and sells it for 60k. 1347154;1450528899;mircea_popescu;irs is gonna claim you "realised 40k income" 1347155;1450528956;PeterL;^ I short-sold a house a few years ago, was lucky enough to fall in the time frame USgov was doing a special "excluding mortgage losses from taxes" stint 1347156;1450528977;PeterL;otherwise would have owed taxes on 50k "income" 1347157;1450528986;punkman;lol 1347158;1450528988;mircea_popescu;aha 1347159;1450529065;PeterL;stupid real estate market crash mutter mutter bleh 1347160;1450529135;mircea_popescu;mno. stupid government. 1347161;1450529159;PeterL;well, yeah, stupid real estate bubble caused by stupid government 1347162;1450529166;mircea_popescu;that's the problem with that shit, it's so fucking sticky. or if you prefer less scatological terms, so well managed. it's an outrage, they know it's an outrage, but they also know people are lazy and how do you protect your outrage ? 1347163;1450529178;mircea_popescu;you "suspend" it, arbitrarily, whenever it looks like it's enough to cause a riot, maybe. 1347164;1450529185;mircea_popescu;that way, you can have it at all other times. 1347165;1450529203;mircea_popescu;because hey, people are basically water - as long as you put the work in to make dykes while it rains, you can have an artificial lake np. 1347166;1450529260;PeterL;i'm confused by your analogy, how does watery people relate to the current topic? 1347167;1450529301;mircea_popescu;water is dumb. it has a very simple action cycle : does movement result in lower center of gravity ? if yes go if not stay. 1347168;1450529319;mircea_popescu;same shit with ustard : does burning down the govt result in immediate payoff ? no ? well... what's on tv ? 1347169;1450529356;mircea_popescu;all you gotta to is arbitrarily (which, in the theoretical paradigm you claim to operate under would be - illegally!) suspend whatever laws whenever things get to a boiling point 1347170;1450529384;PeterL;most just go straight to the tv, "I'll think about burning stuff after I watch my shows and surf facebook for a while" 1347171;1450529403;mircea_popescu;well so that's the analogy. from a management pov all you care about is the water level. 1347172;1450530688;PeterL;http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2015/12/glycerol-free-strategy-sweetens-biodiesel-synthesis << interesting development 1347173;1450530688;assbot;Glycerol-free strategy sweetens biodiesel synthesis | Chemistry World ... ( http://bit.ly/1NuZrXl ) 1347174;1450531386;PeterL;good morning pete 1347175;1450531444;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347041 << we must have the same ice cube tray because i go ga-ga for its elegant design every time i use it. been meaning to do a blog post on it aamof 1347176;1450531444;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 04:32:25; mircea_popescu: so i ended up the happy owner of the best ice tray i have ever seen in my life. it's exceptionally well made plastic. for one thing, it's properly flexible. for the other, it's actually hygroscopic. for yet another, the separators are actually TALL enough you get proper cubes made. it is a wonder of perfection which literally fills my life with joy. 1347177;1450531453;pete_dushenski;mornin PeterL 1347178;1450531490;PeterL;I don't understand how the plastic is hygroscopic? 1347179;1450531526;PeterL;mircea_popescu: did you mean hydrophobic? 1347180;1450532521;pete_dushenski;"The government in the Netherlands has clarified that it is legal for driving instructors to offer lessons in return for sex, as long as the students are over the age of 18. However, it is illegal to offer sex in return for lessons." << hahaha so man may proposition fillie but not vice versa eh. man i like those dutch. 1347181;1450532624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72900 @ 0.00050001 = 36.4507 BTC [+] {4} 1347182;1450532654;pete_dushenski;50 ! 1347183;1450532929;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 158417 @ 0.00050024 = 79.2465 BTC [+] {2} 1347184;1450533249;PeterL;he can buy, but she can't sell? wtf how does that work? 1347185;1450533404;pete_dushenski;works like the rest of the soi-dissant fiat legal system : in la-la-land 1347186;1450533458;PeterL;does technical analysis work on S.MPOE? BUY BUY BUY!!! 1347187;1450533519;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Pictographic ambiguity. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/19/pictographic-ambiguity/ 1347188;1450533530;pete_dushenski;ta works on everything, even toast. 1347189;1450533559;pete_dushenski;goddamdoubletitlebullshit 1347190;1450533569;pete_dushenski;i thought i fixt you ! 1347191;1450533611;PeterL;I think the second should be the title of the post? 1347192;1450533665;punkman;pete_dushenski: just gotta edit the rss template 1347193;1450533679;shinohai;"P.S. Who knew you didn’t need Facebook or Myspace or whatever to make a post like this ?" <<< heh 1347194;1450533696;pete_dushenski;;) 1347195;1450533709;pete_dushenski;punkman: hm ok 1347196;1450533715;PeterL;but if you posted it on facebook, then only your "friends" would be able to see it 1347197;1450533747;punkman;probably feed.php or something 1347198;1450533828;punkman;http://cdn.instructables.com/F9U/P3M7/GXDWYHSQ/F9UP3M7GXDWYHSQ.MEDIUM.jpg << best kind of ice cube is sphere 1347199;1450533828;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jj9bA7 ) 1347200;1450533952;pete_dushenski;i've had the icespheres in old fashioneds at local restaurants. tis a classy touch 1347201;1450534748;liquidassets;Peak Chill https://medium.com/matter/against-chill-930dfb60a577#.g86fzojxj 1347202;1450534749;assbot;Against Chill — Matter — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1JjaSxf ) 1347203;1450534761;liquidassets;Fiesty blogger I think we should bring her here 1347204;1450534772;liquidassets;MORNING ASSETS! 1347205;1450534786;pete_dushenski;go for it, bring fillie here. 1347206;1450534791;pete_dushenski;and g'mornin' 1347207;1450534922;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347119 35000 Pointz! LOL 1347208;1450534922;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 09:40:01; BingoBoingo: Most upvoted thing I have seen on Reddit evar https://archive.is/d9m2n 1347209;1450535027;pete_dushenski;https://archive.is/VdFt3 << or the impotence of the economist's paywall. 1347210;1450535028;assbot;In the Balkans, NATO has outmuscled Russia | The Economist ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jjbnre ) 1347211;1450535059;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347131<< This is like what you guys talk about 95% of the time right 1347212;1450535059;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 12:18:53; wywialm: hi, do you know anything about cjdns https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/blob/master/doc/Whitepaper.md 1347213;1450535120;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347133<< Send me an invite right? it's all good on a mac? for some reason I don't think it's as easy as that, need more softwarez? 1347214;1450535120;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 12:30:38; mircea_popescu: liquidassets> I want to play.. << so wgat;s keepin you ? 1347215;1450535169;pete_dushenski;http://www.eulorum.org/OS_X 1347216;1450535172;assbot;OS X - Eulorum ... ( http://bit.ly/1KTmdbo ) 1347217;1450535369;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18207 @ 0.00050069 = 9.1161 BTC [+] {2} 1347218;1450535473;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347152<< well YOU DID didn't you? LOL what about inter family "loans" that don't carry interest? Nope can't do that, you 'should' be charging interest, and we're going to tax you on that interest you 'should' have been collecting 1347219;1450535473;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 12:40:47; mircea_popescu: fun fact : if your debtor disposes of a retail (ie, faux) non-recourse loan and you live in the us/other such shitholes, the government WILL WANT TO TAX the ammount lost. because you made a theoretical gain. 1347220;1450535760;liquidassets;And don't think the bank is going to actually realize that 40,000 paper loss. Most of that loss was subsidized further by YOUR tax dollars 1347221;1450536069;liquidassets;PeterL how long was the short sale? I got in when short sales were the thing to be in, thankfully only ever was involved with one. 1347222;1450536194;pete_dushenski;;;seen phf 1347223;1450536194;gribble;phf was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 4 days, 22 hours, 11 minutes, and 36 seconds ago: <phf> or maybe it's picking up your gcc since you have it installed. homebrew compiler selection algo is all kinds of creative 1347224;1450536711;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61250 @ 0.00050101 = 30.6869 BTC [+] {2} 1347225;1450536721;liquidassets;;;ticker --market all 1347226;1450536727;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 463.01, vol: 7289.81157412 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 456.306, vol: 5543.1255 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 464.05, vol: 15173.52756155 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 450.0, vol: 11.44615614 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 474.7818, vol: 75406.48210000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 464.0, vol: 94.38193821 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 461.8485867, vol: 92.3935814 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1347227;1450538171;liquidassets;http://lostcoastoutpost.com/2015/dec/18/us-congress-approves-truce-war-medical-marijuana/ 1347228;1450538173;assbot;Feds Approve Truce in War on Medical Marijuana | Lost Coast Outpost | Humboldt County ... ( http://bit.ly/1QRCAYj ) 1347229;1450538367;liquidassets;"So, to continue the Drug War analogy, the generals may keep declaring truces, but the soldiers still want to fight." 1347230;1450538389;liquidassets;specially when their budgets depend on it 1347231;1450538883;liquidassets;How accurate is that ;;ticker anyway? Anybody interface with any of those markets? 1347232;1450540941;PeterL;liquidassets: I owed about 110k on the mortgage, house sold for about 35k. So I guess it was more like 75k "income" that was "forgiven" by USG for taxes. 1347233;1450541021;PeterL;The bank didn't lose any of that 75k, they had insurance (which was tacked onto my bill every month) to cover such a loss. Insurance didn't help me any, even though I was the one paying for it. 1347234;1450541165;liquidassets;PeterL sorry for your luck, it's supposed to be much better 'for your credit' than going through a foreclosure. What are your thoughts on buying going forward? 1347235;1450541251;PeterL;I dunno, I think I might buy. But I will approach it a bit different now, I will be more selective and aggressive instead of just taking the first offer the real estate agent suggests. 1347236;1450541386;PeterL;There are advantages to renting, like moving is alot easier. 1347237;1450541422;PeterL;It is hard to predict the future, having a 30 year mortgage locking you down in one spot is not what I want to do again 1347238;1450541782;liquidassets;PeterL What were/are your main reasons for wanting to buy? 1347239;1450541835;PeterL;Now I would want to get a house with a large down-payment, pay it off quickly, then not have to worry about a monthly rent payment 1347240;1450541939;PeterL;When I bought the house I thought it was a financially good thing to do (I was in college at the time): buy house, pay mortgage for ~5-8 years, sell and have a nice down payment for the next house wherever my after college job ended up 1347241;1450541963;PeterL;would have worked if housing prices hadn't dropped 75% where I lived 1347242;1450541970;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347076 <<see here. you don't want to be like most people, if you want to be a like a mexican you ought to be a mexican 1347243;1450541970;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 06:39:24; liquidassets: most people, and mexicans I work with, will buy a house with the little money they have, stack 9-12 members of extended families, and work their asses off to pay off a 30 year mortgage in less than 5 1347244;1450542009;liquidassets;most people just want to be comfortable and not have to worry so much...most people isn't the group you want to be in 1347245;1450542010;PeterL;why not have a (relatively) payment free place to live? 1347246;1450542040;liquidassets;well...that would be a great thing. How would you best go about it? 1347247;1450542113;PeterL;still have to pay taxes, but that is alot less than rent 1347248;1450542139;liquidassets;sure, about 1.1% of assessed value where I live 1347249;1450542249;liquidassets;1.1%/yr. Rents are like .7% per month 1347250;1450542333;liquidassets;Look, with interest rates on 30 year mort as low as they have been, why aren't you leveraging? 1347251;1450542366;PeterL;I was unemployed part of this year. I am working on building a savings to use as a down payment 1347252;1450542388;PeterL;I just hope I can get things together before interest rates go up too much. 1347253;1450542470;liquidassets;If your 'goal' is to be comfortable with no debt, I commend you..for the no debt part...kind of. But the money rules are made to take the most advantage of those that make comfortability their goal 1347254;1450542498;liquidassets;Interest rates go up, house prices go down 1347255;1450542505;PeterL;I don't think it will take a long time, I currently live rent free. Before you ask why not just stay, it is a bit small for my family 1347256;1450542592;liquidassets;so instead of only buying what you think you can afford. I always try to buy properties with income producing potential. Might be tough with family though.. 1347257;1450542611;PeterL;my 'goal' is not just to be debt free, but to have my money working harder than me 1347258;1450542638;liquidassets;afaik in US properties with 1-4 units qualify for all the same types of loans 1347259;1450542689;liquidassets;once you go above 4 you're in commercial category, need like 20% down at least, harder to qualify 1347260;1450542771;PeterL;I think getting a dwelling and making real estate investments should be approached in different ways 1347261;1450542777;liquidassets;so best thing to do is find a 4 unit you can tolerate living in with your tenants (if the loan you get requires you to owner occupy) 1347262;1450542796;liquidassets;Should? 1347263;1450542804;PeterL;everybody needs somewhere to live, but real estate investments should be compared against other possible means of investment 1347264;1450542902;liquidassets;Not exactly there's some nuance to 'investment' 1347265;1450542923;PeterL;for example, where I want to live (close to my place of employment, nice neighbors, etc) has different criteria than a place for investment (price/value, possible tennants, etc) 1347266;1450542938;liquidassets;each class should be considered separately in how it relates to your over all picture 1347267;1450542948;liquidassets;For sure PeterL 1347268;1450542972;pete_dushenski;liquidassets: remind me again, what's your background regarding investing ? 1347269;1450542987;liquidassets;I've just tried to blend the two as much as possible 1347270;1450543016;PeterL;based on pete_dushenski's articles, I am not sure if I have a good personality for being a land-lord 1347271;1450543128;liquidassets;pete_dushenski been a USmarket bezzle investor since 1999. Alliance Pharmaceutical was my first hot stock tip I bought into, put all my eggs in that basket. 1 of 2 investments I've lost all principal 1347272;1450543176;PeterL;there is one question "does it make sense to rent or buy (or try squatting) based on my financial situation?" and a separate question of "I have x money to invest, should I put it in real estate or investment y or z?" 1347273;1450543219;liquidassets;2nd one was a $10,000 'private investment' in a mobile medical PET scanner that was such a total scam...RapidScam Imaging I think it was called lol 1347274;1450543256;PeterL;any financial advice I give should be taken with a grain of salt, as exemplified by my horrible mortgage investment I don't have alot of good marks on my record 1347275;1450543275;liquidassets;in spite of these two failures I manage a decent size portfolio now 1347276;1450543299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52050 @ 0.00049702 = 25.8699 BTC [-] {2} 1347277;1450543304;pete_dushenski;liquidassets: wait, so you continue to go bust on whatever shiny thing catches your eye, but you've been doing it for 16 years, and now you somehow think you're qualified to opine on investing ? dude, how's that supposed to work ? 1347278;1450543306;liquidassets;decent sized eg: under $500K 1347279;1450543318;liquidassets;Dude I was 13 I think 1347280;1450543319;pete_dushenski;and a 'decent sized portfolio' can be easily 100% savings 1347281;1450543339;pete_dushenski;no roi 1347282;1450543349;liquidassets;I do pretty good 1347283;1450543356;liquidassets;I'm just telling you my loss stories 1347284;1450543365;liquidassets;did you want me to try and 'win' your approval? 1347285;1450543366;PeterL;but 100% savings would have no loi 1347286;1450543375;PeterL;(loss on investment) 1347287;1450543392;liquidassets;I"m Not giving investment advice TM 1347288;1450543414;liquidassets;yes I am qualified to opine, quite qualified 1347289;1450543440;pete_dushenski;caveat emptor 1347290;1450543496;liquidassets;It's called discernment punk I"m not selling anything 1347291;1450543513;pete_dushenski;but even if you have a $400k portfolio, it's unlikely you'd have saved that much working 'menial' jobs for 10 years 1347292;1450543524;liquidassets;um yea 1347293;1450543525;pete_dushenski;so i guess you're spinning something out of it 1347294;1450543542;pete_dushenski;lol punk... 1347295;1450543542;liquidassets;You're all sorts of filled with assumptions now aren't you? 1347296;1450543556;pete_dushenski;myea 1347297;1450543563;pete_dushenski;bbiab 1347298;1450544457;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347046 << new one is yours ? 1347299;1450544457;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 04:42:42; BingoBoingo: More keep popping up https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: 1347300;1450544902;mircea_popescu;peterl yeah i did. 1347301;1450545007;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5380 @ 0.00049932 = 2.6863 BTC [+] {2} 1347302;1450545084;liquidassets;Pete, you're like a hero to me, please don't make me call you a punk again. 1347303;1450545108;asciilifeform;!s gettrust liquidassets 1347304;1450545109;assbot;7 results for 'gettrust liquidassets' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=gettrust+liquidassets 1347305;1450545114;asciilifeform;!gettrust liquidassets 1347306;1450545115;assbot;Trust relationship from user asciilifeform to user liquidassets: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=asciilifeform&to=liquidassets | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/liquidassets/ 1347307;1450545176;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347131 << it's sorta like a mildly braindamaged gossipd 1347308;1450545176;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 12:18:53; wywialm: hi, do you know anything about cjdns https://github.com/cjdelisle/cjdns/blob/master/doc/Whitepaper.md 1347309;1450545190;asciilifeform;barfaliciously complicated protocol and uses ecc crypto 1347310;1450545225;asciilifeform;i.e. quite like a gossipd designed at ft meade for chumpatronic purposes 1347311;1450545364;asciilifeform;'Cjdns addresses are the first 16 bytes (128 bits) of the double SHA-512 of the public key.' 1347312;1450545496;asciilifeform;http://www.fc00.org << map of cjdns net. imho the fact that it is possible to draw this map is a serious flaw. 1347313;1450545497;assbot;fc00::/8 – Mapping Hyperboria ... ( http://bit.ly/1OCF6gF ) 1347314;1450545558;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347154 << folks in usaschwitz have been driven into penury by... winning a car in a lotto. (taxable!!11) 1347315;1450545558;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 12:41:39; mircea_popescu: irs is gonna claim you "realised 40k income" 1347316;1450545693;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347163 << 'white' house-buyin' sort of folk don't riot. period. 1347317;1450545693;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 12:46:18; mircea_popescu: you "suspend" it, arbitrarily, whenever it looks like it's enough to cause a riot, maybe. 1347318;1450545704;asciilifeform;usg can do pretty much whatever it wants, to them. 1347319;1450545719;asciilifeform;(and to everybody else, but to them, ~cheaply~) 1347320;1450545737;mircea_popescu;everyone else my foot. 1347321;1450545758;mircea_popescu;leaving aside the putins and chinese bureaucrats of this world... so far is having a lot of trouble doing anything worth the mention to a large mass of towelheads. 1347322;1450545773;asciilifeform;the towelheads are usg contractors in good standing. 1347323;1450545791;mircea_popescu;mno. 1347324;1450545812;mircea_popescu;i dunno why you keep repeating this fantasy lol. not like it's going to get rejected 500 times and then accepted on the 501st pass ? 1347325;1450545824;mircea_popescu;it IS getting tedious, but it isn't getting any closer to acceptance. 1347326;1450545839;asciilifeform;because as far as i can see from my periscope, the towelheads are as necessary for usg as air ? 1347327;1450545858;mircea_popescu;these two aren't even related, notwithstanding they're not in any sense true. 1347328;1450545904;asciilifeform;;;later tell mod6 does yours (or anybody else's) 'v' verify the hashes ? 1347329;1450545904;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1347330;1450545964;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347180 << this is also how 'decriminalization' for dope works 1347331;1450545964;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 13:42:01; pete_dushenski: "The government in the Netherlands has clarified that it is legal for driving instructors to offer lessons in return for sex, as long as the students are over the age of 18. However, it is illegal to offer sex in return for lessons." << hahaha so man may proposition fillie but not vice versa eh. man i like those dutch. 1347332;1450545973;asciilifeform;buy? walk. sell? jail 1347333;1450545976;ben_vulpes;!up renart 1347334;1450545989;liquidassets;come up to the surface alf 1347335;1450546044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83750 @ 0.00049933 = 41.8189 BTC [+] 1347336;1450546047;liquidassets;towlheads are a thing in and of itself 1347337;1450546061;renart;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346885 << despite how much you want cheap fuel for your bombast engine, this was never the case. 1347338;1450546061;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 22:13:12; pete_dushenski: i thought ben_vulpes was all 'auto-auto-mobiles are the footoor because bayes' 1347339;1450546104;liquidassets;provocation seems to be a going strategy abroad and homeland for awhile now 1347340;1450546364;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347209 << 4th reich now owns moar europe than 3rd did 1347341;1450546364;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 14:23:47; pete_dushenski: https://archive.is/VdFt3 << or the impotence of the economist's paywall. 1347342;1450546364;renart;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347303 << some guy who showed up, got into some faux drama with some friend of dpb's, is now working furiously towards some end or other 1347343;1450546364;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:11:48; asciilifeform: !s gettrust liquidassets 1347344;1450546364;mircea_popescu;assbot ? tell me what these people are on about ? 1347345;1450546364;mircea_popescu;i am lost without assbot! 1347346;1450546364;renart;the maximum number of operational systems continues to decrease 1347347;1450546364;asciilifeform;is renart ben_vulpes's 'ascii_field' or wat 1347348;1450546364;mircea_popescu;so he sez. 1347349;1450546364;liquidassets;renart trilema.com/causes-and-purposes 1347350;1450546371;liquidassets;I think their 'friendship' is tenuous but whatevs 1347351;1450546383;trinque;assbutt awakens! 1347352;1450546392;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you seriously are quoting the fucking economist ? 1347353;1450546403;asciilifeform;hey i only looked at the map 1347354;1450546403;mircea_popescu;here's the headline from pravda : the us was buried in 1975. 1347355;1450546405;mircea_popescu;hurr durr. 1347356;1450546437;*;asciilifeform could not actually bring himself to read the thing, only saw 'map of nato' 1347357;1450546464;renart;yes, liquidassets, that *is* the reference i'm making! 1347358;1450546470;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily, pravda was almost correct. dead around '75. but not buried... 1347359;1450546471;renart;good job 1347360;1450546477;liquidassets;to what end is your reference? 1347361;1450546478;asciilifeform;zombie-rampages to this very day 1347362;1450546480;*;mircea_popescu looking forward to the nato response ot the wave of 50mn turkish refugees once that thing blows up. 1347363;1450546483;mircea_popescu;such great. 1347364;1450546497;renart;"he's working towards a purpose, guys!" 1347365;1450546501;renart;it's a joke, y'see. 1347366;1450546503;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: will there be bashi-bazouks? beheading contests? headless footraces ? 1347367;1450546504;renart;in the variety speak. 1347368;1450546505;trinque;then he says "to what end" 1347369;1450546508;*;trinque roars with laughter 1347370;1450546529;mircea_popescu;renart trinque translate the joke to an old man ? i'm like... not following. 1347371;1450546545;asciilifeform;and can anybody recall where i got the notion that ottomans had headless races? (two prisoners run past swordsmen, heads chopped, hot iron 'thumb tacks' inserted in stumps, bodies keep running) 1347372;1450546574;liquidassets;it's a joke;; Chill https://medium.com/matter/against-chill-930dfb60a577#.ouuz03k73 1347373;1450546575;assbot;Against Chill — Matter — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1OCGxvi ) 1347374;1450546591;*;trinque chuckles at liquidassets linking causes-and-purposes and then saying "to what end" 1347375;1450546609;renart;mircea_popescu: aw man then it won't be funny 1347376;1450546612;mircea_popescu;", I had no idea that Id end the day going from casually dating six men to formally and intentionally dating zero." 1347377;1450546618;mircea_popescu;uh... k. i have no idea. 1347378;1450546627;liquidassets;To what end is HIS reference? no parse? 1347379;1450546656;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347239 << as per the old jewish saying, 'much better to be rich and healthy than poor and infirm' 1347380;1450546656;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 16:17:15; PeterL: Now I would want to get a house with a large down-payment, pay it off quickly, then not have to worry about a monthly rent payment 1347381;1450546662;liquidassets;Couple punks in here 1347382;1450546706;renart;so i say that he's working towards purposes and not from causes... 1347383;1450546727;mircea_popescu;who ? 1347384;1450546732;renart;liquidassets, 1347385;1450546732;liquidassets;yea who? 1347386;1450546738;liquidassets;um no 1347387;1450546751;*;renart doesn't think the offhand comment bears such close scrutiny 1347388;1450546753;mircea_popescu;i had no idea he was working. seemd just gabbing away to me. 1347389;1450546763;liquidassets;Exactly we should all just Chill 1347390;1450546764;renart;well there we differ in opinion 1347391;1450546775;asciilifeform;!rate liquidassets -1 low snr 1347392;1450546775;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/af2795bc98831c9c 1347393;1450546775;mircea_popescu;you don't understand how the internet works foxperson. minutia is all it's got. 1347394;1450546800;liquidassets;Is that some sort of censure? 1347395;1450546810;mircea_popescu;liquidassets he has a point, incidentally. it's not a social club per se. it's a social club for powerful rich people that do things. 1347396;1450546822;asciilifeform;!v assbot:asciilifeform.rate.liquidassets.-1:3f81c87907aee015472edeb796422e71b5edbcae1183b0f781dc346441fe0fe7 1347397;1450546822;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for liquidassets with note: low snr 1347398;1450546825;liquidassets;so basically shut up? 1347399;1450546838;mircea_popescu;unless you're doing something, yeah. 1347400;1450546841;liquidassets;go back to lurk? 1347401;1450546876;liquidassets;;;search site:trilema.com #bitcoin-assets rules 1347402;1450546876;renart;it's bitcoin-rpg, try it and see! 1347403;1450546876;gribble;(search <word>) -- Searches for <word> in the current configuration variables. 1347404;1450546903;liquidassets;Whatevrr Boss 1347405;1450547059;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347232 <<< meanwhile derpass argentines live in a lala-land where "departamentos" ie, 500 sqft condos "are worth" 100k+. dollars, not pesos. 1347406;1450547059;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 16:02:21; PeterL: liquidassets: I owed about 110k on the mortgage, house sold for about 35k. So I guess it was more like 75k "income" that was "forgiven" by USG for taxes. 1347407;1450547063;adlai;liquidassets: good noise cancellation doesn't boost white noise once human speech cuts off 1347408;1450547127;mircea_popescu;then i tell them about how if i wanted to buy real estate i'd buy a ranch in montana for the same money, they go all incredulous. because yeah they do nothing but watch us exports on the tube all day, but they don't have either the unlazy intensity to try and get complete data or the mental acuity to understand how that's done. 1347409;1450547179;liquidassets;don't get it adlai sorry 1347410;1450547210;*;renart chuckles 1347411;1450547223;liquidassets;renarts a bitch 1347412;1450547247;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347236 << the advantages of renting are mutually incompatible with the disadvantages of having kids. so... 1347413;1450547247;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 16:09:46; PeterL: There are advantages to renting, like moving is alot easier. 1347414;1450547340;mircea_popescu;if i was going to raise a litter i'd definitely buy. now it's true that if i did i'd buy in kandahar, and i would never even consider it with a single woman, but i guess these'd be details. fact remains if you're going to kids you're much better off with ownership. 1347415;1450547358;renart;and why is that, mircea_popescu? 1347416;1450547368;mircea_popescu;why is what. 1347417;1450547399;renart;why is the fact that owning is so much better with kids? 1347418;1450547425;mircea_popescu;not what was said. "the advantages of renting are mutually incompatible with the disadvantages of having kids." 1347419;1450547439;renart;aha 1347420;1450547442;*;renart coffee 1347421;1450547449;mircea_popescu;kids are the exact bane of flexibility. this needs no discussion, does it ? 1347422;1450547472;renart;none, no. 1347423;1450547526;mircea_popescu;"i got this here aileron, just like the f1 ferrarris use. on my ford truck. because sometimes five ton ford trucks take off the road under their own speed." 1347424;1450548118;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15100 @ 0.00049702 = 7.505 BTC [-] 1347425;1450548163;mircea_popescu;!up JPT 1347426;1450548583;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347414 << in kandahar the house is actually yours because your 'deed' consists of 14 sons each with kalash. 1347427;1450548583;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:49:00; mircea_popescu: if i was going to raise a litter i'd definitely buy. now it's true that if i did i'd buy in kandahar, and i would never even consider it with a single woman, but i guess these'd be details. fact remains if you're going to kids you're much better off with ownership. 1347428;1450548586;asciilifeform;in usa - not so much. 1347429;1450548652;asciilifeform;(where a kid is just a 100-400k liability on your books, sorta like getting run over by a bus and not quite dying) 1347430;1450548721;mircea_popescu;aha. 1347431;1450548757;liquidassets;!rate asciilifeform 5 All signal needs amplitude 1347432;1450548757;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/000c9bca048d0d2d 1347433;1450548789;mircea_popescu;in fairness, if you're going to raise kids correctly in the states, the govt pays for most of it. 1347434;1450548799;asciilifeform;gotta paint yerself black 1st 1347435;1450548809;mircea_popescu;the results are about what you'd expect out of a process designed, managed and paid for by a government, but hey. 1347436;1450548817;liquidassets;!V assbot:liquidassets.rate.asciilifeform.5:2e6daa9209bf2b8dbead2cb6060e2b4e476751c4c259e1bc93bb50f00356f90c 1347437;1450548817;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 5 for asciilifeform with note: All signal needs amplitude 1347438;1450548822;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform obviously you'd only consider black women for marriage. what can you do. 1347439;1450548847;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: marriage?! if you marry'em they qualify for 0 dole 1347440;1450548851;asciilifeform;this is basic. 1347441;1450548878;asciilifeform;see also the brooklyn hassids who successfully adopted this racket 1347442;1450548890;asciilifeform;(they don't register their marriages with usg, qualify as 'single mother' cases) 1347443;1450548898;mircea_popescu;"marriage". it's a flexible institution. seems the correct implementation of ghetto-marriage (as opposed to the middle class white same sex marriage thing they do - yes it's always two women) is where you keep 2-5 bitchez and professionally are either a thief or a drug dealer. 1347444;1450548905;asciilifeform;aha this 1347445;1450548907;mircea_popescu;thief being the more skilled version. 1347446;1450548908;asciilifeform;in that sense yes. 1347447;1450548960;mircea_popescu;should get a coupla dozen urchins during a decade to pick from. 1347448;1450548976;mircea_popescu;and if you can't pick a coupla decent ones from a coupla dozen, your women picking skills suck. 1347449;1450548987;asciilifeform;pick from for what ? 1347450;1450548995;mircea_popescu;same exact thing we're doing here. 1347451;1450549002;mircea_popescu;to teach them how to steal and how to pick bitchez, i guess. 1347452;1450549015;mircea_popescu;but really, to have a little ghetto-ba with. 1347453;1450549029;asciilifeform;afaik these folks have very loose ties with their offspring 1347454;1450549033;mircea_popescu;(the word in that v-speak is "keep it real") 1347455;1450549058;mircea_popescu;not that clear-cut. 1347456;1450549073;mircea_popescu;for one thing, men are supposed to have loose ties with their offspring in the first place. 1347457;1450549205;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347241 << the thing scammers never tell the scamee is that investing is a professional activity. no fucking exceptions. 1347458;1450549205;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 16:19:23; PeterL: would have worked if housing prices hadn't dropped 75% where I lived 1347459;1450549206;mircea_popescu;none. 1347460;1450549279;asciilifeform;other thing re: 'buy vs rent' - i learned that u.s. folk typically 'buy' for two reasons - 1) massive tax subsidy for mortgageism; 2) - interestingly - the extreme scarcity of rental ~house~ as a thing 1347461;1450549301;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347257 << why not having "your bitchez" working harder than you ? easier to get women to work for you than to get money to work for you. 1347462;1450549301;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 16:30:11; PeterL: my 'goal' is not just to be debt free, but to have my money working harder than me 1347463;1450549315;asciilifeform;(i suppose i oughta include a '3' - being cattle - but i was describing thinking people, which is who i associate with) 1347464;1450549336;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the rental situation is pretty much idiotic anywhere outside europe. 1347465;1450549343;mircea_popescu;which is weird, because the transportation situation idem 1347466;1450549351;mircea_popescu;and the utilities situation, idem x2. 1347467;1450549356;mircea_popescu;kinda weird how it works. 1347468;1450549364;asciilifeform;density thing? 1347469;1450549410;mircea_popescu;history, density, [up until recently] cultural variety, take your pick. 1347470;1450549470;asciilifeform;the parts of usa habitable on, e.g., engineer's, wage, are rather low-density vs eu 1347471;1450549484;mircea_popescu;but from experience, what passes for 'normal' furnishings (all new appliances, genuine leather upholstery, etc) in ro is "luxury" if even awailable in massachussetts. 1347472;1450549523;asciilifeform;furniture-included is considered an oddity here 1347473;1450549542;asciilifeform;and much more so for a free-standing house 1347474;1450549547;mircea_popescu;the notion you'd rent bare walls is so bizarre. is this a 10 year leasing agreement or something ? 1347475;1450549559;mircea_popescu;why am i taking possession of industrial machinery by the month. 1347476;1450549562;asciilifeform;(it is not unheard-of in 'student' communal flats, those typically come with furniture, as a dorm room does) 1347477;1450549631;ben_vulpes;victory of the rentiers. 1347478;1450549632;asciilifeform;i can only speak for self, but i don't WANT to use some landlord's cheapo pressboard standard soviet furniture 1347479;1450549634;asciilifeform;for anything 1347480;1450549667;asciilifeform;if my pad had come with any, i'd have to find a place to safely stow it, or swallow the cost of dumping it 1347481;1450549668;mircea_popescu;well, if you're poor why wouldn't you ? 1347482;1450549674;mircea_popescu;and if you aren't poor why are you renting in the poor section ? 1347483;1450549690;mircea_popescu;to be next to all the famished bitchez ? mkay, then you'll live with the ikeas. 1347484;1450549704;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: see naggum's 4-ring binders. 1347485;1450549722;asciilifeform;folks buy/rent 'the army you have, not the army you wish you had' 1347486;1450549751;*;mircea_popescu is a firm believer in "scream at the market until it alligns. and if it doesn't, burn it down." 1347487;1450549780;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu doesn't even use markets, he has oil well in his living room 1347488;1450549781;mircea_popescu;i suppose THAT is what the occasional derp means by sociopath. 1347489;1450549793;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform baby oil ? 1347490;1450549801;asciilifeform;how would i know, l0l 1347491;1450549808;asciilifeform;perhaps extracted from baby 1347492;1450549814;mircea_popescu;ahh my pun! 1347493;1450549841;mircea_popescu;protip : baby oil is what makes the bitches slick. 1347494;1450550009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29100 @ 0.00049933 = 14.5305 BTC [+] 1347495;1450550613;asciilifeform;kakobrekla et al: bucephalus is down and will be until i can get to the cabinet and see wtf 1347496;1450550650;mircea_popescu;loller. 1347497;1450550699;asciilifeform;it went silent after a scheduled reboot. 1347498;1450550755;mircea_popescu;17:32:44 renart: the maximum number of operational systems continues to decrease 1347499;1450550813;*;asciilifeform wonders what will be next after we get reasonably gnomeproof machinery 1347500;1450550825;*;asciilifeform suspects that gnomes will have to resort to reducing the number of operational... people 1347501;1450550950;mircea_popescu;yeah. to be established, on which side. 1347502;1450551264;mircea_popescu;god damned it. /me says to woman, "just set the soup on a low fire, i'll serve myself", promptly forgets about the entire thing. soup boils patiently for 40 minutes. 1347503;1450551280;mircea_popescu;i tell ye.... comfort is the enemy of competence. 1347504;1450551300;asciilifeform;http://dpaste.com/3ZF8RVK << from the dept of l0lz 1347505;1450551305;assbot;dpaste: 3ZF8RVK ... ( http://bit.ly/1NDGcc7 ) 1347506;1450551658;asciilifeform;;;isup thewhet.net 1347507;1450551664;gribble;thewhet.net is up 1347508;1450551668;asciilifeform;hm 1347509;1450551675;asciilifeform;dont tell me these were all 1 box1!111 1347510;1450551977;asciilifeform;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=940941.0 << what was this ? 1347511;1450551979;assbot;A summary of the logs ... ( http://bit.ly/1NDH8wX ) 1347512;1450552181;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently some guy trying to inform the tardstalk ? 1347513;1450552199;asciilifeform;evidently 1347514;1450552215;asciilifeform;looks like he put in some good sweat. briefly. 1347515;1450552225;mircea_popescu;aha. 1347516;1450552232;mircea_popescu;that could be the story of the united states. 1347517;1450552240;mircea_popescu;"hey... these guys put in some good sweat! briefly...." 1347518;1450552256;asciilifeform;story of every living thing. 1347519;1450552277;mircea_popescu;"But Chill is not the opposite of uptight. It is the opposite of demanding accountability. Chill is a sinister refashioning of Calm down! from an enraging and highly gendered command into an admirable attitude. Chill suggests that young love is best expressed as competitive ambivalence. Chill demands that you see a Read receipt followed by a Hey, was asleep text three hours later and not proceed to throw yo 1347520;1450552277;mircea_popescu;ur phone into the nearest volcano. Chill asks you to be like, LOL, what volcano? Chill presides over the funeral of reasonable expectations. Chill takes and never gives. Chill is pathologically unfeeling but not even interesting enough to kill anyone. Chill is a garbage virtue that will destroy the species. Fuck Chill." 1347521;1450552288;mircea_popescu;ahaha check out chick angry at like things and stuff. 1347522;1450552299;mircea_popescu;DENAMDINK ACUNTABILITITS!!! 1347523;1450552327;mircea_popescu;that's where she's got the idea for accountability. obama's doin' aite, i guess. it's the schmuck sort-of dating her that needs more of the gel. 1347524;1450552366;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu has clearly never been a peon 1347525;1450552376;mircea_popescu;" I don’t think that it is so much to ask that I be considered a thing — at least some kind of thing — if I am engaging in emotional or sexual intimacy with someone." 1347526;1450552379;asciilifeform;'accountability' for obamitler sounds rather like accountability for a thunderstorm 1347527;1450552406;mircea_popescu;it's funny how this shit works - all teh victorious 4-th shitwave feminism somehow left actual females on the ground with a thicker implement with more barbs on it up their ass. 1347528;1450552432;mircea_popescu;"I routinely happen upon men who are perplexed when I eventually declare that I want to know where we stand. Indecision is not a noble virtue." 1347529;1450552460;mircea_popescu;"here's where we stand : until and unless you burn down the entire politico-juridistical establishment of the entire faux-free world, i ain't signing any paper with you." 1347530;1450552486;mircea_popescu;seems entirely reasonable, after a fashion. 1347531;1450552516;mircea_popescu;My feelings, and the feelings of many people I know, are more hurt by the prolonged waiting for a concrete answer while we sit quietly with our feigned Chill. It is as if Ive broken some unwritten law when I ask what they are looking for and am dissatisfied with the answer I dont really like to put labels on things. But putting labels on things are how people find the exit during a fire and make sure they 1347532;1450552516;mircea_popescu;re adding vanilla extract to the cake instead of arsenic. 1347533;1450552524;mircea_popescu;o look at that, NOW the labels on things are a good thing ? 1347534;1450552536;asciilifeform;y'know, if men were bees, ready to sting and die for the motherland any time, we would not be in any of the shit. 1347535;1450552537;mircea_popescu;fuck me... who came up with this entire "labels on things" bullshit ? and what did you think it was going to do ? 1347536;1450552549;mircea_popescu;you can't fight power. you can think you do. and then fail and wonder where you went wrong. 1347537;1450552561;mircea_popescu;here's where you went wrong : power is power. you're you. figure it out already. 1347538;1450552594;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform bees are technically social media journalists. vestigially female, overweight, buzzing around for the buzz. 1347539;1450552606;asciilifeform;aha but bee has no problem with 'go shoot a cop' 1347540;1450552619;mircea_popescu;does, actually. 1347541;1450552627;mircea_popescu;has no problem with "go shoot an alien". which... 1347542;1450552664;mircea_popescu;the "go shoot a cop" strategy would be where bee activates her ovaries, other bees kill her offspring, she kills [one of] those other bees. 1347543;1450552670;mircea_popescu;this is pointedly not happening. because they're bees. 1347544;1450552676;asciilifeform;ah in that sense yea 1347545;1450552755;mircea_popescu;anyway, lulzy read for me. "what do you mean coming up with this complex theoretico-fantastico-nonsensical echaufadage did EXACTLY NOTHING ?!?!?!?!? but i thought thoughts alter reality! we rose the awareness to lilac levels!" 1347546;1450552796;asciilifeform;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3fg0jw/could_a_cartel_of_pool_operators_collude_to/ctoavfi << from deep in the l0lminez 1347547;1450552798;assbot;luke-jr comments on Could a cartel of pool operators collude to 51%-attack the blockchain and/or change the protocol? ... ( http://bit.ly/1NDI98l ) 1347548;1450552807;*;asciilifeform somehow missed this 1347549;1450552861;mircea_popescu;"I can even get it up to 2 or 3 block confirmation before the real network overtakes it with a longer chain. This is a risk accepted as a tradeoff by SPV clients, but not acceptable for full node clients which are expected to be secure on their own." 1347550;1450552881;mircea_popescu;derp ? how is "secure on its own" work when you're not actually looking at confirms ? nonsense alreadyt. 1347551;1450552935;asciilifeform;interesting fella. very persistent in his multi-year braindamage; what moves him? usg kidnapped his dog? mining pool ? 1347552;1450552978;asciilifeform;incidentally, the latter habitually connects via ~my~ trb nodez 1347553;1450552988;asciilifeform;so does he practice what he preaches ? 1347554;1450552998;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 126100 @ 0.0005005 = 63.1131 BTC [+] {3} 1347555;1450553008;mircea_popescu;he has an excess of will and a shortage of intelligence. 1347556;1450553028;asciilifeform;shouldn't he be off shooting a sheriff somewhere, then ? 1347557;1450553038;mircea_popescu;the fate of such folk, especially when unparented, is fundamentally speaking the 1347558;1450553058;mircea_popescu;what was that group of idiots that died of hunger/ate each other in nevada ? 1347559;1450553098;asciilifeform;can't recall such 1347560;1450553147;mircea_popescu;donner party. 1347561;1450553296;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nice paste, for it includes the fee schedule huh., 1347562;1450553542;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347340 << 4th has the advantage of time. 1347563;1450553542;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:32:44; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347209 << 4th reich now owns moar europe than 3rd did 1347564;1450553643;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347302 << classic. 1347565;1450553643;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:11:24; liquidassets: Pete, you're like a hero to me, please don't make me call you a punk again. 1347566;1450553656;pete_dushenski;ima contravexbash this 1347567;1450553939;mircea_popescu;"We exposed ourselves to a huge single point of failure called Facebook. Ive ranted for years about how bad an idea it is for startups to be mobile-carrier dependent. In retrospect, there is no difference between Verizon Wireless and Facebook in this context." 1347568;1450553941;mircea_popescu;heh. 1347569;1450553944;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347332 << not quite the same. for weed, sellers just have to be 'licensed' ; whereas with drivers ed, sounds like dutch are putting the teacher in control and letting him separate the lemma from the palea so that he's not forced to bang mayo-gendered just because girl can't pay any other way 1347570;1450553944;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:26:13; asciilifeform: buy? walk. sell? jail 1347571;1450553951;mircea_popescu;anyone wanna bet that this schmuck is using gmail ? 1347572;1450553981;mircea_popescu;"oh... there's no difference between that velociraptor that ate my arm, and that other velociraptor that ate my arm. wanna come play with my velociraptor ? no ? what do you mean no!" 1347573;1450554003;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: complicated. i have a human (non-gmail) mailbox that can't use mircea_popescu's algorithm (has to be able to receive from strangers) and it costs me perhaps 20min/day of manual spam filtration 1347574;1450554013;mircea_popescu;"We could have and should have used the proceeds of the convertible note to get out from under Facebooks thumb rather to invest further in the Facebook Platform." 1347575;1450554026;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right. 1347576;1450554043;mircea_popescu;nobody said the life on the farm ain't easier, prikoke. 1347577;1450554052;mircea_popescu;i was under the impression something else's discussed there. 1347578;1450554073;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 'Тяжело в деревне без нагана. И с наганом - тоже тяжело.' (tm) (r) 1347579;1450554097;mircea_popescu;aha. 1347580;1450554113;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347347 << ben_v_on_a_rocket would be better. not a fan of 'renart' fwiw. 1347581;1450554113;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:32:44; asciilifeform: is renart ben_vulpes's 'ascii_field' or wat 1347582;1450554117;mircea_popescu;nagana huh ? 1347583;1450554138;mircea_popescu;"my nagant nagana's better than your koichi katana!" 1347584;1450554185;asciilifeform;l0l 1347585;1450554216;asciilifeform;in same vein, 'Лучше старенький ТТ, чем дзюдо и карате.' 1347586;1450554284;asciilifeform;socket no message in first 60 seconds, 0 1 ahahahahahaha 1347587;1450554304;asciilifeform;this is getting old 1347588;1450554305;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347371 << don't recall this from barber's 'the sultans', so that's out. 1347589;1450554305;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:35:45; asciilifeform: and can anybody recall where i got the notion that ottomans had headless races? (two prisoners run past swordsmen, heads chopped, hot iron 'thumb tacks' inserted in stumps, bodies keep running) 1347590;1450554317;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: certainly not from there 1347591;1450554358;pete_dushenski;the level of graphicness of that depiction makes me think it wasn't even in engligh 1347592;1450554364;pete_dushenski;english* 1347593;1450554644;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347412 << to the extent that the disadvantage of having kids is inflexibility and increased desire for a fixed locality, and that the advantage of renting is the ability to bounce from place to place with relatively low friction, then yes. but the other advantages of renting, namely financial (repair costs, downside of housing market, unproductive use of large amou 1347594;1450554644;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:47:27; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347236 << the advantages of renting are mutually incompatible with the disadvantages of having kids. so... 1347595;1450554644;pete_dushenski;nt of capital), are retained regardless of the presence or absence of children 1347596;1450554685;pete_dushenski;there's also nothing stopping tenants and landlords to signing 5-year leases 1347597;1450554685;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski most rentals specify no pets. 1347598;1450554691;mircea_popescu;you ain't getting the landlord to do your repairs. 1347599;1450554731;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: if you're in an above-board deal, law in all 50 states demands: landlord - pays for repair. 1347600;1450554737;asciilifeform;getting it to actually happen - another matter 1347601;1450554741;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: most rental apartments specify no pets because it's a whole building policy 1347602;1450554768;asciilifeform;also most small-time (vs mega-tower) landlords will accept pet if you pay a bond 1347603;1450554781;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not so simple as all that, not really. what, you leave water running each week, landlord fixes ? 1347604;1450554796;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-12-2015#1338673 << washing machine counts as 'repair', no ? 1347605;1450554796;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 23:34:54; mircea_popescu: and if you want actual numbers, i just got a coupla girlies an apt. the sale value would have been i guess 160-170k or so. the monthly rent is 750. the first month, the washing machine went, and the owner replaced it. the next month, ac went (brother was that an incredible pos job wow), owner replaced it. so far owner's been making 0 from his property. 1347606;1450554822;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski most of your "repairs" expenses when you have kids are sadly not of this kind. 1347607;1450554843;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: landlord per se is not even always involved: everything is b/w tenant and insurance co. 1347608;1450554846;pete_dushenski;sadly indeed. 1347609;1450554867;*;pete_dushenski not looking forward to 'other repairs' 1347610;1450554868;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform insurance co does not give you new matressess because kid pissed it ; nor new shoes because dog chewed them. 1347611;1450554881;asciilifeform;these are not repairs in the sane sense 1347612;1450554887;mircea_popescu;you don;'t have children. 1347613;1450554891;asciilifeform;have nothing to do with the leased property 1347614;1450554898;asciilifeform;american flats don't come with mattresses omfg 1347615;1450554899;pete_dushenski;and new mattresses and shoes will be required regardless of rent or own 1347616;1450554900;mircea_popescu;point remains. 1347617;1450554933;pete_dushenski;american flats don't come with mattresses omfg << even if they did, no one would use them. 1347618;1450554942;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform dude, seriously, the only time i rented in that part of the world, place came with complete everything. boxsprings. 1347619;1450554949;asciilifeform;that is called a hotel where i live 1347620;1450554952;mircea_popescu;maybe i should dig out / give you comp details or something ?! 1347621;1450554970;mircea_popescu;loft apt hotel ? rented by the year ?! 1347622;1450554970;asciilifeform;over here it is called 'extended stay hotel' and is much as mircea_popescu describes. 1347623;1450554977;pete_dushenski;mattress industry is everywhere present because it has huge margins and everyone wants a better night's sleep, which also means foregoing someone else's bed bugs 1347624;1450554977;asciilifeform;used by business travellers 1347625;1450554981;mircea_popescu;twas a rental. 1347626;1450555007;asciilifeform;but in all seriousness, i've seen ads for rentals-cum-furniture 1347627;1450555037;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski now you're thinking airbnb 1347628;1450555457;asciilifeform;incidentally, a find: 1347629;1450555480;asciilifeform;a trb node in the 'blackhole' state is also extremely slow to respond to local api reqs 1347630;1450555499;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15334 @ 0.00050194 = 7.6967 BTC [+] {2} 1347631;1450555591;ben_vulpes;a trb node doing much of anything at all is pretty slow to respond to local api requests. 1347632;1450555598;asciilifeform;mno. 1347633;1450555627;ben_vulpes;other than listening for new blocks in steady state in my experience. 1347634;1450555636;asciilifeform;when processing tx, it responds 1347635;1450555644;asciilifeform;because these do not take massive nonpreemptible block of time. 1347636;1450555662;asciilifeform;this is a consequence of the idiot cooperative-multitask model used. 1347637;1450555676;asciilifeform;(where sockets are walked in order and serviced one at a time) 1347638;1450555702;ben_vulpes;thanks, critical_section! 1347639;1450555713;asciilifeform;so at this point i'm pretty certain where 'black hole' comes from. 1347640;1450555744;asciilifeform;(also recall that the block verification dead-time happens ~at both ends~ of a connection) 1347641;1450555745;ben_vulpes;and critical_block and friends. 1347642;1450555756;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: aha 1347643;1450555757;ben_vulpes;oh yes? 1347644;1450555762;asciilifeform;think about it 1347645;1450555776;asciilifeform;you connect to x, and at that time x swallows a block 1347646;1450555778;asciilifeform;you hang. 1347647;1450555779;ben_vulpes;well i'm yes? ing about the black hole. 1347648;1450555806;ben_vulpes;oh this is an explanation for said? 1347649;1450555808;asciilifeform;aha 1347650;1450555824;asciilifeform;and while you're hanging, everybody who was connected ~to you~ has a hanging socket 1347651;1450555861;ben_vulpes;just to be sure i'm on the same page, this 'hang' eventually ends when the node completely processes the block? 1347652;1450555873;asciilifeform;or when 'socket closed' 1347653;1450555874;asciilifeform;(timeout) 1347654;1450555877;ben_vulpes;mhm. 1347655;1450555888;ben_vulpes;well that's horrendous. 1347656;1450556721;TomServo;I'm unable to get a matching sha256sum on 0.5.4-TEST2 [x86-64] [Latest] at thebitcoin.foundation - could anyone confirm? 1347657;1450556754;TomServo;I do get a match on 0.5.3 and, perhaps I'm doing something wrong? 1347658;1450557143;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: Will decline to confirm 1347659;1450557234;BingoBoingo;classmate in college held "fundraiser" in college after game show tricked her into taking pink and green SUV instead of money 1347660;1450559022;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347314 1347661;1450559022;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 17:19:18; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347154 << folks in usaschwitz have been driven into penury by... winning a car in a lotto. (taxable!!11) 1347662;1450559707;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347622 << "High end" furnished apartements advertising themselve as such exist. Frenquently offered as "executive" option by "big tower" apartment renters. 1347663;1450559707;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 19:56:10; asciilifeform: over here it is called 'extended stay hotel' and is much as mircea_popescu describes. 1347664;1450560066;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> and while you're hanging, everybody who was connected ~to you~ has a hanging socket << yeah it propagates holes. 1347665;1450560114;mircea_popescu;hola TomServo 1347666;1450560330;TomServo;ahoy mircea_popescu 1347667;1450560346;BingoBoingo;I'm surprised no one on the Luke-Jr derpity herp herp reddit thread pointed out you are supposed to wait for 6 confirmations 1347668;1450560390;mircea_popescu;they don't want that part of bitcoin anymore. it's "blockchain technologies" now as far as reddit is concered, with spv mining, 0tx fees and hopefully increasing block subsidies in the future. 1347669;1450560406;mircea_popescu;in other news, "Tutorspree didnt scale because we were single channel dependent and that channel shifted on us radically and suddenly. SEO was baked into our model from the start, and it became increasingly important to the business as we grew and evolved. In our early days, and during Y Combinator, we didnt have money to spend on acquisition. SEO was free so we focused on it and got good at it. 1347670;1450560407;mircea_popescu;That worked brilliantly for us. We acquired users for practically nothing by using the content and site structure generated as a byproduct of our tutor acquisition. However, that success was also a trap. It convinced us that there had to be another channel that would perform for us at the level of SEO. 1347671;1450560407;mircea_popescu;In our first year, that conviction drove our experiments with a series of other channels: PPC, partnerships, deals, guerilla type tactics, targeted mailings, craigslist posting tools, etc. Each experiment produced results inferior to those from SEO. The acquisition costs through those channels were significantly higher than what was allowable based on our revenue per customers. We also found that potential customers co 1347672;1450560412;jurov;mod6 asciilifeform: the turd http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html 1347673;1450560413;assbot;[BTC-dev] Taming the mempool ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvyaEi ) 1347674;1450560413;mircea_popescu;ming through PPC were converted at a lower rate than those originating through SEO. Even as we sharpened our targeting, experimented with messaging, and sought advice and consulting from more experienced parties, we found that paid channels just werent good enough to merit real focus." 1347675;1450560454;mircea_popescu;but hey... "online advertising is an industree. because google "makes revenue" from it, which is to say some people recycle bezzle funds through there and everyone outside actually believes someone somewhere paid 5bn for ppc. 1347676;1450560737;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347672 <<< will try when I arrive home. 1347677;1450560737;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 21:26:52; jurov: mod6 asciilifeform: the turd http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html 1347678;1450560789;jurov;shinohai: first read it. there are atrocities like CBlockIndex[400000] buried there. 1347679;1450560810;mircea_popescu;400000 should be enough for everyone. 1347680;1450560942;mircea_popescu;"From the comfort of the backyard cabin we moved to big city San Francisco and faced the totally hopeless situation of finding a place to live. We survived the first two weeks by renting office space at Tradeshift and sleeping on their couches at night. Not sure if they ever found that out. Finally we managed to get a 9 m2/97 sqft room through our Y-Combinator network. Rent $1,250. Dang! But since we had free office sp 1347681;1450560942;mircea_popescu;ace from our friends at OneLogin, our burnrate wasnt yet gone through the roof. But close.." 1347682;1450560944;mircea_popescu;ajhahahaha WHAT! 1347683;1450560994;asciilifeform;jurov: pretty interesting, i'll say more after i actually read the thing 1347684;1450561050;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39900 @ 0.00050205 = 20.0318 BTC [+] {2} 1347685;1450561181;mircea_popescu;http://fridriksson.tumblr.com/post/86584610871/a-startup-postmortem-with-a-happy-ending-in << perhaps a lulzy read for the forensic psychiatrist. what motivates some kids to live in a coffin for which they pay monthly the lifetime value of an average human being, while at the same time go all "We did the show and tell dance at Techcrunch Disrupt and DEMO. Networked at GigaOm RoadMap Con and YC Startup School. Got tons 1347686;1450561182;assbot;A startup postmortem with a happy ending? ..in... | By the Beard of Zeus! ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nvz17S ) 1347687;1450561182;mircea_popescu; of advice. Met people with amazing experience. We felt we were in the nexus of entrepreneurship and innovation. And we probably were. [...] It was like our feet never touched the ground." and no, i don't think it would be http://38.media.tumblr.com/74c80afbbf82765c41d7beec32221d2f/tumblr_inline_n60qz3Ti3Q1r0ojkh.jpg as everyone in that pic is distinctly uncomfortable with the bunny suit they gotta wear to cater to my 1347688;1450561182;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1347689;1450561183;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nvz17U ) 1347690;1450561183;mircea_popescu;expectations of life and the world. 1347691;1450561184;jurov;while i was on it, 3 days vanished in blur 1347692;1450561202;mircea_popescu;somehow this gargle thing works do. it does something. it drives the kids loco. 1347693;1450561231;jurov;(note i'm not employed. these were full days. and still far from result) 1347694;1450561248;jurov;it was scary 1347695;1450561272;mircea_popescu;there's a reason nobody really touched the spaghetti monster in five years jurov and this'd be that reason. 1347696;1450561286;mircea_popescu;sad state of affairs. 1347697;1450561294;ben_vulpes;i've been there too, jurov 1347698;1450561297;asciilifeform;jurov: i've been bashing my head against the thing pretty actively, on and off, for >1yr now. so you're doing pretty well. 1347699;1450561333;ben_vulpes;i've almost forgotten how painful it is. i can tell because i'm itching to muntz further. 1347700;1450561386;asciilifeform;'The next idea was,that heap is sprinkled with permanently allocated blocks data causing inability for malloc to release the memory back to the OS. I went to try and allocate these separately... and boy does that rabbit hole go deep...' << ty jurov, i was actually in the middle of doing this, and now i don't have to, l0l !! 1347701;1450561396;mircea_popescu;98.x% of my contribution as far as fucking up my own tech dept goes to date has been variations of "STOP WITH THE DAMNED CODE" and such. 1347702;1450561407;mircea_popescu;i am firmly convinced that you can lose an entire team of engineers in there, permanently. 1347703;1450561419;mircea_popescu;gotta very carefully do raids and incursisions with a clear retreat plan. 1347704;1450561477;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22100 @ 0.00050212 = 11.0969 BTC [+] {3} 1347705;1450561484;*;asciilifeform is plagued by the suspicion that we are trying to remove a 20kg metastatic tumour using.. acupuncture 1347706;1450561498;mircea_popescu;this is not a sprint. it's not even a marathon. the most important thing, by a large margin, is plox don't kill yourselves fighting with it. if anyone goes "i'll tend to my ulcer once i sorted out THIS thing", that someone's going to be remembered as naggum 2. 1347707;1450561523;asciilifeform;3. 1347708;1450561530;jurov;heh 1347709;1450561540;mircea_popescu;so work hygienically. diligence is good, hygiene is non-negotiable. 1347710;1450561564;jurov;well. the nastiest smell i felt was from std::map, so i suggest to approach that one next. 1347711;1450561575;asciilifeform;'The noise at 42 hour mark is zapmempool call, which shows it's still not really working.' << waitasec am i missing something ? 1347712;1450561577;shinohai;Also asciilifeform ty for Programmable Version Strings patch 1347713;1450561588;asciilifeform;i though the whole thing was about how jurov found a way to actually deallocate tx 1347714;1450561609;jurov;they are deallocated. but malloc won't give it back to teh system 1347715;1450561611;mircea_popescu;that didn't really work. 1347716;1450561614;mircea_popescu;aha. 1347717;1450561614;ben_vulpes;this is a pile of work jurov, wd 1347718;1450561650;asciilifeform;quite possibly the only way to actually make this go is a garbage collector ~with object relocation~ 1347719;1450561659;asciilifeform;which is a mega-backbreaker 1347720;1450561672;asciilifeform;(if you can't relocate, YOU CAN'T DEFRAG) 1347721;1450561677;mircea_popescu;it won't work. 1347722;1450561687;mircea_popescu;partly because c++. what's an object ? 1347723;1450561689;asciilifeform;i was about to describe the only possible way to make it work. 1347724;1450561696;mircea_popescu;ah don't mind me, proceed. 1347725;1450561704;asciilifeform;naturally, you can't actually move a cpp obj because of pointer spaghetti. 1347726;1450561720;mircea_popescu;for starters. and because compiler will fuck you. 1347727;1450561732;asciilifeform;but what you ~can~ do is 1) pick a tx which must move 2) declare it dead temporarily, copy to a cache 3) introduce it as if it were a new incoming tx. 1347728;1450561743;mircea_popescu;won't deallocate anything. 1347729;1450561746;mircea_popescu;will allocate more stuff. 1347730;1450561754;asciilifeform;deallocates ~that region~ 1347731;1450561768;mircea_popescu;does it now ? 1347732;1450561773;asciilifeform;then you do the next arithmetically-adjacent tx, ad infinitum, until you have N contiguous bts free 1347733;1450561778;jurov;asciilifeform: std::map is biggest problem that the actual tx+its script 1347734;1450561784;mircea_popescu;^ 1347735;1450561797;jurov;it rebalances a tree often, creating yet bigger mess 1347736;1450561808;mircea_popescu;and odds are std::map is not even correctly implemented, and we don't even know exactly where. 1347737;1450561929;asciilifeform;the correct solution to this is more or less equivalent to writing a filesystem. 1347738;1450561944;mircea_popescu;it's more. 1347739;1450561962;asciilifeform;approx. the same. result will look quite like, e.g., reiserfs. 1347740;1450561967;mircea_popescu;but you surely recall the original discussions of "bitcoin-as-filesystem" as a precursor to bitcoin-os 1347741;1450561968;jurov;i'm completely fine with 70% - filled hashtable 1347742;1450561976;jurov;even a filesystem won't get much better 1347743;1450562005;mircea_popescu;jurov honestly i think the original design intent was that. 1347744;1450562009;asciilifeform;the other side of this medal is that tx is simply too cheap today. 1347745;1450562010;mircea_popescu;apparently it didn't pan out. 1347746;1450562034;jurov;http://dpaste.com/3HMD8F1 << igprof pointing to teh map 1347747;1450562036;assbot;dpaste: 3HMD8F1: igprof MEM_LIVE ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvzU0l ) 1347748;1450562039;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is an infelicity of puberty. we can't do anything about that yet. 1347749;1450562072;mircea_popescu;bitchslapping the redditards "we need free shit because that's what we're worth" is one thing. actually making txn cost what they cost is a whole other can of whipass. 1347750;1450562095;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: what we ~can~ do is to proclaim that nodes having finite tx capacity will order by value-per-bt and order connection priority likewise by avg. value/bt of incoming tx, and so on recursively. 1347751;1450562104;mircea_popescu;std::vector<char, zero_after_free_allocator<char> >::operator=(std::vector<char, zero_after_free_allocator<char> > const&) [55] 1347752;1450562106;mircea_popescu;heh mk 1347753;1450562110;jurov;^ and that vector thing in the third place was the bignum idiocy 1347754;1450562117;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform this is the original plan neh ? 1347755;1450562121;asciilifeform;aha 1347756;1450562129;mircea_popescu;it's good enough, imo. 1347757;1450562140;mircea_popescu;ie, a perfectly solid solution to the problem of tx price. 1347758;1450562151;asciilifeform;it is also a perfectly good simulation of a planet without reddit 1347759;1450562185;asciilifeform;the only flaw is that, on the naked net as we now have it, usg can inject poor tx in between any two nodes 1347760;1450562204;asciilifeform;and move a perfectly legit node into pederasty vis a vis another node 1347761;1450562265;mircea_popescu;in a thoroughly tangential tangent : CRYPTO_malloc is likely as porous as thin gauze. 1347762;1450562279;jurov;mircea_popescu: it's aliased to malloc 1347763;1450562293;jurov;but that version did not have openssl compiled with debug 1347764;1450562297;mircea_popescu;wasn't it a "special" thing with memory protection ? 1347765;1450562298;mircea_popescu;ah ok. 1347766;1450562301;mircea_popescu;i meant the openssl thing 1347767;1450562309;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you might be confusing with gpg 1347768;1450562314;mircea_popescu;mno. 1347769;1450562314;asciilifeform;which indeed has such a thing 1347770;1450562319;asciilifeform;(allocates from unpageable mem) 1347771;1450562345;jurov;however, there *is* some special context management for temporary operations on bignums 1347772;1450562356;jurov;not looked closer yet 1347773;1450562371;mircea_popescu;;;google CRYPTO_malloc() in libcrypto 1347774;1450562371;gribble;Ignoring whining about OpenSSL in Valgrind - rachelbythebay: <https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2012/12/14/quiet/>; openssl / valgrind - Stack Overflow: <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/472809/openssl-valgrind>; #299 (Second memory leak) – libssh2: <http://trac.libssh2.org/ticket/299> 1347775;1450562387;mircea_popescu;heh. how do you tell google to look inside source of code packages ? 1347776;1450562401;asciilifeform;iirc 'google code' is defunct now 1347777;1450562411;asciilifeform;was abolished because cattle didn't need it for anything 1347778;1450562427;mircea_popescu;anyway. the thing leaks like a sieve. 1347779;1450562487;jurov;http://osxr.org/openssl/ident?_i=CRYPTO_malloc&_remember=1 i found this 1347780;1450562488;assbot;openssl-1.0.1h identifier search: CRYPTO_malloc ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvApYg ) 1347781;1450562510;mircea_popescu;ah here we go i think http://osxr.org/openssl/source/crypto/crypto.h#0368 1347782;1450562510;assbot;openssl-1.0.1h/crypto/crypto.h ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvAqLK ) 1347783;1450562535;jurov;it does some dance, but in the end calls malloc every time 1347784;1450562551;*;asciilifeform is still curious how the mega-contradiction between 'fix bitcoin' and 'hands off your father's vintage pistols' is to be resolved. 1347785;1450562552;jurov;from here http://osxr.org/openssl/source/crypto/mem.c#0077 1347786;1450562552;assbot;openssl-1.0.1h/crypto/mem.c ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvAv21 ) 1347787;1450562585;asciilifeform;openssl stinks, plain and simple. 1347788;1450562588;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform slowly. just like the contradiction between "don't hurt the woman" and "she bleeds" is resolved in practice3. 1347789;1450562630;mircea_popescu;jurov introducing various crashes along the way and a whole pile of complex strange. 1347790;1450562638;asciilifeform;what, approximately, would it take for mircea_popescu to plug in a replacement for openssl in a live battlefield btctron of his own ? 1347791;1450562648;mircea_popescu;but yes it would, in typical manner of the shitgnomerism that it is, exist solely as a leech-wrapper on something else. 1347792;1450562656;mircea_popescu;it wouldn'\t do any work, just... you know, supervize. 1347793;1450562667;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform a wot sig. 1347794;1450562691;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: how's your libressl node faring? 1347795;1450562699;mircea_popescu;what would it take for you to plug your only penis in the folds of a new hussy ? 1347796;1450562703;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Still on mainnet 1347797;1450562720;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: for an accurate analogy, it has to be on a planet where dentata exist 1347798;1450562726;mircea_popescu;they do. 1347799;1450562751;mircea_popescu;;;google m-ai facut din om neom, cind ma pis ma tin de pom. 1347800;1450562752;gribble;Mihai Margineanu raluca - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDK_ooivXd8>; Versurile preferate dintr-o melodie - Page 4 - Diverse - Comunitatea ...: <http://www.linkmania.ro/topic/140118-versurile-preferate-dintr-o-melodie/?page=4> 1347801;1450562756;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 'libressl' suffers from exactly the same diseases as the other one 1347802;1450562764;mircea_popescu;dja have a ru equiv ? 1347803;1450562818;*;jurov notes down reminder to always scan pubic area for wot signatures 1347804;1450562846;mircea_popescu;lol 1347805;1450562858;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: LibreSSL node also runs with ~1GB of ram utilized at startup after last BDB locks patch because OpenBSD malloc something or other 1347806;1450562868;mircea_popescu;just making the point that he's got a single appendage, still sticks it into strange. 1347807;1450562920;asciilifeform;libressl is an atrocity in no important way distinguishable from the original. 1347808;1450562931;mircea_popescu;well, at least it's a [mostly] different one. 1347809;1450562933;asciilifeform;its whole purpose, as far as i can tell, is to take up mental space. 1347810;1450562941;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Also still on OpenBSD 5.7 don't know if 5.8's introduced new weird 1347811;1450563123;punkman;!s polarssl 1347812;1450563124;assbot;7 results for 'polarssl' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=polarssl 1347813;1450563127;ben_vulpes;more software, more problems. 1347814;1450563132;asciilifeform;polarssl - also a turd 1347815;1450563144;asciilifeform;IF I CAN'T READ IT IN AN EVENING it is a turd 1347816;1450563156;punkman;well you gotta write it then 1347817;1450563158;asciilifeform;IT DOES NOT TAKE 50MB OF SRC to do ecc crypto 1347818;1450563161;mircea_popescu;the only strange thing is this guy HASNT already joined the mujahedeen 1347819;1450563173;mircea_popescu;you know alf, they're the only people that agree everything sucks. 1347820;1450563236;*;asciilifeform idly wonders what a caliphate-approved programming system might look like 1347821;1450563243;mircea_popescu;excel ? 1347822;1450563243;punkman;what was that other one hmm 1347823;1450563247;*;asciilifeform for some reason pictures a variation on 'intercal' 1347824;1450563249;punkman;!s micro ecc 1347825;1450563250;assbot;14 results for 'micro ecc' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=micro+ecc 1347826;1450563257;asciilifeform;!s nanoecc 1347827;1450563257;assbot;0 results for 'nanoecc' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=nanoecc 1347828;1450563259;shinohai;!rate liquidassets 1 welcome to #b-a 1347829;1450563259;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/5a57b534b1e4c6ff 1347830;1450563261;asciilifeform;hm 1347831;1450563286;asciilifeform;punkman: there was one, at one point i even cleaned it up a bit and posted to trb ml. BUT i was never actually able to get it to work 1347832;1450563304;asciilifeform;nor put in the very real effort needed to properly grasp what the author thought he was doing. 1347833;1450563314;punkman;did it compile? 1347834;1450563318;asciilifeform;it did. 1347835;1450563322;asciilifeform;which is all i can say for it. 1347836;1450563326;asciilifeform;(segfaults immediately) 1347837;1450563337;punkman;there's an ada crypto library that does EC 1347838;1450563365;asciilifeform;phun phakt: a conforming ada implementation has ~internal bignum~ BUT won't let you use it for anything constructive. 1347839;1450563375;asciilifeform;(the compiler demands it to have limitless tables, etc) 1347840;1450563381;PeterL;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347457 << there is a large group of people (mortgage originators, real-estate agents, etc) trying to convince people how amazing a mortgage is 1347841;1450563381;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1347842;1450563381;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 18:20:05; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347241 << the thing scammers never tell the scamee is that investing is a professional activity. no fucking exceptions. 1347843;1450563397;shinohai;!v assbot:shinohai.rate.liquidassets.1:e2a5762104da4eb5a2db892b8fe1861592c10b3006f61f49213e83b8d43b2a38 1347844;1450563398;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for liquidassets with note: welcome to #b-a 1347845;1450563414;asciilifeform;PeterL: there is also a large group of people trying to convince anybody who will listen how great afterlife is 1347846;1450563423;mircea_popescu;mortgage has actually a very respectable history of unhinging idiots from their own money. 1347847;1450563425;punkman;been reading more Ada at odd intervals, keeps getting weirder 1347848;1450563438;mircea_popescu;it was, historically, the principal instrument used by the burgeoisie to lynch the aristocracy 1347849;1450563451;mircea_popescu;the beauty of it is that it does more indirectly than directly. 1347850;1450563456;asciilifeform;ahaha mortgaged castles etc 1347851;1450563461;mircea_popescu;yup. but why ? 1347852;1450563465;mircea_popescu;gotta keep up with the jones. 1347853;1450563476;mircea_popescu;EXACTLY the same mechanism. nobody is about to ask his dearly beloved wife 1347854;1450563507;mircea_popescu;"listen you dumb cunt, who the fuck told you must deserve a roof over your head, can't just wash stuff by hand in the river ?" 1347855;1450563541;mircea_popescu;similarly, the 9th earl of dumbass couldn't readily say "so what if the marquis of idiot has six horses pulling his cart ?" 1347856;1450563586;mircea_popescu;once it starts liquidating privilege, it can't practically be stopped. network effects. 1347857;1450563601;asciilifeform;except at the end you simply get a new aristocracy 1347858;1450563611;asciilifeform;that is on the receiving end of the extractor pipe 1347859;1450563618;mircea_popescu;nope. that's the problem. at the end you just get the burgeois desert. 1347860;1450563630;PeterL;liberates the stupid from their money, lets the smart take over? 1347861;1450563631;mircea_popescu;anyway, jp had same problem - excised it. for as long as kept it out... survived. 1347862;1450563645;mircea_popescu;PeterL more often than not, a different flavour of stupid. 1347863;1450563746;punkman;asciilifeform: there's also https://github.com/bitcoin/secp256k1 :trollface: 1347864;1450563747;assbot;bitcoin/secp256k1 · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1O03FHT ) 1347865;1450563757;asciilifeform;l0l 1347866;1450563779;mircea_popescu;now look : you can't dismiss that thing just because it exists. 1347867;1450563779;punkman;it's even in C without the ++ 1347868;1450563790;mircea_popescu;it has good reasons to exist, which are exactly what we're discussing here. 1347869;1450563800;*;mircea_popescu wants serious review of the secp256k1 thing. 1347870;1450563802;asciilifeform;i'd like to know how the rangerz achieved the mandatory goal of making it an unreadable megalith 1347871;1450563807;punkman;they are putting it in next version iirc 1347872;1450563814;asciilifeform;was there a commissar standing, 'add moar codez' 1347873;1450563853;*;asciilifeform dredged through it a while ago, but will not sign anything 1347874;1450563857;mircea_popescu;wouldja keep an open mind ? 1347875;1450563910;asciilifeform;sure 1347876;1450563923;asciilifeform;but if we're gonna terraform existing item, i'd much prefer the nano ecc thing. 1347877;1450563932;asciilifeform;which is READABLY light. 1347878;1450563938;mircea_popescu;sure. jus' sayin'. 1347879;1450564079;mircea_popescu;Intended to be portable to any system with a C89 compiler and uint64_t support. << a large part of why it'd be large. 1347880;1450564097;asciilifeform;i must disagree 1347881;1450564113;asciilifeform;'portable' on my planet means PORTABLE and not a gaggle of #ifdef's 1347882;1450564127;asciilifeform;each of the latter individually enclosing a totally nonportable turd 1347883;1450564134;PeterL;I thought c was supposed to be portable, why would you have to bloat code to make it go on different systems? 1347884;1450564141;asciilifeform;PeterL: you don't 1347885;1450564152;asciilifeform;but idiots will tell you that shit is the new food 1347886;1450564156;mircea_popescu;your planet also doesn't support java and whatnot. 1347887;1450564214;mircea_popescu;jesus github is fucking unusable. 1347888;1450564225;asciilifeform;https://github.com/bitcoin/secp256k1/blob/master/src/secp256k1.c#L314 << lulzy 1347889;1450564227;assbot;secp256k1/secp256k1.c at master · bitcoin/secp256k1 · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1O04r7L ) 1347890;1450564229;asciilifeform;can anybody tell me WHY ? 1347891;1450564235;mircea_popescu;why would you want to have this stupid website and not any sort of x-referencing, line counting, nothing ? 1347892;1450564240;mircea_popescu;"here's a list of filenames" 1347893;1450564243;mircea_popescu;"fuck your mother" 1347894;1450564250;asciilifeform;btw that is the ONLY supported nonce gen fuct ~despite~ a carefully crafted appearance to the contrary 1347895;1450564256;punkman;it does have line counts 1347896;1450564260;asciilifeform;^ 1347897;1450564267;punkman;and even comments per line 1347898;1450564279;asciilifeform;needs graphical wwwtron yes 1347899;1450564280;mircea_popescu;why does it know to make "default_illegal_callback_fn" in "static void default_illegal_callback_fn(const char* str, void* data) {" lioght blue 1347900;1450564284;mircea_popescu;BUT DOES NOT KNOW TO MAKE IT CLICKABLE 1347901;1450564288;mircea_popescu;how is this supposed to work ? 1347902;1450564298;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: ah that case. github doesn't parse languages 1347903;1450564307;mircea_popescu;why does it have to parse languages ? 1347904;1450564309;mircea_popescu;tokenize motherfucker. 1347905;1450564312;asciilifeform;because (as we learned in the callgraph escapade) this is hard. 1347906;1450564317;asciilifeform;go, tokenize cpp. 1347907;1450564319;asciilifeform;i'll wait. 1347908;1450564322;mircea_popescu;"here's a list of all oither lines where this string appears" 1347909;1450564329;asciilifeform;aha but gotta tokenize 1347910;1450564330;punkman;asciilifeform: can anybody tell me WHY ? << well it says it right there, because rfc6979 1347911;1450564334;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform at least fucking function names. 1347912;1450564341;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: even THIS is hard 1347913;1450564344;asciilifeform;see the callgraph thread! 1347914;1450564345;mircea_popescu;fuck this shit. 1347915;1450564401;mircea_popescu;and sure, graph would be nice, but just a damned list ? really ? 1347916;1450564416;asciilifeform;https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=285142.0 << lulzy 1347917;1450564418;assbot;Deterministic Usage of DSA and ECDSA Digital Signature Algorithms (RFC 6979) ... ( http://bit.ly/1O04Jvo ) 1347918;1450564422;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: EXACTLY as hard as the graph 1347919;1450564438;asciilifeform;because in cpp a 'function' is a complicated notion 1347920;1450564446;*;mircea_popescu has a wordcount with references thing for trilema. 1347921;1450564454;asciilifeform;aha because we can agree on what a word is 1347922;1450564469;asciilifeform;this thing with 1 or moar spaces on each side. 1347923;1450564478;punkman;we had a few threads about deterministic k etc 1347924;1450564494;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform an ast is generated SOMEHOW. 1347925;1450564494;ben_vulpes;because github is a thing sillyconvalley bizwrapper around a versoncontrolatroncumhoster for people who don't actually want to or know how to use computers 1347926;1450564505;asciilifeform;punkman: i am still hard pressed to see how it is anything other than a disastrously bad idea 1347927;1450564508;ben_vulpes;"you want jumptodef? lolneckbeard" 1347928;1450564513;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes it's for managers, basically. 1347929;1450564521;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. you can go and read the gcc (or even clang) front end and see how. 1347930;1450564527;mircea_popescu;coding-as-social-media. 1347931;1450564534;ben_vulpes;precisely. 1347932;1450564550;ben_vulpes;"show the non-technicals what the nerds are doing! with color!" 1347933;1450564583;ben_vulpes;for only ten dollars per user per month 1347934;1450564596;*;ben_vulpes does not even look at that bill any more, $ragetax simply not worthwhile 1347935;1450564600;mircea_popescu;hence the massive "coding streak" and other "productivity' measures, as if coding is a sort of stationary bicycle and who knows, "maybe you wanna know" aka "your boss does" 1347936;1450564604;mircea_popescu;but no fucking usable code anything. 1347937;1450564614;ben_vulpes;write moar l1nez! 1347938;1450564618;mircea_popescu;maybe i want to sort this list of packages by TOTAL COUNT OF REFERENCES. how about that! 1347939;1450564620;asciilifeform;http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/a/36142 << i am unable to grasp how the claims could possibly be true 1347940;1450564621;assbot;signature - Problems with deterministic ECDSA based on RFC6979 in Bitcoin - Bitcoin Stack Exchange ... ( http://bit.ly/1O052X4 ) 1347941;1450564637;mircea_popescu;i wish to pick which pissing app to use by how many times the alternatives call std::anything. 1347942;1450564646;mircea_popescu;let the code fucking compete already. 1347943;1450564656;asciilifeform;'Also note that one of the key benefits of using this construction is that you need not worry about a weakness in your PRNG being exploited in the signing process. For example, signing different pieces of data with the same k value instantly leaks your private key. A similar attack can also be exploited if the PRNG is weak enough to determine the relationship between different k values used when signing the same piece of data. 1347944;1450564656;asciilifeform; Since the k is deterministically generated from the data you are signing (and the private key), these concerns about the PRNG are no longer as relevant, as you will always produce the same signature for the same piece of data. This also makes writing ECDSA unit tests easier.' 1347945;1450564662;ben_vulpes;as if ctags were so hard to use. 1347946;1450564698;asciilifeform;deterministic --> moar breakable !111 omfg 1347947;1450564702;ben_vulpes;remind me to tell y'all about the ios build toolchain plugin that makes curl calls ON COMPILE 1347948;1450564702;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the idea is that it's not random, so you don't get two data points, so you can't use the particular leak thing\ 1347949;1450564717;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes what ?! 1347950;1450564722;asciilifeform;you get the leak in a straightforward way if k is REUSED 1347951;1450564739;asciilifeform;but you ALSO get same if the same mathematical relationship can be derived from deterministic k. 1347952;1450564752;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform right. 1347953;1450564766;mircea_popescu;but "nobody could determine this" because "we seed with text. AND KEY!!!!1" 1347954;1450564770;asciilifeform;which is ~exactly~ what we get in that rfc. 1347955;1450564781;asciilifeform;this is quite like the 'rng whitening'. 1347956;1450564791;asciilifeform;'only usg knows how to open this box therefore nobody' 1347957;1450564793;mircea_popescu;see, NOW we got a good reason not to like it. 1347958;1450564812;asciilifeform;i had this reason ~2y ago l0l 1347959;1450564820;mircea_popescu;nevertheless! 1347960;1450564821;*;asciilifeform digs futilely for thread 1347961;1450564842;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: yes you see it needs the debug symbols transmitted to some leprous SaaS thing for in-the-field device debugging 1347962;1450564850;ben_vulpes;symbols which it CAN ONLY GET ON COMPILE apparently. 1347963;1450564857;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1347964;1450564865;mircea_popescu;you mean linking yes ? 1347965;1450564873;ben_vulpes;include this 'pod' in your ios build, get HTTP calls on project compile. 1347966;1450564892;ben_vulpes;there isn't much of a separation of concerns in the ios toolchain. 1347967;1450564912;ben_vulpes;there is a big user-friendly button: "run this on my ipnohe or in the simulat0r" 1347968;1450564912;asciilifeform;cannot compile on airplane? 1347969;1450564926;mircea_popescu;lol 1347970;1450564936;ben_vulpes;can always rip pod out temporarily, asciilifeform 1347971;1450564944;*;asciilifeform does not recall any such atrocity when he did ipnohe 1347972;1450564945;ben_vulpes;'pod's 1347973;1450564946;ben_vulpes;ugh 1347974;1450564950;mircea_popescu;should make for better compiles. 1347975;1450564959;ben_vulpes;it had yet to be shitted up by the rubros. 1347976;1450564967;mircea_popescu;proper hell punishment would be to have to debug this shit. 1347977;1450564969;ben_vulpes;yes! it got worse! 1347978;1450565054;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: do you test on an actual physical ipnohe ? 1347979;1450565073;ben_vulpes;of course 1347980;1450565086;asciilifeform;(iirc this is nontrivial) 1347981;1450565097;ben_vulpes;6 american regular, 6 small, 5, 5s, the whole gamut. 1347982;1450565104;asciilifeform;quite the zoo. 1347983;1450565107;ben_vulpes;recent bug: "colors are weird on 5s" 1347984;1450565119;ben_vulpes;yes well, life in pursuit of 'kwalidee' 1347985;1450565225;asciilifeform;anyway ipnohe devs think they have a terrible time, but try being a '90s game dev for consoles 1347986;1450565253;asciilifeform;(my brother did this, still has some of the very peculiar hardware) 1347987;1450565381;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28500 @ 0.00050214 = 14.311 BTC [+] {2} 1347988;1450565381;asciilifeform;docs were hastily-written and inaccurate, vendor support - spotty, compilers - buggy, architectures - quite 'turkish' and requiring serious asm massage just for acceptable performance. 1347989;1450565433;asciilifeform;BUT nothing 'curl'ed during compile, no. 1347990;1450565450;punkman;asciilifeform: but did they need to have two dozen TVs for testing? 1347991;1450565453;asciilifeform;sure did. 1347992;1450565594;mircea_popescu;well a coupla, at any rate. 1347993;1450565619;asciilifeform;the up-side of slow and finicky comps was that there was a lower limit to the dev iq and a hard upper limit to code bloat. 1347994;1450565634;asciilifeform;but this is elementarily obvious. 1347995;1450565691;BingoBoingo;<punkman> they are putting it in next version iirc << Signing tx with since 0.10 iirc 1347996;1450565714;punkman;"I actually have two implementations of example malicious signers:  One produces non-deterministic signatures and leaks a 256 bit private key, to the holder of a specific public key and no one else, in ~33 signatures with very high probability (failure rate of 1 in 1000 for 33 signatures, around 1 in a million for 34). The other produces a seemingly RFC 6979 like deterministic signatures and 1347997;1450565715;punkman;with a single signature leaks the current private key, and with 16 signatures leaks an additional 256 bit secret (e.g. a master private key, with a failure rate of around 1:1000 for 16 signatures, ~1:1e6 for 17 signatures)." interesting 1347998;1450565726;asciilifeform;http://www.retrogames.co.uk/040022/Sega/Sega-Dreamcast-Development-Console << example of item used then 1347999;1450565729;assbot;Sega Dreamcast Development Console from Retrogames ... ( http://bit.ly/1NDZkXl ) 1348000;1450565738;*;asciilifeform rather surprised anybody still has one of these for sale 1348001;1450565768;asciilifeform;punkman: precisely what i was speaking of, except that i conjecture that ANY deterministic signing process is kleptographic 1348002;1450565774;asciilifeform;whether you and i can demonstrate how, or not. 1348003;1450565790;mircea_popescu;this is not a conjecture, but a self-evident axiom 1348004;1450565808;asciilifeform;for exactly same reason as prng ! 1348005;1450565815;asciilifeform;(and 'rng with whitening' which IS a prng) 1348006;1450566431;punkman;https://github.com/warner/python-ecdsa/tree/master/ecdsa python ecdsa implementation, used by Electrum, might be good for reading 1348007;1450566432;assbot;python-ecdsa/ecdsa at master · warner/python-ecdsa · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1S0vu4N ) 1348008;1450566605;BingoBoingo;But electrum ecsda only has to sign transaction, not verify the BritneyChain 1348009;1450566891;punkman;BingoBoingo: perhaps a good project for students, dump all the blocks from a therealbitcoin node, verify sigs with python-ecdsa or other 1348010;1450567115;mircea_popescu;definitely. 1348011;1450567158;punkman;https://github.com/ionux/phactor heh, pure php secp256k1 1348012;1450567160;assbot;ionux/phactor · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1S0wOo5 ) 1348013;1450567248;mircea_popescu;probably for mtgox interoperation ? 1348014;1450567260;punkman;bitpay 1348015;1450567279;mircea_popescu;"My presentation was ok. The mandatory Q&A afterwards was horrible. The only two people in the room that we hadnt gotten prior support from were skeptical to say the least. As I left the room I was shattered. And as my contact at Accelerace didnt call me later on that day I knew where it was going. My chairman didnt either. Not a good sign. I left messages and they didnt return my calls. In the afternoon I 1348016;1450567279;mircea_popescu;had a speaking engagement in the other end of the country, pitching to a huge room full of potential customers. It was an absurd experience. I was crumbling on the inside but had to pose confidently. " << why the fuck ? just... why ? nobody ever asks this. "i had to lie". really ? why did you have to lie ? 1348017;1450567318;punkman;this might be the shortest one I've seen, no 256k1 though https://github.com/esxgx/easy-ecc/blob/master/ecc.c 1348018;1450567319;assbot;easy-ecc/ecc.c at master · esxgx/easy-ecc · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1S0x46K ) 1348019;1450567357;mircea_popescu;"after dropping them off I sat in the rental car staring at air. Crying. Feelings of fear, anger, self-righteousness and uncertainty overwhelmed me." << he has all the patience to consider all the inept minutia of his gender-confused identity. he has not the slightest fucking shred of interest or self-awareness to go "hey, waitasecond, why do i gotta lie again ?" 1348020;1450567394;mircea_popescu;why does ecc.c include string.h or should't i be asking these sorts of questions ? 1348021;1450567427;mircea_popescu;"c thinks arrays are strings, mp" "oh i see, makes sense" 1348022;1450567609;mod6;<+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 does yours (or anybody else's) 'v' verify the hashes ? << mine uses the vpatch hashes to build the dep map 1348023;1450567625;mod6;so no, it does not verify them. 1348024;1450567631;mod6;at least mine doesn't. 1348025;1450567634;mod6;did yours do that? 1348026;1450567662;mod6;if it does, I may have overlooked that somehow. 1348027;1450567765;punkman;https://github.com/jonasnick/ecdsaPredictableNonce attack against libsec256k1 about a year ago 1348028;1450567766;assbot;jonasnick/ecdsaPredictableNonce · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1NE2eeN ) 1348029;1450567825;BingoBoingo;Thermos: "No, it basically already has consensus from dev/expert community because it solves so many problems in one go and is pretty simple to understand if you know how Bitcoin works. There are no reasonable objections to SegWit AFAIK." https://archive.is/Q60SC#selection-2433.0-2433.227 1348030;1450567825;assbot;Segregated Witness, Part 1: How a Clever Hack Could Significantly Increase Bitcoin's Potential : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1NE2hHm ) 1348031;1450567857;BingoBoingo;And Aaron encouraged the Hebrew people to make a new God of gold rather than Bitcoin while Moses was on Mount Sinai verifying the Godchain https://archive.is/ukHT5 1348032;1450567858;assbot;Segregated Witness, Part 1: How a Clever Hack Could Significantly Increase Bitcoin's Potential | Bitcoin Magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1NE2iLm ) 1348033;1450568032;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo "reasonable" eh ? 1348034;1450568046;BingoBoingo;Fucking Thermos 1348035;1450568059;mircea_popescu;funny how that goes, right ? 1348036;1450568070;mircea_popescu;there were no "reasonable" objections to pirate, either. 1348037;1450568125;mircea_popescu;or to marquardt's little glbse insider-trading scam back in the day. 1348038;1450568129;mircea_popescu;or to so many things. 1348039;1450568157;mircea_popescu;thanks the gods above for "reasonable", especially if it can be made to mean "the wolves agree"? 1348040;1450568178;mircea_popescu;!rated theymos 1348041;1450568178;assbot;You rated user theymos on 15-Nov-2014, with a rating of -10, and supplied these additional notes: defrauded the tardstalk community by throwing ~half a million dollars worth of BTC at some obscure service provider for kickbacks. a lenghty history of fraudulent behaviour, http://trilema.com/2012/scammer-tag-nefario-theymos-others-known-and-unknown/. 1348042;1450568208;kakobrekla;no, it doesnt go lower than -10 1348043;1450568217;mircea_popescu;speaking of which... we're not expecting a sec investigation, right ? because got better things to do, right ? 1348044;1450568219;mircea_popescu;asswipes. 1348045;1450568221;punkman;why not! 1348046;1450568232;punkman;assbot should go to -11 1348047;1450568237;kakobrekla;l0l 1348048;1450568247;mircea_popescu;eh 10's good enough 1348049;1450568408;mircea_popescu;anyway, birdy on my shoulder whispers that what's meant by "reasonable" certainly is "reasoned". yes, there are no reasoned objections, chiefly because fuck you, that's why. 1348050;1450568446;mircea_popescu;i've had it with this age of bullshit-reason where you gotta explain things to idiots with a first-paragraph-of-many-wikipedia-articles education as if everything can, or indeed should, be put in those terms. 1348051;1450568452;punkman;I think we've listed various reasoned objections here 1348052;1450568492;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62300 @ 0.00050221 = 31.2877 BTC [+] {3} 1348053;1450568492;BingoBoingo;punkman: But we aren't doing it on Feddit 1348054;1450568504;mircea_popescu;im not aware anyone undertook the effort to write an equivalent of january's "here's the list of gavin xt idiocies and their rebuttals", 10k words over 3 articles sorta thing. 1348055;1450568515;mircea_popescu;certainly the muppets can not be expected to figure things out, so... 1348056;1450568533;mircea_popescu;ever since they came up with the idiotic notion of a vulgate, you're stuck playing the calvin. fuck that. 1348057;1450568553;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23000 @ 0.00049823 = 11.4593 BTC [-] {2} 1348058;1450568776;mod6;<+jurov> mod6 asciilifeform: the turd http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html << thx for posting this! will review tonight. 1348059;1450568777;assbot;[BTC-dev] Taming the mempool ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvyaEi ) 1348060;1450568961;*;mod6 reads scrollback 1348061;1450568990;punkman;the basic idea of segwit is not bad, should have been there from the start, without the "softfork" complexity, no ANYONECANPAY-looking crap, without making another merkle tree, without blocksize discounts and enlargements, without planning to use it as a vehicle for future "painless" shitgnovation 1348062;1450569027;mircea_popescu;so.... 1348063;1450569101;mircea_popescu;point remains : as far as bitcoin is concerned, the thing is as irrelevant as the messages blockchain.info keeps "tagging" transactions with. the people who have no business in bitcoin but for whatever emotional/psychogenic reasons are misrepresented or misrepresenting themselves as involved WILL necessarily find a way out. there's just no way to stay attached if you;'re not attached. 1348064;1450569114;mircea_popescu;as far as the faux users were concerned, this was stated as obvious in 2012. 1348065;1450569158;mircea_popescu;as far as the faux developers are concerned, it's rather obvious that even people with just a little ego will nevertheless necesitate the psychological maneuver of working themselves out of it through "projects" rather than just stopping. 1348066;1450569200;mircea_popescu;yes, a sane power ranger would have quit back in 2013, when mpoe-pr published that post on tardstalk. 1348067;1450569232;mircea_popescu;but they're kids, with the life experience, intellectual/emotional maturity and general bandwidth of the average pubescent afghan. so... takes a little longer. 1348068;1450569522;mircea_popescu;anyway, to round off that luke-jr inanity from before : you can't "fork off" the real bitcoin. yeah, you can maybe make it appear (to yourself) that you have a coupla confirms. it costs you more than you have anyway, and nobody looks at hte shit you look at, so it's mostly an exercise in masturbation. expensive, but ultimately pointless. 1348069;1450569546;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, YOU being forked off the real bitcoin can happen quite easily, and is incurable. so you think "you sent bitcoin" ? i don't see it. 1348070;1450569558;mircea_popescu;fuck you, go talk to whoever you wanna talk to about it. unless it shows up in MY chain, it never happened. 1348071;1450569579;mircea_popescu;but hey, they're fiat-based leeches and think in terms of "can i sell this bitcoin" 1348072;1450569599;mircea_popescu;little conception of how the actual bitcoin people see things. 1348073;1450569651;mircea_popescu;trb transactions will necessarily, always and everywhere be translatable to whatever shit-flavour-of-the-day "everyone" is using because "no reasonable objections". 1348074;1450569666;*;shinohai moves to the Netherlands to become a driving instructor ... http://metro.co.uk/2015/12/19/dutch-driving-instructors-can-now-accept-sex-as-payment-5575568/ 1348075;1450569667;assbot;Dutch driving instructors can take sex as payment in 'Ride for Ride' law | Metro News ... ( http://bit.ly/1mtRid2 ) 1348076;1450569670;mircea_popescu;the chances of the reverse being possible decrease with every "everyone" and every "reasonable" and every "users came to expect" and so on. 1348077;1450570198;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1348022 << there is no other way to do it! what i was asking was whether anybody's 'v' actually verifies that patching in the given sequence actually yields files having specified hashes. 1348078;1450570198;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 23:26:49; mod6: <+asciilifeform> ;;later tell mod6 does yours (or anybody else's) 'v' verify the hashes ? << mine uses the vpatch hashes to build the dep map 1348079;1450570202;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/bNEhU 1348080;1450570203;assbot;[EBOOK] How to scam people at Bitcointalk ... ( http://bit.ly/1NE55Ez ) 1348081;1450570207;asciilifeform;because mine, as everybody knows i think, did not. 1348082;1450570289;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1348027 << this cost a good number of chumps their coin, aha 1348083;1450570289;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 23:29:25; punkman: https://github.com/jonasnick/ecdsaPredictableNonce attack against libsec256k1 about a year ago 1348084;1450570296;asciilifeform;but somehow it Never Happened !11111 (tm) 1348085;1450570305;asciilifeform;(as far as peter w is concerned, apparently) 1348086;1450570384;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1348050 << you know what's great? rat poison STILL WORKS even if you don't explain to the rats exactly ~how~ ! 1348087;1450570384;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 23:40:46; mircea_popescu: i've had it with this age of bullshit-reason where you gotta explain things to idiots with a first-paragraph-of-many-wikipedia-articles education as if everything can, or indeed should, be put in those terms. 1348088;1450570435;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1348061 << what, precisely, is 'not bad' about it? it's 100% braindamage by weight and by volume 1348089;1450570435;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 23:49:50; punkman: the basic idea of segwit is not bad, should have been there from the start, without the "softfork" complexity, no ANYONECANPAY-looking crap, without making another merkle tree, without blocksize discounts and enlargements, without planning to use it as a vehicle for future "painless" shitgnovation 1348090;1450570485;mod6;asciilifeform: ok, so add the ability to check the hash of the output file (post press) against 'b' in the vpatch? 1348091;1450570528;asciilifeform;mod6: ideally a vtron would follow along as the patches are applied and actually verify the hashes, yes 1348092;1450570546;asciilifeform;what we have now, takes the vpatch's word for it. 1348093;1450570550;mod6;right 1348094;1450570631;asciilifeform;incidentally, gentlemen, please welcome (back) dulap! (nosuchlabs.com), a trb node running bleedingedge-asciilifeform+rotor(musl) 1348095;1450570653;asciilifeform;(rotor, if anyone forgets, is a static build from a locally-built gcc toolchain) 1348096;1450570665;asciilifeform;with the frozen deps 1348097;1450570691;asciilifeform;and kudos to mircea_popescu for providing a very spiffy box, on which phuctor will also very soon return 1348098;1450570759;asciilifeform;this is a press of the programmable-versionstring patch and down. 1348099;1450570782;asciilifeform;zoolag is also running same, as of last night. 1348100;1450570797;BingoBoingo;Oh, dulap is the one I've been connected to for a while nao 1348101;1450570809;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: aha but now it is synced 1348102;1450570821;asciilifeform;(an unsynced trb node is not good for much! because it rejects most tx) 1348103;1450570830;asciilifeform;thinkaboutit 1348104;1450570830;BingoBoingo;yeah 1348105;1450570855;BingoBoingo;Mine still rejects most tx because fee under 0.001 1348106;1450570864;asciilifeform;not even speaking of these. 1348107;1450570915;BingoBoingo;Yeah, the orphanage kill was a great thing 1348108;1450570976;BingoBoingo;So is "/therealbitcoin.org: (99999)" the recommended version string for 0.5 branch until diddling because so few 1348109;1450571014;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: my patches do not represent the official papal view of therealbitcoinfoundation 1348110;1450571029;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if the latest patch is ratified by the latter, then yes 1348111;1450571039;asciilifeform;otherwise it simply happens to be the version string used by my nodez. 1348112;1450571045;BingoBoingo;Alright. 1348113;1450571077;asciilifeform;and incidentally BingoBoingo, should he make use of this patch, can easily set another 1348114;1450571085;asciilifeform;without recompiling. 1348115;1450571095;BingoBoingo;Of course. Played with that already. 1348116;1450571122;BingoBoingo;Wonderful pranktential 1348117;1450571126;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1348050 << you know what's great? rat poison STILL WORKS even if you don't explain to the rats exactly ~how~ ! <<< precisely. moreover, every new generation of rats agrees that it doesn't work. which somehow does not have any deleterious effects on the rat poison itself. 1348118;1450571126;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 23:40:46; mircea_popescu: i've had it with this age of bullshit-reason where you gotta explain things to idiots with a first-paragraph-of-many-wikipedia-articles education as if everything can, or indeed should, be put in those terms. 1348119;1450571138;asciilifeform;aha, exactly this 1348120;1450571206;BingoBoingo;In other news "/therealbitcoin.org: (99999)" is tied for 38th place by nodecount per 21.co's thing 1348121;1450571248;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: part of the motivation for my experiment is to see how long it will be before they start 'accidentally' censoring it 1348122;1450571278;asciilifeform;but this is only mildly interesting and i will probably forget to watch very soon. 1348123;1450571308;BingoBoingo;Yeah, but in the plus side only takes 10 more to make it into the top 30 1348124;1450571313;asciilifeform;and yet if we had 10,001 of these it would make for some mild lulz 1348125;1450571318;asciilifeform;watch'em piss pants 1348126;1450571370;BingoBoingo;If shennanigans could always "go stealth" and pile on as 10th place /Satoshi:0.8.6/ (97 nodez) 1348127;1450571376;mircea_popescu;costs significantly less than what's in the foundation coffers to line up 10k amazon instances and let it rip. 1348128;1450571388;mircea_popescu;nobody gives enough of a shit, but anyway. "army in being". 1348129;1450571388;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: yeah but questionable gain 1348130;1450571404;mircea_popescu;anyone in the foundation leadership familiar with the military strategy concept ? ben_vulpes mod6 ? 1348131;1450571420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115300 @ 0.00049822 = 57.4448 BTC [-] {2} 1348132;1450571464;*;asciilifeform is familiar but not in trbfoundation 1348133;1450571479;mircea_popescu;i suppose should prolly call it fleet in being for historical reasons, but anywya. 1348134;1450571485;asciilifeform;fleet aha 1348135;1450571509;asciilifeform;at any rate, whoever wants to do this, knows how, it is not a mega-pr0j3ct 1348136;1450571516;mircea_popescu;amusingly, it's a converse/correlate concept to the overton window. 1348137;1450571575;asciilifeform;aws storage is, iirc, costly. this was one of the motivations for the enemy 'spv' crud etc 1348138;1450571576;mircea_popescu;links nicely to anchoring stuff such as "the freedom to threaten" (see http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=30-01-2015#998185 ) and so on. 1348139;1450571576;assbot;Logged on 30-01-2015 05:51:36; mircea_popescu: which is why i am not ever giving it up. the freedom to threaten is not merely my fundamental, unassailable sovereign property, but moreover essential for the construction of effectual instruments to squash the socialists and their golums. 1348140;1450571596;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you don't have to store anything to get the version string out. 1348141;1450571604;asciilifeform;that'd there be pseudonode. 1348142;1450571604;mircea_popescu;in fact it's better if ytou don't store anything. 1348143;1450571608;asciilifeform;which exists. 1348144;1450571615;asciilifeform;everybody knows where to get it. 1348145;1450571619;asciilifeform;(it's a 50kb c proggy) 1348146;1450571640;asciilifeform;https://github.com/basil00/PseudoNode 1348147;1450571641;assbot;basil00/PseudoNode · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1NE6Wt4 ) 1348148;1450571646;asciilifeform;!s pseudonode 1348149;1450571647;assbot;14 results for 'pseudonode' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pseudonode 1348150;1450571699;asciilifeform;imho rather than a useful thing, it is actually a molasses-attack vector on the btc net 1348151;1450571705;asciilifeform;and the possibility of it existing is a bug 1348152;1450571730;mircea_popescu;"The first great step was taken long ago," said Mr. Monk,"taken by men who were looked upon as revolutionary demagogues, almost as traitors, because they took it. But it is a great thing to take any step that leads us onwards." 1348153;1450571749;asciilifeform;but it'd be a not-altogether-terrible way to kill the rangers' net 1348154;1450571756;asciilifeform;after the gossified one is up 1348155;1450571776;mircea_popescu;wouldn't kill anything. just make the "electoral process" a direct equivalent of the time man-of-the-year competition,. 1348156;1450571790;mircea_popescu;its mere presence already accomplished most of that, anyway. 1348157;1450571796;asciilifeform;kill in the sense of severing from the actual living meat 1348158;1450571801;mircea_popescu;no democracy ever again. 1348159;1450571817;asciilifeform;sorta the equivalent of the syrian flood 1348160;1450571824;asciilifeform;!s empooren 1348161;1450571824;assbot;0 results for 'empooren' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=empooren 1348162;1450571827;asciilifeform;hm. 1348163;1450571840;BingoBoingo;"This is not true, compatibility with old nodes is funny preserved." << loller from minez 1348164;1450571851;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-11-2015#1324872 1348165;1450571852;assbot;Logged on 15-11-2015 16:37:59; mircea_popescu: and em-poor-en. 1348166;1450571952;asciilifeform;at any rate, if mircea_popescu or anybody else wants to run 10,001 pseudonodes, he knows how 1348167;1450571981;asciilifeform;(and i would argue that any kind of node whatsoever on aws or similar, is equivalent to a pseudonode instance) 1348168;1450572008;mircea_popescu;at least from our pov, yes. 1348169;1450572013;asciilifeform;one problem with this scheme is that they'd all live in aws ip space 1348170;1450572037;mircea_popescu;"Oportunidad Startups - Potenciate en una StartUp de Latam" 1348171;1450572041;mircea_popescu;dear god... 1348172;1450572043;asciilifeform;and thus do not really shitbury the dem00000cracy of redditors on cable modems 1348173;1450572082;mircea_popescu;Company: inBloom 1348174;1450572082;mircea_popescu;It is a shame that the progress of important innovation has been stalled because of generalized public concerns about data misuse. 1348175;1450572082;mircea_popescu;We stepped up to the occasion and supported our partners with passion, but we have realized that this concept is still new, and building public acceptance for the solution will require more time and resources than anyone could have anticipated. 1348176;1450572091;mircea_popescu;the article is gone. they had ONE HUNDRED MILLION 1348177;1450572095;asciilifeform;the CORRECT place for pseudonode is... 1348178;1450572097;asciilifeform;on pwned routers. 1348179;1450572098;mircea_popescu;from gates & the happy lizzard club. 1348180;1450572127;asciilifeform;l0lwut 1348181;1450572176;mircea_popescu;http://techcrunch.com/2013/02/05/with-100m-from-the-gates-foundation-others-inbloom-wants-to-transform-education-by-unleashing-its-data/ << not every airbnb succeeds. 1348182;1450572177;assbot;With $100M From The Gates Foundation & Others, inBloom Wants To Transform Education By Unleashing Its Data | TechCrunch ... ( http://bit.ly/1O0fm1u ) 1348183;1450572187;mircea_popescu;The company also wants to help educators locate standards-aligned instructional resources from multiple providers, matching them to students individual needs. We want to create more choice for schools and educators, Streichenberger says, but not in a way that is overwhelming or makes their lives more confusing. But in a way that allows startups and companies to create different versions of learning analytic 1348184;1450572187;mircea_popescu;s, for example, with teachers being able to choose the one thats best for their needs. 1348185;1450572237;asciilifeform;seems content-free 1348186;1450572268;mircea_popescu;it is. 1348187;1450572273;mircea_popescu;100mn. 1348188;1450572288;asciilifeform;prolly all went back to lizard coffer without so much as stopping for a drink. 1348189;1450572292;mircea_popescu;doh. 1348190;1450572297;asciilifeform;aha like mains current 1348191;1450572342;asciilifeform;when even was the last time anybody gave somebody 100mn ~turkey dollars~ 1348192;1450572355;asciilifeform;ah i recall 1348193;1450572363;asciilifeform;when the idiot ukrs sent their gold reserve to usg 1348194;1450572372;mircea_popescu;they didn't have that much did they. 1348195;1450572378;mircea_popescu;besides, looting isn't giving. 1348196;1450572379;asciilifeform;iirc - almost 1348197;1450572438;mircea_popescu;if you're happy with ammo dollars (kinda dubious), pretty much every warlord in the middle east got himself as much this decade. 1348198;1450572452;asciilifeform;ru ammo is cheap. 1348199;1450572477;asciilifeform;so cheap, that you will find it cheap ~in k0ns0000m3r retail in usa~ 1348200;1450572526;asciilifeform;(so cheap that usa actually bought, through shills, when distributing in afghan in '80s !!111 and still.) 1348201;1450572568;mircea_popescu;in other news, i'm getting used to the ~$30 contractor bills around here. 4 hour's labour, with tools and consumables. reasonable. 1348202;1450572578;asciilifeform;it is also 'grungy' and ill-burning and american shooting aficionados scoff at the iron shells 1348203;1450572587;asciilifeform;but they buy it, yes 1348204;1450572593;asciilifeform;while scoffing. 1348205;1450572608;mircea_popescu;copper shells are a fundamentally bad idea. 1348206;1450572615;mircea_popescu;i know why they went for it, but really. fucking dumb. 1348207;1450572618;asciilifeform;brass 1348208;1450572627;asciilifeform;but yes, largely cu 1348209;1450572628;mircea_popescu;no better. copper is scarce and has better uses. 1348210;1450572646;asciilifeform;brass is malleable and recycles easily 1348211;1450572647;mircea_popescu;excusable originally, because hey, 1800 machining sucked. 1348212;1450572657;asciilifeform;also forms good seal in chamber 1348213;1450572663;asciilifeform;which was nontrivial to achieve for steel shell 1348214;1450572668;asciilifeform;(requires VERY fine tolerances) 1348215;1450572686;mircea_popescu;im kinda wondering why no plastic shells yet. 1348216;1450572690;asciilifeform;there are ! 1348217;1450572701;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83025 @ 0.00050263 = 41.7309 BTC [+] {5} 1348218;1450572701;mircea_popescu;a ? okthen 1348219;1450572702;asciilifeform;i saw nylon luger rounds (shell AND bullet) sold. 1348220;1450572730;asciilifeform;http://reviews.cabelas.com/8815/218143/herters-select-grade-tnj-handgun-ammunition-reviews/reviews.htm << nylon shell, traditional bullet 1348221;1450572731;assbot;Cabela's - Herter's® Select-Grade TNJ Handgun Ammunition customer reviews - product reviews - read top consumer ratings ... ( http://bit.ly/1NE86oh ) 1348222;1450572735;mircea_popescu;$15 per 50 /.40 S+W 1348223;1450572736;asciilifeform;pulled out at random 1348224;1450572737;mircea_popescu;not badf 1348225;1450572775;asciilifeform;or hm, this link isn't it 1348226;1450572781;asciilifeform;these are merely nylon-JACKETED lead bullets 1348227;1450572786;asciilifeform;in metallic shells 1348228;1450572829;asciilifeform;(looks like aluminum) 1348229;1450572837;mircea_popescu;prolly is. 1348230;1450572851;mircea_popescu;should be interesting once the plastic guns with plastic bullets start showing up at airports. 1348231;1450572860;mircea_popescu;METAL DETECTOR!!11 1348232;1450572864;asciilifeform;by various accounts, these are long ago sop 1348233;1450572884;asciilifeform;a circa-1970s su specimen is known to exist 1348234;1450572909;asciilifeform;ceramic bullet. 1348235;1450572970;asciilifeform;iirc the main difficulty was the firing pin, it really does not want to be made of ceramic 1348236;1450573042;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348201 << moar plumbers ? 1348237;1450573042;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 00:49:28; mircea_popescu: in other news, i'm getting used to the ~$30 contractor bills around here. 4 hour's labour, with tools and consumables. reasonable. 1348238;1450573081;mircea_popescu;hey, if you're going to build yourself a proper torture fortress you'll need all sorts of herraderia work done. 1348239;1450573085;deedbot-;[Ossasepia] Foxy’s Dismal Scribblings on Euloran Exploration Data or Truly Horrible Numbers - http://www.dianacoman.com/2015/12/20/foxys-dismal-scribblings-on-euloran-exploration-data-or-truly-horrible-numbers/ 1348240;1450573096;asciilifeform;i happen to know that in a four-story, four-block office bldg full of secretutes, a plumber is necessary more or less 1+/day 1348241;1450573098;mircea_popescu;this girl's a born optimist is she 1348242;1450573128;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8195 @ 0.00049822 = 4.0829 BTC [-] {2} 1348243;1450573260;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> anyone in the foundation leadership familiar with the military strategy concept ? ben_vulpes mod6 ? << not in a very formal sense. 1348244;1450573429;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> i suppose should prolly call it fleet in being for historical reasons, but anywya. << gotcha 1348245;1450573710;diana_coman;mircea_popescu> this girl's a born optimist is she <- I even gave optimistic conclusions ! at each point!! lolz 1348246;1450574036;mod6;asciilifeform et. al. V question: Should I verify the hashes after all patches are vpressed, or after each pressed vpatch in the topological order? 1348247;1450574097;mod6;s/vpressed/pressed/ 1348248;1450574226;mod6;if we wait until the end, we'll save some cycles -- and mathematically the hashes wouldn't come out right if somehow the files were diddled inbetween. but I can see some merit in checking after each patch is pressed. 1348249;1450574288;mod6;i suppose i can just 'die' if one doesn't verify after each vpatch pressed. maybe that makes better sense. 1348250;1450574457;mircea_popescu;if you check "at the end" now you have state. 1348251;1450574733;punkman;"Possible optimistic conclusion: the new definition of “improved” is going from 34% to 21% success rate. Long (and painfully) live improvements!" lol 1348252;1450574779;BingoBoingo;;;isup btcalpha.com 1348253;1450574779;gribble;btcalpha.com is up 1348254;1450574810;mircea_popescu;ahahaha look at that, btcalpha is down 1348255;1450574825;mircea_popescu;nope, loaded eventually. you see it BingoBoingo ? 1348256;1450574840;BingoBoingo;Yeah, twas just impatience on my part 1348257;1450574841;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> if you check "at the end" now you have state. << do we want this? 1348258;1450574849;mircea_popescu;mod6 we pointedly don't wqant this. 1348259;1450574894;mod6;ok, got it. 1348260;1450574910;mod6;will check after each and die if not valid. 1348261;1450575166;BingoBoingo;tardmode http://www.washingtonpost.com/cars/elon-musk-wants-california-to-forgive-volkswagen-for-dieselgate-but-theres-a-very-big-catch/2015/12/18/86d47caa-a5b4-11e5-8318-bd8caed8c588_story.html 1348262;1450575168;assbot;Elon Musk Wants California To Forgive Volkswagen For Dieselgate (But There's A Very Big Catch) - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODlRU6 ) 1348263;1450575196;BingoBoingo;"In contrast to the punishments and recalls being considered, this proposal would be a real win for California emissions, a big win for California jobs, and a historic action to help derail climate change. The bottleneck to the greater availability of zero emissions vehicles is the availability of batteries. There is an urgent need to build more battery factories to increase battery supply, and this proposal would ensure that larg 1348264;1450575197;BingoBoingo;e battery plant and related investments, with their ensuing local jobs, would be made in the U.S. by VW." 1348265;1450575501;mircea_popescu;lol musk wanna-be truman or wut ? 1348266;1450575694;BingoBoingo;I don't even know anymore. 1348267;1450576146;BingoBoingo;http://notyourgoodfatty.com/fatandflawless-cant-see-the-lifespan-of-the-obese-is-etched-in-stone/ 1348268;1450576148;assbot;@Fatandflawless can't see the lifespan of the obese is etched in stone! - NotYourGoodFatty.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODmYTF ) 1348269;1450576373;BingoBoingo;https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/735019 1348270;1450576374;assbot;My roommate is making my life a living Hell. Update 1. | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODnfGk ) 1348271;1450576501;mircea_popescu;"What I learned from my failed startup after 2 years, 300 users and zero revenue" 1348272;1450576518;mircea_popescu;he probably learned that mpex design is bad and etc. 1348273;1450576543;mircea_popescu;fuck those stupid start-ups that have revenue and etc. 1348274;1450576564;mircea_popescu;"Two years ago, on December 2011, I was generating ideas for a business that would help team managers to not suck so much at managing their teams. I came up with this idea because I had some pretty terrible managers in my life. At the same time I worked for about 5 years with leadership development and had some pretty great teams and team experiences. Exactly January 1st 2012 I registered the domain teamometer.com." 1348275;1450576571;mircea_popescu;totally legit. 1348276;1450576605;mircea_popescu;"Validating the MVP 1348277;1450576606;mircea_popescu;I was reading The Lean Startup at that time, which is a great book, but not completely fool proof (here is a fool who got it wrong). I started well: in December I created a very basic idea and rough screens of my team management web tool. In January I built a very basic 2 page website with a video explaining what Teamometer.com did and a try it free button, which then lead to a page for inputting the email addres 1348278;1450576606;mircea_popescu;s to capture leads (since I had no product, that was just a test to see if there was demand). Then I bought a few dollars in Adwords to drive traffic to it." 1348279;1450576657;BingoBoingo;Chicoms took our jobs, nao they are taking our scooty puffs http://notyourgoodfatty.com/too-fat-to-fuck-chinas-fattest-couple-gets-weight-loss-surgery-so-they-can-have-a-baby/ 1348280;1450576659;assbot;Too Fat to Fuck! China's Fattest Couple gets weight-loss surgery so they can have a baby. - NotYourGoodFatty.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODnAsx ) 1348281;1450576676;BingoBoingo;"Weighing in at nearly 900 lbs Chinas heaviest couple has decided to undergo weight-loss surgery so they can have kids. Lin Yue and Deng Yang have been married since 2010 yet they havent been able to consummate their marriage because of their massive fupas. " 1348282;1450576704;mircea_popescu;http://www.sergioschuler.com/startup-lessons-learned-from-my-failed-startup/ << this is prolly the dumbest kid of the crop so far. 1348283;1450576708;assbot;Startup lessons learned from my failed startup - Sergio Schuler ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODnH7p ) 1348284;1450576733;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo ustards can't even get obesity right ? 1348285;1450576775;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Not when the Chicoms can get to 450 a piece 1348286;1450576784;mircea_popescu;aha 1348287;1450576802;mircea_popescu;from what i hear past 300 or so a valid strategy becomes to just ejaculate and wait for the flies. 1348288;1450576806;mircea_popescu;treemode, so to speak. 1348289;1450576840;BingoBoingo;lol 1348290;1450576869;BingoBoingo;Wait 1348291;1450576878;BingoBoingo;HOLY SHIT TREES ARE OBESE 1348292;1450576927;mircea_popescu;:) 1348293;1450576961;mircea_popescu;and it doesn't affect their health, either. 1348294;1450576972;BingoBoingo;We need to start recording the blockchain on paper, stat. 1348295;1450576982;BingoBoingo;Fucking trees with their rootspreading 1348296;1450577215;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48931 @ 0.00049763 = 24.3495 BTC [-] {2} 1348297;1450577869;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348260 << this is necessary (apparently i have to explain it) because WE DON'T HAVE a known-good 'patch' util 1348298;1450577869;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 01:28:30; mod6: will check after each and die if not valid. 1348299;1450578046;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348295 << was reading log backwards and thought this was about drainpipes (an actual problem where i live) 1348300;1450578046;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 02:03:02; BingoBoingo: Fucking trees with their rootspreading 1348301;1450578113;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: It is. Copper sulfate helps with that. Still fat fuck trees are so hungry they'll happily turn the shit pipe into a buffet. Behaviorally the things are hamplanets. 1348302;1450578137;asciilifeform;root follows water 1348303;1450578147;asciilifeform;it is the prehistoric clay pipes which are the problem 1348304;1450578156;BingoBoingo;And follow faster when it finds easy shit. 1348305;1450578363;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348246 << and waitsec how on earth would you even try to verify hashes ~after all the patches are pressed~ 1348306;1450578363;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 01:13:56; mod6: asciilifeform et. al. V question: Should I verify the hashes after all patches are vpressed, or after each pressed vpatch in the topological order? 1348307;1450578393;asciilifeform;the only choices are to verify nothing (what we have now), verify only last one (why???) and verify after each (the screamingly correct way) 1348308;1450578451;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348269 << folks who associate with the profoundly, frothingly mentally ill, tend to have some issue also 1348309;1450578451;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 01:52:53; BingoBoingo: https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/735019 1348310;1450578460;asciilifeform;(otherwise, why??) 1348311;1450578491;BingoBoingo;Because you can't take reddit out of the redditors in exile? 1348312;1450578497;BingoBoingo;They keep making the same mistakes 1348313;1450578567;asciilifeform;the being-broke thing also 'helps' 1348314;1450578637;BingoBoingo;Sure, still meat trees occasionally do stuff like https://archive.is/HzbNk 1348315;1450578638;assbot;Tri-fat: Running with a FUPA | Marilia Brocchetto ... ( http://bit.ly/1m0tNs1 ) 1348316;1450578663;BingoBoingo;"Solution : Running with suspenders! No FUPA issues. I'll take a picture next time to illustrate better. It's amazing what a $5 pair of suspenders from Ace hardware will do to keep a FUPA in check. " 1348317;1450578663;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1348318;1450579411;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9273 @ 0.00049712 = 4.6098 BTC [-] {2} 1348319;1450580542;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1348320;1450580548;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 308.0842, vol: 6598.51908905 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 305.5325, vol: 6088.35063 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 302.175, vol: 2.6742231 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 317.4304, vol: 78934.70550000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 298.00001, vol: 0.25189048 | Bitcoin-Central BTCGBP last: 306.47407297, vol: 39.12527421 | Volume-weighted last average: 315.962161932 1348321;1450580856;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/rmZSy "During tonight's Democratic debate in New Hampshire, Clinton was running late again returning from a commercialit's not clear whether a bathroom was involved" << Springtime for Clitler 1348322;1450580856;assbot;Hillary's podium empty as ABC starts debate segment. ... ( http://bit.ly/1J0JsSa ) 1348323;1450583011;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87650 @ 0.00049892 = 43.7303 BTC [+] {3} 1348324;1450583397;mod6;ok I have made some additions, and this is what I've come up with: 1348325;1450583398;mod6;http://dpaste.com/0SQKDZP.txt 1348326;1450583399;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1J0JOIl ) 1348327;1450583445;mod6;it's not fully tested yet -- tomorrow I'll pass the testable version around and some people can give it a try. 1348328;1450583467;mod6;then if everything passes, etc, will publish a new version [v99996] 1348329;1450583498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60637 @ 0.00050157 = 30.4137 BTC [+] {2} 1348330;1450583534;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348246 << and waitsec how on earth would you even try to verify hashes ~after all the patches are pressed~ << yah, i dunno. didn't go that direction. it validates now after each vpatch is pressed. 1348331;1450583534;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 01:13:56; mod6: asciilifeform et. al. V question: Should I verify the hashes after all patches are vpressed, or after each pressed vpatch in the topological order? 1348332;1450584006;BingoBoingo;What the fuck is this prove you are a good fiat business before we'll even show you laser and hazmat prices business https://archive.is/pBOQL 1348333;1450584007;assbot;Account Sign Up - Sign Up Options | Stuller ... ( http://bit.ly/1J0JWHW ) 1348334;1450584108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118509 @ 0.0004967 = 58.8634 BTC [-] {5} 1348335;1450584280;thestringpuller;;;isup qntra.net 1348336;1450584284;thestringpuller;;;isup trilema.com 1348337;1450584285;gribble;qntra.net is up 1348338;1450584290;gribble;trilema.com is up 1348339;1450584736;thestringpuller;!gettrust jgarzik 1348340;1450584736;assbot;Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user jgarzik: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=thestringpuller&to=jgarzik | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/jgarzik/ 1348341;1450586243;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100250 @ 0.00049616 = 49.74 BTC [-] {4} 1348342;1450587097;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 290300 @ 0.00049231 = 142.9176 BTC [-] {6} 1348343;1450588487;gabriel_laddel;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347924 << here it comes... 1348344;1450588487;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 22:34:54; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform an ast is generated SOMEHOW. 1348345;1450588675;ben_vulpes;evening, gabriel_laddel 1348346;1450588675;gabriel_laddel;"here what comes?" 1348347;1450588682;gabriel_laddel;"understanding." 1348348;1450588693;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes: hihi 1348349;1450588711;gabriel_laddel;ben_vulpes: how is the family, work, life? 1348350;1450588779;ben_vulpes;alive, in gear, and enjoyable thank you 1348351;1450588792;ben_vulpes;how grows masamune? 1348352;1450588801;ben_vulpes;(and your other work) 1348353;1450588872;gabriel_laddel;Heh. Having the first mirror machine and the prospect of automating the install process within arm's reach is a strong motivation to... job hunt. 1348354;1450590002;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWpF0t4XIAAqaD2.jpg 1348355;1450590003;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QSfzo9 ) 1348356;1450590368;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/cQIZ5 1348357;1450590369;assbot;Board Seat Appointments - General - Bitcoin Foundation ... ( http://bit.ly/1QSfK2G ) 1348358;1450590696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00049568 = 9.0214 BTC [+] {2} 1348359;1450591550;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63400 @ 0.00049999 = 31.6994 BTC [+] {4} 1348360;1450592222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74821 @ 0.00049064 = 36.7102 BTC [-] {2} 1348361;1450592343;ben_vulpes;whatever did happen to bitcointa.lk 1348362;1450592438;BingoBoingo;no idea 1348363;1450595577;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36231 @ 0.00049744 = 18.0227 BTC [+] {2} 1348364;1450596065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51701 @ 0.0004976 = 25.7264 BTC [+] {3} 1348365;1450596240;trinque;to ... why the fuck are you downloading the logs bundle over and over ? 1348366;1450597163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67100 @ 0.00048993 = 32.8743 BTC [-] {3} 1348367;1450597427;trinque;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-11-2014#937160 << fix your script; i.e. download only bundles you've never seen, or don't you know how crypto sigs work 1348368;1450597427;assbot;Logged on 27-11-2014 17:59:12; Anduck: ip 1348369;1450597453;trinque;how bout that, #b-a l0gz DNS 1348370;1450597556;BingoBoingo;!up Anduck 1348371;1450597895;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46938 @ 0.00049814 = 23.3817 BTC [+] {2} 1348372;1450598272;trinque;Anduck: a gentleman might consider funding the bot's address after using a terabyte of bandwidth 1348373;1450598276;trinque;!gettrust Anduck 1348374;1450598277;assbot;Trust relationship from user trinque to user Anduck: Level 1: -3, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=trinque&to=Anduck | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Anduck/ 1348375;1450598283;trinque;how bout that. 1348376;1450599847;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45585 @ 0.00049596 = 22.6083 BTC [-] {3} 1348377;1450601476;BingoBoingo;Song may be right? https://archive.is/XvHkY 1348378;1450601477;assbot;Hitler really did have only one testicle, German researcher claims | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/22hEyXu ) 1348379;1450601921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33900 @ 0.00049447 = 16.7625 BTC [-] {2} 1348380;1450602226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70650 @ 0.00050312 = 35.5454 BTC [+] {2} 1348381;1450606008;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73262 @ 0.00050315 = 36.8618 BTC [+] {3} 1348382;1450606130;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37650 @ 0.00048812 = 18.3777 BTC [-] {5} 1348383;1450608143;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60734 @ 0.00049568 = 30.1046 BTC [+] 1348384;1450608875;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29128 @ 0.0004904 = 14.2844 BTC [-] {2} 1348385;1450610766;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100337 @ 0.00048639 = 48.8029 BTC [-] {4} 1348386;1450612286;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> it is the prehistoric clay pipes which are the problem << clay pipes are best pipes. really. 1348387;1450612790;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> whatever did happen to bitcointa.lk << the guy had a good idea back when a few people still thought tardstalk might possibily matter. that was... well over a year ago. 1348388;1450612816;mircea_popescu;trinque> to ... why the fuck are you downloading the logs bundle over and over ? << try an' guess. 1348389;1450612846;mircea_popescu;heh. 1348390;1450613289;mircea_popescu;100%[======================================>] 11,536,384 3.06M/s in 3.6s 1348391;1450613297;mircea_popescu;man i like the smell of new hardware. 1348392;1450613305;thestringpuller;wget? 1348393;1450613346;mircea_popescu;,yeah 1348394;1450614561;mircea_popescu;in other news, sprint.pl "one the most advanced centers in Poland for data storage and processing, created in response to the growing demands of the market" ran off with muh boxen. 1348395;1450614570;mircea_popescu;apparently that's ok now, because reasons. 1348396;1450614670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46500 @ 0.00049165 = 22.8617 BTC [+] {4} 1348397;1450615333;punkman;mircea_popescu: was that the new phuctor box? 1348398;1450617375;punkman;http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/18/politics/juniper-networks-us-government-security-hack/ mkay 1348399;1450617376;assbot;Newly discovered hack has U.S. fearing foreign infiltration - CNNPolitics.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1PiWBqX ) 1348400;1450617605;punkman;http://screenrant.com/coleco-chameleon-video-game-cartridge/ coleco is still alive? 1348401;1450617607;assbot;Coleco Developing New Cartridge-Based Video Game Console ... ( http://bit.ly/1PiX3W0 ) 1348402;1450617660;punkman;ah they have an indiegogo 1348403;1450617854;punkman;https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/retro-vgs so coleco plans to somehow rebrand this thing that flopped 1348404;1450617855;assbot;RETRO VGS | Indiegogo ... ( http://bit.ly/1NEYJVj ) 1348405;1450619055;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347566 <If I'd of die tonight I'd of die a little happier 1348406;1450619055;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 19:34:16; pete_dushenski: ima contravexbash this 1348407;1450621441;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88984 @ 0.00048897 = 43.5105 BTC [-] {3} 1348408;1450622966;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82537 @ 0.00049601 = 40.9392 BTC [+] {3} 1348409;1450623576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 72900 @ 0.00049604 = 36.1613 BTC [+] {2} 1348410;1450625661;jurov;https://petsymposium.org/2015/papers/vandenhooff-vuvuzela-hotpets2015.pdf 1348411;1450625663;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NFanj9 ) 1348412;1450625666;jurov;" 1348413;1450625667;jurov;Vuvuzela’s design assumes an adversary that 1348414;1450625669;jurov;controls all but one of the Vuvuzela servers (users need not 1348415;1450625670;jurov;know which one), controls an arbitrary number of clients, and 1348416;1450625672;jurov;can monitor, block, delay, or inject tra 1348417;1450625673;jurov;ffi 1348418;1450625675;jurov;c on any network 1348419;1450625676;jurov;link. Two users communicating through Vuvuzela should 1348420;1450625678;jurov;have their communication protected if their two clients, and 1348421;1450625679;jurov;any one server, are uncompromised. 1348422;1450625720;jurov;" << MIT got inspired 1348423;1450626382;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 113800 @ 0.00049703 = 56.562 BTC [+] {5} 1348424;1450628151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70800 @ 0.00048923 = 34.6375 BTC [-] {4} 1348425;1450630164;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105803 @ 0.00049636 = 52.5164 BTC [+] {3} 1348426;1450630286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7251 @ 0.00050154 = 3.6367 BTC [+] 1348427;1450630583;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348386 << ahahaha right. let me know when you've seen geysers of shit spewing from your bathtub on account of tree roots penetrating your clay pipes 1348428;1450630583;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 11:51:26; mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> it is the prehistoric clay pipes which are the problem << clay pipes are best pipes. really. 1348429;1450630603;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348390 << sl00000w 1348430;1450630603;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 12:08:09; mircea_popescu: 100%[======================================>] 11,536,384 3.06M/s in 3.6s 1348431;1450630624;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348394 << why does mircea_popescu keep buying boxes in nato ? 1348432;1450630624;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 12:29:21; mircea_popescu: in other news, sprint.pl "one the most advanced centers in Poland for data storage and processing, created in response to the growing demands of the market" ran off with muh boxen. 1348433;1450630839;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348398 << 'The breach is believed to be the work of a foreign government, U.S. officials said, because of the sophistication involved. The U.S. officials said they are certain U.S. spy agencies themselves aren't behind the back door. China and Russia are among the top suspected governments...' << mega-l0l 1348434;1450630839;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 13:16:15; punkman: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/12/18/politics/juniper-networks-us-government-security-hack/ mkay 1348435;1450630886;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348397 << nah that thing is still up (though at the moment the only thing properly built there is a trb node) 1348436;1450630886;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 12:42:13; punkman: mircea_popescu: was that the new phuctor box? 1348437;1450630897;asciilifeform;as in http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348094 1348438;1450630897;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 00:17:11; asciilifeform: incidentally, gentlemen, please welcome (back) dulap! (nosuchlabs.com), a trb node running bleedingedge-asciilifeform+rotor(musl) 1348439;1450630907;thestringpuller;;;market sell --fiat 6000000000 1348440;1450630909;gribble;Bitfinex | This order would exceed the size of the order book. You would sell 328927.03 bitcoins for a total of 7885661.1167 USD and take the price to 0. | Data vintage: 0.0046 seconds 1348441;1450630960;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348422 << by now everybody knows the usg academitard modus operandi 1348442;1450630960;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 15:35:20; jurov: " << MIT got inspired 1348443;1450630991;asciilifeform;would be interesting (for a laugh) to see the actual code, but this is improbable 1348444;1450631055;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348378 << now it remains to be learned whether '...musso, he has none at all' 1348445;1450631055;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 08:51:17; assbot: Hitler really did have only one testicle, German researcher claims | World news | The Guardian ... ( http://bit.ly/22hEyXu ) 1348446;1450631111;punkman;https://github.com/davidlazar/vuvuzela 1348447;1450631112;assbot;davidlazar/vuvuzela · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1US98BO ) 1348448;1450631126;asciilifeform;l0l, 'go' 1348449;1450631133;punkman;naturally 1348450;1450631189;asciilifeform;'Vuvuzela assumes the existence of a PKI in which users can privately learn each others public keys. This implementation uses pki.conf as a placeholder until we integrate a real PKI.' << ahaha 1348451;1450631260;asciilifeform;'Vuvuzela uses efficient cryptography (NaCl) to hide as much metadata as possible and adds noise to metadata that can't be encrypted efficiently. This approach provides less privacy than encrypting all of the metadata, but it enables Vuvuzela to support millions of users. ' 1348452;1450631267;asciilifeform;do i need to actually read this thing 1348453;1450631299;punkman;yale's equivalent http://dedis.cs.yale.edu/dissent/ 1348454;1450631300;assbot;dedis@yale | Dissent: Accountable Anonymous Group Communication ... ( http://bit.ly/1muKDix ) 1348455;1450631364;mod6;So with the post-press hash validator in place, here's some debugging/info output while pressing in verbose mode: http://dpaste.com/2EM6P8S.txt 1348456;1450631366;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1muKJXu ) 1348457;1450631366;punkman;stanford's http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo/pubs/abstracts/riposte.html 1348458;1450631367;assbot;Boneh Publications: Riposte: An Anonymous Messaging System Handling Millions of Users ... ( http://bit.ly/1muKJXy ) 1348459;1450631378;asciilifeform;!s boneh 1348460;1450631379;assbot;1 results for 'boneh' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=boneh 1348461;1450631380;mod6;I think this is pretty much what we want. I'll start writing some automated tests for this. 1348462;1450631453;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-04-2015#1085575 << thread re: herr boneh 1348463;1450631453;assbot;Logged on 03-04-2015 02:40:46; asciilifeform: http://www.voltage.com/technology/identity-based-encryption << him 1348464;1450631504;asciilifeform;also gotta love the 'million of anonymous' and 'ddos resistant' claim. 1348465;1450631541;asciilifeform;and the fiddy pounds of maths 1348466;1450631549;asciilifeform;classic usgization 1348467;1450631562;asciilifeform;expect more 'embrace & extend' of gossipd. 1348468;1450631631;asciilifeform;does harvard have one yet ? 1348469;1450631633;asciilifeform;how about rand corp ? 1348470;1450631637;thestringpuller;wassup asciilifeform 1348471;1450631640;thestringpuller;merry xmas bro 1348472;1450631642;asciilifeform;naval academy ? 1348473;1450631653;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: wasn't that a week from now 1348474;1450631708;asciilifeform;https://github.com/dedis/Dissent/blob/master/src/Crypto/DsaPrivateKey.cpp << holy fuck the yale thing supports dsa ?! 1348475;1450631709;assbot;Dissent/DsaPrivateKey.cpp at master · dedis/Dissent · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1muL6S7 ) 1348476;1450631789;asciilifeform;https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/trigger-warning-a-platform-for-dissident-thought << similar lulz elsewhere 1348477;1450631791;assbot;Trigger Warning - A Platform for Dissident Thought | Indiegogo ... ( http://bit.ly/1muLcJs ) 1348478;1450631929;asciilifeform;mod6: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348455 << neato 1348479;1450631929;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 17:09:24; mod6: So with the post-press hash validator in place, here's some debugging/info output while pressing in verbose mode: http://dpaste.com/2EM6P8S.txt 1348480;1450631972;thestringpuller;whatever happened to friedcat: http://btcreporter.com/2015/03/04/mystery-in-bitcoinland-the-disappearance-of-friedcat/ 1348481;1450631973;asciilifeform;mod6: have you tested it with 'false' entries? (files which were newly created) 1348482;1450631994;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52204 @ 0.00049287 = 25.7298 BTC [-] {3} 1348483;1450632055;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65172 @ 0.00048508 = 31.6136 BTC [-] {2} 1348484;1450632280;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3xksss/coinbase_bans_me_after_i_help_them_fix_major/ << oh look coinbase is officially a scam. 1348485;1450632411;punkman;"Instead of abusing the exploit i have decided to help Coinbase fix the exploit by telling them step to step instructions on how to reproduce the bug on hackerone. After they were able to fix the exploit i was rewarded a measly $5,000 bounty, which i thought was unfair and was expecting to get upwards of $25,000. I helped them fix something that could have damaged them in hundreds of 1348486;1450632411;punkman;thousands of dollars, maybe even Millions if the exploit was executed correctly with the right amount of people. Anyway so after i got my bounty and moved on they put some kind of "secret" ban on my account" 1348487;1450632592;punkman;!up pxallin 1348488;1450632616;punkman;good god man, why did you tell them about the second exploit 1348489;1450632621;thestringpuller;hey pxallin. just posted your story here. 1348490;1450634074;asciilifeform;didn't we do a 'responsible disclosure'-is-for-idiots thread ? 1348491;1450634116;asciilifeform;possibly http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=06-07-2015#1188887 and http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=05-07-2015#1188248 1348492;1450634116;assbot;Logged on 06-07-2015 01:24:01; mircea_popescu: "you wanted to benefit from responsible disclosure protections, you should have been in the wot" "but at the time i made that decision it seemed a no brainer, why expend the effort" "right. this is why you die." 1348493;1450634116;assbot;Logged on 05-07-2015 15:10:28; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-07-2015#1188163 << this is why, when dealing with a usg-powered entity, the correct procedure is not 'disclosure', which will be censored and hushed up; but - total annihilation 1348494;1450634505;asciilifeform;this is the kind of bind folks end up in because it is impossible (to a first approximation) to sell 0days. 1348495;1450634604;asciilifeform;now if camel fucker army had brains and used pgp and gave half a shit, one could send 0day to them and have at least the pleasure of knowing that it will be used to deal max damage. 1348496;1450634611;asciilifeform;or north kr, etc. 1348497;1450634631;asciilifeform;but even then impossible: 1348498;1450634637;asciilifeform;they'd get swamped with disinfo 1348499;1450634702;asciilifeform;so it would appear to me that traffic in 0day is impossible without a wot 1348500;1450634728;asciilifeform;but it is also impossible ~with~ a wot, unless you are mircea_popescu and are in commerce with another mircea_popescu . 1348501;1450634737;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: well traditionally a blackhat would have a group and they would deal max damage themselves. 1348502;1450634747;thestringpuller;I've only heard of OS exploits being "sat on" for long periods of time. 1348503;1450634770;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: there is not a single such 'group' in planet 3 that isn't either a) usg tendril b) full of stoolies and candidate for gasenwagen 1348504;1450634801;thestringpuller;The risk for crime is the gasenwagen. Raiders have always been ride or die. 1348505;1450634865;asciilifeform;almost meaningless statement. 1348506;1450634914;asciilifeform;and 'risk' is a weasel word when applied to a suicidally-stupid mistake such as associating with bands of idiot wotless children. 1348507;1450635081;thestringpuller;I was talking pre-wot days. But sure, I understand what you are saying. 1348508;1450635103;thestringpuller;Meat-WoT was a thing no? 1348509;1450635339;asciilifeform;aha 1348510;1450635364;asciilifeform;but it made локализация провала ( mircea_popescu ! does english even have a word for this basic concept ?) difficult 1348511;1450635398;asciilifeform;roughly 'localization of failure' but is a specific tradecraft term 1348512;1450635439;asciilifeform;but back to subj, meatwots consisting of idiot children tend to get rolled up within a single day 1348513;1450635442;asciilifeform;whenever enemy feels like it. 1348514;1450635490;thestringpuller;"resistance is futile" 1348515;1450635507;asciilifeform;mno. 1348516;1450635512;asciilifeform;futile for idiot children. 1348517;1450635572;thestringpuller;weakest link is always idiot child. 1348518;1450635635;asciilifeform;associating with idiot child is a choice. 1348519;1450635801;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6: have you tested it with 'false' entries? (files which were newly created) << this is a good test. it should just do what its supposed to do 'as is' I think? this line will grab the 'b' of the vdiff; my $file_hash = $vp_map{$vp}{$src_file_name}{b}; 1348520;1450635840;mod6;and if a new file is introduced the 'a' should be 'false' and the 'b' will be some sha512 hash, and will still be verifyable. correct? 1348521;1450635847;mod6;anyway, yeah, will still test that. 1348522;1450635853;asciilifeform;mod6: test it with my latest patch 1348523;1450635857;asciilifeform;it creates a 'knobs.h' 1348524;1450635862;mod6;ah, good lookin' 1348525;1450635863;mod6;thanks. 1348526;1450636133;mod6;ok: http://dpaste.com/3PZ9CP8.txt 1348527;1450636134;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NwM3Cf ) 1348528;1450636150;mod6;looks like it did what it was supposed to do. 1348529;1450636158;asciilifeform;mod6: very neat 1348530;1450636182;mod6;so the ones that it /does/ skip is when 'b' == 'false' -- where the file was ~removed~ from a given vpatch. 1348531;1450636184;asciilifeform;oughta post this on therealbitcoin.org 1348532;1450636194;asciilifeform;wai wat 1348533;1450636196;asciilifeform;skip? 1348534;1450636224;asciilifeform;gotta also make sure that subsequent patches do not try to use a deleted file 1348535;1450636226;mod6;yeah, otherwise `sha512sum` returns "No such file found". 1348536;1450636261;asciilifeform;(a patch that uses a deleted file can be legit so long as it is not on the tree branch that contained the deletion) 1348537;1450636262;asciilifeform;thinkaboutit 1348538;1450636292;mod6;hmm. 1348539;1450636302;asciilifeform;the other thing a vtron needs to handle is orphans 1348540;1450636321;asciilifeform;if the toposort is correctly written, mod6's vtron ought to do it 1348541;1450636344;asciilifeform;perhaps orphan is not the word 1348542;1450636351;asciilifeform;but dead branches of the tree, basically 1348543;1450636361;mod6;disconnected graphs? 1348544;1450636400;asciilifeform;nah those are yet another matter 1348545;1450636410;asciilifeform;say we were to have a documentation dir 1348546;1450636413;asciilifeform;that never existed before 1348547;1450636421;asciilifeform;it would end up as an altogether other tree in the graph 1348548;1450636429;mod6;oh, i see, so like if a patch further down the line (in time) remove a file that a specific sub tree relies upon, that those become removed? 1348549;1450636442;asciilifeform;mod6: nope 1348550;1450636543;mod6;<+asciilifeform> it would end up as an altogether other tree in the graph << so said patch to add documentation dir would be its own root? 1348551;1450636551;asciilifeform;it would 1348552;1450636598;asciilifeform;the only necessary change to make working with multiple trees convenient would be 'multi-press' where you specify more than one 'head' 1348553;1450636603;mod6;I guess that makes sense since it wouldn't share any antecedents with the original graph. 1348554;1450636606;asciilifeform;aha 1348555;1450637044;mod6;Scenario: Guy creates vpatch that utilizes irc.h (removed in vpatch asciilifeform_ver_no_5_4_and_irc_is_gone_and_now_must_give_ip.vpatch) must ensure that Guy's patch is on it's own tree? 1348556;1450637057;asciilifeform;no 1348557;1450637069;asciilifeform;it splits off from the node immediately prior to the removal 1348558;1450637072;mod6;i haven't quite figured out what to do about this scenario yet. 1348559;1450637085;asciilifeform;just as if i had cut out a single line of a single file, and a subsequent patch relies on that line. 1348560;1450637089;asciilifeform;thinkaboutit 1348561;1450637108;asciilifeform;also if you set your vtron to 'wild' mode you can trivially test various combos 1348562;1450637114;asciilifeform;i did a good bit of this 1348563;1450637158;asciilifeform;the only kind of thing that is 'in own tree' is a patch that has no common ancestor with ~anything~ in the genesis tree 1348564;1450637170;asciilifeform;(ergo, has its own 'genesis' somewhere) 1348565;1450637171;mod6;ok. 1348566;1450637174;mod6;right. 1348567;1450637205;mod6;i thought 'wild' mode is simply when no one in wot has provided a seal corresponding to a given vpatch 1348568;1450637213;asciilifeform;aha 1348569;1450637218;asciilifeform;it is handy for testing a vtron 1348570;1450637229;asciilifeform;because you can throw in any patches you like, made for the occasion of the test 1348571;1450637232;asciilifeform;without having to sign them 1348572;1450637252;mod6;oh yeah, i see. 1348573;1450637261;mod6;for testing. etc. 1348574;1450637262;asciilifeform;it was the only reason i had it. 1348575;1450637324;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Is it better to be a paternalistic colonialist or a patronising anti-colonialist? - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/20/is-it-better-to-be-a-paternalistic-colonialist-or-a-patronising-anti-colonialist/ 1348576;1450637388;*;mircea_popescu waves 1348577;1450637399;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu ! 1348578;1450637411;mircea_popescu;<punkman> mircea_popescu: was that the new phuctor box? << nah, the old qntra cluster. makes it the 2nd time in about a month wtf. 1348579;1450637437;*;asciilifeform pictures scene, mircea_popescu's servers in burlap sack on motorcycle, an old pier, a splash 1348580;1450637448;mod6;<+asciilifeform> it splits off from the node immediately prior to the removal << so in this scenario, the antecedents of asciilifeform_ver_no_5_4_and_irc_is_gone_and_now_must_give_ip.vpatch are [dns_thermonyukyoolar, rev-bump, static_makefile_v002, genesis ] 1348581;1450637463;mircea_popescu;the high stakes game of world diplomacy and international intrigue! 1348582;1450637468;asciilifeform;mod6: correct. and afaik this behaviour does not need any special cases 1348583;1450637490;mod6;so then those antecedents would point to the new vpatch (at the same node level as asciilifeform_ver_no_5_4_and_irc_is_gone_and_now_must_give_ip.vpatch) but a separate node. 1348584;1450637527;asciilifeform;mod6: an odd way to phrase it (descendants point to ancestors, really) but yes. 1348585;1450637549;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348422 << lol. what a dumbass name, too./ 1348586;1450637549;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 15:35:20; jurov: " << MIT got inspired 1348587;1450637558;mod6;ah, yeah, sorry -- following the arrows in the graph. 1348588;1450637586;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: actually i can hardly think of better name than 'vuvuzela' for a usg idiocy built solely to drown out intelligent thought 1348589;1450637595;asciilifeform;bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhhhhttt! 1348590;1450637608;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: ahahaha right. let me know when you've seen geysers of shit spewing from your bathtub<<< i don't live in the fucking swamp. 1348591;1450637616;mod6;haha blow your vuvuzela 1348592;1450637616;mircea_popescu;just because you can pump the shit uphill doesn't mean you should. 1348593;1450637636;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform african innovation yes ? 1348594;1450637649;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this was strictly downhill. known bug of 100-y.o. clay pipe: porous. roots follow gradient. 1348595;1450637670;mircea_popescu;100 yo ?! 1348596;1450637674;asciilifeform;aha 1348597;1450637687;*;mircea_popescu waves disinterestedly. waaaaaa 1348598;1450637695;asciilifeform;(possibly not quite 100) 1348599;1450637705;mircea_popescu;"The breach is believed to be the work of a foreign government, U.S. officials said, because of the sophistication involved. " << fucktards. 1348600;1450637709;asciilifeform;city hall said '1920s' 1348601;1450637729;mircea_popescu;governments trail in every measure of efficiency, efficacity, sophistication or otherwise success, yet the assumption is that hey, if it work it musta been a government. 1348602;1450637733;mircea_popescu;memory hole ftw. 1348603;1450637763;asciilifeform;( old thread... http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-05-2014#689735 ) 1348604;1450637763;assbot;Logged on 26-05-2014 18:58:27; asciilifeform: meanwhile! end of sewer saga: city excavated street, disassembled pipe, found tree roots behind the property line - which had become clogged with backed up crud (for the 30 hours or so the city's pipe was broken.) now they will fight with landlord's insurance co. 1348605;1450637766;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you think what's wrong with infrastructure neglected for a century is the clay, or the trees, or the roots or the gradients you're a very special fellow. 1348606;1450637772;mircea_popescu;otherwise, they get replaced. 1348607;1450637784;asciilifeform;who ever replaces sewer pipe ? 1348608;1450637786;asciilifeform;in what country ? 1348609;1450637790;mircea_popescu;romania ? 1348610;1450637795;mircea_popescu;everyone ? 1348611;1450637810;asciilifeform;ah the place where some schmuck got sweeheart contract with city hall to dig up ~whole town~ ? 1348612;1450637818;mircea_popescu;no, that's boston. 1348613;1450637834;mircea_popescu;anyway, my story with buying a coupla cartons of cigs for convicts digging street up ? 1348614;1450637847;asciilifeform;possibly 1348615;1450637851;mircea_popescu;that was the job, replacing the main sewage line. last done in the 60s. 1348616;1450637856;asciilifeform;neato 1348617;1450637870;asciilifeform;incidentally the city line was fine 1348618;1450637871;mircea_popescu;done more or less on a 30-40 year cycle. 1348619;1450637873;asciilifeform;this was the house line 1348620;1450637881;asciilifeform;which is behind property line and so never replaced by anybody 1348621;1450637887;mircea_popescu;heh. 1348622;1450637897;mircea_popescu;hire more realtors. 1348623;1450637904;mircea_popescu;the work'll get done by itself. 1348624;1450637919;asciilifeform;my brother sometimes asks 'have you dug latrine yet' 1348625;1450637927;asciilifeform;and i answer, 'not ~yet~' 1348626;1450637976;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348452 << nope. 1348627;1450637976;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 17:07:47; asciilifeform: do i need to actually read this thing 1348628;1450637983;mircea_popescu;but hey, they got a romanian too right ? must cunt for something. 1348629;1450638013;*;asciilifeform to his grief went and read 1348630;1450638017;asciilifeform;quite barfalicious. 1348631;1450638080;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348485 << hey, why ever fucking learn ? keep doing it. 1348632;1450638080;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 17:26:51; punkman: "Instead of abusing the exploit i have decided to help Coinbase fix the exploit by telling them step to step instructions on how to reproduce the bug on hackerone. After they were able to fix the exploit i was rewarded a measly $5,000 bounty, which i thought was unfair and was expecting to get upwards of $25,000. I helped them fix something that could have damaged them in hundreds of 1348633;1450638082;mircea_popescu;and pay your taxes, too. 1348634;1450638170;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348500 << so be a mircea_popescu. the fucking point of the entire thing is for you to be a mircea_popescu. 1348635;1450638170;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 18:05:28; asciilifeform: but it is also impossible ~with~ a wot, unless you are mircea_popescu and are in commerce with another mircea_popescu . 1348636;1450638251;asciilifeform;~~~ once upon a time, a disciple asked mircea_popescu: 'how do i become a mircea_popescu ?' 1348637;1450638256;asciilifeform;and the master replied, 1348638;1450638269;asciilifeform;'every morning, when you wake up, look in the mirror; if you notice that you are not a mircea_popescu, 1348639;1450638279;asciilifeform;take this Luger, and put it in your mouth, like so... 1348640;1450638303;asciilifeform;by the next new moon, the remaining you will be a mircea_popescu . ~~~ 1348641;1450638333;jurov;i'd say the answer was "beat the universe down till it allows you to be mircea_popescu" 1348642;1450638336;punkman;I thought the point is to put in others' mouths 1348643;1450638341;asciilifeform;also works 1348644;1450638362;asciilifeform;either formula, depending on whether you wanna be an intro- or extro-verted mircea_popescu 1348645;1450638548;jurov;http://img.appd.lengxiaohua.cn/2014/10/17/5440ffa3b45e1_o.gif or a family 1348646;1450638551;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeKx89 ) 1348647;1450638578;asciilifeform;aha. 1348648;1450639354;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20151219/mempool_dev2_a654caa4f28ed6f78906fef28060c2f46470f067.patch << why not vpatch ? 1348649;1450639354;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeLBsD ) 1348650;1450639354;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1348651;1450639392;jurov;if i come with something usable, then vpatch 1348652;1450639419;asciilifeform;i was sorta having this thread with mod6 earlier: 1348653;1450639427;asciilifeform;v does not imply 'carved in stone for the ages' 1348654;1450639437;asciilifeform;it quite readily supports obsoleted mistakes and dead ends 1348655;1450639447;asciilifeform;and in fact makes a convenient record of what's been tried and rejected 1348656;1450639469;asciilifeform;(you simply end up with a dead branch on the tree) 1348657;1450639496;asciilifeform;y'know, sorta like ye olde blockchain 1348658;1450639516;mircea_popescu;well, be all that as it may, i do hope that before i die i reach that enchanted nirvana where i don't have to deal with anyone other than mps. 1348659;1450639562;asciilifeform;now who doesn't dream of that ! 1348660;1450639636;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> (you simply end up with a dead branch on the tree) << very much this 1348661;1450639639;mircea_popescu;and thius is a good thing. 1348662;1450639657;asciilifeform;was sorta the point of 'v' 1348663;1450639763;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform: the other thing a vtron needs to handle is orphans << heh. 1348664;1450639814;asciilifeform;afaik the only implementation that barfed from these is... mine 1348665;1450639815;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348552 << im not sure this is such a good idea. conceptually it dillutes the whole notion, practically it makes cyclicity a nightmare. 1348666;1450639815;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 18:36:38; asciilifeform: the only necessary change to make working with multiple trees convenient would be 'multi-press' where you specify more than one 'head' 1348667;1450639818;asciilifeform;mod6's works iirc 1348668;1450639822;mircea_popescu;how about you just add the documentation as a pathc. 1348669;1450639842;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-08-2015#1248465 1348670;1450639842;assbot;Logged on 22-08-2015 18:25:35; asciilifeform: re: earlier thread: a few hours of thinking led me to another potential boojum in 'v' : cyclic graphs 1348671;1450639858;mircea_popescu;only took me half a minute! 1348672;1450639862;mircea_popescu;ha-HA! 1348673;1450639882;asciilifeform;1377 sk1lz 1348674;1450639925;mircea_popescu;either that or the advantage of thinking in december vs august. 1348675;1450639951;asciilifeform;anyway you don't get cycles unless somebody was a badboy 1348676;1450639962;mircea_popescu;anyway. imo the english for lokalizatsiya provala would be "bug" 1348677;1450639974;asciilifeform;mno 1348678;1450639986;mircea_popescu;why mno! 1348679;1450639991;asciilifeform;because that ain't it ? 1348680;1450640004;mircea_popescu;yawell. 1348681;1450640013;asciilifeform;prolly best translation is 'damage control' 1348682;1450640020;mircea_popescu;normally this works by going A implies A', B implies non-A', 1348683;1450640109;mircea_popescu;"operable cancer" so to speak. ie, it's margin-able. 1348684;1450640119;mircea_popescu;that's what bug fundamentally means. 1348685;1450640153;mircea_popescu;and hence the difference between software that's right, but buggy, and software that's simply wrong - and so can't even BE buggy. 1348686;1450640201;asciilifeform;yeah but original term meant something specific, quite analogous to chopping off your own arm that's been bitten by a cobra etc 1348687;1450640240;mircea_popescu;yaok 1348688;1450640393;punkman;"containement" sounds close to me 1348689;1450640421;asciilifeform;^ 1348690;1450640559;mircea_popescu;provala still means failure right ? 1348691;1450640566;asciilifeform;aha 1348692;1450640573;asciilifeform;specifically tradecraft 1348693;1450640588;mircea_popescu;so then. 1348694;1450640598;mircea_popescu;hey, maybe the english word for it should be "bridget fonda" 1348695;1450640634;mircea_popescu;in memory of that indigestible imbecileho from city hall who then got her just deserts in jackie brown 1348696;1450640642;mircea_popescu;!up TheNewDeal 1348697;1450640660;TheNewDeal;they're slowly cutting me off from resources 1348698;1450640701;mircea_popescu;who an'\ what resources ? 1348699;1450640722;TheNewDeal;I think it's the USA control bureau 1348700;1450640727;TheNewDeal;like trilema 1348701;1450640745;TheNewDeal;and I"m assuming it's the financials next 1348702;1450640745;mircea_popescu;i c. 1348703;1450640847;TheNewDeal;I believe that they used my family to set me up, and now they're going to punish me capitally for sending a bitcoin tx 1348704;1450640925;mircea_popescu;seems a little far fetched doesn't it ? 1348705;1450640936;TheNewDeal;not exactly 1348706;1450640963;TheNewDeal;I was researching mpex moneys on the blockchain website 1348707;1450640968;mircea_popescu;ok... 1348708;1450640974;TheNewDeal;and I saw funds go from the usa bitcoin siezure into the mpex funds 1348709;1450640977;mircea_popescu;you and at least ten thousand other peopl,e ? 1348710;1450640982;mircea_popescu;of course ? 1348711;1450640990;mircea_popescu;what else would you expect them to do with bitcoin ? send it to coinbase ? 1348712;1450641050;asciilifeform;l0l!! 1348713;1450641063;asciilifeform;!b 7 1348714;1450641065;assbot;Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0BZM2XF.txt ) 1348715;1450641083;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67250 @ 0.00048493 = 32.6115 BTC [-] {2} 1348716;1450641138;*;asciilifeform missed this l0lm0m3nt 1348717;1450641139;TheNewDeal;have they always been using these mind manipulation tools in the US ascii? 1348718;1450641152;TheNewDeal;like the ones that require a spectrum analyzer 1348719;1450641165;asciilifeform;TheNewDeal: for some reason they never fire at folks who own a spectrum analyzer, even a very old and ratty one 1348720;1450641168;asciilifeform;so i can't comment 1348721;1450641189;*;asciilifeform will have to be driven mad with good old fashioned poison and shot with old-fashioned guns 1348722;1450641201;mircea_popescu;no fun. 1348723;1450641206;asciilifeform;aha, downer 1348724;1450641275;TheNewDeal;I didn't think that sending a couple transactions would bring on this type of firepower from the US 1348725;1450641285;mircea_popescu;what, concretely ? 1348726;1450641286;mircea_popescu;!up trader001 1348727;1450641294;TheNewDeal;what firepower? 1348728;1450641297;asciilifeform;TheNewDeal: perhaps you're just for target practice, like most folk 1348729;1450641321;mircea_popescu;yes TheNewDeal, you're being all vague and shit. 1348730;1450641330;TheNewDeal;they had used mind control tools. they were literally prepping me with questions to talk to a psychiatrist the night before 1348731;1450641341;TheNewDeal;and they could actually move my vocal cords and limbs as well 1348732;1450641344;trader001;did anyone buy for 436$ to go short? 1348733;1450641355;TheNewDeal;heart pumping as well 1348734;1450641375;Birdman;TheNewDeal: It was explained to me as such, the unsustainable inefficient entity that is the USG probably isnt even capable of pulling off schemes like you suggest 1348735;1450641379;mircea_popescu;trader001 you sell to go short, not buy. 1348736;1450641404;mircea_popescu;TheNewDeal honestly, this sounds a lot more like a psychotic episode than anything in phenomenology. 1348737;1450641453;TheNewDeal;Watch them, I'm guessing they're going to put up an impending court case against me in the United States 1348738;1450641463;trader001;sorry... I meant buy for 436 to do a little day trading 1348739;1450641463;asciilifeform;how come nobody smears lsd on ~my~ doorknob, l0l 1348740;1450641475;mircea_popescu;cuz you'd prolly sell it. 1348741;1450641481;asciilifeform;with doorknob aha 1348742;1450641501;asciilifeform;'valuable usg doorknob!' 1348743;1450641511;TheNewDeal;what about all this jazz going on worldwide 1348744;1450641519;TheNewDeal;don't you think there's some sort of world war impending? 1348745;1450641525;mircea_popescu;maybe. 1348746;1450641526;TheNewDeal;or perhaps already on the rise 1348747;1450641533;mircea_popescu;in fairness, ww1 was named by gallup poll, so 1348748;1450641547;Birdman;There are no soldiers if there are no paychecks 1348749;1450641554;mircea_popescu;ha-ha. 1348750;1450641559;mircea_popescu;the best soldiers aren't mercs. 1348751;1450641561;*;asciilifeform falls down 1348752;1450641561;TheNewDeal;I'm telling you they used carbon monoxide training, or a similar gas on me in the hospital 1348753;1450641573;mircea_popescu;what were you in teh hospital for ? 1348754;1450641581;TheNewDeal;I checked myself in voluntarily 1348755;1450641589;TheNewDeal;I tweaked after smoking some dope 1348756;1450641594;asciilifeform;wai wut srsly 1348757;1450641601;mircea_popescu;ok. and what's carbon monoxide training ? 1348758;1450641615;TheNewDeal;they let out gas in the hospital 1348759;1450641621;TheNewDeal;and I could see everyone coughing 1348760;1450641637;TheNewDeal;like the staff 1348761;1450641638;mircea_popescu;well, if they do it's not co. you don't cough from that. 1348762;1450641642;asciilifeform;^ 1348763;1450641643;mircea_popescu;it's not in the slightest bit an irritant. 1348764;1450641657;TheNewDeal;hmmm it seems i've been duped hardcore 1348765;1450641675;mircea_popescu;in fact people routinely get poisoned with co and have not the slightest inkling. 1348766;1450641683;mircea_popescu;hence "silent killer" 1348767;1450641684;TheNewDeal;I would not trust my own transmissions in the future, I believe they've gained access to my keys 1348768;1450641708;mircea_popescu;aite. 1348769;1450641721;asciilifeform;is TheNewDeal 'calling in strike on own position' ? 1348770;1450641728;*;asciilifeform takes off hat 1348771;1450641733;TheNewDeal;what do ya mean? 1348772;1450641744;asciilifeform;self-negrate 1348773;1450641769;mircea_popescu;!rate mircea_popescu 10 best mircea_popescu i know! 1348774;1450641769;assbot;You can not rate yourself. 1348775;1450641772;TheNewDeal;can you send me the command, I am still used to the bitcoin otc web trust 1348776;1450641773;mircea_popescu;pfff 1348777;1450641792;mircea_popescu;in other news, http://45.media.tumblr.com/33e13281ec7e158dda7b52d242bcecf3/tumblr_mra2lo0HoZ1s8ztwao1_500.gif 1348778;1450641793;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeOLg3 ) 1348779;1450641794;TheNewDeal;!rate TheNewDeal potential USG spy, suspected terror alert 1348780;1450641794;assbot;Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10. 1348781;1450641802;TheNewDeal;!rate TheNewDeal -10 potential USG spy, suspected terror alert 1348782;1450641802;assbot;You can not rate yourself. 1348783;1450641836;TheNewDeal;I think they're using me to scare people away from bitcoin 1348784;1450641903;Birdman;I think you need to calm down and get ahold of yourself mentally. Good god where's your fortitude man? 1348785;1450641914;TheNewDeal;Who're you Birdman 1348786;1450641927;TheNewDeal;I'll tell all of you where I live and my name and then they can watch for the news 1348787;1450642033;TheNewDeal;I know you're trying to play me for a fool 1348788;1450642106;Birdman;!gettrust thenewdeal 1348789;1450642106;assbot;Trust relationship from user Birdman to user thenewdeal: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=Birdman&to=thenewdeal | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/thenewdeal/ 1348790;1450642164;TheNewDeal;!rate Birdman 1 suspicious; keep friends and enemies close in the WOT 1348791;1450642164;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/a284b5fb194c89ae 1348792;1450642223;TheNewDeal;Have you ever had a bunch of people in a room act to lead you on to do something? 1348793;1450642336;punkman;TheNewDeal: what kind of dope did you smoke before checking in to the hospital? 1348794;1450642378;TheNewDeal;I'm not entirely sure. Was probably just normal old weed 1348795;1450642432;TheNewDeal;They're pushing it like hotcakes in the US right now 1348796;1450642472;TheNewDeal;I think they're using it to fund their war on sound computer science 1348797;1450642525;TheNewDeal;any other USians notice any chinese style firewalls occuring for websites like trilema? 1348798;1450642546;punkman;just the good old ddos 1348799;1450642569;TheNewDeal;it's been down for days for me 1348800;1450642571;TheNewDeal;same for you? 1348801;1450642580;ben_vulpes;!s my servers 1348802;1450642581;assbot;39 results for 'my servers' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=my+servers 1348803;1450642592;TheNewDeal;DNS lookup failures for me 1348804;1450642617;ben_vulpes;!s muh boxen 1348805;1450642618;assbot;2 results for 'muh boxen' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=muh+boxen 1348806;1450642635;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-12-2015#1348394 1348807;1450642635;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 12:29:21; mircea_popescu: in other news, sprint.pl "one the most advanced centers in Poland for data storage and processing, created in response to the growing demands of the market" ran off with muh boxen. 1348808;1450642662;ben_vulpes;^^ extraneous '/' in those urls, mthreat kakobrekla 1348809;1450642671;TheNewDeal;anyways, I'll drop my story - back to business 1348810;1450642684;ben_vulpes;TheNewDeal: mircea_popescu's boxes are getting stolen and you're complaining about a bad trip? 1348811;1450642709;ben_vulpes;where's the "MPEx down for over a month in 2016" bet? 1348812;1450642729;TheNewDeal;My sister almost got shot in that massacre in california as well 1348813;1450642747;TheNewDeal;there's a lot of loose ends that are popping up for me 1348814;1450642766;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly, how does one calculate the odds of mutually-exclusive outcomes from binary odds on each individual outcome? 1348815;1450642804;ben_vulpes;;;later tell mike_c ^^ 1348816;1450642804;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1348817;1450642822;asciilifeform;TheNewDeal: what means 'almost shot' ? bullet whistled by, took off hat ? 1348818;1450642835;ben_vulpes;beyond that mircea_popescu and hanbot are probably the experts and asciilifeform might know the maths 1348819;1450642856;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: wai wut 1348820;1450642867;asciilifeform;sounds like you're describing an ordinary coin flip ? 1348821;1450642909;ben_vulpes;take the odds on the republican election 1348822;1450642926;asciilifeform;what next, odds of boxing match ? 1348823;1450642973;ben_vulpes;unless i'm even wronger than normal that's not a clean mapping 1348824;1450643000;mircea_popescu;<TheNewDeal> I'll tell all of you where I live and my name and then they can watch for the news << alright ? 1348825;1450643029;ben_vulpes;there are n candidates, each with individual odds of winning a competition. how do i derive odds on the whole field from those binary outcomes? 1348826;1450643035;mircea_popescu;ahaha rthat sound cs bit is golden. i'm bashing 1348827;1450643095;punkman;!up dbclk 1348828;1450643105;punkman;ben_vulpes: what is whole field? 1348829;1450643129;ben_vulpes;rubio, trump, etc 1348830;1450643154;jurov;ben_vulpes trump running solo is kinda.. ternary outcome, no? 1348831;1450643175;ben_vulpes;jurov: please for to not be getting the pathological cases involved 1348832;1450643187;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes there's going to be disagreement so you hafta reconcile numbers somehow. 1348833;1450643201;jurov;they're not pathological, just black swans. with a toupee. 1348834;1450643226;ben_vulpes;i guess i'm asking if there's a known closed-form solution to this question. 1348835;1450643233;ben_vulpes;gold swans lol 1348836;1450643252;mircea_popescu;for instance : if bet on tails is 50/40 btc and bet on heads is 42/49 btc, and they're both the same coin toss, then you could say it's (50+49)/(90+91) for tails.) 1348837;1450643342;mircea_popescu;if your dice is more-than-two sided exactly nothing changes. 1348838;1450643401;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33500 @ 0.00048945 = 16.3966 BTC [+] {2} 1348839;1450643419;*;ben_vulpes needs a refresher in elementary statistics apparently 1348840;1450643424;mircea_popescu;obviously, HOW you reconcile the numbers is an open question. 1348841;1450643455;mircea_popescu;above, simple weighted averaging. if you have any knowledge of the field there's prolly a better curve to use 1348842;1450645520;BingoBoingo;;;later tell TheNewDeal Have you considered lithium cooling for your brain to increase USG resistance? 1348843;1450645520;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1348844;1450645619;jurov;BingoBoingo: why lithium? 1348845;1450645681;jurov;NaK is imo better, fluid at usual temps, brain can be immersed directly 1348846;1450645753;BingoBoingo;jurov: AHA. I was just thinking something to reduce the voltages a bit, though too much lithium takes the action potentials up to 111eleventy!!! and seizures. 1348847;1450645761;BingoBoingo;But as long as not too much safe. 1348848;1450645867;BingoBoingo;Lithium's also the very rare psych drug that actually reduces suicide risk 1348849;1450645890;BingoBoingo;when used that way 1348850;1450645916;*;jurov took cooling a bit literally 1348851;1450645962;BingoBoingo;It literally does that too 1348852;1450645978;jurov;i'm drinking li mineral water too, when feel like it 1348853;1450646223;BingoBoingo;It's good stuff. Just doctor sort of lithium doses aren't very good for actual hot weather. That much of different salt really messes with the sweating and made for a miserable summer. 1348854;1450646444;BingoBoingo;But that's when integer mmol/liter in the body is achived. 1348855;1450646651;BingoBoingo;But you may be right NaK look very promising for immersion cooling 1348856;1450646744;mod6;asciilifeform: ok. i'll think about how to implement these changes to V. right now, im not sure. 1348857;1450647328;BingoBoingo;"Somehow this soft suburban environment and two witlessly loving parents who trusted friends, relatives, teachers and neighbors with their oldest son, resulted in a violent psychopath. " >> http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3490 1348858;1450647329;assbot;JL: Action Sites, Childhood ... ( http://bit.ly/22iVpcc ) 1348859;1450647496;BingoBoingo;#CarLivesMatter http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/officer-in-vonderrit-myers-jr-fatal-shooting-resigns-after-crashing/article_65067ac6-969a-5977-8a3c-839242bdd075.html 1348860;1450647497;assbot;Officer in VonDerrit Myers Jr. fatal shooting resigns after crashing car; drunk driving probe opened : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1meqCfW ) 1348861;1450647519;BingoBoingo;"When police responded to the accident, a witness said a police car had caused the damage and fled." 1348862;1450647842;mod6;ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, asciilifeform: what are we to do about the deps for buildroot? 1348863;1450647861;mod6;I've been in halt mode for a week now, not sure if this has been sorted yet. 1348864;1450647866;mircea_popescu;probably will end up having to freeze a specified set. 1348865;1450647876;mircea_popescu;"clingwrap" as it's apparently called. 1348866;1450647900;BingoBoingo;2.4.x kernel? *crosses fingers* 1348867;1450647923;mod6;2.4 was ubercrasher for me 1348868;1450648041;mircea_popescu;the question's thorny enough 1348869;1450648090;mod6;so I think programatically I have it worked out on how to make this happen, was about to test last weekend? lemme dig up the logs on this. 1348870;1450648108;ben_vulpes;freeze 'em. 1348871;1450648118;mircea_popescu;in other news, one inch of costa rica coffee, three inches of milk, a pinch of black sugar, three drops of vanilla oil (actual!), four ice-cubes and havana club anejo especial (genuine) qs makes the god-damnedest... bootleg kalhua let's call it/ 1348872;1450648132;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRH-Ywpz1_I 1348873;1450648133;assbot;Mr. Freeze's Puns - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mer6CN ) 1348874;1450648149;mod6;<+ben_vulpes> freeze 'em. << what is specifically meant by this? 1348875;1450648196;mod6;dl'em, sign 'em, hash 'em, put 'em in a manifest and distribute? 1348876;1450648208;mod6;(& host 'em) 1348877;1450648245;mod6;or re-package the entire source under our own "fork" of these pacakages? 1348878;1450648270;mircea_popescu;prolly the latter. 1348879;1450648270;ben_vulpes;well yes, source of all the deps right? are we biting off buildroot as well? 1348880;1450648272;mod6;my original idea was the former. 1348881;1450648299;ben_vulpes;i'm leaning towards a 'monorepo' 1348882;1450648301;mod6;but then alf said it's not ``'V'ifiable'' or something of the kind. 1348883;1450648301;mircea_popescu;it would be so good if this "import" model of software died. 1348884;1450648306;mircea_popescu;of course... not trivial 1348885;1450648326;ben_vulpes;simply because every additional http call to get another bundle of source is another weak link, another hole for the night etc 1348886;1450648343;ben_vulpes;plus yeah, we have V, why not really tax it. 1348887;1450648370;mircea_popescu;well no. every additional http call to get anothe rbundle is nothing 1348888;1450648376;mircea_popescu;the FIRST cal however, is an infinity of leaks. 1348889;1450648381;mircea_popescu;this is how the cancer spread in the first place 1348890;1450648388;mircea_popescu;"you're a whore now anyway, baby, so why not suck this cock" 1348891;1450648487;ben_vulpes;one could stick source dependencies into some "lib" dir, wire that into the builder, update the scripts and then produce some new patches with the entire world, right? 1348892;1450648500;ben_vulpes;only question in my mind is if we stick linus' kernel in there too. 1348893;1450648589;asciilifeform;i go pet a pet for an hour and come back to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348866 1348894;1450648589;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:45:00; BingoBoingo: 2.4.x kernel? *crosses fingers* 1348895;1450648591;mod6;I think this was the conversation from a few weeks ago: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=11-12-2015#1340754 1348896;1450648591;assbot;Logged on 11-12-2015 02:21:30; mod6: so what I'm hoping to accomplish here is to alter the .mk files that accompany buildroot, so they pull the 3rd party reqs directly from the foundation site instead of wherever they currently point to. 1348897;1450648604;asciilifeform;ferfuxsake 2.4 doesn't run on anything one might care to run today 1348898;1450648615;asciilifeform;where did this crack smoke even come from 1348899;1450648656;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348856 << i'm not actually sure whether it needs any change 1348900;1450648656;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:25:44; mod6: asciilifeform: ok. i'll think about how to implement these changes to V. right now, im not sure. 1348901;1450648681;BingoBoingo;I might have been a while since I paid attention to Linux kernel versions 1348902;1450648700;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348879 << buildroot, iirc, will load tarballs from a local dir if they are present 1348903;1450648700;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:51:10; ben_vulpes: well yes, source of all the deps right? are we biting off buildroot as well? 1348904;1450648714;mod6;think its worthwhile just to put out the changes for V to have the checking of the hashes in place, while skipping over any "b" that is false? (files that since been deleted?) 1348905;1450648728;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348882 << i said this because a GB of c source IS NOT ANYTHING-IFYABLE 1348906;1450648728;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:51:41; mod6: but then alf said it's not ``'V'ifiable'' or something of the kind. 1348907;1450648737;asciilifeform;you can build it (if lucky) AND THAT'S ABOUT IT 1348908;1450648762;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348879 << buildroot, iirc, will load tarballs from a local dir if they are present << yeah I think it does this from the 'dl' directory 1348909;1450648762;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:51:10; ben_vulpes: well yes, source of all the deps right? are we biting off buildroot as well? 1348910;1450648785;asciilifeform;i picked buildroot because it was the ONLY practical solution to letting folks who had not dedicated their lives to self-torture build a reasonable self-contained linux for $weirdcpu 1348911;1450648793;asciilifeform;rather than it being any kind of long-term answer to ANYTHING. 1348912;1450648799;mod6;<+asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348882 << i said this because a GB of c source IS NOT ANYTHING-IFYABLE << i may have mis-remembered this or conflated it with something else. 1348913;1450648799;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:51:41; mod6: but then alf said it's not ``'V'ifiable'' or something of the kind. 1348914;1450648808;asciilifeform;no mod6 remembers correctly 1348915;1450648818;asciilifeform;i said that buildroot is not really v-ifiable. 1348916;1450648829;asciilifeform;because it is not human-edible. 1348917;1450648842;asciilifeform;(and, note, there is NO known alternative to it) 1348918;1450648857;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: so buildroot is out of scope then. 1348919;1450648859;asciilifeform;i did try netbsd, which has all of the same necessary attributes, BUT lacked essential drivers 1348920;1450648868;asciilifeform;netbsd is - potentially - v-ifyable. 1348921;1450648870;ben_vulpes;(the kernel line was a joke, but whatever) 1348922;1450648878;asciilifeform;i even ported it to motherfucking pogo 1348923;1450648887;asciilifeform;BUT i never finished the nand support. 1348924;1450648895;asciilifeform;because... takes actual work 1348925;1450648919;asciilifeform;incidentally the de-glibc-ized trb WILL run on netbsd now! 1348926;1450648927;ben_vulpes;aaaa 1348927;1450648933;asciilifeform;this experiment, if anyone recalls, is how i discovered the libc crud to begin with 1348928;1450648935;ben_vulpes;too much problem surface area! 1348929;1450648943;asciilifeform;see logz. 1348930;1450648997;ben_vulpes;dependencies to freeze: bdb, boost, openssl 1348931;1450649026;ben_vulpes;none of those are really human-verifiable either. 1348932;1450649037;ben_vulpes;(shiva-verifiable, perhaps) 1348933;1450649065;asciilifeform;if i ever sign a bdb, boost, or openssl as 'honestly reviewed this' please shoot me 1348934;1450649071;mod6;they're all a can-o-worms 1348935;1450649099;ben_vulpes;how to bridge the gap between 'v means i read and agree' vs. 'we need the source for these deps in the v-tree'? 1348936;1450649132;asciilifeform;v the tarball hashes. 1348937;1450649190;mod6;or simply just a manifest of tarballs/deps required for the one-button-push deployment of trb 1348938;1450649201;mod6;v'd 1348939;1450649204;asciilifeform;i may have said this before, but it bears repeating - some folks might be labouring under unrealistic expectations re: what is possible with the reference trb. 1348940;1450649259;asciilifeform;imho it has strictly two uses, 1) REFERENCE for writing an actual bitcoinatron, which is ~why i asked for it~ 2) keep the continuity flame burning until we can have 1 1348941;1450649315;asciilifeform;possibly also 3) tx value/byte ordering --- but i'd put that under 2 1348942;1450649358;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348925 /me has been unsuccessful building trb on any bsd as of yet 1348943;1450649358;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 22:01:59; asciilifeform: incidentally the de-glibc-ized trb WILL run on netbsd now! 1348944;1450649391;asciilifeform;shinohai: build static for linux and use compat layer 1348945;1450649407;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: it's 2 that makes me want to vendor dependency sources. 1348946;1450649417;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: it is both necessary and easy 1348947;1450649420;asciilifeform;and iirc mod6 already did it 1348948;1450649431;asciilifeform;just hash the contents of buildroot's cache dir 1348949;1450649459;asciilifeform;but notably, the result is NOT something that anybody will dive into and clean up trb-style 1348950;1450649463;ben_vulpes;our current vendoring goes and pulls that from thebitcoin.foundation, right? 1348951;1450649464;asciilifeform;(go and try) 1348952;1450649489;asciilifeform;but yes, fetching tarballs from the net during a build is retarded 1348953;1450649498;ben_vulpes;implies deps on dns, net, a million failure points. 1348954;1450649499;asciilifeform;whole thing gotta ride in one ball 1348955;1450649501;asciilifeform;and be cd-ifying 1348956;1450649505;asciilifeform;*cd-ifyable 1348957;1450649512;asciilifeform;a la openbsd. 1348958;1450649538;asciilifeform;then we can have cd pressed, at some point, and distribute ANY AND ALL changes as vpatches. 1348959;1450649554;ben_vulpes;we'll need to v everything 1348960;1450649564;asciilifeform;pressing of cd was perhaps the ONE good idea in openbsd 1348961;1450649576;ben_vulpes;unless we want seperate v 'repos' for each dep for distributing patches to those libs 1348962;1450649599;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: all the deps, really, are on the chopping block 1348963;1450649622;asciilifeform;boost is - per my current estimate - removable if we're willing to replace boostisms with c++11isms 1348964;1450649640;asciilifeform;openssl is removable as per yesterday's thread (and the three or four similar old threadz) 1348965;1450649652;asciilifeform;bdb is removable if anybody dares 1348966;1450649687;asciilifeform;alternatively the whole orchestra is removable if somebody finds a bag of gold 1348967;1450649691;asciilifeform;etc. 1348968;1450649729;ben_vulpes;it's vastly more likely that someone's going to need to crap out a patch for eg openssl than replace it wholesale. 1348969;1450649744;asciilifeform;i ain't patching openssl. 1348970;1450649749;ben_vulpes;et al 1348971;1450649750;asciilifeform;medicine for a corpse. 1348972;1450649755;mod6;yeah, i think we need to write our own crypto lib 1348973;1450649757;mod6;in the end. 1348974;1450649763;ben_vulpes;and just the likelihood of that happening makes me want those under v. 1348975;1450649765;mod6;as crazy as that might be 1348976;1450649779;ben_vulpes;yeah we might get there and again stan might get hit by a bus tomorrow 1348977;1450649883;asciilifeform;mod6: we need to write own everything. long before the end. 1348978;1450649892;mod6;agreed. 1348979;1450649900;asciilifeform;and my bus is virtually guaranteed to appear before all of this is over. 1348980;1450649910;asciilifeform;so nobody should be slacking. 1348981;1450649971;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1348982;1450649982;mod6;i don't think anyone is slacking. 1348983;1450649983;*;ben_vulpes will sign off on tarballs and v'd hashes thereof. 1348984;1450649992;mod6;there's just a ton of stuff to do, 'tis all. 1348985;1450649993;*;thestringpuller starts humming "Sweet Life" in front of mod6 1348986;1450650074;thestringpuller;;;later tell pete_dushenski Did charlie just steal your article? https://medium.com/@SatoshiLite/eating-the-bitcoin-cake-fc2b4ebfb85e#.7l1nrx2a9 1348987;1450650074;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1348988;1450650151;mod6;so just to be clear, so I'm not holding anything up here; hashes of the following tarballs in V: BDB, openssl, and boost. 1348989;1450650171;mod6;buildroot + its deps included in this list? 1348990;1450650238;ben_vulpes;negative. 1348991;1450650314;mod6;so just those three then? and the rest are outside the scope then. 1348992;1450650421;mod6;Alright, good talk. 1348993;1450650481;ben_vulpes;yeah i didn't hear anything from asciilifeform to the contrary 1348994;1450650578;jurov;btw, i'm testing unchanged same code as i posted with jemalloc and zapmempool does shrink RSS by 50MB 1348995;1450650655;jurov;so maybe we end up with malloc library, too... at least till mempool is completely redone 1348996;1450650974;jurov;http://www.colorforth.com/1percent.html haha dude asks we give him a problem 1348997;1450650976;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1m2hXO2 ) 1348998;1450651007;jurov;i can think of one :D 1348999;1450651154;jurov;"But don't expect me to read the C, I couldn't." 1349000;1450651234;jurov;"but hey, this isn't C, but C++". *meltdown* 1349001;1450651468;jurov;!up samO 1349002;1450651542;adlai;"As an infix language, it encourages nested parentheses. Sometimes to a ludicrous extent. They must be counted and balanced." << some maintain that even prefix notation has this effect... 1349003;1450651594;adlai;the culprit is variadicity, syntax is a lot easier when all operators have known 'stack effect' 1349004;1450652151;adlai;http://www.colorforth.com/map.htm << somebody shares alf's dataflow dreams 1349005;1450652152;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1m2k4S0 ) 1349006;1450652299;ben_vulpes;god bless chuck 1349007;1450652320;ben_vulpes;legend has it that he reprogrammed hung satellites on the fly with forth 1349008;1450652368;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33350 @ 0.00048772 = 16.2655 BTC [-] {2} 1349009;1450655113;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00048773 = 4.2676 BTC [+] 1349010;1450656017;mircea_popescu;in other news, the oh in ohio is a pretty decent movie. 1349011;1450656071;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> only question in my mind is if we stick linus' kernel in there too. <<< eventually ;/ 1349012;1450656095;mircea_popescu;what, we only 0.01% of the engineers we need, why not make it 0.00001% ? 1349013;1450656175;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348882 << i said this because a GB of c source IS NOT ANYTHING-IFYABLE << it's a starting point. you know, just like bitcoin-shitcore. 1349014;1450656175;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 21:51:41; mod6: but then alf said it's not ``'V'ifiable'' or something of the kind. 1349015;1450656235;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> incidentally the de-glibc-ized trb WILL run on netbsd now! << o hey! 1349016;1450656246;mircea_popescu;you know we really need a lot better communication for these things. 1349017;1450656261;mircea_popescu;;;later tell pete_dushenski yo start communicatin' before you get excommunicated! 1349018;1450656261;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1349019;1450656318;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> how to bridge the gap between 'v means i read and agree' vs. 'we need the source for these deps in the v-tree'? <<< " I signed this because we need the source for this shit. I didn't read it, I don't need to read it to tell you it's shit." 1349020;1450656419;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> pressing of cd was perhaps the ONE good idea in openbsd <<< certainly not a bad one. 1349021;1450656516;thestringpuller;what's going on with qntra? is it dns this time? 1349022;1450656547;mircea_popescu;you gotta read the logs 1349023;1450656569;mircea_popescu;<jurov> so maybe we end up with malloc library, too... at least till mempool is completely redone <<< ahahahaha 1349024;1450656578;mircea_popescu;this shit is so ridiculous by now... 1349025;1450656760;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15900 @ 0.00048493 = 7.7104 BTC [-] {2} 1349026;1450656956;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b18 1349027;1450657422;mircea_popescu;that's brave 1349028;1450657450;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1349029;1450657453;gribble;Current Blocks: 389433 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 1670 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 0 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1349030;1450657561;mircea_popescu;"Sadly, that is not an undesirable result. Bloated code does not just keep programmers employed, but managers and whole companies, internationally. Compact code would be an economic disaster. Because of its savings in team size, development time, storage requirements and maintainance cost." 1349031;1450657583;mircea_popescu;heh. he's right there. it would be an pseudo-economic disaster, in the sense "economic" has come to carry in the world of "we just wanted to" and "we have come to expect". 1349032;1450657611;mircea_popescu;meanwhile a whole lot of "global warming" snake oilmanship and heaps upon heaps of idle handwringing about various restatements of the "ecology" problem. 1349033;1450657654;mircea_popescu;nobody cares to look at the root causes. "hey derps ? you're being as inefficient as humanly possible" "well of course, any other course would be an economic disaster" "your idea of economy is like a rat's idea of hygiene : the more sewers the better" "so ?" 1349034;1450657795;mircea_popescu;"It is in a programmer's best interest to exaggerate the complexity of his program." 1349035;1450657797;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19798 @ 0.00048925 = 9.6862 BTC [+] {2} 1349036;1450658124;mircea_popescu;and in anatomy class news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdselsxkRs1rqpz2lo1_r1_500.gif 1349037;1450658124;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1IiDdsK ) 1349038;1450658332;ben_vulpes;the mess of complexity in development (not just 'web', chil'ren) is very very similar to the argentine problem of everyone believing their flats are worth all that us paper. 1349039;1450658372;ben_vulpes;i don't see a macri coming by to devalue the webstack though. have been struggling to cook up the scenario wherein the world's managers declare technological bankruptcy and completely failing. 1349040;1450658374;mircea_popescu;quite. 1349041;1450658397;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that scenario is very similar to mp going "i'm paying 1 btc for wuille's death cert". 1349042;1450658414;mircea_popescu;exactly in the same way "development" is similar to "argentina" 1349043;1450658520;mircea_popescu;at some point and on some level the nude reality of "this guy wants you dead. no, he doesn't think you did a great thing. he doesn't even think you're 'not worth hiring' or even worth zero. he thinks you're so far under 0 it can't be put in other words". and "aaaah, he's crazy" only goes so far. 1349044;1450658521;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b16 1349045;1450658641;*;ben_vulpes looks forward to mp's contract for the death of modern web tech 1349046;1450658707;mircea_popescu;the way this shitshow worked is that every single fucking derp running the "changing the world" pseudo-entrepreneurial circuit is trying to encapsulate a short perl program into "a website" and then "sell it" to "a market". because fuck me, seriously, there's now "a market" for five awk calls. every single fucking "service" and "idea" and "product" and bullshit out there looking for "investment" is really a glorified p 1349047;1450658708;mircea_popescu;ile of three curls and a grep. 1349048;1450658728;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, this isn't the first pass of this nonsense. bill gates built microsoft out of the exactly same idiocy. 1349049;1450658742;mircea_popescu;so, on its own terms, in its own time, it just sinks further into this shitpit. 1349050;1450658788;*;ben_vulpes afk, will follow along via ipnohe 1349051;1450658788;mircea_popescu;about as sterile as it gets, except for the part where it drives the emotions of the mob into max gear. 1349052;1450658950;mircea_popescu;just look at this fucking derp, he's a fine example as can be imagined : 1) http://fridriksson.tumblr.com/post/86584610871/a-startup-postmortem-with-a-happy-ending-in ; 2) https://medium.com/@tfridriksson/when-your-startup-runs-out-of-money-you-only-got-1-problem-f84cad5b0f79 1349053;1450658951;assbot;A startup postmortem with a happy ending? ..in... | By the Beard of Zeus! ... ( http://bit.ly/1Nvz17S ) 1349054;1450658952;assbot;When your startup runs out of money you only got 1 problem — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1IiExvU ) 1349055;1450658992;mircea_popescu;so 1st, he's going to "sell" the genius "service" of literally a half hour's worth of perling around. and goes through all the motion as if this nonsense were genuinely a business, and had anything to do with money, employment, the works. 1349056;1450659022;mircea_popescu;THEN when that boring shit goes nowhere, he convinces some misfortunate borderlines to... go live in thailand! because totally, shit'll make sense there. 1349057;1450659037;mircea_popescu;shit doesn't make sense there, chiefly because wtf, it's still a pointless perl script nobody cares about. so he... 1349058;1450659099;mircea_popescu;well he moves on to medium, and keeps at it. one of these days, if he wishes it hard enough, someone somewhere is going to trade actual bowls of soup and actual bong hits and so forth for some shit he found on a hard drive in the garbage dump. 1349059;1450659151;mircea_popescu;how's he not better, how's he different from every afrigan goat ex-herder (the flood/drought/global warming/xenu killed the goats) that's now a garbage trawler ? 1349060;1450659155;mircea_popescu;same pipe dream, really. 1349061;1450659435;gabrielradio;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338679 << besides buenos aires, which other cities would qualify? 1349062;1450659435;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 23:39:51; mircea_popescu: for this reason. the fundamental incentive to living anywhere is whether you can stick it to the middle class through this mechanism or not. if you can't, they can stew in their own juices and play mahjong or whatever the fuck they play, bingo. 1349063;1450659538;mircea_popescu;gabrielradio any place that currently has currency controls in place is a good bet ; any place where rents are below cover value (romania - perhaps with the exception of bucharest - is a fine example here). any country with a weak central government (the ones with a strong central government don't have a middle class by definition). on it goes. 1349064;1450659606;mircea_popescu;any place where your fiance (that's only had sex with like... 2 guys before you, and you're the best, and her father paid for her college) doesn't want to go but the stripper you met yesterday does. 1349065;1450659609;mircea_popescu;many heuristics. 1349066;1450659673;gabrielradio;the last one is particularly instructive 1349067;1450659776;gabrielradio;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=07-12-2015#1338673 << heh you sure practice what you preach http://trilema.com/doua-fete-argumentul-economic 1349068;1450659776;assbot;Logged on 07-12-2015 23:34:54; mircea_popescu: and if you want actual numbers, i just got a coupla girlies an apt. the sale value would have been i guess 160-170k or so. the monthly rent is 750. the first month, the washing machine went, and the owner replaced it. the next month, ac went (brother was that an incredible pos job wow), owner replaced it. so far owner's been making 0 from his property. 1349069;1450659806;mircea_popescu;yeah. 1349070;1450659810;mircea_popescu;incredibly enough. 1349071;1450659840;gabrielradio;ima translate that once trilema is back up 1349072;1450659853;mircea_popescu;shouldn't be long. 1349073;1450660325;mircea_popescu;!up zoidy 1349074;1450660575;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: wouldn't half of africa fit this bill? 1349075;1450660650;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1349076;1450660915;liquidassets;date=18-12-2015#1346518 << Maybe why I walk around with this shit eating grin all the time.. 1349077;1450660931;liquidassets;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=18-12-2015#1346518 1349078;1450660931;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 15:44:18; mircea_popescu: by this reasoning food is "motly shit already" anyway. 1349079;1450661030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00048936 = 6.484 BTC [+] {2} 1349080;1450661335;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21865 @ 0.00048493 = 10.603 BTC [-] {2} 1349081;1450662799;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38300 @ 0.00048492 = 18.5724 BTC [-] {3} 1349082;1450663349;mircea_popescu;freedom's just another word.... http://40.media.tumblr.com/4c8a0c0bd8d6e55da3a02ccf28b84f9f/tumblr_msgliomSm21qzaw65o1_1280.jpg 1349083;1450663350;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1J1kHoN ) 1349084;1450665483;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36900 @ 0.00049093 = 18.1153 BTC [+] {2} 1349085;1450666886;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35450 @ 0.00048597 = 17.2276 BTC [-] {4} 1349086;1450669416;BingoBoingo;http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/1131 1349087;1450669418;assbot;CPU Benchmarks - Compare Products on AnandTech ... ( http://bit.ly/1YqoO4N ) 1349088;1450670703;punkman;no server worthy AMDs in there? 1349089;1450670741;BingoBoingo;for srs 1349090;1450670742;punkman;I mean they have the 50core xeons 1349091;1450670749;punkman;but no opteron? 1349092;1450670755;BingoBoingo;rly 1349093;1450670910;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnqNvtHyWEY 1349094;1450670911;assbot;Victoria's Secret Angels Lip Sync "Hands to Myself" - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1YqqSK7 ) 1349095;1450670912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14540 @ 0.00048834 = 7.1005 BTC [+] {2} 1349096;1450671938;punkman;http://i0.wp.com/flowingdata.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Disney-strategy-chart-from-1957.jpg 1349097;1450671939;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YqsmEb ) 1349098;1450672254;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31750 @ 0.00049089 = 15.5858 BTC [+] {4} 1349099;1450672395;punkman;"But I'm game. Give me a problem with 1,000,000 lines of C. But don't expect me to read the C, I couldn't. And don't think I'll have to write 10,000 lines of Forth. Just give me the specs of the problem, and documentation of the interface." 1349100;1450672407;punkman;problem is how do you make a spec out of 1mil lines of C 1349101;1450672777;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1349102;1450672783;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 438.54, vol: 21363.05673128 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 435.798, vol: 10133.75385 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 435.18, vol: 58460.49476529 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 451.344473, vol: 127964.96260000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 437.0, vol: 197.28930119 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 445.411619978, vol: 122.90168725 | Volume-weighted last average: 445.022930078 1349103;1450674712;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349015 << you know that was kinda why i did the whole libc investigation, recall ? 1349104;1450674712;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:03:55; mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> incidentally the de-glibc-ized trb WILL run on netbsd now! << o hey! 1349105;1450674804;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349020 << i'd like to actually press a cd. with the understanding that everything that will ever happen to the reference implementation, incl. compiler, asm, the whole toolchain shebang, all kernels worth looking at from the past, all trb dependencies, etc. WILL BE ON IT 1349106;1450674804;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:06:59; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform> pressing of cd was perhaps the ONE good idea in openbsd <<< certainly not a bad one. 1349107;1450674822;asciilifeform;and everything that will ever come later in re: trb, will be vpatches on top of the contents of that cd. 1349108;1450674920;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349033 << 'programmers get off on complexity the way weight lifters get off on weight' 1349109;1450674920;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:27:34; mircea_popescu: nobody cares to look at the root causes. "hey derps ? you're being as inefficient as humanly possible" "well of course, any other course would be an economic disaster" "your idea of economy is like a rat's idea of hygiene : the more sewers the better" "so ?" 1349110;1450674996;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349036 << hermaphrodite ? 1349111;1450674996;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:35:24; mircea_popescu: and in anatomy class news, http://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdselsxkRs1rqpz2lo1_r1_500.gif 1349112;1450675054;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349039 << closest thing i know of to this is that ru ministry where they installed typewriters last year 1349113;1450675054;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:39:32; ben_vulpes: i don't see a macri coming by to devalue the webstack though. have been struggling to cook up the scenario wherein the world's managers declare technological bankruptcy and completely failing. 1349114;1450675434;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349086 << see the thread from 2 wks ago re: benchmarks and intel's 20 year record of elaborate fraud 1349115;1450675434;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 03:43:36; BingoBoingo: http://www.anandtech.com/bench/CPU/1131 1349116;1450675458;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349091 << not only no opteron, but the benchmark itself is gimmicked - use of magical intel instructions 1349117;1450675458;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 04:05:49; punkman: but no opteron? 1349118;1450675512;punkman;for the post-mortem files http://www.buzzfeed.com/arianelange/alma-lawsuit 1349119;1450675514;assbot;The Real Story Of Why One Of LA's Best Restaurants Is In Trouble - BuzzFeed News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pft3Zm ) 1349120;1450675547;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349099 << there are NO programming problems which merit a million lines of c. FOR THE SAME REASON as there are no architectural problems which merit a megatonne of tongue depressors. 1349121;1450675547;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 04:33:15; punkman: "But I'm game. Give me a problem with 1,000,000 lines of C. But don't expect me to read the C, I couldn't. And don't think I'll have to write 10,000 lines of Forth. Just give me the specs of the problem, and documentation of the interface." 1349122;1450675687;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349056 << l0l, iirc this was the self-proclaimed (!) biography of ninjashogun 1349123;1450675687;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:50:22; mircea_popescu: THEN when that boring shit goes nowhere, he convinces some misfortunate borderlines to... go live in thailand! because totally, shit'll make sense there. 1349124;1450675839;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349114 << Aha. Yes, just this was the first time I saw such fraud on crypto benchmark other than AES 1349125;1450675839;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 05:23:54; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349086 << see the thread from 2 wks ago re: benchmarks and intel's 20 year record of elaborate fraud 1349126;1450675908;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: benchmark fraud is precisely as old as benchmarks and is pestilentially pervasive 1349127;1450675915;asciilifeform;to the point of total unsurprise 1349128;1450675939;BingoBoingo;Sure, just never paid attention or just never run into this benchmark used 1349129;1450678305;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: see http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-12-2015#1344231 and the resultant http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-12-2015#1344736 1349130;1450678305;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 06:00:51; BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski https://archive.is/L2CGe 1349131;1450678305;assbot;Logged on 16-12-2015 19:09:17; assbot: Successfully added a rating of -1 for coblee with note: plagiarist. shill. 1349132;1450678451;pete_dushenski;Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "Another piece of advice. Use an office only when it is strictly necessary. An office dulls the mind, invites cosmetic and circular work, and allows metastatic projects to take over." 1349133;1450678470;pete_dushenski;George Yazbeck: "This assumes people have a choice or work as private independent contractors. We're not all famous authors...." 1349134;1450678487;pete_dushenski;Nassim Nicholas Taleb: ""We're not all famous authors". This is a type of smart ass easy comment only a bitter loser makes. In addition, it has a logical fallacy. Did it hit you that I have only been a "famous author" part of my life? Did it also hit you that it also applies to employment in general?" 1349135;1450678504;pete_dushenski;^sounds awfully familiar 1349136;1450678518;pete_dushenski;for anyone who reads the #b-a logs 1349137;1450678653;punkman;http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/263836-paul-nobody-read-the-11-trillion-omnibus-bill 1349138;1450678655;assbot;Paul: Nobody read the $1.1 trillion omnibus bill | TheHill ... ( http://bit.ly/1QEh4aZ ) 1349139;1450678660;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31500 @ 0.00048492 = 15.275 BTC [-] {2} 1349140;1450678982;trinque;were there bills they read? 1349141;1450678984;pete_dushenski;;;later tell mircea_popescu: but what if i took being excommunicated as a badge of merit and distinction ? please, tell me what i have to do to 'go spinoza' or 'go galileo' ;) 1349142;1450678984;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1349143;1450679101;punkman;chukha writer, not reader 1349144;1450679136;pete_dushenski;besides, is not trb news the dominion of mod6 'state of bitcoin addresses' or qntra ? i can certainly qntra, but i guess i'm not equipped to appreciate the significance of glibc-less-netbsd 1349145;1450679174;pete_dushenski;sorry, trb sans glibc on netbsd, to be more precise 1349146;1450679965;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Works in progress tend to stay in the logs and occasionally get buried there 1349147;1450680046;pete_dushenski;this being the trb progress ? 1349148;1450680245;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31350 @ 0.00048919 = 15.3361 BTC [+] {3} 1349149;1450680432;pete_dushenski;http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/food-inflation-november-1.3371284 << see comments : canadians are none too pleased when their panem gets pricier. "we wunt moar cheep meet nao !" 1349150;1450680433;assbot;Inflation rate jumps to 1.4% in November on higher food costs - Business - CBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1QEkw5r ) 1349151;1450680455;pete_dushenski;though the number of people who rightly call out the cpi scam is worthy of some mention. 1349152;1450680649;pete_dushenski;i'd be curious to know (and so will endeavour to find out) if there were as many people calling "bullshit" in the late 70s and early 80s when reported inflation was ~10% and loan rates for cars and houses were 20-25% 1349153;1450680794;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7288 @ 0.00049002 = 3.5713 BTC [+] {2} 1349154;1450680848;pete_dushenski;even without the internet, you'd figure that there would still be huge swathes of the population (those with brains, pen, and paper) that can figure out that "10% inflation" shouldn't yield a doubling in food prices every 3 years, as we've essentially seen in the last 3 years with only a reported inflation of "under 2%" 1349155;1450680934;pete_dushenski;anyways, looks like the canadians, like americans, are en route to becoming the africans they've so long wished to join. 1349156;1450680958;pete_dushenski;or at least the poor slavic farmers their great-grandparents were back in the old country. 1349157;1450681030;pete_dushenski;(western canada aka the prairies aka the breadbasket of the country has very large ukr, ru, and pl populations) 1349158;1450681069;pete_dushenski;most of whom came here either 100 years ago or 25 years ago. 1349159;1450681808;BingoBoingo;sure trb progress 1349160;1450682073;pete_dushenski;well ya 1349161;1450682106;pete_dushenski;b-a is ground zero for trb-dev 1349162;1450682149;pete_dushenski;and thank god it's only part of b-a because the trb-dev stuff is waywaywayway over my head 1349163;1450682259;pete_dushenski;like so far over my head that i barely have a thread to pull at in sometimes hundreds of consecutive lines 1349164;1450682624;ben_vulpes;funny, it's like 90% of why i'm even here 1349165;1450682727;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: As penance you should fire up a trb node to test the new version string patch 1349166;1450682807;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00049158 = 6.5134 BTC [+] {3} 1349167;1450682858;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWs95AOWIAA411g.jpg:large 1349168;1450682859;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YvgCet ) 1349169;1450683016;pete_dushenski;https://www.flexport.com/blog/why-dole-owns-container-ships/ << one for ben_vulpes 1349170;1450683018;assbot;Why Should Dole Own Container Ships? | Flexport ... ( http://bit.ly/1YvgRGe ) 1349171;1450683327;pete_dushenski;http://i.imgur.com/8JdtDmC.jpg << heh. 1349172;1450683328;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1S3Qjfr ) 1349173;1450683683;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmqAjr0xs04 this guy 1349174;1450683684;assbot;Steve Harvey Announces The WRONG Winner of Miss Universe 2015 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1S3R1th ) 1349175;1450683726;pete_dushenski;i call intentional marketing ploy 1349176;1450683774;punkman;yeah I guess a lot more of this, very viral, such wow 1349177;1450683789;pete_dushenski;specifically in the vein of http://www.contravex.com/2015/02/03/meta-metastasis-or-how-a-dancing-shark-jumped-the-shark/ 1349178;1450683790;assbot;Meta-metastasis, or how a dancing shark jumped the shark. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1S3RdZn ) 1349179;1450683835;pete_dushenski;"omg did you see that silly fuck-up? haha it was totes cray!" 1349180;1450683888;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/64TVH 1349181;1450683889;assbot;What we learned about SSDs in 2015 | ZDNet ... ( http://bit.ly/1S3RnQz ) 1349182;1450684037;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 2.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b52 1349183;1450684183;*;pete_dushenski to bed. 1349184;1450684454;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21750 @ 0.00049197 = 10.7003 BTC [+] 1349185;1450684624;punkman;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3xksss/coinbase_bans_me_after_i_help_them_fix_major/cy5t83p 1349186;1450684625;assbot;coblee comments on Coinbase Bans me After i Help them fix major Exploit ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yvj1Wr ) 1349187;1450684627;BingoBoingo;"I believe that soft-fork segwit can help us out of this deadlock and get us going again." - A Negative https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-December/012090.html 1349188;1450684629;assbot;[bitcoin-dev] Capacity increases for the Bitcoin system. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yvj3xE ) 1349189;1450684918;BingoBoingo;Other derp: In other words, would a deployment of SW involve the creation of new 1349190;1450684918;BingoBoingo;network message for relaying fraud proofs, a specification that SPV wallet developers can use to validate these messages and so know when to ignore the highest (but invalid) PoW chain... 1349191;1450685043;punkman;any idea wtf are fraud proofs? 1349192;1450685089;BingoBoingo;I'm more worried about the last six words 1349193;1450685223;BingoBoingo;in other coprophlology https://archive.is/amKgQ 1349194;1450685224;assbot;[bitcoin-dev] A new payment address format for segregated witness or not? ... ( http://bit.ly/1S3U3Ob ) 1349195;1450685498;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 4.00000000 BTC on 'No' - Donald Trump gets Republican Nomination - http://bitbet.us/bet/1206/donald-trump-gets-republican-nomination/#b53 1349196;1450685557;ben_vulpes;highest but invalid pow chain? 1349197;1450685618;ben_vulpes;i guess we don't need baby jebus to save the britneychain if the linux foundation's going to fork the phr33 w0rld off it 1349198;1450685718;ben_vulpes;in other news the incal's a not bad romp 1349199;1450686467;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00049241 = 13.0981 BTC [+] {3} 1349200;1450686894;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5250 @ 0.00048789 = 2.5614 BTC [-] {2} 1349201;1450688662;BingoBoingo;And then there were 4 https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: 1349202;1450688663;assbot;Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeJp6j ) 1349203;1450688856;BingoBoingo;Also does is anyone else peristently maintaining many more bitcoin connections then they were when the XT spamnodes flooded? Went from 12-19 range to 24-38 range 1349204;1450688919;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo 100ish is normal for a nonshit node 1349205;1450688935;punkman;http://40.media.tumblr.com/17f6ddd25f483911f38a960448154790/tumblr_mzajhneDNl1rndm2ho1_1280.jpg 4 1349206;1450688936;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QEB1yg ) 1349207;1450688948;mircea_popescu;(ie the sort of thing we run, with its own actual dedicated server, ip, etc. aws instances and similar cloudcrud are more in the dozen range) 1349208;1450688964;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Limited pipe gets allocated here. This is cow country. 1349209;1450688996;mircea_popescu;bandwidth is strangely not a problem per se. 1349210;1450689067;BingoBoingo;Lots of things "aren't really problems" until they are 1349211;1450689119;BingoBoingo;This is basically Africa but with anti-famine 1349212;1450689161;mircea_popescu;heh 1349213;1450689191;mircea_popescu;"their independent 39-seat restaurant in downtown Los Angeles that was a hit in the national food press " 1349214;1450689198;mircea_popescu;motherfucker.... what the fuck is wrong with people ? 1349215;1450689203;mircea_popescu;39 seats IS NOT A RESTAURANT. 1349216;1450689240;BingoBoingo;It's maybe a large diner 1349217;1450689252;BingoBoingo;Or small diner if freestanding and not a trailer 1349218;1450689322;mircea_popescu;not even large. for the same reason a bike's not a bus, nor a fiddler an orchestra. a restaurant means, without exception, a chef, a sauce and a pasta sous, and at the very least 4 apprentice hands. that's 7 people in the kitchen doing the artwork. this is not counting the 3+ busboys, the 6 waiters and the maitre d'hotel in the salon, nor is it counting the people washing dishes, wiping the floors etc. 1349219;1450689331;mircea_popescu;YOU CAN NOT HAVE A RESTAURANT WITH FEWER SEATS THAN STAFF! 1349220;1450689362;mircea_popescu;not because it's inconceivable the shah of iran would pay enough to keep it in business. but because its minuscule size stupidifies it through "reflection off the boundries" effects. 1349221;1450689372;BingoBoingo;No a diner isn't a restaurant. It's one of those trailer things with one stove that barely works 1349222;1450689381;mircea_popescu;right. 1349223;1450689393;BingoBoingo;But 39 seats seems the right size for that 1349224;1450689442;BingoBoingo;Maybe 3-4 people working total 1349225;1450689548;mircea_popescu;which is a restaurant in the same sense two bums with no prior business experience and no technology knowledge are "a tech company". 1349226;1450689555;BingoBoingo;Right 1349227;1450689592;BingoBoingo;A crude form of XTraunt 1349228;1450689666;mircea_popescu;aymor was just an inexperienced but hardworking 26-year-old when he started Alma as a pop-up concept restaurant in early 2012, not long after eating a fateful piece of lamb that, the press has repeated, set him on the path to cooking. 1349229;1450689668;mircea_popescu;god damned... 1349230;1450689787;BingoBoingo;Now that one is clearly a carnival vendor, not a restaurant 1349231;1450689827;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is with these schmucks, "asking for community help" to keep a luxury restaurant afloat ? 1349232;1450689832;mircea_popescu;it's just... 1349233;1450689835;punkman;"Fortunately for us, we’ve had everyone say everything that you can possibly think of about our food, so we are past the point where we need the validation from anybody. I could give a fuck at this point, and we are just happy to try Alma again in the form of a three-month-residency at The Standard hotel in West Hollywood, whether it is critically acclaimed or not." 1349234;1450689838;mircea_popescu;so kickstarter's everyone's mom now amirite. 1349235;1450689863;mircea_popescu;heh, o look at that. they tried and so therefore nobody can criticize them! 1349236;1450689889;*;mircea_popescu braces himself for a flood of young adults with self-reported "experiences" and "validation", and the ensuing tidal wave of women ready to shoot them 1349237;1450689924;mircea_popescu;anyway. maybe time for kickstarter jokes. "yo kickstarter's so fat it wears the css on its javascript!" 1349238;1450689962;BingoBoingo;In other news the Obeast messiah Tess Monster has announced her surrender to FPH using her real name social media accounts https://i.sli.mg/738TTX.jpg 1349239;1450689963;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TZbr52 ) 1349240;1450690007;BingoBoingo;Celebration at https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/737437 1349241;1450690008;assbot;In which Tess demands white knights. | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1TZbu0T ) 1349242;1450690019;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349126 << "1. why have a benchmark if you're not trying to tell a story ? 2. why tell a story if you're not making a buck from the telling ?" 1349243;1450690019;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 05:31:48; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: benchmark fraud is precisely as old as benchmarks and is pestilentially pervasive 1349244;1450690071;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo so scammer gets called out on history of scamming, proceeds to delete all that he can. fattardstalk.org ftw, but what's the relation to pres. bahamas ? 1349245;1450690140;BingoBoingo;Relationship to Bahamas is jsut this past week People and the other supermarket Mass Ragazines were running pieces in defense of her. Actually though she's being hung out to dry now by the cows she scammed 1349246;1450690165;BingoBoingo;Wait, what is the Mayo pronoun? 1349247;1450690176;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349132 << the latter two should be the first. an office for work is like a strip club for sex. 1349248;1450690176;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 06:14:11; pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: "Another piece of advice. Use an office only when it is strictly necessary. An office dulls the mind, invites cosmetic and circular work, and allows metastatic projects to take over." 1349249;1450690202;mircea_popescu;specifically : if the strip club actually provides advantages to you, that is a sign of your sexual dysfunction(s). same thing with an office : 1349250;1450690241;mircea_popescu;if you can't keep a schedule if you don't have an office, your problems are the adolescentine irresponsibility, not the lack of an office. fix the problem, as it's an absolute bar to being a businessman ANYWAY, office or no office. 1349251;1450690250;mircea_popescu;all other perceived advantages flow exactly the same way. 1349252;1450690275;mircea_popescu;the only time an office is unavoidable is when/IF (and that's a big if) you're actually dedicating your time to squeezing useful work out of lazy stupid drones. 1349253;1450690300;mircea_popescu;i don't advise any man to take this course, but recognize that well... cattle ranching is in point of fact a legitimate line of work, and you don't always get the choices you want. 1349254;1450690432;mircea_popescu;(this happens to be why the government is the largest office consumer.) 1349255;1450690548;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349141 << heh, things are only ever that clearly cut a) in retrospect and b) when discussing a cult. such as the catholic church. neither a or b applies here, and so... who's to know ? 1349256;1450690548;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 06:23:04; pete_dushenski: ;;later tell mircea_popescu: but what if i took being excommunicated as a badge of merit and distinction ? please, tell me what i have to do to 'go spinoza' or 'go galileo' ;) 1349257;1450690676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36876 @ 0.00048645 = 17.9383 BTC [-] {3} 1349258;1450690746;*;BingoBoingo pretty sure going "Spinoza" requires beginning from a place of tedium 1349259;1450690947;mircea_popescu;heh im writing a novel here brb. 1349260;1450691630;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1349261;1450691678;mircea_popescu;here we go 1349262;1450691683;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349144 << this is an interestingly mixed bag. 1349263;1450691683;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 06:25:36; pete_dushenski: besides, is not trb news the dominion of mod6 'state of bitcoin addresses' or qntra ? i can certainly qntra, but i guess i'm not equipped to appreciate the significance of glibc-less-netbsd 1349264;1450691684;mircea_popescu;on one hand, the "dominion" approach to thinking isn't particularly useful here, because all it does is provide the limiting (the disadvantageous) part of setting boundries, without delivering any kind of protective (ie, advantageous) offset. Specifically how boundries work is, suppose you have two kids, Amy aged 7 and Adam aged 6. If you set a boundry such as "Adam, never hit Amy!" you are in fact limiting Adam's natu 1349265;1450691684;mircea_popescu;ral agressivity, which will make him less of an Adam, but in exchange you're protecting Amy's identity, which will make her more of an Amy. The argument as to whether this is a good idea or a bad idea hinges on how you value the part of Adam that's lost and the part of Amy that's saved - because yes, wherever spheres touch something's gonna get flattened, that's unavoidable - but in any case an argument can always be b 1349266;1450691686;mircea_popescu;rought and disposed of (either accepting it or rejecting it) because both sides are present. Conversely, if you set a boundry for Amy in the terms of "don't try and think honey, that's for men, just sit there and be pretty" she might listen, especially at 7, but you've set a boundry for her that has no upside. "Men" doesn't even exist per se. So this isn't an argument that can be considered, it only has one side to it. 1349267;1450691691;mircea_popescu;To apply this to b-a affairs : it's not particularly useful to go "I'm not going to X because that's Y's dominion". For one thing, it's not terribly clear if this is even true (people are notoriously poor at communicating things this subtle, and consequently your love for Amy's not Amy's idea of your love for her, not ever, until the day you die). It is perfectly valid to go "i won't be telling X how to Y because Ying 1349268;1450691697;mircea_popescu;is X's thing", or in the more general "I'm not about to go into should mode - that's how you get hanged", but that's not so related. 1349269;1450691699;mircea_popescu;It's also perfectly valid to go "I'm not about to Y, seems X's going to do it and they're probably better than me / I don't want to duplicate the effort". Note however that this is an extremely tenuous argument : if it's true he's better than you then you probably should duplicate the effort - that's exactly the only avenue to learning, duplicating the effort of your betters. If it's the case you're better than him, od 1349270;1450691704;mircea_popescu;ds are you'll end up having to do it later anyway, and once you know this it's always better to do it at a time of choice than at a time of need. Obviously this leaves wide open the "well I just don't care so much about Ying", which is fine, with the caveat that as the reunion of Ys starts approaching the universe, you're getting closer and closer to the nagant ending. 1349271;1450691709;mircea_popescu;on the OTHER hand however, you have to understand biology works on drivers, and b-a is very much a natural system, so biology applies. the whole shebang is driven by need, if you go "I NEED X and Y and Z to be able to do K!" you may or may not get X, Y or Z, or maybe a response as to the usefullness of K, but in any case the b-a itself gains. If you recall a primary driver for historical activity was alf going "I want 1349272;1450691716;mircea_popescu;X so I can Y", for x=printable bitcoin and y=read in bed. He's not gotten it, at least not yet, but you can't say anyone's been the worse for the experience. 1349273;1450691720;mircea_popescu;Thinking in those terms, "Hey, TRB actually running on BSD as opposded to PRB sounds to me like it'd be huge, it must be made a point of public communication, I need datas to support me in discussing this with people, plox to help me here!" is a helluva lot more productive than "this is X's dominion". At the worst this will clarify that "nah, not really", at the best it'll help a lot of idiots understand why it nobody 1349274;1450691725;mircea_popescu;gives a shit about the PRB. 1349275;1450691726;mircea_popescu;750 words, what's that eh. 1349276;1450691822;BingoBoingo;If only you had a trilema to put that in 1349277;1450691829;mircea_popescu;lol ironically, i wouldn't have. 1349278;1450691850;mircea_popescu;it's to date the largest reply i ever had to make in an irc conversation, but it is in fact a reply in an irc conversation. 1349279;1450691860;mircea_popescu;some problems more verbose than others. 1349280;1450691891;mircea_popescu;!up nickeeem 1349281;1450691896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23500 @ 0.00048843 = 11.4781 BTC [+] 1349282;1450692372;mircea_popescu;!up kcud_dab 1349283;1450692384;BingoBoingo;!up STRML 1349284;1450692402;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349167 << lulzy obit. odd that no BSDO mentioned. 1349285;1450692402;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 07:27:38; punkman: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWs95AOWIAA411g.jpg:large 1349286;1450692469;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349175 <<and you're probably right - trump & partners've been pretty desperate to promote that show where young women inexplicably expect to attract attention while keeping clothes on. seriously ? get with the kimes! 1349287;1450692469;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 07:42:06; pete_dushenski: i call intentional marketing ploy 1349288;1450692480;mircea_popescu;full frontal nudity miss america or get off the cables. 1349289;1450692551;BingoBoingo;<mircea_popescu> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349167 << lulzy obit. odd that no BSDO mentioned. << Holy shit, how did I miss this in paper newspaper 1349290;1450692551;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 07:27:38; punkman: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWs95AOWIAA411g.jpg:large 1349291;1450692593;mircea_popescu;"I won't comment on the account ban for privacy or regulatory reasons. But I can say that the ban has nothing to do with this person's hackerone reporting. And unfortunately, we cannot be more lenient on him just because he has previously helped us. The 2 issues are independent. And plus, the team that works with banning has no access or knowledge of the hackerone cases. This separation protects our customers' privacy." 1349292;1450692600;mircea_popescu;what the fuck is all this fucktardation supposed to accomplish ? 1349293;1450692622;mircea_popescu;the FACT still is as the guy described. who the fuck cares what your internal functioning is like ? "regulatory reasons" are no reasons. 1349294;1450692651;mircea_popescu;if you promise me a banana and fail to deliver the banana as promised, whether this is related or unrelated, intentional or unintentional, for regulatory reasons or to protect the privacy, I'M SHORT A FUCKING BANANA. 1349295;1450692708;mircea_popescu;so i guess it's not merely "don't help coinbase, they'll fuck you up" as yesterday, but moreover, "don't help coinbase - they'll fuck you up and then display the unmitigated gall of pretending that it didn't happen, or if it did it shouldn't matter or if it does it has nothing to do wit hthem". herp. 1349296;1450692760;mircea_popescu;next time you have the opportunity to hurt coinbase - hurt coinbase. secure in the knowledge that you're not only hurting some 3rd removed assholes, but a whole system of evil. 1349297;1450692826;mircea_popescu;(that said, this particular fellow couldn't actually hurt coinbase, which is exactly why he didn't. but anyway._ 1349298;1450692866;mircea_popescu;in other news, "Shouldnt we be surprised to learn that an importer owns and operates its own ships? Its probably not the comparative advantage for even the largest importers. And heres the thing: Dole isnt one of the countrys top three importers of containerized cargo. Instead its the fifth, after Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and Lowes. But you wont see boxes or ships owned by these companies. I 1349299;1450692866;mircea_popescu;nstead, they depend on carriers like Maersk, CMA CGM, and Evergreen to ship their freight." 1349300;1450692868;mircea_popescu;derps. 1349301;1450692872;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12927 @ 0.00049334 = 6.3774 BTC [+] 1349302;1450693137;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349192 << inching towards war. by now, it's inevitable. 1349303;1450693137;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 08:04:49; BingoBoingo: I'm more worried about the last six words 1349304;1450693154;mircea_popescu;consumers chose to revolt, will be raped, perhaps they learn (fat chance). 1349305;1450693231;BingoBoingo;Stop being polite. The appropriate word selection is "Morbidly Obese Chance" 1349306;1450693373;mircea_popescu;lol @ that bitnodes.21.co thing not listing all my 0.6 nodes etc 1349307;1450693387;mircea_popescu;herpitty derp, gotta get prb appear over irrelevancy no matter what. 1349308;1450693389;BingoBoingo;It'll list them if you change the version string 1349309;1450693397;mircea_popescu;why should i ? 1349310;1450693404;mircea_popescu;fuck em, whose job it is to list, theirs or mine ? 1349311;1450693405;BingoBoingo;No reason at all 1349312;1450693433;BingoBoingo;that list is just still fighting the move to 0.8 war it always has since it was born 1349313;1450693436;mircea_popescu;just pointing out that you know, "here's prb showing 35% (of 40% of the actual network)". which happens to be exactly the mtgox approach to lyf. 1349314;1450693450;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo exactly. 1349315;1450693482;mircea_popescu;ohv, hetzner and amazon. heh. 1349316;1450693498;BingoBoingo;But the alf experiment of see how many nodes trb needs before being censored is worth at least two chuckles 1349317;1450693545;mircea_popescu;i guess yeah 1349318;1450693580;BingoBoingo;Because what non answer will the give for nodes using maxint versions being censored 1349319;1450693654;mircea_popescu;"it didn't happen, or if it did it shouldn't matter or if it does it has nothing to do wit them" 1349320;1450693677;mircea_popescu;pretty much batting 100% as far as memory sees. 1349321;1450693750;mircea_popescu;did buffett have the audacity to claim no shorts could be found with millions riding against him in publicly visible ledger ? sure. ever fixed that ? no. 1349322;1450693786;mircea_popescu;did phuctor happen ? did msm derps steal off qntra ? etc. 1349323;1450693825;mircea_popescu;did the "well we wanted to do xt but mp nixed it so i guess no xt" comunique appear as the last entry on bitcoinxt ? 1349324;1450693881;mircea_popescu;soonish we'll need a dedicated index just to keep track of the various smackdowns we delivered. 1349325;1450694031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50989 @ 0.00048609 = 24.7852 BTC [-] {5} 1349326;1450694353;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1349327;1450694359;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 438.45, vol: 23641.45647734 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 434.27, vol: 11346.57082 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 438.25, vol: 62541.61995173 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 428.0, vol: 0.2 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 452.487836, vol: 138361.54340000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 437.99, vol: 193.80572256 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 444.219971989, vol: 170.15857314 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1349328;1450694514;BingoBoingo;;;more 1349329;1450694514;gribble;446.421248884 1349330;1450695495;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00049333 = 3.6013 BTC [+] {2} 1349331;1450695558;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/LElDU << Why reddit can't ever bitcoin 1349332;1450695559;assbot;TIFU by giving up my wife's parents to the Feds : tifu ... ( http://bit.ly/1PfROEL ) 1349333;1450695678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70300 @ 0.00049334 = 34.6818 BTC [+] 1349334;1450701534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00049334 = 5.7227 BTC [+] 1349335;1450701779;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00048508 = 8.8527 BTC [-] {2} 1349336;1450702362;punkman;"SPV clients can connect to multiple full nodes in the hope that at least one of the nodes is honest and will provide them with the best valid chain, however situations may arise where the non-compliant chain contains more proof of work than the compliant chain. In this situation, there is no way for the honest full node to signal to an SPV client that it should disregard the chain with more 1349337;1450702363;punkman;proof of work. Fraud proofs are a technique which provide honest full nodes the capability to conclusively demonstrate that chain is invalid regardless of the amount of proof of work backing the invalid chain." 1349338;1450704706;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54700 @ 0.0004848 = 26.5186 BTC [-] {3} 1349339;1450706598;shinohai;https://ryanxcharlestimes.com/10-gb-blocks-e7ed69e54a66#.wez1ap2lb <<<fucking hilarious, now after all that hard work changing 1 variable rewrite in your precious javascript. 1349340;1450706600;assbot;10 GB Blocks — Ryan X. Charles Times — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1OhGFQv ) 1349341;1450706727;mircea_popescu;punkman aka "we want to redefine honest to mean 'honest' please play along". 1349342;1450706745;mircea_popescu;signatures don't matter ain't good enough, pow don't matter either now. idjits. 1349343;1450707695;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27800 @ 0.00049334 = 13.7149 BTC [+] 1349344;1450709651;liquidassets;MORNING ASSETERS! 1349345;1450709713;liquidassets;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZyLyKYnLoE 1349346;1450709714;assbot;NOFX - Thank God Its Monday - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1RAkOdP ) 1349347;1450709979;*;shinohai likes NOFX 1349348;1450710111;liquidassets;And Mondays? 1349349;1450710227;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWmjEXeXIAQaVn9.jpg:large 1349350;1450710228;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RAmGTU ) 1349351;1450710255;mircea_popescu;punkman so ? 1349352;1450710303;punkman;good theme 1349353;1450710341;mircea_popescu;oh 1349354;1450710342;mircea_popescu;lolk 1349355;1450711111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.0004871 = 6.2349 BTC [-] {2} 1349356;1450711516;asciilifeform;gentlement, please welcome (back) bucephalus: - a trb node, now running asciilifeform's bleeding-edge (on musl-rotor) 1349357;1450711530;asciilifeform;*gentlemen 1349358;1450711545;asciilifeform;this build is ~4MB incidentally 1349359;1450711597;asciilifeform;;;later tell VariaVarietatis please ask all trb questions in #bitcoin-assets 1349360;1450711597;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1349361;1450711598;shinohai;GG asciilifeform 1349362;1450711734;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349190 << l0l!! 1349363;1450711734;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 08:01:58; BingoBoingo: network message for relaying fraud proofs, a specification that SPV wallet developers can use to validate these messages and so know when to ignore the highest (but invalid) PoW chain... 1349364;1450711742;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1349365;1450711758;mircea_popescu;usg gotta split the muppets off bitcoin chain. one way or another, but IT GOTTA BE DONE!!1 1349366;1450711769;mircea_popescu;"hands off our cattle!" 1349367;1450711772;asciilifeform;just when i thought this couldn't get any lulzier 1349368;1450711781;asciilifeform;'ignore highest PoW' 1349369;1450711793;mircea_popescu;anyway, i happen to agree. there's absolutely no reason usg.jwz has any business touching bitcoin at any point. 1349370;1450711796;mircea_popescu;it's just not for him. 1349371;1450711799;asciilifeform;anyway i predicted usgcoin shortly after i first logged in here 1349372;1450711914;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349203 <<>> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347639 1349373;1450711914;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 09:07:36; BingoBoingo: Also does is anyone else peristently maintaining many more bitcoin connections then they were when the XT spamnodes flooded? Went from 12-19 range to 24-38 range 1349374;1450711914;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 20:08:33; asciilifeform: so at this point i'm pretty certain where 'black hole' comes from. 1349375;1450711974;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349209 << not strangely. cpu and disk i/o is the bottleneck, i determined this to arbitrary precision. 1349376;1450711974;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 09:09:56; mircea_popescu: bandwidth is strangely not a problem per se. 1349377;1450711986;asciilifeform;and this is reflected in connection count as per earlier link 1349378;1450712014;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you would expect, from a very high on view, that bw is the bottleneck in p2p anything, and especially anything dealing with 200gb worth of stored data. 1349379;1450712038;asciilifeform;it ~would~ be the bottleneck if the thing were not written by tards 1349380;1450712043;asciilifeform;and didn't block on blockverify 1349381;1450712049;asciilifeform;and used multiple cpu, etc 1349382;1450712053;mircea_popescu;o btw, didja happen to notice teh speed raid arrangement on phuctor's new server ? :D 1349383;1450712059;asciilifeform;aha it is very spiffy 1349384;1450712094;*;asciilifeform spent a good chunk of the last 2 days getting the multiprocessor phuctor werker into shape 1349385;1450712112;shinohai;nosuchlabs will b back soon? 1349386;1450712128;asciilifeform;shinohai: reasonably soon 1349387;1450712141;asciilifeform;shinohai: trb node is already there, see thread 1349388;1450712157;shinohai;I saw that ppart, thrilled to have node back 1349389;1450712162;shinohai;*part 1349390;1450712273;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349291 << ahahahaha! RULE OF LAWWWWWW !?!?!!!!!11111 1349391;1450712273;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 10:09:53; mircea_popescu: "I won't comment on the account ban for privacy or regulatory reasons. But I can say that the ban has nothing to do with this person's hackerone reporting. And unfortunately, we cannot be more lenient on him just because he has previously helped us. The 2 issues are independent. And plus, the team that works with banning has no access or knowledge of the hackerone cases. This separation protects our 1349392;1450712281;asciilifeform;that is the face of the beast. 1349393;1450712308;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-11-2015#1328022 << see also 1349394;1450712308;assbot;Logged on 20-11-2015 02:04:44; asciilifeform: the scam is not in hitler's ability to 'cut off your lips if he doesn't like your face' but in the ~pretense~ at this strange 'rule of law' fiction 1349395;1450712315;mircea_popescu;amusingly, it's exactly what we'll say as they get impaled. 1349396;1450712322;mircea_popescu;heck, it's EXACTLY what isis is saying right now. 1349397;1450712346;asciilifeform;wai wut, 'we won't comment on this impalement for regulatory reasons' ?? 1349398;1450712398;mircea_popescu;well no, who the fuck needs the formalism. 1349399;1450712414;mircea_popescu;prolly something more in line with "you don't get to comment on his impalement because who the fuck are you" 1349400;1450712416;mircea_popescu;same principle anywya. 1349401;1450712482;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349296 >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348495 1349402;1450712482;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 10:12:40; mircea_popescu: next time you have the opportunity to hurt coinbase - hurt coinbase. secure in the knowledge that you're not only hurting some 3rd removed assholes, but a whole system of evil. 1349403;1450712482;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 18:03:24; asciilifeform: now if camel fucker army had brains and used pgp and gave half a shit, one could send 0day to them and have at least the pleasure of knowing that it will be used to deal max damage. 1349404;1450712588;asciilifeform;afaik the fella in question did not really have a chance. he had a bullet, but not the gun. 1349405;1450712644;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349306 << explicit cutoff on that site is 0.8 iirc 1349406;1450712644;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 10:22:53; mircea_popescu: lol @ that bitnodes.21.co thing not listing all my 0.6 nodes etc 1349407;1450712657;asciilifeform;an echo of the old derpwarz 1349408;1450712724;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349319 << l0l, modernized ver. of http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=21-05-2015#1142233 ? 1349409;1450712724;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 10:27:34; mircea_popescu: "it didn't happen, or if it did it shouldn't matter or if it does it has nothing to do wit them" 1349410;1450712724;assbot;Logged on 21-05-2015 21:54:14; ascii_field: shitgnomes and their 'it didn't happen. if it happened, it doesn't matter. if it matters - one of -our- people did it first, of course!' 1349411;1450712770;mircea_popescu;that's if it's good. 1349412;1450712781;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349331 << i wonder if these folks know the story of pavlik morozov 1349413;1450712781;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 10:59:18; BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/LElDU << Why reddit can't ever bitcoin 1349414;1450713372;asciilifeform;in other lulz, http://imgur.com/utXv9EY 1349415;1450713372;assbot;Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ... ( http://bit.ly/1S4ZXia ) 1349416;1450714222;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/ << older backuped version back online. feel free to log in as per normal, update it, etc. everything should still work as b4, if not lemme know. 1349417;1450714348;mircea_popescu;trilema also scheduled to be back online later today. 1349418;1450716015;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349134 << i like taleb's www and find it hard to disagree with his conclusions, but i simply cannot stomach his books. tried many times. reading his b00kz feels quite like having a titanic atomic cock shoved in your mouth; of such gargantuan proportions that it blots out the sun, moon, stars. 1349419;1450716015;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 06:14:47; pete_dushenski: Nassim Nicholas Taleb: ""We're not all famous authors". This is a type of smart ass easy comment only a bitter loser makes. In addition, it has a logical fallacy. Did it hit you that I have only been a "famous author" part of my life? Did it also hit you that it also applies to employment in general?" 1349420;1450716723;mircea_popescu;how's that metaphor work asciilifeform ? 1349421;1450716766;asciilifeform;the man has problems reeling his monster ego even partly onto a spool 1349422;1450716787;mircea_popescu;hahahaha 1349423;1450716809;asciilifeform;even if he stuck to describing own victories, he'd be readable. but i don't need 40 pages about how well-pedigreed his lebanese family tree 1349424;1450716810;mircea_popescu;and this doesn't bother you on his www ? or, for that matter, my www ?! 1349425;1450716815;asciilifeform;nope. 1349426;1450716836;mircea_popescu;i got more ego than taleb damnit. 1349427;1450716846;asciilifeform;aha but mircea_popescu has a cable spool for the cock 1349428;1450716851;asciilifeform;reels it out as necessary 1349429;1450716854;*;mircea_popescu always thought that nonsense was between patently insane and alienly endearing. 1349430;1450716873;mircea_popescu;seriously, you're a proud scion of a mightly lebanese line of kings and aviators ? 1349431;1450716891;asciilifeform;'whatcha doing in the bowels of the reich then' 1349432;1450716903;mircea_popescu;not just that, but... lebanese ? seriously ? 1349433;1450716923;mircea_popescu;i suppose what saves it for my benefit is that romanian-ness has a humongous tradition in playing this for laughs 1349434;1450716935;mircea_popescu;so it registers in my head as a merely not very good attempt at that. 1349435;1450716958;asciilifeform;taleb makes wolfram look sane 1349436;1450716975;asciilifeform;at least herr w. merely brags about ~own~ imaginary triumphs 1349437;1450717016;mircea_popescu;that's what i;m saying. somewhere between patently insane and alienly endearing. "he can'rt be fucking serious". 1349438;1450717060;asciilifeform;also i am grossly underequipped to even venture to guess to what extent t. is a meatspace success 1349439;1450717070;mircea_popescu;he's done okay. 1349440;1450717086;mircea_popescu;or what, you mean with the ladies ? 1349441;1450717091;asciilifeform;nah commercial 1349442;1450717118;asciilifeform;specifically, how far did his theories take him 1349443;1450717137;mircea_popescu;his theories took him no far, seeing how he created theories after going places./ 1349444;1450717147;asciilifeform;(and if not, why not. as a deservedly obscure crackpot i give a fuck, perhaps nobody else does) 1349445;1450717182;asciilifeform;generally i find 'this is why i won' literature insufferably boring. 1349446;1450717190;asciilifeform;ever try reading, e.g., edison ? 1349447;1450717194;asciilifeform;or worse yet, bill gates. 1349448;1450717198;mircea_popescu;edison was a total nitwit tho. 1349449;1450717200;asciilifeform;aha. 1349450;1450717204;mircea_popescu;bill gates idem. 1349451;1450717208;asciilifeform;hence boring 1349452;1450717208;mircea_popescu;this guy is cultivated. 1349453;1450717236;asciilifeform;but i'm not convinced that the cultivated had anything to do with the win 1349454;1450717280;mircea_popescu;these points are always extremely hard to establish. even in the golden age of cultivated, the argument never was causation, but mere correlation. "lucy, sit like a lady" "why!" "because sitting like a lady correlates with not marrying a bum" 1349455;1450717307;mircea_popescu;that's why the entire progressive bs even caught on in the first place. no causation. 1349456;1450717416;mircea_popescu;anyway, i imagine trying to read taleb to judge paths to success/create a path to success would be ungodly unnerving. i mostly like him because he provides an unalligned datapoint, by some definitions of unallignation. 1349457;1450717461;asciilifeform;it feels like reading brezhnev's 'Малая Земля'. 1349458;1450717468;asciilifeform;like somebody's jacking off into your skull. 1349459;1450717484;mircea_popescu;i like the wesleyan fellow for the same reason, weirdass right wing fundamentalism notwithstanding 1349460;1450717526;asciilifeform;y'know, the mega-ghostwritten backbreaker about how b. won ww2 with own two hands 1349461;1450717548;mircea_popescu;i never read that 1349462;1450717554;asciilifeform;virtually nobody read it 1349463;1450717557;asciilifeform;incl. brezhnev 1349464;1450717569;asciilifeform;(by all accounts he never showed the slightest symptom of having read 'his' b00k) 1349465;1450717590;mircea_popescu;also not particularly cultivated. 1349466;1450717613;mircea_popescu;this is what makes the differece from, say, proust. 1349467;1450717624;mircea_popescu;huge books, utterly meaningless drivel, but nevertheless... 1349468;1450717842;asciilifeform;there is such a thing as the drivel of a cultivated man. 1349469;1450717895;shinohai;https://bitco.in/forum/threads/gold-collapsing-bitcoin-up.16/page-184#post-6654 "In my opinion, someone like Gavin Andresen is a genuine Bitcoin expert." <<< LOLOL 1349470;1450717898;mircea_popescu;to try and formalize this, imagine the question in terms of wallpaper. now you, being a sane individual, would never have wallpaper in the house. but, admitting for the sake of argument that you own a slavegirl together enough to be allowed to run her own household, and admitting she inexplicably wants some wallpaper, the difference between "whatever" and "you can't have that" mostly rests on whether the 900 dpi thing 1349471;1450717898;mircea_popescu;is composed of one inch squares repeating ad infinitum (edison, gates, the us generally) or is actually a pattern as large as the wall itself (ie, cultivated) 1349472;1450717903;mircea_popescu;ofcoursethereis! 1349473;1450717929;mircea_popescu;you ever read du cote de chez swann ? 1349474;1450717936;asciilifeform;nein 1349475;1450717962;mircea_popescu;fine. how about newton's approach to alchemy ? 1349476;1450717976;asciilifeform;aha 1349477;1450717986;mircea_popescu;drivel. cultivated man. 1349478;1450718046;asciilifeform;aha and even serious newtoniana aficionados rarely dwell on his alchemical labours. 1349479;1450718051;mircea_popescu;and the list could continue. there's piles of patristics, all the way to the divine doctor himself, doing nothing else. what's plotinus exactly ? 1349480;1450718070;mircea_popescu;well i suspect the reason for that disinterest is simple fear. 1349481;1450718077;mircea_popescu;"oh my god what if i read it and it makes sense to me". 1349482;1450718079;asciilifeform;i'd guess it'd be boredom 1349483;1450718143;asciilifeform;recently i went on an alchemical archaeology kick, motivated partly by desire to distinguish the 'good drivel' (the kind that actually made meaningful context-reference) from the straight drivel 1349484;1450718181;asciilifeform;that is to say, the labours of thinking and honest men, albeit working on pre-scientific priors, from the 'climatologists' of their day 1349485;1450718210;mircea_popescu;yet another theme one can lose an entire team of engineers in 1349486;1450718215;asciilifeform;i never get especially far with this, because the good sfuff is generally not on the net 1349487;1450718233;asciilifeform;and i can't be arsed to get on a plane just for this 1349488;1450718295;asciilifeform;the alchemical matter is of interest to me because i do not (and afaik nobody does) adequately have a handle on the phase transition, if you will, between voodoo and science, of a young field 1349489;1450718528;gabrielradio;!up Newar 1349490;1450718653;asciilifeform;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3xdv9z/what_is_user_agent_btcwire_and_why_is_it_grabbing << lulzy 1349491;1450718654;assbot;What is user agent btcwire and why is it grabbing so much data from my full node? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1PgtXoq ) 1349492;1450718670;asciilifeform;this fella is soaking up the lion's share of the bandwidth of my nodez fleet 1349493;1450718708;asciilifeform;and can anybody give me a good reason not to DROP all the aws/cloud crapola ? 1349494;1450719118;Newar;IIRC btcwire is from the btcd in GO https://github.com/btcsuite/btcd 1349495;1450719119;assbot;btcsuite/btcd · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oj6ki9 ) 1349496;1450719168;asciilifeform;incidentally, imho accepting multiple simultaneous pipes from a single ip is a bug 1349497;1450719185;asciilifeform;(or at least, doing so by default and to an unlimited degree, is) 1349498;1450719529;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8150 @ 0.00048718 = 3.9705 BTC [+] {2} 1349499;1450720531;mircea_popescu;the latter, yes. 1349500;1450720547;mircea_popescu;and there's really no rule on what a node owner does to maintain his own network. you want to cut off aws, cut off aws. 1349501;1450720564;mircea_popescu;i can see the argument in favour of isolating all "cloud" crapolade anyway, from everything. 1349502;1450720568;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349033 << see also >> https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%80%D1%8B%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%89%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D1%8F (no, afaik there is no engl. discussion of this) 1349503;1450720568;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 00:27:34; mircea_popescu: nobody cares to look at the root causes. "hey derps ? you're being as inefficient as humanly possible" "well of course, any other course would be an economic disaster" "your idea of economy is like a rat's idea of hygiene : the more sewers the better" "so ?" 1349504;1450720568;assbot;Закрывающая технология — Википедия ... ( http://bit.ly/1OGBQ3S ) 1349505;1450720568;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1349506;1450720571;asciilifeform;ah there he is 1349507;1450720595;mircea_popescu;hola 1349508;1450720612;asciilifeform;i'ma translate, brb 1349509;1450720636;mircea_popescu;what do you mean not mentioned ? 1349510;1450720641;mircea_popescu;all marxism is built on this. 1349511;1450720649;asciilifeform;not exactly 1349512;1450720986;asciilifeform;'A 'closing technology' - is a category of innovation, where as a result of its advent the need for a resource (including human resource) shrinks. A closing technology leads to the disappearance of an entire profession or branch of industry without creating a similarly resource-intensive profession or industry in its place. If one is speaking only of a replacement of a technology with a new one (or of a field, or market niche) 1349513;1450720986;asciilifeform; to replace an obsolete one, then the subject in question is merely 'disruptive innovation.' 1349514;1450720991;asciilifeform;The first mention in the scientific literature of such a phenomenon is in K. Marx's discussion regarding the invention of the weaving mill, after which a great many weavers in Great Britain and India perished, having outlived their usefulness. In M. Delyagin's opinion, closing technologies are unprofitable to market economies and are thereby relegated to postindustrial and preindustrial nations. 1349515;1450720997;asciilifeform;Closing technology leads to technical progress, which in this particular case disrupts the workings of an economic system, upsetting the balance of production and creating structural unemployment. From this point of view, closing technology is both a boon and an evil.' 1349516;1450721001;asciilifeform;^ rough transl. 1349517;1450721026;*;asciilifeform does not endorse the crackpottery as written, but the concept is not useless 1349518;1450722175;thestringpuller;hmm i can't reach qntra 1349519;1450722185;thestringpuller;Wait wait for it 1349520;1450722187;thestringpuller;YAAAAAAAAAY 1349521;1450722297;jurov;asciilifeform: isn't it same thing as "disruptive innovation" before derps ran off with the term? 1349522;1450722422;mircea_popescu;not really. disruptive simply means that the industrial pathways have to be reconstructed. not different from war in this sense. 1349523;1450722473;mircea_popescu;tbh the best example of closing technology to date would be organised atheism. 1349524;1450722671;jurov;how so? it removed some of clergy, but replaced it with humanities "scientists" 1349525;1450722776;mircea_popescu;well no, removed the entire religion thing, from the "must build cathedral" to "tithe" - speaking of which, you ever seen l'avare with de funes ? epic tithing scene in there - and on and on. review the literature of the 1800s, about half the drivel printed was various clerics opiniong self importantly on matters they thoroughly ignored. 1349526;1450722808;mircea_popescu;now, it's true that the self important ignoramus has not been discontinued by this ;' and it's true that he's found new crevices to hide and be gavin andersen in. nevertheless, this is not part of the definition. 1349527;1450722851;thestringpuller;gavin doesnt even deserve to have his last name spelled correctly, cause who cares? 1349528;1450722869;jurov;what is "organised atheism" then? 1349529;1450722884;jurov;if not various branches of philosophy and humanities? 1349530;1450722902;mircea_popescu;there's nothing atheistic about either of those. 1349531;1450722926;jurov;what is "organised atheism" then? 1349532;1450723038;mircea_popescu;a middle aged woman in queens going "when you die you die. that's it. you don't go anywhere." as overheard in "the conversion" seinfeld episode. 1349533;1450723102;jurov;as i hardly know any such person, i suspect hard atheism is actually very rare thing. 1349534;1450723124;mircea_popescu;what is "organised terrorism" ? a large enough group of people who think there's absolutely nothing wrong with setting things on fire if they were government things. 1349535;1450723166;mircea_popescu;well... the thing about rat poison is that the rats don't need to know about it for it to work. 1349536;1450723187;mircea_popescu;it may be rare or common in your environment, but the church sure as hell doesn't dare try and impose a tax, but instead fell back on the b-a taxation model. 1349537;1450723319;jurov;heh, you wish. they learned bo bezzle instead. 1349538;1450723323;jurov;*to bezzle 1349539;1450723325;mircea_popescu;(organised here is used as a psych term of art - same way "organised delusion" works) 1349540;1450723390;jurov;so, if we break organized delusion and now there's 1000s of individual ones, we have released human resources and unleashed immense potential, etc.? 1349541;1450723397;mircea_popescu;huh ? 1349542;1450723676;jurov;i just don't make sense to apply the concept on church. did anyone perish due to church being displaced? no? then wtf we are having such virtual concepts? 1349543;1450723710;punkman;many perished 1349544;1450723780;mircea_popescu;why is "someone perished" the criteria ? 1349545;1450723808;mircea_popescu;it's just that at some point some % of gdp went into researching pewter alloys and making dumbass candlesticks and now it doesn't. 1349546;1450723832;mircea_popescu;this may not be the case in marginal, primitive lands, but then again technology diffuses on a gradient. 1349547;1450724426;jurov;i suspect it isn't the case. let's say in middle ages 95% was the agriculture and 5% the religion ... and now the 5% remains under whatever guises (new age, dianetics, angelology, you name it) just the 95% moved on 1349548;1450724499;mircea_popescu;religion actually caried 80%+. 1349549;1450724506;jurov;of what? 1349550;1450724515;mircea_popescu;hence back when president bahamas of 1400 ran into "a crisis", what they did was a crusade 1349551;1450724515;jurov;certainly not the GDP 1349552;1450724518;mircea_popescu;not fucking bahamascare 1349553;1450724520;mircea_popescu;yes gdp 1349554;1450724601;jurov;but they *did not* have million-armies. just gathered few thousands of derps, maybe 1% of pop... that could not have made a dent in gdp 1349555;1450724644;mircea_popescu;you're kidding right ? 1349556;1450724651;jurov;no 1349557;1450724663;mircea_popescu;this is exactly counterfactual. the us is fighting the largest battle of a generation, fails to get ANY soldiers over at tikrit. 1349558;1450724675;mircea_popescu;meanwhile the crusades touched pretty much every able bodied male 1349559;1450724681;mircea_popescu;heck, they sent boatloads full of children. 1349560;1450724897;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12338 @ 0.00049273 = 6.0793 BTC [+] 1349561;1450725686;jurov;still, if it really was big % of population, the outcome would look like after wave of pestilence&co, which it did not 1349562;1450725731;jurov;in that line, medicine is really the 'closing technology' that unleashed rivers of meat 1349563;1450725804;mircea_popescu;not really medicine. people keep going to "medicine", but this is nonsense. for one thing, medicine is in no better shape than it was during classical times, with one major exception : traumatology. which is what unleashed rivers of black athlete, it's true. 1349564;1450725825;mircea_popescu;but other than that : the rivers of meat spawn from the generalized sanitation, and are fed by generalized refrigeration 1349565;1450725833;mircea_popescu;medicine has ~0 to do with all this (as does democracy). 1349566;1450726227;ben_vulpes;yo trinque why did deedbot- miss this one? http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/12/21_development-costs-of-user-interface-development-and-mitigating-them-with-clojurescript.html 1349567;1450726228;assbot;Development Costs of User Interface Development (and mitigating them with Clojure/Script) ... ( http://bit.ly/1RBbIxw ) 1349568;1450726239;*;ben_vulpes vanishes 1349569;1450726320;trinque;because it was gone. 1349570;1450726430;trinque;sometimes fleanode issues cause the poor guy to say things to no one but himself. 1349571;1450726432;trinque;my best people are on it 1349572;1450726643;mircea_popescu;lol 1349573;1450727102;jurov;ben_vulpes: do you have publicly available sample outcome of the glorious process? 1349574;1450727337;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82767 @ 0.00049318 = 40.819 BTC [+] {2} 1349575;1450727603;jurov;https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/boring-crypto/48qa1kWignU/o8GGp2K1DAAJ << where djb secretly desires ada 1349576;1450727604;assbot;Google Groupes ... ( http://bit.ly/1RBefrj ) 1349577;1450727630;jurov;As a boring platform for the portable parts of boring crypto software, I'd like to see a free C compiler that clearly defines, and permanently 1349578;1450727632;jurov;commits to, carefully designed semantics for everything that's labeled "undefined" or "unspecified" or "implementation-defined" in the C "standard". 1349579;1450727722;mircea_popescu;heh 1349580;1450730264;deedbot-;[Qntra] Chain Fork Reveals BIP Process Broken - http://qntra.net/2015/07/chain-fork-reveals-bip-process-broken/ 1349581;1450730264;deedbot-;[Qntra] French TV Venture CANAL+ Hacked, Suppresses News with DMCA - http://qntra.net/2015/07/french-tv-venture-canal-hacked-suppresses-news-with-dmca/ 1349582;1450730265;deedbot-;[Qntra] Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis Resigns in Failure - http://qntra.net/2015/07/greek-finance-minister-varoufakis-resigns-in-failure/ 1349583;1450730265;deedbot-;[Qntra] Another Post BIP 66 Fork Dies after 3 Blocks - http://qntra.net/2015/07/another-post-bip-66-fork-dies-after-3-blocks/ 1349584;1450730266;deedbot-;[Qntra] Most Serene Republic Begins Advertising Public Blockchain Seed Nodes - http://qntra.net/2015/07/most-serene-republic-begins-advertising-public-blockchain-seed-nodes/ 1349585;1450730266;deedbot-;[Qntra] Transaction Fee Market Develops Amid Surge in Transaction Volume - http://qntra.net/2015/07/transaction-fee-market-develops-amid-surge-in-transaction-volume/ 1349586;1450731302;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00049448 = 5.3651 BTC [+] 1349587;1450731405;pete_dushenski;is it just me or is the latest qntra from july 10, 2015 ? 1349588;1450731426;pete_dushenski;looks like the last 5 months of archives vanished in the last reboot ? 1349589;1450731475;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349416 << ahok 1349590;1450731475;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 16:10:22; mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo http://qntra.net/ << older backuped version back online. feel free to log in as per normal, update it, etc. everything should still work as b4, if not lemme know. 1349591;1450731588;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349421 << i've never understood this rather commonplace criticism of taleb as being anything other than "ow my fee-fees hurt. that's not nice and it's certainly not how we do things in usistan where being successful and coming from somewhere other than the sewers is bad because reasons mkay" 1349592;1450731588;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 16:52:46; asciilifeform: the man has problems reeling his monster ego even partly onto a spool 1349593;1450731605;trinque;weird. 1349594;1450731647;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349426 << lol it's definitely a close contest. 1349595;1450731647;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 16:53:56; mircea_popescu: i got more ego than taleb damnit. 1349596;1450731650;trinque;deedbot- knows what date/time it is... did someone touch the entropy dial? 1349597;1450731837;trinque;oh wow, that's what's actually on qntra.net at the moment. 1349598;1450731838;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: "with the caveat that as the reunion of Ys starts approaching the universe, you're getting closer and closer to the nagant ending." << can you expand on this point ? is it that being overwhelmed on account of previous complacency and previous failures to eat the elephant one bite at a time, as those bites appeared, can only lead to suicide ? 1349599;1450731890;pete_dushenski;and prb = pseudorealbitcoin/pretendrealbitcoin/powerrangerbitcoin ? 1349600;1450732176;mircea_popescu;power ranger bitcoin. how about that! 1349601;1450732198;mircea_popescu;in other lulz, http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/628524/Climate-change-shock-Burning-fossil-fuels-COOLs-planet-says-NASA 1349602;1450732198;assbot;Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels COOLS planet, says NASA | UK | News | Daily Express ... ( http://bit.ly/1S5VLyH ) 1349603;1450732198;pete_dushenski;and after actually reading up a bit on glibc instead of telling myself "oh that's nice, alf's done another miraculous thing, which'd be the third this week, each of which is so miraculous that idkwtf it is, if it even applies to anything in my universe", i found that one of the glibc maintainers is florian weimar of http://qntra.net/2015/09/many-network-appliances-leak-master-tls-private-keys-through-forward-secrecy/ 1349604;1450732199;assbot;Page not found | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1S5VOua ) 1349605;1450732199;pete_dushenski;e. also, that glibc is advertised as an 'essential' component of unix osen, but that it's very much something of a flying spaghetti monster 1349606;1450732386;mircea_popescu;!up silvaedium 1349607;1450732557;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349278 << sorta hard to play the other side of the conversation when you simultaneously take every possible rebuttal or objection, pin it down, and kill it, like some kind of laboratory experimenter playing with a mouse in a hall of mirrors with no exit ;/ 1349608;1450732557;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 09:57:30; mircea_popescu: it's to date the largest reply i ever had to make in an irc conversation, but it is in fact a reply in an irc conversation. 1349609;1450732575;mircea_popescu;lol 1349610;1450732715;mircea_popescu;Закрывающая разговор or what was alf saying. 1349611;1450732894;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: but your controlling point about whose dominion is a thing is well taken. the boundaries here are very loosely defined, and yet so broad that i'm bound to miss important things, but mostly as these important things relate to trb development, an area where my only experience was debian testing and v-verification this summer 1349612;1450732992;mircea_popescu;aha. 1349613;1450733094;*;pete_dushenski unwraps abdy's 'lectures on feudalism', herlihy's 'the history of feudalism', lessing's 'laocoon', and 'the world according to clarkson' 1349614;1450733099;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform remind me, where's teh instructions for pressing a trb ? 1349615;1450733162;pete_dushenski;this set of newly delivered readings is just some of the competition for my time that retards my learnings of trb and related subjects 1349616;1450733166;BingoBoingo;<pete_dushenski> is it just me or is the latest qntra from july 10, 2015 ? << New backup being loaded nao 1349617;1450733191;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: neato 1349618;1450733269;pete_dushenski;glanville's and blackstone's commentaries and treatises are also on their way from bookstores around the world. 1349619;1450733279;pete_dushenski;THERE'S JUST TOO MUCH TO READ! 1349620;1450733327;pete_dushenski;though 15 minutes of reading was all it took to appreciate the enormity of alf's glibcless netbsd. 1349621;1450733332;*;pete_dushenski tips cap 1349622;1450733773;pete_dushenski;from bottom of express uk 'climate' article: "Can we trust existing climate change predictions based on this new research?" 1349623;1450733774;pete_dushenski;86% of respondents: "No, I have never heard before that fossil fuels can cool area - it all needs looking at again." 1349624;1450733853;mircea_popescu;what else "have i never heard of before" ? medieval ice age ? volcano eruption driving cool summers ? 1349625;1450733858;mircea_popescu;nuttin ? 1349626;1450733944;pete_dushenski;what do you expect from brits edumacated in the post-beatings era. 1349627;1450734478;*;asciilifeform back from dentist 1349628;1450734483;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349614 << using whose vtron ? 1349629;1450734483;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 21:24:59; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform remind me, where's teh instructions for pressing a trb ? 1349630;1450734489;asciilifeform;the instructions for mine are in the ml 1349631;1450734493;asciilifeform;mod6's also iirc 1349632;1450734511;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-August/000161.html << mine 1349633;1450734512;assbot;[BTC-dev] V examples. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MXJGZq ) 1349634;1450734524;*;mircea_popescu is going to send noob into this, see what happens. 1349635;1450734535;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00049448 = 3.3625 BTC [+] {2} 1349636;1450734564;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-November/000179.html << mod6's far spiffier vtron 1349637;1450734565;assbot;[BTC-dev] mod6's V [in perl] version 99998 K with Cucumber Tests & Testing Guide Included ... ( http://bit.ly/1XYf1zx ) 1349638;1450734587;asciilifeform;and ben_vulpes also had one (haven't tried) and punkman also (ditto) 1349639;1450734640;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349603 << l0l pete_dushenski we're talking about ~6 month old newz by now 1349640;1450734640;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 21:09:58; pete_dushenski: and after actually reading up a bit on glibc instead of telling myself "oh that's nice, alf's done another miraculous thing, which'd be the third this week, each of which is so miraculous that idkwtf it is, if it even applies to anything in my universe", i found that one of the glibc maintainers is florian weimar of http://qntra.net/2015/09/many-network-appliances-leak-master-tls-private-keys-through 1349641;1450734653;asciilifeform;(the de-glibc-ation) 1349642;1450734683;pete_dushenski;for some kids, the existence of bitcoin is still news. 1349643;1450734691;pete_dushenski;in trblandia, i'm the 30 iq kid 1349644;1450734712;asciilifeform;jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349578 << this is not as simple as it sounds, there are machine and os braindamages baked in 1349645;1450734712;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 19:53:52; jurov: commits to, carefully designed semantics for everything that's labeled "undefined" or "unspecified" or "implementation-defined" in the C "standard". 1349646;1450734722;BingoBoingo;No, you're pantagruel in the bouncy harness pete_dushenski 1349647;1450734753;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: lol if pantagruel's my boy, then i'm gargantua ;) 1349648;1450734811;jurov;asciilifeform: twas just djb citation 1349649;1450734815;asciilifeform;aha 1349650;1450734821;BingoBoingo;Not necessarily. Maybe gargantua in legend was actually cuckolded, and pantagruel's real father was the Jew boy. 1349651;1450734832;mircea_popescu;http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20151108.tar.gz.mod6.sig << da fuyck ? 1349652;1450734833;assbot;404 Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1NyZQrR ) 1349653;1450734844;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349591 << pointedly ~not~ what it is about. see thread re: brezhnev's book. the latter is not loathesome because i cry from failing to live up to brezhnev's imaginary heroism 1349654;1450734844;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 20:59:48; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349421 << i've never understood this rather commonplace criticism of taleb as being anything other than "ow my fee-fees hurt. that's not nice and it's certainly not how we do things in usistan where being successful and coming from somewhere other than the sewers is bad because reasons mkay" 1349655;1450734845;mircea_popescu;mod6 any idea ? 1349656;1450734852;asciilifeform;but because it is tedious and repetitive 1349657;1450734870;asciilifeform;whereas, e.g., mircea_popescu's site, is neither 1349658;1450734914;mircea_popescu;that may have a lot to do with the age of the mammals. 1349659;1450734921;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: quite likely jurov's filename munger 1349660;1450734945;asciilifeform;i still wanna know what he was smoking when he did that one 1349661;1450734959;jurov;no, the mailinglist has nothing to do with /v/ 1349662;1450734965;asciilifeform;then nfi 1349663;1450735006;mircea_popescu;not related to mailing list no 1349664;1450735008;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349603 << wait till pete_dushenski remembers about drepper 1349665;1450735008;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 21:09:58; pete_dushenski: and after actually reading up a bit on glibc instead of telling myself "oh that's nice, alf's done another miraculous thing, which'd be the third this week, each of which is so miraculous that idkwtf it is, if it even applies to anything in my universe", i found that one of the glibc maintainers is florian weimar of http://qntra.net/2015/09/many-network-appliances-leak-master-tls-private-keys-through 1349666;1450735022;mircea_popescu;http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20151129.tar.gz.mod6.sig << correct url 1349667;1450735022;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1l0HBCj ) 1349668;1450735023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5621 @ 0.00049373 = 2.7753 BTC [-] 1349669;1450735096;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: lol i remember ulrich, musta glanced over his name when skimming for recognisables. now i see him there too. 1349670;1450735128;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: afaik he is the (in so far as is publicly known) ~the~ wrecker 1349671;1450735135;asciilifeform;with the single most... illustrious record 1349672;1450735151;asciilifeform;there are drepperisms on your box, whatever it might be, virtually guaranteed. 1349673;1450735185;pete_dushenski;do you have a poster of drepper's face on your wall with a hitler stache, devil eyes, and a horns carved in ? 1349674;1450735189;asciilifeform;iirc he is even responsible for the retardation of gnu diff 1349675;1450735202;asciilifeform;the one i had to kludge around to get 'v' to work reasonably 1349676;1450735213;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: no but don't let it stop you 1349677;1450735221;asciilifeform;i don't even have my own shooting gallery 1349678;1450735227;asciilifeform;(betcha mircea_popescu does) 1349679;1450735228;pete_dushenski;i only copy from my betters 1349680;1450735311;*;pete_dushenski wonders where bounty on drepper's head is if wuille is worth the trouble 1349681;1450735325;asciilifeform;anyway drepper was drepper 20 yrs ago. today there are new dreppers. tomorrow there will be yet other dreppers. 1349682;1450735405;pete_dushenski;bbiab 1349683;1450735415;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349605 << libc. there are multiple usable implementations thereof 1349684;1450735415;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 21:09:59; pete_dushenski: e. also, that glibc is advertised as an 'essential' component of unix osen, but that it's very much something of a flying spaghetti monster 1349685;1450735480;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: see also http://www.etalabs.net/compare_libcs.html 1349686;1450735481;assbot;Comparison of C/POSIX standard library implementations for Linux ... ( http://bit.ly/1DMQi5O ) 1349687;1450735512;asciilifeform;all 3 of my currently operating trb nodes are using a rotor-on-musl build 1349688;1450735565;asciilifeform;(at some point i may or may not do a dietlibc and uclibc variant) 1349689;1450736114;mircea_popescu;so /me gives new girl task to press v, half hour ago. other than the url issue above, "hey what sigs should i put in here ?" 1349690;1450736114;mircea_popescu;"ascii and mod6". "ok, here's what I get : 1349691;1450736114;mircea_popescu;WARNING: genesis.vpatch.mircea_popescu.sig is an INVALID seal for genesis.vpatch! 1349692;1450736114;mircea_popescu;Check that this user is in your WoT, and that this key has not expired. 1349693;1450736114;mircea_popescu;Otherwise remove the invalid seal from your SEALS directory. 1349694;1450736118;mircea_popescu;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1349695;1450736120;mircea_popescu;Died at ./v.pl line 112. 1349696;1450736123;mircea_popescu;at which point /me grins 1349697;1450736134;mircea_popescu;seriously mod6, VERY nice job with this. 19 yo can use it! 1349698;1450736160;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: where did you get the sigs and patches ? 1349699;1450736185;asciilifeform;trb site ? 1349700;1450736188;mircea_popescu;pubkeys yo umean ? i have my own copies! 1349701;1450736208;asciilifeform;nono 1349702;1450736212;asciilifeform;the seals 1349703;1450736214;asciilifeform;and vpatches 1349704;1450736229;asciilifeform;(a seal, recall, is a signature of a particular patch) 1349705;1450736264;mircea_popescu;apparently it has a mirror list and then an init command. 1349706;1450736271;mircea_popescu;so far the mirror list consists of trb site. 1349707;1450736289;asciilifeform;can take the patches & seals from my tarball, which is self-contained 1349708;1450736294;asciilifeform;see what differs from trb site 1349709;1450736297;asciilifeform;(nothing ought to) 1349710;1450736320;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-August/000160.html 1349711;1450736321;assbot;[BTC-dev] V. (ver. 99K) ... ( http://bit.ly/1fQt08V ) 1349712;1450736953;mircea_popescu;hmm, so this produces a press directory, which contains a bitcoin src, but there's no autogen.sh and how do you make this thing ? 1349713;1450736970;asciilifeform;aha so far this is strictly bitcoin 1349714;1450736977;asciilifeform;for the rest, you need rotor or stator (your choice) 1349715;1450737006;asciilifeform;(rotor is a superset of stator that builds own compiler with - in my latest ver. - musl) 1349716;1450737022;mircea_popescu;damn it. 1349717;1450737028;mircea_popescu;why's it not in teh patch tree ;/ 1349718;1450737043;asciilifeform;'cause it isn't specific to trb 1349719;1450737050;mircea_popescu;so ? 1349720;1450737055;asciilifeform;(it'll be building, e.g., gossipd, later) 1349721;1450737059;mircea_popescu;the idea here is to get a certain result through a certain process 1349722;1450737091;mircea_popescu;obviously just dumping it in as a node isn't right, but we gotta have it somehow 1349723;1450737117;asciilifeform;mod6 had a set of instructions up for cooking rotor ab initio, but it apparently wasn't in the ml 1349724;1450737120;*;asciilifeform digs in logz 1349725;1450737131;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform besides the point tho. 1349726;1450737145;mircea_popescu;when one executes v-magic upon the genesis patch one must end up with a ready-to-go bitcoin. 1349727;1450737169;asciilifeform;once mod6 and ben_vulpes shrinkwrap a buildroot, gcc, et al. this will be possible 1349728;1450737173;asciilifeform;and will go on the magic cd 1349729;1450737187;asciilifeform;presently buildroot fetches crud from the net 1349730;1450737196;mircea_popescu;i suppose we'll have to restate the genesis huh 1349731;1450737199;mircea_popescu;VARDFORK! 1349732;1450737204;asciilifeform;parallel tree 1349733;1450737214;asciilifeform;as discussed about a day ago 1349734;1450737216;mircea_popescu;exactly. 1349735;1450737219;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21050 @ 0.00048714 = 10.2543 BTC [-] {3} 1349736;1450737225;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-12-2015#1348564 1349737;1450737225;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 18:46:10; asciilifeform: (ergo, has its own 'genesis' somewhere) 1349738;1450737246;mircea_popescu;must say it's endearingly light, this bitcoin press. 1349739;1450737263;asciilifeform;out of curiosity what did mircea_popescu expect ? 1349740;1450737285;mircea_popescu;i expect nothing, thus i live longer. 1349741;1450737302;mircea_popescu;does your rotor live anywhere ? 1349742;1450737326;asciilifeform;in the ml 1349743;1450737329;*;asciilifeform digs 1349744;1450737340;*;mircea_popescu digs as well 1349745;1450737360;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000133.html 1349746;1450737361;assbot;[BTC-dev] Rotor! ... ( http://bit.ly/1InQxW4 ) 1349747;1450737388;mircea_popescu;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000136.html ? 1349748;1450737388;assbot;[BTC-dev] Rotor! ... ( http://bit.ly/1hbPG4Q ) 1349749;1450737392;mircea_popescu;ah ok 1349750;1450737425;asciilifeform;aha may need trinque's correction on some damaged systems 1349751;1450737440;*;mircea_popescu passes this along and goes to eat. 1349752;1450737450;mircea_popescu;ah what a pleasant day in the resistance. 1349753;1450737450;asciilifeform;warning - this takes FUCKING FOREVER 1349754;1450737455;asciilifeform;as it builds gcc, toolchain, et al 1349755;1450737496;*;asciilifeform sings along, 'Доказали не раз они, что один в поле воин...' 1349756;1450737703;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu if you do musl rotor correctly, after stripping the elf you get a roughly 4M bin. 1349757;1450737703;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1349758;1450738007;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349545 << now it goes to fund klimate reeeesearch!!1111 1349759;1450738007;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 18:50:08; mircea_popescu: it's just that at some point some % of gdp went into researching pewter alloys and making dumbass candlesticks and now it doesn't. 1349760;1450738027;asciilifeform;nobody cancelled the church, it just morphed into 'hjooooman rightz' crapolade 1349761;1450738040;asciilifeform;every bit as virulent and pestilential 1349762;1450738115;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349525 << usg's vaguely quakerist state religion eats considerably more than 10% 1349763;1450738115;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 18:32:56; mircea_popescu: well no, removed the entire religion thing, from the "must build cathedral" to "tithe" - speaking of which, you ever seen l'avare with de funes ? epic tithing scene in there - and on and on. review the literature of the 1800s, about half the drivel printed was various clerics opiniong self importantly on matters they thoroughly ignored. 1349764;1450738129;asciilifeform;(30 to 100 percent depending on how you count) 1349765;1450738378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15550 @ 0.0004871 = 7.5744 BTC [-] {2} 1349766;1450738409;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349611 << if pete_dushenski is interested in the trb affair, prolly best bang for his buck will be to learn ~why~ various things were done, rather than the agonizing particulars of ~how~ 1349767;1450738409;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 21:21:34; pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: but your controlling point about whose dominion is a thing is well taken. the boundaries here are very loosely defined, and yet so broad that i'm bound to miss important things, but mostly as these important things relate to trb development, an area where my only experience was debian testing and v-verification this summer 1349768;1450738427;asciilifeform;unfortunately this is described nowhere but the logz 1349769;1450738470;asciilifeform;incidentally this is something a fella like pete_dushenski, who is very much fond of writing reviews/expositions/etc. could make a dent in 1349770;1450738512;kakobrekla;ideally should be in the wiki imo 1349771;1450738866;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33206 @ 0.00048933 = 16.2487 BTC [+] {3} 1349772;1450739103;mircea_popescu;prolly. 1349773;1450739213;mircea_popescu;!up butts 1349774;1450739226;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform "6) in it, set up a stator dir, e.g., /home/luser/rotor/stator and fill distfiles with tarballs, etc. as before." << what the fuck do you think this means ? 1349775;1450739236;mircea_popescu;no more passing by reference! 1349776;1450739242;asciilifeform;it means the instructions from stator 1349777;1450739248;mircea_popescu;pfff. 1349778;1450739261;asciilifeform;(which, when i wrote this, everybody had going) 1349779;1450739280;mircea_popescu;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-June/000102.html this ? 1349780;1450739281;assbot;[BTC-dev] (EXPERIMENTAL) Static Builder for TheRealBitcoin. ... ( http://bit.ly/1COYtUn ) 1349781;1450739285;asciilifeform;aha 1349782;1450739288;mircea_popescu;yes yes. the idea being : no reference! 1349783;1450739338;mircea_popescu;so basically, the entirety of work of interest here is : go to http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150627/stator_7447d6ad798179d04e9d277acb72799b3c7d0eae.tar.gz ; In 'distfiles', read 'MANIFEST' and place the tarballs found therein in said dir. 1349784;1450739339;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MoCeri ) 1349785;1450739349;mircea_popescu;the rest of the discussion in http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-June/000102.html being irrelevant 1349786;1450739349;assbot;[BTC-dev] (EXPERIMENTAL) Static Builder for TheRealBitcoin. ... ( http://bit.ly/1COYtUn ) 1349787;1450739351;mircea_popescu;right ? 1349788;1450739354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24400 @ 0.00049407 = 12.0553 BTC [+] {3} 1349789;1450739367;asciilifeform;correct 1349790;1450739707;mircea_popescu;aaaand where doth one find openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz 1349791;1450739712;asciilifeform;trb www 1349792;1450739728;mircea_popescu;god damned half filled manifest. 1349793;1450739756;mircea_popescu;why the fuck should i need to ask questions AFTER i read it. how am i better off than one who didn't bother reaqding it, for my effort ? and how's this encouraging people to rtfm already. 1349794;1450739761;asciilifeform;sorta why i wanted a cd 1349795;1450739776;mircea_popescu;cd is not what's keeping you from providing path! 1349796;1450739803;mircea_popescu;;;google openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz site:thebitcoin.foundation 1349797;1450739804;gribble;No matches found. 1349798;1450739806;mircea_popescu;right-o. 1349799;1450739813;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=06-02-2015#1009833 1349800;1450739813;assbot;Logged on 06-02-2015 02:52:08; asciilifeform: 66ebbad3c8ad98a07b486d39d0c3ae62b00133f8f2877cf8b97c461e7c7f40b29cf9c3cae82cf73a92dcf1daa63d33aa76c910fbcbe60158589fc7cb48f41e6d openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz 1349801;1450739832;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-March/000067.html also has a 1) hash 2) link to original vendor www 1349802;1450739833;assbot;[BTC-dev] UPDATED v0.0.5: Patching The Reference Implementation: AGuide ... ( http://bit.ly/1PjMQbV ) 1349803;1450739840;asciilifeform;which is presumably where everybody's been getting the turdz 1349804;1450739850;mircea_popescu;curl http://thebitcoin.foundation/ | grep "openssl" comes back empty also! 1349805;1450739851;assbot;..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation ]::.. ... ( http://bit.ly/1JZPY9X ) 1349806;1450739872;asciilifeform;looks like mod6's script actually fetches it from openssl site 1349807;1450739872;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that style of presumption is 150% of what's wrong with foss. 1349808;1450739875;mircea_popescu;can't fucking use the thing. 1349809;1450739876;asciilifeform;quite 1349810;1450740115;mircea_popescu;oddly the script i'm using as a guide to hack this together uses boost="http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost" curl -L "$boost/1.52.0/boost_1_52_0.tar.gz" \ for some reason, unlike in the other two cases. 1349811;1450740121;mircea_popescu;because nonhomogenuous code ftw. 1349812;1450740155;mircea_popescu;61mb boost. lord have mercies. 1349813;1450740213;mircea_popescu;sha256sum boost_1_52_0.tar.gz 1349814;1450740213;mircea_popescu;eea637a4ce9f9b45a0d5e00bb9462c9f084086264d85d63133dd6d240398b28f boost_1_52_0.tar.gz 1349815;1450740243;mircea_popescu;and this differs from fc512d3bfa6a39a60fee548775c97239271cf757587b8df7ed739c800844a819a359dca172be0e69ad7752753753139bf11f0813d650066d58386662fe32842d boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 in the manifest 1349816;1450740248;mircea_popescu;oh the manifest is sha512. 1349817;1450740254;mircea_popescu;listen we really gotta pick one of these and stick to it. 1349818;1450740257;asciilifeform;222b6afd7723f396f5682c20130314a10196d3999feab5ba920d2a6bf53bac92 distfiles/boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 1349819;1450740259;asciilifeform;^ mine 1349820;1450740270;asciilifeform;(sha256) 1349821;1450740273;asciilifeform;what givez 1349822;1450740282;mircea_popescu;holy shit sha512sum doesn't match either. 1349823;1450740295;mircea_popescu;i get 8de651beb9a48f91f8a797f44966b8f25c3351d6893c1d79969aeb2ded3adeaf8fc14aa9b8a4410081dde9ef155330b41a4982a62b55adde40bb73f0066c74a2 boost_1_52_0.tar.gz 1349824;1450740299;mircea_popescu;they changed the archive. 1349825;1450740316;asciilifeform;fc512d3bfa6a39a60fee548775c97239271cf757587b8df7ed739c800844a819a359dca172be0e69ad7752753753139bf11f0813d650066d58386662fe32842d distfiles/boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 1349826;1450740321;asciilifeform;l0l 1349827;1450740328;mircea_popescu;bzwut 1349828;1450740338;mircea_popescu;oh ffsake 1349829;1450740353;mircea_popescu;nonhomogenous manifests, also. do you hate me ? 1349830;1450740360;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: post diff ? 1349831;1450740377;mircea_popescu;your manifest has .bz2 for boost, .gz for everything else 1349832;1450740385;mircea_popescu;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-March/000067.html script uses .gz throughout 1349833;1450740386;assbot;[BTC-dev] UPDATED v0.0.5: Patching The Reference Implementation: AGuide ... ( http://bit.ly/1PjMQbV ) 1349834;1450740413;mircea_popescu;im going to proceed on the grounds that i match that sha256 but srsly... 1349835;1450740452;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26848 @ 0.00049447 = 13.2755 BTC [+] {2} 1349836;1450740551;mircea_popescu;ok, so i have /rotor/stator/stator/distfiles/boost_1_52_0/ ; db-4.8.30/ ; openssl-1.0.1g/ 1349837;1450740563;mircea_popescu;that it, is the distfiles loaded and i can proceed ? 1349838;1450740573;asciilifeform;distfiles has the tarballs 1349839;1450740610;mircea_popescu;it does yes. 1349840;1450740612;asciilifeform;boost_1_52_0.tar.bz2 db-4.8.30.tar.gz openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz 1349841;1450740617;mircea_popescu;uh. 1349842;1450740620;mircea_popescu;no, all .gz 1349843;1450740645;asciilifeform;odd 1349844;1450740659;mircea_popescu;what could possibly be odd about it. i had to gather them by hand, which i did. 1349845;1450740661;asciilifeform;anyway there is also an 'ourlibs' dir where all of the built crud will go. empty at the start. 1349846;1450740675;mircea_popescu;i have to make this ? 1349847;1450740689;asciilifeform;aha 1349848;1450740692;asciilifeform;http://dpaste.com/2CNDJ6Y << my rotor.sh 1349849;1450740694;assbot;dpaste: 2CNDJ6Y ... ( http://bit.ly/1PjN7vE ) 1349850;1450740711;asciilifeform;incidentally do you have the toolchain built ? 1349851;1450740727;mircea_popescu;god damned it. 1349852;1450740733;mircea_popescu;listen to me : TWO HOURS ago i gave a girl a task. 1349853;1450740748;mircea_popescu;she returned with an error, after going very smoothly throughout everything mod6 made, hour and a half ago. 1349854;1450740765;mircea_popescu;i fixed that and went to eat. she returned with an hour within minutes, and i've been spending my time debugging your inept shit. 1349855;1450740770;mircea_popescu;it is unconscionable, this. 1349856;1450740782;*;asciilifeform did not write the build script on trb site 1349857;1450740800;*;asciilifeform wrote strictly what appears in http://dpaste.com/2CNDJ6Y 1349858;1450740801;assbot;dpaste: 2CNDJ6Y ... ( http://bit.ly/1PjN7vE ) 1349859;1450740804;mircea_popescu;the moment we go off mod6 instructions and into alf instructions we suddenly need a rear admiral and five airline pilots. 1349860;1450740824;mircea_popescu;so lettuce see if this thing can be made to work sanely once and for all. 1349861;1450740836;mircea_popescu;i have exactly nothing anywhere. the disk is fucking empty. this is deliberate. 1349862;1450740844;mircea_popescu;no "as before" ; no "mine", none of the bs. 1349863;1450740848;asciilifeform;somehow i thought that mod6 et al had something like a build system 1349864;1450740866;mircea_popescu;it doesn't appear so. 1349865;1450740876;asciilifeform;apparently ! 1349866;1450740883;trinque;he does. I have run it and am syncing a bitcoind from its product. 1349867;1450740891;mircea_popescu;trinque link ? 1349868;1450740898;*;trinque looks 1349869;1450741046;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349766 << indeed. 1349870;1450741046;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 22:53:29; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349611 << if pete_dushenski is interested in the trb affair, prolly best bang for his buck will be to learn ~why~ various things were done, rather than the agonizing particulars of ~how~ 1349871;1450741065;trinque;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-11-2015#1333964 << I had to dos2unix the script before running. 1349872;1450741065;assbot;Logged on 30-11-2015 04:08:01; mod6: trinque, et. al: The updated [version 99997 K] rotot v054-TEST2 (via `V') script: http://dpaste.com/3J5SA2V.txt 1349873;1450741087;mircea_popescu;holy shit it's in a dpaste in the logs ? 1349874;1450741089;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349859 << /me recalls many hours spent on this exact back-and-forth and hack-and-saw over the summer 1349875;1450741089;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 23:33:24; mircea_popescu: the moment we go off mod6 instructions and into alf instructions we suddenly need a rear admiral and five airline pilots. 1349876;1450741090;trinque;did output a usable product thereafter, and it's running on a debian, was built on a gentoo where it also ran. 1349877;1450741096;*;mircea_popescu goes to punch out baby seals 1349878;1450741103;trinque;definitely needs to be released on the site.. 1349879;1450741106;mircea_popescu;trinque mind dpasting your fixed version then ? 1349880;1450741112;trinque;sure 1349881;1450741120;trinque;hell I'll put it on deedbot.org 1349882;1450741128;mircea_popescu;ok. 1349883;1450741130;trinque;so it is not lost to the sands of dpaste 1349884;1450741189;mircea_popescu;and fwiw i'm on rotor 99998 iirc. 1349885;1450741203;*;pete_dushenski also recalls this particular dpaste, even having tried it on fresh os!, and failing for reasons i shamefully didn't have time to delve into further 1349886;1450741229;pete_dushenski;that it was only in logs was a bit odd 1349887;1450741338;mircea_popescu;mod6 as a purely aesthetic point, i hate that your v puts its files/dirs straight under ~. it would be much better if it made them under current dir. 1349888;1450741350;mircea_popescu;as it is i put .wot in /trb/.wot but the .seals are still up one level ;/ 1349889;1450741446;trinque;http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh 1349890;1450741447;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MslfyQ ) 1349891;1450741449;trinque;http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh.asc 1349892;1450741450;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Msldar ) 1349893;1450741676;mircea_popescu;Peter Korsgaard and his 1024D bullshit 1349894;1450741680;mircea_popescu;this is what we're hinging on ;/ 1349895;1450741694;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is 0xAB07D806D2CE741FB886EE50B025BA8B59C36319 even worth loading into a system in 2015. 1349896;1450741750;mircea_popescu;anyway, rm -rf rotor and let's see this script 1349897;1450741828;mircea_popescu;trinque am i expecting any particular output ? 1349898;1450741912;trinque;the first output is it verifying signatures of various curl downloads, as I see it running it again. 1349899;1450741927;mircea_popescu;right. so i now notice it made a rotor dir 1349900;1450741939;mircea_popescu;V-20151129.tar.gz 1349901;1450741939;mircea_popescu;../ V-20151129.tar.gz.mod6.sig 1349902;1450741939;mircea_popescu;buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz v.pl* 1349903;1450741939;mircea_popescu;buildroot-2015.05.tar.gz.sign v.pl.mod6.sig 1349904;1450741939;mircea_popescu;rotor.tar.gz v_quick_start.txt* 1349905;1450741940;mircea_popescu;rotor.tar.gz.sig v_quick_start.txt.mod6.sig 1349906;1450741942;mircea_popescu;TEST2/ v_users_manual.txt* 1349907;1450741944;mircea_popescu;toolchain/ v_users_manual.txt.mod6.sig 1349908;1450741946;mircea_popescu;polimedi@polimedia.us [~/trb/rotor]# 1349909;1450741960;mircea_popescu;pointedly absent, an autogen.sh or any sort of obvious make target. 1349910;1450741995;trinque;yes, and after building the binary will be buried at rotor/TEST2/bitcoin/src/bitcoind 1349911;1450742004;trinque;I would say that the file tree here needs some work. 1349912;1450742007;mircea_popescu;building what ? how ? 1349913;1450742073;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we don't use automake, it is of the heathens 1349914;1450742078;trinque;it is running the rotor/TEST2/rotor.sh ... 1349915;1450742081;mircea_popescu;so what do we do ? 1349916;1450742089;trinque;yes but this is seriously layered and needs to be smashed into one script. 1349917;1450742095;mircea_popescu;my test2 is empty. 1349918;1450742095;asciilifeform;(my rotor.sh would have been a standard makefile, but gnumake has problems invoking makes recursively) 1349919;1450742116;trinque;mircea_popescu: the build script ought to be making all this 1349920;1450742117;trinque;it blew up? 1349921;1450742130;mircea_popescu;it finished without error, created the dir quoted above and thats it 1349922;1450742154;mircea_popescu;/home/polimedi/.wot directory does not exist. Refer to help. 1349923;1450742156;mircea_popescu;o god damned it. 1349924;1450742165;mircea_popescu;i can't choose where to put anything, right ? 1349925;1450742190;mircea_popescu;ima wipe this entire thing and start over. god damned tis frustrating. 1349926;1450742362;trinque;also would be good to have curl output some progress info when downloading. it otherwise appears hung when pulling down boost, or did to me. 1349927;1450742376;mircea_popescu;currently spewing stuff in terminal, seems ok. 1349928;1450742444;mircea_popescu;yeah seems to be building boost. 1349929;1450742588;mircea_popescu;i just downloaded the linux kernel... 1349930;1450742621;mircea_popescu;yup there's musl too. aaaite, ima let it be for a bit then 1349931;1450743141;deedbot-;[Qntra] Pirate Bay Four Acquitted Of Charges - http://qntra.net/2015/07/pirate-bay-four-acquitted-of-charges/ 1349932;1450743402;deedbot-;[Qntra] Mining Difficulty Reaches New High - http://qntra.net/2015/07/mining-difficulty-reaches-new-high/ 1349933;1450743471;trinque;BingoBoingo: are you loading data back into qntra? 1349934;1450743483;trinque;if so perhaps I should turn off the feeds until you're done. 1349935;1450743486;BingoBoingo;in a way you could say that 1349936;1450743528;trinque;feeds are off. 1349937;1450743624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31478 @ 0.0004871 = 15.3329 BTC [-] 1349938;1450743698;mod6;woah 1349939;1450743703;*;mod6 reads 1349940;1450744077;*;mod6 reads again 1349941;1450744158;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> seriously mod6, VERY nice job with this. 19 yo can use it! << sarc? 1349942;1450744230;*;trinque out to dinner, will turn feeds back on when I return. 1349943;1450744253;mod6;<+asciilifeform> mod6 had a set of instructions up for cooking rotor ab initio, but it apparently wasn't in the ml << no. it "works" as far as I and others have tried it -- it relies upon haveing my, alf's, mp's, ben's, and trinque's keys in a ~/.wot dir iirc. 1349944;1450744274;mod6;but until we wrap up the final parts as discussed yesterday, i wont clutter up the ml 1349945;1450744361;trinque;oh and btw, linked the script to say "I have used this and it works" not "this is a release according to mod6" 1349946;1450744382;mod6;+asciilifeform> looks like mod6's script actually fetches it from openssl site << yes. for now, for testing. i haven't actually put up the stuff yet because until yesterday, wasn't finalized, wasn't signed etc. 1349947;1450744405;*;pete_dushenski to dinner 1349948;1450744456;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 as a purely aesthetic point, i hate that your v puts its files/dirs straight under ~. it would be much better if it made them under current dir. << alright 1349949;1450744464;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> as it is i put .wot in /trb/.wot but the .seals are still up one level ;/ << noted. 1349950;1450744480;mod6;so where are you at now, and how can I help you accomplish your goal. 1349951;1450744516;trinque;mircea_popescu │ currently spewing stuff in terminal, seems ok. 1349952;1450744573;mod6;and yah, btw, you can tell V where to put .wot .seals and your patchdir. 1349953;1450744576;mod6;this is all in the doc. 1349954;1450744595;mod6;if you don't tell it where to put them it creates ~/.wot ~/.seals and then drops the patchdir in your pwd. 1349955;1450745061;danielpbarron;WARNING: asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation.vpatch.asciilifeform.sig is an INVALID seal for asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation.vpatch! 1349956;1450745107;mod6;Who/What/Where/When DPB 1349957;1450745147;danielpbarron;that's where it ends for me when using trinque's script 'build-bitcoind-99997K.sh' 1349958;1450745174;mod6;is that with my 'V', or post the log line where he gave you that. 1349959;1450745226;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349889 1349960;1450745226;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 23:44:06; trinque: http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh 1349961;1450745271;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8550 @ 0.0004903 = 4.1921 BTC [+] 1349962;1450745305;mod6;Ok mircea_popescu asciilifeform ben_vulpes trinque : The latest version of my rotor+V+TEST2 script is here: http://dpaste.com/1R04312.txt : All you should need to do before hand is create a ~/.wot dir and add; "asciilifeform.asc", "mircea_popescu.asc", "mod6.asc", "ben_vulpes.asc", "trinque.asc", and "punkman.asc" into that directory. 1349963;1450745307;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PjOV7T ) 1349964;1450745390;mod6;Then if you take that paste, chmod +x it, run it, it /should/ pull down all of the deps (still not complete, grabs stuff over the web), pull down V, press a 'TEST2', then build rotor, and then finally bitcoind inside of it. 1349965;1450745432;mod6;danielpbarron: do you have "asciilifeform.asc" in your .wot directory? 1349966;1450745576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5750 @ 0.00048803 = 2.8062 BTC [-] {2} 1349967;1450745672;danielpbarron;ah, that was the problem. I had named it asciilifeform.key 1349968;1450745688;mod6;yeah, the manual says about ".asc" 1349969;1450745694;mod6;sall good now 1349970;1450745694;mod6;? 1349971;1450745793;danielpbarron;yeah appears so 1349972;1450745796;mod6;ok 1349973;1450745842;mod6;I am following my exact instructions above ^^^ nearly done building a rotor+V+TEST2. 1349974;1450745854;mod6;If anyone else wants to do this tonight, to replicate my thing, I am here. 1349975;1450745857;mod6;Let's do it. 1349976;1450746482;*;asciilifeform increasingly certain that his magic rotolinux cd will have to be... a bootable one 1349977;1450746518;asciilifeform;there is no other way to flamethrower the ubiquitous braindamage that prevents every single thing i ever publish from building on half the boxes 1349978;1450746944;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> listen we really gotta pick one of these and stick to it. << will sort this out with the manifest/file-o-hashes 1349979;1450747005;mircea_popescu;# ./bitcoind 1349980;1450747005;mircea_popescu;************************ 1349981;1450747005;mircea_popescu;EXCEPTION: St13runtime_error 1349982;1450747005;mircea_popescu;locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid 1349983;1450747005;mircea_popescu;bitcoin in AppInit() 1349984;1450747005;mircea_popescu;terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' 1349985;1450747007;mircea_popescu; what(): locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid 1349986;1450747009;mircea_popescu;Aborted (core dumped) 1349987;1450747020;mircea_popescu;but other than that, latest script was pretty spiffy mod6 1349988;1450747026;asciilifeform;LC_ALL="C" 1349989;1450747031;mod6;^ 1349990;1450747038;asciilifeform;prefix when starting bitcoind 1349991;1450747048;asciilifeform;this is necessary when running a musl executable on a heathen (glibc) linux 1349992;1450747060;mircea_popescu;wut sarc 1349993;1450747084;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform waitwut ? 1349994;1450747093;asciilifeform;you gotta put that envir var there 1349995;1450747100;asciilifeform;or it will croak as pictured above 1349996;1450747120;asciilifeform;one of these days i will saw out the locale idiocy from gcc 1349997;1450747127;mircea_popescu;yteaH srsly 1349998;1450747152;mircea_popescu;so export LC_ALL="C" ? 1349999;1450747157;mod6;i think i usually execute this like: `LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -myip= ... ect` 1350000;1450747164;mircea_popescu;a ok\ 1350001;1450747176;asciilifeform;aha what mod6 said 1350002;1450747195;asciilifeform;sample from one of my boxes, 1350003;1450747197;asciilifeform;LC_ALL="C" /home/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin -myip=$wanip -addnode= 2>&1 & 1350004;1450747204;mircea_popescu;yeah, seems to work actually. 1350005;1450747206;mircea_popescu;sweet! 1350006;1450747208;asciilifeform;(replace $wanip with yours) 1350007;1450747217;mod6;nice! 1350008;1450747217;asciilifeform;congrats mircea_popescu ! 1350009;1450747229;mircea_popescu;Error: To use bitcoind, you must set a rpcpassword in the configuration file 1350010;1450747233;mircea_popescu;trhis sounds like home. 1350011;1450747243;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: how big's your stripped bin ? 1350012;1450747278;kakobrekla;im not saying congrats arent in order but the fact they are is sad. 1350013;1450747295;mod6;this is a good point kako. 1350014;1450747298;mircea_popescu; 4884832 Dec 22 00:14 bitcoind 1350015;1450747307;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla word. 1350016;1450747311;mod6;it /will/ get easier. it's our mission. 1350017;1450747328;mircea_popescu;but in fairness the stack has improved HEAPS and bounds from its state pre-mod6-99997 release, so ima not say anything more 1350018;1450747329;asciilifeform;4884896 <<< asciilifeform's 1350019;1450747340;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform EXTRA DWORD! 1350020;1450747358;mod6;hehhe, we went through that once didn't we. 1350021;1450747368;mod6;about the offsets 1350022;1450747372;mircea_popescu;lol 1350023;1450747383;mircea_popescu;anyway, i could in principle put up ~60 of these overnight 1350024;1450747398;mircea_popescu;it's really not so bad, <1hr whole script 1350025;1450747408;mod6;yeah mine just finished. 1350026;1450747412;mircea_popescu;and, most importantly, script works. 1350027;1450747413;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: gcc embeds local paths (aha quite retarded) in the elf 1350028;1450747420;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so it's a marvel we're only off by a dword 1350029;1450747426;mod6;mine took ~30 minutes. 1350030;1450747437;mod6;on an old ass core2duo too :] 1350031;1450747438;asciilifeform;'cause mine has strings like /home/stas/br-super/stator/ourlibs/lib/engines in the stripped elf 1350032;1450747444;mircea_popescu;mod6 one thing to consider : rather than a wd to set the wot dir, simply have it put stuff under current dir ? 1350033;1450747483;mod6;yeah, noted. i think the design decision there was "if i put it in pwd, someone might not know where it is, they may just check ~/ first." 1350034;1450747488;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: 60 actual physical boxes would be mighty spiffy 1350035;1450747504;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not sure it'd actually do anything useful. 1350036;1450747515;asciilifeform;it'd fill some pants i bet 1350037;1450747516;mod6;ofc it could be helpful and spit that stuff out to stdout and let a fella know. 1350038;1450747535;mircea_popescu;im not in the business of filling pants tho! 1350039;1450747544;asciilifeform;also would be interesting to spot the octopi 1350040;1450747552;asciilifeform;(the boxes that are simply out to hog sockets) 1350041;1450747559;mircea_popescu;anyway. the only congrats that are in order go to teh foundation. well done peeps. 1350042;1450747570;mod6;mircea_popescu: I'll reflect on this conversation and your trials/tribulations and use it to guide us going forward to the finish line here. 1350043;1450747584;mircea_popescu;mod6 in fairness 99% of tribulation was because i wasn't using 99997 1350044;1450747601;mircea_popescu;sorta went at it obliquely. but definitely gotta make it a release. 1350045;1450747634;mod6;ah, ok. It's not super easy to follow unless you've been keeping up with all the testing. I'm trying to keep the ML clean so people don't get tripped up later. 1350046;1450747654;mircea_popescu;yes but a "here's where you start" pointer must exist. 1350047;1450747662;mircea_popescu;prolly should exist on the main page of trb site, at that. 1350048;1450747697;mod6;yea, we need a "get your TEST2 up and going" section. 1350049;1450747727;mod6;I've got a short week this week. I'll get some of that cleaned up. 1350050;1450747741;mod6;There's a bunch of loose ends. We're getting there... 1350051;1450747767;asciilifeform;at any rate even if mircea_popescu doesn't feel like making 60, it would be great if you lot came up with another dozen or so. take some of the load off my poor junkers 1350052;1450747812;*;asciilifeform uncrates brand new half-TB ssd for zoolag 1350053;1450747850;kakobrekla;its a fast moving targer 1350054;1450747852;kakobrekla;target 1350055;1450748052;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> wut sarc << oh thought you had sarc tag on about the seals warning your 19yo got. :] 1350056;1450748073;mircea_popescu;what's that ? 1350057;1450748125;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> seriously mod6, VERY nice job with this. 19 yo can use it! << this 1350058;1450748147;mod6;cause it died right then. heh. 1350059;1450748165;mod6;anyway nm. 1350060;1450748372;mod6;<+trinque> yes but this is seriously layered and needs to be smashed into one script. << this is a good point there a bunch of gyrations in the current script that could be folded all into one better script. 1350061;1450748377;mod6;one thing at a time though. 1350062;1450748612;mircea_popescu;of course... "blocks" : 0, "connections" : 0, 1350063;1450748614;mircea_popescu;thius dun seem right. 1350064;1450748626;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: didja -addnode= ??? 1350065;1450748647;asciilifeform;gotta breath'o'life it 1350066;1450748669;mircea_popescu;o right 1350067;1450748681;mircea_popescu;-addnode= << this ours ? 1350068;1450748703;asciilifeform;replace with one of the currently-live nodez 1350069;1450748711;asciilifeform;(one or more! can have multiple -addnode) 1350070;1450748729;asciilifeform;iirc 195* belongs to mircea_popescu 1350071;1450748755;mod6;also -verifyall should be an option for you with TEST2 1350072;1450748809;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.00049028 = 4.4615 BTC [+] 1350073;1450748809;mircea_popescu;!s zoolag 1350074;1450748810;assbot;69 results for 'zoolag' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=zoolag 1350075;1450748821;mircea_popescu;!s bucephalus 1350076;1450748821;assbot;20 results for 'bucephalus' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bucephalus 1350077;1450748836;asciilifeform;fastest sync is prolly from dulap 1350078;1450748849;asciilifeform;with zoolag a close second 1350079;1450748855;asciilifeform;(Gb fiber) 1350080;1450748874;mircea_popescu;what's the rush. 1350081;1450748881;mircea_popescu;dja see me ? 1350082;1450748901;asciilifeform;on which 1350083;1450748917;mircea_popescu;zoolag / bucephalus 1350084;1450748957;mircea_popescu;"blocks" : 2034, "connections" : 10, << we're in bidnis. 1350085;1450749024;asciilifeform;i see a 1350086;1450749053;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15000 @ 0.00049002 = 7.3503 BTC [-] {3} 1350087;1450749056;mircea_popescu;sounds like gateway aha. 1350088;1450749063;asciilifeform;and there you are on dulap. 1350089;1450749086;asciilifeform;and on bucephalus. 1350090;1450749094;asciilifeform;not on zoolag tho 1350091;1450749114;mircea_popescu;cool beans. 1350092;1450749236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3811 @ 0.00049029 = 1.8685 BTC [+] {2} 1350093;1450749535;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: out of curiosity, what didja press ? 1350094;1450749631;mod6;<+trinque> http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh << If Mr. P. used this, then it does this (in the script): ./v.pl p verbose TEST2 asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option.vpatch 1350095;1450749632;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MslfyQ ) 1350096;1450749670;asciilifeform;was wondering if he has the programmable verstring 1350097;1450749688;asciilifeform;( http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000185.html ) 1350098;1450749688;assbot;[BTC-dev] Programmable Version Strings. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mdvdyY ) 1350099;1450749726;mod6;that would have had to have been placed in the local pdir (patch dir) and sdir (seals dir) manually - it's not in http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/ yet 1350100;1450749727;assbot;Index of /v ... ( http://bit.ly/1KTlXJl ) 1350101;1450750090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30046 @ 0.00048901 = 14.6928 BTC [-] {2} 1350102;1450752713;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00048806 = 6.0519 BTC [-] {3} 1350103;1450753323;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31800 @ 0.00049091 = 15.6109 BTC [+] {3} 1350104;1450753631;thestringpuller;!gettrust mframe 1350105;1450753631;assbot;mframe is not registered in WoT. 1350106;1450753726;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349573 << i could crap out a limited subset of toolchain adequate to demonstrate workflow with/out emacs if you'd like 1350107;1450753726;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 19:45:02; jurov: ben_vulpes: do you have publicly available sample outcome of the glorious process? 1350108;1450754387;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform nah, signs off as 5.4 1350109;1450754441;asciilifeform;ah ok 1350110;1450754467;mircea_popescu;"blocks" : 122106 heh 1350111;1450754499;mircea_popescu;first 120k in ~90 mins 1350112;1450754499;mod6;nb -verifyall ? 1350113;1450754504;mircea_popescu;ye 1350114;1450754507;mod6;coo 1350115;1450754683;mod6;shinohai: btw, i can walk you through getting an openbsd version going. you have to manually add some patches posted to the ML by 'phf'? 1350116;1450754698;mod6;yeah phf 1350117;1450754703;asciilifeform;;;seen phf 1350118;1450754703;gribble;phf was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 0 days, 10 hours, 53 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <phf> or maybe it's picking up your gcc since you have it installed. homebrew compiler selection algo is all kinds of creative 1350119;1450754793;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000118.html 1350120;1450754794;assbot;[BTC-dev] openbsd patch ... ( http://bit.ly/1kdP6EL ) 1350121;1450755074;phf;i'm still around, my dad died on the 10th, so i've been busy arranging his affairs 1350122;1450755102;*;asciilifeform takes off hat 1350123;1450755106;mod6;Sorry to hear that phf. 1350124;1450755163;phf;so it goes 1350125;1450755459;phf;he was a strong willed man, and many people from former su countries paid their respects, i'd feel accomplished in life if i can live up to his legacy 1350126;1450755464;mod6;<+danielpbarron> yeah appears so << did the whole thing build for you alright? 1350127;1450755470;danielpbarron;yes 1350128;1450755475;mod6;kewl 1350129;1450755501;danielpbarron;still stuck on block 367850 1350130;1450755540;mod6;are you trying to sync against a single node? 1350131;1450755585;danielpbarron;using this -> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350003 1350132;1450755585;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 01:19:57; asciilifeform: LC_ALL="C" /home/bitcoin/bin/bitcoind -datadir=/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin -myip=$wanip -addnode= 2>&1 & 1350133;1450755688;mod6;is that one Mr. P.'s node? i seem to remember maybe that one was stopped or something? asciilifeform /just/ updated Zoolag and Bucephalus 1350134;1450755695;mod6;i think he said he did anyway 1350135;1450755704;mod6;maybe restart with one of these? http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/the_real_bitcoin/nodes 1350136;1450755706;assbot;the_real_bitcoin:nodes [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1JkrP9b ) 1350137;1450755885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35450 @ 0.00048698 = 17.2634 BTC [-] {2} 1350138;1450756122;mircea_popescu;o.O condoleances phf 1350139;1450756495;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44843 @ 0.00049445 = 22.1726 BTC [+] {3} 1350140;1450756556;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24657 @ 0.00049552 = 12.218 BTC [+] {2} 1350141;1450756740;phf;thanks, mp 1350142;1450758752;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14550 @ 0.00049595 = 7.2161 BTC [+] {2} 1350143;1450759362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20405 @ 0.00049607 = 10.1223 BTC [+] 1350144;1450759667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26650 @ 0.0004909 = 13.0825 BTC [-] 1350145;1450760324;mircea_popescu;anyway, for pete_d and anyone else who might have encountered difficulty with trb or fears they might : it's actually rather painless. 1. you create an account on a server ; 2. you cd /home/account_name ; 3. you create a .wot directory (mkdir .wot) ; 4. you put the pubkeys of people you trust in there as name1.asc, name2.asc etc ; 5. you download the rotor script (curl deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh > build-bitco 1350146;1450760324;mircea_popescu;ind-99997K.sh) and make it executable (chmod +x build-bitcoind-99997K.sh) and then you run it (./build-bitcoind-99997K.sh). that's pretty much it, takes half hour or so, spits out an executable bitcoind (in /rotor/TEST2/bitcoin/src). 1350147;1450760324;mircea_popescu;You can then run this with something like LC_ALL=C nohup ./bitcoind -myip=<yourip> -addnode=trusted_node_1 -addnode=trusted_node_2 -verifyall 2>&1 & 1350148;1450760338;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22600 @ 0.00049626 = 11.2155 BTC [+] {3} 1350149;1450760355;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo (or any other ebay junkie) http://www.ebay.com/itm/USSR-SPY-KGB-Secret-Phone-line-Digital-Scrambler-GNC-9-3-9-3-/290854902161 << interesting piece of shit, with no historical record anywhere net-accessible of its existence. might make for a mega-article. 1350150;1450760356;assbot;USSR Spy KGB Secret Phone Line Digital Scrambler GNC 9 3 ГНЦ 9 3 | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1O5omlP ) 1350151;1450760356;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1350152;1450760363;asciilifeform;precious little is known about 1980s su crypto 1350153;1450760394;*;mircea_popescu wonders why amazon doesn't include price in page title 1350154;1450760414;BingoBoingo;Looks very cool, but I lack tools to give quality analysis 1350155;1450760426;asciilifeform;thing doesn't appear to need tools 1350156;1450760434;asciilifeform;2-sided pcbs, labeled ics 1350157;1450760444;mircea_popescu;in unrelated news, telecentro sa might be the shittiest isp the world has ever seen. 1350158;1450760454;asciilifeform;how come 1350159;1450760486;mircea_popescu;line dies multiple times a day, every day sorta thing 1350160;1450760494;asciilifeform;ick 1350161;1450760503;asciilifeform;fiber? 1350162;1450760530;mircea_popescu;nah, cable. 1350163;1450760536;asciilifeform;ew 1350164;1450760568;*;asciilifeform miser on many things but not isp 1350165;1450760592;BingoBoingo;In other news qntra content is back 1350166;1450760603;BingoBoingo;<asciilifeform> thing doesn't appear to need tools << Requires tools in wetware 1350167;1450760613;asciilifeform;congrats BingoBoingo 1350168;1450760713;BingoBoingo;Comments from the last ~week are missing, but.. 1350169;1450760785;asciilifeform;https://www.photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4044237//# << perma-photo of gnc-9-3 1350170;1450760797;asciilifeform;http://forum.qrz.ru/7-voennoe-radio-snova-v-efire/33679-pomogite-opoznat-izdelie-6.html#post651830 << previous generation of same machine, apparently 1350171;1450760799;assbot;Помогите опознать изделие - Страница 6 ... ( http://bit.ly/1U1i9Yk ) 1350172;1450761120;trinque;feeds thinger revived. 1350173;1450761253;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35150 @ 0.00049565 = 17.4221 BTC [-] {2} 1350174;1450761305;asciilifeform;http://photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4044223/96752458/#mainImageLink << moar of previous subj 1350175;1450761306;assbot;Фото - ГНЦ-8/2В ... ( http://bit.ly/1O5pVjF ) 1350176;1450762072;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350133 << ok looks like 195* is the old (dead) dulap 1350177;1450762072;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 03:41:28; mod6: is that one Mr. P.'s node? i seem to remember maybe that one was stopped or something? asciilifeform /just/ updated Zoolag and Bucephalus 1350178;1450762080;asciilifeform;plz use one of the live nodez 1350179;1450762133;asciilifeform;new dulap is 1350180;1450762148;asciilifeform;and is quite likely the liveliest of the nodez presently 1350181;1450762173;asciilifeform;(it is on a titanically-spiffy box mircea_popescu built, and hasn't - as of yet - anything else there. though it will shortly) 1350182;1450762253;*;trinque lets the new deedbot node have a taste 1350183;1450762378;asciilifeform;my other two: 1350184;1450762391;asciilifeform; --- bucephalus 1350185;1450762403;asciilifeform; --- zoolag 1350186;1450762414;asciilifeform;all 3 are fully synced and running same thing 1350187;1450762421;asciilifeform;and have very reasonable pipes 1350188;1450763144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54900 @ 0.0004963 = 27.2469 BTC [+] {2} 1350189;1450765096;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9900 @ 0.00048933 = 4.8444 BTC [-] {2} 1350190;1450765740;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350010 << welcome home :) 1350191;1450765740;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 01:20:33; mircea_popescu: trhis sounds like home. 1350192;1450766209;BingoBoingo;war https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/capacity-increases https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3xr8ql/capacity_increases_for_the_bitcoin_system_bitcoin/ 1350193;1450766210;assbot;Capacity increases for the Bitcoin system -- Bitcoin Core ... ( http://bit.ly/1O5xVRH ) 1350194;1450766212;assbot;Capacity increases for the Bitcoin system -- Bitcoin Core : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1O5xVRL ) 1350195;1450766221;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1350196;1450766228;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 439.06, vol: 12642.92887597 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 437.9, vol: 7996.32153 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 438.76, vol: 28963.35589242 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 425.0, vol: 0.34339395 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 451.007032, vol: 102113.12970000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 437.99, vol: 173.05762018 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 436.308978, vol: 137.95867145 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1350197;1450766233;BingoBoingo;;;more 1350198;1450766233;gribble;446.962634434 1350199;1450766261;ben_vulpes;interesting to note the various timelines for replication of trb work 1350200;1450766313;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349727 << oh ffs 1350201;1450766313;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 22:32:49; asciilifeform: once mod6 and ben_vulpes shrinkwrap a buildroot, gcc, et al. this will be possible 1350202;1450766632;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349743 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349744 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349873 << log grepping is becoming its own skill. i recently lost five minutes looking for "month" instead of "mos." 1350203;1450766633;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 22:35:29; *: asciilifeform digs 1350204;1450766633;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 22:35:40; *: mircea_popescu digs as well 1350205;1450766633;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 23:38:07; mircea_popescu: holy shit it's in a dpaste in the logs ? 1350206;1450767231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3243 @ 0.00048678 = 1.5786 BTC [-] 1350207;1450767466;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=17-12-2015#1345454 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350181 << per month? year? flat? 1350208;1450767466;assbot;Logged on 17-12-2015 15:01:36; mircea_popescu: this will also add a 0.7-.8 expense on the s.nsa books, but hey, whatchagonnado. 1350209;1450767466;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 05:29:33; asciilifeform: (it is on a titanically-spiffy box mircea_popescu built, and hasn't - as of yet - anything else there. though it will shortly) 1350210;1450767780;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8750 @ 0.00048678 = 4.2593 BTC [-] 1350211;1450768817;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23200 @ 0.00048674 = 11.2924 BTC [-] {2} 1350212;1450769827;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349575 << lulzy thread 1350213;1450769827;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 19:53:23; jurov: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/boring-crypto/48qa1kWignU/o8GGp2K1DAAJ << where djb secretly desires ada 1350214;1450769839;punkman;"Not to be "that guy", but as cool as it is to ponder doing this in some bright, shiny language like Rust or ML, Ada exists for a reason.  There's even an open source compiler (Gnat) that can already generate code that can link with C/C++/etc code bases.  Work would need to go into streamlining the run time overhead for this use case, but how much compared to maintaining some C compiler 1350215;1450769839;punkman;fork?" 1350216;1450771671;punkman;http://firstwefeast.com/eat/confessions-of-a-white-sushi-chef/ 1350217;1450771672;assbot;Confessions of a White Sushi Chef | First We Feast ... ( http://bit.ly/1U1x6cZ ) 1350218;1450772093;punkman;"People call themselves a sushi chef after two to four years of making sushi, or going from restaurant to restaurant instead of taking up an apprenticeship. That doesn’t fly in my book. When a white sushi chef says, “I would work there, but it was too demanding,” then I say you are definitely too weak and we are not cut from the same cloth." 1350219;1450772477;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10667 @ 0.00048708 = 5.1957 BTC [+] 1350220;1450773026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15700 @ 0.00048711 = 7.6476 BTC [+] {2} 1350221;1450773087;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24582 @ 0.00048722 = 11.9768 BTC [+] {2} 1350222;1450773107;punkman;https://rpw.sh/blog/2015/12/21/the-backdoored-backdoor/ 1350223;1450773108;assbot;Some analysis of the backdoored backdoor | .:rpw:. ... ( http://bit.ly/1U1z6BR ) 1350224;1450774185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27281 @ 0.00049045 = 13.38 BTC [+] {4} 1350225;1450774551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25870 @ 0.00048668 = 12.5904 BTC [-] 1350226;1450775039;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17650 @ 0.00049155 = 8.6759 BTC [+] {2} 1350227;1450776564;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35460 @ 0.00049269 = 17.4708 BTC [+] {2} 1350228;1450777235;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15726 @ 0.00049638 = 7.8061 BTC [+] {2} 1350229;1450777479;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19650 @ 0.00049648 = 9.7558 BTC [+] 1350230;1450780224;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00049648 = 13.9511 BTC [+] 1350231;1450780468;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41950 @ 0.0004884 = 20.4884 BTC [-] {5} 1350232;1450780621;BingoBoingo;trinque: Are you sure feed is back on? 1350233;1450780634;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/12/cmu-tor-attack-implicated-in-mannion-arrest/ 1350234;1450780635;assbot;CMU Tor Attack Implicated In Mannion Arrest | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/22mPsLo ) 1350235;1450780773;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.00049648 = 7.9933 BTC [+] {2} 1350236;1450780953;BingoBoingo;punkman: Related https://archive.is/SnvXJ 1350237;1450780954;assbot;Objective Cis Het White Male - Why I NEVER Tip White Waiters ... ( http://bit.ly/22mQqau ) 1350238;1450781089;punkman;BingoBoingo: but does he have black friends? 1350239;1450781098;BingoBoingo;Of course he doesn't 1350240;1450781242;punkman;http://sans-fedora.tumblr.com/post/131425088491/how-to-be-a-cis-het-white-male-intersectional 1350241;1450781243;assbot;Objective Cis Het White Male - How to be a Cis Het White Male Intersectional... ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJ2w46 ) 1350242;1450781350;punkman;"The patriarchy expects me to be a big burly man to soak up all the privilege I can. However, I find that the thinner you are as a male, the more willing people are to interact with you because you are not so threatening. As I get thinner, the patriarchy has a harder time keeping a hold on me because I can slip through its fingers more easily." 1350243;1450781361;punkman;not bad 1350244;1450781492;BingoBoingo;Ah so he's either fat or manorexic to top it all off 1350245;1450783151;deedbot-;[Qntra] Payment Card Industry Clings To SSLv3 And TLS 1.0 For Two More Years - http://qntra.net/2015/12/payment-card-industry-clings-to-sslv3-and-tls-1-0-for-two-more-years/ 1350246;1450783166;BingoBoingo;Ah, there it is, ty trinque 1350247;1450783274;davout;from where i am i still can't see qntra 1350248;1450783329;davout;DNS resolution doesn't seem to work 1350249;1450783537;BingoBoingo;I have no idea the dark magic mircea_popescu worked in the routing. 1350250;1450783579;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23300 @ 0.00049346 = 11.4976 BTC [-] {2} 1350251;1450783762;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2695 @ 0.00049301 = 1.3287 BTC [-] 1350252;1450784494;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00049648 = 8.316 BTC [+] 1350253;1450785226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34832 @ 0.0004868 = 16.9562 BTC [-] {5} 1350254;1450786263;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00049647 = 7.6456 BTC [+] {2} 1350255;1450786324;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12869 @ 0.00048516 = 6.2435 BTC [-] 1350256;1450787056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31800 @ 0.00048496 = 15.4217 BTC [-] {5} 1350257;1450787239;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.0004879 = 6.1475 BTC [+] 1350258;1450787605;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20112 @ 0.00049648 = 9.9852 BTC [+] 1350259;1450788443;mircea_popescu;that's just fucking dumb. privilege is being thin, as a male. 1350260;1450788729;BingoBoingo;Seriously swolepression is real 1350261;1450788935;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes per month. 1350262;1450789194;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> war <<< "There will not be any hardfork for at least the next ~year." <<< mno. no war, sheepish surrender. we find these terms acceptable, to quote !churchill. 1350263;1450789229;mircea_popescu;"Lightning will allow for almost all of the security, features, and decentralization of Bitcoin transactions while drastically reducing the number of on-blockchain transactions that each individual will need to perform. This is expected to be the real eventual solution to scaling." 1350264;1450789269;mircea_popescu;hurr durr. i'm sure it will be the eventual solution to "scaling", for any value of scaling = http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349366 1350265;1450789269;assbot;Logged on 21-12-2015 15:29:29; mircea_popescu: "hands off our cattle!" 1350266;1450789275;BingoBoingo;lowercase war, not War 1350267;1450789289;mircea_popescu;nevertheless, on one hand fair is fair and on the other hand not only is it not our cattle, we don't fucking want to herd cattle in the first place. so... 1350268;1450789291;mircea_popescu;usg found its level. 1350269;1450789308;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> interesting to note the various timelines for replication of trb work <<< quite. 1350270;1450789341;mircea_popescu;i suppose it's based on how they judge their ability to comprehend wtf alf did. "this is crazy" "this is batshit insane" "i have no idea wtf this even is" and perhaps other layers. 1350271;1450789459;mircea_popescu;lol theymos got -39 reddit votes. clearly teh system wurx. 1350272;1450789589;mircea_popescu;<davout> DNS resolution doesn't seem to work << what do you see ? 1350273;1450789635;mircea_popescu;"Most people would assume I am a walking oxymoron. At least, they would assume the latter part of that word. However, I am here today to give you a glimpse of how it is possible to be a cissexual heterosexual white male intersectional feminist and how Im living proof. 1350274;1450789635;mircea_popescu;Many think that Intersectional Feminism is at odds with cis het white men. This stems from the fact" 1350275;1450789636;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha 1350276;1450789657;mircea_popescu;THAT is the problem. idiot imagines what sane people will choke on is the notion that she's a dumbass feminist. 1350277;1450789682;mircea_popescu;no, that's not the issue. the issue is that a dumbass feminist who ate enough so you can't distinguish her wasp bites from man boobs imagines herself a "homosexual male". 1350278;1450789697;mircea_popescu;you ain't homosexual or a male, sweetie. you're just a girl with too much loose change in her brainbox. 1350279;1450789723;*;BingoBoingo still waiting for the levorotary/dexrotary gender crISIS 1350280;1450789759;davout;mircea_popescu: now it works, also nice DNS servers, ten points to gryffyndor 1350281;1450789783;mircea_popescu;:) 1350282;1450789815;mircea_popescu;is gryffyndor good ? 1350283;1450789831;mircea_popescu;and could it be lyf yn whor ? 1350284;1450789841;BingoBoingo;I think they are the goody too shoed bitch ones 1350285;1450789844;davout;the sky's the limit 1350286;1450789865;*;BingoBoingo forgets which one stomped colons all day 1350287;1450789865;mircea_popescu;that's what they said back at camp when we were doing the piss up tree competition. 1350288;1450789884;BingoBoingo;Gotta piss up tree or else gets on shoes 1350289;1450789900;mircea_popescu;(btw, is this known universally or just ro junior high amusement ? buncha kids get around tree, see who pisses on it the highest ?) 1350290;1450789946;mircea_popescu;"Why I NEVER Tip White Waiters If you want to teach someone something, it is usually best to do it over and over."\ 1350291;1450789985;BingoBoingo;universal 1350292;1450789997;mircea_popescu;bahwhahahahaha. random douche who thinks "waiters" = the douches just like him moving around tgi tuesdays is going to TEACH something, by repeating it over and over. an' thart something ain't gonna be "this fat poor sucker's also a jerk". it's gonna be something else. because he's the not so little train engine that can! 1350293;1450790136;mircea_popescu;here's a rough rule of thumb : if the guy bringing you your donut is making below minimum wage, he is BY DEFINITION of the terms "minimum wage" and "waiter" NOT a waiter. because being a waiter IS A PROFESSION, just like being a computer engineer or a driver. meanwhile minimum wage is reserved for UNSKILLED!!! labour. like webstack developers and singer-songwriter-tablewaiters. 1350294;1450790244;mircea_popescu;and this is kinda also what powers the "uber revolution" : if you're willing to go from drivers to unskilled labour, you may "save" a little change off your ride and uber can make a killing. 1350295;1450790283;mircea_popescu;Update: Shortly after reading my post, Willem Pinckaers pointed out that the reseed_system_prng function sets the global variable system_prng_bufpos to 32. This means that after the first invocation of this function, the for loop right after the reseed call in system_prng_gen_block never executes. Hence, the ANSI X9.31 PRNG code is completely non-functional. 1350296;1450790285;mircea_popescu;lol ok. 1350297;1450790436;mircea_popescu;"Apparently Juniper only realised this recently and not when they were issuing KB28205." yaya. 1350298;1450790510;BingoBoingo;http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/12/university_of_alabama_quietly.html 1350299;1450790511;assbot;University of Alabama quietly testing fraternity brothers for drugs | AL.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1J310gz ) 1350300;1450790542;mircea_popescu;lol 1350301;1450790557;BingoBoingo;"Theres this one fraternityreally well-known on campus, attracted a lot of attentionthat started getting drug-tested and its still talked about how this fraternity went from, like, a group of guys who functioned normally and held high position among the university and then they all just became bartardsthats the term for people who eat Xanax bars. They all went from just, you know, regular college guys to ju 1350302;1450790557;BingoBoingo;st zombies, all doing Xanax because they couldnt smoke pot and stuff so it was the only thing they could do." 1350303;1450790750;mircea_popescu;huh 1350304;1450790838;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13500 @ 0.00049648 = 6.7025 BTC [+] {3} 1350305;1450790842;BingoBoingo;Just imagine. You take away all the drugs they can handle and they gotta resort to drugs they don't know wtf to do with. 1350306;1450790929;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would they take xanax in the first place. 1350307;1450790984;BingoBoingo;Because available and the rappers are doing it. 1350308;1450791053;BingoBoingo;Or mebbe to teach the Uni a lesson when the civil suits come because a bunch of frat bros were popping xanax and buttchugging vodka now that their weed is gone. 1350309;1450791154;mod6;heh buttchugging 1350310;1450791210;BingoBoingo;Apparently its popular. I always thought it was a myth. 1350311;1450791338;mircea_popescu;no chance for psych medication to go the way of tobacco, is there ? 1350312;1450791358;mircea_popescu;"oh, but it helps people. it calms my nerves!" was iirc the state-of-the-art in tobacco "critiquing" for about a century. 1350313;1450791441;BingoBoingo;Not really. And really benzos like Xanax are the "safer" tranquilizers. 1350314;1450791443;BingoBoingo;http://www.tedunangst.com/flak/post/moderation-in-moderation 1350315;1450791444;assbot;moderation in moderation ... ( http://bit.ly/1J31T8T ) 1350316;1450791559;BingoBoingo;The benzodiazepine revolution has happened, and it's going to be a while before it can get stigma'd out like tobacco. 1350317;1450791619;BingoBoingo;If only because all the other tranquilizers like miltown and thalidomide are so much easier to pile on to. "Miltown, what kind of drug has bezoars as a side effect?" 1350318;1450791695;mircea_popescu;"the western world - a place so miserable teenage suicide is still the exception, but teenage cns depressant medication the rule" 1350319;1450791706;mircea_popescu;anyone ever wondered what every kid being a reefer says about their country ? 1350320;1450791722;mircea_popescu;or is that something only the soviets would notice. 1350321;1450791739;BingoBoingo;I nearly forgot we linked earleir this classic on backdoor miltown getting real popular for a while http://www.theangrypharmacist.com/archives/2013/10/somabots-transform.html 1350322;1450791741;assbot;The Angry Pharmacist » Blog Archive » SOMABOTS, TRANSFORM! ... ( http://bit.ly/1J327N7 ) 1350323;1450791765;BingoBoingo;Only the soviets would notice. 1350324;1450791830;BingoBoingo;Soviets just got sloppy when the latched onto schizophrenia as psychiatric umbrella. West has been riding this bipolar/"mood spectrum disorder" grinder for a while now. 1350325;1450791873;mircea_popescu;Meprobamate << amusingly, this was widely dispensed for... ulcer. 1350326;1450791877;mircea_popescu;back in the 80s. 1350327;1450791920;BingoBoingo;Well, yeah. Bezoar in stomach actually gets along well with ulcer 1350328;1450791954;mircea_popescu;lol 1350329;1450792058;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15888 @ 0.00049654 = 7.889 BTC [+] 1350330;1450792607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30317 @ 0.00049164 = 14.905 BTC [-] {2} 1350331;1450792933;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CJKpqS2UYAAAA9i.jpg 1350332;1450792933;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfBGtf ) 1350333;1450792990;BingoBoingo;Wait who buttchugs beer. All that carbonation and foam... 1350334;1450793003;punkman;looks like cough syrup 1350335;1450793016;shinohai;Purple drank 1350336;1450793404;BingoBoingo;Oh, a kind of Trilema is back online 1350337;1450793420;BingoBoingo;http://trilema.com/2014/interacting-with-fiat-institutions-a-guide/ 1350338;1450793499;punkman;http://www.rawstory.com/2015/11/worlds-most-adorable-drug-kingpin-is-actually-the-daughter-of-texas-dea-head-honcho/ 1350339;1450793501;assbot;World’s most ‘adorable drug kingpin’ is actually the daughter of Texas DEA head honcho ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfBZnT ) 1350340;1450793513;mircea_popescu;hahaha 1350341;1450793594;mircea_popescu;o look at that, the dea's a fief. 1350342;1450793606;mircea_popescu;why "head honcho" and not the more common "czar" ? 1350343;1450793611;mircea_popescu;or is that only-when-good-things. 1350344;1450793871;BingoBoingo;czars are appointees. Honchos come up through the bottom. 1350345;1450793920;punkman;http://greenrushdaily.com/2015/12/11/american-cancer-society-officially-admits-chemotherapy-treatments-actually-increase-likelihood-second-cancer/ 1350346;1450793921;assbot;Reports: radiation and chemo may cause cancer, cannabis may cure it ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfCdLJ ) 1350347;1450793923;mircea_popescu;o is that how it works. 1350348;1450793968;mircea_popescu;http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12140559/error-with-htaccess-and-mod-rewrite <<< o lord have mercy. 1350349;1450793969;assbot;php - Error with .htaccess and mod_rewrite - Stack Overflow ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfCePN ) 1350350;1450793973;BingoBoingo;Yeah. Czars go to Yale and Honchos either come from A&M or community college 1350351;1450793977;mircea_popescu;they changed how shit works because why not ? 1350352;1450793986;punkman;I always wonder how people end up with that kind of title mismatch 1350353;1450794120;punkman;mircea_popescu: wow that's retarded 1350354;1450794146;mircea_popescu;no shit. 1350355;1450794152;mircea_popescu;revolutionarizing! 1350356;1450794437;liquidassets;Engaging meatwot fun 1350357;1450794456;mircea_popescu;omfg and 5mb of error log. 1350358;1450794549;*;mircea_popescu replaces E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT that apparently GETS IGNORED ANYWAY with E_ERROR and fu. 1350359;1450794552;mircea_popescu;jesus php is a pos. 1350360;1450795087;BingoBoingo;that face https://i.imgur.com/PdODFrP.jpg 1350361;1450795088;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1O6oXDN ) 1350362;1450795108;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00049654 = 3.1779 BTC [+] 1350363;1450795210;mircea_popescu;motherfucker it will not stop. 1350364;1450795231;mircea_popescu;so i edited fucking php ini, restarted the whole shebang, it STILL spits its dumbass warnings and notices omfg. 1350365;1450795250;mircea_popescu;WHO THE FUCK CARES ABOUT "STRICT STANDARDS" AND "DEPRECATED" AND ALL YOUR STUPID SHIT! jesus! 1350366;1450795391;BingoBoingo;oh qntra has its style sheet back http://trilema.com/2014/its-not-the-sauce-its-the-poultry-and-other-metamathematical-considerations/ 1350367;1450795720;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350199 << i don't see any overlap 1350368;1450795720;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 06:37:41; ben_vulpes: interesting to note the various timelines for replication of trb work 1350369;1450795803;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350233 << the 'research subpoenaed from cmu' cover is lulzy 1350370;1450795803;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 10:37:14; BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2015/12/cmu-tor-attack-implicated-in-mannion-arrest/ 1350371;1450795971;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350294 << i've used it 5x so far. once it was a fraud (see logz) and got refund. the other 4, it was dour iranian drivers every bit as good as a 'normal' cabbie. which brings us to the very real 'fat' that there was to be trimmed from cab fare in usa: amortized cost of medallion passed to the customer, and other idiocies that uber nuked 1350372;1450795971;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 13:17:24; mircea_popescu: and this is kinda also what powers the "uber revolution" : if you're willing to go from drivers to unskilled labour, you may "save" a little change off your ride and uber can make a killing. 1350373;1450796005;asciilifeform;('uber' is about 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of a 'normal' cab in wash dc region) 1350374;1450796006;mircea_popescu;aha. 1350375;1450796038;mircea_popescu;this is the path to failure : first, professionals want to do less work for the same money ; then, parasites move in to do the same work, for less money. and the lemon cycle persists. 1350376;1450796051;asciilifeform;in english lands it was called 'scab' 1350377;1450796074;mircea_popescu;the fundamental argentinian-ness of the human mind, "oh, ok, this is what i get paid, now how could i move down what i gottaq do for it ?" really needs the british imperial "fuck you, you don't eat" as typified by lord newton. 1350378;1450796104;mircea_popescu;but none of this changes the fact that waiter is an actual profession. 1350379;1450796113;asciilifeform;surely 1350380;1450796120;punkman;relevant http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/uber-legal-in-nsw-taxi-owners-to-be-compensated/story-fni0cx12-1227656507684 1350381;1450796121;assbot;No Cookies | dailytelegraph.com.au ... ( http://bit.ly/1PihIYy ) 1350382;1450796124;mircea_popescu;so a bunch of idiot americans band together, agree to not learn, and expect teacher to "throw the curve". 1350383;1450796131;mircea_popescu;fine. so ? learning's still learning, whether he does or doesn't. 1350384;1450796230;mircea_popescu;so php has a "ignore repeated location / type of error" dual switch. which inexplicably comes NOT THROWN. because yeah, this is totally logical, if someone doesn't care about one instance you gotta provide them with infinity instances of the same thing. idiots. 1350385;1450796239;mircea_popescu;so then you throw the switch and watch in amazement as... nothing happens. 1350386;1450796252;asciilifeform;mega-unsurprise 1350387;1450796253;mircea_popescu;it looks like trilema's going to get moved off php at this rate. 1350388;1450796256;asciilifeform;sop in open sores 1350389;1450796291;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350295 << aaaand Official Truth proclaims that the thing was not a usg op getting burned. aha, who wants to buy bridge ? 1350390;1450796291;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 13:18:03; mircea_popescu: Update: Shortly after reading my post, Willem Pinckaers pointed out that the reseed_system_prng function sets the global variable system_prng_bufpos to 32. This means that after the first invocation of this function, the for loop right after the reseed call in system_prng_gen_block never executes. Hence, the ANSI X9.31 PRNG code is completely non-functional. 1350391;1450796359;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350311 << tobacco went the way of tobacco to make room for new dopez 1350392;1450796359;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 13:35:38; mircea_popescu: no chance for psych medication to go the way of tobacco, is there ? 1350393;1450796364;asciilifeform;and for no other reason 1350394;1450796413;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350318 << they don't wait until puberty to start'em on dope, either 1350395;1450796413;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 13:41:35; mircea_popescu: "the western world - a place so miserable teenage suicide is still the exception, but teenage cns depressant medication the rule" 1350396;1450796476;asciilifeform;see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2015#1311331 1350397;1450796476;assbot;Logged on 29-10-2015 21:25:28; ascii_field: they do 5 y.o. and possibly below, now 1350398;1450796614;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350324 << dope is a very handy answer to a terminally ill society 1350399;1450796614;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 13:43:50; BingoBoingo: Soviets just got sloppy when the latched onto schizophrenia as psychiatric umbrella. West has been riding this bipolar/"mood spectrum disorder" grinder for a while now. 1350400;1450796663;asciilifeform;su never invented a good dope for ambulatory (outpatient) zombiefication 1350401;1450796690;asciilifeform;(other than old-fashioned booze) 1350402;1450796719;asciilifeform;most of the mega-breakthroughs in this field were in 1980s usa. 1350403;1450796748;*;mircea_popescu both turned off error logging altogether as well as specified they should be saved in /dev/null 1350404;1450796758;mircea_popescu;with baited breath i await to discover this also does nothing 1350405;1450796759;asciilifeform;(much earlier us pharma triumphs, e.g., diazepam, did catch on - to a degree - in su, but not mega-hits) 1350406;1450796816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19259 @ 0.00049654 = 9.5629 BTC [+] 1350407;1450797121;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25550 @ 0.00049655 = 12.6869 BTC [+] {2} 1350408;1450797447;mircea_popescu;holy shit, turning off error reporting altogehter took! 1350409;1450797473;mircea_popescu;hey, congrats dumbasses, pushing the attentionwhoring angle got +1 people to ignore you altogether. how's that for epic success! 1350410;1450797573;liquidassets;GOOD MORNING ASSETERS 11 https://youtu.be/_Ahc-oEFQ7k 1350411;1450797574;assbot;NOFX - Dinosaurs will die (Lyrics) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pikzk9 ) 1350412;1450797731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00049667 = 5.811 BTC [+] {3} 1350413;1450798324;mircea_popescu;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://dpaste.com/3PXSBHX 1350414;1450798326;assbot;dpaste: 3PXSBHX ... ( http://bit.ly/1QVQMj7 ) 1350415;1450798326;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1350416;1450799669;liquidassets;Pay attention to your weaknesses long enough and they'll turn into your greatest strengths. 1350417;1450801724;liquidassets;~TMSR Made Me 1350418;1450801818;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54996 @ 0.00049727 = 27.3479 BTC [+] {5} 1350419;1450802127;trinque;calm down, timmy. 1350420;1450802489;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19986 @ 0.00049814 = 9.9558 BTC [+] {2} 1350421;1450803099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36200 @ 0.00049815 = 18.033 BTC [+] 1350422;1450803892;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00049905 = 14.0233 BTC [+] {3} 1350423;1450805051;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00049786 = 7.6422 BTC [-] {2} 1350424;1450806583;shinohai;!up ascii_field 1350425;1450807264;ascii_field;http://blog.llvm.org/2013/04/status-of-c11-migrator.html << possible useful tool for boost removal in trb 1350426;1450807265;assbot;LLVM Project Blog: Status of the C++11 Migrator ... ( http://bit.ly/22nXhkd ) 1350427;1450807270;ascii_field;(ast munger) 1350428;1450807509;ascii_field;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://habrahabr.ru/post/273249 << mega-lulz re: Run Moar Winblowz. 'how to sneak into president's villa at 5am' 1350429;1450807510;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yz9fma ) 1350430;1450807510;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1350431;1450807762;ascii_field;^ summary: random bozo pops a box, turns out to contain src for underwater alarm system at mega-palace, full of backdoorz 1350432;1450807785;ascii_field;if this is a sham, it is a quality sham. 1350433;1450808073;ascii_field;http://geektimes.ru/post/268128 << baikal electronics corp. claims $60 mips cpu to compete with 'elbrus' (which i have been unable to buy at any price on this side of the ocean) 1350434;1450808074;assbot;Массовое производство первого российского процессора Baikal-T1 запустят в начале 2016 года / Geektimes ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yzaodx ) 1350435;1450808195;ascii_field;lastly in re nyoooooz, 1350436;1450808243;ascii_field;http://habrahabr.ru/company/ua-hosting/blog/273137 >> while idiot west demolishes nuke plants, ru builds. and next to one - data centre promised to hold up to 10,000 full racks. 1350437;1450808244;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22nZufp ) 1350438;1450808528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5800 @ 0.00050001 = 2.9001 BTC [+] {2} 1350439;1450808650;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00050002 = 2.2001 BTC [+] 1350440;1450810419;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30300 @ 0.00050049 = 15.1648 BTC [+] {3} 1350441;1450811029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27050 @ 0.00049616 = 13.4211 BTC [-] {3} 1350442;1450811387;jurov;https://twitter.com/bendiken/status/679359002518626304 ultimate backdoor protection! 1350443;1450811670;jurov;new from mempool taming dept: actually the biggest memory bloat, hidden in various vector<char> operations is caused by mapRelay 1350444;1450811711;jurov;which purpose is still not 100% clear to me, seems an inventory what we're going to relay to whom 1350445;1450812493;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00050012 = 5.8264 BTC [+] 1350446;1450812707;mircea_popescu;<ascii_field> http://geektimes.ru/post/268128 << baikal electronics corp. claims $60 mips cpu to compete with 'elbrus' (which i have been unable to buy at any price on this side of the ocean) << they don't practically exist, on either side of ocean. so far all signs point to "elaborate ru.gov self-scam" 1350447;1450812708;assbot;Массовое производство первого российского процессора Baikal-T1 запустят в начале 2016 года / Geektimes ... ( http://bit.ly/1Yzaodx ) 1350448;1450812744;mircea_popescu;jurov who's ben diken ? 1350449;1450812759;mircea_popescu;kakobrekla there ? 1350450;1450812765;jurov;no idea 1350451;1450812847;mircea_popescu;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CW2RaY3WIAErW-v.png << this is actually very close to irl. 1350452;1450812847;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfRdsP ) 1350453;1450812884;mircea_popescu;incidentally i would LOVE to see maprelay excised entirely. 1350454;1450812895;punkman;does it do anything besides increasing attack surface? 1350455;1450812904;mircea_popescu;never made sense to anyone, that shit. 1350456;1450812906;mircea_popescu;punkman nope. 1350457;1450812920;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5050 @ 0.00050012 = 2.5256 BTC [+] 1350458;1450812935;punkman;"elaborate ru.gov self-scam" or "good things for good people"? 1350459;1450812948;mircea_popescu;i doubt the thing actually works, atm, is all. 1350460;1450812982;mircea_popescu;if you recall the ever-so useful "quantum computer" that was going to do things just as long as you ... you know, let the specialists do it. 1350461;1450812990;kakobrekla;yes? 1350462;1450812995;mircea_popescu;exactly equivalent to "experiments" that only work in the kook's lab. 1350463;1450813896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00049642 = 8.4888 BTC [-] {3} 1350464;1450814228;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1350465;1450814235;ascii_field;mircea_popescu: dwave corp. 1350466;1450814245;mircea_popescu;right 1350467;1450814303;mircea_popescu;in other news, "blocks" : 182731, 1350468;1450814404;ascii_field;jurov et al: mapRelay is used to rebroadcast tx, incl. wallet (own) tx 1350469;1450814425;mircea_popescu;03:21:07 122106 19:58:23 182731 so 60625 / 881 or 68.8 blocks/min 1350470;1450814428;ascii_field;http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/ident?v=asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected&_i=RelayMessage 1350471;1450814429;assbot;Satoshi asciilifeform_maxint_locks_corrected identifier search: RelayMessage ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfTGn2 ) 1350472;1450814436;mircea_popescu;ascii_field but it doesn't hjave to br. 1350473;1450814438;mircea_popescu;be* 1350474;1450814463;ascii_field;in the same sense that other garbage 'doesn't have to be' 1350475;1450814465;ascii_field;e.g. openssl 1350476;1450814517;ascii_field;but this is not a wart that can be snipped off without any serious work 1350477;1450814548;ascii_field;now the Advert* crud - yes 1350478;1450814566;ascii_field;(afaik it actually gets optimized out by gcc, even, as dead code) 1350479;1450814627;mircea_popescu;i know 1350480;1450814636;mircea_popescu;nevertheless... 1350481;1450814677;ascii_field;incidentally, i've concluded that 'boost' can be sawed out and replaced with a modicum of c++11ism relatively painlessly 1350482;1450814679;jurov;i am tentatively erasing it (together with vRelayExpiration) in JettisonMempool, so far no obvious problems 1350483;1450814695;ascii_field;jurov: neato 1350484;1450814702;mircea_popescu;both of these lines sound fab. 1350485;1450814711;ascii_field;how about the problem of this operation not actually reclaiming memory ? 1350486;1450814716;ascii_field;or was this resolved while i slept 1350487;1450814725;mircea_popescu;one saltspoon at a time. 1350488;1450814736;jurov;oh, also it finally does reclaim memory 1350489;1450814740;mircea_popescu;o.O 1350490;1450814740;ascii_field;oh? 1350491;1450814742;jurov;after this last step is done 1350492;1450814747;mircea_popescu;no wai. 1350493;1450814764;*;ascii_field looks forward to ml post 1350494;1450814772;mircea_popescu;jurov has broken into the republican piggybank, bought out dark markets! 1350495;1450814928;jurov;add this into JettisonMempool just before malloc_trim(): 1350496;1450814931;jurov; CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_mapRelay){ 1350497;1450814933;jurov; vRelayExpiration.erase(vRelayExpiration.begin(),vRelayExpiration.end()); 1350498;1450814934;jurov; mapRelay.erase(mapRelay.begin(),mapRelay.end()); } 1350499;1450814982;ascii_field;jurov: why would this deallocate tx ? 1350500;1450815011;jurov;the CDataStream contains serialized tx 1350501;1450815021;jurov;so in fact, a second mempool 1350502;1450815043;ascii_field;woah 1350503;1450815111;ascii_field;so do we see a return to baseline+300byte*blockheight heap size after the nuke ? 1350504;1450815182;jurov;yes, looks like it's very close now 1350505;1450815209;ascii_field;mighty spiffy 1350506;1450815223;ascii_field;this also means that fragging can be dealt with using 'stop©' aka semispace gc 1350507;1450815238;ascii_field;(deallocate all tx, while throwing them into a fresh mempool) 1350508;1450815282;ascii_field;the time to do this is, obviously, when a block comes 1350509;1450815301;ascii_field;(when a good portion of this work is being done anyway) 1350510;1450815330;mircea_popescu;aha. 1350511;1450815421;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27329 @ 0.00049547 = 13.5407 BTC [-] {2} 1350512;1450815603;ascii_field;http://hackaday.com/2015/12/21/heres-the-reason-the-faas-drone-registration-system-doesnt-make-sense << usg lulz 1350513;1450815606;assbot;Here’s the Reason The FAA’s Drone Registration System Doesn’t Make Sense | Hackaday ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfVBbn ) 1350514;1450815767;mircea_popescu;motherfucker. dig trilema.com @ status: NOERROR; dig trilema.com @ status: NOERROR ; dig trilema.com ? status: SERVFAIL 1350515;1450815773;mircea_popescu;fucking hell and who ever came up with this bullshit. 1350516;1450815912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29340 @ 0.00049871 = 14.6322 BTC [+] {3} 1350517;1450816120;mod6;ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-12-2015#1348988 << So I'm gonna be putting just the sha512 hashes of BDB/Boost/OpenSSL .tar.gz files in a manifest that will be added into 'V'. 1350518;1450816120;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 22:22:31; mod6: so just to be clear, so I'm not holding anything up here; hashes of the following tarballs in V: BDB, openssl, and boost. 1350519;1450816125;mod6;!up ascii_field 1350520;1450816170;mod6;should we place that file in the 'bitcoin' dir, or any thoughts on where this file should reside? 1350521;1450816224;mircea_popescu;mod6 could the default be that all dirs are made under whatever dir runs the rotor script ? 1350522;1450816338;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31669 @ 0.00050065 = 15.8551 BTC [+] {2} 1350523;1450816355;mod6;currently, what is required is that you execute the rotor+V+TEST2 script that I wrote, and then it'll create a 'rotor' dir in that present working directory. then you'll end up with like: rotor/TEST2/bitcoin/src/ 1350524;1450816370;mod6;Is that what you're asking? 1350525;1450816395;mircea_popescu;does it look for .wot there too ? 1350526;1450816412;mod6;this Manifest we're talking about creating would need to fit somewhere in the directory structure of bitcoin itself, if it is to be 'v'-ified. 1350527;1450816425;mod6;no, .wot can be wherever you want it to be. 1350528;1450816434;mod6;well... 1350529;1450816468;mod6;in the context of the script, it'd have to be altered in the script to say place the .wot in .../rotor so you'd have /.../rotor/.wot/ 1350530;1450816486;trinque;seems like the contents of rotor.sh can easily be pasted into the bottom of the outermost script. 1350531;1450816491;mircea_popescu;no, it can't. 1350532;1450816512;mod6;and the subsequent commands would just do something like `./v.pl p TEST2 vpatchnameforhead wd /.../rotor/.wot` or something. 1350533;1450816530;mircea_popescu;anyway, directory structure could use some fixing. 1350534;1450816550;mircea_popescu;my personal ideal would be that ALL directories involved in this without exception are spawned as subdirs of whatever current dir the script ran in. 1350535;1450816560;mod6;the whole way that the 'orchestra' gets built, has to be that way for this minute. but certainly can change going forward. 1350536;1450816581;mod6;it basically just grabs all of these different things and then pieces it together. 1350537;1450816641;mircea_popescu;aha 1350538;1450816648;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> my personal ideal would be that ALL directories involved in this without exception are spawned as subdirs of whatever current dir the script ran in. << this makes sense. right now you end up with /.../rotor/ and ~/.wot, and ~/.seals iirc. 1350539;1450816652;mod6;but this could change. 1350540;1450816708;mod6;anyway my question to ascii_field, jurov, et. al. is: given we create a manifest, where should it live in the context of the bitcoin source tree itself 1350541;1450816716;mod6;the rotor is out of the scope of that part. 1350542;1450816748;mod6;this weekend I'm thinking that I can get that done, and droped into the ML & V, etc. 1350543;1450816762;mod6;and probably can post the release vpatch to the ML also. 1350544;1450816779;mod6;so those would be the last 2 things that would go into V itself. 1350545;1450816826;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28944 @ 0.00049547 = 14.3409 BTC [-] {2} 1350546;1450816841;mircea_popescu;the manifest should live wherever the rotor.sh lives neh ? 1350547;1450816847;mircea_popescu;at least that's where i'd go looking for it 1350548;1450816852;mod6;the interesting part about dropping in a manifest file is that i'll be off on its own as its own root and its own leaf since it'll have no decendents or antecedants. 1350549;1450816868;mod6;but it'll also have to be grabbed by the release vpatch so it gets included. 1350550;1450816900;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> the manifest should live wherever the rotor.sh lives neh ? << I would argue that all of these scripts would live outside of bitcoin source V tree. 1350551;1450816901;mircea_popescu;hm. 1350552;1450816902;mircea_popescu;wait. what ?! 1350553;1450817012;trinque;does not make sense to separate the build system from the thing being built. what other project does that? 1350554;1450817054;mod6;hmm. well, ok. 1350555;1450817059;mircea_popescu;idea here is to a degree that V is a universal builder 1350556;1450817059;mod6;I guess I can see it that way. 1350557;1450817067;mircea_popescu;then it'll have to some degree be separated from what it builds 1350558;1450817076;mod6;We're a lot farther from release than I had thought then. 1350559;1450817086;trinque;V yes, I see V the version control system kinda being conflated with this builder making use of V 1350560;1450817086;mod6;Because all of those scripts need to be re-written. 1350561;1450817087;mircea_popescu;mod6 but this manifest... wouldn't you say it's of the nature of the sigils ? 1350562;1450817094;trinque;V certainly is its own thing 1350563;1450817106;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1350564;1450817136;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3ZP93FF.txt 1350565;1450817137;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfWUXI ) 1350566;1450817137;ascii_field;;;later tell BingoBoingo (or anybody else who was awake last night) http://photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4044237/96752635/full_image << i found the datasheets for all the ics. most of'em are shift registers 1350567;1450817138;assbot;Фото - Без названия #9 ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfWT6k ) 1350568;1450817138;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1350569;1450817160;ascii_field;so the thing was something like a su version of a stream cipherator 1350570;1450817167;ascii_field;using fuck knows what kind of scheme 1350571;1450817195;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> mod6 but this manifest... wouldn't you say it's of the nature of the sigils ? << im not sure i understand this. 1350572;1450817202;mircea_popescu;pete_dushenski done and done. 1350573;1450817220;mircea_popescu;so about as useless as piss. 1350574;1450817236;pete_dushenski;:D 1350575;1450817289;trinque;mod6: do you want help with any of this? I am comfortable with my bash-fu. 1350576;1450817319;trinque;script as is works very well; I'm just offering some janitorial services. 1350577;1450817320;mod6;anyone in my wot in L1 can contribue. 1350578;1450817353;trinque;I'll give it some love today then. 1350579;1450817403;mod6;so i can see having a say, /.../bitcoin/build/ directory or something where the scripts/config files for buildroot/and everything else/ exist and can be pressed out. 1350580;1450817428;mod6;but there's a fair chunk of stuff to do there. 1350581;1450817497;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31232 @ 0.00049511 = 15.4633 BTC [-] {6} 1350582;1450817542;mod6;in this case, the order of operations when building: press out a V 'branch', cd to the build directory (or somewhere in the pressed out tree), kick off the building of buildroot & everything. 1350583;1450817571;mircea_popescu;another thing that was disconcerting was having binaries in a /src dir 1350584;1450817584;ascii_field;that's a bitcoinism 1350585;1450817589;mod6;oh the output binary for bitcoin? 1350586;1450817595;mircea_popescu;neverthe....more. 1350587;1450817597;mircea_popescu;yeah 1350588;1450817601;trinque;{src,contrib,build} etc ? 1350589;1450817601;mod6;yeah, i'd vote to change that at a different time. 1350590;1450817620;mod6;just because that makefile can get a bit hairy. but we can put it on the list. 1350591;1450817631;pete_dushenski;hmm 6 btc against trump for republican nomination in just the last day and a half, what are these people on ? 1350592;1450817637;trinque;it's not as though I'm debugging c++ at the moment. 1350593;1450817681;mod6;<+trinque> {src,contrib,build} etc ? << 'contrib' in the sense of distfiles from say BDB/Boost/OpenSSL? 1350594;1450817717;trinque;yep 1350595;1450817719;trinque;or deps, whatever 1350596;1450817739;mod6;'dist' would be fine with me. i see no problem with 'contrib' either. 1350597;1450817741;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00050153 = 9.9804 BTC [+] {2} 1350598;1450817755;mod6;better ask juorv ;) 1350599;1450817760;mod6;jurov 1350600;1450817765;mircea_popescu;or 'shit' for that matter. 1350601;1450817772;ascii_field;^ 1350602;1450817777;trinque;lol 1350603;1450817792;mod6;that would be pretty hilarious actualy. 1350604;1450817803;mircea_popescu;aha. these are your father's contrishitubtions. 1350605;1450817909;jurov;why ask me? 1350606;1450817951;mircea_popescu;cuz everyone's in awe of your recent memorymagicks ? 1350607;1450817973;mircea_popescu;go forth and name a directory! 1350608;1450818107;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31718 @ 0.00049418 = 15.6744 BTC [-] {2} 1350609;1450818177;jurov;as a gentooista, i'm fine with distfiles 1350610;1450818247;*;trinque does not care 1350611;1450818252;trinque;going to make a variable :p 1350612;1450818260;trinque;but I lean towards shit 1350613;1450818302;mod6;<+jurov> why ask me? << don't wanna step on your toes with golf shoes when it comes to btc.yt 1350614;1450818368;jurov;well, that's kinda different thing 1350615;1450818377;pete_dushenski;metal spiked golf shoes are so 1995 1350616;1450818423;jurov;it's about having files *inside* bitcoin directory in same places relative to each other 1350617;1450818425;mod6;eh, crampons then 1350618;1450818447;jurov;i have no problem with dependencies, manifests, etc. 1350619;1450818499;mod6;so the manifest should live in build directory as we were talking about? 1350620;1450818502;mod6;oh 1350621;1450818508;mod6;nm. i guess in the 'shit' dir. 1350622;1450818534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00050154 = 9.5293 BTC [+] 1350623;1450818555;jurov;if you want it to show on btc.yt , best in parent dir of src 1350624;1450818667;jurov;but if there are compelling reasons, should not be hard to move all versions one level down so that you can have /shit/bitcoin/src 1350625;1450818674;jurov;and the manifest in /shit 1350626;1450818682;trinque;yeah. 1350627;1450818720;jurov;(and it will break all links in teh lawgs) 1350628;1450818829;mod6;http://dpaste.com/2TBD84H.txt 1350629;1450818830;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfXJjk ) 1350630;1450818833;mod6;so like this? 1350631;1450818847;trinque;looks pretty to me 1350632;1450818850;ascii_field;i'd name 'rotor' 1350633;1450818866;mod6;i'm sold on that. s/build/rotor/ 1350634;1450818882;trinque;why rotor? is there going to be some other build system? 1350635;1450818889;ascii_field;there is 1350636;1450818895;trinque;in which case yes 1350637;1450818896;ascii_field;just not released yet 1350638;1450818898;trinque;makes sense 1350639;1450818899;mod6;I guess we can place a small README in bitcoin/ that can direct peeps to rotor dir. 1350640;1450818904;ascii_field;(whole shebang, i called... motor) 1350641;1450818915;jurov;ok 1350642;1450818949;trinque;mod6: could output where the binary was crapped at the end 1350643;1450818955;trinque;like building the linux kernel does with bzImage 1350644;1450818985;jurov;name the output dir "sphincter" 1350645;1450819014;*;trinque notices the shit-in/shit-out aspect of this metaphor. 1350646;1450819047;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1350647;1450819052;ascii_field;http://photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4189147/102446620/full_image/ << sov. not-so-vlsi 1350648;1450819053;assbot;Фото - IMGP9445 ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfXO6M ) 1350649;1450819066;ascii_field;(source, http://photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4189147 ) 1350650;1450819067;assbot;Радиомикрофон №1 - ОТРОК - Photo.Qip.ru / id: vas ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfXNzH ) 1350651;1450819109;ascii_field;http://photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4189141 << similar 1350652;1450819110;assbot;Радиомикрофон - ОТРОК - Photo.Qip.ru / id: vas ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfXPYh ) 1350653;1450819112;ascii_field;(these are bugs) 1350654;1450819264;mod6;<+trinque> mod6: could output where the binary was crapped at the end << hmm? the makefile will drop the binary in 'bitcoin/src/' -- but yeah, could be copied somehere. 1350655;1450819268;mod6;*somewhere 1350656;1450819278;mod6;maybe bitcoin/bin ?? not sure on that. 1350657;1450819430;jurov;to ourlibs/bin, i'd say 1350658;1450819444;mod6;ourlibs? 1350659;1450819470;jurov;or that one is only temporary? 1350660;1450819493;mod6;maybe i have amnesia, but I don't remember that one at all. 1350661;1450819497;*;mod6 scratches head 1350662;1450819533;trinque;it should build in build then crap a binary with a version string appended in the dir you are in, imo 1350663;1450819537;jurov;where openss/boost/etc. install themselves 1350664;1450819557;trinque;mp last night was trying to get someone who had no knowledge of this stuff to build the thing. 1350665;1450819568;mod6;it will always (until the makefile is patched) build an output binary in bitcoin/src/ 1350666;1450819596;trinque;sure, cp $rotororwhatever/bitcoin/src/bitcoind . 1350667;1450819612;trinque;er, with renaming it to the current version 1350668;1450819625;trinque;bitcoind-0.5.4TEST or what have you 1350669;1450819627;mod6;oooh jurov yeah, ok. now i remember. 1350670;1450819666;mod6;i'd like to leave the bin the same name. 1350671;1450819674;mod6;no reason to change that imho 1350672;1450819722;mod6;i'd say maybe just copy it up underneath the bitcoin dir. so: /.../bitcoin/bitcoind 1350673;1450819737;mod6;if we don't create a bin dir for it to live in. 1350674;1450819758;trinque;sure, was trying to address ascii_field's indicating multiple build systems and so on 1350675;1450819768;trinque;but that's a side note to easy access to the end product. 1350676;1450819782;mod6;yeah, some of this is still up in the air 1350677;1450820018;mod6;ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, asciilifeform : thoughts on the above ^ ? 1350678;1450820073;ascii_field;the obj crud still ends up in bitcoin dir 1350679;1450820119;ascii_field;and the correct vehicle for all of this is gnumake, ~if~ somebody can figure out how to make it behave sanely when invoking makefiles recursively 1350680;1450820179;mod6;<+ascii_field> the obj crud still ends up in bitcoin dir << yeah, but if we were to copy out the binary somewhere, any thoughts on where it should live? 1350681;1450820182;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25089 @ 0.00049843 = 12.5051 BTC [-] {2} 1350682;1450820220;ascii_field;bitcoin/bin 1350683;1450820252;mod6;ok werd. 1350684;1450820398;*;shinohai awaits mod6 's next release to try. 1350685;1450820730;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21797 @ 0.00049418 = 10.7716 BTC [-] 1350686;1450820767;shinohai;http://www.csoonline.com/article/3017171/security/database-leak-exposes-3-3-million-hello-kitty-fans.html <<< the lolz, it hurtz 1350687;1450820769;assbot;Database leak exposes 3.3 million Hello Kitty fans | CSO Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1myIRNC ) 1350688;1450820886;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_field 1350689;1450820982;pete_dushenski;https://www.stockpile.com/ << essentially the exact opposite of >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=19-12-2015#1347842 1350690;1450820983;assbot;Stockpile ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4cqSF ) 1350691;1450820983;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 22:16:21; assbot: Logged on 19-12-2015 18:20:05; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347241 << the thing scammers never tell the scamee is that investing is a professional activity. no fucking exceptions. 1350692;1450821000;pete_dushenski;'stockpile' = tech bubble stock GIFT CARDS 1350693;1450821004;pete_dushenski;eg. apple, amazon, etc. 1350694;1450821005;ascii_field;l0l!! 1350695;1450821021;ascii_field;for t0p sc4mm1tud3, the card ought to have fine print 1350696;1450821027;pete_dushenski;"You pick the stock and dollar amount. They get fractional shares of real stock. Even kids and teens can do it!" 1350697;1450821041;ascii_field;'if it goes up, we keep the diff' or the like 1350698;1450821047;ascii_field;almost gotta be in there somewhere 1350699;1450821103;shinohai;"We're winning guyz" https://twitter.com/rogerkver/status/679408330868023300 1350700;1450821159;ascii_field;l0l waitasec they're ph0rk3d nice & proper already ? 1350701;1450821244;ascii_field;meanwhile: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+MOTION+B8-2015-1366+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN 1350702;1450821245;assbot;Motion for a resolution on controlling virtual currencies such as the ‘bitcoin’ - B8-1366/2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4dBBu ) 1350703;1450821256;ascii_field;BingoBoingo et al ^^ qntra ? 1350704;1450821281;BingoBoingo;<ascii_field> ;;later tell BingoBoingo (or anybody else who was awake last night) http://photo.qip.ru/users/otrok/4044237/96752635/full_image << i found the datasheets for all the ics. most of'em are shift registers << Sweet 1350705;1450821282;assbot;Фото - Без названия #9 ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfWT6k ) 1350706;1450821289;pete_dushenski; ascii_field "Yes, you can sell part or all of your stock anytime for a trading commission of only 99 cents. You can also buy more of a stock you already own, or buy a new stock, for 99 cents a trade." << ~seems~ this is the main flesh hook, though others include "money in your account within 3 days" and "priced at daily close" 1350707;1450821342;BingoBoingo;<pete_dushenski> hmm 6 btc against trump for republican nomination in just the last day and a half, what are these people on ? << Ted Cruz is having a moment 1350708;1450821410;pete_dushenski;nyooz to me 1350709;1450821478;jurov;ascii_field: dunno if queefs of some french harpies are newsworthy 1350710;1450821488;ascii_field;jurov: maybe not 1350711;1450821633;punkman;for future reference: Sophie Montel, Florian Philippot, Dominique Bilde 1350712;1450821659;punkman;oh wait, didn't we do that last month 1350713;1450821804;ascii_field;unrelatedly, http://www.gson.org/netbsd/anita 1350714;1450821805;assbot;Anita ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4fONw ) 1350715;1450821858;punkman;http://www.gson.org/gorba/ heh 1350716;1450821859;assbot;Gorba's Return ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4g8f7 ) 1350717;1450821922;ascii_field;'I proceeded to disassemble a Nokia 2110 battery pack, remove the batteries, glue it to a 6-volt lead-acid gel cell battery, and clip the phone onto the resulting giant battery pack (when the battery is many times larger than the phone, you don't clip the battery onto the phone). The result, "Gorba's Return", has a standby time of more than a month.' << very spiffy, also doubles as a blunt weapon or battering ram 1350718;1450822085;punkman;ascii_field: you ever looked at this? https://github.com/embedthis/matrixssl seems reasonably compact 1350719;1450822086;assbot;embedthis/matrixssl · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4h0Au ) 1350720;1450822118;ascii_field;nope 1350721;1450822121;ascii_field;but doesn't look compact to me 1350722;1450822125;jurov;nowadays you can do it with any phone, if you put 5V source and usb output on the battery 1350723;1450822125;ascii_field;has what, dozens of .c ? 1350724;1450822155;ascii_field;and it's crawling with #ifdefs 1350725;1450822179;ascii_field;https://github.com/embedthis/matrixssl/blob/master/matrixssl/sslDecode.c << see this alone 1350726;1450822182;assbot;matrixssl/sslDecode.c at master · embedthis/matrixssl · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4hmXI ) 1350727;1450822187;ascii_field;already weights most of what bitcoin weighs holy shit 1350728;1450822190;mod6;haha, 1 month of standby time 1350729;1450822192;ascii_field;compact?!!!! 1350730;1450822206;punkman;well compared to opensssl it's tiny 1350731;1450822217;ascii_field;and compared to winblowz - tinier still 1350732;1450822222;ascii_field;but it's a massive turd 1350733;1450822251;mod6;to make it 'v'-ifiable we basically need to write our own. 1350734;1450822464;punkman;do we need anything other than ECC when openssl goes on chopping block? 1350735;1450822498;ascii_field;aes if you wanna use old wallets 1350736;1450822501;ascii_field;that's it 1350737;1450822573;punkman;and hashing? 1350738;1450822612;ascii_field;sha aha 1350739;1450822682;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32538 @ 0.0004951 = 16.1096 BTC [+] {3} 1350740;1450822711;punkman;I think I might try to make some kind of hand-cranked Ada tx signer 1350741;1450822807;jurov;some libs do exist 1350742;1450822810;jurov;in ada 1350743;1450822877;punkman;you mean the Ada-Crypto-Library? 1350744;1450822884;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1350745;1450822894;ascii_field;all i found was crud with c callouts 1350746;1450822922;ascii_field;because that SO MAKES SENSE - somehow 1350747;1450822940;ascii_field;(i guess to folks who were dropped when children?) 1350748;1450823020;punkman;ascii_field: didn't find any C in this but didn't look hard https://github.com/cforler/Ada-Crypto-Library 1350749;1450823021;assbot;cforler/Ada-Crypto-Library · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1V4kIKg ) 1350750;1450823054;mod6;was just digging in there punkman 1350751;1450823118;ascii_field;notbad 1350752;1450823164;mod6;i need to get up to speed on ADA 1350753;1450823177;*;ascii_field puts the thing on list for butcher block 1350754;1450823191;mircea_popescu;mod6 apparently it can make code that can be pulled into c 1350755;1450823203;ascii_field;all gcc .o can be linked together ! 1350756;1450823205;ascii_field;this is elementary 1350757;1450823216;ascii_field;gcc doesn't give a flying fuck whether c, cpp, fortran, ada, objc 1350758;1450823232;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5605 @ 0.00049844 = 2.7938 BTC [+] 1350759;1450823252;mircea_popescu;aha 1350760;1450823291;ascii_field;caveat is that you oughtn't expect cpp tardisms (weird data structures) to port 1350761;1450823300;ascii_field;but other than this, if you stick to machine types, works 1350762;1450823369;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/2TBD84H.txt << i can see it. 1350763;1450823371;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfXJjk ) 1350764;1450823431;mod6;i think since that post, we talked about changing 'build' to 'rotor'. thoughts? 1350765;1450823447;mircea_popescu;can see it. 1350766;1450823452;punkman;/me prefers less cryptic names overall 1350767;1450823453;mod6;ok cool 1350768;1450823479;mod6;i think 'build' is sort of non-ambigious 1350769;1450823493;punkman;seals vs sigs for example 1350770;1450823519;mod6;i like the idea of a seal in that example though, because its like an official embossment. 1350771;1450823525;mod6;i stamp out a seal. 1350772;1450823531;jurov;also, the shit directory is going to actually contain the blobs? 1350773;1450823613;mod6;i guess it could/might have to -- this alteration will change the way we build everything currently. 1350774;1450823614;jurov;even if they were v-ifiable, i'd prefer to split them 1350775;1450823635;ascii_field;blobs ? 1350776;1450823648;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350682 << binary in bin ; source in src ; shit in shit. stick to it, live long and be happy. 1350777;1450823648;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 21:37:00; ascii_field: bitcoin/bin 1350778;1450823650;jurov;"The shit: BDB, Boost, OpenSSL & the MANIFEST for turds" 1350779;1450823657;mod6;they'd be like: bitcoin/shit/openssl/ bitcoin/shit/bdb/ bitcoin/shit/openssl/ or are you saying something different about splitting jurov ? 1350780;1450823666;jurov;^ i read it as "the tarballs" 1350781;1450823681;BingoBoingo;<ascii_field> BingoBoingo et al ^^ qntra ? << will read 1350782;1450823686;mircea_popescu;turdballs lol 1350783;1450823688;jurov;oh it's going to be all unpacked there? 1350784;1450823698;ascii_field;!s turdballs 1350785;1450823698;assbot;3 results for 'turdballs' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=turdballs 1350786;1450823782;mod6;<+jurov> oh it's going to be all unpacked there? << yeah, perhaps not. currently i extract & build all that stuff under 'rotor'. i guess shit should just be: <+jurov> "The shit: BDB, Boost, OpenSSL & the MANIFEST for turds" <- this stuff the turdballs and the manifest. 1350787;1450823800;mod6;then the build script can move that stuff over as needed? 1350788;1450823833;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350700 <<< bringing up roger ver is not so unlike trying to bring up the original bruce. the guy's a muppet. 1350789;1450823833;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 21:52:39; ascii_field: l0l waitasec they're ph0rk3d nice & proper already ? 1350790;1450823854;BingoBoingo;<pete_dushenski> nyooz to me << You gotta listen to KMOX in the car. Keeps you up with fiat paranoia 1350791;1450823854;mircea_popescu;in this case, he's discussing "the testnet", which is another way of saying "the ducklings in his bath" 1350792;1450823888;jurov;mod6 depends if wwe're going to vpatch these, too 1350793;1450823913;mod6;"these" as in 'V'-ifiy the turds? 1350794;1450823933;mod6;we're not going to do that, we're just gonna create a manifest with their proper SHA512 hashes. 1350795;1450823969;jurov;and what part of the directory structure will come from v press? 1350796;1450823987;mircea_popescu;word mod6 1350797;1450823988;jurov;if all of it, then obv the turdballs will live out of it 1350798;1450823989;mod6;the whole thing 1350799;1450824028;mircea_popescu;this "patches get sigils, shit gets a serial number" approach very neatly and intuitively draws the all-important difference. 1350800;1450824042;mircea_popescu;people kept saying in log how they don't wanna sign the crap. and i readily see why. 1350801;1450824044;trinque;jurov: the turdballs don't have to be vpatched to get put into directories which were created via vpatch 1350802;1450824053;trinque;distfiles/.keep or whatever 1350803;1450824066;trinque;or better yet distfiles/README 1350804;1450824078;trinque;I'm sorry, shit/README 1350805;1450824122;mircea_popescu;trinque brace yourself for when this, like so many other b-a originated crazy, actually takes over your life and you start renaming dirs to /shit/ in githobs. 1350806;1450824156;trinque;heh, it will undoubtably come 1350807;1450824182;mod6;so i think jurov has a good question; if we don't drop the turdballs into V, which we're not, and the MANIFEST is the only thing in the 'shit' directory that is pressed out by 'V', where do the tarballs come from? 1350808;1450824200;mod6;They will be mirrored on thebitcoin.foundation. 1350809;1450824205;jurov;and other mirrors 1350810;1450824207;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16200 @ 0.00049844 = 8.0747 BTC [+] 1350811;1450824234;mod6;sure. 1350812;1450824241;mod6;does this all sound okie dokie then? 1350813;1450824369;mod6;and beyond this with V, if we create a 'Compact Disk' of all of this, we can just stick the trinity of turds in 'shit' along with buildroot and whatever it needs. 1350814;1450824411;mod6;or something to that effect. we can cross that bridge later. 1350815;1450824470;mod6;anyway, thanks all. good talk. bbs. 1350816;1450824756;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10466 @ 0.00049409 = 5.1711 BTC [-] {3} 1350817;1450824998;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_field 1350818;1450825000;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7600 @ 0.00049516 = 3.7632 BTC [+] {2} 1350819;1450825122;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11944 @ 0.00049516 = 5.9142 BTC [+] 1350820;1450826114;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350799 >>><<< http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-12-2015#1348936 1350821;1450826114;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 22:40:28; mircea_popescu: this "patches get sigils, shit gets a serial number" approach very neatly and intuitively draws the all-important difference. 1350822;1450826114;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 22:05:32; asciilifeform: v the tarball hashes. 1350823;1450826153;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350807 << the cd ! 1350824;1450826153;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 22:43:02; mod6: so i think jurov has a good question; if we don't drop the turdballs into V, which we're not, and the MANIFEST is the only thing in the 'shit' directory that is pressed out by 'V', where do the tarballs come from? 1350825;1450826168;ascii_field;which, incidentally, also ought to contain other useful goodies 1350826;1450826178;ascii_field;e.g., pubkeys 1350827;1450826192;ascii_field;and possibly blog mirrors for some folks 1350828;1450826199;ascii_field;(anyone game?) 1350829;1450826214;ascii_field;and other items enemy might like to magick away one day 1350830;1450826222;ascii_field;or silently diddle 1350831;1450826273;ascii_field;said disk also being, naturally, bootable 1350832;1450826278;ascii_field;and containing src for all of itself. 1350833;1450826349;*;ascii_field bbl. 1350834;1450826511;pete_dushenski;;;later tell BingoBoingo q to the n to the t to the r to the a : http://dpaste.com/11VM9F8.txt 1350835;1450826512;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBnns6 ) 1350836;1450826512;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1350837;1450826618;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: It's Hussein Bahamas, not Barry 1350838;1450826639;pete_dushenski;pfff 1350839;1450826653;pete_dushenski;i like the alliteration 1350840;1450826691;pete_dushenski;also, 'barry bahamas' sounds closer to godawful floral silk t-shirt maker 'tommy bahamas' 1350841;1450826705;pete_dushenski;which is also, conveniently, from hawaii 1350842;1450826764;BingoBoingo;But Barry hides his secret muslim history in Kenya and Chiraq 1350843;1450826781;pete_dushenski;"Once upon a time, 4,000 to 8,000 years after humanity invented agriculture, something very strange happened to human reproduction. Across the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around today—only one man did the same." 1350844;1450826799;pete_dushenski;""It wasn't like there was a mass death of males. They were there, so what were they doing?" asks Melissa Wilson Sayres, a computational biologist at Arizona State University, and a member of a group of scientists who uncovered this moment in prehistory by analyzing modern genes." 1350845;1450826816;pete_dushenski;^bwahahaha 1350846;1450826835;pete_dushenski;"where did all the dicks go ?! it's like a virus killed them all !" 1350847;1450826842;pete_dushenski;yes, hun, the virus is called 1350848;1450826848;pete_dushenski;'stupidity' 1350849;1450826858;pete_dushenski;try not to catch, wouldja 1350850;1450826876;pete_dushenski;catch it* 1350851;1450826906;pete_dushenski;http://a2.files.psmag.com/image/upload/c_fit,cs_srgb,w_620/MTI4ODMwNDQ5ODU3MzY5MzYy.png << visualised 1350852;1450826907;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22oEHIx ) 1350853;1450826961;pete_dushenski;or maybe that, with agriculture, came larger communities and more ready revelation of inherent inequalities between men 1350854;1450826977;pete_dushenski;before women could only choose from the losers in their little band or tribe. 1350855;1450826986;pete_dushenski;but in cities, they could pick from the cream of the crop ! 1350856;1450827293;deedbot-;[Qntra] Clinton Sells Nuking Math - http://qntra.net/2015/12/clinton-sells-nuking-math/ 1350857;1450827562;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28600 @ 0.00049397 = 14.1275 BTC [-] {3} 1350858;1450827685;BingoBoingo;http://i.imgur.com/QMjMw7F.gifv 1350859;1450827686;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBpf4a ) 1350860;1450827707;BingoBoingo;https://www.rt.com/news/326643-tanker-chemical-leak-fumes/ 1350861;1450827708;assbot;Chemical tanker truck bursts, spews nauseous orange fumes near playground (VIDEO) — RT News ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBpiwW ) 1350862;1450827722;BingoBoingo;That tree prolly isn't going to make it 1350863;1450827900;BingoBoingo;;;ud bfrc 1350864;1450827901;gribble;Google found nothing. 1350865;1450828305;BingoBoingo;the opposition https://archive.is/enHPl 1350866;1450828306;assbot;PSA: faction-wide buffs are determined by the INT and WIS of your faction's leaders. Please stop electing faction leaders on the basis of CHA. : outside ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBqikI ) 1350867;1450828721;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18441 @ 0.00049343 = 9.0993 BTC [-] 1350868;1450828882;punkman;what, obama had charisma? or maybe trump does? 1350869;1450829685;BingoBoingo;trump does. he's a tv show 1350870;1450829716;*;BingoBoingo forced that edit on pete_dushenski because gotta dehumanize politicians even if they seem lulzy atm 1350871;1450829901;BingoBoingo;From mines: "5 minutes after crossing the bridge I got out of my meditative trance and thought for the first time "Where the hell am I?" And then I sort of panicked. There were no signs or people around, just muddy countryside. Having seen all the documentaries and read all the articles about North Korea, I prayed I had not just inadvertently wandered into the Hermit Kingdom. And still the idea was so laughable, I seriously didn't 1350872;1450829902;BingoBoingo; believe it would have been that simple to cross into and keep going without being stopped. But out of panic I turned around and walked back to the bridge telling myself I was a paranoid pussy. I called my friend on the phone walking back and told him where I walked roughly and he just screamed at me to "STOP TALKING AND RUN BACK ACROSS THE BRIDGE NOW"." 1350873;1450829905;BingoBoingo;;;ticker 1350874;1450829907;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 435.04, Best ask: 435.54, Bid-ask spread: 0.50000, Last trade: 435.62, 24 hour volume: 18399.5069656, 24 hour low: 433.0, 24 hour high: 443.64, 24 hour vwap: None 1350875;1450830751;BingoBoingo;Not safe for lyf https://i.sli.mg/axoRhp.jpg 1350876;1450830752;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBtmxe ) 1350877;1450831710;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11650 @ 0.00049452 = 5.7612 BTC [+] {2} 1350878;1450832590;danielpbarron;http://hackingdistributed.com/2015/12/22/bitcoin-runs-on-altruism/ >> Luckily, most of them are so heavily invested in cryptocurrencies that the best they could afford was a Mosin Nagant, a measly relic, Soviet war surplus direct from Stalingrad. << someone reads the log! 1350879;1450832591;assbot;Bitcoin Runs On Altruism ... ( http://bit.ly/1QK0uXl ) 1350880;1450832892;asciilifeform;the lulzy part is that the nagant in the logs is ~not~ the mosin-nagant 1350881;1450832897;asciilifeform;but the nagant revolver. 1350882;1450832930;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33902 @ 0.00049579 = 16.8083 BTC [+] {3} 1350883;1450832972;asciilifeform;also an arshin is an imperial ru measure 1350884;1450832977;asciilifeform;and not 'commie' in any sense 1350885;1450833003;*;asciilifeform quits reading the nonsense 1350886;1450833292;pete_dushenski;!up kanzure 1350887;1450833300;pete_dushenski;heya bryan bishop 1350888;1450833314;pete_dushenski;how go the 'capacity increases' ? 1350889;1450833334;kanzure;sup 1350890;1450833466;pete_dushenski;https://archive.is/FyOlf << more caucasians ditching usdollar 1350891;1450833467;assbot;Azerbaijani Manat Buckles After Government Drops Dollar Peg - WSJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1mg9A0J ) 1350892;1450833730;pete_dushenski;!gettrust kanzure 1350893;1450833731;assbot;Trust relationship from user pete_dushenski to user kanzure: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=pete_dushenski&to=kanzure | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/kanzure/ 1350894;1450833754;pete_dushenski;!gettrust midnightmagic 1350895;1450833755;assbot;Trust relationship from user pete_dushenski to user midnightmagic: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=pete_dushenski&to=midnightmagic | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/midnightmagic/ 1350896;1450833774;pete_dushenski;^another bigger blockhead, apparently 1350897;1450833890;danielpbarron;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-01-2015#999266 << related 1350898;1450833890;assbot;Logged on 31-01-2015 02:02:19; midnightmagic: dude. seriously plotting or fomenting the physical murder of the USG is sedition, insurrection, and various related crimes and there's no fucking way I'm interested in being associated with it just because I'm lurking in here. 1350899;1450833891;pete_dushenski;!gettrust dexx7 1350900;1450833892;assbot;Trust relationship from user pete_dushenski to user dexx7: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=pete_dushenski&to=dexx7 | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/dexx7/ 1350901;1450833907;pete_dushenski;danielpbarron: heh. quite related. 1350902;1450834422;*;pete_dushenski a sa petite famille 1350903;1450835065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11000 @ 0.00049588 = 5.4547 BTC [+] 1350904;1450835713;danielpbarron;!up desantis 1350905;1450835781;mircea_popescu;<mod6> does this all sound okie dokie then? << far as i can tell ye 1350906;1450835831;mircea_popescu;<ascii_field> and possibly blog mirrors for some folks << actually i'm writing a major piece for trilema, bbs. 1350907;1450836041;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47900 @ 0.00049318 = 23.6233 BTC [-] {4} 1350908;1450836285;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24450 @ 0.00049606 = 12.1287 BTC [+] {2} 1350909;1450837153;mircea_popescu;;;ticker 1350910;1450837154;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 437.34, Best ask: 437.69, Bid-ask spread: 0.35000, Last trade: 437.69, 24 hour volume: 18711.95214868, 24 hour low: 433.0, 24 hour high: 443.64, 24 hour vwap: None 1350911;1450837810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23700 @ 0.00049552 = 11.7438 BTC [-] 1350912;1450839417;asciilifeform;incidentally, zoolag is under heavy and modestly-clever ddos 1350913;1450839475;asciilifeform;motherfucking aws. 1350914;1450839509;asciilifeform;i'ma nullroute aws on all of my nodez. as soon as i can be bothered to make an exhaustive list of the ranges. 1350915;1450840921;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48700 @ 0.0004933 = 24.0237 BTC [-] {2} 1350916;1450840982;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00049286 = 14.5394 BTC [-] 1350917;1450842019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.0004959 = 2.6779 BTC [+] {2} 1350918;1450842542;mircea_popescu;https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json 1350919;1450842543;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22p5e8z ) 1350920;1450842587;mircea_popescu;via https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-ip-ranges-json/ 1350921;1450842588;assbot;AWS Public IP Address Ranges Now Available in JSON Form | AWS Official Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/22p5gNR ) 1350922;1450842599;mod6;nice 1350923;1450842632;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i had quite a shit-adventure with that 1350924;1450842694;asciilifeform;found a script somewhere that fetches that thing and crunches to iptables 1350925;1450842700;asciilifeform;aaaaand it needs 'jq' 1350926;1450842724;asciilifeform;which 1) is not available as a binary package on centos (which the node i was testing on, runs) 1350927;1450842730;asciilifeform;2) WILL NOT MOTHERFUCKING BUILD 1350928;1450842748;asciilifeform;configure.ac:10: error: Autoconf version 2.64 or higher is required 1350929;1450842823;asciilifeform;https://github.com/corbanworks/aws-blocker 1350930;1450842824;assbot;corbanworks/aws-blocker · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/22p5BQs ) 1350931;1450842838;asciilifeform;and no i don't feel like writing a json parser 1350932;1450842845;asciilifeform;whole thing can go to hell. 1350933;1450842897;mircea_popescu;... 1350934;1450842927;mircea_popescu;just pipe it from json to iptables -A INPUT -s x -j DROP through your favourite perl ? 1350935;1450842931;mircea_popescu;which i take to be python ? 1350936;1450842977;asciilifeform;yea eventually 1350937;1450843076;mircea_popescu;cross the globe, for every 17 women who were reproducing, passing on genes that are still around todayonly one man did the same." <<< no mammal population survives that doesn't do some sort of female herding of this kind. 1350938;1450843087;mircea_popescu;the one man - one woman puritan nonsense is just that. nonsense. 1350939;1450843147;asciilifeform;http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more << holyshit 1350940;1450843148;assbot;Continut platit no more. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/22p64T1 ) 1350941;1450843148;mircea_popescu;http://i.imgur.com/QMjMw7F.gifv << that looks like nitrogen, which isn't really much of a health hazard. 1350942;1450843149;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBpf4a ) 1350943;1450843182;asciilifeform;also holy shit i read the title and assumed it was a snarky ru-eng pun but it wasn't 1350944;1450843214;asciilifeform;and nitrogen ain't brown 1350945;1450843228;deedbot-;[Trilema] Continut platit no more. - http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more/ 1350946;1450843237;asciilifeform;looks like NO2 1350947;1450843248;asciilifeform;http://900igr.net/datas/khimija/Reaktsii-veschestv/0017-017-NO2.jpg << him 1350948;1450843248;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22p6eti ) 1350949;1450843272;asciilifeform;http://konspekta.net/studopediaorg/baza13/356644164595.files/image170.jpg << ditto 1350950;1450843274;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22p6gSb ) 1350951;1450843280;mircea_popescu;lol bitcoin runs on altruism. it's gotten so bad by now you can identify idiots by the simple rule that they'll use the word "altruism". 1350952;1450843300;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41100 @ 0.00049685 = 20.4205 BTC [+] {3} 1350953;1450843360;mircea_popescu;nitrogen [oxide] whatevs! 1350954;1450843394;mircea_popescu;"It has become a commonly repeated mantra, among extreme libertarian Bitcoin cultists, that "if Bitcoin relies on altruism, then it has already failed."" <<< wutever the fuck ? 1350955;1450843400;mircea_popescu;;;google "if Bitcoin relies on altruism, then it has already failed." 1350956;1450843401;gribble;[bitcoin-dev] Bitcoin XT Fork - Mailing Lists: <https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-August/010238.html>; Satoshi Nakamoto Speaks? Bitcoin XT Fork Debate Allegedly Draws ...: <http://cointelegraph.com/news/115139/satoshi-nakamoto-speaks-bitcoin-xt-fork-debate-allegedly-draws-ire-of-bitcoin-creator>; The P + epsilon Attack - Ethereum Blog: (1 more message) 1350957;1450843407;mircea_popescu;oh, those schmucks. 1350958;1450843411;mircea_popescu;mmmmkay. 1350959;1450843471;mircea_popescu;meanwhile, b,tmsr~ still runs its deficits. this has exactly nothing to do with "altruism", just like it has exactly nothing to do wit hthe rest of the nonsense spewed by the decaying latrine once known as "the west". 1350960;1450843659;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: so will it go on the cd ?? 1350961;1450843666;asciilifeform;(and... will even fit ?) 1350962;1450843751;BingoBoingo;* asciilifeform quits reading the nonsense << Then you miss "Full nodes could record and release or sell the IP addresses of their SPV clients, in a large breach of privacy. That they do not do this is incredibly nice of them." 1350963;1450843766;asciilifeform;oh ferfuxxsake 1350964;1450843784;asciilifeform;do we need the verbal equivalents of http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1350875 for anything. 1350965;1450843784;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 00:32:31; BingoBoingo: Not safe for lyf https://i.sli.mg/axoRhp.jpg 1350966;1450843939;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it won't fit on one cd. or one dvd for that matter. 1350967;1450843943;mircea_popescu;maybe if you snip the pics. 1350968;1450843954;asciilifeform;eh. 1350969;1450843975;*;asciilifeform would buy the 'simtel'-style disk set if mircea_popescu sold 1350970;1450843981;asciilifeform;incidentally al schwartz did this 1350971;1450843992;asciilifeform;and i saved pennies as a boy and bought. 1350972;1450843995;asciilifeform;still have'em. 1350973;1450843998;asciilifeform;(floppies!!) 1350974;1450844002;mircea_popescu;ibelieveit. 1350975;1450844034;asciilifeform;funny, i never bought the btc token thing. but WOULD snap up the disk.. 1350976;1450844044;mircea_popescu;i briefly considered printing and selling book versions. however a) it's truly an immense volume of material. even if you made yearly volumes, you'd have multi thousand page tomes. 1350977;1450844052;mircea_popescu;and more importantly b) fucking hell paper, how do you click ? 1350978;1450844057;asciilifeform;aha this was why uncle al never printed 1350979;1450844065;asciilifeform;these 2 reasons exactly 1350980;1450844096;mircea_popescu;brb ima run wordcount. 1350981;1450844257;mircea_popescu;1267814. 1350982;1450844258;mircea_popescu;words. 1350983;1450844270;asciilifeform;incl. quoted text ? 1350984;1450844293;mircea_popescu;well... articles as-are. 1350985;1450844343;mircea_popescu;hmm this is suspicious. 1350986;1450844370;mircea_popescu;mno, 1.26mn words IN COMMENTS. 1350987;1450844409;mircea_popescu;10`896`842 words in articles excluding [most] of the quoted content. 1350988;1450844438;asciilifeform;neato 1350989;1450844446;mircea_popescu;12573089 otherwise. 1350990;1450844507;mircea_popescu;and 2gb worth of images. 1350991;1450844550;mircea_popescu;so i suppose it'd fit on a dvd if not a cd per se. 1350992;1450844636;asciilifeform;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEnmSem8C-0 1350993;1450844637;assbot;CD Replication Line: Making a CD - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/22p8hO6 ) 1350994;1450844655;asciilifeform;^ for anyone who has not seen such a thing 1350995;1450844674;mircea_popescu;there were some pretty huge factories in bulgaria back in the 90s 1350996;1450844680;mircea_popescu;big bidnis. 1350997;1450844684;asciilifeform;iirc india has the market cornered now. 1350998;1450844722;mircea_popescu;aha. 1350999;1450844755;mircea_popescu;the chinese govt would rather not see the retarded shit in their domain 1351000;1450844762;mircea_popescu;so that leaves the other swamp. 1351001;1450844794;asciilifeform;sorta sad, the kind of crud that ends up on pressed cd 1351002;1450844804;BingoBoingo;Things Linus surrended the ability to say https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=145082406231205&w=2 1351003;1450844806;assbot;'Re: text-mode gui' - MARC ... ( http://bit.ly/22p8yk0 ) 1351004;1450844807;mircea_popescu;who names a bar "cheers" ? 1351005;1450844807;asciilifeform;considering that pressed cd is possibly one of longest lived storage devices known today 1351006;1450845027;mircea_popescu;heh. trilema comes back online, next you know there's 230mb worth of access logs. BECAUSE ADDICTS! ADDICTS EVERYWHERE! 1351007;1450845121;*;asciilifeform can finally delete tor... 1351008;1450845169;mircea_popescu;lolwut ? 1351009;1450845184;asciilifeform;well it was for 1 thing only, l0l 1351010;1450845189;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha\ 1351011;1450845192;mircea_popescu;SCAM! 1351012;1450845212;*;asciilifeform mooching louse, aha 1351013;1450845227;mircea_popescu;!rate asciilifeform -9000 you wouldn't download a car! 1351014;1450845227;assbot;Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10. 1351015;1450845272;asciilifeform;https://youtu.be/u3cDRGBBVXA?t=7m6s << moar mega-cleanroom pr0n 1351016;1450845273;assbot;Disc Manufacturing, Inc plant tour circa 1995 - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/22p98OX ) 1351017;1450845294;*;mircea_popescu to... bed, let's call it thus. 1351018;1450845296;mircea_popescu;laters! 1351019;1450846106;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26900 @ 0.00049286 = 13.2579 BTC [-] 1351020;1450847310;deedbot-;[Qntra] Desperate United States Revives Plutonium-238 Production - http://qntra.net/2015/12/desperate-united-states-revives-plutonium-238-production/ 1351021;1450847537;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency Pu238 1351022;1450847538;gribble;Error: 'Pu238' is not a valid currency code. 1351023;1450848102;BingoBoingo;;;later tell adlai before you ask yes Pu238 is totally an altcoin. They even put it into coin shaped capsules to power pacemakers. 1351024;1450848103;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351025;1450849173;deedbot-;[Qntra] Judge Nevin Dawson: Dotcom Can Be Extradited To United States - http://qntra.net/2015/12/judge-nevin-dawson-dotcom-can-be-extradited-to-united-states/ 1351026;1450849176;BingoBoingo;!up freeleaves 1351027;1450849221;freeleaves;hello 1351028;1450849253;BingoBoingo;hai 1351029;1450849951;freeleaves;can anyone recommend channel that delivers newswire or aggregates breaking news? 1351030;1450850078;BingoBoingo;Maybe try http://qntra.net/feed/ 1351031;1450850079;assbot;Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1I9Hwzs ) 1351032;1450850115;BingoBoingo;In other news Twatter's latest attempt at monetization https://archive.is/44pwk 1351033;1450850116;assbot;FAQs - TellApart ... ( http://bit.ly/1MvkJAc ) 1351034;1450850237;freeleaves;thanks 1351035;1450852206;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00049726 = 10.8403 BTC [+] 1351036;1450852511;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28513 @ 0.00049726 = 14.1784 BTC [+] 1351037;1450854449;BingoBoingo;From the mines: "the bitcoin days you can destroy with a single transaction is your hodl score." 1351038;1450854951;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36700 @ 0.00049763 = 18.263 BTC [+] {3} 1351039;1450855797;BingoBoingo;!up desantis 1351040;1450855877;desantis;Hi there 1351041;1450856103;BingoBoingo;hai 1351042;1450856843;punkman;bon dia 1351043;1450856896;punkman;http://www.tmz.com/2015/12/21/kim-kardashian-kimoji-apple-crash/ 1351044;1450856898;assbot;Kim Kardashian: My Kimoji App Messed Up Apple | TMZ.com ... ( http://bit.ly/22pqISK ) 1351045;1450856963;BingoBoingo;Good morning to you too 1351046;1450857309;punkman;BingoBoingo: did ya get your passport yet? 1351047;1450857558;BingoBoingo;I'll start on it eventually 1351048;1450857574;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15400 @ 0.00049914 = 7.6868 BTC [+] 1351049;1450857579;BingoBoingo;Passport on its own isn't very useful 1351050;1450857640;punkman;/me needs to renew 1351051;1450857650;punkman;wonder if I'll have to get one with a smartcard 1351052;1450857696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16105 @ 0.0005003 = 8.0573 BTC [+] {3} 1351053;1450857790;punkman;http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/inslee-error-releases-inmates-early-since-2002/ 1351054;1450857791;assbot;Inslee: Error releases up to 3,200 inmates early | The Seattle Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1mghk33 ) 1351055;1450857795;punkman;" For three years, state Department of Corrections staff knew a software-coding error was miscalculating prison sentences and allowing inmates to be released early. On Tuesday, Gov. Jay Inslee gave the damning tally: up to 3,200 prisoners set free too soon since 2002." 1351056;1450857820;fluffypony;https://i.imgur.com/1cj9nOC.jpg 1351057;1450857821;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mghkjt ) 1351058;1450858119;BingoBoingo;lol fluffypony 1351059;1450858166;BingoBoingo;I like the hollywood bollywood question combo 1351060;1450858621;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/JxULIGx.jpg 1351061;1450858622;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mgiThs ) 1351062;1450858717;fluffypony;wut 1351063;1450858765;BingoBoingo;It's from the mines 1351064;1450858781;BingoBoingo;Like this puzzle was https://i.sli.mg/axoRhp.jpg 1351065;1450858782;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NBtmxe ) 1351066;1450859031;BingoBoingo;nsfl 1351067;1450859330;punkman;https://euobserver.com/justice/131649 1351068;1450859331;assbot;EU probes Greek border gaps, in Schengen threat ... ( http://bit.ly/1RFBEYM ) 1351069;1450859452;BingoBoingo;eyebleach for after puzzle https://i.imgur.com/JEC3bM0.jpg 1351070;1450859453;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RFBW1C ) 1351071;1450859779;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/kblsrLJ.jpg 1351072;1450859780;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mgjkbj ) 1351073;1450860563;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9880 @ 0.0005007 = 4.9469 BTC [+] {2} 1351074;1450860624;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32820 @ 0.00050108 = 16.4454 BTC [+] 1351075;1450861234;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27800 @ 0.00050108 = 13.93 BTC [+] 1351076;1450862088;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30943 @ 0.0004966 = 15.3663 BTC [-] 1351077;1450862942;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25691 @ 0.00050136 = 12.8804 BTC [+] {2} 1351078;1450863186;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00050166 = 8.4028 BTC [+] {2} 1351079;1450863247;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39369 @ 0.00049571 = 19.5156 BTC [-] {2} 1351080;1450865321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22350 @ 0.00050168 = 11.2125 BTC [+] {2} 1351081;1450866297;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00050191 = 16.5128 BTC [+] {4} 1351082;1450866881;jurov;http://www.tomshardware.com/news/juniper-backdoor-nsa-dual-ec,30805.html 1351083;1450866882;assbot;Juniper Backdoor Only Possible Because Of NSA's Own 'Dual EC' Backdoor, Say Security Experts ... ( http://bit.ly/1V6JUQg ) 1351084;1450868126;davout;hai all 1351085;1450869042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36348 @ 0.00049329 = 17.9301 BTC [-] {2} 1351086;1450869201;jurov;hi davout 1351087;1450870201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00050207 = 5.2215 BTC [+] 1351088;1450870251;BingoBoingo;hai 1351089;1450870708;BingoBoingo;Saga of dude who tried to blackmail cazalla back in January deepens http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2015/12/22#l1450793490.0 1351090;1450870711;assbot;BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1QWX9CB ) 1351091;1450870724;BingoBoingo;;;later tell cazalla Remember this guy? http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2015/12/22#l1450793490.0 1351092;1450870729;assbot;BitcoinStats ... ( http://bit.ly/1QWX9CB ) 1351093;1450870729;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351094;1450870861;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1351095;1450870873;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 441.44, vol: 9020.97257790 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 439.98, vol: 6608.39186 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 441.98, vol: 17092.31321302 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 452.392, vol: 89545.31910000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 440.0, vol: 40.98665222 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 437.291148022, vol: 47.96970424 | Volume-weighted last average: 449.449613484 1351096;1450870879;BingoBoingo;;;more 1351097;1450870880;gribble;Error: That's all, there is no more. 1351098;1450871020;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/myavK 1351099;1450871021;assbot;CoinDesk's Most Influential People in Bitcoin and Blockchain 2015 - CoinDesk ... ( http://bit.ly/1NCb4fa ) 1351100;1450871077;BingoBoingo;Seriously out of nowhere "2. Brian Forde" 1351101;1450871505;BingoBoingo;Fuck me I'm pulling a story out of this. 1351102;1450872275;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23804 @ 0.00049329 = 11.7423 BTC [-] {2} 1351103;1450872912;BingoBoingo;;;google hussein bahamas 1351104;1450872913;gribble;President Hussein Bahamas Ends National Security Speech With ...: <http://qntra.net/2015/11/president-hussein-bahamas-ends-national-security-speech-with-happy-thanksgiving/>; Obama at ASEAN: Money Overwhelms Ideas | Qntra: <http://qntra.net/2015/11/obama-at-asean-money-overwhelms-ideas/>; Trump Proposes "Closing Up the Internet" | Qntra: <http://qntra.net/2015/12/trump-proposes- (1 more message) 1351105;1450874593;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00049412 = 9.1906 BTC [+] 1351106;1450875020;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22300 @ 0.00049412 = 11.0189 BTC [+] 1351107;1450875264;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13877 @ 0.00049946 = 6.931 BTC [+] {3} 1351108;1450876072;deedbot-;[Qntra] Dark Horse Brian Forde Tops CoinDesk's 2015 Influencer List - http://qntra.net/2015/12/dark-horse-brian-forde-tops-coindesks-2015-influencer-list/ 1351109;1450876586;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/EJWXvyn.jpg 1351110;1450876587;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NChVVS ) 1351111;1450876910;BingoBoingo;But yes, latest qntra post even has a picture 1351112;1450878006;BingoBoingo;In other news, several months after switching to cmus I have no idea why I'd ever use another software music player 1351113;1450878065;BingoBoingo;Also there is finally a powerpoint replacement for the masses http://tools.suckless.org/sent/ 1351114;1450878065;assbot;sent | suckless.org tools ... ( http://bit.ly/1NCjPWL ) 1351115;1450879168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12827 @ 0.00049329 = 6.3274 BTC [-] 1351116;1450879290;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46375 @ 0.00050206 = 23.283 BTC [+] {3} 1351117;1450879534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61400 @ 0.00049241 = 30.234 BTC [-] {5} 1351118;1450881467;mircea_popescu;!up freeleaves 1351119;1450881480;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more/#comment-116061 << prolly of interest. 1351120;1450881481;assbot;Continut platit no more. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NLD0uV ) 1351121;1450881712;mircea_popescu;"Kindly note that when you opt-out, TellApart records that choice in your browser cookies. So if you clear your cookies after opt-ing out, your browser will no longer have a record of your opt-out status." 1351122;1450881714;mircea_popescu;ahahahaha ooook. 1351123;1450881805;BingoBoingo;Can't tell if twitter made tellapart or sucked tellapart off 1351124;1450881839;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> I'll start on it eventually <<< ahahahahaha. 1351125;1450881860;mircea_popescu;are you working towards a phd in alf-geography ? 1351126;1450881875;BingoBoingo;Waiting for dollars to get cheaper 1351127;1450881930;mircea_popescu; On Tuesday, Gov. Jay Inslee gave the damning tally: up to 3,200 prisoners set free too soon since 2002. <<< this is not a tally. the word tally has a definition. this is at best a guesstimate. 1351128;1450881944;mircea_popescu;i could tell by some pixels in the shape of "up to" on my screen. 1351129;1450882090;mircea_popescu;so one sees a "Notice: Important changes to our payment options starting Tuesday 29th of December 2015" from his NEW dns keeper and figures OMFG i'm gonna burn these people down, i JUST moved. 1351130;1450882106;mircea_popescu;but then one opens the thing and reads "From Tuesday, we will be re-introducing the "WorldPay" payment option via the 1351131;1450882107;mircea_popescu;Payment gateway provider this provider will be our main payment gateway for payments 1351132;1450882107;mircea_popescu;via debit or credit card for all customers (including those based in the US) going 1351133;1450882107;mircea_popescu;forward. With this change we will be removing the Gate2Shop, Skrill and Tradeguard payment 1351134;1450882107;mircea_popescu;options in order to simplify payments via debit or credit card." 1351135;1450882120;mircea_popescu;totally... credit cards are so easy to use, and such a threat for bitcoin. glwt! 1351136;1450882218;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78000 @ 0.00049197 = 38.3737 BTC [-] {5} 1351137;1450882247;mircea_popescu;<assbot> EU probes Greek border gaps, in Schengen threat <<< awwww. 1351138;1450882307;mircea_popescu;<assbot> Juniper Backdoor Only Possible Because Of NSA's Own 'Dual EC' Backdoor, Say Security Experts <<< aha. 1351139;1450882446;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/3xxfxm/mp_takes_down_butt_powered_paywall_is_he_done/ 1351140;1450882447;assbot;MP Takes Down Butt Powered Paywall. Is he done huffing Butts? : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1NLEGEJ ) 1351141;1450882486;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/myavK <<< good for a lulz. all the people nobody ever hearfd about, usgavin one behind buterin (lol, check it out, it almost exactly maps what the dept of being dumb online actually things about its moles) and apparently the usg.bitcoin initiative got new leadership. "Since being brought in to head MIT's Digital Currency Initiative (DCI) this April, the ex-White House senior advisor has made great st 1351142;1450882491;assbot;CoinDesk's Most Influential People in Bitcoin and Blockchain 2015 - CoinDesk ... ( http://bit.ly/1NCb4fa ) 1351143;1450882491;mircea_popescu;rides in highlighting the benefits of bitcoin and the blockchain to those both inside and outside of the prestigious university." 1351144;1450882503;mircea_popescu;hey Brian Forde : tell bahamas i'm going to fuck up his face and feed it to my dogs. how about that! 1351145;1450882511;mircea_popescu;schmucks. 1351146;1450882541;mircea_popescu;and you know they're fucking afraid of me, too, which is how satoshi got the #1 spot. 1351147;1450882555;mircea_popescu;next time you wanna challenge the powers that be, dear usg, grow a fucking pair of balls first. 1351148;1450882660;BingoBoingo;!up freeleaves 1351149;1450882710;mircea_popescu;ok BingoBoingo, i gotta hand it to you... this is the first time im bashing a fucking ;;google. you're a genius my man. 1351150;1450882721;BingoBoingo;lol 1351151;1450882744;BingoBoingo;I told you bahamas not only needed a first name, but that one 1351152;1450882795;mircea_popescu;epic shit. 1351153;1450882810;BingoBoingo;Now imagine some other hussein gets famous and vacays in the Bahamas. The tabloids won't be able to drown out all the qntristory being built 1351154;1450882873;mircea_popescu;lol 1351155;1450882902;asciilifeform;'Even worse is that Juniper issued a "fix" that merely reverts the attackers' changed parameters to the original values Juniper was using for its firewalls. If those values get discovered by attackers, they could once again gain access to the system.' << l0ltr0n1c 1351156;1450883107;mircea_popescu;the Ford Edsel (archived) of organizations orbiting and trying to subvert Bitcoin. << lol apt. 1351157;1450883135;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the only lulzy part is the "get discovered" part. 1351158;1450883140;mircea_popescu;what the fuck do they mean get discovered. 1351159;1450883161;mircea_popescu;what, like i walk in the spare bedroom right now, pull the sheets over and thus have "discovered" a sleeping beauty ? 1351160;1450883177;BingoBoingo;You don't know unless you try it right now 1351161;1450883334;mircea_popescu;hey check it out, i've discovered! 1351162;1450883340;mircea_popescu;bbl. 1351163;1450883389;BingoBoingo;!b 4 1351164;1450883390;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0SHTT0Q.txt ) 1351165;1450885031;thestringpuller;;;calc -3 + -.56 + -.4319 1351166;1450885032;gribble;-3.9919 1351167;1450886793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40400 @ 0.00049167 = 19.8635 BTC [-] {2} 1351168;1450887952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19000 @ 0.00049151 = 9.3387 BTC [-] {2} 1351169;1450888187;mircea_popescu;heh, "Yeah you are right, guy could make something like the ISO meeting on the new standard documentation for ball bearing manufacture sexist and money related" aka "we're so far gone we'd think a meeting on the new standard documentation for ball bearing manufacture is sexist yet somehow we also think this is someone else's fault". 1351170;1450888213;mircea_popescu;not to get into all the "money-related" bull. what the fuck does redditard imagine ball bearings are related to, amaterasu ? fucking astrology ? 1351171;1450888237;mircea_popescu;what, the us has built socialism, ball bearings get made out of feelings ? 1351172;1450888265;thestringpuller;you seem to have the science of the redditard psychology a lot more than the rest of us 1351173;1450888278;thestringpuller;psychology studied* 1351174;1450888311;thestringpuller;I still don't think there is a cure for dunning kruger syndrome 1351175;1450888312;mircea_popescu;why thank you. 1351176;1450888332;thestringpuller;so i think it's just lost cause, the only defense we have is WoT 1351177;1450888428;thestringpuller;just other day some derp was like "We'll just short the bitcoin market if it doesn't fork the way we want." 1351178;1450888446;thestringpuller;And I'm like "WTF. Who the fuck is going to underwrite those contracts when even the trustworthy don't want to deal with it?!?" 1351179;1450888475;thestringpuller;"Uh someone will underwrite it." Sure good luck borrowing a billion worth of btc 1351180;1450888637;mircea_popescu;... 1351181;1450888651;mircea_popescu;everyone wannabe mp now ? 1351182;1450888989;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00049156 = 4.4486 BTC [+] 1351183;1450890209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4650 @ 0.00049156 = 2.2858 BTC [+] 1351184;1450891308;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17650 @ 0.00049092 = 8.6647 BTC [-] {2} 1351185;1450891734;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14700 @ 0.00049092 = 7.2165 BTC [-] 1351186;1450891744;mircea_popescu;aaand in other news, the new rotor has been mightily blackholed since last night (the usual array described here multiple times), it's got ~20k blocks through in a day or so. 1351187;1450891764;mircea_popescu;it appears to me asciilifeform that the way the blackholing works is as an interdiction to communicating old blocks. 1351188;1450891793;mircea_popescu;would make sense, too, as part of a wider strategy to murder the blockchain. 1351189;1450891841;mircea_popescu;notably, this only conceivably works because, obviously, the blocks are communicated plain. we definitely should have internode encryption. 1351190;1450891848;mircea_popescu;and no, i don't mean ssl, either. 1351191;1450891943;mircea_popescu;rsa, sadly, wouldn't really work for this application 1351192;1450892886;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1351193;1450892899;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351191 << why not ? 1351194;1450892899;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 17:32:23; mircea_popescu: rsa, sadly, wouldn't really work for this application 1351195;1450892946;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351186 << see this alternate hypothesis, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1347639 1351196;1450892946;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 17:29:04; mircea_popescu: aaand in other news, the new rotor has been mightily blackholed since last night (the usual array described here multiple times), it's got ~20k blocks through in a day or so. 1351197;1450892946;assbot;Logged on 19-12-2015 20:08:33; asciilifeform: so at this point i'm pretty certain where 'black hole' comes from. 1351198;1450892964;ascii_field;now the thing is, this IS artificial 1351199;1450892970;ascii_field;but the way it is done is much simpler than i imagined 1351200;1450892983;ascii_field;a 'hog' (typically from aws) connects and repeatedly requests ancient txen 1351201;1450893006;ascii_field;this ties up the db i/o 1351202;1450893034;ascii_field;human nodes time out, disconnect, get replaced by... moar hogs 1351203;1450893058;ascii_field;none of this is to say that we don't need node authentication & crypto 1351204;1450893192;ascii_field;these are absolutely necessary if nodes are to have identity (which is a must if we want to have node ranking) 1351205;1450893222;ascii_field;without identity, anti-dos measures are simply buttons which usg can push to make you disconnect a friend. 1351206;1450893795;ascii_field;aaaand phun phakt: 1351207;1450893806;ascii_field;about half of the 4MB rotor bin is openssl crud 1351208;1450894007;mircea_popescu;ascii_field because slow. 1351209;1450894018;mircea_popescu;when it comes to node communication, half a second delay is too much 1351210;1450894042;mircea_popescu;ascii_field the problem with other hypothesis being that i connected it to your nodes. 1351211;1450894087;mircea_popescu;anyway, off to a meeting, we'll delve into this later on. 1351212;1450894245;ben_vulpes;death to all key-value stores 1351213;1450894272;ben_vulpes;remind me why sqlite wouldn't have worked here? 1351214;1450894513;kakobrekla;because it doesnt stop serving derps 1351215;1450894773;thestringpuller;ascii_field: what are you doing on the field the day before xmas? 1351216;1450895699;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34000 @ 0.00049156 = 16.713 BTC [+] 1351217;1450896053;liquidassets;mircea_popescu turned me into an animal, an animal I kind of like 1351218;1450896217;thestringpuller;how many you got in your harem now? 1351219;1450896584;trinque;!rate liquidassets -1 continues to babble 1351220;1450896584;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/cba0cee9558c0bb4 1351221;1450896607;trinque;!v assbot:trinque.rate.liquidassets.-1:2b73a09f47c87dba3983b5e08504e6924c967b9eae1aef3ed46868644384bbf5 1351222;1450896607;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for liquidassets from 1 to -1 with note: continues to babble 1351223;1450896778;trinque;!down liquidassets 1351224;1450896919;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68300 @ 0.00049347 = 33.704 BTC [+] {2} 1351225;1450898810;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45837 @ 0.0004918 = 22.5426 BTC [-] {2} 1351226;1450898871;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4663 @ 0.0004908 = 2.2886 BTC [-] {2} 1351227;1450899192;shinohai;trinque is tired of teh shit today it appears 1351228;1450899462;trinque;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1EF9ETR.txt 1351229;1450899463;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1V93efN ) 1351230;1450899464;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1351231;1450899469;punkman;!s from:liquidassets 1351232;1450899470;assbot;444 results for 'from:liquidassets' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Aliquidassets 1351233;1450899584;punkman;!up cazalla_ 1351234;1450899593;cazalla_;ty punkman 1351235;1450899636;cazalla_;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351091 <<< looks like he cashed out, not like the idiots who lost coins to him were not warned, rather lulzy 1351236;1450899636;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 11:38:44; BingoBoingo: ;;later tell cazalla Remember this guy? http://bitcoinstats.com/irc/bitcoin-otc/logs/2015/12/22#l1450793490.0 1351237;1450899901;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1351238;1450899954;cazalla_;;;later tell BingoBoingo y u delete muh star wars comment from qntra? censorship! need to put qntra on a blockchain obv :P 1351239;1450899954;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351240;1450899977;cazalla_;merry xmas to all, ttyl 1351241;1450899986;trinque;cazalla_: same to you; take care 1351242;1450899989;trinque;d'oh 1351243;1450900038;ascii_field;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351210 << didja '-connect' it ? or '-addnode' ? because the latter is 'merely suggestion' 1351244;1450900038;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 18:07:22; mircea_popescu: ascii_field the problem with other hypothesis being that i connected it to your nodes. 1351245;1450900038;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351246;1450900103;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351215 << same thing i do every day. working. 1351247;1450900103;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 18:19:33; thestringpuller: ascii_field: what are you doing on the field the day before xmas? 1351248;1450900121;ascii_field;my last full shift in this $field incidentally. 1351249;1450900222;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351238 << thing lost a bunch of comments when it got nuked and restored from backup 1351250;1450900222;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 19:45:54; cazalla_: ;;later tell BingoBoingo y u delete muh star wars comment from qntra? censorship! need to put qntra on a blockchain obv :P 1351251;1450900243;ascii_field;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351213 << sqlite barely works at all 1351252;1450900243;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 18:11:12; ben_vulpes: remind me why sqlite wouldn't have worked here? 1351253;1450900253;ascii_field;it was the reason phuctor was sloooooooooooow 1351254;1450900336;punkman;!s lmdb 1351255;1450900337;assbot;1 results for 'lmdb' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=lmdb 1351256;1450900370;punkman;http://symas.com/mdb/ 1351257;1450900371;assbot;Symas Lightning MDB (aka Lightning Database, LMDB) ... ( http://bit.ly/1mAHPAI ) 1351258;1450900378;punkman;decent candidate 1351259;1450900391;ascii_field;not for pogo 1351260;1450900396;ascii_field;or other ultra-ram-poor archs 1351261;1450900412;ascii_field;though '32KB of object code and 6KLOC of C' is of interest 1351262;1450900443;punkman;does pogo have problems with big mmaped files? 1351263;1450900458;ascii_field;has problem with anything that doesn't behave well when ram-starved 1351264;1450900468;ascii_field;or anything that assumes there being enough ram to adequately cache disk 1351265;1450900681;ascii_field;but imho the db thing needs to be a simple mechanism written specifically for bitcoin 1351266;1450900687;ascii_field;and riding on raw block device 1351267;1450900692;ascii_field;rather than a db in the customary sense. 1351268;1450900724;ascii_field;personally i'm interesting in items which make kernelization ~easier~ rather than harder (the latter from, e.g., requiring mmap) 1351269;1450900945;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26100 @ 0.0004942 = 12.8986 BTC [+] {2} 1351270;1450901108;punkman;well everything needs to be written specifically for bitcoin 1351271;1450901120;punkman;but vita brevis 1351272;1450901979;jurov;linux has now scriptable firewall(nftables) , maybe we end up hooking to that. but database with persistent storage is afaik not there yet 1351273;1450901990;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1351274;1450901997;ascii_field;filtering nodez by ip is a dead end 1351275;1450902048;jurov;not that, verifying packet signatures and the like 1351276;1450902088;ascii_field;it pretty much has to be compiled in at the lowest possible level of abstractio 1351277;1450902089;ascii_field;n 1351278;1450902093;ascii_field;and may even have to be done in asm 1351279;1450902096;ascii_field;to reach line speed 1351280;1450902123;ascii_field;i'm currently not entirely satisfied with my (experimental) implementation of this 1351281;1450902128;ascii_field;speedwise. 1351282;1450903189;ascii_field;http://www.mobiletechworld.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Super-AMOLED-vs-Retina-Display-4.jpg << the 'pentile' thing returneth 1351283;1450903191;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pl0mdt ) 1351284;1450903194;ascii_field;(top half of image) 1351285;1450903195;ascii_field;!s pentile 1351286;1450903195;assbot;3 results for 'pentile' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pentile 1351287;1450903222;*;ascii_field tried to buy 'nyooo! improooved!' tablet gadget and found that the pentile pixel scam is pestilentially universal 1351288;1450903246;ascii_field;http://cdn.androidcommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/pentile-matrix1-540x221.jpg << for anyone who missed the ancient thread 1351289;1450903247;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pl0qKc ) 1351290;1450903273;ascii_field;'pentile' (patented by womanz in tech!1111, yes!) shares subpixels, allowing device makers to lie about res 1351291;1450903297;ascii_field;resulting image, if you're reading text (vs masturbating to video) looks like an old newsprint 1351292;1450903324;jurov;if you're reading b&w text, it's completely fine 1351293;1450903333;ascii_field;http://cdn.androidcommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/pentile-matrix1-540x221.jpg << similar 1351294;1450903334;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pl0qKc ) 1351295;1450903338;jurov;i have lenovo yoga2 and am okay with it 1351296;1450903340;ascii_field;jurov: IT MOTHERFUCKING IS NOT 1351297;1450903362;ascii_field;srsly this is like 'vegetable oil cheese tastes just like real cheese' in usa 1351298;1450903375;ascii_field;if you grew up in new york sewers, then yes 1351299;1450903377;ascii_field;otherwise - no 1351300;1450903395;ascii_field;or if you have congenitally impaired sense organs - then perhaps also yes 1351301;1450903426;ascii_field;but this is a classic case of 'this thing that is actually half the thing you thought you were paying for is JUST AS GOOD AND SHUDDUP' 1351302;1450903485;jurov;you'll be the first to complain if the treal thing costs 2-3x as much 1351303;1450903494;ascii_field;mno. 1351304;1450903518;ascii_field;except that in the end, 'real thing' ends up costing 10x as much as previously, once the crap flood hits, and shortly - vanishes entirely 1351305;1450903550;jurov;and srs, what distance do you use? i can use the pentile display from over half meter away exactly because i have good eyes 1351306;1450903563;ascii_field;jurov: i read in bed 1351307;1450903576;jurov;it takes very pathological case, such as yellow background for it to be detectable 1351308;1450903591;ascii_field;wtf THERE IS NOT AN ADDRESSABLE BLUE FOR EVERY COORDINATE 1351309;1450903594;ascii_field;srsly 1351310;1450903603;ascii_field;not everybody's colourblind 1351311;1450903683;jurov;so? your eyes don't address every cell either 1351312;1450903685;ascii_field;and i notice it ON EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in black 1351313;1450903694;ascii_field;every single edge of every single letter. 1351314;1450903707;ascii_field;and i see the dithering buzz, too 1351315;1450903839;jurov;well... either you pay several times for stuff or detrain your neurons 1351316;1450903865;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1351317;1450903867;ascii_field;i'm perfectly happy to pay moar 1351318;1450903874;ascii_field;but very few suppliers now. 1351319;1450903886;ascii_field;and getting - fewer. 1351320;1450903909;punkman;and barely anyone talks about these in specs 1351321;1450903914;ascii_field;wanted to buy something that isn't heavy, like battering ram 1351322;1450903919;ascii_field;for the train. but no such luck. 1351323;1450903968;jurov;i have used interlaced CRT daily for years, i believe that did the trick 1351324;1450903977;ascii_field;(and not interested in ANY less than 2560x1600 MOTHERFUCKING ADDRESSABLE RGBs either) 1351325;1450904004;ascii_field;i read scans. 1351326;1450904125;ascii_field;and yes, i see colours. and 120Hz flicker is still flicker to me. and no amount of it makes it go away. 1351327;1450904138;ascii_field;gotta love how NORMAL senses have been redefined as 'weirdo' 1351328;1450904201;jurov;*ouch* reading scans in bed 1351329;1450904247;ascii_field;and if i ever actually move, i'll be reading ONLY scans. 1351330;1450904257;ascii_field;so this is a subject of some interest to me. 1351331;1450904398;trinque;!v assbot:trinque.rate.liquidassets.-2:5b2623f84b27f60b87f5f9ba673b4f56c14b6c5b0b0744353819d5778e77f62f 1351332;1450904398;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for liquidassets from -1 to -2 with note: http://deedbot.org/bundle-389862.txt 1351333;1450904849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26314 @ 0.00049077 = 12.9141 BTC [-] {3} 1351334;1450904910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28099 @ 0.00049076 = 13.7899 BTC [-] 1351335;1450905398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4200 @ 0.00049483 = 2.0783 BTC [+] {4} 1351336;1450906148;shinohai;!up ascii_field 1351337;1450906313;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00049494 = 8.414 BTC [+] 1351338;1450906923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33050 @ 0.00048994 = 16.1925 BTC [-] {4} 1351339;1450907246;thestringpuller;19:45 <+cazalla_> ;;later tell BingoBoingo y u delete muh star wars comment from qntra? censorship! need to put qntra on a blockchain obv :P << i think it got deleted in the qntra restore. I highly enjoyed that comment though. Everyone complainin' bout spoilers all srs like at work all fucking day. Come home to read the comment, damn I was in tears. Miss you cazalla. 1351340;1450908181;shinohai;Happy Festivus, pete_dushenski o/ 1351341;1450908911;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1351342;1450908913;ascii_field;http://i.imgur.com/7aNkaSl.gifv 1351343;1450908913;assbot;We wish you a merry christmas and a lot of dead people next year, preferably killed by our products. thanks for choosing us ... ( http://bit.ly/1YCae50 ) 1351344;1450909166;thestringpuller;!up linton_s_dawson 1351345;1450909535;linton_s_dawson;Anyone running thebitcoin.foundation client on a Raspberry Pi 2? I'd like to assemble a node and see if the Pi is a good idea. 1351346;1450909563;ascii_field;!s raspberry 1351347;1450909563;assbot;94 results for 'raspberry' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=raspberry 1351348;1450909576;ascii_field;short answer: bad idea 1351349;1450909607;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27850 @ 0.00049493 = 13.7838 BTC [+] {2} 1351350;1450909720;thestringpuller;mod6: i have to pull these keys by hand? :\ 1351351;1450909740;ascii_field;thestringpuller: be grateful that you don't have to modular-exponentiate by hand. 1351352;1450909808;thestringpuller;i'm not complaining just wondering if i did it right? 1351353;1450909823;ascii_field;if you get a pressed bitcoin dir, you did it right 1351354;1450909843;thestringpuller;gpg --export -R mod6 > mod6.asc 1351355;1450909854;thestringpuller;into ~/.wot 1351356;1450909898;linton_s_dawson;Maybe the BitSeed guys need to be more flexible with the clients they install on their HW nodes. I'll reach out to them. 1351357;1450909912;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9017 @ 0.00049495 = 4.463 BTC [+] {2} 1351358;1450909946;ascii_field;linton_s_dawson: afaik nobody here gives half a rat's arse re: bitseed & related derpery 1351359;1450909990;thestringpuller;asciilifeform.asc/wind 7 1351360;1450909993;thestringpuller;BLAH 1351361;1450910034;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25519 @ 0.00049925 = 12.7404 BTC [+] {2} 1351362;1450910078;linton_s_dawson;ascii_field: I figured. It doesn't mean that everyone has to use CLI and plug-and-plays are not needed at all. 1351363;1450910143;trinque;what? 1351364;1450910278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65044 @ 0.00049762 = 32.3672 BTC [-] {4} 1351365;1450910317;linton_s_dawson;If something ca be done in an easy-to-use manner, it should be done. I'm aware of the "if you're too lazy to learn you don't deserve it" logic but I don't completely agree with it. 1351366;1450910523;shinohai;You are more than welcome to develop something better. 1351367;1450910524;thestringpuller;because I was fell out of a grocery cart onto my head as a child I keep getting this error with mod6 's script: ": No such file or directory" 1351368;1450910534;thestringpuller;I dunno where random ':' keeps coming from? 1351369;1450910676;trinque;linton_s_dawson: my grep -Ri 'qt' . in the src directory suggests everyone does have to use cli. 1351370;1450910844;trinque;moreover, easy-to-use is a much more subjective/arbitrary notion than the complexity of the thing, which is greatly reduced by having removed the GUI. 1351371;1450910909;shinohai;qt is just a bloated monstrosity. I love trb even more because it lacks any part of it. 1351372;1450910924;thestringpuller;mod6: dunno if it's just my system but my system is interpreting the script all weird like... 1351373;1450910945;trinque;thestringpuller: ...dpaste some output, man. 1351374;1450910951;trinque;signed, even 1351375;1450910996;thestringpuller;one second 1351376;1450911004;thestringpuller;what i'm doing 1351377;1450911035;deedbot-;[Qntra] US DO"J" Stops Sharing Bounty Of Theft With Locals - http://qntra.net/2015/12/us-doj-stops-sharing-bounty-of-theft-with-locals/ 1351378;1450911112;trinque;thestringpuller: the script had dos line endings, which is why in recent logs I mentioned running it through dos2unix 1351379;1450911121;trinque;can also do that with vim if you prefer, or w/e else 1351380;1450911130;thestringpuller;http://dpaste.com/0WRW5J9.txt 1351381;1450911137;thestringpuller;ran with bash -x 1351382;1450911160;thestringpuller;also i had to scrub the newlines cause my system kept being all '\r' command not found! 1351383;1450911192;trinque;thestringpuller: likely munged it when doing that 1351384;1450911198;trinque;I'd download it again and do dos2unix on it 1351385;1450911200;BingoBoingo;linton_s_dawson: If you want a GUI you can build it. 1351386;1450911235;BingoBoingo;;;later tell cazalla_ Server ran away. My backups were incomplete in the comment area. Merry X-mas to you too. 1351387;1450911235;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351388;1450911344;thestringpuller;trinque: lemme try dos2unix real quick 1351389;1450911459;thestringpuller;damn the things we take for granted like character encoding ~_~ 1351390;1450911517;trinque;yeah, that'll do it 1351391;1450911559;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11700 @ 0.00050037 = 5.8543 BTC [+] {2} 1351392;1450911742;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23869 @ 0.00049645 = 11.8498 BTC [-] 1351393;1450912657;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36081 @ 0.00049783 = 17.9622 BTC [+] {2} 1351394;1450914350;mod6;<+trinque> thestringpuller: the script had dos line endings, which is why in recent logs I mentioned running it through dos2unix << wat? 1351395;1450914361;mod6;oh maybe it was dpaste that added 'em in or w/e 1351396;1450914402;ben_vulpes;every single time man 1351397;1450914421;mod6;lol, we seriously need our own paste mech that doesnt do that. 1351398;1450914440;ben_vulpes;didn't someone figure out which pasteshite didn't? 1351399;1450914486;mod6;i think they both do it. 1351400;1450914488;asciilifeform;!up ascii_field 1351401;1450914491;ascii_field;all do 1351402;1450914784;trinque;bleh 1351403;1450915036;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15500 @ 0.00050111 = 7.7672 BTC [+] {3} 1351404;1450915268;ben_vulpes;eh, deedbot's an adequate pastebin 1351405;1450915338;mod6;hm. i like what it does, but not every turd probably belongs in the chain. 1351406;1450915345;mod6;*shrug* 1351407;1450915359;ben_vulpes;i'm not actually serious mod6 1351408;1450915363;mod6;oh. 1351409;1450915517;trinque;heh. henceforth you may only deed deeds already deeded! 1351410;1450915556;mod6;heheh 1351411;1450916378;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29035 @ 0.00049777 = 14.4528 BTC [-] 1351412;1450916500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71950 @ 0.00050195 = 36.1153 BTC [+] {4} 1351413;1450917109;deedbot-;[Qntra] CoinBase Bug Bonanza - http://qntra.net/2015/12/coinbase-bug-bonanza/ 1351414;1450917293;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22533 @ 0.00050291 = 11.3321 BTC [+] {2} 1351415;1450918269;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22782 @ 0.00049797 = 11.3448 BTC [-] 1351416;1450918391;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00049797 = 1.7429 BTC [-] 1351417;1450918616;shinohai;O.o mats 1351418;1450918635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 167850 @ 0.00049567 = 83.1982 BTC [-] {7} 1351419;1450918678;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1351420;1450918684;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 444.87, vol: 6844.46447548 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 440.877, vol: 6641.53927 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 444.3, vol: 16052.14377369 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.03 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 451.964312, vol: 75501.10630000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 444.0, vol: 46.4962627 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 443.913039085, vol: 22.42802508 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1351421;1450918687;BingoBoingo;;;more 1351422;1450918688;gribble;449.626021481 1351423;1450919616;mats;hai 1351424;1450920188;trinque;wb 1351425;1450920282;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53381 @ 0.00049936 = 26.6563 BTC [+] {3} 1351426;1450920709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21570 @ 0.00050163 = 10.8202 BTC [+] {2} 1351427;1450922074;mats;it has been busy at the kitten recycling plant 1351428;1450922147;asciilifeform;mats: how many pounds per shift ? 1351429;1450922318;mats;thousands. 1351430;1450922360;asciilifeform;mats: finally became a pro reverser ? 1351431;1450922387;mats;no, work in progress 1351432;1450922429;asciilifeform;funny, given how i'm just about to (mostly) stop... 1351433;1450922446;mats;whats next? 1351434;1450922458;asciilifeform;maths 1351435;1450922463;mats;fun 1351436;1450922502;mats;the applied sort ? 1351437;1450922509;asciilifeform;sorta. 1351438;1450922570;asciilifeform;mats: if you were to move to mordor, there is a cataclysmic undersupply of reversers 1351439;1450922603;asciilifeform;(on west coast of usa, same) 1351440;1450922772;phf;who typically looks for services like that besides alphabet agencies and antivirus companies? 1351441;1450922782;asciilifeform;a couple banks, oddly enough 1351442;1450922796;phf;huh 1351443;1450922799;asciilifeform;also some firms that deal in 'discovery' (legal term) 1351444;1450922821;phf;oh right that would be part of ediscovery 1351445;1450922847;phf;so kind of like "we have this system we don't know how it works but we need to get the data out" 1351446;1450922847;asciilifeform;also a great many firms that do reversing for no-questions-asked-mostly-usg 1351447;1450922860;asciilifeform;phf: nah, usually particular to malware 1351448;1450922929;thestringpuller;i had a friend who did that for many years at mcaffee 1351449;1450922977;thestringpuller;ended up developing a meth problem... 1351450;1450922982;asciilifeform;l0lwut 1351451;1450923062;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2015/12/on-19th-day-of-christmas.html << add the 19 ukr fission plants to list-of-thing-you're-no-longer-down-wind-of 1351452;1450923063;assbot;ClubOrlov: On the 19th day of Christmas... ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jwn4uI ) 1351453;1450923063;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351454;1450923092;asciilifeform;'19 nuclear reactors are in operation, with 2 more supposedly under construction. And this is in a country whose economy is in free-fall and is set to approach that of Mali or Burundi! The nuclear fuel for these reactors was being supplied by Russia. An effort to replace the Russian supplier with Westinghouse failed because of quality issues leading to an accident.' 1351455;1450923271;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2634 @ 0.00050243 = 1.3234 BTC [+] 1351456;1450923325;asciilifeform;and meanwhile... 1351457;1450923344;asciilifeform;https://cryptome.org/2015/12/gchq-juniper-intercept-15-1223.pdf 1351458;1450923345;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JwnxNt ) 1351459;1450923404;asciilifeform;http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt 1351460;1450923406;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JwnCks ) 1351461;1450923462;asciilifeform;https://theintercept.com/2015/12/23/juniper-firewalls-successfully-targeted-by-nsa-and-gchq << as seen here. 1351462;1450923465;assbot;NSA Helped British Spies Find Security Holes In Juniper Firewalls ... ( http://bit.ly/1ObwhxY ) 1351463;1450924125;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 212900 @ 0.00050304 = 107.0972 BTC [+] {11} 1351464;1450924812;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1351465;1450924816;gribble;Current Blocks: 389908 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 1195 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 10 hours, 8 minutes, and 11 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1351466;1450925345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52300 @ 0.00050492 = 26.4073 BTC [+] {4} 1351467;1450926016;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7941 @ 0.00050493 = 4.0096 BTC [+] 1351468;1450926071;BingoBoingo;Four comments from last week resurected http://qntra.net/2015/12/withdrawal-fees-for-changetip-starting/ 1351469;1450926072;assbot;Withdrawal Fees For Changetip Starting | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OMm5s5 ) 1351470;1450926087;BingoBoingo;props for that go to /r/buttcoin for their archive bot 1351471;1450926136;ben_vulpes;backups, backups, backups. 1351472;1450926240;shinohai;Victoria got testy when called out on their spam lel. My 4th twitter block this year. 1351473;1450926261;mats;asciilifeform: good to know 1351474;1450927114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00049462 = 16.273 BTC [-] {2} 1351475;1450928029;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23250 @ 0.00050023 = 11.6303 BTC [+] {4} 1351476;1450928124;thestringpuller;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/2GT460A.txt 1351477;1450928126;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1351478;1450929981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31240 @ 0.00049545 = 15.4779 BTC [-] {3} 1351479;1450933458;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12812 @ 0.00049357 = 6.3236 BTC [-] {4} 1351480;1450933824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108100 @ 0.00049639 = 53.6598 BTC [+] {6} 1351481;1450934310;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1351482;1450934315;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 455.26, vol: 8980.89302582 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 451.924, vol: 8656.66382 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 454.94, vol: 23011.32065649 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.06027771 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 462.795472, vol: 90346.73590000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 456.0, vol: 67.80392621 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 447.446, vol: 26.91770615 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1351483;1450934326;BingoBoingo;;;more 1351484;1450934326;gribble;460.175706018 1351485;1450937484;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45200 @ 0.00050228 = 22.7031 BTC [+] 1351486;1450938338;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41900 @ 0.00050228 = 21.0455 BTC [+] 1351487;1450938582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37250 @ 0.00049979 = 18.6172 BTC [-] {3} 1351488;1450939441;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1351489;1450939445;gribble;Current Blocks: 389934 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 1169 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 20 hours, 17 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1351490;1450939867;phf;;;later tell asciilifeform another minimal unix http://ulixos.org, this one is 31k loc of noweb. has threads and fs caching 1351491;1450939867;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351492;1450940168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20200 @ 0.0005015 = 10.1303 BTC [+] {2} 1351493;1450940534;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98900 @ 0.00049506 = 48.9614 BTC [-] {5} 1351494;1450940840;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20565 @ 0.00050172 = 10.3179 BTC [+] {2} 1351495;1450940900;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5735 @ 0.00050543 = 2.8986 BTC [+] 1351496;1450941021;deedbot-;[Qntra] Two Milestones Pass On Bitcoin Blockchain - http://qntra.net/2015/12/two-milestones-pass-on-bitcoin-blockchain/ 1351497;1450941240;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1351498;1450941247;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 457.68, vol: 9100.39254540 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 455.002, vol: 9169.10483 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 457.26, vol: 23903.20851982 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.07037461 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 465.946776, vol: 95604.35230000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 456.98999, vol: 75.51392621 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 448.376, vol: 43.78180127 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1351499;1450941252;BingoBoingo;;;more 1351500;1450941253;gribble;463.157188567 1351501;1450941571;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48250 @ 0.0004935 = 23.8114 BTC [-] {3} 1351502;1450941651;funkenstein_;greetings BingoBoingo et al. 1351503;1450941658;funkenstein_;new zhou tonged is out 1351504;1450941669;BingoBoingo;Merry chiralmas eve 1351505;1450941680;BingoBoingo;What is zhou tonged? 1351506;1450941682;funkenstein_;thank you kindly, and to you :) 1351507;1450941691;BingoBoingo;Is that liek tradefortressed? 1351508;1450941719;funkenstein_;musical arranger of note, named after bitcoinica something or other 1351509;1450941740;funkenstein_;yes lol :) 1351510;1450941781;BingoBoingo;I'm still not certain whether they are or are not the same person 1351511;1450941838;funkenstein_;also dave barry's new year in review is out 1351512;1450941844;funkenstein_;from which i quote 1351513;1450941846;funkenstein_;Speaking of potatoes: Tensions rise in Europe when the Russian government announces that it is launching a new business start-up called Tuber, described as like Uber, except with tanks. 1351514;1450941868;BingoBoingo;Also funkenstein if you may any comments on Qntra last week you gotta remake them. If you didn't you still have to make new comments anyways. 1351515;1450941881;BingoBoingo;lol 1351516;1450941918;*;BingoBoingo wouldn't mind having a T-34 to convert into a camper van 1351517;1450941937;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.0004935 = 7.5752 BTC [-] {2} 1351518;1450942343;funkenstein_;my calculations are showing 14,998,400 in circulation still 1351519;1450942425;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00049472 = 10.6612 BTC [+] {2} 1351520;1450942547;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46164 @ 0.00049472 = 22.8383 BTC [+] 1351521;1450942849;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more/#comment-116065 << that beautyon fellow is giving occasion to a very satisfying convo. 1351522;1450943037;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68300 @ 0.00049472 = 33.7894 BTC [+] 1351523;1450943606;ben_vulpes;is it old news that gnupg dgaf about linefeed types? 1351524;1450943624;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351518 << U calculate how? With node of full chain? 1351525;1450943624;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 07:32:23; funkenstein_: my calculations are showing 14,998,400 in circulation still 1351526;1450943636;ben_vulpes;and whitespace on linefeeds in between blocks of text in signed files? 1351527;1450943663;mircea_popescu;it's complicated. 1351528;1450943700;ben_vulpes;'cause i'm looking at 2 text files with different shasum 256's and the precise same text except for linefeeds 1351529;1450943704;ben_vulpes;and both fucking verify 1351530;1450943837;mircea_popescu;myeah 1351531;1450943851;ben_vulpes;i must be the last person to have figured this out or something. 1351532;1450943865;mircea_popescu;goes in the summary header of "gpg is a pos". 1351533;1450943873;ben_vulpes;armor -- most poorly-named flag in the history of nix tools. 1351534;1450944011;ben_vulpes;how the fuck on earth is one supposed to know if the original text had \n, \r, \r\n or whatever the original hodgepodge of linefeeds was to begin with? 1351535;1450944108;mircea_popescu;one is supposed to simply assume it had whatever he uses on his machine. 1351536;1450944126;mircea_popescu;"unix philosophy". 1351537;1450944182;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351238 <<< ahahaha THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR QUITTING BIZNATCH!!1 1351538;1450944182;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 19:45:54; cazalla_: ;;later tell BingoBoingo y u delete muh star wars comment from qntra? censorship! need to put qntra on a blockchain obv :P 1351539;1450944227;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351243 << aww fuck. i forgot that stupidity's still in there. 1351540;1450944227;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 19:47:18; ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351210 << didja '-connect' it ? or '-addnode' ? because the latter is 'merely suggestion' 1351541;1450944249;mircea_popescu;this is the problem of having a trb in the first place : the temptation to assume it's sane is just too great. 1351542;1450944305;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351253 << in fairness, sqlite works for all usecases that aren't this. or that. or in general. 1351543;1450944305;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 19:50:53; ascii_field: it was the reason phuctor was sloooooooooooow 1351544;1450944319;mircea_popescu;sorta like a birthday balloon works in all usecases that don't require anything of it. 1351545;1450944380;ben_vulpes;aha yes 1351546;1450944390;ben_vulpes;i know first hand the costs of making it do...stuff. 1351547;1450944403;mircea_popescu;it's a great classroom tool i guess. 1351548;1450944451;ben_vulpes;zing 1351549;1450944505;ben_vulpes;actually what's an embeddable-via-c relational db that does r-trees besides sqlite? 1351550;1450944505;mircea_popescu;lol. hey, how's life with the thunderbird, the wife, the studio and the new kid ? 1351551;1450944552;mircea_popescu;i dunno... apache derby ? :D 1351552;1450944591;mircea_popescu;anyway. this is how bitcoin ended up with bdb i suspect. infinitydb might be an option. they all suck. 1351553;1450944611;ben_vulpes;corvette is hiding from the rain, wife is back in the kitchen, and child is inflating at normal biological rates 1351554;1450944652;ben_vulpes;i suspect maintaining that java/c layer would be more expensive than just beating adequate performance out of sqlite was 1351555;1450944710;*;mircea_popescu is reasonably impressed. had ben_vulpes pegged for "this guy's managed to put himself in a texbook model of a place where guys crack". 1351556;1450944742;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes doesn't gcc compile B ? 1351557;1450944862;ben_vulpes;B? 1351558;1450944879;mircea_popescu;im just messing around. 1351559;1450944928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36883 @ 0.00049412 = 18.2246 BTC [-] {4} 1351560;1450944938;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351265 << this is probably true, but you know... gotta comprehend the data structures before this can be, gotta cut out a whole lotta crud out of the pastabowl before THAT can be, and so on. 1351561;1450944938;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 19:58:01; ascii_field: but imho the db thing needs to be a simple mechanism written specifically for bitcoin 1351562;1450944952;ben_vulpes;you're full of spunk tonight 1351563;1450944997;mircea_popescu;on the downwind of a sort of irish wake. 1351564;1450945001;mircea_popescu;well... the drinking part anyway. 1351565;1450945057;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351282 << am i a bad person if i actually prefer the upper version ? 1351566;1450945057;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 20:39:49; ascii_field: http://www.mobiletechworld.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Super-AMOLED-vs-Retina-Display-4.jpg << the 'pentile' thing returneth 1351567;1450945064;BingoBoingo;I thought it was because you "discovered" this morning 1351568;1450945114;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo sex only lasts so long. death overtakes. 1351569;1450945130;BingoBoingo;so smaller 1351570;1450945131;mircea_popescu;but hey, that was good for a few hours. 1351571;1450945253;ben_vulpes;quelle mort 1351572;1450945316;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351296 << aww, i guess it does huh. listen, i'm not saying you should be forced to use it. just... i happen to like old newsprint. and the scent of gasoline. 1351573;1450945316;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 20:42:20; ascii_field: jurov: IT MOTHERFUCKING IS NOT 1351574;1450945352;mircea_popescu;ironically, i suppose both the impairment and the sewer comments apply. life! 1351575;1450945665;mircea_popescu;;;later tell linton_s_dawson http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351345 << not anyone afaik. theoretically speaking it wouldn't likely work too well yet - not enough resources on the pi to be a real node. nevertheless, as a didactic / research sort of project rather than something to go in production trying would be interesting, if for nothing else then because nobody;s tried it yet. 1351576;1450945665;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 22:25:35; linton_s_dawson: Anyone running thebitcoin.foundation client on a Raspberry Pi 2? I'd like to assemble a node and see if the Pi is a good idea. 1351577;1450945665;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351578;1450945685;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351348 << dude srsly... let people try things wtf. 1351579;1450945685;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 22:26:16; ascii_field: short answer: bad idea 1351580;1450945710;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351351 << yet. at the rate we're going, this is coming. 1351581;1450945710;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 22:29:00; ascii_field: thestringpuller: be grateful that you don't have to modular-exponentiate by hand. 1351582;1450945719;mircea_popescu;and it'll be on a 1024px wide pentile display. 1351583;1450945777;mircea_popescu;;;later tell linton_s_dawson http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351365 <<< /me supports this. 1351584;1450945777;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 22:38:37; linton_s_dawson: If something ca be done in an easy-to-use manner, it should be done. I'm aware of the "if you're too lazy to learn you don't deserve it" logic but I don't completely agree with it. 1351585;1450945777;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351586;1450945780;mircea_popescu;who's this guy anyway ? 1351587;1450945782;mircea_popescu;!rated linton_s_dawson 1351588;1450945782;assbot;You need to specify one nick. 1351589;1450945791;mircea_popescu;!gettrust linton_s_dawson 1351590;1450945795;assbot;Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user linton_s_dawson: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=linton_s_dawson | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/linton_s_dawson/ 1351591;1450945809;ben_vulpes;tonight is whitespace night in the sweet republic of bitcoin 1351592;1450945827;mircea_popescu;!rate linton_s_dawso 1351593;1450945827;assbot;Need a name to rate and a rating, optionally comment. 1351594;1450945829;mircea_popescu;lol 1351595;1450945830;mircea_popescu;!rate linton_s_dawson 1351596;1450945830;assbot;Need a name to rate and a rating, optionally comment. 1351597;1450945837;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=10-12-2015#1340277 << did old qntraments lose their db ids? 1351598;1450945837;assbot;Logged on 10-12-2015 13:40:58; mircea_popescu: midnightmagic http://qntra.net/2015/12/after-xt-failure-gavin-andresen-supports-jim-crow-for-signatures-on-the-blockchain/#comment-81695 << see ? why even bother. \ 1351599;1450945837;mircea_popescu;!rate 1 linton_s_dawson New blood. 1351600;1450945837;assbot;1 is not registered in WoT. 1351601;1450945844;mircea_popescu;grrr 1351602;1450945857;ben_vulpes;you can do it! 1351603;1450945858;mircea_popescu;this is a new definition of "blind drunk" 1351604;1450945862;mircea_popescu;!rate linton_s_dawson 1 New blood. 1351605;1450945862;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/8e26369d5447b582 1351606;1450945892;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.linton_s_dawson.1:273d20a03740ae777bb12c9e71a486bf6cc40dc9d5273b684a21934cd0c17dce 1351607;1450945892;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for linton_s_dawson with note: New blood. 1351608;1450945952;ben_vulpes;;;later tell mike_c does your wot thinger spit out json anywhere? 1351609;1450945952;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351610;1450946026;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42350 @ 0.00049726 = 21.059 BTC [+] {2} 1351611;1450946055;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Yes. On the plus side now people have to read everything. 1351612;1450946091;mircea_popescu;i think teh qntra backuping process suffered some improvements lol 1351613;1450946209;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77202 @ 0.00049493 = 38.2096 BTC [-] {4} 1351614;1450946257;thestringpuller;mod6: ben_vulpes anyone seen this error? 'unable to join the environment' in db.log ? 1351615;1450946304;ben_vulpes;sounds extremely familiar 1351616;1450946307;*;ben_vulpes greps 1351617;1450946327;thestringpuller;something from bdb, but I thought that was all statically linked? 1351618;1450946355;thestringpuller;i'm running mod6's new test2 script with alf's version string patched in. 1351619;1450946412;*;ben_vulpes cannot recall what triggers this message 1351620;1450946483;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller so you got a bitcoin binary pressed ? 1351621;1450946777;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351432 << it conserves. 1351622;1450946777;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 02:00:29; asciilifeform: funny, given how i'm just about to (mostly) stop... 1351623;1450946789;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: bitcoind: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped 1351624;1450946796;mircea_popescu;nice. 1351625;1450946802;mircea_popescu;well done, eh. 1351626;1450946807;thestringpuller;dunno why bdb is giving me shit tho 1351627;1450946903;mircea_popescu;you using rhel ? 1351628;1450946923;thestringpuller;Debian Jessie 1351629;1450946951;mircea_popescu;do you have old lockfiles scattered around for any reason ? 1351630;1450947105;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351451 << i was rather distantly downwind of that. along with most everything else in the civilised world. 1351631;1450947105;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 02:11:02; asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2015/12/on-19th-day-of-christmas.html << add the 19 ukr fission plants to list-of-thing-you're-no-longer-down-wind-of 1351632;1450947116;mircea_popescu;but hey, at times i enjoy my painstakingly recreated version of the 80s. 1351633;1450947194;mircea_popescu;"But for the US, and for the EU, it is now yet another major foreign policy embarrassment, and the less said about it the better." 1351634;1450947212;mircea_popescu;heh. this perennial willingness to NOT discuss, if at all possible to UNdiscuss all the fuckups is so fucking dumb already. 1351635;1450947385;mircea_popescu;"Prime Minister Yatsenyuk was recently hauled off the podium by his crotch; how dignified is that?" << coming soon, to a white house near you. 1351636;1450947390;mircea_popescu;if not this bahamas, the next bahamas. 1351637;1450947551;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57000 @ 0.00049727 = 28.3444 BTC [+] 1351638;1450947651;mircea_popescu;"Now, here's what it all really means. With so much going wrong, the Ukraine has been unable to secure enough natural gas or coal supplies to provide a supply cushion in case of a cold snap this winter. A few weeks of frosty weather will deplete the supply, and then pipes will freeze, rendering much of the urban areas unlivable from then on (because, recall, there is no longer any money, or any industry to speak of, to 1351639;1450947651;mircea_popescu; repair the damage). That seems bad enough, but we aren't quite there yet." <<< this much is exactly factual, as romania is well aware since its very difficult early 90s. as far as temperate habitation is concerned, you have strictly to options : either produce enough energy to keep the heating pipes unfrozen through the winter, or else lose the possibility of urban settlement and as a result return to 1800ish (the wor 1351640;1450947652;mircea_popescu;d for which in 2015 is, by and large, "Africa"). 1351641;1450947673;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4625 @ 0.00049727 = 2.2999 BTC [+] 1351642;1450947692;mircea_popescu;if you don't keep the pipes above 0, they freeze. if they freeze they split. if they split you can't keep the [mostly concrete prefab] dwellings livable, not now, not ever. 1351643;1450947734;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71175 @ 0.00049732 = 35.3968 BTC [+] {2} 1351644;1450947993;mircea_popescu;" And the way to keep it from breaking is to replace all the bits that are listed on the replacement schedule no later than the dates indicated on that schedule. It's either that or the thing goes Ka-boom! and everyone's hair falls out." << yes, except for the cynical west that actually wouldn't mind a few more nuclear "accidents". so what if they were fully preventable, deliberately man-made disasters ? at least 1351645;1450947993;mircea_popescu; the oh-so-precious "alternative means solar, wind and any other inefficiency" lobby can push it's "the only energy source that works doesn't work - buy our shit" narrative. 1351646;1450948222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81000 @ 0.00049348 = 39.9719 BTC [-] {2} 1351647;1450948407;ben_vulpes;anyone recall offhand how to get gpg to crap out signed data sans header/footer? 1351648;1450948649;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109250 @ 0.00049925 = 54.5431 BTC [+] {6} 1351649;1450949076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115700 @ 0.00049322 = 57.0656 BTC [-] {6} 1351650;1450949209;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351462 << BECAUSE, importantly, the only remaining function of the british colony, its only significant export and sole raison d'etre left is exactly this playing the extraterritorial base for the USG role. you know, obama is not spying on you, the queen is (and sharing the results). we hope this legalistic subtlety makes all the difference to you! 1351651;1450949209;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 02:17:45; assbot: NSA Helped British Spies Find Security Holes In Juniper Firewalls ... ( http://bit.ly/1ObwhxY ) 1351652;1450949276;mircea_popescu;at any rate, "nsa laundered the vulnerabilities it planted in juniper firewalls through an offshore platform". britain, panama, whatever pacific island, what the hell's the difference. 1351653;1450949442;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9919 @ 0.00049248 = 4.8849 BTC [-] {2} 1351654;1450949501;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt << seriously, these derps classified as secret/foia extempt some derp-ass $50-a-pop market research crapolade that's ~maybe~ one step above a wikipedia cull ? 1351655;1450949503;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JwnCks ) 1351656;1450949524;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: nuked everything in /path/to/.bitcoin with `rm -rf /path/to/.bitcoin/*` 1351657;1450949533;thestringpuller;anywhere else they could be hiding? 1351658;1450949537;mircea_popescu;there's at least fifty billion "market research" houses more than happy to provide one with this crap. 1351659;1450949546;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller nop. 1351660;1450949736;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351542 << I've worked with some fairly large sqlite dbs, obviously if you are doing a full table scan on 500gb of data, it's not gonna be fast, but it motherfucking works. 1351661;1450949736;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:05:05; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351253 << in fairness, sqlite works for all usecases that aren't this. or that. or in general. 1351662;1450949774;mircea_popescu;doing what punkman ? 1351663;1450949781;thestringpuller;also getting: 1351664;1450949783;thestringpuller;terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): You must set myip=<ipaddress> on the command line or in the configuration file: 1351665;1450949802;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you must set your ip, the binary has no way of knowing. 1351666;1450949839;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350147 << seen that ? 1351667;1450949839;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 04:58:44; mircea_popescu: You can then run this with something like LC_ALL=C nohup ./bitcoind -myip=<yourip> -addnode=trusted_node_1 -addnode=trusted_node_2 -verifyall 2>&1 & 1351668;1450949912;punkman;mircea_popescu: the largest one had compressed web pages and metadata, but pretty much anything that doesn't need a db server 1351669;1450949922;mircea_popescu;yeah well. 1351670;1450949938;mircea_popescu;many reads few writes is a particular usecase, not really what's at work in the cases discussed. 1351671;1450949967;thestringpuller;okay so it ran, but doing an RPC call: `LC_ALL="C" ./bitcoind -rpcuser=leffuy -rpcpassword=moomooman getinfo` killed the daemon 1351672;1450949979;thestringpuller;it dropped out of top like instantly when I ran that command^ 1351673;1450949984;punkman;I don't see how bitcoin needs a db server 1351674;1450949997;ben_vulpes;thestringpuller: check debug.log? 1351675;1450950003;mircea_popescu;you don't need rpc u/p to get a getinfo 1351676;1450950025;ben_vulpes;lol but should it crash with those? 1351677;1450950034;mircea_popescu;punkman well that's maybe a point, but nevertheless it currently uses one, and it uses one mostly to update and insert 1351678;1450950050;punkman;bdb does not have a server either 1351679;1450950056;ben_vulpes;notrly a server 1351680;1450950060;punkman;it's a term of art 1351681;1450950063;ben_vulpes;external process 1351682;1450950140;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351552 << infinitydb? java??? 1351683;1450950140;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:09:51; mircea_popescu: anyway. this is how bitcoin ended up with bdb i suspect. infinitydb might be an option. they all suck. 1351684;1450950212;mircea_popescu;java is best coffee. 1351685;1450950242;ben_vulpes;punkman: just write some cffi 1351686;1450950247;ben_vulpes;it ain't hard 1351687;1450950271;ben_vulpes;that's why eulora's looking for mapgen in $yourlang 1351688;1450950316;mircea_popescu;lol 1351689;1450950380;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351647 << gives this a look https://gist.github.com/extempore/b374fc9793643bb7563f 1351690;1450950380;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:13:27; ben_vulpes: anyone recall offhand how to get gpg to crap out signed data sans header/footer? 1351691;1450950381;assbot;gpg_multisig.py · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1QJEfRB ) 1351692;1450950524;punkman;on second thought, probably not what you meant 1351693;1450950540;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118400 @ 0.00050092 = 59.3089 BTC [+] {4} 1351694;1450950566;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: tail -f debug.log >> http://dpaste.com/1K1MMEC.txt 1351695;1450950600;thestringpuller;db.log has one line >> 'unable to join the environment' 1351696;1450950606;thestringpuller;but that happened before thing crashed 1351697;1450950622;thestringpuller;all i did was: 1351698;1450950623;thestringpuller;LC_ALL="C" ./bitcoind -rpcuser=leffuy -rpcpassword=moomooman getinfo 1351699;1450950625;thestringpuller;error: no response from server 1351700;1450950651;thestringpuller;which is different than error: couldn't connect to server 1351701;1450950651;punkman;thestringpuller: do you have a config file? might need to pass it along with getinfo 1351702;1450950677;thestringpuller;nope. i set all the flags on cli like in mircea_popescu 's example 1351703;1450951133;ben_vulpes;does it work with a getinfo and no rpcuser/password? 1351704;1450951313;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351521 << good thread, maybe warrants a separate post 1351705;1450951313;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 07:40:49; mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more/#comment-116065 << that beautyon fellow is giving occasion to a very satisfying convo. 1351706;1450951395;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: 1351707;1450951407;thestringpuller;error: You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file: 1351708;1450951481;ben_vulpes;try setting them in the config file 1351709;1450951506;ben_vulpes;aha 1351710;1450951530;BingoBoingo;Yeah, gotta do that. And change the password. 1351711;1450951705;BingoBoingo;!up wywialm 1351712;1450951723;wywialm;thanks, BingoBoingo 1351713;1450951763;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351677 << do we have any measurements? if I had to guess I'd say there's a lot more reads than writes (after initial sync at least) 1351714;1450951763;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:40:34; mircea_popescu: punkman well that's maybe a point, but nevertheless it currently uses one, and it uses one mostly to update and insert 1351715;1450951820;mircea_popescu;i thought the initial sync's being discussed. 1351716;1450951844;ben_vulpes;i'm curious to know what data structures people who understand data structures would suggest for storage and indexing 1351717;1450951876;punkman;even during sync, you can commit blocks to disk in batches, really cuts down on required fsyncs 1351718;1450951902;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1351719;1450952185;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1351720;1450952190;thestringpuller;nope 1351721;1450952191;punkman;sqlite could work fine for the foreseeable future, main objection is that it comes with unneeeded complexity/kiloLOC 1351722;1450952195;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 457.5, vol: 9796.69936891 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 453.001, vol: 9044.55735 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 457.69, vol: 24715.03879966 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.07037461 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 457.0, vol: 84.63627215 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 455.49761096, vol: 73.59684583 | Volume-weighted last average: 456.672206381 1351723;1450952201;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: server just goes down when it makes correct connection 1351724;1450952227;thestringpuller;i'll try it on different machine :\ 1351725;1450953163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22196 @ 0.00049931 = 11.0827 BTC [-] {2} 1351726;1450953529;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48282 @ 0.0005043 = 24.3486 BTC [+] 1351727;1450953590;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84800 @ 0.00050535 = 42.8537 BTC [+] {4} 1351728;1450954081;deedbot-;[Trilema] Tin Men - http://trilema.com/2015/tin-men/ 1351729;1450954251;ben_vulpes;bloody wacky thestringpuller 1351730;1450954255;ben_vulpes;run it under gdb? 1351731;1450954566;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41161 @ 0.00049931 = 20.5521 BTC [-] {2} 1351732;1450954871;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95624 @ 0.00049767 = 47.5892 BTC [-] 1351733;1450955359;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83600 @ 0.00050393 = 42.1285 BTC [+] {2} 1351734;1450956091;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81750 @ 0.00050295 = 41.1162 BTC [-] {2} 1351735;1450957202;jurov;thestringpuller: run the daemon in gdb. it really should not get killed via RPC. 1351736;1450957555;BingoBoingo;miscellolious https://archive.is/lhlkt 1351737;1450957556;assbot;Coffee Sleeve Recall (Sleeves Used Before April 2015) – Kaldi's Coffee ... ( http://bit.ly/22qpu9Y ) 1351738;1450957742;BingoBoingo;The hazards of metallic inks 1351739;1450958342;punkman;such hazard 1351740;1450958796;jurov;banknotes too ignite in microwave. better recall them! 1351741;1450958846;BingoBoingo;For real, paper money is dangerous 1351742;1450958943;punkman;I'd guess UStards expect the default state of things to be microwave-safe, whereas other people expect "it will probably catch fire/melt/etc" 1351743;1450959044;BingoBoingo;Prolly, but in other spam http://dpaste.com/110PEB0.txt 1351744;1450959045;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YDzzM8 ) 1351745;1450959495;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351645 << stumbled across these centrally planned lulz the other day http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/eu-trade-case--120-companies--associations-to-participate-in-mip-expiry-review_100022550/ 1351746;1450959495;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:06:33; mircea_popescu: the oh-so-precious "alternative means solar, wind and any other inefficiency" lobby can push it's "the only energy source that works doesn't work - buy our shit" narrative. 1351747;1450959497;assbot;EU trade case: 120 companies, associations to participate in MIP expiry review: pv-magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1YDAtYT ) 1351748;1450959499;punkman; http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/eu--anti-circumvention-duties-for-chinese-solar-products-shipped-via-taiwan--malaysia_100022552/ 1351749;1450959500;assbot;EU: Anti-circumvention duties for Chinese solar products shipped via Taiwan, Malaysia: pv-magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1YDAufl ) 1351750;1450959568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53350 @ 0.00049834 = 26.5864 BTC [-] {2} 1351751;1450959868;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351377 << so the feds just wanna keep more of it to offset budget cuts? 1351752;1450959868;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 22:50:35; deedbot-: [Qntra] US DO"J" Stops Sharing Bounty Of Theft With Locals - http://qntra.net/2015/12/us-doj-stops-sharing-bounty-of-theft-with-locals/ 1351753;1450960178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58450 @ 0.00050183 = 29.332 BTC [+] {3} 1351754;1450960305;BingoBoingo;yeah 1351755;1450960314;BingoBoingo;prolly also saving up to afford a gendarmie 1351756;1450960482;BingoBoingo;But they'll prolly unveil it as gender.me 1351757;1450960492;BingoBoingo;Which will also be their recruiting slogan 1351758;1450960501;punkman;heh 1351759;1450961398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21150 @ 0.00050169 = 10.6107 BTC [-] {2} 1351760;1450962069;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33593 @ 0.00050295 = 16.8956 BTC [+] {2} 1351761;1450962679;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44650 @ 0.00050204 = 22.4161 BTC [-] {3} 1351762;1450962984;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 66 @ 0.0154 = 1.0164 BTC [+] 1351763;1450963124;BingoBoingo;^ Oh shit a Havelol made the main channel ticker 1351764;1450963350;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59200 @ 0.0004986 = 29.5171 BTC [-] {5} 1351765;1450963538;fluffypony;it's still going? who knew 1351766;1450963733;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1351767;1450964156;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/yfdaj 1351768;1450964158;assbot;My fat neighbor is going to hospitalize himself | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1Tj8AnA ) 1351769;1450964204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96300 @ 0.000497 = 47.8611 BTC [-] {4} 1351770;1450965058;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35750 @ 0.00050248 = 17.9637 BTC [+] {3} 1351771;1450965363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78500 @ 0.00049215 = 38.6338 BTC [-] {5} 1351772;1450966644;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63100 @ 0.00049165 = 31.0231 BTC [-] {4} 1351773;1450966831;BingoBoingo;what the fuck 1351774;1450967103;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351549 << we don't need a db in the usual, general sense. we need an indexer for the things we need an indexer for. 1351775;1450967103;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:08:25; ben_vulpes: actually what's an embeddable-via-c relational db that does r-trees besides sqlite? 1351776;1450967132;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47250 @ 0.00049024 = 23.1638 BTC [-] {3} 1351777;1450967334;asciilifeform;;;later tell phf http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351490 << this is yet another 'school os' - it has x86 32-bit retardation heavily baked in. pretty useless for our cause imho. 1351778;1450967334;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 06:51:07; phf: ;;later tell asciilifeform another minimal unix http://ulixos.org, this one is 31k loc of noweb. has threads and fs caching 1351779;1450967335;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351780;1450967383;asciilifeform;i don't ever want to see a task state segment again. and don't see why i oughta. 1351781;1450967489;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351554 << i will take no part in anything involving java in whatever capacity. 1351782;1450967489;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:10:52; ben_vulpes: i suspect maintaining that java/c layer would be more expensive than just beating adequate performance out of sqlite was 1351783;1450967554;asciilifeform;and it boggles my mind that this was being considered, even in passing 1351784;1450967595;asciilifeform;(unless i misread ??) 1351785;1450967647;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351565 << bad picture. the effect is considerably less annoying in photos, and virtually invisible in a video - which is HOW THEY GOT AWAY with having SHARED blue pixels 1351786;1450967647;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:17:37; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351282 << am i a bad person if i actually prefer the upper version ? 1351787;1450967679;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351572 << i ~also~ like old newsprint. but not simply from the moire pattern in the photos, but because TEXT WAS BLACK 1351788;1450967679;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:21:56; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351296 << aww, i guess it does huh. listen, i'm not saying you should be forced to use it. just... i happen to like old newsprint. and the scent of gasoline. 1351789;1450967694;asciilifeform;in the pentile shit, TEXT IS NOT BLACK 1351790;1450967706;asciilifeform;it has dancing buzzing crud around the edges when your eyes move 1351791;1450967715;asciilifeform;because 'who wants to read text' 1351792;1450967720;asciilifeform;'good enough for arsebook' 1351793;1450967746;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu get thee to an electronics shop and sneak a peek at the abomination. e.g., 'samsung s2 tablet' etc. 1351794;1450967808;asciilifeform;i bet even colourblind fella will notice. 1351795;1450967809;Naphex;. 1351796;1450967862;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351575 << i tried it! on pi-1. not enough i/o bandwidth. but the problem with all 'pi' machines is rather different - it is the presence of a dedicated, always-on usg mysterymeat cpu core 1351797;1450967862;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:27:45; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell linton_s_dawson http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351345 << not anyone afaik. theoretically speaking it wouldn't likely work too well yet - not enough resources on the pi to be a real node. nevertheless, as a didactic / research sort of project rather than something to go in production trying would be interesting, if for nothing else then because nobody;s tried it yet. 1351798;1450967872;asciilifeform;which is not something a sane person would want on a node 1351799;1450967910;asciilifeform;(and yes recent intel boxes have precisely same issue) 1351800;1450968014;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351639 << it'll happen with usg diesel dispensed on usurious credit - as in bulgaria 1351801;1450968014;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:00:51; mircea_popescu: repair the damage). That seems bad enough, but we aren't quite there yet." <<< this much is exactly factual, as romania is well aware since its very difficult early 90s. as far as temperate habitation is concerned, you have strictly to options : either produce enough energy to keep the heating pipes unfrozen through the winter, or else lose the possibility of urban settlement and as a result return 1351802;1450968082;asciilifeform;(usg is happy to preside over the mothballing of perfectly-working su nuke plants, this is a very effective colonization instrument) 1351803;1450968082;*;BingoBoingo wonders if anyone here has experience with laptop coolers that have fan pulling air out through CPU exhaust vent, considering one. 1351804;1450968090;*;BingoBoingo to bed. 1351805;1450968107;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: if laptop needs external cooling, it's a pos 1351806;1450968169;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00050151 = 3.0843 BTC [+] {2} 1351807;1450968196;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351645 << kinda funny, same thing petro-pipe-era (1970s+) su used to do to the west (funded 'activism!11111' against fission, etc) 1351808;1450968196;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:06:33; mircea_popescu: the oh-so-precious "alternative means solar, wind and any other inefficiency" lobby can push it's "the only energy source that works doesn't work - buy our shit" narrative. 1351809;1450968244;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351650 << this flowed predictably out of the post-ww2 bitchdom that gave us orwell's apt 'airstrip one' 1351810;1450968244;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:26:49; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351462 << BECAUSE, importantly, the only remaining function of the british colony, its only significant export and sole raison d'etre left is exactly this playing the extraterritorial base for the USG role. you know, obama is not spying on you, the queen is (and sharing the results). we hope this legalistic subtlety makes all the difference to you! 1351811;1450968272;asciilifeform;uk is just an 'unsinkable aircraft carrier' for usg. like taiwan. 1351812;1450968338;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351654 << y'know, the janitor's schedule at ft meade is also classified. 'sources & methods' (tm) (r) 1351813;1450968338;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:31:41; mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt << seriously, these derps classified as secret/foia extempt some derp-ass $50-a-pop market research crapolade that's ~maybe~ one step above a wikipedia cull ? 1351814;1450968354;asciilifeform;it's an intro blob for 'mba' to read 1351815;1450968419;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351660 << ahahahaa i'm a laugh to death, we want a sql parser to grind every motherfucking time a tx is fetched ??!?!? 1351816;1450968419;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 09:35:36; punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351542 << I've worked with some fairly large sqlite dbs, obviously if you are doing a full table scan on 500gb of data, it's not gonna be fast, but it motherfucking works. 1351817;1450968520;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351715 << even initial sync has vastly more reads than writes. thinkaboutit 1351818;1450968520;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 10:10:20; mircea_popescu: i thought the initial sync's being discussed. 1351819;1450968561;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351721 << it is a turd and barely works for the purpose it was designed for. and NO MOTHERFUCKING SQL in bitcoin 1351820;1450968561;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 10:16:31; punkman: sqlite could work fine for the foreseeable future, main objection is that it comes with unneeeded complexity/kiloLOC 1351821;1450968579;asciilifeform;srsly what part of this is hard to understand. 1351822;1450968657;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48350 @ 0.00050204 = 24.2736 BTC [+] {3} 1351823;1450969043;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351584 << to mutilate the old saying, 'things oughta be as easy to use as possible, but not easier' 1351824;1450969043;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:29:37; assbot: Logged on 23-12-2015 22:38:37; linton_s_dawson: If something ca be done in an easy-to-use manner, it should be done. I'm aware of the "if you're too lazy to learn you don't deserve it" logic but I don't completely agree with it. 1351825;1450969099;shinohai;I strongly believe linton_s_dawson "just wants an app for that" 1351826;1450969209;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351578 << anybody who wants to build for ARM can use my recipe, it is in the ml, and it wurx 1351827;1450969209;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:28:05; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351348 << dude srsly... let people try things wtf. 1351828;1450969224;asciilifeform;and also 'rotor' is a generalization of it 1351829;1450969239;asciilifeform;you can build for whateverthefuck you like, build for nintendo, build for cray 1351830;1450969268;asciilifeform;anything with a gcc available 1351831;1450969525;*;shinohai is evidently too retarded to build using asciilifeform 's recipe. T_T 1351832;1450969552;asciilifeform;shinohai: what was the issue 1351833;1450969600;shinohai;I just cannot understand how to use buildroot, despite reading manuals for hours upon hours. 1351834;1450969624;asciilifeform;i don't recall my recipe needing understanding 1351835;1450969649;shinohai;Maybe I need the proper drugs. 1351836;1450969916;shinohai;Once I figure it out I am definitely going to write an idiot's guide to cross-compiling. 1351837;1450970031;asciilifeform;;;later tell phf http://mikhailmasl.livejournal.com/4852.html << mega-b00k. afaik never published in dead tree. the only known memoir of mathematician working in kgb, lived through the '90s no less. the fella who designed that crackpot calculator for central bank. 1351838;1450970036;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1351839;1450970050;asciilifeform;i've been reading it for a couplea days now and it's a riot. 1351840;1450970109;asciilifeform;when martin & mitchell famously ran away from nsa to su in 1960, su decided to open own nsa 1351841;1450970150;asciilifeform;and built a kind of first-rate maths school cum military academy 1351842;1450970439;asciilifeform;the book is interesting not only from anthropological pov but also because it reveals why 'gost' is a piece of shit 1351843;1450970447;asciilifeform;(was cheap ripoff of DES, and deliberately) 1351844;1450971694;asciilifeform;'Idiosyncrasies : Eats raw chicken because he likes the taste.' << from mitchell's fbi file 1351845;1450971720;mircea_popescu;lolwut 1351846;1450971729;asciilifeform;from megaturd http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/nsa/75791A.pdf 1351847;1450971738;asciilifeform;strictly for pro entomologists! 1351848;1450971748;mircea_popescu;the stuff you read. 1351849;1450971761;*;asciilifeform is about halfway in 1351850;1450971803;mircea_popescu;in another life you could have been a happily employed girlie, reading this crud of your own curiosity an' making summaries for terrorists. 1351851;1450971841;*;asciilifeform suspects that he reads moar of it, and more attentively, than the pro gurlz 1351852;1450971938;mircea_popescu;possible. 1351853;1450971973;asciilifeform;'Martin is said to have criticized American women and marital laws. Martin and Mitchell have both been described as socially awkward and Mitchell has been described as unsophisticated and naive about the practical world.' (p.60) 1351854;1450972012;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71100 @ 0.00049913 = 35.4881 BTC [-] {4} 1351855;1450972015;asciilifeform;(tldr: the brass, in at least as far as the Official Truth doc releases reveal, were obsessed with whether m & m were buggering one another and spent millions investigating this) 1351856;1450972240;asciilifeform;also many, many pages on 'suspected' masochism 1351857;1450972243;asciilifeform;etc. 1351858;1450972536;asciilifeform;l0l! even viktor kamkin bookstore (rip) and its owners figured in the case! 1351859;1450972542;asciilifeform;!s kamkin 1351860;1450972542;assbot;3 results for 'kamkin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=kamkin 1351861;1450972570;asciilifeform;(p.79) 1351862;1450972773;mircea_popescu;the 60s 1351863;1450972817;asciilifeform;any old usaschwitz inmate knows: 1960 in usa was the middle of 'the fifties' 1351864;1450972942;mircea_popescu;heh 1351865;1450972971;mircea_popescu;in my head it's all "time when the pre-cocksucking lusers lived" 1351866;1450972988;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45850 @ 0.00050509 = 23.1584 BTC [+] 1351867;1450972988;asciilifeform;'Martin and Mitchell's effects reveal their interest and activity in photography, music, Russian language, French, and travel. Mitchell also possesses much athletic and sporting equipment, firearms, and a large liquor supply.' 1351868;1450973054;asciilifeform;and the tone with which the usgdroids describe one of the fellas watching japanese strippers diddle one another, it must be read to be appreciated. 1351869;1450973112;asciilifeform;or how they tried to hunt down everybody with whom they... played chess 1351870;1450973142;mircea_popescu;heh 1351871;1450973215;mircea_popescu;it's funny how all the soviet defections were proof sovietism dun work (it didn't) but all the various us defections weren't proof usgism dun work (it... didn't). 1351872;1450973220;mircea_popescu;omaygawd teh bad ppls in this world. 1351873;1450973261;mircea_popescu;in the end not substantially different from the su's own "sluggard schizophrenia" in response to that age old question that's the bane of every mature bureaucracy : "why would anyone want to leave paradise!" 1351874;1450973296;asciilifeform;m and m blew the usg minds for the simple reason that, as far as anybody could tell, they weren't bribed 1351875;1450973299;mircea_popescu;recall the north korean girly that killed herself in paris rather than come back home to the ~very priviledged~ household of her commanding daddy in best democratic thingamagig ? 1351876;1450973309;asciilifeform;aha. 1351877;1450973328;asciilifeform;(not that you could actually bribe a usian, in those days, to move to su) 1351878;1450973354;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96582 @ 0.00049871 = 48.1664 BTC [-] {3} 1351879;1450973356;mircea_popescu;"f0or as long as we define bribing in terms that make it impossible, it was impossible to bribe an usian to move to su in those days" 1351880;1450973360;asciilifeform;but as far as publicly known, neither martin nor mitchell was running 'from sins' 1351881;1450973362;mircea_popescu;wanna bet ? 1351882;1450973446;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: bribe in the ordinary sense 1351883;1450973449;asciilifeform;(with money) 1351884;1450973455;mircea_popescu;that's not the ordinary sense. 1351885;1450973467;mircea_popescu;go, bribe someone. WITH MONEY. 1351886;1450973487;mircea_popescu;the most you'll get is a can of coke out of a vending machine. 1351887;1450973512;asciilifeform;well, yes, normally you need something to make the money stick 1351888;1450973518;mircea_popescu;right. 1351889;1450973611;mircea_popescu;anyway. "traitorous homosexual network of communists" ftw. 1351890;1450973630;asciilifeform;aha, bulk of the turd is literally about this. 1351891;1450973671;mircea_popescu;anyway. if memory serves the actual cia conclusion was "social ambition drove it", which is EXACTLY what a fucking bribe is. 1351892;1450973729;asciilifeform;that was the demented summary aha 1351893;1450973741;mircea_popescu;the point isn't "the money", the money is always and everywhere as it is here a token. the point of the bribe is that the bribed becomes part of the clan of the briber, it's exactly a fucking wedding. 1351894;1450973761;asciilifeform;from the actual words of m & m, in as far as they have been recorded in su, it was (in at least the case of the domainant fella, i forget which one that was) on account of... mathematics 1351895;1450973779;asciilifeform;schmuck thought that 'su respects maths! i will be respected!11111' 1351896;1450973782;mircea_popescu;which is why women generally confront the "either you put out or we rape you" and bureaucrats generally confront the "play ball or go sleep with the fishes". 1351897;1450973830;asciilifeform;the detectives were baffled because they only looked for the simple knobs - bag of money; or failing that, 'ideological rot' 1351898;1450973846;mircea_popescu;didn't they famously say natasha fucks better ? 1351899;1450973853;mircea_popescu;prolly why the us went all overboard with "faggits!" 1351900;1450973855;asciilifeform;but m & m wanted to go straight for the 'wedding' 1351901;1450973881;asciilifeform;and yes their goodbye letter (it leaked out, iirc, years later) mentioned chicks 1351902;1450973929;asciilifeform;but in re: mathematics: 1351903;1450973944;asciilifeform;one of the reasons why there are not more defections among the house slaves is, 1351904;1450973951;asciilifeform;that most healthy cultures piss on turncoats 1351905;1450973990;asciilifeform;k. philby famously drank himself to death on account of this 1351906;1450974013;asciilifeform;(he actually thought that he might be trusted with serious business in su, imagine) 1351907;1450974068;asciilifeform;'rome does not pay traitors' 1351908;1450974108;mircea_popescu;this is a difficult point. 1351909;1450974127;mircea_popescu;it;s not that most healthy cultures piss on turncoats. it's that turncoats generally go psychotic. 1351910;1450974185;mircea_popescu;who was the classical general that busted his own face, pretended his king did it, went to the enemies who bought it and then raped them in their sleep ? 1351911;1450974829;mod6;mornin' 1351912;1450974841;mod6;thestringpuller: did you ever git your bitcoind up and going? 1351913;1450974850;mod6;s/git/get/ 1351914;1450974940;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75900 @ 0.00050163 = 38.0737 BTC [+] 1351915;1450975123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7522 @ 0.00049864 = 3.7508 BTC [-] 1351916;1450975184;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64900 @ 0.00049 = 31.801 BTC [-] 1351917;1450975222;mod6;once you have a 'bitcoin.conf' in place in either ~/.bitcoin or '-datadir' with an 'rpcuser' & 'rpcpassword': `LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -myip= -connect -verifyall &` 1351918;1450975237;mod6;bah 1351919;1450975249;mod6; `LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -myip= -connect= -verifyall &` 1351920;1450975252;mod6;or ! 1351921;1450975276;mod6;`LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -datadir=/path/to/.bitcoin -myip= -connect= -verifyall &` 1351922;1450975282;mod6;should do the trick. 1351923;1450975533;mod6;im not sure what this is about: 1351924;1450975563;mod6;<+thestringpuller> db.log has one line >> 'unable to join the environment' 1351925;1450975636;asciilifeform;sounds like a b0rk3d db 1351926;1450975651;mod6;i looked for 'environment' in the code -- didn't find any relevant matches as far as I can tell: http://dpaste.com/1QDGFPN.txt 1351927;1450975652;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKjDbU ) 1351928;1450975681;asciilifeform;mod6: bdbism 1351929;1450975692;mod6;ok. hmm. 1351930;1450975703;mod6;weird. 1351931;1450975772;mod6;was this started from a /clean/ env or is this trying to load up a blockchain from christmas past? 1351932;1450975793;asciilifeform;gotta ask him 1351933;1450975799;mod6;thestringpuller ^ 1351934;1450975911;mod6;i had to laugh at that last orlov 1351935;1450975926;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351909 << from the standpoint of the other fella, turning on your fellow soldiers ~is~ a psychotic act 1351936;1450975926;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 16:22:07; mircea_popescu: it;s not that most healthy cultures piss on turncoats. it's that turncoats generally go psychotic. 1351937;1450975944;mod6;'NPPs require power all the time' 1351938;1450975957;asciilifeform;mod6: they do though 1351939;1450975974;*;asciilifeform thought that this was well-known 1351940;1450975998;mod6;ya, makes sense. sucks if you can't afford to buy the coal or what not 1351941;1450976038;asciilifeform;at any rate, usg has quite likely already sent the same disassembly squads they used in bulgaria 1351942;1450976056;asciilifeform;ua will run on usg diesel until ragnarok 1351943;1450976066;mircea_popescu;mod6 understant, there's no "turned off the universe" switch. whether you have "an use" for it or not, teh sun's still gonna shine, and the radioactive will still decay. 1351944;1450976070;mircea_popescu;either you cool it or it cools you. 1351945;1450976086;mod6;yeah 1351946;1450976099;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87580 @ 0.00048945 = 42.866 BTC [-] {3} 1351947;1450976126;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform im not terribly sure avbout that. for one thing, the us is poor these days. for the other, it's always been perfidious, and the blown nuke plants are perhaps more valuable to it. 1351948;1450976152;asciilifeform;nuland & co. don't personally relish sitting in a hot zone 1351949;1450976160;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60071 @ 0.00048916 = 29.3843 BTC [-] {3} 1351950;1450976163;mircea_popescu;cheaper to move one fat woman than all that diesel. 1351951;1450976165;asciilifeform;nor the entire floor (!) of ua parliament bldg devoted to cia 1351952;1450976195;*;mod6 wonders if he'll have to buy trainloads of coal one day 1351953;1450976210;mircea_popescu;and i'm not overstating the screaming, onctuous poverty they're in one little bit. have you seen the footage from that meeting of perry with random nobody in ukraina, that took place in a room smaller than the very cramped table ? 1351954;1450976238;mircea_popescu;the guy's expensive shirts make an incredible situation with the "we couldn't afford a hotel room so we paid the porter to let us use the utility closet" thing 1351955;1450976275;asciilifeform;orcs are met with in the orc stall in the barn 1351956;1450976281;asciilifeform;humans - in human hall 1351957;1450976286;asciilifeform;sop. 1351958;1450976290;trinque; http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-151224.sh << made minor changes such that there's a build dir and binary's crapped into bin in the current dir 1351959;1450976291;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YEbncp ) 1351960;1450976307;*;mod6 looks 1351961;1450976344;asciilifeform;this thing really oughta be a makefile 1351962;1450976363;asciilifeform;for one thing, that would let you cache the www turds locally 1351963;1450976371;trinque;yep, I may take that on next. 1351964;1450976389;trinque;the above is just about 4-5 lines tweaked 1351965;1450976398;asciilifeform;btw a v-ified variant of 'make' would be spiffy 1351966;1450976402;asciilifeform;here's how: 1351967;1450976413;asciilifeform;it would build ITEMS OF SPECIFIC HASH rather than name 1351968;1450976429;asciilifeform;sorta like a v press-to-hash (feature i never got around to implementing) 1351969;1450976437;trinque;neat, makes sense. 1351970;1450976443;asciilifeform;(take a known hash, do whatever is necessary to end up with file of that hash) 1351971;1450976531;asciilifeform;curl -s http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz -o distfiles/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz << we're still doing this ?!! 1351972;1450976535;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YEbV27 ) 1351973;1450976557;trinque;so outermost makefile would do what this script is doing, then call a rotor makefile. 1351974;1450976577;asciilifeform;aha except that it oughtn't load anything from the net if the necessary file is in a local distfiles dir 1351975;1450976594;asciilifeform;the whole 'load from net' paradigm for builds is imho sad 1351976;1450976596;trinque;yup 1351977;1450976648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 112146 @ 0.00048879 = 54.8158 BTC [-] {4} 1351978;1450976650;trinque;but gotta get them from somewhere 1351979;1450976654;asciilifeform;cd. 1351980;1450976758;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351968 << and incidentally, this is probably a good time to point out that 'v' as it is presently seen is not the most generalized treatment of the subject 1351981;1450976758;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 17:00:29; asciilifeform: sorta like a v press-to-hash (feature i never got around to implementing) 1351982;1450976770;asciilifeform;must understand that 'patch' is simply one possible operation for a vtron 1351983;1450976811;asciilifeform;'v' is meant as a general sane solution to the 'must-x-before-y' problem 1351984;1450976828;asciilifeform;like gnumake, but with hard crypto 1351985;1450976858;asciilifeform;and hard pinning of all intermediate 'lemma' 1351986;1450976879;asciilifeform;(gnumake does not know, or care, what the actual binaries it ends up with at whatever step were) 1351987;1450976989;trinque;sounds like a type of shell script, where one can perform-action then check-hash-of-state, then continue or die 1351988;1450977000;asciilifeform;well no 1351989;1450977008;asciilifeform;because it has to be able to form a topological walk 1351990;1450977013;asciilifeform;and compute paths 1351991;1450977018;mircea_popescu;<trinque> yep, I may take that on next. << not a bad idea yeah. 1351992;1450977041;asciilifeform;but yes, you could theoretically implement in whatever shell. my original attempt at 'v' (unpublished) was in awk & sed 1351993;1450977048;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> (take a known hash, do whatever is necessary to end up with file of that hash) <<< this is actually a great approach, if it weren't for off-by-dword issues 1351994;1450977061;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the issues come from retarded compiler 1351995;1450977067;mircea_popescu;well of course. 1351996;1450977071;asciilifeform;the solution to which is arduous but in no sense mysterious 1351997;1450977078;mircea_popescu;and we're calling it retarded because we don't know it's subverted. yet. 1351998;1450977080;asciilifeform;(pinning down gcc in the killing jar) 1351999;1450977084;mircea_popescu;at the rate we're going tho... 1352000;1450977089;mircea_popescu;btw, phuctor back online yet ? 1352001;1450977103;asciilifeform;not quite yet, actually working on it as we speak 1352002;1450977111;mircea_popescu;cool 1352003;1450977116;asciilifeform;rewriting with a traditional db 1352004;1450977127;mircea_popescu;ah, you went into the guts ? 1352005;1450977129;asciilifeform;and multithreaded gcd--er 1352006;1450977130;asciilifeform;aha 1352007;1450977134;mircea_popescu;cool. 1352008;1450977163;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351997 << this brings us to another thing i've been doing for past 6 mo. or so 1352009;1450977163;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 17:11:18; mircea_popescu: and we're calling it retarded because we don't know it's subverted. yet. 1352010;1450977173;asciilifeform;which is, dredging through the actual bin 1352011;1450977185;asciilifeform;(the ~4MB elf we get from a rotor run) 1352012;1450977201;*;mircea_popescu has not found anything, which merely makes /me convinced his reversing installed capacity is marginal at best. 1352013;1450977227;asciilifeform;slightly more than half is openssl turdism 1352014;1450977254;mircea_popescu;i meant in the specific sense of thompson's compiler. 1352015;1450977272;asciilifeform;'science!!111111' has progressed since herr thompson, y'know 1352016;1450977282;mircea_popescu;i have exactly no faith in this theory. 1352017;1450977289;asciilifeform;don't expect a 100kB turd in there. 1352018;1450977310;mircea_popescu;just looking for noteworthy "mysterious" polymorphisms etc. 1352019;1450977314;asciilifeform;gonna be more like an off-by-one array access 'plausibly accidented' in somewhere 1352020;1450977331;asciilifeform;and incidentally c++ makes looking for this virtually impossible without elaborate automation 1352021;1450977339;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1352022;1450977360;*;asciilifeform has been digging deep into cpp internals 1352023;1450977368;mircea_popescu;anyway, 100kb is not required, about 512 bytes would trigger atm. 1352024;1450977373;mircea_popescu;which... whatever, huge holes. 1352025;1450977399;asciilifeform;again the more realistic scenario is 1bt of 'plausible optimization!111' that lets you spray in the 512 1352026;1450977411;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1352027;1450977431;mircea_popescu;i'm a fundamentalist rather than a realist at heart. who knew. 1352028;1450977502;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84200 @ 0.00049206 = 41.4315 BTC [+] {2} 1352029;1450977529;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352012 << welcome to the club of everybody else who buys reversing. even usg has mega-sh0rt4g3z 1352030;1450977529;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 17:13:21; *: mircea_popescu has not found anything, which merely makes /me convinced his reversing installed capacity is marginal at best. 1352031;1450977581;mircea_popescu;"This guy barely ekes out a living wage in Romania. Rule #1 in building a cult of personality is to pose as if you're raking in the cash, no matter how poor you are. But any idiot can see that (a) this guy cannot even travel to the US because of the legal problems with MPEX, (b) he makes no money from any source, and (c) he's a loser." 1352032;1450977590;mircea_popescu;o hey check me out, i'm eking a living in romania. 1352033;1450977606;asciilifeform;why not namibia ? 1352034;1450977619;asciilifeform;if gonna spew idiocy, why not full bore ? 1352035;1450977626;mircea_popescu;lazy, i guess ? 1352036;1450977631;asciilifeform;i guess 1352037;1450977659;mircea_popescu;anyway, this chick's been rather obsessed with me for a while now. hey sciencehatesyou... i'll pay for your tits you know ? just like everyone's else. 1352038;1450977671;asciilifeform;it's a chick?!! 1352039;1450977674;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1352040;1450977684;mircea_popescu;who the fuck else is this FUCKING EQUALITARIAN, huh ? 1352041;1450977691;asciilifeform;perl script ? 1352042;1450977692;mircea_popescu;shouldn't i get brownie points for taking all comers ? eh ? 1352043;1450977731;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform it's a font of endless amusement to me, how the limits of people's heads reside in people's heads to much obviousness for everyone but the limited in question. 1352044;1450977746;mircea_popescu;chicks wanna-be a feminist and lalala women's rights, is not sufficiently self-possessed to pose topless. 1352045;1450977759;mircea_popescu;this, however, at no point raises any consciously-visible exception in her software. because... 1352046;1450977773;asciilifeform;these selfsame folks will happily pose topless, or opencunted, etc. ~in the right place~ 1352047;1450977779;mircea_popescu;doubt it. 1352048;1450977806;mod6; /topic lalala women's rights 1352049;1450977807;mircea_popescu;hmm... free and open cuntware. now that's an apt observation. 1352050;1450977825;asciilifeform;the exception is thrown because 'disgusting male gaze' or whatever it was called 1352051;1450977826;mircea_popescu;lol MobGod 1352052;1450977828;mircea_popescu;oops 1352053;1450977837;asciilifeform;rather than because missing cuntcover 1352054;1450977846;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform except that's the local symbolic name for the global that's HER OWN FUCKING GAZE\ 1352055;1450977893;asciilifeform;in the fyootoor (tm) shrinks will have a specially-crafted conlang for describing the thought processes of madness 1352056;1450977911;mircea_popescu;really it's what lacan and co were going for. 1352057;1450977919;asciilifeform;ended up with, at any rate 1352058;1450977930;mircea_popescu;it didn't work (imo the best summary of the problem is - they ran into recursive cyclic graphs and couldn't recover) 1352059;1450977938;asciilifeform;aha. 1352060;1450977951;asciilifeform;this is what happens to folks innocent of mathematics 1352061;1450977952;mircea_popescu;in fairness, the guy wasn't exactly dumb, and the problem itself is not exactly trivial. 1352062;1450977959;mircea_popescu;and even to folks nocent. 1352063;1450977986;asciilifeform;cycle finding has reasonable solution 1352064;1450978005;asciilifeform;e.g., http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TortoiseAndHare 1352065;1450978008;assbot;Tortoise And Hare ... ( http://bit.ly/1YEeKA2 ) 1352066;1450978028;mircea_popescu;sure sure, but finding is the easier part. 1352067;1450978030;asciilifeform;^ yet another thing i was gonna put in 'v' but snipped in the interest of time 1352068;1450978039;mircea_popescu;"now fix it" "what ?!" "make it flat" "are you stupid ?" 1352069;1450978144;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351837 << mega-b00k describes a kgb legend: the first man who explained to beria how otp is provably 'perfect'-secure, was allowed to leave lubyanka - but at the door they took his employee pass 1352070;1450978144;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 15:13:51; asciilifeform: ;;later tell phf http://mikhailmasl.livejournal.com/4852.html << mega-b00k. afaik never published in dead tree. the only known memoir of mathematician working in kgb, lived through the '90s no less. the fella who designed that crackpot calculator for central bank. 1352071;1450978173;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100500 @ 0.00050163 = 50.4138 BTC [+] 1352072;1450978458;asciilifeform;http://aklepov.com/index.php?page=elektronika-mk-85c-en << finally found an english www describing the thing maslennikov (author of earlier b00k) built 1352073;1450978460;assbot;Elektronika MK-85C | Клепов Анатолий Викторович ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmSBWz ) 1352074;1450978481;mod6;trinque: building ur script changes now. 1352075;1450978514;asciilifeform;it sucked pretty hard, by his own admission, but he insists that it saved ru central bank from total annihilation (plague of fake transfers in the '90s by chechens) 1352076;1450978527;asciilifeform;was primitive pubkey signature machine. 1352077;1450978543;*;asciilifeform was not there, cannot vouch for the truth of this tale 1352078;1450978901;asciilifeform;http://ireport.cnn.com/community/assignment << holy shit what is this 1352079;1450978902;assbot;CNN iReport Assignment Desk ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmT4Yx ) 1352080;1450978914;asciilifeform;'cnn' hosts spam now ?? 1352081;1450979027;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91200 @ 0.00050218 = 45.7988 BTC [+] {2} 1352082;1450980107;punkman;http://cdn.theguardian.tv/webM/2015/12/21/151221ChinaLandslide_synd_768k_vp8.webm 1352083;1450980110;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmUnH8 ) 1352084;1450980363;asciilifeform;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/22/world/asia/china-landslide-shenzhen.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1 << after reading this, hard to doubt that here, just as in the chem factory explosion, usg was involved 1352085;1450980365;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmUK4w ) 1352086;1450980381;asciilifeform;just try to wrap your head around the tone of the pravda article 1352087;1450980401;asciilifeform;'this is what cn gets for trying to be sovereign' 1352088;1450980689;asciilifeform;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/technology/when-a-unicorn-start-up-stumbles-its-employees-get-hurt.html << lulzy, nyt reads the logz and rips off mircea_popescu's summaries 1352089;1450980692;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7cyQq ) 1352090;1450980749;asciilifeform;'Investors and executives generally get protections in a start-up that employees do not. Many investors have preferred stock, a class of shares that can come with a guaranteed payout. Executives frequently get special bonuses so they will not leave during deal talks. ... In contrast, start-up employees generally own common stock, whose payout comes only after those who hold preferred shares get their money. In Goods case, t 1352091;1450980749;asciilifeform;he boards preferred stock was worth almost the same as all 227 million common shares outstanding.' 1352092;1450980777;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351819 << wasn't trying to say that we need/want sql. but as far as dbs go, I've always found sqlite to be a reliable tool and there's no reasonable alternative for most of my use cases. I've never looked at the source, so no comments there. 1352093;1450980777;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 14:49:21; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351721 << it is a turd and barely works for the purpose it was designed for. and NO MOTHERFUCKING SQL in bitcoin 1352094;1450980777;asciilifeform;'...a private company with a valuation of more than $1 billion. The high valuation increased the paper value of employee shares and thus the income tax bills levied on their stock when they received the stock grants, or when they bought and sold shares. To pay those taxes, some employees emptied savings accounts and borrowed money.' 1352095;1450980807;asciilifeform;punkman: i'm actively de-sqlite-ing a 'small' and - seemingly - reasonable - use case as we speak 1352096;1450980875;punkman;asciilifeform: it does say on the tin that it's not great when you want many concurrent writers 1352097;1450980884;asciilifeform;even 2. 1352098;1450980929;mod6;trinque: werks, http://dpaste.com/12PBTVK.txt 1352099;1450980930;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7cOyN ) 1352100;1450980943;asciilifeform;'The Internal Revenue Service levied taxes on some employees when their Good stock was still considered a valuable asset and worth multiples of what they actually received. One persons tax bill came to more than $80,000, while another paid more than $150,000....' 1352101;1450980957;asciilifeform;riotously lulzy 1352102;1450981325;punkman;asciilifeform: even 2 yes, can only have one writer at a time. 1352103;1450981341;asciilifeform;but this isn't why it sucks for bitcoin 1352104;1450981364;asciilifeform;(why the everliving fuck should there be a sql interpreter in the binary? or runtime interpretation of hardcoded sql proggies ???!!!) 1352105;1450981406;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55296 @ 0.00050495 = 27.9217 BTC [+] {2} 1352106;1450981419;punkman;sure, unneeded complexity 1352107;1450981426;asciilifeform;it is screaming idiocy. 1352108;1450981467;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26454 @ 0.00050543 = 13.3706 BTC [+] {2} 1352109;1450981528;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30412 @ 0.00050157 = 15.2537 BTC [-] {2} 1352110;1450981896;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> 'cnn' hosts spam now ?? <<< the "mainstream media" is sinking, and has been, for twenty years now. there is no bottom for them. 1352111;1450981906;asciilifeform;aha but this was a new mindfuck 1352112;1450981924;asciilifeform;gigantic dir full of straight-out sp4m0l4d3 1352113;1450981938;punkman;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IReport pretty old 1352114;1450981939;assbot;iReport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7e0lE ) 1352115;1450981975;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> lulzy, nyt reads the logz and rips off mircea_popescu's summaries <<< then forgets to mention this, muppets sit around and wonder who could this guy be etc. 1352116;1450982023;mircea_popescu;"To pay those taxes, some employees emptied savings accounts and borrowed money." << ahaha loot at the cute chumps! 1352117;1450982075;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> even 2. << 2 is technically many in computing. 1352118;1450982080;asciilifeform;aha! 1352119;1450982109;asciilifeform;quite enough for deadlock 1352120;1450982134;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> (why the everliving fuck should there be a sql interpreter in the binary? or runtime interpretation of hardcoded sql proggies ???!!!) << because at the time satoshbi made it he didn't have a clear design document and the usg stoolies anchored themselves on such chinks in the armor to "extend" and so forth. 1352121;1450982137;asciilifeform;'if two trains meet one another on a track, neither shall move until the other has passed.' (supposedly from a 1880s american state law) 1352122;1450982154;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we don't have sql in there now. this was re: the notion of using sqlite. 1352123;1450982181;mircea_popescu;was discussing "runtime interpretation" bit. 1352124;1450982193;mircea_popescu;aka "script" 1352125;1450982235;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> gigantic dir full of straight-out sp4m0l4d3 << surely it was an accident for which nobody paid anyone inside two happy meals. 1352126;1450982261;mircea_popescu;and all the talking heads i fucked to date were not common prostitutes but journalists and so forth. 1352127;1450982333;mircea_popescu;"Page Not Found Were sorry, we seem to have lost this page, but we dont want to lose you." << apparently nyt piece you linked diappeared. 1352128;1450982341;asciilifeform;holy shit 1352129;1450982401;punkman;still there for me 1352130;1450982407;asciilifeform;ditto 1352131;1450982431;asciilifeform;https://archive.is/EGfeb 1352132;1450982433;assbot;When a Unicorn Start-Up Stumbles, Its Employees Get Hurt - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCjwSQ ) 1352133;1450982445;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/7Ir7f < 1352134;1450982446;assbot;Page Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCjxpM ) 1352135;1450982479;asciilifeform;see above 1352136;1450982494;asciilifeform;and it still loads here 1352137;1450982503;mircea_popescu;this is bizarre. 1352138;1450982511;asciilifeform;seems like they only ban t3rr0r1stz!!111 1352139;1450982552;mircea_popescu;a wait, html vs htm 1352140;1450982575;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351774 << conversation wasn't strictly about trb but dbs in general 1352141;1450982575;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 14:25:03; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351549 << we don't need a db in the usual, general sense. we need an indexer for the things we need an indexer for. 1352142;1450982593;ben_vulpes;why the everloving fuck would trb care about rtrees 1352143;1450982598;mircea_popescu;"r. In an investor document about the sale that was distributed to shareholders, employees discovered their Good stock was valued at 44 cents a share, down from $4.32 a year earlier. In contrast, preferred stock owned by Goods venture capitalists was worth almost seven times as much, more than $3 a share." 1352144;1450982599;mircea_popescu;heh. 1352145;1450982608;mircea_popescu;and amusingly enough they can't actually block it. 1352146;1450982610;asciilifeform;trb needs a 'db in the usual, general sense' like it needs a gene sequencer. 1352147;1450982658;mircea_popescu;"Goods final sale price down to $425 million, less than half of the companys $1.1 billion private valuation. The paperwork also showed that Goods board had turned down an $825 million cash offer just six months earlier, in March." 1352148;1450982659;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1352149;1450982682;ben_vulpes;mhm. 1352150;1450982685;mircea_popescu;oh lordy... please derps, run more SV. mpex not good enough for you, by all means, go for it. 1352151;1450982748;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24414 @ 0.0005056 = 12.3437 BTC [+] {2} 1352152;1450982901;punkman;http://professional-troublemaker.com/2015/12/24/corbett-sues-tsa-over-new-policy-to-refuse-opt-outs/ 1352153;1450982902;assbot;Corbett Sues TSA Over New Policy to Refuse Opt-Outs | Professional Troublemaker ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7f2yb ) 1352154;1450983076;mircea_popescu;i don't get it, so the guy rewards the naughty child with attention in the hopes it'll stimulate it to... think about how it's been naughty ? 1352155;1450983106;punkman;"professional troublemaker" 1352156;1450983108;mircea_popescu;it will alright. for as long as TSA disputes end up in federal court rather than in burning baltimore, it'll be thinking right about how well being naughty works for its goals. 1352157;1450983141;mircea_popescu;get a pen, poke TSA's agent eye out. 1352158;1450983152;mircea_popescu;an eye for a scanner, good business. 1352159;1450983167;asciilifeform;see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2014#770468 , http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-07-2014#753560 1352160;1450983167;assbot;Logged on 26-07-2014 18:48:15; asciilifeform: this is why i simply don't get people who continue to think of their relationship with the u.s. court system in legal, rather than military, terms. 1352161;1450983167;assbot;Logged on 13-07-2014 03:53:10; asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: what you don't appear to understand is that this is a 'military' puzzle, not a 'legal' puzzle. 1352162;1450983283;asciilifeform;also mircea_popescu would make a first-class army recruiter... for the old jp army! the one where you got one of these, http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/jp_tankhunters/fig1_japanese_lunge_mine_antitank.jpg 1352163;1450983285;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7fiNx ) 1352164;1450983299;asciilifeform;and 'ohka' plane, 'kaiten' submarine... 1352165;1450983307;asciilifeform;and other man-as-bee apparatus 1352166;1450983341;mircea_popescu;by the time your country has failed to the degree tsa exists, you ARE bee. whether you're ready to admit this or not is entirely in your own mind. 1352167;1450983376;mircea_popescu;"I didnt want a startup, but an actual business that generates revenue, and Cusoy would not fulfill that personal goal for me without a full-time team, 1-2+ years of funding, multiple years of hard work (3-5+ years at the very least?) trying to answer the if/when questions of whether or not Cusoy could make money (very expensive questions too, might I add not only in money but time, my most valuable asset). 1352168;1450983377;mircea_popescu; 1352169;1450983377;mircea_popescu;While I know there might be a possibility I could hustle incredibly hard and try to set up partnerships, the time investment required far outweighed the already incredibly slim chances of generating revenue." 1352170;1450983381;mircea_popescu;holy shit, someone's not entirely dumb ?! 1352171;1450983405;asciilifeform;i guess he realized he was a bee 1352172;1450983407;asciilifeform;or sumthing 1352173;1450983437;mircea_popescu;"|Yes, Yelp has a tag for gluten free but it only has 44 restaurants in San Francisco with that tag (do it yourself if you dont believe me and NYC actually has double the number of restaurants tagged gluten-free), which is a very low and deceiving number." 1352174;1450983448;mircea_popescu;motherfucker, the entire city of buenos aires has like... ONE actual restaurant. 1352175;1450983505;mircea_popescu;"More importantly, it does a terrible job of giving people like me actual relevant information for gluten free: Does the restaurant train its staff? Do they have separate cutters for their gluten free pizza? Are they flexible and accommodating? Do they have a separate gluten free menu? What ingredients do they use? etc." 1352176;1450983510;mircea_popescu;srsly ? 1352177;1450983564;asciilifeform;meanwhile, usg unzips wallet and http://www.wsj.com/articles/palantir-technologies-raises-further-200-million-1450920952 1352178;1450983565;assbot;Palantir Technologies Raises Further $200 Million - WSJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCl8Mg ) 1352179;1450983572;asciilifeform;(this on top of existing, what, 500m from cia) 1352180;1450983601;mircea_popescu;"III. WHY I SHUT IT DOWN (ALTERNATIVELY, WHAT I WOULDVE NEEDED TO CONTINUE). Four reasons (in order of least to most important): No team ; No funding ; No longer aligned with my personal goals anymore ; No clear or predictable way to sustainability (B2C is extremely, extremely hard to monetize)" 1352181;1450983620;mircea_popescu;reminds me of that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpbYCfCfT1Y monologue 1352182;1450983621;assbot;Seinfeld: No resources, no skill, no talent - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCle6P ) 1352183;1450983622;asciilifeform;'i woke up in a ditch in drunken haze and with a company, i have no idea why i have it' 1352184;1450983635;mircea_popescu;tellingly, the nut in there ALSO thought time was the true issue. because hey, everyone's time is valuable now, in lalaland. 1352185;1450983652;mircea_popescu;"1. No team. Its really hard to do a startup by yourself, especially if youre a non-technical founder. No kidding, right? However, being non-technical wasnt my excuse since WordPress came to the rescue and I basically bought the development through using cost-effective themes." 1352186;1450983657;mircea_popescu;holy shit check that crazy out. 1352187;1450983665;mircea_popescu;wordpress themes TECHNOLOGY ? 1352188;1450983697;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform if you're wondering why the figure's so low (srsly, palantir raises 200mn, whatsap sells for 20bn ?), the reason'd be that most of this has to be actual turkey buying dollars. 1352189;1450983712;asciilifeform;hey, to an illiterate cave dweller all voodoo is the same, aluminum airplane or straw airplane 1352190;1450983726;mircea_popescu;straw aluminum alloy! 1352191;1450983735;mircea_popescu;hightech composite! 1352192;1450983739;asciilifeform;and why does it have to be actual dollarz? most of it goes right back to rent racket 1352193;1450983751;asciilifeform;like mains current 1352194;1450983751;punkman;I saw gluten-free bread in the local bakery earlier this year. The only bread that had a brochure and brand-name. Didn't last long. 1352195;1450983776;mircea_popescu;punkman the story of the bread ? 1352196;1450983790;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform complicated. but their key people don't actually buy into the stupid. 1352197;1450983800;asciilifeform;incidentally, maslennikov derisively cites kgb indoctrination ('in the west, yes, they pay you 5k usd/mo, but most of it will be spent on house and medicine') as if it were somehow false 1352198;1450983809;asciilifeform;quite like other post-sov folks 1352199;1450983822;asciilifeform;somebody oughta drag them, kicking and screaming, to washington, and make'em live here 1352200;1450983830;mircea_popescu;hahahaha 1352201;1450983834;mircea_popescu;why the fuck would they do that ? 1352202;1450983838;mircea_popescu;they just move on. say to mexico. 1352203;1450983845;asciilifeform;well m moved to kr 1352204;1450983847;mircea_popescu;who's incidentally already pushing pretty hard. 1352205;1450983856;punkman;mircea_popescu: more along the lines of "Why don't you try being a gluten-tard? Might be just the thing for you" 1352206;1450983868;mircea_popescu;"We hired a local operations manager in Denver (Sasha Juliard) and soon launched at Shotgun Willies (the highest-grossing strip club in CO) and two other bars. We made about $1,200 on each deal (50% went to DexOne, we spent $800 on each launch event and we had $500 in hardware costs), this was the only sales revenue Flowtab ever made. We were tightening up our sales process, but it was hard to market ourselves prope 1352207;1450983869;mircea_popescu;rly in those bars without being there. It quickly become a distraction to our operations in San Francisco." 1352208;1450983873;mircea_popescu;holy shit, what ? 1352209;1450983898;mircea_popescu;"flowtab joined my two life's passions, inept geekery and strip clubs" 1352210;1450983984;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352205 << the beautiful magic involved here is that it is ~actually possible~ to, in some cases, give yourself various dietarytardisms by 'trying' 1352211;1450983984;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 19:04:16; punkman: mircea_popescu: more along the lines of "Why don't you try being a gluten-tard? Might be just the thing for you" 1352212;1450983989;asciilifeform;esp. if you're a kid 1352213;1450984020;mircea_popescu;yup. take chicken liver. i love it. so does everyone who had sane enough parents to have it as a kid. 1352214;1450984024;asciilifeform;rather like a sort of inverted dope addiction 1352215;1450984025;mircea_popescu;you know who can't stand it ? everyone else. 1352216;1450984044;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: funnily i loved it as a kid, then did not have it for some years, and now can no longer stand it 1352217;1450984049;mircea_popescu;aha. 1352218;1450984070;*;mircea_popescu forces slavegirls to eat livers. it's a show, i tell you. 1352219;1450984086;asciilifeform;perhaps one day i will be fortunate enough to crash on an island and eat livers of neighbours and will enjoy it again 1352220;1450984103;mircea_popescu;lol 1352221;1450984105;mircea_popescu;"Partnering with a uni friend, we pitched our concept to a whole bunch of web developers we knew. The challenge we posed was that it couldnt be customisation by drop-down list or radio buttons (solutions we were offered repeatedly). This was 2005. We needed to show customers high-quality photographic customisation, where every selection changes your product. Custom-made product required a strict no-refund policy, so 1352222;1450984106;mircea_popescu; customers needed to see exactly what they were going to get. 1352223;1450984108;mircea_popescu;All of them said the site we wanted was impossible, apart from one who quoted upward of $40k for build, excluding the photography and image editing that would be needed. At this stage we only had $20k total capital for the entire venture — sampling, pattern making, inventory and production. So my co-founder taught herself to code. She worked day and night — we did all the operational planning during busines 1352224;1450984115;mircea_popescu;s hours, and when I went off to a night job managing a restaurant, shed code, with Sex and the City for company, until 1 or 2am when I stumbled in again from night shift." 1352225;1450984118;mircea_popescu;see ? the women are okay. 1352226;1450984120;mircea_popescu;it's the men that are the fucking problem. 1352227;1450984167;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351781 << quite 1352228;1450984167;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 14:31:29; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351554 << i will take no part in anything involving java in whatever capacity. 1352229;1450984192;punkman;mircea_popescu: link to that? 1352230;1450984199;*;ben_vulpes waves at Naphex 1352231;1450984204;mircea_popescu;"Why did we launch with 12 million variants? Because we thought we needed to. Would the market have been happy to customise just the length? If we’d done proper validation, we would have known, that yes, it would have been happy — thrilled even. It only became apparent, too late, that 90% of our orders were for very typical jeans from atypically tall women. Stonewashed stovepipes with a 36-inch leg, anyone?" 1352232;1450984211;mircea_popescu;*I* could have fucking tell you that. 1352233;1450984214;mircea_popescu;jesus. 1352234;1450984221;mircea_popescu;punkman https://medium.com/@markbarwald/internet-startup-lessons-from-failure-995d0285e8ba 1352235;1450984222;assbot;Internet Startup: Lessons from failure — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1mClSRM ) 1352236;1450984332;punkman;speaking of clothing and software, there really is nothing reasonable out there 1352237;1450984375;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1352238;1450984376;mircea_popescu;"So we decided to wholesale, on the condition we could establish a cost-effective supply chain. This might all seem like a juvenile, ill-informed, poorly researched, gamble. And it was mostly, but I heard an irrepressible voice day and night,asking what if it works? 1352239;1450984376;mircea_popescu;We added a line of jersey basics to our denim line, packed up our lives, ended the lease on our house, loaded our portfolios and patterns into suitcases and boarded a plane for Malaysia, where I had some contacts in the manufacturing industry. At one factory after another, we were wooed by the boss, we got the grand tour, we were asked our volume projections. and we were shown the door. Our (very inflated) annual fo 1352240;1450984377;mircea_popescu;recast of 5000 units per style was daily output for these guys." 1352241;1450984418;mircea_popescu;"The single factory willing to work with us said theyd quote on our items while showing us around the facility. When our guide accidentally led us full-circle, we caught their product team copying our patterns and that was the end of our sourcing trip." 1352242;1450984419;mircea_popescu;ahahaha 1352243;1450984445;asciilifeform;the funny part is, a machine that '3d scans' your carcass and stitches a reasonable suit, is entirely possible from technical pov and would cost what a garbage truck costs, at the most. but you will sooner see a machine that serves you your own liver to eat, than this 1352244;1450984476;mircea_popescu;how you figure ? 1352245;1450984482;asciilifeform;which half ? 1352246;1450984487;punkman;both 1352247;1450984490;mircea_popescu;the latter. 1352248;1450984515;*;mircea_popescu has enough experience with 1990s state of the art 3d modelling for games on basis of laser scanning nude female models to not need the first part explaiend. 1352249;1450984539;asciilifeform;i'd rather hear mircea_popescu's hypothesis re: why said machine does not presently exist, first 1352250;1450984567;mircea_popescu;why didn't "Better Homes And Gardens" exist in 1980 Moscow ? 1352251;1450984569;asciilifeform;mine - reduces to the 'excluded middle' discussed in the old thread 1352252;1450984576;mircea_popescu;a) the people who had a dacha were happy as is, no need to chase it 1352253;1450984581;mircea_popescu;b) nobody gave a shit about the peons. srsly. 1352254;1450984591;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: this would make sense except that it DID exist 1352255;1450984597;asciilifeform;and even there was a car mag ! 1352256;1450984601;mircea_popescu;heh. 1352257;1450984604;mircea_popescu;circulation 45 ? 1352258;1450984606;punkman;static scan doesn't give enough information for tailor, never mind machine designer 1352259;1450984609;asciilifeform;massive circulation 1352260;1450984617;*;mircea_popescu slept through this. 1352261;1450984621;asciilifeform;every car owner was a 'gearhead' by necessity 1352262;1450984628;mircea_popescu;punkman i never had a tailor go "breathe in" "now exhale" before. 1352263;1450984647;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr 1352264;1450984650;assbot;Архив журнала За Рулем ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCmsPr ) 1352265;1450984657;punkman;mircea_popescu: you gotta at least move your limbs a bit, no? 1352266;1450984661;asciilifeform;punkman: who said anything about static, necessarily 1352267;1450984668;mircea_popescu;not really, no. you're supposed to stand naturally. 1352268;1450984671;mircea_popescu;you ever been fitted for a suit ? 1352269;1450984682;punkman;nope 1352270;1450984690;mircea_popescu;mkay. 1352271;1450984787;asciilifeform;http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr/1988/09/planiruietsia-zastoi#1 << hey check out this lulfest, folks wide awake to the automotive slavery of usa 1352272;1450984789;assbot;ПЛАНИРУЕТСЯ ЗАСТОЙ? - Сентябрь 1988 года - архив За рулем ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7gBfy ) 1352273;1450984822;mircea_popescu;"More importantly though, people really didnt really LIKE anything about our product. No one that used the service thought it was that cool. In fact, some people that participated in the sale didnt even like our dynamic pricing system." 1352274;1450984827;mircea_popescu;look at that. 1352275;1450984861;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: many 'startup' schmucks actually plan to make a 'product' which lusers simply stumble into, like flies into a carnivorous plant 1352276;1450984877;asciilifeform;(hoping to emulate, perhaps, 'mcdonalds' or other cattle industry) 1352277;1450984885;mircea_popescu;nobody likes mcdonalds. 1352278;1450984899;asciilifeform;nobody likes irs either 1352279;1450984901;asciilifeform;but there it is. 1352280;1450984903;mircea_popescu;aha. 1352281;1450984916;mircea_popescu;hard to beat "cheap calories" as a warm blooded lifeform. 1352282;1450984981;mircea_popescu;"Our first beta test was a disaster when Amazon (who was our payment processor) suspended our account for not complying with money transfer issues. Fans were able to participate in the sale, but we were unable to capture their billing. We ended up paying the artist out of our own pocket and giving everyone his music for free (and we never told him that happened until now)." <<< derps were going to bypass amazon on an a 1352283;1450984982;mircea_popescu;mazon platform. 1352284;1450985007;mircea_popescu;We should have packed it up early right then, but we felt like we had already gone too far to quit. We rebuilt (and re-designed) the majority of the software, got approved by Amazon, and reached out to over 1,700 artists (each individually through different platforms). We got between 1 and 10 artists interested. Again, this just screams PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY! But we kept going. 1352285;1450985127;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54800 @ 0.00050519 = 27.6844 BTC [-] 1352286;1450985215;mircea_popescu;"Out of the picture: why the world's best photo startup is going out of business. Everpix was great. This is how it died. The immediate concern in the room was a forthcoming bill from Amazon Web Services, which hosts the 400 million photos stored with Everpix; the team estimated the bill would be about $35,000." 1352287;1450985224;mircea_popescu;dude wtf, a) never heard of it and b) it fucking sucked, get lost. 1352288;1450985263;mircea_popescu;if you pay 35k monthly for hardware you'd better be doing something more interesting than "we store 400 million photos" 1352289;1450985288;asciilifeform;'we stored 400 million dick shots for ft meade but they forgot to agree to pay us' 1352290;1450985315;mod6;Alexandar's private collection 1352291;1450985354;mircea_popescu;very shitty business to be in actually. 1352292;1450985372;mircea_popescu;people take pictures in total violation of the economic cost of the energy expenditure for the camera, let alone any other considerations. 1352293;1450985379;mircea_popescu;to involve yourself in this is madness 1352294;1450985393;asciilifeform;guess what, they also eat and breathe in total violation of the economic cost... 1352295;1450985398;asciilifeform;even... make moar of themselves 1352296;1450985413;mircea_popescu;"By 2009 both men had left Apple and were working at Cooliris, which makes photo viewing software. Latour set up an office for Cooliris in Japan, and after spending some time traveling through Asia with his girlfriend, he became frustrated with how difficult it was to store and organize all the photos he was taking. He discussed an early idea for a product with Quennesson, who was interested in using math and science t 1352297;1450985414;mircea_popescu;o create better photo software." 1352298;1450985416;mircea_popescu;for fucks sake. 1352299;1450985432;mircea_popescu;after reading that sort of nonsense i half expect the author has some "science" in a jar in his basement 1352300;1450985436;mircea_popescu;keeps adding it to foods and whatnot. 1352301;1450985478;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform and for this exact reason medicine is a losing proposition. except THAT gets swept up into "obamacare" and so on. there's not going to be an obamacare for photographolalia, your ft meade wet dreams notwithstanding. 1352302;1450985493;asciilifeform;obamacares are a temporary thing 1352303;1450985499;mircea_popescu;here's a fun fact : the classical gestapo didn't know what to do to keep the idiot population from givingthem tips. 1352304;1450985506;mircea_popescu;the current version's in no different shape 1352305;1450985514;asciilifeform;the schmucks wanted to ride the good times while they lasted 1352306;1450985535;mircea_popescu;Quennesson had noted that the more photos he took, the less likely he was ever to look at any one of them ever again. "People take more and more photos, but paradoxically, they become more and more disconnected from them," he said last month in a conference room at their co-working space. "You dont want to go back to this whole life that youve captured, which is counterintuitive. It's the most important thing 1352307;1450985535;mircea_popescu; its your life! So theres this obvious problem." 1352308;1450985540;mircea_popescu;this is diagnosable insanity. 1352309;1450985566;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: the other gestapo did not suffer from delusions of machine learning!1111111111 to help them process somehow infinite tips into an edible portion 1352310;1450985641;mircea_popescu;ironically, it did, but anyway. 1352311;1450985974;asciilifeform;wai wut 1352312;1450985991;asciilifeform;contrary to the ibm legend, there was no nazi palantir. 1352313;1450986042;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31900 @ 0.00050136 = 15.9934 BTC [-] {2} 1352314;1450986098;asciilifeform;re: photographolalia: interesting to note how the psychology of photo changed over time: 1352315;1450986103;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78174 @ 0.00049952 = 39.0495 BTC [-] {2} 1352316;1450986143;asciilifeform;when emigres (incl. my own parents) packed up, they burned old photos (that would not fit, folks have ludicrously fat binders of these; or for whatever reason not brought along for the ride) 1352317;1450986158;asciilifeform;i never fully understood the reason for this peculiar (and foul smelling! try it) custom 1352318;1450986163;asciilifeform;but there it was 1352319;1450986174;asciilifeform;'you wouldn't leave'em for the rubbish men' 1352320;1450986193;asciilifeform;sorta like a continuation of the - legendary - indian tribe who 'camera steals your soul' 1352321;1450986240;asciilifeform;whereas today people will spam their photo to all-comers. 1352322;1450986248;asciilifeform;(equally incomprehensible imho) 1352323;1450986469;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41310 @ 0.00050578 = 20.8938 BTC [+] 1352324;1450986473;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/10/18_static-compilation-woes.html << is that... a chick's hand-writing ?! 1352325;1450986474;assbot;static compilation woes ... ( http://bit.ly/1MTT5Cd ) 1352326;1450986474;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352327;1450986720;asciilifeform;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/06/21_a-tour-of-bitcoind-booting-to-its-first-thread.html << would be neat to see an updated this 1352328;1450986722;assbot;a tour of bitcoind booting to its first thread ... ( http://bit.ly/1ONsjId ) 1352329;1450986924;shinohai;^ got to say, his bash scripting is art 1352330;1450987004;mod6;mircea_popescu: going back to the .wot dir being created by default in the `pwd` of V : I would think that perhaps .seals should go in the same place as well; `pwd`. 1352331;1450987023;mod6;Any thoughts there? 1352332;1450987024;asciilifeform;mod6: why is .wot dir ever created automatically ? 1352333;1450987033;mod6;its not 1352334;1450987035;mod6;we've been through this. 1352335;1450987040;*;asciilifeform digs in log 1352336;1450987051;punkman;/me has cases of negatives and film slides, looked into digitizing, came back with ain't nobody got time for that 1352337;1450987070;asciilifeform;punkman: a very reasonable film scanner costs a few hundy 1352338;1450987075;mod6;errr. wait. 1352339;1450987084;mod6;maybe it just doesn't pull the keys any more. 1352340;1450987087;*;mod6 looks at cod.e 1352341;1450987114;punkman;asciilifeform: mostly slides, much more work 1352342;1450987120;mod6;someone is gonna have to take over V 1352343;1450987141;mod6;like Mr. P. said, there is no way I'm gonna be able to keep up with all of the feature requests here as well. 1352344;1450987141;shinohai;But that is perl wizardry ... 1352345;1450987302;mod6;ok, No, the .wot dir must be created by hand. 1352346;1450987320;asciilifeform;this is the Right Thing. 1352347;1450987323;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69890 @ 0.00050645 = 35.3958 BTC [+] 1352348;1450987396;mod6;yeah, the documentation says that you need to 'create a ~/.wot directory' -- which will have to change, but 'you need to create' is the hint in there. 1352349;1450987450;shinohai;Been a few weeks but I manually created it and added everyones keys, but once I made it everything works fine 1352350;1450987455;asciilifeform;pubkeys really oughta live in rom. 1352351;1450987457;asciilifeform;eventually. 1352352;1450987570;asciilifeform;incidentally, why was there never (afaik) an attempt at a laser-programmed fpga ? 1352353;1450987574;asciilifeform;or even fuse rom 1352354;1450987584;asciilifeform;(laser-writable fuse rom, that is) 1352355;1450987597;asciilifeform;we have the optics. 1352356;1450987601;asciilifeform;they cost, what, ten bux. 1352357;1450987663;asciilifeform;one bonus is that it'd be optically-inspectable, too. 1352358;1450987680;asciilifeform;(just picture something like a small cdrom but with si underneath) 1352359;1450988024;asciilifeform;;;later tell punkman was it you who submitted the patch that removes all remaining wxisms ? if so, would you consider rewriting as a vpatch ? 1352360;1450988024;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352361;1450988032;*;asciilifeform is tired of seeing wxisms in the viewer 1352362;1450988049;punkman;asciilifeform: I rewrote and it's there 1352363;1450988054;asciilifeform;in the ml ? 1352364;1450988062;punkman;yep 1352365;1450988073;punkman;in the debug_sanity patch 1352366;1450988080;asciilifeform;does it merge into the existing bleeding edge without complaint ? 1352367;1450988107;punkman;haven't tried 1352368;1450988127;asciilifeform;speaking of which, we still need a thing where folks can drop in vpatches and sigs and redraws the flow graph 1352369;1450988140;*;asciilifeform has, unsurprisingly, a half-written unusable version of this 1352370;1450988194;mod6;ok so i changed the changes: .wot and .seals in the present working directory, unless specified otherwise. Also I've added the checking of the hashes post-press. **EXPERIMENTAL ONLY** Will post new, signed version [v99996] once fully tested. 1352371;1450988206;mod6;http://dpaste.com/12M99KB.txt 1352372;1450988208;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKF78y ) 1352373;1450988214;asciilifeform;mod6: neato 1352374;1450988235;mod6;here's the hash for v99997: 0810eb4c7209900b3eb7b96fc7b9bfa437360581586e7d073ebc4f2cf88f13f2cafe9340ef5b8953dc43b288e4f74da3d7973998755466252225b5103c72bb99 1352375;1450988247;mod6;If you add the above patch, you should end up with: 1352376;1450988252;punkman;asciilifeform: here http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-September/000166.html 1352377;1450988253;assbot;[BTC-dev] Some test patches and my V implementation ... ( http://bit.ly/1NZjGPg ) 1352378;1450988263;mod6;11ece4221d6264bef4e17805e549f686b575142227aff9a00cd379110ccfcc56096a5b6924c9f614c2c6823bd687f876142b115b0d30da17c237e663deb04f11 1352379;1450988277;mod6;vpatch also declares this at the top. 1352380;1450988278;mod6;:] 1352381;1450988331;asciilifeform;punkman: ah i recall 1352382;1450988351;asciilifeform;punkman: i like this patch except imho 1) patches ought to do One Thing 2) printf hardcoded to stdout is Wrong Thing 1352383;1450988362;mod6;<+asciilifeform> speaking of which, we still need a thing where folks can drop in vpatches and sigs and redraws the flow graph << mine does this. 1352384;1450988368;mod6;just have to tell it to draw the graph again. 1352385;1450988372;asciilifeform;mod6: i meant on trb www site 1352386;1450988377;mod6;oh. 1352387;1450988379;asciilifeform;as in, a place where i can go & drop it in 1352388;1450988391;asciilifeform;and then punkman doesn't end up writing a patch that needlessly conflicts (or vice versa) 1352389;1450988393;mod6;ah, gotcha 1352390;1450988398;asciilifeform;y'know, sorta like heathen versionatrons do 1352391;1450988403;asciilifeform;except with actual crypto 1352392;1450988412;mod6;yeah, we need something for that. 1352393;1450988431;asciilifeform;replacement for turdatron. 1352394;1450988470;mod6;well, the ML has a place - although, the filename munging would be nice to go away. 1352395;1450988482;punkman;asciilifeform: printf is redefined though and is how everything goes to log 1352396;1450988485;mod6;but.. yeah, a separate thing that could be fed for this purpose would be super great 1352397;1450988488;asciilifeform;punkman: ah 1352398;1450988519;asciilifeform;btw my gcc does not like redefined printf etc 1352399;1450988567;punkman;one thing to watch out for is that I replaced some wxMessageBox(_("Error:") things with fprintf(stderr, "Error:"), which I have no idea why now 1352400;1450988655;punkman;I assume those won't end up in debug log 1352401;1450988728;mod6;all: btw, if you do use the above test patch for V, please remember you may need to run a dos2unix on the dpaste [dpaste.com/12M99KB.txt] 1352402;1450988731;mod6;first 1352403;1450988737;asciilifeform;ugh 1352404;1450988752;asciilifeform;has anybody here written own 'pastebin' ? 1352405;1450988759;asciilifeform;(perhaps i missed this) 1352406;1450988768;mod6;anyway, i'll keep testing on this for a bit and see how it goes. and if all is well, i'll repost the entire thing (including the few changes to the automated tests) to the ML 1352407;1450988774;punkman;also need own browser, because they tend to add \r 1352408;1450988783;mod6;<+asciilifeform> has anybody here written own 'pastebin' ? << we desperately need this. 1352409;1450988787;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00050023 = 19.0087 BTC [-] 1352410;1450988792;asciilifeform;punkman: afaik 'curl' does not 1352411;1450988818;punkman;https://github.com/bartTC/dpaste 1352412;1450988819;assbot;bartTC/dpaste · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKG4he ) 1352413;1450988833;asciilifeform;ick turdlibs 1352414;1450988853;punkman;https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=pastebin long list 1352415;1450988854;assbot;Search · pastebin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKG94t ) 1352416;1450989058;asciilifeform;ideally a tmsr 'pastebin' would take input by gpg --encrypt --recipient thingspubkey... | curl -X POST ... 1352417;1450989092;punkman;https://clbin.com/ 1352418;1450989093;assbot;clbin: command line pastebin. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Okh3T9 ) 1352419;1450989125;asciilifeform;or how phuctor submission also worked 1352420;1450989147;asciilifeform;(the curl part, that is) 1352421;1450989495;mod6;cool 1352422;1450989512;mod6;https://clbin.com/IidZ7 1352423;1450989513;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OkheOm ) 1352424;1450989804;mod6;and also noteworthy: `curl -s https://clbin.com/IidZ7 | xxd | grep "0d0a" | wc -l` returns 0 1352425;1450989805;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OkheOm ) 1352426;1450989828;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352312 << the equivalent i had in mind was their very meticulous document processing technology. 1352427;1450989828;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 19:39:51; asciilifeform: contrary to the ibm legend, there was no nazi palantir. 1352428;1450989834;mircea_popescu;was later imported and known as "the fbi" 1352429;1450989905;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352330 << i guess. my main concern is that i do not wish to see absolute paths. as long as it puts the stuff somewhere relative to current dir i'm happy. 1352430;1450989905;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 19:56:44; mod6: mircea_popescu: going back to the .wot dir being created by default in the `pwd` of V : I would think that perhaps .seals should go in the same place as well; `pwd`. 1352431;1450989977;mod6;ok cool. my latest patch should do just that. 1352432;1450989987;mircea_popescu;win. 1352433;1450989991;mod6;i'll test a bit as I said and then re-publish a new one when complet.e 1352434;1450990005;mircea_popescu;dun stress out mod6, looking great here. 1352435;1450990032;mod6;yup. no sweat. just wanna stay on top of the V changes, so I can get to the many R.I. things :] 1352436;1450990058;mircea_popescu;hehe 1352437;1450990068;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104605 @ 0.00050534 = 52.8611 BTC [+] {4} 1352438;1450990140;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352382 << the concept is sound, however mind that we don't end up with as many patches as linechanges. "one thing" should be liberally construed, "removing remaining wxisms" seems a one thing for me. 1352439;1450990140;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:19:11; asciilifeform: punkman: i like this patch except imho 1) patches ought to do One Thing 2) printf hardcoded to stdout is Wrong Thing 1352440;1450990173;mod6;punkman: any idea how long clbin will hold these pastes? 1352441;1450990197;mircea_popescu;wasn't it one week ? 1352442;1450990232;mod6;oh is that all 1352443;1450990233;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352416 << sounds kinda like replicated deedbot by now ? 1352444;1450990233;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:30:58; asciilifeform: ideally a tmsr 'pastebin' would take input by gpg --encrypt --recipient thingspubkey... | curl -X POST ... 1352445;1450990280;mircea_popescu;This year HBR changed the evaluation criteria from "stock price only"1 to an agglomeration of fuzzy metrics that include stock price in addition to Sustainalytics' proprietary "goodness evaluation" metrics. 1352446;1450990283;mircea_popescu;ahahaha what the fuck. 1352447;1450990308;mircea_popescu;"Jeff Bezos of Amazon has, according to HBR, toppled from #1 to #87 in their list of Best Performing CEOs." 1352448;1450990317;mircea_popescu;aha, and now we understand teh point of the entire exercise. 1352449;1450990325;mircea_popescu;nothing the socialist mob hates more than competence. 1352450;1450990421;mircea_popescu;"All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee; 1352451;1450990421;mircea_popescu;All chance, direction, which thou canst not see 1352452;1450990421;mircea_popescu;All discord, harmony not understood, 1352453;1450990421;mircea_popescu;All partial evil, universal good: 1352454;1450990421;mircea_popescu;And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, 1352455;1450990422;mircea_popescu;One truth is clear, whatever is, is right." 1352456;1450990423;mircea_popescu;pope ftw. 1352457;1450990495;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90400 @ 0.00050333 = 45.501 BTC [-] {2} 1352458;1450990556;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00049885 = 7.6324 BTC [-] 1352459;1450990624;mod6;trinque: could deedbot be easily copied and modified to just have variable paste retention into a webdir or db of some kind? it wouldn't send to the blockchain like deedbot. then we could just have our own `pastebot'? is this dumb? 1352460;1450990630;mod6;Don't wanna make more work, just curious. 1352461;1450990656;mircea_popescu;why specifically NOT send it ? 1352462;1450990683;mod6;well, i thought we didn't want to send up all farts into the blockchain. 1352463;1450990702;mod6;sometimes, a guy just has to derp around 1352464;1450990721;mod6;i make plenty of errors that I don't want to chisel into stone. :] 1352465;1450990871;mod6;maybe a dumb idea. and maybe it can't be easily modified to do that. 1352466;1450990882;*;mod6 will think on it. 1352467;1450990954;mircea_popescu;technically speaking all that goes into the chain is 32 bytes per paste 1352468;1450990974;mircea_popescu;moreover, there's no extra cost for adding more items to one block 1352469;1450990985;mircea_popescu;hm... well, other than the cost of keeping the stuff around forever to verify blocks. 1352470;1450990991;mircea_popescu;yeah maybe putting them in is a bad idea. 1352471;1450991105;mircea_popescu;"Socialists revile the church not for its promulgation of irrational faith but because historically churches have championed the improvement of the world as a thing that the devoted donot a thing which may (or even should) be outsourced to le etat." << quite exactly. 1352472;1450991148;mircea_popescu;in general, socal ditz does not call the other socal ditz "like, totally, a slut" for any other reason than you know, the slut getting the attention of the boys she wanted for herself. 1352473;1450991350;mircea_popescu;" any increase in return thats attributable merely to an improvement in the local stock market;" << i wish to know on what planet these people live where there's "local" stock markets. 1352474;1450991431;mircea_popescu;!up dub 1352475;1450991482;dub;hallo 1352476;1450991494;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352462 <<< I don't like clutter, but if it pisses Luke-Jr off so much the better. 1352477;1450991494;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:58:03; mod6: well, i thought we didn't want to send up all farts into the blockchain. 1352478;1450991502;mircea_popescu;hola. 1352479;1450991522;mircea_popescu;shinohai the problem is that for someone to later verify the bundle deed one needs to keep the whole bundle. 1352480;1450991987;shinohai;Understandable. 1352481;1450992010;mircea_popescu;"But we never defined clear hypotheses, developed experiments, and we rarely had meaningful conversations with our target end-users. And while we had some wonderful advisors in the parking industry, we should have met with everyone we could get our hands on. Worst, we rarely got out of the building." 1352482;1450992028;mircea_popescu;this is not a trend among the newly "creative" worthless class, not getting out of the building. 1352483;1450992043;mircea_popescu;these idiots aim to "revolutionize", "improve" and ultimately save a world they do not wish to ever see. 1352484;1450992066;deedbot-;[Trilema] Moment poetic - http://trilema.com/2015/moment-poetic-2/ 1352485;1450992074;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352438 << was precisely what i meant. 1352486;1450992074;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:49:00; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352382 << the concept is sound, however mind that we don't end up with as many patches as linechanges. "one thing" should be liberally construed, "removing remaining wxisms" seems a one thing for me. 1352487;1450992089;asciilifeform;but original was 'debug sanity' and did 2 very distinct, separable things, in 1 patch, which imho is mistake 1352488;1450992127;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352443 << no!! because deedbot requires privkey use during paste, which is very arduous if you have good hygiene 1352489;1450992127;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:50:33; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352416 << sounds kinda like replicated deedbot by now ? 1352490;1450992141;asciilifeform;there is no need to sign all pastes, this actually is the opposite of a pastebin 1352491;1450992147;mircea_popescu;true. 1352492;1450992149;asciilifeform;a pastebin is an anon crud accumulator 1352493;1450992180;mircea_popescu;yea 1352494;1450992494;punkman; asciilifeform: but original was 'debug sanity' and did 2 very distinct, separable things, in 1 patch, which imho is mistake << agreed, but most of the wx crap was related to debug 1352495;1450992555;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352473 << same planet that has 'local' wots 1352496;1450992555;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 21:09:10; mircea_popescu: " any increase in return thats attributable merely to an improvement in the local stock market;" << i wish to know on what planet these people live where there's "local" stock markets. 1352497;1450992569;mircea_popescu;wut ? 1352498;1450992572;asciilifeform;and perhaps local arithmetic 1352499;1450992601;asciilifeform;where the decrease of the chocolate ration adds up to an increase of fiddy grams, as per orwell 1352500;1450992623;asciilifeform;'here in zimbabwe we do not use white man logic' 1352501;1450992642;mircea_popescu;https://medium.com/work-education/play-by-your-own-rules-6152adc41de9 <<< anyone actually ever fucking heard of "gowalla" ? 1352502;1450992643;assbot;Play by your own rules. — Work & Education — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeHyiN ) 1352503;1450992643;mircea_popescu;da fuck. 1352504;1450992654;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i guess heh. 1352505;1450992655;asciilifeform;any relation to 'dwolla' ? 1352506;1450992659;mircea_popescu;none that i can see 1352507;1450992672;asciilifeform;besides the seeping pseudoafricanization 1352508;1450992675;mircea_popescu;apparently that pointless foursquare thing is somehow a success that had it's own wanna-bes that meanwhile died. 1352509;1450992684;mircea_popescu;it's apparently very hard to underestimate just how little these people do with their time. 1352510;1450992691;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32700 @ 0.00050669 = 16.5688 BTC [+] 1352511;1450992702;asciilifeform;i'm not certain this circus actually soaks up their time 1352512;1450992719;asciilifeform;judging by how much time these folks have remaining to soak up on reddit etc 1352513;1450992729;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i don't think it's africanization, to me it seems very ... surfer culture, to be honest. the whole trend with walla this and palooza that traces back to that idiotic aussie band of the 90s wtf was it called. 1352514;1450992744;asciilifeform;idk the consonant clusters scream 'nigerian spam' 1352515;1450992759;asciilifeform;mbwebwengabwebew...etc... 1352516;1450992767;mircea_popescu;w is a vowel. 1352517;1450992781;asciilifeform;dipthong 1352518;1450992798;mircea_popescu;yeah 1352519;1450992813;punkman;-walla is from indian word I think 1352520;1450992824;asciilifeform;as seen in film 'slumdog millionaire' 1352521;1450992828;mircea_popescu;"The growing public attention sparked by the investment became both a heaven and a hell. On one hand, during the course of Gowallas life we received more tech press coverage than is right and holy for any startup. On the other, I dare you to find a post about Gowalla that doesn't mention Foursquare." 1352522;1450992829;asciilifeform;'chaiwalla', 'phonewalla' 1352523;1450992844;mircea_popescu;heh. here's the thing : by far the finest alcohol available in this country is havana club 7 yo. 1352524;1450992852;asciilifeform;lulzy film btw 1352525;1450992854;asciilifeform;has mircea_popescu seen ? 1352526;1450992874;mircea_popescu;some bright minds decided to advertise it. they actually paid money to get outdoor space, and on it they're selling... rum and cola. huge, block lettered 4 stage recipe, 3rd being "bebida cola". 1352527;1450992891;mircea_popescu;fucktards are advertising coca cola with their own money, out of every single drink coca cola makes a dollar fifty if they make a dollar. 1352528;1450992920;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform apparently yes, had to ask teh womenz. really fucking retarded movie. 1352529;1450992922;asciilifeform;this was covered in an old mircea_popescu article about early mobile phonez 1352530;1450992937;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but it was ~about~ turd world tardation 1352531;1450992953;asciilifeform;said right on the box. 1352532;1450992957;mircea_popescu;as someone who actually fucks third worlders, i do not buy this. 1352533;1450992968;asciilifeform;india?! 1352534;1450992972;mircea_popescu;it's about california being dumb in a different color scheme , i guess. 1352535;1450992977;mircea_popescu;what, where do you think the gypsies come from ? 1352536;1450993002;asciilifeform;as much relation to modern india as modern italy to the etruscans 1352537;1450993031;mircea_popescu;phenotypically ? 1352538;1450993035;mircea_popescu;not that far off! 1352539;1450993042;asciilifeform;begins & ends there. 1352540;1450993056;mircea_popescu;or did i misconstrue your question and you weren't asking something along the lines of "how COULD you stick your penis in brown!!1" 1352541;1450993069;asciilifeform;was specifically re: turd world 1352542;1450993080;asciilifeform;which is - or soon to be - mostly white folks 1352543;1450993081;mircea_popescu;maybe that's the issue. what "turd world" ? third world ? 1352544;1450993094;asciilifeform;3rd, but with omnipresent public turds 1352545;1450993097;asciilifeform;as pictured in the film 1352546;1450993110;asciilifeform;go six blocks and see eight open air turds 1352547;1450993116;asciilifeform;smell 78. 1352548;1450993164;mircea_popescu;that thing only exists in trona, ca. 1352549;1450993167;mircea_popescu;srsly. 1352550;1450993195;mircea_popescu;btw - ever seen the movie ? Just Add Water 1352551;1450993207;asciilifeform;nein 1352552;1450993244;mircea_popescu;it's about this world. a small town next to bakersfield (a sort of california's own ohio) 1352553;1450993439;shinohai;So this showed up in my shinohai@nigge.rs mailbox: https://vc.gg/blog/im-moving-to-romania/ 1352554;1450993439;assbot;I’m Moving to Romania | Vincent Canfield's Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeIDqP ) 1352555;1450993494;*;asciilifeform once watched an american sp4mz0r do this 1352556;1450993641;asciilifeform;(from commentz) 'I work as a sysadmin. I got my remote position by working in an office and getting to know everyone, and getting myself in a position where all of my work can be done remotely. Even though Im near the office should I need to go in, I work from home since theres not really any need. Other ways include freelance / contract work, or just outright applying for a remote-hire position. There are lots of fully- 1352557;1450993641;asciilifeform;decentralized companies out there, you just have to find them.' 1352558;1450993668;asciilifeform;this fella is a sysadmin, but not on call during american business hours? ... or is he ? 1352559;1450993750;asciilifeform;phun phakt: virtually all american 'health insurance' is void abroad 1352560;1450993780;mircea_popescu;lol " The Maine college drop-out, 21, at center of hoax terrorist threat emails sent to schools across the East and West coasts that sparked college evacuations " 1352561;1450993792;mircea_popescu;this is whjat i get for going "who the fduck is vincent canfield" 1352562;1450993897;*;asciilifeform goes back to the far moar interesting activity of changing the detergent in the tub where 'northgate' kbd keys are soaking for their 5-yrly wash 1352563;1450993961;shinohai;I applaud the guy for at least putting up warrant canary on server 1352564;1450994047;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> phun phakt: virtually all american 'health insurance' is void abroad << ofcourse it is ? just like soviet ruble vouchers were void in bonn ? 1352565;1450994108;punkman;isn't that SOP everywhere? 1352566;1450994250;punkman;https://news.bitcoin.com/bigger-blocks-means-decentralization-bitcoin/ 1352567;1450994251;assbot;Bigger Blocks Mean More Decentralization for Bitcoin - Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeJsA1 ) 1352568;1450994310;punkman;/me notices data, hmm 1352569;1450994314;punkman;*date 1352570;1450994399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 146850 @ 0.00049885 = 73.2561 BTC [-] {3} 1352571;1450994463;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. somebody ought remind herr canfield not to fall ill or have accident 1352572;1450994548;asciilifeform;shinohai: 'warrant canary' is an endearing custom but is quite useless on several different levels 1352573;1450994581;shinohai;https://cock.li/transparency/warrant-canary.txt <<< text of canary is why I applaud him. 1352574;1450994582;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeJSX1 ) 1352575;1450994660;asciilifeform;ianal but the standard u.s. freislerian legal instrument in such cases is the gag order, which is not 'a national security letter, on order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or any other classified request for user information' 1352576;1450994706;mircea_popescu;the very fucking notion of "a gag order". 1352577;1450994710;asciilifeform;(the gag itself is not classified, in the sense that it is a separate legal instrument and its disclosure is punished under a separate set of penal code than disclosure of classified info - which in usa, supposing that you did not sign its nda, is not a crime) 1352578;1450994712;mircea_popescu;as if any judge has the authority to order such a wonder. 1352579;1450994743;asciilifeform;auctoritas no, potentas yes 1352580;1450994826;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39100 @ 0.00050471 = 19.7342 BTC [+] 1352581;1450994856;asciilifeform;and afaik 'warrant canary' has never been tested in any court. 1352582;1450994901;asciilifeform;and considering that secret courts and secret laws are now sop in usaschwitz, perhaps it was tested 1,001 times and was laughed at from day one 1352583;1450994985;asciilifeform;the legal logic behind 'canary' was always dodgy, 'usg cannot compel you to tell lies' - wanna bet ? ask juniper et al 1352584;1450994994;shinohai;lol 1352585;1450995089;asciilifeform;or ask that one telco ceo who wouldn't sign up for nsa 1352586;1450995097;asciilifeform;(and promptly jailed for 'insider trading') 1352587;1450995153;asciilifeform;nobody gets to count for two shits, in big picture, in usa, without proper strings pre-attached 1352588;1450995162;asciilifeform;(can be as simple as being a pedo, a la brock p) 1352589;1450995208;trinque;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352459 << I am open to doing a paste.deedbot.org; done correctly it does not seem like a massive piece of work. 1352590;1450995208;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:57:04; mod6: trinque: could deedbot be easily copied and modified to just have variable paste retention into a webdir or db of some kind? it wouldn't send to the blockchain like deedbot. then we could just have our own `pastebot'? is this dumb? 1352591;1450995211;asciilifeform;they play ball, or usg pulls on the strings. will pull until arms, legs come off. 1352592;1450995394;asciilifeform;and anyway why would anybody need to serve a warrant to canfield ? all they gotta do is cancel his job. then he can enjoy living in ro ~on a ro wage~ 1352593;1450995465;*;Azelphur waves at mircea_popescu 1352594;1450995473;Azelphur;Haven't been active in here in a while, howdy :) 1352595;1450996756;shinohai;https://i.imgur.com/1P9mpnQ.jpg Assets 1352596;1450996757;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QP6MVy ) 1352597;1450996839;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61369 @ 0.00050635 = 31.0742 BTC [+] 1352598;1450997510;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36750 @ 0.00050635 = 18.6084 BTC [+] 1352599;1450998364;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105950 @ 0.00050635 = 53.6478 BTC [+] 1352600;1450998791;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78300 @ 0.00050669 = 39.6738 BTC [+] 1352601;1450998957;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351805 << There are a poverty of laptops and portable desktops on the market which are still less POS 1352602;1450998957;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 14:41:47; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if laptop needs external cooling, it's a pos 1352603;1451001097;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/keybottle.jpg 1352604;1451002329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52500 @ 0.00050635 = 26.5834 BTC [-] 1352605;1451002512;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28936 @ 0.00050635 = 14.6517 BTC [-] 1352606;1451003034;thestringpuller;mod6: was this started from a /clean/ env or is this trying to load up a blockchain from christmas past? << I completely nuked the datadir .bitcoin with rm -rf *; whenever I do an rpc call after the thing _tries_ to spin up, it borks. crashes without anything except what was in the db.log. I'm almost certain it's an issue with bdb because no blocks are downloaded or anything. cause it connects to the node I specify gets basic 1352607;1451003390;ben_vulpes;yes but /have you run it under gdb/ 1352608;1451003417;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: re handwriting, it is a mystery for the ageists 1352609;1451003431;asciilifeform;waiwut 1352610;1451003472;ben_vulpes;ages, ageists, women in tech 1352611;1451003481;ben_vulpes;oddball pun 1352612;1451003494;asciilifeform;it is beyond my puny brain 1352613;1451003504;*;ben_vulpes nods in appreciation 1352614;1451003505;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes has actual chix in his shop'o'horrors ? 1352615;1451003529;ben_vulpes;like i said, 'twill remain a mystery 1352616;1451003591;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351815 << have i not yet achieved loglightenment on how to index the transaction set? 1352617;1451003591;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 14:46:59; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351660 << ahahahaa i'm a laugh to death, we want a sql parser to grind every motherfucking time a tx is fetched ??!?!? 1352618;1451003614;asciilifeform;well, we ~already know~ that it can be done WITHOUT SQL ANYWHERE 1352619;1451003655;ben_vulpes;sure, but did you miss the line where i asked "what data structure will work here?"? 1352620;1451003666;asciilifeform;quite a few would work 1352621;1451003684;*;ben_vulpes opens the door, gestures frantically 1352622;1451003715;asciilifeform;e.g., b* tree 1352623;1451003744;asciilifeform;b-tree rather 1352624;1451003767;asciilifeform;b* if space is more of a concern vs time 1352625;1451003774;thestringpuller;BSP trees? 1352626;1451003777;thestringpuller;i kno those 1352627;1451003868;asciilifeform;at any rate the data structure oughta be optimized FOR THIS PROBLEM and not 'for everything anyone might ever think of forever' 1352628;1451003889;ben_vulpes;how then to sort transactions? 1352629;1451003910;ben_vulpes;i must now admit to only a kindergarten level understanding of data structures, for any who remain un-clued-in to this fact 1352630;1451003922;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: http://www.semaphorecorp.com/btp/algo.html or see knuth 1352631;1451003924;assbot;B-tree algorithms ... ( http://bit.ly/1m8nDGj ) 1352632;1451003953;asciilifeform;or even https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coRJrcIYbF4 1352633;1451003954;assbot;B-Tree example - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1m8nC5j ) 1352634;1451003963;ben_vulpes;"keys" in this case would be 'txid's? 1352635;1451003983;asciilifeform;aha 1352636;1451004014;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352040 << Digging through the newsmines there seems to be a subspecies of aspie neckbeard that occasionally presents so 1352637;1451004014;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 17:21:24; mircea_popescu: who the fuck else is this FUCKING EQUALITARIAN, huh ? 1352638;1451004032;ben_vulpes;please bear with me for a moment, hashes are then actually a sortable thing, a la...integers? 1352639;1451004063;asciilifeform;whatever bitstring you like can be treated as an integer 1352640;1451004068;ben_vulpes;in that any byte array can be used to represent an integer? 1352641;1451004074;ben_vulpes;i am completely out of my depth here. 1352642;1451004074;asciilifeform;aha 1352643;1451004099;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352046 << Many can't pose opencunted, because gunt. Pictures in log. 1352644;1451004099;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 17:22:53; asciilifeform: these selfsame folks will happily pose topless, or opencunted, etc. ~in the right place~ 1352645;1451004101;asciilifeform;'god created the integers, all else is the work of man' (tm) (r) (gauss) 1352646;1451004130;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: fortunately, the mutants in your photos are not actually common 1352647;1451004132;ben_vulpes;okay, this i now dig. 1352648;1451004167;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: 'man strncmp' on your box 1352649;1451004185;asciilifeform;^ one metric 1352650;1451004209;BingoBoingo;asciilifeform: You only don't encounter many, because in capital zone they get deported here or Ohio. Or maybe you just haven't much been to walmart. 1352651;1451004236;ben_vulpes;nifty. 1352652;1451004237;asciilifeform;l0l and here i thought it was because they don't get out 1352653;1451004264;asciilifeform;the one time i went to lolmart they destroyed my shoes 1352654;1451004293;ben_vulpes;wut 1352655;1451004294;ben_vulpes;how 1352656;1451004327;asciilifeform;(some clerk spilled a bucket of paint right in my path, led to a circus where successively higher levels of boss appeared to apologize, ending with top shift boss - a pretty gurl - giving me a fiddybuck 'gift card' ) 1352657;1451004367;kakobrekla;some serious luck. 1352658;1451004369;BingoBoingo;Nice 1352659;1451004376;asciilifeform;this was eons ago. 1352660;1451004426;asciilifeform;anyway i can't think of any reason to venture into a lolmart in modern day 1352661;1451004437;asciilifeform;(what amazon is for) 1352662;1451004438;BingoBoingo;But no, the circus freaks get out. It's just they most often go places they can sit or ride venue provided scooty puffs. 1352663;1451004691;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX7rliyPF48 1352664;1451004692;assbot;Black Jeopardy with Elizabeth Banks - SNL - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mhWPD5 ) 1352665;1451004743;asciilifeform;ick laughtrack 1352666;1451004987;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352005 << neat! i would dearly love to see this. 1352667;1451004987;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 17:12:09; asciilifeform: and multithreaded gcd--er 1352668;1451005479;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352122 << this was never actually on the table, the thread was war stories on my part and generalized architectural opining on mircea_popescu's 1352669;1451005479;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 18:35:54; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we don't have sql in there now. this was re: the notion of using sqlite. 1352670;1451005928;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00050182 = 16.5099 BTC [-] 1352671;1451006184;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352327 << wait, what has changed in the bootup process that would justify an update? 1352672;1451006184;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 19:52:00; asciilifeform: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/06/21_a-tour-of-bitcoind-booting-to-its-first-thread.html << would be neat to see an updated this 1352673;1451006189;ben_vulpes;or, talking about script? 1352674;1451006344;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the article 1352675;1451006350;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352445 << oh come on, no citation even?! i spent hours on that research. 1352676;1451006350;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 20:51:20; mircea_popescu: This year HBR changed the evaluation criteria from "stock price only"1 to an agglomeration of fuzzy metrics that include stock price in addition to Sustainalytics' proprietary "goodness evaluation" metrics. 1352677;1451006353;ben_vulpes;"research" 1352678;1451006355;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 158177 @ 0.00050046 = 79.1613 BTC [-] {4} 1352679;1451006367;ben_vulpes;rooting around in middens 1352680;1451006395;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: do you want a rehash of the GUD stuff? a wholesale reexamination of every point in the piece? 1352681;1451006402;asciilifeform;nono 1352682;1451006411;asciilifeform;just more expositions in that vein 1352683;1451006415;ben_vulpes;ah 1352684;1451006659;ben_vulpes;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/10/21_the-myths-of-the-good-life-and-that-work-should-be-fun-and-happen-in-a-fun-place-only-serve-to-enslave-you-to-the-progressives-hedonic-treadmill.html << regarding bezos 1352685;1451006660;assbot;The myths of "the good life" and that work should be fun and happen in a fun place only serve to enslave you to the progressive's hedonic treadmill ... ( http://bit.ly/1OqnvOT ) 1352686;1451006702;asciilifeform;l0l, everybody knows that work happens in a uranium mine and a miner lives for about 3 months before succumbing 1352687;1451006737;*;ben_vulpes is surprised asciilifeform's parser can handle the title, much less the piece 1352688;1451006790;asciilifeform;'Bezos runs a company, not a playground for millenials.' << actually the interesting thing is that he ~does~ run a playground for millenials 1352689;1451006800;asciilifeform;but it's a different kind, the kind with razor blades in the slides 1352690;1451006866;ben_vulpes;how is it that place can get away without showing a profit? 1352691;1451006896;asciilifeform;pyramid 1352692;1451006913;asciilifeform;(usg-powered, like all other 'superstar' stocks) 1352693;1451006921;asciilifeform;elementarily. 1352694;1451006955;thestringpuller;i thought amazon made a profit? 1352695;1451006964;thestringpuller;also iirc you don't pay any taxes if you technically make no profit. 1352696;1451006976;ben_vulpes;this shit is enough to make me despair of anything but burning everything down. 1352697;1451007001;thestringpuller;i thought we all felt that way to begin with... 1352698;1451007011;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: let mircea_popescu know when you've reached the correct level of despair, he will issue you with a pin with which to poke out eyes of guards 1352699;1451007036;ben_vulpes;i dgaf about guards 1352700;1451007043;ben_vulpes;there are specific heads i'm out for yet. 1352701;1451007126;ben_vulpes;unrelatedly, is there anything to this gdansk deepwater port nyooz? 1352702;1451007597;trinque;+asciilifeform │ (usg-powered, like all other 'superstar' stocks) << wat? 1352703;1451007607;trinque;amazon has been treated on the logs several times 1352704;1451007622;asciilifeform;see, e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-09-2015#1259247 1352705;1451007622;assbot;Logged on 01-09-2015 22:24:21; mircea_popescu: trinque the fed mostly owns privately issued paper anyway. mostly bond bundles, but most of them are tied to stocks (via banks) so in point of fact the fed owns atm ~118-122% or so of the entire us economy 1352706;1451007634;*;trinque goes to find current numbers, but iirc they run thin *profits* 1352707;1451007652;trinque;and the strategy is to outrun competitors in this manner. 1352708;1451007662;trinque;I don't see the fault with it. 1352709;1451007940;trinque;http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/amzn/financials/income/quarter 1352710;1451007941;assbot;AMZN Quarterly Income Statement - Amazon.com Inc. Quarterly Financials ... ( http://bit.ly/1OqoqPb ) 1352711;1451007950;trinque;last 3/4 were profitable 1352712;1451007996;trinque;rather, 3 out of last 4 1352713;1451008064;thestringpuller;and they don't pay dividends either 1352714;1451008107;thestringpuller;i think shareholders forced apple to pay dividends cause sitting on as much cash as they allegedly had is extremely risky, cause inflation 1352715;1451008128;thestringpuller;then again all fiat stocks are scams anyways... 1352716;1451009423;BingoBoingo;loller https://archive.is/srW6Q 1352717;1451009424;assbot;Write for bitcoin news - Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oqpt1J ) 1352718;1451009527;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63800 @ 0.00050254 = 32.0621 BTC [+] {2} 1352719;1451010587;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352582 << rathger likely. 1352720;1451010587;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 22:08:21; asciilifeform: and considering that secret courts and secret laws are now sop in usaschwitz, perhaps it was tested 1,001 times and was laughed at from day one 1352721;1451010654;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352594 << how's things ? 1352722;1451010654;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 22:17:53; Azelphur: Haven't been active in here in a while, howdy :) 1352723;1451010778;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352630 << directly to knuth. 1352724;1451010778;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 00:38:42; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: http://www.semaphorecorp.com/btp/algo.html or see knuth 1352725;1451010791;mircea_popescu;best use of one's time in this field, deeply recommended for any gentleman anyway. 1352726;1451010799;asciilifeform;^ 1352727;1451010929;mircea_popescu;could almost say he's a sort of computing's feynman. 1352728;1451010996;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352675 << beotch, you're like linked from the latest on trilema already :D 1352729;1451010996;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 01:19:10; ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352445 << oh come on, no citation even?! i spent hours on that research. 1352730;1451011028;ben_vulpes;aha, yes. 1352731;1451011062;asciilifeform;http://www.cryptomuseum.com/crypto/files/ic_h11_scramble.wav << cruddy crypto from the olden dayz 1352732;1451011063;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1MyMfwN ) 1352733;1451011074;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352698 << i find alf's sarcasm has improved markedly since hanging around here. 1352734;1451011074;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 01:30:11; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: let mircea_popescu know when you've reached the correct level of despair, he will issue you with a pin with which to poke out eyes of guards 1352735;1451011174;mircea_popescu;"Keep you title under 156 characters 1352736;1451011175;mircea_popescu;Make sure your article is easy to read. People familiar and not will be reading the articles. 1352737;1451011175;mircea_popescu;Do a proper fact check" 1352738;1451011183;mircea_popescu;shit. i could have written for "bitcoin news" ALL THIS TIME ? 1352739;1451011241;asciilifeform;!s from:mircea_popescu alf improved markedly 1352740;1451011242;assbot;1 results for 'from:mircea_popescu alf improved markedly' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+alf+improved+markedly 1352741;1451011248;asciilifeform;l0lz 1352742;1451011270;mircea_popescu;you gonna blame the search ? 1352743;1451011294;mircea_popescu;anyway. it was PEN. not fucking pin. pen. 1352744;1451011302;asciilifeform;pen with pin! 1352745;1451011324;mircea_popescu;the pinpen of pain. 1352746;1451011906;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83845 @ 0.0005027 = 42.1489 BTC [+] {2} 1352747;1451011967;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28548 @ 0.00050413 = 14.3919 BTC [+] 1352748;1451012217;asciilifeform;http://www.radioscanner.ru/forum/topic23745-6.html#msg682723 << account of su reverse engineering the famous 'ivy bells' device. afaik this has never appeared in english 1352749;1451012218;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1m8wrfj ) 1352750;1451012231;asciilifeform;or possibly it has 1352751;1451012234;asciilifeform;nm. 1352752;1451012241;asciilifeform;looks like might even be a back-translation 1352753;1451012368;asciilifeform;(or fabrication..) 1352754;1451012699;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00050395 = 10.9861 BTC [-] {2} 1352755;1451013004;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84050 @ 0.00050458 = 42.4099 BTC [+] {2} 1352756;1451013065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00050678 = 12.2641 BTC [+] {2} 1352757;1451014712;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76294 @ 0.00050427 = 38.4728 BTC [-] 1352758;1451018222;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b20 1352759;1451019958;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50700 @ 0.00050731 = 25.7206 BTC [+] {2} 1352760;1451020019;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32358 @ 0.00050747 = 16.4207 BTC [+] 1352761;1451021361;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32116 @ 0.00050751 = 16.2992 BTC [+] {2} 1352762;1451022704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48600 @ 0.00050528 = 24.5566 BTC [-] 1352763;1451023923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29250 @ 0.00050521 = 14.7774 BTC [-] {2} 1352764;1451024472;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84200 @ 0.00050484 = 42.5075 BTC [-] 1352765;1451025194;*;asciilifeform switches on... air conditioner 1352766;1451025204;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48018 @ 0.00050753 = 24.3706 BTC [+] {2} 1352767;1451025265;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6282 @ 0.00050784 = 3.1903 BTC [+] 1352768;1451026790;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87350 @ 0.00050791 = 44.3659 BTC [+] {2} 1352769;1451027254;phf;dc is actually quite pleasant when all the apparatchiks are home celebrating national holiday 1352770;1451027266;phf;cigar bar was all malcontents and characters 1352771;1451027288;phf;but yeah, it's fucking hot out 1352772;1451027949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77600 @ 0.0005074 = 39.3742 BTC [-] 1352773;1451028315;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.0005074 = 9.1839 BTC [-] 1352774;1451029230;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77500 @ 0.00050694 = 39.2879 BTC [-] 1352775;1451030084;BingoBoingo;here near stl is is a pleasant spring weather 1352776;1451031426;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51550 @ 0.00050484 = 26.0245 BTC [-] 1352777;1451031751;BingoBoingo;https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/746284 1352778;1451031753;assbot;Every year this smug fat bastard breaks into people's home and stuffs himself with cookies. The worst part is no one says a word about it. I blame fat acceptance. | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1YFDbgF ) 1352779;1451032585;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00050522 = 4.1428 BTC [+] 1352780;1451032635;phf;there's been reports in the media that naughty or nice database has been breached, but of course everyone knows that santa has been cooperating with NSA for years 1352781;1451033146;BingoBoingo;Always taking the easy way out 1352782;1451033150;BingoBoingo;!up PinkPosixPXE 1352783;1451033562;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31900 @ 0.00050522 = 16.1165 BTC [+] 1352784;1451034049;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.0005051 = 12.2992 BTC [-] {2} 1352785;1451034094;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] An historical timeline of The Real Bitcoin (TRB) development, part i. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/25/an-historical-timeline-of-the-real-bitcoin-trb-development-part-i/ 1352786;1451034754;ben_vulpes;> 0.5.3 selected by Mircea Popescu 1352787;1451034759;ben_vulpes;eh gtfo pete 1352788;1451034868;ben_vulpes;article woefully lacking in links to http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2014/10/20_a-summary-of-changes-to-bitcoin-since-0321.html and http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/05/02_a-brief-history-of-the-bitcoin-foundations-activity-from-102014-through-42015.html 1352789;1451034869;assbot;A summary of changes to Bitcoin since 0.3.21 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Od7bio ) 1352790;1451034870;assbot;A brief history of the Bitcoin Foundation's activity from 10/2014 through 4/2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Od7bis ) 1352791;1451034918;ben_vulpes;the link you cite as mircea_popescu picking 0.5.3 is a response to a request for a copy of the source of a particular vintage 1352792;1451035025;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48050 @ 0.00050694 = 24.3585 BTC [+] 1352793;1451035723;thestringpuller;Merry Xmas ya'll. Or at least the people within my timezone... 1352794;1451036869;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/srW6Q << oh look. "competition". Roger Ver wants to get into journalism now. Whatever happened to that "successful" BitcoinStore.com shit he used to run 1352795;1451037465;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66000 @ 0.00050562 = 33.3709 BTC [-] 1352796;1451037770;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49684 @ 0.00050562 = 25.1212 BTC [-] 1352797;1451039051;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77100 @ 0.00050516 = 38.9478 BTC [-] {2} 1352798;1451039539;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32800 @ 0.00050601 = 16.5971 BTC [+] 1352799;1451040149;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88754 @ 0.00050484 = 44.8066 BTC [-] 1352800;1451040210;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56796 @ 0.00050427 = 28.6405 BTC [-] 1352801;1451040576;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15410 @ 0.00050427 = 7.7708 BTC [-] 1352802;1451040635;ben_vulpes;;;later tell BingoBoingo qntra.net/contact/ << missed this one? 1352803;1451040635;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352804;1451040637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28990 @ 0.00050385 = 14.6066 BTC [-] 1352805;1451040695;jurov;heh, looks like a bsnss opportunity for a paid pastebin >:D 1352806;1451041285;ben_vulpes;isn't that called a webserver? 1352807;1451041287;deedbot-;[cascadian hacker] [ANN] WOTPASTE Alpha (oh and I found another fucked up corner of GPG...) - http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/12/25_ann-wotpaste-alpha-oh-and-i-found-another-fucked-up-corner-of-gpg.html 1352808;1451041301;ben_vulpes;jurov: while we're on the topic... 1352809;1451041492;ben_vulpes;ahh i love shipping in the wee hours 1352810;1451041699;punkman;ben_vulpes: not just newlines, you can add spaces, tabs, and possibly other things at end of lines 1352811;1451041744;ben_vulpes;isn't it grand!? 1352812;1451041765;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-08-2015#1245293 1352813;1451041765;assbot;Logged on 20-08-2015 09:40:13; punkman: (exercise for students: clearsign a piece of text. append as many trailing spaces/tabs/CRs as you like to the clearsigned text. check if it's still valid. repeat process with detached signature, see what happens) 1352814;1451041792;ben_vulpes;ah that's right you beat me to this one by a long shot 1352815;1451041820;ben_vulpes;but i don't think you called out specifically that you can rewrite the whole file's line ending styles without invalidating it 1352816;1451041933;punkman;we'd have a lot more bad signatures if it wasn't the case 1352817;1451042101;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92000 @ 0.00050665 = 46.6118 BTC [+] {2} 1352818;1451042401;punkman;ben_vulpes: while signed pasties are nice for the pastie collector, ain't nobody got time for that 1352819;1451042425;punkman;I guess it'd be useful as deedbot input 1352820;1451042650;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27863 @ 0.00050694 = 14.1249 BTC [+] 1352821;1451042722;ben_vulpes;hm 1352822;1451042758;ben_vulpes;k, noted 1352823;1451042809;ben_vulpes;there's an experimental aspect to it as well, in the vein of getting more signed msterial out in the world 1352824;1451043321;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52500 @ 0.000507 = 26.6175 BTC [+] {2} 1352825;1451045467;jurov;ben_vulpes: gpg is okay with changed line endings in clearsigned content. However, some email clients helpfully wrap text or add/remove empty lines and there the buck stops. 1352826;1451045761;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66100 @ 0.00050383 = 33.3032 BTC [-] {2} 1352827;1451047408;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50514 @ 0.00050847 = 25.6849 BTC [+] {2} 1352828;1451048201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66500 @ 0.00050383 = 33.5047 BTC [-] 1352829;1451048506;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8242 @ 0.00050383 = 4.1526 BTC [-] 1352830;1451049970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6118 @ 0.00050383 = 3.0824 BTC [-] 1352831;1451050099;jurov;http://m.smedata.sk/api-media/media/image/sme/1/30/309391/309391_970x647.jpeg?rev=4 ahahaha ded moroz 1352832;1451050099;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Po7hog ) 1352833;1451050309;jurov;year 1959 - from http://domov.sme.sk/c/20068741/vianocny-casostroj-v-kosiciach-deti-vitali-deda-mraza-na-rakete.html) 1352834;1451050309;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Po7ury ) 1352835;1451050397;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41700 @ 0.00050817 = 21.1907 BTC [+] 1352836;1451050702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61100 @ 0.00050726 = 30.9936 BTC [-] {2} 1352837;1451050906;punkman;http://noradsanta.wikia.com/wiki/GLONASS_Tracks_Father_Frost lol 1352838;1451050907;assbot;GLONASS Tracks Father Frost - NORAD Tracks Santa Wiki - Wikia ... ( http://bit.ly/1Po80Wt ) 1352839;1451051354;punkman;for aficionados, greek santa is not Nicholas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basil_of_Caesarea 1352840;1451051355;assbot;Basil of Caesarea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1miwCnH ) 1352841;1451051617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48750 @ 0.000506 = 24.6675 BTC [-] {2} 1352842;1451052166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4500 @ 0.0005085 = 2.2883 BTC [+] 1352843;1451052445;punkman;http://www.e-sylwester.pl/galerie/3253/VGLN-GROLOUSK-9.jpg and the traditional christmas tree is actually a christmas boat 1352844;1451053020;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9136 @ 0.00050319 = 4.5971 BTC [-] 1352845;1451053081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19834 @ 0.00050123 = 9.9414 BTC [-] 1352846;1451055094;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99031 @ 0.00050892 = 50.3989 BTC [+] {3} 1352847;1451055582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29850 @ 0.00050148 = 14.9692 BTC [-] 1352848;1451055887;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87750 @ 0.00050926 = 44.6876 BTC [+] {3} 1352849;1451057351;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23350 @ 0.00050959 = 11.8989 BTC [+] 1352850;1451059197;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352769 << moscow was just as great! 1352851;1451059197;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 07:07:34; phf: dc is actually quite pleasant when all the apparatchiks are home celebrating national holiday 1352852;1451059242;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63450 @ 0.00050138 = 31.8126 BTC [-] {2} 1352853;1451059611;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352791 << it's true, i never picked 5.3 per se. my contribution was that i said no later than 6 series ; foundation held an informal hearing, decided to go the earliest possible rather than latest possible route, supoena'd me for historical copies which i provided and htey used. 1352854;1451059611;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 09:15:18; ben_vulpes: the link you cite as mircea_popescu picking 0.5.3 is a response to a request for a copy of the source of a particular vintage 1352855;1451059756;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352794 <<< it got too successful for its own victim or something. 1352856;1451059756;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 09:47:49; thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: https://archive.is/srW6Q << oh look. "competition". Roger Ver wants to get into journalism now. Whatever happened to that "successful" BitcoinStore.com shit he used to run 1352857;1451059831;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352814 |<< everyone who had to use gpg got bruised by gpg. davout was talking to me about this in 2013, for a diff project 1352858;1451059831;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 11:09:52; ben_vulpes: ah that's right you beat me to this one by a long shot 1352859;1451060183;mircea_popescu; http://m.smedata.sk/api-media/media/image/sme/3/30/309393/309393_1000x.jpeg << heh check out the czech starlets! 1352860;1451060185;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QQz3ei ) 1352861;1451060190;mircea_popescu;pick the 2000s pronstarz in there ? 1352862;1451060950;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.00050959 = 7.1088 BTC [+] 1352863;1451060966;jurov;mircea_popescu: as the pics are from '50-'60s, surely not. 1352864;1451060974;mod6;;;later tell pete_dushenski Hey, thanks for starting to write up some of this stuff. I aught to point out at least one thing: 'Checkpoints excised by Shane Kinney' 1352865;1451060975;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352866;1451061041;mod6;;;later tell pete_dushenski Although I posted this patch in December of '14, it was quickly tabled by February -- and I wrote about this in the SoBA: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-February/000041.html 1352867;1451061042;assbot;[BTC-dev] The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZsBCF0 ) 1352868;1451061042;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352869;1451061070;mod6;read this section: [ Tabling of Checkpoints Patch ]: 1352870;1451061090;punkman;isn't verifyall equivalent to no checkpoints? 1352871;1451061113;mod6;And this statement is not accurate: ``With the “rm_checkpoints” patch, the wedge issue at Block 252450 was overcome.'' 1352872;1451061133;mod6;it was this patch that overcame that issue: bitcoin-v0_5_3-db_config.6.vpatch 1352873;1451061180;mod6;here's the original posting of that: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-December/000024.html 1352874;1451061181;assbot;[BTC-dev] BDB Configuration ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZsBSnl ) 1352875;1451061231;mod6;Sorry that it's confusing and not super easy to follow, just hoping to make your cool historical timeline a bit more accurate. Salud! 1352876;1451061587;mod6;punkman: ya 1352877;1451061596;mod6;- if (!(fBlock && (nBestHeight < Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate()))) 1352878;1451061599;mod6;+ if (fVerifyAll || (!(fBlock && (nBestHeight < Checkpoints::GetTotalBlocksEstimate())))) 1352879;1451061602;mod6;different patch though 1352880;1451061624;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-July/000120.html 1352881;1451061625;assbot;[BTC-dev] (EXPERIMENTAL) Add '-verifyall' option. ... ( http://bit.ly/1COZ3BA ) 1352882;1451061676;mod6;and its worthwhile to point out the db locks thing is separate 1352883;1451061904;shinohai;Let me say that -verifyall really does it's job of verifying blocks lol 1352884;1451061981;shinohai;Also, been stalled on block 381423 for ~12 hours. 1352885;1451062114;punkman;;;bc,stats 1352886;1451062118;gribble;Current Blocks: 390129 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 974 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 39 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1352887;1451062169;mircea_popescu;jurov oh i thought it was 80s 1352888;1451062189;mircea_popescu;heh, i suppose that's the strongest indictment for the soviets ever : can't fucking distinguish 50s from 80s looking at the pictures. 1352889;1451062196;punkman;lol 1352890;1451062231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16050 @ 0.00050966 = 8.18 BTC [+] {2} 1352891;1451062423;mircea_popescu;<punkman> isn't verifyall equivalent to no checkpoints? << in trb yes. otherwise... complicated. 1352892;1451062532;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352888 << i like going to american antique stores, stocked with '40s-'50s crud. it's kinda like a tour to my '80s childhood 1352893;1451062532;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 16:49:49; mircea_popescu: heh, i suppose that's the strongest indictment for the soviets ever : can't fucking distinguish 50s from 80s looking at the pictures. 1352894;1451062599;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352883 << i recommend reading the code. it disables the 'checkpoint' crud (in the sense of forcing all blocks, including the early ones covered by the 'checkpoint' kludge, to be verified) 1352895;1451062599;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 16:45:04; shinohai: Let me say that -verifyall really does it's job of verifying blocks lol 1352896;1451062938;mod6;<+mircea_popescu> heh, i suppose that's the strongest indictment for the soviets ever : can't fucking distinguish 50s from 80s looking at the pictures. << yeah, whenever i see these older pics, I can't tell if its 30 years ago or 60 1352897;1451062968;asciilifeform;i still don't get what is so terrible about this. 1352898;1451062994;asciilifeform;folks dressed like civilized people, tasteful quasi-victorian rooms, etc. 1352899;1451063004;mod6;totally nothing. i actually kinda like these. 1352900;1451063071;asciilifeform;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-08-2014#799538 << iirc this is the earliest point of reference for proto-trb 1352901;1451063071;assbot;Logged on 18-08-2014 00:46:28; mircea_popescu: so here is a "witness" bitcoin, v 0.6 and there is your "improved" 0.10 (lulzy that it's not 1.0 anymoar) 1352902;1451063071;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352903;1451063137;asciilifeform;( mircea_popescu reveals that he has - to this day unpublished! - private 31337 version of bitcoin; then everybody tries to pry detail outa him; ben_vulpes asks for pedigreed tarballs; i ask for printed book... etc ) 1352904;1451063299;asciilifeform;;;later tell ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352823 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352488 1352905;1451063299;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 11:26:49; ben_vulpes: there's an experimental aspect to it as well, in the vein of getting more signed msterial out in the world 1352906;1451063299;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 21:22:07; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352443 << no!! because deedbot requires privkey use during paste, which is very arduous if you have good hygiene 1352907;1451063299;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1352908;1451063338;asciilifeform;maybe i'm just thick, but i can't think of what ben_vulpes's 'wotpaste' is actually for 1352909;1451063401;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> folks dressed like civilized people, tasteful quasi-victorian rooms, etc. <<< http://trilema.com/2010/piinea-amara-a-baietasilor-de-cartier/ you priviledged lout you. 1352910;1451063402;assbot;Piinea amara a baietasilor de cartier on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1QMt22E ) 1352911;1451063415;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352853 << chronology! >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-10-2014#888435 1352912;1451063415;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 16:06:51; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352791 << it's true, i never picked 5.3 per se. my contribution was that i said no later than 6 series ; foundation held an informal hearing, decided to go the earliest possible rather than latest possible route, supoena'd me for historical copies which i provided and htey used. 1352913;1451063415;assbot;Logged on 22-10-2014 18:45:41; *: jurov just snatched therealbitcoin.org/.com . we'll see. 1352914;1451063448;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: hey everybody's front door looked like this 1352915;1451063456;mircea_popescu;sooooo 1352916;1451063495;asciilifeform;perhaps i'm missing the point of the photo..? 1352917;1451063536;mircea_popescu;looky, the 1990 revolutions happened because hunger. this is a fact. 1352918;1451063559;asciilifeform;aha 1352919;1451063581;mircea_popescu;the article kinda mocks some .ro rappers because hey, hunger. anyway. 1352920;1451063647;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> maybe i'm just thick, but i can't think of what ben_vulpes's 'wotpaste' is actually for << not really his, i just idly asked why would we make a special thing for paste when deedbot already has all that functionality and more. within the same ten minutes it came to light why and the matter went away afaic. 1352921;1451063726;asciilifeform;because i wanna paste from a shell 1352922;1451063736;asciilifeform;as in, through a pipe 1352923;1451063739;mircea_popescu;aha. 1352924;1451063745;asciilifeform;and many other trb folks, i imagine, could also find this useful 1352925;1451063752;asciilifeform;and i ain't signing pipe garbage 1352926;1451063762;asciilifeform;(which i might not even know the content of in advance!) 1352927;1451063783;asciilifeform;pastes are a disposable thing that one might produce ten of in a single minute 1352928;1451063842;mircea_popescu;this poor goat is dead alfie. why you beatin' it. 1352929;1451063855;*;asciilifeform is still waiting for the first 'shall be delivered'-style disaster to illustrate 'don't carelessly sign things' 1352930;1451063877;mircea_popescu;the guy that got all butthurt about his eth short not good enough for you ? 1352931;1451063888;asciilifeform;didn't he lose his key ? 1352932;1451063893;mircea_popescu;the other guy that was going to "ruin bitbet in social media" because similar ? 1352933;1451063897;asciilifeform;very different problem 1352934;1451063900;mircea_popescu;i guess technically different huh. 1352935;1451063927;asciilifeform;everybody ~knows~ that losing your key is doom 1352936;1451063951;asciilifeform;but folks sign carelessly, because very few good public, bloody, examples of why not to 1352937;1451064069;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352859 << 'как наденешь галстук, береги его, он же с нашим знаменем цвета одного!!!' (tm) (r) 1352938;1451064069;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 16:16:23; mircea_popescu: http://m.smedata.sk/api-media/media/image/sme/3/30/309393/309393_1000x.jpeg << heh check out the czech starlets! 1352939;1451064080;asciilifeform;(re: the 'pioneer' neckties) 1352940;1451064087;asciilifeform;this rhyme, incidentally, was mercilessly spoofed 1352941;1451064097;mircea_popescu;was discussing more the hitler jugend one-inch-over-pubis skirts 1352942;1451064123;asciilifeform;original 'when you get your necktie, keep it safe, it is the same colour as our red banner' 1352943;1451064129;*;mircea_popescu is partial to that fashion for girlies, perhaps on account of having grown up in a sea of teenybopper knickers. 1352944;1451064132;asciilifeform;'folk' variations included 'Как наденешь галстук - береги его: Он с твоими месячными цвета одного' 1352945;1451064139;asciilifeform;(... it is same colour as your menstruations) 1352946;1451064162;asciilifeform;or 'Как наденешь галстук - Береги его! Есть на чём повеситься, В случае чего' 1352947;1451064164;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform you know the (same vintage) aspirin contraception joke ? 1352948;1451064174;asciilifeform;( ... you'll have what to hang yourself on, just in case ) 1352949;1451064191;asciilifeform;everybody knows it 1352950;1451064193;asciilifeform;even in usa 1352951;1451064227;mircea_popescu;aok 1352952;1451064233;*;asciilifeform also partial to same fashion 1352953;1451064237;asciilifeform;prolylly for same reason 1352954;1451064270;mircea_popescu;http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/05/02_a-brief-history-of-the-bitcoin-foundations-activity-from-102014-through-42015.html << actually re-reading this... hey, pretty fucking cool huh. 1352955;1451064271;assbot;A brief history of the Bitcoin Foundation's activity from 10/2014 through 4/2015 ... ( http://bit.ly/1Od7bis ) 1352956;1451064279;asciilifeform;interesting how it never caught on in supposedly depuritanized usa 1352957;1451064297;mircea_popescu;mod6 reconfigures BDB to pass the wedge at block 252450 << remember that alf ? :D 1352958;1451064302;asciilifeform;aha 1352959;1451064331;*;asciilifeform still loathes bdb and would like to see it go, asap 1352960;1451064371;mircea_popescu;honestly the only way to replace that seems bitcoinfs 1352961;1451064374;mircea_popescu;still premature. 1352962;1451064500;*;asciilifeform has been looking at the socket handling, and it is imho the most urgent crock of shit ~after~ the leak 1352963;1451064512;asciilifeform;one idiot can trivially monopolize a node. 1352964;1451064537;mircea_popescu;yeah, take some load off poor iptables for this. 1352965;1451064639;asciilifeform;the whole polled socket thing is deeply braindamaged 1352966;1451064658;asciilifeform;(it is a sort of 'cooperative multitasking', a la win95 !) 1352967;1451064688;asciilifeform;client walks the fd's and sees if socket 'needs service' and gives itself over to it wholly until whatever operation (however long it takes) is complete 1352968;1451064713;mircea_popescu;guy was a windows head. 1352969;1451064715;asciilifeform;and ~despite~ this, the source is still peppered with 'critical section' locks etc 1352970;1451064746;mircea_popescu;i think locks and lock behavious is nsa's #1 favourite metacomputing item. 1352971;1451064760;mircea_popescu;counterintuitively, ahead of prngs 1352972;1451064769;asciilifeform;who doesn't love a good ol'fashioned race condition bug 1352973;1451064774;mircea_popescu;you know ? 1352974;1451064779;mircea_popescu;way the fuck better than a smash. 1352975;1451064781;asciilifeform;(anybody recall the race condition 0days in linux kernel circa 2011 ?) 1352976;1451064786;mircea_popescu;myeah. 1352977;1451065952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36445 @ 0.00051001 = 18.5873 BTC [+] {2} 1352978;1451067416;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82457 @ 0.00050886 = 41.9591 BTC [-] {3} 1352979;1451068270;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29900 @ 0.00051002 = 15.2496 BTC [+] {3} 1352980;1451068636;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50018 @ 0.00051006 = 25.5122 BTC [+] {3} 1352981;1451068819;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16550 @ 0.00051009 = 8.442 BTC [+] 1352982;1451069124;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63294 @ 0.00050667 = 32.0692 BTC [-] {2} 1352983;1451069254;jurov;https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10791667 kek 1352984;1451069255;assbot;%*$*#&#* Windows 7 Calculator | Hacker News ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKzFCB ) 1352985;1451069559;VariaVarietatis;sup mircea_popescu 1352986;1451069809;VariaVarietatis;asciilifeform: heard a rumor they might close the drone base in turkey, think this is true? 1352987;1451070265;asciilifeform;VariaVarietatis: how the hell would i know. 1352988;1451070484;asciilifeform;'For some reason, completely unknown to me, Xcode is ALSO tied to OSX version, For example Xcode 6.3 requires a OSX version more than Xcode 6.2, despite having no huge differentes between the two and Xcode 6.3 don't requiring any new OS capabilities that Xcode 6.2 didn't already used anyway. But every time you update OSX and Xcode, not only they sometimes explicitly require a new machine model, but they also get increasingly m 1352989;1451070484;asciilifeform;ore inefficient, using more and more RAM and CPU to do the same things. Since right now, I am very low on money, this means I am stuck using Xcode 6.2, and trying to not misclick anything when I plug the testing devices and iTunes nag me to update them... because if I allow them to get updated, I will have to upgrade Xcode, OSX, and the entire machine, and right now sometimes I can't afford even food ...' 1352990;1451070486;asciilifeform;^ mega-l0l 1352991;1451070617;asciilifeform;'... A physical calculator (and not a touch-screen app on a tablet) has something that the surrogate doesn't. For one thing it does not require you to do GUI context switching. It does not compete for mouse (or keyboard) with the other tens of open programs. I find this invaluable. On the other hand, touch screens take away tactile feedback. This gives the same bland taste as the soft power-off switches.' << yes! 1352992;1451070622;*;asciilifeform keeps physical calculator 1352993;1451070796;shinohai;I prefer physical calculators myself. Apps suck. 1352994;1451070881;asciilifeform;i'm still waiting for a physical calc with hex digit keys and single-button bit operations 1352995;1451070888;asciilifeform;so i can sell my antique hp16c 1352996;1451070893;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84750 @ 0.00050961 = 43.1894 BTC [+] {4} 1352997;1451070936;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=04-09-2015#1262347 << see thread. 1352998;1451070936;assbot;Logged on 04-09-2015 03:52:50; mats: jesus the hp 16c goes for 200+ 1352999;1451071337;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: that reminds me of professor who said to class, "Why the fuck does Word need 1GB of memory and we got to the moon on 12kb of RAM?" 1353000;1451071342;thestringpuller;no one in the class had an answer 1353001;1451071360;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: see also http://www.loper-os.org/?p=300 1353002;1451071362;assbot;Loper OS » Going Nowhere Really Fast, or How Computers Only Come in Two Speeds. ... ( http://bit.ly/1OVhuca ) 1353003;1451071457;thestringpuller;Millions of people have been bamboozled into thinking that editing a letter in real time requires a supercomputer. << but how has the consumer been so easily bamboozled. 1353004;1451071478;thestringpuller;some schmuck has to be like "This is how it is, and this is what you are to expect." for "consumers to have come to expect" 1353005;1451071478;asciilifeform;because 'consumer' is not actually alive. 1353006;1451071495;asciilifeform;but just this thing, like water, takes shape of container (as portrayed in old mircea_popescu article) 1353007;1451071518;thestringpuller;ofc. but yet still operators today, for instance coworkers refuse to use VIM cause "hard" 1353008;1451071535;asciilifeform;if it were 'use vim or stop eating' they will use vim. 1353009;1451071543;thestringpuller;but yet when Atom or Sublime or other bastardized notepad explodes they complain. 1353010;1451071544;asciilifeform;just as they happily used microshit 1353011;1451071576;thestringpuller;I blame the web developers. Fancy CSS and prettiness > functionality 1353012;1451071607;asciilifeform;see also http://www.xach.com/naggum/articles/3071492123502329@naggum.no.html 1353013;1451071608;assbot;Re: creation of lisp machine/lispOS - Naggum cll archive ... ( http://bit.ly/22rV8Uy ) 1353014;1451071637;asciilifeform;'look at Microsoft. nobody in their right mind would want their buggy shit. what Microshit users want is something entirely separate from the products. Microshit is _not_ user-friendly, but it is marketed as user-friendly, and then other software products, far more user-friendly, are made to look as if they missed the whole point about what "user-friendly" _is_, namely to look cool in nice colors while you're crashing and des 1353015;1451071637;asciilifeform;troying the disk, importing a virus from a disk, or letting Word destroy your day's work.' 1353016;1451071789;thestringpuller;Meanwhile, I want to build a sane computer, but I feel it's futile because Microshit and Apple ruined everything... :( 1353017;1451071830;asciilifeform;the boojum in building a sane-anything is that it will have to be financed with your lunch money. 1353018;1451071863;thestringpuller;too bad the bullies shake me down for it everyday 1353019;1451071872;thestringpuller;so not like I have lunch money to begin with 1353020;1451071945;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, et al : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352815 << and when i wrote re: CLEARSIGNING IS INTRINSICALLY RETARDED BECAUSE IN-BAND did anyone listen ? 1353021;1451071945;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 11:10:20; ben_vulpes: but i don't think you called out specifically that you can rewrite the whole file's line ending styles without invalidating it 1353022;1451071982;asciilifeform;let's approach mathematically. with detached sig in gpg, i can sign ANY bitstring which fits in the machine. 1353023;1451072000;asciilifeform;with 'clearsign' - i can only sign certain strings which don't contain the escape magicks. 1353024;1451072043;asciilifeform;and since gpg is retarded by virtue of having to ride on top of 7bit-clean turdmailz etc., it happily mutilates strings to make'em signable 1353025;1451072063;asciilifeform;so you are not signing what you thought you were signing, but a transform 1353026;1451072069;asciilifeform;which is unforgivable 1353027;1451072131;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=15-08-2015#1238786 << see thread. 1353028;1451072131;assbot;Logged on 15-08-2015 17:51:51; asciilifeform: because it doesn't belong in-band. 1353029;1451072192;punkman;no reason we can't have pseudo-clearsigned, text at the top with hex escapes for unprintables, full msg+sig in lower base64 part 1353030;1451072203;asciilifeform;no. 1353031;1451072216;asciilifeform;because http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-08-2015#1238815 1353032;1451072216;assbot;Logged on 15-08-2015 17:56:24; asciilifeform: now you have to CARE ABOUT THE INSIDES 1353033;1451072221;asciilifeform;because CAN'T PIPE THAT 1353034;1451072223;asciilifeform;srslyh 1353035;1451072234;punkman;huh? 1353036;1451072320;asciilifeform;because if you have a magic format, suddenly you have severely circumscribed choices 1353037;1451072357;asciilifeform;1) you can no longer transmit a file of unknown length through a signing widget and sign at arbitrary moment. gotta compute the length in advance 1353038;1451072373;asciilifeform;2) now you have to care about endian - how to represent the magic length word ? 1353039;1451072419;asciilifeform;3) if your file is 7-bit clean, it WILL get mutilated somewhere from point A to point B, just about guaranteed, so whole exercise was pointless 1353040;1451072449;asciilifeform;4) you have to de-crudify a signed file before it can be used 1353041;1451072458;asciilifeform;i could go on and on with the braindamage 1353042;1451072504;asciilifeform;'clearsign' kinda worked for documents intended to be STRICTLY human-readable, where newline crud doesn't have much of an impact 1353043;1451072508;asciilifeform;but even there it barely worked. 1353044;1451072519;asciilifeform;i've ruined hell knows how many ascii art diagrams by signing 1353045;1451072524;asciilifeform;(dashes mutilated) 1353046;1451072723;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78083 @ 0.00050135 = 39.1469 BTC [-] {3} 1353047;1451072734;asciilifeform;'clearsigning' is one of those 'dwim' retardations that folks apparently will have to burn themselves on painfully, again and again and again and again, until they finally grasp the futility 1353048;1451072875;asciilifeform;there cannot be a reasonable way to do an unreasonable thing. 1353049;1451072928;punkman;I don't want 'clearsigning', but if I'm gonna have ascii armored messages/sigs, might as well stick them in one blob, and an unencoded "preview" of the message can be nice to have 1353050;1451073097;asciilifeform;as soon as 'nice to have' transitions into 'this does not and cannot possibly work as intended but we'll use it anyway' you open the door to perdition. 1353051;1451073136;asciilifeform;and ascii-armour is an entirely distinct thing (really just 'uuencode') from 'clearsign' 1353052;1451073157;asciilifeform;in that it does not pretend to be usable as-is without unpacking, 1353053;1451073163;asciilifeform;AND in that it does not mutilate the payload! 1353054;1451073169;punkman;aha 1353055;1451074614;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 127050 @ 0.00050687 = 64.3978 BTC [+] {4} 1353056;1451074919;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62600 @ 0.00050263 = 31.4646 BTC [-] {2} 1353057;1451075112;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352990 << the only megalol is wtf does some schmuck that can't afford food do withy computers. 1353058;1451075112;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 19:08:06; asciilifeform: ^ mega-l0l 1353059;1451075117;mircea_popescu;they're not for everyone, srsly now. 1353060;1451075254;punkman;and he even has testing devices 1353061;1451075285;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64673 @ 0.00050428 = 32.6133 BTC [+] 1353062;1451075304;mircea_popescu;i just hope he doesn't have a girlfriend. 1353063;1451075457;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353020 << dude. i am not maintaining two channels. clearsign is good specifically because it is clearsign. 1353064;1451075457;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 19:32:25; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mircea_popescu, et al : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352815 << and when i wrote re: CLEARSIGNING IS INTRINSICALLY RETARDED BECAUSE IN-BAND did anyone listen ? 1353065;1451075464;mircea_popescu;you see me using "detached signatures" ? 1353066;1451075480;*;ben_vulpes baffled that ipnohe coolie is starving somehow 1353067;1451075519;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes note that often these self-misrepresented "techs" are actually 6 weeks away from the day they first heard of "that css programming language" 1353068;1451075529;mircea_popescu;as illustrated by discussion of "entrepreneurs" quoted in the logs. 1353069;1451075645;ben_vulpes;brief snippet sounded sorta with-it 1353070;1451075681;ben_vulpes;but i was up till 5 last night, so not really applying the razor 1353071;1451075732;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353048 << no. this is a color of bits issue ; i couldn't care less what the technological constraints [appear to] be. a contract is a single item, not a text and a separate signature. 1353072;1451075732;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 19:47:55; asciilifeform: there cannot be a reasonable way to do an unreasonable thing. 1353073;1451075927;ben_vulpes;punkman, mircea_popescu, asciilifeform: destestable though they may be for injecting state into the stateless protocol, would a single "signin" page with an assbot-style decryption of OTP that results in a session key authenticating the user to the perlwad be an improvement, and are there better solutions i'm not considering? anonymous drive-by pasting is not a better solution imho. 1353074;1451075951;mircea_popescu;let's start with, "why not" 1353075;1451076008;ben_vulpes;because i have no interest in building things for the mob. 1353076;1451076021;punkman;ben_vulpes: perhaps issue something like "api key" to users, have a shell script to pipe things to, that sends authenticated paste request 1353077;1451076045;ben_vulpes;and having a known set of users rules out a whole class of misbehaviors. 1353078;1451076086;mircea_popescu;how about this : only accept gpg-encrypted communications, and only distribute the pubkey to people you like. 1353079;1451076120;ben_vulpes;and redistribute whenever someone pisses in my cheerios? 1353080;1451076128;mircea_popescu;something like that 1353081;1451076147;mircea_popescu;not 100%, but prolly close enough 1353082;1451076173;ben_vulpes;i did briefly consider letting people sub out a disposable key 1353083;1451076188;mircea_popescu;you can just deed a notice, which you encrypt to everyone's key. 1353084;1451076243;ben_vulpes;huh 1353085;1451076255;ben_vulpes;alternatively, rotate the pubkey every day, encrypting to l2 and hosting myself. 1353086;1451076265;ben_vulpes;but this is extremely inconvenient to use. 1353087;1451076273;mircea_popescu;meh, i'm not downloading new pubkeys every day to use your paste thing 1353088;1451076286;mircea_popescu;might do it a once a year or some shit, but that's about it. 1353089;1451076313;ben_vulpes;yeeeeeah. 1353090;1451076330;mircea_popescu;alternatively : everyone get a fucking blog, and in that blog have a uploads directoy, and that's fucking that. 1353091;1451076360;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352806 1353092;1451076360;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 11:01:25; ben_vulpes: isn't that called a webserver? 1353093;1451076396;mircea_popescu;like http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/gradina-edenului-81s.jpg works 1353094;1451076396;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mE4b4a ) 1353095;1451076419;ben_vulpes;that's what i've been doing, but it's not working and i'm still seeing heinous linefeed issues hamstringing and tripping up trb scouts 1353096;1451076441;mircea_popescu;how's it not working ?! 1353097;1451076454;ben_vulpes;plus every irc community evolves until it has its own pastebin or how did that old saw go 1353098;1451076469;ben_vulpes;people are still using motherfucking dpaste! 1353099;1451076500;ben_vulpes;and miscellaneous other pasteshites who shit crlfs and waste precious trb time 1353100;1451076516;mircea_popescu;... 1353101;1451076520;mircea_popescu;the idea was, get a blog, use that. 1353102;1451076526;mircea_popescu;how is this related to the above ? 1353103;1451076537;ben_vulpes;people aren't getting blogs and using them. 1353104;1451076586;ben_vulpes;i'm not saying that they won't, i'm say that nobody appears to actually be doing so. 1353105;1451076603;mircea_popescu;i think i've done so a few times, actually. 1353106;1451076627;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52800 @ 0.00050493 = 26.6603 BTC [+] 1353107;1451076645;mircea_popescu;but in fairness, this is just another facet of the monolithic usg-slavery-thoughtpattern. living in the states is good enoughy for me ; i don't really need a blog and it's not THE central, defining thing of my current existence ; on it goes. 1353108;1451076655;mircea_popescu;there's little technological solutions to psychological problems. 1353109;1451076818;ben_vulpes;from pasteshite design to "all you-sians are congenitally retarded" in less than 50 lines. 1353110;1451076822;ben_vulpes;merry cribmusk. 1353111;1451076832;mircea_popescu;lol. 1353112;1451076836;mircea_popescu;ty, i try! 1353113;1451076842;ben_vulpes;useles, you are! 1353114;1451076856;*;ben_vulpes chuckles 1353115;1451076865;mircea_popescu;wut!\ 1353116;1451076869;ben_vulpes;"i don't solve problems, i just make them" 1353117;1451076881;mircea_popescu;i didn't even make one this time! 1353118;1451076927;mircea_popescu;in unrelated news, i go out buy a bag of dice. these idiots used blue and red for the paint on the faces. guess what numbers are red and what numbers are blue ? 1353119;1451076929;ben_vulpes;right right, just gleefully abstaining from helping lol 1353120;1451076961;ben_vulpes;primes and not? 1353121;1451076969;mircea_popescu;1 and 4 are red. rest blue. 1353122;1451076980;*;ben_vulpes blinks 1353123;1451076982;mircea_popescu;not you know, fucking odds and evens. not you know, fucking 1,2,3 vs 4,5,6 1353124;1451076983;ben_vulpes;what 1353125;1451076989;mircea_popescu;it's almost as if argentina made these. 1353126;1451076995;ben_vulpes;well no it wouldn't be sensible things 1353127;1451077043;ben_vulpes;aight but before we go haring off completely is there an argument to be made in favor of wotmembers signing authentication tokens over decrypting authentication tokens? 1353128;1451077074;mircea_popescu;anyway, back to the dpaste : im not abstaining from helping or anything of the sort. there's been an idea, it's been trashing around in the b-a uterus trying to come to conception. it doesn't seem that it actually works tho, seems more like an irrealisable chimera of disparate, irreconcilable parts. 1353129;1451077086;mircea_popescu;the correct solution also seems to have emerged, how's any of this my fault. 1353130;1451077109;mircea_popescu;i don't think i want an authenticated dpaste, myself. 1353131;1451077132;mircea_popescu;for the stated reason : for the same money i just use my blog to host the file 1353132;1451077150;mircea_popescu;which is specifically what i said above : there will exist EXACTLY ONE place i authenticate at ; the name for that place is "my blog" 1353133;1451077156;mircea_popescu;not fucking facebook. not anything else. 1353134;1451077174;mircea_popescu;this is fundamental and fundamentally important. if you wish to be a person, you gotta maintain this level of control. 1353135;1451077175;ben_vulpes;incl assbot 1353136;1451077235;mircea_popescu;not a bad counterexample. 1353137;1451077250;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu proposes to manage dns without authentication? is this like the mythical bezzlebroker who only communicates in gpggrams with $maxint clients? 1353138;1451077274;mircea_popescu;i propose to not manage dns at all, and not have dns, either. 1353139;1451077281;ben_vulpes;if so i would like an introduction to this registrar, they sound like good people to know 1353140;1451077317;mircea_popescu;you know, giving examples of broken shit is not necessarily an effectual way to argue in favour of said shit. 1353141;1451077325;mircea_popescu;i like registrars like i like microsoft. 1353142;1451077327;ben_vulpes;yes well clearly when we actually have gossipd auth i can wash my hands of auth too. 1353143;1451077355;mircea_popescu;aha. 1353144;1451077378;ben_vulpes;so riddle me this: why the everloving fuck *should* i make any tool usable for anyone outside of my wot? 1353145;1451077381;mircea_popescu;still, you know, think about what this is. you're proposing to give people a modicum of webspace in some narrow constraints. 1353146;1451077392;mircea_popescu;because why the fuck, 10 bucks a month is too much for these people to get a fucking blog up ? 1353147;1451077400;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes i do not think you should. 1353148;1451077449;mircea_popescu;bear in mind however that ... how are women that you've not fucked before going to find you ? 1353149;1451077476;ben_vulpes;isn't the classic answer 'the other gurlz'? 1353150;1451077503;mircea_popescu;aha. 1353151;1451077512;ben_vulpes;SO WHY THE FUCK WRITE SHIT FOR PEOPLE NOT IN THE WOT 1353152;1451077522;mircea_popescu;<mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes i do not think you should. ! 1353153;1451077544;ben_vulpes;well then what precisely were you proposing? 1353154;1451077638;jurov;he proposed for everyone to have own webspace, no? 1353155;1451077660;mircea_popescu;that you're trying to sell webspace on a below-shared server level and by the kilobyte like some sort of idiot. either get into the business by running an actual isp or else let people do the thing sanely on their own. 1353156;1451077702;mircea_popescu;in short, i wisened up to the fact that this particular thing is of the "go big or go home" variety and insistence on peculiar versions of small are a waste of time. 1353157;1451077706;ben_vulpes;(tangentially related http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/vinyll.png) 1353158;1451077707;assbot;Nothing found for Blog Wp-content Uploads 2015 12 Vinyll Png) ... ( http://bit.ly/1MzzoKT ) 1353159;1451077774;mircea_popescu;bullshit. it was, at the time, incredibly cheap and convenient. 1353160;1451077790;ben_vulpes;not selling, really. more of a toy for phriendz 1353161;1451077826;mircea_popescu;if you have friends who need a prepackaged version of a $10 item you apparently need better friends. 1353162;1451077837;mircea_popescu;either that or befriending more adults, i guess. 1353163;1451077897;ben_vulpes;nobody 'needs' a toy. 1353164;1451077969;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16825 @ 0.00050493 = 8.4954 BTC [+] 1353165;1451078018;ben_vulpes;http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2015/10/obamas-effort-to-nudge-america-000276 << in which the department of statistics completely forgets about the challenges of untangling correlation from causation 1353166;1451078020;assbot;Obama’s effort to ‘nudge’ America ... ( http://bit.ly/1MzzF05 ) 1353167;1451078031;mircea_popescu;lol 1353168;1451078035;ben_vulpes;"The results: about 9 percent more poor students matriculated." << how would you know it's attributable to your work? 1353169;1451078043;jurov;ben_vulpes: i'd say you are going at it in wrong direction 1353170;1451078047;ben_vulpes;"but it still led to a $1.59 million increase in fees in one quarter" << how do you knoooow 1353171;1451078063;ben_vulpes;try me, jurov. what's a better direction? 1353172;1451078124;jurov;maybe i'll act on it myself, so i won't say now. but it's quite obvious. 1353173;1451078171;mircea_popescu;lol the cutthroat pastecompetition 1353174;1451078195;ben_vulpes;if you want it, take it! 1353175;1451078204;ben_vulpes;all i want is a prophylactic against crlfs. 1353176;1451078211;ben_vulpes;everything else is ego and vanity 1353177;1451078228;jurov;oooooh. i wanted to see your megasuperdevstack in action, tho 1353178;1451078237;ben_vulpes;no js in this thing. 1353179;1451078256;ben_vulpes;no js in tmsr~! 1353180;1451078278;mircea_popescu;your life's work is not welcome here! 1353181;1451078291;ben_vulpes;megasuperdevstack only makes sense in context of insane complexity of ui development, jurov. 1353182;1451078297;mircea_popescu;this is really not a bad motto for b-a ; the funny thing for me is how varied the reaction of people is as they encounter it in practice. 1353183;1451078300;jurov;:) 1353184;1451078310;ben_vulpes;tmsr~ needs ui like it needs people who need ui. 1353185;1451078332;mircea_popescu;you know that ~ makes sense only if it's b,tmsr~ 1353186;1451078347;*;ben_vulpes sighs 1353187;1451078353;mircea_popescu;otherwise it's like "the The Bank" 1353188;1451078357;ben_vulpes;yes boss 1353189;1451078378;ben_vulpes;(what else would it be the most serene republic of, though?) 1353190;1451078393;mircea_popescu;~ is not "of" 1353191;1451078415;ben_vulpes;ack 1353192;1451078517;mircea_popescu;~ in this context is an interesting thing : a postprocessor directive meaning "take the string before the first comma and put it in here to reconstruct the correct title of this item". so that "Fanny Fucksticks, The Enchanted Travels Of ~" becomes "The Enchanted Travels Of Fanny Fucksticks". 1353193;1451078538;mircea_popescu;the reason for this is that so many titles start with The in english that it debalanced the sorting tree (implemented in nature as shelves) 1353194;1451078557;mircea_popescu;this ties into the discussion about nazis and their de-facto paper-processing computing 1353195;1451078570;mircea_popescu;ie http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-12-2015#1352309 1353196;1451078570;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 19:32:46; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the other gestapo did not suffer from delusions of machine learning!1111111111 to help them process somehow infinite tips into an edible portion 1353197;1451078577;mircea_popescu;in fact, machine learning is older than automatons. 1353198;1451078617;ben_vulpes;(it is the root of cognition, no?) "usually this makes the food happen" 1353199;1451078635;mircea_popescu;kinda why i stuck it in there - bitcoin has deeper roots than commonly realised. 1353200;1451078660;ben_vulpes;anyways jurov if i had an inkling that someone would do it besides myself i'd not have done it in the first place. if you want the thing on your plate, lmk, otherwise if you have an obvious solution you're not holding out for paste-opoly also let me know. 1353201;1451078762;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35378 @ 0.00050428 = 17.8404 BTC [-] {2} 1353202;1451078813;jurov;heh, not like pastebin is some crucial piece 1353203;1451078918;ben_vulpes;which is why i think it should be hammered out and left alone at the earliest possible moment. 1353204;1451078944;mircea_popescu;tru 1353205;1451078982;mircea_popescu;thinking about it : the one thing i like about dpaste in preference of uploading files is that i don't have to provide a filename. 1353206;1451078993;mircea_popescu;or, more generally : that it's like clearisgn and not like detached signature. 1353207;1451079071;ben_vulpes;(it's just a fucking latrine that needs digging) 1353208;1451079138;mircea_popescu;the thing i fucking hate about dpaste is the dumbass "select data type" and that they think text is "plain text" and starts with a p.\ 1353209;1451079184;ben_vulpes;mhm 1353210;1451079274;jurov;i'm not hellbound to having it. my idea was to accept anything, signed or not, make it available for a week, and put older pastes behind a paywall 1353211;1451079311;jurov;i suspect ben_vulpes is not up for that kind of latrine anyway :D 1353212;1451079437;mircea_popescu;ahahaha paywall dpaste 1353213;1451079464;mircea_popescu;how to cheaply and efficiently ensure the ire of people in the wot : charge them for their own shit. 1353214;1451079509;ben_vulpes;jurov: why'd i not be? 1353215;1451079517;jurov;just guessing 1353216;1451079537;jurov;it needs more attention than fire and forget 1353217;1451079546;ben_vulpes;zing 1353218;1451079930;mircea_popescu;"We received conflicting advice from lots of smart people about which is more important. We focused on engagement, which we improved by orders of magnitude. No one cared." 1353219;1451079974;mircea_popescu;check it out, "engagement" went up by 9% / 1.59 mn in one quarter. 1353220;1451079991;mircea_popescu;how THE FUCK do you increase engagement and no one cares. 1353221;1451080203;mircea_popescu;Title: How My Startup Failed Product: Condom Key Chains 1353222;1451080214;mircea_popescu;"today in Cheez Today" 1353223;1451080325;mircea_popescu;~ 1353224;1451080328;mircea_popescu;"And this worked really well for foursquare thanks to the mayorship. If I tell someone Im the mayor of a spot, Im in an instant conversation: What makes you the mayor? Thats lame, Im there way more than you What do you get for being mayor?. Compare that to talking about Gowalla: I just swapped this sticker of a bike for a sticker of a six pack of beer! What? Yes, I am still a virgin. 1353225;1451080328;mircea_popescu; See the difference? Make some aspect of your product easy and fun to talk about, and make it unique." 1353226;1451080365;mircea_popescu;that's exactly not it. the difference is that the former STOLE something. a little bit of something, and something that wasn't well bolted down by a legal process. 300 years ago you'd go to jail for pretending to be the mayor ; even today you can go to jail for pretending to be a cop. 1353227;1451080376;mircea_popescu;that's mostly what these things peddle : a particular sort of theft. 1353228;1451080387;mircea_popescu;also why they're fundamentally worthless. 1353229;1451081470;mircea_popescu;http://41.media.tumblr.com/46ab645fc84d49749873b4ae26b26c2f/tumblr_n7v3p9OYIG1qerpoyo1_400.jpg 1353230;1451081471;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKOTaH ) 1353231;1451081480;mircea_popescu;http://itsnotokokcupid.tumblr.com sauce pretty lulzy too 1353232;1451081481;assbot;It's Not OK, OkCupid ... ( http://bit.ly/1RKOTrh ) 1353233;1451082507;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353065 << 'v' lives and dies by detached signatures. and i'm not implementing payload mutilation in 'p.' and i won't be using anything that mutilates payloads if i can help it, ever. 1353234;1451082507;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 20:31:04; mircea_popescu: you see me using "detached signatures" ? 1353235;1451082537;asciilifeform;'clearsign' of whatever scheme for machine-readable data suxx. 1353236;1451082544;asciilifeform;for entirely fundamental reasons,. 1353237;1451082592;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353071 << if you must have one file, gpg --armour it. or tar it. whatever. 1353238;1451082592;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 20:35:32; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353048 << no. this is a color of bits issue ; i couldn't care less what the technological constraints [appear to] be. a contract is a single item, not a text and a separate signature. 1353239;1451082607;asciilifeform;but can we have a final bullet in the head of ascii mutilation and magical dashes ? 1353240;1451082614;mircea_popescu;there's nothing wrong with v as is. 1353241;1451082631;mircea_popescu;but a gpg would-be replacement that doesn't have clearsign is not actually usable as a replacement 1353242;1451082639;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353073 << not for any of my use cases. i wanna paste from a shell without unsheathing my pgptron 1353243;1451082639;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 20:38:47; ben_vulpes: punkman, mircea_popescu, asciilifeform: destestable though they may be for injecting state into the stateless protocol, would a single "signin" page with an assbot-style decryption of OTP that results in a session key authenticating the user to the perlwad be an improvement, and are there better solutions i'm not considering? anonymous drive-by pasting is not a better solution imho. 1353244;1451082655;asciilifeform;and i don't see any reason to sign a disposable, ephemeral turd. 1353245;1451082658;asciilifeform;i don't sign my farts either. 1353246;1451082706;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353078 << this works until usg or even a demented sysop is involved: you can derive pubkey from ciphertext 1353247;1451082706;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 20:41:26; mircea_popescu: how about this : only accept gpg-encrypted communications, and only distribute the pubkey to people you like. 1353248;1451082721;mircea_popescu;so i said. 1353249;1451082898;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353156 << it is worth thinking about ~why~ folks - including even mircea_popescu, yes - actually use pastebinatrons 1353250;1451082898;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 21:08:22; mircea_popescu: in short, i wisened up to the fact that this particular thing is of the "go big or go home" variety and insistence on peculiar versions of small are a waste of time. 1353251;1451082972;mircea_popescu;honestly, i started using it in b-a. it is, for me, a replacement of email. 1353252;1451083009;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353205 << or log in, or motherfucking decrypt anything, or hit more than one button !!1111 1353253;1451083009;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 21:29:42; mircea_popescu: thinking about it : the one thing i like about dpaste in preference of uploading files is that i don't have to provide a filename. 1353254;1451083024;mircea_popescu;aha. 1353255;1451083124;asciilifeform;what's wrong with tar as a 'clearsign' bottle ? 1353256;1451083156;mircea_popescu;i can't read tar. 1353257;1451083161;asciilifeform;sure you can 1353258;1451083165;mircea_popescu;... 1353259;1451083178;asciilifeform;don't take my word for it. go dump a tar of ascii text to console 1353260;1451083185;asciilifeform;perfectly readable. 1353261;1451083193;mircea_popescu;you understand, i hope you do but if you don't i'll explain it, that the only - THE ONLY - reason for literacy is so you can read contracts. 1353262;1451083208;mircea_popescu;if it were the case that contracts came in '|tar bottles" reading plain english would be as useful as reading latin. 1353263;1451083213;mircea_popescu;and literacy would be defined as "reading tar" 1353264;1451083215;mircea_popescu;do you ? 1353265;1451083236;asciilifeform;literacy is already defined as 'reading this set of hieroglyphs' 1353266;1451083250;mircea_popescu;so your idea of a working gpg is "everyone must learn new alphabet now" ? 1353267;1451083254;asciilifeform;mno 1353268;1451083260;mircea_popescu;it'd better not be. 1353269;1451083398;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79000 @ 0.00050428 = 39.8381 BTC [-] 1353270;1451083763;mircea_popescu;why the everloving fuck is sed -n '/\/start\//,/end/p' dump out the whole pipe instead of just the stuff between /start/ and end ? 1353271;1451084140;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: why did you escape out the fwdslashes ? 1353272;1451084176;asciilifeform;sed -n '/start/,/end/p' 1353273;1451084186;mircea_popescu;i want it to match /start/ not start 1353274;1451084191;asciilifeform;Ah 1353275;1451084198;mircea_popescu;"for the obvious reason" 1353276;1451084219;mircea_popescu;the #1 most frustrating thing known to man is when computers don't do what you expect them to do. 1353277;1451084226;mircea_popescu;somehow more annoying than when women don't. 1353278;1451084228;*;asciilifeform mildly horrified that mircea_popescu found himself doing this 1353279;1451084251;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i gotta keep up with you young folk! 1353280;1451084252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32728 @ 0.00050512 = 16.5316 BTC [+] {3} 1353281;1451084271;mircea_popescu;what am i to be like one of those us military base commanders that can't run a quarter mile ? 1353282;1451084562;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: would you accept use of a token in headers for use from cli? 1353283;1451084575;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: wai wat 1353284;1451084621;asciilifeform;i don't want to replace my toilet with an authenticated one, either, y'know ? 1353285;1451084635;asciilifeform;i don't want to need to imprint turds with a seal before flushing. 1353286;1451084649;ben_vulpes;that i understand. 1353287;1451084649;asciilifeform;or sign every scrap of paper i put in the shredder 1353288;1451084656;ben_vulpes;yes yes yes you drama queen 1353289;1451084679;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53800 @ 0.00050366 = 27.0969 BTC [-] {4} 1353290;1451084757;ben_vulpes;i am just looking for a sane balance between toilet for the mob and useful tool for the wot. 1353291;1451084862;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85650 @ 0.00050273 = 43.0588 BTC [-] {3} 1353292;1451084899;ben_vulpes;trinque suggested not-trivially-enumerable endpoints for wotmembers, eg engage in a brief gpggram session one time, yields a wotpaste/my-difficult-to-enumerate-endpoint place for individuals to post textwads to 1353293;1451084923;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20435 @ 0.00050263 = 10.2712 BTC [-] {2} 1353294;1451084984;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73265 @ 0.00050123 = 36.7226 BTC [-] {2} 1353295;1451084993;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: sed -n '/\/start\//,/\/end\//p' will work, but it prints crud prior to start or after end ~if on same line~ 1353296;1451085004;asciilifeform;and what's more, afaik you cannot get around this in gnu sed. 1353297;1451085010;asciilifeform;gotta use awk (or, horror, perl) 1353298;1451085039;asciilifeform;because, again, the whole 'plain text' jwzism and the attendant retardation. somehow 'lines' are a thing. 1353299;1451085312;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: part of the appeal of running a 'pastebin' ~is~ the crud dropped in by the mob. for instance, there is a long tradition of dropping 0days and leaked misc crud on pastebin. 1353300;1451085427;asciilifeform;and i still insist that the 'clearness' of 'clearsign' is a jwzism. NO YOU CAN'T actually read the payload 'without tools'. yes, you can put it to a line printer, and get a human-readable page. BUT it will not be WHAT YOU SIGNED! not bitwise, and not mandatorily, and therefore not at all. 1353301;1451085436;asciilifeform;you still need a computer to read 'plain ascii' 1353302;1451085451;asciilifeform;and we still don't have agreement - yes, even among unixlines - how to actually display 'plain text' 1353303;1451085456;asciilifeform;or how to process it consistently 1353304;1451085460;asciilifeform;*unixlikes 1353305;1451085550;asciilifeform;this whole discussion, every time we have it, really mirrors in my mind the debates i've had with greyhaired non-programming folk who insisted on 'one day we will program in NATURAL LANGUAGE!11111' 1353306;1451086021;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87100 @ 0.00050593 = 44.0665 BTC [+] {4} 1353307;1451086168;mircea_popescu;oook, anyone wanna guess what this does : 1353308;1451086172;mircea_popescu;cat fucksticks.txt | sort -u | while read line; do curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0" --cookie "session=185406475447611750%3a13562327112394530656;secure_check=1;authlink=8e9808c6;__cfduid=de2158114156a0b38260969e145b2ca9e1450046931" "https://www.okcupid.com/profile/$line" | sed 's/profile_similar/\n\n/g' | sed 's/href/\n\n/g' | grep 'cf=' | grep "/profile/" | sed 's/="\ 1353309;1451086172;mircea_popescu;/profile\///g' | sed 's/?cf=//g' >> fucksticks. 1353310;1451086230;mircea_popescu;more importantly, anyone bored can kill themselves figuring out why the fuck i have to do two passes of sed interspersed with a grep to get the dumbass thing to work as intended. 1353311;1451086273;asciilifeform;ugh 1353312;1451086333;mircea_popescu;aha! 1353313;1451086344;mircea_popescu;this is what programming is. fucking tarpit. 1353314;1451086348;mircea_popescu;and you want me to read more tar ? 1353315;1451086383;asciilifeform;in the same spirit, have another!: 1353316;1451086401;asciilifeform;http://www.loper-os.org/pub/samecat/foo.txt http://www.loper-os.org/pub/samecat/bar.txt 1353317;1451086402;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YGZhzf ) 1353318;1451086403;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YGZjqR ) 1353319;1451086406;asciilifeform;prints same with 'cat' 1353320;1451086411;asciilifeform;entirely different contents. 1353321;1451086418;*;mircea_popescu looks 1353322;1451086429;asciilifeform;not mega-trick. but works. 1353323;1451086484;asciilifeform;granted, hex editor will show you immediately why. but the 'plain text is readable without tools' illusion is - just that 1353324;1451086495;mircea_popescu;a yea, iirc we even had a discussion about scripts doing ^H etc here, with a link and everything. 1353325;1451086500;asciilifeform;possibly 1353326;1451086509;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22982 @ 0.00051011 = 11.7233 BTC [+] {3} 1353327;1451086616;mircea_popescu;note however that you can't rely on me reading the "clearsigned" thing with any particular mechanism. 1353328;1451086627;mircea_popescu;for all you know i do read it in a byte editor. 1353329;1451086631;asciilifeform;aha 1353330;1451086652;asciilifeform;at which point the supposed advantage of the 'plainness' is nowhere to be found 1353331;1451086654;mircea_popescu;so this entire "unix terminal is retarded" thing isn't as much of a concern 1353332;1451086658;mircea_popescu;how so ? 1353333;1451086740;asciilifeform;because if you want to avoid 'malleability', now you have to actually use a tool that shows you the bytes. 1353334;1451086747;asciilifeform;incl. the nonprintable ones. 1353335;1451086821;mircea_popescu;ideally, clearsign would reject anything but ascii. 1353336;1451086838;asciilifeform;well, it'd necessarily have to be more narrow than ascii 1353337;1451086846;mircea_popescu;"these are your father's letters" 1353338;1451086847;asciilifeform;(in having magical words) 1353339;1451086854;mircea_popescu;hm ? 1353340;1451086871;asciilifeform;either the start/end marker (as in traditional gpg) or length offset marker (as somebody suggested here) 1353341;1451086887;asciilifeform;but in no case could i be ~guaranteed~ of signing an arbitrary ascii string without mutilation 1353342;1451086889;mircea_popescu;- is not ascii 1353343;1451086895;asciilifeform;sure as fuck is 1353344;1451086940;asciilifeform;unless they have a different character set on mars, also called ascii, where - is not 45 1353345;1451086950;mircea_popescu;to put it sanely-er : i'm more than happy to redefine "ascii" for clearsign to include a subset of ascii 1353346;1451086958;asciilifeform;telex! 1353347;1451086974;mircea_popescu;quite 1353348;1451086978;mircea_popescu;i lived just fine with telex. 1353349;1451086993;*;asciilifeform looks forward to using mircea_popescu's p-block for telex clearsigs. 1353350;1451087015;asciilifeform;in fact, whole point of 'p' originally in my head was so that mircea_popescu could have these. 1353351;1451087025;mircea_popescu;honestly, in my mind i realise now, gpg --clearisng has taken over a hole left by telex. 1353352;1451087029;mircea_popescu;quite exactly. 1353353;1451087033;mircea_popescu;ha! 1353354;1451087094;asciilifeform;http://cheshirecatalyst.com/p-telex.html << for n00bz 1353355;1451087095;assbot;Cheshire's Introduction to Telex ... ( http://bit.ly/22s8KPE ) 1353356;1451087200;asciilifeform;http://nemesis.lonestar.org/reference/telecom/codes/baudot.html << moar. 1353357;1451087202;assbot;Baudot Character Code Reference ... ( http://bit.ly/22s8PTk ) 1353358;1451087246;mircea_popescu;some telex machines were distinctive enough that after years one could really tell wtf the message says from across the room 1353359;1451087254;mircea_popescu;sorta between morse and slow modem 1353360;1451087279;asciilifeform;mechanized morse really 1353361;1451087322;mircea_popescu;pretty much 1353362;1451087328;mircea_popescu;"fire lizzie, too many holes" 1353363;1451087551;asciilifeform;;;later tell BingoBoingo is anybody gonna qntra the juniper crud ? 1353364;1451087551;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1353365;1451087646;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, 1353366;1451087656;asciilifeform;'The Committee supports substantially enhancing and expediting efforts to deter the insider threat and believes doing so will require an integrated counterintelligence and security apparatus that spans the IC and the U.S. Government. Additionally, the Committee believes the IC's information technology modernization effort--the IC Information Technology Enterprise--must provide the infrastructure to detect insider threats earli 1353367;1451087656;asciilifeform;er, more effectively, and more reliably. (See page 24 for more information on the IC Information Technology Enterprise, otherwise known as ``IC ITE.'') Robust counterintelligence data and analytic tools to monitor, analyze, and audit personnel behavior will be critical to this endeavor.' 1353368;1451087663;asciilifeform;can't wait for the politruks ! 1353369;1451087723;mircea_popescu;mmmkay... 1353370;1451087807;asciilifeform;http://www.sovunion.info/posters/listovky/197.jpg << german leaflet 1353371;1451087808;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YH0VRn ) 1353372;1451087834;asciilifeform;http://www.sovunion.info/posters/listovky/200.jpg << same 1353373;1451087836;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YH0Zk4 ) 1353374;1451087852;asciilifeform;http://www.sovunion.info/posters/listovky/199.jpg << ditto 1353375;1451087854;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YH11IS ) 1353376;1451088156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22600 @ 0.00050123 = 11.3278 BTC [-] {2} 1353377;1451088197;mircea_popescu;!up okcupidslut 1353378;1451088217;okcupidslut;hey mircea_popescu is http://trilema.com/2014/ill-pay-for-your-tits/ still open ? 1353379;1451088218;assbot;I'll pay for your tits on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1MQMd6w ) 1353380;1451088223;mircea_popescu;aha. 1353381;1451088239;mircea_popescu;put 94fc74e8 on yer maidenly bosom. 1353382;1451088278;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 141100 @ 0.00050046 = 70.6149 BTC [-] {3} 1353383;1451088339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70193 @ 0.00049984 = 35.0853 BTC [-] {4} 1353384;1451089088;okcupidslut;https://40.media.tumblr.com/be11b8853f01fae713b6086d759a43b6/tumblr_nzxvhuWnmu1v0e7i8o1_1280.jpg 1353385;1451089089;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YH2BdR ) 1353386;1451089133;mircea_popescu;ahahaha that's some rearview mirror work okcupidslut 1353387;1451089142;asciilifeform;what is this headless chimera. 1353388;1451089149;mircea_popescu;the problem is you dun seem to have a head ? 1353389;1451089167;asciilifeform;marie antoinette. 1353390;1451089176;shinohai;kek 1353391;1451089193;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4769 @ 0.00049968 = 2.383 BTC [-] {2} 1353392;1451089212;okcupidslut;ehh, but my face looks like it got hit by a car atm. Aint nothing pretty about that. 1353393;1451089222;mircea_popescu;makes no diff. 1353394;1451089234;mircea_popescu;the problem with headless pics is that well... they'll just get reused later by $randomscammer$ 1353395;1451089262;mircea_popescu;how did that line go... #bitcoin-assets is about truth not necessarily beauty. 1353396;1451089272;okcupidslut;ahah, give me some minutes then. 1353397;1451089281;*;mircea_popescu gives 1353398;1451090076;mircea_popescu;!up okcupidslut 1353399;1451090209;mircea_popescu;!up okcupidslut 1353400;1451090274;mircea_popescu;lmao 1353401;1451090275;mircea_popescu;!up okcupidslut 1353402;1451090302;mircea_popescu;dat nordic system and its accomplishments! 1353403;1451090313;okcupidslut;https://36.media.tumblr.com/74d1486c81d76777ab0c38070f89d6bf/tumblr_nzxw8qDQIj1v0e7i8o1_1280.jpg 1353404;1451090314;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OdZusa ) 1353405;1451090336;mircea_popescu;cute. address ? 1353406;1451090353;shinohai;She left. Free tits! 1353407;1451090363;mircea_popescu;lol nah. 1353408;1451090371;thestringpuller;is the ddos machine on or something? 1353409;1451090397;mircea_popescu;no, just, everyone in norway's got their ac on so the power grid goes out. 1353410;1451090425;asciilifeform;achtung, panzers! 1353411;1451090431;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: 1353412;1451090431;asciilifeform;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000187.html 1353413;1451090432;assbot;[BTC-dev] AWS Banhammer ... ( http://bit.ly/1OdZBUM ) 1353414;1451090439;mircea_popescu;okcupidslut what's your bitcoin address ? 1353415;1451090449;ben_vulpes;achtung achtung 1353416;1451090471;mircea_popescu;nice alfie. 1353417;1451090485;shinohai;ty asciilifeform 1353418;1451090623;okcupidslut;18gA2wFgQzn4ZG397PakxRoYEwktZ28uFz 1353419;1451090659;mircea_popescu;emjoy! 1353420;1451090659;thestringpuller;why all the hate on AWS? 1353421;1451090686;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1350912 1353422;1451090686;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 02:56:57; asciilifeform: incidentally, zoolag is under heavy and modestly-clever ddos 1353423;1451090698;asciilifeform;this plus the fact that there is no meaningful collateral damage 1353424;1451090703;asciilifeform;because a 'cloud' node is a pseudonode. 1353425;1451090733;thestringpuller;and a node run on hardware in a datacenter is not? 1353426;1451090756;asciilifeform;not normally, no. 1353427;1451090761;ben_vulpes;and you propose to identify all such virtualized nodes somehow? 1353428;1451090767;ben_vulpes;what next, rackspace? 1353429;1451090775;mircea_popescu;no, he just proposes to whack some more obvious ones. 1353430;1451090778;ben_vulpes;"enumerating badness" 1353431;1451090779;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: by no means. but why permit known and exhaustively-catalogued rubbish ? 1353432;1451090797;asciilifeform;presently it is the most pestilential variety of rubbish 1353433;1451090802;asciilifeform;on account of the 'easy & cheap' 1353434;1451090810;thestringpuller;easy yes, cheap no. 1353435;1451090814;ben_vulpes;notrly the latter. 1353436;1451090825;mircea_popescu;i actually support throwing a spoke or three in the expectation of jwz that "struff works" 1353437;1451090827;asciilifeform;when rackspace starts handing out vm to reddit k00l d00dz for a penny/hour, i'll ban it. 1353438;1451090837;mircea_popescu;a lot more of this "oh, you're on aws ? well... you can't do X" stuff is sorely needed. 1353439;1451090842;asciilifeform;^^^ 1353440;1451090851;mircea_popescu;time to turn the tables on the golum. 1353441;1451090873;mircea_popescu;or as that kid aptly said (in american history X), "on the internet, YOU'RE the nigger." 1353442;1451090915;thestringpuller;didn't that kid end up getting shot/stabbed in the bathroom? 1353443;1451090938;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the correct 'non-enumerative badness' expression is, ultimately, 'don't give cpu cycles out to all-comers' 1353444;1451090942;asciilifeform;but we aren't there yet. 1353445;1451091017;thestringpuller;well i guess I'm moving my nodes to google cloud 1353446;1451091023;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65800 @ 0.0005093 = 33.5119 BTC [+] {3} 1353447;1451091036;mircea_popescu;haha were you on aws ? 1353448;1451091054;thestringpuller;one of my nodes was. 1353449;1451091060;thestringpuller;well the "working" one. 1353450;1451091075;mircea_popescu;honestly, you're better off getting a decent server you actually control for your node than getting a bunch of aws/such crap 1353451;1451091084;thestringpuller;I have one in my basement. 1353452;1451091093;thestringpuller;But it's being obstinent right now. 1353453;1451091129;thestringpuller;I attempted to create an insane robot, and I succeeded. 1353454;1451091192;mircea_popescu;hey, some people gotta get married for that. 1353455;1451091279;asciilifeform;aws ban hammer enabled on all 3 of my nodez now. 1353456;1451091531;asciilifeform;oh! 1353457;1451091532;asciilifeform;and! 1353458;1451091543;asciilifeform;doing this will keep the turd nodez out of the addr.db 1353459;1451091550;asciilifeform;and has effect beyond one particular node. 1353460;1451091567;asciilifeform;isolate the idiots, when they do the kindness of making this so convenient. 1353461;1451091616;BingoBoingo;<asciilifeform> ;;later tell BingoBoingo is anybody gonna qntra the juniper crud ? << If they want to. I dunno if I can do it justice. 1353462;1451091668;asciilifeform;https://36.media.tumblr.com/74d1486c81d76777ab0c38070f89d6bf/tumblr_nzxw8qDQIj1v0e7i8o1_1280.jpg << looks like like... moiety 1353463;1451091669;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OdZusa ) 1353464;1451091680;asciilifeform;and does that count as a legible string ? 1353465;1451091701;mircea_popescu;not all kittens are the same kitten alfie! 1353466;1451091706;mircea_popescu;there's a sack fulla kittens out there. 1353467;1451091725;asciilifeform;'in the dark, all cats are black' (tm) (r) 1353468;1451091736;asciilifeform;and, apparently, through chinese 320x200 cam also.. 1353469;1451091989;BingoBoingo;<asciilifeform> doing this will keep the turd nodez out of the addr.db << Apparently 21.co is too good for aws <asciilifeform> doing this will keep the turd nodez out of the addr.db 1353470;1451091994;BingoBoingo;https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/therealbitcoin.org: 1353471;1451091995;assbot;Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1PeJp6j ) 1353472;1451092049;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/wcWTZ loller 1353473;1451092050;assbot;BTCC Deploys 100 Full Bitcoin Nodes Across Five Continents | Virtual-Strategy Magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oe14KJ ) 1353474;1451092067;shinohai;lmao 263 XT nodez 1353475;1451092117;BingoBoingo;on https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=/BTCC:0.11.2/ 1353476;1451092118;assbot;Network Snapshot - Bitnodes ... ( http://bit.ly/1YH6y1Y ) 1353477;1451092121;BingoBoingo;AWS!!! 1353478;1451092261;thestringpuller;'in the dark, all cats are black' (tm) (r) << or as the negros sometime say. All pussy feels the same with the lights out. 1353479;1451092608;asciilifeform;dns seeds << l0l 1353480;1451092677;*;BingoBoingo going to have to try translating asciilifeform's AWS block rules to pf 1353481;1451092683;BingoBoingo;brb, meeting 1353482;1451093829;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41800 @ 0.00051015 = 21.3243 BTC [+] 1353483;1451094073;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39538 @ 0.00051015 = 20.1703 BTC [+] 1353484;1451095127;asciilifeform;kakobrekla et al: zoolag will be going down for ssd upgrade starting now and ending with a few hrs later 1353485;1451095153;kakobrekla;cool 1353486;1451095908;asciilifeform;http://thewhet.net/2015/what-is-a-supermarket << somehow i missed this 1353487;1451095963;mircea_popescu;http://itsnotokokcupid.tumblr.com/post/29832079161/i-just-hope-my-fetish-with-cheese-does-not-disturb << this goes straight to BingoBoingo 1353488;1451095964;assbot;It's Not OK, OkCupid • I just hope my fetish with cheese does not disturb... ... ( http://bit.ly/1NGa2il ) 1353489;1451096208;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66750 @ 0.00051015 = 34.0525 BTC [+] 1353490;1451096277;*;asciilifeform looks at shelf, misreads 'applied cryptography' as 'applied coprophagy' 1353491;1451096327;mircea_popescu;your shelf's fulla shit 1353492;1451096334;asciilifeform;'tis so. 1353493;1451096374;asciilifeform;there's mebbe half a tonne of horror show in 3-rings just in this room 1353494;1451096409;asciilifeform;e.g. a '90s xerox of the complete works of trofim denisovich lysenko. 1353495;1451096457;mircea_popescu;ahahah but why 1353496;1451096470;asciilifeform;because haven't thrown it out yet ? 1353497;1451096472;asciilifeform;why else. 1353498;1451096496;mircea_popescu;aha 1353499;1451100456;pete_dushenski;;;later tell mod6 my pleasure and thanks for the correction. i was confusing december 19th entries, it seems. i've updated that section of the trb timeline accordingly. 1353500;1451100456;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1353501;1451100548;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform ben_vulpes et al. i also found an even ~earlier~ mention by mircea_popescu of the "0.6.x is the last useable version" line in the sand : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-02-2014#499837 1353502;1451100548;assbot;Logged on 13-02-2014 03:43:52; mircea_popescu: the resultant mess is unusable past about 0.6.x or thereabouts, for these reasons. 1353503;1451100597;asciilifeform;kakobrekla et al: zoolag is back. 1353504;1451100609;asciilifeform;now with 4x the disk at 2x the speed. 1353505;1451100616;pete_dushenski;shmancy 1353506;1451100844;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8216 @ 0.00050996 = 4.1898 BTC [-] 1353507;1451100913;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353165 << without reading it, lemme go out on a limb and hazard a guess that 'nudge tsar' cass sunstein is somehow involved. 1353508;1451100913;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 21:13:38; ben_vulpes: http://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2015/10/obamas-effort-to-nudge-america-000276 << in which the department of statistics completely forgets about the challenges of untangling correlation from causation 1353509;1451100928;ben_vulpes;and yet somehow trb forked from 0.5.3 1353510;1451100967;*;pete_dushenski unwraps present, finds that, indeed, sunstein is the rattle he heard in the box 1353511;1451100969;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: pretty sure he brought it up in 2013 not long after i started reading 1353512;1451101083;asciilifeform;'Qt uses C++ with signals and slotsxiv to provide a cross-platform application framework for, essentially, illiterate amateurs.' << unfortunately this is not so 1353513;1451101104;asciilifeform;it is the ~only~ remaining working cross-platform native-widget graphic lib for cpp. 1353514;1451101129;asciilifeform;(there is/was also 'wx' but it is a shambles) 1353515;1451101329;pete_dushenski;duly noted. 1353516;1451101480;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: you know what version was actually released by the phoundation in june 2012, your requested vintage ? 0.6.3 1353517;1451101501;pete_dushenski;0.5.3 was released in march 2012 1353518;1451101539;ben_vulpes;so? 1353519;1451101550;pete_dushenski;https://bitcoin.org/en/release/v0.5.3 https://bitcoin.org/en/release/v0.6.3 1353520;1451101551;assbot;Bitcoin-Qt version 0.5.3 released ... ( http://bit.ly/1NPwG5I ) 1353521;1451101552;assbot;Bitcoin-Qt version 0.6.3 released ... ( http://bit.ly/1NPwDH8 ) 1353522;1451101567;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i think pete_dushenski was trying to write a history of trb ? 1353523;1451101584;asciilifeform;(premature, imho, but whatever) 1353524;1451101617;pete_dushenski;bitcoin compresses time. 1353525;1451101653;pete_dushenski;1.25 years of development of trb is equivalent to multiples of that in row 1353526;1451101676;asciilifeform;l0l 1353527;1451101683;ben_vulpes;anyways, the point remains. mircea_popescu did not select 0.5.3 as the root fork point. 1353528;1451101721;asciilifeform;does anybody else find it lulzy that there are actually 2 trb's ? 1353529;1451101732;ben_vulpes;if you read the surrounding lines (http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-10-2014#885543, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-10-2014#885551, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-10-2014#885552) the technical nature of the question in question may become apparent. 1353530;1451101732;assbot;Logged on 21-10-2014 00:20:11; mircea_popescu: https://codeload.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/legacy.tar.gz/v0.6.3 etc 1353531;1451101732;assbot;Logged on 21-10-2014 00:20:41; ben_vulpes: ya got it 1353532;1451101738;asciilifeform;and the only fella who's seen both is mircea_popescu 1353533;1451101770;pete_dushenski;one pdp, one unixbox 1353534;1451101777;asciilifeform;(though who knows whether his phriendz who worked on mircea_popescucoin may also be lurking) 1353535;1451101796;ben_vulpes;i'd love to hear how he got the mysterious, yes phriendz, rolled in. 1353536;1451101812;ben_vulpes;mostly to dismiss my own hypotheses 1353537;1451101816;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: they're prlly bound by omerta 1353538;1451101831;ben_vulpes;well ofc 1353539;1451101979;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: btw didja see the link to your summary of changes article ? 1353540;1451101992;ben_vulpes;oh it /was/ in there the first time? 1353541;1451102002;pete_dushenski;all along dude :) 1353542;1451102010;pete_dushenski;who do you think i am ? 1353543;1451102026;ben_vulpes;i saw material factual mistakes and kinda checked out. 1353544;1451102066;ben_vulpes;did you include a link to my version of the same piece that you wrote? 1353545;1451102139;pete_dushenski;mnope. that one has a larger breadth than contravex trb timleline part i could handle. maybe in part ii. 1353546;1451102172;pete_dushenski;timeline* 1353547;1451102197;pete_dushenski;oh and joyeux noel everyone ! 1353548;1451102201;ben_vulpes;well don't get in the habit of failing to cite sources. 1353549;1451102320;pete_dushenski;ok jewmom. 1353550;1451102487;pete_dushenski;;;ticker 1353551;1451102488;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 447.33, Best ask: 447.45, Bid-ask spread: 0.12000, Last trade: 447.39, 24 hour volume: 16823.41469156, 24 hour low: 445.0, 24 hour high: 460.05, 24 hour vwap: None 1353552;1451102565;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: another thing. the 'upgrade needed' message is distinct from the turdmeister alert 1353553;1451102686;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: note that the former remains in place, http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/main.cpp?v=asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option#0711 1353554;1451102687;assbot;Satoshi asciilifeform_add_verifyall_option/src/main.cpp ... ( http://bit.ly/1QNa3F9 ) 1353555;1451102708;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: the latter was the gavinalert thing and i killed it long ago, yes 1353556;1451102979;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46958 @ 0.00050996 = 23.9467 BTC [-] 1353557;1451103184;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: for the slightly inept, what's the difference between gavinalert and upgradealert ? 1353558;1451103199;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: read the link 1353559;1451103215;pete_dushenski;"invalidchainfound" ? 1353560;1451103225;asciilifeform;aha 1353561;1451103614;ben_vulpes;oh ffs whose idea was it to migrate from 'fpr' to something else in gnupg 2? 1353562;1451103626;asciilifeform;fpr? 1353563;1451103638;ben_vulpes;fingerprint. 1353564;1451103662;ben_vulpes;--with-colons 1353565;1451103674;asciilifeform;vs what 1353566;1451103677;ben_vulpes;(which itself a magical hellhole of stupidity) 1353567;1451103697;ben_vulpes;uid 1353568;1451103699;ben_vulpes;it appears 1353569;1451103757;ben_vulpes;ah no. nm. all my dumb ass. 1353570;1451103893;phf;paste text to b-a-paste, manually post url to log, unless post is in the logs, it's auto expired after n hours 1353571;1451104003;ben_vulpes;more state, huh? 1353572;1451104139;phf;yeah, basically requires you to periodically pull kako logs, but that does close the "open to mob" hole 1353573;1451104250;phf;it's a pretty laid back option though, you're basically accepting as much third party crud as any regular paste service, but there's a gc that ties the whole thing to log, and culls the turds 1353574;1451104263;ben_vulpes;notbad no 1353575;1451104931;assbot;[MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 750 @ 0.00240888 = 1.8067 BTC [+] {6} 1353576;1451105108;kakobrekla;you gonna keep 100+ megs of logs to save up a few kbs of space? 1353577;1451105196;mircea_popescu;phf iirc dpaste expire in a week anyway 1353578;1451105212;ben_vulpes;you can get it to do up to a year 1353579;1451105216;kakobrekla;by default, max is 1 year 1353580;1451105254;kakobrekla;anyway space is cheap these days. 1353581;1451105294;mircea_popescu;so it is. 1353582;1451105312;phf;i think it's ascii's purity concern, rather then space as such. why host someone else's graffiti, etc. 1353583;1451105320;kakobrekla;allocate 1% of the blockchain size and you are good for many years. 1353584;1451105405;mircea_popescu;this all depends on usecase. 1353585;1451105422;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353582 >> actually no, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353299 1353586;1451105422;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 04:48:32; phf: i think it's ascii's purity concern, rather then space as such. why host someone else's graffiti, etc. 1353587;1451105422;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 23:15:12; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: part of the appeal of running a 'pastebin' ~is~ the crud dropped in by the mob. for instance, there is a long tradition of dropping 0days and leaked misc crud on pastebin. 1353588;1451105467;ben_vulpes;this is an argument for filtering the seawter for gold. 1353589;1451105476;ben_vulpes;seawater* 1353590;1451105481;kakobrekla;and it makes the immutability depended on assbot 1353591;1451105498;kakobrekla;dependent 1353592;1451105513;kakobrekla;anyway off to bed. 1353593;1451105535;ben_vulpes;wall scribblings meant for the ages should to into deedbot-, no? 1353594;1451105686;asciilifeform;and phf's idea doesn't require any complex state 1353595;1451105708;asciilifeform;every 24h cron greps the day's log for a link to the post, if doesn't find - deletes. 1353596;1451105720;asciilifeform;and anyone can post. 1353597;1451105759;asciilifeform;(if ~does~ find - copies to perma-dir) 1353598;1451105786;mircea_popescu;"Realtime Worlds is the brainchild of Dave Jones, the creator of Lemmings and one of the few people who can claim legitimately to have been involved in the Grand Theft Auto series since the early days." 1353599;1451105787;mircea_popescu;http://www.gamesbrief.com/2010/08/hubris-ambition-and-mismanagement-the-first-post-mortem-of-realtime-worlds/ 1353600;1451105788;assbot;Hubris, ambition and mismanagement: the first post-mortem of RealTime Worlds - Gamesbrief - Gamesbrief ... ( http://bit.ly/1IuWIOM ) 1353601;1451105797;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform how's that different from what we have now ? 1353602;1451105798;pete_dushenski;"The only eyewitness identifications that I can find speak of three white men." http://www.unz.com/article/what-really-happened-in-san-bernardino/ << funny, y'know i also recall the early reports being "shooting by three white men in army fatigues" or some such. 1353603;1451105805;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: we have no such thing now 1353604;1451105810;mircea_popescu;assbot puts out the archive.is thing, if anyone cliocks that, permadir. 1353605;1451105819;mircea_popescu;if nobody clicks, whatever. 1353606;1451105824;asciilifeform;i can't pipe text into archive.is from a shell !! 1353607;1451105833;mircea_popescu;again : you put the link in the log 1353608;1451105837;asciilifeform;LINK 1353609;1451105840;mircea_popescu;assbot creates the archive link 1353610;1451105847;asciilifeform;we were, i think, talking about a 'pastebin' 1353611;1451105867;mircea_popescu;... 1353612;1451105883;asciilifeform;where i can, e.g., './foo.pl | pastebinatron' and get a link 1353613;1451105912;mircea_popescu;so ./foo.pl curl http://dpaste.com or w/e ? 1353614;1451105914;assbot;dpaste: New ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj4FMJ ) 1353615;1451105925;asciilifeform;aha but dpaste is lame 1353616;1451105940;asciilifeform;because 1) not ours 2) not ours 3) mutilates text 4) idiot highlighting 1353617;1451105986;mircea_popescu;ok so then ./foo.pl ssh-to-where-ascii-keeps-things 1353618;1451105995;asciilifeform;no. 1353619;1451106000;mircea_popescu;... 1353620;1451106001;pete_dushenski;http://www.unz.com/garellano/are-mexican-men-only-interested-in-having-sex-with-white-women/ << heh. >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=16-11-2015#1325393 1353621;1451106003;assbot;Are Mexican Men Only Interested in Having Sex with White Women? - The Unz Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj4JMm ) 1353622;1451106003;assbot;Logged on 16-11-2015 21:44:59; pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: what about mexicans ? 1353623;1451106007;asciilifeform;because i sure as fuck ain't pressing a hundred buttons 1353624;1451106021;mircea_popescu;dude, just make nosuchlabs.com/pastes/ and pipe to there 1353625;1451106023;mircea_popescu;what 100 buttons ? 1353626;1451106031;asciilifeform;logins 1353627;1451106052;mircea_popescu;so you want him to make you a login because you don't want to make your own login 1353628;1451106055;asciilifeform;no. 1353629;1451106057;mircea_popescu;and you want his login to not be a login 1353630;1451106059;mircea_popescu;because wtf. 1353631;1451106060;asciilifeform;public toilet. 1353632;1451106066;mircea_popescu;so host a public toilet then 1353633;1451106073;asciilifeform;i might, if nobody else does. 1353634;1451106077;mircea_popescu;da fuck namby bs is this. 1353635;1451106124;*;asciilifeform wasn't trying to make the point that this item is direly necessary, but that phf's scheme is specifically the correct answer 1353636;1451106138;mircea_popescu;it is also specifically what we already have. 1353637;1451106138;asciilifeform;because it doesn't multiply the work i have to do 100x !!! 1353638;1451106142;asciilifeform;we don't have it 1353639;1451106149;asciilifeform;unless mircea_popescu wrote it and told everyone but me 1353640;1451106167;mircea_popescu;again. 1. put item wherever you want ; 2. put link in here ; 3. assbot creates the archival link ; 4. if anyone clicks it, it's permadired. if not, not. 1353641;1451106180;ben_vulpes;for as long as archive.is continues to be a thing. 1353642;1451106187;asciilifeform;the 'put wherever you want' IS A HUNDRED KEYPRESS OPERATION 1353643;1451106193;asciilifeform;srsly 1353644;1451106201;mircea_popescu;this is no different from "for as long as ben_vulpes' thing continues to be a thing", is it ? you're gonna commit your life to dpaste ? 1353645;1451106225;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform only because you want a certain standard. and iuf you do, it will be whether you host it or he hosts it. 1353646;1451106232;mircea_popescu;and if you don't, it's not, for him or for you. 1353647;1451106246;mircea_popescu;why do you imagine other people eating involves less chewing than you eating ? 1353648;1451106253;asciilifeform;what the fuck is so hard to understand about wanting a sane version of dpaste ? 1353649;1451106266;mircea_popescu;again : if you want logins, it'll take logins. 1353650;1451106267;asciilifeform;specifically addressing points 1-4 but otherwise identical. 1353651;1451106276;asciilifeform;no logins. just garbage collected. 1353652;1451106276;mircea_popescu;if you want no-logins, you can make an anon ftp just as well 1353653;1451106287;asciilifeform;ftp doesn't pipe 1353654;1451106290;*;mircea_popescu shrugs. this is nonsense 1353655;1451106294;mircea_popescu;wtf ftp doesn't pipe. 1353656;1451106303;asciilifeform;can't ./foo.pl | ftp ... 1353657;1451106310;mircea_popescu;so fix your box then. 1353658;1451106346;asciilifeform;this is esp. lulzy in light of earlier thread where mircea_popescu raged at the notion of having to use a tool to read a contract 1353659;1451106354;asciilifeform;instead of naked telex 1353660;1451106362;mircea_popescu;you want to read the ftp ? 1353661;1451106375;asciilifeform;i want to ./foo | curl blah 1353662;1451106381;asciilifeform;specificall. 1353663;1451106382;mircea_popescu;ok so what's the problem ? 1353664;1451106419;asciilifeform;no specific problem. phf wrote down the solution. 1353665;1451106419;mircea_popescu;put a fucking form on nosuchlabs.com/pastes/ and curl-post to it. 1353666;1451106424;mircea_popescu;sigh. 1353667;1451106435;asciilifeform;(all that remains is for anybody to give a fuck and write proggy. i'm presently occupied.) 1353668;1451106495;mircea_popescu;<phf> paste text to b-a-paste, manually post url to log, unless post is in the logs, it's auto expired after n hours << the. entirety. of. this. aready. exists. 1353669;1451106500;mircea_popescu;jesus god. 1353670;1451106528;asciilifeform;the saving part (archive.is) 1353671;1451106543;asciilifeform;the pastebinatron that doesn't mutilate line endings does not presently exist 1353672;1451106559;asciilifeform;(i'm not even certain that this is possible given browser) 1353673;1451106563;mircea_popescu;... 1353674;1451106582;mircea_popescu;i gotta try this now. 1353675;1451106774;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/3EK5TZH < 1353676;1451106775;assbot;dpaste: 3EK5TZH ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj5mWl ) 1353677;1451106816;asciilifeform;00000000 66 69 72 73 74 20 6c 69 6e 65 0d 0a 73 65 63 6f |first line..seco| 1353678;1451106816;asciilifeform;00000010 6e 64 20 6c 69 6e 65 0d 0a 74 68 69 72 64 20 6c |nd line..third l| 1353679;1451106816;asciilifeform;00000020 69 6e 65 |ine| 1353680;1451106822;asciilifeform;0d 0a motherfuckerz 1353681;1451106825;asciilifeform;0d 0a. 1353682;1451106864;mircea_popescu;$ curl http://dpaste.com/3EK5TZH.txt | hexdump 1353683;1451106865;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj5oxq ) 1353684;1451106865;mircea_popescu; % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current 1353685;1451106865;mircea_popescu; Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 1353686;1451106865;mircea_popescu; 0 35 0 35 0 0 92 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 179 1353687;1451106865;mircea_popescu;0000000 6966 7372 2074 696c 656e 0a0d 6573 6f63 1353688;1451106865;mircea_popescu;0000010 646e 6c20 6e69 0d65 740a 6968 6472 6c20 1353689;1451106867;mircea_popescu;0000020 6e69 0065 1353690;1451106869;mircea_popescu;0000023 1353691;1451106871;mircea_popescu;fix your box. 1353692;1451106940;asciilifeform;0a0d << i'll fix mine when you discover how to fix yours ? 1353693;1451106944;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54750 @ 0.00051015 = 27.9307 BTC [+] 1353694;1451106948;asciilifeform;or anybody's... 1353695;1451106959;asciilifeform;use hexdump -C 1353696;1451106961;mircea_popescu;740a 6968 1353697;1451106964;mircea_popescu;0a! 1353698;1451106974;mircea_popescu;first one's 0d0a. 2nd one's 0a. 1353699;1451106988;mircea_popescu;which is what i put in there. /r/n ; /n 1353700;1451107013;asciilifeform;$ curl http://dpaste.com/3EK5TZH.txt | hexdump -C 1353701;1451107014;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj5oxq ) 1353702;1451107014;asciilifeform;[snipped crud] 1353703;1451107014;asciilifeform;00000000 66 69 72 73 74 20 6c 69 6e 65 0d 0a 73 65 63 6f |first line..seco| 1353704;1451107014;asciilifeform;00000010 6e 64 20 6c 69 6e 65 0d 0a 74 68 69 72 64 20 6c |nd line..third l| 1353705;1451107014;asciilifeform;00000020 69 6e 65 |ine| 1353706;1451107014;phf;nah, your hex dump is doing byte order rearrangement 1353707;1451107031;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: post your hexdump -C plz 1353708;1451107042;mircea_popescu;da fuck is this shit ?! 1353709;1451107058;mircea_popescu;hexdump -C is like yours. 1353710;1451107060;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you're dumping in native-endian word 1353711;1451107065;asciilifeform;so you got mangled 1353712;1451107066;mircea_popescu;how the everloving fuck am i getting different byte counts 1353713;1451107076;phf;0d65 740a are the relevant bits 1353714;1451107093;mircea_popescu;oh 1353715;1451107096;mircea_popescu;o brother 1353716;1451107118;mircea_popescu;dude does this shit even work ? 1353717;1451107128;ben_vulpes;ahuehuaheauhuaehu 1353718;1451107129;asciilifeform;hexdump most certainly worx. 1353719;1451107131;*;asciilifeform lives and dies by it 1353720;1451107146;asciilifeform;-C presents bytez in actual arithmetical order (0..N) 1353721;1451107174;mircea_popescu;mk, this requires more experiments. 1353722;1451107182;ben_vulpes;i couldn't rule out curl hosing my experiments, mircea_popescu 1353723;1451107186;ben_vulpes;have fun 1353724;1451107192;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: y'know, let's telnet 1353725;1451107194;mircea_popescu;i didn't mean by me. 1353726;1451107202;ben_vulpes;yes asciilifeform telnet let's go 1353727;1451107215;mircea_popescu;i've had it. two hexdumps. for the love of chrissakes. 1353728;1451107216;ben_vulpes;for what its worth emacs' eww was the most reliable tool for finding wacky line endings 1353729;1451107225;ben_vulpes;which SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE omg 1353730;1451107267;mircea_popescu; 6e69 0065 vs 69 6e 65 [00] 1353731;1451107274;mircea_popescu;nuts already. 1353732;1451107296;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: use -C always 1353733;1451107308;asciilifeform;unless you are doing something exotic 1353734;1451107324;mircea_popescu;"does this shit even work" was, for the record, a very general inquiry. 1353735;1451107356;mircea_popescu;the answer is reallynot. 1353736;1451107358;ben_vulpes;and in the general case, no. 1353737;1451107442;mircea_popescu;fancy that it'd split one word but not the other, also. what a spicy adventure. 1353738;1451107494;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform i still dunno how you figure someone ELSE is going to implement this thing for you, but anyway. 1353739;1451107512;asciilifeform;nah i don't expect anybody to implement it. 1353740;1451107523;asciilifeform;i may or may not get around to it. 1353741;1451107536;mircea_popescu;for one thing it doesn't even seem it can be over web. it'll have to be actual files sftp'd or something. 1353742;1451107537;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: nobody split your word! 1353743;1451107541;asciilifeform;you're seeing word boundaries 1353744;1451107544;asciilifeform;as in machine word 1353745;1451107547;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform that's whatg i mean. 1353746;1451107550;asciilifeform;use -C plox 1353747;1451107579;mircea_popescu;it just so happened that the boundary split the 0a from the 0d in the 2nd case but not in the first, so as to appear matching what i put in there. 1353748;1451107592;mircea_popescu;this was one of 4 possible rolls of that dice. 1353749;1451107601;asciilifeform;put more - or fewer - letters, you'll see different split 1353750;1451107607;mircea_popescu;of course. 1353751;1451107608;asciilifeform;it is artifact of your byte count 1353752;1451107620;mircea_popescu;still, 1:4 odds for it to fall this way. 1353753;1451107623;asciilifeform;nothing to do with what happened over the net. it is dirt on your lens. 1353754;1451107640;mircea_popescu;i know this! 1353755;1451107644;asciilifeform;ok 1353756;1451107676;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18183 @ 0.00050996 = 9.2726 BTC [-] 1353757;1451107713;mircea_popescu;curl http://dpaste.com/2116EDR.txt | hexdump for instance does it the other way. 1353758;1451107713;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj66e1 ) 1353759;1451107713;mircea_popescu;etc 1353760;1451107802;phf;(drakma:http-request (concatenate 'string (cdr (assoc :location (nth-value 2 (drakma:http-request "http://dpaste.com/api/v2/" :method :post :parameters `(("content" . ,(concatenate 'string "foo" '(#\Newline) "bar"))))))) ".txt") :force-binary t) 1353761;1451107802;phf;#(66 6F 6F A 62 61 72) 1353762;1451107838;phf;so it's the posting tool's problem 1353763;1451107849;asciilifeform;url plz ? 1353764;1451107856;asciilifeform;(of the posted payload) 1353765;1451107870;phf;http://dpaste.com/3WF7P5P.txt 1353766;1451107870;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj6byg ) 1353767;1451107897;mircea_popescu;lo and behold. 1353768;1451107899;mircea_popescu;i get what he gets. 1353769;1451107900;asciilifeform;$ curl http://dpaste.com/3WF7P5P.txt | hexdump -C 1353770;1451107901;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj6byg ) 1353771;1451107901;asciilifeform;[snip] 1353772;1451107901;asciilifeform;00000000 66 6f 6f 0a 62 61 72 |foo.bar| 1353773;1451107901;asciilifeform;aha 1353774;1451107910;mircea_popescu;dude, did phf just fix our boxen ? 1353775;1451107920;asciilifeform;posted without browser 1353776;1451107926;mircea_popescu;i posted with curl 1353777;1451107934;asciilifeform;curl apparently also retarded 1353778;1451107934;mircea_popescu;!rated phf 1353779;1451107934;assbot;You rated user phf on 24-Jun-2015, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: Well read gent in search of a handler. Bureaucrats and mustachioed young ladies apply within.. 1353780;1451107952;mircea_popescu;!rate phf 2 Fixed our boxen! 1353781;1451107953;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/c07a32caa47b77e8 1353782;1451107977;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.phf.2:50fd9856def1d11892a93952e0dcb21fb8e94057c701db179205a63d866654be 1353783;1451107978;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for phf from 2 to 2 with note: Fixed our boxen! 1353784;1451107981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43200 @ 0.00050964 = 22.0164 BTC [-] {2} 1353785;1451108013;*;asciilifeform recalls the great newline warz, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2014#901002 1353786;1451108014;assbot;Logged on 29-10-2014 01:24:18; nubbins`: CLRF IS THE STANDARD NEWLINE 1353787;1451108030;mircea_popescu;lmao 1353788;1451108058;mircea_popescu;o wait he was kidding ? i r disappoint. 1353789;1451108069;ben_vulpes;.net jokes 1353790;1451108086;*;mircea_popescu just realised that in spite of not having a clue he was actually FUCKING RIGHT 1353791;1451108090;mircea_popescu;i hope it burns, alf! 1353792;1451108103;asciilifeform;burnz like sunshine (tm) (r) 1353793;1451108161;asciilifeform;so anybody know the magical --disable-retardation flag for curl ? 1353794;1451108286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81862 @ 0.00050801 = 41.5867 BTC [-] {3} 1353795;1451108425;ben_vulpes;not i 1353796;1451108439;phf;what does that produce? curl -s `printf 'foo\x0abar'|curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/`.txt|xxd 1353797;1451108440;assbot;Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj6qJN ) 1353798;1451108518;phf;asciilifeform: ^- 1353799;1451108558;asciilifeform;0000000: 666f 6f0a 6261 72 foo.bar 1353800;1451108577;asciilifeform;but this doesn't crap out the url 1353801;1451108606;phf;well, that's the relevant posting bit echo foo|curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/ 1353802;1451108607;assbot;The dpaste API, version 2 ... ( http://bit.ly/1OryrLX ) 1353803;1451108896;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26859 @ 0.00051015 = 13.7021 BTC [+] 1353804;1451109847;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353741 << if i'm reading this thread correctly, this problem is directly traceable to tools used to jam ascii into dpaste.com et al? 1353805;1451109847;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 05:25:36; mircea_popescu: for one thing it doesn't even seem it can be over web. it'll have to be actual files sftp'd or something. 1353806;1451109874;mircea_popescu;yes. 1353807;1451109948;asciilifeform;!s 0a 1353808;1451109948;assbot;15 results for '0a' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=0a 1353809;1451110001;ben_vulpes;"For historical reasons, the element's value is normalised in three different ways for three different purposes." 1353810;1451110019;ben_vulpes;oh ho god no 1353811;1451110027;asciilifeform;hysterical raisins (tm) (r) (orlov) 1353812;1451110091;ben_vulpes;Finally, there is the form submission value. It is normalized so that line breaks use U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF) character pairs 1353813;1451110097;ben_vulpes;fuck this 1353814;1451110115;ben_vulpes;crlf is in the fucking spec?! 1353815;1451110148;asciilifeform;nubbins` did warn. 1353816;1451110154;mircea_popescu;!up ith 1353817;1451110183;ith;What year is it, please? 1353818;1451110187;mircea_popescu;U+ bs ?! 1353819;1451110203;ben_vulpes;the year of microsft's victory, apparently ith. 1353820;1451110208;ith;Sorry :( 1353821;1451110209;mircea_popescu;there is no U+000D. it's \x0d 1353822;1451110210;ith;Hmm 1353823;1451110260;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: \x0d in the land of man; u+000d in zimbabwe, in the trees 1353824;1451110262;ith;Has anyone figured out a way to do Windows 10 without being spied on? 1353825;1451110267;ben_vulpes;!down ith 1353826;1451110274;mircea_popescu;!down ahnm 1353827;1451110276;mircea_popescu;wtf is this. 1353828;1451110277;asciilifeform;ith: yes. you stoke furnace with it 1353829;1451110286;asciilifeform;meowmix! 1353830;1451110291;ben_vulpes;excuse me? 1353831;1451110298;asciilifeform;!s meowmix 1353832;1451110299;assbot;63 results for 'meowmix' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=meowmix 1353833;1451110299;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35977 @ 0.00050726 = 18.2497 BTC [-] 1353834;1451110306;ben_vulpes;no, the auth timeout. 1353835;1451110316;asciilifeform;ahaha lol 1353836;1451110326;ben_vulpes;what is it? 24 hours? 1353837;1451110331;*;asciilifeform always regarded the timeout as a bug 1353838;1451110335;ben_vulpes;assbot doesn't even give me a useful complaint. 1353839;1451110350;ben_vulpes;interface isn't precisely self-consistent, no. 1353840;1451110350;asciilifeform;aha it just silently pisses on you 1353841;1451110355;ben_vulpes;yes. 1353842;1451110360;ben_vulpes;like everything tonight. 1353843;1451110372;ben_vulpes;fuck computers 1353844;1451110395;ben_vulpes;i am going to go do the dishes, rageclean, watch a movie and bask in the cutefield. 1353845;1451110414;asciilifeform;i'ma go an' read more maslennikov 1353846;1451110418;asciilifeform;best autobio ever 1353847;1451110430;asciilifeform;odd chapters sov collapse politics; even #'d chapters - theorems 1353848;1451110440;asciilifeform;re: block & stream cipher analysis 1353849;1451110444;asciilifeform;UNPUBLISHED ELSEWHERE 1353850;1451110454;asciilifeform;i can see why no dead tree house agreed to print this 1353851;1451110479;asciilifeform;it'd sell... 5 copies 1353852;1451110499;*;asciilifeform bbl 1353853;1451110539;BingoBoingo;line 11 in therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20151225/ban_aws_crud_3755a8bb0800aa9ec6fdb5f840e67d6cca4ac5cc.sh returns nekkin ip addresses/ranges right? 1353854;1451111153;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17100 @ 0.00050531 = 8.6408 BTC [-] 1353855;1451111374;pete_dushenski;let 1353856;1451111389;pete_dushenski;let's try this russian thing : 1353857;1451111395;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353372 << "Politruk - a hero of the Soviet Union. You have an empty belly." 1353858;1451111395;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 23:57:14; asciilifeform: http://www.sovunion.info/posters/listovky/200.jpg << same 1353859;1451111422;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353374 << "How is the Politruk doing - as he's pulling down the branch." 1353860;1451111422;assbot;Logged on 25-12-2015 23:57:32; asciilifeform: http://www.sovunion.info/posters/listovky/199.jpg << ditto 1353861;1451111436;pete_dushenski;!s politruk 1353862;1451111437;assbot;3 results for 'politruk' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=politruk 1353863;1451111482;pete_dushenski;heh. s/ those translations. 1353864;1451111490;pete_dushenski;obv. 1353865;1451111607;pete_dushenski;asciilifeform: when would you date these 'german leaflets' ? ^ 1353866;1451111641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17400 @ 0.00050605 = 8.8053 BTC [+] 1353867;1451111767;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353478 << how very affirmative :P 1353868;1451111767;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 01:11:01; thestringpuller: 'in the dark, all cats are black' (tm) (r) << or as the negros sometime say. All pussy feels the same with the lights out. 1353869;1451112078;pete_dushenski;speaking of affirmative... http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/16/its-not-your-outgoing-us-presidents-fault-hes-a-dumb-monkey-its-affirmative-actions/#comment-37892 1353870;1451112080;assbot;It’s not your outgoing US President’s fault he’s a dumb monkey, it’s affirmative action’s. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1OrAqzZ ) 1353871;1451112095;pete_dushenski;!s fred reed 1353872;1451112095;assbot;5 results for 'fred reed' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=fred+reed 1353873;1451112145;pete_dushenski;thought it rang a bell 1353874;1451112495;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26622 @ 0.00050605 = 13.4721 BTC [+] 1353875;1451113898;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23150 @ 0.00050531 = 11.6979 BTC [-] 1353876;1451113898;punkman;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/business/dealbook/the-unsung-tax-agent-who-put-a-face-on-the-silk-road.html 1353877;1451113901;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oeh9QA ) 1353878;1451113946;punkman;"unsung tax agent" lol 1353879;1451114076;pete_dushenski;if that doesn't make you swoon... 1353880;1451114081;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88100 @ 0.00050531 = 44.5178 BTC [-] 1353881;1451114117;mats;I thought of pete_dushenski this fine xmas 1353882;1451114200;mats;chinese people and jews have a couple things in common, including enjoying chinese meals during xmas 1353883;1451114249;pete_dushenski;don't forget to cite ben_vulpes too ;/ 1353884;1451114329;mats;i had no idea 1353885;1451114342;*;BingoBoingo successully blocked AWS from port 8333 1353886;1451114343;mats;although mebbe that fro should've been a giveaway 1353887;1451114469;mats;anyway, am in the silly valley and wtf its colder here than boston 1353888;1451114971;mats;http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.06808 1353889;1451114972;assbot;[1512.06808] Game Theory (Open Access textbook with 165 solved exercises) ... ( http://bit.ly/1OeiHKm ) 1353890;1451115268;pete_dushenski;mats: well, this christmas you can be thankful that you don't have to contest with other chinese doods in b-a for that little niche (yes, there are niches in b-a, as anywhere else). 1353891;1451115298;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes and i, for example, have waaaay too much in common (similar age, young families, upbringing, even geography's not ~that~ far off), which i'm pretty sure is what leads to our sometimes curt and unproductive tete-a-tetes de temps en temps as we struggle to tease one apart from the other. 1353892;1451115323;pete_dushenski;thankfully, he leaps ahead of me in coding and rockets (and other things) while i take the lead in, i dunno, travel writing or something, or else no one would be able to keep us straight. 1353893;1451115349;BingoBoingo;I think ben_vulpes might even beat pete_dushenski in the fast cars department now. 1353894;1451115367;pete_dushenski;mats: being the token chinese dood isn't a terrible spot. 1353895;1451115375;mats;lol 1353896;1451115423;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8200 @ 0.00050531 = 4.1435 BTC [-] 1353897;1451115439;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: i've only ever had one fast car, and it grated on my nerves 98% of the time as 98% of my driving is under 60 kph. 1353898;1451115464;BingoBoingo;I dunno, maybe leave the city every now and then? 1353899;1451115476;pete_dushenski;that's what airplanes are for. 1353900;1451115493;punkman;just need a carplane 1353901;1451115520;pete_dushenski;;;buy 1 carplane 1 btc inquire within 1353902;1451115520;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be identified via GPG to use the order book. 1353903;1451115683;deedbot-;[Qntra] Warning: "Escrow Service" Goes On Sale - http://qntra.net/2015/12/warning-escrow-service-goes-on-sale/ 1353904;1451115698;BingoBoingo;What if you need to go to random farm or mudhole? how many of those have aeroports? 1353905;1451115713;mats;anyways, time to turn it in so I can get an early start on http://eudyptula-challenge.org 1353906;1451115714;assbot;The Eudyptula Challenge ... ( http://bit.ly/1NGu6kx ) 1353907;1451115734;pete_dushenski;mats: gl 1353908;1451115758;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: one word : osprey 1353909;1451115779;BingoBoingo;Aren't they notorious for killing their entire crew and cargo? 1353910;1451115781;mats;first challenge is too easy: print hallo world to kernel debug log 1353911;1451115807;mats;have a good one, folks. 1353912;1451115814;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: that's what makes them fun ! only a true hero would get behind the wheel of their own personal osprey 1353913;1451115832;BingoBoingo;You mean only An Hero 1353914;1451115843;pete_dushenski;^ 1353915;1451115847;BingoBoingo;;;ud an hero 1353916;1451115848;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=an+hero | an hero. To commit suicide, regardless of how stupid the reason is or is not. Someone stole Mitchell's iPod, so he became an hero. by 4chananonymous ... 1353917;1451115911;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49616 @ 0.00050605 = 25.1082 BTC [+] 1353918;1451115951;*;pete_dushenski to lessing. and bed. 1353919;1451115994;punkman;http://en.qi-hardware.com/w/images/7/78/Nano_cola.jpg 1353920;1451115997;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NGujo2 ) 1353921;1451116683;punkman;http://xkcd.com/1621/ 1353922;1451116684;assbot;xkcd: Fixion ... ( http://bit.ly/1OekPSi ) 1353923;1451116704;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00050809 = 18.6977 BTC [+] {2} 1353924;1451118168;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59550 @ 0.00051002 = 30.3717 BTC [+] {3} 1353925;1451118783;deedbot-;[cascadian hacker] [UPDATE] WOTPASTE changes - http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/12/26_update-wotpaste-changes.html 1353926;1451121279;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52585 @ 0.00050487 = 26.5486 BTC [-] {4} 1353927;1451121523;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68250 @ 0.00050376 = 34.3816 BTC [-] {4} 1353928;1451123231;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 126529 @ 0.0005104 = 64.5804 BTC [+] {2} 1353929;1451123292;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108871 @ 0.00051043 = 55.571 BTC [+] 1353930;1451124722;BingoBoingo;AHA I FOUND THE REAL JUNIPER VILLIAN 1353931;1451124756;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50612 @ 0.00051043 = 25.8339 BTC [+] {2} 1353932;1451124767;BingoBoingo;how did I miss this turdbaggery previously 1353933;1451124817;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30047 @ 0.00051049 = 15.3387 BTC [+] 1353934;1451125306;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18550 @ 0.00051049 = 9.4696 BTC [+] 1353935;1451127684;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77550 @ 0.00050638 = 39.2698 BTC [-] {2} 1353936;1451128097;jurov;omg dat log... s/pastebin/bikeshed/ 1353937;1451128454;BingoBoingo;lol 1353938;1451129421;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes> i am going to go do the dishes, rageclean, watch a movie and bask in the cutefield. <<< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf0oXY4nDxE 1353939;1451129422;assbot;Aerosmith - Dude (Looks Like A Lady) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjjmiX ) 1353940;1451129455;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform> it'd sell... 5 copies << yeah, but catnip for some people :D 1353941;1451129491;mircea_popescu;jurov keep going, eventually we figure out we actually don't need it. over alf's dead body. 1353942;1451129686;deedbot-;[Qntra] Juniper Fiasco: Greenwald Complicit In Sustaining Mass Surveillance - http://qntra.net/2015/12/juniper-fiasco-greenwald-complicit-in-sustaining-mass-surveillance/ 1353943;1451129780;BingoBoingo;^ Further deeper takes on the Juniper thing are prolly welcome 1353944;1451129927;mircea_popescu;<punkman> "unsung tax agent" lol <<< "inexplicably, one of like five or six people DIDNT actually turn. at least so far. at least as far as we know. we're not really sure. DEMOCRACY PREVAILS!" 1353945;1451129932;BingoBoingo;Latest qntra also has picture of Greenwald 1353946;1451129941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15684 @ 0.00050948 = 7.9907 BTC [+] 1353947;1451129958;mircea_popescu;nb. 1353948;1451129965;BingoBoingo;didn't turn that they know of 1353949;1451129989;BingoBoingo;But of course the tax office would select for the most blindly loyal to the fiat 1353950;1451130009;mircea_popescu;mats> anyway, am in the silly valley and wtf its colder here than boston <<< something about how global warming rearranges hot streams and whatnot. #totally-not-random-climatic-noise 1353951;1451130049;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo either that or the most stolidly boring. 1353952;1451130054;mircea_popescu;but hey, one day he wants to be a lion tamer. 1353953;1451130061;BingoBoingo;Is there a difference 1353954;1451130219;mircea_popescu;in other news, dear chan, allow me to introduce... the blue footed booby. http://cdn.earthporm.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/blue-footed-booby.jpg 1353955;1451130219;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjjP4x ) 1353956;1451131222;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28200 @ 0.0005091 = 14.3566 BTC [-] 1353957;1451131283;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55150 @ 0.00050964 = 28.1066 BTC [+] {2} 1353958;1451132031;BingoBoingo;http://www.increasinglyadequate.com/macppc.html 1353959;1451132033;assbot;OpenBSD 5.8 on a 1999 iMac G3 (iMac,1) ... ( http://bit.ly/1OexIvD ) 1353960;1451132076;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12600 @ 0.00050656 = 6.3827 BTC [-] {2} 1353961;1451132747;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00051049 = 5.4622 BTC [+] 1353962;1451132930;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25849 @ 0.00051049 = 13.1957 BTC [+] {2} 1353963;1451133174;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82450 @ 0.00050264 = 41.4427 BTC [-] {2} 1353964;1451133418;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66580 @ 0.00051052 = 33.9904 BTC [+] {2} 1353965;1451137749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40952 @ 0.00050178 = 20.5489 BTC [-] 1353966;1451138177;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59800 @ 0.00050432 = 30.1583 BTC [+] 1353967;1451138696;shinohai;;;ticker --market all 1353968;1451138704;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 421.0, vol: 18540.70965603 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 417.811, vol: 10636.5393 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 420.03, vol: 64565.92399074 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 421.21, vol: 0.28972837 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 416.138359, vol: 119160.49820000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 419.03254, vol: 81.58782921 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 422.576, vol: 85.40752718 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1353969;1451138969;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86450 @ 0.00050531 = 43.684 BTC [+] {3} 1353970;1451139579;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48150 @ 0.00050657 = 24.3913 BTC [+] 1353971;1451142934;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13702 @ 0.00051059 = 6.9961 BTC [+] 1353972;1451143329;asciilifeform;;;later tell mircea_popescu http://dpaste.com/06339V3 ( https://cryptome.org/2015/12/nsl-under-seal-026-030.pdf ) re: 'national security letters', interesting record of failed resistance through litigation 1353973;1451143334;assbot;dpaste: 06339V3: LORETTA E. LYNCH, Attorney General v. UNDER SEAL ... ( http://bit.ly/1VjGoSR ) 1353974;1451143339;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1353975;1451143360;mircea_popescu;ola ? 1353976;1451143432;asciilifeform;aha! thar he is 1353977;1451143492;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353859 << terrible translation. correct one: 'every politruk you see - hoist him high into a tree' 1353978;1451143492;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 06:30:22; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1353374 << "How is the Politruk doing - as he's pulling down the branch." 1353979;1451143570;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353876 << so cheap is the octopus ink, but so laughably transparent - this idiocy is supposed to make folks forget about the tor 0day ? 1353980;1451143570;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 07:11:38; punkman: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/business/dealbook/the-unsung-tax-agent-who-put-a-face-on-the-silk-road.html 1353981;1451143655;mircea_popescu;"UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR PARTIAL UNSEALING" seems successful enough 1353982;1451143731;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: but in a very laughable sense where we DON'T learn the identity of the victim OR anything pertinent re: why he was picked 1353983;1451143746;asciilifeform;so they unsealed... what? a portion of the boilerplate... 1353984;1451143762;asciilifeform;this is usg's way of laughing 1353985;1451143780;mircea_popescu;i have no fucking idea why the victims actually go along with this charade. 1353986;1451143791;mircea_popescu;oh, you got a gag order ? ha-ha. heres' the website with the material published. 1353987;1451143791;asciilifeform;vs what? take a pen and poke a policeman ? 1353988;1451143792;mircea_popescu;watchagonnado. 1353989;1451143813;asciilifeform;20 yrs to life ? 1353990;1451143817;mircea_popescu;yarly ? 1353991;1451143824;asciilifeform;(ianal) 1353992;1451143829;mircea_popescu;"the hackers stole it" 1353993;1451143845;asciilifeform;stole a snail mail ? 1353994;1451143906;mircea_popescu;why snail mail specifically ? 1353995;1451143920;mircea_popescu;"i was keeping backups in the cloud". 1353996;1451143922;asciilifeform;iirc these are typically delivered as snail mail, victim signs for package 1353997;1451143930;mircea_popescu;these whats ? 1353998;1451143939;asciilifeform;'nsl' 1353999;1451143946;*;mircea_popescu shrugs. 1354000;1451143954;mircea_popescu;they can stand on their fucking head. 1354001;1451144032;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41284 @ 0.00050822 = 20.9814 BTC [-] {3} 1354002;1451144034;asciilifeform;anyway linked document solely because it appears to contain citations to case law 1354003;1451144038;asciilifeform;in case anyone can be bothered 1354004;1451144083;asciilifeform;but i don't know very many people who give half a fuck re: nazi case law today 1354005;1451144088;asciilifeform;and so it goes for usg's. 1354006;1451144195;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353958 << mega-l0l, more or less same conclusion as my experience with toshiba libretto in '14 1354007;1451144195;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 12:13:51; BingoBoingo: http://www.increasinglyadequate.com/macppc.html 1354008;1451144215;asciilifeform;'Running Firefox on this machine to browse "modern," Javascript-heavy sites is an excercise in frustration; the 2015 version of CNN.com basically freezes Firefox for 30 seconds or more.' 1354009;1451144268;mircea_popescu;o.O 1354010;1451144309;asciilifeform;and it is fine to say 'use lynx.' so i did. but turns out that you CAN'T GET the box running 'as if it was 2004' when my libretto happily ran freebsd with no lag 1354011;1451144325;asciilifeform;(because the src packages are no longer available) 1354012;1451144367;mircea_popescu;kinda why we gotta shrinkwrap and deedbot 1354013;1451144371;asciilifeform;aha 1354014;1451144380;asciilifeform;i loved that machine. it fit in a motherfucking coat pocket 1354015;1451144393;asciilifeform;you can't buy this now, for any amount of money 1354016;1451144410;asciilifeform;because it wasn't a 'shitbook', had decent display and usable (if with 8 fingers) keyboard 1354017;1451144422;asciilifeform;cost something like 6K usd in '97. 1354018;1451144586;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353919 << this is a famously unobtainable gadget. (of questionable utility, also. just try pressing those keys) 1354019;1451144586;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 07:46:34; punkman: http://en.qi-hardware.com/w/images/7/78/Nano_cola.jpg 1354020;1451144627;asciilifeform;i tried for some years to find a vendor, then gave up 1354021;1451144732;punkman;asciilifeform: saw an indian company that's supposedly shipping, ~$60 1354022;1451144752;punkman;I'd really like something around that size 1354023;1451145130;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53700 @ 0.00050457 = 27.0954 BTC [-] 1354024;1451145524;jurov;looks like my xperia mini pro (sadly no longer working) 1354025;1451146284;jurov;!t m f.mpif 1354026;1451146284;assbot;How can I be of assistance, my poor man? 1354027;1451146299;jurov;!mpif 1354028;1451146300;assbot;BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021522 B (Total: 427.60 B). Delta: -0.79 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000209 BTC [-] 1354029;1451146333;asciilifeform;punkman, jurov: i have a similar device, 'zipit' 1354030;1451146370;asciilifeform;http://linux.zipitwireless.com 1354031;1451146371;assbot;ZipitForge - Trac ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjzYad ) 1354032;1451146400;asciilifeform;http://chainxor.org/openwrt-zipit/zipit-openwrt.jpg << looks like this. 1354033;1451146401;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjzZLl ) 1354034;1451146408;asciilifeform;and virtually useless 1354035;1451146419;asciilifeform;(even if you can find something that runs tolerably on it) 1354036;1451147523;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353977 << cheers. and when would these have been from ? wwii ? 1354037;1451147523;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 15:24:52; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353859 << terrible translation. correct one: 'every politruk you see - hoist him high into a tree' 1354038;1451147548;asciilifeform;pete_dushenski: ww2, almost certainly in the blitzkrieg phase 1354039;1451147566;pete_dushenski;makes sense 1354040;1451147571;asciilifeform;german authorship, if it isn't obvious 1354041;1451147614;pete_dushenski;it is ! 1354042;1451147631;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60143 @ 0.0005079 = 30.5466 BTC [+] 1354043;1451147738;jurov;lol i'm sure actual germans needed not do anything beyond approval 1354044;1451147764;asciilifeform;jurov: these were leaflets dropped by germany at the front 1354045;1451147774;asciilifeform;there were analogous ones everywhere 1354046;1451147790;jurov;aok 1354047;1451147942;mircea_popescu;iffy thing. bout half the politruks were popular. 1354048;1451147946;mircea_popescu;trotsky was one. 1354049;1451147948;asciilifeform;aha 1354050;1451147981;asciilifeform;one reason why sometimes popular, is that it was a parallel vertical 1354051;1451147985;asciilifeform;or whatever this is called today 1354052;1451148014;mircea_popescu;on occasion worked like a sort of "army union" 1354053;1451148015;asciilifeform;y'know, sorta like the church in the old days 1354054;1451148026;shinohai;node behaviour is much improved today asciilifeform ty 1354055;1451148026;asciilifeform;separate hierarchy 1354056;1451148028;mircea_popescu;had to, after the nonsense of "soviets" that destroyed russia's fighting capacity in ww1 1354057;1451148042;asciilifeform;shinohai: aha! they can breathe! and many more interesting folks connected: cn, ru, etc 1354058;1451148098;asciilifeform;shinohai: enjoy the clean air, while it lasts, eventually the crap artists will find proxies outside aws 1354059;1451148190;shinohai;:/ 1354060;1451148628;mircea_popescu;actually discouraging adoption among the welfare horde is probably very useful for bitcoin. it's quite clear that adding nato reich puppets is a marginal loss per capita by now. 1354061;1451148687;asciilifeform;Быдло, в стойло ! (tm) (r) 1354062;1451148702;asciilifeform;(roughly, cattle - straight to the stalls!) 1354063;1451149177;pete_dushenski;!up ryan-c 1354064;1451149339;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51114 @ 0.00050956 = 26.0456 BTC [+] {2} 1354065;1451149644;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10650 @ 0.00050457 = 5.3737 BTC [-] {2} 1354066;1451149888;shinohai;http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-12-25/argentinas-outgoing-president-has-refused-give-her-official-twitter-account <<< KEK 1354067;1451149889;assbot;Argentina's outgoing president has refused to give up her official Twitter account | Public Radio International ... ( http://bit.ly/1PoWzMp ) 1354068;1451149947;thestringpuller;good morning 1354069;1451149989;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: mornin' ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epw0J45X-FI 1354070;1451149990;assbot;The Niggar Family | Chappelle's Show - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1PoWJDB ) 1354071;1451149990;asciilifeform;'And in this one, she complains of an imminent devaluation in January, which would leave workers poorer.' << ahahaha 1354072;1451150054;asciilifeform;( see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345987 ) 1354073;1451150054;assbot;Logged on 18-12-2015 02:21:17; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1345983 << whatever happened to sov ruble-style devaluations ? 1354074;1451150061;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski: That episode is so funny. Classic. "Look at suzie's baby. She's got them niggar lips!" 1354075;1451150109;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: lol and "i don't want our daughter dating some niggar boy" 1354076;1451150132;pete_dushenski;"not A niggar, THE niggars" 1354077;1451150293;pete_dushenski;"In this tweet, she implies that the new government is guilty of nepotism," << ism-istas ! get 'em boys ! 1354078;1451150318;pete_dushenski;what wot ? everyone should have a chance to be top gov officials ! even the homeless bums ! 1354079;1451150370;shinohai;lol 1354080;1451150372;pete_dushenski;because homeless bums and black doods who've never been beaten know what's best for this country. 1354081;1451150548;pete_dushenski;;;ticker 1354082;1451150549;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 407.0, Best ask: 408.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.00000, Last trade: 407.1, 24 hour volume: 78611.5073499, 24 hour low: 405.5, 24 hour high: 460.05, 24 hour vwap: None 1354083;1451150554;pete_dushenski;boxing day sale ! 1354084;1451150601;pete_dushenski;or children selling their btc to buy half-priced winter jackets and... air conditioners 1354085;1451150618;pete_dushenski;y'know, for the global warming 1354086;1451150950;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu et al: maslennikov has a lulzy chapter on how rng for key generation was done (late '80s, imported 'pc xt' in kgb, but no trng naturally). answer: chix playing 'tetris' 1354087;1451152200;thestringpuller;i had a realization today. i would rather bitcoin be plagued with scammers so the idiot "experts" who seem to know what is best for bitcoin would get scammed. 1354088;1451152272;asciilifeform;usg 'expertz' have approximately as much to fear from sc4mz0rz as mountain from mosquitoes 1354089;1451152274;jurov;what? hasn't that happened already? 1354090;1451152299;asciilifeform;(it isn't as if the money they spent were their own, or its supply - finite) 1354091;1451152328;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00050597 = 4.4019 BTC [+] {2} 1354092;1451152411;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: i'm not talking about usg 'expertz' i'm taling about d00d who lives in his mom's basement rent-free 'expert' who is able to convince 1000 other lemmings he is an expert. 1354093;1451152425;thestringpuller;at least if they got scammed you wouldn't have to worry about them. 1354094;1451152429;asciilifeform;wai wut 1354095;1451152434;asciilifeform;i had to worry about them ?? 1354096;1451152458;asciilifeform;let the rats feed on the rats. 1354097;1451152458;thestringpuller;i guess not. point taken. 1354098;1451152474;thestringpuller;I would rather have the rats exterminated tho! 1354099;1451152480;thestringpuller;Is there no rat poison in BTC? 1354100;1451152536;asciilifeform;vermin are thermodynamically inevitable 1354101;1451152971;punkman;http://www.pandorawiki.org/images/Pandora1ghz.png this is pretty close to a better nanonote, but not for sale anywhere 1354102;1451152972;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1R1l7Nk ) 1354103;1451153029;punkman;its successor doesn't look bad either https://www.pyra-handheld.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dragonbox_Pyra 1354104;1451153032;assbot;Dragonbox Pyra - Pyra Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1R1ld7r ) 1354105;1451153085;jurov;dunno. one can have n900 with similar specs and broken modem for free 1354106;1451154851;mats;http://siliconpr0n.org/archive/doku.php?id=azonenberg:butterflylabs:bfsc100f144 1354107;1451155073;thestringpuller;I hate this chart http://imgur.com/jLnrOuK 1354108;1451155439;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68600 @ 0.00050401 = 34.5751 BTC [-] {4} 1354109;1451156171;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13350 @ 0.00050376 = 6.7252 BTC [-] {2} 1354110;1451156537;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12310 @ 0.00050376 = 6.2013 BTC [-] {2} 1354111;1451156903;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18000 @ 0.00050295 = 9.0531 BTC [-] {2} 1354112;1451158123;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27290 @ 0.00050316 = 13.7312 BTC [+] 1354113;1451158329;jurov;thestringpuller: why? 1354114;1451158360;thestringpuller;cause people draw causation from correlations when that's dumb 1354115;1451158978;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45978 @ 0.00050333 = 23.1421 BTC [+] {3} 1354116;1451159026;asciilifeform;punkman, jurov: i can't speak for other folks, but i learned that i fucking hate thumb keyboardz 1354117;1451159289;thestringpuller;http://nautil.us/blog/chernobyls-hot-mess-the-elephants-foot-is-still-lethal << whoa 1354118;1451159526;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48957 @ 0.000503 = 24.6254 BTC [-] {3} 1354119;1451159642;asciilifeform;look forward to more cia-mole 'stress tests' at ukr power stations. 1354120;1451159671;asciilifeform;see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-12-2015#1351630 1354121;1451159671;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 08:51:45; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351451 << i was rather distantly downwind of that. along with most everything else in the civilised world. 1354122;1451159685;asciilifeform;or rather, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351451 1354123;1451159685;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 02:11:02; asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2015/12/on-19th-day-of-christmas.html << add the 19 ukr fission plants to list-of-thing-you're-no-longer-down-wind-of 1354124;1451159709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48950 @ 0.00050294 = 24.6189 BTC [-] {4} 1354125;1451159892;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51200 @ 0.00050663 = 25.9395 BTC [+] {3} 1354126;1451160136;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53900 @ 0.00050294 = 27.1085 BTC [-] {2} 1354127;1451160170;asciilifeform;http://qntra.net/2015/12/juniper-fiasco-greenwald-complicit-in-sustaining-mass-surveillance/#comment-33147 << lulzy 1354128;1451160171;assbot;Juniper Fiasco: Greenwald Complicit In Sustaining Mass Surveillance | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1RLwudD ) 1354129;1451160399;punkman;asciilifeform: I don't love the tiny keyboards, but as long as it's not on a touchscreen, and I'm not writing novels on it, it seems better than clunky airgapped lenovo 1354130;1451160471;asciilifeform;punkman: possibly 1354131;1451160746;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32306 @ 0.00050674 = 16.3707 BTC [+] 1354132;1451162631;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> mircea_popescu et al: maslennikov has a lulzy chapter << by now, "cryptogeeks, their ideas of females and trngs" coulod be a book. wasn't it proposed in the logs orgasm noise be measured? 1354133;1451162646;mircea_popescu;i guess the only conclusion possibvle is that su was way the fuck boring-er than ba. 1354134;1451162697;asciilifeform;hey most pc users ~still~ end up with keyboard jitter as entropy source 1354135;1451162700;asciilifeform;not much has changed. 1354136;1451162746;asciilifeform;'here in the chicago meat yards, we use the entire pig. even the squeal...' 1354137;1451162942;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 165246 @ 0.00050771 = 83.897 BTC [+] {5} 1354138;1451163003;mircea_popescu;heh 1354139;1451163632;ben_vulpes;!rate shinohai 1 trb scout 1354140;1451163632;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/f85504a26e483a8c 1354141;1451163666;ben_vulpes;!v assbot:ben_vulpes.rate.shinohai.1:3a59134afe01c07de8fa56f34dd89ab3f3b572c8d9cdae951a8dc812620ca0fd 1354142;1451163666;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for shinohai with note: trb scout 1354143;1451164384;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo totally gotta get that guy writing articles huh 1354144;1451164490;shinohai;^^ ty ben_vulpes 1354145;1451165113;ben_vulpes;easy come easy go 1354146;1451165121;ben_vulpes;long overdue in any case. 1354147;1451165221;mircea_popescu;so... not so easy come ? :D 1354148;1451165264;ben_vulpes;some girls, at first... 1354149;1451165931;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6866 @ 0.00051067 = 3.5063 BTC [+] {2} 1354150;1451166195;shinohai;https://roem.ru/26-12-2015/215917/no-more-google-s-public-dns/ O.o 1354151;1451166196;assbot;Рунет остался без Google’s Public DNS → Roem.ru ... ( http://bit.ly/1JB3T2U ) 1354152;1451167273;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15168 @ 0.00051068 = 7.746 BTC [+] {2} 1354153;1451167334;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27832 @ 0.00051079 = 14.2163 BTC [+] 1354154;1451169134;asciilifeform;run moar dns. 1354155;1451170750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41221 @ 0.00051079 = 21.0553 BTC [+] 1354156;1451172638;thestringpuller;some lulz "1 BTC = 1 BTC is an entirely meaningless statement." in reference to bitcoin being uninflatable. 1354157;1451172885;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39200 @ 0.00051079 = 20.023 BTC [+] 1354158;1451173678;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11500 @ 0.00050975 = 5.8621 BTC [-] 1354159;1451175203;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110700 @ 0.00051133 = 56.6042 BTC [+] {4} 1354160;1451175569;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 117035 @ 0.00050704 = 59.3414 BTC [-] {5} 1354161;1451177521;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 149113 @ 0.00050262 = 74.9472 BTC [-] {4} 1354162;1451177546;thestringpuller;https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/680902843784544256 << and so war begins 1354163;1451177582;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23944 @ 0.00050164 = 12.0113 BTC [-] {2} 1354164;1451179804;mircea_popescu;eh, coinbase. 1354165;1451179876;thestringpuller;Well that's the nail in the coffin. 1354166;1451179893;thestringpuller;another nail* 1354167;1451180132;shinohai;Death to Coinbase 1354168;1451180161;mircea_popescu;not like it's doing anything anyway. fiddy bucks from sales one way or the other, who cares. 1354169;1451180230;thestringpuller;the rats care. although asciilifeform may be okay with living with vermin, i would prefer to have an exterminator come through. 1354170;1451180312;mircea_popescu;o.O 1354171;1451180317;shinohai;No ones surprised they would suck Gavin's cock since they already suck usg 1354172;1451180382;thestringpuller;;;ticker 1354173;1451180384;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 413.18, Best ask: 413.86, Bid-ask spread: 0.68000, Last trade: 413.35, 24 hour volume: 98662.17519776, 24 hour low: 405.5, 24 hour high: 456.45, 24 hour vwap: None 1354174;1451181730;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 252299 @ 0.00050101 = 126.4043 BTC [-] {4} 1354175;1451181791;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41901 @ 0.00050002 = 20.9513 BTC [-] 1354176;1451182242;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1354143 << which one? 1354177;1451182242;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 21:13:04; mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo totally gotta get that guy writing articles huh 1354178;1451182265;BingoBoingo;;;later tell asciilifeform http://qntra.net/2015/12/juniper-fiasco-greenwald-complicit-in-sustaining-mass-surveillance/#comment-33359 1354179;1451182266;assbot;Juniper Fiasco: Greenwald Complicit In Sustaining Mass Surveillance | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pq8lIe ) 1354180;1451182266;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354181;1451182269;mircea_popescu;beautyon, keeps writijng comment articles 1354182;1451182276;BingoBoingo;ah 1354183;1451182336;BingoBoingo;It's been a while since I last proposed this. They just seem to keep blogging on medium.com and occasionally dropping article length comments. 1354184;1451182702;BingoBoingo;Recruitogram sent https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/680935415432359936 1354185;1451183398;mircea_popescu;weird huh 1354186;1451183545;BingoBoingo;Yeah, one of our first persistent non #b-a commenters, but still living on Medium.com and social media mostly 1354187;1451184292;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 189399 @ 0.00049999 = 94.6976 BTC [-] {2} 1354188;1451184353;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34701 @ 0.00049984 = 17.3449 BTC [-] 1354189;1451184370;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/JWDwf 1354190;1451184372;assbot;rate my bulk (185 to 273 from Aug-May) this is the end - Bodybuilding.com Forums ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pq9PlK ) 1354191;1451185268;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 92623 @ 0.00049968 = 46.2819 BTC [-] {3} 1354192;1451185329;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 143915 @ 0.00049935 = 71.864 BTC [-] {5} 1354193;1451185512;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73346 @ 0.0004993 = 36.6217 BTC [-] {2} 1354194;1451185573;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52942 @ 0.00049915 = 26.426 BTC [-] 1354195;1451186366;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26100 @ 0.00050397 = 13.1536 BTC [+] 1354196;1451187042;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3515 1354197;1451187043;assbot;JL: ‘Safety Knowledge’ ... ( http://bit.ly/1OQJk4h ) 1354198;1451187333;thestringpuller;;;ticker 1354199;1451187334;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 419.33, Best ask: 419.72, Bid-ask spread: 0.39000, Last trade: 419.34, 24 hour volume: 101788.25527735, 24 hour low: 405.5, 24 hour high: 452.7, 24 hour vwap: None 1354200;1451187923;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1354201;1451187929;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 418.32, vol: 27450.52215391 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 414.668, vol: 16501.33529 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 419.11, vol: 101788.25527735 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 422.35, vol: 6.95928143 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 409.47543, vol: 122320.52750000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 418.49, vol: 226.08512349 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 412.86224, vol: 137.65795311 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 1354202;1451187931;BingoBoingo;;;more 1354203;1451187932;gribble;average: 414.362163198 1354204;1451188099;BingoBoingo;Looks what happens after the AWS block script https://archive.is/NIB3C 1354205;1451188100;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1R1ScZv ) 1354206;1451188106;BingoBoingo;!up BashCo 1354207;1451188807;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 163800 @ 0.00050398 = 82.5519 BTC [+] {2} 1354208;1451190637;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84450 @ 0.00050838 = 42.9327 BTC [+] {2} 1354209;1451190697;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36976 @ 0.00050995 = 18.8559 BTC [+] 1354210;1451193015;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70600 @ 0.00050981 = 35.9926 BTC [-] {2} 1354211;1451193320;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85273 @ 0.00051083 = 43.56 BTC [+] {2} 1354212;1451193382;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53027 @ 0.00051151 = 27.1238 BTC [+] 1354213;1451195394;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83250 @ 0.00050255 = 41.8373 BTC [-] 1354214;1451196065;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48368 @ 0.00050211 = 24.2861 BTC [-] {2} 1354215;1451198749;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124650 @ 0.00050966 = 63.5291 BTC [+] {3} 1354216;1451199237;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39812 @ 0.00050895 = 20.2623 BTC [-] {3} 1354217;1451199298;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 284188 @ 0.0005118 = 145.4474 BTC [+] {5} 1354218;1451199908;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57800 @ 0.00051205 = 29.5965 BTC [+] 1354219;1451201189;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108600 @ 0.00050527 = 54.8723 BTC [-] 1354220;1451202043;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13250 @ 0.00050527 = 6.6948 BTC [-] 1354221;1451202226;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65400 @ 0.00051205 = 33.4881 BTC [+] 1354222;1451203568;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45550 @ 0.00051205 = 23.3239 BTC [+] 1354223;1451204788;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 263499 @ 0.00050166 = 132.1869 BTC [-] {6} 1354224;1451204849;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76600 @ 0.00049881 = 38.2088 BTC [-] {2} 1354225;1451204910;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104401 @ 0.00049866 = 52.0606 BTC [-] {3} 1354226;1451205825;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.00050221 = 18.4813 BTC [+] 1354227;1451206191;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25400 @ 0.00050221 = 12.7561 BTC [+] 1354228;1451207228;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47599 @ 0.00049857 = 23.7314 BTC [-] {3} 1354229;1451208266;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86216 @ 0.00049855 = 42.983 BTC [-] 1354230;1451208326;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29784 @ 0.00049844 = 14.8455 BTC [-] {2} 1354231;1451210888;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30247 @ 0.00050086 = 15.1495 BTC [+] 1354232;1451210949;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 168363 @ 0.00049798 = 83.8414 BTC [-] {4} 1354233;1451211498;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81303 @ 0.00050086 = 40.7214 BTC [+] 1354234;1451211559;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28473 @ 0.00050221 = 14.2994 BTC [+] 1354235;1451212682;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.22257398 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin Network Hits 1 Exahash - http://bitbet.us/bet/1228/bitcoin-network-hits-1-exahash/#b16 1354236;1451212718;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43850 @ 0.00049739 = 21.8106 BTC [-] 1354237;1451214156;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1354238;1451214160;gribble;Current Blocks: 390468 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 635 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 1 hour, 37 minutes, and 23 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1354239;1451214179;BingoBoingo;Looks leik a lotta hash came online 1354240;1451214670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 174300 @ 0.00049824 = 86.8432 BTC [+] {3} 1354241;1451216500;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 113500 @ 0.00049733 = 56.447 BTC [-] {2} 1354242;1451217293;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99766 @ 0.00049652 = 49.5358 BTC [-] {2} 1354243;1451217842;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 155159 @ 0.00050036 = 77.6354 BTC [+] 1354244;1451218624;adlai;gpg: public key decryption failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device 1354245;1451218633;adlai;;;seen mike_c 1354246;1451218634;gribble;mike_c was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 7 weeks, 2 days, 11 hours, 5 minutes, and 58 seconds ago: <mike_c> let's get that thing out the door and get alf some goddamn bitcoin already 1354247;1451218635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 120382 @ 0.00050119 = 60.3343 BTC [+] {4} 1354248;1451218639;adlai;;;isup btcalpha.com 1354249;1451218640;gribble;btcalpha.com is up 1354250;1451218651;adlai;lies, gribble. RIP best mpex charting site 1354251;1451218702;adlai;("There's money to be made here, and you're not going to be making it by waiting.") 1354252;1451218855;mircea_popescu;;;later tell mike_c hey btcalpha's 500'd. 1354253;1451218855;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354254;1451218862;mircea_popescu;le suck. i hope he's ok. 1354255;1451219232;adlai;maybe just pancaked, but it's not always terminal :-\ 1354256;1451219415;*;adlai is left, for lack of charts, trying to figure out the mysteries of trilema's vanishing divs 1354257;1451219428;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16800 @ 0.00050154 = 8.4259 BTC [+] {3} 1354258;1451219660;jurov;gribble says "error 500? but it's alive, that's all what counts." 1354259;1451219669;jurov;adlai and what mysteries? 1354260;1451219860;mircea_popescu;this guy has a torid love affair with the vague. 1354261;1451219898;adlai;vague like the mona lisa smirk of the lady who doesn't belong in bitcoin 1354262;1451219942;*;adlai would hotlink but maybe that ruins the fun 1354263;1451220016;jurov;orly, vague? why don't you play eulora, then? 1354264;1451220057;mircea_popescu;nono, vague the other way. 1354265;1451220066;mircea_popescu;he wants to RUN it, not play it. 1354266;1451220066;adlai;!s from:jurov play trade 1354267;1451220067;assbot;1 results for 'from:jurov play trade' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Ajurov+play+trade 1354268;1451220350;adlai;"i'll play with my food once i've eaten my toys" 1354269;1451220526;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 144750 @ 0.00050334 = 72.8585 BTC [+] {3} 1354270;1451220892;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46647 @ 0.00049631 = 23.1514 BTC [-] {3} 1354271;1451221502;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44403 @ 0.00050421 = 22.3884 BTC [+] 1354272;1451222600;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4447 @ 0.00049712 = 2.2107 BTC [-] 1354273;1451222844;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 141100 @ 0.00051175 = 72.2079 BTC [+] {5} 1354274;1451222905;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90300 @ 0.00051214 = 46.2462 BTC [+] {4} 1354275;1451224081;mircea_popescu;hey BingoBoingo do you happen to recall that article in the logs where some honcho at walmart discussed how people mill around in the stoire the midnight before ebt time ? 1354276;1451224114;BingoBoingo;lemme retrieve some candidates 1354277;1451224156;BingoBoingo;http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3467 ? 1354278;1451224158;assbot;JL: Of Kings and Queens ... ( http://bit.ly/1P9KDOp ) 1354279;1451224167;BingoBoingo;@s walmart 1354280;1451224172;BingoBoingo;!s walmart 1354281;1451224172;assbot;147 results for 'walmart' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=walmart 1354282;1451224198;mircea_popescu;"Once the clock strikes midnight and EBT cards are charged, you can see our results start to tick up," says Tom Schoewe, Wal-Mart Stores Inc's chief financial officer. 1354283;1451224200;mircea_popescu;heh 1354284;1451224211;mircea_popescu;nah it was someone from walmart. 1354285;1451224249;BingoBoingo;http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-foodstamps-idUSTRE5BH2C220091218 1354286;1451224250;assbot;Midnight in the food-stamp economy| Reuters ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vla0z7 ) 1354287;1451224270;mircea_popescu;aha 1354288;1451224817;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CXH6Uh8UwAEnjY_.jpg:large 1354289;1451224818;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vlawx8 ) 1354290;1451224833;punkman;"Dancers from China's National Pole Dance Team performs in Beiji village, the nation's most northerly point" 1354291;1451225670;thestringpuller;;;ticker 1354292;1451225672;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 417.62, Best ask: 417.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.37000, Last trade: 417.55, 24 hour volume: 53425.91412428, 24 hour low: 405.5, 24 hour high: 425.43, 24 hour vwap: None 1354293;1451225697;thestringpuller;;;hashrate 1354294;1451225697;gribble;Error: "hashrate" is not a valid command. 1354295;1451225701;thestringpuller;;;nethash 1354296;1451225702;gribble;837554982.002 1354297;1451225772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8800 @ 0.00050607 = 4.4534 BTC [-] {2} 1354298;1451226056;mircea_popescu;china will prolly rock i na decade. 1354299;1451226144;thestringpuller;dunno. heard shanghai ain't good for asthma. I'll wait until someone invents air scrubbers. 1354300;1451226145;punkman;https://twitter.com/JRKaiman/status/680342696662138882 1354301;1451226191;punkman;"one of Beijing's top restaurants" 1354302;1451226225;thestringpuller;Whoa. Coinbase is getting DDOSED. 1354303;1451226234;thestringpuller;punkman: does that mean the air in the restaurant? 1354304;1451226246;punkman;supposedly 1354305;1451228454;thestringpuller;;;later tell mike_c BTCAlpha is down. 500 internal error. 1354306;1451228454;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354307;1451228460;thestringpuller;;;isup btcalpha.com 1354308;1451228461;gribble;btcalpha.com is up 1354309;1451228578;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105500 @ 0.00050621 = 53.4052 BTC [+] {3} 1354310;1451229903;thestringpuller;Everyone is playing Crucible on r/btc and this pops up: "Playing witchhunt roulette, are we? Then I say: something something Mircea Popescu something." 1354311;1451229981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80900 @ 0.00049992 = 40.4435 BTC [-] {3} 1354312;1451230008;jurov;bitchhunt 1354313;1451230114;deedbot-;[Trilema] Okcupid.com, the dating site. - http://trilema.com/2015/okcupidcom-the-dating-site/ 1354314;1451230155;jurov;wow deedbot-'s trigger word? 1354315;1451230177;jurov;!b 4 1354316;1451230178;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0ARS40T.txt ) 1354317;1451230290;BingoBoingo;wow 1354318;1451231079;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67300 @ 0.00049877 = 33.5672 BTC [-] {4} 1354319;1451232107;mircea_popescu;!up Guest90279 1354320;1451232172;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2012/ciudateii-astia-cu-hb95-urile/#selection-85.0-85.42 << epic shit from long ago. 1354321;1451232173;assbot;Ciudateii astia cu HB9.5-urile on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pqlhfo ) 1354322;1451232454;jurov;https://jochen-hoenicke.de/trezor-power-analysis/ as predicted by alf 1354323;1451232456;assbot;Extracting the Private Key from a TREZOR ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pqlzmv ) 1354324;1451232600;mircea_popescu;aww 1354325;1451232848;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 178228 @ 0.00050827 = 90.5879 BTC [+] {4} 1354326;1451234624;mircea_popescu;!up ahmed_ 1354327;1451234819;thestringpuller;oh wow. ALF was right on the money using DPA to break the trezor. 1354328;1451234858;mircea_popescu;iirc the point wasn't controversial. 1354329;1451235355;BingoBoingo;The controversy was if anyone would care enough to do it 1354330;1451235491;shinohai;http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/02/02/british-army-creates-facebook-soldiers-brigade_n_6592564.html <<< LOL 1354331;1451235492;assbot;British Army Creates Brigade Of Facebook Soldiers ... ( http://bit.ly/22tF3Oj ) 1354332;1451235565;BingoBoingo;From the mines: "I didn't know if I wanted to laugh or cry when I went to a class to make sure we knew about this special equipment locked away in out large hospital and how to get/order it. Plus we were told we weren't allowed to call them anything but "bariatric" for fear that the patient or family might overhear it called the "big boy" chair or the 1000lb lift sling, or the XXXXL whatever. " 1354333;1451235939;thestringpuller;PSA: Bitnodes units shipped with 64GB SD cards will reach capacity in next few days. << L0L 1354334;1451235953;mircea_popescu;da fuck ? the chain's well over 150gb 1354335;1451236062;mircea_popescu;!up asciilifeform 1354336;1451236066;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu 1354337;1451236070;mircea_popescu;you and your weird ideas about keys. 1354338;1451236076;shinohai;LOL 1354339;1451236079;asciilifeform;http://dpaste.com/25MGHBZ for everybody else 1354340;1451236080;assbot;dpaste: 25MGHBZ ... ( http://bit.ly/1MBZZqD ) 1354341;1451236124;mircea_popescu;psa : do not use the gpg supplied mechanism for "key expiration", or anything else from there as far as "key management" goes for that matter. 1354342;1451236277;thestringpuller;!up Quent 1354343;1451236301;Quent;you guys behind these DDoses? 1354344;1451236316;Quent;obviously I don't expect truthful statements 1354345;1451236332;Quent;but thought to give you the opportunity to deny it and show just how elite you are... 1354346;1451236369;asciilifeform;the ddos of trilema ? qntra ? 1354347;1451236372;Quent;personally I suspect Peter Todd and btcdrak 1354348;1451236377;Quent;ddos of coinbase 1354349;1451236382;Quent;and XT nodes before that 1354350;1451236388;Quent;and Slush pool 1354351;1451236390;*;asciilifeform apparently slept through this 1354352;1451236415;punkman;assbot is behind it all! 1354353;1451236419;Quent;I don't think you guys have the brains or funds to carry out these DDoses 1354354;1451236424;asciilifeform;there are how many - 1000 ? xt nodes ? 1354355;1451236427;asciilifeform;and all were ddosed ? 1354356;1451236438;Quent;yes 1354357;1451236472;Quent;i mean 1354358;1451236475;thestringpuller;asciilifeform: there is only 480 listed xtnodes 1354359;1451236478;Quent;your leader offered what 1354360;1451236481;Quent;1 btc ahaha 1354361;1451236486;Quent;1btc to erm kill sipa I think 1354362;1451236488;Quent;1 btc ahaha 1354363;1451236491;Quent;such elite ahaha 1354364;1451236499;thestringpuller;!down Quent 1354365;1451236505;thestringpuller;okay enough of that 1354366;1451236548;asciilifeform;long ago, after the failed american invasion of cuba at the bay of pigs, usg offered a million for the head of castro's #2, half a million for #3, and a penny for castro's 1354367;1451236630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16700 @ 0.0005066 = 8.4602 BTC [-] 1354368;1451236672;thestringpuller;now he pollutes my pm 1354369;1451236683;thestringpuller;mr. spam comes in many forms. 1354370;1451236686;shinohai;https://twitter.com/BryceWeiner/status/681159188429582336 <<<ue 1354371;1451236775;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354327 << dpa is not only not my idea, but it pre-dates the computer (see, e.g., https://fveydocs.org/document/learning-enemy-gunman concerning typewriters, or the soviet cipher machines that had ballast coils) 1354372;1451236775;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 16:46:59; thestringpuller: oh wow. ALF was right on the money using DPA to break the trezor. 1354373;1451236776;thestringpuller;shinohai: "two bit idiot likes this tweet" 1354374;1451236786;shinohai;xD 1354375;1451236827;asciilifeform;(and also i will add that trezor has a considerably simpler orifice, but we digress, folks who read the logz know what it is) 1354376;1451236957;thestringpuller;will cardano be vulnerable to DPA? 1354377;1451236977;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: it runs on batteries. 1354378;1451237004;thestringpuller;iirc anything with batteries is susceptible? 1354379;1451237007;asciilifeform;thestringpuller: if you have trouble sourcing batteries not containing usg dpa circuitry, invest in a dental xray machine 1354380;1451237007;thestringpuller;or am I misinformed... 1354381;1451237030;thestringpuller;^-wherefor? 1354382;1451237041;asciilifeform;i suppose i ought to explain dpa as a thing 1354383;1451237063;*;thestringpuller pulls up a chair and listens. 1354384;1451237073;asciilifeform;if someone walks away with your cipher machine while you sleep, and he has half a brain, he will have your key 1354385;1451237093;asciilifeform;at the very least, he can make use of it using the machine as it was designed to be used 1354386;1451237120;asciilifeform;the scenario of a dpa attack is where you have possession of the machine, but the enemy controls the power supply 1354387;1451237148;asciilifeform;e.g., a typewriter in an embassy, and enemy attached a precision ampermeter to your mains 1354388;1451237170;asciilifeform;or, in modern times, you plug your box into a usb jack in a cafe 1354389;1451237343;asciilifeform;as i pointed out a year+ ago, a trezor plugged into a specially-instrumented but visually uninteresting pc will give up its key. 1354390;1451237398;asciilifeform;most of the extant literature concerning dpa is about extracting firmware from copyprotected microcontrollers in a laboratory setting 1354391;1451237408;asciilifeform;a very different sort of affair, but same method. 1354392;1451237408;BingoBoingo;in lighter news https://archive.is/G5IC1 1354393;1451237440;asciilifeform;ugh 1354394;1451237484;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54200 @ 0.00050643 = 27.4485 BTC [-] {3} 1354395;1451237536;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354334 << ~92 GB 1354396;1451237536;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 17:05:53; mircea_popescu: da fuck ? the chain's well over 150gb 1354397;1451237571;asciilifeform;or hm, ~68 1354398;1451237578;asciilifeform;was counting a bloated debug.log 1354399;1451237707;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354298 << how's that ? they will move the belching smokestacks to usaschwitz ? 1354400;1451237707;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 14:20:56; mircea_popescu: china will prolly rock i na decade. 1354401;1451237881;asciilifeform;in other lulz, 1354402;1451237881;asciilifeform;https://github.com/bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org/pull/1178 1354403;1451237883;assbot;Remove Coinbase from the "Choose your Wallet" page by Cobra-Bitcoin · Pull Request #1178 · bitcoin-dot-org/bitcoin.org · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pr9HCz ) 1354404;1451237888;asciilifeform;'It is about sending a strong message. I think we may need to start an accreditation scheme for Bitcoin-consensus compliant wallets and services. Through code signing and use of multisig, we can even distinguish transactions made by compliant wallets and non-compliant wallets, and have pools not mine them (or wallets refuse to send to known-non-compliant wallets).' 1354405;1451238047;shinohai;!up asciilifeform 1354406;1451238831;VariaVarietatis;Has anyone heard about something that around the t0 and t1 vertebra and lets you talk without talking? 1354407;1451239056;BingoBoingo;Yes. Oscilliscope works for this. 1354408;1451239080;BingoBoingo;Plug one in and try it 1354409;1451239084;asciilifeform;VariaVarietatis: 'subvocal speech recognition' 1354410;1451239087;asciilifeform;old nyooz. 1354411;1451239131;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12553 @ 0.00050893 = 6.3886 BTC [+] {2} 1354412;1451239166;VariaVarietatis;asciilifeform: you have one? 1354413;1451239173;asciilifeform;nope 1354414;1451239201;asciilifeform;afaik there is not a commercial gadget for subvocal 1354415;1451239242;asciilifeform;why do you need this ? got some prisoners who like to subvocalize launch codes in their sleep ? 1354416;1451239451;VariaVarietatis;Yes, they are pretty nice been using one for a two months turns out everyone seems to have them was last one in on them. 1354417;1451239544;BingoBoingo;!b 5 1354418;1451239545;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3KAQJ9R.txt ) 1354419;1451239713;VariaVarietatis;asciilifeform: someone told me you made the best version based on the fsb/spetsnaz plans true? 1354420;1451239738;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency gbp 1354421;1451239745;gribble;Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 282.04204, vol: 9711.26453368 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 281.950376, vol: 7614.49142 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 276.34, vol: 1.22437492 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 280.043414, vol: 56101.16990000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 275.02802, vol: 0.0103525 | Bitcoin-Central BTCGBP last: 288.514528013, vol: 45.23474211 | Volume-weighted last average: 280.510363074 1354422;1451239760;jurov;yes spetsnaz gave him plans when he was 10 and emigrated to USA 1354423;1451239762;BingoBoingo;OMG CRASHING 1354424;1451239869;VariaVarietatis;heard they have been in use for 10-15 years. at this point. 1354425;1451239869;jurov;!t m x.eur 1354426;1451239869;assbot;[MPEX:X.EUR] 1D: 0.00255064 / 0.00259203 / 0.00262332 (887 shares, 2.30 BTC), 7D: 0.00238552 / 0.00247328 / 0.00262332 (4223 shares, 10.44 BTC), 30D: 0.00061753 / 0.00213157 / 0.00282306 (12305 shares, 26.23 BTC) 1354427;1451239893;jurov;;;calc 1/0.00061753 1354428;1451239893;gribble;1619.35452529 1354429;1451239909;jurov;orly 1354430;1451239926;jurov;VariaVarietatis: [citation needed] 1354431;1451240002;jurov;anyone: before panic selling x.eur at 4x the value, please consult me first 1354432;1451240063;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1354433;1451240069;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 418.46, vol: 9641.91363683 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 418.325, vol: 7562.51257 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 418.01, vol: 38030.8102987 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 410.0, vol: 1.22437492 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 415.058553, vol: 56037.40040000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 422.41286, vol: 47.54402785 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 428.052914229, vol: 45.23474211 | Volume-weighted last (1 more message) 1354434;1451240073;BingoBoingo;;;more 1354435;1451240073;gribble;average: 416.591114115 1354436;1451240116;BingoBoingo;!up asciilifeform 1354437;1451240133;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354419 << ahahahahaha wut. 1354438;1451240133;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 18:08:33; VariaVarietatis: asciilifeform: someone told me you made the best version based on the fsb/spetsnaz plans true? 1354439;1451240203;*;asciilifeform wonders what other 'best versions' and of what he makes with 'fsb spetznaz plans', and according to whom. 1354440;1451240345;BingoBoingo;Laser Mosin? 1354441;1451240347;jurov;it's quite plausible explanation of your shiva hands. you work using hands, while subvocalising on irc at the same time (or other way around) 1354442;1451240361;asciilifeform;not far off, l0l 1354443;1451240393;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354440 << http://i.imgur.com/9GeH4.jpg 1354444;1451240393;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 18:19:05; BingoBoingo: Laser Mosin? 1354445;1451240394;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NIYhrt ) 1354446;1451240410;BingoBoingo;lol 1354447;1451240426;asciilifeform;http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/10/08/soviet-laser-pistol << famous useless weapon 1354448;1451240427;assbot;The Soviet Laser Pistol - The Firearm Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1NIYnzo ) 1354449;1451240442;VariaVarietatis;Gotta look into it more stuck on a shit server atm bbl 1354450;1451241113;BingoBoingo;!up fedlet 1354451;1451241116;BingoBoingo;!up fudlet 1354452;1451241126;BingoBoingo;!up asciilifeform 1354453;1451241388;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73450 @ 0.00051043 = 37.4911 BTC [+] {2} 1354454;1451241608;asciilifeform;https://cryptome.org/2015/12/nyc-spynet.jpg << from the l0lfarmz 1354455;1451241611;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NJ0GlQ ) 1354456;1451241693;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83200 @ 0.00051177 = 42.5793 BTC [+] {3} 1354457;1451241838;mircea_popescu;<Quent> personally I suspect Peter Todd and btcdrak << but who the fuck are you to "personally". 1354458;1451241842;mircea_popescu;screen names are persons now ?! 1354459;1451242030;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform the belching smokestacks to usaschwitz ? <<< mongolia, india, pakistan, whatevs. africa, argentina, they're looking. 1354460;1451242053;asciilifeform;didn't mircea_popescu explain earlier that argentines won't work unless bred in captivity for 10,000 yrs - or something 1354461;1451242068;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> 'It is about sending a strong message. << it is about sending a strong message alright. 1354462;1451242083;mircea_popescu;apparently all the others somehow got lost in a cloud of "could never happen to me". 1354463;1451242193;mircea_popescu;;;calc 1/0.00253536 1354464;1451242193;gribble;394.421305061 1354465;1451242203;mircea_popescu;jurov it's about right no ? 1354466;1451242233;thestringpuller;"You can't fix a capacity problem with fees. If there are only 20 seats on the bus and 25 people that want to ride there is no ticket price where everyone gets a seat." << I love the lulz on reddit. "We want everyone to be equal because we aren't worth shit in the real world. Treat us fairly!!!!!11" 1354467;1451242275;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform argentina is only notable for the landmass. you can fit about five europes in here. 1354468;1451242295;punkman;"maybe if we stop giving out tickets for free, we'll be able to affor a second bus" 1354469;1451242299;mircea_popescu;the white chicks currently inhabiting it could be trained to dance, i suppose. if you can teach bears you can probably teach argentines too 1354470;1451242299;asciilifeform;the 5 can ride as in http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-03-2014#544127 1354471;1451242299;assbot;Logged on 04-03-2014 01:25:41; asciilifeform: russian derper: 'if we'd let the jerries win, we'd be riding in mercedes benz now!' 1354472;1451242432;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354466 <<< definitely Grade-A popcorn out there today. 1354473;1451242432;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 18:50:33; thestringpuller: "You can't fix a capacity problem with fees. If there are only 20 seats on the bus and 25 people that want to ride there is no ticket price where everyone gets a seat." << I love the lulz on reddit. "We want everyone to be equal because we aren't worth shit in the real world. Treat us fairly!!!!!11" 1354474;1451242481;mircea_popescu;actually there is a ticket price where everyone WHO SHOULD BE RIDING gets a seat. 1354475;1451242542;jurov;mircea_popescu: current price is about right. but there were 2 dips in last few months 1354476;1451242566;mircea_popescu;aha 1354477;1451242587;mircea_popescu;cheaper and more effectual way to announce that being, of course, having a bid in i guess. 1354478;1451242693;jurov;butbutbut... let's have some drama!!!1 1354479;1451242754;jurov;besides, i did have bids most of the time. but dude wanted to avoid them or whatevs 1354480;1451242812;mircea_popescu;maybe you taking them out generated a micropanic 1354481;1451242905;jurov;hahaha 1354482;1451243031;BingoBoingo;!up asciilifeform 1354483;1451243502;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354184 << In an update on the recruitment suggested by mircea_popescu yesterday, the recruitogram got a twitter like. Not a visit here nor any actual message in reply. 1354484;1451243502;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 02:18:22; BingoBoingo: Recruitogram sent https://twitter.com/BBoingo/status/680935415432359936 1354485;1451243533;mircea_popescu;well... twitter is a pos social media site... 1354486;1451243765;BingoBoingo;Well, it's not like I'm going to expend effort to figure out if the medium.com social networking site has a way to shoot recruitograms out. 1354487;1451243878;*;asciilifeform observes that banning aws has ~increased net throughput~ 1354488;1451243885;asciilifeform;which is interesting 1354489;1451243978;BingoBoingo;banning AWS has more assholes sending me bloomfilter requests for their SPV bullshit 1354490;1451244008;asciilifeform;any reason we don't insta-disconnect these ? 1354491;1451244063;BingoBoingo;I know of none, but I've yet to notice any linger once they get all of the copious nothing that they are entitled to 1354492;1451244074;asciilifeform;is there a particular reason we ought to be wasting any cycles on 'embrace & extend' fucktards ? 1354493;1451244119;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: the way the socket handler works (and fixing this would involve rewriting more or less everything) a 'lingerer' ties up the box. 1354494;1451244127;thestringpuller;;;seen irdial 1354495;1451244127;gribble;irdial was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 49 weeks, 5 days, 21 hours, 16 minutes, and 33 seconds ago: <irdial> ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:ff211e140a17d6846aebcaf83249e5695f1ca5e23862c72443770251 1354496;1451244128;BingoBoingo;ah 1354497;1451244146;thestringpuller;does he even show up in channel anymore? 1354498;1451244258;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: how aggressively do disconnected nodes attempt to reconnect? 1354499;1451244327;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: varies 1354500;1451244347;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: the aws box which appeared to exist solely to tie up zoolag - quite aggressively 1354501;1451244547;asciilifeform;obligatory: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-05-2015#1120634 1354502;1451244547;assbot;Logged on 05-05-2015 04:18:35; mircea_popescu: http://travel.smart-guide.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/The-Most-Crowded-Train-in-Pakistan.jpg prolly better 1354503;1451244578;ben_vulpes;is there reason to suspect that insta-disconnecting nodes will achieve anything rather than queuing the disconnector up for a reconnection shortly? 1354504;1451244608;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: works best as part of a balanced diet, which includes banhammer 1354505;1451244717;asciilifeform;but ultimately there is no way around http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=27-10-2015#1309343 1354506;1451244717;assbot;Logged on 27-10-2015 21:46:36; mircea_popescu: providing public services is not merely a waste 1354507;1451244748;asciilifeform;it is not actually possible to put meat out in the sun 'but not for flies' 1354508;1451244764;asciilifeform;what however ~is~ possible is to bugspray the current set of flies 1354509;1451244777;asciilifeform;and make some temporary breathing room. 1354510;1451244939;BingoBoingo;!up asciilifeform 1354511;1451244967;asciilifeform;often i picture how horrified even the most hardened liberast would be if he could visit a meatspace universe that is as devoid of healthy meat-flies separation as the net is today 1354512;1451245007;asciilifeform;picture, no such thing as a fine restaurant without stinking beggars and screaming welfare kidz represented 'fairly' 1354513;1451245021;asciilifeform;and certainly no way to keep non-paying anybody out of nearly anything 1354514;1451245040;asciilifeform;so the stench of poverty everywhere, without exception 1354515;1451245078;asciilifeform;and consider how many bodies could physically fit in your living room 1354516;1451245099;asciilifeform;picture if there were no practical way of keeping them out. 1354517;1451245213;asciilifeform;does the conductor of that paki train wield a stick with which to dislodge excess 'outdoor passengers' ? 1354518;1451245222;asciilifeform;or do they fall off on their own as the engine revvs up ? 1354519;1451245233;asciilifeform;or do they get sheared off at tunnels. 1354520;1451245249;BingoBoingo;LOOK BRUCE WAGNER is back http://gaysexthailand.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=20 1354521;1451245251;assbot;How to Use Bitcoin as a Faster Cheaper Easier Western Union - gaysexthailand.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jb1QI3 ) 1354522;1451245320;asciilifeform;is there a coprophagiaincambodia.com ? 1354523;1451245340;asciilifeform;fuckamuleinkabul.com ? 1354524;1451245349;BingoBoingo;;;isup coprophagiaincambodia.com 1354525;1451245350;gribble;coprophagiaincambodia.com is down 1354526;1451245361;BingoBoingo;;;isup fuckamuleinkabul.com 1354527;1451245362;gribble;fuckamuleinkabul.com is down 1354528;1451245370;BingoBoingo;Doesn't seem so 1354529;1451245384;BingoBoingo;Bruce wagner piece was linked from /r/bitcoin 1354530;1451245416;asciilifeform;!s bruce wagner 1354531;1451245417;assbot;12 results for 'bruce wagner' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=bruce+wagner 1354532;1451245430;asciilifeform;snore. 1354533;1451245493;BingoBoingo;He was Roger Ver before Roger Ver was Roger Ver 1354534;1451245691;BingoBoingo;!up Duffer1 1354535;1451245717;adlai;;;later tell asciilifeform fwiw, proper key management protocol dictates that one mention the new keyid upon registration of the new 1354536;1451245717;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354537;1451245732;asciilifeform;adlai: same keyid 1354538;1451245744;asciilifeform;adlai: yearly expir time increment 1354539;1451246054;*;adlai can't even begin to fathom the 'key management protocol'resulting in such symptoms 1354540;1451246090;asciilifeform;adlai: assbot, as i understand, has a manually-curated cache of pubkeys 1354541;1451246125;*;adlai waits for thereallifeform to see his message 1354542;1451246129;asciilifeform;so i ride on the outside of the train until kakobrekla wakes. 1354543;1451246139;adlai;unless he's already riding on the upside of the anthill 1354544;1451246150;asciilifeform;adlai: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354339 1354545;1451246150;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 17:07:59; asciilifeform: http://dpaste.com/25MGHBZ for everybody else 1354546;1451246168;*;adlai saw! what else could start such babble 1354547;1451246215;*;adlai doesn't care, it's not like he needs anything pgp signed from alf. might as well broadcast loper-over-avian-carrier 1354548;1451246248;adlai;(if anything, this is a symptom of lazyness towards c++ turdballs!) 1354549;1451246467;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1354550;1451246776;BingoBoingo;!up asciilifeform 1354551;1451246790;ben_vulpes;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/23/the-feds-just-shut-down-a-huge-program-that-lets-cops-take-your-stuff-and-keep-it/ << forfeiture now a fedz-only game 1354552;1451246790;assbot;The Justice Department just shut down a huge asset forfeiture program - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jb3ERn ) 1354553;1451246921;Duffer1;it's my understanding that they did it for budgetary reasons and may renew the sharing program when the feds plug their shortfall 1354554;1451247305;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53400 @ 0.00050405 = 26.9163 BTC [-] {2} 1354555;1451248042;ben_vulpes;> plug their shortfall 1354556;1451248043;ben_vulpes;sure 1354557;1451248076;ben_vulpes;related: https://www.govdeals.com/index.cfm?fa=Main.Item&itemid=1052&acctid=6209 1354558;1451248077;assbot;Large Lot of Assorted Bike Parts/ Accessories!! (GD1052) - GovDeals.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jb53Hz ) 1354559;1451248085;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CW0Gy_hUsAAFx0i.jpg 1354560;1451248085;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jb54eu ) 1354561;1451249196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82700 @ 0.0005088 = 42.0778 BTC [+] {2} 1354562;1451249257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93989 @ 0.0005069 = 47.643 BTC [-] {2} 1354563;1451250111;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86500 @ 0.00050994 = 44.1098 BTC [+] {3} 1354564;1451250172;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73700 @ 0.00050438 = 37.1728 BTC [-] {2} 1354565;1451251910;ben_vulpes;kindly disregard: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/17d910f1-2ecd-47ac-bf2b-6bc530f3dce9/ 1354566;1451251911;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JCUrw0 ) 1354567;1451251941;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31900 @ 0.00051064 = 16.2894 BTC [+] 1354568;1451252063;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118676 @ 0.00051136 = 60.6862 BTC [+] {3} 1354569;1451252646;mircea_popescu;<asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: works best as part of a balanced diet, which includes banhammer << by... ip ? 1354570;1451252673;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 167000 @ 0.00051207 = 85.5157 BTC [+] {6} 1354571;1451252731;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> LOOK BRUCE WAGNER is back << that's probably that goat fuckwit. 1354572;1451252801;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes << forfeiture now a fedz-only game << in the logs last week! 1354573;1451252966;mircea_popescu;http://files.explosm.net/comics/Kris/dop.png 1354574;1451252967;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JCVNqB ) 1354575;1451253039;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27200 @ 0.00051276 = 13.9471 BTC [+] {2} 1354576;1451253100;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58031 @ 0.0005128 = 29.7583 BTC [+] {2} 1354577;1451253173;mircea_popescu;blast from the past... "This mob mentality may be the end of Bitcoin." http://trilema.com/2013/whats-a-sperglord/#selection-151.223-151.267 1354578;1451253174;assbot;What's a SpergLord ? on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1JCW6lp ) 1354579;1451253184;mircea_popescu;anyone recall bitcoinasic.com ? 1354580;1451253421;mircea_popescu;http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2013/09/27/ceos/ << or, for that matter, a very young bb ? 1354581;1451253422;assbot;CEO | Bingo Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1Prx0fE ) 1354582;1451254139;ben_vulpes;wahahahah oh ho 1354583;1451254144;ben_vulpes;there is a new file in /Applications 1354584;1451254156;ben_vulpes;"Upgrade to El Capitan" 1354585;1451254381;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 249300 @ 0.0005121 = 127.6665 BTC [-] {6} 1354586;1451254438;adlai;arise, chicgkuun! 1354587;1451254686;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 279650 @ 0.00050604 = 141.5141 BTC [-] {5} 1354588;1451255541;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25050 @ 0.00050899 = 12.7502 BTC [+] {2} 1354589;1451255663;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98100 @ 0.00051319 = 50.3439 BTC [+] 1354590;1451256151;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 131450 @ 0.0005133 = 67.4733 BTC [+] {4} 1354591;1451257005;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90550 @ 0.00051346 = 46.4938 BTC [+] {2} 1354592;1451257304;punkman;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ydwg2/warning_abnormally_high_number_of_blocks/ 1354593;1451257305;assbot;"WARNING: abnormally high number of blocks generated, 48 blocks received in the last 4 hours (24 expected)" : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1VlA65j ) 1354594;1451257604;kakobrekla;Soviet high-rank bureaucrats often acted like that when they were ordered to design something new. If they couldn’t cope with the task they committed outright forgery and sometimes it even impaired national defense. 1354595;1451257604;kakobrekla;The required equipment was often purchased abroad and presented as someone’s personal design. By the way, it was common practice in industry throughout the history of the Soviet Union. For example, in the 1980s a computer “EC1841” was designed for military purposes. The designers even managed to get the USSR State Award. Later it turned out that Soviet computer chips had never been designed – they were imported from the 1354596;1451257604;kakobrekla;USA and embedded in the computer. Original labels were brushed out and Soviet labels were put on the chips instead of them... 1354597;1451257615;kakobrekla;well that was lulzy. 1354598;1451258585;thestringpuller;!gettrust justus_ranvier 1354599;1451258585;assbot;justus_ranvier is not registered in WoT. 1354600;1451259201;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95100 @ 0.00051335 = 48.8196 BTC [-] {4} 1354601;1451259315;thestringpuller;;;later tell hanbot thewhet.net is down :( 1354602;1451259315;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354603;1451260149;ben_vulpes;not from here, thestringpuller 1354604;1451260218;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354353 << is 'quent' supposed to be a less free version of frequent or a less subsumed version of subsequent ? 1354605;1451260218;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 17:13:39; Quent: I don't think you guys have the brains or funds to carry out these DDoses 1354606;1451260338;punkman;was probably "quant" but hard not to misspell 1354607;1451260385;kakobrekla;actually we had this before 1354608;1451260388;kakobrekla;;;ud quent 1354609;1451260389;gribble;http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=quent | quent. A gentlemanly way of saying cunt! Example Usage: "I kindly ask you to refrain from using my wife's ass in that impertinent manner, you quent!". by stumow ... 1354610;1451260395;pete_dushenski;l0l! 1354611;1451260405;pete_dushenski;quent, esq. 1354612;1451260437;pete_dushenski;http://nautil.us/issue/31/stress/what-i-learned-from-losing-200-million << "...of other people's money." 1354613;1451260439;assbot;What the Economic Crash of 2008 Taught Me ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbhrHC ) 1354614;1451260455;pete_dushenski;"Only by managing that monstrosity through the crisis did I come to fully appreciate how unlike physics markets are, how crucial to outcomes other people and luck are, and how, no matter how hard I worked or how much I prepared, there would always be some things I couldn’t completely fathom." 1354615;1451260477;pete_dushenski;til 'maya crude' is a thing. 1354616;1451260516;pete_dushenski;and i called myself an oil country boy... 1354617;1451260532;punkman;"the quaint quant" would be a good name for a blog 1354618;1451260577;pete_dushenski;http://quaintwithpaint.com/ << also works. 1354619;1451260578;assbot;Quaint With Paint ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbhAL5 ) 1354620;1451260630;punkman;I'd rename that to "I paint old shit" 1354621;1451260732;pete_dushenski;doesn't quite have the same ring to it 1354622;1451261031;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9744 @ 0.00051343 = 5.0029 BTC [+] {2} 1354623;1451261278;punkman;"Do I have to be a resident of one of the countries mentioned above? No. You can live anywhere in the world, except of Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea or New York State." lol'd 1354624;1451261297;punkman;(from https://www.cashila.com/faq ) 1354625;1451261299;assbot;Cashila ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSdowz ) 1354626;1451261352;pete_dushenski;heh. it begins. 1354627;1451261369;kakobrekla;thats some derpy slovenian startup. 1354628;1451261401;pete_dushenski;go smack 'em with a fish then 1354629;1451261420;pete_dushenski;tell 'em compliance is for bitches 1354630;1451261455;pete_dushenski;what, vw doesn't comply with regulations. why should a broke-ass start-up ? 1354631;1451261488;kakobrekla;according to them prouds "Tim Mitja Zagar is co-founder of Cashila, first Bitcoin company in Europe registered as financial institution " 1354632;1451261656;pete_dushenski;the only thing better than being first is being the last. 1354633;1451261824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39192 @ 0.00051344 = 20.1227 BTC [+] 1354634;1451261877;ben_vulpes;rebooting an old thread http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-11-2015#1323387: asciilifeform: since a patch has multiple antecedents, would an accurate description of the correct patch-selection algo for press be something along the lines of "given a patch, find its antecedents. presssed version must contain the descendants of all of those antecedents."? 1354635;1451261877;assbot;Logged on 14-11-2015 02:10:32; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: correct. 1354636;1451261949;ben_vulpes;;;later tell adlai what was the story with 'sheeple'? 1354637;1451261950;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354638;1451262024;punkman;ben_vulpes: if you want to press a minimal version of a patch, you can recursively find all antecedents of a HEAD patch 1354639;1451262061;ben_vulpes;minimal doesn't work i don't think 1354640;1451262069;ben_vulpes;well, by stan's criteria. 1354641;1451262076;punkman;why not 1354642;1451262108;ben_vulpes;has to press the same tree as any other v given the same head 1354643;1451262118;ben_vulpes;there are only 2 ways to guarantee that that i see: 1354644;1451262135;ben_vulpes;1) only press the head patch in question (this is how i wrote my press) 1354645;1451262151;punkman;imagine you have 10 heads, and you choose 3. the only way to press is to find the antecedents of those 3. 1354646;1451262152;ben_vulpes;2) press all same-leaf patches 1354647;1451262168;ben_vulpes;what?! how can there be more than a single head 1354648;1451262182;*;ben_vulpes may be experiencing a weekend of retardation 1354649;1451262187;punkman;is not git 1354650;1451262188;ben_vulpes;or life, who can tell 1354651;1451262196;ben_vulpes;nigga please, i only have one head. 1354652;1451262205;ben_vulpes;and i ain't git either. 1354653;1451262213;ben_vulpes;did pyv press multiple heads?! 1354654;1451262251;ben_vulpes;nono, pyv only pressed a single head. 1354655;1451262276;kakobrekla;<pete_dushenski> what, vw doesn't comply with regulations. why should a broke-ass start-up ? < not big enough 1354656;1451262276;*;ben_vulpes cracks mod6's v to inspect for multiheadpressing 1354657;1451262337;ben_vulpes;i'm no perlspurt but mod6's only appears to press a single head as well punkman 1354658;1451262390;punkman;yep 1354659;1451262403;ben_vulpes;good ol' define-by-impl 1354660;1451262403;pete_dushenski;kakobrekla: not now, not ever, not at this rate. 1354661;1451262499;ben_vulpes;<punkman> imagine you have 10 heads, and you choose 3. the only way to press is to find the antecedents of those 3. << i don't actually disagree with this, i simply do not think that the design of v allows for multiple heads. do cite me something to the contrary if you're aware of any. 1354662;1451262564;*;ben_vulpes could have had a whole bottle of nieto sentenier for what this single glass cost 1354663;1451262575;punkman;well imagine genesis.vpatch, then foo.vpatch edits bitcoin.cpp and bar.vpatch edits bitcoin.h, which is the head? 1354664;1451262599;ben_vulpes;whatever the user supplies for pressing, non? 1354665;1451262632;ben_vulpes;the act of pressing only allows for a single head, regardless of whatever other patches exist. 1354666;1451262646;punkman;they are both heads 1354667;1451262652;trinque;seems reasonable to want both in that case. 1354668;1451262678;ben_vulpes;punkman: but for a given "press"ed source tree /there can only be a single head/, per the implementations that i'm looking at. 1354669;1451262682;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354636 << dunno man, wewracked the logs and there truly was no mention! 1354670;1451262682;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 00:19:09; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell adlai what was the story with 'sheeple'? 1354671;1451262704;ben_vulpes;adlai: didn't you work on the thing extensively? 1354672;1451262708;adlai;you'll just have to read it for yourself, i guess, because i'm not about to sign a single cons of it until i redo that myself :P 1354673;1451262726;ben_vulpes;what was the /point/ though? and the story behind its conception? 1354674;1451262726;adlai;it's a giant heap of shit, that yes, i shoveled/pooped/nurtured, in a past life 1354675;1451262733;adlai;aha 1354676;1451262735;*;adlai pours another 1354677;1451262753;adlai;it all began in thefaraway distant land of freenode 1354678;1451262781;adlai;i mean the thing is amazingly documented, ask specific questions please 1354679;1451262781;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1354680;1451262789;*;ben_vulpes pulls up a -- 1354681;1451262789;adlai;!b 2 1354682;1451262790;assbot;Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3K9306C.txt ) 1354683;1451262801;ben_vulpes;goddamnit adlai do you know how much miserable code i have to read? 1354684;1451262823;adlai;yeah a couple programmer-years according to sloccount iirc 1354685;1451262829;ben_vulpes;!up asciilifeform 1354686;1451262836;ben_vulpes;oh god. damnit. assbot. 1354687;1451262846;ben_vulpes;wait, workz now? 1354688;1451262847;assbot; what 1354689;1451262848;*;adlai slaps the bot on the ass with a large trout 1354690;1451262872;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: are you voiced now? 1354691;1451262879;asciilifeform;aha 1354692;1451262883;kakobrekla;he is voiced by you 1354693;1451262888;*;ben_vulpes does not waste pixels on voice status 1354694;1451262894;ben_vulpes;ty kakobrekla, much appreciated 1354695;1451262904;kakobrekla;hey i havent done anything yet 1354696;1451262905;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: assbot still b0rk3d 1354697;1451262911;kakobrekla;yea 1354698;1451262932;adlai;dude wtf pixels it's exactly one column of termspace 1354699;1451262932;kakobrekla;will look into it shortly 1354700;1451262945;adlai;;;rate ben_vulpes -9000 pixel pusher 1354701;1451262946;gribble;Error: For identification purposes, you must be authenticated to use the rating system. 1354702;1451262954;ben_vulpes;pff 1354703;1451262958;adlai;!rate gribble -1 rude af 1354704;1451262958;assbot;gribble is not registered in WoT. 1354705;1451262959;ben_vulpes;not under nine thousand 1354706;1451262963;*;ben_vulpes unimpress 1354707;1451262972;ben_vulpes;yo asciilifeform can you comment on 'press' thread? 1354708;1451262993;adlai;ben_vulpes: so whot got you back to sheeple anywaays,googling for toposort impls? 1354709;1451263004;ben_vulpes;up yrs neckbeard 1354710;1451263008;adlai;at least add site:stackoverflow 1354711;1451263013;adlai;saves you the shithub\ 1354712;1451263029;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: i just read the log. it is yet unclear to me what was asked for 1354713;1451263034;asciilifeform;what means 'multiple heads' ? 1354714;1451263044;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53787 @ 0.00050443 = 27.1318 BTC [-] {3} 1354715;1451263051;ben_vulpes;ask punkman, not me. 1354716;1451263063;asciilifeform;the only way you could logically press 'multiple heads' is if the heads are from disjoint trees 1354717;1451263070;asciilifeform;i thought this was pretty obvious 1354718;1451263083;asciilifeform;the example i gave earlier (see logz) was if we were to have a documentation dir 1354719;1451263091;ben_vulpes;my question was determining what patches make it into a pressing. 1354720;1451263093;asciilifeform;nothing in it would directly depend on anything in the source 1354721;1451263125;asciilifeform;oh incidentally the current dependency graph walker is in some ways erroneously conservative 1354722;1451263128;asciilifeform;(and this includes mine) 1354723;1451263146;ben_vulpes;perhaps this is what confused me 1354724;1451263159;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: shall i restate the question? 1354725;1451263166;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1354726;1451263170;gribble;Current Blocks: 390569 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 534 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 14 hours, 31 minutes, and 1 second | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1354727;1451263171;asciilifeform;in the sense that presently patch Q is said to have patch P as an antecedent if ~any file~ in Q was modified by P 1354728;1451263177;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: do 1354729;1451263213;ben_vulpes;let me double-check some baseline conclusions first 1354730;1451263222;ben_vulpes;a patch may have multiple antecedents, correct? 1354731;1451263230;asciilifeform;aha 1354732;1451263246;asciilifeform;BUT only because a patch can affect multiple files, can it have multiple ~immediate~ antecedents. 1354733;1451263298;ben_vulpes;i seek to understand better what same-tree-level means 1354734;1451263321;pete_dushenski;http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2016/01/rubber-boom-text << another industry dominated by se asia. 1354735;1451263322;assbot;Why We (Still) Can't Live Without Rubber -- National Geographic Magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/22tYFSb ) 1354736;1451263334;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: 'Back in 1992 $200 billion were stolen from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with the help of so-called fake letters of advice. Russia was on the brink of a financial collapse. The Central Bank was urgently equipped with more than 10 000 encoders manufactured at Russian plants. It helped to prevent thefts. It should be noted that there were no foreign electronic components in the encoders, even keyp 1354737;1451263334;asciilifeform;ads and displays were manufactured in Russia.' (from your earlier link) - this was maslennikov 1354738;1451263356;asciilifeform;(who designed the little signature machine) 1354739;1451263379;ben_vulpes;if i press with a head P that has antecedents Q, R, S, must my press *only* include the descendant P of Q, R, and S? or *all* descendants of Q, R, S? or all descendants of any of Q, R and S? 1354740;1451263381;mircea_popescu;!up Foo___ 1354741;1451263386;kakobrekla;i was actually trying to dig up more info on these 'fake letters of advice' yesterday and couldnt find shit. 1354742;1451263420;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: фальшивые авизо 1354743;1451263422;asciilifeform;;;google фальшивые авизо 1354744;1451263422;gribble;No matches found. 1354745;1451263424;asciilifeform;wat 1354746;1451263437;asciilifeform;methinks gribble is ascii-only ? 1354747;1451263467;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: circa '91-92 about 1/4 to 1/3 of ru national budget was stolen, mainly by chechens 1354748;1451263470;*;ben_vulpes only online for the duration of this particular bloody mary 1354749;1451263478;asciilifeform;using very elementary fakes of 'aviso' (bank transfer) 1354750;1451263497;adlai;ben_vulpes: honestly it's a better story for a blog post! 1354751;1451263511;adlai;failing a blog post i'll have to deed it instead 1354752;1451263518;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354604 << just some random noob hitting all the places with his random noobassery. 1354753;1451263518;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 23:50:18; pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354353 << is 'quent' supposed to be a less free version of frequent or a less subsumed version of subsequent ? 1354754;1451263520;adlai;or is deedbot now trademark registry 1354755;1451263520;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes: your question is elementarily answerable by looking at the hashes. each file hash exists solely because it came out of another patch. apply recursively. 1354756;1451263540;asciilifeform;(process stops when you hit the genesis) 1354757;1451263566;ben_vulpes;roger 1354758;1451263594;ben_vulpes;adlai: just don't b42 it yo 1354759;1451263634;ben_vulpes;asciilifeform: roger, ty, loud and clear. 1354760;1451263647;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: http://www.rumafia.com/en/person.php?id=20 << mentions the aviso scam 1354761;1451263648;assbot;Russian mafia. I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The dossier, compromising, News - The Russian mafia, organized crime and corruption. ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSgb97 ) 1354762;1451263660;asciilifeform;;;google chechen aviso 1354763;1451263661;gribble;How Russian Gold Reserve Was Plundered - PravdaReport: <http://www.pravdareport.com/news/russia/13-12-2002/19134-0/>; Dzhabrailov Umar - Russian mafia. I swear to tell the truth, the whole ...: <http://www.rumafia.com/en/person.php?id=20>; Chernoy Mikhail - Russian mafia. I swear to tell the truth, the whole ...: <http://www.rumafia.com/en/person.php?id=189> 1354764;1451263672;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354631 << and Tim Mitja Zagar is the first guy with a penis. because he's never seen anyone else's. 1354765;1451263672;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 00:11:28; kakobrekla: according to them prouds "Tim Mitja Zagar is co-founder of Cashila, first Bitcoin company in Europe registered as financial institution " 1354766;1451263713;adlai;ben_vulpes: i would i f i knew the charset 1354767;1451263722;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: that the aviso debacle took place, is not controversial. the debate among historians appears to be about whether a quarter, third, or even half of the budget was stolen, and whether it even makes a difference precisely how much 1354768;1451263749;kakobrekla;mkay. 1354769;1451263751;ben_vulpes;adlai: invent it! 1354770;1451263757;kakobrekla;i must say that aklepov site is quite interesting. 1354771;1451263761;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354663 <<< genesis.patch. 1354772;1451263761;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 00:29:35; punkman: well imagine genesis.vpatch, then foo.vpatch edits bitcoin.cpp and bar.vpatch edits bitcoin.h, which is the head? 1354773;1451263776;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20650 @ 0.00051344 = 10.6025 BTC [+] 1354774;1451263777;ben_vulpes;no, that's the root. 1354775;1451263781;asciilifeform;ben_vulpes is correct 1354776;1451263782;mircea_popescu;ah damn. right. 1354777;1451263783;asciilifeform;it is the root 1354778;1451263798;*;ben_vulpes off 1354779;1451263798;asciilifeform;a 'head' incidentally is not a fixed item, like in g 1354780;1451263801;asciilifeform;'git' 1354781;1451263802;asciilifeform;or svn 1354782;1451263810;mircea_popescu;why we even discussing "a head" ? why does it make a difference ? 1354783;1451263810;ben_vulpes;well git's head is only branch relative non? 1354784;1451263813;*;ben_vulpes really off now. 1354785;1451263813;asciilifeform;it is simply the place you grab onto and pull out a sequence 1354786;1451263819;punkman;head is what gets arbitrarily toposorted to the top? 1354787;1451263820;mircea_popescu;seems to me it should stay undefined. i just assumed you were discussing roots 1354788;1451263826;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: you define it when pressing 1354789;1451263833;mircea_popescu;right 1354790;1451263856;asciilifeform;the original question appears to be about whether 'v' ought to take multiple arguments for head. and the answer is yes, but i did not write this because we had only one genesis 1354791;1451263858;mircea_popescu;wait. do i even have to ? "start from here and apply everything from these people" isn't exactly "defined" 1354792;1451263865;asciilifeform;with multiple genesis (e.g. documentation) it is necessary. 1354793;1451263879;mircea_popescu;imo it only should take a parameter for root. 1354794;1451263884;asciilifeform;mno you never 'start from here and apply everything' because there can be mutually exclusive branches 1354795;1451263887;mircea_popescu;mebbe i misunderstand something ? 1354796;1451263890;asciilifeform;think about it 1354797;1451263891;mircea_popescu;ah. 1354798;1451263925;mircea_popescu;right. one root, multiple leaves yeah. 1354799;1451263965;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354670 <<< afaik it's chet's term for sheep-people. 1354800;1451263965;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 00:31:22; assbot: Logged on 28-12-2015 00:19:09; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell adlai what was the story with 'sheeple'? 1354801;1451263981;adlai;mircea_popescu: afaik you haven't learned lisp yet 1354802;1451264010;adlai;aka "adlai's term for sheep-people" 1354803;1451264018;adlai;!b 3 1354804;1451264018;assbot;Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0M5BY52.txt ) 1354805;1451264022;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=27-12-2015#1354595 << incidentally this is a half-truth. 8086 clones were indeed made in su. just not quite on schedule. 1354806;1451264022;assbot;Logged on 27-12-2015 23:06:44; kakobrekla: The required equipment was often purchased abroad and presented as someone’s personal design. By the way, it was common practice in industry throughout the history of the Soviet Union. For example, in the 1980s a computer “EC1841” was designed for military purposes. The designers even managed to get the USSR State Award. Later it turned out that Soviet computer chips had never been designed – the 1354807;1451264143;kakobrekla;we are lucky to have you. 1354808;1451264145;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354727 << this would be correct neh ? 1354809;1451264145;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 00:39:31; asciilifeform: in the sense that presently patch Q is said to have patch P as an antecedent if ~any file~ in Q was modified by P 1354810;1451264186;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: aha. but the thing really oughta be more granular 1354811;1451264197;mircea_popescu;possibly. 1354812;1451264207;mircea_popescu;alternatively, P should come in P, P' and P'' flavours as needed. 1354813;1451264222;mircea_popescu;part and parcel of the original design was this refactoring of patches./ 1354814;1451264235;asciilifeform;presently a vpatch is really an agglomeration of patches 1354815;1451264241;mircea_popescu;aha 1354816;1451264265;adlai;deedbot-: gpg: public key decryption failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device 1354817;1451264271;asciilifeform;to see what i mean, break all vpatches apart on file-hash tuple boundaries, and then feed into mod6's vtron set to wild mode, and generate the plot 1354818;1451264281;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3S5662N.txt 1354819;1451264283;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22tZxX1 ) 1354820;1451264285;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1354821;1451264299;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354741 << it's not "advice" it's "notice", same root as in visa. 1354822;1451264299;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 00:43:06; kakobrekla: i was actually trying to dig up more info on these 'fake letters of advice' yesterday and couldnt find shit. 1354823;1451264308;asciilifeform;aha 1354824;1451264361;asciilifeform;incidentally, maslennikov's book raised a question in my head, were western banks making use of modern crypto in '91 ? 1354825;1451264383;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform not really. and also, the chechen story is mostly a fabrication for internal su consumption. 1354826;1451264408;mircea_popescu;right in there with the jews that cooked kid-challa. 1354827;1451264417;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: well, the fake aviso being sole source of chechen money thing certainly is fake 1354828;1451264427;asciilifeform;but that chechens knew how to steal ? 1354829;1451264439;mircea_popescu;for one thing. for the other... obviously they stole all the goats they could, but that didn't really register. 1354830;1451264497;asciilifeform;anyway the complete story was that chechens set up faux transfer, and immediately used the proceeds to buy us dollars 1354831;1451264511;asciilifeform;the exchange rate of dollar in ruble climbed exponentially 1354832;1451264528;asciilifeform;and then - at the time crypto was introduced - stopped abruptly. 1354833;1451264542;asciilifeform;whether stopped for this reason, or because god pressed a button, i do not know. 1354834;1451264595;mircea_popescu;capital flight in a collapsed federation is a universal reliable phenomenon. 1354835;1451264605;mircea_popescu;exactly same happened in the last days of austro-hungarian empire 1354836;1451264615;mircea_popescu;expect the same in the last days of the us. not being a nation is VERY dangerous. 1354837;1451264645;kakobrekla;!up asciilifeform 1354838;1451264652;kakobrekla;eh ferfuxake 1354839;1451264657;mircea_popescu;!up asciilifeform 1354840;1451264664;mircea_popescu;ha-HA! 1354841;1451264674;asciilifeform;ty mircea_popescu. but why would the exchange rate freeze at that particular time ? 1354842;1451264687;asciilifeform;that was the thing that made the legend credible 1354843;1451264700;mircea_popescu;counterparties stopped accepting rubles for eurodollars. 1354844;1451264721;mircea_popescu;trade went to commodity-only, which drove the rapid deindustrialization of 93 1354845;1451264755;asciilifeform;(incidentally, maslennikov reveals several levels of shammitude. for instance, according to him, NOBODY actually USED the calculators. they were issued pro-forma. the actual signing was done with a - never officially approved - pc proggy) 1354846;1451264766;mircea_popescu;(still to this very day putin's ru does not match "we will bury you" su in various key industrial production metrics) 1354847;1451264779;asciilifeform;in which of them ~does~ it match ?! 1354848;1451264783;asciilifeform;i know of none 1354849;1451264788;asciilifeform;only petro export, really 1354850;1451264788;mircea_popescu;foreign reserves. 1354851;1451264799;asciilifeform;aha but bought by 'selling pieces of the motherland' (stalin's words) 1354852;1451264801;mircea_popescu;and energy exports, and avionics, and a list really. 1354853;1451264828;mircea_popescu;ru is not nearly as aerospace capable as the su was when sputnik, but it's certainly not as bad as it had gotten by 1980 1354854;1451264836;mircea_popescu;(comparative terms) 1354855;1451264881;asciilifeform;sorta funny how virtually same rocket is still used. 1354856;1451264896;asciilifeform;and no serious qualitative improvement was ever made, nor - likely - will be 1354857;1451264934;asciilifeform;(korolev's '7') 1354858;1451264949;mircea_popescu;well a rocket's a rocket. 1354859;1451264959;mircea_popescu;same penis is used to make kids as made napoleon, too. 1354860;1451264966;asciilifeform;tell this to the contemporaries, who built many, many failed variations 1354861;1451264974;mircea_popescu;true 1354862;1451264995;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0rg6g3y.txt 1354863;1451264996;assbot;Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/22u0b6Y ) 1354864;1451264996;deedbot-;Bad URL or network outage. 1354865;1451265016;asciilifeform;recall the incident where marshall nedelin and all of his adjutants were so thoroughly cremated that they were recognized by loose shirt buttons 1354866;1451265017;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0RG6G3Y.txt 1354867;1451265018;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22u0bE4 ) 1354868;1451265019;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1354869;1451265023;adlai;!down adlai 1354870;1451265048;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] She-santa brings toys, robo-reindeer bring the pain. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/27/she-santa-brings-toys-robo-reindeer-bring-the-pain/ 1354871;1451265069;asciilifeform;adlai: such emo ! 1354872;1451265288;mircea_popescu;http://nautil.us/issue/31/stress/what-i-learned-from-losing-200-million << restated because it's uncharacteristically not terrible. 1354873;1451265290;assbot;What the Economic Crash of 2008 Taught Me ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbhrHC ) 1354874;1451265345;mircea_popescu;there is the lulzy part where "physics phd" genius boy props up a huge derivative trade with a weak market, an absolute noob mistake - and one his fucking desk should have caught. 1354875;1451265354;mircea_popescu;but whatevers, the us' has long gone to the monkeys. 1354876;1451265407;mircea_popescu;"Hitting a markets ceiling like this was something that none of my methodologies accounted for." << because going "hey, my primary's like 20bn, the unwind that might need could easily be 2bn in a week, the whole fuel market's maybe a fifth that, hey check this out I've propped a car with a toothpick overf here" 1354877;1451265465;pete_dushenski;also "hey, check out the sweet gov of mex account we scored. brownie points all around!" 1354878;1451265484;mircea_popescu;that part is right. 1354879;1451265537;pete_dushenski;i see 1354880;1451265702;mircea_popescu;heck, the age of trade was driven by people trying to make their trading house matter more than the ministry of war where all the cavalry officers and junkers hung out. 1354881;1451265787;pete_dushenski;when was the age of trade you speak of ? 1354882;1451265798;mircea_popescu;1500 to roughly 1750 1354883;1451265837;mircea_popescu;the dictum "never get involved in a land war in asia" is mostly due to the fact that the portuguese were involved in a sea war in asia, and it worked splendidly for them. 1354884;1451265911;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10000 @ 0.00050219 = 5.0219 BTC [-] {3} 1354885;1451265913;pete_dushenski;british were in sea war with asia as well around the same time, ya ? 1354886;1451265926;mircea_popescu;no. the british hadn't yet been invented at that point. 1354887;1451265950;mircea_popescu;the dutch followed the portuguese, and after their conquest of the offshore platform and re-basing of their ships there.... 1354888;1451265996;mircea_popescu;"In other words, the Fed, by centralizing stress testing around its own approach, is incentivizing banks to follow suit, which may push them to accumulate similar exposures to one another and to manage them in similar ways, resulting in decreased diversification and increased risk. This is a question raised by particularly prescriptive rules like the Feds 5 percent hurdle, which are simple to monitor but may be just 1354889;1451265997;mircea_popescu; as simple to game." 1354890;1451266023;mircea_popescu;in other words, the us fed is managed way the fuck worse than b-a. because hey, the world is full of "physics phds" that went to fucking mit. 1354891;1451266086;mircea_popescu;shoulda grazed sheep instead. learned more, at any rate. 1354892;1451266136;pete_dushenski;not as many fillies at pasture 1354893;1451266153;pete_dushenski;not the kind you'd take home to mom, at any rate. 1354894;1451266192;mircea_popescu; And why his favored approach to stress testing (a technique called Bayesian nets) << oh lordy. 1354895;1451266214;mircea_popescu;doesnt involve trying to derive probabilities at all, but rather asks the user to just produce your best-informed guess. << and you'd love this precisely because of who you are, and where yo ulive, and what you want to be true. 1354896;1451266228;*;asciilifeform waits to buy 'bayesian' hammer and saw at hardware store 1354897;1451266269;asciilifeform;is 'bayesian' the new... runcible ? 1354898;1451266295;mircea_popescu;so it is. 1354899;1451266312;mircea_popescu;of course, it is only superficially related to bayes' own work. 1354900;1451266339;asciilifeform;phun phakt. can tune out if ever hear 'physics phd!!1111' - this has been a leper's bell of pseudoscientific cheap crackpottery for a century+ 1354901;1451266349;mircea_popescu;the actual bones under the abomination are mostly "this is everything" and "all people are equally, each individually, the complete and proud representation of all humanity" and bla bla. 1354902;1451266356;mircea_popescu;it's the crackpottery of the times. 1354903;1451266357;asciilifeform;(~actual~ physics specialist will not brag about phd, any more than a cabbie brags about driver's license!) 1354904;1451266401;mircea_popescu;i have never met any even half-competent physicists that were proud of their... paper certifications. 1354905;1451266406;asciilifeform;aha. 1354906;1451266426;asciilifeform;nor will lawyer brag about passing the bar, etc 1354907;1451266433;asciilifeform;it's cheap chumpatronics for rubes 1354908;1451266564;mircea_popescu; I dropped my bike in a bush and texted our salesperson about the idea. <<< re the entire chechens thread. 1354909;1451266582;mircea_popescu;fucktard. i'd be worried about the sms from the bush a lot more if i was dealing billions with this schmuck. 1354910;1451266643;adlai;!up asciilifeform 1354911;1451266663;adlai;;;later tell therealascii fix dat key thing! or is it kako's fault 1354912;1451266664;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354913;1451266699;asciilifeform;adlai: therealascii was beheaded some time in early 1500s 1354914;1451266717;adlai;shame, i'd have paid to see how high the head flew 1354915;1451266721;kakobrekla;id put my money on kakos fault 1354916;1451266734;mircea_popescu;no kookie for kako! 1354917;1451266754;kakobrekla;the usual. 1354918;1451266765;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9808 @ 0.00051344 = 5.0358 BTC [+] 1354919;1451266851;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1354909 << i've always marvelled at systems where it turned out that security consisted of 'nobody would dare' 1354920;1451266851;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 01:36:22; mircea_popescu: fucktard. i'd be worried about the sms from the bush a lot more if i was dealing billions with this schmuck. 1354921;1451267009;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16925 @ 0.00050198 = 8.496 BTC [-] 1354922;1451267526;adlai;sometimes you gotta tempt fate else she'll never tempt youback 1354923;1451267553;pete_dushenski; http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/investing/buy-to-let/11816720/Death-of-buy-to-let-landlords-wake-up-to-Osbornes-150pc-tax.html << "Connie Cheuk (pictured above), a landlord with five properties, will see her tax bill rise by almost 40pc. She is even contemplating giving up her 18-year career as a teacher as a means of reducing the tax impact" 1354924;1451267554;assbot;Death of buy-to-let: landlords wake up to Osborne's 150pc tax - Telegraph ... ( http://bit.ly/1QVnBOy ) 1354925;1451267566;pete_dushenski;" In fact, contrary to Mr Osborne’s suggestion, the only buy-to-let investors who will not be hit are the very wealthy who buy property in cash and who don’t need a mortgage." 1354926;1451267583;pete_dushenski;good fuck riddance to all the wanna-be land barons. 1354927;1451267617;pete_dushenski;buy the place for cash or enjoy the coming squeeze 1354928;1451267627;pete_dushenski;buncha interst-only mortgage louts... 1354929;1451267819;ben_vulpes;oh more tail risk explosions? 1354930;1451267864;*;ben_vulpes dreams of the popescuian luxury of time 1354931;1451267943;pete_dushenski;actually osborne's tax might minimise the blast radius of a black swan by pushing wanna-bes to the exits before the next "no one could've predicted" 1354932;1451267953;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: what would you do with this time ? 1354933;1451268138;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351342 << note how only one of the reinderps are actually doing any work 1354934;1451268138;assbot;Logged on 23-12-2015 22:15:13; ascii_field: http://i.imgur.com/7aNkaSl.gifv 1354935;1451268178;ben_vulpes;http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/27/she-santa-brings-toys-robo-reindeer-bring-the-pain/#footnote_3_6479 << lol the car thread really got under your skin huh? 1354936;1451268180;assbot;She-santa brings the toys, robo-reindeer bring the pain. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1QVopTA ) 1354937;1451268201;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes fake it till you make it! 1354938;1451268327;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: write a curriculum, write incorporation docs for the federated states of cascadia, tango, the odd simulation problem that's been nagging, low-profile nearly-submersibles... 1354939;1451268363;ben_vulpes;the list of onanistic projects is bounded only by one's imagination, savvy? 1354940;1451268388;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: how do you figure ? the auto-car thread is just a good example of wishful thinking that some prototype is the guaranteed fyootoor. no different than google glass, e-books, iot, etc. 1354941;1451268399;pete_dushenski;btw ben, you home schooling ? 1354942;1451268417;ben_vulpes;but in the meantime, must tend to $bezzlecorp, meatwot, $product, fambly etc. 1354943;1451268471;pete_dushenski;$product is unrelated to $bezzlecorp ? or do i misunderstand the segmentation there 1354944;1451268480;pete_dushenski;!up asciilifeform 1354945;1451268511;ben_vulpes;it's complicated. 1354946;1451268545;ben_vulpes;and you even have to ask re homeschooling? 1354947;1451268583;ben_vulpes;!s daycare 1354948;1451268584;assbot;19 results for 'daycare' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=daycare 1354949;1451268671;thestringpuller;o look a pete_dushenski 1354950;1451268677;thestringpuller;my blog is almost ready 1354951;1451268685;thestringpuller;and boi do i have an interesting story for my first post 1354952;1451268707;thestringpuller;just gotta rip the plugin code bingoboingo gave me for archives and categories and have pages for that and it'll be ready for action. 1354953;1451268741;pete_dushenski;looking forward to reading it 1354954;1451268807;kakobrekla;> 1354955;1451268807;kakobrekla;gpg: key 01ABFFC7: "Stanislav Datskovskiy <stas@loper-os.org>" not changed 1354956;1451268816;kakobrekla;hurrdurr 1354957;1451268816;ben_vulpes;relatedly, http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350387 << i am /so/ looking forward to this 1354958;1451268816;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 14:57:33; mircea_popescu: it looks like trilema's going to get moved off php at this rate. 1354959;1451269144;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49023 @ 0.00051359 = 25.1777 BTC [+] {3} 1354960;1451269301;kakobrekla;and when i list keys 1354961;1451269309;kakobrekla;pub 2048R/01ABFFC7 2012-12-20 [expires: 2016-12-24] 1354962;1451269309;kakobrekla;uid Stanislav Datskovskiy <stas@loper-os.org> 1354963;1451269316;kakobrekla;hm 1354964;1451269429;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: were you homeschooled ? 1354965;1451269443;ben_vulpes;nearly as bad 1354966;1451269446;ben_vulpes;waldorf 1354967;1451269497;pete_dushenski;k-12 ? 1354968;1451269509;ben_vulpes;sixth grade was my last there. 1354969;1451269528;pete_dushenski;"The philosophical foundation of the Waldorf approach, Anthroposophy, underpins its primary pedagogical goals: to provide an education that enables children to become free human beings, and to help children to incarnate their "unfolding spiritual identity," carried from the preceding spiritual existence, as beings of body, soul, and spirit in this lifetime" 1354970;1451269549;ben_vulpes;mostly it's designed to produce happy little fab-line beez 1354971;1451269571;pete_dushenski;but but free human beez ! 1354972;1451269644;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: why not send the kiddo to montessori ? 1354973;1451269660;ben_vulpes;because i'm an impoverished usian?! 1354974;1451269662;pete_dushenski;or better yet, talmud torah ! 1354975;1451269667;*;ben_vulpes didn't think this was news to anyone 1354976;1451269709;pete_dushenski;montessori's, what, $1k/mo ? 1354977;1451269755;ben_vulpes;yes, one price everywhere 1354978;1451269783;thestringpuller;jesus 1k a month? 1354979;1451269804;thestringpuller;nigga plz. send that niglet to public school. get into fights and shit 1354980;1451269807;thestringpuller;toughin' him up 1354981;1451269829;pete_dushenski;^ 1354982;1451269892;adlai;maybe mikesy didn't really have volume&depth history, an he rode out of shame 1354983;1451270084;pete_dushenski;ben_vulpes: well, i'm seeing ranges of $8.5-11.5k per annum for portland montessori. but close enough. 1354984;1451270288;adlai;oh hmmm... bbiab 1354985;1451270399;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-06-2015#1169944 1354986;1451270399;assbot;Logged on 20-06-2015 22:00:39; mircea_popescu: Sol Nazerman: You people? Oh, let's see. Yeah. I see. I see, you... you want to learn the secret of our success, is that right? Alright I'll teach you. First of all you start off with a period of several thousand years, during which you have nothing to sustain you but a great bearded legend. Oh my friend you have no land to call your own, to grow food on or to hunt. You have nothing. You're never in 1354987;1451270492;ben_vulpes;no, i'll not go buy fashionable fancy toyz. 1354988;1451270504;ben_vulpes;nor will i feed my family shit and demand they call it bread. 1354989;1451270567;ben_vulpes;i have a perfectly capable baker on staff already. yes it takes some time to make bread. so bake, and later eat. 1354990;1451270714;ben_vulpes;"yes, this is the best flour your father can afford, and the best bread your mother can bake. be glad there is bread on the table and not the shit your little friends must eat." 1354991;1451270786;ben_vulpes;pete_dushenski: were i to actually want to spend the money, it'd be the tution for the quality schools in the area *i* attended, not the fashionable ones i *didn't*. 1354992;1451270822;ben_vulpes;the tuition for which was 16K (for hs, and only a moderate hike from the lower school rates) in 2004, and most likely has doubled since. 1354993;1451270861;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=28-12-2015#1354903 << by this logic, you should never trust a guy who writes tradebots for a living further than you can chuck him, because they all list the physics phd on the resume right underneath the eighteen bankruptly IPOed tradeshops 1354994;1451270861;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 01:32:37; asciilifeform: (~actual~ physics specialist will not brag about phd, any more than a cabbie brags about driver's license!) 1354995;1451270869;ben_vulpes;the canonical #b-a thread to reference here is that "americans, no matter how they slave, cannot even begin to approximate that which their fathers took for granted". 1354996;1451271035;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30900 @ 0.00051232 = 15.8307 BTC [-] 1354997;1451271185;adlai;;;later tell trinque deedbot- ate my thingy in the bad sense 1354998;1451271186;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1354999;1451271207;trinque;it'll crap it soon; txn went out 1355000;1451271218;*;trinque wonders idly at the mystery of adlai the poet 1355001;1451271247;BingoBoingo;Wondering about that much LSD would prolly be bad for my sobriety 1355002;1451271276;adlai;for posterity's sake, and to help the logs on their asymptotic journey to selftience: 1355003;1451271291;*;ben_vulpes waits 1355004;1451271377;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=12-12-2015#1341775 >>> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=tripsit+me&l=1 1355005;1451271377;assbot;Logged on 12-12-2015 04:47:27; *: BingoBoingo wonders if there is a 12 step group for LSD adlai can explore, remembers medically induced ibogaine hallucinations likely conntributed to Bill's spiritual experience 1355006;1451271378;assbot;Let me google that for you ... ( http://bit.ly/1IxLf1b ) 1355007;1451271386;*;BingoBoingo hopes that the ipad ben_vulpes gets to shut his kid up is a vaxstation 1355008;1451271427;ben_vulpes;amiga or c64 but right idea 1355009;1451271446;BingoBoingo;Maybe Apple IIGS? 1355010;1451271451;*;adlai long since pankakked from there, but the place is ;;rate tripsit 10 in his book 1355011;1451271460;adlai;A1 steak sauce people 1355012;1451271462;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46800 @ 0.00051383 = 24.0472 BTC [+] {3} 1355013;1451271474;BingoBoingo;adlai: But how is tripsit a 12 step group if it doesn't even have step 1? 1355014;1451271474;adlai;kick a troll in the nuts faster than you can say "why would you do that here" 1355015;1451271492;adlai;BingoBoingo: because it has rule #1, so you need to source the drugs yourselrf 1355016;1451271515;BingoBoingo;That's like the exact opposite of step one. 1355017;1451271520;adlai;aha 1355018;1451271533;adlai;!b 5 1355019;1451271534;assbot;Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1QT56R1.txt ) 1355020;1451271545;adlai;oops 1355021;1451271661;adlai;the beautifyl thing about deedbot-algo is that you can verify without spending 1355022;1451271701;trinque;nice and simple. 1355023;1451271717;ben_vulpes;do many deedbot- outputs get spent? 1355024;1451271722;ben_vulpes;trinque: also 1355025;1451271726;*;adlai checks every now and then, sweeps 1355026;1451271728;trinque;adlai has picked up some 1355027;1451271749;adlai;it's so much better than leaking trilema credits 1355028;1451271754;trinque;in other deedbot news, I've got a CL bot that knows how to ghost and get his name back 1355029;1451271777;trinque;coupla more weekends and I'll shoot the python one in the head, then make the CL one eat his own code 1355030;1451271782;adlai;pics^H^H^Hource or it deedn't happen 1355031;1451271800;adlai;aka "not necessarily in that order" 1355032;1451271806;ben_vulpes;ouroubot? 1355033;1451271830;trinque;heh 1355034;1451271850;trinque;could make him eat a genesis v-patch of himself 1355035;1451271863;ben_vulpes;s/c/s/// 1355036;1451271872;trinque;aha 1355037;1451271881;adlai;first you'll have to add a v command that curls vpatches 1355038;1451271895;BingoBoingo;adlai: Step 1: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our lives had become unmanageable. "WHO cares to admit complete defeat? Practically no one, of course. Every natural instinct cries out against the idea of personal powerlessness. It is truly awful to admit that, glass in hand, we have warped our minds into such an obsession for destructive drinking that only an act of Providence can remove it from us." 1355039;1451271895;BingoBoingo;"No other kind of bankruptcy is like this one. Alcohol, now become the rapacious creditor, bleeds us of all selfsufficiency and all will to resist its demands. Once this stark act is accepted, our bankruptcy as going human concern is complete." - 12&12 page 21 1355040;1451271897;adlai;and put that in its own pipe, and smoke 1355041;1451271904;adlai;!down BingoBoingo 1355042;1451271928;adlai;assbot): adlai, you can't do that to BingoBoingo. (Trust: L1 1, L2 12) 1355043;1451271937;BingoBoingo;lol 1355044;1451271941;adlai;but i thought wot mathematics was incommutable :( 1355045;1451271958;BingoBoingo;Butt assbot trusts too 1355046;1451271962;ben_vulpes;incuntmuteable 1355047;1451271964;adlai;oic 1355048;1451271970;*;adlai goes diddle her twat already 1355049;1451273180;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1355050;1451273186;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 427.21, vol: 7281.56632429 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 425.861, vol: 6230.34925 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 426.3, vol: 24849.1143505 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 410.0, vol: 1.22437492 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 428.062248, vol: 61909.74250000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 428.0, vol: 32.51342368 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 433.552, vol: 24.69601643 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1355051;1451273190;BingoBoingo;;;more 1355052;1451273191;gribble;427.428343752 1355053;1451273194;BingoBoingo;UNCRASHING 1355054;1451273474;adlai;dat 420 bounce 1355055;1451274231;adlai;dat checksum 1355056;1451274234;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/2FYF3ES.txt 1355057;1451274235;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RN6HBW ) 1355058;1451274236;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1355059;1451274248;*;adlai would build it, and they'd come, but he is le lazy... 1355060;1451274268;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36868 @ 0.00050917 = 18.7721 BTC [-] {2} 1355061;1451274992;ben_vulpes;where was that? 1355062;1451275187;adlai;here, there, in between 1355063;1451275222;adlai;and now... everywhere 1355064;1451275725;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.trinque.3:10f3f2ecbc7b662971edccdd24770d859e50389dd7cdc92bac50166fb3b4fd4e 1355065;1451275725;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for trinque from 2 to 3 with note: i used his tool so much it broke 1355066;1451275889;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.asciilifeform.3:cbab6fa56a5bd443ad000495b5d01edccf9a33e84216b207c29a35ed8c94ba8e 1355067;1451275889;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for asciilifeform from 2 to 3 with note: implementational in instrumenting the new key management paradime 1355068;1451276037;BingoBoingo;;;google CVE-2015-3641 1355069;1451276038;gribble;CVE-2015-3641 - Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures - The ...: <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-3641>; [bitcoin-dev] Upcoming DOS vulnerability announcements for Bitcoin ...: <https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-June/009135.html>; CVE-2014-3641 - NVD - Detail: <https://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/vuln/detail?vulnId=CVE-2014-3641> 1355070;1451276097;adlai;there goes the uncrash... twas fun while it lasted 1355071;1451276129;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.liquidassets.-1:483f07366c480206c52e90e6223639072ea568b76d8c5e9257c8ec1357743680 1355072;1451276130;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for liquidassets with note: has yet to improve SNR, but negrates are an invitation to improve, you jimcrowwit-chickenshit 1355073;1451276239;adlai;;;later tell mike_c it's goot to have btcalpha.com back 1355074;1451276239;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355075;1451276262;adlai;dat 30day change! such signal! 1355076;1451276308;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mike_c ty for the return of web 1355077;1451276309;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355078;1451276325;kakobrekla;asciilifeform http://dpaste.com/1T8SQVH.txt 1355079;1451276326;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1QVAWGF ) 1355080;1451276338;kakobrekla;i have no explanation for this but its not assbots fault per se it seems. 1355081;1451276364;adlai;thought plickens. 1355082;1451276460;kakobrekla;!up asciilifeform 1355083;1451276470;asciilifeform;ty kakobrekla. it is not assbot's fault, but the keyring's 1355084;1451276481;adlai;re:bundle-390596, if it ever shows up: it's the best kind of snr amplifier, fueled by the tears of gamblers and the sweat of 'investors' 1355085;1451276482;asciilifeform;your keyring appears to still contain my key expiring on dec. 25. 1355086;1451276501;asciilifeform;(which is to say, same key, but lacking the renewal packet i added on 25th) 1355087;1451276510;asciilifeform;the new key was sent to several different sks boxen 1355088;1451276511;adlai;fwiw back when i had to cull a key, something to do with revocation certificates seemed to do the trick 1355089;1451276517;kakobrekla;pub 2048R/01ABFFC7 2012-12-20 [expires: 2016-12-24] 1355090;1451276517;kakobrekla; Key fingerprint = 1721 5D11 8B72 3950 7FAF ED98 B982 28A0 01AB FFC7 1355091;1451276517;kakobrekla;uid Stanislav Datskovskiy <stas@loper-os.org> 1355092;1451276525;kakobrekla;seems like 2016 is the new one, no? 1355093;1451276527;asciilifeform;aha 1355094;1451276529;adlai;iirc it also made deedbot- roll over and play funny 1355095;1451276529;asciilifeform;so what gives 1355096;1451276534;kakobrekla;no fuckin idea 1355097;1451276574;kakobrekla;te exported key is new or old in dpaste? 1355098;1451276609;asciilifeform;appears to be the new one 1355099;1451276616;kakobrekla;well then wtf. 1355100;1451276703;asciilifeform;http://dpaste.com/3Q5N0NN 1355101;1451276704;assbot;dpaste: 3Q5N0NN ... ( http://bit.ly/1kmTSzF ) 1355102;1451276827;asciilifeform;all of this might have something to do with my switching to 1.4 this year 1355103;1451277119;adlai;was than an upgrade down or retro? 1355104;1451277153;adlai;(in king's english, what the hell were you using before?) 1355105;1451277213;asciilifeform;adlai: 2 1355106;1451277273;kakobrekla;well you are the expert in these matters, what are we suppose to do now 1355107;1451277314;*;adlai is the expert in brainfuck, not assbottery 1355108;1451277392;adlai;damn Anonymous is an impatient customer... double-check, payout payout... people need to rethink their liquidity 1355109;1451277410;asciilifeform;kakobrekla: try verifying something i signed with the new key 1355110;1451277419;asciilifeform;notice that jurov's turdatron was able to!! 1355111;1451277429;asciilifeform;or the aws-killer script could not have been posted. 1355112;1451277448;adlai;https://bitbet.us/bet/1218/luke-skywalker-turns-to-the-dark-side-in/#c5444 is right on the money though, bet should've been a tossup 1355113;1451277449;assbot;BitBet - Luke Skywalker Turns To The Dark Side In Episode VII :: 1.61 B (81%) on Yes, 0.37 B (19%) on No | closed 2 weeks 6 days ago ... ( http://bit.ly/1kmUAwY ) 1355114;1451277492;adlai;i'd leave my nickels in the tipjar but it does seem awfully full 1355115;1451277495;kakobrekla;asciilifeform got anything handy? 1355116;1451277538;kakobrekla;this ? http://dpaste.com/25MGHBZ.txt 1355117;1451277539;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1kmUFRp ) 1355118;1451277605;asciilifeform;or this 1355119;1451277606;adlai;lol, shills cann't even spell D-E-R-P correctly... https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3yeww0/coinbas_was_removed_from_bitcoinorg_wallet_page/ 1355120;1451277607;assbot;Coinbas was removed from bitcoin.org wallet page! : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1QVCOzm ) 1355121;1451277624;asciilifeform;but most particularly this http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000187.html 1355122;1451277625;assbot;[BTC-dev] AWS Banhammer ... ( http://bit.ly/1OdZBUM ) 1355123;1451277628;adlai;and this is worth almost a year-day of upboats 1355124;1451277682;kakobrekla;gpg: Signature made Sat 26 Dec 2015 12:37:34 AM UTC using RSA key ID 01ABFFC7 1355125;1451277682;kakobrekla;gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found 1355126;1451277691;kakobrekla;... 1355127;1451277698;asciilifeform;l0lwut 1355128;1451277702;*;adlai shoots, he scores! he sweeps, he snores 1355129;1451277702;asciilifeform;jurov's box found it... 1355130;1451277731;kakobrekla;could be a different gpg version 1355131;1451277744;kakobrekla;and mine is 'buggy'? 1355132;1451277785;kakobrekla;v1.4.12 ftr 1355133;1451277845;asciilifeform;i'd like to know what's on jurov's box 1355134;1451277917;kakobrekla;!down asciilifeform 1355135;1451277928;kakobrekla;until further notice. 1355136;1451278058;kakobrekla;so you wont get a cold riding outside the train. 1355137;1451278161;asciilifeform;ty kakobrekla 1355138;1451278186;asciilifeform;sadly i gotta go to bed, starting at new uranium mine tomorrow, catching the old-fashioned train at sunrise. 1355139;1451278187;*;asciilifeform bbl 1355140;1451278200;kakobrekla;good luck 1355141;1451278213;asciilifeform;ty. i will get to the bottom of this crud when i get back. 1355142;1451278599;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27300 @ 0.00051404 = 14.0333 BTC [+] {2} 1355143;1451279389;adlai;;;later tell ben_vulpes: "Teaching people to look at the world as a malleable thing is one of the foundations of socialist brainrot" << so satoshi was a communist now too? and get a comment section already willya, it's blogging 101 1355144;1451279389;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355145;1451279517;ben_vulpes;individuals may on occasion change the world of their own accord, but teaching the normie that such is within his grasp is the height of stupid 1355146;1451279539;*;adlai is talking about the jim crow tardation 1355147;1451279571;adlai;if a meme is to be killed, it's to be done right, and anybody meming "jim crow hurr durr" doesn't actually understand what bitcoin's good for 1355148;1451279588;adlai;there's a connection here, hamevin yavin 1355149;1451279628;adlai;satoshi says, "the world is malleable and so is bitcoin!" sipa says "maybe not", so we shoot him before he starts giving any really dangerous ideas 1355150;1451279632;adlai;idiots. 1355151;1451279637;adlai;!down adlai 1355152;1451279662;ben_vulpes;is this jim crow thing a thread i missed? 1355153;1451280381;BingoBoingo;the seg wit stuff 1355154;1451280629;ben_vulpes;ah clever 1355155;1451280727;ben_vulpes;;;later tell adlai that post predated my ever hearing about segwit 1355156;1451280727;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355157;1451280899;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: i only know what those fuckwits are up to because of you 1355158;1451280920;BingoBoingo;Well I guess nao I have to qntra an explainer 1355159;1451280955;ben_vulpes;i got the hazy notion that someone wanted to implement something that involved...not validating the whole blockchain. tuned out. 1355160;1451280963;ben_vulpes;also, outside my wot. watch me give zero fuxx. 1355161;1451281035;ben_vulpes;~up amiller 1355162;1451281038;ben_vulpes;!up amiller 1355163;1451281045;ben_vulpes;hyu 1355164;1451281050;ben_vulpes;!gup Guest1038 1355165;1451281055;ben_vulpes;good grief 1355166;1451281060;ben_vulpes;!up Guest1038 1355167;1451281387;BingoBoingo;<ben_vulpes> i got the hazy notion that someone wanted to implement something that involved...not validating the whole blockchain. tuned out. << Appears to be new soft phork tx type. details aren't clear to me yet 1355168;1451281772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00050917 = 4.5316 BTC [-] 1355169;1451282138;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36800 @ 0.0005089 = 18.7275 BTC [-] {2} 1355170;1451282837;ben_vulpes;does anyone know of any decent sociopolitical histories of tls/ssl? 1355171;1451282870;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 107100 @ 0.00051382 = 55.0301 BTC [+] {3} 1355172;1451283358;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25700 @ 0.00051417 = 13.2142 BTC [+] {2} 1355173;1451283825;mats;feeling some regret about this eth bet 1355174;1451283846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27750 @ 0.00051464 = 14.2813 BTC [+] 1355175;1451283893;ben_vulpes;> regret 1355176;1451283895;ben_vulpes;> bet 1355177;1451283903;ben_vulpes;> feel 1355178;1451283922;ben_vulpes;what's the story? 1355179;1451284090;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55001 @ 0.00051499 = 28.325 BTC [+] {2} 1355180;1451284152;mats;the not-usg remora collective that bought into eth ipo is broke as fuck and are incapable of triggering share dump despite sizable payout from bitbet for this service 1355181;1451284226;mats;there goes ~4btc 1355182;1451284608;ben_vulpes;share dump? the sale that would drive the price down to bet-throwing levels? 1355183;1451284623;ben_vulpes;didja take the bitcoin side of the ebt? 1355184;1451284741;fluffypony;mats: didn't you have a small hedge against your bet? 1355185;1451284877;ben_vulpes;A FLUFFYPONY 1355186;1451284894;fluffypony;A CASCADIAN HAXXER 1355187;1451284910;ben_vulpes;L33T HAXX0R 1355188;1451284934;fluffypony;so l33t his password is 1337 1355189;1451284948;*;ben_vulpes wonders if anyone got the implicit self-deprecatory 'hack' joke 1355190;1451285095;BingoBoingo;You aren't a complete hack ben_vulpes, just a bit careless with your emacs buffers. 1355191;1451285142;ben_vulpes; /quit 1355192;1451285150;fluffypony;/ragequit 1355193;1451285163;BingoBoingo;You make up for that though by being a jew who knows better than to blow all of the money on the smaller person's preschool. 1355194;1451285192;*;trinque went to the overly expensive preschool in question 1355195;1451285208;trinque;only memory of it was some kid putting hair clips all along his tongue 1355196;1451285212;trinque;I guess he was expressing himself 1355197;1451285288;fluffypony;if it's not Monte-sorry it's not worth talking about 1355198;1451285288;mats;fluffypony: nope 1355199;1451285297;mircea_popescu;adlai> satoshi says, "the world is malleable and so is bitcoin!" sipa says "maybe not", so we shoot him before he starts giving any really dangerous ideas << you really should lay off the sauce. 1355200;1451285315;mats;ben_vulpes: yes, i took btc side 1355201;1451285334;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> does anyone know of any decent sociopolitical histories of tls/ssl? << "no" or "only shitty ones" depending on your clearance. 1355202;1451285407;ben_vulpes;the curricula are purchaseable for like 500 dollars 1355203;1451285492;ben_vulpes;i have yet to meet a teacher i'd entrust the whole of any educational program to outside my wot 1355204;1451285503;ben_vulpes;perhaps a slice here or there, like latin or ballroom dancing 1355205;1451285543;ben_vulpes;but never fucking ever will i readily consent to stick my offspring in a daycare for an amount of attention outside of my control to be paid to them. 1355206;1451285652;mircea_popescu;oh i thought you were contemplating a mistress. 1355207;1451285657;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: narrative scrolling through my head is "tbl made htmlz, smart ppl thot waz cool, rest of internet piled on, shartups demanded cc processing over webz, tls/ssl became defacto" 1355208;1451285670;mircea_popescu;here's the thing : not your call to make. by the time they need or can benefit from that sort of thing, they're old enough to pick their own/ 1355209;1451285701;ben_vulpes;tutoring is decent work for a mistress, neh? 1355210;1451285714;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes that's actually pretty accurate. except smart ppl did not think it was cool. "smart" people had visions of a wikipedia-bayesian world. 1355211;1451285729;mircea_popescu;amusingly enough, the facts fell in, but their interpretation of "what it'll be like"... heh heh 1355212;1451285747;ben_vulpes;well i did think about it for a few weeks before bringing it up. 'was cool' is a simplification of the whole 'semantic web' trip. 1355213;1451285787;ben_vulpes;mircea_popescu: old enough to pick, old enough also to have the wot to select from? 1355214;1451285812;mircea_popescu;nah, it's not even that. it's ... you know how the sort of fucktard that writes sf and like... lives off juices and shit [we're talking 70s here] always represents "the future" with these robed floating aliens of "twu ewolwed" ? 1355215;1451285815;mircea_popescu;well... they figured that's it. 1355216;1451285826;mircea_popescu;ironically... it did bring them the coveted fucking star trek touch panels 1355217;1451285836;mircea_popescu;ie, all the factual bits DID fall into place. 1355218;1451285860;ben_vulpes;heh 1355219;1451285930;ben_vulpes;but on the other thread, from what pool are 'they' to 'pick their own'? must i not provide? 1355220;1451285960;mircea_popescu;there is no pool. 1355221;1451285984;mircea_popescu;if they're worth a shit they'll find and if not, a well. most stuff developing in an uterus is meant to abort sooner or later anyway. 1355222;1451286004;BingoBoingo;<ben_vulpes> but on the other thread, from what pool are 'they' to 'pick their own'? must i not provide? << The pool that knows wheeties actually isn't the breakfast of champion, because that is two scoops of whey and a scoop of dry instant coffee in an shaker. 1355223;1451286046;ben_vulpes;BingoBoingo: you are going to get too swole 1355224;1451286091;BingoBoingo;ben_vulpes: Well, I'm still cutting to the point where I can start getting swole without also getting fat at the same time. 1355225;1451286099;ben_vulpes;> cutting 1355226;1451286100;ben_vulpes;IT BEGINS 1355227;1451286129;BingoBoingo;Well, how else to you handle alcoholic fatty liver than by... chasing the fat out of the liver? 1355228;1451286129;mircea_popescu;lol 1355229;1451286746;*;BingoBoingo has already lost a substantial amount of liver weight since the sobriety experiment began as measured by poking the upper right quadrant of my abdomen and contemplating the size of the organ I just pissed off. 1355230;1451286957;mircea_popescu;wouldja stop picking at scabs. 1355231;1451287060;BingoBoingo;You're right. Gotta leave the scabs alone so they can keep undercutting lazy union parasites on the labor market. 1355232;1451287619;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355221 << but not all? 1355233;1451287619;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 06:59:44; mircea_popescu: if they're worth a shit they'll find and if not, a well. most stuff developing in an uterus is meant to abort sooner or later anyway. 1355234;1451287725;adlai;from the not-so-lulz mines: https://chrispacia.wordpress.com/2015/12/23/lightning-network-skepticism/ 1355235;1451287727;assbot;Lightning Network Skepticism | Escape Velocity ... ( http://bit.ly/1MCBDwZ ) 1355236;1451287744;adlai;too bad you can't short vaporware that hasn't even boiled yet 1355237;1451287823;adlai;"> If the lightning network ends up sucking (let???s hope it doesn???t), then so will bitcoin as we will have no choice but to use it by that point. // Or finally raise the blocksize" who'da guessed, comments better than the article itself 1355238;1451287860;adlai;also who on earth beatifies their comment troll alts 1355239;1451289641;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48594 @ 0.00050752 = 24.6624 BTC [-] {3} 1355240;1451289649;BingoBoingo;!up ryan-c 1355241;1451289702;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16400 @ 0.0005062 = 8.3017 BTC [-] 1355242;1451289824;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20406 @ 0.00050503 = 10.3056 BTC [-] 1355243;1451290883;adlai;i'm sorry but this is totally on-topic. /r/btc has "bitcoin startup entrepeneur" flair 1355244;1451290918;adlai;context, /r/bitcoin introduced "bitcoin expert" flair at one point, and endless fests were shat over who gets it and who loses 1355245;1451291200;fluffypony;omg I'm going to apply for that 1355246;1451291211;fluffypony;right after I file to be recognised as a "thought leader" 1355247;1451291400;adlai;"they say a lot of things about whoring being the oldest profession, but somebody had to pay, so Finance was First." - eden shochat, local vc chump pumper. has a good talk i'd link but nobody else medaber ivrit... 1355248;1451291446;adlai;"i love regulation, because it causes fat, and then you slim it off and make bank" (rough translation parahrpase) 1355249;1451291571;adlai;"private blockchains are as mortal as CEOs" (also rough translaying) 1355250;1451291593;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30470 @ 0.00050578 = 15.4111 BTC [+] {3} 1355251;1451292276;BingoBoingo;!up airgapped 1355252;1451292472;adlai;can't you let the man !up himself? some cultures consider it rude to help 1355253;1451292503;adlai;even the airgapped deserve some practice driving the cryptotron 1355254;1451292630;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37322 @ 0.00051386 = 19.1783 BTC [+] {3} 1355255;1451292878;adlai;!gettrust STRML_ 1355256;1451292878;assbot;STRML_ is not registered in WoT. 1355257;1451292882;adlai;!gettrust STRML 1355258;1451292882;assbot;STRML is not registered in WoT. 1355259;1451292887;adlai;;;gettrust STRML 1355260;1451292888;gribble;WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user adlai to user STRML: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=adlai&dest=STRML | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=STRML | Rated since: never 1355261;1451292986;adlai;;;rated STRML 1355262;1451292986;gribble;You rated user STRML on Mon Dec 28 03:56:10 2015, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: epsilon risked, nothing gained (nothing lost). 1355263;1451293009;*;adlai figures he's got to skin the fiat cat someday 1355264;1451293030;adlai;at least STRML's casino doesn't touch the stuff, not even give it out for free if you keep hitting 1355265;1451293168;adlai;for such a long lurker he does do a terrible job at it. wake up, sam! your elbow should be blue and purple by now, neh? 1355266;1451293228;*;adlai realizes maybe if he wants people to listen to him, he should speak meat or blockchain at them rather than #b-a :( 1355267;1451293307;adlai;"you are doing that too much. try again in 49 seconds." jesus christ marie it's a fucking IP address 1355268;1451293348;adlai;only on /r/btc: "Cobra edits Bitcoin.org about page to remove Sirius from owner's list" 1355269;1451293362;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10526 @ 0.0005041 = 5.3062 BTC [-] {2} 1355270;1451293363;adlai;who are these people even smoking? did they sip the brown acid? 1355271;1451293535;adlai;at least the leddit captions that with a real cobra 1355272;1451294399;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20590 @ 0.00050378 = 10.3728 BTC [-] 1355273;1451295111;BingoBoingo;So who's online that might be up for spotting me a proofreading? 1355274;1451296518;mats;am here 1355275;1451296575;BingoBoingo;Ah adlai's on it, but I'll get you the preview too 1355276;1451296904;adlai;ah mats, welcome back to assland 1355277;1451297108;mats;been lurking 1355278;1451298313;punkman;good day http://publicdomainreview.org/collections/19th-century-album-of-ottoman-fashion/ 1355279;1451298314;assbot;19th-Century Album of Ottoman Fashion | The Public Domain Review ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbOuv9 ) 1355280;1451298425;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9100 @ 0.00050198 = 4.568 BTC [-] {2} 1355281;1451298710;punkman;https://media.ccc.de/b/congress/2015 1355282;1451298711;assbot;C3TV -32C3: ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbOP10 ) 1355283;1451299275;adlai;ahaha i love this guy, "it takes twelve years, circa six governments in the state of israel" 1355284;1451299456;adlai;i'd link him but he has the word "maidsafe" on his slides but says "failed" in hebrew,people might ge tthe wrong message 1355285;1451299656;mats;https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/a-year-of-taliban-gains-shows-that-we-havent-delivered-top-afghan-official-says/2015/12/27/172213e8-9cfb-11e5-9ad2-568d814bbf3b_story.html 1355286;1451299657;assbot;A year of Taliban gains shows that ‘we haven’t delivered,’ top Afghan official says - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbPMpP ) 1355287;1451299660;adlai;he does fall for the fallacy of ascribing relevance to bubble inflation velocity in a post-fiat-escape-hatch market 1355288;1451299685;punkman;https://media.ccc.de/v/32c3-7352-towards_reasonably_trustworthy_x86_laptops << poor transcript follows: "I used to think we could sandbox ME with VT-d, unfortunately it turned out this doesn't work, which brought me to the sad conclusion that perhaps if we look at the Intel x86 platform, the war is lost. It truly is hopeless, even if ME didn't exist. It bothers me since I spent the last 5 years 1355289;1451299686;assbot;C3TV -Towards (reasonably) trustworthy x86 laptops ... ( http://bit.ly/1JbPPlE ) 1355290;1451299686;punkman;on my Qubes project which turns out to be meaningless." 1355291;1451299735;punkman;then she turns around, "oh we must change the game", "state considered harmful", "do you want my trusted stick?" 1355292;1451299873;*;adlai tl;dr's his guerrilla transcription: "would-be entrepeneurs, don't waste your time building companies. fuck shit up and send me the datapix, maybe i'll like them and buy some more" 1355293;1451299919;punkman;who's that? 1355294;1451299985;adlai;https://youtu.be/xTmZW9b0gxw?t=1h3m37s 1355295;1451299986;assbot;‫כנס ביטקוין 2015 - חלק א'‬‎ - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Vm8i0t ) 1355296;1451300010;adlai;i mean fuck, it's even got a leet checksum 1355297;1451300029;*;adlai rests his case, and weary brain. maybe tomorrow it'll piss again. 1355298;1451300037;adlai;!down adlai 1355299;1451300241;punkman;!s tlsnotary 1355300;1451300242;assbot;5 results for 'tlsnotary' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=tlsnotary 1355301;1451300805;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11785 @ 0.00050377 = 5.9369 BTC [+] {2} 1355302;1451302211;deedbot-;[Qntra] The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream - http://qntra.net/2015/12/the-false-dilemma-of-xt-versus-blockstream/ 1355303;1451302462;punkman;not bad BB 1355304;1451302482;BingoBoingo;thank you punkman 1355305;1451302920;punkman;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WkLtJjONqs 1355306;1451302921;assbot;The Empire Files: Ralph Nader & Abby Martin on the Corporate Elections - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1YMm4K7 ) 1355307;1451304620;BingoBoingo;In other news, SUCK IT CALIFORNIA http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/emergency-declared-as-rain-keeps-falling-concern-turning-to-rising/article_592378ee-58c5-58bf-844f-7192031de91f.html 1355308;1451304621;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YMq8tP ) 1355309;1451304675;BingoBoingo;"On Sunday afternoon, as rain continued to pummel much of the St. Louis region, 2015 officially became the wettest year on record. It came amid reports of widespread flooding, a plea by officials in West Alton to evacuate and the closure of Interstate 70 through the heart of St. Charles County. And with rain continuing Monday, river levels throughout the region are expected to hit near-record crests by New Years Eve." 1355310;1451304698;BingoBoingo;Actual flood season usually doesn't start until April, or at least March 1355311;1451304760;BingoBoingo;"Mississippi river levels at Alton are expected to reach nearly 39 feet by Thursday, only 3.7 feet lower than the 1993 record. In St. Louis, the water is expected to crest just shy of 45 feet, which would rank only behind the 49.6 feet recorded during the flood of 93." 1355312;1451304793;BingoBoingo;"Down river, the Mississippi was forecast to reach or surpass the 1993 record of 49.74 at Chester, Ill., on Friday. That level would impact Menard Correctional Center and comes within inches of the top of the levee protecting St. Genevieve, Mo." 1355313;1451304818;BingoBoingo;All of this water and fucking California can have none of it. 1355314;1451304906;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1355315;1451304912;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 426.2, vol: 6516.68988212 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 424.596, vol: 5478.27021 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 424.64, vol: 24132.59731712 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 0.118 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 425.5264, vol: 69354.93620000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 428.98, vol: 85.24159845 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 432.93549, vol: 22.00506 | Volume-weighted last average: 425.321439986 1355316;1451304952;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31600 @ 0.00050829 = 16.062 BTC [+] {3} 1355317;1451307191;mircea_popescu;for the record, ottoman fashion's pretty cool. they invented a lot of things above and beyond the ottoman 1355318;1451307207;mircea_popescu;(that very useful piece of furniture for anyone that keeps cocksuckers in the house) 1355319;1451307213;mircea_popescu;such as you know, fucking underwear. 1355320;1451309344;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17800 @ 0.00050695 = 9.0237 BTC [-] {2} 1355321;1451309954;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11350 @ 0.00050841 = 5.7705 BTC [+] {2} 1355322;1451310326;punkman;!up junseth 1355323;1451310346;junseth;hey everyone. Just popping in to see what the scum of the earth is up to ;P 1355324;1451310369;BingoBoingo;Oh, a little bit of everything. Picking fights with XT and blockstream at the same time 1355325;1451310381;junseth;God the XT-ers 1355326;1451310398;junseth;At this point, that debate is like trying to tell a Christian evolution is real. 1355327;1451310411;junseth;"Why, don't you want our opinion?" 1355328;1451310463;BingoBoingo;also see http://qntra.net/2015/12/the-false-dilemma-of-xt-versus-blockstream/ 1355329;1451310464;assbot;The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OgP1ME ) 1355330;1451310571;junseth;Haha, nice. Gotta say, the thing i like about bitcoin-assets is that whether or not I agree with ya'll, you keep shit weird. 1355331;1451310637;junseth;This is good I'm kin dof fed up with the people who didn't care about block size 5 months ago, and then Gavin told them to care, and now they care. 1355332;1451310673;BingoBoingo;Seriously. But on the other hand can't let blockstream get an ego and think they can Gavin themselves. 1355333;1451310706;junseth;Sounds good to me. Just push Maxwell to bring us fungibility by next Christmas 1355334;1451310743;junseth;and I'll be squealing like one of Bitcoin's many beautiful transgendered women. :) 1355335;1451310789;BingoBoingo;lol 1355336;1451310868;BingoBoingo;But you definitely can see the positive effect all this drama is having on price, right? 1355337;1451310905;junseth;I don't care. For those of us who are long termers, a cheap Bitcoin is a good bitcoin 1355338;1451310944;BingoBoingo;Seriously 1355339;1451311084;junseth;All right, I'll be back in a few months to make sure that ya'll are still the weirdest enclave in the space. Just doing the prison rounds, wanted to take a count of the inmates. Time to pretend like real life is real life. 1355340;1451311143;BingoBoingo;Alright 1355341;1451311845;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5965 @ 0.00050695 = 3.024 BTC [-] 1355342;1451311906;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13685 @ 0.00050482 = 6.9085 BTC [-] 1355343;1451312624;BingoBoingo;http://www.fyrstikken.com/blog/kazonomics-poses-as-a-rich-and-successful-bitcoin-guru-but-is-in-fact-a-dirt-poor-notorious-criminal-who-just-cant-stay-away-from-trouble 1355344;1451312626;assbot;Kazonomics - Poses as a rich and successful Bitcoin-Guru but is in fact a dirt poor & notorious criminal who just can´t stay away from trouble. - Welcome to Fyrstikken ... ( http://bit.ly/1me9MON ) 1355345;1451314644;mod6;;;bc,stats 1355346;1451314648;gribble;Current Blocks: 390659 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 444 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 15 hours, 25 minutes, and 42 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1355347;1451314712;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41628 @ 0.00050403 = 20.9818 BTC [-] {2} 1355348;1451316152;deedbot-;[Ossasepia] Euloran Cookbook V1.2 - http://www.dianacoman.com/2015/12/28/euloran-cookbook-v1-2/ 1355349;1451316406;BingoBoingo;Oh hai, look where qntra made it again: https://archive.is/RT7C2 https://archive.is/dmNZC 1355350;1451316407;assbot;Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jc6BkK ) 1355351;1451316408;assbot;The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1Jc6DsC ) 1355352;1451316561;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355349 <<< This is what *should* be at top of page, instead of all the other "censorship!" nonsense. 1355353;1451316561;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 15:26:46; BingoBoingo: Oh hai, look where qntra made it again: https://archive.is/RT7C2 https://archive.is/dmNZC 1355354;1451316581;BingoBoingo;Butt in other lulz https://archive.is/WOHB9 1355355;1451316584;assbot;Roger Ver rallies around Coinbase. What could possibly go wrong this time around? I mean the last time Ver vouched for someone, new captains of industry were created right? : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1knNubr ) 1355356;1451316622;BingoBoingo;shinohai: It's making it there 1355357;1451316983;deedbot-;[BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $1,000 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1234/bitcoin-to-top-1-000-before-jul-2016/#b21 1355358;1451317688;BingoBoingo;!up joshbuddy 1355359;1451317701;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3yiumz/the_false_dilemma_of_xt_versus_blockstream/cydulxc <<< kek 1355360;1451317704;assbot;BlockchainOfFools comments on The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream ... ( http://bit.ly/1knQl4n ) 1355361;1451317792;ben_vulpes;Softforks that explicitly create an incentive for their own revocation create an extraordinary moral hazard. << rather 1355362;1451317800;ben_vulpes;rather nice qntra, BingoBoingo 1355363;1451317811;BingoBoingo;ty ben_vulpes 1355364;1451317880;pete_dushenski;shinohai: pff. b-a doesn't rubber stamp, we brand with iron directly on skin. 1355365;1451317907;ben_vulpes;foreskins! 1355366;1451317920;ben_vulpes;;;later tell asciilifeform how are the new minez? 1355367;1451317920;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355368;1451318028;pete_dushenski;http://www.cnbc.com/2015/12/28/only-one-global-currency-trounced-the-dollar-this-year.html 1355369;1451318030;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1knRaKg ) 1355370;1451318080;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: way to break in past the reddit censors. wd. 1355371;1451318099;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: I actually didn't submit it to reddit. 1355372;1451318119;pete_dushenski;oh ? 1355373;1451318128;BingoBoingo;This is "organic" social media manure accumulating 1355374;1451318213;BingoBoingo;I don't have a current reddit account "broken in" enough to chance on shitting qntra into reddit. Gotta farm some more "wheymens" 1355375;1451318250;pete_dushenski;that's what fiverr's for 1355376;1451318273;pete_dushenski;which i'm sure qntra could find in its budget 1355377;1451318324;BingoBoingo;What budget? Everything goes into servers, coffee, or HODL. 1355378;1451318425;pete_dushenski;you could always reallocate some of those saved boozebezzlars 1355379;1451318445;BingoBoingo;Those go to coffee and HODL 1355380;1451318521;pete_dushenski;"Saudi Arabia, its finances hit by low oil prices, announced plans to shrink a record state budget deficit with spending cuts and a drive to raise revenues from sources other than oil. The government of the world's top oil exporter ran a deficit of 367 billion riyals ($97.9 billion) in 2015, the Council of Economic and Development Affairs said on Monday." << i wouldn't be surprised if we saw a regime change in t 1355381;1451318522;pete_dushenski;he next 12 months. this is going to be a rough ride for abdullah's stand-ins. 1355382;1451318594;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: ya, that's actually a smarter use of funds 1355383;1451318687;BingoBoingo;Also some of the saved boozelars have gone into the gas tank, because some days there isn't a storytime club meeting in reasonable walking distance. 1355384;1451318704;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355365 <<< correct answer 1355385;1451318704;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 15:51:47; ben_vulpes: foreskins! 1355386;1451318826;BingoBoingo;lol throckmorton's sign https://archive.is/oD4nq 1355387;1451318827;assbot;throckmortonsign comments on The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream ... ( http://bit.ly/1knTb9i ) 1355388;1451318933;BingoBoingo;;;google throckmorton's sign 1355389;1451318934;gribble;Throckmorton's sign | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org: <http://radiopaedia.org/articles/throckmortons-sign-1>; John Thomas sign - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thomas_sign>; Throckmorton's sign - Whonamedit - dictionary of medical eponyms: <http://www.whonamedit.com/synd.cfm/3050.html> 1355390;1451318955;BingoBoingo;!up tripleslash_t 1355391;1451318962;pete_dushenski;tried watching some jeremy piven show on netflix last night where he plays an american entrepreneur in london who starts his own department store circa 1909 and the only way i could stand it was with the volume off. the set design is the ~only~ redeeming quality of that show. 1355392;1451318977;pete_dushenski;anyways, watch at your own risk, but definitely not recommended viewing. 1355393;1451319121;pete_dushenski;though the few bits about jobs being hard to come by, and only the handsomest men and prettiest women being able to snag jobs, and the employers turning applicants away because they have dirty fingernails was kinda neat, if only because that's the way the world works outside of the narrow historical confines of "we print the bezzlars"-istan. 1355394;1451319266;pete_dushenski;mr. selfridge << the show in question 1355395;1451319313;pete_dushenski;and... apparently the show is 3 years old and already on its fourth season. fancy that. 1355396;1451319826;pete_dushenski;http://econlog.econlib.org/archives/2015/12/climate_schlock.html << apt title 1355397;1451319827;assbot;Climate Schlock, David Henderson | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty ... ( http://bit.ly/22uPfGg ) 1355398;1451319853;punkman;pete_dushenski: the set design is the ~only~ redeeming quality of that show. << isn't that why they call them costume dramas 1355399;1451319882;pete_dushenski;but then where's the drama ?!!1 1355400;1451319899;punkman;maybe piven ate it 1355401;1451319928;pete_dushenski;or he gave it away to johnny from entourage 1355402;1451319977;punkman;here's a pick for you http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2603596/ 1355403;1451319979;assbot;The Wrong Mans (TV Series 2013– ) - IMDb ... ( http://bit.ly/22uPq4c ) 1355404;1451320001;mod6;pete_dushenski: hey, got your msg. thanks for updating your blog. much appreciated. 1355405;1451320374;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1355406;1451320380;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 422.35, vol: 6479.61616555 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 423.499, vol: 6114.4076 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 423.22, vol: 22179.5503971 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 420.0, vol: 0.118 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 424.266579, vol: 67575.50010000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 428.90974, vol: 107.89201068 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 430.454101889, vol: 27.32749261 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1355407;1451320386;BingoBoingo;;;more 1355408;1451320386;gribble;423.8796412 1355409;1451320937;mod6;http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html << re: footnote [2]; jurov, maybe this was the issue I ran into -- i'll have to try this. 1355410;1451320938;assbot;[BTC-dev] Taming the mempool ... ( http://bit.ly/1NvyaEi ) 1355411;1451320963;mod6;Thanks again for posting your report & corresponding patch. Great work. 1355412;1451321890;pete_dushenski;punkman: the fat one looks awfully familiar but i can't place him. 1355413;1451321894;pete_dushenski;mod6: np :) 1355414;1451322546;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_butugychag 1355415;1451322670;pete_dushenski;bbl 1355416;1451322965;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355366 << heavy 1355417;1451322965;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 15:52:00; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell asciilifeform how are the new minez? 1355418;1451323002;ascii_butugychag;bbl. 1355419;1451323191;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4250 @ 0.00050384 = 2.1413 BTC [-] 1355420;1451323496;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13050 @ 0.00050343 = 6.5698 BTC [-] {2} 1355421;1451323594;mircea_popescu;assbot: A year of Taliban gains shows that we havent delivered, top Afghan official says << loller. 1355422;1451323643;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355290 << i broadly agree. laptops have no future ; thanks god for that. 1355423;1451323643;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 10:48:06; punkman: on my Qubes project which turns out to be meaningless." 1355424;1451323647;*;mircea_popescu never liked the shits. 1355425;1451324315;mircea_popescu;http://qntra.net/2015/12/the-false-dilemma-of-xt-versus-blockstream/ << check out BingoBoingo! getting quite adept at splitting teh narrative huh ? 1355426;1451324316;assbot;The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OgP1ME ) 1355427;1451324499;mircea_popescu;!gettrust junseth 1355428;1451324499;assbot;junseth is not registered in WoT. 1355429;1451324638;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355331 << no, actually : the whole charade of muppets, with that despicable bfl shill Luke-Jr front and center, was derping ON AND ON about how gotta keep the blockchain small back when MPEx:S.DICE was the largest economic activity in the whole currency. 1355430;1451324638;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 13:50:37; junseth: This is good I'm kin dof fed up with the people who didn't care about block size 5 months ago, and then Gavin told them to care, and now they care. 1355431;1451324647;mircea_popescu;but hey, times achanged. 1355432;1451324661;mircea_popescu;and somehow nobody's supposed to remember 2013 because reasons. 1355433;1451324726;mircea_popescu;somehow "hardforking the blockchain to accomodate dust transactions" wasn't a concern, back before hussein bahamas climbed atop mit and started throwing meatballs and chicken nuggets at the rotinculo chorus. 1355434;1451324846;mircea_popescu;https://archive.is/hAXeL << ahaha what the shit is this. 1355435;1451324847;assbot;Kazonomics - Poses as a rich and successful Bitcoin-Guru but is in fact a dirt poor & notorious criminal who just can´t stay away from trouble. - Welcome to Fyrstikken ... ( http://bit.ly/1mLkdcD ) 1355436;1451325489;mircea_popescu;"These are all public records and there are tons more if you want to dig deeper into the criminal life of Kaseem Sarad Simpson, AKA @Kazonomics on twitter" eh srsly, dude's can't drive and had a falling out with some weisz chick. 1355437;1451325494;mircea_popescu;hardly a criminal mastermind or anything. 1355438;1451325619;mircea_popescu;http://www.fyrstikken.com/uploads/6/6/1/3/66137739/9262349_orig.png << there's a DERP fee. 1355439;1451325621;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mLmlBd ) 1355440;1451325625;mircea_popescu;fancy that. immensely apt. 1355441;1451325873;mircea_popescu;"I'm Roger Ver, long-time Roger Ver advocate and investor. Today, I'm at the Roger Ver world headquarters in Saint Kitts and Nevis. I had a nice chat with Roger Ver CEO, Roger Ver, about their current situation. He showed me multiple bank statements, as well as letters from banks, lawyers and Roger Ver. I'm sure that all the current Roger Ver problems at Roger Ver are being caused by the traditional banking system, not 1355442;1451325873;mircea_popescu; because of a lack of liquidity at Roger Ver. The traditional banking partners that Roger Ver needs to work with are not able to keep up with the demands of the growing Roger Ver economy. The dozens of people that make up the Roger Ver team are hard at work establishing additional banking partners, that eventually will make dealing with Roger Ver easier for all their customers around the world. For now, I hope that eve 1355443;1451325874;mircea_popescu;ryone will continue working on Roger Ver projects that will help make the world a better place." 1355444;1451325877;mircea_popescu;lol butts delivered. 1355445;1451326159;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355361 << quite. all this verbiage about how "oh lalala, if miners stop enforcing X fork they will be excluded" fails to account for the fact that unlike the various PRBs, TRB does NOT actually implement any of the soft forks. so no, they won't be "excluded". nobody will notice they stopped. 1355446;1451326159;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 15:49:52; ben_vulpes: Softforks that explicitly create an incentive for their own revocation create an extraordinary moral hazard. << rather 1355447;1451326212;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355375 << speaking of which, BingoBoingo do you want a fiverr account with whatever credit on it ? 1355448;1451326212;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 15:57:30; pete_dushenski: that's what fiverr's for 1355449;1451326270;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355381 << there's a huge difference between fully financed deficit (such as sae runs) and fully uncovered deficit, such as the us (or argentina) run. 1355450;1451326270;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 16:02:02; pete_dushenski: he next 12 months. this is going to be a rough ride for abdullah's stand-ins. 1355451;1451326284;mircea_popescu;the saudis have a shitton of cash to throw around before they need to notice the hole. 1355452;1451327602;mircea_popescu;"Bitcoin-related code written by developers reached 7,000 in December, up from 1,000 bitcoin codes in mid-2013. The number of PayPal-related codes is below 3,000 (based on Github depository references)." 1355453;1451327610;mircea_popescu;these people are fducking retarded already 1355454;1451328085;mats;http://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/28/us-voter-database-leak/ 1355455;1451328085;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZxA7W5 ) 1355456;1451328210;mats;>has uncovered a database sitting on the Web containing various pieces of personal information related to 191 million American citizens registered to vote... [the data] includes names, home addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, party affiliations, and logs of whether or not they had voted in primary or general elections. 1355457;1451328220;mats;huhuhu 1355458;1451328264;mats;in other news, https://49.media.tumblr.com/a84cd0541073dad3810d2d0f0f6327a7/tumblr_nzoibvdfMJ1qg39ewo1_500.gif 1355459;1451328265;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZxAsbk ) 1355460;1451328891;mats;punkman: did you read her paper? 1355461;1451328957;mats;or didja assume 'trusted stick' == 'trusted platform module'? 1355462;1451328990;punkman;I read 1355463;1451329071;mats;what problem(s) do you see with this scheme? 1355464;1451329085;*;mats is on pg15 1355465;1451329150;punkman;mats, do you think persistence is the problem? 1355466;1451329165;punkman;or that we can't even trust own mother 1355467;1451329173;mats;no 1355468;1451329289;mats;i can however appreciate some facets of her thing, like being able to trivially inspect device fw 1355469;1451331670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16513 @ 0.00050431 = 8.3277 BTC [+] {3} 1355470;1451331853;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123750 @ 0.00050174 = 62.0903 BTC [-] {6} 1355471;1451332768;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42100 @ 0.00050611 = 21.3072 BTC [+] {3} 1355472;1451336356;mats;mircea_popescu: meaning of sae? 1355473;1451336787;mircea_popescu;saudis. 1355474;1451338300;ben_vulpes;the number of related codes?! 1355475;1451338307;ben_vulpes;in what world 1355476;1451338309;ben_vulpes;i don't 1355477;1451338324;ben_vulpes;understand 1355478;1451338326;ben_vulpes;how the world works 1355479;1451338584;mats;ben_vulpes: context? 1355480;1451338635;mats;https://www.reddit.com/r/netsec/comments/3waa8x/im_bill_pollock_no_starch_press_founder_im_here 1355481;1451338636;assbot;I'm Bill Pollock, No Starch Press founder. I'm here with some of our authors. Ask us anything! : netsec ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSWCxc ) 1355482;1451339743;mats;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-02-2014#481120 << you referring to https://www.iacr.org/archive/crypto2001/21390001.pdf ? 1355483;1451339743;assbot;Logged on 05-02-2014 03:50:12; asciilifeform: there is already a hard impossibility proof of turing-complete computation in a homomorphic turd. 1355484;1451339745;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NSYyG1 ) 1355485;1451339878;mats;ben_vulpes: oops. i scrolled up. 1355486;1451340054;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_butugychag 1355487;1451340117;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355482 << aha 1355488;1451340117;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 21:55:43; mats: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-02-2014#481120 << you referring to https://www.iacr.org/archive/crypto2001/21390001.pdf ? 1355489;1451340127;mats;k just checking 1355490;1451340139;ascii_butugychag;and lulzily, that's my new job... 1355491;1451340176;ascii_butugychag;i shit thee not 1355492;1451340306;mats;yeah, you mentioned it last month 1355493;1451341433;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355490 << you mean homomorphic turds? 1355494;1451341433;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 22:02:19; ascii_butugychag: and lulzily, that's my new job... 1355495;1451343382;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00050264 = 16.2855 BTC [+] {4} 1355496;1451343835;mats;http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=intel-trace-hub-for-linux p interesting, oughta materialize in the next year (still R&D afaik) 1355497;1451343836;assbot;Intel Trace Hub Support Coming To Linux - Phoronix ... ( http://bit.ly/1OV2LJ9 ) 1355498;1451343894;mats;can sync with software logging even 1355499;1451343926;shinohai;!rate ben_vulpes 1 Bash necromancer of trb things. http://cascadianhacker.com 1355500;1451343927;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/d96104fc0ebce28f 1355501;1451343928;assbot;missives from the post-megastate frontier ... ( http://bit.ly/1OV32Mq ) 1355502;1451344004;shinohai;!v assbot:shinohai.rate.ben_vulpes.1:4bb772d30b432b48cbaf24825be8c37c7c14e204d0b2afb47af4ae86edd1b4a9 1355503;1451344004;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for ben_vulpes with note: Bash necromancer of trb things. http://cascadianhacker.com 1355504;1451345152;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52950 @ 0.00050694 = 26.8425 BTC [+] {2} 1355505;1451346127;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20618 @ 0.00050282 = 10.3671 BTC [-] 1355506;1451346320;BingoBoingo;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355447 << Nope, don't have one without credit either 1355507;1451346320;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 18:10:12; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355375 << speaking of which, BingoBoingo do you want a fiverr account with whatever credit on it ? 1355508;1451346468;BingoBoingo;Substantial props go to adlai and mats for the proofreading help 1355509;1451346643;BingoBoingo;Honestly I wouldn't know what to do with a fiverr account 1355510;1451346667;punkman;all kinds of amusing things 1355511;1451347220;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355493 << aha. 1355512;1451347220;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 22:23:53; punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355490 << you mean homomorphic turds? 1355513;1451347267;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355468 << what was this ? 1355514;1451347267;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 19:01:29; mats: i can however appreciate some facets of her thing, like being able to trivially inspect device fw 1355515;1451347286;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35500 @ 0.00050682 = 17.9921 BTC [+] {3} 1355516;1451347352;punkman;asciilifeform: I posted the video and this should be the paper https://github.com/rootkovska/state_harmful/blob/master/state_harmful.md 1355517;1451347354;assbot;state_harmful/state_harmful.md at master · rootkovska/state_harmful · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1Tn9f7r ) 1355518;1451347417;asciilifeform;'The main principle introduced below is the requirement for the laptop hardware to be stateless, i.e. lacking any persistent storage. This includes it having no firmware-carrying flash memory chips. All the state is to be kept on an external, trusted device. This trusted device is envisioned to be of a small USB stick or SD card form factor.' << batshit lunacy on x86 1355519;1451347438;asciilifeform;can't initialize the dram controller, much less usb etc. without a proprietary turd 1355520;1451347442;asciilifeform;in firmware 1355521;1451347451;asciilifeform;(loads in cache-as-ram mode on intel/amd) 1355522;1451347466;asciilifeform;and i ain't watching video. 1355523;1451347474;mats;https://lwn.net/Articles/669110 1355524;1451347475;assbot;Rutkowska: State considered harmful - A proposal for a stateless laptop [LWN.net] ... ( http://bit.ly/1Tn9lft ) 1355525;1451347478;mats;pdf enclosed 1355526;1451347517;mats;oh, didn't see punkman's link 1355527;1451347523;mats;much better. 1355528;1451347546;asciilifeform;l0l external jack for spi eeprom 1355529;1451347551;asciilifeform;this is a mega-invention ? 1355530;1451347555;asciilifeform;i have this right here on this desk. 1355531;1451347654;asciilifeform;so the basic lie-by-implication baked into this paper, is that the firmware that ships with the box is 'trusted' 1355532;1451347660;asciilifeform;unless reflashed 1355533;1451347667;asciilifeform;which is a crock of shit 1355534;1451347704;asciilifeform;or the sophomoric reduction of attack vectors enabled by intel ME to 'inject malware' 1355535;1451347759;asciilifeform;(how about good ol' kleptography ? cp planting ? etc. i can think of 101 other items which have nothing to do with 'malware') 1355536;1451347812;asciilifeform;'We thus see that, while we cannot fully eliminate the problem of subversion of the host OS security by potentially malicious processor, the construction of the stateless laptop allows us to force the adversary into a very dangerous territory, requiring them to take high risk and also making the attack very complex.' << mno. 1355537;1451348004;asciilifeform;'Admittedly such an approach would not be able to detect sophisticated attacks which replace the original laptop board with identically looking one ... ' << again, this odd presumption that the original ~needs~ to be surreptitiously replaced 1355538;1451348021;asciilifeform;what part of pwned-at-the-factory is unclear ? 1355539;1451348074;*;asciilifeform can't be bothered to read any more of the claptrap 1355540;1451348229;asciilifeform;this is not even turd-polishing. it is turd-washing 1355541;1451348242;asciilifeform;with the specific chumpatronic purpose of distracting from the nature of the turd thereby. 1355542;1451348466;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355498 << in-band debugging sucks 1355543;1451348466;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 23:04:54; mats: can sync with software logging even 1355544;1451348485;asciilifeform;(if there is ANY POSSIBLE means for the debuggee to sense the fact of debugging - in band.) 1355545;1451348609;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov what version of gpg is used in turdatron? kakobrekla's chokes on my updated key, but turdatron - happily eats 1355546;1451348610;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355547;1451348750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8400 @ 0.00050282 = 4.2237 BTC [-] 1355548;1451348900;punkman;asciilifeform can't be bothered to read any more of the claptrap << aww you missed the part where the stick does wifi and tor 1355549;1451348909;asciilifeform;ugh 1355550;1451349832;BingoBoingo;related https://encyclopediadramatica.se/ETD 1355551;1451349833;assbot;eTD - Encyclopedia Dramatica ... ( http://bit.ly/1NT8fUT ) 1355552;1451350559;thestringpuller;Watching Shark Tank - D00ds want to make a security company to compete with lastpass. Mark Cuban asks them "Do you have a crypto background?" "Uh we're not techies" "I'm out". 1355553;1451350646;BingoBoingo;Could still make a security company if they had some welding background 1355554;1451351186;BingoBoingo;http://boston.cbslocal.com/2015/12/28/haverhill-hoax-suspects-court-baby-thrown-bridge-kristine-holly-fowler/?cid=facebook_WBZ_|_CBS_Boston 1355555;1451351188;assbot;Baby Off Bridge Hoax Cost Haverhill $50K « CBS Boston ... ( http://bit.ly/1NT9rHV ) 1355556;1451351617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24050 @ 0.0005049 = 12.1428 BTC [+] 1355557;1451352570;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=28-12-2015#1355510 << the one thing i did was, get a buncha students put 100s of printed posters of http://trilema.com/2013/the-gentlemen-prefer-coeds-club/ in a few dozen campuses throughout the us and canada. 1355558;1451352570;assbot;Logged on 28-12-2015 23:51:07; punkman: all kinds of amusing things 1355559;1451352571;assbot;The Gentlemen Prefer CoEds Club on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1JxR3lb ) 1355560;1451352592;mircea_popescu;as per nubbins rules of engagement, this has resulted in no collegiate sluts doing their job. 1355561;1451352602;mircea_popescu;STRICTLY BECAUSE of the cheap quality of the printing, mind you. 1355562;1451352615;mircea_popescu;not because they suck at doing what they're naturally supposed to do. 1355563;1451352684;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355518 <<< this didn't even work on a 286. 1355564;1451352684;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 00:03:37; asciilifeform: 'The main principle introduced below is the requirement for the laptop hardware to be stateless, i.e. lacking any persistent storage. This includes it having no firmware-carrying flash memory chips. All the state is to be kept on an external, trusted device. This trusted device is envisioned to be of a small USB stick or SD card form factor.' << batshit lunacy on x86 1355565;1451353093;asciilifeform;my 386 had no flashables. but that wasn't the point. 1355566;1451353104;BingoBoingo;3 points, 36 comments https://archive.is/ZL7zt 1355567;1451353105;assbot;The False Dilemma of XT Versus Blockstream : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1UeHk9X ) 1355568;1451353258;mircea_popescu;certainly becoming a force. 1355569;1451353344;*;BingoBoingo just created exuse to drop latest archive snapshot of derp here, Reddit never changes 1355570;1451353415;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: just like war. 1355571;1451355118;ben_vulpes;https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/12/28/federal-judge-drinking-tea-shopping-at-a-gardening-store-is-probable-cause-for-a-swat-raid-on-your-home/ 1355572;1451355118;assbot;Federal judge: Drinking tea, shopping at a gardening store is probable cause for a SWAT raid on your home - The Washington Post ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfhiJ8 ) 1355573;1451355392;mircea_popescu;"He was told to lie on the floor. " <<< how about "Fuck you" ? 1355574;1451355398;mircea_popescu;what is this bullshit. 1355575;1451355590;BingoBoingo;SWAT officers tend to "accidentally" discharge their weapons with a high rate of frequency. It's a military problem without easy answers if you get to that point. 1355576;1451355719;mircea_popescu;yeah, i suppose by the time there's armed dudes at your door liberal supression fire's the only way to go. 1355577;1451355800;BingoBoingo;Once they're inside prolly just gotta be polite enough to hopefully not get accidentallied in order to try to fuck them back later. 1355578;1451355988;mircea_popescu;plenty cheeky, the bastards. 1355579;1451356123;ben_vulpes;if you're not Living In Fear (tm) you're not Living American (tm)! 1355580;1451356160;mircea_popescu;heh 1355581;1451356177;mircea_popescu;ever more soviet, soviet. 1355582;1451356214;ben_vulpes;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1SluSC5JtE 1355583;1451356215;assbot;We Hates It Forever - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfjlgu ) 1355584;1451356240;BingoBoingo;"As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think hes head and shoulders right now above the rest. I dont agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think thats a positive and negative." -David Duke 1355585;1451356254;ben_vulpes;https://youtu.be/YMJ8JGfuCAw?t=38 1355586;1451356255;assbot;I hate sunshine - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfjkZS ) 1355587;1451356566;mircea_popescu;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3yklrd/accidentally_sent_btc_to_bitmixer_donation/ << lmao. "possibility of scam" = i sent bitcoin to donation address why am i not getting it back ?!?!?! 1355588;1451356567;assbot;Accidentally sent BTC to Bitmixer donation address but no refund : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfjW1N ) 1355589;1451356635;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ygpom/its_time_to_decentralize_bitcoin_development/cydk5q1 << Luke-Jr states "This is not consensus-compatible with the Bitcoin network." 1355590;1451356647;thestringpuller;!gettrust Luke-Jr 1355591;1451356648;assbot;Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user Luke-Jr: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -5 via 4 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=thestringpuller&to=Luke-Jr | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Luke-Jr/ 1355592;1451356655;thestringpuller;well that's settled. 1355593;1451356673;mircea_popescu;http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/business/dealbook/the-unsung-tax-agent-who-put-a-face-on-the-silk-road.html?_r=0 <<< ahaha check it out, the cover-up story is shaping up! it wasn't the usg using the holes in tor to try and steal some bitcoin, after which their agents stole most of it from them in turn. oh, no! it's a heroic guy that bla bla bla, just like in thye old soviet movies! 1355594;1451356676;assbot;Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1mfk94Z ) 1355595;1451356678;ben_vulpes;lol who are future_prophecy and veqtrus 1355596;1451356679;mircea_popescu;how fucktarded are these people ? 1355597;1451356695;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=26-12-2015#1353979 1355598;1451356695;assbot;Logged on 26-12-2015 15:26:10; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-12-2015#1353876 << so cheap is the octopus ink, but so laughably transparent - this idiocy is supposed to make folks forget about the tor 0day ? 1355599;1451356703;mircea_popescu;aha 1355600;1451356713;mircea_popescu;new article tho, note the 27th 1355601;1451356724;mircea_popescu;uh. 1355602;1451356727;mircea_popescu;what the fuck happened here. 1355603;1451356740;asciilifeform;good q 1355604;1451356742;mircea_popescu;"By NATHANIEL POPPERDEC. 25, 2015" 1355605;1451356747;mircea_popescu;but the url takes a 27 not a 25. 1355606;1451356761;asciilifeform;does archive.is diff ? 1355607;1451356808;thestringpuller;ben_vulpes: they must lurk in the channel. 1355608;1451356891;ben_vulpes;come out come out wherever you are 1355609;1451356911;asciilifeform;'Last week, U.S. District Court Judge John W. Lungstrum dismissed every one of the Hartess claims. Harte found that sending a SWAT team into a home first thing in the morning based on no more than a positive field test and spotting a suspect at a gardening store was not a violation of the Fourth Amendment. He found that the police had probable cause for the search, and that the way the search was conducted did not constitut 1355610;1451356911;asciilifeform;e excessive force. He found that the Hartes had not been defamed by the raid or by the publicity surrounding it. He also ruled that the police were under no obligation to know that drug testing field kits are inaccurate, nor were they obligated to wait for the more accurate lab tests before conducting the SWAT raid. The only way theyd have a claim would be if they could show that the police lied about the results, deliberat 1355611;1451356912;asciilifeform;ely manipulated the tests or showed a reckless disregard for the truth and he ruled that the Hartes had failed to do so.' << lulz 1355612;1451356948;BingoBoingo;!v assbot:BingoBoingo.rate.Luke-Jr.-2:89749f404fa5d809cb02d55e0b7bc157a303274ee9730cfc23f6122edb3b8858 1355613;1451356949;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for Luke-Jr from -1 to -2 with note: Shilled for BFL scam, probably a secret Papist, why is he still around? 1355614;1451356956;asciilifeform;'The Hartes are also a white, financially sound couple who both happened to have worked for the CIA.' << extra-lulz 1355615;1451357337;BingoBoingo;http://bangshift.com/bangshiftxl/inexperienced-undereducated-truck-driver-destroys-indiana-bridge-built-in-1880/ 1355616;1451357338;assbot;BangShift.com Indiana Bridge ... ( http://bit.ly/1mflfOf ) 1355617;1451357365;BingoBoingo;"Ms. Lambright was aware of the iron bridge stating she had driven on it several times in her personal vehicle and was also aware of the posted signage no semis, weight limit of 6 tons. When asked by Paoli Police why she continued through the bridge knowing the weight limit was only 6 tons she admitted to not knowing how many pounds that was." 1355618;1451357379;BingoBoingo;pictures of wreck are pretty lulzy 1355619;1451358280;mircea_popescu;^ poster child for "i just wanted to" and other jwzisms. 1355620;1451358304;mircea_popescu;why SHOULD she know what the fuck a truck costs. it moves when you turn the wheel right ? 1355621;1451358343;asciilifeform;iirc truckers traditionally know what the truck costs - they save pennies and dream of buying their own machine 1355622;1451358350;asciilifeform;instead of being peon 1355623;1451358463;mircea_popescu;what are you, from like the 80s ? 1355624;1451358469;asciilifeform;aha 1355625;1451358501;mircea_popescu;the only truck drivers not on meth are the ones too dumb to figure out how to buy it, currently. 1355626;1451358580;*;asciilifeform wonders if same goes for programmers 1355627;1451358598;mircea_popescu;they don't make enough. 1355628;1451358622;asciilifeform;in usa - about same as trucker 1355629;1451358630;mircea_popescu;hahahahaha 1355630;1451358630;mircea_popescu;no. 1355631;1451358654;mircea_popescu;average income of us based programmer is ~same as table waitress. $3 an hour + tips. 1355632;1451358666;mircea_popescu;which works out because the us is all about gender equality. 1355633;1451358670;asciilifeform;almost forgot what 'programmer' means to mircea_popescu 1355634;1451358684;mircea_popescu;suppose we ask the "programmer" himself ? eh ? 1355635;1451358777;asciilifeform;quasi-literate programming folk straight from school not infrequently get six figures (of modern-day inflated bezzlar, sure) 1355636;1451358851;mircea_popescu;;;google "i dont no biari" 1355637;1451358851;gribble;It Was Like We Were Becoming the World "BIARI is not about ...: <http://watson.brown.edu/biari/news/explore/2014/ConnectionsandFlows>; Climate Change BIARI, Day Four + Development and Inequality ...: <http://www.globalconversation.org/2010/06/18/climate-change-biari-day-four-development-and-inequality-biari-day-eleven>; Human Security and Humanitarian Response - BIARI 2014 - (1 more message) 1355638;1451358855;mircea_popescu;pfff. 1355639;1451358874;mircea_popescu;http://trilema.com/2013/i-dont-no-biari-i-know-a-littel-java/ << actual piece of interest 1355640;1451358875;assbot;i dont no biari (i know a littel java.) on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1TnkmNH ) 1355641;1451358959;mod6;<+asciilifeform> in usa - about same as trucker << just heard a commercial; Dominoes is paying $75-$80k for over-the-road CDL drivers day and night routes. 1355642;1451359031;deedbot-;[Trilema] The Wordsmithy - http://trilema.com/2015/the-wordsmithy/ 1355643;1451360341;mats;http://log.b-a.link/?date=29-12-2015#1355571 << notice how judge is not mentioned at all 1355644;1451360341;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 02:11:58; ben_vulpes: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/12/28/federal-judge-drinking-tea-shopping-at-a-gardening-store-is-probable-cause-for-a-swat-raid-on-your-home/ 1355645;1451360374;mats;that is -- he is not identified by name -- one John W. Lungstrum 1355646;1451360431;mats;if you wanna read trial court doc: http://dpaste.com/1JK434R 1355647;1451360433;assbot;dpaste: 1JK434R ... ( http://bit.ly/1TnlHnG ) 1355648;1451360459;mats;Harte v. Board of Commissioners of County of Johnson County, Kansas http://dpaste.com/1Q4VSYS 1355649;1451360460;assbot;dpaste: 1Q4VSYS ... ( http://bit.ly/1TnlIbf ) 1355650;1451360476;mats;i'd clearsign but unable to do so rn 1355651;1451360563;mats;>The requisite causal connection is satisfied if the defendant set in motion a series of events that the defendant knew or reasonably should have known would cause others to deprive the plaintiff of her constitutional rights.” Mink v. Knox, 613 F.3d 995, 1001 (10th Cir.2010) (quoting Snell v. Tunnell, 920 F.2d 673, 700 (10th Cir.1990)). 1355652;1451360613;mats;"you made me do it, fuck you" 1355653;1451360864;mats;whoops, skimmed too fast. ignore that. 1355654;1451361444;mircea_popescu;!up Alopex 1355655;1451361636;mircea_popescu;mats by this logic rebellions negro slaves weren't having any rights infringed. 1355656;1451361644;mircea_popescu;they should have fucking known giving lip to massah resultsi n beatings. 1355657;1451361668;mircea_popescu;rebellious* 1355658;1451361687;mircea_popescu;incidentally, it is EXACTLY the logic the SOPS were proferring cca 1815 on the topic. 1355659;1451361697;mircea_popescu;so in this sense - the courts are exactly unchanged. 1355660;1451363634;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27422 @ 0.00050454 = 13.8355 BTC [-] {2} 1355661;1451363695;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11335 @ 0.00050444 = 5.7178 BTC [-] 1355662;1451373049;BingoBoingo;!up hdbuck 1355663;1451373813;ben_vulpes;SOPS? 1355664;1451374016;ben_vulpes;for asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/a/Z5mEB 1355665;1451374017;assbot;Suicide Helmet - Album on Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1MEqz2b ) 1355666;1451374431;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86600 @ 0.00050356 = 43.6083 BTC [-] {4} 1355667;1451376232;BingoBoingo;;;;;bc,stats 1355668;1451376232;gribble;Error: ";;bc,stats" is not a valid command. 1355669;1451376238;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1355670;1451376242;gribble;Current Blocks: 390778 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 325 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 days, 2 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1355671;1451378467;BingoBoingo;!up cmmcmm 1355672;1451378478;BingoBoingo;!up diana_coman 1355673;1451378713;punkman;http://www.eweek.com/servers/intel-completes-16.7-billion-altera-deal.html 1355674;1451378714;assbot;Intel Completes $16.7 Billion Altera Deal ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTBUNL ) 1355675;1451380836;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5738 @ 0.00050489 = 2.8971 BTC [+] {2} 1355676;1451380897;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41262 @ 0.00050621 = 20.8872 BTC [+] 1355677;1451381144;punkman;http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-find-a-link-between-low-intelligence-and-acceptance-of-pseudo-profound-bulls-a6757731.html 1355678;1451381144;assbot;Scientists find a link between low intelligence and acceptance of 'pseudo-profound bulls***' | Science | News | The Independent ... ( http://bit.ly/22vWUE0 ) 1355679;1451382056;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87000 @ 0.00050112 = 43.5974 BTC [-] {6} 1355680;1451385362;BingoBoingo;!up palmfrond_ 1355681;1451385535;palmfrond_;don't know if this is the right place to ask, but how crowded is market-making for btc or derivatives? saw some guy on reddit asking about a colocate 1355682;1451385544;palmfrond_;kinda freaked me out, didn't think it was that serious 1355683;1451385568;BingoBoingo;It's a mixed bag. 1355684;1451385603;BingoBoingo;There's some very crowded corners, but they tend to be higher risk 1355685;1451385603;palmfrond_;in what sense? 1355686;1451385670;BingoBoingo;Well, it depends on who you are trading with/against 1355687;1451385714;palmfrond_;do you get that kind of information? I was under the impression it was all largely anonymous 1355688;1451385908;BingoBoingo;Well there's a very crowded space full of people who aren't anonymous at all, because they are more interested in making fiat 1355689;1451386020;BingoBoingo;I mean if you trade on Bitfinex they are perfectly happy with making you feel like a market maker, but... Bitfinex is awfully scammy. Also all that information they collect. 1355690;1451386067;BingoBoingo;fuck, its early in the morning 1355691;1451386354;palmfrond_;by scammy do you mean that they allegedly force margin calls/stop hunt? i'm pretty uninformed and that's all i've found on them from a cursory google search 1355692;1451386411;mats;http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/state-department-claims-peace-syria-2015-win-217168 1355693;1451386412;assbot;State Dept. counts 'bringing peace' to Syria as a 2015 win - POLITICO ... ( http://bit.ly/1kpxtSr ) 1355694;1451386520;mats;http://www.engadget.com/2015/12/28/roscosmos-abolished/ 1355695;1451386521;assbot;Vladimir Putin dissolved Roscosmos, Russia's federal space agency ... ( http://bit.ly/1kpxCW5 ) 1355696;1451386583;BingoBoingo;palmfrond_: There's history 1355697;1451386966;mats;besides scammy, thoroughly incompetent 1355698;1451386981;mats;oh, he fled 1355699;1451387236;BingoBoingo;Probably the ugliest picture from the mines yet https://i.imgur.com/Nguqxgt.gif 1355700;1451387236;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YLhbWM ) 1355701;1451389010;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68350 @ 0.00050651 = 34.62 BTC [+] {4} 1355702;1451389169;fluffypony;davout 1355703;1451389174;fluffypony;you made the list! congratulations 1355704;1451389176;fluffypony;https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/3yl7uq/do_not_engage_with_these_people_who_have/ 1355705;1451389178;assbot;Do not engage with these people who have infiltrated the community. They are enemies of bitcoin. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1Zz9n7L ) 1355706;1451389493;BingoBoingo;fluffypony: related https://archive.is/bfqqV 1355707;1451389494;assbot;SafeSpace: private ... ( http://bit.ly/1Zz9OPd ) 1355708;1451389837;punkman;"For example RBF and block size limit. These are two completely unrelated issues yet every single one has the same opinion. This is true for almost everything else as well." op hasn't heard about cults 1355709;1451390853;shinohai;https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/3yl7uq/do_not_engage_with_these_people_who_have/ <<< this mornings lulz 1355710;1451390854;assbot;Do not engage with these people who have infiltrated the community. They are enemies of bitcoin. : btc ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZzbyIt ) 1355711;1451390864;shinohai;congrats davout 1355712;1451390889;BingoBoingo;shinohai: dupe post http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355704 1355713;1451390889;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 11:39:36; fluffypony: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/3yl7uq/do_not_engage_with_these_people_who_have/ 1355714;1451390921;shinohai;Sorry I just got back up, haven't read all logs yet 1355715;1451390978;BingoBoingo;ah 1355716;1451391051;shinohai;Love it when script kiddies run this nonsense on shell server: http://sprunge.us/FJZi 1355717;1451391052;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZzbOaj ) 1355718;1451391109;punkman;http://libv.livejournal.com/27461.html 1355719;1451391112;assbot;The value of writing code and instigating change. - LIBV Intentionally Breaks Videodrivers ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZzbU1v ) 1355720;1451392670;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 86379 @ 0.00050748 = 43.8356 BTC [+] {3} 1355721;1451392731;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15271 @ 0.00050756 = 7.7509 BTC [+] 1355722;1451393874;BingoBoingo;!up GamerSg 1355723;1451393950;GamerSg;thx bingo 1355724;1451394056;GamerSg;just wondering if the btc foundation is against all blocksize increases, even relatively conservative ones like 2MB 1355725;1451394115;BingoBoingo;Sure, you can wait around for ben_vulpes and mod6 or use ;;later tell to ask them, example 1355726;1451394127;BingoBoingo;;;later tell GamerSg Hello 1355727;1451394128;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355728;1451394179;GamerSg;sure, but i might not be on later. Will check logs incase its discussed 1355729;1451394217;BingoBoingo;k 1355730;1451394246;GamerSg;so thus far i suppose u guys have not settled on any change 1355731;1451394334;mats;have you read gavin's single interaction here, GamerSg? 1355732;1451394345;BingoBoingo;As far as I know they aren't supporting and current proposal. It will prolly be at least 2018 before they even consider opening up an rfc on the matter. 1355733;1451394499;mats;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-01-2015#986198 1355734;1451394499;assbot;Logged on 21-01-2015 18:02:11; gavinandresen: I came here so you can tell me how I’m going to ruin bitcoin (again…) 1355735;1451394527;BingoBoingo;Fuck that was January already. 1355736;1451394576;mats;moving up the block size at this time is premature. 1355737;1451394602;BingoBoingo;Seriously, so many memory handling issues first 1355738;1451394625;BingoBoingo;Then CPU locking behavior along with fixing sync. 1355739;1451394861;GamerSg;mats: Is this the one time when he came on here asking why a large blocksize is bad? Like back in Julyish 1355740;1451394868;mats;then there's the problem of validating signatures in 1+nMB blocks. 1355741;1451394871;GamerSg;other than that no, but i think he is an idiot 1355742;1451394916;GamerSg;yes, ive read that 1355743;1451394924;GamerSg;the guy is clueless about security 1355744;1451394937;GamerSg;plain reckless or possibly adverserial 1355745;1451394985;GamerSg;mats: I can tell whenever i sync up on my laptop, syncing 3 weeks can take well beyond an hour 1355746;1451394990;BingoBoingo;too a certain kind of reckless for too long to not be unintentional 1355747;1451395020;mats;i can't parse this 1355748;1451395026;GamerSg;im kind of concerned now that nullc has taken a backseat that Core might give way to idiots and populist demands 1355749;1451395028;BingoBoingo;<GamerSg> mats: I can tell whenever i sync up on my laptop, syncing 3 weeks can take well beyond an hour << Blocking the AWS IP space on 8333 can help with this 1355750;1451395050;GamerSg;BingoBoingo: O? Why would that be the case 1355751;1451395081;mats;freeloaders. 1355752;1451395097;BingoBoingo;gamer bunch of nodes running on AWS are spammy XT microinstances with their own blocking problems. Saves you CPU cycles trying to talk blocks out of them 1355753;1451395162;GamerSg;i tot vast majority of XT nodes were spoofs, i mean of all ppl id expect freeloaders arguing for free stuff the 1355754;1451395168;GamerSg;to be least inclined to run a node 1355755;1451395191;BingoBoingo;Yeah, lots of pseudo nodes with XT user agent strings 1355756;1451395212;BingoBoingo;Or actual XT nodes on AWS micro... 1355757;1451395226;GamerSg;personally i think block size can wait atleast until fees are 10x higher 1355758;1451395262;BingoBoingo;I just use a flat fee of 0.001 on my outgoing transaction now, it like spring 2013 all over again 1355759;1451395403;BingoBoingo;It's the same fee (or maybe I'm using 0.00025 for this) to determine if a transaction is relayable 1355760;1451395735;BingoBoingo;!up GamerSg 1355761;1451395913;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1355762;1451395919;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 423.34, vol: 7036.86353554 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 422.907, vol: 6033.93908 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 422.19, vol: 16008.97457062 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 410.82, vol: 2.16 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 423.931266, vol: 42816.61780000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 426.069, vol: 32.21751713 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 424.1883456, vol: 55.28085976 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1355763;1451395921;BingoBoingo;;;more 1355764;1451395922;gribble;423.401133642 1355765;1451395927;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1355766;1451395931;gribble;Current Blocks: 390804 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 299 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1355767;1451396488;mircea_popescu;<ben_vulpes> SOPS? << http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/ 1355768;1451396489;assbot;The SOPS, or what might you expect from government clerks on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1XLGAtV ) 1355769;1451396536;BingoBoingo;I think he might be "memeing it" This isn't the first time he's asked 1355770;1451396635;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37314 @ 0.00050755 = 18.9387 BTC [-] {2} 1355771;1451396696;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32953 @ 0.00050801 = 16.7405 BTC [+] {2} 1355772;1451396853;mircea_popescu;chick on reddit "what kind of work do you do ?" my answer comes cool-ly : "i manage a terrorist organisation. how about yourself ?" 1355773;1451396867;mircea_popescu;this has got to be the best come-back online dating has ever seen. 1355774;1451396872;BingoBoingo;lol 1355775;1451396944;mircea_popescu;especially seeing how that was her opener! 1355776;1451396962;mircea_popescu;duh, i mean okcupid not reddit. my bad. 1355777;1451396991;BingoBoingo;What's the difference beyone IAC vs Ycumbinator 1355778;1451397000;BingoBoingo;*beyonce 1355779;1451397057;mircea_popescu;!up ascii_butts&swag 1355780;1451397064;mircea_popescu;damn i musta misspelled something. 1355781;1451397068;mircea_popescu;!up ascii_butugychag 1355782;1451397152;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355664 << imho this has serious commercial potential! 1355783;1451397152;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 07:26:56; ben_vulpes: for asciilifeform: http://imgur.com/a/Z5mEB 1355784;1451397195;ascii_butugychag;but needs to be made of steel, reusable... 1355785;1451397233;BingoBoingo;Probably also 000 buckshot instead of slugs. 1355786;1451397251;ascii_butugychag;aha! 1355787;1451397278;BingoBoingo;Gotta prioritize for maximum tissue destruction 1355788;1451397292;mircea_popescu;epoxy, much better. 1355789;1451397299;mircea_popescu;steel basically makes it a frag. 1355790;1451397327;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo nah, this guy did his research. slugs better : ricochet. 1355791;1451397327;BingoBoingo;But if the shot is too light won't break front of skull 1355792;1451397334;mircea_popescu;quite. 1355793;1451397346;mircea_popescu;the result of that thing was blended head. 1355794;1451397350;mircea_popescu;quite liquid. 1355795;1451397370;ascii_butugychag;t'was the point, no? 1355796;1451397373;mircea_popescu;yup. 1355797;1451397379;mircea_popescu;that's what im saying, done his research. 1355798;1451397382;BingoBoingo;Prolly could do 000 packed in #12 shot since not enough room to pack shot in sabot 1355799;1451397411;mircea_popescu;boarshot, really. (one lead ball cut on the surface once) 1355800;1451397502;mircea_popescu; .33 inch lead balls heh 1355801;1451397549;ascii_butugychag;at that range, even sand would work 1355802;1451397774;BingoBoingo;Airstrip One Update: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3377104/Firefighters-free-2-000-obese-people-homes.html 1355803;1451397775;assbot;Firefighters have had to free almost 2,000 obese people from their homes | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/22weDeF ) 1355804;1451397778;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355673 << why not buy xilinx also..? 1355805;1451397778;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 08:45:13; punkman: http://www.eweek.com/servers/intel-completes-16.7-billion-altera-deal.html 1355806;1451397855;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.00050851 = 10.6279 BTC [+] {2} 1355807;1451397855;BingoBoingo;https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/1202/1579/4m/i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/12/29/07/2FA9455A00000578-3377104-image-a-45_1451372569278.jpg 1355808;1451397856;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22weHLp ) 1355809;1451397881;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355704 << can hardly wait for the inevitable 'they're filipinos!!1111' 1355810;1451397881;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 11:39:36; fluffypony: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/3yl7uq/do_not_engage_with_these_people_who_have/ 1355811;1451397900;ben_vulpes;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355769 << just bad memory 1355812;1451397900;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 13:42:16; BingoBoingo: I think he might be "memeing it" This isn't the first time he's asked 1355813;1451397917;BingoBoingo;ah 1355814;1451397929;mircea_popescu;lol anduck ? 1355815;1451397943;mircea_popescu;o hey, marcus of augustus 1355816;1451397968;mircea_popescu;lol mkay. pity the whole robespierre thing's so smoked. 1355817;1451397982;mircea_popescu;"Make no mistake, bitcoin is under attack right now and it is the most insidious and coordinated attack I have ever witnessed in the past 5 years." 1355818;1451397997;mircea_popescu;at the rate we're going, delusion-of-popescuity will end up in the dsm6. 1355819;1451398160;ascii_butugychag;reminds me of go strategy of mirroring moves. works, briefly. every kid invents it. 1355820;1451398175;mircea_popescu;it works ?! 1355821;1451398184;ascii_butugychag;in his mind 1355822;1451398208;ascii_butugychag;and in 'i'm not losing yet!!111' 1355823;1451398211;mircea_popescu;in my experience, the only way it works is to communicate the "please take me, i'm yours" for any she-teenager too shy to say it. 1355824;1451398220;ascii_butugychag;aha and this 1355825;1451398402;mircea_popescu;unfortunately this particular teenager is too short, way overweight and the wrong skin fenotype class. 1355826;1451398506;mircea_popescu;well./ 1355827;1451398519;mircea_popescu;in the bad news of the kind that makes people feel better, 1355828;1451398542;BingoBoingo;In other news, the rain has finally stopped here, but every major highway still has at least some closures between towns 1355829;1451398563;mircea_popescu;i must say i got a little liver-indisposed over the holidaes. saw doc, turns out im perfectly fine, except... well... the liver's a little tired, the cholesterol's a little high... i'm no longer young! 1355830;1451398581;mircea_popescu;sitting here with a half turkish melon thinking "hey, i could fill the hole where the seeds went with rum!" 1355831;1451398587;mircea_popescu;I'M NOT HALF THE MAN I USED TO BE!11 1355832;1451398601;mircea_popescu;there's a shadow... hanging over me... 1355833;1451398649;ascii_butugychag;'asylum' had liver allusions 1355834;1451398657;BingoBoingo;Aha 1355835;1451398660;ascii_butugychag;long-time issue? 1355836;1451398665;mircea_popescu;nope. 1355837;1451398674;mircea_popescu;just, i happen to know what gets epicureans in the end. 1355838;1451398693;ascii_butugychag;ah i assumed soviet theme 1355839;1451398702;mircea_popescu;(alternatively and more unnervingly, i'm of the few with a heavenly forge.) 1355840;1451398711;mircea_popescu;ascii_butugychag same thing! 1355841;1451398817;mircea_popescu;(the heavenly forge, before nival went and fucked it up, was a magical item you could actually use to write the story of the future, capable of auto-retconning the past) 1355842;1451398931;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_butugychag 1355843;1451398934;ascii_butugychag;mine works pretty well... 1355844;1451398968;ascii_butugychag;(fat lotta good it is though) 1355845;1451398975;mircea_popescu;speaking of which, anyone ever wonder why MiB never took off the way the matrix did ? 1355846;1451398991;mircea_popescu;not paranoid enough ? what ? 1355847;1451398995;*;BingoBoingo waits for mircea_popescu to inevitably start raving about the wonders of bear bile for liver health 1355848;1451399008;mircea_popescu;no glamour in solitude ? 1355849;1451399015;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i don't believe in wonders. 1355850;1451399031;ascii_butugychag;in other nyooz, i was issued same type of box ben_vulpes used 1355851;1451399049;mircea_popescu;a sucky one ? 1355852;1451399062;ascii_butugychag;all portables suk 1355853;1451399075;ascii_butugychag;but in varied ways 1355854;1451399106;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: It can help to put the cholesterol in check. For all of the "poor bile bears" in the press it works as actual medicine. 1355855;1451399116;BingoBoingo;;;google TUDCA 1355856;1451399117;gribble;Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage ...: <https://examine.com/supplements/tauroursodeoxycholic-acid/>; Tauroursodeoxycholic acid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tauroursodeoxycholic_acid>; Amazon.com: Premium Powders Premium TUDCA ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Powders-TUDCA-Tauroursodeoxycholic- (1 more message) 1355857;1451399136;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11250 @ 0.00050878 = 5.7238 BTC [+] 1355858;1451399151;mircea_popescu;ascii_butugychag incidentally, doesn't the part where employer issues tools of trade to employee make you think the situation of the employee is like i say, waitress, not like employee'd like to see himself (craftsman) ? 1355859;1451399188;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo alternatively i could just eat less frenchypoof sauces and whatnot. 1355860;1451399193;ascii_butugychag;most folks don't bring own bulldozer either 1355861;1451399208;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Works too. 1355862;1451399229;mircea_popescu;heck, household went through two pounds of butter for xmas. excessive by any counts and the sluts are all dieting. 1355863;1451399291;ascii_butugychag;anyway i'm not even sure i need computer here 1355864;1451399291;mircea_popescu;bulldozer, is it alfie ? " they save pennies and dream of buying their own machine, instead of being peon ", is it alfie ? 1355865;1451399298;ascii_butugychag;mostly chalk 1355866;1451399301;mircea_popescu;oh oh ooooh, i see. THAT changes things! 1355867;1451399327;ascii_butugychag;actually some folks bring own box 1355868;1451399342;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: As long as you avoid the statins which engrave a hard expiration date on the liver 1355869;1451399358;ascii_butugychag;but it feels like bringing own bed to whorehouse 1355870;1451399369;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo no, see - i don't believe in wonders. it goes throughout. i do not wish to be cured. 1355871;1451399371;ascii_butugychag;profession stays same 1355872;1451399446;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Of course. There is no actual antidote to butter. 1355873;1451399451;mircea_popescu;which, incidentally, reminds me of an ancient story. long, long ago in a galazy far far away there lived this fellow, who was the best anesthesiologist in town. and consequently, by the meritocratic workings of the "people's equalitarian democracy" he could have had ANYTHING her wanted. literally, you can't imagione this. as the "best of" guy in a socialist state, you can commit a triple rape with murder and arson on t 1355874;1451399452;mircea_popescu;he side and walk. i kid you not. 1355875;1451399464;mircea_popescu;so he could have anything he wanted, and what he wanted was... ustardian miracle cures. 1355876;1451399486;mircea_popescu;he paid, uncountable treasures, to be supplied with the idiotic if glittery productions of a scam industry across the sea. 1355877;1451399489;mircea_popescu;it boggled my mind. 1355878;1451399513;mircea_popescu;he eventually escaped, to berlin, with wife. was nearly shot in the process. the year ? 1988. 1355879;1451399518;ascii_butugychag;su sop 1355880;1451399526;ascii_butugychag;esp in 90s 1355881;1451399529;mircea_popescu;and he was never a doctor again. 1355882;1451399545;ascii_butugychag;aha like my mother 1355883;1451399580;mircea_popescu;last i ran into them, the daughter (who had been one of the most sought after hands in marriage for years) was a common prostitute. not even a good one, just, anon masseuse cocksucker 1355884;1451399585;ascii_butugychag;most folks lost profession - for good 1355885;1451399596;mircea_popescu;and his son was running a very obvious drug operation with a mall shop front 1355886;1451399723;ascii_butugychag;penniless emigration suxx, nyooz at eleven!!1111 1355887;1451399838;mircea_popescu;it's a particular problem for people who had a good spot in "the bad empire" moving on to "the good empire". they don't get a BETTER spot and rarely can cope. 1355888;1451399858;mircea_popescu;hard to explain to doofus that the ONLY reason he has the good spot is that the bad empire sucks, and so he has no competition. 1355889;1451399898;ascii_butugychag;why should he care? 1355890;1451399937;mircea_popescu;he should care if he aims to become an international actor. 1355891;1451399948;mircea_popescu;or more generally : if he wants control of his future. 1355892;1451399968;ascii_butugychag;but that's the thing, he didn't 'aim' 1355893;1451399986;mircea_popescu;yes, he did. 1355894;1451399998;ascii_butugychag;just dropped without parachute 1355895;1451400005;mircea_popescu;the moment he purported to make the decision of "where to go", he defined himself as "equivalent to the politburo" 1355896;1451400158;ascii_butugychag;aha, step out of the plane and 'you made decision to fly how you can' yes. 1355897;1451400219;mircea_popescu;quite. 1355898;1451400737;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/3yn318/the_community_fights_back_first_p2xtpool_bip_101/cyeu7po 1355899;1451400739;assbot;_EuroTrash_ comments on The community fights back! First P2XTPool BIP 101 block is mined. And it's empty. ... ( http://bit.ly/1SkHoq5 ) 1355900;1451400838;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_butugychag 1355901;1451400936;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo the funniest thing here is that, predictably, reddit/buttcoin is better than reddit/bitcoin. why ? because the sa core & friends are deeply elitist, and it so happens that elitism, EVEN WHEN MISGUIDED, still delivers better results than equalitarianism. AND YET the SA & friends are deeply upset at exactly... what they perceive the misguided elitism of teh evil butters. 1355902;1451400953;mircea_popescu;with phenomenology right here, who the fuck needs stand-up comedians ? 1355903;1451400974;BingoBoingo;Seriously the dimensions of irony 1355904;1451400994;mircea_popescu;it boggles. 1355905;1451401058;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355677 <--> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-12-2015#1334590 1355906;1451401058;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 09:25:44; punkman: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientists-find-a-link-between-low-intelligence-and-acceptance-of-pseudo-profound-bulls-a6757731.html 1355907;1451401058;assbot;Logged on 01-12-2015 16:30:19; pete_dushenski: http://journal.sjdm.org/15/15923a/jdm15923a.pdf << and the latest psychology research confirms what we all knew : shannonisers more readily fool the less intelligent/more religious minds. 1355908;1451401276;mircea_popescu;http://dpaste.com/3TAD2GZ << if anyone's curious about the latest in script kiddie cool haxx 1355909;1451401278;assbot;dpaste: 3TAD2GZ ... ( http://bit.ly/1OWUtRe ) 1355910;1451401303;mircea_popescu;"hello my name is and i probe the interwebs off my dad's windows computor! would you like fries with that ?" 1355911;1451401342;pete_dushenski;winbloze nt ! 1355912;1451401913;punkman;pete_dushenski: they should also do a study about the more intelligent believing in pseudo science studies 1355913;1451401940;pete_dushenski;;;later tell gamersg re: usgavin, see his feigned ignorance in all its stuporous wonderment here back in october 2014 (he was well and buried by july 2015) http://www.contravex.com/2014/10/07/how-a-bigger-blockchain-is-less-secure-and-why-block-size-aint-gonna-increase-any-time-soon/#comment-1126 1355914;1451401942;assbot;How A Bigger Blockchain Is Less Secure And Why Block Size Ain’t Gonna Increase Any Time Soon | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1OWW7SS ) 1355915;1451401942;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355916;1451402020;pete_dushenski;punkman: i think that'd relate to the old observation about the guy who's intelligent enough to know bullshit when he sees it in one section of the newspaper but readily swallows the party line wholesale in another section, without ever recognising the contradiction 1355917;1451402061;pete_dushenski;in essence, most 'intelligent minds' would readily fall for claptrap outside of their narrow areas of expertise 1355918;1451402138;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355772 << heh ima try "i belong to a terrorist organisation. how about yourself ?" next time i'm oot and aboot. 1355919;1451402138;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 13:47:33; mircea_popescu: chick on reddit "what kind of work do you do ?" my answer comes cool-ly : "i manage a terrorist organisation. how about yourself ?" 1355920;1451402209;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoinxt/comments/3ybds9/core_is_only_bitcoin_by_name_lets_just_fork_the/cyc2ktv << holy shit. I didn't think redditards could get any more stupid...and now this: "if there will be no miners the difficulty will drop until we can become CPU miners again." 1355921;1451402222;thestringpuller;oh and "Could fork in a difficulty readjustment along with it. Theoretically." 1355922;1451402488;pete_dushenski;not the first time that n00bs started an altcoin 1355923;1451402620;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355802 << or how the west was lost. 1355924;1451402620;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 14:02:54; BingoBoingo: Airstrip One Update: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3377104/Firefighters-free-2-000-obese-people-homes.html 1355925;1451402735;pete_dushenski;another one for BingoBoingo http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1240055/Laughter-round-man-low-slung-car-epic-struggle.html 1355926;1451402736;assbot;Laughter all round as man in low-slung car has epic struggle | Daily Mail Online ... ( http://bit.ly/1OWY95i ) 1355927;1451402884;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_butugychag 1355928;1451402906;ascii_butugychag;phun phakt! 1355929;1451402959;ascii_butugychag;guess what proprietary unix compiler ~doesn't~ build gpg1.4.10 1355930;1451403002;ascii_butugychag;aha. 1355931;1451403039;BingoBoingo;HP? 1355932;1451403262;BingoBoingo;Intel? 1355933;1451403284;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355845 << actually re-watched mib recently. will smith still entertains after all these years. theory as to why it didn't take off a la matrix ? i) protagonist is black and therefore != messiah, and ii) it's a... comedy. 1355934;1451403284;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 14:22:55; mircea_popescu: speaking of which, anyone ever wonder why MiB never took off the way the matrix did ? 1355935;1451403367;BingoBoingo;Fuck Will Smith. He made President Hussein Bahamas possibru. 1355936;1451403409;pete_dushenski;by that token, abe lincoln made bahamas possibru 1355937;1451403438;BingoBoingo;Not really. Early US got along with muslims after the Barbary thing was sorted out. 1355938;1451403527;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_butugychag 1355939;1451403534;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355862 << i'll be glad to finally be out of egg nog this week. i'll be back to my low-sugar life once that's gone and done with. and then... time to bring back the beach bod ! 1355940;1451403534;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 14:27:09; mircea_popescu: heck, household went through two pounds of butter for xmas. excessive by any counts and the sluts are all dieting. 1355941;1451403546;BingoBoingo;So butugychag not so reliable on the internet pipe 1355942;1451403566;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355932 << crapple/llvm-clang 1355943;1451403566;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 15:34:22; BingoBoingo: Intel? 1355944;1451403585;BingoBoingo;Aha 1355945;1451403610;*;pete_dushenski imagines alf tapping away to his terrorist cell, hearing boss come around corner of cubicle, quickly slamming shut laptop and pretending to scribble maths with pencil and calculator 1355946;1451403669;ascii_butugychag;l0l he's a metre away 1355947;1451403685;ascii_butugychag;in same box 1355948;1451403700;ascii_butugychag;nice fella 1355949;1451403760;ascii_butugychag;no cubes, aquariums 1355950;1451403772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30577 @ 0.00049873 = 15.2497 BTC [-] {3} 1355951;1451403800;BingoBoingo;Does the aquarium come with bully proof windows and trollsafe doors? 1355952;1451403833;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70823 @ 0.00049756 = 35.2387 BTC [-] {2} 1355953;1451403900;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355882 << why didn't she re-train ? /me had grandmother who retrained as haemotologist after leaving gheorghiu-dejistan 1355954;1451403900;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 14:32:25; ascii_butugychag: aha like my mother 1355955;1451403986;ascii_butugychag;retrained, but in usa you have to 'resident' and not only pass license exam 1355956;1451404009;ascii_butugychag;residency doesn't like old folks. 1355957;1451404046;ascii_butugychag;BingoBoingo: actually yes 1355958;1451404050;BingoBoingo;Well, how are old folks supposed to work 80 hour shifts 1355959;1451404050;pete_dushenski;aha. works same in canada. and yes, residency is for teh youf (mostly). 1355960;1451404072;pete_dushenski;well, 40 yo is different than 60 yo 1355961;1451404125;BingoBoingo;<ascii_butugychag> BingoBoingo: actually yes << Thanks to the south park "safe space" song I now associate aquariums with such phenomena 1355962;1451404348;ascii_butugychag;associate with rezun's book 1355963;1451407714;mircea_popescu;jesus it's like a greenhouse over here. 1355964;1451407720;mircea_popescu;open the door and suddenly you're in soup! 1355965;1451408070;mod6;V with the latest changes { post-press hash checking & use .wot/.seals in pwd } seems to press a new vpatch containing new dirs + files within (where the vpatch has no antecedents) -- this is only a test 1355966;1451408095;mod6;http://dpaste.com/29PS53E.txt 1355967;1451408097;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JdSwTI ) 1355968;1451408141;mod6;heh, you can't 'diff' or 'vdiff' an empty dir though, since it skips those -- but not if you have a file in the dir. we've been through that before also, just kinda forgot. 1355969;1451408206;mircea_popescu;how the fuck is matrix not a comedy. 1355970;1451408228;mircea_popescu;<BingoBoingo> Fuck Will Smith. He made President Hussein Bahamas possibru. << aren't you thinking of wesley snipes ? 1355971;1451408329;mircea_popescu;mod6 ayup 1355972;1451408423;Azelphur;howdy mircea_popescu :) don't suppose you know any new people who want me to work for them? :P 1355973;1451408434;Azelphur;back in the jobsearchy market again hehe 1355974;1451408444;mircea_popescu;maybe ben_vulpes ? 1355975;1451408461;*;Azelphur waves 1355976;1451408492;mod6;hi Azelphur 1355977;1451408505;Azelphur;howdy :) 1355978;1451409110;punkman;;;later tell asciilifeform in my current V-tron's conflict detector I check whether two patches modify the same file. I could trivially extend this to detect conflicts at line-of-code level. What would be a good way to apply two patches that modify different lines of the same file? 1355979;1451409110;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1355980;1451409542;mircea_popescu;http://scholarship.claremont.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1848&context=cmc_theses o.O 1355981;1451409653;punkman;(I thought of dynamically merging the patches and applying both in a single step, but it gets weird if there are further patches depending on those two, so I filed it under "probably stupid ideas") 1355982;1451409674;mircea_popescu;http://theheralding.com/on-bitcoins-what-it-is-about-how-to-create-one/ << more weird. 1355983;1451409790;punkman;generic bitcoin article? 1355984;1451411127;mod6;so here's what we'd look like after we add all of the new makefile+configuration files+directories via the 'test-layout.vpatch' & a 'test-v054-REL-wLayout.vpatch' to tie it all together: 1355985;1451411147;mod6;http://dpaste.com/1DMVG5X.txt 1355986;1451411148;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1kqq45i ) 1355987;1451411165;mod6;http://www.mod6.net/btcf/test-v054-rel.html 1355988;1451411166;assbot;VPATCH_GRAPH ... ( http://bit.ly/1kqq6u1 ) 1355989;1451411228;mod6;the main problem here is going to be tagging the MANIFEST file, like i did in the 'test-v054-REL-wLayout.vpatch' -- because it'll be a clearsigned file. no way to 'tag' a file like that. 1355990;1451411250;mod6;But I don't need to tag every file in the 'test-layout.vpatch' to tie it in, just one file will suffice. 1355991;1451411253;mod6;*shrug* 1355992;1451411385;mod6;here's a look at the 'test-v054-REL-wLayout.vpatch': http://dpaste.com/312TB48.txt 1355993;1451411386;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1kqqsko ) 1355994;1451411421;mod6;I put all of this in here as I think that this way forward with the new layout generated from vpatches could work. 1355995;1451411533;punkman;I still don't get why the version tagging is needed 1355996;1451411678;mod6;ok -- so in this scenario (before the introduction of 'test-v054-REL-wLayout.vpatch') the 'test-layout.vpatch' is a disconnected node - its own root/leaf if you like 1355997;1451411715;mod6;the idea of the release vpatch is to tie all of the leafs together to a single node. 1355998;1451411801;punkman;ah yeah this was in the logs 1355999;1451412236;punkman;!up ascii_butugychag 1356000;1451412252;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42300 @ 0.00050641 = 21.4211 BTC [+] {2} 1356001;1451412278;ascii_butugychag;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355997 << correct. it becomes a pressable head. 1356002;1451412278;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 17:55:15; mod6: the idea of the release vpatch is to tie all of the leafs together to a single node. 1356003;1451412314;ascii_butugychag;you get that release when you press to it. 1356004;1451412386;punkman;my objection was that modifying everything possibly breaks other patches 1356005;1451412407;ascii_butugychag;how? 1356006;1451412459;punkman;patch that wasn't in release will have to be rebased to be in next release 1356007;1451412479;ascii_butugychag;ah in that sense yes 1356008;1451412508;punkman;perhaps this can be done by a script 1356009;1451412514;ascii_butugychag;at least until we have a smarter patch applicator 1356010;1451413166;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47200 @ 0.00050642 = 23.903 BTC [+] 1356011;1451413370;mircea_popescu;punkman apparently discusses what i said about entropy. no idea. 1356012;1451413435;mircea_popescu;<punkman> patch that wasn't in release will have to be rebased to be in next release <<<< counterintuitively i think this is a Good Thing. 1356013;1451415965;mircea_popescu;;;bc,stats 1356014;1451415969;gribble;Current Blocks: 390834 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 269 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 18 hours, 28 minutes, and 25 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1356015;1451423999;ben_vulpes;Azelphur: whaddaya do? 1356016;1451424284;mircea_popescu;for this holiday season, allow me to introduce the recently invented frozonac. 1356017;1451424302;mircea_popescu;cozonac (the ro pastry) stuck in a freezer for a day. wunderbar. especially for the southern hemisphere. 1356018;1451424719;Azelphur;ben_vulpes: I'm a Python/Django developer mainly, although I do a lot of other stuff too 1356019;1451425124;fluffypony;my sincere condolences 1356020;1451426769;assbot;[HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 302 @ 0.00370654 = 1.1194 BTC [+] {4} 1356021;1451427257;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100039 @ 0.00049689 = 49.7084 BTC [-] {7} 1356022;1451430804;pete_dushenski;"However, the proposal to expand the block size at this pace has been heavily criticized by bitcoin experts such as Mircea Popescu and Pete Dushenski with concerns over its technological capability." << hehe. qotd. 1356023;1451430853;pete_dushenski;!rate 1 joseph_young has done his reading. 1356024;1451430853;assbot;1 is not registered in WoT. 1356025;1451430899;shinohai;Source pete_dushenski ? 1356026;1451430904;pete_dushenski;ah well, you get the point. 1356027;1451430909;pete_dushenski;http://www.newsbtc.com/2015/12/29/coinbase-runs-bitcoin-xt-in-production-as-pilot-test/ 1356028;1451430910;assbot;Coinbase Runs Bitcoin XT in Production as Pilot Test ... ( http://bit.ly/1UfFhSY ) 1356029;1451430921;shinohai;thx 1356030;1451430985;pete_dushenski;;;later tell joseph_young if you ever want to actually get paid for writing bitcoin news, pitch a piece to BingoBoingo/qntra. 1356031;1451430986;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356032;1451431001;shinohai;Dear God newsbtc looks like an ad agency took a shit on it 1356033;1451431015;pete_dushenski;kid has clearly completed his 6 month yeshiva 1356034;1451431055;pete_dushenski;shinohai: with all my blockers and whatnot the page tries to load in perpetuity, to no avail. 1356035;1451431083;pete_dushenski;how many 'shares' ? who the fuck knows or cares ! 1356036;1451431086;shinohai;Same here, I just get empty spaces with <content> tags 1356037;1451431115;pete_dushenski;mya 1356038;1451431146;pete_dushenski;though everytime young links to contravex, it's always some OTHER scam rip-off site that sends me a pingback, NEVER newsbtc. 1356039;1451431169;pete_dushenski;mebbe that's just the internet for ya 1356040;1451431323;pete_dushenski;re : newsbtc, you have to love a site that claims 1 mn+ monthly 'impressions' and either has 0 or 1 comment per post. mebbe it's the disqus. who knows. 1356041;1451431637;shinohai;If they get 1mn views a month I'd be shocked. Coinbrief claimed the same thing and a year later no one cares. 1356042;1451431745;pete_dushenski;same as reddit : kabillion views, all (meat)robots, all worth approx the toilet paper they were printed on. 1356043;1451431874;*;mircea_popescu is vaguely curious what daily pageview okcupid claims. probably in the same 1-2mn range. 1356044;1451431890;ben_vulpes;VYOOOOOOZ 1356045;1451431893;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87556 @ 0.00050387 = 44.1168 BTC [+] {6} 1356046;1451432083;pete_dushenski;mircea_popescu: what'd that be then, a third a trilema ? (or just the 'truh' ?) 1356047;1451432117;pete_dushenski;part-way up the 'i' mountain 1356048;1451432125;mircea_popescu;trilema doesn't really get 1mn/day unless it's some special day. 1356049;1451432129;*;mircea_popescu looks 1356050;1451432155;pete_dushenski;what day ? 1356051;1451432158;pete_dushenski;month !!! 1356052;1451432239;mircea_popescu;ah. well 1mn/month is really not that much if you think about it. 1356053;1451432320;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2900 @ 0.0004961 = 1.4387 BTC [-] {2} 1356054;1451432442;shinohai;https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3yoa47/you_can_now_create_op_hodl_address_to_lock_your/cyf9pmi <<< kek 1356055;1451432443;assbot;squarepush3r comments on You can now create OP_HODL address to lock your bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1UfHcH9 ) 1356056;1451432459;mircea_popescu;hahaha op_hodl ftw. 1356057;1451432537;shinohai;Come back in 33 years, maybe you'll understand it then. 1356058;1451432612;mircea_popescu;the only actual effect of this particular nonsense will be, to fill the bars with dudes who instead of "baby, i'm a producer" or "baby, zuckerberg stole my idea" will go "baby i have a billion Bit-cions locked in the future." 1356059;1451432795;shinohai;Seems kinda pointless to me, though btcdrak couldn't stop talking bout it before becoming persona non grata. 1356060;1451433412;mircea_popescu;hey BingoBoingo ? you recall wheree the link is to that announcvement where they used the novel technique to select bacteria and got a new usuable molecule 1356061;1451433557;mircea_popescu;heh look at that corante's down./ 1356062;1451434023;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1356058 <<<>>> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#920116 1356063;1451434023;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 23:43:32; mircea_popescu: the only actual effect of this particular nonsense will be, to fill the bars with dudes who instead of "baby, i'm a producer" or "baby, zuckerberg stole my idea" will go "baby i have a billion Bit-cions locked in the future." 1356064;1451434023;assbot;Logged on 13-11-2014 19:06:33; asciilifeform: bip64, aside from complicating the protocol and giving relevance to the gavin shitgang, is also a jam-tomorrow chumpatronic engineering structural element 1356065;1451434087;mircea_popescu;aha. 1356066;1451434118;asciilifeform;'However, the nLockTime field can't prove that it is impossible to spend a transaction output until some time in the future, as there is no way to know if a valid signature for a different transaction spending that output has been created.' (from the horse's mouth) 1356067;1451434218;mircea_popescu;heh 1356068;1451434381;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-12-2015#1355978 << there is not a good way, using 'V.' this is deliberate. 1356069;1451434381;assbot;Logged on 29-12-2015 17:11:50; punkman: ;;later tell asciilifeform in my current V-tron's conflict detector I check whether two patches modify the same file. I could trivially extend this to detect conflicts at line-of-code level. What would be a good way to apply two patches that modify different lines of the same file? 1356070;1451434415;mats;http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/isis-is-not-a-terrorist-organization 1356071;1451434416;assbot;ISIS is Not a Terrorist Organization | Small Wars Journal ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYBEDf ) 1356072;1451434418;asciilifeform;if you are itching to do this, either you are working under mistaken assumptions, or the author of the original code was 1356073;1451434423;asciilifeform;and the file oughta be two 1356074;1451434507;mircea_popescu;course it isn't. we are. 1356075;1451434515;mircea_popescu;isis ain't cool enough. 1356076;1451434561;mats;(smallwarsjournal is an excellent publication if you are into .mil things, counter-insurgency theory) 1356077;1451434590;mats;http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/non-linear-warfare-in-ukraine-the-critical-role-of-information-operations-and-special-opera also good 1356078;1451434592;assbot;Non-Linear Warfare in Ukraine: The Critical Role of Information Operations and Special Operations | Small Wars Journal ... ( http://bit.ly/1NPePOp ) 1356079;1451434609;BingoBoingo;<mircea_popescu> <BingoBoingo> Fuck Will Smith. He made President Hussein Bahamas possibru. << aren't you thinking of wesley snipes ? << Wesley Snipes was too black to do this 1356080;1451434626;mats;https://soundcloud.com/iammindsight/intermission 1356081;1451434626;assbot;Mindsight x Flume - Intermission (w/ On Top) by Mindsight | Free Listening on SoundCloud ... ( http://bit.ly/1NPeRFX ) 1356082;1451434677;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356077 << usg pravda claptrap, snorefest 1356083;1451434677;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 00:16:30; mats: http://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/non-linear-warfare-in-ukraine-the-critical-role-of-information-operations-and-special-opera also good 1356084;1451434710;mircea_popescu;lol the critical role of we suck plox gib mor moneyz 1356085;1451434734;mats;'terrorist' is a mangled descriptor -- IS is best described as a transnational criminal organization with statal aspirations 1356086;1451434766;BingoBoingo;<mircea_popescu> heh look at that corante's down./ << moved http://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/ 1356087;1451434768;assbot;In the Pipeline | Derek Lowe’s commentary on drug discovery and the pharma industry. An editorially independent blog from the publishers of Science Translational Medicine. ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYBPhG ) 1356088;1451434768;mircea_popescu;is is best described as a national movement. unlike the usg, which IS in fact a criminal organisation. 1356089;1451434769;asciilifeform;wake me up when there is 'Graphic 3: Social Network Analysis of 17,590 Pro-' internashnl komyooooooooooniti1111 ' Twitter Accounts' 1356090;1451434802;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform more like 1.7mn of those. and someone paid imaginary billions for them etc. 1356091;1451434803;asciilifeform;BingoBoingo: holy shit - sold out 1356092;1451434820;mircea_popescu;sucks. not even redirects ? 1356093;1451434822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34100 @ 0.00050705 = 17.2904 BTC [+] {2} 1356094;1451434822;mircea_popescu;i r disappoint. 1356095;1451434908;mircea_popescu;"ISIS has even issued its own currency." lol that butthurt derp. 1356096;1451434913;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.assbot.10:c87af3fbf44a30c72e61448f4fdc963f0d7803a187961126268b1522b5a8888d 1356097;1451434914;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 10 for assbot with note: at least this place doesn't shut up 1356098;1451434919;mircea_popescu;THAT is the chief complaint! 1356099;1451434926;adlai;mircea_popescu: stfu 1356100;1451434944;BingoBoingo;<mircea_popescu> hey BingoBoingo ? you recall wheree the link is to that announcvement where they used the novel technique to select bacteria and got a new usuable molecule << Not off the top of my head. Might have tp be more specific. 1356101;1451434946;mircea_popescu;here's a thought : you ain't dealing with "this threat" anymore than you're dealing with your own death. there's a future for isis. there isn't a future for america. 1356102;1451434962;adlai;nah, isis dies together with isislam 1356103;1451434985;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo found it meanwhile, it was the teixobactin / ichip 1356104;1451435012;BingoBoingo;Aha 1356105;1451435014;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: it dies when ru and cn stop sending cheap/free ammo to the monkey men 1356106;1451435017;mircea_popescu;adlai there's larger odds for no israel than for no islam. 1356107;1451435023;mircea_popescu;doubt it. 1356108;1451435029;adlai;that's whyi'm tryina gtfo! 1356109;1451435033;mircea_popescu;this pretense that the west is an active party in all this... 1356110;1451435042;mircea_popescu;"men will end once women stop cooking for them" 1356111;1451435044;BingoBoingo;But yes, academics routinely move blogs if it makes their bezzle CV look better 1356112;1451435047;mircea_popescu;yeah... i'm totallies sure that's how this works. 1356113;1451435047;adlai;but the asylum won't let me in, yet 1356114;1451435076;mircea_popescu;adlai pick a black woman, pretend you're from syria, go to berlin. 1356115;1451435120;adlai;but what if i prefer the white ones, or i have the idiotic israeli complaint of germanyphobia? 1356116;1451435188;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29950 @ 0.0004961 = 14.8582 BTC [-] {2} 1356117;1451435219;mircea_popescu;that's why nobody'd suspect you. 1356118;1451435273;adlai;that's how you think it is, but she do 1356119;1451435280;mircea_popescu;"Ajit Maan, Ph.D., Vice-President for Research and Analysis, ENODO Global, is author of Counter-Terrorism: Narrative Strategies." 1356120;1451435283;mircea_popescu;da fuck is this nobody lmao. 1356121;1451435290;asciilifeform;a usg droid ? 1356122;1451435295;asciilifeform;like the last one 1356123;1451435297;mircea_popescu;hopefully they hire him to replace victoria null-land. 1356124;1451435301;*;pete_dushenski is actually writing up a 'terrorist self-evaluation scale' atm :) 1356125;1451435303;asciilifeform;what's his name. the one who offered to 'accept the nobel' 1356126;1451435315;mircea_popescu;it's fucking incredible what pearl string of dumb women state's managed to array. 1356127;1451435327;mircea_popescu;just when you thought they couldn't do worse than that rice fucktard.... 1356128;1451435341;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform no that was a different anon. 1356129;1451435379;asciilifeform;quite like trying to distinguish individual mosquitoes 1356130;1451435883;*;pete_dushenski to dinner. 1356131;1451436944;mats;whats a 1tb/s ddos over 24hrs cost? anyone know? 1356132;1451437034;shinohai;An entire script-kiddy allowance *ba-dum-tiss!* 1356133;1451437040;mircea_popescu;fiddy bux ? 1356134;1451437070;mircea_popescu;mats pps is usually a more relevant metric. depends on type anyway. 1356135;1451437121;mats;hm, ok 1356136;1451437171;mircea_popescu;heck, seeing how wordpress still hasn't fixed it's shit, you can prolly choke most places through the method explained in trilema back then and a vps. 1356137;1451437172;asciilifeform;mats: see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-10-2015#1299184 1356138;1451437172;assbot;Logged on 15-10-2015 01:03:09; mircea_popescu: in the sense of, "put on provision slip, sign, costs nothing" 1356139;1451437448;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform wtf is joppa ? 1356140;1451437462;asciilifeform;where 1356141;1451437465;mircea_popescu;maryland 1356142;1451437487;asciilifeform;town 1356143;1451437488;asciilifeform;never been there. 1356144;1451437498;asciilifeform;but can't help but associate with жопа (arse) 1356145;1451437510;mircea_popescu;makes two. 1356146;1451437579;asciilifeform;not to be confused with bumfuck, pennsylvania 1356147;1451437593;asciilifeform;(a proverbial and famous non-place) 1356148;1451437747;BingoBoingo;In Noah News, there are places now where water levels exceed the 1993 record. 1356149;1451437761;BingoBoingo;http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/unprecedented-flooding-hits-franklin-county-with-businesses-in-union-swamped/article_d1ef5a26-b8c8-5cb1-b929-4867cbf72eae.html 1356150;1451437762;assbot;'Unprecedented' flooding hits Franklin County, with businesses in Union swamped : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1krnlZg ) 1356151;1451437772;mircea_popescu;lol noah news. 1356152;1451437813;asciilifeform;;;later tell pete_dushenski http://trilema.com/2013/the-future-in-the-past << even earlier mention of vintage bitcoin than the one cited in your piece 1356153;1451437814;assbot;The future in the past on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1krnoEA ) 1356154;1451437814;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356155;1451438071;mircea_popescu;and i thought article not having any comments ===== no one having read them (let alone remembering three years later) 1356156;1451438073;asciilifeform;in other nyooz, various sks servs chronically down 1356157;1451438080;asciilifeform;(likely ddos) 1356158;1451438104;mircea_popescu;sks is going away. has been, slowly like an avalanche of frozen sewage, but for years now. 1356159;1451438128;asciilifeform;the whole crock of shit is long overdue for the great garbage collector of the godz 1356160;1451438151;mircea_popescu;someone actually lives in Enterprise, Alabama. 1356161;1451438152;mircea_popescu;good lord. 1356162;1451438201;BingoBoingo;Water level is spz to get still 9 feet higher in Chester >> "Illinois Department of Corrections spokeswoman Nicole Wilson says the maximum security Menard Correctional Center near Chester has had "minor flooding" in some cells." >> http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/some-inmates-transferred-as-water-rises-at-illinois-maximum-security/article_336fb256-d3b0-535f-b4ed-f7588766dbb1.html 1356163;1451438202;assbot;Some inmates transferred as water rises at Illinois' maximum-security Menard prison : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1krofFh ) 1356164;1451438453;asciilifeform;;;seen jurov 1356165;1451438454;gribble;jurov was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 days, 6 hours, 19 minutes, and 6 seconds ago: <jurov> hahaha 1356166;1451439397;asciilifeform;http://xahlee.info/kbd/tiny_space_bar_japanese_keyboard.html << interesting 1356167;1451439398;assbot;Should You Type Space After Comma? and Tiny Space Bar on Japanese Keyboards ... ( http://bit.ly/1krqzfu ) 1356168;1451446839;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23567 @ 0.0005011 = 11.8094 BTC [+] {2} 1356169;1451447555;BingoBoingo;http://www.dailystormer.com/new-tarantino-film-features-black-on-white-gay-rape-nsfw/ 1356170;1451447556;assbot;New Tarantino Film Features Black-on-White Gay Rape (NSFW) | Daily Stormer ... ( http://bit.ly/1OYtkNR ) 1356171;1451448416;*;adlai just did his first bitcoin-purchaser-delaying 1356172;1451448433;adlai;what can i say, i'm a greedy bastard and whant them all for myself... also, the nublet wasn't ready for primetime 1356173;1451448490;adlai;also he wore a blutoof headset the entire time and that issh is kreepy as balzac 1356174;1451448612;*;adlai instead taught him http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=30-10-2015#1311952, ripptim a triple new ones 1356175;1451448612;assbot;Logged on 30-10-2015 14:43:43; adlai: (context for the context-seeking: we are acquainted by virtue of meatspace proximity, no 'business' but frequent games of chess and bullshit (of the verbal variety), and i'm a little curious why his name seems on par with nefario/pirateat40 round here) 1356176;1451448922;BingoBoingo;http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/12/23/1519691113 1356177;1451448924;assbot;A second transmissible cancer in Tasmanian devils ... ( http://bit.ly/1OYv7Cn ) 1356178;1451448950;ben_vulpes;;;ticker 1356179;1451448951;gribble;Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 430.82, Best ask: 431.48, Bid-ask spread: 0.66000, Last trade: 430.81, 24 hour volume: 25008.52794654, 24 hour low: 418.01, 24 hour high: 434.0, 24 hour vwap: None 1356180;1451449005;adlai;!t m s.mpoe 1356181;1451449005;assbot;[MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0004961 / 0.00050342 / 0.00050878 (1000786 shares, 503.83 BTC), 7D: 0.00048863 / 0.00050375 / 0.00051513 (23257137 shares, 11,715.87 BTC), 30D: 0.00047084 / 0.00049359 / 0.00052434 (94931482 shares, 46,857.39 BTC) 1356182;1451449325;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1356183;1451449328;gribble;Current Blocks: 390909 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 194 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 4 hours, 33 minutes, and 51 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1356184;1451449346;adlai;;;bc,diff 1356185;1451449347;gribble;Error: "bc,diff" is not a valid command. 1356186;1451449360;adlai;!rate gribble -11 obnoxious blowsoft 1356187;1451449360;assbot;gribble is not registered in WoT. 1356188;1451449385;adlai;tl;dr bet while the nickles still make a dent 1356189;1451449396;adlai;thank me when you're crying over your second mortgage 1356190;1451449406;adlai;usg 4eva 1356191;1451449443;BingoBoingo;https://web.archive.org/web/20151229212650/https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/3yp080/husband_m_35_is_obsessed_with_fat_people_hate_and/ 1356192;1451449445;assbot;Husband [M 35] is obsessed with Fat People Hate and wants me [F 33] to lose weight or get a divorce : relationships ... ( http://bit.ly/1OYvGMq ) 1356193;1451449475;adlai;face it fatcheeks, men like their women like jagger 1356194;1451449518;*;adlai got acomplaint from an irl frand about #b-a, "why do you troll all day", how does one even... 1356195;1451449548;BingoBoingo;lol 1356196;1451449584;adlai;but seriously, you assholes should !down me when i get too drunk all over the logs 1356197;1451449592;adlai;save my good shit for deeds and ehemera 1356198;1451449813;ben_vulpes;watching you dig your own grave is far too entertaining 1356199;1451449833;*;adlai is just waiting for the bullet, it's boring already 1356200;1451450453;BingoBoingo;followup https://archive.is/s4IBm 1356201;1451450454;assbot;Update: Husband [M 35] is obsessed with Fat People Hate and wants me [F 33] to lose weight or get a divorce : relationships ... ( http://bit.ly/1QWXg31 ) 1356202;1451450560;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5883 @ 0.00050111 = 2.948 BTC [+] 1356203;1451450987;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.00050705 = 12.5241 BTC [+] {2} 1356204;1451453065;ben_vulpes;!up adlai 1356205;1451453088;adlai;!rated ben_vulpes 1356206;1451453089;assbot;You rated user ben_vulpes on 13-Apr-2015, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: 2015-04-27 07:36:05 ben_vulpes i can confirm that vexual's not a markov chain. 1356207;1451453218;adlai;!rate ben_vulpes if you're not fiat scum, nor terror whist, then lmgtfy arnold schawrz-a-nigger WHAT ARE YOU 1356208;1451453218;assbot;Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10. 1356209;1451453228;adlai;!rate ben_vulpes 7 if you're not fiat scum, nor terror whist, then lmgtfy arnold schawrz-a-nigger WHAT ARE YOU 1356210;1451453228;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/76f7be33cbc7e2c5 1356211;1451453261;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.ben_vulpes.7:94a8fbcc98c72749b9a77996cabd06a657e78c507d625f9b4ef4e690cebd94d4 1356212;1451453262;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for ben_vulpes from 2 to 7 with note: if you're not fiat scum, nor terror whist, then lmgtfy arnold schawrz-a-nigger WHAT ARE YOU 1356213;1451453270;adlai;!down adlai 1356214;1451453754;adlai;!rated ben_vulpes 1356215;1451453754;assbot;You rated user ben_vulpes on 13-Apr-2015, with a rating of -10, and supplied these additional notes: thinks i'm mircea_popescu. 1356216;1451453804;*;adlai may be drunk, may be shrunk, may be high, might be fly... but he can still wine, and even sine 1356217;1451454005;adlai;kakobrekla: assbot doesn't know how how to date, someday he'll meet a wonderful womyn and it'll all go wrong because neckbeard 1356218;1451454040;adlai;;;later tell kako assbot doesn't know how how to date, someday he'll meet a wonderful womyn and it'll all go wrong because neckbeard 1356219;1451454040;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356220;1451454062;*;adlai cackles madly and mashes the !down key, but it broke an aeon.aco 1356221;1451454072;kakobrekla;thats by design. 1356222;1451454081;adlai;blow me. 1356223;1451454103;adlai;the sign just siwtched from suck to blow,isn't that dateworthy? 1356224;1451454119;adlai;;;google suck to blow 1356225;1451454119;gribble;Copy of Spaceballs Mega Maid "From suck to blow!" - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgdzo-7HYQI>; Gone from suck to blow! - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXOAc5yt218>; Spaceballs Mega Maid Scene - 5/5 - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWNJZrdn7i4> 1356226;1451454126;adlai;YASSSS 1356227;1451454133;mats;seems Kerry and friends have finally given up on getting rid of Assad 1356228;1451454152;adlai;brb betting the pharm on assad getting headshot by an hero bit-asshole 1356229;1451454192;adlai;;;later asciilifeform please keep reminding me about that blog post, evidently murder-for-hire and shipping-for-fire aren't enough to crank thepress, but i'm sure a good cl impl of V will turn the churn 1356230;1451454192;gribble;Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "asciilifeform" in it. Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin. 1356231;1451454215;adlai;;;later read-the-fine-logs asciilifeform please keep reminding me about that blog post, evidently murder-for-hire and shipping-for-fire aren't enough to crank thepress, but i'm sure a good cl impl of V will turn the churn 1356232;1451454215;gribble;Error: The "Later" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "read-the-fine-logs" in it. Try "list Later" to see the commands in the "Later" plugin. 1356233;1451454221;kakobrekla;the date of first contact carries value 1356234;1451454234;adlai;;;google define:contact 1356235;1451454235;gribble;Contact (1997) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118884/>; Contact (1997 American film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_(1997_American_film)>; Contact (novel) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_(novel)> 1356236;1451454254;adlai;mircea_popescu: stop talking to yourselph, it reflects badly on the share price! 1356237;1451454292;*;adlai has so much going on s.mpoe mooning, you won't even guess how the lord keeps drooning 1356238;1451454301;ben_vulpes;s.wooning 1356239;1451454310;adlai;now that's a reference, if some man explains it... i'l let him now how the adlai algorithm works 1356240;1451454316;mats;http://usun.state.gov/remarks/7066 'We didn’t know exactly when, but we began to really come to the reality that this demand was in fact prolonging the war, creating greater agony and suffering, and not getting us anywhere but in a stalemate.' 1356241;1451454318;assbot;Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry And Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura | usun.state.gov ... ( http://bit.ly/1ICTc50 ) 1356242;1451454331;mats;no shit. 1356243;1451454335;adlai;!rate mats 0 kwit being useful already 1356244;1451454335;assbot;Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10. 1356245;1451454352;adlai;the best things in life are downright fucking useless 1356246;1451454370;adlai;the sing and dance and laugh because. that's what ken kesey was talking about in thebook you're not patient enough to read 1356247;1451454377;adlai;the power of trolling. 1356248;1451454386;adlai;it can tear down an "empire" 1356249;1451454425;*;adlai notably doesn't touch scalpl during this latest tirade, because the Real Men (tm) in the audence have already learned to dissociate snr, right? 1356250;1451454452;adlai;afly, chicken, into the phyooture. 1356251;1451454460;adlai;!down adlai 1356252;1451456189;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/WDQtb 1356253;1451456190;assbot;When Your Fat Pic Goes Viral as a Feminist Cautionary Tale ... ( http://bit.ly/1YNxz9h ) 1356254;1451457087;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64700 @ 0.00050134 = 32.4367 BTC [-] {3} 1356255;1451457291;BingoBoingo;!up adlai_pheeld 1356256;1451457319;BingoBoingo;!down adlai_pheeld You Ip is leaking 1356257;1451457353;BingoBoingo;!up adlai_pheeld 1356258;1451457363;adlai_pheeld;tyvm, cunt 1356259;1451457378;adlai_pheeld;how does this even work 1356260;1451457402;adlai_pheeld;trollolol 1356261;1451457410;adlai_pheeld;hi shaw cable 1356262;1451457427;adlai_pheeld;aka ith aka USG aka ljr-20151230 1356263;1451457488;adlai_pheeld;damn that'd have been funnier as 1234, goota work on my editing 1356264;1451457519;*;adlai_pheeld can't believe he's not butter, because true believers are never wrong 1356265;1451458065;BingoBoingo;!down 1356266;1451458211;*;adlai_pheeld hands it to 8chan redd it 3y8p0e 1356267;1451458212;BingoBoingo;!dow adlai_pheeld 1356268;1451458230;BingoBoingo;!down adlai_pheeld 1356269;1451459040;deedbot-;[Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The Not Terribly Definitive Terrorist Self-Evaluation Scale. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/30/the-not-terribly-definitive-terrorist-self-evaluation-scale/ 1356270;1451466043;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/2P5Z9YX.txt 1356271;1451466045;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1PwOUvz ) 1356272;1451466049;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1356273;1451466079;adlai;not worth paying s.qntrae for this one 1356274;1451467955;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.sipa.10:e6a9b90d28dffff2c5c4b756e15381be8029a7601636eba26b47725d9f8dc94f 1356275;1451467955;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for sipa from 10 to 10 with note: "if Bitcoin requires central control over its rules... it is completely uninteresting to me. Consensus changes should be done using consensus, and the default in case of controversy is no change." 1356276;1451468063;*;adlai hopes people read more goodlier next time 1356277;1451470202;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26550 @ 0.00050548 = 13.4205 BTC [+] {2} 1356278;1451470740;punkman;why u shit in teh logs 1356279;1451470938;*;adlai dropped the logs off in the Ideal Standard (r) 1356280;1451472956;punkman;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CUHxMj2XIAAlctK.jpg:large 1356281;1451472956;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mQCSDV ) 1356282;1451474339;*;BingoBoingo listens to Enya while Qntra'ing a failing business 1356283;1451474533;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36525 @ 0.00050548 = 18.4627 BTC [+] {2} 1356284;1451476133;deedbot-;[Qntra] Paxful Gets Desperate - http://qntra.net/2015/12/paxful-gets-desperate/ 1356285;1451476781;punkman;https://paxful.com/offer/a6vjmW8617W lol 1356286;1451476782;assbot;Buy bitcoin with PayPal by panagot ... ( http://bit.ly/1VpqVkh ) 1356287;1451476805;punkman;"Need to take a selfie with the pc screen in the background showing our trade window." 1356288;1451476827;punkman;"Maximum trade: 20 EUR" 1356289;1451477133;BingoBoingo;seriously 1356290;1451478216;mircea_popescu;!up adlai 1356291;1451478572;mircea_popescu;<assbot> New Tarantino Film Features Black-on-White Gay Rape (NSFW) | Daily Stormer ... ( http://bit.ly/1OYtkNR ) << why is this notable ? of course it would, what, there's any white bois raping blacks ?! 1356292;1451478573;assbot;http://www.dailystormer.com/new-tarantino-film-features-black-on-white-gay-rape-nsfw/ ... ( http://bit.ly/1mpraPY ) 1356293;1451478920;BingoBoingo;The surprise of it being found notable is maybe a chuckle in a half. 1356294;1451479000;mircea_popescu;lol 1356295;1451479329;mircea_popescu;who the hell said gay men are more competent than straight dudes ? my okcupid inbox is FULL of 50yo derps going "nice pictures". EXACTLY what the womenz get, except these are gay. there is no sp^H^H difference! 1356296;1451479427;mircea_popescu;in other, related news, apparently the kid fashion these days is to identify as "demisexual". which you all know and love as the old "being a woman", which is to say, not getting turned on by looks, but by "other things". you know... 1356297;1451479469;BingoBoingo;of course 1356298;1451479522;mircea_popescu;gotta rename all the things. 1356299;1451479561;mircea_popescu;very specifically female, this idiocy. once some chicks start being "x-sexual", all the bulk of them gotta be "y-sexual" because oh my god! being left behind by fashions is like the #1 fear of your average demisexual out there. 1356300;1451479569;mircea_popescu;ewe gotta herd!!! 1356301;1451479590;BingoBoingo;Better invest in dogs! 1356302;1451479636;mircea_popescu;eh dogs eat shit. 1356303;1451479659;BingoBoingo;But they herd ewe! 1356304;1451479729;mircea_popescu;not usually. 1356305;1451479834;BingoBoingo;I dunno, but if I had a bunch of ewe, I'd prolly have dog herd ewe. 1356306;1451479870;mircea_popescu;on the internet nobody knows who's the dog! 1356307;1451479948;mircea_popescu;in other random news, http://trilema.com/2010/retete-de-criza-astazi-pisica/#comment-116110 << guy on the internet has an aneurism over my discussing the cooking of an [rather obvious] rabbit as if it were a cat, cusses me out romanian-style (turns out i'm racist for eating cat!) and then recommends chicken and beef. because hey, eating beef's not racist. 1356308;1451479949;assbot;Retete de criza. Astazi, pisica. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1mpsa6L ) 1356309;1451479973;BingoBoingo;lol 1356310;1451480253;punkman;not sure I've ever seen herding dog, they must be hard to train 1356311;1451480261;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356198 << seems we'll forever have a local vexual. 1356312;1451480261;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 04:30:13; ben_vulpes: watching you dig your own grave is far too entertaining 1356313;1451480301;mircea_popescu;punkman not that hard. http://www.toateanimalele.ro/rasa-de-caine-ciobanesc-mioritic/ << meet best sheepdog in world. 1356314;1451480302;assbot;Rasa de caine Ciobanesc mioritic - ToateAnimalele.ro ... ( http://bit.ly/22yesiT ) 1356315;1451480367;BingoBoingo;Brother's dogs are great at herding, likely comes naturally in the herding breeds. 1356316;1451480393;mircea_popescu;aha. 1356317;1451480406;mircea_popescu;these guys will actually chase off bear / fight with wolf. 1356318;1451480419;mircea_popescu;generally need 4-6 for bear, n+n/3 for wolf. 1356319;1451480452;punkman;pretty much no predators here 1356320;1451480529;BingoBoingo;In further Noah news, most of the flood destruction on the Missouri side of the river is happening in majority white communities, with majority black communities unaffected. Also, the Missouri side of the river has moved from being "west" to being "bottom" 1356321;1451480557;mircea_popescu;wait, floods are raceis ?! 1356322;1451480602;BingoBoingo;Seems so 1356323;1451480735;punkman;http://www.prikol.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/taksa-001.jpg 1356324;1451480737;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mpsQZU ) 1356325;1451480870;punkman;in other nyooz http://www.bbc.com/news/health-35153794 1356326;1451480872;assbot;Gonorrhoea 'could become untreatable' - BBC News ... ( http://bit.ly/1mpsZwi ) 1356327;1451481182;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18057 @ 0.00050039 = 9.0355 BTC [-] 1356328;1451481924;shinohai;Change Tip's Victoria begging for more spammers: https://youtu.be/kS3LTp0vW6o HELP US PLOX 1356329;1451481925;assbot;The #SocialGiving Challenge - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mpu8Ek ) 1356330;1451481976;BingoBoingo;lol 1356331;1451482534;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_butugychag 1356332;1451482584;ascii_butugychag;wtf was adlai smoking?! 1356333;1451482626;BingoBoingo;No idea 1356334;1451482642;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1356335;1451482645;gribble;Current Blocks: 390967 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 136 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 20 hours, 1 minute, and 28 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1356336;1451482734;mircea_popescu;oregano ? 1356337;1451482887;shinohai;I thought adlai was perpetually high. 1356338;1451483921;BingoBoingo;He's had moments of lucidity in the past. It may just be that the spirit of Vexual possesses people from time to time. 1356339;1451484003;mircea_popescu;lol 1356340;1451484253;deedbot-;[Trilema] Sa muare haterii mei (doi) - http://trilema.com/2015/sa-muare-haterii-mei-doi/ 1356341;1451484466;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356227 << heh. 1356342;1451484466;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 05:42:13; mats: seems Kerry and friends have finally given up on getting rid of Assad 1356343;1451484472;shinohai;I find Vexual entertaining. He drunkenly PM's me from time to time. 1356344;1451484611;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356240 << it was sometime between the first time and the second time hussein bahamas took putin's cock up the ass, just ftr. 1356345;1451484611;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 05:45:16; mats: http://usun.state.gov/remarks/7066 'We didn’t know exactly when, but we began to really come to the reality that this demand was in fact prolonging the war, creating greater agony and suffering, and not getting us anywhere but in a stalemate.' 1356346;1451484630;mircea_popescu;fucking derps. that they're on their knees while china dribbles on their chin i can understand. 1356347;1451484643;mircea_popescu;but geting raped by local powers? who's next, turkey ? 1356348;1451484669;mircea_popescu;hey everyone - fuck the us in the butt today. soon enough it'll be too loose to get anyone off. 1356349;1451486001;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60000 @ 0.00050227 = 30.1362 BTC [+] {2} 1356350;1451486445;BingoBoingo;!up ascii_butugychag 1356351;1451486669;ascii_butugychag;;;later tell ben_vulpes weird graphics bug in mac emacs when scrolling - know a pill against this? 1356352;1451486670;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356353;1451486694;BingoBoingo;ascii_butugychag: Stop being so interesting to Intel Management Engine 1356354;1451486904;mircea_popescu;from what i recall you gotta paste buffers to fix it asciilifeform 1356355;1451487784;mod6;hello, this is dog. 1356356;1451487788;mircea_popescu;:) 1356357;1451487801;mod6;w00f :] 1356358;1451487897;BingoBoingo;!up ghtdak 1356359;1451488746;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24546 @ 0.0005002 = 12.2779 BTC [-] {3} 1356360;1451489302;pete_dushenski;;;later tell asciilifeform i raise you an even earlier one still ! http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=02-05-2013#12053 1356361;1451489302;assbot;Logged on 02-05-2013 17:41:27; mircea_popescu: fuck, "the end" may be anything over 6 1356362;1451489303;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356363;1451489361;pete_dushenski;so i updated the article with alf's citation last night, only to wake up, do a bit of digging, and find ^ 1356364;1451489383;pete_dushenski;thank god blogs aren't published in print 1356365;1451489503;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: hey you're into body-weight exercises aren't you ? 1356366;1451489540;pete_dushenski;so i tried a wall sit for the first time in, like, 5 years last night. 1356367;1451489592;pete_dushenski;i don't remember being able to do much more than a minute-thirty back then, but i figure, hey, let's give this another shot 1356368;1451489644;pete_dushenski;next thing i know, five minutes and ten seconds have elapsed, and i'm collapsed on the floor, writhing in discomfort but strangely satisfied 1356369;1451489659;pete_dushenski;i impress me ! 1356370;1451489683;mod6;back in the day coach used to make us do those for punishment. 1356371;1451489703;pete_dushenski;sounds about right 1356372;1451489704;mod6;after about ~1 minute your legs feel like they're going to burst into flames. 1356373;1451489718;pete_dushenski;i mentally associate wall sits with beep tests and the like 1356374;1451489774;pete_dushenski;mod6: what sport were you playing back in the day ? 1356375;1451489782;mod6;hockey 1356376;1451489806;pete_dushenski;cool ;) 1356377;1451489817;mod6;from about 4 to 18 1356378;1451489840;*;pete_dushenski was freak child who DIDN'T grow up playing organised hockey in alberta 1356379;1451489841;mod6;i still feel like im better on skates than on regular shoes sometimes 1356380;1451489891;mod6;i got a buddy who played for calgary a while back. maybe 10 years. 1356381;1451489900;pete_dushenski;well next annual general meeting we'll bring our skates, find a rink, and lace-up ! 1356382;1451489916;mod6;i like canadian style hockey. 1356383;1451489927;mod6;pete_dushenski: ha, that'd be awesome. 1356384;1451489930;*;pete_dushenski can still skate quite well 1356385;1451489943;pete_dushenski;despite lack to 'organised' teamery 1356386;1451489967;shinohai;The bane of Southern living is having to play street hockey on rollerblades, so that's all I know. 1356387;1451489995;mod6;every now and then i go to open-skate just to `think & clear my mind' type of thing. every now and then guys try to get me to join mens league but I just don't have the extra time. 1356388;1451490025;pete_dushenski;mod6: do you tell them you're co-chair of the terrorist software league ? 1356389;1451490026;mod6;i played in one in tucson, but most guys couldn't play very well, and I had a hard time adjusting to no-contact. 1356390;1451490062;mod6;pff. "hey, im mod6 yoh!" 1356391;1451490083;pete_dushenski;"prove it !" they say 1356392;1451490103;pete_dushenski;this is like claiming you're spiderman 1356393;1451490123;pete_dushenski;or perhaps more like spoonman 1356394;1451490131;mod6;i'd have to pull out a sweet card like MP, or an abacus from my shorts. 1356395;1451490177;pete_dushenski;mp's card just have pgp fingerprint, yea ? 1356396;1451490208;mod6;you've gotta skip the next wedding and see! 1356397;1451490243;pete_dushenski;ha ! 1356398;1451490270;mod6;i never made it to alberta. 1356399;1451490280;mod6;farthest i ever made it that direction was "the gap" 1356400;1451490293;pete_dushenski;http://www.instructables.com/id/Altoids-Tin-Pocket-Abacus/ << for mod6's pocket 1356401;1451490294;assbot;Altoids Tin Pocket Abacus ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBL0WQ ) 1356402;1451490318;mod6;haha, nice. 1356403;1451490358;pete_dushenski;alberta's alright if you like pick-up trucks and retail shopping. 1356404;1451490362;mod6;You ever make it to Moose Jaw, SK? 1356405;1451490368;pete_dushenski;i have indeed 1356406;1451490382;pete_dushenski;pretty spot 1356407;1451490427;mod6;most people i met up there were pretty cool 1356408;1451490534;mod6;canadians play a hard-hitting/physical style of hockey. 1356409;1451490553;pete_dushenski;http://archiseek.com/2009/walter-scott-building-moose-jaw-saskatchewan/ http://archiseek.com/2011/1928-lcol-d-v-currie-vc-armoury-moose-jaw-saskatchewan/ http://archiseek.com/2012/1913-library-moose-jaw-saskatchewan/ << for those reading logs who didn't know that moose jaw was a happening little rum running town in its heyday, here's the proof 1356410;1451490554;assbot;1911 - Walter Scott building, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan - Architecture of Saskatchewan - Archiseek.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYw9Va ) 1356411;1451490555;assbot;1928 - LCol D.V. Currie VC Armoury, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan - Architecture of Saskatchewan - Archiseek.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYw97J ) 1356412;1451490556;assbot;1913 - Library, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan - Architecture of Saskatchewan - Archiseek.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYw9Vi ) 1356413;1451490578;mod6;i always liked it. most guys in the US can't deal though -- here most kids are taught the physical game but more emphisis is put on skating and puck handling. 1356414;1451490662;pete_dushenski;mod6: hockey in canada is definitely where the 'men' congregate, sort of how i imagine the culture around american football is, but for upper-middle-class white kids 1356415;1451490688;pete_dushenski;if that's not a parallel stretched too far 1356416;1451490758;mod6;yeah, in the US ``men'' play/watch football mostly. i think for one thing its readily accessable; it's inexpensive to play. all you gotta do is buy shoes and show up. the rest is pretty much provided by the team. 1356417;1451490771;pete_dushenski;though the hockey bois here still do the cum-cracker thing, and the like, which boggles my mind, but i suppose it isn't that different than the primal pickle nignogs http://www.contravex.com/2015/09/26/o-brother-where-art-thou/#footnote_10_5413 1356418;1451490772;assbot;O Brother Where Art Thou? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBLAUK ) 1356419;1451490794;mod6;hockey is very expensive. much higher barrier of entry. 1356420;1451490842;pete_dushenski;mod6: big time. not many kids who make it to 'the show' have anything less that white-collar professional parents 1356421;1451490859;mod6;haha, i never saw any wild stuff like that in all of our hockey travels. except for some typical locker-room boxing and pranks, etc. 1356422;1451490861;pete_dushenski;eg. jerome iginla, whose dad is a lawyer here 1356423;1451490876;mod6;ah. 1356424;1451490922;mod6;yeah, ice time is expensive. but it does help if you live in an area where you can get free outdoor ice time. 1356425;1451490950;mod6;i think the rink near where i live is like $300/hr 1356426;1451490983;mod6;this year it hasn't been cold enough to have outdoor ice yet. we just got our first snow yesterday. was like ~5 inches. 1356427;1451491027;mod6;which sucks for me, because that pretty much means the end of pheasant season. 1356428;1451491079;mod6;i shot 8 birds last weekend. so ended the season on a high note. 1356429;1451491157;pete_dushenski;lol when i saw 'shot 8 birds' i immediately thought golf, and was mi-hi-hightily impressed 1356430;1451491229;pete_dushenski;brown christmas is lame though, we had a perfectly timed cold-snap. -20C all last week. bizarrely, JUST what i wanted for this time of year. 1356431;1451491300;pete_dushenski;i'd usually be in cuba or something at this time of year, but i'm quite enjoying being around with the little fam. the city's calm and quiet like nothing else. 1356432;1451491318;mod6;nice. 1356433;1451491320;mircea_popescu;mod6 i don't think i ever ate 8 birds a year anyway. plenty, neh ? 1356434;1451491342;mod6;i've got 50+ in the freezer. 1356435;1451491345;mircea_popescu;o.O 1356436;1451491351;*;shinohai was hoping it was "shot 8 cops", leaves disappointed 1356437;1451491359;mod6;i had probably 65-70 last year. 1356438;1451491363;mircea_popescu;are the pheasants there grouse sized or something ? 1356439;1451491385;mod6;they're bigger than grouse. bout the same size as a chicken, maybe a bit bigger. 1356440;1451491388;pete_dushenski;shinohai: terrorist ! 1356441;1451491401;mircea_popescu;ah. ro pheasants are kinda turkey-sized 1356442;1451491407;mod6;i cook three of 'em at a time. we eat 'em quite a bit. 1356443;1451491416;mod6;last year i probably gave away like 10. 1356444;1451491420;mircea_popescu;so you know... 50 birds is like 500lbs of meat, easy 1356445;1451491449;mod6;ooh. hah, yeah, these are probably like 2-4lbs. 1356446;1451491474;pete_dushenski;http://archiseek.com/2011/1914-city-hall-moose-jaw-sask/ << one moar moose jaw building for y'all 1356447;1451491475;assbot;1914 - City Hall, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan - Architecture of Saskatchewan - Archiseek.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYyRu0 ) 1356448;1451491487;mod6;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_pheasant 1356449;1451491488;assbot;Common pheasant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYySOH ) 1356450;1451491517;mircea_popescu;is the hen legal too, there ? or just rooster ? 1356451;1451491519;mod6;Most ones we see are "Mongolian ringneck"s 1356452;1451491533;mod6;yeah, hens too. at least here. 1356453;1451491548;mircea_popescu;aha. 1356454;1451491548;mod6;i suppose each place has different laws. 1356455;1451491582;mircea_popescu;easy enough way to protect the population, if it has any wildlife habitat. make hunt rooster-only for a while. 1356456;1451491678;mod6;yeah. there used to be a lot more wild birds here in minnesota, so say the old timers. but the land development and introduction of a lot more nest-feeding animals like skunks, coyote, wolves and foxes have shrank the population. 1356457;1451491711;mircea_popescu;yeah foxes are a problem. can't really have lotta fox and lotta turkey/pheasant/grouse in the same place. 1356458;1451491726;mod6;south dakota still has a lot from what I hear. i've never hunted there yet. but i hear that you'll see like 100 birds get up at a single time. so many, it's hard to actually pick a target. 1356459;1451491742;mod6;yeah. sometime, i wanna try turkey hunting. 1356460;1451491762;mod6;gotta walk a lot though, from what i'm told. 1356461;1451491767;mircea_popescu;euro turkeys are kinda midgety. from what i hear us and canada have some real huge ones. 1356462;1451491780;mircea_popescu;well that's the point of hunting innit ? exercise the dogs. 1356463;1451491806;mod6;yeah. totally. and yes, they do have some pretty big turkeys here. 1356464;1451491827;mircea_popescu;"you're not a real man for as long as you get outwalked by a dog" 1356465;1451491901;mod6;the dogs always amaze me. they just don't stop. even with broken toe-nails, or iced over paws, they just keep on going. 1356466;1451491914;mircea_popescu;aha. 1356467;1451491964;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: sure, who isn't 1356468;1451491980;mod6;i'd say, that's probably one of the best parts of hunting for me; watching the dogs work. 1356469;1451492162;pete_dushenski;http://peel.library.ualberta.ca/pcimages/PC/012/web/PC012729.jpg << last moose jaw. i promise. and if any of these structures seem modest by whatever yard stick you use to measure, recall that this is a town of ~30`000 residents that didn't exist at all 150 years ago. 1356470;1451492165;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBNsN4 ) 1356471;1451492167;BingoBoingo;<pete_dushenski> brown christmas is lame though, we had a perfectly timed cold-snap. -20C all last week. bizarrely, JUST what i wanted for this time of year. << Spring bulbs are putting up green on the front garden 1356472;1451492193;mod6;wow BingoBoingo 1356473;1451492223;pete_dushenski;BingoBoingo: who isn't ? the mayos. 1356474;1451492287;BingoBoingo;pete_dushenski: Mayos have to do body weight exercises to go to the fridge, at last until they enablers are forced to take that over entirely 1356475;1451492304;pete_dushenski;heh touche 1356476;1451492348;BingoBoingo;mod6: It was colder through october/Novemeber, but now we have biblical floods and moderate temperatures until the cold settles in 1356477;1451492443;pete_dushenski;http://www.contravex.com/2015/12/30/the-not-terribly-definitive-terrorist-self-evaluation-scale/#comment-38092 << from vexual reincarnate 1356478;1451492444;assbot;The Not Terribly Definitive Terrorist Self-Evaluation Scale. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYByM4 ) 1356479;1451492592;mod6;BingoBoingo: just saw some pics of that flooding. 1356480;1451492626;BingoBoingo;Some places have it worse than 1993 bad, other places almost 1993 bad 1356481;1451492695;pete_dushenski;bbl 1356482;1451492759;mod6;was this all part of the same storm system as with the tornadoes in tx? 1356483;1451492825;BingoBoingo;Yes. Saturday there was no hint that floods, then the sort of floods that normally come with weeks of advance warning. 1356484;1451492839;BingoBoingo;;;later tell funkenstein_ lol http://frass.woodcoin.org/fo-realz-woodcoin/ 1356485;1451492840;assbot;fo-realz-woodcoin | Free your Frass ... ( http://bit.ly/1QYCsIq ) 1356486;1451492840;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356487;1451493457;BingoBoingo;http://qntra.net/2015/12/paxful-gets-desperate/#comment-34168 1356488;1451493458;assbot;Paxful Gets Desperate, Priced Out Of Bitcoin | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBPsF6 ) 1356489;1451493754;jurov;;;later tell asciilifeform i'll look to turdatron in few days, don't remember exactly which ver, whatever was in centos when i set it up 1356490;1451493754;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356491;1451493991;jurov;plus, i use this to sync the keys: https://github.com/jurov/wot/blob/master/update_gpg.py 1356492;1451493992;assbot;wot/update_gpg.py at master · jurov/wot · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBQiS9 ) 1356493;1451494078;jurov;but iirc i run in only occassionally as it requires checksum from assbot or such 1356494;1451494098;jurov;so it's actually a mystery how turdatron picked up your new key 1356495;1451494146;BingoBoingo;Could be the very porn sounding "Backdoor Mailman" 1356496;1451494184;jurov;lol no mailman does not update keys 1356497;1451494203;BingoBoingo;Ah 1356498;1451494297;jurov;end of transmission from butugychag, my battery runs out. 1356499;1451494327;jurov;(there's no forced work but fucking cold) 1356500;1451494337;BingoBoingo;Ah, good luck 1356501;1451494350;BingoBoingo;Noah Adventure Update: "FENTON Floodwaters from the Meramec River forced the shutdown of all lanes of Interstate 44 for a 24-mile stretch early Wednesday. The closure could last through Friday." 1356502;1451494523;BingoBoingo;That picture https://archive.is/0K03p 1356503;1451494528;assbot;Flood closes 24-mile stretch of Interstate 44 west of 270 : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBR6qk ) 1356504;1451494740;shinohai;https://i.imgur.com/WHi5grc.jpg 1356505;1451494740;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1ZBRnJP ) 1356506;1451494754;mod6;wow. and this is all from the rain, or did the levees break somewhere? 1356507;1451494799;BingoBoingo;Just this weekend's rain. Ground was saturated because rain off and on all month, plus plants were too sleepy to drink this all. 1356508;1451494815;BingoBoingo;Seriously though. Fuck you California. No water for you! 1356509;1451494887;BingoBoingo;mod6: Actually the right levees breaking could make this less bad in places. A few years ago they blew up some levees on the podunk farm Missouri side to save Cairo, Illinois 1356510;1451494900;BingoBoingo;But that flood was snowpack melt, so plenty of warning 1356511;1451494927;mod6;ah. huh. 1356512;1451494997;BingoBoingo;Some levees are only there because it is nice not to flood farm fields, so those ones get sacrified from time to time. The Levees protecting the fucking ghetto never get intentionally blown by USG. 1356513;1451495119;adlai;well Red did said, "Hopium can drive a man lazy" 1356514;1451495284;adlai;trinque: since what matters for notarisation is that the hash enters the blockchain, you just need to find a/the first transaction paying to it, regardless of its source. yes, you need to scan the entire blockchain. yes, you can ignore transactions which aren't "from" 1BkCTj36789blah 1356515;1451495315;adlai;and by "entire blockchain" i mean "from the moment of broadcasting your malleable tx" 1356516;1451495360;trinque;fuckin thing sucks. 1356517;1451495367;trinque;and yeah, I know 1356518;1451495391;BingoBoingo;mod6: But this flooding isn't really Qntra material unless the Hussein Bahamas administration decides to blow up levees again to flood productive farms in order to save crack houses in Cairo 1356519;1451495407;BingoBoingo;And even then iffy 1356520;1451495428;mod6;myeah. 1356521;1451495441;adlai;s/(\w+)y\W/#$1/ 1356522;1451496448;*;BingoBoingo wonders what all of these pieces on his site says about Roger Ver https://archive.is/D1Ttd 1356523;1451496449;assbot;The Internet of Therapy should Incorporate Bitcoin - Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pxd3UI ) 1356524;1451496473;BingoBoingo;^ "However, much of this Internet of Therapy has either been done for free, or through cumbersome credit, debit, or payment methods that lack the multifaceted functionality and security of blockchain technology." 1356525;1451496577;BingoBoingo;!up BashCo 1356526;1451496618;mod6;lol 'e-counselors' 1356527;1451496662;mod6;send me 1 BTC and i'll listen to your problems for 1 hour. kthxbye. 1356528;1451496842;BingoBoingo;I just hate the abysmal news SNR ratio this time of year. 1356529;1451496909;adlai;Bitcoin Exists! no news is good news. 1356530;1451497150;BingoBoingo;Except for the part where I keep digging for news and getting flooded by "year in review" pieces and how Roger Ver's clontra needs therapy 1356531;1451497654;adlai;how about a monthly wordcount minimum, to be padded with "Bitcoin exists, relax bro" etc 1356532;1451497666;mats;http://www.lrb.co.uk/v38/n01/seymour-m-hersh/military-to-military 1356533;1451497667;assbot;Seymour M. Hersh · Military to Military · LRB 7 January 2016 ... ( http://bit.ly/1NVRTuJ ) 1356534;1451497679;mats;O_O post from the future 1356535;1451497703;mats;>Barack Obama’s repeated insistence that Bashar al-Assad must leave office – and that there are ‘moderate’ rebel groups in Syria capable of defeating him – has in recent years provoked quiet dissent, and even overt opposition, among some of the most senior officers on the Pentagon’s Joint Staff. Their criticism has focused on what they see as the 1356536;1451497703;mats;administration’s fixation on Assad’s primary ally, Vladimir Putin. 1356537;1451497860;BingoBoingo;<adlai> how about a monthly wordcount minimum, to be padded with "Bitcoin exists, relax bro" etc << This only works when someone is doing something stupid and a flavor of "Bitcoin exists, relax bro" can be presented. See Paxful. 1356538;1451498421;mats;>The Joint Chiefs felt that a direct challenge to Obama’s policy would have ‘had a zero chance of success’. So in the autumn of 2013 they decided to take steps against the extremists without going through political channels, by providing US intelligence to the militaries of other nations, on the understanding that it would be passed on to the Syrian 1356539;1451498421;mats;army and used against the common enemy, Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State... The JCS concluded that if those needs were met, the overall fight against Islamist terrorism would be enhanced. Obama didn’t know, but Obama doesn’t know what the JCS does in every circumstance and that’s true of all presidents.’ 1356540;1451498726;mats;>we did a run-around because potus is an intransigent idiot 1356541;1451498860;adlai;right, it doesn't quite cut it to literally repeat the same words. the identical message must be replicated with original content. this is why "bitcoin difficulty rose yet again" is such a tontrivial beat 1356542;1451499097;mats;http://www.cnn.com/2015/12/30/middleeast/iraq-ramadi-isis/index.html 1356543;1451499098;assbot;After Ramadi, Iraq sets sights on ISIS in Mosul - CNN.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1NVTzVh ) 1356544;1451499570;mircea_popescu;apparently black girl's notion of "curvy" ain't NOTHING like white girl's notion of "curvy". who knew. 1356545;1451499703;*;adlai discovers that the right mashing of time-window-controls in btcalpha graphs lets you get daily candles on the 1Y 1356546;1451499786;adlai;who knew diddlin her twat could be so productive! ! http://i.imgur.com/bpJ5AqV.png 1356547;1451499787;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NVUvsx ) 1356548;1451499787;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51600 @ 0.00050609 = 26.1142 BTC [+] {2} 1356549;1451499809;mircea_popescu;"Obama didnt know, but Obama doesnt know what the JCS does in every circumstance and thats true of all presidents." <<< bwhahahaha. 1356550;1451499813;mircea_popescu;no, it's true of all carters. 1356551;1451499821;mircea_popescu;which the nigglet in chief is rapidly shaping up to become. 1356552;1451499833;mats;what an amazing indictment of his administration 1356553;1451499833;assbot;AMAZING COMPANY! 1356554;1451499861;mircea_popescu;hopefully dan quayle runs in 2016. 1356555;1451500326;mats;it is fitting the fella that won pulitzer for reporting on my lai, penned the piece on potus incompetence in syria 1356556;1451500341;mats;quite literally responsible for millions displaced, thousands dead. 1356557;1451501137;punkman;https://twitter.com/dailydavedavids/status/682248690745118720 1356558;1451501415;mats;punkman: lol, nice 1356559;1451501479;*;mats prepares to read bsdtar and gnutar 1356560;1451502332;trinque;oh christ... tar has something TRAMP-like? 1356561;1451502664;trinque;punkman: mats: http://www.gnu.org/s/tar/manual/html_node/Device.html << what a time to be alive. 1356562;1451502665;assbot;GNU tar 1.28: 9.1 Device Selection and Switching ... ( http://bit.ly/1Tq071V ) 1356563;1451502689;trinque;--force-local << bwhahaha 1356564;1451504019;danielpbarron;!rated pierre_rochard https://archive.is/i1PTR 1356565;1451504019;assbot;You rated user pierre_rochard on 07-Oct-2014, with a rating of -2, and supplied these additional notes: He's seems to be a yes-man for all camps.. 1356566;1451504021;assbot;Pierre Rochard on Twitter: "@mdotfallon Bitcoin Core team deserves massive credit for their work. They've gained credibility." ... ( http://bit.ly/1mj426u ) 1356567;1451504210;adlai;but isn't two-timing yesmanship the solution to false dichotomai? 1356568;1451504400;*;adlai watches yet another "we're from^Wsponsoredby the government and we're here to help^Wfix bitcoin", this time aviv zohar's mining protocol... totally irrelevant for Bitcoin, more like wouldbecoin-porn 1356569;1451504971;adlai;it'd be so nice if such 'wizards' would prefix their musings with "This is a suggestion I'd offer Satoshi over a bottle of sherry in mid-2005, too bad he never invited me." 1356570;1451505826;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00049999 = 4.5249 BTC [-] {2} 1356571;1451506070;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356564 << lord have mercy pierre_rochard dun lost his goddam mind. nice find dpb. 1356572;1451506070;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 19:33:39; danielpbarron: !rated pierre_rochard https://archive.is/i1PTR 1356573;1451506154;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoinxt/comments/3yrwg9/what_bitcoin_related_news_websites_do_you_all/cyghidu << lets see how many downvotes I get! 1356574;1451506179;pete_dushenski;!v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.pierre_rochard.-1:9a8bd62151372ea9e269bf68e235f028bbceb3dc743cb0e3dc6e3eb0439dbcc4 1356575;1451506179;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for pierre_rochard from 2 to -1 with note: once seemed like a decent kid. since lost his goddam mind. https://archive.is/i1PTR 1356576;1451506248;mats;>"not enough hash rate" isn't going to be a problem for the foreseeable future and this debate is wasting energy 1356577;1451506261;thestringpuller;whoa holy fuck 1356578;1451506266;mats;and how the fuck do you know whether it is enough 1356579;1451506272;thestringpuller;Pierre_Rochard was trustworthy too. 1356580;1451506284;thestringpuller;How the fuck did this happen? I wonder who got to him....... 1356581;1451506291;ben_vulpes;;;later tell asciilifeform which emacs, which os x. ffs what am i a scryer of retard toolchains? 1356582;1451506292;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356583;1451506311;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: ikr ! 1356584;1451506337;ben_vulpes;;;later tell asciilifeform fwiw rms' turd actually runs better under x11 on os x than under the native windowing system 1356585;1451506337;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356586;1451506339;thestringpuller;no like srsly. Used to get dinner with him when he worked at Bitpay. Would buy extra coins and sell them to me at discount from Bitpay pretty much monthly. 1356587;1451506343;ben_vulpes;have fun with the pastebuffers tho 1356588;1451506375;trinque;ben_vulpes: runs best *as* the windowing system ! 1356589;1451506407;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: for real ? didn't know you guys had that much irl contact. i only ever talked to pierre_rochard online 1356590;1451506426;ben_vulpes;trinque: stop triggering me 1356591;1451506441;*;trinque hands ben_vulpes a dowel to bite 1356592;1451506448;*;ben_vulpes chomps 1356593;1451506451;ben_vulpes;!gettrust adlai 1356594;1451506452;assbot;Trust relationship from user ben_vulpes to user adlai: Level 1: 2, Level 2: 4 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=ben_vulpes&to=adlai | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/adlai/ 1356595;1451506496;*;adlai wouldn't trust btcalpha with real-time trust calibration 1356596;1451506517;ben_vulpes;trust doesn't operate in real time 1356597;1451506521;adlai;notarization wax is malleable and so is the wot 1356598;1451506558;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski: yea d00d. we'd get dinner and drink beers and chat. and I'd give him cash for bitcoin in an envelope mobster style. 1356599;1451506560;ben_vulpes;i think i'm fine with week stale ratings 1356600;1451506590;thestringpuller;i bought maybe some 7 or 8 btc off him. 1356601;1451506601;thestringpuller;saw it as a rescue operation from Bitpay. 1356602;1451506618;thestringpuller;man this is really sad to see this. cause not only did we do business...he was my friend. 1356603;1451506639;ben_vulpes;> rescuing bitcoins from bitpay 1356604;1451506641;ben_vulpes;haw 1356605;1451506646;ben_vulpes;> rescuing bitcoins 1356606;1451506651;ben_vulpes;'tis noble. 1356607;1451506687;adlai;ben_vulpes: i'm fine with staleness as long as it doesn't drop packets... random timing are as bad for snapshotting a shifting web as they are good for batching a racy market 1356608;1451506771;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: ya, it's lame alright... definitely out of the blue. 1356609;1451506922;adlai;;;google pierre i don't care 1356610;1451506923;gribble;Carole King - Pierre - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCEBLHd0v6I>; Scholastic - Pierre - Carol King - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToVHzUDYJgU>; Pierre: A Cautionary Tale in Five Chapters and a Prologue: Maurice ...: <http://www.amazon.com/Pierre-Cautionary-Tale-Chapters-Prologue/dp/0064432521> 1356611;1451506940;adlai;last link is best link. 1356612;1451507096;adlai;https://archive.is/TWqG1 << dude seems to have trouble fitting intelligence into 140 chars, that says more about the medium than the ghost it's channeling 1356613;1451507099;assbot;Pierre Rochard on Twitter: "@ShitAdlaiTweets completely agree, that point might even be below current 1 MB block size limit" ... ( http://bit.ly/1PxSPZ5 ) 1356614;1451507233;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.pierre_rochard.1:91ce46d6df503c8e9737c0c48043d4567ed9197a0d33b6cc027afb913c9ad4a9 1356615;1451507233;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for pierre_rochard with note: dude should get off shitter! https://archive.is/TWqG1 1356616;1451507379;kakobrekla;> Apparently Ian Murdock recently faced with police brutality and announces that he will commit suicide. More updates here: https://twitter.com/imurdock 1356617;1451507380;assbot;Twitter / ? ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjbuyz ) 1356618;1451507413;kakobrekla;> http://blog.docker.com/2015/12/ian-murdock/ | tweets http://pastebin.com/yk8bgru5 1356619;1451507414;assbot;In Memoriam: Ian Murdock | Docker Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjbyOH ) 1356620;1451507414;assbot;Ian Murdock Tweets - Pastebin.com ... ( http://bit.ly/1mjbyOJ ) 1356621;1451507633;pete_dushenski;why kill himself when he could off a bunch of cops ? will wonders never cease 1356622;1451507665;pete_dushenski;;;seen nubbins` 1356623;1451507666;gribble;nubbins` was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 6 days, 4 hours, 57 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: <nubbins`> <+mircea_popescu> in other news, chick on okcupid : "porque no me escribis en castellano << they say castellano in peru too, but if i'm not mistaken this is not universal in south america? 1356624;1451507782;thestringpuller;https://twitter.com/pierre_rochard/status/682298330806878210 << dafuq adlai.. 1356625;1451507791;adlai;^_^ 1356626;1451507818;adlai;wait is tweeting log links frowned upon? 1356627;1451507826;adlai;i thought TMSR~ had to grow to succeed! 1356628;1451507850;*;adlai should really lay off dat weed 1356629;1451507853;punkman;what details lol 1356630;1451507899;mats;>7 to 8 btc 1356631;1451507941;thestringpuller;didn't realize that was "private" 1356632;1451507951;thestringpuller;since you know the deal was one in public places. 1356633;1451507972;thestringpuller;and is logged in WoT. 1356634;1451508009;thestringpuller;oh well >> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-11-2014#919995 "enemies are only relative. yesterday's allies easily become tomorrow's enemies." 1356635;1451508014;pete_dushenski;so wait pierre didn't go off his rocker ? am i missing something here ? 1356636;1451508077;trinque;said mutually incompatible things in a short thread, whatever you call that 1356637;1451508101;adlai;seems to me like he fell to his death in the sarchasm, must be new on the internet 1356638;1451508124;thestringpuller;trinque: which is why twitter is generally despised. nothing useful came from a tweet. 1356639;1451508144;punkman;wait wasn't Pierre the guy arguing with gavinandresen about blocksize limits that one time 1356640;1451508150;trinque;aha, I've long since abandoned twattery. 1356641;1451508200;punkman;how do you go from that to "We must remove the block size limit." 1356642;1451508229;thestringpuller;trinque: as was said in the boondocks >> So basically, nigga technology is anything that doesn't plug into a printer. Does that plug into a printer? No? Know why? 'Cause niggas never have anything to print. 1356643;1451508237;mats;he knows econ stuff so clrly he understands practical software engineering 1356644;1451508278;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356584 << such indictment. 1356645;1451508278;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 20:12:17; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell asciilifeform fwiw rms' turd actually runs better under x11 on os x than under the native windowing system 1356646;1451508529;punkman;"The rest of my life is to fight against the police.. they are NOT friends, so don't ever ever believe otherwise." << fight them by tweeting! and suicide to make the tweets get more likes! 1356647;1451508565;thestringpuller;tell that to my cop buddy i go drinking with. 1356648;1451508633;trinque;"This was right after the female officer ripped off my underwear.. I guess that's not considered rape if you're not a woman being raped." << killed himself because he was pantsed. 1356649;1451508811;thestringpuller;Oh look at that. "While you were sleeping BTCC wants to run a fork..." ~_~ 1356650;1451508891;adlai;BTCC, or "I can't believe it's not China" 1356651;1451509069;*;adlai finds his seventh sense tingling, watching the acceleration of nagant-chewing by formerly-sensible talking heads as the XT timebomb ticks down... hot tip: pop X.CORN and wait for fireworks 1356652;1451509164;*;adlai wonders how many leaflet factory workers will soon find themselves on r/SFYL 1356653;1451509346;mats;kakobrekla: there's nothing on his site despite the pastebin 1356654;1451509396;mats;archive.org doesn't have anything either 1356655;1451509403;punkman;https://archive.is/DcVrY 1356656;1451509406;assbot;Tweets with replies by Ian Murdock (@imurdock) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1Ot8lC1 ) 1356657;1451509442;punkman;he probably forgot to post it 1356658;1451509510;mats;someone qntra dis. 1356659;1451509686;adlai;thestringpuller: you forgot to give the critical context re:BTCC. this is toomimalleated hearsay, not bobby lee himself telling lemings to jump. 1356660;1451509693;adlai;https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/2015-December/012137.html 1356661;1451509694;assbot;[bitcoin-dev] Consensus census ... ( http://bit.ly/1YP9tLi ) 1356662;1451509791;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00049999 = 4.2999 BTC [-] 1356663;1451509852;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21250 @ 0.00049999 = 10.6248 BTC [-] 1356664;1451509892;thestringpuller;yea just read the email 1356665;1451510031;adlai;heh their https://bitcoin.consider.it./ "census" doesn't even have a fixed point for inaction... bros, even python figured out that you need a pass statement 1356666;1451510066;*;adlai blinks twice and tries to figure out how a url ends like that 1356667;1451510147;mod6;you mean with the '.' ? 1356668;1451510177;mod6;that's root, you techincally can put that after any tld and it will work as long as it conforms to the spec 1356669;1451510277;*;adlai spends a couple minutes reading RFCs and realizes just how big a crime against SNR this whole BIP thing really is 1356670;1451510326;adlai;i'd -11 genjix for sparking it, but he seems to have been withdrawn from circulation :-\ 1356671;1451510430;adlai;shit, they're onto us: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ysyzb/im_really_starting_to_think_some_posters_here_are/ 1356672;1451510431;assbot;I'm really starting to think some posters here are getting paid to post. : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1YPaK5i ) 1356673;1451510964;adlai;ah yes, once you start allowing BIPs, then you get DIPs, soon it'll just be `pip update bitcoin`... https://github.com/tomasvdw/bips/blob/master/decentralized-improvement-proposals.mediawiki 1356674;1451510965;assbot;bips/decentralized-improvement-proposals.mediawiki at master · tomasvdw/bips · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1YPbCqq ) 1356675;1451511043;pete_dushenski;"I think that use of the Alert System https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Alert_system would be justified in the weeks preceding the hard fork. Maybe we can create an "Upgrade now!" message that the new version would ignore, and set it to broadcast forever to all old nodes?" << sipalulz 1356676;1451511044;assbot;Alert system - Bitcoin Wiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1YPbHub ) 1356677;1451511121;pete_dushenski;sorry, twas toomim ^ not sipa 1356678;1451511140;pete_dushenski;in reply to sipa on bitcoin-dev mailing list 1356679;1451511193;adlai;"It is no longer why Blockchain, it is how Blockchain" http://www.forbes.com/sites/jonathanchester/2015/12/28/how-one-bitcoin-startup-is-changing-public-perception-of-bitcoin/print/ 1356680;1451511194;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0w5Os ) 1356681;1451511309;*;adlai likes their email addresses: j and m @toom.im, nice and short so it fits in a sammitor's attention span 1356682;1451511459;pete_dushenski;"All of this adds up to a multifaceted perception problem for those of us who are operating legitimate businesses that are dependent on Bitcoin. Both trustworthiness and terminology matter." << bitcoin clearly needs more marketing from chuck et al., only then can bitcoin truly succeed as a tool for fiat banks to understand how the world works. 1356683;1451511471;pete_dushenski;hurr durr 1356684;1451511485;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356616 << who?? 1356685;1451511485;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 20:29:39; kakobrekla: > Apparently Ian Murdock recently faced with police brutality and announces that he will commit suicide. More updates here: https://twitter.com/imurdock 1356686;1451511526;pete_dushenski;white guy who knows how to earn annual salary and not much else 1356687;1451511550;asciilifeform;but, to borrow from the pediwikians, 'why notable ?' 1356688;1451511573;asciilifeform;plenty of nobodies eat their pistols every day 1356689;1451511701;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356587 << what's the deal with that ? 1356690;1451511701;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 20:12:23; ben_vulpes: have fun with the pastebuffers tho 1356691;1451511715;punkman;he's the debian guy 1356692;1451511746;asciilifeform;the -ian in debian ? 1356693;1451511837;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356675 << see my earlier observation about rats and rat poison 1356694;1451511837;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 21:30:43; pete_dushenski: "I think that use of the Alert System https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Alert_system would be justified in the weeks preceding the hard fork. Maybe we can create an "Upgrade now!" message that the new version would ignore, and set it to broadcast forever to all old nodes?" << sipalulz 1356695;1451511897;pete_dushenski;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-12-2015#1348086 << bingo 1356696;1451511897;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 00:13:04; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-12-2015#1348050 << you know what's great? rat poison STILL WORKS even if you don't explain to the rats exactly ~how~ ! 1356697;1451511905;asciilifeform;^ it 1356698;1451512311;adlai;deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3K2AHZ0.txt 1356699;1451512313;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0xZPj ) 1356700;1451512314;deedbot-;accepted: 1 1356701;1451512495;pete_dushenski;https://twitter.com/Steve_Venegas/status/682213302227697664 << earthquake of 4.3 hit vancouver last night. 1356702;1451512765;punkman;http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/59508447/debian-founder-going-insane-on-twitter 1356703;1451512968;punkman;"SJW is infesting the hacker community big time right now. The 32C3 keynote yesterday was by a female black muslim refugee with no tech background. CCC has been active in promoting liberty/freedom (against surveillance, free standards, ...) for a long time but this is pure bs." 1356704;1451513064;asciilifeform;don't blame the maggots (tm) (r) 1356705;1451513528;asciilifeform;https://cryptome.org/2015/12/nsa-spies-israel-congress.htm << lulzy 1356706;1451513529;assbot;NSA Spy Net on Israel Snares Congress ... ( http://bit.ly/1P0A0ef ) 1356707;1451513557;asciilifeform;'The NSA reports allowed administration officials to peer inside Israeli efforts to turn Congress against the deal. Mr. Dermer was described as coaching unnamed U.S. organizations-which officials could tell from the context were Jewish-American groups-on lines of argument to use with lawmakers, and Israeli officials were reported pressing lawmakers to oppose the deal. "These allegations are total nonsense," said a spokesman fo 1356708;1451513557;asciilifeform;r the Embassy of Israel in Washington. A U.S. intelligence official familiar with the intercepts said Israel's pitch to undecided lawmakers often included such questions as: "How can we get your vote? What's it going to take?"' 1356709;1451513727;asciilifeform;;;later tell jurov http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356494 << do me a small favour and extract this pubkey plz 1356710;1451513727;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 16:48:18; jurov: so it's actually a mystery how turdatron picked up your new key 1356711;1451513729;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356712;1451514264;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-12-2015#1356504 << did we ever do a chinese classic thread? 'making the human pig' 1356713;1451514264;assbot;Logged on 30-12-2015 16:59:00; shinohai: https://i.imgur.com/WHi5grc.jpg 1356714;1451514337;asciilifeform;specifically, lady qi 1356715;1451514350;asciilifeform;concubine of founder of han dynasty 1356716;1451514455;shinohai;I set that as my Desktop just to disgust the lady that cleans my apartment 1356717;1451515082;adlai;yes, the zion-usg mutual-backstabbing-olympics is a thread that goes back to the lizards lurking on the walls of the manhattan project 1356718;1451515102;adlai;phree lollard! 1356719;1451515113;asciilifeform;where'd they put him anyway 1356720;1451515135;asciilifeform;i vaguely recall his obama pardon 1356721;1451515197;adlai;!? i'm fairly certain peres returned home in shame having failed to get anything from obama beyond a reaffirmation of louis ck's "but maybe, may be if you pick up a gun and go to another country and you get shot, it???s not that weird. Maybe if you get shot by the dude, you were just shooting at, it???s a tiny bit your fault. Of course, of course, slavery is the worst thing that ever happened." 1356722;1451515239;adlai;in case you missed it - https://youtu.be/KFwBH2fb2E0 1356723;1451515240;assbot;Louis CK : Of Course But Maybe - Oh My God (HD) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1IEEWc4 ) 1356724;1451515292;adlai;ahaha youtube comments deliver again: Of course the people who had pushed the dislike button, are allowed to have their own opinion, of course! But maybe, If you're dumb enough not to understand the awesome humor in this video, you're supposed to die! ??? 1356725;1451515368;mircea_popescu;dude. nobody cares. 1356726;1451515420;adlai;ah shit, oh well 1356727;1451515427;shinohai;kek 1356728;1451515584;mircea_popescu;!gettrust nolanbugg 1356729;1451515586;assbot;Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user nolanbugg: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=nolanbugg | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/nolanbugg/ 1356730;1451515616;punkman;"After his release on November 20, Pollard relocated to an apartment secured for him by his attorneys in New York City. A job offer, as a research analyst at a Manhattan investment firm, was retracted due to the restrictions imposed on his internet access and the inspections to which his employer's computers would be subjected. A bill introduced in the Knesset in November 2015 would, if 1356731;1451515616;punkman;passed, authorize the Israeli government to fund Pollard's housing and medical expenses, and pay him a monthly stipend, for the remainder of his life." 1356732;1451516025;pete_dushenski;!v assbot:pete_dushenski.unrate.pierre_rochard:5e96fa360afbea06f75deb3d779234d4ed5f3a774a08dd6d2dc000909207ac98 1356733;1451516025;assbot;Successfully unrated pierre_rochard 1356734;1451516064;pete_dushenski;;;seen pierre_rochard 1356735;1451516064;gribble;pierre_rochard was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 weeks, 5 days, 20 hours, 34 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: <Pierre_Rochard> In any case, a textbook illustration of http://trilema.com/2012/the-problem-of-too-much-money/ 1356736;1451516125;pete_dushenski;;;later tell pierre_rochard don't be a stranger. you'll go crazy out there. 1356737;1451516125;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1356738;1451516245;shinohai;Alas the population of tmsr~ dwindles somewhat 1356739;1451516331;pete_dushenski;been a while since the last price bubble, which tends to draw more people into bitcoin in general, a very small percentage of which comb through the crud to find their way here. but the price is often the draw from the outside-in. 1356740;1451516373;pete_dushenski;'bitcoin in general' ~= the people who talk about bitcoin 1356741;1451516416;SuchStupid;Herp Derp I'm a dogecoiner 1356742;1451516544;pete_dushenski;lel 1356743;1451516596;shinohai;>.> 1356744;1451516599;mircea_popescu;lolk 1356745;1451516635;shinohai;!s clbin 1356746;1451516635;assbot;2 results for 'clbin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=clbin 1356747;1451516804;adlai;shinohai: linecount doesn't correlate much with heartbeats, beyond individuals working up their own 1356748;1451516898;shinohai;Thanks for the tip 1356749;1451517055;mats;i showed up 'cause BB wrote about mp giving obsd money 1356750;1451517071;mats;a /. piece. 1356751;1451517205;thestringpuller;https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/3yu5gn/the_false_dilemma_of_xt_versus_blockstream/cygmhw7?context=3 << oh look someone actually did some reading 1356752;1451517795;pete_dushenski;who's 'ninja_parada' ? 1356753;1451517939;pete_dushenski;https://www.reddit.com/user/ninja_parade 1356754;1451517940;assbot;overview for ninja_parade ... ( http://bit.ly/1mSyxQz ) 1356755;1451517968;pete_dushenski;eh looks like no one in particular 1356756;1451519083;cazalla;31st here, so happy nye to all :) 1356757;1451519119;pete_dushenski;to a productive 2016 caz ! 1356758;1451519156;cazalla;how's the bub pete_dushenski ? 1356759;1451519226;pete_dushenski;gi... normous. 1356760;1451519253;pete_dushenski;8.5 kgs and 73 cm or something 1356761;1451519264;pete_dushenski;also a puke machine. 1356762;1451519276;pete_dushenski;how's your little feller ? 1356763;1451519322;cazalla;i know all about vomit.. at 3am 1356764;1451519347;cazalla;my son turns 2 in a couple weeks time, he's all about tantrums of late 1356765;1451519367;cazalla;missus is pregnant and due in June, having a girl this time around 1356766;1451519382;pete_dushenski;ah mazel tov ! 1356767;1451519399;cazalla;ty 1356768;1451519405;pete_dushenski;(since you already have a son, that is) 1356769;1451519463;cazalla;i wouldn't mind a 3rd but we'll see 1356770;1451519522;cazalla;i kinda wanted a boy again so that the first would have a little brother to bang around with, but dice roll decided otherwise 1356771;1451519554;cazalla;pete_dushenski, planning more yourself? 1356772;1451519555;trinque;wb cazalla 1356773;1451519564;mats;he lives 1356774;1451519604;pete_dushenski;cazalla: a little sister's (probably) not so bad either. yea, we'll likely have two. 1356775;1451519612;cazalla;trinque, more just checking backups etc still work, still able to logg in and up myself 1356776;1451519655;cazalla;pete_dushenski, long as they're healthy eh, and this little girl is doing fine so far, all the tests were fine, and we were able to find out the sex at 10 weeks in this time around 1356777;1451519723;cazalla;pete_dushenski, remember this? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-10-2015#1295669 1356778;1451519723;assbot;Logged on 10-10-2015 03:32:08; cazalla: hey pete_dushenski, know much about car insurance? 1356779;1451519735;pete_dushenski;of course 1356780;1451519765;cazalla;ended up being no negotiation at all, they agreed to pay in full (bit over $1,500 so I was almost right) instead of bargain it down 1356781;1451519830;pete_dushenski;sweet deal 1356782;1451520286;BingoBoingo;<thestringpuller> pete_dushenski: yea d00d. we'd get dinner and drink beers and chat. and I'd give him cash for bitcoin in an envelope mobster style. << Mebbe if you WoT'd the guy actually talk to him before joining a rate frenzy? 1356783;1451520345;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35650 @ 0.00050229 = 17.9066 BTC [+] {2} 1356784;1451520608;punkman;http://linuxfonts.narod.ru/why.linux.is.not.ready.for.the.desktop.current.html 1356785;1451520609;assbot;Main Linux problems on the desktop, 2016 edition ... ( http://bit.ly/1PydD2w ) 1356786;1451520731;shinohai;o/ cazalla wb 1356787;1451520772;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49200 @ 0.00050229 = 24.7127 BTC [+] 1356788;1451520782;BingoBoingo;wb cazalla 1356789;1451520893;cazalla;it's not really a wb! but i have begun flicking through logs again.. i've found that there really isn't that much else online to read 1356790;1451520906;punkman;heh 1356791;1451520915;BingoBoingo;<mats> someone qntra dis. << So where's the asciiarmoured blob with the submission? I wake up see this and I'm still trying to find out wtf is going on. 1356792;1451521012;BingoBoingo;Aha 1356793;1451521029;mats;fella feverishly writes a pile of tweets about unprovoked cop violence, talks about suicide, follows through. not actually enough to go on, for a story 1356794;1451521053;BingoBoingo;Sure there is. 1356795;1451521066;BingoBoingo;Looks like a perfectly reasonable "nailgun" story 1356796;1451521091;pete_dushenski;"zipped self in duffel bag in bathtub with hands behind back" 1356797;1451521139;mats;i await coroner's report 1356798;1451521170;punkman;promising juicy stories on blog and not posting certainly adds some mystery 1356799;1451521187;punkman;also no gpg-signed messages 1356800;1451521208;BingoBoingo;mats: But who does the coroner work for? 1356801;1451521545;BingoBoingo;Fuck it, Imma write it up to prove it is Qntra material 1356802;1451521755;pete_dushenski;http://www.flatpanelshd.com/focus.php?subaction=showfull&id=1277885543 << for asciilifeform, if only to show that jp, not just cn, has womenz in tech manufakturing 1356803;1451521756;assbot;How a screen is manufactured & assembled - FlatpanelsHD ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pyg2tW ) 1356804;1451521762;mats;lol. 1356805;1451521776;pete_dushenski;also because asciilifeform is the eizo nazi 1356806;1451521801;pete_dushenski;and i mean that in the best possible way 1356807;1451521987;pete_dushenski;does no one in winnipeg look for jobs or something ? i've been trying in vain to find a somewhat populated classifieds website for that place for longer than i'd care to admit. wtf. 1356808;1451522034;pete_dushenski;i get that there isn't much of an economy to speak of, but there's still what 300k residents ? 1356809;1451522094;pete_dushenski;checks... make that 700k in winnipeg. fuck me they can't ~all~ be natives on welfare. can they ? 1356810;1451522153;shinohai;http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-30/the-final-days-of-the-bitcoin-foundation- 1356811;1451522154;assbot;The Final Days of the Bitcoin Foundation? - Bloomberg Business ... ( http://bit.ly/1PygAjN ) 1356812;1451522174;pete_dushenski;bwahahahaha 1356813;1451522280;pete_dushenski;"Ver said the foundation’s demise, if it were to happen, wouldn’t affect bitcoin. “There are lots of different bitcoin foundations, so the name may change, but the mission will carry on,” he said." << different foundations, indeed 1356814;1451522303;pete_dushenski;*cough* trb *cough* 1356815;1451522447;pete_dushenski;"The pressure revealed the foundation’s underlying weaknesses. Supporters were inexperienced at raising money, and until recently, few paid attention to expenses, Harper said. “They were spending thousands of dollars per month on Web services that would have cost a couple hundred,”" 1356816;1451522458;pete_dushenski;mega-lol 1356817;1451522475;*;pete_dushenski to dinner 1356818;1451522620;mats;BingoBoingo: if you're gonna report on rumors, might as well look over this https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3yktcg/ian_murdock_debian_founder_is_threatening_suicide 1356819;1451522622;assbot;Ian Murdock, Debian founder, is threatening suicide on Twitter right now. Please, let's stop him! : linux ... ( http://bit.ly/1PyhcWt ) 1356820;1451522645;mats;>His official blog is ianmurdock.com, but the last day the twitter feed is pointing people to imurdock.com, which has differing registrar, registration info and has been disabled. That I would say is the biggest thing. 1356821;1451522810;BingoBoingo;https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/3yktcg/ian_murdock_debian_founder_is_threatening_suicide/cyeqmz8 1356822;1451522811;assbot;holyrofler comments on Ian Murdock, Debian founder, is threatening suicide on Twitter right now. Please, let's stop him! ... ( http://bit.ly/1PyhBIr ) 1356823;1451522846;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23878 @ 0.00050489 = 12.0558 BTC [-] 1356824;1451522976;mats;https://i.imgur.com/eP9y73g.gifv i loled 1356825;1451522977;assbot;Gents... ... ( http://bit.ly/1PyhRY6 ) 1356826;1451523341;mircea_popescu;lmao. mtgox didn't die because mp leaned on it ; vesseness didn't hightail it because mp leaned on him. his scam foundation isn't sinking because mp leaned on it. welcome to the wonderful world of usg.coincidental.narratives. 1356827;1451523381;mats;hopefully mp's leaning on eth will collapse the price tomorrow 1356828;1451523413;mircea_popescu;seems improbable. fucking whitehouse came out in support lmao. 1356829;1451523517;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22800 @ 0.00050734 = 11.5674 BTC [+] {2} 1356830;1451523533;mats;qq 1356831;1451523615;deedbot-;[Qntra] Ian Murdock Dead After Police Encounter - http://qntra.net/2015/12/ian-murdock-dead-after-police-encounter/ 1356832;1451523629;mircea_popescu;wow he actually did it huh. 1356833;1451523789;BingoBoingo;Indeterminate. Could have died from head trauma during beating. Also police officers could have come out for round 3 as he was drafting the blog post. 1356834;1451523835;BingoBoingo;He got Schweich'd 1356835;1451523839;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo i wonder if this has anything to do with the ongoing systemd-ization of foss. 1356836;1451523899;BingoBoingo;It could be. Mebbe he had an uneventful arrest after a holiday party and Poettering killed him and framed it as suicide using Murdock's phone. 1356837;1451523933;mircea_popescu;or maybe he was going to do the equivalent of the trb but for debian and well... couldn't have that. 1356838;1451523972;BingoBoingo;yeah 1356839;1451523973;mircea_popescu;a comb thr0ugh the githubs / mailing lists may turn out something. then again... huge workload, unsure payoff. 1356840;1451523995;mircea_popescu;https://devuan.org/‎ << such as. 1356841;1451524081;BingoBoingo;All things considered the only safe assumption is the San Fransisco County Sheriff's being on team systemd 1356842;1451524090;mircea_popescu;and since we're doing this, https://lkml.org/lkml/2014/8/12/459 1356843;1451524091;assbot;LKML: Christopher Barry: OT: Open letter to the Linux World ... ( http://bit.ly/1PyjAfW ) 1356844;1451524384;BingoBoingo;"In a 'One Linux' world, what would distros actually be? Deprecated. No 1356845;1451524384;BingoBoingo;longer relevant. Archaic shells of their once proud individualism. 1356846;1451524384;BingoBoingo;Basically, they're now just a logo and a default desktop background 1356847;1451524384;BingoBoingo;image. Because let's face it, there only needs to be One Modern 1356848;1451524384;BingoBoingo;'competitor' to the Windows/Mac ownership of personal computing. A 1356849;1451524385;BingoBoingo;unified front to combat the evil empires of Redmond and Cupertino is 1356850;1451524386;BingoBoingo;what's needed." 1356851;1451524409;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all --currency nailgun 1356852;1451524410;gribble;Error: 'nailgun' is not a valid currency code. 1356853;1451524423;BingoBoingo;;;more 1356854;1451524423;gribble;Capsules/dp/B00CFOQAWQ> 1356855;1451524431;BingoBoingo;;;more 1356856;1451524432;gribble;Error: That's all, there is no more. 1356857;1451524564;asciilifeform;supposing the cached twatter is genuine - murdock's brain liquified long ago 1356858;1451524602;asciilifeform;not entirely unrelated, http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/ssuma1.html << scroll to 'Sima Qian on His own Castration' 1356859;1451524603;assbot;Chinese Cultural Studies: Sima Qian Ssuma Ch'ien: Two Biographies, from The Recordsof the Grand Historian of China (The Shih Chi) (6th century BCE) ... ( http://bit.ly/1PykoRW ) 1356860;1451524775;BingoBoingo;Can't spz genuine 1356861;1451524799;asciilifeform;do we have any other preserved recent output of his ? 1356862;1451524940;BingoBoingo;I don't have much. Looks as though he was living the "company town" life. 1356863;1451524981;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61700 @ 0.00050919 = 31.417 BTC [+] {3} 1356864;1451524995;asciilifeform;looks from what ? 1356865;1451525106;BingoBoingo;Well, the part where Docker is handling his final affairs and was his emergency contact 1356866;1451525146;BingoBoingo;Seems quite a step further into "company town" than Google dorms 1356867;1451525160;asciilifeform;docker ?! 1356868;1451525177;BingoBoingo;Yes, that container everyone derps about 1356869;1451525179;asciilifeform;if true, then http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1356857 1356870;1451525179;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 01:16:04; asciilifeform: supposing the cached twatter is genuine - murdock's brain liquified long ago 1356871;1451525188;BingoBoingo;In other news, culture warz https://archive.is/35n6Z 1356872;1451525191;assbot;Can Drag be for kids? The Commedia Rapunzel Thinks So. ... ( http://bit.ly/1PylrBv ) 1356873;1451525775;BingoBoingo;;;bc,stats 1356874;1451525778;gribble;Current Blocks: 391045 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 58 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 8 hours, 26 minutes, and 10 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None 1356875;1451525946;BingoBoingo;https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CXghRkxUoAE-_Du.png 1356876;1451525946;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oynjgt ) 1356877;1451526165;BingoBoingo;https://archive.is/f8lUe 1356878;1451526167;assbot;Andrew Auernheimer on Twitter: "In the wake of Ian's death I must seriously ask: if you're going to kill yourself over establishment abuse, why go alone? Get to Valhalla." ... ( http://bit.ly/1Pyn9CH ) 1356879;1451526636;phf;ben_vulpes: fyi copy/paste between emacs running x11 or in terminal is trivial, using pbcopy/pbpaste http://paste.lisp.org/display/304224. just wrap it in (when (not (member window-system '(mac ns))) ...) (cc asciilifeform) 1356880;1451526636;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OynIPU ) 1356881;1451526750;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 232050 @ 0.00050223 = 116.5425 BTC [-] {7} 1356882;1451527211;phf;asciilifeform: ре "криптография и свобода" книжка классная, читал три дня взахлеб. смесь "один в океане" и всяких программистских воспоминаний за закрытых нии. thx 1356883;1451527393;phf;although guy reminds me of some of the programmers who immigrated to germany in the 90s. same байдарка гитара combined with микрософт это голова, даа! mentality. i still don't quite grok how these self-proclaimed non-conformists turned into such dull bourgeois post-collapse 1356884;1451527896;asciilifeform;phf: mircea_popescu would probably say 'old age' 1356885;1451527970;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55550 @ 0.00050766 = 28.2005 BTC [+] 1356886;1451529514;mod6;BingoBoingo: s/alteration/altercation/ ? just checking. 1356887;1451529549;BingoBoingo;dammit, fxd 1356888;1451529595;mod6;ah, cool 1356889;1451529939;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/M4fveIW.jpg 1356890;1451529940;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OypKQ3 ) 1356891;1451530302;BingoBoingo;tldr; les beans https://i.sli.mg/EF4tbx.png 1356892;1451530303;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OypVuA ) 1356893;1451531020;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55328 @ 0.00050771 = 28.0906 BTC [+] {2} 1356894;1451531562;danielpbarron;https://twitter.com/TempleOS << hacked? 1356895;1451531563;assbot;Terry A. Davis (@TempleOS) | Twitter ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyqCEd ) 1356896;1451531920;BingoBoingo;Now that is absolutely impossible to tell. 1356897;1451531935;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29044 @ 0.00050041 = 14.5339 BTC [-] {2} 1356898;1451532001;danielpbarron;from the Isaac Newton sin list >> 16. Having uncleane thoughts words and actions and dreamese 1356899;1451532244;trinque;I celebrate my unclean dreams as gifts from the subconscious. 1356900;1451532285;mats;o_O 1356901;1451532301;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45377 @ 0.00050041 = 22.7071 BTC [-] 1356902;1451532383;BingoBoingo;trinque: Those are called "freelapses" 1356903;1451532650;asciilifeform;nah reads like good ol' terry davis 1356904;1451532815;BingoBoingo;^ 1356905;1451532981;BingoBoingo;http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Home/Wb2/CIA.html 1356906;1451532982;assbot;The Temple Operating System ... ( http://bit.ly/1OyrybH ) 1356907;1451533331;thestringpuller;!gettrust evoorhees 1356908;1451533332;assbot;Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user evoorhees: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=thestringpuller&to=evoorhees | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/evoorhees/ 1356909;1451534315;mircea_popescu;!up nickeeem 1356910;1451534514;mircea_popescu;<assbot> Can Drag be for kids? The Commedia Rapunzel Thinks So << this from the same people throwing a fit about 9 yo girls in make-up / leotards / whatnot. 1356911;1451534533;BingoBoingo;Noah News Update: Interstate 55 is now on the bottom side of the Meremac river 1356912;1451534554;BingoBoingo;mircea_popescu: Don't you know. In WaPo land only 9 year old boys get makeup. 1356913;1451534697;mircea_popescu;right. 1356914;1451535412;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90900 @ 0.00049988 = 45.4391 BTC [-] {2} 1356915;1451535507;BingoBoingo;http://fossforce.com/2015/12/getting-libreoffice-write-thing/#comment-16433 1356916;1451535508;assbot;Getting LibreOffice to Do the Write Thing | FOSS Force ... ( http://bit.ly/1IFaWN9 ) 1356917;1451535540;mircea_popescu;http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/ssuma1.html << motherfucker are the chinese tedious.\ 1356918;1451535540;assbot;Chinese Cultural Studies: Sima Qian Ssuma Ch'ien: Two Biographies, from The Recordsof the Grand Historian of China (The Shih Chi) (6th century BCE) ... ( http://bit.ly/1PykoRW ) 1356919;1451535741;BingoBoingo;http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=8551885&cid=51210679 1356920;1451535743;assbot;Debian Founder Ian Murdock Has Died - Slashdot ... ( http://bit.ly/1IFbkeP ) 1356921;1451535771;BingoBoingo;"I'm a bad person, but I've never bullied anyone to suicide for using the N-word. This is the first real-life lynching by the progressive liberal movement, and you might as well own it." 1356922;1451535822;*;mircea_popescu orders derpy server to create 4096b rsa key 1356923;1451535831;mircea_popescu;server finishes the process in... 0.5 seconds. 1356924;1451535838;mircea_popescu;clearly openssh is ftw. 1356925;1451536571;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48903 @ 0.00049923 = 24.4138 BTC [-] {2} 1356926;1451536602;asciilifeform;mircea_popescu: i dont think even my rng gives 4096*typical-miller-rabin-retries bits of entropy in 0.5s 1356927;1451536624;asciilifeform;but i hear /dev/zero is nice & fast. 1356928;1451536663;mircea_popescu;quite exactly. it'd seem OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips does not actually utilize entropy to generate keys. 1356929;1451536710;asciilifeform;uses mebbe 32 bits of it and then prng. 1356930;1451536713;asciilifeform;this IS fips. 1356931;1451536721;asciilifeform;says right on the motherfuckin box 1356932;1451536741;asciilifeform;enj0y 1356933;1451536770;*;asciilifeform back to bed 1356934;1451536937;mircea_popescu;hey, i'm not the one that puts this shit on their boxes o.O 1356935;1451536944;mircea_popescu;i'm just paying for teh professional services. 1356936;1451537181;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68070 @ 0.00049808 = 33.9043 BTC [-] {3} 1356937;1451537360;mircea_popescu;yum upgrade openssh 1356938;1451537360;mircea_popescu;No Packages marked for Update 1356939;1451537367;mircea_popescu;fucking logical. because why the fuck would something work. 1356940;1451537819;mircea_popescu;(ie, rhel "backports" "fixes" so that you CAN'T actually get the latest version. or whatever, 5.3 bs is their idea of a latest version in this environment) 1356941;1451537827;mircea_popescu;rpm -qa --last|grep "ssh" 1356942;1451537828;mircea_popescu;openssh-server-5.3p1-112.el6_7.x86_64 Sat 19 Dec 2015 06:29:07 PM UTC 1356943;1451537828;mircea_popescu;openssh-clients-5.3p1-112.el6_7.x86_64 Sat 19 Dec 2015 06:29:06 PM UTC 1356944;1451537828;mircea_popescu;openssh-5.3p1-112.el6_7.x86_64 Sat 19 Dec 2015 06:28:22 PM UTC 1356945;1451537828;mircea_popescu;libssh2-1.4.2-1.el6_6.1.x86_64 Sat 19 Dec 2015 06:28:16 PM UTC 1356946;1451537831;mircea_popescu;fucking useless bs. 1356947;1451537865;mircea_popescu;not that i'd use key material there generated for any purpose. BUT it's worth pointing out yet another way computers a) don't work and b) can't be fixed. 1356948;1451537893;mircea_popescu;in other news, 1356949;1451537922;mircea_popescu;meh nm. 1356950;1451538697;BingoBoingo;that's a change 1356951;1451538767;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 153300 @ 0.00049958 = 76.5856 BTC [+] {6} 1356952;1451539804;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94950 @ 0.00049569 = 47.0658 BTC [-] {5} 1356953;1451540353;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27250 @ 0.00050754 = 13.8305 BTC [+] {2} 1356954;1451542183;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81322 @ 0.00049502 = 40.256 BTC [-] {5} 1356955;1451542244;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18628 @ 0.00049469 = 9.2151 BTC [-] 1356956;1451543403;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24722 @ 0.00049468 = 12.2295 BTC [-] {3} 1356957;1451543464;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62828 @ 0.00049441 = 31.0628 BTC [-] 1356958;1451544196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24350 @ 0.00049947 = 12.1621 BTC [+] 1356959;1451545843;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5900 @ 0.00049441 = 2.917 BTC [-] 1356960;1451546958;BingoBoingo;!up STRML 1356961;1451547185;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93750 @ 0.00049421 = 46.3322 BTC [-] {4} 1356962;1451547307;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66089 @ 0.00049413 = 32.6566 BTC [-] 1356963;1451548244;BingoBoingo;!up copypaste 1356964;1451548600;copypaste;http://qntra.net/2015/12/paxful-gets-desperate/ lulz 1356965;1451548601;assbot;Paxful Gets Desperate, Priced Out Of Bitcoin | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OtRn6I ) 1356966;1451548630;copypaste;I never quite understood the purpose of this "company"; founded in USA yet ignoring USG rules to transfer quantities of $1 using Bitcoin 1356967;1451548646;copypaste;I thought for sure this "company" was only founded to capitalize off some Backpage headlines 1356968;1451548657;copypaste;I didn't think its relevance would continue until now 1356969;1451548729;BingoBoingo;It's only relevant now because its flavor of stupid got loud. 1356970;1451548750;BingoBoingo;But yeah. It likely can't live in its niche at any price. 1356971;1451548816;copypaste;Indeed; it reminds me of BitInstant, and we all knew how that went 1356972;1451548838;copypaste;It's incredible how foolish these people are, unable to learn from history, and founding their Bitcoin "businesses" in USG territory 1356973;1451548846;BingoBoingo;Right. Charlie really hung on his bong for that one. 1356974;1451548872;BingoBoingo;The serious problem is their insistence on touching USG money 1356975;1451548924;copypaste;Indeed, and incorporating in the US, and further making it everyone else's problem that they exist in such poverty that the ability to transfer funds one satoshi at a time is a make-or-break for the business 1356976;1451548988;BingoBoingo;Incorporation seems to be the big dose of poison there. 1356977;1451549022;copypaste;At least Charlie laundered millions of dollars, they'll be going to jail over 50 cups of coffee and some $1 prostitution ads 1356978;1451549092;BingoBoingo;To be fair charlie also single dollars at a time too. He even for a while did the fucking SMS deal that bills a phone company. 1356979;1451549112;BingoBoingo;Blockchain.info integrated that one from bitinstant at one point 1356980;1451549121;copypaste;lol 1356981;1451549141;BingoBoingo;How the fuck do you not attract all of the attention doing that. 1356982;1451549171;copypaste;You have to be a complete fool to think that the regime with the most strict "money laundering" laws would allow that to continue for any amount of time 1356983;1451549179;copypaste;I had no idea they were using that SNS system 1356984;1451549198;BingoBoingo;At the point you partner up to an SMS payment network you're asking for the telecom regulators to plumb your butt on top of everyone else 1356985;1451549216;copypaste;Indeed, and most definitely they fradualently applied for the SMS payment network 1356986;1451549227;copypaste;Those things are usually constrained to ring tones and so on 1356987;1451549234;BingoBoingo;Well, these are the things you learn having visited the bitinstant website in August 2012 1356988;1451549240;BingoBoingo;yeah 1356989;1451549327;BingoBoingo;brb 1356990;1451549379;copypaste;"a. Important: Do not mention bitcoin to the teller as banks are reluctant to work with bitcoin and may deny the deposit with no reason why. 1356991;1451549389;copypaste;Surely, this will go well for everyone involved. 1356992;1451549582;BingoBoingo;That actually used to be SOP among -otc traders 1356993;1451550052;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30020 @ 0.00049406 = 14.8317 BTC [-] {2} 1356994;1451550176;copypaste;BingoBoingo: yes, because -otc has a WoT. Paxful has empty promises and a GUI. 1356995;1451550206;BingoBoingo;Well, apparently didn't always work out for everybody 1356996;1451550296;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 124500 @ 0.00049687 = 61.8603 BTC [+] {3} 1356997;1451550296;copypaste;I'm sure Bitcoin-averse bank branches will soon catch on to the computer nerds walking in and all depositing cash to the same account, no? 1356998;1451550300;copypaste;And if one lets it slip what of the others ? 1356999;1451550328;copypaste;A business based on lying to your partners is sure to fail; just a WoT suspends the failure by not letting any moron join in on the fun of transacting 1357000;1451550421;BingoBoingo;pretty muh 1357001;1451550613;*;BingoBoingo still astounded that after playing music on computers for 11 years he still only managed to find cmus in 2015 1357002;1451551516;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65750 @ 0.00049385 = 32.4706 BTC [-] {3} 1357003;1451551563;BingoBoingo;;;later tell mod6 So far President Hussein Bahamas claims to not have plans to bomb Missouri levees to save Cairo crack houses, though he "might have to" https://archive.is/o0wyJ 1357004;1451551565;assbot;Corps of Engineers not planning on opening Missouri floodway : News ... ( http://bit.ly/1NTGFcp ) 1357005;1451551565;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1357006;1451553163;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30200 @ 0.00049464 = 14.9381 BTC [+] 1357007;1451553529;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7764 @ 0.00049377 = 3.8336 BTC [-] 1357008;1451553680;BingoBoingo;!up Quent 1357009;1451553895;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 145300 @ 0.00049363 = 71.7244 BTC [-] {3} 1357010;1451553992;Quent;thanks 1357011;1451554007;Quent;you guys in favour of blocksize increase now in the Bitcoin Unlimited style? 1357012;1451554078;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71700 @ 0.00049358 = 35.3897 BTC [-] 1357013;1451554085;Quent;hmm, guess america is asleep huh so should prob come back in the evening 1357014;1451554161;BingoBoingo;Still in favor of no hard forks ever 1357015;1451554177;BingoBoingo;!up ith 1357016;1451554207;ith;So guys. I know you've been playing tricks on me. Care to tell me why all the receipts I get are saying 2015, and my computer clock says 2015, when it's actually 2017????!!! 1357017;1451554221;ith;Thank you. 1357018;1451554249;punkman;it's actualy 1832 1357019;1451554262;BingoBoingo;Sorry, you have a >2LSD error code ith 1357020;1451554266;ith;No, it is not. Please tell me the truth 1357021;1451554273;Quent;BingoBoingo, aren't softforks hardforks? 1357022;1451554275;ith;You know that I am not lying 1357023;1451554282;BingoBoingo;Quent: Not at all 1357024;1451554285;ith;It IS 2017. Please explain what you are doing to me 1357025;1451554286;Quent;as in, any change by a softfork effectively hardforks older clients 1357026;1451554321;BingoBoingo;Quent: They really don't. The test is whether or not node sealed in concrete without admin port needs chiseled out or not 1357027;1451554332;Quent;for example, BingoBoingo, you can softfork bip101 or whatever bip... you can soft fork anything really 1357028;1451554348;BingoBoingo;You really can't soft fork BIP 101 1357029;1451554355;Quent;and that's according to gmaxwell... 1357030;1451554357;BingoBoingo;Block gets rejected 1357031;1451554373;ith;GIVE ME AN ANSWER 1357032;1451554373;ith;It is important! 1357033;1451554375;Quent;I quote gmaxwell "anything can be implemented by a softfork" 1357034;1451554388;Quent;you just make it super complex to jump through a lot of hoops... 1357035;1451554401;ith;And you gave me the same >2LSD code answer last year. Please explain yourself 1357036;1451554426;Quent;but, conceptually as well, if an older node considers the new rules to be just noise the older node is effectively forked off... 1357037;1451554427;punkman;ith, you are on a time soft-fork, you need to find way back to 1832 1357038;1451554439;BingoBoingo;Quent: Oh no. The new stuff is the noise 1357039;1451554449;ith;And I'm sure you will give the same answer again /next/ year about >2LSD 1357040;1451554461;ith;punkman: you aren't making any sense 1357041;1451554462;Quent;yes, but the network is accepting the new stuff, therefore the network has forked you off 1357042;1451554486;Quent;softforking seems to me to simply be a deceptive way for miners to rule and the network have no say... 1357043;1451554499;ith;"time soft-fork, 1832" 1357044;1451554513;BingoBoingo;But because the "network" accepts new stuff doesn't mean I have to 1357045;1451554534;Quent;like with SW, you can not upgrade all you want, but if everyone else does, and especially if the miners do, then you are forked off if not upgraded 1357046;1451554535;ith;Where is the Japanese guy? 1357047;1451554559;BingoBoingo;Quent: Nah, the special segwit transactions are noise until proven otherwise 1357048;1451554567;Quent;BingoBoingo, yes, but it is just you who is not accepting it and that makes no difference whatever to yourself or the network 1357049;1451554580;ith;mircea_popescu: why don't you help me out with this 1357050;1451554629;BingoBoingo;!down Quent 1357051;1451554638;BingoBoingo;!down ith 1357052;1451554744;punkman;ith, there are many forks, some people are at year 1437, you claim to be in 2017, but I'm telling ya 1832 is where it's at 1357053;1451554902;BingoBoingo;;;ticker --market all 1357054;1451554908;gribble;Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 422.28, vol: 6532.86020264 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 422.245, vol: 7059.99027 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 421.08, vol: 23373.03992812 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 440.0, vol: 0.09 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 425.25098, vol: 43890.20740000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 419.36001, vol: 71.99322948 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 432.669599989, vol: 33.15629168 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message) 1357055;1451555042;BingoBoingo;;;more 1357056;1451555042;gribble;423.54280074 1357057;1451555420;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41600 @ 0.00049358 = 20.5329 BTC [-] 1357058;1451556030;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37350 @ 0.00049358 = 18.4352 BTC [-] 1357059;1451556160;BingoBoingo;!up ith 1357060;1451556184;BingoBoingo;ith: Current interest rate is 33.8% monthly 1357061;1451556216;ith;When did it get raised up from 0.25%? (whatever bond interest rate that is, which was previously 0%) 1357062;1451556259;ith;And isn't the 0.25% yearly? What happened to get it switched to monthly? 1357063;1451556279;ith;My news is two years out of date :\ 1357064;1451556302;ith;or delayed two years, rather 1357065;1451556342;BingoBoingo;rectal squeeze 1357066;1451556358;ith;What's going on with the economy in the US? and who is the current US president? 1357067;1451556373;BingoBoingo;no to both 1357068;1451556407;ith;So you're not going to fill me in 1357069;1451556416;ith;You're just going to keep me locked up, here? 1357070;1451556431;BingoBoingo;There's no economy or president 1357071;1451556467;ith;I see. Totally chaos down there? Civil war? Anarachy? 1357072;1451556472;ith;Total* 1357073;1451556492;ith;Anarchy* lol 1357074;1451556501;BingoBoingo;yes 1357075;1451556518;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 99200 @ 0.00049464 = 49.0683 BTC [+] 1357076;1451556518;ith;How did that start? 1357077;1451556537;BingoBoingo;unknown 1357078;1451556567;ith;Well if there's no president, how are things working in the United States? What's life like for a person down there? 1357079;1451556593;ith;No president, no economy. That can't be a good time 1357080;1451556604;BingoBoingo;they aren't, not too bad actually 1357081;1451556630;ith;Hmm 1357082;1451556649;ith;How did the president go down, or fail to get elected / come into office? 1357083;1451556668;BingoBoingo;brb, gotta chase a womp out of the garden 1357084;1451556685;ith;lol 1357085;1451556738;ith;But what happened to get rid of the president, though? And which president was -- what -- booted out? 1357086;1451556751;ith;or impeached? 1357087;1451557006;ith;Trump seemed to be a half decent contender. Did he actually get elected? 1357088;1451557240;ith;People are screwing with me from down stairs right now -- you know that right? -- when you just decided to run off out to the garden... 1357089;1451557287;ith;Strange people. Bad people. 1357090;1451557296;ith;Evil people. 1357091;1451557471;ith;When do I get put back on the /live/ internet, and not this two year out of date thing? 1357092;1451557527;punkman;do you know thenewdeal fellow? 1357093;1451557576;ith;I don't know. What's his real name? I don't think I've chatted with him on IRC 1357094;1451557663;ith;Perhaps you'd care to answer some of the questions above that I put to BingoBoingo? 1357095;1451557681;ith;It would be appreciated, if you're willing 1357096;1451557699;punkman;we don't have Trump in 1832, sorry 1357097;1451557704;ith;I see 1357098;1451557850;ith;BingoBoingo: ping 1357099;1451557968;BingoBoingo;Womp's not gone yet, just stopped back inside to get an axe 1357100;1451557988;punkman;what's a womp 1357101;1451558038;BingoBoingo;!up punkman You know the minivan sized furballs that are a pestillence on the North America continent during our as opposed to ith's current epoch 1357102;1451558050;BingoBoingo;!up ith 1357103;1451558064;ith;Buffalo? 1357104;1451558073;BingoBoingo;sharpe teeth 1357105;1451558081;BingoBoingo;*sharper 1357106;1451558088;ith;Elk? 1357107;1451558097;ith;Bears? 1357108;1451558109;BingoBoingo;More legs 1357109;1451558127;BingoBoingo;brb, gotta take this womp out while I still have a back door 1357110;1451558137;ith;Okay 1357111;1451558230;ith;I'm going to have to disappear in about 30 minutes. Any answers to the above questions would be appreciated when you're back 1357112;1451558391;punkman;!up NewLiberty 1357113;1451558414;BingoBoingo;;;later tell ith You'll find out once these things reach your time. 1357114;1451558414;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1357115;1451558442;ith;What the heck does that mean? 1357116;1451558506;ith;I can't stay stuck two years in the past 1357117;1451558553;punkman;you can buy cheaper bitcoins two years ago 1357118;1451558571;BingoBoingo;7 legs, lots of teeth, but very slow. Well the seventh isn't technically a leg... 1357119;1451558591;punkman;furry proboscis? 1357120;1451558604;ith;That's true, and I thought of that... however the problem is that to get me those coins, they would have to compromise the wallet I'd use to receive them, and my computer would stay compromised 1357121;1451558654;ith;I don't know of any animals that have six legs 1357122;1451558657;BingoBoingo;punkman: other end of the torso 1357123;1451558689;ith;Someone let me out of this prison you put me in 1357124;1451558716;ith;And please answer the above questions 1357125;1451558723;ith;:| 1357126;1451558737;BingoBoingo;punkman: And not a tail either, other side of the perineum 1357127;1451558913;ith;How did the US come to not have a president? 1357128;1451559044;BingoBoingo;long story involving monsanto, obesity, biodiesel, and cuckolding 1357129;1451559083;ith;I downloaded a porn video from a site specializing in making people cuckold a week or so ago. I need more information please. It would have to have been serious. How did the president leave office? 1357130;1451559086;punkman;you should write that BB 1357131;1451559125;ith;Who controls the military now? 1357132;1451559141;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49643 @ 0.00049493 = 24.5698 BTC [+] {2} 1357133;1451559148;BingoBoingo;Military? more like drug gangs 1357134;1451559175;ith;What about Texas? What's going on with them? They were opposing the New World Order 1357135;1451559214;BingoBoingo;flooded 1357136;1451559220;ith;By what? 1357137;1451559232;BingoBoingo;you don't want to know 1357138;1451559240;BingoBoingo;You can't handle this time 1357139;1451559247;ith;What happened to InfoWars? 1357140;1451559292;BingoBoingo;happened to what? 1357141;1451559309;ith;Hmm. 1357142;1451559350;ith;I don't have much time, and I might not get the chance to speak again. Why don't you give me some information that I can use while I'm here? I could be cut off tomorrow 1357143;1451559359;ith;or dead 1357144;1451559385;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30650 @ 0.00049358 = 15.1282 BTC [-] {2} 1357145;1451559396;punkman;why would anyone kill you ith? 1357146;1451559406;ith;Was Trump elected? Did he take office. If he did, how and why did he leave office? 1357147;1451559415;ith;punkman: Bad people surround me. 1357148;1451559432;ith;They don't like me, I'm afraid. I'm too good 1357149;1451559446;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00049717 = 3.3808 BTC [+] 1357150;1451559454;ith;And too intelligent. And too unwilling to go along with their plans (for the New World Order, and the like) 1357151;1451559487;BingoBoingo;ith: You should be safe for some time if you avoid plus sized models and ginko tree pollen 1357152;1451559517;ith;How do I know where I might come into contact with ginko tree pollen? 1357153;1451559532;punkman;ith, should send your bitcoin to BB for safekeeping 1357154;1451559554;BingoBoingo;generally near ginko trees is where you'd encounter it 1357155;1451559559;ith;I have about $40 worth of bitcoin, given it's current price on my two years out of date internet 1357156;1451559580;ith;I don't think we have any of those around here, thankfully 1357157;1451559598;punkman;!up adlai 1357158;1451559600;ith;I could buy a bit more, but that's risky. I might be throwing my money away 1357159;1451559681;ith;They might kill me if you don't give me more information 1357160;1451559692;ith;I don't want to die 1357161;1451559697;ith;Why won't you help me :( 1357162;1451559706;punkman;download a copy of the logs, lots of info there 1357163;1451559732;ith;The copy I'll get will be from 2015, and this is 2017 so I wouldn't learn anything I don't already know 1357164;1451559735;BingoBoingo;duck fat is a going to be a safe investment, it can repel pat 1357165;1451559750;ith;Everything except this chat is from two years ago 1357166;1451559795;ith;you could email me a copy of the logs if you wanted to 1357167;1451559811;punkman;I don't have anything past 2015 either 1357168;1451559818;ith;Damnit 1357169;1451559846;ith;BingoBoingo: what about you. You seem to have newer information 1357170;1451559857;ith;Please. 1357171;1451559879;BingoBoingo;You don't want to know. Don't think and just start making Opium latex condoms 1357172;1451560080;BingoBoingo;ith: Stop PM'ing me. Fine what happens is you die in a shitstorm. Literally. You were on the toilet at 0 flush. 1357173;1451560099;BingoBoingo;!up ith 1357174;1451560117;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47457 @ 0.00049717 = 23.5942 BTC [+] 1357175;1451560123;ith;I don't want to die in a shit storm, though. How can I avoid that? 1357176;1451560137;BingoBoingo;Poop outside. 1357177;1451560166;ith;Sigh. Would you kindly email me those logs? I can't get them myself 1357178;1451560178;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8600 @ 0.00049947 = 4.2954 BTC [+] 1357179;1451560198;ith;And I apparently don't have friends, and my movements are tracked 24 / 7 so I can't access an uncompromised computer to get on the current internet 1357180;1451560208;ith;I'm stuck here :| 1357181;1451560210;BingoBoingo;I can't because we stopped calling them logs after 0 flush out of respect. 1357182;1451560226;ith;What is "0 flush"? 1357183;1451560253;ith;I need those logs. 1357184;1451560273;ith;And I've got about 4 minutes left :P 1357185;1451560303;BingoBoingo;ith: You remember http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357128 1357186;1451560303;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 10:50:44; BingoBoingo: long story involving monsanto, obesity, biodiesel, and cuckolding 1357187;1451560310;BingoBoingo;It happens in the pipes 1357188;1451560336;ith;What are you referring to? _what_ happens in the pipes? 1357189;1451560346;BingoBoingo;0 flush 1357190;1451560351;ith;And what is that? 1357191;1451560358;ith;0 day? 1357192;1451560366;ith;holocaust? 1357193;1451560375;BingoBoingo;The most horrid biological distaster in history. We were too greedy. Too careless. 1357194;1451560389;ith;So a bio false flag, then... 1357195;1451560411;ith;And then what? 1357196;1451560426;BingoBoingo;We can out of oil and phosphorous so instead of drilling and mining the ground, we stopped processing sewage and started mining it. 1357197;1451560435;BingoBoingo;This lead to 0 flush 1357198;1451560465;ith;And how many people died as a result of this disaster? 1357199;1451560470;BingoBoingo;Some industrial processes were never meant to exist so close to each other. 1357200;1451560504;BingoBoingo;Every single one on a toilet at a time. "They" emerged at 0 flush 1357201;1451560588;ith;Well I'd love to stay and chat about this further. Thank you for making the end of my day a bit better, anyway. I'm afraid that I have to leave now. Be back tomorrow evening. See you and thank you all for chipping in to unravel this mystery! 1357202;1451560605;ith;Goodbye 1357203;1451561650;BingoBoingo;!up adlai 1357204;1451562273;*;adlai vanishes behind a cloud of keyboard dust, kicked up from furious typing 1357205;1451562511;*;shinohai imagines adlai as a digital dibbuk .... 1357206;1451562557;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13596 @ 0.00050032 = 6.8024 BTC [+] 1357207;1451562642;*;adlai suggests, for con-venience, linking http://trilema.com/2015/lacessiveram-editor/ from http://qntra.net/about/ 1357208;1451562643;assbot;Lacessiveram editor on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1GY9tv0 ) 1357209;1451562644;assbot;About | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1PvMjTr ) 1357210;1451562673;BingoBoingo;I'll get to it next revision of all that 1357211;1451562801;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26457 @ 0.00050032 = 13.237 BTC [+] 1357212;1451563386;shinohai;https://redd.it/3yw5cz <<< LOLOLOL 1357213;1451563388;assbot;What if Bitcoin Core becomes a major altcoin after a fork? : bitcoin_uncensored ... ( http://bit.ly/1TrDNVD ) 1357214;1451563716;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13900 @ 0.00050086 = 6.962 BTC [+] 1357215;1451563951;adlai;pff, "The real problem is if Bitcoin whales choose Core"... the real problem is not getting stepped on by elephants 1357216;1451563987;adlai;this has been known to cause severe maiming, dismemberment, unconsciousness, retardation, and worst of all, loss of bitcoins 1357217;1451564120;adlai;!up punkman 1357218;1451564155;deedbot-;[Qntra] Difficulty Rises 11.16% Adding A New Digit At 103,880,340,815 - http://qntra.net/2015/12/difficulty-rises-11-16-adding-a-new-digit-at-103880340815/ 1357219;1451564195;shinohai;In the morning ass department ... https://i.imgur.com/AKvhhrw.jpg 1357220;1451564196;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RaIfZF ) 1357221;1451564516;adlai;shinohai: porn is off-topic unless you shangohai it into tumblr 1357222;1451564553;shinohai;And you are suddenly chatroom content manager? 1357223;1451564558;adlai;also, real porn tends to have fewer clothes, unless it's phashion porn 1357224;1451564585;adlai;no, i'm just suddenly self-voiced... 1357225;1451564591;*;adlai hands the content curation baton back to shinohai 1357226;1451564621;adlai;(this is basically the secret to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=29-09-2015#1287814 ) 1357227;1451564621;assbot;Logged on 29-09-2015 19:37:55; jurov: cargocult masonry aside, i surmised they invented structured discussion, i.e. it was clear at all times whose turn is to speak 1357228;1451564663;adlai;years later to be reinvented by one japanese neckbeard who loved to gamble but hated paying a cut to the statehouse 1357229;1451564708;BingoBoingo;https://i.imgur.com/a7SuymU.jpg 1357230;1451564709;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1RaJoR0 ) 1357231;1451564905;*;adlai pushes to the stack of someday blog posts: "10 reasons why arbitrageurs should sell the ride and rent a bike" 1357232;1451564995;adlai;fits right between "how to kill dictators on bitbet" and "why scalpl only trades on mpex" 1357233;1451565033;*;adlai is frankly disappoint that so many people are so waltzy with basshar 1357234;1451565058;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51986 @ 0.00050086 = 26.0377 BTC [+] 1357235;1451565252;adlai;lol, protip for those who like to live dangerously: send with joinmarket, but winnings to originating address. 1/N chance you get your money back, or you made a nice donation to phungibility providers 1357236;1451565363;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60700 @ 0.00050273 = 30.5157 BTC [+] {3} 1357237;1451565412;BingoBoingo;lol 1357238;1451565466;*;adlai should really do a blog post explaining how "tinder for coinjoin" works, but then he'd be executed for blatand shillery 1357239;1451565500;adlai;!s from:thestringpuller blog 1357240;1451565501;assbot;42 results for 'from:thestringpuller blog' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Athestringpuller+blog 1357241;1451565555;*;adlai got his answer, returns to irl universe etc 1357242;1451566156;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 74365 @ 0.00049929 = 37.1297 BTC [-] {5} 1357243;1451566198;BingoBoingo;!up dub 1357244;1451566363;adlai;;;later tell danielpbarron what's the least you'd be willing to pay for an "mpex shuffle" generator? 1357245;1451566363;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1357246;1451566382;adlai;!s mpex shuffle 1357247;1451566383;assbot;2 results for 'mpex shuffle' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=mpex+shuffle 1357248;1451566453;adlai;preferably set to background music, some sorta psytrance blockchain radiomabobber 1357249;1451567254;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68600 @ 0.00050364 = 34.5497 BTC [+] {3} 1357250;1451568140;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform hey, let me know when it'd be a good time to do the 128-256gb ram upgrade. 1357251;1451568199;BingoBoingo;Much server 1357252;1451568205;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1356966 << alf has a theory that all these low effort "law breaking" things exist as usg-run operations to find and document wreckers. 1357253;1451568205;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 07:57:10; copypaste: I never quite understood the purpose of this "company"; founded in USA yet ignoring USG rules to transfer quantities of $1 using Bitcoin 1357254;1451568233;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo yeah, the bottleneck for what phuctor does is ram, so whatcha gonna do. 1357255;1451568279;BingoBoingo;I'm going to enjoy watching big numbers like this get tossed around. 1357256;1451568311;*;BingoBoingo typing from machine with 256 GB of persistent storage 1357257;1451568336;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1356977 << you don't understand. jail in the us is actually better accommodations than what most of the world enjoys. 1357258;1451568336;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 08:03:42; copypaste: At least Charlie laundered millions of dollars, they'll be going to jail over 50 cups of coffee and some $1 prostitution ads 1357259;1451568358;mircea_popescu;it costs n times the LIFETIME AVERAGE INCOME of the world's poorest billion to keep a dude in jail for a year. 1357260;1451568380;mircea_popescu;and fuck, it has air conditioning. 1357261;1451568388;BingoBoingo;Except in Louisiana 1357262;1451568408;mircea_popescu;do you realise that with temperatures in the 30s and humidity over 5000% i spend about 100w per sq ft to keep the terrariums livable 1357263;1451568413;mircea_popescu;yet about half this city uses... fans ? 1357264;1451568463;BingoBoingo;dayum 1357265;1451568465;mircea_popescu;;;calc 100 * 24 * 2 * 30 1357266;1451568466;gribble;144000 1357267;1451568512;mircea_popescu;there you go, 144kWh per sqft, that's over 70 MWh for a two girl apt. 1357268;1451568522;mircea_popescu;and then people derp about mining being eco-unfriendly./ 1357269;1451568535;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66579 @ 0.00050096 = 33.3534 BTC [-] {3} 1357270;1451568605;mircea_popescu;BingoBoingo damned things set at 21 throughout. it has not yet happened i've seen it reach 21 yet, anywhere. shittiest unit sucks 3kw to try and fail. 1357271;1451568623;mircea_popescu;it's a fucking soup out there. (turns out cooling humid air is way more energetically demanding than cooling dry air. who knew!) 1357272;1451568667;BingoBoingo;Are you sure you have enough compressor? 1357273;1451568691;mircea_popescu;i think i have enough compressor to oppress a horse. 1357274;1451568775;BingoBoingo;Have you tried vacation? 1357275;1451568816;mircea_popescu;oh, we're gonna talk about the MWh an atomic dirigible burns ? 1357276;1451568820;BingoBoingo;Away from river, closer to penguins 1357277;1451568878;mircea_popescu;anyway. i like it here. instead of "full nudity for all visitors. house rules." "what ?!??!" it's "full nudity for all visitors. house rules." "oh thanks god!" 1357278;1451568952;BingoBoingo;lol 1357279;1451569003;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.anduck.1:0473b62d19bbb27c9f51d26fc6dcba01ebe4c2e1ebf6677b3d594b098ab39f1a 1357280;1451569003;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for anduck with note: dude seems to honestly care for my mental health, wants me to stop trolling #b-a 1357281;1451569044;mircea_popescu;lol are you gonna be saved bb ? 1357282;1451569189;BingoBoingo;I have no idea yet 1357283;1451569214;*;adlai goes on vacation, it's good for the soule 1357284;1451569261;*;BingoBoingo has spent the entire week safely on high ground 1357285;1451569309;*;adlai vaped on a high chair while yuval cohen did the jazz thing, !rate him 10/10 would listen again 1357286;1451569457;mircea_popescu;here's a fun tidbit i forgot to mention in the dedicated article : out of ~278k female profiles (which really seem to be the total of the meat of okcupid, ie, women under 30) there is exactly NO actual female 180 cm or over. a buncha trannies but those obviously are not female. 1357287;1451569471;mircea_popescu;the intersection between "suprmodel" and "okcupid" turns out to be nil. 1357288;1451569542;adlai;what if they're s/fe//? 1357289;1451569560;adlai;or does transitioning mean you are now a gender-free androgynee 1357290;1451569583;mircea_popescu;dumbgendered, to go with the mayogendered. 1357291;1451569602;mircea_popescu;anyway, "transitioning" means you're an injured-whatever you were born. 1357292;1451569617;adlai;injured, with extreme prejudice 1357293;1451569618;mircea_popescu;an ox is not a "transitioning" cow. it's an injured bull. 1357294;1451569633;adlai;donkey-gendered 1357295;1451569635;adlai;er sorry, mule 1357296;1451569657;mircea_popescu;once some chick fucks an octopus AND CONCEIVES we're in mule territory. 1357297;1451569675;*;adlai has some japanese magazines to sell you! 1357298;1451569721;mircea_popescu;anyway. lo and behold, most of the womenz trying to date online have a god damned reason for it! behind a monitor, nobody knows you're short! 1357299;1451569723;*;adlai goes back to browsing p2sh.info while fantasising about scorched-chain miner defection 1357300;1451569804;adlai;lol, even the donation address is a bounty in favor of sedition 1357301;1451569816;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 88200 @ 0.00049736 = 43.8672 BTC [-] {4} 1357302;1451569975;mircea_popescu;here's one for phf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf-n7YfRKqc 1357303;1451569976;assbot;France Gall - Computer Nr3 (Live 1968) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1R0tN85 ) 1357304;1451570506;adlai;http://qntra.net/archives/ !? 1357305;1451570508;assbot;Archives | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYsi4V ) 1357306;1451570532;BingoBoingo;;;later tell pete_dushenski get an actual Archive page for the Contravex already 1357307;1451570533;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1357308;1451570540;BingoBoingo;adlai: That's a mystery 1357309;1451570571;BingoBoingo;Ah works now 1357310;1451570595;adlai;not from over here! but yes from archive.is... wtf 1357311;1451570601;BingoBoingo;if you click the navbar link 1357312;1451570616;adlai;you know you've had too much to think when computers start breaking from contact merely digital 1357313;1451570633;adlai;https://archive.is/5rSjf works, snapshat just now, http://qntra.net/archives/ - doesn't! 1357314;1451570634;assbot;Archives | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1R0uhLm ) 1357315;1451570636;assbot;Archives | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1DYsi4V ) 1357316;1451571248;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357021 << if we could plox not voice this idiot again until he does enough reading to get out of so-dumb-unintentional-trolling-and-it's-not-even-funny ghetto kthx. 1357317;1451571248;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 09:31:13; Quent: BingoBoingo, aren't softforks hardforks? 1357318;1451571269;BingoBoingo;Sure 1357319;1451571272;adlai;he could just read the margin notes, that's why they're there. 1357320;1451571358;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357092 << i was just skimming through the unflushed toilet, trying to discern if any ACTUAL PEOPLE had anything to say during all the braying of NON PEOPLE, ran into punkman, lolled. 1357321;1451571358;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 10:25:27; punkman: do you know thenewdeal fellow? 1357322;1451571381;*;adlai remains in the so-dumb-intentional-trolling-and-i-made-myself-laugh-that's-all-the-difference 1357323;1451571404;mircea_popescu;!rate adlai -1 actually it's time to shut up. 1357324;1451571404;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/2dd7a8aade305961 1357325;1451571425;mircea_popescu;!v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.adlai.-1:0fa48cb748629fa46745f8cd9b2972541cc1408dde31d976415bca5b1869b678 1357326;1451571425;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for adlai with note: actually it's time to shut up. 1357327;1451571429;mircea_popescu;!gettrust assbot adlai 1357328;1451571430;assbot;Trust relationship from user assbot to user adlai: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 5 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=adlai | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/adlai/ 1357329;1451571461;mircea_popescu;ben_vulpes asciilifeform jurov if you'd kindly consider whether the noise is worth it i'd be grateful kthx. 1357330;1451571463;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39900 @ 0.00049868 = 19.8973 BTC [+] {3} 1357331;1451571556;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.mircea_popescu.1:0421af1115e7485bf7f6ea575152d9366302c2228e79bd6d0252bc963348033e 1357332;1451571556;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 1 for mircea_popescu with note: pretty much the only guy who tells me when to shut up 1357333;1451571614;shinohai;!rate adlai -1 Perhaps one day science will discover a cure for verbal diarrhea. 1357334;1451571614;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/6919df6602129ae4 1357335;1451571661;shinohai;!v assbot:shinohai.rate.adlai.-1:577e9b5f9dec54bf911e4373613796d92596268f5a4c210066e5c24e346fbcb0 1357336;1451571661;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for adlai with note: Perhaps one day science will discover a cure for verbal diarrhea. 1357337;1451571669;shinohai;There, I did my part. 1357338;1451571753;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.shinohai.-1:08af796f1e38afd8cbc76c78ef1a7e3a97c960b254344bab68251dc5e97ad851 1357339;1451571753;assbot;Successfully added a rating of -1 for shinohai with note: perhaps one day shilling will discover a cure for liquid asset leakage 1357340;1451571791;*;adlai does his... or is this not how the wot works? 1357341;1451571890;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31280 @ 0.00050003 = 15.6409 BTC [+] {2} 1357342;1451572165;mircea_popescu;o look, BingoBoingo and shinohai found some chicks too tall to be on okcupid! 1357343;1451572179;BingoBoingo;seriously 1357344;1451572242;shinohai;What can I say, I'm a legs guy. 1357345;1451572353;mircea_popescu;in direr news, http://45.media.tumblr.com/4d90cc15c0bec19d20658897086ff331/tumblr_nwqkb9FuU11rdc5oto1_500.gif 1357346;1451572354;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JLnJJ0 ) 1357347;1451572864;deedbot-;[Qntra] 2015 In Bitcoin - http://qntra.net/2015/12/2015-in-bitcoin/ 1357348;1451572890;BingoBoingo;^ Let me know in the comments if I missed anything 1357349;1451573110;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24303 @ 0.00050341 = 12.2344 BTC [+] 1357350;1451573210;mircea_popescu;i guess technically speaking there is no such thing as "downward volatility". 1357351;1451573222;mircea_popescu;"volatile downtrend" if you want. 1357352;1451573728;BingoBoingo;ty, fixed 1357353;1451574412;BingoBoingo;Also qntra archives page should work consistently now 1357354;1451574940;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73300 @ 0.00050294 = 36.8655 BTC [-] {3} 1357355;1451575390;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357250 << any time 1357356;1451575390;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 13:22:20; mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey, let me know when it'd be a good time to do the 128-256gb ram upgrade. 1357357;1451575499;asciilifeform;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357259 << talking about what something costs in usaschwitz is rather tricky 1357358;1451575499;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 13:25:58; mircea_popescu: it costs n times the LIFETIME AVERAGE INCOME of the world's poorest billion to keep a dude in jail for a year. 1357359;1451575506;asciilifeform;(see the 'turkey-buying dollar' thread) 1357360;1451575532;BingoBoingo;Alright took the opportunity to chop on qntra a bit. Page loading should be still faster. 1357361;1451575532;asciilifeform;guard is paid $x, he - like every other working stiff in usaschwitz - goes back and spends $x-epsilon on housing racket and tax 1357362;1451575570;asciilifeform;'american is never given money, he is merely shown it and allowed to hold in his hands for a spell to be reminded that it exists' 1357363;1451575647;asciilifeform;so to speak of it ~costing n times avg income on the planet~ or whatnot, is misleading, because the circulatory loop is closed 1357364;1451575676;asciilifeform;the prison guard (or whoever else) cannot take the salary and spend it on N slaves in the turd world 1357365;1451575686;*;adlai wonders re: median Bitcoin income 1357366;1451575692;asciilifeform;adlai: 0 1357367;1451575703;adlai;brb bullshitting it off trb financial statements 1357368;1451575740;BingoBoingo;Enablers https://i.sli.mg/EYMto2.png 1357369;1451575741;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1YUaXP6 ) 1357370;1451575742;adlai;well naturally i'm capping the sample set at positive amounts of satoshi... if you're too stupid to make money, you don't have negative income. you are funemployed. 1357371;1451575771;asciilifeform;let's put it this way, if $firm were to put N additional zeroes in front of my wage, and landlord put the same number of zeroes in front of my rent, does this make any practical difference ? 1357372;1451575788;asciilifeform;(answer: yes! to the tax collector! he gets nonlinearly moar) 1357373;1451575810;adlai;don't forget the lobbyist who asymptotically restores linearity 1357374;1451575876;asciilifeform;adlai: read the hypothetical again. the net money to spend remains same 1357375;1451575893;asciilifeform;at least in effect. 1357376;1451575923;*;adlai redefines "lobbyist" as "collector of sales tax on tickets to the democracy theatre" 1357377;1451576028;asciilifeform;the high wages in usa come simply from the sheer volume of bezzle sloshing around, and don't actually buy anything interesting (the lack of shit rivers in the streets has nothing whatsoever to do with the number of zeroes in front of the decimal point) 1357378;1451576063;asciilifeform;e.g., zimbabwe has many more significant zeros, but also more turd 1357379;1451576116;asciilifeform;so to return to mircea_popescu's wild supposition, the answer is no - it is much CHEAPER to house a prisoner or pay a guard in usaschwitz than in, e.g., su 1357380;1451576149;asciilifeform;usaschwitz prisoner - even in the Big Zone ('freedom') - is rarely fed actual bread, or even clean water 1357381;1451576156;asciilifeform;eats synthetic sludge. 1357382;1451576175;asciilifeform;like most of his countrymen. 1357383;1451576179;adlai;Soylent Cream is [actually good for] People! 1357384;1451576205;asciilifeform;adlai: what's 'funemployed' ? 1357385;1451576217;adlai;it's when you're not employed, but still having fun 1357386;1451576252;adlai;state commonly encountered among open source programmers, homeless alcoholics, and the mentally retarted 1357387;1451576276;*;asciilifeform bbl. 1357388;1451576288;adlai;take care. 1357389;1451576648;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44517 @ 0.00050221 = 22.3569 BTC [-] {2} 1357390;1451576709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11783 @ 0.00049754 = 5.8625 BTC [-] 1357391;1451577945;copypaste;indeed mircea_popescu, but you're missing the point; it's worth more to USG to have people that run services like Paxful out of the equation than the costs of putting them in jail 1357392;1451577968;copypaste;it happened to bitinstant, coin.mx, and so on; i see no reason to think why it won't happen to Paxful just because the dollar amounts are on average smaller 1357393;1451578010;copypaste;you're digging your own grave by incorporating there and partnering with companies that all agree to prevent "money laundering", then in the next breath telling your clients to lie to those companies in order to transact 1357394;1451579555;mircea_popescu;well sure. 1357395;1451580107;*;adlai squares the triangle, stabilising the tripod with the most obvious omission: children 1357396;1451580186;mircea_popescu;asciilifeform well sure. i was discussing the "what is taxpayer billed" angle. 1357397;1451581467;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42800 @ 0.00050232 = 21.4993 BTC [+] 1357398;1451581894;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64700 @ 0.00050344 = 32.5726 BTC [+] {4} 1357399;1451582382;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36400 @ 0.0005005 = 18.2182 BTC [-] {3} 1357400;1451583071;BingoBoingo;So qntra website should be even faster still than it was the last time I said it got faster here in channel. Please let me know if it is not. 1357401;1451583114;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 202150 @ 0.00050605 = 102.298 BTC [+] {5} 1357402;1451583236;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38072 @ 0.00050718 = 19.3094 BTC [+] {2} 1357403;1451584602;thestringpuller;damn BingoBoingo 1357404;1451584609;thestringpuller;this slow as a mollassus 1357405;1451584609;thestringpuller;jk 1357406;1451584623;thestringpuller;qntra is the fastest loading website 1357407;1451584627;thestringpuller;on my bookmarks 1357408;1451584675;thestringpuller;Reminds me of some dumb redditard who was like "This webpage on reddit is 8 megs and I loaded it in 1 second. Blocks should be bigger!" << I was like you're proud of that nonsense? 1357409;1451584822;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14650 @ 0.00049754 = 7.289 BTC [-] 1357410;1451585415;shinohai;https://i.imgur.com/6QOdXb1.jpg 1357411;1451585415;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NXmrfz ) 1357412;1451585602;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357217 did a fake punkman show up, not in my logs 1357413;1451585602;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 12:15:20; adlai: !up punkman 1357414;1451585775;adlai;!up for an !up leaves the rhyme unfinished 1357415;1451585791;adlai;bot/assbot): You voiced for for 30 minutes. 1357416;1451585820;thestringpuller;punkman: do you not have your nick locked by nickserv? 1357417;1451585836;punkman;sure 1357418;1451585859;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17322 @ 0.00050048 = 8.6693 BTC [+] 1357419;1451585989;adlai;so uhm, mircea_popescu tells me to shut up so i did,wandered over to fuckerbergia, troll around a bit, then this happens: http://i.imgur.com/rNWRjU3.png 1357420;1451585990;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NXngoL ) 1357421;1451586025;adlai;those (the edits) are hebrew for "like satoshi himself", and "btw he's a gypsy" 1357422;1451586032;thestringpuller;so evoorhees blasts litecoin with https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1rjv6l/my_response_to_a_litecoin_advocate/ then goes on to found shapeshift.io ... 1357423;1451586035;thestringpuller;did I miss something? 1357424;1451586043;*;adlai is not a racist, also not qualified to fight such misinformation... just fyi 1357425;1451586108;punkman;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357368 "force them to clean folds and give massages" win 1357426;1451586108;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 15:29:00; BingoBoingo: Enablers https://i.sli.mg/EYMto2.png 1357427;1451586263;punkman;"She divorced Edward Halverson and returned to using her family name after he was convicted of hitting her with a frying pan during a domestic argument in 2008. Edward Halverson is serving three to 10 years in state prison." 1357428;1451586533;thestringpuller;BitGo says: "My personal view at this point is that it's more important that we successfully accomplish an intentional hard fork" 1357429;1451586713;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109333 @ 0.00050725 = 55.4592 BTC [+] {3} 1357430;1451586774;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14235 @ 0.00050884 = 7.2433 BTC [+] 1357431;1451586835;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20465 @ 0.00050989 = 10.4349 BTC [+] {2} 1357432;1451586838;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357422 <<< word 1357433;1451586838;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 18:20:32; thestringpuller: so evoorhees blasts litecoin with https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1rjv6l/my_response_to_a_litecoin_advocate/ then goes on to found shapeshift.io ... 1357434;1451587018;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4878 @ 0.00050287 = 2.453 BTC [-] 1357435;1451587178;thestringpuller;!up assbot 1357436;1451587179;thestringpuller;oops 1357437;1451587182;thestringpuller;!up ascii_rear 1357438;1451587194;ascii_rear;ty thestringpuller 1357439;1451587262;ascii_rear;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357391 << relationship of usg with the penny-ante criminal caste is quite like that of gamekeeper and deer. see also mega-classic 'hitler's table talk.' 1357440;1451587262;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 16:05:45; copypaste: indeed mircea_popescu, but you're missing the point; it's worth more to USG to have people that run services like Paxful out of the equation than the costs of putting them in jail 1357441;1451587280;adlai;uhh, isn't SOP crystal clear? eric gets a visit, doesn't want to shrem away a single day, so he sets up a "money laundering tool" which tracks IPs and uses 0conf to scam its lemmings 1357442;1451587300;ascii_rear;aha 1357443;1451587329;adlai;reddit is overflowing with shills telling people "exchange -> wallet -> other wallet -> electrum -> exchange -> shapeshift -> exchange ->etc" 1357444;1451587345;*;adlai leaves the role of electrum to the alert/paranoid reader 1357445;1451587383;*;adlai has a shapeshift.io shirt, got for phree in miami (aka GarzaConf), wears it ironically because he's such a hipster 1357446;1451587393;ascii_rear;adlai in usa often ? 1357447;1451587404;adlai;someday it'll be worth more than eric's head on a platter 1357448;1451587425;shinohai;!unrate adlai 1357449;1451587425;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/a26deac33f7f53eb 1357450;1451587426;adlai;ascii_rear: only when people buy my ticket, or sell me a lisp machine 1357451;1451587454;ascii_rear;adlai: let's say you buy that machine. how do you intend to take it home ? 1357452;1451587459;adlai;i don't. 1357453;1451587475;adlai;there is a use for such things which does not require them leaving the greater DC area 1357454;1451587484;shinohai;!v assbot:shinohai.unrate.adlai:2a69c144f0d22304b713b0183bb11a4eebb07b6a75348e1620d823351402b295 1357455;1451587484;assbot;Successfully unrated adlai 1357456;1451587489;*;adlai is speaking, of course, of arbitrage 1357457;1451587489;ascii_rear;adlai: buy cheap sell dear ? 1357458;1451587510;ascii_rear;not so many takers for these, who don't already have one. 1357459;1451587522;*;adlai like any srs trdr does not reveal both source and destination in the same breath 1357460;1451587525;ascii_rear;this is not a rembrandt, after all, but a mass-produced item 1357461;1451587531;ascii_rear;sorta like a 'ford t' 1357462;1451587531;adlai;sure. 1357463;1451587548;*;adlai hasn't given you btc yet... gotta make sure the taker takes as well 1357464;1451587570;adlai;if it's still on the block, and in working order, then i'll get in touch with him. 1357465;1451587590;ascii_rear;also if adlai wants to be a serious broker in lispm, he ought talk to dave schmidt and not me 1357466;1451587600;adlai;shinohai: why'd you brigade me but not liquidassets ? 1357467;1451587616;shinohai;I was busting your balls adlai 1357468;1451587622;adlai;brokers deal with volume, sometimes arbitrage opportunities only exist for a single trade. 1357469;1451587641;ascii_rear;these are quite like a ford t 1357470;1451587648;ascii_rear;with the exception that you can get parts for the ford t 1357471;1451587662;ascii_rear;hence a single, solitary lispm is rather like a solitary mig-29 1357472;1451587670;ascii_rear;won't last terribly long. 1357473;1451587677;*;adlai suddenly recalls being told to shut up, this is excellent advice! 1357474;1451587753;adlai;!v assbot:adlai.rate.shinohai.-1:f5edf6ad4b11b3db91af0e76eb03b41c7fdcbe1b8570f638485f9777a69cf0d9 1357475;1451587753;assbot;Successfully updated the rating for shinohai from -1 to -1 with note: thinks it's a fucking game 1357476;1451587785;adlai;ascii_rear: I'm not kidding about buying it, please let me know if it's in working order. 1357477;1451587786;shinohai;*sigh* 1357478;1451587795;ascii_rear;adlai: i will 1357479;1451587969;*;adlai would also be curious to hear how ascii_rear recommends transporting it [within the greater DC area] such that it remains in working order 1357480;1451588012;ascii_rear;adlai: only by car 1357481;1451588023;ascii_rear;preferably one with nice luxury suspension 1357482;1451588061;adlai;what about a shitty rental? remember, i may be wealthy enough to buy a ford t, but i'm too poorfag to register my own keyid 1357483;1451588086;ascii_rear;once you power it, satisfied, and wheel it away, all bets are off 1357484;1451588261;*;adlai opens a "lispm crashes upon or before delivery to end-buyer" bitbet, funds Yes (as a self-promotion stunt) 1357485;1451588453;adlai;re:litecoin and our dearly departed aryan posterchild for bitcoin entrepeneurship... "It has a little value purely as a backup blockchain in case some critical flaw destroys Bitcoin's blockchain (assuming the same flaw doesn't affect LTC)." 1357486;1451588478;adlai;ie, it has zero value as a backup blockchain, because it's all the same code, only with fewer fixes and more "it wasn't broken, why did you fix it?" 1357487;1451588504;adlai;there's roughly one blockchain i'm aware of which DOES have positive-epsilon backup-value, and it's not fucking woodcoin 1357488;1451588534;*;adlai shuts up again,alert reader can (apply #'adlai #&environment) themselves 1357489;1451588568;ascii_rear;adlai: this thread is good sober adlai 1357490;1451588609;ascii_rear;if there were moar of this, possibly folks wouldn't unrate 1357491;1451588702;*;adlai lets sober adlai pick it up, someday. maybe on his sober blog, although the drunk one is much likelier to see the light of day phirst... 1357492;1451588791;thestringpuller;what does ascii_rear imply? 1357493;1451588802;thestringpuller;rear of spaceship? 1357494;1451588808;ascii_rear;rear (vs front) 1357495;1451588814;adlai;!s from:thestringpuller blog 1357496;1451588815;assbot;42 results for 'from:thestringpuller blog' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Athestringpuller+blog 1357497;1451588866;thestringpuller;what are you looking for adlai lol 1357498;1451588877;thestringpuller;my tumblr blog is stale 1357499;1451588927;adlai;you seemed to also be on the verge of starting one, maybe i misread. 1357500;1451589086;thestringpuller;!up ascii_rear 1357501;1451589092;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23651 @ 0.00049847 = 11.7893 BTC [-] 1357502;1451589158;thestringpuller;adlai: slowly but surely. the theme is mainly done but have to do more wordpress-y things which i do enough of at work as is... 1357503;1451589193;*;adlai half-continues the altkoin thread: "Rejection reason: Coinmarketcap is not a usable resolution source. Please resubmit with a reliable source for such data if you can." << does anybody nominate more reliable sources? 1357504;1451589218;*;adlai can't find one, maybe needs new glasses 1357505;1451589275;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44071 @ 0.00049847 = 21.9681 BTC [-] 1357506;1451589580;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.00049833 = 10.4151 BTC [-] {3} 1357507;1451590617;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62832 @ 0.00049751 = 31.2595 BTC [-] {2} 1357508;1451590721;ascii_rear;in other non-nyooz, 1357509;1451590722;ascii_rear;http://www.leningrad.su/museum/show_calc.php?n=491 1357510;1451590723;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OzlLmn ) 1357511;1451590731;ascii_rear;^ 'personal analogue computer' 1357512;1451590776;ascii_rear;http://www.leningrad.su/museum/show_big.php?n=2369 << the examples in the manual involve neutron kinetics in reactor 1357513;1451590776;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OzlT5d ) 1357514;1451590776;pete_dushenski;mod6 ascii_rear et al. : the following are the various snippits of error messages from my most recently attempts at 99997k on debian 7 : http://dpaste.com/3SPWKDN.txt : any help is much appreciated. 1357515;1451590778;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1OzlQqd ) 1357516;1451590782;mircea_popescu;<shinohai> https://i.imgur.com/6QOdXb1.jpg << traditionally, that's what call girls are for. 1357517;1451590783;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1NXmrfz ) 1357518;1451590789;pete_dushenski;recent* 1357519;1451590821;ascii_rear;pete_dushenski: what are you building with ? 1357520;1451590827;shinohai;:D 1357521;1451590828;ascii_rear;and for what machine 1357522;1451590877;pete_dushenski;ascii_rear: was following recipe here http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-12-2015#1350145 1357523;1451590877;assbot;Logged on 22-12-2015 04:58:44; mircea_popescu: anyway, for pete_d and anyone else who might have encountered difficulty with trb or fears they might : it's actually rather painless. 1. you create an account on a server ; 2. you cd /home/account_name ; 3. you create a .wot directory (mkdir .wot) ; 4. you put the pubkeys of people you trust in there as name1.asc, name2.asc etc ; 5. you download the rotor script (curl deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-9999 1357524;1451590887;pete_dushenski;and lemme check the specs of the machine... 1357525;1451590929;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller> BitGo says: "My personal view at this point is that it's more important that we successfully accomplish an intentional hard fork" << yes, it would be important for their self-validaiton. just like every pimply teenager is right in suspecting that the most important thing they could be doing for their own maturity is actually bedding a woman already. 1357526;1451590942;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_rear 1357527;1451590956;shinohai;pete_dushenski: is this a 32 bit machine? 1357528;1451590963;mircea_popescu;nevertheless - they're not young men, fated to one day be mature men. they're worms. not caterpillars. worms. fated to NEVER be anything but worms. 1357529;1451590966;thestringpuller;pete_dushenski: can you paste the output of `uname -a` 1357530;1451590983;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46950 @ 0.00050995 = 23.9422 BTC [+] 1357531;1451591151;pete_dushenski;shinohai: 64 bit 1357532;1451591161;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: i was thinking the other day. bitcoin just has scammers. just as the world is filled with worms. pirateat40 was very low IQ scammer. then mt. gox tried to hide a little better not by alot. 1357533;1451591167;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: Linux [name] 2.6.32-042stab108.8 #1 SMP Wed Jul 22 17:23:23 MSK 2015 i686 GNU/Linux 1357534;1451591178;thestringpuller;so scam after scam continues, and we finally get this new class. 1357535;1451591206;ascii_rear;pete_dushenski: there's weird shit in your PATH 1357536;1451591230;ascii_rear;we may have to add whatever this thing is to the rotten linuxen list 1357537;1451591233;thestringpuller;You once said, "More scammers, the more trustworthy the legitimates become", but I see less real business to scam ratio 1357538;1451591388;pete_dushenski;shinohai: heh. make that 32 bit. this is why, children, you measure twice and cut once ! 1357539;1451591408;mircea_popescu;thestringpuller you hafta understand this "X is a scammer" bullshit is pretty much ALWAYS some sort of entrenched structure trying to wash its sins on the cheap. oh, "madoff" scammed ? Really ? HE diod it ? not the 1k+ "experts" that recommended him to his clients etc ? not all the various "supervisors" and "authorities" ? it was... maddof ? fuck that. 1357540;1451591417;pete_dushenski;i'll give it another go with a proper 64 bit os 1357541;1451591431;mircea_popescu;there is nothing special about pirate other than the fact that theymos, and gigavps, and grubbles and EVERYONE ELSE kept pushing him. 1357542;1451591432;shinohai;ah ha! mod6 gave me some material on 32 bit builds around here somewhere. 1357543;1451591438;ascii_rear;!b 4 1357544;1451591440;assbot;Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0NCJGTZ.txt ) 1357545;1451591456;mircea_popescu;there's nothing remarkable about mtgox other than the facrt that merck, and vessenes, and gavin and theymos and ver and who have you kept pushing it. 1357546;1451591471;mircea_popescu;the actual crystal ball involved is just a bauble. could have been any random other item, 1357547;1451591483;mircea_popescu;it's these scumbags that are the problem, the meni rosenfelds and etc of the world. 1357548;1451591505;mircea_popescu;forget about looking where the scam troop tries to direct your gaze and instead look at the man pointing. 1357549;1451591516;ascii_rear;at the root of the league of scumbags is the tacit nod of usg 1357550;1451591518;mod6;pete_dushenski: are you trying to build rotor+TEST2 on i686? (sorry, i'm kinda coming in the middle of this convo.) 1357551;1451591532;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27500 @ 0.00049729 = 13.6755 BTC [-] 1357552;1451591544;mircea_popescu;ascii_rear which is why mp keeps going Hey SEC... fuck you. 1357553;1451591555;mircea_popescu;!s SEC from:mircea 1357554;1451591556;assbot;228 results for 'SEC from:mircea' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=SEC+from%3Amircea 1357555;1451591572;adlai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357522 << FYI step 1 is mistake #1 1357556;1451591572;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 19:41:17; pete_dushenski: ascii_rear: was following recipe here http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=22-12-2015#1350145 1357557;1451591579;ascii_rear;in the sense where usg could have burned down gox ages before it died on its own, but see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=11-11-2015#1322048 1357558;1451591579;assbot;Logged on 11-11-2015 17:42:47; ascii_field: 'Now the Sirens have a still more fatal weapon than their song, namely their silence. And though admittedly such a thing has never happened, still it is conceivable that someone might possibly have escaped from their singing; but from their silence certainly never.' (ol' franz k.) 1357559;1451591687;mircea_popescu;it didn't die on its own. 1357560;1451591696;pete_dushenski;mod6: looks like that's what i WAS doing. taking a crack from another angle now (debian 8 x86_64 bit) 1357561;1451591700;mircea_popescu;it died over the kicking and screaming pile of the aforenamed and more, flying to japan to "Save it" and etc. 1357562;1451591704;mircea_popescu;nor did pirate "die on its own" 1357563;1451591709;mircea_popescu;nor will fucking wuille die on his own. 1357564;1451591743;mod6;pete_dushenski: ah ok. cool then, but yeah, shinohai was right, there /are/ i386/i686 steps available - although, i think I haven't updated them since V became a thing. 1357565;1451591815;shinohai;Hence why I can't remember where I put said steps now xD 1357566;1451591819;pete_dushenski;mod6: cool thanks. i'll let you know how this test goes :) 1357567;1451591976;mod6;alright cool. mind if I ask which rotor+TEST2 script you're using? 1357568;1451591985;mircea_popescu;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357485 << re-reading my lines from 2013 is always a fun endeavour 1357569;1451591985;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 19:00:53; adlai: re:litecoin and our dearly departed aryan posterchild for bitcoin entrepeneurship... "It has a little value purely as a backup blockchain in case some critical flaw destroys Bitcoin's blockchain (assuming the same flaw doesn't affect LTC)." 1357570;1451592004;mod6;pete_dushenski: you may want to try out trinque's latest changes 1357571;1451592006;*;mod6 digs up 1357572;1451592044;pete_dushenski;mod6: i'm using deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-99997K.sh 1357573;1451592076;*;mod6 looks 1357574;1451592114;mod6;aha, this is /my/ latest one. 1357575;1451592122;mod6;which should work fine for you. 1357576;1451592127;mod6;(on x86-64) 1357577;1451592138;mod6;trinque's had some subtle changes 1357578;1451592171;mod6;mainly just to unbury the static binary once built. 1357579;1451592202;shinohai;Also, thanks mod6 for help with signing script the other day, works like a charm now. 1357580;1451592303;mod6;shinohai: that's awesome =] 1357581;1451592305;mod6;you're welcome 1357582;1451592336;mod6;pete_dushenski: here you go: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351958 1357583;1451592336;assbot;Logged on 24-12-2015 16:58:10; trinque: http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-151224.sh << made minor changes such that there's a build dir and binary's crapped into bin in the current dir 1357584;1451592370;mod6;either should work fine for you. try trinque's if you hvaen't started the build yet. otherwise, np. 1357585;1451592408;adlai;mircea_popescu: how many times do i have to tell you, dad, stop treating me like a child! 1357586;1451592439;mircea_popescu;nuts huh. 1357587;1451592446;adlai;toys in the attic 1357588;1451592453;ascii_rear;wtf? 1357589;1451592466;mircea_popescu;psychodramaz. 1357590;1451592467;adlai;it's a pink floyd thing 1357591;1451592483;adlai;;;google pink floyd the wall the trial lyrics 1357592;1451592484;gribble;The Trial lyrics - The Wall Lyrics - Pink Floyd Lyrics: <http://www.pink-floyd-lyrics.com/html/the-trial-wall-lyrics.html>; PINK FLOYD LYRICS - The Trial - AZLyrics: <http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/pinkfloyd/thetrial.html>; Pink Floyd - The Trial Lyrics | MetroLyrics: <http://www.metrolyrics.com/the-trial-lyrics-pink-floyd.html> 1357593;1451592608;pete_dushenski;mod6: cheers. i'll give trinque's a shot since i haven't started the build just yet. just populating .wot atm. 1357594;1451592774;pete_dushenski;!up ascii_rear 1357595;1451592931;mod6;pete_dushenski: awesome, let us know how it goes. 1357596;1451593667;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61800 @ 0.00051 = 31.518 BTC [+] {2} 1357597;1451593743;thestringpuller;BingoBoingo: Mebbe if you WoT'd the guy actually talk to him before joining a rate frenzy? << I rated him based on multiple btc purchases, all of them went smooth. I haven't seen/talked to him for many moons. People change. 1357598;1451594045;adlai;hmm. is there a way to `!rated somebody me` so assbot tells how they rated me? 1357599;1451594073;thestringpuller;mircea_popescu: thestringpuller you hafta understand this "X is a scammer" bullshit is pretty much ALWAYS some sort of entrenched structure trying to wash its sins on the cheap. oh, "madoff" scammed ? Really ? HE diod it ? not the 1k+ "experts" that recommended him to his clients etc ? not all the various "supervisors" and "authorities" ? it was... maddof ? << this is why goat et. al pumping pirate have vanished from existence. 1357600;1451594108;adlai;thestringpuller: pls to http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=someday#sometime << your response 1357601;1451594108;assbot;Logged on 01-01-1970 00:00:00; : 1357602;1451594132;*;adlai apologizes in advance for telling people what to do, i realize that's frowned upon when you're an Outsider (tm) (s) (r) ~~~ 1357603;1451594155;adlai;why, you ask? context. 1357604;1451594386;mircea_popescu;and in today's random what the fuck! https://k1.okccdn.com/php/load_okc_image.php/images/175x5/650x479/0/11173367338413991822.jpeg 1357605;1451594387;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1TssOLQ ) 1357606;1451594404;ascii_rear;wai wut 1357607;1451594413;mircea_popescu;apparently it's becoming a meme. 1357608;1451594435;ascii_rear;nobody other than mircea_popescu (and napoleon?) ever rode on a horse in egypt ? 1357609;1451594446;mircea_popescu;so i thought! 1357610;1451594576;*;adlai preps the leaflets: "When was the last time anybody actually verified the seals on Napoleon's tomb? All seven of them!?" 1357611;1451594593;adlai;!up ascii_rear 1357612;1451594615;mircea_popescu;"assbot gives it to ascii in the rear" 1357613;1451594676;ascii_rear;hey how else would it be called 'assbot' 1357614;1451594691;ascii_rear;'smith & wesson rechargeable police broomstick' 1357615;1451595070;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28100 @ 0.00050862 = 14.2922 BTC [-] 1357616;1451595133;pete_dushenski;mod6 ascii_rear i have the pubkeys in .wot and also in /root/.gnupg/pubring and yet i'm still getting "can't check signature: public key not found" (http://dpaste.com/3416RC7.txt) 1357617;1451595159;ascii_rear;root?? 1357618;1451595164;ascii_rear;and wtf 1357619;1451595167;ascii_rear;dsa/?!!! 1357620;1451595189;ascii_rear;and that's not mine 1357621;1451595201;pete_dushenski;lolk 1357622;1451595207;ascii_rear;59C36319 is... who? 1357623;1451595231;shinohai;didja /home/user/.wot ? 1357624;1451595245;ascii_rear;!s 59C36319 1357625;1451595246;assbot;1 results for '59C36319' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=59C36319 1357626;1451595246;pete_dushenski;shinohai: i did 1357627;1451595256;ascii_rear;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-07-2015#1219684 1357628;1451595256;assbot;Logged on 31-07-2015 19:15:19; ben_vulpes: gpg: Signature made Sun 31 May 2015 09:29:39 PM UTC using DSA key ID 59C36319 1357629;1451595273;ascii_rear;buildroot. 1357630;1451595275;*;pete_dushenski reading 1357631;1451595299;pete_dushenski;ascii_rear: ah. bingo. 1357632;1451595375;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57768 @ 0.00051005 = 29.4646 BTC [+] 1357633;1451595598;ascii_rear;pete_dushenski gonna set up a node ? 1357634;1451595644;pete_dushenski;yuppers 1357635;1451595651;ascii_rear;neato 1357636;1451595656;mircea_popescu;good fer you. 1357637;1451595716;*;ascii_rear still thinks it could be interesting to set up a number of publicly identifiable (version patch) nodez and watch the enemy reaction 1357638;1451596088;ascii_rear;https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/sec06/tech/shah/shah.pdf <<>> http://dpaste.com/0J0E2WD << interesting oldie 1357639;1451596091;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1mTMnCb ) 1357640;1451596094;assbot;dpaste: 0J0E2WD ... ( http://bit.ly/1mTMnCf ) 1357641;1451596120;ascii_rear;circa '06 1357642;1451596236;ascii_rear;'This paper introduces JitterBugs , a class of inline interception mechanisms that covertly transmit data by perturbing the timing of input events likely to affect externally observable network traffic. JitterBugs positioned at input devices deep within the trusted environment (e.g., hidden in cables or connectors) can leak sensitive data without compromising the host or its software. In particular, we show a practical 1357643;1451596236;ascii_rear;Keyboard JitterBug that solves the data exfiltration problem for keystroke loggers by leaking captured passwords through small variations in the precise times at which keyboard events are delivered to the host. Whenever an interactive communication application (such as SSH, Telnet, instant messaging, etc) is running, a receiver monitoring the host’s network traffic can recover the leaked data, even when the session o 1357644;1451596237;ascii_rear;r link is encrypted. Our experiments suggest that simple Keyboard JitterBugs can be a practical technique for capturing and exfiltrating typed secrets under conventional OSes and interactive network applications, even when the receiver is many hops away on the Internet.' 1357645;1451596303;mircea_popescu;yeah, certainly a major concern. 1357646;1451596314;ascii_rear;artificial side channels are old hat at this point 1357647;1451596322;ascii_rear;but the schoolbook demo is lulzy 1357648;1451596322;mircea_popescu;loose-couplings in general, in all cases. 1357649;1451596413;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 51100 @ 0.00051007 = 26.0646 BTC [+] {2} 1357650;1451596975;mod6;pete_dushenski: root@enchante:/home/tevye# ./build-bitcoind-151224.sh << if you made /home/tevye/.wot -- run this as 'tevye', not root. 1357651;1451597002;mod6;!v ascii_rear 1357652;1451597002;assbot;Invalid verfication string. 1357653;1451597013;mod6;!up ascii_rear 1357654;1451597028;ascii_rear;ty mod6. re: 'jitterbug', could be interesting to wire up some consumer keyboards to a thing that fakes a press for each key and determines time-to-signal-on-the-wire. 1357655;1451597045;ascii_rear;dollars to doughnuts you will find a signal at some point. 1357656;1451597063;ascii_rear;the reason for this is http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=05-12-2015#1336785 1357657;1451597063;assbot;Logged on 05-12-2015 04:20:16; asciilifeform: (afaik publickeyization of stego is an unsolved megapr0bl3m) 1357658;1451597177;ascii_rear;'It is widely believed that 0.1 seconds is about the limit for the response time for a user to feel that the system is reacting instantaneously [32]. Therefore in practice, the window size will have to be smaller than that. Our own experience with the Keyboard JitterBug shows that 20 ms is a perfectly acceptable window size and this amount of added lag for each keystroke is effectively unnoticeable by the user.' 1357659;1451597450;mircea_popescu;who the fuck sends passwords over the wire one character at a time is beyond the scope of this discussion/ 1357660;1451597486;ascii_rear;ssh. 1357661;1451597516;ascii_rear;or rather, ssh ~over ssh~ 1357662;1451597531;ascii_rear;as in, where you pass terminal input to a process on a remote box 1357663;1451597540;ascii_rear;thinkaboutit 1357664;1451597554;*;adlai does this routinely, is he even stupider than he thought? 1357665;1451597557;mircea_popescu;you type passwords into a remote box ? 1357666;1451597567;ascii_rear;most sysadmins end up doing this at some point 1357667;1451597569;adlai;rarely, but ssh-over-ssh? all day, every day. 1357668;1451597575;mircea_popescu;i guess. 1357669;1451597584;adlai;the inner session is opened from direct access to relay box. 1357670;1451597610;*;adlai does roughly 2/3 of his #b-abble via irc-over-ssh-over-ssh 1357671;1451597610;mircea_popescu;i dunno who'd use password-based ssh. then again that paper is from a decade ago. 1357672;1451597632;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 80800 @ 0.00049706 = 40.1624 BTC [-] {7} 1357673;1451597632;ascii_rear;even keyed ssh often includes a password 1357674;1451597635;ascii_rear;(for the key) 1357675;1451597644;mircea_popescu;you want two locks on the box ? 1357676;1451597675;ascii_rear;afaik most folks encipher ssh key (for just the same reason as btc hotwallet) 1357677;1451597755;mircea_popescu;afaik most folks copy/paste passwords, but that's besides the point. 1357678;1451598027;*;adlai has typed a btc hotwallet password into ssh-o-ssh, for canarification 1357679;1451598058;ascii_rear;adlai: see the 'glass cannon' thread 1357680;1451598126;*;adlai searches for it, finds just before first log mention - http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=08-05-2015#1125824 1357681;1451598126;assbot;Logged on 08-05-2015 23:15:54; mircea_popescu: same reason intel's fundamentally unconcerning : all greedy algorithms are vulnerable to other greedy algorithms. that's what it means. 1357682;1451598159;adlai;totally unrelated, yet... this is why i work on scalpl, and why nobody else cares about scalpl. 1357683;1451598174;mircea_popescu;the only thing that'd be interesting there is discovering a supply chain attack. 1357684;1451598194;mircea_popescu;which... if the chinese aren't doing it already, it's because they're kinda too slow for this world. 1357685;1451598228;ascii_rear;mircea_popescu: i'd expect to find it in chinese iron with american firmware (e.g., apple keyboard) 1357686;1451598238;*;adlai doesn't understand the glass cannon's purpose 1357687;1451598262;ascii_rear;adlai: a glass cannon is a proverbial weapon that can be used exactly once. 1357688;1451598286;adlai;hm. maybe i do? yeah... i was misinterpreting it as a weapon which reveals its usage. headful of canaries... 1357689;1451598295;ascii_rear;(how many times can you use, e.g., a pill against rsa ?) 1357690;1451598333;ascii_rear;each shot had better net you some serious win 1357691;1451598351;ascii_rear;ergo a 'canary' fueled with 0.5 btc is an exercise in self-delusion 1357692;1451598362;adlai;glass cannons are perfectly reusable if you reinforce the firing station, syncronize your shots with other noise (aka soldiering 101) 1357693;1451598397;ascii_rear;adlai: familiar with ww2 story of the bombing of coventry ? 1357694;1451598416;adlai;hmm. it's not all self-delusion... it means, "this target is worth more than X btc" 1357695;1451598424;*;adlai did not mention X! 1357696;1451598443;adlai;goon with the trigger finger might be greedier than his boss 1357697;1451598456;adlai;see Karl Mark IVce etc 1357698;1451598463;ascii_rear;i thought the whole reason behind adlai getting depressed and taking to dope was that he couldn't get enough coin to properly try scalpel 1357699;1451598482;adlai;!b 9 1357700;1451598482;assbot;Last 9 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/23S49BB.txt ) 1357701;1451598504;*;adlai knows some people who'd kill for $mpexAcct 1357702;1451598515;ascii_rear;aha 1357703;1451598519;adlai;they, at least, have not fucked y boxen. 1357704;1451598575;adlai;(also, an exercise in financial mathematics, for the truly alert lurker - how many times larger a bankroll than $mpexRegistrationFee-$mpexReferralFee do you need for registration to be rational?) 1357705;1451598598;*;adlai gueesstimates 22 mil btc, but has not yet done the math 1357706;1451598599;ascii_rear;adlai: have you read my ancient piece re: mpex ? 1357707;1451598615;adlai;what do i look like, a bunch of text? i have eyes as well. 1357708;1451598667;adlai;don't get me wrong, there is definite noise to be reduced, aka - money to be made. but the question is more "how much money do you need, to earn back the registration fee before your grandchildren die" 1357709;1451598704;*;adlai repeats, for the less-alert lurkers: my +v is a testament to the fact that money can be made on mpex. 1357710;1451598739;adlai;notice how much mircea hates me... he scratches, he moans, he bleeds! but the thorn - remains. 1357711;1451598765;adlai;maybe i'm just an elaborate plot device, myself... 1357712;1451598825;ascii_rear;iirc mircea_popescu (and damn near everybody) isn't terribly fond of clutter in the logz from depressed folks screaming on the stake 1357713;1451598848;ascii_rear;e.g., i could go on about the kind of things that happen to me at $firm but I DONT 1357714;1451598856;adlai;yeah, that's why they tell me to shut up, and when i'm not too drunk to read, i do. 1357715;1451598858;adlai;!up ascii_rear 1357716;1451598878;ascii_rear;ty adlai. my advice is to try for high snr 1357717;1451598897;ascii_rear;that way folks actually pay attention 1357718;1451598916;ascii_rear;even yearz later, reading the logz 1357719;1451599016;adlai;ty ascii_rear . i'll close this babble with my response to mircea_popescu's "-w mode": https://github.com/adlai/TenHundredBitsOfMoney 1357720;1451599018;assbot;adlai/TenHundredBitsOfMoney · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1JMuQkv ) 1357721;1451599078;ascii_rear;adlai: i think we did this before ? 1357722;1451599094;ascii_rear;mircea_popescu had an article about simple text stego 1357723;1451599131;adlai;yes, the PGP-w mode.but PGP stego only needs to work for ~2 people, whereas btc stego should work for 21M. 1357724;1451599185;ascii_rear;problem with all stego is that it runs exactly counter to standardization 1357725;1451599187;ascii_rear;fundamentally. 1357726;1451599189;*;adlai is thinking not of the day when you can't get your tx to the chinaman, but rather of the day when he can't return you your receipt 1357727;1451599198;ascii_rear;standardized/public stego scheme is merely a waste of bandwidth. 1357728;1451599234;adlai;sure, that's why it's tongue-in-cheek... so nobody will take it seriously, nor waste time censoring people saying words over social media. 1357729;1451599362;*;adlai leaves it there. someday if he picks up the meth pipe instead of the tankard, he'll whip together a PoC... or if he found the shot glass instead, he'll find his way to https://xkcd.com/simplewriter/ and tell people how he thinks they should build the system for passing computer money through the words that are said most often. 1357730;1451599362;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/1JMvz4U ) 1357731;1451599684;adlai;re: snr... i realize it's an Unsolved Problem, and in precisely the same way that "racism works", it makes sense to triage text by the mouth it whenced; but "the opposite of stupid is not wrong" 1357732;1451599727;adlai;anybody making half a bitcent on bitbet knows this. 1357733;1451600438;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35169 @ 0.00049562 = 17.4305 BTC [-] {2} 1357734;1451600502;adlai;ascii_rear: oh wait. remember "reveal themselves as tyrants"? that is the value of a ~public~ btc stegotron, esp. one which flows through 'media' 1357735;1451600532;ascii_rear;the reveal happened already. 1357736;1451600560;adlai;does Bitcoin not Exist? 1357737;1451600576;*;ascii_rear isn't entirely sure that it Exists 1357738;1451600583;ascii_rear;exists - yes 1357739;1451600588;ascii_rear;Exists? nfi 1357740;1451600598;adlai;do would-be tyrants other than USG not lurk in the shadows, waiting to replace them? 1357741;1451600626;adlai;think of a public btc stegotron as a probe for "safe space" 1357742;1451600644;ascii_rear;wai wut 1357743;1451600689;adlai;!up ascii_rear 1357744;1451600718;adlai;let's say there's a channel, #bitcoin-words, where blocks are broadcast stegodoodically. freenode lets it live. ditto for the hashtag, and the subreddit... but facebook suddenly closes down accounts that spam such words, even in private groups. 1357745;1451600747;ascii_rear;what'll it be, 100MB posts of crud ? 1357746;1451600749;adlai;(one of the oft-repeated defenses of facebook among meatspace 'anarchists' is that they don't censor private groups, because nobody complains) 1357747;1451600754;adlai;yep. 1357748;1451600761;ascii_rear;they'll be censored because 100MB of crud 1357749;1451600766;ascii_rear;which nobody wants 1357750;1451600767;adlai;imgur deals with far worse... 1357751;1451600792;adlai;and really, it's only 144MB daily, times the concealment factor 1357752;1451600800;ascii_rear;mno 1357753;1451600804;adlai;twitch deals with... how much? 1357754;1451600811;ascii_rear;multiply by whatever the bloat factor of the stego is 1357755;1451600821;adlai;concealment factor = bloat factor 1357756;1451600835;adlai;this is for broadcast. find your miner some other way 1357757;1451600856;adlai;anyway, it's an idea, stupid one at that... i have better ones to defend. 1357758;1451600866;adlai;better theorems to prove :) 1357759;1451600873;ascii_rear;incidentally usg is obsessed with image stego 1357760;1451600878;ascii_rear;(the hunt for, rather) 1357761;1451600883;ascii_rear;since the bush era, even 1357762;1451600898;ascii_rear;a boatload of folk are paid for, more or less, just this 1357763;1451600915;mircea_popescu;<adlai> notice how much mircea hates me... he scratches, he moans, he bleeds! but the thorn - remains. << dude stop being derpy. you're not the only or the first guy to have made or lost money on mpex. it has nothing to do with anything else. 1357764;1451600979;*;adlai is off to defend precisely this theorem, but not with words on IRC. 1357765;1451600984;mircea_popescu;you happen to be the sort of misfortunate fucktard that grew up among idiots rather than parents, and as a result are way too fixated on experimentally verifying this hierarchy thing and way too fascinated by the female "oh may gawd what if i sell myself short". 1357766;1451601023;mircea_popescu;forget the stupid shit, you're just some nobody that'll soon die, just like everyone else. you have no intrinsic value or importance, just like everyone else. you have no opportunities, you have no chances, there's nothing to manage. go do something useful already. 1357767;1451601024;adlai;how exactly am I shorting myself? 1357768;1451601034;ascii_rear;incidentally does adlai behave like this in the .il army ? 1357769;1451601047;ascii_rear;what happens to a fella who 'experimentally verifies hierarchy' there 1357770;1451601047;mircea_popescu;so much fucking packaging and meta-packaging for, in the end, ~ a hundred pounds of organic turd. 1357771;1451601090;adlai;ascii_rear: you can ask my superiors, who incidentally are all on their way to various CS degrees, and periodically ping me (not meni,and not mircea)with their dumb questions about bitcoin... someday maybe they'll even show up here. 1357772;1451601093;mircea_popescu;well he did get kicked out didn't he ? or what was the story ? 1357773;1451601100;adlai;different hierarchy. 1357774;1451601118;ascii_rear;i don't recall adlai getting drummed out 1357775;1451601153;*;adlai is not a fan of directed acyclic graphs, where humans are concerned... age has improved his patience, but teen-adlai was really bad at this 1357776;1451601180;adlai;ascii_rear: apparently the MPIA got hold of my diploma 1357777;1451601193;ascii_rear;l0l wut 1357778;1451601204;adlai;exactly, there is none (the latter, that is) 1357779;1451601230;*;adlai blames it on the parents, because that's what mircea_popescu said! 1357780;1451601245;ascii_rear;max planck institute for astronomy ?!! 1357781;1451601278;adlai;freenode academy for crackpot shillery. 1357782;1451601307;mircea_popescu;captive in this "let's go out" "omaigerd i have so many questions and stuff i gotta say about it and and" "nevermind" "WAIT WAIT HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME!11" bullshit 16yo females are supposed to have outgrown. 1357783;1451601349;ascii_rear;i thought it was just logorrhea 1357784;1451601377;mircea_popescu;seems well structured to my eyes, in this cyclic pattern. 1357785;1451601416;mircea_popescu;guy gotta defend his bower, because totally, we're collecting blue items over here, that's what we're doing. 1357786;1451601428;ascii_rear;i see this mainly among folk who never learned to interact with their environment in a mechanical way, and are stuck playing strictly by talking to people 1357787;1451601441;ascii_rear;but adlai is a literate fella and seemingly oughta know better 1357788;1451601447;ascii_rear;ergo i recommend less dope, perhaps 1357789;1451601463;mircea_popescu;literacy is no defense against stupidity. 1357790;1451601480;mircea_popescu;that's the thing. education is mere power. stupidity is drive. the two have almost nothing in common. 1357791;1451601522;ascii_rear;there is organic stupidity; there is also the exogenous kind 1357792;1451601564;mircea_popescu;anyway, perhaps because i've broken the stupid in too many slavegirls, or perhaps for whatever other reason, but the pattern's obvious to me. guy gets a shot at working on mpex, blows it, out of dedication to protecting a certain identity flaw. has shot at b-a voice, blows it, out of same. will continue to blow everything in same manner for same reason indefinitely. 1357793;1451601564;adlai;there is also miscommunication, exacerbated by the limitations of ascii (give or take a unicode page) 1357794;1451601585;mircea_popescu;yes, there is also miscommunication. like you know, exactly how noise on the channel breaks the jitterbug. 1357795;1451601633;*;adlai shorted his identity to hell, that's not what he's defending... 1357796;1451601656;ascii_rear;i'm kinda curious what ~is~ adlai defending 1357797;1451601680;adlai;i'd put a youtube link to "ideas are bulletproof", but conjuring assbot is noisier than letting people google/recall for themselves. 1357798;1451601700;ascii_rear;my understanding is that he suffered from general-purpose depression on account of not being mircea_popescu - something that happens to most folks here periodically 1357799;1451601742;mircea_popescu;eh that's just plain silly. 1357800;1451601788;ascii_rear;well for a long time he posted interesting lispisms, etc. and then it was suddenly... Vexual 1357801;1451601809;*;adlai wishes it were that simple, the solution for such is even in the logs! http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=20-12-2015#1348638 1357802;1451601809;assbot;Logged on 20-12-2015 19:04:29; asciilifeform: 'every morning, when you wake up, look in the mirror; if you notice that you are not a mircea_popescu, 1357803;1451601833;adlai;perhaps "depression" or "vexual" are not as monochrome as prices on a ticker. 1357804;1451601855;ascii_rear;adlai: shorthand for 'nobody can make sense of wtf this fella is on about' 1357805;1451601868;ascii_rear;fwiw i normally try 1357806;1451601869;adlai;(nor "dope", but that really is too long a story, and resides "in another castle") 1357807;1451601878;ascii_rear;i even (be astonished!) talk to vexual. 1357808;1451601903;ascii_rear;if cats could speak, i would speak to cats. 1357809;1451601909;ascii_rear;(but not homo redditicus.) 1357810;1451601933;*;adlai has Come To Expect (tm) that nobody here shares any of the context which he relies upon, and henceforth [tries] to say pure signal, supported by maximal context, devoid of humor... it's less fun but let's give it a try 1357811;1451601950;ascii_rear;idk i like to think that i grasp some of this context 1357812;1451601956;mircea_popescu;adlai may also be the first humorless jew i ever saw. 1357813;1451601958;adlai;so say we all. 1357814;1451602179;adlai;to trivialize the bulletproof idea which survives[1] long after i'm devoiced, whether by shifting social fashion, failed trades, or failed biology: ((though we might see Bitcoin cease to Exist before any human shows up to defend it)) 1357815;1451602201;ascii_rear;adlai: which idea ? 1357816;1451602209;ascii_rear;can we have the idea plox? 1357817;1451602290;adlai;Markets -- while -EV for animals, idiots, and the tone-deaf -- are positive-sum for people who play in tune. 1357818;1451602319;ascii_rear;adlai: this is an old idea, among, e.g., poker players 1357819;1451602320;*;adlai is not talking about 'manipulation', which doesn't exist anyway... that's a fiat fiction 1357820;1451602325;ascii_rear;unless i misunderstand 1357821;1451602333;ascii_rear;(unrelatedly, http://zdnet4.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2014/08/25/601b55e7-2c2b-11e4-9e6a-00505685119a/resize/1170x878/39572d42055bb7343015774fcf00cb2d/r-blue.png ) 1357822;1451602336;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22Bdna3 ) 1357823;1451602355;mircea_popescu;new york right ? 1357824;1451602355;adlai;hmm. honestly, i'm not enough of a poker player to tell (see what i did there?) how this extends to card games. 1357825;1451602357;ascii_rear;( and http://zdnet3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2014/08/25/5f3c948f-2c2b-11e4-9e6a-00505685119a/resize/1170x878/1c2cc75d58a9792e63174cd81357265a/n-875f510b0d515f7f42077a1bde7c4ccd.jpg ) 1357826;1451602358;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22BdnHi ) 1357827;1451602378;*;adlai is talking about markets where people trade one thing for another, and some people try to arbitrage across time or space 1357828;1451602390;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77304 @ 0.00049595 = 38.3389 BTC [+] {2} 1357829;1451602416;adlai;among fiat finance professionals, voicing this idea invariably results in devoicing. 1357830;1451602427;ascii_rear;well sure. market moves money from 'stupid pockets' to 'smart pockets' 1357831;1451602429;mircea_popescu;this is a common delusion of the young. you will notice, nevertheless, that in general funds underperform. 1357832;1451602446;mircea_popescu;market has its own definition of stupid and it's never socially palatable. 1357833;1451602451;ascii_rear;no shit 1357834;1451602453;*;adlai points back to the key word: 'trivialize' 1357835;1451602475;adlai;this is a blog post, dissertation, or life's work... not ten hundred words on irc. 1357836;1451602515;thestringpuller;when did bitcoin-assets become shark tank? 1357837;1451602518;adlai;!up ascii_rear 1357838;1451602568;adlai;ascii_rear: please prefix porn with "in other news", i almost didn't click! 1357839;1451602620;ascii_rear;l0l 1357840;1451602623;ascii_rear;have some moar, http://www.lowpoly.com/keyboard/tipro_staggered_800.jpg 1357841;1451602624;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22BdF0T ) 1357842;1451602671;adlai;somehow, chix with dix doesn't cut it for me 1357843;1451602698;ascii_rear;moar still, http://deskthority.net/photos-videos-f64/keyboards-at-teknisk-museum-dansk-t11407.html 1357844;1451602699;assbot;[Photos & video] Keyboards at Teknisk Museum Dansk • deskthority ... ( http://bit.ly/22BdH8I ) 1357845;1451602748;ascii_rear;(the standard among connoisseurs appears to be - keyboard you can break a skull with. but i say you oughta be able to break a DOOR) 1357846;1451602758;adlai;ascii_rear: so, re:poker... my guess is that once i'm more familiar with poker, and know how to Win(tm) at it, i'd analogize "positive-sum poker" to penny stock games pretty much 1:1 1357847;1451602767;ascii_rear;and it shouldn't take more than 1-2 blows 1357848;1451602777;adlai;but i lack experience in both fields to make a stronger statement. 1357849;1451602796;ascii_rear;adlai: there are no 'positive-sum' things on planet3, you gotta burn something (or push somebody out of a sunbeam) to run 1357850;1451602796;adlai;but they're all positive-sum, because "feel like a trader" 1357851;1451602856;adlai;the planet as a whole is positive sum, except for brief instances that give enough of an artistic experience that they're worth more than the sunlight they obscure 1357852;1451602858;*;ascii_rear bbl 1357853;1451602945;*;adlai wonders what the "SLUT XXX" key does... `!s "other news"` perhaps? 1357854;1451602988;adlai;( https://i.imgur.com/GaI8mdC.jpg courtesy of asciilifeform's last link) 1357855;1451602989;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22Be4QK ) 1357856;1451603793;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29350 @ 0.00049562 = 14.5464 BTC [-] {2} 1357857;1451604024;shinohai;http://trannyart.us/images/tranny-art-6.jpg /me thought this was ur gurl http://trannyart.us/images/tranny-art-6.jpg 1357858;1451604025;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22BfydR ) 1357859;1451604026;assbot; ... ( http://bit.ly/22BfydR ) 1357860;1451604053;shinohai;http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-12-2015#1357842 1357861;1451604053;assbot;Logged on 31-12-2015 22:57:51; adlai: somehow, chix with dix doesn't cut it for me 1357862;1451604057;pete_dushenski;thestringpuller: b-a became shark tank around the time kevin o'leary left cbc's dragon's den :P 1357863;1451604104;pete_dushenski;!rated mod6 1357864;1451604104;assbot;You have not rated mod6. 1357865;1451604146;pete_dushenski;!rate 3 mod6 co-chair of trbf. gentleman. 1357866;1451604146;assbot;3 is not registered in WoT. 1357867;1451604156;pete_dushenski;!rate mod6 3 co-chair of trbf. gentleman. 1357868;1451604156;assbot;Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/49feb75b92cbe172 1357869;1451604180;pete_dushenski;!v assbot:pete_dushenski.rate.mod6.3:ecaf0cac8db3e64cbde65c7cae7c4bdd755719b7604214178db50f9ae402f346 1357870;1451604180;assbot;Successfully added a rating of 3 for mod6 with note: co-chair of trbf. gentleman. 1357871;1451604297;*;adlai revives-by-mention the thread about "wot poker", wondering what the purpose / whence the pleasure of poker-over-plaintext... most importantly, what tells!? 1357872;1451604361;adlai;for the purposes of this discussion, anything webby/graphic short of a pgp-signed livestream is roughly equivalent to plaintext 1357873;1451604709;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29800 @ 0.00049562 = 14.7695 BTC [-] 1357874;1451604940;danielpbarron;WoT poker just needs to be like Eulora, in that they only way to play is by first being in the WoT 1357875;1451604984;danielpbarron;adlai> what's the least you'd be willing to pay for an mpex shuffle generator? << 10k coppers 1357876;1451605053;*;adlai only accepts satoshis (or finished product produced by expenditure of time, cutting out the middleman codeslinger), but apparently there are brokers around 1357877;1451605092;ben_vulpes;good day, tourists 1357878;1451605100;danielpbarron;coppers can be turned into satoshi, although it's not really worth making a transaction over 0.0001 worth 1357879;1451605116;adlai;still, even for people you know personally. isn't computerized interaction too low-dimensional to allow for interesting leakage in a poker game? 1357880;1451605137;danielpbarron;i don't understand the question 1357881;1451605143;ben_vulpes;more relevantly to the problem, how would a webpoker designer address collusion? 1357882;1451605161;danielpbarron;WoT addresses collusion 1357883;1451605176;danielpbarron;poker designer just needs to serve up well shuffled cards and move the chips around 1357884;1451605196;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00049938 = 4.7441 BTC [+] {2} 1357885;1451605197;danielpbarron;players can sniff out cheaters 1357886;1451605235;ben_vulpes;and how to arbitrate? 1357887;1451605252;ben_vulpes;"danielpbarron sez ur cheeting, out witcha"? 1357888;1451605270;danielpbarron;more like, "i think you're cheating, so i won't sit at any tables with you" 1357889;1451605300;danielpbarron;and make public note via assbot 1357890;1451605536;*;ben_vulpes can dig 1357891;1451605547;*;adlai is not talking about collusion, but the reason people play poker to begin with: to feel like a poker player (leaving aside the money aspect) 1357892;1451605576;adlai;"most" poker players will lose money, and that's fine. but the few that win it, will have no noobs to fleece, if nobody shows up after a couple games. 1357893;1451605684;danielpbarron;there is plenty of online poker going on, it just isn't in a WoT 1357894;1451605715;mod6;hey thank's pete_dushenski 1357895;1451605718;mod6;*thanks 1357896;1451605731;mod6;which reminds me... i gotta update my wot ratings one of these days. 1357897;1451605745;assbot;[MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13850 @ 0.00049945 = 6.9174 BTC [+] {2} 1357898;1451605809;ben_vulpes;adlai: d'you intend to do something about the snr complaints? 1357899;1451605991;pete_dushenski;mod6: my pleasure. thank you as well :) 1357900;1451606014;ben_vulpes;;;later tell asciilifeform subkeys ruining someone's day? 1357901;1451606015;gribble;The operation succeeded. 1357902;1451606193;phf;hehe, gall looks pretty fucked up in that video 1357903;1451606229;adlai;ben_vulpes: no, i have a death wish and can't translate sarcasm into text. 1357904;1451606248;*;adlai may be noisy at times, but he's not an idiot. 1357905;1451606364;adlai;danielpbarron: do you think online poker's target market overlaps this WoT? i'm trying to guage viability... plaintext WoT poker is a weekend project, for me or any lurker looking for one.